ellauri002.html on line 1473: Boney M: By the rivers of Babylon 1978
ellauri002.html on line 1828: Kesällä 1978 oli kuuluisa lippuriita. Siitä on useampia versioita,
ellauri002.html on line 1883: verschiedenen Welten trennen und sie trennen
ellauri002.html on line 2144: Tampicosta lähettiin vähän äkkiä Mexico Cityyn. Se oli kyllä valtavan iso kaupunki, ja hurjan korkealla, leveät kadut, komeutta rikkaille, kurjuutta köyhille. Lukutaidottomille oli opastekstit kuvioina, ikoneina niinkuin nyttemmin puhelimissa. Parin hienon päivän jälkeen matkustettiin El Pasoon Pullman-vaunuisella junalla kuin Marilyn Monroe filmissä Piukat paikat. Asemalla oli säilytyslappu hukkunut, juna oli lähdössä. Dona Carita järjesti diversion, don Jaime anasti rinkat takaisin, ja sitten juostiin.
ellauri003.html on line 108: stretta coi denti verso lor duca per cenno;
ellauri003.html on line 127: Artturi, verstaan kurjistajain kartturi,
ellauri003.html on line 141: kulki boksinsa ja verstaan väliä.
ellauri004.html on line 246: hyvis, paimenten on tää versio. No, Kain voitti,
ellauri004.html on line 312: ä Fennis mira feritas, foeda paupertas: non arma, non equi, non penates; victui herba, vestitui pelles, cubile humus... Idemque venatus viros pariter ac feminas alit; passim enim comitantur partemque praedae petunt... Securi adversus homines, securi adversus Deos rem difficillimam assecuti sunt, ut illis ne voto quidem opus esset. (Tacitus: Germania)
ellauri004.html on line 976: Väpelön version muodostaa demokraattiset vaalit.
ellauri005.html on line 487: Rahnaa jäi siitä yli vitusti, mutta verstas rampaantui,
ellauri006.html on line 51: Unitarian-Universalism: 800 thousand
ellauri006.html on line 1766: "The Little Drummer Boy" (originally known as "Carol of the Drum") is a popular Christmas song written by the American classical music composer and teacher Katherine Kennicott Davis in 1941 based upon a traditional Czech song, Tluče bubeníček. First recorded in 1951 by the Trapp Family Singers, the song was further popularized by a 1958 recording by the Harry Simeone Chorale; the Simeone version was re-released successfully for several years and the song has been recorded many times since.
ellauri007.html on line 1319: The University of Helsinki
After respective separate visits to Conrad in August and September 1913, two British aristocrats, the socialite Lady Ottoline Morrell and the mathematician and philosopher Bertrand Russell — who were lovers at the time — recorded their impressions of the novelist. In her diary, Morrell wrote:
ellauri008.html on line 1482: Sein ist der allgemeinste und leerste Begriff. Als solcher widersteht er jedem Definitionsversuch. Dieser allgemeinste und daher undefinierbare Begriff bedarf auch keiner Definition. Jeder gebraucht ihn ständig und versteht auch schon, was er je damit meint. Damit ist das, was als Verborgenes das antike Philosophieren in die Unruhe trieb und in ihr erhielt, zu einer sonnenklaren Selbstverständlichkeit geworden, so zwar, daß, wer darnach auch noch fragt, einer methodischen Verfehlung bezichtigt wird.
ellauri008.html on line 1486: Tähän ois voinu Mortti lopettaa. Mut sit käy ilmi et tää onkin vaan olkiukko, jonka Mara aikoo kohta kumota. Siis sama erhetys kuin el Laurin siteeratessa osan IV lopussa Salomon viisautta. Apokryyfikirjasta löytynyt järkipuhe kerrankin olikin pirun advokaatin versio.
ellauri008.html on line 1718: geenipuulin riittävää diversiteettiä.
ellauri008.html on line 1724: Geneettinen diversiteetti on hukassa
ellauri009.html on line 252: Keskiluokka nous Kreikassa, sit Englannissa. Keskiluokka on liikkeessä, hoitaa liikeasioita. Rikastuvia, nousukkaita, liberaaleja. Laissez faire. Älykköjä, ansaizevat oveluudella. Jutkut kexi uskonnon vuohipaimenina mut myi sen NT-version maailmalle kauppiaina. Onx kauppiaat koskaan tehny uskontoo? Ehkä alussa, mut sitten kun se menestyy, uskonto päätyy herran haltuun. Valtauskonnoilla pysytetään kansa paikallaan, ei liikkessä. Kauppiaan on jumala kyltymätön mammona. Liha liikkuu, liikkuu raha.
ellauri009.html on line 822: muista ahneuden versioista omaan pykälään.
ellauri009.html on line 1692: Kylläpä on humanistimetkut muuttuneet vuosikymmenten saatossa. Kun tulin verstaalle ammoin, istuivat yliopistomiehet keskenänsä sprigi päällä arvokkasti arvokkaassa salissa, perusteli ja päätti asiat miehissä puhuen toistensa ohi kirjakielellä kuin Irjan radiot. Satraapit vartioivat pikku valtakuntiaan ja puukottivat selkään toisiansa sivistyneesti ja kiireettä. Nyt istuu kaikki matut lehtorit ja muut rotinkaiset mukanlukien virolaisten saippuanhajuisessa uimahallissa, värikkäässä kalvoshowssa, siniset punaiset ja vihreät laput otsassa kuin tarhalapset. Puuttuu vaan keltaiset huomioliivit ja ohjanaru. Puretaan ryhmätöitä toistemme suuhun huutaen ja hälisten hoonolla englannilla minuuttipelillä, kovaääniset hiiret mikit kädessä. Dekaania myöten kaikki ovat naisia, paria väpelöä ponnaripäistä poikaa ja muutamaa nisäkkäiden keskeen erehtyneen sauruksen näköistä setämiestä lukuun ottamatta. Kello käy, suut käyvät, keksitään avainsanoja ja onelinereita toimivan johdon strategiatyöhön, ulkoinen konsultti alustaa vulgääristi, luurit välähtelee, kamerat räpsyvät.
ellauri011.html on line 503: Paulin eka näytelmä opiskelijapudokkaana oli Peter Pan. Figures. Pauli pani kuni kani. Pani parastaan, yritti muitakin. Yrittänyttä ei laiteta, jos sitä panettaa. When you want something hard enough, the University conspires to make you hard enough. Latino lover oli sen levymenestyksen nimi.
ellauri011.html on line 516: Though he wrote the book so quickly, it took it quite long to taste the first success of the book. Initially, only 900 copies of the book were published in Portuguese, which later went out of print. But he didn’t give up, went to a new publisher, added the beginning sentence “When you want something, the whole universe conspires to help you.” And, the icing on the cake was the 1993 release of its English version which took the novel to new heights. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist.
ellauri011.html on line 524: • In 2012, he gave a controversial comment about James Joyce's 'Ulysses,' that topped various polls to be named the greatest novel of the 20th century.
ellauri011.html on line 531: Paulo Coelho - Laura Byrne controversy koski näitä saatanallisen taiturimaisia säkeitä.
ellauri011.html on line 546: "when you really want something to happen, the whole universe will conspire so that your wish comes true"
ellauri011.html on line 566: In his central figure, not-quite-Paulo, he has created (I imagine by mistake) a devastating portrait of a man whose stock in trade is spirituality but who is worldly to his very toenails, exquisitely attuned to his own status. He is constantly reminding himself how many books he has sold, how many languages they have been translated into, and that he is 'despite all the adverse reviews, a possible candidate for a major literary prize'. When he takes up with another woman (strictly to dispel the Zahir, of course), he chooses a successful French actress of 35, on the grounds that she was the only candidate to enjoy his status, 'because she too was famous and knew that celebrity counts'. Celebrity is an aphrodisiac. 'It was good for a woman's ego to be with a man and know that he had chosen her even though he had had the pick of many others.' And the man's ego, does that come into it? Not-quite-Paulo is too gallant to reveal his own age, but if he is indeed a refraction of the author then he is 20 years Marie's senior. It's adorable that he should regard himself so solemnly as the trophy in this pairing.
ellauri012.html on line 58: Onko epämääräisen viiksinen Razumov-hahmo Carlsonin veistämä nykysuomalaisversio Oblomovista, vai onko "ludekämpän avainparista juuri keltaisen ketjun kantajalla" tärkeäkin rooli ajankohtaisen keskustelun ratkaisemisessa? Carlson vetäytyy mystiikkaan, Пустьвсегда буду я, hän toteaa lopulta kääntäessään runolaivansa minäkertojan
ellauri012.html on line 818: Täällä ei sovi näyttää näyttävästi erilaiselta, enintään huonommalta versiolta tästä samasta. Täällä on hunnuttomuuspakko.
ellauri014.html on line 407: Kai koska vanhempien diskontattu geneettinen arvo on lähellä nollaa, Pröön riskinäkymät on hyvät. Vanhuxilla on hyvät meemit, mut ne on riskialttiita. Ja meemeillä ei tee mitään ilman jälkeläisiä, ne ei ole kellekään sukua, ja lisääntyy ihan omalakisesti. Mendelöinnissä tietää 0% sukulaisuus hyvää diversiteettiä. Rotinkaisilla on terveemmät geenit kuin rotukoirilla. Se näkyy jo Pröön ulkonäöstä, se on riski ja komea.
ellauri014.html on line 647: Sommaren 1735 reste han till Bremen, varifrån han till Funck översände återstoden av sina tillhörigheter, samt for därpå en dag ensam ut i en båt på Weser.
ellauri014.html on line 700: Julle maxaa takaisin kehumalla Wollea. Wolle on lähes viisikymppinen mut käyttämättömänä hyvin säilynyt, pohjoismaisen oloinen kiltti pikku kylmiö, varmaan harppisaku, hiljaisempi versio Kimmo Koskenniemestä, yhtä besserwisseri. Yhtä armoitettu humoristi myös. Julle ei ehkä ole juuri onnen kukkuloilla, mut ainakin on niillä pätäkkää, talouspuoli kunnossa. Samaa ei voi sanoa kotiopesta. Julle detaljoi tarkasti tätä aineellista onnea. Wolmarilla riittää muonaa rrunsaasti omille joukoille, plus muru rikkaan pöydältä kerjäläisille. Tää on tärkeää, sillä JJ on veteraani kuokkija, ammattiparasiitti, usein nähty ilmainen ruokavieras paremmissa perheissä. Alaviitteessä se valittaa piheistä isännistä, jotka tarjoo murua vasta iltapäivällä, nähtyään ettei sveizari muuten lähde kulumallakaan. Rusakko muuten nakersi viimeisen porkkanansa sellaisilla ilmaiskesteillä. Sai slaagin kesken ylensyöntiä.
ellauri014.html on line 844: Alaviitteessä Rusoo nälvii naisia jotka unelmoi pysyvästä lemmestä: älä unta nää. Jos pysyisitte aina nuorina ja mehukkaina, olis jotain kanttia sellaisesta edes haaveilla. Mutta ei. Eikä siltikään, kaipaahan mies sentään jotain vaihtelua, haluu mendelöidä vaihtoehtoisilla reijillä, lisäten siten osaltaan luonnon diversiteettiä.
ellauri014.html on line 940: Je ne souffrirai pas non plus que mes enfants se mêlent dans la conversation des gens raisonnables, et s’imaginent sottement y tenir leur rang comme les autres, quand on y souffre leur babil indiscret. Je veux qu’ils répondent modestement et en peu de mots quand on les interroge, sans jamais parler de leur chef, et surtout sans qu’ils s’ingèrent à questionner hors de propos les gens plus âgés qu’eux auxquels ils doivent du respect.
ellauri014.html on line 1197: « On ne sait pas, disait-elle, quelle douceur c’est de s’attendrir sur ses propres maux et sur ceux des autres. La sensibilité porte toujours dans l’âme un certain contentement de soi-même indépendant de la fortune et des événements. Que j’ai gémi ! que j’ai versé de larmes ! Eh bien ! s’il fallait renaître aux mêmes conditions, le mal que j’ai commis serait le seul que je voudrais retrancher ; celui que j’ai souffert me serait agréable encore.»
ellauri014.html on line 1285: Mix vitussa Venturo ei ota lippistä päästä edes sisällä, vaikka eletään 30-lukua? Sixkö kun se on paha anarkisti? Onx se lätsä liimattu kii? Ei sentään, se lähti päästä kun jurbo listittiin ekan tuotantokauden lopussa. Amparon aminnäköinen äiti kylmää sen kommarimaisesti. Hullulta Hugolta lähti jalka noitakonsteilla. Se on kipeämpi irrotettuna kuin ennen. Sen rouva vikittelee leuatonta everstiä. Beatrix veikistelee tyttömäisesti. Kaikki polttaa koko aika röökiä ja ottaa kuppia. Se on kai ajankuvaa.
ellauri014.html on line 1447: Haaremimalli toimii vakitilanteessa, missä kauneuskilpailulla karsitaan reviirin paras ja vahvin puolustamaan sitä kaxintaistelussa. Rodunjalostusta. Diversiteetti pienenee. Sama tulos tulee karsinnasta ja valikoivasta siitoxesta, hukuttamalla sudet pennut saadaan työkoiralinjoja, kuten israelin kansa. Tän approutsin ääriasento on neizeellinen sikiäminen, kuten jeesus ja kirvat hyvissä ravinto-oloissa. Mitäs hyvää vaihtamaan.
ellauri014.html on line 1455: Rikkaista ei voi tulla valtalajia, tietystikkään, niinkuin ei kaikki autokuskit voi olla keskimääräistä parempia ajajia. Vain hölmöt lisääntyvät liikaa ja köyhtyy samalla. Hölmöjen osuus geenipuulissa ei ole ainakaan vähenemään päin. Varmaan sixikin omaisuus kasaantuu yhä harvemmille. Ei siltikään aina samoille. Mammonalla ei oo kestosuosikkeja. Se kaipaa versatiileja rahoitusinstrumentteja, yhä uusia ideoita, taloudellisen toimeliaisuuden haaroja.
ellauri014.html on line 1499: As a youth, at university, Milton was known as the ´Lady´ of Christ’s College.
