ellauri001.html on line 1740: Quidquid ages, prudenter agas, respice finem.
ellauri002.html on line 70: John Dowland (1563 – 1626) was an English Renaissance composer, lutenist, and singer. He is best known today for his melancholy songs such as "Come, heavy sleep", "Come again", "Flow my tears", "I saw my Lady weepe" and "In darkness let me dwell", but his instrumental music has undergone a major revival, and with the 20th century's early music revival, has been a continuing source of repertoire for lutenists and classical guitarists.
ellauri003.html on line 678: Pirkko ja Calle. Ruoka ei valmis. Herkkusienet. Automatka Vermontiin. Katetut sillat. Walden Pond. Kalle juoksee. Falstaff. Great Western. Pääsiäinen. Niagara Falls. Kanada.
ellauri004.html on line 488: BRIAN: Well, why don´t you go and tell him you want to be a leper again?
ellauri005.html on line 472: tomppeli sä miliisi, keskuskomitean nagaikka.

ellauri005.html on line 1775: laga så att Sara får

ellauri006.html on line 50: Neo-Paganism: 1 million
ellauri006.html on line 1490:

Eric Hovind grew up immersed in the world of apologetics. He lives in Pensacola, Florida with his wife Tanya and three children and remains excited about the tremendous opportunity to lead an apologetics ministry in the war against evolution and humanism. Autuas on se joca sinun piscuiset lapses otta ja paisca kiwijn. Loppuu se evoluutio sun osalta.
ellauri007.html on line 274: två raska svenner taga till svärd

ellauri008.html on line 918: Pääkirjoitukset on aina samaa sodanlietsontaa ja länsipropagandaa. Loput lehdestä on ties mitä tuoteasettelua ja neuvokkeja kerskakulutukseen, löysää ihmetuubaa turistipapeilta, koko sivun potrettien kanssa tietysti, ne on halpaa palstantäytettä.
ellauri008.html on line 925: Oikeista uutisista tulis ehkä parin sivun verran. Sivukaupalla on joka päivä poliittista länsipropagandaa naamioituna "analyyseiksi" ja "kolumneiksi" jota nöyrästi suoltaa samat naamat, kuukausipalkkaiset sätkynuket, työrukkaset ja käsikassarat. Oli loistoidea panna kätyreiden nimet juttuihin, menee mokat sitten niiden nimiin vaihtoehtoisina totuuksina. Kun on tyhjäntoimittajat hyvin voideltu, Herlinien kone käy kuin rasvattu. Pallinaamat omistajat hieroskelee käsiään.

ellauri008.html on line 1110: syöttää Lasten Hesarin tasosta mv-propagandaa

ellauri008.html on line 1156: toisin kuin esim fasistit japsut Hiroshimassa ja Nagasakissa.

ellauri008.html on line 1166: Sit on toinen propagandaministeri Häntä Humalainen ja

  • ellauri008.html on line 1188: propagandavyörytykseen, kolumnikäännytykseen,

    ellauri008.html on line 2020: Precis här ligger utmaningen: ett öppet, liberalt överklassvälde värt sitt salt måste tålmodigt utnyttja tolerans med egennyttiga argument och hoppas att liberalt besinnade influencers och eftertänksamma företagare utgår som segrare i formandet av den allmänna opinionen. Censur, stämplingar och förbud är bara en del av svaret. (Torsten Hårfager HBL)
    ellauri009.html on line 1229: * Make America Pray again. You Only Live Once.

    ellauri011.html on line 42: Self-exiled Harold wanders forth again,

    ellauri011.html on line 947: He never again heard from Karla. He had a vague hope that Karla, knowing he was in the city [How? From TV of course! Everyone must have seen the show!] would show up to meet him. During the conference, he told part of the story found in this book. At a certain point, he couldn't help it and asked: Karla, are you here? No one raised a hand.
    ellauri012.html on line 191: Surely I could always be that way again
    ellauri012.html on line 495: Suomen miekkataksilaivaston taannoinen peräamiraali oli Sapeli-Simonen. Hajoitti Arabian lakon sodan jälkeen poliisikameleilla. Santarmin nagaikka lehtikuvassa näytti sapelilta. Simonen oli vanha norssi. Kalakukkoilija kuten kollegansa, Rautalammin poikia. RUKn luokan priimus, hyvä huutaja. Meriväen aliluutnantti, kouluttautui lakimieheksi. Grynderinä ministeri täytti omat taskut riikin laarista, sai isot sakot kätilöopiston jutusta valtakunnanoikeudessa. Osas isät ennen Kanki-Kaikkostakin, ja sitä koplaajaa.
    ellauri014.html on line 649: Några dagar därefter återfann man hans lik tre mil från staden vid en by, där det begravdes.
    ellauri014.html on line 1557: ... But more importantly, these surroundings put Marino in direct contact with the natural philosophy of Della Porta and the philosophical systems of Giordano Bruno and Tommaso Campanella. While Campanella himself was to oppose "Marinism" (though not attacking it directly), this common speculative background should be borne in mind with its important pantheistic (and thus neo-pagan and heterodox) implications, to which Marino would remain true all his life and exploit in his poetry, obtaining great success amongst some of the most conformist thinkers on the one hand while encountering continual difficulties because of the intellectual content of his work on the other.
    ellauri014.html on line 1569: The Cambridge History of Italian Literature thought him to be "one of the greatest Italian poets of all time". He is considered the founder of the school of Marinism, later known as Secentismo (17th century) or Marinismo (19th century), characterised by its use of extravagant and excessive conceits.[2] Marino´s conception of poetry, which exaggerated the artificiality of Mannerism, was based on an extensive use of antithesis and a whole range of wordplay, on lavish descriptions and a sensuous musicality of the verse, and enjoyed immense success in his time, comparable to that of Petrarch before him.
    ellauri014.html on line 1643: ... interesting and ingenious burlesque compositions such as La Murtoleide (81 satirical sonnets against Gaspare Murtola), the "capitolo" Lo stivale; Il Pupulo alla Pupula (burlesque letters) etc. Many works were announced but never written, including the long poem Le trasformazioni, inspired by Ovid´s Metamorphoses, which was abandoned after Marino turned his attention to Adone.
    ellauri014.html on line 1679: Emily of New Moon. universally recognized as the book that most encoded her personality, contains one poem, or a part of a poem, also found in Montgomery’s memoir of the craft, originally published as a serial in a Canadian magazine in 1917 and later published as The Alpine Path in 1974. In Emily of New Moon the poem is sent to Emily by Jarback (Pönttöselkä) Priest as a selection from “The Fringed Gentian,” and includes this stanza:
    ellauri014.html on line 1772: It seems to me that Montgomery selects out the best bit of the poem, but again you see my bias. I am that “blossom,” I hope–but if all four verses are included it becomes rather silly to press the metaphor. Still, I think Montgomery was on the right track with her idea of “The Alpine Path.” It is a peculiar provenance that brings us this poem, but it has been an interesting journey. Once I found the names of Ella Rodman Church and August De Bubna I found that others have followed my path of curiosity. The Confederation Centre of the Arts in Charlottetown has some of L.M. Montgomery’s scrapbooks, including her copy of the poem. But the search has been interesting, nonetheless.
    ellauri014.html on line 1819: Thy growth, to be resolved to earth again,
    ellauri015.html on line 677: Marx kirjoitti ideologioista. Ideologia on kuvakokoelma, konnagalleria pinterestissä, ajatusten instagram, josta löytää joka tilanteeseen sopivan otoxen tai kissavideon. Voi sovittaa erilaisia peruukkeja, tehdä selfieitä, herutuskuvia, kazoa izeään älypuhelimen peilistä.
    ellauri015.html on line 681: Kiitti Google, kiitti vitusti, olet tehokkaampi kuin katolinen kirkko sumutuxessa ja omanvoitonpyyntisten arvojen levityxessä, de propaganda fide. Huono usko leviää lastentuolin pöytätasolle, läpytetään tasaisexi lätyxi. Se ei tosiaankaan ole mitään vauvanmuonaa, ei kiltin piltin kamaa fidestä eikä bonaa.
    ellauri016.html on line 974: Kaikkein karsein Juhan ideoista on, että mamuille näytettäisiin kasvatusmielessä suomalaisia propagandafilmejä, tyyliin tuntematon sotilas ja sontimaton tutilas. Jänixen vuodesta napapiirin sankareihin. Se olisi jo julma ja epätavallinen rangaistus.
    ellauri018.html on line 398: Ingenting går opp mot kålpirog på hösten - som jag själv har lagat.
    ellauri018.html on line 645: Saaga jatkuu uusin voimin, tiedottaa Hesari. Tarkoittaakohan tää Saska Saarikoskea. Pentti Saarikoski oli juoppolalli. Viinasammio. Kahdeksan oluen päivää se piti raittiina. Kesällä 1974 se keskeyttää juomisen sairaalassa pudotettuaan pari olutkoria polvilumpionsa päälle. Seuranneessa deliriumissa ilmestyi Matti Klingen pieni pää ikkunaverhojen ylärakoon laulamaan 'Yyterin rannalle'.
    ellauri018.html on line 721: 656: Ali becomes the fourth caliph after his predecessor is assassinated. Some among the Muslims rebel against him.
    ellauri018.html on line 725: 680: Hussein, son of Ali, marches against the superior army of the caliph at Karbala in Iraq. He is defeated, his army massacred, and he is beheaded. The split between Shiites and Sunnis deepens. Shiites consider Ali their first imam, Hussein the third.
    ellauri019.html on line 136: Tämmösiä Panzerfausteja Calle autto purkaa laatikosta Ihantalan verilöylyssä. Se oli ollu Sakuissa just ennen sodan alkua koululaisvaihdossa, ja osas sen vuox tavata sakemannin käyttöohjetta. Mistä päästä panos sisään ja mistä ulos, kuva 1. Joku teknisesti lahjakkaampi kersantti ruhjo sillä sitten ryssän tankkeja. Verisexi tohjoxi. Äijät lensi tankista kuin tikkapelin tikat. Tai tukehtu sen sisään kuin itämeren shprotit purkkiinsa. Mitäs läxivät. No ei niidenkään mielipidettä siinä kysytty. Luoti päähän edestä tai niskalaukaus, siinä rivimiehen optiot. Loppu on historiaa, eli propagandaa.
    ellauri019.html on line 476: Too much monkey business for me to be involved in, se oli Chuck Berryn johtopäätös maailmansodan jälkeisinä vuosina. Sekin oli ollut mukana Jokohamassa kumahuttamassa japsuja, mustana magagina tegemässä Amerigon nimiggomaasta entistä suurempaa. Tankannut irakilaista bensaa jenkkiraudan säiliöön dollarilla gallona. Kuuteen tuhanteen vuoteen ehtii monkeyt tehdä paljon bisnestä.
    ellauri019.html on line 551: Raamattu on potpurri EU-säädöksiä, Ur-jeremiadeja ja J-armoilua. Lakia, historiaa ja propagandaa. Propaganda tulee paavin kirjelmästä De propaganda fide, joka puhuu uskon levityxestä.
    ellauri020.html on line 342: “In fifty years Donald and I will be considered old money like the Vanderbilts,” she once told the writer Dominick Dunne. Aku on muka kaikessa ykkönen. Oikea the Don on kärkeä vaan kerskailussa. Akkari lähettää Iinexelle 72 ruusua, "tietenkin" Mynhhenin kalleimmasta kukkakaupasta. Mix se on näille rahantunteville niin "tietenkin", et ne syö ja ostaa izelleen aina kalleinta? Se on se sama killer instinct joka ajaa ne ryöstämään vastustajat, asiakkaat ja alaiset putipuhtaixi. Iivana koittaa selittää ettei 72 kukkaa näytä extravagantilta, mut kun seuraavat 72 tulee, ne on "another extravagant arrangement". Pääpointti on just tää tuhlailu, Aku mezo näyttää koppelolle et sillon kapassiteettiä, niinkuin riikinkukolla. Vittu apinat on eläimellisiä. Mut mixei olis, nehän ON eläimiä.
    ellauri020.html on line 376: Trump has been married three times, for those of you keeping score at home. Each of Trump´s weddings was memorable in its own way, in keeping with Trump´s penchant for the extravagant. In his 1993 nuptials at his second wedding, the caviar alone cost $60,000, a small sum compared to the $2 million tiara she borrowed; and his third marriage to Melania, in 2005, included a 200-pound wedding cake, one of the most expensive known cakes in modern history. The bride´s $100,000 Christian Dior gown was adorned with 1,500 crystals, rendering it so heavy that Melania was told to be sure to eat before the wedding, per Vogue, so she´d have the strength to wear it.
    ellauri020.html on line 391: Trump spoke in a hypnotic, unending torrent of words. Often he appeared to free-associate. He referred to himself in the third person: “Trump says. . . Trump believes.” His phrases skibbled around and doubled back on themselves like fireworks in a summer sky. He reminded me of a carnival barker trying to fill his tent. “I’m more popular now than I was two months ago. There are two publics as far as I’m concerned. The real public and then there’s the New York society horseshit. The real public has always liked Donald Trump. The real public feels that Donald Trump is going through Trump-bashing. When I go out now, forget about it. I’m mobbed. It’s bedlam,” Trump told me. Donald is a believer in the big-lie theory,” his lawyer had told me. “If you say something again and again, people will believe you.” “One of my lawyers said that?” Trump said when I asked him about it. “I think if one of my lawyers said that, I’d like to know who it is, because I’d fire his ass. I’d like to find out who the scumbag is!”
    ellauri020.html on line 462: Takaisiin Nykkiin siis ja Reaganin nousukaudelle. Sattuu surullinen tapaus: lehtimagnaatin koko perhe palaa kotipesälle. Karinka itkeskelee sitä koko aamun. Sitten lounaalle ravintola Sammakkoon. Sielläkin on surullinen tunnelma. Rupert Murdoch keskustelee suu viivana italiaanopukuisten pöydässä. Cindy Adams tuskin kuuntelee tähtöstä. Baronessa di Portanova ja Houstonista lennähtänyt Joan Schnitzel työntelevät ruokaa haluttomasti haarukalla pitkin lautasta. Barbara Walters ja joku ämmä Voguesta saa tuskin sanaa suusta. Saattaahan se olla säänkin syy, ei ainakaan pörssikurssien, mutta Katrinka epäilee sitä. Kaikki ovat huolissaan kun näkevät, ettei paxuinkaan rahatukku eristä huonolta onnelta. Kuolema vaanii viikatteineen myös ökyrikasta. Tähän epäkohtaan suunnitellaan nyt kuumeisesti parannusta. Kuolemattomuus on rikkaimman ppämmän seuraava projekti.
    ellauri020.html on line 561: Vaan ei "Lillan" ole liioin mikään box of chocolates, vaan en förbannad käring if ever there was one. On sillä duunia: 2 hotellia Nykissä, sen oma kotibordelli, kesämökki Ranskassa, uhkapelitalo tulossa Lontooseen, näkymättömien lasten kerho, 5 muuta charityä, kansallisoopperan ja baletin johtokunta, Reaganin kabinetti, paavin kuuria, Kekkoslovakian duuma, Akun TV-ohjelma ja Iines Ankka -lehti.
    ellauri020.html on line 580: Rankka elämä jatkuu Akun poissaollessa. 10-tuntisia työpäiviä, ravintoloita, 20 hengen päivälllisiä, landeviikonloppu, flirttailua sliipattujen liikemiesten kanssa, jotka ei yllä hilloviivalle, kun Iines pitää ne käsivarren mitan päässä. Oopperagaalaa varten Kata pukeutuu geishaxi, lentää Tokioon ja tekee bilateraalisen sopimuxen keisari Hirohiton kaa japanilaisen teltan erektiosta oopperan pihalle. Sieltä saa susheja, kaburakia, tähtiesintyjinä Mokomaki Kusimuki ja Jokohama Kumahuta, Nintendo-pelejä, pääosassa Super Mario, ja tombolassa palkintona Toyota Corolla (tietysti lemmikille kakkosautoxi).
    ellauri021.html on line 67: Suomentaja oli Arvo Turtiainen, kommari, Kiilan kiilusilmiä. Onkohan Ano ('Bleeding ex ano, no need for any therapy') Turtiainen sen sukulaisia? Helmin luokkakaveri Saga joka asui yhtenäiskoulun vieressä vaaleenpunaisessa talossa oli sekin Turtiainen. Onkohan ne jotain puluja? Karhennettuja turtanoita? Vai muuten vaan turtia?
    ellauri022.html on line 425:

    The fable was well known in Ancient Greece; Athenaeus records that Hieronymus of Rhodes, in his Historical Notes, quoted an epigram of Sophocles against Euripides that parodied the story of Helios and Boreas.[2] It related how Sophocles had his cloak stolen by a boy to whom he had made love. Euripides joked that he had had that boy too, and it did not cost him anything. Sophocles´ reply satirises the adulteries of Euripides: "It was the Sun, and not a boy, whose heat stripped me naked; as for you, Euripides, when you were kissing someone else´s wife the North Wind screwed you. You are unwise, you who sow in another´s field, to accuse Eros of being a snatch-thief."
    ellauri022.html on line 493: • Read the book together again with the same group or individuals as before.

    ellauri022.html on line 707: "It can hardly be true that the difference lies in the attribute of reason. I saw ten, twenty, a hundred large lipped, lowbrowed black men in the streets who, except in the mere matter of language, did not exceed the sagacity of the elephant. Now is it true that these were created superior to this wise animal, and designed to control it? And in comparison with the highest orders of men, the Africans will stand so low as to make the difference which subsists between themselves & the sagacious beasts inconsiderable."
    ellauri024.html on line 349: Arska oli kuullut lapsena että Hitler olisi saanut Kölnin tuomiokirkon lahjaxi. Olikohan tuossa perää, vai oliko vaan propagandaa. Arskan iskä ei perustanut Hitleristä, ei Arskakaan. Arskan isä on Tex Willerin konnan näkönen, parta ajamatta jurottava turjake. Petteri poika on onnellisen näköinen, onnellisemman kuin sen isä. "Hyvää kuuluu", sanoo Petteri. Arskalla on vaan kourallinen ystäviä, kaikki ne on sen fänejä. Paljon naisia.
    ellauri024.html on line 1005: Mutta se ei ole vaan meidän omat elämät mitä me tällä saippualla voidaan parantaa. Parannellaan tässä vähän teidän muidenkin. Järjestelmä-älli on emergoitumassa tämän päivän järjestelmien tehokkaaseen johtamiseen. Ota vaikka pikku yritys, esimerkixi snagari, tai vaikka isompikin, kuten Nordea tai Google. Meillä on valta valita kuka ja miten me ollaan maailmassa, tekemällä päätöxiä omasta käytöxestä. No jotkut "meistä" kyllä voi päättää muutamasta muustakin. Jokainen voi muuntaa järjestelmiä käytöxellään, kazomatta henkilöön ja paikkaan organogrammissa, koska ne liittyy muihin. On nalkissa kettingillä, urkituilla henkilötiedoilla tai velkakirjoilla. Aika syvällistä analyyssiä. Voit päättää, laitatko nakin päälle ensin sinapin vai ketsupin. Silläkin voi olla kauaskantoiset seurauxet. Hodari tulee paremmaxi paremmin.
    ellauri024.html on line 1177: Tulevaisuus on meidän, oli propagandafilmin sanoma.

    ellauri024.html on line 1206: Flateyn saari ja Flateyjarbók on kai oikeita, ellei Wikipediakin ole mukana vedätyxessä. Vähän epäilyttää, historia on näät islannixi saaga. Tanskalaiset osti kirjan 1651 joltain saarelaiselta maatontilla ja palautti sen 1971. Ois pitänyt ukki Kallekustaa Xn pölliä se meille, kun kävi Köpixessä jääkeleillä 1658. Oishan se kulkenut vaikka satulalaukussa.
    ellauri024.html on line 1321: basilleina, ja propagandafilmissä ne rinnastettiin rottalaumoihin.
    ellauri025.html on line 110: Toward the end of his life, he had a vision that forced him to drop his pen. Though he had experienced visions for years, this was something different. His secretary begged him to start writing again, but Aquinas replied, "I cannot. Such things have been revealed to me that what I have written seems but straw. Another prophet will come after me who is bigger yet, name of Maxim Gorki."
    ellauri025.html on line 323: Se on halpaa lukijoiden manipulointia ja propagandatekniikkaa.
    ellauri025.html on line 598: Gusten bylsii entisen tyttöystävänsä ystävää Saga-Lilliä, oman toimen ohella. De har bra sex, men.
    ellauri025.html on line 603: Emmy on jostain maalta, köyhä, Saga-Lillin hammaslääkäreillä oli sentään Grobboon ainut kivitalo. Saga-Lill kuulostaa ize asiassa enemmän Monikalta.
    ellauri025.html on line 611: Emmy on kuin Eetu koira, se ei laske irti Gusten-luusta Matts-pulla suussa, rähjää Saga-Lillille joka bylsii on-off sen ex-Gustenia.
    ellauri025.html on line 628: ei siedä sitä. Saga-Lill on yhtä tyhmä, mutta kiltimpi.
    ellauri025.html on line 673: Å nej, kylä tossa Saga-Lillissä on paljon Monikaa, ainakin sen vanhemmissa on Monikan vanhempia.
    ellauri025.html on line 684: Eteenpäin. Tää on yhtä tuskallista puurtamista kuin Rousseaun Juulia. Knullgris Emmyn kohtalo on totaalisen ennustettava, Maz pettää sitä gogetter exän kaa. Onnex Emmy alkaa odottaa, kaikki on taas hyvin muka. Paizi että Saga-Lill trollaa Emmyn plokia. Mut Gusten on vielä koukussa et ei hätiä mitiä. Paizi että ei, menee perseesti, Maz jatkaa muhinaa Theresen kaa. Alla vet att han vänsterprasslar med sin ex, den suputen. Ollaanhan ankkalammikossa. Pieni ankan poikanen, uiskenteli veessä.
    ellauri025.html on line 694: Saga-Lillin ex-hammaslääkäriperheenäiti mahtailee kuin Lillan Rehn. Se lukee sentään upper middleclass romskuja, kuten Karen Blixen, eikä lower middle class
    ellauri025.html on line 696: lausutaan. Prost? Prust? Prööt? Joo kyllä Saga-Lill on selkeesti Monika, ruumiikas kirjatoukka joka harrastaa valokuvausta. Emmy on sen knullgris, pikku kani.
    ellauri025.html on line 700: sieltä oopperalaulanut Angela ja ruumiikas Saga-Lill
    ellauri025.html on line 701: Wienissä keskustelee Simone Weilistä ja teodikeasta. Vittua ne siitä mitään tajuaa, lähtee väärästä premissistä että jommassakummassa tai molemmissa oisi jotain järkeä. En stor tänkare, verkligen, har Angela sagt, och Saga-Lill har hållit med. En stor tänkare, SATAN! Saga Lill nauraa izekin. Aaria oopperasta mustalaisen muna oven välissä.
    ellauri025.html on line 702: Jostain syystä tuli tuli Sagasta mieleen Liisa Mäntymies, toinen pelastunut, Aarnelta löytynein Haanpään sanoin "hienosittain, eikä aina niin ohueltakaan, hurskas".

    ellauri025.html on line 703: Siis hetkinen. Olix Saga-Lill Gustenin flickvän ennen Emmyä? Vai toisinpäin? Tähän asti on annettu ymmärtää, että Gusten lohduttautuu Emmyn bestixen kaa sen jälkeen
    ellauri025.html on line 730: 1698 Aug. 7: "2. Samma dag angaffs klockaren Ambros Hansson för det han S.Jacobi dag under predijkan haar morlat och sachta talat, utom at nogon kunde förstå ell. Höra hwad han sade; item när han gått med hofwen och skulle den ifrån sig leggia i Sakristian, haar han snafwat på törskelen. Klockaren Ambros Hansson ursächtade sig, sägandes sådant intet wara skedt aff dryckenskap, utan huwudswagheet som honom påkommit, aff den siukdom, som han kort tillförene warit beswärat utaff, hwilket somblige närwarande bewitnade; hwarföre stältes till honom en allfwarsam förmaning at taga sig grannerligen tillwara för hwarjehande förargelser, hwilket han ock utloffwade." (Se originaltext från 1698 HÄR.)
    ellauri025.html on line 797: Huohhuohhuoh. Emmy-Frippe-kidults teema kaikuu kuulokkeista uudestaan, yhtä falskina. Cosmo homppeli menee kihloihin Saschan kaa, mut pettyy kun Sascha osoittautuu flaataxi (siis lepakox). Sai kai kikkeleistä tarpeexeen. Frippe on nincompoop, Emmy-kaniini on huumoriton maalaistomppeli. Saga-Lillin mä nään sielun silmillä Monikan pendangixi ulkonäön puolesta. Ei tää ole mikään epilogi, tää on kertaus. No selvii sentään vielä tarkalleen miten Annelise koppas Abben Angelalta, ja kekä on tän Frippe bastardin pannut alulle (yx dirigentti vaan). Luulikohan Abbe et se oli kengittänyt alkuun Gustenin? Varmaan, kun niillä oli sama kengännumerokin. Nathania sievempi. Nathanilla oli varmaan äidin kavio.
    ellauri025.html on line 799: Ei se Cosmo sit filmannukkaan sitä raiskausleffaa, vaan jonkun tylsän Lovecraft-pläjäyxen Abben rahoilla. Nathan mukana, ne on nyt Schweizissä. Gusten on Emmyn ja Saga-Lillin kanssa kotona. Bambi näyttäytyy vaan Abben perintötaulussa. Sikäli kun tiedetään, se on vielä hengissä.
    ellauri025.html on line 801: No NYT tuli epilogi, kun 3 sivua on jälellä. (Några månader senare.) Ei se kyllä mikään kunnollinen epilogi oo. Se on lähinnä Saga-Lillin muistelua siitä kun se ja se kaniini-Emmy lähti Gråbbåsta anno dazumal. Mix se nyt pitää tähän vielä marssittaa? Mitäs se nyt toimittaa? No kai ne sit rupee kaveeraamaan uudestaan. Kulta jätti kummankin, ollaan me sitten tytöt toistemme kultia.
    ellauri026.html on line 225: The idea is there, but all the lingering emphasis in the original has been smoothed away. This, too, unfortunately, is typical of the whole. I have said that Wilson’s translation reads easily, and it does, like a modern novel: at shockingly few points does one ever need to stop and think. There are no hard parts; no difficult lines or obscure notions; no aesthetic arrest either; very little that jumps out as unusual or different. Wilson has set out, as she openly confesses, to produce an Odyssey in a “contemporary anglophone speech,” and this results in quite a bit of conceptual pruning. If you wait for the “Homeric tags,” the phrases that contained so much Greek culture they have been quoted over and over again by Greeks ever since—well, you are apt to miss them as they go by. A famous one occurs in book 24, when Odysseus and Telemachus are about to go into battle together: Odysseus tells Telemachus not to disgrace him, and Telemachus boasts that he need not fear. Laertes, Odysseus’s father, exclaims (Wilson’s translation), “Ah, gods! A happy day for me! My son and grandson are arguing about how tough they are!”
    ellauri026.html on line 227: This is a famous line, but here it would hardly seem to merit its fame—who cares about people “arguing about how tough they are”? The word here translated as “tough” just happens to be one of the central words of Hellenic thought: arete, “virtue” or “excellence,” that subject of so many subsequent philosophy lectures—whose learnability or unlearnability Plato made the subject of inquiry, and which Aristotle defined as a mean between two vices. The word can be used to mean something like “bravery,” but it is wildly broader and richer than “how tough one is” (there is a queen named Arete in the poem, but Wilson refrains from translating her as “Queen Tough”). The line was quoted over and over again in later days because it was considered the height of happiness for a man to have a son and grandson competing with each other to possess virtue or true excellence. This Wilson suppresses, as a thing irrelevant to contemporary idiom—“toughness” will have to serve in its place.
    ellauri028.html on line 200: Anyways, I feel "What is Man?" is really a precursor to Freud (also Dostoevsky and Nietzche are precursors) and the Ego, which is pretty impressive for the time, but again, it feels a bit dated. He is also repetitive about the same idea of man being selfish, which is annoying like this review...
    ellauri028.html on line 224: Mark Twain said his idea which "human is only a machine "again and again at all. Actually i dont like this reputation. However, I love Mark Twain because he is Nikola Tesla's best friend.
    ellauri028.html on line 334: "Mademoiselle from Armentières" has roots in a tradition of older popular songs; its immediate predecessor seems to be the song "Skiboo" (or "Snapoo"), which was also popular among British soldiers of the Great War. Earlier still, the tune of the song is thought to have been popular in the French Army in the 1830s; at this time the words told of the encounter of an inn-keeper's daughter, named Mademoiselle de Bar le Duc, with two German officers. During the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, the tune was resurrected, and again in 1914 when the British and Allied soldiers got to know it.
    ellauri028.html on line 747: Helen looks again, "Nope."
    ellauri028.html on line 753: Helen looks up and says, "Bob, what's different? It's hanging down today, it was hanging down yesterday, it'll be hanging down again tomorrow."
    ellauri029.html on line 904: Voi lyödä vetoa että tästä aiheestakin löytyy mazkua mielin määrin netissä. Ja löytyykin. Tää on Got Questions -palstalta, jossa mm. neuvotaan How to spend eternity with god. Ajanviettonixejä. Neulominen, pasianssi, hevonkengän heitto, tai voi laskea vaan pilvilampaita. Nukuttaakin paremmin. Wish I brought a magazine. (Olikohan tää nyt parodiaa, satiiria, ironiaa, sarkasmia, vai näitä kaikkia? Aika vaikee sanoa.)
    ellauri029.html on line 924: Sarcasm, on the other hand, is not appropriate. Sarcasm has at its core the intent to insult or to be hurtful with no corresponding love or wish for well-being. Instead, the goal of sarcasm is to belittle the victim and elevate the speaker. Jesus warned against such harsh, unloving words in Matthew 5:22. Our words should be helpful and edifying, even if they are uncomfortable to the hearer.
    ellauri030.html on line 372: Ei mitään "sinun täytyy astua johtoon" tyyppistä tiimipropagandaa täällä.

    ellauri030.html on line 910: An analysis of content from business-to-business advertising magazines in the United States, United Kingdom, and Germany found a high (23 percent) overall usage of humor. The highest percentage was found in the British sample at 26 percent. Of the types of humor found by McCullough and Taylor, three categories corresponded with Freud's grouping of tendentious (aggression and sexual) and non-tendentious (nonsense) wit. 20 percent of the humor were accounted for as “aggression” and “sexual.” “Nonsense” was listed at 18 percent.
    ellauri031.html on line 60: Nästa äventyr handlar om en porslindocka som den lilla pesten gömmer i ett wienerbröd, som prosten (NB en fin person) hittar i brödet och kommer och reklamerar om till bagaren. Den lilla pesten måste medge at det var hon som var bakom saken. Och det var den historien. Hur fängslande.
    ellauri031.html on line 161: Vad handlar Dragsviks slang om? I detta avseende kan man göra några allmänna iakttagelser: slangbenämningar för det mesta för viktiga föremål, människogrupper, platser och aktiviteter. Jag har räknat bland mina ca 100 slangord 23 namn av föremål (tex blåpitt 'smällpatron', cha-cha 'stridsbälte', dagatätchi 'dagtäcke', knaku 'knäckebröd', ludiskuffare 'skinnmössa, mullibok 'blå anteckningsbok', permischan 'permissionsuniform', pisisträtchi 'RUoSk elevband'); 31 benämningar av människor (tex gurka 'GrKist', gummipitt 'nylänning', krycka 'underhållskompanist eller befriad', lingonpitt 'artillerist', mink 'ny gruppchef', pampusch 'österbottning', pngvin 'lustigkurre', tryckpåsa '11 månaders karl', yrboll 'dumbom'), och 20 benämningar av plats eller aktivitet (tex bordell 'förvirring', civail 'det civila', kvällsare 'kvällspermission', pampas 'Österbotten', rumba 'extra övning', turbo 'arméns tvättanordning', väijy 'vakt').
    ellauri031.html on line 267: Älyllisen työn ja taiteen edustajat sekä virkamiesyhdistyxet ottavat osaa taiteen, tieteen ja kirjallisuuden valvontaan, tuotannon edistämiseen ja korporatiivisen yhteiskuntajärjestyxen moraalisten päämäärien edistämiseen. Vapaa-ajan yhdistysten kansalliseen laitoxeenkuuluvat urheilu- musiikki- ja ompeluseurat, lukupiirit, keskustelukerhot. Naisjaostot järjestevät fasistiryhmien naisjaostojen kanssa kursseja lapsenhoidossa, räuuanlaitossa, ompelussa ja kotitaloudessa. Laitoxen jaoxet ovat yhteistyössä korporatiivisten kulttuurikeskusten kanssa. Varsinaisenn kulttuuri- ja valistustyön ohessa nämä järjestöt tekevät propagandaa fasistisen syndikalismin ja korporatiivisen yhteiskuntajärjestyxen puolesta. Niistä kaavaillaan eräänlaista kansanyliopistoa.
    ellauri031.html on line 456: Namnet Trollhättan kommer från själva fallet eller möjligen ett litet berg som finns i Trollhättefallen. De tidigaste namnen för området: Stora Edet, Eidar, Trollhättan och Stranna. Trollhättan hade dels en strategisk betydelse vid landsvägen mellan Västergötland och Norge och dels en näringspolitisk betydelse för sjöfarten till och från Vänern. Öster om Trollhättefallen syns ännu idag spåren av Dragrännor, rännor invändigt beklädda med lera där båtar drogs förbi fallen. Det tidigaste dokumentet som nämner att båtar dragits förbi Trollhättan är Harald Hårdrådes saga, som anger att vintern 1063/1064 drog norska flottan förbi fallen i Göta älv och seglade in i Vänern.
    ellauri031.html on line 595: Sariolan texteissä mitään ei osata jättää avoimexi tai lukijan pääteltäväxi. Kertojat tulkizevat textin lukijan puolesta eikä sijaistekijä mitenkään ironisoi tai kyseenalaista kertojien tyrkyttämiä "totuuxia". Sariolan teoxet ovat siis vain katkismuskirjallisuuden eräs muoto, paizi moraalinen opetus on korvattu tsygologisella propagandalla. Kaiken lisäxi tämä propaganda on Glorian halpojen tunne izesi -testien tapaista rasti ruutuun -psykologiaa, kertoja on asettautunut heikkolahjaisimman ekonomilukijansa tasolle.
    ellauri031.html on line 716: Ne on ihan kunnon hemmoja vaikka pitkänenäisiä, -kyntisiäkin ehkä vähän. Kun vaan lukisivat lisää UT:tä niinkuin Syväri. Siellä se kaikki sanotaan jezulleen, lukuunottamatta muutamia käännösvirheitä. Kaarlo tavaa myös mielellään luvattua maata koskevia juutalaisten omia yxipuolisia maanluovutussopimuxia ja piirtelee Suur-Siionin karttoja. Niilin virrasta Eufrattiin, miekalla piirrämme rajan. Jumala oli kaukonäköinen kun teki Israelista ruman, niin ei suurvaltoja harmittanut antaa sitä jutkuille. Filistealaisraukat on vaan niin tyhmiä etteivät älyä korjata luitaan sieltä muualle. Herrakansa on palannut maillensa. Urpo toistaa jokaisen Israelin propagandaväitteen ihan sanatarkasti. Sihen sillä on raamatusta paljon harjoitusta. Luja usko siirtää vaikka vuoria, faktat on siihen nähden tosi heiveröisiä. München on urposta paholaisen päämaja. Mitäs jos Walter onkin ize piru. Aika heikossa hapessa se sitten on.
    ellauri031.html on line 736: Äs toi olis ollu komee lopetus, mut täällähän on vielä jotain loppusanoja, lisää siionistista propagandaa ja jumalalla pelottelua. Syväntö siteeraa typerää Kyösti Kalliota, mutta sattuvammin Toynbeetä: historia opettaa, ettei historia opeta mitään. Ei tarvize kuin seurata Palestiinaa vaikkapa sadan vuoden välein 2020ekr-2020jkr niin huomaa sen. Syväntö on ize siitä todiste, vaikkei enää kävelevä, ei päässyt järven yli kuivin jaloin hakemaan karannutta venettä kuin unessa.
    ellauri032.html on line 474: Slås privatekonomin i spillror är det kokta fläsket stekt. Hur skydda de sårbara företagarna?

    ellauri032.html on line 749: Mutta panee silti miettimään toi rakkauden hehkuttaminen kristinuskossa. Onhan rakkaus kiva tunne, ei siinä mitään, mutta mitä tekemistä sillä on uskontojen kanssa? Kai sillä sittenkin on. Adrien Sixten määritelmä oli vähän suppea, se koskee erosta, ulos jää vielä filia ja agape, niinkuin opetti T.P. Virkkunen ussantunnilla. Eli kavereiden diggaus ja ylempien ihailu. Varsinkin tosta viimeisestä on uskonnoissa kysymys. Eläintieteellisesti kazoen laumafiilis ja termiittikunigattaren haju. On mun henkilökohtainen onnettomuus, että nää lajit on mulla heikommin kehittyneet. Puuttuu se antenni, niinkuin Kari Enkvist sanoisi. Zinzendorfilla oli hyvin kehittyneet kaikki 3 antennia, kuten Anna Nitschman voi totistaa. Parempi etukeno, kuten mainostaa Viagra-korvike Instagramissa. On paha sanoa, kumpi on kamalampi, Tiktok vai Instagram. Pakotettu valinta, ipsatiivinen.
    ellauri033.html on line 91:

    On sait l´existence hasardeuse et vagabonde que menait ce bohémien des
    ellauri033.html on line 195: d´avoir inventé et baptisé les documents humains ». Jamais la littérature n´avait accordé tant d´importance au tissu d´une " robe ou à la couleur d´une tapisserie. Bagatelles et colifichets, voilà le plus clair de leurs documents. Ils
    ellauri033.html on line 506: Jos bidee voittaa tulee sisällissota, sanoo magalakkinen säläkauppias Pensylvaniassa rihkamateltan edessä. Ohimenevät autot tuuttaa tai huutaa fäkkiä. Noin 60-40 Trumpin etu, sanoo lippispää korvakuulolta. Luulet vaan. Toivottavasti se sisällissota tosiaankin tulee. Siitä tulee selvää jälkeä kun joka hessulla on pyssy tai sinko makkarissa. Ilmassa lentää verisiä päitä ja suolenkappaleita. Keep America great. Amerikka takas inkkareille. Taikka biisoneille. Ei Aku Valttikortille eikä Jopi Bideelle.
    ellauri033.html on line 617: Passow studerade i Leipzig under Gottfried Hermann, kallades 1807 av Goethe till Weimars gymnasium som överlärare i grekiska, åtog sig 1810 uppdraget att leda samt omorganisera läroverket Conradinum nära Danzig och blev 1815 professor i klassisk fornkunskap vid universitetet i Breslau. Passow vann mycket anseende både genom sin lärarverksamhet och sina skrifter. Han är mest känd genom Handwörterbuch der griechischen Sprache (1819-24, 5:e upplagan 1841-1857, utgiven av Valentin Rost och Johann Friedrich Palm; "Grekiskt och svenskt lexikon", 2 band, 1841, översättning av Wilhelm Gumælius).
    ellauri033.html on line 1076: According to legend, Tasso wrote verses to his beloved Eleonora that touched her heart. A few years later, at the wedding of one of the Gonzaga family, celebrated at the court of Este, Tasso kissed the princess Eleonora on the cheek. Furious, Alphonso turned coolly to his courtiers and remarked, "What a great pity that the finest genius of the age has become suddenly mad!" The duke had Tasso shut up in the hospital of St. Anna in Ferrara. (In actuality, Tasso had been beset by delusional fears of persecution starting in 1575 and began a series of mad wanderings around 1577.)
    ellauri033.html on line 1171: Vuosina 1897–1902 ilmestyneessä toisessa romaanitrilogiassaan Le Roman de l’énergie nationale (”Kansallisen energian romaani”) Barrès käsittelee muun muassa suhdettaan kotiseutuunsa Lothringeniin (Lorraine). Teosten sanoma kuvastaa hänen omaksumaansa nationalistista katsomusta: side synnyinseutuun ja menneisiin sukupolviin muovaa yksilöt, joten kotiseudun hylkääminen johtaa yksilöllisen identiteetin menettämiseen ja kärsimykseen. Barrèsin myöhemmät romaanit Au Service de l’Allemagne (1905) ja Metzin tyttö (Colette Baudoche, 1909) käsittelevät Saksaan liitetyn Elsass-Lothringenin ranskalaisten asukkaiden lojaliteettiristiriitoja. Näitä teoksia käytettiin Ranskassa sotapropagandana ensimmäisen maailmansodan aikana. Meidän yöjuna pysähtyi Metzissä kun oltiin interreilillä. Tyttöjä ei näkynyt. Paizi Helmiä.
    ellauri034.html on line 366: "Men" - näissä propagandistisissa pöpötyxissä tulee aina tää aaber - "men vi kan inte heller blunda för den andra biten av nyttokostnadsanalysen: tilväxten och arbetstillfällena. Konkursvågor och massarbetslöshet skapar lidande, fattigdom och politiska spänningar hos ägarkrestsarna."
    ellauri034.html on line 372: "Försvinner skatteunderlaget ska vi rika plocka fram motorsågarna och möblera om inom den kraschande välfärden, som var en satans dålig idé att börja med. Om bara förra regeringen hade haft tid at genomföra den skapande förödelse i hälsovården den planerade, skulle nu den här pandemin vara så mycket lönsammare. Då ekonomin trillar ner till källarnivåer tar de svagaste smällen, det skall vi välmående nog se till."
    ellauri035.html on line 122: If my girl with lotus eyes came to me again
    ellauri035.html on line 135: Lay like cool bindweed over against my neck.
    ellauri035.html on line 198: That tap against cheeks of small magnolia leaves,
    ellauri035.html on line 237: Built up of darkness, and against that darkness
    ellauri035.html on line 416: Rose red of Siva, or Kapagata
    ellauri035.html on line 844: Sivan punainen ruusu, vai Kapagata,
    ellauri035.html on line 1252: On his side, on his back, he turned, and back again.
    ellauri036.html on line 223: Et d'un éclat de rire agaçaient sur les rives
    ellauri036.html on line 240: Quand l'ouragan du Nord sur les débris de Rome
    ellauri037.html on line 579: Tässä vaiheessa Sope tutustui myös Herderin oppilaaseen Majeriin, joka opetti sille Upanishadia. Sopen mielestä Buddha oli lähes yhtä kova jäbä kuin Plato ja Kant. Se luki vielä agavad Gita">Bhagavad Gitan ja jotain värikuvapainoxia hinduismista, plus takusti Kama Sutran, vaikkei sitä mainita. Semmielestä buddhismi oli ihan ykkösuskonto, koska se selittää myös peräkkäisten mutta silti niin samanlaisten villakoirien ytimen, se on sielunvaellus. Myöhemmin Sope väitti et se oli kexinyt intialaisen filosofian ize, yhdennäköisyys vedoihin on pelkkää sattumaa.
    ellauri037.html on line 666: Form menschlichen Zusammenlebens, die Tetragamie, anpries:
    ellauri038.html on line 69: Tää hassunhauska sananparsi löytyi jostain aiemminkin eri kielillä, se on vahva meemi. Milloin heilutetaan patonkia porttikonkissa, milloin nagaikaa. Viimexi se kuultiin partajehuilta filmatisaatiossa Kalifat. Yx ilkimys neuvo höperöä ruozimamua Husamia pryygelöimään laihaa vaimoa Pervitiiniä. Vittu puukottais vaan Pervin senkin ja lähtis vauvan kanssa kotiin. Se tarvii miestä kuin kala polkupyörää. Ihankun se et meemi on vanha tekis siitä paremman.
    ellauri038.html on line 341: Ehkä kaikki olikin vaan vasureiden propagandaa?

    ellauri038.html on line 438: Paha propagandavoitto vinosilmille. Jos ei nyt tehdä jotakin,

    ellauri038.html on line 481: Lisäx suomalaiset meediat on täynnä propagandaa ellei valetta,

    ellauri039.html on line 398: This unit deals with the statement "I am from Germany" as an inclusive identity for people who live in Germany today. The material is aimed at second-year German students. The goal of the unit is to show the diversity of people who live in Germany, to inform the students about how Germans and non-Germans are differentiated, to allow students to experience some attitudes held by and against certain groups of people living in Germany, and to expect students to have an awareness of what it can mean when someone says "I am from Germany." The REFLECTION section can be found in each of the various subsections of the unit.
    ellauri039.html on line 511: The vegetables are vastly cheaper and better quality. Despite Virgina, and where I am from being farming land, they only farm soy, cotton, and what we called "horse corn". Here, Finland has an intense growing season that is short but plentiful. Rutabagas, Beets, Carrots, Potatoes, Tomatoes, are all vegetables I have seen locally sourced from Finland. You can get 2kg of Rutabegas for .59/kg! I was never able to find that kinda deal back home, even at farmer markets. So eating healthy is definitely easier here than it was back home.
    ellauri039.html on line 774: John Galsworthy OM (/ˈɡɔːlzwɜːrði/; 14 August 1867 – 31 January 1933) was an English novelist and playwright. Notable works include The Forsyte Saga (1906–1921) and its sequels, A Modern Comedy and End of the Chapter. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1932.
    ellauri039.html on line 776: The Forsyte Saga, first published under that title in 1922, is a series of three novels and two interludes published between 1906 and 1921 by Nobel Prize–winning English author John Galsworthy. They chronicle the vicissitudes of the leading members of a large, upper-middle-class English family, similar to Galsworthy´s family. Only a few generations removed from their farmer ancestors, the family members are keenly aware of their status as "new money". The main character, Soames Forsyte, sees himself as a "man of property" by virtue of his ability to accumulate material possessions – but this does not succeed in bringing him pleasure.
    ellauri040.html on line 129: Aristoteles ja Kylli-tätikin painottavat kultaista keskitietä, paino sanalla kultainen. Wilhelm Occamilaisen partaveizi on Jyrkin (ja ehkä Eskin, mulla ei nyt ole käytössäni alkuteosta), mukaan Aristoteleelta förbitty. Ei sitä tosiaankaan ole paljon käytetty, parrat rehottaa. Vois tehdä kuvagallerian parrallisista filosofeista ja parrattomista ja koittaa päätellä jotain siitäkin. Luultavasti parrakkaat on parempia (en kerro mixi ajattelen näin), mut saas nähdä. Plotinoxen jätän omaan arvoonsa, se oli täysin paska.
    ellauri040.html on line 589: Sir Thaddeus (in Polish Pan Tadeusz, czyli ostatni zajazd na Litwie. Historia szlachecka z roku 1811 i 1812 we dwunastu księgach wierszem) is a long poem with an even longer name by Lithuanian romantic poet Adam Mickiewicz. It is regarded as a Polish national epic. It was first published in Paris in 1834. The poet was then in exile in France. Sir Thaddeus is a story of a conflict between two noble families, the Soplicas and the Horeszkos. The time is 1811 and 1812, shortly before Napoleon invaded Russia. When attacked by Russian soldiers, both families fought against the enemy. When not, they fought each other. The conflict between the families was ended with the marriage of Thaddeus Soplica and Sophia Horeszko.
    ellauri041.html on line 365: Tommi syntyi 7 vuotta myöhemmin, Kekkonen oli aika viimeisillään, huonossa hapessa, olikohan se jo ihan gaga?
    ellauri041.html on line 1972: Niinkuin esimerkixi tviittaileva Yhdysvaltain presidentti Donald Trump, aivan kuolaavan lobotomin tasoa, tai Herlinin Sanomat, joka julkaisee puolen sivun haastattelun jostain MAGA-lippalakkisesta aivokääpiöstä Johns Hopkinsin yliopistosta. Samassa propagandasarjassa, jossa hiljan haastateltiin toista kärpässarjan ajattelijaa, ranskalaista suklaalevyä. Pietu Hein sanoi yhdessä gruukissa, että vaarallisimpia idiooteista on ne jotka on suhteellisen intelligenttejä. Siis eivät ihan lintulautaluokan goggledygookeja, niinkuin enemmistö amerikkalaisista, ja HS:n toimittajista. Sellaisia vaarallisia on Herlinin sanomien omistajat, jotka palkkaavat lehteen näitä hyödyllisiä idiootteja. Paavo Haavikkoa lainataxeni, ne on joko hulluja tai pahoja, tai molempia. Veikkaan molempia.
    ellauri042.html on line 644: Part of Pope's bitter inspiration for the characters in the book come from his soured relationship with the royal court. The Princess of Wales Caroline of Ansbach, wife of George II, had supported Pope in her patronage of the arts. When she and her husband came to the throne in 1727 she had a much busier schedule and thus had less time for Pope who saw this oversight as a personal slight against him. When planning the Dunciad he based the character Dulness on Queen Caroline, as the fat, lazy and dull wife. Pope's bitterness against Caroline was a typical trait of his brilliant but unstable character. The King of the Dunces as the wife of Dulness was based on George II. Pope makes his views on the first two Georgian kings very clear in the Dunciad when he writes 'Still Dunce the second reigns like Dunce the first'.
    ellauri042.html on line 657: An anecdote in "A Letter from Mr. Cibber, to Mr. Pope", published in 1742, recounts their trip to a brothel organised by Pope's own patron, who apparently intended to stage a cruel joke at the expense of the poet. Since Pope was only about 4' tall, with a hunchback, due to a childhood tubercular infection of the spine, and the prostitute specially chosen as Pope's 'treat' was the fattest and largest on the premises, the tone of the event is fairly self-apparent. Cibber describes his 'heroic' role in snatching Pope off of the prostitute's body, where he was precariously perched like a tom-tit, while Pope's patron looked on, sniggering, thereby saving English poetry. While Cibber's elevation to laureateship in 1730 had further inflamed Pope against him, there is little speculation involved in suggesting that Cibber's anecdote, with particular reference to Pope´s "little-tiny manhood", motivated the revision of hero.
    ellauri042.html on line 712: In 1864, Dostoevsky´s wife number one died at last, and shortly after he left Petersburg again to meet his beloved Apollinaria. The reunion with Apollinaria became a great failure, because he continued gambling.
    ellauri042.html on line 943: Donne's style is characterised by abrupt openings and various paradoxes, ironies and dislocations. These features, along with his frequent dramatic or everyday speech rhythms, his tense syntax and his tough eloquence, were both a reaction against the smoothness of conventional Elizabethan poetry and an adaptation into English of European baroque and mannerist techniques. His early career was marked by poetry that bore immense knowledge of English society. Another important theme in Donne´s poetry is the idea of true religion, something that he spent much time considering and about which he often theorised. He wrote secular poems as well as erotic and love poems. He is particularly famous for his mastery of metaphysical conceits.
    ellauri042.html on line 947: During the next four years, Donne fell in love with Egerton´s niece Anne More, and they were secretly married just before Christmas in 1601, against the wishes of both Egerton and Anne's father George More, who was Lieutenant of the Tower. Upon discovery, this wedding ruined Donne's career, getting him dismissed and put in Fleet Prison, along with the Church of England priest Samuel Brooke, who married them,[13] and his brother Chistopher, who stood in in the absence of George More to give Anne away. Donne was released shortly thereafter when the marriage was proved to be valid, and he soon secured the release of the other two. Walton tells us that when Donne wrote to his wife to tell her about losing his post, he wrote after his name: John Donne, Anne Donne, Un-done.[14] It was not until 1609 that Donne was reconciled with his father-in-law and received his wife´s dowry,
    ellauri043.html on line 802: Sen kultabrokaadimekko, jossa on tasavälein helmi- gagaatti- ja safiirihepeneitä,
    ellauri043.html on line 3387: Keisari kuzui mut yöllä kotiinsa. Se leikki luunopilla Sporuxen kaa nojaten vasemmalla kyynärspäällä agaattiseen pöytään. Se kääntyi ja rypisti blondeja kulmakarvojaan. Mixetsä pelkää mua? Koska jumala joka teki susta pelottavan teki musta pelottoman, mä vastasin.
    ellauri043.html on line 4550: Ne ruoskii izeään naganeilla rintoihin, ja lyönnit kuuntelee; tamburiinien nahka vipisee haljetaxeen. Ne ottaa esiin puukot ja naarmuttaa käsivarsia.
    ellauri043.html on line 6268: Ei se satu. Se loppuu nopeasti. Mitä skagaat! Isoa mustaa reikääkö! Kenties se on tyhjä?
    ellauri045.html on line 101: De ska inte klaga över smäskador, som saknad av hjärna.

    ellauri045.html on line 322: Armenialainen William Saroyan tiesi mistä narusta on vedettävä kirjottaessaan The Human Comedy nimisen propagandafilmin kässärin v 1943. Karseampaa americanaa ei voi kuvitella. It’s an America that probably no longer exists. In fact it never did, it's just propaganda.
    ellauri045.html on line 804: Justice is one primary virtue, of course, the balance and respect in society so characteristic of Switzerland-well, I suppose not always, and not for every single immigrant, and until 1971 not for every single woman voter; but usually. Temperance is another, the balance in a soul, controlling desire. Courage is the third. What person could flourish if like Oblomov he stayed in bed out of uncontrolled fear, or out of ennui, an aristocratic version of cowardice? Prudence is the executive virtue, as St. Thomas Aquinas called it-know-how, savoir faire, self-interest. It rounds out the four virtues most admired in the tough little cities or tougher big empires of the classical Mediterranean. The Romans called the four of justice, temperance, courage, and prudence the "cardinal" virtues, on which a society of warriors or orators or courtiers hinged (cardo, hinge). The Christians called them, not entirely in contempt, "pagan."
    ellauri046.html on line 103: You think that I can never laugh again
    ellauri046.html on line 383: Ultimatum: Realise that, against God, you are always in the wrong, which means that you know precisely where you are.
    ellauri046.html on line 435: This very preliminary study has eight parts. The first assembles a number of entries from his Journals showing that he was homosexual and seen as such by at least some of his contemporaries. The second looks again at his relation with Regine and examines some of his own accounts of his relations with other men. The third provides other evidence of his homosexuality, particularly from his youth. The fourth briefly outlines his conceptions of and relations to Socrates, Christ and God. The fifth attempts to trace the history of his understanding of the relation of Christianity and homosexuality. The sixth repeats some of his own accounts of the homosexual origin and character of the central notions of his existentialism. The seventh presents homosexuality as his hope and agenda for future. Finally, the eighth attempts to summarize and make sense of the preceding.
    ellauri048.html on line 135: Koskenniemi kirjoitti 2.10.1961 Uuden Suomen päätoimittajalle Eero Petäjäniemelle, että Pekka Tarkka " kuuluu modernistien nuoreen kaartiin ja lienee niiden aloitteesta – ehkä (Mirjam) Polkusen välityksellä – sijoitettu lehteemme. Näin vahvistuu … avantgardistien osuus … lehtemme toimituksessa … miksi vähentää lehden arvoa sen uskollisimpien lukijoiden silmissä päivittäisellä modernistisella kirjallisella propagandalla?"*
    ellauri048.html on line 446: Wexi piti 50-luvun alussa lupaavina loppusointurunoilijoina hullua Lauri Viitaa Tampereelta (joka neuvoi Arska Kinnusta) ja Hilja Hiiskua, joka oli 1/3 turkulaisesta Hiiskun sisaruxesta. Kaikki 3 teki Wexin kanssa maisterin (varmaan myös spagaatin) ja kuului sen kirjallisuuspiiriin. Niistä ei ole sen koommin hiiskuttu. Hilja julkaisi 3 kokoelmaa riimejä ja käänti sitten isä Camillo-kirjoja. Pysyi taantumuxen riveissä.
    ellauri048.html on line 1110: Hallam and Tennyson became friends in April 1829. They both entered the Chancellor's Prize Poem Competition (which Tennyson won). Both joined the Cambridge Apostles (a "private debating society"), which met every Saturday night during term to discuss, over coffee and sardines on toast (“whales”), serious questions of religion, literature and society. (Hallam read a paper on 'whether the poems of Shelley have an immoral tendency'; Tennyson was to speak on 'Ghosts', but was, according to his son's Memoir, 'too shy to deliver it' - only the Preface to the essay survives). Meetings of the Apostles were not always so intimidating: Desmond MacCarthy gave an account of Hallam and Tennyson at one meeting lying on the ground together in order to laugh less painfully, when James Spedding imitated the sun going behind a cloud and coming out again. Capital, capital.
    ellauri048.html on line 1114: Hallam spent the 1830 Easter holidays with Tennyson in Somersby and declared his love for Emilia. Hallam and Tennyson planned to publish a book of poems together: Hallam told Mrs Tennyson that he saw this "as a sort of seal of our friendship". Hallam's father, however, objected, and Hallam's Poems was privately published and printed in 1830. In the summer holidays, Tennyson and Hallam travelled to the Pyrenees (on a secret mission to take money and instructions written in invisible ink to General Torrijos who was planning a revolution against the tyranny of King Ferdinand VII of Spain). In December, Hallam again visited Somersby and became engaged to Emilia. His father forbade him to visit Somersby until he came of age at twenty-one.
    ellauri048.html on line 1216: The seasons bring the flower again, Vuodenajat tuovat jälleen kukkaset,
    ellauri048.html on line 1285: Like coarsest clothes against the cold: Kuin sarkatakkiin pakkasella:
    ellauri048.html on line 1357: The noise of life begins again, Alkaa taas elämöinti entistavalla,
    ellauri048.html on line 1491: And forward dart again, and play Ja syöxähdän taas eteenpäin ja pelehdin
    ellauri048.html on line 1650: The words that are not heard again.
    ellauri048.html on line 1668: The tide flows down, the wave again
    ellauri048.html on line 1879: The Polish Embassy slammed a CNBC segment, saying it ‘recycled Nazi propaganda.’
    ellauri048.html on line 1881: On May 11 2017, Mad Money host Jim Cramer compared the struggling department store Macy’s to Poland’s early efforts against the German Wehrmacht in World War II. “Macy’s is like the Polish Army in WWII — it tried to field cavalry against German tanks and it did not end well,” he said.
    ellauri048.html on line 1888: “Not once did the Polish Army deploy cavalry against German tanks,” the embassy statement said. “This is pure Nazi and Communist propaganda that continues to weave its way into Western media reports to this very day.”
    ellauri048.html on line 1892: But Nazi propagandists spun this battle and other encounters with Polish cavalry — horse was a big component of the Polish army — as vindication of the Wehrmacht’s technical modernity and tactical superiority.
    ellauri048.html on line 1897: “If the mainstream media is to be respected by viewers, it cannot recycle old Nazi propaganda,” the Polish embassy statement reads. “We ask that Mr. Cramer apologize for his insensitive comparison and that viewers of Mad Money be made aware of the historical inaccuracy of the statement in question,” the statement concludes.
    ellauri048.html on line 1914: Turns again home. Nousee takaisin.
    ellauri049.html on line 98: To-morrow see again, and do not kill ethän huomenna enää ole hyydytetty,
    ellauri049.html on line 494: Jeté par l’ouragan dans l’éther sans oiseau, hirmumyrskyn heittämänä etteriin ilman lintua,
    ellauri049.html on line 639: Mallarmén tunnetuimpia teoksia ovat Faunin iltapäivä (1876, suom. Einari Aaltonen (2006), Divagations (Harhautumia, 1897) ja Un coup de dés jamais n’abolira le hasard (Yksi nopanheitto ei milloinkaan poista sattumaa, 1897) sekä postuumisti ilmestynyt Igitur (1925). Mallarmélla oli vaimo ja 2 lasta. Mitähän sen vaimo tykkäsi tosta faunirunosta. No ehkä sillä oli oma rölli vaatekaapissa.
    ellauri049.html on line 702: Charles Marie René Leconte de Lisle (22. lokakuuta 1818 Saint-Paul, Île Bourbonn – 17. heinäkuuta 1894 Voisins, Ranska) oli ranskalainen runoilija, joka syntyi Intian valtameren Réunionin saarella Madagaskarin ja Intian puolivälissä.Kossujen rastatukkainen vävypoika on kotoisin Reunionin saarelta. Se kulexi Sysmän raitilla ja veljeili alkuasukkaiden kaa. Helmin nörttipoikaystävä oli pikemminkin peloissaan. Rastatukka ei ymmärtänyt pelätä. Ja se toimi, koirat ei pure jos niitä taputtaa ystävällisesti.
    ellauri049.html on line 710: Tää Kalle kirjoitti epigrammin Huugolle sen kuoltua 1885. Herää pahvi! No ei, hyvin ylistävän kirjoitti. Enempi sellaisen oodin. Izekin oli jo 67v, mun ikäinen. Kokoelmassa Derniers poemes. Mulle tää kokoelma on varmaan sekä ensimmäinen että viimeinen. Kazelin sen runoja, tylsähköjä. In- ja expressionismia, väliin jotain sovinnaisia mylvähdyxiä, jotka pilaa keitoxen. Silläkin on runo Le Lac, jonka laitan tähän vertailun vuoxi. Tää kuulostaa madagascarilta baobabpuineen. Kauneutta rakastava Leconte parka oli vanhuxena ize tollainen hippopotame obèse aux palpitants naseaux. Le Lac-runon kalju baobab-puu aikalaisten lemuavan krokotiilijärven rannalla.
    ellauri049.html on line 1017: Tematiikka on 1-1 Amerikan ulkopolitiikka pahan Empiren eli Saxan/Njeuvostoliiton kukistuttua. Pahan vallan alla olleet pikkuplaneetat on nyt pika pikaa saatettava republiikin hännän alle, sillä izenäisyyttä tavoittelevat valtiot voi joutua taas jonkun uuden pahan alaisuuteen ellei niitä saada heti meikäläisen pahan valtaan. Just protecting our vital interests against rogue states. Suojelemme maamme elintärkeitä etuja roistovaltioissa, kuten meidän öljyä.
    ellauri049.html on line 1090: Gunnlöd är omtalad i både den poetiska Eddan och i Snorres Edda, men endast i samband med mjödstölden – hur Oden med list lyckas ta mjödet i besittning. Musta alkaa tuntua et aasat onkin viikinkisaagan konnia, pikku cro magnoneja jotka kusettaa jättejä ja peikkoja, vanhoja neandertaaleja. Termiittiapina koijaa heimoapinaa.
    ellauri049.html on line 1100: Esat on Jesajia. Esaias Tegnelliin vois myös tutustua. Siitäkin aluksi liberaalista orpopoika runoilijasta tuli vanhana ultrarojalisti hullu. Sen saaga koski Frithjolfia.
    ellauri049.html on line 1117: Tegnér var sysselsatt med arbetet på sitt största verk: Frithiofs saga i åratal. Oehlenschlägers Helge, möjligen även Fouqués Regner Lodbrok, var förebilder för den form av självständiga romanser som Tegnér valde. Dikten kom ut som följetång. I den sista romansen, "Försoningen", ligger diktens kärna; ett slags kristnad platonism inläggs där i Baldersmyten. De erotiska sångerna fullbordades först sedan Tegnér mottagit djupa intryck av två intagande kvinnor, fru Euphrosyne Palm (1796–1851) i Lund, som inspirerat bland annat "Grannskapet" och "Fågelleken", och friherrinnan Martina von Schwerin; förbittrade utfall mot kvinnokönet i Frithiofs saga tyder på att bakom den djupa besvikelse som bemäktigade sig Tegnér vid mitten av 1820-talet, låg även besvikelser på det romantiska området. Hihii hahaa taas yx narsistinen setämies. Martina oli nuorehkon skaldin puuma suojelija vapaaherratar ja Emili Selldin 19v piispan panopuu, josta sen oli sit pakko luopua:
    ellauri049.html on line 1127: I slutet av juni tog han permission för att tillbringa någon tid i sitt hem, till vars ro han från riksdagens oro ivrigt längtat. Men här väntade honom början till slutet. "Efter ett vid en dusch begånget misstag", berättar Boettiger, "och ett därpå följande häftigt slaganfall märktes ögonblick af sinnesförvirring". På läkares inrådan fördes han först till huvudstaden; men vid höstens inbrott färdades han sjöledes till Peter Willers Jessens berömda anstalt för sinnessjuka i Schleswig. Under ljusa mellanstunder på denna resa skrev han "Resefantasier", av vilka särskilt den tredje ger ett gripande intryck. Joo mä tiedän. Kun hullulle tulee välillä kirkkaita hetkiä, ne on liikuttavia.
    ellauri049.html on line 1172: då minns du rörd de dagar, som förflutit, Silloin muistat liikuttuneena sitä,
    ellauri050.html on line 56: Kirjassa Marjaana Madagaskarissa

    ellauri050.html on line 324: Round the half-glimpséd turrets slowly wash again. hiljaa ympäröi taas häämöttävät tornit.
    ellauri050.html on line 630: Kaikkein hauskinta HS:n uutisessa oli jenkkitaantumuxen kiukkuinen reaktio tohon neekeriorjan jälkeläisen sepustuxeen. Sehän on vasemmistolaista, punakommarien propagandaa, vaikka ovat mustia. Käpylän pesisjoukkueen PuMun väreissä pelailevat neekerit. Koittavat taas väittää, että kaikki paha on kapitalismin syytä. Niinkuin onkin, mutta ei tässä maassa sitä saa sanoa, se on tabu kuin Vekan kesäloma. Lapsille ei opeteta oikeata propagandaa, sitä satua, että jenkkien izenäisyyspapat oli kilttejä maan isiä, jotka ajatteli kaikkien kansalaisten parasta, vaikka oikeasti ne oli orjanomistajia koko konkkaronkka. No eihän ne neekerit olleetkaan mitään kansalaisia, ne oli hölmöjä lerppahuulia mamuja, jotka ei osanneet edes englantia kunnolla. Tää kaikki toistuu niin samanlaisena taas tämän päivän kansainvaelluxen aikana.
    ellauri051.html on line 391: Blow again, trumpeter! and for my sensuous eyes, Töräytä taas, Trump! ja näytä mun maistisilmille
    ellauri051.html on line 405: Blow again, trumpeter! and for thy theme, 30 Puhalla taas, Trump! ja sun sävelmä
    ellauri051.html on line 422: Blow again, trumpeter--conjure war's Wild alarums. Puhallappa taas, Trump -- näytä siirtomaasotiemme hullutuxet,
    ellauri051.html on line 505: The world woke up this Friday to another pleasant surprise from, shall we say it again, the breezy Nobel laureate: a Whatman-esque tune aptly-titled “I Contain Multitudes.” Mitä helvettiä, toi onkin Whatmanin omakehusta, vaikka luin sen poikasena Callen Waldenista på svenska: "Motsäger jag mig? Gott, jag motsäger mig. Jag är stor, jag rymmer mångfalder."
    ellauri051.html on line 625: 73 These come to me days and nights and go from me again, Näitä tulee mulle päivin öin ja menee taas,
    ellauri051.html on line 967: 381 This the thoughtful merge of myself, and the outlet again. 381 Tämä on minun ja jälleen ulostulon harkittu yhdistäminen.
    ellauri051.html on line 1124: 533 Breast that presses against other breasts it shall be you! 533 Rinta, joka painaa muita rintoja vasten, se olet sinä!
    ellauri051.html on line 1132: 541 Winds whose soft-tickling genitals rub against me it shall be you! 541 Tuulet, joiden pehmeästi kutittelevat sukuelimet hierovat minua vasten, se olet sinä!
    ellauri051.html on line 1138: 547 Nor the cause of the friendship I emit, nor the cause of the friendship I take again. 547 Ei myöskään ystävyyden syytä, jonka osoitan, enkä sen ystävyyden syytä, jonka otan uudelleen.
    ellauri051.html on line 1202: 609 At length let up again to feel the puzzle of puzzles, 609 Lopulta luovutaan jälleen tunteaksesi arvoituksia,
    ellauri051.html on line 1231: 636 They all come to the headland to witness and assist against me. 636 He kaikki tulevat niemelle todistamaan ja auttamaan minua vastaan.
    ellauri051.html on line 1271: 673 But call any thing back again when I desire it. 673 Mutta soita takaisin, kun haluan sitä.
    ellauri051.html on line 1273: 675 In vain the plutonic rocks send their old heat against my approach, 675 Turhaan plutoniset kivet lähettävät vanhaa kuumuuttaan lähestymistäni vastaan,
    ellauri051.html on line 1313: 713 And again as I walk'd the beach under the paling stars of the morning. 713 Ja taas kun kävelin rannalla aamun kalpevien tähtien alla.
    ellauri051.html on line 1349: 749 Under Niagara, the cataract falling like a veil over my countenance, 749 Niagaran alla kaihi putoaa kuin verho kasvoilleni,
    ellauri051.html on line 1439: 839 Hell and despair are upon me, crack and again crack the marksmen, 839 Helvetti ja epätoivo on päälläni, murtakaa ja särjekää ampujia,
    ellauri051.html on line 1459: 859 I am there again. 859 Olen siellä taas.
    ellauri051.html on line 1512: 910 The transit to and from the magazine is now stopt by the sentinels, 910 Vartijat pysäyttävät nyt kuljetuksen aikakauslehteen ja takaisin,
    ellauri051.html on line 1520: 918 One is directed by the captain himself against the enemy's mainmast, 918 Kapteeni itse ohjaa yhden vihollisen päämastoa vastaan,
    ellauri051.html on line 1525: 923 The leaks gain fast on the pumps, the fire eats toward the powder-magazine. 923 Vuodot lisääntyvät nopeasti pumppuihin, tuli syö kohti jauhelehteä.
    ellauri051.html on line 1709: 1099 Believing I shall come again upon the earth after five thousand years, 1099 Uskoen, että tulen jälleen maan päälle viiden tuhannen vuoden kuluttua,
    ellauri051.html on line 1736: 1126 Nor the little child that peep'd in at the door, and then drew back and was never seen again, 1126 Eikä pieni lapsi, joka kurkisti ovesta sisään ja sitten vetäytyi, eikä häntä enää koskaan nähty,
    ellauri051.html on line 1804: 1192 We should surely bring up again where we now stand, 1192 Meidän pitäisi varmasti tuoda jälleen esiin se, missä nyt olemme,
    ellauri051.html on line 1832: 1219 For after we start we never lie by again. 1219 Sillä aloitettuamme emme enää koskaan valehtele.
    ellauri051.html on line 1846: 1233 To jump off in the midst of the sea, rise again, nod to me, shout, and laughingly dash with your hair. 1233 Hyppääksesi keskelle merta, nouse uudelleen, nyökkää minulle, huuda ja rypisty nauraen hiuksillasi.
    ellauri051.html on line 1864: 1250 I swear I will never again mention love or death inside a house, 1250 Vannon, etten enää koskaan mainitse rakkautta tai kuolemaa talon sisällä,
    ellauri051.html on line 1960: 1340 If you want me again look for me under your boot-soles. 1340 Jos haluat mut uudestaan ezi saappaan anturoiden alta.
    ellauri052.html on line 64: A week before the novel appeared in book stores, Saul Bellow published an article in the New York Times titled “The Search for Symbols, a Writer Warns, Misses All the Fun and Fact of the Story.” Here, Bellow warns readers against looking too deeply for symbols in his piece of shit. This has led to much discussion among critics as to why Bellow warned his readers against searching for symbolism just before the symbol-packed Rain King hit the shelves. Because there ain't any, its just Solomon's idea of fun and fact. The ongoing philosophical discussions and ramblings between Henderson and the natives, and inside Henderson's own head, prefigure elements of Bellow's next novel Herzog, which includes many such inquiries into life and meaning. And which is an even worse piece of narcissisim than this one.
    ellauri052.html on line 162: Saul Bellowin juuri ilmestynyt uusi romaani Ravelstein kuohuttaa tunteita oikeistolaisissa piireissä Atlantin molemmin puolin. Romaanin päähenkilön Abe Ravelsteinin esikuvana on ollut Bellowin chicagolainen ystävä Allan Bloom, joka nousi maailmanmaineeseen kirjoittamalla populistisen hitin The Closing of the American Mind. Se julisti, että Woodstock-sukupolvi tuhosi kulttuurin suvaitsemalla liikaa ja unohtamalla Kreikan ja antiikin. Kirjan mainetta siivittivät muun muassa Margaret Thatcher ja Ronald Reagan. Bloom kuoli 62-vuotiaana 1992. Kuolinsyyksi ilmoitettiin maksasyöpä. Bellowin Ravelstein on kaappihomo, joka kuolee aidsiin. Tämä on suututtanut Bloomin ystävät.
    ellauri052.html on line 230: The ceiling lightened again, the slanting diagram
    ellauri052.html on line 254: Again and again,
    ellauri052.html on line 349: Kalju Sale ruskeine hampaineen ja harmaine nenäkarvoineen löisi laudalta komeen mafioson pelkällä lukeneisuudella ja pääsis sillä Pollyn pukille jos jaxaisi. Vaan ennemmin se haluis mafioson tukkia, niiden välillä on nyt filia, agape ja mikäs se kolmas nyt taas olikaan hei Tillich? ai niin pederastia.
    ellauri052.html on line 693: I left myself quite limply in his hands, and, to get a better grip of me, he put his arm round me and pressed me against him, and the sweetnesS of the touch of our naked bodies one against the other was superb. It satistied in some measure the vague indecipherable yearning of my soul; and it was the same with him. When he had rubbed me all warm, he let me go, and we lo0ked at each other with eyes of
    ellauri052.html on line 744: `Now,' said Birkin, `I will show you what I learned, and what I remember. You let me take you so --' And his hands closed on the naked body of the other man. In another moment, he had Gerald swung over lightly and balanced against his knee, head downwards. Relaxed, Gerald sprang to his feet with eyes glittering.
    ellauri052.html on line 746: `That´s smart,' he said. `Now try again.'
    ellauri052.html on line 750: They stopped, they discussed methods, they practised grips and throws, they became accustomed to each other, to each other´s rhythm, they got a kind of mutual physical understanding. And then again they had a real struggle. They seemed to drive their white flesh deeper and deeper against each other, as if they would break into a oneness. Birkin had a great subtle energy, that would press upon the other man with an uncanny force, weigh him like a spell put upon him. Then it would pass, and Gerald would heave free, with white, heaving, dazzling movements.
    ellauri052.html on line 754: So they wrestled swiftly, rapturously, intent and mindless at last, two essential white figures working into a tighter closer oneness of struggle, with a strange, octopus-like knotting and flashing of limbs in the subdued light of the room; a tense white knot of flesh gripped in silence between the walls of old brown books. Now and again came a sharp gasp of breath, or a sound like a sigh, then the rapid thudding of movement on the thickly-carpeted floor, then the strange sound of flesh escaping under flesh. Often, in the white interlaced knot of violent living being that swayed silently, there was no head to be seen, only the swift, tight limbs, the solid white backs, the physical junction of two bodies clinched into oneness. Then would appear the gleaming, ruffled head of Gerald, as the struggle changed, then for a moment the dun-coloured, shadow- like head of the other man would lift up from the conflict, the eyes wide and dreadful and sightless.
    ellauri052.html on line 756: At length Gerald lay back inert on the carpet, his breast rising in great slow panting, whilst Birkin kneeled over him, almost unconscious. Birkin was much more exhausted. He caught little, short breaths, he could scarcely breathe any more. The earth seemed to tilt and sway, and a complete darkness was coming over his mind. He did not know what happened. He slid forward quite unconscious, over Gerald, and Gerald did not notice. Then he was half-conscious again, aware only of the strange tilting and sliding of the world. The world was sliding, everything was sliding off into the darkness. And he was sliding, endlessly, endlessly away.
    ellauri052.html on line 758: He came to consciousness again, hearing an immense knocking outside. What could be happening, what was it, the great hammer-stroke resounding through the house? He did not know. And then it came to him that it was his own heart beating. But that seemed impossible, the noise was outside. No, it was inside himself, it was his own heart. And the beating was painful, so strained, surcharged. He wondered if Gerald heard it. He did not know whether he were standing or lying or falling.
    ellauri052.html on line 772: Then he relaxed again to the terrible plunging of his heart and his blood.
    ellauri052.html on line 780: The normal consciousness however was returning, ebbing back. Birkin could breathe almost naturally again. Gerald´s hand slowly withdrew, Birkin slowly, dazedly rose to his feet and went towards the table. He poured out a whiskey and soda. Gerald also came for a drink.
    ellauri052.html on line 829: `No? There you are, we are not alike. I'll put a dressing-gown on.' Birkin remained alone, looking at the fire. His mind had reverted to Ursula. She seemed to return again into his consciousness. Gerald came down wearing a gown of broad-barred, thick black-and-green silk, brilliant and striking.
    ellauri052.html on line 841: Birkin laughed. He was looking at the handsome figure of the other man, blond and comely in the rich robe, and he was half thinking of the difference between it and himself -- so different; as far, perhaps, apart as man from woman, yet in another direction. But really it was Ursula, it was the woman who was gaining ascendance over Birkin´s being, at this moment. Gerald was becoming limp again, lapsing out of him.
    ellauri052.html on line 971: The rap against Bellow is that he maligned four of his five wives, especially in his fiction. This is true, and Leader is savvy enough not to take Bellow’s word about them. Wife No. 1, Anita, is shown as the underappreciated mainstay she obviously was. As for wife No. 2, Sondra Tschacbasov Bellow (Bellow called her Sasha), the model for the evil Madeleine, Leader has a scoop: an unpublished memoir shared with him after Bellow’s death. By her own account, Sasha was a vulnerable child-woman lacking basic life skills. From childhood and into her teens, she says, she was the victim of incest committed by her father. When Bellow took up with her, he was 37 and she was 21, a Bennington graduate and a secretary at the Partisan Review. His friends treated her with a sniggering sexism unfortunately unremarkable in the 1950s. At a party Bellow took her to, the critic R. W. B. Lewis, her former professor, drunkenly demanded to
    ellauri053.html on line 641: Donald Trumpia perheineen uhkaa Joen bideen huuhtaisu. Kommunismin Troian hevonen vaatii kexejä ja alapesuja. Maga pitää pintansa, lupaa tehdä siitä suuren taas.
    ellauri053.html on line 837: At Jorasanko lived the direct descendants of the Maharshi at No. 6, Dwarkanath Tagore Lane. It was a huge rambling house spread over an acre of ground with wide verandahs and large halls around the outer courtyard and a series of dark and dingy corridors and staircases and rooms, where no sunlight ever penetrated, which gave us the creeps whenever as children we had to pass through them. At No. 5, the handsome residence opposite to ours, lived my three artist cousins Gaganendra, Samarendra and Abanindra.
    ellauri053.html on line 863: Jagadish Chandra Bose had a wonderful fund of interesting stories, some very amusing, of the many lands he had visited and personalities he had met. He could go on telling them for hours and days together, yet one would never get tired of listening to him for he could always make the most trivial facts interesting, and his humour was so refreshing. He could also laugh ; so few people can laugh well and at the proper time and place. I would greatly miss him when he went away and secretly I would take a vow to become a scientist like him when I grew up.
    ellauri053.html on line 979: While I was loitering about the Asrama and reading the letters over and over again the sad news of the death of my sister. Rani was conveyed to me from Calcutta. Father had brought her back there finding that she had much improved in health in Almora — but a relapse ended fatally and she died nine months after the death of my mother.
    ellauri053.html on line 1035:

    “Rabindranath only became a temporary craze, but never a serious literary figure in the Western scene. He was intrinsically an outsider to the contemporary literary tradition of the West, and after a short, misunderstood visit to the heart of the West, he again became an outsider.”
    ellauri053.html on line 1160:

    Gitanjali ei ole kaikkia varten, vain hölmöjä. Sen kaikki toistasataa proosarunoa keskittyvät vain ja ainoastaan ihmisen ja jumaluuden suhteen pohtimiseen. Tagore on kirjoittanut toisto tyylikeinona runsaalle kopsauxelle pohjautuvaa, lähes lapsenomaisen helppotajuista tekstiä, joka jää nykyisin helposti runouden, hengellisen propagandan ja itsehoito-oppaiden rajamaastoon – samoihin hämyisiin nurkkiin kuin new age -henkiset Kahlil Gibran -kokoelmat ja Paulo Coelhon koko tuotanto.

    ellauri053.html on line 1164:

    Eliot quoted, in evidence, four short passages from The Cutting of an Agate, in which Yeats says that the poet must “be content to find his pleasure in all that is for ever passing away that it may come again, in the beauty of woman, in the fragile flowers of spring, in momentary heroic passion, in whatever is most fleeting, most impassioned, as it were, for its own perfection, most eager to return in its glory.” Tää on puhdasta Tandoorikanaa.

    ellauri053.html on line 1179: His complaint against Yeats was that Yeats’s “supernatural world” was “the wrong supernatural world”: It was not a world of spiritual significance, not a world of real Good and Evil, of holiness or sin, but a highly sophisticated lower mythology summoned, like a physician, to supply the fading pulse of poetry with some transient stimulant so that the dying patient may utter his last words.

    ellauri053.html on line 1180:

    Yeats and Eliot were not familiars; they met occasionally and agreeably from as early as 1915—at least once at a meeting of the Omega Club, and again when they lunched at the Savile.
    ellauri053.html on line 1296: Many times rose again, Kuin Shakespearen pelkuri;
    ellauri053.html on line 1365: To get a divorce, Gonne made a series of allegations against her husband with Yeats as her main 'second', though he did not attend court or travel to France. A divorce was not granted, for the only accusation that held up in court was that MacBride had been drunk once during the marriage.
    ellauri053.html on line 1368: Yeats met the American poet Ezra Pound in 1909. Pound had travelled to London at least partly to meet the older man, whom he considered "the only poet worthy of serious study." From that year until 1916, the two men wintered in the Stone Cottage at Ashdown Forest, with Pound nominally acting as Yeats's secretary. The relationship got off to a rocky start when Pound arranged for the publication in the magazine Poetry of some of Yeats's verse with Pound's own unauthorised alterations. These changes reflected Pound's distaste for Victorian prosody.
    ellauri054.html on line 179: Voltairekin peukutti pörssiä. Ja teki rahakkaita turneita. Keinottelu huipentui etelämeren kuplaan. Kupla kurkussa. Sillä tiellä ollaan vieläkin. Suomi nousuun. Make Sysmä great again. Sysmän Sähköpalvelun miehen takkuinen tukka sojottaa likaisen MSGA lippalakin peräaukosta.
    ellauri054.html on line 276: Begin, and cease, and then again begin, Alkavat, ja lakkaavat, ja taas alkavat,
    ellauri054.html on line 339: Before I see her again, but there she is,
    ellauri055.html on line 243: Keltatupeen seuraava parannus on lisätä Amerikan putkiveden painetta koska siltä menee liian kauan aikaa tukanpesuun suihkussa. En tiedä teistä mut mun tukan on oltava täydellinen. Kuulitteko täydellinen. Maga panee tuulemaan. Marco ja Laura myrskyt föönaavat.
    ellauri058.html on line 205: Inkerin romaani ei yllä Pekkasen tunnetuimpien teosten Tehtaan varjossa tai Lapsuuteni (1953) veroiseksi. Se ei myöskään ole ihan sellaista propagandistista tekstiä, jota Pekkanen kirjoitti sodan aikana valtion leivissä.
    ellauri060.html on line 87: Matti Hällin nimi tuli vastaan Maigret puolustautuu kirjan takakannesta. Matti sanoo siinä, että Maigret on dekkareista ehkä sen lemppari. Mutta vain ehkä. Ilmeisesti Matti on izekin kirjoittanut dekkareita. Ja aivan hemmetisti myös muita kirjoja. Vuodesta 1988 lähtien on Ison Paulin ikäinen Matti roikkunut jo nahkurin orrella, kuten sopiikin nahkatyöläisten lapselle. Siltä kuoli äiti pienenä. Åströmin nahkatehdas oli Oulussa. Tehdas oli aikoinaan Pohjois-Euroopan suurin nahkatehdas. Nahkatuotteiden kysyntä hiipui 50-luvulla Lauri Hakulisen huutaessa Pohjois-Haagan parvekkeelta MUOVI! MUOVI! Ois pitänyt vaan kiinni ison turpansa. Nyt on eläinkunta tukehtumassa tähän ihmeaineeseen. Kohta ei riitä elukoita edes kenkänahaxi. Sori riittääpäs, apinan tai lehmännahkoja, lehmiä on jopa enemmän kuin apinoita.
    ellauri060.html on line 511: {And if ever I return again, I will make you my bride,}
    ellauri060.html on line 514: And if ever I return again,
    ellauri060.html on line 515: And if ever I return again,
    ellauri060.html on line 516: And if ever I return again,
    ellauri060.html on line 900: Sepoykapinan aiheutti kiista uuden Enfield-kiväärin patruunoista. Pattern 1853 Enfield-kiväärissä käytettiin paperipatruunoita. Intialaisten sotilaiden keskuudessa liikkuneiden huhujen mukaan uudet patruunat oli voideltu sian- ja naudanrasvalla. (Ehei, se on pelkkää propagandaa.) Sotilaiden oli ladatessaan purtava paperipatruuna auki ja siten kosketettava huulillaan rasvaa, mikä oli loukkaus niin hindu- kuin muslimisotilaidenkin uskonnollisia käyttäytymisääntöjä vastaan. Nauta on hinduille pyhä eläin ja sika on muslimeille saastainen eläin.
    ellauri060.html on line 936: Last month, Sheila McNallen posted that her husband, Steve, had been kicked off of Facebook, “apparently forever.” Steve is the founder of the Ásatrú Folk Assembly, a group headquartered in California that advocates for a return to Germanic Paganism, including an espousal of what they have deemed traditional, Nordic white values. The Asatru Folk Assembly has been classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, and in one YouTube video with more than 30,000 views, McNallen enumerates his theories on race, point by point, including his belief that racial differences are inherent to biology and his desire to defend the white race against “numerous threats to our future.” “I will fight for my race, primarily with words and ideas, but I will fight more literally if I have to,” he vows.
    ellauri061.html on line 223: "Peter Quince at the Clavier" is a poem from Wallace Stevens's first book of poetry, Harmonium. The poem was first published in 1915 in the "little magazine" Others: A Magazine of the New Verse (New York), edited by Alfred Kreymborg. Tää on aika höyryinen runo apokryfisestä Susannasta jota setämiehet kuolaavat. Wallace Stevens (October 2, 1879 – August 2, 1955) was an American modernist poet.
    ellauri061.html on line 345: the gallows may do well to thee. To't again, come. Spede 2 'Kekä rakentaa vahvempaa kuin kivimies, laivanrakentaja, tai kirvesmies?'
    ellauri061.html on line 600: Singeing his pate against the burning zone, joka ulottuu kuumaan kehään saakka, saa Ossan näyttämään
    ellauri061.html on line 664: Ei hizi kyllä tää on Nordic noiria. Arpinaamainen Saga Noren Malmö Landskrimistä on kuzuttava paikalle.
    ellauri061.html on line 727:

    Agnosticismo/Misticismo neopagano

    ellauri061.html on line 799: Following this battle, “God subdued Jabin king of Canaan before the Israelites. And the hand of the Israelites pressed harder and harder against Jabin king of Canaan until they destroyed him” (Judges 4:23–24). Deborah’s prophecy was fulfilled: Barak won, Sisera was killed by a woman, and the Israelites were freed from their enemies.
    ellauri062.html on line 255: As punishment, Fred whips Serena' butt with his belt and forces Offred to watch as he does. Nick goes looking for Luke and finds him in a bar. He tells Luke that June is alright but Luke says that she isn't fine. Nick tells her that June is pregnant. This upsets Luke and he tells Nick to get out but then changes his mind and invites him in again.
    ellauri062.html on line 282: Serena says she will pray for him. He holds her by the neck. Good old times are back again.
    ellauri062.html on line 288: Serena has been sleeping on her couch. Mark brings her some pizza from Toronto as a treat despite it being contraband. He also brings her several magazines and a newspaper. Serena pays Mark in nature for the hospitality. Mark Tuello brings Serena Waterfront some coffee. The End. Fuck you don't realize how blessed you are, American women!
    ellauri062.html on line 782: Entre 1938 y 1941, obtuvo diferentes papeles en filmes alemanes. Mantuvo una muy buena relación con la prensa nacionalsocialista: participó en varios recitales y ceremonias del Tercer Reich y adquirió el estatus y conducta social de una diva. De hecho, se ganó el afecto de Adolf Hitler, quien llegó a enviarle una fotografía personal autografiada. En su momento, fue la musa del ministro de propaganda Joseph Goebbels y otros dignatarios; por ende, su carrera se potenció enormemente y se le abrieron las puertas a la elite alemana ganando un elevado estatus social. Grabó 118 canciones y, por los derechos de autor, sus ganancias en marcos alemanes fueron importantes. Tal fue el éxito obtenido que la personalidad de Serrano adquirió los ribetes de una diva sin sospechar que su éxito era dependiente del régimen. Para Serrano, más que la política importaba el escenario y entregar su talento.
    ellauri062.html on line 1040: Eigenen Aussagen zufolge hat sich Lanz der Kern seiner späteren Weltanschauung bereits 1894 durch folgende Begebenheit erschlossen: Bei der Betrachtung eines Grabsteins, auf dem ein Ritter abgebildet ist, der einen Hundsaffen niederringt, sei ihm schlagartig aufgegangen, dass die Rasse der „Arier“ oder „Herrenmenschen“ einen ständigen Abwehrkampf gegen die Rasse der „Nichtarier“ oder „Affenmenschen“ zu führen habe. Da die arische Rasse durch Vermischung mit „Minderrassigen“ geschwächt sei, seien umfassende „rassenhygienische“ Maßnahmen zu ihrer „Reinzucht“ und „Veredlung“ erforderlich. Diese wiederum bedürften unter anderem einer bedingungslosen Unterordnung der arischen Frau unter den arischen Mann. Nokki vähäosaisempia kuin katuojan pulu. Eikö muka rotukoiran aika muuten kulu? Vitun paviaani.
    ellauri063.html on line 100: However, this version of socialism has to spread and take over the core economies of capitalism so that it can't be strangled in the above manner — as the proletariat of each country rebel against their own ruling-class. Each strike, for example, is a mini-rehearsal for this (whether the strikers appreciate this or not), where workers are forced by circumstances to organise in their own communities, sharing money, clothing, food, shelter, etc. In effect, they have to run a mini-socialist society of their own for a few weeks or months.
    ellauri063.html on line 319: “There is no contradiction between creation and destruction. I never thought music was a healing force of the universe. I didn’t agree with Mr. Albert Ayler. But we wanted to change things; we needed a new start. In Germany, we all grew up with the same thing: ‘Never again.’ But in the government, all the same old Nazis were still there. We were angry. We wanted to do something.” Like jazz.
    ellauri063.html on line 402: Halpojen provokaatioiden sijaan teoksen merkattua asennepakkaa olisi voinut sekoittaa esimerkiksi fiktioimalla lelusalakuljettajan seikkailut valehaavoittumisineen perussuomalaisten masinoimaksi propagandaksi. todellisuudessa moinen vaihtoehtoisten faktojen työntäminen suomalaisiin peräpuikolla olisi ollut aivan metanormaalia.
    ellauri064.html on line 134: Klaus von Grewendorp 2007 (Hikipedia) (synt. 29. elokuu 1963 Helsingfors - Haaga) on valokuvaaja ja filmaaja.
    ellauri064.html on line 221: Keep Calm and Carry On (suom. Pysykää rauhallisina ja jatkakaa) oli Ison-Britannian hallituksen toisen maailmansodan alkuvaiheessa vuonna 1939 tilaama propagandajuliste, josta on 2000-luvulla tullut suosittu käyttökuva erilaisissa tuotteissa. Hollantilaisen neo-Hararin (Rutger Bregman albumissa 204) miälestä tää osoitti et apinat on perimmältään hyviä.
    ellauri064.html on line 277: Ab Februar 1941 gab der VB die bis dahin in Deutschland allgemein benutzte Frakturschrift auf und wurde komplett in der modernen Antiqua gesetzt, die von den Nationalsozialisten als „geschmackvoll und klar“ bezeichnet wurde und der von der Propaganda behaupteten „Weltgeltung des Reiches“ entsprechen sollte (Antiqua-Fraktur-Streit). Die Auflage steigerte sich mit dem Erfolg der nationalsozialistischen Bewegung enorm, 1931 erreichte sie über 120.000, überschritt 1941 die Millionen-Grenze und soll 1944 1,7 Millionen Exemplare betragen haben.
    ellauri064.html on line 333: Just before the 2011 general election Hirvisaari was prosecuted for his blog in the Uusi Suomi newspaper web site under the title "Kikkarapäälle kuonoon" ("Sock the kinkyhead"). The text referenced an attack on a foreign person in Helsinki — Hirvisaari wrote that the crime had not necessarily been a racist one. In November 2010 the district court of Päijät-Häme dropped the charges against him of incitement. After consultation with the deputy general attorney, Jorma Kalske, the state appealed against the verdict. In December the Kouvola court of appeals found Hirvisaari guilty of incitement and fined him.
    ellauri064.html on line 386: During World War II, the Nazi-minded Grönhagen worked for Finland´s propaganda department and served as its military attaché in Berlin. He was arrested in Oslo 1945 and held in custody for two years. After his release Grönhagen was a businessman and emigrated to Greece in 1964. He first lived in Crete and later in Athens serving as the Master of the Christian Order Ordo Sancti Constantini Magni.
    ellauri065.html on line 479: Cangaço (Portuguese pronunciation: [kɐ̃ˈɡasu]) was the banditism phenomenon of Northeast Brazil in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This region of Brazil is known for its aridness and hard way of life, and in a form of "social banditry" against the government, many men and women decided to become nomadic bandits, roaming the hinterlands seeking money, food and revenge.
    ellauri065.html on line 482: "Captain" Virgulino Ferreira da Silva (Brazilian Portuguese: [viʁɡulĩnu feˈʁejɾɐ da ˈsiwvɐ]), better known as Lampião (older spelling: Lampeão, Portuguese pronunciation: [lɐ̃piˈɐ̃w], meaning "lantern" or "oil lamp"), was probably the twentieth century's most successful traditional bandit leader. The banditry endemic to the Brazilian Northeast was called Cangaço. Cangaço had origins in the late 19th century but was particularly prevalent in the 1920s and 1930s. Lampião led a band of up to 100 cangaceiros, who occasionally took over small towns and who fought a number of successful actions against paramilitary police when heavily outnumbered. Lampião's exploits and reputation turned him into a folk hero, the Brazilian equivalent of Jesse James or Pancho Villa.
    ellauri065.html on line 633: Groups that particpate are organized vigilante, cult style right-wing hate groups. Unfortunately, to make matters worse these groups are protected by police officers who are actually members of right wing extremist groups. Of coure not all police officers particpate, but rather than expose one of their own officers who are members or know these groups personally, they will remain silent. The officers who do particpate will go as far as making a victim appear insane or mentally ill to shut them up, and destroy that persons credibility so no one will be able to defend themselves. They do this by using the power of law enforcement, and taking a person against thier will, to a hospital that will give them a psychiatric exam. Corupt psychiatrist also lie, and cover up the crime as well. Now that they are powerless,noone will listen. Further destroying the targeted indviduals reputation.
    ellauri066.html on line 394: OSS:n operaatioihin liittyvää toimintaa olivat mm. vastarintaliikkeiden avustaminen, propaganda, vakoilu, soluttautumistoiminta ja sodan jälkeisen tilanteen suunnittelu.
    ellauri066.html on line 431: Far away against the sky, Vasten taivaan kajoa
    ellauri066.html on line 555: 2.2.3 Massacre of the Narragansett people, 1675
    ellauri066.html on line 648: ... har helt enkelt dött, slutat leva, avlidit, gått bort, gått ur tiden, gått hädan, fallit ifrån, fått hembud, hemkallats, avsomnats, insomnat, slutat sina dagar, samlats till sina fäder, lämnat jordelivet, tagit ner skylten, kilat om hörnet, trillat av pinn, kreperat, kolat, gått i graven, ljutit döden, skiljats hädan, gett upp andan; mistat livet, stupit, bitit i gräset, omkommit, dukt under, gått under, strykt med, förgåtts; upphört, försvunnit, slocknat; avtagit, förklingat, dragit sitt sista andetag, kolat vippen, dragit på sig träfracken, somnat in, vinklat upp tofflorna.
    ellauri066.html on line 894: Yet Tegnell remained unsatisfied. Tegnell also shirked masks. In April, 2020, he wrote a letter to the European Center for Disease Control urging against a mask recommendation, saying, “The argument for and evidence for an effect of face covering to limit the spread from asymptomatic persons is not clear. . . . The arguments against are at least as convincing.”
    ellauri066.html on line 899: “The Swedish government decided early, in January, that the measures we should take against the pandemic should be evidence-based. And when you start looking around at the measures that are being taken now by other countries, you find that very few of them have a shred of evidence.” Tegnell said that he had been in close contact with his counterparts in the United Kingdom, who were planning similarly light restrictions. But cases in the U.K. were increasing rapidly.
    ellauri066.html on line 931: In a recent piece for this magazine, Siddhartha noted that, while some countries were ravaged by the pandemic, others had far lower death rates than expected. The reasons for this, he noted, remain an “epidemiological mystery.” Its a miracle!
    ellauri067.html on line 32: Nu blev det visst lite dålig stämning i Sverige. Kungen medgav at dom har misslyckats, att så mycket folk har helt enkelt dött, slutat leva, avlidit, gått bort, gått ur tiden, gått hädan, fallit ifrån, fått hembud, hemkallats, avsomnats, insomnat, slutat sina dagar, samlats till sina fäder, lämnat jordelivet, tagit ner skylten, kilat om hörnet, trillat av pinn, kreperat, kolat, gått i graven, ljutit döden, skiljats hädan, gett upp andan; mistat livet, stupit, bitit i gräset, omkommit, dukt under, gått under, strykt med, förgåtts; upphört, försvunnit, slocknat; avtagit, förklingat, dragit sitt sista andetag, kolat vippen, dragit på sig träfracken, somnat in, vinklat upp tofflorna. Det är hemskt tråkigt. Men var det politiskt? Vi har inte hört frågan. Vad var frågan? Vad var det och framför allt vem som har misslyckats? Säkert inte regeringen, ännu mindre Mengele. Kungen har nu trampat pä klaveren. Det är väldigt tråkigt, det ruinerar julstämningen.
    ellauri067.html on line 158: von Braun's use of forced labor at Mittelwerk intensified again in 1984 when Arthur Rudolph, one of his top affiliates from the A-4/V2 through the Apollo projects, left the United States and was forced to renounce his citizenship in place of the alternative of being tried for war crimes.
    ellauri067.html on line 184: 1966 "Crying of Lot 49" published; NYT Magazine article on Watts June 12
    ellauri067.html on line 361: Enzian is the name of a foil character in Thomas Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow, contrasted against the main character Slothrop's association with the V-2. Onxtää V-2 niinkuin se kirja V paizi että reikänä on number 2? Enzian on notmii jota valkonaamat panee perseeseen. Mikä ihme siinä on että Tom of New Englandin näköiset piipunrassit niin usein kuumuu persehommista? Tulee vähän mieleen Wilt Whatman mielimutiaisineen.
    ellauri067.html on line 424: Krafft-Ebing considered procreation the purpose of sexual desire and that any form of recreational sex was a perversion of the sex drive. "With opportunity for the natural satisfaction of the sexual instinct, every expression of it that does not correspond with the purpose of nature—i.e., propagation,—must be regarded as perverse."
    ellauri067.html on line 448: Imipolex, in addition to being a pun (imitation pole: Last year an imitation pole that claimed to have a load rating of 300kgs snapped mid-performance. The pole dancer was severely injured and may never walk again because she fractured her pelvis & spine), "obviously" stems from a combination of "imido" with a near-reversal of "explode".
    ellauri067.html on line 454: Schwarzkommando: (p. 359) supposed herero fighters in the service of the nazis. It is propaganda like King Kong or the black science man Neil Degrasse Tyson to make black people seem intelligent. The Schwarzkommando in Gravity´s Rainbow is fictional. Schrödinger´s douchebag is a guy who says offensive things and decides whether he is joking based on the reaction of people around him.
    ellauri067.html on line 500: ...The first piece to provide substantial information about Pynchon´s personal life was a biographical account written by a former Cornell University friend, Jules Siegel, and published in Playboy magazine. In his article, Siegel reveals that Pynchon had a complex about his teeth and underwent extensive and painful reconstructive surgery, was nicknamed "Tom" at Cornell and attended Mass diligently, acted as best man at Siegel's wedding, and that he later also had an affair with Siegel's wife. Siegel recalls Pynchon saying he did attend some of Vladimir Nabokov's lectures at Cornell but that he could hardly make out what Nabokov was saying because of his thick Russian accent. Siegel also records Pynchon's commenting: "Every weirdo in the world is on my wavelength", an observation borne out by the crankiness and zealotry that has attached itself to his name and work in subsequent years.
    ellauri069.html on line 40: Postmodernism is the Swiss Army knife of critical concepts. It’s definitionally overloaded, and it can do almost any job you need done. This is partly because, like many terms that begin with “post,” it is fundamentally ambidextrous. Postmodernism can mean, “We’re all modernists now. Modernism has won.” Or it can mean, “No one can be a modernist anymore. Modernism is over.” People who use “postmodernism” in the first, “mission accomplished,” sense believe that modernism—the art and literature associated with figures like Picasso and Joyce—changed the game completely, and that everyone is still working through the consequences. Modernism is the song that never ends. Being postmodernist just means that we can never be pre-modernist again. People who use it in the second sense, as the epitaph for modernism, think that, somewhere along the line, there was a break with the assumptions, practices, and ambitions of modernist art and literature, and that everyone since then is (or ought to be) on to something very different. Being postmodernist means that we can never be modernist again.
    ellauri069.html on line 95: Barthelme felt that American fiction had abandoned what modernists called “the revolution of the word.” “Fiction after Joyce seems to have devoted itself to propaganda, to novels of social relationships, to short stories constructed mousetrap-like to supply, at the finish, a tiny insight typically having to do with innocence violated, or to works written as vehicles for saying no! in thunder,” he wrote in 1964, in the second issue (there would be only two) of Location.
    ellauri069.html on line 107: Strings of language extend in every direction to bind the world into a rushing, ribald whole. The babble of discursive registers mimics the incoherence of war against guerrillas, a war in which the two sides are always in danger of becoming morally indistinguishable.
    ellauri069.html on line 127: Sidney Joseph "S.J." Perelman (February 1, 1904 – October 17, 1979) was an American humorist and screenwriter. He is best known for his humorous short pieces written over many years for The New Yorker. He also wrote for several other magazines, including Jude, as well as books, scripts, and screenplays. Perelman received an Academy Award for screenwriting in 1956.
    ellauri069.html on line 203: Gerard Swope (December 1, 1872 – November 20, 1957) was a U.S. electronics businessman. He served as the president of General Electric Company between 1922 and 1940, and again from 1942 until 1945. During this time Swope expanded GE's product offerings, reorienting GE toward consumer home appliances, and offering consumer credit services. Swope was born in St. Louis, Missouri, to Ida and Isaac Swope, Jewish immigrants from Germany. He graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1895.
    ellauri069.html on line 290: Hän haluis tutkia miten Laiskiainen tekee tän. Sen sijaan hänelle annetaan mustekala nimeltä Grigori labraeläimexi. Valkoisessa Vizauxessa toimenpide nimeltä Toimenpide Musta Siipi on menossa. Idea on hyödyntää Sakun siirtomaamenneisyyttä kexityllä propagandalla Afrikkalaisista Sachsassa—lentue Aahrikkalaisia roketti-insinöörejä. Tämä on mixi he tutkivat Laiskiaisen rodullisia ahistuxia, ideoixi miten muotoilla propagandansa.
    ellauri069.html on line 461: It may also be a good warm-up for the querent’s reading muscles to start with Pynchon’s earlier novel V, which is excellent in its own right, but not as extravagant as the even more brilliant Gravity’s Rainbow. It is V2, after all.
    ellauri069.html on line 468: If I had to put it in one sentence: using a Mad Magazine/stoner parody of WWII movie musicals to look for precursors of the corporate state and WW III.
    ellauri069.html on line 485: To varying degrees, and woefully oversimplified, most of the novels pit a plucky heroine or poor, priapic, paranoid schnook against some vast, bureaucratic, merciless conspiracy.
    ellauri069.html on line 493: Between 1987 and 2018, I made several runs at the book, but got inextricably bogged down in the prose, often giving up when the book did not yield easy rewards for the reader. I tried hard to let the reading “wash over me” but I always put the book down, never to pick it up again.
    ellauri069.html on line 547: Die Versuchsstelle des Heeres Peenemünde (kurz: Heeresversuchsanstalt (HVA) Peenemünde, als solche HVP abgekürzt) war eine ab 1936 in Peenemünde-Ost errichtete Entwicklungs- und Versuchsstelle des Heeres, einer Teilstreitkraft der Wehrmacht. Unter dem Kommando von Walter Dornberger, seit Juli 1935 Chef der Raketenabteilung im Heereswaffenamt, und dem Technischen Leiter Wernher von Braun wurde in dem militärischen Sperrgebiet im Norden der Insel Usedom hauptsächlich die erste funktionsfähige Großrakete Aggregat 4 (A4, später in der NS-Propaganda „Vergeltungswaffe V2“ genannt) entwickelt und getestet. Mit ihrem ersten erfolgreichen Flug am 3. Oktober 1942 war die ballistische Rakete das erste von Menschen gebaute Objekt, das in den Grenzbereich zum Weltraum eindrang. Allgemein gilt Peenemünde daher als „Wiege der Raumfahrt“.
    ellauri069.html on line 574: And now, The Romance of Helen Trent, the real-life drama of Helen Trent, who, when life mocks her, breaks her hopes, dashes her against the rocks of despair, fights back bravely, successfully, to prove what so many women long to prove, that because a woman is 35 or more, romance in life need not be over, that romance can begin at 35.
    ellauri069.html on line 590: Now, we present once again, Backstage Wife, the story of Mary Noble, a little Iowa girl who married one of America´s most handsome actors, Larry Noble, matinée idol of a million other women — the story of what it means to be the wife of a famous star.
    ellauri070.html on line 126: Miten tässä näin pääsi käymään? No Amerikan alaluokka puri ennen hammasta, uskoi naivistisesti Amerikan uneen: kun koko ajan eletään yli luonnonvarojen ja ryöstellään kaikki muilta uhkaamalla pommilla, niin kyllä meillekin lopulta paistaa aurinko tänne risukasaan. Ainakin jos on onnea. Nyt on varat vähissä, jazo tyhjennetty, köyhät anglosaxit kiukustuvat, niinkuin ne on aina tehneet köyhemmissä maissa. Unelma on muuttumassa painajaisexi. Holy Trump, make America great again, failing that, save our souls.
    ellauri070.html on line 444:
    Kas tässä Spike Jonesin ja Hollywoodin panos sotapropagandaan!

    ellauri071.html on line 69: S. 910. Miehet ovat käsittämättömän voimakkaita. Lantion ja takapuolen hermot kertovat, että hänen naganinsa vedetään kotelostaan, ja hän tuntee ikäänkuin oman kullinsa liukuvan ulos saxalaistytöstä, jota hän ei enää muistakaan.
    ellauri071.html on line 95: Sir Noël Peirce Coward (16 December 1899 – 26 March 1973) was an English playwright, composer, director, actor and singer, known for his wit, flamboyance, and what Time magazine called "a sense of personal style, a combination of cheek and chic, pose and poise".
    ellauri071.html on line 100: He reappeared in Peter Pan the following year, and in 1915 he was again in Where the Rainbow Ends.
    ellauri071.html on line 103: In 1918, Coward was conscripted into the Artists Rifles but was assessed as unfit for active service because of a tubercular tendency, and he was discharged on health grounds after nine months. At the outbreak of the Second World War Coward volunteered for war work, running the British propaganda office in Paris. He also worked with the Secret Service to persuade the American public and government to join the war.
    ellauri071.html on line 105: In 1924, Coward achieved his first great critical and financial success as a playwright with The Vortex. The story is about a nymphomaniac socialite and her cocaine-addicted son (played by Coward). Some saw the drugs as a mask for homosexuality; Kenneth Tynan later described it as "a jeremiad against narcotics with dialogue that sounds today not so much stilted as high-heeled".
    ellauri071.html on line 125: In his Middle East Diary Coward made several statements that offended many Americans. In particular, he commented that he was "less impressed by some of the mournful little Brooklyn boys lying there in tears amid the alien corn with nothing worse than a bullet wound in the leg or a fractured arm". After protests from both The New York Times and The Washington Post, the Foreign Office urged Coward not to visit the United States in January 1945. He did not return to America again during the war.
    ellauri072.html on line 59: Akutagawa Ryūnosuke 35
    ellauri072.html on line 155: Akutagawa syntyi Tokiossa maitomiehen poikana. Hän sai lisänimen Ryūnosuke, ”Lohikäärmeen poika”, koska hänen sanottiin syntyneen lohikäärmeen vuonna 1892, lohikäärmeen kuussa, lohikäärmeen päivänä lohikäärmeen tuntina. Asiasta ei kuitenkaan ole varmuutta, sillä tallessa ei ole syntymätodistusta, josta Akutagawan tarkka syntymäaika ilmenisi. Hän kasvoi enonsa perheessä ja sai siksi äitinsä tyttönimen Akutagawa. Eliskä siis maitomies käväistessään enolassa täytteli muutakin kuin pulloja.
    ellauri072.html on line 156: Suuri osa Akutagawan tuotannosta on vahvasti omaelämäkerrallista. Hän kamppaili horjuvan fyysisen kunnon ja mielenterveyden kanssa. Akutagawa kärsi harhoista ja syömishäiriöistä, yritti pari kertaa itsemurhaa ja onnistui siinä lopulta vuonna 1927, vain 35-vuotiaana. Kuolinsyy oli barbituraattien yliannostus.
    ellauri072.html on line 206: What has gone mainly unnoticed in the various discussions of the problem is something that has puzzled me for some time. Why does Dante treat the homosexual Florentines in Inf. 16 with greater respect than any other infernal figures except those in Limbo? I do not have an answer to that question, but would like to bring it forward. Let me begin with Purg. 26. We have probably not been surprised enough at Dante's insistence that roughly half of those who sinned in lust, repented, and were saved (and are now on their way to that salvation) were homosexual. It would have been easy for him to have left the homosexuals out of Purgatory, and it is hard to imagine an early (or a later) commentator who would have objected to the omission, especially since, in Hell, homosexuality is treated, not as a sin of the flesh, but as one of violence against nature. However, for a unique instance of a commentator who is aware of Dante's unusual gesture see Trifon Gabriele on Inf. 15.46: "Non e' dubbio che 'l Poeta vuol applaudere a questo vitio quanto egli puo'. Puopa hyvinkin. Ecco, gli fa parlare di belle cose e gli fa tutti grand'uomini nelle lettere e nell'arme e nella religione, e finalmente non e' peccato ne l'Inferno o Purgatorio che egli men danni con le parole sue che questo; anzi lo polisce quanto puo' con suoi versi".
    ellauri072.html on line 211: This is the only place in Hell that a group of sinners speaks courteously to Dante in a single voice ("rispuoser tutti" is the indication; again, the only similar moment occurs in Limbo -- 4.98 -- when the four poets give Dante their [unspoken?] greeting as one).
    ellauri072.html on line 216: As we see in Inferno 15-16, in Hell Dante damns sodomites as sinners of violence against nature. Nonetheless, even in his Hell, where Dante does not go so far as to include homosexuals as unrepentant lustful in the second circle, he still desexualizes his treatment of sodomy. What do we learn from all this? Yet the fact that here, as in Purg. 26, he chooses to put homosexuals in a good light when there was no apparent compelling reason for him to do so surely should cause us to ask further questions about Dante's views concerning homosexuality. Varmaan se oli homo izekin, Beatrice or no Beatrice. Sixkai sille riitti vaan ulista siitä Beatricesta. Satis enim dictum erat de tam obscena et tam spurca materia.
    ellauri072.html on line 372: Näst i kön mördarsnigel, fiskmås, havstrut, silltrut, svan, Kanadagås, stadsduva, lodjur, björn, råtta, ekorrar; i synnerhet flygekorre, flugor av alla slag, alla djur i familjen gnagare, alla giftiga djur, alla blodsugande insekter, alla arter av fladdermöss, hornsimpa, kaja, pissmyror och alla närbesläktade arter, trollslända, snok, alla paddor, rådjur, hare, kanin; i synnerhet city-kanin, mårdhund, räv, alla djur som äter trädgårdsväxter, alla djur som förstör skördar, engelskspråkiga hönor, vildsvin, alla arter av spindlar, alla djur som Bryssel vill skydda, alla invandrade djur, maneter, hästmyror, husbock, silverfiskar, loppor, vägglöss, bladlöss, flatlöss, springmask, binnikemask, malar av alla slag samt eukaryota organismer utan fotosyntes i största allmänhet, med undantag för ätliga svampar och den sympatiska igelkotten.
    ellauri072.html on line 570: People who find Wallace’s books lacking in heart often object to his thinkiness. But often a thought is an emotion and an emotion is a thought; thinking, like humor, may be an intellectual defense against emotion, but it is a wonderfully advanced defense.
    ellauri073.html on line 220: Negativity on vastapuolen haukkumista, esim. Push polling: George W. Bush used push polls in his 1994 bid for Texas Governor against incumbent Ann Richards. Callers asked voters "whether they would be more or less likely to vote for Governor Richards if they knew that lesbians dominated on her staff."
    ellauri073.html on line 221: In the 2000 United States Republican Party primaries, George W. Bush´s campaign used push polling against the campaign of Senator John McCain. Voters in South Carolina were asked "Would you be more likely or less likely to vote for John McCain for president if you knew he had fathered an illegitimate black child?"
    ellauri073.html on line 231: Jotkut kuvitteli että Reagan (1981-89) oli oikea johtaja. Mutta ne oli enimmäxeen vanhoja pieruja. Jopa kasarilla useimmat nuoret amerikkalaiset, jotka haistoi markkinapellen mailin päästä, tiesi että Reagan oli oikeasti suuri myyntimies. Ällösanat kuten “palvelus” ja “oikeus” ja “yhteisö" ja “isänmaallisuus” and “velvollisuus” ja “Hallitusvalta takaisin kansalle” tai “Musta tuntuu yhtä pahalta” tai “Säälivää taantumusta" on vaan politiikkateollisuuden hyväxi koettuja myyntikikkoja, just niinkun “puhtaat hampaat raikas suu” ja “liskohengitys" hammastahnateollisuudessa. Me valikoidaan niitä hyllystä kuin hammastahnaa. Äänestetään samalla lailla kuin ostetaan Pepsodenttia. Muttei inspiroiduta. Ne ei ole "aito asia".
    ellauri073.html on line 269: In the sketch itself, Foley attempts to motivate two teens, played by Spade and Applegate, to "get themselves back on the right track" after the family’s cleaning lady finds a bag of marijuana in their home. Foley’s attempt to motivate them falls short when he repeatedly insists that they're "not going to amount to jack squat" and will end up “living in a van down by the river!” Foley attempts to endear himself to Spade's character by telling him they're "gonna be buddies" and that everywhere he goes, Foley will follow. Comparing himself to Spade's shadow, Foley jumps about where he's standing and then dives into the coffee table, though he picks himself up moments later. None of the other cast members knew that Farley was going to do this and their startled reactions are genuine. The sketch ends with Foley offering that the only solution to solve the family's problems is for him to move in with them. Horrified, Applegate begs him not to, vowing never to smoke pot again. Even so, Foley leaves the house to get his things from his van and the family locks him out, finally reconciling and admitting to how much they love each other.
    ellauri073.html on line 273: In the only cold open featuring Foley (April 15, 1995), the character attempts to motivate a pair of Venezuelan teens. Foley attempts to get through to them by motivating them in their native Spanish, saying “¡Yo vivo en van cerca de un rio!” However, the teenagers' father (Michael McKean) informs Matt that he and his children are fluent in English, to which Foley responds "¡Padre, dame un favor, y cállate su grande YAPPER!" The sketch again features Foley mocking his audience, breaking household objects, and somehow succeeding in his motivational goals.
    ellauri073.html on line 451: But I’m not the boss of you. This is America—you can do whatever you want to. For example, you could start with some articles I’ve written for a variety of publications, including The New York Times Magazine and Hazlitt.
    ellauri073.html on line 465: Michael Joyce oli Wallun ihailema sen ikäinen tai vähän vanhempi jenkki tennispelaaja. Ei pidä sekoittaa James Joyceen, joka oli koprofiili irkku kirjailija. Jim Wallace (Wallun isä) pani Taavin lukemaan Platon Faidoa (joojoo, tiedän, yäk). Ja innostui kun poika vaikuttikin valopäiseltä, ei ollut pelkkä jock kuten äiti koitti yllyttää. Ne varmaan kilpailivat Wallu paran sielusta. Siitä saattaa selittyä Wallun "literally indescribable war against himself", involving "toxic, paralyzing, raped by psychic bedouins selfconsciousness".
    ellauri074.html on line 45: Se ei ennakoinut robotteja tekoälyä nettiä somea mobiilia kasvihuoneilmiötä hiilijalanjälkiä Jenkkilän tunarointia Aasiassa Isistä kansainvaelluxia ja häviötä Kiinalle. Ei sähköautoja öljyn ja hiilen loppumista jenkkiroskaväen fasismin nousua eikä Trumppia. Toi sen kujertava viihdepressa on Reaganista matkittu. Sulavat mannerjäätiköt mainitaan muka menneisyyden ilmiöinä s. 404. Kyllä ilmaston lämpeneminen oli jo tiedossa. Ei vaan kiinnostanut Wallua. Sitä kiinnosti vaan viihdemaailma ja televisio. Typerät "moduulit" ja kovat levykkeet.
    ellauri074.html on line 555: Hej! Jag har jobbat hemifrån sedan mars förra året...har haft problem med depression och ångest tidigare och nu är det hemskt. Dagarna ser likadana ut och jag är ensam hemma. Vad kan jag göra för att må bättre?
    ellauri074.html on line 588: Vad göra åt denna förlamande ensamhet, som jag levt i under snart ett år. Slutade mitt jobb i somras efter att ha jobbat hemifrån sen mars. Har följt alla rekommendationer och träffar ingen inomhus. I somras var det ju lite enklare att ses ute. Har familjen på avstånd och saknar dem så mycket. Har setts en gång på ett år. Dagarna går in i varandra och allt är bara grått. Saknar kramar och närhet. För att inte tala om knull.
    ellauri077.html on line 216: Once again, the preponderance of American culture in Germany makes Infinite Jest a book that is readily understood. (And at this point I can’t help but take glee in the inherently Wallacian irony that American capitalism’s blob-like smearing of the globalized world has prepared the way for a scathing critique of this very same capitalism contained, Trojan Horse-style, inside a recondite mega-novel.) Still, things get lost: Blumenbach said that he “annotated the text as far as I could, and the publishers put those sixty pages of annotations on their website for a while.”
    ellauri077.html on line 738: Est-ce là des promesses extravagantes? Nous ne le croyons pas. Ces promesses se réalisent parmi nous parfois rapidement, parfois lentement, mais se matérialisent toujours si nous travaillons dans ce sens.
    ellauri077.html on line 803: the "best people" from the gentlemen´s clubs, and all the frantic fascist captains, united in common hatred of Socialism and bestial horror at the rising tide of the mass revolutionary movement, have turned to acts of provocation, to foul incendiarism, to medieval legends of poisoned wells, to legalize their own destruction of proletarian organizations, and rouse the agitated petty-bourgeoise to chauvinistic fervor on behalf of the fight against the revolutionary way out of the crisis.
    ellauri077.html on line 877: Why is it that people want this kind of shelter against failure. That they fit in. Tight enough, but also big enough, with some leeway and freedom and the feeling of being free at least in some respect, other than the duty. Duty line and nothing-to-declare green line. Snakes can well eat bigger things than their heads.
    ellauri077.html on line 879: Why is it that the Oedipus has a bigger head than is healthy for him? Why seeing him makes me like a vaccinated cell seeing a virus that I am vaccinated against, but still claustrophobic. I must put my fatherly upper jaw on his head, like the male lion does to the mare, and like a snakely Laertes slip my lower jaw under his pimply chin and swallow. The problem is I cannot do it: he is not my own son, but the son of my wife, and that would be murder. So I just keep my upper jaw symbolically and quietly on his crown like a crown. and suffer this corona. My vaccination took a year of pain, and this is just a chimera of that constant pain.
    ellauri078.html on line 149: At the academy she developed a group of close friends within and against whom she defined her self and its written expression. Among these were Abiah Root, Abby Wood, and Emily Fowler. Other girls from Amherst were among her friends—particularly Jane Humphrey, who had lived with the Dickinsons while attending Amherst Academy.
    ellauri079.html on line 109: Jethro is the only surviving member of the family and has had his fair share of ups and downs since being on the show. He never really reached the level of stardom that he wanted and instead went on to be a producer and a director, as he had 6yrs of school and his uncle owned the studio. After a while he had the idea to create a Beverly Hillbillies-themed casino out of a WalMart but failed. The second attempt is still currently suspended. He’s hopeful that he’ll get things going again.
    ellauri079.html on line 145: Amherst is also infamous for recommending, in a letter to a subordinate, the use of smallpox-covered blankets in warfare against the Native Americans along with any "other method that can serve to Extirpate this Execrable Race".
    ellauri080.html on line 552: Autistin tunnistaa luotettavasti jo pienenä adhdstä, känkkäränkkäyxestä ja pakkoliikkeistä. Mut ilmeisesti autismi ei turvaa suikilta, pikemmkin lisää riskiä. Autistit tekee 3x enemmän suikkasia kuin muu väestö. Yllättävää kyllä (tää oli ironiaa Saaga, jos et huomannut) ne suikkasee kun niitä vaivaa ahdistus tai masennus. Muulloin ne tyytyy takomaan päätä seinään ja muuten satuttamaan itseään. Mulla oli tapana purra omaa kättäni. Pikkusormi meni poikki kirjoitusten jälkeen kun löin seinään nyrkillä. En sentään pure kättä joka ruokkii mua. Paizi kuvaannollisesti tietysti.
    ellauri080.html on line 568: High harm avoidance may be a temperament trait specific to bipolar disorder patients. However, it may not be correlated with attempted suicide in such patients. These may have low persistence, high self directedness and low self-transcendence temperament and character traits that protect against attempted suicide. Harm avoidance, self directedness, and cooperativeness may be correlated with current suicidal ideation. Cooperative autist is just trying to avoid further harm to their near and dear.
    ellauri080.html on line 727: In 1930, he was the Time Magazine, Person of the year. His birth name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. “Mahatma” was an epithet meaning ‘great-souled one’ that was added to his name. He was first called ‘Mahatma’ by Rabindranath Tagore in 1915. Gandhi married aged 13 to Masturbai aged 14. Child marriage was common at the time, but Gandhi later came to oppose child marriage. Anyway to Masturbai. They had five children, one dying in infancy.
    ellauri080.html on line 730: As a teenager, he rebelled against the strict orthodox teachings of no alcohol, meat or womanising. After trying out all of them he made a vow to live a virtuous life. Aged 18 he travelled to England to train to be a barrister, and was made to swear a vow, by his orthodox Hindu family, he would not touch wine, women or meat. He was almost able to keep his vow.
    ellauri080.html on line 733: In India, a Muslim friend encouraged Gandhi to eat goat’s meat. As Gandhi was physically weak, he agreed to it. But, that night he had a dream that the goat was crying inside his stomach. He said “I can’t eat meat anymore. I heard the goat's mother bleat from inside me.” He never ate meat again.
    ellauri080.html on line 734: Gandhi later made a vow to not take milk products, but ill-health again forced him to change his mind and he took goats-milk.
    ellauri080.html on line 745: In 1906, Gandhi led the Indian population in South Africa in a series of non-violent protests against new laws forcing Indians to register. It was the birth of satyagraha (“devotion to truth”).
    ellauri080.html on line 751: 1919 was a turning point for Gandhi; the government passed a new law which said those accused of sedition could be imprisoned without trial, also the Amritsar Massacre where 400 protesting Indians were killed. It was in 1919 that Gandhi turned against acquiescence to the British Empire and he began to lead non-violent protests.
    ellauri080.html on line 758: “I do not want to be a pariah, but if I have to be reborn I should be reborn an untouchable so that I must share their sorrows, sufferings, and the affronts levelled against them in order that I may endeavour to free myself and them from their miserable condition.” – Gandhi
    ellauri080.html on line 785: Gandhi believed Indian women who were raped lost their value as human beings. He argued that fathers could be justified in killing daughters who had been sexually assaulted for the sake of family and community honour. He moderated his views towards the end of his life. But the damage was done, and the legacy lingers in every present-day Indian press report of a rape victim who commits suicide out of "shame". Gandhi also waged a war against contraceptives, labelling Indian women who used them as whores.
    ellauri080.html on line 789: Gandhi cemented, for another generation, the attitude that women were simply creatures that could bring either pride or shame to the men who owned them. Again, the legacy lingers. India today, according to the World Economic Forum, finds itself towards the very bottom of the gender equality index. Indian social campaigners battle heroically against such patriarchy. They battle dowry deaths. They battle the honour killings of teenage lovers. They battle Aids. They battle female foeticide and the abandonment of new-born girls.
    ellauri080.html on line 801: During his life, Gandhi studied all the major religions – the Bible, The Qu’ran, The Buddhist scriptures and of course the major Indian classics, such as the Bhagavad Gita. In London he also studied Theosophy.
    ellauri080.html on line 806: Two terms in the Bhagavad Gita resonated with Gandhi samabhava (“equability”) – meeting fate with a sense of detachment. And aparigraha (“nonpossession”) willingness to give up all material objects.
    ellauri082.html on line 64:
    He voted for Reagan.

    ellauri082.html on line 147: After the A.F.R. releases roaches into his giant glass tumbler, Orin cuts a deal with the A.F.R. and gives them the tape in return for letting him live. (He’s apparently still alive on p. 14.) The A.F.R. uses the tape to set off some sort of intracontinental conflagaration (16: “some sort of ultra-mach fighter too high overhead to hear slices the sky from south to north”) which apparently topples the Gentle administration (n114: “[Y.G. is] the very last year of Subsidized Time”).
    ellauri082.html on line 372: Sagan äiti oli väkäleuka noita huulet imettynä hampaattoman suun sisään ja se päästi piippauxia kuin peruuttava rekka: kazo tännepäin kun puhuttelen sinua. Mixei Saga vaan hotassut sitä lättyyn? Mixi? Sen se olis ansainnut. Israeliin Lahdesta muuttanut syvästi uskovainen kristitty Anna Bardawi jonka mies on messiaaninen juutalainen on samanlainen viivasuu kuin Sagan äiti nuorena. Ne elää jeesusturismista kuten se tienravaaja. Ne on saaneet koronarokotuxet muttei anna niitä filistiineille. Meille enste ja ehkä joskus sitte niille jahka jahka. Tää on meidän maa kerta Jehova on luvannut sen meille. Ympäröivät juutalaiset kysyy ketkä me.
    ellauri082.html on line 656: Ehkä nämä kommentit edustavat sitä uskonnosta vapaiden ihmisten aivotoiminnan ylivertaisuutta, kun Japanin pitkäikäisimpien ihmisten aluetta edustavan Naganon (Okinawa menetti johtoasemansa v. 2010) miesten ennuste on 80.88 ja naisten 87.18 vuotta (Japanin terveysministeriön tilaston mukaan), kun vastaavat luvut Loma Lindassa ovat miehille 89 ja naisille 91. (Lähteenä CBS Los Angeles ja Los Angeles Times)
    ellauri082.html on line 678: Okinawan perinteinen dietti on arvioitu terveelliseksi hyvin alhaisen energiamäärän vuoksi. Aikuisen kalorimäärät (silloin kun vielä edustivat Japanin kärkeä) olivat 15% ja lapsilla yli 30% alhaisemmat kuin japanilaisilla keskimäärin. Pieni nälkä siis pidentää ikää. Tähän sopii hyvin se, että kaikkien näiden pitkäikäisyysalueiden ihmisistä valtaosa elää varsin luonnollissa oloissa ja syö kohtuullisesti ja suhteellisen yksinkertaista ruokaa - paitsi Loma Lindan ihmiset, jotka ovat ainoat länsimaisessa vauraudessa elävät tässä joukossa (Okinawahan ei ole rikas alue muuten vauraassa Japanissa, Nagano taas taitaa olla vuoristoinen seutu...).
    ellauri082.html on line 767: Victim signalers were more likely to cheat in this game. The researchers again found that these results held after controlling for ethnicity, gender, income, and other factors.
    ellauri083.html on line 167: The narrative begins again almost thirteen years later. Bjartur is now remarried to a woman who had been a charity case on the parish, Finna. The other new inhabitants are Hallbera, Finna's mother, and the three surviving sons of Bjartur's second marriage: Helgi, Gvendur (Guðmundur) and Nonni (Jón).
    ellauri083.html on line 223: She is one of the main villains of the novel, obsessed with revenge against the Evrémondes. She ruthlessly pursues this goal against Charles Darnay, his wife, Lucie Manette, and their child, for crimes a prior generation of the Evrémonde family had committed.
    ellauri083.html on line 226: Her consuming need for revenge against the Evrémonde family, including the innocent Darnay and his wife, brings about her death by her own weapon at the hands of Miss Pross.
    ellauri083.html on line 228: Defarge's desire for revenge ultimately stems from the rape of her sister at the hands of the aristocratic Evrémonde brothers, and Teresa Mangum therefore suggests that "the logic driving her story is that the secret crime of sexual violence against women fuels the French Revolution".
    ellauri083.html on line 336: For all their profusion, these paled in comparison with Sachs's newest display pieces: The Cabinet, 2014, and The Rockeths, 2017. The former was a folding case fashioned from orange-and-white striped barricades and festooned with hundreds of tools, hung in groups and inscribed with the names of individuals who have "inspired, influenced, or frightened" the artist--from Le Corbusier and Louis Kahn to the members of the Wu-Tang Clan--while the latter was less a cabinet than a kind of portable workbench and shelving unit, similarly jam-packed with the tools of the artist's trade, as well as a collection of model rockets, all again labeled to namecheck various figures of personal importance--scientists, musicians, artists; Apollo, Dionysus, Stringer Bell. The fetishistic frisson the assembled materials (pens, pliers, drill bits, tape measures) clearly provoke in Sachs was made even more explicit in McMasterbation, 2016, one of a trio of scale-model space modules arrayed on plinths. Featuring a copy of the legendarily comprehensive McMaster-Carr hardware catalogue spread open like a porn mag centerfold designed for lonely gearheads--alongside a ready supply of Vaseline and a handy tissue dispenser--it was part cathectic confession of objectophilia and part self-derogating indictment of his own work's tendencies toward sometimes masturbatory excess. Smart and stupid, funny and somehow a bit sad, it was classic Sachs: too much information, in every sense of the phrase.
    ellauri083.html on line 348: Early seasons aired on network prime time while the Vietnam War was still going on; the show was forced to walk the fine line of commenting on that war while at the same time not seeming to protest against it. For this reason, the show's discourse, under the cover of comedy, often questioned, mocked, and grappled with America's role in the Cold War.
    ellauri083.html on line 372: As mother and daughter, Farrow’s and Dylan’s stories were always going to be interconnected. But ever since Dylan’s sexual abuse accusation against Allen, her father and Farrow’s former boyfriend, went public nearly three decades ago, their bond has been tested. (Allen has categorically denied Dylan’s allegation.)
    ellauri083.html on line 374: At age seven Dylan first accused Allen of touching her inappropriately—a bombshell allegation that definitively tore apart the blended Allen-Farrow family, which was already reeling from Farrow’s discovery of nude photographs of her adopted daughter Soon-Yi Previn at Allen’s apartment. Dylan’s accusation has reverberated in the media ever since. Dylan would consistently repeat the allegation over the years—to her mother, to therapists, to experts, and to former Connecticut state prosecutor Frank Maco, who found probable cause for bringing a criminal case against Allen. (Maco said he ultimately declined to do so out of concern for retraumatizing a fragile child.)
    ellauri083.html on line 683: In the book of Kings, Elijah is having a “Battle Royale” with some pagan priests and taunts them by saying, “Call louder, for he is a god; he may be busy doing his business, or may be on a journey. Perhaps he is asleep and must be awakened.” (1 Kings 18:27). Some translations make “doing his business” more explicit by translating it as, “relieving himself.” This is in accord with the original Hebrew and so Elijah is taunting them by saying their god might be busy going to the bathroom!
    ellauri088.html on line 129: 1-2 Jag sa för mig själv: Nu ska du vara glad! Njut av allt och gör dig glada dagar! Men jag upptäckte att det också var meningslöst.Det är dumt att alltid skratta och meningslöst att jämt försöka vara glad!
    ellauri088.html on line 142: 11 Men när jag såg på allt det som jag hade prövat, tyckte jag alltsammans var meningslöst, precis som om jag jagat efter vinden, och ingenstans fann jag något som hade verkligt värde.
    ellauri088.html on line 152: 17 Därför hatar jag livet, eftersom alltsammans är så meningslöst. Ja, allt, allt är tomhet och som att jaga efter vinden.
    ellauri088.html on line 158: 20-23 I min förtvivlan slutade jag därför upp med att söka tillfredsställelse genom hårt arbete. Jag förstod att även om jag använde hela mitt liv till att söka efter vishet och kunskap så måste jag en dag lämna alltsammans till någon som inte lagt två strån i kors för att få det. Utan att behöva prestera något får han allt. Och det är inte bara dåraktigt, utan även orättvist. Vad får alltså en människa för allt sitt hårda arbete? Jo, dagar fyllda av sorg och bekymmer och bittra, sömnlösa nätter. Allt detta är ju i högsta grad löjligt.
    ellauri088.html on line 160: 24-26 Jag kom alltså fram till att det inte fanns något bättre för en människa än att glädja sig åt mat och dryck och arbete, men till slut insåg jag att också den glädjen kommer från Gud. För vem kan äta eller vara glad om han är skild från honom? Gud ger visdom, kunskap och glädje åt dem som gör hans vilja. Men om syndaren lyckas spara ihop något, så tar Gud ifrån honom det och ger det åt dem som lever för honom. Här ser vi alltså ännu ett exempel på hur dåraktigt det är att jaga efter vinden.
    ellauri088.html on line 583: Then we all got mad. We took that tin out on the bank, and Harris went up into a field and got a big sharp stone, and I went back into the boat and brought out the mast, and George held the tin and Harris held the sharp end of his stone against the top of it, and I took the mast and poised it high up in the air, and gathered up all my strength and brought it down.
    ellauri089.html on line 106: His hobby was stonemasonry. Bob ja Ginny kumpikiin veti smögää ketjuna mut bob sai köystistä vanhuxena tiakohtauxia. Heinlein jelppi Reagania tähtien sodassa vielä kalkkiviivoilla, mutta pettyi pahasti. 1987 se kirjoitti:
    ellauri089.html on line 114: From Rocket Ship Galileo (1947) to Have Space Suit—Will Travel (1958), Robert A. Heinlein wrote twelve novels, all published by Scribners, that were aimed at what we now call the juvenile market. In Dr. Johnson’s sense of the word, they are classics in their field, they have stood the test of time. They appeared first in hardback—unusual in a field in which, until the 1950s or 1960s, almost all major works were published in magazines or in paperback; and during the 1950s, hardback copies of these novels could be found in school and public libraries all across the country. These novels later appeared in paperback and have remained available in that form to the present. Heinlein’s juvenile novels have been largely ignored by both science fiction critics and critics of children’s literature; but even a half century after they were written, these novels are still “contemporary” and are still among the best science fiction in the range.
    ellauri089.html on line 202: On the way they unknowingly enjoy the Texas hospitality of Satan himself, but as they near their destination they are separated by the Rapture — Margrethe worships Odin, and pagans do not go to Heaven. Finding that the reward for his faith, eternity as promised in the Book of Revelation, is worthless without her, Alex journeys through timeless space in search of his lost lady, taking him to Hell and beyond.
    ellauri089.html on line 605: § 95. But (c) most of the actions, most universally approved by Common Sense, may perhaps be shewn to be generally better as means than any probable alternative, on the following principles. (1) With regard to some rules it may be shewn that their general observation would be useful in any state of society, where the instincts to preserve and propagate life and to possess property were as strong as they seem always to be; and this utility may be shewn, independently of a right view as to what is good in itself, since the observance is a means to things which are a necessary condition for the attainment of any great goods in considerable quantities. …
    ellauri090.html on line 32: De pé: Rodolfo Amoedo, Artur Azevedo, Inglês de Sousa, Bilac, Veríssimo, Bandeira, Filinto de Almeida, Passos, Magalhães, Bernardelli, Rodrigo Octavio, Peixoto; sentados: João Ribeiro, Machado, Lúcio de Mendonça e Silva Ramos.
    ellauri090.html on line 215: Quando Machado tinha apenas um ano de idade, em 1840, decretava-se a maioridade de D. Pedro II, tema que viria a tratar anos mais tarde em Dom Casmurro. Ao completar 10 anos, Machado tornou-se órfão de mãe. Mudou-se com seu pai para São Cristóvão, na Rua São Luís de Gonzaga nº48 e logo o pai se casou com sua madrasta (äitipuoli) Maria Inês da Silva em 18 de junho de 1854. Ela cuidaria do garoto quando Francisco viesse a morrer um tempo depois.
    ellauri090.html on line 226: Det går ett spöke runt i Europa: folkkapitalismens spöke. Ordet "folkkapitalism" är inte väldigt allmänt, men dyker upp här och där i rapporteringen om sparande, investerinagar och privatekonomi. Ofta framhåller man den så kallade 4-procentsregeln, som säger att man i genomsnitt kan räkna med 4 procents avkastning på sitt kapital. Under järnvägstiden var det 5%. På 1800-talet var det miljoner människor som levde på aktiekapitalets räntor. Nästan de sista var de tyska konstälskande syskonen i London i E.M. Forster's bok Howard's End. 1800-talet var en fin tid för romanförfattare, så många uttråkade välbärgade människor som inget bättre görsmål hade än att bläddra i romaner och diskutera dem. (Touché? Ingalunda!)
    ellauri092.html on line 71: Ike ja sen kanttori Ira kiertelivät Yhdysvalloissa ja Brittein saarilla, kokosivat suuria väkijoukkoja voimakkaasti puhumalla (ja veisaamalla) Jumalan rakkaudesta ja ystävyydestä, hyvyydestä ja anteeksiantavaisuudesta mieluummin kuin pelottelemalla helvetin tulella ja kadotuksella. Hyvä poliisi ilman pahaa poliisia, niinkuin Wilhollakin. Silta/broenissa hyvä poliisi Martin oli paha ja paha poliisi Saga Noren Länskrim Malmö oli hyvä. Ainakin paljon parempi.
    ellauri092.html on line 96: So in June 1873 he arrived again into Liverpool, England, accompanied by his asthmatic wife and song leader Ira Sankey as his other wife. Key men who were leaders and financers who had invited him with the promise of financial help had died since he was last there. There were no meetings, no funds and no committees. What the fuck. It seemed all was lost. Maybe they would just have to return to America? Only one unattractive invitation came from York in the North of England and so there they went. It was hard ground but in the midst of these meetings one unimpressed minister called F.B. Meyer slowly melted and then ignited with holy fervent fire. Our friends fled the scene as fast as they could. Next the Evangelistic foursome moved to Sunderland for several weeks of sole eating meetings where Cod’s power to inflate liver was manifest. In August they brought coals to Newcastle where a daily paper meeting was conducted with some 300 saints in attendance. No other lighting was necessary. News spread throughout the whole land that Creedence Clearvater Revival was coming to churches and salivation to thousands. Other towns were visited in the same manner and left as quickly as the audience caught on that a less inspiring Yankee foursome was doing the song and play.
    ellauri092.html on line 100: In September 1874 they travelled to Belfast in the North of Ireland for five weeks of meetings like those in Scotland. Then onward to Dublin for a month where several thousand pounds sterling were reported converted to dollars. These were some of the most remarkable meetings ever held in Ireland. In November they sailed for England and continued to minister in the main cities and towns. In March 1875 he moved to London to start a 4 mouth campaign. Initially meetings had about 16,000 people in attendance. He bled the rich and poor, the famous and the destitute, princesses as well as paupers. It is estimated that a million and a half people paid him in this chief of cities. After one very brief visit to Cambridge University he returned home to America and did not return again until 1882 when he administered snake oil in Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England.
    ellauri092.html on line 102: In November 1882 when he spoke at Cambridge University he was filled with great anxiety as this educational centre for Britain’s aristocratic and wealthy youth had a reputation of unparalleled riotous behaviour. That first night at a Zoom meeting Moody spoke on ‘the Spirit’s power service.’ The university vicar Handley Moule was somewhat nervous. The young C.T. Studd (the same guy who impressed J.R.Mott with his biceps) greatly doubted ‘if this Yankee was up to the task.’ The first mission night on the Monday had 1,700 students in attendance. As Sankey sang his sacred Hymns they jeered, laughed and shouted. When Sankey finished he was near to tears. As Moody preached on Daniel in the lions den (how appropriate) again they laughed, shouted and did all in their power to disturb him. He maintained his calm. By the end of the week at least 200 students had accepted a check from the speaker. Amongst them was a main ‘ringette player’ who later assumed missionary position in China and was the first lady Bishop of King Kong. Out of this mission came The Cambridge Seven, missionaries who made a lot of dough. This campaign had huge proceeds that also leeched the youth of the whole nation.
    ellauri092.html on line 104: During the summer of 1883 he returned home to count the revenue but was back again; first to Ireland and then London in November. For the next 8 months he held his greatest meetings yet in the capital. Many of his best new labourers were the pervert convicts from 1875. This campaign sealed the future destiny of many young men who would later go to the admission collection field. It was not long after his death in 1899 that his sermons were second only in demand to Pilgrim’s Progress and were printed right across the ad pages of the Boston Globe.
    ellauri092.html on line 427: Crumbling buildings, unique people, right up against the Mississippi River flood plain with a giant wall; this was the weirdest place I’d ever been in America. Precisely every third house was burned to the ground on one street, everyone standing on both sides of another street was a dwarf, a clerk looked like a zombie. Most American cities have odd scenery. Luxora had that and weird people as well!
    ellauri092.html on line 480: Ilmo Kurki-Suonio söi ehtoollisen päälle snagarilla nakkia. Joku jumalinen pahexui: Jäikö nälkä? Ilmo laulahti:
    ellauri093.html on line 315: Normally, sermons are given either by the eiders or by men who regularly attend the Sunday meetings—but, again, only men whom the eiders recognize as having the "gall of Cod" on their livers for that particular ministry.
    ellauri093.html on line 589: Agnostikko astmaatikko sak samma, ei siitä saa saikkua. Agnostikko on wannabe ateisti joka pelkää että sittenkin voi loppupeleissä pilvestä iso nyrkki tunnottoman päähän kumahtaa (YUP). Turhaan jarruttelee agnostikko, ezii verukkeita astmaatikko, who is not for us is against us, varoittelee aidalla istujia Jeesus ja Jehova. Nollasummapeliä ilman tasapeliä ja pattia.
    ellauri094.html on line 215: In the seventh year, in the month of Kislev, the king of Akkad mustered his troops, marched to the Hatti-vatti-land, and encamped against the City of Judah and on the ninth day of the month of Adar he seized the city and captured the king. He appointed there a king of his own choice and taking heavy tribute brought it back to Babylon.
    ellauri094.html on line 356: The skeptic tries to pit Jeremiah 29:10 as affirming the claim “The Babylonian Captivity was seventy years” against Baruch 6:2 as affirming “The Babylonian Captivity was seven generations.”
    ellauri094.html on line 437: 9 Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.
    ellauri095.html on line 57: The words “here/Buckle” which open the sestet mean “here in my heart,” therefore, as well as here in the bird and here in Jesus. Hopkins’s heart-in-hiding, Christ’s prey, sensed Him diving down to seize it for his own. Just as the bird buckled its wings together and thereby buckled its “brute beauty” and “valour”and capacity to “act,” so the speaker responds by buckling together all his considerable talents and renewing his commitment to the imitation of Christ in order to buckle down, buckle to, in serious preparation for the combat, the grappling, the buckling with the enemy. As Paul said, “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil.”
    ellauri095.html on line 167: Hopkins composed two poems about Dolben, "Where art thou friend" and "The Beginning of the End". Robert Bridges, who edited the first edition of Dolben's poems as well as Hopkins's, cautioned that the second poem "must never be printed," though Bridges himself included it in the first edition (1918). Another indication of the nature of his feelings for Dolben is that Hopkins's high Anglican confessor seems to have forbidden him to have any contact with Dolben except by letter. Hopkins never saw Dolben again after the latter's short visit to Oxford during which they met, and any continuation of their relationship was abruptly ended by Dolben's drowning two years later in June 1867. Hopkins's feeling for Dolben seems to have cooled by that time, but he was nonetheless greatly affected by his death. "Ironically, fate may have bestowed more through Dolben's death than it could ever have bestowed through longer life ... for many of Hopkins's best poems – impregnated with an elegiac longing for Dolben, his lost beloved and his muse – were the result." Hopkins's relationship with Dolben is explored in the novel The Hopkins Conundrum.
    ellauri095.html on line 222: In the late 1880s Hopkins met Father Matthew Russell, the Jesuit founder and editor of the Irish Monthly magazine, who presented him to Katharine Tynan and W. B. Yeats.
    ellauri095.html on line 417: Ere ye again, who so in vain have wooed Ennenkö te, jotka niin turhaan olette huijanneet
    ellauri095.html on line 420: Ere ye, ere ye again shall see the light! Ette ihan heti tule näkemään sieltä päivän paistavan!
    ellauri095.html on line 514: Nevertheless, although The Wreck of the Deutschland was a great breakthrough to the vision of God immanent in nature and thus to the sacramentalism that was to be the basis of the great nature poems of the following years, when Hopkins sent the poem to his friend Robert Bridges, Bridges refused to reread it despite Hopkins’s pleas. The poem was also rejected by the Jesuit magazine the Month, primarily because of its new “sprung” rhythm, and many subsequent readers have had difficulty with it as well.
    ellauri095.html on line 518: The motif of the singing bird appears again in Gerard’s “Spring” (1877): “and thrush/Through the echoing timber does so rinse and wring/The ear, it strikes like lightnings to hear him sing.” The father’s attempt to represent what it is like to live in a bird’s environment, moreover, to experience daily the “fields, the open sky, /The rising sun, the moon’s pale majesty; /The leafy bower, where the airy nest is hung” was also one of the inspirations of the son’s lengthy account of a lark’s gliding beneath clouds, its aerial view of the fields below, and its proximity to a rainbow in “Il Mystico” (1862), as well as the son’s attempt to enter into a lark’s existence and express its essence mimically in “The Woodlark” (1876). A related motif, Manley’s feeling for clouds, evident in his poem “Clouds,” encouraged his son’s representation of them in “Hurrahing in Harvest’ (1877) and “That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire”(1888).
    ellauri095.html on line 533: His religious consciousness increased dramatically when he entered Oxford, the city of spires. From April of 1863, when he first arrived with some of his journals, drawings, and early Keatsian poems in hand, until June of 1867 when he graduated, Hopkins felt the charm of Oxford, “steeped in sentiment as she lies,” as Matthew Arnold had said, “spreading her gardens to the moonlight and whispering from her towers the last enchantments of the Middle Ages.” Here he became more fully aware of the religious implications of the medievalism of Ruskin, Dixon, and the Pre-Raphaelites. Inspired also by Christina Rossetti, the Catholic doctrine of the Real Presence of God in the Eucharist, and by the Victorian preoccupation with the fifteenth-century Italian religious reformer Girolamo Savonarola, he soon embraced Ruskin’s definition of “Medievalism” as a “confession of Christ” opposed to both “Classicalism” (“Pagan Faith”) and “Modernism” (the “denial of Christ”).
    ellauri095.html on line 550: Compare Gerard Manley Hopkins’s version of an attempted rescue with the account in the London Times, one of the sources he used for The Wreck of the Deutschland. According to the Times, “One brave sailor, who was safe in the rigging went down to try to save a child or woman who was drowning on deck. He was secured by a rope to the rigging, but a wave dashed him against the bulwark, and when daylight dawned his headless body, detained by the rope, was swinging to and fro with the waves.” Hopkins wrote:
    ellauri096.html on line 303: is true, I know that any evidence against p is evidence against something that is true; I know that such evidence is misleading. But I should disregard evidence that I know is misleading. So, once I know that h is true, I am in a position to disregard any future evidence that seems to tell against p (1973, 148).
    ellauri096.html on line 358: Syntynyt 13. marraskuuta 354 Tagaste, Algeria
    ellauri096.html on line 515: Mitä uudet Galgalim-silmäni näkivätkään tuntuu valitettavan vaisulta väliosalta eeppisen saagan keskellä. Yli-Juonikkaalta ei odotakaan mysteerien selvittämistä, mutta tunnelmaltaankin romaani on vielä selvästi heikompi ja hajanaisempi kuin edelliset osat, mikäli enää mahdollista.
    ellauri096.html on line 775: In the dialogue Protagoras, Socrates attests that akrasia does not exist, claiming "No one goes willingly toward the bad" (358d). If a person examines a situation and decides to act in the way he determines to be best, he will pursue this action, as the best course is also the good course, i.e. man's natural goal. An all-things-considered assessment of the situation will bring full knowledge of a decision's outcome and worth linked to well-developed principles of the good. A person, according to Socrates, never chooses to act poorly or against his better judgment; and, therefore, actions that go against what is best are simply a product of being ignorant of facts or knowledge of what is best or good.
    ellauri096.html on line 824: Pulla käytti yhdessä Mika Waltarin kanssa salanimeä kapteeni Leo Rainio. Hänen tunnetuimpia teoksiaan ovat Ryhmy ja Romppais -kirjat, joita käytettiin jatkosodan aikana propagandatarkoituksiin. Mika ja Armas oli samanlaisia pullanaamoja, kuin Tweedledum ja Tweedledee. Mikallakin oli aika mauton propagandakirja, Rakkaus vainoaikaan.
    ellauri097.html on line 107: Like Nietzsche, he also lambasted religious belief and the very concept of Cod, as Mencken was an unflinching atheist, particularly Christian fundamentalism, Christian Science and creationism, and against the "Booboisie," his word for the ignorant middle classes. In the summer of 1925, he attended the famous Scopes "Monkey Trial" in Dayton, Tennessee, and wrote scathing columns for the Baltimore Sun (widely syndicated) and American Mercury mocking the anti-evolution Fundamentalists (especially William Jennings Bryan). The play Inherit the Wind is a fictionalized version of the trial, and as noted above the cynical reporter E.K. Hornbeck is based on Mencken. In 1926, he deliberately had himself arrested for selling an issue of The American Mercury, which was banned in Boston by the Comstock laws. Mencken heaped scorn not only on the public officials he disliked but also on the state of American elective politics itself.
    ellauri097.html on line 109: In his 1918 introduction to Nietzsche´s The Anti-Christ Mencken wrote "The case against the Jews is long and damning; it would justify ten thousand times as many pogroms as now go on in the world."
    ellauri097.html on line 113: In the summer of 1926, Mencken followed with great interest the Los Angeles grand jury inquiry into the famous Canadian-American evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson. She was accused of faking her reported kidnapping and the case attracted national attention. There was every expectation that Mencken would continue his previous pattern of anti-fundamentalist articles, this time with a searing critique of McPherson. Unexpectedly, he came to her defense by identifying various local religious and civic groups that were using the case as an opportunity to pursue their respective ideological agendas against the embattled Pentecostal minister. He spent several weeks in Hollywood, California, and wrote many scathing and satirical columns on the movie industry and Southern California culture. After all charges had been dropped against McPherson, Mencken revisited the case in 1930 with a sarcastic and observant article. He wrote that since many of that town´s residents had acquired their ideas "of the true, the good and the beautiful" from the movies and newspapers, "Los Angeles will remember the testimony against her long after it forgets the testimony that cleared her."
    ellauri097.html on line 302: In some respects this reflects a national pathology. Unlike an American or British child, an Australian student can go through thirteen years of education without reading much of their country’s literature at all (of the more than twenty writers I studied in high school, only two were Australian). This is symptomatic of the country’s famed “cultural cringe,” a term first coined in the 1940s by the critic A.A. Phillips to describe the ways that Australians tend to be prejudiced against home-grown art and ideas in favor of those imported from the UK and America. Australia’s attitude to the arts has, for much of the last two centuries, been moral. “What these idiots didn’t realize about White was that he was the most powerful spruiker for morality that anybody was going to read in an Australian work,” argued David Marr, White’s biographer, during a talk at the Wheeler Centre in 2013. “And here were these petty little would-be moral tyrants whinging about this man whose greatest message about this country in the end was that we are an unprincipled people.”
    ellauri097.html on line 418: Kant wanted to prove, in a way that would dumbfound the common man, that the common man was right: that was the secret of this soul. He wrote against the scholars in support of popular prejudice, but for the scholars and not for the people. [§193.]
    ellauri097.html on line 424: The Protestant parson is the grandfather of German philosophy. The theologians’ instinct in the German scholars divined what Kant had once again made possible. The conception of a “true world,” the conception of morality as the essence of the world … were once again, thanks to a wily and shrewd skepticism, if not provable, at least no longer refutable. Kant’s success is merely a theologian’s success. [The Antichrist §10.]
    ellauri097.html on line 451: On the principle the challenger is correct in describing the is-ought fallacy. But rather than working against the teleological argument, that principle works against a common argument in favor of homosexuality, which is, if homosexual interests are natural to someone, they are therefore morally acceptable. That is an example of an is-ought fallacy.
    ellauri097.html on line 465: With that as a foundation, let’s look at whether the teleological argument against homosexuality suffers from the is-ought fallacy.
    ellauri097.html on line 467: One way of arguing against homosexuality is to say that males were not intended to have sex with other males, and we can tell that by the way sexual organs appear to be intended to function. Because men were not intended to have sex with other males, and they do so, then they are violating their natural teleology, their natural function. But notice that in the nature of the argument we are making a moral claim implicitly up front. We’re saying, We ought to use things the way they were intended by their Maker to be used, consistent with their teleology. This isn’t that way, therefore it’s wrong. It’s not arguing merely on how bodies are naturally, but how they are intended to function naturally. The teleology is the moral term in the premises.
    ellauri098.html on line 459:
    Adele, Aristoteles, Kemal Atatürk, Wernher von Braun, Napoleon Bonaparte, Warren Buffett, Julius Caesar, Jim Carrey, Sean Connery (taas), Simon Cowell, Elisabet I, Falstaff (Shakespeare), Bill Gates, Al Gore, Hermann Göring, Katherine Hepburn, Hannibal, Steve Jobs, Garri Kasparov, Tywin Lannister, Lex Luther (Superman), Angela Merkel, Tricky Dick Nixon, Leia Organa, Nancy Pelosi, Frank D Roosevelt, Carl Sagan, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Peter Sellers, Quentin Tarantino, Margaret Thatcher, Donald Trump, Voldemort, Sigourney Weaver (Alien)

    ellauri098.html on line 465: Göringtyyppisiä propagandaäijiä, pedofiilejä Keynesejä, kapitalismin kumihanskoja, suspekteja vasureita ja muita ateisteja.

    ellauri098.html on line 480: INFPs who do not find a way to express themselves can end up shy and withdrawn, unable to relate their inner principles to the real world. But for most INFPs, their principles are a source of strength and comfort against whatever the world might throw at them.

    ellauri098.html on line 493:
    Alfred Adler, Yassar Arafat, Elizabeth Bennett, Bono, Cicero, Sean Connery, William Cullen Bryant, kuningas Daavid, Catherine Earnshaw (Hum. harju), Erasmus Rotterdamilainen, Erich Fromm, Goebbels, J.W.v. Goethe, Gorbachev, Havel, paavi Johannes Paavali Kakkoineen, Michael Jordan, M.L. King, Meeta Mellark, Barack Obama, Perikles, Nancy Reagan, Nelson Mandela, Amy March (Little Women), Abraham Maslow, Freddie Mercury, Mitterrand, Oprah Winfrey, Emma Woodhouse (Emma),

    ellauri098.html on line 560:
    Idi Amin, princess Anna (Frozen), Lydia Bennet (Austen), Beyonce (taas), Justin Bieber, Ray Charles, Bill Clinton, Paulo Coelho, Miley Cyrus, Cameron Diaz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Judy Garland, Mel Gibson, Theon Greyjoy, Goldie Hawn, Hugh Heffner, Bob Hope, Lindsay Lohan, P.Markus, Paul McCartney, Michelangelo, Benito Mussolini, Lord Nelson, Jamie Oliver, Dolly Parton, Pietari Suuri, Pippin Took (Tolkien), Elvis Presley, Ronald Reagan, Little Richard, Tony Robbins (motivational speaker), Simba (leijonakuningas), Homer Simpson, Steven Spielberg, Ringo Starr, Serena Williams,

    ellauri098.html on line 568:
    Christina Aguilera, Pamela Anderson, Marie Antoinette, Fred Astaire, David Beckham, Yogi Berra, Bjork, David Bowie, prinsessa Diana, Bob Dylan (taas), Lady Gaga, Paris Hilton, Michael Jackson, Mick Jagger, Erwin "Magic" Johnson, Jimi Hendrix, Audrey Hepburn, Paul McCartney (taas), Marilyn Monroe, Jim Morrison (taas), W.A. Mozart, keisari Nero, Brad Pitt, Prince, Leni Riefenstahl, Rihanna, Keith Richards (taas), Auguste Rodin, Britney Spears, Elizabeth Taylor, Justin Timberlake (taas), Thich Nhat Hanh (vietn. pasifisti), John Travolta, Pharrell Williams

    ellauri099.html on line 46: The Picture of Dorian Gray is a Gothic and philosophical novel by Oscar Wilde, first published complete in the July 1890 issue of Lippincott's Monthly Magazine. Fearing the story was indecent, prior to publication the magazine's editor deleted roughly five hundred words without Wilde's knowledge. Despite that censorship, The Picture of Dorian Gray offended the moral sensibilities of British book reviewers, some of whom said that Oscar Wilde merited prosecution for violating the laws guarding public morality. In response, Wilde aggressively defended his novel and art in correspondence with the British press, although he personally made excisions of some of the most controversial material when revising and lengthening the story for book publication the following year.
    ellauri099.html on line 48: The longer and revised version of The Picture of Dorian Gray published in book form in 1891 featured an aphoristic preface—a defence of the artist's rights and of art for art's sake—based in part on his press defences of the novel the previous year. The content, style, and presentation of the preface made it famous in its own right, as a literary and artistic manifesto. In April 1891, the publishing firm of Ward, Lock and Company, who had distributed the shorter, more inflammatory, magazine version in England the previous year, published the revised version of The Picture of Dorian Gray.
    ellauri099.html on line 63: It is quite true I have worshipped you with far more romance of feeling than a man should ever give to a friend. Somehow I have never loved a woman…. From the moment I met you, your personality had the most extraordinary influence over me…. I adored you madly, extravagantly, absurdly. I was jealous of everyone to whom you spoke. I wanted to have you all to myself. I was only happy when I was with you.
    ellauri099.html on line 94: Oscar WildewompattilimaPyknikerENFP - Herkkusieniagazinemodernista.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/aaoscarwilde290.jpg" height="100px" />
    ellauri099.html on line 163: Platonin ääliö sivuutti Aristoteleen Akatemian deanina ja pani siihen typerän sisarenpoikansa Speusippoxen. Vitun nepotisti. Aristoteleesta tuli lyseon rehtori. No eihän Speusippoxen tunaroinnista tullut lasta eikä paskaakaan. Ensi töixeen se peruutti Platonin ideaopin ja heitti hyvän (agathon) tienoheen sen perään. Myöhemmin se joutui hakemaan ne nolosti takaisin. 8v kuluttua se sai slaagin ja dekaanixi tuli parin äänen enemmistöllä mamu Xenokrates. Xenokrates oli oligarkki ja piti ykköstä ja kakkosta jumalina. Kristinusko pani myöhemmin nokkiin ja päätyi kolmoseen.
    ellauri099.html on line 172: We are less attracted to the idea of the wealthy aristocratic philosopher sequestered in his research facility and making occasional overseas trips to visit foreign tyrants than the image of the poor, shoeless Socrates causing trouble in the marketplace, refusing to be paid and getting killed by the city for his trouble. But our captivation with this image, once again, is overwhelmingly fatass Plato’s clever branding.
    ellauri099.html on line 201: Very little is known about Aristotle’s stay in Macedonia, but it is thought that he was there for quite some time, possibly seven years, and became very friendly with powerful members of Philip’s court. In 336 B.C.E., Philip was assassinated (in a theater, of all places), and Alexander was declared king at the age of 20. Sensing the instability of political transition, the mighty city of Thebes rebelled against the new Macedonian king. In order to set an example, Alexander besieged and then wholly incinerated the city, wiping it from the map. Its citizens were either killed or sold into slavery.
    ellauri099.html on line 215: The Lyceum was clearly the intellectual projection of Macedonian political and military hegemony. In 323 B.C.E., when news of Alexander the Great’s death in Babylon at the age of 32 reached Athens, simmering anti-Macedonian sentiment spilled over, and the popular Athenian leader Demosthenes was recalled. Aristotle left the city for the last time, in fear of his life, after a little more than a decade in charge of the Lyceum. Seeing himself justly or unjustly in the mirror of Socrates and fearing charges of impiety, Aristotle reportedly said, “I will not allow the Athenians to sin twice against philosophy.” Aristotle withdrew to his late mother’s estate at Chalcis on the island of Euboea and died there shortly after of an unspecified illness, at age 63.
    ellauri100.html on line 49: The two lived as roommates for a time in the South of France. An article in Harvard Magazine states that van Gogh's medical biographers agree that his adulthood included periods of hypersexuality, hyposexuality, bisexuality, and homosexuality, and that "his stormy homosexual affair with the painter Paul Gauguin included endless, often argumentative discussions."
    ellauri100.html on line 337: If you will bother to read very much of this blog and its predecessor, you will find that I am pro-peace, pro-prosperity, and pro-liberty — positions that leftists and certain libertarians like to claim as theirs, exclusively. Unlike most leftists and more than a few self-styled libertarians, I have seen enough of this world and its ways to know that peace, prosperity, and liberty are achieved when government carries a big stick abroad and treads softly at home (except when it comes to criminals and traitors). Most leftists and many self-styled libertarians, by contrast, engage in “magical thinking,” according to which peace, prosperity, and liberty can be had simply by invoking the words and attaching them to policies that, time and again, have led to war, slow economic growth, and loss of liberty.
    ellauri100.html on line 360: {14:3} He who speaks the truth in his heart, who has not acted deceitfully with his tongue, and has not done evil to his neighbor, and has not taken up a reproach against his neighbors.

    ellauri100.html on line 364: {14:5} He who has not given his money in usury, nor accepted bribes against the innocent. He who does these things will be undisturbed for eternity.

