ellauri022.html on line 310: And pity author´s wrongs.
ellauri051.html on line 397: Arm'd knights go forth to redress wrongs--some in quest of the Raskaasti aseistetut poliisit pitää järjestystaä -- jotkut niistä
ellauri051.html on line 444: Mine too the revenges of humanity--the wrongs of ages--baffled feuds Mun toimia on humanistihöpötyxet -- kaikki vääryydet -- sekopäiset rähäkät
ellauri077.html on line 318: Ne riitelee lähinnä siitä onko Wallu metaironinen (siis post-postmodernisti) vai vaan anti-ironinen (jonkinlainen naivisti). Soisin mielelläni että jälkimmäistä. Sentauttahan vastenmieliset miehet oli kivempi lukea kuin tää tiiliskivi, että jäi sellanen tunne että tietää millä puolella rintaa Wallun sydän on. Joo metaironia on kuolleena syntynyt ajatus, two wrongs aint gonna make one right.
ellauri077.html on line 710:
  • Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
    ellauri119.html on line 434: The Apostle Paul glorified love as the most important virtue of all. Describing love in the famous poetic interpretation in 1 Corinthians, he wrote, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres." (1 Cor. 13:4–7, NIV) He didn't mean eros, but rather homophilia. Perseveraatiosta oli puhe. John also wrote, "Dear friends, let us love one another for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." (1 John 4:7–8, NIV) Influential Christian theologian C. S. Lewis wrote a book called The Four Loves. The first retired nazi pope Benedict XVI named his first circular God as love. He said that a human being, created in the image of God, who is love, is able to make love; to give himself to God and others (agape) and by receiving and experiencing God's love in contemplation (eros). This life of love, according to him, is the life of the saints such as Teresa of Calcutta and the Blessed Virgin Mary and is the direction Christians take when they believe that God loves them. Pope Francis taught that "True love is both loving and letting oneself be loved...what is important in love is not our loving, but allowing ourselves to be loved by God." That's just what Virgin Mary did. "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." – Matthew 5: 43–48. Jews didn't like tax collectors.
    ellauri171.html on line 1053: Although the readers know that God has killed two of Judah’s sons, Judah does not. This is known as dramatic irony. He suspects that Tamar is a “lethal woman,” a woman whose sexual partners are all doomed to die. So, Judah is afraid to give Tamar to his youngest son, Shelah, the inventor of Shelah quantifiers. So doing, Judah wrongs Tamar. According to Near Eastern custom, known from Middle Assyrian laws, if a man has no son over ten years old, he could perform the Levirate marriage (yibbum) obligation himself; if he does not, the woman is declared a “widow,” free to marry again. Judah, who is perhaps afraid of Tamar’s lethal character, could have set her free. But he does not—he sends her to live as “a widow” in her father’s house. Unlike other widows, she cannot remarry and must stay chaste on pain of death. She is in limbo.
    ellauri207.html on line 245: Tästäpä sopii varastaa kakkososan pahixet. Mikki Hiiren kultainen sääntö on että jotkut ovat aina vastuussa, The Bad Guys. Niinpä justiinsa. Tee lähimmäisellesi niinkuin soisit izellesi tehtävän. Two wrongs do not make one right. Hahaa lölleröä, Jeesus Kristus! Ei tollanen enää vetelee 3. millenniumilla, nyt on palattava Hammurabin lakiin. Erimerkkiset pahat nollaa laskelman. Silmä silmälaseista, kultahammas hampaasta ellei enemmän. Ize asiassa mieluummin enemmän. Se on superadditiivista, hyvää viihdettä.
    ellauri243.html on line 747: Yxkax takinkääntäjä Fiz kääntää onnexi kesken kaiken takkinsa taas oikein päin ja ampuu takin taskusta vetämällään Browning M2261 semiautomatic pistoolilla Andorseniin 3 reikää ennenkuin tää saa Smith&Wesson .357 rivolliaan edes reuhdotuxi esille. Jesus, I really screwed up! Never mind Fiz, its okay, two wrongs do make one right.
    ellauri328.html on line 513: Tlaib, one of the House's most vocal critics of Israel's treatment of Palestinians, has come under intense scrutiny following Hamas' deadly attack on October 7. Her failure to directly condemn Hamas' attack while still mourning the loss of life on both Israeli and Palestinian sides, as well as her blaming Israel for the deadly strike on a Gaza hospital, angered many in Congress, including Greene. Condemning is important, you show who was right and who was wrong, viz. which side you're on. Two wrongs don't make right, only one of them does.
    ellauri386.html on line 376: And sith repentance hath my wrongs bewrayed,

    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 628: Yxi Jessen typerimmistä laukaisuista on se lasitaloläppä, siis toi et synnitön heittäköön ekan kiven eli rikka kautta malka silmässä. Se on siis aivan perseestä! two wrongs dont make a right? Totta helvetissä tekee. Silmä silmästä, lammas lampaasta, 2 parhaasta. Tasoihin on päästävä. Poinzina kai oli et onhan meillä tää puolueeton dumari, mutta sellaista ei ole, ei tule eikä tilata. Oikeus on vahvimman oikeutta, sano mitä sanot. Tohon pykälään konnat aina vetoaa osottaen jotain mielestään vielä ilkeämpää lurjusta. Hizi molemmille köniin ansionsa mukaan!
    xxx/ellauri404.html on line 458: Summary: Michael Alter remarkably claimed that “not once” did Jesus ever claim to be the savior of the world, or its redeemer, by means of His sacrificial death. Veny Käsivahva löysi 2 lupaavaa vastaesimerkkiä, mutta argumentti jäi niissäkin vähän kesken: mitä vitun hyötyä oli kellekään Jee-suxen naulizemisesta? 2 wrongs do not make 1 right.