ellauri014.html on line 1531: Tutta l´arte del Marini consiste nella forma, nella pura espressione; la sua poesia è scarsa di pensiero e di sentimento e quel poco che vi si trova è - come osserva il De Sanctis - privo di serietà. Quel ripetere, quel girare e rigirare la medesima idea presentandocela sotto aspetti diversi è una prova della povertà di pensiero cui il poeta supplisce con un calore veramente straordinario d´ immaginazione. Ancor più palese è il difetto del sentimento: egli non sente quel che canta; non ha fede in quel mondo da cui prende i fantasmi dell´arte sua. Vuol esser poeta religioso, patriottico, morale e riesce falso e freddo perchè in lui non vi è il sentimento della religione, della patria e della morale. Solo nel genere erotico eccelle il Marini, ma non sarebbe esatto dire ch´egli abbia il vero sentimento dell´amore. Il suo piuttosto è senso erotico. Non è la donna che suscita i suoi sospiri, ma la femmina; non è Beatrice, non è Laura, che suscitano nell´anima del poeta il fuoco soave di una passione divina, ma è la procace Lilla che con la sua carne odorosa eccita il senso del Marini e gl´ ispira i versi degli Amori notturni e dei Trastulli estivi, ove il naturalismo più crudo è espresso in una forma spirante l´estrema voluttà dei sensi. Le liriche erotiche del nostro autore sono tutto un poema in cui si fa l´apoteosi del piacere sensuale. Il Marini non analizza i suoi sentimenti e non mostra i vari atteggiamenti del suo spirito sotto l´azione d´amore, ma s´indugia nel rappresentarci la bellezza plastica delle sue amanti. I suoi madrigali e i suoi sonetti sono tanti brevissimi inni al pallore, al neo, alle chiome erranti, alla treccia ricamata di perle, ai pendenti, allo specchio, all´ago, alla bocca, al seno, al velo, al guanto, al ventaglio della sua donna; sono tanti quadretti in cui l´amante è sorpresa durante il bagno, dinanzi allo specchio, mentre si pettina, in carrozza, al giunco dei dadi; le sue canzoni sono superbe sinfonie dedicate al bacio e all´amplesso in cui culmina, per un istante, la passione carnale del poeta. La carne e il senso regnano sovrani nell´Adone e fremono di voluttà sotto il velo tenue e mal messo dell´allegoria e sotto l´ipocrisia del fine morale.
ellauri014.html on line 1543: La poesia del Marini è tutta una melodia che, sovente, ha il potere di farci dimenticare i concettini, le immagini, i giochetti di parole e le antitesi così cari a lui. Nei suoi seguaci invece questi artifizi hanno il sopravvento sulla musicalità del verso e superano per audacia e goffaggine quelli del maestro.
ellauri014.html on line 1569: The Cambridge History of Italian Literature thought him to be "one of the greatest Italian poets of all time". He is considered the founder of the school of Marinism, later known as Secentismo (17th century) or Marinismo (19th century), characterised by its use of extravagant and excessive conceits.[2] Marino´s conception of poetry, which exaggerated the artificiality of Mannerism, was based on an extensive use of antithesis and a whole range of wordplay, on lavish descriptions and a sensuous musicality of the verse, and enjoyed immense success in his time, comparable to that of Petrarch before him.
ellauri014.html on line 1679: Emily of New Moon. universally recognized as the book that most encoded her personality, contains one poem, or a part of a poem, also found in Montgomery’s memoir of the craft, originally published as a serial in a Canadian magazine in 1917 and later published as The Alpine Path in 1974. In Emily of New Moon the poem is sent to Emily by Jarback (Pönttöselkä) Priest as a selection from “The Fringed Gentian,” and includes this stanza:
ellauri014.html on line 1722: So, yeah (the blogger goes on), I know I am not an internationally renowned poetry critic, but it strikes me that this is an entirely different poem. There is a blossom in both poems, and a journey. But there isn’t much else that connects them. I don’t think I am being overly literal when I suggest that either Montgomery has misattributed the original poem, or that her version is a pretty radical interpretation.
ellauri014.html on line 1728: But granted these are different poems, we are left with the curious problem of where Montgomery found the Alpine Path poem. Surprisingly, after reading a dozen or so academic articles on Emily of New Moon and Montgomery’s vocation as an author–as well as a couple of good biographies–scholars have not pinned down the reference. After an extensive internet search, it seems to me that blogger Faith Elizabeth Hough may have begun to work it out. She includes the longer version of the poem here:
ellauri014.html on line 1770: Like Bryant’s poem, this verse is about autumnal flowers. With some searching I found this poem in the 1884 New Year’s edition of Godey’s Lady’s Book. “Tam! The Story of a Woman” by Ella Rodman Church and August De Bubna includes this poem. In the story the verses are found in a copy of Bryant’s poetry–hence Montgomery’s connection to the poem–but in the (relatively boring) story they are actually written on a slip of paper that was found in the Bryant book–and written by a woman who tentatively hopes to make a career as a poet in a male’s publishing world. Intriguingly, Montgomery seems to have forgotten the original context of the verse, but herself emulated the desire of “Miss Powell” in the story.
ellauri014.html on line 1772: It seems to me that Montgomery selects out the best bit of the poem, but again you see my bias. I am that “blossom,” I hope–but if all four verses are included it becomes rather silly to press the metaphor. Still, I think Montgomery was on the right track with her idea of “The Alpine Path.” It is a peculiar provenance that brings us this poem, but it has been an interesting journey. Once I found the names of Ella Rodman Church and August De Bubna I found that others have followed my path of curiosity. The Confederation Centre of the Arts in Charlottetown has some of L.M. Montgomery’s scrapbooks, including her copy of the poem. But the search has been interesting, nonetheless.
ellauri014.html on line 1836: The venerable woods—rivers that move
ellauri014.html on line 1973: "Thanatopsis" remains a milestone in American literary history. "Poems" was considered by many to be the first major book of American poetry. Nevertheless, over five years, it earned Bryant only $14.92. Poet and literary critic Thomas Holley Chivers, who often accused other writers of stealing poems, said that the only thing Bryant "ever wrote that may be called Poetry is ´Thanatopsis´, which he stole line for line from the Spanish."
ellauri014.html on line 1984: Osakassa ei tykätä burakumeista. Ne on feodaalijapsien paarialuokan etan jälkeläisiä. Vuokralaisten täytyy rekisteröidä sukupuunsa, jotta vuokraisäntä voi luottavaisin mielin syrjiä burakumeja. Mukavia heittiöitä nää japsit. Vinkuintiaaniversioita sveiziläisistä.
ellauri015.html on line 72: Taide on politiikkaa, politiikka taidetta, ja politiikka vuorostaan etiikan joukkoistettu versio. Estetiikka on siis etiikkaa, osa siitä. Ei ihme, onhan kaunis aistinvaraisesti hyvää, hyvännäköinen on kaunis. Osa hyvän teoriaa on kaunokaisen tirkistely. (Teoria tarkoittaakin alunperin tirkistelyä.)
ellauri015.html on line 902: Maskinöversättarens bättre hälft höll en läsekrets om Humboldt,
ellauri015.html on line 924: i det tekniska universitetet där han hade sin institution,
ellauri015.html on line 927: när universitetet ville riva kåken ner och bygga nytt.
ellauri016.html on line 274: Moraalin opetusvideona La Republica on etevä. Nyt oli oppitunnin aiheena jälleen kerran geenit vastaan meemit. Ekassa valintatilanteessa Fernando ja Alejandra haluis vielä nussia, mutta nussimisen esteenä on maatilojen välille kohoava aita, jonka Agostin "Donald Trump" La Torre tahtoo pystyttää. Fernando oli jo valinnut oman lapsensa ja Alejandran välillä: lapsi on sukua suoraan alenevassa polvessa, rahakkaan pankin perijä. Alejandra on vaan serkku, eikä siitä ole mihinkään jos se on rutiköyhä. Lapsi ja pankki Fernandolle siis, puolet tilasta Alejandralle. Bylsiä ehkä voitaisiin, mutta maa on sentään aina maata. Erät 1-1 geeneille ja meemeille. Alejandra suuttuu kun Fernando ei tulekaan naimaan hotelliin, ja soittaa leuattoman everstin ovikelloa. Joku piti saada, fiilis oli sellainen.
ellauri016.html on line 340: Helssingin kaapunti suunnittelee tosissaan kiipeilytelineen rakentamista apinoille suurten urheilumenestysten varalle, esim potkupallisarjaan mukaan pääsy näyttää riittävän sellaisexi. Voitto maailman rikkaimmasa maasta Luxemburgista. Vauzivauz. Rintakarvattomat balttinaamat kaljahuuruissa heittää paidat pois ja kiipeileee yösydännä toistensa ja Havis Amandan pazasparan niskassa. Pazaasta teetettäisiin joku kestävämpi pomppulinnaversio, ja alkuperäinen pantas suojaan johkin varastoon tai museoon. Kauppatorin rannassa on jo maailmanpyörä ja sauna. Nyt sitten hullaantumisteline. Pian on koossa koko hoploppi. Kuka tarvii enää Linnanmäkeä.
ellauri016.html on line 413: Termiittiapinat rakastaa olla samixia, ja palvoo julkkixia just sixi, koska ne on kaikista samimpia kaikista samixista. Ei oikeestaan tarvis olla olemassa muita kuin julkkixet, ne edustaa jo koko muuta laahusta. Jos ruvetaan tosissaan harventamaan jengiä, kannattaa jättää viimesexi jäljelle nää julkkixet. Ei menetetä mitään, paizi diversiteettiä. Ja se on vaan bonus: apinalajin uusi nousu oisi hitaampaa, jos 10G apinasta jäljellä ois vaan 1 ppm julkkixia.
ellauri016.html on line 417: «Fysiske smerter er ikke det verste for et menneske å leve med,» sa Altman.
ellauri016.html on line 419: døden.»> «Hva er det verste da?>> «Ydmykelse. A fratas ære og verdighet. Å avkles, å støtes ut av flokken. Det er den verste straffen, det er å begrave et menneske levende. Og den eneste trøsten er at vedkommende vil gå relativt raskt til grunne.»>
ellauri016.html on line 507: Tähän väliin vähän mitta- ja määritelmäteoriaa. Teknisesti vaikeus on se, että hyvyyden dimensiot on kohtisuoria, yhtä summaa ei niistä saa. Ja miks niin on? Koska mielipiteitä on yhtä monta kuin arvioijia, eikä apinaläjiä voi punnita kultavaa´alla. Äänestys on paska ajatus, siinä voi lähes puolet hävitä. Ja Darwinista ei lähde apua: maapallo on diverssiputiikki, se suosii diversiteettiä. Apina joka toimii yhdessä ekolokerossa on huono toisessa. Apinoita on liiankin moneen junaan, ei niitä saada yhteen jonoon kirveelläkään.
ellauri016.html on line 511: Silti tää urbo versio on liian sisäistetty herruus tyyppinen. Snobi on ylpeilevä pahis ja sen kadehtija nöyrä hyvis. Ihan kun mauttomasta joteski objektiivisesti puuttuis mausteita. Tavixen omakehunhajuinen käsitys. Ns. paremmuudessa on kyse vaan nokintakisan juoxuhaudoista. Snobin kadehtijaa vituttaa kun snobi pöyhkeilee ja keulii edelle. Itelle ei jää muuta kuin olla moraalisesti parempi. Niinkuin lyhyt Kimmo Koskenniemi koripallossa, noudattaa sääntöjä.
ellauri016.html on line 562: Le snob est aussi bien ce pétit jeune homme hirsute qui applaudit avec une frénesie trop manifeste pour être sincère une pièce d'avant-garde boudée par le grand public, que ce monsieur décoré devant qui se multiplient les courbettes qui vient assister à la première d'une piece promise au succès; il est aussi bien ce petit gandin qui qui cherche à placer un mot dans une conversation entre Altesses que ce gentilhomme à monocle qui, d'un air ennuyé et condescendant, consent à lui addresser quelques paroles indifférentes. Mais ce fluidité meme du mot assura son heureuse developpement.
ellauri016.html on line 879: Juha Suoranta is a Finnish social scientist, and public intellectual. He is currently Professor in Adult Education at the University of Tampere. Previously he worked as Professor of Education at the University of Lapland, and Professor of Adult Education at the University of Joensuu.
ellauri017.html on line 34: Rinssieverstiltä on hellekypärästä nähtävästi irronnu lierit, nyt se näyttää enempi Israelin piäministeriltä. Mutta palestiinan konna esittää ihan sitä ihteään, törtelöhattu piässä ja kaljamuki käessä, vastoin muslimien sääntöjä. Arabeilla on sandaalit, vuan puovolla lipposet.
ellauri017.html on line 36: Paavo Lipponen! Legendaarinen moottoriturpa, puhekonemestari Kuopion lakeuxlta, valitun SD kansan isähahmo, totta Mooses, joka on johtanut orjat halki sinipunaisen meren kuivin jaloin, tässä hän on, prinssieversti Paavo "patrblruuna" Lipponen! Iso käsi isolipokkaalle!
ellauri017.html on line 45: Alan huastoo näen tuttavallisesti, sillä tuttujahan myö ollaan Mini ja Sini. Out siderhan tokkiisa nähnä näköratiossa minun eläimellisen kerraston Apessiniassa, Tiipeti muassa taikka Aahrikan uarniometissä. Ja out sider varmaana tykännä minun toilauxistan - kaek apinathaa niistä tykkövää, sehän on selevä. Enhän minä muuten oeskaan Puovo Lipponen, rinssieversti, kiljuvan nälän komentaja ja ylpiäjohtaja. Nyt minusta kaekenlisäkkeex on tullunna piäylitoimittaja tämän minun iänenkannattimeni palstoelle. Koko ikän minä oun mualimaa kiertännä - ihan siitä lähin kun Pörsänmäiltä läxin. Minä oun ollunna vaikka missä ja vähån siellä muuallai. Ohaan se Kalle-Kustaa X:ki ollunna atjutanttina, mutta minun käissän ovat ohjaxet aiena olleet - ahvääriä tehessä ja muita konnia kurittaessa. Niin ne ovat tässä lehessäi. Minä palkkasin tämän Lauri pojan eli Outsiderin aputoimittajax - hiän kun tuntoo minut ihan rippikoulupoijaasta lähin ja on ollunna minun kirjurinan koko aijan. Minä huastelen niistä seikkaelustan Lapalle ja hiän pannoo nettiin - mie kun oun enemmän ahväärimies ku kirjaelija ja huastelen mieluite vuan tätä Juantehtaan murretta.
ellauri017.html on line 54: Piäylitoimittaja, piäminister, rinssieversti etc.etc.etc.
ellauri017.html on line 188: If god had made the universe then who made god?
ellauri017.html on line 458: Leonid, född 1872-04-26 i Moskva. Student därst. Examina för inträde vid universitetets i Moskva medicinska fakultet 1894 och 1895. Legitimerad läkare 1898-11-12 med diplom av 1899-01-28. Tjänsteman över stat vid medicinska departementet av ryska inrikesministeriet 1902-03-12. Titulärråds grad 1906-03-23 med tur från 1902-01-14. Kollegieassessor 1906-12-29 med tur från 1905-01-14. Avsked 1907-01-31. Läkare över stat vid Föreningen S:t Troitska barmhärtighetssystrars ambulatoriska sjukhus i S:t Petersburg. RRS:tStO3kl 1914-05-28. Direktör för elektro-vattenkuranstalten i nämnda stad. Gift 1905-09-03 i Luga med Elisabet Feodosjev, född 1885-01-17 i S:t Petersburg, dotter av bergsingenjören, generalmajoren Grigori Petrovitj Feodosjev och Catharina Nikolajevna Sibin. Boken vaikenee Leonidin myöhemmistä huuhaatoimista Gurdijeffin tilalla.