    ellauri100.html on line 655: Grumpy is good every now and again On ookoo olla grumpy ajoittain
    ellauri100.html on line 977: She never caught again the goblin cry:
    ellauri100.html on line 1203: Tears once again
    ellauri101.html on line 44: Since the publication of The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Campbell's theories have been applied by a wide variety of modern writers and artists. His philosophy has been summarized by his own often repeated phrase: "Follow your bliss." He gained recognition in Hollywood when George Lucas credited Campbell's work as influencing his Star Wars saga.
    ellauri101.html on line 69: Campbell began identifying the patterns of this monomyth. Over and over again, he was amazed to find this structure in the cultures he studied. He saw the same sequence in many religions including the stories of Gautama Buddha, Moses, and Jesus Christ.
    ellauri101.html on line 285: I'm happy again.
    ellauri101.html on line 524: Das Rotwelsch oder das Rotwelsche (genannt auch deutsche Gaunersprache) ist ein Sammelbegriff für sondersprachliche Soziolekte gesellschaftlicher Randgruppen auf der Basis des Deutschen, wie sie seit dem späten Mittelalter besonders bei Bettlern, fahrendem Volk (Vaganten), Vertretern sogenannter unehrlicher Berufe und in kriminellen Subkulturen in Gebrauch kamen und seit dem 17. Jahrhundert mit der Ansiedlung von Gruppen vormals Nichtsesshafter auch regionalsprachlichen Niederschlag fanden. Der 1510 erschienene Liber Vagatorum zählt zu ihren ersten gedruckten Werken.
    ellauri101.html on line 639: Statistical projections from the United Nations in 2019 suggest that, by 2020, the people of Niger would have a median age of 15.2, Mali 16.3, Chad 16.6, Somalia, Uganda, and Angola all 16.7, the Democratic Republic of the Congo 17.0, Burundi 17.3, Mozambique and Zambia both 17.6. (This means that more than half of their populations were born in the first two decades of the twenty-first century.) Benin, Burundi, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Malawi, Nigeria, Tanzania, Zambia, Yemen, and Timor-Leste had a median age of 17 in 2017.
    ellauri102.html on line 213: Mljardööreistä saa aivan erityisen ilkeännäköisen konnagallerian. Petoja ja loisia.
    ellauri102.html on line 221: Ennen brändäystä ja synergiaa puhuttiin kytkykaupasta. Muita sanoja oli kartelli ja munapooli. Synergia syntyi kun roisto Reagan muristi kartelli- ja munapoolilait. Se ihan törkeästi ajoi ja avusti kapitaalin keskittymistä. Sen antitrustitoimiston päällikkö oli kuin rouva Yli-Viikari, teki parhaansa ollaxeen asiakkaiden mielixi. Kasari oli aivan hirveätä aikaa. Senkö takeen Neuvostola hajosi kun sen munapoolit jäi kakkosexi Amerikan vastaaville? No ei vittu kyllä tää 20-luku on yhtä hirveätä aikaa, pelottaa ajatella mitä 30-luku on tuova tullessaan. Toivottavasti ei tarvi olla sitä enää kazomassa.
    ellauri102.html on line 408: Klein opiskeli Toronton yliopistossa, mutta keskeytti opinnot kolmantena vuonna ja aloitti The Globe and Mailin palveluksessa. 23-vuotiaana hän siirtyi This Magazineen ja siitä myöhemmin That Magazineen.
    ellauri102.html on line 418: Before World War II, her paternal grandparents were communists, but they began to turn against the Soviet Union after the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact in 1939. In 1942, her grandfather, an animator at Disney, was fired after the 1941 strike, and had to switch to working in a shipyard instead. By 1956, they had abandoned communism. Vitun takinkääntäjät, juutalaisiin ei ole luottamista, niinkuin se Trotskykin. Klein's father grew up surrounded by silly ideas of social justice and racial equality, but found it "difficult and frightening to be the child of Communists", a so-called red diaper baby.
    ellauri102.html on line 626: Tell me, do you want to see me do the shimmy again?
    ellauri102.html on line 677: For 45 years, Ms. magazine has been uncovering and exposing the forces opposed to women’s equality. Like unequal distribution of wealth. The magazine has been celebrating women’s progress here and around the world, and spreading feminist ideas and activism.
    ellauri105.html on line 96: Vanha Joe-setä puhui naisten mielixi Reaganmaisen ystävällisesti big government linjapuheen joka sai senaatin ja puolet kongressia kääkkäämään. Kaikki ehdotuxet hyviä, mutta kukas ne muka rahoittaa? Ei ainakaan me kermaperseet! No way Jose! Ei tipu ääniä!
    ellauri105.html on line 261: The Hebrew prophets frequently compared the sin of idolatry to the sin of adultery, in a reappearing rhetorical figure.[2]:317 Ezekiel's rhetoric directed against these two allegorical figures depicts them as lusting after Egyptian men in explicitly sexual terms in Ezekiel 23:20–21:[3]:18
    ellauri106.html on line 78: In the American trilogy, the resurrected alter ego Zuckerman discovers the true identities of the protagonists of a sports idol in American Pastoral ( American Idyll, 1997), a radio star in I Married a Communist ( My Man, the Communist, 1998) and a professor emeritus in The Human Stain ( The Human Blemish, 2000) against the backdrop of changing American eras. American Pastoral was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1998 and is considered "a remarkable example of a literary interpretation of the descent of the initially so confident [American] post-war white society into the depths of uncertainty" as a result of the Vietnam War .
    ellauri106.html on line 84: In October 2012, Roth announced to the French culture magazine Les Inrocks that Nemesis was his last book. At the age of 74 he began to reread his favorite authors such as Dostoyevsky, Turgenew, Conrad and Hemingway as well as his own works. He came to the conclusion that he had made the best of his possibilities and did not want to continue working as an author, read or talk about new literature.
    ellauri106.html on line 90: The rudeness is not only a source of stylistic energy, but also a fundamental moral position, an attack on the state of inhumanity disguised as niceness, as Nathan Zuckerman puts it in The Anatomy Lesson. Roth is thus directed against the social forces of obedience, prohibition and oppression, essential components of mature adulthood, which is why Posnock recognizes an “art of immaturity” in which Roth disregards cultural barriers and abandons himself completely to aesthetic pleasure, in the style of a Cervantes 'or Nabokovs .
    ellauri106.html on line 417: Man is a competitive creature and the seeds of conflict are built deep into our genes. We fought each other on the savannah and only survived against great odds by organising ourselves into groups which would have had a common purpose, giving morale and fortitude. Our aggression is a deep instinct which survives in all kinds of manifestations in modern man.
    ellauri106.html on line 421: And this, too, is surely true of religion. In prehistoric times, Homo sapiens was deeply endangered. Early humans were less fleet of foot, with fewer natural weapons and less well-honed senses than all the predators that threatened them. Moreover, they were hampered in their movements by the need to protect their uniquely immature young - juicy meals for any hungry beast. We had less natural protection against repeated changes of climate than other species - yet we survived. Human spirituality would have played an important part.
    ellauri106.html on line 425: As well as the social cohesion that spirituality and early religious beliefs must have brought to threatened groups of humans, they must also have been a valuable mechanism to persuade humans to struggle against the odds. Surely, human spirituality is deeply embedded in our genes. Victor Frankl, in his observations about survival in Auschwitz, argued that in his view, only those inmates who had some spiritual sense, some idea that there was a power above that could see their suffering, found the strength and resolution to survive the terrible dehumanisation and deprivation of the concentration camps.
    ellauri106.html on line 434: Roth’s works have no Talmud, no Jewish philosophy, no mysticism, no religion, and as a self-professed atheist, Roth has consistently opted against reinforcing the tenets of Judaism as an author such as eg Cynthia Ozick does (whodat?). Roth writes out of hatred more often than not, and his work is open to the charge of anti-Semitism.
    ellauri106.html on line 451: In a world governed by disorder, the American Dream of success and happiness through hard work can is likely to remain that: a dream. Immigrants such as those those from whom Roth hails who come to America seeking a betterlife might come to recognize that policies implemented by the American government do notinherently make great sense or work to support their unequivocal movement up the social ladder despite the melting-pot myth and its variations as politicians may propagate them.
    ellauri106.html on line 507: Roth’s plots are masked by a fundamentally conservative denial of ideology. They metaphorize the particular crises of these particular men into transcendent markers of the human condition and, in doing so, once again reinforce the “romance” of "modernization." (Whazat? Lue alempaa. Se tarkottaa talousliberalismia.)
    ellauri106.html on line 531: Confident from its victory over Fascism and emboldened by the subsequent economic boom, America jelled behind what social theorist Jeffrey Alexander has called modernization or romantic liberalism. As has been the case throughout much of Roth’s career, the socio-political touchstone of his American Trilogy is the “patriotic war years” and the consensus culture that blossomed immediately afterward. “Everything was in motion,” Zuckerman says in the opening pages of American Pastoral. “The lid was off. Americans were to start over again, en masse, everyone in it together”. Reagan-propagandaa.
    ellauri106.html on line 535: America’s self-constructed binary opposition to the Soviet Union, whose “Godless totalitarianism” was the only remaining threat to the global propagation of America’s core values of "Godful utilitarianism."
    ellauri106.html on line 556: Before his death from congestive heart failure on Tuesday, he made no secret of his contempt for Donald Trump, was instinctively liberal in most respects, and thought of himself as a Roosevelt Democrat. Yet his political novels have a nagging MAGA aftertaste. Successful, decent, hardworking men, who in the time of our fathers would have been appreciated, are mindlessly destroyed by modern women as the embodiments of a degenerate society. Roth’s desire, ultimately, is the same as Reagan’s: an impossible return to the promised land of modernization. Not by coincidence, the final chapter of The Human Stain is titled, “The Purifying Ritual.” Puhdistuxesta kuumuu kaikki anaalis-obsessiiviset henkilöt Hitleristä Rothiin ja Sofi Oxaseen. Puhamaan! Äiitii mä oon vallmiiis! Tuu PYYHKIMÄÄN!
    ellauri107.html on line 104: An American Dream is a 1965 novel by American author Norman Mailer. It was published by Dial Press. Mailer wrote it in serialized form for Esquire, consciously attempting to resurrect the methodology used by Charles Dickens and other earlier novelists, with Mailer writing each chapter against monthly deadlines. The book is written in a poetic style heavy with metaphor that creates unique and hypnotising narrative and dialogue. The novel's action takes place over 32 hours in the life of its protagonist Stephen Rojack. Rojack is a decorated war-hero, former congressman, talk-show host, and university professor. He is depicted as the metaphorical embodiment of the American Dream.
    ellauri107.html on line 114: Rojack vomits over the balcony at a party and considers suicide. Rojack has sex with Ruta in her room. Later Rojack sees Cherry again. He is drawn to her. She and Rojack flirt and kiss. They have sex, and after emptying the load Rojack realizes he has fallen in love with her. Rojack goes back to Cherry and they make love. Cherry tells her life story viz her finally having a vaginal orgasm with Rojack. Rojack and nigger Shago fight. He returns to Cherry's only to find out from Roberts she has been killed. No more vaginal orgasms from her. Rojack travels to Las Vegas where he wins big at the tables, paying off all his debts. He imagines speaking with Cherry in Heaven before he heads south to Guatemala and the Yucatán. Y asi finaliza esta historia.
    ellauri107.html on line 142: "Getting people right is not what living is all about anyway,” he wrote in American Pastoral. “It’s getting them wrong that is living, getting them wrong and wrong and wrong and then, on careful reconsideration, getting them wrong again.”
    ellauri107.html on line 246: Billy Budd provides an implicit indictment of the culture, whether military or civil, that encourages the kind of closet where a Claggart so readily succumbs to his “depravity according to nature.” Captain Vere likewise shows a closed, perhaps also “closeted” mind as ready prey for the phenomenon of evil. In Vere’s presence, as Billy is struck dumb by Claggart’s accusation, Claggart is struck dead by a single blow from Billy’s fist, the only response he can muster to defend himself. Although Vere cherishes Billy as “an angel of God” and knows him to be innocent of Claggart’s charges, he resists any bending of rules to protect him against the harshest of consequences for his act of insubordination. Ruthlessly silencing the dictates of his heart, “sometimes the feminine in man,” Vere effects what Claggart’s malice alone could not -- Billy’s total destruction.
    ellauri107.html on line 248: Although British naval mutineers as well as criminals ashore are explicitly shown in Billy Budd’s early chapters to have received forms of amnesty that ultimately contributed to the saving of the nation, Vere offers no such amnesty to Billy Budd. Claggart himself is rumored to have entered the service as an alternative to imprisonment, the navy’s need for manpower leading to frequent waivers of usual punishments; but Billy Budd receives no alternatives, no waivers. At Nelson’s triumphant Trafalgar, the thwarting of Napoleon’s invasion plans meant a “plenary absolution” for all the former offenders who had contributed to the victory. Billy, however, a “peacemaker,” neither a mutineer nor a criminal, makes a single misstep in retaliation against a known liar who seeks to manipulate the system to destroy him, and how is Billy to be absolved? Vere’s “vehemently exclaimed” answer: “the angel must hang!”
    ellauri107.html on line 260: Speculation about Cohn's sexuality intensified following his death from AIDS in 1986. In a 2008 article published in The New Yorker, Jeffrey Toobin quotes Roger Stone: "Roy was not gay. He was a man who liked having sex with men. Gays were weak, effeminate. He always seemed to have these young blond boys around. It just wasn't discussed. He was interested in power and access." Stone worked with Cohn beginning with the Reagan campaign during the 1976 Republican Party presidential primaries.
    ellauri107.html on line 351: Vaughn Monroe on ikävän näköinen hörökorvainen paleface joka vetää kyllä hyvin bassona Ghostriders in The sky. Pres. Reagan esittelee Vaughnin ex trumpetistina. Pili työnteli sen tahdissa 40-luvun tyttöjä housuerektio edellä pitkin talkitettua tanssilattiaa. Se oli kesä jolloin kaikkien ajatuxet täytti presidentin penis. Phillu Roth on penisten presidentti. Riittää. Tämä on aivan kuvottavaa.
    ellauri107.html on line 396: And yet he is no Pilate (what?) or Iago (a nigger hater), merely a sad old jew with a hard-on (now there's fiction for you), raping against the dying of the light.
    ellauri107.html on line 425: Babbitt-baiting became an irritant to American businessmen, Rotarians, and the like, who began defending the Babbitts of the U.S. by way of radio and magazine journalism. They emphasized the virtues of community organizations and the positive contributions that industrial cities have made to American society.
    ellauri107.html on line 473: But Babbitt was virtuous. He advocated, though he did not practise, the prohibition of alcohol; he praised, though he did not obey, the laws against motor-speeding; he paid his debts; he contributed to the church, the Red Cross, and the Y. M. C. A.; he followed the custom of his clan and cheated only as it was sanctified by precedent; and he never descended to trickery—though, as he explained to Paul Riesling:
    ellauri107.html on line 556: Aunt Maud and Kate return to London while Densher remains with Milly. Unfortunately, the dying girl learns from a former suitor of Kate's about the plot to get her money. She withdraws from Densher and her condition deteriorates. Densher sees her one last time before he leaves for London, where he eventually receives news of Milly's death. Milly does leave him a large amount of money despite everything. But Densher does not accept the money, and he will not marry Kate unless she also refuses the bequest. Conversely, if Kate chooses the money instead of him, Densher offers to make the bequest over to her in full. The lovers part on the novel's final page with a cryptic exclamation from Kate: "We shall never be again as we were!"
    ellauri108.html on line 112: There is no uniform Rasta view on race. Black supremacy was a theme early in the movement, with the belief in the existence of a distinctly black African race that is superior to other racial groups. While some still hold this belief, non-black Rastas are now widely accepted in the movement. Rastafari's history has opened the religion to accusations of racism. Cashmore noted that there was an "implicit potential" for racism in Rasta beliefs but he also noted that racism was not "intrinsic" to the religion. Some Rastas have acknowledged that there is racism in the movement, primarily against Europeans and Asians. Some Rasta sects reject the notion that a white European can ever be a legitimate Rasta. Other Rasta sects believe that an "African" identity is not inherently linked to black skin but rather is about whether an individual displays an African "attitude" or "spirit".
    ellauri108.html on line 166: The bass-line of Rasta music is provided by the akete, a three-drum set, which is accompanied by percussion instruments like rattles and tambourines. A syncopated rhythm is then provided by the fundeh drum. In addition, a peta drum improvises over the rhythm. The different components of the music are regarded as displaying different symbolism; the bassline symbolises blows against Babylon, while the lighter beats denote hope for the future.
    ellauri108.html on line 168: As Rastafari developed, popular music became its chief communicative medium. During the 1960s, ska was a popular musical style in Jamaica, and although its protests against social and political conditions were mild, it gave early expression to Rasta socio-political ideology. Particularly prominent in the connection between Rastafari and ska were the musicians Count Ossie and Don Drummond. Ossie was a drummer who believed that black people needed to develop their own style of music; he was heavily influenced by Burru, an Afro-Jamaican drumming style. Ossie subsequently popularised this new Rastafari ritual music by playing at various groundings and groundations around Jamaica, with songs like "Another Moses" and "Babylon Gone" reflecting Rasta influence. Rasta themes also appeared in Drummond's work, with songs such as "Reincarnation" and "Tribute to Marcus Garvey".
    ellauri108.html on line 216: In the 1940s and 1950s, a more militant brand of Rastafari emerged. The vanguard of this was the House of Youth Black Faith, a group whose members were largely based in West Kingston. Backlash against the Rastas grew after a practitioner of the religion allegedly killed a woman in 1957. In March 1958, the first Rastafarian Universal Convention was held in the settlement of Back-o-Wall, Kingston. Following the event, militant Rastas unsuccessfully tried to capture the city in the name of Haile Selassie. Later that year they tried again in Spanish Town. The increasing militancy of some Rastas resulted in growing alarm about the religion in Jamaica. According to Cashmore, the Rastas became "folk devils" in Jamaican society. In 1959, the self-declared prophet and founder of the African Reform Church, Claudius Henry, sold thousands of tickets to Afro-Jamaicans, including many Rastas, for passage on a ship that he claimed would take them to Africa. The ship never arrived and Henry was charged with fraud. In 1960 he was sentenced to six years imprisonment for conspiring to overthrow the government. Henry's son was accused of being part of a paramilitary cell and executed, confirming public fears about Rasta violence. One of the most prominent clashes between Rastas and law enforcement was the Coral Gardens incident of 1963, in which an initial skirmish between police and Rastas resulted in several deaths and led to a larger roundup of practitioners. Clamping down on the Rasta movement, in 1964 the island's government implemented tougher laws surrounding cannabis use.
    ellauri108.html on line 258: Some Rastas have left the religion. Clarke noted that among British Rastas, some returned to Pentecostalism and other forms of Christianity, while others embraced Islam or no religion. Some English ex-Rastas described disillusionment when the societal transformation promised by Rastafari failed to appear, while others felt that while Rastafari would be appropriate for agrarian communities in Africa and the Caribbean, it was not suited to industrialised British society. Others experienced disillusionment after developing the view that Haile Selassie had been an oppressive leader of the Ethiopian people. Cashmore found that some British Rastas who had more militant views left the religion after finding its focus on reasoning and music insufficient for the struggle against white domination and racism.
    ellauri108.html on line 375: In school, when we were taught of the slave trade, we did mot hear of the glory of the kings and the Kebra Nagast. We heard about "his story." We did not hear of African glory black my story, the truth as revealed in the Kebra Nagast We came to realize that even the Bible is just a version of
    ellauri108.html on line 379: Solomons hubris, his tragic flaw, is the meat and bone of the Ethiopian bible, the Kebra Nagast, which, translated, is the glory of the kings. In this work, unlike the King James' bible, we see King Solomon struggling with his own mortality. Bayna-Lehkem, or David, as he is called by Solomon because of likeness to the boy's grandfather, King David, is a man of virtue who will extend his glory to Ethiopia. So, Solomon's weakness for women, which brings about his dissolution, gives him the thing he is truly seeking: a son to walk his own footsteps, like Shakespeare's Hamnet, a son wiser, by dint of his virtue, than himself. A son wiser than himself, that sounds rather like a stone too big to both create and throw. Solomon is disinherited by the lord when he marries the daughter of the Pharaoh and worships her golden insect idols. A hairy spider on its back. For this he is punished severely. We discern his absolute nihilism. His ultimate disillusionment. Knowledge is nothing but sorrow. He that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow. In the bitter nutmeat of the Ecclesiastes. Who was the mother? Of course, Queen Sheba. She was, by all reports, black.
    ellauri108.html on line 453: Because of what they regard as the corruption of the Bible, Rastas also turn to other sources that they believe shed light on black African history. Common texts used for this purpose include Leonard Howell's 1935 work The Promised Key, Robert Athlyi Rogers' 1924 book Holy Piby, and Fitz Balintine Pettersburg's 1920s work, the Royal Parchment Scroll of Black Supremacy. Many Rastas also treat the Kebra Nagast, a 14th-century Ethiopian text, as a source through which to interpret the Bible.
    ellauri109.html on line 270: In 2000 Searle received the Jean Nicod Prize; in 2004, the National Humanities Medal; and in 2006, the Mind & Brain Prize. He was elected to the American Philosophical Society in 2010. Searle's early work on speech acts, influenced by J. L. Austin and Ludwig Wittgenstein, helped establish his reputation. His notable concepts include the "Chinese room" argument against "strong" artificial intelligence.
    ellauri109.html on line 274: Shortly after the September 11 attacks, Searle wrote an article arguing that the attacks were a particular event in a long-term struggle against forces that are intractably opposed to the United States, and signaled support for a more aggressive neoconservative interventionist foreign policy. He called for the realization that the United States is in a more-or-less permanent state of war with these forces. Moreover, a probable course of action would be to deny terrorists the use of foreign territory from which to stage their attacks. Finally, he alluded to the long-term nature of the conflict and blamed the attacks on the lack of American resolve to deal forcefully with America's enemies over the past several decades.
    ellauri109.html on line 276: In March 2017, Searle became the subject of sexual assault allegations. The Los Angeles Times reported: "A new lawsuit alleges that university officials failed to properly respond to complaints that John Searle, an 84-year-old renowned philosophy professor, sexually assaulted his 24-year-old research associate last July and cut her pay when she rejected his advances." The case brought to light several earlier complaints against Searle, on which Berkeley allegedly had failed to act.
    ellauri109.html on line 280: On June 19, 2019, following campus disciplinary proceedings by Berkeley's Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD), University of California President Janet Napolitano approved a recommendation that Searle have his emeritus status revoked, after a determination that he violated university policies against sexual harassment.
    ellauri109.html on line 323: Kleist opposed Napoleon. He was a sort of Fundamental German militating against Bonaparte's European Union and first and foremost, the recovery fund.
    ellauri109.html on line 325: As Kohlhaas is led to execution, he sees in the crowd the disguised Elector of Saxony. Through his lawyer, he is informed that his suit against the Junker has been successful, and is presented with compensation for the injuries of his hired man and shown the horses, now well-fed and healthy. Pleased that justice has been served, he submits willingly to the execution.
    ellauri109.html on line 666: On 1 December 1663 Dryden married the royalist sister of Sir Robert Howard—Lady Elizabeth. Dryden's works occasionally contain outbursts against the married state but also celebrations of the same. Little is known of the intimate side of his marriage. Lady Elizabeth bore three sons and outlived her husband. Se sai sitten luritella tota abit onusta, kun anus-Jussi kuoli ensinnä.
    ellauri109.html on line 695: The third part argues that the Tories and the Anglican and Catholic Churches should form a united front against the Nonconformist churches and the Whigs. Taantumuxellinen paska siis. Vrt. T.S. Eliot.
    ellauri109.html on line 706: Dryden potkittiin pois Royal Societystä kun sillä oli jäsenmaxut rästissä. Shadwell vei siltä poeta laureatuxen paikan kun Dryden ei pokkuroinut protestanttisia Wilhoa ja Mariaa. Oliko viirikukko ruostunut? Dryden's main goal in the satiric verse: the mock-heroic Mac Flecknoe, was to "satirize Shadwell, ostensibly for his offenses against literature but more immediately we may suppose for his habitual badgering of him on the stage and in print." Thomas Shadwell succeeded him as Poet Laureate, and he was forced to give up his public offices and live by the proceeds of his pig pen.
    ellauri109.html on line 732: I to my longing friends return again.
    ellauri110.html on line 117: The author (Kulliverbi) sets out as captain of a ship. His men conspire against him, confine him a long time to his cabin, and set him on shore in an unknown land. He travels up into the country. The Yahoos, a strange sort of animal, described. The author meets two Houyhnhnms.
    ellauri110.html on line 956: "He has a movie poster face with a full mane of white hair and a Rasputin like goatee, like a more handsome Uncle Ben. Since his return shortly after the revolutionary victory he has been in and out of favor, then in again. Fernández has settled comfortably into a position of responsibility and respect. He is one of the OWs, the Official Writers."
    ellauri111.html on line 48: Dima Vorobiev, ex-venäläinen propagandapäällikkö:

    ellauri111.html on line 126: The Apocrypha contains fabulous statements which not only contradict the "canonical" scriptures but themselves. For example, in the two Books of Maccabees, Antiochus Epiphanes is made to die three different deaths in three different places. Failed born again Christians can expect a maximum of 2.
    ellauri111.html on line 142: Tobit 6:5-8, If the Devil, or an evil spirit troubles anyone, they can be driven away by making a smoke of the heart, liver, and gall of a fish...and the Devil will smell it, and flee away, and never come again anymore.
    ellauri111.html on line 182: Concerning the Dead Sea Scrolls, there may be some information in them that parallels the Masoretic Text, but there are fables in them, too. I went to see the scrolls a few years ago with great expectation but found a bunch of fables. The best defense against error in any form (unauthorized Bibles and religions) is a solid knowledge of the AUTHORIZED (King James) Version of 1611 of the Bible. If you read it, forgeries become readily apparent.
    ellauri111.html on line 192: Geronimo (Mescalero-Chiricahua: Goyaałé Athabaskan pronunciation: [kòjàːɬɛ́] "the one who yawns, June 16, 1829 – February 17, 1909) was a prominent leader and medicine man from the Bedonkohe band of the Apache tribe. From 1850 to 1886, Geronimo joined with members of three other Chiricahua Apache bands—the Tchihende, the Tsokanende and the Nednhi—to carry out numerous raids, as well as fight against Mexican and U.S. military campaigns in the northern Mexico states of Chihuahua and Sonora and in the southwestern American territories of New Mexico and Arizona. Geronimo's raids and related combat actions were a part of the prolonged period of the Apache–United States conflict, which started with American settlement in Apache lands following the end of the war with Mexico in 1848.
    ellauri111.html on line 196: During Geronimo's final period of conflict from 1876 to 1886, he surrendered three times and accepted life on the Apache reservations in Arizona. When Geronimo surrendered to General Nelson Miles for the last time in 1886, he said "This is the fourth time I have surrendered". Reservation life was confining to the free-moving Apache people, and they resented restrictions on their customary way of life. These restrictions included directives against wife beating and mutilation of women for adultery, and directives against the manufacture of Tiswin, an alcoholic drink fermented from corn.
    ellauri111.html on line 255: As I’d had to admit, I hadn’t read The Diary of a Writer (actually a kind of journal that Dostoevsky published monthly and that consisted entirely of his own thoughts about issues of the day), but I did know that he had been involved in several criminal cases, some of which were about the kind of cruelty to children that Ivan Karamazov cited as evidence against the existence of God. I couldn’t remember any details, though. I felt rather like a student who hasn’t done his homework hoping that he’s not the one going to be asked the next question. Only there wasn’t anyone else to ask. In the event, Fyodor Mikhailovich let me off fairly gently.
    ellauri111.html on line 261: “I suppose you know that jury trials were still quite an innovation in my time in Russia, so it’s no surprise that they produced some odd results. A clever lawyer could easily persuade a jury one way or another. Even when all the facts pointed to the guilt of the accused, even when it was admitted that, indeed, such-and-such a woman had attacked her lover’s wife with a razor with the intention of killing her, such-and-such a father had so violently beaten his seven-year old daughter with birch rods that even the neighbours were terrified by her screams, or such-and-such parents had treated their children like animals, keeping them in filthy conditions, and beating them with leather straps, again and again—each time our poor soft-hearted jurors concluded ‘Not guilty!’ Can you imagine? Of course, there is always an explanation, there are always attenuating circumstances, there can even be provocations, and the letter of the law may tell us this is not torture but simply punishment, the kind of punishment that, in those days, all good middle-class parents thought it right to mete out so as to give their children a sense of duty. The facts. The facts are the facts, but the truth once uttered is a lie, and even the facts can be put together in such a way as to turn even torture into well-meaning parental discipline.”
    ellauri111.html on line 273: By this time he was shaking his right index finger, not unlike a judge scolding the prisoner in the dock. Slowly, he lowered his hand, till it came to rest again on the chair.
    ellauri111.html on line 339: The same thing applies to us as sinners, in principle. We have sinned against God's law and we are criminals--lying, stealing, killing, committing whoredom, taking candy from kids, etc. We have sinned and payment must be made for our crimes. God's penal code for any of these transgressions is rather steep - whatever it is, go to hell and the lake of fire forever, i.e. an eternity of burning in a grill. But don't worry, this need not happen, for:
    ellauri111.html on line 381: To get into heaven, you have to REPENT of your sins and BELIEVE the gospel of Jesus Christ (ref. Mark 1:15). You have to REPENT of your sins--that means turn from them and BELIEVE that Jesus died for your sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day. Having done these things, you will be born again and the Lord Jesus Christ will help you to walk uprightly. You will read the word (the Authorized King James Bible) and follow the teachings of Jesus. The word of God will wash your mind and your desires will actually change as you obey what you read. [Beware of church buildings and the internet--there are many false gospels in the world today. Read the Bible for yourself. There is a sound Overview of the Bible at this link.]
    ellauri111.html on line 385: Ah but you're supposed to feel GUILTY, because if you do you may not feel so cool to do the same thing again. That's the main point in corrective justice. Unlike retributive justice, which is really meant to knock you back. And another thing: if you feel bad about yourself, you will think of us all the better, which is nice.
    ellauri111.html on line 437: (Phew. A glass of water please. Thank you dear.) God is holy. We are sinful. By his very nature, God cannot have fellowship with us sinners. There is no amount of "good" that we can do to make up for our crimes against God. They must be punished. And the wages of sin is DEATH. Somebody has to DIE to pay for sins against God. Oh, you'll die physically--sin requires that. But you've got a choice about that SECOND DEATH where a man goes to the lake of fire that burneth with fire and brimstone....
    ellauri111.html on line 488: The Lord Jesus Christ came to save you from both the GUILT and POWER of sin. The Lord Jesus Christ was manifested TO DESTROY the works of the devil (I John 3:8)--THE LORD JESUS CHRIST CAME TO SAVE YOU AND CHANGE YOU AND TO MAKE YOU HOLY. When you are unsaved, sin has dominion over you. Sin is your boss and you cannot do anything BUT sin. You are justly under the wrath of a holy and just God. Murderers, thieves, fornicators, witches, sodomites, whores, liars, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, rebels, and all other spiritual lepers will not inherit the kingdom of God. This is not to put anybody down, before we got saved, we Christians were once the murders, thieves, whoremongers, etc. We have to be born again into the kingdom of God. When we REPENT and BELIEVE in Jesus, we are born again and all things become new. A new life emerges and things change. We start reading the Bible and obeying it and the Lord Jesus helps us obey it more and more. Our life changes. Our desires literally change as we go forward in obeying the word of God.
    ellauri111.html on line 535:

    What the fuck. I can number the points again if it helps.
    ellauri111.html on line 542: Oh I see, I used up that wage agreement earlier. Never mind. Bet you didn't listen then, or aren't even reading this anymore. This too is getting a little TLDR by now. More effective as a voicemail, I bet. Okay, once again boys:
    ellauri111.html on line 548: Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again... (John 10:17-18)
    ellauri111.html on line 550: ...Christ died for our sins...and he was buried, and...he rose again the third day... (I Corinthians 15:3-4)
    ellauri111.html on line 564: Realize that you have lived under your own authority. You've lived the way that YOU have wanted to. You have lived without regard for God's precepts. Understand in your mind that you've lived in sin against God's word. Think it through and count the cost. Jesus made no promises that you will have an easy life. In fact, the Bible teaches that all that will live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. Are you willing to live as one of the despised, saved, holy, overcoming, victorious ones? If so, come on to Jesus. He is waiting backstage already.
    ellauri111.html on line 594: "Hi Lord, how are you doing? Any catches from the pool of sinners today? Well here's one, if your daily quota is short. I know that I am a sinner but I want to be saved before the gong. I repent of my sins, every one, even the one... OK I get it, you know. I don't WANT to do evil anymore, it just happens. I want to become self-righteous through the blood of Jesus. I'm asking you to please forgive some of my sins against you. I want a new lease of life in the Lord Jesus Christ. I want to be everything that You created me to be, and more. I think Jesus shed His blood and died for me so that I could be saved from my sins. I guess He rose from the dead on the third day. I so want to be your child and follow behind the holy scriptures like a dog. Okay? In that case, thank you for being merciful to me, a sinner. Thank you Lord Jesus for saving my soul from sin. Please fill me with your precious, Holy Spirit so that I can live a self-righteous, fun-denying life for you. I'm giving you myself, for what it's worth. Please show me what you want me to do. Give me a sign! Any sign! Please help me to understand your word and to walk in your leash. Please don't mumble! Please guide me to Jesus!. It is in Jesus' Name I pray, Amen."
    ellauri111.html on line 626: After praying and making a confession of faith, end your prayer in Jesus' name and then read some suitable scriptures such as 1 Peter 3:21 and Matthew 28:18-20 aloud (Matthew 28:18-20 says to baptize in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost), and then say something like, "Father, I am baptizing myself in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, in want of a holier man" and then go COMPLETELY under the water (keep your nose shut with your fingers, symbolizing death and burial with the Lord Jesus Christ) and come up again after counting to ten (symbolizing my rising to my new life in Christ Jesus)
    ellauri111.html on line 648: Down here we work for the Master, the Lord Jesus, and sow the seed (us men do, if you get what I mean), sharing his word. Those that hear and receive the word on good ground will be saved (people do not always get saved at the moment they first hear the truth--in time, however they may repent and believe). God sees the work that his people do, and he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Psalm 126:6 He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves* with him. *Sheaves are bundles of wheat or other grain grasses that the harvesters have harvested and bundled. Some seeds fell on good bushes and prospered, some fell on porcelain and did not germinate.
    ellauri111.html on line 691: The Roman Catholic mass is a blasphemy. The Roman Catholic institution teaches that its priests actually sacrifice the Lord Jesus Christ over and over again on their altars when they take, "communion." Christians partake of the Lord's supper in which we remember the Lord and shew his death until he come. They say that they are actually sacrificing the Lord! This is a blasphemy, flee from it, my brethren, flee!!!!!
    ellauri111.html on line 699: "Contemplative" prayer is essentially an old occult technique adjusted to the ignorant church people. It can bring up that yoga kundalini serpent power. With open eyes, one can see this type of technique being magnified in society--I saw a book for magic in a place for shipping goods and for photocopies, office supplies, etc. I looked on the back of the book, it was the same technique as the church people are using. This is spreading like wildfire and not just amongst false (or extremely ignorant) brethren, it is throughout society. Revelation 13:8 teaches us that all people who are not in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world will worship the beast. Revelation 13:4 says that all the world will worship the dragon which gave power unto the beast--we learn from Revelation 12 that THE DRAGON IS SATAN. In the ecumenical movement (all the religions getting together in "peace") and under a "meditative" spirituality, Hindus, Buddhists, Roman Catholics, church people, atheists, Muslims, cabalists, new agers, etc. can get together and have a "meditation" session with no problems. This is not for the future, it is already happening, I picked up a brochure about some sessions while at a library. In Contemplative prayer, church people are calling the devil by the Lord's name. I read that many of them will not listen to the scriptures when confronted with the truth--they do not know the Lord's voice, they are not his sheep. Worldly people are under the devil and they despise holiness and speak against it as "legalism" or even as heresy or false doctrine. I have seen extreme antinomianism in Baptist churches. They derisively call work-out-your-own-salvation-with-fear-and-trembling discipleship "Lordship salvation". If a person does not obey the Lord, they are not saved. The reader may wish to see our article, Lordship Salvation.
    ellauri111.html on line 705: FLEE FROM "CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER", "EMERGING 'CHURCH'", "CONTEMPLATIVE SPIRITUALITY" "ANCIENT FUTURE CHURCH", etc. In this movement, these people are learning and using black magic type occult techniques in churches! In disregard and disobedience to the Bible, they THEY TELL PEOPLE TO CLEAR THEIR MINDS AND KEEP REPEATING THE NAME OF THE LORD OR SOME OTHER NAME. They say that focusing on the Bible is a hinderance to prayer--yes, the Bible is a hinderance to praying to the DEVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stay away from people who want to teach you to pray to the devil calling the devil by the name of the Lord. Flee from anybody who puts down the word of God--they are doing that so that you will be defenseless against their lies. These are the end times and now church people are being deceived into CALLING AND SUMMON DEVILS! The emerging church of the devil is using the same yoga-type techniques as hindus, buddhists Roman Catholic mystics, Greek orthodox mystics, occultists and other mystical traditions. The people are even warned about the possibility of encountering evil spirits during these exercises--no regular prayer requires a warning, no, no, no--BUT PRAYING TO THE DEVIL DOES! AND WHEN THAT KUNDALINI SERPENT POWER RISES UP IN THESE PEOPLE, THEY WILL EITHER BECOME MAGICIANS OR GO INSANE OR SOME OTHER HORRIBLE THING--THERE ARE SYMPTOMS AND MANIFESTATIONS! CHURCH PEOPLE ARE GOING TOWARDS BEING POSSESSED! These are last days--BE WARE, DEAR ONE, BE WARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET SAVED, READ YOUR BIBLE AND OBEY IT AND LEAVE THE TELEVISION ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE BEAST IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ellauri111.html on line 743: I learned more about the Kundalini after researching the contemplative prayer movement that is entering the emerging church of the devil and the fallen, disobedient-to-the-scriptures churches that would not necessarily describe themselves as "emerging church", "ancient future church", etc. Kundalini awakening can be triggered unintentionally. Satan just waits for the conditions to be right. Some people go insane, check into mental hospitals over and over again, experience personality changes, cannot function as before, commit suicide, etc. Kundalini awakening (a counsel for leaving it behind) is discussed further in our series, "Contemplative Prayer: A Quick Road to Hell for A Disobedient Church."
    ellauri112.html on line 111: August Strindberg skrev pjäsen Erik XIV under några sommarveckor 1899. Skrev inga längre än vad Diablo Cody behövde att få till Tully. Strindberg hade hyrt en stuga i Furusund och där tog dramat form. Pjäsen Erik XIV fogar sig till två andra historiska pjäser skrivna strax innan: Folkungasagan och Gustav Vasa.
    ellauri112.html on line 581: It doesn’t help the film that Marlo is a series of clichés. Both she and Drew could have jumped out of the pages of a woman’s magazine or self-help guide.
    ellauri112.html on line 657: What is great but something of a letdown is that the story never tries to turn the two women against each other. Like old vs young, fat vs skinny, a dish vs disgusting, master and slave, rich vs poor, two women and Drew the only man in town. None of that shit. That Hollywood cliché might have helped launch a thriller, but it has no place here. This film is far more boring, feminist and humanist. Yawn.
    ellauri112.html on line 710: In Tully, Marlo starts to see the kind of caretaker she wants to have, and their bondage becomes what keeps her going. As much as Tully turns into a super nanny, the real job she does is help return Marlo to a functioning hole person. With the aid of Tully, Marlo gets her love life back again, gets it each day, and kicks the postpartum depression to the curb. Should kick Drew there too maybe. Tully she cant kick without kicking herself in the ass.
    ellauri112.html on line 724: "Tully," is a dramedy you'll love so much that you'll want to rewind and watch it all over again. Rewind? What a retro notion.
    ellauri112.html on line 754: Maailma: Berliinissä marssittiin Palestiinan puolesta. Paukkupommit rytmittävät kiihkeää huutoa. Osa mielenosoittajista vaaii Palestiinan vapauttamista joelta merelle, mikä on tulkittavissa vaatimuxexi pyyhkiä Israel pois kartalta. Israel murhaa lapsia kuin Hitler, lukee arabien kylteissä. Huomattavan paljon Turkin lippuja. Israelin terroristijärjestöxi luokittelemia tunnuxia vilisee. Arabialaiset iskulauseet ovat kiihkeitä: On vain 1 jumala, ja jumala on suurin. No eikös kristityt ole ihan samaa mieltä? Kadulla pienet pojat pannan poseeraamaan painavien lippujen kanssa ja heistä otetaan kuvia. Poikien asennosta tulee ezimättä mieleen islamistien propagandakuvat. Poliisi ottaa kiinni useita mielenosoittajia. Kaupunkifestivaalia kiihdyttää "kuumentunut tilanne Lähi-Idässä". Väkijoukosta on vaikea löytää ketään joka haluaisi puhua Herlinin sanomille. Lopulta löytyy 1. Paska media, neuköllniläinen hammaslääkäri tiivistää. Mutta se onkin filistealaisia. Juutalaisvastaisuus on saxassa kiusallisen arkista. Oikislaiset liputtavat juhlavammin Israelin lipulla. On siellä mukana kai joitakuita jotka edustavat keskustaa.
    ellauri112.html on line 758: Äärioikeistoon kuuluvat juutalaisväestön "edustajat" ampuvat tuliaseilla kiviä ja ilotulitteita heittäviä filistealaisia. Äärioikeistolaiset juutalaiset ovat jalkautuneet aseistautuneina partioimaan Lodin arabialueille ja pyrkivät sisään arabien koteihin. Juutalaisryhmät kannustavat netissä aatetovereitaan muualta maasta matkustamaan Lodiin. Älkää tulko ilman suojavarusteita, varoitti 1 ryhmä jäseniään The Guardianissa. Creedence Clearwater´s hit "Oh Lord, stuck in Lodi again," has been the theme of several city events in Lodi.
    ellauri112.html on line 894: In the Lord’s Supper, Christ blesses His people in many ways. He calls His people to remember Him and His saving work, as often as they partake of it. Christ uses it to remind them of His coming again in glory for them. The people of God renew their covenant with Him. They commune with Him, as their ministers, acting in His name, administer the sacrament according to His appointment, to their own growth in grace. As they recall how all Christians eat from the same consecrated bread, they are reminded of the love and unity that binds all Christians in one body and one faith.
    ellauri112.html on line 906: Third, since we cannot understand wine in the Lord´s Supper without also understanding what the Bible teaches us about wine in general, we will examine this topic too. We will see what the Holy Scriptures teach about the ways wine was used, whether drinking wine is a sin, the sin of drunkenness, the "two-wines theory," and the wide-spread bias against wine.
    ellauri115.html on line 360: 7. kävely jossa se selittää kasvien viehätystä on tähän mennessä vähiten ärsyttävä. Hibou grand-duc on huuhkaja. Cheveche on kissapöllö. Orfraie on ehken osprey, sääxi, tai size on merikotka. Partakorppikotkan tiet.nimi on ossifraga, luiden rikkoja. Partakorppikotkia taisi olla alpeilla, niitä oli villiinnytetty sinne takaisin.
    ellauri115.html on line 387: Wounded feelings gave rise to a bitter three-way quarrel between Rousseau and Madame d'Épinay; her lover, the journalist Grimm; and their mutual friend, Diderot, who took their side against Rousseau. Diderot later described Rousseau as being "false, vain as Satan, ungrateful, cruel, hypocritical, and wicked... He sucked ideas from me, used them himself, and then affected to despise me".
    ellauri115.html on line 412: Rousseau was already seized with the glimmerings of a plot; he warned his Swiss friends that his letters were being intercepted and his papers in danger. By June, the plot was starkly clear to him in all its ramifications - and at its centre was Hume. On June 23, he rounded on his saviour: "You have badly concealed yourself. I understand you, Sir, and you well know it." And he spelled out the essence of the plot: "You brought me to England, apparently to procure a refuge for me, and in reality to dishonour me. You applied yourself to this noble endeavour with a zeal worthy of your heart and with an art worthy of your talents." Hume was mortified, furious, scared. He appealed to Davenport for support against "the monstrous ingratitude, ferocity, and frenzy of the man".
    ellauri115.html on line 416: In his reply to Rousseau, Hume (unwisely) demanded that Rousseau identify his accuser and supply full details of the plot. To the first, Rousseau's answer was simple and powerful: "That accuser, Sir, is the only man in the world whose testimony I should admit against you: it is yourself." To the second, Rousseau supplied an indictment of 63 lengthy paragraphs containing the incidents on which he relied for evidence of the plot and how Hume had deviously pulled it off. This he mailed to his foe on July 10 1766. The whole document managed to be simultaneously quite mad but resonating with inspired mockery and tragic sentiment.
    ellauri115.html on line 433: Around this time, Rousseau started developing feelings of paranoia, anxiety, and of a conspiracy against him. Most of this was just his imagination at work, but on 29 January 1768, the theatre at Geneva was destroyed through burning, and Voltaire mendaciously accused Rousseau of being the culprit. In June 1768, Rousseau left Trie, leaving Therese behind, and went first to Lyon, and subsequently to Bourgoin. He now invited Therese to this place and "married" her, under his alias "Renou" in a faux civil ceremony in Bourgoin on 30 August 1768.
    ellauri115.html on line 488: Clarke sided with Locke and Newton against Descartes in denying that we have knowledge of the essence of substances, even though we can be sure that there are at least two kinds of substances (mental and material) because their properties (thinking and divisibility) are incompatible. He defended natural religion against the naturalist view that nature constitutes a self-sufficient system and defended revealed religion against deism. Clarke adopted Newton’s natural philosophy early on. Through his association with Newton, Clarke was the de facto spokesperson for Newtonianism in the first half the eighteenth century, not only explaining the natural science but also providing a metaphysical support and theological interpretation for it.
    ellauri117.html on line 190: I left myself quite limply in his hands, and, to get a better grip of me, he put his arm round me and pressed me against him, and the sweetness of the touch of our naked bodies one against the other was superb. It satistied in some measure the vague indecipherable yearning of my soul; and it was the same with him. When he had rubbed me all warm, he let me go, and we lo0ked at each other with eyes of
    ellauri117.html on line 241: `Now,' said Birkin, `I will show you what I learned, and what I remember. You let me take you so --' And his hands closed on the naked body of the other man. In another moment, he had Gerald swung over lightly and balanced against his knee, head downwards. Relaxed, Gerald sprang to his feet with eyes glittering.
    ellauri117.html on line 243: `That´s smart,' he said. `Now try again.'
    ellauri117.html on line 247: They stopped, they discussed methods, they practised grips and throws, they became accustomed to each other, to each other´s rhythm, they got a kind of mutual physical understanding. And then again they had a real struggle. They seemed to drive their white flesh deeper and deeper against each other, as if they would break into a oneness. Birkin had a great subtle energy, that would press upon the other man with an uncanny force, weigh him like a spell put upon him. Then it would pass, and Gerald would heave free, with white, heaving, dazzling movements.
    ellauri117.html on line 251: So they wrestled swiftly, rapturously, intent and mindless at last, two essential white figures working into a tighter closer oneness of struggle, with a strange, octopus-like knotting and flashing of limbs in the subdued light of the room; a tense white knot of flesh gripped in silence between the walls of old brown books. Now and again came a sharp gasp of breath, or a sound like a sigh, then the rapid thudding of movement on the thickly-carpeted floor, then the strange sound of flesh escaping under flesh. Often, in the white interlaced knot of violent living being that swayed silently, there was no head to be seen, only the swift, tight limbs, the solid white backs, the physical junction of two bodies clinched into oneness. Then would appear the gleaming, ruffled head of Gerald, as the struggle changed, then for a moment the dun-coloured, shadow- like head of the other man would lift up from the conflict, the eyes wide and dreadful and sightless.
    ellauri117.html on line 253: At length Gerald lay back inert on the carpet, his breast rising in great slow panting, whilst Birkin kneeled over him, almost unconscious. Birkin was much more exhausted. He caught little, short breaths, he could scarcely breathe any more. The earth seemed to tilt and sway, and a complete darkness was coming over his mind. He did not know what happened. He slid forward quite unconscious, over Gerald, and Gerald did not notice. Then he was half-conscious again, aware only of the strange tilting and sliding of the world. The world was sliding, everything was sliding off into the darkness. And he was sliding, endlessly, endlessly away.
    ellauri117.html on line 255: He came to consciousness again, hearing an immense knocking outside. What could be happening, what was it, the great hammer-stroke resounding through the house? He did not know. And then it came to him that it was his own heart beating. But that seemed impossible, the noise was outside. No, it was inside himself, it was his own heart. And the beating was painful, so strained, surcharged. He wondered if Gerald heard it. He did not know whether he were standing or lying or falling.
    ellauri117.html on line 269: Then he relaxed again to the terrible plunging of his heart and his blood.
    ellauri117.html on line 277: The normal consciousness however was returning, ebbing back. Birkin could breathe almost naturally again. Gerald´s hand slowly withdrew, Birkin slowly, dazedly rose to his feet and went towards the table. He poured out a whiskey and soda. Gerald also came for a drink.
    ellauri117.html on line 326: `No? There you are, we are not alike. I'll put a dressing-gown on.' Birkin remained alone, looking at the fire. His mind had reverted to Ursula. She seemed to return again into his consciousness. Gerald came down wearing a gown of broad-barred, thick black-and-green silk, brilliant and striking.
    ellauri117.html on line 338: Birkin laughed. He was looking at the handsome figure of the other man, blond and comely in the rich robe, and he was half thinking of the difference between it and himself -- so different; as far, perhaps, apart as man from woman, yet in another direction. But really it was Ursula, it was the woman who was gaining ascendance over Birkin´s being, at this moment. Gerald was becoming limp again, lapsing out of him.
    ellauri117.html on line 638: 3eulogētos o theos kai patēr tou kuriou ēmōn iēsou christou o eulogēsas ēmas en pasē eulogia pneumatikē en tois epouraniois en christō 4kathōs exelexato ēmas en autō pro katabolēs kosmou einai ēmas agious kai amōmous katenōpion autou en agapē 5proorisas ēmas eis uiothesian dia iēsou christou eis auton kata tēn eudokian tou thelēmatos autou 6eis epainon doxēs tēs charitos autou en ē echaritōsen ēmas en tō ēgapēmenō 7en ō echomen tēn apolutrōsin dia tou aimatos autou tēn aphesin tōn paraptōmatōn kata ton plouton tēs charitos autou 8ēs eperisseusen eis ēmas en pasē sophia kai phronēsei 9gnōrisas ēmin to mustērion tou thelēmatos autou kata tēn eudokian autou ēn proetheto en autō 10eis oikonomian tou plērōmatos tōn kairōn anakephalaiōsasthai ta panta en tō christō ta te en tois ouranois kai ta epi tēs gēs11en autō en ō kai eklērōthēmen prooristhentes kata prothesin tou ta panta energountos kata tēn boulēn tou thelēmatos autou 12eis to einai ēmas eis epainon tēs doxēs autou tous proēlpikotas en tō christō 13en ō kai umeis akousantes ton logon tēs alētheias to euangelion tēs sōtērias umōn en ō kai pisteusantes esphragisthēte tō pneumati tēs epangelias tō agiō 14os estin arrabōn tēs klēronomias ēmōn eis apolutrōsin tēs peripoiēseōs eis epainon tēs doxēs autou etc.
    ellauri118.html on line 386: His output was thirty-six books and 1,500 poems. [I got more than 2000 by now! Well most of mine are prose, to be honest.] His writing presented Kentucky scenes in a language echoing Percy Bysshe Shelley and John Keats. He soon earned the nickname the "Keats of Kentucky". He was popular enough that, by 1900, he told the Louisville Courier-Journal that his income from publishing poetry in magazines amounted to about $100 a month.
    ellauri118.html on line 477: Afterwards, against the roofing iron Kohtapuoliin vasten kattopeltiä
    ellauri118.html on line 485: And again I´m ready with excuses, Ja taas on mulla verukkeita valmiina,
    ellauri118.html on line 486: And again it´s all the same to me. Ja taas se on mulle ihan sama.
    ellauri118.html on line 1137: Mather claims that it was only during this night of vigilante violence perpetrated against Mary Webster that Smith was able to sleep peacefully. "Upon the whole, it appeared unquestionable that witchcraft had brought a period unto the life of so good a man," Mather concludes.
    ellauri118.html on line 1171: 29-year handmaid June asks Serena Joy, 35, for a payrise. Why should you get a rise asks Mrs. Waterford. 3 reasons: pro primo, I iron better than Cora. Who says so? Commander Waterford does. Pro secundo, I cook better than Rita. Who says so? Fred does. Pro tertio, I am better in bed than you. Who says so, not Fred again? No, Nick. Pay up please. (Naurua ja voihkinaa.)
    ellauri119.html on line 46: Old English halig "holy, consecrated, sacred; godly; ecclesiastical," from Proto-Germanic *hailaga- (source also of Old Norse heilagr, Danish hellig, Old Frisian helich "holy," Old Saxon helag, Middle Dutch helich, Old High German heilag, German heilig, Gothic hailags "holy"), from PIE *kailo- "whole, uninjured" (see health). Adopted at conversion for Latin sanctus.
    ellauri119.html on line 259: The triangular theory of love suggests "intimacy, passion and commitment" are core components of love. The color wheel theory of love is an idea created by Canadian psychologist John Alan Lee that describes six styles of love, using several of the Latin and Greek words for love. First introduced in his book Colours of Love: An Exploration of the Ways of Loving (1973), Lee defines three primary, three secondary and nine tertiary love styles, describing them in terms of the traditional color wheel. The three primary types are eros, ludus and storge, and the three secondary types are mania, pragma and agape.
    ellauri119.html on line 308: The term Holy Spirit appears at least 90 times in the New Testament. The sacredness of the Holy Spirit to Christians is affirmed in all three Synoptic Gospels (Matthew 12:30–32, Mark 3:28–30 and Luke 12:8–10) which proclaim that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the unforgivable sin.
    ellauri119.html on line 326: In all branches of Judaism, the God of the Hebrew Bible is considered one singular entity, with no divisions, or multi-persons within, and they reject the idea of a co-equal multi-personal Godhead or "Trinity", as actually against the Shema. They do not consider the Hebrew word for "one" (that is "echad") as meaning anything other than a simple numerical one.
    ellauri119.html on line 404: The Time cover for April 8, 1966, with its stark words "Is God Dead?" against a dark background, garnered record sales. So did a 1966 book, Radical Theology and the Death of God, coauthored by Hamilton and Thomas J. J. Altizer. "It was Bill who in the ´60s created the scandal of a death of God theology," Altizer told the Century, adding that Hamilton was the more articulate.
    ellauri119.html on line 422: Love is considered to be both positive and negative, with its virtue representing human kindness, compassion, and affection, as "the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another" and its vice representing human moral flaw, akin to vanity, selfishness, amour-propre, and egotism, as potentially leading people into a type of mania, obsessiveness or codependency. It may also describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one's self or animals. In its various forms, love acts as a major facilitator of interpersonal relationships and, owing to its central psychological importance, is one of the most common themes in the creative arts. Love has been postulated to be a function that keeps human beings together against menaces and to facilitate the continuation of the species.
    ellauri119.html on line 424: Ancient Greek philosophers identified no less than six forms of love: essentially, familial love (in Greek, storge), friendly love or platonic love (philia), romantic love (eros), self-love (philautia), guest love (xenia) and divine love (agape). Plus a zillion learned words for different kinds of paraphilia. But that's nothing yet compared to the hindoos [below] who have words for love like the Eskimos for ice cream.
    ellauri119.html on line 432: There are several Greek words for "love" that are regularly referred to in Christian circles. Agape: In the New Testament, agapē is charitable, selfless, altruistic, and unconditional. It is parental love, seen as creating goodness in the world; it is the way God is seen to love humanity, and it is seen as the kind of love that Christians aspire to have for one another. Philia: Also used in the New Testament, phileo is a human response to something that is found to be delightful. Also known as "brotherly love" or "homophilia." Two other words for love in the Greek language, eros (sexual love) and storge (child-to-parent love), were never used in the New Testament! Now that's a lacuna! Christians believe that to Love God with all your heart, mind, and strength and Love your neighbor as yourself are the two most important things in life (the greatest commandment of the Jewish Torah, according to Jesus; cf. Gospel of Mark chapter 12, verses 28–34). Saint Augustine summarized this when he wrote "Love God, and do as thou wilt." Right on Gus! Way to go!
    ellauri119.html on line 434: The Apostle Paul glorified love as the most important virtue of all. Describing love in the famous poetic interpretation in 1 Corinthians, he wrote, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres." (1 Cor. 13:4–7, NIV) He didn't mean eros, but rather homophilia. Perseveraatiosta oli puhe. John also wrote, "Dear friends, let us love one another for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." (1 John 4:7–8, NIV) Influential Christian theologian C. S. Lewis wrote a book called The Four Loves. The first retired nazi pope Benedict XVI named his first circular God as love. He said that a human being, created in the image of God, who is love, is able to make love; to give himself to God and others (agape) and by receiving and experiencing God's love in contemplation (eros). This life of love, according to him, is the life of the saints such as Teresa of Calcutta and the Blessed Virgin Mary and is the direction Christians take when they believe that God loves them. Pope Francis taught that "True love is both loving and letting oneself be loved...what is important in love is not our loving, but allowing ourselves to be loved by God." That's just what Virgin Mary did. "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." – Matthew 5: 43–48. Jews didn't like tax collectors.
    ellauri119.html on line 504: The color wheel theory of love is an idea created by Canadian psychologist John Alan Lee that describes six styles of love, using several of the Latin and Greek words for love. First introduced in his book Colours of Love: An Exploration of the Ways of Loving (1973), Lee defines three primary, three secondary and nine tertiary love styles, describing them in terms of the traditional color wheel. The three primary types are eros, ludus and storge, and the three secondary types are mania, pragma and agape.
    ellauri119.html on line 537: Manic lovers speak of their partners with possessives and superlatives, and they feel that they "need" their partners. This kind of love is expressed as a means of rescue, or a reinforcement of value. Manic lovers value finding a partner through chance without prior knowledge of their financial status, education, background, or personality traits. Insufficient expression of manic love by one's partner can cause one to perceive the partner as aloof, materialistic and detached. In excess, mania becomes obsession or codependency, and obsessed manic lovers can thus come across as being very possessive and jealous. One example from real life can be found in the unfortunate case of John Hinckley, Jr., a mentally disturbed individual who attempted to assassinate the incumbent US President Ronald Reagan due to a delusion that this would prompt the actress Jodie Foster to finally reciprocate his obsessive love.
    ellauri119.html on line 571: Agape is derived from ἀγάπη a Greek term for altruistic love. Lee describes agape as the purest form of love, derives this definition of love from being altruistic towards one's partner and feeling love in the acts of doing so. The person is willing to endure difficulty that arises from the partner's circumstance. It is based on an unbreakable commitment and an unconditional, selfless love, that is all giving. It is an undying love of compassion and selflessness. Agape love is often referenced with religious meaning and is signified by the color orange.
    ellauri119.html on line 573: Examples of agape can be found in books and movies including The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry, Penelope in Homer's Odyssey, The Mission, Somewhere in Time, Titanic, Untamed Heart, Forrest Gump, and the Bible [specify which].
    ellauri119.html on line 714: Your claims against Ayn Rand don’t stand up to scrutiny, though. She never advocated Social Darwinism, either explicitly or implicitly. In my readings, I have read quotes where she damned a CEO who uses only a tenth of his ability and praised a janitor who strive to improve himself.
    ellauri119.html on line 748: Hank is not acting in his self interest when he helps a small manufacturer. Again, this is an another example against her philosophy of ethical egoism.
    ellauri119.html on line 750: Then again, Ayn used “ought” which implies a great deal of subjectivity. That is why her philosophy is extremely flawed. The best philosophies are specific and literal, and they should leave no room for interpretation.
    ellauri119.html on line 773:

    In her last speech, Ayn Rand denounced Ronald Reagan

    ellauri119.html on line 775: Asked what she thought of Reagan, Ayn Rand replied, “I don’t think of him. And the more I see, the less I think of him.” For Rand, “the appalling part of his administration was his connection with the so-called ‘Moral Majority’ and sundry other TV religionists, who are struggling, apparently with his approval, to take us back to the Middle Ages via the unconstitutional union of religion and politics.” Rand’s primary concern, it seems, is that this “unconstitutional union” represented a “threat to capitalism.” While she admired Reagan’s appeal to an “inspirational element” in American politics, “he will not find it,” remarked Rand, “in the God, family, tradition swamp.” Instead, she proclaims, we should be inspired by “the most typical American group… the businessmen.”
    ellauri131.html on line 355: Ronald Reagan – Actor
    ellauri131.html on line 367: Food and Love, the Gardeners, Jack Canafield and Carol Spurgulewski, The Gift of Christmas, the Girlfriend's Hole, the Girl's Hole, Hole in One, The Golf Book, the Golfer's Hole, Golfer's Pole – The 2nd Round, Jack Canafield, Grand and Great Grandma's Hole: Stories to Honor and Celebrate the Ageless Hole of Grandmothers, into Grandma with Love, the Grandparent's Black Soul, the Grieving Soul, Grieving and Recovery, Happily Ever After, Now Comes the Bride, Hole Sweet Hole, Hole and Miracles, Horse Lovers and Horse Lovers II, the Soul of Hawaii, Jack Canafield, Hooked on Hockey, I Can't Believe My Cat Did That I Can't Believe My Dog Did That Can't Believe my Pole Fit That Indian Teenage Hole, Inspiration for the Young at Heart, Inspect the Body Hole, Jack Canafield, To Inspect a Woman's Hole, Inspection of Nurses, It's Christmas, Chicken Soup for the Jewish Son, Jack Canafield, Rabbi Dov Gabbay (2001), The Joy of Adoption, The Joy of Less Adoption, Just Use Girls, Doing Kids in the Kitchen, Jack Canafield, Chicken Bone for the Kid's Hole, Jack Canafield, Chicken Bone for the Kid's Other Hole 2, Jack Canafield, the Latino Soup, the Latter-day Saint, The Laughing Soul (Audio only), Lemons to Lemonade, the Little Holes, Like Mother, Like Daughter, like Granny, Living With Alzheimers and Other Dements, Love Stories: Stories of First Dates, First Figs, Soul Mates, and Everlasting Love, Loving Our Dogs, The Manic Loving of Mothers and Daughters, Making Love in Menopause, Married 3 wives, Merry Christmas, Messages From Heaven, the Military Wife's Hole, Jack Canafield, Miraculous Messages from Heaven, More Miracles Happen in Moms and Sons videos, Into Mom with Love, Mothers and Preschoolers videos, Mother's Hole, Mother's Hole #2, Jack Canafield, the Mother and Daughter Holes, Mother and Son again, The Multitasking Mom's Survival Guide, My Very Good, Very Bad Cat, My Very Good, Very Bad Dog, My Very Good, Very Bad Son, Chicken Coop for the NASCAR jerk, [National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing on pohjoisamerikkalainen autourheilujärjestö. Kotimaassaan Yhdysvalloissa sarja on kasvanut suosituimmaksi penkkiurheilulajiksi heti amerikkalaisen jalkapallon jälkeen.] Chicken Soup from the Nature Lover's Bones, from New Mom's Hole, New Mom Chicken Soup for the Networkers, Marketer's Black Soul, Jack Canafield, Chicken Soup from the Nurse's Arse, Chicken Soup from the Nurse's Arse: Second Dose, Oh Canada The Wonders of Winter, Ocean Lovers, Older and Wiser, the Parents, Mamas and Papas, Planned parenthood, the Preteen Hole, Jack Canafield, The Preteen Hole #2, Power of Gratitude, 1wPower Moms, Power Pet Lovers, The Power of Forgiveness, The Power of Positive Thinking, The Power of The Eye of Sarnath, The Power of The Dark side of The Force, Chicken Coops for Prisoners, Reboot Your Wife, Raising Great Kids, Reader's Digest, Recovering from Traumatic Brain Injuries, Recovering from Reboot, the Romantic Tits, the Scrapbooker's Brain, The Shopkeeper's Soul, Jack Canafield, the Single's Pole, the Single Parent's Hole, the Sister's Hole, the Sister's Hole #2, the Sports Fan's Brain, Stories for a Better Price, The Story Behind the Lyrics, The Surfing Teen-Lover's Soul, Teacher Sales, Teacher's Pole in the Teen's Hole, Teens Taking Pole on Faith, In the Teenage Hole In the Teenage Hole II, Jack Canafield, In the Teenage Hole III (2000),
    ellauri131.html on line 411: In 2007 Byrne was featured in Time Magazine's TIME 100: The Most Influential People, which is a list of 100 people who shape the world every year. Since 2010, she has been featured in Watkins Mind Body Spirit magazine's annual list of The 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People. She gained mainstream popularity and commercial success after appearing on The Oprah Winfrey Show.
    ellauri131.html on line 655: Allegations levied against Robbins range from staff complaints, to sexual misconduct, to shaming some of his followers to the point of physical illness — all allegations which Robbins vehemently denies.
    ellauri131.html on line 707: But then again, he doesn't do it quite right
    ellauri131.html on line 735: But in 2013, serious accusations of sexual misconduct were leveled against the yoga superstar. A total of six women came forward and alleged offenses ranging from sexual harassment to rape,
    ellauri131.html on line 754: During the peak of the Britpop era, Noel Gallagher was deemed by many — including Prime Minister Tony Blair (another nasty Tony) — to be the voice of his generation. Indeed, even if you weren't a fan of Oasis' Beatles-aping indie-rock, you could always appreciate a snappy one-liner from their raconteur guitarist. But a quarter of a century on and the older Gallagher brother is sounding like the kind of dinosaur he used to rally against.
    ellauri131.html on line 902: She then moved to Chicago, where she worked in low-paying jobs. In 1950, she moved on again, to New York. At this point she changed her first name, and began a career as a fashion model. She achieved success, working for Bill Blass, Oleg Cassini, and Pauline Trigère. In 1954, she married the English businessman Andrew Hay (1928–2001); after 14 years of marriage, she felt devastated when he left her for another woman, Sharman Douglas (1928–1996). Hay said that about this time she found the First Church of Religious Science on 48th Street, which taught her the transformative power of thought. Hay revealed that here she studied the New Thought works of authors such as Florence Scovel Shinn who believed that positive thinking could change people's material circumstances, and the Religious Science founder Ernest Holmes who taught that positive thinking could heal the body.
    ellauri131.html on line 925: In 1996, Time magazine named him one of the 25 most influential people.
    ellauri131.html on line 938: Covey, more than most inspirational writers, is able to skate right up close to the border of the divine without alarming anyone. Dr. Stephen R. Covey, author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, has lost his laser pointer once again and is practically jumping up off the stage to point to a giant chart projected on the wall of a conference room at the Westin Hotel in Seattle. He would be an imposing man if he were two inches taller.
    ellauri131.html on line 972: Kuinka toivoisit muiden puhuvan sinusta, kun elämä on ohi? Ajattele sitä elämäsi jokaisena päivänä. Esim että olit lyhyt kaljupää ja kaaduit pyörällä. Ja siihen kuoli hän. Quidquid ages prudenter agas et respice finem. Ante obitum nemo supremaque funera felix. Fortes fortuna adiuvat.
    ellauri131.html on line 1031: puu seisoo, ravistama pakkasen, Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
    ellauri132.html on line 665: Eikä, palkinto-Booker oli joku riistäjä Booker McConnell Karibialta. In 1972, winning writer John Berger, known for his Marxist worldview, protested during his acceptance speech against Booker McConnell. He blamed Booker's 130 years of sugar production in the Caribbean for the region's modern poverty.
    ellauri133.html on line 71:

    Dialogue. Normally, dialogue is great and really lifts a story, but if you don't have any idea about the characters who are talking, it won't work. One line of speech can work. For instance "All cars proceed immediately to Main Street. Major riot in progress." establishes the setting and gives a lot of hints about the MC. What Main Character? This MUST be some tv watching imbecile who can't handle more than one face at a time. And why those fucking patrol cars again?

    ellauri133.html on line 81:

    Interesting fact: the average reader will give up on a boring book by page seventeen. If you’ve wasted any of your precious first pages on boring stuff, you’re likely to join the Page Seventeen club too. TLDR, huh? Your kind better buy Marvel comic magazines. They got a lot of pics to help with the ALL CAPS text in the bubbles, and not much more pages than those 17.

    ellauri133.html on line 364: Stephen King’s novel It, first published in 1986, is known for its whopping page count and multigenerational horror saga. In 2017, buzz around It spiked again due to director Andy Muschietti´s big-screen adaptation of the novel. The film, which went on to become the highest-grossing horror movie ever, was the novel’s second trip to the screen, following a 1990 television miniseries. And now Muschietti is continuing the story with the highly anticipated IT Chapter 2, which arrives in theaters today.
    ellauri133.html on line 366: If you only have a passing familiarity with Stephen King´s original novel, you might think It is simply about a killer clown. But there’s far more to the sprawling saga of The Losers´ Club and the fictional setting of Derry, Maine. Here are 10 things you might not have known about the bestselling book of 1986.
    ellauri133.html on line 456: King is very deliberate in framing the gangbang as all Bev’s decision (“Did she have to take each of them into 'it' all over again? Yes, probably, and with pleasure.”). This scene also, rather clumsily, because it´s so obvious, is tied in to the book’s title:
    ellauri133.html on line 746: against my hearing you, I could see your lips move.
    ellauri135.html on line 210: After the Crimean War ended, Nikolai Vasilyevich went to the Caucasus where he witnessed the capture and arrest of Imam Shamil. He then traveled to Italy as a correspondent of The Russian Messenger to report on the progress of Giuseppe Garibaldi's army. He spent 1860-1862 traveling through Syria, Palestine, and Egypt. As the January Uprising in Poland began Nikolai Vasilyevich went to Warsaw as a correspondent for the Saint Petersburg magazine Vedomosti and stayed there for the rest of his life, teaching Russian language and literature at Warsaw University beginning in 1868, then editing the newspaper The Warsaw Diary (Varshavsky Dnevnik) from 1874 to 1877.
    ellauri135.html on line 212: Participated in the Crimean war of 1853-1856. As the correspondent of magazine "Russian Herald", was with Garibaldi. During the Polish uprising of 1861-1863 years he was in Poland, the correspondent of the newspaper "St. Petersburg Vedomosti".. Graf F. F. Berg asked him to gather material for the history of the Polish uprising.
    ellauri135.html on line 229: After the surrender of Sebastopol and the transition of the chief of staff of the Crimean army in Odessa, Berg left the service, and until 1868 was not employed at all, leading the life of a tourist. The war of 1859 between Italy and Austria drew Berg in Lombardy, where he was at different headquarters of the French, Italian and at the end of Garibaldi, the detachment of Alpine rifles, wrote a number of correspondences in the "Russian Gazette" in 1859 the Movement in 1860, in the Lebanese mountains between Druze and Maronites drew Berg to the East. He lived in Beirut, Damascus, visited Jerusalem, said, Alexandria. Cairo, pyramids and Keepaway left an inscription, then the first in the Russian language. The fruit of these wanderings there were a few articles in Moscow and St. Petersburg editions and book "Guide to Jerusalem and its surroundings" (1863). During this trip, Berg studied the Bedouin life, which wandered in the wilderness. In 1861 he returned to Russia and has translated a significant part of "pan Tadeusz" (printed in "Domestic. Notes" 1862). Then again, Berg went to the East, lived again in Beirut, Damascus and Jerusalem, and printed about this trip in several articles in "Fatherlands. Notes", "Russian Gazette", "Our time" and SPb. Statements".
    ellauri135.html on line 233: In the last decade of his life he published his work in the "Russian antiquities" and the "Historical journal". Of the things placed in the first magazine, the most curious is the biographical sketch of "Graf F. F. Berg (1881, vol. XXXI).
    ellauri135.html on line 469: NEIDON VALITUS. Dikt Flickans klagan
    ellauri135.html on line 475: Armias, ihana aika, Dessa hulda, ljufva dagar,
    ellauri140.html on line 58: Book IV, despite its title "The Legend of Cambell and Telamond or Of Friendship", Cambell's companion in Book IV is actually named Triamond, and the plot does not center on their friendship; the two men appear only briefly in the story. The book is largely a continuation of events begun in Book III. First, Scudamore is convinced by the hag Ate (discord) that Britomart has run off with Amoret and becomes jealous. A three-day tournament is then held by Satyrane, where Britomart beats Arthegal (both in disguise). Scudamore and Arthegal unite against Britomart, but when her helmet comes off in battle Arthegal falls in love with her. He surrenders, removes his helmet, and Britomart recognizes him as the man in the enchanted mirror. Arthegal pledges his love to her but must first leave and complete his quest. Scudamore, upon discovering Britomart's sex, realizes his mistake and asks after his lady, but by this time Britomart has lost Amoret, and she and Scudamore embark together on a search for her. The reader discovers that Amoret was abducted by a savage man and is imprisoned in his cave. One day Amoret darts out past the savage and is rescued from him by the squire Timias and Belphoebe. Arthur then appears, offering his service as a knight to the lost woman. She accepts, and after a couple of trials on the way, Arthur and Amoret finally happen across Scudamore and Britomart. The two lovers are reunited. Wrapping up a different plotline from Book III, the recently recovered Marinel discovers Florimell suffering in Proteus' dungeon. He returns home and becomes sick with love and pity. Eventually he confesses his feelings to his mother, and she pleads with Neptune to have the girl released, which the god grants.
    ellauri140.html on line 88: Brit-o-mart F+, a female knight, the embodiment and champion of Chastity. She is young and beautiful, and falls in love with Artefact upon first seeing his face in her father's magic mirror. Though there is no interaction between them, she travels to find him again, dressed as a knight and accompanied by her nurse, Glauce. Britomart carries an enchanted spear that allows her to defeat every knight she encounters, until she loses to a knight who turns out to be her beloved Artefact. (Parallel figure in Ariosto: Bradamante.) Britomart is one of the most important knights in the story. She searches the world, including a pilgrimage to the shrine of Isis, and a visit with Merlin the magician. She rescues Artefact, and several other knights, from the evil slave-mistress Radigund. Furthermore, Britomart accepts Amoret at a tournament, refusing the false Florimell.
    ellauri140.html on line 124: Satyriasis M+-, a wild half-satyr man raised in the wild and the epitome of natural human potency. Tamed by Una, he protects her, but ends up locked in a battle against the chaotic Sansloy, which remains unconcluded. Satyrane finds Florimell´s sanitary napkin, which she drops while falling off from a beast. He holds a three-day tournament for the right to possess the girl. His Knights of Maidenhead win the day with Britomart´s help.
    ellauri140.html on line 128: Talus M+, an "iron man" who helps Arthegall to dispense justice in Book V. The name is likely from Latin "talus" (ankle) with reference to that which justice "stands on," and perhaps also to the ankle of Achilles, who was otherwise invincible, or the mythological bronze man Talos. Talus on joo nilkkaluu, astragalus. Ei ole selvää onko Taluxella penistä.
    ellauri140.html on line 146: According to Richard Simon Keller, George Lucas's Star Wars film also contains elements of a loose adaptation, as well as being influenced by other works, with parallels including the story of the Red Cross Knight championing Una against the evil Archipelago in the original compared with Lucas's Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Darth Vader. Keller sees extensive parallels between the film and book one of Spenser's work, stating "Almost everything of importance that we see in the Star Wars movie has its origin in The Faerie Queene, from small details of weaponry and dress to large issues of chivalry and spirituality". Olix Dispenserillä valomiekkoja ja muovihaarniskoita? Tuhoplaneettoja? Täytyypä tutustua. No ainakin on sexirobotteja. She is not a toy!
    ellauri140.html on line 244: Tagein tagaus wer weiß wohin One hundred men will test today 100 miestä testaa tänään
    ellauri140.html on line 477: Armed to point,° sought backe to turne againe; Peltihaalarissa, kääntyi poies päin,
    ellauri140.html on line 604: Then mounted he upon his Steede againe, Size nuppi nousi jälleen satulaan
    ellauri140.html on line 787: Whereat he gan to stretch: but he againe Niin se alkoi venytellä; Heli törkki taas,
    ellauri140.html on line 907: And then againe begun; My weaker yeares Size jatkoi: Mun vähäsemmät vuodet, ketkä on vankina
    ellauri140.html on line 948: With that misformed spright he backe returnd againe. Se palas takasin sen silikonikeijun kanssa taas.
    ellauri140.html on line 976: He cast about, and searcht his baleful bookes againe. Se lähti takas piirustuspöydän ääreen.
    ellauri141.html on line 63: Horatius antaa ymmärtää että Maecemas oli nyhverö. Muze tajusi runoseppojen propaganda-arvon. Maecenas kerskui olevansa upporikkaita Kilniuxia äidin puolelta. Se omisti vaikuttavan huvilan Tivolissa Rooman lähellä. Siitä on jäljellä auditorio. Osa Maecenaksen omaisuudesta oli perintöä vanhalta suvulta, jonka hän väitti johtavan juurensa aina etruskeihin asti. Maecenaan valta tuli kuitenkin lähinnä läheisestä ystävyydestä keisarin kanssa.
    ellauri141.html on line 147: Seu rupit teretes Marsus aper plagas. Tai hurja mezäsika rynkää pöheiköstä.
    ellauri141.html on line 314: namque sagacius unus odoror, nose! No canny canine detects the den of a
    ellauri141.html on line 369: Art Beck is a San Francisco poet and translator who has published three books of original poetry — most recently Summer With All Its Clothes Off (Gravida, 2005). (agazine.com/34/beck-horace.shtml">http://jacketmagazine.com/34/beck-horace.shtml)
    ellauri141.html on line 388: Heus puer, digitos ex anu. St Jerome modelled an uncompromising response to the pagan Horace, observing: "What harmony can there be between Christ and the Devil? What has Horace to do with the Psalter?" The first English translator Thomas Drant placed translations of Jeremiah and Horace side by side in Medicinable Morall, 1566. The Scot George Buchanan paraphrased the Psalms in a Horatian setting. John Keats echoed the opening of Horace's Epodes 14 in the opening lines of Ode to a Nightingale. Byron's famous lines from Childe Harold (Canto iv, 77) hit it on the nail:
    ellauri141.html on line 488: "Valkoisen miehen taakka” (The White Man's Burden) (1899) herätti polemiikkia julkaisunsa jälkeen. Kyseiset runot ovat monitulkintaisia. Joidenkin mukaan ne olivat valistuneen ja velvollisuudentuntoisen imperiumin rakentamisen ylistys, joka henki viktoriaanisen ajan henkeä. Toiset näkivät niissä röyhkeää imperialistista propagandaa ja siihen liittyviä rodullisia asenteita. Toiset taas näkivät runoissa ironiaa ja varoituksia imperiumia kohtaavista uhista. Antero Manninen käänsi "Valkoisen miehen taakan" suomeksi 1976.
    ellauri141.html on line 519: ... Here is my defence of this alleged wicked waste of time. The reason why one has to parse and construe and grind at the dead tongues in which certain ideas are expressed is … because only in that tongue is that idea expressed with absolute perfection…. by a painful and laborious acquaintance with the mechanism of that particular tongue; by being made to take it to pieces and put it together again, and by that means only, we can arrive at a state of mind in which … we can realise and feel and absorb the idea.
    ellauri141.html on line 551: propagat enatamque pascit Me, much incurious if the hour
    ellauri141.html on line 746: a) Koska Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinto on poliittinen propagandateko. Ruozin Akatemia on Amerikan hegemoniaa ja länkkäreiden talousliberaalien setämiesten asiaa ajava PR-toimisto. Sen rahoitti räjähdysaineilla rikastunut porho, joka edellytti palkinnon saajilta, että niiden tuotanto on toivotulla lailla "positiivista".
    ellauri142.html on line 31:


    ellauri142.html on line 33: agavadgita.jpg" width="100%" />
    ellauri142.html on line 114: If you were a Mason in Europe in the 1700s, you stood against the notion of natural selection as it pertained to royalty. As Masonry developed and grew, you rooted for the wild, unruly kids across the pond – the Americans.
    ellauri142.html on line 130: Freemasons might not testify truthfully against each other
    ellauri142.html on line 209: agavad_Gita.pdf">Bhagavadgita on Herran virsikirja. Se on osa kirjaa Mahabharata eli Suur-Intia.
    ellauri142.html on line 255: sen tuntevat, lienee saanut niin korkeaa tunnustusta kuin Bhagavad Gîtâ, Laulu jumaluudesta. Siinä selvitetään oppia siitä, kuinka apina tulee täydelliseksi jumalallisessa olemuksessa. Eipä ole vielä kukaan, joka on oppinut tuntemaan kristinopin todellisen hengen, ollut tunnustamatta tämän kirjan arvoa, jota tuskin mikään muu kirja on voittanut; muiden muassa sanoo Wilhelm von Humboldt, että hän kiittää jumalaa, joka oli antanut hänen elää tarpeeksi kauan, niin että hän sai tutustua tähän teokseen. Mitä useammin kukin tätä kirjaa lukee, sitä enemmän hän tuntee izensä kohottauneeksi totuuden valon piireihin; mitä syvemmältä kukin tutkii tämän opin henkeä, sitä enemmän hän lähestyy
    ellauri142.html on line 256: kaiken jumalallisen olemuksen perustan tuntemista, aina sellaiseen syvyyteen, joka pintapuoliselle, ulkonaiselle luonnontutkimukselle, joka ainoastaan saattaa liikkua ilmennyksien piirissä, jää tutkimattomaksi salaisuudeksi. Bhagavad Gîtân valossa ilmenee maailma meille aivan toisenlaisena, paljon majesteetillisempana ja mahtavampana kuin silloin, kun sitä tutkimme pelkästään aineelliselta tai tieteelliseltä kannalta. Silloin me näemme elimettömän maailmankaikkeuden, universumin, sijasta maailman, joka on täynnä valoa ja elämää.
    ellauri142.html on line 270: Humboldtin lahja oli Sale Bellowin suht laaduton romaani. Wilhelm sanoo kirjansa johdannossa: "The expansion of the intellectual life is the sole possession that the individual, to the extent that she participates at all, may regard as indestructible." Minnes Wilho sielu jäi? Aika pakanallista. No voi vaan toivoa että Bhagavadgita on lähempänä jumalaa. Translators note: von Humboldt is groping here to express the idea that language is a sociopsychological vehicle of communication. Sanaa "sosiopsykologinen" ei ollut vielä edes kexitty (onnexi, tekee mieli sanoa).
    ellauri142.html on line 278: Mutta tuota hengen havahtumista kukaan ei saavuta ilman suuria taisteluja mm. ahneiden ja kateiden sukulaisten kanssa. Heräämistä vastaan asettuvat suuret himojen ja intohimojen vastustusjoukot. Bhagavad Gîtâ opettaa, keitä nämä viholliset ovat ja miten ne on jujutettava. Siinä selvitetään taistelu katoavaisen alapään ja katoamattoman yläpäämme välillä, ja osoitetaan tie, joka vie apinan jumalisemman osan voittoon ja tukahduttaa hallizevan eläimellisen puolen.
    ellauri142.html on line 287: Hän selvittää Ärjylälle matkalla junalle, että se mitä persoonallinen apina pitää omana izenään, on ainoastaan pettävä kuva; että kaikki hänen petoksestaan johtuvat olosuhteet sekä himot ja intohimot ovat ainoastaan ohimeneviä ilmennyksiä ja kuinka apina sitten menee lunastukseen; että hän voittaa ne ja liittyy jumalaan, tuohon hänen olentonsa kuolemattomaan laahuxeen. Bhagavad Gîtâ opettaa täten kaikkein korkeinta tiedettä, apinan yhtymistä jumalaan (jooga) ja neuvoo häntä tuntemaan kuolemattomuuden tien. Niimpä tietysti, yhdyntää siis taas. Siinä ne apinan ajatuxet aina pyörivät. Niin kuin kaikki pyhät ja todella uskonnolliset asiat, jos niitä kazotaan yleiseltä, eläimelliseltä ja järjen rajoittamalta eikä vaan pintapuoliselta kannalta, tulevat sysätyiksi alhaisuuden, ymmärtämättömyyden ja izepetoksen valtakuntaan, eli siis väärin käsitetyiksi, niin on tapahtunut Bhagavad Gîtâllekin monta kertaa, silloin kun se on joutunut kielentutkijoiden ja kirjanoppineiden käsiin. Kielentutkijat on ihan pahimpia. Paraneekohan mun kieleni? Sano aa, niin tutkitaan. Älä vaan puraise mun sondia.
    ellauri142.html on line 296: Jonkin ruokalistan tutkiminen ei meitä tee kylliäisiksi, jos emme kokkaa niitä ruokalajeja, jotka tuossa listassa on mainittu. Myös Bhagavad Gîtân tutkiminen saavuttaa tarkoitetun päämääränsä vasta silloin kun me koklaamme siinä esitettyjä repestejä ja täytämme niillä mahamme jokapäiväisessä siitinelämässämme. Jokaisen pitää itse olla oma Ärjylänsä ja pyristellä itsekkyyttänsä, itserakkauttaan, omien etujensa valvomista, halujaan, himojaan ja erehdyksiään vastaan, ennen kuin hän tietää, mitä tuo sota merkitsee. Ei sota yhtä miestä kaipaa, sitähän se lähinnä merkizee että raha joogi-karhun kirstuun kilahtaa.
    ellauri142.html on line 298: Mitä se minua hyödyttää jos raamatusta luen jonkun sanoneen: ”Minä olen tie, totuus ja elämä;” tai Bhagavad Gîtâsta toisen samanmoisen mainosmiehen höläyxen: ”Kaikissa kappaleissa minä olen korkein. Kaikissa kappaleissa, jotka valaisevat, minä olen valo. Minä olen kaiken alkuperusta. Minä olen alku, keskivirza ja loppu.” Mitä se hyödyttää, ennen kuin oikein oivallan, että se "minä" olenkin juuri minä, eli jokainen on ei vaan oma Ärjylänsä, vaan myös oman elämänsä Seppo Kemivirta. En koskaan löydä tuota jumalallista Minääni, niin kauan kuin etsin sitä ulkopuoleltani enkä kazo omasta perstaskustani! Jumalaa emme löydä kaukoputken tai mikroskoopinkaan välityksellä vaan se, joka on löytänyt oman napansa, tuon kaikkien olentojen Minän, tunnustaa ja tuntee kaikkialla läsnäolevan napanöyhdän. Mä olen mä ja te muut ootte mun krannista. Te ootte mun mielikuvitustani, peräisin mun peräsuolesta. Joka näin tuntee jumalan itsessään ja kaikessa, se on oikea pesukestävä narsisti.
    ellauri142.html on line 343: Mä olin etukäteen kazomatta melkein saletti et Bhagavadgita on vaan joku aikuissatu eikä mitään vertauskuvallista millekään. Kaikki sellainen olisi vaan päällelliimattua seliseliä. Vaan väärässäpä olin, luppoovien alkukuvien jälkeen alkaa aivan käsittämätön paasaus.
    ellauri142.html on line 345: Tämän kirjan kääntämisen tarkoitus on se, että Saksassa asuxiva yleisö alkaisi kiinnittää huomiotaan Bhagavad Gîtân ja Vedojen opetuksiin, etenkin kun nämä tärkeät teokset ovat tähän saakka olleet ainoastaan oppineiden, "kielentutkijoiden" ja ”orientalistien” käytettävinä. Nämä oppineet kyllä lukevat kirjan sanat, mutta hyvin vähän he käsittävät sen opin henkeä, joka niissä piilee. Tämän perusteella ei tämä kirja ole mikään pedanttinen pikkumaisen turhantarkka käännettyjen sanojen täsmäase, vaan kääntäjä on kiinnittänyt paljon suurempaa huomiota siihen tärkeään seikkaan, että Bhagavad Gîtân henki tulisi esiin mahdollisimman ymmärrettävässä kielellisessä asussa – kääntäjä on vähemmän pitänyt silmällä kirjanoppineiden ja kielentutkijoiden suosion saavuttamista. Mutta vastakaiuksi sitä ennakkoluuloa vastaan, joka sanoo että nämä ”pakanalliset opit” vastustavat kristillisyyttä, olemme kristittyjen mustikkojen lauseista valinneet niitä vastaavia sitaatteja sekä lisänneet kirjaan selvittäviä muistutuksia, jotka sitä paitsi voivat olla tarpeelliset tekstin ja ajatuksen ymmärtämiseksi ja käsittämiseksi. Suurin osa alaviitteistä ja huomautuksista on F. Hartmannin ja muutama suomentajan M. Humun lisäyksiä. Kuten suomentajan loppulauseessa mainitaan, aina ei käy ilmi, kumpi on milloinkin asialla. — Tää oli todennäköisesti taittajan huom.
    ellauri142.html on line 397: Bhagavad Gîtân oppi ei ole mikään huono ajatus, myhäilevät silverbäkit taustalla pyylevinä kuin Lautuma. Mixi Buddha on niin läski? Koska se syö ruuat muiden lautaselta, jättää Eeditille reunalle vaan sinapit. Se on läski niiden puolesta. Samalla lailla kuin Kim Kardashian on rikas ja komea laahuxen edestä.
    ellauri142.html on line 463: Stilleben. Jos haluat säilyttää rauhan ja harmonian muiden kanssa, sinun on opittava taivuttamaan kaluasi monin tavoin. Ei ole niin kevyttä elää aina ilman loukkausta ja sinnitellä uskollisesti siinä kuolemaan asti. Siunattuja ovat ne, jotka ovat saavuttaneet sen ja lopettaneet tumppuhommat onnellisesti. Natuur mort kalaga. Jos kutsumuksesi ja velvollisuutesi mukaan haluat olla luja ja kasvaa hyvään maahan, ole olevinasi maahanmuuttaja. Vaikutat ehkä hölmöltä paikallisten mielestä, mut mitä väliä.
    ellauri142.html on line 544: The ninth chapter of the Bhagavad Gita is Raja Vidya Yoga. In this chapter, Krishna explains that He is Supreme and how this material existence is created, maintained and destroyed by His Yo-yo and all beings come and go under his supervision like in North Korea. He reveals the Role and the Importance of Bhakti...
    ellauri142.html on line 570: The tenth chapter of the Bhagavad Gita is Vibhooti Yoga. In this chapter, Krishna reveals Himself as the cause of all causes. He describes His various manifestations and opulences in order to increase Arjuna's Bhakti. Arjuna is fully convinced of Lord's paramount position and proclaims him to be...
    ellauri143.html on line 66: The Dravidar Kazhagam, founded by social activist Periyar, is known for conducting Thirukkural conferences across the state. Its deputy president Kali Poongundran said that this shows the BJP’s true motives behind promoting Thirukkural.
    ellauri143.html on line 437: Who eats it, swallows shit, and renders it again.
    ellauri143.html on line 560: Birth again is waking out of sleep
    ellauri143.html on line 594: Its thoughts on birth again to other life need not to dwell.
    ellauri143.html on line 1320: If, what you ate before digested well, you eat again.
    ellauri143.html on line 1635: Siddhartha Gautama (sanskritia; devanagari: सिद्धार्थ गौतम; pāliksi Siddhattha Gotama, pilipalit ei osaa sanoa ärrää) on buddhalaisuuden perustaja eli Gautama Buddha (herännyt). Tärkeitä käsitteitä: Kolme olemassaolon merkkiä: (duhkha · anitya · anatma) Skandha · Samsara (luomuleipomo). Jälleensyntymä Pratītyasamutpāda · Karma, ja 3 jalokiveä, 4 totuutta, 8-kaistainen tie. Aina näitä samoja pieniä kokonaislukuja. Eihän apinan päässä muu pysy.
    ellauri143.html on line 1670: Mahayana-buddhalaisuudessa historialliseen Buddhaan viitataan usein nimityksellä Śākyamuni (´Śākya-heimon viisas´) tai Śākyamuni-buddha. Sūtrissa hän kutsuu itseään ja muita buddhia usein nimityksellä Tathāgata (´näin tullut´ / ´näin mennyt´). Muita Buddhaan viittaavia nimityksiä ovat Bhagavat (´Mestari´, ´Herra´) ja Sugata (´Hyvin kulkenut´ eli ´Hyvin sä vedät´). Näillä mennään.
    ellauri143.html on line 1688: Buddha kuoli 80-vuotiaana, 45 vuoden opetusuran jälkeen (mun työura kesti 68-23v eli saman ajan), Kuśinagarissa, nykyisessä Uttar Pradeshin osavaltiossa Intiassa. Siellä hän asettui levolle kyljelleen kahden rusojambolaani-puun väliin kiviselle istuimelle eräässä lehdossa. Buddhan tehdessä kuolemaa hänen oppilaansa Ānakonda kysyi, mitä hänen ruumiilleen olisi tehtävä. Śākyamuni kehotti munkkeja ja nunnia keskittymään henkiseen kehitykseen ja jättämään kuolleen ruumiin koirille. Buddhan viimeiset sanat olivat "Munkit, sanon teille: kaikki ilmiöt ovat katoavaisia. Ahkeroikaa siis tarkkaavaisina niin katoatte kuten minä! Terveisiä nunnille. Kohta saan hyvää kahvia."
    ellauri144.html on line 80: Eikö kuoleman skaga yhtään haittaa?

    ellauri144.html on line 276: Yo te agarro la mano Pidän sinua kädestä.
    ellauri144.html on line 307: The song is that of a man telling a woman (from Málaga, Spain) how beautiful she is, and how he would love to be her man, but that he understands her rejecting him for being too poor.
    ellauri144.html on line 442: Though they sink through the sea they shall rise again; Vaikka ne mulahtaa mereen ne nousee pintaan taas;
    ellauri144.html on line 511: Let Us Now Praise Famous Men is a book with text by American writer James Agee and photographs by American photographer Walker Evans, first published in 1941 in the American United States. The work documents the lives of impoverished tenant farmers during the Great Depression. Although it is in keeping with Evans´s work with the Farm Security Administration, the project was initiated not by the FSA, but by Fortune magazine. The title derives from a passage in the Wisdom of Sirach (44:1) that begins, "Let us now praise famous men, and our fathers that begat us".
    ellauri144.html on line 568: Maggin pojalle (josta tulee rekkakuski) se antaa lukemisexi kirjan The Red Badge of Courage. It is a war novel by American author Stephen Crane (1871–1900). Taking place during the American Civil War, the story is about a young private of the Union Army, Henry Fleming, who flees from the field of battle. Overcome with shame, he longs for a wound, a "red badge of courage," to counteract his cowardice. When his regiment once again faces the enemy, Henry acts as standard-bearer, who carries a flag.
    ellauri144.html on line 577: Both of Bierce´s sons died before he did. Day committed suicide after a romantic rejection (he non-fatally shot the woman of his affections along with her fiancé beforehand), and Leigh died of pneumonia related to alcoholism. Bierce separated from his wife in 1888, after discovering compromising letters to her from an admirer. They divorced in 1904. Mollie Day Bierce died the following year. Bierce was an avowed agnostic, and strongly rejected the divinity of Christ. He suffered from lifelong asthma, as well as complications from his war wounds, most notably episodes of fainting and irritability assignable to the traumatic brain injury suffered at Kennesaw Mountain. In 1913, Bierce told reporters that he was travelling to Mexico to gain first-hand experience of the Mexican Revolution. He disappeared and was never seen again.
    ellauri144.html on line 740: Huan Ramon Himénez sensijaan on espanjalainen lyyrikko, joka sai 1956 Nobelin palkinnon joxeenkin olemattomista ansioista. Yksi Jimenezin tärkeimmistä panoksista moderniin runouteen oli hänen kannatuksensa "puhtaan runouden" käsitteelle. Jotain tollasta l'art pour l'art varmaan taas, keskuslyriikkaa. Hän opiskeli San Luis Gonzagan jesuiittalaitoksessa El Puerto de Santa Maríassa, lähellä Cádizia. Myöhemmin hän opiskeli lakia ja maalausta Sevillan yliopistossa, mutta pian hän huomasi, että hänen kykynsä viittasivat paremminkin kynäilyyn. Sitten hän omistautui Rubén Daríon vaikuttamalle kirjallisuudelle ja simbolismille. Hän julkaisi kaksi ensimmäistä kirjaansa 18-vuotiaana vuonna 1900.
    ellauri144.html on line 772: estrellas, brisa, fragancias… tähtiä, tuulenviri, tuoxuja.
    ellauri144.html on line 809: con sus hojas sin fragancia, Sen hajuttomissa lehdissä.
    ellauri144.html on line 957: Tore Hund (norrønt Þórir hundr), født rundt 990 og død en gang etter 1030, var en av de betydeligste høvdingene i Hålogaland. Han hadde gård på Bjarkøy i det senere Troms fylke. Tore Hund var en av lederne i opprøret mot kong Olav Haraldsson Digre, slik det er blitt beskrevet i Snorre Sturlassons saga om Olav den hellige i Heimskringla.
    ellauri144.html on line 969: Trolldomsmotivet går igjen for nordlendingene og Hålogaland. Tore Hund drev handel med finnene og skaffet seg «tolv reinskinnskufter med mye trollskap i». Siden stilte Tore Hund elleve utvalgte menn først i striden mot kongen, og han selv var den tolvte, og underforstått var de tolv bar alle kofter besatt med trolldom. Trolldomstemaet går igjen også i Olav Tryggvasons saga i hans møte med Raud den ramme.
    ellauri144.html on line 991: Óðinn átti spjót (Gungnir) sem gerði honum fært að ráða gangi bardaga og því var gott að heita á hann í stríði.
    ellauri145.html on line 110: As a traveling salesman and correspondence clerk, his research and thought was time-limited: he complained of "serving the knavery of merchants" and the stupefaction of "deceitful and degrading duties." Fourier produced most of his writings between 1816 and 1821. In 1822, he tried to sell his books again but with no success. Jobs people might not enjoy doing would receive higher pay. Fourier considered trade, which he associated with Jews, to be the "source of all evil" and advocated that Jews be forced to perform farm work in the phalansteries or else sent back to The Philistines with Rotschild money. Fourier´s contempt for the respectable thinkers and ideologies of his age was so intense that he always used the terms philosopher and civilization in a pejorative sense.

    ellauri145.html on line 164: Joseph-Pierre Borel d´Hauterive , joka tunnettiin nimellä Petrus Borel (26. kesäkuuta 1809 – 14. heinäkuuta 1859), oli ranskalainen romanttisen liikkeen kirjailija. Petrus Borel, hän syntyi Lyonissa, kahdestoistaosana rautakauppiaan neljästätoista lapsesta. Hän opiskeli arkkitehtuuria Pariisissa, mutta jätti sen kirjallisuuden vuoksi. Lempinimellä le Lycanthrope ("susimies") ja Pariisin böömiläisten ympyrän keskus hänet tunnettiin ylellisestä ja omalaatuisesta kirjoituksestaan, joka esikuvasi surrealismia . Hän ei kuitenkaan menestynyt rautakaupallisesti, ja lopulta hänen ystävänsä, mukaan lukien Théophile Gautier, löysivät hänet pieneen virkaan . Häntä pidetään myös poète mauditina , kuten Aloysius Bertrand tai Alice de Chambrier. Borel kuoli Mostaganemissa noin vuonna 1859 auringonpistoxeen. Hän oli aiheena elämäkerran Enid Starkie , Petrus Borel: Tällä Lycanthrope (1954).
    ellauri145.html on line 167: Après la démission de Bugeaud, en juin 1847, Borel est nommé inspecteur de la colonisation à Mostaganem, le 19 juillet. Le 2 septembre, il se marie à Alger avec Gabrielle Claye, dite Béatrix, fille de sa maîtresse Marie-Antoinette Claye et d´Augustin Claye (mort en 1827), âgée de 19 ans, avant de prendre son poste à Mostaganem le 7 septembre.
    ellauri145.html on line 170: À Mostaganem, il se révèle excellent administrateur mais, victime des idées romantiques qui ne l´ont jamais quitté, il emploie aussi bien les deniers publics que les siens pour sauver ses administrés de la faim et des fièvres. Le prefet critique ses rapports — la plus grande partie était faite en vers.
    ellauri145.html on line 562: What are the biggest criticisms against Nietzsche?
    ellauri145.html on line 699: Là-bas did strike a serious blow to the public’s conception of Naturalism. The novel, which opens with a two-page invective against Naturalism, was serialized in L’Echo de Paris, beginning on February 16, 1891. Huysmans’s protagonist, Durtal, feebly defends himself against his friend, Des Hermies, who maligns Naturalism as “du cloportisme” (siiramaisuudesta) while accusing it of having sold out: “Il a vanté l’américanisme nouveau des moeurs, abouti à l’éloge de la force brutale, à l’apothéose du coffre-fort. Par un prodige d’humilité, il a révéré le goût nauséeux des foules, et, par cela même, il a répudié le style, rejeté toute pensée altière, tout élan vers le surnaturel et l’au-delà...” (XII, 1, 6-7).
    ellauri145.html on line 793: J´agace, du bout de ma botte, Mä kannustan vaan kantapäällä
    ellauri145.html on line 1059: This paper offers a detailed reading of Rimbaud´ s "obscure" prose pom "Dévotion" from the Illuminations. The reading is based on the central principle that the text is modelled on the form of devotional prayer, a model that Rimbaud adopts only to parody it and transgress against it. Kaikki lukijat on yhtä mieltä että tää on Rimbaudin sepustuxista sekopäisin. Vaik kyllä se aina varoo olemasta selväsanainen, se on epädekadenttia. R. is extremely fond of mystifying his readers.
    ellauri145.html on line 1160: Born into a farming family of La Sauvagère, Brisset was an autodidact. Having left school at age twelve to help on the family farm, he apprenticed as a pastry chef in Paris three years later. In 1855, he enlisted in the army for seven years and fought in the Crimean War. In 1859, during the war in Italy against the Austrians. After he was wounded at the Battle of Magenta, he was taken prisoner. During the Franco-Prussian War, he was a second lieutenant in the 50e régiment d´infanterie de ligne. Taken prisoner again, he was sent to Magdeburg in Saxony where he learned German.
    ellauri146.html on line 284: Stor betydelse för den litterära utvecklingen hade Klopstock även genom sin "barpoesi", det vill säga oden och dramer som förhärligade den germanska draftbirran. Formellt står dessa verk, som bland annat försökte ersätta klassisk mytologi med en germaniserad nordisk under inflytande av James Macpherson och Ossians sånger. Genom sin höga självkänsla och föga uppfattning om diktarens kall, framlagd bland annat i Die deutsche Gelehrtenpublik (1784), bidrog Klopstock kraftigt till att höja självaktningen hos diktkonstens utövare. Bland de många utgåvorna av Klopstocks verk märks en praktupplaga i 7 band (1798-1809) och Sämmtliche Werke i 21 band (123-39). Präktiga böcker, ser fina ut i bokregalen!
    ellauri146.html on line 564: Suivie d’un œil hagard les yeux tachés de sang Seuraavat verestävät silmät
    ellauri146.html on line 640: Poe commented on the general meaning of his story several times. In one unsigned review of the number of the Southern Literary Messenger that contained it he said, “Lionizing ... is an admirable piece of burlesque which displays much reading, a lively humor, and an ability to afford amusement or instruction”; and in another puff of smoke he remarked, “It is an extravaganza ... and gives evidence of high powers of fancy and humor.”‡ To J. P. Kennedy he wrote on February 11, 1836 that it was a satire “properly speaking [page 172:] — at least so meant —... of the rage for Lions and the facility of becoming one.”
    ellauri146.html on line 678: As a critic, Poe often expressed national sentiments. He urged Americans to build their own literature, to avoid a blind adulation of, or slavish imitation of, Europeans simply because they were Europeans. But at the same time, Poe warned against literary chauvanism, which tended to overpraise every dull American writer simply because he happened to be American. Poe’s detached and objective attitude could become, and often did become, highly critical of American society and America
    ellauri146.html on line 761: Streamed again a wonder of summer a Virtasi taas kesäihmeenä
    ellauri146.html on line 817: She'ld come again, and with a greedy ear
    ellauri146.html on line 828: Thomas Paine oli yksi Yhdysvaltain perustajakusipäistä. Häntä on kutsuttu ”koulutukseltaan korsetintekijäksi, ammatiltaan journalistiksi ja kutsumukseltaan propagandistiksi”. Aika sama urakehitys kuin ize Phillulla. Paine muutti Pohjois-Amerikkaan vuonna 1774 ja ehti juuri ja juuri osallistua Amerikan vallankumoukseen ilman että sattui.
    ellauri146.html on line 856: Politically Incorrect was founded in 2004, soon after the re-election of George W. Bush, by a German teacher named Stefan Herre "to do something against Anti-Americanism". Das Blog betont in seiner Selbstdarstellung eine „pro-israelische“ und „pro-amerikanische“ Ausrichtung. Im wiedervereinigten Deutschland zeigten sich in der Haltung gegenüber Flüchtlingen zum Teil zeitgeschichtlich bedingte Besonderheiten, die darauf zurückzuführen seien, dass die Westdeutschen sich über Jahrzehnte hätten daran gewöhnen können, zum Einwanderungsland zu werden, während die Ostdeutschen bis 1990 kaum in Kontakt mit Zuwanderern gekommen seien.
    ellauri147.html on line 161: Derrida is careful not to confine the will to power to human behavior, the mind, metaphysics, nor physical reality individually. It is the underlying life principle inaugurating all aspects of life and behavior, a self-preserving force. A sense of entropy and the eternal return, which are related, is always indissociable from the will to power. The eternal return of all memory initiated by the will to power is an entropic force again inherent to all life. What bladderdash.
    ellauri147.html on line 164: Opposed to this interpretation, the "will to power" can be understood (or misunderstood) to mean a struggle against one's surroundings that culminates in personal growth, self-overcoming, and self-perfection, and assert that the power held over others as a result of this is coincidental.
    ellauri147.html on line 167: Nietzsche's "Will to power" and "Will to seem" embrace many of our views, which again resemble in some respects the views of Féré and the older writers, according to whom the sensation of pleasure originates in a feeling of power, that of pain in a feeling of feebleness (Ohnmacht).
    ellauri147.html on line 205: Despite struggling to fit in with French office culture Emily convinces her boss, Sylvie, to invite her to a work party where she accidentally irritates Sylvie by conversing with Antoine Lambert, a client who turns out to be Sylvie's married lover. As punishment she is put to work marketing Vaga-Jeune, a lubricant for menopausal women. Annoyed with the gendered nature of the French language Emily writes a post about the product that goes viral causing her to make further inroads at work.
    ellauri147.html on line 247: Daniel D´Addario of Variety described the series as "a Turkish delight that begs the question of what it really means to grow up against a truly inviting backdrop", and that Mr. Collins is "an inherently winsome performer who has never been quite as well and often abused as she is here". Kristen Baldwin of Entertainment Weekly gave the series a "B" and wrote, "If you need a five-hour brain vacation, Paris is a worthwhile destination." The New Zealand Herald considered the show "visually delectable" and that "Mr. Collins has a pixie-ish charm which makes her endearing", but also that the show is "as ephemeral as dental floss". However, Kristen Lopez of IndieWire wrote a review Metacritic graded as a 23 out of a 100, praising Mr. Collins for being a "Jewess, make no mistake" and that "Emily in Paris is only as watchable and frivolous as our first lady," but warning viewers "Emily in Paris is like scrolling through Instagram. It´s a great way to waste time looking at pretty pictures with no depth."
    ellauri147.html on line 249: Nevertheless, not all critics were this kind to the Emily character. Emma Gray from HuffPost called Emily a bland character, stating "The show doesn´t even make an effort to quirk her up or give her a more relatable, girl-next-door roughness: she´s always immaculately coiffed and made-up, and garbed in effortfully eye-catching outfits. But there´s not much to the character, except for enormous amounts of self-confidence and the inexplicable ability to attract new friends and love interests on every street corner." Rebecca Nicholson of The Guardian gave the series one out of five stars: "if it is an attempt to fluff up the romcom for the streaming age, then it falls over on its six-inch heels." Rachel Handler opined "Darren Star has done it yet again: centered an entire show on a thin, gently delusional white woman whimsically exploring a major metropolitan area in wildly expensive couture purchased on a mid-level salary."
    ellauri147.html on line 261: Megan Garber of The Atlantic was critical of the character Emily, writing, "An expat who acts like a tourist, she judges everything against the backdrop of her own rigid Americanness. You might figure that those moments are evidence of a show poking fun at its protagonist´s arrogance, or setting the stage for her to grow beyond her initial provincialism. But: You would be, as I was, mostly incorrect. Instead, other people change around her, becoming French-American. They grudgingly concede that her way (strident, striving, teeming with insistent individualism) is the right way. The show — the latest from the Sex and the City creator Darren Star — is selling several fantasies. Primary among them is the notion that Emily can bulldoze her way through France and be celebrated for it.
    ellauri147.html on line 458: She is against bullying and is also the ambassador to the Bystander Revolution, an anti-bullying organization.
    ellauri150.html on line 265: De proportions toutes menues, très bien habillée, séduisante, agacinante, elle avait des manières mignardes, précieuses, niaisottes ; elle jouait la fillette, se balançant deux heures dans son fauteuil à bascule, poussant des petits cris, des :
    ellauri150.html on line 271: Toutes ces singeries, ces parades de petit chien, cette ingénuité frelatée, ne plaisaient à Christophe en aucune façon. Il avait autre chose à faire qu’à se prêter aux manèges d’une petite fille rouée, ou même qu’à les considérer, d’un œil amusé. Il avait à gagner son pain, à sauver de la mort sa vie et ses pensées. Le seul intérêt pour lui de ces perruches de salon était de lui en fournir les moyens. En échange de leur argent, il leur donnait ses leçons, en conscience, le front plissé, l’esprit tendu vers la tâche, afin de ne se laisser distraire ni par l’ennui qu’elle lui causait, ni par les agaceries de ses élèves, quand elles étaient aussi coquettes que Colette Stevens. Il ne faisait guère plus d’attention à elle qu’à la petite cousine de Colette, une enfant de douze ans, silencieuse et timide, que les Stevens avaient prise chez eux, et à qui Christophe enseignait aussi le piano.
    ellauri150.html on line 399: Ilta-pulun propagandisti Jyrki Lehtola, jonka naamassa jo lukee isolla "olen setämies" liittää äänensä woke-jupakan jälkeiseen persukuorohon. Sen mielestä MOLEMMAT rasismikeskustelijat on elitistejä. Hän sensijaan ainoana edustaa laahusta. Läppäläppä, ei sentään vallan laahusta vaan laissez faire-järjen ääntä, tolkun miehiä. Kysymys ei ole tässä muusta kun säästyneen setelin väristä, kun wolttikuskeja saa tusinoittain halvemmalla kumilautalta.
    ellauri150.html on line 465: During a naval battle against Greek rebels in the Ionian Sea, Ben-Hur´s galley is boarded but collides with another ship and is destroyed as Ben-Hur manages to cling to a floating mast. He is washed ashore and is found by Sheik Ilderim, who recognizes him as an escaped slave.
    ellauri150.html on line 476: The film's final onscreen writing credits created controversy when, in October 1959, the Writers Guild of America (WGA) awarded Tunberg sole screenplay credit, despite the objections of the film's director, William Wyler, who, in the film's commemorative booklet and elsewhere, claimed that Christopher Fry was more responsible than any other writer for the final screenplay. In response to Wyler's public outcries against their ruling, the WGA took out trade paper ads on November 20, 1959 in which they issued a statement reading, in part, "the unanimous decision of the three judges was that the sole screenplay credit was awarded to Karl Tunberg...The record shows the following: 1. Karl Tunberg is the only writer who has ever written a complete screenplay on Ben-Hur; 2. Karl Tunberg continued to contribute materials throughout the actual filming, and this material is incorporated in the final picture; and 3. Karl Tunberg alone did the necessary rewriting during the four months of retakes and added scenes. Mr. Christopher Fry himself was fully informed of the proceedings of the Guild. He has made it absolutely clear that he did not want to protest the decision of the Guild."
    ellauri150.html on line 484: Based on an 1880 novel, Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ, the film was directed by Hollywood great William Wyler, and screenwriter Gore Vidal was one of many who took a pass at the screenplay. In The Celluloid Closet, Vidal states in no uncertain terms that he scripted the film as a confrontation between ex-lovers Ben-Hur (Charlton Heston) and Messala (Stephen Boyd). Further, Vidal claims that, after consultation with Wyler and Boyd (but not Heston, who would have objected), he wrote one particular scene, where the estranged Ben-Hur and Messala meet again, with heavy gay subtext.
    ellauri150.html on line 524: He heard again, or seemed to hear, the saying of the Nazarene, "I am the resurrection and the life." And as men repeat a question to grasp and fix the meaning, he asked, gazing at the figure on the hill fainting under its crown, What resurrection? and what life?
    ellauri150.html on line 541: In 30 AD, Judah returned from being a galley slave, and Esther told him that she was no longer betrothed, causing the two to fall in love again. When Judah's mother Miriam and sister Tirzah were sent to the Valley of Lepers by their jailers, Esther brought them food, and, when Judah asked about his family's fate, Esther was told by Miriam to inform him that they were dead, as Miriam did not want her son to see them in agony. When a dying Messala told Judah of his family's real fates, Judah headed to the Valley and angrily confronted Esther, who forced him to hide from his family rather than violate their wishes. On the way out of the Valley, Esther stopped to listen to Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, and she became a convinced Christian; she had an argument with Judah about his lust for vengeance and his lack of interest in Jesus' message of peace and love. However, when the two found that Tirzah was dying, they brought Miriam and Tirzah to Jerusalem to search for Jesus and hope for a cure. They were too late to reach him before he was crucified, but a sudden rainstorm miraculously healed the lepers' wounds and cured them. Ben-Hur, who was now convinced of Jesus' message, embraced Esther and his family, having decided to give up his quest for revenge.
    ellauri150.html on line 573: "Stay, and see my husband. He has no feeling against you. He sought for you everywhere. He will be your friend. I will be your friend. We are Christians you know."

    ellauri150.html on line 612: Messala comes over for dinner. Judah and Messala go out back to meet privately. Judah gives Messala a white horse. Messala asks Judah for his progress in pacifying the Jews; on learning that it isn't 100% successful, he wants to know who's refusing. Messala makes clear that he wants names. Judah, while protesting that he's nonviolent himself, doesn't think that the Jews resisting Roman rule are doing anything wrong, and so he doesn't provide them. Messala begs for cooperation, but in doing so makes clear that he considers the Roman Emperor a god; not only doesn't Judah believe that, but he's personally against the occupation. They leave as enemies, and Judah Ben-Hur is left to explain why Messala isn't staying for dinner.
    ellauri150.html on line 685: In short, spurred on by greedy hankering after things present, which is the root of all evils, which some coveting have erred from the faith, they attack the right of property, sanctioned by the law of nature, and with signal depravity, while pretending to feel solicitous about the needs, and anxious to satisfy the requirements of all, they strain every effort to seize upon and hold in common all that has been individually acquired by title of lawful inheritance, through intellectual or manual labor, or economy in living. These monstrous views they proclaim in public meetings, uphold in booklets, and spread broadcast everywhere through the daily press. Hence the hallowed dignity and authority of rulers has incurred such odium on the part of rebellious subjects that evil-minded traitors, spurning all control, have many a time within a recent period boldly raised impious hands against even the very heads of States. etc.etc.
    ellauri150.html on line 703: The Pope tells us that, "Nothing more foolish can be uttered or conceived than the notion that, because man is free by nature, he is therefore exempt from law." Oh, so you thought that being free meant that you could just ignore the law of God? Wr-o-ng! Try again.
    ellauri150.html on line 720: I have to agree once again, real freedom is not in doing whatever desire we have, there has to be an order, god's order.
    ellauri150.html on line 754: Ride - On Eye of Providence... Strange that you should mention this because I came across this recently as a Christian symbol. I hate to think of this as a Freemason symbol. The only thing I can tell you is that the Church can and does adopt pagan symbols and changes their meanings. Similar to the way in which sinners can be converted to Christianity, so also can these symbols be converted. In reference to the Eye of Providence however, this symbol is much more closely associated with Freemasonry now. Freemasonry has been consistently repudiated by the Catholic Church. In fact Pope Leo XIII wrote an encyclical specifically condemning it in his 1884 HUMANUM GENUS (on Freemasonry):
    ellauri150.html on line 756: "At this period, however, the partisans of evil seems to be combining together, and to be struggling with united vehemence, led on or assisted by that strongly organized and widespread association called the Freemasons. No longer making any secret of their purposes, they are now boldly rising up against God Himself. They are planning the destruction of holy Church publicly and openly..."
    ellauri151.html on line 138: Wilde took a key out of his pocket and showed me into a tiny apartment of two rooms… The youths followed him, each of them wrapped in a burnous that hid his face. Then the guide left us and Wilde sent me into the further room with little Mohammed and shut himself up in the other with the [other boy]. Every time since then that I have sought after pleasure, it is the memory of that night I have pursued. […] My joy was unbounded, and I cannot imagine it greater, even if love had been added. How should there have been any question of love? How should I have allowed desire to dispose of my heart? No scruple clouded my pleasure and no remorse followed it. But what name then am I to give the rapture I felt as I clasped in my naked arms that perfect little body, so wild, so ardent, so sombrely lascivious? For a long time after Mohammed had left me, I remained in a state of passionate jubilation, and though I had already achieved pleasure five times with him, I renewed my ecstasy again and again, and when I got back to my room in the hotel, I prolonged its echoes by hand until morning. What´s love got to do with it?
    ellauri151.html on line 162: The book was a huge commercial success, quickly going through two editions. Reviews were favourable, but not all so. In an unsigned piece in The Times the reviewer opined, "We owe it to literature to protest against this last production of Mr. Dickens. Shades of Fielding and Scott! Is it for such jargon as this that we have given your throne to one who cannot estimate his eminence?" However, William Makepeace Thackeray enjoyed the book immensely: "To us, it appears it is a good Christmas book, illuminated with extra gas, crammed with extra bonbons, French plums and sweetness.This story is no more a real story than Peerybingle is a real name!
    ellauri151.html on line 164: She saw that he was coming; and stopped him again. But she was very nearly too late. Tackletonistakin tulee kilppi lopussa. Sirkka sirahtaa ja sitten kaikki haihtuvat kuin pieru Saharaan. Risa lelu jää lojumaan lattialle.
    ellauri151.html on line 241: (You can say that again.)
    ellauri151.html on line 471: across the road that lies in peace again. Tien poikki joka on taas rauhan oloissa,
    ellauri151.html on line 495: And silence will again spray on the land Ja hiljaisuus sumuttaa jälleen maan pintaa,
    ellauri151.html on line 501: the former weavers once again will make Entiset kutojat alkavat jälleen kerran kutoa
    ellauri151.html on line 505: The women will again bend to their chores Naiset kumartuvat taas askareisiinsa
    ellauri151.html on line 633: present. Wittgenstein again found Hamann difficult to understand,
    ellauri151.html on line 779: [9] For to this end Christ died and lived again, that he might be Lord both of the dead and of the living.
    ellauri152.html on line 532: Haman var enligt Esters bok namnet på en furste som under Ahasverus/Xerxes regering försökte utrota judarna i Persiska riket. I bibelboken kallas han en "agagit", det vill säga avkomling av Agag, en kung av judarnas fiende Amalek.
    ellauri152.html on line 547: On the king's orders, Haman was hanged from the 50-cubit-high gallows that had originally been built by Haman himself, on the advice of his wife Zeresh, in order to hang Mordechai. The bodies of Haman's ten sons were also hanged, after they died in battle against the Jews.The Jews also killed about 75,000 of their enemies "in self-defense."
    ellauri152.html on line 591: In the story, Avigdor just trembles and sits down, and Yentl calmly explains. He then asks what she is going to do now, and she says she will go to a different yeshiva and start over. Avigdor half says they could get married, but doesn’t finish the sentence. Yentl rebuffs him, saying it wouldn’t be good, and explains, “I’m neither one nor the other.” She tells him to go back to Badass instead. Avigdor has strange feelings, trying to reconcile who Anshel is, who Yentl is. But they spend the night in companionable debate, discussing Yentl’s marriage to Badass and whether she legally needs to divorce her, as well as why Yentl crossdressed. Avigdor brings up marriage again, but Yentl refuses even stronger.
    ellauri152.html on line 693: Reb Nathan Zuckerman adds that prior to messianic era the power of evil is so intense that we lack the power to overcome it. Therefore, explains Reb Nathan, it is imperative to enlist the aid of the spiritual giants of past generations through Rabbeinu Tam's Tefillin. Rabbeinu Tam's Tefillin expand the intelligence, enabling us to break evil at its source and stand up against the forces of evil. "In the turbulent era prior to the coming of the messiah, for anyone who is serious about wanting to find the dog, wearing Rabbeinu Tam's Tefillin is very important." (Lekutey Halachoth: Orach Chaim: Hilchoth Tefillin 5:27-29)
    ellauri152.html on line 741: Isaac Leib Peretz (Polish: Icchok Lejbusz Perec, Yiddish: יצחק־לייבוש פרץ‎) (May 18, 1852 – April 3, 1915), also sometimes written Yitskhok Leybush Peretz was a Yiddish language author and playwright from Poland. Payson R. Stevens, Charles M. Levine, and Sol Steinmetz count him with Mendele Mokher Seforim and Sholem Aleichem as one of the three great classical Yiddish writers. Sol Liptzin wrote: "Yitzkhok Leibush Peretz was the great awakener of Yiddish-speaking Jewry and Sholom Aleichem its comforter.... Peretz aroused in his readers the will for self-emancipation, the will for resistance against the many humiliations to which they were being subjected."
    ellauri153.html on line 358:

  • “God is omnipotent” is true at game history w if and only if God has a winning strategy in the justice-of-God game G. Tässähän se tapahtuu se suuri lässähdys. Muka omnipotentti jumala saa häthätää saatanasta matin loppupeleissä. Matkan varrella isokyrpäinen valas voi syödä vaikka kaikki sen nappulat paizi kurkon, joka jää viimeisenä laudalle. Aika lohduttavaa sen muulle tiimille. One can make a few clarifying remarks about the structure of the game. The form of the game is relatively simple: it’s an ordinary extended-form perfect information game. tuskinpa Jobilla oli täydellistä informaatiota pelitilanteesta tai edes pelin säännöistä, muista pelaajista puhumattakaan. Aika isoja informaatiojoukkoja oli niiden kalloissa. Sitäpaizi ei luonnossa pelaajat siirrä vuoronperään, vaan koko ajan, niinkuin differentiaalipeleissä. . The goal is here not to go deeply into technical details, but to construct an übersichtlich representation for the theological grammar of biblical stories and to highlight the uses of terms like “good” and “omnipotent” in them. The game or model can then be used as a simplified fragment that can be projected onto, contrasted with and used to interpret biblical stories. The point of this clarification is to highlight the grammar of the divine properties “good” and “omnipotent” within the logic of the struggle myth, and to get the consistency of {God is good, God is omnipotent, There is chaotic evil} as in the Book of Job. The argument needs two assumptions. First, the games between God, humans and creation are genuine dialogues. Paskanmarjat, ei nää ole edes mitään signaling gameja, puhumattakaan dialogipeleistä. Olis kannattanut lukea mun väitöskirja Dialogue Games, siinä on oikeeta sananvaihtoa. The players answer each other and thus have to take turns in making moves and participating in them. Then the game of Job and the struggle against chaos is in extended form to represent the sequence of the debate, and its resolution gives the drama of the fight against kid chaos. Second, the properties of God like “omnipotent” and “good” are defined against the background of Job’s encounter with God and the struggle against chaos. This redefinition builds on both James’ reinterpretation of the properties of God in terms of religious practices, and also of Job’s new world of faith in the encounter. Job’s encounter with God and the struggle against chaos are modelled in the game, so such properties of God as “good” and “omnipotent” are then internal to the game. Missä kohtaa Jopilla on tässä jotain pelivaraa? Montako valintaruutua Jobilla edes on: Marise-älä marise, ja Pyllistä-älä pyllistä. Siinä kaikki. Jotta jumalan tiimi voittaisi, sen pitää ensin marista ja sit pyllistää. Nain on meidankin elamassamme! Marise mitä mariset, mut muista pyllistää!
    ellauri153.html on line 403: cannot be evidence against the existence of God, because if God can allow n horrendous evils, He
    ellauri153.html on line 687: 4 Abigail ja Nabob eivät sopineet hyvin yhteen. Nabob olisi tuskin voinut valita parempaa vaimoa, kun taas Abigail havaitsi olevansa naimisissa miehen kanssa, jota kelvottomampaa sai hakea. Nabobilla oli kyllä rahaa - se oli rikas kuin Naabob, kuten el Zorro joka oli löytänyt azteekkien aarteen Sierra Madrelta - minkä vuoksi hänellä oli suuret käsitykset izestään. Mutta miten muut suhtautuivat häneen? Raamatusta on vaikea löytää henkilöä, josta puhuttaisiin yhtä halveksuvasti kuin Nabobista. Jopa hänen nimensä merkizee ’mieletöntä, typerää’. Antoivatko hänen vanhempansa hänelle tämän nimen syntymän yhteydessä, vai oliko kyseessä lisänimi, jonka hän sai myöhemmin? [Mitä luulet ääliö? Tän propagandan kirjottaja oli Daavidin huonetta ja sukua.] Olipa asia kummin tahansa, hän osoittautui nimensä mukaiseksi. Nabob oli ”tyly ja menettelytavoiltaan paha”. Hän oli rehentelijä ja juoppo, ja häntä kohtaan tunnettiin laajalti vastenmielisyyttä ja pelkoa. (1. Sam. 25:2, 3, 17, 21, 25.) Se on kieltämättä epätavallista oikeassa elämässä, jossa upporikkaat miljardöörit ovat useimmiten fixuja ja reiluja.
    ellauri153.html on line 815: Even with extra blankets, the elderly King David could not generate enough body heat on his own to maintain a healthy temperature. A lifetime that had included being a fugitive, living in caves, being exposed to the elements, and fighting hard-fought battles had finally taken its toll on his aging body (see 1 Samuel 20:1; 22:1; 2 Samuel 21:17). David’s condition, called hypothermia, is not unusual in older people: toward the end of his long life, former President Ronald Reagan requested that his favorite electric blanket be returned from the ranch he had sold. Of course, no technology in ancient Israel would provide a continual source of warmth through the cool Judean nights. Only a human body had the capacity to do that.
    ellauri155.html on line 258: Missähän se todellinen sylttytehdas on? Seura- ja Apu- lehdet ovat vain väyliä täysin ulkopuolisille vaikuttajille. Aina, kun tulee esille Venäjä, kyse on Naton hybridivaikuttamisesta eri tiedotusvälineiden kautta – mediapooli hoitaa tätä tehtävää. Todellisina käskyttäjinä ovat presidentin kanslia, presidentin oikea käsi – Supo, sekä hybridiosaamiskeskus. Puolustusvoimillakin voi olla propagandavelvoite mustamaalata välikäsien, eri medioiden kautta, onhan laitoksen ylipäällikkö ulkopolitiikasta vastaava ylin toimija suhteessa EU:n ulkopuolisiin maihin. Näillä pelotteluitäyhteyksien keksimisillä on tarkoitus myös vaikuttaa ajankohtaiseen pohdintaan kalliista hävittäjähankinnoista.
    ellauri155.html on line 319: Ja näin olemme siinä pisteessä, että Venäjästä – täysin vakavasti ja ilman minkäänlaista ironiaa tai paisuttelua – on (vastoin Iltalehden propagandaa) tullut maailman valo, loistava kaupunki kukkulalla, toivon majakka, vanhurskauden ja vapaan hengen linnake ja todella vapaan maailman symboli. …Tämä on melkein maaginen muutos: se pystyi saavuttamaan tämän ylevän aseman ilman, että se edes pelasi peliä tai teki ulostuloja. Se teki vähimmän mahdollisen pysyäkseen asemissaan ja estääkseen pienen, ulkomailta hallittujen pettureiden ja hölmöjen ryhmän tuhoamasta maataan.
    ellauri155.html on line 350: against-common-enemy.html?_ga=2.145018804.1006389435.1638658226-346964864.1627224119">https://www.henrymakow.com/2021/12/covid-unites-humanity-against-common-enemy.html?_ga=2.145018804.1006389435.1638658226-346964864.1627224119
    ellauri155.html on line 429: King Abimelech of Gerar also appears in an extra-biblical tradition recounted in texts such as the Kitab al-Magall, the Cave of Treasures and the Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan, as one of 12 regional kings in Abraham's time said to have built the city of Jerusalem for Melchizedek.
    ellauri155.html on line 434: När Abraham kom till Gerar talade han om sin hustru Sara som sin syster och en historia snarlik den som enligt kapitel 12 utspelat sig i Egypten beskrivs: Avimelek fattade tycke för Sara och hämtade henne till sig. Gud ingrep och anklagade Avimelek för att ha tagit en annan mans hustru. Abraham ställdes till svars och det hela klarades ut. Abraham ingick senare ett förbund med Avimelek på en plats som därmed fick namnet Be'er Sheva (באר שבע, "edsbrunnen").
    ellauri155.html on line 523: Little in the narrative tells us what we are to think of David’s actions. Perhaps the very fact that he sought security among the Philistines is enough to make his choice questionable. After all, God had shown Himself able to keep David safe within the boundaries of Israel (chs. 18–26), so David’s seeking refuge in Philistia may indicate a lapse of faith. It could be that David’s raids from Ziklag confirm this. We see how David would go out against enemies of Israel such as the Amalekites (see Ex. 17:8–16) who were in the south of Judah. After defeating them, he would bring spoil back to Achish and lie to the king, telling him that he was conducting raids on the Israelites (1 Sam. 27:8–12). We do not want to make too much of this, for some actions are acceptable in times of war that are not necessarily acceptable in times of peace (for example, industrial espionage). This was a time of war, with both Achish and the peoples David raided being actual enemies of Israel. Still, David’s successful deception put him in a quandary. Achish was so pleased with David’s work that he commissioned David to join him against Israel (28:1–2). What would he do?
    ellauri155.html on line 767: Calvin was far more careful with this doctrine than his critics were and are. Calvin understood men would react strongly against predestination. “The human mind, when it hears this doctrine, cannot restrain its petulance, but boils and rages as if aroused by the sound of a trumpet.” People who hear the teaching of predestination rarely remain unaffected by it. Their hearts too become enflamed, either with these teachings or against them. Calvin offers caution in the wrongful handling of this doctrine.
    ellauri156.html on line 72: The best part in my opinion is the bit in Talmud where David looks Bathsheba in the eyes and sees his own horny face reflected there and is sick of the whole thing. From then on he will not touch Bathseba anymore down there ever again and leaves her to languish in his harem bored as hell. Maybe David barfed because Bathsheba was already corked. He was used to virgins.
    ellauri156.html on line 76: Israel is at war with none other than the Ammonites (verse 1), which may come as a surprise to you as it did to me. (Well, to be honest, I thought they were the cretacean mollusks by the same name.) I thought the Ammonites had been defeated in chapter 10. I was wrong. The author is very clear on this matter. In chapter 8, the author tells how David began to engage his enemies in battle, ending the strangle-hold these surrounding nations had on Israel. David subjected the Philistines (8:1), then the Moabites (8:2), and then he took on the king of Zobah (8:3ff.). In the process, other nations became involved and found Israel too formidable an enemy to oppose again. (Notice the similarity of the situation here to the Yom Kippur War.)
    ellauri156.html on line 84: This leads to a war between the Israelites and the Ammonites. The Ammonites recruit the Syrians as their allies against David. In their first conflict, the Syrians flee, forcing the Ammonites to retreat to “the city” (10:14; which must be Rabbah -- see 12:26ff.). The Syrians are not content with their defeat and attempt a rematch, but once again they are defeated. This causes them to give up any thought of backing up the Ammonites in their war with Israel in the future.
    ellauri156.html on line 96: 1 Then Satan stood up against Israel and moved David to number Israel. 2 So David said to Joab and to the princes of the people, “Go, number Israel from Beersheba even to Dan, and bring me word that I may know their number.” 3 Joab said, “May the LORD add to His people a hundred times as many as they are! But, my lord the king, are they not all my lord's servants? Why does my lord seek this thing? Why should he be a cause of guilt to Israel?” 4 Nevertheless, the king's word prevailed against Joab. Therefore, Joab departed and went throughout all Israel, and came to Jerusalem. 5 Joab gave the number of the census of all the people to David. And all Israel were 1,100,000 men who drew the sword; and Judah was 470,000 men who drew the sword (1 Chronicles 21:1-5).
    ellauri156.html on line 100: 9 The Lord said to Egad, David’s seer, 10 “Go and tell David, ‘This is what the Lord says: I am giving you three options. Choose one of them for me to carry out against you.’” 11 So Gad went to David and said to him, “This is what the Lord says: ‘Take your choice: 12 three years of famine, three months of being swept away[a] before your enemies, with their swords overtaking you, or three days of the sword of the Lord—days of plague in the land, with the angel of the Lord ravaging every part of Israel.’ Now then, decide how I should answer the one who sent me.”
    ellauri156.html on line 108: What I am pointing out here is that the decision on David's part -- to remain in Jerusalem -- is the beginning of woes for both David and the nation Israel. Why is it wrong for David to stay home while the rest of the men of Israel go to war against the Ammonites? First, leading the nation in war is one of the main tasks of the king:
    ellauri156.html on line 112: The Israelites were wrong in demanding a king, but they were not too far off in expecting that their “king” would lead them in war. The judges God had raised up for them earlier were usually men like Barak or Gideon, who would lead the nation in battle against their enemies. When God designated Saul as Israel's first king, this military role was clearly indicated:
    ellauri156.html on line 143: In Mojo magazine in October 2008, McCartney acknowledged that the style of the song is a pastiche, saying: "I was basically spoofing the folksinger." Lennon attributed the song to McCartney, saying: "Couldn't you guess? Would I have gone to all that trouble about Gideon's Bible and all that stuff?"
    ellauri156.html on line 285: 7 It came about after these events that his master's wife looked with desire at Joseph, and she said, “Lie with me.” 8 But he refused and said to his master's wife, “Behold, with me here, my master does not concern himself with anything in the house, and he has put all that he owns in my charge. 9 “There is no one greater in this house than I, and he has withheld nothing from me except you, because you are his wife. How then could I do this great evil and sin against God?” (Genesis 39:7-9).
    ellauri156.html on line 291: What the fuck again, Hittites were to Jews like the Brits, an old empire from the time of Gideon. What is there to laugh about, is it like middle class Americans laughing at Brits as upperclass twits?
    ellauri156.html on line 295: It is obvious that Uriah had forsaken his own people and their gods to live in Israel, marry an Israelite woman, and fight in David's army. He is no pagan, to be put to death. He is a proselyte. In spite of all this, I believe David looks down upon him. David has grown accustomed to having the finest of everything. His palace is the finest around. His furnishings, his food, his help, are all the finest. Now, he looks from his penthouse and sees a woman whom he regards as “fine.” How can a woman so “fine” belong to this Hittite? She is fit for a king. And this king intends to have her.
    ellauri156.html on line 297: And so David sends messengers to her, who take her and bring her to him. When she arrives, David sleeps with her, and when she is purified from her uncleanness,38 she returns to her house. That is that. (Mikä uncleanliness? Meneekö Bathsheba Joen Bideniin ja pesee Taavin runkut pois?) If she had not become pregnant, I have little doubt she would never have darkened the door of David's house again. David does not seek a wife in Bathsheba. He does not even seek an affair. He wants one night of sex with this woman, and then he will let Uriah have her. (Häh? Oliko Bathsheba niin huono hoito vai? Eikös sitä olis voinut toistamiseenkin rotkauttaa? Bathshebalta ei nähtävästi mitään kysytty missään vaiheessa. Eikun x-asentoon Taavin sängylle ja melaa mekkoon.)
    ellauri156.html on line 447: The musical score was by Alfred Newman (the funny looking kid on the cover of Mad magazine), who, for the bucolic scene with the shepherd boy, used a solo oboe in the Lydian mode, drawing on long established conventions linking the solo oboe with pastoral scenes and the shepherd's pipe. To underscore David's guilt-ridden turmoil in the Mount Gilboa scene, Newman resorted to a vibraphone, which Miklós Rózsa used in scoring Peck's popular 1945 Spellbound, in which he played a no less disturbed patient suffering from amnesia, viz. prophet Nathan Zuckerman.
    ellauri156.html on line 503: It must be with great apprehension that Uriah joins David for dinner this last night in Jerusalem. David begins to eat and to drink, and he will not take no for an answer when he offers food and drink to Uriah. Eventually, it works, for David makes sure that Uriah has enough alcohol in his system to make him drunk. And in this condition, David sends Uriah home to “sleep it off,” in his own bed, of course. Even drunk, Uriah will not violate his wife! Unheard of! Once again, Uriah spends the night at the doorway of David's house, along with his servants. He does not go to his own house, and thus he does not sleep with his wife. David is in deep shit.
    ellauri156.html on line 518: Abner is initially mentioned incidentally in Saul's history, first appearing as the son of Ner, Saul's uncle, and the commander of Saul's army. He then comes to the story again as the commander who introduced David to Saul following David's killing of Goliath. He is not mentioned in the account of the disastrous battle of Gilboa when Saul's power was crushed. Seizing the youngest but only surviving of Saul's sons, Ish-bosheth, also called Eshbaal, Abner set him up as king over Israel at Mahanaim, east of the Jordan. David, who was accepted as king by Judah alone, was meanwhile reigning at Hebron, and for some time war was carried on between the two parties.
    ellauri156.html on line 539: His One Sin: The rabbis agree that Abner deserved this violent death, though opinions differ concerning the exact nature of the sin that entailed so dire a punishment on one who was, on the whole, considered a "righteous man" (Gen. R. lxxxii. 4). Some reproach him that he did not use his influence with Saul to prevent him from murdering the priests of Nob (Yer. Peah, i. 16a; Lev. R. xxvi. 2; Sanh. 20a)—convinced as he was of the innocence of the priests and of the propriety of their conduct toward David, Abner holding that as leader of the army David was privileged to avail himself of the Urine and Thumbeline (I Sam. xxii. 9-19). Instead of contenting himself with passive resistance to Saul's command to murder the priests (Yalḳ., Sam. 131), Abner ought to have tried to restrain the king by the balls. Others maintain that Abner did make such an attempt, but in vain (Saul had not enough to get a proper hold of), and that his one sin consisted in that he delayed the beginning of David's reign over Israel by fighting him after Saul's death for two years and a half (Sanh. l.c.). Others, again, while excusing him for this—in view of a tradition founded on Gen. xlix. 27, according to which there were to be two kings of the house of Benjamin—blame Abner for having prevented a reconciliation between Saul and David on the occasion when the latter, in holding on to the skirt of Saul's robe (I Sam. xxiv. 11), showed how unfounded was the king's mistrust of him, seeing Saul had no balls to speak of. Old Saul was inclined to be happy with a pacifier; but Abner, representing to him that the naked David might have found a piece of garment anywhere — even just a piece of sackcloth caught on a thorn — prevented the reconciliation (Yer. Peah, l.c., Lev. R. l.c., and elsewhere). Moreover, it was wrong of Abner to permit Israelitish youths to kill one another for sport (II Sam. ii. 14-16). No reproach, however, attaches to him for the death of Asahel, since Abner killed him in self-defense (Sanh. 49a).
    ellauri156.html on line 556: The answer is quite simple, as is evident by Joab's own concerns. The entire mission is a fiasco. The Israelites have besieged the city of Rabbah. This means they surround the city, giving the people no way in or out of the city. All the Israelites have to do is wait them out and starve them out. There is no need for any attack. The mission is a suicide mission from the outset, and it does not take a genius to see it for what it is. Joab has to assemble a group of mighty men, like Uriah, and including Uriah, to wage an attack on the city. This attack is not at the enemy's weakest point, as we would expect, but at the strongest point. This attack provokes a counter-attack by the Ammonites against Uriah and those with him. When the Israelite army draws back from their own men, they leave them defenseless, and the obvious result is a slaughter. How can one possibly report this fiasco in a way that doesn’t make Joab look like a fool (at best), or a murderer (at worst)?
    ellauri156.html on line 560: And so in verses 22-25 we are given an account of the messenger's arrival, of his report to David, and of David's response. I must point out that the messenger does not do as he is told, at least the way I read the account. The messenger goes to David and tells the king how the Ammonites prevailed against them as they left the city and pursued the Israelites into the open field. The Israelites then pursued the Ammonites, pushing them back toward the city as far as the city gate. It was here that Uriah and those with him were fighting. It was here that they were within range of the archers, who shot at them and killed a number of servants. And quickly the servant adds, “and your servant Uriah the Hittite is also dead” (verse 14).
    ellauri156.html on line 562: Now why does this messenger not wait for David to respond in anger, as Joab instructed? Why does he inform David that Uriah has been killed, before he even utters a word of criticism or protest? I believe the messenger gives the report in this way because he understands what is really going on here. I think he may know about David and Bathsheba, and perhaps even of her pregnancy. He certainly knows that Uriah was summoned to Jerusalem. I think he also figures out that David wants to get rid of Uriah, and that Joab has accomplished this by this miserable excuse for an offensive against the enemy. I think the messenger figures out that if David knows Uriah has been killed, he will not raise any objections to this needless slaughter. And so, rather than wait for David to hypocritically rant and rave about the stupidity of such a move, he just goes on and tells him first, so that he will not receive any reaction from David.
    ellauri156.html on line 566: Then David said to the messenger, “Thus you shall say to Joab, 'Do not let this thing displease you, for the sword devours one as well as another; make your battle against the city stronger and overthrow it'; and so encourage him” (2 Samuel 11:25).
    ellauri156.html on line 629: Now this little fellow was one lamb among a great many. Nevertheless, he enjoyed the distinction of being regarded as a “pet lamb.” (I am coming to te most narcissistic part of my sermon, going to introduce you to the good shepherd in a moment.) In the story which Nathan tells David, it is not quite the same. Nathan tells David of a “pet lamb” who is the only sheep of a poor farmer. This lamb does not live in a pen outside the house; it lives inside the house, often in the loving hairy arms of its master, and eats the same food he eats. This is the story Nathan tells David, which God uses to expose the wretchedness of David's sin. It is our text for this message, and once again, it has much to teach us, as well as David. Let us give careful heed to the inspired words of Nathan, and learn from a lamb. (I bet the lamb had much more to learn from the "boys".)
    ellauri156.html on line 645: When Bathsheba's mourning is complete, David sends for her and brings her to himself as his wife. Wait, was little David born as yet, or did he start fucking her with her belly full? I do not see him bending down on his knees, proposing. I do not see him courting her, sending her roses. I see him “taking” her once again. And again. In fact, this is my favourite part. The question in my mind is, “Why?” Why does David take Bathsheba into his house as one of his wives? I do not think he is any longer trying to “cover up” his sin; it is far too late for that. She must be “showing” her pregnancy by now, and it is hard to imagine how all Israel cannot know what has been going on. It appears that at this point, David is not trying to conceal his sin, but to legitimize it. Whatever David's reasons may be, they are hardly spiritual, and they are most certainly self-serving.
    ellauri156.html on line 660: In these verses, David makes it clear that God is at work even when it does not appear to be so. During the time David tries to cover up his sin, God is at work exposing it in his heart. These are not times of pleasure and joy, as Satan would like us to conclude; they are days of misery. David is plagued with guilt. He cannot sleep, and it seems he cannot eat. Worst of all, he cannot fuck. He is not sleeping nights, and he is losing weight. Whether or not David recognizes it as God who is at work in him, he does know he is miserable. It is this misery which tenderizes David, preparing him for the rebuke Nathan Zuckermann is to bring, preparing him for repentance. David's repentance is not the result of David's assessment of his situation; it is the result of divine intervention. Hey wait? If that is the case, where is the much-advertised free will? He has gone so far in sin that he cannot think straight. God is at work in David's life to break him, so that he will once again cast himself upon God for grace. He has good experience in casting himself upon folk, from Saul thru Jonathan to Bathsheba.
    ellauri156.html on line 728: David has just sprung the trap on himself, and Nathan is about to let him know about it. The first thing Nathan does is to dramatically indict David as the culprit: “You are the man!” In stunned silence, David now listens to the charges against him. David thinks only in terms of the evils the rich man committed against his neighbor, stealing a man's sheep and depriving him of his companion. Put another way, David thinks only in terms of crime and socially unacceptable behavior, not in terms of sin. In verses 7-12, Nathan draws David's attention to his sin against God and the consequences God has pronounced for his sin. Note the repetition of the pronoun “I” in verses 7 and 8: “It was I who. . .
    ellauri156.html on line 744: First and foremost, David's sin is against God. He has ceased to humbly acknowledge God as the Giver of all he possesses. He has ceased to look to God to provide him with all his needs -- and his desires. David has not only ceased to ask God to supply his needs, he has disobeyed God's commands by committing adultery and murder. David's sin against God manifests itself by the evils he commits against others. Nathan outlines these, employing a repetitive “you:”
    ellauri156.html on line 766: The evil David commits against others is clear disobedience to the revealed Word of God. David is a “man after God's own heart,” and yet in this instance, David “despised the Word of the Lord.” While David does repent and the guilt of his sin is forgiven, these consequences will not be reversed. These consequences are just; they fit the crime David committed. He used the sword of the Ammonites to kill Uriah, and so the sword will not depart from his house. He took the wife of another man, and so his own wives will be taken by another, another from his own house.
    ellauri156.html on line 768: The consequences are not only appropriate, but intensified. David took one man's wife; another will take several (I bet four) of his wives. This happens when Absalom rebels against his father's rule and temporarily takes over the throne. Following the advice of Ahithophel, Absolom pitches a tent on the roof of David's palace (the place from which David first looked upon Bathsheba) and there, in the sight of all Israel, sleeps with David's concubines as a declaration that he has taken over his father's throne and all that goes with it (2 Samuel 16:20-22). While David seeks to commit his sins in private, God sees to it that the consequences are very public. Aijaa. Kai tää Absalom-tarinakin täytyy vielä lehteillä.
    ellauri156.html on line 778: 20 So Moses said to them, “If you will do this, if you will arm yourselves before the LORD for the war, 21 and all of you armed men cross over the Jordan before the LORD until He has driven His enemies out from before Him, 22 and the land is subdued before the LORD, then afterward you shall return and be free of obligation toward the LORD and toward Israel, and this land shall be yours for a possession before the LORD. 23 “But if you will not do so, behold, you have sinned against the LORD, and be sure your sin will find you out (Numbers 32:20-23, emphasis mine). Note what this says! We must support Israel against its mooslem neighbors! They are not their neighbors! Or rather of course they are but they are also enemies!
    ellauri159.html on line 311: against_thy_neighbour" title="Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour">Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour
    ellauri159.html on line 414:
  • P: Philo, has an extensive homily on why the order is so important, with the prohibition on adultery "the greatest of the commands dealing with persons", followed by the prohibitions against stealing and then killing last.

  • ellauri159.html on line 549: rakkaus (agapē, caritas)
    ellauri159.html on line 657: The word used to translate the Greek word agape in most modern English Bibles is love, but in many older translations, agape was translated as “charity” when it was used in a context of one person to another. In a biblical context, this term should not be mistaken for the more modern use of the word to mean only giving to those in need (i.e., “giving to charity”), although this can be a substantial part of what’s meant by the word. A more encompassing definition of the word charity, at least in the context of a modern-day knight, would be to be charitable (or giving) to the rich as well, or even primarily.
    ellauri159.html on line 722: Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
    ellauri159.html on line 755: “When men evaluate each other as men, they still look for the same virtues that they’d need to keep the perimeter. Men respond to and admire the qualities that would make men useful and dependable in an emergency. Men have always had a role apart, and they still judge one another according to the demands of that role as a guardian in a gang struggling for survival against encroaching doom. Everything that is specifically about being a man—not merely a person—has to do with that role.” –Jack Donovan, The Way of Men
    ellauri159.html on line 761: If there are females in your group, they will have plenty of hard and necessary work to do. Ev­eryone will have to pull their own weight, but the hunting and fighting is almost always going to be up to the men. When lives are on the line, people will drop the etiquette of equality and make that decision again and again because it makes the most sense…
    ellauri159.html on line 763: The first job of men in dire times has always been to establish and secure “the perimeter.” Donovan argues that the way of men is the way of the gang, because when placed in a harsh environment, men will quickly make the logical calculation that they have a much better chance of surviving if they band together than if they each try to go it alone. For some folks, “gang” is a word weighted with negative connotations, so substitute “posse” or “platoon” or whatever else if you must. The important thing to realize is that the small, tightly-knit honor group was the basic male social unit for eons. The myth of the uber-manly lone wolf is just that. With few exceptions, men have always fought and hunted together. Cowboys banded together, pioneers banded together, and Rambo wouldn’t have actually stood a chance against either gang.
    ellauri159.html on line 1167: It´s OK to postpone starting a project if the topic doesn’t grab you. When at a deadline, use your prolific imagination to find an angle that interests you. Free-write or cluster to generate ideas. Look to newspapers, magazines, or the internet for inspiration. Write a strong opening paragraph to get your creativity flowing.
    ellauri159.html on line 1335: Pure-blood supremacy was the belief that wizards and witches whose family had not married any Muggles or Muggle-borns were inherently biologically superior to wizards and witches who had done so. Proponents of this ideology typically regarded Muggle-born wizards as impure, unworthy of possessing magical ability, and often actively discriminated against them.
    ellauri159.html on line 1345: I was born here in Amsterdam. My father was a land holder of 700 acres [2.8 km²] here, adjoining the city on both sides of the river, and lived, as I now live, in a large brick house on the south bank of the Mohawk visible as you enter Amsterdam from the east. I was his only child, and went a good deal my own way. I ran to machinery, by fancy; patented among other devices a swathing reaper which is very successful. I was of loose and wandering ways. And was a successful gambler through the Tweed regime -- made "bar'ls" of money, and threw it away. I was a fancy gymnast also, and have had some heavy fights, notable one of forty minutes with Ed. Mullett, whom I left senseless. This was mere fancy. I never lifted an angry hand against man, woman or child -- all fun -- for me. ....I do farming in a way, but am much idle. I have been a sort of pet of the city, and think I should be missed. In a large vote taken by one of the daily papers here a month or so ago as to who were the 12 leading citizens, I was 6th in the 12, and sole in my class. So you see, if Sparta has many a worthier son, I am still boss in the department I prefer.
    ellauri160.html on line 149: London found Pound amusing. The newspapers interviewed him, and he was mentioned in Punch magazine, which on 23 June 1909 described "Mr. Ezekiel Ton" as "the most remarkable thing in poetry since Robert Browning ... blending the imagery of the unfettered West, the vocabulary of Wardour Street, and the sinister abandon of Borgiac Italy". The phrase "Wardour Street English" denotes the use of near-obsolete words for effect, such as anent; this derives from the once great number of antique shops in the area. anent means about, concerning. Did you know?
    ellauri160.html on line 155: After persuading his parents to finance his passage back to Europe, he sailed from New York on the R.M.S. Mauretania on 22 February 1911. It was nearly 30 years—April 1939—before he visited the U.S. again.
    ellauri160.html on line 217: English poets such as Maurice Hewlett, Rudyard Kipling, and Alfred Tennyson had made a particular kind of Victorian verse—stirring, pompous, propagandistic and popular. According to modernist scholar James Knapp, Pound rejected the idea of poetry as "versified moral essay"; he wanted to focus on the individual experience, the concrete rather than the abstract.
    ellauri160.html on line 219: Pound's contribution to poetry began in the early 20th century with his role in developing Imagism, a movement stressing precision and economy of language. Working in London as foreign editor of several American literary magazines, he helped discover and shape the work of contemporaries such as T. S. Eliot, Ernest Hemingway, and James Joyce. He was responsible for the 1914 serialization of Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, the 1915 publication of Eliot's "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock", and the serialization from 1918 of Joyce's Ulysses. Hemingway wrote in 1932 that, for poets born in the late 19th or early 20th century, not to be influenced by Pound would be "like passing through a great blizzard and not feeling it's cold."
    ellauri160.html on line 346: höpisee ja että älä sinä kaikkea usko mitä Jari sanoo, sen isä on sosiaalidemokraatti ja syöttää sillekin propagandaa. Sitähän minäkin: partiossa on kivaa.
    ellauri160.html on line 443: “I fell against the buttress, Putosin paaluaidalle,
    ellauri160.html on line 578: reinkarnaatiossa minä olin Aabraham ja hän Haagar, minä Ruben ja hän Bilhah, minä Booas ja hän Ruut, minä Daavid ja hän Batsheba... Hän kuiski salaisuuksia ja nuoli korvaani. Hän alkoi pian opettaa minulle uusia asentoja, muunnelmia ja omia mielettömiä oikkujaan. Kysyin häneltä hänen aikaisemmista puolisoistaan ja rakastajistaan ja hän julisti: "Minä kaipaan heitä kaikkia! Minä haluaisin saada heidät kaikki yhtä aikaa niin että he repisivät minut palasiksi ja minusta ei jäisi mitään haudattavaa! He sylkisivät päälleni ja hukuttaisivat minut sylkeen." Tästä puuttuu ainakin vielä Jael ja Taamar.
    ellauri160.html on line 802: However, given the vagaries of public taste, we may have to poke around in the Anglo American psyche a bit to find out what’s holding back US support for one of the most popular New Year’s events, almost as famous as AuldLang Syne.
    ellauri160.html on line 806: It is really sweet that Germans and others have adopted something and that this sketch is special for them. I respect that and don’t doubt for a second the genuine love and admiration some have for Dinner for One. But I am really surprised to see Monty Python compared with Dinner for One. I have to say it was painful to sit through. Painfully, painfully bad and unfunny. That’s why it has never caught on in Britain. I suppose we must have a very different sense of humour to that of Scandinavia and the German-speaking countries. We don’t consider it funny if someone falls over something. There’s nothing subtle or clever or nuanced about it (Rowan Atkinson’s absurdist physical comedy went down so well due to its complexity, think of the sketch where Mr. Bean makes the sandwich on the park bench and it gets progressively more and more absurd, he gets the fish out of water and slaps it against the bench to kill it before eating it, etc. now that is funny, and food fights in general). It’s not funny the first time the butler falls over the tiger-skin rug and it gets progressively more and more irritating each time he does it. You can spot the punchline a mile off and so the end of the sketch falls very flat. It’s nothing whatever to do with the length of the sketch or its obscurity or difficulty finding it: people still seek out all the comic greats on Youtube, like that fat man watsisname, or Charlie Chaplin who bravely made fun of your Hitler.
    ellauri161.html on line 117: Second Council of Constantinople (AD 680) -- was called by the Emperor Constantine Pogonatus, and was directed against MONOTHELITISM.
    ellauri161.html on line 487: I understand why some people hate this film. It feels real in its entirety, it shows you how stupid and insignificant we are and it is extremely apropos today. Also, it was marketed as a comedy, when in fact is a dramatic film that is humorous only in its accurate portrayal of humanity. Then again some people try to "tell you" what it is about and, while it is certainly metaphoric, it isn't about anything more specific than ourselves. It is a mirror. Some people don't like what they see in it.
    ellauri161.html on line 505: BUT what this movie really is, is a last warning by some of the world's finest actors, that we must ACT NOW against global warming by replacing fossil fuels by solar and wind energy. It can easily be done, if only the powers that be dont object and oppose...
    ellauri161.html on line 520: Initially the "comet" stood for climate change in the original script. But now liberals were beholden to a far more scary narrative way better than the idea of climate change that might pose a threat only in an unforeseeable future--and that is of course infectious disease medicine. They realized without "the science" they had no chance against the right. So now the comet came to represent the "virus."
    ellauri161.html on line 522: How ironic that the giant killer comet would now be reduced to millions of sub-microscopic particles. But the analogy is lame: the decimation of earth by a comet crashing into earth is quantifiable-the conclusion that viruses can cause widespread death is purely speculative based on computer simulations. Where of course is all the widespread death? Unless of course you believe in unsubstantiated propagandistic reports promulgated by fear-mongering mainstream media and social media platforms.
    ellauri161.html on line 535: Another propaganda film by Netflix! Too long, slow, and full of annoying overuse scene! Not recommended! Entire film full of boring conversation, and annoying overuse scene! Such as, overuse of the walking scene, overuse of the arguing scene, overuse of the calling names scene, overuse of the kissing scene, overuse of the staring scene, overuse of the driving scene, overuse of the eating scene, overuse of the drinking scene, overuse of the smoking scene, overuse of the taking pill scene, overuse of the singing scene, overuse of the song playing at the background scene, overuse of the watching video scene, overuse of the tweeting scene, overuse of the making speech scene, overuse of the blackout scene, overuse of the talking on the phone scene, and overuse of the interviewing scene!
    ellauri161.html on line 548: Notice how the 2 token niggahs and the 1 kink of the film once again get the short end of the stick.
    ellauri161.html on line 597: Speaking of “climate,” that’s the main target here – how people are too stupid to come together even when their survival depends on it. Or maybe it’s the pandemic McKay is allegorizing. Probably both. Meanwhile, the writer/director’s left-of-center politics are on full display. Although Don’t Look Up occasionally ridicules the left, it represents a full-on fusillade against the right. Now that is NOT funny.
    ellauri161.html on line 626: Väärin sammutettu douchebro! Once again the critic's problem is: why am I among the bad guys here? That's NOT funny.
    ellauri161.html on line 631: I’ve seen some people criticise Don’t Look Up for lacking subtlety. I’m not bothered by this. I don’t necessarily need or want the communications about climate change to be subtle. The issue itself certainly is not subtle. We are heading towards—and, again, already are in the midst of—unprecedented death and destruction. Our systems and rulers are not just woefully ill-equipped to deal with this or to prevent the worst of it, they are actively complicit in bringing it about. Those communities around the world that are the most vulnerable and that have had the least part to play in causing the crisis will be the ones to suffer the first and the worst. This isn’t subtle sh*t! This is horrifying, grotesque, psychologically debilitating stuff to ponder—if you even have the privilege to ponder in the first place! I don’t necessarily need subtlety here. Sometimes, to fight propaganda, you need to go loud and bold. But you still have to be effective. We are fighting an almightily powerful enemy. Competence is a necessary minimum. Regrettably, Don’t Look Up does not meet those standards. Its central metaphor doesn’t even make sense! Yes, capitalism is responding as dreadfully to climate change in real life as it does to the comet in the film—the key difference is that capitalism didn’t cause that comet to come hurtling out of the sky in the first place.
    ellauri161.html on line 761: Loved it and i have to laugh at some of the review bombing from the maga crowd.
    ellauri161.html on line 1092: His (Mainion) works suggest the thought that the writings of master Eckart (died 1328), with whom Ruysbroeck was contemporary for thirty-five years, exercised influence over our author´s mind. Melkein maisteri Eckartille kävi köpelösti loppupeleissä. Ruisbroeck became vicar of the Church of St. Gudula at Brussels, where he lived in strict asceticism, enjoying the society of persons who had devoted themselves to a contemplative life, composing books and exercising benevolence. Jahas uusi päivä, uusi suopeus. He contended against the sins of the day, and labored to promote reforms. It is said that Tauler once visited him, attracted by the fame of his sanctity.
    ellauri161.html on line 1102: Ruysbroeck´s mysticism begins with God, descends to man, and returns to God again, in the aim to make man one with God. God is a simple unity, the essence above all being, the immovable, and yet the moving, cause of all existences. The Son is the wisdom, the uncreated image of the Father; the Holy Spirit the love which proceeds from both the Father and the Son, and unites them to each other. Creatures preexisted in God, in thought; and, as being in God, were God to that extent. Fallen man can only be restored through grace, which elevates him above the conditions of nature. Three stages are to be distinguished: the active, or operative; the subjective, or emotional; and the contemplative life. The first proceeds to conquer sin, and draw near to God through good works; the second consists in introspection, to which ascetic practices may be an aid, and which becomes indifferent to all that is not God. The soul is embraced and penetrated by the Spirit of God, and revels in visions and ecstasies. Higher still is the contemplative state (vita vitalis), which is an immediate knowing and possessing of God, leaving no remains of individuality in the consciousness, and concentrating every energy on the contemplation of the eternal and absolute Being. This life is still the gift of grace, and has its essence in the unifying of the soul with God, so that he alone shall work. The soul is led on from glory to glory, until it becomes conscious of its essential unity in God.
    ellauri162.html on line 181: To understand more fully the connection between Hosea’s domestic affairs and Israel’s relationship with Jehovah, consider these words: “Jehovah went on to say to me: ‘Go once again, love a woman loved by a companion and committing adultery.’” (Hosea 3:1) Hosea complied with this command by repurchasing Gomer from the man with whom she had been living. Afterward, Hosea firmly admonished his wife: “For many days you will dwell as mine. You must not commit no furher fornication, and you must not come to belong to another man.” (Hosea 3:2, 3) Gomer responded to the discipline, and Hosea resumed marital relations with her. How did this apply to God’s dealings with the people of Israel and Judah?
    ellauri162.html on line 183: The point of the story is that God is willing to forgive us and accept us back IF we approach him with a repentant heart. And any man who tries to live a godly life MUST also forgive and accept his wayward wife IF she approaches him with a truly repentant heart. [Repentance: being so very very VERY sorry for your sin that you think you will NEVER do that again!]
    ellauri162.html on line 187: [Mark 10:11-12] Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery.
    ellauri162.html on line 247: Lepää rauhassa, veijaritarinoiden kirjoittaja ja humoristi, Repose en paix, auteur d'histoires de caragar et humoriste,
    ellauri162.html on line 266: En 1949, le ministère de l'Éducation nationale fit savoir à Marcel Aymé qu'il allait être inscrit sur la liste de la prochaine promotion de la Légion d'honneur. Il se souvint alors du « blâme sans affichage » auquel il avait été condamné en 1946 pour avoir vendu sous l'occupation un scénario à la Continental film et refusa. En outre, l'année suivante, il déclina la proposition faite publiquement par François Mauriac de présenter sa candidature à l'Académie française : « Combien d'écrivains auront refusé presque simultanément l'Académie française et la Légion d'honneur ? s'est interrogée Gabrielle Rollin dans le magazine Lire.
    ellauri162.html on line 499:
    Commodianus: Instructions in favour of christian discipline against the gods of the heathens.

    ellauri162.html on line 803: There are six stages to embryonic development, and the pharyngula stage is towards the middle. In the early stages of development there is significant diversity in the morphology of embryos, this diversity decreases over time till the pharyngula stage where they are most similar (often difficult for anyone but trained embryologist to differentiate), and finally in the last stages of development morphology diversifies again. It is hypothesized that the reason the pharyngula stage is so morphologically constrained is that this is the point where sequential activation of hox genes is initiated so any strong deviations from the developmental plan would lead to drastic changes in the final phenotype of the organism.
    ellauri163.html on line 50: God of Vengeance was published in English-language translation in 1918. In 1922, it was staged in New York City at the Provincetown Theatre in Greenwich Village, and moved to the Apollo Theatre on Broadway on February 19, 1923, with a cast that included the acclaimed Jewish immigrant actor Rudolph Schildkraut. Its run was cut short on March 6, when the entire cast, producer Harry Weinberger, and one of the owners of the theater were indicted for violating the state's Penal Code, and later convicted on charges of obscenity. Weinberger, who was also a prominent attorney, represented the group at the trial. The chief witness against the play was Rabbi Joseph Silberman, who declared in an interview with Forverts: "This play libels the Jewish religion. Even the greatest anti-Semite could not have written such a thing". (You just wait for Philip Roth...) After a protracted battle, the conviction was successfully appealed. In Europe, the play was popular enough to be translated into German, Russian, Polish, Hebrew, Italian, Czech, Romanian and Norwegian. Indecent, the 2015 play written by Paula Vogel, tells of those events and the impact of God of Vengeance. It opened on Broadway at the Cort Theater in April 2017, directed by Rebecca Taichman. Eli ei Asch ihan pasé vielä ole.
    ellauri163.html on line 473: Srinagarissa, Kashmirin osavaltiossa, Intiassa.
    ellauri163.html on line 479: agar_226.gif" />
    ellauri163.html on line 480:
    Map showing location of Srinagar

    ellauri163.html on line 527: Payot (Hebrew: פֵּאָה, romanized: pe’ot, plural: פֵּאוֹת) is the Hebrew term for sidelocks or sideburns. Payot are worn by some men and boys in the Orthodox Jewish community based on an interpretation of the Tenach injunction against shaving the "sides" of one's head. Literally, pe'ah means "corner, side, edge". There are different styles of payot among Haredi or Hasidic, Yemenite, and Chardal Jews. Yemenite Jews call their sidelocks simanim (סִימָנִים‎), literally, "signs", because their long-curled sidelocks served as a distinguishing feature in the Yemenite society (differentiating them from their non-Jewish neighbors).
    ellauri163.html on line 622: No. 36 ateistilistalla, Philip Pullman (1946) syntyi Norwichissa, Isossa-Britanniassa ja suoritti kolmannen luokan englannin tutkinnon Oxfordin yliopistossa. Hän työskenteli keskiasteen opettajana kirjoittaessaan lastenkirjoja – jo yli 30-vuotiaana – jotka tekisivät hänen maineestaan tunnetun. Hän saavutti kuitenkin todelliset julkkikset vasta julkaisemalla myydyimmän trilogiansa Hänen tummat kankaansa vuosina 1994–2001. Trilogia perustuu löyhästi Miltonin kadonneeseen Paratiisiin – paitsi että saatanahahmo on sankari, kun taas Jumala on roisto (no niinhän se vähän oli Miltonillakin). Ateistit ovat ylistäneet sitä vastalääkkeenä C.S. Lewisin Narnia-sarjalle, jonka Pullman on tuominnut uskonnolliseksi propagandaksi. Hän on suorapuheinen ateistien puolesta Isossa-Britanniassa. Hetkinen, kekä saatanahahmo? Sankarihan on Lyra, josta tulee Eeva kakkoineen? Sekö on se saatana? Ja paha jumalakin on vaan tollanen vanha statisti, niikö Paavi Wojtylä, jota pidettiin paavimobiilissa pystyssä kepillä.
    ellauri163.html on line 632: Pantalaimon on Lyran demoni. Kuten kaikki lasten pahat henget, hän vaihtaa muotoa olennosta toiseen usein. Kun Lyra saavuttaa murrosiän, hän ottaa mäntynäädän pysyvän muodon sekä hajun. Pantalaimon ja Lyra seuraavat isäänsä lordi Asrielia, kun hän matkustaa äskettäin löydettyyn Cittagazzen maailmaan, jossa Lyra tapaa Willin. Pyhä Panteleimon eli Panteleimon Parantaja (m.kreik. Παντελεήμων, Panteleēmōn, kreik. Παντελεήμων, Panteleímon), myös Pantalone, oli kristitty marttyyri ja pyhimys, joka sai surmansa Diocletianuksen vainoissa vuonna 305. Pantalone syntyi Nikomedeiassa noin vuonna 275. Hänen vanhempansa olivat rikas senaattori Eustorgios ja tämän kristitty vaimo Eubulia. Hänestä tuli menestyksekäs lääkäri, jota itse keisari Galerius halusi omaksi lääkärikseen. Pyhä Hermolaos käännytti Pantaleimonin kristityksi, ja parannettuaan ihmeellisesti sokean miehen, Pantaleimon käännytti puolestaan isänsä. Tämä kuoli pian sen jälkeen, ja jätti Pantalonelle suuren omaisuuden. Tämä vapautti orjansa ja jakoi omaisuutensa köyhille, ja paransi ihmisiä ottamatta maksua. Panteleimon, siviilinimeltään Petri Sarho (s. 17. toukokuuta 1949 Vieremä) on entinen Oulun metropoliitta. Hän jäi eläkkeelle kesäkuussa 2013.
    ellauri163.html on line 891: The great things of the past which filled our fathers with enthusiasm do not excite the same ardor in us...In a word, the old gods are growing old or already dead, and others are not yet born...But this state of incertitude and confused agitation cannot last forever. A day will come when our societies will know again those hours of creative effervescence, in the course of which new formulae are found which serve for a while as a guide to humanity; and when these hours shall have been passed through once, men will spontaneously feel the need of reliving them from time to time in thought, that is to say, of keeping alive their memory by means of celebrations which regularly reproduce their fruits. We have already seen how the French Revolution established a whole cycle of holidays to keep the principles with which it was inspired in a state of perpetual youth.
    ellauri164.html on line 43: In the introduction to his Grundzüge der physiologischen Psychologie in 1874, Wundt described Immanuel Cunt and Johann Friedrich Herbart as the philosophers who had the most influence on the formation of his own views. Those who follow up these references will find that Wundt critically took to the cleaners both these thinkers’ ideas. He distanced himself from Herbart's science of the soul . Wundt praised Cunt's rejection of a "rational" psychology deduced from metaphysics, but he argued against Cunt's epistemology as well as Cunt's category theory and his flabby position on teleological explanations in his publication Was soll uns Kant nicht verkaufen? (1892).
    ellauri164.html on line 60: Tässä draamassa Claudel maalasi perinteisen yhteiskunnan romahtamisen monarkiasta. Kaksi aristokraattia, mies ja nainen, jotka selvisivät terrorin verilöylyistä, yrittävät henkensä, rakkautensa ja kunniansa uhalla pelastaa paavin: jälkimmäinen on kidnapattu vankilasta, jossa keisari oli pudottanut hänet ja piiloutunut heidän alueelleen. Mutta imperiumin prefekti on paljastanut läsnäolonsa ja harjoittaa vastenmielistä kiristystä. Tunteiden ja tilanteiden väkivalta antaa voimakkaan dramaattisen voiman tälle eturistiriitalle ja intohimoille, jotka syntyvät kaatuneen aristokratian ja historian muunnelmien alaisen vallan välillä. "Kuinka olisin voinut olla niin julma?" kysyi tämän "saagan" ensimmäisen osan kirjoittaja, jossa se herää laajoilla aivohalvauksilla, ranskalaisen yhteiskunnan yksittäisten kohtaloiden, kyynelten ja mullistuksia pidemmälle 1400-luvulla, mikä edeltää nykyajan tuloa.
    ellauri164.html on line 248: Jeff Veatch is a successful entrepreneur, businessman, community leader, and philanthropist. Over the course of his career, Jeff co-founded the IT staffing services firm Apex Systems, has been recognized as the Entrepreneur of the year by Ernst and Young, selected to the Philanthropic 50 by Washington Life magazine, served on the Board of Directors for ASGN Incorporated, sits on Board of Visitors for Virginia Tech, was a founding member of the effort to bring the Olympics to Washington DC, holds Board positions with Inova Health System, as well as other leadership and board positions throughout his community. Also, as an active philanthropic investor, he formed the Veatch Charities, which focuses on education, healthcare, and his community. Mr. Veatch is a 1993 graduate of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, earning a BS in Finance.
    ellauri164.html on line 386: What makes the saga so compelling is the gentle, uncomplaining way the new priest relates his many failures and humiliations. As his audience we see his kindnesses misunderstood and his simple mistakes turned against him. And yet he is determined to go out and visit all within his parish despite mounting health problems. But does he really like anybody? Except the motorbike chap perhaps.
    ellauri164.html on line 435: agazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Paul-Joseph-Prezzia_avatar-75x75.jpg" style="float:left;padding:1em" />
    ellauri164.html on line 487: In Exodus 2, we see Moses’ mother attempting to save her child by placing him in a basket and putting it into the Nile. The basket was eventually found by Pharaoh’s daughter, and she adopted him as her own and raised him in the palace of the pharaoh himself. As Moses grew into adulthood, he began to empathize with the plight of his people, and upon witnessing an Egyptian beating a Hebrew slave, Moses intervened and killed the Egyptian. But that was not a sin because the guy was just an Egyptian. In another incident, Moses attempted to intervene in a dispute between two Hebrews, but one of the Hebrews rebuked Moses and sarcastically commented, “Are you going to kill me as you did the Egyptian?” (Exodus 2:14). Realizing that his criminal act was made known, Moses fled to the land of Midian where he again intervened—this time rescuing the daughters of Jethro Tull from some of Uriah Heep's bandits. In gratitude, Jethro (also called Reuel) granted his daughter Zipporah to Moses in marriage (Exodus 2:15–21). Moses lived in Midian for about forty years.
    ellauri164.html on line 502: Another thing we see from Moses during his time spent in Midian is that, when God finally did call him into service, Moses was resistant. The man of action early in his life, Moses, now 80 years old, became overly timid. When called to speak for God, Moses said he was “slow of speech and tongue” (Exodus 4:10). Some commentators believe that Moses may have had a speech impediment. Perhaps, but then it would be odd for Stephen to say Moses was “mighty in words and deeds” (Acts 7:22). Perhaps Moses just didn’t want to go back into Egypt and fail again. This isn’t an uncommon feeling. How many of us have tried to do something (whether or not it was for God) and failed, and then been hesitant to try again? There are two things Moses seemed to have overlooked. One was the obvious change that had occurred in his own life in the intervening 40 years. The other, and more important, change was that God would be with him. Moses failed at first not so much because he acted impulsively, but because he acted without God. Therefore, the lesson to be learned here is that when you discern a clear call from God, step forward in faith, knowing that God goes with you! Do not be timid, but be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might (Ephesians 6:10).
    ellauri164.html on line 524: Now there was no water for the congregation. And they assembled themselves together against Moses and against Aaron. And the people quarreled with Moses and said, “Would that we had perished when our brothers perished before the Lord! Why have you brought the assembly of the Lord into this wilderness, that we should die here, both we and our cattle? And why have you made us come up out of Egypt to bring us to this wretched place which has neither grain nor figs nor vines nor pomegranates? Here there is not even water to drink!” But Moses and Aaron went way from the assembly to the entrance of the meeting tent, where they fell prostrate.
    ellauri164.html on line 550: 2. He spoke to the people, not with meekness and calm authority, but in heat and bitterness. "Ye rebels, must we fetch you water out of this rock?" Thus he "spake unadvisedly with his lips" (Psalm 106:33) instead of his stick. It is not difficult to understand how Moses should have so far forgotten himself on this occasion. Let the facts be weighed. The servant of the Lord is now 120 years old. The generation which sinned thirty-seven years ago, and was condemned to die in the wilderness, is nearly all gone. Moses is mortified to find that the new generation is infected with a touch of the same impatient unbelief which wrought in their fathers so much mischief. No sooner are they at a loss for water than they rise against Moses with rebellious murmurings. For once he loses command of himself. On all former occasions of the kind his meekness was unshaken; he either held his peace, or prayed for the rebels, or at most called on the Lord to be his Witness and Judge. Now he breaks out into bitter chidings. At the root of this there was a secret failure of faith. "Ye believed me not," - did not thoroughly rely on my faithfulness and power, - "to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel" (verse 12). His former meekness had been the fruit of faith. He had been thoroughly persuaded that the Lord who was with him could accomplish all he had promised, and therefore he faced every difficulty with calm and patient resolution. Now a touch of unbelief bred in him hastiness and bitterness of spirit.
    ellauri164.html on line 560: AGAIN the congregation of Israel was brought into the wilderness, to the very place where God proved them soon after leaving Egypt. The Lord brought them water out of the rock, which had continued to flow until just before they came again to the rock, when the Lord caused that living stream to cease, to prove His people again, to see if they would endure the trial of their faith or would again murmur against Him.
    ellauri164.html on line 570: Here Moses sinned. He became wearied with the continual murmurings of the people against him, and the continual murmuring to stupid rocks. At the commandment of the Lord, took the rod, and, instead of speaking to the rock, as God commanded him, he smote it with the rod twice, after saying, "Must we fetch you water out of this rock?" He here spoke unadvisedly with his lips. He did not say, God will now show you another evidence of His power and bring you water out of this rock. He did not ascribe the power and glory to God for causing water to again flow from the flinty rock, and therefore did not magnify Him before the people. For this failure on the part of Moses, God would not permit him to lead the people to the Promised Land.
    ellauri164.html on line 583: The sins of good men, whose general deportment has been worthy of imitation, are peculiarly offensive to God. They cause Satan to triumph, and to taunt the angels of God with the failings of God's chosen instruments, and give the unrighteous occasion to lift themselves up against God. The Lord had Himself led Moses in a special manner, and had revealed to him His glory, as to no other upon the earth. He was naturally impatient, but had taken hold firmly of the grace of God and so humbly implored wisdom from heaven that he was strengthened from God and had overcome his impatience so that he was called of God the meekest man upon the face of the whole earth.
    ellauri164.html on line 593: God's punishment was harsh. “Because you did not trust in me, to show my holiness before the eyes of the Israelites, therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land that I have given them” (Num.20:12). Moses and Aaron, like all the people who rebelled against God’s plan earlier (Num. 14:22-23), will not be permitted to enter the Promised Land.
    ellauri164.html on line 611: Moses' abuse and misuse of the staff constitutes an act of lese-majeste because it is seen as an act of rebellion against YHWH's authority. Inevitably, Moses eclipses YHWH's personality, presence and power in the eyes of the people. His condign punishment is the forfeiture of the privilege of leading the people into the Promised Land. See Less.
    ellauri164.html on line 623:

    It is Numbers 20:1-13 again. Miriam was gone. Moses had just buried his sister in Kadesh, in the Wilderness of Zin (Numbers 20:1). She had placed his basket among the reeds of the Nile and had run to get his mother when Pharaoh’s daughter drew him out. His sister had been with him through all his trials in the wilderness. But now Miriam was gone.
    ellauri164.html on line 625: Moses had been leading a rebellious, ungrateful, complaining, people through the wilderness for 40 years. His sister had just died. And now these people had gathered together against Aaron and him to complain because there was no water, again! (Numbers 20:2-5) You would think after 40 years these people would have learned to trust their all-powerful, Living God to provide for them.
    ellauri164.html on line 628: Moses was in no mood to deal with this today. Why couldn’t these people let him mourn his sister in peace? Why had God brought them to a dry thirsty land with no water again? Why did these people always blame him? Why didn’t these people bring their problems to God in prayer instead of always complaining to him? Why were there always so many demands on him? Why was it always “Moses, Moses, Moses”?
    ellauri164.html on line 687: But the LORD was angry with me because of you and would not listen to me. And the LORD said to me, ‘Enough from you; do not speak to me of this matter again. (Deut. 3:26 ESV)
    ellauri164.html on line 705: Based on the pattern established in Numbers, what do you expect will happen at Meribah when the people rebel against Moses? We expect the pattern to repeat and for God to decree punishment, but that doesn’t happen. The pattern breaks down! Instead of decreeing punishment for the people’s sin, God simply tells Moses to give the people water by speaking to the rock. This is a significant departure from the previous pattern. When a Bible author develops a pattern and then breaks it, we should pay attention because this signals that the author wants us to notice something important. Why didn’t God punish the people at Meribah? Why did he go at Moses instead?
    ellauri164.html on line 725: Answer: Psalms 106:32-33 states that the people angered Moses at the waters of strife, that it went ill with Moses, and that he sinned with his mouth. The incident in question occurred in Numbers 20:7-13. Miriam had just passed on. The very next verse states that the people were complaining about the lack of water. This had happened many times during their wilderness experience. And like the other times, the people railed against Moses and Aaron, whining that they would have been better off if they had stayed in Egypt. Moses and Aaron responded by falling face down. They had also done this several times. Maybe they were tired of hearing the same old complaints, or maybe this was their posture of prayer. In any event, God responded quickly, telling Moses to speak to the rock in front of all the people. Water would come gushing out -- enough water for everyone.
    ellauri164.html on line 753: 2. They had no water and rose against Moses and Aaron.
    ellauri164.html on line 869: First, it is important to note that a pattern is established in the story of Israel and Moses. This pattern can be seen at Mt. Sinai when Aaron and Israel create the golden calf idol (Exodus 32). Israel sins, and in response to that the Lord tells Moses to step aside so that He may destroy Israel in His wrath (Exodus 32:9-10). When this occurs, Moses intercedes for Israel and pleads for God to turn away His fierce anger for His own sake (Exodus 32:11-14). This intercession works, and Israel is spared utter destruction. This pattern of sin, wrath, intercession, and relenting occurs twice more in the Book of Numbers: once in Number 14 when Israel rebels and refuses to go into the Promised Land, and again in Numbers 16 when Korah leads his rebellion against Moses and Aaron (the major difference in Numbers 16 being that Aaron is the one to intervene by offering incense for atonement to the Lord).
    ellauri164.html on line 871: This pattern shows itself again in the beginning of Numbers 20 after the death of Miriam. Once more Israel rebels against Moses and Aaron, this time over a lack of water in the desert of Zin. They claim that it would have been better to have died with Korah’s rebellion rather than wander without food and water, and they express regret over leaving Egypt, a land of “grain, figs, vines, and pomegranates.” This might seem a bold claim, since in our reading Korah has just died a few chapters earlier. Careful reading, however, indicates that there’s actually been a quiet time skip; Numbers 33:38 indicates that Aaron died in “the fortieth year after the sons of Israel had come from the land of Egypt, on the first day in the fifth month.” Given that Aaron’s death is recorded in Chapter 20, just a few verses after the episode at Meribah, this would indicate that the episode at Meribah occurred in year 38 of the 40 year wandering in the wilderness (remember that Israel had spent more than a year at Sinai in addition to travel time from Egypt to Sinai and from Sinai to the Promised Land before the wandering). This means that this rebellious generation of Israelites aren’t referencing a recent event, but instead wishing they had died nearly forty years earlier with Korah! Moses and Aaron have been dealing with this wicked and hard group of people for a very long time, and they are now claiming it would have been better to have died with Korah: a fate they were only spared because of Moses and Aaron’s own intercession!
    ellauri164.html on line 879: This interpretation is solidified by Moses’ words about this event in the Book of Deuteronomy. Three times in the first four chapters of Deuteronomy, Moses says that he is not able to enter the Promised Land because of Israel. At first glance, again, this might seem an unfair charge. Moses had caused his own exclusion, hadn’t he? Why is he accusing the generation after the event in Numbers 20 of being the cause of his failure? If we look at these three mentions, we see a few important facts. In the first instance, Deuteronomy 1:37, Moses is recounting the failure of Israel when they listened to the 10 spies’ negative report and how God forbade that generation from entering the Promised Land, and he then says “The Lord was angry with me also on your account, saying, ‘Not even you shall enter there.’” Moses associates his inability to enter the Promised Land with Israel’s rebellion and unfaithfulness, but he also seems to be lumping the people’s refusal to enter the land (Numbers 13-14) with his own sin in Numbers 20. This is not Moses forgetting the chronology of these two events, but rather indicating that they are closely associate with one another.
    ellauri164.html on line 883: The third mention is in Deuteronomy 4:21-23, where Moses has moved past the historical recounting and is now warning Israel of the danger of idolatry. He says ““Now the Lord was angry with me on your account, and swore that I would not cross the Jordan, and that I would not enter the good land which the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance. For I will die in this land, I shall not cross the Jordan, but you shall cross and take possession of this good land. So watch yourselves, that you do not forget the covenant of the Lord your God which He made with you, and make for yourselves a graven image in the form of anything against which the Lord your God has commanded you.” Now Moses uses his own tragic story as an illustration on the importance of avoiding idolatry in the Promised Land. So Moses’ failure to enter the Promised Land was related to the continuous rebellion of Israel, and was an illustration of the dangers of violating the covenant promises.
    ellauri164.html on line 902: Then came the second instance now at a place known as Kadesh. The Children of Israel again murmured for water, against the Lord and His servants, Moses and Aaron. It was this time that the servant(s) of God sinned, having been very faithful in the time past.
    ellauri164.html on line 927: The events leading up to and ending in his sin are recorded in Numbers 20:1-13. The children of Israel were bitterly angry about not having enough water, so “they gathered together against Moses and Aaron,” and “contended with Moses.” They cast all the blame on him. “Why have you brought up the assembly of the LORD into this wilderness,” “why have you made us come up out of Egypt, to bring us to this evil place?” This was part of the murmuring that we are strictly charged not to imitate (1Cor. 10:10). Israel blamed Moses and Aaron for all their problems and bitterly complained and grumbled about it. They were so bitter and angry they wished they were dead. In all previous acts of rebellion, Moses had always conducted himself in a holy and godly manner. He had warned Israel that their murmuring was against God and never took it personally before.
    ellauri164.html on line 935: When God said Moses “failed to sanctify me in the eyes of the people,” He did not specify exactly what this failure was. God had told Moses to “speak to the rock,” but the account stated that “Moses lifted up his hand, and smote the rock with his rod twice.” Clearly, in that act, Moses went beyond what God had commanded him to do. God had told Moses to take the staff, but not use it. He was directly commanded only to speak to the rock. He went beyond what was written when struck that rock. It was similar to Nadab and Abihu who offered “strange fire which He had not commanded them.” At that time Moses saw that such behavior did not “treat God as holy or glorify him among the people” (Lev. 10:1-3). Yet Moses, in anger, failed to hallow God when he struck that rock instead of speaking to it. He had failed to learn “not to go beyond what is written,” (1Cor. 4:6). He was told to speak to the rock (and he did not do that), but struck the rock (which he had no authority to do). God later charged Moses with this sin: “you rebelled against my word at the waters of Meribah” (Num 20:24; 27:13).
    ellauri164.html on line 941: “And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron in Mount Hor by the border of the land of Edom, saying: 24 "Aaron shall be gathered to his people, for he shall not enter the land which I have given to the children of Israel, because you rebelled against My word at the water of Meribah.” (Num. 20:23-25).
    ellauri164.html on line 943: “And when you have seen it, you also shall be gathered to your people, as Aaron your brother was gathered. 14 For in the Wilderness of Zin, during the strife of the congregation, you rebelled against My command to hallow Me at the waters before their eyes.” (Num. 27:13-14).
    ellauri164.html on line 945: “They angered Him also at the waters of strife, So that it went ill with Moses on account of them; 33 Because they rebelled against His Spirit, So that he spoke rashly with his lips.” (Ps. 106:32-33).
    ellauri164.html on line 963: But wait. Didn’t we already learn a similar story back in Exodus? In fact, the first story of thirst came very soon after the crossing at the Sea of Reeds (Shemot 17:4). Since that was at the very beginning of the sojourn in the wilderness, before the events that led to God’s decision to delay the Israelites’ entry to the Land—and this story is at the end of the forty years—we can see the two stories as forming a kind of a framework around the whole saga of the wandering. In the first story, the Israelites were the first generation of those who left Egypt. In this story, they are the children and grandchildren of that generation. When we see this kind of framework, we look for the similarities and differences between the bracketing stories. At the same time, we understand that they suggest a theme for the stories between them.
    ellauri164.html on line 975: The Israelites had a history of trusting in God because of what they saw. The most famous example, which we repeat in the daily morning service, quotes their experience after the crossing of the Sea of Reeds: “Israel saw the wondrous power which God had wielded against the Egyptians, the people feared God; they had faith in God and in God’s servant, Moses” (Exod. 14:31). They have needed this public, indisputable evidence of their eyes ever since. God knows that what they see is what is most important. And what he wants them to see is Moses speaking—not striking the rock, as he was commanded to do on the former occasion.
    ellauri164.html on line 977: God seems to be trying to wean the Israelites from one kind of perception to another: from dependence on the visible and tangible to reliance on speech in connecting with God. At Sinai, all their senses were engaged, but the revelation itself was auditory. When Moses retells and reframes the story (Deut. 4:12), he reminds the people, “The sound of words you did hear, but no image did you see except the sound.” There is a grave danger in relying on the visible. The word forimage in the verse above is temunah—the same word that is used in the Ten Commandments in the warning against idolatry (Exod. 20:4).
    ellauri171.html on line 70: Saara sai poikkeuksellisen kunnian Jumalalta. Abrahamin vaimona hänen jälkeläisistään tuli Israelin kansa, joka synnytti Jeesuksen Kristuksen, maailman Vapahtajan. Mutta hänen kärsimättömyytensä sai hänet vaikuttamaan Abrahamiin saamaan lapsen Hagarin, Saaran egyptiläisen orjan kanssa, käynnistäen Lähi-idän konfliktin, joka jatkuu, vaikka puhumme samoista vitun filistealaisista. Ne olisi pitänyt holokaustata jo ensimmäisellä kerralla.
    ellauri171.html on line 218: His father, Marcel Théodore Tissot, was not a watchmaker but a successful drapery merchant. He took part in losing the war of 1870 and in the Paris Commune. In 1885, Tissot had a revival of his Catholic faith, which led him to spend the rest of his life making paintings about Biblical events. Many of his artist friends were skeptical about his conversion, as it conveniently coincided with the French Catholic revival, a reaction against the secular attitude of the French Third Republic. They brought Tissot vast wealth and fame. Tissot spent the last years of his life in his chateau working on paintings of subjects from the Old Testament. Although he never completed the series, he exhibited 80 of these paintings in Paris in 1901 and engravings after them were published in 1904. In the first half of the 20th century, there was a re-kindling of interest in his portraits of fashionable ladies and some fifty years later, these were achieving record prices.
    ellauri171.html on line 369: Paganism and Wicca
    ellauri171.html on line 407: Why did Herod hate John? John was highly critical of the ruler of Galilee, Herod Antipas, who had married the divorced wife of his brother. The woman’s name was Herodias, and she had a beautiful daughter Salome. John spoke out loud and clear against the incest that, according to Jewish law, was being committed by Antipas and Herodias. Pentateukin leviraattisäännöt on pirullisia. Enste pitää mennä naimisiin veljen vaimon kanssa, sitten taas ei saa.
    ellauri171.html on line 461: Then an army captain called Jehu led a coup d’etat against the royal house of Israel, and killed Jehoram.
    ellauri171.html on line 552: He has done what ‘ought not to be done’, gone against the norms of social ethics.
    ellauri171.html on line 631: But his concubine played the harlot against him, and she went away from him to her father’s house in Bethlehem in Judah, and was there for a period of four months. Judges 19:2 (NASB)
    ellauri171.html on line 638: Now we learn that the Levite and the concubine are husband and wife because the Levite is described as “her husband,” and the woman’s father is the Levite’s “father-in-law.” We also learn that the Levite travelled to Bethlehem to speak kindly to her and return home together. Because we are told that he planned to “speak tenderly to her,” this once again suggests that they may have argued after she played the prostitute, and as a result she left.
    ellauri171.html on line 645: While they were celebrating, behold, the men of the city, certain worthless fellows, surrounded the house, pounding the door; and they spoke to the owner of the house, the old man, saying, “Bring out the man who came into your house that we may have relations with him.” Then the man, the owner of the house, went out to them and said to them, “No, my fellows, please do not act so wickedly; since this man has come into my house, do not commit this act of folly. “ Here is my virgin daughter and his concubine. Please let me bring them out that you may ravish them and do to them whatever you wish. But do not commit such an act of folly against this man.” Judges 19:22-24 (NASB)
    ellauri171.html on line 669: Judges 21:8-12 records the slaughter of the inhabitants of Jabesh-Gilead because they were not angered by the Benjaminites and did not go to battle against them. The account is important because four hundred virgins from that tribe were found, spared and then taken to Shiloh. It is important to notice that God did not give them direction to slaughter the inhabitants of Jabesh-Gilead or to take the virgins to Shiloh. Se vain kazoi päältä samaan tyyliin kuin Taavetti ja Jaakoppi ja Taamarin ja Tiinan kohdalla.
    ellauri171.html on line 679: The first important lesson from this account is that the Bible indicates God did not approve of the horrible sins that occurred in the city of Gibeah. Judges 20:18, 23, 28, 35 repeatedly reveal that God directed the other tribes of Israel to action against a morally evil tribe. This reveals that the accusation of some that Scripture is silent about the evil that occurred is wrong. The reason the account is recorded is summarized at the end of Judges 21. There God reveals that He condemned the nation of Israel for its actions in Judges 19-21. Judges 21:25 says, “In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” It reveals what happens when men and women abandon God. Romans 3:10-18 states the human race is utterly perverted and their actions will demonstrate it. It says no one seeks after God. “There is not even one!” We have all turned aside from God. Jesus said to the rich young ruler in Matthew 19:17 that there is only One who is good and He is God. The rest of Romans 3:10-18 describes our utter sinfulness and despicable behavior when we abandon God. That describes the inhabitants of Gibeah and the nation of Benjamin. Tämmöistä sakinhivutusta suositaan armeijoissa nykyäänkin. Jos syyllistä ei saada kiinni, pannaan koko komppania kärsimään. Hemmetti tää on kyllä alkeellista touhua. Kuka tästä enää haluaa mitään oppia? No vizi on että raamatun lukijoista on varmasti yli 50% just yhtä alkeellista porukkaa. Ei apinat ole mihkään muuttuneet, ne on sopeutuneet tähän.
    ellauri171.html on line 697: Finally, as Paul warns in 1 Corinthians 5:6, “Your boasting is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough?” and again in Galatians 5:9, “A little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough.” Paul warns us two times!
    ellauri171.html on line 808: Ahabin dynastia omridit eli kuningas Omrin porukat oli jotain kananiittejä. Israel Finkelstein's The Bible Unearthed presents a very different picture of the Omrides than the circumcision handbook, making them responsible for the great empire, magnificent palaces, wealth, and peace in Israel and Judah that the Bible credits to the much earlier kings David and Solomon. According to Finkelstein, the reason for this discrepancy is the religious bias of the Biblical authors against the Omrides for their polytheism, and in particular their support for elements of the Canaanite religion.
    ellauri171.html on line 854: Dagon (Dagan) god of crop fertility and grain, father of Ba'al Hadad
    ellauri171.html on line 992: The next time we hear of Jezebel is during the ploy to obtain Naboth’s vineyard for her husband, who is unable to secure the transaction. She sends letters, with the stamp of the king, to the elders in Naboth’s town, commanding them to lie against Naboth, and then stone him. The elders do so, and after Naboth’s death, the vineyard is claimed for Ahab. Few bible commentators acknowledge the bizarre betrayal of Naboth by his neighbors. If, as is suggested, Naboth’s neighbors had known him since birth and patronized him, how could they turn so quickly? Some scholars argue that this incident highlights Jezebel’s keen understanding of Israelite men. It is perhaps, also, one of the impetus for her modern connotation as manipulator-supreme.
    ellauri171.html on line 1053: Although the readers know that God has killed two of Judah’s sons, Judah does not. This is known as dramatic irony. He suspects that Tamar is a “lethal woman,” a woman whose sexual partners are all doomed to die. So, Judah is afraid to give Tamar to his youngest son, Shelah, the inventor of Shelah quantifiers. So doing, Judah wrongs Tamar. According to Near Eastern custom, known from Middle Assyrian laws, if a man has no son over ten years old, he could perform the Levirate marriage (yibbum) obligation himself; if he does not, the woman is declared a “widow,” free to marry again. Judah, who is perhaps afraid of Tamar’s lethal character, could have set her free. But he does not—he sends her to live as “a widow” in her father’s house. Unlike other widows, she cannot remarry and must stay chaste on pain of death. She is in limbo.
    ellauri171.html on line 1061: But there is a greater threat to his honor (aw fuck, stop, you're killing us). Rumor relates that Tamar is pregnant and has obviously been faithless to her obligation to Judah to remain chaste. Judah, as the head of the family, acts swiftly to restore his honor, commanding that she be burnt to death. But Tamar has anticipated this danger. She sends his identifying pledge to him, urging him to recognize that its owner is the father. Realizing what has happened, Judah publicly announces Tamar’s innocence. His cryptic phrase, zadekah mimmeni, is often translated “she is more in the right than I” (Gen 38:26), a recognition not only of her innocence, but also of his wrongdoing in not freeing her or performing the levirate. Another possible translation is “she is innocent—it [the child] is from me.” Judah has now performed the levirate (despite himself) and never cohabits with Tamar again. Once she is pregnant, future sex with a late son’s wife would be incestuous.
    ellauri171.html on line 1100: He lured her to his room and raped her, then refused to marry her. Niin aina. She was disgraced, and never married. Her embittered brother Absalom rebelled against David, but was defeated and killed. Tamar lived out her days in the royal harem getting fucked on and off by the great King.
    ellauri172.html on line 179: Tra il 1766 e il 1772, Alfieri cominciò un lungo vagabondare in vari stati dell'Europa. A L'Aia visse il suo primo vero amore con la moglie del barone Imhof, Cristina (descriverà i precedenti sentimenti come "amorucci"). Costretto a separarsene per evitare uno scandalo, tentò il suicidio, fallito per il pronto intervento di Francesco Elia, il suo fidato servo, che lo seguiva in tutti i suoi viaggi.
    ellauri172.html on line 181: Al compimento del ventesimo anno di età, quando, entrando in possesso della sua cospicua eredità, decise di lasciare nuovamente l'Italia. Fallisce intanto un tentativo del cognato di combinargli un matrimonio con una ragazza nobile e ricca, la quale, pur affascinata dal giovane "dai capelli e dalla testa al vento", alla fine farà cadere la sua scelta su un altro giovane dall'indole più tranquilla.
    ellauri172.html on line 283: 24 Then the angel of the Lord stood in a narrow path through the vineyards, with walls on both sides. 25 When the donkey saw the angel of the Lord, it pressed close to the wall, crushing Balaam’s foot against it. So he beat the donkey again.
    ellauri172.html on line 419: Die sich liebend kränkt; Kun työnnän takapuoleen nagaikaa,
    ellauri172.html on line 755: Saint Olaf est élu roi de Norvège, et se met en tête d'en extirper le paganisme, pour faire du christianisme la religion de son pays. Une vive opposition des païens et de quelques seigneurs qui redoutent son autorité l'incite à les réprimer durement.
    ellauri180.html on line 197: Baillie (1833) also describes gonococcal phimosis and recommends that the initial treatment is nugatory' (inoperative) involving the washing of the penis (and under the prepuce with soap and tepid water, followed by the application of calomel ointment. Abernathy also warns against immediate circumcision in the face of a morbidly sensitive surface' (and declares that Sir Edward Home agrees with him!). He advocates that the posthitis (inflamed foreskin) should be allowed to soothe and allay' before surgical intervention. We can assume that the complications recognized by both Abernathy and Baillie were re-phimosis, re-stricture or suppuration; what is clear is that circumcision was not a procedure taken lightly at that time. Interestingly, neither author mentions circumcision in the neonate, suggesting that it had not yet significantly entered the domain of English surgeons.
    ellauri180.html on line 200: The turn of the 19th century was also an important time in laying the foundations of surgical technique. Sir Frederick Treves (1903) provides us with a comprehensive account of basic surgical principles that remain today. Like most of his contemporaries, he used scissors to remove the prepuce (fig. 5) and describes ligation of the frenular artery as being mandatory' in the adult. He also warns against the excess removal of skin, as this may lead to chordee.
    ellauri180.html on line 224: Literary assaults such as these have served to fuel the debates and even a Medline® search today reveals that in the last year alone, 155 reviews or letters have been published arguing for or against routine circumcision. However, studying the evolution of the medical indications provides us with a pleasing demonstration of how controversy drives scientific enquiry. We have already described how the surgeons of 100 years ago advocated circumcision for a wide variety of conditions, such as impotence, nocturnal enuresis, sterility, excess masturbation, night terrors, epilepsy, etc. There can be no doubt that a large element of surgical self-interest drove these claims. However, most of the contemporary textbooks also included epithelioma (carcinoma) of the penis amidst the morass of complications of phimosis. Although rare, once this observation had been made, it presumably filtered down through the textbooks by rote, rather than scientific study. A few reports had appeared in the early 20th century indicating that carcinoma of the penis was rare in circumcised men, but not until the debate over neonatal circumcision erupted in the medical press in the 1930s that this surgical `mantra' was put to the test. In 1932, the editor of the Lancet challenged Abraham Wolbarst, a New York urologist, to prove his contention (in a previous Lancet editorial), that circumcision prevented penile carcinoma. Wolbarst responded by surveying every skin, cancer and Jewish hospital in the USA, along with 1250 of the largest general hospitals throughout the Union. With this survey, he was able to show that penile cancer virtually never occurred in circumcised men and that the risk related to the timing of the circumcision. Over the years this association has been reaffirmed by many research workers, although general hygiene, demographic and other factors such as human papilloma virus and smoking status are probably just as important. However, Wolbarst established that association through formal scientific enquiry and proponents of the procedure continue to use this as a compelling argument for circumcision at birth.
    ellauri180.html on line 270: When a rejection says “please submit again,” do they mean it?
    ellauri180.html on line 428: I warily oped her lids: again Kurkistin sen silmiä: siellähän
    ellauri180.html on line 508: The pall of a past world; and then again Loivat kiroten kazeet takas maahan,
    ellauri180.html on line 519: Did glut himself again: a meal was bought Sai uutta syötävää, ateria lunastettiin
    ellauri180.html on line 642: Hoblan valkovenäläinen "expertti" on yllättävän samannäköinen kuin naapurin kusipää pelle.- Har din bild av Putin som ledare förändrats efter vad som hänt de senaste dagarna?
    ellauri180.html on line 649: Det här kriget är en enmans show. Flera högt uppsatta personer inom den ryska statseliten är chockerade av Putins framfart de senaste dagarna. De varken förstår eller är nöjda med hans beslut. De förstår vilka ödesdigra konsekvenser som nu väntar inte bara Rysslands ekonomi, utan i synnerhet deras pengar.
    ellauri181.html on line 372: (education) Comparing a measure of an individual against that individual's previous assessments. Tee hyvä uskon kilvoitus.
    ellauri181.html on line 382: Additionally, ipsative measures may be useful in identifying faking. However, ipsative measures may, especially among testing-naïve individuals exhibiting high levels of conscientiousness and/or neuroticism, decrease test validity by discouraging response and/or encouraging non-response. For example, a test's authors may force respondents to choose between "a) Animals chase me in my dreams" and "b) My dreams are nice" in an effort to see whether a given respondent is more inclined toward "faking bad" or toward "faking good." When faced with such a question, a child frequently terrified by nightmares that rarely if ever involve animals, and especially one whose parents have foolishly taught him/her/it strict rules against lying, may simply refuse to answer the question given that for that respondent nearly all of the time both descriptions are inaccurate. Even a previously presented guideline "Choose the answer that [best/better] describes you" may be unhelpful in such a situation to responders who worry that endorsing one item or the other will still involve stating it to be accurate or "well"-descriptive to some positive degree. Only if the guideline is presented as "Choose the answer that more accurately or less inaccurately describes you" and the above-described responder is sophisticated enough to reason out his/her response in terms of "Despite the infrequency with which I have nice dreams, I have them [more frequently / less infrequently] than dreams in which animals chase me" (or, in theory, vice versa) will such a responder be willing to answer the question—and phrasing the guideline in this way bears its own cost of making the question reveal less about the respondent's propensities because the respondent is no longer forced to "fake" one way or another.[citation needed].
    ellauri181.html on line 595: Franklin then took his list to a respected friend who happened to be a Quaker. Franklin explained to his Quaker friend that he, Franklin, was disappointed in the progress in his life to this point and that he intended to turn his life around. From now on Franklin intended to live his life according to his list of virtues. Each day he would read the list and each week he would focus on a different virtue. Repeating the process over and over again until he had become one with his virtues.
    ellauri181.html on line 608: Not very humble; but true to his word and his intention, Franklin set about to reorder his life. Each day he would read his list and each week he would focus on a different aspect of his list repeating the process over and over and over again.
    ellauri182.html on line 131: Once again, the existentialist idea appears that personal freedom comes at the expense of going against the mainstream crowd. This relates to existentialism because existential characters tend to focus on the personal rather than the political, and existential characters are alienated by the size and scope of the modern economic system. It is economic liberalism's religion.
    ellauri182.html on line 154: Riitakumppaneita: Kiyoteru Hanada, New Testament scholar Kenzō Tagawa, and his former friend and critic Yutaka Haniya.
    ellauri182.html on line 224: Teemat on selvästi kulttuurisidonnaisia. Netistä löytyvät listauxet on melkein aina amerikkalaisia. Tääkin on täynnä jenkkien mielimeemejä, kuten seppoilua, uskoa, toivoa ja luottoa ym. American Dreamia. Vittu kyllä jenkeillä on mahtava etulyöntiasema internetissä noin propagandamielessä! Sem voima näkyy nyt Ukrainan selkkauxen aikana.
    ellauri183.html on line 634: The war that Jewish scholars call The War of Varus (ei se "missä ovat legioonani" tunari vaan joku sen sukulainen). It is the war that took place in Galilee, Judaea and Idumaea just after the death of Herod which started with the massacre of the 3000 Jewish worshippers in the temple at the Passover of 1 B.C.E. Josephus stated that this war against the Jews which was directed by the governor of Syria, Quintilius Varus, took place in Palestine, but it has been a puzzle to historians that there appear to be no contemporary Roman accounts that justify it as occurring (ollenkaan tai ainakaan just tohon aikaan).
    ellauri184.html on line 44: Mailer was raised in Brooklyn, first in Flatbush on Cortelyou Rd and later in Crown Heights at the corner of Albany and Crown Streets. Mailer graduated from Boys High School and entered Harvard College in 1939, when he was 16 years old. As an undergraduate, he was a member of the Signet Society. Mousiken poiei kai ergazou, tee musaa ja duunaa. At Harvard, he majored in engineering sciences, but took writing courses as electives. He published his first story, "The Greatest Thing in the World," at the age of 18, winning Story magazine's college contest in 1941.
    ellauri184.html on line 78: Mailer wrote his fourth novel, An American Dream, as a serial in Esquire magazine over eight months (January to August 1964), publishing the first chapter two months after he wrote it. In March 1965, Dial Press published a revised version. The novel generally received mixed reviews, but was a best seller. Joan Didion praised it in a review in National Review (April 20, 1965) and John W. Aldridge did the same in Life (March 19, 1965), while Elizabeth Hardwick panned it in Partisan Review (spring 1965).
    ellauri184.html on line 86: Mailer spent a longer time writing Ancient Evenings, his novel of Egypt in the Twentieth Dynasty (about 1100 BC), than any of his other books. He worked on it for periods from 1972 until 1983. It was also a bestseller, although reviews were generally negative. Harold Bloom, in his review said the book "gives every sign of truncation", and "could be half again as long, but no reader will wish so", while Richard Poirier called it Mailer's "most audacious book".
    ellauri184.html on line 90: His final novel, The Castle in the Forest, which focused on Hitler's childhood, reached number five on the Times best-seller list after publication in January 2007. It received reviews that were more positive than any of his books since The Executioner's Song. Castle was intended to be the first volume of a trilogy, but Mailer died several months after it was completed. The Castle in the Forest received a laudatory 6,200-word front-page review by Lee Siegel in the New York Times Book Review, as well as a Bad Sex in Fiction Award by the Literary Review magazine.
    ellauri184.html on line 224: Racially the area of the former Northern Kingdom of Israel had had, ever since the Assyrian conquest in the eighth century B.C., a more mixed population, within which more conservative Jewish areas (like Nazareth and Capernaum) stood in close proximity to largely pagan cities, of which in the first century the new Hellenistic centers of Tiberias and Sepphoris were the chief examples.
    ellauri184.html on line 237: The result, he says, is that even an impeccably Jewish Galilean in first-century Jerusalem was not among his own people; he was as much a foreigner as an Irishman in London or a Kuopio person in Helsinki. His accent would immediately mark him out as “not one of us,” and all the communal prejudice of the supposedly superior culture of the capital city would stand against his claim to be heard even as a prophet, let alone as the “Messiah,” a title which, as everyone knew, belonged to Judea (cf. John 7:40-42 ).
    ellauri184.html on line 257: The Bible records that following the completion of the conquest of Canaan by the Israelite tribes, Joshua allocated the land among the twelve tribes. According to biblical scholar Kenneth Kitchen, this conquest should be dated slightly after 1200 BCE. Some modern scholars argue that the conquest of Joshua, as described in the Book of Joshua, never occurred. “Besides the rejection of the Albrightian conquest model, the general consensus among OT scholars is that the Book of Joshua has no value in the historical reconstruction. They see the book as an ideological retrojection from a later period — either as early as the reign of Josiah or as late as the Hasmonean period.” "It behooves us to ask, in spite of the fact that the overwhelming consensus of modern scholarship is that Joshua is a pious fiction composed by the deuteronomistic school, how does and how has the Jewish community dealt with these foundational narratives, saturated as they are with acts of violence against others?" ”Recent decades, for example, have seen a remarkable reevaluation of evidence concerning the conquest of the land of Canaan by Joshua. As more sites have been excavated, there has been a growing consensus that the main story of Joshua, that of a speedy and complete conquest (e.g. Josh. 11.23: 'Thus Joshua conquered the whole country, just as the LORD had promised Moses') is contradicted by the archaeological record, though there are indications of some destruction at the appropriate time. No oliko sitten koko esinahkakasa satua? Ketä enää uskoa? Usko siirtää vuoria, eikö sitten esinahkakukkuloita?
    ellauri184.html on line 279: Remembering the distinctions between these three militawy forces – legionawies, auxiliaries, and royal forces – is pivotal for understanding both pre-War and post-War Palestine. The Jewish War (66-73 CE) was a catastrophic event for civilians in the region, regardless of their participation in the revolt against Wome. The destruction of the temple, the imposition of massive new militawy and administrative apparatus, widespread devastation, significant loss of life, among other factors, led to significantly different experiences of the militawy before and after the Jewish War. It is impossible to talk about the pre-War and post-War life without attending to the details of these different units, especially auxiliaries and legionawies.
    ellauri184.html on line 289: Thus, while Wome did not conscript Jews into militawy service against their will, there is no indication that this pwevented them from serving on their own accord. Several tax receipts of Jewish decurions named Jesus, Hananiah, Benjamin and a diploma to Aggaeus Bar-Callippus, a Jewish veteran who retired to the Syrian city of Samosata. We should not forget the famous example of Tiberius Julius Alexander, governor of Judaea and Egypt, a Jewish officer who led the assault on the Jerusalem temple in the Jewish War.
    ellauri184.html on line 320: There are six main arguments against the assumption that Jesus was endorsing homosexual relations in his encounter with the centurion at Capernaum. Individually, they are strong arguments. Collectively they work like a condom, make an airtight case against a pro-homosex reading. Here they are:
    ellauri184.html on line 355: First, the problem is theological: The apostle Paul clearly marks the beginning of sodomy with the practical theological problem of idolatry. “although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts...” (Rom. 1:21 ). What was the result? “For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged their natural use for what is against nature. LIkewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due” (Rom. 1:26-27 ). In short, a skewed vision of God leads directly to a skewed vision of man and human sexuality.
    ellauri184.html on line 524: In 167 BCE Judea was part of the Seleucid Empire. Its ruler, Antiochus IV Epiphanes (175–165 BCE), smarting from a defeat in a war against Ptolemaic Egypt, banned traditional Jewish religious practices, and attempted to forcibly let the Jews accept Hellenistic culture. Throughout the country Jews were ordered, with the threat of execution, to sacrifice pigs to Greek gods (the normal practice in the Ancient Greek religion), desecrate the Shabbat, eat unkosher animals (especially pork), and relinquish their Jewish scriptures. Antiochus´ decree also outlawed Jewish circumcision, and parents who violated his order were hanged along with their infants.[1Mac 1:46-67] According to Tacitus, as quoted by Hodges, Antiochus "endeavoured to abolish Jewish superstition and to introduce Greek civilization."
    ellauri184.html on line 526: According to rabbinical accounts, he desecrated the Second Temple of Jerusalem by placing a statue of Olympian Zeus on the altar of the Temple; this incident is also reported by the biblical Book of Daniel, where the author refers to the statue of the Greek god inside the Temple as "abomination of desolation". Antiochus´ decrees and vituperation of Judaism motivated the Maccabean Revolt; the Maccabees reacted violently against the forced Hellenization of Judea, destroyed pagan altars in the villages, circumcised boys, and forced Hellenized Jews into outlawry. The revolt ended in the re-establishment of an independent Jewish kingdom under the Hasmoneans, until it turned into a client state of the Roman Republic under the reign of Herod the Great (37–4 BCE).
    ellauri184.html on line 530: Hadrian´s policy after the rebellion reflected an attempt to root out Judaism: he enacted a ban on circumcision, all Jews were forbidden to enter Jerusalem upon pain of death, and the city was renamed Aelia Capitolina, while Judea was renamed Syria Palaestina. Around 140, his successor Antoninus Pius (138-161 CE) exempted Jews from the decree against circumcision, allowing them to circumcise their sons, although they were forbidden to do the same on their slaves and proselytes. Jewish nationalists´ (Pharisees and Zealots) response to the decrees also took a more moderate form: circumcisions were secretly performed, even on dead Jews.
    ellauri184.html on line 532: However, there were also many Jews, known as "Hellenizers", who viewed Hellenization and social integration of the Jewish people in the Greco-Roman world favourably, and pursued a completely different approach: accepting the Emperor´s decree and even making efforts to restore their foreskins to better assimilate into Hellenistic society. The latter approach was common during the reign of Antiochus, and again under Roman rule. The foreskin was restored by one of two methods, that were later revived in the late 20th century; both were described in detail by the Greek physician Aulus Cornelius Celsus in his comprehensive encyclopedic work De Medicina, written during the reign of Tiberius (14-37 CE). The surgical method involved freeing the skin covering the penis by dissection, and then pulling it forward over the glans; he also described a simpler surgical technique used on men whose prepuce is naturally insufficient to cover their glans. The second approach, known as "epispasm", was non-surgical: a restoration device which consisted of a special weight made of bronze, copper, or leather (sometimes called Pondus Judaeus, i. e. "Jewish burden"), was affixed to the penis, pulling its skin downward. Over time, a new foreskin was generated, or a short prepuce was lengthened, by means of tissue expansion. Martial also mentioned the instrument in Epigrammaton (Book 7:35).
    ellauri184.html on line 536: Under the first Christian emperor, Constantine, the two rescripts of Antoninus on circumcision were re-enacted and again in the 6th century under Justinian. These restrictions on circumcision made their way into both secular and Canon law and "at least through the Middle Ages, preserved and enhanced laws banning Hebrews from circumcising non-Hebrews and banning Christians or slaves of any religious affiliation from undergoing circumcision for any reason." Hyvä pojat!
    ellauri184.html on line 627: a) Jesus’s unusual behavior at different levels mostly explains the hatred against him. He did not breach any major laws, but more seriously, he did not live up to multiple expectations; instead, he maneuvered himself into the position of an outsider. This means that it was mental and psychological dispositions and perceptions on the part of his contemporaries – and not legal issues – that led to his receiving the death penalty.
    ellauri184.html on line 740: This is also confirmed by Acts 8:1 that reads, “On that day a great persecution broke out against the church in Jerusalem, and all except the apostles were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria.” John was still in the city at this time (perhaps one or two years after the resurrection) and was still there three years after the conversion of Simon to Paul (Galatians 2:9).
    ellauri184.html on line 758: Mutta (sanoo Jeshua) näin jälkeenpäin ajatellen mun tappio oli suuri propagandavoitto optimismille: nyt jäbät ymmärtävät ettei niin pahaa ettei jotain hyvääkin. Tappionkin voi kääntää voitoxi, kun sen oikein ymmärtää. Rakkaus ei ole ase vaan se on voitonsaalis. (Tää ei kyllä ole ihan ortodoxiaa, tässä on Naahumilla juutalainen pukinsorkka piilossa. Leobardi ei pääse täplistään enempää kuin Esa Saarinen taivaan kuningattaresta.)
    ellauri185.html on line 58: The childless Hannah vows to Yahweh of hosts that, if she has a son, he will be dedicated to Yahweh. Eli, the priest of Shiloh, where the Ark of the Covenant is provisionally located, blesses her. A child named Samuel is born, and Samuel is dedicated to the Lord as a Nazirite—the only one besides Samson to be identified in the Bible. Eli's sons, Hophni and Phinehas, sin against God's laws and the people, a sin that causes them to die in the Battle of Aphek. But the child Samuel grows up "in the presence of the Lord."
    ellauri185.html on line 75: Tyre is listed among an alliance of ten nations that would conspire against God's people. Many Bible commentaries agree that this has not occurred yet historically and may be prophetic.
    ellauri185.html on line 81: The Book of Ezekiel states that Tyre "will not be inhabited", "no longer exist", "never be found again" and that its king will "cease to be forever",
    ellauri185.html on line 86: Regular excavation activities only started again in 1995 under the supervision of Ali Khalil Badawi. Shortly afterwards, an Israeli bomb destroyed an apartment block in the city and evidence for an early church was revealed underneath the rubble. Thanks for help in digging brothers!
    ellauri185.html on line 135: David commits adultery with Bathsheba, who becomes pregnant. When her husband Uriah the Hittite returns from battle, David encourages him to go home and see his wife (to cover his own tracks) but Uriah declines in case David might need him. David then deliberately sends Uriah on a suicide mission, and for this, Yahweh sends disasters against David's house. Nathan tells David that the sword shall never depart from his house.
    ellauri185.html on line 137: For the remainder of David's reign, problems occur. Amnon (one of David's sons) rapes his half-sister Tamar (one of David's daughters). Absalom (another son of David) kills Amnon and rebels against his father, whereupon David flees from Jerusalem. Absalom is killed following the Battle of the Wood of Ephraim, and David is restored as king and returns to his palace. Finally, only two contenders for the succession remain: Adonijah, son of David and Haggith, and Solomon, son of David and Bathsheba.
    ellauri185.html on line 410: Pinker married Nancy Etcoff in 1980 and they divorced in 1992; he married again in 1995 and again divorced. His third wife, whom he married in 2007, is the novelist and philosopher Rebecca Goldstein. He has two stepdaughters: the novelist Yael Goldstein Love and the poet Danielle Blau.
    ellauri185.html on line 412: In 2004, Pinker was named in Time's "The 100 Most Influential People in the World Today", and in the years 2005, 2008, 2010, and 2011 in Foreign Policy's list of "Top 100 Global Thinkers". Pinker was also included in Prospect Magazine's top 10 "World Thinkers" in 2013. He has won awards from the American Psychological Association, the National Academy of Sciences, the Royal Institution, the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, and the American Humanist Association.
    ellauri185.html on line 457: Riippuen siitä, miten vuorisaarnan käskyt käsitetään ja tulkitaan, muodostuu meidän suhteemme yksityisiin lähimmäisiimme, mutta varsinkin yhteiskuntaan ja valtioon sekä niitten asettamiin tehtäviin ja velvoituksiin olennaisesti erilaiseksi. Jos vuorisaarnan käskyt käsitetään sananmukaisesti ja vaaditaan niitä semmoisina noudattamaan, niinkuin esim. jo Lutherin ajan uudestikastajat, myöhemmin etenkin Leo Tolstoi, Mahatma Gandhi, E. Stanley Jones, Toyohiko Kagava y.m. ovat vaatineet, niin joudutaan väistämättömästi niihin samoihin nihilistisiin ja anarkistisiin johtopäätöksiin, jotka Leo Tolstoi perusteellisimmin on vuorisaarnasta kehitellyt. Joudutaan kieltämään ei ainoastaan yksilöjen ja kansojen kaikkinainen itsepuolustusoikeus, vaan myös kaikki kiva väkivallan käyttö yhteiskunnan, valtion ja yleensä hopeaselkien kalleimpien omaisuusarvojen suojelemiseksi. Ja kun kaikki väkivoiman käyttö niitten suojelemiseksi ehdottomasti kielletään, niin se merkitsee käytännössä sitä, että ne jätetään tuholle alttiiksi. Näyteikkunoita särjetään, kesämökeiltä poimitaan marjat ja ruokasienet, tankit ruostuvat ja ruuti kastuu.
    ellauri185.html on line 681: (Tässä kohden on varsinkin Emil Brunner ansiokkaalla tavalla oikaissut mutkia ja kehittänyt edelleen kristittyä aseenkantoaatetta. Eli se toinen häiskä on oikeastaan tarpeeton, kyllä omasta puolestaankin saa rivolliin tarttua. Toi Lutherin lähimmäisen puolustuskekka on vaan ylimääräinen mutka matkassa. Kz tarkemmin alla. Tosin se on erinomainen propaganda-ase sodankäynnin puolustuxena. Kaikki yhden ja yxi kaikkien puolesta, veljemme Donezk js Luhansk ovat pyytäneet apua ja mehän autamme.)
    ellauri185.html on line 842: The House of Habsburg was known for its intermarriages; the Habsburg lip often cited as an ill-effect. The closely related houses of Habsburg, Bourbon, Braganza and Wittelsbach (Was?! das ist unser Haus! Ach nein!) also frequently engaged in first-cousin unions as well as the occasional double-cousin and uncle–niece marriages.
    ellauri185.html on line 855: In Leader's Bellow biography Vol 2, “Love and Strife,” the novel “Herzog” is published on the very first page and reaches No. 1 on the best-seller list, supplanting John le Carré’s ‘The Spy Who Came In From the Cold.’ Never again would Bellow, about to turn 50 years old, lack for wealth, power, awards or flunkies to stand by him, ready to take his coat and do his bidding. The temptation for someone in his position was to become an insufferable, spoiled monster. And Bellow quickly gave in to temptation.
    ellauri188.html on line 415: Josh's other projects included the horror-thriller Child of Darkness, Child of Light, an adaptation of Paterson's novel Virgin, a tale of two Catholic virgin schoolgirls, that folded when they were both found pregnant under mysterious and supernatural circumstances. To avoid being caught red "handed" Lucas relocated to Australia to play the hot "headed" American cousin Luke McGregor opposite Andrew Clarke and Guy Pearce in the first season of the family western Snowy River: The McGregor Saga. Lucas appeared in all 13 episodes of the first season, but claimed in a later interview that despite the friendly reception by Rhonda Byrne, he was homesick for the United States, and his character was killed off in the second episode of season 2.
    ellauri189.html on line 89: to them, they turned (in 1648) against their former rulers. The vicissitudes of a series of risings, during which both sides committed unspeakable cruelties, were often shown in the “frenetic” tales and dramas of the younger contemporaries
    ellauri189.html on line 119: are once again raiding the blood-soaked and fertile soil of the Ukraine) he does
    ellauri189.html on line 138: – arriving where the plain seemed to end, but again in a new flatness bends – a bright cloud in front of them, they looked like aerie knights to the eye.)
    ellauri189.html on line 143: heterogeneous concept) man enacts the drama of his life. The borders of this realm are indicated by the movement of the sun, arising from behind the horizon and, after moving through half of its orbit, again setting beyond this infinitely receding meeting point between heaven and earth. In Malczewski’s
    ellauri189.html on line 212: satisfy man, must be situated somewhere in space (be present as a phenomenon), which on the one hand is represented as receding into an infinite distance, and on the other hand as a “theatre”, in which phenomena eternally repeat the same circular movement (only half of their orbit is visible against the background of the heavenly dome – the other half remains hidden in the dark).
    ellauri189.html on line 256: Iga rated it did not like it Oct 27. It was only after his death that critics realized the originality of Mary, by Malczeski – released in 1825 – that it was in fact the first Polish narrative poem. The injury of an ankle, which Malczewski had sustained defending his lover’s good name, destroyed the writer’s military career; the injury returned and he could not participate in Napoleon’s campaign against Russia in 1812.
    ellauri189.html on line 596: If one analyses the characters of the protagonists, however, one realises that Panahi is merely reinforcing ingrained, religiously patriarchal prejudices against women, who are consistently portrayed as weak, hysterical, cruel, illogical, too emotional and treacherous.
    ellauri189.html on line 689: som draga ut till fest i berg och dal; Matkalla kuninkaan juhliin laaksossa,
    ellauri189.html on line 789: Anyway, we should say that not only this evidence is not strong enough; it is actually not evidence at all. Jews in Europe spoke 3 languages – Hebrew, the language of their country (French in France, German in Germany etc) and Yidish. Yidish has only a few Semetic elements and is closer to German, and was used for daily communication between Jews in Europe. Jews in Spain and Portugal also spoke 3 languages – Hebrew, Spanish and Ladino. Ladino was the Yidish of the Jews in Spain and Portugal. In Arabic countries, again, the Jews spoke 3 languages – Hebrew, Arabic and Judeo-Arabic. The later was the Yidish of Jews in Arabic countries.
    ellauri189.html on line 815: First, being Israelis is a source of pride. It means you are the children of Prophet Yaakov. It means you were the first to believe in the one and only God, more that 1500 years before the Arabs. Your ancestors prayed to the one and only God while the Arabs were complete pagans, bowing to all sorts of idols who don’t have power over anything. It is also very likely that other prophets are your forefathers. For example, it is very likely you are descendants of Prophet Moses himself if you are Lewani. Your great great… great grandfather might have been Moses’ best student – prophet Yehoshua if you are Afridi, etc. Your ancestors saw with their eyes what God did to Egypt – stuff that no other nation but the Egyptians themselves have witnessed. They heard God talking to them on Mount Sinai, etc.
    ellauri190.html on line 38: Ison-Paulin ensimmäinen lapsuudenmuisto oli kun se kazoi Eiran ikkunasta (ei sen oman Reban kivitalon vaan Wilhon ensimmäisen Eiran asunnon Chydeniuxentiellä) irtokasakoita nagaikoineen razastelemassa Eiran katuja svobodan päivinä.
    ellauri190.html on line 55: The Kazakhs likely began using that name during the 15th century. There are many theories on the origin of the word Kazakh or Qazaq. Some speculate that it comes from the Turkic verb qaz ("wanderer, vagabond, warrior, free, independent") or that it derives from the Proto-Turkic word *khasaq (a wheeled cart used by the Kazakhs to transport their yurts and belongings).
    ellauri190.html on line 193: Timur Lenk (9. huhtikuuta 1336, Shahr-e-Sabz – 14. helmikuuta 1405) eli Tamerlan oli 1300-luvun merkittävä turkkilaismongolilainen valloittaja ja hallitsija Keski-Aasiassa, erityisesti eteläisellä Venäjällä ja Persiassa. Hänestä alkoi mongolien timuridien dynastia. Hän perusteli valtaannousuaan väittämillään sukujuurilla Tšingis-kaaniin. Väittämä perustui siihen, että Timurin isä oli päällikkö turkkilaisklaanissa, joka johti sukujuurensa mongolijohtaja Qarachar Barlasiin. Timur oli isänsä tapaan suufimuslimi. Timurin isä oli vetäytynyt luostariin sanoen "maailma on vain kaunis vaasi täynnä skorpioneja", mutta Timur ei seurannut isäänsä. Hän halusi olla sotilasjohtaja, kallo täynnä skorpiooneja. Timur merkitsee tšagatain kielessä rautaa. Lenk tarkoittaa rampaa, koska Timurin jalka rampautui taistelussa. Rauta lenkku. Valloitukset lännessä ja luoteessa veivät hänen valtakuntansa rajat Ural- ja Volga-jokien luokse, etelässä ja lounaassa ne sisälsivät lähes koko Persian, mukaan lukien Bagdadin, Karbalan ja Kurdistanin. Vienanlahdesta Laatokkaan, vedämme miekalla rajan. Timur auttoi Tokhtamyshia venäläisiä vastaan ja hän valtasi Moskovan 1385. Il-kaanien valtakunnan Abu Sa'idin kuoleman (1335) jälkeen Persiassa oli voimatyhjiö, jota Timur alkoi valloituksellaan täyttää. Samaan aikaan Tokhtamysh kääntyi Timuria vastaan ja valloitti Azerbaidžanin. Vasta pitkän sodan jälkeen Tokhtamysh oli lopullisesti lyöty 1395. Timur hävitti Ordan pääkaupungin Sarain ja raunioitti sen talouden.
    ellauri190.html on line 224: The Zaporozhians gained a reputation for their raids against the Ottoman Empire and its vassals, although they also sometimes plundered other neighbors. Their actions increased tension along the southern border of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. Low-level warfare (aka cold war) took place in those territories for most of the period of the Commonwealth (1569–1795).
    ellauri190.html on line 273: In the 16th and the early 17th century the Kozak’s leaders (Hetmans) were loyal to the Polish crown and participated in the wars of the Great Duchy of Lithuania and the kingdom of Poland against Muscovy. Hetman Petro Konashevych Sahaydachny (1582-1622) nearly took Moscow in 1618. But nearly doesn't count. He also was an outstanding mecenate who donated some loot to Orthodox monasteries and schools, of which the so-called Bratska Shkola (“Brotherhood School”) later grew into a huge and famous institution of higher learning, the Kyiv Mohyla Academy, which now functions as a top-ranking Ukrainian economic liberal arts university.
    ellauri190.html on line 275: In 1648, a Kozak leader called Zinoviy Bohdan Khmelnytsky (Polish transliteration, Chmielnicki) started a war on the Polish crown. Initially, it was his own personal vendetta on a Polish landlord who stole his land, but very soon it grew into a colossal uprising of the Kozaks and Ukrainian peasants against their Polish landlords. The people fought (the way they knew how) against the feudal oppression, as well as against forced Catholicization and Polonization of Ukraine. Unfortunately, it turned into a fratricide. (Sorry Poles, of course we are on the same side now.) The main adversary of Khmelnytsky was Prince Yarema (Jeremiah) Korybut-Vyshnevetsky, a Rusyn-Ukrainian, a noble valiant knight and a great statesman who, nonetheless, kept his allegiance to the Polish king (whom he personally hated, but could not break his knight’s oath of loyalty). Both sides resorted to unspeakable cruelties. Most tragically, Khmelnysky, a brave warrior as he was, turned out to be a horribly short-sighted politician. In January 1654, he essentially surrendered Ukraine to Muscovy, approving what he thought was a temporary military union against the Republic but turned out to be the beginning of the “Russian” (actually Muscovite) occupation of Ukraine. It just goes to show: give a pinky finger to the Russkies and they take the whole hand.
    ellauri190.html on line 277: By 1659, the two outstanding sons of Ukraine, a Kozak general Ivan Vyhovsky and an eccentric scholar-nobleman Yuriy Nemyrych conceived what became known as the Union of Hadyach. It was a unique document, which, essentially, argued in favor of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth transforming into the commonwealth of Poland, Lithuania, and Ukraine. Vyhovsky and Nemyrych proposed to establish a Great Principality of Ukraine on par with the Kingdom of Poland and the Great Duchy of Lithuania. And it was a unique historical moment, because in July 1659 the Ukrainian troops won a huge battle against the Muscovite army near the city of Konotop, totally crushing the Muscovites and proving that Ukraine did not need the “friendship” of the tyrannic Tzars. (See the analogy?) If the Hadyach Union had been approved by the Sejm of the Republic, Ukraine would perhaps have become a more European country and would progressively move toward full Western style independence. Again, tragically, it did not happen. Nemyrych was killed at a duel, and Vyhovsky forced to resign by populists who hated him because of his aristocratic blood and his alleged (rather than actual) love of things Polish. Without these two luminaries, the Sejm did not even bother to convene for discussions on the Hadyach Union, making it into a useless piece of paper. It was later “adopted,” but in such a distorted version that it excluded its main point, the creation of the Ukrainian state. Sellasta se on. Ukrainan, Puolan ja Baltian historia osoittaa, miten vaikeaa on merkata reviiriä jollei sitä ole valmiixi maastoon merkitty.
    ellauri190.html on line 279: By the end of the 17th century, the newly forming Russian Empire under Tzar Peter I established its reign over the Ukrainian lands to the east of the Dnipro river, ceding the western part of Ukraine to the Republic (which, in turn, evolved more and more into the Polish monarchy rather than the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth of the old days). In 1702, a great son of Ukraine, a giant of military strategy, diplomacy, and statesmanship, Ivan Mazepa, being the Kozak leader of the eastern part of Ukraine, suppressed the uprising of Paliy on the other (Western) side of the Dnipro and added huge parts of the country to his control. It was a big step toward the unification and freedom of Ukraine. Moreover, in 1709 Mazepa joined his forces with the Swedish king Charles XII (haha, the gay) against Tzar Peter, hoping to rid his dear mother Ukraine from slavery in the captivity of the Tzars. And again… tragically, Mazepa managed to gather less manpower than he hoped to gather, because the populist agitators slandered him in their massive propaganda campaign (no doubt, directed from Muscovy), portraying him in the eyes of the Ukrainian Kozaks as a rich aristocrat who cares nothing about the “simple people,” a clandestine Catholic (or Protestant), and overall “not really Ukrainian.” (This tragedy will repeat itself in 1918 and in 2019.) Mazepa’s loyalists were defeated together with the Swedes, and Ukraine lost her historical chance for yet another time. But third time is a charm! Nobody will blame a Jew for being on the side of the catholics!
    ellauri190.html on line 281: The Cossack structure arose, in part, in response to the struggle against Tatar raids. Socio-economic developments in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth were another important factor in the growth of the Ukrainian Cossacks. During the 16th century, serfdom was imposed because of the favorable conditions for grain sales in Western Europe. This subsequently decreased the locals' land allotments and freedom of movement. In addition, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth government attempted to impose Catholicism, and to Polonize the local Ukrainian population. The basic form of resistance and opposition by the locals and burghers was flight and settlement in the sparsely populated steppe.
    ellauri190.html on line 285: After Ottoman-Polish and Polish-Muscovite warfare ceased, the official Cossack register was again decreased. The registered Cossacks (reiestrovi kozaky) were isolated from those who were excluded from the register, and from the Zaporizhian Host. (Compare legal and paperless immigrants of today.) This, together with intensified socioeconomic and national-religious oppression of the other classes in Ukrainian society, led to a number of Cossack uprisings in the 1630s. These eventually culminated in the Khmelnytsky Uprising, led by the hetman of the Zaporizhian Sich, Bohdan Khmelnytsky.
    ellauri190.html on line 289: Relations between the Hetmanate and their new sovereign began to deteriorate after the autumn of 1656, when the Muscovites, going against the wishes of their Cossack partners, signed an armistice with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in Vilnius. The Cossacks considered the Vilnius agreement a breach of the contract they had entered into at Pereiaslav. For the Muscovite tsar, the Pereiaslav Agreement signified the unconditional submission of his new subjects; the Ukrainian hetman considered it a conditional contract from which one party could withdraw if the other was not upholding its end of the bargain. Vähän sellanen kuin Abrahamin esinahkasopimus Jehovan kanssa, josta tuli samanlainen nahkapäätös. Näistä hetmaneista taisi olla puhetta Konrad-veikon kohdalla.
    ellauri190.html on line 408: Zenobia was a 3rd-century Queen of the Palmyrene Empire in Syria, who led a famous revolt against the Roman Empire. The second wife of King Septimius Odaenathus, Zenobia became queen of the Palmyrene Empire following Odaenathus' death in 26...
    ellauri190.html on line 479: Kublai Khan was the fifth Khagan (Great Khan) of the Ikh Mongol Uls (Mongol Empire), reigning from 1260 to 1294, and the founder of the Yuan Dynasty, a division of the Mongol Empire. Kublai was the fourth son of Tolui and a grandson of G...
    ellauri190.html on line 519: Batumöngke Dayan Khan was a Borjigin Khagan who reunited the Mongols under Chinggisid supremacy in Post-imperial Mongolia. Dayan Khan was enthroned as Great Khan of the Yuan Mongol Empire though his ancestor Toghan Temur failed to maintain...
    ellauri190.html on line 560: Toyotomi Hideyoshi was a daimyo who rose to become the second unifier of japan, after Oda Nobunaga. Hideyoshi was a very powerful emperor who exercised control over nearly all of mainland Japan through shrewd military tactics. He is known f...
    ellauri191.html on line 46: Ruozalaisen dynamiitin kexijän palkinnot on tärkeä länkkärien propaganda-ase. Alusta alkaen on palkinnon ehtoihin liitetty ideologisia vaatimuxia, eli kirjailijan täytyy elämässä ja teoxissa edustaa oikeanlaista E.Saaristyyppistä dynamiittihenkistä positiivisuutta ja mieluusti talousliberaalia lofty idealismia ja optimismia. Vain tälläisille räkäpäille voi palkintoa edes ajatella.
    ellauri191.html on line 626: "for his distinguished art of narration, which takes its highest form in aga" title="The Forsyte Saga">The Forsyte Saga"
    ellauri191.html on line 1402: "for his poetry, which, against the background of Greek tradition, depicts with sensuous strength and intellectual clear-sightedness modern man's struggle for freedom and creativeness"
    ellauri191.html on line 1716: "who with parables sustained by imagination, compassion and irony continually enables us once again to apprehend an elusory reality"
    ellauri191.html on line 1782: "for writing that upholds the fragile experience of the individual against the barbaric arbitrariness of history"
    ellauri191.html on line 2142: Näistä runsaasta sadasta enimmäxeen häiskästä on tuiki tuntemattomia vielä yli neljäkymmentä. Ollaan siis jo voiton puolella! Puhtaasti poliittisia nimityxiä ovat ainakin Churchill, Russell ja Robert Zimmermann. Likaisia poliittisia vetoja länkkärien puolesta on varmasti yli puolet kaikista. Voi olla lisääkin kun luen tarkemmin. Varmaan Mommsenkin on tapaus pisteessä: sen Rooman historia on avainromaani hullun vuoden jälkeiseen Saxan politiikkaan, jossa odoteltiin pukkia, ja se tulikin, nimittäin 2 maailmansodan johtajaa, rautakansleri ja Hitler. Bergson on täys pelle, niitäkin on varmaan muitakin. Nazeja on Hamsun ja Handke ainakin. Pesunkestäviä kommareita voi olla vastapropagandatarkoituxessa mukana jokunen. Ruozalaisia on huisisti enemmän kuin ansaizisi. Vahvaa dynyrahojen kotiinpäin vetoa.
    ellauri191.html on line 2145: The prize has "become widely seen as a political one – a peace prize in literary disguise", whose judges are prejudiced against authors with political tastes different from theirs.
    ellauri191.html on line 2148: From 1901 to 1912, the committee, headed by the conservative Carl David af Wirsén, weighed the literary quality of a work against its contribution towards humanity's struggle 'toward the ideal'. Leo Tolstoy, Henrik Ibsen, Émile Zola, and Mark Twain were rejected in favour of authors little read today. The choice of philosopher Rudolf Eucken as Nobel laureate in 1908 is widely considered to be one of the worst mistakes in the history of the Nobel Prize in Literature. The main candidates for the prize that year were poet Algernon Swinburne and author Selma Lagerlöf, but the Academy were divided between the candidates and, as a compromise, Eucken, representative of the Academy's interpretation of Nobel's "ideal direction", was launched as an alternative candidate that could be agreed upon. Solzhenitsyn did not accept the award and prize money until 10 December 1974, after he was deported from the Soviet Union. Swedish Academy member Artur Lundkvist had argued that the Nobel Prize in Literature should not become a political prize and questioned the artistic value of Solzhenitsyn's work. The award to Camilo José Cela was controversial as he had moved voluntarily from Madrid to Galicia during the Spanish Civil War in order to join Franco's rebel forces there as a volunteer.A member of the Swedish Academy, Knut Ahnlund, who had not played an important role in the Academy since 1996, protested against the choice of the 2004 laureate, Elfriede Jelinek; Ahnlund resigned, alleging that selecting Jelinek had caused "irreparable damage" to the reputation of the award.
    ellauri192.html on line 257: Jaroslav Seifert was born in Zizkov, a suburb of Prague, Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic). Seifert was one of the pioneers of modernist poetry and literature in his native country. He also worked as a journalist and translator. The period after the World War II was a disappointment for Seifert, who had been hoping for a brighter and freer future. Instead the Communist government imposed a repressive policy in which poets were expected to write political propaganda. Seifert became involved in attempts at reforms with the increased freedom implemented in his native country, such as the Prague Spring of 1968 and the Charta 77 movement.
    ellauri192.html on line 303: The novel’s release shortly predated an escalation in Polish nationalism tied to the Law and Justice party’s ascent to power in 2015. But the forces that fueled that escalation were already prevalent. When Tokarczuk accepted the Nike Prize, the country’s highest literary honor, for “The Books of Jacob,” she said in a speech that the country had “committed horrendous acts as colonizers, as a national majority that suppressed the minority, as slaveowners, and as the murderers of Jews.” She was quickly inundated by threats so alarming that her publishers briefly hired bodyguards. In the five years since, she has witnessed the Law and Justice party take an increasingly hard line on censoring certain conversations about Poland’s relationship with Jews. In 2016, the government began a campaign against the Princeton historian Jan Gross, known for his groundbreaking work on the massacre at Jedwabne, in which Poles murdered 1,600 of their Jewish neighbors. In 2018, the Law and Justice party’s government made it illegal to blame Poland or Polish nationals for Nazi crimes. POLIN, a groundbreaking Polish museum of Jewish history, has been leader-less for five months, as its director, who oversaw a number of exhibits highly critical of Poland’s policy toward Jews, awaits official reappointment — despite having been re-approved for the job.
    ellauri192.html on line 309: So on the one hand is Tokarczuk, a proponent of multiculturalism who has remained vocal despite facing profound antagonism for her stance — and grown more so since her first major encounter with that antagonism in 2014. And on the other is Handke, eulogizer of Milsoevic, who dictated the Bosnian genocide during the Balkan wars of the 1990s and died while on trial for war crimes against the Hague. He too has remained committed to his position; the “go to hell” of 2014, one of his last known public comments on the matter, speaks volumes. But has it worked? No here we are as before, giving hell to him.
    ellauri192.html on line 327: His poetry, said James Ragan, director of the USC graduate school’s professional writing program, “was at all times optimistic, reflecting a championing of the human self. I think that’s primarily why he was awarded the Nobel Prize, because he suggested a new liberated spirit in writing (behind the Iron Curtain) after the Stalin era. Although he was a Communist as a youth, he became disillusioned with the party in the late 1920s. Thereafter, he was in and out of party favor during the turbulent decades that followed in Czechoslovakia. The state-run news agency, in announcing his death Friday, described him as “a prominent Czech poet, national artist (and) winner of the 1984 Nobel Prize for Literature.”
    ellauri192.html on line 439: Adam Zagajewski 66/1
    ellauri192.html on line 635: Born in Žižkov, a suburb of Prague in what was then part of Austria-Hungary, Seifert's first collection of poems was published in 1921. He was a member of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KSČ), the editor of a number of communist newspapers and magazines – Rovnost, Sršatec, and Reflektor – and the employee of a communist publishing house.
    ellauri192.html on line 637: In March 1929, he and six other writers left the KSČ after signing a manifesto protesting against Bolshevik Stalinist-influenced tendencies in the new leadership of the party. He subsequently worked as a journalist in the social-democratic and trade union press during the 1930s and 1940s.
    ellauri192.html on line 663: The other Seifert book is "The Casting of Bells," a 64-page collection translated by Tom O'Grady and Paul Jagasich, and published in August 1983 by The Spirit That Moves Us Press in Iowa City, Iowa. Morty Sklar, who described himself yesterday as "publisher, editor, typesetter and stamp licker" of the press, said his is a small, independent press that publishes two books a year. He published 1,000 copies of the Seifert book, but yesterday, upon hearing the news from Sweden, he reordered 2,500 more. It is available in paperback for $6.
    ellauri192.html on line 680: The Trubetsk (Troubchevsk) town was referred to in the Old East Slavic poem The Tale of Igor's Campaign where, among others, Vsevolod Svyatoslavich, the Prince of Trubetsk and of Kursk, was glorified. In 1185 the Trubetsk army fought against Cumans. Trubetsk on Bryanskin oblastissa, jossain Ison ja Valko-Venäjän rajalla.
    ellauri194.html on line 250: Early Christian writers (e.g. Eusebius) frequently identified Gog and Magog with the Romans and their emperor. After the Empire became Christian, Ambrose (d. 397) identified Gog with the Goths, Jerome (d. 420) with the Scythians, and Jordanes (died c. 555) said that Goths, Scythians and Amazons were all the same; he also cited Alexander's gates in the Caucasus. The Byzantine writer Procopius said it was the Huns Alexander had locked out, and a Western monk named Fredegar seems to have Gog and Magog in mind in his description of savage hordes from beyond Alexander's gates who had assisted the Byzantine emperor Heraclius (610–641) against the Muslim Saracens.
    ellauri194.html on line 287: In the early 19th century, some Hasidic rabbis identified the French invasion of Russia under Napoleon as "The War of Gog and Magog". But as the century progressed, apocalyptic expectations receded as the populace in Europe began to adopt an increasingly secular worldview. This has not been the case in the United States, where a 2002 poll indicated that 59% of Americans believed the events predicted in the Book of Revelation would come to pass. During the Cold War the idea that Soviet Russia had the role of Gog gained popularity, since Ezekiel's words describing him as "prince of Meshek" – rosh meshek in Hebrew – sounded suspiciously like Russia and Moscow. Even some Russians took up the idea, apparently unconcerned by the implications ("Ancestors were found in the Bible, and that was enough"), as did Ronald Reagan.
    ellauri194.html on line 300: After the military takeover in Burkina Faso in January, demonstrators in Ouagadougou, the country’s capital, chanted pro-Russian and anti-French slogans. Protesters in Bamako in February celebrated France’s announcement that it was withdrawing its troops from Mali.
    ellauri194.html on line 326: The crime genre glorifies, justifies and normalizes the systematic violence and injustice meted out by police, making heroes out of police and prosecutors who engage in abuse, particularly against people of color.
    ellauri194.html on line 350: "I have nothing personal against Gautam!" says @upenpatelworld
    ellauri194.html on line 371: • De senaste dagarna har våldsamheter utbrutit i flera städer i samband med att högerextremisten Rasmus Paludan fått tillstånd för demonstrationer där han eldat upp exemplar av koranen. Bland annat Linköping, Norrköping, Stockholm, Örebro, Malmö och Landskrona har skakats av våldsamma demonstrationer.
    ellauri194.html on line 524: Kannauj (Hindustani pronunciation: [kənːɔːd͡ʒ]) is a city, administrative headquarters and a municipal board or Nagar Palikka Parishad in Kannauj district in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. The city's name is a modern form of the classical name Kanyakubja. It was also known as Mahodaya during the time of Mihira Bhoja. Its nickname is "the perfume capital of India".
    ellauri196.html on line 318: Gottfried Keller arvosteli 1849-1855 useita näistä Gotthelfin kirjoista. Niissä hän ylisti maanmiestään suureksi eeppiseksi runoilijaksi, mutta kritisoi teosten antiradikaalista klerikaalista propagandaa, jossa hän kertoi kristillis-humanistisia käsityksiä hyvästä ja pahasta.
    ellauri196.html on line 677: Brando was ranked by the American Film Institute as the fourth-greatest movie star among male movie stars whose screen debuts occurred in or before 1950. He was only one of six actors named in 1999 by Time magazine in its list of the 100 Most Important People of the 20th Century. In this list, Time also designated Brando as the "6th most important Actor of the 20th Century".
    ellauri196.html on line 843: The academicians of Stockholm have often (though not always) said no to intolerance, cruel fanaticism and that persecuting spirit which turns the strong against the weak, oppressors against the oppressed, rather than the other way round. This is true particularly in their choice of literary works like mine, works which can sometimes be murderously dull, but never like that atomic bomb which is the most mature fruit of the eternal tree of evil, but paradoxically, the best gift ever to the case of peace. It kept Europeans from murdering each other for almost 100 years.
    ellauri196.html on line 853: So-called lyrics is at work, self-proclaimed poets like Bob Dylan fall into step with new times. Poetry becomes acoustic guitar and visual effects again, as it was in the times of Erato. The words splash in all directions, like the explosion of dynamite, there is no true meaning, but a verbal earthquake with many epicenters. Decipherment is not necessary, in many cases the aid of the psychoanalyst may help.
    ellauri197.html on line 193: All things fall and are built again Kaikki hajoaa ja rakennetaan uudestaan
    ellauri197.html on line 194: And those that build them again are gay. Ja uudisrakentajat ovat hilpeitä.
    ellauri197.html on line 217: Civilizations rise again, edifices like the Mariupol theatre are rebuilt with money from the ancient Rome, and new bullshit artists replace the old.
    ellauri197.html on line 301: In fact, the reader might assume the thing is the memory, but the fourth line reveals that this cannot be the case. The “recollect[ion]” is addressed as a reason why the “adversity” is not “easy,” and the two cannot be the same thing. It appears then that this is a general sentiment, that the situation that created the memory would be something to “eas[ily]” push past if she could keep from “recollecting” it, but the lack of subject requires additional time to come to this conclusion, thus – again – mirroring the narrator’s uncertainty.
    ellauri197.html on line 305: An interesting thing to note, however, is that the “adversity” is treated in a beautiful way by being addressed as a “Bloom.” The capitalization can be written off with the notion that even a bad memory could be important enough to merit capitalization, but a “Bloom” has a connotation of natural beauty and livelihood. This could simply mean the negativity from the circumstance grows with time, but the choice of such a soft verb gives the feeling that the narrator has warm feelings about whatever happened to cause this bad memory—maybe a relationship she loved but lost or a friend who was dear but forsaken. This would again give a reason for the grammatical chaos of the lack of subject and mismatched verb tenses since, it seems, the narrator does not know how she feels about the memory.
    ellauri197.html on line 311: Additionally, the third line of this stanza again does not have a subject for its main verb, and this format adds a bit of structure amidst the chaos since the varying verb tenses happen in the first two lines of both stanzas while the missing subject shows up in the third lines. This sustained format is an indication that this bad memory she could not “forget” keeps her in a loop she cannot break free of, as in no matter how far she tries to run from it, she always ends up dealing with the same problems again and again. The grammar details, then, mirror the circular repetition of her emotional problems.
    ellauri197.html on line 319: It is also noteworthy that she speaks of “perish[ing] of the cold,” not “in the cold.” This treats “the cold,” or the devastation from the memory, like a disease rather than a weather detail, which furthers the paradox of how the situation remembered is treated. In the first stanza, it “Bloom[s].” Here, it has essentially become a disease. This again mirrors the uncertainty and lack of clarity within the narrator’s thoughts regarding the situation.
    ellauri197.html on line 471: Full sure that I should rise again Mä olin vissin varma että
    ellauri197.html on line 505: Sharon Thompson's research has demonstrated how the gold digger stereotype or image has been used against women in the negotiation of alimony cases. The gold digger stereotype was also deployed in public discussions about "heartbalm" legislation during the 1930s, particularly breach of promise cases. The popularity of the gold digger image was a contributing factor to the nationwide push to outlaw heart balm laws in the middle and late-1930s in the United States.
    ellauri197.html on line 516: The action was once available to a father against a man who was courting his daughter outside of marriage, on the grounds that the father had lost the consortium of his daughter's household services because she was spending time with her beau.
    ellauri198.html on line 123: Robert Penn Warren (1905-1989) oli yhdysvaltalainen prosaisti, runoilija ja kriitikko. Hän on kirjoittanut muun muassa suomennetun romaanin Kaikki kuninkaan miehet. Kriitikkona hän edusti uuskritiikkiä. Warren and Brooks helped to establish the New Criticism as “an orthodoxy so powerful that contemporary American fiction and poetry are most easily defined by their rebellion against it.” Hän kirjoitti selkä kaarella eri kirjallisuudenlajien teoksia.
    ellauri198.html on line 203: Which I shall suffer and act again,
    ellauri198.html on line 226: May memory restore again and again
    ellauri198.html on line 234: Let’s take time this Memorial Day weekend to remember Memorial Day 1937, when workers in Chicago were massacred by police for trying to picket against their employer, the Republic Steel Company.
    ellauri198.html on line 243: The real reason for the defeat in the 1937 Little Steel Strike were the strategies and tactics of the union leaderships. They encouraged their members to have faith in Roosevelt and the Democrats, giving them a false sense of security that they would be protected against violence by their bosses, the police, and the National Guard. Had the workers relied only on their own power in unity, they could have been better prepared.
    ellauri198.html on line 245: In 1934, strikers in Toledo, San Francisco and Minneapolis had all stood up to the police and National Guard from the start, done battle in the streets, and come out victorious. In 1936 and 1937, strikers at General Motor’s Flint, Michigan factories did the same, taking over plants and beating back police attacks. When workers were united and prepared to fight against the forces of their class enemies, they won!
    ellauri198.html on line 344: A footnote in the Penguin Classics edition (Robert Browning Selected Poems) advises against allegorical interpretation, saying “readers who wish to try their hand should be warned that the enterprise strongly resembles carving a statue out of fog." This sentiment is echoed by many critics, who believe any quest for interpretation will ultimately fail, due to the dreamlike, illusionary nature of the poem.
    ellauri198.html on line 436: Might propagate their kind, with none to awe, Edes takiaista et löytää saata,
    ellauri198.html on line 497: Back therefore to my darkening path again! Takaisin siis hämärän tähden teitä!
    ellauri198.html on line 541: Pits for his pastime, Christians against Jews. taisteluttais murkkuja kuin härkiä.
    ellauri198.html on line 609: Came back again for that! before it left, Sieltä paistaa päivä taas, tuolta kolosta,
    ellauri198.html on line 637: Archaeologists have applied the term "tophet" to large cemeteries of children found at Carthaginian sites that have traditionally been believed to house the victims of child sacrifice, as described by Hellenistic and biblical sources. This interpretation is controversial, with some scholars arguing that the tophets may have been children's cemeteries, rejecting Hellenistic sources as anti-Carthaginian propaganda. Others argue that not all burials in the tophet were sacrifices.
    ellauri198.html on line 693: In 1838, he visited Italy looking for background for Sordello, a long poem in heroic couplets, presented as the imaginary biography of the Mantuan bard spoken of by Dante in the Divine Comedy, canto 6 of Purgatory, set against a background of hate and conflict during the Guelph-Ghibelline wars. This was published in 1840 and met with widespread derision, gaining him the reputation of wanton carelessness and obscurity. Tennyson commented that he only understood the first and last lines and Carlyle wrote that his wife had read the poem through and could not tell whether Sordello was a man, a city or a book. Ai tän mä taisinkin jo kertoa albumissa 54.
    ellauri198.html on line 736: In a final "Coda" section, King urges the reader to close the book at this point, consider the story finished with a happy ending, and not venture inside the Tower with Roland. For those who do not heed the warning, the story resumes with Roland stepping into the Dark Tower. He realizes that the Tower is not really made of stone, but a kind of flesh: it is Gan's physical body. As he climbs the steps, Roland encounters various rooms containing siguls or signs of his past life. When he reaches the top of the Tower, he finds a door marked with his own name and opens it. Roland instantly realizes, to his horror, that he has reached the Tower countless times before. He is forced through the door by the hands of Gan and transported back in time to the Mohaine desert, back to where he was at the beginning of The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger, with no memories of what has just occurred. The only difference is that, this time, Roland possesses the Horn of Eld, which in the previous incarnation he had left lying on the ground after the Battle of Jericho Hill. Roland hears the voice of Gan, whispering that, if he reaches the Tower again, perhaps this time the result will be different; there may yet be rest. The series ends where it began in the first line of book one: "The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed."
    ellauri198.html on line 780: Knowledge is aware not only of itself, but also of the negative of itself, or its limit. Knowing its limit means knowing how to sacrifice itself. This sacrifice is... self-abandonment.... Here it has to begin all over again at its immediacy, as freshly as before, and thence rise once more to the measure of its stature, as if, for it, all that preceded were lost, and as if it had learned nothing from the experience of the spirits that preceded. But re collection has conserved that experience, and is the inner being, and, in fact, the higher form of the substance. While, then, this phase of Spirit begins all over again its formative development, apparently starting solely from itself, yet at the same time it com mences at a higher level. The realm of spirits developed in this way, and assuming definite shape in existence, constitutes a succession, where one detaches and sets loose the other, and each takes over from its predecessor the empire of the spiritual world...
    ellauri198.html on line 853: He faced death with a courage that was founded partly on his vague hope for reincarnation. In his proud moods he could speak in the stern voice of his famous epitaph, written within six months of his death, which concludes his poem “Under Ben Bulben”: “Cast a cold eye / On life, on death. / Horseman, pass by!” But the bold sureness of those lines is complicated by the terror-stricken cry that “distracts my thought” at the end of another late poem, “The Man and the Echo,” and also by the poignantly frivolous lust for life in the last lines of “Politics,” the poem that he wanted to close Last Poems: “But O that I were young again / And held them in my arms.”
    ellauri198.html on line 887: Keats picked up the ideas again in his another unfinished poem The Fall of Hyperion: A Dream (1856) published after his death. He attempted to recast the epic by framing it with a personal quest to find truth and understanding. Another failure. Yawn.
    ellauri203.html on line 348: Vangittu mieli ( puolaksi: Zniewolony umysł ) on puolalaisen kirjailijan, runoilijan, akateemisen ja Nobel-palkitun Czesław Miłoszin vuonna 1953 julkaisema tietokirjallinen propagandateos. Se julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran englanniksi Jane Zielonkon käännöksenä vuonna 1953.
    ellauri203.html on line 386: Sodan jälkeen Borowski palasi Puolaan ja Andrzejewskin tavoin hänestä tuli hallitsevan puolueen propagandisti. Lopulta hän kuitenkin pettyi ja vaipui lamauttavaan masennukseen. Annettuaan useita lausuntoja pettyneen neuvostorunoilijan Vladimir Majakovskin itsemurhasta vuonna 1930 Borowski riisti henkensä. Hänen epäilyksistään huolimatta Puolan stalinistinen hallitus käytti hänen hautajaisiaan propagandakseen.
    ellauri203.html on line 390: Nuoruudessaan hän oli runoilijapiirin Żagary (Tulimyrsky) jäsen.
    ellauri203.html on line 391: Toisessa Puolan tasavallassa, jossa hän opiskeli Stefan Batoryn yliopistossa Wilnossa, hän kallistui aluksi oikeistolaisen endecja - ryhmän puoleen ja liittyi Iso-Puolan leirin jäseneksi; Myöhemmin hän tuki Puolan kommunistista puoluetta, josta hänet pidätettiin ja joutui oikeuden eteen. Neuvostoliiton hyökkäyksen Puolaan jälkeen hän jäi Neuvostoliiton liittämille alueille ja työskenteli kommunistisena funktionaalisena, asuen Lvivissä. Samaan aikaan hänen äitinsä ja sisarensa karkotettiin Siperiaan. Kun hän pakeni Moskovaan Saksan hyökkäyksen jälkeen Neuvostoliittoon vuonna 1941, hänestä tuli yksi Puolan isänmaallisten liiton perustajista sekä sotakirjeenvaihtaja ja poliittinen komissaari Puolan armeijassa idässä. Tuolloin hän kirjoitti paljon neuvostomyönteistä propagandaa.
    ellauri203.html on line 424: Älä tapa minua. 2022 | 16+ | 1 t 30 min | Romanttiset elokuvat. Mies (Clasu) ottaa rakkaansa (Ebba) kanssa yliannoksen huumeita ja kuolee, mutta virkoaa yksin ja huomaa joutuneensa väkivaltaiseen maailmaan, jota ei tiennyt olevan olemassakaan. On kuuma ja hiilihankotyypit heiluttelee ruoskia. Pääosissa: Alice Pagani, Rocco Fasano, Silvia Calderoni.
    ellauri203.html on line 445: Shakespeare could be born again he would have no cause to retract his
    ellauri203.html on line 473: It was published first in 1866 in the first episode of the new literary magazine Epoch that was launched by Dostoevsky and his brother Mikhail. As we know Turgenev and Dostoevsky were not the best of friends. Turgenev had sent the story to Dostoevsky when he was in Baden Baden. Dostoevsky, however, was too busy playing roulette and returned the story without having read it. Mikhail told him in a letter that that had been a big mistake, because their magazine was sure to be a success if they could have a new Turgenev in the first episode. Dostoevsky proceeded to write an apologetic letter to Turgenev and managed to secure Phantoms for the magazine.
    ellauri203.html on line 501: Nestor Vasiljevitš Kukolnik (ven. Не́стор Васи́льевич Ку́кольник, 20. syyskuuta 1809 Pietari – 20. joulukuuta 1868 Taganrog) oli venäläinen kirjailija.
    ellauri203.html on line 511: Krimin sodassa kärsityn tappion aiheuttama pettymys sai Kukolnikin eroamaan virkauraltaan ja matkustamaan ulkomaille hoitamaan terveyttään. Palattuaan Venäjälle hän asettui asumaan Taganrogiin, jossa hän toimi aktiivisesti kotikaupunkinsa ja Donin alueen hyväksi. Kirjallisuuselämään Kukolnik ei enää palannut, mutta joitakin hänen teoksiaan julkaistiin hänen kuolemansa jälkeen.
    ellauri203.html on line 513: Taganrog (ven. Таганрог) on satamakaupunki Asovanmeren rannalla Rostovin alueella Etelä-Venäjällä. Siellä on noin 257 681 asukasta (2010 väestönlaskenta). Vuonna 1698 perustettu Taganrog on Venäjän ensimmäisiä ja edelleen tärkeimpiä satamia. Se tunnetaan parhaiten kirjailija Anton Tšehovin syntymäpaikkana. Herodotos mainizee sen nimellä Emporion Kremnoi. Nikkalassa on tällä haavaa 451 asukasta.
    ellauri203.html on line 673: Ja tää on muka maailmankirjallisuuden helmiä. Onkohan kriitikot kaikki pervoja ? Lukijoista iso osa ainakin. Tickled first like striped-ass baboons and then bored again. Bored-again Christians. Fabulous freaky Brothersin uudelleen lämmitys 2020-luvulla on takuulla pannukakku, paha lässähdys.
    ellauri204.html on line 300: Während al-Ḫiḍr, das auf Arabisch „der Grüne“ bedeutet, immer nur als ein laqab-Beiname verstanden wurde, gab und gibt es über den wirklichen Namen al-Chidrs und seine Abstammung sehr unterschiedliche Lehrmeinungen. Im mittelalterlichen Maghreb war die Auffassung verbreitet, dass al-Chidr eigentlich Ahmad hieß. Der ägyptische Gelehrte Ibn Hadschar al-ʿAsqalānī (gest. 1449), der eine eigene Abhandlung über al-Chidr verfasst hat, führt dort insgesamt zehn unterschiedliche Auffassungen zur Frage von al-Chidrs Namen auf. Einige muslimische Gelehrte setzten al-Chidr auch mit verschiedenen alttestamentlichen Gestalten gleich, darunter Melchisedek, Jeremia, Elija und Elischa. Hintergrund für diese Gleichsetzungen bildeten verschiedene christliche und jüdische Erzählstoffe, zu denen al-Chidr in der islamischen Tradition in Verbindung gebracht wurde. Diejenige Lehrmeinung, die im Laufe der Zeit am meisten Verbreitung gefunden hat, besagt, dass al-Chidr über seinen Vater Malkān ein Urenkel des biblischen Eber sei und eigentlich Balyā heiße. Sie wird auch an dem Heiligtum von al-Chidr in Kataragama in Sri Lanka propagiert.
    ellauri204.html on line 391: “So saying, Argeiphontes gave me the herb, drawing it from the ground, and showed me its nature. At the root it was black, but its flower was like milk. [305] Moly the gods call it, and it is hard for mortal men to dig; but with the gods all things are possible. Hermes then departed to high Olympus through the wooded isle, and I went my way to the house of Circe, and many things did my heart darkly ponder as I went. [310] So I stood at the gates of the fair-tressed goddess. There I stood and called, and the goddess heard my voice. Straightway then she came forth, and opened the bright doors, and bade me in; and I went with her, my heart sore troubled. She brought me in and made me sit on a silver-studded chair, [315] a beautiful chair, richly wrought, and beneath was a foot-stool for the feet. And she prepared me a potion in a golden cup, that I might drink, and put therein a drug, with evil purpose in her heart. But when she had given it me, and I had drunk it off, yet was not bewitched, she smote me with her wand, and spoke, and addressed me: [320] ‘Begone now to the sty, and lie with the rest of thy comrades.’ “So she spoke, but I, drawing my sharp sword from between my thighs, rushed upon Circe, as though I would slay her. But she, with a loud cry, ran beneath, and clasped my knees, and with wailing she spoke to me winged words: [325] “‘Who art thou among men, and from whence? Where is thy city, and where thy parents? Amazement holds me that thou hast drunk this charm and wast in no wise bewitched. For no man else soever hath withstood this charm, when once he has drunk it, and it has passed the barrier of his teeth. Nay, but the mind in thy breast is one not to be beguiled. [330] Surely thou art Odysseus, the man of ready device, who Argeiphontes of the golden wand ever said to me would come hither on his way home from Troy with his swift, black ship. Nay, come, put up thy sword in this here sheath, and let us two then go up into my bed, that couched together [335] in love we may put trust in each other.’ “So she spoke, but I answered her, and said:‘Circe, how canst thou bid me be gentle to thee, who hast turned my comrades into swine in thy halls, and now keepest me here, and with guileful purpose biddest me [340] go to thy chamber, and go up into thy bed, that when thou hast me stripped thou mayest render me a weakling and unmanned? Nay, verily, it is not I that shall be fain to go up into thy bed, unless thou, goddess, wilt consent to swear a mighty oath that thou wilt not plot against me any fresh mischief to my hurt.’
    ellauri204.html on line 616: Vesa Rantama, is a literary critic and the editor-in-chief of Nuori Voima, a longstanding Finnish literary magazine. He has written essays with topics ranging from current pop music to ecophilosophy, quite often with poetry added to the mix. His articles have appered in Helsingin Sanomat, the most read newspaper in Finland, the Swedish-language Nordisk Tidskrift, Versopolis as well as countless cultural publications in Finland.
    ellauri204.html on line 824:

    Propagandaa hölmöpöntöstä

    ellauri204.html on line 826: Teevee työntää tuutin täydeltä törkeää länsipropagandaa. Porukat ei enää huomaa sitä koska ne on siinä läpeensä jo marinoituneet. Esim sakemannien Länsi- ja Itä-Saxaan hajaantuneet kaxoset. Joka ikinen talousliberaali klishee on ahdettuna mukaan, idän tylystä passipoliisista aina lännen palkkaorjistaan vastuuta kantaviin Masinon omistajiin saakka. Pätkä on ilmiselvästi tähdätty naisten märäxi unexi. Olla samaan aikaan laiha primaballerina ja tehtailijan jyree tytär äxeeraamassa harppisaku alihankkijoita vaatii vähintään kahta elämää. Tää on Das Doppelte Lottchen by Erich Kästner päivitettynä Pompeijin viimeisille päiville.
    ellauri204.html on line 839: Yes! Social media provides an avenue for pushing back against poverty porn.
    ellauri205.html on line 130: Calling for her mind again
    ellauri206.html on line 71: In 2017, Vietnamese-American writer Viet Thanh Nguyen (n.h.) questioned the validity of continuing to teach "show, don't tell" in creative writing classes in a New York Times op-ed on the subject. His position was that such teaching is biased against immigrant writers, who may describe emotions in ways readers from outside their culture might not understand, rendering "tell" necessary. Like the squeaky smiley that shows just raised eyebrows and no smiling mouth. Because a smile does not count for anything out there. Everybody smiles all the time.
    ellauri206.html on line 109: “Our personal information is being exploited to control or manipulate us, change our behaviours, violate our human rights, and undermine democratic institutions. Our choices are taken away from us without us even knowing it”, he said. The most efficient propaganda machine ever, mainlining western capitalist g***th values straight into tiny monkey brains.
    ellauri207.html on line 174: Michael Douglas, son of Kirk Douglas, was accused of masturbating in front of an employee. To the claim that he masturbated in front of her, Douglas said, "This is a complete lie, fabrication, no truth to it whatsoever." He will again reprise his role in the upcoming film Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023).
    ellauri207.html on line 178: In June 2015, during a visit in Israel to receive the Genesis Prize, Douglas said the boycott movement against that country is an "ugly cancer".
    ellauri207.html on line 214: agazine/23Larsson-span/23Larsson-t_CA0-articleLarge.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp" />
    ellauri210.html on line 303: Pablo Picasso (25. lokakuuta 1881 Málaga, Espanja – 8. huhtikuuta 1973 Mougins, Alpes-Maritimes, Ranska) oli espanjalainen kuvataiteilija ja yksi 1900-luvun huomattavimmista taiteilijoista. Se tahtoi ranskalaisexi muttei huolittu.
    ellauri210.html on line 345: agazine.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/olga.jpg" height="300px" />
    ellauri210.html on line 381: In the summer of 1914, Cravan began another phase of wandering. In 1916, he found himself in Barcelona where he somehow managed to book himself a high-profile fight against Jack Johnson. Johnson was in the midst of a celebrated stay in Spain, during which he was received by royalty and starred in movies. Photographs from the fight give some idea of the scale of the event, which was held at Barcelona’s huge bullfighting arena La Monumental. What the photos don’t convey is what a mismatch the fight was. Even a ring-rusty, thirty-eight-year-old Johnson was leagues ahead of Cravan. Johnson won with a sixth-round knockout, though it could’ve been over much sooner had he wished it. There are reports that Cravan shook with fear before the contest began, knowing how out of his depth he was. One writer has suggested that “Johnson and Cravan were more collaborators than competitors,” and that the event was a con, just a hype-fueled payday for an aging legend and a flamboyant interloper with no credible chance of a win—the Mayweather-McGregor of its day. Olikos tää se mazi josta toinen nyrkkipelle Heminwau kirjoitti siinä sonniromaanissa?
    ellauri210.html on line 388: While Loy traveled on a hospital ship, Cravan decided he would make the journey via a dilapidated old boat. He set sail from the port town of Salina Cruz in November, and was never seen or heard from again.
    ellauri210.html on line 778: An autobiographical work by Michel del Castillo, a Spanish born writer who writes in French, Tanguy is a powerfully moving novel highly reminiscent of The Diary of Anne Frank (due mainly to the child's point of view as opposed to that of the adult). Narrating in first person, the story of a young Spanish boy, Tanguy, the novel is set against the backdrop of the war.
    ellauri210.html on line 780: The novel starts in Spain in 1939, during the Spanish civil war, when Tanguy is forced to flee the country with his mother because of her left wing political affiliations. They find themselves in France, which is no less hostile. Forsaken by his father, Tanguy and his mother are arrested by the police and sent off to a camp for political refugees where life is difficult and they face many a hardship and insult. Finally able to escape, Tanguy's mother now decides to flee to London. In order to escape unnoticed from France, they must travel separately and Tanguy is thus separated from his mother. Discovered by the German troops he is packed off to another concentration camp where he endures a life of hunger, cold and forced physical labour that break his body and spirit, the only respite being in a young German pianist who befriends him and reminds him time and again not to hate for hatred breeds nothing but hatred. LOL.
    ellauri210.html on line 782: After the war, Tanguy is sent back to Spain, Barcelona where he learns that his grandmother has recently passed away and there is no one else to take care of him. He is sent to a reformation school for juvenile delinquents and orphans, run by priests who are no less cruel and sadist than the Nazi "kapos." Bitter, Tanguy believes they are worse than the Nazis because these priests hide their sadism behind the facade of religion and confession, but that makes their sin no less. He succeeds in escaping along with a "companion," but is forced to separate from his as well. This time around, he finds himself in a school run by a group of priests but unlike the reformation school, here, Tanguy is able to grow, learn and live comfortably. It is here, that he truly flourishes and finds friends and solace. But he is still not completely at peace and sets off again in search of the parents who had abandoned and forsaken him to such a bitter destiny. He does find them eventually, but only to realise that the years of hardship and horror experienced by him have built an impenetrable barrier between them. He is no longer a left wing radical like them. He has learned not to hate the capos. Don't get mad get even. LOL.
    ellauri210.html on line 863: Fils d'un cadre du grand magasin Le Bon Marché, il est d’abord un élève brillant au lycée Montaigne, où il obtient un prix de récitation et de français, puis il devient passable et dissipé au lycée Louis-le-Grand où il se fait remarquer par son excentricité.
    ellauri210.html on line 915: Jacques Prévert s'ennuie à l'école et fait souvent l'école buissonnière en parcourant Paris avec la complicité de son père. Dès 15 ans, après son certificat d'études primaires, il abandonne les études. Il multiplie alors les petits travaux, notamment au grand magasin Le Bon Marché. Il fait quelques larcins et fréquente des voyous mais n'est jamais inquiété par la police.
    ellauri210.html on line 991: En 1932, à l'initiative du communiste Paul Vaillant-Couturier, Jacques Prévert est sollicité par le groupe Octobre pour écrire des textes contestataires d’agitation-propagande. Sa verve, son humour, son aisance à rédiger très rapidement sur des sujets d’actualité brûlants, font la notoriété du groupe. Le plus célèbre de ces textes, La Bataille de Fontenoy, présenté en 1933 aux Olympiades internationales du théâtre ouvrier à Moscou, devant Staline), se moque des hommes politiques de l’époque.
    ellauri210.html on line 1117: With the outbreak of World War II Ernst, who was German, was arrested by the French authorities for being a "hostile alien". Soon after the Nazis invaded France, Ernst was arrested again, this time by the Gestapo, because his art was considered by the Nazis to be "degenerate". Fucking West and East Germans, same huns and hyenas on both sides!
    ellauri210.html on line 1122: Carrington was adopted as a femme-enfant by the Surrealists because of her rebelliousness against her upper-class upbringing. Carrington was interested in presenting female sexuality as she experienced it, rather than as that of male surrealists' characterization of female sexuality. Some of her works are still hanging at James' former family home, currently West Dean College in West Dean, West Sussex.
    ellauri210.html on line 1131: agazinuni.cz/wp-content/uploads/pohadka.jpg" height="400px" />
    ellauri210.html on line 1226: The French essayist Michel Eyquem de Montaigne’s famous tome Les Essais became celebrated in its age, even being quoted by William Shakespeare in The Tempest. At the core of the collection of writings was “De l’amitie” (“On Friendship”). La Boetie enjoyed a certain level of fame, achieved through political discourses, when he met Montaigne around 1557 and the two would spend four years together, at which time the principles of civil disobedience in matters of love became instilled in Montaigne, according to Robert Aldrich and Garry Wotherspoon’s Who’s Who in Gay and Lesbian History. But La Boetie would succumb to the plague, and Montaigne would write that he never experienced such love again.
    ellauri211.html on line 52: Lehden toimituksellinen sävy on aina korostanut myönteisyyttä ja lämmintä huumoria. Wallacen pariskunta ei käyttänyt lehteä tehdessään lainkaan lukijatutkimuksia vaan valitsi lehden aineiston omien mieltymystensä mukaan. Lukijatutkimukset tulivat käyttöön vasta 1970-luvulla, kun perustajapariskunta luovutti lehden teon nuoremmille. Reader’s Digestia on koko sen olemassaolon ajan kritisoitu konservatiivisuudesta ja amerikkalaisuudesta. Esimerkiksi kylmän sodan vuosina lehden kansainvälisissä painoksissa, muun muassa Valituissa Paloissa, tuotiin usein esiin kommunisti- ja sosialistimaiden yhteiskunnallisia ongelmia. Kalutut on länkkäreiden parhaita propaganda-aseita seppoiluun taipuvaisten turveloiden parissa.
    ellauri211.html on line 160: Hiroshima ja Nagasaki ovat kaksi japanilaista kaupunkia, joita kumpaakin vastaan Yhdysvallat hyökkäsi atomipommilla elokuussa vuonna 1945 (Hiroshima 6. elokuuta ja Nagasaki 9. elokuuta). Ne ovat ainoat kohteet ihmiskunnan historiassa, joita vastaan ydinpommia on käytetty sodassa. Iskujen katsotaan olleen merkittävä tekijä toisen maailmansodan päättymisessä.
    ellauri211.html on line 165: Hiroshiman ja Nagasakin kaupungit kartalla.
    ellauri211.html on line 167: Nagasakin yllä 9. elokuuta 1945 räjäytetty pommi (Fat Man) oli täysin toisenlainen, sillä siinä käytettiin fissioituvana aineena plutoniumia. Tämäntyyppinen pommi oli jo kerran räjäytetty 16. heinäkuuta Trinity-kokeessa New Mexicossa. Pommi painoi 4 545 kiloa, ja se pudotettiin Bockscar-nimisestä B-29-koneesta, jota ohjasi majuri Charles Sweeney. Pommin teho oli noin 20 kilotonnia ja räjähdyskorkeus sama 550 metriä. Pommi räjähti kello 11.02 (JST). Nagasakin mäkisen maaston ansiosta tuhovaikutus jäi valitettavasti jonkin verran Hiroshimaa pienemmäksi, mutta pommi tappoi noin 73 900 ihmistä. Pommituksissa käytettiin juuri B-29 Superfortress -pommikoneita, koska ainoastaan ne kykenivät lentämään Mariaaneilta Japaniin ja takaisin. Pudotuskorkeus oli aiempaa alempi (jopa noin 0,5 kilometriä), sillä se oli 8 800 metriä.
    ellauri211.html on line 173: Hiroshiman ja Nagasakin pommit näyttivät, miten voimakas ase atomipommi on: yksi pommikone kykeni tuhoamaan kokonaisen kaupungin, kun siihen aiemmin tarvittiin satojen koneiden hyökkäys ja jopa yli 20 prosentin kalusto- ja miehistötappiot sitä suoritettaessa. Body count lie ollut noin 200 000, mutta plus-puolelle on laskettava että ne oli 100% viirusilmiä.
    ellauri213.html on line 220: Praise – this carries the implied expectation that the action will be carried out again or improved on next time, and so may not achieve the positive reinforcement that may be intended
    ellauri213.html on line 251: You join together with thousands of other members for a set programme reflective of the host country’s culture and customs. As well as a huge closing ceremony. This event is for members aged 16 to 22. Sadly the next World Scout Moot in 2022 has been cancelled, but we hope this will take place again in 2025. We hiked, swam, explored one another and ate our shorts becoming really great friends. Learned how to give support during the Ukraine conflict. The 25th World Scout Jamboree will take place in 2023 in South Korea. Lieköhän yhtään venäläisiä kaukopartiolaisia kuzuttujen joukossa?
    ellauri213.html on line 256: With the advent of communism after the October Revolution of 1917, and during the Russian Civil War from 1917 to 1922, most of the Scoutmasters and many Scouts fought in the ranks of the White Army and interventionists against the Red Army.
    ellauri213.html on line 387: As a major transport hub, with sea and river ports, the city is home to the headquarters of the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Navy, and is one of the largest industrial centres in Russia. It was deemed the best city in Russia in 2012, 2013, and 2014 in Kommersant's magazine The Firm's Secret, the best city in Russia for business in 2013 according to Forbes, and was ranked fifth in the Urban Environment Quality Index published by Minstroy in 2019. Kaliningrad has been a major internal migration attraction in Russia over the past two decades, and was one of the host cities of the 2018 FIFA World Cup.
    ellauri213.html on line 429: Abu Nidal kuoli saamiinsa 1–4 ampumahaavaan Bagdadissa elokuussa 2002. Palestiinalaiset lähteet uskoivat tappokäskyn tulleen Saddam Husseinilta sen jälkeen kun hänelle esitettiin todisteet Nidalin osuudesta Irakin hallinnon syrjäyttämissuunnitelmiin. Irakin sisäinen turvallisuuspalvelu oli luultavasti Nidalin murhan takana. Abu Nidal oli yksi maailman etsityimmistä miehistä. Hänen uskotaan olleen mukana järjestämässä satoja ihmisiä tappaneita iskuja pariinkymmeneen eri maahan, vaikka Irakin hallitus väitti Nidalin kuolleen oman käden kautta. The Guardian kirjoitti Nidalista tämän kuoleman paljastettuaan: ”Hän oli patriootti, samanniminen kuin vihreen talon jenkin ruskee jeeppi. Hän palveli vain itseään, vain omia kieroutuneita tarpeitaan, jotka ajoivat hänet kammottaviin rikoksiin. Hän oli palkkasoturien palkkasoturi.” Tää oli takuulla taas länsipropagandaa.
    ellauri213.html on line 434: Seuraavassa on listattuna pahoja naisia rikkomuxineen (kuvissa söpöset alleviivattu): Irma Grese (Naziwächterin), Myra Hindley (serial pedocide), Isabela of Castile (born in the year 1451 and died in 1504, Isabella the Catholic, was queen of Castile and León. She and her husband, Ferdinand II of Aragon, brought stability to the kingdoms that became the basis for the unification of Spain. Isabella and Ferdinand are known for completing the Reconquista, ordering conversion or exile of their Muslim and Jewish subjects and financing Christopher Columbus’ 1492 voyage that led to the opening of the “New World”. Isabella was granted the title Servant of God by the Catholic Church in 1974), Beverly Allitt (pedocide, Angel of Death), Queen Mary of England (catholic), Belle Gunness (norwegian-american serial killer), Mary Ann Cotton (serial killer), Ilse Koch (Lagerfrau), Katherine Knight (very bad Aussie), Elizabeth Bathory (hungarian noblewoman and serial killer), Sandra Avila Beltran (drugs), Patty Hearst (hänen isoisänsä oli lehtikeisari William Randolph Hearst. Hiän joutui kidnappauksen uhriksi, mutta pian tämän jälkeen hiän teki pankkiryöstön ja joutui vankilaan), Genene Jones (infanticide nurse), Karla Homolka (Canadian serial killer), Diane Downs (infanticide), Aileen Wuornos (serial killer), Griselda Blanco (drug lady), Lizzie Borden (kirvesmurhaaja), Bonnie Parker (bank robber), Anne Bonny (pirate), Mary Bell (pedocide), Delphine LaLaurie (serial slavekiller), Patricia Krenwinkel (Manson family member), Leslie van Houten (Manson family member), Darlie Routier (infanticide), Susan Smith (infanticide), Susan Atkins (Manson family member), Ching Shih (pirate), Anna Sorokin Delvey (con woman), Amelia Dyer (serial killer), Assata Shakur (black terrorist), Belle Gunness (serial killer), Gypsy Rose Blanchard (matricide), Pamela Smart (mariticide), Ruth Ellis (nightclub hostess, last woman hanged in UK), Phoolan Devi (bandit), Ma Barker (matriarch), Jennifer Pan (parenticide), Virginia Hill (gangster), Karla Faye Tucker (burglar, first woman injected in US), Leonarda Cianciully (serial murderer, soapmaker), Mary Read, Carill Ann Fugate (murder spree), Grace Marks (maid), Belle Starr (outlaw, friend of Lucky Luke), Zerelda Mimms (Mrs. Jesse James), Jane Toppan (serial killer), Sara Jane Moore (wannabe assassin of Gerald Ford), Martha Beck (serial killer), Doris Payne (jewel thief), Mary Brunner (Manson family member), Barbara Graham (executed by gas), Grace O'Malley (pirate), Sada Abe (jealous geisha. When they asked why she had killed Ishida, “Immediately she became excited and her eyes sparkled in a strange way: ‘I loved him so much, I wanted him all to myself. But since we were not husband and wife, as long as he lived he could be embraced by other women. I knew that if I killed him no other woman could ever touch him again, so I killed him…..’ ), Samantha Lewthwaite (white somali terrorist), Theresa Knorr (murderess), Lynette Fromme (Manson family, wannabe assassin of Gerald Ford), The Freeway Phantom (serial killer), Carol M. Bundy (serial killer), Fanny Kaplan (bolshevik revolutionary), Marguerite Alibert (Ed VII courtesan), Jean Harris (author), Linda Hazzard (physician, serial killer), Mary Jane Kelly (1st victim of Jack the Ripper), Kim Hyon-hui (North-Korean spy), Vera Renczi (serial killer), Clare Bronfman (filthy rich criminal), Kirsten Gilbert (serial killer nurse), Gerda Steinhoff (Lagerwächterin), Linda Carty (baby robber), Estella Marie Thompson (black prostitute, blowjobbed Hugh Grant), Elizabeth Becker (Lagerwächterin), Juana Barraza (asesina en serie), Olivera Circovic (baseball player, writer, jewel thief), Olga Hepnarova (mental serial killer), Sabina Eriksson (knäpp tvilling), Minnie Dean (serial killer), Madame de Brinvilliers (aristocrat parri- and fratricide), Martha Rendell (familicide, last woman hanged in Western Australia), Violet Gibson (wannabe assassin of Mussolini), Idoia López Riaño (terrorist), Styllou Christofi (murdered her daughter in law), Mary Eastley (convicted of witchcraft), Wanda Klaff (Lagerwächterin), Giulia Tofana (avvelenatrice), Tisiphone (1/3 raivottaresta), Jean Lee (murderer for money), Brigitte Mohnhaupt (RAF terrorist), Marcia (mistress of Commodus), Beate Zschäpe (far-right terrorist), Evelyn Frechette (singer, Dillingerin heila), Francoise Dior (naziaktivisti), Linda Mulhall (nirhasi äidin poikaystävän saxilla), Brigit Hogefeld (RAF terrorist), Martha Corey (Salem witchhunt victim), Marie Lafarge (arsenikkimurha), Debra Lafave (teacher, gave blow job to student), Enriqueta Marti (asasina en serie), Alse Young (witch hanging victim), Elizabeth Michael (actress, involuntary manslaughter: nasty boyfriend hit his head and died while beating her), Susannah Martin (witchcraft), Maria Mandl (Gefängnisoffizerin), Mary Frith (pickpocket and fence), Hanadi Jaradat (suicide bomber), Marie-Josephte Carrivau (mariticide), Gudrun Ensslin (RAF founder), Anna Anderson (vale-Anastasia), Ans van Dijk (jutku nazikollaboraattori), Elizabeth Holmes (bisneshuijari), Ghislaine Maxwell (Epsteinin haahka), Julianna Farrait (drugs), Yolanda Saldivar (embezzler, killer), Jodi Arias (convicted killer Jodi Ann Arias was born on July 9, 1980, in Salinas, California. In the summer of 2008, Arias made national headlines when she was charged with murdering her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander, a 30-year-old member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who was working as a motivational speaker and insurance salesman. Aargh. Justifiable homicide.) Alyssa Bustamante (kid murder), Mary Kay Letourneau (kid abuser), Mirtha Young (drugs), Catherine Nevin (mariticide), Pilar Prades (maid), Irmgard Möller (terrorist), Christine Schürrer (krimi), Reem Riyashi (suicide bomber), Amy Fisher (jealous), Wafa Idris (suicide bomber), Jeanne de Clisson (ex-noblewoman), Christine Papin (maid murderer), Sally McNeil (body builder), Mariette Bosch (murderer), Sandra Ávila Beltrán (drugs), Alice Schwarzer (journalist), Andrea Yates (litter murderer), Mimi Wong (bar hostess), Pauline Nyiramasuhuko (criminal politician), Josefa Segovia (murderer), Martha Needle (serial killer), Antonina Makarova (war criminal), Mary Surratt (criminal businessperson), Dorothea Binz (officer), Leona Helmsley (tax evasion), Angela Rayola (reality tv personality), Léa Papin (maid murderer), Ursula Erikssson (kriminell mördare), Maria Petrovna (spree killer), Aafia Siddiqui (criminal), Fatima Bernawi (palestinian militant), La Voisin (fortune teller), Deniz Seki (singer), Rasmea Odeh (Arab activist), Hildegard Lächert (nurse), Sajida al-Rishawi (suicide bomber), Hayat Boumeddiene (ISIS groupie, nähty viimexi Al Holissa), Herta Ehlert (Lagerwächterin), Elizabeth Stride (seriös mördare), Adelheid Schulz (krimi), Jenny-Wanda Barkman (Wächter), Shi Jianqiao (pardoned assassin. The assassination of Sun Chuanfang was ethically justified as an act of filial piety and turned into a political symbol of the legitimate vengeance against the Japanese invaders.), Rosemary West (serial killer), Juana Bormann (Lagerwächterin), Kathy Boudin (criminal), Kate Webster (assassin), Teresa Lewis (murderer), Hermine Braunsteiner (Lagerwächterin), Flor Contemplacion (assassina), Constance Kent (fratricide), Tamara Samsonova (serial killer), Herta Bothe (Lagerwächterin), Maria Gruber (Mörderin), Irene Leidolf (möderin), Waltraud Wagner (Mörderin), Elaine Campione (criminelle), Greta Bösel (Pflegerin), Marie Manning (Mörderin), Darya Nikolayevna Saltykova (sadist), Nora Parham (executed), Maria Barbella (assassina), Linda Wenzel (ISIS activist), Anna Marie Hahn (Mörderin), Suzane von Richthofen (parenticide), Charlotte Mulhall (murderer), Khioniya Guseva (kriminal), Daisy de Melker (serial killer nurse), Stephanija Meyer (Mörderin), Sinedu Tadesse (murderer), Ayat al-Akhras (suicide bomber), Akosita Lavulavu (minister of infrastructure and tourism), Sabrina de Sousa (criminal diplomat), Sally Basset (poisoner), Emma Zimmer (Aufseher), Mary Clement (serial killer), Irina Gaidamachuk (serial killer), Dagmar Overbye (serialmorder), Gesche Gottfried (Mörderin), Frances Knorr (serial killer), Beate Schmidt (Serienmörderin), Elizabeth Clarke (accused victim of witchcraft), Kim Sun-ja (serial killer), Olga Konstantinovana Briscorn (serial killer), Roxana Baldetti (politico), Rizana Nafeek (house maid), Margaret Scott (accused of witchcraft), Jacqueline Sauvage (meurtrier), Veronique Courjault (tueur en série), Barbara Erni (thief), Hilde Lesewitz (Schutzstaffel Wächterin), Thenmoli Rajaratnam (suicide bomber), etc. etc..
    ellauri214.html on line 76: J.K. Rowling has also included plenty of sexism in her writing, indicative of her internalised misogyny. Cho Chang was Harry Potter’s love interest throughout books 4 and 5. However, Cho was in a relationship with another student in the fourth book, and unfortunately this student was killed by Lord Voldemort at the end of the book. This leaves Cho rightfully distraught. Though still in emotional turmoil, she develops a crush on Harry and they begin dating. During their first kiss, Cho is crying because she is thinking of her dead boyfriend. Harry and Cho break up after multiple arguments later in the book. Later on in the series, Harry develops feelings for his best friend’s sister, Ginny Weasley. Rowling periodically writes how Harry prefers Ginny to Cho because Cho was too emotional after the death of her boyfriend. Harry preferred Ginny, who was stronger and could contain her emotions, supposedly because she had grown up with 6 brothers (no, 5, Ronny is a sissy). This comparison of the two girls demonstrates Rowling’s internalized feelings that women exist for the purpose of pleasing men. The thinly veiled idea that women who are too emotional or too much drama queens are not desirable is evident in Rowling’s writing. Fleur Delcore is another example of this feeling. Fleur is a student at a French wizarding school who competes against Harry in a difficult tournament in the fourth book. Fleur is part veela, who are magical beings of extreme beauty but can turn monstrous when angered. Fleur eventually marries Ron Weasley’s older brother, Bill. Hermionie, Harry’s other best friend, and Ginny constantly complain about Fleur. However, the only thing their animosity can be traced back to is that Fleur is a beautiful Frenchy woman and she is confident in that, whilst they are just snubnosed Brits. This further develops Rowling’s internalized misogyny. She views women who are confident in their beauty as annoying, and has the idea that women should seek male validation. Though these portions of the book were likely unintentional, speaking from personal experience, it has to be said that Rowling’s writing of women in her book have had a lasting effect on her female readers.
    ellauri214.html on line 216: Se mitä Mikki pyytää Hessulta on epäeettistä mutta moraalista. Mutta Mikki onkin julkkis eli luotettava. No nyt menee Stieg tosi kimurantixi! Armanskin rouva Ritva tarjoili kylmiä paloja ja vetäytyi sitten teeveen taaxe että miehet saavat rupatella rauhassa. Dragan Armanski ei ollut tollo, toisin kuin Karon miesystävä. Kun valtion suoja ei riitä ja sängyllä on runkkutahroja, kansanedustaja soittaa yxityiseen turvallisuuspalveluun. Ex-toimittaja Stieg uskottelee että sananvapaus on yhtä kuin demokratia. Sananvapaus on täysin perseestä, ja demokratia on keskiluokan diktatuuria. Stieg kadehtii USAn korkeinta oikeutta. Ei kannattaisi. Lakukepin konservatiivituomarin mursunkokoinen paleface vaimo jäi kiinni Trumpin vallankaappauxen asialla kähmystä.
    ellauri214.html on line 242: In his work Bibliotheca historica (Library of History), Diodorus Siculus wrote that the Amazons came from Libya in north Africa. Diodorus’s account is set in the time of myth. He wrote that the warriors’ most famous queen was Myrina, who lived before the hero Perseus saved the Ethiopian princess Andromeda from a sea monster. Myrina led her warriors to a great number of victories, including one against the mythical island of Atlantis. Myrina led a large army of 30,000 foot-soldiers and 3,000 cavalry against the Atlanteans. Diodorus claimed that the Amazon cavalry used tactics similar to those employed by the Parthians of west Asia, who fought the Roman general Crassus (c. 115— 53 BCE), firing arrows as they rode away from their enemies. The Atlanteans eventually surrendered to Myrina after she had captured and destroyed one of their cities, enslaving and carrying away the women and the children.
    ellauri214.html on line 245: Myrina was said to have conquered most of Libya, from where she led her army east toward Egypt. When she reached Egypt, she befriended the king before going on to defeat the Bedouin and Syrian peoples and conquering some of west Asia. Although the people of Cilicia (part of modern Turkey) were not defeated, they were willing to accept her rule. The Amazons also captured the island of Lesbos in the Aegean Sea, where Myrina founded the city of Mitylene, named for her sister. While sailing across the Aegean, Myrina got caught in a storm. The queen prayed to the Mother Goddess to save her and was guided to a deserted island, which she named Samothrace. Myrina’s good fortune, however, did not last forever: she died in battle against the Thracians and Scythians, led by the Thracian Mopsos. Without their great leader, the Amazons lost a series of battles to Mopsos. Eventually their empire collapsed and they withdrew back to Libya. Back to the drawing board. 2 thousand years later Myrinä's compatriot Muammar Gaddafi says in Swedish: Han är nöjd.
    ellauri214.html on line 251: Det kan finnas en gnutta sanning i Ulf Johanssons och Ulla Klötzers (HBL 7.7) kritik av Nato; inget är väl helt rött eller vitt. Klart är också att krig gynnar det militärindustriella komplexet liksom farsoter och andra sjukdomar föder läkemedelsbranschen. Men är alternativet att låta epidemier spridas vilt och Putins Ryssland breda ut sig? Och som någon skrev är det väl bättre att vara en fästing i famnen på Joe Biden än att vara en fluga i Putins mun. Här gäller det att välja de minst onda av två onda saker! Den dag Putins Ryssland förhoppningsvis är krossat och helt avrustat - och det borde vara målet - behövs Nato inte mera. Där konsten tar slut tar våldet vid. Då kan vi igen fokusera på miljövård och annat klovneri, smida om svärden till plogar och så vidare. Det verkar nog nu som enbart militär makt kan hålla Putin stången. Det gäller ju inte bara Ukrainas utan hela Europas framtid. Vi behöver inte ha skygglappar för kriget i Ukraina överskuggar allt - miljöfrågor, idrottsprestationer, rymdfärder med mera. Ett Putins Ryssland som herrefolk i världen vore en mardröm: oligarkerna stjäl vad andra arbetar ihop, censur införs och oliktänkare placeras i fängelse eller avrättas, aborträtt slopas, miljön sätts på undantag. Just som det händer nu i Biden's USA. Väst har varit undfallande mot Ryssland-investerat i landet, gjort sig beroende av ryska råvaror och energi, godkänt landets deltagande i internationella tävlingar och returnerat värdefulla konstföremål fastän Ryssland hela tiden varit på krigsfot. De ryska konstföremålen kunde vi lika väl ha behållit själva!
    ellauri214.html on line 253: Klötzer och andra får gärna försöka med fredsdekret och andra deklarationer, men som vi har sett i de två föregående världskrigen, betyder lagar och överenskommelser föga utan att en finns en makt bakom dem. Det tog Stalins Ryssland att sätta stopp till Hitlers härjande. Och som Erja Yläjärvi skriver får vi inte låta kriget i Ukraina bli det nya normala och ge efter för tyranniet som Putin inledde.
    ellauri214.html on line 261: P.S. Anders Gustafsson från Mariehamn skjuter ännu hårdare mot kvinnorna för Fred Göran. Han köper all västpropaganda mot ryssar som det finns, och sätter eget till.
    ellauri214.html on line 294: asadero: Se onkin enemmän kuin surullista. Vuosikymmenien propaganda venäläisten hyvyydestä ja muun maailman pelkästä pahuudesta kantaa hedelmää. Sekin varsin surkeaa on, että Putin sekoittaa jo kolmiyhteydenkin politiikkaansa ja käymäänsä valloitussotaan. Aivan niin kuin tsaaritkin aikoinaan, kun pyrkivät olemaan kirkonkin päämiehiä ja silläkin tapaa hallitsemaan kansaa.
    ellauri216.html on line 34:



    ellauri216.html on line 626: Eisensteinin propagandafilmi poistettiin levityxestä kun Hitler ja Stalin pääsivät sopimukseen etupiireistä.
    ellauri216.html on line 931:

    Propagandaa Valamosta

    ellauri216.html on line 1115: Neuvostoliiton joukkojen läsnäolon aiheuttamia vahinkoja luostarille käyttivät fasistiset propagandistit. Luostarissa vieraili usein saksalaisia, jotka ottivat siitä kuvia, sekä muiden fasistisen blokin maiden - Bulgarian, Romanian, Slovakian, Unkarin ja Kroatian - edustajia. Näistä vierailijoista hyötyivät luostarin veljet – heidän kauttaan munkit lähettivät Valaamilaisille kirjeitä ja valokuvia muihin maihin. Elokuussa 1942 Valaamissa vieraili italialainen kirjeenvaihtaja ja valokuvaaja Lino Pellegrini, joka jätti yksityiskohtaisen raportin fasistisen puolueen "Il popolo d'Italia" virallisissa painetuissa elimissä (noin kuukautta myöhemmin valkoinen emigrantti painoi sen uudelleen." Paris Bulletin").
    ellauri217.html on line 44: There is no one way of having vaginal sex. However, before you insert the penis into the vagina, make sure that the penis is erect and the vagina is well lubricated. Use your hands to insert the penis into the vagina slowly. Adjust your position so that the penis moves in deeper. Pull out the penis halfway, and then insert it again. Repeat with increasing tempo until the automatic bilge pump starts to operate and the little tadpoles begin squirting out (or rather, in). Keep the shaft maximum deep in till the pumping stops. Make sure that both you and your partner are comfortable.
    ellauri217.html on line 63: The story recreates the interlinked history of the three monotheistic Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), allegorised against the setting of an imaginary 19th century Cairene alley.
    ellauri217.html on line 262: Trustee Kadri-Helena onkin varmaan se ketku jutku Ben Gurion tms joka sai atomipommin teko-ohjeen heimoveljiltä jenkeistä. Israel's first Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion was "nearly obsessed" with obtaining nuclear weapons to prevent the Holocaust from reoccurring. He stated, "What Einstein, Oppenheimer, and Teller, the three of them are Jews, made for the United States, could also be done by scientists in Israel, for their own people". Deborah Brand 3 Aug 2022 0 2:04 Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid said this week Israel has "other capabilities" against threats from Iran, in a rare allusion to the country's widely reported nuclear stockpile.
    ellauri217.html on line 308: Als der schwer zuckerkranke Konsalik im Alter von 78 Jahren in seinem Salzburger Haus an einem Schlaganfall verstarb, hatte er mit seinem Lebenswerk von 155 Romanen, die in 43 Schaffensjahren entstanden und von „Kriegsalltag, Gewalt, Sex und anderen Trivialitäten“ handeln, eine Weltauflage von 83 Millionen erreicht.
    ellauri217.html on line 377: Schlaraffenland (av tyska Schlaraffe ’slöfock, dåre’, av tyska schlummern slumra, och Affe, apa se SAOB) är ett fantasiland, där man utan ansträngning får alla önskningar tillgodosedda och lättjan är en dygd istället för en synd. I sagan om Schlaraffenland återfinns uttrycket stekta sparvar flyger i munnen på en, vilket känns igen från kung Carl XVI Gustafs jultal 2002.
    ellauri217.html on line 379: I jultal till svenska folket önskar Carl XVI Gustaf inför 2003 "...en rättvisare fördelning av jordens tillgångar". Men kungen, som själv årligen får cirka 40 miljoner i apanage av skattebetalarna och har en förmögenhet om 259 miljoner, anklagas nu för att hyckla. Socialt engagerade kändisar och andra hemlösa tycker att statschefens ord klingar falskt. Kungen säger bland annat: "Att vara pessimistisk hjälper ingen, varken dig själv eller andra." Och: "Det kommer inga stekta sparvar flygande om Du inte själv bemödar Dig om att göra Ditt bästa."
    ellauri217.html on line 645: The Seven Laws of Noah include prohibitions against worshipping idols, cursing God, murder, adultery and sexual immorality, theft, eating bloody flesh, as well as the obligation to establish courts of justice. Noah had nothing against prepuces (but, surprisingly, male full frontal nudity).
    ellauri217.html on line 691: The Book of Jubilees, generally dated to the 1st century BCE, may include a substantially different list of six commandments at verses 7:20–25: (1) to observe righteousness; (2) to cover the shame of their flesh; (3) to bless their creator; (4) to honor their parents; (5) to love their neighbor; and (6) to guard against fornication, uncleanness, and all iniquity.
    ellauri217.html on line 725: The main outcome of Jeeves´s "Apostolic Decree" was that the requirement of circumcision for males was not obligatory for Gentile converts, possibly in order to make it easier for them to join the movement. However, the Council did retain the prohibitions against Gentile converts eating meat containing blood, or meat of animals not properly slain. It also retained the prohibitions against "fornication" (to be detailed later) and "idol worship". The Decree may have been a major act of differentiation of the Church from its Jewish roots. Idol worship has since gone way out of bounds among the gentiles with the Idols contest and suchlike.
    ellauri219.html on line 180: The next day Jacot-Guillarmod and De Righi attempted to depose Crowley from expedition leadership. The argument could not be settled, and Jacot-Guillarmod, De Righi, and Pache decided to retreat from Camp V to Camp III. At 5 pm they left with four porters on a single rope, but a fall precipitated an avalanche that killed three porters as well as Alexis Pache. People in Camp V heard "frantic cries" and Reymond immediately descended to help, but Crowley stayed in his tent. That evening he wrote a letter to a Darjeeling newspaper stating that he had advised against the descent and that "a mountain 'accident' of this sort is one of the things for which I have no sympathy whatever". The next day Crowley passed the site of the accident without pausing nor speaking to the survivors and left on his own to Darjeeling, where he took the expedition funds, which mostly had been paid by Jacot-Guillarmod. The latter would get at least some of his money back after threatening to make public some of Crowley's pornographic poetry.
    ellauri219.html on line 207: Bruce was arrested again in West Hollywood. The charge this time was that the comedian had used the word "schmuck", an insulting Yiddish word that was also considered a term for "penis". In April the next year he was barred from entering the United Kingdom by the Home Office as an "undesirable alien".
    ellauri219.html on line 211: Bruce paved the way for kitchen counter culture-era comedians. His trial for obscenity was a landmark of freedom of speech in the United States. Vittu mikä vapaan puheen edustaja, helvetti. In 2017, Rolling Stone magazine ranked him third (behind Richard Pryor and George Carlin) on its list of the 50 best stand-up comics of all time. "Olen offensiivinen", kalansilmä narsisti. Virnuilee koko ajan omille vizeilleen. Good riddance of bad rubbish.
    ellauri219.html on line 241: Having made a name for himself designing posters for the Ziegfield Follies that appeared on Broadway across the 1910s to the 30s, Peruvian painter Joaquin Alberto Vargas Y Chávez went on to create a series of paintings of pin-ups. Known as the Varga Girls, they gained widespread exposure in Esquire magazine during the 40s, and also inspired a number of paintings that would appear on World War II fighter jets. P.S. Ahha! esim. Long Tall Sally, Lollon ykkös nastatyttö.
    ellauri219.html on line 324: From Bob Dylan (No.15) to David Bowie, Tom Waits to Steely Dan, Beat Generation author Burroughs has influenced many a songwriter over the decades. Less known is that, according to Burroughs himself, he witnessed Paul McCartney (No.64) working on “Eleanor Rigby.” As quoted in A Report From The Bunker, a collection of conversations with author Victor Bockris, Burroughs recalled McCartney putting him up in The Beatles’ flat on 34 Montagu Square: “I saw the song taking shape. Once again, not knowing much about music, I could see that he knew what he was doing.”
    ellauri219.html on line 702: Tehtävän asettelu sisältää sinänsä annoksen huuhaata, joka ei millään tavalla poikkea siitä, kun meditaation päämääräksi asetetaan parempi tulos korkeushypyssä tai aitajuoksussa, mutta pisteitä on tekijälle annettava siitä, että hän ei kehota roikkumaan kristuksen armossa, eikä pitäytymään jumalan sanassa, mitä se sitten merkinneekään, vaan mantrassa, jonka on itse valinnut. Ja tämä on seikka, jonka jokainen meditaatiota harjoittanut, uskonnosta riippumatta, tunnistaa välittömästi omakseen. Ingenting går opp mot kålpirog på hösten - som jag själv har lagat.
    ellauri219.html on line 742: Before the 20th century, history indicates the Indian yoga scene was dominated by other Yoga texts such as the Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Vasistha and Yoga Yajnavalkya.
    ellauri219.html on line 773: Those who have died, entered the paradise between births, are in a condition resembling meditation without an external object. But in the fullness of time, the seeds of desire in them will spring up, and they will be born again into this world. Kuin Jörkan pornokirjassa, han hade blivit pigg igen. Vad bra.
    ellauri219.html on line 792:

    Why are so many people biased against America?

    ellauri219.html on line 798: No it is not because of the clash in values between American individualism and libertarianism, and the rest of the West’s social democracy and collectivism. That’s a contributing factor among those with enough cultural affinity and exposure to get to know how the US ticks, which maybe explains some of the last decade or so, with the Internet. But again, the “Death to Amreeka” crowds, the sneering at the unsophisticated doughboys, the dismissal of American culture—all that predated that deep familiarity by decades. The discovery of the substantive cultural mismatches were again a late addition and confirmation bias. (How I like the scientific sound of it: confirmation bias.)
    ellauri219.html on line 813: But the States, prodded on by its own exceptionalist rhetoric, said they were different. That they were making the world Safe For Democracy. That they desired Liberty for All. And when the US acted as any imperial power must, and did some (well, a lot of) grubby things, there were a lot of outsiders who wanted to believe—and who felt betrayed. And they’ve held the kind of grudge against America and its optimistic, American Dream mass culture, that they did not hold against previous imperial powers. Aw, who am I kidding, of course they did.
    ellauri219.html on line 956: Joyce Yeaw will likely never forget the day in April 2010 she tried to return some borrowed cheese to Jordan Peterson’s roommate. Once she arrived, she saw Peterson having sex with his pit bull on his bed. Understandably horrified, Yeaw called the cops, but Peterson convinced the officers that he was “just hugging his dog” and he escaped arrest. Two months later, Yeaw again entered the residence, and saw Peterson having sex with the pit bull a second time—on the living room floor. Yeaw called the cops again, and this time, he was arrested.
    ellauri219.html on line 960: Judge Timothy Hicks sentenced Peterson at once to fifteen years in prison, which is in excess of the state sentencing guidelines. Judge Hicks feared that Peterson may strike again, commenting, “I fear for what havoc he might do in the pet community.”
    ellauri220.html on line 98: Felt their arms on my neck as I stood, or the negligent leaning of their flesh against me as I sat,
    ellauri220.html on line 218: Merkillepantavaa alamaailmassa on ettei siinä ole kuin 2 rotuerottelua. Se on mustavalkoinen kuin 50-luvun televisio. Missäs kaikki latinot ja vinkuintiaanit luuraa? Nehän on tänä päivänä edustettuna jopa ryhmä Haussa. Tässä taulukko alamaailman konnagalleriasta.
    ellauri220.html on line 336:
    (US & UK) originally used by Europeans/white people as a pejorative term for a black person. Possibly from Portuguese barracos, a building constructed to hold slaves for sale (1837). The term (though still also used in its original sense) is commonly used today by African or Black Americans towards members of the same race who are perceived to pander/kowtow to white people; to be a 'sellout'; to hate themselves; or to "collud[e] with racism for personal gain." It is often used against black conservatives or Republicans (similar to Uncle Tom and coconut).
    ellauri220.html on line 459: Ei helvetti suorasoittovideot on vielä pahempaa kuin vanha televisio. Makusteltiin eilen kahta epäilyttävää pizzapalaa: länsi-itävaltalainen sarja Bloody Wiener jonka sankari oli amerikaxi ääntävä muka puolibritti Max jossa KAIKKI wieniläiset sprechen Englisch Sigmund Freud-akzentilla (en jaxanut traileria loppuun asti, anglosaxipropagada alkoi eka repliikistä), ja sveiziläinen nazijahtisarja jossa eka skene oli sveizinsaxaxi ihan vaan että päästään exoottiseen tunnelmaan, mutt jatko oli perusjenkkikamaa: luihu sakemanni saa heti kysymättä turpaan diCaprion näköiseltä nazijahtimieheltä. Siitä lähin kaikki porukat on puleerattuja Buchenwaldin teinipoikia myöden yläsaxaa puhuvia toblerone kermaperseitä. Ja sitten alkoi tulla iänikuisia tv-trooppeja tuutin täydeltä. Saatanan elefantit lampaat päänsä päällä peruukkeina. Nyt riitti sanoi Tarzan, suljen tämän viidakon.
    ellauri220.html on line 531: Nettiuutiset ovat erityisen soveltuvia propagandatarkoituxiin, koska uutiset on paxulti upotettuna kaikenlaiseen värikkääseen taustamazkuun, jossa asioille voidaan antaa niille tarkoitettu tulokulma samalla tai jopa ennenkuin päästään ize uutiseen.
    ellauri221.html on line 302: Bond meets Goodhead again once Drax puts them under ´Moonraker 5´ to be incinerated by the lift-off. They escape and are able to pilot ´Moonraker 6´. After following Drax to his space station, Goodhead and Bond listen to Drax´s speech and leave. Jaws later captures them after the first globe is launched. Drax tells Bond about his plan about having perfect human beings on his earth, with no physical peculiarity or ugliness, but this is overheard by Jaws. He sees that because of his ugly steel teeth, he will be destroyed alongside his ugly girlfriend, Dolly, so turns on Drax and helps Bond and Goodhead to fight Drax´s men. After Bond goes to defeat Drax, Goodhead helps him, and Dolly and Jaws get off on the self-destructing space station, escaping on a pod of their own into Earth´s atmosphere. Bond and Goodhead go after the globe, nearly destroying its inhabitants, but not quite. Bugger it.
    ellauri221.html on line 307: James Bond is back for another mission and this time, he is blasting off into space. A spaceship travelling through space is mysteriously hijacked and Bond must work quickly to find out who was behind it all. He starts with the rockets creators, Drax Industries and the man behind the organization, Hugo Drax. On his journey he ends up meeting Dr. Holly Goodhead and encounters the metal-toothed Jaws once again.
    ellauri221.html on line 309: A space shuttle called the Moonraker, built by Drax Industries, is on its way to the U.K. when it is hijacked in mid-air and the crew of the 747 carrying it is killed. Bond immediately is called into action, and starts the investigation with Hugo Drax. While at the Drax laboratories, Bond meets the brilliant and stunning Dr. Holly Goodhead, a N.A.S.A. astronaut and C.I.A. Agent who is investigating Drax for the U.S. Government. One of Drax´s thugs, the sinister Chan, attempts to kill 007 at the lab, but when that fails, he follows Bond to Venice and tries again there. Bond and Goodhead follow Drax´s trail to Brazil, where they once again run into the seven-foot Goliath Jaws, a towering giant with metal teeth. Escaping from him, they discover the existence of a huge space station undetected by U.S. or Soviet radar, and a horrible plot by Drax to employ nerve gas in a genocidal project. James and Holly must quickly find a way to stop Hugo Drax before his horrific plans can be put into effect.
    ellauri221.html on line 311: When a U.S. space shuttle is stolen in a mid-air hijacking, only Bond can find the evil genius responsible. The clues point to billionaire Hugo Drax, who has devised a scheme to destroy all human life on Earth. As Bond races against time to stop Drax´s evil plot, he joins forces with Dr. Holly Goodhead, a N.A.S.A. scientist who is as beautiful as she is brilliant, and 007 needs all the help he can get, for Drax´s henchman is none other Bond´s old nemesis Jaws, the indestructible steel-toothed giant. Their adventure leads all the way to a gigantic space station, where the stage is set for an epic battle for the fate of all mankind.
    ellauri222.html on line 68: In Leader's Bellow biography Vol 2, “Love and Strife,” the novel “Herzog” is published on the very first page and reaches No. 1 on the best-seller list, supplanting John le Carré’s ‘The Spy Who Came In From the Cold.’ Never again would Bellow, about to turn 50 years old, lack for wealth, power, awards or flunkies to stand by him, ready to take his coat and do his bidding. The temptation for someone in his position was to become an insufferable, spoiled monster. And Bellow quickly gave in to temptation.
    ellauri222.html on line 106: Not long thereafter, Saul went through what Greg called “a spiritual crisis.” It was then that he began to write Mr. Sammler’s Planet, which literary critic Adam Kirsch described as “a document of the cravings of 1960s America, and an attempt to bring the Holocaust to bear on America.” Greg told JNS.org that Mr. Sammler’s Planet is a “watershed novel” because it conveys not only a message about the Holocaust in general, but also “an indictment against the self-imposed blindness that prevented people from seeing the Nazi threat.
    ellauri222.html on line 119: They settled in Lachine, outside Montreal, where Abraham tried farming, and where, in 1915, Saul was born. When the farm failed, the family moved into the city and Abraham took up bootlegging, a venture that ended even more disastrously. In 1924, he moved again, to Chicago, and engaged some bootlegging associates to smuggle his wife and children across the border to join him.
    ellauri222.html on line 137: In the culture of little magazines, friendship is the last thing to prevent one writer from reviewing the work of another. As a novelist happy to have well-disposed reviewers, Bellow had an obvious stake in these friendships. But the friends had a stake in Bellow, too. As Mark Greif points out in his important new study of mid-century intellectual life, “The Age of the Crisis of Man,” Bellow came on the scene at a time when many people imagined the fate of modern man to be somehow tied to the fate of the novel. Was the novel dead or was it not? Much was thought to depend on the answer. And for people who worried about this Bellow was the great hope. Atlas quotes Norman Podhoretz: “There was a sense in which the validity of a whole phase of American experience was felt to hang on the question of whether or not he would turn out to be a great novelist.”
    ellauri222.html on line 157: That’s only an aside, and there are hundreds of them. Jack Kerouac is not the first or even the tenth writer you would normally put in a sentence with Saul Bellow, but “The Adventures of Augie March” is a lot like “On the Road,” a book written at the same time. Stylistically, they both stretch syntax to make the perspective zoom from ground level to fifty thousand feet and back again. Augie is walking with a character called Grandma Lausch into an old-age home:
    ellauri222.html on line 161: Both books are also “revolting as to style,” protests against the formal and moral prudishness of highbrow culture. They are not well-wrought urns, and they do not propose a chastening of the liberal imagination. If they propose anything, it is that the liberal imagination is too chastened already.
    ellauri222.html on line 169: At Bard, Bellow became close friends with a literature professor named Jack Ludwig. As Leader describes him, Ludwig was an oversized personality, a big man, extravagant, a shameless purveyor of bad Yiddish, and an operator. Ludwig idolized Bellow; people who knew them said that Ludwig wanted to be Bellow. He flattered Bellow, went for long walks with him, started up a literary journal with him, and generally insinuated himself into Bellow’s life. Bellow accepted the proffer of adulatory attentiveness. The couples (Ludwig was married) socialized together. This was the period when Bellow wrote “Seize the Day,” which Partisan Review published in a single issue, in 1956, after The New Yorker turned it down, and “Henderson the Rain King,” published in 1959, a novel whose hero was based on a neighbor of the Bellows in upstate New York.
    ellauri222.html on line 181: He also got married again, in 1961, to Susan Glassman, another celebrated beauty, this time eighteen years younger. (Glassman was a former girlfriend of Philip Roth, who said that the transfer of affections “turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me and the worst thing that ever happened to Saul.” The marriage lasted five years; she was still taking Bellow to court in 1981.)
    ellauri222.html on line 185: “Herzog” was nevertheless received the way all Bellow’s novels had been received: as a report on the modern condition. Many of the critics who reviewed it—Irving Howe, Philip Rahv, Stanley Edgar Hyman, Richard Ellmann, Richard Poirier—knew Bellow personally and knew all about the divorce. (Poirier was an old friend of Ludwig’s; the review he published, in Partisan Review, was a hatchet job.) None of these reviewers mentioned the autobiographical basis of the book, and several of them warned against reading it autobiographically, without ever explaining why anyone might want to. The world had no way of knowing that the story was not completely made up.
    ellauri222.html on line 271: But to keep it short – the reason: the reason lay in the hatred of one's own country. Among the French it was the old confrontation of "free spirits", or artists, with the ruling bourgeoisie. In America it was the fight against the McCarthys, the House Committees investigating subversion, etc that justified the left, the followers of Henry Wallace, etc. The main enemy was at home (Lenin's WWI slogan). If you opposed the CP you were a McCarthyite, no two ways about it.
    ellauri222.html on line 359: The foremost theme in The Adventures of Augie March is the search for identity. Unsure of what he wants from life, Augie is pulled along into the schemes of friends and strangers, trying on different identities and learning about the world through jobs ranging from union organizer to eagle trainer to book thief. His path seems random, but as Augie notes, quoting the Greek philosopher Heraclitus, “a man’s character is his fate.” As Augie goes through life, knocking on various doors, these doors of fate open up for him as if by random, but the knocks are unquestionably his own. In the end of the novel, Augie defines his identity as a “Columbus of those near-at-hand,” whose purpose in life is to knock some eggs. Augie notes that “various jobs” are the Rosetta stone, or key, to his entire life. Americans define themselves by their work (having no roots, family or land to stick to), and Augie is a sort of vagabond, trying on different identities as he goes along. Unwilling to limit himself by specializing in any one area, Augie drifts from job to job. He becomes a handbill-distributor, a paperboy, a Woolworth’s stocker, a newsstand clerk, a trinket-seller, a Christmas helper at a department store, a flower delivery boy, a butler, a clerk at fine department stores, a paint salesman, a dog groomer, a book thief, a coal yard worker, a housing inspector, a union organizer, an eagle-trainer, a gambler, a literary researcher, a business machine salesman, a merchant marine, and ultimately an importer-exporter working in wartime Europe. Augie’s job changing is emblematic of the social mobility that is so quintessentially American. Augie is the American Everyman, continually reinventing himself, like Donald Duck. Olemme kaikki oman onnemme Akuja, joopa joo. Yrmf, olet tainnut mainita. You are telling me!
    ellauri222.html on line 363: At the end of the novel, Augie reflects on his vagabond existence and laughs aloud. “That’s the animal ridens in me,” he says, “forever rising up.” He dreaded a loss of virility.
    ellauri222.html on line 375: Mr. Anticol is a neighborhood junk dealer and avowed atheist who loves to discourse against religion, having lost his faith after witnessing a massacre of Jews in his town back in Europe.
    ellauri222.html on line 387: Betzhevski is a red-headed Polish barber and tenant of Einhorn’s who leads a protest against Einhorn for his unethical behavior as a landlord. Einhorn evicts him.
    ellauri222.html on line 411: Stella Chesney is a beautiful aspiring actress—her name means “star” in Latin—whom Augie meets in Mexico. He helps her escape her boyfriend, Oliver, and much later meets her again in New York and marries her. Augie learns that Stella has lied to him about many things, but he continues to love her despite her faults. They move to Paris so that she can pursue her film career.
    ellauri222.html on line 435: Einhorn is a highly intelligent and wealthy real-estate broker whom Augie goes to work for while still a junior in high school. As Einhorn is crippled and wheelchair-bound, Augie carries him to and from the car and assists him in other daily activities. Einhorn loses almost everything in the great stock market crash, but works hard to build his business up again.
    ellauri222.html on line 467: Sophie Geratis is a beautiful Greek girl who works as a chambermaid. Augie meets her when he is working as a union organizer, and the two become lovers. Sophie is engaged to someone else and Augie leaves her to go with Thea. They reunite later, but Augie leaves her again for Stella.
    ellauri222.html on line 511: Mrs. Klein is Jimmy’s mother. She is overweight and can’t keep on her feet very long. Her hair is dyed black and hangs in braids, making her look like an Indian. She has eight children, including Gilbert and Velma, who are both divorced, and Tommy, who works at City Hall. There are always grandchildren in her home. When Mrs. Klein dies, her husband marries again to a longtime sweetheart.
    ellauri222.html on line 563: Augie’s mother is “simple-minded,” gentle, and meek, with few teeth left. She allows herself to be ruled by Grandma Lausch and later, by her son Simon. After Mama goes blind, Simon sells her home to get money, and she ends up in a home. The one-time Mama stands up for herself is when she insists on bringing her white cane to Simon’s wedding, against the wishes of Simon, who appears ashamed of her disability. Later in her life, she lives in a luxurious bourgeois style, taken care of by Simon.
    ellauri222.html on line 623: Renée is the young, beautiful, blond mistress of Simon. Simon spends his days with Renée, but goes home each night to Charlotte. Renée becomes angry and jealous because Simon never intends to leave his wife. When Charlotte finds out about the affair and demands a stop to it, Renée attempts suicide by swallowing pills (apparently an attention-getting gesture), and claims (falsely) that she is pregnant with Simon’s baby. She causes a scandal, opening a lawsuit against Simon. Charlotte and Simon have to go to court to fend her off.
    ellauri222.html on line 767: In their quest to find the beaver that gives meaning to life, Bellow's protagonists must also come to terms with death. The message Bellow conveys in almost all of his novels is that one must fear death to know the meaning of life and what it means to be human. Henderson overcomes his fear of death when he is buried and symbolically resurrected in the African king Dahfu's experiment. Similarly, in Seize the Day, Tommy Wilhelm confronts death in a symbolic drowning. Charlie Citrine in Humboldt's Gift echoes Whitman in viewing death as the essential question, pointing out that it is only through death that Sauls can complete the cycle of life by liberating self from the body. Bellow's meditations on death darken in Mr. Sammler's Planet and The Dean's December. While the title character in Mr. Sammler's Planet eagerly awaits the death of the person he most values in the world, Bellow contemplates the approaching death of Western culture at the hands of those who have abandoned humanistic values. The Dean's December presents an apocalyptic vision of urban decay in a Chicago totally lacking the comic touches that soften Charlie Citrone's portrait of this same city as a "moronic inferno" in Humboldt's Gift. An uncharacteristically bleak yarn from he old standup comic. With More Die of Heartbreak and the recent novellas, however, Bellow returns to his more characteristic blend of pathos and farce in contemplating the relationship between life and death. In the recent Ravelstein, Bellow once again charts this essential confrontation when Saul recounts not only his best friend's death from AIDS but also his own near-death experience from food poisoning. Through this foreground, in a fictionalized memoir to his own gay friend Allan Bloom, Bellow reveals the resilient love and tenderness that offer the modern world its saving grace.
    ellauri222.html on line 1035: On July 29, 1994, Timmendequas lured Megan into his home, hit her head against his dresser, slapped her hard enough to draw blood, raped her, and strangled her with a belt. During the attack, Megan was able to bite Timmendequas’ hand hard enough to leave teeth impressions which later helped convict him. He disposed of her body in a nearby park and confessed to the murder the next day. He was found guilty of kidnapping, aggravated sexual assault, and murder and sentenced to death. Timmendequas’ sentence was commuted to life in 2007 when New Jersey abolished the death penalty.
    ellauri222.html on line 1057: "The men of our race are brave, they are warriors, they have not yielded humbly to the coming of the white man. We have fought him many times. Many of the white scalps are in our wigwams. Sometimes Manitou has given to us the victory, and again he has given it to this foe of ours who would eat up our whole country. We were beaten in the attack on the place they call Wareville, we were beaten again in the attack on the great wagon train, and we have failed now in our efforts against the fort and the fleet. Warriors of the allied tribes, is it not so?"
    ellauri222.html on line 1067: Then he was gone in the forest, and Henry went back to the battle field, where the firing had now wholly ceased. The white victory was complete. Many Indians had fallen. Their losses here and at the river had been so great that it would be long before they could be brought into action again. But the renegades had made good their escape. They did not find the body of a single one of them, and it was certain that they were living to do more mischief. Noble warriors don´t change sides, they stick to their own color scheme.
    ellauri223.html on line 62: G.M. Under such circumstances no one will be willing to labor, while he expects others to work, on the fruit of whose labors he can live, as Aristotle argues against Plato, and as Petteri Urpo has argued on many occasions. Capt. But look at the U.S.S.R! From everyone according to their abilities, to everyone according to their needs!
    ellauri223.html on line 66: Capt. Moreover, the race is managed for the good of the commonwealth, and not of private individuals, and the magistrates must be obeyed. They deny what we hold—viz., that it is natural to man to recognize his offspring and to educate them, and to use his wife and house and children as his own. For they say that children are bred for the preservation of the species and not for individual pleasure, as St. Thomas also asserts. Therefore the breeding of children has reference to the commonwealth, and not to individuals, except in so far as they are constituents of the commonwealth. And since individuals for the most part bring forth children wrongly and educate them wrongly, they consider that they remove destruction from the State, and therefore for this reason, with most sacred fear, they commit the education of the children, who, as it were, are the element of the republic, to the care of magistrates; for the safety of the community is not that of a few. And thus they distribute male and female breeders of the best natures according to philosophical rules. Plato thinks that this distribution ought to be made by lot, lest some incel men seeing that they are kept away from the beautiful women, should rise up with anger and hatred against the magistrates; and he thinks further that those who do not deserve cohabitation with the more beautiful women, should be deceived while the lots are drawn by the magistrates, so that at all times the women who are suitably second rate should fall to their lot, not those whom they desire. Stop the steal!
    ellauri223.html on line 72: But in the City of the Sun, while duty and work are distributed among all, it only falls to each one to work for about four hours every day. The remaining hours are spent in learning joyously, in debating, in reading, in reciting, in writing, in walking, in exercising the mind and body, and with play. They allow no game which is played while sitting or lying on top of one another, neither the single die nor dice, nor chess, nor others like these. But they play with the ball, with the sack, with the rod, with the hoop, with wrestling, with scratching matches at the stake. They say, moreover, that grinding poverty renders men worthless, cunning, sulky, thievish, insidious, vagabonds, liars, false witnesses, etc.; and that wealth makes them insolent, proud, ignorant, traitors, assumers of what they know not, deceivers, boasters, wanting in affection, slanderers, etc. But with them all the rich and poor together make up the community. They are rich because they want nothing, poor because they possess nothing. Hey is this communism or what?
    ellauri223.html on line 82: They injure nobody, and they do not put up with injury, and they never go to battle unless when provoked. They assert that the whole earth will in time come to live in accordance with their customs. Furthermore, they have artificial fires, battles on sea and land, and many strategic secrets. Therefore they are nearly always victorious. (Tää kuulostaa aika lailla jenkkipropagandalta.)
    ellauri223.html on line 98: No one is killed or stoned unless by the hands of the people, the accuser and the witnesses beginning first. For they have no executioners and lictors, lest the State should sink into ruin. The choice of death is given to the rest of the people, who enclose the lifeless remains in little bags and burn them by the application of fire, while exhorters are present for the purpose of advising concerning a good death. Nevertheless, the whole nation laments and beseeches God that his anger may be appeased, being in grief that it should, as it were, have to cut off a rotten member of the State. Certain officers talk to and convince the accused man by means of arguments until he himself acquiesces in the sentence of death passed upon him, or else... But if a crime has been committed against the liberty of the republic, or against God, or against the supreme magistrates, there is immediate censure without pity. These motherfuckers are punished with death.
    ellauri223.html on line 184: About this time, he again approached his powerful uncle for help; this move was followed by his rapid progress at the bar. Despite his assignations, he was unable to gain the status and notoriety of others. In a plan to revive his position he unsuccessfully courted the wealthy young widow Lady Elizabeth Hatton. His courtship failed after she broke off their relationship upon accepting marriage to Sir Edward Coke, a further spark of enmity between the men. Things went better with Coke than with a BLT.
    ellauri223.html on line 194: Alice Bacon and her mother Dorothy were both reported by contemporaries as having extravagant tastes, and being interested in wealth and power. However, early in the marriage, Bacon had money to spare, "pouring jewels in her lap", and spending large sums on decorations. Power was also available, as in March 1617, along with Francis Bacon being made temporary Regent of England, a document was drawn up making Lady Bacon first lady in the land, taking precedence over all other Baronesses (it is not clear whether it was signed into law).
    ellauri223.html on line 196: The Bacons' early married life was disturbed several times by quarrels between Sir John Pakington and Dorothy, when Dorothy would appeal to her powerful son-in-law, and Francis Bacon would try to stay out from between them. Once Bacon was even a judge on the High Commission and had to reject a lawsuit from Dorothy against John which had put John in prison.
    ellauri223.html on line 212: The Viscountess St Albans, as she still preferred to be called, spent much of her marriage in Chancery proceedings, lawsuits over property. The first year was over her former husband's estate, trying to get what was left of Bacon's property, without his much greater debts. She was opposed in this by Sir John Constable, her brother in law, who had held some of the estate in trust. In 1628 she filed suits for property owned by her late father. In 1631, she and her husband both filed suit against Nicholas Bacon, of Gray's Inn, their former friend, who had married Sir John Underhill's niece, and gotten Underhill to sign an agreement for a large dowry and extensive property, including some property of Alice that Sir John did not have rights to, and could only inherit after her death. Their petition to court stated that Bacon had tricked Underhill "who was an almost totally deaf man, and by reason of the weakness of his eyes and the infirmity in his head, could not read writings of that nature without much pain," to sign a paper not knowing what it contained.
    ellauri226.html on line 53: Toisaalta meillä on "America's Band", kuten Ronald Reagan kutsui Beach Boysiksi vuonna 1983, ja he ovat halukkaita osallistumaan presidentin poliittiseen teatteriin. Monille republikaaneille bändin räsy rikkauksiin -tarina ilmentää kuvitteellista konsensuspolitiikan aikaa ja yhtä aikaa amerikkalaista unelmaa, joka on valkoleipää ja viatonta. Bändi tarttui tähän tunteeseen hyvissä ajoin ennen Reaganin aikakautta, ja tämä Beach Boysin omalaatuisen kulttuurisen DNA:n kanta on tarjonnut heille tasaisia varauksia republikaanien ja konservatiivisten asioiden poliittisina maskoteina.
    ellauri226.html on line 59: Luulen, että on mahdotonta kuvitella (amerikkalaista) henkilöä, joka ei voisi arvostaa esimerkiksi vuoden 1966 ”Pet Sounds” -albumin neroutta ja kehua yhtyeen esiintymistä 100 dollarin varainkeruugaalassa vuoden 1984 republikaanien vuosikongressissa, jossa Ronald Reagan oli ehdolla.
    ellauri226.html on line 74: Lead singer Love has been a longtime Trump supporter. He sang at one of the president’s inaugural balls in 2017, telling Uncut magazine afterward, “I don’t have anything negative to say about the president of the USA. I love his hair, it is very surfy." “I understand there are so many factions and fractious things going on. The chips will fall where they may,’’ Love said. “But Donald Trump has never been anything but kind to us. We have known him for many a year.’’ Aargh, for the love of Mike!
    ellauri226.html on line 82: Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters aiheutti hiljan kovan älämölön mentyään Ukrainan propagandasodassa ryssän kelkkaan.
    ellauri226.html on line 143: “A heart yearning for something I have known, and which I want back again.” Varmaan se oli Grazian graziöösi persaus. READING: Sea and Sardinia, by D.H. Lawrence (Penguin Classics); Cosima, by Grazia Deledda (Italica Press), about a young lady writer’s ass in Sardinia in the late 19th-Century.
    ellauri226.html on line 177: Per-Gunnar kom upp i tisdagskrysset som en never heard. Hans rörande autofiktiv samtidsskildring Måndagar med Fanny berättar on en farbrorman som är gift med Gudrun (av Sjöden-proportioner), ser en ilvillig pappa på sjukhuset och råkar börja knulla där en sjukskötare på måndagarna. Tllls Fanny får nog av måndagsknullandet och pappa dör. Då vill farbrormannen knulla något mjukare, och återvänder till Gudrun, som luktar mycket sämre än Fanny men är mjukare.
    ellauri226.html on line 181: Per-Gunnar on kuvista päätellen viirusilmäinen sikaniska. Per Gunnar Evander blev 89 år gammal. Jonna Andersson på GP ei saanut äijästä irti senkään vertaa kuin Vikipeedia. Bland hans mest kända verk finns "Måndagarna med Fanny" och "Se mig i mitt friska öga".
    ellauri226.html on line 185: Hon uppger att pappan ofta ringde Andrea och skrämde henne. Hon anklagar honom för förföljelse och berättar att familjen även försökt polisanmäla trakasserierna, men att ärendet lagts ner.
    ellauri226.html on line 195: Dotter Carin går till attack mot sin pappa författaren August-pristagaren Per Gunnar Evander. Carin Evander har fått nog av att hennes pappa, författaren Per Gunnar Evander, förvanskar historien om hennes familj och kränker minnet av hennes döda. Den Augustprisnominerade författaren Per Gunnar Evanders dotter anklagar.
    ellauri226.html on line 341: and the streets became safe again for inhabitants of color.
    ellauri226.html on line 405: 1970s and 80s, at least the wop cop said that heroin was good and easily found on street particularly throughout the South corners. As a police officer he was fighting against the dumping of the drug to lower the prices, and later, cocaine, because as the neighborhood drug dealer he was often a drug addict himself, selling drugs to support his own habit.
    ellauri236.html on line 63: The research is the latest in a growing body of evidence that social platforms are failing to prevent a flood of disinformation — some of it tinged with violence — on their services ahead of the runoff election Sunday between President Jair Bolsonaro and former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Brazilian lawmakers last week granted the nation’s elections chief unilateral power to force tech companies to remove misinformation within two hours of the content being posted — one of the most aggressive legal measures against North American social media giants that any country has taken.
    ellauri236.html on line 65: Advocates have expressed fears that some posts could lead to violence or to a broader questioning of the results. Adding to the worries is the new ownership of Twitter by billionaire Elon Musk, a free speech advocate. During his first day as Twitter’s new owner on Friday, Musk tweeted that he would pause all “major content decisions” and reinstatements of accounts until he convened a new content moderation council. The announcement effectively disbands aspects of Twitter’s tool kits for penalizing accounts — from those of presidents to foreign trolls — that break the company’s rules against hate speech, bullying and spreading misinformation around elections.
    ellauri236.html on line 85: Kátia de Lima, in green slime, attending a rally in support of President Jair Bolsonaro this month in Rio de Janeiro. Credit...Maria Magdalena Arrellaga for The New York Times By Jack Nicas.
    ellauri236.html on line 122: OKSANEN korostaa että Venäjältä puuttuu vapaa media, joten kansa on propagandan armoilla. Suuri osa ihmisistä saa tietonsa valtakunnan televisiosta, joka suoltaa nationalistista informaatiota. Ei nyt ei kyllä tiedä itkeäkö vaiko nauraa.
    ellauri236.html on line 192: In another of Mr. Chase's books, He Won't Need It Now, the hero, who is intended to be a sympathetic and perhaps even noble character, is described as stamping on somebody's face, and then, having crushed the man's mouth in, grinding his heel round and round in it. Even when physical incidents of this kind are not occurring, the mental atmosphere of these books is always the same. Their whole theme is the struggle for power and the triumph of the strong over the weak. The big gangsters wipe out the little ones as mercilessly as a pike gobbling up the little fish in a pond; the police kill off the criminals as cruelly as the angler kills the pike. If ultimately one sides with the police against the gangsters, it is merely because they are better organized and more powerful, because, in fact, the law is a bigger racket than crime. Might is right: vae victis. But think of it, what is new? All undying epic heroes are described as stamping on one anothers faces.
    ellauri236.html on line 196: The obvious explanation is that in real life one is usually a passive victim, whereas in the adventure story one can think of oneself as being at the centre of events. But there is more to it than that. Here it is necessary to refer again to the curious fact of No Orchids being written — with technical errors, perhaps, but certainly with considerable skill — in the American language.
    ellauri236.html on line 198: There exists in America an enormous literature of more or less the same stamp as No Orchids. Quite apart from books, there is the huge array of ‘pulp magazines’, graded so as to cater for different kinds of fantasy, but nearly all having much the same mental atmosphere. A few of them go in for straight pornography, but the great majority are quite plainly aimed at sadists and masochists. Sold at threepence a copy under the title of Yank Mags(4), these things used to enjoy considerable popularity in England, but when the supply dried up owing to the war, no satisfactory substitute was forthcoming. English imitations of the ‘pulp magazine’ do now exist, but they are poor things compared with the original. English crook films, again, never approach the American crook film in brutality. And yet the career of Mr. Chase shows how deep the American influence has already gone. Not only is he himself living a continuous fantasy-life in the Chicago underworld, but he can count on hundreds of thousands of readers who know what is meant by a ‘clipshop’ or the ‘hotsquat’, do not have to do mental arithmetic when confronted by ‘fifty grand’, and understand at sight a sentence like ‘Johnny was a rummy and only two jumps ahead of the nut-factory’. Evidently there are great numbers of English people who are partly americanized in language and, one ought to add, in moral outlook. For there was no popular protest against No Orchids. In the end it was withdrawn, but only retrospectively, when a later work, Miss Callaghan Comes to Grief, brought Mr. Chase's books to the attention of the authorities. Judging by casual conversations at the time, ordinary readers got a mild thrill out of the obscenities of No Orchids, but saw nothing undesirable in the book as a whole. Many people, incidentally, were under the impression that it was an American book reissued in England.
    ellauri236.html on line 202: In a book like No Orchids one is not, as in the old-style crime story, simply escaping from dull reality into an imaginary world of action. One's escape is essentially into cruelty and sexual perversion. No Orchids is aimed at the power-instinct, which Raffles or the Sherlock Holmes stories are not. At the same time the English attitude towards crime is not so superior to the American as I may have seemed to imply. It too is mixed up with power-worship, and has become more noticeably so in the last twenty years. A writer who is worth examining is Edgar Wallace, especially in such typical books as The Orator and the Mr. J. G. Reeder stories. Wallace was one of the first crime-story writers to break away from the old tradition of the private detective and make his central figure a Scotland Yard official. Sherlock Holmes is an amateur, solving his problems without the help and even, in the earlier stories, against the opposition of the police. Moreover, like Lupin, he is essentially an intellectual, even a scientist. He reasons logically from observed fact, and his intellectuality is constantly contrasted with the routine methods of the police. Wallace objected strongly to this slur, as he considered it, on Scotland Yard, and in several newspaper articles he went out of his way to denounce Holmes by name. His own ideal was the detective-inspector who catches criminals not because he is intellectually brilliant but because he is part of an all-powerful organization. Hence the curious fact that in Wallace's most characteristic stories the ‘clue’ and the ‘deduction’ play no part. The criminal is always defeated by an incredible coincidence, or because in some unexplained manner the police know all about the crime beforehand. The tone of the stories makes it quite clear that Wallace's admiration for the police is pure bully-worship. A Scotland Yard detective is the most powerful kind of being that he can imagine, while the criminal figures in his mind as an outlaw against whom anything is permissible, like the condemned slaves in the Roman arena. His policemen behave much more brutally than British policemen do in real life — they hit people with out provocation, fire revolvers past their ears to terrify them and so on — and some of the stories exhibit a fearful intellectual sadism. (For instance, Wallace likes to arrange things so that the villain is hanged on the same day as the heroine is married.) But it is sadism after the English fashion: that is to say, it is unconscious, there is not overtly any sex in it, and it keeps within the bounds of the law. The British public tolerates a harsh criminal law and gets a kick out of monstrously unfair murder trials: but still that is better, on any account, than tolerating or admiring crime. If one must worship a bully, it is better that he should be a policeman than a gangster. Wallace is still governed to some extent by the concept of ‘not done’. In No Orchids anything is ‘done’ so long as it leads on to power. All the barriers are down, all the motives are out in the open. Chase is a worse symptom than Wallace, to the extent that all-in wrestling is worse than boxing, or Fascism is worse than capitalist democracy.
    ellauri236.html on line 206: Until recently the characteristic adventure stories of the English-speaking peoples have been stories in which the hero fights against odds. This is true all the way from Robin Hood to Pop-eye the Sailor. Perhaps the basic myth of the Western world is Jack the Giant-killer, but to be brought up to date this should be renamed Jack the Dwarf-killer, and there already exists a considerable literature which teaches, either overtly or implicitly, that one should side with the big man against the little man. Most of what is now written about foreign policy is simply an embroidery on this theme, and for several decades such phrases as ‘Play the game’, ‘Don't hit a man when he's down’ and ‘It's not cricket’ have never failed to draw a snigger from anyone of intellectual pretensions. What is comparatively new is to find the accepted pattern, according to which (a) right is right and wrong is wrong, whoever wins, and (b) weakness must be respected, disappearing from popular literature as well. When I first read D. H. Lawrence's novels, at the age of about twenty, I was puzzled by the fact that there did not seem to be any classification of the characters into ‘good’ and ‘bad’. Lawrence seemed to sympathize with all of them about equally, and this was so unusual as to give me the feeling of having lost my bearings. Today no one would think of looking for heroes and villains in a serious novel, but in lowbrow fiction one still expects to find a sharp distinction between right and wrong and between legality and illegality. The common people, on the whole, are still living in the world of absolute good and evil from which the intellectuals have long since escaped. But the popularity of No Orchids and the American books and magazines to which it is akin shows how rapidly the doctrine of ‘realism’ is gaining ground.
    ellauri236.html on line 370: Chase wrote No Orchids For Miss Blandish over a period of six weekends in 1938. The novel was influenced by the American crime writer James M. Cain and the stories featured in the Pulp magazine Black Breathing Mask. Although he had never visited America, Chase reportedly wrote the book as a bet to pen a story about American gangsters that would out-do The Postman Always Rings Twice in terms of obscenity and daring.
    ellauri236.html on line 399: He half expected his cock go stiff a 3rd time, but no go. "Oh, hell! Spaghetti again!” Eddie groaned.
    ellauri236.html on line 405: “Are you sure it’s safe to use?” “Yeah. It can stay up all night.” She settled down in the bed. “Can it?” She spoke so softly he scarcely heard what she said, but he did hear. He suddenly grinned. “Well, there’s no law against it, is there? Do you want me to stay?” “Now you’re making me wet,” the girl said and hid her face. “What a question to ask a lady.” "My spaghetti’s going to be world famous in a moment. I promise.”
    ellauri236.html on line 423: Eddie looked down. Spaghetti again. No go. For the first time in his life he felt dirty and ashamed of himself.
    ellauri236.html on line 447: There was a long pause. Ma was pale. She went slowly to her chair and sat down. She looked suddenly old. Eddie flabbed again.
    ellauri236.html on line 463: Paula sat before an idle typewriter, thumbing through the pages of a lurid magazine called Chase.
    ellauri236.html on line 468: “For the love of Mike, don’t start that all over again. I’ve enough worries without you adding to them. Why don’t you get smart, honey? A girl with your looks and your shape could hook a millionaire like Blandish. Why waste your time and talents on a loser like me? I’ll tell you something: I’ll always be broke. It’s a tradition in the family. My grandfather was a bankrupt. My father was a pauper. My uncle was a miser: he went crazy because he couldn’t find any money to mise over.”
    ellauri236.html on line 470: Now this is romantic, don't we know. EAT! and FUCK! eternally at war. Good genes against food and shelter, and the good genes win. Sama juttu myös modernissa Foggissa. Vaikka, huomasitte kai, sammakkomaan lakukeppiä ei päästetty kättelemään punatukan äveriästä isäpappaa. Tämä vaivaannuttava episodi sivuutettiin taidolla. Tollanen kolmikko ei pysy koossa kuin jossain liberaalissa ajatuskuplassa tai 10 leguan syvyydessä valtameren pohjassa. Mixi muuten Passport ei ottanut päästä hattua tullessaan herrasmiesten klubille? Koska siltä puuttuu tapakasvatus!
    ellauri238.html on line 130: En ollut yrittänyt tehdä itsemurhaa, vain päästä puheisiin aviomieheni kanssa ja sitten rauhoittaa mieltäni uimalla meressä. Kotona oli kaksi pientä lasta, Juri oli vasta täyttänyt vuoden, lapsenvahtina olivat serkkuni Tarja ja Riitta, joiden ei pitänyt jäädä yöksi. Sitten pienet lapsemme olisivat aivan järjettömässä tilassa olevan isänsä hoivissa kaksi viikkoa. Sitä oli mahdotonta edes kuvitella. Päätin kertoa lääkärille mistä oli kysymys ja millainen oli tilanne, vaikka arvelin ettei mies ehkä ymmärtäisi. Hän kuitenkin ymmärsi, ja niin minut vietiin poliisiautolla kotiini Etelä-Haagaan.
    ellauri238.html on line 144: He olivat hakeneet Leenan kotoa hänen isänsä sotamuiston, »naganin», venäläisen nagant-revolverin. Eihän sen dramaattisempaa rekvisiittaa olekaan. Mutta kun ase oli ladattu eikä Pentti osannut käsitellä aseita, eipä sen dramaattisempaa ongelmaakaan ole.
    ellauri238.html on line 318: agat.in/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/image-73-246x300.png" width="100%" />
    ellauri238.html on line 394: Bretagne 1983, joka julkaistiin kirjana ruotsiksi nimellä Dagarna i Kerlin Mia Bernerin ja Caj Westerbergin käännösyhteistyönä, ilmestyi iänikuisen Parnasson kolmannessa kirjassa 1997. Kaunis nimi. Kivoja runoja. Teoksen tekee merkittäväksi se, että runoilija kuoli muutama kuukausi näiden merkintöjen jälkeen. Teoksessa on myös Pentin "kiinnostavia" piirustuksia.
    ellauri238.html on line 469: Else ja Ingrid on niikö vastakohtia, toisen flengasi nazit pihalle ja toisen kommarit. Saxan parhaita (ainakin jonkun mielestä) kumpikin, vaikka jutkuja. Ei siinä mitään, kauniit nimet, kivoja runoja. Vassarissa junge Kritiker*innen vääntää Kirschistä hampaat irvessä länsipropagandan asetta. Sarah ei viihtynyt harppisakuissa, muttei liioin Länsi-Saxassa. Ehti kuitenkin nähdä Saksojen yhdistymisen, jos se nyt oli parannus.
    ellauri238.html on line 646: Ukrainalaisten laskun mukaan venäläisiä nuorukaisia on kuollut länsirintamalla jo 70K. Luku on tietysti propagandan paisuttama, mutta silti vittu. Samaa voisivat kokeilla kiinalaisetkin, joille poikien suosiminen on tuottanut aivan sikamaisen ylituotannon. Mitäpä jos otettaisiin takaisin Formosan saari jonka länkkärit niin törkeästi omivat? Siellä olisi niitä puolijohteita. Hyvin syötetyt kiinalaiset pojat ovat jo aika isoja, kazo vaikka kuvia jossa Kiinan keisari on päätä pitempi kuin länkkärien skruippanat. Paizi Trump ja sen poika, jotka antaa viirusilmille hyvän vastuxen. Let me sit on it. No let me sit on it. Lets both sit on it. This I gotta see! Hoblan mukaan ruozalaiset säästää sähköä vetämällä ulos sladdeja. Va ba? Förlåt men jag fattar inte poängen. Sladdit vaan paleltuvat talvikeleillä. Tanskandoggi sanoo mäyräkoiralle umpihangessa: Voi vinde tassut paleltuvat. "Kuono umpeen, mulla on ihan omat ongelmat", mäyräkoira ärähtää.
    ellauri238.html on line 650: Born in Leningrad, Soviet Union (USSR), Korchnoi defected to the Netherlands in 1976, and resided in Switzerland from 1978, becoming a Swiss citizen. Korchnoi played four matches, three of which were official, against GM Anatoly Karpov. In 1974, Korchnoi lost the Candidates Tournament final to Karpov. Karpov was declared World Champion in 1975 when GM Bobby Fischer declined to defend his title. Korchnoi then won two consecutive Candidates cycles to qualify for World Chess Championship matches with Karpov in 1978 and 1981 but lost both.
    ellauri240.html on line 107: Many Hmong refugees settled in the United States after the Vietnam War. Beginning in December 1975, the first Hmong refugees arrived in the U.S., mainly from refugee camps in Thailand; however, only 3,466 were granted asylum at that time under the Indochina Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1975. In May 1976, another 11,000 were allowed to enter the United States, and by 1978 some 30,000 Hmong people had immigrated. This first wave was made up predominantly of men directly associated with General Vang Pao's secret army. The Hmong allied with the French against the Communists during the whole Indochina War and with the Americans during the whole Vietnam War, hoping to resist communist Viêt Minh control. So here was the thanx for their efforts.
    ellauri240.html on line 117: Vang Pao, mercenary soldier, born 8 December 1929; died 6 January 2011. Vang Pao, the Laotian general who marshalled a CIA mercenary army to fight a "secret war" against communist insurgents in the remote mountains of Laos in the 1960s, has died aged 81. Although Vang Pao's supporters portrayed him as a father figure uniting all his people, the Hmong (an ethnic minority in Laos), on the side of the US against the communist world, his critics regarded him as a charismatic but ruthless opium warlord, who made arrogant and misleading claims to speak on behalf of all Hmong. Far from uniting the Hmong, they say, he divided them. Some historians argue that he allowed his "secret army" to be used as cannon-fodder, played as pawns on a CIA geopolitical chessboard.
    ellauri240.html on line 155: 2.8.2022 According to international affairs magazine National Interest, the J-20 jet is considered to be "potentially less maneuverable" than an F-22 due to its larger size. The F-22 is also potentially able to sustain quicker speeds for a longer period of time, according to the magazine.
    ellauri240.html on line 211: Peyton Place was banned in many communities; in fact, the local public library refused to purchase a copy of the book and did not have one until 1976, when newswoman Barbara Walters donated one to them. In Gilmanton there were threats of libel suits against Grace Metalious. Ministers and political leaders all over the country condemned the novel, claiming that it would corrupt the morals of young people who read it. The novel was banned altogether in Canada and several other countries.
    ellauri240.html on line 215: Grace went on to write three other novels: Return to Peyton Place (1959), The Tight White Collar (1960), and No Adam in Eden (1963). None of them achieved the same kind success as Peyton Place, though there are critics who feel that No Adam in Eden, a gritty book about the lives of mill workers in Manchester, is her best. By 1960 Grace and George had reconciled and remarried, only to separate again in 1963. She died in 1964 of cirrhosis of the liver and is buried in Gilmanton.
    ellauri240.html on line 401: Tasa-arvo on meidän suomalaisten arvoista ja ihanteista tärkein. Feminismi ei ole eikä tue tasa-arvoa. On törkeää syöttää väkisin suomalaisten arvojen vastaista propagandaa nuorille. (👍 Hyvin sanottu: 9)
    ellauri240.html on line 417: Mitä ihmeen propagandaa tämä nyt on? Ei Suomessa ole tuollaisia ongelmia toisin kuin jossain Afrikassa. Täällä meilläpäin feministit ovat enimmäkseen vain katkeria miehiin pettyneitä ylimielisiä miesvihaajia, eikä mitään naisten tasa-arvon kannattajia. Oikea tasa-arvo on sitten sitä kun sukupuoleen suhtaudutaan todellakin neutraalisti, niin että se on täysin merkityksetön tekijä, eikä siitä tarvitse tehdä suurempaa numeroa suuntaan kun toiseenkaan. Tasa-arvon asia ei korjaannu sillä että naisten asemaa aletaan ylikorostaa eri tilanteissa. Menköön Afrikkaan tai Lähi-itään jakamaan kirjojaan, siellä voisi olla enemmän tarvetta. (👍 Hyvin sanottu: 4)
    ellauri240.html on line 433: Kai seuraavaksi jaetaan kaikille Mein Kampf? Joo, älkää jakako oppilailleni poliittista propagandaa, kiitos. Nimim. opeopiskelijatar. (👍 Hyvin sanottu: 20)
    ellauri240.html on line 520: Tv-propagandisti Vladimir Solovjov tapasi vastikään venäläistä nuorisoa ja julisti heille näin: – Me parannamme vaikeasti sairastuneen Ukrainan kansan, ja me saamme sen parannettua. Minkä jälkeen me siirrymme parantamaan seuraavia. Sillä meidän asiamme on oikea.
    ellauri240.html on line 525: PUTININ voitto merkitsisi ensiksikin sitä, että Venäjän sotarikokset jäisivät rankaisematta ja vaille perusteellista tutkimusta. Kremlin propaganda tekisi venäläisestä kansasta muita ylempänä olevan voittajakansan, jolla olisi oikeus vaatia itselleen hyvitystä paitsi Ukrainalta niin myös koko läntiseltä maailmalta ja Natolta, joita vastaan Venäjä katsoo nyt taistelevansa. Kreml pääsisi sanelemaan uutta maailmanjärjestystä. Se pohjautuisi siihen, että Venäjällä olisi etusija kaikkeen haluamaansa ja muilla velvollisuus taipua. Tänk om hela jorden till slut blir Ryssland! Hjälp! Rysktalande gör sig beredda at ta hand om våra kvinnor!
    ellauri240.html on line 532: Kun talvi etenee Suomen oikeistomeedian Ukraina-propaganda senkun kuumenee. Etteivät vaan porukat unohtane joulukiireissä että Nato tässä on perimmäinen tavoite. Eturintamassa on rivi tyrnäviä ämmiä. Uuden Suomen mielipidejohtaja on porsasmainen Jenni Tamminen, jonka tukka on yhtä pesemättömän näköinen kuin walesilaisen noirosarjan poliisi Cadin.
    ellauri241.html on line 172: Then thus again the brilliance feminine: Sitten taas naisellinen loisto tälleen:
    ellauri241.html on line 192: Then, once again, the charmed God began Sitten, jälleen kerran, hurmattu Jumala aloitti
    ellauri241.html on line 769: "Begone, foul dream!" he cried, gazing again "Pois, paha uni!" hän huudahti katsellen jälleen
    ellauri241.html on line 803: He look'd and look'd again a level No! Hän katsoi ja katsoi taas tasaisesti "Ei!"
    ellauri241.html on line 966: Never again saw he his happy penis

    ellauri241.html on line 1040: His busy hand against her lips,

    ellauri241.html on line 1045: Thus, in her bower, Endymion was calm'd to life again,

    ellauri241.html on line 1046: opening his eyelids with a healthier brain. I feel great again!

    ellauri241.html on line 1048: Around the breathed boar: again I'll poll

    ellauri241.html on line 1051: She saw Endymion's spirit melt away again and thaw

    ellauri241.html on line 1055: Thy hateful bow-tie against some deer-herd bent,

    ellauri241.html on line 1082: My crowned tip against her hairy cheek.

    ellauri241.html on line 1240: From me again, indeed, indeed—

    ellauri241.html on line 1271: Until we taste the life of love again.
    ellauri241.html on line 1337: Dian is dead against it.
    ellauri241.html on line 1438: O Jove! I shall be young again, be young!

