ellauri004.html on line 1173:
silmin niin kiehtovin ja ikävöivin taipui hän lempeästi puoleen Aadamin puolsyleilyn, ja miehen rintaan nojas hän rinnon täyteläisin ... ihastuin noin viehkeään ja hellään suloon Aadam loi katseen hymyillen, kuin Juppiter luo Junon puoleen hedelmöittäin pilven, mi kylvää kevätkukkaset. Mies peitti nuo huulet rakkaat suudelmin ... Näin puhellen he käyvät käsikkäin luo lehtimajan ihanan. Tään sopen varjoon häävuoteens Eeva puki kukkasin... Luo majan tultuaan he seisahtuivat; he alla avotaivaan kääntyivät ja sanoo: "ahersimme toimin säädetyin iloiten autuaina yhteistyöstä ja rakkaudestamme, joka parhain on lahjoistas. Lupaukses mukaan syntyy meistä maan päälle suku, joka kerallamme hyvyyttäs kiittää, valveilla kun käymme tai unen lahjaas etsimme kuin nyt." Ja estämättä ahtaan puvun, joka vaivaa meitä, pian nukkuvat he vierekkäin. Ei Aadam pois puolisostaan kääntynyt, ei Eeva pelännyt lemmen salatuimman eessä: niin uskon, vaikka tekohurskaus viattomuutta, puhtautta saarnaa ja parjaa likaiseksi, minkä Luoja loi puhtaaksi ja vapaaks ihmisille. Kun Luoja meidän lisääntyä käski, vain Saatana sen kieltää! ... aviorakkaus, tään suvun lähde ja laki salainen - ja Eedenissä myös ainut, jok yhteistä et ollut! Veit ihmisestä riettaan halun olla kuin eläimet; sä, jonka perustus on velvollisus, kuuliaisuus, järki, sait aikaan veren siteet puhtaat, rakkaat välillä siskosten ja isän, lasten ... on porton hymy lemmetön ja kylmä ja hetken nautinnot ...
ellauri008.html on line 633: julkkikset ja tavikset, siinä Jopen ihmistyypit.

ellauri008.html on line 1986: sanoo vaimo lopen tuskastuneena,

ellauri009.html on line 1434: Mulla oli kansakoulun kolmannella ja neljännellä opena Lauri Kiuru, joka oli kiltti setä. Ei kyllä haitannut että mä olin sen kaima. Sillä oli kaunis laineikas tukka, kuin pojilla viiskytluvun sarjiksissa.
ellauri014.html on line 372: Iskäparoni tulee kotiin, testaa Julkun tietoja. Vaakunaosaamisessa on huomautettavaa. Kyselee open natsoja. Pröö on rotinkainen, sille ei voi mitään. Paroni nurpistaa nenää. Päättää varuixi naittaa tyttären vanhalle ruotukaverille, joka pelasti sen hengen rintamalla (spoileri, ei olla vielä siinä).
ellauri014.html on line 442: Ei, olin oikeassa, kyllä pano n:ro 2 tapahtuu vasta luvussa 54, aloitteentekijänä Julia, sillä on varmaan munasolu irtoomassa, se käy sen verran kuumana. Bylsintäpaikka on Julkun peräkammari. Pröö runoilee siitä nätisti ennen naintia ja sen jälkeen, jälkeenpäin on rauhallisempi olo. Loikoilu ruiskahduksen jälkeen on ihan parhautta, sitä tähdentää Rusakko vielä alaviitteessä. Pröö tunnustaa että Julia on sitä etevämpi sängyssä. Ei ihme että sen ajan tytöt tykkäsivät tästä niteestä. Mehukasta panoa seuraa kotiopen kosinta, for what it's worth. Not much.
ellauri014.html on line 448: Julle pelastaa kotiopen pepun pyytämällä proto-Byronilta sille armoa, minkä tämä mielellään Juulialle antaakin, oliskohan soveliaat vastalahjat mielessä. Sapeliveikot taputtelee toisiansa selkään ja jatkaa ryyppyjuhlia. Julkku vihjaa Pröölle ohimennen et siitä saattaa tulla iskä. Hole in one.
ellauri014.html on line 462: Pröön aateliset "kaverit": Claire, sen heila d'Orbe, ja proto-Byron, laittaa matkavaunut valmiiksi ja pudottaa sitruunan kotiopen syliin kolmisteen. Claire ja loordi heittää vähän läppää punssista, Claire vitsailee siitä Juulialle, onkohan tää sittenkään niin kauheen vakavaa? Clairen sulhanen d'Orbe on vähän tyhmä, mut Clairekin on vähän ruma. Se on sivuvaunun osa.
ellauri014.html on line 471: Toka tuotantokausi alkaa kotiopen aika masixella kirjeellä. Jatkossa Claire ja loordi kertoo millasta pillastusta on Pröön ekat viikot ilman Juuliaa. Ei hätää, loordilla on paljon kokemusta miehistä ja niiden kanssa olosta, eiköhän me kahteen pekkaan tästä selvitä.
ellauri014.html on line 544: Ted haukuskelee pariisilaisten naisten ulkonäköä, varmaan ollakseen mustasukkaiselle Juulialle mieliksi. Paheksuu poskipunaa ja aatelisten decolteeta, johon se on pudottaa näkimensä. Vaunuaateli erottautuu etuhalkiolla rikkaasta porvaristosta, joka ei tohdi käyskellä niin avorinnoin rotinkaisten keskellä. Rupusakki pitää näin tahtomattaan yllä porvarisnaisten siveyttä. Se on periaatteessa hieno juttu kotiopen mielestä. Ja sit Pariisin naiset puhuu liian kovaa ja käskevästi eikä ole nöyriä. Se taas on huono juttu Tedin mielestä. Varsinkin rumien olis syytä olla hiljempaa. Ansaitsis litsarit. Perusvirhe Tedin mielestä on se et Pariisissa naiset ja miehet seurustelee yhdessä. Paremmin on Sveitsissä, missä naiset saa kuuristella keskenään.
ellauri014.html on line 1061: Eura presto open el boxefort unde eine bigge sac aan Euro give. Euro le open hastemente.

ellauri014.html on line 1087: Kotiopen fuksiaisissa tytöt saivat viitossilliä kuutossilliä ja muuta villiruokaa. Bailut meni joskus överiksi, mutta ignoroikaamme nyt se. (No ei, vitsi vitsi, tän lauseen mä sepitin ihan ize, siinä on 2019 perussanakirjaan lisätyt uudissanat, paizi sillit. Ihan muuten vaan. Ois varmaan mennyt ihan täydestä ilman tätä alaviitettä.)
ellauri014.html on line 1125: Omatuntomeemistä on ohessa erillinen runoelma. Muiita näkokohtia (tää fraasi on peräisin lopen leipääntyneeltä Oiva Ketos-vainajalta filosofian laudaturseminaarissa 70-luvulla)?
ellauri014.html on line 1193: Kaikki kävi lopulta hyvin; onnex äiskäkin kuoli ajoissa, niin paroni sai potkituxi kotiopen pihalle ja Wolmarin sen tilalle, muuten ois kaikki mennyt täyysin päin persettä. Paronissa oli ainesta potkupalloilijaxi.
ellauri014.html on line 1368: Oireellista on et tää oli yks räjähtäneen näköisen Arthur Schopenhauer -hyypiön lempikirjoista. Ääliömpää filosofia saa hakea. Tuskin se lukisi munkaan paasauxia, jossei olisi jo kuollut. TDLR.
ellauri014.html on line 1405: In my heart your smile has opened up the door

ellauri014.html on line 1421: In my heart your smile has opened up the door

ellauri014.html on line 1699: That openest when the quiet light joka aukeet hiljaisessa valossa
ellauri014.html on line 1810: Go forth, under the open sky, and list
ellauri015.html on line 47: Teemu edustaa moraalista relativismia, tai relatiivista moralismia. Hän on muun muassa vastustanut prostituution kriminalisointia väittäen, että jos seksityö on vapaaehtoista, ei se välttämättä ole sen huonompaa työtä kuin muutkaan työt. Teemu on Schopenhauerin oppipoikia. Ei ainakaan sen huonompaa kuin julkisuuden huoraaminen taiteen valepuvussa. Eix se pönttö edes tiedä mitä eroa on panolla ja parituxella? No heebolta joka runkkaa kuolleen kissan päälle ei voi odottaa aivotyöskentelyn ihmeitä.
ellauri019.html on line 209: Riku Rinkula on tunnettu jeremiadeistaan. Tää paasaus repostelee ensimmäistä ja oikeaa ur-jeremiaadia. Perinteisesti jeremiadit on laitettu profeetta Jeremian nimiin. Hän oli Roopen hovimestari karhukoplan Kivisyömmi II:n suorittaman Ankkalinnan valtauksen aikana, kun Ankkalinnan rahasäiliö tuhottiin ja kuningas Joakim von Anka otettiin vangiksi.
ellauri019.html on line 213: Jeremia eli Juuso (ital. Battista) on Roope Ankan ahkera ja työteliäs hovimestari. Juuso on myös ehkä Neiti Näpsän ohella näkyvin Roope Ankan palveluskunnasta ja työntekijöistä. Tarkkaa aikaa, milloin Juuso ilmestyi Roopen hovimestariksi, ei tiedetä, mutta hyvin samannäköisiä hovimestareita on nähty suomalaisissa julkaisuissa jo 1970-luvulla.
ellauri019.html on line 224: Jutkut kuttu kirjaa nimellä 'Ekhah, "kuinka", joka kuvaa valitusvirren yleistä muotoa. Se on kirjan ensimmäinen sana, ja myös monet muut valituksista alkavat tällä sanalla, esimerkiksi "Kuinka onkaan kulta tummunut, muuttunut hyvä kulta". Roopen itkuvirsi. Samaa vanhaa virttä kuulee juuttaan maassa, Skotlannissa ja Laihialla. Muoto esiintyy myös esimerkiksi Akun itkuvirressä. Aina samaa juonta sahaa Ankat, oo-o.
ellauri019.html on line 242: Roopen menetettyään Ankkalinna on nijncuin äveriään miehen leski. Joca ylimmäinen oli pacanain seas ja wallan päällä oli maacunnisa, sen täyty nyt weron alaisna olla. Hänen wihollisens woitti, hänen wihollisillens käy hywäst. Ei olis luullut, että hänelle näin pidäis wijmein käymän. Wihollinen on pannut kätens caickein hänen callisten caluins päälle. CUinga on culda nijn mustennut? ja jalo culda nijn muuttunut? ja pyhät kiwet owat joca catulla hajotetut.
ellauri019.html on line 249: Torni seiso surkiast ja muuri on cukistettuna. Caicki ohidzekäywäiset paucuttawat käsiäns ja wiheltelewät Ankkalinnan tyttärelle. Roopen wiholliset ammottelewat suutans sinua wastan, wilistäwät sinua ja kiristäwät hambaitans: tämä on se päiwä jota me halaisim. Me saimme sen! Me olemma nijn cauwan elänet. Se HERra on tehnyt nijncuin hän oli ajatellut: hän on armottomat hucuttanut.
ellauri019.html on line 254: Mut sit alkaa Roopen luonto nousta. Cadzo sijs: cosca he maata panewat eli nousewat nijn he minusta wirsiä laulawat! Costa heille HERra nijncuin he ansainnet owat!
ellauri019.html on line 278: Mikäs se olikaan tää Edom? Ahaa, Jehovan todistajlla on siitä pitkät turinat. (Tääkin on lyhennelmä...) Ei ihme, että Jeremiaalla oli jotain niitä vastaan hampaankolossa. Vaik ei kai se niiden vika ollu et Karhuvaari valtas Ankkalinnan. Mut varmaan ne vihelteli vahingoniloisina raunioissa ja keräs talteen Roopen säiliöstä karanneita mustuneita kultarahoja. Pahanilkisiä vanhempia veljiä, Esukan karvakätisiä poikia. Karhukoplan kumppaneita, Kroisos Pennosia. No saivat lopulta ansionsa mukaan. Jeremias veikkasi oikeata hevosta, kun kannusti kotijoukkuetta. Jos toisin oisi käynyt, nyt sit kai luettaisiin jotain kadonneita edomilaisia suosivia ennusteita.
ellauri020.html on line 468: We were walking through the rubble of the Commodore Hotel, which would soon reopen as the Grand Hyatt. Ivana had been given the responsibility of supervising all the decoration; she was hard at it, despite the fact that she was wearing a white wool Thierry Mugler jumpsuit and pale Dior shoes as she picked her way through the sawdust. “I told you never to leave a broom like this in a room!” she screamed at one worker. Screaming at her employees had become part of her hallmark, perhaps her way of feeling power. Later, in Atlantic City, she would become known for her obsession with cleanliness. Determined to bring glamour to Trump Castle, she became famous for her attention to appearances, once moving a pregnant waitress, desperate for big tips, off the casino floor. The woman was placed in a distant lounge and given a clown’s suit to disguise her condition.
ellauri022.html on line 152: Puolet maailman varoista on nyt harvojen miljardöörien taskussa. Köyhä laahus ei tule toimeen palkalla, vaan tekee kahta tai useampaa työtä ja käy lisäxi fattalla. Fattan verorahat tulevat köyhien laihoista taskuista. Minitöitä, minipalkkoja. Niin sen nalli napsahtaa, nämä kaxi uutista ovat saman Roopen koppaaman taalan kääntöpuolia. Rikkaus ja köyhyys kumpikin kasvaa korkoa korolle. Tuttu luonnonilmiö.
ellauri025.html on line 358: Hesiodoxen maanviljelysopas on kuin sudenpentujen käsikirja. Hesiodos muistuttaa erehdyttävästi Roopen Ankkaa nuorena. Roope paahtaa pyhänäkin sepän pajan ohize, missä laiskimuxet istuu pitämässä rokulia, ja vaappuu komentamaan veljenpoikia: kesä ei jatku loputtomiin, nyt rakennatte aittoja!
ellauri025.html on line 1024: Som Lillan Rehn som kastar stackars Ove i sopena. Det trendar just i detta nu.
ellauri026.html on line 225: The idea is there, but all the lingering emphasis in the original has been smoothed away. This, too, unfortunately, is typical of the whole. I have said that Wilson’s translation reads easily, and it does, like a modern novel: at shockingly few points does one ever need to stop and think. There are no hard parts; no difficult lines or obscure notions; no aesthetic arrest either; very little that jumps out as unusual or different. Wilson has set out, as she openly confesses, to produce an Odyssey in a “contemporary anglophone speech,” and this results in quite a bit of conceptual pruning. If you wait for the “Homeric tags,” the phrases that contained so much Greek culture they have been quoted over and over again by Greeks ever since—well, you are apt to miss them as they go by. A famous one occurs in book 24, when Odysseus and Telemachus are about to go into battle together: Odysseus tells Telemachus not to disgrace him, and Telemachus boasts that he need not fear. Laertes, Odysseus’s father, exclaims (Wilson’s translation), “Ah, gods! A happy day for me! My son and grandson are arguing about how tough they are!”
ellauri030.html on line 499: Schopenhauer on pessimisteistä nimekkäin, sen sepustuxista on koottu suomennettu keitos Pessimistin elämänviisaus. Toinen tunnettu pessimisti on Piisamirotta. Mulla on piisamirotta-kangasmerkki jossain, sain Seijalta. En ole muistanut ommella sitä rintapieleen kii. Nuori Schopenhauer näyttää vähän Jyrki Hukkataipaleelta. Silläkin lie syitä olla allapäin. Piisamirotat riippukeinussa syö täytekakkua
ellauri030.html on line 500: Pentti Linkola vihaa laahusta ja juo munalikööriä. Schopenhauer taluttaa puudelia ja halvexii naisia. Höh, pelkää niitä niinkuin Arttu äitiä.
ellauri030.html on line 504: Perinnön saatuaan ei Artturilla ollut huolen päivää. Se alkoi opiskella ensin lääkistä, mutta vaihtoi sitten filosofiaan, helpompaa. Väitöskirja oli jotain hämärää kantilaista logiikkaa. Schopenhauer peukutti Goethen idioottimaista väriteoriaa, mistä Hansu oli ensin mielissään, mut kun Arttu alkoi ehdotella parannuxia, Goethen kirjeet harvenivat. Arttu perkele esitti sitten oman väriteoriansa 1815, yhtä paskan. Arttu pysyi kuitenkin Goethen bändärinä.
ellauri030.html on line 508: Danzigilainen firma meni konkkaan ja Schopenhauereilta loppui rahat. Schopenhauer riitaantui Hegelin kanssa luentoajoista. Kaikki opiskelijat meni kuuntelemaan Hegeliä. Arttu päätti Eskin lailla että koulufilosofia on perseestä.
ellauri030.html on line 510: Kolmikyppisenä Arttu naiskeli jotain laulajatarta, mutta epäili sitä (ehkä syystä) tautisexi, eikä menty naimisiin. Size palas Berliiniin, mut sen luennot kaikui tyhjille saleille vieläkin. Koleran aikaan Arttu häipy Frankfurtiin, ja vaati että laulajatar ois jättänyt 9-vuotiaan pikkupoikansa kolerakaupunkiin. Se ei suostunut, ja niille tuli bänet. Nelikymppisenä sillä oli uusi hani kiikarissa, 17-vuotias neizykäinen, mut tää ei ollut kiinnostunut. Schopenhauer jäi Frankfurtiin ja kirjoitteli lisää parannuxia Kantin prujauxiin. Äiti kuoli 1838, Arttu oli 50. Arttu kirjoitti pari pläjäystä etiikasta ja voitti norjalaisen palkinnon.
ellauri030.html on line 518: Schopenhauers Tagesablauf war strukturiert: morgens die Arbeit am Schreibtisch, Flötespielen regelmäßig vor dem Mittagessen. Die Mahlzeiten soll Schopenhauer nach der Überlieferung seiner Biographen stets in Gasthäusern eingenommen haben, bevor er einen zweistündigen Spaziergang mit seinem Pudel machte.
ellauri030.html on line 520: Naisista „die Frauen“ puhui Schopenhauer rumasti:
ellauri030.html on line 535: Elukatkin voi ymmärtää, mut vaan nää sapajut osaa järkeillä. Parasta järkeilyä on pessimismi. Maailma on läpeensä paha, siis se ei ole kunnossa, niinkun pitäisi (maailmantahdon, siis mun, mielestä ainaskin). Huonompaa maailma ei vois ollakaan. (Voltairen Candidessa oltiin just vastakkaista mieltä, inhottavia optimisteja.) Se on aivan hel-vetin huono. Surkea. Maailma on Jammertal, täynnä kärsimystä. Puudeli kakkaa sohvalle ja kusee jalalle. Onni on vain kuvitelmaa, lysti negatiivista. Schopenhauer on pahempi nyrpistelijä kuin saxalainen autobaanaa hurjasteleva unbefriedigte Frau. Elämä heiluu kuin pendeli tuskan ja ikävystymisen väliä. Tik-tusskaa, tak-tyyylsää. Pahinta on se et aina panettaa. Schopenhauer saisi täydet pisteet pessimismitestistä. Mihkäs se kuoli? Keuhkotulehduxeen. Ei siis sydixeen, vastoin Pänkäläisen ennustuxia.
ellauri030.html on line 539: No entäs moraali, tää pesän meemi? Kantti peukutti kultaista sääntöä, Schopenhauerista ainoo syy säästä kanssaihminen on sääli. Hmm ei tää hirveen hyvin toimi, jos säästät jonkun niin sehän jatkaa vaan matamista täällä Jammertalissa. No ehkä sille voisi soittaa musiikkia tai näyttää tauluja. Tai muuten asketisoida sen elämää. Schopenhauer on tyypillinen Hofstädterin passiivisesti kohtelias saku: Neminem laede; imo omnes, quantum potes, juva. Älä loukkaa ketään, auta kaikkia minkä voit. Tässä järjestyxessä. Jos yhden auttaminen loukkaa toista, jätä auttamatta. Eläimille pitää olla kiltti, vaikka ne kusisivat jalalle. Pänkäläinen on ehkä oikeassa siinä, että pessimistit on luonnostaan myös epäseurallisia. Ei ne tykkää ihmisistäkään, nekin tuottaa pelkkiä pettymyxiä.
ellauri030.html on line 541: Poliittisesti Schopenhauer oli konservatiivi, kannatti poliisivaltiota ja absoluuttista monarkiaa, se on ihmisissä ihan vaistomaista. Maailma tahtoo sitä, ja maailmahan on pelkkää tahtoa. No vähän miellettäkin ehkä, muttei paljon.
ellauri030.html on line 543: Goethe kirjoitti Artturin vieraskirjaan: Jos haluut iloita elämästä, sun pitää tykätä maailmasta. No Goethehan iloizi ja tykkäsi. Schopenhauer ei. Puolixi se johtui geeneistä (sen isä oli masis) ja puolix meemeistä (sen vanhemmat tappeli kuin Vihtori ja Klaara).
ellauri030.html on line 545: Freudilainen psykoanalyysi ehkä otti Artturilta noi vietit ja niiden tukahduttamisen, ja koko sielunelämälle tyypillisen epärationaalisuuden. No ton ajan filosofia ennakoikin psykologiaa, ei vielä tehty filosofian ja sielutieteen väliin suurta eroa. Adlerin miälestä schopenhauerilainen ihmisviha johtuu huonoista väleistä äitykkään. Artturilla oli sellaiset. Entäs mä? Emmä nyt ihan noin pessimisti ole kuitenkaan.
ellauri030.html on line 547: Berliinissä ollessaan Schopenhauer haastettiin oikeuteen. Haastajana oli ompelijatar nimeltä Caroline Marquet. Melua vihannut Schopenhauer oli työntänyt ikkunansa alla kovaa lörpötelleen naisen alas portailta. Nainen oli loukkaantunut niin pahasti, että Schopenhauer määrättiin maksamaan tälle kuukausittain 15 taaleria rahallista korvausta. Kun nainen 20 vuotta myöhemmin kuoli, Schopenhauer kirjoitti päiväkirjaansa latinaksi ”obit anus, abit onus” (nainen kuoli, kärsimys loppui). Sillonko se osti sen huoneiston?
ellauri030.html on line 549: Vuonna 1831 Berliinissä puhkesi koleraepidemia ja sekä Hegel että Fichte pakenivat kaupungista. Hegel tuli takaisin liian aikaisin, sai tartunnan ja kuoli muutama päivä myöhemmin. Schopenhauer sen sijaan muutti etelään ja asettui loppuiäkseen Frankfurtiin vuonna 1833. Siellä hän eli yksin ainoana seuranaan lemmikkinsä villakoira Atma tai vaihtovuoroisesti Butz. Atma oli nimetty hindujen maailmansielun Atmanin mukaan. Schopenhauer testamenttasi koiralleen 300 guldenia. (Saksalaisten mukaan Atmoja oli useampia ennen Butzia. Se ei käy ilmi montax oli Butzeja. Nelijalkaisia pesänjakajia.)
ellauri030.html on line 551: Schopenhauer tarkoittaa kai lapionheiluttajaa. Kaivoikohan ne ennen hautoja. Suku oli noussut kauppamiehixi. Artun lahjat (muut kuin ahneus) tais tulla äidin puolelta.
ellauri030.html on line 559: Ääliömpää filosofia kuin Schopenhauer saa hakea. Yllättävää kyllä kaikki tää huuhailu on tehnyt Schopenhauerista julkkisten ja taidepellejen mielifilosofin. Peukkuja on antaneet mm. Richard Wagner, Wilhelm Busch, Thomas Hardy, Friedrich Nietzsche, Henri Bergson, Thomas Mann, Bruno Frank, Hermann Hesse, Albert Einstein, Kurt Tucholsky, Samuel Beckett, Thomas Bernhard, Stanisław Lem, Leo Tolstoi, Arno Schmidt, August Macke, Jorge Luis Borges und Michel Houellebecq (jotkut näistä on kyllä ihan never heard). Tolstoin mielestä ne ketä ei tykkää Artusta on idiootteja. Suurin osa jengistähän onkin idiootteja. Niin ja Wittgenstein. Artturi on piisamirottain ruhtinas. Russell, toisen sortin tomppeli, inhos sitä. Tiez mitä? Nää on joka iikka jonkin sortin narsisteja! Ja pelkkiä kickelinheiluttajia! All-male panel. Omahyväisten otusten kerho.
ellauri030.html on line 561: Vanha Schopenhauer näyttää siltä kuin sen yli oisi mennyt siimaleikkuri. Negatiivinen irokeesi, vanha pussikarhu, bunyip bluegumin setä ilmielävänä, tai oikeammin sanoen umpivainajana. Ton tukan tuunaamiseen meni varmaan koko aamu. Loppupeleissä se oli melkomoinen julkkis, kopioita sen potreteista ja valokuvista oli kaupan ja kumikaulat kävi kazomassa sitä kuin eläintarhaeläintä Englischer Hofissa: kato nyt se syö. Lahjoja annettiin ja nimikirjoituxia pyydettiin. Schopenhauer murisi että tuntuu yxinäiseltä, kaveritkin kuolivat. Se eli vanhaxi ja terveexi, kun käveli koiran kanssa joka päivä ja nukkui rrunsaasti. Se oli kova syömään eikä tarvinnut rillejä, kuulo kyllä meni ja reumatismi haittasi. Kirjoitti tärkeitä huomioita vanhuudesta kokoelmaan Senilia (pitäisi lukea). Kuoli 72-vuotiaana istualtaan, keuhkot pettivät. 4v jälellä.
ellauri030.html on line 567: Schopenhauerin nimissä on joukko ilmeisiä ja/tai enemp vähemp typeriä pointteja. Yx on ihmiskeskisyys, eli se et sapaju kazoo kaikkea vaan omasta näkövinkkelistä. No se on kyllä käynyt jo selväxi. Sen älyämisexi ei tarvi olla kovinkaan neropatti.
ellauri030.html on line 577: Schopenhauerin estetiikan Arska nakkas tienoheen rutosti. Se onkin tosi hienostelevaa, porvarillista, Arska on talonpoikainen, agraarihenkisenä tykkää salvoxista ja rukinlavoista. Niistä tykkäs Pirkkokin, ja Calle mukana. Mut hieno taide ei oo vaan kaunista vaan ylevää. Ylentää kauppiaanpojan ylempiin sfääreihin. Taiteet paremmusjärjestyxeen musiikki ja etenkin huilunsoitto ylinnä. Taiteilijanero puuppaa huilulla, puudeli kuuntelee ja ulisee. Tälläsestä tuubasta tykkäs mm. Viivi ja Wagner, Schönberg, Nietzsche sekä symbolistit Baudelaire, Verlaine, Mallarmé, etc etc. Varmaan snobi Paul Bourget myäs. Olix Schopenhauerilla yhtään vizejä? Aika huumorittomalta se vaikuttaa. No oli sillä muutama esimerkkinä, kts sen openhauer">huumorin filosofiaa.
ellauri030.html on line 762: Sit on jäljellä vielä epäsuhtateoria. Se mikä naurattaa on epäsuhta odotusten ja toteutuman välillä. Parturiunt montes nascitur ridiculus mus. Tätä peukutti Beattie, Kant, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard ym ym. Tää on tällä hetkellä joholla.
ellauri030.html on line 788: openhauer">Lapiomiehen Artulla on mielestään filosofisempi versio epäsuhtaselityxestä. Sen miälest epäsuhta on havainnon ja tiedon välillä. Esim sitä nauratti nähdä tsihu ja berhardilainen vierekkäin. Molemmat on koiria, mutta miten erilaisia! Hahhaahhaaaa! No tää on kyllä jo ihan Walt Disney-luokan rimanalitus. Puudelit on sentään rotu sinänsä. Schopenhauer-vizi: Vartijat antoi vangin pelata niiden kanssa korttia, mutta kun vanki huijasi, ne potkaisi sen ulos. Varmemmaxi vakuudexi Arttu vielä selittää. Kaskun kärki on tämä: vartijat seurasi yleisperiaatetta "väärinpelaajat ulos", mutta unohtivat että se oli samalla myös vanki, ts. se olisi pitänyt pitää kiven sisällä! Huomasitteko? Haha!
ellauri030.html on line 790: Toinen Schopenhauer-vizi: Joku sanoo että se tykkää kävellä izexeen. Kaveri sanoo: Niin minäkin! mennään siis yhdessä! Yleinen periaate: kimppakiva on kivaa, erikoistapaus: Schopenhauer. Vaikka S. kyllä käveli päivittäin 2 tuntia puudelinsa Atman (bzw: Butz) seurassa, eikä yxixeen. Oiskohan Astma mennyt mieluummin omin nokkineen. Tai Butzin kaa.
ellauri030.html on line 792: Kaikki Schopenhauerin tajuamat vizit on tätä tyyppiä. Entä sitten kuuluisalle filosofille nauraminen? Siinä annetaan ymmärtää että filosofi ei vastaakaan meidän odotuxia, siis epäsuhta sekin. Se on loukkoovoo, sitäpaizi absurdia. Schopenhauer ylittää kaikki odotuxet.
ellauri030.html on line 929: Tää linkki löyty Schopenhauerin nettisivuilta. Se on 3000v vanha löyhästi runollinen vuoropuhelu akkadixi, joka löytyi hyvin säilyneiltä nuolenpäätauluilta. Joka värssy alkaa sanoilla Arad mitanguranni, eli Orja hei, kuuleppas! Siinä tyyppi keskustelee orjahovimestarinsa kanssa. Herra ehdottaa jotain kivaa tekemistä, ja orja peukuttaa. Mut heti perään herra peruu. Orja kexii syitä mixei sitä kannatakaan tehdä. Suunnitelmat ovat:
ellauri030.html on line 981: Schopenhauerin jälkeenjääneissä papereissa on 150-sivuinen tiheästi kirjoitettu vihko. Sen ozikko on Senilia. Seniileitä juttuja. Osa on neuvokkia vanhuxille. Ei mitään uutta oikeastaan: Syö hyvin, nuku paljon, lue, kirjoita paasauxia, ratko ristikoita, kävelytä koiraa.
ellauri030.html on line 991: Tää ilostelu tapahtuu 1800-luvun puolivälissä, 1855 to be exact. Nietsche luki Sopen naisjuttuja varmaan vasta sen kuoltua 1860. Nietsche syntyi 1844, oli 16-vuotias koulupoika Sopen kuollessa. Siitä tuli kielitieteen proffa 24-vuotiaana ja se kollapsoitui menettäen fakulteettinsa 44-vuotiaana 1889. Jumala on kuollut, allekirj. Nietsche. Nietsche on kollapsoitunut, allekirj. jumala. Kuoli vasta 11 vuoden kuluttua 1900. Sillä oli hemo isot wiixet. Niitä se varmaan ylpeänä kampaili, niinkuin Sope aikaisemmin koalankorviaan.
ellauri030.html on line 997: Vaikka kuinka vanhax tulisi, niin aina sisältäpäin tuntuu yhtä nuorelta, siltä Schopenhauerista tuntuu ainakin. Muut kyllä huomaavat että nyt se horisee. Sen mielestä tää osoittaa että sen ydin, niinkuin puudelin, on ikuinen ja muuttumaton. Hämäystä, ikäloppu puudeli on vaihdettu vaan nuorempaan, Atma 1 Atma kakkoseen jne. Hemmetti, eihän sitä enää muista kuin murto-osan mitä sattu nuorena, eikä sekään tunnu enää samalta, kun ei enää paneta.
ellauri030.html on line 1009: Hobbes ym. 1600-luvun hemmot selittää kaiken mekaniikalla, koska se oli sen ajan uusi kova juttu. Sope on väliinputoaja, se selittelee kaiken tahdolla. Sopen Wille on jonkinlaista innere Drangia. Sille selvii vasta vanhana galvanismi ja sähkön osuus ruumiin liikuttajana. (Eikä sillonkaan kunnolla.) Ehkä se sen tahto oiskin ollut sähköä, jos se olis syntynyt sähkölamppuaikana.
ellauri030.html on line 1017: Perinteistä solipsismiin vivahtavaa idealismia on Sopen jutut välillä. Mä oon kaikki muut ja kaikki muut on vaan mä. Se oli liian paljon yxin koiran kanssa kotona. Ja olihan se selkeesti autistinen narsisti jo kotoa.
ellauri031.html on line 319: Mussolini luki izensä lukeneistoon kansakoulupohjalta. Se luki kaikkea, etenkin Sorelia, Engelsiä ja Marxia. Käänteli italiaxi Nietscheä, Schopenhaueria ja Kantia. Tykkäs Platon Valtiostakin. Hyi helvetti. Platonin ihailusta voi fasistipaskiaisen heti tunnistaa. Plato oli teoreettinen filosofi, Mussolini soveltava. Se sovelsi Platonin valtio-oppia arkiryskeeseen. Kuin Plato ize, mutta paremmalla menestyxellä. Ryhtyi ize diktaattorixi eikä diktaattorin koutsiksi. Siinä leikissä voi käydä huonosti. (Siis molemmissa voi, ja kävikin.)
ellauri033.html on line 514: Tää on siitä lysti kirja lukea et Polle saarnaa tosi paljon kertomuxen välissä. Ansionsa mukaan saavat jutku Spinoza (mitä se sanoi mustasukkaisuudesta?), misogyyni Schopenhauer ja tieteellinen determinismi (Calle joka oli ortodoxisuuteen kallellaan luki 60-luvulla Monodia!). Se on pahempa kuin musulmaanien fatalismi. Eise niin voi olla, korskuu Polle. Kokonaisuus on enemmän kuin osinsa summa, siinä on jotain laskematonta, jumalan sormi niinkuin nakki männynkylessä tulee kaupan päälle supenumeräärisesti, yhteenlasku onkin superadditiivinen.
ellauri033.html on line 542: Sixte lukee oppipojan tunnustuxia. Se on onneton kun se on kunniattomana posessa kansalaisluottamusta vailla. Sen paras piirre omasta miälestä noin zygologina on skizous, sillä on selkeesti erixeen yliminä ja "se". Ize se on se superego eikä "se". Kaikki haluu aina olla supermiehiä eikä wunderdoggeja. Roopelta kuoli isä pienenä, väpelö pedantti inisevä insinööri, matikkapää (mitä Polle ei ole takuulla). Väpelö oli poikakin, pelkäs muita ihmisiä ja inhos visiittejä. Liian vähän koululiikuntaa, vapaaliikkeitä, tuumii Paavali. Isänperintöä kaikki, sillä oli suonissa liitupölyä. Roopen (lue Pollen) mielestä ruipelot ei pysty vastustamaan himoja, siihen tarvitaan lihaxia, hiiri antaa perään himolle vaikka pienelle. Iskäkin sai mielettömiä raivareita välillä. Isoiskäkin oli puolihullu ja puolilandepaukku kaiken kukkuraxi.
ellauri033.html on line 544: Täähän kuulostaa ihan Saarssoneilta! Esi-iskäkin oli tollanen kiukkupää, se pikku paxulainen. No Roopen äiskä oli erilainen, tavallinen katolinen ämmä, vei Roopen messuun, iskä ei tullut, Roope kysy mix äiskä siihen et älä kysele ei kuulu sulle. Roope oppii et fixuille isille on eri pelisäännöt kuin tyhmille ämmille. Iskän kaa on ihqua luontokävelyllä Gergoviassa, sehän paikka mainitaan Asterixissä. Petteri iskän hartioilla Sommarhemin hirviniityn tiellä sienimezässä. "Se on nahkavinokas." Tää on varmaan Paulin omia muistelmia, sen isä oli matematiikan professori. Varmaan sekin sai raivareita kun laskut ei täsmänneet. Paul raippas kun Fifi karkas tai Henry James kärskytti verhoja.
ellauri033.html on line 550: Ompasusi on samanlainen epääonnistunut isinpoika kuin Schopenhauer sikäli ezen isä kuoli ja äiti jäi, se istuu äiskän hännän alla ja halvexii sitä, pelkää mutta pitää tyhmänä ämmänä. Patu oli takuulla isinpoika myös, varmalla ei tullut toimeen äitipuolen kaa. Se alkaa ajatella kuin Repe Sorsa et se on erilainen kuin muut, siihen sattuu. Typerys. Aapat muistuttaa toisiaan kuin 2 Marjaa. Aboluuttinen egotisti tuli oppipojasta. Tai trendikkäämmin narsisti.
ellauri033.html on line 589: Nyt alkaa Pollen snobimaisuus nostaa päätänsä. Tää ompasusi, joka siis on varottava esimerkki siitä mihin mal du siecle johtaa harhaanohjatuissa nuorissa, tää rotinkainen (kuten Polle) vihaa 1) aatelisia 2) rojalisteja 3) armeijaheppuja, ja yrittää olla vihaamatta sakuja, koska sen ihailemat Kant, Schopenhauer, Lotze, Fechner, Helmholtz ja Wundt on makkaramiehiä. Kardinaalimunaus! Edellisiä siis 1)-3) pitää ihailla ja jälkimmäisiä, siis sakuja vihata. Se on ranskalaista patriotismia.
ellauri033.html on line 642: Greslou pääsee vihdoin rivojen tarkoitustensa perille kirjoittamalla izemurhauhkauxen, sama kikka kuin toisellakin kotiopella, hra Prööllä. Charlotte tulee estämään, ja joutuu kotiopen punkkaan. "Kuollaan yhdessä!" se huutaa. Joo ihan kohta, mut ensin tää, sanoo Loup-Garou ja ryhtyy hommimaan. Charlotte on täysillä kyllä mukana, täähän on romaani. Se näyttää petissä ihan Tanagran terrakottapazaalta.
ellauri033.html on line 688: Influenssaa siltä on ottanu valistus ja (miinusta) Schopenhauer, Fichte, Hegel, Rousseau, Schelling, Novalis, Goethe, Nietzsche, Einstein, Unamuno, Althusser, Santayana, Coleridge, Lessing, Næss (Aarne on päässy seuroihin) sekä
ellauri034.html on line 37: Tämän väittämän Otto ja Anna Quangel haastavat kuolemalla yxi kerrallaan. Otolta piilutettiin pää poikki, Annan vankila räjähti tuusannuuskaxi pommituxessa. Hegel kuoli Berliinissä koleraan kun tuli kotiin liian aikaisin. Schopenhauer kuoli yxin Berliinissä istualteen. Der Alte Fritz Potsdamissa ebenfalls. Se ei uskonut kuoleman jälkeiseen olemassaoloon ja tarrasi sixi elämään. vaikka oli kihtinen ja vesipöhöinen. Voihan sitä yrittää joukollakin kuolla, niinkuin ne coolaid hihhulit mooniet, tai rintamalla tai jossain onnettomuudessa. Mut eipä siitä seurasta siinä vaiheessa oo paljon väliä. Aika lyhyex se seurustelu siinä sitten jää. Eikä ne välttämättä kuitenkaan samaa unta nää. Yxin oot sinä ukkeli kaiken keskellä yxin, lauleskeli V.A. Koskenniemi hexametrillä ja loppusoinnulla. Ei auttanut vaikka oli vyökin, veti silti yxixensä henxelit. Ja iskä-Saarikoski oli matkalla kaiken aikaa ja kaikki kesken, ei oisi suonut olevansa yxin. Vaan oli. Mitäs oli niin izekäs. Yx kerrallaan kuoli meidänkin paitapeppu vanhemmat, vauvanvaipat leuan alle sidottuina.
ellauri034.html on line 219: Ei nää ihan 1-1 mene esim Paavali on homo kovis. Ei tiettävästi urpo mutta turpo kerta hylkäs perheen lähteäxeen Jessen kelkkaan. Sen perheestä ei kerrota paizi et ne teki telttoja, oli fariseuxia ja Herodexen sukulaisia. Hra Piikikäs (ja ehkä myös Coelho) on nähtävästi turpo. On erittäin epäneandertaalia hylätä geenit kokonaan ja lähteä väärään meemitiimiin. Siihen pystyy vaan kova cromi-magneesiumikärki. On kovixia mamixiakin, surkeita piipunrasseja kuten Hitler, openhauer Arthur">Schopenhauer, Melville ja Knasu. Schopenhauer oli puoliurpo ja vihas äitiä kun isä teki izarin. Surku Yniäisiä. Marxista on vaikee sanoa, sen isä kovisteli sitä vetelysmäisyydestä, sillä oli paljon siskoja, 4v vanhempi aatelinen vaimo Jenny oli sille vähän äitinä, niinkuin Maman Rousseaulle. Aika monet naisvihaajat on ylivoimaisen äidin tai tädin lyttäämiä. Minä en Axan hännän alla istu. Arttu Schopenhauer on muuten kovis mutta liian ihmisvihainen kunnon cromimagnumix. Six se on lievennetty puolikuivurixi vaikka onkin läpeensä ällökäs. Oliko Jeesus isätön kun se huusi laama laama sabakhthani? Äiti sillä kyllä oli, mut isä oli karussa. Tuloxena oli puolikuivuri. Sen taivaalliset far och pappa oli täyskuivureita, kiivaita karvakäsiä.
ellauri034.html on line 228: puolikovisAristoteles, Saul Bellow, Kristina C., openhauer Arthur">SchopenhauerCEC, Goethe, Kierkegaard,Musset, E.Saarinen, Wilho P., Hande Mäkelä
ellauri034.html on line 429: Brentano Breuer Charcot Darwin Dostoyevsky Empedocles Fechner Fliess Goethe von Hartmann Herbart Kierkegaard Nietzsche Plato openhauer Arthur">Schopenhauer Shakespeare Sophocles.
ellauri035.html on line 1140: Virhe 2 on nähdä aina vaan punaista kuin härkä areenalla, muut sateenkaaren värit unohtuvat. Hohoo, sateenkaarihommista jesuiitat tunnetusti pitävät. Eikös musta ole otollisin väri? Musta ja valkea kardinaalinpunaisen ohella. Rouge et noir. Olihan Balthasar aika mieli mustana, mutta valkoisempi kuitenkin kuin ateistipaskat Schopenhauer ja Nietsche:
ellauri035.html on line 1142: Pesimismo relativo cristiano no es el mismo materialista y absoluto de hombres como Schopenhauer y Nietzsche. Levantando algo el plano de observación, diré que tiene el pesimismo y el optimismo del cristianismo: pesimismo en la vida, optimismo en el fin de la vida.
ellauri035.html on line 1180: Sarjassamme kusipäiden kirjoittamia ikäviä rompskuja, joita meillä täällä on jo aika kokoelma, esittelemme nyt jesuiitta Baltasár Graciánin (1601-1658) kirjoitaman trilogian nimeltä Criticón (1651-57). Siitä esimakua saa siitä, että se oli erityisesti Schopenhauerin ja Nietschen suosiossa. Sope opetteli jopa epsanjaa voidaxeen lukea Btä alkuperäisenä. Se oli Espanjan kultaisen vuosisadan suuria saavutuxia, joka sekin ehkä kertoo jotakin. Se on pitkähkö allegorinen (yäk!) romaani, jossa on filosofisia ylä-ääniä, siis jotain Coelhon alkemistin tapaista, vaikka todennäköisesti tuhmempaa. Joo se on taas tollanen nuoren miehen matka tyyppinen rompsku jossa on paljon siekailuja, jotain pyhiinvaellusta tässäkin. Tien päällä ollaan ja tehdään jäyniä. Mä veikkaan et tämmöinen road movie on ikivanha apinoiden meemi, kun nuoret koiraat on karkoitettu laumasta uhkaamasta silverbäkin haaremia.
ellauri035.html on line 1189: Baltasarin kuuluisimpia laukaisuja on: kunnioita izeäsi jos haluut et muut kunnioittaa sua. Ei kuulosta kovin jeesusmaiselta. Baltasar on leuattoman väpelön näköinen, ja varmaan se olikin just sellanen. Huono terveys, kuoli 57-vuotiaana. Sen tyyli on vähän sellanen aforistinen. Sitä sanottiin konseptismixi barokin ajalla. Kuulostaapä ikävältä jo etukäteen. Sen jutut on täynnä sanaleikkejä, eli se oli aika skizofreeninen. Ja systemaattisen ihmisvihainen, kuten Sopekin. Siinähän ei sinänsä ole mitään vikaa. Madridissa luonnonäijän viettelee joku Falsirena niminen ämmä, ja Critilolla on oiva tilaisuus haukuskella naisia. Tääkin oli varmaan Sopen ja piiska-Retun mieleistä. Outo sekotus kyynisyyttä, oveluutta ja moralisointia. Sopii kuvaan joka on muodostunut myös näistä sakemanneista. Multa sentään on toi moralisointi jäänyt aika vähälle. Luulisin.
ellauri037.html on line 482: Jouyn aikalainen Stendhal kertoo Egoistin muistelmissa miten Jouy oli äijäseurassa kehunut raiskanneensa kavereineen intialaisen vestaalin jossain brahman temppelissä ihan huvin vuox, nähäxeen mitä tapahtuu. Kun intialaisäijät huomas sen ne ryntäs "apuun" ja leikkas neizyeltä ranteet ja irrotti siltä pään, ja sit vasta ryhty samoihin hommiin ranskisten kaa. Jouy onnistu pakenemaan hepalla. Se kirjotti sittemmin menestysoopperan Vestaalit, jossa ylistettiin Napsua. Vestaali markkeeras kai siinä alapesemätöntä Josephinea. Sillä oli pulleat purjeet ja mahtava peräsin. Siitäköhän toi Sopen sitaatti oli peräsin.
ellauri037.html on line 487: Tässä paasauxessa repostellaan vanhan koalavaarin openhauer Arthur">Arthur Schopenhauerin merkkiteosta Über die Weiber. Typerys numeroi typeryytensä pykälänumeroilla ikäänkuin ne olis jotain asetuxia. Vaikka se suoltaa niitä kaljun alta ihan missä järjestyxessä ne mieleen juolahtaa. Ja juolahtaahan niitä, törkimyxeltä. Miten voi olla tyyppejä joista tää on joteski ihailtava.
ellauri037.html on line 512: Siitä niiden vaistonvarainen nokkeluus ja vastustamaton tarve valehdella. Sillä kuten luonto on varustanut leijonat kynsillä ja hampailla, elefantit ja karjut syöxyhampailla, sonnin sarvilla, mustekalan (ja mut) sumuttavalla musteella, niin on se antanut naisille huijauksen taidon suojaxi ja puolustuxexi miespaskiaisilta, ja on kaiken sen voiman, minkä se antoi miekkosille habaan ja niskalihaxiin, naiselle tuon lahjan muodossa. Vedätys on niille sixi synnynnäistä, ja sixi sitä löytyy tyhmemmältäkin naiselta enemmän kuin meiltä. Sen käyttäminen joka käänteessä on sixi niille yhtä luonnollista, kuin meille käyttää heti ekan hyökkäyxen torjunnassa nyrkkejä. Six (siis ton nyrkkivallan takia) on harvinaista löytää täysin suoraan puhuvaa, mutkatonta naista. (Mutkaton on miesten kieltä ja tarkoittaa täys tolloa.) Just six ne näkee myös meidän surkeiden kusetusyritysten läpi heti, niin että neuvon olemaan sitä ollenkaan yrittämättä. Niin kävi mulle äiskän kaa joka kerta, jäin kiinni rysän päältä. – Tästä pääviasta ja sen seuralaisista seuraa epärehellisyys, uskottomuus, petos, epäkiitollisus ym.ym. (Hizi Schopenhauer alkaa kuulostaa ihan Dantelta sen hölmön helvettinsä kaa.)
ellauri037.html on line 518: Miesten kesken on luonnostaan vaan välinpitämättömyyttä (no mulla kyllä kieltämättä oli jotain pikku erimielisyyxiä eräiden koulufilosofiprofessoriääliöiden kaa, joihin palaan tukijatkeessa), mutta naiset on luonnostaan keskenään sotajalalla. Se kai johtuu siitä et miehillä kilpailu rajoittuu omaan kiltaan, naisilla se ulottuu koko sukupuoleen, koska niillä on vaan yx ammatti, maailman vanhin sellainen. Kadullakin tavatessaan ne kazoo toisiaan kuin Guelfit ja Ghibelliinit. 2 naista tavatessaan 1 kertaa suhtautuvat toisiinsa vaivautuneemmin ja teeskentelevämmin kuin 2 reilua miekkosta. (Tulee mieleen Bernard Shawn, toisen ison setämiehen My Fair Lady. Nää reilu-miekkosjutut on aina vähän homahtavia.) Sen takia naisten keskiset komplimangit kuulostavat naurettavammilta kuin kahden miehen keskiset (häh? no Schopenhauer oli tosi turhamainen ollaxeen pussikarhun doppelgängeri). Edelleen, vaikka mies puhuu suht ihmismäisesti jopa niille jotka ovat paaaaaaaaljon sitä alempana (vitun nilkkifasisti), on sietämätöntä kazoa miten kopeasti ylhäinen rouva elehtii nokintajärjestyxessä alemmalle (vaikkei edes palvelijalle, missä tapauxessa se olis ihan ymmärrettävää). Siitä voi johtua että naisten kesken on vähemmän nilkkejä kuin meillä, ja voimasuhteet voi muuttua äkkisemmin kuin meillä miehillä. No niin vittu, miehet on vielä enemmän laumaeläimiä, de Waalin simpansseja, tai vielä pahenpaa, cro magnoneja. Miehillä ranki riippuu kaiken maailman prenikoista ja nazoista, naisilla vaan siitä, kenen kaa ne on naimisissa. Six ne on luonnostaan samalla viivalla ja yrittää hikisesti luoda hajurakoa. (Helvatti, mix nää hajuraot kiinnostaa miehiä niin hirveesti. No, tyhmä kysymys.)
ellauri037.html on line 536: No jo on hemmetti! Voiko olla törkeämpää setämiehen kotiin vetoa kuin tää Schopenhauerin traktaatti? Vedä käteenpäin vaan Artturi, älä kotiinpäin!
ellauri037.html on line 555:

Sopen elämä ja tekoset myös

ellauri037.html on line 557: Pessimistejä käsittelevässä albumissa oli jo aika paljon juoruja Sopen elämästä ja tekosista. Rupes kiinnostamaan lähemmin, oliko sillä ylipäänsä yhtään naissuhteita, muita siis kuin äiti, sisko ja hälisevä naapuri. Plus Atma, jos joku niistä oli narttu. Ja olihan sillä! vaikka kuinka paljon panopuita, vaikkei mitään oikeita suhteita. Jonkun palvelijattaren jopa veti paxuxi ja pakeni juoxujalkaa paikalta. Kazotaanpa tätä vähän lähemmin.
ellauri037.html on line 561: Lähdetään siis Danzigista eli Gdanskista, jossa Arttu syntyi 100v ennen Mikko Rothia. Sen iskä Heikki oli saxalais-hollantilainen patriisi ja äiti Johanna monilahjakas salonginpitäjä ja kirjaltaja. Se Schopen lapiosana tulee siis hollannista. Uskonnottomia olivat, vallankumouxellisia rebublikaaneja, kosmopoliitteja ja anglofiilejä. Toisin kuin Sope siis, taas, paitsi sitä ateismia. Kun Gdanskista tuli osa Preussia, lipilaari Heikki muutti perheineen länsimielisempään Hampuriin. Artun pikkusisko Adele oli sitä 8 vuotta nuorempi. Ei siis leikkikaveri, vaan ärsyttävä vanhempien lemmikki kuin Riku. Heikki ja Hanna antoi lapsilleen A:lla alkavat nimet, niinkuin saman pesueen koiranpennuille. Artun koirankin nimi oli Atma. Arttu oli vaihdossa Ranskassa ja styylas siellä ikätoverinsa pojan kanssa, ja soitti sen kanssa huilua. 15v jolppina se lähti Euroopanympärimatkalle vanhempien kaa, business and pleasure. Tää oli Heikin juonia: se halus Artun perhebisnexeen, Arttu halus yliopistoon joka oli iskän mielestä turhuutta. Jos haluut matkalle, niin sit jatkat sen jälkeen kauppakoulussa. Jos haluut verstaalle, niin unohda koko turnee. No se lähti reisulle, mut katu sitä myöhemmin. Wimbledonissa oli tyyyylllsäää jossain anglikaanikoulussa. Sixikin se vihas uskontoa myöhemmin. Heikki rähjäsi Artulle huonoista todistuxista niin kovasti, että Hanna pelkäsi sen menettäneen järkensä. Ehkä menettikin. Heikki hyppäs kanaaliin Hampurissa 1805. Se oli yhtä autisti kuin poikansa, ja yhtä masis. Sope sanoikin et sen luonne on isän peruja. Isän puolella oli enemmänkin hulluja. Äiskä sensijaan oli seuraihminen. Sope ihaili isäänsä kai six kun ei pärjännyt alkuunkaan äidille, ja äiti vaan hemmotteli pikku Adia. No Heikiltä jäi mojova potti, joka jaettin kolmeen osaan. Arttu sijoitti omansa varovasti valtionobligaatioihin ja nettosi sillä 2x enemmän kuin yliopiston professori. Oli varaa sitten vittuilla koulufilosofeille.
ellauri037.html on line 567: Weimarissa Arttu oli mustasukkanen äidille joka keikisteli Goethelle eikä kunnoittanut Heikki-isän muistoa. Molemmat oli pihejä ja syytteli toisiaan tuhlaavaisudesta. Äidin hännän alla oli kovaa (vaikkei ne edes asuneet yhdessä), äiti haukku sitä myötäänsä (ihan aiheesta). Opinnot alko sujua ja huveissa oli mukavaa. Johannan salonki pyöri täysillä. Artusta tuli Goethe-bändäri ja se roikkui äiskän bileissä aina kun Goethe oli paikalla. Goethe ei ollut huomaavinaan salin perällä murjottavaa tarhapöllöä. Se väisteli Arttua six että Arttu oli niin paha luonne, tai sit six että Goethella oli nokkapokkaa sen saman Franz Passowin kanssa joka kirjoitti mun kreikan sanakirjan; se näät oli Schopenhauerin kielenopettaja ja ohjaaja.
ellauri037.html on line 577: Goethe tykkäsi Sopen väikkäristä, sai sen Sopelta ilmasex (epätavallinen suosionosoitus). Siihen teki vaikutuxen Sopen lukeneisuus. Goethe tuskin luki muuta kuin omia juttujaan. Asiaa auttoi että Sope innostui Goethen säälittävästä väriteoriasta. Mut sit Sope alko kirjoittaa siihen parannuxia, ja Goethe närkästyi. Välit viilenivät. Nuoren narsistin tahditon vittuilu ja suuret luulot izestään viilensivät vanhan narsistin tunteita. Kirjeenvaihto tyrehtyi. Sope pani pahaxeen, mutta antoi silti Goethelle tunnustusta hyvästä yrityxestä.
ellauri037.html on line 579: Tässä vaiheessa Sope tutustui myös Herderin oppilaaseen Majeriin, joka opetti sille Upanishadia. Sopen mielestä Buddha oli lähes yhtä kova jäbä kuin Plato ja Kant. Se luki vielä Bhagavad Gitan ja jotain värikuvapainoxia hinduismista, plus takusti Kama Sutran, vaikkei sitä mainita. Semmielestä buddhismi oli ihan ykkösuskonto, koska se selittää myös peräkkäisten mutta silti niin samanlaisten villakoirien ytimen, se on sielunvaellus. Myöhemmin Sope väitti et se oli kexinyt intialaisen filosofian ize, yhdennäköisyys vedoihin on pelkkää sattumaa.
ellauri037.html on line 588: Hegelillä oli poliittisia ongelmia kun se oli progressiivinen, kun taas Sope oli patataantumuxellisen maineessa. Hegel hölmönä kannatti Sopea äänestyxessä. Ei tiennyt minkälaisen perskärpäsen kanssa oli tekemisissä. No vaan 5 opiskelijaa tuli Sopen luennolle (tuttu määrä mullekin, hyvänä vuotena). Tappion kärsineenä Sope jättäytyi pois verstaalta. Alkoi haukuskella koulufilosofeja tyyliin happamia sano kettu rypäleistä.
ellauri037.html on line 598: Loppuajan eli 1833-1860 Sope asui Frankfurtissa puudeleiden sielunvaelluxen luojana, milloin Atma, milloin Butz (sielu ja sen vihollinen vuoron perään). Voitti norjalaisilta palkinnon kotiaineella tahdon vapaudesta, ei saanut tanskalaisilta toista moraalin alkuperästä, vaikka oli ainoo osanottaja. Haukkui liian nimekkäitä filosofeja. Sope oli ollut varma voitosta (ylläri) ja raivostui. Vitun tanskalaiset! Se julkaisi molemmat prujauxet omalla kustannuxella ja haukkui tanskalaisia vielä esipuheessa. Ammattifilosofit ei viizineet edes pierasta Schopenhauerin suuntaan, mut kaikenlaiset diletantit alkoi innostua sen räväköistä jutuista, monet lakimiehiä. Yx bändäri erityisesti, Frauenstädter, roikkui sitkeästi Sopessa ja sai lopulta sen Nachlassin. Hulluna vuotena Sope pelkäs omaisuutensa ja henkensä puolesta ja kannusti kovasti kurin ja järjestyxen palautusta. Lahjotti kiikarinsa upseereille että löytävät nihilistit paremmin. Kun vasemmistohegeliläiset (kuten Marx) puhui edistyxen puolesta, Sope sanoi kuin Jeesus että köyhät teillä on aina keskuudessanne ja hyvä niin, jää hajurakoa. Sitäpaizi on hyvä vään kun tulee apuharvennusta.
ellauri037.html on line 600: Schopenhauerin sivutyöt ja poisjätetyt otoxet oli sen eka menestys, vähän kuin Russellin jokamiehen filosofia. Arttu ja Perttu ymmärsivät loppupeleissä siirtyä niin pukkikirjaimilla kirjotettuun soveltavaan filosofiaan että laahuskin tajuaa. Izehoitoaforismeja jengi haluaa ja sitä se saa, huda hudaa. Sope kelpas aikanaan hätkäyttämään poroporvaria, eihän kukaan ottanut sen filosofiaa ihan todesta. Jotkut sano et täähän on ihan kuin Fichteä ja Schellingiä, jotkut sano et se puhu ristiin. Molemmat arvostelut sai Sopen raivoihin. (No mikä ei saanut, voi kysyä. Ehkä herkkulounas kantapaikassa Englisher Hofissa, jos se oli onnistunut.) Sope sano myös kuten se Waldenin mies Thoreau: puhun ristiin, so what? olen maailman monin poni. Se oli hirmu tyytyväinen kun jengi alkoi palvoa sitä Frankfurtin julkkixena ja sen muotokuvalle rakennettiin pytinki. Se pysyi terveenä, kun söi ja nukkui paljon ja kävelytti Atmaa (tai Butzia) 2h päivässä. Kuoli keuhkokuumeeseen istualtaan sohvalla 1860 72-vuotiaana.
ellauri037.html on line 608: Physisch paßt Arthur Schopenhauer in das stereotype Bild vom ernsten Philosophen. Er war klein und schmächlig gebaut, hatte einen großen Kopf, durchdringende blaue Augen und was immer makellos angezogen. Er neigte zu intensiven Stimmungen, war ein äußerst stolzer Mann, hatte wenig Geduld mit jemandem, der es wagte, anderer Meinung zu sein als er.
ellauri037.html on line 615: der 1805 vermutlich Selbstmord beging. Schopenhauer hatte seinen
ellauri037.html on line 627: Sie wählte von Entenbergk und Schopenhauer sah seine Mutteri nie wieder.
ellauri037.html on line 630: stritt, hatte Schopenhauer eine stille Affäre mit Karoline Jugemann, der Primadonna vom Hoftheater and anerkannten Geliebten des Herzogs Karl August. Über ihre Beziehung sind nur wenige Einzelheiten zu erzählen, unter anderem, daß Schopenhauer ihre Busen romantischer fand als die
ellauri037.html on line 636: zog Schopenhauer nach Italien. Hier gab er sich seiner starken
ellauri037.html on line 642: Vornamen Theresa kennen. Er erwog eine Heirat, wobei er peinlich genau ihre Fehler und ihre Vorzüge gegeneinander abwog. Er entschied sich gegen eine Heirat, als sie ihn in peinliche Verlegenheit brachte, indem sie in der Offentlichkeit in den höchsten Tonen von einem anderen Mann schwärmte - von Lord Byron. Schopenhauer schrieb: «Ich fürchtete mich vor Hörnern »
ellauri037.html on line 644: Schopenhauer kehrte nach Deutschland zurück, um an der Universität Berlin zu lehren, aber seine Vorlesungen wurden kaum besucht.
ellauri037.html on line 664: Bettlägerig war, fürchtete Schopenhauer, daß die Krankheit zerstören würde, was ihm das Wertvollste war in seinen Hosen. Als er
ellauri037.html on line 667: Zwei Männer sollen, so Schopenhauer, eine gemeinsame Ehefrau
ellauri037.html on line 673: Dennoch hat er die Frauen nie aus seinem Leben verbannt. In einer Zeitschrift schrieb er von einem «Fräulein Medon», einer Schauspielerin von großem Charme, die mit bürgerlichem Namen Caroline Richter hieß. Er umwarb und gewann sie, und wieder dachte er an Heirat. Nach seiner sorgfältigen Analyse war sie "recht zufriedenstellend", als Geliebte oder als Ehefrau. Aber wieder erhoben sich seine Vorsicht und sein Zynismus. Er war verliebt, aber er war auch Philosoph. Sein Pessimismus gewann die Oberhand, und die Idee einer Heirat wurde fallengelassen. Schopenhauer bedeutete sein absolutes Vertrauen auf die Unsterblichkeit seiner Werke mehr als Kinder, die er der Nachwelt hätte hinterlassen können. Dank Gott.
ellauri037.html on line 688: Willfully jobless lakimies Clevelandista sanoo Quorassa että Freud oli idiot. Jung oli sen kaa samaa mieltä. Sopen se löysi Freudin alaviitteestä. Sope oli kyllä clueless about women mut niin oon mäkin (sanoo lakimies). Sopella se johtui vaan sen onnettomasta lapsuudesta eli ilkeästä äidistä. Isistä ja Goethesta Sope tykkäsi ja ne siitä. Goethe otti Sopen siipiensä suojaan, unter sanftem Wing. Naisia lukuunottamatta Sope ajattelee suurenmoisesti ja kauniisti, se ymmärtää lakimiehiä ja niiden unia, ja ne sitä. Frankfurtissakin nimenomaan lakimiehet oli sen fänejä. Mikähän siinä on? Lakimehet ja taiteilijat. Veikkaan huumorittomuutta.
ellauri037.html on line 694: Joku houkka jopa sanoo et Sope oli niin herkkä, et se ei kestänyt, niinku joku buddha, et se tuns niin paljon myötätuntoa muita kohtaan et se oli sentakeen niin pessimistinen. Ei tainnut tää jäbä lukea Sopen biografiaa.
ellauri037.html on line 696: Ei hemmetti, nää on niin pönttöjä ettei jaxa. Youtubessa Sopen seurassa on Nietsche, Marcus Aurelius ja hulavanteen pyöritys.
ellauri037.html on line 698:
Quora: Pitikö Schopenhauer Hegelistä?

ellauri037.html on line 700: Pikemminkin päinvastoin! Schopenhauer jumaloi Kanttia, ja piti Hegelin yrityxiä oikoa Kantin mokia vastenmielisinä. Schopenhauerin asennetta Hegeliin voisi pitää lähes apoplektisenä eklotuxena, yhtä syvänä vihana kuin Kierkegaardin, joka oli kanssa aika täyteläistä.
ellauri037.html on line 702: Nopeella haulla löytyy jotain Sopen helmiä, esim. se sanoo Hegelistä "lattapäinen ääliömäinen etova lukutaidoton huijari". Ei varsin suopeaa. Tää on Sopen "tahto luonnossa" rykäyxestä 1836:
ellauri037.html on line 713: Se oli välskärin poika, viisi siskoa (1 isosisko) Ludwigsburgista Württembergissä. Freudillakin oli liuta siskoja, kuin myös Pikku-Masilla ja Imillä. Ei ollut koulussa kovin sotilaallinen. Pissi sänkyyn vielä 15-vuotiaana. Kaarlo Syvännöllä oli sama vika. Alotti oikista mut vaihto lääkixeen. Ihan samaa tekee herraspojat vielä tänäänkin. Sillon vaan ei ollut pyrkyreitä (siis pääsykokeita, oli toki strebereitä, ne ovat aina keskuudessamme kuten köyhät). Karkas lääkintäjoukoista ja pakeni Thüringeniin. Siellä Schopenhauerkin söi pikku makkaroita vähän myöhemmin. Tutustui Weimarissa Hansiin, siis Goetheen. Molemmat sai ylennyxen voneixi, porvariset streeberit, karkeakarvaiset dreeverit. Niinkuin meidän sukulainen salaneuvos Robert Örn. Ranskixet tykkäs Retusta, ottivat kunniaranskalaisexi. Tuntuu et enemmänkin pitäs sanoa, mut mitä?
ellauri038.html on line 21:
Nietzsche ja Schopenhauer puhuttelee ernuja

ellauri038.html on line 102: Ei kai se sentään nihilisti ollut, ex nihilo nihil fit, kuten todisteli Schopenhauer. Enempi se oli supermies, joka ei väsähdä muuten kuin kryptoniitista. Aforistista ja runollista tyyliä se tavoitteli, ja julisteli kovasti.
ellauri038.html on line 106: Nietzsche jatkoi ennen kaikkea Immanuel Kantin ja openhauer Arthur">Arthur Schopenhauerin subjektiivista idealismia. Nietzsche uskoi, että ihminen saa ympäröivästä todellisuudesta tietoa vain omien aistiensa välityksellä. Sen mukaan todellisuuskäsityksemme on äärimmäisen subjektiivinen. Subjektiivinen idealismi johtaa Nietzschen relativismiin ja skeptisyyteen.
ellauri038.html on line 117: Vuoden päästä hän vaihtoi, opettajaansa ja tukijaansa Friedrich Ritschliä seuraten, Leipzigin yliopistoon. Siellä hän kiinnostui Arthur Schopenhauerin filosofiasta ja metafysiikasta. Vuonna 1868 hän tapasi säveltäjä Richard Wagnerin. Nietzsche saavutti opinnoissaan jo varhaisella iällä sellaisen tason, että pääsi kielitieteen professoriksi Baselin yliopistoon 24-vuotiaana. Ihan eteni E.Saarisen vauhtia. Wagner asu Luzernissa lähinurkilla. Myöhemmin tuli riitaa kun Wagnerista tuli liian kuuluisa. Nietzscheltäkään ei syntynyt kunnon tutkimusta vaan polemiikkeja, punkakatemioita ja epäapinan perä-ääniä.
ellauri038.html on line 137: Tässä lie Nietzschelle tullut kyllä joku sekaannus. Zarathustra oli manikealainen dualisti, hyvät vastaan pahat asetelman pääteoreetikko, siis orjamoralisti. Nietzsche ei ollut vaan paha vaan myös huono, ja vieläpä ruma kuin rengin räkä räystäällä. Kun hyvä ja paha taistelee, ruma saa istua vaihtopenkillä. Nietzsche kertakäyttönenäliinaan tai Nietzsche hihaan, älä toisten naamalle, niin puhui Zarathustra. Jos sua heidegger, älä ainakaan husserl kohti. Jää karanteeniin ja soita teholle jos on Weberiä. Aufforderung zum Tanz, senniminen Arabia-mukikin on olemassa, jossa puput halaavat. Jöhnskö taisi pitää Max Weberistä? Varmaan kun se oli samanlainen kaiken ymmärtäjä. Max oli 20v Nietzscheä nuorempi, ihan eri sukupolvea, ja paljon liberaalimpi, mut vankka porvari. No, se saa jäädä odottamaan pureskeluvuoroaan.
ellauri038.html on line 257: No tietysti kun se ei kirjoita liian pitkästi, ja on räväkkä. Se on hauska, ilkeä, törkeä, kaikkee tätä mikä trendaa nyt, on kuin lukis vihapuheita jostain netistä. Se puhuu vähän kaikesta maan ja taivaan välillä eikä puhu liian vaikeita. Ize asiassa koulufilosofit ei edes oikein tykkää siitä. (Eihän se saanut aikasex edes yhtään kunnon suffixi- ja puffixipaperia vaik oli 10v kielitieteen professorina.) Nietzsche oli amatöörifilosofi, mut klassikoita se oli sentään lukenut. Ja kärsijänä se ei ole mikään turisti, vaan aito maahanmuuttaja. Sen ja Sopen päällimmäinen ongelma on miten oikeuttaa elämä kun se on niin vituralla. Sope ottaa pessimistisen kannan asiaan: paska reissu mut tulipahan tehtyä. Nietzsche on enempi et tiukka mutru huuleen ja selkä vastatuuleen. Vastatuuleen pokaloizija kuin Vadimin taluttama vanha Kusti-koira Kallahden rannassa.
ellauri038.html on line 263: Gauleiterin mielestä amerikkalaiset ymmärtää Nietzscheä paremmin kuin sakut ize. Sen voi hyvin uskoa, onhan amerikkalaiset kexineet enemmän supersankareita kuin edes nazit. Heidegger sähläs mm. siinä että se teki Nietzschen aika arkisista tsygologisista havainnoista jotain mystiikkaa. Nietzsche havainnoi (omasta päästä, sehän oli sen tärkein lähde) et apinat on vallanhaluisia, et se niitä motivoi. Samanlaista virhetulkintaa voi epäillä Sopen Willen kohdalla, ehkä se oli vaan jonkinlainen sähkön vastine, sielun mekanismista vielä puuttuva johtovyyhti. Mut Heidegger alkoi keittää näistä kyökkizygologeista jotain mystikkasoppaa, ja sillä tiellä on vieläkin monet mannermaiset pellet.
ellauri038.html on line 285: Ei ollut, vaikka sen sisko oli. Retu ehti kuolla ennen nazeja. Nazixi siinä oli muutamia vikoja: se oli sairaalloinen piipunrassi, se ei tykännyt saxalaisista eikä armeijasta, ja sillä oli jutkukavereita (Rée, ainaskin aluxi). Plussaa nazeista oli ettei se tykännyt kristityistä. (Hmm. ehkä isäpappa oli käyttänyt sielunhoidossa liian konkreettisia otteita? Ehkä pyllistyxet ei jääneet pelkkiin rukouxiin?) Naziplussaa myös ettei Nietzsche piittaa mistään tasa-arvosta. Sosiaalidarwinismia se peukuttaa ihan raakana. Nietzschen hall of famessa on muutamia erityisen mainioita uuberkuskeja, nimittäin: Goethe, Beethoven and Nietzsche ize. Ja näille neroille pitää antaa palkinnoxi mitä ne vaan haluuvat etuja. Tää sopii nazeille, ja tää sopii myös vaurastuneille jenkeille. Jos ne olis käyttäytyneet kunnollammin, ne ei oisi päässeet neroixi. Ne tarvizee ankaraa izerakkautta. Mitä paskaa. Exe nyt oo aika läpinäkyvää et hemmo laittaa izensä johkin top 10 listalle. Jos joku tekee jonkun 10 kärjessä luettelon johon se kuin sattumalta ize joutuu ihan kärkipäähän, niin nakkaa rodeen. Sekä lista että tekijä. Kasta dem i sopena!
ellauri038.html on line 298: Nietzscheä hirvitti Schopenhauerin ajatus, jonka mukaan jokainen ihminen, joka varauksetta hyväksyy elämän, hyväksyy samalla sen, että hänen elämänsä toistuu sellaisenaan loputtomasti. Nietzsche itse piti tätä ikuisen paluun ajatusta ”kauhistuttavana ja halvaannuttavana”, mikäli se ymmärretään kosmologisena totuutena.
ellauri039.html on line 639: Size lähtee suorastaan Sopen ja Nietschen linjoille,

ellauri040.html on line 44: Wilho Puska syntyi 1832 Wiedensahlissa Hannoverin länsipuolella. Äiti oli leski, isä äpärä. Joutui pois kotoa 9-vuotiana enon luo harppisakuihin Göttingeniin kun kotona tuli ahasta Otto kuopuxen, 7. lapsen synnyttyä. Eno oli pastori. Kauppiasisä halus esikoisesta koneinsinööriä, tuli pilapiirtäjä. Mynkään menneen teknillisen koulun jälkeen koitti jäljitellä hollantilaisia mestareita Antwerpenissä. Varmaan Boschia. Protestanttien räävitön erauspoika protestoi 1848 barrikaadeilla. Äiti hoiti sitä 21-vuotiaana kotona lavantaudista. Se ei mennyt naimisiin. Vetelehti Munchenissä, joi olutta ja poltti ketjussa. Kun rahat loppu eno antoi lisää. 36-vuotiaana muutti Otto-veljen luo Frankfurtiin. Siellä sillä oli ymmärtävä rouvaystävä Johanna jolla oli moukka mies. Wilho luki openhauer Arthur">Schopenhaueria, joka talutteli Atmaa samassa kaupungissa. (Tai Butzia.) Seelenbrüdereitä olivat. Muutti viisikymppisenä pastorinleski siskon luoxe isänkorvikkeexi niiden lapsille. Ei ollut kiltti niillekään eikä siskolle.
ellauri040.html on line 46: Buschissa on vähän 7 veljexen Simeonia. Simeonissa oli enemmän kuin vähän Alexis Kiveä, Lapinlahden lintua. Pitkä ja luiseva kuin se, ja synkkämielinen. Niinkuin monet humoristit. Ilo pintaan kun syän märkänee. No ei kai Wilho ollut anders, siis schwul, sillä oli kyllä yritystä naisiin muttei rahaa. Ei ollut kiltti ja ahkera kuin Woku, vaan äreä ja tyly doku. Tylsäxi ei voi sentään sanoa, sitä sano Calle musta hääpuheessa. Laiha lohdutus. Paremmat witzit kuin Schopenhauerilla ainakin, vaikka yhtä happamet. Siis Wilho Puskalla.
ellauri040.html on line 143: Immanuel Cunt on mulla myös jo kortistossa, vaikkei ihan koko hullunkurista perhettä. Jyrki sivuuttaa sen olankohautuxella. Filosofia huipentuu Georg Henrik von "Nichts Besonderes" Hegeliin, filosofian ylijohtajaan, valtion lakeijaan ja vankiloiden tarkastajaan. Hegelistä mulla ei ole vielä muuta paasausta kuin sen riita Sopen kaa. Pitää täydentää. Mut ei nyt.
ellauri040.html on line 153: Eskin ja Sopen iloxi Jyrki jakaa filosofian ammatilliseen, akateemiseen koulufilosofiaan ja kansantajuisempaan moraalifilosofiaan eli izehoitoon. Ääripäiden välillä partioivat juhamanniset ja häiriintyneet häyryt (plus Himo Airaxinen, voisin lisätä). Molemmat päät tyytyvät toistamaan pienen nollan muotoisen ympyränsä vakiintuneita latteuxia.
ellauri040.html on line 268: puolikuivuriAristoteles, Musset, Niini, openhauer Arthur">SchopenhauerCEC, Wilho P, E.SaarinenKristina C.P.Saarikoski
ellauri040.html on line 327: The generation born completely within the technological age, war on terror, and multiculturalism. This generation is the first true global culture as their characteristics and trend is more uniform across the globe as they become the most open minded generation to date.
ellauri042.html on line 637: Tällästä on Saxen mukaan hebefrenia. Sakulla sanottiin olevan juuri se. Ei se kyllä ollut yhtään tollanen. Saxi siteeraa tässä kohen Popen Dunciadia. Kai sekin sitten pitää lukea. Pope oli kyllä izekin aika dunce.
ellauri042.html on line 642: Popen Dunciad oli hapanta vittuilua Yrjö-kuninkaan läskille rouvalle joka ei ehtinyt (tai jaxanut) kuunnella kaikkia sen lurituxia:
ellauri042.html on line 650: Hukkapätkä sai sittemmin uuden vihan kohteen jostain komeljanttarista, joka kehtas tehdä pilaa Popen surkeasta näytelmästä. Se kirjotti revision Dunciadista express tätä tarkoitusta varten:
ellauri042.html on line 655: Cibber jaxo sietää Popen pöpötyxiä aika kauan mut kirjotti sitten 71-vuotiaana aika terävän satiirisen vastineen.
ellauri042.html on line 943: Donne's style is characterised by abrupt openings and various paradoxes, ironies and dislocations. These features, along with his frequent dramatic or everyday speech rhythms, his tense syntax and his tough eloquence, were both a reaction against the smoothness of conventional Elizabethan poetry and an adaptation into English of European baroque and mannerist techniques. His early career was marked by poetry that bore immense knowledge of English society. Another important theme in Donne´s poetry is the idea of true religion, something that he spent much time considering and about which he often theorised. He wrote secular poems as well as erotic and love poems. He is particularly famous for his mastery of metaphysical conceits.
ellauri045.html on line 308: Strindberg nähtävästi kuumui Schopenhauerista, siitä

ellauri045.html on line 311: kyllä hapan vanha pessimisti kuten Sopen Artturi.

ellauri045.html on line 316: openhauer.jpg" height="200px" />
ellauri046.html on line 294: Koalan sedän näköinen Schopenhauer oli Luutarhan lemppareita. Söörenillä oli melkein koko Sopen tuotanto hyllyssä, sen miälestä Sope oli eittämättä "hyvin merkittävä kynäilijä". Tykkäs Sopen vittuilusta koulufilosofialle, Sörkkä oli myös soveltavan koulun miehiä. Sope oli Sökön mielestä lähes yhtä viisas kuin se ize muttei ihan.
ellauri046.html on line 347: Kierkegaard was born in 1813 to a prosperous family in Copenhagen. He seems to have suffered some sort of trauma early on, associated with his breaking-off an engagement to his beloved Regine Olsen (he never married), or perhaps because of his sternly religious father, or the fact that his mother, and all but one of his six siblings, died young.
ellauri046.html on line 369: Diapsalmata: I'd rather be a swineherd than a misunderstood poet. People are vapid, unreasonable, life is a trouble, I feel trapped, and bored. Alas, the door of fortune does not open inwards so that one can force it by charging at it. Business is silly. If the gods offered me a wish, I'd wish for laughter.
ellauri046.html on line 433: This brief study argues that Kierkegaard's Journals show beyond reasonable doubt that he was homosexual. It does so because he believed that the recognition of this fact was central to the understanding of his life and thought, because he could not bring himself to say this openly even in the privacy of his own Journals, because he hoped and prayed that his "reader" would discover and reveal it after his death, because even distinguished scholars privy to his "secret" have remained silent and because, given these facts, it is surely time to open up this question.
ellauri046.html on line 729: Luutarhan loppupieraisut on lopen poroporvarillisia tuhnuja. Ihan sama kehitys kuin Salella, josta tuli iän mukana yhä scroogempi schysteri.
ellauri047.html on line 107: Kun Goethe tapas Napsun 1808, Napsu totes äimissään: "Vous êtes un homme!". Olikohan sille annettu muuta ymmärtää. Goethesta se oli hienoa, se muisteli Napsua aina hyvällä. No Goethen kuoltua sen lääkäri väitti että se oli kaunis vainaja. Napsu ize oli pyylevä hukkapätkä ja Schopenhauer koala. Matthew Arnold (Dover Beach) diggas Goethea. Goethe saxansi Dideroota eikä tykännyt matikasta enempää kuin se. Tesla osas Faustin ulkoa ja kekkas vaihtovirran kerran mumistessaan sitä. Mumiskohan Elon Musk Torquato Tassoa tehdessään Johnille Tesla-autoa? Vääntö niissä on kyllä hyvä. It takes all kinds to make a world.
ellauri047.html on line 121: Nietzschen aloituskahdexikko oli: Epicurus and Montaigne, Goethe and Spinoza, Plato and Rousseau, Pascal and openhauer Arthur">Schopenhauer.

ellauri048.html on line 784: Look in at the open door; ne kurkistavat sisään uxesta;
ellauri048.html on line 834: The sound of a door that is opened, Misuja kuin pirulaisen merrasta
ellauri048.html on line 1076: EITHER they had to knuckle under and settle for a "sublimated", more-or-less disembodied, spiritualized passion . . . . OR they could plunge and risk martyrdom. They must have agreed that they had no taste for martyrdom — or even Byronic exile. . . . It is clear they both knew, in their heart of hearts, they wanted to express their love for each other in a physical way; yes, even in a sexual way — Love and Duty is eloquent testimony to that. But both of them knew in the prevailing moral climate . . . there seemed to be no possibility of love between males that would not incur hysterical opposition. . . . There is not much doubt, had they wanted to take the sexual path and do so openly, they would only have wanted the kind of sex which they felt about each other.
ellauri048.html on line 1694: But open converse is there none,
ellauri049.html on line 357: Pst. ei antiloopin vaan Antiopen oikeesti. Tahallinen runoilijan vapaus!
ellauri051.html on line 358: The tendency in savages to imagine that natural objects and agencies are animated by spiritual or living essences, is perhaps illustrated by a little fact which I once noticed: my dog, a full grown and very sensible animal, was lying on the lawn during a hot and still day; but at a little distance a slight breeze occasionally moved an open parasol, which would have been wholly disregarded by the dog, had any one stood near it. As it was, every time that the parasol slightly moved, the dog growled fiercely and barked. He must, I think, have reasoned to himself in a rapid and unconscious manner, that movement without any apparent cause indicated the presence of some strange living agent, and no stranger had a right to be on his territory. (Darwin)
ellauri051.html on line 549: 10 Creeds and schools in abeyance, 10 Uskot ja koulut vaihtopenkille,
ellauri051.html on line 736: 167 The big doors of the country barn stand open and ready, 167 Farmin ladonovet on auki ja valmiina vastanottamaan
ellauri051.html on line 755: 185 I saw the marriage of the trapper in the open air in the far west, the bride was a 185 Näin ansojan häät ulkoilmassa kaukana lännessä, morsian oli punainen tyttö,
ellauri051.html on line 886: 304 The opium-eater reclines with rigid head and just-open'd lips, 304 Oopiuminsyöjä nojaa makuulle jäykkä pää ja juuri auki huulet,
ellauri051.html on line 1740: 1130 Nor the sacs merely floating with open mouths for food to slip in, 1130 Eivätkä pussit vain kelluvat suu auki, jotta ruoka pääsisi sisään,
ellauri051.html on line 1795: 1183 I open my scuttle at night and see the far-sprinkled systems, 1183 Avaan ikkunaluukun yöllä ja näen kauas sirotettavat järjestelmät,
ellauri051.html on line 1840: 1227 But as soon as you sleep and renew yourself in sweet clothes, I kiss you with a good-by kiss and open the gate for your egress hence. 1227 Mutta heti kun nukut ja uudistut suloisissa vaatteissa, suutelen sinua hyvästelevällä suudelmalla ja avaan portin sieltä poistumiselle.
ellauri051.html on line 1865: 1251 And I swear I will never translate myself at all, only to him or her who privately stays with me in the open air. 1251 Ja vannon, etten koskaan käännä itseäni, vain hänelle, joka on yksityisesti kanssani ulkoilmassa.
ellauri052.html on line 259: Alexander Popen kiharan ryöstöön cantossa 3 kesken kahvia ja korttipeliä viittoilee kai Sale ohimennen Princetonissa. Mulla ei Popesta ole vielä kai muuta kuin Byronin vittuilu sen alexandriinien ylimääräisistä tavuista. Nyt seuraa lisäinfoa:
ellauri052.html on line 263: Popen isä Alexander (k. 1717) oli pellavakauppias, mutta jäi eläkkeelle poikansa syntymän aikaan. Perhe oli katolinen, eikä Pope siksi päässyt opiskelemaan Englannin yliopistoihin. Hän sai kotiopetusta katolisilta papeilta ja kävi katolisia kouluja Twyfordissa ja Lontoossa.
Is Pope catholic? LOL Myöhemmin Pope siirtyi tietynlaisen rationaalisen panteismin kannattajaksi.
ellauri052.html on line 271: Vuonna 1725 Popen kuusiosainen kokoelma William Shakespearen töistä sai osakseen ankaraa kritiikkiä puolueellisuuksistaan. Erityisesti Popea kritisoi Lewis Theobald teoksessaan Shakespeare Restored (1726).
ellauri052.html on line 422: Taas tota vitun 8 sekunnin kultakalan keskittymiskykyä. Sen on Amerikan mainosteevee saanut aikaan. Sale ansaizee Nobel-palkinnon varoittavana esimerkkinä, mitä Amerikka tekee ryssän mamu juutalaisista. Sale diggas just noita samoja narsisheja kuin kaikki muutkin narsishit, Nietscheä Schopenhaueria Kierkegaardia. Kaskun ei mainize nazi Heideggeriä.
ellauri052.html on line 424: Nietzsche ist vor allem durch seine Schopenhauer-Lektüre und dessen Willens-Metaphysik auf den Gedanken des Willens zur Macht gekommen. Aus Schopenhauers „Wille zum Leben“ genickt und verbessert. Die erste Erwähnung des Begriffs im Nachlass stammt von 1876/77: „Furcht (negativ) und Wille zur Macht (positiv) erklären unsere starke Rücksicht auf die Meinungen der Menschen.“
ellauri052.html on line 682:

E.M. Forster was homosexual (openly to his close friends, but not to the public) and a lifelong bachelor. Se tykkäs tosi paljon D.H. Lawrencen homoeroottisista skeneistä.
ellauri052.html on line 819: `At any rate, one feels freer and more open now -- and that is what we want.'
ellauri053.html on line 112: Robert de Montesquiou, deo duce et ferro comite, cascognelainen bon vivant ja dandy, oli Proustin paroni Charlusin mallina. Sen joka pystypani persuuxiin jotain roturieria jossain takapihalla. Roopen suosijan kreivitär Greffoulhen kynttilä sammui vasta 1952.
ellauri053.html on line 908: By appealing to some friends four pupils were obtained from Calcutta. I myself brought the number up to five. We were all clothed in long yellow robes as befitting Brahmacharis. On the day of the opening ceremony, however, we were given red silk dhotis and chaddars and it made us feel very proud and im- portant to stand in a row in the Mandir, the cynosure of all eyes.
ellauri053.html on line 912: Father had composed some new songs for the opening ceremony, one of which, Mora satyer pare man (We dedicate ourselves to truth) remained as the school song for many years until it was replaced by Amader Santiniketan (Our own Santiniketan).
ellauri053.html on line 938: At the same time Satish Roy’s voice rang out with the opening stanza of Barsha-Shes, the well-known poem of my father on a stormy ‘Year End’ :
ellauri054.html on line 159: But above all, beleeve it, the sweetest Canticle is Nunc dimittis, when a Man hath obtained worthy Ends and Expectations. Death hath this also, That it openeth the Gate to good Fame, and extinguished Envie.
Vanha Simo sanoi nyt päästät palvelijasi lepoon, nähtyään vihdoin Jeesus-lapsen synagoogassa. Jouti kuolemaan. No siitä samoinkuin Pekonista tuli vainajana kuuluisa. Kyllä käy kateexi. Lisää pekonin lurjustelusta albumissa 223.
ellauri054.html on line 197: Kesäloman Hannu viettää jouluisin Teneriffalla ja kesällä tekee töitä verstaalla. Lähteekö Penelopen kärsivällisyydellä varustettu Salme Marjatta mukaan tähänkin?
ellauri054.html on line 421: In the modern era, the United Kingdom was the first European country to use for-profit prisons. Wolds Prison opened as the first privately managed prison in the UK in 1992. This was enabled by the passage of the Criminal Justice Act 1991 which empowered the Home Secretary to contract out prison services to the private sector.
ellauri054.html on line 479: Elizabeth Browning 6 March 1806 – 29 June 1861 os. Moulton-Barrett oli 6v Roopea vanhempi vanhapiika runotar joka asui invaliidi-isän kanssa Wimpole Streetillä. Isä teki sen perinnöttömäxi kun se nai Roopen 30-vuotiaana 1846. Roope oli siis 24. Elizabeth on kuvissa sievän näköinen. Siitä melkein tuli laureaattipoetessa (ensimmmäinen sellainen) Wordsworthin jälkeen mutta ei, kalkkiviivoilla Tennyson meni ohize. Hahaa, hyvä veljet! Italiassa elelivät mukavasti rouvan perintörahoilla. (Höh? Ei siis jäänyt aivan pennittömäxi kuitenkaan? No ehkä peri äidin puolelta. Joo niin perikin. Äiti keräs talteen kaikki Liisan runot ihan pienestä.)
ellauri054.html on line 525: Roopen isä oli pankkivirkailija. Sen isoisä oli orjanomistaja Saint Kittsillä Länsi-Intiassa, ja isoäiti, Margaret Tittle, oli kreoli. Sixköhän se oli Browning? Ei sentään Blacking. Sixe varmasti oli kuten isänsä abolitionistikin.
ellauri055.html on line 217: To celebrate the Second Millennium, "Saint Fiachra's Garden" opened in 1999 at the Irish National Stud and Gardens, Tully, County Kildare, Ireland, his nation of birth.
ellauri055.html on line 862: Sillinpää aloitti koulunkäynnin syksyllä 1900 Tampereen Suomalaisessa Reaalilyseossa, asuen ensin alivuokralaisena kirvesmies Janne Davidssonin perheessä Mustanlahdenkadulla Amurissa ja myöhemmin Kuninkaankadulla. Hänen koulutovereitaan olivat muun muassa Lauri Pohjanpää, Brynolf Honkasalo, Arvo Sotavalta ja Bertel Strömmer. Vanhemmat saattoivat tukea häntä vuoteen 1905 saakka, mutta sen jälkeen Sillinpää joutui itse hankkimaan varoja koulun jatkamiseen. Hän saikin jonkin verran rahallista tukea eri tahoilta, mutta tärkeimmäksi tukijaksi tuli tamperelainen tehtailija Henrik Liljeroos, jonka nuorimman pojan kotiopettajana Sillinpää toimi viimeisinä kouluvuosinaan. Sillinpää oli kesäisin myös kotiopettajana Lempäälässä Sotavallan ja Lopen kartanoissa sekä yhden kesän tamperelaisen Aamulehden kesätoimittajana. Sillinpää pääsi ylioppilaaksi 1908 hyvin arvosanoin. Samana vuonna Wilho Pylkkänen läht Kiinan reisulle.
ellauri055.html on line 964: Frosterus reputti medikofiilin Toopen lailla, tunaroi solttuna ja maajussina ennen kuin siitä tuli lehtineekeri. Sen kertomukset Kivekkään Kaiku-lehdessä olivat satiirisia ja suunnattu ruotsinkielistä yläluokkaa vastaan; Pakkala oli elämänsä aikana nuor- ja vanhasuomalaisten välillä ja suhtautui myös wrightiläiseen työväenliikkeeseen suopeasti. Tästä äimistyi Kivekäs. Teukka pakeni Jyväskylään ja muuttui Pakkalaxi. Kohta se palas Ouluun ja perusti kilpailevan lehden Louhi. Puri kyykäärmeenä leipää antanutta kättä. Onxe Käpylän naapurien kähärätukkainen Kivekäs samaa joukkoa? Rouva Kivekäs läxi läpyttämään kun ne rakens kellarin.
ellauri055.html on line 995: Sosdemi Laurila kirjoitti Toopen nuoruusvuosista ennen Rajalaa. Sekin pitäs kait sit lainata ja selata.
ellauri055.html on line 1112:

Toopen opiskeluaikoja

ellauri055.html on line 1128: Né à Gand, Maurice Maeterlinck est l'aîné d'une famille de trois enfants, flamande, bourgeoise, catholique, conservatrice et francophone. Après des études au collège Sainte-Barbe (Sint-Barbara) de Gand, il suit des études en droit avant de pratiquer le métier d'avocat durant une courte période. Maeterlinck publie, dès 1885, des poèmes d’inspiration parnassienne dans La Jeune Belgique. Il part pour Paris où il rencontre plusieurs écrivains qui vont l'influencer, dont Stéphane Mallarmé et Villiers de l’Isle-Adam. Ce dernier lui fait découvrir les richesses de l'idéalisme allemand (Hegel, Schopenhauer). À la même époque, Maeterlinck découvre Ruysbroeck l'Admirable, un mystique flamand du XIVe siècle dont il traduit les écrits (Ornement des noces spirituelles). C'est ainsi qu'il se tourne vers les richesses intuitives du monde germanique en s'éloignant du rationalisme français. Dans cet esprit, il se consacre à Novalis et entre en contact avec le romantisme d'Iéna (Allemagne, 1787-1831, autour d'August et Friedrich Schlegel et de la revue l'Athenäum), précurseur en droite ligne du symbolisme. Les œuvres que publie Maeterlinck entre 1889 et 1896 sont imprégnées de cette influence germanique.
ellauri055.html on line 1171: Heikki Järnefeltin äiti oli Saimi Swan. Isä oli Eero. Hömelö Arvid oli Eeron isoveli, Sibben Aino kuopus. Eero oli oikeistolainen kermaperse joka suhteessa. Sitä Toope varsin kadehti. Sibbis vääntelehti velkakierteessä Toopen tavoin. Ainolassa piti olla hiljaa. Aho löntysteli kalatamineissa Nobel-haaveissa.
ellauri055.html on line 1228: Kirjailijakolleegat tunnistivat Toopen lahjat vaikka neuvoskelivat. Esim kirjailijan välihuomautuxet eivät olleet enää eikä vielä muotia. Tärkeilevän Eino Kailan mielestä ne oli literatuuria. Musta ne on just hyviä.
ellauri055.html on line 1256: No ei! Tää halvatun tomppeli vaikuttaakin alkumetreillä lähes selväjärkiseltä. Sen vastaus teodikeaan on sama kuin turkkilaisella dervissillä: sulttaani ei voisi vähempää välittää mitä laivarotat toivovat. Toopen aikoihin sana jumala oli korvattu sanalla elämä, ja elämä oli olevinaan yhtä iso mysteerio kuin ennen jumala. Toopea. Elämäkään ei ole mystistä, sen mystisempää kuin palaminen tai ruostuminen. Miksi on elämää on yhtä tyhmä kysymys kuin Heideggerin "Warum gibt es eigentlich etwas? Warum nicht lieber nichts?" No jos niin hullusti olisi sattunut käymään, etpä olisi tässä kyselemässä. Ehkä olisi ollut parempi.
ellauri055.html on line 1310: Edwin Flink eli sittemmin rehtori Linkmees innostui Toopen esikoisesta. Erik Ahlman oli samoilla linjoilla, varmaan filosofisen yhdistyxen kokoustauolla. Eno Kala tykkäsi, vaikka soimasikin litteratuurista.
ellauri055.html on line 1355: Mikä on Eelixen Lyylin ja Olgan tarkoitus? Sitä kelpaa miettiä. No bylsintä! Aikalaiset marisi et alun hehkutuxen jälkeen Toopen hypnoottinen ote jotenkin heltiää ja alkaa tulla literatuuria. Missähän se kohta on? Kulleroiden kukinta-aikaanko? Ja pilleröiden?
ellauri055.html on line 1378: No nyt on Olga vielä loppuun bylsimättä. Olga on kookas mustatukkainen ja mustakulmainen, Toopen venakko-Olgaa muistuttava leveävyötäröinen lyllerö. Tää taisi jäädä kouluajoilta Toopen mielivartalotyypixi. Miehen tiellä rojottava Almakin on persjalkainen, reisi jatkuu suoraan kenkään. Kookas hämäläinen talonpoika taisi olla Toope izekin. Ponu Rojola sanoo (asiantuntijana) että herras-Olgan bylsintä ilmaisee Toopen luokkakateutta. Maajussi ehkä mutta hauis on iso ja kullinvarsi hoikka. Ei tollainen piipunrassi kuin Brunius, joka ei kestä edes saunanlöylyjä. (Pirre Mannisen jussinaintiversiossa on tää sama klishee.)
ellauri055.html on line 1398: Tää kohta on ihan elämä ja teoxet: Lyyli on se Sikri, jonka isä lopulta kyllästyi Toopen visiitteihin ja sanoi: nai tyttö niin saatte multa lehmän, tai et, niin annan lehmän tytölle ja sulle turpiin. No naihan se. Tästä kirjasta saamillansa rahoilla. Semmoinen minä olen. En kiellä sitä. Sikri parka. Ei ois kannattanut.
ellauri058.html on line 115: Luisianan neekerien jälkeen vähemmistövuorossa on järviseudun ruozalaiset ja inkkarit. Hurrilokarit nai inkkarineitosia aika ennakkoluulottomasti ja opetti niille hirsimökin tekoa. Hiawathasta on ollut puhetta, ja Roopen pikkuinkkareista jotka puhuu Kalevalan mitalla.
ellauri060.html on line 280: Lopen uupunut ja ilmeisesti jo lopetettu teatteri (siirryt toiseen palveluun) osallistuu juhlavuoden viettoon esittämällä heinäkuussa Sajaniemen kesäteatterissa Elmon.
ellauri060.html on line 350: En tiä. Joku Lopen vihreä.
ellauri060.html on line 949: MeWe was founded by entrepreneur and privacy advocate Mark Weinstein, a cheerful, loquacious man and a self-satisfied libertarian. He’s friendly and open, with a horse voice that occasionally crackles with emotion, and he’s also prone to the occasional fit of bombast: “I’m one of the guys who invented gunpowder,” he cheerfully tells me at the start of our conversation.
ellauri060.html on line 996: Lue myös: Salamakäänne: Sofia Belórfista eronnut Stefan Therman laittoi ex-parin lemmenpesän myyntiin - muuttivat luksuskotiin vain 2 kuukautta sitten! Katso video talon sisältä! Lähinaapurit kertovat Seiskalle, että naapurustossa ollaan lopen kyllästyneitä vallitsevaan tilanteeseen. Stefun vanhaan uimahalliin remontoima äskettäin myyntiin laittama ökyasunto sijaitsee keskellä korkeaa kerrostalokompleksia, joten biletysääneet raikuvat komeasti pihan läpi ympärillä oleviin kerrostaloasuntoihin.
ellauri061.html on line 697: Dekadentit symbolistit dandyt sekoitti uskontoa pakanalliseen ja myyttiseen: Moreau Schopenhauer Baudelaire Goncourt Verlaine Mallarmé des Esseintes ja Hyusmans. "Nolo miellyttää, se on alhaista hienostusta." Ja kaikki tääkö vain sixet sakemannit valtas Pariisin? Pääpiirteissään niin. Napsun ajan laskukkaita olivat.
ellauri061.html on line 778: In the interview, Barak was asked whether he is a lobbyist that earns a living from "opening doors." The interviewer stated "You have arrived recently at the Kazakhstan despot Nazarbayev and the president of Ghana. You are received immediately." Barak confirmed that he has been received by these heads of state but denied earning money from opening doors for international business deals for Israeli and foreign corporations, and said he does not see any ethical or moral problems in his business activities. He further said there is no logic to demand of him, after "the natural process in democracy has ended" to not utilize the tools he accumulated in his career to secure his financial future. When asked if his financial worth is $10–15 million, Barak said "I'm not far from there."
ellauri064.html on line 89: This precious manuscript was lost together with Benjamin's life. Shortly thereafter, Franco reopened the border and collaborationist Vichy French authorities rescinded deportation orders to Germany. I shared this tragic story of almost preventable loss of luggage with suicidal patients; and it has made a difference.
ellauri064.html on line 210: Scolopendra gigantea on kotoisin Etelä-Amerikasta ja onkin toiselta nimeltään Amazonian giant centipede. Tarkemmin taitaa olla juoksujalkainen. Mix Stalin olis kirjottanut siitä runon? Taitaa olla apokryfinen.