ellauri018.html on line 435: Ante apud ad adversus circum circa citra cis
ellauri018.html on line 523: The song captures Simone's response to the murder of Medgar Evers in Mississippi; and the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in Birmingham, Alabama, killing four black children. On the recording she cynically announces the song as "a show tune, but the show hasn't been written for it yet." The song begins jauntily, with a show tune feel, but demonstrates its political focus early on with its refrain "Alabama's got me so upset, Tennessee's made me lose my rest, and everybody knows about Mississippi goddam." In the song she says: "Keep on sayin' 'go slow'...to do things gradually would bring more tragedy. Why don't you see it? Why don't you feel it? I don't know, I don't know. You don't have to live next to me, just give me my equality!"
ellauri018.html on line 703: Ibn Hishamin mukaan Muhammed suoritti itse 27 sotaretkeä ja lähetti 38 pienempää toisten alaisuudessa. Sota Mekkaa vastaan päättyi vuonna 630, jolloin Muhammed valtasi kaupungin kohtaamatta suurtakaan vastarintaa. Profeetta tuhosi kädenliikkellään mekkalaisten palvomien jumalien patsaat Kaaban ympärillä. Jäi vaan muslimien musta kivi, sittemmin sileäksi suudeltu. Muhammedin jäähyväissaarna on eräänlainen profeetan testamentti. Muhammedista kertova islamilainen perimätieto on lisääntynyt jatkuvasti. Vielä viime vuosinakin on julkaistu uusia versioita esimerkiksi jäähyväissaarnasta.
ellauri018.html on line 1080: Jutkuille jäi listimällä jalostetun diasporaväen eriseurainen GT versio. Kristinusko on imperialistinen, sitten kolonialistinen, nyt globalistinen suurhuijaus. Kaikki ovat lähimmäisiä. Niin alkaa ollakin, kun lisäännytään ja täytetään tää maa, niin ettei kohta mahdu seisomaan. Valize siitä. Mun valinta on tiedossa: haistakaa paska koko torvisoittokunta.
ellauri018.html on line 1129: Naisten muistoja ei saa talteen miesten läsnäollessa. Ne keskeyttää, puhuu päälle, ja vähättelee naisten muistoja. Alkaa kertoa omaa versiota tarinasta. Sitä virallista.
ellauri019.html on line 144: Oikeisto vs vasemmisto on lopultakin vaan minä versus me. Kumpikaan ei ole mitään altruismia, siitähän ei politiikassa ole kysymys. Ei se yritäkkään olla mitään uskontoa, ei sellaista kusetusta, vaan toisenlaista, ihan avointa oman edun ajoa sarjassa tai rinnan. Mä ensin, meistä mitä väliä, muista puhumattakaan. Autetaan niitä mieluummin siellä mis ne on, tai ei ollenkaan.
ellauri019.html on line 472: Britit ja myöhemmin jenkit kaivoi terrierin innolla kaikki kalleudet esiin Urin raunioista. Ne on nyt British Museumissa ja University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropologyssä. Vitun ryövärit, joutais ristille.
ellauri019.html on line 663: Miltonissa saatanalla oli tytär ja niillä keskenänsä poika, aika ällöä, vähän semmosta sukuruzausta. Paha juttu, eikö perkeleiden rotu huonone, ei tuu riittävästi diversiteettiä. Se tytär oli synti, yhtä rumakin, sillä oli käärme takapuolena. Eikös sellaiseen ole vaikeata ruzata? Niiden poika oli kuolema. Onnistui se piru vieköön sittenkin, mut jälki oli odotuxen mukaista. Kuoleman mummia en enää muista, siis sen äitipuolta.
ellauri019.html on line 665: Kosovon albaanimamun Pajtim Statovcin Bolla romaanin mottona oli hyvin Paulo Coelhomainen pikku kertomus, jossa paholainen lupaa jehovalle toimittaa kiärmeksen pois kuleximasta paratiisista, jos saa palkkioksi siltä sen pojan. Jumala suostuu kauppaan vaikka pitkin hampain. Aika kerettiläinen versio ilosanomasta, manikealainen muunnelma. Mut albaanithan onkin mumslimeita, vääraleukoja.
ellauri019.html on line 1026: The Lega Serie A announced its series of anti-racism initiatives, including a representative from every team and a controversial choice of art works. The presentation had as its centre-piece three pieces from internationally renowned artist Simone Fugazzotto, who uses chimps and apes in motifs throughout all of his paintings.
ellauri020.html on line 167: Kirjan tapahtumat sijoittuu 90-luvun alun lamaan, niissä on siis vähän näyteikkunoiden kuolauksen makua. Silloin juuri epäonnexeen tuli somalien iso maahantunkeutuja-aalto Suomeen. Mut karkoitettiin Kouvolaan sillä toiveella, että ahtaalle joutunut verstas pian karsis rönsyjä. Fred Karlsson yrittikin sitä, mut sai turpiinsa. Hirtettiin in effigie. Minä myös. Sittemmin poispotkittu ylopistolehden päätoimittaja vittuili oikein nimellä. Sitä lähtien olen vihannut meedioita, julkisuutta ja toimittajia. Koko homma haisi taivaisiin. Minä myös. Meillä oli muuten siellä töissä yxi somali. En muista mitä se siellä teki. Ehkä vahtimestaroi.
ellauri020.html on line 443: Turner´s penchant for controversial statements earned him the nicknames "The Mouth of the South" and "Captain Outrageous". He was the largest private landowner in the United States until John C. Malone surpassed him in 2011. He uses much of his land for ranches to re-popularize bison meat (for his Ted´s Montana Grill chain), amassing the largest herd in the world. He also created the environmental-themed animated series Captain Planet and the Planeteers.
ellauri020.html on line 643: Nyt vasta Kaljuunalle walkenee yhtäkkiä, kun Janne vääntää sen sille rautalangasta: Aku bylsii Los Angeliisissä Nataliitä, sen vanhaa bestistä, Jannen leipäsutta, laihaa ranskalaista sisäänottajaa. Naitsä sitä? kysyy Kalinka kauhuissaan Akulta ize asiassa kuultuna. It´s not what you think, sanoo Aku turvautuen ikivanhaan diversioon. Haha, mitä sitten? Kompastuiko Aku vahingossa Nasun sisään? Kexi parempaa. Rakastazä sitä narsua? En. En tiedä. Kyllä, pääsee Akulta lopulta, helpottuneesti. Kuin kivi oisi vierähtänyt rinnalta. Kalinkan silmät täyttyy vedellä. Se on tässä kirjassa aika äärimmäinen hätämerkki. Katjusha ulvahtaa matalalla äänellä. Sillon varmaan samanlainen viinabasso kuin Jaakon kotkalla. Ulos! se huutaa Akulle. Mut... ULOS!!! Ja pysykin poissa mulkero! Aku läxi häntä koipien välissä kuin piesty koira.
ellauri020.html on line 659: Tuppukylän tutuille se kertoo vahvasti lyhennetyn version elämäkerrastaan. Hyvä niin, tää 600-sivuinen tuppaa paikoin haukotuttamaan. Mirek on vanha ukonkäppyrä, huomaa Iines tyytyväisenä. Kotona Nykissä on vastassa Daisy. AIDS-exä heitti hiljan nurkkaan lusikan. Pahaa suunsittoa Akun kaa eropapereista. Sit soitto Karl Zeissiltä: Mengele ampui valitettavasti lisäreiän päähänsä ja silppuroi sitä ennen kortiston. Sori siitä. Nyt menee huonosti. On oikeenkin paha fiiwis.
ellauri020.html on line 721: However unlikely it seemed, Ivana was now considered a tabloid heroine, and her popularity seemed in inverse proportion to the fickle city’s new dislike of her husband. “Ivana is now a media goddess on par with Princess Di, Madonna, and Elizabeth Taylor,” Liz Smith reported. Months earlier, Ivana had undergone cosmetic reconstruction with a California doctor. She emerged unrecognizable to her friends and perhaps her children, as fresh and innocent of face as Heidi of Edelweiss Farms. Although she had negotiated four separate marital-property agreements over the last fourteen years, she was suing her husband for half his assets. Trump was trying to be philosophical. “When a man leaves a woman, especially when it was perceived that he has left for a piece of ass—a good one!—there are 50 percent of the population who will love the woman who was left,” he told me.
ellauri022.html on line 241: Kaikki tytöt sulavat kun Polly laulaa sydämeenkäyvästi Huokausten siltaa. Tuskin kuitenkaan Pave Maijasen versiota siitä. Ei edes Procol Harumin kitaristin Robin Trowerin "where the sun don't shine". Eikä offenbar liioin Offenbachin farssia 1861, jossa on liikaa hahatusta, kastanjetin näpsytystä ja cachucha tanssia. Luultavimmin Thomas Hoodin runo 1844, jossa köyhä misu hukkuu hypättyään London bridgeltä. Hood oli humoristi, joka vakavoitui tultuaan kipeäxi nelikymppisenä. Venezialainen silta tuli kuuluisaxi Byronin matkailumainoxesta Childe Harold. Jennylle kerätään heti kolehti. Kolme kilteintä tyttöä auttaa sitä uudemmankin kerran. Antaa ompelutöitä ainakin. Hinnasta kai voi vähän tinkiä. On niin paljon rahanreikiä.
ellauri022.html on line 337: He woos the Oversoul.
ellauri022.html on line 458: The quote "When you look for the bad in mankind expecting to find it, you surely will" appears in the 1960 Disney version, where it is attributed to Abraham Lincoln. However, the original quote ("When you look for the bad, expecting it, you will get it") is actually from the book, where it appears without attribution.
ellauri022.html on line 463: Ei ollut kuitenkaan tuo Pollyanna-versio. Glad-game oli peli, jota Pollyanna pelasi
ellauri022.html on line 474: Fielding kirjoitti Richardsonin Pamelasta parodisen miesversion Joseph Adams.
ellauri022.html on line 557: Isä-Lars liikuttui intissä ykkös eniten kun se yllättäen feikisti ylennettiin kersantista everstin yläpuolelle. Saa olla hetken olevinaan kasan huipulla, vaikka vaan leikisti. Mixhän se oli sille niin tärkeetä? Kysy Darwinilta.
ellauri022.html on line 696: Harvardissa se vähän lyttäs Jeesusta, ja sai porttarin 30 vuodexi. Vähän kontroversielli suurmies siis. Seppoilu on hyvä asia, mut jeesustella pitää myös. Jumalisten mielestä Emerson lempatessaan luomakunnan isähahmon jätti jälkeen tukun orpokotilapsia. Sellainen ei vetele, kyllä iskä tarvitaan joka perheessä.
ellauri022.html on line 937: Khosrow ja Shirin ( persiaksi: خسرو و شیرین) on persialaisen runoilijan Nizami Ganjavin (1141–1209), joka kirjoitti myös Laylan ja Majnunin, kuuluisan traagisen romanssin nimi. Se kertoo pitkälle kehitetyn fiktiivisen version tarinasta Sasanian kuninkaan Khosrow II: n rakkaudesta Armenian prinsessa Shiriniin, josta tulee Persian kuningatar. Olennainen kertomus on persialaista alkuperää oleva rakkaustarina, joka tunnettiin jo suuresta eepos-historiallisesta runosta Shahnameh ja muista persialaisista kirjailijoista ja suosituista tarinoista, ja muissa teoksissa on sama otsikko.
ellauri022.html on line 938: Khusrow ja Shirin kertovat tarinan kuningas Khosrowin seurustelusta prinsessa Shirinin kanssa ja rakkauskilpailijansa Farhadin voittamisesta. Puhdas ja epäitsekäs rakkaus on esitetty tässä ruumiillistuneena Farhadin hahmoon, joka on salaa rakastunut Shiriniin, joka joutuu kuninkaan vihan ja kateuden uhriksi. Khosrow lähettää sanansaattajan Farhadille ja antaa hänelle vääriä uutisia Shirinin kuolemasta. Tämän väärän uutisen kuultuaan Farhad heittäytyy vuoren huipulta ja kuolee. Khosrow kirjoittaa kirjeen Shirinille ja ilmaisee pahoittelunsa Farhadin kuolemasta. Pian tämän tapauksen jälkeen myös Mariam kuolee. Ferdowsin version mukaan Shirin myrkytti Mariamin salaa. Shirin vastaa Khosrowin kirjeeseen yhtä satiirisella surunvalittelukirjeellä. Aika kakkiaisia! Mutta aloitetaanpa aiempaa.
ellauri023.html on line 25: Orpo Olavin koettelemuxet eli K.O. Syvännön lapsuus (Ristin Voitto 1957). Kirjoittanut Unto Kunnas. Orpo Olavi on uusi tuttavuus, jonka mulle esitteli Anssi Wanha-Yli-Jyrä. Orpo Olavi on kirjan kansikuvassa jotenkin isin näköinen poikaikäisenä, esim siinä fotossa joka on otettu Tallinnassa, jossa se seisoo mamma Margitin ja Alma Potralin välissä. Orpo Olavista tulee mieleen myös Anni Swanin Pauli on koditon, ehkä vähän Wilho Pylkkäsenkin odysseia. On siinä jotain Kullervoakin alkumetreillä. Äitipuoli antoi kiven evääxi. Axel Gallenin Kullervon kirous sopisi tähän kuvituxexi, tai sen ankka/hiiriversio.
ellauri023.html on line 543: Näitä on myös Jane Austenin Sanditon filmatisaatiossa. Se on hyvä uudisversio, koska se on yhtä naurettava kuin Austen izekin. Mut mä olen kylä tosi pettynyt jos Otis osottautuu huijarixi. Se olisi silkkaa rasismia. Mut pakkohan sen on olla, koska yrmy Sydneyn on oltava oikeassa, jotta sen voi päästää Charlotten pukille. Siis Otis, olet pesukarhu versio Wickhamista, sori siitä. Pluto, olet oikea pelle!
ellauri023.html on line 729: here as an enemy to kill my enemy, and I am as ready to die as I am to kill. We Romans act bravely and, when adversity strikes, we suffer bravely." He also declared that he was the first of three hundred Roman youths to volunteer for the task of assassinating Porsena at the risk of losing their own lives.
ellauri023.html on line 762: Hannah, se sama nazi-Heideggerin vanha heila, oli varsin kontroversielli,
ellauri023.html on line 1120: Survival versus fellow feeling, siinä se. Rather you than me, sanoo Darwin, ja Israelin poika kuuntelee. Naturalia non sunt turpia. Sodan jälkeen serkku kavereineen dyykkaa nazeilta jäänyttä sälää kuin Swiss family Robinson. Ja nyt on taas varaa jakaa paistettuja perunoita muillekin eloonjääneille. Sepä se: ei millään pahalla kaveri, ota tää, millon peruna, millon puukko selkään, millon niskalaukaus. Leirin laki: syö oma leipä, ja naapurin jos voit.
ellauri023.html on line 1212: Mixei tyhjästä voi mitään nyhjästä? Mä kysyin Pertti Rovamolta ihan ilman sarvia ja hampaita, en vaan ymmärtänyt. Enkä kyllä vieläkään ymmärrä. Tuntuis olevan ihan uskon asia. Se on totta ettei universaalipremisseistä voi päätellä eksistentiaalilausetta, mutta ei kai fysiikka ole pelkkää logiikkaa. Hintikan temporaalilogiikassa synty tyhjästä on mahdollista niinkuin Hegelillä (muttei Kantilla). Jaakko oli uuskantilainen oman tunnustuxen nojalla. Sillä oli kanttia sanoa, että maailmanviivat ei jatku maailmasta toiseen kuin globaaliset yrityxet, ne on nurkkakuntaisempia. Ei kelpaisi jumalisille. Ei sovi sielun syntyä tyhjästä tai hävitä kuin pieru saharaan. Niiden täytyy olla iänikuisia.