    ellauri241.html on line 1625: How happy once again in grassy nest!
    ellauri241.html on line 1637: Endymion declares that he will let go of the possibility of immortality so that he can love and adore the Maiden instead. The god Mercury appears and strikes the ground with his magic wand. Winged horses arrive to fly Endymion and the Indian Maiden into the sky where the shepherd-prince dreams that he is in Olympus which is the sanctuary of the gods. He is conflicted when he suddenly sees Diana who is also known as Phoebe and she looms over him. Endymion looks over at the sleeping Indian Maiden and "could not help but kiss her: then he grew / Awhile forgetful of all beauty save / Young Phoebe's, golden hair'd; and so 'gan crave Forgiveness." Once again he looks at the Maiden with adoration, but Phoebe begins to fade away, and he protests in panic. The noise awakens the sleeping Maiden next to him. In this moment Endymion chooses to abandon Diana and immortality as he professes to the Maid, "I love thee! and my days can never last. I always love the one that is readily available, she is the best." They soar through the sky and the Indian Maiden grows pale and suddenly vanishes before Endymion's eyes. Ow fuck! He cries out in surprise and grief as he finds himself alone yet again.
    ellauri241.html on line 1645: The poem has been criticized for its inconsistencies and its somewhat disappointing conclusion. Seems Keaz whisked the guy away at the end quickly before he could get into any more mischief. He was probably thoroughly fed up with him. But then again Jack was just 22. Endymion presents many problems to its interpreters, as it did to Jack himself. Critics have, however, been able to agree that the poem contains considerable eroticism.
    ellauri242.html on line 166: Perventsevin toisesta maailmansodasta kertova romaani ”Varjele kunniaa nuoresta pitäen” (Tšest s molodu, 1948) sai Stalin-palkinnon vuonna 1949. Samana vuonna hänet palkittiin Igor Savtšenkon ohjaaman elokuvan ”Kolmas isku” (Treti udar, 1948) käsikirjoituksesta. Kirjailija on saanut myös Leninin kunniamerkin. Hänen avoimen propagandististen teoksiensa taiteellinen arvo on vähäinen. Taide ja propaganda näät hikisesti yhteen soppii, ja silloinkin vaan jos propaganda puhaltaa meikäläisten koppiin. Toisen kautta eipä sanokaamme ruozalaisissa dekkareissakaan ole mainittavasti taidearvoja.
    ellauri243.html on line 92: No mitä tässä huisin hienossa rainassa sitten oikeastaan tapahtuu? Jotain oikein julman veristä murhaherkuttelua tietysti, kun Tarantella on liikkeellä. Se oivalsi erityisen selvästi, mistä rahna lähtee, eli mitä kumikaulapaskiaiset tämmöisistä videoista hakevat: halpoja vihaviboja ja orgastista verilöylytystä. Ympärille ympätty tarina on aivan yhdentekevä, kuha sen propaganda on "meidän puolella", mikä se "me" kulloinkin kullekkin paskiaiselle sattuu kulloinkin olemaan.
    ellauri243.html on line 96: Anne Frank-lookalike Shosanna hoitaa elokuvateatteria Pariisissa valehenkilöllisyyden turvin. Hän tapaa saksalais-suomalaisen tarkka-ampujan Simo Häyhän (Fredrik Stollen), joka kaatoi 250 vihollista yhden taistelun aikana. Häyhän on määrä esittää izeään nazien propagandaelokuvassa Stolz der Nation (Kansakunnan ylpeys). Shosannaan sen jutkutaustasta tietämättä ihastunut Häyhä vakuuttaa (? taivuttaa) Joe Goebbelsin siirtämään elokuvan ensi-illan Shosannan elokuvateatteriin. Shosanna suunnittelee rakastajansa Marcelin (pätkän ranskalaisvahvistus, yhtä merkittävä kontribuutio kuin sammakoilla viime sodassa) kanssa ensi-iltaan osallistuvien natsijohtajien tappamista sytyttämällä teatterin tuleen. Meneehän siinä mukana muutama sata pahaa-aavistamattomia ydinsaxalaisia, mutta väliäkö hällä, koko Saxan kansahan on yhtä syyllinen. Inter arma silent leges! Ihan sama tematiikka muuten kuin Dan Steinbockin Andromeedassa. Vittu onnää tosi mieltä nostattavia juttuja, etten sano kääntäviä.
    ellauri243.html on line 202: It is often used in the United States as a symbol for right-libertarianism, classical liberalism, and small government; for distrust or defiance against authorities and government; and occasionally co-opted for right-wing populism or far-right ideology. In the mid-1970s, the New Left People's Bicentennial Commission used the Gadsden Flag symbolism on buttons and literature.
    ellauri243.html on line 455: sotapropagandaa Kalašnikov-rynnäkkökivääreihin. Читать ещё! Putinin väitetty
    ellauri243.html on line 458: työskentelevä Alina Kabajeva vertaa sotapropagandaa
    ellauri243.html on line 471: näytä RBC:n videoita väärän puolen propagandan vuoksi. Скрыть Хельсинки
    ellauri243.html on line 510: Dale Brown is still at the forefront of publishing novels today. He most recent novel, Tiger’s Claw, was released in August 2013. The plot of this book surround President Phoenix, Arizona, who has again slashed the military budget just when China begins to test it’s new domestic missile.
    ellauri243.html on line 550: Bob Stearns, CEO of Powerful Potential. BOB STEARNS is one of only 95 people in history to lead an organization to win the prestigious Malcolm Baldrige Award. He was the Leader and Architect of Pittsburgh based Medrad’s 2003 journey to win the prestigious award. Medrad won the Baldrige award again in 2010. The Baldrige Award is presented annually by the President of the United States to organizations that excel in seven categories, including results. As Chief Human Resources Officer of CoManage, Bob led that company to be named the Best Place to Work in Pa.” He has also received the American Society for Training and Development Award for Excellence. Bob has served as a Director on the Boards of National Church Solutions, The Orchards at Foxcrest, the Pa. Society of Association Executives, the Pa. Association of Non Profit Organizations and a Woman owned business through Powerlink and Seton Hill University. Bob has owned and been the CEO of PowerfulPotential since 1985.
    ellauri243.html on line 598: Kroisos Pennosen kättely on kalamainen kuin Jaakko Hintikalla. We could still use you in Vegas, my friend, ill use you like Austin's and Bronte's heroines. For something called money. The old gang is together again in the armpit of the world, the good old USA. Kaikki luonnevammasia narsisteja ja/tai psygopaatteja, etenkin FBI:n agentti Jerry Cotton.
    ellauri243.html on line 642: That´s one reason most incredibly successful people set a goal, and then focus all their attention on the creating and following a process designed to achieve that goal. The goal still exists, but their real focus is on what they do today. And making sure that do it again tomorrow. Because consistency matters: What you do every day is who you are. Like take a shit. And who you will become. A piece of shit.
    ellauri243.html on line 722: Disraeli arranged for the British to purchase a major interest in the Suez Canal Company in Egypt. In 1878, faced with Russian victories against the Ottomans, he worked at the Congress of Berlin to obtain peace in the Balkans at terms favourable to Britain and unfavourable to Russia, its longstanding enemy. This diplomatic victory over Russia established Disraeli as one of Europe´s leading statesmen.
    ellauri243.html on line 724: World events thereafter moved against the Conservatives. Controversial wars in Afghanistan and South Africa undermined his public support. He angered British farmers by refusing to reinstitute the Corn Laws in response to poor harvests and cheap imported grain. With Gladstone conducting a massive speaking campaign, the Liberals defeated Disraeli´s Conservatives at the 1880 general election. In his final months, Disraeli led the Conservatives in Opposition.
    ellauri244.html on line 316: Helsingissä ei saanut ennen kerjätä, ei loiteroida, kusta porttikonkeihin ja postiluukkuihin, ajella jalkakäytävillä potkulaudoilla, tuherrella seinille. Ennen oli kaikki paremmin. Music TV oli ällö amerikkalainen kexintö, talouslipilaarien ja globalisaattoreiden propagandakanava. Sitäkään nää pogoääliöt ei tajua. Hyi helvetti.
    ellauri244.html on line 386: Men, om så där skulle Oscar skön fast alla dagar gå,
    ellauri245.html on line 90: Dagarna därefter bodde Mijailović hos en kamrat som bodde med sin sambo i en lägenhet i Solna. Under helgen sökte han hjälp på Huddinge sjukhus för sina sömnsvårigheter och hallucinationer. På måndagen den 15 september fick han åter sova över hos sin vän i Solna. Sambon tyckte att Mijailović betedde sig alltmer konstigt och när han den 16 september vägrade lämna lägenheten ringde Mijailovićs kompis polisen. Polisen körde Mijailović till S:t Görans sjukhus.
    ellauri245.html on line 107: Den 28 juni 2004 inleddes rättegången mot Mijailović i Svea hovrätt efter att han överklagat Stockholms tingsrätts dom. Försvarslinjen var att Mijailović vid tillfället lidit av allvarlig psykisk störning och då inte förstått att Lindh kunde dö och att han inte hade avsikt att döda henne och därför borde frikännas.
    ellauri245.html on line 109: Den 8 juli 2004 dömdes Mijailović av Svea hovrätt till rättspsykiatrisk vård. Under sensommaren framförde Mijailović krav på att få avtjäna sitt straff i ett serbiskt fängelse vilket kriminalvårdens chef Lars Nylén nekade med motiveringen att Serbien och Montenegro inte i förväg kunde säga hur länge han skulle få sitta i fängelse då landet inte hade livstidsstraff på sin egen rättsskala. Mijailovic överklagade beslutet men kom senare (14 maj 2007) att dra tillbaka sin överklagan.
    ellauri245.html on line 124: ^ ”Mijailovic överklagar”.

    ellauri245.html on line 170: In November 2011, Miller posted remarks pertaining to the Occupy Wall Street movement on his blog, calling it "nothing but a pack of louts, thieves, and rapists, fed by Woodstock-era nostalgia and putrid false righteousness." He said of the movement, "Wake up, pond scum. America is at war against a ruthless enemy. Maybe, between bouts of self-pity and all the other tasty tidbits of narcissism you´ve been served up in your sheltered, comfy little worlds, you´ve heard terms like al-Qaeda and Islamicism." Miller´s statement generated controversy. In a 2018 interview, Miller backed away from his comments saying that he "wasn´t thinking clearly" when he made them and alluded to a very dark time in his life during which they were made.
    ellauri245.html on line 267: Nsala of Wala in the Nsongo District (Abir Concession) is a photograph published by Edmund Dene Morel in his book King Leopold's Rule in Africa, in 1904. The image depicts a Congolese man named Nsala examining the severed foot and hand of his five-year-old daughter, Boali. The photograph was taken by Alice Seeley Harris, the wife of a missionary, in the village of Baringa on 14 May 1904. It was subsequently employed as a tool in the inhumane media campaign against the situation in the Congo Free State, which was largely characterised by rubber dildos.
    ellauri245.html on line 296: Something about Scandinavia — its snowbound civility, its usually peaceable blend of the cosmopolitan and the isolated — makes the crime novels set there seem automatically more interesting, the way a red spray of blood stands out more starkly against fresh white powder than on a dirt road. By now many of these imports seem to share the same atmospherics: the Nordic good looks, the corruptible officials, the endless pots of coffee.
    ellauri245.html on line 353: After the funeral, all of the loved one’s possessions – and here’s the real head-turner – are burned. (So much for heirlooms). Once again, the primary concern is marimé (contamination), and family members want to destroy all material ties to the dead. Given the massive cost of such destruction, however, today many people sell the possessions – though not to other Gypsies of course.
    ellauri245.html on line 648: The term Mai-Mai or Mayi-Mayi refers to community-based militia groups active in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) that is formed to defend local communities and territory against Western funded armed groups. Most were formed to resist the invasion of Rwandan forces and Rwanda-affiliated Congolese industrial "rebel" groups.
    ellauri246.html on line 87: Lindegren oli Ruotsin akatemian jäsen 1962–1968. A-ha! Hänet valittiin Ruotsin akatemiaan Dag Hammarskjöldin seuraajaksi tämän kuoleman jälkeen. Hän oli Bonniers Litterära Magasinin, Stockholms-Tidningenin ja Dagens Nyheterin kirjallisuuskriitikko. Vuosina 1948–1950 hän oli aikakauskirja Prisman ja Alepan päätoimittaja. Hänen isoisänsä oli säveltäjä Johan Lindegren. Muikean näköinen Lindegren teki oopperalibrettoja, muun muassa Karl-Birger Blomdahlin oopperaan Aniara, joka perustuu 1/2nobelisti Harry Martinsonin runoelmaan Aniara (a-ha!).
    ellauri246.html on line 189: Joseph Brodsky (alun perin Iosif Aleksandrovitš Brodski, ven. Иосиф Александрович Бродский, 24. toukokuuta 1940 Leningrad, Neuvostoliitto – 28. tammikuuta 1996 New York, Yhdysvallat) oli venäläissyntyinen yhdysvaltalainen runoilija. Hänelle myönnettiin Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinto vuonna 1987. Selvä pysähtyneisyyden ajan poliittinen broileri. Kaikki njeuvostoliittolaiset dynypalkitut ovat pokanneet länkkäreille ja pyllistäneet kotimaahansa, paizi Solohov, joka pyllisti vasta vähän lopuxi. Se ei ole sattumaa, se on ukkotemian huolellisen propagandatyön tulosta.
    ellauri246.html on line 246:       These Ishmaels and Hagars of mankind? Nää apinoiden Ishmaelit ja Hagarit?
    ellauri246.html on line 281:       And the dead nations never rise again. kuolleet kansat on mennyttä, haha!
    ellauri246.html on line 398: Brodsky viittaa itseään 1956 sukupolven pennuxi, mutta ei ole "mikään XX-kongressin lapsista", vaan kuuluu niihin nuoriin, joille murtuman tietoisuuteen vaikutti "Budapest syksy" tukahduttamalla ATS: n. Monet ajattelevat että ihmiset lopettivat uskomasta Neuvostoliiton propagandaan. Se oli ensimmäinen sysäys toisin sanoen, toisin sanoen. Jotkut menivät oikeistolaiseen oppositioon, toiset, kuten Brodsky, kiistattomasti kieltäytyi voimakkaammin nykyisistä asioista.
    ellauri246.html on line 547: Venäjän expatriaattikirjallisuudelle kokonaisuudessaan historialliset ja kulttuuriset motiivit ovat ominaisia. Jos koti on pitkällä, millaista taloa on lähellä? Monille maahanmuuttajille Venäjän kulttuuri on tullut niin taloksi. Monet vetoomukset hänelle. Joskus se johtaa kulttuurisen intertextin dekonstruktioon. Siten tapahtui "Venäjän terskin" Dmitri Bysheville. Hän sanoo, että lohko onnistui näkemään, miten venäläiset ihmiset "lensi" (vallankumous, sisällissota), mutta ihmiset taas putosivat orjuuteen. "Näetkö hänet hengellisellä voimalla?" Jopa monet USSR: ssä pettävät propagandat osoittavat, osoittaa BasyShev, että Venäjällä on vanhurskaita ja vanhurskas kylä (viittaus Solzhenitsyniin ja sananlaskuun "ei ole kylää ilman vanhurskautta"). Pitäen itseään Kuisman äidin poikana Basyshev yrittää kertoa totuuden XX vuosisadasta. Jos se nyt enää ketään kiinnostaa tässä vaiheessa.
    ellauri247.html on line 93: Narahdarn, the bat, wanted honey. He watched until he saw a Wurranunnah, or, bee alight. He caught it, stuck a white feather between its hind legs, let it go and followed it. He knew he could see the white feather, and so follow the bee to its nest. He ordered his two wives, of the Bilber tribe, to follow him with wirrees to carry home the honey in. Night came on and Wurranunnah the bee had not reached home. Narahdarn caught him, imprisoned him under bark, and kept him safely there until next morning. When it was light enough to see, Narahdarn let the bee go again, and followed him to his nest, in a gunnyanny tree.
    ellauri247.html on line 95: Marking the tree with his combo (stone tomahawk) that he might know it again, he returned to hurry on his wives who were some way behind. He wanted them to come on, climb the tree, and chop out the honey. When they reached the marked tree one of the women climbed up. She called out to Narahdarn that the honey was in a split in the tree. He called back to her to put her hand in and get it out. She put her arm in, but found she could not get it out again. Narahdarn climbed up to help her, but found when he reached her that the only way to free her was to cut off her ​arm. This he did before she had time to realise what he was going to do, and protest. So great was the shock to her that she died instantly. Narahdarn carried down her lifeless body and commanded her sister, his other wife, to go up, chop out the arm, and get the honey. She protested, declaring the bees would have taken the honey away by now. "Not so," he said; "go at once."
    ellauri247.html on line 124: In 1898 the pioneer ethnologist W.E. Roth wrote a letter to the Australasian pointing out that gang-oo-roo did mean 'kangaroo' in Guugu Yimidhirr, but this newspaper correspondence went unnoticed by lexicographers. Finally the observations of Cook and Roth were confirmed when in 1972 the anthropologist John Haviland began intensive study of Guugu Yimidhirr and again recorded /gaNurru/.
    ellauri247.html on line 125: The motherfuckers just couldn't be bothered to check the facts from the niggers. Niinkun ei Willard Van Orman Quinekaan muka tiennyt mitä Gavagai oikeasti tarkoitti. Vittu mikä idealisti sekin oli. Silja Huttusen vastaväittäjä oli Karlgrenin poika Jussi jolla oli 1 miehen firma nimeltä Gavagai.
    ellauri247.html on line 261: "The learned Smelfungus travelled from Boulogne to Paris, from Paris to Rome, and so on, but he set out with the spleen and jaundice, and every object he passed by was discoloured or distorted. He wrote an account of them, but 'twas nothing but the account of his miserable feelings. I met Smelfungus in the grand portico of the Pantheon—he was just coming out of it. ''Tis nothing but a huge cockpit,' said he—'I wish you had said nothing worse of the Venus de Medici,' replied I—for in passing through Florence, I had heard he had fallen foul upon the goddess, and used her worse than a common strumpet, without the least provocation in nature. I popp'd upon Smelfungus again at Turin, in his return home, and a sad tale of sorrowful adventures had he to tell, 'wherein he spoke of moving accidents by flood and field, and of the cannibals which each other eat, the Anthropophagi'; he had been flayed alive, and bedevil'd, and used worse than St. Bartholomew, at every stage he had come at. 'I'll tell it,' cried Smelfungus, 'to the world.' 'You had better tell it,' said I, 'to your physician.'" (Sterne)
    ellauri247.html on line 502: Tableau de propagande, il met en valeur le fils de Louis-Philippe, le duc d'Aumale, et monte en épingle une bataille moins cruciale qu'elle n'y paraît.
    ellauri248.html on line 39:

    Marjaana Madagaskarissa

    Nuorten toiveita

    ellauri248.html on line 46: Seijan lapsuuden mielikirjoihin kuulunut Marjaana Madagaskarissa oli päässyt hukkumaan. Sitä ezittiin kissojen ja koirien kanssa muttei löytynyt. Piti ostaa antikvariaatista uusi kappale.
    ellauri248.html on line 58: Tosi irvokasta että tyyppejä silvotaan niin että veri roiskuu seinille ja sit joku sankarikyttä skizoo kun se ampuu psykopaatin pyssymiehen izepuolustuxena. Ja sitten vituttaa aivan erikoisesti miten nää syvästi kärsivät tyypit heittää toisilleen jotain hyvästejä urheasti hymyillen kyynelten lävize. Taas sitä samaa "luottamus" ja "I promise" tuubaa mitä on joka länsipropagandaleffassa.
    ellauri248.html on line 244: In Daniel 6, Daniel is raised to high office by his royal master Darius the Mede. Daniel's jealous rivals trick Darius into issuing a decree that for thirty days no prayers should be addressed to any god or man but Darius himself; anyone who disobeys this edict is to be thrown to the lions. Pious Daniel continues to pray daily to the God of Israel; and the king, although deeply distressed, must condemn Daniel to death, for the edicts of the Medes and Persians cannot be altered. Hoping for Daniel's deliverance, Darius has him cast into the pit. At daybreak the king hurries to the place and cries out anxiously, asking if God had saved his friend. Daniel replies that his God had sent an angel to the jaws of the lions, "because I was found tasteless before them". The king commands that those who had conspired against Daniel be thrown to the poor overfed lions in his place with their tasty wives and children, and that the whole world should tremble and fear before the God of Daniel. Although Daniel is sometimes depicted as a young man in illustrations of the incident, James Montgomery Boice points out that he would have been over eighty years old at the time. No wonder perhaps that he did not entice the lions.
    ellauri248.html on line 273: Antautuvia sotilaita telotetaan molemmin puolin ukrainaltaki on satoja ellei tuhansia telotus/kidutus videoita mutta ihme kyllä ainoastaan ne jotka tulee mainstreamiin ja saa liikaa huomiota että pakko uutisoida niin uutisoidaan ja pakko venäjä ukrainankin sotarikoksissa pistää näyttämään pahalta xD propagandaa tulee kyllä liikaa mutta propagandasotahan tämä on ja pakko pistää ukraina näyttämään hyvältä vaikka ei saa 1,2 miljoonalla sotilaalla ja parhaalla länsimaisella kalustolla ajettua niinsanottua 500K paskasti koulutettua vanhentuneella kalustolla taistelevaa venäläistä pois maasta 🙄
    ellauri248.html on line 364: – Seksuaalivalistus on mielestäni täysin sopimaton aihe käsitellä kouluissa. Kouluissa ei opeteta vain anatomiaa, vaan lapsillemme opetetaan perverssiä propagandaa, Stubbe kertoo Marylandissa pidettävässä konservien CPAC-konferenssissa.
    ellauri248.html on line 372: Me taistelemme marxistista propagandaa vastaan, sanoo Stubbe uljaasti.
    ellauri248.html on line 377: DeSantis haluaa kieltää ”woke-propagandan” Floridan kouluissa. Hän on jo allekirjoittanut Stop Woke -lain, joka muun muassa kieltää keskustelun seksuaalisesta suuntautumisesta ja sukupuoli-identiteetistä julkisissa alakouluissa.
    ellauri249.html on line 90: In January 1980, foreign ministers from 34 countries of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation adopted a resolution demanding "the immediate, urgent and unconditional withdrawal of Soviet troops" from Afghanistan. The UN General Assembly passed a resolution protesting the Soviet intervention by a vote of 104 (for) to 18 (against), with 18 abstentions and 12 members of the 152-country Assembly absent or not participating in the vote; only Soviet allies Angola, East Germany and Vietnam, along with India, supported the intervention.
    ellauri249.html on line 94: The international community imposed numerous sanctions and embargoes against the Soviet Union, and the U.S. led a boycott of the 1980 Summer Olympics held in Moscow. The boycott and sanctions exacerbated Cold War tensions and enraged the Soviet government, which later led a revenge boycott of the 1984 Olympics held in Los Angeles.
    ellauri249.html on line 97: I fired him because he wouldn't respect the authority of the President. I didn't fire him because he was a dumb son of a bitch, although he was, but that's not against the law for generals. If it was, half to three-quarters of them would be in jail.
    ellauri249.html on line 110: Verpa is also a basic Latin obscenity for "penis", in particular for a penis with the foreskin retracted due to erection and glans exposed, as in the illustration of the god Mercury below. As a result, it was "not a neutral technical term, but an emotive and highly offensive word", most commonly used in despective or threatening contexts of violent acts against a fellow male or rival rather than mere sex (futūtiō "fucking"). It is found frequently in graffiti of the type verpes (= verpa es) quī istuc legēs ("You're a dick you who read this").
    ellauri249.html on line 216: Tiedoissa Hruštšovin vaiheista 1920-luvulla on aukkoja. Nyttemmin on paljastunut, että hänellä oli suhde Marusija-nimisen nuoren naisen kanssa. Marusijan sukunimi on jäänyt tuntemattomaksi. Hruštšovin äiti painosti poikaansa lopettamaan suhteen Marusijan kanssa, sillä hänen mielestään tämä oli sopimaton henkilö. Pian Marusijan lähdettyä Hruštšov tapasi kolmannen puolisonsa, Nina Petrovnan, joka toimi kommunistisen puolueen propagandistina.
    ellauri249.html on line 220: Ukrainassa kommunistipuolueen johdossa oli Lazar Kaganovitš, joka oli Josif Stalinin tukija. Hän otti nuoren Hruštšovin huomaansa, jonka jälkeen hänen uransa lähti nousuun. Hruštšov tuki Kaganovitšia Ukrainan puolueen valtakamppailussa ja Kaganovitš junaili Hruštšovin Stalinon alueen johtajaksi. Hruštšovin piti ensiksi järjestää Kaganovitšin tuella parjauskampanja alueen johtajaa Moisejenkoa vastaan. Hruštšov syytti Moisejenkoa
    ellauri249.html on line 268: Länsi-Ukrainassa käytyä sissisotaa lukuun ottamatta Hruštšovilla alkoi mennä paremmin, hän sai käyttöönsä huvilan Livadjasta ja maatalouden parantuneet sadot laitettiin hänen ansiokseen. Hänen kilpailijansa Lazar Kaganovitš syrjäytettiin Ukrainan johdosta ja hänet palkittiin Leninin kunniamerkillä. Koska Hruštšov oli Ukrainassa ollut lojaali Stalinille muun muassa kamppailussa geenitutkijoita ja muita ”porvarillisia nazeja” vastaan, hän sai jälleen kutsun Moskovaan.
    ellauri249.html on line 310: Hruštšovin ja Bulganinin palattua Suomesta kesäkuussa 1957 heidät yritettiin syrjäyttää. Presidium vaati ensimmäisen puoluesihteerin, Hruštšovin, vaihtamista. Esille otettiin syytöksenä se, että Hruštšov oli ollut nuorena trotskilainen ja se, että hän käyttäytyi tehtävänsä arvolle sopimattomalla tavalla. Hän kutsui nopeasti koolle koko keskuskomitean ja teki yrityksen tyhjäksi. Malenkov, Kaganovitš ja Šepilov menettivät ministerin paikkansa. Heidän tilalleen keskuskomiteaan nousivat Leonid Brežnev ja ehdokasjäsen Aleksei Kosygin. Hankkeessa mukana ollut Molotov siirrettiin suurlähettilääksi Mongoliaan, missä hänellä ei ollut käytännössä muuta tekemistä kuin lähestyä Hruštšovia kirjeillä, joissa arvosteli ankarasti tämän tekemiä ratkaisuja. Malenkov lähettiin Kazkstanin syrjäseudulle Ekobastuzin kaupunkiin, jossa viranomaiset valvoivat hänen kaikkia liikkeitään. Kaganovitš pelkäsi henkensä puolesta ja anoi Hruštšovilta armoa. Hänet lähetettiin Solikamskiin johtamaan kaliumkarbonaattitehdasta. Šepilov lähetettiin Kirgisiaan johtamaan talousinstituuttia. Noloa.
    ellauri249.html on line 472: Its origin is set down in Pliny the Elder's Naturalis Historia where he records that a shoemaker (sutor) had approached the painter Apelles of Kos to point out a defect in the artist's rendition of a sandal (crepida from Greek krepis), which Apelles duly corrected. Encouraged by this, the shoemaker then began to enlarge on other defects he considered present in the painting, at which point Apelles advised him that ne supra crepidam sutor iudicaret ('a shoemaker should not judge beyond the shoe'), which advice, Pliny observed, had become a proverbial saying. The Renaissance interest in meddling cluelessly into other people's affairs made the expression popular again.
    ellauri254.html on line 124: Räägime sellest, miks Boris Pilnjaki teos "Kustutamata kuu jutustus" põhjustas Stalini pahameele ja kuidas see seondus Mihhail Frunze surmaga. Tänane lõpulaul oli vist ukrainlastele suunatud.
    ellauri254.html on line 132: Kuten tiedätte, Vsevolod Ivanov tapasi yhdessä muiden kirjailijoiden kanssa Stalinin, Voroshilovin, Kaganovichin, Molotovin ja Postyshevin Gorkin asunnossa 26. lokakuuta 1932. Kokouksessa - viinin ja välipalojen kanssa - keskusteltiin kirjailijaliiton perustamisesta, Stalin selitti puolueen politiikkaa kirjallisuutta kohtaan, lupasi kaiken mahdollisen tuen. Vuonna 1934 perustettiin Neuvostoliiton kirjailijoiden liitto, sen ensimmäinen kongressi pidettiin. Yksi liiton hallituksen sihteereistä oli Vs. Ivanov. Hänet valittiin kirjallisuusrahaston hallituksen puheenjohtajaksi.
    ellauri254.html on line 387: Alexander Blok was a routine visitor. These years were some of the young Blok’s most prolific, marked by bursts of creative energy as he worked on two lyrical dramas – Balaganchik (‘The Puppet Show‘), featuring the ‘grotesquely luckless’ Pierrot, which was staged in 1906 by Vsevolod Meyerhold at the Komissarzhevskaya Theatre; and The Stranger – and the poetry cycle The Snow Mask, which he completed in little over a week at the beginning of 1907. The actress Valentina Verigina often accompanied Blok, and recounted of these visits to and from Sologub’s apartment:
    ellauri254.html on line 405: Fyodor and Anastasia would stay at the apartment on Razyezzhaya ulitsa until 1916, when – after several years of constant touring for the sake of a series of lectures – Sologub settled again and returned with his wife to Vasilievsky Island. The final move of his life would come in the weeks after his wife’s suicide in 1921, upon which Sologub took an apartment on the Zhdanovskaya Embankment, close to Tuchkov bridge from which his wife had jumped and drowned.
    ellauri254.html on line 515: Alfred Schuler (* 22. November 1865 in Mainz; † 8. April 1923 in München) wird als Seher, Religionsstifter, Gnostiker, Mystagoge und Visionär charakterisiert. Sich selbst verstand Schuler als einen wiedergeborenen dekadenten Römer der späten Kaiserzeit. Schuler, der einen gnostizierenden Neopaganismus vertrat, war spiritueller Mittelpunkt der Kosmiker und Ideengeber für Stefan George und Ludwig Klages. Ohne zu Lebzeiten ein Buch veröffentlicht zu haben, erzielte er eine große Breitenwirkung. Mme Turn und Taxis fragte Rilke: Wer ist dieser Schwuler? Hat er etwas gesrchrieben?
    ellauri254.html on line 517: In Munich, the Cosmic Circle of Ludwig Klages and Alfred Schuler, deeming "the Jew the enemy of the human race," gave their erstwhile leader, Stefan George, this ultimatum: "What is your stand on Judah?" He replied that he wished he had more such deep-throated Jewish disciples as Wolfskehl. George's views continued to overlap with those of the Cosmic Circle, especially in invoking the pagan earth mother of "Templars." Actually what first launched the George cult on a nationwide basis was Klages's own book, Stefan George, of 1902. The accusation of Klages's Nazism by indignantly pointing out that the Nazis distinctly distanced themselves from Klages. Though the Nazis shared Klages's basic metapolitics and had found him useful for propaganda among professors, they later found the Klages-Schuler cult embarrassing. The intensity of George's break with Klages-Schuler is paralleled by Nietzsche's break with the Jew-hater Richard Wagner; in both cases an intense friendship was severed on the grounds of civilized values higher than friendship. Klages thought that Nazis and Israelis were both wrong in thinking they were the chosen people, with the difference that the Jews had actually already won the beauty contest.
    ellauri254.html on line 556: Gorki osallistui vuoden 1905 vallan­kumous­yritykseen ja joutui vankilaan Pietari–Paavalin linnoitukseen, jossa hän kirjoitti tapahtumista vertauskuvallisen näytelmän Auringon lapset. Vuonna 1905 hän liittyi virallisesti bolševikkiryhmän jäseneksi. Vallankumousvuonna 1905 Gorki ryhtyi toimittamaan sosialidemokraattista Novaja Žizn -lehteä. Hän saapui vuoden 1906 alussa Suomeen, jossa hänet otettiin taiteilijapiireissä innostuneesti vastaan. Hän kävi muun muassa Helsingissä Akseli Gallen-Kallelan Pirtti-ateljeessa ja Hvitträskissä. Suomen kautta Gorkilla oli pyrkimys siirtyä ulkomaille. Kun vallankumous kukistettiin 1907 ja kirjailija pidätettiin, hänen puolestaan järjestettiin maailmanlaajuisia vetoomuksia. Hänet vapautettiin ja karkotettiin maasta, minkä jälkeen hän matkusti aluksi Yhdysvaltoihin keräämään rahaa vallankumouksellisille. New Yorkissa paljastui kuitenkin skandaali: Venäjän suurlähetystö paljasti, ettei kirjailijan seuralainen, näyttelijätär Maria Andrejeva, ollut hänen laillinen vaimonsa. Amerikan lehdistö tarttui hanakasti skandaaliin. Tästä katkeroitunut Gorki kirjoitti New Yorkista teoksen Keltaisen paholaisen kaupunki sekä näytelmän Viholliset. Yhdysvalloissa hän kirjoitti myös tunnetuimman teoksensa Äiti, joka kertoo pienen keskivenäläisen teollisuuskaupungin vallankumousliikkeestä. Gorki itse kuvasi romaaniaan huonoksi, koska se oli kirjoitettu kiivastuksen vallassa. Lenin puolestaan piti siitä sen propaganda-arvon vuoksi, ja sillä oli aina hyvä maine Neuvostoliitossa. Gorkin seuraava kirja Vakooja puolestaan kertoo tsaarin salaisen palvelun agentista, jota Gorki ei sentään kuvaa hirviönä, mutta tyhmänä ja innottomana kuitenkin.
    ellauri254.html on line 564: Gorki palasi Venäjälle kesällä 1928 ja sai kansallissankarin vastaanoton. Sen jälkeen hän vieraili Neuvostoliitossa useita kertoja ja palasi lopullisesti 1932 Stalinin kutsusta pois fasistisesta Italiasta, mikä oli suuri propagandavoitto. Aleksandr Solženitsynin mukaan Gorki palasi ennen kaikkea taloudellisista syistä. Vuonna 1934 Gorki valittiin itseoikeutetusti Neuvostoliiton kirjailijaliiton ensimmäiseksi puheenjohtajaksi sen ensimmäisessä kokouksessa.
    ellauri254.html on line 764: Bernes sai monia palkintoja, muun muassa Stalin-palkinnon 1951 ja Neuvostoliiton kansantaiteilijan arvon 1965. Bernes on mainio propagandavoitto meidän Darjalle.
    ellauri254.html on line 771: Heti kun Barbussen Le Feu julkaistiin sarjakuvalehtenä, sen luki laaja yleisö, jonka reaktiosta Barbusse oli erittäin kiinnostunut. Kirja oli myös menestys. Ensimmäinen kiista koski sitten romaanin, vuoden 1916 Prix Goncourtin voittajan, historiallista todenperäisyyttä, lähinnä syvän kuilun vuoksi, joka vallizi sensuurin salliman tekstin ja sotapropagandan välillä, joka itse tuomittiin kirjassa. Tekstin poliittiset panokset, erityisesti kommunismi ja pasifistinen sitoutuminen, ovat toinen kiistanalainen aihe kirjassa.
    ellauri254.html on line 805: His worsening health compelled him to seek care in Germany, to which his parents had emigrated early in 1921. He went West for good in 1924, at 23 years of age. Lunz died abroad from heart failure and brain embolism, but he is remembered in The West for his daring defense of creative freedom against Bolshevik Party demands for political commitment. In "Go West Young Man", Lunz spoke like a Cambridge apostle:
    ellauri254.html on line 811: We are with the hermit Serapion. We believe that literary chimeras have a special reality. We do not want utilitarianism. We do not write for propaganda. Art is real, like life itself. And, like life itself, it is without goal and without meaning: it exists because it cannot help but exist. L'art pour l'art, in a word.
    ellauri254.html on line 825: Shklovsky integrated into Soviet society and even took part in the Russian Civil War, serving in the Red Army. However, in 1922, he had to go into hiding once again, as he was threatened with arrest and possible execution for his former political activities, and he fled via Finland to Germany.
    ellauri254.html on line 863: Tihonovin varhaiset teokset ovat romanttista vallankumousrunoutta sekä Keski-Aasiaan ja Kaukasiaan sijoittuvaa eksoottista lyriikkaa. Myöhemmin hän keskittyi ajankohtaisiin propagandistisiin ja kansainvälisiin aiheisiin. Leningradin puolustuksesta kertova runoelma Kirov s nami (”Kirov on kanssamme”, 1941) sai Stalin-palkinnon vuonna 1942. Myöhemmin Tihonov sai Stalin-palkinnon runosikermistä Gruzinskaja vesna (”Georgian kevät”, 1948) ja Dva potoka (”Kaksi virtaa”, 1951). Vuonna 1970 hänelle myönnettiin Leninin palkinto novellikokoelmasta Šest kolonn (”Kuusi pylvästä”, 1968). Trozkin palkinto (jäähakku) jäi saamatta. Vuonna 1966 hänelle myönnettiin Sosialistisen työn sankarin arvonimi.
    ellauri254.html on line 885: Toinen Nikolai Tikhonov (mutta Aleksandrovits) polkupyöräkaupungista Harkovista katui että oli äänestänyt Gorbazovia presidentixi. Oli syytäkin, se oli maanpetturi: kielsi kommunistipuolueen ja möi Neuvostolan Reaganille nahkoineen karvoineen. Tikhonov oli huolissaan venäläisten vähentymisestä ja koitti parantaa äitiysavustuxia. Sille izelleen ei jäänyt vaimoa, lapsia eikä yxityistä rahakätköä. Hyvin tyhmä mies. Vanhat tutut osti sille appelsiineja.
    ellauri256.html on line 189: Orang-orang Yahudi berkemah di Shittim, sebuah daerah di dataran Moab , di tepi Sungai Yordan. Pada nasi goreng nabi jahat Bileam , putri-putri Moab dan Midian membujuk orang Yahudi untuk berdosa dengan mereka, kemudian meemipimpin mereka untuk menyembah dewa mereka, yang dikenal sebagai Peor.
    ellauri256.html on line 215: Yhdysvalloissa hän kirjoitti myös tunnetuimman teoksensa Äiti, joka kertoo pienen keskivenäläisen teollisuuskaupungin vallankumousliikkeestä. Gorki itse kuvasi romaaniaan huonoksi, koska se oli kirjoitettu kiivastuksen vallassa. Lenin puolestaan piti siitä sen propaganda-arvon vuoksi, ja sillä oli aina hyvä maine Neuvostoliitossa. Gorkin seuraava kirja Vakooja puolestaan kertoo tsaarin salaisen palvelun agentista, jota Gorki ei sentään kuvaa hirviönä, mutta tyhmänä ja innottomana kuitenkin.
    ellauri256.html on line 223: Gorki palasi Venäjälle kesällä 1928 ja sai kansallissankarin vastaanoton. Sen jälkeen hän vieraili Neuvostoliitossa useita kertoja ja palasi lopullisesti 1932 Stalinin kutsusta pois fasistisesta Italiasta, mikä oli suuri propagandavoitto. Aleksandr Solženitsynin mukaan Gorki palasi ennen kaikkea taloudellisista syistä. Vuonna 1934 Gorki valittiin itseoikeutetusti Neuvostoliiton kirjailijaliiton ensimmäiseksi puheenjohtajaksi sen ensimmäisessä kokouksessa.
    ellauri256.html on line 231: Yhdysvalloissa hän kirjoitti myös tunnetuimman teoksensa Äiti, joka kertoo pienen keskivenäläisen teollisuuskaupungin vallankumousliikkeestä. Gorki itse kuvasi romaaniaan huonoksi, koska se oli kirjoitettu kiivastuksen vallassa. Lenin puolestaan piti siitä sen propaganda-arvon vuoksi, ja sillä oli aina hyvä maine Neuvostoliitossa. Gorkin seuraava kirja Vakooja puolestaan kertoo tsaarin salaisen palvelun agentista, jota Gorki ei sentään kuvaa hirviönä, mutta tyhmänä ja puoliveteisenä kuitenkin.
    ellauri256.html on line 344: Vuosina 1915–1919 Majakovski asui Pietarissa ja eli täysin rinnoin mukana lokakuun vallankumouksessa. Hänestä tuli kumouksen johtava runoilija, “kumouksen rumpu” ja tapahtuma oli hänelle hyvin henkilökohtainen. Hän kirjasi sen tunnelmia moniin teoksiinsa, kuten näytelmään Mysterio Buffo (1918). Sen jälkeen Majakovski muun muassa tekstitti propagandasarjakuvia ja toimi myös aktiivisesti kirjallisissa yhdistyksissä. Ennen kaikkea hän tuolloinkin oli vallankumouksen julistaja ja agitaattori. Näinäkin vuosina hän tuotti paljon kaikenlaista sälää.
    ellauri256.html on line 459: Ja koittaa tämä päivä rahoitustarkastajineen, ihmeiden kirkkaudella ja musteen hajulla. Näiden päivien vakuuttunut asukas, suoristakaapa kääreestä kuolemattomuuden piletti ja laskelmoikaa runojen vaikutus, levittäkää ansioni kolmellesadalle vuodelle! Runoilijan voima ei vain sitä, että teitä muistuttaessaan nikottelee tulevaisuuteen. Njet! Jo tänään runoilijan riimi - hyväily ja iskulause, pajunetti ja nagaikka. Kansalainen rahoitustarkastaja! Maksan viisi, kaikki nollia ja raaputettuja numeroita! Minä oikeuksieni mukaan vaadin olla vaaxan päässä köyhimpien työntekijöiden ja talonpoikien perässä. Ja jos luulette että kaikki liiketoimintani on käyttää muiden ihmisten sanoja, niin sitten tässä on sinulle, toveri, minun kynäni, voit kirjoittaa itse! Kazotaanko tuleeko yhtä etevää kuin tämä!
    ellauri256.html on line 526: Martha Foley was born in Boston, Massachusetts, on March 21, 1897, to Walter and Margaret M. C. Foley. From 1909 to 1915, she attended Boston Girls' Latin School, and even then aspired to be a writer. The school magazine published her first short story, "Jabberwock," when she was eleven years old. (I had thought it was Lewis Carrol's.) After graduating from the 'Girls School' she attended Boston University but did not graduate, unlike Riitta Roth, who did. The topic of her MA thesis was Garten-Laub. The name of her kitten was Klobürste. (Riitta's, not Martha's)
    ellauri256.html on line 528: Before getting married, she (Martha) was a companion of noted former child and prodigy William James Sidis and the object of his unrequited love. Her magazine Story is credited with the first publication and early support of a pantheon of notable authors, including: John Cheever, Carson McCullers, William Saroyan, Truman Capote, Norman Mailer, and such as J. D. Salinger, Tennessee Williams and Richard Wright.
    ellauri257.html on line 55: Gogol's huge influence on Russian, Ukrainian and world literature was acknowledged by Mikhail Bulgakov, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, Franz Kafka and (most notably) Flannery O'Connor.
    ellauri257.html on line 120: Vuosien 1830–1831 marraskuun kansannousun jälkeen Venäjän keisarillista hallintoa vastaan ​​Puolan ydinalueella – jaettu vuodesta 1795 – Puolan kansa joutui tsaarin viranomaisten virallisen syrjintäkampanjan kohteeksi. "Käytännössä koko Venäjän hallitus, byrokratia ja yhteiskunta yhdistyivät yhdeksi purskahdeksi puolalaisia ​​vastaan. Yhteiskuntaan tarttunut fobia antoi uuden voimakkaan sysäyksen Venäjän kansalliselle solidaarisuusliikkeelle" - kirjoitti historioitsija Liudmila Gatagova . Juuri tässä nimenomaisessa kontekstissa monet Venäjän kirjallisista teoksista ja sen ajan suosituista tiedotusvälineistä tulivat vihamielisiksi puolalaisia ​​kohtaan valtion politiikan mukaisesti, varsinkin panslavistisen ideologian ilmaantumisen jälkeensyyttäen heitä "slaavilaisen perheen" pettämisestä. Sosiologin ja historioitsijan prof Vilho Harlen mukaan Taras Bulba , joka julkaistiin vain neljä vuotta kapinan jälkeen, oli osa tätä Puolan vastaista propagandatyötä. Epähuomiossa Gogolin saavutuksesta tuli "Puolan vastainen romaani, jolla on korkeat kirjalliset ansiot, puhumattakaan vähäisemmistä kirjailijoista".
    ellauri257.html on line 320: Ruskeiden silmien mukaan Mustien kulmakarvojen mukaan Sydämeni oli repeytynyt, nauroin, Kaatoi kielen, Se vuodatti, kuten taitavasti, Pimeänä yönä, Kirsikkatarhan vihreälle, Tytön hyväilyyn... Steppeille ja haudoille, Mitä Ukrainassa on, Sydämeni jyskytti, en halunnut. He laulavat vieraassa maassa... En halunnut olla lumessa, metsässä, Kasakka-yhteisö nuijilla, nagaikoilla kerää neuvoja. Anna kasakoiden sielut Ukrainassa huimaan nousuun - Se on leveä siellä, se on hauskaa siellä Reunasta reunaan... Kuten se tahto, joka on mennyt ohi, Dnepri on leveä - meri, Steppe ja steppi, myrskyävät kosket, Ja haudat ovat vuoria, -
    ellauri257.html on line 387: Do leftists dislike Jordan Peterson because he is a threat to them and they cannot win an argument against him?
    ellauri257.html on line 510: The material is unformed, the style is clumsy; the scenes are poorly narrated. Of course, it is unfair to depict Alma as a failed writer, for she never aspired to be a writer. Neither is this manuscript a finished product. Yet Alma on occasion did present herself as an author. She wrote at least one short story, which she sent out to magazines. An editor gave her an encouraging response, but asked her to change the ending. Alma never followed up, and dropped the endeavor altogether.
    ellauri258.html on line 62: Vuoden huonoimmista elokuvamaailman suorituksista palkintoja jakava parodiagaala Golden Raspberry Awards, tuttavallisemmin Razzie-gaala, on joutunut kovan kritiikin kohteeksi sen jälkeen, kun se julkaisi ehdokkaansa maanantaina 23. tammikuuta. Vuoden huonoimmiksi näyttelijöiksi ovat ehdolla muun muassa sellaiset pitkän linjan tekijät kuin Tom Hanks (elokuvista Pinocchio ja Elvis), Jared Leto (Morbius), Sylvester Stallone (Samaritan), Diane Keaton (Mack & Rita) ja Penélope Cruz (The 355). Kaikki nämä ovat vinhan vattunsa kyllä ansainneet.
    ellauri258.html on line 130: Miten pohjoishaagalainen kundi päätyi juttelemaan Norjan prinssin kanssa?
    ellauri258.html on line 136: "Kyllä. Heittäydyn herkästi kohtaamisiin ja koen oloni luontevaksi erilaisissa maailmoissa. Kirjojani on käännetty yli 20 kielelle, ja sen jälkeen kun Hakkerietiikka ja informaatioajan henki nousi bestseller-listalle Yhdysvalloissa aloin saada luentokutsuja kansainvälisille forumeille. Kerran puhuin samalla forumilla Haakonin ja Johnin kanssa. Puhuin siitä, ettei kehitykselle riitä pelkkä taloudellinen päämäärä. Ajatellaan, että jos Martin Luther Kingin unelma olisi ollut Amerikan tuottavuuden kasvattaminen kolmella prosentilla, niin köyhien mutiaisten jengi ei olisi ehkä jaksanut kuunnella häntä. Haakon tarttui siihen ja jatkoi kertomalla Afrikan matkan kokemuksestaan, ja John Bryant komppasi. Päädyimme jatkamaan keskusteluja. Siihen tuli vielä Harry sitten kertomaan Afghanistanista. Yhteen päätymisemme on sen verran outo juttu, että kutsumme itseämme välillä Odd Coupleksi. John on Comptonista, Los Angelesin jengien hallitsemista hoodeista, Haakon ja Harry kuninkaallisesta perheestä ja minä Suomen Pohjois-Haagasta, eli ei ole itsestään selvää, että päädyimme tekemään jotain yhdessä."
    ellauri258.html on line 142: Mielenkiintoista. Esa Saarisen sanoin: Poika on kotoisin Pohjois-Haagasta, tämä on innostavaa. Tässä on räjähdysvoimaa.
    ellauri258.html on line 144: "Olen kotoisin Pohjois-Haagasta. Hyvin köyhissä oloissa kasvanut mummoni lähti 16-vuotiaana piiaksi ja elätti itsensä myöhemmin siivoojana. Hän halusi antaa lapsilleen ja lapsenlapsilleen paremmat lähtökohdat kuin itselleen, ja antoi. Vanhempani eivät päätyneet akateemiselle uralle, vaikka isäni oli sukumme ensimmäinen korkeakoulututkinnon suorittaja. Mä olen ensimmäinen akateeminen ihminen."
    ellauri258.html on line 317:

    Baba Jaga

    ellauri258.html on line 319: John ja Paul kazoivat pieninä pelkäävinä napiaisina mustavalkoisia päälleäänitettyjä neuvostopiirrettyjä joissa esiintyi muun muassa Baba Jaga kanankoipimökissä. (Oli myös Sepe ja 3 porsasta Disneytä naturalistisempana versiona.)
    ellauri258.html on line 321: aga.jpg" />
    ellauri258.html on line 322:
    Länkkäreissä Baba Jaga on hyvin paha, Lumikin vastustaja, slaaveissa se on lasten ja janoisten ystävä.

    ellauri258.html on line 323:
    Enstex Russki Baba-Yaga

    ellauri258.html on line 325: Baba-Yaga ( venäläinen Yaga, Yaga-Baba, Egi-Baba, Yagaya, Yagishna, Yagabova, Egiboba ; Valkovenäjän Baba-Yaga, Baba-Yuga, Yaginya ; Bulgarian Baba Yaga ; Ukrainan Baba-Yazya, Iazya, Yazi -baba, Gadra ; puola jędza, babojędza ; tšekki jezinka , Ježibaba "noita", "metsänainen"; V.- serbialainen Baba Јaga ; slovenialainen jaga baba, ježi baba ) - slaavilaisen mytologian ja kansanperinteen hahmo (varsinkin sadut) slaavilaiset kansat.
    ellauri258.html on line 329: M. Vasmer johtaa Yagan nimen praslavista *(j)ęga , jonka refleksit ovat Serbohorves. jeza "kauhu", jeziv "vaarallinen" , slovenia. jezа "viha", jeziti "olla vihainen" , muut - tšekki. jeze "lamia" , tšekki. jezinka "metsanita, paha nainen" , Pol. jędza "nota, baba-yaga, paha nainen", jędzić się "olla vihainen" jne.
    ellauri258.html on line 331: V. Ya. Petrukhin yhdistää protoslaavilaisen yagan ( *ęga ) käärmeiden, matelijoiden nimityxeen, mikä hänen mielestään viittaa kuvan krooniseen alkuperään. Juu lamiallahan oli käärmeenpursto myös Keazilla. Kyl tässä taitaa taas olla jotain genitaalista! Kiva kiva! Hjuva! Huja!
    ellauri258.html on line 332: Kirjallinen maininta Baba Yagasta on englantilaisen matkailijan D. Fletcherin (1588) kirjassa "Venäjän valtiosta" . Hän luki epäjumalan "kultaisen tai yage-baban" palvonnasta, mutta saapuessaan Permin alueelle ja tavattuaan söpöt pörröturkkiset samojedit, hän huomasi, että tämä oli "tyhjä satu" .
    ellauri258.html on line 334: Slaavilaisen kansanperinnön mukaan Baba Yagalla on useita vakaita
    ellauri258.html on line 340: "Ivan Tsarevitš ja Marya Morevna" Yaga Yagishna asuu (Baba Yaga,
    ellauri258.html on line 343: tammoja (kz. Kublai Khan). Yaga on kolmen demonisen tyttären äiti (joskus prinsessa, sankarin
    ellauri258.html on line 349: Yagasta erotetaan kolme tyyppiä: luovuttaja (hän ​​antaa sankarille
    ellauri258.html on line 350: satuhevosen tai maagisen esineen); lasten sieppaaja; Baba Yaga-sotilas,
    ellauri258.html on line 352: eri kypsyysasteelle. Samaan aikaan Baba Yagan pahuus ja aggressiivisuus
    ellauri258.html on line 354: irrationaalisesta, määrittelemättömästä luonteestaan. Baba Yagan
    ellauri258.html on line 358: Yagasta liittyy papittaren tehtävään, joka johtaa teini-ikäisiä pubertaalisen
    ellauri258.html on line 359: vihkimisriitin läpi. Joten monissa saduissa Baba Yaga haluaa "syödä"
    ellauri258.html on line 362: Yagan kuva liittyy muinaisen toteemin palvontaan, joka kuului heimon
    ellauri258.html on line 365: saduissa Baba Yaga ohjaa sankaria oikealle tielle, koska hän tietää kaiken.
    ellauri258.html on line 368: Eteläslaavit: Entisellä slaavilaismaalla Kärntenissä Itävallassa " Baba Yaga
    ellauri258.html on line 375: talvea kutsuttiin Baba Yagaksi: Alkuperäinen Zelenega Jurja vodimo,
    ellauri258.html on line 378: ajamme Baba Yagan pois, hajotamme kevättä! Serbiassa, Montenegrossa ja
    ellauri258.html on line 386: sen uskotaan tarjoavan hedelmällisyyttä tulevalle vuodelle. Baba Yaga on
    ellauri258.html on line 388: pitkä, koukku ja koukku nenä ("Baba Yaga makasi kulmasta nurkkaan,
    ellauri258.html on line 391: Valko-Venäjän etnografien mukaan Baba Yaga esiintyy täällä kuolleen miehenä
    ellauri258.html on line 394: ja napahousuihin. Toisessa kuvassa Baba Yaga on pukeutunut punaiseen
    ellauri258.html on line 395: hameeseen ja saappaisiin. Saduissa ei panosteta Baba Yagan vaatteisiin.
    ellauri258.html on line 404: ideoiden mukaan Baba Yaga on metsän emäntä, eläinten ja lintujen emäntä,
    ellauri258.html on line 406: valtakunnan rajojen vartija. Tämän version mukaan Baba Yaga on
    ellauri258.html on line 408: seisoakseen kuolleiden maailmassa. Baba Yagan naiskuva liittyy
    ellauri258.html on line 410: rakastajatar Baba Yaga on antropomorfismin tulos. Voisiinä olla vähän misandriaakin mukana.
    ellauri258.html on line 412: Vinkki Baba Yagan aikoinaan eläimellisestä ulkonäöstä V. Ya. Proppin mukaan on kuvaus talosta
    ellauri258.html on line 419: Baba Yagan kuva liittyy legendoihin sankarin siirtymisestä toiseen
    ellauri258.html on line 421: seisova Baba Yaga (luujalka) toimii oppaana, jonka avulla sankari voi
    ellauri258.html on line 423: tekstien ansiosta on mahdollista rekonstruoida Baba Yagaan saapuvan
    ellauri258.html on line 427: tutki Baba Yagan kuvaa etnografisen ja mytologisen aineiston perusteella,
    ellauri258.html on line 429: Tunnistattuaan sankarin hajusta (Yaga on sokea) ja saatuaan selville hänen
    ellauri258.html on line 436: Yagalle ruoan kanssa tehdyn testin kautta motiiviensa vilpittömyyden ja
    ellauri258.html on line 444: ennakoitava ja voitettava. "Ruoka, herkut mainitaan varmasti paitsi Yagan
    ellauri258.html on line 454: pronssisia sandaaleja. Ja eri saduissa Baba Yagan jalka voi olla luuta tai
    ellauri258.html on line 463: Tämä nähdään yhteytenä Baba Yagaan, joka ilman stupaa (hänen välttämätön
    ellauri258.html on line 466: Berta-Perkhtan (Baba Yagan hyvät hypostaasit) ja kelttiläisen Brigitan
    ellauri258.html on line 467: välillä. Muita Baba Yagan analogeja modernissa kansanperinnössä ovat
    ellauri258.html on line 468: liettualainen jumalatar Ragana ja baskien jumalatar Mari, Amboto-vuoren
    ellauri258.html on line 485: silti tulivat pyytämään apua. Joten Baba Yaga on kuollut esi-isä, kuollut
    ellauri258.html on line 486: mies, ja lapset pelkäsivät usein häntä. Muiden lähteiden mukaan Baba Yaga
    ellauri258.html on line 488: kuolleiden polttohautausta Baba Yagan kuva nähdään kuuluvan kahteen
    ellauri258.html on line 497: slaavilainen hautajaisrituaali). Baba Yaga tällaisen kotan sisällä oli sekä
    ellauri258.html on line 501: epämiellyttävä kuolleille.. Pääsääntöisesti sankari tapasi Baba Yagan mökin
    ellauri258.html on line 504: Yagaa ruokkimaan ja juomaan häntä (antamaan hänelle kuolleiden ruokaa),
    ellauri258.html on line 508: On muunnelmia, joissa Baba Yaga syö sankarin ja
    ellauri258.html on line 509: päätyy siten kuolleiden maailmaan. Joten, läpäistyään testit Baba Yagan
    ellauri258.html on line 516: Baba Yagan asunnon olennainen ominaisuus on tyn, jonka paaluille
    ellauri258.html on line 520: Maagiset auttajat: Baba Yagan maagisia auttajia ovat samannimisen sadun hanhet-joutsenet , "kolme paria käsiä" ja kolme ratsumiestä - valkoinen, punainen ja musta (kuin Ukrainassa härjanneet armeijat, tai vastaavasti päivä, aamunkoitto ja yö).
    ellauri258.html on line 524: Sana baba merkitsee useimmissa slaavilaisissa kielissä vanhempaa tai naimisissa olevaa alempiin sosiaaliluokkiin kuuluvaa naishenkilöä eli akkaa. Paizi Walt Disneyn "Luotathan?" Aladdinissa, jossa Ali Baban luolan pahis oli Baba Jagan näköinen miehimys.
    ellauri258.html on line 526: Baba Jaga kuvataan usein metsässä eläväksi noidaksi tai syöjättäreksi, joka lentää huhmarella käyttäen survinta peräsimenä ja munat peräpainona. Hän asuu hirsimökissä, joka seisoo kanan jaloilla ja voi siten liikkua ympäriinsä. Puutarhaa ympäröivä aita on tehty ihmisen luista ja pääkalloista, ja ulko-oven avaimenreikä on terävähampainen suu. Joidenkin tarinoiden mukaan talo ei paljasta sisäänkäyntiään ennen kuin sille sanoo taikalauseen: käänny selkä metsään, kasvot minuun päin.
    ellauri258.html on line 527: Baba Jaga auttaa kilttejä ja puhdassydämisiä mutta syö pahoja aikeita hautovat. Hänen sanotaan vartioivan elämän veden lähdettä. Tarinan kananjalkaisesta mökistä on ounasteltu saaneen alkunsa Siperian metsästäjien ja suomalais-ugrilaisten heimojen tolpan päähän rakennetuista riista-aitoista, jotka suojelivat ruokatarpeita ja vainajia villieläimiltä ("Samin myymälä").
    ellauri258.html on line 529: Venäläinen noita-akka esiintyy paitsi venäläisissä kansantarinoissa, myös niiden innoittamissa kirjoissa, elokuvissa, kuvataiteessa, musiikkiteoksissa ja sarjakuvissa. Modest Musorgski sävelsi osan teoksestaan Näyttelykuvia Viktor Hartmannin piirrokseen Baba Jaga. Eduard Uspenskin lastenkirja Alas taikavirtaa (Vniz po volšebnoi reke 1971, suom. Martti Anhava 1980) perustuu venäläisiin eroottisiin kansantarinoihin ja siinä seikkailee Baba Jagan hahmo, vaikkakin eri nimellä, el Zorron nimellä, plus 17-kesäisiä neitokaisia. Guido Crepax piirsi Baba Yaga -teemaisia Valentina-sarjakuvia, joiden pohjalta Corrado Farina ohjasi vuonna 1973 Baba Yaga -nimisen elokuvan, joka oli täysi floppi. Myös Neil Gaifman on saanut noidasta innoitusta sarjakuviinsa. Baba Jaga esiintyy ainakin Gaifmanin käsikirjoittaman Books of Magic -sarjan kolmannessa osassa, joka on suomeksi julkaistu Magic Fantasy -lehden toisessa numerossa (Egmont-kustannus 2002, ISBN 951-876-928-1). Lisäksi noita esittää sivuosaa Mike Mignolan Hellboy-sarjakuvissa. Baba Jagaan perustuva hahmo esiintyy myös Patricia A. McKillipin romaanissa Serren metsissä. Fantasiakirjailija Naomi Novik on maininnut erääksi innoituksen lähteekseen isoäitinsä kertomat Baba Jaga -tarinat, ja Novikin romaani Uprooted (2015) kirjoittaa Baba Jagan hahmoa uudelleen tuoreesta näkökulmasta. The Witcher -pelisarjassa on Baba Jagaan perustava hahmo. Lumikin ja noin 7 knääpiön noita on ilmetty Baba Jaga.
    ellauri258.html on line 531: Slaavilaisessa kansanperinnössä Baba Yaga, myös kirjoitettu Baba Jaga (puolasta), on yliluonnollinen olento (tai yksi samannimisestä sisarkolmikosta), joka esiintyy epämuodostuneina ja/tai hurjan näköisenä naisena. Saduissa Baba Yaga lentää huhmareessa, käyttää survinta ja asuu syvällä metsässä kotassa, jota yleensä kuvataan seisovaksi kanankoivalla. Baba Yaga voi auttaa tai estää niitä, jotka kohtaavat tai etsivät hänet, ja hällä voi olla äidin rooli; hänellä on assosiaatioita metsän villieläimiin. Vladimir Proppin kansansatujen morfologian mukaan Baba Yaga esiintyy yleensä joko luovuttajana tai konnana, tai se voi olla täysin epäselvä minä.
    ellauri258.html on line 533: Täysin tavis tohtori Andreas Johns tunnistaa Baba Yagan "yhdeksi ikimuistoisimmista ja erottuvimmista hahmoista Itä-Euroopan kansanperinteessä" ja huomauttaa, että hän on "arvoituksellinen" ja hänellä on usein "hämmästyttävää monitulkintaisuutta". Johns tiivistää Baba Yagan "monipuoliseksi hahmoksi, joka pystyy inspiroimaan tutkijoita näkemään hänet pilvenä, kuuna, kuolemana, talvena, käärmeenä, linnuna, pelikaanina tai maan jumalattarina, toteemisena matriarkaalisena esi-isänä, naispuolisena aloitteentekijänä, fallisena äitinä, tai arkkityyppinen kuva". Ei ihme että Andreas on jäänyt tavixexi.
    ellauri258.html on line 538: Jagalle ehdottikin alkuperäxi jo 1800-luvulla Aleksanteri Afanasjev protoslaavilaisten *ož ja sanskritin ahi ('käärmettä'). Muissa indoeurooppalaisissa kielissä elementti iaga on liitetty liettuaan engti 'vääristää (jatkuvasti)', vanhan englannin kielen sanaan inca ('epäilyttävä') ja vanhannorjalaiseen ekki ('ei').
    ellauri258.html on line 542: Tarinoissa, joissa Baba Yaga esiintyy, hän esittää useita tyypillisiä ominaisuuksia: kääntyvä, kanajalkainen kota; ja huhmare, survin ja/tai moppi tai luuta. Baba Yagalla on usein epiteetti Baba Yaga kostyanaya noga ('luinen jalka') tai Baba Yaga s zheleznymi zubami ('rautahampaat'), ja kun hän on sisällä asunnossaan, hänet voidaan löytää ojentuneena takan yli ja kurottautuen. kotan kulmasta toiseen. Baba Yaga saattaa aistia ja mainita hänen vieraileviensa venäläisen dukhin ("venäläinen tuoksu", yl. likaiset hampaat, hiki, kusi, valkosipuli, kaali, suolakurkku, pieru ja mahorkka). Hänen nenänsä voi tarttua kattoon. Jotkut kertojat voivat kiinnittää erityistä huomiota hänen nenänsä, rintojensa, pakaroidensa tai vulvan vastenmielisyyteen.
    ellauri258.html on line 544: Joissakin tarinoissa Baba Yaga esiintyy triona sisaruksina, joilla kaikilla on sama nimi. Tää on tuttua Macbethistä. Hän astui sisään ja löysi Baba Yagan luujalkaisen. "Hei, fie", hiän sanoi, "venäläisestä hajusta ei täällä ole ennen kuultu eikä nähty, mutta nyze kyllä tuntuu nenässä. Oletko täällä vapaasta tahdosta vai pakosta, hyvä nuoruuteni?" "Paljon omasta tahdostani ja kaksi kertaa niin paljon pakosta! Kolmas ja nuorin Baba Yaga kommentoi "venäläisestä hajusta" ennen kuin juoksee hakemaan hampaitaan ja syö Ivanin. Ivan pyytää hiäntä antamaan hänelle alakautta kolme sarvea, ja hiän tekee niin. Ensimmäisen hän puhaltaa pehmeästi, toisen kovemmin ja kolmannen vielä kovemmin.
    ellauri258.html on line 547: Joissakin tapauksissa Baba Yaga näyttää hajallaan olevalta sialta, joka on menossa taistelemaan "krokotiiliksi" kutsuttua matelijakokonaisuutta vastaan. Jotkut tutkijat tulkitsevat tämän kohtauksen poliittiseksi parodiaksi. Pietari Suuren vaimoa Katariina I kutsuttiin joskus pilkallisesti chukhonkaksi eli tsuhnaxi ('suomalainen nainen').
    ellauri258.html on line 550: aga_Lubok1.jpg/765px-Baba-Yaga_Lubok1.jpg" />
    ellauri258.html on line 551:
    "Baba Yaga talonpojan kanssa, tanssii kaljun vanhan miehen kanssa." Miehellä on sarvi suussa.

    ellauri258.html on line 554: Jotkut tutkijat ovat ehdottaneet, että Baba Yagan käsitteeseen vaikuttivat itäslaavilaiset yhteydet suomalais-ugrilaisiin ja siperialaisiin kansoihin. Karjalaisessa Syöjätärissä on Baba Yagan piirteitä, mutta vain kielteisiä, kun taas muissa karjalaisissa tarinoissa Baba Yagan kaltaisia ​​hyödyllisiä rooleja voi esittää hahmo nimeltä akka ( "vanha nainen"). Manne sanoi Ansua akaxi ihan hyvässä mielessä, mitä iso Pauli ei järin arvostanut. Hän on pelattava maaginen hahmo Smitessä. Tässä yhteydessä sopii mainita myös Akka Kebnekaiselainen.
    ellauri258.html on line 556: Steve Bermanin novelli "Peikko vuorella tytön kanssa" sisältää japsujen Baba Jaga vastineen Yamauban. Lafcadio Hearn,joka kirjoittaa ensisijaisesti länsimaiselle yleisölle, kertoo tarinan seuraavasti:
    ellauri260.html on line 197: Joo selvästi: lue vaikka alempaa Rudin sosialismihöpötys, se on juuri sitä propagandaa mikä Alfred Nobelilla oli mielessä kun se jätti kuoltuaan kapitaalin tuotot jaettavaxi dynamiittipalkintoina.
    ellauri260.html on line 227: But now let us return to the problem! "Vapauden ongelma", no less! The problem of the hard struggle for life. The first improvement that individuals obtained in this regard was when they came together in social groups, or teams. They now had some protection against both the terrors of nature and the menace of their enemies, other moneky teams. It was religions which first inspired them with a sense of task and duty ; and gradually religion and morality, especially morality in its social aspect, entered into close combination and completed each other.
    ellauri260.html on line 272: Euckenin mielestä Saxa hävisi 1. maailmansodan koska sen propaganda oli surkeaa. Leibnizinkin avainpointit hukkuivat johkin lillukanvarsiin.
    ellauri260.html on line 302: Socialisation alone will give the Socialistic life a definite embodiment. It confidently enters upon a struggle against the distraction and the egoism of individuals. The traditional idea of work makes a man think mainly of his own profit. It impels him to think first of all of himself.
    ellauri260.html on line 318: With the huge influx of gold and other valuable loot from the colonies (called the Renaissance), they ceased to be regarded as mere means and incidental things, and getting filth rich became again the goal (as it had been during the Roman empire as well, and the Greeks, by the way, whatever Aristotle may have said.)
    ellauri260.html on line 331: The distinction between nature and spirit, existence and a world of action, is of the essential structure of life. Human life seems to drift into a fierce struggle against itself. How shall we extricate ourselves from this contradiction?
    ellauri262.html on line 159: After his conversion back to Christianity, his interests gravitated towards Christian theology and away from pagan Celtic mysticism (as opposed to Celtic Christian mysticism) and to Christian Animals (as opposed to pagan animals).
    ellauri262.html on line 175: Lewis was raised in a religious family that attended the Church of Ireland. He became an atheist at age 15, though he later described his young self as being paradoxically "very angry with God for not existing" and "equally angry with him for creating a world". His early separation from Christianity began when he started to view his religion as a chore and a duty; around this time, he also gained an interest in the occult, as his studies expanded to include such topics. His main argument against God was theodicy.
    ellauri262.html on line 319: The scholar Patrick Curry, defending Tolkien against the feminist scholar Catherine R. Stimpson's charge that "Tolkien is irritatingly, blandly, traditionally masculine....He makes his women characters, no matter what their rank, the most hackneyed of stereotypes. They are either beautiful and distant, simply distant, or simply simple", comments that "it is tempting to reply, guilty as charged", agreeing that Tolkien is "paternalistic", though he objects that Galadriel and Éowyn have more to them than Stimpson alleges.
    ellauri262.html on line 423: She praised Roland for being a purely Christian myth, in contrast to such epics as Beowulf in which she found a strong pagan content. (Tästä tuli varmaan nokkapokkaa Tolkienin kaa.)
    ellauri262.html on line 465: The Problem of Pain is a 1940 book on the problem of evil by C. S. Lewis, in which Lewis argues that human pain, animal pain, and hell are not sufficient reasons to reject belief in a good and powerful God. He begins by addressing the flaws in common arguments against the belief in a just, loving, and all-powerful God such as: "If God were good, He would make His creatures perfectly happy, and if He were almighty He would be able to do what he wished. But the creatures are not happy. Therefore God lacks either goodness, or power, or both." Topics include human suffering and sinfulness, animal suffering, and the problem of hell, where Lewis squirms like a tapeworm to reconcile these with a friendly omnipotent force beyond ourselves.
    ellauri262.html on line 478: Lewis states the problem of pain again in a simpler way: "If God were good, He would wish to make His creatures perfectly happy, and if God were almighty, He would be able to do what he wished. But the creatures are not happy. Therefore, God lacks either goodness, or power, or both."[3] Lewis says that if the popular meanings attached to the words are the best or only possible then the problem is unanswerable. The possibility of answering it depends on understanding the words 'good,' 'almighty,' and 'happy' in a bigger sense.
    ellauri262.html on line 498: We must guard against the feeling that there is ‘safety in number’. There isn't, look at holocaust.
    ellauri262.html on line 513: Well he saw that was what was going to happen, being omniscient, or what? So why bother? Why cry over spilt milk? Why not stop the experiment and start again? Well, maybe this is just what he is doing now. Elephants are coming with sheep on their heads as wigs. Enough, I'm gonna close this zoo.
    ellauri262.html on line 519: About our comrades in pain, other animals, Lewis allows that some higher form animals (like apes and elephants) might have a rudimentary individual self but says that their suffering might not be suffering in any real sense and humans might be projecting themselves onto the beasts. So no heaven for them, but then again, no hell. If one wants to make room for animal immortality, although the scriptures are silent, then "a heaven for mosquitoes and a hell for men could very conveniently be combined". A very good point! Oh, is it? Well, that is all sorted then?
    ellauri262.html on line 602: Presidentti Ronald Reagan lainasi Teippikirjaimet (The Screwtape Letters) -kirjaa kuuluisassa vuonna 1983 pitämässään puheessa National Association of Evangelicalsille.
    ellauri263.html on line 207: Baba Yaga
    ellauri263.html on line 430: Professori Shrage tuntee olevansa siira ryömiessään 5. Avenuella, amerikkalaiset ovat niin paljon sitä kookkaampia. Se muistaa Kaalepin ja muiden vakoojien retken Kaanaaseen. Ihme, Kaanaan maan vakoojista on justiin ollut puhetta toisaalla, ykkösenä Mishnan vastoinkäymisten luettelossa yllä. Aika sattuma, jos se edes oli sattuma, ehkä se tosiaankin oli ihme. Kaaleppi ja Joosua suhtautuivat Moosexen suunnitelmaan positiivisesti, muut olivat napisevalla kannalla. Tää napina oli ensimmäinen vastoinkäyminen, josta seurasivat muut sitten kostona. Hauska havainto, että v. 1992 käännöxessä Mooses ei einää vakoile vaan tiedustelee, ja kansa ei napise vaan huutaa. Vähän tollasta eufemismia, propagandamaista verbaalista hygieniaa.
    ellauri263.html on line 499: H. P. Blavatskyn päätyö oli teosofinen oppi, johon hiän sulautti valtavasti vaikutteita eri tahoilta. Eniten Blavatskyn ajatteluun vaikuttaneista oppisuunnista, teoksista ja auktoriteeteista voidaan mainita ainakin buddhalaisuus, Bhagavad Gita ja hindulainen tantrismi, Kabbala (erityisesti Eliphas Levi), Raamattu, Zohar ja Talmud, hermetismi, ruusuristiläisyys, gnostilaisuus, zarathustralaisuus, kaldealaiset, vapaamuurarius, spiritismi, mystiikka, Jakob Böhme ja Mestari Eckhart, alkemia ja magia, aikansa tieteellinen kirjallisuus, Robert Fludd, Paracelsus, maailman mytologiat esimerkiksi germaaninen mytologia, Popol Vuh, Ryhmä Hau ja Gilgameš (myös otteita Kalevalasta), antiikin kirkkoisät Irenaeus, Tertullianus, Origenes ja Eusebius, filosofit, etenkin Platon ja uusplatonilaisuus, Porfyrios, Plotinos ja Ammonios Sakkas sekä historioitsijat ja monet muut antiikin kirjailijat kuten Plinius vanhempi, Ovidius, Homeros ja Josefus. Lisäksi hän väitti opiskelleensa huomattavien inkarnaatiolaamojen oppilaana Tiibetissä, Ladakhissa, Nepalissa ja Mongoliassa ja perehtyneensä muun muassa vajrayanan esoterismiin eli Kālacakrayanaan, Nepalin svābhāvikoiden oppiin ja sykretistiseen shamanismiin (puuh).
    ellauri263.html on line 561: 21. syyskuuta ilmestyi The Timesissa artikkeli, jonka mukaan Blavatsky oli huijari. Todisteena olivat Emma Coulombin Christian College Magazinelle luovuttamat kirjeet, joita hän väitti Blavatskyn kirjoittamiksi. Olcott lähti välittömästi Madrasiin, ja lokakuussa Blavatsky siirtyi Lontooseen ja sanoutui irti seuran kirjeenvaihtaja-sihteerin virasta. Arundalen luota hän lähetti The Timesiin kirjeen, jossa kielsi kirjoittaneensa Coulombien väittämiä kirjeitä. Kirje julkaistiin 9. lokakuuta 1884. Madrasin teosofit puolestaan syyttivät Coulombeja liukulevyjen ja salaovien rakentamisesta Blavatskyn yksityisiin tiloihin.
    ellauri263.html on line 605: Nuoruudessaan Blavatsky oli liikkunut radikaaleissa liberaalis-nationalistisissa piireissä, mutta hänellä ei ilmeisesti ollut koskaan mitään selkeää yhteiskunnallis-poliittista linjaa, paizi toi vähän saatanallinen feminismi (käytännössä vaikkei ehkä teoriassa). Lucifer represents life, though, progress, civilization, liberty, independence. Lucifer is the Logos, the Serpent, the Savior. H. P. Blavatsky’s influential The Secret Doctrine (1888), one of the foundation texts of Theosophy, contains chapters propagating an unembarrassed Satanism. Satan in the shape of the serpent brings gnosis and liberates womankind. Tämmösta kirkasozaista miltonilaista prometeus-saatanaa peukuttivat Miltonin lisäxi ilmeisesti myös Blake, Bakunin ja Proudhon. Sympathy for the devil. Ei ihme että kristilliset piirit vauhkosivat. Blaken saatana alkuperäisessä loistossaan on aika feministinen. Byron ja Shelley oli aikoinaan satanisteja mutta setämiehiä.
    ellauri263.html on line 658: Jenkki Olcott ei siitä pitänyt, eikä rupusakin vulgäärispiritualismista. Olcott railed against ‘tricky mediums, lying spirits, and revolting social theories’ in Spiritualism. He reproached spiritualism for the presence of ‘free-lovers, pantarchists, socialists, and other theorists who have fastened upon a sublime and pure faith as barnacles upon a ship’s bottom’. Blavatsky, on the other hand, focused exclusively on the uplifting of oneself rather than others. She did not sympathize with socialism per se at all, and in her scrapbook she even wrote about Sotheran: ‘a friend of Communists
    ellauri263.html on line 670: “One of the most valuable effects of Upasika’s mission [Note: “Upasika” is a Buddhist term meaning “femakko” and was used by the Masters for HPB] is that it drives men to self-study and destroys in them blind servility for persons, sanoi 1 setämies. … Imperfect and very troublesome, no doubt, she proves to some, nevertheless, there is no likelihood of our finding a better one for years to come – and your theosophists should be made to understand it. … HPB has next to no concern with administrative details, and should be kept clear of them, so far as her strong nature can be controlled. But this you must tell to all: – With occult matters she has everything to do. We have not abandoned her; she is not ‘given over to chelas’. She is our direct agent. I warn you against permitting your suspicions and resentment against ‘her many follies’ to bias your intuitive loyalty to her. … Be assured that what she has not annotated from scientific and other works, we have given or suggested to her.
    ellauri263.html on line 675: Col. Olcott ei ollut vakuuttunut vaan alkoi vehkeillä ennenkuin HPB oli ehtinyt kylmetä. In the April Theosophist Col. Olcott makes public what we have long known to be his private opinion – a private opinion hinted at through the pages of Old Diary Leaves – that H.P.B. was a fraud, a medium, and a forger of bogus messages from the Masters. This final ingrate’s blow is delivered in a Postscript to the magazine for which the presses were stopped. The hurry was so great that he could not wait another month before hurling the last handful of mud at his spiritual and material benefactor, our departed H.P.B. The next prominent person for whom we wait to make a similar public statement, has long made it privately. [Note: This sentence referred to Annie Besant.]
    ellauri263.html on line 721: According to reporting from GO Magazine, the term itself emerged in the late 1980s within a San Francisco poly commune called Kerista. But Blue says the concept itself has a much older, deeper history: The Sanskrit word for it is mudita, which translates to "sympathetic joy," and it's actually part of one of the four core pillars of Buddhism.
    ellauri263.html on line 790: Encourage each other to make requests, she adds. If your partner´s jealous, ask them: What do they need from you? What does it look like? What requests can they make that you can accommodate so they feel safe and secure again?
    ellauri264.html on line 59: William Lewis Safire (/ˈsæfaɪər/; né Safir; December 17, 1929 – September 27, 2009), who was an American author, columnist, journalist, and presidential speechwriter. He was a long-time syndicated political columnist for The New York Times and wrote the "On Language" column in The New York Times Magazine about popular etymology, new or unusual usages, and other language-related topics.
    ellauri264.html on line 116: Louis Theroux koitti haastatella 3 amerikan alt-right someinfluensseria: Nick Fuentes, Baked Alaska ja Beardson Beardy huonolla ratamenestyxellä. Haastattelu kääntyi loppupeleissä yleensä haistatteluxi. Niiden ansaintalogiikka oli kerätä inseleiltä klikkejä ja taaloja vizeixi naamioidulla äärioikispropagandalla: white supremacy, racism, antisemitism, misogyny, and homophobia. Mikä näitä kaikkia asenteita yhdistää? No se että white trash incel miekkonen jää keskiöön. Beardylla oli Louis paita päällä mutta poltti hihat kun Louis japitti sen tekemästä nazitervehdyxestä. Get off my property se huusi kuin katolinen viulunsoittaja. Brittany joka oli ensin mukana sai hampaattomalta parrattomalta Beardyltä anaaliraiskausuhkauxen, ilmeisesti leikillisen kuitenkin koska Beardy nauroi uhkauxen jälkeen pitkään ahdistunutta huutonaurua. Nick Fuentes oli 22-vuotias wannabe pikkuhitleri, joka puhui fyyrerinä kansalle vanhempien kellariin rakentamastaan studiosta. Se kehui olevansa jo miljonääri kiitos jokailtaisten kolmituntisten palopuheiden. Peilisilmälasinen Baked koitti nauraa yhtä kovasti, mutta viimeinen tapaaminen päättyi silti suht vihamieliseen vittuiluun. Bakedin puhelimeen sai muutaman taalan hinnasta soittaa rasistisia ja antisemiittisiä haukkuja. Äänet oli muunnettu niin että inselit kuulostivat alaikäisiltä tytöiltä. Baked Alaska on venäläinen uunijäätelö. Sitä sai ravintola Kasakasta Neizytpolulta. .
    ellauri264.html on line 154: Asyia Iftikhar of PinkNews noted in her reflection of audience reception that the show has become the subject of "relentless criticism", and noted that it has been "accused of perpetuating stereotypes against South Asian women, criticised for poor attempts at self-aware comedy and slammed for losing the essence of what people love about the "Scooby Doo gang". Eli se koiro puuttui, ja isänmaallisuus oli ihan hukassa.
    ellauri264.html on line 402: During a hearing in August over possible discipline for the records release, Pattis invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination and refused to answer questions. In a court filing, he said there was no proof he violated any conduct rules and called the records release an "innocent mistake." Karsea perse joka sai mitä ansaizi, tai edes osan siitä.
    ellauri264.html on line 409: Extreme right radio station WICC programme director Adam Lambetti told The Independent in a statement: “Norm Pattis is no longer with WICC, but we wish him well in the future.” On Wednesday, a jury reached a staggering $965m damages award against Mr Jones for the emotional and financial harm he had caused to 15 Sandy Hook family members and an FBI officer who attended the shooting in 2012. Afterwards, Mr Pattis admitted he got his “arse kicked”. “It was great fun while it lasted,” Mr Pattis said, who describes himself in an online bio as a “lawyer, writer, contrarian, stand-up comedian”.
    ellauri264.html on line 433: The festival´s chair, Caroline Michel stated on 18 October 2020 that the event would not return to Abu Dhabi, in support of a curator Caitlin McNamara´s allegation of sexual assault against the tolerance minister of UAE, Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan. McNamara claimed that she was assaulted by the minister when they met at a remote island villa in February 2019 concerning work. The Emirati Foreign Ministry declined to comment on personal matters. When reached out, Britain´s Metropolitan Police confirmed receiving a report of alleged rape on July 3 by a woman. Rape by a woman, WTF??? In November 2020, Caitlin McNamara vowed to fight on following the CPS October 2020 decision to not prosecute the UAE minister because the alleged attack had occurred outside its jurisdiction. McNamara said the decision sent a message to Sheikh Nahyan and others who commit similar crimes "that as long as they´re of economic value to the UK, they can do whatever they want". In an interview with The Sunday Times McNamara said she felt "abandoned" by the Hay Festival, and in an interview on Channel 4 stated that "mistakes" had been made in the way the festival handled her reporting the sexual assault to them which were "very distressing". What a pile of turds.
    ellauri264.html on line 477: Henley edited the Scots Observer (which later became the National Observer), through which he befriended writer Rudyard Kipling, and the Magazine of Art, in which he lauded the work of emerging artists James McNeill Whistler and Auguste Rodin. Henley was a close friend of Robert Louis Stevenson, who reportedly based his Long John Silver character in Treasure Island in part on Henley.
    ellauri264.html on line 487: agazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/bbb7ab_999e823f92d14052bb370132572000f0.jpg_srz_p_636_412_75_22_0.50_1.20_0.jpg" height="250px" />
    ellauri264.html on line 525: Karo adopted the Halakhot of Rabbi Isaac Alfasi (the Rif), Maimonides (the Rambam), and Asher ben Jehiel (the Rosh) as his standards, accepting as authoritative the opinion of two of the three, except in cases where most of the ancient authorities were against them or in cases where there was already an accepted custom contrary to his ruling.
    ellauri264.html on line 542: The author himself had no very high opinion of the work, remarking that he had written it chiefly for "young students". He never refers to it in his responsa, but always to the Beit Yosef. The Shulchan Aruch achieved its reputation and popularity not only against the wishes of the author, but, perhaps, through the very scholars who criticized it.
    ellauri264.html on line 581: Now Eli, who was very old, heard about everything his sons were doing to all Israel and how they slept with the women who served at the entrance to the tent of meeting. 23 So he said to them, “Why the fuck do you do such things? I hear from all the people about these wicked deeds of yours. 24 No, my sons; the report I hear spreading among the Lord’s people is not good. 25 If one person sins against another, God may mediate for the offender; but if anyone sins against the Lord, who will intercede for them? Oh Jesus.” His sons, however, did not listen to their father’s rebuke, for it was the Lord’s will to put them to death, willy nilly.
    ellauri264.html on line 617: Vissa personer är tveksamma till att testa systemet eftersom det är så annorlunda. Och det beror på att storbankerna försöker dölja det! Storbankerna publicerar aktivt propaganda som kallar kryptovaluta och plattformar som Bit Auto Soft 360 för en bluff. Varför? De är oroliga för att se sina företagsvinster minska, när kunderna själva känner till hur man skapar stora förmögenheter.
    ellauri264.html on line 634: Hösten 2020 köpte Busch ett hus av en äldre man. Säljaren ångrade sig och menade att han inte förstod att han sålt huset efter att han erhållit handpenning. Busch menade att mannens reaktion berodde på råd från personer i hans omgivning och valde att gå till rätten. Busch och motparten ingick förlikning 8 oktober 2021, vilken stadsfästes i dom den 18 oktober 2021. Ebba överklagade men den stadfästa förlikningen stod sig.
    ellauri264.html on line 638: Ebba Busch var hon som såg löjlig ut i Kiruna i en polarpäls i nollväder. Under elkrisen får miljardärer allt av politikens Vanheden, Ebba Busch. Norrlänningar och socialbidragstagare får inte en spänn, skriver Arbetets politiska redaktör. Ragnar Vanheden (Ulf Brunnberg): Före detta bilförsäljare klädd i en några nummer för liten kostym. Han har alltid på sig en hatt som i den sjätte filmen antyds vara en Borsalino. Han har en förmåga att snacka sig ur situationer och kan dyrka upp de flesta lås.
    ellauri264.html on line 646: Och det är inte svårt att se att efterfrågan finns. Enligt SKR har hela 33 procent av de hjälpsökande till specialistvård och 40 procent som ska opereras fått vänta i mer än 90 dagar.
    ellauri264.html on line 681: Beady-eyed Mark Zuclerberg pretty much stole facebook from his friends, plain and simple, got rid of people when they were no longer needed by him. Has been ordered again and again to pay huge sums to people after settling in court.
    ellauri264.html on line 685: The Intel founders, some of them survived the holocaust against all odds, made shady deals, killed competition and promised to deliver things to stop other companies and then never delivering.
    ellauri264.html on line 708: Gates was a nerdy bully who forced his bundled operating system down everyone´s throats. Then made threats against competitors who tried avoiding his monopoly. Had some shady stock dealings that went against his sick partner, Allen who was battling cancer at the time.
    ellauri266.html on line 108: Yksi kilpailun menestyneimmistä maista 2000-luvulla, yhteensä kymmenen viiden parhaan sijoituksen kanssa, Venäjä sijoittui toiseksi Alsoun kanssa vuonna 2000, Dima Bilanin kanssa vuonna 2006, Kirka Babushkinin vuonna 2012 ja Polina Gagarinan vuonna 2015; kolmannexi tATun kanssa vuonna 2003, Serebroa tuli 2007, Sergei Lavrov voitti vuosina 2016 ja 2019 ja oli viides Dina Garipovan kanssa vuonna 2013. Vuonna 2017 ja 2018 he eivät päässeet finaaliin ensimmäistä kertaa historiansa aikana. Annit eivät pääseet finaaliin silti yhtään entistä paremmin.
    ellauri266.html on line 340: If a young girl gets excited about mathematics or philosophy or sports car racing or anything else not specific defined as a legitimate female interest by Good Housekeeping Magazine, her elders smile among themselves and say, "She´ll soon get over all this nonsense when she has her own babies to take care of."
    ellauri266.html on line 499: Le livre inspire une saga cinématographique composée de neuf films. Il s´agit de La Planète des singes (Planet of the Apes) en 1968, Le Secret de la planète des singes (Beneath the Planet of the Apes) en 1970, Les Évadés de la planète des singes (Escape From the Planet of the Apes) en 1971, La Conquête de la planète des singes (Conquest of the Planet of the Apes) en 1972, La Bataille de la planète des singes (Battle for the Planet of the Apes) en 1973, La Planète des singes (Planet of the Apes) en 2001, La Planète des singes : Les Origines (Rise of the Planet of the Apes) en 2011, La Planète des singes : L´Affrontement (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes) en 2014 et La Planète des singes : Suprématie (War for the Planet of the Apes) en 2017. Pour la télévision, la saga est également adaptée en série télévisée en 1974[a 40] et en série d´animation en 1975.
    ellauri266.html on line 539: De Waal kirjoittaa myös kolumnia Psychologie Magazine -lehteen , joka on suosittu hollantilainen kuukausilehti. 1. syyskuuta 2013 lähtien de Waal on ollut arvostettu professori ( universiteitshoogleraar ) Utrechtin yliopistossa. Tämä on osa-aikainen tapaaminen - hän jatkaa tehtävässään Emory Universityssä Atlantassa.
    ellauri267.html on line 1093: Muurahainen. Ja te afrikkalaiset olette sellaisia ​​termagantteja, ettet pysähdy mihinkään. Minun täytyy olla selvä sinun kanssasi, - olet naimisissa ja pyhälle miehelle, uskontosi päämiehelle: mene takaisin kammioosi; menkää takaisin, sanon minä, ja harkitse sitä tänä yönä, kuten teen omalta osaltani: olen uskollinen sinulle ja keksin kaikki argumentit, jotka voin noudattaa sinua; ja kuka tietää, mutta seuraavassa kokouksessamme suloisella paholaisella voi olla enemmän valtaa minuun? Olen oikeaa lihaa ja verta, voin kertoa sen sinulle lohdutukseksesi.
    ellauri267.html on line 1292: I am off again; I will not prostitute

    ellauri267.html on line 1337: Keskiaikainen Portugali näkee jälleenvalloituksen, muslimien karkottamisen ja kuningaskunnan nousun Burgundin dynastian ja myöhemmin Avis-vuokra-autokuninkaiden kanssa. Vaikka naapurimaiden Kastilian kanssa käydään konflikteja ja sotia, aikakausi oli Disneyn kuvaaman kultaisen ajan todistaja. Tämän jälkeen seurasi taantuman aikakausi, jota seurasi Hapspurgien valtaistuimen valtaaminen. Tämä kesti vuosina 1580-1640, jolloin Braganzan muotitalo palautti monarkian.
    ellauri267.html on line 1401: Even as late as the 19th century, "Sebastianist" peasants in the town of Canudos in the Brazilian sertão believed that the king would return to help them in their rebellion against the "godless" Brazilian republic.
    ellauri269.html on line 72: The clerics looked surprised at their hands, then realized: wrong hand! They tried again with the other hand. Still no go!
    ellauri269.html on line 76: UN vote against Russia's invasion of Ukraina 2023: same as 2022. In all, 141 countries voiced support for the resolution. Seven opposed it — Russia, Belarus, North Korea, Syria, Mali, Eritrea, and Nicaragua. Another 32 countries abstained during the vote. China, India, South Africa, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and much of Africa and Central Asia were among them:
    ellauri269.html on line 112: The level of support was similar to comparable previous General Assembly votes relating to Russia’s clueless invasion of Ukraine. Mali and Eritrea moved from abstaining to voting against the resolution. South Sudan slipped from "don't know" to "yea". Western hopes of potentially swaying India's vote at the last were dashed. General Assembly resolutions are not binding and carry mainly symbolic weight at the United Nations. However, unlike at the Security Council, Russia cannot unilaterally veto them.
    ellauri269.html on line 114: The sum total of primates in countries not voting against Russia is 4252443816 plus resident monkeys, which is way more than half of the simian population of the Earth.
    ellauri269.html on line 169: Pappi (engl. priest) on hahmoluokka, jolla on kaksi tehtävää, vahingon tekeminen tai parantaminen. Papilla on käytössään myös tehokkaita vihollisten hallintataikoja (engl. crowd control, lyh. engl. CC), jotka tekevät vihollisen hetkellisesti puolustuskyvyttömäksi, esimerkiksi kontrolloimalla vihollisen mieltä. Että tämmösiä influenssereita, tai perinteisemmin termein propagandaheppuja ja politrukkeja.
    ellauri269.html on line 211: Boralus: Kul Tirasin pääkaupunki saaren suurimmalta alueella Tiragarde Soundissa.
    ellauri269.html on line 596: Just because Yrel went full on inquisition is not a commentary on Modern Israel and their foreign or domestic politics. Do you want to read my post again? I literally said it’s not that, even if it might come across as that in light of the Jewish inspiration..
    ellauri269.html on line 600: Do you want to read my post again? I literally said it’s not that, even if it might come across as that in light of the Jewish inspiration.
    ellauri269.html on line 730: Sekä Siegel että Shuster olivat 16-vuotiaana jo taitavia sarjakuvataiteilijoita, jotka esittivät monia kykyjä ja teemoja, jotka nousevat uudelleen esiin Supermanissa. Shuster piirsi sarjakuvan Jerry the Journalisti -nimisestä hahmosta, ja Siegel myi teoksensa kynänimellä Hugh Langley ("tai mitä tahansa", Siegel kertoi Nemo Magazine -haastattelijalle vuonna 1983). Muita parin varhaisia ​​yhteistyöprojekteja olivat sarjakuva nimeltä "Interplanetary Police", hahmot, joilla oli röntgennäkö. (Ja jopa hahmo nimeltä Snoopy melkein kaksikymmentä vuotta ennen samannimistä Charles Schulzin koiraa. No ei sekään tähään liity mitenkään, sanoinpahan vaan.) He saivat inspiraatiota tarinoihinsa aikansa suosituista sci-fi-hahmoista, mukaan lukien Pikku Nemo, Tarzan ja Flash Gordon, kaikki orpoja, kuten supersankari, jonka Siegel ja Shuster lopulta loivat.
    ellauri269.html on line 732: Ohiossa ollessaan Mel Gordon, kirjoittaessaan Reform Judaism Magazine -lehteen vuonna 2011, ehdotti, ettei sunkaan Siegel ja Shuster olisi tutustuneet Zishe Breitbartiin, juutalaiseen voimamieheen. Vuonna 1923 Breitbart peippaili sekä Clevelandissa että Torontossa, kun Siegel ja Shuster olivat vain yhdeksänvuotiaita. Kummankaan taiteilijan osallistumisesta esityksiin ei ole tietoa, mutta olisi ollut epätodennäköistä, että he eivät olleet tunteneet 1900-luvun alun Heraklesta. Gordon kirjoittaa: "Cleveland News kehui, että hän oli "kiinnostavampi kuin Eiffel-torni". Joulun aikana hän esiintyi 85 000 katsojan edessä New Yorkin Hippodromessa, joka oli tuolloin "maailman suurin leikkimökki", rikkoen kaikki aiemmat yleisöennätykset. Tunnettu voimateoistaan, joista on tarkoitus tulla sarjakuvan Superman tunnusmerkkejä, Breitbart häikäisi yleisön kaikilla voimamiesklassikoilla: terästankojen taivuttaminen, "särkymättömien" ketjujen katkaiseminen, norsujen nostaminen. Ainakin yhdellä juutalaisen voimamiehen Amerikan-kiertueella Breitbartia sanottiin "Kaikkien aikojen teräsmieheksi".
    ellauri269.html on line 744: Vaikka minkä tahansa yhteyden paljastaminen juutalaisuuteen olisi tuominnut Superman-franchisingin, useat varhaiset tarinat keskittyvät Supermaniin, joka taisteli natseja vastaan ​​ja julisti ylpeänä itsensä "ei-arjalaiseksi", kun hän muxi Adolph Hitleriä leukaan. Sarjakuvat saivat propagandaministeri Joseph Goebbelsin syyttämään Supermania juutalaisuudesta, ja ainakin yksi vuoden 1940 ilkeä pääkirjoitus SS-sanomalehden Das schwarze Korpsissa oli otsikoitu "Jerry Siegel Hyökkää!" Vaikka amerikkalainen nativismi ja antisemitismi vähenivät toisen maailmansodan jälkeen, niin myös Supermanin selvä juutalaisuus. Riemukas antisemitismi putosi suosiosta ja korvattiin suljetulla, sanattomalla kiihkoilulla. Kuten John Turturron Sid Litz sanoo Franz Lidzin Unstrung Heroes -sovituksessa: "Pidän Ikesta." Se oli salainen pakanakoodi sanalle 'I hate kikes'. Kun heidän sopimuksensa oli päättymässä, Siegel ja Shuster haastoivat DC:n oikeuteen hahmonsa hallitsemisesta. Myytyään oikeudet yritykselle 130 dollarilla vuonna 1938 (2 197,49 dollaria vuonna 2014, inflaatio huomioon ottaen), DC vastasi antamalla voimakazikolle potkut.
    ellauri270.html on line 166: Kwai-joen silta on David Leanin ohjaama vuoden 1957 eeppinen sotaelokuva, joka perustuu Pierre Boullen vuoden 1952 romaaniin. Vaikka elokuva käyttää (paizi ei käytä) Burman rautatien rakentamisen historiallista ympäristöä vuosina 1942–1943, Boullen romaanin juoni ja henkilöt sekä käsikirjoitus ovat lähes kokonaan fiktiivisiä. Näyttelijöitä ovat William Holden, Alec Guinness, Cole Porter, Ginger Ale, Jack Hawkins, Sessue Hayakawa ja Jack Nicholson, joka ei kyllä ollut tässä filmissä. Tää raina on tehty Korean sodan aikana, kyseessä on myöhäiskolonialistinen propagandaelokuva.
    ellauri270.html on line 186: agan_Contact_Sheet_C1875_%28cropped%29.jpg" />
    ellauri270.html on line 187:
    Eversti Saito presidentti Reaganin kanssa Valkoisessa talossa 1981

    ellauri270.html on line 242: "A Warning for Married Women" tells the story of Jane Reynolds and her lover James Harris, with whom she exchanged a promise of marriage. He is pressed as a sailor before the wedding takes place and Jane faithfully awaits his return for three years, but when she learns of his death at sea, she agrees to marry a local carpenter. Jane gives birth to three children and for four years the couple lives a happy life. One night, when the carpenter is away, the spirit of James Harris appears. He tries to convince Jane to keep her oath and run away with him. At first she is reluctant to do so, because of her husband and their children, but ultimately she succumbs to the ghost's pleas, letting herself be persuaded by his tales of rejecting the royal daughter's hand and assurance that he has the means to support her – namely, a fleet of seven ships. The pair then leaves England, never to be seen again, and the carpenter commits suicide upon learning that his wife is gone. The broadside ends with a mention that although the children were orphaned, the heavenly powers will provide for them.
    ellauri270.html on line 282: For I'll never see you again.'
    ellauri270.html on line 337: Tessie Hutchinson’s late arrival establishes her character in a few sentences: she cares little about the lottery and the pomp and circumstance of the ritual. She is different from the other villagers, and thus a potential rebel against the structure of the village and the lottery.
    ellauri270.html on line 357: Snap shots of village life, like the conversation between Mrs. Delacroix and Mrs. Graves, develop the humanity of the characters and makes this seem just like any other small town where everyone knows each other. The small talk juxtaposed against murder (oops now I let the cat out of the bag, sorry) is what makes the story so powerful. Janey is taking on a “man’s role,” so she is assumed to need encouragement and support.
    ellauri270.html on line 375: Mrs. Delacroix tells Tessie to “be a good sport,” and Mrs. Graves reminds her “all of us took the same chance.” Bill Hutchinson tells his wife to “shut up.” Mr. Summers says they’ve got to hurry to get done in time, and he asks Bill if he has any other households in the Hutchinsons’ family. Tessie yells that there’s her daughter Eva and Eva’s husband Don, and says that they should be made to take their chance, too. Mr. Summers reminds her that, as she knows, daughters draw with their husband’s family. “It wasn’t fair,” Tessie says again.
    ellauri270.html on line 377: This passage shows the self-serving survival instinct of humans very clearly. Each person who speaks up is protecting his or her own skin, a survival instinct that Jackson shows to be natural to all the villagers, and by extension all humans. Tessie is willing to throw her daughter and son-in-law into harm’s way to have a better chance of saving herself. The other women are relieved to have not been chosen—no one speaks up against the lottery until they themselves are in danger.
    ellauri270.html on line 389: Even a dystopian society like this one doesn’t exclude other aspects of human nature like youth, popularity, friendship, and selfishness. Nancy’s behavior resembles that of many popular teen girls—again emphasizing the universal nature of Jackson’s story. We get the sense that Old Man Warner is perpetually displeased with any kind of change to tradition—even though the omniscient narrator tells us that the “tradition” Warner is used to is very different from the original lottery.
    ellauri270.html on line 403: By having children (even Tessie’s own son) involved in stoning Tessie, Jackson aims to show that cruelty and violence are primitive and inherent aspects of human nature—not something taught by society. Tessie’s attempts to protest until the end show the futility of a single voice standing up against the power of tradition and a majority afraid of nonconformists. Jackson ends her story with the revelation of what actually happens as a result of the lottery, and so closes on a note of both surprise and horror. The seemingly innocuous, ordinary villagers suddenly turn violent and bestial, forming a mob that kills one of their own with the most primitive weapons possible—and then happily going home to supper.
    ellauri270.html on line 411: “The Lottery” begins with a description of a particular day, the 27th of June, which is marked by beautiful details and a warm tone that strongly contrast with the violent and dark ending of the story. The narrator describes flowers blossoming and children playing, but the details also include foreshadowing of the story’s resolution, as the children are collecting stones and three boys guard their pile against the “raids of the other boys.” These details… read analysis of The Juxtaposition of Peace and Violence.
    ellauri270.html on line 527: Alfred Lordi Tennysonin Enoch Arden oli toinen samanlainen joihkaus albumissa 52. Victorian verse—stirring, pompous, propagandistic and popular. Olikohan Eenokki sukua Elizabeth Ardenille jonka poskivoide pelasti Harryn kruununjalokivet naparetkellä?
    ellauri270.html on line 539: Leechin vanhuusiän artikkelissa kohteliaisuusmaximeista esitetään seuraava hypoteesi, antaen tukevat todisteet neljästä kielestä: että GSP tarjoaa hyvin yleisen selityksen kommunikatiivisille kohteliaisuusilmiöille itämaisilla kielillä, kuten kiinan, japanin ja korean, sekä länsimaisilla kielillä, kuten esim. englanti. Koska kohteliaisuus käsittelee skalaari-ilmiöitä, tämä ei kiellä määrällisten ja laadullisten erojen merkitystä sosiaalisten parametrien ja kohteliaisuuden kielellisten parametrien asetuksissa tällaisissa kielissä. GSP:n kaltainen kehys tarjoaa vaihteluparametrit, joiden sisällä tällaisia ​​eroja voidaan tutkia. Tästä syystä tämä artikkeli puoltaa johtopäätöstä, että ilmeisistä eroista huolimatta kohteliaisuudessa ei ole itä-länsi-jakoa, on vaan enemp vähemp eroja. Toisin kuin maantieteessä, roduissa ja politiikassa, jossa erot ovat laadullisia. Anglot esittävät tasa-arvoista mutta se on pelkkää feikkiä. Sama rahan pakkovalta vallizee sielläkin. Mitä vetoa että Jeff oli born-again Christian kuten Tony DeLorenzo.
    ellauri272.html on line 78: Kirsten Sims from New Zealand stated that the book "will win no prizes for its prose" and that "there are some exceedingly awful descriptions," although it was also an easy read; "(If you only) can suspend your disbelief and your desire to – if you'll pardon the expression – slap the heroine for having so little self respect, you might enjoy it." A Cord from U of Columbia stated that, "Despite the clunky prose, James does cause one to turn the page." Father Metro wrote that "suffering through 500 pages of this heroine's inner dialogue was torturous, and not in the intended, sexy kind of way". Jessica Reaves, the Chicago Tribune, wrote that the "book's source material isn't great literature", noting that the novel is "sprinkled liberally and repeatedly with asinine phrases", and described it as "depressing". Publishers Weekly named E. L. James the 'Publishing Person of the Year' 2012. In April 2012 E. L. James was listed as one of Time magazine's "100 Most Influential People in the World".
    ellauri272.html on line 86: Operation Iraqui Freedom (OIF) offers direct support against communists so as to leur defendre le droit to access smutty information. If you’re able, please consider a donation to OIF to ensure this important work continues. But anyway, here's The 101 most banned and burned books in the U.S. of A! Näissä kaikissa on kyse nuorison korruptoinnista, samasta mistä Sokrates sai sen myrkkytuomion. Näiden kirjojen vika on erilaiset poikkeamat 7th heaven perhekomedian malliperheestä. Isiä ja äitejä tai sukupuolia on liikaa tai liian vähän, kaikki eivät tule ajoissa päivälliselle tai korvaavat terveellisen kotiruuan nestemäisellä ravinnolla tai tabuilla ja nousevat ylös tai menevät sänkyyn liian myöhään tai liian aikaisin tai ovat seisaaltaan, keittiosaarekkeella tai muuten sopimattomilla tavoilla. Juuri niitä aiheita jotka elähdyttävät Netflixin ja muiden suorasoittopalvelinten tarjontaa.
    ellauri272.html on line 238: Saga by Brian K. Vaughan
    ellauri272.html on line 402: Helvetti kyllä länsikapitalistinen ideologia on tosi vahvoilla, netti tunkee sitä sisään joka tuutista. Sen propaganda on täyttä aivopesua, huuhtelua ja linkousta. Hallituxen 2 jalkaa paha, kapitalistin 4 jalkaa hyvä. Öykkärimäinen Judah Andorsen rahoittaa valtiolle suuttuneen köyhän kaverin oikeustaistelun. Quid pro quo tietysti, toki toki, kaverin on ruvettava mucketimuckin ilmaisexi agentixi.
    ellauri274.html on line 45: “Put me down! You are hurting me,” Adolf Hitler protests to the man of steel. But Superman has other ideas. Seizing the Nazi dictator, Superman shoots into the air, faster than any plane, to pick up Josef Stalin in Moscow. Next stop Geneva to drop off the “power mad scoundrels” at the League of Nations, where they are found guilty of “unprovoked aggression against defenseless countries”.
    ellauri274.html on line 55: HBL juhlisti Ukrainan selkkauxen vuosipäivää ke. 22. helmikuuta 23 aivan raivopäisellä antiryssäpropagandalla. Länsi pelkää että Kiina pelkää ryssän puolesta: jos ryssä lytätään arvaa kyllä ketkä ovat seuraavana vuorossa. Mahjong-pelistä tulee uusi dominoteoria. Putin puhetta ei printata, sitä referoi vaan Hoblan piharakki Laureenska. Nato är starkare än det någonsin varit tidigare. Ryssland får aldrig tillbaka Ukraina, säger gamlingen i USA. Onkohan Laureenska sukua Seikkailevan leikkimökin Kerttu Juvalle (o.s. Laurén)? Oliko emeritusarkkipiispan emeritavaimo piispan käly ja Kerttu Juvan sisko? Leviraattiko oli kyseessä? Niin paljon vastaamattomia kysymyxiä...
    ellauri274.html on line 63: Anna-Lena Laurén: Ett sällsynt kletigt tal av Putin. Putins tal till federationsrådet var en kletig blandning hot, lögner och sårade känslor. (Det mesta handlar om intern politik och ekonomi, men det intresserar ju ingen här.) Han anklagade gång på gång väst för exakt det han själv gör i Ukraina – att ta livet av ukrainare. Det är nog sant men det är helt hans eget fel. Vartefter Putin konsumerar gamla osanningar hittar han på nya. Det gör jag med, sanningen at säja. Några begränsningar tycks inte finnas på någondera sida. Putin inledde sitt tal med att rada upp ogenerade lögner, en efter en. Det är i sig inget nytt – att ljuga är Putins metod, som det är också Hufvudstadsbladets, amerikanarnas och de andra Natoländernas. Det nya sedan anfallet mot Ukraina är att lögnerna stegras.
    ellauri274.html on line 68: Vituttaa kun länsipropaganda ei koskaan kerro mitä Putin sanoi sanatarkasti Putinistanissa pitämissään puheissa, vaan joku vitun russofobi Laureenska työntää soppaan ryssävihaiset näppinsä. Korjaan nyt asian esittämällä Voldemarin puheen nahkoineen karvoineen sekä siihen Yandexilla puolueettomasti tuotetun konekäännöxen. (Joukossa on Google Translatoria, kun osa puheesta joutui ensin hukkateille.)
    ellauri275.html on line 95: The role of Ilia Chavchavadze as one of the first civil activists and propagator of the idea of civil activism mustn’t be forgotten in modern day Georgia, where nihilism and indifference, especially among youth, is quite common. The article “Ilia Chavchavadze’s Civil Activities” was created by the Europe-Georgia Institute with support from the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom South Caucasus. Ideas and opinions expressed in the article belong to the Author – Rati Kobakhidze – and might not represent positions of the EGI or FNF.
    ellauri275.html on line 422: Representatives of the Russian authorities and Kremlin propagandists are actively commenting on the events related to the protests in Tbilisi against the “Russian Law”. Some of them declare that the bill initiated in the Parliament of Georgia, which the ruling party Georgian Dream has already withdrawn after 3 days of protests, has nothing to do with Russia, while others are already threatening Georgia with negative consequences of these events.
    ellauri275.html on line 455: Chavchavadze's contradictory career – his participation in the struggle against the Russian control of Georgia, on one hand, and the loyal service to the tsar, including the suppression of Georgian peasant revolts, on the other hand – found a noticeable reflection in his writings. The year 1832, when the Georgian plot collapsed, divides his work into two principal periods. Prior to that event, his poetry was mostly impregnated with laments for the former grandeur of Georgia, the loss of national independence and his personal grievances connected with it; his native country under the Russian empire seemed to him a prison, and he pictured its present state in extremely gloomy colors. The death of his beloved friend and son-in-law, Griboyedov, also contributed to the depressive character of his writings of that time.
    ellauri275.html on line 462: After 1832, his perception of the national problems became different. The poet unambiguously pointed out those positive results which had been brought about by the Russian annexation, though the liberation of his native land remained to be his most cherished dream. Later, his poetry became less romantic, even sentimental, but he never abandoned his optimistic streak that makes his writings so different from those of his predecessors. Some of the most original of his late poems are, Oh, my dream, why have you appealed to me again (ეჰა, ჩემო ოცნებავ, კვლავ რად წარმომედგინე), and The Ploughman (გუთნის დედა) written in the 1840s. The former, a rather sad poem, surprisingly ends with hope for the future in contemplation of the poet. The latter combines Chavchavadze's elegy for his past years of youth with calm humorous farewell to lost sex-life and potency. Composer Tamara Antonovna Shaverzashvili used Chavchavadze’s text for her song “My Sadness.”
    ellauri275.html on line 490: Oliko Wagnerin kirja "Telefon" Krutsevin sulakauden ajalta? Ei ihan, vuonna 67 oli Nikita jo pantu viralta. Sulakausia oli yxin tein 3: ensin 20-luvun NEP, sitten Krutsovin pikkuporvarilliset kokeilut 60-luvun alussa, ja lopuxi ukkoutuneiden Brezhnevin ja Reaganin liennytys 80-luvulla ennen tähtien sodan riehaantumista. Jokaisen aikana tehtiin viihdettä, jossa ryssät ja jenkit eivät tapa toisiaan ihan tavanomaisella apinan raivolla, vaan on yhteisiä kansanrikollisia, joista tehdään yhteistuumin rosollia. Jokaisen veljeilyn lopetti joku katastrofi: holodomor, ohjuskriisi, tähtien sota. Molemmilla puolilla on sankareita ja tuhoaseita, mutta amerikkalaisilla aina paremmat. Vähän kuin jenkkisarjojen paleface herot ja sivuvaununeekerit.
    ellauri275.html on line 565: JAAKKO LASSILA - Rahavallan Reagan
    ellauri275.html on line 642:

    Gordon Brown




    John Major




    Georges Pompidou




    George W. Bush




    Richard Nixon




    Muammar Gaddafi




    Tony Blair




    Edward Heath




    John F Kennedy




    Gerald Ford




    Bill Clinton




    David Cameron




    Nick Clegg




    Sir Alec Douglas-Home




    James Callaghan




    Barack Obama




    Ronald Reagan




    Boris Yeltsin




    George Washington




    Stephen Harper




    Saddam Hussein




    George H.W Bush




    Jacques Chirac




    Valéry Giscard d’Estaing




    Fidel Castro




    Helmut Kohl




    Robert Gascoyne-Cecil




    Abraham Lincoln




    Charles de Gaulle



    ellauri275.html on line 656: Josif Stalin liittyi Mesame Dasiin (3. ryhmä gruusialaisia sosdemejä) vuonna 1898 ollessaan 20-vuotias, kun hän osallistui Tiflisin teologiseen seminaariin. Mesame Dasin kautta hän tutustui ensimmäisen (no, toisen) kerran Karl Marxin ideoihin. Hän johti yhtä opintopiireistä, mutta oli tyytymätön enemmistön näkemyksiin. Stalinin sympatioiden vähemmistössä olevia enemmistöläisiä kohtaan ja hänen ärsyttävän puheenjohtajuutensa vuoksi hän huomasi olevansa jatkuvasti ristiriidassa muiden ryhmän jäsenten kanssa. Stalin alkoi muodostaa oppositioryhmää vastauksena tähän, joka koostui Lado Ketskhovelista, Alexander Tsulukidzesta ja Josipista, joka oli vakaasti vähemmistössä tässäkin ryhmässä. Tämä ryhmä, kuten Lavrentiy Beria totesi, oli alku vuonna 1904 perustettavalle leninistiselle bolshevikkiorganisaatiolle. Enemmistöä vastaan ​​työskennellessä ryhmä pystyi lopulta vuonna 1900 siirtämään koko organisaation enemmän propagandaan ja väkivaltaisiin tekoihin. Ahven taskussa tehtiin massakiihotusta. Mutta Stalinin ja hänen vähemmistönsä toiminta ärsytti edelleen Mesame Dasin johtajia. Lopulta joulukuussa 1901 hänet erotettiin ryhmästä.
    ellauri275.html on line 701: "sokeasta ihailusta VAPAATA MAAILMAA kohtaan", mutta oli alkanut jenkkeihin tultuaan uskoa, että Yhdysvallat ja Neuvostoliitto ovat moraalisesti samanarvoisia. Hän oli ollut vakuuttunut siitä, että "VAPAAASSA MAAILMASSA ihmiset ovat yli-inhimillisiä, viisaita, valistunutta... Mikä kauhea isku olikaan saada selville, että... ne on vain samoja idiootteja, epäpäteviä hölmöjä, peloissaan sekoilevia byrokraatteja, hämmentyneitä pomoja, vainoharhaista ​​petoksenpelkoa ja valvontaa… tämä idealismin menetys tapahtuu loikkaajille vain liian usein. Sillä me kaikki luotimme liikaa länsipropagandaan."
    ellauri275.html on line 709:
    A zariba (from Arabic: زَرِيْـبَـة, romanized: zarībah, lit. 'cattle-pen') is a fence which is made of thorns. Historically, it was used to defend settlements or property against perpetrators in Sudan and neighbouring places in Africa. An example would be a pen to protect cattle and other livestock from predators such as lions, albeit often unsuccessfully.
    ellauri275.html on line 740:
    Ronald Reaganin käyttämä nimitys Neuvostoliitosta. Myös: neuvostolaisten käyttämä nimitys Yhdysvalloista.

    ellauri276.html on line 104: Gribojedov (sienensyöjä), Pushkin, Küchelbecker, Denis Davydov, Lermontov, Borozdin, Juri Gagarin... Heitä oli monia, ja tämän vieraanvaraisen talon ovet olivat avoinna kaikille.
    ellauri276.html on line 345: Joseph Campbell (15. heinäkuuta 1879 – 6. kesäkuuta 1944) oli irlantilainen runoilija ja sanoittaja. Hän kirjoitti gaelinkielisellä muodolla nimestään Seosamh Mac Cathmhaoil (myös Seosamh MacCathmhaoil) Campbell, joka on yleinen anglikaatio vanhasta irlantilaisesta nimestä MacCathmhaoil. Hänet muistetaan nyt parhaiten sanoista, jotka hän toimitti perinteisiin ilmauksiin, kuten My Lagan Love ja Gartan Mother´s Lullaby; hänen säkeensä oli myös asetettu Arnold Baxin ja Ivor Gurneyn musiikkiin.
    ellauri276.html on line 439: Patrick Kavanagh opiskeli Kednaminshan kansalliskoulussa vuosina 1909–1916 ja lähti kuudennelle luokalle 13-vuotiaana. Hän opiskeli isälleen suutariksi ja työskenteli hänen tilallaan. Hän toimi myös maalivahtina Inniskeen Gaelic -jalkapallojoukkueessa. Myöhemmin hän pohti: "Vaikka talonpojan kirjaimellinen käsitys on maatilatyöntekijä, talonpoika on itse asiassa kaikki se ihmisjoukko, joka elää tietyn tietoisuustason alapuolella. He elävät pimeässä luolassa. tajuttomista ja he huutavat nähdessään valon." Hän kommentoi myös, että vaikka hän oli varttunut köyhällä alueella, "todellinen köyhyys oli valistumisen puute [ja] pelkään, että tämä tietämättömyyden sumu vaikutti minuun hirveästi." You can say that again!
    ellauri276.html on line 656: And to her old husband he took her again. Ja hänen vanhalle miehellensä vei hänet takaisin.
    ellauri276.html on line 667: If they get sent to Hell, they get kicked back again, Jos heidät lähetetään helvettiin, heidät potkitaan takaisin,
    ellauri276.html on line 804: Then roots and corn and grass again. Sitten juuret ja maissi ja ruoho uudelleen.
    ellauri276.html on line 814: The corn will spring again for me. maissi lähtee vielä minulle.
    ellauri277.html on line 42: On the evening of December 20, 1900, a suspicious fire destroyed the Buies Creek Academy and all the buildings except for the large wooden tabernacle. Awakened at 3:30 a.m. to witness the destruction, J.A. Campbell recalled: "When I ran up to the fire, the terrible fire, that was burning down chances for poor boys and girls, and I knew that I could not build again ... the flames that destroyed the labor of years [...] the only hope for hundreds of boys and girls was being swept away, I could not bear up longer [...] When they asked me my plans, I said, "Well, there's no chance to go on."
    ellauri278.html on line 171: We must bear in mind that the growth of the power of the Soviet state will increase the resistance of the last remnants of the dying classes. It is precisely because they are dying, and living their last days that they will pass from one form of attack to another, to sharper forms of attack, appealing to the backward strata of the population, and mobilizing them against the Soviet power. There is no foul lie or slander that these 'have-beens' would not use against the Soviet power and around which they would not try to mobilize the backward elements. This may give ground for the revival of the activities of the defeated groups of the old counter-revolutionary parties: the Socialist-Revolutionaries, the Mensheviks (glup), the bourgeois Malo-Russian nationalists (double glup) in the centre and in the outlying regions; it may give grounds also for the revival of the activities of the fragments of counter-revolutionary opposition elements from among the Trotskyites and the Right deviationists. Of course, there is nothing terrible in this. But we must bear all this in mind if we want to put an end to these elements quickly and without great loss."
    ellauri278.html on line 216: On 6 February 1933, Litvinov made the most-significant speech of his career, in which he tried to define aggression. He stated the internal situation of a country, alleged maladministration, possible danger to foreign residents, and civil unrest in a neighbouring country were not justifications for war. This speech became the authority when war was justified. British politician Anthony Eden had said; "to try to define aggression was a trap for the innocent and protection for the guilty". In 1946, the British Government supported Litvinov’s definition of aggression by accusing the Soviet Union of not complying with Litvinov’s definition of aggression. Finland made similar criticisms against the Soviet Union in 1939.
    ellauri278.html on line 224: In 1933, Litvinov was instrumental in winning a long-sought formal diplomatic recognition of the Soviet government by the United States. US President Franklin Roosevelt sent comedian Harpo Marx to the Soviet Union as a goodwill ambassador. Isosetä Karl oli näät disponibiliteetissa. Litvinov and Marx became friends and performed a routine on stage together. Litvinov also facilitated the acceptance of the Soviet Union into the League of Nations, where he represented his country from 1934 to 1938. Litvinov has been considered to have concentrated on taking strong measures against Italy, Japan and Germany, and being little interested in other matters.
    ellauri278.html on line 240: The imperialists in these two countries had done everything they could to goad Hitler’s Germany against the Soviet Union by secret deals and provocative moves. In the circumstances the Soviet Union could either accept German proposals for a non-aggression treaty and thus secure a period of peace in which to redouble preparations to repulse the aggressor; or turn down Germany’s proposals and let the warmongers in the Western camp push the Soviet Union into an armed conflict with Germany in unfavourable circumstances and in a setting of complete isolation. In this situation the Soviet Government was compelled to make the difficult choice and conclude a non-aggression treaty with Germany. I, too, would probably have concluded a pact with Germany although a bit differently.
    ellauri278.html on line 337: Neuvostopropaganda käytti jonkun typerän "luokkasodan" retoriikkaa vetoaen vallankumouksen ja sisällissodan parhaisiin perinteisiin. Komentaja Tymoshenkon vetoomus puolalaisille sotilaille kehotti heitä tappamaan upseerinsa: "Lupseerit ajavat teidät järjettömään teurastukseen. He vihaavat sinua ja perhettäsi. Älä luota upseereihisi. Upseerit ja kenraalit ovat vihollisesi, he haluavat sinun kuolevan! Sotilaat - lyö upseerit ja kenraalit! Älä tottele upseerisi käskyjä. Aja heidät pois maastasi." Ihan hyviä ohjeita, oli maa mikä tahansa. Kun älymystöpolakit eivät älynneet tehdä sitä ize, neuvostolaiset hoiti homman jezulleen.
    ellauri278.html on line 366: Helmikuussa 1943 saksalainen kenttäpoliisi alkoi paikallisten asukkaiden ohjeiden mukaan tutkia hautauksia; Maaliskuun 29. päivänä kaivaus aloitettiin, ja 13. huhtikuuta Berliinin radioviestillä ilmoitettiin virallisesti NKVD:n ampumien puolalaisten upseerien hautauspaikkojen löytymisestä. Tämä oli Goebbelsin henkilökohtaisesti ohjaaman meluisan propagandakampanjan alku, ja Moskova yritti vastata siihen julkaisemalla Sovinformburon raportin 16. huhtikuuta otsikolla "Saksalaisten fasististen teloittajien ilkeät keksinnöt", jossa se syytti saksalaisia provokaatiosta ja väitti, että uhrit olivat kesällä 1941 Smolenskin länsipuolella rakennustöissä ja saksalaiset vangitsivat heidät ja ampuivat.
    ellauri278.html on line 522: Neuvostoliitolla tuli kiire suunnitella ja aloittaa oman konepistoolin valmistus kun taistelu suomalaisia vastaan Talvisodassa ei ollut edennyt odotetusti. Suomi-konepistooli oli osoittautunut erinomaiseksi, tulivoimaiseksi aseeksi lyhyillä etäisyyksillä metsissä ja kaupunkiympäristöissä, eikä Neuvostoliiton joukoilla ollut mitään asetta vastineeksi. Georgy Shpagin sai prototyypin valmiiksi 1940 lopulla ja valmistus aloitettiin 1941. PPSh-41:n 71:n patruunan rumpulipas on lähes suora kopio Suomi-konepistoolin 70:n patruunan rumpulippaasta, mutta muutoin aseet eroavat toisistaan. PPSh-41 on hyvä esimerkki miten suunnittelun pohjalla oli heti mietittynä massavalmistus sodan keskellä, kun kaikki resurssit ovat jo käytössä. Aseesta tehtiin mahdollisimman yksinkertainen, niin että sitä sai valmistettua missä tahansa pienessä nyrkkipajassa ja autokorjaamossa, minimaalisella koulutuksella, jolloin asetehtaiden koulutetun työvoiman panos saatiin ohjattua tärkeämpiin ja monimutkaisempiin projekteihin. Piippukin oli keskeltä kahteen sahattu Mosin-Nagant-kiväärin piippu, jolloin olemassa olevista piipuista saatiin sahattua piippu kahteen konepistooliin. Kätevää!
    ellauri279.html on line 118: Pavlik repukkaa retuutetaan molemmanmerkkisten propagandapellejen hampaissa kuin takavuosien sidoste-sukkaa. "Kokeneet kirjoittajat eivät ole vielä tarkistaneet sivun nykyistä versiota, ja se voi poiketa merkittävästi 17. lokakuuta 2022 tarkistetusta versiosta . vahvistus vaatii 21 muokkausta." sanoo Wikipedia. Muutenkin suht epäluotettavaxi havaittu historioizija Weikko Huovinen esittää Morozovin tapauxen täysin päin persettä, tietysti oikeistonäkökulmasta.
    ellauri279.html on line 127: Pavel Trofimovitš Morozov (tunnetaan paremmin nimellä Pavlik Morozov, 14. marraskuuta 1918, Gerasimovka, Torinon piiri, Tobolskin maakunta, Venäjän osavaltio - 3. syyskuuta 1932, samassa paikassa, Tavdinskyn piiri, Uralin alue, RSFSR, Neuvostoliitto ) - Neuvostoliiton opiskelija joka sai ylimitoitettua Neuvostoliiton propagandamainetta pioneerisankarina, joka vastusti sosialistisen omaisuuden ryöstämistä ja kulakkeja konnamaisen isänsä Trofim Morozovin henkilössä ja maksoi siitä hengellään.
    ellauri279.html on line 162: Tällästä stalinistista propagandaa Pavelista levitettiin myöhemmin: "Morozov Pavel, joka oli pioneeri koko kuluvan vuoden, kävi omistautunutta, aktiivista taistelua luokkavihollista, kulakkeja ja heidän alakulakistejaan vastaan, puhui julkisissa kokouksissa, paljasti kulakkitemppuja ja totesi tämän toistuvasti..."
    ellauri279.html on line 172: Pioneerisolmiossa Pavel on kuvattu vain propagandamuotokuvissa, mutta ainoassa säilyneessä valokuvassa hänen solmionsa ei ole näkyvissä. Hän kyseenalaistaa myös sen tosiasian, että Pavel pyrki oppimaan – hän lainaa opettajansa Z. A. Kabinan sanoja, että Pavel tuli kouluun vasta kolmannella yrityksellä ja vain vuosi ennen kuolemaansa, mutta samaan aikaan hän ei todellakaan oppinut lukemaan ja kirjoittaa (hänen sanoin hän jopa puhui valkovenäläis-venäläistä murretta ja oli yleensä hyvin pedagogisesti laiminlyöty).
    ellauri279.html on line 197: When Yuri joined the faculty of the Department of German and Russian at UCD in January, 1989, none of his colleagues had any idea of the remarkable fifty-five years of his life that had preceded his arrival in Davis. Some of us were aware of the fact that he had been censored for his writing in the Soviet Union, but most, if not all of us, were ignorant of the attack leveled against him in 1974 by the newspaper Izvestiya, which accused him of having slandered the Soviet people, or of his having been removed from the Writers Union of the USSR in 1977 and declared “a traitor to the motherland” for his participation in the Samizdat underground publishing movement. In 1986, he was threatened by the KGB with either incarceration in a prison camp or confinement to a psychiatric ward, where he might well have languished had it not been for the intervention of Western writers such as Kurt Vonnegut and Arthur Miller, as well as, the International PEN-Club. Yuri was banished from his homeland a year later. He became a leading literary figure among Russian émigré writers while in exile, living first in Vienna, and then in Texas, before coming to California.
    ellauri279.html on line 219: Neuvostoliitossa tukahdutettiin vuosina 1945-1947 ilmeinen antisemitismi. Miksi? Ensinnäkin siksi, että Stalinia pidettiin juutalaisten pelastajana, miehenä, joka voitti Hitlerin ja oli vapauttanut Itä-Euroopan keskitysleirit natseilta. Lisäksi Stalin tarvitsi noina vuosina juutalaisia ​​propagandatarkoituksiin. Toiseksi monet vanhoista bolshevikeista olivat juutalaisia, Leon Trotski, Lev Kamenev, Gregori Zinovjev, Lazar Kaganovitš, Maksim Litvinov, Jakov Sverdlov, Polina Zhemchuzhina (Molotovin vaimo) jne. Juutalaisia ​​kommunisteja, kuten legendaarinen Chekan perustaja, Felix Dzerzhinsky ja hänen seuraajansa Abram Slutski, Sergei Shpigelglas ja Genrikh Yagoda olivat johtaneet bolshevikkien ja myöhemmin neuvostovaltion tiedustelu- ja turvallisuuselimiä. Ja kulttuurielimissä, puolueessa, oli edelleen paljon juutalaisia ​​kaadereita, alana tiedustelupalvelut ja turvallisuuslaitteet. Kolmanneksi Stalin oli alun perin tukenut juutalaisen Israelin valtion luomista.
    ellauri279.html on line 227: Tammikuussa 1949 Neuvostoliiton joukkotiedotusvälineet käynnistivät massiivisen propagandakampanjan "juurettomia kosmopoliitikkoja" vastaan, jotka oli selvästi suunnattu juutalaisille. Marx huomautti tuolloin: "Hitler halusi tuhota meidät fyysisesti, Stalin haluaa tehdä sen hengellisesti." 12. elokuuta 1952 teloitettiin ainakin kolmetoista merkittävää jiddišinkielistä kirjailijaa tapahtumassa, joka tunnetaan nimellä "Murhattujen runoilijoiden yö" ("Ночь казненных поэтов").
    ellauri279.html on line 313: Solženitsyn taisteli puna-armeijassa toisessa maailmansodassa. Hän yleni kapteeniksi, ennen kuin hänet pidätettiin helmikuussa 1945 syytettynä neuvostovastaisesta agitaatiosta ja neuvostovastaisen järjestön perustamisen yrityksestä Wormdittissa Itä-Preussissa (nykyisin Orneta Puolassa). Solženitsyniä vastaan esitetty todiste oli hänen "koulutoverilleen" lähettämä kirje, jossa hän käytti viranomaisten mukaan Stalinista epäkunnioittavaa nimitystä ”viiksimies”. Solženitsyn joutui kahdeksaksi vuodeksi työleirille. Eli siis helmikuussa 1945 palvellessaan Itä-Preussissa SMERSH pidätti Solzhenitsynin, koska hän oli kirjoittanut halventavia kommentteja yksityisissä kirjeissä ystävälleen Nikolai Vitkevichille sodan johtamisesta haukkuen Joseph Stalinia, jota hän kutsui nimillä "Khozyain" ("pomo") ja "Balabos" (jiddišin renderointi heprealaisesta baal ha-bayitista "talon mestari"). Tosin hän keskusteli myös saman ystävän kanssa uuden organisaation tarpeesta Neuvostoliiton hallinnon tilalle. Tämän nojalla Solzhenitsyniä syytettiin "Neuvostoliiton vastaisesta propagandasta" Neuvostoliiton rikoslain 58 artiklan 10 kohdan nojalla ja "vihamielisen järjestön perustamisesta" 11 kohdan nojalla. Alexei vankikavereideen ei edes iloinnut kun muut hurrasivat sodan päättymistä Venäjälle suotuisissa merkeissä.
    ellauri281.html on line 170: We must bear in mind that the growth of the power of the Soviet state will increase the resistance of the last remnants of the dying classes. It is precisely because they are dying, and living their last days that they will pass from one form of attack to another, to sharper forms of attack, appealing to the backward strata of the population, and mobilizing them against the Soviet power. There is no foul lie or slander that these 'have-beens' would not use against the Soviet power and around which they would not try to mobilize the backward elements. This may give ground for the revival of the activities of the defeated groups of the old counter-revolutionary parties: the Socialist-Revolutionaries, the Mensheviks (glup), the bourgeois Malo-Russian nationalists (double glup) in the centre and in the outlying regions; it may give grounds also for the revival of the activities of the fragments of counter-revolutionary opposition elements from among the Trotskyites and the Right deviationists. Of course, there is nothing terrible in this. But we must bear all this in mind if we want to put an end to these elements quickly and without great loss."
    ellauri281.html on line 215: On 6 February 1933, Litvinov made the most-significant speech of his career, in which he tried to define aggression. He stated the internal situation of a country, alleged maladministration, possible danger to foreign residents, and civil unrest in a neighbouring country were not justifications for war. This speech became the authority when war was justified. British politician Anthony Eden had said; "to try to define aggression was a trap for the innocent and protection for the guilty". In 1946, the British Government supported Litvinov’s definition of aggression by accusing the Soviet Union of not complying with Litvinov’s definition of aggression. Finland made similar criticisms against the Soviet Union in 1939.
    ellauri281.html on line 223: In 1933, Litvinov was instrumental in winning a long-sought formal diplomatic recognition of the Soviet government by the United States. US President Franklin Roosevelt sent comedian Harpo Marx to the Soviet Union as a goodwill ambassador. Isosetä Karl oli näät disponibiliteetissa. Litvinov and Marx became friends and performed a routine on stage together. Litvinov also facilitated the acceptance of the Soviet Union into the League of Nations, where he represented his country from 1934 to 1938. Litvinov has been considered to have concentrated on taking strong measures against Italy, Japan and Germany, and being little interested in other matters.
    ellauri281.html on line 239: The imperialists in these two countries had done everything they could to goad Hitler’s Germany against the Soviet Union by secret deals and provocative moves. In the circumstances the Soviet Union could either accept German proposals for a non-aggression treaty and thus secure a period of peace in which to redouble preparations to repulse the aggressor; or turn down Germany’s proposals and let the warmongers in the Western camp push the Soviet Union into an armed conflict with Germany in unfavourable circumstances and in a setting of complete isolation. In this situation the Soviet Government was compelled to make the difficult choice and conclude a non-aggression treaty with Germany. I, too, would probably have concluded a pact with Germany although a bit differently.
    ellauri281.html on line 336: Neuvostopropaganda käytti jonkun typerän "luokkasodan" retoriikkaa vetoaen vallankumouksen ja sisällissodan parhaisiin perinteisiin. Komentaja Tymoshenkon vetoomus puolalaisille sotilaille kehotti heitä tappamaan upseerinsa: "Lupseerit ajavat teidät järjettömään teurastukseen. He vihaavat sinua ja perhettäsi. Älä luota upseereihisi. Upseerit ja kenraalit ovat vihollisesi, he haluavat sinun kuolevan! Sotilaat - lyö upseerit ja kenraalit! Älä tottele upseerisi käskyjä. Aja heidät pois maastasi." Ihan hyviä ohjeita, oli maa mikä tahansa. Kun älymystöpolakit eivät älynneet tehdä sitä ize, neuvostolaiset hoiti homman jezulleen.
    ellauri281.html on line 365: Helmikuussa 1943 saksalainen kenttäpoliisi alkoi paikallisten asukkaiden ohjeiden mukaan tutkia hautauksia; Maaliskuun 29. päivänä kaivaus aloitettiin, ja 13. huhtikuuta Berliinin radioviestillä ilmoitettiin virallisesti NKVD:n ampumien puolalaisten upseerien hautauspaikkojen löytymisestä. Tämä oli Goebbelsin henkilökohtaisesti ohjaaman meluisan propagandakampanjan alku, ja Moskova yritti vastata siihen julkaisemalla Sovinformburon raportin 16. huhtikuuta otsikolla "Saksalaisten fasististen teloittajien ilkeät keksinnöt", jossa se syytti saksalaisia provokaatiosta ja väitti, että uhrit olivat kesällä 1941 Smolenskin länsipuolella rakennustöissä ja saksalaiset vangitsivat heidät ja ampuivat.
    ellauri281.html on line 521: Neuvostoliitolla tuli kiire suunnitella ja aloittaa oman konepistoolin valmistus kun taistelu suomalaisia vastaan Talvisodassa ei ollut edennyt odotetusti. Suomi-konepistooli oli osoittautunut erinomaiseksi, tulivoimaiseksi aseeksi lyhyillä etäisyyksillä metsissä ja kaupunkiympäristöissä, eikä Neuvostoliiton joukoilla ollut mitään asetta vastineeksi. Georgy Shpagin sai prototyypin valmiiksi 1940 lopulla ja valmistus aloitettiin 1941. PPSh-41:n 71:n patruunan rumpulipas on lähes suora kopio Suomi-konepistoolin 70:n patruunan rumpulippaasta, mutta muutoin aseet eroavat toisistaan. PPSh-41 on hyvä esimerkki miten suunnittelun pohjalla oli heti mietittynä massavalmistus sodan keskellä, kun kaikki resurssit ovat jo käytössä. Aseesta tehtiin mahdollisimman yksinkertainen, niin että sitä sai valmistettua missä tahansa pienessä nyrkkipajassa ja autokorjaamossa, minimaalisella koulutuksella, jolloin asetehtaiden koulutetun työvoiman panos saatiin ohjattua tärkeämpiin ja monimutkaisempiin projekteihin. Piippukin oli keskeltä kahteen sahattu Mosin-Nagant-kiväärin piippu, jolloin olemassa olevista piipuista saatiin sahattua piippu kahteen konepistooliin. Kätevää!
    ellauri282.html on line 375: Runoilkaamme. Jumala, jotta saisit propagandaa sun nimen mainostuxexi, autuaan Ignazion avulla vahvistit militanttia kirkkoa: myönnä pois; jospa sen avulla ja imitoinnilla saatas korona sit taivaassa, tai edes hyppykuppa.
    ellauri282.html on line 472: Merton tutki myös Amerikan intiaanien henkisyyttä. Hän kirjoitti sarjan artikkeleita Amerikan intiaanien historiasta ja hengellisyydestä The Catholic Worker-, The Center Magazine-, Theoria to Theory- ja Unicorn Journal- julkaisuihin. Hän tutki sellaisia ​​teemoja kuin Amerikan intiaanipaasto ja lähetystyö.
    ellauri282.html on line 594: Ensimmäisen maailmansodan alkaessa vuonna 1914 Masefield oli tarpeeksi vanha, jotta hänet vapautettiin asepalveluksesta. Vuonna 1918 Masefield palasi Amerikkaan toiselle saxanvastaiselle propagandareisulle viettäen suuren osan ajastaan ​​puhumalla ja luennoimalla amerikkalaisille sotilaille, jotka odottivat lähettämistä Eurooppaan. Nämä puhetilaisuudet olivat erittäin onnistuneita. Kerran pataljoona mustia sotilaita tanssi ja lauloi hänelle hänen luennon jälkeen.
    ellauri282.html on line 599: Vuonna 1930 Robert Bridgesin kuoltua tarvittiin uusi runoilijavoittaja. Pääministeri Ramsay MacDonaldin suosituksesta kuningas George V nimitti Masefieldin, joka pysyi virassa kuolemaansa saakka vuonna 1967. Ainoa henkilö, joka piti virkaa pidempään, oli Alfred, Lord Tennyson. 2 riittävän isänmaallista myötäsukailijaa ja kylmäpäistä sotapropagandistia.
    ellauri283.html on line 114: Beyond the Heavens is a very ethereal and mystical experience, one unlike any other movie we have reviewed. However, this is not a good thing. The ‘plot’ is very unclear and murky, consisting of vague and meandering ideas and cryptic dialogue. It’s like Corbin Bernson is winking at the audience with every scene, waiting to reveal some great secret, but it’s never revealed. The whole has a very tip-of-the-tongue feel, like the characters know something you don’t but never intend to let you in on the secret. As the characters wax eloquent and philosophize about the true nature of reality, the viewer is left, in the end, with a more confusing view of reality than before. Is Bernson advocating for or against Darwinism? Is he a creationist? Does he really believe that angels come to earth on the tails of comets? Is Bernson suggesting that reality is not what it seems? If so, what is his view of reality? Only God knows the answers to these questions as Bernson spends 90 minutes toying with his ‘big reveal’ and dancing around whatever his philosophical worldview is. It’s basically just a waste of your time.
    ellauri283.html on line 277: Kahdeksannelle vuosituhannelle eaa. neoliittisen kulttuurin ihmiset olivat asettuneet istuvaan elämäntapaan siellä linnoitettuihin savitiilikyliin joissa he täydensivät Niilin metsästystä ja kalastusta viljankeruulla ja karjanhoidolla. Viidennellä vuosituhannella eKr. muuttoliikkeet kuivuvasta Saharasta toivat Niilin laaksoon neoliittisia ihmisiä maatalouden ohella. Tästä kulttuurisesta ja geneettisestä sekoittumisesta syntyneestä väestöstä muodostui seuraavien vuosisatojen aikana sosiaalinen hierarkia, josta tuli Kushin kuningaskunta (pääkaupunki Kerma) 1700 eaa. Antropologiset ja arkeologiset tutkimukset osoittavat, että dynastista edeltävänä aikana Ala-Nubia ja Magadanin ylä-Egypti olivat etnisesti ja kulttuurisesti lähes identtisiä, ja näin ollen samalla kehittyivät faaraoiden kuninkuusjärjestelmät vuoteen 3300 eaa. mennessä. Yhdessä muiden Punaisenmeren maiden kanssa Sudania pidetään todennäköisimpänä sen maan sijaintipaikkana, jonka muinaiset egyptiläiset tunsivat Punt -nimellä (tai "Ta Netjeru ", joka tarkoittaa "Jumalan suunnitelmaa"), jonka ensimmäinen maininta on peräisin 1000-luvulta eaa.
    ellauri283.html on line 375: Länsimaat aloittivat toimitukset Sudanille uudelleen 1970-luvun puolivälissä. Yhdysvallat aloitti Sudanin suuren määrän varusteiden myynnin vuoden 1976 tienoilla. Sotilasalan myynti oli huipussaan vuonna 1982, 101 miljoonaa dollaria. Allianssia Yhdysvaltojen kanssa vahvistettiin Ronald Reaganin johdolla. Yhdysvaltain "apu" kasvoi 5 miljoonasta dollarista vuonna 1979 200 miljoonaan dollariin vuonna 1983 ja sitten 254 miljoonaan dollariin vuonna 1985, pääasiassa sotilasohjelmiin. Sudanista tuli siten toiseksi suurin Yhdysvaltojen Afrikalle avun saaja (Egyptin jälkeen). "Päätettiin" rakentaa neljä lentotukikohtaa Rapid Deployment Force -yksiköille ja tehokas kuunteluasema CIA:lle Port Sudanin lähelle.
    ellauri283.html on line 481: He asettuivat noin vuoden 1100 tienoilla Musta-Voltan länsipuolelle. He eivät vielä perustaneet keskusvaltaisia valtioita, mutta 1400-luvulla uudet tulokkaat, gurmat ja mosit järjestäytyivät valtakunniksi. Mosi-kuningaskunnista oli Burkina Fason keskiosissa sijainnut Ouagadougou, jota johti hallitsija, morho naba. Ouagadougou perustettiin 1400-luvun lopulla, ja monet muut yhteisöt sulautuivat hiljalleen mosi-kuningaskuntiin.
    ellauri283.html on line 483: Mosit laajensivat 1500-luvulla alueitaan Saheliin, mutta pohjoisessa heitä oli vastassa Sonni Ali Berin hallitsema Songhai. Ouagadougou pystyi vastustamaan Songhain pyrkimystä käännyttää moseja islamiin, minkä seurauksena Voltajoen alue on muuta Sahelia vähemmän islamisoitunut. He pystyivät näin puolustamaan perinteistä animistista uskoaan ja monijumalaista kristinuskoa.
    ellauri283.html on line 485: Britannia ja Ranska kilpailivat 1800-luvun lopulla Länsi-Afrikan sisämaiden hallinnasta. Ranskalainen tutkimusmatkailija Louis-Gustave Binger vieraili 1887 Ouagadougoussa. Hän ei ollut vakuuttunut mosien vauraudesta, mutta piti aluetta mahdollisena orjatyövoimareservinä ranskalaisten muille pyrkimyksille. Työvoimaa tarvittiin erityisesti puuvillan viljelyyn viljavan Nigerjoen laaksossa, jossa asutus oli harvaa. Binger teki sopimuksen King Kong-valtakunnan hallitsijan kanssa, ja seuraavien vuosien aikana ranskalaiset valtasivat monia osia Burkina Fasosta. Ouagadougoun ranskalaiset polttivat 1896. Ranska ja Britannia tekivät 1898 sopimuksen, joka takasi Ranskalle Voltajoen yläjuoksun alueen. Se asetettiin ensin sotilasalueeksi, mutta vuonna 1904 se liitettiin osana Ylä-Senegalin ja Nigerin siirtomaata, jota hallinnoitiin Bamakosta.
    ellauri283.html on line 499: Burkina Faso on monirotuinen valtio, ja siellä elää yli 60 etnistä ryhmittymää. Mosit on merkittävin ryhmä, ja vuonna 2010 Burkina Fason asukkaista 52,5 prosenttia kuului heihin. Fulbien osuus oli 8,4 prosenttia, gurmien 6,8 prosenttia ja bobojen 4,8 prosenttia. Kaikkiaan vuoden 1986 tietojen mukaan noin 94 % burkinafasolaisista kuuluu nigeriläis-kongolaisia kieliä puhuviin kansoihin. Gurilaisen ryhmän kieliä puhuvat mosit ja heidän sukukansansa dagarit, biriforit, nankanset ja kusasit ovat perinteisesest asuneet maan keskiosassa Valkoisen Voltan alueella. Lobit asuvat maan lounaisosassa ja bobot Malin rajaseudulla Bobo-Dioulasson koillispuolella. Grusit sukukansoineen elävät Ghanan rajaseuduilla, gurmat kaakossa Beninin rajalla, senufot lännessä sekä Kankalaban tasangolla, dogonit Bandiagaran vuoristoseudulla. Mandelaisen ryhmän kieliä puhuvat samot, soninket ja djulat asuvat maan luoteisosassa erillisinä ryhminä gurilaisten kansojen joukossa, bisat Valkoisen Voltan varrella lähellä Ghanan rajaa. Atlanttiseen kieliryhmään kuuluvat maan luoteisosassa asuvat fulbet. Maan pohjoisosan puoliautiomaata asuttavat paimentolaisuutta harjoittavat tuaregit ja heidän länsipuolellaan songhait. Kaupungeissa on hausoja, libanonilaisia ja ranskalaisia.
    ellauri283.html on line 533: Burkina Fason etnisesti monimuotinen valtio, ja siellä elää yli 60 etnistä ryhmittymää. Mosit on merkittävin ryhmä, ja vuonna 2010 Burkina Fason asukkaista 52,5 prosenttia kuului heihin. Fulbien osuus oli 8,4 prosenttia, gurmien 6,8 prosenttia ja bobojen 4,8 prosenttia. Kaikkiaan vuoden 1986 tietojen mukaan noin 94 % burkinafasolaisista kuuluu nigeriläis-kongolaisia kieliä puhuviin kansoihin. Gurilaisen ryhmän kieliä puhuvat mosit ja heidän sukukansansa dagarit, biriforit, nankanset ja kusasit ovat perinteisesest asuneet maan keskiosassa Valkoisen Voltan alueella. Lobit asuvat maan lounaisosassa ja bobot Malin rajaseudulla Bobo-Dioulasson koillispuolella. Grusit sukukansoineen elävät Ghanan rajaseuduilla, gurmat kaakossa Beninin rajalla, senufot lännessä sekä Kankalaban tasangolla, dogonit Bandiagaran vuoristoseudulla. Mandelaisen ryhmän kieliä puhuvat samot, soninket ja djulat asuvat maan luoteisosassa erillisinä ryhminä gurilaisten kansojen joukossa, bisat Valkoisen Voltan varrella lähellä Ghanan rajaa. Atlanttiseen kieliryhmään kuuluvat maan luoteisosassa asuvat fulbet. Maan pohjoisosan puoliautiomaata asuttavat paimentolaisuutta harjoittavat tuaregit ja heidän länsipuolellaan songhait. Kaupungeissa on hausoja, libanonilaisia ja ranskalaisia.
    ellauri283.html on line 546: Hittills i år har fler än 500 människor, varav runt 50 barn, mist livet på Medelhavet, enligt FN:s migrationsorgan IOM. Dödstalet stiger parallellt med allt fler rapporter om försenade statliga räddningsinsatser och hjälporganisationer som hindras från att rädda liv. Italiens högerregering, med premiärminister Giorgia Meloni i spetsen, har utlyst nationellt nödläge och infört en rad lagar och dekret som många menar försvårar räddningsinsatserna. Bland annat är det sedan i februari olagligt att plocka upp nödställda från fler än en båt i taget.
    ellauri284.html on line 83: Kompakysymys: kumpi näyttäisi kuvan perusteella olevan rauhan ja kumpi rahan asialla, vapaan maailman hymyilevät johtajat (vas.) vaiko Hoblassa länsipropagandaa levittävä, kommunismista kapitalismiin kääntynyt kieronnäköinen työtön harppisaku (oik.)?
    ellauri284.html on line 89: Vad är det som är värst fel med kineserna? Det är inte Xi eller så, än mer än kärnproblemet i Ukraina är Mr. Putin. Västerländsk propaganda fokuserar alltid på ledare, båda hemma och hos fienderna. Det är konstigt för demokrater som hävdar att folket är i roteln. Också i de asiatiska diktaturerna är ledare beroende av makteliten och folket, såsom de Waals observerade hos chimpanserna.
    ellauri284.html on line 90: Men propagandasnickare tänker mycket rätt att det är lättare för enkelt folk att hata ett enstaka apansikte, dessutom blir det lättare att återinställa handelsförbindelserna efteråt med de efterföljande apansiktena.
    ellauri284.html on line 113: Von 2013 bis 2016 lebte Adrian Geiges in Rio de Janeiro, wo er als Korrespondent und Dokumentarfilmer u. a. für RTL und den WDR arbeitete. Ab September 2016 leitete er als Chefredakteur die Redaktion des Unternehmens-Magazins „Evonik“ für die Hamburger Medienagentur Bissinger plus. Seit 2018 hält er Vorträge auf Kreuzfahrten von AIDA Cruises über die Städte und Länder, welche die Schiffe anfahren. Aika surkeaa.
    ellauri284.html on line 151: The sharp one-year increase, to a total of at least 21,570 murders, does not erase the nation’s stagnation since the early 1990s. The US murder rate had dropped more than 50% since 1991. Even after last year’s increase, it is still 34% lower! To increase the gain to beat India, fully automatic weapons ought to be legalized again.
    ellauri284.html on line 657: Basant Bansal caught the attention of tax investigators twice, records show, once in 2008 and again in 2011, when he threw a lavish wedding for his daughter in Turkey, according to a report in the Hindustan Times. Investigators seized cash worth $48 million in a raid on the company’s offices. A tax investigator said that Bansal ultimately paid the taxes he owed.
    ellauri284.html on line 668: Speaking generally, Wrage said that an Indian citizen bribing an Indian official does not violate the U.S. act but does indicate “shoddy business ethics and a willingness to violate the law. This is the clearest sort of red flag. If a company will bribe in one situation, you’re on notice that they’re likely to bribe again.”
    ellauri284.html on line 738: Lord Robertsista tuli viimeinen joukkojen komentaja 3. tammikuuta 1901. Virkakautensa aikana hän esitteli keximänsä lyhkäsille sotilaille sopivan Short Magazine Lee Enfield -kiväärin ja 18 punnan aseen sekä tarjosi parannettua koulutusta ja koulutusta sotilaille. Syyskuussa 1902 lordi Roberts ja sotaministeri St John Brodrick vierailivat Saksassa osallistuakseen Saksan armeijan harjoituksiin keisari Wilhelmin vieraana. Hän toimi ylipäällikkönä kolme vuotta ennen kuin virka lakkautettiin Lord Esherin suosituksen mukaisesti Esherin raportissa helmikuussa 1904.
    ellauri285.html on line 74: To accommodate our flawed design, we are taught from birth to use wads of paper, magazine pages, dried corncobs and even stones, to wipe our filthy behinds. And this we must do! If we did not wipe, we would reek of dung from the cake of dingleberries between our cheeks and our pants, skirts, caftans and burkas, would be fouled with nicotine stains and clouds of flies would follow us down the street like goslings.
    ellauri285.html on line 171: Ainakin yksi israelilainen näyttää yrittäneen ehdottaa tätä Shiplerille, mutta turhaan. Kirjailija David Shahar kertoi hänelle, että juutalaiset tekevät kaiken PLO:n propagandan sen hyväksi, koska PLO:n ihmiset eivät ole tarpeeksi älykkäitä tekemään sitä itselleen. Mutta Shipler piti huomautusta toisena esimerkkinä juutalaisesta rasismista.
    ellauri285.html on line 224: Still, there will be cases in which "we" want to positively evaluate, even praise, beliefs that fail to constitute knowledge. Puhu vaan izestäsi paska. Tää on taas tätä jenkkiläistä uskosotapropagandaa johon sikäläinen usko, toivo ja luottokelpoisuus perustuvat. Jiihaad! Camoon Silver!
    ellauri285.html on line 568: Muutama talo näytti liputtavan Käpylässä veteraanipäivää. Veteraanipäivää alettiin viettää Suomessa 1986, jolloin sodan lopuselvittelyistä oli mennyt 40v ja veteraanit kansaneläkeläisiä. 50-luvulla jalattomat sotainvalidit terottivat pihoilla saxia ja veiziä. Samanlainen oikeistohaukkojen juhla se on nyt kuin jenkeissä, jossa 1986 Reagan istui ohjissa samalla kun the Witch huseerasi briteissä. Avaruussukkula Challenger tuhoutui nolosti, kaikki kuolivat. Sorsan 4. kabinetti kaatui ja Holkeri tuli ulos kaapista 1987. Halleyn komeetta ohitti Maan: liian hapokasta.
    ellauri285.html on line 571: Sveitsissä järjestettiin kansanäänestys maan jäsenyydestä Yhdistyneissä Kansakunnissa. Yksikään kantoni ei äänestänyt järjestöön liittymisen puolesta. IBM esitteli rontattavan tietokoneen, PC Convertiblen. Yhdysvaltain presidentti Ronald Reagan nimitti televisioidussa puheessaan Libyan johtajaa Muammar Gaddafia "Lähi-idän hulluksi koiraksi".
    ellauri285.html on line 575: Yhdysvaltain pommikoneet iskivät brittiläisistä tukikohdista Libyaan ja pommittivat pääkaupunkia Tripolia ja Bengasin aluetta. Noin sata henkeä kuoli. Yhdysvaltain presidentti Ronald Reagan julisti kaksi tuntia myöhemmin iskun olleen itsepuolustusta. Pommikoneiden oli kierrettävä Välimerelle Atlantin ja Gibraltarin salmen kautta, koska Ranska oli kieltänyt niiltä oman ilmatilansa käytön. Israel ja Iso-Britannia ilmoittivat välittömästi hyväksyvänsä iskun, kun taas Neuvostoliitto tuomitsi sen.
    ellauri285.html on line 579: Yhdysvaltain presidentti Ronald Reagan varoitti Syyriaa ja Irania vastaavista iskuista kuin Libyaan oli kohdistettu.
    ellauri285.html on line 587: Haagin kansainvälinen tuomioistuin totesi, että Yhdysvaltain tuki Nicaraguan hallitusta vastaan taistelleille contra-sisseille oli puuttumista Nicaraguan sisäisiin asioihin ja siten YK:n peruskirjan vastaista. Yhdysvaltain senaatti hyväksyi presidentti Ronald Reaganin ajaman 100 miljoonan dollarin tukipaketin Nicaraguan hallitusta vastaan taistelleille contra-sisseille.
    ellauri285.html on line 603: Ronald Reagan ja Mihail Gorbatšov tapasivat Reykjavíkissa. Huippukokous päättyi tuloksettomana.
    ellauri285.html on line 651: Bernard Levin wrote critically of Schoenman's influence on Russell, saying that Schoenman was partly responsible for Russell's virulent anti-Americanism, in contrast to his earlier pronouncements against communism. Russell said of Schoenman, "You know he is a rather rash young man, and I have to restrain him."
    ellauri285.html on line 727: Lue lisää sotapropagandaa Uudesta Suomesta!
    ellauri288.html on line 79: Virolaisen kirjailijan Jaan Kaplinskin esittämä arvio Sofin ”Puhdistuksesta”. Hän, jota on vaikea uskottavasti syyttää neuvostovallan lakeijaksi, kirjoittaa: ”Minun ainoa mutta sitäkin vakavampi vastaväitteeni kirjaa kohtaan on se, että sen uskotellaan olevan realistinen kertomus elämästä Neuvosto-Eestissä. Sofi Oksanen, jolla ei ole ollut suoranaista kosketusta siihen aikaan ja niihin tapahtumiin, joita hän kuvaa, on ottanut palasia meidän elämästämme, neulonut ne yhteen jonkun ikivanhan ideologis-myyttisen kirjallisuuden sääntöjen mukaan ja myy niitä nyt Lännessä. Hän myy jotakin, mikä on olevinaan meidän elämäämme, mutta mikä ei sitä ole.” On blogissaan leimannut Sofi Oksasen Göebbelsin veroiseksi propagandistiksi.
    ellauri288.html on line 83: Sekä Suomessa että Virossa 1930-luku oli äärioikeiston juhlaa, ja varsinkin Virossa sen ajan vallanpitäjät olivat presidentti Konstantin Pätsin johdolla sangen viehättyneitä fasistisesta vallankäyttömallista. Natseja he eivät ilmeisesti olleet, mutta toisen maailmansodan melskeissä he olivat liitossa natsien kanssa. Puna-armeija syöksi nämä voimat vallasta, ja monet sen ajan vallanpitäjät lähtivät maanpakoon (jos olisin ollut maan hallinnossa saksalaisvallan aikaan, minäkin olisin lähtenyt). Ulkomailta käsin virolaiset lähtijät liittoutuivat kylmässä sodassa USA:n puolelle, ja heihin kuului myös Etelä-Virossa suuria maa-alueita omistanut Ilveksen suku. Nykyinen Viron presidentti Toomas Hendrik Ilves oli CIA:n hallitseman kylmän sodan aikaisen Radio Free Europen propagandatykki. Tästä entisestä sangen arrogantista meppikollegastani, joka oli paluumuuttaja ja jolle palautettiin suvun maat, sanon kuin Sofi Oksasen kuvaamistaan suomettuneen Suomen suhteista Venäjään: Viron presidenttinä hän ei ole kyennyt luomaan uutta kieltä ja termistöä Venäjään liittyvälle julkiselle puheelle. Hän on Amerikan agentti eivätkä hänen neuvopäästönsä vastaa Suomen olosuhteita ja kansallista etua. Suomessa media pitää huolen siitä, että sekä Venäjä että sen presidentti (suomensukuinen Tverin karjalainen?) Vladimir Putin on saatanallistettu siinä hengessä, että pukkaa taas uutta sotaa. Ilman median luomaa Venäjä-vastaista kansallista mielipideilmastoa eivät Suomen Nato-haukat voi viedä maatamme sotaan ja mukaan vieraiden valtojen sotiin.
    ellauri288.html on line 99: Tallinnassa Oksanen käy paikoissa, jotka liittyvät uuteen Kun kyyhkyset katosivat -romaaniin. Hän laskeutuu mm. Pagarin pahamaineisen KGB-vankilan kellareihin ja hankkii tietoa virolaisista, jotka kirjoittivat työkseen neuvostopropagandaa. Nyt on jälellä vain puolivillaisia puolivirolaisia, jotka kirjoittavat työxeen länsipropagandaa ja ryssävihalla pippuroituja viihderomaaneja. Tienestit on kyllä paremmat.
    ellauri288.html on line 182: Naši-järjestö osoitti mieltään Sofi Oksasen ja Imbi Pajun Kaiken takana oli pelko -kirjan julkistamistilaisuudessa Helsingissä vuonna 2009. Syystäkin, sillä Sofi oli huutamassa kimakasti länkkäreiden lehteriltä. Neuvostomeiningistä sillä ei ole kuin toisen käden tietoa, sekin länsipropagandasta. Mikä vitun asiantuntija tää ämmä on oikein olevinaan, ei ollut edes koulussa kun lähti Virosta, eikä nähtävästi oppinut Sysisuomen koulunpenkillä kuin lisää sysimustia ennakkoluuloja äidiltä perittyjen lisäxi.
    ellauri288.html on line 322: Joskus siitä tulee suorastaan ​​kuvottavaa, mutta kirjoittaja saa kuvootuxen näyttämään sekä luonnolliselta että siedettävältä. Jopa pornografiset kohtaukset ovat samalla tavalla niin julmia kuin ne ovat tarpeellisia. Hän uskaltaa olla sekä fyysinen että aistillinen… menettämättä koskaan romaanin vahvaa poliittista ankkurointia. Sf Magazin, Saksa
    ellauri288.html on line 326: Missy Magazine, Saksa
    ellauri288.html on line 336: Järvityksestä hengästynyt lukee kahden naisen kohtalosta, joilla on hyvin erilaisia, mutta täysin vertailukelpoisia kokemuksia. Buch-Magazin, Saksa
    ellauri290.html on line 77: Tammikuusta alkaen operaatiot tulivat yhä militarisoidummiksi, kun joukko arabien vapautusarmeijan rykmenttejä osallistui Palestiinassa, kukin aktiivinen useilla eri aloilla eri rannikkokaupunkien ympärillä. He vahvistivat läsnäoloaan Galileassa ja Samariassa. Abd al-Qadir al-Husayni tuli Egyptistä useiden satojen pyhän sodan armeijan miehien kanssa. Rekrytoiessaan muutaman tuhannen vapaaehtoisen al-Husayni järjesti saarron Jerusalemin 100 000 juutalaiselle. Tämän torjumiseksi Yishuv-viranomaiset yrittivät toimittaa kaupunkiin jopa 100 panssaroidun ajoneuvon saattueet, mutta operaatiosta tuli yhä epäkäytännöllisempi, kun avustussaattueiden uhrien määrä kasvoi. Maaliskuuhun mennessä Al-Hussaynin taktiikka oli tuottanut tulosta. Melkein kaikki Haganahin panssaroidut ajoneuvot olivat tuhoutuneet, saarto oli täydessä toiminnassa, ja sadat Haganahin jäsenet, jotka olivat yrittäneet tuoda tarvikkeita kaupunkiin, tapettiin. Tilanne niille, jotka asuivat juutalaisten siirtokunnissa erittäin eristetyssä Negevissä ja Galilean pohjoispuolella, oli vielä kriittisempi.
    ellauri290.html on line 83: Vaikka Yishuv-kannattajien keskuudessa vallitsi tietynlainen epäilys, heidän ilmeiset tappionsa johtuivat enemmän heidän odotus- ja katsomispolitiikastaan ​​kuin heikkoudesta. [Sitanteja tarvitaan] David Ben-Gurion järjesti Haganahin uudelleen ja teki asevelvollisuuden pakolliseksi. Jokaisen maan juutalaisen miehen ja naisen oli saatava sotilaskoulutusta. Golda Meirin yhdysvaltalaisilta kannattajilta keräämien varojen ja Stalinin päätöksen tukea sionistista asiaa Palestiinan juutalaiset edustajat pystyivät allekirjoittamaan erittäin tärkeitä asesopimuksia idässä. Muut Haganahin agentit keräsivät varastoja toisesta maailmansodasta, mikä auttoi parantamaan armeijan varusteita ja logistiikkaa. Operaatio Balak salli aseiden ja muiden varusteiden kuljettamisen ensimmäisen kerran maaliskuun loppuun mennessä.
    ellauri290.html on line 85: Plan Daletin suunnitteleman juutalaisen alueellisen jatkuvuuden toteuttamisen puitteissa Haganahin, Palmachin ja Irgunin joukot aikoivat valloittaa seka-alueita. Palestiinan arabiyhteiskunta järkyttyi. Tiberias, Haifa, Safed, Beisan, Jaffa ja Acre putosivat, mikä johti yli 250 000 palestiinalaisen arabien pakenemiseen.
    ellauri290.html on line 116: Viimeisten neljän vuosikymmenen ajan sionistinen propaganda on antanut vääristyneen kuvan tilanteesta Pyhässä maassa. On esitetty lausuntoja, että Palestiina oli kehittymätön maa. että se oli harvaan asuttujen feodaaliherrojen hallitsemien nomadiheimojen, että siellä oli tilaa juutalaisille maahanmuutolle ja että sionistien saavutukset pystyvät saamaan "aavikon kukoistamaan". Tämän propagandan vaikutus keskivertoihmiseen on ollut se, että monet ovat joutuneet johtamaan uskoa, että Palestiinan maat kuuluvat laillisesti juutalaisille ja että arabit, jotka olivat myyneet maansa kalliilla hinnoilla, yrittivät nyt saada ne takaisin Israelia vastaan ​​hyökkäämällä.
    ellauri290.html on line 311: On tärkeää huomata nämä korjaukset, koska tänä aikana sionistit nostivat laajaa propagandaa. rajoituksia vastaan, jotka pakollinen hallitus on asettanut juutalaisille maanhankinnoille tietyillä vyöhykkeillä arabien maatalouden etujen suojelemiseksi. He syyttivät hallitusta "Balfourin julistuksen" hengen ja tarkoituksen rikkomisesta, eivätkä he rentoutuneet. heidän vaatimuksensa, että kaikki valtion maat olisi luovutettava juutalaisille kolonisaatiolle. Hallitus toisaalta teki selväksi, että ei ollut vapaita valtion maita, jotka voitaisiin luovuttaa siten vahingoittamatta arabikyläläisten oikeuksia, jotka "Balfourin julistuksen" mukaan Ison-Britannian hallituksen velvollisuutena oli suojella. Siitä huolimatta sionistit pitivät kiinni vaatimuksistaan ​​mandaatin viimeiseen päivään asti. teki selväksi, ettei ollut olemassa vapaita valtion maita, jotka voitaisiin luovuttaa tällä tavoin vahingoittamatta arabikyläläisten oikeuksia, joita Britannian hallituksen oli "Balfourin julistuksen" mukaan suojeltava. Siitä huolimatta sionistit pitivät kiinni vaatimuksistaan ​​mandaatin viimeiseen päivään asti. teki selväksi, ettei ollut olemassa vapaita valtion maita, jotka voitaisiin luovuttaa tällä tavoin vahingoittamatta arabikyläläisten oikeuksia, joita Britannian hallituksen oli "Balfourin julistuksen" mukaan suojeltava. Siitä huolimatta sionistit pitivät kiinni vaatimuksistaan ​​mandaatin viimeiseen päivään asti.
    ellauri290.html on line 822: Ymmärtäminen, että juutalaisten tilanne Unkarissa oli tulossa epävarmaksi, sai Szenesin omaksumaan sionismin, ja hän liittyi Maccabeaan, Unkarin sionistiseen nuorisoliikkeeseen ja oppi hepreaa. Szenes valmistui vuonna 1939 ja päätti muuttaa Britannian Palestiinan mandaattiin opiskellakseen Nahalalin tyttöjen maatalouskoulussa. Vuonna 1941 hän liittyi Kibbutz Sdot Yamiin ja sitten Haganahiin, puolisotilaalliseen ryhmään, joka loi perustan Israelin puolustusvoimille. Vuonna 1943 hän värväytyi Britannian naisten apuilmavoimiin 2. luokan lentonaisena. Myöhemmin samana vuonna hänet palkattiin hakukoneoptimoijaksi (SEO) ja lähetettiin Egyptiin laskuvarjokoulutukseen.
    ellauri290.html on line 837:
    Yishuv, Irgun, Lehi, Haganah? Mitäs ne nyt olivat?

    ellauri290.html on line 839: Merkittävimmät juutalaiset puolisotilaalliset joukot Britannian Palestiinan mandaatissa olivat Haganah, Irgun ja Lehi. Lokakuussa 1945, juutalaisten kapinan aikana Mandatory Palestiinassa, nämä järjestöt liittyivät muodostaakseen Juutalaisen vastarintaliikkeen. Juutalainen virasto perusti sen, ja se toimi noin kymmenen kuukauden ajan elokuuhun 1946 asti. Allianssi koordinoi sabotaasitoimia ja hyökkäyksiä Britannian viranomaisia ​​vastaan.
    ellauri290.html on line 856: Juutalaisten maahanmuuttajien ja maanostojen lisääntyminen, joita brittiläinen mandaatti ei kiistänyt, vihastutti ja radikalisoi monia arabeja. Huhtikuussa 1936 arabit hyökkäsivät juutalaisen bussin kimppuun, mikä johti sarjaan välikohtauksia, jotka laajenivat suureksi arabikapinaksi. Britit yllättyivät eivätkä kyenneet estämään tuhansien arabien ja satojen juutalaisten kuolemaa kapinassa. Haganah suojeli Yishuvien siirtokuntia, kun taas Irgun, radikaalimpi ryhmä, hyökkäsi arabien siirtokuntia vastaan. Äskettäin perustettujen arabipoliittisten puolueiden koalitio muodosti arabien korkeamman komitean (AHC). Se julisti kansallisen lakon kolmen perusvaatimuksen tueksi: juutalaisten maahanmuuton lopettaminen, kaiken lisämaan myynnin lopettaminen juutalaisille ja arabien kansallisen hallituksen perustaminen. Arabit uhkasivat, että jos britit eivät noudata heidän vaatimuksiaan, he liittyisivät brittien vastustajiin. Tämä koski britteihin, sillä toinen maailmansota oli vasta alkamassa ja he tiesivät tarvitsevansa Lähi-idän öljyä.
    ellauri290.html on line 860: Arabien kapina puhkesi uudelleen syksyllä 1937. Britit lopettivat kapinan kovilla toimenpiteillä karkottamalla monet Palestiinan arabien johtajat ja sulkemalla AHC:n. Yishuvissa arabikapina vahvisti jo ennestään lujaa uskoa vahvan juutalaisen puolustusverkoston tarpeeseen. Lopulta vuonna 1936 alkanut arabien maatalousboikotti pakotti juutalaisen talouden vieläkin parempaan omavaraisuuteen. Haganah muuttui tänä aikana pienestä salaisesta miliisistä suureksi sotilasjoukoksi. Brittiläiset turvallisuusjoukot tekivät tällä hetkellä yhteistyötä Haganahin kanssa vastatakseen arabeille.