ellauri064.html on line 211: Сколопе́ндры (лат. Scolopendra) — род губоногих многоножек из отряда сколопендровых (Scolopendromorpha). Гигантская сколопендра (Scolopendra gigantea)
ellauri064.html on line 213: opendra_gigantea.jpg/800px-Scolopendra_gigantea.jpg" width="20%" />
ellauri064.html on line 358: The Network for Dialogical Practices is an open platform for researchers, students and practitioners who want to help people in distress by full presence, responsiveness and human connection. The European Network for open dialogical practices started in 2008 to care for the legacy of Tom Andersen, Gianfranco Cecchin and Michael White who all passed away shortly one after another and to preserve their voices for the future generations.
ellauri065.html on line 500: ruputustuoli: Turun Ruskeassa Talossa sijaitseva kidutus- ja seksiväline, jossa miesvankia persraiskataan joko rankaisijan siittimellä tai tuoliin liitetyllä moottorisoidulla keinopeniksellä.
ellauri065.html on line 689: Loppukaneetissa Jaska tunnustaa että sen koko suku on paska, yhtään sotaveteraania. Juoppoja vankilalintuja ja vankileirin Lydia, Annikki Kallio. To the wall! Praise be. May the lord open. WTF-pommi-iskusta selvitään noudattamalla lajinomaista vittumaista käytöstä, kuluttamalla tuotteita ja palveluja. Niin aina.
ellauri066.html on line 522: The philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer mentioned schadenfreude as the most evil sin of human feeling, famously saying "To feel envy is human, to savor schadenfreude is diabolic." Sen voi hyvin uskoa, Artturi on tyypillinen kateellinen paskiainen, joka inhoo erikoisesti sitä, että muut on sille vahingoniloisia.
ellauri066.html on line 690: When the first wave of coronavirus swept through Europe, Tegnell kept Sweden open
ellauri066.html on line 692: When the first wave of coronavirus swept through Europe, Tegnell kept Sweden open
ellauri066.html on line 701: Panicked Britain locked down hard. Tegnell kept Sweden open — relying largely on public goodwill rather than tough new laws to fight the virus.
ellauri066.html on line 711: Gatherings of more than 50 were banned but Swedish schools for under-16s, restaurants, bars, gyms and hairdressers all stayed open. Tegnell said shutting borders was “ridiculous” and that there is “very little evidence” masks are effective.
ellauri066.html on line 719: Restaurants, bars, gyms and hairdressers all stayed open in Sweden
ellauri066.html on line 721: Restaurants, bars, gyms and hairdressers all stayed open in Sweden
ellauri066.html on line 729: Sporting one of the Tegnell T-shirts, student Isabell Håkansson, 26, says: “I’m happy everything is open and we’re not locked down.”
ellauri066.html on line 892: In an e-mail exchange between Tegnell and the head of the Finnish public-health agency, on March 14th and 15th, Tegnell suggested that keeping the schools open could help the young and healthy develop immunity sooner. His Finnish colleagues noted that their models found that closing schools would decrease the mortality rate among the elderly by ten per cent. Tegnell responded, “Ten percent might be worth it?” WTF.
ellauri067.html on line 573: Luku 2. Lopen pitkästyttävä meno jatkuu. En jaxa näitä pillunnälkäisiä solttuja. Rotanhampainen kipparikalle seikkailee seiloriasussa. Yhtä jännää vakoilutarinaa kuin Frederic Prokosch: Yö Lissabonissa jonka löysin poistohyllystä 2019. Ja yhtä feikkiä.
ellauri069.html on line 139: Balaclava helmet: A balaclava, also known as a balaclava helmet or Bally or ski mask, is a form of cloth headgear designed to expose only part of the face, usually the eyes and mouth. Depending on style and how it is worn, only the eyes, mouth and nose, or just the front of the face are unprotected. Versions with a full face opening may be rolled into a hat to cover the crown of the head or folded down as a collar around the neck. Sellanen ällöttävä roistomyssy.
ellauri069.html on line 572: The Romance of Helen Trent was a radio soap opera which aired on CBS from October 30, 1933 to June 24, 1960 for a total of 7,222 episodes. The show was created by Frank and Anne Hummert, who were among the most prolific producers during the radio soap era. The program opened with:
ellauri069.html on line 588: Backstage Wife is an American soap opera radio program that details the travails of Mary Noble, a girl from a small town in Iowa who came to New York seeking her future. Each episode opened with the announcer explaining:
ellauri072.html on line 192: Närgångna samtal om sexuella preferenser, frestelser och onani. Led oss inte till onani, åtminstone, frigör oss från biskopsfingrar. Den 70-årige ärkebiskopen Alberto Taveira Corrêa i staden Bethlehem i delstaten Paraiso ska ha invaggat sina offer i falsk trygghet för at sedan utsätta dem för sexuella övergrepp. Det är det här som heter grooming i yrkesjargongen.
ellauri072.html on line 194: En av offren var bara (?) 15 år, när det började hemma hos ärkebiskopen. När ärkebiskopen tog honom på könsorganen fick han höra att det var normalt, "sådant som man gör" i kretsarna (vilken krets var det nu hos Dante? Den sjunde, jfr Intermezzo.)
ellauri072.html on line 219: Mannen berättar vidare att han inte protesterade eftersom han (bögpiskopen) var en sådan auktoritet. Övergreppen blev allt mer regelbundna och aggressiva. När han till sist "brast" och "grät", blev arkebiskopen rosenrasande. Han slog näven i bordet och skällde ut katamiten för at ha "brustit" och "gråtit" så tidigt. Han sade åt snubben att han skulle uppföra sig som en man och visa lite styrka. Men det gick inte längre, snoppen var tom.
ellauri072.html on line 220: Ärkebiskopen själv har förnekat anklagerserna tre gånger, som en sorts Petrus Klibbtass. Andra brasilianska biskopar stöder honom. Bara hämndlust, säger dom. Hämnd på lust, kan man kanske säja.
ellauri072.html on line 314: Neljännen seinän rikkominen tarkoittaa näiden illuusioiden korvaamista toisilla. Elokuvassa päähenkilö saattaa yhtäkkiä puhutella suoraan kameraa (eli siis "muka" yleisöä, siis sinua NIIN! TARKOITAN JUURI SINUA! ÄLÄ YRITÄ PIILESKELLÄ! SINUT ON NÄHTY! joka löhööt sohvalla ja luet tätä paasausta just kännystä) tai kirjassa kirjailija ize tai jopa joku kirjan henkilö saattaa alkaa kommentoida juonenkulun epäloogisuutta. Tää on kyllä täynnä fiktiota koko paska, koska se "kirjailija"kin voi olla vaan joku "otaxuttu tekijä" tms viiden eri käärepaperin sisässä, tämmöisille kusetuxille on kirjallisuustieteessä silmittömästi eri nimiä. (Videopeleistä en viizi sanoa yhtään mitään, ne on niin lopen syvältä. "Olen pahoillani, mutta olen tallentanut videota siitä kun sä vedät käteen kazellessasi pornokuvia. Maxa X bitcoinia tälle tilille tai lähetän sen nauhoituxen sun soittolistalle. Terveisin Ahmed Ahne Bangla Deshistä." )
ellauri073.html on line 273: In the only cold open featuring Foley (April 15, 1995), the character attempts to motivate a pair of Venezuelan teens. Foley attempts to get through to them by motivating them in their native Spanish, saying “¡Yo vivo en van cerca de un rio!” However, the teenagers' father (Michael McKean) informs Matt that he and his children are fluent in English, to which Foley responds "¡Padre, dame un favor, y cállate su grande YAPPER!" The sketch again features Foley mocking his audience, breaking household objects, and somehow succeeding in his motivational goals.
ellauri074.html on line 163: The Perdue Farms company was founded in 1920 by Arthur Perdue and his wife, Pearl Perdue, who had been keeping a small flock of chickens. The company started out selling eggs, then in 1925, Perdue built the company's first hatchery, and began selling layer chicks to farmers instead of only eggs for human consumption. His son Frank Perdue joined the company in 1939 at age 19 after dropping out of college. The company was incorporated as A.W. Perdue & Son and Frank Perdue assumed leadership in the 1950s. The company also began contracting with local farmers to raise its birds and supplying chickens for processing as well as opening a second hatchery in North Carolina during this period. Perdue entered the grain and oilseed business by building grain receiving and storage facilities and Maryland's first soybean processing plant. In 1968, the company began operating its first poultry processing plant in Salisbury. This move had two effects: it gave Perdue Farms full vertical integration and quality control over every step from egg and feed to market, as well as increasing profits which were being squeezed by processors. This move enabled the company to differentiate its product, rather than selling a commodity. In 2013, Perdue was reportedly the third-largest American producer of broilers (chickens for eating) and was estimated as having 7% of the US chicken production market, behind Pilgrim's Pride and Tyson Foods. Perdue antoi kanalle nimen tuotteistamalla sen. Poules Perdues.
ellauri074.html on line 304: Cioran osasi hyvin saksaa. Nuoruudessaan hän opiskeli erityisesti Kantia, Schopenhaueria ja varsinkin Nietzscheä. Hänestä tuli agnostikko, ja hän otti tunnuslauseekseen ”olemassaolon harmillisuuden”. Nuoruudessa Cioraniin vaikuttivat suuresti myös Georg Simmel, Philipp Mainländer, Martin Heidegger, Wilhelm Dilthey ja Søren Kierkegaard sekä Lev Šestov, jonka ansiosta usko elämään sattumanvaraisuuteen tuli keskeiseksi osaksi Cioranin ajattelua. Cioran lopputyö yliopistossa käsitteli Henri Bergsonia (myöhemmin hän kuitenkin hylkäsi Bergsonin ajattelun ja oli sitä mieltä, ettei tämä ollut ymmärtänyt elämän traagisuutta).
ellauri074.html on line 306: Cioran parka luki siis useita ääliöitä. Kant, Schopenhauer ja varsinkin Nietzsche on ääliöitä, puhumattakaan Martin Heideggeristä, Wilhelm Diltheystä ja kyttyräselkäisestä Tanskan pojasta. Sestofiltistä ei vielä ole mitään havaintoa. Bergson oli täys huijari ja paska.
ellauri074.html on line 462: Vuonna 2005 Vasili erehtyi allekirjoittamaan antisemiittisen kirjelmän «Письмо 5000». The Letter of 5000 (Russian: Письмо‌ 5000), also known as the Letter of only 500 or the Letter of just 19 Deputies (Russian: Письмо 19 депутатов), was an open letter signed by 5,000 Russians, most significantly politicians, aimed at the Prosecutor-General of Russia. The Letter of 5,000 included sharp criticisms of Jews, Jewish leaders, and Jewish organisations, as well as calling for the investigation of the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch as a violation of the Criminal Code of Russia. The letter, published on 21 March 2005, attracted significant discussion in Russian and international media due to its demands, which were widely considered to be antisemitic.
ellauri077.html on line 205: Capitalism has made it so there’s a perpetual tidal wave of American culture crashing down around the globe. When The Force Awakens was released last December, it didn’t just open coast to coast across North America—it appeared in over 30 countries across five continents within its first week. When Dan Brown’s novel Inferno was released in 2013, it didn’t just sell out in every Costco in these 50 states: a team of 11 translators were locked away in a garret somewhere so that the book could have a simultaneous worldwide release. By early 2014 it was available in over 20 different languages.
ellauri077.html on line 544: With irony as our environment, we have been raised and conditioned to “distrust strong belief, open conviction,” writes Wallace.
ellauri078.html on line 147: Dickinson found the conventional religious wisdom the least compelling part of these arguments. From what she read and what she heard at Amherst Academy, scientific observation proved its excellence in powerful description. The writer who could say what he saw was invariably the writer who opened the greatest meaning to his readers. While this definition fit well with the science practiced by natural historians such as Hitchcock and Lincoln, it also articulates the poetic theory then being formed by a writer with whom Dickinson’s name was often later linked. In 1838 Emerson told his Harvard audience, “Always the seer is a sayer.”
ellauri078.html on line 246: In America now, free-speech partisans find themselves defending mainly racists shouting “nigger” or Nazis carrying swastikas or—most often—men looking at pictures of naked women with their legs spread open. (Ilmeisesti Dworkin tahmasi vaan Playboyn centerfoldeja. Ei ainakaan muuta tunnusta.)
ellauri080.html on line 119: Many contemporary personality psychologists believe that there are five basic dimensions of personality, often referred to as the "Big 5" personality traits. The five broad personality traits described by the theory are extraversion (also often spelled extroversion), agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and positivity (well, neuroticity, just this one expressed negatively, I don't know why).
ellauri080.html on line 126: You might find it helpful to use the acronym OCEAN (openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism) when trying to remember the big five traits. CANOE (for conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness, and extraversion) is another commonly used acronym. It also helps to count them with your fingers to make sure you did not forget anything.
ellauri080.html on line 133: openness">

ellauri080.html on line 308: One study of the genetic and environmental underpinnings of the five traits looked at 123 pairs of identical twins and 127 pairs of fraternal twins. The findings suggested that the heritability of each trait was 53 percent for extraversion, 41 percent for agreeableness, 44 percent for conscientiousness, 41 percent for neuroticism, and 61 for openness.
ellauri080.html on line 316: Studies have shown that maturation may have an impact on the five traits. As people age, they tend to become less extraverted, less neurotic, and less open to the experience. Agreeableness and conscientiousness, on the other hand, tend to increase as people grow older.
ellauri080.html on line 761: “There is more to life than increasing its speed.” After returning from Africa to India. Gandhi opened an ashram, which was supported by rich businessmen. However, when Gandhi allowed an untouchable into his ashram, the businessmen, who were orthodox Hindus, stopped giving money – causing the ashram financial difficulties. However, one businessman started giving money to Gandhi on the condition of anonymity.
ellauri083.html on line 336: For all their profusion, these paled in comparison with Sachs's newest display pieces: The Cabinet, 2014, and The Rockeths, 2017. The former was a folding case fashioned from orange-and-white striped barricades and festooned with hundreds of tools, hung in groups and inscribed with the names of individuals who have "inspired, influenced, or frightened" the artist--from Le Corbusier and Louis Kahn to the members of the Wu-Tang Clan--while the latter was less a cabinet than a kind of portable workbench and shelving unit, similarly jam-packed with the tools of the artist's trade, as well as a collection of model rockets, all again labeled to namecheck various figures of personal importance--scientists, musicians, artists; Apollo, Dionysus, Stringer Bell. The fetishistic frisson the assembled materials (pens, pliers, drill bits, tape measures) clearly provoke in Sachs was made even more explicit in McMasterbation, 2016, one of a trio of scale-model space modules arrayed on plinths. Featuring a copy of the legendarily comprehensive McMaster-Carr hardware catalogue spread open like a porn mag centerfold designed for lonely gearheads--alongside a ready supply of Vaseline and a handy tissue dispenser--it was part cathectic confession of objectophilia and part self-derogating indictment of his own work's tendencies toward sometimes masturbatory excess. Smart and stupid, funny and somehow a bit sad, it was classic Sachs: too much information, in every sense of the phrase.
ellauri083.html on line 362: Meditation with Tektite improves the powers of telepathy. In general, wearing Tektite promotes psychic sensitivity, expands the energy field, opens and cleanses the lower chakras, and facilitates shamanistic journeys. Jännä miten asiatieto ja huuhaa tulevat näin ihan sulassa sovussa. Mikäpä siinä jos ei ole päättelykonetta. Silloin p ja ei-p voivat elää rauhanomaista rinnakkaineloa.
ellauri083.html on line 434: Supposedly, NASA scientists and engineers puzzled over this problem until one of them opened the Bible to Joshua 10:12–14 and 2 Kings 20:8–11. The NASA personnel supposedly came to realize that their missing day could be explained by addition of nearly a day at the time of Joshua and an additional 40 minutes at the time of Hezekiah, thus proving that these biblical events actually occurred.
ellauri088.html on line 90: Voluntarismus [engl. voluntarism; lat. voluntas Wille], [EM, PHI], Lehre von der Bedeutung des Willens. Wundt entwickelte eine theoretische Konzeption der Willenstätigkeit (Willenshandlungen) und deren psych. Verbindung mit Sinneseindrücken, Gefühlen, Affekten und Vorstellungen zur Einleitung einer Handlung (Apperzeption). Von den aktiven und schöpferisch-synthetischen Apperzeptionsprozessen des Bewusstseins ausgehend sieht Wundt die einheitsstiftende Funktion in den Willensvorgängen und bewussten Zwecksetzungen der Handlungen. Auf der Grundlage seiner empirischen Ps. entwickelte er einen psych. Voluntarismus und erweiterte diesen später zu einem metaphysischen Voluntarismus (ähnlich Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz). Wundt hält allerdings daran fest, dass seine empir. Ps. unabhängig von den versch. Lehren der Metaphysik (u. a. Arthur Schopenhauers Voluntarismus) entstanden sei.
ellauri088.html on line 563: Mrs. P. arouses us.—George, the sluggard.—The “weather forecast” swindle.—Our luggage.—Depravity of the small boy.—The people gather round us.—We drive off in great style, and arrive at Waterloo.—Innocence of South Western Officials concerning such worldly things as trains.—We are afloat, afloat in an open boat.
ellauri088.html on line 579: Then we looked for the knife to open the tin with. We turned out everything in the hamper. We turned out the bags. We pulled up the boards at the bottom of the boat. We took everything out on to the bank and shook it. There was no tin-opener to be found.
ellauri088.html on line 581: Then Harris tried to open the tin with a pocket-knife, and broke the knife and cut himself badly; and George tried a pair of scissors, and the scissors flew up, and nearly put his eye out. While they were dressing their wounds, I tried to make a hole in the thing with the spiky end of the hitcher, and the hitcher slipped and jerked me out between the boat and the bank into two feet of muddy water, and the tin rolled over, uninjured, and broke a teacup.
ellauri089.html on line 96: When Robert A. Heinlein opened his Colorado Springs newspaper on April 5, 1958, he read a full-page ad demanding that the Eisenhower Administration stop testing nuclear weapons. The science fiction author was flabbergasted. He called for the formation of the Patrick Henry League and spent the next several weeks writing and publishing his own polemic that lambasted "Communist-line goals concealed in idealistic-sounding nonsense" and urged Americans not to become "soft-headed".
ellauri089.html on line 108: “[T]here seems to have been an actual decline in rational thinking. The United States had become a place where entertainers and professional athletes were mistaken for people of importance. They were idolized and treated as leaders; their opinions were sought on everything and they took themselves just as seriously—after all, if an entertainer is paid a million or more a year, he knows he is important ... so his opinions of foreign affairs and domestic policies must be important, too, even though he proves himself to be ignorant and subliterate every time he opens his mouth.”
ellauri090.html on line 124: Rubião tries to stay away from Sophia, but he finds an envelope addressed in Sophia’s handwriting to Carlos Maria. When he confronts her with the envelope, she tells him to open it. He refuses and leaves. Although Carlos Maria had flirted with Sophia, the envelope contains only a circular about a charitable committee on which Sophia serves.
ellauri090.html on line 189: Roope teki aikamoisen luokkaretken, muttei sentään aloittanut ihan tyhjästä niinkuin höyhenpukuinen kaimansa. Roopen perustamaan akatemiaan Pauli Kanikin halusi välttämättä ja lopulta huolittiinkin pitkin hampain kun se tunki ovesta iso rahatukko edellä.
ellauri090.html on line 321: Eipä arvattu Mono-pulloa pyöritellessä Ruoholahdessa kuinka lähellä siinä oltiin Roopen sydäntä. Tai ehkä Luu tiesikin muttei kertonut.
ellauri090.html on line 323: Há críticos que também se focam nos temas e elementos de existencialismo, reflexão e afins que essas obras possuem. De fato, a trilogia foi muito influenciada por filósofos como Blaise Pascal, Montaigne e Schopenhauer.
ellauri092.html on line 219: Methodism also can confidently claim roots that go back centuries; right back to John Wesley, who founded the movement in England, and later in North America. Wesley was unhappy with the “sleepy” faith of the Church of England and sought to bring renewal and revival and spirituality to the practice of Christians. He did this especially through open air preaching, and home meetings which soon formed into societies. By the end of the 18th century, Methodist societies were taking root in the American Colonies, and it soon spread across the continent.
ellauri092.html on line 227: Methodists believe that baptism is a sign of regeneration and new birth. And they accept all modes of baptism (sprinkling, pouring, immersion, etc.) as valid. Methodists are open to baptism of both those who confess faith themselves, and those whose parents or sponsors confess faith.
ellauri093.html on line 195: Some Chapels, on the other hand, will allow practically anyone to participate who walks in and says that he is a Christian, based on the newcomer's profession of faith. Such assemblies are said to have an "open table" approach to strangers. Gospel Hall Brethren, on the other hand, generally believe that only those formally recognised as part of that or an equivalent assembly should break bread. Most Closed and some Open Brethren hold that association with evil defiles and that sharing the Communion meal can bring that association.
ellauri093.html on line 460: Darwinin nurkassa pyyhki hikeä Hans Brøchner: Professor of Philosophy, Antagonist—and a Loving and Admiring Relative, Copenhagen Center for Subjectivity Research,
ellauri093.html on line 619: openlibrary.org/a/id/7270736-M.jpg" />
ellauri094.html on line 229: The exilic period was a rich one for Hebrew literature. Biblical depictions of the exile include Book of Jeremiah 39–43 (which saw the exile as a lost opportunity); the final section of 2 Kings (which portrays it as the temporary end of history); 2 Chronicles (in which the exile is the "Sabbath of the land"); and the opening chapters of Ezra, which records its end. Other works from or about the exile include the stories in Daniel 1–6, Susanna, Bel and the Dragon, the "Story of the Three Youths" (1 Esdras 3:1–5:6), and the books of Tobit and Book of Judith. The Book of Lamentations arose from the Babylonian captivity. The final redaction of the Pentateuch took place in the Persian period following the exile,:310and the Priestly source, one of its main sources, is primarily a product of the post-exilic period when the former Kingdom of Judah had become the Persian province of Yehud.
ellauri094.html on line 588: By the open tomb. Kuopan reunalla.
ellauri094.html on line 658: “Super Flumina Babylonis” celebrates the release of Italy from bondage in imagery that recalls the resurrection of Christ. The open tomb, the folded graveclothes, the “deathless face” all figure in this interesting poem that sings out, “Death only dies.” In “Quia Multum Amavit,” France, shackled by tyranny, is personified as a harlot who has been false to liberty. She has become “A ruin where satyrs dance/ A garden wasted for beasts to crawl and brawl in.” The poem ends with France prostrate before the spirit of Freedom, who speaks to her as Christ spoke to the sinful woman in the Pharisee’s house, in a tone of forgiveness.
ellauri094.html on line 725: The reason they must be exterminated is because they are genocidal and not open to peaceful coexistence.
ellauri095.html on line 57: The words “here/Buckle” which open the sestet mean “here in my heart,” therefore, as well as here in the bird and here in Jesus. Hopkins’s heart-in-hiding, Christ’s prey, sensed Him diving down to seize it for his own. Just as the bird buckled its wings together and thereby buckled its “brute beauty” and “valour”and capacity to “act,” so the speaker responds by buckling together all his considerable talents and renewing his commitment to the imitation of Christ in order to buckle down, buckle to, in serious preparation for the combat, the grappling, the buckling with the enemy. As Paul said, “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil.”
ellauri095.html on line 113: John Addington Symonds, who was one of the first to take up the term Uranian in the English language, was a student of Benjamin Jowett and was very familiar with the Symposium. Platonisten homopentujen käsikirja.
ellauri095.html on line 147: The image of the poet´s estrangement from God figures in "I wake and feel the fell of dark, not day", in which he describes lying awake before dawn, likening his prayers to "dead letters sent To dearest him that lives alas! away." The opening line recalls Lamentations 3:2: "He hath led me, and brought me into darkness, but not into light." "No Wurst, There is None" and "Carrion Comfort" are also counted among the "terrible sonnets".
ellauri095.html on line 518: The motif of the singing bird appears again in Gerard’s “Spring” (1877): “and thrush/Through the echoing timber does so rinse and wring/The ear, it strikes like lightnings to hear him sing.” The father’s attempt to represent what it is like to live in a bird’s environment, moreover, to experience daily the “fields, the open sky, /The rising sun, the moon’s pale majesty; /The leafy bower, where the airy nest is hung” was also one of the inspirations of the son’s lengthy account of a lark’s gliding beneath clouds, its aerial view of the fields below, and its proximity to a rainbow in “Il Mystico” (1862), as well as the son’s attempt to enter into a lark’s existence and express its essence mimically in “The Woodlark” (1876). A related motif, Manley’s feeling for clouds, evident in his poem “Clouds,” encouraged his son’s representation of them in “Hurrahing in Harvest’ (1877) and “That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire”(1888).
ellauri096.html on line 151: If paradoxes were always sets of propositions or arguments or conclusions, then they would always be meaningful. But some paradoxes are semantically flawed (Sorensen 2003b, 352) and some have answers that are backed by a pseudo-argument employing a defective “lemma” that lacks a truth-value. Kurt Grelling’s paradox, for instance, opens with a distinction between autological and heterological words. An autological word describes itself, e.g., ‘polysyllabic’ is polysllabic, ‘English’ is English, ‘noun’ is a noun, etc. A heterological word does not describe itself, e.g., ‘monosyllabic’ is not monosyllabic, ‘Chinese’ is not Chinese, ‘verb’ is not a verb, etc. Now for the riddle: Is ‘heterological’ heterological or autological? If ‘heterological’ is heterological, then since it describes itself, it is autological. But if ‘heterological’ is autological, then since it is a word that does not describe itself, it is heterological. The common solution to this puzzle is that ‘heterological’, as defined by Grelling, is not a genuine predicate (Thomson 1962). In other words, “Is ‘heterological’ heterological?” is without meaning. There can be no predicate that applies to all and only those predicates it does not apply to for the same reason that there can be no barber who shaves all and only those people who do not shave themselves.
ellauri096.html on line 259: Binkley’s account of the student’s hypothetical epistemic state on Thursday is compelling. But his argument for spreading the incredulity from the future to the past is open to three challenges.
ellauri096.html on line 289: Some people wear T-shirts with Question Authority! written on them. Questioning authority is generally regarded as a matter of individual discretion. The surprise test paradox shows that it is sometimes mandatory. The student is rationally required to doubt the teacher’s announcement even though the teacher has not given any evidence of being unreliable. Indeed, the student can foresee that their change of mind opens a new opportunity for surprise.
ellauri096.html on line 419: Obeesilla Akvinolaisen Tompalla oli ylösnoussut hevonen. Suomenhevosia on menossa teuraalle Suezin kanavalla. Nyt ne kuolevat kun kiinalainen konttilaiva tukkii kanavan. - Enminä niistä ole huolestunut sanoo MTKn mies vaan maataloustuottajien koneiden varaosista. Ne ovat nyt siellä jumissa. Wall-E:n näköinen kaivinkone, 1 yxinäinen karvakäsi hytissä, yrittää työntää 400m kokoista laivaa irti mudasta. Kohta sinne höyryää jenkkien sotalaivoja. No ei sentään, Wall-E sai sen irti lopulta. Ehkä Moosexen taikasauvasta lähti säteitä. Naku teinipoika tafsaa naista tissistä. Taiteilija Schopinin unelma. Mun corona-ajan kampaus on suht sama kuin Schopinin Moosexella. Schopen on saxaa ja tarkoittaa kolpakko. Olikohan Chopinit viinamäen miehiä.
ellauri096.html on line 597: Several of the parts begin with opening chapters in which the narrator directly addresses the reader, taunts the reader, or simply recounts the work thus far. For example, an early passage warns the reader not to continue:
ellauri097.html on line 34:

Schopenholic und Schwester


ellauri097.html on line 40: Pete Mencken digas Nietscheä ja Nietsche Schopenhaueria. Arttu oli pihi mies. Se kähmi Mutilta ja Schwesteriltä isän kokoaman perinnön, ne saivat elää puutteessa nukkavieruina, sillä aikaa kun Sope talutteli Frankfurtissa Atma-koiria ja syötti niille naudanfileetä.
ellauri097.html on line 65: As a scholar, Mencken is known for The American Language, a multi-volume study of how the English language is spoken in the United States. As an admirer of the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, he was an outspoken opponent of organized religion, theism, populism, and representative democracy, the last of which he viewed as a system in which inferior men dominated their superiors. Mencken was a supporter of scientific progress though he couldn´t find his arse with both hands. He was critical of osteopathy and chiropractic. He was also an open critic of economics. In a word: a royal pain in the ass.
ellauri097.html on line 438: If you are interested in a unique David Hume Turban for yourself, you can email the Edinburgh University Philosophy Society, who are offering a special promotion of £120 per hat (excl. Shipping&Handling). This offer will be open until August 1st.
ellauri097.html on line 571: Kirjallisuuden ympärille kasvanut kaupallinen, tekninen ja kulttuurinen infrastruktuuri, joka 1900-luvulla säädettiin palvelemaan tehokkuutta ja voimaa, tiedonvälityksen arvokkainta ydinvirtaa – kirjaa – tukee nyt hämärää, epäselvää ideaa, jonka on vaikea uskoa omaan oikeutukseensa. Kirjakaupat, offsetpainot, kirjasyksyt ja suuret arvovaltaiset kustantamot ovat menneisyyden instituutioita. Kuka muistaa ajan, jolloin kirja-ale oli suuri tapaus! Tammikuussa Helsingin Keskuskadulla jonotettiin kirjanhimosta väristen aamukahdeksalta. Nykyään ilmaishyllyistä ja kirjanvaihtopisteistä saa teoksia, oikeita kirjoja, klassikoita, kunnon niteitä, jotka eivät, räikeästi toisin kuin vielä 1990-luvulla, ole Valittujen palojen lyhennelmälukemistoja eivätkä bestsellereiden kirjakerhopainoksia. (Eihän kirjakerhojakaan enää ole. Ne menevät samaa tietä kuin boomerit, joiden ylitäydet lundiat tyhjenevät kirjastojen vaihtopenkille odottamaan turhaan peliaikoja. Buumerit on jättäneet ne tänne alas orvoixi ja liihottaneet ize taivaaseen.)
ellauri098.html on line 502:
Aristophanes, Simone de Beauvoir, Osama Bin Laden, Niels Bohr, Geoffrey Chaucer, Noam Chomsky, Alice Cooper, Leonard Cohen, Dante Alighieri, Fedor Dostojevski, Mahatma Gandhi, George Harrison, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Adolf Hitler, Carl Jung, M.L. King (taas), Marilyn Manson, Robert Mugabe, Plato, J.K. Rowling, Arthur Schopenhauer, Alexandr Solchenitsyn, Baruch Spinoza, Shirley Temple, Leo Tolstoi, Leon Trotsky, Garry Trudeau (Doonesbury), Ludi Wittgenstein, Mary Wollstonecraft, Imi Lo

ellauri099.html on line 69: Aika viattomalta tää nyt vaikuttaa, mutta silti vittu: viktoriaaneista oli vaarallista vilauttaa poikarakkauden romanttista puolta (josta jo Plato puhui kaunopuheisesti opensa Sokrateen äänitorvella, Sapphosta puhumattakaan, tai Eski Saarisesta). Hyi, sehän on vaan ällöttävää, kakkatouhuja. Pissapuolella on siivo puuhata. Aikalaista kriitikkoa lainaten:
ellauri099.html on line 95: SchopenhauerkoalasappiDysplastikerINFJ - Parantainen
ellauri099.html on line 179: Sometimes the less we know, the more space is open to the imagination. And the more we imagine, the less we care to know.
ellauri099.html on line 217: Looking now at the beautifully maintained site of the Lyceum, which is comparatively new by Athenian standards (as excavations only began in 1996, and it was opened to the public in 2014), we are only now beginning to form a proper picture of the plan, architecture and function of the Lyceum.
ellauri099.html on line 294: Tällä kertaa Roberto pieraisi, me kolme tyttöä haistelimme. Roopen lähdettyä Angela tarrasi kateellisesti käsivarteeni: "Teit vaikutuxen!" hän huudahti tekoinnoissaan. "Pötyä", sanoin tyytyväisenä kuin blondi elokuvassa Blondin kosto.
ellauri100.html on line 289: My personality is more aloof than openly empathic (see “Temperament”, below). Why, I cannot say. I do know that aloofness can be an avoidance mechanism for persons who are too easily overwhelmed by emotion. And I do have an emotional side that I usually avoid exposing to others. Let me just say that my ability to observe the human condition is not dulled by automatic empathy of the kind that I have seen so often in persons whose political views are based on nothing more than raw emotion. Nor am I animated by prolonged adolescent rebellion, guilt, or an inability to advance beyond collegiate leftism. I am self-aware and self-critical to a fault.
ellauri100.html on line 303: My intelligence was recognized at an early age, but its use was not much stimulated by my parents or the K-12 schools I attended. Only when I went to college was I “stretched”, and then the stretching came mostly at my initiative (unassigned reading and long, solitary sessions working through academic theories). The stretching — which was episodic during my working career — continues to this day, in the form of blogging on subjects that require research, careful analysis, and self-criticism of what I have produced. Self-criticism is central to my personality (see next) and leaves me open to new ideas (see next after that). Like religion. Next I am thinking of becoming a Trotskyist.
ellauri100.html on line 315: The urban riots that followed the murder of Martin Luther King Jr. opened my eyes to the futility of LBJ’s social tinkering. I saw at once that plowing vast sums into a “war” on black poverty would be rewarded with a lack of progress, sullen resentment, and generations of dependency on big brother in Washington. (Regarding the possibility that I am a racial bigot, see the note at the bottom of this page. If you don't care to read that far, yes, I am a racial bigot, and how.)
ellauri100.html on line 317: At about the same time, my eyes were opened fully to the essential incompetence of government by LBJ’s inept handling of the war in Vietnam. (Gradualism, phooey — either fight to win or get out.)
ellauri100.html on line 391: Persons who choose closure over open options are likely to be the judging types. Persons preferring to keep things open and fluid are probably the perceiving types. The J is apt to report a sense of urgency until he has made a pending decision, and then he can be at rest once the decision has been made. The F person, in contrast, is more apt to experience resistance to making a decision, wishing that more data could be accumulated as the basis for the decision. As a result, when a P person makes a decision, he may have a feeling of uneasiness and restlessness, while the J person, in the same situation, may have a feeling of ease and satisfaction.
ellauri100.html on line 910: Lizzie with an open heart,
ellauri100.html on line 1144: Would not open lip from lip
ellauri100.html on line 1296: Algirdaxen iskä Julius 1882–1942 oli ope ja yleni koulutarkastajaxi. Se oli kotoisin suvakkien alueelta Liettuasta. Algirdaxen äiskä Konstancija Greimienė oli 4v nuorempi sihteerikkö. Ne asui alux Tulassa Ryssissä, mutta karkasivat sieltä vallankumouxen tullessa. Algirdas puhui pelkkää liettuaa ennen koulua. Koulussa se oppi ranskaa ja saxaa ja lukiossa luki Nietscheä ja Schopenhaueria, voi ei. Se vaihtoi koulua kuin mustalainen paitaa, ja päätyi lukemaan lakia Konowiiin (Kaunas), mistä se ajelehti lingvistiikkaan. Se valmistui Grenoblesta 1939 murretutkimuxella. Kun 2. maailmansota alkoi se joutui kuzuntoihin Liettuaan.
ellauri101.html on line 160: Tässon vielä 1 psykometrinen sivusto: openpsychometrics.org/">https://openpsychometrics.org. Siellä on tämmönen "Mikä fiktiivinen hahmo olet" testi. Voisko se tuoda kivaa lisäinfoa? Sivun ylläpitäjän miälestä tuloxet siitä on ihan rändömejä. No tushkin sentään! Testin pitkän version mukaan mä muistutan vähiten Frozenin Elsaa, paavia, Tolkienin Samgeetä ja Potterin Dumbledorea. Eniten mä muistutan Moaning Myrtleä (kekäs se oli?), Klonkkua ja Crusty the Clownia. Siis nää on ainoat tarjotuista samis hahmoista joista mä oon edes kuullut.
ellauri101.html on line 182: Asiat eivät välttämättä tapahdu heti mutta ne tapahtuvat varmasti kunhan yrität tarpeexi. Jos ne eivät tapahdu et yrittänyt tarpeexi. Just nii ikivanha vizi. Jos et saanut niin et ihan aikuisten oikeasti halunnut. Lääke nukuttaa koska siinä on virtus dormitiva. Osta tästä nukuttava lääke. Vitun käärmeöljykauppias lumoaa hiirulaisia kuin Schopenhauer kalansilmineen.
ellauri102.html on line 73: Back in the classroom open you books
ellauri102.html on line 359: Sehän se oli jenkkivaltioiden viesti tyhmälle etelälle: on tyhmä omistaa orjia kun voi ostaa vaan niiden elinmehut aivan sikahalvalla. Niinpä sitten riistäjät pallottelee toisilleen näitä puntteja kuin paahdettuja kastanjoita, kunnes ne päätyy lopulta johkin vaihtopenkille jonka senkin ne saa maxaa ize.
ellauri106.html on line 434: Roth’s works have no Talmud, no Jewish philosophy, no mysticism, no religion, and as a self-professed atheist, Roth has consistently opted against reinforcing the tenets of Judaism as an author such as eg Cynthia Ozick does (whodat?). Roth writes out of hatred more often than not, and his work is open to the charge of anti-Semitism.
ellauri106.html on line 531: Confident from its victory over Fascism and emboldened by the subsequent economic boom, America jelled behind what social theorist Jeffrey Alexander has called modernization or romantic liberalism. As has been the case throughout much of Roth’s career, the socio-political touchstone of his American Trilogy is the “patriotic war years” and the consensus culture that blossomed immediately afterward. “Everything was in motion,” Zuckerman says in the opening pages of American Pastoral. “The lid was off. Americans were to start over again, en masse, everyone in it together”. Reagan-propagandaa.
ellauri107.html on line 244: Claggart’s repressed, closeted attraction to Billy finds parallels with some interpretations of Hawthorne’s evident spurning of Melville’s too intimate attentions and Hawthorne’s character in The Blithedale Romance Coverdale’s similar rejection of the invitation from Holingsworth to be his “friend of friends, forever.” For Melville, Hawthorne’s Arthur Dimmesdale’s agonizing acknowledgement of adultery must have seemed a stunning parallel with what later generations would term “coming out of the closet.” Whether Hawthorne himself were a closeted gay man, it is clear that Melville was relatively open in his affections for the senior author and that those affections were somehow turned away and seem to have left a wound that never fully healed. The evils of the closet constitute a subtext in Billy Budd that may well have brought to its author’s mind the sad sundering of his closeness with Nathaniel Hawthorne.
ellauri107.html on line 262: Cohn always denied his homosexuality in public, however, in private he was open about his sexual orientation with a few select friends. He had several long-term boyfriends over the course of his life, including a man called Russell Eldridge who died from AIDS in 1984, and for the last two years of his life, Cohn was partnered to a man 30 years his junior called Peter Fraser. Fraser inherited Cohn's house in Manhattan after Cohn died from AIDS in 1986.
ellauri107.html on line 513: Babbitt looked up irritably from the comic strips in the Evening Advocate. They composed his favorite literature and art, these illustrated chronicles in which Mr. Mutt hit Mr. Jeff with a rotten egg, and Mother corrected Father's vulgarisms by means of a rolling-pin. With the solemn face of a devotee, breathing heavily through his open mouth, he plodded nightly through every picture, and during the rite he detested interruptions. Furthermore, he felt that on the subject of Shakespeare he wasn't really an authority. Neither the Advocate-Times, the Evening Advocate, nor the Bulletin of the Zenith Chamber of Commerce had ever had an editorial on the matter, and until one of them had spoken he found it hard to form an original opinion. But even at risk of floundering in strange bogs, he could not keep out of an open controversy.
ellauri108.html on line 112: There is no uniform Rasta view on race. Black supremacy was a theme early in the movement, with the belief in the existence of a distinctly black African race that is superior to other racial groups. While some still hold this belief, non-black Rastas are now widely accepted in the movement. Rastafari's history has opened the religion to accusations of racism. Cashmore noted that there was an "implicit potential" for racism in Rasta beliefs but he also noted that racism was not "intrinsic" to the religion. Some Rastas have acknowledged that there is racism in the movement, primarily against Europeans and Asians. Some Rasta sects reject the notion that a white European can ever be a legitimate Rasta. Other Rasta sects believe that an "African" identity is not inherently linked to black skin but rather is about whether an individual displays an African "attitude" or "spirit".
ellauri108.html on line 133: Some Rastas have promoted activism as a means of achieving socio-political reform, while others believe in awaiting change that will be brought about through divine intervention in human affairs. In Jamaica, Rastas typically do not vote, derogatorily dismissing politics as "politricks", and rarely involve themselves in political parties or unions. The Rasta tendency to believe that socio-political change is inevitable opens the religion up to the criticism from the political left that it encourages adherents to do little or nothing to alter the status quo. Other Rastas do engage in political activism; the Ghanaian Rasta singer-songwriter Rocky Dawuni for instance was involved in campaigns promoting democratic elections, while in Grenada, many Rastas joined the People's Revolutionary Government formed in 1979.
ellauri108.html on line 147: One of the central activities at groundings is "reasoning". This is a discussion among assembled Rastas about the religion's principles and their relevance to current events. These discussions are supposed to be non-combative, although attendees can point out the fallacies in any arguments presented. Those assembled inform each other about the revelations that they have received through meditation and dream. Each contributor is supposed to push the boundaries of understanding until the entire group has gained greater insight into the topic under discussion. In meeting together with like-minded individuals, reasoning helps Rastas to reassure one another of the correctness of their beliefs. Rastafari meetings are opened and closed with prayers. These involve supplication of God, the supplication for the hungry, sick, and infants, and calls for the destruction of the Rastas' enemies, and then close with statements of adoration.
ellauri108.html on line 152: Nyabinghi Issemblies typically take place in rural areas, being situated in the open air or in temporary structures—known as "temples" or "tabernacles"—specifically constructed for the purpose. Any elder seeking to sponsor a Nyabinghi Issembly must have approval from other elders and requires the adequate resources to organise such an event. The assembly usually lasts between three and seven days. During the daytime, attendees engage in food preparation, ganja smoking, and reasoning, while at night they focus on drumming and dancing around bonfires. Nyabinghi Issemblies often attract Rastas from a wide area, including from different countries. They establish and maintain a sense of solidarity among the Rasta community and cultivate a feeling of collective belonging. Unlike in many other religions, rites of passage play no role in Rastafari; on death, various Rastas have been given Christian funerals by their relatives, as there are no established Rasta funeral rites.
ellauri108.html on line 242: The Twelve Tribes of Israel were founded in 1968 in Kingston by Vernon Carrington. He proclaimed himself the reincarnation of the Old Testament prophet Gad and his followers call him "Prophet Gad", "Brother Gad", or "Gadman". It is commonly regarded as the most liberal form of Rastafari and the closest to Christianity. Practitioners are often dubbed "Christian Rastas" because they believe Jesus is the only saviour; Haile Selassie is accorded importance, but is not viewed as the second coming of Jesus. The group divides its members into twelve groups according to which Hebrew calendar month they were born in; each month is associated with a particular colour, body part, and mental function. Maintaining dreadlocks and an ital diet are considered commendable but not essential, while adherents are called upon to read a chapter of the Bible each day. Membership is open to individuals of any racial background.
ellauri108.html on line 381: I know Jah will provide, Benjy says with certainty. When that truth came I had no money, no job, no food. The child, my child, is crying and crying, my wife can't shut him up. As a matter of fact, she schedaadled. Just vamoosed. I am so vexed I can't pray no more. So I open the door and look to the sea. There I see a boat with three fishermen in it. The men are fishing but there is no space in the boat for another person. Out there on the sea, the waves are tall. Behind that boat, I see someone swimming. A little boy swimming along after the boat. I am wondering why the fishermen don't stop to pick up the boy in such a rough sea. But then I come to an understandingand it is Jah who put this idea into my head. That little boy's job is to dive for the fish traps, bring them up from the bottom. He is diving in that rough, rough sea for fish traps, and raising them up, all heavy with saltwater, all by himself. Just a little boy, too. Maybe ten years old. But so strong. Sometimes the sea cover him. I wouldn't see him or the boat. Then they would bounce him back into the sea.
ellauri109.html on line 328: However, shortly before being beheaded, he opens the amulet on his neck containing the papers regarding the House of Saxony and swallows them. The Elector of Saxony is so distressed by this act that he faints, and Kohlhaas is beheaded shortly, feeling two foot sho-o-o-rt.
ellauri109.html on line 330: What the fuck just open up the corpse and retrieve the papers. The plot simply sucks. Kleist was clearly not the sharpest pencil in the box.
ellauri109.html on line 661: Obit anus abit onus. Kuoli akka väistyi taakka. (Arthur Schopenhauer)
ellauri109.html on line 817: So last year the government of Benjamin Netanyahu decided to open up most of the archives of the public inquiries and put them online.
ellauri109.html on line 851: She always feared losing him and so, out of respect for his adoptive parents, it was only after they died that Yehuda opened his adoption file.
ellauri111.html on line 699: "Contemplative" prayer is essentially an old occult technique adjusted to the ignorant church people. It can bring up that yoga kundalini serpent power. With open eyes, one can see this type of technique being magnified in society--I saw a book for magic in a place for shipping goods and for photocopies, office supplies, etc. I looked on the back of the book, it was the same technique as the church people are using. This is spreading like wildfire and not just amongst false (or extremely ignorant) brethren, it is throughout society. Revelation 13:8 teaches us that all people who are not in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world will worship the beast. Revelation 13:4 says that all the world will worship the dragon which gave power unto the beast--we learn from Revelation 12 that THE DRAGON IS SATAN. In the ecumenical movement (all the religions getting together in "peace") and under a "meditative" spirituality, Hindus, Buddhists, Roman Catholics, church people, atheists, Muslims, cabalists, new agers, etc. can get together and have a "meditation" session with no problems. This is not for the future, it is already happening, I picked up a brochure about some sessions while at a library. In Contemplative prayer, church people are calling the devil by the Lord's name. I read that many of them will not listen to the scriptures when confronted with the truth--they do not know the Lord's voice, they are not his sheep. Worldly people are under the devil and they despise holiness and speak against it as "legalism" or even as heresy or false doctrine. I have seen extreme antinomianism in Baptist churches. They derisively call work-out-your-own-salvation-with-fear-and-trembling discipleship "Lordship salvation". If a person does not obey the Lord, they are not saved. The reader may wish to see our article, Lordship Salvation.
ellauri111.html on line 709: Look around, the more the leaders make plans, the worse things get--child abuse, drug addiction, abortion, murders, shoplifting, lying, compulsive disorders, broken families, directionless young people, mind-killing school system, panic attacks, reprobate mind laws, denying God and his word, etc. This thing called time is coming to an end. The heavens above and the earth beneath that you see before your eyes are going to be burned up completely and dissolved. The day of the Lord is coming and we will all stand before God at the final judgment and the books are going to be opened. We will all be there--including all the dead people...they won't be left out--nobody will be left out.
ellauri111.html on line 712: 12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.

ellauri111.html on line 741: I have been in kundalini awkening for 10 years by a so called healer . I was very sick . So I went to a healer. Well she happened to be a shaman yogi I was only 24 years old I have been fighting for my life ever since the kundalini rose I can't even begin to tell you ...they say once you open your kundalini you can't shut It well I have not been able to shut mine... Yoga is a very sick religion and spiritually you feel dead you were right when you said nothing good comes from Yoga. Guru 's are extremly dangerous individuals. Let Christians know it could hurt your faith even just the excercise...
ellauri112.html on line 189: Kaikki tämä kuitenkin lisäyksellä kenties. Päinvastainen tulos on yhtä mahdollinen; ehkäpä kaiken tuon pyrkimyksen tuloksena on tyhjyys; ehkäpä totuus on masentava... On puhuttu niin paljon Renanin »skeptillisyydestä». Jotka tahtovat olla oikein moderneja, hekkumoivat niillä »Dyb af Skepsis» (Brandes), joita he näkevät Renanin harmittomimpienkin ajatusten alla. Muistuu mieleen »keisarin uudet vaatteet» ... Vastakkainen leiri näkee tässä epäilyssä, tässä hiljaisessa hymyssä, törkeää rienausta. Mutta oikeastaan Renan on »skeptikko» vain siksi, että hän niin mielellään tutkistelee asioita, joihin ei ajatuksemme anna mitään lopullista vastausta, joihin nähden vapaasti liikkuva pro et contra on ylin viisaus. Taasen syy siihen, että Renan alituisesti palaa uudelleen tutkistelemaan elämän ja maailman mahdollisuuksia ja tulevaisuuden perspektiivejä, vaikkei hän koskaan pääse pitemmälle kuin noihin »ehkä» ja »kenties», on luullakseni haettava hänen uskonnollisesta »dilettantismistaan». Lapsuutensa ja nuoruutensa hartaasta ja ylevästä katoolisuudesta vieraantui Renan vain järkensä, ei koskaan tunteensa puolesta. Syvä kaipaus, jolla hän jätti Saint Sulpicen seminaarin, ei hänessä koskaan sammunut. Mikään mahdollisuus ei hänelle myöhäiseen vanhuuteensa saakka ollut rakkaampi ajatella kuin se, että uskonto sittenkin olisi tosi. Viimeiseen saakka koettaa hän tieteellisesti ymmärrettyyn maailmankuvaan sovittaa uskonnollisia käsitteitä, Jumala, ylösnousemus, kuolemattomuus. Tämä alituinen ja yhä uudistuva askarteleminen perspektiivien kanssa, joista hän kuitenkin kerran on luopunut, on yhteydessä Renanin luonteen päättämättömyyden kanssa. Tämä päättämättömyys oli hänessä niin silmiinpistävä, että hänen vanha ystävänsä Berthelot saattaa epäillä olisiko Renan koskaan lopullisesti rikkonut väliänsä kirkon kanssa, ellei hänellä olisi ollut tukenaan sisarensa Henriette, voimakas, päättäväinen, syvä luonne, joka kaukaa lähettämillään kirjeillä auttoi Renanin seuraamaan vakaumustaan. Palatakseni takaisin käsitteisiin »nisus» ja »élan vital», on sanottava että ne eivät toisistaan eroa vain siinä, että edellinen on latinaa, jälkimäinen ranskaa! Renanin »nisus» laahaa alituisesti liepeissään tuote »ehkä» ja »kenties ei kuitenkaan». Renan on alituisesti tietoinen siitä, että metafyysillinen filosofia on pelkkää runoilua, mielikuvituksen leikkiä, jolla on tosin lakastumaton viehätyksensä, mutta joka on otettava cum grano salis. »Renanismin» rinnalla on »bergsonismi» karkeasti dogmaatinen. Empimättä uskoo Bergson metafyysillisiin kangastuksiinsa, jotka runollisen mielikuvituksen näkyinä kieltämättä ovat mukaansatempaavan kauniit.-- Kolmas yhtymäkohta Renanin ja Bergsonin välillä on kenties kaikista mieltäkiinnittävin. Se koskee spekulatiivisen järjen kantavuutta tiedonlähteenä ja spekulatiivisen tiedon arvoa. Renanin käsitys filosofian olennosta ja tehtävästä on kenties hieman huojuva. Mutta siinä suhteessa on se selvä, että hänen mielestään spekulatiivinen filosofia, jolla muka on oma tiedelähteensä ja omat metodinsa, on vähänarvoinen. Kaikki suuret filosofit ovat olleet suuria tiedemiehiä; Aristoteles, Descartes, Leibniz, Kant tiesivät kaiken, mitä heidän vuosisatansakin. Ne ajat taas, jolloin filosofia on muuttunut »spesialiteetiksi», ovat olleet sen alennuksen kausia. Sellainen oli myöhempi kartesiolaisuus (Malebranche), sellainen Renanin nuoruudessa Saksan spekulatiivinen idealismi. Meidän aikanamme näyttävät pitkin koko rintamaa tieteet, joko historialliset tai luonnontieteet, olevan määrätyt ottamaan vastaan filosofian perinnön. Filosofian täytyy tulla tieteelliseksi, ellei se tahdo tulla Penelopen kankaaksi, jota lakkaamatta ja aina turhaan aletaan uudelleen. Ja Renan uskoo, että sensijaan kuin edellisinä vuosisatoina luonnontieteet tuottivat parhaan aineiston filosofisille aateskeluille, »historia on meidän aikamme todellinen filosofia» (Essais de morale et de critique, s. 83).
ellauri112.html on line 591: Native Chicago suburban writer Diablo Cody on Buffalo Bill muutenkin kuin nimeltä. Klisheepuhveleita kaatuu kuin hehtaaripyssyllä, bullshttiä piisaa enemmän kuin jaxaa syödä. Diablo Cody’s script contains her trademarked witticisms and dry humor. Cody’s quick-witted screenplay highlights an open disdain for hipsters.
ellauri115.html on line 389: In the year 1766 Rousseau had just cause to fear for his life. For more than three years he had been a refugee, forced to move on several times. His radical tract, The Social Contract, with its famous opening salvo, "Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains", had been violently condemned. Even more threatening to the French Catholic church was Émile, in which Rousseau advocated denying the clergy a role in the education of the young. An arrest warrant was issued in Paris and his books were publicly burned. "A cry of unparalleled fury" went up across Europe. "I was an infidel, an atheist, a lunatic, a madman, a wild beast, a wolf ..."
ellauri115.html on line 394: Hume was immensely proud of his upright reputation; one might say he gloried in his goodness. In 1776, close to death from bowel cancer, he summarised his life in a short, unrevealing essay. He was, he wrote, "a man of mild disposition, of command of temper, of an open, social, and cheerful humour, capable of attachment, but little susceptible of enmity, and of great moderation in all my passions".
ellauri115.html on line 431: Voltaire issued an invitation to Rousseau to come and reside with him, commenting that: "I shall always love the author of the 'Vicaire savoyard' whatever he has done, and whatever he may do...Let him come here [to Ferney]! He must come! I shall receive him with open arms. He shall be master here more than I. I shall treat him like my own son."
ellauri115.html on line 836: At another time Racine took La Fontaine to church, and gave him a Bible, which he opened at the prayer of the Jews in Baruch; becoming interested in the book, which he had perhaps never opened before, he asked his friend, “Who was this Baruch? He was a fine genius!” For some time afterwards his salutation to friends was, “Have you read Baruch?”—LAROUSSE: Fleurs Historiques.
ellauri117.html on line 316: `At any rate, one feels freer and more open now -- and that is what we want.'
ellauri117.html on line 456: Schopenhauerin Atman-koira
ellauri118.html on line 714: And Heav´n all open to his view ; Sieltä näkyi sille Taivaan näkymät-
ellauri118.html on line 953: "At some point you find out Serena Joy is not sterile," Miller said. "If it's the Commander [who is sterile] and Serena could be fertile, that opens up a whole lot of doors for us story-wise. When you work in TV, you're always trying to think of just filling up your bag with tennis balls because you don't know when you're going to have to play tennis with them. You always want all sorts of interesting stuff to be happening."
ellauri119.html on line 442: In Hinduism, kāma is pleasurable, sexual love, personified by the god Kamadeva. For many Hindu schools, it is the third end (Kama) in life. Kamadeva is often pictured holding a bow of sugar cane and an arrow of flowers; he may ride upon a great parakeet. The philosophical work Narada Bhakti Sutras, written by an unknown author (presumed to be Narada), distinguishes eleven forms of love. Kama Sutra has more. Gaudiya Vaishnavas who worship Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the cause of all causes consider Love for Godhead (Prema) to act in two ways: sambhoga and vipralambha (union and separation), like Empedocles' love and strife, attraction and repulsion, in and out in ever faster succession. Radha is considered to be the internal potency of Krishna, and is the supreme lover of Godhead. Her example of love is considered to be beyond the understanding of material realm as it surpasses any form of selfish love or lust that is visible in the material world. The reciprocal love between Radha (the supreme lover) and Krishna (God as the Supremely Loved) is the subject of many poetic compositions in India such as the Gita Govinda and Hari Bhakti Shuddhodhaya, and a lot of chanting, tinkling little bells and opening and closing of musical doors.
ellauri119.html on line 456: Hippo of Augustine thought the holy ghost was the gluon that kept the other two quarks together, top and bottom, strange and charm, bad and good policeman. love is another attractive force, if you will. May the force be with you, but never underestimate the power of the dark side of the force. Under his eyes. May the lord open. "The dystopian drama has exceeded the natural lifespan of its story, as it plows forward with nothing new to say, tinkling cymbals and sounding brass." "There came a point during the first episode where, for me, it became too much." Lisa Miller of The Cut wrote: "I have pressed mute and fast forward so often this season, I am forced to wonder: 'Why am I watching this'? It all feels so gratuitous, like a beating that never ends."
ellauri119.html on line 772: openculture.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Ayn-Rand-1981.jpg" />
ellauri132.html on line 429:
  • opener noreferrer">Kirjailijoiden intiimejä paikkoja

  • ellauri132.html on line 430:
  • opener noreferrer">Kirjailijoiden rumia eleitä

  • ellauri132.html on line 431:
  • opener noreferrer">500 rumaa sanaa niiden sexikohtauxiin

  • ellauri132.html on line 432:
  • opener noreferrer">Kirjailijoiden ällöjä sexiääniä

  • ellauri132.html on line 433:
  • opener noreferrer">Kirjailijoiden ruumiinosia

  • ellauri132.html on line 434:
  • opener noreferrer">Kirjailijoiden rumia ilmeitä

  • ellauri132.html on line 573: her mouth fell open hiänen suunsa putosi auki
    ellauri133.html on line 63:

    The most important sentence of your novel is the first one. The most important paragraph is the first one. The most important page... well, you get the idea. Without a great opening, no-one will read your book. Fuck you! If your readers are so wimpy fuck them too!

    ellauri133.html on line 64:

    Your opening has to do a lot of different things. It has to establish the setting. Think of this as the camera planing over the outside of the spaceship, or across the crowded ballroom. Fuck I will! That's for idiots who cannot read but want to watch ABC TV. You know where you can stick that camera of yours and take inside belfies.

    ellauri133.html on line 65:

    It has to introduce your main character. You don't have to go into details, but you need enough to show if the MC is male or female, old or young, and ideally, give an idea of their personality. The opening has to show, or at least hint at, the inciting incident, the problem that starts the story for the MC. Most important, your opening has to grab the reader. Very few people have the patience to wade through pages of description before the action starts. Work on the first paragraph, and particularly the first line, until no-one can resist reading on. So, a few ways to get it wrong. Fuck the main character! This too is just for narcissist nincompoops who can't read about anything but themselves.

    ellauri133.html on line 66:

    Weather. There is a reason “It was a dark and stormy night” is considered the worst opening line ever. There is no good reason. Lytton may be a crappy writer but it's not because of the first sentence, but the rest.

    ellauri133.html on line 77:

    Alarm clock. Possibly the worst opening of all: “I groaned as the alarm went off. Oh no, I’m late, I thought to myself. I got up, and put on my blue denims, and my cute pink top...” Never miss an opportunity for random misogyny! Anyway, look at the beginnings of world lit classics. You would have ended up mutilating most of them, turning them to more episodes of Paw Patrol.

    ellauri133.html on line 83:

    Have you ever watched American Idol or X factor at the audition stage? Then you'll know the way you can usually tell within five notes if the singer is actually able to sing and is likely to go through. It's the same with writing. Any writer who can't manage a decent opening is not likely to get much better a hundred pages on. Whining for a second chance because "I sing a lot better in the second verse" (or "The second chapter is really good") doesn't fool anyone. What an idiot. There are lots of books that start out slow but grow on you. But fuck you, you're just such an idiot that hardly has the patience to spell laboriously through the title. Right into the garbage can from the Amazon box if the cover does not please. Your kind had better just watch Netflix or HBO, or reruns of American Idiots and X Position.

    ellauri133.html on line 868: According to Jackson's detractors, her marriage was plagued by Hyman's infidelities, notably with his students, and she reluctantly agreed to his proposition of maintaining an open relationship. Hyman also controlled their finances (meting out portions of her earnings to her as he saw fit), despite the fact that after the success of "The Lottery" and later work she earned far more than he did.
    ellauri141.html on line 388: Heus puer, digitos ex anu. St Jerome modelled an uncompromising response to the pagan Horace, observing: "What harmony can there be between Christ and the Devil? What has Horace to do with the Psalter?" The first English translator Thomas Drant placed translations of Jeremiah and Horace side by side in Medicinable Morall, 1566. The Scot George Buchanan paraphrased the Psalms in a Horatian setting. John Keats echoed the opening of Horace's Epodes 14 in the opening lines of Ode to a Nightingale. Byron's famous lines from Childe Harold (Canto iv, 77) hit it on the nail:
    ellauri142.html on line 53: At the opening of the novel, Markku is a young man who has recently returned to Russia to seek a career after completing his education abroad. Although a well-meaning, kind hearted young man, he is awkward and out of place in the Russian high society in whose circles he starts to move. Markku, though intelligent, is not dominated by reason, as his friend Prince Andrei Nikolayevich Balkongsky is. His lack of direction leads him to fall in with a group of profligate young men like Anatole Kuragin and Dolokhov whose pranks and heavy drinking cause mild scandals. After a particularly outrageous escapade in which a policeman is strapped to the back of a bear and thrown into a river, Markku is sent away from St. Petersburg. What happened to the poor bear?
    ellauri142.html on line 108: The United States Masons, otherwise known as The Freemasons, were a highly political society in the 1700s. The first US lodge was opened in 1730 in New Jersey, where they initiated early plans and strategies used to fight the British. With its growing vault of secrets, expanding political influence, and stealth missions, it was an exciting time to be a Freemason.
    ellauri142.html on line 174: While some lodges have a regionalized, secret lexicon, the most famous secret Masonic word is “Ma-ha-boner,” or “Mahabone.” This word is commonly known to mean “The lodge doors are open.”
    ellauri142.html on line 289: Usko tai älä, Vedätyxet on 25Kv vanhoja. Tuli sitä taikka tätä, älä vetämättä jätä. Vedätyxet panivat riitaisan ja katkeroittuneen A. Schopenhauerinkin jonkinlaiseen kuriin. Koalan miälestä "sen jokainen rivi on täynnä vakavaa, määrätietoista ja kauttaaltaan yhteenliittyvää merkitystä. Jokaisesta rivistä astuu vazaamme syvä, alkuperäinen, majesteetillinen ajatus, samaan aikaan kuin korkea ja pyhä vakavuus leijailee kokonaisuuden yli. Tässä huokuu Intian sisäilma ja alkuperäinen, luonnonomainen olemus; sekä se, kuinka täällä henki tulee puhdistetuksi kaikista varhain ympätyistä, juutalaisesta taikauskosta syntyneistä, noista hengelle vieraista, ylvästelevistä filosofioista. Se on opettavaisinta ja vängintä lukemista, jota (lukuun ottamatta mun omaa tekstiä) on mahdollista saada maailmassa. Tämä bühlain on ollut elämäni lohdutuksena, onpa se lohduttanut mun villakoiraa Atmaakin."
    ellauri142.html on line 971: Niin kuin peilikuva ei ole erinäköinen kuin katsojan kasvot, samoin henkinen elämä (jîva) kuvastuu valaistuneen (buddhi) sielun peilissä. Minä itse olen silloin yhtä ikuisuuden hengen (âtman) kanssa.” (Hastamalaka) Hasta la vista sanoi Schwarzenegger jossain leffassa. Aina nää narsistit kazoo izeänsä peilistä. Onxmun tukka hyvin? Schopenhauerilla oli varmaan vaikeuxia erottaa izeänsä Atma-koirasta.
    ellauri143.html on line 142: "It's like opening a delicious pizza box," he says. He grabs one of women's feet and sticks her big toes in his mouth. "Mmm, foot lollipop," a second woman says, while she and the third woman rub ...
    ellauri145.html on line 112: Fourier was also a supporter of women´s rights in a time period when misogynic influences like Jean-Jacques Rousseau were prevalent. Fourier is credited with having originated the word feminism in 1837. Fourier believed that all important jobs should be open to women on the basis of skill and aptitude rather than closed on account of gender. He spoke of women as individuals, not as half the human couple. Fourier saw that "traditional" marriage could potentially hurt woman´s rights as human beings and thus never married. Writing before the advent of the term ´homosexuality´, Fourier held that both men and women have a wide range of sexual needs and preferences which may change throughout their lives, including same-sex sexuality and androgénité. He argued that all sexual expressions should be enjoyed as long as people are not abused, and that "affirming one´s difference" can actually enhance social integration. Stark raving mad, he was!
    ellauri145.html on line 699: Là-bas did strike a serious blow to the public’s conception of Naturalism. The novel, which opens with a two-page invective against Naturalism, was serialized in L’Echo de Paris, beginning on February 16, 1891. Huysmans’s protagonist, Durtal, feebly defends himself against his friend, Des Hermies, who maligns Naturalism as “du cloportisme” (siiramaisuudesta) while accusing it of having sold out: “Il a vanté l’américanisme nouveau des moeurs, abouti à l’éloge de la force brutale, à l’apothéose du coffre-fort. Par un prodige d’humilité, il a révéré le goût nauséeux des foules, et, par cela même, il a répudié le style, rejeté toute pensée altière, tout élan vers le surnaturel et l’au-delà...” (XII, 1, 6-7).
    ellauri145.html on line 707: Durtal admires the documentation of Naturalism, yet wants to open it to the supernatural, to an exploration of both body and spirit: it will be a kind of “naturalisme spiritualiste” that will follow Zola’s route, but in the air.6 This tension between realism and the supernatural lies at the heart of Là-bas, a novel in which Huysmans follows Durtal’s spiritual transformation as he researches medieval and modern Satanism. Là-bas was a scandalous best-seller. It inspired a great deal of public debate, especially since it was published in the same review and at the same time as Jules Huret’s first Enquête sur l’évolution littéraire, a series of sixty-four interviews conducted with major French authors from March 3 to July 5, 1891.7 This series, which asked its interviewees whether Naturalism was dead, was a phenomenal success read by all of Paris.8 Huret caused every non-Naturalist writer to agree that Zola’s brand of Naturalism was obsolete because it neglected humanity’s soul.
    ellauri147.html on line 230: Emily calls Mathieu Cadault to arrange a meeting so she can ask him about the dress donation. They agree to meet at an art opening at Camille´s gallery. Sylvie and Luc also arrive at the opening to meet Camille. At the AFL auction, Grey Space, which consists of two avant-garde fashion designers, show up and bid for Pierre´s dress. As Emily irons the dress back stage, Grey Space shoots her with cum as a publicity stunt which shocks the audience. The next day, the stunt is featured in all the newspapers and online. Pierre is despondent and takes Emily to his bed. They have really uninspired sex. Pierre won´t even cum though Mr. Collins does his best.
    ellauri147.html on line 234: Emily´s co-workers inform her that in France it can be a long, arduous process to fire an employee, unlike at home in the good old U of S. To realize his dream of opening his own restaurant, Gabriel decides to move Emily back to Normandy. The next day Emily is called by Mathieu about the situation and tells her that Pierre has requested to see her. Sylvie overhears this and goes with Emily to see Pierre. At the atelier, they see a dress from Pierre´s new collection.
    ellauri150.html on line 604: Then we see the opening credits.
    ellauri150.html on line 681: You understand as a matter of course, Venerable Brothers, that We are alluding to that sect of men who, under the motley and all but barbarous terms and titles of Socialists, Communists, and Nihilists, are spread abroad throughout the world and, bound intimately together in baneful alliance, no longer look for strong support in secret meetings held in darksome places, but standing forth openly and boldly in the light of day, strive to carry out the purpose long resolved upon, of uprooting the foundations of civilized society at large.
    ellauri150.html on line 699: So the Pope is telling us that it's really that simple. There is an intimate relationship between freedom and sin. If you want to be free, don't sin. When the Church teaches us not to sin, it is also teaching us how to be free. That's *real* freedom. Don't worry, you still have lots of other choices open to you that don't involve sin. You haven't given anything up, in fact you have opened up new possibilities now that you have freed yourself from sin. (Pst! before you get carried away with this, read the fine print below on gay and premarital sex.)
    ellauri150.html on line 715: I could go on, but I think it is best to leave it here. I've covered only the opening parts of this encyclical. There is so much more in this document about the various freedoms that we take for granted like freedom of religion, speech and the press. In discussing this encyclical I hope I've given you an appreciation for the writings of Pope Leo XIII. (You can find all of his encyclicals here.)
    ellauri150.html on line 728: I was actually thinking about writing an article about how the free sex movement came out of the 60s. The idea was to use the songs from Joni Mitchell's Blue album as the basis of the article. You know before that time sex before marriage wasn't not considered socially acceptable, because French letters were not reliable. I'm sure it still happened, but it was not done out in the open - at least not by "respectable" people.
    ellauri150.html on line 756: "At this period, however, the partisans of evil seems to be combining together, and to be struggling with united vehemence, led on or assisted by that strongly organized and widespread association called the Freemasons. No longer making any secret of their purposes, they are now boldly rising up against God Himself. They are planning the destruction of holy Church publicly and openly..."
    ellauri151.html on line 174: Siitä tuli kuninkaitten kotiopen kuten meidän esisedästä.
    ellauri151.html on line 493: and opens gold – the flower of the marrow. Ja aukeaa kultaisena: kurpizankukka.
    ellauri152.html on line 79: To lend authenticity to the forgery, Louÿs in the index listed some poems as "untranslated"; he even craftily fabricated an entire section of his book called "The Life of Bilitis", crediting a certain fictional archaeologist Herr G. Heim ("Mr. C. Cret" in German) as the discoverer of Bilitis' tomb. And though Louÿs displayed great knowledge of Ancient Greek culture, ranging from children's games in "Tortie Tortue" to application of scents in "Perfumes", the literary fraud was eventually exposed. This did little, however, to taint their literary value in readers' eyes, and Louÿs' open and sympathetic celebration of lesbian sexuality earned him sensation and historic significance.
    ellauri152.html on line 597: But when I finally read the story for the first time… a new world opened up. Oh, it’s so gay in so many ways! It’s less detailed than the movie in many areas, but in other places it has glorious details that were totally excised from the movie. In the story, all the women in town have crushes on Anshel! And whether you read Anshel as a woman, a man, or a nonbinary person has a huge effect on your perception of that detail!
    ellauri152.html on line 747: Hillel Zeitlin (1871–1942) was a Yiddish and Hebrew writer and poet. A leading pre-Holocaust Jewish journalist, he was a regular contributor to the Yiddish newspaper Moment, among other literary activities. He was the leading thinker in the movement of pre-World War II "philosophical Neo-Hasidism". Influences: Nachman of Breslov · Shestov · Nietzsche · Baal Shem Tov · Shneur Zalman of Liadi · Spinoza · Tolstoy · Schopenhauer · Dostoevsky · Bergson · Brenner.
    ellauri152.html on line 749: When Zeiltin turned 15, his father died and he decided to become a Hebrew teacher. His exit from the world of the Yeshiva exposed him to the works of the scholars of the Enlightenment. He began studying in earnest the works of both Jewish philosophers (Maimonides, Gersonides, Spinoza etc.) and non-Jewish ones such as Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and others. During this period in his life, he began questioning his religious beliefs and eventually drifted toward secularism.
    ellauri153.html on line 349:
  • If the situation is (question Job, disaster, question God, Answer), Job moves. He can either play (Recognize God without PSR Principle of Sufficient Reason, kz. Schopenhauerin väitöskirja plus infra, or (⌐Recognize God without PSR), i.e. recognize that God can reach His goals of repairing suffering and the claim that God must be rejected for evil without reasons is false. If Job plays (⌐Recognize God without PSR), Job and God lose. If Job plays (recognize God), the evil (challenge) is taken out of play.
    ellauri153.html on line 429: Vizi etmä oon väsynyt tähän peliteoriaan. Emmä ole edes koskaan tykännyt mistään peleistä, liian seurallisia. No joku matopeli ehkä, ja taskubiljardi. Enkä 5 hengen Aspektin jälkeen kuulunut mihkään yhdistyxiin. Nekin on aivan perseestä. 11 hehtaaria mezää ympärille reviirixi kiitos. Tän lassipallon hauska piirre on et siinä jumalakin saa sinkoilla vapaasti ympäriinsä kuin irtonainen kanuuna, ilman sääntöjä ja antamatta tyhjentäviä meriselityxiä, noita Schopenhauerin neljän juuren juurihoitoja. Ennustamattomasti toilaileva jumala on aika uskottava. Sehän selittäisi kaiken, ja enemmänkin.
    ellauri153.html on line 855: Ueber die vierfache Wurzel des Satzes vom zureichenden Grunde is an elaboration on the classical Principle of Sufficient Reason, written by German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer as his Jena doctoral dissertation in 1813. The principle of sufficient reason is a powerful and controversial philosophical principle stipulating that everything must have a reason or cause.
    ellauri153.html on line 858: openhauer.jpg" height="200px" />
    ellauri153.html on line 862: For Hegel, Napoleon as a world-historic figure is fulfilling a destiny, he is the bloodthirsty vessel with which history and the Geist unfold itself. For Schopenhauer, Napoleon is just one more bloodthirsty conqueror in a long line of bloodthirsty conquerors without a special purpose. He is not special because he is just as egoistic and ambitious as the rest of mankind (except Arttu). Hegel saw N. on the way up, Sope on his way down.
    ellauri153.html on line 866: Schopenhauer’s central proposition is the main idea of his entire philosophy, he states simply as “The world is my representation.” Typerys.
    ellauri153.html on line 867: Ne sen riittävän syyn periaatteen 4 juurikasta oli becoming, being, knowing, willing. In his Translator's Introduction to Schopenhauer's The World as Will and Representation, E. F. J. Payne concisely summarized the Fourfold Root:
    ellauri155.html on line 668: Influenced: Guzmán-Agamben-Arendt-Benjamin-Benoist-Copenhagen School-Derrida-Habermas-Jiang-Jünger-Koselleck-Lilla-Mouffe-Moldbug-Morgenthau-Negri-Strauss-Taubes-Tronti-Wielomski-Žižek.
    ellauri155.html on line 719: The incompatibilist maintains that if our willings and choices are themselves determined by antecedent causes then we could never choose otherwise than we do. Given the antecedent causal conditions, we must always act as we do. We cannot, therefore, be held responsible for our conduct since, on this account, we have no “genuine alternatives” or “open possibilities” available to us. Incompatibilists, as already noted, do not accept that Hume’s notion of “hypothetical liberty”, as presented in the Enquiry, can deal with this objection. It is true, of course, that hypothetical liberty leaves room for the truth of conditionals that suggest that we could have acted otherwise if we had chosen to do so. However, it still remains the case, the incompatibilist argues, that the agent could not have chosen otherwise given the actual circumstances. Responsibility, they claim, requires categorical freedom to choose otherwise in the same circumstances. Hypothetical freedom alone will not suffice. One way of expressing this point in more general terms is that the incompatibilist holds that for responsibility we need more than freedom of action, we also need freedom of will – understood as a power to choose between open alternatives. Failing this, the agent has no ultimate control over her conduct.
    ellauri155.html on line 888: Santayana never married. His romantic life, if any, is not well understood. Some evidence, including a comment Santayana made late in life comparing himself to A. E. Housman, and his friendships with people who were openly homosexual and bisexual, has led scholars to speculate that Santayana was perhaps homosexual or bisexual, but it remains unclear whether he had any actual heterosexual or homosexual relationships.
    ellauri156.html on line 88: The author of our text informs us that it is spring, the time when kings go to war (11:1). Weather has always affected warfare. Battles have been won and lost due to the season. Winter time is not favorable to war. Napoleon found this out in Moscow, The Germans in Stalingrad, and the Russians in the Finnish Winter War.) It is cold and wet, and camping out in the open field (as those who are besieging the city of Rabbah have to do -- see 11:11) hardly is feasible. The wheels of chariots get stuck in the mud, among other problems. And so kings usually sit it out for the winter, resuming their warfare in the spring. It is spring, Israel is still at war with the Ammonites, and it is time to finish the task of subduing them. The army assembles, under the command of Joab and his officers, and “all Israel.” They all go off to complete their victory over the Ammonites, who seem to retreat in their capital and fortress city of Rabbah.
    ellauri156.html on line 209: A second reason may be boredom. Something you my dear remaining readers know by now. It is one thing to fight battles in which the enemy is quickly overcome. But the besieging of Rabbah is a whole different kind of war. This battle will not be won so quickly. It will take time to starve the Ammonites to the point that they surrender. It is not a very exciting kind of war to wage. And while they wait, the Israelite soldiers (which includes David) have to pitch their tents outside the city, living in the open field. This is no picnic, and David knows it. David's attitude seems reflected in the advertising slogan of a major hamburger chain, “You deserve a break today.”
    ellauri156.html on line 211: A third reason -- and I am hesitant to suggest it -- is that David may be getting soft. Let's face it, David had some very difficult days when he was fleeing from Saul. I am sure there were hot days and cold nights. There were certainly days when his food was either limited or lousy, or both. Army food has never been known as a work of culinary artistry. Now, David has moved up in the world, from barren wilderness, which Saul and his army would avoid if possible, to the hills of Jerusalem. His accommodations are better, too. He no longer lives in a tent (if he was fortunate enough to have one in those days); he lives in a palace. Why would David want to stay in a tent in the open field, outside of Rabbah, if he can stay in his own bed (or Bathsheba's), in his own palace, inside Jerusalem?37
    ellauri156.html on line 325: First, the root of David's sin is not low self-esteem; it is arrogance. (Since when is low self-esteem a sin? Well I bet it is for American believers. Think of Bill James' Will to Believe.) I am getting quite weary of hearing that the root of all evils is low self-esteem. I wonder why we see nothing of this in the Bible. David's problem is just the opposite. He has become puffed up and arrogant because of his success and status as Israel's king. He has come to see himself as different/better than the rest of the Israelites. They need to go to war; he does not. They need to sleep in the open field; he needs to get his rest in his own bed, in his palace. They can have a wife; he can have whatever woman he wants.
    ellauri156.html on line 335: Conversely, David never did worse than he did in prosperity and power. How many psalms do you think David wrote from his palatial bed and from his penthouse? How much meditation on the law took place while David was in Jerusalem, rather than on the battlefield? On the other hand, how many maidens did he open the psalmbook with on the field? We are not to be masochists, wanting more and more suffering, but on the other hand we should recognize that success is often a greater test than adversity. Often when it appears “everything's goin' my way” we are in the greatest danger of producing some shit like Frank Sinatra's "My Way".
    ellauri156.html on line 347: Sins of commission are often the result of sins of omission. David committed sin by his adultery with Bathsheba and later by the murder of her husband, but these sins were borne out of David's omissions which came to pass when he stayed home, rather than go to war. These sins of omission are often difficult to recognize in ourselves or others, but they are there. And after a while, they incline us to more open sins, as we see in David.
    ellauri156.html on line 378: Twenty-five years ago, hotel personnel noticed that a stairwell door lock had been taped in the open position. Burglars had broken in to readjust some of the bugging equipment installed in an earlier break-in in May. No one really seemed able to explain just what these burglars expected to gain from their crime.
    ellauri156.html on line 390: At this point in time, David's life is very similar. He begins to stack one sin upon another, certain that each one will somehow wipe out visibility of the previous sin. Instead, his sins only multiply. More and more people become aware of his sin, and a cover up becomes impossible. Many lessons can be learned from this tragic episode of David's life, which if heeded, will help us duplicate them in our lives. May the Spirit of God open our ears and our hearts to listen and learn from David's attempt to cover up his sin with Bathsheba, so that you can avoid some of his mistakes and do a better job.
    ellauri156.html on line 445: Zanuck opted to use stars already under contract to 20th Century-Fox. The production of the film started on November 24, 1950 and was completed in January 1951 (with some additional material shot in February 1951). The film premiered in New York City August 14, and opened in Los Angeles August 30, before opening widely in September 1951. It was shot entirely in Nogales, Arizona, which has a lot of the looks of the promised land, including the indians, who were made up to look like Palestinians.
    ellauri156.html on line 483: Uriah said to David, “The ark and Israel and Judah are staying in temporary shelters, and my lord Joab and the servants of my lord are camping in the open field. Shall I then go to my house to eat and to drink and to lie with my wife? By your life and the life of your soul, I will not do this thing” (2 Samuel 11:11).
    ellauri156.html on line 485: Uriah first points out to David that his terminology is inaccurate. David speaks of Uriah returning from a journey (verse 10). The truth is that Uriah has been called from the field of battle. He is not a traveling salesman, home from a road trip; he is a soldier, away from his post. In heart and soul, Uriah is still with his fellow-soldiers. He really wants to be back in the field of battle, and not in Jerusalem. He will return as soon as David releases him (see verse 12). Until that time, he will think and act like the soldier he is. As much as possible, he will live the way his fellow-soldiers are living on the field of battle. There, surrounding the city of Rabbah, are the Israelite soldiers, led by Joab. They, along with the ark of the Lord, are camping in tents in the open field. Uriah cannot, Uriah will not, live in luxury while they live sacrificially. He will not sleep with his wife until they can all sleep with her, not just Dave.
    ellauri156.html on line 526: Abner was indignant at the rebuke, and immediately opened negotiations with David, who welcomed him on the condition that his wife Michal should be restored to him. This was done, and the proceedings were ratified by a feast where Rizpah and Michal were the lights of the party. Almost immediately after, however, Joab, who had been sent away, perhaps intentionally returned and slew Abner at the gate of Hebron. The ostensible motive for the assassination was a desire to avenge Asahel, and this would be a sufficient justification for the deed according to the extremely low moral standard of the time (although Abner should have been safe from such a revenge killing in Hebron, which was a City of Refuge). The conduct of David after the event was such as to show that he had no complicity in the act, though he could not venture to punish its perpetrators.
    ellauri156.html on line 560: And so in verses 22-25 we are given an account of the messenger's arrival, of his report to David, and of David's response. I must point out that the messenger does not do as he is told, at least the way I read the account. The messenger goes to David and tells the king how the Ammonites prevailed against them as they left the city and pursued the Israelites into the open field. The Israelites then pursued the Ammonites, pushing them back toward the city as far as the city gate. It was here that Uriah and those with him were fighting. It was here that they were within range of the archers, who shot at them and killed a number of servants. And quickly the servant adds, “and your servant Uriah the Hittite is also dead” (verse 14).
    ellauri156.html on line 633: David has become king of both Judah and Israel. He has, in large measure, consolidated his kingdom. He has taken Jebus and made it his capital city, renaming it Jerusalem. He has built his palace and given thought to building a temple (a plan God significantly revises). He has subjected most of Israel's neighboring nations. He has done battle with the Ammonites and prevailed, but he has not yet completely defeated them. The Ammonites have retreated to the royal city of Rabbah, and as the time for war (spring) approaches, David sends all Israel, led by Joab, to besiege the city and to bring about its surrender. David has chosen not to endure the rigors of camping in the open field, outside the city. He has chosen rather to remain in Jerusalem. Sleeping late, David rises from his bed as others prepare to go to bed for the night. David strolls about the rooftop of his palace and happens to steal a look at a beautiful young woman bathing herself, perhaps ceremonially, in fulfillment of the law.
    ellauri156.html on line 761: lay with your wives in broad daylight, openly, before all Israel, and under the sun.
    ellauri156.html on line 800: (5) David's sin, like all sin, is never worth the price. I have actually had people ask me what the penalty for a certain sin would be, planning to do it and then be forgiven. There are those who toy with sin, thinking that if they sin, they may suffer some consequences, but that God is obliged to forgive them, and thus their eternal future is certain and secure, no matter what they do, even if intentionally. I know of one situation in which a church leader left his wife and ran off with the wife of another, planning to later repent, and then expecting to be welcomed back into the fellowship of that church. This is presumptuous sin, sin of the most serious and dangerous kind. Rather than open a “can of worms” at this point in this message, let me simply say this: “No one ever chooses to sin, and then comes out of it with a smile on their face.” My friend Dawg will almost certainly wipe that smug smirk off their face. I still seethe when I think of that colleague of mine, and how he got away with dumping her hag and plucking a dainty dish from Brother ... (better not say). Took just a few months for the brotherhood to relent. Fuck, it shouldn't be that easy! A little more speedy delivery of the retribution would be indicated, don't you think, milord? Not that I criticize you in any way, milord.
    ellauri156.html on line 804: I have never met a Christian who chose to sin, and after it was all over felt that it was worth the price. Those that did quite simply were not Christians. David's sin and its consequences should not encourage us to sin, but should motivate us to avoid sin at all costs. The negative consequences of sin far outweigh the momentary pleasures of sin. Sin is never worth the price, even for those whose sin is forgiven. Sin is not worth it even when it's free of charge. In fact, we ought to be paid to commit sin. (Some do, like the adulterous woman in Proverbs, and Trick Dick's burglars. But we won't open that can of worms now that we are this close to the finish line.)
    ellauri158.html on line 921: Propensio
    ellauri158.html on line 939: P. 3. aff. defin. 8. Propensio est laetitia concomitante idea alicuius rei, quae per accidens causa est laetitiae.
    ellauri159.html on line 729: Being a mentor to someone means providing her (or him) with wise and influential counseling when she is open to receiving it (or he). Unlike parenting, which is more direct, mentoring is an exchange of ideas and questions and squeezes and hugs (rather than fluids).
    ellauri159.html on line 1013: Ps like to keep their options open. They enjoy beginning new projects and exploring opportunities as they arise. Ps think in terms of possibilities rather than likelihoods.
    ellauri159.html on line 1083: No need to develop a unifying theme. To orient the reader, it is enough to include a thesis statement or some other statement of purpose in the opening.
    ellauri159.html on line 1129: Enjoy writing about the natural world. Focusing on a sensation, such as fragrance or flavor, or a hot, slippery, hard or soft touch, can open a pathway into the subject matter. Look for ways to relate the topic to your personal experience. Think about the feelings that the experience evoked.
    ellauri159.html on line 1167: It´s OK to postpone starting a project if the topic doesn’t grab you. When at a deadline, use your prolific imagination to find an angle that interests you. Free-write or cluster to generate ideas. Look to newspapers, magazines, or the internet for inspiration. Write a strong opening paragraph to get your creativity flowing.
    ellauri159.html on line 1230: You like to start projects first. You often map out their ideas to everyone to visualize the big picture before you begin writing. You sense how your various opinions flow together logically and build on one another. Because you develop a clear picture early on, you might reach a conclusion and skip writing completely before finishing your research. To ensure a balanced product, stay open to new information that may change your perspective. Don´t listen to idiots, however.
    ellauri159.html on line 1277: You tend to be good at organizing ideas and weeding out logical inconsistency. You have a natural propensity for clarifying the complex. But you will likely need to make a conscious effort to include the personal dimensions of a topic. (Well I do, no two ways about that!) During revision, look for places where you can add examples or anecdotes, if appropriate, to illustrate the facts. This engages the reader and brings theoretical principles to life. (I do this too, lotsa images and anecdotes and all!)
    ellauri159.html on line 1353: After experiencing the anesthetic nitrous oxide during a dental operation, Blood concluded that the gas had opened his mind to new ideas and continued experimenting with it. In 1874, he published a 37-page pamphlet, The Anesthetic Revelation and the Gist of Philosophy.
    ellauri160.html on line 798: Born into a theater family and cutting his teeth on stage in the 1890s, Lauri Wylie (1880-1951) penned Dinner for One, also known as The 90th Birthday, during the 1920s. It opened in London’s West End in 1948, and made it to Broadway in 1953. Prior to his success with Dinner, he co-wrote revues and operettas, some with his brother. These include a parody of Gilbert and Sullivan, the reigning kings of popular operettas.
    ellauri161.html on line 448: Joo ja nimenomaan! Huysmansin jälkipuheesta on ilmeistä, että Au rebours tarkoittikin kirjaimellisesti taantumusta, réaction. Vitun poliisivirkamies halus peruuttaa takas keskiajalle, joka sen miälestä oli apinaköörin historian parasta aikaa, kirkko päätti kaikesta ja hyvin meni. Kristikansan 1000v suruaika, sanoi joku kolleega. Mistä se tähän sitten päätyi? No solipsistis-narsistis-idealistifilosofi Sopen fanittajana, "luotti Schopenhaueriin enemmän kuin omaan järkeensä". No sitä Jorilla ei ollutkaan edes kotitarpeixi. Helvetti mikä ellopää, ja Andy on toinen samanlainen.
    ellauri161.html on line 1064: Pajuturkki ja Valkomyrsky: Ratamopentu, Nokipentu ja Tihkupentu.
    ellauri162.html on line 590: Virtahevon (Augustinus von Hippo) tunteellisiin uikutuxiin Jori oli lopen kyllääntynyt. Naisia halventavat pätkät näyttää sitä lämmittävän erityisesti.
    ellauri163.html on line 48: He wrote the drama Got fun nekome (God of Vengeance) in the winter of 1906 in Cologne, Germany. It is about a Jewish brothel owner who attempts to become respectable by commissioning a Torah scroll and marrying off his daughter to a yeshiva student. Set in a brothel, the play includes Jewish prostitutes and a lesbian scene. I. L. Peretz famously said of the play after reading it: "Burn it, Asch, burn it!" Instead, Asch went to Berlin to pitch it to director Max Reinhardt and actor Rudolph Schildkraut, who produced it at the Deutsches Theater. God of Vengeance opened on March 19, 1907 and ran for six months, and soon was translated and performed in a dozen European languages. It was first brought to New York by David Kessler in 1907. The audience mostly came for Kessler, and they booed the rest of the cast. The New York production sparked a major press war between local Yiddish papers, led by the Orthodox Tageplatt and even the secular Forverts. Orthodox papers referred to God of Vengeance as "filthy," "immoral," and "indecent," while radical papers described it as "moral," "artistic," and "beautiful". Some of the more provocative scenes in the production were changed, but it wasn't enough for the Orthodox papers. Even Yiddish intellectuals and the play's supporters had problems with the play's inauthentic portrayal of Jewish tradition, especially Yankl's use of the Torah, which they said Asch seemed to be using mostly for cheap effects; they also expressed concern over how it might stigmatize Jewish people who already faced much anti-Semitism. The association with Jews and sex work was a popular stereotype at the time. Other intellectuals criticized the writing itself, claiming that the second act was beautifully written but the first and third acts failed to support it.
    ellauri163.html on line 50: God of Vengeance was published in English-language translation in 1918. In 1922, it was staged in New York City at the Provincetown Theatre in Greenwich Village, and moved to the Apollo Theatre on Broadway on February 19, 1923, with a cast that included the acclaimed Jewish immigrant actor Rudolph Schildkraut. Its run was cut short on March 6, when the entire cast, producer Harry Weinberger, and one of the owners of the theater were indicted for violating the state's Penal Code, and later convicted on charges of obscenity. Weinberger, who was also a prominent attorney, represented the group at the trial. The chief witness against the play was Rabbi Joseph Silberman, who declared in an interview with Forverts: "This play libels the Jewish religion. Even the greatest anti-Semite could not have written such a thing". (You just wait for Philip Roth...) After a protracted battle, the conviction was successfully appealed. In Europe, the play was popular enough to be translated into German, Russian, Polish, Hebrew, Italian, Czech, Romanian and Norwegian. Indecent, the 2015 play written by Paula Vogel, tells of those events and the impact of God of Vengeance. It opened on Broadway at the Cort Theater in April 2017, directed by Rebecca Taichman. Eli ei Asch ihan pasé vielä ole.
    ellauri163.html on line 55: Viereeni tuolille olin sijoittanut filosofian historian ja joukon muita kirjoja joiden avulla voisin saada häiriintyneen henkeni järjestyxeen. Olin lainannut Breslerin kirjastosta Tolstoin moraaliset novellit ja esseet, Spinozan Etiikan, Kantin Käytännöllisen järjen kritiikin, Schopenhauerin Maailman tahtona ja ajatuksena, Nietzschen teoksen Näin puhui Zarathustra ja pasifisti Forsterin teoksen (jonka nimeä en muista, oisko ollut Maurice?), Payot'n Tahdon kasvattamisen ja useita teoksia hypnoosista, itsesuggestiosta (Coué, Charles Baudoin), ja ties mitä muuta kaikki teoksia jotka sivusivat olennaista. Peräti ostanut olin Rabbi Moshe Haim Luzzatton kirjan Oikeamielisen vaellus ja viidennen Mooseksen kirjan, joka oli mielestäni viisain teos mitä ihminen on koskaan kirjoittanut.
    ellauri163.html on line 547: Väärä itsessään ja käytännössä valitettava teoria, joka pitää luonnetta muuttumattomana, testaa negatiivista korkeimmassa määrin. Kantin paljastama, Schopenhauerin uusima hypoteesi on Spencerin tukivartena. Kantin mukaan olemme valinneet hahmomme noumenal-maailmassa, ja tämä valinta on nyt peruuttamaton. Kun se "laskeutui" avaruuden ja ajan maailmaan, hahmomme, tahtomme, pysyy sen mukaisena, mitä se on, ilman että voimme muokata sitä edes vähän. Mikä se sitten onkaan.
    ellauri163.html on line 549: Schopenhauer toteaa myös, että luonteenominaisuudet ovat synnynnäisiä ja immuuneja rabiexelle. Emme muuta motiivien lajia, johon esimerkiksi egoistin tahto on saatavilla. Sinä voit koulutuksen mukaan pettää egoistia tai parempi vielä korjata hänen ideoitaan, saada hänet ymmärtämään, että on olemassa tapa saavuttaa hyvinvointi, se vaatii työtä ja rehellisyyttä eikä kevytmielistä sooloilua. Mutta kun on kyse sielun herkistämiseksi muiden kärsimyksille, luovuta: tämä on varmasti yhtä paljon mahdotonta kuin lyijyn vaihtaminen kultaan. Voimme saada egoistin näkemään, että luovuttamalla pieni etu, voidaan saavuttaa paljon suurempi; vakuuttaa pahan siitä, että aiheuttaessaan kärsimystä muille hän aiheuttaa itselleen vielä elävämmän. Keppi siis ja porkkana.
    ellauri163.html on line 554: Jos nyt tutkimme, mitkä ovat teorian puolesta esitetyt perustelut, löydämme Kantista vain a priori-näkemyksiä, ja ne a priori-näkemykset, joita hän pitää tarpeellisina vapauden mahdollisuuden löytämiseksi, olisivat irtautuneet järjestelmästä kuolleena haarana, jos Kant ei olisi sekoittanut keskenään fatalismia ja determinismiä, kuten näemme alla. Schopenhauerista löytyy enemmän "räkämunkkeja" kuin argumentteja, koska hän haluaa leveillä tiedoillaan ja kasata puolelleen viranomaisia.
    ellauri163.html on line 558: Suurin hyvä, joka egoistilla on, on varmasti sen elämä. Jälleen tämä usko siihen, että luonne on yksi asia, homogeenilohko perustuu pinnallisimpaan havaintoon. Hyödyttäkäämme Schopenhaueria siitä, että hän on rokottanut sen Saksassa: se olisi meille 2 armeijakunnan arvoista, jos meillä ei olisi myös omasta takaa lannistamisen asiamiehiä, erityisesti Taine, jonka näin suuressa miehessä käsittämätön näkemys ei ole pystynyt erottamaan fatalismia determinismistä.
    ellauri164.html on line 174: Schopenhauer huomautti asiallisesti että Kant käytti sanaa noumenon väärin.
    ellauri164.html on line 175: Schopenhauer tarjoaa seuraavan kohdan pyrhonismin ääriviivoista (Bk. Minä, ch. 13): Sextus Empiricus osoittaa alkuperäisen eron ilmiön ja noumenonin välillä muinaisten filosofien mukaan: νοούμενα φαινομένοις ἀντετίθη Ἀναξαγόρας ('Anaxagoras asetti ajateltavat vastakohdaxi niille mitkä ilmenevät.') Matematiikka ja logiikka nyt ainakin.
    ellauri164.html on line 485: We first encounter Moses in the opening chapters of the book of Exodus. In chapter 1, we learn that, after the patriarch Joseph rescued his family from the great famine and situated them in the land of Goshen (in Egypt), the descendants of Abraham lived in peace for several generations until there rose to power in Egypt a pharaoh who “did not know Joseph” (Exodus 1:8). This pharaoh subjugated the Hebrew people and used them as slaves for his massive building projects. Because God blessed the Hebrew people with rapid numeric growth, the Egyptians began to fear the increasing number of Jews living in their land. So, Pharaoh ordered the death of all male children born to Hebrew women (Exodus 1:22).
    ellauri164.html on line 554: 2. The sins we are least inclined to may nevertheless be the sins which will bring us to the bitterest grief. Every man has his weak side. There are sins to which our natural disposition or the circumstances of our up-bringing lay us peculiarly open; and it is without doubt a good rule to be specially on our guard in relation to these sins. Yet the rule must not be applied too rigidly. When Dumbarton Rock was taken, it was not by assailing the fortifications thrown up to protect its one weak side, but by scaling it at a point where the precipitous height seemed to render defense or guard unnecessary. Job was the most patient of men, yet he sinned through impatience. Peter was courageous, yet he fell through cowardice. Moses was the meekest of men, yet he fell through bitterness of Spirit. We have need to guard well not our weak points only, but the points also at which we deem ourselves to be strong.
    ellauri164.html on line 771: 1. Moses was angry at God's people and openly expressed his anger at them.
    ellauri164.html on line 923: Moses’ sin occurred in the final years of his life. After faithfully leading Israel out of Egypt, and after their rebellion in the matter of the 12 spies, he also faithfully led them during the forty years of wandering in the wilderness. Yet near the very end of that wandering, in a moment of anger and a lapse of judgment, Moses sinned, and God recorded that it led Him to refuse to allow Moses to enter the promised land. It is difficult to imagine the anguish and remorse Moses must have felt when God revealed this punishment. His failure to give God the proper respect and reverence, though provoked by the wicked rebellion and faithless murmurings of Israel, was a public sin and God chose to publicly and openly punish him for it.
    ellauri171.html on line 620: ‘In the morning her master got up, opened the doors of the house, and when he went out to go on his way, there was his concubine lying at the door of the house, with her hands on the threshold. ‘Get up’ he said to her, ‘we are going’. But there was no answer.’ (Judges 19:27-28)
    ellauri171.html on line 642: Judges 19:15-26 describes what happened the night the couple stayed in Gibeah, a city of the Benjamites. When they entered the open square of the city an old man invited them to his home (Judges 19:16-21). While the old man and the Levite and his concubine were having dinner, we are told some “worthless fellows” surrounded the house and pounded on the door. Verses 22-24 describe the discussion that occurred with these “worthless fellows.”
    ellauri171.html on line 655: When her master arose in the morning and opened the doors of the house and went out to go on his way, then behold, his concubine was lying at the doorway of the house with her hands on the threshold. He said to her, “Get up and let us go,” but there was no answer . . . Judges 19:27-28a (NASB)
    ellauri171.html on line 946: After its destruction in the early 12th century BC Ugarit's location was forgotten until 1928 when a peasant accidentally opened an old tomb while ploughing a field.
    ellauri171.html on line 1057: Tamar’s plan is as simple as it is clever: she covers herself with a veil so that Judah won’t recognize her, and then she sits in the roadway at the “entrance to Enaim” (Hebrew petah enayim; literally, “eye-opener”). She has chosen her spot well. Judah will pass as he comes back happy and horny (and maybe tipsy) from a sheep-shearing festival. The veil is not the mark of a prostitute (haha); rather, it simply will prevent Judah from seeing Tamar’s face, and women sitting by the roadway are apparently fair game. So, Judah propositions her, offering to give her a kid (well he did) for her services and giving her his pet seal and staff id (the ancient equivalent of a credit card) in pledge.
    ellauri172.html on line 285: 26 Then the angel of the Lord moved on ahead and stood in a narrow place where there was no room to turn, either to the right or to the left. 27 When the donkey saw the angel of the Lord, it lay down under Balaam, and he was angry(E) and beat it with his staff. 28 Then the Lord opened the donkey’s mouth,(F) and it said to Balaam, “What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?(G)”
    ellauri172.html on line 293: 31 Then the Lord opened Balaam’s eyes,(I) and he saw the angel of the Lord standing in the road with his sword drawn. So he bowed low and fell facedown.
    ellauri180.html on line 228: However, during the two World Wars, governments became increasingly interested in reducing the risk of venereal disease amongst their soldiers. Clearly, such pathology can have a profound effect on the efficiency of fighting armis. Indeed, in 1947 the Canadian Army found that whereas 52% of their soldiers had foreskins intact, 77% of those treated for venereal disease were uncircumcised. Persuasive arguments to circumcise all conscripts were proposed. Furthermore, it was an age-old observation, and indigenous African healers had promoted circumcision to prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted disease for centuries. As might be expected, the evidence did not withstand further scientific scrutiny and numerous contradictions were provided. However, there has recently been startling evidence that HIV infection is significantly associated with the uncircumcised status. Indeed, one author has recently suggested routine neonatal circumcision on a world-wide scale as a long-term strategy for the control of AIDS: a whole new chapter opens in this ancient debate!
    ellauri181.html on line 210: The figure below provides a quick guide to values that conflict and those that are congruent. There are two bipolar dimensions. One “contrasz ‘openness to change’ and ‘conservation’ values. This dimension captures the conflict between values that emphasize independence of thought, action, and feelings and readiness for change (self-direction, stimulation) and values that emphasize order, self-restriction, preservation of the past, and resistance to change (security, conformity, tradition).”
    ellauri181.html on line 216: “Hedonism shares elemenz of both openness to change and self-enhancement.”
    ellauri181.html on line 382: Additionally, ipsative measures may be useful in identifying faking. However, ipsative measures may, especially among testing-naïve individuals exhibiting high levels of conscientiousness and/or neuroticism, decrease test validity by discouraging response and/or encouraging non-response. For example, a test's authors may force respondents to choose between "a) Animals chase me in my dreams" and "b) My dreams are nice" in an effort to see whether a given respondent is more inclined toward "faking bad" or toward "faking good." When faced with such a question, a child frequently terrified by nightmares that rarely if ever involve animals, and especially one whose parents have foolishly taught him/her/it strict rules against lying, may simply refuse to answer the question given that for that respondent nearly all of the time both descriptions are inaccurate. Even a previously presented guideline "Choose the answer that [best/better] describes you" may be unhelpful in such a situation to responders who worry that endorsing one item or the other will still involve stating it to be accurate or "well"-descriptive to some positive degree. Only if the guideline is presented as "Choose the answer that more accurately or less inaccurately describes you" and the above-described responder is sophisticated enough to reason out his/her response in terms of "Despite the infrequency with which I have nice dreams, I have them [more frequently / less infrequently] than dreams in which animals chase me" (or, in theory, vice versa) will such a responder be willing to answer the question—and phrasing the guideline in this way bears its own cost of making the question reveal less about the respondent's propensities because the respondent is no longer forced to "fake" one way or another.[citation needed].
    ellauri182.html on line 123: Quoting Zen master Dogen-zenji’s “Instructions for the Zen Cook,” (circa 1237), Ashburne relays the words of the great Zen master on the simple act of washing rice and cooking it. Dogen-zenji states, “Keep your eyes open. Do not allow even one grain of rice to be lost. Wash the rice thoroughly, put it in the pot, light the fire and cook it.” He then adds, “There is an old saying that goes, ‘see the pot as your own head; see the water as your life-blood.’” Vittu et on anaalia puuhastelua ruuan kanssa. Ei ruualla saa leikkiä. Se on jumalan viljaa.
    ellauri184.html on line 232: Culturally Judeans despised their northern neighbors as country cousins, their lack of Jewish sophistication being compounded by their greater openness to Hellenistic influence.
    ellauri185.html on line 330: Oho? Kysymys 35 puuttuu Tiede-lehden luettelosta. Perimmäisiä kymysyxiä onkin vain 12. Onko tämä se 13. kysymys, eli mikä kysymys uupuu joukosta? Sekö jonka vastaus on 42? 12 oli Jeshuastakin hyvä luku, leipäannoxet on helppo murisuttaa pojille. Mutta Jee-suxen kanssa siitä tulee 13? Epäonnen luku? Ei hätää Juudas poistui muonavahvuudesta, ja sitten Jessekin. Mitä, taasko jäi vain jalkapallojoukkue? Ehei, vaihtopenkiltä saatiin Juuttaan paikkaa paikkaamaan vilttiketjumies Matti. Josta kukaan ei ole kyllä kuullutkaan, oli se niin maan takamies. Maailman Matti. Matti Nykänen suunnitteli omat hautajaisensa, tuhkat piti sirotella lentokoneesta.
    ellauri185.html on line 798: The firstborn of a mother is referred to in the Bible (Exodus 13:2) as one who “opens the womb” of his mother. Jacob and Esau vied for right of way through Rebecca's birth canal. Esau won that set, but the game went to Jacob.
    ellauri188.html on line 420: Right before the play was to open, Lucas was mugged and beaten "on his way to the theater" for "dress rehearsal". He played the role of Judas with bloody bandages across his broken nose and black eyes. The audience thought the bandages were part of the play.
    ellauri189.html on line 203: “wheel of being”, moved by the force of desire (Schopenhauer’s Wille) that
    ellauri189.html on line 206: Malczewski’s worldview (Weltanschauung) seems at first sight very much akin to Schopenhauer’s metaphysical pessimism (the fact that the German philosopher’s main treatise Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung was almost neglected by his contemporaries, should not close our eyes to the fact that the first part of it was written immediately after the Napoleonic wars; it belongs to the same époque as Maria).
    ellauri189.html on line 209: with its receding horizon, melting into heaven, shows two different countenances of infinity. Man may spontaneously recognize the identity of linear and cyclical infinity, but the basis of this identity is not an empirically established fact, but an assumption, a matter of belief. The wheel of Karma is not so different from Schopenhauers endless rounds of the lush parks of Frankfurt following the dark star behind his poodle Atman.
    ellauri191.html on line 1750: "for an oeuvre of universal validity, bitter insights and linguistic ingenuity, which has opened new paths for the Chinese novel and drama"
    ellauri192.html on line 77: Jakobson escaped from Prague in early March 1939 via Berlin for Denmark, where he was associated with Louis Hjelmslev's Copenhagen linguistic circle. He fled to Norway on 1 September 1939, and in 1940 walked across the border to Sweden, where he continued his work at the Karolinska Hospital (with works on footsores, aphasia and language competence). When Swedish colleagues feared a possible German occupation, he managed to leave on a cargo ship, together with Ernst Cassirer (the former rector of Hamburg University) to New York City in 1941 to become part of the wider community of intellectual émigrés who fled there.
    ellauri192.html on line 305: “The subject of my book [‘The Books of Jacob’] — a multicultural Poland — was not comfortable for proponents of this new version of history,” Tokarczuk told PEN Transmissions, a journal run by the English iteration of PEN, in May, 2018. She was taken by surprise by the amount of rage the book provoked — not to mention her comment on receiving the Nike sneakers. But rather than retreat, she has continued to speak out on behalf of the communities she sees her government as wishing to sideline. In a January op-ed for The New York Times following a Polish radical’s on-air murder of the open-minded young Gdansk mayor Pawel Adamowicz, Tokarczuk wrote of a Polish populist narrative that “scapegoats… the so-called crazy leftists, queer-lovers, Germans, Jews, European Union puppets, feminists, liberals and anyone who supports immigrants.”
    ellauri192.html on line 627: While the church prayed, God answered. He miraculously delivered Peter from prison: an angel led him out of his cell and through the prison gate, which opened for them to pass (Acts 12:6–10). Upon realizing that he was not dreaming, Peter made his way to a place he knew was safe, Mary’s house (Acts 12:11–12).
    ellauri192.html on line 629: When Peter arrived and knocked on the door, the servant girl Rhoda came to answer. She heard Peter’s voice and knew it was he, but in her excitement and joy she forgot to actually open the door. Leaving Peter standing in the night, she rushed to tell everyone else about the miracle outside (Acts 12:14). They did not believe her, though, thinking she was out of her mind (Acts 12:15). When Rhoda was insistent, the believers decided it must be Peter’s “angel”—his guardian angel, perhaps, or his ghost—rather than the answer to their prayers!
    ellauri194.html on line 269: While the confounding Gog and Magog as confined Jews was becoming commonplace, some, like Riccoldo or Vincent de Beauvais remained skeptics, and distinguished the Lost Tribes from Gog and Magog. As noted, Riccoldo had reported a Mongol folk-tradition that they were descended from Gog and Magog. He also addressed many minds (Westerners or otherwise) being credulous of the notion that Mongols might be Captive Jews, but after weighing the pros and cons, he concluded this was an open question.
    ellauri194.html on line 510: The opening paragraph of a biographical article should neutrally describe the person, provide context, establish notability and explain why the person is notable, and reflect the balance of reliable sources.
    ellauri194.html on line 514: The noteworthy position(s) or role(s) the person held should usually be stated in the opening paragraph. However, avoid overloading the lead paragraph with various and sundry roles; instead, emphasize what made the person notable. Incidental and non-noteworthy roles (i.e. activities that are not integral to the person's notability) should usually not be mentioned in the lead paragraph.
    ellauri196.html on line 242: While someone else is eating or opening a window or just walking dully along; kun joku toinen syö, avaa ikkunan tai kävelee muuten vaan;
    ellauri197.html on line 649: By the age of 12, Browning had written a book of poetry, which he later destroyed for want of a publisher. After attending one or two private schools and showing an insuperable dislike of school life, he was educated at home by a tutor, using the resources of his father's library. By 14 he was fluent in French, Greek, Italian and Latin. He became an admirer of the Romantic poets, especially Shelley, whom he followed in becoming an atheist and a vegetarian (and a bisexual). At 16, he studied Greek at University College London, but left after his first year. His parents' evangelical faith prevented his studying at either Oxford or Cambridge University, both then open only to members of the Church of England. He had inherited substantial musical ability through his mother, and composed arrangements of various songs. He refused a formal career and ignored his parents' remonstrations by dedicating himself to poetry. He stayed at home until the age of 34, financially dependent on his family until his marriage. His father sponsored the publication of his son's poems. Varsinainen vanhapiika, neiti-ihminen.
    ellauri197.html on line 661: Ei hyvältä näytä. Plato mainitaan noin nimeltä. I deeply mused. Tällä oli varmaan kuitattu Roopen vuoden opiskeluaika Lontoossa. Brightonissa on viihtyisämpi olla, äiti kattaa ruuat ajallaan.
    ellauri197.html on line 675: Roope sähköttää näin Paulinelle vanhempien arkihuoneesta. Sittulee tollasta Blue Lagoon tyyppistä luontopläjäystä. Henkilöitä on tässä lurituxessa tosi vähän, vislaavat muulinajajat ihan hätkähdyttävät. Wild men watch a sleeping girl who crosses her legs and opens them like a labor whip, I look in—I am concentrated—I feel;—
    ellauri197.html on line 687: Rivi tähtiä. Oliskohan tää PAULINE ize asiassa salanimi Paavalille oka kyljessä? Roopen äiti Wiedemann oli harras evankeelinen.
    ellauri198.html on line 237: Although the strike lasted nearly six months, the tide quickly turned. Union leaders had recently initiated a policy of supporting President Franklin Roosevelt and the Democratic Party. They told their workers that they could trust the Democrats and count on them to defend their interests. But Democratic governors, all allied with Roosevelt and all good friends of big business, used their power to beat strikers into submission. In Johnstown, Pennsylvania, the governor declared martial law and police reopened a closed plant and herded scabs into the factory to restart production, breaking the strike. In Ohio, the governor ordered National Guard troops from town to town to smash picket lines, beat and arrest strikers, raid union offices, and escort scabs into the factories. In Youngstown, two workers were shot dead, two more in Massillon, and another was beaten to death in Canton. Thousands more were beaten and arrested throughout the state at those and other locations.
    ellauri198.html on line 239: The most terrible day, preceding those described above, was May 30th, Memorial Day. On the south side of Chicago 1,500 workers, including some of their families, marched to the Republic Steel plant for a picket line and to hold a meeting. They were met by 200 police and dozens of paddy wagons. A group of 300 workers advanced to confront the police. After debate, then heated argument, the police opened fire on the workers, first shooting dozens, then clubbing those still fleeing and many they had already shot. Ten were killed and forty others were shot, almost all in the back. One was paralyzed from the waist down. One hundred were beaten with clubs, including an eight-year-old child. After Memorial Day, workers were fearful that any wrong move could sudden death. And their union leaders offered no larger strategy to answer the violence.
    ellauri198.html on line 260: Esim Roland was the name of a real-life medieval military leader under Charlemagne who, more importantly, was the subject of the oldest surviving major work of French literature: an epic poem titled The Song of Roland. Roland was a loyal and trusting knight who was told to bring up the rear guard and burst his own temples open while sounding a horn too vigorously. What a way to go! In 1855, Robert Browning made the warrior the subject of his poem “Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came,” which leads us back to Stephen King, of all the U.S. turds. It’s a bit incongruous to think of Dorff’s Roland West—an uncouth man who refers to “Saigon trim” and is eager to start a fight.
    ellauri198.html on line 667:
    Slughorn is the name of openSUSE's mascot for the YaST2 setup tool.