ellauri024.html on line 343: Äiskällä oli kyllä hyviä sanoja, kuten "juuttaan halavatut! persetti rallaa!" tai "antaa vaan mennä kuin pissi lautaa pitkin". Äidiltä Arska oppi kiroileman kovasti. Äiskä oli oikeistolainen. Näköelimistä tuli usein vettä, sillä se manipuloi miessakkiaan. Kitupiikki. "Nyt suap pankkikirja olla vähän aekoo rauhassa!" Pirkkotyyppisiä vizejä: "Sanokeepa kolomitavuinen sana! - Kelekka! - Oeekeen!". Pirkon versiossa se oli "Kolome!" Ranskan lehtorin ovessa on vastaava koululaiskasku "- Nommez deux pronoms! - Qui? Moi? - Tres bien!"
ellauri024.html on line 401: Aarne tuotti laitoxelle paljon pisteitä. Kuin hiirenpapanoita. Sen lauseet oli niin lyhyitä. Sen kirjallinen esikuva oli Uuden Suomen Ollin mustapartainen mies. Sillä on hyvä halu lyödä lekkerixi koko verstastoiminta. Mä en niin välitä. Edes niin paljoa. Oishan se halunnut kirjailijaxi sekin, mutta ei eväät riittäneet. Varmaan liian lyhyviä lauseita. Ei koko kirja saa olla aforismia, paizi aforismikirja, ja nehän on hirmu tylsiä.
ellauri024.html on line 431: Aarne tuotti laitoxelle paljon pisteitä, kun sen lauseet oli niin lyhyitä. Sen kirjallinen esikuva on mustapartainen mies. Sillä on hyvä halu lyödä lekkerixi verstaalla toiminta. Mä en välitä. Edes niin paljoa.
ellauri024.html on line 439: On moukkamaista mennä valikoimaan mitä normeja saa nauraa ja mitä ei missään nimessä, ei siis ainakaan herrasväkenä hyvän maun nimessä. Tää on täysin perseestä. Tuttua "leikki leikkinä pylly pois takinasta" -sohittelua nenänkaivusormi pystyssä. Naurakaa noille normeille muttei sentään näille normeille. Se on vaan tuuman päässä sensuroinnista ja kuvien kumartelusta. Rukoilkaamme tänne päin ja pyllistäkäämme tonne. Naurua kolmannella tiimissä. Ei tää keltainen kirja ole mikään tutkimus, vaan tapakasvatusta. Porvariversio Maon punakantisesta. Ammatinvalinnanohjaaja ei pääse pilkuistaan, vaikka on korvannut ne pisteillä. Sille mä näytän fäkkisormea.
ellauri024.html on line 541: Arska koittaa olla koominen ettei sille naurettaisi. Se luulee raukka ettei koomisesta voi tehdä komiikkaa. Mixei voi. Aku Ankasta on parodiaversioita tyyliin Naku Ankka. Monet muutkin sarjakuvahenkilöt on naurettavia, ja niistä tehdään pilaversioita. Yhden koomikko on toisen tosikko. Vaikka Zape. Etsetera.
ellauri024.html on line 798: Arska oli neuvostovastainen, lopetti laitosneuvoston, kun assilaiset alkoi keulia. Melskasi niitä vastaan lehdissä. Vaikuttaa omienkin sanojensa perusteella röyhkeältä despootilta. Taantumusvoimat kättelivät salaa Savonlinnan rautanyrkkiä, ja verstas antoi pronssisen kiitoslaatan ruudinsavun hälvettyä. Arska on oikee patavanhoillinen, ennen elettiin parhaassa mahdollisessa maailmassa, säädyt ojennuxessa, kunnes joukkoliikkeet pilasivat sen. Tarkoittaen nazeja ja kommareita.
ellauri024.html on line 1200: Plássið við Grýluvog; yst til vinstri Eyjólfshús (gult) og Eyjólfspakkhús (grænt), næst Stórapakkhús (brúnt) og samkomuhúsið áfast því (er í hvarfi við Vog) og fremst Vogur (blár) sem var aðsetur verslunarstjóra og prestsetur.
ellauri025.html on line 479: Larry saa varmaan vielä kunnia-PhDn omasta Singularity Universitystään, tutkimusala transhumanismi, väitöskirjan aiheena iankaikkinen elämä varaosilla. Täähän se kiihotti myös toista futuristijutkua, sitä Yael Hararia. Pagen mielestä teslamies Leon Musk palvelisi ihmiskuntaa parhaiten lähtemälla Marsiin. Page voisi ize tehdä ihmiskunnalle saman palveluxen. Voishan se lähteä vaikka vaan kuuhunkin. Kunhan ei tule takaisin. Se on futuristi, mixei siis kuuturisti, yxisuuntaisella lipulla.
ellauri025.html on line 585: Samaa suomenruozalaista kermapersegenreä kuin Kjell Westön turinat. Niinkuin Kjellin Leijoissa, saa kukin kertoa oman versionsa samasta tapauxesta. Se pahoinpidelty Sascha on nimestä huolimatta tyttö, koulukotitapaus. Kelpas hurrihomopojille ilmeisesti tytötkin, pepun puutteessa.
ellauri025.html on line 768: Det där gemensamma som uppstår när man går över gränserna tillsammans. Mikäs se on? Ainut mikä tulee mieleen tolla hakuehdolla on kokko Suopellon rannassa ilman vanhempien lupaa, auto da fe. Ei mulla muuten juuri ole tollasia gemensammoja gränsöverskridandeja muistissa. Eikä sekään ollut kovin järkyttävä rajanloukkaus, oltiinhan me jo aika vanhoja. Ehkä mulla on liian matalat gränssit ja/tai liian vähän gemensammia kavereita.
ellauri026.html on line 102: Pienenä ihmettelin mixi kenkäraja on raja. Ei se olekaan sama sana etymologisen sanakirjan mielestä. Mä ostin etymologisen sanakirjan osa osalta "omilla" rahoilla lukioaikana, siitä oli silloin saatavana vaan nidottu versio. Tuolla se on vielä hyllyssä. Tutu-tädiltä perin hiljan sidotun kappaleen. Sisältö näyttää olevan ennallaan. Sen mukaan raja on loppuun kulunut tai muuten huono kapine. Niinkuin roju. Rajasuutarit paikkaa kenkärajoja. Ne on snobeja. Se toinen raja on venäjästä, kraj, niinkuin Ukraina, rajamaa.
ellauri026.html on line 170: Mauranen sanoi myös, että yliopiston henkilöstöä on vaikea saada osallistumaan hallintoelimiin. Se on aina valmis uhrautumaan toisten puolesta. Kekkosen mukaan henkilöstön edustajat haluavat kyllä osallistua elimiin, joilla on todellista vaikutusvaltaa. Viime vuosina juuri demokratiavajeen paikkaamiseksi on kehitetty erilaisia keskustelukerhoja, joilla ei faktisesti ole mitään merkitystä, koska johtajat kuitenkin päättävät. Sellaisiin ihmiset eivät halua mennä. Ei huolta, kyllä päätöxiin riitti Annan elin yxinkin. Kyrvänpää Kola-Ollin terho vetoapuna. Nilkki Samu hurraamassa lavasteissa. Koneen nuijapää nuijan varressa. Saatiin satoja varattomia verstaalta kilometritehtaalle. Osa otettiin kohta takaisin huonommilla ehdoilla. Annan alennusmyyntiä orjatorilla.
ellauri026.html on line 182: Tyhmyyden ylistys oli hyvin suosittu, Erasmuksen hämmästykseksi ja joskus jopa peloksi. Paavi Leo X piti sitä hauskana. Ennen Erasmuksen kuolemaa teoksesta oli jo otettu useita painoksia ja se oli käännetty ranskaksi ja saksaksi. Pian se ilmestyi myös englanniksi. Yksi vuoden 1511 painoksista sisälsi Hans Holbein nuoremman puupiirroksia. Kazelukirjaversio sohvapöydälle. Hansulla on myös kiva kuva Jessestä.
ellauri026.html on line 509: Of more recent biographies, that of R. B. Drummond is, all things considered, the best; careful and serious, but showing the almost universal tendency to take Erasmus at his word, even while admitting his incapacity to tell the truth.
ellauri026.html on line 516:
ellauri028.html on line 89: Initially, a surviving one of his daughters, Clara Clemens, objected to its publication in March 1939, probably because of its controversial and iconoclastic views on religion, claiming it presented a "distorted" view of her father. Henry Nash Smith helped change her position in 1960. Clara explained her change of heart in 1962 saying that "Mark Twain belonged to the world" and that public opinion had become more tolerant. (Ehkä se myös tarvizi vähän pätäkkää leivän syrjäxi.) She was also influenced to release the papers by her annoyance with Soviet reports that her father's ideas were being suppressed in the United States. (Ei Laika ole ainut koira radalla. Vuosi 1962 oli Kuuban kriisi, kylmä sota kuumeni. Popovin nuhruista mutta optimistista nuoruutta.) The papers were selected, edited and sequenced for the book in 1939 by Bernard DeVoto. (Sota tuli väliin, jumala piti varmistaa voittajien puolelle. No ainahan se on voittajien puolella. Tai sit se haluu antaa opetuxen tai sillä on joku ovelampi suunnitelma mielessä.)
ellauri028.html on line 106: During his prolific period Mark wrote many minor items, most of them rejected by Howells, and read extensively in one of his favorite books, Pepys' Diary. Like many another writer Mark was captivated by Pepys' style and spirit, and “he determined,” says Albert Bigelow Paine in his 'Mark Twain, A Biography', “to try his hand on an imaginary record of conversation and court manners of a bygone day, written in the phrase of the period. The result was 'Fireside Conversation in the Time of Queen Elizabeth', or as he later called it, '1601'.
ellauri028.html on line 114: Words vulgar and offensive to other ears were a common language to him. Anyone who ever knew Mark heard him use them freely, forcibly, picturesquely in his unrestrained conversation. Whitman and the Bible are no more obscene than Nature herself—no more obscene than a manure pile, out of which come roses and cherries.
ellauri028.html on line 116: One of these guarded treasures of Kaiser Wilhelm was a volume of grossly indecent verses by Voltaire, addressed to Frederick the Great. “I would blush to remember any of these stanzas except to tell Krafft-Ebing about them when I get to Vienna”, said Mark Twain. "Too much is enough."
ellauri028.html on line 172: Der Schriftsteller frönte noch einem anderen Laster. Im Alter fascinierten ihn kleine Mädchen immer mehr. Sein Interesse trug eindeutig erotische Züge. Er versammelta die jungen Damen in einem eigenen Klub. Das Durchschnittsalter eines Engelfischen betrug dreizehn Jahre. Seine Sekretärin schrieb: An einem unbekannten Ort sieht er sich als erstes nach kleinen Mädchen um", und "er ist weg wie der Blitz, wenn er ein neues Paar schlanker Beinchen auftauchen siehtm und wenn das kleine Mädchen dann auch noch eine riesige Schleife im Haare trägt, schwebt er vollends im siebten Himmel."
ellauri028.html on line 330: Pipa ja Sepu lauloi tätä nuotin vierestä kun me oltiin pieniä. Se kuului samaan sota-ajan sikermään kuin Lili Marleen, Eldanka järven jää tai Läskiä ja lotinaa. Oli niitä muitakin. Se onkin tosi vanha sotalaulu. Niissä usein teemana on et vihollisten kanssa oisi hauska veljeillä, ja vähän sisarrella myös. FUCK FUCK! menee KILL KILL!in ohize. Siitä on olemassa suomalainen versio, jonka sanoja ei tahdo kokonaisina löytyä. Löytyy vaan pätkiä.
ellauri028.html on line 336: The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette of December 4, 1939, reported that the historical inspiration for the song had been a young Frenchwoman named Marie Lecoq (later Marie Marceau), who worked as a waitress at the Café de la Paix in Armentières at the time of the war. Despite the obscenity of many popular versions of the song, it was reportedly quite clean in its original form.
ellauri028.html on line 338: "Mademoiselle from Armentières" was considered a risqué song and not for 'polite company', and when sung on the radio and TV, as in The Waltons, typically only the first verse was sung. The lyrics on which this opinion is based are recorded in the Gordon "Inferno" Collection.
ellauri028.html on line 574: Täällä valtakunnantyhjäntoimittaja Esa-Jouni Reikä-Saarinen ja puolustusvoimien simulaattorihankinnat! Maamme p-voimat on päättänyt hankkia jalkaväen taistelusimulaattorin! Vauzi vauz! Ja se oon mä! Tupla vauz! Ei vaitiskaan, vizi vizi, pyydän anteexi. Läänineversti Karmei Enninen, olkaa hyvä, avaisitteko vielä vähän tätä? - Kiitos, ja anteexi että en sano kiitos, armeijassa ei sanota koskaan kiitos, anteexi tai ole hyvä, meillä se menee vaan: hommio! ja loppu! Täällä kannetaan vaan kaunaa, aseita ja arvomerkkejä. Simputetaan alaisia ja kannellaan esamiehistä toimivalle johdolle.
ellauri028.html on line 882: PÄÄTÖN: Mites se menikään raamatussa? Jos ei usko niin joutuu helvettiin. Siis tässä sun uskon versiossa. :rolleyes:
ellauri028.html on line 886: Sana "love" esiintyy 310 kertaa Jaakon raamatussa, 348 kertaa uudessa amerikkalaissessa standarditeoxessa, 551 kertaa uudessa kansainvälisessä versiossa ja 538 kertaa uudessa revisionistisessä standarditeoxessa. Kasvu käännöxissä johtuu epäilemättä siitä, että rakkaudesta on tullut on jenkkijohtoisen globalisaation brändisanoja. Sillä on hyvä huijata housut jalkaan villeille. Luvut heittelehtivät niin paljon, että mitään varmaa ei voi sanoa, mutta pyöreästi puolentuhatta noita lemmensanoja kai on.
ellauri029.html on line 461: Anterokeskeinen ajattelu on izekeskeisen ajattelun rasistinen versio. Elukat jotka on samanlaisia "kuin me", mutta erivärisiä tai pitää erilaista ääntä, kuten neekerit, juutalaiset, saxalaiset ja muut apinat, on ihan erilaisia ja ennen kaikkea pahempia "kuin me". Ne ei ajattele, tunne, käyttäydy hyvin eikä ansaize samaa kohtelua "kuin me". Elukat jotka on ihat erilaisia kuin me, kuten sitten kaikki muut elukat, eivät edes tunne samoja tunteita eikä tarpeita "kuin me", ne ei siis ansaize mitään muuta kuin tulla syödyxi tai tapetuxi muuten vaan. Mitkä vitun "me"? Valkoinen vääpeli underground sarjakuvassa huusi neekerikersantille Vietnamin sodassa: "We must kill the yellow commies, before they kill us!". "What do you mean we?" kysyi kersantti. Tähän kuuluu myös se et ezii jotain anterouden perimmäistä olemusta tai selitystä, mix me ollaan niin eteviä ja hienoja. Ei me olla. Sillä hyvä. Me ollaan pikku paskiaisia pienenä, ja isona kusipäitä pyllynreikiä. Siitä ei pääse edes kysymällä "ketkä me?". Vastaus on selvä: Sinä, minä ja Hentun Liisa, Puntun Paavo ja Juorkunan Jussi, Kapakka-Lassi ja Myllårin Matti, plus yli 9 miljardia muuta. Täytyy lukea Mark Twainin Matkakirjeitä maasta (1909).