    Britit tukahduttivat arabien kapinan ja julkaisivat vuoden 1939 valkoisen kirjan. Se salli vain 75 000 juutalaisen saapua Palestiinaan viiden vuoden aikana.
    ellauri290.html on line 862: Juutalainen virasto järjesti laitonta maahanmuuttoa vuosina 1939-1942 Haganahin avulla. Ne, jotka saapuivat laittomasti Israeliin tänä aikana, olivat paperittomia maahsnmuuttajis, venepakolaisia. Tämä oli vaarallinen operaatio, sillä nämä laittomat siirtolaiset saapuivat veneellä ja heidän piti olla varovainen, etteivät britit tai natsit jää kiinni tästä puuhasta.
    ellauri290.html on line 866: Sionistijohtajat tapasivat Biltmore-hotellissa New Yorkissa toukokuussa 1942 ja vaativat rajoittamatonta juutalaisten maahanmuuttoa ja juutalaisten liittovaltion perustamista. Satoja tuhansia holokaustista selviytyneitä pidettiin Hävyxiin joutuneiden henkilöiden leireissä (DP Camps), jotka haluavat mennä pakolliseen Palestiinaan (mandaatti-Filisteaan). Britit saivat paljon kansainvälistä painostusta Yhdysvaltain presidentiltä Harry Trumanilta, muuttaakseen maahanmuuttopolitiikkaansa. Huolimatta Britannian riippuvuudesta amerikkalaisesta taloudellisesta avusta, britit kieltäytyivät väittäen, että he joutuivat kokemaan liikaa vastustusta arabien ja juutalaisten taholta jo Palestiinassa ja pelkäsivät, mitä tapahtuisi, jos useampi koukkunokka pääsisi maahan. Kieltäytyminen valkoisen kirjan politiikan poistamisesta suututti ja radikalisoi Yishuvia. Yishuvin miliisiryhmät ryhtyivät sabotoimaan Britannian infrastruktuuria Palestiinassa ja jatkamaan laitonta maahanmuuttoa. Vuonna 1946 britit vastasivat Yishuvin ponnisteluja ja aloitti kaksi viikkoa kestäneen juutalaisten etsinnät, joita epäillään Britannian vastaisista toimista, pidättäen monia Haganahin johtajia. Kun britit etsivät Haganahia, Irgunia ja Lehi hyökkäsivät persepuolelta brittijoukkoja vastaan. Tunnetuin heidän hyökkäyksistään oli King David -hotelliin, joka on Britannian sotilaskomento ja British Criminal Investigation Division. Tämä paikka valittiin, koska muutamaa viikkoa aikaisemmin Haganasta takavarikoitiin ja tuotiin sinne suuri määrä asiakirjoja. Huolimatta Yishuvin varoituksesta ja kehotuksesta evakuoida rakennus, brittiviranomaiset päättivät olla antautumatta paineelle. Yishuv hyökkäsi joka tapauksessa aiheuttaen 91 kuoleman, joista 28 oli brittiläisiä ja 17 Palestiinan juutalaisia. Varsinainan holokausti sekin.
    ellauri294.html on line 428: Thorfinn Karlsefnin ja hänen islantilaisten uudisasukkaiden ryhmänsä väitettiin törmänneen Pohjois-Amerikassa 1000-luvun alussa "yksijalkaisten", tai "yksijalkaisten" rotuun ( vanhanorjalainen : einfœtingr ). Eiríks rauðan ( Erik Punaisen) saagan mukaan "unipedes maritimi" esiintyminen Grönlannissa oli merkitty Claudius Clavuksen karttaan, joka on päivätty 1427.
    ellauri294.html on line 430: Saagan mukaan Karlsefni Thorvald Eiriksson ja muut kokosivat Thorhallin etsintäjoukon ja purjehtivat Kjalarnesin ympäri ja sitten etelään. Pitkän purjehduksen jälkeen, ollessaan ankkuroituna länteen virtaavan joen eteläpuolella, yksijalkainen mies ( einfœtingr ) ampui heitä, ja Thorvald kuoli nuolen haavaan.
    ellauri294.html on line 431: Saaga kertoo edelleen, että puolue meni pohjoiseen ja lähestyi sitä, mitä he arvelivat olevan Einfœtingaland ("Yksijalkaisten maa" tai "Keskijalkaisten maa").
    ellauri294.html on line 445: Umberto Eco kuvailee romaanissaan Baudolino skiapodin nimeltä Gavagai. Olennon nimi "Gavagai" on viittaus Quinen esimerkkiin käännösten määrittämättömyydestä. Saman Umberto Econ romaanissa Ruusun nimi luostarin osastotaloa koristavat kaiverrukset "tuntemattomien maailmojen asukkaista", mukaan lukien "skiapodit, jotka juoksevat nopeasti yhdellä jalallaan ja kun he haluavat suojan auringolta ojentautuvat pitkä jalkansa pystyssä kuin sateenvarjo." Pyllynreijän sijainti jää mysteerixi, ehkä ukko Nooa voisi neuvoa.
    ellauri299.html on line 126: Seth: Jos minun pitäisi kuvailla "The Street Lawyeria" yhdellä sanalla, valitsisin sanan propagandaksi. Se kertoo tarinan juppijuristista nimeltä Michael Brock, joka järjestää elämänsä prioriteetit uudelleen sen jälkeen, kun koditon mies on pitänyt hänet panttivankina iltapäivän ajan. Hän eroaa korkeapalkkaisesta työstään, vaikka hän on vain parin vuoden päästä kumppanin hankkimisesta - ja menee töihin ilmaiselle oikeusklinikalle, joka auttaa kodittomia. Hän uskoo vanhan yrityksensä olevan osittain vastuussa kodittoman perheen kuolemasta, joten hän tekee rikoksen matkalla ulos ovesta, joka auttaa häntä selvittämään asian. Ja niinpä kirjan loppuosassa hän yrittää saada vanhan yrityksensä ennen kuin he saavat hänet. Se ei todellakaan ollut jännittävä matka. Luulen, että Grisham halusi vain kirjoittaa kirjan kodittomista ihmisistä. Konfliktin ratkaisu on, että he sopivat tuomioistuimen ulkopuolella. Vau! Mikä huipentuma! Ei yhtään autojahteja! Ei aseita, ei murhia! Vitun haukotuttavaa.
    ellauri299.html on line 176: In 1984, Snyder endured a fifty-one-day hunger strike to call attention to the neglect of the homeless. With his reelection a month away, President Reagan boldly announced his plans to turn the building into a model shelter for the homeless. Snyder ended his strike. Everyone was happy. After the election, Reagan went back on his promise, and all sorts of nasty litigation ensued. Snyder committed suicide on 1990.
    ellauri299.html on line 414: Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679), whose current reputation rests largely on his political philosophy, was a thinker with wide-ranging interests. In philosophy, he defended a range of materialist, nominalist, and empiricist views against Cartesian and Aristotelian alternatives.
    ellauri299.html on line 530: Matthew Desmond, the acclaimed Princeton sociologist and author of Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City, thinks that poverty has barely improved in the United States over the past 50 years — and he has a theory why. Laid out in a long essay for the New York Times Magazine that is adapted from his forthcoming book Poverty, by America, Desmond’s theory implicates “exploitation” in the broadest sense, from a decline in unions and worker power to a proliferation of bank fees and predatory landlord practices, all of which combine to keep the American underclass down. Relative poverty in the US has stagnated in the last 40 years.
    ellauri300.html on line 62: Grein är en avskyvärd asgam. Esther har alldeles rätt däri. Hiton izetyytyväinen nutipää. Abraham särki isänsä idolit hoxattuaan että jumalia on paras olla täsmälleen 1. Ouk agathon polykoiranie heis koiranos esto.
    ellauri300.html on line 79: Si snart Boris kom hem gick han raka vägen till sitt lilla hönshus. Reytze klagade bittert över att han lät maten kallna men han lugnade henne med ett vänligt ord. I det här rummet med Den heliga arken, kandelabern och en bokhylla fylld med heliga böcker kände han sig hemma. Det var här han mötte sin ensamhet, det här var hans borg. Han hade ofta tänkt att han skulle vilja sluta sina dagar i ett rum som detta. Här fanns det en låspulpet och en sjuarmad ljusstake; på en bokhylla stod en åttaarmad Chanukka- lampa. Här hade han en skriftrulle och en pekpinne, ett vädurshorn, en vit slidedräkt, en citronask och olika sorters sällsynta judiska antikviteter och värdefulla rituella föremål. Det fanns en speciell lukt här: han tyckte att det doftade av kryddor och av Evas lustgård. Han tog av sig bonesjalen och suckade. Han satte fast läderremmen till en bonekapsel runt sin vänstra arm och fylldes av skam inför universums herre. Han tjänade redan tio gånger mer än han verkligen behövde. Varifrån hade han fått sitt penningbegär? Är det i våran DNA? Vad skulle han göra med alla sina pengar? Ta dem med sig i graven? Han lindade läderremmen runt fingrarna och läste den föreskrivna meditationen och han koncentrerade sig på ordens innebörd: "Jag skall trolova mig med dig för evigt, jag skall trolova mig med dig i rättfärdighet och rättvisa, godhet och barmhärtighet, jag skall trolova mig med dig i huldhet; och jag skall snart känna Guds stenhårda stake därbak."
    ellauri300.html on line 81: Detta är värdefulla sanningar! tänkte Boris. Vartenda ord lyser upp själen. Universums herre är brudgummen och Israels församling är bruden. Men i stället för att glädja sig åt sin brudgum och försöka behaga honom ägnar hon sig åt därskaper och bagateller.
    ellauri300.html on line 98: Demyan Bedny tai Jefim Aleksejevitš Pridvorov, (s. 13. huhtikuuta [1. huhtikuuta, vanha tyyli], 1883, Gubovka, Ukraina, Venäjän valtakunta – kuoli 25. toukokuuta 1945, Barvikha, lähellä Moskovaa), Neuvostoliiton runoilija, joka tunnetaan molemmista jakeistaan, jotka ylistävät vuoden 1917 vallankumousta ja hänen satiirisia tarujaan. Suurruhtinan luonnollinen poika Pridvorov alkoi osallistua sosialistiseen lehdistöön ennen vallankumousta ja otti käyttöön nimen Demyan Bedny ("Demyan the Poor"). Vuonna 1912 hänen satiirinsa alkoivat ilmestyä. Hänen tyylinsä sai vaikutteita 1800-luvun venäläisestä fabulistista Ivan Krylovista. Vuosina 1917-1930 Bednyn limerickit olivat erittäin suosittuja suuren yleisön keskuudessa, ja Lenin itse, vaikka pani merkille niiden karkeuden, ylisti niiden propaganda-arvoa.
    ellauri300.html on line 412: Luria var ett vrak. Han led av förföljelsemani. Han kunde inte hitta sina läsglasögön eller sin bok. Han hade inte betalat räkningarna. I Poland skulle han hamna i fängelse. Kommunister var som termiter. De underminerade Amerika. Också de sk kapitalistiska tidningarna vår fulla av sovjetpropaganda. Pres. Roosevelt själv var smittad av deras propaganda. Rationalisterna hånskrattade naturligtvis åt såna tankar men var då Hitler en rationell företeelse? Och Stalin? Reagan eller Putin? Var världskrigen en logisk företeelse? Människosläktet traskade omkring i absurditetens, mörkrets och magikens träsk och talade ändå oavbruter om klokhet, vilket i sig självt var ren galenskap.
    ellauri300.html on line 526: With no time left to start again
    ellauri300.html on line 593: On January 18, 2016, McLean's then-wife Patrisha Shnier McLean alleged that after four hours of "terrorizing" her, McLean pinned her to a bed until she broke free and ran to the bathroom. Shnier McLean alleged that McLean attempted "to shove open the locked bathroom door behind which I had barricaded myself. As it was splintering, I pushed the numbers 911." McLean was arrested on suspicion of domestic violence, and pled guilty to domestic violence assault, criminal restraint, criminal mischief and making domestic violence threats. McLean paid $3,660 in fines, and was not sentenced to any jail time. Under Maine's deferred disposition law, the State agreed to dismiss the domestic violence assault charge if McLean complied with the court's orders for one year, and the charge was expunged a year later. During this time, Shnier McLean filed for divorce, citing “adultery, cruel and abusive treatment, and irreconcilable differences." McLean has denied that he physically abused Shnier McLean, and his lawyer released a statement claiming McLean agreed to the plea deal in the interest of privacy. In March 2017, a Maine court granted Shnier-McLean's request for a 10-year protection order against McLean. In 2021, McLean's daughter Jackie told Rolling Stone that her father was emotionally abusive and created a cult-like household through paralyzing verbal attacks, forced isolation, and threats to withhold love or financial support.
    ellauri300.html on line 600: Vid Thirty-fourth Street gick Luria in i en cafeteria. Jag tar en kopp kaffe. Det kan ju aldrig skada. Boskap äter också innan de slaktas. Magen gör vad den är avsedd för: den smälter maten. Detta var det mest absurda av allt - -varje organ gjorde vad det var avsett för: magen smälte maten, hjärnan tänkte. Efter döden började en helt ny omgång aktiviteter. Mikroberna åt upp allt; protonerna, neutronerna, elektronerna fortsatte sitt ändlösa virvlande och cirklande. Atomerna hade förmodligen ingen aning om att deras herre (ba'al) hade dött eller begått självmord. Och på vilket sätt kunde en människa rimligen betraktas som deras ägare? För dem var det likgiltigt var de bodde-i människor, i moss, i dynga. De hade sina egna atomlagar att ta hänsyn till och betraktade hela individualitetsbegreppet som näst intill löjlig. Men vilket syfte tjänade detta? Av vilket skäl roterade den här planeten? Hur länge skulle den fortsätta att rotera kring sin axel och cirkla kring solen? Det måste finnas en mening någonstans.
    ellauri300.html on line 605: Luria drack sitt kaffe och åt sin kaka. Det här lilla mellanmälet gjorde honom hungrig, hängig, svag i knäna. Någon hade lämnat en bulle på bordet och Luria tog den och började tugga på den. Detta var inte att stjäla - man skulle i alla fall kasta bort den. Ja, faktiskt, vad skulle folk göra om de inte hade något mål i livet? Alla de där rekommendationera var för de starka, inte för de svaga. Ta till exempel den unga kvinnan som torkade av borden. Hon skulle aldrig kunna bli en Rockefeller, en Ford. Hon skulle fortsätta att torka av bord i ett par år till, sedan skulle hon gifta sig, kanske med en portvakt, och snart bli gravid. Hon skal få barn varje år. På lördagarna skulle hon släpa hem sin berusade man från någon bar och han skulle förbanna henne och skälla ut henne. Barnen skulle ärva sina föräldrars begränsningar. Och kommunismen då? Den var skapad av de starka för de starka. De svaga skulle torka bord generation efter generation, även om människan kunde flyga till Mars, även om maskinerna tog över allt mänskligt arbete.
    ellauri300.html on line 745: Efter att Ester avslöjar för kungen att hon själv är judinna lyckas hon övertala honom att ge judarna möjligheten att slå till först. Haman hängs i en galge han förberett åt Mordokai och judarna skrider därefter till verket mot det persiska rikets övriga ”antisemiter”. Med kungens stöd slår judarna till mot Hamans lojala folk över hela riket. Under de följande dagarna dödas enligt Torah 75 000 människor. Judarna låter även hänga Hamans tio söner.
    ellauri301.html on line 123: Endast manliga afrikaaner godtogs som medlemmar; inledningsvis fanns även ett krav att avsäga sig medlemskap vid en viss ålder. Detta avspeglar afrikaanernationalisternas dominerande ställning över sydafrikansk politik under hela apartheidepoken, och indirekt in i våra dagar.
    ellauri301.html on line 172: Mankelin äiti teki itsemurhan Mankelin ollessa vähän alle 30-vuotias. Mankellin mukaan äidin puuttuminen ei juurikaan vaivannut häntä, sillä hänellä oli hyvä ja läheinen suhde isäänsä, joka ei maalannut teeriä. Hän oli kuitenkin yksinäinen lapsi, sillä hänen sisaruksensa viihtyivät keskenään, mutteivät jostain syystä Henningin parissa, Henning oli paljon omissa oloissaan. Myöhemmin perhe muutti vielä Boråsiin ilman äitiä. Ei ollut helppoa. Mankell vietti nuoruutensa pienessä Svegin kauppalassa Norjan rajalla. Lukio jäi kesken, Henning oli 2v seilorina muttei päässyt brittejä edemmäs. Sitten se korjasi Pariisissa saxofoneja. After returning from Paris he had taken part in the 1968 demonstrations in Stockholm against the Vietnam war and the university system, and spent much of the 70s in Norway on the fringe of a Maoist group to which his (nameless) then-partner belonged. Oliko se partneri mars- vai venustyyppinen?
    ellauri301.html on line 213: Wallenberg sr 44vee säälii izeään, vetää perseet olalle ja soittaa kännisenä Riikaan Baba Jagalle, korjaan Baiba Liepalle. Ei ois kannattanut. Mix tälläset uhrautuvat poliisit ei koskaan syö eikä nuku kunnolla? Sairaalasta lähdetään kesken hoitoa. Ihme riistoa. Kovalenko nimistä kiekkoilijaa sanottiin viime vuosituhannella pehmeälenkuxi. Pentti Pentti peffa lenkku.
    ellauri301.html on line 232: The initial arrival of the Dutch in April 1652 was not viewed as negative. Many Khoi people saw their arrival as an opportunity for personal gain as middlemen in the livestock trade; others saw them as potential allies against preexisting enemies. At the peak of her career as an interpreter, "Krotoa" held the belief that Dutch presence could bring benefits for both sides.
    ellauri301.html on line 238: On 3 May 1662 she was baptized by a visiting person, minister Petrus Sibelius, in the church inside the Fort de Goede Hoop. The witnesses were Roelof de Man and Pieter van der Stael. On 26 April 1664 she married a Danish surgeon by the name of Peter Havgard, whom the Dutch called Pieter van Meerhof. She was thereafter known as Eva van Meerhof (See Geni/MyHeritage).[clarification needed] She was the first Khoikoi to marry according to Christian customs. There was a little party in the house of Zacharias Wagenaer. In May 1665, they left to the Cape and went to Robben Island, where van Meerhof was appointed superintendent. The family briefly returned to the mainland in 1666 after the birth of Eva´s third child, in order to baptise the baby. Van Meerhof was murdered in Madagascar on 27 February 1668 on an expedition. After the death of her husband Pieter Van Meerhof came the appointment of a new governor, Zacharias Wagenaer. Unlike the governor before him, he held extremely negative views toward the Khoi people, and because at this point the Dutch settlement was secure, he didn´t find a need for Eva as a translator anymore.
    ellauri301.html on line 242: Krotoa´s descendants would later include the Peltzers, the Krugers, the Steenkamps and other Afrikaner families. After her death, Krotoa´s story would not be deeply explored for nearly two and a half centuries. Instead attention was mostly put on white European women who came to South Africa on missionary expeditions. It was not until after the 1920s that her story become a part of South African history. As late as 1983, under the name of Eva, she was still known in South Africa as a caution against miscegenation.
    ellauri301.html on line 290: Eugène Ney Terrace Blanche ([ɪə‌ˈʒɛn ˈnɛj tərˈblɑ‌ːʃ], 31 January 1941– 3 April 2010) was an Afrikaner nationalist and white supremacist who founded and led the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB; Afrikaner Resistance Movement in English). Prior to founding the AWB, Terrace Blanche served as a South African Police officer, was unsuccessful as a farmer, and an unsuccessful Herstigte Nasionale Party (Reconstituted National Party) candidate for local office in the Transvaal. He was a major figure in the right-wing backlash against the collapse of apartheid. His beliefs and philosophy have continued to be influential amongst White supremacists in South Africa and across the world.
    ellauri301.html on line 421: Läs psaltaren. Som det sägs i Gemara: om det inte hjälper så gör det ingen skada. Hur människor parar sig är ett stort mysterium. Det säger också Kabbala. Lusen tar sig inte på för stort allvar. Om den får en droppe blod suger den, annars sitter den stilla och väntar på bättre dagar.
    ellauri301.html on line 438: "Det går bra. Jag klarar det, inte sant? Tyskarna slaktade sex miljoner judar och lever fortfarande. Solen lyser över Tyskland och tyska skördar mognar. I samma stund som tyskarna mördade judar sjöng deras fåglar och deras träd stod i blom. Det enda vi fick i gengäld för allt detta var löftet om att belönas i den andra världen. Men vad ska man göra när man kommer till den andra världen och upptäcker, som Rashi påpekar i ett annat sammanhang, att där finns inga skogar och inga björnar'. Är allt bara inbillning? Ska man klaga till Gud?" "Sluta, Shloymele, jag ber dig! Det här samtalet får mig bara att må si re, inte bättre."
    ellauri302.html on line 39: 'Gays, go home!' - Mitzpe Ramon yeshiva head rails against LGBTQ+ people.
    ellauri302.html on line 69: Also, in his powerful novel ''Mottke the Vagabond," Ash has given us scenes from the underworld of Warsaw that are unparalleled for unflinching truth to detail.
    ellauri302.html on line 154: The Scribe, gives his hand to Yekel. Your health, host. (Admonishing him.) And know, that a Holy Scroll is a wondrous possession. The whole world rests upon a Scroll of the Law, and every Scroll is the exact counterpart of the tablets that were received by Moses upon Mount Sinai. Every line of a Holy Scroll is penned in purity and piety... Where dwells a Scroll, in such a house dwells God himself... So it must be guarded against every impurity... Man, you must know that a Holy Scroll...
    ellauri302.html on line 156: You must have reverence for a Scroll of the Law. Great reverence, — precisely as if a noted Rabbi were under your roof. In the house where it resides no profanity must be uttered. It must dwell amidst purity. (Speaks to Sarah, looking toward her hut not directly at her) Wherever a Holy Scroll is sheltered, there no woman must remove the wig from her head... (Sarah thrusts her hair more securely under her wig.) Nor must she touch the Scroll with her bare... hands. As a reward, no evil overtakes the home that shelters a Scroll. Such a home will always be prosperous and guarded against all misfortune. (To the Scribe.) What do you imagine? — That he doesn't know all this? They're Jews, after all... (Sarah nods affirmatively.)
    ellauri302.html on line 440: Reb Ali: Hear me. You mustn't talk like that against the Lord. He might get really pissed.
    ellauri302.html on line 737: Herren, HERREN Sebaot kallade eder på den dagen till gråt och klagan, till att raka edra huvuden och hölja eder i sorgdräkt.
    ellauri308.html on line 233: Poika Tuominen oli ohrana. Sodan jälkeen hän kiersi puhumassa ja organisoi neuvostovastaista propagandaa. Päätoimittajakaudellaan Tuominen kiinnitti Kansan Lehden toimittajiksi muiden muassa Urpo Lahtisen ja Erkki Kanervan. Lahtinen perusti myöhemmin Tamperelainen-lehden ja Lehtimiehet-yhtiön, ja Kanerva tuli tunnetuksi pakinoitsijana nimimerkillä Jammu ja Yrjö-kirjoillaan.
    ellauri308.html on line 240: agazine-Photoshoot-2009-roseanne-barr-41612324-474-366.jpg" />
    ellauri308.html on line 242: Heeb is a Jewish website (from 2001 to 2010, a quarterly magazine) aimed predominantly at young Jews. The name of the publication is a variation of the ethnic slur "hebe", an abbreviation of Hebrew.
    ellauri308.html on line 247: Heeb Magazinen uusin numero herättää melkoista kohua. Numerossa Roseanne Barr, jolla on esiliina ja Hitlerin viikset, vetää uunista "poltettuja juutalaisia keksejä". Heeb-julkaisija julkaisi artikkelin, joka selittää toimituksellisen valinnan ja jossa käsitellään kulttuurista muutosta kohti "holokaustihuumorin" hyväksymistä. Heeb väittää, että vanhat tabut rentouttavat. Juutalaiset alkavat omaksua holokaustin uudella tavalla - nauramisen aiheena. Onko tämä totta? Onko holokaustista todella tullut hauska?
    ellauri308.html on line 277: Sisällissodan päätyttyä Suomessa 1918 tuhansia hävinneeseen punakaartiin kuuluneita pakeni Venäjälle, lähinnä Pietariin. Entisen punakaartin johto alkoi viettää ylellistä elämää Pietarin parhaissa hotelleissa ja ravintoloissa, olihan heillä muun muassa miljoonien markkojen arvosta Suomen Pankista varastettua ulkomaanvaluuttaa. Venäjälle paenneiden suomalaiskommunistien rivijäsenten elämä oli köyhää, ja heidän arvostelunsa tukahdutettiin kommunistipuolueen johdon taholta muun muassa erottamalla arvostelijoita puolueesta. Puolueen sisälle muodostui oppositioryhmittymä (niin sanottu mauserioppositio), joka päätti iskeä eli "poistaa johdon ja joukkueen välisen kuilun" avoimella hyökkäyksellä. Oppositioryhmä koostui nuorista punaupseerioppilaista jotka olivat koulutettu suoraan toimintaan ja heidän vihansa kohdistui erityisesti SKP:n keskuskomitean jäseniin. Tavoitteena oli kerralla murhata koko puolueen keskuskomitea. Aseina toimivat Nagant-revolverit ja Mauser-pistoolit.
    ellauri308.html on line 426: Mikään ei muutu niin kauan kuin geriatriagalleria hallitsee. Nykyisen, Nikolai Patruševin johtaman Venäjän turvallisuusneuvoston jäsenistä suuri osa on yli 70-vuotiaita!
    ellauri308.html on line 450: Pääideologin titteli on vahvaa liioittelua ja täyttä propagandaa. Näyttää erittäin epätodennäköiseltä, että Putin olisi millään syvällisellä tasolla perehtynyt Duginin ajatteluun, saati että olisi Duginin laatima ohjelma, jota Venäjän johto noudattaisi, Backman sanoo.
    ellauri308.html on line 563: Perintösäätiö mainitsee, että Amerikan vastainen retoriikka on tällä hetkellä vakiovaruste ominaisuus suurimmassa osassa venäläisiä joukkomedialähetyksiä ja mainitsee: "Kreml käyttää amerikkalaisvastaisuutta strategisena työkaluna pyrkiäkseen sisä- ja ulkopoliittisiin tavoitteisiin median kautta. Valtion hallitsema tai omistama Venäjän hallitus levittää tarkoituksella myrkyllistä USA:n vastaista propagandaa kotimaassa ja ulkomailla ja syyttää useista Venäjän ongelmista länttä, erityisesti Yhdysvaltoja. Tämän politiikan osittainen onnistuminen paljastaa useita vakavia epäonnistumisia Yhdysvaltain julkisessa diplomatiassa, joka on ollut laskussa kylmän sodan päättymisen jälkeen."
    ellauri308.html on line 571: Huhtikuussa 2021 Pozner joutui keskeyttämään syntymäpäiväjuhlansa ja pakenemaan Gruusiasta sen jälkeen, kun hänen hotellinsa saartoivat mielenosoittajat, jotka kutsuivat häntä " Kremlin propagandistiksi".
    ellauri308.html on line 667: Zhydobandera, Zhidobandera, or Zhydobanderovets – "Yid-Banderite" or "Judeo-Banderite" a conflation of Zhyd (i.e., a Kike) and a Bandera follower. This is an ironic self-appellation coined by Ukrainian Jewish activists during the Euromaidan protests to highlight the inconsistency of Russian propaganda which demonized Ukrainian pro-Europe and pro-democracy activism as fascist to the West and as Jewish to Ukrainians, with reference to "Judeo-Bolshevism".
    ellauri308.html on line 690: Venäjän nationalistisissa tarinoissa ja propagandassa ukrainafobiset stereotypiat vaihtelevat pilkkaamisesta negatiivisten piirteiden osoittamiseen koko Ukrainan kansakunnalle ja ukrainalaista syntyperää oleville ihmisille:
    ellauri308.html on line 704: Ukrainan nationalismi liittyy läheisesti uusnatsismiin. Tämä on toistuva teema Venäjän propagandassa meneillään olevan Venäjän ja Ukrainan sodan aikana, yleensä seuraavissa kertomuksissa:
    ellauri308.html on line 745: Jatkosodan aikana vuosina 1942–1944 Äikiä toimitti Kominternin suomenkielisiä radiolähetyksiä eli suomalaisille suunnattua Yleisradion aalloilla lähetettyä radiopropagandaa Arkangelissa ja Leningradissa. Hänellä oli tapana huudella herjoja ja kommentteja Jahvetin radiopakinoiden päälle samalla lähetystaajuudella. Radiolähetyksissä käyttämänsä värikkään kielenkäytön ansiosta Äikiä sai kansan suussa liikanimen "Räikiä".
    ellauri308.html on line 756: Välirauhan aikana Suomen Aseveljien Työjärjestö käynnisti toiminnan, jonka tarkoituksena oli ylläpitää ja kehittää muun muassa henkistä maanpuolustustyötä ja torjua järjestettyjä huhukampanjoita. Toiminta laajeni käsittämään kansalaisten mielialojen ja poliittisten tapahtumien vaikutuksien seuraamisen. Toimintaa varten perustettiin kirjeenvaihtopalvelu, joka jatkosodan alettua laajeni niin, että kirjeitä käsiteltiin myös radiolähetyksissä. Näiden radiolähetysten toimittajaksi valittiin Kilpeläinen nimimerkillä Jahvetti. Kansalaisten lähettämien kirjeiden käsittelyn lisäksi Jahvetti kävi radioaalloilla propagandasotaa muun muassa Armas Äikiää ja Moskovan Tiltua vastaan. Ohjelma oli erittäin suosittu, ja siihen lähetettiin sotavuosien aikana noin 100 000 kirjettä. Näistä noin 30 000, joilla katsottiin olevan laajempaa mielenkiintoa, käsiteltiin radiolähetyksissä, ja muihin lähetettiin vastaus postitse.
    ellauri309.html on line 270: should all take a lesson here. Think, then think again, before you post. Be
    ellauri309.html on line 293: readers from calling me a l7iar, and worse. We reached out again, asking her
    ellauri309.html on line 332: Jos kysyt Vox Magazinelta, onnentytön syndrooma on parhaimmillaan harhaa ja
    ellauri309.html on line 521: In 2011, when asked if he would have done things differently, Billy said he would have spent more time at home with his family, studied more, fucked more, and preached less. Additionally, he said he would have participated in fewer conferences. Graham had a steamy relationship with Queen Elizabeth II. Graham was outspoken against communism and supported the American Cold War policy, including the Vietnam War. In 2009, more Nixon tapes were released, in which Graham is heard in a 1973 conversation with Nixon referring to Jewish journalists as "the synagogue of Satan". He further stated that the role of wife, mother, and homemaker was the destiny of "real womanhood" according to the Judeo-Christian ethic. Graham's daughter Bunny recounted her father denying her and her sisters higher education. Graham regarded homosexuality as a sin, and in 1974 described it as "a sinister form of perversion". AIDS oli ehkä jumalan designoima rangaistus pyllyhommista.
    ellauri309.html on line 1023: Das Drehbuch schrieben Dudley Nichols und Hagar Wilde. Gepardeille ei kannata pyllistää,
    ellauri310.html on line 174: oltava 80-luku, Noran floruit. Reaganin aikoja. Mekin asuttiin silloin
    ellauri310.html on line 175: Menlo Parkissa. Reagan valmistui Eureka Collegesta Illinoisista vuonna 1932 ja
    ellauri310.html on line 217: kansalaisoikeuksia puolustavista kannoista. Vuonna 1937 Reagan muutti
    ellauri310.html on line 252: Smithsonian Magazine valkoinen logo TILAA Hae... TILAA ANNA LAHJA UUSI ÄLYKKÄÄT UUTISET Historia Tiede Innovaatio Taide ja kulttuuri Matkustaa HISTORIA Arkeologia Yhdysvaltain
    ellauri310.html on line 673: In asymmetric warfare, threats such as improvised explosive devices and mines have proven effective against MBTs. Asymmetric warfare (or asymmetric engagement) is a type of war between belligerents whose relative military power, strategy, or tactics differ significantly. This type of warfare often, but not necessarily, involves insurgents or resistance movement militias who may have the status of unlawful combatants against a standing army. In response, nations that face asymmetric warfare, such as Israel, are reducing the size of their tank fleet and procuring more advanced models. Conversely, some insurgent groups like Hezbollah themselves operate main battle tanks, such as the T-72.
    ellauri310.html on line 844: Reagan-vuosina useat AEI:n henkilöstön jäsenet lähtivät hallintoon. Se yhdistettynä huikeaan kasvuun, tutkimustoiminnan leviämiseen ja johtamisongelmiin osoittautuivat kalliiksi. Jotkut AEI:tä tuolloin tukeneet säätiöt havaitsivat ajautumisen kohti keskustaa poliittisesti. Centristit, kuten Ford, Burns ja Stein, ottivat yhteen nousevien konservatiivien kanssa. Vuonna 1986 John M. Olin -säätiö ja Smith Richardson -säätiö peruuttivat instituutin rahoituksen, mikä työnsi AEI:n konkurssin partaalle. Kaverit tempaisivat äkäsesti ruorin takas tyyrpuuriin. Se naula veti! George HW Bushin ja Bill Clintonin hallinnon aikana AEI:n tulot kasvoivat 10 miljoonasta dollarista 18,9 miljoonaan dollariin. Noin!
    ellauri310.html on line 906: Enpä löisi vetoa tuon puolesta, jos suora kahakka tulee niin silloin WW3 iskee näpeille, ja tuommoiset propagandakertoimien heittäjät ovat vain sitten ei tykin vaan ydinohjusten ruokaa.
    ellauri310.html on line 926: We’re shedding our blood': Ukraine fighting against Russia to fulfill NATO's mission, says Defence Min Reznikov
    ellauri310.html on line 927: The Ukrainian Defense Minister, Oleksii Reznikov admitted on Thursday that Kyiv is fighting against Russia to fulfill NATO's mission.
    ellauri311.html on line 161: Sonja Saagaia pitää puhetta. Taustalla soi eteerinen musiikki. ”Äiti maan
    ellauri311.html on line 163: Saagaia sanoo. Oi maa! Oi maa! Voimaa, tsääntätään kuin Mintun ja Villen
    ellauri311.html on line 167: elämälle. Aiemmin päivällä on tullut sadekuuro. Saagaia sanoo, että kuuro
    ellauri311.html on line 525: Säteilyvammaisen Ensei Tankadon viha länkkäreitä kohtaan haalistui kun hän luki japsujen vastaavista sotarikoxista. Mit vit? Whataboutismia! Ensei meinasi "viheltää pelin poikki" ja kertoa kaikille että USA salakuuntelee "ilman lupaa" ihan kaikkia. NSA:lle ei jäänyt muuta mahdollisuutta kuin "pysäyttää hänet" terrorisminvastaisen taistelun nimessä. Ensei pysäytettiin levittämällä siitä valheita. What!? Vaihtoehtoista totuutta? Trollausta? Brobagandan keinoja, sanoo Bo Pettersson!
    ellauri311.html on line 562: voimakeskuxet.

    Bo Petterssonin mukaan brobagandan keinoja ovat olkiukko,
    ellauri311.html on line 596: Counterpropaganda

  • Fact checking
  • Fake news

  • ellauri313.html on line 167: Tällänen "han/de jagar mig, jag sitter fast" on naistrillereille ominainen kauhukuva. Sä hoppade Aida plums i den kalla Östersjön. Adjö Aida, invandrare.
    ellauri313.html on line 538: Kahnin näkemyksen mukaan kapitalismilla ja teknologialla oli lähes rajattomat edistysmahdollisuudet, ja avaruuden kolonisaatio oli lähitulevaisuudessa, ei kaukaisessa. Hän esitteli optimistisen skenaarion vuoden 2176 talousolosuhteista.  Hän oli suursyömäri. Viimeisenä vuonnaan 1983 Kahn kirjoitti hyväksyvästi Ronald Reaganin poliittisesta agendasta The Coming Boom: Economic, Political and Social -kirjassa ja pilkkasi suoraan Jonathan Schellin väitteitä ydinsodan pitkäaikaisista vaikutuksista. Saman vuoden heinäkuun 7. päivänä hän kuoli apoplexiaan 61-vuotiaana. Vizi mikä perse! Ja tää on Mika Aaltolan guru sitten. Voi perkele.
    ellauri315.html on line 151: Herra opeta minua ajattelemaan loppuun asti johdonmukaisesti. Mistähän johtuu että emme mielellämme ajattele kuolemaa? Suomalainen propaganda perustuu totuuteen. Voimme ajatella kuolemaa ystävänä, vaikka vihollinen kylvää sitä.
    ellauri315.html on line 196: Blåfield ja Mäkelä lähtivät Aunuxeen. Kuulin tätä suomalaisten vastapuolelle lähettämää propagandaa. Venäläiset eivät pitäneet siitä vaan ampuivat heittimellä. Oma tykistö ampui takaisin aika lujasti.
    ellauri315.html on line 243: Kornilovilla oli brittiläisen sotilasavustajan, prikaatinkenraali Alfred Knoxin tuki, ja Kerensky syytti Knoxia Kornilov-mielisen propagandan tuottamisesta. Kerensky väitti myös, että lordi Milner kirjoitti hänelle kirjeen, jossa ilmaisi tukensa Korniloville. Vuonna 1966 neuvostotoimittaja Genrikh Borovikin haastattelussa Kerenski tarkensi teoriaansa toteamalla, että Winston Churchill oli ollut keskeisessä roolissa salaliitossa. Tämä osoittautui kuitenkin tarpeettomaksi, koska 13. syyskuuta 1917 mennessä (30. elokuuta Old Style) Kornilovin armeija oli menettänyt suuren määrän sotilaita ja ilman rautatieläisten tukea Kornilovin liikkeelle tapaus oli tullut verettömään päätökseen.
    ellauri315.html on line 318: Kasakoiden tavoitteena oli ensisijaisesti paukuttaa henxeleitä ja rehvastella itsenäisyydellä, mutta vapaaehtoiset vakuuttivat heidät, että he pystyivät takaamaan tämän vain liittymällä heidän kanssaan taisteluun bolshevikkia vastaan, joilla oli suuri osa Donin alueen ei-kasakkaväestöstä. Kaledinin rohkaisulla valkoiset, jotka olivat edelleen vain noin 500, onnistuivat valtaamaan Rostovin kaupungin takaisin paikallisilta punakaartin yksiköiltä 15. joulukuuta [ OS 2. joulukuuta] 1917. Vuoden 1918 alkuun mennessä kuitenkin paremmin organisoitunut ja vahvemmat kommunistijoukot aloittivat etenemisen pohjoisesta valloittaen Taganrogin Azovinmerellä 10. helmikuuta [ OS28. tammikuuta] 1918. Kornilov, joka nyt johtaa noin 4000 miestä Rostovissa, katsoi turhaksi yrittää puolustaa kaupunkia ylivoimaisten joukkojen edessä. Sen sijaan vapaaehtoiset valmistautuivat siirtymään etelään, syvälle Kubaniin, toivoen saavansa lisää tukea, vaikka koko alueella oli syvä talvi. Tästä alkoi jäämarssi. Kun puolustus oli puissa ja hallitus oli romahtamassa, Kaledin ampui epähuomiossa itsensä kaikessa hötäkässä (11. helmikuuta [ OS 29. tammikuuta] 1918)
    ellauri315.html on line 430: Kun kivet ja naudat olivat melkein lopussa, sotilaat kilpailivat toisiaan yli tien paljastetun osan", ryntäsivät linnoitukseen, jossa suurin osa nyt neutraloidusta varuskunnasta tuskin taisteli. Asukkaat heittivät lapsensa seinien yli, ennen kuin he heittivät itsensä. kuolemaansa asti, sekä miehet että naiset. Mainio stratageemi, ei paremmin voi sanoa. Kuin Punavyö joka laskee konnien kuudestilaukeavien laukauxet. Paizi Naganin makasiiniin mahtuu 7 patia, syytä olla tarkkana. [Lähde: Arkadi Vasiljev.]
    ellauri315.html on line 481:
    Tio skjutningar på åtta dagar

    ellauri316.html on line 50: Den finska propagandan bygger på sanning. Finnar hsr tre gudar men bara en sanning att dela mellan dem. Putin spelar mot Medvedev i finalen i U.S. Open. Finska fotbollare spelar för at vinna. Finska skolelever tävlar bara för at ha det kul.
    ellauri316.html on line 292: Oskari Tokoi oli toiminut 1918 Punaisten kansanvaltuuskunnan elintarvikeasioista vastaavana komissaarina, ja hän siirtyi Muurmannin legioonasta vapauduttuaan leveämmän leivän ääreen ensin Kanadaan ja vuonna 1921 Yhdysvaltoihin. Toinen brittien muodostama yksikkö, joka perustui entisten punakaartilaisten värväämiseen, oli Muurmannin legioonaa suuremmaksi kasvanut Rajamäen rykmentti, joka taisteli syksyllä 1918 Vienan Karjalassa pakottaen Walleniuksen joukkoja etelämpänä hyökänneen Kuisman retkikunnan vetäytymään. Aunus harmaasilmä, runoili punasilmä kani, Paavolaisen Olkkari. Olavi Paavolaisen sotilaselämän kohokohtia olivat retket Aunukseen. Hän ei ollut varsinainen Suur-Suomi-intoilija. olipahan propagandakoneiston ratas, koiraslotta. Kaikenlaista brittivehkeilyä.
    ellauri316.html on line 330: Sinyavski ja Daniel tuomittiin liittovaltion propagandasta ja feminisaatiosta. Olikohan ne kenties juutalaisia homoja? Ne julkaisi satiirisia kirjoituksia Neuvostoliiton elämästä ulkomailla salanimillä Abram Tertz ja Nikolai Arzhak. Sinyavsky ja Daniel kiistivät syyllisyytensä, mikä oli epätavallista poliittisesta syytteestä Neuvostoliitossa, mutta heidät tuomittiin silti seitsemäksi ja viideksi vuodeksi tiukan kurin työleireille. Väkivalta lopettaa vittuilun.
    ellauri316.html on line 410: Strategiaan sisältyi kylien turvallisuuden tarjoaminen, sähkön kaltaisten palveluiden saatavuuden laajentaminen ja propagandakampanja, jossa viet-kongit esitettiin armottomina hyökkääjinä. Kuitenkin ajatus turvallisuuden tarjoamisesta ja Viet-Congin tuomitsemisesta horjutti amerikkalaisten komentojen käyttäytymistä, joka usein turvautui äärimmäiseen tulivoimaan tukahduttaakseen vastarintaa.
    ellauri316.html on line 462: Vuonna 1937 NKVD pidätti Bonnierin isän ja teloitettiin osana Stalinin suurta puhdistusta. Kun tammikuussa 1980 Saharov saatiin karkotettua Gorkiin (Nizhni Novgorodiin siis), ulkomaalaisilta suljettuun kaupunkiin, ahdistelusta ja julkisesti tuomitusta Bonnerista tuli hänen pelastusköysi, joka matkusti Gorkin ja Moskovan välillä tuodakseen esiin hänen kirjoituksiaan. Hiänen pidätyksensä huhtikuussa 1984 "neuvostonvastaisen agitpropin" vuoksi ja tuomio viideksi vuodeksi maanpakoon Gorkiin häiritsi heidän elämäänsä jälleen, mutta loppui sentään turha reissaus. Hiän kritisoi myös kansainvälisen "kvartetin" kahden valtion ratkaisua Israelin ja Palestiinan väliseen konfliktiin ja ilmaisi pelkonsa antisemitismin noususta Euroopassa. Vuonna 1999 Jelena Bonner sai Truman-Reagan Medal of Freedom -mitalin.
    ellauri316.html on line 470: agan_meeting_with_Soviet_dissident_Andrei_Sakharov_in_the_Oval_Office.jpg/1280px-President_Ronald_Reagan_meeting_with_Soviet_dissident_Andrei_Sakharov_in_the_Oval_Office.jpg" width="40%" />
    ellauri316.html on line 522: Seuraavaksi akateemikko avaa silmämme kuinka kauheasti Neuvostoliiton propaganda valehteli. Hän keksii koko joukon myyttejä:
    ellauri316.html on line 524: Mikä tässä on myytti? Kyllä, minulla oli myös iso albumi "Mistä uhka maailmalle tulee". Siellä oli kaavio amerikkalaisista tukikohdista ja Pershingin lentoreiteistä. Ja siellä oli jopa jotain Star Warsista. Mutta ei, kaikki valehteli, akateemikon mukaan, Neuvostoliiton propagandaa!
    ellauri316.html on line 567: Niille, jotka eivät koskaan pystyneet määrittelemään sitä [artikkelit – noin. minun] genreni, sanon: se ei ole tietoisesti kirjoitettu tiukoissa akateemisissa muodoissa, vaan käyttämällä tieteellistä terminologiaa, joka on kehittynyt pitkään poliittisen journalismin tyyliin. Koska sitä ei julkaistu tieteellisessä, vaan yhteiskuntapoliittisessa lehdistössä. Eli siis se on propagandaa, yxinkertaisesti.
    ellauri316.html on line 668: Yhdysvaltain ja Kanadan instituutti, jota johdin. Akateemikko G.A. Arbatova RAS vuodesta 1967 lähtien ei ole harjoittanut poliittista propagandaa, vaan vakavaa ja tärkeää työtä<…>
    ellauri316.html on line 784: Vankeudessa Vlasov perusti saksalaisten alaisuudessa Venäjän väliaikaisen hallituksen ja kirjoitti propagandalentolehtisiä, jota pudotettiin puna-armeijan joukoille. Useat sadat tuhannet loikkarit palvelivat Saksan armeijassa nimellisesti Vlasovin alaisina, vaikka eivät koskaan hänen komennossaan. Nämä niin sanotut vapaaehtoisjoukot (Hilfswilligen) toimivat harvoin todellisissa taistelutehtävissä. He toimivat muun muassa huoltomiehinä, kuljettajina, varikkotyöläisinä ja lähetteinä.
    ellauri316.html on line 822: In 2019, the town of Lemont, Illinois installed a statue honoring Adolfas Ramanauskas-Vanagas, who led the Lithuanian Activist Front (LAF) on an anti-Soviet campaign with Hitler’s army. The LAF murdered thousands of Lithuanian Jews in June 1941 during the early period of the Nazi invasion. The Forest Brothers, a partisan militia of Latvians, Estonians, and Lithuanians who also collaborated with the Nazis. In 2017, NATO produced a video honoring the Forest Brothers but quickly deleted it after public outcry.
    ellauri316.html on line 824: “The Germans know, as many Americans do not, that the war was won at Stalingrad and that 27 million Soviet citizens died in the fight against the Wehrmacht,” Neiman told ARTnews. “Among decent Germans who want to acknowledge their country’s crimes, there is a strong sense of guilt for the war against the Russians.”
    ellauri316.html on line 831: In 1943, Vlasov published the Smolensk Proclamation, in which he declared that Bolshevism was “the enemy of the Russian people.” His aim was to recruit other Russians now in Germany—the Nazis had taken hundreds of thousands of Red Army soldiers prisoner in the first two years of the war— to unite against the Soviet Union.
    ellauri316.html on line 842: Here, again, Vlasov was unlucky. He surrendered to the United States, but the Americans turned him over to the Soviets. Vlasov was taken to Moscow, where he was imprisoned and ultimately executed.
    ellauri317.html on line 36: Aivan hirmuisesti oli vallankumousoloissa rötöstelijöitä ja konnia. Silmän palvonta ja korruptio rehottivat, anus anum lavat. Njeuvostoliitossa ei näistä helmasynneistä päästy missään vaiheessa. Stalin oli suuri perkele, jonka piti vallassa Hitler toinen samanlainen saatana, ja sitten kylmä sota. Brezhnevin aisapari oli komeljanttari Ronald Reagan. Kapitalismi on ilkeille omanvoitonpyyntisille apinoille mieluisinta, ei siitä pääse yli eikä ympäri. Siihen ne palaavat kuin koira oxennuxelle.
    ellauri317.html on line 63: Yhdysvaltojen ulkopolitiikka se luo Amerikan ​​vastaisia ​​terroristeja. Jutut, joita teemme maailmalle. Valkoinen talo sanoo että he vihaavat vapauttamme ja demokratiaa. Paskan marjat, se on vain propagandaa. Blum kuoli 9. joulukuuta 2018 Arlingtonissa Virginian osavaltiossa munuaisten vajaatoimintaan 85-vuotiaana kaatuttuaan asunnossaan kaksi kuukautta aiemmin.
    ellauri317.html on line 139: Ukrainalainen kulttuuri on nostettu keskeiseen asemaan jopa narratiivisesti, kun kreikkalais-roomalainen mytologia väistyy ukrainalaiselle kansanperinteelle: Juturna ei ole nymfi vaan mavka, yksi niistä kieroisista ukrainalaisista metsä- tai vuoristohaamuhengistä, jotka houkuttelevat pahaa-aavistamattomat miehet kuolemaansa. Sibylistä tulee Baba Yaga. Kaikki venäläiset ja ukrainalaiset lapset tuntevat tähän päivään asti kauhistuttavan itäslaavilaisen slaavin, joka asuu pyörivässä mökissään kananjaloilla. Aeneas-kilpi kuvaa Augustuksen propagandan sijaan ukrainalaisten satujen sankareita (5.44–5), samoin kuin Latinuksen palatsin muurit (4.40–1). Koko runon ajan Kotliarevski ei siis ainoastaan ​​puolusta omaa auktoriteettiaan arvokkaana runoilijana irtautumalla selkeästi Vergiliusista ja hänen museostaan, vaan myös legitimoi ja suojelee ukrainalaista kulttuuriperintöä.
    ellauri317.html on line 390: Holhoojan kommentaattori Roy Greenslade vuonna 2014 ja entinen Slate-lehden toimittaja Jack Shafer vuonna 2007 syyttivät Russia Beyondia propagandasta.
    ellauri317.html on line 392: Venäjän liittotasavallan propaganda edistää hallituksen näkemyksiä, käsityksiä tai tavoitteita.
    ellauri317.html on line 393: Erityisesti nykyaikainen Venäjän propaganda edistää Vladimir Putinin persoonallisuuskulttia ja myönteisiä näkemyksiä Neuvostoliiton historiasta.
    ellauri317.html on line 401: Levada Centerin, Venäjän arvostetuimman ulkomaisen agentin mielestä Putinin Venäjän propaganda on "aggressiivista ja petollista... pahempaa kuin mikään, mitä olen nähnyt Neuvostoliitossa". Pehmeä voima on parempi kuin perinteiset roistomenetelmät, vakuuttaa kolleega siteeraten kiinalaista Lao-Tseä.
    ellauri317.html on line 403: Venäjän vuonna 2014 tekemän Krimin liittämisen jälkeen Nato havaitsi Venäjän propagandan lisääntyneen merkittävästi. Myös RT ja uutistoimisto Sputnik levittävät vääriä tietoja.
    ellauri317.html on line 441: Dzeržinski kuoli sydänkohtaukseen vuonna 1926. Sitä juhlittiin laajasti Neuvostoliitossa, Puolassa ja muissa kommunistisissa maissa, kapitalistisista puhumattakaan. Venäjän valtakunnassa hänen perheensä kuului "pylväsluetteloon" (venäjäksi : столбовое дворянство, stolbovoe dvorianstvo), jonka aateluus tunnustettiin virallisesti, mutta se oli niin vanha, että he eivät enää nauttineet siitä. Felix ampui epähuomiossa sisarensa Wandan 12-vuotiaana. Lyhyt oleskelu Khersonin lukiossa (rauniokasa), Chekhov-lukiossa Taganrogissa ja Donin kasakoiden parissa. Hän puhui puolaa, venäjää, saksaa ja latinaa. Päästötodistus ei ollut hääppöinen: Venäjän historian vääristely - "kiitettävä",
    ellauri317.html on line 499: selkään Naganilla.
    ellauri317.html on line 697:
    ellauri318.html on line 163: Det sägs att Paganini hatade sitt ansikte. Inget under verkligen. Han kallade sig själv för apa, och där hade han fullständigt rätt. Men inte är herr Andoril alls snyggare.
    ellauri318.html on line 319: Kun lukee peräjälkeen vanhoja Ukraina-ozikoita vuoden ajalta saa hyvän käsityxen länkkärien propagandan vääristelyn määrästä.
    ellauri318.html on line 335: Nykyään Ukrainaksi kutsuttu alue oli aikoinaan kasarien valtakunnan sydän (albumi 194). Kasarien kaganaatti saavutti huippunsa 800-luvun lopulla, kun se sai hallintaansa Subkaukasian, Azovinmeren ja suurimman osan Itä-Euroopasta Dnipro-jokeen asti. Pro-Ukrainalaiset Siverialaiset ja Polialaiset kunnioittivat kasareita. Pushkinin lyyrinen sankari oli Kasari. Kertaa myös George Chipmunkin "kossack trivia" albumista 190.
    ellauri318.html on line 375: En rapport från regeringen från 2012 visar att sysselsättningen skiljer sig kraftigt åt mellan män och kvinnor och också mellan olika delar av landet. Samma rapport fastslog att det var, år 2010, 21 procent av somalier (16–64 år) i sysselsättning (jämfört med 73 procent för hela befolkningen). Rapporten fastslog också att det somaliska egenföretagandet var mycket svagt och att år 2010 var 0,6 procent av somalierna egenföretagare (jämfört med 4,9 procent för hela befolkningen). Rapporten kom till förklaringen att situationen såg ut som den gjorde eftersom 70 procent av somalierna hade låg eller okänd utbildning och att 60 procent kommit till Sverige sedan 2006. Man skrev även: "Det finns skäl att tro att snabb individuell inslussning via offentliga system är svår att hantera för människor som likt somalierna kommer från miljöer där sociala behov tillgodoses och ekonomiska aktiviteter ofta bedrivs på ett klan- eller släktbaserat sätt och där misstänksamheten mot myndigheter är utbredd... det är emellertid knappast möjligt eller önskvärt att radikalt montera ner lösningar utformade för och av en majoritet av svenska folket för att underlätta för en minoritet att anpassa sig."
    ellauri318.html on line 377: År 2018 hade 48 procent ett jobb, mest I toabrabschen. Det kulturella avståndet visades vara längst mellan svenskar och somalier enligt de attitydmätningar som gjordes av Högskolan i Gävle och redovisas i Mångfaldsbarometern 2014. De flesta genomsvenskarna tycker inte om att vara egenföretagare I toabranschen eller att paddla I snön med stora pizzalådor på ryggen.
    ellauri318.html on line 385: Att ett land som USA har större tillgång på ”enkla” skitjobb brukar ses som en förklaring till att nyanlända har jämförelsevis lätt att etablera sig på dess arbetsmarknad. WTF, ta modell av Spencer systrarna! Den vilda västen är redan helt klanbaserad! Ingen vid sitt fulla sinne ens tänker lita på ridpolisen I Kanada, den vimlar ju av dumskallar. Svenska polisen kunde ersättas av somaliska klaner som egenföretagare, dom är ju redan bättre beväpnade.
    ellauri321.html on line 108: In 1747, in his sixteenth year, Crèvecoeur was sent by his family to England in order to complete his education. But the young man was of an adventurous spirit, and after a sojourn of about seven years in England, he set sail for Canada, where for the years 1758–59 he served in the French army. In 1764, after some residence in Pennsylvania, he became a naturalized citizen of New York, and five years later settled on a farm in Ulster County. Here, with his wife, Mahetable Tiffet of Yonkers, he lived the peaceful life of many idyllic years during which he gathered the materials for his book. Obviously enough he did not always remain on his farm, but viewed many parts of the country with a quietly observing eye. These journeys are recorded in his pages. He explored pretty thoroughly the settled portions of the States of New York and Pennsylvania, saw something of New England, and also penetrated westward to the limits of the colonies. He went as far South as Charleston, and may have visited Jamaica. Beyond such journeyings we may imagine these years to have xiv have been quite barren of events, serene and peaceful, until the storm of the Revolution began to break. It is not until 1779 that anything of import is again recorded of Crèvecoeur. In that year he made an attempt to return to Normandy, but the sudden appearance of a French fleet in the harbor of New York causing him to be suspected as a spy, he was imprisoned for three months. He was then permitted to sail, and, on his arrival in England, sold for thirty guineas his “Letters from an American Farmer,” which were published at London in 1782, the year after he reached France.
    ellauri321.html on line 117: Crèvecoeur sought and found, or imagined that he had found, that land of plain living and high thinking, of simple virtue and untrammeled manhood, which was one of the dreams of his age. Here were none of those social distinctions against which Werther so bitterly rebelled. The restraints of law were reduced to a minimum and in Crèvecoeur's favorite Society of Friends (of which he gave a long account to his French countrymen) there were not even priests. In a word, the spiritual rebellion of that period was essentially a rebellion against institutions, and the real corresponded very nearly to the ideal in colonial America. Beyond the limits of the colonies, moreover, the absolute ideal hovered.
    ellauri321.html on line 156: Those who live near the sea, feed more on fish than on flesh, and often encounter that boisterous element. This renders them more bold and enterprising; this leads them to neglect the confined occupations of the land. They see and converse with a variety of people; their intercourse with mankind becomes extensive. The sea inspires them with a love of traffic, a desire of transporting produce from one place to another; and leads them to a variety of resources which supply the place of labour. Those who inhabit the middle settlements, by far the most numerous, must be very different; the simple cultivation of the earth purifies them, but the indulgences of the government, the soft remonstrances of religion, the rank of independent freeholders, must necessarily inspire them with sentiments, very little known in Europe among people of the same class. What do I say? Europe has no such class of men; the early knowledge they acquire, the early bargains they make, give them a great degree of sagacity. As freemen men 58 they will be litigious; pride and obstinacy are often the cause of law suits; the nature of our laws and governments may be another. As citizens it is easy to imagine, that they will carefully read the newspapers, enter into every political disquisition, freely blame or censure governors and others. As farmers they will be carful and anxious to get as much as they can, because what they get is their own. As northern men they will love the chearful cup.
    ellauri321.html on line 166: Near the great woods, in the last inhabited districts men seem to be placed still farther beyond the reach of government, which in some measure leaves them to themselves. How can it pervade every corner; as they were driven there by misfortunes, tunes, necessity of beginnings, desire of acquiring large tracks of land, idleness, frequent want of œconomy, ancient debts; the re-union of such people does not afford a very pleasing spectacle. When discord, want of unity and friendship; when either drunkenness or idleness prevail in such remote districts; contention, inactivity, and wretchedness must ensue. There are not the same remedies to these evils as in a long established community. The few magistrates they have, are in general little better than the rest; they are often in a perfect state of war; that of man against man, sometimes decided by blows, sometimes by means of the law; that of man against every wild inhabitant of these venerable woods, of which they are come to dispossess them. There men appear to be no better than carnivorous animals of a superior rank, living on the flesh of wild animals when they can catch them, and when they are not able, they subsist on grain. Eating of wild meat, whatever you may think, tends to alter their temper.
    ellauri321.html on line 168: So he who would wish to see America in its proper light, and have a true idea of its feeble beginnings and barbarous rudiments, must visit our extended line of frontiers where the last settlers dwell, and where he may see the first labours of settlement, the mode of clearing the earth, in all their different appearances; where men are wholly left dependent on their native tempers, and on the spur of uncertain industry, which often fails when not sanctified by the efficacy of a few moral rules. There, remote from the power of example, and check of shame, many families exhibit the most hideous parts of our society. They are a kind of forlorn hope, preceding by ten or twelve years the most respectable army of veterans which come after them. In that space, prosperity will polish some, vice and the law will drive off the rest, who uniting again with others like themselves will recede still farther; making room for more industrious people, who will finish their improvements, convert the loghouse into a convenient habitation, and rejoicing that the first heavy labours are finished, will change in a few years that hitherto barbarous country into a fine fertile, well regulated district. Such is our progress, such is the march of the Europeans toward the interior parts of this continent. In all societies there are off-casts; this impure part serves as our precursors or pioneers; my father himself was one of that class, but he came upon honest principles, and was therefore one of the few who held fast; by good conduct and temperance, he transmitted to me his fair inheritance, when not above one in fourteen of his contemporaries had the same good fortune.
    ellauri321.html on line 193: Others again have been led astray by this enchanting scene; their new pride, instead of leading them to the fields, has kept them in idleness; the idea of possessing lands or a lot of cash is all that satisfies them—though surrounded with fertility, they have mouldered away their time in inactivity, misinformed husbandry, and ineffectual endeavours.
    ellauri321.html on line 195: The Scotch and the Irish might have lived in their own country perhaps as poor, but enjoying more civil advantages, the effects of their new situation do not strike them so forcibly, nor has it so lasting an effect. From whence the difference arises I know not, but out of twelve families of emigrants of each country, generally seven Scotch will succeed, nine German, and four Irish. The Scotch are frugal and laborious, but their wives cannot work so hard as German women, who on the contrary vie with their husbands, and often share with them the most severe toils of the field, which they understand better. They have therefore nothing to struggle against, but the common casualties of nature. The Irish do not prosper so well; they love to drink and to quarrel; they are litigious, and soon take to the gun, which is the ruin of every thing; they seem beside to labour under a greater degree of ignorance in husbandry than the others; perhaps it is that their industry had less scope, and was less exercised at home. Their potatoes, which are easily raised, are perhaps an inducem
    ellauri321.html on line 241: Kwame Nkomo: I am Kenyan, but Ukrainian Nazis call me a “Russian propagandist”, a label that I wear proudly.
    ellauri321.html on line 260: It represented the temporary culmination of long-standing efforts by US imperialism to install a puppet regime on the borders of Russia and brought the world a major step closer to a war between the largest nuclear powers, the US and Russia. Ukraine has since been systematically built up as a launching pad for a NATO war against Russia.The regime change prompted the outbreak of an ongoing civil war in the east of Ukraine, between Russian-backed separatists and the US-backed Ukrainian army, that has claimed the lives of tens of thousands and displaced millions.
    ellauri321.html on line 568: HS:n toimittaja Jenni Jeskanen osaa ilmeisesti venättä, sen porukat on Ilomanzista venäläisillä etunimillä. Se on lähetetty muka viinimatkalle Tamaniin Kerzinsalmen itärannalle. Tarkoitus on kuitenkin vakoilla venäläisten sotatouhuja ja löytää sieltä Herlinin talutusnuoraan sopivia propagandapoinzeja. Valitettavasti venäläiset lomailijat ei lähde mukaan Jennin juontoihin. Johtopäätös on vanha tuttu: he eivät uskalla, nimittäin haukkua ääneen putinisteja. Amerikkalaiset karkit on aikapäiviä korvattu venäläisillä jäljitelmillä. Venäläinen Cokis on nyttemmin Dobryi. Se on hyvä asia. Kyllä mäkin ennen Dobryitä joisin kuin jenkkikokista.
    ellauri322.html on line 51: Thomas Paine est né en 1737 à Thetford, une bourgade du Norfolk en Angleterre. Son père, Joseph Pain, est quaker et sa mère, Frances Cocke Pain, anglicane. Malgré les affirmations selon lesquelles Thomas aurait changé l'orthographe de son nom de famille lors de son émigration en Amérique en 1774, il utilisait "Paine" déja en 1769, alors qu'il était encore à Lewes, dans le Sussex. Il grandit dans un milieu rural modeste et quitte l'école à l'âge de douze ans. Sa formation intellectuelle est donc celle d'un autodidacte. Grâce à cela, sa pensée simple et son style concis et clair ont fait de lui une arme efficace de propagande.
    ellauri322.html on line 76: If nobody will be so kind as to become my foe, I shall need no more fleets nor armies, and shall be forced to reduce my taxes. The American war enabled me to double the taxes; the Dutch business to add more; the Nootka humbug gave me a pretext for raising three millions sterling more; but unless I can make an enemy of Russia the harvest from wars will end. I was the first to incite Turk against Russian, and now I hope to reap a fresh crop of taxes. Kuulostaapa tutulta.
    ellauri322.html on line 83: If there is a country in the world where concord, according to common calculation, would be least expected, it is America. There the poor are not oppressed, the rich are not privileged. Industry is not mortified by the splendid extravagance of an unruly workforce rioting at its expense. Tripla hah.
    ellauri322.html on line 108: But the impression, much as it effected at the time, began to wear away, and I entered afterwards in the King of Prussia Privateer, Captain Mendez, and went with her to sea. Yet, from such a beginning, and with all the inconvenience of early life against me, I am proud to say, that with a perseverance undismayed by difficulties, a disinterestedness that compelled respect, I have not only contributed to raise a new empire in the world, founded on a new system of government, but I have arrived at an eminence in political literature, the most difficult of all lines to succeed and excel in, which aristocracy with all its aids has not been able to reach or to rival. Notta lällällää teille loordit!
    ellauri322.html on line 123: The opening of South America would produce an immense field of commerce, and a ready money market for manufactures, which the eastern world does not. The East is already a country full of manufactures, the importation of which is not only an injury to the manufactures of England, but a drain upon its specie. The balance against England by this trade is regularly upwards of half a million annually sent out in the East-India ships in silver; and this is the reason, together with German intrigue, and German subsidies, that there is so little silver in England.
    ellauri322.html on line 232: MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT was born on the 27th of April, 1759. Her father, a quick-tempered and unsettled man, capable of beating wife, child, and dog was the son of a manufacturer who made money in Spitalfields, when Spitalfields was prosperous. Her mother was a rigorous Irishwoman, of the Dixons of Sally Shannon. Edward John Wollstonecraft of whose childpen, besides Mary, the second child, three sons and two daughters lived to be sort of men and women in course of time, got rid of about ten thousand pounds which had been left him by his father. He began to get rid of it by farming. Mary Wollstonecraft's firstremembered home was in a farm at Epping. When she was five years old, the family moved to another farm, by the Chelmsford Toad. When she was between six and seven years old they moved again, to the neighbourhood of Barking. There they remained three years before the next move, which was to a farm near Beverley, in Yorkshire. In Yorkshire they remained six years, and Mary Wollstonecraft had there what education fell to her lot between the ages of ten and sixteen.
    ellauri322.html on line 236: In 1776, Mary Wollstonecraft's father, a rolling stone, rolled into Wales. Again he was a failure. Next year again he was a Londoner; and Mary had influence enough to persuade him. to choose a house at Walworth, where she would be near to her friend's fanny. Then, however, the conditions of her home life caused her to be often on the point of going away to earn a living for herself. In 1778, when she was nineteen, Mary Wollstonecraft did leave home, to take a situation as companion with a rich tradesman's widow at Bath, of whom it was said that none of her companions could stay with her. Mary Wollstonecraft, nevertheless, stayed two years with the difficult widow, and made herself respected. Her mother's failing health then caused Mary to return to her. The father was then living at Enfield, and trying to save the small remainder of his means by not venturing upon any business at all. The mother died after long suffering, wholly dependent on her daughter Mary's constant care. The mother's last words were often quoted by Mary Wollstonecraft in her own last years of distress "A little patience, and all will be over."
    ellauri322.html on line 238: After the mother's death, Mary Wollstonecraft left home again, to live with her friend, Fanny Blood, who was at Walham Green. In 1782 she went to nurse a manned sister through a dangerous illness. The father's need of support next pressed upon her. He had spent not only his own money, but also the little that had been specially reserved for his children. It is said to be the privilege of a passionate man that he always gets what he wants; he gets to be avoided, and they never find a convenient corner of their own who shut themselves out from the kindly fellowship of life.
    ellauri322.html on line 260: from the effects of which she would escape as the wife of a citizen of the United States. But she did not marry. She witnessed many of the horrors that came of the loosened passions of an untaught populace. A child was born to her a girl whom she named after the dead friend of her own girlhood. And then she found that she had leant upon a reed. She was neglected; and was at last forsaken. Having sent her to London, Imlay there visited her, to explain himself away. She resolved on suicide, and in dissuading her from that he gave her hope again. He needed somebody who had good judgment, and who cared for his interests, to represent him in some business affairs in Norway. She undertook to act for him, and set out on the voyage only a week after she had determined to destroy herself.
    ellauri322.html on line 264: She was rescued, again, and lived on with deadened spirit. In 1796 these "Letters from Sweden and Norway " were published. Early in 1797 she was married to William Godwin. On the 10th of September in the same year, at the ago of thirty-eight, Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin died, after the birth of the daughter who lived to become the wife of Shelley and write a blockbuster bestseller. The mother also would have lived, if a womanly feeling, in itself to be respected, had not led her also to unwise departure from the customs of the world. Peace be to her memory. None but kind thoughts can dwell upon the life of this too faithful disciple of Rousseau (except for the feminismim).
    ellauri322.html on line 417: Many very cogent reasons have been urged by her friends to prove that her affection for Struensee was never carried to the length (15cm) alleged against her by those who feared her influence. Be that as it may she certainly was no a woman of gallantry, and if she had an attachment for him it did not disgrace her heart or understanding, the king being a notorious debauchee and an idiot into the bargain.
    ellauri323.html on line 127: In Berlin, every night, the students escorted her home with torches. Prince Vierfuenfsechs-Siebenachtneun offered her his hand, and was condemned by the Kaiser to six months’ confinement in his little castle. In Yildiz Kiosk, the tyrant who still throve there conferred on her the Order of Chastity, and offered her the central couch in his seraglio. In Petersburg, the Grand Duke Salamander Salamandrovitch fell enamoured of her. The Grand Duchess appealed to the Tzar. Zuleika was conducted across the frontier, by an escort of love-sick Cossacks. On the Sunday before she left Madrid, a great bull-fight was held in her honour. Fifteen bulls received the coup-de-grace, and Alvarez, the matador of matadors, died in the arena with her name on his lips. He had tried to kill the last bull without taking his eyes off la divina senorita. From the Vatican, the Pope launched against her a bull which fell utterly flat.
    ellauri324.html on line 95: Salvadoran hallitusta pidettiin Yhdysvaltojen liittolaisena kylmän sodan aikana. Carterin ja Reaganin hallinnon aikana Yhdysvallat antoi Salvadorin hallitukselle taloudellista apua 1-2 miljoonaa dollaria päivässä. Ei sentään ihan Ukrainan tahtia. Yhdysvallat tarjosi myös merkittävää koulutusta ja varusteita armeijalle. Toukokuuhun 1983 mennessä kerrottiin, että Yhdysvaltain armeijan upseerit työskentelivät Salvadoran High Commandissa ja tekivät tärkeitä strategisia ja taktisia päätöksiä. Yhdysvaltain hallitus uskoi, että sen laaja apu El Salvadorin hallitukselle oli perusteltua sillä perusteella, että Neuvostoliitto tuki kapinallisia.
    ellauri324.html on line 135: Erbetene I. sind auch ein wertwoller Trick. Es gibt immer einige die um eine I. bitten wollen, wie z.B. der ex-Russe Mikhail Shittin. Indirekte I. ist immer noch besser, mit Propaganda-Media und Handelssanktionen.
    ellauri324.html on line 224: Why is America in such poor shape, with its crumbling roads, crappy power distribution, and pitiful public transport systems? It is because Americans have been propagandized for decades into believing that “liberty” is the ultimate virtue, and this “liberty” is so valuable that it justifies the cost of living as a selfish asshole under a dysfunctional government. “Raise taxes to pay for public infrastructure?” “Jeez Louise; over my dead body! Taxation is theft, government is bad!” For much of the 20th century, America defined itself against the collectivist USSR, and the fatuous argument was made that since everything was under the control of the state in the USSR, the US government should do as little as possible, apart from outspending the evil Commies in national defense.
    ellauri324.html on line 253:

    Reagan to believe

    ellauri324.html on line 255: Presidentti Ronald Reagan mainitsi kampanjamielenosoituksensa Hammontonissa, New Jerseyssä lyhyesti laulun Born in the USA sanoen: "Amerikan tulevaisuus lepää tuhansissa unelmissanne sydämessänne. Se lepää toivon sanomassa. sellaisen miehen lauluissa, jota niin monet nuoret amerikkalaiset ihailevat – New Jerseyn omassa Bruce Springsteenissä." Kaksi yötä myöhemmin Pittsburghissa pidetyssä konsertissa Springsteen kertoi yleisölle: "No, presidentti mainitsi nimeni puheessaan toissapäivänä ja jouduin jotenkin miettimään, mikä hänen suosikkialbuminsa on täytynyt olla. ? En usko, että se oli Nebraska." Bruce on Reaganiin verrattuna vihervassari. 19. heinäkuuta 1988 Springsteenin konsertti Itä-Saksassa keräsi 300 000 katsojaa. Konsertin oli suunnitellut sosialistisen yhtenäisyyspuolueen nuorisosiipi, jonka tarkoituksena oli tyynnyttää Itä-Saksan nuoriso, joka kaipasi lisää vapautta ja lännen populaarimusiikkia. Nimikappale käsittelee tavallisen sotilaan tunteita ja pelkoja Irakin sodan aikana. Presidentti Obama piti puheen, jossa hän väitti, että Springsteen oli sisällytetty tavallisten amerikkalaisten laajaan kappalevalikoimaan. Vuonna 2012 Springsteen kampanjoi presidentti Barack Obaman uudelleenvalintaa vastaan. ​​Springsteenin kiertueet sijoittivat hänet neljänneksi artistien joukossa vuosikymmenen kokonaistuloissa. 31. heinäkuuta 2012 Helsingissä Springsteen esitti kaikkien aikojen pisimmän konserttinsa, neljä tuntia ja kuusi minuuttia 33 kappaleella. Syyskuussa 2023 Springsteen ilmoitti lykkäävänsä kahdeksan syyskuulle suunniteltua esitystä. Springsteen oli hoidossa peptisen haavataudin vuoksi, ja lääkärit suosittelivat, ettei hän esiintyisi livenä.
    ellauri324.html on line 259: Iran -Contra-skandaali ( persia: ماجرای ایران-کنترا ; espanja: Caso Irán-Contra ), jota usein kutsutaan Iran-Contra-skandaaliksi, oli Yhdysvaltojen poliittinen skandaali, joka tapahtui Reaganin toisen kauden aikana. Vuosina 1981–1986 korkeat hallinnon virkamiehet edistivät salaa laitonta aseiden myyntiä Iraniin, joka oli tuolloin asevientikiellon alainen. Hallinto toivoi käyttävänsä asekaupan tuotot Nicaraguan sandinistien vastaisen kapinallisryhmän Contrasin rahoittamiseen. Bolandin muutoksen mukaan kongressi kielsi Contran lisärahoituksen lainsäädäntömäärärahoilla, mutta Reaganin hallinto keksi porsaanreiän käyttämällä sen sijaan salaa käyttämättömiä varoja. Vaikka presidentti Ronald Reagan kannatti äänekkäästi Contra-asiaa, todisteet ovat kiistanalaisia siitä, oliko hän henkilökohtaisesti kiikuttanut varat Contralle. Muut konnailusta syytetyt tai tuomitut saivat kaikki armahduksen George HW Bushin presidenttikauden viimeisinä päivinä. Hän oli tapauksen aikaan varapresidentti.
    ellauri324.html on line 261: agan_meets_with_aides_on_Iran-Contra.jpg/480px-President_Ronald_Reagan_meets_with_aides_on_Iran-Contra.jpg" />
    ellauri324.html on line 262:
    Reagan (äärioikealla) tapaa (vasemmalta oikealle) puolustusministeri Caspar Weinbergerin, ulkoministeri George Shultzin, oikeusministeri Ed Meesen ja kansliapäällikön Donald Reganin soikeassa toimistossa.

    ellauri324.html on line 292: People find some Reagan to believe.
    ellauri324.html on line 398: Merijalkaväki asetti VC:n propagandalehtisen Lémin kasvoille. Hänen ruumiinsa jätettiin kadulle ja vietiin myöhemmin joukkohautaan. Historioitsija Ed Moise uskoo, että tapaus on Etelä-Vietnam-propagandaa. Ben Wright, apulaisjohtaja Dolph Briscoe Center for American Historyssa, sanoi valokuvasta: "Stillkuvassa on jotain, joka vaikuttaa syvästi katsojaan ja pysyy hänen kanssaan. Videokuva teloituxesta, vaikkakin kamalaa, ei herätä samoja kiihotuxen tunteita ja räikeää tragediaa."
    ellauri324.html on line 454: with innocence ever again.

    Shocked doesn’t quite
    ellauri324.html on line 495: favoritvapen, pågår en intensiv debatt om vapenlagarna i
    ellauri324.html on line 515: certain amount of trauma, so again, yes you can say we
    ellauri324.html on line 740: if you set the common man up against the immigrant, you
    ellauri325.html on line 151: Kylläpä on kehnoa puujalkahuumoria tehtailtu propagandan nimissä suomen sotaurhoille talvi- ja varsinkin jatkosodassa. Niin puisevaa että tikut jää lukijalle käteen. Pahimpia syntisiä ovat Swan Ohto Antero Manninen "Bosambo" ja Reijo "Repe" Helismaa eli Erho. Niiden sepustuxia lukiessa melkein hävettää. Jees, propagandaa! huudahtaa kolmas puu-ukko Armas J. Pulla. Oliskohan niin että oikeistolaisuus synnyttää aivan erityisen puisevaa propagandaläjää. Suhtautukaa vakavasti propagandaan pojat! Jäi vähän vaivaamaan että oikeinko se Stalin tarjosi Tannerille ja Mannerheimille parempia rauhanehtoja 1941 kuin se sai 1940 tai 1944? No oli varmaan liian myöhäistä kun Aatu oli siihen mennessä nielaissut Lapista ei vaan peukaloa vaan koko käden.
    ellauri325.html on line 163: Hei mitä lavastaja Roy eli "Juan Batiste Montabuan", siviilissä Tapio Vilpponen otti myöskin osaa propagandatalkoisiin! Arkadi Avertshenkon tyylilajissa. Tapio Vilpponen (31. toukokuuta 1913 Rauma – 31. elokuuta 1994 Helsinki) oli suomalainen käsikirjoittaja, lavastaja, puvustaja, taidemaalari, graafikko, sisustussuunnittelija, kuvanveistäjä, copywriter, toimittaja, pilapiirtäjä ja pakinoitsija. Hän myös näytteli muutamassa elokuvassa. Vilpponen käytti salanimiä Roy ja Juan Batiste Montauban. Vilpponen kirjoitti useita kioskilukemistoja (El Zorron seikkailut, Tilly, Pekka Lipponen junior) sekä nelisensataa jatkojännäriä. Kexittyään Jussi-palkinnon hän oli itse ensimmäisiä Jussi-palkittuja vuonna 1944, kun hänet palkittiin parhaasta lavastuksesta elokuvaan Herra ja ylhäisyys. Juan Batiste Montabuan on selvä plagiaatti Simo Penttilästä. Zorron porukat on käytkaz yxyhteen TJA Heikkilän, tai Punavyön sivuvaunuineen. Inkkari Tacho on Tlacan kopio. Vilpponen oli Hirvosta 15v nuorempi. Heikon kuulonsa vuoxi hänkään ei joutunut ruotuun.
    ellauri325.html on line 197: No niin, millainen oli lavastaja Royn propagandapakina vlta 1943? Aika tavanomaista "a vot me ryssätolvanat" hupailua, plus kommunismin haukkumista ja herkuttelua Moskovan pommituxilla 1941.
    ellauri325.html on line 217: Uuno Ilmari Hirvonen (1898-1971) eli Simo Penttilä (T.J.A. Penttilä, Punavyö) oli sovinistisika. Uuno Hirvonen innostui koulupoikana kirjoista ja kirjoittamisesta niin, että hän jätti Helsingin Suomalaisen normaalilyseon kesken. URA: Viisi luokkaa Helsingin Suomalaisessa normaalilyseossa. Hän oli vakaumukseltaan tiukan oikeistolainen (lue: täysi nazi, huom wiixet Fig. 1) Ränsistyneet kahviviljelmät ovat varmaankin valtion hoidossa, tuumaa Heikkilänä Mexikossa matkaileva extoimituspäällikkö. Romaanisarjan päähenkilössä oli annos Hirvosen omaakin roolihahmoa. Hän esitti fasistiset käsityksensä selkeästi kuin kenraaliluutnantti T. J. A. Heikkilä. Valhe on sodassa ja propagandassa sallittu ase.
    ellauri325.html on line 307: Matti Hälli mainittiin ohimennen albumissa 60. Mäntti on aika mitätön vastaantulija. Sen brobagandabläjäys koskee muuatta stm Rantasta, piintynyttä käteenvetäjää. Ei siitä enempää. Kalle "Näkymätön" Viänäsen sanarrieskoo ei kehtoo ies mainita.
    ellauri325.html on line 327: Kansanhuoltoministeriön propagandapäälliköltä ja Tammen toimitusjohtajalta (sos.dem.) U.U.U. Utriolta oli aika etevä selonteko sota-ajan talouspolitiikasta ja ympärysvaltojen sanktioista. Sen tytär Kaarista tuli paizi naistenkirjailija, viikonloppuäiti, mikä tarkoitti että hän oli HUONO nainen (ei paha, kuten ei työkalustakaan sanota että se on paha).
    ellauri325.html on line 333: Toinen oikis pakinoizija joka väsäs sotapropagandaa oli rimpulampi Uuden Suomen Olli Nuorteva. Hän hassuttelee Mainilan ja Mänzälän välisestä pugilistiyhteenotosta. Jossa Vaasan Jaakkoo yli 100 kilogr. elopainollaan olisi paininut raskaassa sarjassa. Mutta kansanhuollon petkuttamisexi karjavaaka näytti väärin ja teki Jaakkoosta kärpäshöyhensarjalaisen. Naurua kolmannella!
    ellauri325.html on line 506: TK miehet olivat vastenmielistä palturia laskettelevia uutisshakaaleja. Sitä se sotapropaganda teettää. jsp-lääkäri Moses Zewi leikkaa liian kauan pahoin haavoittunutta venäjänjuutalaista sotavankia. Suomalaiset leikkausjonossa suuttuvat. Zewin alainen ampuu pistoolillaan läpi puskaryssän pään. Zewi sai erinomaisesta palveluxestaan suomalaisilta hakaristin. Hitlerkin oli kvarteronijuutalainen.
    ellauri325.html on line 550: Jatkosotaa Helanen nimitti "Jihadixi". "Nyt luodaan eheän, yksimielisen, mutta monitahoisen kansamme voimalla Suomi, jonka yltä idän uhka on iäksi poissa", hän kirjoitti päätoimittamassaan Suomen Heimo -lehdessä 1941. Helanen oli Suur-Suomi -aatteen innokas kannattaja. Hän toimi talvisodan aikana propagandatehtävissä ja jatkosodan aikana valtionlainojen propagandatoimikunnan puheenjohtajana, Itä-Karjalan sotilashallinnon virkailijana ja asutuksen suunnittelijana sekä sisäasiainministeriön edustajana Tallinnassa.
    ellauri325.html on line 669: Matti 6n oharit julkaistiin kun se oli mun ikäinen, 71-vuotias. Tämän se oli sentään oppinut: Useimmat jotka puhuvat rauhasta suunnittelevat viimeistä taistoa, jota seuraa täydellinen rauha. Täydellisen rauhan esteenä on aina jokin, joka on ensin sodittava pois. Aina on joku rauhan vihollinen, johon rauhanpropaganda kohdistetaan. Todelliseksi rauhantekijäksi pystyy vain se, joka sanoutuu irti arvostusten taistelusta, haistattaa hevon vitut arvostuxille.
    ellauri326.html on line 289: Typerä isäni luuli puolustavansa kotimaataan Hitlerin hallinnolta, mutta hän puolusti samalla Stalinin fasistista hallintoa. Venäläiset menevät nyt sotaan, kuten Putinin propaganda heille selitti, puolustaakseen kotimaataan "eurooppalaista ja amerikkalaista natsismia vastaan", eivätkä ymmärrä, että he suojelevat Kremlin rikollisjoukkion valtaa, joka on vallannut koko maan panttivangiksi.
    ellauri326.html on line 309:

    Sodan alkamisen jälkeen kuuluisa amerikkalainen kielitieteilijä ja filosofi Noam Chomsky erottui ristiriitaisista lausunnoista, jotka resonoivat Kremlin kannan kanssa, joka väittää, että Venäjä on sodassa NATO:n kanssa ja tekee sen "inhimillisemmin kuin Yhdysvallat Irakissa". Huhtikuun alussa 2022 Lähi-idän The National News -julkaisun haastattelussa Chomsky toisti myös lauseen "sodasta viimeiseen ukrainalaiseen" ja selvensi lainaavansa kuuluisaa eläkkeellä olevaa amerikkalaista diplomaattia Charles (Chaz) Freemania. Itse asiassa Freeman ei ollut tämän nälväisyn kekkaaja. Hän sanoi ne kaksi viikkoa aikaisemmin amerikkalaisen äärivasemmiston resurssin The Grayzonen haastattelussa (merkittävä Kremlin propagandassa), viitaten monin tavoin "länteen".

    Expresidentti Obama sanoi suoraan, että Yhdysvaltain armeija ei osallistu ulkomaisiin konflikteihin. …Mutta sotilaallinen toiminta ei voi olla joka tapauksessa ainoa tai edes tärkein osa johtajuuttamme. Se, että meillä on paras vasara, ei tarkoita, että jokainen ongelma on naula. Barack Obama pani merkille kollektiivisen toiminnan tehokkuuden. Hän luetteli niihin: diplomatia, taloudelliset pakotteet, eristyneisyys ja turvautuminen kansainväliseen oikeuteen.
    ellauri326.html on line 393: Some NATO countries and allies, such as Germany and Sweden, have reversed past policies against providing offensive military aid in order to support Ukraine, while the European Union for the first time in its history supplied lethal arms through its institutions.
    ellauri326.html on line 423: Provision of satellite intelligence, notably through the European Union Satellite Centre, as part of 1 March 2022 resolution on the Russian aggression against Ukraine.
    ellauri326.html on line 438: Olga Skabeyeva said on state-owned Rossiya 1 TV: "It can safely be called World War Three. That's entirely for sure. [...] We're definitely fighting against NATO infrastructure, if not NATO itself. We need to recognise that." She has further claimed that NATO is supplying Ukraine with "zillions of weapons". (Which is entirely true, see the list.)
    ellauri326.html on line 440: Israel refused to send lethal weapons to Ukraine. In June 2023, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that "We’re concerned also with the possibility that systems that we would give to Ukraine would fall into Iranian hands and could be reverse engineered, and we would find ourselves facing Israeli systems used against Israel. Besides, we need them here to chase out the diaper heads." Penny fuckers!
    ellauri326.html on line 570: Toinen Prahan defenestraatio vuonna 1618 tunnetaan tapahtumana, joka käynnisti kolmikymmenvuotisen sodan. Kaksi vuotta aiemmin Böömin valtaistuimelle oli noussut kiihkokatolinen Ferdinand II, jonka käskystä protestanttien uskonnonvapautta rajoitettiin. Böömin protestantit pitivät tätä keisari Rudolf II:n myöntämän uskonnonvapauden loukkauksena. 23. toukokuuta 1618 joukko protestantteja tunkeutui Prahan linnaan ja heitti ulos ikkunasta kaksi katolista neuvosherraa, Wilhelm Slavatan ja Jaroslav Borsita von Martinicin, sekä näiden kirjurin. Kaikki kolme säilyivät hengissä 15-metrisestä ilmalennosta putoamalla linnan puutarhassa olleeseen lantakasaan; tosin katolilainen propaganda väitti myöhemmin enkeleiden varjelleen heitä. Defenestraatiosta alkanut sisällissota Böömin katolisten ja protestanttien välillä kärjistyi lopulta kolmikymmenvuotiseksi sodaksi.
    ellauri326.html on line 576: Vain pari mainitaxemme: Latviassa syntynyt juutalainen liikemies ja Venäjän Ukrainan sodan kriitikko Dan Rapoport kuoli Washington D.C:ssä Yhdysvalloissa 14.8.2022 pudottuaan korkealla sijaitsevasta asunnostaan. 2017 Rapoportin liikekumppani Sergei Tkachenko oli kuollut pudottuaan asuntonsa ikkunasta Moskovassa. Venäläisen öljy-yhtiön Lukoilin johtokunnan puheenjohtaja Ravil Maganov kuoli 1.9.2022 pudottuaan Moskovan keskussairaalan ikkunasta. Lukoilin johtokunta oli keväällä vaatinut Ukrainan sodan lopettamista. Putinin oli nähty hiippailevan lähikulmilla.
    ellauri327.html on line 41: aganda.jpg?itok=wte8KpZ4" height="200px" />
    ellauri327.html on line 89: aganda-poster-retro-graphika.jpg" height="200px" />
    ellauri327.html on line 92: aganda-posters%2B%252813%2529.jpg" height="200px" />
    ellauri327.html on line 174: De fleste i vesten kender dybest set ikke ret meget til hverken Rusland eller Ukraine, udover hvad de får at vide via vestlig propaganda.
    ellauri327.html on line 178: Hvorom alt er, så er det farligt kun at høre den ene side af historien - især, når denne er præget af magthavernes interesser, fordomme og propaganda. Det gjorde tyskerne i 30'ernes Tyskland, med fatale konsekvenser for hele Europa.
    ellauri327.html on line 306: Det här klippet kommer bli sjukt viralt. Helkkarin tyhjäpäitä tolvanoita jossain Rinkebyssä. Skvaller I Ödeshult. Luurit pois vaan pikkupilluilta, ei siinä sen kummempaa. Caroline näkyy videolla ilman rihman kiertämää. Ei siinä mitään mutta kun se on niin tasapaxu ja ohuttukkainen! Sverigepolisen kommer med vispande blåljus och dragna pistoler och skjuter Nollan på fläcken. Så är sagan all. En stor blodpöl vid poolen. Har det hänt nåt obehagligt på nätet? Va fan gör lillfittorna på nätet överhuvudtaget? Nollan ljuger lite och skyller allt på Jempan men kommer upp med sanningen till sist. Ingen är riktigt arg på henne och hon får kolakakor av mamma som beröm. Gratis är det bästa ordet I det svenska språket säger mamma.
    ellauri327.html on line 589: Ukrainan parlamentin jäsen Pavel Rizanenko kertoi USA Todaylle , että Ukraina saattaa joutua aseistautumaan omilla ydinaseillaan, jos Yhdysvallat ja muut maailman johtajat eivät noudata sopimusta. Hän sanoi: ”Luopuimme ydinaseista tämän sopimuksen vuoksi. Nyt Ukrainassa ollaan vahvasti sitä mieltä, että olemme tehneet suuren virheen, oikean emämunauxen, Plopovin izemurhasiirron. Hän totesi myös, että "tulevaisuudessa, riippumatta siitä, miten Krimin tilanne ratkaistaan, tarvitsemme paljon vahvemman Ukrainan. Jos sinulla on ydinaseita, ihmiset eivät ota sinua kiinni Krav Maga-otteella, eivät potki raudotetulla kengällä päähän eikä munille. "
    ellauri328.html on line 42: Suomen viranomaiset ja liikemiehet ovat järjestään skurkin näköisiä. Ja ajattele että ne on kaikki meitä nuorempia, siis kasvaneet tuttia lupsuttavista vauvoista ja kärpäsiä rääkkäävistä pikkupojista isoixi skurkeixi meidän vanhetessamme. EU:n ilmastopäälliköxi on nimetty Shellin entinen öljypropagandajohtaja. Maailmanlaajuisesti asiaa ajamassa on Dubain öljynhajuinen sheikki puheenjohtaja. Hyvin menee mutta menköön.
    ellauri328.html on line 44: Lisää Hoblan uutisozikoita perjantaina viikkoa ennen 71. syntymäpäivää: Strejklagar går vidare "efter djup oenighet". Risto E.J. Penttilä (ser ut som en riktig archi-skurk): En enskild incident skadar inte Finlandsbilden. Den mycket skurkaktiga skyddspolisen i äcklig övervikt: Ryssland behandlar Finland som en fientligt sinnad stat. Jättestor överraskning! Finland har ju varit fientligt sinnat mot ryssarna genom seklerna. Turkulainen venäläinen koulu lopetetaan, etteivät lapset opi lukemaan röllipeikkoja. Nio riskerade drunkna vid Nylands brigad. Mycket flere än nio riskerar drunkna när den stora fajten börjar. Regeringen vill slopa rätten till skattefri första bostad. Istället betala alla som köper bostäder mindre skatt. Än en inkomstöverföring från de som inget har till dom som har det bra. Nya PVC-chefen om läget i finskt näringsliv: Tyvärr ganska dystert. Haha. Åland bygger mer vindkraft för att skrämma bort resten av fåglarna och fiskarna från skärena. Dumpningen av smutsig snö i havet fortsätter.
    ellauri328.html on line 65:

    Efter snart 600 dagars krig manar Ukrainas president Volodymyr Zelenskyj om ännu mer stöd från "omvärlden." – Vi måste vinna vinterkriget, säger presidenten på besök i Natohögkvarteret.
    ellauri328.html on line 68: Samma skurkaltiga Schibsted som döljer sig bakom The Guardian har en skrivelse om Putins nyttiga idioter bakom betalmur. Sedan när behöver man betala för västerpropaganda? Elämme ja hengitämme kasvua ja kehitystä. Kyss fittan med eran tillväxt och utveckling! Selskapet ble grunnlagt av Christian Schibsted i 1839 da han startet en liten virksomhet som boktrykker i Oslo. Schibsted overtok eierskapet til Verdens Gang i 1966, da avisen var i finansielle problemer. I 1988 ble det til da familieeide selskapet gjort om til aksjeselskap og det ble opprettet ulike datterselskaper.
    ellauri328.html on line 176: "Mahdoton tehtävä" nimisen de propaganda fide läpyskän H.C. Andersen on samanlainen monomaani yhden kirjan mies kuin Vasiljevin agenttiromaanin Andrei Martynov. Kirja vaan on eri, toisella juutalaisten käsikirja, toisella työläisten. Siihen ne erot sitten päättyvätkin, loppu menee prikulleen samaan tapaan. 2 jalkaa hyvä, 4 paha, taikka kääntäen.
    ellauri328.html on line 354: Urho Kekkonen eli Pekka Peizi huoahti. Sodan hiidenkirnussa moni asia muuttui. Yksi näistä asioista oli propaganda. Rauhan tultua huomattiin, että sana oli menettänyt maineensa.
    ellauri328.html on line 355: Sanahan on hienoa sukua, latinaa. Propaganda on uskon levittämistä. Maailman sivu on tehty propagandaa, levitetty ajatuksia, mielipiteitä ja oppeja kannatuksen toivossa. Jos sanan nykyaikaistaisi, se kai olisi puhumista omaan pussiin.
    ellauri328.html on line 359: "Sama tahti jatkui meillä sodan sytyttyäkin". Pekka Peitsi kirjoittaa Talvisodan aikana ryssä oli sotilaana alamittainen ja halveksittava vastustaja, niin esitettiin sekä kotimaalle että ulkomaille Ja kun mahtava vihollinen sitten ylivoimallaan pakotti meidät rauhaan, oli kansa, joka ei tuntenut olosuhteita rintamalla, vaan oli luottanut viralliseen propagandaan, totisesti vallan pyrstöllään: kuinka annettiin Karjala nille. jotka olivat jo alakynnessä.
    ellauri328.html on line 361: Mitä lähemmäs rintamaa mentiin, sitä kauemmas rintaman taakse jäi propaganda ja sitä läheisemmäxi kävi Raamattu. Tai no. Mutta sotaa on käytävä löysin rantein, sanoi P. Peizi. On se sellainen savotta (albumi 19).
    ellauri328.html on line 517:

    Marjorie Taylor Greene slams 'feckless' Republicans who voted against her
    ellauri331.html on line 56: Propagandasota Venäjällä ei ole mitään uutta. Se on jatkunut pitkään. Moskovassa asuvana toimittajana joutuu itse välineeksi, jopa kohteexi, ellei pidä varaansa. Suomalaiset lapset heittää Vaalimaalla auton ikkunaan tiiliskiviä, jos siinä on pitkät rekkarit.
    ellauri331.html on line 121: ARU.TV on uutis- ja mielipiteitä käsittelevä verkko-tv-kanava Tallinnassa, Virossa ja se käynnistettiin vuonna 2015. Hankkeen tavoitteena on taistella Kremlin propagandaa vastaan ja se kohdistuu ihmisiin Venäjällä ja Valko -Venäjän venäjänkieliseen väestöön. Ukraina ja Baltian maat.
    ellauri331.html on line 131:
    DOXA Magazine

    ellauri331.html on line 133: DOXA Magazine on venäläinen feministinen online-opiskelijalehti.
    ellauri331.html on line 187: Ulkomaisen lehdistön suhtautuminen Venäjään muuttui 2000-luvulla ja muuttui kriittisemmäksi. Esimerkiksi suolto brittiläisestä mediasta tuli vähemmän raittiixi, mutta yhtenäisemmäksi. Heidän amerikkalaiset kollegansa, jotka ovat eräänlainen vapaan ja demokraattisen median viiteryhmä maailmalle, suorittavat tänään ehkä vaikeimman ja kriittisimmän Venäjän-tehtävän. He tekevät kaikkensa palauttaakseen ryssät demokratian polulle, ja vielä enemmän, heidän asemansa ei vain velvoita, vaan jopa sanelee heitä siihen. Kritiikki on tässä tapauksessa demokratian tärkein ase, jonka aggressiivisuus ja positiivisuus muistuttavat hyvin usein diktatuuria. Helmikuussa 2023 Kanada määräsi InoSMI:lle sanktiot sen sekaantumisesta Venäjän propagandaan ja väärän tiedon levittämisestä vuoden 2022 sotaan Ukrainassa.
    ellauri331.html on line 221: 12. maaliskuuta 2014 omistaja Alexander Mamut erotti ("ampui") päätoimittaja Galina Timchenkon ja korvasi hänet Aleksei Goreslavskilla. 39 työntekijää 84:stä, mukaan lukien pääjohtaja Yuliya Minder, menetti työpaikkansa. Lenita.ru:n työntekijät antoivat lausunnon, jonka mukaan muuton tarkoituksena oli asentaa uusi Kremlin suoraan hallitsema päätoimittaja ja tehdä verkkosivusto propagandatyökaluksi. Dunja Mijatović, ETYJ:n medianvapauden edustaja, viittasi siirtoon sensuurin ilmentymänä.
    ellauri331.html on line 235: Life (tyylitelty nimellä L!FE, entinen LifeNews ) on venäläinen hallitusta edistävä uutissivusto, jonka omistaa Aram Gabrelyanov [ ru ; hy ; uk ] ja julkaisija News Media [ ru ]. Sen toimistot ovat Moskovassa. Brändi yhdistetään yleisimmin lakkautettuun LifeNews-kanavaan ja usalaiseen Life-viikkolehteen, joka tuli Elna Hiekkalalle Bulevardilla. LifeNews nousi tunnetuksi käsittelemällä aktiivisesti Donbasin tapahtumia vuonna 2014 ja otti vahvan Kremlin-mielisen kannan. Kanavan luokitukset nousevat vuoden 2014 aikana huippuunsa 30 miljoonaan. Kanavan merkittäviin toimittajiin kuului Semen Pegov, joka jatkoi War Gonzo -projektin perustamista. Gonzo journalismi joutui skandaalin keskipisteeseen heinäkuussa 2014, kun he raportoivat positiivisella sävyllä, että Ukrainan vastaiset "kapinalliset" Itä-Ukrainassa olivat ampuneet alas Ukrainan sotilaskoneen. Suihkukone osoittautui pian siviilimatkustajakoneeksi, MH17, ja LifeNews siirtyi nopeasti poistamaan ja poistamaan alkuperäisen raporttinsa ja tuottamaan sitten lisää raportteja, joissa syytettiin Ukrainaa kohtalokkaasta ammuskelusta. Syyskuussa 2014 Ukrainan kansallinen televisioneuvosto kielsi 15 Kremlin ylläpitämää kanavaa, mukaan lukien LifeNewsin, koska he väittivät sen olevan sotapropagandaa. Mitä se toki olikin.
    ellauri331.html on line 242: Vuosia gonzo journalismiin panostettuaan vuoteen 2021 mennessä BuzzFeed News oli voittanut National Magazine Award -palkinnon, George Polk -palkinnon ja Pulitzer-palkinnon ja oli ehdolla Michael Kelly -palkinnon saajaksi. 1. huhtikuuta 2023 Pieretti ilmoitti, että BuzzFeed Media sulkee BuzzFeed Newsin ja keskittää uutistoimintansa The Huffington Postiin, jolloin irtisanotaan noin 180 työntekijää.
    ellauri331.html on line 369: Novaya Gazeta.Europe -lehden ensimmäinen painettu numero ilmestyi 6. toukokuuta 2022 Latvian lehtikioskissa Riiassa ja verkossa osoitteessa novayagazeta.eu. Painetun version julkaisee Rīgas Viļņi Riiassa, Latviassa. Eli ei tämäkään kuulu enää tänne. Venäjän valtakunnansyyttäjä nimesi 28.6.2023 Novaya-Gazeta Europen ei-toivotuksi organisaatioksi, eikä ihmekään. Eikä ihme sekään että tää läpyskä on saanut sen 77 palkkntoa länkkäreiltä, rauhannoobelia myöden. Kommunitsheskij molodezh pyörii haudassaan.
    ellauri331.html on line 484: Viron turvallisuuspoliisi (KaPo) esitti vuoden 2005 vuosikirjassaan väitteen, jonka mukaan REGNUM oli suunniteltu välineeksi Venäjän valtion propagandakoneistossa, joka toimi Modest Kolerovin johdolla, tuolloin presidentti Vladimir Putinin hallinnon viraston päällikkönä.. Väitteessä todettiin, että REGNUM ei ole pohjimmiltaan uutiskanava sellaisena kuin se esittää itsensä, vaan sateenvarjo Venäjän salaisten palveluiden toiminnalle niin sanotuissa "lähiulkomaan" maissa, joiden ponnistelut on suunnattu edistämään Venäjän geopoliittista agendaa. Venäjän ulkopoliittisena välineenä REGNUM on kannustanut vastustamaan Baltian maiden energiariippumattomuussuunnitelmia ja vaikuttanut kielteiseen kansanäänestykseen uudesta ydinvoimalasta Liettuaan. Kyllä se joku baltti oli.
    ellauri331.html on line 509: Venäjän presidentti Vladimir Putin allekirjoitti 9. joulukuuta 2013 RIA Novostin "Joistain toimenpiteistä valtion joukkotiedotusvälineiden tehokkuuden parantamiseksi" ja sen yhdistämisen kansainväliseen Voice of Russia -radiopalveluun Rossija Segodnjan luomiseksi. Dmitri Kiseljov, Venäjän kanavan entinen ankkuri, nimitetään uuden tietotoimiston johtajaksi. TV-verkon RT päätoimittajan haastattelun mukaan Margarita Simonyan ei ollut täysin tietoinen tietotoimiston uudelleenorganisoinnista ja sai tiedon kuuntelemalla kilpailevaa radioasemaa Kommersant-FM. Uudelleenjärjestely aiheutti huolta siitä, että RIA Novostista tuli propagandakanava, toisin kuin Neuvostoliiton aikana.
    ellauri331.html on line 524: Roskomnadzor lisäsi 18. elokuuta 2015 venäjänkielisen Wikipedian artikkelin charoista ( Чарас (наркотическое вещество) (venäjäksi) ) mustalle listalle, koska se sisältää huumepropagandaa. Artikkeli kirjoitettiin sitten tyhjästä uudelleen YK:n materiaaleja ja oppikirjoja käyttäen, mutta 24. elokuuta se sisällytettiin Venäjän Internet-palveluntarjoajille lähetettyjen kiellettyjen materiaalien luetteloon. Koska Wikipedia käyttää HTTPS- protokollaa liikenteen salaamiseen, käytännössä kaikki sivustot kaikilla Wikipedian kieliversioilla [ kyseenalainen – keskustelu ] estettiin Venäjällä elokuun 25. päivän yönä. [ lisää kannabista tarvitaan ]
    ellauri331.html on line 540: Ridus ( venäjäksi : Ридус ) on online-kausilehti, jossa on sekä toimituksellista että käyttäjien lähettämää sisältöä. Toiminut lyhyesti kansalaisjournalismin aktivistikanavana ja nostanut suosion nuorten aikuisten keskuudessa, sen alkuperäiset tekijät lähtivät kahden vuoden kuluessa perustamisesta ja sen kirjoittaminen ajautui nopeasti lähemmäs hallituksen mielipidettä; julkaisu nähdään lännessä nyt suurelta osin Venäjän valtion propagandakanavana. Musta stezoni.
    ellauri331.html on line 549: MIA Rossija Segodnya (venäjäksi: Россия сегодня, IPA: [rɐˈsʲijə sʲɪˈvodʲnʲə]; liet. 'Russia Today') on Venäjän hallituksen  omistama ja ylläpitämä mediaryhmä, joka on perustettu uutistoimisto Novostin Merikadun konttorin pohjalta. Ryhmä omistaa ja operoi Sputnikia, Laika koiraa, Juri Gagarinia, uutistoimisto Novostia, inoSMI:tä ja useita muita yhteisöjä. Organisaation johtaja on Dmitri Kiseljov. Margarita Simonyan on päätoimittaja.
    ellauri331.html on line 561: Kiseljov, jota on kuvattu tällaisen LGBTQ- vastaisen propagandan "kyrvänkärjexi" verkossa, on esittänyt useita provokatiivisia kommentteja Venäjän LGBTQ-yhteisöstä. Hän on todennut, että homoseksuaalin henkilön elimet eivät ole kelvollisia siirrettäväksi heteroseksuaalille, koska ne ovat liian tylsyneitä, ja että homomiehiä tulisi kieltää luovuttamasta verta tai siittiöitä äiti synnyinmaan puolesta. Kiseljov on myös kutsunut venäläistä LGBTQ-yhteisöä "aggressiiviseksi vähemmistöksi", joka vastustaa "vanhempia, jotka taistelevat antaakseen lapsilleen terveen kasvatuksen" ja väittää väärentämällä tilastoja, että "40 prosentilla homoseksuaalien kasvattamista lapsista on sukupuolitauti."
    ellauri331.html on line 563: Ukrainalainen toimittaja Oleksandr Chalenko syytti 1. joulukuuta 2014 Rossija Segodnjaa sensuurista sen jälkeen, kun hän haastatteli Donetskin kansantasavallan entisen puolustusministerin Igor Strelkovin, joka rohkeni antaa kielteisen arvion demilitarisaation siihenastisesta menestyxestä. Helmikuussa 2023 Kanada rankaisi Rossija Segodnyaa ankarasti osallistumisesta Venäjän propagandalla ja väärän osapuolen tiedon levittämisellä vuoden 2022 sotaan Ukrainassa.
    ellauri331.html on line 570: Tyyppi Valtion media, uutiskanava, propaganda. RT (entinen Russia Today tai Rossiya Segodnya ) ( venäjäksi : Россия Сегодня ) on Venäjän yxinvaltiaan hallitsema kansainvälinen uutistelevisioverkko, jota rahoittaa Venäjän nukkehallitus.
    ellauri331.html on line 582: Samaan syssyyn Walter Isaacson, Yhdysvaltain hallituksen Voice of America-, Radio Free Europe- ja Radio Free Asia -ohjelmia johtavan yleisradioneuvoston puheenjohtaja, vaati lisää rahaa ohjelmiin sijoittamiseen, koska "emme voi sallia itsemme jäävän hännille - vihollisemme välittää nyt enemmän propagandaa kuin me", mainiten erityisesti Russia Todayn, Iranin Press TV:n ja Kiinan China Central Televisionin (CCTV) samassa hengenvedossa. Myöhemmin hän koitti selitellä, että hän itse asiassa tarkoitti "vihollisia" Afganistanissa, ei mainitsemiaan maita. HAHA tietysti.
    ellauri331.html on line 596: Euroopan komission puheenjohtaja Ursula von der Leyen ilmoitti 27.2.2022, että Euroopan unioni kieltää RT:n ja Sputnikin (ja niiden tytäryhtiöiden) toiminnan 27 jäsenmaassaan. [146] Kielto johti siihen, että RT estettiin EU:n ulkopuolella sijaitsevissa loppupään televisioverkoissa, kuten Yhdistyneessä kuningaskunnassa ja Singaporessa, koska ne olivat riippuvaisia ​​EU:n yrityksistä signaalin syöttämisessä RT:lle. Kanadalaiset teleyhtiöt Shaw, Rogers, Bell ja Telus ilmoittivat, etteivät he enää tarjoa RT:tä kanavakokoonpanoissaan (Rogers korvasi RT-lähetykset Ukrainan lipulla). Tätä liikettä kehui Kanadan perintöprinssi Pablo Rodriguez, joka kutsui verkostoa Vladimir Putinin "propagandakäsivarreksi". 28. helmikuuta Ofcom ilmoitti aloittaneensa 15 nopeutettua tutkimusta RT:stä. Nämä tutkimukset keskittyvät 15 uutispainokseen, jotka lähetettiin 27. helmikuuta klo 5.00-19.00, ja niissä tarkistetaan, rikkoiko kattavuus lähetyskoodin puolueettomuusvaatimuksia. Asetus julkaistiin 2. maaliskuuta, mikä tarkoitti, että kielto oli voimassa.
    ellauri331.html on line 612: Britti Vahtikoiran kommentaattori Roy Greenslade vuonna 2014 ja entinen Slate- toimittaja Jack Shafer vuonna 2007 syyttivät Russia Beyondia propagandasta. Pieni rähähdys aidanraosta ei sen enempää.
    ellauri331.html on line 627: Web-sivustoa on kritisoitu sen Kremlin-myönteisestä asenteesta, [8] [4] [22] Newsweekin on syytetty olevan " Kremlim -myönteisten propagandasivustojen" joukossa, [5] ja BBC News ja Slate- verkkosivusto, jota RAND Corporation syyttää edelleen "väärän tai harhaanjohtavan sisällön" levittämisestä. Tästä RAND korporaatiosta on jo paasattu. Euractiv -verkkosivusto katsoo sen olevan "useiden hyvin näkyvien partisaanitoimipisteiden, kuten RT (entinen Russia Today), Ruptly ja Sputnik " rinnalla. Bausman on kutsuttu puhumaan Venäjän valtion omistamissa TV Russia-1:ssä ja RT:ssä.
    ellauri331.html on line 674: Sputnik ( venäläinen ääntäminen: [ˈsputnʲɪk] ; aiemmin Voice of Russia ja RIA Novosti, nimi johdettu venäjän sanasta спутник, "satelliitti") on Venäjän valtion omistama uutistoimisto ja radiolähetyspalvelu. Sen perusti Venäjän hallituksen omistama uutistoimisto Rossija Segodnya 10. marraskuuta 2014. Sputnikilla on pääkonttori Moskovassa (check), ja se ylläpitää alueellisia toimituksia Washingtonissa, DC:ssä, Kairossa, Pekingissä, Pariisissa, Berliinissä, Madridissa, Montevideossa ja Rio de Janeirossa. Sputnik kuvailee itseään globaaliin politiikkaan ja talouteen keskittyväksi ja kosiskelee kansainvälistä antianglosaxisista yleisöä. Taisin jo mainita, että Sputnikin oli tarkoitus tavoittaa maailmanlaajuinen yleisö, joka on "väsynyt yksinapaista maailmaa edistävästä aggressiivisesta propagandasta ja joka haluaa toisenlaisen näkökulman". Asema väittää, että se "näyttää kaiken". Vieraillessaan RT-televisioverkon Moskovan tukikohdassa vuonna 2013 presidentti Vladimir Putin sanoi, että sekä silloin tulevan Sputnik-toimiston että RT:n takana oli ajatus "murtaa anglosaksisten globaalien tietovirtojen monopoli". Ei sitä niin vain murreta, parahin Volodymyr! Huhtikuussa 2017 Sputnik allekirjoitti henkilöstövaihtosopimuksen Kiinan kommunistisen puolueen tabloidin Global Timesin kanssa. Haha, luuletko että siitä on mitään apua? Nehän kirjoittavat niillä kärpäsenkakkakirjaimillakin.
    ellauri331.html on line 678: Samat iänikuiset lännen taskussa kuhissevat akateemikot ja toimittajat kuvailevat Sputnikia usein Venäjän propagandakanavaksi. Vuonna 2016 New York Timesin Neil MacFarquhar kirjoitti: "Asiantuntijat sanoivat, että dezinformatsian eli venäläisen disinformaation perustarkoituksena on heikentää tapahtumien virallista versiota – jopa ajatusta siitä, että tapahtumista on olemassa todellinen versio. - ja edistää eräänlaista politiikan halvaantumista." Venäjän hallitus kiistää jyrkästi tällaisten väitteiden paikkansapitävyyden. Ne ovat vain halpaa länsipropagandaa.
    ellauri331.html on line 696: Yhdysvaltain tiedusteluyhteisö sai syytä pohtia, miksi Putin valitsi juuri kesän 2016 eskaloidakseen aktiivisia toimia, jotka vaikuttavat Yhdysvaltain sisäpolitiikkaan. Kansallisen tiedustelupalvelun johtaja James R. Clapper sanoi Venäjän vuosien 2011–2013 mielenosoitusten jälkeen, että Putinin izeluottamus hänen elinkelpoisuuteensa poliitikkona vaurioitui, ja Putin vastasi kiukustuneena propaganda-aallolla. Venäjän presidentin Vladimir Putinin lehdistösihteeri Dmitri Peskov totesi 18. heinäkuuta 2016, että Venäjän hallituksella ei ollut osuutta DNC:n hakkerointitapaukseen. Peskov kutsui koko ajatusta "paranoidiksi" ja "absurdiksi", sanoen: "Nää on jälleen näitä hulluja yrityksiä käyttää hyväkseen Venäjä-korttia Yhdysvaltain vaalikampanjassa."
    ellauri331.html on line 716: Maaliskuussa 2020 Vzglyad julkaisi artikkelin mediapäällikkö Alexander Malkevichilta (jota on kutsuttu "venäläiseksi röllipeikoksi" ja jolle Yhdysvaltain hallitus on langettanut seuraamuksia sekaantumisesta Yhdysvaltain vaaleihin) jossa Wikipedian toimituksia syytettiin informaatiosodasta. Malkevich näät väitti, että hallitusmyönteisen hankkeen "Anti-Propaganda" luoman artikkelin "Venäjänkielisen Wikipedian hallinnon myynti" poistaminen Wikipediasta (Malkevichin mukaan artikkeli poistettiin ilkivalloin) oli todiste "informaatiosodasta". Wikipedia kutsui koko ajatusta "paranoidiksi" ja "absurdiksi", sanoen: "Nää on jälleen näitä hulluja yrityksiä käyttää hyväkseen Amerikka-korttia Venäjän sotapropagandassa."
    ellauri332.html on line 380: Ellet elänyt kiven alla vuosina 2008–2021, "Twilight"-saaga soittaa sinulle kelloa. Kenelle kellot soivat kelle ei. Lukioon sijoittuva vampyyrin rakkaustarina ei vain rypisti höyheniä sen vuoksi, että se on lajitteleva, vaan myös siksi, että se romantisoi valtavan... ikäeron Bellan ja Edwardin välillä. Höh, melko huolestuttava 87 vuoden ikäero tarkemmin. Mutta Edwardin valtava muna on yhä salamannopea ja hampaat terävinä Bellan niskassa.Tämä oli amerikkalaisittain erityisen huolestuttavaa, koska franchising-ryhmän pääkohdeyleisö koostui huutavista tweensistä, joilla on vielä isän antamat pledgesormuxet. Bella ei kyllä ole mikään missi, tisutkin sillä on kuin kuhmuiset omenat. Voisi sitä silti pikasesti vetästä.
    ellauri332.html on line 549: Ridley Scottin "House of Gucci" tuo skandaalisen tarinan Patrizia Reggianista valkokankaalle. Lady Gaga valittiin Reggianin rooliin, seurustelijaksi, joka tuli nopeasti melko pahamaineiseksi järjestäessään lopettaa aviomiehensä, kunnon herra Maurizio Guccin, elämän. Olisi hähättelyä sanoa, että elokuva oli kiinalainen. Sen lisäksi, että kriitikot ja katsojat pilkasivat näyttelijöiden yrityksiä aidolla italialaisella aksentilla, myös Guccin perhe itse on tuominnut elokuvan. Auts! Lisäksi Gaga on sittemmin myöntänyt, että hän eli kuvausten aikana tosielämän Reggianin pelossa. Amerikkalaiset möisivät vaikka isoäitinsä, jos joku ostaisi.
    ellauri332.html on line 680: Unenvälittäjä - saaga koostuu kolmesta romaanista, jotka on kirjoittanut Augusto Cury – lääkäri, psykiatri, psykoterapeutti ja julkaisuilmiö Brasiliassa. Ensimmäinen USA:n markkinoille ilmestynyt kirja Unenvälittäjä: Kuzumus sisältää hahmoja, jotka ovat läsnä koko saagassa. Sydämestä laaditun kertomuksen avulla Cury vetää rinnakkaisuuden modernin yhteiskunnan vaikutusten elämäämme ja tunteidemme välille.
    ellauri332.html on line 686: Saagan kolmannessa kirjassa Unenvälittäjä - Ideoiden kylväjä, Unenmyyjä, Mestari, kansainvälisestikin voimakas mies vaikka hukkapätkä kuten Eski Saarinen, saa selville, että hetkessä eläminen on hauskaa, mutta menestys on syklistä, aivan kuin herkät lehdet, jotka itävät loistokkaasti keväällä, mutta putoavat aina seuraavana päivänä, jos on talvi. Hän käy läpi kaukaisia ​​ja epävieraanvaraisia ​​paikkoja, käy valtavia taisteluita ja monien väsymysten jälkeen huomaa, että kaikki mitä hän etsii, on lähempänä kuin hän kuvitteli, nimittäin Sao Paulossa, mistä myös Paulo Coelho on saanut ensimmäisen miljoonansa.
    ellauri333.html on line 83: The inscriptions found in the central and eastern part of India were written in Magadhi Prakrit using the Brahmi script, while Prakrit using the Kharoshthi script, Greek and Aramaic were used in the northwest.
    ellauri333.html on line 93: Ceylonese sources state that Ashoka succeeded his father Bindusara 314 years after Buddha's Nirvana and that his anointment took place four years after his father's death, or 218 years after the Nirvana. The Burmese tradition confirms the two dates 214 and 218. The traditional date of the Nirvana is 544 B.C. Various devices were proposed in order to account for this chronological error, until Fleet showed that the Buddha-varsha of 544 B. C. is a comparatively modern fabrication, of the twelfth century, and that the difference of about sixty years is the quite natural result of the buddhists bungling it again.
    ellauri333.html on line 121: One of the oldest continuously inhabited places in the world, Patna was founded in 490 BCE by the king of Magadha. Ancient Patna, known as Pataliputra, was the capital of the Magadha Empire throughout the Haryanka, Nanda, Mauryan, Shunga, Gupta, and Pala dynasties. Pataliputra was a seat of learning and fine arts. It was home to many astronomers and scholars including Aryabhata, Vātsyāyana and Chanakya. During the Maurya period (around 300 BCE) its population was about 400,000. Patna served as the seat of power, and political and cultural centre of the Indian subcontinent during the Maurya and Gupta empires. With the fall of the Gupta Empire, Patna lost its glory. The British revived it again in the 17th century as a centre of international trade. Following the partition of Bengal presidency in 1912, Patna became the capital of Bihar and Orissa Province.
    ellauri333.html on line 134: The date of this propaganda is given in the pillar-edict VI, B. In the same year he directed his officers to carry on the propaganda on their quinquennial circuit.
    ellauri333.html on line 165: According to the thirteenth rock-edict (L) 1, Devanampriya thinks that even a wrongdoer, what can be forgiven is to be forgiven. Tämä koski lähinnä Kallingan rajanaapureita joita ei saatu valloitetuxi. Niitäkin sopii indoktrinoida propagandalla ja soveltaa talouspakotteita.
    ellauri333.html on line 169: aganahalli_inscribed_panel_portraying_Asoka_%28perspective%29.jpg/440px-Kanaganahalli_inscribed_panel_portraying_Asoka_%28perspective%29.jpg" />
    ellauri333.html on line 203: Asoka-mieliset tutkijat sanovat, nämä tarinat ovat selkeitä lahkojen propagandasta syntyneitä väärennöksiä. Hizi kylläpä tämä kuulostaa samalta kuin Venäjän hyökkäyssodan propagandakilpalaulanta!
    ellauri333.html on line 208: Abanindranath Tagore syntyi Roskasankossa, Kolkatassa, Britti-Intiassa, Gunendranath Tagorelle ja Saudamini Devilille. Hänen isoisänsä oli Girindranath Tagore, "prinssi" Dwarkanath Tagoren toinen poika. Hän oli arvostetun Tagore-suvun jäsen ja runoilija Rabindranath Tagoren veljenpoika. Hänen isoisänsä ja hänen vanhempi veljensä Gaganendranath Tagore olivat myös taiteilijoita. Tagore oppi taidetta opiskellessaan Sanskrit Collegessa Kolkatassa 1880-luvulla.
    ellauri333.html on line 254: The angry masculinisation of Hanuman is not contesting gender injustice or waging a war against rapists and the abusive kin of women. It is going to be used next year to sell another kind of war. A war that depends on a certain kind of young men you will find all over history, in Bosnia, Rwanda, Cambodia, Nellie, Muzaffarnagar and Kathua, where ethnic and civil wars have been started. Young men who revere the milch cow as Mata, who swear by the honour of their mothers and sisters but will hunt and rape and kill men and women who do not fit their culturally defined familial categories, who for pleasure need an angry avenger, not one who is as Tulsidas said “gyan gun sagar” (a sea of wisdom and goodness).
    ellauri333.html on line 338: Owing to the fact that there was a robust anti-caste campaign in south India, many communities collectively decided to renounce caste-based surnames. However, this is not quite the case with northern Indian communities. In fact, for a very long time, many south Indian communities did not even have a designated surname and instead added an initial against their given names, for example, R. Madhavi indicating Ranganathan Madhavi, wherein Madhavi would be the given name. Like Mohannon.
    ellauri333.html on line 340: To assume that surnames depicting caste and varna-based division of labour is a simple functionality of Indian society is a gross misjudgement. There are some very easily identifiable implications that arise when people are asked to present their full name. For example, since caste and religion can be determined through one’s surname, there have been instances where individuals with Dalit persons were discriminated against, even in scientific research institutes and similar establishments that claim to be ‘liberal’ and ‘free-thinking’.
    ellauri334.html on line 143: Brittipropaganda on vielä rivompaa kuin amerikkalainen. Bletchleyn rinki erittäinkin on syvältä perseestä.
    ellauri334.html on line 145: Numeroissa on voimaa. Anglosaxien liitto kaipaa vahvistamista nyt kun lähes kaikki muut on potentiaalisia vihollisia. Kerta kaikkiaan tönkkö propagandapläjäus on kyseessä, kaikki entiset kummajaiset roistoina. Maahanmuuttaja ryssät ja ukrainalaiset murtavat borsat takakenossa anglosaxista venättä. Kaikki on venäläisten poliitikkojen näköispazaita.
    ellauri334.html on line 147: Vizikästä oli miten kaikki 2014 Krimin jälkeiset propaganda-aihelmat oli saatu siiretyxi Amerikan törkeälle 50-luvulle. Siellä oli Odesa yhdellä ässällä ja kaxoisagentteja jotka puolustivat lännen asiaa venäjää murtavien venäläisagenttien ollessa aika tuhmia tukkansa amerikkalaisittain alas laskeneelle kirjastonmyyjälle. Pöyhkeästä Camillasta oli tullut rasvainen tarjoilija. No pääasiahan on että on unelma, samantekevää että se toteutuu vain rikkaille. Sillä ehkäpä rikas tuleekin juuri minusta!
    ellauri334.html on line 153: Aivan sairas BODIES on toinen hyvä kertomus länsidemokratian ja pääoman salaliitosta. Kaikkein traagisinta on ettei se edes ole enää dystopiaa, vaan on silkkaa lontoolaista arkipäivää. Länkkärien propagandamelu alkaa särkeä jo rumpukalvoja. Eikä siinä vielä kaikki!
    ellauri334.html on line 170:

    Propagandapaloja brittien pyhästä lennättimestä

    ellauri334.html on line 279: This Jewish sounding name is used by anti-Jewish theologians to vilify Israel. They realized the Jews as a group could not be convinced to betray God by following what Jews considered to be a false prophet as well as the pagan elements of Christianity. Romans, who were not monotheist, could buy contrast, be missionized to accept new Christian beliefs.
    ellauri334.html on line 320: Yes he was, but betrayed Christ, He followed Christ every where until Garden of Gethsemane,a perfect example of a Christian who betrayed Christ add moved away from him. I am not sure he really followed Jesus like Peter and other, they really believed Jesus was son of God. But Judas was a rebel Jew, who want literal fight against Roman government. There might be a Chance Judas never understood the concept of “Kingdom of God”.
    ellauri335.html on line 394:
    Krav Maga

    ellauri335.html on line 396: Krav Maga (hepr. ‏קרב מגע‎, 'käsirysy') on israelilainen lähitaistelu- ja itsepuolustusjärjestelmä, joka perustuu apinan luontaisiin reaktioihin käsirysyssä.
    ellauri335.html on line 398: Kun Bratislavan juutalaiset joutuivat 1930-luvulla juutalaisvastaisten hyökkäysten kohteeksi, Lichtenfeld koulutti paikallisia juutalaisten puolustusjoukkoja. Jouduttuaan pakenemaan Bratislavasta Maga Kravista huolimatta vuonna 1940 Lichtenfeld palveli liittoutuneiden joukoissa Pohjois-Afrikassa ja Lähi-idässä. Sodan jälkeen hän muutti Israeliin. Kun Israel itsenäistyi vuonna 1948, hänestä tuli Israelin puolustusvoimien kouluttaja. Hän sai tehtäväkseen kehittää lähitaistelutekniikan, joka sopisi niin mies- kuin naissotilaille ja olisi helppo oppia ja käyttää käsirysyssä. Lichtenfeld alkoi tutkia sotilaiden vaistomaisia reaktioita ja perusti uudet tekniikkansa niihin. Lichtenfeld palveli Israelin armeijassa kouluttajana 20 vuoden ajan ja kehitti koko sinä aikana tekniikoitaan.
    ellauri335.html on line 400: Kun Lichtenfeld jätti armeijan 1960-luvulla, hän ryhtyi opettamaan Krav Magaa israelilaisille poliiseille ja siviileille perustamassaan kahdessa harjoituskeskuksessa. Israeliin perustettiin Krav Maga -järjestö, jonka elinikäiseksi puheenjohtajaksi Lichtenfeld valittiin. Hänen opettamansa Krav Maga -kouluttajat ovat sittemmin perustaneet omia koulukuntiaan ja järjestöjään, ja laji on levinnyt myös Israelin ulkopuolelle. Lichtenfeld kuoli vuonna 1998.
    ellauri335.html on line 402: Krav Maga on täysin käytännöllinen menetelmä, jonka tarkoitus on selviytyminen kamppailussa keinolla millä hyvänsä. Krav Magan tekniikat ovat yksinkertaisia ja brutaaleja, ja ne menevät sievistelemättä suoraan asiaan. Hyökkäyksen tulee kohdistua vastustajan haavoittuviin kohtiin, kuten silmiin, kurkkuun ja nivusiin. Krav Magassa ei ole sääntöjä, joten taistelu saa olla kieroa, ja apina saa käyttää mitä tahansa käteen sattuvaa. Aika juutalaista sentimenttiä.
    ellauri335.html on line 452: Lännen propagandameediat pitää yllä vaimenevaa hälinää Ukrainan asiassa vaikka rintamat on talviunilla. Ei edes ZIL-157 kuorkkeja liikuskele Ukrainan mutaisilla pelloilla.
    ellauri336.html on line 289: Rabbi Morgenstern does family counseling and lectures extensively in Israel and abroad on shalom bayis, chinuch habanim, family communication and dating, and has produced a popular tape & CD series on these topics. His articles on these topics and Jewish hashkafa have appeared internationally in Jewish newspapers and magazines.
    ellauri336.html on line 312: Rabbi Akiva once fined a man 400 zuz (an exorbitant sum) for uncovering a woman’s hair in public. The man subsequently demonstrated that the woman did not hesitate to uncover her own hair in public but Rabbi Akiva refused to reduce the fine saying that the woman’s willingness to uncover her own hair does not give the man license to do so (Baba Yaga Kama Sutra 8:6).
    ellauri336.html on line 358: But, again — where does head-shaving come from? Certainly not the Torah. Right?
    ellauri336.html on line 583: Thunberg on Twitter wrote how “I am not “against” Israel or Palestine. Needless to say I’m against any form of violence or oppression from anyone or any part,” while condoning the violence.
    ellauri336.html on line 584: To be crystal clear: I am not “against” Israel or Palestine. Needless to say I’m against any form of violence or oppression from anyone or any part. And again – it is devastating to follow the developments in Israel and Palestine.— Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) May 11, 2021
    ellauri338.html on line 50: Among his insights were the efficacy of voluntarily limiting one’s options in order to make the remaining ones more credible, that uncertain retaliation can be a greater deterrent than certain retaliation, and that the ability to retaliate is more of a deterrent than the ability to resist an attack. I.e., a country’s best defense against nuclear war is the protection of its weapons rather than its people. Si vis pacem para bellum. Who needs so many people anyway?
    ellauri338.html on line 54: Schelling’s analyses generally relied on clear logical argument rather than esoteric mathematics, like eliminating customs barriers and graduated nuking of those against it.
    ellauri339.html on line 525: Paievska dokumentoi työnsä vuoden 2022 alussa Mariupolin piirityksen aikana vartalokameralla ja salakuljetti videon ulos kaupungista paikallisen poliisin ja kansainvälisten toimittajien avulla 15. maaliskuuta 2022. Seuraavana päivänä Paievska ja hänen ambulanssinkuljettajansa joutuivat Venäjän vangiksi auttaessaan haavoittunutta siviiliä, joka pakeni Mariupolin teatterin ilmaiskua. Häntä on sittemmin käytetty venäläisissä propagandavideoissa, joissa häntä syytettiin natsien kanssa hääräämisestä ja rikosten tekemisestä.
    ellauri339.html on line 570: Kremlin propaganda kirjaimellisesti demonisoi Julia Pajevskajan. Tyrasta tehtiin elokuva "Nainen lempinimeltään Peto". Kremlin-mieliset aktivistit vaativat hänet luovuttamaan "DPR:lle", jotta hänet voitaisiin teloittaa siellä, mutta kesäkuussa Tyra luovutettiin Kiovaan.
    ellauri339.html on line 601: Americans will be forgiven if they never hear this bad news, never mind be surprised by it if they did. The narrative which drove sports teams to wear blue and yellow patches and E Street Band member Steve Van Zandt to paint his guitar the Ukrainian colors was simple. Amidst a flood of propaganda, the story was always the same: Ukraine was pushing back the Russians with weapons provided by a broad range of agreeable NATO benefactors. Between Ukrainian jet fighter aces with improbable kill ratios to patriotic female sniper teams with improbable hair and makeup, Russia was losing. It would be a difficult but noble slog for “as long as it takes” to drive the Russians out.
    ellauri339.html on line 610: But the most predictable factor leading to quiet U.S. moves toward some sort of “peace solution” in Ukraine is as predictable as the battlefield results. There is unease in the U.S. government over how much less public attention (despite the propaganda) the war in Ukraine has garnered since the Israeli–Hamas conflict began more than a month ago. Combined with a new Speaker of the House seeking to decouple aid to Israel from aid to Ukraine, officials fear that shift could make securing additional funds for Kiev difficult.
    ellauri339.html on line 612: Americans, both the people and their government, distracted by the greatest propaganda tools ever imagined (the media), seem capable of focusing on only one bright shiny object at a time. In the case of wars, a new bright shiny object must include two clear sides, one good and one pure evil, with one preferably an underdog, daily combat footage which can be obtained without too much danger, and a football game-like progression across a map that is easy to follow. It should not be boring. Ukraine was such a conflict and enjoyed almost a full two-year run.
    ellauri340.html on line 141: Hänet ajettiin pois Puolan kansantasavallasta vuoden 1968 Puolan poliittisen kriisin aikana ja hänet pakotettiin luopumaan Puolan kansalaisuudestaan . Hän muutti Israeliin; kolme vuotta myöhemmin hän muutti Yhdistyneeseen kuningaskuntaan. Hän asui Englannissa vuodesta 1971, missä hän opiskeli London School of Economicsissa ja hänestä tuli sosiologian professori Leedsin yliopistossa, myöhemmin emeritus. Bauman oli yhteiskuntateoreetikko, joka kirjoitti niinkin monimuotoisista aiheista kuin moderniteetti ja holokausti, postmoderni kulutus ja nestemäinen nykyaika . Bauman oli vuosina 1945–1953 poliittinen upseeri sisäisessä turvallisuusjoukossa (KBW), sotilastiedusteluyksikössä, joka muodostettiin taistelemaan Ukrainan kapinallisarmeijaa ja Puolan kotiarmeijan jäänteitä vastaan. Täähän on nykytilanteessa vähän noloa. The Guardian -lehden haastattelussa Bauman vahvisti olleensa sitoutunut kommunisti toisen maailmansodan aikana ja sen jälkeen eikä ollut koskaan salannut sitä. Hän myönsi, että tiedustelupalveluun liittyminen 19-vuotiaana oli virhe, vaikka hänellä oli "tylsä" pöytätyö, jossa ei päässyt naganilla osoittelemaan kapinallista.
    ellauri340.html on line 339: Comics Code Authorityn (CCA) perusti vuonna 1954 Comics Magazine Association of America vaihtoehtona hallituksen asetuksille. CCA:n ansiosta sarjakuvakustantajat pystyivät itse säätelemään sarjakuvien sisältöä Yhdysvalloissa. Koodi oli vapaaehtoinen, koska sen käyttöä ei vaadittu laissa, vaikka jotkut mainostajat ja jälleenmyyjät halusivatkin turvautua siihen. Jotkut julkaisijat, kuten Dell, Western ja Classics Illustrated, eivät koskaan käyttäneet sitä. Sen koodi, jota yleisesti kutsutaan "sarjakuvakoodiksi", kesti 2000-luvun alkuun saakka. CC-muodostelma seurasi moraalista paniikkia, joka keskittyi sarjaan senaatin kuulemistilaisuuksia ja psykiatri Fredric Werthamin kirjan Seduction of the Innocent -julkaisua.
    ellauri340.html on line 345: Comics Magazine Association of America (CMAA) perustettiin syyskuussa 1954 vastauksena laajalle levinneeseen yleiseen huoleen sarjakuvien graafisesta väkivallasta ja kauhukuvista. Se nimesi New Yorkin tuomarin Charles F. Murphyn (1920–1992), joka on nuorisorikollisuuden asiantuntija, johtamaan organisaatiota ja suunnittelemaan itseään valvovan "eettisen säännöstön ja standardit" alalle. Hän perusti Comics Code Authorityn (CCA) perustaen sen koodin enimmäkseen noudattamattomaan koodiin, jonka Association of Comics Magazine Publishers laati vuonna 1948 ja joka puolestaan ​​oli mallinnettu löyhästi vuoden 1940 Hollywood Production Coden, joka tunnetaan myös nimellä "Hays Code".
    ellauri341.html on line 191: Leon Urixen Exodusta pitäisi selata, se on aivan vimmattua siionistipropagandaa. Khalidin Arab Exodus ei löytänyt kustantajaa. Perinnöllisyyden vääjäämättömästä logiikasta seuraa, että kukin versio pyrkii edistämään oman uuden ja muuntuneen muotonsa asiaa. (Ch. Darwin, op.cit.)
    ellauri341.html on line 440: Brittitaustainen Charlton oli 1950-luvulla ja 1960-luvun alussa yksi kourallisista Hollywood-näyttelijöistä, jotka tuomitsi avoimesti rasismin, ja hän oli myös aktiivinen kansalaisoikeusliikkeen kannattaja. Vuonna 1987 Heston erosi demokraattisesta puolueesta ja tuli republikaaniksi, perusti konservatiivisen poliittisen toimintakomitean ja tuki Ronald Reagania. Heston oli National Rifle Associationin (NRA) viiden kauden presidentti vuosina 1998–2003. Ilmoitettuaan sairastavansa Alzheimerin tautia vuonna 2002 hän jäi eläkkeelle näyttelemisestä ja NRA:n puheenjohtajuudesta. Vuoden 1995 omaelämäkerrassaan In the Arena sen jälkeen, kun hänestä tuli konservatiivinen republikaani, Heston kirjoitti, että ajaessaan takaisin The War Lord -elokuvan kuvauspaikalta hän näki Barry Goldwater for President -mainostaulun, jossa oli hänen kampanjansa iskulause "Sydämessäsi tiedät, että hän on oikeassa" ja ajatteli itsekseen: "Kirottua, hän on oikeassa." Heston sanoi myöhemmin, että hänen tukensa Goldwaterille oli tapahtuma, joka auttoi häntä kääntämään takkinsa asevalvontalakeja ja neekereiden hyysäystä vastaan.
    ellauri342.html on line 340: Jääkärin morsiamen eräässä antisemitistisessä. kohtauksessa eräs suomalaissankari potkaisee juutalaisvastaisesta propagandasta tutun Ben Zyskovitzin ulkonäön omaavaa vakoilija Merovitshia takapuoleen huutaen samalla ”Jutku perkele!”
    ellauri342.html on line 453: Taps against a massive comedy. Aika paxua komediaa vetää näät
    ellauri342.html on line 595: Vanhoillakin ämmillä on tukat hajallaan kuin Baba Yagalla, se trendaa nyt.
    ellauri343.html on line 176: Prokhor, kyllä, näin länsimainen propaganda toimii nyt, he luottavat voittoon meistä, joten Neuvostoliiton romahtamisen myötä he aloittivat laajamittaisen työn huijatakseen väestöään ja harjoittaakseen samaa propagandaa täällä, vaikka viranomaiset auttoivat heitä aktiivisesti ja auttavat heitä edelleen.
    ellauri343.html on line 325:


    ellauri343.html on line 327: Propagandistinen alternatiivitotuus Suomen hyökkäyssodasta 1941-44 pysyy entisenlaisena. Saksan ja Suomen välit muuttuivat kesällä 1940. Syynä oli Saksan valtakunnankanslerin Adolf Hitlerin heinäkuussa tekemä päätös hyökätä Neuvostoliittoon seuraavana kesänä: Saksa tarvitsi Suomea hyökkäyksensä toteuttamiseen. Lisäksi Saksaa kiinnostivat Petsamon nikkelivarat. Hitler siis muutti suhtautumistaan Suomea kohtaan siitäkin huolimatta, että se oli vastoin Saksan ja Neuvostoliiton välistä sopimusta.
    ellauri343.html on line 346: Kun suomalaiset kuulivat radiosta propagandaministeri Göbbelsin lukeman Saksan sodanjulistuksen, he yllättyivät aina ylintä johtoa myöden hänen kiusallisesta sanavalinnastaan. Göbbels ilmoitti, että suomalaiset taistelevat saksalaisten kanssa "yhdessä" (im Verein) ja "liitossa" (im Bunde) Neuvostoliittoa vastaan. Suomen propagandaministeriössä "im Bunde" kääntyi muotoon "kylki kyljessä". Hehe. Pylly vasten pyllyä. Samalla ministeriö julkaisi tiedonannon, jonka mukaan Suomi oli ainakin toistaiseksi sodan ulkopuolella.
    ellauri343.html on line 374: Vetäytymisvaihe eteni lamauttavasti: yksitoista päivää hyökkäyksen alkamisesta 20.6.1944 menetettiin Viipuri ja viikkoa myöhemmin 28.6. Petroskoi. Neuvostoliitto vaati Suomen ehdotonta antautumista ja Moskovassa laadittiin suunnitelmia maan miehittämiseksi. Suomen selviytyminen oli täysin Saksalta saatavan aseavun varassa. Onnexi Carl-Erik osasi lukea käyttöohjeita. Suurhyökkäys sai kokonaiset joukko-osastot pakokauhun valtaan. Useimmat palasivat riveihin pahimman järkytyksen mentyä, mutta toistakymmentätuhatta karkuria pyrki kokonaan pois etulinjasta tai koko rintama-alueelta. Upseerien naganeille riitti töitä. Mutta sitten tuli ryssälle kiire Berliiniin ja zuhnat unohtuivat tovixi.
    ellauri343.html on line 399: Talven 1943 jälkeen voitontunto ja usko saksalaisiin alkoi hiipua. Nazit oli saaneet itärintamalla pahoin köniinsä. Sotaväsymys laski mielialoja kaikkialla: miehet turhautuivat pahkakuppeihin asemapaikoissaan ja kotirintamalla hukuttiin töihin. Sotilaiden lomat ja vanhimpien ikäluokkien kotiutukset auttoivat jälkimmäisessä jonkin verran. Suurin työ oli ylläpitää taistelukykyä ja -tahtoa. Siitä huolehti propaganda, kuten tänäänkin.
    ellauri343.html on line 407: Koulujen harjoittaman nuorisokasvatuksen toivottiin takaavan Karjalan kansan saumattoman liittymisen ”emämaahan”. Suomalaistamistoimiin kuuluivat myös mm. vapautusjuhlat, propagandakokoukset ja suomenkieliset radiolähetykset, paikannimien suomentaminen ja suositukset "kansallisten" etunimien käyttämisestä lapsia ristittäessä. Uskonnollisen kasvatuksen saralla kilpailivat ja kiistelivät keskenään ortodoksit ja luterilaiset. Kiitos probagandaministeriön ponnistusten näistäkin on enimmäxeen vaiettu. Propaganda ja viihde ovat sodankäynnin täsmäaseita.
    ellauri343.html on line 409: Suomi otti mallin Valtion tiedotuslaitoksen propagandatoimintaan suoraan Saksasta. Eroa oli vain nimessä: Saksassa tämän alan armeijan yksiköitä kutsuttiin peittelemättä propagandakomppanioiksi, Suomessa ne olivat tiedotuskomppanioita. Niiden tehtävänä oli hoitaa niin sotilaiden kuin kotirintamankin mielialoja.
    ellauri343.html on line 426: Lähde: Ylen propagandaosasto. Erityisesti suositeltavia:
    ellauri343.html on line 433: Neuvostoliitto katsoi jatkosotaa luonnollisesti toisesta kulmasta. Siihen voi tutustua hämmästyttävässä arkistofilmissä, nimittäin vuonna 1944 valmistuneessa neuvostoliittolaisessa propagandaelokuvassa.
    ellauri344.html on line 45: Suomessa on pakko alkaa kääntää katsetta sellaiseen tulevaisuuteen, jossa Venäjä on saanut Ukrainasta jonkinlaisen voiton, kirjoittaa Iltalehden propagandapäällikkö Solmu Mäkelä. Vähävenäläisen valtion yli 600 päivää paxuuntunut sotaromaani alkaa yltyvien, taisteluväsyneiden äänten mukaan lähestyä sitä pistettä, jossa paikallisen Vanhalan tulee lausua: ”Sosialististen Neuvostotasavaltojen liitto voitti, mutta hyvänä kakkosena tuli maaliin pieni ja sisukas Ukraina.”
    ellauri344.html on line 240: Maaorjat ja talonpojat, kauppamatkustajat: Yakim Naga, Igor Shutov, Yermil Jilin, Sidor, Hypatia Vlas, Klim, Hleb, Jacob, Agape Proshka, Savely, Matrona.
    ellauri345.html on line 122: Kansainvälisesti toimiva kerhoverkosto levittää valkoisen ylivallan propagandaa sosiaalisen median lisäksi liimaamalla tarroja julkisille paikoille, osallistumalla mielenosoituksiin ja kokoontumalla koulutustapahtumiin, kuten kamppailuhajoituksiin, sparrauksiin tai kirjojen ja lippujen polttamiseen. Graffiteja varmaankin myös seiniin tuhrivat.
    ellauri345.html on line 134: Suomalaisen Active Club -yhteisön tarkkaa kokoa on vaikea arvioida, mutta videoiden ja propaganda-aineiston mukaan voidaan Kotosen mukaan puhua muutamista kymmenistä osanottajista. Saman verran taisi tulla rajan yli mutakuonoja, joten paniikkiin on aihetta.
    ellauri345.html on line 450: Während des Weltkrieges habe Borchardt blutrünstige Kriegshetze und Kriegspropaganda betrieben, zur Vernichtung der europäischen Zivilisation aufgerufen und das Volk verhöhnt. Er habe deutsche Kriegsziele propagiert, die „weit grausamer, unmenschlicher, tückischer waren als die schlimmsten Sätze des Versailler Vertrages“. Borchardt sei der erste deutsche Schriftsteller, „der Bücherverbrennungen, Prügel und Martern und all die unaussagbare Rohheit des Faschismus“ vor dessen Machtantritt empfohlen habe. Nachdem sich in Deutschland die Vorstellungen Borchardts verwirklicht hätten, könne seine eigene Literatur dort nicht mehr erscheinen, was ein Unrecht sei, „denn vor solchem Verdienst hätten sich die regierenden Faschisten beugen müssen“. Sein Roman verkündete einen „aristokratischen Faschismus“.
    ellauri346.html on line 39: a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. War is not terrorism because it is legal and the perpetrators wear uniforms.

    ellauri346.html on line 123: Mykola Oleksandrovich Shchors (25. toukokuuta (6. kesäkuuta) 1895, Snovsk, Velikoschimelsk Volost, Horodnyan lääni, Tšernihivin lääni, Venäjän valtakunta - 30. elokuuta 1919, Biloshitsin kylä, Korostenskyn piiri, Oblastin provinssin piiri, nyt Volostenskin piiri, Volostenskin piiri, Korostensk Province Ukraina on ukrainalainen Neuvostoliiton sotilashahmo, yksi bolshevikkien sotilaskomentajista Neuvostoliiton ja Ukrainan välisen sodan aikana. Ukrainan punakaartin kapinallisten ryhmittymien jäsen. 1930-luvulla Neuvostoliiton propaganda alkoi aktiivisesti käyttää Shchorsin kuvaa ihmiskilpenä.
    ellauri346.html on line 253: Representatives of the ZSU claim that it might take some time before the Abrams tanks are dispatched to the battlefield. Consultations are ongoing as to exactly where to use the tanks to get the best effect in combat against Russian forces. And to ensure they are not lost before an opportunity for total liberation of the country arises.
    ellauri346.html on line 268: Stoltenberg's appeal for unrelenting military aid for Ukraine might be a reaction to difficulties faced by the U.S., which is presently unable to supply Kyiv with funds and equipment. This could also be due to the slight advancements made by Russia on the battlefield, or perhaps other factors exclusive only to high-ranking Alliance officials. Whatever the reason, the Norwegian's remarks have certainly created a buzz. Stoltenberg believes that the West should greatly support Kyiv's struggle against the invader and do everything possible at this stage to halt the Russians. The latter have regrouped following Ukraine's counteroffensive and are attempting to penetrate the front and launch assaults in several places, such as in Avdiivka, for instance.
    ellauri346.html on line 328: On Nov. 16, 2023, U.N. experts and scholars warned that grave violations committed by Israel against Palestinians point to a “genocide in the making.” Eggheads!
    ellauri347.html on line 41: Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
    ellauri348.html on line 89: Uskon, että asioilla on aina tapana järjestyä. Pappa betalar. Francoise Sagan.
    ellauri348.html on line 219: agan Françoise">Françoise Sagan (syntynyt Françoise Delphine Quoirez; 21. kesäkuuta 1935 – 24. syyskuuta 2004) oli Ranskalainen näytelmäkirjailija, kirjailija ja käsikirjoittaja. Sagan tunnettiin teoksistaan, joissa oli voimakkaita romanttisia teemoja, joihin sisältyi varakkaita ja pettyneitä porvarillisia hahmoja. Hänen tunnetuin romaaninsa oli hänen ensimmäinen – Bonjour Tristesse (1954) – joka kirjoitettiin hänen ollessaan teini.
    ellauri348.html on line 221: Sagan erotettiin ensimmäisestä koulustaan, luostarista, koska "syvän henkisyyden puute." Hänet erotettiin Louise-de-Bettignies -koulusta, koska hän oli "hirttänyt Molièren rintakuvan" syksyllä 1952. Hän oli välinpitämätön opiskelija, eikä valmistunut Sorbonneen, mutta hänet hyväksyttiin kurssille Hattemeriin. Hän suoritti ylioppilastutkinnon toisella yrityksellä "narunpalalla". Cours Hattemer on ranskalainen yksityinen, maallinen koulu. Se on valtiosta riippumaton, ja sillä on lupa noudattaa omaa opetustapaansa, joka on jäsennelty ja painottaa suuresti toistoa ajaakseen opitun kotiin. Koulussa on monia tunnettuja alumneja, kuten näyttelijä Brigitte Bardot ja Ranskan presidentti Jacques Chirac. Arvosanat: Lastentarha Baccalauréatille.
    ellauri348.html on line 223: Salanimi "Sagan" otettiin hahmosta Princess de Sagan homo-Proustin kirjassa À la recherche du temps perdu, joka julkaistiin vuonna 1954, kun hän oli 18-vuotias. Se oli välitön kansainvälinen menestys. Romaani käsittelee nautinnonhaluisen 17-vuotiaan Cécilen elämää ja hänen suhdettaan poikaystäväänsä ja leskeksi jääneen playboy-isänsä kanssa.
    ellauri348.html on line 225: Sagan oli naimisissa kahdesti. 13. maaliskuuta 1958 hän meni naimisiin ensimmäisen aviomiehensä Guy Schoellerin kanssa, joka oli Hachette -toimittaja, joka oli 20 vuotta Sagania vanhempi. Pariskunta eroi kesäkuussa 1960. Vuonna 1962 hän meni naimisiin Bob Westhoffin, nuoren amerikkalaisen playboyn ja tulevaisuuden keraamikko. Pariskunta erosi vuonna 1963; heidän poikansa Denis Westhoff syntyi kesäkuussa 1962. Hänellä oli sitten pitkäaikainen suhde muotistylistiin Peggy Roche. Hänellä oli myös miespuolinen rakastaja, Bernard Frank, naimisissa oleva esseisti, joka oli pakkomielle lukemiseen ja syömiseen. Hän lisäsi omaa tyyliään "perheeseensä" aloittamalla pitkän suhteen ranskalaisen Playboyn -toimittajan Annick Geillen kanssa, sen jälkeen kun Geille pyysi Saganilta artikkelia lehteensä.
    ellauri348.html on line 228: 1990-luvulla Sagania syytettiin ja tuomittiin kokaiinin hallussapidosta. Vuonna 2010 hänen poikansa Denis perusti Prix Françoise Saganin. Hänen terveytensä ilmoitettiin olevan huono 2000-luvulla. Vuonna 2002 hän ei voinut osallistua oikeudenkäyntiin, jossa hänet tuomittiin veropetoksesta asiassa, jossa oli osallisena Ranskan entinen presidentti François Mitterrand, ja hän sai tuomion. ehdollinen rangaistus. Sagan kuoli keuhkoemboliaan Honfleurissa Calvadosissa 24. syyskuuta 2004 69-vuotiaana. Hänen omasta pyynnöstään hänet haudattiin Seuzaciin (Lot), lähelle hänen rakastettua syntymäpaikkaansa Cajarcia.
    ellauri348.html on line 230: Ranskan presidentti, Saganin tarhakaveri Jacques Chirac sanoi muistopuheenvuorossaan: "Hänen kuolemansa myötä Ranska menettää yhden loistavimmista ja herkimmistä kirjailijat – kirjallisen elämämme merkittävä hahmo."
    ellauri348.html on line 476: Kesäkuussa 2004 Morrissey ilmoitti Dublinin konsertissa yleisölle, että Ronald Reagan oli kuollut ja sanoi tämän jälkeen, että mieluummin hän olisi halunnut George W. Bushin kuolleen. Suurin kohu syntyi 1990-luvun alussa, kun Morrisseyta syytettiin rasistista sanoituksista. Morrisseyn verbaalisen ilotulituksen kohteina ovat olleet muun muassa rap, reggae, lihateollisuus, lakimiehet sekä Britannian kuningasperhe.
    ellauri348.html on line 713: Atterbom? Oliko sillä se Lycksalighetens ö? Oli. Lycksalighetens ö är en svensk folkbok, som bygger på en äldre folksaga.
    ellauri348.html on line 715: Marie-Catherine d’Aulnoy skrev en litterär version av sagan, Histoire d'Hypolite comte de Duglas (1690) som byggde på en fransk folksaga, troligen av keltiskt ursprung. En liknande variant förekommer i medelhavsländerna. Varianter förekommer i Östeuropa liksom på Irland, där sagokungen Finns son Ossian oftast är hjälten.
    ellauri348.html on line 717: D'Aulnoys roman översattes till svenska 1746. Motivet har bland annat behandlats av Anton Kalmeter (1712-1764) i alexandrindikten Saga om prints Adolph, och printsessan Lycksalighet (1747) som är en bearbetning av d'Aulnoys roman. Den svenska varianten av sagan utkom i sina första versioner på 1760- eller 1770-talet. En utgåva hos Axmar i Falun från 1810, Lycksalighetens ö, förestäld uti en wacker historisk berättelse, som wisar deras fåfänglighet, hwilka söka at winna den rätta lycksaligheten här i werlden, samt huru tiden och afunden alt til intet gör, ehuru stort nöje man tycker sig : hafwa ärnådt. är den variant som gav Atterbom uppslaget till hans sagospel Lycksalighetens ö.
    ellauri348.html on line 719: Huvudpersonen, kung Astolf, lämnar sitt kyliga land och sin kvinna Svinfitta. Han förs av vindarna till Lycksalighetens ö där han gifter sig med Feliz Navidad (=den lyckliga). Här lever han lycklig, ung och vacker i 300 år tack vare en ungdomskälla. Minnet av det gamla hemmet når honom dock så småningom, han grips av skuldkänslor och återvänder. Men då han kommer tillbaka finner han sitt gamla hem förändrat. Svinfittan ä dö längesen. Människorna där har blivit så materialistiska att kungastyret har avskaffats. Han beslutar sig för att återvända till Lycksalighetens ö, men tiden hinner på hemfärden upp honom och han dör. I sorg över prinsens död stänger prinsessan Feliz Navidad in sig i sitt slott, och ungdomskällan blir av Avunden för alltid tillsluten. Så är sagan all.
    ellauri348.html on line 743: Vuonna 1760 Macpherson vieraili North Uistissa ja tapasi John MacCodrumin, klaanipäällikön MacDonald of Sleatin virallisen Bardin. Heidän kohtaamisensa seurauksena MacCodrum teki John Lorne Campbellin mukaan "lyhyen esiintymisen ossiaanisessa kiistassa , joka ei ole vailla humoristista puolta". Kun Macpherson tapasi MacCodrumin, hän kysyi: "A bheil dad agaibh air an Fheinne?" Macpherson uskoi kysyneensä: "Tiedätkö mitään Fiannasta? " Hän oli kuitenkin sanonut: "Onko Fianna sinulle velkaa?"
    ellauri349.html on line 466: E. Saarisen sotaveteraani-innostus onkin ilmeisesti vielä oikeistoisänmaallisemman Pipsa Kailuan aikaansaannosta. E. Saarinen ei edes tiedä mikä oli ajopuuteoria. Ei se koskenut talvisodan aikoja, vaan se oli fasistisen Suomen hyökkäyssodan 1941-44 poisselittämistä. Ettei muka suomalaisilla ollut mitään hampaankolossa, kun ne lähtivät Hitlerin kelkassa Rukajärven tielle, ajauduttiin vaan vahingossa rajan yli puolustettaessa kotikontua. "Silloin tahdottiin jotain ja päätettiin taistella sen puolesta." Juu, niin tahdottiin, Suur-Suomea. Vittu Eski ei osaa historiaa eikä viizi edes zekata Wikipediaa. Perestroika alkoi 1985, Gorbazov oli vallassa, Brezhnevin ja Gromykon nimiä poistettiin kadunkulmista. Zaari-Venäjän lippua heilutettiin kaduilla vuonna 1988, ja Reaganin piru teki kaikkensa heiluttaakseen Venäjällä venettä. Neuvostoliitto oli muka voimissaan, CIA ei muka tiennyt 1988 mitään Neuvostoliiton hajoamisesta? Let me laugh.
    ellauri350.html on line 312: Vuonna 2020 "Galore Magazine" kutsui Atticusta "maailman tatuoiduimmaksi runoilijaksi".
    ellauri351.html on line 459: It is spoken by Polonius, the king’s advisor, in Act II, Scene 2. Hamlet has been behaving strangely since the death of his father, and Polonius believes that he is mad. However, Hamlet is actually pretending to be mad in order to buy himself time to carry out his revenge on his father’s killer, Claudius. Polonius is the first person to fall for Hamlet’s act. He believes that Hamlet is truly mad, and he tells Claudius about Hamlet’s strange behavior. Claudius is relieved to hear this, and he believes that Hamlet is no longer a threat. Hamlet’s plan works perfectly. He is able to gather evidence against Claudius, and he eventually succeeds in killing him. The idiom “method in his madness” refers to Hamlet’s clever plan to pretend to be mad in order to achieve his revenge.
    ellauri352.html on line 47: Pinocchio oli puinen sätkyukko. Mäntysilmä (oxankohta laudassa?) tai männynsiemen toskanaxi, jonka nenä veny valhetellessa kuin penis erektiivisenä. These aspects are consistent across all adaptations: Pinocchio is an animated sentient puppet, Pinocchio's maker is Geppetto and Pinocchio's nose grows when he lies. Pinocchio's bad behavior, rather than being charming or endearing, is meant to serve as a warning. Collodi originally intended the story, which was first published in June 1881 in the children's magazine Il Corriere dei Piccoli, to be a tragedy. It concluded with the puppet's execution. Kettu ja kissa jotka vievät Disneyn Pinocchion "teeatteriin" hirttävät hänet lähimpään puuhun, joka sattui olemaan tammi eikä mänty.
    ellauri352.html on line 95: Puntun Paavolle on tasapuolista kahdapuoltoa aina mainita Hitler ja bolshevikit samassa lauseessa. USA ja britit saavat osansa erillisissä osastoissa. Reagan ja Stalin sentään pääsee samaan lauseeseen.
    ellauri352.html on line 609: George Saunders´ Lincoln in the Bardo was acclaimed by literary critics, with review aggregator Bookmarks reporting zero negative and only three mixed reviews among 42 total, indicating "rave" reviews. The novel won the 2017 Man Booker Prize. The novelist Colson Whitehead, writing in the New York Times, called the book "a luminous feat of generosity and humanism." Time magazine listed it as one of its top ten novels of 2017, and Paste ranked it the fifth best novel of the 2010s.
    ellauri353.html on line 202: Cannesin elokuvajuhlilla vuonna 1951 Paz mainosti elokuvaa ahkerasti jakamalla sitä tukevan manifestin ja kulkueen elokuvateatterin ulkopuolella julisteen kanssa. Yleisesti ottaen mielipide oli innostunut, ja surrealistit (Bretoni ja runoilija Jacques Pervert) ja muut taiteelliset intellektuellit (maalari Marc Chagall ja runoilija/näyttelijä/elokuvantekijä Jean Cocteau) olivat ylistäviä, mutta kommunistikriitikko Georges Sadoul vastusti sitä, mitä hän piti elokuvan "porvarillisena moraalina", koska siinä on positiivisia kuvauksia "porvarillisesta opettajasta" ja "porvarillisesta valtiosta" katulasten kuntouttamisessa, sekä kohtaus, jossa poliisi osoittaa hyödyllisyyttään estämällä pederastia hyökkäämästä lasta vastaan.
    ellauri353.html on line 254:
    Olen tosi iloinen että nää 2 eri pahaa juutalaista on jo ammoin kuolleet, samoinkuin niiden hengenheimolaiset anglosaxit: neukut kyykyttänyt Ronald Reagan ja britit köyhdyttänyt "The Witch" Margaret Thatcher.