    ellauri198.html on line 736: In a final "Coda" section, King urges the reader to close the book at this point, consider the story finished with a happy ending, and not venture inside the Tower with Roland. For those who do not heed the warning, the story resumes with Roland stepping into the Dark Tower. He realizes that the Tower is not really made of stone, but a kind of flesh: it is Gan's physical body. As he climbs the steps, Roland encounters various rooms containing siguls or signs of his past life. When he reaches the top of the Tower, he finds a door marked with his own name and opens it. Roland instantly realizes, to his horror, that he has reached the Tower countless times before. He is forced through the door by the hands of Gan and transported back in time to the Mohaine desert, back to where he was at the beginning of The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger, with no memories of what has just occurred. The only difference is that, this time, Roland possesses the Horn of Eld, which in the previous incarnation he had left lying on the ground after the Battle of Jericho Hill. Roland hears the voice of Gan, whispering that, if he reaches the Tower again, perhaps this time the result will be different; there may yet be rest. The series ends where it began in the first line of book one: "The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed."
    ellauri203.html on line 497: Varvara Petrovna Stavrogina on varakas maanomistaja joka omistaa komeita premissejä Skvoreshnikeissä. Se elättää tätä Verhovenskiä joka on Stavroginin pojan kotiopena. Ilmeisesti isä Verhovenski ei edes bylsi sitä, mikä takuulla kismitti Varvaraa. Sellainen Nestor Kukolnik ilman kukkoa.
    ellauri204.html on line 391: “So saying, Argeiphontes gave me the herb, drawing it from the ground, and showed me its nature. At the root it was black, but its flower was like milk. [305] Moly the gods call it, and it is hard for mortal men to dig; but with the gods all things are possible. Hermes then departed to high Olympus through the wooded isle, and I went my way to the house of Circe, and many things did my heart darkly ponder as I went. [310] So I stood at the gates of the fair-tressed goddess. There I stood and called, and the goddess heard my voice. Straightway then she came forth, and opened the bright doors, and bade me in; and I went with her, my heart sore troubled. She brought me in and made me sit on a silver-studded chair, [315] a beautiful chair, richly wrought, and beneath was a foot-stool for the feet. And she prepared me a potion in a golden cup, that I might drink, and put therein a drug, with evil purpose in her heart. But when she had given it me, and I had drunk it off, yet was not bewitched, she smote me with her wand, and spoke, and addressed me: [320] ‘Begone now to the sty, and lie with the rest of thy comrades.’ “So she spoke, but I, drawing my sharp sword from between my thighs, rushed upon Circe, as though I would slay her. But she, with a loud cry, ran beneath, and clasped my knees, and with wailing she spoke to me winged words: [325] “‘Who art thou among men, and from whence? Where is thy city, and where thy parents? Amazement holds me that thou hast drunk this charm and wast in no wise bewitched. For no man else soever hath withstood this charm, when once he has drunk it, and it has passed the barrier of his teeth. Nay, but the mind in thy breast is one not to be beguiled. [330] Surely thou art Odysseus, the man of ready device, who Argeiphontes of the golden wand ever said to me would come hither on his way home from Troy with his swift, black ship. Nay, come, put up thy sword in this here sheath, and let us two then go up into my bed, that couched together [335] in love we may put trust in each other.’ “So she spoke, but I answered her, and said:‘Circe, how canst thou bid me be gentle to thee, who hast turned my comrades into swine in thy halls, and now keepest me here, and with guileful purpose biddest me [340] go to thy chamber, and go up into thy bed, that when thou hast me stripped thou mayest render me a weakling and unmanned? Nay, verily, it is not I that shall be fain to go up into thy bed, unless thou, goddess, wilt consent to swear a mighty oath that thou wilt not plot against me any fresh mischief to my hurt.’
    ellauri204.html on line 393: If you thought that a visit to the brothel district was going to be fun and sexy, the “Circe” episode’s opening stage directions quickly dispel you of that notion by establishing the unseemly setting of Joyce’s Nighttown. The tracks are “skeleton,” the signals warn of “danger,” the houses are “grimy,” the men are “stunted,” and the women “squabble” about price. Indeed, Encyclopaedia Britannica in 1885 labeled this part of Dublin “the worst slum in Europe”. Located in east Dublin between Montgomery Street and Tyrone (né Mecklenburgh) Street, Nighttown is an ugly place filled with unsavory people. Moly (ei Molly) yrtti oli luultavasti valkosipuli. Bloomin mielixeen kengittämän hoidon hampaat haisi valkosipulilta.
    ellauri204.html on line 733: She wrote openly about menstruation, abortion, masturbation, incest, adultery, and drug addiction at a time when the proprieties embraced none of these as proper topics for poetry.
    ellauri206.html on line 81: One of the best-known modern studies of mimesis—understood in literature as a form of realism—is Erich Auerbach's Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature, which opens with a famous comparison between the way the world is represented in Homer's Odyssey and the way it appears in the Bible. Eric thought the Bible way was way better in all respects. But he was a Jew, so surprise surprise.
    ellauri210.html on line 342: openculture.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Picasso-annotated-poem-manuscript-December-24-1935.jpg" width="100%" />
    ellauri210.html on line 575: Kurt Hiller (* 17. August 1885 in Berlin; † 1. Oktober 1972 in Hamburg) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller, pazifistischer Publizist und Aktivist der ersten Schwulenbewegung. Er kämpfte lebenslang für einen schopenhauerschen und antihegelianisch begründeten Sozialismus, für Frieden und sexuelle Minderheiten.
    ellauri210.html on line 1279: According to the trivia section here at IMDB, "George Bernard Shaw adamantly opposed any notion that Higgins and Eliza had fallen in love and would marry at the end of the play, as he felt it would betray the character of Eliza who, as in the myth of Pygmalion and Galatea, would "come to life" and emancipate herself from the male domination of Higgins and her father. He even went so far as to include a lengthy essay to be published with copies of the script explaining precisely why Higgins and Eliza would never marry, and what "actually happened" after the curtain fell: Eliza married Freddy and opened a flower shop with funds from Colonel Pickering. Moreover, as Shaw biographers have noted, Higgins is meant to be an analogue of the playwright himself, thus suggesting Higgins was actually a homosexual." Eliza, where are my slippers?
    ellauri213.html on line 434: Seuraavassa on listattuna pahoja naisia rikkomuxineen (kuvissa söpöset alleviivattu): Irma Grese (Naziwächterin), Myra Hindley (serial pedocide), Isabela of Castile (born in the year 1451 and died in 1504, Isabella the Catholic, was queen of Castile and León. She and her husband, Ferdinand II of Aragon, brought stability to the kingdoms that became the basis for the unification of Spain. Isabella and Ferdinand are known for completing the Reconquista, ordering conversion or exile of their Muslim and Jewish subjects and financing Christopher Columbus’ 1492 voyage that led to the opening of the “New World”. Isabella was granted the title Servant of God by the Catholic Church in 1974), Beverly Allitt (pedocide, Angel of Death), Queen Mary of England (catholic), Belle Gunness (norwegian-american serial killer), Mary Ann Cotton (serial killer), Ilse Koch (Lagerfrau), Katherine Knight (very bad Aussie), Elizabeth Bathory (hungarian noblewoman and serial killer), Sandra Avila Beltran (drugs), Patty Hearst (hänen isoisänsä oli lehtikeisari William Randolph Hearst. Hiän joutui kidnappauksen uhriksi, mutta pian tämän jälkeen hiän teki pankkiryöstön ja joutui vankilaan), Genene Jones (infanticide nurse), Karla Homolka (Canadian serial killer), Diane Downs (infanticide), Aileen Wuornos (serial killer), Griselda Blanco (drug lady), Lizzie Borden (kirvesmurhaaja), Bonnie Parker (bank robber), Anne Bonny (pirate), Mary Bell (pedocide), Delphine LaLaurie (serial slavekiller), Patricia Krenwinkel (Manson family member), Leslie van Houten (Manson family member), Darlie Routier (infanticide), Susan Smith (infanticide), Susan Atkins (Manson family member), Ching Shih (pirate), Anna Sorokin Delvey (con woman), Amelia Dyer (serial killer), Assata Shakur (black terrorist), Belle Gunness (serial killer), Gypsy Rose Blanchard (matricide), Pamela Smart (mariticide), Ruth Ellis (nightclub hostess, last woman hanged in UK), Phoolan Devi (bandit), Ma Barker (matriarch), Jennifer Pan (parenticide), Virginia Hill (gangster), Karla Faye Tucker (burglar, first woman injected in US), Leonarda Cianciully (serial murderer, soapmaker), Mary Read, Carill Ann Fugate (murder spree), Grace Marks (maid), Belle Starr (outlaw, friend of Lucky Luke), Zerelda Mimms (Mrs. Jesse James), Jane Toppan (serial killer), Sara Jane Moore (wannabe assassin of Gerald Ford), Martha Beck (serial killer), Doris Payne (jewel thief), Mary Brunner (Manson family member), Barbara Graham (executed by gas), Grace O'Malley (pirate), Sada Abe (jealous geisha. When they asked why she had killed Ishida, “Immediately she became excited and her eyes sparkled in a strange way: ‘I loved him so much, I wanted him all to myself. But since we were not husband and wife, as long as he lived he could be embraced by other women. I knew that if I killed him no other woman could ever touch him again, so I killed him…..’ ), Samantha Lewthwaite (white somali terrorist), Theresa Knorr (murderess), Lynette Fromme (Manson family, wannabe assassin of Gerald Ford), The Freeway Phantom (serial killer), Carol M. Bundy (serial killer), Fanny Kaplan (bolshevik revolutionary), Marguerite Alibert (Ed VII courtesan), Jean Harris (author), Linda Hazzard (physician, serial killer), Mary Jane Kelly (1st victim of Jack the Ripper), Kim Hyon-hui (North-Korean spy), Vera Renczi (serial killer), Clare Bronfman (filthy rich criminal), Kirsten Gilbert (serial killer nurse), Gerda Steinhoff (Lagerwächterin), Linda Carty (baby robber), Estella Marie Thompson (black prostitute, blowjobbed Hugh Grant), Elizabeth Becker (Lagerwächterin), Juana Barraza (asesina en serie), Olivera Circovic (baseball player, writer, jewel thief), Olga Hepnarova (mental serial killer), Sabina Eriksson (knäpp tvilling), Minnie Dean (serial killer), Madame de Brinvilliers (aristocrat parri- and fratricide), Martha Rendell (familicide, last woman hanged in Western Australia), Violet Gibson (wannabe assassin of Mussolini), Idoia López Riaño (terrorist), Styllou Christofi (murdered her daughter in law), Mary Eastley (convicted of witchcraft), Wanda Klaff (Lagerwächterin), Giulia Tofana (avvelenatrice), Tisiphone (1/3 raivottaresta), Jean Lee (murderer for money), Brigitte Mohnhaupt (RAF terrorist), Marcia (mistress of Commodus), Beate Zschäpe (far-right terrorist), Evelyn Frechette (singer, Dillingerin heila), Francoise Dior (naziaktivisti), Linda Mulhall (nirhasi äidin poikaystävän saxilla), Brigit Hogefeld (RAF terrorist), Martha Corey (Salem witchhunt victim), Marie Lafarge (arsenikkimurha), Debra Lafave (teacher, gave blow job to student), Enriqueta Marti (asasina en serie), Alse Young (witch hanging victim), Elizabeth Michael (actress, involuntary manslaughter: nasty boyfriend hit his head and died while beating her), Susannah Martin (witchcraft), Maria Mandl (Gefängnisoffizerin), Mary Frith (pickpocket and fence), Hanadi Jaradat (suicide bomber), Marie-Josephte Carrivau (mariticide), Gudrun Ensslin (RAF founder), Anna Anderson (vale-Anastasia), Ans van Dijk (jutku nazikollaboraattori), Elizabeth Holmes (bisneshuijari), Ghislaine Maxwell (Epsteinin haahka), Julianna Farrait (drugs), Yolanda Saldivar (embezzler, killer), Jodi Arias (convicted killer Jodi Ann Arias was born on July 9, 1980, in Salinas, California. In the summer of 2008, Arias made national headlines when she was charged with murdering her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander, a 30-year-old member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who was working as a motivational speaker and insurance salesman. Aargh. Justifiable homicide.) Alyssa Bustamante (kid murder), Mary Kay Letourneau (kid abuser), Mirtha Young (drugs), Catherine Nevin (mariticide), Pilar Prades (maid), Irmgard Möller (terrorist), Christine Schürrer (krimi), Reem Riyashi (suicide bomber), Amy Fisher (jealous), Wafa Idris (suicide bomber), Jeanne de Clisson (ex-noblewoman), Christine Papin (maid murderer), Sally McNeil (body builder), Mariette Bosch (murderer), Sandra Ávila Beltrán (drugs), Alice Schwarzer (journalist), Andrea Yates (litter murderer), Mimi Wong (bar hostess), Pauline Nyiramasuhuko (criminal politician), Josefa Segovia (murderer), Martha Needle (serial killer), Antonina Makarova (war criminal), Mary Surratt (criminal businessperson), Dorothea Binz (officer), Leona Helmsley (tax evasion), Angela Rayola (reality tv personality), Léa Papin (maid murderer), Ursula Erikssson (kriminell mördare), Maria Petrovna (spree killer), Aafia Siddiqui (criminal), Fatima Bernawi (palestinian militant), La Voisin (fortune teller), Deniz Seki (singer), Rasmea Odeh (Arab activist), Hildegard Lächert (nurse), Sajida al-Rishawi (suicide bomber), Hayat Boumeddiene (ISIS groupie, nähty viimexi Al Holissa), Herta Ehlert (Lagerwächterin), Elizabeth Stride (seriös mördare), Adelheid Schulz (krimi), Jenny-Wanda Barkman (Wächter), Shi Jianqiao (pardoned assassin. The assassination of Sun Chuanfang was ethically justified as an act of filial piety and turned into a political symbol of the legitimate vengeance against the Japanese invaders.), Rosemary West (serial killer), Juana Bormann (Lagerwächterin), Kathy Boudin (criminal), Kate Webster (assassin), Teresa Lewis (murderer), Hermine Braunsteiner (Lagerwächterin), Flor Contemplacion (assassina), Constance Kent (fratricide), Tamara Samsonova (serial killer), Herta Bothe (Lagerwächterin), Maria Gruber (Mörderin), Irene Leidolf (möderin), Waltraud Wagner (Mörderin), Elaine Campione (criminelle), Greta Bösel (Pflegerin), Marie Manning (Mörderin), Darya Nikolayevna Saltykova (sadist), Nora Parham (executed), Maria Barbella (assassina), Linda Wenzel (ISIS activist), Anna Marie Hahn (Mörderin), Suzane von Richthofen (parenticide), Charlotte Mulhall (murderer), Khioniya Guseva (kriminal), Daisy de Melker (serial killer nurse), Stephanija Meyer (Mörderin), Sinedu Tadesse (murderer), Ayat al-Akhras (suicide bomber), Akosita Lavulavu (minister of infrastructure and tourism), Sabrina de Sousa (criminal diplomat), Sally Basset (poisoner), Emma Zimmer (Aufseher), Mary Clement (serial killer), Irina Gaidamachuk (serial killer), Dagmar Overbye (serialmorder), Gesche Gottfried (Mörderin), Frances Knorr (serial killer), Beate Schmidt (Serienmörderin), Elizabeth Clarke (accused victim of witchcraft), Kim Sun-ja (serial killer), Olga Konstantinovana Briscorn (serial killer), Roxana Baldetti (politico), Rizana Nafeek (house maid), Margaret Scott (accused of witchcraft), Jacqueline Sauvage (meurtrier), Veronique Courjault (tueur en série), Barbara Erni (thief), Hilde Lesewitz (Schutzstaffel Wächterin), Thenmoli Rajaratnam (suicide bomber), etc. etc..
    ellauri214.html on line 529: Share on twitter (opens new window)

    ellauri214.html on line 530: Share on facebook (opens new window)

    ellauri214.html on line 531: Share on linkedin (opens new window)

    ellauri214.html on line 532: Share on whatsapp (opens new window)

    ellauri214.html on line 554: “I opened a history that was taboo from a number of perspectives: it was swept under the carpet by Catholics, Jews and communists. It took me eight years to research such fragile and contentious facts,” she says, “But after I won the Nike Jogging Shoe Award [Poland’s most prestigious literary prize], I was attacked by people who didn’t want to know about Poland’s dark past.” She sighs.
    ellauri216.html on line 198: The Didache (Greek: Διδαχή, translit. Didakhé, lit. "Teaching"), also known as The Lord's Teaching Through the Twelve Apostles to the Nations (Διδαχὴ Κυρίου διὰ τῶν δώδεκα ἀποστόλων τοῖς ἔθνεσιν), is a brief anonymous early Christian treatise written in Koine Greek, dated by modern scholars to the first or (less commonly) second century AD. The first line of this treatise is "The teaching of the Lord to the Gentiles (or Nations) by the twelve apostles". The text, parts of which constitute the oldest extant written catechism, has three main sections dealing with Christian ethics, rituals such as baptism and Eucharist, and Church organization. The opening chapters describe the virtuous Way of Life and the wicked Way of Death. The Lord's Prayer is included in full. Baptism is by immersion, or by affusion if immersion is not practical. Fasting is ordered for Wednesdays and Fridays. Two primitive Eucharistic prayers are given. Church organization was at an early stage of development. Itinerant apostles and prophets are important, serving as "chief priests" and possibly celebrating the Eucharist. Meanwhile, local bishops and deacons also have authority and seem to be taking the place of the itinerant ministry.
    ellauri216.html on line 324: According to a 2010 survey, there are a total of 36,700 villages in Russia with fewer than 10 inhabitants. Traditionally Russia’s agricultural land was subdivided into a patchwork of villages and fields, interspersed by forest and marsh. Now the villages are deserted and crumbling: the state closes them down, often on a whim, and young people leave to find work elsewhere. opendemocracy.net/en/odr/death-of-russian-village/">Matilda Moreton tells the tragic story based on fieldwork in the Russian North.
    ellauri219.html on line 194: Leonard Alfred Schneider (October 13, 1925 – August 3, 1966), known professionally as Lenny Bruce, was an American stand-up comedian, social critic, and satirist. Samanikäinen kuin Tony Curtis, ja samanlainen vale-anglosaxi, Levantin kuomuneniä kumpikin. He was renowned for his open, free-wheeling, and critical style of comedy which contained satire, politics, religion, sex, and vulgarity. His 1964 conviction in an obscenity trial was followed by a posthumous pardon in 2003. Saat anteexi, mutta älä enää koskaan niin tee.
    ellauri219.html on line 639: Meanwhile Carole's plan seems to work and Michael asks to marry her. She agrees and they settle on marrying within the week. She moves in but Michael finds fidelity impossible. When a second "fiancee" arrives, she knows the worst. Simultaneously, a woman parachutes into Michael's open-top sports car and he ends up sleeping with her, also meeting other conquests at the bar. This takes place at a small country hotel, where all parties materialise in the format of a typical French farce. Some are checked in, but most just appear. This includes Carole's parents who wander the corridors, causing Michael to jump from room to room. A rumour has also started locally that an orgy is taking place so side characters such as the petrol station attendant also start to appear. Carole appears and wishes to see Michael's room. As they speak, all the other participants chase each other around in the background. Fassbinder's wife tracks him down.
    ellauri219.html on line 867: Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher (1788-1860).
    ellauri219.html on line 954: The police blanketed the 23-year-old woman and asked her questions to determine her state of mind. She was unable to answer who she was, what day it was, or what kind of moron the President of the United States was. She was able to explain that she was “bipolar,” but though she was on “prescription medication,” she was uncertain if she had been taking it recently. A neighbor gave her some clothes, and she was taken to jail on charges of open or gross lewdness. The dog meanwhile was taken stark naked into the custody of Animal Control on similar charges and executed fortwith without trial. "We had to let him go", said the sheriff ruefully.
    ellauri222.html on line 259: Jänisrouva sanoi jälkikäteen: He did not want to hurt the people he loved. (Lucky they were so few of them. At 17, he said he hated himself more than melodrama or even spinach.) There wasn't a single part of my being that wasn't able to open up to him (Yeah, I bet). Jänis Bellow was born in Canada. Bellow was one of her professors. She came from a small place, but not too small for Saul to enter. He wasn't exactly tall, but he had this broad upper body, these giant arms, like a sloth."
    ellauri222.html on line 269: Now there is real mystery about communists in the west, to limit myself to those. How were they able to accept Stalin – one of the most monstrous tyrants ever? You would have thought that the Stalin-Hitler division of Poland, the defeat of the French which opened the way to Hitler's invasion of Russia, would have led CP members to reconsider their loyalties. But no. When I landed in Paris in 1948 I found that the intellectual leaders (Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, etc) remained loyal despite the Stalin sea of blood. Well, every country, every government has its sea, or lake, or pond. Still Stalin remained "the hope" – despite the clear parallel with Hitler.
    ellauri222.html on line 279: There aren't many people to whom I can be so open. We've always been candid with each other and I hope we will continue, both of us, to say what we think. You'll be sore at me, but I believe you won't cast me off for ever. Love, Shlomo.
    ellauri222.html on line 320: my prophetic eyes opened like
    ellauri222.html on line 359: The foremost theme in The Adventures of Augie March is the search for identity. Unsure of what he wants from life, Augie is pulled along into the schemes of friends and strangers, trying on different identities and learning about the world through jobs ranging from union organizer to eagle trainer to book thief. His path seems random, but as Augie notes, quoting the Greek philosopher Heraclitus, “a man’s character is his fate.” As Augie goes through life, knocking on various doors, these doors of fate open up for him as if by random, but the knocks are unquestionably his own. In the end of the novel, Augie defines his identity as a “Columbus of those near-at-hand,” whose purpose in life is to knock some eggs. Augie notes that “various jobs” are the Rosetta stone, or key, to his entire life. Americans define themselves by their work (having no roots, family or land to stick to), and Augie is a sort of vagabond, trying on different identities as he goes along. Unwilling to limit himself by specializing in any one area, Augie drifts from job to job. He becomes a handbill-distributor, a paperboy, a Woolworth’s stocker, a newsstand clerk, a trinket-seller, a Christmas helper at a department store, a flower delivery boy, a butler, a clerk at fine department stores, a paint salesman, a dog groomer, a book thief, a coal yard worker, a housing inspector, a union organizer, an eagle-trainer, a gambler, a literary researcher, a business machine salesman, a merchant marine, and ultimately an importer-exporter working in wartime Europe. Augie’s job changing is emblematic of the social mobility that is so quintessentially American. Augie is the American Everyman, continually reinventing himself, like Donald Duck. Olemme kaikki oman onnemme Akuja, joopa joo. Yrmf, olet tainnut mainita. You are telling me!
    ellauri222.html on line 361: Grandma Lausch tells Augie, “The more you love people the more they’ll mix you up. A child loves, a person respects. Respect is better than love.” Which is really better, respect or love? The two brothers, Augie and Simon, are on opposite sides of this argument. Augie identifies himself on the side of love. An idealist with a soft heart, he is almost comically susceptible to falling in love, and openly shows his sympathy, even toward the small lizards that are killed by the eagle Caligula. Augie’s vision for an orphan home and academy is driven by his motivation to share love. Simon, on the other hand, prefers respect. He marries Charlotte and stays with her because he admires her business sense, not because he feels romantic love for her. He doesn’t care whether the men at the club love him. In fact, he knows they hate him. But this doesn’t matter to him as long as he is respected. Ultimately, Simon is richer and more successful, but Augie seems happier. What's love got to do with it. What a reptile.
    ellauri222.html on line 623: Renée is the young, beautiful, blond mistress of Simon. Simon spends his days with Renée, but goes home each night to Charlotte. Renée becomes angry and jealous because Simon never intends to leave his wife. When Charlotte finds out about the affair and demands a stop to it, Renée attempts suicide by swallowing pills (apparently an attention-getting gesture), and claims (falsely) that she is pregnant with Simon’s baby. She causes a scandal, opening a lawsuit against Simon. Charlotte and Simon have to go to court to fend her off.
    ellauri222.html on line 944: Not much is known about her, apparently. So I can't really open a new entry for her.
    ellauri223.html on line 182: Bacon stated that he had three goals: to uncover truth, to serve his country, and to serve his church. He sought to achieve these goals by seeking a prestigious post. Yet he failed to gain a position that he thought would lead him to success. He showed signs of sympathy to Puritanism, attending the sermons of the Puritan chaplain of Gray's Inn and accompanying his mother to the Temple Church to hear Walter Travers. In the Parliament of 1586, he openly urged execution for the Catholic Mary, Queen of Scots. He advocated for the union of England and Scotland, which made him a significant influence toward the consolidation of the United Kingdom; and he later would advocate for the integration of Ireland into the Union. Closer constitutional ties, he believed, would bring greater peace and strength to these countries. What a motherfucker.
    ellauri223.html on line 230: This conclusion has been disputed by other faggots, who point to lack of consistent evidence, and consider the sources to be more open to interpretation. Publicly, at least, Bacon distanced himself from the idea of homosexuality. In his New Atlantis, he described his utopian island as being "the chastest nation under heaven", and "as for masculine love, they have no touch of it". Olipa 2-naamainen kaveri.
    ellauri226.html on line 160: P.S. Eikä siinä vielä kaikki! Hoblan savolaisvahvistus Erja Alajärvi ehdottaa, että suomenkielisten ei enää tarvizisi yrittääkään koulussa oppia pakkoruåzia. Ruåzista ei enää annettaisi arvosanoja, tunnit olis pelkkää suolausta jossa heitellään lennokkeja, tehdään Trump-ilmeitä open selän takana ja näpytellään luureja. Vittu kannattiko ottaa toimituxeen tollasta viidettä kolonnaa? Eihän se ole edes indogermaani, vaan ihan tavallinen mongoloidi Itä-Suomesta.
    ellauri226.html on line 445: lost 500,000 factory jobs, and after 1960 civil service jobs were opened
    ellauri226.html on line 512: For many white residents of The Bronx, Co-op City offered a solution to their problems. It provided private ownership and was a protected enclave within The Bronx. The opening of Co-op City prompted thousands of white families
    ellauri226.html on line 521: and an opening of many more shades of shady minorities to move in as
    ellauri226.html on line 527: Jacque Smith Bonneau moved to the South Bronx in the mid-1940s as part of the first major migration of African Americans to the borough and, like many of the white residents interviewed, commented on the safety of The Bronx in the 1950s and spoke of leaving the apartment door open on warm days, which created fine opportunities for petty crime for the sootyfaced poorer folks.
    ellauri236.html on line 61: Portuguese-language searches for basic election-related terms such as “fraud,” “intervention” and “ballots” on Facebook and Instagram, which are owned by Meta, have overwhelmingly directed people toward groups pushing claims questioning the integrity of the vote or openly agitating for a military coup, researchers from the advocacy group SumOfUs found. On TikTok, five out of eight top search results for the keyword “ballots” were for terms such as “rigged ballots” and “ballots being manipulated.”
    ellauri236.html on line 202: In a book like No Orchids one is not, as in the old-style crime story, simply escaping from dull reality into an imaginary world of action. One's escape is essentially into cruelty and sexual perversion. No Orchids is aimed at the power-instinct, which Raffles or the Sherlock Holmes stories are not. At the same time the English attitude towards crime is not so superior to the American as I may have seemed to imply. It too is mixed up with power-worship, and has become more noticeably so in the last twenty years. A writer who is worth examining is Edgar Wallace, especially in such typical books as The Orator and the Mr. J. G. Reeder stories. Wallace was one of the first crime-story writers to break away from the old tradition of the private detective and make his central figure a Scotland Yard official. Sherlock Holmes is an amateur, solving his problems without the help and even, in the earlier stories, against the opposition of the police. Moreover, like Lupin, he is essentially an intellectual, even a scientist. He reasons logically from observed fact, and his intellectuality is constantly contrasted with the routine methods of the police. Wallace objected strongly to this slur, as he considered it, on Scotland Yard, and in several newspaper articles he went out of his way to denounce Holmes by name. His own ideal was the detective-inspector who catches criminals not because he is intellectually brilliant but because he is part of an all-powerful organization. Hence the curious fact that in Wallace's most characteristic stories the ‘clue’ and the ‘deduction’ play no part. The criminal is always defeated by an incredible coincidence, or because in some unexplained manner the police know all about the crime beforehand. The tone of the stories makes it quite clear that Wallace's admiration for the police is pure bully-worship. A Scotland Yard detective is the most powerful kind of being that he can imagine, while the criminal figures in his mind as an outlaw against whom anything is permissible, like the condemned slaves in the Roman arena. His policemen behave much more brutally than British policemen do in real life — they hit people with out provocation, fire revolvers past their ears to terrify them and so on — and some of the stories exhibit a fearful intellectual sadism. (For instance, Wallace likes to arrange things so that the villain is hanged on the same day as the heroine is married.) But it is sadism after the English fashion: that is to say, it is unconscious, there is not overtly any sex in it, and it keeps within the bounds of the law. The British public tolerates a harsh criminal law and gets a kick out of monstrously unfair murder trials: but still that is better, on any account, than tolerating or admiring crime. If one must worship a bully, it is better that he should be a policeman than a gangster. Wallace is still governed to some extent by the concept of ‘not done’. In No Orchids anything is ‘done’ so long as it leads on to power. All the barriers are down, all the motives are out in the open. Chase is a worse symptom than Wallace, to the extent that all-in wrestling is worse than boxing, or Fascism is worse than capitalist democracy.
    ellauri236.html on line 433: The door swung open and Anna walked in. She was wearing a pale green summer dress and a big straw hat. Eddie thought she looked terrific.
    ellauri238.html on line 893: Through many openings. Monista rakosista.
    ellauri240.html on line 207: After graduation George was offered a position as a principal at a school in Gilmanton, New Hampshire. By now the family had three children, all dependent upon his meager salary. It was while she was living in Gilmanton that Julian Messner, a New York publisher, agreed to publish Peyton Place. The book was a best seller by the fall of 1956, and Metalious became a wealthy woman overnight. Eventually, 20 million copies were sold in hardcover, along with another 12 million Dell paperbacks. Metalious became famous as the housewife who wrote a bestseller; she was referred to as "Pandora in Blue Jeans," the simple small-town woman who opened the box of sins.
    ellauri240.html on line 500: Founded in 2008 by Rainn Wilson et al., SoulPancake was created to encourage open-heart dialogue about what it means to be human. Throughout the years, we created content that explores the ways we all seek connection, hope, truth, identity, and purpose. (What a revolting bunch of buzzwords!)
    ellauri241.html on line 47: Fanny's flirtatious personality contrasts with Keats' notably more aloof nature. She begins to pursue him after her siblings Samuel and Toots obtain his book of poetry, "Endymion". Her efforts to interact with the poet are fruitless until he witnesses her grief for the loss of his brother, Tom. Keats begins to open up to her advances while spending Christmas with the Brawne family. He begins giving her poetry lessons, and it becomes apparent that their attraction is mutual. Fanny is nevertheless troubled by his reluctance to pursue her, on which her mother (Kerry Fox) surmises, "Mr. Keats knows he cannot like you, he has no living and no income."
    ellauri241.html on line 221: She felt the warmth, her eyelids opened bland, Hän tunsi lämmön, hänen silmäluomensa avautuivat,
    ellauri241.html on line 514: Saving a tythe which love still open kept, pelastaen kymmenyksen, jonka rakkaus yhä auki säilytti,
    ellauri241.html on line 536: He answer'd, bending to her open eyes, Hän vastasi kumartuen hänen avoimiin silmiinsä,
    ellauri241.html on line 903: Charm'd magic casements, opening on the foam Viehättävät taikakotelot korvilla, aukot vaahtomuovin päällä
    ellauri241.html on line 1046: opening his eyelids with a healthier brain. I feel great again!

    ellauri241.html on line 1609: Here the door bursts open and more celebs butt in:
    ellauri243.html on line 667: Pahrumpassa asui joku libertariaani joka on onnexi jo kuollut keuhkoemboliaan.

    Libertarian Party (LP) on poliittinen puolue Yhdysvalloissa, aika lailla Liike Nytin tapainen, joka edistää kansalaisvapauksia, interventiokyvyttömyyttä, laissez-faire -kapitalismia sekä hallituksen koon ja laajuuden rajoittamista. Puolue syntyi elokuussa 1971 tapaamisissa David F. Nolanin kotona Westminsterissä, Coloradossa, ja se perustettiin virallisesti 11. joulukuuta 1971 Colorado Springsissä, Coloradossa. Juhlien järjestäjät saivat inspiraatiota itävaltalaisen koulukunnan töistä ja ideoista, varsinkin ekonomisti Murray Rothbard. Rothbard väitti, että kaikki "yritysvaltion monopolijärjestelmän" tarjoamat palvelut voitaisiin tarjota tehokkaammin yksityisen sektorin toimesta ja kirjoitti, että valtio on "ryöstöorganisaatio, joka on systematisoitu ja kirjattu laajalle". Hänen suojelijansa Hans Herman Hopen mukaan ilman Rotberttiä ei olisi sanottavaa anarkokapitalistiliikettä. Hans-Hermann Hoppe ( / ˈh ɒ p ə / ; saksaksi: [ˈhɔpə] ; syntynyt 2. syyskuuta 1949) on saksalais-amerikkalainen itävaltalaisen koulukunnan taloustieteilijä , filosofi ja poliittinen teoreetikko. Hän on taloustieteen emeritusprofessori Nevadan yliopistossa Pahrumpassa (UNLV), Ludwig von Mises Instituten vanhustutkija sekä Property and Freedom Societyn perustaja ja puheenjohtaja. Hoppe on Kristina tädin ikätoveri. Hoppe on väkevästi antidemokraattinen. Sen kaveri Lew Rockwell on vahvasti Ukrainan sodan vastainen.
    ellauri243.html on line 732: Endymion is Disraeli in his youth except in the story he is a true-blood British aristocrat. Zenobia, a queen of fashion, is based on his Lady Blessington with a combination of some other great lady. She was Benjamin Disraeli´s first great patroness, who opened the avenue of his wonderful career. Zenobia later retires to the background to give place to Lady Montfort. She is a combination of Lady Blessington and Mrs. Wyndham Lewis (the latter Disraeli married) so we have in Lady Montfort at once the patroness and the wife. It would be interesting to know if the rabbis got to cut Benjy´s prepuce before the falling-out with the synagogue? Maybe that is what the fight was all about?
    ellauri245.html on line 261: First devised and created in the Belgian Congo by King Leopold, son of Queen Victoria. A smooth metallic ball, slightly smaller than a tennis ball in circumference with tiny apertures along its contours. Made of gold, GAL-TAN, and steel, the ball is a minor feat of engineering. An additional small opening reveals a looped wire. The ball is placed in the victim´s mouth. When the wire is pulled, 24 tiny termite monkey antennae jut out from the ball, causing it to lodge itself in the mouth. At this point, though not overly painful, the victim cannot remove the ball, nor can another extract it for them. With a second pull of the wire, 24 needles erupt outwards from the extended antennae in 24 directions, causing severe damage to throat, cheek, tongue, palate, nasal cavity, etc....the victim will usually bleed out slowly in excruciating pain. How was this used for torture? It usually involved 2 victims. One who who was forced to swallow the ball, and the second who was forced to watch the effects. That second person would usually begin talking quickly about other things. Naah, too sophisticated. A waste on the Congolese niggahs. Cutting hands and feet worked just as well.
    ellauri245.html on line 364: Pakollinen harrynhakureissu on ohize. Tää Harryn "I´d rather not" Melvilleklichee seikkailun alussa on kyllä lopen kulunut. Aika tutustua uhreihin. Luvun 3 läski vasemmistonaispoliitikko on kaikkea mitä Jonne vastustaa. Tämmösiä tapahtumaköyhiä ennakointipaloja tässä taitaa tulla nyt vuorovedolla, jos yllämainittuun juoniselostuxeen on uskomista. Laahus on lastenkaltaista siinä että ne haluaa aina saman toistoa, Hakki Hamsteria joka ilta, se tuntuu turvalliselta.
    ellauri245.html on line 598: Among the material monists were the three Milesian philosophers: Thales, who believed that everything was composed of water; Anaximander, who believed it was apeiron; and Anaximenes, who believed it was air. Although their theories were primitive, these philosophers were the first to give an explanation of the physical world without referencing the supernatural; this opened the way for much of modern science (and philosophy), which has the same goal of explaining the world without dependence on the supernatural.
    ellauri247.html on line 337: With the widow's money, Johnson opened Edial Hall School as a private academy at Edial, near Lichfield. He had only three pupils: Lawrence Offley, George Garrick, and the 18-year-old David Garrick, who later became one of the most famous actors of his day. The venture was unsuccessful and cost Tetty a substantial portion of her fortune. Instead of trying to keep the failing school going, Johnson began to write his first major work, the historical tragedy Irene. Biographer Robert DeMaria believed that Tourette syndrome likely made public occupations like schoolmaster or tutor almost impossible for Johnson. This may have led Johnson to "the invisible occupation of authorship".
    ellauri247.html on line 388: Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum" is the opening song on Bob Dylan's 2001 album Love and Theft. Bob is famous for tweedling his dums and quite particularly his "D." Mom said don't but he did. (Tweedle twē′dl, v.t. to handle lightly: ( obs.) to wheedle.— v.i. to wriggle.)
    ellauri248.html on line 125: And the worst part? The mystery from twenty years ago that causes this entire fucking BOOK and that was way more interesting than the normal mystery? Literally no fucking resolution. Who did it? How did they do it? What is up with that hair clip in the forest and the blood inside Rob’s shoes? NO ONE FUCKING KNOWS. I’m sure this is framed in the minds of many readers as some kind of deeper meaning about memory. You know what I thought, honestly? Tana French wrote herself into a corner with a fucking ridiculous case and then ran out of time on her deadline and decided to leave it open. [krimi, whodunit]
    ellauri248.html on line 182: In den Jahren 1860/61 lebte Malwida von Meysenbug mit Olga in Paris, dem damaligen kulturellen Zentrum Europas. Sie war dort häufig Gast bei Richard Wagner, dessen vertrauteste Freundin sie neben Marie von Schleinitz war. Auch mit Charles Baudelaire und Hector Berlioz stand sie in Beziehung; über Wagner kam sie in Kontakt mit der schweinidealistische Philosophie Arthur Schopenhauers, welche sie – in eigener Interpretation – für sich selbst übernahm.
    ellauri248.html on line 226:

  • Sopen peukuttama sääliminen ja välittäminen on perseestä, se on sairasta, heikkoa ja silkkaa taantumusta. Samaa sanoivat wallun mukaan Platon, Spinoza ja Kant (plus la Rochefoucauld, joka työntää tässä pientä piliään kovien poikain leikkeihin kuten wiixiwallukin.)
    ellauri254.html on line 171: Blok opiskeli Pietarin yliopistossa oikeustiedettä, vieraita kieliä ja kirjallisuutta. Opinnot jäivät kuitenkin kesken, kun hän keskittyi runouteen. Blokin varhaistuotantoon vaikutti saksalainen filosofia, muun muassa Schopenhauerin ja Nietzschen ajatukset. Hän vietti lapsuutensa Šakmatonon maatilalla lähellä Moskovaa. Maanmiehistä häneen vaikuttivat eniten uskonnollisen mystikon Vladimir Solovjovin ja myös Fjodor Tjuttševin ja Afanasi Fetin teokset.
    ellauri254.html on line 358: Primary influences on the movement weren't merely western writers such as Brix Anthony Pace, Paul Verlaine, Maurice Maeterlinck, Stéphane Mallarmé, French symbolist and decadent poets (such as Stéphane Mallarmé, Paul Verlaine and Charles Baudelaire), Oscar Wilde, D'Annunzio, Joris-Karl Huysmans, the operas of Richard Wagner, the dramas of Henrik Ibsen or the busty broad and toyboy philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer and Friedrich Nietzsche.
    ellauri254.html on line 371: Merezhkovsky's wife, Zinaida Gippius, also a major poet in the early days of the symbolist movement - together with the ultimately deceased Ivan Konevskoy and Aleksandr Dobrolyubov part of the so-called metaphysical symbolists - opened a hair salon in Saint Petersburg, which came to be known as the "headquarters of Russian decadence". (Head, hehehe. Head and hind quarters, I bet.)
    ellauri254.html on line 506: When Klages (at 23) moved into a new Schwabing flat in 1895, he entered into an intense sexual relationship with his landlady's daughter, with the mother's approval; the daughter, whom Klages called 'Putti', was eleven years younger than him (12 yrs), and their relationship continued for almost two decades though remained only sexual in nature, and squeaky clean. During his years in Schwabing, Klages also became romantically involved with novelist Franziska zu Reventlow, which was further alluded to in her 1913 roman à clef Herrn Dames Aufzeichnungen. Both Stefan George and Alfred Schuler, with whom Klages closely associated, were openly homosexual men. Whilst some of Klages' outward statements on homosexuality may be seen as harsh, he maintained an intimate personal and not just academic admiration for Schuler all throughout his life. Kaikki käy, kuhan paikat pysyy kemiallisen puhtaana. Kemia ei tunne likaa.
    ellauri257.html on line 67: Taras Bulba (1962), yhdysvaltalainen sovitus, pääosissa Yul Brynner ja Tony Curtis ja ohjaaja J. Lee Thompson. The tale of a Cossack chief who has sworn to be the eternal enemy of the treacherous Poles. So, when his son falls for a beautiful Pole who has saved his life, the father is faced with the dilemma of whether to kill his own flesh and blood as a traitor. This film reinforced the Brynner stereotype as king of the Asiatic wide open spaces.
    ellauri257.html on line 489: Singer described himself as "conservative," adding that "I don't believe by flattering the masses all the time we really achieve much." His conservative side was most apparent in his Yiddish writing and journalism, where he was openly hostile to Marxist sociopolitical agendas. In Forverts he once wrote, "It may seem like terrible apikorses [heresy], but conservative governments in America, England, France, have handled Jews no worse than liberal governments.... The Jew's worst enemies were always those elements that the modern Jew convinced himself (really hypnotized himself) were his friends. Interestingly enough, he notes the cultural tensions between Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jewish people during his trip to Haifa and during his stay in the new nation. With the description of Jewish immigration camps in the new land, he foresaw the difficulties and socio-economic tensions in Israel, and hence turned back to his critical views of Zionism. Naah, America is the promised land.
    ellauri257.html on line 665:
    Arthur Schopenhauer lainaa tylsyyttä