ellauri029.html on line 757: Ensimmäinen tv-ohjelma oli Alivaltiosihteeri: Suomi 75. Se käsitteli tapahtumia Suomen itsenäisyyden ajalta. Ohjelma lähetettiin myös Montreux'n Kultainen ruusu -kilpailuun, mutta se ei menestynyt, sillä teknisestä erehdyksestä johtuen ohjelman suomen- ja englanninkieliset versiot oli ajettu päällekkäin.
ellauri030.html on line 349: Toinen stoalaisten huippuesiintyjä Zenonin jälkeen oli Khrysippos. Sen ziljooinista kyhhäyxistä ei ole säilynyt yhtäkään. Se tunnetaan loogikkona. Se toimitti, että maailma ja jumala on sama asia, kun sen oikein ymmärtää, sielun universaalinen purkaus, jos tästä on jotain apua. Sen logiikan tasosta kertoo jotain että se peukutti ontologista todistusta jumalasta. No ei tällä vielä kuuhun mennä. Mut sen vastaus teodikean ongelmaan ansaizee tulla lainatuxi:
ellauri030.html on line 747: John Dewey (jenkit kexi tohon aikaan asioita jotka eurooppalaiset oli aikaa sitten sanoneet) sanoi samaa: nauru on samaa kuin helpotuxen huokaus. Freudin versio on tunnetumpi. Pläjäyxessä Der Witz und seine Beziehung zum Unbewußten se erotti läpän, komiikan ja huumorin. Kaikissa päästetään ilmaa jännityxen jälkeen. (Freudilla huumori on hauskuuden erikoistapaus, eikä kattotermi kuten jenkeillä.) Naurun päästämä energia on pidätettyjen tunteiden pidätyxeen tarvittu; kun vizi on ohi, ei tarvi enää pidättää, kun pidätetyt tunteet pysyy muutenkin kurissa. Ei niitä estoja siis pureta, vaan estojen ilmitulon pidäkkeet. Ne pidätetyt tunteet on panohalu ja vihamielisyys, eli FUCK! FUCK! ja KILL! KILL!. Useimmat vizit koskee sexiä tai kuolemaa. Ganz richtig, Siegmund. Yliminä ohitetaan ja "se" pääsee ääneen hohottamaan.
ellauri030.html on line 788: Lapiomiehen Artulla on mielestään filosofisempi versio epäsuhtaselityxestä. Sen miälest epäsuhta on havainnon ja tiedon välillä. Esim sitä nauratti nähdä tsihu ja berhardilainen vierekkäin. Molemmat on koiria, mutta miten erilaisia! Hahhaahhaaaa! No tää on kyllä jo ihan Walt Disney-luokan rimanalitus. Puudelit on sentään rotu sinänsä. Schopenhauer-vizi: Vartijat antoi vangin pelata niiden kanssa korttia, mutta kun vanki huijasi, ne potkaisi sen ulos. Varmemmaxi vakuudexi Arttu vielä selittää. Kaskun kärki on tämä: vartijat seurasi yleisperiaatetta "väärinpelaajat ulos", mutta unohtivat että se oli samalla myös vanki, ts. se olisi pitänyt pitää kiven sisällä! Huomasitteko? Haha!
ellauri030.html on line 924: Similar analysis can be applied to issues involving racial discrimination, sexual deviance, drug abuse, and other controversial issues. I.e. about all of EAT! FUCK! and KILL!
ellauri031.html on line 43: Senare började han önska att han skulle kunna fråga myrorna många andra frågor, såsom "tycker du om ditt jobb? Är du en slav? Är du lycklig?" Det märkvärdiga var att han inte kunde ställa dessa frågor. För att ställa dem borde han ha översatt dem på myrspråket - men han märkte med en känsla av hjälplöshet att det inte fanns ord för de saker som han ville säga. Det fanns inga ord för lycka, för frihet, för tyckande, inte heller ord för deras motsatser. Han kände sig som en stum man som försöker skrika "elden är lös!" Det närmaste han kunde komma till rätt eller fel var at säga "snärtigt" eller "fittigt". Snart märkte han att dessa två var de enda två adjektiv i språket som täckte alla värdefrågorna.
ellauri031.html on line 106: Ingenting går på tok förrän hon ska konversera med Axel Borg, hennes kavaljer. Axel är struntviktig, måste man medge. Men ändå går det ganska långt när Y smäller honom helt enkelt en örfil runt öronen. Nu börjar Y med sin vanliga show, och får alla på sin sida, minst 20 blomsterbuketter, och andra pojkar säger till Y att det var bara bra att herr Borg fick ett sittopp, för han var en sån mallig prick. Han dög inte alls till någon sport, om inte kanske till pricksport. Y är princess igen, och det gör en liten narsist glad. Morbror Max höll tal med Y som huvudperson!
ellauri031.html on line 652: Ikävän kevään ja kesän jälkeen perheen parissa Kaarlo pääsee jälleen tien päälle ravaamaan. Matkustaa Norjan kautta takasin luvatuille huudeille, vastaperustettuun Israelin valtioon. Kaarlo pääsee mehevästi keulimaan niuholle Petruxelle, joka ei saa kuzua heprealaisen verstaan vuojuihin. Hemmetti eze on kade! Hahaa! Namikan kekkereissä, jonne pääsee vaan kuzukortilla (lällällää Leevi!) Kaarlo rukoilee pöydän alla pelastusta kristuxen tappajille.
ellauri032.html on line 245: To understand the method which Pascal employs, the reader must be prepared to follow the process of the mind of the intelligent believer. The Christian thinker – and I mean the man who is trying consciously and conscientiously to explain to himself the sequence which culminates in faith, rather than the public apologist – proceeds by rejection and elimination. … To the unbeliever, this method seems disingenuous and perverse: for the unbeliever is, as a rule, not so greatly troubled to explain the world to himself, nor so greatly distressed by its disorder; nor is he generally concerned (in modern terms) to ‘preserve values’. He does not consider that if certain emotional states, certain developments of character, and what in the highest sense can be called ‘saintliness’ are inherently and by inspection known to be good, then the satisfactory explanation of the world must be an explanation which will admit the ‘reality’ of these values. Nor does he consider such reasoning admissible; he would, so to speak, trim his values according to his cloth, because to him such values are of no great value. The unbeliever starts from the other end, and as likely as not with the question: Is a case of human parthenogenesis credible? and this he would call going straight to the heart of the matter.
ellauri032.html on line 294: Piispa John Bramhall, vannoutunut arminianismin kannattaja (ks yllä), julkaisi pienen tutkielman Of Liberty and Necessity joka oli osoitettu Hobbesille. Bramhall oli tavannut Hobbesin aiemmin ja väitellyt tämän kanssa, ja kirjoitti jälkeenpäin näkemyksensä Hobbesin vastattavaksi. Hobbes vastasi, mutta ei julkaistavaksi. Eräs ranskalainen tuttava kuitenkin julkaisi vastauksen. Bramhall julkaisi vuonna 1655 vastaiskuna kaiken kirjeenvaihdon heidän välillään nimellä A Defence of the True Liberty of Human Actions from Antecedent or Extrinsic Necessity. Vuonna 1656 Hobbesilla oli puolestaan valmiina teos Questions concerning Liberty, Necessity and Chance, jolla hän vastasi piispalle voimallisesti. Hobbesin vastaukset olivat merkittäviä vapaan tahdon ongelman historiassa mahdollisesti ensimmäisinä selkeän psykologisen determinismin esityksinä. Piispa vastasi syytöksiin vuonna 1658 teoksella Castigations of Mr Hobbes´s Animadversions, johon oli liitetty laaja liite nimellä The Catching of Leviathan the Great Whale. Hobbes ei koskaan vastannut tähän teokseen.
ellauri033.html on line 57: Paul oli kova antisemitisti. Se sai katolisen herätyxen nelikymppisenä. Se diggaa erityisesti katolista tilisiirron opinkappaletta, josta rotestantit nimtuten rotestoivat. La réversibilité des mérites. Siis että pyhyyden ylijäämää voi siirtää syntitililtä toiselle, käydä kauppaa etuseteleillä, ostaa aneita kuin osakkeita pyhimyxiltä. KOP-pankissa oli aikanaan etutilejä. Tosi on. Jännää että näinkin markkinataloudellinen ajatus sai vastaanvänkääjiltä jyrkän tuomion. Vika lie ollut siinä, että koko bisnes oli väärissä käsissä. Paavin osakkeet putosivat, ne meni rotestiin.
ellauri033.html on line 79: Georges Pellissier, né le 7 février 1852 à Monflanquin (Lot-et-Garonne) et mort en 1918 à Montauban, est un écrivain français, spécialiste de littérature française. Il fut docteur ès lettres et professeur de rhétorique au lycée Janson-de-Sailly1. Il a notamment écrit un traité historique de versification française.
ellauri033.html on line 103: s´en sépara que vers 1872. Les recueils de vers qu´il publie alors,
ellauri033.html on line 108: faire des vers émus très froidement.
ellauri033.html on line 128:
Que ton vers soit la bonne aventure.
ellauri033.html on line 155: cantiques, des sortes de litanies, qui sont peut-être les vers, je ne
ellauri033.html on line 170: Né en 1862 à Charmes en Lorraine, Maurice Barrès a huit ans en 1870 et jamais il n´oubliera l´humiliation de la défaite et de l´occupation : « C´est persuasif pour toujours, écrira-t-il vers la fin de sa vie, d´avoir vu dans sa huitième année une troupe prussienne entrant sur un air de fifre dans une petite ville française. »
ellauri033.html on line 215: chaque homme. Or, la vision des Goncourt ne ressemble à aucune autre : tout objet, en passant à tràvers leur « moi », s´y réfracte fiévreusement.
ellauri033.html on line 239: et multiplie ce qui excite les nerfs. Elle fourrage à tort et à travers ellauri033.html on line 269: tellement mauvaise, il n´y a qu´à en renverser les pratiques. Des
ellauri033.html on line 292: vers urne béatitude lointaine. Et Folantin lui-même à ce compte?
ellauri033.html on line 295: dès-grandes conversions?
ellauri033.html on line 340: Hij publiceerde in 1874 in eigen beheer de gedichtenbundel Le drageoir à épices. De heruitgave van het jaar daarop verscheen onder een gewijzigde titel, Le drageoir aux épices. Dankzij zijn artikel over L´Assommoir en een roman, Les Sœurs Vatard (1879), won hij Émile Zola voor zich. Hij leverde een bijdrage aan de bundel Les Soirées de Médan (1880), die het manifest wordt van de naturalistische literatuur. Zijn werken schetsen het beeld van een grijs, banaal en alledaags bestaan, zoals in En ménage (1881) en À vau-l´eau (1882), waarbij hij blijk geeft van pessimisme en van zijn weerzin voor een moderne, door "janhagel en zwakhoofdigen" bevolkte wereld.
ellauri033.html on line 344: In 1891 publiceerde hij de satanische roman Là-bas (Uit de diepte), rond het historische personage Gilles de Rais. Een hoofdpersonage uit deze roman weerspiegelt eveneens Huysmans´ persoonlijke evolutie; een satanische wording, waar occultisme en sensualiteit voorafgaan aan zijn bekering tot het christelijke geloof (La Cathédrale (1898) en L´Oblat, (1903)) waartoe esthetische overdenkingen hem brengen. Vanaf dan zouden alleen nog maar rooms-katholiek geïnspireerde werken verschijnen.
ellauri033.html on line 395: verser à Montfanon (les larmes d´ex-zouave pontifical, Dorsenne, le
ellauri033.html on line 587: Sixte lukee siis edelleen ihmishukan kertomusta tapahtumista markiisin huvilinnassa. Eri narsistista textiä. Minkähän verran tässä on omaelämäkerrallista? Ainakin se varmaan et ihmissusi alias Bourget oli tyttöystävien mielestä nätti poika, ja se että sitä rotinkaisena otti suunnattomasti päähän, mut samalla vähän himotti markiisin lihasaivoinen pikkuwiixinen pikkusikareja poltteleva aatelispoika joka osas razastaa, miekkailla ja pelaa biljardia. Rotinkainen Bourget tunsi vaan pelin taskuversion.
ellauri033.html on line 617: Passow studerade i Leipzig under Gottfried Hermann, kallades 1807 av Goethe till Weimars gymnasium som överlärare i grekiska, åtog sig 1810 uppdraget att leda samt omorganisera läroverket Conradinum nära Danzig och blev 1815 professor i klassisk fornkunskap vid universitetet i Breslau. Passow vann mycket anseende både genom sin lärarverksamhet och sina skrifter. Han är mest känd genom Handwörterbuch der griechischen Sprache (1819-24, 5:e upplagan 1841-1857, utgiven av Valentin Rost och Johann Friedrich Palm; "Grekiskt och svenskt lexikon", 2 band, 1841, översättning av Wilhelm Gumælius).
ellauri033.html on line 837: Ainsi, toujours poussés vers de nouveaux rivages,
ellauri033.html on line 883: Où l´amour à longs flots nous verse le bonheur,
ellauri033.html on line 1044: Roule, déjà poussé par la main des hivers ! jo rullaa jossain talven rukkasissa!
ellauri033.html on line 1046: Atteignant au hasard tous les êtres divers, Mäiskii summanmutikassa muita elollisia,
ellauri033.html on line 1048: Renouvelle en fuyant ce mobile univers ! ja mennen tullen uusintaa mobiilin universumin!
ellauri033.html on line 1076: According to legend, Tasso wrote verses to his beloved Eleonora that touched her heart. A few years later, at the wedding of one of the Gonzaga family, celebrated at the court of Este, Tasso kissed the princess Eleonora on the cheek. Furious, Alphonso turned coolly to his courtiers and remarked, "What a great pity that the finest genius of the age has become suddenly mad!" The duke had Tasso shut up in the hospital of St. Anna in Ferrara. (In actuality, Tasso had been beset by delusional fears of persecution starting in 1575 and began a series of mad wanderings around 1577.)
ellauri033.html on line 1093: Considérer sa propre destinée comme un corollaire dans cette géometrie vivante qui est la nature, et par suite comme une conséquence inévitable de cet axiome éternel dont le développement indéfini se prolongue à travers le temps et l´espace, tel est le unique principe de l´affranchissement.
ellauri033.html on line 1102: Sen elämä oli yhtä tunarointia. Villiers näyttää suitulta versiolta luokalle jääneestä luokkatoveristamme Klaus Karttusesta. Klasu kirjoitti säädyttömiä runoja mustaan vahakantiseen vihkoon tunnilla. Yx olmin näköinen kaunainen jatko-opiskelija haukkui mua deekuxi puhelimessa Sysmässä autotallin ovella, kun mä epäilin että sillä on mielenterveysongelma.