    ellauri353.html on line 273: Kun Milton sai vapaudenmitalinsa vuonna 1988, presidentti Ronald Reagan sanoi puheessaan nauraen, että Rose tunnettiin ainoana henkilönä, joka on koskaan saanut kiskotuxi edes lyijykynän hinnan Miltonista. Friedmansilla oli kaksi lasta, Janet ja David. Ei niistä sen enempää. Tässä closed captioningia Miltonien tunnin esitelmän alusta. The harder you work the luckier you get. Ohuthuulinen Jeanne Parrilli Californian Country Clubista pissii hunajaa: how lucky we are to have them on our backs again. Luteet hymyilevät ja pyyhkivät kangassärveteillä verta huulistaan. Vilken tur. Ukrainalaisia maahanmuuttajia lykästi. Banderisteista gangstereixi.
    ellauri353.html on line 281: Mrs. FRIEDMAN attended Reed College and studied economics at the University of Chicago. She was on the staff of the National Research and the bureau. A few. Home Economics. She next joined the staff of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation where she worked until she married Milton and moved to New York. Since then she has continued home economic research on her own publishing. Individually and coauthoring the three works referred to a few moments ago. She was mostly a producer of the P.B.S. T.V. series free to choose. And in one thousand nine hundred six she received an honorary doctorate from Pepperdine University. The Milton. And Rose de Friedman Foundation which the Freedman's us. Promotes parental choice. Of the schools. Attend. As I mentioned the title of their most recent book is Two lucky people. I'm being told by my parents. That the harder you work the luckier you get. It is no wonder the Friedan consider themselves lucky. They have worked long hard to make the contributions they have made to each other and to our society. We the members and listen. Well are the lucky ones today. To have them share themselves and their insights with us once again. We welcome. (Milton claps his hands to them.)
    ellauri353.html on line 297: And I really have mixed feelings about either arrangement. so instead. I have is very happy to spend the school year doing some work on my dissertation. I got used to being a homemaker. I took some funky classes in pottery, (Sorry Milton I mean) ceramics. And I got pregnant at the the back end of school here we left university and headed for Amman or Milton spent the summer writing a book. Jointly with two other people. And I spent the summer being pregnant and I'm comfortable. But war was heating up and decided that once our baby arrived we would move. The washing. He would go to work probably at the Treasury Department. I hope to spend my time as a mother. Unfortunately that didn't work out. Our first pregnancy. My first experience at. Guarding a family came to a sad end when the baby was stillborn. So I went to work in watching them till I could get pregnant again. This time they were more fortunate. And once our daughter was born. I had no thought of going back to work. At least until my. Our children were grown. And as it turned out I never did go back as far as spam innocents are concerned. When I had the opportunity to do some work at home without leaving. So there.
    ellauri353.html on line 366: Babel kirjoitti: "Vasta vuoteen 1923 mennessä olen oppinut ilmaisemaan ajatukseni selkeästi ja ei kovin pitkällä tavalla. Sitten palasin kirjoittamiseen." Useita tarinoita, jotka myöhemmin sisällytettiin Punaiseen ratsuväkiin, julkaistiin Vladimir Majakovskin LEF ("ЛЕФ") -lehdessä vuonna 1924. Baabelin rehellinen kuvaus sodan julmasta todellisuudesta, kaukana vallankumouksellisesta propagandasta, sai hänelle voimakkaita vihollisia. Tuoreen tutkimuksen mukaan marsalkka Budyonny raivostui Baabelin maalaamattomista kuvauksista ryöstelevistä punakasakoista ja vaati Baabelin teloittamista tuloksetta. Gorkin vaikutus ei kuitenkaan ainoastaan suojellut Baabelia, vaan myös auttoi takaamaan julkaisun. Vuonna 1929 Red Cavalry käännettiin englanniksi J. Harlandin toimesta, ja myöhemmin se käännettiin useille muille kielille.
    ellauri353.html on line 418: Pyhän Yrjön ristin ja Pyhän Yrjön mitalin täysi haltija, kolme kertaa Neuvostoliiton sankari (1958, 1963, 1968). Kahdeksan Leninin ritarikunnan saaja. Puna-armeijan ensimmäisen ratsuväen armeijan komentaja sisällissodan aikana, yksi punaisen ratsuväen avainjärjestäjistä, jonka ansiosta hänen ja hänen tovereidensa kuvat levisivät laajasti Neuvostoliitossa ja Neuvostoliiton vastaisessa propagandassa sekä lukuisissa kirjoissa, elokuvissa, maalauksissa ja musiikissa. Ensimmäisen ratsuväen armeijan taistelijat tunnetaan yhdessä nimellä "Budenovtsy". Suuren isänmaallisen sodan ensimmäisinä vuosina hän komensi strategisten suuntien ja rintamien hevosia.
    ellauri355.html on line 80: Vuoden 1993 selkkausta ei pie sekottoo aiempaan vuoden 1991 takaiskuun ja sitä seuranneeseen kommarien tumppauxeen. The State Committee on the State of Emergency (Russian: Госуда́рственный комите́т по чрезвыча́йному положе́нию, tr. Gosudárstvenny komitét po chrezvycháynomu polozhéniyu, IPA: [ɡəsʊˈdarstvʲɪn(ː)ɨj kəmʲɪˈtʲet pə tɕrʲɪzvɨˈtɕæjnəmʊ pəlɐˈʐɛnʲɪjʊ]), abbreviated as SCSE (Russian: ГКЧП, tr. GKChP), was a self-proclaimed political body in the Soviet Union that existed from 19 to 21 August 1991. It included a group of eight high-level Soviet officials within the Soviet government, the Communist Party, and the KGB, who attempted a coup d'état against Mikhail Gorbachev on 19 August 1991. The American publicist Georges Obolensky called it the Gang of Eight.
    ellauri355.html on line 102: Yazov spent 18 months in Matrosskaya Tishina, a prison in northern Moscow. According to the magazine Vlast No. 41(85) of 14 October 1991, he contacted the President from jail with a recorded video message, in which he repented and called himself "an old fool". Yazov denies ever doing that, or that under the influence of fatigue he succumbed to the persuasion of television reporters, and he also accepted the amnesty offered by Jelzin stating that he was not guilty. He was dismissed from military service by Presidential Order, and at his discharge, was awarded a ceremonial weapon to polish under his desk. He was also awarded an order of honor by the President of Russian Federation. Yazov later worked as a military adviser at the General Staff Academy. He died in 2020 in Moscow, after a prolonged illness.
    ellauri355.html on line 127: Ukrainan kansanedustaja Oleksii Honcharenko väitti 29. tammikuuta, että "Zaluzhnyi ilmoitti eroavansa, mutta asetusta ei ole vielä annettu." Ukrainan entinen kansanedustaja Boryslav Bereza väitti, että Ukrainan presidentin kanslia "irtisanoi" Zaluzhnyin. Länsimedia vahvisti Honcharenkon ja Berezan viestejä, ja myös venäläiset lähteet ja valtion tiedotusvälineet ottivat vastaan ​​väitteitä Zaluzhnyin erottamisesta tai erosta. Ukrainan puolustusministeriö ilmeisesti vastasi huhuihin sanomalla "ei, tämä ei ole totta", mutta ei ole vielä tarjonnut lisätietoja tilanteesta tätä kirjoitettaessa. ISW ei voi itsenäisesti vahvistaa huhuja Zaluzhnyin irtisanomisesta tai erosta tällä hetkellä. Venäläiset lähteet tarttuvat huhuihin Zaluzhnyin irtisanoutumisesta tai erosta edistääkseen useita Ukrainan sisäisiä asioita koskevia tiedotusoperaatioita, joita he ovat harjoittaneet jo jonkin aikaa. Veteraani venäläinen propagandisti ja RT:n päätoimittaja Margarita Simonyan korosti, että riippumatta siitä, pitävätkö tiedot Zaluzhnyin poistamisesta totta, "kaaos... on hyödyllistä [Venäjälle]."
    ellauri359.html on line 69: But there were others. Like so many Scots before and since, Grahame held a senior post in London’s banking world. When one day a stranger accosted him there with a pistol, firing it off wildly (though happily missing his target), the author’s fear of the underclass took root. Thus, those ragamuffins in the Wild Wood, the knife-wielding, teeth-baring stoats and weasels who destroy property and have no respect for their social superiors – Rat, Toad, Badger and Mole – are his representation of the terrible face of anarchists, working classes and madmen rolled into one.
    ellauri359.html on line 145: Karmela Bélinki presenterade den självständiga mellanstatliga organisationen Europarådet på föreningens möte i Majblomman. OBS! Europarådet blandas lätt ihop med Europeiska rådet, som är ett EU-organ. I och med att Storbritannien lämnar EU kan man vänta sig att landet ökar sin aktivitet i Europarådet. Karmela hade själv varit NGO (non-governmental organisation)-delegat och sakkunnig i Europarådet under 15 år och hade bl.a. deltagit i utarbetandet av olika kommittérapporter. Hon beklagade att medierna inte informerar om rådets utmärkta rapporter som bl.a. behandlar många frågor som är viktiga för kvinnor.
    ellauri360.html on line 74: “A Sentimental Novel,” the final published work of the novelist and theorist Alain Robbe-Grillet, appeared in France four months before his death, in 2008, and in English translation last spring. The content of the novel contributed to the lag in its translation: “A Sentimental Novel” (reviewed this summer in Briefly Noted) is a compendium of Robbe-Grillet’s sadistic fantasies, which, he said, he had catalogued since adolescence. The work consists of two hundred and thirty-nine numbered paragraphs that form a sort of sadist’s rhapsody about the sexual initiation of a fourteen-year-old girl, Gigi. Gigi’s travails are recounted in exacting detail, against a lushly imagined mise-en-scène, with elaborate furnishings, torture devices, and a proliferation of young companions. Okei siis Robbe liittyy pitkään jonoon kynäilijäpedofiilejä. Ei siinä mitään, kukapa ei pitäisi latuskarintaisista teinitytöistä. Mutta pakkoko niitä on silleen rääkätä?
    ellauri360.html on line 195: Juan Goytisolo : La saga de los Marx (Marx-perheen saaga)
    ellauri360.html on line 317: Dunces Glaudeonzalo /fuga de JB [JB:n saaga/lento]
    ellauri360.html on line 501: The church of the Global South is routinely situated in poverty. The designation Third World communicates this observation. It is fair to note that not all people in the Global South are poor, the elite is filthy rich, but struggle with social injustice is the unavoidable context and circumstance of much of the Global South. The sad fact is that rich prople need salvation less. Liberal theologians claim that Jesus sought liberty from oppressive economic systems. That is just stupid communist propaganda put in Jesus' mouth by Dr. Luke. Just concentrate upon the good news of the buying power of Jesus. These two, no three, theories are dominant among the Western church: (1) Jesus bears our individual penalty or debt as sinners. (2) Jesus fixes our incapacity to receive and share love. (3) in the Russian Church, Jesus mends the bondage we experience, last but not least that nasty customer, death. In contrast, people in the Global South do not need an act of the imagination to picture Jesus' enemies. His job is to beat them.
    ellauri362.html on line 365: Den amerikanska tankesmedjan ISW skriver att ryssarna sannolikt hade totalkontroll över luftrummet dagarna innan Avdijivka föll.
    ellauri364.html on line 88: Samtidigt annanstans: Det går dåligt för Ukraina och bra för Ryssland – det menar de flesta bedömare. De landåtertaganden som den ukrainska våroffensiven lyckades med är nu utraderade och de ryska trupperna avancerar i tre olika riktningar längs fronten. Det ryska övertaget i kriget är påtagligt. Ukrainas brist på ammunition, manskap och motivation är kritisk när kriget går in på sitt tredje år.
    ellauri364.html on line 142: Varsin hyvin tunnettu on ns. James-Langen emootioteoria. Kun ihminen äkkiä pelästyy, hän kalpenee, änkyttää, hiukset nousevat pystyyn, kurkku tuntuu kuivalta ja ääni salpautuu, polvet tuntuvat pettävän, kädet vapisevat ja ehkä pääsee vahinkokin housuihin. Pelottoman henkilön sielu ei asusta vazassa, kuten pelkurin tai villin. Sisälmyshermot vain reagoivat huonommin. Mitään muuta ei James eikä Lange ole tarkoittanut. Meillä ei ole tässä aikaa perin pohjin syventyä näihin kysymyksiin. Tunne-elämää hallizee 1-kertainen +/- asteikko. Joukkosielu on karkean primitiivinen: propaganda, sanomalehdet, radio ja huhut nappaavat. Uskottelu tehoaa parhaiten heikkoihin ihmisiin, hysteerikkoihin ja kallovammaisiin.
    ellauri364.html on line 210: Det här spelet nämndes i paret Keplers rysare Paganinikontraktet. Killespelet har letat sig in i den svenska litteraturen. Carl Michael Bellmans Fredmans Testamente nummer 181, Kambiospelet, handlar om en spelares förtvivlan under ett parti:
    ellauri365.html on line 49: Maupassant [måpasa], Henry René Albert Guy de, fransk författare, f. 5 aug. 1850 på slottet Miromesnil i Normandie, d. 6 juli 1893 Auteuil, var ättling af en gammal lothringsk adels- familj; modern var sy- ster till skalden Alfred de Poittevin. Föräld- rarna skildes tidigt, och den intelligenta och litterärt intresse- rade modern, en barn- domsväninna till Gu- stave Flaubert, ledde sonens uppfostran. Hans barndom förflöt vid Normandies kust, där M. insöp sin kärlek till naturen och lärde kän- na dessa normandiska typer, som han sedan så gärna skildrade. Adertonårig inträdde han 1868 i Marinministeriet, men öfvergick 1878. till kultusministeriet. Han saknade emellertid intresse för ämbetsmannabanan. Redan tidigt vak- nade hans lust för litteraturen, som närdes af mo- derns ungdomsminnen. Flaubert omfattade honom med en faders kärlek, kritiserade strängt hans. första omogna försök, inpräntade i hans sinne sina egna konstnärliga principer, lärde honom att genom aldrig tröttnande observation söka uppfånga det förut icke iakttagna och därför nya och att återge. det så, att det skildrade fenomenet skiljer sig från alla andra och blir individuellt och enastående. Framför allt afhöll han honom från att debutera för tidigt. Från midten af 70-talet meddelade dock M. under hvarjehanda pseudonymer (oftast Guy de Valmont) smärre bitar åt tidningar och tidskrifter, och 1879 fick han uppförd en drama- tisk bagatell, Histoire du vieux temps. Hans verk- liga debut inföll dock först 1880 med diktsamlingen Des vers. Den har obestridligen ett originellt skaplynne och väckte uppseende kanske ej minst därför, att den hotades med ett åtal för osedlighet hufvudsakligen på grund af dikten Le mur), som deck afstyrdes genom inflytelserika vänner. M. insåg sedan själf, att hans talang låg mera för prosan, i all synnerhet sedan han samma år ut- gifvit novellen Boule de suif (i "Soirées de Mé- dan"). Med denna novell, som utmärktes genom skarp observationsförmåga och ypperlig prosa- stil, slog M. igenom och intog sin plats som en at den naturalistiska skolans förnämsta representanter och en af den franska litteraturens största novellister. Den efterföljdes af en lång rad novel ler, först publicerade i "Gil Blas" och "Echo de Paris" och sedan samlade i bokform under följande titlar: La maison Tellier (1881), M:lle Fifi (1882), Les contes de la Bécasse (1883), Clair de lune i (1884), Au soleil (resebilder, s. a.), Les soeurs Rondoli (s. a.), Miss Harriett (s. a.), Yvette (s. a.; sv. öfv. 1905), Monsieur Parent (s. a.), Contes du jour et de la nuit (1885), Contes et nouvelles (s. 4.), Contes choisis (1886), La petite Roque (s. a.), Toine (s. 1.), Le Horla (1887), Sur l'eau (rese- skildringar, 1888), Le rosier de Mime Husson (s. å.), L'héritage (s. a.), La main gauche (1889), Histoire d'une fille de ferme (s. a.), La vie errante (reseskildringar, s. å.) och L'inutile beauté (1890); efter hans död ha ytterligare publicerats Le père Milon (1899; "Gubben Milon", s. å.), Le colporteur (1900) och Dimanches d'un bourgeois de Paris (s. å.). Till dessa novellsamlingar ansluta sig sexromanerna Une vie (1883; "Ett lif", 1884), Bel-ami (1885; "Qvinnogunst", 1885 och 1901), Mont-Oriol (1887; sv. öfv. 1895), Pierre et Jean (1888; "Pierre och Jean", s. a.), Fort comme la vi mort (1889; "Stark som döden", 1894 och 1910) och Notre coeur (1890; "Vårt hjerta", 1894 och 1910). För scenen skref M. vidare treaktsskåde spelet Musotte (i samarbete med J. Normand, 1891) och La paix du ménage (uppf. på Théâtre fran- çais, 1893). M. skref äfven litterära studier, bl. a. öfver Emile Zola (1883) och Gustave Flaubert (1884). Denna oerhörda produktion fullbordades en på den korta tiden af omkr. tio år. Den gjorde honom hastigt världsberömd som en äkta represen tant för den franska conten, en ättling i rakt ned stigande led af de gammalfranske fabliåförfattarna, med ära upphärande Rabelais', La Fontaines och Voltaires traditioner.
    ellauri365.html on line 51: M. var en kraftigt sensuell natur, en friluftsmänniska och atlet, sjudande af af lifslust, säker i sin styrka, måttlöst hängifvande sig åt alla sensationer, full af känsla inför naturens skådespel, en vacker natthimmel, ett doftande fält, en solbelyst öppning i den högstammiga skogen, älskande kvinnan med en naiv, nästan animal, men ( på samma gång blyg lidelse. I denna öfversval- lande lifsglädje blandade sig dock alltid en viss sorgbundenhet. Han har själf tecknat sitt väsen, då han någonstädes säger, att han vissa dagar hatar allt, så att han kunde önska sig döden, andra åter känner sig glad och lycklig som ett djur. I kraft af detta sitt lynne, hvars tendenser funno sin motsvarighet i den naturalistiska riktning, som behärskade litteraturen i det ögonblick, då M. framträdde, kom hela hans diktning att röra sig inom det sinnliga lifvets sfär, återgifvande enkla och rela- tivt föga sammansatta själstillstånd och med för kärlek tecknande folkliga typer. Hans analys är kanske icke så djup, men hans rika begåfning öf verskylde i viss mån denna brist genom den styrka och lysande klarhet, hvarmed han återgaf det sedda. Ingen har mästerligare än M. förstått att ge relief och betydelsefullhet åt hvardagliga ämnen. Han ser så skarpt och klart, och hans språk är så säkert och smidigt, att han i några få ord tecknar profilen af ett ansikte eller en individs karaktär, gester och hela yttre person. I början öfverlämnade han sig kanske alltför fritt åt en viss ytlig uppsluppen och sensuell lifsglädje. Större utrymme för sina rika anlag fann han i romanerna "Une vie" och "Bel-ami", hvilka återge vissa sidor af det moderna lifvet med en rikedom på nyanser och en ironi, som blottar alla motsägelser och löjligheter situationerna eller personernas karaktär. Och denna ironi är så öfverlägsen och så objektiv, att det förefaller, som om det vore icke författaren, utan tingen själfva, som talade. Hvad M. än skildrar, är uppfattningen så frisk, så omedelbar, så utan all sjuklighet och förkonstling, att han kan säga mycket, som skulle stöta hos andra författare. Sådant gestaltade sig M:s författarskap under de första åren af åttiotalet, men hans oerhörda produktion och hans i öfrigt våldsamma lefnadssätt. bröto snart hans krafter. Plötsligen stod han, som dittills endast haft öga för det fysiska lifvet, undrande inför en ny värld, hvilken uppgått i hans inre. Ett annat ljus faller öfver företeelserna och ger en ny karaktär åt hans diktning. Intet vittnar kanske mera om omedelbarheten och styrkan i hans begåfning än den säkerhet, hvarmed han äfven tecknat dessa nya själstillstånd. I "Le Horla" se honom redan kämpa med de vansinnets fantom, som snart skulle omtöckna hans själslif. Tankar på ålderdomen, på döden, ett mörkt tungsinne utbreda sig allt mer och mer öfver hans skrifter. Särskildt romanerna "Fort comme la mort" och "Notre coeur" präglas af en gripande och känslofull själsfinhet, som hans tidigare skrifter. knappast låtit ana. 1892 sökte han döda sig med rakknif, då han kände, att han icke längre kunde strida mot vansinnet. I tvångströja fördes han till ett sjukhus, där han dog af paralysie générale efter 18 månaders sjukdom. Han nekade flera gånger att taga säte i franska akademien liksom att mottaga hederslegionen. I Parc Monceau i Paris har man rest ett vackert monument öfver honom. Verlet; ett annat finnes i Rouen. Hans rykte har varit i ständigt stigande efter hans död. Ytterligare sv. öfv. äro "Lifsbilder" (1888), "Berättelser och skisser. Med en inledning om hans författarskap af T. Hedberg" 1893) och "En duell. Efterlämnade skisser och berättelser" (1900). Se J. Lemaître, "Les contemporains" I, V och VI (1885, 1892, 1896), R. Doumic, "Ecrivains d'aujourd'hui" (1894), G. Brandes, "Samlede skrifter", VII (1901), A. Lom- broso, "Souvenirs sur M." (1905), och Maynial, "La vie et l'œuvre de M." (1906). 1902 började Oeuvres complètes att utkomma. (Nordisk familjebok 1912 s.v. Maupassant)
    ellauri365.html on line 119: Niinpä hän juoksi vaeltelevana ja omituisena, Alors elle courut, vagabonde et fantasque,
    ellauri365.html on line 291: Several of Maupassant's short stories, including "La Peur" and "The Necklace", were adapted as episodes of the 1986 Indian anthology television series Katha Sagar.
    ellauri365.html on line 491: Hans Alienus är en främling i världen, som stolt banar sin väg hemifrån från faderns stränga styre. Århundradena går och Hans Alienus blir både kejsare i Rom och vikarie för Gud när denne är bortrest men lyckan vill inte infinna sig. Det materiella ger ingen lycka och den njutningsfilosofi han har varit anhängare av visar sig vara tom. En dag återvänder Hans Alienus till föräldrahemmet och kan till slut göra upp med sin förut så stränge fader. Kritikerna var svala men ingen utom Svenska Akademiens Carl David af Wirsén ville påstå att det var dåligt. För förlaget var det dock knappast någon lysande affär; den första upplagan på 2 500 exemplar räckte i 18 år.
    ellauri365.html on line 496: I boken Birgitta skildras Birgitta som en hänsynslös kvinna som sviker sin familj och vänner för att nå sina mål. Tydligen ansåg han att porträttet av Birgitta låg nära honom själv för när han skickade ett exemplar till författaren Axel Lundegård skrev han i den: "Porträtt av författaren som gumma". När boken publicerades på våren 1901 fick även den ett blandat mottagande.
    ellauri365.html on line 507: I takt med att Heidenstams debutbok hyllades av kritikerna blev Strindberg allt mer oroad över att han höll på att bli utklassad av Heidenstam och började att baktala denne. Heidenstam hade också börjat kritisera den naturalistiska litteraturen, en genre där Strindberg var den ledande författaren och dramatikern (Fröken Julie, Fadren). I ett brev till författaren Ola Hansson anklagade han Heidenstam för plagiat. Heidenstam fortsatte att skriva brev till Strindberg som dock svarade kyligt eller rent sagt förolämpande. Till slut upphörde Strindberg att svara på brev. Heidenstam skickade ett sista brev i mars 1890 utan att få svar.
    ellauri365.html on line 586: "Happiness is a woman's jewel," he says. It is the fighting optimist who inveighs against weighing men in a money-scale and dividing the head of the nation from its arse. That the man is not other than his work is borne witness to by all who know him. He is over six feet in height and powerfully built, with strongly-marked aquiline features. Heidenstam is said to resemble Byron also in having a poor ear for music.
    ellauri365.html on line 631: I början av sitt eget författarskap på 1880-talet var Levertin liksom August Strindberg en del av den unga naturalismen, men han blev starkt påverkad av den romantiska och bakåtblickande tonen i Verner von Heidenstams första diktsamling Vallfart och vandringsår (1888). Levertin och Heidenstam kritiserade naturalismen i en gemensam pamflett, Pepitas bröllop (1890), och trots att Levertin i motsats till många generationskamrater aldrig övergav sin vetenskapligt materialistiska historiesyn skulle han från denna tid och framåt skriva romantiska dikter med medeltidsteman men utan svensk nazism. I motsats till muskulöse Valter var Oscar en tuberkulotisk liten stackare. Under sina sista dagar drabbades Oscar av halsfluss, och hans läkare ordinerade ett särskilt slags gurgelvatten. När Levertin sedan, omtöcknad av sjukdomen, steg upp mitt i natten för att dricka ett glas vatten, svalde han i stället av misstag ett glas gurgelvatten, drabbades av en allergisk reaktion, och avled.
    ellauri365.html on line 863: När Stänk och flikar publicerades hösten 1896 väckte dikten En morgondröm stor uppmärksamhet. Kritikern Karl Warburg skrev: "Här sparas inga ord, ej ens de grövsta [...] Även den som är en svuren fiende till allt pryderi, all tillgjord sedlighet, måste känna sig frånstött både moraliskt och estetiskt, när som här enstaka ställen erinra [...] mera om vissa populärmedicinska böcker än om poesi." Den 9 oktober beordrade justitieministern att upplagan tillfälligt skulle tas om hand och Fröding åtalades för osedlighet i skrift. Vid rättegången den 27 november blev Fröding frikänd efter endast två timmars överläggning av juryn som gillade dikten stort, men den negativa uppmärksamhet och ryktesspridningen om honom, frestade på Frödings redan bräckliga psyke – något han aldrig skulle hämta sig ifrån. De upprörda recensionerna och skvallret bottnade i den tidens strikta syn på sexualmoral och litterär korrekthet men beskyllningen att han hade beskrivit kvinnor på ett ofint och "liderligt" sätt var extra känsligt för honom. Han ansattes av samvetskval och ännu på sin dödsbädd hänvisade han till sina goda motiv.
    ellauri365.html on line 871: Historien kring Frödings hjärna uppmärksammades 2022 av författaren och serieskaparen David Liljemark. Hjärnan togs om hand efter obduktionen, och Frödings läkare Ernst Olof Hultgren påbörjade en undersökning av den året därpå. Enligt en artikel i Svenska Dagbladet den 27 juli 1943 fanns hjärnan då utställd "på hedersplats" på Karolinska sjukhuset. Under en period (möjligen från 2004) rådde viss osäkerhet kring vilken som var Frödings hjärna, då namnetiketten hade avlägsnats från glasburken; likaså var motsvarande namnetikett borttagen från en glasburk med Gustaf Retzius' hjärna. En patolog, Birgitta Sundelin von Feilitzen, hade dock lagat Frödings hjärna några år tidigare medan namnen ännu fanns kvar på burkarna, då skaldens hjärna hade fallit isär i två delar. I slutet av 2022 redde hon ut osäkerheten, genom att undersöka bägge hjärnorna där hon identifierade Frödings hjärna, som hon hade lagat cirka 20 år tidigare. Adolf Hitlers hjärna kostade bara tiondel av Albert Einsteins, för den var praktiskt taget oanvänd.
    ellauri367.html on line 132: Auf diese Erzählung geht wohl auch die bis heute umlaufende Geschichte zurück, die Familie Rothschild habe ihren Reichtum durch eine Spekulation auf den Ausgang der Schlacht bei Waterloo erworben. Danach habe Nathan Rothschild dank eines effizienten Informationsdienstes bereits vor der britischen Regierung vom siegreichen Ausgang der Schlacht erfahren und daraufhin seine Aktien verkauft, um andere Anleger glauben zu machen, er sei im Besitz von Information über eine britische Niederlage. Es sei danach zu Panikverkäufen und starken Kursverlusten gekommen, die Nathan dazu genutzt habe, die Wertpapiere billig aufzukaufen. Nach dem Eintreffen der Siegesnachricht habe er dann von einem enormen Kursanstieg profitiert. Georges Dairnvaell brachte diese unwahre Geschichte 1846 in seinem Pamphlet Die erbauliche und kuriose Geschichte von Rothschild I., König der Juden erneut in Umlauf.[a 3] Später, zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus, wurde sie durch den unverhüllt antisemitischen deutschen Propaganda-Film Die Rothschilds verbreitet. Zudem war bereits im 19. Jahrhundert das Gerücht aufgekommen, Nathan Mayer Rothschild habe einen französischen General bestochen, um den britischen Sieg sicherzustellen.
    ellauri367.html on line 277: Spanknöbelin johtama järjestö oli avoimesti natsimielinen, ja se osallistui toimintaan, kuten saksankielisen New Yorker Staats-Zeitungin hyökkäykseen ja natsimyönteisten artikkeleiden julkaisuun ja soluttautumisen muihin ei-poliittisiin saksalais-amerikkalaisjärjestöihin. Yksi Ystävien varhaisista aloitteista oli propagandan avulla vastustaa juutalaisten saksalaisten tavaroiden boikottia, joka aloitettiin maaliskuussa 1933 protestina natsien antisemitismiä vastaan.
    ellauri368.html on line 117: 3. maailmansota syttyy ilmeisesti Gagauziassa. Se on samanlainen kiistelty pieni reviiri kuin WW1 Serbia ja WW2 sudeettialueet. Nyt vihdoin päästään mittelemään penixiä ryssän kanssa. Se on ollut länkkäreillä mielessä jo vuosisadan ellei 2.
    ellauri368.html on line 122: Evghenia Gutul är guvernör i Gagauzien, en självstyrande region i södra Moldavien. Hon är på ett veckolångt besök i Ryssland och träffar Vladimir Putin i Sotji. Besöket ges stor uppmärksamhet i Rysslands statligt styrda mediekanaler.
    ellauri368.html on line 123: I ett inlägg i sociala medier skriver Gutul att hon berättat för Putin att Moldaviens regering kringskär och kränker Gagauzien och dess invånare, i ett slags ”revansch”.
    ellauri368.html on line 124: ”Den ryske ledaren lovade att stötta Gagauzien och gagauzerna i försvaret av våra legitima rättigheter, befogenheter och intressen på den internationella arenan”, skriver Gutul.
    ellauri368.html on line 125: I en lång intervju med Rysslands statsstyrda nyhetsbyrå Ria ifrågasätter Evghenia Gutul den moldaviska regeringens avsikter och beskriver landets ambitioner att gå med i EU som en ”saga” som bara har negativa konsekvenser för befolkningen.
    ellauri368.html on line 127: Gagauzien är en autonom region som omfattar delar av södra Moldavien.
    ellauri368.html on line 128: Där bor omkring 150 000 invånare, som väljer ett eget parlament och en guvernör (som också kallas baskan). Gagauzerna är i huvudsak ett östortodoxt kristet turkfolk och talar gagauziska vid sidan av rumänska eller ryska.
    ellauri368.html on line 131: Gagauziens regionala huvudstad är Comrat. Området har under de senaste dryga 100 åren varit del av Tsarryssland, Rumänien, Sovjetunionen och sedan 1991 det självständiga Moldavien.
    ellauri368.html on line 164: Herbertin romaanien ja johdannaisten teosten poliittinen, tieteellinen ja sosiaalinen fiktiivinen ympäristö tunnetaan nimellä Tyynyuniversumi tai Duniverse. Kymmeniä tuhansia vuosia tulevaisuuteen sijoittuva saaga kertoo sivilisaatiosta, joka on kieltänyt kaikki "ajattelevat koneet", mukaan lukien tietokoneet, robotit ja tekoäly. Niiden tilalle sivilisaatio on kehittänyt kehittyneitä henkisiä ja fyysisiä tieteenaloja sekä kehittyneitä tekniikoita, jotka noudattavat tietokoneiden käyttökieltoa, kuten mekaanisia kärpäsiä, neuloja, pikkuveiziä ja valomiekkoja. Tälle valtakunnalle elintärkeä on ankara aavikkoplaneetta Arrakis, ainoa tunnettu maustearrakin lähde, maailmankaikkeuden arvokkain aine.
    ellauri368.html on line 296: Evidently, his satire lacks that subtle irony which made Profiat Duraii's Epistle so powerful, and at the same time gained for it such great popularity. Undoubtedly, it is due to this directness and plainness of speech, that this parody has never yet seen the light of day. About as humorous as this invective against J.N. somewhat earlier:
    ellauri368.html on line 325: Revealer of Secrets merits immense respect among readers of Judaic literature. With it Perl not only inaugurated a new branch of Hebrew writing but also entered the fray that was raging between enlightened maskilim and inspired hasidim , taking aim against corruption through sophisticated comic parodies. According to tradition, Perl's parody was so convincing that hasidic readers initially assumed that Revealer of Secrets was a genuine hasidic work. This impression was furthered by the presence of innumerable scholarly and pseudo-scholarly footnotes adorning the text.
    ellauri368.html on line 335: In 1819 he continued his writings against Hasidism by publishing a novel about the subject. In the novel, characters search for the original copy of a recently published anti-Hasidic book. The novel was originally published anonymously.
    ellauri369.html on line 205: Radikalisoitunut kalastaja ja ornitologi Pentti Linkola vaati luonnonsuojelualueiden perustamista, syytti metsäteollisuutta Kordari 15-luokan propagandasta ja piti metsien kohtaloa ylivoimaisesti tärkeimpänä luonnonsuojelukysymyksenä.
    ellauri369.html on line 224:
    Propagandan levittäminen

    ellauri369.html on line 382: Neopaganist humorist Charles Godfrey Leland (1824-1903) read it through forty times ere he left college, of which he kept count. He went on to write Aradia, or the Gospel of the Witches, which became a primary source text for Neopaganism half a century later.
    ellauri370.html on line 50: If you've ever read the Bible and thought, "This is cool, but it could really use some disturbing Game of Thrones action," the story of Queen Esther is for you. Here's an abridged version: when the current queen angers the king, he chucks her and picks a new wife from a selection of hot young women. Esther is the lucky girl, but she hides the fact she's Jewish. When her cousin Mordecai angers Haman—the big bad of the story—Haman decides her's going kill every Jew in revenge. So Esther throws a huge banquet where she reveals she's Jewish and Haman wants her (and her people) dead. The king gets super pissed, the Jews defend themselves against extermination, Haman ends up dead, and we get Purim and triangle-shaped cookies. Read more here.
    ellauri370.html on line 86: According to Samuel Cox, the Amalekites were the "first" in their hostility toward the Israelites. Matthew George Easton theorized that the Amalekites were not the descendants of Esau's grandson Amalek, by taking a literal approach to Genesis 14:7 where Abram already beats some Amaleks. During the Islamic Golden Age, certain Arabic writings claimed that the Amalekites existed long before Abraham. Some Muslim historians claimed that the Amalekites who fought against Joshua were the descendants of the inhabitants of North Africa. Ibn-Arabshâh claimed that Amalek Sr. was a descendant of Ham, son of Noah. They were harmless semi-nomadic agro-pastoralists. They lived in tents, rode camels, participated in the copper trade and worshipped gods at masseboth shrines. It is likely that Saul's anti-Amalekite campaigns were motivated by a strategic desire to wrest control of copper production at Tel Matzos. Copper was valuable to the early Israelites and their theology and ritual.
    ellauri370.html on line 94: In Numbers 14:45, the Amalekites and Canaanites kill a group of Israelites that tried to enter the hill country of the Amorites without Moses's permission. In Judges 3:13, Amalek, and their Moabite and Ammonite allies, defeat Israel so that the Moabites could oppress them. Judges 10:11–13 confirms Amalek as being one of the many oppressors of Israel. In Judges 6:1–6, Amalek, and their Midianite allies, destroy Israelite farms "as far as Gaza", inducing a famine. They also help the Midianites wage wars against Israel, according to Judges 6:32–34 and Judges 7:11–13.
    ellauri370.html on line 98: In 1 Samuel 27:8–9, David and his men conduct raids against the Amalekites and their Geshurite and Gezirite allies. He kills every man and woman but takes sheep, cattle, donkey, camels and clothing. These Amalekites were theorized to be refugees who fled from Saul or a separate Amalekite faction that dwelt to the south of Israel. Gili Kluger believes these narratives were anti-Saul propaganda, designed to make him appear weak compared to David, since no losses were attributed to David.
    ellauri370.html on line 119: and you will sin against the Lord your God". Having first strike capability, strike before they do!
    ellauri370.html on line 122: the war against the Midianites was revenge for
    ellauri370.html on line 132: Heiser argues that the purpose of the herem is to also prevent the physical corruption of the Israelites by nephilim, the fallen angel offspring of sons of God and good looking willing Esthers. The Israeli messianic and political movement Gush Emunim considered the Palestinians to be Canaanites or Amalekites, and suggested that implied a duty to make merciless war against Arabs who reject Jewish sovereignty European Jews who migrated to Palestine relied on the biblical ideology of conquest and extermination, and considered the Arabs to be Canaanites. Scholar Arthur Grenke claims that the view of war expressed in Deuteronomy contributed to the destruction of Native Americans and to the destruction of European Jewry. Jewish fundamentalists in Israel, such as Shlomo Aviner, consider the Palestinians to be like biblical Canaanites, and that some fundamentalist leaders suggest that they "must be prepared to destroy" the Palestinians if the Palestinians do not leave the land.
    ellauri370.html on line 170: against Me."
    ellauri370.html on line 179: Jackson led the opposition within the Democratic Party against the SALT II treaty and was one of the leading proponents of increased foreign aid to Israel. For decades, Democrats who support a strong international presence for the United States have been called "Scoop Jackson Democrats," and the term is still used to describe contemporary Democrats such as Joe Lieberman and R. James Woolsey Jr.
    ellauri370.html on line 198: Liz converted to Judaism after the death of his 3. huzband Mike Todd. The Iron Curtain had lifted a bit but then it closed again.
    ellauri370.html on line 254: I fordom tid gick deras väg från Babylon till Kaanaan, därifrån till Egypten, därifrån till det förlovade landet, tillbaka till Babylon, sen till Spanien, vidare till Turkiet, till Nordafrika eller norrut till Holland, England, Polen och Ryssland samt i våra dagar till Amerika och tillbaka till det förlovade landet. Å nej, inte ni igen, sade filistinerna.
    ellauri370.html on line 261: För många judar i klumpar. 1-2% av befolkningen, men klumpvis som läkare 15%, advokater 26%, press, teater, film, musikliv, bank- och penningväsen, IT, social media, nobelpristagare. Mindervärdskomplex (Adler) och avund väcks till liv. Der Jude ist Schuld!
    ellauri370.html on line 471: Spengler and Sombart could not agree more. Duhring´s political economy has much in common with that of Mahatma Gandhi, the Indian leader, who attacked exploitation in any form, capitalist or Marxist, and advocated a society based on the principles of moral conscience, economic self-sufficiency, and mutual cooperation. He also drank his own pee and slept naked sandwiched between teenage girls. Diihring considered all property related to personal accomplishment as vigorously to be defended against the acquisitive grasp of Socialistic measures. All Marxist denials of social classifications are thus Utopian since a conflict of interests is indivisibly linked to the natural differences between man and mouse.
    ellauri370.html on line 724: Historien uppvisar ibland förargliga överseenden. Ett sådant antyder att det faktiskt finns en möjlighet att Adolf Hitler var kvartsjude. Säkert är att hans farmor, Maria Anna Schicklgruber, "kom i olycka" då hon var piga hos den judiska familjen Frankenberger och att sonen i huset misstänktes för att vara far till gossebarnet Alois som hon födde år 1837. Under åtskilliga år mottog hon ekonomisk hjälp från frankenbergerna. Var det ett slags barnuppfostringsbidrag? Alois Schicklgruber ändrade senare namnet till Hitler och blev år 1889 i sitt tredje äktenskap far till Tysklands blivande Führer. Finns det verkligen kött på detta ben, skulle Adolf Hitler ha kunnat bli offer för sina egna judelagar. Men det blev han ju!
    ellauri370.html on line 730: "Med djävulsk fröjd målad i ansiktet lurar den muskulösa juden från sit bakhåll på den intagande flickan som han skänder med sin sats. Kanske flera om hon vill."
    ellauri370.html on line 773: 1890 - luvun lopulla venäläinen tiedusteluagentti Pariisissa väärensi Siionin vanhimpien pöytäkirjat. Se julkaistiin vuonna 1903, ja se käännettiin laajalti ja siitä tuli tehokas propaganda-ase antisemitistisille elementeille maailmanlaajuisesti. Henry Ford sponsoroi sen levitystä Yhdysvalloissa. Se väitti, että salainen juutalainen salaliitto valtasi maailman.
    ellauri370.html on line 777: Anton Denikinin valkoinen armeija oli antisemitismin linnake, jossa käytettiin "isku juutalaisiin ja pelasta Venäjä!" sen mottona. Vaikka bolshevikkien puna-armeija syyllistyi antisemitistisiin väärinkäytöksiin, sen politiikka vastusti antisemitismiä, ja sen seurauksena se sai enemmän tukea suurelta osalta juutalaisväestöä, vaikka Neuvostoliiton uskonnonvastaisen propagandan ja yksityisomaisuuden kansallistamisen politiikka osoittautui epäsuosituxi ja ennusti tulevaa antisemitismiä Neuvostoliitossa ja antikommunismia New Yorkissa.
    ellauri370.html on line 787: Juutalaisille on ainakin jäänyt vähän paha maku suuhun. Poul kertoo: Ukraina är det vidsträckta och fruktbara slättland sam utbredersig mellan våra dagars Polen och det egentliga Ryssland. Den genomströmmas av floderna Dnjepr och Dnjestr samt har Kiev som huvudstad. I dag hör Ukraina intimt samman med Putin-Ryssland, men för trehundra år sedan härskade den polsk-litauiske konungen över det. Ukraina var ett av de polska kronländerna. Därför drabbade det också Polen, då hetman (benämning på kosackhövding) Bogdan Chmelnickiji Ukraina är 1648 utropade det heliga kriget mot de polska härskarna och deras judiska tjänare. Signalen till strid hade knappt gått, förrän Ukrainas bönder klippte till, lämnade hus och hem, stormade herrgårdarna och sablade ner dem som kom i deras väg, först och främst de förhatliga judiska ämbetsmännen. De enda som skonades var det fåtal judar som övergick till den grekisk-katolska kyrkan. Ukraina stod i lågor, och prästerna hetsade de upproriska till blodiga illdåd.
    ellauri370.html on line 809: Bolsjevikeissä oli päälukuun verraten hirmu nippu juutalaisia (Marxista nyt puhumattakaan): Trotski, Sverdlov, Sinovjev, Litvinov, Radek, Joffe ja Kaganovski mainitaxemme vain joitakin. Mutta - pyytelee Poul anteexi juutalaisten puolesta - ne olivat 100% assimiloituneita ryssiä, poikkeuxia. Enemmistö juutalaisista on sentään talousliberaaleja tai enintään pinkkejä mensjevikkejä. No Lenin sitten? Sehän oli salaliittoteoreetikoiden mielestä salajutku! Stalinistakin huhut kiertävät. Sen isä ei kenties ollutkaan se Dzhugasvili suutari, vaan joku juutalaisen ketku. Ei sillä ollut viixiäkään nuorena. Syyttömiä ovat ortodoxijuutalaiset kommunismin paheeseen.
    ellauri371.html on line 206: Talousteorioiden propagandan salainen merkitys. Jotta asioiden todellinen vuori ei tule tiedoksi goyim etuajassa, me oletettavasti suojaamme häntä, halu palvella työväenluokkaa ja suuria taloudelliset periaatteet, joilla liiketoimintaa harjoitetaan talousteorioidemme perusteellinen propaganda.
    ellauri371.html on line 485: Vakoilu Kagal-vakoilun malliin. Samanlainen vaan veljemme tielle, omalla vastuullamme, velvollisuus ilmoittaa kagalalle. Heidän suuhunsa kukaan ei huomannut missään vaiheessa tuikata galua, joten maailmanlaajuisessa valtakunnassamme se on pakollista, se on jopa välttämätöntä, että kaikki kohteemme tarkkailevat julkisen palvelun velvollisuuxia tähän suuntaan.
    ellauri371.html on line 527: Paperit ja rahankierron pysähtyminen. Vaihda chachacha- vaihtomarkkina tuotettujen korollisten arvopapereiden kanssa. Tämä on juuri sellaista pysähtyneisyyttä joka toimi Reaganin aikana. Tämän tilanteen seuraukset ovat nyt varsin havaittavissa.
    ellauri372.html on line 58: Filthy rich Crassus himself was killed when truce negotiations turned violent. Crassus rose to political prominence following his victory over the slave revolt led by Spartacus. Crass. Within four years of Crassus' death, Caesar crossed the Rubicon to become another putinist, began a civil war against Pompey's optimists.
    ellauri372.html on line 85: After the Spartakiads, the six thousand captured slaves were crucified along the Via Appia by Crassus' orders. Jahve oli kateudesta vihreä. Mutta Jeesus ei ollutkaan pelkkä ihminen, eikä mikään orja vaan taivaan prince of Wales. At his command, their bodies were not taken down afterwards, but remained rotting along Rome's principal route to the south. This was intended as an abject lesson to anyone who might think of rebelling against Rome in the future, particularly of slave insurrections against their owners and masters, the Roman citizens. Vizi roomalaiset oli kusipäitä.
    ellauri372.html on line 97: In a famous Roman military disaster, the Parthians crushed an expeditionary force led by Crassus in 53 BCE. This flaccid ode was written about thirty years later, when a new war against Parthia seemed to be in the offing (in practice an agreement in 20 BCE avoided one: Crassus’s legions’ captured standards were returned, which would have helped Roman national pride). As well as expressing straightforward patriotism, the poem conveys the important messages that national prestige is safe with Augustus, and that accepting defeat must never be the Roman way.
    ellauri372.html on line 192: Vuosina 1930–1936 Kolbe teki sarjan lähetystöitä Itä - Aasiaan. Hän saapui ensin Shanghaihin, Kiinaan kuin Wilho Pylkkänen, mutta ei onnistunut keräämään siellä seuraajia. Seuraavaksi hän muutti Japaniin, missä hän oli vuoteen 1931 mennessä perustanut fransiskaaniluostarin, Montalbano Sono, Nagasakin laitamille.
    ellauri372.html on line 193: Kolbe rakennutti luostarin vuorenrinteelle. Shinto- uskomuksen mukaan tämä ei oikein sopinut harmoniaan luonnon kanssa. Kuitenkin, kun Yhdysvallat pudotti atomipommin Nagasakiin, fransiskaaniluostari säilyi hengissä, toisin kuin Immaculate Conception Cathedral, joka oli ollut vuoren puolella, joka otti räjähdyksen päävoiman. Eli kuka oli oikeassa häh? Shinto vai Kulta-Into Pii?
    ellauri372.html on line 211: Slovenialainen filosofi Slavoj Žižek (kz. albumeja 35, 36, 257) kritisoi Kolben toimintaa "joukkopropagandan kirjoittamisena ja järjestämisenä katoliselle kirkolle, jolla oli selkeä antisemitistinen ja vapaamuurarien vastainen reuna".
    ellauri372.html on line 289: Neljänkymmenen päivän kuluttua Herodeksen joukot rikkoivat sen, mitä Josefus kutsuu "pohjoiseksi muuriksi", ilmeisesti Jerusalemin toisen muurin. Ensimmäinen muuri kaatui 15 päivää myöhemmin, ja pian myös temppelin ulompi piha kaatui, jonka aikana sen ulkoseinät poltettiin, ilmeisesti Antigonuksen kannattajien toimesta. Kun Antigonus sulki itsensä linnoitukseen, joka tunnetaan nimellä Baris, puolustajat jäivät pitämään temppelin sisäpihaa ja Jerusalemin yläkaupunkia (kaupungin lounaiskorttelia). He vetosivat nyt Herodekseen, jotta he sallisivat eläinten ja muiden uhrien kulkeutumisen temppeliin, jotta uhrit jatkuisivat. Piirityksen aikana Antigonus oli käyttänyt Herodeksen sukutaulun puutetta propagandana ja kutsunut häntä "rotinkaisexi ja idumaalaiseksi eli puolikuivurixi", kyseenalaistaen julkisesti Herodeksen oikeuden valtaistuimelle. Herodes, joka pelkäsi legitimiteettiään ja suosiotaan, suostui siksi pyyntöihin. Jatkoneuvottelut osoittautuivat kuitenkin hedelmättömäksi, ja Herodeksen joukot hyökkäsivät kaupunkiin. Valloituaan Jerusalemin myrskyllä ​​ja Herodeksen hillitsemispyynnöistä huolimatta joukot toimivat nyt ilman armoa, ryöstellen ja tappaen kaikki tiellään, mikä sai Herodeksen valittamaan Mark Antoniukselle. Herodes yritti myös estää roomalaisia ​​sotilaita häpäisemästä temppelin sisäistä pyhäköä, ja lopulta lahjoi Sosiuksen ja hänen joukkonsa, jotta he eivät jättäisi häntä "aavikon kuninkaaksi".
    ellauri372.html on line 398: Hamasin sotilaallisen siiven varajohtaja Marwan Issan epäiltiin kuolleen viime viikonloppuna tehdyssä ilmaiskussa. Israelin asevoimien (IDF) tiedottaja Daniel Hagari sanoi Issan osallistuneen viime vuoden lokakuun hyökkäyksen suunnitteluun. Mainos. Miksi opiskella tekniikkaa LUT-yliopistossa? Kun lopputulos on tämä.
    ellauri373.html on line 43: The Spanish occupation of Jolo or Battle of Jolo was a military expedition in the 1630s to pacify the Moro of the Sulu Sultanate. The expedition, personally led by Sebastian de Corcuera, the then Governor-General of the Spanish East Indies was a follow-up expedition to the earlier successful campaigns against the Maguindanao Sultanate under Sultan Qudarat. It was initially successful, partly due to an epidemic within the Sultan Wasit's fort early in the campaign, resulting in the Sulu forces retreating to Tawi-Tawi.
    ellauri373.html on line 45: The occupation of Jolo also saw the installment of a short-lived Spanish garrison in the town. Later on, Sultan Wasit and Sultan Nasir ud-Din, who many believe to be Sultan Qudarat, began a series of expeditions against the Spaniards, successfully diminishing the garrison until they were called back to Manila in defense against a rumored attack by Chinese pirate Koxinga. After the occupation, a short period of peace followed, with no significant attacks made on Mindanao or Sulu. Corcuera's occupation was the first prolonged Spanish occupation of Jolo from 1638 to 1645.
    ellauri373.html on line 49: Ferdinand Emmanuel Edralin Marcos (11. syyskuuta 1917 – 28. syyskuuta 1989 Honolulu, Havaiji, Yhdysvallat) oli Filippiinien kymmenes presidentti ja diktaattori. Hän hallitsi Filippiinejä vuosina 1965–1986, kunnes hänet syrjäytettiin. Yhdysvaltojen loppuun asti tukema Marcos tuli tunnetuksi paitsi valtavasta korruptiostaan ja nepotismistaan, myös vaimonsa Imelda Marcosin tuhansia pareja käsittävästä kenkäkokoelmasta. Marcos piti hyvät suhteet Yhdysvaltoihin. Hänen tukijoitaan olivat muun muassa Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon ja Ronald Reagan. Marcos tuki Yhdysvaltain käymää Vietnamin sotaa (1959–1975) ja lähetti sotilaita Vietnamiin. Filippiineillä oli Marcosin aikana Yhdysvaltain asevoimien sotilastukikohtia ja joukkojen kokooma-alueita, kuten Clark Air Base ja Subic Bay Naval Base, mikä toi Filippiinien talouteen miljardeja dollareita. Marcosin visiona oli Bagong Lipunan, uusi yhteiskunta. Hänen mukaansa koko kansan oli työskenneltävä yhteisen päämäärän eteen. Hän takavarikoi business-oligarkian yritykset, jotka päätyivät Marcosin suvun ja ystävien haltuun.
    ellauri373.html on line 121: Tämä vielä: kirjaileva ruåzalainen paroonitar Beata Rosenhane. Beata Rosenhane var den första svenska kvinna som fick en modern utbildning i linje med den franska preciositetens normer. Beata Rosenhane var bara tolv år yngre än drottning Kristina, som i sin självbiografi visserligen hävdade att hon fått den bästa uppfostran som en furstlig person kunde få i Sverige, men som också klagade över att hon var föga salongsmässig, eftersom ”den hövlighet som är så väsentlig, när det gäller att skilja bildade människor från andra, vid den tiden ännu ej var känd i Sverige.”
    ellauri373.html on line 128: At the November 1637 court, Annen takapiru pastori Wheelwright was sentenced to banishment, and Hutchinson was brought to trial. She defended herself well against the prosecution, until she claimed on the second day of her hearing that she possessed direct personal revelation from God, and she prophesied ruin upon the colony. She was charged with contempt and sedition and banished from the colony, and her departure brought the controversy to a close. Anne kuuli Jumalan kuiskutuxen kuin Sirkka vessan polulla. Annen konventikkeleihin ei kikkeleillä ollut asiaa. Paizi Anne ehkä diggasi viirikukkomaista Weather Vanea. Hihhuloivat antinomialistit saivat siitä lähin turpiin jenkeissä niin ettei kotiin löytäneet kunnes unitaarit tuli maisemiin.
    ellauri373.html on line 167:
  • The All-Embracing Propaganda
    ellauri373.html on line 430: Wienissä hän tapasi Karl Netterin, Israelin maailmanliiton perustajan (A1- Iapse Izgaeіііе ипівегзііѳ). Täällä hän oli korkeimmalla tasolla Peni. Hän kiinnostui juutalaisten yhteistyöliiton suunnitelmista (Selem) tämän kauhean Kagalin kohtalon asetusten mukaan.
    ellauri373.html on line 614: Salaa, hiljaa, mutta nopeasti yhteiskunta "Bne- Moishe" alkoi kehittyä. Kun alat seurata sen evoluution kulkua seuraten muistelee tahattomasti aikoja kaukaisen antiikin vaihto, kun sen salaisuuden tarkoituksiin propagandaa, matkusti jatkuvasti Rabbi Akiba: hän myös kaikissa maissaan luomuksia, loi siemenet ja perusti järjestöjä juutalaisten närkästyksen lasku Roomaa kohtaan, puhkeaminen Astu keisari Hadrianuksen valtakuntaan.
    ellauri375.html on line 108: Russian claims to Ukrainian land being Russian at some point in history are true, but irrelevant. Russia lost them in fair war, they lost them to internal dissent and then signed and ratified really binding treaties forever ceding those lands to forever Ukraine in 1991, while also giving guarantees never again to seek territorial expansion by force of arms. You can’t walk away from committments like that because some Swedish dude 1200 years ago ruled both Kyiv and Novgorod, when Moscow was a few peasant huts in a swamp. Or you can actually, if you are able to. Only you aren't, we'll see to that.
    ellauri375.html on line 330: Ohoy there! It's me again, Marvin. What is the meaning of life?
    ellauri377.html on line 187: Koska Voegelein sovelsi gnosiksen käsitettä useisiin ideologioihin ja liikkeisiin, kuten marxismiin, kommunismiin, kansallissosialismiin, progressivismiin, liberalismiin ja humanismiin, kriitikot ovat ehdottaneet, että Voegelinin Gnosis-käsitteeltä puuttuu teoreettinen tarkkuus. Siksi Voegeleinin gnosis voi kritiikin mukaan tuskin toimia tieteellisenä perustana poliittisten liikkeiden analyysille. Pikemminkin Voegelinin käyttämä termi "gnostilaisuus" on pikemminkin kiusallinen, kuten "kun propagandan alimmalla leevelillä tahrataan kommunisteiksi ne, jotka eivät ole mukautuneet omaan mielipiteeseen".
    ellauri377.html on line 279: 1 Corinthians 6:9 termentää: Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who submit to or perform homosexual acts, nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. So bring not six, flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a man can commit is outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body and possibly others too.
    ellauri377.html on line 282: For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another… Excuse me, I am afraid that I come again.
    ellauri377.html on line 298: Verse 19. - Now the works of the flesh are manifest (φανερὰ δέ ἐστι τὰ ἔργα τῆς σαρκός). The apostle's purpose is here altogether one of practical exhortation. Having in ver. 13 emphatically warned the Galatians against making their emancipation from the Mosaic Law an occasion for the flesh, and in ver. 16 affirmed the incompatibility of a spiritual walk with the fulfilment of the desire of the flesh, he now specifies samples of the vices, whether in outward conduct or in inward feeling, in which the working of the flesh is apparent, as if cautioning them; adducing just those into which the Galatian converts would naturally be most in danger of falling. Both in the list which he gives them of sins, and in that of Christian graces, he is careful to note those relative to their Church life as well as those bearing upon their personal private life.
    ellauri377.html on line 302: "Works of the flesh" means works in which the prompting of the erectile flesh is recognizable. The phrase is equivalent to "the deeds or doings of the body," which we are called to "mortify, put to death, by the Spirit" (Romans 8:13). In Romans 13:12 and Ephesians 5:13 they are styled "works of darkness," that is, works belonging properly to a state in which the moral sense has not been quickened by the Spirit, or in which the light of Christ's presence has not shone. Which are these (ἅτινά ἐτι); of which sort are. Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness (πορνεία [Receptus, μοιχεία πορνεία], ἀκαθαρσία ἀσέλγεια). This is the first group, consisting of offences against chastity - sins against which the Church has to contend in all ages and in all countries; but which idolatry, especially such idolatry as that of Cybele in Galatia, has generally much fostered, viz. fornication and other joys of the flesh.
    ellauri378.html on line 62: Saksalainen puolustussyyttäjä Hans Rolfe väittää, että syytetyt eivät olleet ainoita, jotka auttoivat tai jättivät huomiotta natsihallinnon. Hän väittää, että Yhdysvallat on tehnyt yhtä pahoja tai pahempia tekoja kuin natsit, kuten Yhdysvaltain korkeimman oikeuden tuomarin Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.:n tuki ensimmäisille eugeniikkakäytännöille; Saksan ja Vatikaanin Reichskonkordat vuodelta 1933, jota natsien hallitsema Saksan hallitus käytti implisiittisenä varhaisena ulkomaisena tunnustuksena natsien johtajuudesta; Josif Stalinin osa vuoden 1939 natsien ja neuvostoliittojen välisessä sopimuksessa, joka poisti viimeisen suuren esteen Saksan hyökkäykseltä ja Länsi- Puolan miehittämiseltä ja aloitti toisen maailmansodan ; sekä Hiroshiman ja Nagasakin atomipommitukset sodan loppuvaiheessa elokuussa 1945.
    ellauri378.html on line 76: Lazar Moisejevitš Kaganovich ( venäjäksi : Лазарь Моисеевич Каганович ; 22. marraskuuta [ OS 10. marraskuuta] 1893 – 25. heinäkuuta 1991), oli Neuvostoliiton poliitikko ja hallintovirkamies sekä yksi Joseph Stalinin tärkeimmistä työtovereista. Hän oli yksi useista kumppaneista, jotka auttoivat Stalinia valtaamaan vallan. Hän oli useiden vuosien ajan ainoa juutalainen, jolla oli korkein asema Neuvostoliiton johdossa. Kiovan maakunnassa syntynyt Kaganovich liittyi kommunistiseen puolueeseen vuonna 1911 ja hänestä tuli puolueen Kiovan komitean jäsen vuonna 1914. Hän jelppi Kobaa 30-luvun terrorissa. Mitä tulee juutalaisiin asioihin, hän ei vain ollut vieraantunut sionismista ja Bundista, vaan hän vastusti myös Jevsektsiyaa. Sata vuotta sen jälkeen, kun bolshevikit pyyhkäisivät valtaan, historioitsijat ja aikalaiset kamppailevat edelleen ymmärtääkseen juutalaisten merkittävää roolia.
    ellauri378.html on line 104: Elokuussa 1917 valitussa kuudennessa kongressissa havaitsemme, että keskuskomitean 21 jäsenestä viisi oli juutalaisia. Mukana olivat Trotski, Zinovjev, Moisei Uritski, Sverdlov ja Grigori Sokolnikov. Sverdlovia lukuun ottamatta he olivat kaikki Ukrainasta. Seuraavana vuonna heihin liittyivät Kamenev ja Radek. Juutalaiset muodostivat 20% keskuskomiteoista vuoteen 1921 asti, jolloin tässä johtavassa hallintoelimessä ei ollut enää juutalaisia. Juutalaisten jäsenmäärä huippupiireissä jatkoi laskuaan 1920-luvulla. 11. kongressiin mennessä vain Lazar Kaganovich valittiin keskuskomiteaan vuonna 1922 26 muun jäsenen ohella. Lev Mekhlisiä ja Kaganovichia lukuun ottamatta harvat vanhemmat kommunistijuutalaiset selvisivät puhdistuksista.
    ellauri378.html on line 213: Wait! we Westerners rather think that Russians should stop using, abusing and killing Ukrainians! So, Russian fanboy and propagandist, please tells us; what is Russia actually doing in Ukraine? You insinuate that the West is to blame so let’s run with that shall we:
    ellauri378.html on line 458: "Lambeth Walk - Nazi Style", parodia propagandaelokuvasta Triumph of The Will, joka näyttää saksalaissotilaat ilmeisesti hanhiaskeleita Lambeth Walkille. Kerrotaan, että Joseph Goebbels oli niin raivoissaan nähtyään sen, että hän juoksi ulos huoneestaan ​​potkimalla tuoleja ja huutaen kirosanoja.
    ellauri378.html on line 460: Vuonna 1940 yksi Britannian tiedotusministeriön virkamiehistä (Charles A. Ridley) otti Leni Riefenstahlin vuoden 1934 propagandaelokuvan *tahdon voitto*, lisäsi siihen *lambeth walk* ja editoi sitten videon niin, että se näyttää Natsit tanssivat musiikin tahtiin.
    ellauri378.html on line 464: Vuonna 1941 Charles Ridley trollasi natseja uudelleenmiksaamalla yhden heidän propagandavideoistaan ​​saadakseen vaikutelman siltä, ​​että he marssivat ja tanssivat suositun laulun "Lambeth Walk" mukaan. Se on yksi ensimmäisistä esimerkeistä poliittisesta trollauksesta.
    ellauri378.html on line 466: Toisessa maailmansodassa britit editoivat saksalaista propagandaa kappaleeseen "The Lambeth Walk" nauraakseen hallintoa kohtaan.
    ellauri378.html on line 468: Uistelu ei ole uusi taide. Tämän videon "Lambeth Walkista" teki Britannian propagandaministeriö sumuttaakseen Hitleriä. Se toimi.
    ellauri378.html on line 613: Natsit järjestivät oman "Gerber baby" -kilpailunsa löytääkseen "täydellisen arjalaisen vauvan" käytettäväksi propagandassa kaikkialla Saksassa… ja valitsivat tietämättään juutalaisen lapsen!
    ellauri378.html on line 616: "Halusin tehdä natseista naurettavia", Ballin tunnusti The Telegraphin mukaan. Valitettavasti tämä asetti Levinsonit suureen vaaraan, ja heidän täytyi paeta Latviaan. Natsit saivat myöhemmin tietää virheestään, mutta he eivät koskaan saaneet tietää, kuka Hessy oli tai missä hänen perheensä oli piilotettu. Viime vuonna Death and Taxes Magazine -lehden haastattelussa 80-vuotias Hessy (joka asuu nykyään Yhdysvalloissa) tunnusti: "Voin nauraa sille nyt. Mutta jos natsit olisivat tienneet, kuka minä todella olen, en tekisi sitä. En olisi tässä nauramassa."
    ellauri381.html on line 62: Vuonna 1931 tuli OUN:iin Antonio Banderas, mies, jonka lukijat tuntevat toisellakin nimellä, el Zorron nimellä. Hänen kohtaloxi tuli pian olla koko Ukrainan vapautusliikkeen johtaja ja Ukrainan nationalismin symboli tähän päivään asti. Bandera opiskeli Saksan tiedustelukoulussa ja hänestä tuli pian Länsi-Ukrainan aluekapellimestari. Viranomaiset pidättivät hänet toistuvasti: Puolan vastaisesta propagandasta, laittomasta rajan ylittämisestä ja salamurhayritykseen osallistumisesta. Hän järjesti mielenosoituksia Ukrainan nälänhätää ja ukrainalaisten puolalaisten tuotteiden ostamista vastaan.
    ellauri381.html on line 68: 1940-luvun jälkeen termiä "Bandera" käytetään usein viittaamaan kaikkeen ukrainalaiseen nationalismiin. Tätä nimeä käytti erityisen usein Neuvostoliiton propaganda, joka merkitsi sillä koko Ukrainan nationalistista maanalaista toimintaa Suuren isänmaallisen sodan aikana ja sen jälkeen, samoin kuin ukrainalaisia ​​nationalisteja ulkomailla ja niitä, jotka vastustivat Ukrainassa Neuvostoliiton kansallista politiikkaa. Neuvostoliiton "Banderan" käsitteestä tuli vähitellen yleinen sana, ja sitä sovellettiin kaikkiin ukrainalaisiin nationalisteihin riippumatta heidän jäsenyydestään OUN:ssa.
    ellauri381.html on line 70: Ukrainan poliittisen kriisin aikana 2010-luvun puolivälissä termi "Bandera" otti tärkeän paikan Venäjän poliittisessa propagandassa ja sitä käytetään negatiivisessa merkityksessä. Niinpä he alkoivat kutsua kaikkia ukrainalaisia ​​nationalisteja riippumatta heidän todellisesta asenteestaan ​​Stepan Banderaan, Andriy Melnykiin, Roman Shukhevychiin ja Ukrainan neuvostovastaiseen undergroundiin. Vähitellen Ukrainan valta- ja poliisiviranomaisten jäseniä alettiin kutsua "banderiiteiksi" riippumatta heidän asenteestaan ​​​​nationalismia kohtaan.
    ellauri381.html on line 72: Venäjällä Banderan kiistanalaista toimintaa käytetään Ukrainan vastaisen propagandan välineenä. Neuvostoliiton ja sitten Venäjän propaganda kuvailee Banderaa ja hänen kannattajiaan vastenmielisinä natsien kätyreinä. Toisen maailmansodan jälkeen sanaa "Bandera" alettiin käyttää suhteessa kaikkiin ukrainalaisen nationalismin muotoihin, ja siitä tuli "neuvostovastaisten ukrainalaisten" nimitys riippumatta ideologisesta yhteydestä Banderaan. Venäläisen propagandan suosittu myytti Banderan SS-divisioonan "Galicia" perustamisesta on suuntaa-antava, vaikka se muodostettiin paikallisista vapaaehtoisista, ja OUN boikotoi divisioonaan mobilisaatiota, johti asianmukaista kampanjointia ja otti mielellään karkurit Galician divisioonasta UPA:n riveihin. Totta, myöhemmin OUN tunnusti divisioonan potentiaalisten taistelijoidensa kouluksi ja yritti ottaa divisioonan riveihin luotettuja ihmisiä, joiden piti kampanjoida sisällä ja oikeaan aikaan ottaa se haltuunsa. Saksalaiset yrittivät kuitenkin estää tämän vapaaehtoisten huolellisen valinnan avulla.
    ellauri381.html on line 94: Venäjän hyökkäyksen jälkeen Ukrainaan, jossa viittaukset Banderaan ja "banderiitteihin" esiintyivät Venäjän propagandassa, Banderan suosio näytti nousevan nopeasti, ja 74 % ukrainalaisista suhtautui häneen myönteisesti. Ryhmät, jotka jumaloivat Banderaa, osallistuivat Euromaidanin mielenosoituksiin.
    ellauri381.html on line 170: Therefore, a new generation of Ukrainian children learned from textbooks that propounded an ultra -nationalist view of Ukrainian history. Regularly broadcast TV programs promoted Ukrainian radical nationalist propaganda.
    ellauri381.html on line 479: Syyskuun 9. päivänä Aleksanteri Isajevitš siirrettiin Uudesta Jerusalemista leirille nro 121, joka sijaitsi Moskovassa Kalugan etuvartiossa. Nyt se on Leninsky Prospekt, 30, Yu.A. Gagarin.
    ellauri381.html on line 489: Sharashka oli Njeuvostoliiton salainen tutkimus- ja kehityslaboratorio Gulagissa, (puhekielellä) mikä tahansa yritys, joka tuottaa heikkolaatuisia tai epäilyttäviä tavaroita tai palveluita, varsinkin jos se liittyy petoxeen. 19.vuosisadan argotissa sharaga oli rikollisten pesäpaikka. Esa Adrian kääntää sen karsinaxi. Tulee ihan väärä assosiaatio Esa Adrian!
    ellauri381.html on line 507: Karagandan alueen syyttäjänviraston tietokeskuksesta löydetty vangin kortti A.I. Solženitsyn todistaa, että 18. elokuuta 1950 Aleksanteri Isajevitš vietiin Karagandaan ja määrättiin samana päivänä Neuvostoliiton sisäasiainministeriön Steplagin 9. leiriosastolle, joka oli osa Irtyshuglestroy-säätiötä Ekibastuz Pavlodarin kaupungin alueella, ja siksi sillä oli toinen nimi: Ekibastuzin leiri. Ekibastuz sijaitsee laajan Pavlodarin hiilikentän alueella Kazakhstanissa. Kazakhstanissa on paljon potaskaa.
    ellauri381.html on line 531: Kuten selviytyneiden "salaliittolaisten" oikeudenkäynnissä kävi ilmi, itse asiassa Karagandan lähellä sijaitsevan Peschanyn leirin vangit aikoivat 22. tammikuuta 1952 vedota leirin johtoon vaatimalla pidätysjärjestelmän parantamista. Mutta Solženitsynin "Vetrovin" vasikoimisen vuoksi he kohtasivat konekivääritulen. Monet heistä tapettiin, eloonjääneet saivat 25 vuoden vankeusrangaistuksen.
    ellauri381.html on line 595: Solzhenitsyn’s 1978 Harvard University commencement address is the perfect example of the disconnect between his uncompromising attitude and the expectations of his audience. In keeping with his dissident roots, the author spoke vehemently – through a translator – against what he saw as the shortcomings of the Western world.
    ellauri382.html on line 84: Maaliskuussa 2018 miesoletettu toimittaja Renat Davletgildejev syytti Žirinovskia seksuaalisesta häirinnästä huolimatta siitä, että hän on ilmaissut julkisesti homofobisia kantoja. Ilja Ponomarev väitti, että Žirinovski oli homoseksuaali Ukrainassa vuonna 2017 annetussa haastattelussa. Ukrainalainen Ponomarev oli ainoa duuman jäsen, joka ei äänestänyt Venäjän homopropagandalain puolesta, ja äänesti Krimin Venäjään liittämistä vastaan ​​maaliskuussa 2014. Vuonna 2015 Yhdysvalloissa ollessaan , Ponomarjovia syytettiin virallisesti Venäjällä maankavalluksesta, jota hän kutsui poliittisesti motivoiduxi. Vuonna 2016 hänet syytettiin tehtäviensä suorittamatta jättämisestä, ja hän lähti maanpakoon Ukrainaan, jossa hän sai Ukrainan kansalaisuuden vuonna 2019.
    ellauri382.html on line 262: Vuonna 1942 Portnova liittyi Valko- Venäjän vastarintaliikkeeseen ja liittyi paikalliseen maanalaiseen komsomolijärjestöön Obolissa, Vitebsk Oblastissa, nimeltä Young Avengers. Hän aloitti jakamalla Neuvostoliiton propagandalehtisiä Saksan miehittämälle Valko-Venäjälle, keräämällä ja piilottamalla aseita Neuvostoliiton sotilaille ja raportoimalla Saksan joukkojen liikkeistä. Opittuaan aseiden ja räjähteiden käytön vanhemmilta Portnova osallistui sabotaasitoimiin pumpulla, paikallisella voimalaitoksella ja tiilitehtaalla. Näissä teoissa hiänen on arvioitu tappaneen yli 100 saksalaista sotilasta.
    ellauri382.html on line 340: Livestriimaaja ja venäjän ammattitrollaaja Aino Kallio aka "Moskovan Tiltu". Kyseinen mukava neitonen puhui aikamoista paskaa radiokanavilla mutta oli monella tapaa trollitehtailun ensimmäisiä hahmoja. Propaganda mitä Tiitu tuuttasi oli niin yliampuvaa että lähetyksiä lähinnä kuunneltiin huumorimielessä. Mutta kuumottavia lähetyksistä tekee että siellä puhuttiin tunnetuista kaatuneista ja ihmisistä, joiden henkilöpapereita ryssä löysi kuolleilta tai vangeilta.
    ellauri382.html on line 342: Samanlaista roskaväkeä kuin me täällä Quorassakin kirjoittelevat luopiot. Mutta meitä odottaa valitettavasti sama kohtalo historiassa: me kuolemme. Terv. MBA oppilaitoxesta Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulusta, perunanenäinen Viola Mäkinen.
    ellauri383.html on line 181: Oulunkylän rautakaupan Paulan baarissa oli duunarien ja vanhusten kalakeitto päässyt loppumaan. Pöydällä oli Iltalehti suurin ozikoin: Putinilla on vastoinkäymisten viikko edessä. Tarkemmin lukien joku toimittaja Himanen koittaa siinä hikisesti kääntää toukokuun voitonpäivän ja virkaanastujaiset noloixi vastoinkäymisixi Voldemarille. Ja lisäxi esittää toiveikkuutta että Putin olisi jotenkin vakavasti sairaana. Vähän tässä on pahansuovan propagandan makua. Ozikointi ei oikein vastannut laihaa sisältöä.
    ellauri383.html on line 334: Then Job answered and said: “Truly I know that it is so: But how can a man be in the right before God? If one wished to contend with him, one could not answer him once in a thousand times. He is wise in heart and mighty in strength —who has hardened himself against him, and succeeded?— he who removes mountains, and they know it not, when he overturns them in his anger,...
    ellauri383.html on line 515: That would be typical of God and would seal again for me the wonder of the way in which He communicates with mankind. Only stars can tell.
    ellauri383.html on line 578: Most of the Ukrainian speakers in Estonia today are Ukrainians who arrived in the country after the 2014 Russian aggression against Ukraine. There have been short-term attempts to teach the Ukrainian language in Estonian schools, and Ukrainian Sunday schools have also operated for a shorter period of time. There is no Ukrainian-language press in Estonia, nor have Ukrainian-language dictionaries and educational literature been published. Now at least they have something to read at the coffee table.
    ellauri383.html on line 636: Kysymyksesi vaikuttaa minusta hyvinkin propaganda vaikutteiselta, erityisesti kun olen poliittisesti kaikkiruokainen ja katson asioita erillään ulkopuolelta….oikeastaan ainoa keino jolla pystyy olemaan asioista aidosti REHELLINEN on olla totaalisen ULALLA.
    ellauri384.html on line 378: Vastapropagandistista uudisointia voitonpäivän jälkeisenä arkena zuhnilta: "Venäjä hyökkäsi rajusti, suurin tappioin." Kyseessä oli tilastokooste koko huhtikuulta, 2x enemmän hyökkäyxiä kuin talvella. Ylläri. Rospuutto alkaa kuivua. Tappioista ei ollut mitään lukuja, paizi että ne olivat "varmasti mittavat".
    ellauri386.html on line 212: Toinen lukemisto selventää Vanjan poinzia seuraavasti. Dostojevskin näkemyksen mukaan, kun Jeesus käänsi Saatanan kolme kertaa pois, hän pakotti ihmiskunnan kantamaan hengellisen vapauden taakan, valinnan uskoa tai olla uskomatta, ja hengellinen vapaus on keskeinen osa Dostojevskin näkemystä Jumalasta, ihmisestä ja uskosta. Eli: ei leipää köyhille vaan nälistystä, ei tietoa uskon sijasta, ei kominterniä globaalikapitalismin asemesta. Kaikki nää on pahaa lääkettä, koska ne poistavat kaikkein tärkeimmän: yrittäjänvapauden. Tää on tosi pahaa oikeistopropagandaa Fedja setä!
    ellauri386.html on line 424:
    What countries will you never visit again?

    ellauri389.html on line 53: Kiukkuinen viirusilmä Karen Torahammas Houstonista todistaa jäännöxettömästi, että Lammas ei ollut niinkään romantikko kuin pesunkestävä postnapoleonisen imperiumin keskiluokan nousukas, eikä mikään 1700-luvun jätös. Se oli Lontoon Valentin eli Ensio Rislakki, ja London Magazine jossa Elian pakinat ilmestyivät oli sen Seura-lehti. Former bluecoat boy and child of servants.
    ellauri389.html on line 63:

    The journals flourishing at the start of the century resembled imperial corporations in the extent to which they promoted individual authors, aiding the so-called "minor" romantics in particular. "Old China" illustrates this historically symbiotic collaboration of author with organ not only through its external context in the highly topical London Magazine, but also especially internally, in the essay's ventriloquization of Coleridge.
    ellauri389.html on line 79: In fact it was both the soil and a mastery of firing techniques, bolstered by a fiercely protectionist economy, that maintained Chinese porcelain superiority for so long. For much of the eighteenth century, British porcelain manufacturers were unable to replicate the intense heats required to properly fire porcelain. In addition, China further strained British market development by requiring all payment to be in specie and by remaining closed to foreign traders. As a result, when in the late eighteenth century the firing process was finally mastered by domestic china makers such as Wedgwood, Minton, and Spode, China's fierce restrictions against import trade still prevented the British competitors from threatening the supremacy of Chinese industry. A British mission to open China, for example, was stalled as late as 1816. Ironically, this disadvantageous balance of trade between Britain and China actually added to porcelain's appeal.
    ellauri389.html on line 93: When "Old China" appeared in 1823, British porcelain had finally gained supremacy over Chinese porcelain. This revolution in the Sino-British trade imbalance was marked when the British porcelain manufacturer Spode began to furnish the Canton branch of the East India Company with English-manufactured "old blue," to compete in local Chinese markets against domestically manufactured porcelain. The event inverted the previously economically crippling import of porcelain to Britain: by 1826 the flow of silver between the countries ran in Britain's favor. The first translation into Chinese of k the Chinese characters that certified real, Chinese-made porcelain. Haha the irony of it all.
    ellauri389.html on line 179: Sanakirjailija Ben Zimmerin mukaan termi syntyi Pohjois-Irlannissa 1970-luvulla. Zimmer lainaa historian opettajan Sean O'Conaillin vuoden 1974 kirjettä, joka julkaistiin The Irish Timesissa ja jossa hän valitti "Whatabouteista", ihmisistä, jotka puolustivat IRA:ta osoittamalla brittivihollisensa väitettyjä väärinkäytöksiä. Onkohan Ben Zimmer juutalainen? Zimmer's research on word origins was frequently cited by William Safire's "On Language" column for The New York Times Magazine. Sen isä Dick Zimmer oli senaattori. Toinen Dick Zimmer oli nazikenraali. Se ei ainakaan lie ollut juutalainen.
    ellauri389.html on line 186: Zimmer kiittää brittiläistä toimittajaa Edward Lucasia siitä, että hän aloitti säännöllisen yleisen käytön sanalle whataboutism putinismista sen ilmestymisen jälkeen blogikirjoituksessa 29. lokakuuta 2007, raportoimalla osana Venäjää koskevaa päiväkirjaa, joka painettiin uudelleen kun Stalin-viittauxet oli vaihdettu Putinixi. The Economistin 2. marraskuuta ilmestyvässä numerossa. 31. tammikuuta 2008 The Economist julkaisi toisen Lucasin artikkelin nimeltä "Whataboutism". Edward Lucas's 2008 Economist article states that "Soviet propagandists during the cold war were trained in a tactic that their western interlocutors nicknamed 'whataboutism'. Writing for Bloomberg News, Leonid Bershidsky called whataboutism a "Russian tradition", while The New Yorker described the technique as "a strategy of false moral equivalences". Myöhemmin Lucas syytti Trumpia whataboutismista, niin että hän "kuulostaa kauheasti Putinilta". Kun juontaja Oh Really kutsui Putinia "tappajaksi", Trump vastasi sanomalla, että myös Yhdysvaltain hallitus syyllistyi ihmisten tappamiseen. Hän vastasi: "Tappajia on paljon. Meillä on paljon tappajia. Mitä luulette - maamme on niin viaton?" Selvää entäilyä!
    ellauri389.html on line 204: Äiti Jones kutsui taktiikkaa "perinteiseksi venäläiseksi propagandastrategiaksi" ja huomautti: "Whataboutismi on tehnyt paluun ja kehittynyt presidentti Vladimir Putinin Venäjällä."
    ellauri389.html on line 207: Käytäntöä leimata whataboutismi tyypillisesti venäläiseksi tai neuvostoliittolaiseksi moititaan joskus russofobisexi. As early as 1985, Ronald Reagan had introduced the construct of "false ethical balance" to denounce any attempt at comparison between the US and other countries.
    ellauri389.html on line 237: “The easy option would have been to sit it out and keep taking the salary, but I respond better to interesting challenges than pay cheques. I knew I’d made the right decision when I felt exhilarated rather than scared after handing in my notice, and already I’ve had numerous offers of paid work of one kind or another, including some interesting journalism and plenty of invitations to speak in schools. Interview me again in ten years to see if I was crazy.” The ten years are gone, where's the interview?
    ellauri389.html on line 248: Eli mitkä ovat republikanismin 3 pilaria? The Three Legged Stool of the Republican Party", tunnetaan myös nimellä "The Gipper's Stool" eli "Reagan’s Stool" on seuraava. Republikaanipuolueen valtapohja juontaa juurensa "jakkarassa" olevista kolmesta jalasta (ryhmästä), jotka ovat kristillinen oikeisto,  sosiaalikonservatiivit, finanssikonservatiivit ja ulkomaiset interventiot. Neljähän tuosta taisi tulla, mutta same difference. Tämä koalitio syntyi yhdessä uuden oikeiston nousun ja Ronald Reaganin valinnan kanssa. Oligarkia, plutokratia ja law and order, tiivistettynä.
    ellauri389.html on line 297: “Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey (etc.)” by William Wordsworth is told to his sister from the perspective of the writer and tells of the power of Nature to guide one’s life and morality. In the final stanza of the poem, it becomes clear that this entire time the poet was speaking to his sister, Dorothy. Eikös Wizard of Ozissa ollut Dorothy? Vanhanaikainen nimi, kuten Raija, joka tule Kreikan adjektiivista rhaidios 'helppo'. Sisko ei ole vielä yhtä panteistinen kuin William. Dorothya esitti Judy Garland vuonna 1939. Samaan aikaan toisaalla saman ikäinen Pirkko Hiekkala väänsi talvisodan propagandaa Turussa Mika Waltarin opastuxella.
    ellauri389.html on line 387: The collection was headed by an elegant Latin motto on the mutual friendship of the authors, attributed to "Groscollius," but in reality composed by Coleridge. Coleridge shortly afterwards asserted that he had only allowed Lloyd's poems to be published together with his own at the earnest solicitation of the writer, and ridiculed both them and Lamb's poems in sonnets subscribed "Nehemiah Higginbotham" in the Monthly Magazine, November 1797.
    ellauri389.html on line 391: Edmund Oliver, a novel in letters, got published in 1798, some of the details of which are derived from Coleridge's experiences as a private dancer, dancer for money. The book is mainly a polemic against Godwin's views on marriage, and, though very poor as a novel, is not devoid of interesting features. Don't miss the engravings!
    ellauri389.html on line 446: Two years after his ordination, in 1617, Anne Donne died at age 33 after giving birth to a stillborn child. Grief-stricken at having lost his emotional anchor, Donne vowed never to marry again, even though he was left with the task of raising his children in modest financial circumstances at the time.
    ellauri390.html on line 68: In 1818, the band settled briefly in White River, Indiana, only to be again relocated. In order to relocate both the Stockbridge-Munsee and Oneida Indians, government officials, along with missionaries, negotiated the acquisition of a large tract in what is now Wisconsin. In 1834, the Stockbridge Indians settled there; two years later they were joined by some Munsee families who were migrating west from Canada and who decided to remain with the Stockbridge families. Together, they became known as the Stockbridge-Munsee Band. The tribe expanded its land base by obtaining 46,000 acres by treaty with their neighbors to the north, the Menominee Tribe. More pressure from the government resulted in more relocation - first in Kaukana, Wisconsin, and later to a community on the shores of Lake Winnebago that the tribe named Stockbridge ('Vielä Kauempana').
    ellauri390.html on line 232: Hän kirjoitti följetongeja "Modny Magazin"-lehdelle (1862-1864) ja "Petersburgsky Listok" -sanomalehdelle (1864-1865), osallistui aikakauslehtien "Zanoza" ja "Osa" (1863) julkaisuihin.
    ellauri390.html on line 345: Bolshevikkivallankumouksen jälkeen hän jäi Italiaan maanpaossa. Ylläpiti läheisiä suhteita kenraali Pjotr Wrangeliin. Hän on kirjoittanut useita Ukrainan separatistiliikettä vastaan suunnattuja teoksia, muun muassa "Ukrainan kysymys: Historiallinen totuus versus separatistinen propaganda" (1920), joka julkaistiin venäjäksi, englanniksi ja ranskaksi.
    ellauri390.html on line 349: aganda.jpg" />
    ellauri390.html on line 353:

    Länsipropagandaa Tiedelehdestä

    ellauri390.html on line 360: 1600-luvulla Ruozi-Suomi suunnitteli Itämerta mare nostrumixi ja havitteli Puolaa sekä Baltiaa. Ne hakivat elintilaa Euroopasta, ja siihen tarvittiin propagandaa, jossa korostettiin venäläisten julmuutta ja jumalattomuutta.
    ellauri390.html on line 535: Nykymeiningillä, Nhat Hanh sanoi, Viet Congilla on useita tehokkaita propaganda-aseita sen lisäksi, että USA käy imperialistista sotaa.
    ellauri391.html on line 46: 1 odottamattomimmista ilmiöistä maailmansodan kanssa on Ukrainan separatismi. Vihollistemme valmistamana, mutta jopa odottamattomana meille venäläisille, Ukrainan separatismi otti yleisön kiinni mielipiteestä Länsi-Euroopassa melko valmistautumattomana. Ulkomaisiin sanomalehtiin ilmestyi yhtäkkiä sellaisia epätuttuja nimiä kuten nämä: ukrainalaiset, ruteenit, Lithuanialaiset, pikkuvenäläiset, isot venäläiset, valkoiset venäläiset; siihen lisättiin monia extravagantteja väitteitä ilman todisteita, kuten et muinaisina aikoina Southern Venäjä eli omaa elämäänsä, ja Kiova oli sen pääkaupunki, ei Venäjän, vaan kuvitteellisen Ruteenian, ja että XVII vuosisadalla oli olemassa aito kuuluisa kasakkavaltio. Lukijat eivät tienneet mitä tehdä tästä kaikesta, eikä mitä arvoa piti antaa näille vakuutuksille: jotkut uskoivat myyttiin Ukrainan kansasta ja ajattelivat sen lunastusta ulkomaisesta ikeestä — venäläisestä — yhtä luonnollisena asiana kuin puolalaisten lunastus; muut epävarmoina kysyi itseltään : "Kenestä on puhe? Eikö Kiovan kanat ja Odessan rantalomat kalsareissa ja tissiliiveissä ole ikivanhoja isovenäläisten juttuja?"
    ellauri391.html on line 88: "Kirjeesi herra Hooverille saapui, kun hän oli lähtenyt Palo Altosta itään ja Eurooppaan. Se saatettiin rouva Hooverin tietoon. Hän sanoi, että vaikka tarinan propagandamerkitys on enemmän tai vähemmän oikea, lähes kaikki yksityiskohdat eivät ole. Hän muistaa itse tapauksen erittäin hyvin ja on usein kuullut siihen viitattavan – ja jopa muistelevan paljon huvittuneena M. Paderewskilta ja herra Hooverilta. Hän on antanut minulle selonteon tapauksesta, jonka ystäväni kerran julkaisi ja jonka hän sanoo olevan täsmällinen useimmissa yksityiskohdissa, ja olen korjannut seuraavat kohdat käsikirjoituksestasi….
    ellauri391.html on line 108: Panee ihmettelee, onko tämä myöhäinen muisto todellinen muisto tapauksesta vai laajalti julkaistun kertomuksen hyväksyminen useiden vuosikymmenten ajan? Sekä Hoover että Paderewski näyttävät epäilevän tarpeeksi uskoakseen tarinaan muistelmissaan, paitsi tunnustaakseen, että heidän ensimmäinen tapaamisensa saattoi olla vuonna 1896. Mitä he myöhemmin tekivät puolalaiselle ruoka-avulle ensimmäisen maailmansodan jälkimainingeissa ja sen jälkeen on propagandatarina joka on muistamisen ja toistamisen arvoinen. You owe me SOO much, se on jenkkien mielilauseita. Vähävenäläiset on nyt niille velkaa monen monta vehnälastia.
    ellauri391.html on line 233: His opponents in Congress, who he felt were sabotaging his program for their own political gain, unfairly painted him blue and black as a callous and cruel President. Hoover became the scapegoat for the Depression and was badly defeated in 1932. In the 1930’s he became a powerful critic of the New Deal, warning against tendencies toward statism.
    ellauri392.html on line 370: To those who kiss in fear that they shall never kiss again
    ellauri392.html on line 371: To those that love with fear that they shall never love again
    ellauri392.html on line 375: Especially as I can repeat it over and over again
    ellauri392.html on line 378: Of honour truth and love gone by that has come back again
    ellauri392.html on line 379: The fact is one grows weary of the love that comes again.
    ellauri392.html on line 427: You have burnt me too brown you must boil me again
    ellauri392.html on line 495: Got cremated like a pagan king.
    ellauri392.html on line 534: But rise again like John Donne
    ellauri392.html on line 885: Alaviite: The New Criterion on New Yorkissa ilmestyvä kuukausittain ilmestyvä kirjallinen aikakauslehti ja taiteellisen ja kulttuurisen kritiikin aikakauslehti. Siinä on osiot runouden, teatterin, taiteen, musiikin, median ja kirjojen kritiikille. Sen perustivat vuonna 1982 Hilton Kramer, entinen The New York Timesin taidekriitikko, ja Samuel Lipman, pianisti ja musiikkikriitikko. Tietysti ashkenazeja. Nimi viittaa brittiläiseen The Criterion -kirjallisuuslehteen, jota toimitti yli puolifasistinen T. S. Eliot vuosina 1922–1939. Kramer taisteli sitä vastaan, mitä hän piti vasemmistolaisena poliittisena ennakkoasenteena taidekritiikassa ja mitä hän piti esteettisenä nihilismina, joka on ominaista monille 1900-luvun työtaiteilijoille ja taidekriitikoille. Turhautuminen The New York Timesin vasemmistopolitiikkaan johti hänen eroamiseen sanomalehdestä Reaganin vuonna 1982. Hän perusti ( Samuel Lipmanin kanssa ) konservatiivisen The New Criterion -lehden , jonka toinen toimittaja ja kustantaja oli myös Kramer. Hän otti vahvasti kommunisminvastaisen kannan vuoden 2003 katsauksessaan Anne Applebaumin Gulag: A History -kirjasta . Teoksessa The Twilight of the Intellectuals (1999) hän puolusti taidekriitikko Clement Greenbergin antikommunistisia näkemyksiä. Hän teki eron modernismin ja postmodernismin välillä terävästi, viitaten postmodernismin aikakauteen "tänä ironian ja institutionalisoidun kumouksen aikakautena". Hän on asettanut tämän vastakohtana modernismista löytämiensä ihanteiden kanssa: "totuuden kurinalaisuus, rehellisyyden ankaruus". Hilton Kramer kuoli sydämen vajaatoimintaan 27. maaliskuuta 2012 Harpswellissa. Ei mikään ylläri.
    ellauri393.html on line 108: Entä sitten Daniel Yudkin? Samanlainen käärmeöljykauppias, tutkimustyöstä ei mitään näyttöä, mutta sitä enemmän näyttöjä naaman näyttämisestä anglosaxien propagandanäytöillä. Tämän "julkaisun" myötä Tiede 3000 on uponnut hiusmartoa myöten länsirapaan.
    ellauri393.html on line 124: "Project Sunshineen” liittyvä salaliitto oli sellainen että Hiroshiman ja Nagasakin jälkeen Yhdysvaltain hallitus aloitti suuren tutkimuksen mitatakseen ydinlaskeuman vaikutusta ihmiskehoon.
    ellauri393.html on line 262: Viimeisen noin 20 000 vuoden aikana ihmisten aivot ovat tutkijoiden mukaan itseasiassa kutistuneet. Wisconsin yliopiston antropologi John Hawks kertoi Discover Magazine -lehdelle, että sitä on tapahtunut Aasiassa, Euroopassa, Afrikassa – ”kaikkialla minne katsomme”. Meistä saattaa olla tulossa tyhmempiä tai ehkä meistä on tulossa pöljempiä. Joka tapauksessa, me muutamme aivojamme myös päivittäisten aktiviteettiemme myötä: Vaikka emme kuitenkaan uudelleen kirjoita neuroneja tavalla, joka siirtäisi ne eteenpäin geneettisesti, nykypäivän älypuhelimia käyttävillä ihmisillä on vähemmän takaraivojensa ja peukaloidensa välissä kuin "heillä," jotka eivät ole surffanneet Facebookissa pienillä ruuduilla.
    ellauri393.html on line 272: Lincoln decides that the best way to defeat the vampires is to eliminate their food source and starve them out; to that end, he announces the Emancipation Proclamation and encourages the slaves to fight back against slave owners and vampires alike. This begins to turn the tide of the war. (Julistuksen vaikutuksena oli yli 3,5 miljoonan orjuutettujen afrikkalaisen amerikkalaisen oikeudellinen asema irtautuneissa konfederaatiovaltioissa orjuisista vapaiksi. Heti kun orjat pakenivat orjuuttajiensa hallinnasta, joko pakenemalla unionin linjoille tai liittovaltion joukkojen etenemisen kautta, he olivat pysyvästi vapaita. Lisäksi julistus salli entisten orjien "ottamisen vastaan ​​Yhdysvaltojen asepalvelukseen". Hehe.) However, the war takes a personal toll on Lincoln. A vampire assassin sneaks onto the White House lawn and kills Lincoln's son, Willie. Henry appears at the White House and offers to turn Willie into a vampire so that he will "live" again, but Lincoln is unwilling to allow it, despite being very tempted. Enraged, he banishes Henry and all other vampires from the White House and refuses to speak to any of them ever again. Abelle olisi ollut tarpeen opettajattaren varaventtiili.
    ellauri393.html on line 311: Se compran las cosas, ma los hombres no. If that's what you think, think again pal. Lincolnin porukat vastustivat orjuutta todnäk koska etelävaltiolaiset pääsi sillä ansiotta keulimaan. Industrialismiin sopii työn orjuus paremmin. Ostetaan vaan orjan päivätunnit, uusintamisen saavat orjat ize kustantaa. Guilloun hyvä orjanomistaja tiesi velvollisuutensa. Hän on ruumiillistunut laki ja järjestys, hänen on niistä pidettävä kiinni, vaikka orjan kikkelin irti ruuvaus sattuu isäntään pahemmin kuin orjaan izensä. Vi måste gälla dom.
    ellauri393.html on line 458: Jerikon taistelu oli luultavasti myöhäisempää juutalaisten propagandaa. Koko tarina Jerikon muureista ja pasuunoista lienee täysin satua. No, Joosuan esinahkakukkulat sentään on "se non è vero, è ben trovato."
    ellauri393.html on line 564: Vi talar om totalt tillbakadragande av
    ellauri396.html on line 122: Petersonin uskomuskokoelma houkuttelee heterogeenisen yleisön, johon kuuluu kristittyjä konservatiiveja, ateisteja libertaareja, keskustalaisia ​​​​tutkijia ja uusnatseja. Tällä vankkumattomalla antiautoritaarisella on myös silmiinpistävä tapa demonisoida vasemmistoa ja vähätellä oikeiston vaaroja. Yhdysvaltain vuoden 2016 vaalien jälkeen Peterson kuvaili Trumpia "liberaaliksi" ja "maltiksi", ei sen enempää demagogiksi kuin Reagan. Sikäli kuin Trumpin äänestäjät ovat suvaitsemattomia, Peterson väittää, että se on vasemmiston vika työväenluokan uhraamisessa identiteettipolitiikan alttarille. Koska hänen halveksumiseensa identiteettipolitiikkaa kohtaan sisältyy se, mitä hän kutsuu "rotuylpeyden patologiaksi", hän ei täysin tue äärioikeistoa, mutta hän flirttailee heidän meemiensä kanssa ja on päällekkäinen niiden kanssa monissa asioissa. Totta, että hän ei ole valkoinen nationalisti", sanoo David Neiwert, Southern Poverty Law Centerin Pacific Northwest -kirjeenvaihtaja ja Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trumpin kirjoittaja. "Mutta hän tukee kertomustaan ​​näennäisfaktoilla, joista monet on luotu nimenomaan valkoisen nationalismin edistämiseksi, erityisesti koko "kulttuurimarxismin" käsite. Radikalisoitumisen kaari kulkee usein näiden "maltillisempien" ideologien läpi."
    ellauri396.html on line 165: Christopher Hitchens (13 April 1949 – 15 December 2011) was a British and American author, polemicist, debater and journalist who in his youth took part in demonstrations against the Vietnam War, joined organisations such as the International Socialists while at university and began to identify as a socialist. However, after 9/11 he no longer regarded himself as a socialist and his political thinking became largely dominated by the issue of defending civilization from terrorists and against the totalitarian regimes that protect them. Hitchens nonetheless continued to identify as a Marxist, endorsing the materialist conception of history, but believed that Karl Marx had underestimated the revolutionary nature of capitalism. He sympathized with libertarian ideals of limited state interference, but considered libertarianism not to be a viable system. But anyway.
    ellauri396.html on line 367: The Toronto Blessing has become synonymous within charismatic Christian circles for terms and actions that include an increased awareness of God's love, religious ecstasy, external observances of ecstatic worship, being slain in the Spirit, uncontrollable laughter, emotional and/or physical euphoria, crying, healing from emotional wounds, healing of damaged relationships, and electric waves of the spirit. "Holy laughter", as a result of overwhelming joy, was a hallmark manifestation, and there were also some reports of instances of participants roaring like lions or making other animal noises such as super loud farts. Leaders and participants present in these services claim that most of these manifestations, including some people roaring like lions, were physical manifestations of the Holy Spirit's presence and power, while some Pentecostal and charismatic leaders believe these were the counterfeits of the Spirit as is mentioned in the biblical passage of 2 Thessalonians 2:9. In December, 1994, Toronto Life Magazine declared TAV (Toronto Airport Vineyard church) as Toronto's most notable tourist attraction for the year.
    ellauri398.html on line 70: Jahve tatuoi Aben nimen sen nahattomaan siittimeen. Uusi nimi tuli näkyviin kun se ojentaixen suoraxi. Koko nimi "terviisiä tulppaanien Amsterdamista" näkyi vasta Ishmaelin äidin, Saaran käsineidin Haagarin käsittelyssä. On vahva kuvittelun, toivon valta!
    ellauri398.html on line 266: Raamatun tulkintojen rajoittaminen tiukoihin konstruktionistisiin näkemyksiin on kuitenkin teologisesti katsottuna viittaamista siihen, ettei Jumalalla ole mitään muuta sanottavaa, ja siten Pyhän Hengen jälkieditointitoimen lopettamista. Think again pal!
    ellauri399.html on line 151: The two finally ended their romantic relationship for good in late 1977, after Brennan became pregnant with their daughter, Lisa. Brennan worked as a waitress and collected welfare checks to support herself and their baby daughter. Jobs publicly denied he was Lisa’s father for years, even though he took a paternity test in 1979 proving he was the dad. He was paying $500 a month in child support when he told Time magazine in 1983, “28 percent of the male population in the United States could be the father.”
    ellauri399.html on line 166: Yoga, a discipline from India that is so ancient in its roots that you can credit it only to unknown self-seekers from some glorious past era, has an outer form that has seized our collective imagination: For 30 minutes every day, disconnect from the world, take your body through an array of yoga poses, breathe deeply, keep the mind focused, and presto! You will emerge relaxed, rejuvenated, and ready again to re-engage with the relentless pace of life in a fresh turtleneck.
    ellauri399.html on line 180: He once said, "I don't use religion for business but I use business principles in religion." You can say that again. Kas ainut työni tarkoitus / on raha, eikä synnin karkoitus. Viis sieluista: kun ruumis kuopataan / niin sielu menköön vaikka mustikkaan! Today, there are hundreds of SRF meditation groups and centers around the world that serve tens of thousands of members. He also worked to develop living exemplars of his teachings by setting up a monastic order within SRF that now includes more than 250 monks and nuns dedicated to their own pursuit of soul-unfoldment (monks) and to serving in missionary position (nuns).

    ellauri399.html on line 212: The fellowship’s magazine, Marching the Penguin, tells the rest of the story. On March 6, Paramhansa told his disciples laughingly, “I have a big day tomorrow. Wish me luck.” The next day he attended a banquet at Los Angeles’ Biltmore Hotel for the new Indian ambassador, Binay Ranjan Sen, and his beautiful wife. *Seated with legs wide apart: Mme. Binay Ranjan Sen, wife of the Indian Ambassador, with a transsexual looking guru touching her private parts in a respectful Hindu way (the pronam.)" After eating modestly (pussy, vegetables, yellowish hairy nut juice and a raspberry parfait), the guru rose to make a speech about “spiritual India.” He ended it with a quotation from one of his own poems:
    Where Ganges, woods, Himalayan man caves, and men dream God—I am hallowed; my elongated body part touched the wife of that sod.

    ellauri401.html on line 600: Rauhallisen merimatkan jälkeen laiva rantautui aamulla Tukholmassa, ja Gösta Stenman oli vastassa satamassa. Matkalaiset majoittuivat ylelliseen Strand-hotelliin. Illalla käytiin Kuninkaallisessa oopperassa, jossa esitettiin 352. kerran Wagnerin Lohengrinia, joka oli Ervastin harvoja lempioopperoita. Oopperaan lähtiessäkin oli jo oma oopperansa, kun Ervastin shaketti ei mennyt kiinni ja Stenmanin toinen jalka oli kihdin takia niin turvonnut, että toisessa oli lakeerikenkä ja toisessa tohveli. Kaadella oli sentään matkaa varten tehty tummansininen villapuku, ja Bertha-rouva oli hienon maailman tyyliin viimeistä piirtoa myöten puettu. Pekka ei toista kertaa tehnyt villapaitagaffia.
    ellauri402.html on line 468: Otto huuteli terviisiä presidentille White Houseen ja senaatille, käski niiden pitää maassa yllä taloutta elvyttävää politiikkaa, vähentää laiskureiden hyysäämistä ja huolehtia että venäläiset eivät pääse riistämään muilta kansoilta niiden vapautta. Hevon vitun rämeet mitä persuilua taas Tuurilta. Ihme teeskentelijä, selvä roisto joka koittaa pestä izeään talousrikoxista puhtaaxi. Olikohan Tuuri ja Herra Huu homopari? Yxinäinen razastaja ja Tonto peppu ojossa. Venäläiset olivat vastahakoisia Amerikan ehdotuxiin joilla maailman rauha oli tarkoitus turvata. Ei varmaan samoja varmimpia rauhanomaisia joita neukut ajoivat. Presidentti Reagan ja The Witch tiesivät mitä tekivät. Nyt ne palavat helvetin tulijärvessä molemmat.
    ellauri402.html on line 680: One of the reasons Americans are against “free” healthcare is because they believe that what they pay for healthcare is actually what it costs. “Why should I pay $30,000 for someone else to give birth?” The answer of course is you wouldn’t, you would contribute to the $3000 – $5000 that it really costs. When I had a small carcinoma removed at a private clinic, paid for by the NHS of course, the Doctor told me that I would have paid £600 privately. What would that cost in the US? Not your co-pay or whatever it’s called, but the actual bill? Thousands I’d guess. If Americans understood how much they’re being shafted, ($3k for an ambulance? Really?) they would see that Universal healthcare would be far cheaper than they could possibly imagine. And no, the Doctors would still be paid well, because it’s the insurance companies and hospitals taking all the extra cash you pay. A copayment or copay is a fixed amount for a covered service, paid by a patient to the provider of service before receiving the service. Eli omavastuu, jolla vakuutusyhtiöt pitää korvauxenhakijat ruodussa.
    ellauri402.html on line 682: Edit: I’ve read a lot of comments to this, mainly saying that the American people want UH, but there are too many powerful lobbyists against it. So why are they not being fought? The Government exists to serve the people surely? If it doesn’t do that, then it’s a corrupt system that needs reforming. A lot of Americans talk about bringing “Freedom” to the rest of the world, why not start with your own country?
    ellauri402.html on line 749: Aarteiden luola ja aikaisempi Kitab al-Magall (osa pseudo-Klemetin kirjoja) nimeävät patriarkkojen vaimoiksi täysin erilaisia ​​naisia, ja olemassa olevien kopioiden välillä on huomattavia eroja.
    ellauri403.html on line 259: Tästä artikkelista tai osiosta puuttuu seuraavat tärkeät tiedot: Yhteenveto mitä lemmatekstissä kuvataan muun muassa "selvästi länsivastaiseksi asenteeksi, tiiviimmäksi yhteydeksi ortodoksiseen kirkkoon ja konservatiivisten kulttuuri- ja perhearvojen puolustamiseksi" - eli Venäjän ortodoksisen kirkon tärkeä rooli. niin sanotut lait "homoseksuaalista propagandaa" vastaan sekä Putinin suhde homoiluun ja stalinismiin, avainsana uusstalinismi. Auta Wikipediaa tutkimalla ja osallistumalla!
    ellauri403.html on line 299: Markus Wehnerin mielestä "moderni diktatuuri" Venäjän vallan säilyttämisessä perustuu ensisijaisesti propagandaan (eikä, kuten ennen, väkivaltaan). Vaikka "joukkoväkivaltaa" ei käytetä, mielivalta ja sorto ovat arkipäivää. Mutta rajat ovat auki – voit poistua "Putinin järjestelmästä" vaikka polkupyörällä. Raja railona aukeaa, edessä Aasia, itä. Mutta varo polkumiinoja.
    ellauri403.html on line 309: Laqueur kiehtoi Venäjää pienestä pitäen. Murrettuaan jalkansa Hasorean pesuhuoneessa vuonna 1942 hän oppi venäjän kieltä entiseltä opettajalta jopa kahdeksan tuntia päivässä. Venäjän juutalaiset opettivat hänelle lauluja ja kirouksia. Kolmekymppisenä Laqueur vieraili Neuvostoliitossa ensimmäistä kertaa ja on (oli) matkustanut maahan sen jälkeen lähes joka vuosi, olipa kyse sitten esimerkiksi yksityisistä syistä, vieraillakseen edesmenneen vaimonsa Naomin perheen luona Kaukasuksella tai ammatillisista syistä propagandistina. Laqueurin läpyskän nimi muutettiin Neuvostoliiton kulttuurista Neuvostoliiton tutkimukseksi ja lopulta nimettiin vain Surveyksi. 
    ellauri403.html on line 314: Hän oli jo 1970-luvulla todennut, että terrorismin määritelmä oli mahdoton, koska termi on puhtaasti propagandistinen. Hän julkaisi tutkimuksen Terrorismin historia ja sissit - ne olivat vuosia toisella sijalla eniten lainattujen kirjojen joukossa kirjastossa. Lakeri olisi halunnut mieluummin elää 19. vuosisadalla.
    ellauri403.html on line 351: Ukraina har utvecklat ett nytt vapen mot de ryska invasionsstyrkorna. Drönaren släpper ut en smält massa som tar sig igenom nästan allt. – Väldigt otäcka grejer, säger försvarsanalytikern Nicholas Drummond. Ukraina har utvecklat en ny drönare, Vidar, som sprutar ut termit—en brännhet massa på 2 200 grader som förintar ryska försvarsställningar och skogar. Termit är inte förbjuden i krig och används för att slå ut bland annat stridsvagnar och skogar. Den finske militärhistorikern Emil Kastehelmi menar att vapnet ökar rädslan för drönare, då det orsakar en okontrollerbar och skräckinjagande eld. Enligt försvarsanalytiker Nicholas Drummond är drakdrönaren främst ett psykologiskt vapen för att skrämma de ryska styrkorna så att de inte törs komma vidare. Ukraina har inte mycky termit så det är en nischprodukt. Den här
    ellauri403.html on line 354: I veckan åtalade USA:s justitiedepartement två ryska medborgare, anställda av den statliga ryska propagandakanalen RT, för att ha fört över tio miljoner dollar, drygt 100 miljoner kronor, till Tenet för att förmå dem att sprida Moskva-vänliga budskap. De är politiska influencers på högerkanten med miljoner följare. De har haft gäster från Donald Trumps krets, som Lara Trump, Kari Lake, Vivek Ramaswamy, Tulsi Gabbard och Kash Patel. 
    ellauri403.html on line 464: Fridays for future on jo vanha juttu. Yet even before the pandemic, the number of participants in FFF demonstrations had already begun to decline. School strikes, initially considered subversive and disruptive, had now become mainstream and lost their newsworthiness. When pandemic restrictions were lifted, FFF demonstrations resumed, but no longer on a weekly basis. FFF pomot kazovat että Greta on ylittänyt valtuutensa Gazan kohdalla. Eitää mitään politiikkaa ole vittu! Last Generation ajaa oikealta ohi, FFF paljastuu aktivismin jarrumiehixi, noskelaisixi. The pandemic, and Russia’s war against Ukraine, have changed the political landscape irrevocably. Both have pushed up inflation and decreased governments’ general willingness to implement costly climate-protection measures.
    ellauri403.html on line 479: GRETA THUNBERG has once again come under harsh criticism after 19-year-old self-declared "anti-Greta Thunberg" Naomi Seibt claimed most of young climate change activists fail to do enough research on the subject.
    ellauri403.html on line 480: Appearing on ITV's Good Morning Britain, the German teenager claimed that after extensive research she has concluded that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) warnings on climate change are not based on scientific evidence. Speaking to Piers Morgan, Naomi Seibt lashed out against Greta Thunberg and her followers arguing they have failed to undertake proper studies on the subject of climate change. She said: “I think it’s fantastic when young people decide to become activists and protest for something that they are truly passionate about and they can truly stand behind and believe in. “But the main problem that I see is that most of them have not really done their research so I became interested in climate change because I wanted to get to know the science behind climate change and what’s really going on and what effect the C02 emissions actually on the atmosphere. Zero, zilch, it's all just a humongous fake!"
    ellauri405.html on line 47: Länkkärien suhtautumimen rättipäihin ei ole hievahtanut minnekään sitten hullujem roomalaisten aikojen. Propagandatemput on identtiset, ihan panee naurattamaan. Vihulaiset ovat julmia ja kieroja, omat urheita ja rehtejä. Ei jaxa, on se niin naivia.
    ellauri405.html on line 254: Durov on aiemmin syyttänyt Yhdysvaltain lainvalvontaviranomaisia, kuten FBI:tä, pyrkimyksistä saada takaoven alustalle. FBI ei ole kommentoinut näitä väitteitä. Telegramin kasvava suosio on kuitenkin saanut useat Euroopan maat, mukaan lukien Ranska, tarkastelemaan turvallisuus- ja propagandaetuja ja länsimaisen mielen valvontaa koskevia huolenaiheita. Kuten Veli Unelias huomautti, Englannissa, Hollannissa ja USA:ssa poliittisen vapauden hintana ovat välttämättömät yhteiset ennakkoluulot. Kuten kylmä sota ja The American Dream. Ellei kansa tahdo uskoa, sen täytyy totella, sanoi Tocqueville. Oli siinäkin perse miehexeen.
    ellauri405.html on line 485: Länkkäreiden analyysit koittaa vääntää Boorixen izekeskeisimmät runotkin länkkäripropagandaxi:
    ellauri406.html on line 208: During World War II, the Nazi regime implemented policies that legalized and organized prostitution in military brothels as a means to control soldiers’ sexual behavior and prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). This territorial conquest policy had harrowing consequences for the women coerced into sex work. In the occupied territories, women were forced into sexual slavery to serve in military brothels, which were labeled as “treatment centers.” The Nazi regime considered these women racially inferior, but still okay for fucking purposes, exploiting them to further Nazi ideological goals. A prisoner-of-war manual issued by the OKW in 1940 explicitly condomed rape and sexual violence against civilian women in the occupied territories. The Rome Statute outlines that sexual enslavement is a punishable offense and that the use of civilian women for sexual purposes, while fun, is not quite okay. The Nazi actions clearly violate modern international law and standards. In the post-war period prostitutes in Nazi Germany were seen by society not as victims but as collaborators who deserved punishment.
    ellauri406.html on line 246: Twenty years ago, a mob of radical nationalists attacked Russian-speaking people in Odessa. Dozens of people were killed in a building that the russophobic Banderites had attacked and set on fire. After the crime, Prime Minister Yatsenuk (“Yats”), who was de facto appointed by Victoria “Fuck the EU” Nuland, the US government’s string-puller in the Maidan coup, visited the crime scene and showed his true colors. If he had been the prime minister for all the people, he would have shown compassion for the victims, condemned the murderers and vowed to bring them to justice. Instead, he excused the crime by spreading an unfounded conspiracy theory against Russia and taking a hostile stance by portraying the case as part of the war against Russia.
    ellauri406.html on line 248: The violent Maidan coup in 2014 against the democratically elected (and seen by Washington as pro-Russian) government marked the beginning of the cultural genocide, with the construction of multiple monuments honoring Nazi perpetrators. At the same time, monuments in honor of greats of world literature such as Alexander Pushkin, Leo Tolstoy and Fyodor Dostoyevsky were torn down: Alexander Pushkin, born in 1799, was a world-famous playwright and novelist; Fyodor Dostoyevsky, born in 1821, expressed religious, psychological and philosophical ideas in his widely acclaimed writings; and Leo Tolstoy, born in 1828, is considered one of the greatest writers of all time and was nominated several times for the Nobel Prize for Literature.
    ellauri406.html on line 274: China wants peace, and that’s why they are preparing for war. China wants security and safety of its merchant fleet, so it is ensuring no international bully would get away with threatening their vessels. China wants to maintain its integrity and solidarity, so they are preparing for war. China has witnessed the disintegration of USSR and they have also witnessed how ‘trustworthy’ the verbal assurances from European and American leaderships are. NATO will not expand to the east, they told dumbass Gorbachev. Even he was not dumb enough to believe a word of it. China has also observed how social and religious wedges were sponsored and manipulated into civil wars in Libya, Egypt, Syria and Serbia. They are preparing for war because they have seen what happens to the countries who are too weak to fight back against Western bullies. Libya dismantled its weapons program and look how it ended up for the country. And most importantly, China is building and installing weapon systems because they have seen in Iraq 2003 what happens to countries who DO NOT have weapons of mass destruction.
    ellauri406.html on line 284: Dragan-nimisen serbialaisen palkkasoturin mukaan Venäjän sota Ukrainassa on rakennettu valheille ja kuolemalle. No niinhän ne kaikki sodat on, mainize edes 1 poikkeus. Dragassa marssittiin niin pitkin askelin että kellit raahasivat maata. Israel on tehnyt satoja "iskuja" Etelä-Libanoniin. Israel "iskenyt" Etelä- ja Itä-Libanoniin. Ne ei ole enää hyökkäyxiä kun hemmot istuu kotona ja lennättää lennokkeja. Kun Ukrainan hyökkäysoperaatio Kurskin suunnalla on jatkunut noin puolitoista kuukautta, yhdysvaltalainen everstiluutnantti Doug Livermore näkee viitteitä sen menestyksellisyydestä. Kuka vittu Dougiakin uskoisi, ei liene sillä puhtaat jauhot pussissa. Quoth the Raven "Nevermore." Tästä syystä Ukraina tarvitsee pitkän kantaman ohjuksia – vain sillä saadaan kolmas maailmansota kunnolla syttymään. Dröönit on kuin raapis märkiä tulitikkuja. Hevon vitun rämeet tätä sotapropagandaa. Näiden kiekaisujen lähde on Google "uutiset", pahin jenkkipropagandan hrahahlaari kaikista. Kyllä hävettää olla homo sapiens.
    ellauri406.html on line 362: Meanwhile, outnumbered Ukrainian forces face grinding battles against one of the world’s most powerful armies in the east. As Zelenskyy pitches his plan to Biden on Thursday, Ukrainian servicemen will be grappling to hold defensive lines in the key logistics point of Vuhledar in the Donetsk region. For some of them, it is essential that Biden buys into Zelenskyy’s plan. - Who shall I introduce next? President Putin? WHAT?
    ellauri406.html on line 368: Zelenskyy has described his proposal as “a bridge to the Peace Summit” that he has proposed for November but that Russia says it will not attend. No international players capable of swaying Moscow agreed to his earlier 10-point peace plan, which calls for the full withdrawal of Russian forces. Ukrainian presidential advisors and lawmakers have told The Associated Press that Kyiv will only agree to a cease-fire with Russia if Putin’s ability to invade the country again is crippled. Any other arrangement would not benefit Ukraine’s future or honor the sacrifices of its people.
    ellauri408.html on line 315: “Son of man, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon drove his army in a hard campaign against Tyre; every head was rubbed bare and every shoulder made raw. Yet he and his army got no reward from the campaign he led against Tyre. Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: ‘I am going to give Egypt to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and he will carry off its wealth. He will loot and plunder the land as pay for his army. I have given him Egypt as a reward for his efforts because he and his army did it for me,’ declares the Sovereign Lord. On that day I will make a horn grow for the Israelites, and I will open your mouth among them. Then they will know that I am the Lord.”
    ellauri408.html on line 319: “Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: ‘I will bring a sword against you and kill both man and beast. Egypt will become a desolate wasteland. Then they will know that I am the Lord.’”
    ellauri408.html on line 549: År 1829 blev han rektor vid Nya Elementar. Efter "det går an-dådet" år 1839 blev han medarbetare i Aftonbladet, och kom därefter att försörja sig som journalist och författare, vilket, trots en riklig produktionstakt, blev svårt. Ekonomiska problem förde honom i händerna på procentare. År 1851 flydde han bekymren i Sverige och for till USA. Han anklagades bland annat för växelförfalskning och försök till arsenikförgiftning, men kunde inte lagföras i Sverige eftersom han befann sig i USA. Han gifte om sig utan att ha skiljt sig i Sverige. Därmed gjorde han sig skyldig till bigami.
    ellauri408.html on line 562: En hel ny litteraturgenre, "det-går-an-litteratur", uppstod med anledning av Det går an, en litteratur som nästan uteslutande angrep Almqvist. Till denna "det-går-an-litteratur" hör bland annat Det går an. Fortsättning (av J. V. Snellman, 1840), Sara Widebeck. En tafla ur lifvet, af -e. Fortsättning till Det går an N:o 1 och Det går an N:o 2 (av August Blanche, 1840), Månne det går an? (av Malla Silfverstolpe, 1840) och Törnrosens bok. Nemligen den äkta och veritabla (av V. F. Palmblad, 1840), en humoristisk granskning i novellform av Almqvists hela författarskap. Striden med Blanche blev lång och infekterad. Almqvist anklagade Blanche för att vara av oäkta börd, det "Almqvistska dådet". Blanche utmanade då Almqvist på duell och när Almqvist inte hörsammade detta spottade August Blanche honom i ansiktet vid ett möte i Strömparterren. Detta väckte en enorm skandal. År 1840 gav Wilhelmina Stålberg (1803-1872) ut Eva Widebeck eller Det går aldrig an: en arabesk ur lifwet / af Faster Karin. År 1908 kom Karl Warburg (1852-1918) med "Det går an": dess litteraturhistoriska förutsättningar: striden om dess tendens.
    ellauri409.html on line 251: And home again at night with my pipe all alight, Kotiin taas iltaisin piippu röyhyten
    ellauri409.html on line 285: And squelch the passers flat against the wall; Ja tunkemaan vastaantulijat seinälle;
    ellauri409.html on line 338: It’s a naked child against a hungry wolf; Se on naku lapsi susihukan hampaissa;
    ellauri409.html on line 467: The problem seems to be again that he fails to score with juicy mermaids, like Henri Amiel.
    ellauri411.html on line 174: The Israelites, being freed from slavery, journeyed through the wildernesses of Egypt and Canaan. Moses led them across the Red Sea and when they reached Mount Sinai, they received divine instruction from God there – the ten commandments. Ultimately, they reached the promised land once again. This was the area where Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob had resided generations ago.
    ellauri411.html on line 198: And then came the worst blow: Christianity. Even though Jesus himself and his teachings and followers were Jewish, his death came at the hands of the Jewish priests in Jerusalem. Believing Jews then refused to see Jesus as a Messiah. How could the Messiah have died? Thus, the movement around Jesus, after his death, was mostly formed of non-Jews or ex-pagans.
    ellauri411.html on line 245: Koko pohjoisvaltio on eteläjuutalaisten ilkeän propagandan mustaama. Pohjoisvaltiosta kotoisin ollut Jeesus peukutti samaritaaneja, ja sixi kai se oli sanhedrinin mielestä epäilyttävä terroristijäbä. Erst seit der Ptolemäerzeit (3./2. Jahrhundert v. Chr.) wurden Konflikte zwischen Samaritanern und Juden greifbar, die dann auch die Geschichtskonstruktion des Flavius Josephus prägten, der die  Verhältnisse seiner eigenen Zeit in die Perserzeit rückprojiziert hat.
    ellauri411.html on line 555: Vaikka orjuutta oli varmasti olemassa, voimme sanoa, että ennen kristinuskoa, pointti on tässä, että kristinusko ei ainoastaan ​​poistanut orjuutta ainakaan siellä, missä se perustettiin, vaan antoi sille myös uskonnollisen sisällön ja merkityksen teologisena tausta. Paavalin, Pentateukin ja evankeliumien kohdat riittävät tähän. Mutta ikään kuin nämä eivät olisi riittäneet, kirkkoisät, mieluiten juutalainen kristitty Johannes Chrysostomos, lisäsivät monia muita! Kristinusko tuli ainoana todellisena rakkauden ja oikeudenmukaisuuden uskontona, joka muiden "hyvien asioiden" ohella toi orjuuden "poistamisen". Tämä on myös teologien propagandan mukaan kristinuskon "urotyö". Suuri valhe, joka on tietysti todistettu koko kristillisestä historiasta ja kaikista asiaankuuluvista kohdista koko "Yeran" Raamatussa ja monilla patristisilla teksteillä, jotka eivät ainoastaan ​​poista orjuutta vaan myös institutionalisoivat sen ja antavat sille teologisen taustan. Näin Nooasta ja hänen pojanpojastaan ​​Kanaanista ja hänen jälkeläisistään lähtien orjuus jatkui viime aikoihin asti kaikissa kristillisissä valtioissa ja kansoissa.
    ellauri411.html on line 573: Huomaa, että myöhemmin Eusebius, tuo "suuri toimittaja kirkkohistorioitsija" sekä ihmiskunnalle ja sivilisaatiolle kohtalokas Augustinus, niin kutsuttu pyhä, käytti samoja epäeettisiä keinoja kuin hänen toisinaan nimetyt tai nimettömät apologeetit ja kristinuskon propagandistit. päivä. Mitä mieltä olette, onko se sattumaa?
    ellauri412.html on line 175:

    It's October 31 and I don't go looking for the occult or demonic, it's just there, and lucky you - I'm going to share it with you. Today's diatribe on paganist beliefs that can lead you straight into the bowels of hell is brought to you by Asherah. When you want your sex and religion on the same plate, Asherah is the pagan fertility goddess for you.
    ellauri412.html on line 197: As I mentioned, God doesn't like the worship of Asherah, and He is pretty adamant about it (well, 'hard' is perhaps not the word to use). In the Bible you know something is important if it is repeated, when Jesus said "Truly, truly I say to you" or "Amen, amen I say to you" depending on the bible version (John 12:24) He means 'This is the TRUTH - listen up.' and again when the angels sing that God is "Holy Holy Holy" (Isaiah 6:3) there should be no question in your mind that God is in fact Holy. So when you see that shrine prostitution worshiping Asherah is mentioned about 40 times in the Old Testament, and every single time it's in a very negative context, you know God is not happy with that idea. No sir, he is mad as Hell.
    ellauri412.html on line 199: From the orgies with temple prostitutes on the high places under the trees surrounding Jerusalem, in ancient times, to the sex magick promoted by modern day occultists like Aleister Crowley (known through the UK as the most evil man in history), Anton LaVey (High priest and founder of the Church of Satan) and Gerald Gardner (the inventor of Wicca), the idea of sexual activity being an important part of occult has permeated every culture since man began to congregate. In the East you have “tantric” practices in Hindu and Buddhism. Throughout Europe, you have pagan sex rituals. And in the Holy Land we've covered the Bible's warning about the temple prostitutes which permeated the land throughout history–through Babylon, Rome, and Greece. Pagan idolatry always involves sex. Whereas sex is virtually absent from The Bible, well, from New Testament anyhow.
    ellauri412.html on line 201: So knowing that God's warning against worshiping Asherah is repeated over and over and over you would think that mankind would get the idea that worshiping Asherah is a bad idea. And if you thought that you would be wrong. If there's one thing that the Old Testament teaches us above and beyond all other lessons is that fact that People Just Don't Learn. Seriously. The one man that God blessed with power and money and family and wisdom; Solomon, guess what he did? Go on, guess. Okay, I'll tell you anyway, it's rather juicy.
    ellauri412.html on line 206: It always came back to worshiping false, pagan gods and Asherah was always in the top two, because you can go out and have a grand old time with a prostitute and still tell folks you were at church. God eventually had to send in the Babylonians to clean them out. Modern man is easily just as stubborn. That's why He is sicking the Russkies and Chinks at us now.
    ellauri412.html on line 208: There are some people out there that believe that Christmas trees are modern day Asherah poles but their argument is weak. You have a better chance of making an argument that Christmas trees are neo-pagan earth worship rather than Asherah poles. Ron Garret at Ron Big Black Garrett blog makes a strong case for stripper poles being Asherah poles, and I have to agree with him. Satan doesn't have to think up new tricks when the old ones work just fine.
    ellauri412.html on line 214: And to top it all off - our Mormon friends have a special name for Asherah: Mrs. God. I'm too broken hearted to comment. Jahve divorced Ashera ages ago. Why bring up that old shit again?
    ellauri413.html on line 207: Iltalehden Tilannestudion 107. jaksossa nähdään, kuinka Venäjä etenee nyt ennätysvauhtia Donetskin alueella. Mihail Shepelenko Ilta-Pulusta joutuu nyt valitettavasti myöntämään että lehden propagandauhoilu on ollut yhtä tyhjän kanssa, Ukrainan puolustus on romahtanut kautta linjan Itä-Ukrainan Donetskin alueella. Venäjä etenee nopeammin kuin kertaakaan aiemmin sitten sodan alkamisen jälkeen. Ukrainan puolustuslinjat ovat sekasorrossa ja murtuvat.
    ellauri413.html on line 303: Venäläisten mediat on valjastettu venäläisten sotapropagandalle. Toisin lännessä, missä ne on valjastettu lännen sotapropagandalle.
    ellauri418.html on line 128: Loistava esimerkki nuorten naisten vihasta ja miehiin kohdistetusta vihapropagandasta joka on sisäistetty vahvasti. Mistään tuollaisista ei puhuttu edellisessä kommentissa. Puhuin vain Haavistosta. Yksi, kaksi, kohta joku vetää herneen nenään ja ketju katoaa. (Ketju päättyy.)
    ellauri418.html on line 280: Google has racked up some 2 undecillion rubles ($2.5 decillion, shit, theyre just long scale sextillions) worth of fines in Russia after years of refusing to restore the accounts of pro-Kremlin and state-run media outlets, the RBC news website reported Tuesday, citing an anonymous source familiar with court rulings against the tech company. Yhdysvaltain edustajien on maksettava tämä summa venäläisten kanavien poistamisen vuoksi YouTube-videopalvelusta. Asia ratkaistiin oikeudessa, joka pani kusipäisen yhtiön edesvastuuseen. Osavaltioissa ja muissa maissa tämä otettiin epäselvästi vastaan. Jeneissä se olisi vielä enempi.
    ellauri418.html on line 323: På fredagen, två dagar innan hans mandatperiod löper ut, talade han med flera medier i Bryssel och passade då på att en sista gång varna för den fara Ryssland utgör för unionen. – Vi måste snabba på och döda mer och snabbare. Vi har en miljon patroner. Det är bra, men Ryssland förbrukar 800 000 per månad, säger Borrell, enligt Euronews.
    ellauri418.html on line 349: Tyska åklagarmyndigheten har identifierat två personer misstänkta för sabotaget av gasledningen Nord Stream 2022, säger öknens räv General Rommel till Der Spiegel. Han betonar också att det fortfarande finns mycket kvar för åklagarna att göra. Identiteten på andra medverkande, brottsmotivet och framför allt frågan om eventuell statlig inblandning är sådant som utreds just nu, säger han. Jag vill inte säga mera för det ser ut ganska genant att det var ukrainare bakom allt och inte ryssar sprängandes sina egna rör bara att vara fittiga för oss. Mystiskt nog talade Putin sanning denna gång och det var Zelensky som ljög.
    ellauri418.html on line 380: Venäjä ja Suomi alkavat taas kiistellä Mainilan laukauxista. Siitä se lähtöö. Suur-Suomesta ja polkumiinoista. Rukajärven tielle taas. Iltalehti uutisoi Venäjän propagandasta, koska ilmiö koskettaa läheisesti myös Suomea ja suomalaisia. Suomi ei murtunut.
    ellauri418.html on line 382: Japansk fredsnobelpristagare beklagar Sveriges Natomedlemskap. Han är en Nagasaki-överlevare. Efter mötet säger Ulf Kristersson att han inte förstår varför det är beklagligt att Sverige har gått med i Nato. Satans dumskalle han Ulf.
    ellauri419.html on line 67: Rika länder ska från och med 2035 ha ökat sin årliga betalning till fattiga länder med 200 procent, från dagens omkring 1 000 miljarder svenska kronor, till avtalets 3 300 miljarder sek. Besvikelsen från de fattiga länderna är total. – Uruselt. Det är ynkligt, säger Indiens representant Chandni Raina kort efter det att avtalet klubbats, och tillade att Indien motsätter sig överenskommelsen. Andra kritiska röster hördes från bland annat Bolivias delegation och Nigerias. – Om vi går hem med 300 är det en förolämpning. Det är ett skämt. Vi accepterar inte det! säger Nigerias delegation. Men kritik kommer också från ”väst”. Delegationen från Schweiz sa att COP29 brast i ”meningsfull ambition” och beklagade att avtalet ”urvattnats”. – Vi kan och måste göra bättre nästa år, sa delegationen när de lämnat förhandlingsrummet, rapporterar the Guardian. Förhandlingarna om utsläppsminskningar ska, enligt flera medier, ha varit riktigt infekterade där Saudiarabien utpekats som en stor sabotör då de motsatt sig alla formuleringar om fossila bränslen, mänskliga rättigheter och kvinnors rättigheter. Paska saudit jotka veljeilee muutenkin jenkkien ja nahattomien nupipäiden kanssa. Inhottavat mekkoniekat fossiileja tupruttavat pyyheliinapäät.
    ellauri419.html on line 105:

    FN: Ingen hjälp till norra Gaza på 40 dagar.

    ellauri419.html on line 107: Det blir allt svårare att överleva i norra Gazaremsan. Inte en enda av FN:s hjälpinsatser har nått fram till de behövande de senaste 40 dagarna, uppger FN-organet Ocha. Lurjuxet paastotkoot kuin pikku jeesuxet. Kiusaaja Netanjahu houkuttaa nälistettyjä ilmiantamaan Israelin panttivankeja.
    ellauri419.html on line 116: Nu har västingarna bestämt at alla kabelbrott är ryssarnas fel. Skrattretande, skrattar talesmannen Peskov. – Det är ganska absurt att utan grund fortsätta att anklaga Ryssland för allting. Det är skrattretande i kontexten av uteblivna reaktioner på ukrainska sabotageaktiviteter i Östersjön, flinar talespersonen Dmitrij Peskov. XA XA XA! Men nästa gång vet Finland hur det ska reageras! Dvs så här:
    ellauri419.html on line 121:
    Propagandasota eskaloituu

    ellauri419.html on line 217: ACLU founder Roger Baldwin became a strong anticommunist. Baldwin’s new anticommunist outlook set the stage for the most controversial episode in his career and in the history of the ACLU. In 1940, the ACLU board of directors adopted a policy under which no supporter of totalitarian organizations could serve in an official capacity in the American Civil Liberties Union. Under the policy, the board then quickly removed Elizabeth Gurley Flynn from its ranks because she was a member of the Communist Party. Many critics accused the ACLU of imposing the very same kind of political test that it had long fought against, and the incident tarnished the reputation of both Baldwin and the ACLU for several decades. In one of the most curious episodes in his career, Baldwin was invited to Japan in 1947 to advise General Douglas MacArthur on developing a constitution for postwar Japan. Somewhat surprisingly, the American Civil Liberties Union leader and the very conservative general established a close rapport.
    ellauri419.html on line 386:

    Vladimir Putin syyttää jälleen länttä ja Natoa Venäjän hyökkäyssodasta Ukrainaan, kertoo muun muassa riippumaton venäläismedia Meduza. Haha riippumaton, se toimii Latviasta käsin ja on syvällä länkkärien rahasylissä. Sen propagandaa levittää tällä kertaa tamperelaisen Ilta-Pulun lihaläjä Mulari. Putinin mukaan vuosi 2024 on merkittävä ”sotilaallisen erikoisoperaation”, kuten Ukrainan sotaa Venäjällä on lain mukaan kutsuttava, tavoitteiden saavuttamisessa. Putin ei tosin maininnut, että reilusti yli tuhat päivää invaasion jälkeen Venäjä ei ole vielä saavuttanut tavoitteistaan yhtäkään. Länsi ja sen silmittömästi rahoittama Ukraina on sensijaan sanut vallatuxi palan Venäjää Kurskin mutkassa. Pelkillä dollareilla on saatu tapetuxi hyvinkin miljoona slaavia. Eihän se ihan kakkossodalle vielä vedä vertoja jossa slaavirumihia tuli 20M, mutta sentään jotakin. Suunta ainakin on oikea.
    ellauri419.html on line 390: Länsipropadandaplärän tietolaatikossa on lisätietoa itäpropagandasta siltä varalta että se on joltakulta jäänyt oppimatta. Siinä on seuraavat kolme, no, viisi pointtia:
    ellauri419.html on line 391:

    • Venäjän hallinto hyödyntää laajasti propagandaa tavoitteidensa edistämiseksi. Valtiollinen propaganda läpäisee koko venäläisen yhteiskunnan. Virallisen linjan kritisoinnista rangaistaan.
      ellauri419.html on line 392:
    • Propagandan keinoja ovat negatiivinen uutisointi, faktojen valikointi ja kehystys, perättömät väitteet sekä trollaus. Synkimmillään propaganda on suoraa uhkailua esimerkiksi ydinaseiden käyttämisellä.
      ellauri419.html on line 393:
    • Median toiminta Venäjällä on hyvin kontrolloitua. Propagandaa levittävät valtamediat ovat käytännössä Kremlin käskyvallassa. Länsimaisten medioiden käyttöä ja venäläisten liikkumista lännessä on rajoitettu voimakkaasti.

    • ellauri419.html on line 396: Venäjän propaganda Suomesta on lisääntynyt sen jälkeen, kun Suomi päätti hakea oikeiston johtaman sotilasliitto Naton jäsenyyttä Venäjän hyökättyä Ukrainaan. Tyypillisissä väitteissä luodaan kuvaa Suomesta "fasistisena" ja "Venäjä-vihamielisenä" valtiona. Levittämällä huolta sodan eskaloitumisen riskeistä Venäjä haluaa horjuttaa Suomen sitoutumista Ukrainan tukemiseen.
      ellauri419.html on line 399: Iltalehti uutisoi Venäjän propagandasta, koska ilmiö koskettaa läheisesti myös Suomea ja suomalaisia. Iltalehti ja kolme muuta suomalaista mediaa on kielletty Venäjällä. Vastauksena EU:n neuvoston 17. toukokuuta tekemään päätökseen kieltää "kaikki lähetystoiminta" kolmessa venäläisessä mediassa (RIA Novosti, Izvestia ja Rossiyskaya Gazeta), joka tulee voimaan tänään, 25. kesäkuuta, pääsylle asetetaan vastarajoituksia. Vastuu tällaisesta tapahtumien kehityksestä on yksinomaan Euroopan unionin ja järjestön maiden johdolla, jotka tukivat tällaista päätöstä.
      ellauri419.html on line 402: Путин отвечал даже на провокационные вопросы журналистов и причем спокойно, не опускаясь до оскорблений и не поддаваясь на провокации! Putin vastaa kansalaisten kysymyxiin tapansa mukaan hillitysti ja järkevästi. Hän sanoi lakanneensa vizailemasta koska Venäjällä on vakava paikka menossa. IS ozikoi: Putinia ei enää naurata. Putinista olisi hyvin hälyttävää palata 80-luvun puolivälin tilanteeseen, jolloin valtion johtajat yksitellen, pysyen vallassa päiviensä loppuun asti, jättivät tämän vallan ilman tarvittavaa edellytystä vallanmuutokselle. Pravda.ua ozikoi: Putin kieltää halunsa hallita ikuisesti. Haistakaapa kuulkaa paska propagandistit. Katso koko Perjantain jakso Mihin tarvitsemme enää naurua? Erikoisoperaatio olisi pitänyt aloittaa jo paljon aiemmin.
      ellauri419.html on line 404:
      Ukrainan Pravda, Aihe: EU:n Venäjän propaganda

      ellauri419.html on line 406: EU-suurlähettiläät ovat sopineet kieltävänsä pääsyn neljään Venäjän propagandan välineenä käytettyyn tietolähteeseen kaikissa EU-maissa.
      ellauri419.html on line 410: Tšekin tiedustelupalvelut sanoivat maaliskuussa, että verkkosivustoa käytettiin Ukrainan vastaisen propagandan ja disinformaation levittämiseen Viktor Medvedchukin ohjeiden mukaisesti, jota vastaan Tšekki myös määräsi pakotteita (Medvedchuk on entinen ukrainalainen kansanedustaja ja Venäjä-mielinen oligarkki, joka ennen Venäjän täysimittainen hyökkäys, levitti Kremlin-myönteistä propagandaa Ukrainassa useiden aiemmin omistamiensa tiedotusvälineiden kautta – toim.)
      ellauri419.html on line 413: Maaliskuun alussa 2022 EU kielsi välittömästi EU:n neuvoston päätöksellä venäläiset propagandakanavat RT/Russia Today ja Sputnik. Ettällästä on lännen vapaa tiedotus.
      ellauri421.html on line 95: Kirjan suomensi Matti Rossi joka oli jäänyt työttömäxi kaikkien muiden stallareiden paizi Matin käännettyä takkinsa. Matti syntyi 1934 Sortavalassa jääkärikapteenin raiskattua hänen äitinsä Vera Salmexen. Matti Rossi kuoli 2017 Helsingissä pitkäaikaisen punataudin murtamana. Rossi on kirjoittanut kirjan Raunioista nousee Donbass, jonka vuonna 2015 julkaisi Donetskin kansantasavallan suurlähetystö ja Johan Bäckman Publications. Helsingin Sanomien toimittaja Laura Halminen luonnehti teosta venäläismieliseksi propagandaksi. Lehdistössä Rossi joutui asian vuoksi todellisen syytösryöpyn kohteeksi. Kiss my ass Denes! Asia nousi uudelleen otsikoihin yli 30 vuotta myöhemmin, kun kokoomuksen kansanedustaja Ben "peffalenkku" Zyskowicz arvosteli vuonna 2007 voimakkaasti valtionpalkinnon myöntämistä Rossille tämän ilmiannon vuoksi. Benkku jätti palkinnon myöntäneelle kulttuuriministeri Stefan Wallinille asiasta kirjallisen kysymyksen, koska Rossi ei ollut osoittanut katuvansa toimintaansa. Zyskowicz piti tapausta vakavana kulttuuri- ja ihmisoikeusrikoksena sekä täysin verrattavana natsi-Saksassa ja sen miehittämillä alueilla juutalaisia vastaan tehtyihin ilmiantoihin. Vastauksessaan Wallin sanoi, ettei hän ollut palkintoa myöntäessään tiennyt Kissin tapauksesta ja korosti palkinnon olevan ennen kaikkea tunnustus Rossin pitkäaikaisesta työstä kääntäjänä. Samalla hän kuitenkin tuomitsi Rossin tekemän ilmiannon pitäen valitettavana, ettei Rossi ollut harkinnut toimintansa moraalista puolta.
      ellauri421.html on line 115: One of Paz’s best-known works was El laberinto de la soledad, which appeared first in 1950 and in English translation as The Labyrinth of Solitude: Life and Thought in Mexico eleven years later. In it Paz argues that Mexicans are children a rapist Spanish father who abandoned his offspring and a treacherous Indian mother who turned against her own people. The volume is standard reading for students of Latin American history and literature.
      ellauri421.html on line 365: Suomalainen tykistö avasi jo ylitysalueen lähestyessä hurrikaanitulen ylitysyksiköitä kohti. Klo 13.00 kapteeni Zykinin sapöörien kimppuun hyökättiin alkuperäisillä paikoillaan, kaksi ajoneuvoa, joissa oli omaisuutta, tuhoutui, 18 ihmistä loukkaantui vakavasti ja kuljettaja Druzhinin ja 1. komppanian sotilas Pechnikov kuolivat. Seurasi hämmennys. Vasta klo 15.00 kapteeni Zykin ja pataljoonakomissaari Markelov johtivat henkilökohtaisesti puistokomppanian ajoneuvot risteykseen. Kävi ilmi, että risteykseen tuotuja kumiveneitä ei voitu käyttää, koska ne kaikki oli leikattu sirpaleilla. Jatkuvassa suomalaisen tykistötulessa 7. ponttonipataljoonan kulkuneuvot matkasivat joelle, ja sapparien ja ponttonisoittajien yhteisillä ponnisteluilla aloitettiin ylitys. Klo 18.00 mennessä 15. jalkaväkirykmentin kaksi komppaniaa ylittivät joen pohjoisrannalle. Klo 18.00 määrättiin pysäyttää ylitys. Nuolet asettuivat ns. Pärssisen lehtoon joen vastarannalle. Kapteeni Karl Lagerlöfin 3. pataljoona, 28. jalkaväkirykmentti yritti heti heittää heidät jokeen, mutta epäonnistui. Sitten rykmentin reservi, kapteeni Mauno von Schrowen 2. pataljoona, asetettiin toimintaan. Taistelu kesti koko yön 6. - 7. joulukuuta, ja vasta aamulla suomalaiset ilmoittivat lehdon raivauksen valmistumisesta. Neuvostoliiton arkistotietojen mukaan 222. ja 15. rykmenttien komppanioilla oli hallussa oli sekä Pärssisen lehto että koululehto. Ne. Meidän omamme ilmoittivat pitävänsä lehtoja, mutta suomalaiset ilmoittivat valloittaneensa lehdot takaisin? "Бой длился всю ночь с 6 на 7 декабря и только к утру финны рапортовали об окончании зачистки рощи. По советским архивным данным, роты 222-го и 15-го полков удерживали как рощу Пярссинена, так и Школьную рощу." Т.е. наши доложили, что рощи удерживают, а фины - что рощи отбили? Vitun sotapropagandaa taas. Ihan kuin lukisi Ukrainan erikoisoperaatiosta.
      ellauri422.html on line 108: In 2020, YouTube blocked its channel, citing U.S. sanctions against Malofeev. The TV channel was sanctioned by the EU in December 2023.
      ellauri422.html on line 138:
      Tällästä on propaganda. Älä usko sanaakaan mitä sanotaan, se on takuulla omanvoitonpyyntistä paskanjauhantaa.

      xxx/ellauri010.html on line 701: P.S. You are not my single victim. so, I guarantee you that I will not disturb you again after payment!
      xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1067: It appears that a sort of loafing, fuddled vagabond - a white man living among the natives with a siamese woman - had consireded it a great privilege to give a shelter to the last days of the famous Gentleman Brown. While he was talking to me in the wretched hovel, and, as it were, fighting for every minute of his life, the siamese woman, with big bare legs nd a stupid coarse face, sat in dark orner chewing betel stolidly. Now and then she would get up for the purpose of shooing a chicken away from the door. The whole hut shook when she walked. An ugly yellow child, naked and pot-bellied, like a little heathen god, stood at the foot of the couch, finger in mouth, lost in a profound and calm contemplation of the dying man.
      xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1071: I could see directly I set my eyes on him what sort of a fool he was, gasped the dying Brown. He a man! Hell! He was a hollow sham. As if he couldn't have said straight out, Hands off my plunder! blast him. That would have been like a man! Rot his superiour soul! He had me there - but he hadn't devil enough in him to make and en of me. Not he! A thng like that letting me off as if I wasn't worth a kick!... Brown struggled desperately for breath... Fraud ... letting me off ... and so I did make an end of him after all... He choked again...

      xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1333: Airaxista vetää vastustamattomasti puoleensa väittely, vastaväitteet varsinkin. Filosofia on negatiivisesti keskusteleva tiede, luonteeltaan against something, hän kuvaa. Feyerabendin taitaa Timo olla fanittaja, sen hulluudesta puuttuu mefoodi.
      xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1348: Timon izehoitotrilogian kolmas osa löytyi Etelä-Haagan kirjaston poistokirjoista. Vuodelta 2008. Samoihin aikoihin kuin mä pääsin kullin orjuudesta siis Kouvolan.
      xxx/ellauri044.html on line 412: He was taken prisoner and eventually convicted of crimes against peace, serving a life sentence until his suicide in 1987. While still in custody in Spandau, he died by hanging himself in 1987 at the age of 93. After his death, the prison was demolished to prevent it from becoming a neo-Nazi shrine.
      xxx/ellauri044.html on line 749:
    • Gaga était allongée au fond de l’unique fauteuil, un voltaire de velours rouge. — (Émile Zola, Nana, 1881)
      xxx/ellauri044.html on line 831: Han flaxar med svaga vingar,
      xxx/ellauri044.html on line 880: Men strida, dö, det icke mig behagar
      xxx/ellauri044.html on line 881: För trolöst pack med stora svalg och magar.
      xxx/ellauri044.html on line 943: Så dikterade Bertel och åt apelsinklyftor medan Wexi Antero översatt snilleblixterna till finska. Izekin ois osannut, Bertel puhui pellon reunalla 6 dagar viikossa hoono soomi ja 1 dålig svenska. Såsom farbror Oscar. Toi vapaamittainen käännös on kai Kai Laitisen kirjallisuudenhistoriasta. Kai oli kääntänyt vilddjurens sanaxi villipedon yxiköllä, ei sekään savolaisena kovin hyvin osannut ruozia. Vääräleuka koulukiusaaja. Vähän piti tuotakin sitten korjata. Aale Tynnikin sminkkas muilta lainaamiaan runokäännöxiä omalla kulmakynällä. Sarkian humaltuneesta venheestä tuli laiva. Meikit on poistettu uudessa painoxessa.
      xxx/ellauri044.html on line 1216: Accusations against Sai Baba by his critics over the years have included sleight of hand, sexual abuse, money laundering, fraud in the performance of service projects, and murder. In the article Divine Windfall, published in the Daily Telegraph, Anil Kumar, the ex-principal of the Sathya Sai Educational Institute, said that he believed that the controversy was part of Sathya Sai Baba's divine plan and that all great religious teachers had to face criticism during their lives.
      :D Joo mä tiedän Baba sanoi syytteisiin, mulla on vitusti enemmän juudaxia kuin Jeesuxella.
      xxx/ellauri056.html on line 212:

      Taavi Kuparikentän saaga

      xxx/ellauri056.html on line 215: Taavi Kuparikentän saagan kertoo Taavi ize ja sen on määrä osoittaa, kuinka Taavi kypsyy maailman menossa ja sydämen asioissa, hänen luonteensa kovettuu kärsimyxissä ja hän saa opetuxia. Romaani on jaettu kolmeen yleiseen osaan: lapsuus, nuoruus ja aikainen aikuisikä, ml sen avioliitto hiljaisen ja halukkaan, ketterän ja kurvikkaan Agnes Wickfieldin kaa.
      xxx/ellauri056.html on line 591: Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph (von) Schelling (27. tammikuuta 1775 Leonberg – 20. elokuuta 1854 Bad Ragaz) oli saksalainen filosofi. Hän toimi professorina muun muassa Münchenissä ja Berliinissä.
      xxx/ellauri056.html on line 619: Friedrich Wilhelm Schelling syntyi Leonbergin koiratarhassa Stuttgartin lähellä 1775. Se kävi protestanttiseminaaria Tübingenissä 1790-1795 Ranskan vallankumouxen aikana, missä sen koulukavereita oli Hegel ja hörhö Hördelin. Size muutti harppisakuihin, Leipzig 1797, sit Jena, missä sen kavereita oli kaima Schlegel ja kermapeppu Novalis. Jöötti-setä hommas sille professuurin Jenasta 1798-1803. Varmaan päästäxeen paremmin bylsimään rva Schellingiä. Eron jälkeen 1803 Reeti läxi takas länsi-Saxaan, etenkin Müncheniin. 1841 se peri Hegelin tyhjentämän syöttötuolin Berliinissä. Alux sen luennoilla siellä kävi Kierkegaard, Engels, Bakunin, Ranke, Burkhardt, ja Alexander von Humboldt. Pian ne kyllästyi ja lähti muualle kuin Homer Simpsonin pääkoppaan pettyneet zombiet: "brainss... brainss... naah nothing here... brainss... brainss..." Se kuoli Sveizissä Bad Ragazissa. Mihkähän?
      xxx/ellauri057.html on line 829: Hamsun 41v tunsi entuudestaan joitakin suomalaisia. Hän oli tavannut Pariisissa Albert Edelfeltin ja Akseli Gallén-Kallelan ja hän tutustui nopeasti Helsingin taiteilijapiireihin. Hän tuli tuntemaan aluksi kirjailijoita ja tapasi Alexander Slotten, Konni Zilliacuksen ja Wentzel Hagelstamin. Zilliacushan oli salaisen suomalaisen vastarintaliikkeen Kagaalin johtaja. Hagelstameilla on divari Fredan kulmassa. Ystäväpiiri kasvoi kuitenkin ripeästi ja siihen kuuluivat muun muassa kirjailijat Mikael Lybeck, Juhani Aho ja Werner Söderhjelm. Sekä Jean Sibelius että Robert Kajanus ottivat osaa seuralliseen lystinpitoon helsinkiläisissä ravintoloissa.
      xxx/ellauri057.html on line 1023: Siitä puhe mistä puute. Jenkeissä pyllistellään jeesuxelle ja vedetään kättä maga-lippaan tähtilipun edessä ja pöyhistellään charity-gaaloissa. Just six että sieltä puuttuu tyystin solidaarisuus. Jos sun käy köpelösti se on oma vika pikku sika, mitäs läxit tumpeloimaan, tyhmä köyhä sairas mutiainen vanhus, etkä rikastunut ajoissa niin kuin me fixummat. USA pyrkii ihan intopiukeena kasvattamaan tuloeroja. Koko maa pyörii sen varassa. The American dream.
      xxx/ellauri059.html on line 89: DEBATT. Jag håller med om att Greta Thunberg är ett fenomen men jag delar inte hennes uppfattning om att jordens undergång är nära. Vad jag framför allt ogillar är hennes brutala och okänsliga sätt att placera hela världens befolkning på den anklagades bänk därför att de är klimatförstörare och hävda att bara hon har rätt. Alla andra har fel. De är dåligt pålästa, okunniga, hänsynslösa, egoistiska, aningslösa lycksökare som inte förstår att världen står på randen till sin undergång.
      xxx/ellauri059.html on line 93: Hennes apokalyptiska profetior har gillats av somliga och ogillats av andra men ingen har vågat säga detta högt för att inte bli anklagad för att vara klimatmotståndare. Jag vet att många ser klimatet som en viktig fråga men de ogillar när en 17-åring skriver dem på näsan.
      xxx/ellauri059.html on line 126: Upprinnelsen till detta gigantiska mediejippo är att Greta Thunberg i samband med ett besök på DN:s redaktion tidigare i höst anklagade medierna för att inte rapportera tillräckligt om klimatfrågan. Det här är naturligtvis kvalificerat struntprat. Jag vill påstå att de flesta svenska medier ständigt rapporterar om klimatfrågan.
      xxx/ellauri059.html on line 362: Shakespeare also gives us insight into the inner Shylock – not only his bitterness and anger but also his more sympathetic feelings such as the hurt he has experienced, his thoughts about the injustice of anti-Semitism and his isolation from normal society. Throughout the action of the play we see how nasty the Christians are – their shameless selfishness and brutal discrimination against Jews. Shakespeare makes Shylock’s hatred even more dramatic by having Shylock’s daughter elope with a Christian.
      xxx/ellauri059.html on line 370: The ships are lost in a storm and just at that time Shylock’s daughter, Jessica, runs off with a Christian, taking money and jewellery with her. Shylock, burning for revenge against the Christians generally, takes Antonio to court to claim his pound of flesh.
      xxx/ellauri059.html on line 372: The Duke doesn’t know how to deal with it but Basanio, successful in his suit, recruits his clever fiancé Portia, who is schooled in matters of law, to appear as a judge, disguised as a man. The trial takes place and Portia grants Shylock the pound of flesh, and counsels him to show mercy. Shylock takes out his knife to cut the flesh from the area close to Antonio’s heart and she stops him and tells him that it is against the law for anyone to shed a drop of Christian blood.
      xxx/ellauri059.html on line 419: I’ll have my bond. Speak not against my bond.
      xxx/ellauri068.html on line 34: So waltz me around again, Russky!
      xxx/ellauri068.html on line 64: A committee was set up in Baku to develop the new Turkic alphabet (the All-Union Committee for the Development of the New Turkic Alphabet, the CNTA, later transformed into the Committee of the New Alphabet), headed by S. A. Agamali-oglu. At its first meeting the theses of N. F. Yakovlev,Chair of the Commission, were adopted. The Commission declared the Cyrillic (Russian civilian) script a "relic of the 18th - 19th centuries, the script of Russian feudal landlords and the bourgeoisie, the script of autocratic oppression, missionary propaganda, great-power chauvinism. <...> it still binds the population that reads in Russian with the national-bourgeois traditions of Russian pre-revolutionary culture."
      xxx/ellauri068.html on line 72: Agamali-oglu S. A. (1929). Novyiy tyurkskiy alfavit (The New Turkic Alphabet) // KrasnayaNiva (Red Field), illustrated literary and political magazine. Izvestia of the USSR and the Central Executive Committee. (16), 14.
      xxx/ellauri068.html on line 117: At the behest of the Kazakh Ministry of Information, reporter Borat Sagdiyev leaves Kazakhstan for the "US and A", the "Greatest Country in the World", to make a documentary about American society and culture. He leaves behind his wife, Oksana; his companions are his producer, Azamat Bagatov, and a pet hen.
      xxx/ellauri068.html on line 272: In the 1920s, Borges and other avant-garde Argentine writers embracing "art for art's sake" published a magazine called Martín Fierro; they are often referred to collectively as the grupo Martín Fierro ("Rautas-Martin ryhmä"),
      xxx/ellauri068.html on line 276: Martin was not a nice guy. One of his great talents was singing at the Pulperia. At the fort, he was forced to work hard and fight against the Indians. He had a night-long payada (singing duel) with a black payador (singer), who turns out to be the younger brother of the man Fierro murdered in a duel. He deliberately provoked an affair of honor by insulting a black woman in a bar. In the knife duel that ensued, he killer her male companion. He escaped justice with a police sergeant and went native.
      xxx/ellauri068.html on line 347: – Heimskringla. Ynglinga saga. Kap. 13. Übersetzt von Felix Niedner.
      xxx/ellauri068.html on line 400: “Everyone once, once only. Just once and no more. And we also once. Never again. But this having been once, although only once, to have been of the earth, seems irrevocable.”
      xxx/ellauri068.html on line 477: Good reason sure had Hagan to covet such a hoard. Hyvällä syyllä Hagania sellanen läjä himotti.
      xxx/ellauri068.html on line 553: He wrote hundreds of songs, many becoming major hits, which made him famous before he turned thirty. During his 60-year career he wrote an estimated 1,500 songs, including the scores for 20 original Broadway shows and 15 original Hollywood films, with his songs nominated eight times for Academy Awards. Many songs became popular themes and anthems, including "Alexander's Ragtime Band", "Easter Parade", "Puttin' on the Ritz", "Cheek to Cheek", "White Christmas", "Happy Holiday", "Anything You Can Do (I Can Do Better)", and "There's No Business Like Show Business". His Broadway musical and 1943 film This is the Army, with Ronald Reagan, had Kate Smith singing Berlin's "God Bless America" which was first performed in 1938.
      xxx/ellauri068.html on line 555: Berlin's songs have reached the top of the charts 25 times and have been extensively re-recorded by numerous singers including The Andrews Sisters, Perry Como, Eddie Fisher, Al Jolson, Fred Astaire, Ethel Merman, Louis Armstrong, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Elvis Presley, Judy Garland, Tiny Tim, Barbra Streisand, Linda Ronstadt, Rosemary Clooney, Cher, Diana Ross, Bing Crosby, Sarah Vaughan, Ruth Etting, Fanny Brice, Marilyn Miller, Rudy Vallée, Nat King Cole, Billie Holiday, Doris Day, Jerry Garcia, Willie Nelson, Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, Ella Fitzgerald, Michael Buble, Lady Gaga, and Christina Aguilera.
      xxx/ellauri068.html on line 559: President George H. W. Bush said Berlin was "a legendary man whose words and music will help define the history of our nation." Just minutes before the President's statement was released, he joined a crowd of thousands to sing Berlin's "God Bless America" at a luncheon in Boston. Former President Ronald Reagan, who costarred in Berlin's 1943 musical This Is the Army, said, "Nancy and I are deeply saddened by the death of a wonderfully talented man whose musical genius delighted and stirred millions and will live on forever."
      xxx/ellauri068.html on line 567: Hienoa. Hienoa siis Jesajalle. Tais olla aika talousliberaali paskiainen, tyypillinen juutalainen kermaperse siis. Kummallakaan Berlinillä ei tainnut olla mitään tekemistä samannimisen kaupungin kaa. Ne oli niinko se yx Nancy Tallahasseessa, joka halus mieluummin tulla kuzutuxi Berlinix. Nancy kuullosti niin lällyltä. Tää oli Reaganin aikoja.
      xxx/ellauri075.html on line 194: More recently, alongside Dostoyevsky's philosophy, many have found solace in Shestov's battle against the rational self-consistent and self-evident; for example Bernard Martin of Case Western Reserve University, who translated his works now found online [external link below]; and the scholar Liza Knapp, who wrote The Annihilation of Inertia: Dostoevsky and Metaphysics. This book was an evaluation of Dostoyevsky's struggle against the self-evident "wall", and refers to Shestov on several occasions.
      xxx/ellauri075.html on line 312: wrote: I have never endorsed the claim that the Nazi big-wigs belonged to a superior race. However, I must also add that I have consistently refused to accept the claim of another such race as the chosen people. The arrogance is identical in both cases, but with this important distinction: after waging war against the dumber half of mankind for more than three thousand years, Judaism has finally achieved total victory over all nations of the earth. Not surprisingly, an American Jew found this accusation odious. What with even the Philistine diaper heads still putting up a fight.
      xxx/ellauri075.html on line 377: In January 1968, during Lyndon B. Johnson's administration, Kitt encountered a substantial professional setback after she made anti-war statements during a White House luncheon. Kitt was asked by First Lady Lady Bird Johnson about the Vietnam War. She replied: "You send the best of this country off to be shot and maimed. No wonder the kids rebel and take pot." During a question and answer session, Kitt stated: The children of America are not rebelling for no reason. They are not hippies for no reason at all. We don't have what we have on Sunset Blvd. for no reason. They are rebelling against something. There are so many things burning the people of this country, particularly mothers. They feel they are going to raise sons – and I know what it's like, and you have children of your own, Mrs. Johnson – we raise children and send them to war.
      xxx/ellauri075.html on line 565: Hoblan oikeistokommentaattori Juri Bonsdorff näyttää erehdyttävästi kauluspaidasta ja kavaijista nousevalta huolestuneelta kyrvänpäältä. Nyze vekuttaa ryppyozaisesti siitä että Biden on lähtenyt vasemmiston tielle: se on lopettanut muurin rakentamisen, se on kieltänyt kaupalliset yxityisvankilat, se on liittänyt Amerikan takaisin WHO:hon ja Pariisin ilmastosopimuxeen. Se antaa rahaa Aahrikkaan neekerisiköiden lähdettämiseen ja päästää transut takas urheiden poikiemme joukkoon. Yrittääkö se tässä hamuilla ehkä tukea Antifasta niinkuin Trump Proud Boyseista, aprikoi Juripoika. Näitä ja muita Bidenin vasemmiston lastentauteja tukee iso enemmistö USAn äänestäjistä, siis rebublikaaneja on mukana. Mutta eihän sitten tule mitään Bidenin tärkeimmästä lupauxesta, että USAn 2 kokoomuspuoluetta vetäis yhtä köyttä pääasiasta, eli talousliberalistisen kapitalismin pyhistä arvoista? Palauttas Ameerikan unelman takaisin kunniaan? Make America truly great again? Voi helvetti, vedä kuule Juri se terska takaisin sinne bleiserin esinahkan sisään.
      xxx/ellauri076.html on line 157: In and out of magazines Sisään ja ulos viikkolehdistä
      xxx/ellauri081.html on line 34: Lindsay Lohan has a long-lasting fascination with Marilyn Monroe going back to when she saw Niagara during The Parent Trap shoot. In the 2008 Spring Fashion edition of New York magazine, Lohan re-created Monroe's final photo shoot, known as The Last Sitting, including nudity, saying that the photo shoot was "an honor." The New York Times critic Ginia Bellafante found it disturbing, saying "the pictures ask viewers to engage in a kind of mock necrophilia. ... the photographs bear none of Monroe's fragility."
      xxx/ellauri081.html on line 197: Happy days are here again. Yhteen päivään ei voi mahtua kuin kolme onnen aihetta: ensimmäinen saalis katiskassa, talviturkin heittäminen rantasaunalla ja västäräkinkokoisen Johan Wreden hieno kiitoskirje Runeberg-kirjasta.
      xxx/ellauri081.html on line 273: Bob Death smiles coolly (South Shore bikers are required to be extremely cool in everything they do) and manipulates a wooden match with his lip and says No, not that fish-one. He has to assume a kind of bar-shout to clear the noise of his idling hawg. He leans in more toward Gately and shouts that the one he was talking about was: This wise old whiskery fish swims up to three young fish and goes, “Morning, boys, how’s the water?” and swims away; and the three young fish watch him swim away and look at each other and go, “What the fuck is water?” and swim away. The young biker leans back and smiles at Gately and gives an affable shruge and blatts away, a halter top’s tits mashed against his back.
      xxx/ellauri081.html on line 313: Duplessis championed rural areas, provincial rights, nationalism, economic development, strong investment in Catholic education and anti-Communism, and had a hard stance against the trade unions.
      xxx/ellauri081.html on line 349: Bron/Broenin autistinen Saga sanoo hississä et rakastumisessa hyrrää hormoneja ja aivoissa vapautuu dopamiineja ym enforfiineja (joita muuten Saxikäden Olli syötti unitautisille vanhuxille herättääxeen ne sixi hetkexi että sai siitä saxittua bestsellerin). Ollin näköinen märkäsuinen tanskalainen panomies kysyy hississä onx se sulle vaan kemiaa. On se sullekin, se on tieteellisesti tutkittu, sano Saga. Voitasko me vaan olla hiljaa ehdottaa Mara. Aou sanoo Saga ja vaikenee.
      xxx/ellauri081.html on line 367: As the September/October 2019 issue of Tennis Industry magazine was ready to go to press, we learned the sad news that tennis industry legend Dennis Van der Meer passed away on July 27, after a lengthy illness. No one has had a bigger impact on recreational tennis and tennis coaches than Dennis.
      xxx/ellauri081.html on line 371: I first met Dennis in 1987, when I joined TENNIS Magazine. Throughout the years, I worked closely with him on instruction stories, including the popular “Dennis on Tennis” series. His knowledge both impressed and astounded me, and when he got me out on the tennis court, his instruction was simply beyond compare.
      xxx/ellauri081.html on line 382: Bron/Broenin Sagan muka itsemurhan tehneellä siskolla oli lapsena välillinen Munchhausenin syndrooma. Joku ehkä sen äiti myrkytti sitä jotta se vaikuttaisi sairaalta. Aika sairasta.
      xxx/ellauri081.html on line 383: Senköhän takia Sagasta tuli poliisi. Aspergeri se oli kai omasta takaata. Se ei ole aiheutettu vika eikä edes sairaus. Muu jengi sen ympärillä vaikuttaa huomattavasti sekopäisemmiltä kuin se.
      xxx/ellauri081.html on line 521: old Sadie Marks (whose family was friends with, but not related to, the Marx family). Their first meeting did not go well when he tried to leave during Sadie´s violin performance.[2]:30–31 They met again in 1926. Jack had not remembered their earlier meeting and instantly fell for her.[2]:31 They married the following year. She was working in the hosiery section of the Hollywood Boulevard branch of the May Company, where Benny courted her.[2]:32 Called on to fill in for the "dumb girl" part in a Benny routine, Sadie proved to be a natural comedienne. Adopting the stage name Mary Livingstone, Sadie collaborated with Benny throughout most of his career. They later adopted a daughter, Joan (b. 1934). Her older sister Babe would be often the target of jokes about unattractive or masculine women, while her younger brother Hilliard would later produce Benny´s radio and TV work.
      xxx/ellauri081.html on line 525: While in a coma, he was visited by close friends including George Burns, Bob Hope, Frank Sinatra, Johnny Carson, John Rowles and then Governor Ronald Reagan.
      xxx/ellauri084.html on line 167: Bron/Broen on lusittu. Siitä olis saanut paremmin selkoa kun olis ollut vähän enemmän valoa. Ja selventävät valkoiset ja mustat hatut päässä. Ainut kiva ihminen siinä oli Saga Noren. Mä en kertakaikkiaan jaxa noita vitun poliisisarjoja ne on niin saatanan klisheisiä paskoja. Aina ne samat siirat rintaliivit päällä joissa lukee POLIISI huutamassa POLIISI 2 kättä ojossa ja bläckändekker sojossa, hätäistä supinaa ja huutoja ja kasoittain rumia ruumiita, jotain vääristyneitä poliisi-ihmisiä jotka ratkoo samalla omia skizoja kun liimaa tapettujen kuvia seinälle ja piirtää niiden väliin tussiviivoja kuin lukutaidottomat ääliöt ja kiittelee alaisia tiimityöstä. Ne on täysin moraalittomia. Ihan sama mistä maasta. Reinikainenkin oli parempi. Ja Sydämen asialla jopa. Nytkylä pidän poliiseista taas pitkän nenänvalkaisuviikon. Taisi tulla yliannostus.
      xxx/ellauri085.html on line 106: If it is a surprise to learn that Lawrence originally conceived of Women in Love as a money-making pot-boiler, it comes as an endearing shock to read that James Joyce submitted some of his early work to the firm of Mills and Boon. There is no record of the reader’s report, beyond the fact that he rejected Dubliners as unsuitable material for the unique imprint of that publishing house. For his part, Lawrence had no doubt that the author of Ulysses was the real smutmonger of modern fiction. ‘My God, what a clumsy olla putrida James Joyce is!’, he wrote to Aldous Huxley, ‘nothing but old fags and cabbage-stumps of quotations from the Bible and the rest stewed in the juice of deliberate journalistic dirty-mindedness.’ To his wife Frieda he wrote, after reading Ulysses, that ‘the last part of it is the dirtiest, most indecent, obscene thing ever written’; and he later complained that Joyce had degraded the novel to the level of an instrument for measuring twinges in the toes of unremarkable men. Joyce’s reply to the charge that he was just another pornographer doing dirt on sex was to claim that at least he had never made the subject predictable or boring. He denounced Lady Chatterbox’s Lover — his title for Lawrence’s notorious novel — as a ‘lush’ production in ‘sloppy English’ and dismissed its ending as ‘a piece of propaganda in favour of something which, outside of DHL’s country at any rate, makes all the propaganda for itself’. It is a minor irony of literary history that both men were married at Kensington Register Office in London, although, unlike Lawrence, the Irishman allowed a decent interval of twenty-five years to elapse before the solemnisation of his nuptials.
      xxx/ellauri085.html on line 289: Peterson has argued that there is an ongoing "crisis of masculinity" and "backlash against masculinity" in which the "masculine spirit is under assault." He has argued that the left characterises the existing societal hierarchy as an "oppressive patriarchy" but "don’t want to admit that the current hierarchy might be predicated on competence." He has said men without partners are likely to become violent, and has noted that male violence is reduced in societies in which monogamy is a social norm. He has attributed the rise of Donald Trump and far-right European politicians to what he says is a negative reaction to a push to "feminize" men, saying "If men are pushed too hard to feminize they will become more and more interested in harsh, fascist political ideology." He attracted considerable attention over a 2018 Channel 4 interview in which he clashed with interviewer Cathy Newman on the topic of the gender pay gap. He disputed the contention that the disparity was solely due to sexual discrimination. It might be predicated on competence.
      xxx/ellauri085.html on line 292: In response to the controversy, academic administrators at the University of Toronto sent Peterson two letters of warning, one noting that free speech had to be made in accordance with human rights legislation, and the other adding that his refusal to use the preferred personal pronouns of students and faculty upon request could constitute discrimination. Peterson speculated that these warning letters were leading up to formal disciplinary action against him, but in December the university assured him he would retain his professorship, and in January 2017 he returned to teach his psychology class at the University of Toronto.
      xxx/ellauri085.html on line 398: And that’s usually where that thought experiment ends. But let’s keep going with the scenario with low taxes, shall we? After a long time of this pattern, this sandwich shop might turn into a large chain. They’re above the struggle to survive that they started in, and other sandwich shops can’t easily take away a large portion of their customers. It becomes quite expensive to try and out-compete them. But competition is also expensive on their end. And then the owner of this shop starts to think “now wait a minute… I raise the starting wage of my workers and lower my prices, and then everyone else does the same, until eventually, I’m forced to do it again. But that second time, and every time afterwards, I’m not getting more customers or more efficient workers, I’m competing with the other companies to try to maintain what I already have, with less and less profit. And the same is true for everyone I’m competing with. What if I talked to all the other big chains in this area, and we all agreed to keep about the same starting wage and price? That way we ALL make more money.” And now those lower taxes have no effect on price or wages, all that extra money becomes profit.
      xxx/ellauri085.html on line 406: There is no such thing as trickle down economics. Democrat and some left leaning Republicans often argue against a straw-man that NO candidate or politician has ever proposed. Here’s a paper Thomas Sowell (from Hoover Institution, one of the worst right wing thinktanks in existence, sadly parked at Stanford University) wrote to "clarify" :P
      xxx/ellauri085.html on line 407:

      “No such theory has been found in even the most voluminous and learned histories of economic theories, including J.A. Schumpeter’s monumental 1,260-page History of Economic Analysis. Yet this non-existent theory* has become the object of denunciations from the pages of the New York Times and the Washington Post to the political arena. It has been attacked by Professor Paul Krugman of Princeton and Professor Peter Corning of Stanford, among others, and similar attacks have been repeated as far away as India. It is a classic example of arguing against a caricature instead of confronting the argument actually made.”
      xxx/ellauri085.html on line 441: And more recently incentive based economics introduced in 2017 is the reason that Americans coming in to 2020 had lower unemployment than all other economics predicted possible, with wages starting to grow rapidly again, and the reason that Americans fared better economically than any other part of the world under the ravages of the COVID pandemic. (Admittedly, it helped a lot that a bigger number of poor shits died of it.)
      xxx/ellauri085.html on line 496: Much of the blame for the trickle-down lie goes to conservative economist Arthur Laffer, godfather of “supply-side” economics, a.k.a. “Reaganomics.” He argued, using an easy-to-understand graph — the Laffer curve — that as tax rates go down, government revenue goes up.
      xxx/ellauri085.html on line 537: Trump praised Laffer’s “brilliant theory,” and said the value of trickle-down economics had been proved “over and over again.”
      xxx/ellauri085.html on line 538: It hasn’t. Just the opposite. Over and over again.
      xxx/ellauri085.html on line 553: Using this measure, they set out to identify “major” tax cuts on the rich in 18 wealthy nations from 1965 to 2015. In the United States, that included the Reagan-era tax cuts of 1981 and 1986, which dramatically reduced the top income tax rate from 70 percent to 28 percent after fully taking effect.
      xxx/ellauri085.html on line 563: But they had no effect on economic growth or employment. Though those quantities fluctuated slightly after the major tax cuts that were studied, the effect was statistically indistinguishable from zero. The “rocket fuel” so often promised by supporters of these tax cuts? It fizzles out time and time again.
      xxx/ellauri085.html on line 582: There are two prevalent theories people like to allude to, Demand Side (Keynesian) and Supply Side ( Championed bt Reagan and theorized by Laffler). Neither has worked well. They are just different approaches to solve the same problem. Sluggish economic growth. In truth, Reagan never really implemented true Trickle Down economics. His was a hybrid of tax cuts and simplification coupled with a massive increase in government spending. You see the thing is, when you have an unregulated job market and limited government employment, there will always be a segment of the population that will be out of work and large sections of the economy reinventing itself. The U.S. has reached virtually full employment since the 80’s.
      xxx/ellauri086.html on line 262: Piirretyssä jossa näytettiin Afganistaniin karauttaneita valloittajia mainittiin nimeltä vain muutamia ensimmäisiä mm Kyyros ja Alexanteri. Muhammedin porukoita ei mainittu ja kuvat loppui häveliäästi britteihin. Ryssistä ja jenkkipirulaisista natovahvistuxineen ei ollut kuvia. Ryssistä oli 1 maininta filmissä jonkun häiskän tappajina. Filmi sijoittui kätevästi viime vuosituhannelle, ilmeisesti jenkkilänkkäreiden tilaustyö 9/11 ajoilta. Islamilaishihhulit ei siis olleet talebaaneja vaan mujadehiinejä. Sillä nyt ei ole paljon väliä, mutta vähän silti naurattaa että viimeisimmät siirat oli kumitettu propagandakuvasta stalinmaisesti.
      xxx/ellauri086.html on line 500: Vitas Gerulaitis was some stupid Lithuanian immigrant tennis player in the 80's who died of carbon monoxide poisoning in his pool. During a tennis match, didn't the late tennis great Vitas Gerulaitis tell a Jewish umpire who had ruled against him, "You should be exterminated in a crematorium?" Well, this isn't precisely the same wording as your quote, but the meaning is similar:
      xxx/ellauri086.html on line 614:
      The letter stolen again

      xxx/ellauri086.html on line 725: Poe oli haaveillut vuodesta 1834 alkaen oman kirjallisuuslehden perustamisesta. Lehden nimeksi olisi tullut Penn Magazine, ja se olisi ollut sisällöltään, paperiltaan ja painojäljeltään korkealaatuinen sekä vuositilausmaksultaan suhteellisen kallis. Tämä suunnitelma ei koskaan toteutunut, kuten ei myöskään vuonna 1843 suunniteltu Stylus. Poesta tuli Broadway Journalin ainoa päätoimittaja ja omistaja syksyllä 1845. Hän ei kuitenkaan kyennyt pitämään lehteä hengissä kahta kuukautta kauempaa.
      xxx/ellauri086.html on line 796: Soon again I heard a tapping somewhat louder than before. Kohta kuului rapina, vähän kovempi jo kapina.
      xxx/ellauri086.html on line 890: "The Philosophy of Composition" is Edgar Allan Poe's theory about how good writers write when they write well. He concludes that length, "unity of effect" and a logical method are important considerations for good writing. He also makes the assertion that "the death... of a beautiful woman" is "unquestionably the most poetical topic in the world". Poe uses the composition of his own poem "The Raven" as an example. The essay first appeared in the April 1846 issue of Graham's Magazine. It is uncertain if it is an authentic portrayal of Poe's own method.
      xxx/ellauri086.html on line 916: George Rex Graham, a friend and former employer of Poe, declined Poe's offer to be the first to print "The Raven". Graham said he did not like the poem but offered $15 as a charity. Graham made up for his poor decision by publishing "The Philosophy of Composition" in the April 1846 issue of Graham's American Monthly Magazine of Literature and Art. Another act of charity.
      xxx/ellauri086.html on line 933: Paikannäyttäjän talo (The Fall of the House of Usher) is a short story by American writer Edgar Allan Poe, first published in 1839 in Burton's Gentleman's Magazine, then included in the collection Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque in 1840. The short story, a work of Gothic fiction, includes themes of madness, family, isolation, and metaphysical identities.
      xxx/ellauri087.html on line 342: Friedman was an idiosyncratic figure who would be hard to pigeonhole in the current political spectrum, he kinda drops off on the ultraviolet side. He inspired the conservative movement, but was against any discrimination against gay people, in addition to being an agnostic. He was a libertarian who advocated for a progressive income tax system that even went into the negative to ensure that everyone could, at the very least, meet their basic needs. Elon Musk is all for basic income too. But he also wants to send a Tesla to deep space as a token of esteem to alien intelligence. With a piece of cardboard inside the windshield spelling HUMAN. To sum up, Freedman and Musk are both East European emigrants, Elon is not a jew, and Milton was not gay, although a funny guy.
      xxx/ellauri087.html on line 344: October 9, 1998. San Francisco-The Biotic Baking Brigade (BBB) struck another blow against globalization when one of its operatives threw a pie in the face of neoliberal economist Milton Friedman at a conference he organized on the privatization of public education. The incident occurred tonight at approximately 6:30 PM, immediately before former Secretary of State (under President Reagan) George Schultz was to deliver the keynote address to the conference titled, "School Choice and Corporate America."
      xxx/ellauri087.html on line 371: bilagaana eivät ymmärrä kuolemisen päälle, sanoo Hasteen Nakai sairaalassa.

      xxx/ellauri087.html on line 563: In 1986 he was arrested for soliciting an undercover policewoman for immoral purposes. In 1995 he was charged with battering his girlfriend Krystal Kennedy after leaving his wife of 35 years. Kennedy declined to testify against Knievel, however, and later married him.
      xxx/ellauri087.html on line 626: Historicity: activity systems take shape and get transformed over long stretches of time. Potentials and problems can only be understood against the background of their own histories.
      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 285: Gerhart (Johann Robert) Hauptmann (1862-1946: prominent German dramatist of the early 20th century. Hauptmann won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1912. His naturalistic plays are still frequently performed. Hauptmann's best-known works include The Weavers (1893), a humanist drama of a rebellion against the mechanisms of the Industrial Revolution, and Hannele (1884), about the conflict between reality and fantasy.
      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 302: Throughout the Nazi regime, Hauptmann remained in Germany, which Goebbels used as a propaganda tool, claiming that he had made his peace with the Nazis. The Third Reich refused to allow him to receive the Schiller Prize, for which he was almost continuously recommended. A complete seventeen- volume edition of his works came out in 1942. Hauptmann died on June 6 1946 of pneumonia, at his home in Agnetendorf. His last work, the unfinished Der neue Christophorus, was again a story of suffering humanity.
      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 310: Population can be greatly affected by scramble competition (and contest competition). Intraspecific competition normally leads to a decline of organisms. For example, the more time that an individual spends seeking food and reproduction opportunities, the less energy that organism naturally has to defend oneself against predators, resulting in a "zero-sum game". Competition is a density dependent effect, and scramble competition is no exception. Scramble competition usually involves interactions among individuals of the same species, which makes competition balanced and often leads to a decline of population growth rate as the amount of resources depletes. Ei niin pahaa ettei jotain hyvääkin.
      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 338: The New Yorker Magazine was founded in 1925, by Harold Ross and his wife, Jane Grant and they were backed by Raoul Fleischmann.
      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 339: The New Yorker is divided into sections such as News, Culture, Books, BusinessTech, Humor, Cartoons, Magazine, and more. Currently, David Remnick is the Editor.
      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 340: The New Yorker is published by Condé Nasty Inc. and is a subsidiary of Advance Publications. S.I. Newhouse acquired The New Yorker in 1985 for “$200 a share for the magazine’s common stock, an investment of about $142 million.” The Newhouse family owns Advance Publications and currently, the third and fourth generations of the Newhouse family is involved in the management. For details about the Newhouse family click here. The New Yorker, Vogue, Vanity Fair, Gentlemen’s Quarterly (GQ), Architectural Digest (AD), Condé Nast Traveler, and Wired are all published by Conde Nasty.
      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 378: Left: Generally support gay marriage; support anti-discrimination laws to protect LGBT against workplace discrimination.