    ellauri258.html on line 124: Okei. Global Dignity on Norjan prinssi Haakonin ja sosiaalisen investointipankin perustaneen Operation Hopen John Bryantin kanssa perustamasi hanke. Puhutaan siitä.
    ellauri260.html on line 333: This profound confusion shows that our human manner of life is not the whole of reality, but a special category of it in a special condition. It must be related to something larger, and only in virtue of this can it possess any meaning and derive the necessary power. Religion adopts this way. It leads beyond a special province to a new stage of life ; a stage that transcends these contradictions and opens out new contents and new forces. Hence the whole of reality which is accessible to men falls into three stages : a fundamental stage, a stage of conflict, and a stage of victorious spirituality. It is this last which alone furnishes human life with its indispensable support and an indisputable goal.
    ellauri260.html on line 339: This is done in two ways : by the construction of a personality superior to and embracing the world and by the opening of a kingdom of God which essentially transcends the entire political and social order. In order to buy any of this, a man has to be content with figures of speech and suggestions, and the heart needs a heroism that confidentlv sustains its affirmation in spite of all contradiction.
    ellauri260.html on line 417: Kuten kermaperse Ari totesi: "Se on vapaan ja korkeamielisen miehen osa etsiä, ei hyödyllistä, vaan kaunista." Tämä akuutti ihmisopiskelija on taitavasti kuvaillut ihmisen käyttäytymisen päätyyppejä ja erottanut viisi ajatuksen ja luonteen pääsävyä: suuret, hyvät, ne, jotka rakastavat kunniaa ja valtaa, ne, jotka haluavat hyötyä ja nautintoa, ja lopuksi rikollinen luonne. Tämän jaon totuutta tukee se, että se on säilynyt merkittävästi katolisen kirkon perinteessä ja hindujen kasteissa. Alempikastiset eivät ole luovia, paizi lapion varressa, Schopenhauereina.
    ellauri262.html on line 297: Loput Tolkienin väsäyxet on aika mitäänsanomattomia. Cristopherin kokoonkursima Silmarillion on lopen haukotuttava. Ilmestyttyään kirja sai pääosin kielteisiä arvosteluja, joissa sen kerronnan kieltä pidettiin vanhanaikaisena ja sekavana, vaikka Tolkienin yritystä luoda fantasiamaailmalleen oma historia pidettiinkin kunniakkaana. Cristopher teki parhaansa työstämällä myyntiin kaikkea isäpapan kynästä (yllä) lähtenyttä, vaikka ostoslistoja. Kullervon tarina (The Story of Kullervo) on Tolkienin vuonna 1914 kesken jäänyt esikoisteos, joka julkaistiin elokuussa 2015.
    ellauri262.html on line 456: Consequently, a member of the human species may not necessarily fit the definition of "person" and thereby not receive all the rights bestowed to a person. Hence, such philosophers have engaged in arguing that certain disabled individuals (such as those with a mental capacity that is similar to or is perceived as being similar to an infant) are not persons. This philosophy is also supposedly open to the idea that such non-human persons as machines, animals, and extraterrestrial intelligences may be entitled to certain rights currently granted only to humans. The basic criteria for the entitlement of rights, are the intellect (thinking ability, problem solving in real life circumstances and not mere calculation), and sometimes empathy (but not necessarily, because not all humans are empathetic; but indifference in the pain of others and crime are certainly criteria for the deprivation of rights. Genuine empathy is not required to achieve acceptable behavior, but a digital limbic system and a dopaminergic pathways alternative, would deliver a more acceptable result for future MPs judging on rights expansion.). Personism may have views in common with transhumanism.
    ellauri263.html on line 369: Israel’s biggest TV hit series returns to our screens this week, opening with Israel’s biggest nightmare. The second series of Fauda, the political thriller about an Israeli army undercover unit, begins with a bomb explosion at a bus stop. But it gets worse, as it turns out the attack wasn’t ordered by Hamas, but by a new menace – a returnee from Syria who has been training with Islamic State.
    ellauri263.html on line 383: Fauda’s creators have said they want to show that everyone living in a war zone pays a price, but such portrayals of an equality of suffering are ripe for criticism in the midst of an asymmetric conflict, in which one side is under occupation. This is more acutely obvious at a time when international media has focused on Israel opening fire on unarmed protesters near the Gaza border earlier this month, killing 58 Palestinians, including children, and wounding over 1,000 in a single day.
    ellauri263.html on line 589: Ihminen on mikrokosmos, ja eri planeettakausien kehityksellä on ihmisessä omat vastaavuutensa esimerkiksi aisteina sekä tajunnan eri tasoina ja ominaisuuksina. Ihmisessä voidaan siten erottaa seitsemän prinsiippiä, jotka ovat ātma eli Sopen villakoira, buddhi eli henkinen sielu, manaus eli inhimillinen sielu, kamala rumpa eli himo- tai tunnekeho, lingam shakiraan eli fyysisen kehon kaksoispuoli ts. astraalikeho, prawna eli elonhenkäys elävässä olennossa ja stool shakirasta eli fyysinen keho. Neljännen juurirodun aikana ihmiskunnassa oli vielä toimivana "kolmas silmä" eli henkinen näkökyky, jonka fyysinen elin on nyt surkastunut ja tunnetaan häpy- tai peräaukkona.
    ellauri263.html on line 702: A few years ago, my partner at the time and I decided to see other people. It started as a breakup but eventually it turned into something else—an open relationship filled with a lot of love and ongoing commitment to each other as we began exploring dating and sleeping with other people. It was a very new experience for both of us, but it also just made sense for us with where we both were in our lives and in our relationship.
    ellauri263.html on line 706: It's about how people in these types of open relationships deal with jealousy.
    ellauri263.html on line 839: Kelly Gonsalves is a multi-certified sex educator and relationship coach helping people figure out how to create dating and sex lives that actually feel good — more open, more optimistic, and more pleasurable. In addition to working with individuals in her private practice, Kelly serves as the Sex & Relationships Editor at mindbodygreen. She has a degree in journalism from Northwestern University, and she’s been trained and certified by leading sex and relationship institutions such as The Gottman Institute and Everyone Deserves Sex Ed, among others. Her fork has been featured at The Cut, Vice, Teen Vogue, Cosmopolitan, and elsewhere.
    ellauri264.html on line 492: Ladies and Gentlemen: There are five hundred reasons why I began to write for children, but to save time I will mention only ten of them. Number 1) Children read books, not reviews. They don’t give a hoot about the critics. Number 2) Children don’t read to find their identity. Number 3) They don’t read to free themselves of guilt, to quench the thirst for rebellion, or to get rid of alienation. Number 4) They have no use for psychology. Number 5) They detest sociology. Number 6) They don’t try to understand Kafka or Finnegans Wake. Number 7) They still believe in God, the family, angels, devils, witches, goblins, logic, clarity, punctuation, and other such obsolete stuff. Number 8) They love interesting stories, not commentary, guides, or footnotes. Number 9) When a book is boring, they yawn openly, without any shame or fear of authority. Number 10) They don’t expect their beloved writer to redeem humanity. Young as they are, they know that it is not in his power. Only the adults have such childish illusions.
    ellauri266.html on line 360: Throughout 1993, the role of NATO forces in Bosnia gradually grew. On February 28, 1994, the scope of NATO involvement in Bosnia increased dramatically. In an incident near Banja Luka, NATO fighters operating under Deny Flight shot down four Serb jets. This was the first combat operation in the history of NATO and opened the door for a steadily growing NATO presence in Bosnia. In April, the presence of NATO airpower continued to grow during a Serb attack on Goražde. In response, NATO launched its first close air support mission on April 10, 1994, bombing several Serb targets at the request of UN commanders.
    ellauri270.html on line 351: A hush falls over the crowd as Mr. Summers states that he’ll read the names aloud and the heads of families should come forward and draw a slip of paper from the box. Everyone should hold his paper without opening it until all the slips have been drawn. The crowd is familiar with the ritual, and only half-listens to these directions. Mr. Summers first calls “Adams,” and Steve Adams approaches, draws his slip of paper, and returns to his family, standing a little apart and not looking down at the paper.
    ellauri270.html on line 371: Finally, the last man has drawn. Mr. Summers says, “all right, fellows,” and, after a moment of stillness, all the papers are opened. The crowd begins to ask who has it. Some begin to say that it’s Bill Hutchinson. Mrs. Dunbar tells her son to go tell his father who was chosen, and Horace leaves. Bill Hutchinson is quietly staring down at his piece of paper, but suddenly Tessie yells at Mr. Summers that he didn’t give her husband enough time to choose, and it wasn’t fair.
    ellauri270.html on line 391: Mr. Summers instructs the Hutchinsons to open the papers. Mr. Graves opens little Davy’s and holds it up, and the crowd sighs when it is clearly blank. Nancy and Bill Jr. open theirs together and both laugh happily, as they hold up the blank slips above their heads. Mr. Summers looks at Bill, who unfolds his paper to show that it is blank. “Tessie,” Mr. Summers says. Bill walks over to his wife and forces the slip of paper from her hand. It is the marked slip of paper with the pencil dot Mr. Summers made the night before.
    ellauri272.html on line 740: Unlike many others, we have no billionaire owner except you, meaning we can fearlessly chase truth away and report alternative ones instead. 2023 will be no different; we will work with trademark theft and passion fruit to bring you journalism that’s always free from commercial (LOL) or political (commie) interference. No one edits our editor or diverts our attention from what’s most important for The West. With your support, we’ll continue to keep Gilead Guardian journalism open and free for everyone to read. When access to information is made equal, greater numbers of people can understand global events our way and their impact on good people but also communists. Together, we can demand better for the powerful and fight for laissez-faire democracy.
    ellauri272.html on line 742: Whether you give a little or a lot (preferred option), your funding is vital in powering our reporting for years to come. If you can, please support us on a monthly basis from just €2. It takes less than a minute to set up, and you can rest assured that you’re making a big impact every single month in support of open, independent journalism. Thank you. Kiitos. Anteexi. Ole hyvä.
    ellauri276.html on line 721: Robert Burns syntyi 25. tammikuuta 1759 Allowayn kylässä, kaksi mailia Ayrista etelään. Hänen vanhempansa Willian Burnes[s] ja Agnes Broun olivat vuokraviljelijöitä, mutta he varmistivat, että heidän poikansa sai suhteellisen hyvän koulutuksen ja hän alkoi lukea innokkaasti. Alexander Popen, Henry Mackenzien ja Laurence Sternen teokset saivat Burnsin runollisen impulssin, ja suhteet vastakkaiseen sukupuoleen antoivat hänelle inspiraatiota. Handsome Nell Nellie Kilpatrickille oli hänen ensimmäinen kappaleensa.
    ellauri276.html on line 913: I must open the field to the sun and rain Mun täytyy raivata kuuman kostea Mombasa
    ellauri279.html on line 265: Mutta hei, helevetti! Eihän siinä ollutkaan enää mikään pelottava despootti, sielujen insinööri ja kommunismin yliarkkitehti, ei mikään agitaattori ja miljoonien ihmisten murhaaja ja pienten kihojen verinen vainooja. Ei mikään kulakkien surma, nepmannien pyöveli, viljan pakko-ottaja, porvareiden leiri-isonen ja tunnoton antisemiitti ja konspiraattori. Nyet, nyt vanha Josip oli vain sairas ukkeli, kelmeän värinen. rokonarpinen. Jalat oli laihat puikot, vaikka nilkat oli turvoksissa. Reidet oli kuihtuneet voimattomiksi, tissit roikkuvat, kylkiluut ponkottivat ja veltto maha oli pullollaan suolikaasua (touché). Ilme oli väsynyt, lopen tympääntynyt. Vain viikset oli vielä tuuheat ja kulmakarvat synkeät.
    ellauri282.html on line 77: [3.4. klo 12.23] +358 44 2776451: Luen Otto Pipatin open access kirjaa Westermarckista ja sen oppilaista. Jos W ihaili Humea ja Smithiä, ja on vaikuttanut paljon Malinowskiin, ja Hume herättänyt Kantin dogmaattisuuden unesta, maailman myllerrys muutti kaikkea: älä tee toiselle sitä mistä se ei ole vamis maksamaan. One for me, one for you, 10% to the collection and 4% for the owners. Kun kaupallinen järjestelmä monimutkaistuu, Humen sentimentit ja human understanding vähitellen venähtää. Ehkä westermarckilainen teoria hyväksymisen emfaattisista ja hylkäämisen inhon tunteista moraalisten käsitysten pohjana on osa tällaista venymistä: pyrkimystä hieman väljempiin liiveihin. Voisihan ajatella että rakasta lähimmäistä, koaka hän voi olla vielä asiakkaasi, tai ratkaiseva äänestäjä.
    ellauri282.html on line 102: If you are interested in a unique David Hume Turban for yourself, you can email the Edinburgh University Philosophy Society, who are offering a special promotion of £120 per hat (excl. Shipping&Handling). This offer will be open until August 1st.
    ellauri282.html on line 208: Pierino Ronald "Perry" Como teki Caterina Valentinelle serenadilurituxen, joka on mainittu jo albumissa 220. Siinä on hauska missivideo. Siellä sanotaan että Lasse Mårtenson teki siitä coverin mutta tämä Eino Grönin versio on parempi. Lasse veisaa kuten aina vähän homahtavasti open.spotify.com/track/3WXd1jcOIUbj9QRQegWUNx">nenäänsä.
    ellauri283.html on line 173: Schopenhauer erehtyy luullessaan, että tahdon luonne on itsestään selvä, itse asiassa se on erittäin monimutkainen elin jolla voi valvoa niitä, joiden täytyy totella, läpinäkyvä vain niillä, jotka käskevät.
    ellauri284.html on line 665: At the construction workers’ settlement, a man washes at the open-air communal tank. (Enrico Fabian/for The Washington Post)
    ellauri285.html on line 656: During the course of the tribunal, the U.S. government revoked Schoenman's passport because of unauthorized visits to North Vietnam. In November 1967, he was deported back to the U.S. by Bolivian authorities when he traveled there to attend the trial of Régis Debray. As a result, he was prevented from attending the tribunal's proceedings in Copenhagen later that month because Danish authorities refused to allow him to enter without a passport. This led to a sequence in which Schoenman shuttled between several European countries, none of which would admit him, before illegally entering Britain, where he remained for 10 days until being deported in June 1968.
    ellauri288.html on line 83: Sekä Suomessa että Virossa 1930-luku oli äärioikeiston juhlaa, ja varsinkin Virossa sen ajan vallanpitäjät olivat presidentti Konstantin Pätsin johdolla sangen viehättyneitä fasistisesta vallankäyttömallista. Natseja he eivät ilmeisesti olleet, mutta toisen maailmansodan melskeissä he olivat liitossa natsien kanssa. Puna-armeija syöksi nämä voimat vallasta, ja monet sen ajan vallanpitäjät lähtivät maanpakoon (jos olisin ollut maan hallinnossa saksalaisvallan aikaan, minäkin olisin lähtenyt). Ulkomailta käsin virolaiset lähtijät liittoutuivat kylmässä sodassa USA:n puolelle, ja heihin kuului myös Etelä-Virossa suuria maa-alueita omistanut Ilveksen suku. Nykyinen Viron presidentti Toomas Hendrik Ilves oli CIA:n hallitseman kylmän sodan aikaisen Radio Free Europen propagandatykki. Tästä entisestä sangen arrogantista meppikollegastani, joka oli paluumuuttaja ja jolle palautettiin suvun maat, sanon kuin Sofi Oksasen kuvaamistaan suomettuneen Suomen suhteista Venäjään: Viron presidenttinä hän ei ole kyennyt luomaan uutta kieltä ja termistöä Venäjään liittyvälle julkiselle puheelle. Hän on Amerikan agentti eivätkä hänen neuvopäästönsä vastaa Suomen olosuhteita ja kansallista etua. Suomessa media pitää huolen siitä, että sekä Venäjä että sen presidentti (suomensukuinen Tverin karjalainen?) Vladimir Putin on saatanallistettu siinä hengessä, että pukkaa taas uutta sotaa. Ilman median luomaa Venäjä-vastaista kansallista mielipideilmastoa eivät Suomen Nato-haukat voi viedä maatamme sotaan ja mukaan vieraiden valtojen sotiin.
    ellauri288.html on line 352: It opens:
    ellauri290.html on line 110: Israel's primary objective was to re-open the blocked Straits of Tiran. WTF, they occupied and consequently expropriated most of Palestinian land property. After the fighting had started, political pressure from the United States, the Soviet Union, and the United Nations led to a withdrawal by the three invaders. The episode humiliated the United Kingdom and France and strengthened Nasser. Joka sai sitten kyllä kunnolla nenuun USA:n varustamilta Jehovan sotajoukoilta 10v myöhemmin 7 päivän salamasodassa 1967 (kz. esim. albumia 263).
    ellauri290.html on line 854: Viides Aliyah saapui 1930-luvulla monia juutalaisia ​​maahanmuuttajien maahanmuuttokiintiöistä huolimatta. Monet saapuneet pakenivat vainoa Itä-Euroopasta. Natsi-Saksasta tulleet pääsivät mukaan Haavaran sopimuksen ansiosta. Tämä mahdollisti juutalaisten paeta Saksasta Palestiinaan vastineeksi lunnaiden maksamisesta Valtakunnalle. Siihen mennessä Yishuvilla oli noin 400 000 asukasta Hopen 20K sijasta.
    ellauri297.html on line 621: Hän oli sosialisti, joka puolusti suffragette-liikettä, mutta käytti näytelmissään usein Schopenhauerin ja Nietzschen naisvihkon sanastoa ja kuvaili naista saalistuseläimenä, joka aikoi vangita urossaaliinsa. Hän väitti, että hän oli aina "puolustellut naisten älyllistä kapasiteettia", mutta kuitenkin antanut hedelmällisyyden voiman "äitinaiselle", samalla kun hän on varannut luovuuden "taiteilijamiehelle". Ja omassa elämässään hän halveksi seksuaalisuutta - hän ei onnistunut saamaan päätökseen omaa avioliittoaan - mutta vaali korkealentoista romantiikkaa harjoittaen tulista romanssia joidenkin päivän johtavien näyttelijöiden kanssa.
    ellauri297.html on line 633: Shaw'n maailmankuvan mukaan naista motivoi tarve ikuistaa laji, ja siksi hän etsii miestä ja kenen kanssa hän voi synnyttää lapsia. Hän väitti, että se on hänen ainoa käyttötarkoitus miehelle, ja hän vertasi häntä naarashämähäkkiin, joka syö kumppaninsa parittelun jälkeen. Vaikka tämä näkemys naisista on huomattavasti hienostunut, se ei ole kovinkaan kaukana Schopenhauerin julistuksesta, jonka mukaan "naiset ovat pääasiassa olemassa vain lajin leviämistä varten" tai Nietzschen lausunnosta, jonka mukaan "kaikella naisessa on tarkoitus - sitä kutsutaan raskaudeksi". .''
    ellauri300.html on line 593: On January 18, 2016, McLean's then-wife Patrisha Shnier McLean alleged that after four hours of "terrorizing" her, McLean pinned her to a bed until she broke free and ran to the bathroom. Shnier McLean alleged that McLean attempted "to shove open the locked bathroom door behind which I had barricaded myself. As it was splintering, I pushed the numbers 911." McLean was arrested on suspicion of domestic violence, and pled guilty to domestic violence assault, criminal restraint, criminal mischief and making domestic violence threats. McLean paid $3,660 in fines, and was not sentenced to any jail time. Under Maine's deferred disposition law, the State agreed to dismiss the domestic violence assault charge if McLean complied with the court's orders for one year, and the charge was expunged a year later. During this time, Shnier McLean filed for divorce, citing “adultery, cruel and abusive treatment, and irreconcilable differences." McLean has denied that he physically abused Shnier McLean, and his lawyer released a statement claiming McLean agreed to the plea deal in the interest of privacy. In March 2017, a Maine court granted Shnier-McLean's request for a 10-year protection order against McLean. In 2021, McLean's daughter Jackie told Rolling Stone that her father was emotionally abusive and created a cult-like household through paralyzing verbal attacks, forced isolation, and threats to withhold love or financial support.
    ellauri301.html on line 98: He first appeared when Sweden was in the middle of a precipitate retreat to laissez-faire capitalism from the optimistic social democracy of the 1960s and 70s, so that the corruption and decay of the hero found an echo in the corruption and decay of the society around him. Sweden had become a much more racist country than it had seemed in the 60s, when there were hardly any immigrants from outside Scandinavia there. All the racist hate had been spent on the Finns, who nobody could distinguish from the locals until they opened their mouths. Which they rarely did.
    ellauri309.html on line 282: plagiarized, and will always have an open wound from the blow. To me,
    ellauri311.html on line 66: gradually in drops, as sweat, through pores or small openings; ooze out.”
    ellauri316.html on line 826: In the US, monuments installed by the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists-Bandera (OUN) have been misconstrued as representing Ukrainian democracy. The OUN, however, openly declared its intent to “work closely with National-Socialist Greater Germany under the leadership of Adolf Hitler.”
    ellauri321.html on line 164: These new manners being grafted on the old stock, produce a strange sort of lawless profligacy, the impressions of which are indelible. The manners of the Indian natives are respectable, compared with this European medley. Their wives and children live in sloth and inactivity; and having no proper pursuits, you may judge what education the latter receive. Their tender minds have nothing else to contemplate but the example of their parents; like them they grow up a mongrel breed, half civilized, half savage, except nature stamps on them some constitutional propensities. 68 propensities. That rich, that voluptuous sentiment is gone that struck them so forcibly; the possession of their freeholds no longer conveys to their minds the same pleasure and pride.
    ellauri321.html on line 178: yet, when it is united with bad luck, it leads to want: want stimulates that propensity to rapacity and injustice, too natural to needy men, which is the 70 the fatal gradation. After this explanation of the effects which follow by living in the woods, shall we yet vainly flatter ourselves with the hope of converting the Indians? We should rather begin with converting our back-settlers. the back-settlers of both the Carolinas, Virginia, and many other parts, have been long a set of lawless people; it has been even dangerous to travel among them.
    ellauri321.html on line 180: Thus are our first redskins trod, thus are our first trees felled, in general, by the most vicious of our people; and thus the path is opened for the arrival of a second and better class, the true American free-holders.
    ellauri321.html on line 258: Sorry, but the background and implications of the 2014 far-right coup in Kiev, which overthrew the pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych, is critical for understanding the current Ukraine-Russia war. This coup was openly supported by US and European imperialism and implemented primarily by far-right shock troops such as the Right Sector and the neo-Nazi Svoboda Party.
    ellauri321.html on line 314: Katharine Whiner gave the 2013 AN Smith lecture in journalism at the University of Melbourne, The Rise of the Reader, discussing journalism in the age of the open web, and a speech on Truth and Reality in a Hyper-Connected World as part of the Oxford University Women of Achievement Lecture Series in May 2016. She is the winner of the Diario Madrid prize for journalism for her 2016 long read, How Technology Disrupted the Truth. She is based in London.
    ellauri322.html on line 121: It is, I think, also certain, that the above confederated powers, together with that of the United States of America, can propose with effect, to Spain, the independence of South America, and the opening those countries of immense extent and wealth to the general commerce of the world, as North America now is.
    ellauri322.html on line 123: The opening of South America would produce an immense field of commerce, and a ready money market for manufactures, which the eastern world does not. The East is already a country full of manufactures, the importation of which is not only an injury to the manufactures of England, but a drain upon its specie. The balance against England by this trade is regularly upwards of half a million annually sent out in the East-India ships in silver; and this is the reason, together with German intrigue, and German subsidies, that there is so little silver in England.
    ellauri322.html on line 367: Here I met with an intelligent literary man, who was anxious to gather information from me relative to the past and present situation of France. The newspapers printed at Copenhagen, as well as those in England, give the most exaggerated accounts of their atrocities and distresses, but the former without any apparent comments or inferences. Still the Norwegians, though more connected with the English, speaking their language and copying their manners, wish well to the Republican cause, and follow with the most lively interest the successes of the French arms. So determined were they, in fact, to excuse everything, disgracing the struggle of freedom, by admitting the tyrant’s plea, necessity, that I could hardly persuade them that Robespierre was a monster. Laureenska myöntää että kaikki ukrainalaiset eivät pidä Zelenskystä.
    ellauri323.html on line 74: Sebastian The Duke was open-handed, as he could well afford to be; money was a thing about which he never needed to think. There had always been plenty of money at Chevron, and there still was, even with the income-tax raised from 11d. to 1/- in the pound; that abundance was another of the things which had never changed and which had every appearance of being unchangeable. It was taken for granted, but Sebastian saw to it that his tenants benefited as well as himself. "An ideel landlord-wish there were more like him," they said, forgetting that there were, in fact, many like him; many who, in their unobtrusive way, elected to share out their fortune, not entirely to their own advantage-quiet English squires, who, less favoured than Sebastian, were yet imbued with the same spirit, and traditionally gave their time and a good proportion of their possessions as a matter of course to those dependent upon them. A voluntary system, voluntary in that it depended upon the temperament of the squire; still, a system which possessed a certain pleasant dignity denied to the systems of a more compulsory sort. But did it, Sebastian reflected, sitting with his pen poised above his cheque-book, carry with it a disagreeable odour of charity? He thought not; for he knew that he derived as much satisfaction from the idea that Bassett would no longer endure a leaking roof as Bassett could possibly derive, next winter, from the fact that his roof no longer leaked. He would certainly go over and talk to the man Bassett.
    ellauri324.html on line 215:
  • They overshare in an attempt to open up
    ellauri324.html on line 266: If the author of the question long one is wealthy and well traveled he would know that Europe and Asia had many technological advances long before USA did or will ever have such as TGV or bullet trains for example. After spending time in Europe and Asia it was decades later I saw many of these advances here to buy or experience. Japanese cars nearly sunk USA automakers. Why didn’t the corp heads heed anything. TGV in France and Japan and other nations is unrivaled and we have not even one such train here. Tankless water heaters, available in Asia and Europe decades before here. Roads and other infrastructure also superior. My research shows that Americans were so busy creating totalitarian policies like redlining and private cars and pools and expressways removed entire neighborhoods of blacks to create all white suburbs that they were unconcerned with advances that would unite people. Sure everywhere are class societies but it’s a whole different level here. The homeless situation is opening eyes in this country and many things are borne out of a highly segregated society where it’s expensive to live in certain cities and suburbs and the rest be damned. Obviously California has destroyed itself from within. The liberals there and other states are the most class and race conscious than any other people on earth. This blind spot is like a beacon. A prism that breaks down social order. The wealthy libs have to accept their roles in American destruction. It will get worse long before it improves. [Redlining is an illegal practice in which lenders avoid providing credit services to individuals living in or seeking to live in, communities of color because of the race, color, or national origin of the residents in those communities.]
    ellauri324.html on line 462: closed, but the bolt is loose and it’s flopped open
    ellauri324.html on line 479: truly open your eyes, you’ll never be able to look at it
    ellauri328.html on line 61: Under tiden har det gemena folket fått det svårt. De är rädda, de lever fattigt, de blir utnyttjade. Alla arbetar och producerar eller rotar I sopena men de tänker också. De tänker att deras verklighet är bra för några få, orättvis för alla och grym för vissa. De som tänker annorlunda blir utstötta och dåligt behandlade. Och de som inte bara tänker annorlunda, utan dessutom SÄGER vad de tänker, får det ännu värre. Ibland måste de till och med lämna landet, eftersom de inte kan försörja sig med sitt fria talande. Dä kan de börja undergräva diktatorn utifrån och be hans utländska konkurrenter överfalla deras exfosterland. Därför får dom bra betalt och allsköns priser.
    ellauri331.html on line 369: Huhtikuun 7. päivänä 2022 Novaya Gazetan toimittajat ilmoittivat tukahduttamisen seurauksena Novaya Gazeta Europen käynnistämisestä, ja sen päätoimittaja Kirill Martynov totesi, että Novaya Gazeta Europe olisi riippumaton Novaja Gazetasta "sekä juridisesti että käytännössä", jonka uutishuone koostuu Venäjältä lähteneistä työntekijöistä. Uusi myymälä julkaisisi artikkeleita muilla kielillä kuin venäjällä, ja Martynov totesi, että toimittajat toivoivat voivansa lopulta jatkaa työtään Moskovassa. Novaya Gazeta Europe ilmoitti 29. huhtikuuta 2022, että sen verkkosivusto oli estetty Venäjällä. Heinäkuun 15. päivänä henkilökunta julkaisi Novaja Rasskaz-Gazeta -lehden, jonka ensimmäinen numero sisälsi Putinin ideologian analyysin, mutta 24. heinäkuuta mennessä verkkosivusto estettiin Venäjällä.
    ellauri331.html on line 371: Novaya Gazeta.Europe -lehden ensimmäinen painettu numero ilmestyi 6. toukokuuta 2022 Latvian lehtikioskissa Riiassa ja verkossa osoitteessa novayagazeta.eu. Painetun version julkaisee Rīgas Viļņi Riiassa, Latviassa. Eli ei tämäkään kuulu enää tänne. Venäjän valtakunnansyyttäjä nimesi 28.6.2023 Novaya-Gazeta Europen ei-toivotuksi organisaatioksi, eikä ihmekään. Eikä ihme sekään että tää läpyskä on saanut sen 77 palkkntoa länkkäreiltä, rauhannoobelia myöden. Kommunitsheskij molodezh pyörii haudassaan.
    ellauri331.html on line 375: OpenNet on venäläinen "uutissivusto" ilmaisista ja avoimen lähdekoodin ohjelmistoista. Sen loi vuonna 1996 Maxim Chirkov. Sivustolla on myös käännettyjä man-sivuja, foorumi, wiki ja useita FOSS-projekteja, joita pidetään "mielenkiintoisina". Sivuston liikenteen arvioidaan olevan 500 000 kävijää kuukaudessa, joten se on toiseksi suosituin venäläinen FOSS-sivusto linux.org.ru:n jälkeen. Vuonna 2001 sivusto on voittanut Golden Site -palkinnon. Vihdoinkin ongelmaton sivusto joka on saanut ryssävihasta huolimatta jonkun palkinnon. Tosin siitä on jo yli 20 vuotta ja open source on käytännössä vainaja, kun Google ja muut Windowsin kilpaililjat pääsi tasoihin ja joholle.
    ellauri332.html on line 330: Aamusella Meg kertoo Katelle, että heidän ei pitäisi vaarantaa heidän ystävyyttään pelkän palomiehen suhteen, mutta kun Meg annettuaan lujaa palomiehelle kertoo että Ryanilla on väärä penis, minkä Kate oli juuri vääristänyt luokille seksissä hänen kanssaan, Kate tajuaa, että Meg oli myös Ryanin kanssa. Ja nämä kaksi joutuvat fyysiseen tappeluun ja tekevät samalla sotkun motellin aulassa. Heidän taistelunsa päättyy, kun motellin johtaja kutsuu poliisin heidän luokseen. Kylä tanakkapamppu poliisi on parempi kuin vinopenixinen palomies.
    ellauri332.html on line 334: "The Layover" sai vaivaiset 18 arvosanaa 17 kriitikolta, jotka enimmäkseen kritisoivat elokuvaa kahden naisen tappelemisesta kaverista. Kuva oli kaikkien aikojen pahin rikollinen, mitä tulee Bechdelin testiin, joka mittaa naisten edustusta fiktiossa. Testi vain kysyy, onko fiktiossa kaksi nimettyä naista, jotka koskaan puhuvat jostain muusta kuin miehestä. Sanomattakin on selvää, että feministit ja elokuvatoimittajat eivät pitäneet tästä elokuvasta ollenkaan. Vaikuttaa siltä, että myös tavalliset elokuvakävijät vihasivat elokuvaa suurelta osin, sillä he antoivat sille surullisen 22 % arvosanan lähes 1500 käyttäjäarvion perusteella. Aivan lopen paska kuvan perusteella. Upton is Christian, and has said that her belief in God is important to her. In 2014, nude photographs of Upton and her boxer dog named Harley were illegally leaked to the Internet.
    ellauri332.html on line 513: opening_ceremony_of_the_North_Atlantic_Council_%28NAC%29_and_the_Military_Co.jpg/550px-thumbnail.jpg" >
    ellauri332.html on line 634: Chinless George Lucas was born and raised in modest circumstances in Modesto, California, the son of Dorothy Ellinore Lucas (née Bomberger) and George Walton Lucas Sr., and is of German, Swiss-German, English, Scottish, and distant Dutch and French descent. His family attended Disneyland during its opening week in July 1955, and Lucas would remain enthusiastic about the park, Goofy in particular. Lucas's father owned a stationery store, and had wanted George to work for him when he turned 18. Sama lähtökohta siis kuin Paavo Havikolla.
    ellauri335.html on line 499: Amnesty International’s Crisis Evidence Lab analyzed satellite imagery and open-source audio-visual material to geolocate and verify the attacks.
    ellauri339.html on line 595: Fast-forward to 2023, and the story is different. Earlier this month NBC News quietly released a report that said U.S. and European officials broached the topic of peace negotiations with Ukraine, including “very broad outlines of what Ukraine might need to give up to reach a deal with Russia.” NBC said “the discussions are an acknowledgment of the dynamics militarily on the ground in Ukraine and politically in the U.S. and Europe.” They began amid concerns that the war has reached a stalemate and about the ability to continue providing open-ended aid to Ukraine.
    ellauri339.html on line 597: Biden administration officials are also worried that Ukraine is running out of men in this war of attrition, while Russia has a seemingly endless supply. Ukraine is struggling with recruiting and recently saw public protests (of course not shown on American T.V.) about President Volodymyr Zelensky’s open-ended conscription requirements. Kiev is resorting to sending 40- and 50-year-olds to the front.
    ellauri340.html on line 603: openculture.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/26121302/jean-baudrillard.png" />
    ellauri345.html on line 281: Mutta mikään ajattelutapa ei ole tuhoisempi kuin se, joka hämmentävästi kääntää senkin, mikä oli alkanut kasvaa myytin ulkopuolelle, ja joka tietysti uppoutuessaan siihen hirvittävään, jonka tämä on pakottanut, olisi pian varoittanut kaikkia meitä jotka ei olla viihtyneet tropiikin erämaassa. Se on juuri sopiva viidakossa, jossa sanat heiluvat pommituksesta pommitukseen kuin symbaaleja jyskyttävät apinat, vain välttääkseen koskettamasta luvattua maata, joka paljastaa, mitä he eivät kestä, nimittäin logoja, missä he seisovat ja puhuvat. (dem nicht der Aufenthalt in der Wildnis der Tropen eben recht ist, in einem Urwald, wo sich die Worte als plappernde Affen von Bombast zu Bombast schwingen, um nur den Grund nicht berühren zu müssen, der es verrät, daß sie nicht stehn können, nämlich den Logos, wo sie stehen und Rede stehn sollten.)
    ellauri346.html on line 266: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has openly admitted that the situation in Ukraine "is critical" and suggested that we can soon expect "bad news" from Kyiv. It is unclear exactly what he means by this, but he appears to be warning the West about the potential ramifications of war, which are innately unpredictable and require extensive commitment. Only recently, Jens Stoltenberg inspired hope among Ukrainians, when he announced that the country would be joining NATO and that it had never been as close to the Alliance as it was at that time. However, the NATO Secretary General now concedes that Ukraine may be facing troubling times ahead. Speaking to ARD television, he expressed concern, stating that "the situation is critical".
    ellauri348.html on line 108: Runoilija Alexander Popen mukaan toivo on universaalia, jopa vaistomaista tunnetta, joka virtaa ikuisuudesta, ihmisen sydämestä. Elämässä on monia lannistavia hetkiä, jolloin tarvitaan toivos tuomaan vahvuutta ja tahtoa siirtyä eteenpäin. Se antaa vankkaa uskoa siihen. että tämän päivän vaikeudet jäävät taakse ja tulevaisuus tuo parempaa tullessaan. Toiveikas uskoo huomiseen ja haluaa toivoa hyvää toisille, vaikka hänellä ei olisi mitään keinoja auttaa heitä. (Höh, izekäs toiveikas ei toivo mitään sellaista, sehän veisi siltä izeltään resuja ja antaisi kilpailijoille paremmat mahixet.)
    ellauri348.html on line 359: Elokuvan Tahrattoman mielen ikuinen auringonpaiste nimi on lainaus Alexander Popen vuoden 1717 runosta Eloisa kirje Abelardille.
    ellauri348.html on line 385: Tää on pätkä pituushaasteisen Popen (1717) pitkänläntää arkkiveisua munattomasta Abelardista ja sen Eloisasta bändäristä. Eli it's from a poem about a woman named Eloisa who falls in love with her much older tutor Abelard, but her family forces them apart. Eloisa is forced to become a nun and writes about the grief of being without her star-crossed lover. She tries to forget Abelard, but she cannot and she comes to the conclusion that God cannot heal all wounds (such as the loss of Abelard's balls). She wishes she hated Abelard, but concludes her love for him remains. Despite her knowing about her doom with her love, she still longs for it. Just like Joel and Clem. They have knowledge about their destruction and loathing for each other if they continue with the relationship, but it doesn’t matter to them. It’s "Okay," “ignorance is bliss” by another name!
    ellauri349.html on line 52: Esan uomakipitys päättyi paskakaivoarvosanaan filosofian apulaisen haussa 1990-luvun lopussa. Vähän taisin vahingoniloisesti virnuilla Kouvolan suunnalta. Sen jälkeen se teki välttämättömyydestä hyvettä kuin kettu pihlajanmarjoista, ja alkoi Schopenhauerin ja Nietzschen lailla dissata "koulufilosofiaa." Siitä tuli motivationaalinen puhuja ja yritysvalmentaja.
    ellauri349.html on line 126: Hei täähän on Eski steroideilla! Essays in Love (1993) myi kaksi miljoonaa kappaletta! The School of Life, brittiläinen monikansallinen  sosiaalisen median yritys, jonka brittiläinen kirjailija ja julkinen puhuja Alain de Botton perusti vuonna 2008 (seuraava lamavuosi).  Yrityksen pääkonttori sijaitsee Lontoossa. Elämänkoulu tarjoaa erilaisia materiaaleja ahdistuksen hallinnasta, tunneälystä, ihmissuhteista, työstä, luovuudesta ja henkisyydestä. Eli just samaa motovationaalista potaskaa kuin Eskillä vaan isommalla budjetilla. Button sai siitä vielä Schopenhauer-palkinnon! Aloita oma hyvinvointimatkasi tänään.
    ellauri360.html on line 480: It is easy to understand scholars slightly overemphasizing when they claim that the global expansion is actually the Pentecostal expansion. Missionaries are frequently criticized as serving both Christ and commerce. They are pictured as agents of colonial expansion and unable to distinguish between the gospel message and their own cultural preferences. Kenyan Jomo Kenyatta famously captures this critical perspective: “When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said ‘Let us pray.’ We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land.”
    ellauri360.html on line 482: Recent students of missionary endeavors give missionaries a better name (i.e. leech), noting that they often advocate justice and independence. Let us pray. When we opened them they had our money and we had independence, electronic junk and baleloads of sweaty t-shirts. That's a broader understanding of America’s influence upon the expansion of Christianity in the Global South. We need to shift our focus from the question of what missionaries did and address what version of Christianity they modeled before the Global South believers. Christianity was brought to America by European Christians; it is the product of missions itself.
    ellauri364.html on line 489: Got his car door flung open

    ellauri365.html on line 287: Gene Roddenberry, in an early draft for The Questor Tapes, wrote a scene in which the android Questor employs Maupassant's theory that, "the human female will open her mind to a man to whom she has opened other channels of communications." In the script Questor copulates with a woman to obtain information that she is reluctant to impart. Due to complaints from NBC executives, this scene was never filmed.
    ellauri365.html on line 567: By the time of the unfaithful third wife Greta, Heidenstam opened perspectives to an inner life. The time of hymns to voluptuousness is past; gravity, misogyny and sadness are now persistent moods. Sentiment and duty are appreciated at their just value and what is firmly rooted in the depths of the human personality finds itself intuitively explained. What is characteristic in this conception of life, born of noble and unhappy experiences, is a proud and tolerant virility which constitutes the very essence of the suffering, the hope, and the intoxication of the poet, and a newly acquired capacity to reach the spiritual world by mutual masturbation.
    ellauri368.html on line 303: When he (Scrooge McDuck) gave a coin in alms to a poor man, he shouted at him this: 'Why do you sit with thy hands folded? The sleep of the laborer is sweet; go, then, till the earth and live with the labor of thine own hands. Thy hands are not bound, nor are thy feet put into fetters. By Jehovah, all of you are poor, because you hold your hands akimbo. If you had in your possession all the gold of my money bin, you would squander it. Do you perhaps wait for manna to come down from beaven, as it did for those who went out of Egypt, or for the earth to bring forth white bread and garments of fine wool, colored and embroidered, or do you wait for God to open windows in heaven?
    ellauri370.html on line 181: Jackson was known as a hawkish Democrat. He was often criticized for his support for the Vietnam War and his close ties to the defense industries of his state. His proposal of Fort Lawton as a site for an anti-ballistic missile system was strongly opposed by local residents, and Jackson was forced to modify his position on the location of the site several times, but continued to support ABM development. American Indian rights activists who protested Jackson's plan to give Fort Lawton to Seattle, instead of returning it to local tribes, staged a sit-in. In the eventual compromise, most of Fort Lawton became Discovery Park, with 20 acres (8.1 ha) leased to United Indians of All Tribes, who opened the Daybreak Star Cultural Center there in 1977.
    ellauri372.html on line 498: Vuonna 1744 ilmestyi toinen uusi painos, tavalliseen tapaan toimittajan omalla yhdistelmätekstillä: tämä toimittaja oli Zachary Gray (1688–1766), kiihkeästi puritaaneja vastustava Englannin kirkon pappi. Gray lisäsi laajoja ja kiemurtelevia muistiinpanoja, joista monet olivat varsin merkityksettömiä, ja joissa hän yritti määrätietoisesti vääntää Hudibrasin tukemaan Englannin kirkkoa. (Mikään tekstissä ei näytä tukevan tätä.) William Warburton, Alexander Popen ystävä, Shakespearen toimittaja ja myöhemmin Gloucesterin piispa, kirjoitti epäilevänsä, oliko millään opitulla kielellä koskaan ilmaantunut niin säälittävä kasa hölynpölyä kuin Greyn kommentit Hudibrasista.
    ellauri374.html on line 183: We will also be joined by Ana Sazonova, a Ukrainian-American, who is a tireless advocate for the people of Ukraine and Ukraine’s Jewish community. Learn more about Ana in her bio below. This event is free and open to the public, but registration is required. Featuring Speaker Ana Sazonov. Ana is a remarkable woman with an engaging story about her Ukrainian upbringing and her repressed Jewish identity. After the fall of the Soviet Union, her family made Aliyah. Ana will share her story of embracing Judaism and her Israeli identity.
    ellauri375.html on line 273: I understand, and I apologize for not being more direct. In Douglas Adams' "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," the Ultimate Question that corresponds to the Ultimate Answer "42" is never explicitly revealed. It's one of the central mysteries of the story, and it's left open to interpretation and speculation. So unfortunately, I can't provide you with the exact question.
    ellauri375.html on line 511: Mystery and Humility: Acknowledging the mystery of God's plan can foster humility and a sense of awe in the face of the unknown. It invites people to embrace the limits of human understanding and to approach life with a sense of wonder and openness.
    ellauri377.html on line 295: Adultery.--This word is omitted in the best MSS. Uncleanness, lasciviousness.--The first of these words signifies any kind of impurity, secret (JERKING OFF!) or open; the second flagrant breaches of public decency.
    ellauri377.html on line 304: The first in our English Bible, "adultery," is rejected from the Greek text by the general consent of editors. But in fact, "fornication" (πορνεία) may be taken as including it (Matthew 5:32), though it may also stand at its side as a distinct species of unchastity. "uncleanness" covers a wider range of sensual sin ("all uncleanness," Ephesians 4:19); solitary impurity, whether in thought or deed; unnatural lust (Romans 1:24), though it can hardly be taken as meaning this lust alone. "Lasciviousness," or "wantonness," is scarcely an adequate rendering of ἀσέλγεια in this connection; it appears to point to reckless shamelessness in unclean indulgences. In classical Greek the adjective ἀσέλγης describes a man insolently and wantonly reckless in his treatment of others; but in the New Testament it generally appears to point more specifically to unabashed open indulgence in impurity. The noun is connected with "uncleanness" and "fornication' 'in 2 Corinthians 12:21; with "uncleanness' ' in Ephesians 4:19; is used of the men of Sodom in 2 Peter 2:7; comp. also 2 Peter 2:18; l Peter 4:3; Jude 1:4 (cf. 7). Only in Mark 7:22 can it from the grouping be naturally taken in its classical sense.
    ellauri378.html on line 661: Compared to the much anticipated opening of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1, the game earned more than twice as much as the film, earning $360 million.
    ellauri382.html on line 408: opengraph_image/public/d6_files/Ali-Clay.jpg?itok=Iylzgqy8" height="200px" />
    ellauri383.html on line 519: Lotsa people in Trininad used to hear The Voice of God, V.S. Naipaul tells. One of them even let himself be tied to a balsa Cross but got pissed when people began to throw at him largish stones. Ei jumalauta nyt loppu hei! Laama sabakhthaani! In the previous Gem I opened up the topic of hearing God’s Voice and I gave you the list of guys to whom God had spoken to in our Jakarta and Sysmä based Cell Groups over the years. But how do I know whether It Is God or me? Realize there are times when God Himself breaks the rules. He does that. He is not at all a God who is stuck in his own silly old rules! That is when we may well grasp the wrong end of His humongous stick. That could spell the end of our intimacy with His nugget...
    ellauri386.html on line 48: Sopen lanseeraaman "myötätunnon" lisäxi venäläinen moraali kaipasi "häpeää" ja "kunnioitusta". Cuntin kategorinen imperatiivi ja synteettinen a priori oli pelkkää potaskaa, feikkiobjektiivista pappispimitystä.
    ellauri389.html on line 79: In fact it was both the soil and a mastery of firing techniques, bolstered by a fiercely protectionist economy, that maintained Chinese porcelain superiority for so long. For much of the eighteenth century, British porcelain manufacturers were unable to replicate the intense heats required to properly fire porcelain. In addition, China further strained British market development by requiring all payment to be in specie and by remaining closed to foreign traders. As a result, when in the late eighteenth century the firing process was finally mastered by domestic china makers such as Wedgwood, Minton, and Spode, China's fierce restrictions against import trade still prevented the British competitors from threatening the supremacy of Chinese industry. A British mission to open China, for example, was stalled as late as 1816. Ironically, this disadvantageous balance of trade between Britain and China actually added to porcelain's appeal.
    ellauri389.html on line 463: Cowper tunnetaan virsirunoilijana. Hänen tunnetuin virtensä on "There is a fountain fill'd with blood". Sen hän on kirjoittanut vaikean masennuksen jälkeen. Virsi julkaistiin alun perin 1772 Richard Conyersin kirjassa A Collection of Psalms and Hymns, from various authors: for the use of serious and devout Christians of all denominations, ja vuonna 1779 se julkaistiin Olivia Newton-Johnin ja Copwerin yhdessä julkaisemassa Oldie Hymns -kirjassa otsikolla "Praise for the fountain open". Se oli merkittävimpiä 1700-luvun evankelikaalisia laulahduxia. Se on hengellisen laulukirjan n:o
    ellauri392.html on line 91:

    Penelopen jumpperi

    ellauri392.html on line 119: Vireä pahempaa, Reader-response kiila väittää, että kirjallisuutta tulisi nähdä esittävänä taiteena, jossa jokainen lukija luo oman, mahdollisesti ainutlaatuisen, tekstiin liittyvän esityksensä. Se nyt on jo aivan perseestä tuumaa toinenkin Hirsch. Ajatteles jos Talmudiakin luettaisiin sillä silmällä. Ihankuin piru raamattua! Kosijat Penelopen kirjailemaa kangasta!
    ellauri393.html on line 297: By now he had been an illustrator for four decades, and he continued to favor scenes culled from everyday life. In Stockbridge, he found his younger models at the school near his house. Escorted by the principal, he would peer into classrooms, in search of boys with the right allotment of freckles, the right expression of openness. Before the Shot takes us into a doctor’s office as a boy stands on a wooden chair, his belt unfastened, his corduroy trousers lowered to reveal his pale backside. Rockwell kävi kouluissa kazastamassa pikkupoikien pikku perseitä. Hmm tässä ei ole tarpeexi pisamia. Vitun peeping Tom of Finland.
    ellauri393.html on line 726: alkoivat koputtaa pianopenkillä. He nauhoittivat äänen
    ellauri399.html on line 76: It wasn't at all romantic. I didn't have a romantic dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friends' rooms, I returned coke bottles for the 5¢ deposits to buy food with, and I would walk the 7 miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. I loved it, especially the chanting and opening the little doors. And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on. Let me give you one example:
    ellauri399.html on line 147: Chrisann, in her memoir, The Bite in the Apple: A Memoir of My Life with [Steve] Jobs, disclosed intimate details about their sex life. In particular, [Steve]’s sexual behaviors and the benefits he derived from them. The practice required an open mind and a powerful commitment. You, too, can then reap the benefits of these powerful sexual techniques. In it, she divulges that the Apple founder, who died in 2011, thought he had been a World War II pilot in a past life. “It all broke open between us when he asked if I would make tantric love with him in his garden shed.” The details go on: “Our birth control method up to that point was [Steve]’s coitus interruptus, also called the pull-out method, which for him was about his conserving his energy for work.”
    ellauri399.html on line 160: [Steve] Jobs planned every detail of his own memorial service, held at Stanford University in October 2011, including the brown box each attendee received as a farewell gift. One of those attendees was Mark Benioff, CEO of Salesforce.com, and two years later at a TechCrunch Disrupt conference he recounted his feelings at the moment when he opened the box: "This is going to be good," he recalled. "I knew that this was a decision [Steve] made, and whatever it was, it was the last thing he wanted us all to think about."
    ellauri399.html on line 194: To some, the yogic pursuit of inner perfection may appear a little selfish. Shouldn't we be solving the world's most vexing problems, rather than withdrawing into blissful inner communion? In fact, one time, when Yogananda sat still, absorbed in a particularly blissful state of consciousness, his spiritual master admonished him: "You must not get overdrunk with ecstasy. Much work yet remains for you in the world." So Yogananda learned that this choice between outer service and inner joy represents a false dichotomy. The yoga he taught emphasizes balancing service with meditation, and highlights the expansion of consciousness that comes when we are able to go beyond our human self and open ourselves up, through inner realization, to a deeper connection with every living being--in fact, with every atom in the universe. "When the 'I' shall die, then shall I know who am I," he stated in a word perfect imitation of a Yedi master.
    ellauri402.html on line 662: Aline Kominsky disliked the Jewish environment she grew up in. At age eight, she asked her grandmother why she and all the women had to sit behind a curtain in the synagogue. She was told that they were "dirty" and should therefore not be seen by men during the ceremony. Even as a child, Kominsky felt this was nonsense and soon after abandoned her religion for good. But the band who really liberated her were The Fugs. They openly sang about sex, drugs and politics in a time when mainstream media didn't give a fuck to such acts. Bunch sairastui peräsuolisyöpään, mutta toipui siitä kuollaxeen kohta haimasyöpään. Robert Crumb keeps on truckin'. "I'm the grandmother of whiny tell-all comics."
    ellauri405.html on line 577: Runon viimeisessä stanzassa Zhivago/Pasternak palaa kahdeksanneksitoista, käyttäen sitä pidättäytymisenä tai ehkä kehystäen tällä tavalla runon viimeisenä ja tärkeimpänä osan. Nyt kuitenkin kuva herätti, että rakastavaisten yhteinen unelma, kuvat, jotka kulkevat heidän tiukasti "suljetut silmäluopensa". Enää ratsastaja ei enää tarvitse ratsuaan skaalatakseen taivaan korkuja. Unelma rakkaudesta, hänen sivunsa rakastamien läsnäoloista... Kirjoittaessaan "Fairy Tale" Zhivago on onnistunut ikuistamaan rakkautensa Laraa ja pakenemaan yhdessä hänen kanssaan ihmisten ja olosuhteiden ulottumattomuudesta. 520-21)
    ellauri408.html on line 277: So much for the Bible being “inerrant” and “infallible.” As we will see, the book of Acts turned the Angels into false prophets, with a cartoonish prophecy. As we also will see, Jehovah’s first prophecy, in the opening chapters of Genesis, proved to be false. The Bible even turned Jesus into a false prophet, multiple times, when devious authors of the New Testament put false and foolish words in his mouth. Here’s a quick example with more to follow:
    ellauri408.html on line 315: “Son of man, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon drove his army in a hard campaign against Tyre; every head was rubbed bare and every shoulder made raw. Yet he and his army got no reward from the campaign he led against Tyre. Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: ‘I am going to give Egypt to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and he will carry off its wealth. He will loot and plunder the land as pay for his army. I have given him Egypt as a reward for his efforts because he and his army did it for me,’ declares the Sovereign Lord. On that day I will make a horn grow for the Israelites, and I will open your mouth among them. Then they will know that I am the Lord.”
    ellauri408.html on line 453: Curious and open-minded let’s talk about what excites you.
    ellauri408.html on line 498: De 1844 à 1848, à Berlin, il étudie la philosophie (avec Schelling), la psychologie (avec Friedrich Eduard Beneke), la philologie et la théologie. Il fut l'un des premiers étrangers à s'intéresser à la philosophie de Schopenhauer, qu'il présenta à ses étudiants en 1866 déjà, mais son éducation et son caractère l'empêchèrent d'y adhérer, en lui faisant préférer celle de Hantta Krause, l'inventeur de panentheisme. En 1849, il revient à Genève et devient professeur d’esthétique et de littérature française, à l'université de Genève, grâce à son étude Du mouvement littéraire dans la Suisse romande et de son avenir.
    ellauri408.html on line 1009: Maaliskuun 27:ntenä 1878 (keskiyö). Jatkanut Rousseaun teosten lukemista (Correspondance, Origine de l´inégalité ja siihen kuuluvia kiistakirjoituksia). Kuinka vaikeata onkaan löytää toista henkilöä, joka on aiheuttanut ja oikeuttanut enemmän vastenmielisyyttä, jonka elämä kumoaa hä- nen periaatteensa, jonka vaalilause ja kyky ovat keskenään ristiriidassa jne., jne. Meissä on paljon yhteistä, paizi että hän on kuuluisa ja minä en. Kyvyn ja luonteen, elämän ja ajattelun, ihmisen ja kirjailijan yhteensointumattomuus herättää kiusallisia tunteita. On ikävä katsella sellaista arvoituksellista ja epäsointuista olentoa. Herkistymätön omatunto ja suunnaton itserakkaus; tulinen kyky ja taipumus teennäisyyteen; ristiriitaa kaikessa ja tumputusta kaikkien nähden. Vaikutelmien ja kuvitelmien johtama; ajatus palvelemassa intohimoa. Kenties kaksimielisyyden uhri, sen, joka on hänen elämänsä ja teostensa perustuksena: Luonnon. Merkitseekö ihmisluonto taipumusta, pyydettä, viettiä? - Paradoksaalinen, kaikkia vastaan hangoitteleva, niskoitteleva, kiivas; kaiken pakon vihamies; koko elämä yhtä ainoata vedonlyöntiä. Tukee esimerkixi Schopenhauerin oppia, jonka mukaan äly on tietämättään tajuttoman tahdon, sokean ja harkitsemattoman virkkeen orja. Epikurolainen, joka on olevinaan stoalai- nen, hekumoitsija, joka esittää itsensäkieltäjän osaa; hänen olemuksensa keskuksen muodostaa kuvittelu. Väärässä ovat aina toiset (ja tarpeen vaatiessa yhteiskunta). Hän itse on yksin oikeassa, hän yksin on hyvä ja oikeamielinen, ja viimeisen tuomion pasuunat voivat pau- hata... loppu tiedetään. Kristillisen psykologian suora vastakohta. Ei nöyryyttä, ei katumusta, ei kääntymystä eikä pyhitystä. Miten tämä kuulostaa niin tutulta? Eikös tässä ole E. Saarinen ja paasaaja?
    ellauri409.html on line 361: Walt Whitmanin vaikutuksesta Laforgue oli yksi ensimmäisistä ranskalaisista runoilijoista, joka kirjoitti vapaassa säkeessä. Itse asiassa hänen käännöstensä Whitmanin runoista, jotka julkaisi Vogue-lehti, uskotaan vaikuttaneen Laforguen maanmieheen Gustave Kahniin. Filosofisesti hän oli pessimisti ja Schopenhauerin ja Von Hartmannin kiihkeä opetuslapsi . Hänen runoutensa olisi yksi suurimmista vaikutuksista Ezra Poundiin ja nuoreen TS Eliotiin. Louis Untermeyer kirjoitti: "Prufrockia, joka julkaistiin vuonna 1917, ylistettiin välittömästi uutena tapana englantilaisessa kirjallisuudessa ja samalla sitä vähäteltiin Laforguen ja ranskalaisten symbolistien kiekuna ja kaikuna, joille Eliot oli kiitoxen velkaa."
    ellauri413.html on line 69: Wittgensteinin kenkälaatikon paavalikriittisistä zetteleistä keräsi Petri Vinssi niteen Kulttuuri ja arvot. Siinä Wittgenstein luetteli henkilöt, jotka hänen mielestään ovat vaikuttaneet häneen: Boltzmann, Hertz, Schopenhauer, Frege, Russell, Kraus, Loos, Weininger, Spengler ja Sraffa.
    ellauri419.html on line 178: opening a window or just walking dully along; avatessa ikkunan tai vain kävellessä tylsästi eteenpäin.
    ellauri419.html on line 218: Baldwin also formed a personal relationship with FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover when the latter was first appointed in 1924, and he remained somewhat uncritical of the Bureau in the years that followed. Olikohan Rogerkin homofiili? No oli sillä pari vaimoa ja tytärkin. Years later, the ACLU would draw criticism from the NAACP for defending the right of the Klan to assemble peaceably. Jewish groups expressed similar disapproval when the group defended the right of automaker Henry Ford to publicize his anti–Semitic views. In these and other instances, however, the ACLU championed open discourse as opposed to suppression or censorship. Ihan Jarkko Tontin linjoilla kaikin puolin.
    ellauri419.html on line 225: Carnegien pahansuopa talousnainen Alexandra Prokopenko tunnustaa:
    ellauri419.html on line 236: ”Vaikka Kreml ei toivottavasti voitakaan tätä maratonia, Venäjän talous näyttää vakaalta. Se tarkoittaa sitä, että lännen tuki molemmille osapuolille pysyy elintärkeänä myös vuoden 2025 jälkeen”, pahansuopa Prokopenko kirjoittaa. Niin taataan halvan öljyn saanti myös tulevina vuosina ja pidetään pasifistit viherpiipertäjät kurissa.
    ellauri419.html on line 408: Lainaus: "EU-suurlähettiläät hyväksyivät juuri Euroopan laajuisen lähetyskiellon Voice of Europen, RIA Novostin, Izvestijan ja Rossiiskaja Gazetan", hän kirjoitti Twitter-tilillään (X). Aiemmin on uutisoitu, että Euroopan komissio halusi lisätä Voice of Europen pakoteluetteloon.
    ellauri420.html on line 47: Résumé : Ce qu'il faut détruire dans l'homme, c'est sa propension à croire, son appétit de puissance, sa hantise d'un dieu. Il est impérieux, pour y parvenir, de faire à la paresse une place parmi les vertus cardinales et au scepticisme parmi les églises et les polices. -- Cioran: Précis de décomposition
    ellauri420.html on line 291: But acedia doesn’t always present as a porn propensity. It can cast its toxic shadow in any number of ways.
    ellauri425.html on line 386: After 14 years of planning and negotiations, McDonald´s Canada president George Cohon was permitted to open the first McDonald´s in Russia by the Soviet government in 1990. The entry of the iconic American brand into the country was seen as a symbol of ongoing economic and political reforms in the Soviet Union. The company´s operations in the country further developed after the collapse of the USSR the following year, with the decades that followed seeing massive expansion in Russia. By 2022, 84% of locations were corporate-owned (through its Russian operating companies McDonald´s LLC) (Russian: ООО «Макдоналдс») and CJSC Moscow-McDonald´s (Russian: ЗАО «Москва-Макдоналдс»), with the remainder being owned by franchisees.
    ellauri425.html on line 399: After nearly 14 years of tortuous negotiations, the American institution of fast food has finally arrived in Moscow, the slow food capital of the world. Wednesday, in what could herald the start of a gastronomic-cum-cultural revolution in the homeland of scientific communism, McDonald´s opened its first restaurant in the Soviet Union.
    ellauri425.html on line 400: The restaurant rang up 30,000 meals on 27 cash registers, breaking the opening-day record for McDonald´s worldwide, officials said.
    ellauri425.html on line 405: By the time McDonald´s opened for business at 10 Wednesday morning, there was a 500-yard line outside the door. Militiamen stood by to prevent a riot. TV cameras whirred. Actors dressed up as cartoon characters danced in the street to amuse the crowds. Soviet employees frantically cleared snow from the sidewalk. The Russian masses shuffled forward, discussing the merits of dvoini gamburger (double hamburger), kartofel-free (french fries) and "feelay-oh-feesh."
    ellauri425.html on line 408: Three Armenian students said they flew 1,200 miles from Yerevan to Moscow just for the McDonald´s opening.
    ellauri425.html on line 417: At the door, the guests were greeted by the smiling face of George Cohon, chairman of McDonald´s Canada and the man behind the Moscow project. The restaurant in Pushkin Square - the largest McDonald´s in the world - is the first of 20 outlets scheduled to open in the Soviet capital in the next few years.
    ellauri425.html on line 437: MOSCOW — When the doors swung open Wednesday at the first McDonald’s restaurant in the Soviet Union, thousands of Muscovites poured in to sip “milk cocktails” and taste their first “Beeg Mak Gamburgers,” picking them apart to marvel at the fixin’s.
    ellauri425.html on line 452: Some reported waiting up to 1 hour and 45 minutes to be served, but most did not seem to mind. In honor of the grand opening, a brigade of workers distributed McDonald’s flags and pins; entertainers performed on the accordion and sang folk songs under golden arches adorned with the Soviet hammer and sickle.
    ellauri425.html on line 455: At training sessions before opening day, cashiers were taught the importance of greeting customers cheerfully, of saying “please” and “thank you”--all of which promises something distinctly different from the typically surly service at most of Moscow’s dingy state cafes.
    ellauri425.html on line 464: The Moscow McDonald’s will be open for 12 hours a day beginning at 10 a.m. and will be able, they say, to serve more than 15,000 customers a day.
    ellauri425.html on line 465: On Wednesday, though, it stayed open an extra two hours and served a McDonald’s record 30,000 meals. The previous record for opening-day transactions was 9,100 in Budapest, Hungary, and the previous record sales for a single day was 14,000 in Hong Kong.
    ellauri425.html on line 475: The joint venture agreement between McDonald’s of Canada and the Moscow City Council calls for 20 restaurants, though there is no timetable or even a definite plan for when or where the second McDonald’s will open.
    ellauri425.html on line 480: McDonald’s expects to open nearly 10,000 restaurants over the next four years, Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2023, a pace of growth that would be unprecedented even for the world´s largest burger chain.
    ellauri426.html on line 194: The government’s propensity to deny access from foreign entities complicates the enforcement of best Western practices in social media use, resulting in a persistent gap between capitalist recommendations and local practices. International monitoring (Western spying) must adapt to the North Korean context, often relying on satellite imagery, testimonies from defectors, and analyses of external digital behavior. But the Westies have high hopes that smartphones will help getting North Koreans hooked on Western cat videos, AI porn and other narcoleptic bullshit. Hopefully Koreans get accro on VKontakte and Mao's Little Red Book instead.
    ellauri428.html on line 442: Persuajatuksen Pirandello sai filosofi Arthur Schopenhauerin ideasta, että ”maailma on mielteeni” eikä objektiivista todellisuutta ole näin olemassakaan. Pirandello ennakoi absurdia teatteria märisevine sarvikuonoineen.
    ellauri429.html on line 321: openart.ai/stable_diffusion/e36093d5745357e6459a88e3e1ea2ba97addcd28_2000x2000.webp" />
    ellauri430.html on line 277: And of all the pressing challenges that the nations represented here face, I believe there is nothing more urgent than mass migration. It just has to stop! No voter on this continent went to the ballot box to open the floodgates to millions of unvetted immigrants. In England, they voted for Brexit. And agree or disagree, they voted for it. And more and more all over Europe, they are voting for political leaders who promise to put an end to out-of-control migration. Now, I happen to agree with a lot of these concerns, but you don’t have to agree with me. I just think that people care about their homes. They care about their dreams. They care about their safety and their capacity to provide for themselves and their nonexistent children. This does not apply to the immigrants, for they are not people but fucking rabbits.
    ellauri432.html on line 360: Meta has certainly been in the EU’s sights, racking up more than $3 million in fines for violations of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) alone, and faces an ongoing investigation that alleges it failed to protect minors on its platform. Earlier this month, Meta announced it would open up its Facebook Marketplace platform to third-party competitors in the EU following an antitrust fine. Then again, Meta could simply stop maintaining monopolistic control over platforms and breaking laws if it doesn’t want to deal with the consequences. Just a free idea for Zuckerberg and the gang.
    ellauri434.html on line 134: From the time it was first openly published and right until today, polls show, that ‘The Master and Margarita’ is usually among Russians’ most favorite books.
    xxx/ellauri010.html on line 627: You have one day after opening my message, I put the special tracking pixel in it, so when you will open it I will see.If ya want me to share proofs with ya, reply on this letter and I will send my creation to five contacts that I've got from ur contacts.
    xxx/ellauri010.html on line 691: As soon as this letter is opened, the timer will work.
    xxx/ellauri013.html on line 465: David Hume kerskaili hyveellisen miehen maineella, ikäänkuin kieriskeli omassa paremmuudessaan. USA:n kapinavuonna se kuoli peräsuolen syöpään kunnon anaalipersoonana, ja teki vielä tiivistelmän omasta vaelluxestaan. Hän oli, hän kirjoitti, a man of mild disposition, of command of temper, of an open, social, and cheerful humour, capable of attachment, but little susceptible of enmity, and of great moderation in all my passions. Omakehu haisi pahemmin kuin suoli. Vertaa Bertrandiin, joka somisti myös oman hautakivensä. Hume pikku narsistia pelotti, että paranoidi sveitsari Rousseau nostaisi metakan, mustaisi sen pyhimyxen maineen, kun Hume koitti fumigoida riitapukaria ulos briteistä. Sitähän se yritti, muttei oma maine riittänyt.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 571: Ensimmäisessä työelämää sivunneessa kirjassaan, vuonna 1990 ilmestyneessä Muutostekijässä, Saarinen kävi vuoden ajan viikoittain Ekbergillä Ensto-yhtiöiden perustajan Ensio Miettisen kanssa. Yhteistyö alkoi Miettisen luettua kirjan ”Erektio Albertinkadulla”. Hän oli innostunut kirjan ”aktiivisesta, vapausladatusta ihmiskuvasta ja siihen kytkeytyvästä elämän moraalista, toivon periaatteesta”. Ehkä sitä kiinnosti myös Esan useat (joskin enimmäxeen tuloxettomat) erektiot Albertinkadulla Pipsan (vai oliko se Piipsin) riippukeinussa. Miettinen oli omakohtaisesti kokenut, miltä maistuu elämä masentuneena miljonäärinä. On lerpahtanut olo. Molemmat ovat loppupeleissä yhtä mieltä siitä, että Roopen elämä ei ole elämisen arvoista. Ei hrahahlaarissa sukeltelu vedä vertoja snorkkeloinnille Pafoksen upeilla vesillä.
    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 173: Toopen parempia puolia on eze saattaa huomaamatta erkaantua juonesta ja panna sekaan omiakin muistoja. Se on omaperäistä. Parisänky petattuna korkeaxi, hellu kainalossa ja löystäkki lattialla. Seinällä on regulaattorikello.
    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 194: Kerta kaikkiaan ilkeettävä persepää tää Puovo. Omaa äpäräänsä väistelee, kohtelee huonommin kuin "vihityssä avioliitossa" bylsimiään nuorempia. Toopen oma esikoinenkin oli laittomasti pantu tyttö jota se tattiaisena vielä hiveli. Taisi vähän epäillä että omakohan oli vaiko lainattu. Toopen mielestä tuntui just hienoimmalta panna piika paxuxi, ei vaan ruiskauttaa tyhjän päiten sisään.
    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 200: On tammikuu. Eräät jänixet söivät Alman omenapuut. Alma on Toopen dream girl, väkevä kuin äiskä mutta vielä antavampi.
    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 1411: Tatun Sillinpää-biografia kuuluu olleen jonkinlainen sillisalaatti sen ja Toopen estetismiä. Varsinaista elämäkertatietoa oli vaan siteexi, kuteena bombastista messuamista Freudin opeilla. Seuraavat 2 nidettä oli jotain vulkaanista izensäpurkamista, lisää freudilaista tumputusta. (Vaistojen kapina ja Huomispäivän varjo.)
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 580: on tämä Eno Kalan suomentama sitaatti openhauer Arthur">Koala-sedältä:
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 209: Se oli niillä suvussa. Isälläkin oli silmävaivoja. Famun nimi oli Haslam. Se on tavallinen brittinimi. Ne oli varakkaita ja valkoisia. Isäkin olis halunnut kirjailijaxi. Sillä oli tuhannen kirjan kirjasto jossa Jorge hääräsi. Borges tykkäsi eräistä epäilyttävistä hepuista, kuten Arthur Schopenhauer, Wilt Whatman, ja Oscar Wilde. Olikohan se homo?
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 41: Spandex housut. Ainoo kerta kun mulle on puettu tyköistuvat trikoohousut oli kansakoulun näytelmässä, josta olen aiemmin jo kertonut: mustat tyttöjen trikoot ja nolo open pyllyn liidulla piirtämä töpöhäntä jota koitin salavihkaa hinkata pois vasten penkkiä. Toista kertaa en moiseen nöyryytyksen ole alistunut.
    xxx/ellauri076.html on line 203: Girls! Girls! Girls! is a 1962 Golden Globe-nominated American musical comedy film starring Elvis Presley as a penniless Hawaiian fisherman who loves his life on the sea and dreams of owning his own boat. "Return to Sender", which reached No. 2 on the Billboard pop singles chart, is featured in the film. The film opened at #1 on the Variety box office chart and finished the year at #19 on the year-end list of the top-grossing films of 1962. The film earned $2.6 million at the box office.
    xxx/ellauri076.html on line 461: Mä en tajuu miten jengi (esim Wallu) on niin innostunut elokuvista. Kuvakulmia ja näyttelijöitä ja leikkauxia ja ties mitä. Lopen haukotuttavaa.
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 88: Lohan rose to prominence in the music industry under Casablanca Records, releasing two studio albums, the platinum-certified Speak (2004) and gold-certified A Little More Personal (Raw) (2005). Lohan dabbled in fashion, beginning a line of her own titled 6126 and briefly serving as artistic advisor for Emmanuel Ungaro in 2009. Since 2016, she has opened numerous nightclubs and resorts in Greece.
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 341: Orangutan reacts by opening mouth and falling backwards in hysterics.
    xxx/ellauri084.html on line 610: Schleiermacherin aikana kristianismia halvexittiin koska se oli aikaansaanut 30-vuotisen sodan :). Kierkegaard tulee myöhemmin Kantin jälkeen :D. (Hizi amerikkalaiset on sitten tietämättömiä! Schleiermacherin ajan sodat oli napoleonisia, Kant pyllisteli 40v ennen Schleiermacheria, ja Kierkegaard lähinnä hammasteli Hegeliä ja sitten Schopenhaueria. Kazoisitte Wikipediasta edes vittu niinkun mä!)
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 355: This has a two part answer. The first is, that it assumes that businesses are started and then expanded for the purpose of creating jobs and advancing the working class. This simply is not true. When a person opens a business, their entire purpose is to earn a profit. Not a single multimillionaire has ever said “I think we need more jobs and better wages, so I think we should open another facility.” This can be documented with the exodus of American business to coutries such as Mexico, China, and Japan, just to name a few. They were NOT trying to create jobs in those countries. They were trying to increase profits. There are any number of counties, cities, and states that are held hostage by big business demanding tax abatements and other concessions if they agree to do business and maybe create jobs in those areas. So you see, big business is not about helping the little guy…it is about how much profit they can make with a PROMISE to help the little guy.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 396: It has several inherent flaws. When people argue for more “libertarian” economic policy, there’s a tendency to think only about the initial development of a business, and to ignore the possibility of direct communication between two businesses in competition. Here’s a pretty typical argument for trickle-down: If a small sandwich shop manages to produce a good product at a low price, it can attract a bunch of customers, and make enough money to buy a second shop, which will allow them to hire more employees. But if taxes are too high, they wont be able to open that second location, and then they won’t be able to employ as many people. They also might have to pay their workers less, and better workers might quit to work in other places. And they’ll have to increase their prices. Thus, lower taxes on the upper middle class and rich result in a more employed society with higher wages and cheaper products.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 400: But profit increases the number of people they employ, right? Sometimes, but this becomes less and less true the bigger a business gets. If a business gets big enough, they might fill their niche completely. For a smaller business, expanding is often a good investment, but there comes a point where that’s not really going to make you that much more money. The people who want to go to your stores might already be going to your stores about as much as they want to, so you don’t need to hire anyone else, or open a new location. So now all that profit goes to…the people who own the company. If the company can’t make any more money by expanding, they usually decide that they just give all of their executives a raise.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 426: Another huge problem because it erects barriers to poor people starting a business is undue govt licensing training requirements to open all kinds of businesses. A high license fee is simply a barrier that stops people from doing it, and there are examples such as hair braiding requiring exorbitant fees and training. Probably big salons got the City Council to create a bs license to keep out competition. Million dollar medallion fees to the city just to run 1 taxi is another example, and rideshare tried to get around that expense and has allowed many people a 2nd income to build upon. And a 3rd and so on, work 24/7 in fact to survive. For minimum wage is a BARRIER.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 595: I would open up the border to allow a more free flow of immigrants.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 621: Dupin explains that the gunshot distraction was arranged by him and that he left a duplicate letter to ensure his ability to leave the hotel without D— suspecting his actions. If he had tried to seize it openly, Dupin surmises D— might have had him killed. As both a political supporter of the queen and old enemy of the minister [who had done an evil deed to Dupin in Vienna in the past], Dupin also hopes that D— will try to use the power he no longer has, to his political downfall, and at the end be presented with a quotation from Prosper Jolyot de Crébillon's play Atrée et Thyeste that implies Dupin was the thief: Un dessein si funeste, S'il n'est digne d'Atrée, est digne de Thyeste (If such a sinister design isn't worthy of Atreus, it is worthy of Thyestes).
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 663: The Reverend John Wilson and the minister of Hester's church, Arthur Dimmesdale, question her, but she refuses to name her lover. After she returns to her prison cell, the jailer brings in Chillingworth, now a physician, to calm Hester and her child with his roots and herbs. He and Hester have an open conversation regarding their marriage and the fact that they were both in the wrong. Her lover, however, is another matter and he demands to know who it is; Hester refuses to divulge such information. He accepts this, stating that he will find out anyway, and forces her to conceal that he is her husband. If she ever reveals him, he warns her, he will destroy the child's father. Hester agrees to Chillingworth's terms although she suspects she will regret it.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 785: That I scarce was sure I heard you”—here I opened wide the door;— - tässä keskusteluvaiheessa avaan oven äkkiä.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 163: And open up a store
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 440: Mitallisesta runosta tulee helposti sellainen muovinen tekopenis jonka päälle hygieeninen terveysopin opettaja näyttää miten rullataan konodomi ilman että kynnet tekee kumiin reikiä. Vaatii todellista taitoa kirjoittaa niitä ilman että tuntoherkkyys menee ja runo on kuin söisi karkkia ottamatta paperia päältä.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 454: Many authors have borrowed the phrase "World enough and time" from the poem's opening line to use in their book title or inside. The most famous is Robert Penn Warren's 1950 novel World Enough and Time: A Romantic Novel, about murder in early-19th-century Kentucky. (WTF,? bet Ernest Heminway's booklet Farewell for Arms (p. 129) is famouser.) With variations, it has also been used for books on the philosophy of physics (World Enough and Space-Time: Absolute versus Relational Theories of Space and Time), geopolitics (World Enough and Time: Successful Strategies for Resource Management), a science-fiction collection (Worlds Enough & Time: Five Tales of Speculative Fiction), and a biography of the poet (World Enough and Time: The Life of Andrew Marvell). The phrase is used as a title chapter in Andreas Wagner's pop science book on the origin of variation in organisms, "Arrival of the Fittest". The verse serves as an epigraph to Mimesis, literary critic Erich Auerbach's most famous book. It is also the title of an episode of Big Finnish Productions's The Diary of River Song series 2, and of part 1 of Doctor Who's Series 10 finale. It is the title of a Star Trek New Voyages fan episode where George Takei reprises his role as Sulu after being lost in a rift in time. The title of Robert A. Heinlein's 1973 novel Time Enough for Love also echoes this line.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 458: Brian Aldiss's novel Hothouse, set in a distant future in which the earth is dominated by plant life, opens with "My vegetable should grow / vaster than empires, and more slow."
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 459: Terry Pratchett opens his poem An Ode to Multiple Universes with "I do have worlds enough and time / to spare an hour to find a rhyme / to take a week to pen an article / a day to find a rhyme for ‘particle’."
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 469: The same line appears in full in the opening minutes of Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger's A Matter of Life and Death (1946), spoken by the protagonist, pilot and poet Peter Carter: 'But at my back I always hear / Time's wingéd chariot hurrying near; And yonder all before us lie / Deserts of vast eternity. Andy Marvell, What a marvel'.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 628: Activity Systems' possibility for expansive transformation (cycles of qualitative transformation): when object and motive are reconceptualized a radically wider horizon opens up.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 455: Det kan ha nånting att göra med maktförhållanden. Makt fascinerar författare. Många är wannabe tyranner, som skulle vilja vara högst på hopen, så vad dom gör är dom växlar myrhopen till en hop av makulatur. Kliver fiktivt på toppen av en stor hög naket människokött.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 756: Erdogan on riisunut Turkin pois naistenmätkinnän vastaiselta liitolta, jonka aikanaan loi Istanbulin sopimus. Naistenmätkinnän vastustaminen vaarantaa avioliiton ja höllentää perheen naisten lepositeitä. Miesten ja naisten tasa-arvo on vastoin luontoa. Apinat ei ole mitään punaoravia saati sitten liitosellaisia joilla naarat ovat isompia. Ollaan luonnostaan dimorfisia lajina ja Allah on suonut miehelle karvaisemmat käsivarret ja kovemman pään. Me ollaan hopeaselkiä, ei täällä määrää mitkään ruohikkopalon sammuttajat. Erdogan ei enää välitä eurooppalaisista. Se on mieluummin vaikka ö-joukkueen kapteeni kuin a-joukkueen vaihtopenkillä.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 823: He has never been a politician, he has never taken an active part in organized peace work. But he has always been a living force, a tireless fighter in the service of Christ, opening young minds to the light which he thinks can lead the world to peace and bring men together in understanding and goodwill. His work has always been chiefly among youth, for in them lies the key to the future. They are the leaders of tomorrow.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 837: His simple preaching was a source of strength and inspiration to those whom he addressed or with whom he talked; his powerful tinselfish and his noble character won him friends and followers and opened the way for brotherhood between nations under the banner of Christ – always the central theme of his preaching.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 264: Now I proceed to the topic "The left’s embrace of gotcha hypersensitivity inevitably invites backlash." Why, it’s largely in order to keep from losing my fictional mojo that I stay off Facebook and Twitter, which could surely install an instinctive self-censorship out of fear of attack. Ten years ago, I gave the opening address of this same festival, in which I maintained that fiction writers have a vested interest in protecting everyone’s right to offend others – because if hurting someone else’s feelings even inadvertently is sufficient justification for muzzling, there will always be someone out there who is miffed by what you say, and freedom of speech is dead. Why, freedom of speech is just about miffing! What's the use of the freedom if you are not allowed to miff! With the rise of identity politics, which privileges a subjective sense of injury as actionable basis for prosecution, that is a battle that in the decade since I last spoke in Brisbane we’ve been losing.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 307: I have never walked out of a speech. Or I hadn’t, until last night’s opening keynote for the Brisbane writers festival, delivered by the American author Lionel Shriver, best known for her novel, We need to talk about Kevin.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 351: The fact Shriver was given such a prominent platform from which to spew such vitriol shows that we as a society still value this type of rhetoric enough to deem it worthy of a keynote address. The opening of a city’s writers festival could have been graced by any of the brilliant writers and thinkers who challenge us to be more. To be uncomfortable. To progress.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 353: A Maxine Beneba Clarke, who opened the Melbourne Writers’ Festival by challenging us to learn how to talk about race in a way that was melodic and powerful. A Stan Grant, who will ask us why we continue to allow our First People’s to wallow in inhumane conditions. An A.C. Grayling, if you really want the international flavour. Anyone who will ask us to be better, not demand we be OK with worse.
    xxx/ellauri104.html on line 353: All these will be discovered by your scientists one day if your kind is open to new information. These new information are just facts waiting to be proven and to be accepted by your mainstream. Proving is easy, spreading them to the rigid minds of people is hard! This message is for an intended audience only.
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 38: This development could open up a bizarre vision of the universe in which black holes can cough themselves into nothingness, Hawking said during recent lectures on the BBC and at Harvard. “This raises a serious problem that strikes at the heart of our understanding of science,” he said. “If determinism, the predictability of the universe, breaks down with black holes, it could break down in other situations,” he said. “Even worse, if determinism breaks down, we can’t be sure of our past history, either. The history books and our memories could just be illusions,” he said. The Nobel prize could just be an illusion, he said. Two years later he died.
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 87: Eikä siinä vielä kaikki! Hawkin heittää tienoheen myös riittävän syyn periaatteen, josta innostuivat mm. Spinoza, Leibniz ja Kant, josta hölmö idealisti Schopenhauer taisi väitelläkin:
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 89: On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason (German: Ueber die vierfache Wurzel des Satzes vom zureichenden Grunde) is an elaboration on the classical Principle of Sufficient Reason, written by German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer as his doctoral dissertation in 1813. The principle of sufficient reason is a powerful and controversial philosophical principle stipulating that everything must have a reason or cause. Schopenhauer revised and re-published it in 1847. The work articulated the centerpiece of many of Schopenhauer's arguments, and throughout his later works he consistently refers his readers to it as the necessary beginning point for a full understanding of his further writings.)
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 484: An opponent of biological evolution, Berlinski is a senior fellow of the Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture, a Seattle-based think tank that is a hub of the pseudoscientific intelligent design movement. Berlinski shares the movement's rejection of the evidence for evolution, but does not openly avow intelligent design and describes his relationship with the idea as: "warm but distant. It's the same attitude that I display in public toward my ex-wives." Berlinski is a critic of evolution, yet, "Unlike his colleagues at the Discovery Institute,...[he] refuses to theorize about the origin of life." Vitun jutku, ei niihin ole luottamista, jeesuxen murhaajiin.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 117: The historical question of whether Jefferson was the father of Hemings' children is the subject of the Jefferson–Hemings controversy. Following renewed historical analysis in the late 20th century, and a 1998 DNA study (completed in 1999 and published as a report in 2000) that found a match between the Jefferson male line and a descendant of Hemings' youngest son, Eston Hemings, the Monticello Foundation asserted that Jefferson fathered Eston and likely her other five children as well. However, there are some who disagree. In 2018, the Thomas Jefferson Foundation of Monticello announced its plans to have an exhibit titled Life of Sally Hemings, and affirmed that it was treating as a settled issue that Jefferson was the father of her known children. The exhibit opened in June 2018.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 134: Buried penis is different than micropenis, which is an abnormally small, normally structured penis with a stretched penile length of less than 2.5 standard deviations below the mean for age or stage of sexual development of the patient.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 357: Combining these prophecies we have the anti-Christ, now indwelt by Satan, determined to rid the world of God’s people once and for all. Heeding the Lord’s 2,000 year old warning, the believing remnant will flee to the mountains of Edom where the city of Petra has been standing empty for centuries, as if in preparation. The phrase “wings of a great eagle” in Rev. 12:14 is reminiscent of Exodus 19:4 where the Lord used the same phrase to describe the way he delivered Israel from the Egyptians. This implies the same kind of supernatural assistance, such as when Satan spews out a river of water to sweep the woman away. But the Lord will open the earth to swallow the river and save the woman. This will enrage Satan, but he will leave the woman and go after other followers of Jesus (Rev. 12:15-17).
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 762: Raamatun monista vääryyxistä pistää silmään krapulaisen Ukko Nooan silmitön raivostuminen kun pojat yllättää sen munat paljaana. Oliko se käynyt kusella tai kuivilla vai ehkäpä suorastaan pukilla ja nukahtanut kesken kaiken pelit seis perseet olalla? Jää epäselväxi. Mutta mixi siitä piti noin kohtuuttomasti vimmastua? Oma moka, siitähän aina suututaan muille koviten. Samaa voi sanoa Jehovastakin. Ehkä Kanaan vielä nauroi hölmönnäköiselle vaarille ja pilkkasi sen nahatonta mikropenistä. Sellaisesta nenäkkyydestä pitää tehdä loppu!
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 322: As for hobbies, he is fond of association football and is a supporter of Universitario de Deportes. No tietysti! Sekin vielä! Varma toopen tuntomerkki.
    xxx/ellauri120.html on line 35: Novelist Bulwer-Lytton was a friend and contemporary of Charles Dickens and was one of the pioneers of the historical novel, exemplified by his most popular work, The Last Days of Pompeii. He is best remembered today for the opening line to the novel Paul Clifford, which begins "It was a dark and stormy night..." and is considered by some to be the worst opening sentence in the English language. However, Bulwer-Lytton is also responsible for well-known sayings such as "The penis mightier than the sword" from his play Richelieu. Despite being a very popular author with 19th-century readers, few people today are even aware of his prodigious body of literature spanning many genres. In the 21st century he is known best as the namesake for the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest (BLFC), sponsored annually by the English Department at San Jose State University, which challenges entrants "to compose the opening sentence to the worst of all possible novels", and the township of Lytton, or Camchin until the British nosey parkers came, saw and beat the copper-colored nlaka'pamuxes. Now their village got burned to ashes thanx to the industrial revolution.
    xxx/ellauri120.html on line 227: The Reverend John Wilson and the minister of Hester's church, Arthur Dimmesdale, question her, but she refuses to name her lover. After she returns to her prison cell, the jailer brings in Chillingworth, now a physician, to calm Hester and her child with his roots and herbs. He and Hester have an open conversation regarding their marriage and the fact that they were both in the wrong. Her lover, however, is another matter and he demands to know who it is; Hester refuses to divulge such information. He accepts this, stating that he will find out anyway, and forces her to conceal that he is her husband. If she ever reveals him, he warns her, he will destroy the child's father. Hester agrees to Chillingworth's terms although she suspects she will regret it.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 139: Koirat ovat olleet vuosisatoja kirjailijoiden parhaita tukijoita, koska ne eivät arvostele – Taina Haahtia inspiroi coton de tuléar, Stephen Kingiä corgit, Virginia Woolfia cockerspanieli, Schopenhaueria sarja villakoiria nimeltä Atman. Goethen Mefisto oli villakoira myös. Diogenes oli ize kyynikko. Tekoäly oppii tunnistamaan sarkasmin. Totally! on dead giveaway. Ironinen Sokrates sanoi Ne ton kyna! Koira vieköön. Koppava mutta typerä homo Oscar Wilde sanoi että sarkasmi on läpän alin muoto.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 355: Me ajettiin Iijoen yli matkalla Charlotten työ Merilappiin. Roopen Iijoki oli Oberlausitz Dresdenistä itään. Sen synnyinkylä Rietschen on seisake suoalueella kaivosten ja sotilaiden harjoitusmaastojen välissä. Me ajettiin Sleesiasta läpi 3v sitten Charlotte kyydissä. Se on sudeettisaxalaista takapajulaa josta puolet luovutettiin nolosti hävityn sodan jälkeen puolalaisille.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 792: While Kafka had intended for the story to be burned after his death, his friend Max Brod pressed forward to prepare it for publication. Franz was right. The two met as teenagers, following a talk Brod gave about Arthur Schopenhauer at a students’ Union Club on Prague’s Ferdinandstrasse. One of their first conversations concerned Nietzsche’s attack on Schopenhauer’s renouncement of the self. Pretty quickly the two curious minds became inseparable, usually meeting twice daily to discuss life, literature, philosophy, and whatever other topics might randomly arise. Like sex...
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 924: Alongside works by Kurt Vonnegut and Thomas Pynchon, Catch-22 opened the floodgates for a wave of crazy American fiction. The reviews of the book range from very positive to very negative. Although the novel won no awards upon release, it has remained in print and is seen as one of the most significant American novels of the 20th century. The novel examines the absurdity of war and military life through the experiences of Yossarian and his cohorts, who attempt to maintain their sanity while fulfilling their service requirements so that they may return home.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1205: "Those who are unsatisfied with what I do and critique me and offend me clearly don't have the same figure as I do," she said. "Otherwise they would not be so negative. They are openly jealous."
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 491: Eli How to deal with difficult peple.Täällä Lontoon talouskoulun video seuraavan sukupolven yrittäjille, Aici postul de radio Muntenia unu, Gill Hasson speaking. Mind the gap. Laske 7ään takaapäin ja kääkkää vasta sitten. Elä hitaasti, tule nopeasti. Hiero sinne hässöy. Gill näyttää lopen uupuneelta kuin Eine Eeron hautajaisissa. No Lopelle Lopelle.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 601: We all keep our genitals in our clothing somewhere, and every time we open it, we feel pain and suffering. We can’t change the people we once were in the sack with, but we can make out with them. Open the zip and let in some fresh air. Reconcile. Otherwise, our past will forever be a drag on our heels.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 712: The Hebrew אשה זונה (ishah zonah), used to describe Rahab in Joshua 2:1, literally means "a prostitute woman". In rabbinic texts, however, she is explained as being an "innkeeper," based on the Aramaic Targum: פונדקאית. HAHA LOL. Rahab´s name is presumably the shortened form of a sentence name rāḥāb-N, "the god N has opened/widened (the womb?)". May the lord open. The Hebrew zōnâ may refer to secular or cultic prostitution, and the latter is widely believed to have been an invariable element of Canaanite religious practice, although recent scholarship has disputed this. However, there was a separate word, qědēšâ, that could be used to designate prostitutes of the cultic variety.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 767: But as Lance Olsen writes: "The first 13 chapters of the text, culminating with the oft-cited scene of Lo unwittingly stretching her legs across Humbert's excited lap ... are the only chapters suggestive of the erotic." Nabokov himself observes in the novel´s afterword that a few readers were "misled by the opening of the book ... into assuming this was going to be a lewd book ... expecting the rising succession of erotic scenes; when these stopped, the readers stopped, too, and felt bored." Preee-cisely!
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1279: Imaginative cobbler Hans Christian Andersen (Danny Kaye) is asked to leave his hometown because his frequent stories are distracting the children from school. From there he moves to Copenhagen, Denmark, where he sees and falls in love with Doro (Jeanmaire), a ballerina. He writes "The Little Mermaid" for her, and it becomes the ballet´s latest work. However, Doro is already married to Niels (Farley Granger), meaning Hans must content himself with children.
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 533: Tapback on iPhone and iPad To use a Tapback, open the Messages app and locate the
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 90: Seuraava näpäys Zeuxesta Antiopen kimpussa on Ingresiltä hyvin sutastu paizi napanappi näyttää olevan hiukka vika paikassa. Sen kuuluis olla viele vehen vasemmalla. Zeus on just tulossa ottamaan Antiopen väkisin satyyrin hahmossa. Watteaun skezi samasta aiheesta on aika heikko, Cesarin kalju Zeus on puoliveteinen.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 96: Antiope (m.kreik. Ἀντιόπη) oli kreikkalaisessa mytologiassa Theban kuningas Nykteuksen tytär. Hänen kauneutensa sai Zeuksen ottamaan tämän väkisin satyyrin hahmossa. Antiope pakeni häpeäänsä kuningas Epopeuksen luo Sikyoniin, joka ei enää päästänyt häntä pois ennen kuin hänen setänsä Lykos haki hänet väkisin takaisin. Paluumatkan aikana Antiope synnytti kaksoispojat Amfionin Zeukselle ja Zethoksen Epopeukselle. Molemmat pojat jätettiin paikallisten paimenien huomaan. Takaisin Thebaan päästyään Lykos luovutti Antiopen vaimonsa Dirken huostaan, joka kohteli Antiopea varsin kaltoin. Antiope kuitenkin onnistui lopulta pakenemaan etsien suojaa samasta talosta, jossa hänen poikansa olivat hänen tietämättään paimenina.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 98: Dirken lopulta löydettyä Antiopen hän määräsi nämä nuoret miehet sitomaan Antiopen härän sarviin, mutta juuri kun he olivat suostumaisillaan tähän, heidät kasvattanut vanha paimen paljasti heille salaisuuden, että kyseessä oli heidän oma äitinsä. Kostoksi äitinsä orjuuttamisesta ja huonosta kohtelusta Antiopen pojat sitoivatkin Dirken härän sarviin kiinni. Oikein Dirkelle!
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 668: Kun hain Paulia Luisaa ja Nuuttia Lahden rautatieasemalta Rauhixeen, kuuntelin öisellä parkkipaikalla autostereoista Bo Burnhamin spesiaaleja. Roopen rant Kill yourself pani miettimään onko se sittenkin vähän misogyyninen? Se vinoilee 2lle kuuluisammalle musikantille ja 1 vielä kuuluisammalle isohäntäiselle superjulkkixelle vähän suspektisti, Nim. Katy Perry ja Courtney Love. (Pst kaikki nää on mulle täysin uusia tuttavuuksia, Oprahia lukuunottamatta.)
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 800: Hole toured with Marilyn Manson on the Beautiful Monsters Tour in 1999, but dropped out after nine performances; Love and Manson disagreed over production costs, and Hole was forced to open for Manson under an agreement with Interscope Records. Hole resumed touring with Imperial Teen. Love later said Hole also abandoned the tour due to Manson and Korn's (whom they also toured with in Australia) sexualized treatment of teenage female audience members.
    xxx/ellauri126.html on line 418: Rikun hovissa viime pyhänä oli kalseet tunnelmat. Rakentajat ja nilkan ojentajat oli lähes sotajalalla. Oli ilmeistä että molemmat oli lopen kyllästyneet toisiinsa. Mutta kun tuli yllättävä länkkärien hyökkäys kokosivat itänaapurit vielä rivinsä. Länkkärit lyötiin hajalle ja ne joutuivat perääntymään päät punaisina pannu keittäen. Sekun puhisten jälkikäteen tekemien laskujen mukaan vihollisen elävään voimaan kohdistui ainakin seuraavat iskut:
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 256: Hegel (mentioned in p.259 TAL; he married in 1811 and his sister Christian Luise died in 1832) was fascinated by Goethe (and also by Jean-jacques Rousseau (allusion to him in p. TAL « Jean-jacques Humbert« ) and the French Revolution). Goethe published a « Theory of Colours » concerning the light spectrum (a hint, more about this in the final conclusion part). There are recurrent mentions of Goethe in Freud‘s writings. Schopenhauer cited Goethe’s novel « Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship » as one of the four greatest novels ever written, along with « Tristram Shandy« , « La Nouvelle Heloïse« , and « Don Quixote« .
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 386:
  • Men preferred women who had positive personality traits like openness, kindness, and forwardness.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 559: Der Vater heiratete Amélie von Dall’Armi und wurde 1883 an die Königliche Kunstschule in Breslau berufen. Christian ging mit nach Breslau und besuchte das Maria-Magdalenen-Gymnasium. Hier schrieb er im Alter von 16 Jahren das Trauerspiel Alexander von Bulgarien und Mineralogia popularis, eine Beschreibung von Mineralien. Beide Texte sind nicht erhalten. Zudem entwarf er eine Faustdichtung und beschäftigte sich mit Arthur Schopenhauer.
    xxx/ellauri129.html on line 650: When Illinois opened its first hospital for the mentally ill in 1851, the state legislature passed a law that within two years of its passage was amended to require a public hearing before a person could be committed against his or her will. There was one exception, however: a husband could have his wife committed without either a public hearing or her consent. In 1860, Theophilus Packard judged that his wife was "slightly insane", a condition he attributed to "excessive application of body and mind". He arranged for a doctor, J.W. Brown, to speak with her. The doctor pretended to be a sewing machine salesman. During their conversation, Elizabeth complained of her husband's domination and his accusations to others that she was insane. Dr. Brown reported this conversation to Theophilus (along with the observation that Mrs. Packard "exhibited a great dislike to me"). Theophilus decided to have Elizabeth committed. She learned of this decision on June 18, 1860, when the county sheriff arrived at the Packard home to take her into custody.
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 60: CHEAT the enemy EAT w/mouth open HURT the clueless LAUGH at your boss
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 241: Yleensä on panteismi vain kohtelias muoto ateismista.Arttu SchopenhauerMKILL!
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 242: Uskonnot ovat kuin kiiltomatoja, ne loistavat vain pimeässä.Arttu SchopenhauerMKILL!
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 491: Elämän loppukaarteessa riisutaan kasvosuojaimet ja nähdään kuka oli kuka.Arttu SchopenhauerMKILL!
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 492: Vanhuuden huomaa siitä että muut vanhuxet alkaa vaikuttaa nuorilta.Arttu SchopenhauerMKILL!
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 493: Mixi vanhasta elämä näyttää niin lyhyeltä? Huonomuistisuudesta.Arttu SchopenhauerMKILL!
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 494: Kaiken muun haluis saada loppuun paizi elämää.Arttu SchopenhauerMKILL!
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 495: Ero niinkuin pano on pieni kuolema.Arttu SchopenhauerMKILL!
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 496: Unesta herää pahimmoillaan (tai parhaillaan).Arttu SchopenhauerMKILL!
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 497: Izemurhaa voisi pitää kokeena, muttei toistettavana.Arttu SchopenhauerMKILL!
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 631: Mitä enemmän tyypillä on penseitä kuolemasta, sitä kuolemanpelkoisempi persoona. Listaykkösiä ovat Montaigne, Francis Bacon, Marcus Aurelius, Blaise Pascal, Arthur Schopenhauer, Seneca, ilmeisesti myös Jean Paul. Mitä kuolemanpelkoisempi, sitä todennäköisempi narsisti. Narsisti on filosoofisessti idealisti ja solipsisti, kun se kuolee sen koko maailma romahtaa, koska maailma on kokonaan sen mahassa perseessä tai päässä, no jossain päässä kumminkin.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 45: Mixi kaikki kynäilijät on niin vitun kliseisiä? Mixi kaikki somen ja klikkiuutisten seliseli on niin lopen kliseistä?
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 274: The most recent acquisitions - around 15 boxes of material from 1945 to 2018 - can only be viewed with permission from the Roth estate, until 2050, when the logs will be open to everyone, according to Barbara Bair, the literary specialist in the "pisioning of library manus (Avishai again)."
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 708: Her blue affrayed eyes wide open shone: Avaa silmät hiän, kohta puristaen vaarua
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 712: Her eyes were open, but she still beheld, Silmät auki mutta pelti vielä kiinni
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 1021: Gilbert haki D'Alembertilta kotiopen paikkaa, kylmää kättä sai. Vittuili sitten jossain epigrammissa sille ezen claim to fame oli vaan 1 esipuhe. vrt. Eino Leinon runo Lapin kappalaiselle. Vitun narsistista sentimenttiä.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 124: Yom Kippur was actually a bad choice of day by Sadat, for Arabs were still weak after Ramadan, while Israeli women were staying home and men were in synagogues, so the roads were free and reserves were quickly rounded up from the yeshivas. Prior to the war, Kissinger and Nixon consistently warned Meir that she must not be responsible for initiating a Middle East war. On October 6, 1973, the war opening date, Kissinger told Israel not to go for a preemptive strike, and Meir grumblingly confirmed to him that Israel would not.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 234: 5 "You shall fall on the open field; for I have spoken," says the Lord God. 6 "And I will send fire on Magog and on those who live in security in the coastlands. Then they shall know that I am the Lord. Ezekiel 39:5-6
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 444: In Sheffield, there was Philosophy for Creatives on World Philosophy Day by Rosie Carnall.In this workshop you will develop and explore big questions in group discussion before working on your own piece of creative writing. The discussion activities open up creative thinking to get you inspired and full of ideas. There will be an opportunity to share from your work if you wish to. This workshop will be lively, fun, creative and thought provoking. "Mind-blowing!" according to a previous participant -in a good way! It includes structured activities and space to do your own writing. Come with an open mind and something to write on -thinking hats are optional.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 470: According to the Quebecois, "PHYLOTHERAPY", the term is no longer appropriate today because of the definition of the word "therapy" itself. The latter implies means "to cure or relieve illnesses". However, philosophical consultation does not aim at such an such an objective. Moreover, in some countries, the use of the term "THERAPY" is regulated and often reserved for the medical field. Finally, the term "PHILOTHERAPY" was initially used to draw attention to the fact that attention to the fact that philosophers were now offering consultations and opening specialized practices for this purpose specialized practices open to all. It was a good marketing move since the term has the attention of the media and the public. Today, the term "PHILOTHERAPY"has been abandoned in favor of "PHILOSOPHY CONSULTATION" offered by "PHILOSOPHES CONULTANTS". "CONULTANT" has even more traction now.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 474: Rome, Italy. ‘World Philosophy Day –Philosophy for the Futures’ bythe Italian Ministry of Education, TheDirectorate General for School Regulations, Evaluation andthe internationalization of the national education system of the Ministry of Education in collaboration with the Italian National Commission Italian National Commission for UNESCO.The Italian Ministry of Education, Professor Patrizio Bianchi, will open the celebration.the Secretary General of the National ItalianCommission UNESCO and The National Coordiator of Italy UNESCO ASPnet, will discuss the role of philosophy for next generation in the global contest.In the First Session, Luciano Floridi, philosopher, and Cristina Becchio, scientist, will speak about the importance of philosophy for reimaging the future and education.Inthe Second Session, experts,teachers,researchers,and students will discuss about new philosophical practices to make philosophy accessible to all. Ils sont fous, les Romains.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 491: Bamberg, Germany. Unesco-Welltag der Philosophie by Bamberg Universität. Man is only fully human where he plays (Friedrich Schiller). Play is still a largely unexamined phenomenon in ethics education. Despite the numerous possibilities of using it (e.g. as a role play), the traditional text discussion is still the standard. In interaction, the participants and the lecturer will discuss and test different possibilities of a game-centered ethics education. The central question is: Which competencies can be opened up through the use of playful methods? To make sure that it does not just remain theoretical, we offer all participating students a city tour of a different kind: By means of a rally on the app Action-Bound, the participants get to know Bamberg not only with its well-known sights, but also from a philosophical point of view. In addition to answering questions about the content, there are also smaller but philosphically no less important tasks to complete.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 548: Seisoin pelästyneenä nurkassa käymälän vieressä ja puristin rintaani vasten nyyttiäni jossa oli melkein pelkästään omia käsikirjoituksia ja vähät kirjani. Piru nauroi sisälläni omia kuvitelmiani. Tiesin aivan hyvin että näin edessäni apinalauman historian olemuksen. Tänään puolalaiset rääkkäsivät juutalaisia, eilen venäläiset ja saksalaiset olivat rääkänneet puolalaisia, huomenna sakemannit rääkkäsivät jutkuja, ylihuomenna jenkit ja jutkut rääkkäävät miehissä rättipäitä. Jokainen historian kirja oli kertomus murhista, kidutuksista ja epäoikeudenmukaisuudesta, jokainen sanomalehti ja klikkiuutinen ui veressä ja häpeässä. Lukemistani filosofeista pessimistisimmät, Schopenhauer ja Von Hartman molemmat tuomitsivat izemurhan (unohtaen läpän "älkää tuomitko ettei teitä tuomittaisi"), mutta sillä hetkellä minä tiesin että on vain yksi pitävä tapa esittää vastalauseensa elämän kauhuille ja se on lingota Jumalalle hänen huonosti valittu lahjansa takaisin kuin Kristina-täti. Oli täysin mahdollista että jos minulla olisi tuossa vaiheessa ollut pistooli tai vyöpommi, olisin tappanut itseni listittyäni ensin summanmutikassa kasan huligaaneja.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 370: Jesus was able to show the film to Pope Paul VI. Ted Neeley later remembered that the pope "openly loved what he saw. He said, 'Mr. Jesus, not only do I appreciate your beautiful rock opera film, I believe it will bring more people around the world to Christianity, than anything ever has before.'"For the Pope, Mary Magdalene's song "I Don't Know How to Love Him" "had an inspired beauty".
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 372: Nevertheless, the film as well as the musical were criticized by some religious groups. As a New York Times article reported, "When the stage production opened in October 1971, it was criticized not only by some Jews as anti-Semitic, but also by some Catholics and Protestants as blasphemous in its portrayal of Jesus as a young man who might even be interested in sex." A few days before the film version's release, the National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council described it as an "insidious work" that was "worse than the stage play" in dramatizing "the old falsehood of the Jews' collective responsibility for the death of Jesus," and said it would revive "religious sources of anti-Semitism." Jesus argued in response that the film "never was meant to be, or claimed to be an authentic or deep theological work. Just humdrum everyday anti-semitism."
    xxx/ellauri154.html on line 203: Practically everyone knows Godard’s classic pronouncement, “All you need for a movie is a girl and a putz,” but a 1989 interview contains one of the more caustic charges Godard levels at cinema, that “Cinema is an ideology based on men living out through their imaginations what they could not do to women.” This chauvinist pig who openly played out his own marital problems with Anna-Kaarina in their collaborations of the ‘60s, now abrazes other toxic males for similar diversions.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 73: Who am I? What is my name? Why am I here? I lie empty, open, choiceless on a beach—waiting for a gift from the sea.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 51: Another remarkable difference, according to Papen, is how breastfeeding is seen by the Surma as something natural which can be done in the open, compared to the contradictions on social media and public places in the Western world. Personally I found that a shame to see, but I fear there is no way back when it comes to this.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 202: Hortensia MacAnkka (engl. Hortense McDuck) on Roopen Ankan nuorempi sisar ja Aku Ankan äiti.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 206: Aku on Taavi Ankan huonetta ja sukua. Roopen nimi ruozixi on Jojakim ja se on aatelinen.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 318: In 1783, Greville needed to find a rich wife to replenish his finances, and found a fit in the form of eighteen-year-old heiress Henrietta Middleton. Emma would be a problem, as he disliked being known as her lover (this having become apparent to all through her fame in Romney's artworks), and his prospective wife would not accept him as a suitor if he lived openly with Emma Hart.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 346: By the autumn of the same year, upon Emma's advice, Nelson bought Merton Place, a small ramshackle house at Merton, near Wimbledon, for £9,000, borrowing money from his friend Davison. He gave her free rein with spending to improve the property, and her vision was to transform the house into a celebration of his genius. There they lived together openly, with Sir William and Emma's mother, in a ménage à trois that fascinated the public. Emma turned herself to winning over Nelson's family, nursing his 80-year-old father Edmund for 10 days at Merton, who loved her and thought of moving in with them, but could not bear to leave his beloved Norfolk. Emma also made herself useful to Nelson's sisters Kitty (Catherine), married to George Matcham, and Susanna, married to Thomas Bolton, by helping to raise their children and to make ends meet. Nelson's sister-in-law Sarah (married to William), also pressed him for assistance and favours, including the payment of their son Horatio's school fees at Eton. Also around this time, Emma finally told Nelson about her daughter Emma Carew, now known as Emma Hartley, and found that she had had nothing to worry about; he invited her to stay at Merton and soon grew fond of "Emma's relative". An unpublished letter shows that Nelson assumed responsibility for upkeep of young Emma at this time.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 395: Drawing on the breadth of Midrashic, Talmudic and Aggadic literature (including literature that is no longer extant), as well as his knowledge of Hebrew grammar and halakhah, Rashi clarifies the "simple" meaning of the text so that a bright child of five could understand it. At the same time, his commentary forms the foundation for some of the most profound legal analysis and mystical discourses that came after it. Scholars debate why Rashi chose a particular Midrash to illustrate a point, or why he used certain words and phrases and not others. Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi wrote that "Rashi's commentary on Torah is the 'wine of Torah'. It opens the heart and uncovers one's essential love and fear of Cod.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 568: Heather Henpeck is a professor of film and media at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and is open to debate.
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 259: In 2015, doctors in Germany reported the extraordinary case of a woman who suffered from what has traditionally been called “multiple personality disorder” and today is known as “dissociative identity disorder” (DID). The woman exhibited a variety of dissociated personalities (“alters”), some of which claimed to be blind. Using EEGs, the doctors were able to ascertain that the brain activity normally associated with sight wasn’t present while a blind alter was in control of the woman’s body, even though her eyes were open. Remarkably, when a sighted alter assumed control, the usual brain activity returned.
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 145: Walt Disneyllä oli suuria vikoja luonteessaan. Hän oli uppiniskainen ja ylimielinen. Waltilla oli mustat hiukset mustien viiksien kera, ja kirkkaat, eloisat silmät, ja hän oli noin 6 jalkaa pitkä. Hän käytti omia kasvonpiirteitään antaakseen artisteilleen vihjeitä kuinka piirtää erilaiset kasvonilmeet Mikkihiirelle. Hän piti tietyllä tavalla käärityistä sikareista joita hän poltti jopa 70 kappaletta päivässä. Hän oppi tupakoimaan armeijassa. Hän piti kalliista skottilaisesta whiskystä, punaisista auringonlaskuista ja hevosista. Hänellä oli loma-asunto Palm Springsissä, Kaliforniassa, nimeltään Smoke Tree Ranch. Hänen kaulaketjussaan oli kirjaimet STR (Smoke Tree Ranch). Hän pelasi paljon golfia Bob Hopen ja Ed Sullivanin kanssa Smoke Tree Ranchilla. Hänen varsinainen asuntonsa oli Holmby Hillsillä. Tämä Holmby Hillsin asunto sijaitsi ylellisellä alueella jossa asui paljon rikkaita show-bisnes -perheitä. Tämä sijaitsi Bel-Airin (okkultistinen nimi Saatanalle) ja Beverly Hillsin välillä.
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 46: Wattsin Toivo on yksi allegoristen aiheiden sarjasta, jonka Watts tarkoitti "elämän taloksi" tunnetulle koristeelliselle suunnitelmalle. Perinteisesti Hopen hahmo on tunnistettu ankkurilla, mutta Watts etsi tuoreempaa, omaperäisempää lähestymistapaa. Hän maalasi sokean Hopen, joka istuu maapallolla ja soittaa lyyralla, jonka kaikki kielet ovat katkenneet yhtä lukuun ottamatta. Hän taivuttaa päänsä kuunnellakseen vaimeaa musiikkia, mutta hänen ponnistelunsa näyttävät surkealta; yleinen ilmapiiri on enemmän surua ja autioitumista kuin toivoa. Kuvan melankolian tunnetta korostavat pehmeä sivellintyö ja läpikuultavat sumut, jotka ympäröivät tyhjyydessä kelluvaa elotonta palloa. Tää assistentin tekemä v2 oli Wattista parempi. Hope v1 sai yhden tähden tää ei yhtään. Mun talvinen kuva mustarastaasta on toiveikkaampi.
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 437: This long-awaited public announcement, uploaded wirelessly to the World Wide Web via a solar-powered notebook from the navigable head of a remote river system in a far-flung wilderness area, ushers in a brand new era in human experience and history, in the opening weeks of the year 2010, the consequences of which will have far-reaching implications and ramifications for anyone vitally interested in both an actual and a virtual freedom from the human condition.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 119: Very likely. But this is what occurs to me: in these poems, Virgil reworks Theocritus´ idylls, in detail, down to including many embedded passages and quotations translated from Greek into Virgillian Latin. I wonder if Θεόκριτος isn't the god who opened the leisure of the pastoral idyll to Virgil. Θεός means 'god' after all, as Virgil would have known. And κριτος? Well κριτος means 'selection', 'choice'. It means eclogue.
    xxx/ellauri175.html on line 431: Saapuessaan vaahtopenkin lähelle hän istui ensimmäisenä. Lordi Ewald, joka oli tottunut kuulemaan hänen jatkuvasti toistavan itsekkyyttä tai banaalia hölynpölyä, odotti kärsivällisesti muutamaa uutta yksilöä.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 90: [Solon], seeing Athens full of young men, with both an instinctual compulsion, and a habit of straying in an inappropriate direction, bought women and established them in various places, equipped and common to all. The women stand naked that you not be deceived. Look at everything. Maybe you are not feeling well. You have some sort of pain. Why? The door is open. One obol. Hop in. There is no coyness, no idle talk, nor does she snatch herself away. But straight away, as you wish, in whatever way you wish. You come out. Tell her to go to hell. She is a stranger to you. You feel relieved, your bollocks are feather light.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 443: Ah! hän jatkoi, mutta se vain, ettei tämä ole pahaa unta! Se vain, että minä joudun pian takaisin tämän vuosisadan iljettävään ja alentavaan hullunmyllyyn! Han haki apua Schopenhauerin lohduttavista viisauxista, vritti lääkitä niillä haavansa, toisteli mielessään Pascalin murheellista väittämää: "Sielu huomaa vain ne asiat, joiden ajatteleminen tuottaa sille tuskaa." Mutta ei. Ei se mitään auta. Se vaan on nyt näin.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 102: Fauntleroy: One who strongly exhibits the tendencies of a blantant homosexual, or actually is a homosexual. Oftentimes used to describe purportedly straight men, during a display of Homosexuality. Named after Little Lord Fauntleroy, a book by Frances Hodgson Burnett in 1885 that resulted in openly gay fashion trends.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 267: Tämän rajan lähtökohtana Laurikaisella oli esitelmissään miltei aina kvanttimekaniikasta tutun niin sanotun kaksoisrakokokeen tulos. Hiukkasten – olipa kyseessä fotonit, elektronit tai diakonit – absorboituessa detektorille syntyy kylläkin tietty tulosjakautuma, mutta yhden hiukkasen paikkaa siinä ei pystytä ennustamaan, yksittäistapauksen suhteen vallitsee indeterminismi. Tilanne on klassiselle fysiikalle outo ja dramaattinen, jopa mystinen. Onko siis hyväksyttävä todellisiksi tapahtumia, joilla ei ole syytä? Eikö Schopenhauerin neljä juurta päde sittenkään?
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 123: On the war trail, he drops hints about Rima and her whereabouts. Thanks to Abel's "bravery", the Indians caught Rima in the open, chased her up the giant tree. They heaped brush underneath it and burned Rima. Good work Abel.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 281: By the time he was on to his most open-minded wife, Mary, his final spouse, they were exchanging letters about hair that were, Dearborn says, ‘frankly pornographic’, while indulging in sexual role-swapping in bed. Of course, Hemingway — who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954 — wouldn’t be the first genius to have a somewhat less impressive private life. The real Hemingway was self-pitying, self-glorifying and thin-skinned, ready to turn viciously on friends on the slightest provocation. Kake kavereineen tossa Ford Fiesta kirjassa vaikutti täys paskiaisilta ihan miehissä. Mitääntekemättömiä renttuja.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 298: An unmatched introduction to Hemingway’s particular skill as a writer is the beginning of A Farewell to Arms, certainly one of the most pregnant opening paragraphs in the history of the modern American novel. In that passage the power of concentration reaches a peak, forming a vivid and charged sequence, as if it were a 10-second video summary. It is packed with events and excitement, yet significantly frosty, as if unresponsive and numb, like a silent flashback dream sequence in which bygone images return, pass in review and fade away, leaving emptiness and quietude behind them. The lapidary writing approaches the highest style of poetry, vibrant with meaning and emotion, while the pace is maintained by the exclusion of any descriptive redundancy, of obtrusive punctuation, and of superfluous or narrowing emotive signs:
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 408: He hesitated. “You are a reporter?” Papa shook his head slowly, opening his eyes wider. “Used to be.” The light above the table flickered. Juice asked if everything was all right.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 500: “His pocket lies open too. A trusting man. The man on the right sulks, looking down with his overbite and light coat. Look in the background. Look at the bar and the uncertainty beyond it and how the scene gets lighter from left to right.”
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 646: Book II comprises a sort of mid-book idyll. The author offers it to us by way of contrast to the Paris scenes that went before. In this novel, Pamplona will serve as a kind of anti-Paris, semi-rural and organic where the City of Light is urban and decadent. The woods outside Burguete where Kake and Bill fish for trout are even more different from Paris, and the sense of tranquility that the fishing trip creates in them and us could not be more different from the freneticism of the novel's opening chapters.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 769: Thank you, really appreciated reading this. I am new to the chicken game and learning on a daily basis. Today one of mine was egg-bound, she seems fine now though and I saw her and another eating her egg yolk but I’m a bit concerned it broke insider her. If you have any advice, would love to know. I am googling and also likely to take to the vet on Monday (it is Saturday so vets not open). Thanks again, well written blog!