ellauri033.html on line 1143: La Vie de Jésus (1863) contient la thèse, alors controversée, selon laquelle la biographie de Jésus doit être comprise comme celle de n´importe quel autre homme, et la Bible comme devant être soumise à un examen critique comme n´importe quel autre document historique. Ceci déclenche des débats passionnés et la colère de l´Église catholique.
ellauri033.html on line 1146: Mulla on Ernun kontroversielli teos Jeesuksen elämästä ruozixi ikävän JW Snellmanin aikoinaan omistamana kappaleena. Vanhuxena Ernu kirjoitti viisiosaisen Israelin kansan historian sekä useita teoksia itämaisesta filosofiasta ja arkeologiasta.
ellauri034.html on line 543: In 1975 the Nigerian writer Chinua Achebe published an essay, "An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad´s ´Heart of Darkness´", which provoked controversy by calling Conrad a "thoroughgoing racist". Achebe´s view was that Heart of Darkness cannot be considered a great work of art because it is "a novel which celebrates... dehumanisation, which depersonalises a portion of the human race." Referring to Conrad as a "talented, tormented man", Achebe notes that Conrad (via the protagonist, Charles Marlow) reduces and degrades Africans to "limbs", "ankles", "glistening white eyeballs", etc., while simultaneously (and fearfully) suspecting a common kinship between himself and these natives—leading Marlow to sneer the word "ugly." Achebe also cited Conrad´s description of an encounter with an African: "A certain enormous buck nigger encountered in Haiti fixed my conception of blind, furious, unreasoning rage, as manifested in the human animal to the end of my days." Achebe´s essay, a landmark in postcolonial discourse, provoked debate, and the questions it raised have been addressed in most subsequent literary criticism of Conrad.
ellauri035.html on line 62: ei ahista verstas eikä opiskelijat.
ellauri035.html on line 267: Kiss me and I shall be purer than quick rivers.
ellauri035.html on line 1237: Tää versio on mun tekemä. Kristina ei sitä
ellauri036.html on line 87: Vertaa tätä Mussen versiota siihen miten oikeesti kävi: Abelardilta meni munat ja se oli aluxi voimattoman mustasukkainen ja kiukkunen, mut lopulta menetti kokonaan kiinnostuxensa panohommiin ja jätti Heloisen kuin nallin kalliolle.
ellauri036.html on line 244: Où le vieil univers fendit avec Lazare
ellauri036.html on line 247: Ouvraient leurs ailes d'or vers leur monde enchanté?
ellauri036.html on line 256: Sur l'orgue universel des peuples prosternés
ellauri036.html on line 308: Sentit bondir en elle un nouvel univers.
ellauri036.html on line 484: Traversaient en sueur des corridors obscurs.
ellauri036.html on line 653: Où vous vous embrassez dans les vers du tombeau,
ellauri036.html on line 812: Qu'afin de lui verser l'éternelle beauté!
ellauri036.html on line 818: Qu'importe un jour de plus à ce vieil univers?
ellauri036.html on line 885: Courent à l'infini, traversant des déserts.
ellauri036.html on line 909: A voulu traverser les plaines éthérées,
ellauri036.html on line 1046: ryömivien kansakuntien universaaliuruilla
ellauri036.html on line 1099: Tunsi liikkuvan izessään uuden universumin.
ellauri036.html on line 1915: everstijuntta evp, mut, paska-Nalle, ja Lennu-koira.
ellauri036.html on line 1929: vaaleanpunainen pipu katoaa everstijuntan jykevän nyrkin sisälle.
ellauri036.html on line 1940: Martha Nussbaum (1947) sinkoili Suomessa Jaakko Hintikan aloitteesta 70-luvulla. Herutuskuvissa Martha on kuin Judith Butler tupee päässä ja juhlameikissä. En muista sitä silloin ize koskaan nähneeni, mutta Jaakko puhui siitä usein sylki poskessa. Se on moraaliuniversalisti eikä arvorelativisti niinkuin Teemu Mäki. No Marthasta ei kattivainaan päällä runkkaaminen varmaan tuntuisikaan paljon miltään. Se on universaalisesti inhottava asia. (Siitä ei voi olla muuta kuin ihan samaa mieltä.) Martta Panopuusta tehtiin akateemikko Suomeen vuonna 2000. Vähän epäilyttää Marthan yhteydet John Stuart Milliin, joka on kapitalismin moraalin ihan tähtiä. (Millistäkin puuttuu vielä paasaus.)
ellauri036.html on line 1946:
Super Bowl XXXVIII halftime show controversy 2004
ellauri036.html on line 1956: Joku James Q Whitman arvosteli Martan opuxen Harvard Law Reviewissä 2004 seikkaperäisesti. Seuraava on siltä förbitty ja huomattavasti vielä paranneltu versio.
ellauri037.html on line 62: Tushkin, sanoi Pushkin Boldinon syksynä (Болдинская осень 1830) kolerakaranteenissa ja jo alkoi lyyti kirjoittaa. Suurta taidetta syntyy myös nyt, koronaepidemian aikana, neuvoo HS:n sunnuntaitoimittaja tiistaina. Se kaipaa uimahalliin, ei tunnu enää koosherilta vaipanvälissä. Aika suosii tee-se-izekirjailijoita, jotka vasta löytävät lahjansa laatikosta. Textilaatikot pursuavat, runot jopa naurattavat. Mun runot voi lukea kokonaan nettiversiona el Laurin verkkosivuilta. Paizi salaiset.
ellauri037.html on line 159: Obgleich er von Arbeit besessen war, fand er Zeit für Sex zwischen den Filmen, "in den Stunden wenn ich gelangweilt bin". Wie Markus J. Rantala vorausgesagt hat ex post facto, er zog junge Mädghen vor. Er konnte nichts mehr geniessen, als eine knospende Jungfrau zu verführen. Die erste Schützling war 14 Jahre alt. Er versprach eine Filmkarriere, aber schon bald darauf war sie schwanger. Sie war so dumm dass er sie heiratete obwohl sie gar nicht schwanger war. Charlie liebte es, Starlets nach der Bühne auch in seinem Bett zu verwenden. Die nächste Starlet war 6 als Charlie sie merkte, aber er war geduldig wie der Prophet Muhammed und versuchte sie zu ficken erst als sie 15 war. Schliesslich entjungferte er Lita auf dem gekachelten Fussboden seines Dampfbades. Er wollte nicht Gummis benutzen, sie wären "unästetisch". Lita wurde schwanger als sie 16 war. Er war 35.
ellauri037.html on line 160: Er versuchte, das Kind abzutreiben, Lita mit irgendeinem anderen zu weihen, sie zum Selbstmord zu jagen, weil er sie soviel verabscheute. Er war eklich. Aber er behauptete, dass er mit Lita schlafen könne, obwohl er sie soviel verabscheue. Er demütigte sie oft, weil sie weigerte, Fellatio zu machen.
ellauri037.html on line 278: the lovers reunited, the families reconciled,
ellauri037.html on line 561: Lähdetään siis Danzigista eli Gdanskista, jossa Arttu syntyi 100v ennen Mikko Rothia. Sen iskä Heikki oli saxalais-hollantilainen patriisi ja äiti Johanna monilahjakas salonginpitäjä ja kirjaltaja. Se Schopen lapiosana tulee siis hollannista. Uskonnottomia olivat, vallankumouxellisia rebublikaaneja, kosmopoliitteja ja anglofiilejä. Toisin kuin Sope siis, taas, paitsi sitä ateismia. Kun Gdanskista tuli osa Preussia, lipilaari Heikki muutti perheineen länsimielisempään Hampuriin. Artun pikkusisko Adele oli sitä 8 vuotta nuorempi. Ei siis leikkikaveri, vaan ärsyttävä vanhempien lemmikki kuin Riku. Heikki ja Hanna antoi lapsilleen A:lla alkavat nimet, niinkuin saman pesueen koiranpennuille. Artun koirankin nimi oli Atma. Arttu oli vaihdossa Ranskassa ja styylas siellä ikätoverinsa pojan kanssa, ja soitti sen kanssa huilua. 15v jolppina se lähti Euroopanympärimatkalle vanhempien kaa, business and pleasure. Tää oli Heikin juonia: se halus Artun perhebisnexeen, Arttu halus yliopistoon joka oli iskän mielestä turhuutta. Jos haluut matkalle, niin sit jatkat sen jälkeen kauppakoulussa. Jos haluut verstaalle, niin unohda koko turnee. No se lähti reisulle, mut katu sitä myöhemmin. Wimbledonissa oli tyyyylllsäää jossain anglikaanikoulussa. Sixikin se vihas uskontoa myöhemmin. Heikki rähjäsi Artulle huonoista todistuxista niin kovasti, että Hanna pelkäsi sen menettäneen järkensä. Ehkä menettikin. Heikki hyppäs kanaaliin Hampurissa 1805. Se oli yhtä autisti kuin poikansa, ja yhtä masis. Sope sanoikin et sen luonne on isän peruja. Isän puolella oli enemmänkin hulluja. Äiskä sensijaan oli seuraihminen. Sope ihaili isäänsä kai six kun ei pärjännyt alkuunkaan äidille, ja äiti vaan hemmotteli pikku Adia. No Heikiltä jäi mojova potti, joka jaettin kolmeen osaan. Arttu sijoitti omansa varovasti valtionobligaatioihin ja nettosi sillä 2x enemmän kuin yliopiston professori. Oli varaa sitten vittuilla koulufilosofeille.
ellauri037.html on line 588: Hegelillä oli poliittisia ongelmia kun se oli progressiivinen, kun taas Sope oli patataantumuxellisen maineessa. Hegel hölmönä kannatti Sopea äänestyxessä. Ei tiennyt minkälaisen perskärpäsen kanssa oli tekemisissä. No vaan 5 opiskelijaa tuli Sopen luennolle (tuttu määrä mullekin, hyvänä vuotena). Tappion kärsineenä Sope jättäytyi pois verstaalta. Alkoi haukuskella koulufilosofeja tyyliin happamia sano kettu rypäleistä.
ellauri037.html on line 616: Vater bewundert, und er versuchte, das Geschäft nach Familien
ellauri037.html on line 644: Schopenhauer kehrte nach Deutschland zurück, um an der Universität Berlin zu lehren, aber seine Vorlesungen wurden kaum besucht.
ellauri037.html on line 728: Ruht, was die Männer mit Leichtsinn verschwenden,
ellauri037.html on line 815: Stolz verschmäht er das Geleite
ellauri037.html on line 829: Doch die Herrschende verschonet
ellauri038.html on line 202: During the first few years of their marriage, Max taught in Berlin, then, in 1894, at the University of Heidelberg. During this time, Marianne pursued her own studies. After moving to Freiburg in 1894, she studied with a leading neo-Kantian philosopher, Heinrich Rickert. She also began to engage herself in the women´s movement after hearing prominent feminist speakers at a political congress in 1895. In 1896, in Heidelberg, she co-founded a society for the circulation of feminist thought. She also worked with Max to raise the level of women students attending the university. Max found them deplorably charmless.
ellauri038.html on line 204: In 1898, Max suffered a psychological collapse, possibly brought on after his father´s death, which happened shortly after Max confronted him regarding his abuse of Helene. Between 1898 and 1904, Max withdrew from public life, moving in and out of mental institutions, traveling compulsively and resigning from his prominent position at University of Heidelberg.
ellauri038.html on line 206: During this time, their roles reversed somewhat; as Max worked toward recovery and rested at home, Marianne attended political meetings, sometimes until late at night, and published her first book in 1900: Fichtes Sozialismus und sein Verhältnis zur Marxschen Doktrin ("Fichte's Socialism and its Relation to Marxist Doctrine"). Marianne vaikuttaa vasemmistolaisemmalta, järki-ihmiseltä Maxiin verrattuna.
ellauri038.html on line 212: In 1914, World War I broke out. While Max busied himself publishing his multi-volume study of religion, lecturing, organizing military hospitals, serving as an adviser in peace negotiations and running for office in the new Weimar Republic, Marianne published many works, among which were: "The New Woman" (1914), "The Ideal of Marriage" (1914), "War as an Ethical Problem" (1916), "Changing Types of University Women" (1917), "The Forces Shaping Sexual Life" (1919) and "Women's Special Cultural Tasks" (1919).
ellauri038.html on line 216: Following Max's unexpected death, Marianne withdrew from public and social life, funneling her physical and psychological resources into preparing ten volumes of her husband's writing for publication. In 1924, she received an honorary doctoral degree from the University of Heidelberg, both for her work in editing and publishing Max's work as well as for her own scholarship. Between 1923 and 1926, Weber worked on Max Weber: Ein Lebensbild ("Max Weber: A Biography"), which was published in 1926.[15] Also in 1926, she re-established her weekly salon, and entered into a phase of public speaking in which she spoke to audiences of up to 5,000. During this phase, she continued to raise Lili's children with the help of a close-knit circle of friends
ellauri039.html on line 355: Work currently in progress at the Mt Holyoke mental hospital is an ancient Japanese game involving paper, stone and scissors. The winning strategy in this game has been worked out by prof. Jokohama Kumahuta (Stanford): Take all three and bash them in the face of the long-nosed lover in prosperity and in adversity.
ellauri039.html on line 398: This unit deals with the statement "I am from Germany" as an inclusive identity for people who live in Germany today. The material is aimed at second-year German students. The goal of the unit is to show the diversity of people who live in Germany, to inform the students about how Germans and non-Germans are differentiated, to allow students to experience some attitudes held by and against certain groups of people living in Germany, and to expect students to have an awareness of what it can mean when someone says "I am from Germany." The REFLECTION section can be found in each of the various subsections of the unit.
ellauri039.html on line 588: jotain omituista izerakkauden tiimiversiota?
ellauri040.html on line 151: On lapsellisen yxinkertaista harjoittaa normaalifilosofiaa, epistemologisen likapyykin hienopesua. Siihen tarvitaan vaan 2 aivosolua - normaalit professoriaivot siis. Ja tietyn tautologisen prosessin ulkoa opettelu. Pesuohjelma: ensin käsite muodolliseen tarkasteluun, minkä jälkeen se universalisoidaan ja absolutisoidaan. Pehmentimexi vähän totuuden korrespondenssiteoriaa, vielä viruslinkous, ja ollaan mukavasti puhtain hihoin älyn vankilassa laskemassa tiilenpäitä. Tyhjät päät kolkkaa vastakkain, koska kaikki on jo selvitetty aikapäiviä.
ellauri040.html on line 335: Criticisms of postmodernism are intellectually diverse, and include assertions that postmodernism promotes obscurantism, is meaningless, and that it adds nothing to analytical or empirical knowledge.