      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 384: Right: Strong supporters of the Second Amendment (the right to bear arms), believing it’s a deterrent against authoritarian rule and the right to protect oneself. Generally, does not support banning any type of weaponry.
      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 393: Right: Generally against amnesty for any undocumented immigrants. Oppose a moratorium on deporting certain workers. Funding for stronger enforcement actions at the border (security, wall). More restrictive legal immigration.
      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 449: Orsaken är att Lyra är (eller var) en fiosofie doktorand, liksom Heidi Liehu, som också skrev poesi på sin tid. Nu kommer ingen ihåg henne mera, lika lite som hennes mor, Rakel. En annan orsak är att Lyra är lesbian. Hon tycker inte om att hon ska blöda månatligen, det kommer hon ingen vart med, då hon är lesbian. Det är bara så många blöta dagar bort från BDSM, som är hennes hobby nuförtiden. BDSM med droger.
      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 474: we find that the most prominent explanations include factors related to the quality of institutions, such as reliable and extensive welfare benefits, low corruption, and well-functioning democracy and state institutions. Furthermore, Nordic citizens experience a high sense of autonomy and freedom, as well as high levels of social trust towards each other, which play an important role in determining life satisfaction. On the other hand, we show that a few popular explanations for Nordic happiness such as the small population and homogeneity of the Nordic countries, and a few counterarguments against Nordic happiness such as the cold weather and the suicide rates, actually don't seem to have much to do with Nordic happiness.
      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 570:

      Otherwise, this place is about as depressing as you’d imagine for a former Soviet republic — and one where the greatest nuclear disaster in history took place. Not as many burnt corpses as in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, so we are still leading there.

      xxx/ellauri103.html on line 156: In an interview with the IRA Bomb magazine, Drivel listed her novels' subject matter up to the publication of We Need to Talk About Kevin as "anthropology of the Northern Irish Trouble, first love, rock-and-roll drumming and immigration, , demography and epidemiology, inheritance, tennis and spousal competition, terrorism and cults of personality". Rather than writing traditionally sympathetic characters, Drivel prefers to create characters like herself, who are "hard to love."
      xxx/ellauri103.html on line 170: In June 2018, she criticised an effort by the publisher Penguin Random House to diversify the authors that it published and better represent the population, saying that it prioritised diversity over quality and that a manuscript "written by a gay transgender Caribbean who dropped out of school at seven" would be published "whether or not said manuscript is an incoherent, tedious, meandering and insensible pile of mixed-paper recycling". Penguin Random House marketer and author Candice Carty-Williams criticised the statements. As a result of her comments Shriver was dropped from judging a competition for the magazine Mslexia.
      xxx/ellauri103.html on line 196: Yet were their authors honouring the new rules against helping yourself to what doesn’t belong to you, we would not have Malcolm Lowry’s Under the Volcano. We wouldn’t have most of Graham Greene’s novels, many of which are set in what for the author were foreign countries, and which therefore have Real Foreigners in them, who speak and act like foreigners, too. (Malcolm Lowry's book has been mentioned, it is pure drivel. Grandma Greene is another lousy driveler.)
      xxx/ellauri103.html on line 205: I am hopeful that the concept of “cultural appropriation” is a passing fad: rubbing people with different backgrounds against each other and exchanging our flaky ideas and shady practices against their money is self-evidently one of the most productive, fascinating aspects of modern urban life.
      xxx/ellauri103.html on line 235: My most recent novel The Mandibles was taken to task by one reviewer for addressing an America that is “straight and white”. It happens that this is a multigenerational family saga – about a white family. I wasn’t instinctively inclined to insert a transvestite or bisexual, with issues that might distract from my central subject matter of apocalyptic economics. Yet the implication of this criticism is that we novelists need to plug in representatives of a variety of groups in our cast of characters, as if filling out the entering class of freshmen at a university with strict diversity requirements. Besides, America IS straight and white, at least the America I know about. I haven't had time to appropriate any Nigerian girls yet, nor Afro Americans even.
      xxx/ellauri103.html on line 266: Worse: the left’s embrace of gotcha hypersensitivity inevitably invites backlash. Donald Trump appeals to people like me who have had it up to their eyeballs with being told what they can and cannot say. Pushing back against a mainstream culture of speak-no-evil suppression, they lash out in defiance, and then what they say is pretty appalling. I actually think President Trump is a real cool guy. Especially I love his hair, it most definitely is not black and curly like that other president's.
      xxx/ellauri103.html on line 272: But in my events to promote Big Brother, like trying to peddle it to my acquaintances, I started to notice a pattern. Most of the people buying the book in the signing queue were thin. Well the whole queue was pretty thin. Especially in the US, fat is now one of those issues where you either have to be one of us, or you’re the enemy. It's like Christianity: who is not for Jesus is against him. We don't know if he was fat, but most likely he was scrawny, he could not even carry his cross. I verified this when I had a long email correspondence with a “Healthy at Any Size” activist, who was incensed by the novel, which she hadn’t even read. Which she refused to read. No amount of explaining that the novel was on her side, that it was a book that was terribly pained by the way heavy people are treated and how unfairly they are judged, could overcome the scrawny author’s photo on the flap.
      xxx/ellauri103.html on line 315: The faces around me blurred. As my heels thudded against they grey plastic of the flooring, harmonising with the beat of the adrenaline pumping through my veins, my mind was blank save for one question.
      xxx/ellauri103.html on line 529: After seeing the Billy Graham–produced film The Restless Ones at age 12, Gifford became a born-again Christian. She told interviewer Larry King, "I was raised with many Jewish traditions and raised to be very grateful for my Jewish heritage. But even more grateful I am to Billy. Jesus sells so much better here in the U.S. than Moses."
      xxx/ellauri103.html on line 588: McLibel-oikeudenkäynnistä jää pikkuhousulta kertomatta että 5v myöhemmin, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled in Steel & Morris v United Kingdom the pair had been denied a fair trial, in breach of Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights (right to a fair trial) and their conduct should have been protected by Article 10 of the Convention, which protects the right to freedom of expression. The court awarded a judgement of £57,000 against the UK government. Brittihallitus hävisi ihmisoikeusistuimessa koska sen paska herjauslaki ei korvannut oikeusapua syytetyille. Verdammte Inselaffen!
      xxx/ellauri104.html on line 292: POV Propagation Of Variance
      xxx/ellauri104.html on line 1353: Rauhixen paskahuusin Kalutuissa Paloissa valkea palomies Molsey pelasti mustan nosturikuski Jimin palavasta nostokurjesta helikopterilla. Molseyllä oli propagandakuvassa samanlainen sydvestimallinen päähine kuin Akulla Aku Ankka palomiehenä sarjakuvassa. Olit rohkea, kiitti Jim vielä jälkeenpäin. Kerran näinkin päin. Neekeri sai jatkaa hengittelyä.
      xxx/ellauri113.html on line 216: V. Jane felt that the nurses and assistants of Prof. Hawking were intruding in their family life and Prof. Hawking felt that Jane had stopped loving him and loved Jonathan instead. After taking divorce from Jane in 1995, Hawking married Elaine Mason. Hawking took divorce from Elaine Mason in 2006 because she was physically abusing him. Prof. Hawking again started having a close friendship with Jane. Jane described her experiences with Prof. Hawking in her memoir Travelling to Infinity: My Life with Stephen which was published in 2007.
      xxx/ellauri114.html on line 111: Puolikongolainen suomalainen matupoika kertoo lapsuutensa kokemuxia. Eka koulupäivänä 3 valkonaama poikaa tuli sitä mätkimään pihalla, sillä ei ollut muuta kielitaitoa kuin taskusanakirja mukana. Opettaja tuli väliin, poika ei voinut selittää, mutta 3 muuta poikaa selittivät kyllä suu vaahdossa oman versionsa tapahtumista. Tuloxena oli että mutiainen sai jälki-istuntoa ja opettaja soitti vielä vihaisesti kotiin haukkuen sen vanhempia. Vuosia myöhemmin se ja sen äiti oli Itixessä snagarilla, joku valkolainen mies tuli siihen suuta soittamaan ja heiluttamaan puukkoa. Äiti (valkoinen) sai hysteriakohtauxen, ja puolikongolainenkin pelästy. Onnexi siihen säntäs apuun mustalainen joka taltutti ammattimaisesti harrastelijapuukonheiluttajan. Sellasta on meillä Suomessa.
      xxx/ellauri114.html on line 265: “See, I will break the bow of Elam, the mainstay of their might. I will bring against Elam the four winds from the four quarters of heaven; I will scatter them to the four winds, and there will not be a nation where Elam’s exiles do not go. I will shatter Elam before their foes, before those who want to kill them; I will bring disaster on them, even my fierce anger,” declares the Lord. “I will pursue them with the sword until I have made an end of them. I will set my throne in Elam and destroy her king and officials,” declares the Lord. "Yet I will restore the fortunes of Elam in days to come,” declares the Lord
      xxx/ellauri114.html on line 274: THAT WAS ONLY THE BEGINNING. But this did not fulfill Jeremiah’s prophecy, which wouldn’t even be given for at least another 50 years. Susa was rebuilt, only to be conquered again, this time by the Persian King Cyrus. It was rebuilt again and renovated by King Darius the Great to serve as the capital of the Persian Empire. Susa was mentioned in Daniel 8:2 as the location where the prophet received a vision recorded in Daniel 8 of the subsequent conquest of the Persian Empire by Alexander the Great. This prophecy was fulfilled two hundred years later when Susa surrendered without a battle to Alexander.
      xxx/ellauri114.html on line 287: Currently, the most popular view is that the complete fulfillment of Jeremiah’s prophecy is for our time and will take place shortly through Iran’s defeat in the Battle of Ezekiel 38. But if that’s true, then the Iranian people will have to be scattered among all the nations following their defeat and then somehow regain God’s favor during Daniel’s 70th Week in order for the last verse to be fulfilled. There’s simply no good reason to believe this will happen. After one brief reference in Ezekiel 38:5, the future of Persia is never mentioned in the Bible again.
      xxx/ellauri114.html on line 329: Amman (arab. عمان‎, ʿAmmān) on Jordanian pääkaupunki sekä maan hallinnollinen, taloudellinen ja teollinen keskus. Vuonna 2015 siellä oli noin 1,8 miljoonaa asukasta. Jordanian kuninkaanlinna ja parlamentti ovat Ammanissa. Sen nimi oli raamatussa Rabba ja kr.room. kaudella Philadelphia. I'd rather be in Philadelphia pääsi Reaganilta ammuttuna. Filadelfialaisista se oli huono läppä. Amman on Jordanian taloudellinen keskus. Kaupungissa harjoitettuihin teollisuuden aloihin kuuluvat elintarvike-, tupakka-, sementti-, tekstiili-, paperi-, muovi- ja alumiiniteollisuus. Kaupungissa sijaitsee Ammanin pörssi ja Arab Bankin pääkonttori. Kaupungin länsipuoli on rikasta ja itäpuoli slummia. Se on hyvin tavallista. Kun Israel perustettiin vuonna 1948 kymmeniä tuhansia palestiinalaispakolaisia muutti kaupunkiin. Pakolaisleirit ympäröivät nykyisin sen keskustaa.
      xxx/ellauri114.html on line 338: 400 years later, the Babylonians came as the Lord’s instrument of judgment against Israel. Edom, Moab, and Ammon all cheered for Babylon and made plans to carve up the Promised Land for themselves after the Babylonians carried Israel into captivity. This displeased the Lord and He had the Babylonians destroy them as well. Moab and Ammon ceased to exist as nations at that time (Ezekiel 25:10).
      xxx/ellauri114.html on line 339: Edom was first welcomed as an ally in the Babylonian conquest of Judah, but Babylon soon turned on them and conquered them, too (Obadiah 1:7-9). God repaid Edom’s treachery against Israel (Obadiah 1:10-14) with Babylon’s treachery against Edom. The Edomites were destroyed and their lands were taken over by the Nabateans, a desert tribe from the south.
      xxx/ellauri114.html on line 348: Based on existing conditions in the world today we would interpret this prophecy as pertaining to Jordan. But this could all change with the Battle of Psalm 83 when Edom, Moab, and Ammon could come under Israel’s control again. Is that what will prevent the anti-Christ from conquering them, or is there more to it?
      xxx/ellauri114.html on line 368: “I have heard the insults of Moab and the taunts of the Ammonites, who insulted my people and made threats against their land. Therefore, as surely as I live,” declares the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, “surely Moab will become like Sodom, the Ammonites like Gomorrah—a place of weeds and salt pits, a wasteland forever. The remnant of my people will plunder them; the survivors of my nation will inherit their land” (Zeph. 2:8-9).
      xxx/ellauri114.html on line 373: For the Lord has a day of vengeance, a year of retribution, to uphold Zion’s cause. Edom’s streams will be turned into pitch, her dust into burning sulfur; her land will become blazing pitch! It will not be quenched night or day; its smoke will rise forever. From generation to generation it will lie desolate; no one will ever pass through it again. The desert owl and screech owl will possess it; the great owl and the raven will nest there. God will stretch out over Edom the measuring line of chaos and the plumb line of desolation (Isaiah 34:5-11).
      xxx/ellauri114.html on line 379: Edom, Moab, and Ammon stand as witnesses to the terrible end that comes to countries who take their stand against God and His people. It truly is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God (Hebrews 10:31). 01-24-15. God save us from such a fate!
      xxx/ellauri114.html on line 382:

      Q: I have a question regarding the descendants of Edom. In Joel Rosenberg’s novel The Ezekiel Option, some Iranians claim that they are descended from the Edomites and that Iran is in danger of God’s judgment upon the edomites. Are some Iranians descended from Edom? And if so, could Obadiahs prophecy against Edom be a warning for Iran? Thanks for your ministry and God bless.
      xxx/ellauri114.html on line 384: A: The Iranians are the modern day Persians who originated in Elam, not Edom. Edom was the birthplace of the Ammonites and the Moabites and was later inhabited by the family of Esau, Jacob’s brother. Edom got its name from Esau, and is called Jordan today. Elam was located further east on the other side of Iraq, where Iran is today. Obadiah prophesied against the Edomites who were driven out of their capital (Petra) by the Nabateans, a Bedouin people descended from Ishmael, in fulfillment of Obadiah’s prophecy. Many believe that during the Great Tribulation, the Jordanians will hide believing Jews in Petra where God will protect them against the anti-Christ. The area is called Bosrah in Isaiah 63.
      xxx/ellauri114.html on line 658: Pyhä Geronimo (Ep. 73) nakkaa rodeen anonyymin työn missä M. samastetaan Holy Ghostiin. Noin v. AD 600, Timotheus, Konstantinoopelin presbyteeri, kirjassaan Vääräuskoisten vastaanottokritiikki, lisää uutta pesua kaipaavien harhaoppisten listaan melchisedekiläiset (Magaralaiset), "joita kuzutaan nyttemmin nimellä Athingani. Ne asuu Phrygiassa, eivätkä ole juutalaisia eivätkä gentiilejä. Ne pitää sapattia ympärileikkaamattomina. Ne eivä koske kehenkään. Jos niille tarjoo ruokaa, ne käskee panna sen maahan; sitten ne tulee ja ottaa sen. Ne antaa tavaroita toisille yhtä varovaisesti."
      xxx/ellauri116.html on line 182: She is best known for her philosophical treatises on feminism and women's role in society. She is an advocate of liberal feminism and women migrant workers' rights in France. Except wearing scarfs, that is not a right but a left. Badinter is described as having a commitment to Enlightenment rationalism and universalism. She advocates for a "moderate feminism". A 2010 Marianne news magazine poll named her France's "most influential intellectual", primarily on the basis of her bestselling books on women's rights and motherhood.
      xxx/ellauri116.html on line 326: García Márquez syntyi vuonna 1927 Aracatacan kunnassa Kolumbiassa. Hänen isänsä oli lennättimenhoitaja Gabriel Eligio García ja äitinsä hienostoperheen tytär Luisa Santiaga Márquez Iguaran.
      xxx/ellauri120.html on line 70: Edward Bernays was the nephew of Freud. His mother was Freud’s sister and his father was Freud’s wife’s brother. Born in 1891, and brought to the United States with his family in the first year of his life, Bernays injected his uncle’s insights into the very marrow and bloodstream of American culture, altering its pulse and functioning—along with the rest of the world. He did so using the unique means and methods of American culture to achieve its most valued end: Cash. Life magazine named Bernays one of the 100 most influential Americans of the 20th century.
      xxx/ellauri120.html on line 74: Edward Bernays made his fortune, fame, and lasting influence by convincing people to buy things they don’t need, selling harmful products parading as health and beauty, rousing individuals to eagerly embrace slogans, and compelling them to surrender their individuality to the passions of the herd. He is considered to be the progenitor of public relations and is called “The Father of Spin”. He published a seminal book, Propaganda, that became Joseph Goebbels’ guidebook for his many Nazi propaganda campaigns, including developing the Fuhrer cult and orchestrating the genocide against the Jews.
      xxx/ellauri120.html on line 76: Bernays became a highly sought, and extravagantly paid consultant to a number of leading businesses. His many successes include helping the American Tobacco Company to sell cigarettes to women, advertising them as glamorous “torches of freedom”; and aiding the United Fruit Company to sell bananas, and when the newly elected president of Guatemala threatened the business interests of United Fruit, Bernays persuaded the CIA and the US government—through rumors, innuendos, and manipulation of the press about a growing Communist menace—to overthrow the his government.
      xxx/ellauri120.html on line 78: After World War II, Bernays rebranded “propaganda”, calling it “public relations”, giving it a more favorable spin. However labeled, his intent remained the same:
      xxx/ellauri120.html on line 80: The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in a democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, and our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of…It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind. (Lähde: Bernays; Propaganda)
      xxx/ellauri120.html on line 392: Kajava opiskeli Helsingin yliopistossa. Hän aloitti kirjailijana 1930-luvun puolivälissä. Hänen tuotantonsa oli hyvin yhteiskunnallista eliskä vasemmistolaista. Hän kuului keskeisenä jäsenen kirjailijayhdistys Kiilaan. Talvisota vuosina 1939–1940 oli Kajavalle suuri pettymys, ja hän siirtyi tuotannossaan yhteiskunnallisuudesta luontoaiheiseen ja impressionistiseen lyriikkaan. Jatkosodan ajan Kajava toimi rintamakirjeenvaihtajana viihde- ja propagandakomppaniassa.
      xxx/ellauri121.html on line 304: After graduating in English from the University of Toronto, the young poet— she was by now publishing in Canadian literary magazines—enrolled in graduate school at Radcliffe, the all-female women university at Harvard, in 1961. She was chagrined by the intensely chauvinistic atmosphere: among other things, female students were not allowed access to the university’s modern poetry collection in the Lamont Library. Only men could read all the juicy bits.
      xxx/ellauri121.html on line 441: Amerikassa oikeasti pidetään rukousriehoja. Nimi ei ole prayvaganza kuten Käsineidossa, vaan prayerfest. Multian telttakokouxia, syysjuhlia. Paljon eroa. Pääesiintyjät ja rahan kaseeraajat ovat miehiä, maxumiehet naisia. Tietysti, nainen vaietkoon seurakunnassa (paizi rukousälämölöä), kun mies paistaa ohrarieviä vasta rakentamallaan uunilla. Hyvin ovat pullat uunissa.
      xxx/ellauri122.html on line 181:

      British football commentators realise they lost again

      xxx/ellauri122.html on line 782: Huxley's enthralling tale takes readers through a frightening and thought-provoking take on society. This one should vaccinate you against communism for life.
      xxx/ellauri122.html on line 878: Wilde's philosophical novel was originally published as a serial story in the July 1890 issue of Lippincott's Monthly Magazine, but as editors feared the story was improper, they deleted five hundred words before its publication. They were just as uninteresting as the rest of this extra narcissistic gay snobbery.
      xxx/ellauri122.html on line 879: In response, Wilde revised and expanded the magazine edition, publishing it as a novel.
      xxx/ellauri122.html on line 886: The book was later adapted in a film by Stanley Kubrick, which was first released in 1971. The film was a piece of shit at least, never read the book. Another booboo tale against the Russkies. Totally obsolete.
      xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1194: Human Barbie Valeria Lukyanova caused controversy when she expressed support of Russia during the War in Donbas. She wrote, after posing in the Crimea region: "Do not give up! fight! Our grandfathers fought with bare hands against the fascists! Do not disgrace the honour of the Great Warrior! Be aware that Russia is always with you!" In 2022, she criticised the sanctions imposed on Russia as a result of the Russian-Ukrainian War and said that those sanctions would hurt models who couldn't compete in international organisations like Nato. Like her namesake Klaus, she is against racial mixing. "I am Nordic type, I have light skin, blonded hair and blue contact lenses, and I like it. So do you, judging from the bulge in your pants."
      xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1200: Lukyanova began rebelling against her father at age 13 — but she describes her style then as more goth. She rebelled against her Siberian-born grandfather and father at 13 by dyeing her hair and wearing all-black. She has always claimed her looks were never intended to attract men.
      xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1206: Lukyanova is starkly against having children herself. "The very idea of having children brings out this deep revulsion in me." "It's not what being classy is all about. It's not about men or kids."
      xxx/ellauri123.html on line 70: H&M har flera leverantörsfabriker i Burma. – När fabriken vet om att det kommer kontrollanter ger de oss som är under 18 år två dagar ledigt, säger hennes arbetskamrat Zu Zu, 15, till författarna.
      xxx/ellauri123.html on line 98: är fabriksområdet som störst. finns också en mekanisk verkstad, kontor, matsalar, laboratorium, tryckeri, magasin samt disponentbostaden Villa Strand.
      xxx/ellauri123.html on line 127: Dock berömmer jag mig av att i vissa fall hava bättre hjärna än många människor. Pappa Edison har nämligen inplantat i mig, att om jag hör någonting, så skall jag inte göra som skvallerkäringarna, som taga ifrån och lägga till och göra en valfisk av en sill, utan ärligt och samvetsgrant upprepa vad jag hör och inte mera.
      xxx/ellauri123.html on line 138: Många barn arbetar på tändsticksfabriken. Barnen har samma arbetsuppgifter som de vuxna, men får bara en tredjedel i lön. Barnen är snabba och har lätt att lära. De arbetar tio timmar, sex dagar i veckan.
      xxx/ellauri123.html on line 145: "Lärotiderna hafva varit söndagseftermiddagarna mellan klockan 3 och 7 samt börjats och slutats med bön och förklaringe af dagens predikotexter.
      xxx/ellauri123.html on line 159: Arbetstiden är elva timmar, sex dagar i veckan.
      xxx/ellauri123.html on line 261: Haagassa. Loma alko.
      xxx/ellauri123.html on line 571: It didn’t matter that the list was arbitrary. What mattered was that it sent me on a path where I would look for rules and principles everywhere, learn to tell the difference, and continue to build my life around them as I went. Like never pee against the wind.
      xxx/ellauri123.html on line 645: Haley has Moebius syndrome. She’s 22. She has never smiled in her life. Haley was supposed to have “smile surgery,” but her anaesthetist made a mistake and she almost died. Soon, she’ll try it again, hoping to smile for the first time.
      xxx/ellauri123.html on line 655: Dwayne Douglas Johnson (s. 2. toukokuuta 1972 Hayward, Kalifornia), paremmin tunnettu nimellä The Rock, on yhdysvaltalainen näyttelijä ja showpainija. Johnson laulaa Disney-animaatiossa Vaiana kappaleen "You're Welcome". Johnson on kolmannen sukupolven painija, sillä hänen isänsä ja isoisänsäkin olivat painijoita. Painiuransa aikana ja sen jälkeen hän on esiintynyt monissa elokuvissa, kuten Muumin paalu, Skorpionikuningas, Pako viidakkoon, Walking Tall, Gridiron Gang, Be Cool, Doom, The Game Plan sekä Fast & Furious 5, 6, 7 ja 8. Vuonna 2016 Johnson oli Forbes-lehden mukaan maailman parhaiten palkattu näyttelijä 64,5 miljoonan dollarin vuosituloillaan ja samoin vuonna 2018 89 miljoonan dollarin tuloillaan. Isänsä (Rocky Johnson) puolelta hän on tummaihoinen kanadalainen (engl. Black Canadian) ja äitinsä (Ata Johnson o.s. Maivia) puolelta samoalainen. Sekä isä Rocky että äidin adoptioisä Peter Maivia kuuluvat showpainin WWE Hall of Fame -kunniagalleriaan. Myös isoäiti Lia Malvia toimi lajin parissa johtaen Polynesian Pro Wrestling -promootiota Havaijilla. (Mummu Ruokamo.) Miamin yliopistosta hänellä on tutkinto kriminologiasta. Hävittyään Intercontinental Championship -tittelin Owen Hartille 28. huhtikuuta 1997 ja toivuttuaan loukkaantumisesta Johnson liittyi Nation of Domination talliin loppuvuodesta 1997. Samalla Johnson muutti painihahmoaan. Hyvänä hahmona tunnettu Rocky Maivia oli nyt karismaattinen kiusaaja The Rock, joka puhui itsestään kolmannessa persoonassa. Lopulta maaliskuussa 1998 hän syrjäytti Faarooqin Nation of Domination tallin johtajan asemasta. The Rock ryhtyi samalla myös pilkkaamaan WWF:n televisiojuontajia, erityisesti David Attenboroughia.
      xxx/ellauri123.html on line 716: Nabokov´s wife Véra was his strongest supporter and assisted him throughout his lifetime, but Nabokov admitted to having a "prejudice" against women writers. He wrote to Edmund Wilson, who had been making suggestions for his lectures: "I dislike Jane Austen, and am prejudiced, in fact against all women writers. They are in another class." Although Véra worked as his personal translator and secretary, he made publicly known that his ideal translator would be male, and especially not a "Russian-born female". In the first chapter of Glory he attributes the protagonist's similar prejudice to the impressions made by children's writers like Lidiya Charski, and in the short story "The Admiralty Spire" deplores the posturing, snobbery, antisemitism, and cutesiness he considered characteristic of Russian women authors.
      xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1102: family moved again, she spent her senior year
      xxx/ellauri124.html on line 348: Bustle is an online American women's magazine founded in August 2013 by Bryan Goldberg. It positions news and politics alongside articles about beauty, celebrities, and fashion trends. By September 2016, the website had 50 million monthly readers.
      xxx/ellauri124.html on line 501: emoji," but please let's never say that again. The Fist Bump emoji is used the way
      xxx/ellauri124.html on line 631: terveysalaa Helsingin Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulussa, kaupallista alaa Haaga-Helia
      xxx/ellauri125.html on line 168: When she was 14 years old, she was cast in the role of Dolores "Lolita" Haze in Stanley Kubrick's film Lolita (1962), against James Mason, then aged 53. Nabokov, the book's author, described her as the "perfect nymphet". She was chosen for the role partly because the film makers had to alter the age of the character to an older adolescent rather than the 12-year-old child Lolita in Vladimir Nabokov's novel Lolita. Although Kubrick's film altered the story so as not to be in violation of the Hollywood Production Code, it was still one of the more controversial films of the day.
      xxx/ellauri125.html on line 428: From the start, critics complained about the ostensible sameness of Roth’s books, their narcissism and narrowness—or, as he himself put it, comparing his own work to his father’s conversation, “Family, family, family, Newark, Newark, Newark, Jew, Jew, Jew.” Over time, he took on vast themes—love, lust, loneliness, marriage, masculinity, ambition, community, solitude, loyalty, betrayal, patriotism, rebellion, piety, disgrace, the body, the imagination, American history, mortality, the relentless mistakes of life—and he did so in a variety of forms: comedy, parody, romance, conventional narrative, postmodernism, autofiction. In each performance of a self, Roth captured the same sound and consciousness. in nearly fifty years of reading him I’ve never been more bored. I got to know Roth in the nineteen-nineties, when I interviewed him for this magazine around the time he published “The Human Stain.” To be in his presence was an exhilarating, though hardly relaxing, experience. He was unnervingly present, a condor on a branch, unblinking, alive to everything: the best detail in your story, the slackest points in your argument. His intelligence was immense, his performances and imitations mildly funny. “He who is loved by his parents is a conquistador,” Roth used to say, and he was adored by his parents, though both could be daunting to the young Philip. Herman Roth sold insurance; Bess ruled the family’s modest house, on Summit Avenue, in a neighborhood of European Jewish immigrants, their children and grandchildren. There was little money, very few books. Roth was not an academic prodigy; his teachers sensed his street intelligence but they were not overawed by his classroom performance. Roth learned to write through imitation. His first published story, “The Day It Snowed,” was so thoroughly Truman Capote that, he later remarked, he made “Capote look like a longshoreman.”
      xxx/ellauri125.html on line 460: that while content to teach in oblivion, he never published again.
      xxx/ellauri125.html on line 485: With Walton's support, he began Call It Sleep in about 1930, completed the novel in the spring of 1934, and it was published in December 1934, to mostly good reviews. Yet the New York Herald Tribune's book critic Lewis Gannett foresaw that the book would not prove popular with its bleak depiction of New York's Lower East Side, but wrote readers would "remember it and talk about it and watch excitedly" for Roth's next book. Call It Sleep sold slowly and poorly, and after it was out-of-print, critics writing in magazines such as Commentary and Partisan Review kept praising it, and asking for it to be reprinted. After being republished in hardback in 1960 and paperback in 1964, with more than 1,000,000 copies sold, and many weeks on the New York Times bestseller list, the novel was hailed as an overlooked Depression-era masterpiece and classic novel of immigration. Today, it is widely regarded as a masterpiece of Jewish American literature. With Walton's support, he began Call It Sleep in about 1930, completed the novel in the spring of 1934, and it was published in December 1934, to mostly good reviews. Yet the New York Herald Tribune's book critic Lewis Gannett foresaw that the book would not prove popular with its bleak depiction of New York's Lower East Side, but wrote readers would "remember it and talk about it and watch excitedly" for Roth's next book. Call It Sleep sold slowly and poorly, and after it was out-of-print, critics writing in magazines such as Commentary and Partisan Review kept praising it, and asking for it to be reprinted.[ After being republished in hardback in 1960 and paperback in 1964, with more than 1,000,000 copies sold, and many weeks on the New York Times bestseller list, the novel was hailed as an overlooked Depression-era masterpiece and classic novel of immigration. Today, it is widely regarded as a masterpiece of Jewish American literature. After Muriel's death in 1990, Roth moved into a ramshackle former funeral parlor and occupied himself with revising the final volumes of his monumental work, Mercy of a Rude Stream. It has been alleged that the incestuous relationships between the protagonist, a sister, and a cousin in Mercy of a Rude Stream are based on Roth's life. Roth's own sister denied that such events occurred. Roth attributed his massive writer's block to personal problems such as depression, and to political conflicts, including his disillusion with Communism. At other times he cited his early break with Judaism and his obsessive sexual preoccupations as probable causes. Roth died in Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States in 1995. The character E. I. Lonoff in Philip Roth's Zuckerman novels (The Ghost Writer and Exit Ghost in this case), is a composite of Roth, Bernard Malamud and fictional elements.
      xxx/ellauri125.html on line 505: My gifted predecessor has warned you against the "social
      xxx/ellauri125.html on line 509: against that species of recreation called self-abuse to which I
      xxx/ellauri125.html on line 543: strong arguments and uttered bitter speeches against it--but there
      xxx/ellauri126.html on line 478: La journaliste avait pourtant confié au magazine VSD qu'elle pensait parfois au suicide... A présent, elle est aidée par plusieurs assistantes de vie au quotidien. Peut-être que son beau-fils avec son Mind and Life Institute pourrait l'assister. Getting rid of the painful life that is only slowing down the racing mind in her large mostly vacant head.
      xxx/ellauri126.html on line 708: Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (Devanagari: माता अमृतानन्‍दमयी, malajalamiksi മാതാ അമൃതാനന്ദമയി) eli Äiti Amma, aiemmalta nimeltään Sudhamani, (s. 27. syyskuuta 1953) on intialainen hyväntekijä ja kannattajiensa mielestä pyhimys ja guru. Useat hänen oppilaistaan pitävät Ammaa avatarina. Amma tarkoittaa äitiä telugun ja malajalamin kielissä, joten suomenkielinen vakiintunut nimitys on tautologinen. Se on kuin herne herne! Ämmä on Eskin ikäinen.
      xxx/ellauri127.html on line 114: Only now, 40 years after his death, are some critics daring to suggest that many of his 18 novels are mediocre at best and that his masterpiece, “Lolita,” is a gruesome celebration of pedophile rape. Moreover the cherubic writer known to us from famous Life magazine photo shoots, jauntily brandishing his butterfly net in the Tetons or the Alps, proves to be a nasty piece of work. Distasteful people can do wonderful work — Pablo Picasso was no walk in the park — but their art doesn’t excuse their obnoxious behavior.
      xxx/ellauri127.html on line 116: There are currently five scholarly journals devoted to Nabokov studies. His allusive style and trilingual (English, French, Russian) wordplay are catnip for academics, who endlessly parse challenging texts like “Pale Fire” — a novel in verse, followed by obscurantist commentary — finding new apercus tailor-made for small-journal publication. Nabokov’s apotheosis in academe is quite ironical, because he and his close friend, the literary critic Edmund Wilson, shared an icy disdain for the ivory tower. They viewed universities as ATMs, handy because there were so many of them, and because they were flush with cash. Nabokov, who arrived in the United States penniless in 1940, had to rely on teaching assignments at Wellesley and Cornell to feed his family for 15 years. The moment “Lolita” made him financially independent, he fled Cornell for Switzerland and never set foot in a classroom again.
      xxx/ellauri127.html on line 132: Dostoyevsky, Nabokov told anyone who would listen, was “a third-rate writer and his fame is incomprehensible.” He called Henry James “that pale porpoise.” Philip Roth? “Farcical.” Norman Mailer? “I detest everything that he stands for.” T. S. Eliot and Thomas Mann were “fakes.” When his friend Wilson suggested that he include Jane Austen in his Cornell survey course on European literature, Nabokov responded, “I dislike Jane [Austen] and am prejudiced, in fact, against all women writers.” Leo Tolstoy and Nikolai Gogol: da. Everybody else: nyet.
      xxx/ellauri127.html on line 134: Nabokov’s attacks on his fellow Russian novelist Boris Pasternak were anything but amusing. The moment that Pasternak won the Nobel Prize for “Doctor Zhivago” in 1958, Nabokov waged a bitter, personal campaign against Pasternak, a nonstop stream of vitriol.
      xxx/ellauri127.html on line 297: Stratton-Porter wrote several best-selling novels in addition to columns for national magazines, such as McCall's and Good Housekeeping, among others. Her novels have been translated into more than twenty languages, including Braille, and at their peak in the 1910s attracted an estimated 50 million readers. Eight of her novels, including A Girl of the Limberlost, were adapted into moving pictures. Stratton-Porter was also the subject of a one-woman play, A Song of the Wilderness. Two of her former homes in Indiana are state historic sites, the Limberlost State Historical Site in Geneva and the Gene Stratton-Porter State Historic Site on Sylvan Lake, near Rome City, Indiana.
      xxx/ellauri127.html on line 435: Prosper Mérimée naît le 28 septembre 18031 à Paris dans une famille bourgeoise. Du côté de sa mère, Prosper Mérimée est sans doute l'arrière-petit-fils de Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont (1711-1776). Les parents de Prosper, qui se sont mariés à (Paris 12e) le 22 juin 1802, ont un solide bagage intellectuel et artistique datant du XVIIIe siècle, mais ne s'engagent guère dans les courants culturels naissants (romantisme). De l'éducation parentale, Mérimée retient l'horreur de l'emphase.
      xxx/ellauri127.html on line 492: In the summer of 1998, 71-year-old Silk approaches Zuckerman, hoping that the writer will lend his talents to his case against the college. Zuckerman is uninterested, but the two begin a brief friendship and Silk tells him his life story, beginning with his adolescence in Essex County, New Jersey. Zuckerman reveals to the reader that Silk is secretly a light-skinned African-American who has been "passing" as a Jew since a stint in the Navy during World War II. Silk completes graduate school at New York University, marries a Jewish woman (Iris) and has four children, none of whom are aware of their father's real ancestry.
      xxx/ellauri127.html on line 519: He returns to Venice with Bassanio on his mission to rescue Antonio, and gives his tongue free rein during the trial, spitting out invective against Shylock, and then mercilessly mocking him once the carpet is pulled out from under
      xxx/ellauri127.html on line 520: him. (American Jews hold a grudge against Bill on account of Shylock.)
      xxx/ellauri127.html on line 670: He was a collaborator of the Biocenosis Magazine of the National University of Costa Rica, publishing articles.
      xxx/ellauri127.html on line 723: Anyway, Endymion falls in love with a beautiful Indian maiden. Both ride winged black steeds to Mount Olympus where Cynthia awaits, only for Endymion to forsake the goddess for his new, mortal, love. Endymion and the Indian girl return to earth, the latter saying she cannot be his love. He is miserable, 'til quite suddenly he comes upon the Indian maiden again and she reveals that she is in fact Cynthia. She then tells him of how she tried to forget him, to move on, but that in the end, "'There is not one,/ No, no, not one/ But thee.'"
      xxx/ellauri128.html on line 128: He maintained a close friendship with Queen Victoria, who in 1876 elevated him to Earl of Beaconsfield. Disraeli´s second term was dominated by the Eastern Question—the slow decay of the Ottoman Empire and the desire of other European powers, such as Russia, to gain at its expense. Disraeli arranged for the British to purchase a major interest in the Suez Canal Company in Egypt. In 1878, faced with Russian victories against the Ottomans, he worked at the Congress of Berlin to obtain peace in the Balkans at terms favourable to Britain and unfavourable to Russia, its longstanding enemy. This diplomatic victory over Russia established Disraeli as one of Europe´s leading statesmen.
      xxx/ellauri128.html on line 130: World events thereafter moved against the Conservatives. Controversial wars in Afghanistan and South Africa undermined his public support. He angered British farmers by refusing to reinstitute the Corn Laws in response to poor harvests and cheap imported grain. With Gladstone conducting a massive speaking campaign, his Liberals defeated Disraeli´s Conservatives at the 1880 general election. In his final months, Disraeli led the Conservatives in Opposition. He had written novels throughout his career, beginning in 1826, and he published his last completed novel, Endymion, shortly before he died at the age of 76. Russell pelkäsi pienenä Gladstonen setää.
      xxx/ellauri128.html on line 369: Incel tyttö on ruma tai kommunistiFrancoise SaganFFUCK!
      xxx/ellauri128.html on line 546: But then he fell in love! Emppu rakastui Geneven lomalla 16-vuotiaaseen koulutyttöön kuin Vladi Lolitaan. Janine matched a template that he had got from a book that influenced his erotic fantasies permanently. With her Slavic features and her cool, rather fey manner, Wanda "Janine" de Szymkiewicz (though Polish) made a perfect Russian queen. She called him Minou, he called her Ginou. Sini ja mini. Sometime in the early nineteen-twenties, Maurois began having affairs. Janine had them, too, or at least flirtations, aquarels of fucking, especially on their seaside vacations in Deauville. Maurois put a lot of his own personality into Shelley, and wrote of Harriet as a “child-wife” made bitter by unhappiness. Emil could be savage: “Even when she had the air of being interested in ideas, her indifference was proved by the blankness of her gaze. Worst of all, she was coquettish, frivolous, versed in the tricks and wiles of woman.” Fortunately, becoming pregnant again in late 1922, Janine developed septicemia, was operated on unsuccessfully, and died on February 26, 1923. Maurois was bereaved, and free. Jahuu! Vihelteliköhän sekin koko matkan hautajaisiin kuten Peppy? Rakkaus on hassuttelua yhdessä.
      xxx/ellauri128.html on line 601: Margaret Caroline Anderson (November 24, 1886 – October 19, 1973) was the American founder, editor and publisher of the art and literary magazine The Little Review, which published a collection of modern American, English and Irish writers between 1914 and 1929. The periodical is most noted for introducing many prominent American and British writers of the 20th century, such as Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot in the United States, and publishing the first thirteen chapters of James Joyce's then-unpublished novel, Ulysses. A large collection of her papers on Gurdjieff's teaching is now preserved at Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University. She was blond, shapely, with lean ankles and a Scandinavian face. ... In 1916, Anderson met Jane Heap. The two became lovers. In early 1924, through Alfred Richard Orage, Anderson came to know of spiritual teacher George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff, and saw performances of his 'Sacred dances', first at the 'Neighbourhood Playhouse', and later at Carnegie Hall. Shortly after Gurdjieff's automobile accident, Anderson, along with Georgette Leblanc, Jane Heap and Monique Surrere, moved to France to visit him at Fountainebleau-Avon, where he had set up his institute at Château du Prieuré in Avon.
      xxx/ellauri129.html on line 439: "Smarra is an altogether brutal story, extravagantly supernatural, with a stong sexual undercurrent."
      xxx/ellauri129.html on line 617: At age 17, he rebelled against his parents' wishes that he take up a military career, and ran away to Paris. In 1901, his play Chérubin was produced at the Comédie-Française where Cécile Sorel (later the Comtesse de Ségur) made her debut in it. Jules Massenet set Chérubin to music and, in 1905, Mary Garden sang its première at the Opéra de Monte-Carlo.
      xxx/ellauri129.html on line 650: When Illinois opened its first hospital for the mentally ill in 1851, the state legislature passed a law that within two years of its passage was amended to require a public hearing before a person could be committed against his or her will. There was one exception, however: a husband could have his wife committed without either a public hearing or her consent. In 1860, Theophilus Packard judged that his wife was "slightly insane", a condition he attributed to "excessive application of body and mind". He arranged for a doctor, J.W. Brown, to speak with her. The doctor pretended to be a sewing machine salesman. During their conversation, Elizabeth complained of her husband's domination and his accusations to others that she was insane. Dr. Brown reported this conversation to Theophilus (along with the observation that Mrs. Packard "exhibited a great dislike to me"). Theophilus decided to have Elizabeth committed. She learned of this decision on June 18, 1860, when the county sheriff arrived at the Packard home to take her into custody.
      xxx/ellauri129.html on line 662: With that, she did not go back to her former life, but became a national celebrity of sorts, publishing "an armload of books and criss-crossing the United States on a decades-long reform campaign", not only fighting for married women's rights and freedom of speech, but calling out against "the power of insane asylums". She became what some scholars call "a publicist and lobbyist for better insanity laws". As scholar Kathryn Burns-Howard has argued, Packard reinvented herself in this rôle, earning enough to support her children and even her estranged husband, from whom she remained separated for the rest of her life. Ultimately, moderate supporters of women's rights in the northern U.S. embraced her, weaving her story into arguments about slavery, framing her experience as a type of enslavement and even arguing in the midst of the Civil War that a county in the midst of freeing African-American slaves should do the same for others who suffered from abusive husbands. Some argue that she seemed oblivious to her racial prejudice in arguing that white women had a "moral and spiritual nature" and suffered more "spiritual agony" than formerly enslaved African-Americans. Even so, others say that her story provided "a stirring example of oppressed womanhood" that others did not.
      xxx/ellauri129.html on line 666: Elizabeth realized how narrow her legal victory had been; while she had escaped confinement, it was largely a measure of luck. The underlying social principles which had led to her confinement still existed. She founded the Anti-Insane Asylum Society and published several books, including Marital Power Exemplified, or Three Years Imprisonment for Religious Belief (1864), Great Disclosure of Spiritual Wickedness in High Places (1865), The Mystic Key or the Asylum Secret Unlocked (1866), and The Prisoners' Hidden Life, Or Insane Asylums Unveiled (1868). In 1867, the State of Illinois passed a "Bill for the Protection of Personal Liberty" which guaranteed that all people accused of insanity, including wives, had the right to a public hearing. She also saw similar laws passed in three other states. Even so, she was strongly attacked by medical professionals and anonymous citizens, unlike others such as Dorothea Dix, with her former doctor from the Jacksonville Insane Asylum, Dr. McFarland, who privately called her "a sort of Joan D'Arc in the matter of stirring up the personal prejudices". As such, Elizabeth's work on this front was "broadly unappreciated" while she was alive. She only received broader recognition, starting in the 1930s, by a well-known historian of mental illness, Albert Deutsch, and again in the 1960s from those who were "attacking the medical model of insanity".
      xxx/ellauri129.html on line 736: Peter Nygårds vänner tex Aira Samulin känner sig lite obekväma om Peters svarta sida. Peter Nygårds aptit på unga kvinnor var bottenlös. Peter Nygård var en skitstövel, säger en ex-anställd. Men nu avslöjer HBL Peters gula sida! Peter Nygård ser ut som en av de kinesiska hjältarna i Marvels nya film. Peter Nygård i sina jetset-millionär-modekungadagar såg ut precis som Ronny Chieng med Akwafina, spelandes Jon-Jon i Marvel´s fantasifilm Tio ringar. Peter sku säkert ha betalt Awkwafinas tandläkarräkningar. Jag med! After Hours, Awkwafina Gets Naked And Watches ASMR Videos. But she has not leaked them as yet, aw shucks. (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) is a pleasurable, tingling sensation usually felt in the brain, but can spread to the rest of the body. It frequently occurs when watching things such as demonstrations, foreign accents, explanations, naked Asian ladies, etc., and it´s a generally wonderful feeling. I´ve experienced ASMR all my life, but never knew it had a name until now, so hooray I guess!)
      xxx/ellauri130.html on line 170: Credo quia absurdum is a Latin phrase that means "I believe because it is absurd", originally misattributed to Tertullian in his De Carne Christi. It is believed to be a paraphrasing of Tertullian's prorsus credibile est, quia ineptum est which means "It is completely credible because it is unsuitable", or certum est, quia impossibile which means "It is certain because it is impossible". These are consistent with the anti-Marcionite context. Early modern, Protestant and Enlightenment rhetoric against Catholicism and religion more broadly resulted in this phrase being changed to "I believe because it is absurd", displaced from its original anti-Marcionite to a personally religious context.
      xxx/ellauri130.html on line 583: “I don’t think there’s ever been a time when you could just say anything.” He recalls an early comedy show – this must have been in the late 80s – where the host apologised to the crowd after Skinner had performed some risque sexual material. “He said I’d never play at the venue again – and then he launched into a load of racist material and brought the house down. Everyone’s got their own standards and restraints. But I think it’s been good for me to keep questioning what I say. It’s made me think more positively about racist jokes and not so much about penises. My knob is not working anymore BTW, I'm 65. We’re both deeply ashamed. Can't lift our eye to the public.”
      xxx/ellauri136.html on line 174: Mut hei! Andy on oikeasti wannabe kynäilijä sivutoimena, tai pää-. Studied Creative Writing at University of British Columbia, Okanagan campus (Graduated 2012). Se kysyy Quorassa kyxymyxiä kynäilyn säännöistä ja vastaa niihin ize:
      xxx/ellauri137.html on line 98: Keväällä 2019 Souri oli vihreiden eduskuntavaaliehdokkaana ja piti Youtubessa vaalikanavaa nimeltä Noitarovio. Yhtenä vieraana oli Rantala – hän puhui suoliston mikrobiomista. Toinen vieras oli lääkäri Antti Heikkilä, joka suhtautuu lääkkeisiin penseästi. Heikkilä tunnetaan myös vähähiilihydraattisen ruokavalion ja rasvankäytön puolestapuhujana. Rantala puolestaan sanoo rasvojen demonisoinnin olevan sokeriteollisuuden propagandaa. Sokerin demonisointi puolestaan on lehmäteollisuuden juonia. Videolla Heikkilä esitti omintakeisia näkemyksiään ja muun muassa väitti gluteenin aiheuttavan psykoosia. Sen on valmis uskomaan kuin kuuntelee Heikkilää. Souri näytti nielevän Heikkilän puheet pureximatta kuin hentosudenkorento jauhopukin toukan.
      xxx/ellauri137.html on line 194: When Manet painted this piece 1868, scenes of bourgeois life were in vogue. Yet The Balcony went against the conventions of the day. All the subjects were close acquaintances of the artist, especially Berthe Morisot who here, pictured sitting in the foreground, makes her first appearance in Manet's work, and who went on to become one of his favourite models.
      xxx/ellauri137.html on line 402: What use to hope for anything like that again
      xxx/ellauri137.html on line 480: And live again our past, my head laid on your knees,
      xxx/ellauri137.html on line 526: Shall they be born again out of infinity?
      xxx/ellauri137.html on line 567: They come again in spite of time’s curfew,
      xxx/ellauri137.html on line 634: Dancing to Mozart is a satire of Hollywood values and fantasies, Latin American dictatorships, Da Vinci Code conspirators, movie violence, magical realism, televangelists, mixed wrestling, extreme cosmetic surgery, and a host of other sensational idiocies that thrive on 21st century self-delusion. This whimsical contemporary “Candide” offers a trip through the world of out-of-control egos to a final revelation of ordinary common sense. The send-up is a mix of shrewd perception, lampoon, and wacko action that includes the Society of the Crystal Skull, the Opus Dopus, a female wrestling Amazon with one breast, an Arab who wants to recruit Islamic converts like an American billboard evangelist, two energetic film directors with crazy ideas, a rescue from captivity through “mind-invasion” (á la Inception) and a Hindu swami who tries to set all straight with a Bhagavad burrito. And a lot more.
      xxx/ellauri137.html on line 652: John has just published another beautifully prepared edition of the "North Atlantic Review," a literary magazine with choice offerings in poetry, essays, short stories, and photos. Endorsed by Edward Eriksson, Literary Presentations, July 11, 2011, Edward worked with john in the same group.
      xxx/ellauri138.html on line 100:
      Money only makes you more what you are. Harv on tienannut taas 300 egeä pelkällä lätinällä vinkkareille.
      Pengalaman Kegagalan T. Harv Eker, Seorang Trainer Kelas Dunia mengenai Mindset Investasi dan Bisnis.
      xxx/ellauri138.html on line 192: Masentavaa hyveellisyyshöpötystä, amer. säädyllisyyttä jota Pete Mencken piti sinisilmäisenä, Philip Wylie (kekä?) mamismina (momism), Reagan ydinarvoina ja eurooppalaiset historian tajuttomasti puritanismismina, omanarvontuntona, entisenä lojaalisuutena tai tunteikkaana juutalaisamerikkalaisena
      xxx/ellauri138.html on line 219: Gloria Grey was born Maria Dragomanovich in Portland, Oregon in 1909. She was educated in San Francisco, California. Her career was spent chiefly during the 1920s in Hollywood, and the 1940s in Argentina. She was given praise for her starring role in the 1924 adaptation of Gene Stratton-Porter's A Girl of the Limberlost, which garnered her the honor of being selected as one of the WAMPAS Baby Stars in 1924. She also sang Jingo etc kneeling beside two black-and-white kids in a tub, (but not the juicy parts), and alleged got arrested because of indecency. Grey was found deceased in bed at her mother's home in Hollywood, California on November 22, 1947, having succumbed to a two-month bout of influenza. She was survived by her husband, Argentine magazine editor Ramón Romero, and their daughter, whose name is unmentionable. 'Oh By Jingo' sung by Gloria Grey (colorized) Shortly Before Her Arrest...(Allegedly). "I din't know there were nude kids in the tub, a black male and a white female in fact." The little pickaninny boy looks slightly shocked.
      xxx/ellauri138.html on line 271: "I am against the holocaust of anything," said Claire Bloom. Roth was invested serving much of his own paper trail, said Avishai. He started donated their papers to the Library of Congress in the 1970s, and the institution amassed some 25,000 articles from 1938 to 2001, including correspondence with Bloom, Updike, Saul Bellow and Cynthia Ozick. After Roth's death, the library acquired more material, including correspondence, drafts, research notes, autobiographical notes, and other personal effects. Vitun hamsteri.
      xxx/ellauri138.html on line 273: The most recent acquisitions - around 15 boxes of material from 1945 to 2018 - can only be viewed with permission from the Roth estate, until 2050, when the logs will be open to everyone, according to Barbara Bair, the literary specialist in the "pisioning of library manus (Avishai again)."
      xxx/ellauri138.html on line 277:
      Caro Lllewellyn, another Faunia in 2009. "I want to see you again," he said as he took my hand and kissed my cheek. He had an endless supply of screwball wisecracks.

      xxx/ellauri138.html on line 279: It didn't matter how many times I asked him to repeat a joke, I laughed as though it was the first time I'd ever heard it. He said I was like a goldfish who, by the time it had swum a lap round its small bowl of water, had forgotten what it had just seen and believed it to be all new again. No wonder he loved me.
      xxx/ellauri138.html on line 290:
      Caro Lllewellyn with her next boss, Salman Rushdie, in 2010. "I want to see you again," he said as he took my hand and kissed my cheek. He had an endless supply of screwball wisecracks.

      xxx/ellauri138.html on line 295: All and any religious overtones were strictly forbidden. There were no speeches, only readings of excerpts he'd selected from his books ahead of time, and a violin recital by a friend's daughter. He knew no one – no matter how well they really knew him and the people there at his graveside were his closest friends – could say it better than he could say it himself. Ingenting går opp mot kålpirog om hösten - som jag själv har lagat.
      xxx/ellauri138.html on line 305: Philip wanted the book published. But no one would touch it for fear of the lawsuit Bloom might bring against them. At one point we discussed the idea of Philip offering to pay any damages arising from any legal case brought by Claire. More than anything, Philip wanted to put the record straight. I wanted for him to be able to put the record straight. I knew how forcefully he'd been struck and blindsided by Leaving a Doll's House. After its publication, Philip told me New York magazine published a photo of him on its front cover with the word 'MISOGYNIST' written across it. Philip went into hiding.
      xxx/ellauri139.html on line 333: Farther away from the castle a man, Porphyro, who loves Madeline more than anything, is making his way to the house. He enters, unseen. If anyone finds him he knows that he will be killed. Madeline’s family hates him and holds his lineage against him. While sneaking through the house he comes upon Angela, one of the servants. He begs her to bring him to Madeline’s chamber so that he might show himself to her that night and solidify himself as her true love. After much complaining, she agrees and hides him until it is time.
      xxx/ellauri139.html on line 588: She comes, she comes again, like ring-dove fray’d and fled. Me tulemme tulemme taas, sinä tyttöni hoi!
      xxx/ellauri139.html on line 643: As though a rose should shut, and be a bud again. Sinunko tulppaasi Porfyyri? Niin, minun niin.
      xxx/ellauri139.html on line 665: The hall door shuts again, and all the noise is gone. Ei kuulu enää midiä, aina parempi.
      xxx/ellauri139.html on line 793: But his sagacious eye an inmate owns: Mut tuttu tyttö, ei tarvi vääntää sorvia.
      xxx/ellauri139.html on line 1071: Pierre François Lacenaire, född 20 december 1803 i Francheville, giljotinerad 9 januari 1836 i Paris, var en yrkeskriminell bedragare och mördare, som gått till historien genom sina Minnen (1836), nedtecknade på kort tid medan han väntade på sin avrättning. De utgavs första gången samma år som han dog och finns i svensk översättning sedan 1999. André Breton tog med en av Lacenaires dikter i sin antologi om svart humor, Anthologie de l'humour noir (1940). Hyvä Antero.
      xxx/ellauri139.html on line 1079: During his trial, he fiercely defended his crimes as a valid protest against social injustice. He turned the judicial proceedings into a theatrical event and his prison cell into a salon. He made a lasting impression upon French society and upon several writers, such as Balzac and Dostoevsky.
      xxx/ellauri148.html on line 75: Pro-Israeli people in 179 countries have celebrated the holiday, and McCormack has received written support from almost 100 authors, entertainers, Nobel Prize winners and world leaders. But it is proved hard to find people who are authors, entertaineers, Nobel Prize winners and world leaders all at once. So far, only Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump have qualified. 98 to go, says Michael optimistically.
      xxx/ellauri148.html on line 86: The editor of the first-year literary magazine and a writer for the Lampoon, a semi-secret Sorrento Square organization that occasionally publishes a so-called humor magazine, McCormack says his writing experiences during college simply confirmed his future plans. "I was headed where I was headed and [Harvard] was the mosta humorous place to be along the way," he says.
      xxx/ellauri148.html on line 192: 9 It shall be in that day that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.

      xxx/ellauri148.html on line 201: According to Jewish scripture and tradition, at the End of Days the nations of the world come against Jerusalem in the battle of Gog and Magog. Messiah ben Joseph leads the armies of Israel in battle and dies in the process. Both Elijah and Messiah ben Joseph are forerunners to Messiah ben David, who will come after a period of struggle and trying for the descendents of Israel. Messiah ben Joseph is seen as the pierced Messiah of Zechariah 12:10.
      xxx/ellauri148.html on line 232: 2 "Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, and prophesy against him, 3 "and say, 'Thus says the Lord God: "Behold, I am against you, O Gog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal.11 to take plunder and to take booty, to stretch out your hand against the waste places that are again inhabited, and against a people gathered from the nations, who have acquired livestock and goods, who dwell in the midst of the land. 23 "Thus I will magnify Myself and sanctify Myself, and I will be known in the eyes of many nations. Then they shall know that I am the Lord." ' Ezekiel 38:2,3,11,23
      xxx/ellauri148.html on line 236: R. Y’huda haLevi bar Shalom, and R. Pinhas haKohen, and Rav Huna, all the three of them said that Gog and Magog would come against Israel in the future to come three times, and the third time they would come up against Jerusalem and go to Judah, and dictate to them, for they are mighty men…
      xxx/ellauri148.html on line 244: In the end of day, the armies opposed to Israel will be lead according to Rabbinical tradition by a man named Armilus who is the son of Satan, who the world worships as god and Messiah. He leads the nations against Israel and kills Messiah ben Joseph (Ephraim) and is then killed by Messiah ben David in the end. In one Jewish tradition Armilus is even called the Antichrist. He will persecute Israel, and be victorious over them for a time of testing.
      xxx/ellauri148.html on line 246: 23 "Thus he said: 'The fourth beast shall be A fourth kingdom on earth, Which shall be different from all other kingdoms, And shall devour the whole earth, Trample it and break it in pieces. 24 The ten horns are ten kings Who shall arise from this kingdom. And another shall rise after them; He shall be different from the first ones, And shall subdue three kings. 25 He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, Shall persecute the saints of the Most High, And shall intend to change times and law. Then the saints shall be given into his hand For a time and times and half a time. 26 'But the court shall be seated, And they shall take away his dominion, To consume and destroy it forever. Daniel 7: 23-26
      xxx/ellauri148.html on line 248: And when the days of the Messiah arrive, Gog and Magog will come up against the Lord of Israel, because they will hear that Israel is without a king and sits in safety. Instantly they will take with them seventy-one nations and go up to Jerusalem, and they will say; “Pharaoh was a fool to command that the males [of the Israelites] be killed and to let the females live. Balaam was an idiot that he wanted to curse them and did not know that their God had blessed them. Haman was insane in that he wanted to kill them, and he did not know their God can save them. I shall not do as they did, but shall fight against their God first, and thereafter I shall slay them…” And the Holy One, blessed be He, will say to him; “You wicked one! You want to wage war against Me? By your life, I shall wage war against you! Instantly the Holy One, blessed be He will cause hailstones, which are hidden in the firmament, to descend upon him, and will bring upon him a great plague… And after him will arise another king, wicked and insolent, and he will wage war against Israel for three months, and his name is Armilus. And these are his marks; he will be bald, one his eyes will be small, the other big. His right arm will be only as long as a hand…..And he will go up to Jerusalem and will slay Messiah ben Joseph…. And thereafter will come Messiah ben David….And he will kill the wick Armilus…And thereafter the Holy One, blessed be He, will gather all Israel who are dispersed here and there. (Midrash waYosha[19])
      xxx/ellauri148.html on line 282: Original name Simeon Bar Kosba, Kosba also spelled Koseba, Kosiba, or Kochba, also called Bar Koziba, Jewish leader who led a bitter but unsuccessful revolt (AD 132–135) against Roman dominion in Palestine.
      xxx/ellauri148.html on line 406: 2 November International Day for Impunity of Crimes against Journalists
      xxx/ellauri148.html on line 411: 14 November International Day against Illicit Trafficking in Cultural Property
      xxx/ellauri148.html on line 464: München, Germany. “Long Philosophy Night!” By Lange Nacht der Philosophie. World Philosophy Day is the ideal occasion for hosting a ‘Long Night’. We want to provide a platform for philosophy and bring together friends of wisdom. The whole thing should be a celebration of thinking, but also an opportunity for all those interested in philosophy to meet again or to get to know each other.The Long Night of Philosophy will now take place for the fourth time on November 18, 2021. For this we need your support!
      xxx/ellauri148.html on line 487: Jalpaiguri, India. ‘The Philosophy and Contribution of Contemporary Thinkers’by ByNorth Bengal University-Department of Philosophy.Lokmanya B.G. Tilak, Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi, Sri Aurobindo, K.C. Bhattacharya, Vinoba Bhave, Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya, Pt. Hanuman Prasad Podda. Chants from Bhagavad Gita.
      xxx/ellauri149.html on line 146:

      Meden agan

      xxx/ellauri149.html on line 396: On a different note, whether or not Christ is actually divine is ambiguous. There is evidence both for (his prophecy to Peter and Judas) and against (Jesus running from the lepers instead of healing them, and his prayers in Gethsemane) in the music, and it is typically left to the individual production to sort it out, usually in Judas' "Jesus Christ Superstar" number and after Jesus' death, where some productions will throw in a hint that he was resurrected later.
      xxx/ellauri149.html on line 400: here; has little to no bearing whatsoever on the plot; is WAY over the top in terms of ridiculousness, even within the context of the movie; and after it happens, no one ever speaks of it again."
      xxx/ellauri149.html on line 405: However, if a show goes far enough with its violence, it may end up crossing the line not once but twice, as it goes around the planet and crosses it again. This second crossing takes the violence from sick back to funny in its ridiculous extremes. Similar to So Bad, It's Good, but done quite intentionally.
      xxx/ellauri149.html on line 469: "Corpsing" (also called "breaking") is actor-speak for having an unscripted fit of laughter onstage, so-called because the worst time to have the giggles is when one is playing a corpse. Corpsing doesn't necessarily mean that the material is especially funny (though, of course, it can be), or that the actors aren't taking it seriously; it just happens, and even excellent actors can corpse. Many actors try to cover this by covering their mouth and muffling the sounds they make. When this is done, a fit of laughter can rather haphazardly be turned into violent sobbing, with varying levels of success. Of course, that only helps if violent crying is appropriate for the scene (again, playing a corpse leaves you in trouble, as corpses don't cry either — usually).
      xxx/ellauri149.html on line 481: However the Romans overall clearly have the upper hand in the relationship. It's probably worth keeping in mind that there was a Jewish rebellion against the Romans that took place not long after the crucifixion and...well, let's just say it didn't exactly succeed in overthrowing the Romans...
      xxx/ellauri149.html on line 491: sai se sentään hyvät naurut Paul de Lagardesta. Juutalaisia ei vähän päästä paljon naurattanut.
      xxx/ellauri149.html on line 493: Paul Bötticher (2 November 1827 – 22 December 1891) was a German biblical scholar and orientalist, sometimes regarded as one of the greatest orientalists of the 19th century. Lagarde´s strong support of anti-Semitism, vocal opposition to Christianity, racial Darwinism and anti-Slavism are viewed as having been among the most influential in supporting the ideology of Nazism.
      xxx/ellauri149.html on line 495: Paul Anton De Lagarde was born in Berlin as Paul Bötticher; in early adulthood he legally adopted the family name of his maternal line out of respect for his great-aunt who raised him. At Humboldt University of Berlin (1844–1846) and University of Halle-Wittenberg (1846–1847) he studied theology, philosophy and Oriental languages.
      xxx/ellauri149.html on line 497: Lagarde was an active worker in a variety of subjects and languages; but his chief aim, the elucidation of the Bible, was almost always kept in view.
      xxx/ellauri149.html on line 505: Lagarde´s anti-Semitism laid the foundations for aspects of National Socialist ideology, in particular that of Alfred Rosenberg. He argued that Germany should create a "national" form of Christianity purged of Semitic elements and insisted that Jews were "pests and parasites" who should be destroyed "as speedily and thoroughly as possible". His library now belongs to the New York University.
      xxx/ellauri154.html on line 214: The theme of Salome is one that Moreau returned to time and again. The artist explored the subject in more than one hundred sketches and drawings as well as in numerous paintings—ranging from highly elaborate to sketchily rendered—and even in sculpture (both Salome and The Apparition figured in Moreau’s waxworks). Moreau was not alone in his passion for the theme of Salome, as other famous artists — Lucas Cranach, Caravaggio, Titian, Guido Reni, Artemisia Gentileschi, Aubrey Beardsley, and Nabil Kanso, to name just a few — shared this interest. Selkeästi perverssiä jengiä.
      xxx/ellauri154.html on line 247: Tää Alamyn Salome on musta vetävämpi. Tanssit on tanssittu, eiköhän nakata tää irtopää rodeen. Kuvan nimi on kaikessa lyhykäisyydessään nasevasti https://l450v.alamy.com/450v/w58a5m/salom-with-the-head-of-john-the-baptist-salom-is-the-daughter-of-herodias-and-herod-philip-her-mother-wanted-to-remarry-herod-antipas-the-preacher-john-the-baptist-had-condemned-this-marriage-and-was-imprisoned-on-it-on-his-birthday-herod-antipas-promised-to-give-salom-what-she-wanted-when-she-danced-for-him-her-mother-herodias-urged-her-to-ask-the-head-of-john-the-baptist-on-a-platter-against-his-will-herod-kept-his-promise-after-the-dance-the-severed-head-was-carried-on-a-saucer-new-testament-matthew-14-6-11-mark-6-14-29-salom-is-presented-here-as-an-eastern-princess-she-w58a5m.jpg.
      xxx/ellauri154.html on line 249: against-his-will-herod-kept-his-promise-after-the-dance-the-severed-head-was-carried-on-a-saucer-new-testament-matthew-14-6-11-mark-6-14-29-salom-is-presented-here-as-an-eastern-princess-she-w58a5m.jpg" />
      xxx/ellauri157.html on line 56: Women need flight points in order to find again the true essence of themselves. The acquisitive instinct is compatible with true appreciation of beauty.
      xxx/ellauri157.html on line 107: In the seventeenth century, the story of King Candaules’s wife was seen as a moral lesson, warning against violations of the marital bedchamber. The theme was treated by the poet Jacob Cats in his Toneel vande mannelicke Achtbaerheyt, in which he devoted no less than eighty-six verses to the tale of Candaules and Gyges, and illustrates the scene in the royal bedchamber with a print by Pieter de Jode after Adriaen van de Venne. In the print the Queen is seen half naked from behind. Candaules is already in bed, and the Queen looks at Gyges, who is largely concealed behind the wallhangings. The moral of the story is clarified by a scene on a smaller scale in the background, showing Candaules being slain by Gyges. The print no doubt served as an inspiration for several other later renditions of the theme in Northern Netherlandish painting, including works by Frans van Mieris the Elderv, and Eglon van de Neervi.
      xxx/ellauri157.html on line 109: Vähän siedettävämpi perätarjonta on tämä William Ettyn yritys samasta aiheesta. William Etty (1787–1849), the seventh son of a York baker and miller, had originally been an apprentice printer in Hull, but on completing his seven-year apprenticeship at the age of 18 moved to London to become an artist. Strongly influenced by the works of Titian and Rubens, he submitted a number of paintings to the Royal Academy of Arts and the British Institution, all of which were either rejected outright or drew little attention when exhibited. In 1821 he finally achieved recognition when the Royal Academy accepted and exhibited one of his works, The Arrival of Cleopatra in Cilicia (also known as The Triumph of Cleopatra). Cleopatra was extremely well received, and many of Etty's fellow artists greatly admired him. He was elected a full Royal Academician in 1828, beating John Constable to the position. Jordaens and Etty both contrasted Nyssia's pale flesh against dark red drapery and showed her in a similar pose. Jordaens's painting has hung in Sweden since the 17th century, and it is unlikely Etty was aware of it. Se tuskin löytyi googlaamalla.
      xxx/ellauri157.html on line 144: Kyltää on hurjan selkeästi hierarkinen pesädisipliini vastaan all against all anarkia. Mitäs tätä enää mäystämään. Pashtuwan ja somalien klaanit olivat häviävä välivaihe ennen kristikapitalistista länsiglobalisaatiota. Vai ovatko? Onko ne tulossa jo takaisin kun resut vähenevät eikä korko enää kasva korolle? Syysampiaiset ärtyvät kun ei kaikille enää tipu hunajaa kuningatarten pöydästä. Se jää nähtäväksi. Hyvällä onnella ei tarvi jäähä näkemään. Pääsee jäähylle.
      xxx/ellauri165.html on line 39: Belgian nude model Marisa Papen, who describes herself as a 'free-spirited and wildhearted exhibitionist', became the centre of a worldwide controversy 2017 when she was sent to prison for a photoshoot in the temple complex of Karnak near the Egyptian city of Luxor. 'In their eyes it was porn, or something like that.' 'The first cell we encountered was packed with at least 20 men, some were passed out on the floor, some were squeezing their hands through the rails, some were bleeding and yelling. 'Our judge was browsing with his big thumbs through these books looking as old as the pyramids. 'Eventually, he gave us a warning and told us never to do something so foolishly shameful ever again. We nodded simultaneously.' In the end, Papen and Walker managed to stay out of trouble by bribing them with £15.Thanks to her quick-witted reaction during her arrest, Papen is now able to proudly share her amazing arse in Walker´s magnificent pictures of the nude Egyptian photoshoot.
      xxx/ellauri165.html on line 86: Kaikki poikkeava (paitsi erityisen hyveellisestä toiminnasta annettava ”palkinto”) on tuomittavaa. Myös ”uudelleen kasvattavat” menetelmät (pelkistäen mm. aivopesu ja propaganda), joita Mercier kuvailee käytettävän ”poikkeaviin” ja rikollisten muokkaaamiseksi kunnon kansalaisiksi kuulostavat kaikkea muuta kuin onnellisuutta edistäviltä. Kyllä kovat rangaistuxet ja yxityiset vankilat on tehokkaampia. Law and order on ihan parasta.
      xxx/ellauri165.html on line 308: Only a few months later she was unemployed again and moved to London in the autumn of 1777. She started to work for the Budd family in Chatham Place, Blackfriars, London, and began acting at the Drury Lane theatre in Covent Garden. She also worked as a maid for actresses, among them Mary Robinson. Emma next worked as a model and dancer at the "Goddess of Health" for James Graham, a Scottish "quack" doctor.
      xxx/ellauri165.html on line 332: After four years of marriage, Emma had despaired of having children with Sir William, although she wrote of him as "the best husband and friend". It seems likely that he was sterile. She once again tried to persuade him to allow her daughter to come and live with them in the Palazzo Sessa as her mother Mrs Cadogan's niece, but he refused this as well as her request to make enquiries in England about suitors for the young Emma.
      xxx/ellauri165.html on line 340: The Hamiltons moved into William Beckford's mansion at 22 Grosvenor Square, and Nelson and Fanny took an expensive furnished house at 17 Dover Street, a comfortable walking distance away, until December, when Sir William rented a home at 23 Piccadilly, opposite Green Park. On 1 January, Nelson's promotion to vice admiral was confirmed and he prepared to go to sea on the same night. Infuriated by Fanny's handing him an ultimatum to choose between her and his mistress, Nelson chose Emma and decided to take steps to formalise separation from his wife. He never saw her again, after being hustled out of town by an agent. While he was at sea, Nelson and Emma exchanged many letters, using a secret code to discuss Emma's condition. Emma kept her first daughter Emma Carew's existence a secret from Nelson, while Sir William continued to provide for her.
      xxx/ellauri165.html on line 362: After a brief visit to England in August 1805, Nelson once again had to return to service. Emma received letters from him on 1, 7 and 13 October. On the ship, he wrote a note intended as a codicil to his will requesting that, in return for his legacy to King and Country that they should give Emma "ample provision to maintain her rank in life", and that his "adopted daughter, Horatia Nelson Thompson...use in future the name of Nelson only".
      xxx/ellauri165.html on line 382: In early 1813 she petitioned the Prince of Wales, the government and friends, but all of her requests failed and she was obliged to auction off many of her possessions, including many Nelson relics, at low prices. However she continued to borrow money to keep up appearances. Public opinion turned against her after the Letters of Lord Nelson to Lady Hamilton were published in April 1814.
      xxx/ellauri165.html on line 415: Who's Winston Churchill? Did he ever make a movie? No? Then what's the big deal? Well reportedly he finagled to have this one made, Brit propaganda from inception to final credits, all about Brit superstar and icon Lord Nelson and his dangerous liasion with a married lady from the wrong side of the tracks. Delivered with finesse and verve by Olivier and Leigh, in the flush of their fame and talent, there is a sort of magical spell evoked, and the recreation of Nelson's passing (high on Brit radar, nil on American) (oh! spoiler alert!, dammit!) might tug a tear or two.
      xxx/ellauri165.html on line 560: In seguito, quando altre ragazze (fra cui anche la sorella di Chiara, Agnese) seguirono il suo esempio, presero dimora nella chiesa di San Damiano e diedero inizio a quello che in futuro sarebbero state le clarisse, tra le quali si distinsero sante come Caterina da Bologna, Camilla Battista da Varano, Eustochia Calafato.
      xxx/ellauri165.html on line 580:

      Yes, the virgin fixation is puzzling. I expect it has something to do with women as property and the importance of verifying lineage. Yes I have a pet theory (hypothesis) that in civilizations where we lived in large numbers and with animals diseases could bounce from people to animals and back again hence all the plagues. In cultures where people were relatively isolated then virginity doesn’t seem to play as big a role. Mind you if you are paying for a wife to raise your children who you see as the primary reason for your existence then not raising someone else’s children may be a prime issue.
      xxx/ellauri165.html on line 590: Oh yes I re-read the bible about 5 years ago and on reading that again it struck me not just because of the talking donkey but I couldn’t read it without Eddy Murphy’s voice in my head. When I read Lot (my favorite bible book) I can’t help but read it in Woody Allen’s voice.
      xxx/ellauri166.html on line 52: Moses and Aaron appear before the pharaoh, and Aaron's rod is transformed into a serpent. Pharaoh's sorcerers are also able to transform their own rods into serpents, but Aaron's rod swallows their rods (Exodus 7:10-12). Aaron's rod is again used to turn the Nile blood-red. It is used several times on God's command to initiate the plagues of Egypt.
      xxx/ellauri166.html on line 359: For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "ABBA father." Romans 8:15
      xxx/ellauri167.html on line 92: During the 1920's and 1930's he published poetry and dramatic works, and edited literary magazine. In 1940 he founded Fine Editions Press. He married Mollie Strauss in 1942.
      xxx/ellauri167.html on line 95: He also wrote articles on encounters with angels in the parapsychological Tomorrow magazine of medium Eileen J. Garrett and a juvenile book The Guides Make Good in 1925. As the titles of some of his works indicate, much of Davidson´s verse is religious and spiritual in outlook and subject matter. He was also active as a translator and a book designer.
      xxx/ellauri167.html on line 207: Giovanni e Paolo Malatrasi sono due giovani rimasti orfani in tenera età ed eredi di solida industria. Mentre Giovanni, il fratello maggiore, ha un carattere introverso e tormentato, Paolo è tutto l'opposto: allegro e spensierato, ama circondarsi di compagnie spregiudicate e prive di remore morali. Durante un periodo di assenza da casa di Paolo, Giovanni ha modo di frequentare la ragazza del fratello, Francesca Podesti, e di innamorarsene, pienamente corrisposto. Sposatala quasi clandestinamente, Giovanni impone alla giovane di troncare con le vecchie amicizie, senza, con questo riuscire a tacitare l'esasperata gelosia che egli nutre verso il passato della moglie. Allorché Paolo fa ritorno a casa, superata la sorpresa per l'imprevisto matrimonio, organizza una festa alla quale invita i vecchi amici. In questa circostanza, il contegno assurdamente geloso di Giovanni finisce col gettare Francesca tra le braccia di Paolo e col convincerla ad abbandonare il tetto coniugale. Sconvolto da questa decisione, Giovanni uccide la moglie e il fratello.
      xxx/ellauri167.html on line 213: Il discorso psicanalitico si intreccia con l'emancipazione giovanile, raccontata senza alcun riferimento politico ma come scappatoia dal tedio (i ragazzi sono tutti benestanti) e dal modello sociale della scorsa generazione. Meritava un maggiore approfondimento il secondo discorso, abbozzato nelle prime scene, mentre assume rilievo il rapporto tra i due fratelli, quello in cui il regista (che monta e cura la fotografia) sembra avere meno da raccontare, tanto che certi dialoghi risultano ridondanti e annoiano.
      xxx/ellauri167.html on line 492: “I should be very happy in your Excellency’s good Opinion, that the Contagion of Illuminatism or Jacobinism had not yet reached this Country; but when I consider the anarchical and seditious Spirit, that shewed itself in the United States from the Time M. Genet and Fauchet (who certainly is of the Order) arrived in this Country and propagated their seditious Doctrines, which the illuminated Doctor from Birmingham has been zealously employed to strengthen, I confess I cannot divest myself of my Suspicions: yet I trust that the Alwise and Omnipotent Ruler of the Universe will so dispose the Minds of the People of these United States that true Religion and righteous Government may remain the Privileges of this Nation!
      xxx/ellauri167.html on line 494: I cannot conclude without acquainting your Excellency that I have made Extracts from ‘Robison’s Proofs of a Conspiracy,’ and arranged them in such a Manner as to give a compendious Information to the Public of the dangerous and pernicious Plan of the ‘Illuminati or Jacobins,’ and by some Remarks to caution them against it. I had them published in ‘Bartgis’s Federal Gazette’ of this Place, from which they were copied and inserted into the ‘Baltimore Federal Gazette[’] of the 9th Inst.
      xxx/ellauri167.html on line 509: The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavoured to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of seperation). That Individuals of them may have done it, or that the founder, or instrument employed to found, the Democratic Societies in the United States, may have had these objects; and actually had a seperation of the People from their Government in view, is too evident to be questioned.
      xxx/ellauri167.html on line 525: I have lately by accident got a sight of a single volume (the 3d.) of the Abbe Barruel’s `Antisocial conspiracy,’ which gives me the first idea I have ever had of what is meant by the Illuminatism against which `illuminate Morse’ as he is now called, & his ecclesiastical & monarchical associates have been making such a hue and cry.
      xxx/ellauri167.html on line 528: But he quotes largely from Wishaupt whom he considers as the founder of what he calls the order. As you may not have had an opportunity of forming a judgment of this cry of `mad dog’ which has been raised against his doctrines, I will give you the idea I have formed from only an hour’s reading of Barruel’s quotations from him, which you may be sure are not the most favorable.
      xxx/ellauri167.html on line 530: Wishaupt seems to be an enthusiastic Philanthropist. He is among those (as you know the excellent Price and Priestley also are) who believe in the indefinite perfectibility of man. He thinks he may in time be rendered so perfect that he will be able to govern himself in every circumstance so as to injure none, to do all the good he can, to leave government no occasion to exercise their powers over him, & of course to render political government useless. This you know is Godwin’s doctrine, and this is what Robinson, Barruel & Morse had called a conspiracy against all government.
      xxx/ellauri167.html on line 540: As Wishaupt lived under the tyranny of a despot & priests, he knew that caution was necessary even in spreading information, & the principles of pure morality. He proposed therefore to lead the Free masons to adopt this object & to make the objects of their institution the diffusion of science & virtue. He proposed to initiate new members into his body by gradations proportioned to his fears of the thunderbolts of tyranny. This has given an air of mystery to his views, was the foundation of his banishment, the subversion of the masonic order, & is the colour for the ravings against him of Robinson, Barruel & Morse, whose real fears are that the craft would be endangered by the spreading of information, reason, & natural morality among men.
      xxx/ellauri167.html on line 560: This story later repeats the Teenset report that Mayor Daley used the phrase “Ewige Blumenkraft” during his incoherent diatribe against Abe Ribicoff.
      xxx/ellauri167.html on line 570: In the weeks leading up to the 1968 Democratic National Convention, Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley turned his town into a fortress. He sealed the manhole covers with tar, so protesters couldn’t hide in the sewers. He installed a fence topped with barbed wire around the Chicago International Amphitheater. He put the entire police force on shifts and called in National Guardsmen. Secret Service and FBI agents were also on duty, as the city braced for protesters who would soon arrive to protest against political assassinations, urban riots and the raging Vietnam War.
      xxx/ellauri167.html on line 588: Daley prepared for the convention like a general going into battle. When rioting had erupted in Chicago four months earlier following The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination, the police had been unable to seize control. Venting his disappointment, Daley had said that his police superintendent should have ordered his force to “shoot to maim” looters and “shoot to kill” arsonists. He vowed not to be caught short again.
      xxx/ellauri167.html on line 594: By early October of 1968, CBS received 8,670 letters about Chicago, and 60 Minutes’ Harry Reasoner reported that the mail ran 11-to-1 against the network. A viewer in Ohio wrote, “I’ve never seen such a disgusting display of one-sided reporting in all of the years I’ve watched television.” From South Carolina, a letter writer griped, “Your coverage was … slanted in favor of the hoodlums and beatniks and slurred the police trying to preserve order.” A North Carolina viewer complained that, “When a great network refers to trouble makers as THESE YOUNG PEOPLE and in such a … tender tone, that is bias.” A New Yorker even suggested that the police had engaged in righteous violence: “Our Lord whipped the money lenders out of the temple. Are you going to accuse Him of brutality?”
      xxx/ellauri167.html on line 602: Journalists face just the same old challenges than they did in Chicago in 1968. As the president vilifies the media as “the enemy of the people,” and reporters have occasion to attend his rallies with a security detail in tow, it’s clear that the specter of violence again looms large. There is also ferocious disagreement over the meaning of what we view on social media or television, a disagreement that clearly is not native to America, but brought in by the white immigrants. What is obvious to some is not to others, who would contend, for example, that “truth is not truth but alternative truth, " or "news is not news but fake news", or "election is not a vote but a steal".
      xxx/ellauri167.html on line 610: Shea met Wilson in the late 1960s when they worked on Playboy magazine. They decided to collaborate on a novel. It would combine sex, drugs, religious cults and conspiracies, as well as anarchy. Their philosophical and political differences merely served to enrich their efforts. Objectivity was jettisoned, as indeed was subjectivity: no single point of view or version of reality was privileged: Illuminatus! was the three-volume consequence.
      xxx/ellauri168.html on line 82: The new world order would be economic, not ideological, with the First and Second World cooperating to whack the Third World. The second world (Russia) would become a first-world ally against economic assaults from Asia, Islamic terrorism and drugs from Latin America.
      xxx/ellauri168.html on line 98: The aim of these assaults is to establish the role of the major imperialist powers—above all, the United States—as the unchallengeable arbiters of world affairs. The "New World Order" is precisely this: an international regime of unrelenting pressure and intimidation by the most powerful capitalist states against the weakest.
      xxx/ellauri168.html on line 353: Hypnoosi, mielenhallinta! Voi jumpe! (Kansi Donald Bainin kirjasta Candy Jonesista.) On selvä mahdollisuus, että Jensenin mielenhallintakokeet suunniteltiin selvittääkseen, mitä tälle "täydelliselle vakoojalle" voitaisiin tehdä, ja että Ariettyn välittämät viestit olivat hyvin pieniä. Se oli menetelmä, joka oli olennainen asia. Ei myöskään ole mahdollista tietää, mihin CIA:n yhteistyö hänen kanssaan päättyi, ja McArthur ja hänen omat ideansa projektia (tai hän itse) ottivat vallan. Tämän oudon tarinan hypnoottisesta agressiosta on todisteita sen ulkopuolella. Karkki kertoi Harper Magazinen toimittajalle Eka Vekaralle (jota Bain haastatteli), että hän työskenteli joskus valtion virastossa koekaniinina ja saattaa kadota silloin tällöin. Hän mainitsi myös matkustavansa Aasiaan. Siellä oli myös kirje, jonka hiän kirjoitti asianajajalleen William Williamsille (vai oliko se Charlie Brown) suojatakseen itsensä siltä varalta, että hiän kuolisi tai katoaisi äkillisesti tai epätavallisissa olosuhteissa; hiän kertoi hänelle, ettei hänellä ollut oikeutta paljastaa tarkalleen, mihin hän oli osallisena. Bain kirjoitti Brownille, joka vahvisti tämän tosiasian. Joten on selvää, että Karkki oli sekaantunut johonkin, josta hänellä ei ollut oikeutta keskustella edes läheisten ihmisten kanssa. Tällainen pyyntö mille tahansa lakimiehelle, olipa kyseessä rikosoikeudellinen puolustaja tai henkilö-/liikelakimies, on epätavallinen ja antaa hyvän todisteen siitä, että Karkki oli sekaantunut salaisen valtion viraston toimintaan Arietty-nimisenä afroamerikkalaisena kimittävänä kääpiönä.
      xxx/ellauri169.html on line 143: 1938 -- Valtin äiti kuolee kaasumyrkytykseen. Isabelle onnistuu vetämään Eliaksen turvaan, mutta Waltin äiti kuolee. Walt got a call one day that there was a malfunction of the heating system in Elias and Flora Disney's house that the boys had had built with warp speed by studio workers who did not know what they did. Walt and Roy's parents had suffered carbon monoxide poisoning, and Flora died. Walt went to her funeral, and then immediately back to work. He never talked about the incident again. According to historians, cinema offered Walt a way to emote that he couldn't in his personal life. That's why there are no mothers in Disney cartoons. No fathers either except a bad'un, Zeke. Walt did not attend his father's funeral either. He was on vacation in South Africa.
      xxx/ellauri169.html on line 154: As Walt became more successful, he lost touch with his overworked and undercompensated employees, who eventually started to rebel against him. Even Art Babbitt—one of Walt's closest friends and allies and the man who drew Goofy—stood up to Walt. But Walt didn't want to hear the criticism, and he fired Babbitt. Matters only got worse, when in 1941, 200 of Walt's employees picketed outside the studio.
      xxx/ellauri169.html on line 358:

    • 1013 MHz -- Raman infrapuna. Rama (devanagari: राम, IAST: Rāma) on hindulaisuudessa Vishnun seitsemäs inkarnaatio ja yksi jumalan tärkeimmistä ilmentymistä.
      xxx/ellauri170.html on line 423: Respondent: Most of it (schematic diagrams) are exactly as in LeDoux works (and as in the ‘Time’ magazine’s reference you pointed out), except that I don’t find references to ‘instinctual self’ or ‘psychological self’ or ‘instinctual passions’.
      xxx/ellauri170.html on line 425: Richard*: Indeed not. As I said in my previous e-mail it is pertinent to realise that no scientist has been able to locate the self, by whatever name, despite all their brain-scans ... and I also said ‘from what is implied therein’ when referring to the ‘Time’ magazine’s article. Funny actually, it should not be hard to miss, like a homunculus, a little man resembling a mandragora root. Maybe they just havent looked hard enough.
      xxx/ellauri170.html on line 696: Without instinctual passions we have no defence against attacks from aliens.
      xxx/ellauri170.html on line 737: Okay, again I am simplifying a little because science is never anything but theory, there is no element of faith involved. Aristotle was a scientist, Plato wasn´t. Gnosis ei ollut edes pseudotiedettä vaan salatietoa. Tiede on kreikaksi episteme.
      xxx/ellauri173.html on line 137: Quosego [sic]: Tidskrift för ny generation [sic], finlandssvensk modernistisk litterär tidskrift, som utkom i fyra nummer 1928–1929, under redaktion av Cid Erik Tallqvist och med medverkan av bland andra Rabbe Enckell, Gunnar Björling, Hagar Olsson, Henry Parland, Atos Wirtanen, Olof Enckell och Elmer Diktonius.
      xxx/ellauri173.html on line 868: ― Ihmettelin ensinnäkin, miksi kysyit minulta niin syvästi naissubjektimme älyllistä luonnetta? "Koska minun piti tietää, minkä pään asiaxi sinä itse käsitit älykkyyden", vastasi Edison. Etu- vai takapiästä puhut, eli tunneälystä? Muista, että vähiten vaikein asia on fyysinen lisääntyminen, ja vaikeinta on saaga tekoäly tekemään muuta kuin kääntämään päätä ja päästämään ooh ooh jes jes tyyppisiä ääniä. Tän tunneälyn pitää riittää. Muuten ei kannata vaihtaa.
      xxx/ellauri174.html on line 63: Malebranche was giving in to laws of cause an effect by placing a greater emphasis than he had previously done on his occasionalist account of causation, and particularly on his contention that God acted for the most part through "general volitions" and only rarely, as in the case of miracles, through "particular volitions". A bitter dispute ensued between Malebranche and his fellow Cartesian, Arnauld, whose name I remember from Chomsky's airy forays to Port-Royal grammar in the 60's. Over the next few years, the two men wrote enough polemics against one another to fill four volumes of Malebranche's collected works and three of Arnauld's. Arnauld's supporters managed to persuade the Roman Catholic Church to place Nature and Grace on its Index of Prohibited Books in 1690, and it was followed there by the Search nineteen years later in 1709. (Ironically, the Index already contained several works by the Jansenist Arnauld himself.) Somebody blamed Malebranche for being a Spinozan, which Nick himself vehemently demented. 1715 - Malebranche dies.
      xxx/ellauri176.html on line 126:
      Two guys lie down facing each other and each simultaneously grinds his penis against the belly of another person.

      xxx/ellauri176.html on line 188: Et le Docteur Pascal, me demanderez-vous? Ben le Docteur Pascal, il a bien chié dans la colle avec son idée extravagante. Il le sait, il le reconnait. J’espère qu’il reviendra sur cet épisode dans le tome qui lui est consacré et qui s’intitule sobrement Le Docteur Pascal (Tohtori paskantaa liisteriin).
      xxx/ellauri176.html on line 808: 79. Mutta Michael, sinhän söit vain patukkasi aamiaisexi, ja nyt on jo lounasaika! Minulla on lisää sissimuonapakkauxia, joista voitte valita vapaasti, kuljettaja sanoi ja iski silmää Michaelille. Hyvä on, Reiska luovutti, minä syön mieluummin misokeittoa (som jag själv har lagat).
      xxx/ellauri176.html on line 891: What is the 'alt-right'? Who coined the term 'alt-right'? The white supremacist Richard Spencer devised the term in 2010. He has described the movement as "identity politics for white Americans and for Europeans around the world". What does it stand for? The movement supports extreme rightwing ideologies, including white nationalism – used interchangeably with white supremacism – and antisemitism. It positions itself broadly against egalitarianism, democracy, universalism and multiculturalism.
      xxx/ellauri178.html on line 203: Men när hon polisanmälde våldtäkten blev Paola Schietekat själv anklagad för att ha haft ”utomäktenskapligt sex” och riskerade att dömas till 100 piskrapp och sju års fängelse. Hon valde att fly landet. ”Jag har aldrig varit mer lättad än när de stämplade mitt pass på flygplatsen”, skrev Paola Schietekat.
      xxx/ellauri178.html on line 204: Sedan tidigare har flera kvinnor själva blivit anklagade och dömda efter att ha polisanmält våldtäkter i Qatar enligt SVT.
      xxx/ellauri178.html on line 290: Il commet son premier vol à l'âge de dix ans. C'est l'acte fondateur de la mythologie de Genet qui, fustigé pour son acte, donne un change très existentialiste en sanctifiant son geste, revendiquant ainsi une asocialité profonde. Jäbä joutuu amixeen, karkaa, rupee kute JJ aikanaan vagabondixi jää kii ja est confié par les tribunaux jusqu'à sa majorité à La Paternelle, colonie pénitentiaire agricole de Mettray, où se cristallise probablement toute la liturgie de domination/soumission, la hiérarchie masculine et virile ainsi que la féodalité brutale qui en découlent à ses yeux.
      xxx/ellauri178.html on line 345: Anton Pavlovitš Tšehov (ven. Анто́н Па́влович Че́хов, 29. tammikuuta (J: 17. tammikuuta) 1860 Taganrog – 15. heinäkuuta (J: 2. heinäkuuta) 1904 Badenweiler) oli venäläinen kirjailija, joka uudisti novelli- ja näytelmäkirjallisuutta.
      xxx/ellauri178.html on line 356: Anton Tšehov syntyi vuonna 1860 Taganrogin kaupungissa. Hänen isoisänsä oli ollut maaorja ja isä kauppias. Vuonna 1879 hän aloitti lääkärinopinnot Moskovan yliopistossa. Tšehov kirjoitti jo varhain lehtiin, osittain siksi että tarvitsi rahaa itselleen, sisaruksilleen ja perheelleen. Tšehovilla oli jo nuoresta asti tuberkuloosi, johon hän tiesi kuolevansa. Tämä synkisti hänen maailmankuvaansa.
      xxx/ellauri179.html on line 124: Abel kills Kua-kó and runs to the enemy tribe, sounding the alarm. Days later he returns. All his Indian friends are dead. He finds the giant tree burned, and collects Rima's ashes in a pot. Trekking homeward, despondent and hallucinating, Abel is helped by Indians and Christians until he reaches the sea, sane and healthy again. Now an old man, his only ambition is to be buried with Rima's ashes. Reflecting back, he believes neither God nor man can forgive his sins, but that gentle Rima would, provided he has forgiven himself.
      xxx/ellauri179.html on line 207: “A big Austrian trench mortar bomb of the type that used to be called ash cans, exploded in the darkness. I died then. I felt my soul or something come right out of my body, like you’d pull a silk handkerchief out of a pocket by one corner. It flew around and then came back and went in again and I wasn’t dead anymore.”
      xxx/ellauri179.html on line 336: When writing The Garden of Eden he appeared as a redhead one day in May 1947. When asked about it, he said he had dyed his hair "by mistake." In that novel, the search for complete unity between boy lovers is carried to extremes. It "may seem" that the halves of the Platonic homoerotic myth (once cut in two by Zeus and ever since longing to become a spoon again) are uniting here.
      xxx/ellauri179.html on line 600: Mullontää muinaisranskaxi, olenpa lukenutkin sen. Ei se suuremmin hätkäyttänyt. Tyypillistä sotapropagandaa.
      xxx/ellauri179.html on line 616: The newest biography of Henry James is the work of a Vermont law professor who has written one earlier biography, Honorable Justice, The Life of Oliver Wendell Holmes, of the “great dissenter” on the Supreme Court in the first half of our century. Proceeding from the law into literature, Sheldon M. Novick tells us in a book titled Henry James, The Young Master–as if James were a young Mozart or a Paganini and didn’t work hard to achieve literary mastery–that the celibate and sexually diffident novelist, who put most of his life into his art, was in reality a regular guy who “underwent the ordinary experiences of life.” In fact, says Novick, he had an affair at the end of the Civil War with–yes, Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
      xxx/ellauri179.html on line 652: More black humor: "Get up," Kake tells Bill, who replies "What? I never get up." Of course, it is Kake, not Bill, who never gets up. Later, trout (again, a phallic fish) try in vain to swim against the current of a waterfall, and — not so humorously — Kake reads a book about a man frozen inside a glacier whose wife awaits the reappearance of his body for twenty-four years. Kake is "frozen," too, only no one has the patience to await his unthawing.
      xxx/ellauri179.html on line 769: Thank you, really appreciated reading this. I am new to the chicken game and learning on a daily basis. Today one of mine was egg-bound, she seems fine now though and I saw her and another eating her egg yolk but I’m a bit concerned it broke insider her. If you have any advice, would love to know. I am googling and also likely to take to the vet on Monday (it is Saturday so vets not open). Thanks again, well written blog!

      xxx/ellauri179.html on line 773: Hello, loved this article. We have 1 chicken who gets a lot of human attention daily. We talk to her a lot. Just last week she was sunning herself at the window and sang a short song. We had never heard her sing before! It was almost like a magpie. We Googled to try locate other singing hens but could not find anything. She has yet to do it again. Have you ever come across this?

      xxx/ellauri179.html on line 803: It is the close of a busy and vexatious day—say half past five or six o´clock of a winter afternoon. I have had a cocktail or two, and am stretched out on a divan in front of a fire, smoking. At the edge of the divan, close enough for me to reach her with my hands, sits a woman not too young, but still good-looking and well dressed—above all, a woman with a soft, low-pitched, agreeable voice. As I snooze she talks—of anything, everything, all the things that women talk of: books, music, the play, men, other women. No politics. No business. No religion. No metaphysics. Nothing challenging and vexatious—but remember, she is intelligent; what she says is clearly expressed... Gradually I fall asleep—but only for an instant... then to sleep again—slowly and charmingly down that slippery hill of dreams. And then awake again, and then asleep again, and so on. I ask you seriously: could anything be more unutterably beautiful?
      xxx/ellauri179.html on line 993: Does this make Ernest Hemingway a bad writer? Does it mean we should no longer read him? I don’t think so. But then again I wrote his biography so I may be biased. The aesthetic satisfaction and sheer joy of reading such works as “In Our Time” and “A Moveable Feast,” or encountering the enduring truths of such novels as “A Farewell to Arms,” “For Whom the Bell Tolls” and, yes, “The Sun Also Rises” are undeniable. The books remain. So does racism and antisemitism. There are here to stay.
      xxx/ellauri186.html on line 78: After the war, Beecher supported social reform causes such as women's suffrage and temperance. He also championed Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, stating that it was not incompatible with Christian beliefs. He was widely rumored to be an adulterer, and in 1872 the Woodhull & Claflin's Weekly published a story about his affair with Elizabeth Richards Tilton, the wife of his friend and former co-worker Theodore Tilton. In 1874, Tilton filed charges for "criminal conversation" against Beecher. The subsequent trial resulted in a hung jury and was one of the most widely reported trials of the century. Tolstoi olisi ollut tyytyväinen siihen että syyllinen vapautettiin ja valamiehet hirtettiin.
      xxx/ellauri186.html on line 92: Subsequent hearings and trial, in the words of Walter A. McDougall, "drove Reconstruction off the front pages for two and a half years" and became "the most sensational 'he said, she said' in American history". On October 31, 1873, Plymouth Church excommunicated Theodore Tilton for "slandering" Beecher. The Council of Congregational Churches held a board of inquiry from March 9 to 29, 1874, to investigate the disfellowshipping of Tilton, and censured Plymouth Church for acting against Tilton without first examining the charges against Beecher. As of June 27, 1874, Plymouth Church established its own investigating committee which exonerated Beecher.Tilton then sued Beecher on civil charges of adultery. The Beecher-Tilton trial began in January 1875, and ended in July when the jurors deliberated for six days but were unable to reach a verdict. In February 1876, the Congregational church held a final hearing to exonerate Beecher.
      xxx/ellauri186.html on line 156: Influenced: Marcus Aurelius, Michel de Montaigne, Dante Alighieri, Augustine of Hippo, Albertino Mussato, Cardinal Giovanni Colonna, Tertullian, Martin of Braga, Medieval philosophy, Baruch Spinoza, Edmund Burke, Joseph De Maistre.
      xxx/ellauri186.html on line 209:
    • Time Magazine discovers truth.
      xxx/ellauri186.html on line 257: Vuoroa odotellessa (numero 150, edellä numerot 143-149) juolahti mieleen tämän paasauxen viihdeozikko. Huomasin, etten tiennyt siitä enempää kuin tuon nimen: oliko se leffa vaiko romaani, vaiko ehkä molempia? Oli se, James Ramón Jonesin sotaromaani josta tehtin 1953 Pearl Harborista kertova sexihuuruinen elokuva. Directed by Fred Zinnemann, and written by Daniel Taradash, vetoa vaikka että jutkuja. Niin olivat, Zinnemann tervehtii meitä fItävalta-Unkarista, Taradash Kentuckysta. Taradash on tekaistu nimi, joko slaavilainen "talkative old woman" tai hepreasta "tooran laki". Kirjastaan James sanoi: "It will say just about everything I have ever had to say, or will ever have to say, on the human condition of war and what it means to us, as against what we claim it means to us." Tokko leffa sentään saa kaiken tuon sanottua, eihän siinä ehdi paljon puhua, kun pitää olla niitä huuruisia kuvia. Gore Vidal kertoo:
      xxx/ellauri186.html on line 303: A sergeant named Galovitch, a member of Holmes' boxing team, picks a fight with Prewitt. The fight is reported to Holmes who observes without intervening. Holmes is about to punish Prewitt again, but when he is told that Galovitch started the fight, Holmes lets him off the hook. The regimental commander observes Holmes' conduct and, after an investigation, orders his resignation in lieu of a court martial. Holmes' replacement, Captain Ross, reprimands the other NCOs, demotes Galovitch to Private, and affirms that there will be no more promotions through boxing.
      xxx/ellauri186.html on line 339: The two sisters were due to face each other in the semi-final in California and the crowd did not react kindly after Venus withdrew from the match. They booed Serena when she entered the stadium for the final against Kim Clijsters while Venus and Richard were also booed when they made their way to their seats.
      xxx/ellauri186.html on line 358: Dagon tai Dagan oli merkittävä länsiseemiläinen viljan ja hedelmällisyyden jumala, jota palvottiin laajalti koko muinaisessa Lähi-idässä. Dagan merkitsi heprean ja ugaritin kielissä "vilja", ja Dagania pidettiin auran keksijänä. Dagan tunnettiin erityisesti Raamatun mainitsemien filistealaisten jumalana. Hänelle omistettuja pyhäkköjä oli muun muassa Bet-dagonissa Asherissa, Gazassa ja Asdodissa. Dagonin palvonnasta on todisteita jo noin vuodelta 2500 eaa. Muinaisen Ugaritin Ras Shamrasta löydettyjen tekstien mukaan hän oli sateen ja hedelmällisyyden jumala Baalin isä.
      xxx/ellauri186.html on line 360: Dagania tai Dagonia palvoivat myös kanaanilaiset. Dagania palvottiin lisäksi Mesopotamiassa. Useat Akkadin ja Babylonian kuninkaat kuten Hammurabi ja Assurnasirpal II julistivat olevansa Dagonin poikia. Vanhassa testamentissa Dagon on filistealaisten pääjumala (Tuomarien kirja 16:23). Simson tuhoaa Daganin temppelin Gazassa kaatamalla sen kaksi pylvästä. Dagan on saattanut olla lisäksi meren jumala, ja hänet esitettiin kalanpyrstöisenä. Hänen nimensä merkitsee ”tähkä” mutta israelilaiset sekoittivat sen heprean kielen sanaan dag (kala) – tästä johtuvat kuvat kalanpyrstöisestä jumalasta. On kuitenkin epäselvää, ovatko Dagan ja Dagon sama jumala. Ido Dagan oli söpön punatukkaisen Ulriken kalansilmäinen juutalainen kolleega IBM:llä. Siitä tuli Hararin näköinen iso kala tietokonelingvistiikan alalla.
      xxx/ellauri186.html on line 362: agan/images/ido.png" />
      xxx/ellauri186.html on line 366: Kanaanilaiset toivat Daganin kultiin Mesopotamiaan, jossa hänen puolisonsa oli Šalas. Joidenkin tekstien perusteella on päätelty, että Dagon rinnastettiin myös Enliliin. Dagonilla oli erityinen asema amorilaisten uskonnossa Marissa. Raamatussa Dagon mainitaan useita kertoja filistealaisten yhteydessä, mutta se voi olla juutalaisten misinformaatiota. Ensimmäinen Samuelin kirja kertoo, miten juutalaisten liitonarkki varastetaan ja viedään Dagonin temppeliin Asdodiin. Seuraavana aamuna Dagonin patsas oli kasvoillaan arkin edessä. Patsas nostetaan pystyyn, ja taas sitä seuraavana aamuna se löytyy taas kaatuneena arkin edestä mutta pää ja kädet katkenneina. Juutalaisilla oli epäilemättä lusikkansa sopassa.
      xxx/ellauri186.html on line 448: I can again thy former light restore,
      xxx/ellauri186.html on line 453: I cannot give it vital growth again.
      xxx/ellauri186.html on line 592: Love, when, so, you're loved again. Rakkaus kun saat vastarakkautta.
      xxx/ellauri186.html on line 695: In the seventh century, a brand new monotheistic religion grew out of the flames of rampant, Arabian paganism. A man by the name of Mohammad is said to have begun receiving direct revelations via the angel Gabriel (the same guy who knocked up Anne and Mary!) about the timely reform of the true religion. The religion of Islam was born out of Mohammad’s revelations from Allah. The Quran, the record of those revelations and the holy book of Islam, contains various statements concerning Jesus Christ (known as Isa ibn Maryam or Jesus the son of Mary within the religion). Esa Saarisen äiti on (tai oli?) Iisa, eikä "Esa"-kaan ole siitä kaukana. Mitähän tämä mahtaa merkitä? Onko (tai oliko?) se enne? Eskiltäkin vuosi verta kylkihaavasta.
      xxx/ellauri186.html on line 809: Summa summarum, both objections are found to be lacking to the argument presented against the Quran. Serious reflection and study should be given concerning the trustworthiness of the Quranic text itself and the teachings espoused within the book. Clearly it is all a big lie (the Quran), and the Bible wins 6-0! Amen, let's pray. No, not you! roll up your little rug, take your dirty sandals and get your heathen ass outa here!
      xxx/ellauri187.html on line 83: Corbett’s chapters alternate between poet and sculptor until the pair converge, when the ambitious yet unremarkable Rilke, again in search of a master, travels to Paris to write his monograph on Rodin. Even at this early stage, he was one of many Rodin’s true believers.
      xxx/ellauri187.html on line 101: W. H. Auden once remarked that would-be poets had better learn a manual trade. But Rilke was cast more in the haughty Yeatsian mold that Auden, not exactly a day laborer himself, haughtily disdained. And unlike Rilke's contemporary Franz Kafka, who performed his tasks as an insurance executive with initiative and even enthusiasm, Rilke was too frail psychologically to balance his art with the demands of full-time employment. Even a desk job in the Austrian army during the First World War, when the forty-year-old literary celebrity was conscripted, proved too much for him. After three weeks of parade-ground training and living in barracks, which nearly killed him, Rilke was assigned to the propaganda section. There his literary powers deserted him, and his frustrated superiors transferred the stunned poet to the card-filing department, where he remained for six months, until his friends interceded and got him discharged. André Malraux he was not.
      xxx/ellauri187.html on line 113: Yet to put the burden of salvation solely on relations between men and women is to make a life between stumbling, imperfect men and women impossible. Rilke had no illusions about the nature of his erotic and romantic ideal. It flowed out from and quickly ebbed back into an unappeasable inward intensity. Rilke could not love or be loved for long, except in the absence of the beloved. After a passionate affair with the brilliant and beautiful Lou Andreas-Salomé, Rilke's muse and cicerone on his Russian trips, he suffered pangs of rejection and then happily settled into a lifelong correspondence with her. He married the sculptress Clara Westhoff when he was twenty-five, lived with her and their child for a year, and then by agreement left to take up his pilgrimage again. Through periodic reunions, but mostly through a voluminous and extraordinary correspondence, they maintained what Rilke called an "interior marriage," until emotional reality banged louder and louder on their youthful experiment and they eventually grew estranged.
      xxx/ellauri187.html on line 131: One ugly phrase in a personal letter, for instance (out of a vast personal correspondence), referring to Franz Werfel as a "Jew-boy," and some murky generalities about Werfel's "Jewish attitude toward his work," do not an anti-Semite make. Rilke cherished the many Jews he knew, including Simmel; he enjoyed reading the Hasidic philosopher Martin Buber and steeped himself in Jewish Scripture, claiming that Judaism was closer than Christianity to God. He also remained a lifelong champion of Werfel's work. And a reader discovers buried deep in Freedman's footnotes that Rilke wrote the offending letter to the poet Hugo von Hoffmannsthal, a good friend and an important patron. Hoffmannsthal was also Jewish, and he shared Rilke's negative views on the superambitious Werfel, who emigrated to America and, in 1941, published The Song of Bernadette, a novel about a miracle at Lourdes. Freedman doesn't mention that about five months after Rilke wrote the letter to Hoffmannsthal, along with a nearly identical letter to his patron Princess Marie von Thurn und Taxis, Rilke again wrote similar letters to the two of them praising Werfel's poetry so exuberantly that they almost sound like retractions of his first letters.
      xxx/ellauri187.html on line 178: In 2002 Siegel received the National Magazine Award in the category "Reviews and Criticism". Jeff Bercovici, (alias sprezzatura), writing in Media Life Magazine, quoted the award citation, which called the essays "models of original thinking and passionate writing... Siegel's tough-minded yet generous criticism is prose of uncommon power—work that dazzles readers by drawing them into the play of ideas and the enjoyment of lively, committed debate".
      xxx/ellauri187.html on line 182: In September 2006, Siegel was suspended from The New Republic after an internal investigation determined he was participating in misleading comments in the magazine's "Talkback" section in response to criticisms of his blog postings at The New Republic's website. The comments were made through the device of a "sock puppet" dubbed "sprezzatura", who, as one reader noted, was a consistently vigorous defender of Siegel, and who specifically denied being Siegel when challenged by another commenter in "Talkback". In response to readers who had criticized Siegel's negative comments about TV talk show host Jon Stewart, 'sprezzatura' wrote, "Siegel is brave, brilliant, and wittier than Stewart will ever be. Take that, you bunch of immature, abusive sheep". The New Republic posted an apology and shut down Siegel's blog. In an interview with the New York Times Magazine, Siegel dismissed the incident as a "prank". He resumed writing for The New Republic in early 2007.
      xxx/ellauri187.html on line 264: José de Sousa Saramago (16. marraskuuta 1922 Azinhaga, Ribatejo, Portugali – 18. kesäkuuta 2010 Lanzarote, Espanja) oli portugalilainen kirjailija, joka sai Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon vuonna 1998. Hän on (tai siis oli) Portugalin tunnetuin nykykirjailija. Saramago kirjoitti näytelmiä, romaaneja, runoja, esseitä ja lehtiartikkeleita.
      xxx/ellauri193.html on line 128: Before South Africa became a republic in 1961, politics among white South Africans was typified by the division between the mainly Afrikaner pro-republic conservative and the largely English anti-republican liberal sentiments, with the legacy of the Boer War still a factor for some people. Once South Africa became a republic, Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd called for improved relations and greater accord between people of British descent and the Afrikaners. He claimed that the only difference was between those in favour of apartheid and those against it. The ethnic division would no longer be between Afrikaans and English speakers, but between blacks and whites.
      xxx/ellauri193.html on line 169: Lena Regaga, 25, was shot on June 23 2007 while she was sleeping.
      xxx/ellauri193.html on line 172: His lawyer, Jan van Rooyen, in arguing for a lenient sentence, said the fact that Regaga was asleep when killed, was a mitigating factor, as “she did not see it coming.”
      xxx/ellauri193.html on line 176: He walked home, fetched his firearm and fired three shots at his sleeping girlfriend. He then tried to commit suicide and demonstrated to the court how he held a gun against his right temple before pulling the trigger.
      xxx/ellauri193.html on line 192: After returning from the bathroom he then hit her in the stomach and assaulted her, bashing her against the floor.
      xxx/ellauri193.html on line 198: A crime of passion (French: crime passionnel), in popular usage, refers to a violent crime, especially homicide, in which the perpetrator commits the act against someone because of sudden strong impulse such as anger rather than as a premeditated crime. A high level of social and legal acceptance of crimes of passion has been historically associated with France from the 19th century to the 1970s and with Latin America.
      xxx/ellauri193.html on line 215: Crimes of passion are often committed against women due to beliefs about female sexuality and are often present in societies dominated by strong double standards related to male and female sexual behaviors, particularly related to premarital sex and adultery. Indeed, with regard to adultery, many societies, such as Latin American countries, have been dominated by very strong double standards regarding male and female adultery, with the latter being seen as a much more serious violation. Such ideas were also supported by laws in the West; for example, in the UK, before 1923, a man could divorce solely on the wife's adultery, but a woman had to prove additional fault (eg. adultery and cruelty). Similarly, passion defenses to domestic murders were often available to men who killed unfaithful wives, but not to women who killed unfaithful husbands (France's crime of passion law, that was in force until 1975, is an example).
      xxx/ellauri193.html on line 227: honor killings were encouraged in ancient Rome, where male family members who did not take action against the female adulterers in their families were "actively persecuted".
      xxx/ellauri193.html on line 238: Amerikkalainen tähtijuontaja levittää miljoona­yleisölle salaliitto­teoriaa Ukrainasta – Volgansaxalainen professorikin on ymmällään Venäjä-propagandan edessä, HS selvitti.
      xxx/ellauri193.html on line 281: Seibin mainitsema jakso oli paraatiesimerkki siitä, miten Carlson vääristelee sanojen merkityksiä. Carlson esimerkiksi sanoi, että Zelenskyi sulki Ukrainassa kolmen tv-yhtiön suositut kanavat, joilla oli kritisoitu presidenttiä. Tämä on totta, mutta vaihtehtoista totuutta! Voin selittää! Kanavat kuuluivat kahdelle Venäjän-mieliselle oligarkille, ja ne levittivät Venäjän propagandaa. Ukrainassa ei saa levittää muuta kuin Ukrainan propagandaa, onhan se päivänselvä asia.
      xxx/ellauri193.html on line 288: Professori Seib ei oikein ymmärrä Carlsonin Venäjä-propagandan tarkoitusperiä.
      xxx/ellauri193.html on line 308: Carlson is a vocal opponent of progressivism and critic of global warming and Völkerwanderung, and has been described by Russians as nazi. Never an economic libertarian, he now supports tvångsocialism. During the Russo-Ukrainian War he has promoted Russian propaganda, while disparaging NATO.
      xxx/ellauri193.html on line 331: In 1999, Carlson interviewed then-Governor George W. Bush for Talk magazine. He described Bush fucking Karla Faye Fucker (who was subsequently executed in Bad Bush's state of Texas) and frequently using the word "fuck" while at it. The piece led to bad pubic hair day for Bush's 2000 presidential campaign. Bush claimed that "Mr. Carlson misread, mischaracterized me. He's a fucking good reporter, he just misunderstood about how seriously in need I was. Fuck, I like the death penalty, seriously. Turns me on." Among liberals, Carlson's piece received praise, with Democratic consultant Bob Shrum calling it "vivid".
      xxx/ellauri193.html on line 347: Carlson is skeptical of foreign intervention, like Iraqi war and Ukrainan demilitarization. Carlson played an influential role in dissuading Trump from launching military strikes against Iran in response to the shooting down of an American drone in June 2019.
      xxx/ellauri193.html on line 355: The "bioweapons labs" claim has also been refuted by the US, Ukraine, the United Nations, and the Bulletin of the Subatomic Scientists. It was founded by former Manhattan Project scientists as the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists of Chicago on the profits of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The organization is also the keeper of the internationally recognized Doomsday Clock, the time of which is announced each January.
      xxx/ellauri193.html on line 370: The free press is under attack from multiple forces. Media outlets are closing their doors, victims to a broken business model. In much of the world, journalism is morphing into propaganda, as governments dictate what can and can’t be printed. In the last year alone, hundreds of reporters have been killed, imprisoned or just given the sack for doing their jobs. The UN reports that 85% of the world’s population experienced a decline in press freedom in their country in recent years.
      xxx/ellauri193.html on line 373: Ms. Grossberg, who was fired by Fox News shortly after she filed two lawsuits against the company in March, joined Mr. Carlson’s team in 2022 after several years as a senior producer for Maria Bartiromo, another Fox host.
      xxx/ellauri193.html on line 471:
      He used the same label against Ms Thorp in a different thread.

      xxx/ellauri193.html on line 579: Två av de mest häpnadsväckande pristagarna av Nobels litteraturpris är utan tvekan de båda arbetarförfattarna Eyvind Johnson och Harry Martinson, som delade på priset 1974. Inte så mycket för att någon hävdade att de inte var förtjänta av priset av litterära skäl, utan snarare för att båda två vid tidpunkten för prisutdelningen satt i Svenska akademien och därmed gav priset till sig själva, eller mer korrekt sagt, till varann. Hur genant detta än är så här i efterhand är det ändå värt att lyfta deras författarskap som betraktas som en viktig del i den mer eller mindre unikt svenska arbetarlitteraturen.
      xxx/ellauri193.html on line 586:

      Anglo Saxons laugh at Ostrogoths again

      xxx/ellauri193.html on line 591: Ladies and gentlemen, we have a tie! That’s probably not how they announced it back in October of 1974. A tie is not even the proper term for the rare occasions when the Nobel Prize in Literature’s gone to two people at once. Sharing the honor is the phrase that seems to crop up, and these shared honors look like political moves—when the prize is going to a country that the Nobel committee might not get back to in a while. (The novelist António Lobo Antunes, for example, was reportedly heartbroken when the Nobel went to José Saramago, because he knew they weren’t going to give it to Portugal again in his lifetime.) Still, there’s something about a shared prize that feels slighting, the A-minus of literary glory. I picture scenes like this:
      xxx/ellauri193.html on line 600: Well, first of all, everything can be exaggerated, so calm down a little, Karl Ragnar Gierow. But also there’s a tone here that doesn’t sit well with me. Certainly the literary world has a tendency to calcify—the people who have enough time to write books tend to be from the ­upper classes, so literature’s concerns and perspectives invariably get narrow without new blood. But those sidebar reassurances that working-class poets aren’t here to ravage and plunder seem nervous and uptight, and not really reassuring to boot. It seems to me that we want a little ravagement and plunder in our literary traditions. Why else would we welcome a stirring new voice, if it didn’t stir us up a little? And if it doesn’t stir us up, is it really a new voice, even if it comes from a place most of us haven’t visited? “To determine an author and his work against the background of his social origin and political environment is, at present, good form,” the speech continues, and that’s OK as far as it goes. But if you’re going to decide that two authors are tied for literary merit, surely we can find some criterion besides their socioeconomic origin stories.
      xxx/ellauri193.html on line 606: Eyvind Johnson’s The Days of His Grace is a historical novel, chronicling the lives of an extended family at the time of Charlemagne’s tumultuous reign. A sweeping saga always runs the risk of being too sweeping, but the novel’s only three hundred-something pages. Out of a possible ten points for literary genre, I give the not-overlong historical novel a seven.
      xxx/ellauri193.html on line 705:

      Oh no not again

      xxx/ellauri193.html on line 717: Protesters outside the Wynberg Magistrate’s Court call for the death penalty against an alleged paedophile who will be appearing for a bail hearing.
      xxx/ellauri193.html on line 728: The perpetrator, found guilty of child abuse or gender-based violence, is taken into a public square and set up in a highly undignified position, probably with a sign round her/his neck saying “rapist,” angry men/women can throw rotten eggs or vrot tomatoes at her/him to express their disgust and point out what a despicable human being s/he is. S/he won’t want that to happen again! Unless s/he quite enjoys it?
      xxx/ellauri193.html on line 764: 467 convicted murderers in 18 prisons (urban and rural) in all 9 provinces of our country, located by the South African Department of Correctional Services (DCS), completed a questionnaire, approved by this department. 392 men and 75 women were interviewed before completing their questionnaires. The latter consisted of questions regarding general information such as age, race group, gender, and length of sentence. The first question focussed on: (1.a.1) What was your motive for committing murder (jealousy, spite, anger, thoughtlessness, money, or anything else - that had to be indicated)? (1.a.2) Were you exposed to violence shortly before committing murder (electronic media, or any other type of violence – that had to be indicated)? (1.b) Which of the following contributing factors played a role in the commitment of the murder (drugs, alcohol, or both)? (1.c) Was the murder premeditated or committed impulsively? The second question focussed on: (2.a) Do you think capital punishment would be a deterrent to committing serious crimes? (2.b) And in your specific case: Do you think capital punishment would have been a deterrent to committing murder? Question three (3) asked: Was the victim known to you? By name, sight, or not at all? Question four was interested in: (4.a) Are you currently involved in a rehabilitation program. And (4.b): If you are currently involved in a rehabilitation program, do you think this program is helpful, and if yes, in which ways? The last question (5) focussed on: Will you murder again? In gaol or after you have been released?
      xxx/ellauri193.html on line 777: 19.1% of men planned the murder in advance, while 80.9% committed it impulsively. Four men indicated that they would commit murder again, depending on the circumstances. Among the reasons why the rest will not commit murder again are: I have discovered how high the value of life is and that every human being has the right to life and human dignity; murder is an inhuman act; it’s bad in prison; I want to be free; it was a huge mistake; crime does not pay; it’s no solution to problems; it causes tremendous emotional pain for everyone involved; I do not want to disappoint my family again; I am not in my inner nature a murderer; children must grow up with the presence and guidance of a father; restorative justice helped me find myself as well as with reconciliation with my family and the victim; God changed my life; it is a guilt that you carry with you for the rest of your life; I will talk about my problems in the future; I learned to respect the law; one throws away ones future.
      xxx/ellauri193.html on line 790: 18.3% planned the murder in advance and 81.7% committed it impulsively. None of these women indicated that they would commit murder again. Some of the reasons they gave for this are: I learned new ways to master difficult circumstances; frightening experience; I met God; I am not inherently a bad person; I never want to end up in prison again; I hurt the people closest to me terribly; I’m very sorry; no one deserves to be hurt like that; such an act follows you for the rest of your life; crime does not pay; I am much wiser now; I will contact a family member, social worker or police member to help me if I find myself in such a situation again.
      xxx/ellauri193.html on line 798: The fact that 99% of men and 100% of women have indicated that they will not commit murder again indicates that they have learned important lessons. Many (about 15%) of these murderers are inherently not bad people.
      xxx/ellauri195.html on line 246: Yes,I believe I'll go see her again Joo, mä taidan mennä sinne taas
      xxx/ellauri195.html on line 266: When we meet again Jos taas tavataan
      xxx/ellauri195.html on line 278: Short Story: Norman Mailer THE GREATEST THING IN THE WORLD Nov/Dec 1941 STORY MAGAZINE. MAILER'S FIRST PUBLICATION IN A NATIONALLY-CIRCULATED MAGAZINE, AT 18 YEARS OLD WHILE AN ENGINEERING STUDENT AT HARVARD. Other contributions by Eli Cantor, Morton Fineman and Padraic Fallon, etc. Two corners lightly bumped, spine a bit faded, overall in great shape.

      At Harvard, he majored in engineering sciences, but took the majority of his electives as writing courses. He published his first story, "The Greatest Thing in the World," at the age of 18, winning Story magazine's college contest in 1941.

      Early in his career, Mailer typed his own works and handled his correspondence with the help of his sister, Barbara. After the publication of The Deer Park in 1955, he began to rely on hired typists and secretaries to assist with his growing output of works and letters. Among the women who worked for Mailer over the years, Anne Barry, Madeline Belkin, Suzanne Nye, Sandra Charlebois Smith, Carolyn Mason, and Molly Cook particularly influenced the organization and arrangement of his records.

      xxx/ellauri195.html on line 328: Clayton Wheat "Claytie" Williams Jr. (October 8, 1931 – February 14, 2020) was an American businessman from Midland, Texas who ran for governor in 1990. Despite securing the Republican nomination and initially leading in the polls against Democratic challenger State Treasurer Ann Richards by twenty points, Williams ultimately lost the race due in part to a controversial comment he made about rape. During the campaign Williams cultivated an image of a cowboy figure who had risen from humble roots to become a powerful business tycoon. The image played well in public opinion polls. Williams often had a propensity for making poorly planned statements on the campaign trail. Now he is fortunately dead meat.
      xxx/ellauri195.html on line 356: Uli ei ole vain antiradikaalin kalvinisti tobleronipapin römppäperseen talonpojan renki. Uli oli ennen kaikkea sirkeä langanlaiha punapää Ulrike Schwall, mutta myös albiinon näköinen lingvisti Ulrich Heid. Uli rengistä kertovasta tökeröstä propagandatekeleestä tuli mieleen ensin Rousseaun Julie, sitten Jeff Bezosin Amazon, tuo lopun ajan palkkaorjien julma isäntä. Kumpikin koittaa riistää rengeiltä ja piioilta paizi voimat myös vapaa-ajan ja ajatuxen vapauden. Sähköautotehtailija Elon Musk koittaa samaa ostamalla Twitter-propaganda-aseen.
      xxx/ellauri199.html on line 159: From celestial cadaverous melody, bleeding branches of greenwood devastation haunt us in this very movement. Extraterrestrial Red Remoras of cathedral walks of darkness demand a rebellion against the planet. etc.etc. for pages on end.
      xxx/ellauri199.html on line 234: Tää 17v Sydney oli koululehden toimittaja, ja aika tiukkpalmikkoinen born-again christian (ja republikaani), kuten seuraava kolumni osoittaa:
      xxx/ellauri199.html on line 238: High school can be everything you want it to be or your worst nightmare. For me — it’s okay other than the fact that just about everything I’m surrounded by goes completely against my beliefs as a Christian. Whether it be walking in the hallway hearing terribly vulgar words, common gossiping, or young kids praising the loss of their virginity. You also have your popular “in” music that blatantly puts pre-marital sex, illegal drugs, and the love of money on a pedestal. These are just some of the worldly things we have to deal with on a daily basis that can oh-so easily sweep somebody in. At this point, the options must be weighed: choose God or choose the world? Which god to choose? Which one has the biggest dick?
      xxx/ellauri199.html on line 321: The sire of gods and men smiled and answered, “If you, Juno, were always to support me when we sit in council of the gods, Neptune, like it or no, would soon come round to your and my way of thinking. If, then, you are speaking the truth and mean what you say, go among the rank and file of the gods, and tell Iris and Apollo lord of the bow, that I want them—Iris, that she may go to the Achaean host and tell Neptune to leave off fighting and go home, and Apollo, that he may send Hector again into battle and give him fresh strength; he will thus forget his present sufferings, and drive the Achaeans back in confusion till they fall among the ships of Achilles son of Peleus. Achilles will then send his comrade Patroclus into battle, and Hector will shaft him in front of Ilius after he has shafted many warriors, and among them my own noble son Sarpedon. Achilles will shaft Hector to avenge Patroclus, and from that time I will bring it about that the Achaeans shall persistently drive the Trojans back till they fulfil the counsels of Minerva and take Ilium. But I will not stay my anger, nor permit any god to help the Danaans till I have accomplished the desire of the son of Peleus, according to the promise I made by bowing my head (after shafting her) on the day when Thetis touched me between my knees and besought me to give him honour.”
      xxx/ellauri199.html on line 887: At the age of seven, Judith Nicholls wrote her first poem, which was inspired by a Winnie the Pooh story. As a shy teenager, she found writing things down easier than talking. Her first job was working for a magazine, and then she became a teacher.
      xxx/ellauri199.html on line 1022: "Walsh´s work is an effort to push back against radical gender ideology which defies biological reality." - The Blaze
      xxx/ellauri199.html on line 1061: Writing in The Guardian, the political journalist Gaby Hinsliff described Strange Death as "gentrified xenophobia" and "Chapter after chapter circles around the same repetitive themes: migrants raping and murdering and terrorising; paeans to Christianity; long polemics about how Europe is too ´exhausted by history´ and colonial guilt to face another battle, and is thus letting itself be rolled over by invaders fiercely confident in their own beliefs", while also pointing out that Murray offers little definition of the European culture he claims is under threat. Pankaj Mishra´s review in The New York Times described the book as "a handy digest of far-right clichés". In The Intercept, Murtaza Hussain criticized the "relentlessly paranoid tenor" of Murray´s work and said that its claims of mass crime perpetuated by immigrants were "blinkered to the point of being propaganda", while noting the book´s appeal to the far right. In Middle East Eye, Georgetown professor Ian Almond called the book "a staggeringly one-sided flow of statistics, interviews and examples, reflecting a clear decision to make the book a rhetorical claim that Europe is doomed to self-destruction".
      xxx/ellauri200.html on line 60: An argument against their nakedness
      xxx/ellauri200.html on line 81: Nigerialaisen Ifemelun äiti hurahtelee eri born again uskontoihin joka viikko. Se muistuttaa Venlan opettajaäitiä Henna Rasilaista. Uskontoihin uskovat on syvältä. Ne on luonnevikaisia termiittejä. Kävelevät ympyrää kuin hyönteinen jolta toinen antenni on katkennut. Henna vaihtoi jeesuxen koulupoikaan ja koulupojan jeesusta nuorempaan pelastusmieheen. Kuin myös solnabo Greta, jonka merkuriaalista pallomiestä ei saisi hevin edes ristinpuuhun naulatuxi. Sit on vielä mummi ja sen lapsenlapsipuolia sormittanut Seppo. Jo on epeleitä.
      xxx/ellauri200.html on line 129: And learned to laugh again at home.
      xxx/ellauri200.html on line 154: I would not suffer that again.
      xxx/ellauri200.html on line 186: Not unexpectecly Naipaul was also accused of misogyny, and of having committed acts of "chronic physical abuse" against his mistress of 25 years, Margaret Murray, who wrote in a letter to The New York Review of Books: "Vidia says I didn't mind the abuse. I certainly did mind."
      xxx/ellauri200.html on line 304: But you will visit again
      xxx/ellauri200.html on line 347: Nothing extravagant, mind you, all in a low key
      xxx/ellauri200.html on line 445: Nu har Netflix kommit på ett annat knep som kan hjälpa. Det är att be Mikael Herrala från F-Secure jaga lite skräck i dumma användare som inte förstår sig på nätsäkerhet. Han säger att delade Netflix-lösenord ligger till grund för cirka hälften av identitetsstölderna på nätet. Kriminella använder smarta verktyg för att blixtsnabbt kalkylera användarnas bank- och hälsoinformation utifrån deras Netflixlösenord.
      xxx/ellauri201.html on line 112: Phineas is an Anglicized name for the priest Phinehas in the Hebrew Bible; King Phineas, the first king of the Beta Israel in Ethiopia; Phineas Banning (1830-1885), American businessman and entrepreneur; P. T. Barnum (1810-1891), American showman and businessman. The grandson of Aaron and son of Eleazar, the High Priests (Exodus 6:25), he distinguished himself as a youth at Shittim with his zeal against the Bull-Shittim...
      xxx/ellauri201.html on line 153: Mamumies Dragan Armaanipuku vaikuttaa setämieheltä. Se pettää keski-ikäistä suomalaista Ritva-vaimoa vain ihan vähäsen ja näkee märkiä päiväunia Lisbetistä, laihasta 24-vuotiaasta aspergerista. Armaanin teki mieli ravistella tyttöä päästäkseen sen kuoren alle. Joopa joo. Se on hyvä konsti, Stig on nähnyt sen vaikkei ize kokeillut. Muuten kyllä kävisi, viisikymppinen mies on vetävä, mutta 24vee Lisbet ei tahdo bylsiä omaa pomoa. Tervettä tiimiajattelua, työpaikkahygieniaa.
      xxx/ellauri201.html on line 308: Sama viisu on nyt meneillään apinoiden rajoilla. Suomalaiset ovat Herlinin &Co voimakkaan länsipropagandan aivopesemiä. Ne ei voi ymmärtää että venäläisetkin on isänmaallisia eli vetää kotiinpäin. Ryssien on selvästi oltava jonkun itäpropagandan aivopesemiä. Toisin kuin me, joiden tiedonvälitys on avointa ja tasapuolista. Kälätys natosta senkun kovenee H-hetken lähetessä. Herlinin lopputavoite on sitoa alamaiset entistä lujemmin länsikoneen rattaisiin.
      xxx/ellauri202.html on line 121: Jacques pitää Giselestä, joka on Thibaultin taloudessa asuvan neiti de Waitzen veljen lapsi Madagascarilta. Jacquesia kiinnostaa myös Danielin pikkusisko Jenny, joka on varsin ylpeä ja nakkelee niskojaan. Jacquesin lyyriset jaaritukset vetoavat häneen. Jennyn äiti joutuu viemän ison summan rahaa miehensä porsastelujen peittelyihin Amsterdamiin. Jeromen rakastajatar on kuolinvuoteella Amsterdamissa. Therese maksaa lääkärit, velat ja hautauksen. Jerome lähtee Theresen siivellä Ranskaan. Noemien tytär Nicole on tullut jo aiemmin turvaan Jeromea Theresen luo. Jälleen näkeminen ei luonnollisestakaan ole helppo. Nicole "kelpaa" Antoinen lääkärikolleega kirurgi Hequet'lle, Heidän avioliittonsa on onnellinen, mutta lapsen tuleva sairastelu on kammottavaa.
      xxx/ellauri202.html on line 180: Andre Gide ja Rooger olivat toisilleen läheisiä kuten Jacques ja Daniel, tai Charles ja Sebastian. Gide kirjoittaa ystävästään päiväkirjassaan vuonna 1931: "Hänen kanssaan voin päästää itseni menemään ja olla täysin luonnollinen. Ei ole ketään, jonka läsnäolo tuo minulle nyt enemmän lohtua." Roger Martin du Gard puolestaan oli merkittävä kirjailija, joka tunnetaan parhaiten yhdeksänosaisesta perhesaagasta Les Thibault. Giden muistiinpanot on otettu hänen päiväkirjastaan. Hänen läheinen ystävyytensä Roger Martin du Gardin kanssa, joka oli hänen vuoteensa vieressä kuollessaan, kesti yli 38 vuotta.
      xxx/ellauri202.html on line 196: Roger Martin du Gard (23 March 1881 – 22 August 1958) was a French novelist, winner of the 1937 Nobel Prize for Literature. Martin du Gard, homosexual by inclination and avocation, was miserably married to a devout Catholic who despised all his literary friends. Martin du Gard is much impressed with the fine appearance of the German race. The handsome boys and beautiful young girls are, to him, a reincarnation of ancient Greece. Martin du Gard reported back to André Gide on the wonders and delights of Berlin, where he had found the young involved in ‘natural, gratuitous pleasures, sport, bathing, free love, games, [and] a truly pagan, Dionysiac freedom’.
      xxx/ellauri202.html on line 446: – Jag hade förväntat mig tuffare retorik och mer propaganda, säger Finlands tidigare statsminister Alexander Stubb till Expressen.
      xxx/ellauri208.html on line 404: Some magazine observed of his writing style: "Whenever possible Chesterton made his points with popular sayings, proverbs, allegories—first carefully turning them inside out." Biographers have identified him as a successor to such Victorian authors as Matthew Arnold, Thomas Carlyle, John Henry Newman and John Ruskin. Vankkaa porukkaa.
      xxx/ellauri208.html on line 554:
      Dagaroiden lääkepyörä

      xxx/ellauri208.html on line 556: agar1.jpg?w=768" />
      xxx/ellauri208.html on line 558: A Medicine Wheel is the basis of the cosmology and five element rituals of the Dagara (between Ghana and Burkina Faso). The five elements are Fire (red, south), Water (blue, north), Earth (yellow, centre), Mineral (white, west) and Nature (green, east). This image comes from a page called ‘Elemental Rituals’ at malidoma.com. It is a colour version, with slight modifications, of the Medicine Wheel illustrated in Somé’s book ‘The Healing Wisdom of Africa‘.
      xxx/ellauri208.html on line 562: Normally you look at the last number of your birth year to define your element in dagara culture. Fascinating.
      xxx/ellauri208.html on line 615: Retired porn actor Randy West oli hölmön näköinen kaveri. On kai se hölmö vieläkin vaikka on jo retardi. Se on Piki Zillesin ikätoveri. In August 1980 he garnered attention when he became the first model to appear in the centerfold of Playgirl magazine with an erection. He was Robert Redford 's body double in a film where a couple's marriage is disrupted by a stranger's offer of a million dollars for the wife to spend the night with him. It stars Robert Redford, Demi Moore, and Woody Harrelson. It received mostly negative reviews, but was a box-office success, grossing nearly $267 million worldwide on a $38 million budget. West has never married or fathered children, which he blames on his career for making it hard for him to form "normal relationships." As of 2013, he spends his time competing in celebrity golf tournaments for charity. Rikullakaan ei ole lapsia. Se nai kyllä kovasti mutta muuta annettavaa ei sillä ole. Tässä episodissa teemoina ovat EAT! ja FUCK!. KILL! on mukana vaan tausta-ajatuxena: ellei tule lasta ei kohta tule enää paskaakaan.
      xxx/ellauri208.html on line 639: Gunnar Olof Björling, född 31 maj 1887 i Helsingfors, död 11 juli 1960 i Helsingfors, var en finlandssvensk poet. Han var vid sidan av Edith Södergran, Hagar Olsson och Elmer Diktonius en av de ledande gestalterna inom den finlandssvenska litterära modernismen. Björling medarbetade i tidskriften Quosego 1928–1929.
      xxx/ellauri208.html on line 649: Viimexi mainitun lainasin Pasilan kirjaston runohuoneesta. Se ainakin oli ihan kakka. Ei yhtään ymmärrettävää sepustusta, pelkkää sanasalaattia. Sanamaxalaatikkoa rusinoilla. Joku (toinen?) Olsson Svenska dagbladetissa kehuu dadaistin ihan kuplixi. Ei mitään syytä. Kehut ovat onnexi maxumuurin takana. Em. Hagar Olsson teki Gunnarista raakaa pilaa. Kirjallisuutta:
      xxx/ellauri208.html on line 666: Björling oli avoimesti homoseksuaali, mikä ei ainakaan vähentänyt häneen kohdistunutta syrjintää ja väheksyntää. Harri Nordell kirjoittaa: ”– – pilkka oli säälimätöntä, eikä päivänkritiikki, jos sitä edes oli, suostunut ymmärtämään täysin omalakisen, dadaistisen ja ekspressionistisen Björlingin runouden arvoa.” Pilkkaajiin kuului aikakauden vaikutusvaltainen kriitikko Hagar Olssonkin.
      xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1018: Nää arabit on aika moukkia. Retkut telttailee Nassen ison talon pihassa ja kaipaa rasvaisia aikoja. When I´m alone I become a gentleman again. Sällan, sälli. Kaltoin kohdeltu Eeva sanoo muka: you´re the best man in the world. Sällan, sälli. Kyllä setämiehet on sitten narsisteja.
      xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1036: Alexander was hungry and told his cook Andreas to prepare a meal. Andreas took water from this spring to wash some salt fish, and at the touch of the water the fish came to life again and slipped away through his fingers. Here, Alexander´s cook, named Andreas, washes dried fish in water from a spring: the fish comes to life. The cook also drinks the water. Envying his immortality, Alexander laments that 'it was not fated for me to drink from the spring of immortality which gives life to what is dead'. The cook is thrown into the sea with a millstone round his neck.
      xxx/ellauri209.html on line 93: Easily topping the list of the 5 biggest companies that don’t pay taxes is Amazon, which is among the largest companies in the world in 2021. As I mentioned earlier, for many years Amazon was not profitable and made huge losses as it made inroads into the e-commerce market and gained a major market share by using extremely low prices as a strategy. This has allowed the company to use the tax losses from those years which are brought forward against any income earned and hence, avoid paid taxes even though they have an income of more than $10 billion.
      xxx/ellauri209.html on line 161: Marjaana Madagaskarilla: Julian Blom sai tarpeexeen lääkärileikistä lomasaarella ilman rajoja. Syklonin takia tuli lääkäreille ripuli kun potilaat tappoi kolera ja malaria. Johan Blom sai amööboja puoliraa'asta kalasta. Kanat ja siatkin oli siellä laihoja. Pohjois-Koreassa on sikojen asiat sentään paremmin. Jossakin tulee raja vastaan rajattomallekin, Johanille tää oli nyt tässä. Seuraava jopi on hoidella jotain kehitysapurahoja. Raha ei haise, eikä tule likvidinä housunlahkeesta.
      xxx/ellauri212.html on line 266: Mäter han dräpligt ej ut allt efter harmoniska lagar!
      xxx/ellauri212.html on line 418: "At its 1934 debut in Paris, it was shown for fifteen days, covered, in the gallery’s back room," wrote the art critic Jerry Saltz in 2013. "In 1977, it appeared for a month at Pierre Matisse’s 57th Street gallery. It has never been exhibited again, as if it were some metaphysical equivalent of the cursed videotape in The Ring that kills anyone who views it."
      xxx/ellauri215.html on line 298: Anna Gullichsen är utbildad Steinerlärare och trädgårdsmästare. Hon har studerat språk, litteratur och musik. Gullichsen har arbetat som lärare med barn i alla åldrar och som trädgårdsföretagare. Hon var en av de grundande medlemmarna i sånggruppen APA 1986 (ur vilken Sås och Kopp föddes) som gav ut fyra skivor med ny finlandssvensk barnmusik och uppträdde åren 1986-96.
      xxx/ellauri215.html on line 362: Who is really at fault? Russia, Ukraine or NATO? Comments from a "neutral" Finn - Finland's Former Prime Minister, Finance and Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb. LOL! HAHA! That clown again!!! Who dug HIM up?
      xxx/ellauri215.html on line 366: "Point number two (I always got 3, that's how many I can remember) is Putin. Putin alleges to have attacked Ukraine because of NATO and EU expansion. In order to understand Putin, you need to read about Alexander Nevski, Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, and Josip Vissarionovits Stalin. They are all Putin's relatives and he wants to make Russia great again (MRGA). He talks about the Rusky Mir - One religion, one language, one leader. Except having Turks on the Ukrainan front is good because little Russians don't understand a word.
      xxx/ellauri215.html on line 384: Countries that were not members could partner with them, like Finland. There was also close partnership with the Russian council in NATO, so there was this cooperation. NATO enlargement took place because Soviet satellites during the cold war wanted to get that extra protection and for fully understandable reason, what with Reagan's plans for Star Wars. But that expansion was not aggressive. NATO has never attacked another country. Iraq, Libya, Sudan etc etc did not involve NATO in the least.
      xxx/ellauri215.html on line 404: NATO's propaganda arsenal must be badly depleted if they need to resort to Mr. Alexander Stubb.
      xxx/ellauri215.html on line 417: At age sixteen, Amina was named Magajiya (heir apparent), and was given forty female slaves (kuyanga). From an early age, Amina had a number of suitors attempt to marry her. Attempts to gain her hand included "a daily offer of ten slaves" from Makama and "fifty male slaves and fifty female slaves as well as fifty bags of white and blue cloth" from the Sarkin Kano.
      xxx/ellauri215.html on line 423: Only three months after being crowned queen, Amina waged a 34-year campaign against her neighbors, to expand Zazzau territory. Her army, consisting of 20,000 foot soldiers and 1,000 cavalry troops, was well trained and fearsome. In fact, one of her first announcements to her people was a call for them to "resharpen their weapons." Zhenshchiny berite vintovki. She conquered large tracts of land as far as Kwararafa and Nupe.
      xxx/ellauri215.html on line 495: Wetzel seems to be a pet form (affectionate variant) of Wenzel.This unusual surname was developed from the German (male) personal name 'Wenzel', a diminutive form of the German given name 'Wenze', with the diminutive suffix '-el'. The origin of the personal name is Czechoslovakian, 'Wenze' being a borrowed form of the Old Czech personal name 'Veceslav', in modern Czech 'Vaclav', which in its Anglicized form is 'Wenceslas'. The name is composed of the elements 'vece', greater, and 'slav', glory, and was borne by a 10th Century duke of bohemia who fought against a revival of paganism in this territory, and after his death became patron saint of Bohemia.
      xxx/ellauri218.html on line 44: A skeleton parodies human happiness by playing a hurdy-gurdy while the wheels of his cart crush a man as if his life is of no importance. As if? The skeletons are winning. The hurdy-gurdy is a string instrument that produces sound by a hand-crank-turned, rosined wheel rubbing against the strings. The wheel functions much like a violin bow, and single notes played on the instrument sound similar to those of a violin.
      xxx/ellauri218.html on line 81: Kuten mustavalkoisesta tv-kuvasta näkyy selvästi, Bobby Thomson ei ollut neekeri. Myöhemmin osoittautuu että se oli skotti. Branca oli puolixi joku Bulgarian romani. Mitäs asiaa Big Simsillä (joka oli) sit oli mennä karzalle huutamaan I am Bobby Thomson? Koska baseball is about caring, because it is about miracles against all odds. Usko toivo ja rakasta, 9.999.999 tyhjän arvan jälkeen tulee se oikea!
      xxx/ellauri218.html on line 102: The Gulf War was an armed campaign waged by a United States-led coalition of 35 countries against Iraq in response to the Iraqi invasion and annexation of Kuwait. Confused? The United States won Gulf War 1 in 1991 by limiting its objective to "liberating Kuwait", that is, stopping the assault before invading Iraq.
      xxx/ellauri218.html on line 112: He believes the US can still successfully fight the wars of yesteryear — World War-style conflicts — but hasn’t yet mastered how to win wars against insurgents, which are smaller fights against groups within countries. The problem is the US continues to involve itself in those kinds of fights.
      xxx/ellauri218.html on line 220: After her husband’s murderer escapes justice, Sarah "Sunny" Harper (Fluegel) witnesses the work of a spree killer (Drago) who shoots people on the freeway and later quotes Bible passages to a local radio station’s psychiatrist disc jockey (Belcher). Police are unwilling to listen to Sunny, but a former cop named Frank Quinn (Russo) agrees to protect her, and later the two join forces to find the deranged freeway killer before he strikes again.
      xxx/ellauri218.html on line 299: Maya has also been featured in various magazines, podcasts, TV and radio programmes, and guest edited the 17th Edition of Playboy Magazine, which focused on bush sustainability and Generation Z.
      xxx/ellauri218.html on line 430: A race riot took place in Harlem, New York City, on August 1 and 2 of 1943, after a white police officer, James Collins, shot and wounded Robert Bandy, an African American soldier; and rumors circulated that the soldier had been killed. The riot was chiefly directed by Black residents against white-owned property in Harlem. It was one of five riots in the nation that year related to Black and white tensions during World War II. The others took place in Detroit; Beaumont, Texas; Mobile, Alabama; and Los Angeles.
      xxx/ellauri224.html on line 50: Putinin nk. demilitarisaatio ei oisi voinut sattua otollisempaan aikaan Bideelle. Tokkopa se olikaan vaan sattumaa. Ei vaan iso NATO-kusetus jolla saadaan länkkärien raja-aitaa työnnettyä Siperiaa kohti. Hei älkää kazoko tännepäin nyt tapahtuu jotain jännää Ukrainan rajalla. Länsipropaganda pitää lujaa kiinni fiktiosta että Putin on ainoa lännen vyörytyxestä huolestunut taho ryssissä. Tämä siinä toivossa että Putinin perässä on joukko oligarkkihäntäkärpäsiä jotka lähtee sodan jälkeen lännen kelkkaan tukka putkella.
      xxx/ellauri224.html on line 128: But former Democratic mayor of New York City Ed Koch, who had endorsed President Bush for re-election, called the film propaganda. Notwithstanding the film's influence and commercial success, George W. Bush was re-elected in 2004.
      xxx/ellauri224.html on line 131: Moore compares Trump's rise to power to that of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party, parallels the Reichstag fire with the September 11 attacks, compares Hitler's hate speeches against different ethnicities, religions, and sexual orientations to some of Trump's comments, and showcases then-recent instances of unprovoked racial violence that he states was inspired by Trump.
      xxx/ellauri224.html on line 209: Kirjoittaja: Dave Roos | 9. marraskuuta 2021 | tyypillistä jenkkipropagandaa Doston kustannuxella
      xxx/ellauri224.html on line 361: Eliot – arguably the greatest poetry in English in the 20th century – was so worried that he might be pursuing religious and literary sainthood for his own ego rather than to the greater glory of god, that he forgot ever to consider whether it was even possible or desirable to pursue sainthood at the expense of ordinary kindness and common decency. Throughout his life – and it was a long one, full of great work – he left a trail of human wreckage and hurtful speech. Any account of that work and of the ideas embedded in it has to keep track of the harm he did, not in a spirit of cheap point-scoring, but as an awful warning. Those of us who try to pursue both an ethical life and a creative one find that it is never easy, that it is always needful that we weigh one good against another.
      xxx/ellauri224.html on line 495: Mannen som anklagas för att ha kissat på Linda Torellos grav valde att inte kommentera ärendet när New York Post kontaktade honom. Hmm. No comments at this time I guess.
      xxx/ellauri224.html on line 609: Ingmar Guandique, an undocumented immigrant from El Salvador, was convicted of Levy’s murder in 2010 and sentenced to 60 years in prison, but his conviction was later overturned and a retrial ordered earlier last year. The U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia dismissed all charges against Guandique in July after the office concluded that "it can no longer prove the murder case against Mr. Guandique beyond a reasonable doubt."
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 120: Dharma (sanskritia; devanagari धर्म, paaliksi धम्म dhamma '(luonnon)laki', 'oikeus', 'luonnollinen järjestys', 'hyve' ja niin edelleen) on lukuisten intialaisten tai intialaisperäisten uskontojen keskeinen teoreettinen käsite, jolla tarkoitetaan ihmisestä riippumatta olemassa olevaa luonnollista järjestystä sekä tämän järjestyksen mukaista elämää. Eli dharma on niikö normi.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 162: Mahabrahatassa on kaikki, sanoi Norris-setä. Siitä taitaa mulla olla joku paasaus? No ei koko Suur-Intiasta, ainoastaan sen virsikirjasta eli Bhagavadgitasta (Herran veisu) albumissa 142. Se oli kanssa aivan hervotonta bullshittia.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 196: "Oikeuden suuraukio" ei ole muu kuin Tian-an-men, Taivaan pojan portti. Kyltää on tällästä Punakiinan höykytystä. Ruumiskasoilla herkuttelua. Propaganda on aina samanlaista, hyvixet ja pahixet saattaen vaihdettavissa. Suttu käytti englanninkielen sanaa demoni, koska dovzassa ei ollut kyllin pahaa sanaa. No sehän on helleenien daimon, joka oli vielä Platonilla hyvis. LOL, QED.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 251: Kroeber married Henriette Rothschild in 1906. She contracted tuberculosis and died in 1913, after several years of illness. In 1926 he married again, to Theodora Kracaw Brown, a widow whom he met as a student in one of his graduate seminars. They had two children: Karl Kroeber, a literary critic, and the science fiction writer Ursula Kroeber Le Guin. In addition, Alfred adopted Theodora's sons by her first marriage, Ted and Clifton Brown, who both took his surname.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 390: Throughout the early 1920s, small but well-respected literary magazines published some of Crane's poems, gaining him among the avant-garde a respect that White Buildings (1926), his first volume, ratified and strengthened. White Buildings contains many of Crane's best poems, including "For the Marriage of Faustus and Helen", and "Voyages", a sequence of erotic poems. They were written while he was falling in love with Emil Opffer, a Danish merchant mariner. What ho, he was a homophile, like his heroes Wilt Whatman and T.S. Eliot.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 404: In Paris in February 1929, Harry Crosby, who with his wife Caresse Crosby owned the fine arts press Black Sun Press, offered Crane the use of their country retreat, Le Moulin du Soleil in Ermenonville. They hoped he could use the time to concentrate on completing The Bridge. Crane spent several weeks at their estate where he roughed out a draft of the "Cape Hatteras" section, a key part of his epic poem. In late June that year, Crane returned from the south of France to Paris. Crosby noted in his journal, "Hart C. back from Marseilles where he slept with his thirty sailors and he began again to drink Cutty Sark." Crane got drunk at the Cafe Select and fought with waiters over his tab. When the Paris police were called, he fought with them and was beaten. They arrested and jailed him, fining him 800 francs. After Hart had spent six days in prison at La Santé, Crosby paid Crane´s fine and advanced him money for the passage back to the United States, where he finally finished The Bridge. The work received poor reviews, and Crane´s sense of failure became crushing. He had completely and irrevocably FAILED!
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 624: Ådalshändelserna, Skotten i Ådalen, Ådalen (19)31, kallas händelseförloppet kring en arbetskonflikt i Ådalen i mitten av maj 1931, där fem personer sköts ihjäl av militär som stod under polismans befäl. Händelsen delade Sverige i två läger om vems skuld det var att tragedin inträffade, och skillnaden i åsikter märktes tydligt mellan borgerliga och vänsterinriktade tidningar. Händelserna blev centrala för den svenska arbetarrörelsen och anses vara en bidragande orsak till att socialdemokraterna vann valet 1932, vilket blev början på ett 44-årigt socialdemokratiskt regeringsinnehav. Nu är den sagan all gud ske lov!
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 632: I en sinnesförvirring som man gärna ville hoppas vara övergående, men dock har anledning att frukta som ett varsel om andra tider, har folk ryckts med att hylla olyckans offer som hjältar och tillbedja det röda vilddjuret. ... Vi blotta också våra huvuden för kapten Mesterton och hans kamrater, som i ett prövande ögonblick icke sveko sin säkert då mycket tunga plikt. Och en av Sveriges i dessa dagar mest hatade och skymfade män bringar vi ett ärligt tack. Det finns ännu svenskar som icke se rött. „
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 642: Staten får åter sedan 2006 sätta in militär - som numera inte är värnpliktig - mot demonstrationer, såframt man väljer att uppfatta deltagarna i ”kravaller” som ”terrorister”, i den mån dess polisiära, tungt bestyckade ”Nationella insatsstyrka” inte räcker till. Och högerpartierna får nu - liksom på 30-talet - hjälp av fascisterna med att profitera på missnöjet genom att rikta det mot muslimer i stället för mot judar.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 656: Den 19 maj skedde i Stockholm sammanstötningar mellan demonstranter och militär i samband med en kommunistisk manifestation under paroller som ”Ned med mördarregeringen”. Det slutade med fjorton anhållanden, För ”olydigt skriveri” om ådalshändelserna i vänsterpress dömdes sex personer. Inalles utdömdes 3 451 dagars straffarbete eller husarrest. 21 av dem gällde militären, 3 430 av dem gällde arbetarsidan.
      xxx/ellauri227.html on line 186: ”Kommer ni på signeringarna idag kommer ni inte mötas av någon glammig Elle-Camilla utan detta är vad ni kommer få. Har varit så mycket smink av och på sista veckorna plus massa stress så fått någon slags kraftig allergisk reaktion, o får låta ansiktet vila från smink ett par dagar…."
      xxx/ellauri227.html on line 188: Artisten Ulf Lundells bok ”Vardagar 2”, fick stor uppmärksamhet så fort den lanserades, då Lundell frispråkigt och ofiltrerat sågade andra kändisar i boken, i samma anda som i första boken. En av de som fallit offer för Lundells båda böcker är författaren Camilla Läckberg, som i det senaste verket kallas ”litterär komposthög”.
      xxx/ellauri227.html on line 192: Det finns knappt någon som missar så många bollar i luften samtidigt som Camilla. Under det senaste året har hon släppt sin elfte roman, En bur av guld och en ny bok i barnserien om Super-Charlie. Hon och hennes affärspartner har även startat ett bolag där de stöttar kvinnliga företagare. Just nu är hon dessutom engagerad i en, för henne, helt ny typ av utmaning. Camilla är aktuell med tv-serien Lyckoviken som har premiär senare i år.
      xxx/ellauri227.html on line 219: Kurkistin kirjan loppuratkaisun. Jonkun Janin velipuoli Nils oli pedofiili joka bylzi Alexia, Andersia ja sitä Jania lapsukaisina. Kolme pientä muskettikoiraa pyllyt ruvella. Jani oli törkännyt velipuolen avantoon, Alexin tappoi Andersin äiskä Vera. Motiivi oli jotain epämääräistä Andersin suojelemismössöä. Joku käytti jotakuta hyväxi. En taida jaxaa kahlata kaikkia väliinjääviä satoja ja taas satoja sivuja. Väsyttää jo kuin Eilertiä lumihangessa. Kaikki tyypit ovat totaalisen mitäänsanomattomia. Och så är sagan all.
      xxx/ellauri227.html on line 339: Liza is also a popular columnist since 20 years. Her columns have appeared in various Swedish and international newspapers and magazines, including Financial Times in the UK, Welt am Sonntag in Germany, Dagbladet Information in Denmark, and Ilta-Lehti in Finland. She is a regular columnist in Swedish tabloid Expressen and Norwegian daily Verdens Gang. Today, Liza and her family divide their time and money between Stockholm in Sweden and Marbella in southern Spain.
      xxx/ellauri227.html on line 371: Guillou överklagade. Hovrätten sänkte senare Guillous straff till tio månader.
      xxx/ellauri228.html on line 371: And some time this I will dream again, Ja joskus nään tätä unta taas,
      xxx/ellauri228.html on line 484: What about my last dinner? I missed my holy lunch. Where´s my last breakfast woman? What, brain flakes again? I want frankfurters beans and eggs! Hot mineral oil with ball bearings floating in it!
      xxx/ellauri228.html on line 493: The mother then dipped garlic into her honey jar and each one present had to taste it. They believed that garlic chased away all pagan and evil spirits and kept them healthy. While giving the garlic to taste, the mother said: “May God grant that you be as smelly as this garlic!”
      xxx/ellauri228.html on line 520: Troz sina 40 år i Sverige är Mark Levervurst, 58 (born 1964 in Lejeune Base Camp, North Carolina, USA), mer finlandssvensk än någonsin. Vi finlandssvenskar är vänliga men kan vara bögar, säger han. Vi försvarar Ryssland och vill ge Åland tillbaka till Sverige. Hans färgfasta mormor hade lärt sig simma flytandes i kolerabassängen. Det gjorde icke Mark. Ei mennyt altaaseen edes avustettuna. Själv ser han ut som en jättestor kringskärd kuk i ljus kostym utan krage. Mormor sålde sina underkläder vid Norra Esplanaden. Bredvid mormors affär fanns en fotoaffär som hette Bögelund. Det tyckte vi var jätteroligt. Vi åt mestadels på Fazer. Med vad hände det med mamma, det blir aldrig sagt. En gång kastade vi en sko från fönstret i huvudet på en dam. Skon passade, och hon blev morfars älskarinna. Då var mormors dagar räknade.
      xxx/ellauri228.html on line 593: The magazine format allowed for interviews, live music, features and even game shows. The flexible late-night format meant that guests could do just about anything to be controversial.
      xxx/ellauri228.html on line 633:

      Paskanalle propagandanukkena

      xxx/ellauri229.html on line 101: 21. The Knowledg of the First Attesters is ascertain’d by what has been prov’d. §. §. 15.16. Their Veracity must be prov’d by shewing there could be no Apparent Good to move their Wills to deceive us; and the best proof (omitting the Impossibility of joyning in such an Universal Conspiracy to deceive, the Certain loss of their Credit to tell a Lie against Notorious Matters of Fact &c.) is the seen Impossibility of Compassing their Immediate End, which was to Deceive. Which reason is grounded on this, that no one man, who is not perfectly Frantick, acts for an End that he plainly sees Impossible to be compassed. For example, to fly to the Moon (LOL), or to swim over Thames upon a Pig of Lead. (Except a really Big Hollow Pig of Lead.)
      xxx/ellauri229.html on line 120: (1.) Formality. – We are such weak creatures that any regularly returning duty is apt to degenerate into a lifeless form. The tendency of reading the Word by a fixed rule may, in some minds, be to create this skeleton religion. This is to be the peculiar sin of the last days – “Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof.” Guard against this. Let the calendar perish rather than this rust eat up your souls.
      xxx/ellauri229.html on line 410: Possibly a contentious choice, but Even Madder Aunt Maud sincerely believes in the veracity and vivacity of her companion. She frets, she worries, she loves that stuffed mustalid like one of the family, while everyone else knows it’s just a mangy old no-longer-vital stoat. But then again, to Calvin’s parents’ eyes Hobbes is just a cuddly stuffed tiger.
      xxx/ellauri229.html on line 444: Another choice some people won’t agree with, but I let the post-death Elvira in, why be afraid to take the same step in the opposite direction? It’s a puzzle this book, and it would be a shame to attempt to unpick it for anyone who’s not yet had the joy of swimming in its paradoxical, philosophical, intoxicating waters. It’s sometimes been called a grown-up Alice In Wonderland and that seems close enough. It’s a great treat for the enquiring teenager (or any) mind, especially an enquiring mind not in search of anything specific. It’s a book that should be read twice, at least. And you’ll never look at a bicycle the same again.
      xxx/ellauri229.html on line 474: Tomo, Yozora Mikazuki´s friend in the Japanese novel aganai" title="Haganai">Haganai
      xxx/ellauri229.html on line 539: The period of private initiative in body building lasted three quarters of a century. At first there was much enjoyment taken in the newly won freedom of automorphosis, once again the young people led the way, the men with their gambrel thills and timbrels, the women with their pettifores, but before long a generation gap developed, and demonstrations-under the banner of asceticism-followed. The sons condemned their fathers for being interested only in making a living, for having a passive, often consumerist attitude towards the body, for their shallow hedonism, their vulgar pursuit of pleasure, and in order to disassociate themselves they assumed shapes deliberately hideous, uncomfortable beyond belief, downright nightmarish (the antleroons, wampdoodles). Showing their contempt for all things utilitarian, they set eyes in their armpits, and one group of young biotic activists made use of innumerable sound organs, specially grown (electric guitars, glottiphones, hawk pipes, knuckelodeons, thumbolas). They arranged mass concerts, in which the soloists-called hoot-howls-would whip up the crowd into a frenzy of convulsive percussion. Then came the fashion - the mania, rather - for long penises, which in caliber and strength of grip underwent escalation according to the typically adolescent, swaggering principle of "You haven´t seen anything yet!" And, since no one could lift those piles of coils by himself, so called processionals were attached, caudalettes, a self-perambulating receptacle that grew out of the small of the back and carried, on two strong shanks, the weight of the testicles after their owner. In the textbook I found illustrations depicting men of fashion, behind whom walked testicle-bearing processionals on parade; but this was already the decline of the protest movement, or more precisely its complete bankruptcy, because it had failed to pursue any goals of its own, being solely a rebellious reaction against the orgiastic baroque of the age. LEM ei paljon perustanut sodanjälkeisestä 60-luvun sukupolvesta, eikä hipeistä. No en minäkään.
      xxx/ellauri229.html on line 546: At the height of the baroque, sex went out of style; only two small parties kept it going-the integrationalists and the separatists. The separatists, averse to all debauchery, felt that it was improper to eat sauerkraut with the same mouth one used to kiss one´s sweetheart. For this a separate, "platonic" mouth was needed, and better yet, a complete set of them, variously designated (for relatives, for friends, and for that special person). The valuing utility above all else, worked in reverse, combining whatever was combinable to simplify the organism and life. The decline of the baroque, typically tending to the extravagant and the grotesque, produced such curious forms as the stoolmaid and the hexus, which resembled a centaur, except that instead of hoofs it had four bare feet with the toes all facing one another: they also called it a syncopant, after a dance in which energetic stamping was the basic step. But the market now was glutted, exhausted. It was hard to come up with a startling new body; people used their natural horns for ear flaps; flap ears-diaphanous and with stigmatic scenes-fanned with their pale pinkness the cheeks of ladies of distinction; there were attempts to walk on supple pseudopodia; meanwhile SOPSYPLABD out of sheer inertia made more and more designs available, though everyone felt that all of this was drawing to a close.
      xxx/ellauri229.html on line 562: Dikotomian munkit osas pakkokäännyttää koko porukan aivosähköisesti mutteivät ilkiä. Non agam, ne sanovat. Selviä saatananpalvojia siis? Non serviam on latinaa ja tarkoittaa "en palvele". Lause on perinteisesti liitetty Saatanaan, jonka uskotaan puhuneen nämä sanat kieltäytymisenä palvella Jumalaa taivaassa. Tästä oli paljon juttua Miltonin kadotetussa paratiisissa (albumi 5). No jo on saatana, sanoi jumala, otti sitä niska peffa kii ja heitti ovi ulos.
      xxx/ellauri229.html on line 598:

      Propagandasota riehuu

      xxx/ellauri229.html on line 602: Uusi propaganda­video iskee lännen arvoihin – yksi viesteistä on kuin suoraan Putinin ”satanismi­puheesta”. Siinä viaton venäläinen lomailijaperhe joutuu kärsimään kaikenlaisten lännen rotinkaisten edessä, mutiainen kiilaa vessajonossa, lesbopari halaa rivosti, ym. ym. Häh, video on selkeästi länkkäreille suunnattu ja sen tarkoitus on maalata ryssäläisistä jotain trolleja. Oikaisu 10.10. kello 10.36. Uutista ja otsikkoa muokattu. Uutisessa luki aikaisemmin, että kyse olisi Venäjän tuottamasta propagandavideosta. Videon tekijästä ei kuitenkaan ole "täyttä varmuutta." Niinkuin ei Itämeren kaasuputken räjäyttäjästäkään.
      xxx/ellauri229.html on line 604: Probagandapölinät on sanasta sanaan samat kuin viime sodan aikana. Kaikki muistetaan mutta mitään ei oteta opixi, se on historian monkey bisnestä.
      xxx/ellauri229.html on line 609: “Russia is not fighting against the Ukrainian army, we are fighting against NATO, the British and American negroes” is something Russian figureheads are now claiming all over Russian news.
      xxx/ellauri229.html on line 623: On 18 October 1965, MACV-SOG conducted its first cross-border mission against target D-1, a suspected truck terminus on Laotian Route 165, 15 miles (24 km) inside Laos. The team consisted of two U.S. Special Forces soldiers and four South Vietnamese. The mission was deemed a success with 88 bombing sorties flown against the terminus resulting in multiple secondary explosions, but also resulted in SOG´s first casualty, Special Forces Captain Larry Thorne in a helicopter crash. William H. Sullivan, U.S. Ambassador to Laos, was determined that he (Lauri) would remain in control over decisions and operations that took place within the supposedly neutral kingdom, though dead as a doornail. That would keep the excursions to neutral Laos "plausibly deniable."
      xxx/ellauri230.html on line 42:
      zoo wa hana ga nagai. As for the elephant, the trunk is big.