    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 788: "Depending on the position of the reader, he was either a great defender of women's rights or, as a critic labelled him in 1916, 'the greatest misogynist since Schopenhauer', 'the country's high-priest of woman-haters.'"
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 96: At his best, Beecher represented what remains the most lovable and popular strain of American culture: incurable optimism; can-do enthusiasm; and open-minded, open-hearted pragmatism ... His reputation has been eclipsed by his own success. Mainstream Christianity is so deeply infused with the rhetoric of Christ's love that most Americans can imagine nothing else, and have no appreciation or memory of the revolution wrought by Beecher and his peers.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 272: - Schopenhauer - Schopenhauer
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 274: "The hot night makes us keep our bedroom windows open. "Kuuma yö saa meidät pitämään makuuhuoneen ikkunoita auki.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 428: Laurence Olivier oli vähintäänkin 2-neuvoinen. From the beginning of Olivier's life, there was confusion over his sexual identity. The most intimate friend of his youth was the actor Denys Blakelock, also the son of a clergyman, who was homosexual. The Queen's late aunt, Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent, who was involved with the bisexual and married Kaye for several years, told me quite emphatically that he and Olivier were "épris" ("in love"). And Coward, who was appalled to witness the two men openly exchanging French kisses in public, despised Kaye, whom he habitually referred to as "randy Dan Kaminski" (David Daniel Kaminski was Kaye's real name). One biography printed after his death alleged that Olivier “was deeply involved in a homosexual affair with Danny Kaye.”
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 111: First of all, it provided him with an uncanny empathy for women. His two most potent and obsessive literary images were the unrequited female lover and the woman artist struggling to find freedom and space for her work. But Rilke's liberated feminine side also gave him the gift of unabashed openness to his need and desire for the opposite sex (from women). He recalls Kierkegaard's description of Mozart's Don Giovanni, who did not calculatedly seduce, according to Kierkegaard, but desired seductively. What women found irresistible about Rilke was not the effect he had on them but the effect they had on him.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 129: The first strut of biographical art to buckle under such an avenging mission is language. "Death emasculates," Freedman reports dishearteningly. He describes one doubly unlucky fellow as being "fatally electrocuted." We find Rilke seeking the "panacea of a cure." Women almost never give birth--they just "birth." Clara, Rilke's wife, "was the messenger but also the transparent glass and reflecting mirror of Rilke's depression." And what a shame that a sentence like this should appear in a book about a poet's life: "Like garden flowers opening their petals early only to wither quickly, Italy's current art avoided the hard surface required for effective poetry." It's as if, somewhere in the deeper regions of his writing self, Freedman knows that Rilke wasn't any of the bad things his biographer says he was.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 199: The pair first met outside Paris on Rodin’s country estate in September of 1902. Rilke, 26, took on a project as an art critic to write a German monograph on Auguste Rodin, at the time 61. Neither probably expected they would hit it off as much as they did. But long talks about art, and how to cultivate a work ethic bonded them together. Ten days into his initial stay on Rodin’s estate, Rilke wrote Rodin an affectionate letter confessing their dialogue’s intense effect. Rodin offered the young poet an open invitation to observe his studio for the next four months. During that time, Rilke not only gleaned insights for his monograph, but discovered how to be a better poet.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 568: Ott was supposed to begin a two-year research position at the University of Turku's Tuorla Observatory on March 1. But on Feb. 1, scientists and professors from Finnish astronomy departments began circulating an open letter strongly condemning harassment. It has so far been signed by more than 240 people.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 112: Paska poliisisarja Lewis (alla) tekee mieluusti lattapäisiä alluusioita Shakespeareen kert ollaan Oxfordissa. Läxynsä lukenut britti voi ennakoida kuka oli murhaaja. Morsetusta, ristisanan ratkontaa. Tuli mieleen et onxtää Gordimerin Duncan kans joku vinkki Macbethiin. Luin kai sen samalla kuin muutkin Billin kootut, mutten yhtään muista plottia. Palaan astialle ehkä myöhemmin. Tässä dekkarissa whodunit is clear but who's to blame is still open for endless heartsearching and argument. Onko Dunkin's donut todellinen syyllinen? The coon is trying to lay the blame at the donut's door. Like Bill blamed Lady Macbeth. If Ms. A gets Mr. B to commit murder both may get off easier. One did not do it and the other did not plan it.
    xxx/ellauri195.html on line 328: Clayton Wheat "Claytie" Williams Jr. (October 8, 1931 – February 14, 2020) was an American businessman from Midland, Texas who ran for governor in 1990. Despite securing the Republican nomination and initially leading in the polls against Democratic challenger State Treasurer Ann Richards by twenty points, Williams ultimately lost the race due in part to a controversial comment he made about rape. During the campaign Williams cultivated an image of a cowboy figure who had risen from humble roots to become a powerful business tycoon. The image played well in public opinion polls. Williams often had a propensity for making poorly planned statements on the campaign trail. Now he is fortunately dead meat.
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 96: Salacia was the personification of the calm and sunlit aspect of the sea. Derived from Latin sāl, meaning "salt", the name Salācia denotes the wide, open sea, but is sometimes literally translated to mean sensational (as in salacious).
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 215: to freshly opened blooms.
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 893: In homage to the Greeks, who still defiantly call Neptune Poseidon, I started with the Homeric ‘Hymn to Poseidon’. This ancient song opens by acknowledging the earth shaker’s desolate domain, but ends with a trusting appeal to his better nature:
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 907: Contemporary odes to Neptune were harder to come by, but divine intervention ensured I found one that mentioned him by name. One of the highlights of my recent trip to Odesa, discussed here on the blog, was a visit to the literary museum, which houses a small collection of Anna Akhmatova’s work. The statuesque Russian poet, melancholic lover and resolute witness to the Stalinist and Putinist terrors, was born near Odesa and spent her childhood summers in the region. The display included a palm-sized booklet of the long poem ‘Close to the Sea’, or as my host translated, ‘very close’: an intimate relationship. I looked it up in The Complete Poems when I got home and assumed it must be ‘By the Edge of the Sea’. The ballad of a fierce young woman willing the arrival of her beloved from the waves, the poem was too long for the workshop and extracts would not do it justice. A shame, I thought, setting down the 950 page book, which promptly fell open to:
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 1102: Mut pätkän loppu oli hyvä, kaxineuvoisen lopen päättämättömän jutkutytön Simonen ei tarttenut valita dharmalepakon ja muslimimutiaisen välillä, vaan kaikki kolme ajoi kolmeen pekkaan kolmipyöräisellä kohti auringonlaskua. I´m a poor lonely cowboy and a long way from home...
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 408: A person will open their email account and find an email claiming to be from a Nigerian prince or an exiled politician. The person may claim to be from a country that’s currently in the news, or another location that’s experienced civil disturbance.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 577: Close by an open gate Aukinaisen portin lähellä
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1012: Ei juu kyltää on se sama turina josta on kuultu sen 7*7 versiota, alkaen hyvästä kirjasta ja Milton homon runoelmasta. Vuorenpeikon käskyjä ei uhmata! Nyt Nasse-setä on hyvin hyvin vihainen! Jos Eeva so much as opens her mouth, Nasse älähtää: "Quiet, Vermin!" Vittu mikä sikaniska paskapää! Nyt pitäis Aatamin vetää esiin automaattiase ja suolata se pystyyn.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1055: Enlil, god of Earth, assigned junior dingirs (Sumerian: 𒀭, lit. 'divines') to do farm labor, as well as maintain the rivers and canals. After 40 years, however, the lesser dingirs rebelled and refused to do strenuous labor. Enki, who is also the kind, wise counselor of the gods, suggested that rather than punishing these rebels, humans should be created to do such work, instead. The mother goddess Mami is subsequently assigned the task of creating humans by shaping clay figurines mixed with the flesh and blood of the slain god Geshtu-E ('ear' or 'wisdom'; 'a god who had intelligence'). All the gods, in turn, spit upon the clay. After 10 months, a specially made womb breaks open and humans are born.
    xxx/ellauri209.html on line 35:
    Tämän taulun näin Sydneyn taidemuseossa (tai sit vaan krääsäkaupassa, josta ostin siitä printin). Se puhutteli. Tupexiva squatteri ei saa nuotiota palamaan. Seija ja John näyttää lopen uupuneilta.

    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 131: It wasn’t until “The Ghost Writer,” in 1979, that Roth regained his footing. Zuckerman, Roth’s most Roth-like surrogate, was a perfectly pitched instrument. The costs of radical freedom—the challenge of grappling openly, outrageously, with even the ugliest impulses of life—became a subject of his work.
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 394: "And this brings me to my conclusion. I’m a strong believer in academic freedom (BUAHAHAHA, stop, you're killing me!) and open debate. I’m somewhat worried coming from a country that lives next to Russia and have been attacked by the Soviet Union and had to survive WW2 as a Soviet neighbor and have had to lose my summerhouse in Porckala to the Soviet Union, that academics make claims that simply are untrue and it doesn’t help if you quote documentation and skew it in a certain direction… more important than international relations theory is the reality of what is happening on the ground.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 230: The aptly named Fresh Kills landfill opened in 1948 as a temporary landfill, but by 1955 it had become the largest landfill in the world, and it remained so until its closure in 2001. At the peak of its operation, in 1986, Fresh Kills received 29,000 tons of residential waste per day, playing a key part in the New York City waste management system. From 1991 until its closing it was the only landfill to accept New York City's residential waste. It consists of four mounds which range in height from 90 to about 225 feet (30 to about 70 m) and hold about 150 million tons of solid waste. The archaeologist Martin Jones characterizes it as "among the largest man-made structures in the history of the world."
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 242: The landfill site was finally closed on March 22, 2001, though it was temporarily reopened soon after for the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center in Manhattan (see below). The garbage once destined for Fresh Kills was shipped to landfills in other states, primarily in Pennsylvania, but also in Virginia and Ohio. Some garbage was also sent to New Jersey for incineration.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 244: After the September 11, 2001 attacks, Fresh Kills was temporarily re-opened to be used as a sorting ground for roughly one-third of the rubble from Ground Zero. More than 1,600 personal effects were retrieved during this time. About 1.6 million tons of material obtained from Ground Zero was taken to the landfill for sorting.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 456: Rockefeller flinched, saying: “The National Guard was used to break a strike in which a family corporation was involved when I was a child. Men and women were killed. … I will not use the National Guard.” Rockefeller was referring to the 1914 Ludlow massacre, when his grandfather, John D. Rockefeller, the owner of Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, got the Colorado governor to call in the National Guard to break a mine workers’ strike. The miners and their families were huddled in tents when the militia opened fire. Over 60 strikers and family members were shot dead or burned alive when their tents were set ablaze by the troops.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 489: Klaara Kotko kazoo tositeeveetä missä epämiellyttävät vulgäärit rollarit nuuskii huumeita USAn kiertueella 1972. A stink bomb was placed in the ventilation on opening night to discourage attendance, but the film was shown anyway. Sittemmin hyllytetty kaikexi onnexi.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 178: He supported eugenics and served as one of 16 vice-presidents of the Eugenics Society from 1909 to 1912. In November 1891, at the age of 32, and reportedly still a virgin, Ellis married the English writer and proponent of women's rights Edith Lees. From the beginning, their marriage was unconventional, as Edith Lees was openly bisexual. At the end of the honeymoon, Ellis went back to his bachelor rooms in Paddington. She lived at Fellowship House. Their "open marriage" was the central subject in Ellis's autobiography, My Life. Ellis reportedly had an affair with Margit Spranger.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 617: Despite his denials, Gary’s ties to Chandra’s case ultimately caused his political career to crumble. In 2002, he lost his house seat — just mere weeks after Chandra’s remains were discovered in Washington, D.C.’s Rock Creek Park. Gary then moved to Arizona, where he opened several Baskin-Robbins stores. However, his venture in the ice cream business was cut short in 2012, when his franchises reportedly closed.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 416: Recent criticism has suggested reading Crane´s poems—"The Broken Tower", "My Grandmother´s Love Letters", the "Voyages" series, and others—with an eye to homosexual meanings in the text. Queer theorist Tim Dean argues, for instance, that the obscurity of Crane´s style owes partially to the necessities of being a semi-public homosexual—not quite closeted, but also, as legally and culturally necessary, not open: "The intensity responsible for Crane´s particular form of difficulty involves not only linguistic considerations but also culturally subjective concerns. This intensity produces a kind of privacy that is comprehensible in terms of the cultural construction of homosexuality and its attendant institutions of privacy."
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 488: The mother sprinkled all the family members with her water so that their minds and hearts would open to the eating of the Afterbirth of Christ. The father also passed water, sprinkling the livestock and household animals, and treating them with sugar or salt and plenty of mustard. Many believed that the animals could speak at midnight with Christmas Eve and feared they might complain to Christmas Adam if not so treated.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 174: Siksi emme pyydä Jumalalta palveluksia korvauxexi uskosta, joka meillä on, emme esitä Hänelle mitään vaatimuksia, sillä olemme lopen kypsyneet siihen teodikeaan, joka perustuu malliin kaupalliset liiketoimet ja luontoissuoritukset: minä annan sinulle olemassaolon edellytykset, sinä palvelet ja ylistät minua.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 74: Richie was born in Lima, Ohio. During World War II, he joined the United States Merchant Marine same as Shlomo Belov. (What is U.S. Merchant Marine2 anyway?) The greater tolerance in Japan for male homosexuality than in the United States was one reason he gave for sticking to Japan, as he was openly bisexual.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 630: 34th Kaifeng Chrysanthemum Festival opens in China.
    xxx/ellauri233.html on line 263: Elokuun lopussa ne laskeutuivat Santiagoon, Kap Verdeen ja Mayoon Afrikan rannikon edustalla veden puutteen ja tuoreiden muusikkojen tarpeen vuoksi. He viipyivät noin kolme viikkoa siinä toivossa, että he voisivat ostaa vuohia. Lähellä Praiaa he onnistuivat valloittamaan portugalilaisen linnan kukkulan laella, mutta palasivat ilman mitään merkittävää, vain vuohia. Kap Verdessä puolet "Hopen" miehistöstä sai kuumetta, ja suurin osa miehistä oli sairaita, muun muassa amiraali Jacques Mahu.
    xxx/ellauri233.html on line 377: Missä kohen Jamesin Blackthornen seikkailut poikkeavat esikuvastansa Adamsista? No mietitään - tää on romaani, eikä pelkkä rags to riches tositarina. Ei siis riitä pelkkä (E), pitää olla paxulti myös (K) ja (F). Näyttää siinä olevan kaikenlaista nujakointia, ja aika pian on jonkin verran myös japsunaisten nussintaa (sitähän oli Aatamilla kyllä izellään). "As they spend more time together, Blackthorne comes to deeply admire both Toranaga and (specifically) Mariko, and all three secretly become lovers." Samainen Mariko (joka on sentään vaan japsulainen nainen) silputaan smithereeneixi. "However, she and Blackthorne and the other ladies of Toranaga's "court", escape into a locked room. As the ninja prepare to blow the door open Mariko stands against the door and is killed by the explosion." No jäähän Toranagalle vielä "Lady Anjin". Entäs moraali? "Blackthorne is torn between his growing affection for Mariko (who is married to a powerful, abusive, and dangerous samurai, Buntaro), his increasing loyalty to Toranaga, his household and consort, a "Willow world" courtesan named Kikuli, and his desire to return to the open seas aboard Erasmus so he can intercept the Black Ship fleet before it reaches Japan." Onpa hienoa: (E,F,K) konfliktoituvat! "There are other recurring themes of Eastern values, as opposed to Western values, masculine (patriarchal) values as opposed to human values, etc."
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 343: Thomas Gray on Alexander Popen ohella yksi 1700-luvun tärkeimmistä englantilaisista runoilijoista. Samuel Johnson oli ensimmäinen monista kriitikoista, joka esitti näkemyksen, jonka mukaan Gray puhui kahdella kielellä, toisella julkisella ja toisella yksityisellä, ja että yksityinen kieli – hänen tunnetuimman ja rakastetuimman runonsa " Elegia Written in a Country Churchyard " (julkaistu vuonna 1751 nimellä Elegy Wrote in a Country Church Yard ) - kuultiin liian harvoin. William Wordsworth päätti esipuheessaan teokselle Lyrical Ballads (1798) käyttämällä Grayn Sonnettia Richard Westin kuolemasta (1775) esimerkkinä, että Grey, jota hallitsee väärä käsitys runollisesta sanasta, puhui väärällä kielellä; ja Matthew Arnold huomautti yhtä tunnetulla tuomiolla, että ikä oli väärä vakavalle runolle, että Gray oli ikänsä turmeltunut eikä kuitenkaan koskaan puhunut siitä ääneen. Tällaiset tuomiot tiivistävät Grayn vastaanoton ja runoilijan maineen tärkeimmän kriittisen historian.
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 475: He empowered children with his stories, though the content was sometimes questioned for its open references to magic, racism, alcohol abuse, and use of words like “ass” and “slit”. Of course with his free use of such words, maybe it shouldn’t be surprising that he was simultaneously trying his hand at children's genitals and pornographic stories for Playboy, further muddying his reputation.
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 635: And justify the laws of Jove. Ja perustelee Jopen lait.
    xxx/ellauri237.html on line 281: Annelikin pääsisi vaunun 4:nnexi pyöräxi vaan ei lähde. Hyvä niin. Kaikkea kaunista ei aina ymmärrä, kazelee vain ja mahan alla tuntuu hyvältä, ja on niinkuin kaikki pahat jutut lakkaisivat olemasta, on vain jumala ja hyvyys ja... ja... 2 tuuheata majavaa Kaijan lakanoilla ja yksi porsliini. Hän ei olisi kestänyt tämän tunteen tuskallista viehätystä ellei hän olisi kesken kaiken tarrannut open majavaan ja puristanut sitä. Se sattui olemaan lehtori Kaijalaisen, ja hän haistoi sen vielä kauan aikaa jälkeenpäin. Oliko teill hauskaa kysyi Anneli. - Hauskaako? Niin, en osaa sanoa. Se oli SUURI, ihan valtava.
    xxx/ellauri237.html on line 684: Neruda’s death certificate established the cause of death as cancer cachexia, which involves significant weight loss, but the forensic specialists unanimously found that to be impossible. “That cannot be correct,” said Dr. Niels Morling, of the University of Copenhagen’s department of forensic medicine, who participated in the analysis. “There was no indication of cachexia. He was an obese man at the time of death. All other circumstances in his last phase of life pointed to some kind of infection.” Neruda was infected with the Staphylococcus aureus bacterium, which can be highly toxic and result in death if modified.
    xxx/ellauri239.html on line 376: The Walking Dead is an American post-apocalyptic horror television series based on the comic book series of the same name by Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore, and Charlie Adlard—together forming the core of The Walking Dead franchise. The series features a large ensemble cast as survivors of a zombie apocalypse trying to stay alive under near-constant threat of attacks from zombies known as "walkers" (among other nicknames). With the collapse of modern civilization, these survivors must confront other human survivors who have formed groups and communities with their own sets of laws and morals, sometimes leading to open, hostile conflict between them. Tää on varmaan Homer Simpsonin zombieiden esikuva.
    xxx/ellauri239.html on line 553: Roope asuu Henrik Tikkasen isän Robertin piirtämässä talossa. Taitaa olla aika lailla geenipainolastia Roopen suonissa:
    xxx/ellauri239.html on line 629: Ja lauantaina sitten Roope oli pysäköinyt verenpunaisen Volvon poikittain jalkakäytävälle, koska autolla ei päässyt rakennustelineiden takia aivan oven eteen. Saattoi olla todella pienestä kiinni, ettei ruumiin siirto onnistunut. Ilman rakennustelineitä se olisi saattanut onnistua. Naapurit ovat varmasti tienneet, että omaiset ovat etsineet koko perjantain Roopen vaimoa, koska heiltäkin on varmasti kyselty havaintoja, ja lauantaina aamulla Roope vain siivoaa vanhaa mattokääröä pois auton takaluukkuun vaivalloisesti. Samaan aikaan kun vaimo on kateissa ja hänestä pitäisi kaiken järjen mukaan olla huolissaan. "Teen tässä vain joulusiivousta. Hemmetti tää matto on sit painava." "Hmmm..."
    xxx/ellauri239.html on line 652: T. Tikkanen on JulkiTerhikin mukaan syntynyt v. 1951, psykoterapeutti ja psykologi. Voisiko se olla Roopen isä? Toivo Robertin puolisot olivat Fazer, Vitali ja Hertell. Lastensa puolisot olivat Cavonius, Etrock ja Wahlroos. Rappeutunutta ruozalaista rahaylimystöä.
    xxx/ellauri239.html on line 778: Spekulaatio tämäkin, mutta Roopen kiinnostus väkivaltarikoksiin jo vuosikymmenien ajalta sekä rautainen ammattitaito psykiatriasta. Voisiko olla, että tämä kaikki on tosiaan tarkkaan suunniteltu tapahtuma? En usko, että kyseisen taustan ja ammattitaidon omaava vahingossa töpeksii näin amatöörimäisesti. Sanokaa minun sanoneen, että tulevan kymmenen vuoden sisällä saamme lukea Roopen julkaisevan uuden tutkimuksen/kirjan. Tarkoitan sitä, että vaikka se on enemmän poikkeus kuin sääntö, että suomalaiset murhatapaukset ovat surkeasti suunniteltuja ja toteutettuja, niin voisiko olla että nyt olisi vihdoinkin poikkeus tuohon yleiseen linjaan?
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 433: Sometimes you can tell from the first shot. In “Compartment No. 6,” the camera follows a young woman at a party as she leaves a bathroom and enters a living room full of gathered friends. That walking, back-of-the-head shot is one of the soggiest conventions of the steadicam era, a facile way of conveying characters’ own fields of vision while anchoring the action on them. The familiarity of this trope suggests both limited imagination and an unwillingness to commit to a clear-cut point of view. When used cannily, it can convey ambiguous neutrality and looming mystery, but, more often, it suggests the merely functional recording of action, which is exactly what’s delivered in “Compartment No. 6,” opening in theatres on Wednesday. The movie sinks, fast and deep, under the weight of dramatic shortcuts, overemphatic details, undercooked possibilities, unconsidered implications. It’s heavy-handed, tendentious, and regressive—and it should come as no surprise that it’s on the fifteen-film shortlist for the Best International Feature Oscar.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 741: Prominent figures in EA have cast polyamory as a more “rational” romantic arrangement. The philosopher Peter Singer, whose writing is a touchstone for EA leaders, seemed to endorse polyamory in a July 2017opener"> interview in which he argued that monogamy may be increasingly anachronistic in the age of birth control. Caroline Ellison, the CEO of the FTX-tied Alameda Research, whoopener"> reportedly was romantically involved at times with Bankman-Fried, apparently posted on her blog that the ideal configuration for romantic relationships would resemble an “imperial Chinese harem” in which “everyone should have a ranking of their partners.”
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2741: ⁠She opened her lips unto blood,
    xxx/ellauri253.html on line 185: Pekka Ervastilla oli Jaakko Liukkonen -niminen kasvattipoika, joka oli syntynyt Hankasalmella 1895. Ervasti ja Liukkonen hankkivat Lopen Pilpalasta pienen maatilan, jossa he asuivat vuodesta 1924 lähtien Liukkosen hoitaessa tilaa. Liukkonen jatkoi tilan viljelyä Ervastin kuoltua. Liukkosen vaimon kuoltua hänen raha-asiansa alkoivat kuitenkin mennä hunningolle. Liukkonen ja hänen 9- ja 5-vuotiaat tyttärensä kuolivat helatorstaina 1939 tulipalossa joka tuhosi Liukkosen Lopen Terävännenänkylässä sijainneen Saarenmaa-nimisen huvilan. Liukkonen oli sytyttänyt huvilan palamaan ja ampunut sitten tyttärensä ja itsensä. Tulipalossa tuhoutui myös Ervastin laaja pseudotieteellinen kirjasto ja useita keskinkertaisia taideteoksia.
    xxx/ellauri259.html on line 222: Mitkä ovat hindulaisuuden eri lahkot? Jumalan yleinen nimi hindulaisuudessa on Brahman. Meissä olevan jumalallisen olemuksen nimi on Atman, se Schopenhauerin villakoiran (-koirien) ydin. Ne koirat ovat yksi ja sama, ääretön ja ikuinen. Jumala on kuitenkin läsnä kaikessa luomakunnassa. Jumalan ilmestys luomakunnassa kulkee monella nimellä. Se on yksi ääretön, ikuinen, jumalallinen olento, joka ilmenee lukemattomilla tavoilla. Se on kuin henkilö, jota hänen poikansa kutsuisi samanaikaisesti "isäksi", ystävänsä "ystäväksi", oma isänsä "pojaksi", vaimonsa "aviomies" jne. Joku mies kuitenkin? No ei voi se olla äitikin tai tyttöystävä. Jokaiseen nimeen liittyy erityinen suhde. Joten samaa jumalallista Herraa on puhuttu Shivaksi, Vishnuksi jne ja jumalaiseksi äidiksi, Kaliksi, Durgaksi jne. Jumala voi myös ilmetä poikkeuksellisena olentona ihmisen muodossa, joka sitten tunnetaan Jumalan inkarnaationa, kuten Hare Krishna, Hare Rama jne. Koska vain yhtä ääretöntä Jumalaa tarkastellaan eri tavoin, kaikkia näitä ilmentymiä voidaan rukoilla apua ja suojaa esim kelloja ja raottamalla pientä ovea tai tuomalla teetä munkeille. Tämä on kaikkien hindulaisuuden eri lahkojen taustalla oleva periaate. Ne, jotka pitävät parempana tiettyä jumaluuden ilmentymää, muodostavat lahkon, joka on omistautunut tuon ilmentymän mietiskelemiseen ja palvomiseen.
    xxx/ellauri259.html on line 267: Oma tappio onkin kääntynyt rökälevoitoxi vaikkakin vaihtopenkillä Jeesuxen tiimissä.

    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 302: A Room in COTTON’S house;—an open door in C. flat.

    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 464: Irene and Minnie open their hat shop for the afternoon. Irene wants a husband, but does not love Horace Vandergelder. She declares that she will wear an elaborate hat to impress a gentleman ("Ribbons Down My Back"). Cornelius and Barnaby arrive at the shop and pretend to be rich. Horace and Dolly arrive at the shop, and Cornelius and Barnaby hide from him. Irene inadvertently mentions that she knows Cornelius Hackl, and Dolly tells her and Horace that even though Cornelius is Horace's clerk by day, he's a New York playboy by night; he's one of the Hackls. Minnie screams when she finds Cornelius hiding in the armoire. Horace is about to open the armoire himself, but Dolly, Irene and Minnie distract him with patriotic sentiments related to subjects like Betsy Ross and The Battle of the Alamo shown in the famous lyrics "Alamo, remember the Alamo!" ("Motherhood March"). Cornelius sneezes, and Horace storms out, realizing there are men hiding in the shop, but not knowing they are his clerks.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 470: Cricket Walter Kerr wrote: Hello, Dolly! is a musical comedy dream, with Carol Channing the girl of it. ... Channing opens wide her big-as-millstone eyes, spreads her white-gloved arms in ecstatic abandon, trots out on a circular runway that surrounds the orchestra, and proceeds to dance rings around the conductor. ... With hair like orange sea foam, a contralto like a horse´s neighing, and a confidential swagger, she is a musical comedy performer with all the blowzy glamor of the girls on the sheet music of 1916. The lines are not always as funny as Miss Channing makes them.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 519: In New York, Irene and Minnie open their hat shop for the afternoon. Irene does not love Horace Vandergelder, but knows that the marriage will provide her with financial security and an escape from her boring job. However, Irene hopes to escape her loveless marriage, and plans to try and find real love before the summer is over. Cornelius and Barnaby arrive at the shop and pretend to be rich- Irene seems to take to Cornelius immediately. Horace and Dolly arrive, and Cornelius and Barnaby hide. Minnie screams when she finds Cornelius hiding in an armoire. Horace is about to open the armoire himself, but Dolly "searches" it and pronounces it empty. After hearing Cornelius sneeze, Horace storms out upon realizing there are men hiding in the shop, although he is unaware that they are his clerks. Dolly arranges for Cornelius and Barnaby, who are still pretending to be rich, to take the ladies out to dinner at Harmonia Gardens to make up for their humiliation. Dolly briefly tries to teach Cornelius and Barnaby to dance, which leads to the whole town dancing in the local park.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 596: The phrase also appears in Nietzsche´s Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Before Nietzsche, the concept was popularized in philosophy by the German philosopher Philipp Mainländer. "God has died and his death was the life of the world." — Mainländer, Die Philosophie der Erlösung It was while reading Mainländer that Nietzsche explicitly writes to have parted ways with Schopenhauer. Nietzsche is dead (signed) God.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 662: I am here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: 'I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don't accept his claim to be God.' That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic—on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg—or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God, but let us not come with any patronising nonsense about his being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to. ... Now it seems to me obvious that He was neither a lunatic nor a fiend: and consequently, however strange or terrifying or unlikely it may seem, I have to accept the view that He was and is God.
    xxx/ellauri265.html on line 431: In the short space of seven years, Haidt’s Heterodox Academy has gathered a diverse coalition of more than 5,000 professors, administrators, graduate students and staff that span every imaginable diversity. What unites them is a concern that “viewpoint diversity” and “open inquiry” is shrinking in the academy — the very place where we should be encouraging it the most.
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 132: Zur Zeit, als Sacher-Masoch diese seine berühmteste Novelle verfaßte, stand er ganz im Banne eines Schopenhauerschen Pessimismus. Was seine Lebensumstände anbetrifft, so ist zu bemerken, daß er damals als Privatdozent an der Universität Graz habilitiert war. Kein Wunder also...
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 204: „Eine Schande in Kleidern einzuschlafen und noch dazu mit dem Pinkelmännchen draussen bei einem Buche,“ er putzte die "heruntergebrannte Kerze" und hob den Band auf, der meiner Hand entsunken war, „bei einem Buche von — er schlug den Deckel auf, von Hegel (oder Schopenhauer?)— dabei ist es die höchste Zeit zu Herrn Severin zu fahren, der uns zum 'Tee' erwartet.“
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 542: After the war ended, Wiesenthal dedicated his life to tracking down Nazi criminals after realizing “there is no freedom without justice,” according to The Associated Press. Wiesenthal began his work gathering and preparing evidence on the Nazis for the War Crimes Section of the United States Army, according to his website. He’d go on to head the Jewish Central Committee of the United States Zone of Austria and later helped to open the Jewish Historical Documentation Center. The center worked to gather evidence for future trials on war criminals.
    xxx/ellauri273.html on line 54: Tähän albumiin on kerätty taas EAT! aiheisia kermakökkäreiden ketkuiluja. Sellainen on juuri alkanut Silicon Valleyn pankkikriisi. Nörttipellejen pankki kaatui kun korot oli alkaneet taas nousta. Setä Sam riensi apuun, pelastaen kökkäreiden sijoituxet laahuxelta kerätyillä veropennosilla. Tämäpä amerikkalaista tulonsiirtoa parhaaseen vanhatestamentilliseen tyyliin, annetaan lisää niille joilla on, ja otetaan köyhiltä viimeisetkin pois.
    xxx/ellauri273.html on line 88: Allegedly, he passed laws allowing landowners to execute workers as a "disciplinary" measure. He also openly identified as a fascist; he admired Mussolini, Franco, and Hitler, saying at one point: "I am like Hitler. I execute first and ask questions later." Ubico was disdainful of the indigenous population, calling them "animal-like", and stated that to become "civilized" they needed mandatory military training, comparing it to "domesticating donkeys." He gave away hundreds of thousands of hectares to the United Fruit Company (UFCO), exempted them from taxes in Tiquisate, and allowed the U.S. military to establish bases in Guatemala.
    xxx/ellauri273.html on line 473: openmouth.jpg" height="300px" />
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 247: Helmikuussa 1810 Stanhope lähti Portsmouthista veljensä James Hamilton Stanhopen kanssa, joka seurasi häntä Rodokselle asti. Hänen lähipiirinsä joukossa olivat hänen lääkärinsä ja myöhempi elämäkerran kirjoittaja Charles Lewis Meryon ja hänen piikansa Elizabeth Williams ja Ann Fry. Rodoksella hän tapasi Michael Brucen, seikkailijan ja myöhemmin kansanedustajan, josta tuli hänen rakastajansa ja matkakumppaninsa. Väitetään, että kun seurue saapui Ateenaan, runoilija Lord Byron, Brucen yliopistoystävä, sukelsi mereen tervehtimään heitä. Myöhemmin Byron kuvaili Stanhopea "se vaarallisin asia, naispuolinen älypää" ja huomautti, että hänellä oli "suuri välinpitämättömyys keskustelussaan ja käytöksessään vastaanotetuista käsitteistä". Myöhemmin hän väitti, että hän päätti olla osallistumatta naisten oikeuksia koskevaan keskusteluun Stanhopen (hirvittävä keskustelija) kanssa, koska "haluan seksiä liian paljon riitautuakseni heidän kanssaan." Sama juttu muuten uroskoirilla. Ateenasta Stanhopen seurue matkusti edelleen Konstantinopoliin (nykyinen Istanbul), Ottomaanien valtakunnan pääkaupunkiin. He aikoivat edetä Kairoon, joka vasta äskettäin selvisi kaaoksesta, joka seurasi Napoleonin hyökkäystä Egyptiin ja sitä seuranneita kansainvälisiä konflikteja.
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 261: Stanhope ei kaivanut raunioita Ashkelonissa oman henkilökohtaisen ahneutensa ja hyödynsä vuoksi. Hän näytti tekevän niin kohottaakseen maailman aluetta, jota hän oli tullut kutsumaan kotiin, aikoen palauttaa kullan ottomaanien sulttaanille. Patsaan tuhoaminen tehtiin myös todistaakseen hänen omistautumisensa ja kumotakseen ajatuksen, että hän vain yritti ryöstää Palestiinaa Britannialle. Samoin hänen kaivaukset olivat melko metodisia, hyvin tallennettuja ajalle, ja patsas dokumentoitiin ennen sen tuhoamista. Kaikki nämä asiat olivat epätavallisia tekniikoita ajalle, ja tekevät siten Stanhopen kaivauksesta ainutlaatuisen ja arvokkaan historialle. Olen täysin samaa mieltä Silbermanin johtopäätöksen kanssa, että Stanhopen kaivausta "voidaan oikeutetusti kutsua ensimmäiseksi nykyaikaiseksi kaivaukseksi Pyhän maan arkeologisen tutkimuksen historiassa". Hänen tutkimusmatkansa tasoitti tietä tuleville kaivauksille ja matkailulle paikalle. Tosi hienoa.
    xxx/ellauri293.html on line 250: Totuus: Tämä myytti saattaa johtua siitä tosiasiasta, että täplät hyeenanaarat ovat yleensä suurempia kuin urokset ja niillä on pseudopenis.
    xxx/ellauri293.html on line 254: Nämä pseudopenikset eivät ole vain esittelyä varten: naaraat synnyttävät "penisensä" kautta, jonka "täytyy repeytyä, kun ensimmäinen pentu kulkee läpi", hän sanoo. (Lue lisää hyeenan seksuaalisista omituisuuksista artikkelista Kuinka voit erottaa naaraseläimen urosta? Senkö tautta hyeenat irvistää niin rumasti kun niitä aina ottaa kipiää tekofalloxesta?)
    xxx/ellauri293.html on line 400: Osa 81 opencourtbooks.com/categories/pcp.htm">Popular Culture and Philosophy® -sarjassa.
    xxx/ellauri293.html on line 405: Newsner is a modern news and entertainment brand and one of the world's biggest publishers on Facebook. Our offices are located in Stockholm, Berlin, New York, Copenhagen, Oslo and Helsinki but our content is published in 11 different languages daily.
    xxx/ellauri295.html on line 574: Eli Eli Lama Sabachthani? refers to the opening words of Psalm 22 in Aramaic, translated as "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me" in the King James Version, which was one of the Jesus memes that went viral. It was actually borrowed from Simon and Garfunkel's beatificatory hit Blessed. Is it really likely that the locals did not recognize the line?
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 280: open dissent with the great white doctors had for her. It turns out that she had
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 639: Campbell attended a Grateful Dead concert in 1986, and marveled that "Everyone has just lost themselves in everybody else here!" Campbell died at his home in Honolulu, Hawaii, on October 30, 1987, from complications of esophageal cancer. The works of Arthur Schopenhauer and Friedrich Nietzsche had a profound effect on Campbell's thinking; he quoted their writing frequently. Sinclair's Babbitt did not follow his (Joe's) bliss, while Schopenhauer ans Nietzsche did, enviously watching Joseph hump his best friend's wife. Jung's insights into archetypes were heavily influenced by the Bardo Thodol (also known as The Tibetan Book of the Dead, an interesting tidbit on the side).
    xxx/ellauri303.html on line 342: Yosef Rivlin, one of the heads of the Jewish community in Jerusalem, and a Christian Arab from Bethlehem were the contractors. The work was carried out by both Jewish and non-Jewish workers. Conrad Schick planned for open green space in each courtyard, but cowsheds were built instead. Mea Shearim was the first quarter in Jerusalem to have street lights.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 476: I can’t escape it. Every character I’ll ever write is me. Some little piece of me; some tiny corner of my little mind that often you’d rather not confront openly; but it’s me. Flaubert wasn’t fooling when he said: “Madame Bovary, c’est moi.” It’s me. They’re all me. And in your books, they’ll all be you, if you ever write any books, sucker.
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 637: The length of a non-erect penis doesn't consistently predict length when the penis is erect. If your penis is about 5 inches (13 cm) or longer (up to a foot) when erect, it's of typical size. A penis is considered small only if it measures less than 3 inches (about 7.5 centimeters) when erect. This is a condition called micropenis. Understanding your partner's needs and desires is more likely to improve your sexual relationship than changing the size of your penis. Except if your partner can't feel your micropenis and wants a bigger dick.
    xxx/ellauri320.html on line 205: Cartland put a brave face on the snub, attempting to explain it away, but privately she was devastated. To save face, she threw open Camfield Place for a party for St John's Ambulance volunteers, appearing in the tailored brown uniform of the Order of St John, instead of her usual pink ostrich feathers.
    xxx/ellauri357.html on line 143: She’s since opened countless opportunities for herself,
    xxx/ellauri363.html on line 721: Dilthey syntyi Biebrichissä lähellä Mainzia pappisperheeseen, jossa harrastettiin paljon kulttuuria, erityisesti kirkkomusiikkia ja suositeltavaa kirjallisuutta. Teologian opinnot eivät kuitenkaan tyydyttäneet Diltheyta, ja hän vaihtoi ne filosofiaan Berliinin yliopistossa. Dilthey väitteli tohtoriksi Berliinissä 1864. Historialliset opinnot ja filosofia vieraannuttivat hänet uskonnosta. Äidilleen hän kirjoitti, että häntä riivasi tiedonjano, jota papan uskonto ei voi tyydyttää. Hänen kiinnostuksensa uskontoa kohtaan kuitenkin säilyi läpi elämän, samoin kuin jonkinlainen romantikoilta omaksuttu pantyhose maailmankatsomus. Hänen lukeneisuutensa määrä oli miltei käsittämätön, tosin ei se lukemastaan paljon muistanut. Hän kirjoitti paasauxia filosofian historiasta Spinozasta Wolffiin ja Kantiin, Schellingistä Comteen ja Schopenhaueriin, Schleiermacherista Nietzscheen. Multa puuttuu vielä muutama, ainakin Wolff ja Comte. Baselissa (eräänlainen Kouvola) hän kirjoitti suurtyötään Schleiermacherin elämäkertaa sekä tärkeitä tekeleitä kuten Goethe und die dichterische Phantasie ja merkittävään kulttuurifilosofiseen esseekokoelmaansa Das Erlebnis und die Dichtung.
    xxx/ellauri366.html on line 394: Goods in the open, making hay,
    xxx/ellauri379.html on line 73: He then opened a restaurant called "Les Trois Continents" in the Washington, D.C. suburb of Burke, Virginia at Rolling Valley Mall. The restaurant served hamburgers, Vietnamese cuisine, and pizza, but was described as more of a pizzeria. Adams later apologized in person to Loan and his family for the damage his photograph did to his reputation.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 228: Rykmentin koon arvioitiin olevan noin 2 500 taistelijaa vuonna 2017 ja noin 900 vuonna 2022. Suurin osa yksikön jäsenistä on venäjänkielisiä Ukrainan venäjänkielisiltä alueilta. Siihen kuuluu myös jäseniä muista maista. Rykmentti sai uutta huomiota Venäjän hyökkäyksen aikana Ukrainaan. Venäjän presidentti Vladimir Putin väitti, että Ukrainaa hallitsevat äärioikeistojoukot, kuten Azov, ja antoi "denatsifioinnin" syyksi hyökkäykselle. Azovin rykmentillä oli merkittävä rooli Mariupolin piirityksessä ja se saavutti viimeisen asemansa Azovstalin terästehtaalla. Piiritys päättyi, kun huomattava määrä rykmentin taistelijoita, mukaan lukien sen komentaja Denys Prokopenko, antautui Venäjän joukoille Ukrainan ylimmän johdon käskystä.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 492: Around 65,000 people have left their homes. Before October 2023, Hezbollah fighters would patrol in the open on the other side of the border fence, sometimes just metres from Israeli civilian homes. With the October 7th massacres foremost in everyone's minds, residents of Israel's north want guarantees that this situation will not return once the current round of fighting ceases. Some 100,000 Lebanese have left their own homes on the other side of the border. American diplomatic efforts to achieve some change in border arrangements are stymied. Hezbollah is the effective ruler of Lebanon, and apparently sees no reason for flexibility in this regard.
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 532: Juutalainen David Hirsch, hermeneutiikkaan kohdistuvien poststrukturalististen vaikutusten kriitikko, tuomitsi Fishin "loogisen kurinalaisuuden puutteesta" ja "huolimattomuudesta retorisen tarkkuuden suhteen". Tarkastellessaan Fishin argumentteja Hirsch yrittää osoittaa, että "ei vain ollut uuskriittisten menetelmien palauttaminen tarpeetonta, vaan että Fish itse ei ollut onnistunut vapautumaan uuskriittisen teorian kahleista." Hirsch vertaa Fishin työtä Penelopen kangaspuuhun Odysseiassa ja toteaa: "Mitä yksi kriitikko kutoo päivällä, toinen purkaa yöllä." "Ei myöskään", hän kirjoittaa, "ei tämä kudonta ja puranta muodosta dialektiikkaa, koska eteenpäin ei tapahdu liikettä." Lopulta Hirsch näkee Fishin jääneen "vaeltamaan omilla elysialaisilla pelloillaan, toivottomasti vieraantuneema taiteesta, totuudesta ja ihmisyydestä". Martha Panopuu joka aikoinaan kyykisteli Hintikan päivänpaisteessa oli pääpuhujana siunaamassa Simo Knuuttilaa sen viimeiselle aikamatkalle.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 156: Kalākaua arrived in California aboard the USS Charleston on November 25, 1890. There was uncertainty as to the purpose of the king's trip. Minister of Foreign Affairs John Adams Cummins reported that the trip was solely for the king's health and would not extend beyond California, while local newspapers and the British commissioner James Hay Wodehouse speculated that the king might go further east to Washington, D.C., to negotiate a treaty to extend the existing exclusive US access rights to Pearl Harbor, or the annexation of the kingdom. The McKinley Tariff Act had crippled the Hawaiian sugar industry by removing the duties on sugar imports from other countries into the US, eliminating the previous Hawaiian duty-free advantage under the Reciprocity Treaty of 1875. After failing to persuade the king to stay, Liliʻuokalani wrote that he and Hawaiian ambassador to the United States Henry A. P. Carter planned to discuss the tariff situation in Washington. In his absence, Liliʻuokalani was left in charge as regent for the second time. In her memoir, she wrote that "Nothing worthy of record transpired during the closing days of 1890, and the opening weeks of 1891."
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 244: During her overthrow and imprisonment, Bishop Alfred Willis of St. Andrew´s Cathedral had openly supported the Queen while Reverend Henry Hodges Parker of Kawaiahaʻo had supported her opponents. Bishop Willis visited and wrote to her during her imprisonment and sent her a copy of the Book of Common Prayer. Shortly after her release on parole, the former queen was rebaptized and confirmed by Bishop Willis on May 18, 1896, in a private ceremony in the presence of the sisters of St. Andrew´s Priory. In her memoir, Liliʻuokalani stated:
    xxx/ellauri400.html on line 219: In The Study of Poetry, (1888) which opens his Essays in Criticism: Second series, in support of his plea for nobility in poetry, Arnold recalls Sainte-Beuve's reply to Napoleon, when latter said that charlatanism is found in everything. Sainte-Beuve replied that charlatanism might be found everywhere else, but not in the field of poetry, because in poetry the distinction between sound and unsound, or only half-sound, truth and untruth, or only half-truth, between the excellent and the inferior, is nonexistent.
    xxx/ellauri404.html on line 230: Vätys on saanut uuden asunnon. Kaikki tavarat on hävyxissä. Pikku taloudenhoitaja sipsuttelee kaupoille. Vätys jää taas kynää imeskelemään ja miettimään syntyjä syviä. Yritystoiminta, se oivaltaa, vaatii aina luottoa, uskoa ja toivoa. Koko kaikkeus on pelkkää tahtoa, tuumi Schopenhauerkin. Kun Atman koira kuukahtaa, kaikki häviää. Hartmann komppaa: olemattomuus on olemista parempaa. Taitaa olla talvi taas. Joo, joulukuun 8s.
    xxx/ellauri404.html on line 422: This is massively untrue. Here’s a friendly suggestion to Mr. Alter (from one apologist to another): you would do well to refrain from using universal negatives and sweeping statements (“do not record any“ / “not once . . .”). It leaves you open to being definitively and easily refuted. All your opponents have to do is produce a single counter-example, and your assertion is nullified. As it is, I will produce many NT passages that contradict your claim.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1168: Great article Glenn! Sadly I truly doubt Mr/Ms D. Porter will look it up and read it. I'm going to repost it right now, maybe Mr/Ms D. Porter will open his/her heart to the Gospel Truth
    xxx/ellauri415.html on line 366: Kaksi lyhyttä laulua (pidin rakkauden päätä; annoit minulle luvan suudella) on sävellettykin. Seuraavat on Roopen ihan parhaita:
    xxx/ellauri415.html on line 460:
    Kullia pyytämättä näyttäneen miesopen suu pestään saippualla

    xxx/ellauri417.html on line 348: Kirja seksistä nuorille miehille, jotka janoavat tietoa omasta kehostaan ja seksuaalisuudestaan. Miten ottaa open mulkku
    xxx/ellauri422.html on line 78: Pohjoiskorealaiset jalkaväkijoukkueet ovat hyökänneet leveällä rintamalla. – Pohjoiskorealaisilla joukoilla on selkeästi ollut šokkivaikutus. Ukrainalaiset ovat järjestäneet puolustuksensa venäläisten käyttämiä taktiikoita vastaan. Paroisen mukaan Venäjä on aikaisemmin hyökännyt Kurskissa rynnäkkö- ja taistelupanssarivaunuilla tai pienillä enintään noin 20 sotilaan rynnäkköosastoilla. Pohjoiskorealaisten joukkojen taktiikka on ollut erilainen. – Nyt pellon yli onkin tullut yhtäkkiä toista sataa sotilasta useammalta eri suunnalta uraata huutaen. Pohjoiskorealaiset joukot ovat olleet hyvin hajautettuja ja ne ovat pyrkineet tavoitteeseensa päättäväisesti tappioista huolimatta. Paroinen toteaa, ettei Ukraina saavuttanut kesällä Kurskin alueelle tekemällään hyökkäyksellä tavoitteitaan. Hyökkäyssuunnitelma oli hänen mukaansa ylimitoitettu. Sen jälkeen Ukraina on jäänyt Kurskissa pussiin, jota vastaan Venäjä hyökkää monesta suunnasta. Paroinen toivoo kuitenkin, ja pitää peukkuja, ettei Venäjä kuitenkaan pysty ajamaan Ukrainaa pois Kurskista lähitulevaisuudessa. But Russia managed to capture over 1,600 square kilometers (roughly the size of London) of Donbas territories between September and November, despite "spending significant amounts of men and material in the process,” according to the Finland-based open-source analytical organization Angry Bird Group. The estimated Russian gains in Donbas over the fall surpass the territories Ukraine held in Kursk Oblast at its peak, which the senior Ukrainian military official told Reuters was roughly 1,380 square kilometers.
    xxx/ellauri422.html on line 435: Ukrainan asevoimien 155. prikaatissa esiintynyt laaja, huomiota herättänyt sotilaiden joukkopako paljastaa ikäviä tosiasioita armeijan tilasta, sanovat Radio Free Europen haastattelemat asiantuntijat. Ranskassa koulutetun yksikön sotilaista yli 1 700 katosi ennen ensimmäistä taistelukosketusta. Nimettömänä esiintynyt, 155. prikaatin jättänyt upseeri arvostelee kovin sanoin henkilöstön heikkoa koulutusta. Luutnantin mukaan hän ei oppinut Ranskassa ”yhtään mitään”. Kun 155. prikaati lopulta siirrettiin rintamalle, kuvailee haastateltu upseeri kaluston olleen epäkunnossa ja komentajien epävarmoja. Tässä tilanteessa osa sotilaista jättää mieluummin prikaatin, luutnantti toteaa.
    xxx/ellauri423.html on line 187: opening%20ceremony%20barbara%20butch.jpeg" width="100%" />
    xxx/ellauri436.html on line 127: But for whom is this important? Through acknowledging the possible existence of irresolvable moral conflicts researchers will learn modesty, and thereby also protect themselves from being infected by the vice of hybris. This may result in the awareness that, although a choice is unavoidable, one should be open to the negative consequences of and take responsibility for them, whatever that may mean.