ellauri040.html on line 540: 1794 besuchte er die Universität Jena, um dort Vorlesungen von Johann Gottlieb Fichte zu hören. Er lernte während dieses Aufenthaltes Johann Wolfgang von Goethe und den von ihm besonders verehrten Friedrich Schiller kennen. Auch machte er die Bekanntschaft Friedrich von Hardenbergs (Novalis) und, im Mai 1794, Isaac von Sinclairs, mit dem er ab April 1795 ein Gartenhäuschen in Jena bewohnte. Im Mai 1795 verließ Hölderlin die Universitätsstadt fluchtartig, weil er glaubte, sein großes Vorbild Schiller enttäuscht zu haben, und sich neben ihm nichtig wie ein kleiner Schüler fühlte. Verwirrt und mit Zeichen der Verwahrlosung tauchte er wieder in Nürtingen auf.
ellauri041.html on line 603: Legt hier versteckt in frisches Heu
ellauri041.html on line 955: Schwebte nach oben und verschwand.
ellauri041.html on line 1096: So zogen sie weiter. - Der Tag verstrich. -
ellauri041.html on line 1508: Ein Christ verspüret grossen Drang
ellauri041.html on line 1935: Spearman congratulates Netflix for picking up the show as it contributes to "telling international stories from places Americans don't consider"; Jonathon Wilson of Ready Steady Cut says that it is "another solid piece of overseas programming".
ellauri041.html on line 1945: The non-English origins shouldn’t be off-putting, as Netflix’s usual wide array of language options includes both the original, subtitled Catalan, as well as several voiceovers.
ellauri042.html on line 475: Blendstrups sprogsnilde og nænsomme registreringer gør Gud taler ud til en latterforløsende beretning om et svigefuldt, grænseoverskridende overmenneske, som dog også leverer et stort engagement og nærvær i livet og sin familie. Og kan bogen ikke læses som et opgør eller en forsoning, kan den i stedet forstås som et forsøg på at videreføre arven efter faren eller måske endda at levendegøre ham post mortem ved at lade ham låne sønnens stemme. I en af romanens afsluttende scener, hvor faderen som en følge af sygdommen har mistet stemmen, assisterer sønnen Jens ham ved at lade ham låne sin egen. Faren har skrevet en tale til en familiefest, og Jens stiller sig bag ham med et lagen over hovedet og læser talen højt, imiterende farens stemme, og imens sidder faren på sin stol og mimer med. Romanen ligner en videreførelse af dette eksperiment, hvor Jens iklæder sig nogle sproglige gevandter, der tillader ham at agere sin fars stemme. Og arven efter faren kommer stærkt til udtryk i Jens’ finurlige fikumdikken rundt med sproget.
ellauri042.html on line 644: Part of Pope's bitter inspiration for the characters in the book come from his soured relationship with the royal court. The Princess of Wales Caroline of Ansbach, wife of George II, had supported Pope in her patronage of the arts. When she and her husband came to the throne in 1727 she had a much busier schedule and thus had less time for Pope who saw this oversight as a personal slight against him. When planning the Dunciad he based the character Dulness on Queen Caroline, as the fat, lazy and dull wife. Pope's bitterness against Caroline was a typical trait of his brilliant but unstable character. The King of the Dunces as the wife of Dulness was based on George II. Pope makes his views on the first two Georgian kings very clear in the Dunciad when he writes 'Still Dunce the second reigns like Dunce the first'.
ellauri042.html on line 648: The plot of the poem is simple. Dulness, the goddess, appears at a Lord Mayor's Day in 1724 and notes that her king, Elkannah Settle, has died. She chooses Lewis Theobald as his successor. In honour of his coronation, she holds heroic games. He is then transported to the Temple of Dulness, where he has visions of the future. The poem has a consistent setting and time, as well. Book I covers the night after the Lord Mayor's Day, Book II the morning to dusk, and Book III the darkest night. Furthermore, the poem begins at the end of the Lord Mayor's procession, goes in Book II to the Strand, then to Fleet Street (where booksellers were), down by Bridewell Prison to the Fleet ditch, then to Ludgate at the end of Book II; in Book III, Dulness goes through Ludgate to the City of London to her temple.
ellauri042.html on line 881: Tähän samaan meditaatioon 17 viittaa siis nähtävästi myös Ernesto Hemingway kirja Komu zvoni jonka löysin vanhojen proffien roskahyllystä: "In zato nikoli ne vprašajo komu zvoni; Tebi zvoni". Tää on tämmönen imperialistinen tiimipläjäys, territoriaalista reviirihenkeä. Muin. roomalaiset sanoivat: tum tua res agitur paries cum proximus ardet, jenkkien versio oli dominoteoria. Joo ei, enmä pidä tosta Donnen ajatuxesta. Se on ihan liian totalitäärinen. On parempi apinoille olla niinkuin Ahvenanmaan saaristo, erillisiä saaria mutta näköetäisyyden päässä toisistaan, niin että niihin pääsee uimalla tai soutuveneellä. Saarten kellot soivat aina ize kullekin mutta soitto kuuluu vaimeana muillekin.
ellauri042.html on line 885: Devotions upon Emergent Occasions, or in full Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions, and severall steps in my Sicknes, is a prose work by the English metaphysical poet and cleric in the Church of England John Donne (22 January 1572 - 31 March 1631) , published in 1624. It covers death, rebirth and the Elizabethan concept of sickness as a French visit from God, reflecting internal sinfulness. The Devotions were written in December 1623 as Donne recovered from a serious but unknown illness – believed to be relapsing fever or typhus. Having come close to death, he described the illness he had suffered from and his thoughts throughout his recovery with "near super-human speed and concentration". Registered by 9 January, and published soon after, the Devotions is one of only seven works attributed to Donne which were printed during his lifetime.
ellauri042.html on line 903: Must to thy motions lovers´ seasons run? Täytyykö rakastelun noudattaa sun aikataulua?
ellauri043.html on line 49: Flaubert (1821-1880) väsäsi tätä magnum opusta kolmeen otteeseen, aloitti 28-vuotiaana 1849, jatkoi 1856 (35v, otteita julkaistiin; seuraavana vuonna ilmestyi Emma Bovary) and 1872 (53v). Lopullinen versio tuli ulos 1874. Kuus vuotta ennen maalilippua. Ei se vanhaxi elänyt, ei edes kuusikymppisexi. Kai tää Anttoni oli sille henk.kohtaisesti tärkein juttu. Flaubertille tärkein kirjailija oli Spinoza, nähtävästi. Spinozaan mun täytyy vielä palata, kuin HK Riikonen mielirunoilijansa Horatiuxen pariin, saatuani valmiixi tän 3:nen väitöskirjani.
ellauri043.html on line 2766: Simon Maguksen kuolemasta on kaksi eri versiota. Pietarin teoissa kerrotaan Simon Maguksen kuolleen Rooman Forum Romanumilla järjestetyssä magianäytöksessä. Simonin esitellessä keisari Nerolle levitointitaitojaan paikalla olleet apostolit Paavali ja Pietari sekä heidän kannattajansa olivat rukoilleet Jumalaa lopettamaan lentonäytöksen. Simon Magus oli pudonnut saman tien maahan ja myöhemmin kuollut saamiinsa vammoihin.
ellauri043.html on line 3960:
Tää toinen, jonka 6 päätä kannattaa torneja ja 4 käsivartta heittokeihäitä, se on aremeijojen prinssieversti, kaamea nieleskelijä.
ellauri043.html on line 4421: Mutta meidän 2 välimatka hupenee, yö tulee! Tännepäin, Amtrakspandit, Izedit, Selluliitit! Apuun isä Metro! Ota miekka! Kautsukki, sun pitää tulla takaisin universaalisexi pelastuxexi, tuu mun puolelle!
ellauri043.html on line 5676: Mun kuningaskunta on universumin kokoluokkaa; ja mun halulla ei ole rajoja. Mä menen koko ajan vapauttaen henkeä ja punniten maailmoja, ilman vihaa, ilman pelkoa, ilman sääliä, ilman rakkautta, ilman jumalaa, sine ira et studio. Mun nimi on tiede.
ellauri043.html on line 6076: Jos se oli luonut miss universumin mieleisexeen, sallimus (eli toi kyyläys) on tarpeetonta. Jos on sallimus, niin luomistyössä oli jotain vikaa.
ellauri043.html on line 6105: Koskaan et tule tuntemaan miss universumia sen koko laajuudelta; siispä et pysty selvittämään sen syytä, tai saada oikeata käsitystä jumalasta, etkä edes sanoa että miss universumi on ääretön — sillä sun pitäis ensix käydä läpi ääretön!
ellauri045.html on line 55: käskyn KILL! KILL! sisäsiisti versio. Tässä(kin) suhteessa olen huono darwinisti,
ellauri045.html on line 780: Deirdre McCloskey, an acclaimed professor and former University of Chicago protégé of Milton Friedman, stunned the academic world with a sex change in 1995. But that's just one interesting part of a woman now focused on a less macho, more 'human' approach to capitalist economics.
ellauri045.html on line 804: Justice is one primary virtue, of course, the balance and respect in society so characteristic of Switzerland-well, I suppose not always, and not for every single immigrant, and until 1971 not for every single woman voter; but usually. Temperance is another, the balance in a soul, controlling desire. Courage is the third. What person could flourish if like Oblomov he stayed in bed out of uncontrolled fear, or out of ennui, an aristocratic version of cowardice? Prudence is the executive virtue, as St. Thomas Aquinas called it-know-how, savoir faire, self-interest. It rounds out the four virtues most admired in the tough little cities or tougher big empires of the classical Mediterranean. The Romans called the four of justice, temperance, courage, and prudence the "cardinal" virtues, on which a society of warriors or orators or courtiers hinged (cardo, hinge). The Christians called them, not entirely in contempt, "pagan."
ellauri046.html on line 61:
Nacque a Padova verso il 1523 da una famiglia di origine milanese e di condizione borghese: alla morte del padre Bartolomeo (1531), commerciante di gioielli, la vedova Cecilia, con Gaspara e i fratelli Baldassare e Cassandra, si trasferì a Venezia. Cassandra era cantante e Baldassare poeta: quest'ultimo morì per malattia nel 1544 a diciannove anni, e ciò turbò molto Gaspara, tanto da farle meditare una vita monacale, stimolata su questa strada da suor Paola Antonia Negri; di lui restano i sonetti stampati con quelli della ben più nota sorella. Leimasimen isä oli kultaseppä, sixköhän sen nimi oli Leima. Kultaseppä Leima, sen tytär Gaspara Leimasin, ikäänkuin hullunkurisista perheistä. Bartolomeus tulee hepreasta Bar Tolomai, eli Ptolemaioxen poika. Bartolomeus oli tavixin apostoli, joka nyljettiin Armeniassa ja naulattiin ristiin vielä kuin nahkurin orsille.
ellauri046.html on line 63: In laguna venne accolta dalla raffinata ed istruita società veneziana; al suo interno condusse una vita elegante e spregiudicata, segnalandosi per la sua bellezza e per le sue qualità. Fu difatti cantante e suonatrice di liuto, oltre che poetessa, ed entrò nell'Accademia dei Dubbiosi con il nome di Anasilla (così veniva chiamato in latino il fiume Piave - Anaxus - che attraversava il feudo dei Collalto, cui apparteneva quel Collaltino che lei amò). L'abitazione degli Stampa divenne uno dei salotti letterari più famosi di Venezia, frequentato dai migliori pittori, letterati e musicisti del Veneto, e molti accorrevano a seguire le esecuzioni canore di Gaspara delle liriche di Petrarca. Leimasin oli nätti ja kulturnaja, osas käyttää luuttua enemmällä kuin yhdellä sormella, ja laulaa kauniisti. Stampat piti tyylikästä salonkia Veneziassa, jonne tuli Petrarcakin Laura-nyyhkytyxineen.
ellauri046.html on line 65: Sufficientemente colta nella letteratura, nell'arte e nella musica, Gaspara fu portata dalla forte carica della sua personalità a vivere in modo libero diverse esperienze amorose, che segnano profondamente la sua vita e la sua produzione poetica. I romantici videro in lei una novella Saffo, anche per la sua breve esistenza, vissuta in maniera intensamente passionale. La vicenda della poetessa va però ridimensionata e collocata nel quadro della vita mondana del tempo, dove le relazioni sociali, comprese quelle amorose, rispondono spesso a un cerimoniale e ad una serie di convenzioni precise. Fra queste è da segnalare l'amore per il conte Collaltino di Collalto, uomo di guerra e di lettere, che durò circa tre anni (1548-1551): tuttavia a causa di lunghi periodi di lontananza Collaltino non ricambiò il sentimento intenso che Gaspara provò per lui, e la relazione si concluse con l'abbandono della poetessa, che attraversò anche una profonda crisi spirituale e religiosa. Leimasimella oli taipumusta depixiin. Kun tuli vastoinkäymisiä (veli kuoli, kreivi jätti), se meni aina rapakuntoon ja meinas mennä nunnaxi. Onnexi ei mennyt.
ellauri046.html on line 270: Author information: Thomas C. Oden is Henry Anson Butt Professor of Theology at Drivel University. He is the author of many books, including The Rebirth of Orthodoxy, and General Editor of the Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture.
ellauri046.html on line 272: Not only does this book make Kierkegaard accessible but it also entertains, regales with story, and amuses. It will be useful for the lectern, pulpit, and after-dinner dais. The selections, which made me laugh, illustrate sardonically the contradictions of existence."—David J. Gouwens, Brite Divinity School, Texas Christian University.
ellauri046.html on line 349: He studied philosophy and theology at university and then spent the rest of his life in his home town doing not much other than producing volume after volume of works which are some sort of mixture between philosophy, theology, and literary criticism.
ellauri046.html on line 359: This abridgement reduces the original quarter of a million words down to about 12,000 (around 5%), based on three different translations, one by Alastair Hannay, another by Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong, and a third by an unnamed translator, possibly Lee M. Hollander. As with many of these condensed versions, having picked out the glowing passages may give an impression of a coherence which is absent in the rambling, repetitive and frequently incomprehensible original. The staccato style, though, is what it is like.
ellauri046.html on line 428: McGill University
ellauri046.html on line 469: Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais, né Pierre-Augustin Caron le 24 janvier 1732 à Paris où il est mort le 18 mai 1799, est un écrivain, dramaturge, musicien et homme d'affaires français. Éditeur de Voltaire, il est aussi à l'origine de la première loi en faveur du droit d'auteur et le fondateur de la Société des auteurs. Également espion et marchand d'armes pour le compte du roi, c'est un homme d'action et de combats qui ne semble jamais désarmé face à un ennemi ou à l'adversité. Son existence est tout entière marquée par l'empreinte du théâtre et s'il est principalement connu pour son œuvre dramatique, en particulier la trilogie de Figaro, sa vie se mêle étrangement à ses œuvres.
ellauri046.html on line 474: Nebenher versuchte er vergeblich, den Verlobten seiner dort lebenden Schwester Marie, José Clavijo y Fajardo, zur Einhaltung seines Eheversprechens zu zwingen. Das Verhältnis zwischen Clavijo und Marie war undurchsichtig; Beaumarchais verarbeitete dieses Thema zehn Jahre später zu einem rührenden Miniroman, aus dem Goethe 1774 sein Stück Clavigo machte.