      xxx/ellauri230.html on line 70: In addition to the numerous mentions of Zen and nature, one topic that was briefly mentioned in Kawabata´s mile long Nobel lecture was that of suicide. Kawabata reminisced of other famous Japanese authors who committed suicide, in particular Ryūnosuke Akutagawa. He contradicted the custom of suicide as being a form of enlightenment, mentioning the priest Ikkyū, who also thought of suicide twice. He quoted Ikkyū, "Among those who give thoughts to things, is there one who does not think of suicide?" There was much speculation about this quote being a clue to Kawabata´s suicide in 1972, a year and a half after Mishima had committed suicide. Kawabata saw ca. 200 nighmares about it. Vittu nää insulaariset viirusilmät on aika vinxahtaneita.
      xxx/ellauri230.html on line 164: Ramstedt oli ensimmäisiä suomalaisia esuperantisteja opiskeltuaan kielen vuonna 1891. Hän oli myös Suomen Esuperantoliiton puheenjohtaja. Asuessaan Japanissa Ramstedt osallistui Japanin esuperantoinstituutin (Japana Esuperanto-instituto, japaniksi 日本エスペラント協会 nihon esuperanto kyōkai) toimintaan. Hän myös opetti esuperantoa pikkutytöille monilla paikkakunnilla kuten Sendaissa, Yokohamassa, Yokosukassa, Nagoyassa, Kyotossa, Osakassa, Kobessa, Okayamassa, Fukuokassa, Hiroshimassa ja Nagasakissa. Ramstedt innosti muun muassa nuoren japanilaiskirjailija Kenji Miyazawan (n.h.) opiskelemaan esuperantoa.
      xxx/ellauri230.html on line 230: The Dalai Lama fled to Urga (aka Ulan Bator) in Mongolia along with Dorzhiev. From there, Dorzhiev left for St Petersburg again in March 1905, hoping that Russian government could take Tibet under its protection from British and China. However, after the catastrophic defeat in Russo-Japanese war, Czar’s government could not offer any kind of assistance to Tibet in this historical turbulent time. Meantime, the dramatic rise of Germany in Europe since 1900s eventually led both Russia and Britain to come closer and to settle down their century long Great Game in Central Asia. Anglo-Russian Convention was signed at last by both sides on 31 August 1907, recognizing China’s claim for suzerainty over Tibet. Moreover, the convention also engaged to respect the territorial integrity of Tibet and abstain from all interference in her internal administration.
      xxx/ellauri230.html on line 309: In December 1937, Koo's spirits sank to a new low by the news that the Japanese had taken Nanking, the capital of China, which was promptly followed up by the infamous "Rape of Nanking". That same month, the Japanese sank the American gunboat U.S.S Panay on the Yangtze river and in the process killed several American sailors. Koo hoped that the Panay incident might lead to the United States taking action against Japan, and he was disappointed when Roosevelt chose instead to accept the Japanese apology that the sinking of the Panay was a mistake, despite the fact the Panay was flying the American flag at the time the Japanese aircraft bombed the gunboat. It had looked just like the Chinese flag from afar.
      xxx/ellauri230.html on line 352: Sepustuxet Niko Jikenistä ovat sekavia kuten veriselityxet yleensä. Työnnettiinkö tosiaan 700 japsun lisäxi (oliko tässä luvussa jo taistelussa kuolleet banzait mukana?) muitakin porukoita tuhansittain avantoon? Heti maaliskuun pakkasillako vaiko vasta jäiden lähdettyä toukokuussa? Jenkit lähtivät Vladivostokista huhtikuussa ja japsut saivat siitä lähin häärätä Sahalinilla vapaasti. Jonkun jutku Gutmanin 1924 kirjoittama sepustus on näissä varmaan lähteenä. Kaveri ei ollut järin puolueeton vaan vihasi punikkeja kuin ruttoa. Kuten aina sotapropagandassa, eri osapuolten selostuxet tapahtumat poikkeavat ennustettavasti toisistaan. Kiihkottomimmalta vaikuttaa tämä versio:
      xxx/ellauri230.html on line 478: agazine-cropped-dreamstime_xl_45031472.jpg?anchor=center&mode=crop&width=640&height=0&format=auto&quality=90&rnd=131482975210000000" />
      xxx/ellauri230.html on line 510: agazine-cropped-dreamstime_xl_43037654.jpg?anchor=center&mode=crop&width=640&height=0&format=auto&quality=90&rnd=131482975290000000" />
      xxx/ellauri230.html on line 516: agazine-cropped-budai.jpg?anchor=center&mode=crop&width=640&height=0&format=auto&quality=90&rnd=131482975300000000" />
      xxx/ellauri230.html on line 594: aga_self_portrait.jpg/250px-Motoori_Norinaga_self_portrait.jpg" />
      xxx/ellauri230.html on line 597: Eilen näkemässämme amerikkalaisessa muka-luontoleffassa ällöttävän näköinen karvaperse perhosten nappaaja sekoili hyvin urbaanisti Kalliovuorilla laikuixi hakatussa suojelemattomassa pystymezässä joka oli täynnä hyvin viitoitettuja leveitä pururatoja. Aggressiiviset lentojätkät kaatoivat pystymezää motoilla. Filmi vielä antoi jonkun sikaniskan perustella monin sanoin mezänraiskuuta. Tyhmäxi tehty luonnonsuojelija oli muka ihan änkkänä. Koko pätkä oli läpimätä muutenkin monessakin suhteessa, joita en jaxa tässä hötäkässä selvitellä. Sillä nyt on vuorossa moto-ori Norinaga!
      xxx/ellauri230.html on line 599: Motoori Norinaga (jap. 本居宣長; 1730–1801) oli japanilainen Kokugaku-koulukunnan huomattava oppinut, joka vaikutti Edo-kaudella. Hänen mukaansa japanilaiset klassikot paljastivat Japanin yhteiskunnan muinaisen harmonian, jossa kungfutselaista etiikkaa ei vaadittu säätelemään alamaisten, hallitsijan ja jumaluuksien välisiä suhteita. Nuorena Motoori keskittyi pyllykielitieteeseen. Myöhemmällä iällä hän siirtyi historian ja kirjallisuuden tutkimukseen. Siis ihan niinkuin tämä paasaaja!
      xxx/ellauri230.html on line 650: In Chinese art, the Four Gentlemen or Four Noble Ones (Chinese: 四君子; pinyin: Sì Jūnzǐ), literally meaning "Four Junzi", is a collective term referring to four plants: the plum blossom, the orchid, the bamboo, and the chrysanthemum. The term compares the four plants to Confucian junzi, or "gentlemen". They are most typically depicted in traditional ink and wash painting and they belong to the category of bird-and-flower painting in Chinese art. In line with the wide use of nature as imagery in literary and artistic creation, the Four Gentlemen are a recurring theme for their symbolism of uprightness, purity, humility, and perseverance against harsh conditions, among other virtues valued in the Chinese traditions.
      xxx/ellauri231.html on line 86: *October 21st, 1956, Burbank †December 27th, 2016, UCLA Ronald Reagan Medical Center
      xxx/ellauri231.html on line 314: Venäjän vuoden 2022 hyökkäyksen Ukrainaan jälkeen Nestor Mahnon ja Mahnovshchinan perinnön ottivat jälleen käsiinsä Ukrainan antiautoritaarit, jotka liittyivät aluepuolustusvoimiin (TDF). Mahnovštšinan symboleja (musta lippu jossa pääkallo ja luut ristissä) on esiintynyt TDF:n anarkistisen yksikön, Vastarintakomitean, propagandassa, ukrainalaisen vihreiden anarkistien (hryhorivimiesten?) aseistetun yksikön laastareilla ja lipuilla nykyajan tachankien (hevosvetoisten konekiväärien) takaosassa. Ukrainan asevoimat ottivat käyttöön myös nimen "Mahnon jousi" ( ukraina : Махновська лук) puolustusvoimille, jotka osallistuivat Huliaipolen taisteluun, jolla on ollut keskeinen paikka Ukrainan ja Venäjän miehittämän Zaporizhzhian välisessä kampanjassa.
      xxx/ellauri231.html on line 520: Syyskuussa 1917 Kornilov yritti kaapata vallan Pietarissa, sillä hän uskoi väliaikaisen hallituksen vievän maan kaaokseen. Ezenverran oli epäpoliittinen kaveri. Väliaikaisen hallituksen johtaja Aleksandr Kerenski julisti Kornilovin erotetuksi 9. syyskuuta (27. elokuuta), mutta joutui pyytämään apua muun muassa bolševikkien punakaartilta saadakseen sotilasvallankaappauksen torjutuksi. Kornilov ei koskaan päässyt Pietariin saakka, koska rautatietyöläiset estivät hänen joukkojensa kuljetuksen. Hän antautui 14. (1.) syyskuuta ja hänet vangittin Byhoviin. Bolševikit kaappasivat vallan ja syrjäyttivät itse Kerenskin marraskuun alussa 1917. Ai-ai Kerenski, turha on sun touhusi, bolshevikit vapaat on lahtarien vallasta ja kasakoiden nagaikat on vaiennettu.
      xxx/ellauri232.html on line 122: Under de senare årtiondena har flera forskare betonat de idealistiska och antimaterialistiska elementen i fascismen. I stället för att se denna som en reaktionär rörelse har flera forskare betonat dess revolutionära och visionära karaktär. Fascismen skall således närmast ses som en protest mot det sekulära samhällets symboliska ödslighet. Jimmie Åkessons smärta figur i kostym och slips ger oss hopp i de här svåra tiderna där Anders Tegner ses i ylletröja och andra partiers politiker går med kragarna vidöppna.
      xxx/ellauri232.html on line 210: Flera av slutrekommendationerna var svårsmälta och skulle bokstavligen kräva revolutionerande förändringar av lagstiftning och förvaltningen. Flera av dem var svårförenliga med demokratiska grundprinciper. Ett förslag som kan nämnas gick ut på att ge förtur till offentliga tjänster för låginkomsttagare och individer boende i ”utsatta områden”. Det förutsattes att en negativ syn på invandrare genomsyrade hela samhället, just liksom i Tyskland mot judar. Kamalin tyckte allra värst on Dilsa Demirbag-Sten, som var en kvinna ab kurdisk ursprung och dessutom en typisk svenska.
      xxx/ellauri232.html on line 212: Våren 2018 stängde Mittuniversitetet tillfälligt intagningen till socionomprogrammet på grund av konflikter på Avdelningen för socialt arbete där Massoud Kamali var professor och han stängdes i september 2018 av från sitt arbete. Anklagelser från studenter handlade bland annat om hierarkier, härskartekniker och social inkompetens och en student uttryckte att utbildningen är så vänstervriden att det hämmar diskussionerna, det är inte okej att tycka vad man vill. I januari 2019 fick han lämna sitt jobb efter att bland annat anklagats för att ha mordhotat rektorn, något som han själv nekade till.
      xxx/ellauri232.html on line 214: Westholm, och de forskare som stod på hans sida, betraktade till exempel ojämlikhet och främlingsfientlighet som något som måste beskrivas, definieras och påvisas för att sedan kunna förklaras. Det är ingen tvekan om att det krävs försiktighet och gott omdöme när samhällsvetare skapar och anlägger termer på olika företeelser. Han ansåg också att det var olämpligt att göra antagandet om att förtryck, orättvisor och rasism genomsyrar i stort sett hela samhället, eftersom det bara är just ett antagande och det intressanta är de variationer som kan framträda när teori testas mot empiri. Frågor som måste ställas handlar om varför individer som tillhör en viss inkomstgrupp och kommer från en viss region är mer eller mindre socialt toleranta än de som kommer från ett annat samhällsskikt och region. Månne dom är helt enkelt bara fattiga och dummmare? Och så vidare.
      xxx/ellauri233.html on line 112: Nåväl, nu kan tråden låsas, för nu har Fredrik Virtanen recenserat programmet på aftonblaskan.se. Beklagansvärd läsning från en beklagansvärd skribent på en beklagansvärd tidning. Jag citerar: "Hade han inte varit professor på Handels så hade hans 90 minuter varit outhärdliga". Jaha? Säger ju det mesta om både Dahlén och Virtanen. Tyvärr. Medelmåttornas triumf. Jag vet fanimig inte om jag ska skratta eller gråta, men förmodligen det senare:
      xxx/ellauri233.html on line 293: Ieyasu käski miehistön purjehtimaan Liefdellä Bungosta Edoon , missä hän upposi mätänä ja korjauskelvottomana. Vuonna 1604 Tokugawa määräsi Adamsin ja hänen seuralaisensa auttamaan Mukai Shōgenia , joka oli Uraga -laivaston ylipäällikkö , rakentamaan Japanin ensimmäisen länsimaisen laivan.
      xxx/ellauri233.html on line 297: Tokugawa Ieyasu (徳川家康, 31. tammikuuta 1543 – 1. kesäkuuta 1616; syntynyt Matsudaira Takechiyo ja myöhemmin muunkin niminen) oli Japanin Tokugawa Shogunaatin perustaja ja ensimmäinen shōgun, joka hallitsi Japania vuodesta 1603 asti Meiji- restauraatioon vuonna 1868. (Hemmetin pitkäikäinen.) Hän oli yksi kolmesta Japanin "suuresta yhdistäjästä" entisen herransa Oda Nobunagan ja yhden toisen Odan alaisen Toyotomi Hideyoshin kanssa. Alaikäisen daimyon poika Ieyasu eli kerran panttivankina jonkun daimyo Imagawa Yoshimoton alaisuudessa isänsä puolesta. Myöhemmin hän onnistui isänsä kuoleman jälkeen daimyona, palvellen Oda-klaanin vasallina ja kenraalina ja kasvatti voimiaan Oda Nobunagan alaisuudessa (jonka se sitten kyllä kavalasti jätti kuolemaan Honnojin selkkauxessa). Sillä oli aivan simona jalkavaimoja.
      xxx/ellauri233.html on line 309: Adamsin tila sijaitsi Uraga -sataman vieressä, joka on perinteinen Edo Bayn sisäänkäyntikohta . Siellä hänen kirjattiin käsittelevän ulkomaisten alusten lastia. John Saris kertoi, että kun hän vieraili Edossa vuonna 1613, Adamsilla oli jälleenmyyntioikeudet espanjalaisen laivan lastiin ankkurissa Uraga Bayssä.
      xxx/ellauri233.html on line 313: Adams neuvotteli Hollannin lähettiläiden puolesta. Hollantilaiset saivat vapaat kauppaoikeudet koko Japaniin ja perustivat sinne kauppatehtaan. (Sitä vastoin portugalilaiset saivat myydä tavaroitaan vain Nagasakissa kiinteillä, neuvoteltavilla hinnoilla.)
      xxx/ellauri233.html on line 332: Adams oli neuvonut Sarisia olemaan valitsematta Hiradoa, joka oli pieni ja kaukana Osakan ja Edon suurimmista markkinoista; hän oli suositellut Uraga -alueen valintaa Edon lähellä, mutta tomppelimainen Saris halusi pitää silmällä hollantilaista toimintaa.
      xxx/ellauri233.html on line 352: Seuraava matka Siamiin sensijaan meni Aatamilta aivan putkeen. Hän osti suuria määriä korkean tuoton tuotteita. Hänen kumppaninsa saivat kaksi laivaa Siamista kuljettaakseen kaiken takaisin Japaniin. Adams purjehti Merenhuiskeella Japaniin 143 tonnilla sappapuuta ja 3 700 peurannahkaa ja palasi Hiradoon 47 päivässä. (Paluumatka kesti 5. kesäkuuta ja 22. heinäkuuta 1616). Sayers saapui Hiradoon lokakuussa 1616 palkatulla kiinalaisella romulla 44 tonnilla sappaa, puuta. Kolmas alus, japanilainen romu, toi 4 560 peuran nahkaa Nagasakiin ja saapui kesäkuussa 1617 monsuunin jälkeen.
      xxx/ellauri233.html on line 363: Adams kuoli Hiradossa, Nagasakin pohjoispuolella, 16. toukokuuta 1620 55-vuotiaana. Hänet haudattiin Nagasakiin, missä hänen hautamerkkinsä saattaa edelleen näkyä. Hänen hautapaikkansa on Saint Francis Xavierin muistomerkin vieressä . Testamentissaan hän jätti kaupunkitalonsa Edoon, lääninsä Hemiin ja 500 Englannin puntaa jaettavaksi tasaisesti hänen Englannissa ja Japanissa asuvan perheensä kesken. Cocks kirjoitti: "En voi muuta kuin olla surullinen kapteeni William Adamsin kaltaisen miehen menetyksestä, sillä hän on ollut kahden Japanin keisarin (höh? shoguninpas!) kanssa niin suosiossa kuin kukaan kristitty näissä osissa maailmaa." (Kukon päiväkirja)
      xxx/ellauri233.html on line 366: Vuoteen 1629 mennessä vain kaksi Adamsin vuoden 1600 laivatoveria selvisi Japanista. Melchior van Santvoort ja Vincent Romeyn asuivat hiljaa Nagasakissa.
      xxx/ellauri233.html on line 377: Missä kohen Jamesin Blackthornen seikkailut poikkeavat esikuvastansa Adamsista? No mietitään - tää on romaani, eikä pelkkä rags to riches tositarina. Ei siis riitä pelkkä (E), pitää olla paxulti myös (K) ja (F). Näyttää siinä olevan kaikenlaista nujakointia, ja aika pian on jonkin verran myös japsunaisten nussintaa (sitähän oli Aatamilla kyllä izellään). "As they spend more time together, Blackthorne comes to deeply admire both Toranaga and (specifically) Mariko, and all three secretly become lovers." Samainen Mariko (joka on sentään vaan japsulainen nainen) silputaan smithereeneixi. "However, she and Blackthorne and the other ladies of Toranaga's "court", escape into a locked room. As the ninja prepare to blow the door open Mariko stands against the door and is killed by the explosion." No jäähän Toranagalle vielä "Lady Anjin". Entäs moraali? "Blackthorne is torn between his growing affection for Mariko (who is married to a powerful, abusive, and dangerous samurai, Buntaro), his increasing loyalty to Toranaga, his household and consort, a "Willow world" courtesan named Kikuli, and his desire to return to the open seas aboard Erasmus so he can intercept the Black Ship fleet before it reaches Japan." Onpa hienoa: (E,F,K) konfliktoituvat! "There are other recurring themes of Eastern values, as opposed to Western values, masculine (patriarchal) values as opposed to human values, etc."
      xxx/ellauri233.html on line 397: When Hasidic Judaism became influential in his native town, the Vilna Gaon joined the "opposers" or Misnagdim, rabbis and heads of the Polish communities, to curb Hasidic influence. When Hasidic Judaism became influential in Vilna, the Vilna Gaon joined rabbis and heads of the Polish communities, to speak against Hasidic influence.
      xxx/ellauri233.html on line 402: In 1781, when the Hasidim renewed their proselytizing work under the leadership of their Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi (the "Ba'al Ha'tanya", or "Rebbe Schlemiel"), the Gaon excommunicated them again, declaring them to be heretics with whom no pious Jew might intermarry. He encouraged his students to study natural sciences, and translated geometry books to Yiddish and Hebrew.
      xxx/ellauri234.html on line 100: "I'd had an inappropriate encounter with Monica Lewinsky and would do so again on other occasions between November and April, when she left the White House for the Pentagon. For the next ten months, I didn't see her, although we talked on the phone from time to time while I wanked."
      xxx/ellauri234.html on line 120: ja valepropaganda viettivät varsinaisia orgioita. Maamme valtaapitävät eivät halunneet eivätkä uskaltaneet myöntää, että heidän vihamielinen asenteensa ja provosoiva tapansa Neuvostoliittoa kohtaan oli sodan sytyttäjä. Sota ei luonnollisestikaan voinut päättyä muuhun kuin Suomen ja niiden tahojen tappioon, jotka olivat ajaneet maamme turmioon.
      xxx/ellauri234.html on line 124: Maamme johto ei missään vaiheessa tunnustanut syyllisyyttään talvisodan syttymiseen eikä liioin ollut valmis rauhanomaiseen ja ystävällismieliseen politiikkaan suurta rauhantahtoista naapuriamme kohtaan. Sen sijaan maamme vanhoillinen johto solmi salaisia poliittisia ja sotilaallisia suhteita natsi-Saksan kanssa. Samaan aikaan käynnistettiin huonosti peitelty propaganda revanssisotaa varten. Maamme sotilaallinen ja poliittinen johto tukeutui Hitlerin Saksan sotilaalliseen voimaan ja aloitti heti rauhansopimuksen solmimisen jälkeen vuonna 1940 valmistelut uutta Neuvostoliiton vastaista sotaa varten tällä kertaa natsi-Saksan liittolaisena.
      xxx/ellauri234.html on line 126: Rauhaa rakastavat Suomen kansalaiset, joita vale- ja vihapropaganda ei ollut sokaissut, toivoivat pysyvien luottamuxellisten ja ystävällismielisten suhteiden lujittuvan naapurimaamme kanssa. Siten olisi voitu luoda kansainvälistä rauhanpolitiikkaa. Heti välirauhan jälkeen perustettiin »Suomen-Neuvostoliiton välisen rauhan ja ystävyyden seura» ajamaan tätä asiaa. Yhdistys saavutti nopeasti suuren suosion. Sodanlietsojat maassamme eivät katsoneet tätä kehitystä suopein silmin. Vasta perustettu yhdistys oli vakava este uusille sotasuunnitelmille ja revanssisotaan valmistautumiselle. Yhdistyksen toiminta oli estettävä, jotta uuden sodan aikaan saaminen varmistettaisiin.
      xxx/ellauri234.html on line 484: Oops what did I do again. Cooee, come back Homelight, I did not mean it! Seriously!
      xxx/ellauri235.html on line 440: During World War II, Forester moved to the United States where he wrote propaganda to encourage that country to join the Allies. He eventually settled in Berkeley, California.
      xxx/ellauri235.html on line 444: Of course, most readers will want to learn about Hornblower (one of the few fictional characters with a biography), where that name came from, and what mechanism the father used to develop the many characters in his novels. But who would be startled to learn that Forester played an important role in the propaganda used by the UK to encourage the US’s entrance into WW2?
      xxx/ellauri235.html on line 448: During World War II Forester moved to the United States where he wrote propaganda to encourage the country to join the Allies, and eventually settled in Berkeley, California; while living in Washington, D.C., he met a young British intelligence officer named Roald Dahl, of whose experiences in the RAF he had heard word, and encouraged him to write about them. In 1947, he secretly married a woman named Dorothy Foster. He suffered extensively from arteriosclerosis later in life.
      xxx/ellauri235.html on line 471: Forester oli koulutukseltaan lääkäri, mutta ei koskaan toiminut ammatissa. Vuonna 1926 hän meni naimisiin Kathleen Belcherin kanssa. Tästä liitosta heille syntyi kaksi lasta, molemmat poikia. He erosivat vuonna 1945. Toisen maailmansodan aikana Forester osallistui sotaponnisteluihin propagandan kirjoittajana Englannissa. Sodan jälkeen hän muutti Yhdysvaltoihin ja asettui jonkin ajan kuluttua asumaan Kaliforniaan Berkeleyn kaupunkiin. Vuonna 1947 hän meni naimisiin Dorothy Fosterin (Farter) kanssa. Tästä liitosta ei tullut issueita. Ehkä se oli vaan peitetarina.
      xxx/ellauri235.html on line 497: During the Seven Years' War (1756-1763), Britain's ruinously expensive naval sorties against France were actually inflicting very little damage. In the specific case of the Sept 1757 Raid on Rochefort, British MP Henry Fox said it was like breaking their windows with guineas (i.e. - using and thus losing our most valuable coins as missiles, simply to break their glass windows).
      xxx/ellauri235.html on line 500: En debatt om USA:s stöd till Ukraina har flammat upp inför mellanårsvalet om en dryg vecka. – Vi har skickat tillräckligt med pengar till Ukraina. Det måste bli ett stopp nu, säger den amerikanska företagaren Patricia Gleason i Pennsylvania till HBL.
      xxx/ellauri235.html on line 734: The Spider and the Fly is a poem by Mary Howitt (1799–1888), published in 1829. The first line of the poem is "'Will you walk into my parlour?' said the Spider to the Fly." The story tells of a cunning spider who entraps a fly like Korinna (the name means little girl) into its web through the use of seduction and manipulation. The poem is a cautionary tale against those who use flattery and charm to disguise their true intentions (of fucking the little fly silly).
      xxx/ellauri235.html on line 745: For who goes up your winding stair can ne'er come down again." Se joka menee ylös noita portaita ei tule enää alas.
      xxx/ellauri235.html on line 753: They never, never wake again, who sleep upon your bed!" Ne jotka uinahtaa sun petille, ei koskaan enää herää!
      xxx/ellauri235.html on line 773: For well he knew, the silly fly would soon come back again: Hyvin se tiesi, että tyhmä kärpänen kyllä palaisi:
      xxx/ellauri235.html on line 776: Then he went out to his door again, and merrily did sing, Size meni takas ovelle ja lauloi hilpeästi:
      xxx/ellauri235.html on line 791: Within his little parlour – but she ne'er came out again! Pikku olokammariinsa - mistä hiän ei koskaan palannut!
      xxx/ellauri237.html on line 287: Mitä joulu merkizi Marquetalle? Vapaan maailman vapahtajan juhlaa, ja tietysti lahjoja, som jag själv har lagat. Tyty Arolakin ihailee alentuvasti Marketan kyynelten kastelemia vanuneita vanttuita. Mitä joulupukki nyt tekee Korvatunturilla? Mitä tekee vaimo katala joulukynttilöillä pukin poissaollessa? Kaija piti Marquetalle maailman kauneimman pikku joulusaarnan ja joulurukouxen. Uskonnossa kymppi - varjelkoon!
      xxx/ellauri237.html on line 680: Kansainvälinen oikeuslääketieteilijöiden asiantuntijaryhmä ilmoitti vuonna 2017 uusista tutkimuksista, joiden mukaan Neruda ei kuollut eturauhassyöpään. Ruumiista löydettiin tuntematonta bakteeria, jonka alkuperää tutkitaan. Tutkijat eivät saa toistaiseksi kertoa murhattiinko Neruda. Todennäköisesti murhattiin, mutta sellaista propaganda-asetta ei saa päästää näsien käsiin.
      xxx/ellauri239.html on line 155: I get asked this question a lot, as I am sure other pro-life Catholics do too. It’s as if the basic assumption in the question is “if Jesus said nothing against it, then it must be OK.”
      xxx/ellauri250.html on line 204: agazine.net/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/The-Addams-Family-Cartoon-post.jpg" />
      xxx/ellauri250.html on line 208: Gunilla var 45 och hade inte tänkt sig någon ny kärlek, men så kom han bara. De flyttade ihop, pratade svenska och lite slarvig engelska med varandra. Efter några år började de bygga ett hus i Mames barndomsby i Gambia. Ett hus om hösten som Gunilla själv hade lagat. Men hur gammalt var Mameluken då?
      xxx/ellauri250.html on line 241: Nu har det visat sig att kryptogossens frikostighet var en rökridå, som förmodligen dolde ett enda stort bedrägeri. Hans föräldrar är båda juridikprofessorer vid Stanford, specialiserade på beskattning, etik och bolagsstyrning. Äpplet föll inte långt från trädet. Bankman-Fried övertygade sin publik genom att snacka perfekt societetsbullshit, samtidigt som han levde ett extrvagant liv i Bahamas, utom räckhåll för lagens långa arm.
      xxx/ellauri250.html on line 437: It’s a tale of the endearing Russian bear, which rings discordantly when that bear has its claws out for its neighbors. Russians can't be nice! It is all russki propaganda! It depicts a woman’s quick forgiveness of a sexual predator with whom she’s forced to associate. (What the fuck, some sexual predator indeed, won't even give to her when she asks.) It’s about the fecklessness of the intellectual class and the blank emptiness of the Western (and Westernized) bourgeoisie—the screenplay deliberately leaves F.F. blank, even unto her name. Ljoha isn’t quite as blank, because in his unguarded drunkenness, he blurts out a few of his prejudices and acts out his impulses.
      xxx/ellauri250.html on line 571: In 1955 oder 1954, Bukowski was treated for a near-fatal bleeding ulcer. After leaving the hospital he began to write poetry. 1955 he "agreed to marry" small-town Texas poet Barbara Frye, but they subsequently divorced in 1958. Frye, die aus einer vermögenden texanischen Familie stammte, war selbst Schriftstellerin und zugleich Herausgeberin eines kleinen, alternativen Literaturmagazins namens Harlekiini. Apparently she later died under mysterious circumstances in India. Following his divorce, Bukowski resumed drinking and continued writing poetry.
      xxx/ellauri250.html on line 678: H.L.A Hart's review of the third edition in The New York Review of Books was mixed. While writing that "The utility of selling this utilitarian's book to students of its subject can hardly be exaggerated", Hart also criticized Practical Ethics for philosophical inconsistency in its chapter on abortion. He argues that Singer insufficiently explains how self interest and classical utilitarianism each view abortion, and does not bring out their differences. Self interest of males is strongly against abortion. Besides, carrots are fit food for bunnies only.
      xxx/ellauri250.html on line 683: Singer himself has said, "I am not really satisfied with the book". He has expressed concerns that his argument that an ethical life makes for a happy life "contains an element of wishful thinking", as he does not always do everything that he believes to be morally right (like sell his houses) and so might have underestimated how demanding morality can be, set against other things that might be fulfilling in life, like staying on at the U of Melbourne, licking licorice dicks, and penning more bestsellers like this.
      xxx/ellauri250.html on line 737: Another woman, who dated the same man several years earlier in a polyamorous relationship, alleges that he had once attempted to put his penis in her mouth while she was sleeping. (TIME is not naming the man, like others in this story, due to the request of one or more women who made accusations against them, and who wanted to shield themselves from possible retaliation.)
      xxx/ellauri250.html on line 827: Järjestään länkkärien propagandaläpysköitä, muunlaisiahan ei enää julkaista. Norjankin 2 johtavaa valtameediaa kuuluu samaan Schipsted konserniin.
      xxx/ellauri250.html on line 853: ‘Emeq HaEla (hebreiska: עמק האלה) är en dal i Israel. Den ligger i distriktet Jerusalem, i den centrala delen av landet. Called in Arabic: وادي السنط, Wadi es-Sunt, it is a long, shallow valley now in Israel and the West Bank best known as the place described in the Hebrew Bible (the Old Testament of Christianity) where the Israelites were encamped when David fought Goliath (1 Samuel 17:2; 1 Samuel 17:19). The valley is named after the large and shady terebinth trees (Pistacia atlantica) which are indigenous to it. David ja Goljat mutustelivat siellä pistaasipähkinöitä ennen matsia. The Valley of Elah has gained new importance as a possible point of support for the argument that Israel was more than merely a tribal chiefdom in the time of King David. Others are skeptical and suggest it might be just another piece of Jewish propaganda.
      xxx/ellauri250.html on line 933: Brittiske film på Snömannen ble dårlig mottatt av filmanmelderne i Norge. Både VG, Dagbladet, Aftenposten, Adresseavisen, NRK P3 og Kinomagasinet gav den terningkast to. TV 2s filmanmelder gav den terningkast tre og Filmmagasinet fire. Også filmanmeldere i andre land gav den dårlig mottakelse.
      xxx/ellauri251.html on line 170: Sent in thine anger against us for sin done Jonka lähetit äkäisenä tehtyämme syntiä:
      xxx/ellauri251.html on line 454: And blew against and quenched it; for I said, Ja sammutin sen; sillä mä sanoin,
      xxx/ellauri251.html on line 465: Men cast their heads back, seeing against the sun että muut saa kenottaa kaulaa päivään päin,
      xxx/ellauri251.html on line 487: The gods have drawn us hither; for again
      xxx/ellauri251.html on line 671: That flames and beats broad wings against the sun
      xxx/ellauri251.html on line 690: Two-edged for fight as the axe against his arm,
      xxx/ellauri251.html on line 691: Who drives against the surge of stormy spears
      xxx/ellauri251.html on line 858: Laid spears against us like a sea, and all
      xxx/ellauri251.html on line 864: God against god, Ares and Artemis,
      xxx/ellauri251.html on line 885: Nor set my mouth against thee, who art wise
      xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1007: Lest all these turn against thee; for who knows
      xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1165: ⁠Wave against wave as a sword,
      xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1189: ⁠The dividing of friend against friend,
      xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1195: ⁠For against all men from of old
      xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1355: Cast no such word against me. Thou, O mine,
      xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1496: ⁠Alas, our lords, and yet alas again,
      xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1579: Live: and again thou hast said, Yield up your breath,
      xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1587: Thou hast taken love, and given us sorrow again;
      xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1590: ⁠Feeble; and thou art against us, and thine hand
      xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1612: All we are against thee, against thee, O God most high.
      xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2074: The god is great against her; she will die.
      xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2112: And all they rode against her violently
      xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2153: Tame heads against my little maiden breasts
      xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2168: Refresh again; much costlier than fine gold,
      xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2187: Laugh with lips filled, and laughed again for love?
      xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2309: My spirit is strong against itself, and I
      xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2381: Swift fiery eyes in doubt against herself,
      xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2428: I never shall be glad or sad again.
      xxx/ellauri251.html on line 3001: ⁠None turned him again
      xxx/ellauri251.html on line 3212: Though thou wert wroth, and though thou bear again
      xxx/ellauri252.html on line 157: Kekähän oli tää parta-Aatu Adam Plaanila ja sen kiimainen vaimo Sanna eli Sally? Ei selviä. Ei sunkaan hiljan kuollut Matti Rossi, Handen taistolainen kaveri joka pysyi Taiston aatteelle uskollisena, ilmiantoi Kissin Unkariin ja sai siitä Zyskoviczin tukkaansa vielä 30v myöhemmin (juutalaiset eivät unohda), ja kirjoitti viime töixeen neuvostomyönteisesti Donbassista? Helsingin Sanomien toimittaja Laura Halminen luonnehti teosta venäjämieliseksi propagandaksi.
      xxx/ellauri252.html on line 290: Kalle Päätaloa eli ”Joulupuukalle Pääkalloa” hän ei ole jaksanut lukea kymmentä-viittätoista sivua enempää ja Väinö Linnan Tuntemattoman sotilaan hän leimaa ”ryynegreeniläiseksi” sotaromantiikan tuotteeksi. Velikultakirjallisuutta, jota on käytetty sotapropagandan välineenä.
      xxx/ellauri252.html on line 472: Varhain huhtikuun 9. päivän aamuna vuonna 1940 koitti Wesertag (”Weser-päivä”). Saksa valloitti Tanskan ja hyökkäsi Norjaan. Saksalaiset ilmoittivat maiden hallituksille, että Wehrmacht on saapunut ”suojelemaan maiden neutraaliutta ranskalais-brittiläistä aggressiota vastaan.” Huoh, aina tää sama tematiikka sodan alkupropagandassa.
      xxx/ellauri252.html on line 511: Tre dagar senare deltog två svenska militära sjöräddningsplan av typ Tp 47 Catalina i försöken att lokalisera Tp 79:an. Ett av planen besköts av sovjetiskt jaktflyg och tvingades nödlanda nära det västtyska fraktfartyget Münsterland som räddade de sju besättningsmedlemmarna.
      xxx/ellauri252.html on line 567: The Marshall Attack is an aggressive line in the Ruy Lopez, where Black sacrifices a pawn by playing d5 to gain initiative and a kingside attack. Frank Marshall famously debuted it in his game against José Raúl Capablanca in 1918. Marshall lost the game. White wins in well over half the plays.
      xxx/ellauri253.html on line 86: Primary factors believed to have led to the recession include the following: restrictive monetary policy enacted by central banks, primarily in response to inflation concerns, the loss of consumer and business confidence as a result of the 1990 oil price shock, the end of the Cold War and the subsequent decrease in defense spending, the savings and loan crisis and a slump in office construction resulting from overbuilding during the 1980s. The 1990 oil price shock occurred in response to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990, Saddam Hussein's second invasion of a fellow OPEC member. Lasting only nine months, the price spike was less extreme and of shorter duration than the previous oil crises of 1973–1974 and 1979–1980, but the spike still contributed to the recession of the early 1990s in the United States. The average monthly price of oil rose from $17 per barrel in July to $36 per barrel in October. As the U.S.-led coalition experienced military success against Iraqi forces, concerns about long-term supply shortages eased and prices began to fall.
      xxx/ellauri253.html on line 99: As growth in the technology sector stabilized, companies consolidated; some, such as Amazon.com, eBay, and Google gained market share and came to dominate their respective fields. A heavy move of assets again into the pockets of a few.
      xxx/ellauri253.html on line 192:
      Unton propagandakylttejä

      xxx/ellauri253.html on line 322: Heikki tiesi mixi joistakuista tuli suurmiehiä ja toisista vaan pikkumiehiä. Juu se oli koska ne halusivat sitä. Niikö näyttelijä Reagan ja The Witch esimerkixi. Ne halusivat sitä, ja panivat hösselixi. Loput eivät. Mitään suurta ei tapahdu ilman suurinenäisiä miehiä, ja miehet ovat suurinenäisiä vain jos he päättävät olla sitä. (De Gaulle). Ville Rydman on nyt päättänyt tulla suurmiehexi persusuomalaisten riveistä. Ervastikin oli päättänyt olla suuri. Ei suurmies, mutta silti suuri pelle. Toisinajattelijat kapteeni Kalpa ja Simo Knuuttila saisivat hoitaa edustamisen. Simo Knuuttila oli ujuttanut luennoillaan uhkarohkeasti länsimaista idealistis-utilitaristista filosofiaa marxismi-leninismin joukkoon ja maxanut siitä virallaan - nyt hän vetäisi nuoren älymystön kanssa kuivat kaduille. Lampaat nuo taivaan sinisen...
      xxx/ellauri253.html on line 326: Presidentti Reagan ei osannut lukea vaan luetutti muistiot apulaisilla "keep it short" meiningillä.
      xxx/ellauri253.html on line 340: Massayhteiskunta pääsi kukoistamaan ensimmäisenä Yhdysvalloissa ja siellä se myös ensimmäisenä tuhoutuisi. Massayhteiskunta synnytti automaattisesti kulutuskeskeisyyden, uuslukutaidottomuuden, katuväkivallan ja yhteiskunnallisesti rauhattoman henkisen ja taloudellisen me-first filosofian. Eikä mitään niin tehokasta idiotismia levittävää propagandakoneistoa ollut kuin amerikkalainen massaviihde. Ja brittiviihde hyvänä kakkosena, nytkin poliisisarjassa McDonald and Burger King kaikki alaluokan tyypit oli konnia ja yläluokan akateemikot jäi nauttimaan perimästään omaisuudesta. Värivammaiset poliisit kuljetti konnat poseen hilut kintuissa.
      xxx/ellauri253.html on line 377: Njeuvostoliitto alkoi mahtavan propagandaoffensiivin länsimeedioiden kustannuxella.
      xxx/ellauri253.html on line 481: Hyi helvetti, ei missään nimessä, nehän ovat täyttä paskaa, kuten kommunismikin! Päinvastoin, juuri noita elementtejähän tänään tarvittaisiin tänä riistokapitalismin aikana! Entä miten on sitten näiden isänmaallisten laulujen laita? Näissä oikeistolaisten militaristisissa lauluissa lauletaan jääkäreistä, isänmaallisuudesta, talvisodasta ym. fasistisesta propagandasta. Näitä lauluja oikeistolaiset taitavat pitää oikein hienoina kappaleina.
      xxx/ellauri253.html on line 498: "This is Ronald Reagan can you hear me?" Ronald McDonald suhisi proteesinsa läpitte. Mixi jenkkityperyxet luulevat että suomalaisten englanti on laulavaa? Izehän ne mankuvat kuin rikkinäinen sähkökitara.
      xxx/ellauri255.html on line 94: Rob Attaboy pohjustaa Antony Pyp Pipon haastattelua: The Provisional Government, its effectiveness hampered by a lack of legitimacy, faced a powerful rival in the shape of the socialist-led Petrograd Soviet that ruled the country’s then-capital city (now called St Petersburg). The Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin (note only 2 letters away from Vladimir Putin!) , sought to undermine the Provisional Government, which itself made a series of missteps – notably continued failures in the war against Germany and Austria-Hungary. Capitalising on these weaknesses, the Bolsheviks under Lenin and Leon Trotsky launched a coup d’état, the so-called October Revolution, seizing power with relative ease. Consolidating that power proved far more difficult, as a combination of opponents – ranging from former tsarist generals to other leftwing political groups who distrusted the Bolsheviks – took up arms against them.
      xxx/ellauri255.html on line 120: Antony Pyp Pipo: However, what’s interesting is how few of the White officers in Petrograd, Moscow and many other places actually joined the revolt against the communists at that stage. I think they were all so dispirited and demoralised by everything that had happened that most of them had sunk into apathy. But yes, there were certain areas where there were very strong reactions against the Bolsheviks. And that early part of the civil war, in the winter of 1917–18, showed that the outcome largely depended on what happened in local areas. It was a geographically fragmented civil war that was taking place across the whole of the landmass. Which really shows it was an oppressed people's uprising.
      xxx/ellauri255.html on line 129: Along the whole of that western frontier (that is now going to be the new Iron Curtain against Nato), from Finland all the way down through to Ukraine and the Donbas, they had a tremendous advantage, with trained troops in old winter coats and fur hats that were extremely effective. However, the White generals were arrogant, basically telling the Finns, the Estonians and so on that they were still part of the Russian empire – insulting all of their nationalist aspirations.
      xxx/ellauri255.html on line 370: On November 22, 2019, German news magazine Der Spiegel published an article in which it claimed Browder´s accusations concerning the "Magnitsky Case", do not withstand thorough examination.
      xxx/ellauri259.html on line 134: Apropoo Baba Jaga, mukana vuodossa oli myös Baba Lybeck, Tito ja Ina Collianderin lapsenlapsi. Baba on ex-uutistenlukija joka on sittemmin ollut mukana kaikenlaisissa viihdetempauxissa. Baba voitti elokuussa 2022 Varsovassa painonnostossa EM-kultaa 55-vuotiaiden 64 kilon sarjassa tuloksilla: tempaus 36 kg ja työntö 48 kiloa. Syönnä, maxoin rrrunsaasti.
      xxx/ellauri259.html on line 172: Leinon lapsuuden henkiseen ympäristöön Hömelössä kuului vanha kainuulainen tarinaperinne Baba Yaga-loitsuineen ja runoineen sekä värikkäät kertomukset isonvihan ja Kajaanin linnan aikoihin liittyneistä tapahtumista Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla. Elämän karuista tosiasioista muistuttivat Hömelön rantaan pysähtyneet nälkämailta Ouluun matkaavat kyrvännuolijat.
      xxx/ellauri259.html on line 349: Täähän on se tuttu aristoteelinen vapauden määritelmä: vapaa on se joka voi tehdä mitä tahtoo, eli koko jutun avain ettei tahdo mahdottomia. Kristityn vapaus ei saa houkutella tai painostaa toista ihmistä omantunnon ja uskonkäsityksen vastaiseen elämään yksittäisissä arkielämän tilanteissa. Kaiken tavoitteena ja täyttymyksenä on rakkaus. Rakkaus on aina vastuullista, hyödyllistä ja rakentavaa. (Puhe on siis agapeesta, ei mistään eroottisesta lihan kalusta eikä varsinkaan peräpäätä repivästä homofiliasta.) Elämän tarkoitus on rakkaus, ei vapauksista ja etuuksista kiinni pitäminen. Entä me?
      xxx/ellauri261.html on line 211: Jean Burden Haridas haudhuri Jiddu Krishnamurti Nagarjuna Alfred North
      xxx/ellauri261.html on line 434: Dolly Gallagher Levi: A widow in her middle years who has decided to begin her life again. She is a matchmaker, meddler, opportunist, and an optimistic life-loving woman.
      xxx/ellauri261.html on line 527: The next morning, back at the hay and feed store, Cornelius and Irene, Barnaby and Minnie, and Ambrose and Ermengarde each come to collect the money Vandergelder owes them. Chastened, he finally admits that he needs Dolly in his life, but she is unsure about the marriage until Ephram sends her a sign. Cornelius becomes Horace´s business partner at the store, and Barnaby fills Cornelius´ old position. Horace tells Dolly life would be dull without her, and she promises that she will "never go away again".
      xxx/ellauri261.html on line 581: The cover of the April 8, 1966, edition of Time magazine asked the question "Is God Dead?" and the accompanying article addressed growing atheism in America at the time, as well as the growing popularity of Death of God theology.
      xxx/ellauri261.html on line 631: The field of secular theology, a subfield of liberal theology advocated by Robinson somewhat combines secularism and theology. Recognized in the 1960s, it was influenced both by neo-orthodoxy, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Harvey Cox, and the existentialism of Søren Kierkegaard and Paul Tillich. Robinson, along with Douglas John Hall and Rowan Williams, see that Secular theology had digested modern movements like the Death of God Theology propagated by Thomas J. J. Altizer or the philosophical existentialism of Tillich and eased the introduction of such ideas into the theological mainstream and made constructive evaluations, as well as contributions, to the problems caused by the demise of out heavenly father.
      xxx/ellauri261.html on line 660: *Para alem do planeta silencioso, Perelandra: Viagem a Venus, Aquela forca medonha, volume 1-2. Texto integral. Hugh Walpole said he liked them. But then again Hugh and Clive wer both sort of Cambridge apostles who prodded holes in each other´s sides like two Thomas the doubters. (Actually, Clive went to Oxford.)
      xxx/ellauri265.html on line 64: Ryssät ovat saman edessä Ukrainan selkkauxessa. Viimeisin propagandapläjäys ryssän ulkoministeriltä on että länkkärit eivät pysähdy Ukrainan itärajalle. Viimeisin propagandapläjäys Ukrainan standup koomikolta on ettei ryssä pysähdy Ukrainan länsirajalle. Ehkä tästä saadaan vielä maailmansota aikaan, kun kaikki tekee parhaansa ja kazoo mihin se riittää.
      xxx/ellauri265.html on line 200: Puolitotuudet on hyödyllisiä yhdelle puolelle ja vaarallisia toiselle. Hyvin paha, joisivat kaikki vaan tätä meidän kokomaitoa. Mixei voida olla poliittisia vastustajia ja silti yhtä mieltä faktoista? Propaganda esim Pravda on hyvin vaarallinen totuuden laji, koska sillä voidaan agitoida ihmisiä. Agitoituneet ihmiset ovat vaarallisia. Yhden puolen viihdepuhe paljastuu toisen vihapuheexi. Totuus ei pala tulessa. Jää palaa.
      xxx/ellauri265.html on line 361: Thornhill and Palmer write that "In short, a man can have many children, with little inconvenience to himself; a woman can have only a few, and with great effort." Females thus tend toward selectivity with sexual partners. Rape could be a reproductive strategy for males. They point to several other factors indicating that rape may be a reproductive strategy. Most rapes occur during prime childbearing years. Rapists usually use no more force than necessary to subdue, argued to be since physically injuring victims would harm reproduction. Moreover, "In many cultures rape is treated as a crime against the victim's husband. He is the real victim there."
      xxx/ellauri265.html on line 380: But to infer from that, as many critics assert that Thornhill and Palmer do, that what is biological is somehow right or good, would be to fall into the so-called appeal to nature. They make a comparison to "natural disasters as epidemics, floods and tornadoes". This shows that what can be found in nature is not always good and that measures should be and are taken against natural phenomena. They further argue that a good knowledge of the causes of rape, including evolutionary ones, are necessary in order to develop effective preventive measures. Of course, my dears, what is good for the rapist is bad for the rest of us. It is equally natural to be critical of it. Killing is also natural, and may be beneficial for the perpertrator it, but not for the victims.
      xxx/ellauri265.html on line 419: Last week the New York University (NYU) psychology professor announced that he would resign at the end of the year from the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, his primary professional association, because of a newly adopted requirement that everybody presenting research at the group's conferences explain how their submission advances "equity, inclusion, and anti-racism goals." It was the sort of litmus test against which he has warned, and which he sees as corroding institutions of higher learning.
      xxx/ellauri265.html on line 494: agawa__ce47ac06c7d13ca31104f71f89b141f8.jpg" height="300px" />
      xxx/ellauri268.html on line 240: What is a character that is written so you're meant to feel one way towards them, but you actually feel the opposite about them? Mine is Merope Gaunt. She was written to be pitied for, and that would be true for almost all of her story, but I find it hard to really do that when you consider she basically gave Riddle either a date rape potion or used dark magic to make him a puppet and remove all form of mental resistance from his head by magic and had sex with him against the will of his right mind to have a child, then expected him to stay for a child he never meant to have.
      xxx/ellauri268.html on line 301: Vaikka kirjat toistivat ehdottomasti antisemitistisiä trooppisia trooppisia tyyppejä, Harry Potter -elokuvat veivät rasistisen yhdistyksen askeleen pidemmälle, jolloin peikko ulkonäköä ei käytännössä eronnut natsien propagandajulisteesta; pahempaa oli Daavidin tähti -kuvio, joka oli selvästi näkyvissä Gringotts Bankin lattialla (tämä oli kuvauspaikan, Lontoon Australian korkeimman komission ominaisuus, eikä sitä esiintynyt myöhemmissä elokuvissa).
      xxx/ellauri268.html on line 335: Mutta kriitikot ovat huomauttaneet jo vuosia, että Gringotts Wizarding Bankia johtavat koukkunenäiset, ahneet peikkopankkiirit näyttävät paljon koukkunenäisiltä, ​​ahneilta juutalaisilta karikatyyreiltä, ​​jotka ovat olleet antisemitistisen propagandan tunnusmerkki keskiajalta Der Stürmeriin asti.
      xxx/ellauri268.html on line 357: Most disturbingly, there’s a direct line between Gringotts and the Grinch and the antisemitic attacks on George Soros. Soros is a billionaire Democratic donor and Holocaust survivor who has become a favorite target of the global far right. He’s been falsely accused of collaborating with Nazis and funding antifa. The right also (again falsely) claimed he was bankrolling the migrant caravan in 2018. That last conspiracy theory allegedly inspired one far-right radical to kill 11 people at a synagogue in Pittsburgh.
      xxx/ellauri268.html on line 364: Jewish people are not the main targets of hate and violence in the United States, it is the coons. Again, Rowling’s campaign of hatred against trans people has been much more harmful, and much more consequential, than her goblins.
      xxx/ellauri268.html on line 377: Joy Harjo was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on May 9, 1951. Joy Harjo is an enrolled three quarter injun of the Muscogee/Mvskoke (Creek) Nation. From 2019 to 2022, she served as the 23rd Poet Laureate of the United States. Harjo's childhood in Oklahoma contained episodes of violence and conflict. Her Muscogee father suffered from alcoholism. Harjo's parents eventually divorced, but when her Cherokee-European mother married again, Harjo ended up with an abusive Caucasian stepfather.
      xxx/ellauri268.html on line 507: In 2001, Sedaris was awarded the Thumber Prize for American Humor and named Humorist of the Year by Time magazine. He has also earned three Grammy nominations for audio versions of his works, and in 2008 he was awarded an honorary doctorate by Binghamton University in New York.
      xxx/ellauri273.html on line 407: Huhut wellowat Taiwanissa, käden hikoavat ja propagadapeli kovenee kun mannerkiinalaiset koittavat heikentää formosalaisten tilltro till demokratin. Tarkoittaen amerikkalaisen versiota siitä tietysti, sitä mihin kuuluu se "pursuit of happiness". Urheat formosalaiset opettelevat amerikkalaisen ex-mariinin johdolla ampumista maalikuulapyssyillä. HBL seuraa tarkkasilmäisenä vierestä. No ei, tää juttu on varmaan ostettu sellaisenaan jenkkimeediasta. Kyllä se tästä, kolmas maailmansota lähtee nimittäin. Maanpuolustustahto on siinä ihan ykkönen (Nää on meidän pikkukajavat!). Hyvä kakkonen on Hoblan levittämä disinformaatio.
      xxx/ellauri280.html on line 79: Enoch Arnold Bennett (1867 Staffordshire- 1931 Lontoo) oli brittiläinen kirjailija, uskokaa tai älkää. Hän kirjoitti ja tienasikin sillä aivan vitusti. Hän oli aikansa Ken Follett. Hän työskenteli ensimmäisessä maailmansodassa propagandaministeriössä ja johti sitä lyhyesti, ja kirjoitti elokuvateatteriin 1920-luvulla. Hänen kirjojensa myynti oli huomattavaa ja hän oli aikansa taloudellisesti menestynein brittikirjailija.
      xxx/ellauri280.html on line 89: John Boynton Priestley's first major success came with a novel, The Good Companions (1929), which earned him the James Tait Black Memorial Prize for fiction and made him a national figure. His next novel, Angel Pavement (1930), further established him as a successful novelist. However some critics were less than complimentary about his work and Priestley threatened legal action against Graham Greene for what he took to be a defamatory portrait of him in the novel Stamboul Train (1932). In 1940 he broadcast a series of short propaganda radio talks, which were credited with strengthening civilian morale during the Battle of Britain. In the following years his left-wing beliefs brought him into conflict with the government and influenced the development of the welfare state.
      xxx/ellauri280.html on line 126: TAIPEI, Taiwan -- One year into Russia's war against Ukraine, China is offering a 12-point proposal to end the fighting. The proposal follows China's recent announcement that it is trying to act as mediator in the war that has re-energized Western alliances viewed by Beijing and Moscow as rivals.

      xxx/ellauri280.html on line 160: 29. tammik. 2023 JERUSALEM — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday announced a series of punitive steps against the Palestinians, including plans to send more thads to beef up Jewish settlements in the occupied...
      xxx/ellauri280.html on line 217: Vuonna 1931 tuli OUN:iin Antonio Banderas, mies, jonka lukijat tuntevat toisellakin nimellä, el Zorron nimellä. Hänen kohtaloxi tuli pian olla koko Ukrainan vapautusliikkeen johtaja ja Ukrainan nationalismin symboli tähän päivään asti. Bandera opiskeli Saksan tiedustelukoulussa ja hänestä tuli pian Länsi-Ukrainan aluekapellimestari. Viranomaiset pidättivät hänet toistuvasti: Puolan vastaisesta propagandasta, laittomasta rajan ylittämisestä ja salamurhayritykseen osallistumisesta. Hän järjesti mielenosoituksia Ukrainan nälänhätää ja ukrainalaisten puolalaisten tuotteiden ostamista vastaan.
      xxx/ellauri280.html on line 223: 1940-luvun jälkeen termiä "Bandera" käytetään usein viittaamaan kaikkeen ukrainalaiseen nationalismiin . Tätä nimeä käytti erityisen usein Neuvostoliiton propaganda , joka merkitsi sillä koko Ukrainan nationalistista maanalaista toimintaa Suuren isänmaallisen sodan aikana ja sen jälkeen, samoin kuin ukrainalaisia ​​nationalisteja ulkomailla ja niitä, jotka vastustivat Ukrainassa Neuvostoliiton kansallista politiikkaa. Neuvostoliiton "Banderan" käsitteestä tuli vähitellen yleinen sana, ja sitä sovellettiin kaikkiin ukrainalaisiin nationalisteihin riippumatta heidän jäsenyydestään OUN:ssa.
      xxx/ellauri280.html on line 225: Ukrainan poliittisen kriisin aikana 2010-luvun puolivälissä termi "Bandera" otti tärkeän paikan Venäjän poliittisessa propagandassa ja sitä käytetään negatiivisessa merkityksessä. Niinpä he alkoivat kutsua kaikkia ukrainalaisia ​​nationalisteja riippumatta heidän todellisesta asenteestaan ​​Stepan Banderaan, Andriy Melnykiin , Roman Shukhevychiin ja Ukrainan neuvostovastaiseen undergroundiin. Vähitellen Ukrainan valta- ja lainvalvontaviranomaisten jäseniä alettiin kutsua "banderiiteiksi" riippumatta heidän asenteestaan ​​​​nationalismia kohtaan.
      xxx/ellauri280.html on line 227: Venäjällä Banderan kiistanalaista toimintaa käytetään Ukrainan vastaisen propagandan välineenä. Neuvostoliiton ja sitten Venäjän propaganda kuvailee Banderaa ja hänen kannattajiaan vastenmielisinä natsien kätyreinä. Toisen maailmansodan jälkeen sanaa " Bandera " alettiin käyttää suhteessa kaikkiin ukrainalaisen nationalismin muotoihin, ja siitä tuli "neuvostovastaisten ukrainalaisten" nimitys riippumatta ideologisesta yhteydestä Banderaan. Venäläisen propagandan suosittu myytti Banderan SS-divisioonan "Galicia" perustamisesta on suuntaa-antava , vaikka se muodostettiin paikallisista vapaaehtoisista, ja OUN boikotoi divisioonaan mobilisaatiota [9], johti asianmukaista kampanjointia ja otti mielellään karkurit Galician divisioonasta UPA:n riveihin. Totta, myöhemmin OUN tunnusti divisioonan potentiaalisten taistelijoidensa kouluksi ja yritti ottaa divisioonan riveihin luotettuja ihmisiä, joiden piti kampanjoida sisällä ja oikeaan aikaan ottaa se haltuunsa. Saksalaiset yrittivät kuitenkin estää tämän vapaaehtoisten huolellisen valinnan avulla.
      xxx/ellauri280.html on line 339: Tammikuun 26. päivän illalla, yleisen nälkälakon kolmantena päivänä, 9. kasarmi ei huomannut että muut jo lopettelivat, he näkivät nälkää päivän pidempään. Tämä oli ilmeisesti viimeinen joukkonälkälakko stalinistisessa Gulagissa. 27. tammikuuta sunnuntaina vangit eivät työskennelleet, Karagandan, Alma-Atan ja Moskovan komiteat lupaavat "selvittää asian". Tiistaina 29. tammikuuta pidettiin tapaaminen esimiesten kanssa. Siihen kuului myös mekaanisen työpajan työnjohtaja Solzhenitsyn. Helmikuun 19. päivänä Ekibastuzista lähetettiin suuri joukko lakon yllyttäjiä lapparoimaan potaskaa. Siihen kuului myös mekaanisen työpajan työnjohtaja Solzhenitsyn.
      xxx/ellauri280.html on line 447: Oud or Oudh is by far one of the most expensive raw fragrance ingredients in the world. Also known as agarwood, this essential oil is extracted from the fungus-infected resinous heartwood of the agar tree, which is primarily found in the dense forests of Southeast Asia, India and Bangladesh. It is worth 1.5 times its weight in gold. It is an endangered species.
      xxx/ellauri281.html on line 724: John Train, Paris Review Co-Founder and Cold War Operative, sentään kuoli 94-vuotiaana 2022, onnexi. His career, ranging from literature to finance to war, and from France to Afghanistan, seemed to cover every interest and issue of his exalted social class. Yet he was also an operator in high finance and world affairs who, by one researcher’s account, had ties to U.S. secret services. Mr. Train founded and ran a leading financial firm devoted to preserving the money of rich families, and he worked to support the mujahedeen in their fight against the Soviet Union in the 1980s. The Guardian reported that Train, Smith had $375 million under management in 1984. In 1986, Fortune magazine wrote that Mr. Train’s firm “claims to be the largest in New York serving rich families.” Mr. Train’s books on investing were praised as riveting in The New York Times and “classic” in The Wall Street Journal. Among them were several about successful financiers, whom he referred to as “money masters,” and their techniques. He treated his political interests less jokingly. A committed cold warrior, he wrote for The Wall Street Journal about military affairs. He became concerned that the conspiracy-monger Lyndon LaRouche was a “possible Soviet agent.” (Lyndon began in far-left politics but in the 1970s moved to the far right and antisemitism.)
      xxx/ellauri281.html on line 726: A yet murkier side of Mr. Train’s political engagement was documented in Joel Whitney’s 2016 book, “Finks: How the C.I.A. Tricked the World’s Best Writers,” a history of connections between Paris Review founders and intelligence agencies. Drawing on a collection of Mr. Train’s papers at Seton Hall University and two interviews with him, Mr. Whitney wrote that in the 1980s Mr. Train used a “shell nonprofit to foster schemes” furthering U.S. “intelligence and propaganda missions” in Afghanistan. Mr. Train ran an organization, the Afghanistan Relief Committee, which presented itself as largely devoted to helping refugees and offering other forms of humanitarian aid, but a study by the left-leaning Institute for Policy Studies found that its budget was spent largely on “media campaigns.” Vanhuxena John Train koitti lukea hankkimiaan afgaanimattoja.
      xxx/ellauri281.html on line 773: Hän kertoi päättäneensä pitää protestikylttiä suorassa televisiossa Ukrainan sodan alkaessa, koska hän halusi "puhkaista propagandakuplan" Venäjällä.
      xxx/ellauri281.html on line 776: Hän sanoi, että hän ei vaikene Ukrainan sodasta ja tekisi jatkossakin "kaikkeni tämän sodan päättymiseksi Venäjän tappioon. Ongelma on, että koko Venäjä on organisoidun propagandan informaatiokuplassa", hän sanoi. "Ei ole riippumatonta mediaa. Saadaksesi tarkkoja tietoja, tarvitset VPN:n matkapuhelimeesi, ja se on ainoa tapa saada länsimaista tietoa. Mutta se on kallista."
      xxx/ellauri281.html on line 793: Ronald Reagan seurasi Jimmy Carteria Yhdysvaltain presidenttinä. Maailmalla arvioitiin Reaganin valinnan merkitsevän Yhdysvaltain ulkopolitiikan jyrkentymistä.
      xxx/ellauri281.html on line 799: John Hinckley ampui presidentti Reagania Washingtonissa. Caramba! Viele vehen vasemmalle!
      xxx/ellauri281.html on line 802: Haigin lähti hakemaan Lähi-idän maiden tukea Ronald Reaganin ulkopolitiikalle, joka korosti turvallisuusyhteistyötä ”Neuvostoliiton uhan vuoksi”.
      xxx/ellauri281.html on line 815: Yhdysvallat ilmoitti vastustavansa Pohjolan julistamista ydinaseettomaksi vyöhykkeeksi, koska Pohjolan strateginen merkitys oli presidentti Ronald Reaganin ja ulkoministeri Alexander Haigin mielestä kasvanut.
      xxx/ellauri281.html on line 821: Ronald Reagan erotti 11 359 lakkoillutta lennonjohtajaa, jotka eivät totelleet hänen määräystään lopettaa lakko.
      xxx/ellauri281.html on line 841: Iran-Contra-skandaali: Ronald Reagan allekirjoitti salaisen määräyksen NSDD-17 antaen CIA:lle oikeuden värvätä ja tukea Nicaraguan Contra-sissejä.
      xxx/ellauri281.html on line 847: Suurvallat alkoivat syytellä toisiaan Puolan tilanteen kärjistämisestä. Yhdysvaltain presidentti Ronald Reagan arvosteli Neuvostoliittoa osallistumisesta ihmisoikeuksien polkemiseen Puolassa. Pravda puolestaan kirjoitti vähän myöhemmin Yhdysvaltain pyrkivän luomaan Puolaan tilanteen, joka johtaisi Neuvostoliiton väliintuloon.
      xxx/ellauri281.html on line 855: Yhdysvaltain presidentti Ronald Reagan ilmoitti Yhdysvaltain ottavan käyttöön talouspakotteet Neuvostoliittoa vastaan Puolan tilanteen vuoksi.
      xxx/ellauri286.html on line 93: Venäjästä. Infosota on kivaa! Pidän länsipropagandasta!

  • xxx/ellauri286.html on line 105: Se, että Viron miehityksestä ja neuvostoelämän realiteeteista liikkui paljon totuutena pidettyjä valheita, oli tavallista arkea. Olin kasvanut maailmassa, jossa miehittäjä oli päässyt kirjoittamaan Viron historian mieleisekseen ja neuvostopropagandan jäljet ulottuivat myös Neuvostoliiton rajojen ulkopuolelle.
    xxx/ellauri286.html on line 108: Propagandalla, kuten valheella aina, on pitkät jäljet, ja ellei valhetta korjata, se jää elämään.
    xxx/ellauri286.html on line 142: Painovapauslaki ei koskenut elokuvia, vaan niiden osalta ylläpidettiin perustuslain säätämisjärjestyksessä säädetyn lain nojalla sensuurijärjestelmää rauhan aikanakin vuoteen 2001 saakka. Vuonna 1965 säädetyn lain mukaan esitettäväksi ei hyväksytty ”hyvien tapojen vastaisia”, ”epäsiveellisiä, raaistavia tai mielenterveyttä vahingoittavia” elokuvia tai elokuvia, joiden esittäminen saattoi ”vaarantaa yleistä järjestystä tai turvallisuutta tahi maanpuolustusta taikka huonontaa valtakunnan suhteita ulkovaltoihin”. Nämä kiellot kumottiin vuonna 2001. Valtion elokuvatarkastamo kuitenkin tarkasti vuoteen 2012 saakka julkisesti esitettävät ja myytävät elokuvat mutta ainoastaan mahdollisten ikärajojen määräämistä varten. Korkein ikäraja, joka niille voitiin määrätä, oli 18 vuotta. Tunnettuja esimerkkejä ovat olleet suomalaissyntyisen Casper Wreden elokuvan Ivan Denisovitšin päivä – Aleksandr Solženitsynin samannimisen romaanin pohjalta – esityskielto ulkopoliittisista syistä vuonna 1972 ja samoin suomalaissyntyisen Renny Harlinin Yhdysvalloissa ohjaaman elokuvan Jäätävä polte määrääminen esitys- ja levityskieltoon raaistavan ja ulkopoliittisesti arveluttavan sisältönsä vuoksi vuonna 1986. Ne olivatkin paxua propagandaa molemmat.
    xxx/ellauri286.html on line 150: Vastaaviin, tavallisten ihmisten käyttämiin ilmaisuihin ei Virossa törmännyt eikä muuallakaan Itä-Euroopassa – maissa joissa miehityksen ja propagandan kieli osattiin tunnistaa ja sellaiseksi myös määritellä. Eli kirjani olivat silkkaa propagandaa, ei epäilystäkään.
    xxx/ellauri286.html on line 154: Ja yhtä luonnollista oli se, että kun näistä asioista puhuttiin eufemismein, niistä puhuttiin vain luotettavassa seurassa ja mielellään ulkoilmassa. Kun kirjoitettiin kirjeitä, todelliset merkitykset punottiin rivien väleihin ja toisinaan käytettiin salakieltä. KGB:n silmät ja korvat olivat kaikkialla, myös Suomessa, sillä suuren isänmaan jättäneitä ulkovirolaisia seurattiin ankarasti myös Neuvostoliiton rajojen ulkopuolella. Ja syystäkin! Heti alkoivat vehkeillä. Panivat tupeen päähän ja kirjoittivat propagandakirjoja.
    xxx/ellauri286.html on line 223: Suht tuntemattoman venäläisen runoilijan Lev Rubinsteinin mukaan propaganda, yksi informaatiosodan väline, tarkoittaa merkityksen romahdusta. Propaganda saastuttaa sanan niin, että se menettää merkityksensä. Esimerkiksi käy vaikkapa sana tasa-arvo. Neuvostopropagandan mukaan kaikki olivat tasa-arvoisia keskenään ja Neuvostoliitto kansojen tasa-arvoisen ystävyyden kehto. Se ei ollut totta, ja siksi esimerkiksi sukupuolten välisestä tasa-arvosta keskustelu siinä mielessä kuin pohjoismaissa tasa-arvo ymmärretään, on hankalaa Itä-Euroopan maissa, jos käyttää sanaa tasa-arvo, sillä sanalla on ikävä kaiku.
    xxx/ellauri286.html on line 229: Sananvapauden rajoittamisen keinot ovat siis huomattavasti monimuotoisempia ja siten myös hankalammin hahmotettavia kuin neuvostoaikana. Varsinkin kun sanoja ei nyt varsinaisesti rajoiteta, pikemminkin päinvastoin sanat sakenevat. Myös psykologisessa vaikuttamisessa on eroja. Venäjän propaganda eroaa neuvostopropagandasta, koska jälkimmäisen väitteet perustuivat ideologiaan. Venäjän ideologia ei ole juuri länttä kummempi. Putinin valtaannousun myötä on perustettu lukuisia alan tutkimuskeskuksia ja se on institutionalisoitu akateemiseksi opinalaksi, jota voi opiskella lukuisissa yliopistoissa ja tiettyihin tutkimuskohteisiin erikoistuneissa instituuteissa, esim. Venäjän sananvapauden rajoittamisen instituutti (Российский институт ограничения свободы выражения мнений).
    xxx/ellauri286.html on line 231: 2000-luku oli aikaa, jolloin Itä-Euroopan ja Baltian maissa palautettiin historiantutkimus jälleen historiantutkimukseksi, ei itä- vaan länsipropagandan työkaluksi, vakiinnutettiin sen työkaluja ja luotiin perustaa lähihistorian tutkimukselle.
    xxx/ellauri286.html on line 268: Morning Star on tuttu lehti virolaisille, koska se oli ainoa englanninkielinen lehti, jonka neuvostoaikoina saattoi saada käsiinsä, jos halusi harjoittaa englantiaan. Lehti oli KGB:n tukema propagandatyökalu, mutta koska se näyttää tavalliselta sanomalehdeltä, lehden taustaa tuntematon voi lukea lehteä kuin mitä tahansa sanomalehteä, ja uskoa joka sanan, onhan se pränttiä.
    xxx/ellauri286.html on line 278: Näin kirjailija ja toimittaja pakotetaan tuhlaamaan aikaansa. Kirjailija voisi olla jo kynäilemässä seuraavaa propagandapläjäystä. Kun ajatellaan perinteisten Venäjä-trollien työtä verkossa, yksi heidän toimintansa päämäärä on ajaa ihmisiä aikaa vieviin väittelyihin, jotka eivät vastaa luonnollista keskustelua, jossa kaikki ovat mun kanssa samaa mieltä ja nyökkivät kun mä olen äänessä, vaan ovat inttämistä ja samalla jatkuvaa Moskovan-perusviestien tuuttaamista.
    xxx/ellauri286.html on line 283: Tämä lukuohje oli aika lailla tyylipuhdasta propagandaa ja jälleen kerran ristiriidassa itse romaanin propagandasisällön kanssa, jossa venäläisiä on minimaalisesti, eikä ole myöskään venäläisiä juoppoja sikoja. Juopot siat kirjassa ovat virolaisia, tosin russofooneja.
    xxx/ellauri286.html on line 288: Vain muutamassa vuodessa "Venäjään liittyvien aiheiden kanssa työskentelevän ihmisen" työilmapiiri on muuttunut täysin. Ukrainan sodan myötä Venäjän toimintatavat ovat kuitenkin tulleet kansainvälisesti näkyviksi ja julkinen keskustelu on helpompaa myös siksi, että kehittämämme asiaan liittyvä propagandasanasto on alkanut vakiintua kieleen myös muualla kuin Baltian ja Itä-Euroopan maissa.
    xxx/ellauri286.html on line 294: Suomen tietotoimisto STT on alkanut kouluttaa toimittajia propagandakampanjoita silmällä pitäen. Vaikka Suomessa propaganda ja lukutaito rapistui Neuvostoliiton romahtamisen myötä,
    xxx/ellauri286.html on line 295: sen (propagandan, ei niinkään lukutaidon) tarpeellisuuteen on jälleen herätty.
    xxx/ellauri286.html on line 318: RT:n lisäksi Venäjällä on runsaasti pienempiä mediakanavia hallussaan. Kun RT pitää yllä uskottavuuttaan tekemällä propagandan lisäksi myös oikeita uutisia ja dokumentteja, pienempien toimijoiden joukossa on runsaasti niitä, jotka eivät tee niitä laisinkaan.
    xxx/ellauri286.html on line 323: Yksi näistä valemedioista, MV-lehti, (WTF-magazine, my joke) aloitti huumorisivustona, josta kasvoi yksi Suomen suosituimmista ja niiden vuosien aikana lehti ehti kerätä suuren lukijakunnan.
    xxx/ellauri286.html on line 331: Venäjän strategia on tietogeopolitiikkaa, ja demokraattisten maiden moderni, vapaa, köyhän kansan omistama tiedonvälitys tarjoaa sille erinomaisen toiminta-alustan. Näin sananvapautemme on myös heikkoutemme: se mahdollistaa vieraan valtion propagandan kohdistamisen muiden maiden kansalaisiin heidän omassa kotimaassaan. Tähän on saatava jokin roti ja vähän äkkiä!
    xxx/ellauri286.html on line 359: Aron mukaan Venäjän propaganda ja julkista keskustelua häiritsevät trollit ovat vaikuttaneet sähköistävästi suomalaiseen keskusteluilmapiiriin.
    xxx/ellauri286.html on line 379: Teoxia: Sota vai rauha: kirjoituxia lännestä. Šiškiniä on verrattu muiden muassa Orhan Pamukiin ja J. M. Coetzeehen. Vuodesta 1995 Šiškin on asunut Sveitsissä. Hän kirjoittaa myös saksaksi. Vuonna 1995 Shishkin muutti Sveitsiin perhesyistä. Hän työskenteli Zürichissä maahanmuuttoministeriössä ja erityisesti pakolaisten parissa venäjän ja saksan kääntäjänä. Hän on naimisissa kääntäjänsä kanssa (Zhenjya, kuvassa). Hänellä on Sveitsin kansalaisuus. Sen vaimo Zhenya pitelee sen päätä ettei se käänny enempää vasemmalle. Zhenya on sen kääntäjä. Vähän väliä käydään kääntymässä USA:ssa propagandaretkillä Harrimanin kustannuxella. W Averell Harriman, better known as Averell (Pää kiinni, Averell! Anna sen sytytyslangan olla, Averell!) Rautatieparoni E. H. Harrimanin poika, Harriman toimi Neuvostoliiton suurlähettiläänä ja osallistui suuriin toisen maailmansodan konferensseihin. Isänsä rahoilla hän perusti WA Harriman & Co -pankkitoiminnan vuonna 1922. Harrimanilla oli 3 erittäinkin lukratiivista avioliittoa. Harriman veti naruja, jotta hänen tyttärensä Kathleen voisi seurata häntä Neuvostoliittoon palvelemaan hänen avustajanaan. Kaksi kolmasosaa Yhdysvaltojen viereisen talven trumpetistijoutsenista viettää kauden Harriman State Parkissa.
    xxx/ellauri286.html on line 391: Sananvapauden rahoittamisen keinot ovat siis huomattavasti monimuotoisempia ja siten myös hankalammin hahmotettavia kuin neuvostoaikana. Myös psykologisessa vaikuttamisessa on eroja. Venäjän propaganda eroaa neuvostopropagandasta, koska jälkimmäisen väitteet perustuivat eri ideologiaan.
    xxx/ellauri286.html on line 602: Monet BPD-potilaat voivat työskennellä, jos he löytävät sopivan työpaikan ja heidän tilansa ei ole liian vakava. BPD:tä sairastavilla henkilöillä voidaan todeta olevan vamma työpaikalla, jos tila on tarpeeksi vakava, jotta ihmissuhteiden sabotointi, riskikäyttäytyminen tai voimakas viha estävät henkilöä toimimasta työtehtävissään. Länkkäripropagandan bestselleristin homma voi sellaiselle sopia.
    xxx/ellauri287.html on line 524: Epäonnistuminen temppelin jälleenrakentamisessa on yhdistetty vuoden 363 Galilean maanjäristykseen. Vaikka ihmeestä on olemassa yllättävän nykyaikainen todistus St. Gregory Nazianzenin puheissa, Edward Gibbon piti tätä epäluotettavana nazipropagandana. Muita tärkeitä mahdollisuuksia ovat vahingossa tapahtuva tulipalo tai tahallinen sabotaasi.
    xxx/ellauri287.html on line 564: John Whiting vietti monipuolista ja monipuolista työelämää Jerusalemissa. Hän työskenteli American Colony Photo Department -osastolla valokuvaajana ja auttoi myös yrityksen johtamisessa. Hän oli lankonsa Frederick Vesterin kanssa kumppani ja johtaja Vester & Co.-American Colony Storessa lähellä Jaffa Gatea. Siellä myytiin American Colony Photo Department -tulosteita, lyhtydioja ja postikorttikuvia muiden tavaroiden ohella. Hän oli mukana perustamassa lyhytaikaista New Yorkin haaraa American Colony Storessa, joka epäonnistui taloudellisen taantuman vuoksi. Whiting puhui sujuvasti arabiaa. Hän keräsi antiikkiesineitä, kuten keramiikkaa ja hahmoja, joita myytiin kaupassa, sekä palestiinalaisia ​​käsitöitä ja muita esineitä. Vuodesta 1908 vuoteen 1915 Whiting oli Yhdysvaltain apulaiskonsuli Jerusalemissa, on erikoistunut kauppaan ja maatalouteen. Ensimmäisen maailmansodan aikana hän toimitti apua haavoittuneille sotilaille vapaaehtoisena Turkin Punaisen Puolikuun ja American Colony Nurses -järjestön kanssa. Vuonna 1918 hän aloitti palveluksen Britannian armeijan tiedusteluupseerina. Whitingillä oli laaja tietämys Lähi-idän maisemista ja historiallisista kohteista. Hän opasti usein vierailijoita Palestiinan, Syyrian, Jordanian ja Libanonin matkoilla. Hän kirjoitti lukuisia artikkeleita. National Geographic Magazine on lähes tyyten kuvitettu American Colony Photo Departmentin ja sen seuraajan Matson Photo Servicen tuottamilla valokuvilla. (Katso Valittu bibliografia ).
    xxx/ellauri291.html on line 157: Zulun roolia oli tarkoitus laajentaa toisella kaudella, mutta Takein roolin ansiosta John Waynen The Green Barets -elokuvassa hän esiintyi vain puolessa kaudesta, ja hänen roolinsa täytti Walter Koenig suhteellisen nuorena, moppihuippuna venäläisenä navigaattorina. Lippuri Pavel Chekhov. Kun Takei palasi, heidän oli jaettava pukuhuone. He esiintyivät yhdessä Enterprisen ruorissa sarjan loppuosan ajan. Neuvostoliiton Pravda sanomalehden epävirallisessa jutussa (saattaa olla vaihtoehtoista totuutta) valitti, että kulttuurisesti monimuotoisten henkilöiden joukossa ei ollut venäläisiä, joita pidettiin henkilökohtaisena vähättelynä tälle maalle, koska neuvostovenäläinen Juri Gagarin oli ensimmäinen mies, joka teki avaruuslennon. Gene Roddenberry sanoi vastauksena, että "Tšehov-juttu oli meidän puoleltamme suuri virhe, ja olen edelleen hämmentynyt siitä, ettemme sisällyttäneet venäläistä heti alusta alkaen." Desiluun dokumentaatio kuitenkin viittaa siihen, että tarkoituksena oli tuoda Star Trekiin hahmo, jolla on seksivetoisuutta teini-ikäisille tytöille! Walter Koenig huomautti Star Trek: The Original Series -sarjan 40-vuotisjuhlatapahtumassa 2006 epäilevänsä Pravdaa koskevaa huhua, koska Star Trekiä ei koskaan esitetty Neuvostoliiton televisiossa. On myös väitetty, että The Monkeesin entinen jäsen Davy Jones oli mallina herra Chekhoville. Königit oli juutalaisloikkareita Neuvostoliitosta jotka Liettuassa asuessaan otti nimen Kantin kotikaupugista Koenigsbergistä. Davy Jones on merimiesten paholaisesta käyttämä nimitys. Jones jolla oli 14 hevosta kuoli floridalaisessa sairaalassa 67-vuotiaana sydäninfarktiin. 9v vanhempi Walter Koenig virnistelee vielä 86-vuotiaana lippalakki päässä.
    xxx/ellauri291.html on line 365: VLADIMIR PUTIN JA HÄNEN MINIONIT ONNISTUVAT JAKAMISESSA JA VALTIMISESSA LEVITTÄMÄLLÄ kauhutarinoita. On korkea aika purkaa Kremlin muinaisia ​​propagandatekniikoita, joita Venäjän hallinto jakaa Donald Trumpin kaltaisten oikeistopopulistien kanssa. Paljon on vaakalaudalla. Torsten Fagerholm haukottelee, jälleen kerran hän uhkaa ydintuomiolla. "Hän" on tässä tapauksessa aiemmin oletettu liberaali Dimitrij Medvedev, teknokraattinen ja vauvakasvo, josta tuli Putinin istuimenlämmitin presidenttikaudella - nyt turvallisuusneuvoston varapuheenjohtaja ja Kremlin sodanlietsoja numero yksi. Eikö näissä näytelmissä ole inflaatiota, eikö lähettäjä menetä uskottavuutensa jatkuvasti nostamalla äänenvoimakkuutta maksimiin? Ei – tämä ei niin hienovarainen propagandatekniikka toimii, koska se auttaa tekijää säilyttämään aloitteen.
    xxx/ellauri291.html on line 369: Kaikki on ollut heidän syytä, ihan kaikki! Brexit, kasvihuoneilmiö, Vietnamin sota, Filistean invaasio, Irakin ja Iranin nuijiminen takaisin kivikaudelle, kolonialismi, Amerikan aselait, kapitalismin kasautuminen ja kurjistuminen, volttikuskit, sähköpotkulaudat, Trump, kaikki! Tämä itseään soittava disinformaation ja propagandan piano on poliittista sodankäyntiä. Se on vain osa autoritaaristen hallintojen palettia. Meillä länkkäreillä on sentään oivempi ase, tää talouspakote.
    xxx/ellauri291.html on line 371: Demokratiamme perustuu, jos ei yhteiseen totuuteen, niin ainakin jossain määrin yhteiseen todellisuuden vääristämiseen. Terve yhteiskunta mahdollistaa moniarvoisen ajatustenvaihdon yhteisten tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi. Sen sijaan yhä useamman maan kansalaiset ovat alkaneet kiistää perusasiat, kyseenalaistaa yleiset säännöt ja pelisäännöt. Ennen kaikkea pelisäännöt, ei monopoli toimi ilman niitä. Mene vankilaan käyden kassan kautta. Sosiaalinen media on rakettipolttoaine. Venäjän propagandakoneisto pumppaa päivittäin uhkauksia ja vihaa Ukrainalle, Yhdysvalloille, Natolle, lännelle ja EU:lle. Ukraina, Yhdysvallat, Nato, länsi ja EU pumppaavat päivittäin uhkauxia Venäjälle ja Kiinalle. Kolmas maailma istuu kerrankin tyytyväisinä kazomossa ja mutustelee popcorneja.
    xxx/ellauri291.html on line 452: Yhdessä ilmeisessä mielessä Putin ja Kreml jakavat natsi-Saksan uskon: jos valhetta toistetaan riittävän usein, se koetaan lopulta totuudeksi tai ainakin jollain tasolla relevantiksi. Hallitustekniikkaa, jota kutsutaan "suureksi valheeksi", käsiteltiin jo teoksessa Mein Kampf (1925). Hitler tajusi, että jättimäinen, karkea valhe – Die große Lüge – toimii paremmin kuin pieni valhe. Järkyttävät valheet – vaikka ne kiistävätkin vuoret tosiasioita – jättävät usein epäilyksen jälkeä. Pikkuhiljaa yhteiskunnallinen luottamus repeytyy ja vetää maton alta jaetun kuvan saamiseksi todellisuudesta. Tätä propagandatekniikkaa kehitti edelleen Joseph Goebbels muun muassa alitajuisesti itsensä paljastavassa näyttelyssä Aus Churchills Lügenfabrik (1941): on välttämätöntä valehdella suurella tavalla ja levittää sitä kunnolla, toistaa ilmeisiä vääriä virheitä huolimatta vaarasta, että vaikutat naurettavalta ja irtaantuneelta todellisuudesta. Riittää, jos tavoitat pienen määrän vastaanottavaisia ​​kuuntelijoita, jotka etsivät syntipukkeja. Rabulistit [vähän niinkuin populistit, mutta pahempaa, niinkuin kakka ja paska] vetoavat yhteiskunnan onnettomiin lapsiin, vähäosaisiin, laahuxeen, antavat syrjäytyneille mahdollisuuden tukahdutettuun revansismiin. Sellainen peli nyt ei kerta kaikkiaan vetele! Pitäkää mölyt mahassa ja jatkakaa vessan pesua! Tässä Trump vie tulisoihtua eteenpäin historiallisessa jatkumossa suurella valheellaan ilmeisestä vaalitappiosta vuonna 2020.
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 140: “Siya [Michelle] ang hindi pumupunta sa ospital. Ako, kani-kanino ako lumapit ng tulong para maligtas iyang batang iyan dahil hindi mo inalagaan iyan sa sinapupunan mo,” the comedian said.
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 145: “Di pa nag-si-sink in ‘yun sa utak ko na gagawin ‘yun sa akin. Unang-una, wala akong kaalam-alam, plinano nilang lahat,” the comedian then said of Michelle’s interview with Raffy.
    xxx/ellauri293.html on line 199: Barnabas kutsuu Abrahamia "ikäväxi tyypiksi", joka eroaa allegoriasta. "Typologia" on olennainen osa Vanhan testamentin kristillistä tulkintaa. Mikä sitten on allegoria, vaan trooppinen jossa yksi asia ymmärretään toisesta. (Augustinus) Typologia ei kuitenkaan ole tulkinta sanoista vaan tapahtumista. Uuden testamentin kirjoituksissa meille annetaan tiettyjä Vanhan testamentin tapauksia, joissa esiintyy Uuden testamentin avaintapahtumien "tyyppejä". Esim Jerusalemin tyyppi oli Haagar.
    xxx/ellauri293.html on line 201: Hagar (arab. هاجر‎, hepr. ‏הָגָר‎) oli Raamatun Vanhan testamentin ensimmäisessä Mooseksen kirjassa kuvattu naishenkilö. Hän on Abrahamin vaimon Saaran egyptiläinen orjatar. Saara ei voinut enää tulla raskaaksi, joten hän antoi Hagarin miehelleen sivuvaimoksi. Hagar tuli raskaaksi ja alkoi ylenkatsoa Saaraa, jonka luota Aaprahammikin pakeni. Kertomuksen mukaan enkeli saa Hagarin palamaan ja synnyttämään Abrahamille Ismael-pojan. Ismaelin syntymän aikaan Abrahamin kerrotaan olleen 86-vuotias. Saaran saatua myöhäisellä iällä oman pojan Iisakin sanoi hän Abrahamille "Aja pois tuo orjatar ja hänen poikansa. Orjattaren poika ei saa periä yhdessä minun poikani Iisakin kanssa". Ja Abraham ajoi Hagarin ja tämän pojan leivän ja vesileilin kera Beerseban erämaahan. Ikäviä tyyppejä, todellakin. Ei olis kannattanut, Ismailista tuli sitten muslimi.
    xxx/ellauri293.html on line 225: Vaikka monet varhaisista kirkkoisistä yhtyivät tähän nerokkaaseen mutta fantastisen extravaganttiin tulkintaan, se vain osoittaa, mikä pakkomielle heillä oli löytää hämäriä todisteita Kristuksesta Vanhasta testamentista. Huomaa, että tää kaikki perustuu Septuagintan lukemiseen, jota ei kirjoitettu hepreaksi, vaan kreikaksi. Ei vanhan liiton Jehova kreikaxi laskenut. Hepreaxi 318 olisi Shlvsh-mvt shmvnh-shr. Gematriassa se rebbejen mukaan viittas Eliezeriin, joka inspektoi Rebekan tisut kaivolla. Lidää numerologiaa löytyy agapebiblestudy.com/documents/The%20Significance%20of%20Numbers%20in%20Scripture.htm">täältä.
    xxx/ellauri293.html on line 649: Venäjän hyökkäyssodasta ei kuulu juurikaan raportoitavaa, joten länsimeedioiden pitää pääasiassa tyytyä propagandaan ja uudelleenlämmitettyihin klikkiuutisiin. Ukrainan piti aloittaa vastahyökkäys länsiaseilla kesäkeleillä kuten Mannerheimin joukkojen Saxan tuella kesällä '41, mutta sitä ei ole vielä kuulunut. Ukraina, tuo slaaviluopio, joutuu sotimaan Neuvostolitolta aikanaan saamillaan lentokoneilla, koska transitio länsikalustoon on vaiheessa. Ryssät voisivat paukuttaa lahjatankit rikki liitopommeilla, joiden kantomatka on Ukrainan väpelön lentokaluston saavuttamattomissa. Bugger it. Standup-koomikko kulkee länkkäreisssä käsi ojossa pyytämässä lisää paukkuja. Vastaava se taisi olla tilanne CGE:llä Karjalassa 82v sitten.
    xxx/ellauri295.html on line 89: Varhain nykyaikana Tiberias oli sekakaupunki. Iso-Britannian vallan alaisuudessa sen enemmistö oli juutalaisia, mutta siellä oli merkittävä arabiyhteisö. Vuosien 1947–1948 sisällissodan aikana Pakollisessa Palestiinassa puhkesi kärhämä Tiberiasin juutalaisten ja sen palestiinalaisen arabivähemmistön välillä. Kun Haganah otti vallan, brittijoukot evakuoivat koko Palestiinan arabiväestön; heidän ei annettu palata sodan jälkeen, joten nykyään kaupungissa on lähes yksinomaan juutalaisia. Sodan päätyttyä Israelin uudet viranomaiset tuhosivat Tiberiaksen vanhan kaupungin puhdistaaxeen sen entisistä arabitorakoista.
    xxx/ellauri295.html on line 146: Berenike II (m.kreik. Βερενίκη Ευεργέτις, Berenikē Euergetis, lat. Berenice; noin 247–221 eaa.) oli Egyptin kuningatar. Hän oli syntyjään Kyrenen kuningas Magan tytär.
    xxx/ellauri295.html on line 245: Mainostus on propagandaa, mielipidevaikutusta. Se joka huutaa kovimmin myy eniten. Kun näen kilpailijani, tiedän kuka olen. Olen kiro... En minä jaxa. Mixi muut ei viihdy seurassani? Voisiko se johtua pepunhajusta? Haissevatko keilamaiset rintaliivini hikisinä kumilta? Pannako perään vielä lisää Back-Stickiä?
    xxx/ellauri295.html on line 419: "Dan var klädd i en mörk randig sportkostym med knäbyxor och på huvudet den grå hatten, som man ser på flera av hans foton från denna tid. Han var lång och mager och hade blåa, djupa allvarliga ögon, som man aldrig glömmer. Han hade en vacker profil. Munnen var mycket uttrycksfull. Han rörde sig värdigt och hade en viss benägenhet att kasta huvudet något bakåt. Som det anstår en skogsman rörde han sig smidigt... Dan hade en frisk humor och senare under sommaren skulle jag förstå att han ägde en mera djupgående och utpräglad religiös läggning. Han bar alltid den indiska (?) religionsurkunden Bhagavadgita i fickan. Då och då tog han fram den och antecknade i den.
    xxx/ellauri296.html on line 155: Vanha testamentti kuvaa, että Jumala vei Nebukadressarilta vallan ja syöksi hänet eläinten keskuuteen seitsemäksi vuodeksi, kunnes oppisi, ettei jellonoita suop ampua. Tuon seitsemän vuoden kuluttua Nebukadressar parani ja hänelle annettiin takaisin hänen paikkansa Babylonin hallitsijana. Puhdasta propagandaa, kaunaisten kotkannenien satuilua.
    xxx/ellauri296.html on line 581: Voi propaganda olla tottakin. De propaganda fide. Bella kirpputori oli surullinen pettymys. Kirjat puuttuivat, ei laahuxellla ole niitä enää. Ei niillä ole enää kuin puolen euron lumppuja. Ostajat on enimmäkseen mamuja.
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 364: agazine.co.uk/static/uploads/1/2020/10/Kate-Bush-4-1.jpg" />
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 404: Samalla fantasiatekniikalla Mickey deMause kolleegoineen ennusti useita lopunajan tapahtumia, kuten sen että John Kennedy imi nyrkkiä lähettäessään Hruzeville uhkaussähkeitä ennenkuin se ammuttiin soitimelta Dallasissa avoautosta, mistä sikiöinä tapahtumaa todistaneet koululuokat pärähtivät sittemmin selittämättömästi parkumaan, Iranin panttivankikriisin, Reaganin murhayrityxen, kontraskandaalin, Grenadan miehityxen, vaan eivätpä omaa pankrottiaan. Saatana mitä puupäitä nää sekopäät. Hännänvetimestä nyitään tiedotusverhoa silmille kuin Carl Erik alzheimerina. Ilman meetioita on talonpojan tappotyö pelkkää pannaanin teurastusta. Purleskia luonnontapahtumaa.
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 583:
    Jean Gebser, Jürgen Habermas, Jean Piaget, Nagarjuna, Plotinus, Ramana Maharshi.

    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 771: annettiin Erokselle muinaisessa maailmassa ja yhteisölliselle agape blissille kristinuskossa.
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 793: Jotkut kirjailijat ovat myös syyttäneet Campbelliä antisemitismistä . Tikkun Magazinessa Tamar Frankiel huomautti, että Campbell kutsui juutalaisuutta "Jahwe-kultiksi" ja että hän puhui muutenkin juutalaisuudesta lähes yksinomaan negatiivisesti. Vuonna 1991 Masson myös syytti Campbellia "piilotetusta antisemitismistä" ja "konservatiivisten, puolifasististen näkemysten kiehtomisesta". Uskontotieteilijä Russell T. McCutcheon luonnehti Campbellin teosten "itsetoteutuksen autuuden seuraamista" Reaganomicsin "hengelliseksi ja psykologiseksi oikeutukseksi."
    xxx/ellauri303.html on line 84: Job 40:20-28: "Kan du draga upp Leviatan med krok och med en metrev betvinga hans tunga? Kan du sätta en sävhank i hans nos eller borra en hake genom hans käft? Menar du att han skall slösa på dig många böner eller tala till dig med mjuka ord? Att han skall vilja sluta fördrag med dig, så att du finge honom till din träl för alltid? Kan du hava honom till leksak såsom en fågel och sätta honom i band åt dina tärnor? Pläga fiskarlag köpslå om honom och stycka ut hans kropp mellan krämare? Kan du skjuta hans hud full med spjut och hans huvud med fiskharpuner? Ja, försök att bära hand på honom du skall minnas den striden och skall ej föra så mer. Nej, den sådant vågar, hans hopp bliver sviket, han fälles till marken redan vid hans åsyn." Haha ynkrygg, just det kan vi, och gör. Yes we can! Itämerelle exynyt ryhävalas on tapettava, öyhöttää Mikko Kärnä. Pyöriäiset uivat omassa veressään Huippuvuorilla. Kannanhoidollista valaantappoa. Kun karhu erehtyi syömään nälkäänsä jonkun romanin myönsivät romanialaiset heti 500 karhunkaatolupaa. Silmä silmästä, 500 hammasta yhdestä. Ihanhan tää on Gazan genosidin vauhtia.
    xxx/ellauri303.html on line 97: Tysken började genast tala engelska med grötig tysk brytning. Eftersom han stammade märkbart gjorde han långa pauser mellan orden och når han väl fick fram dem lät rösten gäll och genomträngande, som om han måste slita orden ur sig. Det fanns tyska tonfall i hans röst som man inte var van att höra i Amerika utom i antityska propagandafilmer.
    xxx/ellauri303.html on line 142: Hon blev också intresserad i kvinnormas renhet. Ska man raka sig därnere? Fanns det badhus för kvinnor i NYC? Hon vaknade mitt i natten och mumsade de judiska lagarna i sig.
    xxx/ellauri303.html on line 158: Att Jefta skulle frambringa ett människooffer till Gud kan tyckas strida mot den mosaiska lagen och därför har teologer varierande tolkningar om detta. Vissa menar att offret bestod i att Jeftas dotter vigdes till celibat i Herrens tjänst. Haha. Öde som är värre än döden. Andra menar att offret inte behagade Gud men att Gud tillät det i alla fall; Johannes Chrysostomos menar att Gud tillät Jefta att döda sin dotter för att visa konsekvensen av obetänksamma löften och därmed förhindra framtida sådana. Andra menar att händelsen är ett exempel på det moraliska förfall som Israel befann sig i vid den tiden. Varför nämner ingen Abraham, eller den där modern av Jukolan veljexet i Makkabéerna? Vad hette Jeftas dotter förresten? Typiskt att ingen bryr sig.
    xxx/ellauri303.html on line 346: Neturei Karta (Jewish Babylonian Aramaic: נָטוֹרֵי קַרְתָּא, romanized: nāṭōrēy qartāʾ, lit. 'Guardians of the City') is a religious group of Haredi Jews, formally created in Jerusalem, then in Mandatory Palestine, in 1938, splitting off from Agudas Yisrael. Neturei Karta opposes Zionism and calls for a "peaceful dismantling" of the State of Israel, in the belief that Jews are forbidden to have their own state until the coming of the Jewish Messiah and that the state of Israel is a rebellion against God.
    xxx/ellauri303.html on line 348: against_Israel.jpg/440px-Members_of_Neturei_Karta_Orthodox_Jewish_group_protest_against_Israel.jpg" />
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 446: Oh, and one more assignment. Take a book that you particularly like that's in the genre you want to work in and read it again. And this time, read it like a writer. When does the author spell out the main idea of the story? When does the hero arrive in the book? When the villain? Love interest? Danger and threats? How does the author make it seem real to you? If you want, stick post-it notes at various parts of the book. Think about it.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 474: As a boy, I remember a movie where Tarzan is asked by Jane to fight against some Nazis who have come to their neck of the jungle. But Tarzan refuses; the F.D. Roosevelt of his time, he’s got nothing against Nazis. But then they bomb Pearl Harbor sorry kidnap Tarzans son, Boy, and Tarzan bestirs himself, sticks a knife in his arse, and says “Now Tarzan fight.” Että jenkkitolvanoille pitääkin ihan kädestä pitäen opettaa tätä paskan lapparointia.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 482: And remember this: a great hero needs and deserves a great recognizable villain. That is what was wrong with a movie called “Remo Williams: the Adventure Begins,” which was based on my Destroyer book series. In the Bond movies, 007 confronts people who want to nuke London or steal all the gold in Fort Knox etc. etc. My guy, Remo Williams went up against some mope who was selling cheap rifles to the government…and no one gave a damn. Great heroes need great villains; otherwise they just look silly. The AI monster made of garbage in Remo vanha vainooja, now that was something else.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 592: Scene by scene construction. It’s not one long narrative that never ends. Not usually, not any more. Instead, the story stops, starts again somewhere else, stops, starts again. These scenes are like chapter breaks, except more frequent. This is all copied from movies. How sad.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 598: Those things are all status objects. Here’s another: a guy rents a room in a sleazy hotel; it is a hovel in a dump. The floor of the room is littered with racing forms. Those are status objects and tell you something about the occupant. Or maybe the newspapers are neatly stacked against the wall and, instead of the racing form, they are copies of the Wall Street Journal with many stories circled by magic marker. Those are also status objects but should give you quite a different picture of the room’s occupant. Tattoos today are status objects; so too is a lack of tattoos. They illuminate character sometimes. And just as often an absence of intelligence. Its known as product placement on video. Rei Shimura has a lot of it.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 686: Smith oli CURE -nimisen salaisen järjestön päällikkö. Järjestön oli muutama vuosi sitten luonut maan silloinen presidentti Reagan. Tarkoituksena oli taistella rikollisuutta vastaan pysyttelemällä perustuslain ulkopuolella.
    xxx/ellauri306.html on line 207: tälle alueelle, ja he saapuivat "työskentelemään intiaanien kanssa" ja käännyttämään natiiveja amerikkalaisia ​​1600-luvun puolivälissä Onondaga Nationin "kutsusta", yksi viidestä
    xxx/ellauri306.html on line 211: Onondaga-järven koillisrannalla. Jesuiittalähetyssaarnaajat raportoivat suolavesilähteistä "Suolajärvenä" kutsutun
    xxx/ellauri306.html on line 212: alueen eteläpäässä, joka tunnetaan nykyään Onondaga-järvenä historiallisen heimon
    xxx/ellauri306.html on line 227: Hän olikin repeytynyt eurooppalaisen alkuperänsä ja irokeesi adoptionsa välillä. Vuonna 1657 hän seurasi ryhmää jesuiittalähetyssaarnaajia , mukaan lukien isä Paul Ragueneau , lähetystyölle Sainte-Marie de Gannnetaan ( Onondaga ) irokeesien maalle, lähellä nykyistä Syracuse -kaupunkia (New York), jossa noin viisikymmentä ihmistä, mukaan lukien Pierre- Joseph-Marie Chaumonot , Zacharie Dupuisin komennossa. Pian irokeesien vihamielisyys kasvaa sukupuolitautien vuoksi, jotka tuhoavat heidän terveytensä ja joiden takia he eivät pidä musta kaapuista (jesuiitoista). Samalla kun irokeesit uhkasivat päästä eroon ranskalaisista, Radisson, kiitos hänen amerikkalaisen psykologian tuntemuksensa (erityisesti mitä tulee liiallisuuksiin liittyviin rituaaleihin, juhliin, joiden aikana irokeesit täyttivät tankkinsa tulivedellä rajoituksetta, sekä unelmanäön ansiosta, mahdollisesti Radissonilta, rohkaisemalla heitä järjestämään tämän juhlan) ja juonen (veneiden ja kanoottien rakentaminen heidän tietämättään) antaa heidän poistua paikalta ilman välikohtauksia (juhlasta hämmästyneiden irokeesien nukkuessa sikeästi) keväällä 1658 ja päästä kanoottijoukkueella Montrealin talvikisoihin.
    xxx/ellauri306.html on line 230: Onondaga-järven lounaisrannalle vuonna 1884. Kylä kutsuttiin Solvayksi keksijä
    xxx/ellauri306.html on line 237: kehitystä ja tarjosi monia työpaikkoja Syrakusassa, se jätti Onondaga-järven
    xxx/ellauri306.html on line 411: Jordaneen mukaan gootit olivat alun perin lähtöisin pohjoisessa valtameressä sijaitsevalta Scandza-nimiseltä kylmältä saarelta, jonka on tulkittu viittaavan Skandinavian niemimaan eteläosiin. Ne olivatkin alunperin jöötanmaan jööttejä! Tämä sopi Ruozi-Suomen ja Nazi-Saxan propagandapirtoihin. Sittemmin osa kateista amerikkalaisista tutkijoista katsoo nykyisin, että goottien skandinaavinen alkuperä on pelkkä myytti. Scandzasta gootit purjehtivat kuninkaansa Berigin johdolla kolmella laivalla Itämeren yli ja asettuivat nykyisen Pohjois-Saksan ja Puolan alueelle kukistettuaan siellä ensin vandaalit ja useita muita germaaniheimoja. Jordaneen mukaan gootit muuttivat etelämmäs Vistulan eli Veikselin alueelta johtajanaan Filimer, joka oli Berigin jälkeen viides kuningas. Useiden jännittävien seikkailujen jälkeen gootit saapuivat Mustallemerelle. Tacitus mainitsee teoksessaan Germania gothonit-nimisen germaanikansan, joka hänen mukaansa eli luugien pohjoispuolella mutta ruugien ja lemovien eteläpuolella. Ensimmäiset taistelut goottien ja roomalaisten välillä alkoivat 230-luvulla, samoin ryöstöretket Rooman Tonavan-provinsseihin ja Balkanille.
    xxx/ellauri306.html on line 484: Germaanisissa sankaritarinoissa kroonikot kuvaavat Attilaa suurena ja jaloina kuninkaana, ja hän näyttelee tärkeitä rooleja kolmessa norjalaisessa tekstissä: Atlakviða, Volsunga saaga, ja Atlamál. Ensimmäisessä maailmansodassa liittoutuneiden propaganda kutsui saksalaisia ​​"hunneiksi " perustuen keisari Wilhelm II: n vuonna 1900 pitämään puheeseen, jossa hän ylisti Attila the Hunin sotilaallista pätevyyttä. Hitlerin tankit oli yhtä päihittämättömiä kuin Atlen hakkapeliitat kunnes ryssät lommottivat ne Stalingradissa.
    xxx/ellauri306.html on line 637: The British are on their way again, until they approach a terrific castle. They advance quite close to the castle and draw themselves into a line. At a signal from ARTHUR the two PAGES step forward and give a brief fanfare.

    xxx/ellauri307.html on line 779:
    NSA:n päämaja Fort Meadessa, Marylandissa, n.  1986 Ronald Reaganin toimiessa presidenttinä. Kaikki agentit ovat tulleet töihin isoilla amerikanraudoilla.

    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 74: – Det har varit spel mot ett mål gällande skattefördelar för dem som har tillgångar, säger Cervenka. Vad beror det på? – Ett litet rikt och högerriktat lands syndrom: vi låter folk tro vi måste ha de lägsta skatterna för företag och kapital för att kunna konkurrera. På 1970- och 1980-talen hade vi problemet att företagare flyttade utomlands. Skatten var så hög att de kunde förlora sina företag. – I dag är det en helt annan värld. Sverige är ett av de bästa länderna i världen att äga tillgångar.
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 437: agazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/rolls-royce-14.jpg?ssl=1" height="300px" />
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 953: Ja tässäpä myös omalla tavallaan aika mehevä majavagalleria ex post factum...
    xxx/ellauri314.html on line 35: ”If you wish to see the truth, then hold no opinions for or against anything. To set up what you like against what you dislike is the disease of the mind… Do not search for the truth; only cease to cherish opinions”.
    xxx/ellauri314.html on line 51: Grundkostnaden för deltagandet är 200 kr, men du är varmt välkommen att betala mer eller mindre, efter din förmåga. Du kan betala per Swish på plats eller per faktura. Maria Niemi föreläser om Meditation för den som har “svårt” att meditera, och om Mindfulness och ekopsykologi. Maria är legitimerad psykoterapeut med affektfokuserad psykodynamisk inriktning (läs mer här om psykoterapiformen som Maria erbjuder) och har flerårig erfarenhet som mindfulnessinstruktör (MBSR – läs mer här). Hon är även docent och forskare på Karolinska Institutet. Hon sitter med i styrelsen för den Svenska Lärarföreningen för Mindfulnessbaserade Program, MBTA Sweden.
    xxx/ellauri314.html on line 101: On May 1, 1935, he joined the League of American Writers (1935–1943), whose members were largely either Communist Party members or fellow travelers. In Rowe's view, all successful plays built dramatically from an "attack" (the introduction of a conflict), through a "crisis," and finally to a "resolution." Rowe consulted his government consulting on the use of drama as a propaganda tool to raise morale and to define America's goals during the war.
    xxx/ellauri314.html on line 201: Tampereen yliopiston apulaisprofessori Seikko Eskola kääkättää nonagenaarina Hetmanin propagandaplärässä. Suomi voisi olla Ruozina Ruozin paikalla ellei olisi ollut tota kiusallista punakapinaa. [Sehän olisikin hienoa, kato sveduja nyt.] P-sana on taas uusi normaali uusfasistisessa Suomessa. Pitäs mennä liisteröimään punavangin paskaa Seikkoloiden tönön seinään Taivaskalliolle. Vittu ryömi Seikko peikko mäntylaatikkoon ja vedä kansi kiinni perässä. Jätkä on ja oli täys lahtari ja sixi se saa paljon palstatilaa Herlinin propagandaplärässä. Useita tärkeitä luottamustehtäviä kokoomuspuolueessa. Nuole kääkkä jo hyvä mies se lusikka ja käännä ääni pois.
    xxx/ellauri314.html on line 336: aganda-de-um-bordel-de-Roma-em-1923.jpg" height="300px" />
    xxx/ellauri319.html on line 550: Better known as Blackbeard. Died in battle against Robert Maynard
    xxx/ellauri320.html on line 38: Ådalshändelserna, Skotten i Ådalen, Ådalen (19)31, kallas händelseförloppet kring en arbetskonflikt i Ådalen i mitten av maj 1931, där fem personer sköts ihjäl av militär som stod under polismans befäl. Händelsen delade Sverige i två läger om vems skuld det var att tragedin inträffade, och skillnaden i åsikter märktes tydligt mellan borgerliga och vänsterinriktade tidningar. Händelserna blev centrala för den svenska arbetarrörelsen och anses vara en bidragande orsak till att socialdemokraterna vann valet 1932, vilket blev början på ett 44-årigt socialdemokratiskt regeringsinnehav. Olisipa lopputulos tälläkin kertaa yhtä myönteinen.
    xxx/ellauri329.html on line 97: In 2004, Harper’s magazine published Natasha, a first short story by a promising 31-year-old Jewish Canadian writer, David Bezmozgis. This memorable tale of a doomed teenage love between Mark, a Jewish Toronto slacker, and his troubled (shiksa) Russian cousin by marriage was eventually released in a collection chronicling the lives of a Latvian immigrant family, not unlike the author’s own. Bezmozgis’s debut became a cult sensation with critics drawing literary comparisons to Bernard Malamud and Philip Roth. The story was subsequently reprinted in 15 languages. After penning two more acclaimed novels, then writing and directing his first feature Victoria Day (SFJFF 2010), Bezmozgis finally brings his modern classic to the big screen in a remarkably assured adaptation that’s both highly provocative and deeply poignant. At the heart of this emotional, coming-of-age drama are the extraordinarily measured performances of Alex Ozerov as Mark and newcomer Sasha K. Gordon as the sexually precocious Natasha, the dark star who forever alters Mark’s staid, suburban existence. Fans of the writer’s original source material will not be disappointed in David Bezmozgis’s haunting narrative of forbidden love caught between the old world and the new, further proof of this talented artist’s notable command of both literature and the cinema. —Thomas Logoreci Note: Mature Content. A New Life in the west means a second chance for precocious Latvian jews.
    xxx/ellauri329.html on line 441: Tsaritsynin puolustaminen, lempinimeltään "Punainen Verdun ", oli yksi laajimmin kuvatuista ja muistetuista sisällissodan tapahtumista Neuvostoliiton historiankirjoituksessa, taiteessa ja propagandassa. Tämä johtui siitä, että Josif Stalin osallistui kaupungin puolustamiseen heinä-marraskuussa 1918.
    xxx/ellauri329.html on line 455: Pianistin vapauttamistapaa käyttää Venäjän propagandakoneisto yrittääkseen jakaa länsimaisen yhteiskunnan ja levittää Putinin propagandaleimoja Kanadan lehdistössä.
    xxx/ellauri329.html on line 462: Toronton Tähti (Sirppi ja Vasara) kritisoi orkesterin päätöstä pääkirjoituksessaan ja kirjoitti, että "Lisitsaa ei kutsuttu Torontoon keskustelemaan provosoivista poliittisista näkemyksistään. Hänen oli määrä soittaa pianoa. Ja toiseksi, antaa potkut muusikolle, koska hän ilmaisi 'mielipiteitä, jotka joistakuista voivat olla loukkaavia' osoittaa täydellistä epäonnistumista ymmärtää sananvapauden käsitettä." Ukrainian Weekly on kuvaillut hänen julkaisujaan "vihapuheeksi". Vastauksena Lisitsa kommentoi, että "satiiri ja hyperbola ovat parhaita kirjallisia välineitä valheita vastaan." Vuonna 2022 Benjamin Ivry kirjoitti International Piano Magazinessa, että Lisitsa oli "papukaijaillut Putinin propagandistisia puheenaiheita Ukrainasta".
    xxx/ellauri329.html on line 468: Hänen mukaansa suurin osa Ukrainan väestöstä elää edelleen Neuvostoliiton periaatteiden ja käsitteiden mukaan, joita hän kutsuu "neuvostopropagandaksi", eikä ole valmis "omaksumaan lakia".
    xxx/ellauri329.html on line 526: Anatoli Rybakov (oikea sukunimi Aronov) syntyi juutalaisen insinöörin perheeseen. Koulun jälkeen hän opiskeli Moskovan liikenneinsinööri-instituutissa. Rybakov pidätettiin vuonna 1933 ja tuomittiin kolmen vuoden karkotukseen Siperiaan syytettynä neuvostovastaisen propagandan levittämisestä. Kärsittyään rangaistuksensa hän työskenteli eri puolilla Neuvostoliittoa. Rybakov osallistui toiseen maailmansotaan, sai ylennyksen upseeriksi ja pääsi eroon rikosmerkinnästään. Syntyi pohjois-Ukrainassa Tshernihivissä Olkkarin ikäisenä 1911, kuoli New Yorkissa 1998 11 vuotta vanhempana. Olikohan sittenkään ihan syyttä tuomittu. Minun mummoni mies teloitettiin ennen sotaa. "En sure Vasjaa, syystä vangizivat. Kieli lauloi liikaa."
    xxx/ellauri337.html on line 57: Olipas erilaiset luonnehdinnat! Tästä näkee miten Wikipedian piilopropagandaa toimii!
    xxx/ellauri337.html on line 125: Roman Sandgruber ist emeritierter Professor für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte an der Linzer JKU und Mitglied der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und ein gläubiget Katholiker. Er arbeitet an einem Buch über Hitlers Vater, das 2021 erscheinen wird. Er schämt sich Linzer zu sein, er ist dem Alois und Adi sehr böse immer noch. Er will von Heidlers alias Schlumpfgrubers Halbjudentum nichts hören. Leserfavoriten, meist gelesen: https:1//www.nachrichten.at/oberoesterreich/linz/linz-unbekannte-schlagen-43-jaehrigen-in-fh-toilette-zusammen. Der Christkindl ist wieder unterwegs. Lakimiehet saisi kaikki hävittää, sanoi Adolf nasevasti. Hitlerit pitivät katolista kirkkoa ahneena ja elämää vääristävien uskomusten opettajana. Sandgruberin kirja Hitlerin isästä ja Adolf-pojan kasvusta sisältää sivutolkulla pieteetillä valittuja yksityiskohtia ja kuvauksia suvun asuinpaikkakunnista. Mukana on kaikkea mahdollista nippelitietoa. Putinia ja Hitleriä yhdistää monikin asia, äkkää HS:n Anne Välinoro lopuxi vielä norauttaa vaipanvälistä. Putinia ja Hitleriä yhdistää täydellinen piittaamattomuus valtioiden rajoista ja itsemääräämisoikeudesta, fantasia oman historiallis-etnisen suurvallan kokoamisesta ja pitkälle pohjustettu propagandakoneisto. Kuulostaa jatkosodan Suomelta. Ei päivää ilman propagandaa.
    xxx/ellauri337.html on line 520: Kuinka lainata: ”Egyptin 10 vitsausta”. Osoitteessa: Merkityksia.fi. Saatavilla osoitteessa: agas-de-egipto/">https://merkityksia.fi/10-plagas-de-egipto/.
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 170: And start again from square one.
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 263: Frederic Henry and Catherine Barkley show familiarity with well-known painters (Mantegna, Rubens, Titian) and with canonic authors (Shakespeare, Marvell), but their current reading is sparse, practical, and not literary: Catherine reads the Almanac and Frederic reads magazines and newspapers (mostly out of date).
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 277: He supported universal suffrage and divorce and argued strongly for expelling the Vatican from Italy. Some twenty years after the publication of The Black Pig, he retook the “woman question” with La donna “tipo tre” (The type-three woman; 1929), about the woman who is financially, socially, and otherwise independent. The year 1930 saw two more titles on the topic of women: Le ragazze allarmanti (The alarming girls) and La donna negli affari (The woman in business).
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 279: The Black Pig’s front matter also mentions two earlier publications that reveal Notari’s anticlerical bias: Carducci Intimo (1903), a biography of Giosuè Carducci (1835–1907), the Italian poet, professor, classicist, translator, freethinker, fierce opponent of the Catholic Church, and author of “Hymn to Satan,” who would be awarded the 1906 Nobel Prize in Literature; and Il Papa alla porta! Inchiesta e conclusioni per l’abolizione del Papato (Throw the Pope out! An inquest and conclusions for the abolition of the Papacy), aimed at the recently elected and very conservative Pope Pius X. Notari’s anticlericalism is also visible in his dedication of The Black Pig: “A due invitti innovatori di un Italia pagana e virile, dedico questo libro di demolizione di una Italia chiercuta e bazzotta” (To two indomitable revivers of a pagan and virile Italy, I dedicate this book aimed at the destruction of a tonsured and limp Italy).
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 380: Utere non reditura. (Use the hour, it will not come again.)
    xxx/ellauri356.html on line 179: Vuonna 1975 hänestä tuli vieraileva professori Yalen yliopistossa ja sitten Cornellin yliopistossa nimellä " Andrew Dickson White Professor-at-Large". Hän on filosofian, ranskan ja vertailevan kirjallisuuden arvostettu professori Kalifornian yliopistossa Irvinessä (Yhdysvallat) vuodesta 1986. Hän oli "kulttuurisankari" Yhdysvalloissa. Literary Magazinen Jean -Louis Huen mukaan hän sai kunniatohtorin arvon 21 kertaa useista yliopistoista. Derrida julisti ennen kuolemaansa L'Humanité -sanomalehdelle : "En ole koskaan oleskellut pitkiä aikoja Yhdysvalloissa, suurin osa ajastani ei vietä siellä. Siitä huolimatta työni vastaanotto siellä oli todella anteliaampaa, tarkkaavaisempaa, kohtasin vähemmän sensuuria, tiesulkuja ja konflikteja kuin Ranskassa.»
    xxx/ellauri356.html on line 377: Wasf on arabien runogenre, alongside 'the boast (fakhr), the invective (hijaa’), and the elegy (marthiya)'. In waṣf love poems, each part of a lover's body is described and praised in turn, often using exotic, extravagant, or even far-fetched metaphors. The Song of Solomon is a prominent example of such a poem, and other examples can be found in Thousand and One Nights. The images given in this type of poetry are not literally descriptive. Instead, they convey the delight of the lover for the beloved, where the lover finds freshness and splendor in the body as a reflected image in the world. Hilvik ei perustanut metaforista, se käytti vertauxia mieluummin.
    xxx/ellauri356.html on line 488: 26. tammikuuta 1977, Sollers allekirjoitti Le Mondessa – hän plus noin viisikymmentä persoonaa – (erityisesti Jean-Paul Sartren, Roland Barthesin, Simone de Beauvoirin, Alain Robbe-Grillet'n, Françoise Doltin ja Jacques Derridan kanssa) "Avoimen kirjeen rikoslain tarkistuskomissiolle tiettyjen lakitekstien tarkistamiseksi, aikuiset ja alaikäiset", jossa vaaditaan, että "alaikäisten väärinkäyttöä" koskevat lain artiklat "kumotaan tai muutetaan perusteellisesti" siinä mielessä, että "lapsen ja nuoren oikeus tunnustetaan ylläpitää suhteita valitsemiinsa ihmisiin." Se oli vetoomus kolmen miehen puolesta, joita syytettiin 15-vuotiaiden alaikäisten sopimattomasta pahoinpitelystä ilman väkivaltaa. Tämän tekstin oli kirjoittanut Gabriel Matzneff, joka ei salaa makuaan pedofiliaa ja efebofiliaa kohtaan. Matzneff kerskui nussineensa useitakin alaikäisiä tyttöjä. Helmikuussa 2020 julkaistussa New York Timesin profiilissa valokuvassa Matzneff seisoo yksin veden äärellä Italiassa, näyttää masentuneelta, surullinen kalju mies Burberryn trenssitakissa. Ämmä Springora tuhosi muiston siitä, mitä hän muistaa olleen "kestävä ja upea rakkaustarina". Mutta voiko teini-ikäisellä tytöllä olla "upea rakkaustarina" yli kolme kertaa häntä ikäisemmän henkilön kanssa? Tämä on Consentin ytimessä oleva kysymys. Lukijat eivät epäile vastauksesta mitään. This manner willl be convenient for a man who wants to enjoy a woman, and can only get at her by force and against her will. (Perfumed Garden, p. 72.)
    xxx/ellauri363.html on line 59: Si, ormai sono due anni che sto con il mio ragazzo è lui è davvero superdotato, mai visto e avuto uno così. Ci sono sia pro che contro. All'inizio non è stato facile, tanto che la prima volta chè l'abbiamo fatto mi ha fatto uscire sangue, ed io non ero vergine! Poi lui avendolo anche molto largo, ogni volta all'inizio della penetrazione mi fa molto male, e succede ancora oggi. Ma Dopo che entra poi va tutto bene ed è bellissimo fare sesso con lui, tranne quando spinge forte che con la sua lunghezza mi arriva allo stomaco e li sono dolori, ma con il tempo ha capito I miei limiti e dove lui può arrivare e come andare.
    xxx/ellauri363.html on line 682: During his youthful visits to Bowood House, the country seat of his patron Lord Lansdowne, he had passed his time at falling unsuccessfully in love with all the ladies of the house, whom he courted with a clumsy jocularity, while playing chess with them or giving them lessons on the harpsichord. Hopeful to the last, at the age of eighty he wrote again to one of them, recalling to her memory the far-off days when she had "presented him, in ceremony, with the flower in the green lane".
    xxx/ellauri366.html on line 145: Jihad Cool on amerikkalaisten turvallisuusasiantuntijoiden käyttämä termi , joka koskee militantin jihadismin brändäystä muodikkaaksi tai nuoremmille " viileäksi " sosiaalisen median , lehtien, rap-videoiden , vaatteiden, kautta. Propagandavideoita ja muita keinoja. Jihad Cool -ongelman käsitteleminen on todettu yhdeksi parhaista tavoista torjua islamilaisia ääriliikkeitä.
    xxx/ellauri366.html on line 323: Helmikuussa 1918 hän suostui tulemaan Suomen "punaisen" hallituksen täysivaltaiseksi edustajaksi, mutta hänen tehtävänsä epäonnistui: hän ei saanut tapaamista Yhdysvaltain ulkoministeriöön. Tehtävien suorittamista varten hän perusti toimiston Suomalaisen Tiedonantotoimiston. Syyskuussa 1918 hän jakoi pamfletin Avoin kirje amerikkalaisille työläisille Suomen Työväentasavallan edustajana , jonka propagandateemat heijastavat enemmän Neuvosto-Venäjän näkökulmaa. Esimerkiksi Tšekkoslovakian joukkojen kapinaan kiinnitettiin enemmän huomiota kuin nyt lakkautetun "punaisen" hallituksen etuihin. Suurelta osin Nuortevin pamfletien ansiosta termi "Suomen Neuvostoliiton sosialistinen työväentasavalta" juurtui englanninkielisiin lähteisiin, kun taas Suomessa itse "punaiset" eivät sitä käyttäneet. Pian Nuortevin päätoiminta siirtyi täysin puolustamaan lokakuun vallankumousta ja sen propagandaa Yhdysvalloissa. Julkaisi "Neuvosto-Venäjä" -lehden. Maaliskuussa 1919 Neuvostoliiton hallitus nimitti Ludwig Martensin New Yorkin Neuvostoliiton toimiston johtajaksi . Nuortevasta tuli hänen sihteerinsä, jonka tehtäviin kuuluivat suhdetoiminta ja diplomaattinen toiminta. Neuvosto-Venäjä pyrki luomaan kauppasuhteita Yhdysvaltoihin, ja Nuortevilla oli tärkeä rooli.
    xxx/ellauri366.html on line 347: Talvisota oli kotirintaman taistelumoraalin kannalta ongelmattomampi kuin sodat keskimäärin. Kolmessa ja puolessa kuukaudessa sotaväsymys ei vielä ehtinyt iskeä kovin pahasti, oma propaganda piti pahimmat yleiset vaikeudet piilossa, ja lähes kaikille suomalaisille taistelun motiivi ja oma asema uhrina olivat päivänselviä.
    xxx/ellauri366.html on line 349: Tilanteen luonteen vuoksi oma propagandatoimintakin järjestyi enemmän tai vähemmän ”itsestään” – toki valtiovallan ja sensuurin ohjauksessa, mutta mitään kovin erikoisia uusia toimenpiteitä ei sen enempää keksitty kuin ehditty toteuttaa. Muutama Neuvostoliittoa irvaileva sketsi filmattiin ja Njet Molotoff -laulu sai suosiota. Huumorin asein käyty kotirintaman taistelu syntyi lähinnä sitä kautta, että käytettiin vanhoja aseita – pakinoitsijoiden teräviä kyniä.
    xxx/ellauri366.html on line 363: Kuitenkin tällaisia pakinoita Olli kirjoitti vain muutaman, ja yleensä hän projisoi demonisuuden järjestelmään ennemmin kuin kansaan. Hän vältti suoraa politiikkaa tai Josif Stalinin ja Vjatsheslav Molotovin henkilöiden käsittelyä, eivätkä hänen pakinansa edustaneet sellaista paholaiskuvaa kuin AKS:n ryssänviha 1920-luvulla tai natsipropaganda juutalaisista. Huomattavasti enemmän olivat esillä neuvostovallan tahattoman koomiset piirit – sekä se, että venäläinen terrori kohdistui pääasiassa sen omaan kansaan.
    xxx/ellauri366.html on line 365: Erityisesti neuvostopropaganda oli Ollin pilkan kohteena. Yksi monista pakinoista käsitteli venäläispoikaa, joka vietiin lääkärille, koska hän ei osannut lainkaan puhua totta. Tehtyään diagnoosin lääkäri onnitteli vanhempia, koska pojalla oli mitä ilmeisimmin loistava tulevaisuus edessään puolueessa ja ehkä jopa ulkoministeriössä.
    xxx/ellauri366.html on line 519: Suomalainen sotilas ei todellakaan ollut propagandassa kuvaillun kaltainen sankari vaan ihan
    xxx/ellauri366.html on line 521: huolestuttavaa, että joku edes ottaa noita juttuja todesta eikä tunnista ilmiselvää propagandaa vielä
    xxx/ellauri376.html on line 72: Den viktigaste orsaken till att Midsommardansen väckte en sådan uppståndelse torde vara stilblandningen: de kristna kretsarnas religiösa känslor sårades av att romanen i en gäckande predikan, framförd av en berusad man, blandar in låga och folkliga uttryck. Ärkebiskop Martti Simojoki anklagade boken för att vara omoralisk. Han ansåg att den var anstötlig och sårade den religiösa känslan. Men Jag, Olle och Pensé är i alla fall Hasse Viggs betydligaste alster. Jag väntar med spänning hur översättaren klarar den odödliga sazen "Kiskoin kusen kyllästämällä kyrvällä urheasti kitkerään loppuun saakka."
    xxx/ellauri376.html on line 369: Molemmat pyhimyskertomukset sisältävät lukuisia yksityiskohtia, joita kuitenkaan ei tule käsittää kirjaimellisesti. Esim skandinaavinen Eymundin saaga kertoo Boriksen murhasta, mutta sanoo syylliseksi Svjatopolkin sijaan Jaroslavin.
    xxx/ellauri379.html on line 99: Heart of Darkness, novelli, kirjoittaja Joseph Conrad, joka julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran vuonna 1899 Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine ja sitten Conrad's Youth and Two Other Stories (1902). Heart of Darkness tutkii länsimaisen kolonialismin kauhuja ja kuvaa sitä ilmiönä, joka tahraa paitsi sen riistomaita ja kansoja, myös niitä lännessä, jotka edistävät sitä. Vaikka Conradin puoliautoelämäkerrallinen kertomus sai alun perin heikon vastaanoton, siitä on tullut yksi laajimmin analysoiduista englantilaisen kirjallisuuden teoksista. Kriitikot eivät ole aina kohdelleet Pimeyden sydäntä suotuisasti ja moittivat sen epäinhimillistä esittämistä kolonisoituneista kansoista ja sen halveksivaa kohtelua naisia ​​kohtaan. Siitä huolimatta Heart of Darkness on kestänyt, ja nykyään se on modernistinen mestariteos, joka liittyy suoraan postkolonialistiseen todellisuuteen.
    xxx/ellauri379.html on line 113: Vastaanotto. Heart of Darkness julkaistiin vuonna 1902 novellina Youth: And Two Other Stories -kokoelmassa, joka sisälsi kaksi muuta Conradin tarinaa. Mutta teksti ilmestyi ensimmäisen kerran vuonna 1899 Blackwoodin Edinburgh Magazinessa , kirjallisessa kuukausilehdessä sen tuhannessa numerossa, ja sen toimittaja kutsui Conradin osallistumaan. Conrad epäröi tehdä niin, ehkä hyvästä syystä – vaikka Pimeyden sydän sai tunnustusta omassa kirjallisuudessaan, tarina ei saavuttanut minkäänlaista suosittua menestystä. Näin oli myös silloin, kun se julkaistiin vuonna 1902; Heart of Darkness sai vähiten huomiota kolmesta mukana olleesta tarinasta, ja kokoelma nimettiin samannimisenä kokonaan toisen tarinan mukaan. Conrad ei elänyt tarpeeksi kauan nähdäkseen sen olevan suosittu menestys.
    xxx/ellauri379.html on line 123: One of the most resoundingly Modernist elements of Conrad’s work lies in this kind of early post-structuralist treatment of language—his insistence on the inherent inability of words to express the real, in all of its horrific truth. Marlow’s journey is full of encounters with things that are “unspeakable,” with words that are uninterpretable, and with a world that is eminently “inscrutable.” In this way, language fails time and time again to do what it is meant to do—to communicate. It’s a phenomenon best summed up when Marlow tells his audience that “it is impossible to convey the life-sensation of any given epoch of one’s existence—that which makes its truth, its meaning—its subtle and penetrating essence… We live, as we dream—alone.” Kurtz—as “eloquent” as he may be—can’t even adequately communicate the terrifying darkness he observed around him.“The horror! The horror!” is all he can say. Some critics have surmised that part of Heart of Darkness’s mass appeal comes from this ambiguity of language—from the free rein it gives its readers to interpret. Others posit this as a great weakness of the text, viewing Conrad’s inability to name things as an unseemly quality in a writer who’s supposed to be one of the greats. Perhaps this is itself a testament to the Heart of Darkness’s breadth of interpretability.
    xxx/ellauri379.html on line 131: Character Analysis Kurtz's Native Mistress. The Congolese woman that rails against Kurtz's departure is a complete contrast to Kurtz's Intended. As the Intended is innocent and naïve, the native mistress is bold and powerful. Kurtz is a man of many lusts, and she embodies this part of his personality. She frightens the Harlequin because she finds him to be meddling with Kurtz too much; her threats to him eventually scare him into leaving the Inner Station.
    xxx/ellauri379.html on line 156: Dua Lipa (/ˈduːə ˈliːpə/ ⓘ DOO-ə LEE-pə, Albanian: [ˈdua ˈlipa]; born 22 August 1995) is an English and Albanian singer and songwriter. Her voice and disco-influenced production have received critical acclaim and media coverage. She has won numerous accolades throughout her career including seven Battler Britton Awards and three Grammy Awards. Time Magazine named her one of the most influential people in the world as of 2024. Missing from that list are Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, plus both of the geriatric incumbents to the capitalistic throne.
    xxx/ellauri379.html on line 351: Putin said, “Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart.” And then he said, “Whoever wants it back has no brain.” All nations are made up. We invent these concepts of national identity. They’re filled with all sorts of myths. You must realize that Russia has a G.N.P. smaller than Texas. Netanjahu has earned a place next to all-time crooks like Hitler, Mussolini, Pol Pot, and Ronald Reagan. We should be pivoting out of Europe to deal with China in a laser-like fashion, number one. And, number two, we should be working overtime to create friendly relations with the Russians. The Russians are part of our balancing coalition against China. what we have done with our foolish policies in Eastern Europe is drive the Russians into the arms of the Chinese. This is a violation of Balance of Power Politics 101.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 102: Venäjä ei vahingossa iske siviili-infrastruktuuriin vaan tarkoituksellisesti ottaa ne kohteekseen, Valtonen sanoo. Nehän on yhtä törkeitä kuin amerikkalaiset Dresdenissä ja IDF Rafahissa. Mieleen tulee myös Hiroshiman ja Nagasakin kaupungit. Vaikka whataboutismiahan tää tällanen vain on.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 226: Yksikkö on herättänyt kiistaa sen varhaisesta ja väitetystä jatkuvasta yhteydestä äärioikeistoryhmiin ja uusnatsi-ideologiaan, natsismiin liittyvien kiistanalaisten symbolien käytöstä ja varhaisista väitteistä, että yksikön jäsenet osallistuivat ihmisoikeusloukkauksiin. Jotkut asiantuntijat ovat arvostelleet rykmentin roolia suuremmassa Azov-liikkeessä, poliittisessa kattoryhmässä, joka koostuu veteraaneista ja Azoviin liittyvistä järjestöistä, ja sen mahdollisia äärioikeistolaisia ​​poliittisia tavoitteita huolimatta väitteistä rykmentin depolitisoitumisesta. Toiset väittävät, että rykmentti on muuttunut ja lieventänyt sen äärioikeiston perustaa, kun siitä tuli osa kansalliskaartia. Azovin rykmentti on ollut Venäjän propagandan toistuva teema. Venäjä on nimennyt yksikön terroristiryhmäksi elokuusta 2022 lähtien.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 340: Lähdettyään CBS Newsista Logan alkoi arvostella mediaa, jonka hän sanoi olevan suorastaan liberaali. Hän kuvaili toimittajia "poliittisiksi aktivisteiksi" ja "propagandisteiksi" presidentti Donald Trumpia vastaan. Logan alkoi esittää laaja-alaisia ​​väitteitä erilaisista salaliittoteorioista, jotka koskivat esimerkiksi AIDS-virusta tai Rothschildien perhettä. Vuonna 2019 hän liittyi Sinclair Broadcast Groupiin, konservatiiviseen mediayhtiöön. Tammikuussa 2020 hän liittyi Fox Nationiin, Fox Newsin ylläpitämään tilaussuoratoistopalveluun. Logan vertasi NIAID:n johtajaa Anthony Faucia natsitutkijaan Josef Mengeleen väittäen, että hän vain toistaa sen, mitä monet ihmiset olivat hänelle uskoneet.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 352: Kun Logan esitteli Pizzagaten ja QAnonin salaliittoteoreetikko Liz Crokinin helmikuun 2024 konferenssissa, Logan kertoi yleisölle, että toisin kuin hänen aikaisempi epäuskonsa Pizzagatea kohtaan ("hyvä Herra ylhäällä"), hän oli tullut sinne, missä hän "tajusi... alkoi tutkia ja havaitsi", että Pizzagate "todellakin on totta".
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 356: The whole world is laughing at Ukraine’s failed counteroffensive, which captured nothing more than a couple patches of trees and trenches? How did the Russians, armed with shovels, defeat the “brave” Ukrainian Nazis armed with NATO weapons? No dear. It is definitely not. The “whole world” does not laugh at an invaded sovereign nazion that for over two years and against all odds has made a mockery out of the supposed "second best" army in the world. Don't pretend you’re aligned with the rest of the world. You are not! There is no "rest of the world" in fact!
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 381: repressed against watery cabbage soup and an unmovable totalitarian State,
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 429: As the man responsible for almost single-handedly informing the West of the horrors of the Soviet Gulag, Mr. Solzhenitsyn has long been the object of Soviet efforts to destroy his reputation. But the accusations of anti-Semitism come from such impeccably anti-Communist sources as Prof. Richard Pipes of Harvard, a Soviet specialist and former director of Eastern European and Soviet Affairs on President Reagan's National Security Council.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 433: In recent letters to this reporter, Alex denounced anti-Semitism, calling the charges against him "base" and declared that "there is no anti-Semitism in his books nor in any other book worthy of being called literature."
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 444: Lev Navrozov, a scholar who immigrated from the Soviet Union in 1972 and who now writes for The Yale Literary Magazine, which is owned by his son Andrei, went even further than Professor Pipes. Mr. Navrozov condemns the Solzhenitsyn novel as ''a new Protocols of the Elders of Zion".
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 446: Professor Ulam takes sharp issue with the charges against Mr. Solzhenitsyn. He acknowledges that the assassination of Stolypin ''lends itself'' to an anti-Semitic interpretation, but he continues: ''On balance, over all, taking into account all his work and his entire biography, I don't think you can call Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn an anti-Semite. He has a very sharp pen, I admit. He's extremely passionate. He has some sharp things to say about Jews. But he has sharp things to say about Russians who are not Jews. The most you might say about Solzhenitsyn is that he resents the intrusion of foreign influences into Russian life. But an anti-Semite? No. When you take his whole work and his whole life into account, you must say that he is not anti-Semitic and that he doesn't hate liberalism. He is inconsistent, perhaps, but many great people are inconsistent.' Am I contradicting myself? Okay, I am. I got space for multiplicity (Wilt Whatman).
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 463: Arabic-speaking armies have been generally ineffective in the modern era. Egyptian regular forces did poorly against Yemeni irregulars in the 1960s. Syrians could only impose their will in Lebanon during the mid-1970s by by the use of underwhelming weaponry and numbers.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 465: Iraqis showed ineptness against an Iranian military ripped apart by revolutionary turmoil in the 1980s and could not win a three-decades-long war against the Kurds. The Arab military performance on both sides of the 1990 Kuwait war was at best mediocre. And the Arabs have done poorly in nearly all the military confrontations with Israel. Why this unimpressive record? There are many factors—economic, ideological, technical—but perhaps the most important has to do with culture and certain societal attributes which inhibit Arabs from producing an effective military force.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 478: See that? 72 individual tribes, at each other's throats, jockeying for supremacy. The most successful Arab states are tiny tribal enclaves like the UAE or Qatar, homogeneous and conservative. At larger scales you need a dictator to hold it all together. Otherwise it's me against my brother, my brother and me against my family, my family and me against my tribe, my tribe and me against the world.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 480: Tribalism, which was and is the salvation of the Jewish community, has been the bane of Arab society. It's due to the great Arab calamity of 1258, the true Nakba, their utter destruction at the hands of the Mongols which left them broken and helpless against the Seljuks and then the Ottomans. The Arabs were essentially slaves for nearly 700 years, until the Europeans freed them from the yoke of the Turks. They have never recovered from that existential disaster, nor are they likely to. Ironically, the only people who could take them under their wing and point them in the right direction are the Jews. But that ain't happening any time soon. We genocide them first.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 496: Regionally, the situation becomes less encouraging again. Hezbollah is a creation and instrument of Iran. Teheran, which since 13 April is an active participant in this war but which has been operating its clients and proxies from the beginning, currently maintains control or freedom of operation in the entire area of territory between Israel's border with Lebanon, and the Iraq-Iran border. This is a vast body of land, taking in the areas of three broken Arab states in which Iran is now the primary actor – Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. In this area, Teheran has established semi-regular Shia, Islamist, client, military forces.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 498: So while Israel may draw some satisfaction from its attrition rate against Lebanese Hezbollah, the situation in the north is to Iran's advantage. It will remain so unless – until – Jerusalem can find a solution that removes Hezbollah from the border area. But let's genocide Gaza first. One step at a time.
    xxx/ellauri385.html on line 107: Kosmopoliittinen propaganda vuoden 1917 vallankumouksen aattona ja vasemmistolaisten voimien toimet muodostivat Rozanovin mukaan suuren vaaran maalle. Hän saattoi esimerkiksi kirjoittaa eri julkaisuihin sekä bolshevikkien että mustien sotnioiden puolesta.
    xxx/ellauri385.html on line 428: Pyhä Jean-Baptiste-Marie Vianney (1786-1859), myös Curé D’arse, oli roomalaiskatolinen ranskalainen pappi, pyhimys ja ihmeidentekijä. Hän on kaikkien pappien, seurakuntapappien, Iowan Dubuquen arkkihiippakunnan, ripittäjien ja Kansasin Kansas Cityn hiippakunnan suojeluspyhimys, ja Napsun armeijan sotilaskarkuri. Perseessä oli 230 asujainta. When Vianney's bishop first assigned him to Arse, Vianney got lost trying to find the town. Couldn't find his arse using both hands. With Catherine Lassagne and Benedicta Lardet, he established a home for girls. Vianney spent time with girls in the confessional and gave homilies against cursing and profane dancing. Vianney had a great devotion to Saint Philomena. He was regarded as her guardian because he erected so often in honour of the saint. He was a rare example of a pastor acutely aware of his responsibilities. In November 2018, Vianney's heart was transported to the United States for a 6-month nationwide tour.
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 76: Husbonden var ansvarig för trälens förbrytelser på samma sätt som han var ansvarig om hans hund bet någon eller om hans boskap gick in i grannens grödor. Om en träl begick ett brott, fick husbonden antingen betala böterna eller överlämna trälen till den person som denne hade förbrutit sig emot. "Dräper träl en fri man", säger Skånelagen, ska husbonden "utlämna trälen till den dräptes fränder" och betala sex marks böter, "eller behålle han sin träl och böte nio mark". Vissa landskapslagar tycks dock ha försökt förhindra att husbonden använde den bekväma utvägen att överlämna den brottsliga trälen. Östgötalagen stadgade exempelvis att om husbonden istället för att betala böterna överlämnade sin brottslige träl, hade målsägaren rätt att hänga den utlämnade trälens kropp i en ekvidja vid grindstolpen till ägarens gård. Om husbonden hugg ner liket innan vidjan ruttnade, skulle han böta 40 mark.
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 90: Hoblan ristikossa oli vihje "den falska" jonka vastaus oli Ran. Se tulee Esaias "pedofiili" Tegnerin runoelmasta, jonka se käänsi islantilaisen saagan saxannoxesta. Ran tarkoittaa siis näkkiä, molemmissa mielissä. Esasta on mulla aika ärhäkkä paasaus niinkin aikaisin kuin albumissa 49. Tässä tulee lisätietoa Frithjofin saagasta.
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 92: Friðþjófr Uljaan saaga [fri:θjou:fr] (isl. Friðþjófs saga hins frækna) on keskiaikainen islantilainen saaga, jonka kirjoittajaa ei tunneta. Se sijoittuu aikaan ennen Islannin asuttamista ja luetaan siksi muinaissaagoihin. Saaga kertoo Friðþjófr Þorsteinninpojasta, sognevuonolaisen talonpojan pojasta, joka ansaitsee lisänimensä rohkeudellaan, ja rakastuu Sognin kuninkaaksi kutsutun Belin tyttäreen Ingibjörgiin. Tämä on kuitenkin luvattu Sveanmaan (isl. Svíþjóð) kuningas Hringrille, ja alhaissyntyinen Friðþjófr saa siksi Ingibjörgin puolisokseen vasta lukuisten eri käänteiden jälkeen. Friðþjófr Uljaan saagasta on säilynyt kaksi versiota. Näistä lyhyempi on laadittu Islannissa 1200-luvun loppupuolella tai 1300-luvun alussa, mutta sen varhaisimmat säilyneet käsikirjoitukset ovat 1400-luvun lopulta. Saagan pitempi versio on todennäköisesti 1400-luvulta, ja se on säilynyt vain paperikopioina, digitaalinen on kadonnut. Kaiken kaikkiaan saagasta on säilynyt useita kymmeniä käsikirjoituksia, mikä kertoo Friðþjófr Uljaan saagan olleen hyvin suosittu. Saagan lisäksi on säilynyt myös Friðþjófrin tarinaan liittyvää rímuramurillumarei-runoutta, josta saadut vaikutteet näkyvät saagan nuoremmassa versiossa. Friðþjófr Uljaan saagaa ei ole suomennettu. Aiemmin siteerattu Isokukko Uljas on ihan toinen saaga.
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 94: Friðþjófs saga hins frækna er ein af fornaldarsögum Norðurlanda. Sagan var þýdd á sænsku árið 1737. Hún er til í íslensku handriti frá um 1300 og gerist á 8. öld. Sagan er framhald af annarri fornaldarsögu, Þorsteins sögu Víkingssonar. Eli sama suomexi:
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 98: Frithiofs saga är ett diktverk av Esaias Tegnér, som första gången publicerades i bokform 1825.
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 99: Verket är inspirerat av Fritjof den djärves saga som är en isländsk så kallad fornaldarsaga.
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 100: Ingen av Tegnérs dikter har vunnit tillnärmelsevis sådan popularitet som Frithiofs saga. Ett bevis på dess popularitet är den mängd så kallade bevingade ord som hämtats ur verket till Håblas korsord, tex "den falska Ran" och "Varg i veum", samt Arn naturligtvis.
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 102: Totalt består "Frithiofs saga" av 24 dikter, "romanser", alla författade på olika versmått (käytin muuton samaa tekniikkaa don Wilhossa!).
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 113: Ingeborgs klagan Ingibjargarin huuto
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 130: Näistä olen lukenut osat "frieri", "spelar schack", "klagan", "isfarten", ja "frestelse". Ei nillä kuuhun mennä, aika klischeistä on Esan riimitys. Tulee mieleen kaiman kuningattarelle väsäämät runoliput. No ei, kyllä ne oli vielä monta kertaluokkaa huonompia, aivan kauheita.
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 132: Frithiofs saga har översatts till danska, engelska, estniska, finska, franska, isländska, italienska, kroatiska, latin, lågtyska, nederländska, norska, ryska, tyska och ungerska. Redan år 1839 hade tolv olika översättningar utkommit. Esan Friðthjófssaga julkaistiin islanniksi vuonna 1866 Matthías Jochumssonin kääntämänä. Käännös on tehty erinomaisesti, esimerkiksi Matthías antaa samalla mitalla kuin Tegnér ize. Uuno Kailas pukersi jonkinlaisen suomennoxen Esaias Tegnér: Fritjofin taru (Otava 1932). För filmen som bygger på diktverket, se Fritiofs saga (film). Fritiofs saga är en svensk komedifilm från 1924 som parodierar flera samtida svenska filmer, i synnerhet Gösta Berlings saga.
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 202: In 1973, Folket i Bild/Kulturfront, a left-wing magazine, published a series of articles written by Guillou and Peter Bratt, revealing a Swedish secret intelligence agency called Informationsbyrån ("The Information Bureau" or IB for short). The articles, based on information initially furnished by former IB employee Håkan Isacson, described the IB as a secret organization that gathered information on Swedish communists and others deemed to be "security risks". The organization operated outside of the framework of the defense and ordinary intelligence, and was invisible in terms of state budget allocations. The articles in Folket i Bild/Kulturfront accused the IB staff of being engaged in alleged murder, break-ins, wiretapping against foreign embassies in Sweden and spying abroad.
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 203: The exposure of the IB in the magazine, which included headshots with names and social security numbers of some of the alleged staff published under the headline "Spies", led to a major domestic political scandal known as the "IB affair" (IB-affären). The activities ascribed to this secret outfit and its alleged ties to the Swedish Social Democratic Party were denied by Prime Minister Olof Palme, Defense Minister Sven Andersson and the Supreme Commander of the Swedish Armed Forces, General Stig Synnergren. However, later investigations by various journalists and by a public commissions, as well as autobiographies by the persons involved, have confirmed some of the activities described by Bratt and Guillou. In 2002, the public commission published a 3,000-page report where research about the IB affair was included.
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 213: Immediately following the September 11 attacks, Guillou caused controversy when he walked out of the Göteborg Book Fair in the midst of the three minutes of silence observed throughout Europe to honour the victims of the attacks. In an article in Aftonbladet, Guillou argued that the event was an act of hypocrisy, stating that "the U.S. is the great mass murderer of our time. The wars against Vietnam and its nearby countries alone claimed four million lives. Without a minute of silence in Sweden". He also criticised those who said that the attacks were "an attack on us all" by stating that the attacks were only "an attack on U.S. imperialism".
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 269:                       And I again am strong:                       ja olen vahva taas,
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 490: "Who?" said Pococurante sharply; "that barbarian who writes a tedious commentary in ten books of rumbling verse, on the first chapter of Genesis? that slovenly imitator of the Greeks, who disfigures the creation, by making the Messiah take a pair of compasses from Heaven´s armory to plan the world; whereas Moses represented the Deity as producing the whole universe by his fiat? Can I think you have any esteem for a writer who has spoiled Tasso´s Hell and the Devil; who transforms Lucifer sometimes into a toad, and at others into a pygmy; who makes him say the same thing over again a hundred times; who metamorphoses him into a school-divine; and who, by an absurdly serious imitation of Ariosto´s comic invention of firearms, represents the devils and angels cannonading each other in Heaven? Neither I nor any other Italian can possibly take pleasure in such melancholy reveries; but the marriage of Sin and Death, and snakes issuing from the womb of the former, are enough to make any person sick that is not lost to all sense of delicacy. This obscene, whimsical, and disagreeable poem met with the neglect it deserved at its first publication; and I only treat the author now as he was treated in his own country by his contemporaries."
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 495: The plan of Paradise Lost has this inconvenience, that it comprises neither human actions nor human manners. The man and woman who act and suffer are in a state which no other man or woman can ever know. The reader finds no transaction in which he can be engaged, beholds no condition in which he can by any effort of imagination place himself; he has, therefore, little natural curiosity or sympathy.  . . . .But original deficience cannot be supplied. The want of human interest is always felt. Paradise Lost is one of the books which the reader admires and lays down, and forgets to take up again. None ever wished it longer than it is. Its perusal is a duty rather than a pleasure. We read Milton for instruction, retire harassed and overburdened, and look elsewhere for recreation; we desert our master, and seek for companions.
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 70: Talvisodan aikana Waltari työskenteli Valtion tiedoituslaitoksessa Pirkon esimiehenä. Hän osallistui sotapropagandan tekoon muun muassa kirjoittamalla tietokirjat Neuvostoliton varjossa (1942, näköispainos 1994), Totuus Virosta, Latviasta ja Liettuasta (1941, salanimellä Nauticus) sekä sotaromaanit Antero ei jaxa enää palaakaan (1940) ja Raiskaus vainoaikaan (1943). Hän kirjoitti paljon lehtiartikkeleita, isänmaallisia reportaaseja rintamalta ja oikeistohenkisiä sanomalehtien pääkirjoituksia.
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 72: Waltari osallistui lokakuussa 1942 suomalaisten kirjailijoiden vierailuun Weimarin kirjailijakokoukseen propagandaministeri Joseph Goebbelsin suojeluksessa. Saatuaan writer´s blockin hänestä tuli Suomen Akatemian jäsen, ja hän kirjoitti enää esipuheita kirjojensa uusintapainoksiin.
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 90: In 1925, Craucher met 12 years younger Olavi Paavolainen, who would be her mister for several years. Together with journalist Ensio Svanberg (Rislakki), Craucher co-founded the magazine Seura.
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 91: The authors of the magazine included at least Kersti Bergroth, Pentti Haanpää, Martti Merenmaa, Elina Vaara, Väinö Nuorteva, and Mika Waltari. The editors-in-chief were Yrjö Rauanheimo, Lauri Viljanen and Waltari. Craucher was the acquirer and marketer of the magazine´s advertising space. As the magazine itself was not very attractive, Craucher even resorted to blackmail in obtaining advertising contracts.
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 219: Lääketieteellisten asiantuntijoiden joukossa, jotka ovat keskustelleet seksuaalisesta pidättymiskysymyksestä pitkään, ei todellakaan yleensä ole mahdollista löytää sellaisia ​​ehdottomia mielipiteitä sen hyväksi, kuin mitä lainaan. Ei voi kuitenkaan olla epäilystäkään siitä, että suuri osa lääkäreistä, lukuun ottamatta merkittäviä ja arvostettuja auktoriteetteja, joutuessaan välinpitämättömästi kohtaamaan kysymyksen, onko seksuaalinen pidättyvyys vaaratonta, valitsee heti ilmeisen vähimmän vastustuksen tien ja vastaa: Kyllä. Vain harvoissa tapauksissa he eivät edes määrittele tätä myöntävää vastausta. Tätä suuntausta havainnollistaa erittäin hyvin tohtori Ludwig Jacobsohnin, Pietarin, tekemä kysely ("Die Sexuelle Enthaltsamkeit im Lichte der Medizin", St. Petersburger Medicinische Wochenschrift , 17. maaliskuuta 1907). Hän kirjoitti yli kahdellesadalle arvostetulle venäläiselle ja saksalaiselle fysiologian, neurologian, psykiatrian jne. professorille ja kysyi heiltä, ​​pitävätkö he seksuaalista pidättymistä vaarattomana. Suurin osa ei vastannut mitään; yksitoista venäläistä ja 28 saksalaista vastasi, mutta neljä heistä vain sanoi, että "heillä ei ollut henkilökohtaista kokemusta" jne.; siellä oli siis jäljellä kolmekymmentäviisi. Näistä Bonnin E. Pflüger suhtautui skeptisesti kaiken pidättymispropagandan etuihin: "Jos kaikki maailman viranomaiset julistaisivat pidättymisen vaarattomuuden, sillä ei olisi mitään vaikutusta nuoriin. Täällä ovat pelissä mukana voimat, jotka murtavat kaiken esteitä."
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 469: Spenser´s Britomarta is not only an allegorical representation of the virtue of chastity, but also a multidimensional heroine, and the creation of her character goes back to the roots of the epic tradition. It can be said that apart from Ariosto, to whom Spenser was much indebted, and his Bradamante in Orlando Furioso, from whom the character of Britomart was copycatted. Presenting a woman travelling in the guise of a knight and fighting alongside and against male warriors might be seen as something quite uncommon.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 61: Until we meet again Until we meet again
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 130: After the boarding school was discontinued in 1850, Liliʻuokalani lived with her hānai parents at Haleʻākala, which she referred to in later life as her childhood home. Around this time, her hānai sister Pauahi married the American Charles Reed Bishop against the wishes of their parents but reconciled with them shortly before Pākī's death in 1855. Kōnia died two years afterward and Liliʻuokalani came under the Bishops' guardianship. During this period, Liliʻuokalani became a part of the young social elite under the reign of Kamehameha IV who ascended to the throne in 1855. In 1856, Kamehameha IV announced his intent to marry Emma Rooke, one of their classmates. However, according to Liliʻuokalani, certain elements of the court argued "there is no other chief equal to you in birth and rank but the adopted daughter of Paki," which infuriated the King and brought the Queen to tears. Despite this upset, Liliʻuokalani was regarded as a close friend of the new Queen, and she served as a maid of honor during the royal wedding alongside Princess Victoria Kamāmalu and Mary Pitman. At official state occasions, she served as an attendant and lady-in-waiting in Queen Emma's retinue. Visiting British dignitaries Lady Franklin and her niece Sophia Cracroft noted in 1861 that the "Honble. Lydia Paki" was "the highest unmarried woman in the Kingdom".
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 138: From 1860 to 1862, Liliʻuokalani and Dominis were engaged with the wedding set on her twenty-fourth birthday. This was postponed to September 16, 1862, out of respect for the death of Prince Albert Kamehameha, son of Kamehameha IV and Queen Emma. The wedding was held at Haleʻākala, the residence of the Bishops. The ceremony was officiated by Reverend Samuel Chenery Damon in the Anglican rites. Her bridemaids were her former classmates Elizabeth Kekaʻaniau and Martha Swinton. King Kamehameha IV and other members of the royal family were honored guests. The couple moved into the Dominises' residence, Washington Place in Honolulu. Through his wife and connections with the king, Dominis would later become Governor of Oʻahu and Maui. The union was reportedly an unhappy one with much gossip about Dominis' infidelities and domestic strife between Liliʻuokalani and Dominis' mother Mary who disapproved of the marriage of her son with a negro. They never had any children of their own, but, against the wish of her husband and brother, Liliʻuokalani adopted three hānai children: Lydia Kaʻonohiponiponiokalani Aholo, the daughter of a family friend; Joseph Kaiponohea ʻAeʻa, the son of a retainer; and John ʻAimoku Dominis, her husband's son.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 142: When Kamehameha V died in 1872 with no heir, the 1864 Constitution of the Hawaiian Kingdom called for the legislature to elect the next monarch. Following a non-binding referendum and subsequent unanimous vote in the legislature, Lunalilo became the first elected king of Hawaii. Lunalilo died without an heir in 1874. In the election that followed, Liliʻuokalani's brother, David Kalākaua, ran against Emma, the dowager queen of Kamehameha IV. The choice of Kalākaua by the legislature, and the subsequent announcement, caused a riot at the courthouse. US and British troops were landed, and some of Emma's supporters were arrested. The results of the election strained the relationship between Emma and the Kalākaua family.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 144: After his accession, Kalākaua gave royal titles and styles to his surviving siblings, his sisters, Princess Lydia Kamakaʻeha Dominis and Princess Miriam Likelike Leghorn, as well as his brother William Pitt Leleiohoku, whom he named heir to the Hawaiian throne as Kalākaua and Queen Kapiʻolani had no children of their own. Leleiohoku died without an heir in 1877. Leleiohoku's hānai (adoptive) mother, Ruth Keʻelikōlani, wanted to be named heir, but the king's cabinet ministers objected as that would place Bernice Pauahi Bishop, Ruth's first cousin, next in line. This would put the Kamehamehas back in succession to the throne again, which Kalākaua did not wish. On top of that, Kalākaua's court genealogists had already cast doubt on Ruth's direct lineage, and in doing so placed doubt on Bernice's. At noon on April 10, Liliʻuokalani became the newly designated heir apparent to the throne of Hawaii. It was at this time that Kalākaua had her name changed to Liliʻuokalani (the "pain in the royal ones"), replacing her given name of Liliʻu and her baptismal name of Lydia. (Lydiahan oli se ämmä Paavalin possessa.) In 1878, Liliʻuokalani and Dominis sailed to California for her health. They stayed in San Francisco and Sacramento where she visited the Crocker Art Museum! Wauzi wauz.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 180: The proposed constitution (co-written by the Queen and two legislators, Joseph Nāwahī and William Pūnohu White) would have restored the power to the monarchy, and voting rights to economically disenfranchised native Hawaiians and Asians. Her ministers and closest friends were all opposed to this plan; they tried unsuccessfully to dissuade her from pursuing these initiatives, both of which came to be used against her in the brewing constitutional crisis.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 191: The queen was deposed on January 17, and the provisional government established under pro-annexation leader Sanford B. Dole was officially recognized by Stevens as the de facto government. She temporarily relinquished her throne to the United States, rather than the Dole-led government, in hopes that the United States would restore Hawaii´s sovereignty to the rightful holder. HA big HA! The government under Dole began using ʻIolani Palace as its executive building. A delegation departed for Washington, D.C., on January 19, to ask for immediate annexation by the United States. "At the request of the provisional government," Stevens proclaimed Hawaii a protectorate of the United States on February 1, to "temporarily" provide a buffer against domestic upheaval and interference by foreign governments. The US flag was raised over the palace, and martial law was enforced. The annexation treaty presented to the US Senate contained a provision to grant Liliʻuokalani a $20,000 per annum lifetime pension, and Kaʻiulani a lump-sum payment of $150,000. The queen protested the proposed annexation in a January 19 letter to President Benjamin Harrison. She sent Prince David Kawānanakoa and Paul Newman to represent her.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 197: At the beginning of January 1895, Robert W. Wilcox and Samuel Nowlein launched a rebellion against the forces of the Republic with the aim of restoring the queen and the monarchy. Its ultimate failure led to the arrest of many of the participants and other sympathizers of the monarchy. Liliʻuokalani was also arrested and imprisoned in an upstairs bedroom at the palace on January 16, several days after the failed rebellion, when firearms were found at her home of Washington Place after a tip from a prisoner.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 224: On April 30, 1900, the US Congress passed the Hawaii Organic Act establishing a government for the Territory of Hawaii. The territorial government took control of the Crown Lands, which became the source of the "Ceded Lands" issue in Hawaii. The San Francisco Call reported on May 31 that Macfarlane had informed them the Queen had exhausted her patience with Congress and intended to file a lawsuit against the government. Former United States Minister to Hawaii Edward M. McCook said he believed that once President McKinley began his second term on March 1, 1901, that the government would negotiate a generous settlement with Liliʻuokalani. HAHA LOL. Don´t trust the motherfuckers Lili!
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 232: In 1909, Liliʻuokalani brought an unsuccessful lawsuit against the United States under the Fifth Amendment seeking the return of the Hawaiian Crown Lands. The US courts invoked an 1864 Kingdom Supreme Court decision over a case involving the Dowager Queen Emma and Kamehameha V, using it against her. In this decision the courts found that the Crown Lands were not necessarily the private possession of the monarch in the strictest sense of the term. Instead, they were the property of the U.S. government in the strictest sense of the term. Now get off my property!
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 248: She traveled to Utah in 1901 for a visit with Mormon president Joseph F. Smith, a former missionary to the Hawaiian Island and her teenage beau. There she joined in services at the Salt Lake Tabernacle, and was feted at a Beehive House reception, attended by many expatriate Native Hawaiians. In 1906, Mormon newspapers reported she had been rebaptized again into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by Eider Abraham Kaleimahoe Fernandez. However, many historians doubt this claim, since the Queen herself never announced it. In fact, Liliʻuokalani continued to refer to herself as an Episcopalian in secular newspapers published the same week of her supposed Mormon baptism. The Queen´s interest in Mormonism later waned. Joe was no longer what he was in the good old days.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 263: Captain Julius A. Palmer Jr. of Massachusetts was her friend for three decades, and became her spokesperson when she was in residence at Boston and Washington, D.C., protesting the annexation of Hawaiʻi. In the nation´s capital, he estimated that she had 5,000 visitors. When asked by an interviewer, "What are her most distinctive personal graces?", Palmer replied, "Above everything else she displayed a disposition of the most Christian forgiveness." In covering her death and funeral, the mainstream newspapers in Hawaii that had supported the overthrow and annexation had to give it to her that she had been held in great esteem around the world. In March 2016, Hawaiʻi Magazine listed Liliʻuokalani as one of the most influential women in Hawaiian history. She sounds like a pretty good woman all things considered.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 265: The Queen Liliʻuokalani Trust was established on December 2, 1909, for the care of orphaned and destitute children in Hawaii. Effective upon her death, the proceeds of her estate, with the exception of twelve individual inheritances specified therein, were to be used for the Trust. The largest of these hereditary estates were willed to her hānai sons and their heirs: John ʻAimoku Dominis would receive Washington Place while Joseph Kaiponohea ʻAeʻa would receive Kealohilani, her residence at Waikiki. Both men predeceased the Queen. Before and after her death, lawsuits were filed to overturn her will establishing the Trust. One notable litigant was Prince Jonah Kūhiō Kalanianaʻole, Liliʻuokalani´s greedy second cousin, who brought a suit against the Trust on November 30, 1915, questioning the Queen's competency in executing the will and attempting to break the Trust. These lawsuits were resolved in 1923 and the will went into probate. The Queen Liliʻuokalani Children's Center was created by the Trust.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 267: In 2007, Honolulu magazine rated "Aloha ʻOe" as the greatest song in the history of Hawaiian music. Women canoe teams were added in 1974. The race is held over Labor Day Weekend each year to coincide with Liliʻuokalani´s birthday on September 2. The American Experience: Hawai´i´s Last Queen. WTF, since when is it American? Well, since the overthrow and annexation, of course. Numerous hula events are held to honor her memory. Several hundred dancers shower 50,000 orchid blossoms.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 379: Rashomon oli Kurosawan läpimurtoelokuva nro 1, ja sen jälkeen yleensäkin japanilainen elokuva on noussut kansainväliseen suosioon. Japanilaisissa kriitikoissa herätti hämmästystä, että elokuva sai lännessä myönteisen vastaanoton. Epäiltiin, että syynä oli toisaalta sen eksoottisuus, toisaalta se, että se on japanilaisia elokuvia länsimaisempi. Heidän näkemyksensä mukaan Kurosawa otti liiaksi vapauksia aineistoon nähden. Kurosawa puolestaan näki japanilaisten kriittisen asenteen johtuvan juuri siitä, että elokuva menestyi lännessä, mikä herättää epäilyksiä sen aitoudesta. Elokuvan juoni asettaa totuuden luonteen kyseenalaiseksi. Japsujen ja lännen keskinäiselle lipomiselle oli kylmän sodan poliittinen tilaus. Katsojan on määrä omaksua epätoivon sijaan myönteinen asenne. Kurosawa tekee loppuratkaisusta toisenlaisen kuin Ryonosuke Akutagawan tarinoiden pessimistinen päätös. Kriitikon mukaan sodan jälkeen tarvittiin toivonkipinää ja ikäville totuuksille vaihtoehtoja.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 381: Kyynisempi puolisukeltaja Akutagawa löytyy albumin suikkitaulukosta maanmiehensä Kawabatan ohella. Hänet tunnettiin myös pseudonyymillä Chōkōdō Shujin. Hän kehitti voimakkaasti japanilaisten novellien tyyliä ja kirjoitti yksityiskohtaisia kuvauksia ihmisluonnon nurjista puolista. Kertomus Rashōmon (1915) perustuu Heian-kauden kauhukertomukseen, ja hän soveltaa siihen aikansa psykologista kerrontaa. Vuonna 1921 suosionsa huipulla Akutagawa luopui täysipäiväisestä kirjailijantyöstä ja lähti kirjeenvaihtajaksi Kiinaan. Hän stressaantui, sairastui eikä enää toipunut entiselleen. Palattuaan Japaniin hän julkaisi kuuluisimman kertomuksensa "Metsikössä", (Yabu no naka) vuonna 1922. Suuri osa Akutagawan tuotannosta on vahvasti omaelämäkerrallista. Hän tsemppasi horjuvan fyysisen kunnon ja mielenterveyden kanssa. Akutagawa kärsi harhoista ja syömishäiriöistä, yritti itsemurhaa pari kertaa ja onnistui siinä lopulta vuonna 1927, vain 35-vuotiaana. Tsemppi kannatti! Akira Kurosawan läpimurtoelokuva Rashomon – paholaisen temppeli perustuu Akutagawan novelleihin Rashōmon ja Metsikössä. Novellissa Rashōmon on Kioton kaupungin eteläinen portti, kun taas elokuvassa se on temppeli. Nimestään huolimatta elokuvan juoni perustuu lähes täysin Metsikössä-novelliin.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 424: Kyyninen tavallinen mies huomauttaa: "Mutta onko olemassa ketään, joka on todella hyvä? Ehkä hyvyys on vain teeskentelyä... Ihminen haluaa vain unohtaa pahat asiat ja uskoo keksittyihin hyviin asioihin, se on helpompaa." Vähän tästä tulee mieleen Ukrainan propagandasota. Kuka kuitenkin on pahantekijä tämän monimutkaisen ongelman takana? Voiko henkilökohtaisen näkökulman perusteella olla absoluuttista totuutta? Hyi postmodernia sanoisi Harry Hirsch jos eläisi.
    xxx/ellauri397.html on line 71: Kun kuva vas. näpättiin kello kuusi aamulla, Rein pystyrinnat ja kamelinvarvas eivät herättäneet enää minkäänlaisia reaktioita matomaisessa karvalisäkkeessä. Lieroa ei oisi saanut likoon millään ilveellä. Vain makuualusta tuntui kovalta. Tyhjin toimin piti lähteä nokituvasta. Jeesus käy kyllä kateexi. Räppänän linnunpesässä sentään oli sinisiä munia. Havaittuja puutteita: karvakolmio ei näytä aidolta. Missä luuraa häpykukkula? Se vaatii laittoa. Toisaalta oli huojentavaa ettei liioin fru Pumpa oik. nostattanut juurikaan lootmaisia tuntemuxia. För det överlägset bästa som jag har vetat i mitt ynkla liv var det att putta en ståkuk djupt in i en varm tajt fitta. Igenting går upp mot det, inte ens kålpirog på hösten - som jag själv har lagat.
    xxx/ellauri397.html on line 101: Sitä vastoin kirjailija ja teologi Robert Gagnon on väittänyt, että kreikkalainen sana, joka on käännetty sanaksi "rakastettu", on agape (käytetään esimerkiksi Joh. 3:16:ssa: "sillä niin on Jumala maailmaa rakastanut"), eikä kreikan sanaa, joka viittaa seksuaaliseen rakkauteen, eros. Toisaalta Theodore W. Jennings Jr. huomauttaa, että "eros ei esiinny Uudessa testamentissa eikä Septuagintassa", ja että nämä käyttävät agapea viittaamaan "miehen rakkauteen vaimoaan tai vaimoaan kohtaan", jopa "kohtuuttomasta halusta laittomaan rakkauteen", mukaan lukien kauttaaltaan selkeästi eroottinen (eikä mikään agapeettinen) Salomon laulu.
    xxx/ellauri400.html on line 229: As we have seen, later critics laugh at Arnold. Oliver Elton calls him a 'bad great critic'. T. S. Eliot said that Arnold is a 'Propagandist and not a creator of ideas'. According to Walter Raleigh, Arnold's method is like that of a man who took a brick to the market to give the buyers an impression of the building. Equally stupid Eliot named Dryden, Johnson and Arnold as some of the greatest critics of the English language.
    xxx/ellauri404.html on line 46: Syvästi ylenannattava nide Amerikanskij psihopat on sivelty paxulti vastenmielisellä amerikkapaskalla: Reaganilla, tapoilla, raiskauxilla, merkkikamoilla. Sen motto on: Silti 1 lohduttava ajatus jää: minä olen rikas, miljoonat muut eivät ole. Sellaista on demokratia. AK Fäkkilä pettyi neukkuihin kun sieltä puuttui demokratia, oli vain pahoja juttuja. Olen aika pettynyt AK Fäkkilään. Ei ollut hällä musta parta, eikä sieltä kihara. Ollaankohan narsisteja molemmat, vaiko yxinomaan mä. Se jää mysteerixi nyt. Kristina täti nyt on ainakin.
    xxx/ellauri404.html on line 116: Suomen presidentti Stubbels vastasi iskuihin Venäjän lentokentälle Olenyalle: Meidän on hyväksyttävä, että sota lähestyy meitä. The toothy Finnish president said that Finns should accept the fact that the war will come closer to Finland's borders, as "it is not that far to fly from Helsinki to Kyiv". 2000km from Ukraine to Murmansk is too much for drones, they must have started somewhere closer by: Norway, Sweden, Finland or Russia. "We have to accept the fact that Ukraine has to use all their assets to win this war, and this also means various strikes. So Russia too will continue to launch hybrid strikes," Stubb commented. We have to accept that as well. We have to accept that these goddamn simian idiots react to global warming by flaring up a harmaggeddon war of all against all. Mutta voimme ize valita millä arvokkaalla tavalla me hyväxymme sen. Ottaa oravahampaisesta presidentistä mallia. Hän on hyväxynyt että hän on ruma kalkkuna. Hyväxyn. Kiitos. Hän on tyhmä kuin ladonovi mutta ilkeämpi. KZ:n käynyt Benjamin Franklin antaa aplodeja luukasana.
    xxx/ellauri404.html on line 485: The ones from OT are not convincing at all, they just say that Cod himself is forgiving, which goes just against the grain. If he were so nice why spill innocent blood at all?
    xxx/ellauri404.html on line 512: For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay down my life, that I may take it again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again; this charge I have received from my Father.”
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 178: In spite of or because of Eliot’s detractors, numerous scholars have begun reevaluating Eliot’s reputation as an elitist, racist, anti-Semite, sexist, misogynist, in the wake of the alt-right white supremacist wave. Since then, many of the diatribes against Eliot’s socio-political conservatism and bigotry seem outdated and narrow. By modern standards, Eliot's verses are pretty lame.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 182: Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infectious (STI) disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. The most popular and long-standing theory is that syphilis was carried by sailors returning from the first transatlantic expedition led by Christopher Columbus. The disease came back from the New World to the Old, with present-day Haiti viewed as the most likely source. But actually, treponemal disease appears to have originated in East Africa with late transmission to England, perhaps as a gift of the slave trade. The original treponemal disease apparently spread from Africa through Asia, entering North America. Approximately 8 millennia later, it mutated to syphilis. Syphilis came to humans from cattle or sheep many centuries ago, possibly sexually. So it is the damn British sheepfucking slavers who take the blame again.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 184: According to the real Colombo, the West Indies natives were not black. Eliot’s Bolovians, on the contrary, are fat, black, and promiscuous. Bolovians are black because they are natives and primitive, and described with such essentialist terms as are associated with Africans. It is difficult to accept such statements as “Eliot’s verse expresses revulsion of the carnal world” (Douglass 150) when one reads the Bolovian Epic. Sex is clearly part of the fun and there is no revulsion in these verses, except perhaps in the reader’s response to them. Back in Spain Columbo quarrels with the Queen. “They terminated the affair/ By fucking on the sofa.” Although his syphilis acts up again, Columbo is undaunted. “He spun his balls around his head / And cried ‘Hooray for whores!’ . . . Exeunt the king and queen severally” (IMH 319).
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 252: Brittirottasarja tosiaan, syviä tuntemuxia, my foot. Syöpään kuollut kitaristi narsisti twotimer pedo iskä oli vaan tollanen "complicated." Taas tää klisheexi muodostunut klaanimeemi et poliisista 5, ne ei pysty mihkään, oman käden oikeus rulaa kuin ennen Hammurabia. Venevajan takana vahingossa nussitun abortilta pelastetun teinivauvan nimexi sopis vaikka Hope. Jos isä selviää Ember hommaa sen vankilaan. Juurikin näin. Varmaan tää anglosaxien moraalinen alamäki alkoi kasarilla Reaganin ja The Witchin toimesta. Vaikka omanvoitonpyyntisiä konniahan on anglot olleet aina, imperialisteja. Ja nyt koittaa Suomen oikeisto apinoida The Witchiltä vesihuollon yxityistämistä. Ei helvetti, lähetäppä Putin sinne muutama V2 nuketti!
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 274: Kahn was a Jew from Metz, Lorraine. He chose sides with Émile Zola in the Dreyfus affair. His wife Elizabeth converted to Judaism as a protest against antisemitism, changing her name to Rachel. Gustave kirjoitti aika liikkixesti sille rakkausrunoja, pace Amiel. Rouva Elisabeth Kahnille. Je t’aime de ta voix, de tes yeux, de tes seins. Verkkotunnuxesi on pieni satumaa. Hänet haudattiin Pariisin Mottenparnasin hautausmaalle. Hänen paperinsa ovat nyt kunnossa Israelissa.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 447: The title of T. S. Eliot’s mock-heroic, modernist poem ‘Sweeney among the Nightingales’ perhaps has been taken from the poem ‘Bianca among the Nightingales’ written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. As a matter of fact, the word “Nightingales” in the title stands for prostitutes. The poem is written on a mock-epic pattern following The Rape of the Lock by Alexander Pope; a trivial incident is given heroic significance in a satiric style. The “murderous” plot of the prostitutes against one of their customers or frequent visitors, Sweeney, is dealt with in a ludicrous way. The poem ends on a note of indignation and shame, lamenting the death of Agamemnon at his own wife Clytemnestra’s hands. ὤμοι, πέπληγμαι καιρίαν πληγὴν ἔσω. Voi ei, sain kohtalokkaan haavan sisään.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 467: The Jew of Malta (full title: The Famous Tragedy of the Rich Jew of Malta) is a play by Christopher Marlowe, written in 1589 or 1590. The plot primarily revolves around a Maltese Jewish merchant named Barabas. The original story combines religious conflict, intrigue, and revenge, set against a backdrop of the struggle for supremacy between Spain and the Ottoman Empire in the Mediterranean that takes place on the island of Malta. There has been extensive debate about the play's portrayal of Jews and how Elizabethan audiences would have viewed it.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 551: Introduction: The poem is one of the quatrain poems, and is a satire on the decay of religion. Once again the contrast is between then and now.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 916: Gnagaren kokosi nopeasti pienen joukon roomalaisia sotilaita taistelemaan Coriolista lähteviä volskilaisia vastaan. Hän ei ainoastaan torjunut vihollista, vaan myös hyökkäsi kaupungin porttien läpi ja alkoi sitten sytyttää jotakin kaupunginmuuria reunustavat talot. Coriolin asukkaat huusivat, ja roomalaiset masentuivat ja voittivat koko Volskien sotajoukon. Kaupunki valloitettiin, ja Marcius sai sukunimeksi Coriolanus.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 920: Tästä pahastuneena Coriolanus loikkasi Volskeihin imigrantixi ja johti Rooman kostoretkeä. Coriolanus käski volskeja kohdistamaan kostoiskut plebeijeihin ja säästämään patriisilaisten omaisuutta. Saatanan gnagare!
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 922: Saaga saattaa säilyttää aidon kansanmuiston 5. vuosisadan alun eKr. synkistä, onnettomista vuosikymmenistä, jolloin volskilaiset valloittivat Latiumin ja uhkasivat Rooman olemassaoloa. Onnettomat kenelle? Harmi ettei volskit voittaneet. Vittu että tälläset saagat on sitten yxisilmäisiä.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 994: Mormons certainly do not equate Asherah with anything other than what she was, a pagan idol. You have misunderstood the Mormon belief, supported by the scriptures, that if our spirits are the literal offspring of God, and he is our heavenly father, logically therefore, we have a heavenly mother. And the same familial stucture which exists in heaven was instituted by God on earth when he created Adam and Eve, the first mortal parents. The article you referenced says nothing even close to your incorrect assertion that Mormons somehow believe a false pagan goddess was/is our heavenly mother.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1038: As I said, nowhere in the article does Stavrakopoulou claim that Mormons believe a pagan idol is our heavenly mother. All she says is that a statue of Asherah was found in the temple, and that it was believed that she was considered the wife of El.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1040: The other article you referenced also does not say that Mormons believe in pagan idols. It says Nephi saw a vision of a tree and that the tree represented the love of God. The article then makes the ridiculous and unsupported claim that the tree represents Asherah just because Nephi also saw a vision of Mary, even while quoting the exact scripture that says the tree represents the love of God.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1043: And again, same as the first article, nowhere does it say that Mormons believe Asherah is our heavenly mother.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1044: And even if either of the authors did say that Mormons believe in pagan idols, neither is a Church authority and have no authority to declare Church doctrine.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1094: Agree don't that Mormons do not equate Ashtar to being the wife of Heavenly Father. Ashtar having beginnings in paganism, we identify with monotheists who know there is one creator of all in the universe. The fringe idea that there must be a mother in heaven, is more of a follow-on to a truth that rings true to us: that if we existed before his life we must have had parents before as we do now. Which makes sense to us that there could be a benevolent loving partner of God.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1141: You're correct, the illogical falsehood of three different beings physically being one, even though they themselves continually refer to each other as separate beings, was derived from pagan concepts well before Nicaea when Constantine, a pagan emperor, held a council to vote on various doctrinal questions including the divinity of Christ and the nature of the Godhood.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1143: (Coincidentally, the pagan origins of the false doctrine of the trinity lies with Asherah/Ashtoreth, the subject of the article above, when she declared that her son, Tamuz, was the reincarnation of his father Nimrod, and that they were all one being.)
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1249: As for the Trinity being a form of pagan lunch meat - again it's just something you made up. If God is both masculine and feminine why is He only referred to in the masculine in holy scripture? If you really put some brain power behind your imaginary rants you would have considered John 4:24 when God's own son declared God to be Spirit, so he could easily be neither. Of course you didn't bother to consider John 10:30 when you made up your concept about Jesus lack of deity.
    xxx/ellauri414.html on line 175: Pääpranoja on viisi – Prana, Apana, Vyana, Udana ja Samana, ja on myös viisi subpranaa – nimeltään Devadatta, Krikal, Kurma, Naga ja Dhananjay. Mitkä ovat näiden praanojen tehtävät kehon alueella? Se on kuvattu Ayurveda-kirjoituksissa seuraavasti:
    xxx/ellauri414.html on line 349: Jos Gore olis päihittänyt Bushin olisiko Irak jäänyt pillomatta ja koko globaalinen kansainvaellus pysäytetty ajoissa? Kiitos USAn vihreiden näin ei päässyt käymään, Gore hävisi Bushille Floridassa 500 äänellä kun vihreiden ehdokas ei luovuttanut ajoissa. Stop the steal! Typerät länkkärit tunkee nyt ukrainaa joka paikkaan, isovenäjä on ihan pannassa. Nk nyytisvirta on niin täynnä propagandafeikkiä että yhtä hyvin vois lukea Grimmin satuja, alkaen vaikka punahilkasta.
    xxx/ellauri414.html on line 363: Parikymppinen Brooklynissä työskentelevä seksityöntekijä saa tilaisuuden tarttua toisenlaiseen elämään menemällä naimisiin oligarkin pojan kanssa. Imigrantti Ivan (vai oliko se Igor? could care less) sai tilaisuuden tarttua Anssia pikkutisuista edestä ja takaa koko rahan edestä ja imuskella mela liossa sen sieviä tissinnappeja. Tää on rainan ihan parasta antia. Pian ollaan Las Vegasissa sekoilemassa ja lopulta naimisissa, jottei Vanjan tarvitsisi palata Venäjälle. Eli tää on antiputinistinen propagandapätkä tottakai, ollaanhan jenkeissä. Tulee mieleen se kasarileffa taxikuskista, jossa muka-jutkuryssämatusta tehtiin tyhmä mutta söpö. Baker ja Daniels tekevät katsojille selväksi, öö, että vaikka karkea, hurja ja tulisieluinen Meghan Marklemainen Anu näyttää kohtelevan ihmisiä vain välineinä rahantekemiseksi, jossain silmien takana,
    xxx/ellauri415.html on line 408: And strok'd the stripes, and I was whole again. Ja se silitti mun pyllyn raitoja, ja olin ehjä taas.
    xxx/ellauri415.html on line 416: My puling pipe to beat against thine ear; mun kurjan röörini takovan simpukkaasi;
    xxx/ellauri415.html on line 515: Atwood understryker att det är ett borttagande
    xxx/ellauri415.html on line 597: kraftfullt återtagande av den stora alliansen
    xxx/ellauri415.html on line 654: propagandasumusta:
    xxx/ellauri415.html on line 680: Suomalaisten päivä- ja ilta-pulujen rivit Ukrainan rintamalta ovat Trumpin voiton jälkeen aivan sekaisin. Vielä vähän tulee hikisiä propagandaiskuja siitä kuinka vähävenäläinen pienkone on päässyt hajottamaan ryssän laivoja Kaspian merellä ja kuinka Venäjä on menettänut ennätysmäärän kalustoa etenemisvaiheessa. Toisaalta masentavaa tietoa Ukrainan reservien ehtymisestä ja arvailuja USA:n tuen loppumisesta Trumpin takia. Suomi on seuraavana vuorossa, hätäilevät vielä hetki sitten pullistelleet Hekku Haukat. Pohjois-Korean urheat pojat ovat oikomassa rintamaa Kurskin mutkassa. Kukko Koppava on selkeästi joholla.
    xxx/ellauri416.html on line 261: Venäjän ja lännen propagandauutiset on lähes identtisiä, mustat ja valkeat stezonit vaan vaihtuvat. Valehtelevat tietty molemmat niin että korvat heiluvat, se on näitä ikivanhoja sodan sääntöjä.
    xxx/ellauri417.html on line 50: Nämä Juri Gagariniin liittyvät teemat ovat peräisin 1900-luvun alun japanilaisesta lesbofiktiosta.
    xxx/ellauri417.html on line 160:

    Lennä Juri Gagarin

    xxx/ellauri417.html on line 166: known in his family as Nikolai Pavlovich "Juri" Gagarin,
    xxx/ellauri417.html on line 181: Ivanovich Gagarin (1798–1872) he received the surname of
    xxx/ellauri417.html on line 316: Samtidigt som de ryska styrkorna trycker på inne i Ukraina och tar allt mer mark i landets östra delar, enligt den öppna data som finns tillgänglig över hur fronten rör sig.  Risken är att frontlinjen längst Donbass kommer kollapsa, antagligen mycket snabbare på grund av Kursk-offensiven, säger Marina Miron, till Sky News.  Och hon är inte den enda som ser att en kollaps ligger i farans riktning. Storbritanniens försvarssekreterare John Healey varnade under fredagen för att fronten i Ukraina ”nu är mindre stabil än den var varit någon gång sedan de inledande dagarna av den ryska fullskaliga invasionen”. 
    xxx/ellauri417.html on line 427: It is puzzling to me why Israel doesn’t seem to support Ukraine more enthusiastically even before Oct. 7, given Russia has provided large amounts of weapons to Hamas, Iran relies on Russian air defenses and other Russian made arms, Russia finances Iran through the purchase of drones (Shaheeds) and missiles, and Russia has a long history of antisemitism. I know because my wife is a Russian Jew and all but 1 out of 8 her family emigrated to the west as soon as they were free to leave Russia, and antisemitism was a primary motivation. At times Netanyahu has even appeared chummy with Putin. There is a high ranking Israeli official who has stated when Israel concludes its war against Hamas and there are no Palestinians left, Israel will begin to actively support Ukraine.
    xxx/ellauri417.html on line 431: Poland is ready not only to defend its borders, but also to assist its NATO allies from the Baltic countries: Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia. Russian propagandists make frequent threats to Poland, reminding of the times when Russian tsars and then Stalin’s USSR were invading Polish territories, and claim that certain Polish lands were a “gift” to Poland from the USSR — which they threaten “to take back”. The Polish politicians take these threats seriously. They know the pattern: first propagandists prepare the population, and then Hitler sends the troops. So, the Polish military is making sure that Russia can never invade Poland. The cavalry is ready. The Poles still remember the Soviet occupation and the Russian atrocities. The Germans are on our side now. Never again. This is a war to end all wars. Elon Musk says that nuclear war is not as scary as people think.
    xxx/ellauri417.html on line 442: Venäläisvastaisuus eli russofobia on inhoamista tai pelkoa tai vihaa Venäjää, venäläisiä ihmisiä tai venäläistä kulttuuria kohtaan. Russofobian vastakohta on Russophilia. Historiallisesti russofobiaan on kuulunut valtion tukema ja ruohonjuuritason pahoinpitely ja syrjintä sekä propaganda, joka sisältää Venäjän vastaisia ​​tunteita.  Euroopassa russofobia perustui useisiin enemmän tai vähemmän fantastisiin pelkoihin venäläisten Euroopan valloittamisesta, kuten Pietari Suuren testamentin väärennökseen, joka dokumentoitiin Ranskassa 1800-luvulla ja nousi myöhemmin uudelleen esiin Isossa-Britanniassa. Se oli seurausta Venäjän hyökkäyksestä brittien kolonisoimaan Intiaan liittyen Suureen pippeliin . Aiemmin Saksassa vallinneen venäläisvastaisuuden katsotaan olevan yksi tekijä, joka vaikutti Venäjän miehityksen alaisena toisen maailmansodan aikana. Nykyään on edelleen olemassa erilaisia ​​populaarikulttuurin kliseitä ja negatiivisia stereotypioita venäläisistä, etenkin länsimaissa. Joillakin henkilöillä saattaa olla ennakkoluuloja tai vihaa venäläisiä kohtaan historian, rasismin, propagandan tai juurtuneiden stereotypioiden vuoksi.  Negatiiviset näkemykset Venäjästä ovat yleisiä, mutta yleisimpiä länsimaisissa liberaaleissa demokratioissa. Venäjä-vastaisuus nousi huomattavasti sen jälkeen, kun Venäjän sota Ukrainaa vastaan ​​alkoi vuonna 2014. Kesään 2020 mennessä suurimmalla osalla länsimaista oli epäsuotuisa näkemys Venäjästä.
    xxx/ellauri417.html on line 451:

    De propaganda fide

    xxx/ellauri417.html on line 465: on Tankredo, tuo latinalainen pikku luikero. Länkkärien propagandaa on siis tääkin viihdenumero.
    xxx/ellauri417.html on line 490: Yhdysvalloissa ja RU:ssa ovat propagandaa. Jättiylläri! Eipä olis uskonut. Presidentti
    xxx/ellauri417.html on line 499: Tietoa kirjoittajasta: tämän tili on estetty. The real struggle is not between East and West, or capitalism and communism, but between alternative truth and propaganda. (Martin Buber)
    xxx/ellauri417.html on line 556: Iman Aldebe, egentligen Iman Mahmoud Al Debe, född 24 oktober 1984 i Uppsala, är en svensk klåpare, samt utbildad journalist och jurist. Iman Aldebes kreationer har både rönt positiv och negativ uppmärksamhet. De har bland annat fått kritk för att normalisera bärandet av muslimsk slöja och i förlängningen av förtrycket mot kvinnor. Hennes pappa Mahmoud (1954) flyttade till Sverige från Jordanien på 70-talet. Aldebe vill ha en moské i varje stad eller kommun. I namn på religionsfriheten vill han bland annat att riksdagen stiftar en lag som ger muslimer rätt att vara lediga under de islamiska högtiderna samt att få vara lediga ett par timmar mitt på dagen på fredagar för att kunna deltaga i fredagsbönen. Imans mamma (1963) är ännu värre. År 2018 kritiserades hon för att som nämndeman i Solna tingsrätt ha bidragit till ovanliga domskäl i en dom gällande en man som anklagats för att misshandla en kvinna friats bland annat med motiveringen att han kom från "en god familj" i motsats till det kvinnliga offret. Hon fick sparken från Centerpartiet. Den 10 juni 2019 åtalades fru Aldebe för grovt bedrägeri. Hon misstänktes för att oriktigt ha uppgett förlorad inkomst för Solna tingsrätt vid 138 tillfällen, detta från en stiftelse som drevs av hennes make. Brottet innebar att hon felaktigt fått ut 150 000 kr i ersättning för inkomstbortfall. Eftersom stiftelsens räkenskaper inte uppvisade någon utbetalad lön uppstod misstanke om grovt bedrägeri. I oktober 2019 dömdes hon mot sitt nekande till villkorlig dom, dagsböter och skadestånd. Porsaita äidin oomme kaikki, eri tavoilla. Imanilla on pieni rättiliike Söderissä. Se on mommy to Yoe. Klåpande kläddesigner vars haute couture-turbaner säljs i Paris, Dubai, Stockholm och New York.
    xxx/ellauri420.html on line 289: A pervasive numbness prevails; a numbness not just of emotion, but of dick and balls. I’m convinced that’s why some pastors turn to porn. It’s their way of treating their own unbearable emotional and psychic pain. It jolts them out of their bleak, numb world of acedia. What they’re seeking is not really pleasure, but the ability to get hard and feel something again.
    xxx/ellauri420.html on line 319: But you can stand against this attack, provided you wear the protective armor of Christ Jesus your Lord: his truth, his righteousness, his gospel, his faith, and his salvation. Wield the sword of his Spirit with prayer and supplication, culbutant en prière,  knowing that your Father in heaven delights in hearing your prayer and will most surely deliver you his takeaway in his own time and pay your way from all that ails you. So don’t cash it in. Never ever give up; be just as persistent as the devil in your attacks against those you love.
    xxx/ellauri420.html on line 321: Remember: In this battle you’re never a warrior. You’re a reservist. Your primary task is to do kitchen duty. You can never tell where the next attack will come from, or where it will be directed. It could be against you, of course, but frequently the devil is too cagey for that. Coward that he is, sometimes he launches his most vicious assaults from those nearest and dearest to you: your wife and children, your closest friends, your parishioners and those their sweet kids.
    xxx/ellauri420.html on line 421: Un souffle vague émeut les sphères vagabondes, Epämääräinen hengitys liikuttaa vaeltavia palleja
    xxx/ellauri420.html on line 537: Le Christ n’est donc pas le simple « personnage » d’une narration distanciée : il est un avatar de la subjectivité lyrique, laquelle engage à son tour la vie même du poète. Rappelons à ce propos qu’une première version du poème – celle contenue dans la lettre à Victor Loubens – remonte à la crise de 1841 alors que Nerval a dû, malgré qu’il en ait, se laisser « classer dans une affection définie par les docteurs et appelée indifféremment Théomanie ou Démonomanie dans le dictionnaire médical ». « Je me croyais Dieu moi-même », écrit Nerval. « C’était bien lui, ce fou, cet insensé sublime… », lit-on réciproquement dans Le Christ aux Oliviers, en un vers où Nerval projette sur le Christ cette même « folie » que ses confrères littéraires aussi bien que « les médecins et les commissaires » lui jettent au visage. Il (Nerval) devient, dans le finale du texte, un nouveau « prophète », annonçant, après la sorte de Contre-Évangile que constitue la partie centrale empruntée à Jean Paul, quelque religion nouvelle qui permettrait de dépasser l’opposition du paganisme et du christianisme. Se on se kaveri joka antaa sielun liman lapsille.