ellauri046.html on line 475: Ookei, jo selviää mix tää aihe kiinnosti Sööreniä. Goethen versio Clavijon kauppakirpusta on tismalleen kuin Kierkegaardin tarina. Jöötti ize teki useita samanlaisia tempauxia, esim se Friederike Strassburgissa. Ottaa antaa kanankakan kantaa. Haista paska kappalainen, et saa anteexi. Tää on mä, Seija ja pallokirjoituskone 15x suurennettuna.
ellauri047.html on line 78: Kirjan Werther oli Woku ize, joka kosiskeli Wetzlarissa (Hessenissä) Charlotte Buffia. Charlotte dumppas Wokun ja otti sen sijaan Johann Christian Kestnerin, jolla oli hyvä paikka Hannoverin hovissa. Se ei pahemmin masentanut Wokua, joka osti jopa kihlat Lotelle ja Hannolle. Se joka teki izarin oli Wokun kolleega Karl Wilhelm Jerusalem, Lessingin kuoma. Woku vaan yhdisti nää tarinat. Tarua ja totta elämästäni. Wertheristä Goethe ei netonnut paljoa, kun ei ollut copyright-lakeja. Niinkuin monet muut (esim. Cervantes ja Rabelais) se julkaisi six aina uusia, muka päivitettyjä versioita omista prujuista. Wetzlarin aikainen tuttu kuvaili Goethea:
ellauri047.html on line 80: „Er besitzt, was man Genie nennt, und eine ganz außerordentliche Einbildungskraft. Er ist in seinen Affekten heftig. Er hat eine edle Denkungsart. […] Er liebt die Kinder und kann sich mit ihnen sehr beschäftigen. Er ist bizarre und hat in seinem Betragen, seinem Äußerlichen verschiedenes, das ihn unangenehm machen könnte. Aber bei Kindern, bei Frauenzimmern und vielen andern ist er doch wohl angeschrieben. – Er tut, was ihm gefällt, ohne sich darum zu kümmern, ob es anderen gefällt, ob es Mode ist, ob es die Lebensart erlaubt. Aller Zwang ist ihm verhaßt. […] Aus den schönen Wissenschaften und Künsten hat er sein Hauptwerk gemacht oder vielmehr aus allen Wissenschaften, nur nicht denen sogenannten Brotwissenschaften.“
ellauri047.html on line 85: Genialität kann sich auf allen Gebieten zeigen – künstlerisch, wissenschaftlich, wirtschaftlich, philosophisch, politisch usw. Es kann zwischen Universalgenies, Genies und „verkannten Genies“ unterschieden werden.
ellauri047.html on line 188: Wolfenbüttelissä hänestä tuli 7. toukokuuta 1770 kirjastonhoitaja prinssi Augustin kirjastoon (Herzog August Bibliothek). Siellä hän löysi Theophilus Presbyterin keskiaikaisen teoksen Schedula diversarum artium, josta hän julkaisi teoksen Vom Alter der Ölmalerey aus dem Theophilus Presbyter vuonna 1774
ellauri047.html on line 695: Gern erblicken mich nun verständige Männer, und denken
ellauri047.html on line 996: Tällänen kotoistaminen on sitä samaa fasistista yhdenmukaistusta kuin univormut ja siniristilippumme, termiittipesätouhua. Kun kaikki silakat näyttävät samalta, niitä on helpompi massakäsitellä ja massatuhota. Ei suosi diversiteeettiä, mutta diversiteettihän on luonnon hätäratkaisu, kun ympäristö heittää sezuuria. Kun olot on vakiot, on syytä vakioida fenotyyppiä. Niinkuin kirvat, jotka lisääntyvät suvuttomasti, paizi kun on muutospainetta.
ellauri047.html on line 998: Aber als die römische Besatzung aus Deutschland verschwunden war und im Rheinland starke Judengemeinden zurückblieben, in denen sich die hebräisch-deutsche Mischsprache "Jiddisch" entwickelte, kommt es zur Verdeutschung hebräischer Namen durch zufälligen Gleichklang: Da wird Aaron zu Arnold, Benjamin zu Benno, Levi zu Ludwig, Moses zu Moritz, Simon zu Siegmund. Später entstehen deutsch klingende Familiennamen: Simon zu Schimmerling und Schimmerl, Isachar zu Sacher, Socher, Socherl und Sucher, Levi oder Loeb zu Lemann und Lehmann, Isak zu Eisemann, Eisermann, Jakob zu Kaufmann (-mann war eine beliebte Diminutivform). Oder die Namen wurden ins Deutsche übersetzt: Baruch oder Ascher (der Glückliche) wurde zu Selig, Seligmann, Eljakim oder Obadja zu dem überaus beliebten Gottschalk.
ellauri048.html on line 465: Geboren 1953 bei Soest/NRW. Studium in Marburg und Freiburg (Anglistik, Romanistik u.a.), Promotion über John Cowper Powys, Habilitation über moderne britische Lyrik. Lebte in Großbritannien, Frankreich, USA, längere Aufenthalte auch in Japan, Indien, Russland und Italien. Lehrte englische und amerikanische Literatur in Amherst/Massachusetts sowie in Freiburg, Konstanz und Tübingen und an russischen Universitäten. Seit 1993 Professor für Englische Literatur an der Universität Leipzig, wo er auch das studium universale leitet.
ellauri048.html on line 511: versioita erixeen, sen enempää kuin muurahaisten reittejä,
ellauri048.html on line 536: Wikipediassa valaistaan Golding controversyn taustoja. Se onkin jenkkien kiivastunut riita punaisten republikaaniaasien ja sinisten demokraattinorsujen välillä. Jenkeissä on oikealla siivellä tungosta, ei pidetä karanteenietäisyyxiä.
ellauri048.html on line 538: Its stances on the already controversial subjects of human nature and individual welfare versus the common good earned it position 68 on the American Library Association's list of the 100 most frequently challenged books of 1900–1999. The book has been criticized as "cynical" and portraying humanity exclusively as "selfish creatures".It
ellauri048.html on line 724: the inevitable mapping of the feminine onto defeated male opponents, or conversely, onto loved and admired men
ellauri048.html on line 1074: Garrett Jones claims that Alfred Tennyson and Arthur Henry Hallam, whose death was the occasion for writing In Memoriam, were in some sense homosexual lovers, and that Hallam was a promiscuous homosexual whose father sent him to Cambridge, separating him from his Eton friends as a way of curtailing his son's inclinations (a curious, rather naive strategy, one might think!). For most of the book, he gives the impression that the two friends had an intense homosexual relationship that must have included physical acts. However, on p. 192 out of 199, he announces the following:
ellauri048.html on line 1078: Given that no one has ever doubted that Tennyson had some sort of "disembodied, spiritualized passion" for Hallam, this conclusion comes as rather a painful anticlimax. Admittedly, Alf named his son Hallam after Hallam, the one who went to Australia. Of course, the fact that members of Tennyson´s family succumbed to madness, alcoholism, and drug addiction already has made some readers aware that, like so many other Victorians, he should be taken down from a pedestal and join the rest of us. But think of the stir if one the greatest poems of the nineteenth century, one which has major influence on poets as different as Whitman and Eliot, turned out to be chiefly a gay lover's lament! (What's wrong with that? There are zillions of others, better yet.) Tän apologian kirjoitti on George P. Landow, Professor of English and the History of Art, (fittingly) from Brown University.
ellauri048.html on line 1191: To one clear harp in divers tones, Kirkkaan harpun tahtiin eri säveleillä,
ellauri048.html on line 1694: But open converse is there none,
ellauri048.html on line 1895: The Allies cracked German codes — Enigma — thanks to Poles, who snared the first, priceless encryption set for examination. Some 250,000 Polish troops served with the British during the war, including during the Battle of Britain, and an estimated 400,000 fought off the Nazis on the homefront in guerrilla warfare that helped chew up the Nazi war machine — a martial contribution the lancers-versus-tanks myth fails to convey.
ellauri049.html on line 329: Qui vers elle montait comme vers sa falaise. joka kipus sen päälle kuin kalliolle.
ellauri049.html on line 361: What are some reasons not to move to Belgium? The Belgians themselves are the most important reason. They are selfish, arrogant, noisy, rude, full of hate, machismo and gynephobia, fundamentalistically religious, uncivilized, vulgar, ugly, mostly drunk and intoxicated with coke and xtc, very dangerous car drivers, cannibals and neanderthalers. (by: Charles Baudelaire)
ellauri049.html on line 471: Et les lointains vers les gouffres cataractant ! ja ulapoiden putoavan kohti syövereitä.
ellauri049.html on line 485: Montait vers moi ses fleurs d’ombre aux ventouses jaunes väliin näytti mulle keltakuppiset varjokukat
ellauri049.html on line 490: Et je voguais, lorsqu’à travers mes liens frêles ja ma lainehdin, kunnes mun hauraita köysiä
ellauri049.html on line 524: Noire et froide où vers le crépuscule embaumé niin se on kylmä ja musta lampi hämärässä,
ellauri049.html on line 530: Ni traverser l’orgueil des drapeaux et des flammes, en lyödä lippujen ja suuliekkien ylpeyttä
ellauri049.html on line 667: Ne murmure point d'eau que ne verse ma flûte murmelt kein Wasser, das nicht meine Flöte träuft ei mutissut vettä paizi mun huilun kaatamaa
ellauri049.html on line 724: À travers l’épaisseur de la broussaille noire, läpi mustan pusikkoisen tiheikön
ellauri049.html on line 1015: Hämmästyttää sittenkin, miten jenkit jaxaa lukea samaa paskaa paperilta kuin ne näkee CNN:ssä ja Fox Newsissä? Kaikki vaan vielä 100x suurempana: 40 kerroxen korkuinen puskutraktori hajottaa slummeja; nopeempana: viuhahdetaan mustan aukon läpi 3 parsecissa - parsec on pituusmitta, ääliöt - ja falskimpana: may the force be with you, vannotaan käsi sydämellä USA:n senaatin ja Idols-kulissien sekotuxen näköisessä, tähtiin holografisesti kuvatussa tasavallan istunnossa, jota koko universumi seuraa tikkana reaaliajassa. Suhteellisuus on vaan harmaata teoriaa, jonka tiedefiktio lyö 6-0. Absoluuttista potaskaa.
ellauri049.html on line 1023: Tää on kirjotettu 1994, mä oon Kouvolassa, talous lamassa. Bush Sr. riehuu Irakissa aavikkomyrskynä, kumikaulat seuraa tähtien sotaa televisiosta. Koko universumi toimii kapitalismin koeräjäytyskenttänä. Jedi Kardashianit häärää kasan päällimmäisinä. Hyi kuinka vastenmielistä. Koneet surisee ja holonetti vilkahtelee. God bless America, may the Air Force be with you.
ellauri050.html on line 385: Alma mater University of Calcutta (B.A.)
ellauri050.html on line 507: Summa summarum, en pidä Rilkestä. Sekin on tollanen teutoninen metafyysikko, sekundaversio Friedrich Nietschestä. Täysin huumoriton väpelö. Jumalinen ilman jumalaa ja itkee sitä, samalla kun nussii puumaa ja kreivitärtä ja imee Toblerone patukkaa. Yllättäen Tom Pynchon osoittautuu sielunveljexi. Ja ehkä myös veli Jöns.
ellauri050.html on line 516: und wir bewundern es so, weil es gelassen verschmäht, ja me palvotaan niin sitä, rennosti vähänpä piittaa
ellauri050.html on line 518: Und so verhalt ich mich denn und verschlucke den Lockruf Ja niinpä mä hillizen izeni ja nielasen houkutushuudon
ellauri050.html on line 584: Rosen, und andern eigens versprechenden Dingen ei ruusuille, muille aiheeseen soveltuville
ellauri050.html on line 781: Vuosi 1932 oli Saimalle ainakin aluksi harvinaisen valoisa: hän pääsi ylioppilaaksi ja tapasi tulevan sulhasensa Jaakko Holman – hän siis oli se Laura Harmajan ankaralla kädellä editoimien päiväkirjojen julkaistujen versioiden salaperäinen ”J”. – Ritva Ylönen kuvaa ansiokkaasti Saiman ja Jaakon suhdetta, joka nykyajan mittapuiden mukaan oli kovasti viaton ja itse asiassa tuomittu epäonnistumaan, niin erilaisia osapuolet olivat: Saima oli intomielinen ja runollinen ja eroottisesti hehkuva, kun taas urheilua harrastava Jaakko piti jalkansa kovin paljon tiiviimmin maan kamaralla. Mutta Jaakko purki suhteen lopullisesti vasta vähän ennen Saiman kuolemaa, joten ilmeisesti jollain tavalla se palveli myös hänen tarpeitaan.
ellauri050.html on line 1080: versengt und müde durstetest, Palaneena ja väsyneenä janosit,
ellauri051.html on line 49: Parempi versio sinusta tekee huomisen työt ellauri051.html on line 414: The glow, the blush, the beating hearts of lovers, Hehkun, hiostuxen, rakastelijoiden tihentyneen sykkeen,
ellauri051.html on line 416: Love, that is all the earth to lovers--Love, that mocks time and Rakkaus, se on rakastelijoiden koko juttu -- se ei kazo aikaa eikä
ellauri051.html on line 459: Hymns to the universal God, from universal Man--all joy! Virsiä globaalijumalalle globaaliselta mieheltä -- pelkkää iloa!
ellauri051.html on line 494: Whatman julkaisi vuonna 1870 kokoelmat Democratic Vistas ja Passage to India sekä jälleen uuden version Leaves of Grassista.
ellauri051.html on line 496: Whatman sai ketnureaktion 1873 ja muutti Camdeniin New Jerseyyn veljensä luokse. Vuosina 1875–1876 hän julkaisi sisällissodasta kertovan kirjan Memoranda during the War, mutta halvaukset olivat jo hidastaneet hänen kirjoittamistaan. Whatman julkaisi myös uusia versioita Leaves of Grassista, jonka myyntituloilla hän osti Camdenista itselleen oman talon. Teoksen viimeinen versio sisälsi kaikkiaan 300 runoa. Whatmanin viimeiseksi jäänyt teos Good-Bye, My Fanny julkaistiin vuonna 1891.
ellauri051.html on line 651: and lovers, wannabe rakastajia,
ellauri051.html on line 838: 257 Of the builders and steerers of ships and the wielders of axes and mauls, and the drivers of horses, 257 Laivojen rakentajista ja ohjaajista ja kirveiden ja mausteiden heiluttajista ja hevosten kuljettajista,
ellauri051.html on line 868: 286 As the woolly-pates hoe in the sugar-field, the overseer views them from his saddle, 286 Kun villapasteet kuokkavat sokeripellolla, valvoja katsoo niitä satulasta,
ellauri051.html on line 932: 349 I resist any thing better than my own diversity, 349 Vastustan kaikkea paremmin kuin omaa monimuotoisuuttani,
ellauri051.html on line 991: 404 To me the converging objects of the universe perpetually flow, 404 Minulle maailmankaikkeuden lähentyvät objektit virtaavat ikuisesti,
ellauri051.html on line 1242: 646 Sprouts take and accumulate, stand by the curb prolific and vital, 646 versot ottavat ja kerääntyvät, seisovat reunan vieressä tuottelias ja elinvoimainen,
ellauri051.html on line 1255: 658 I believe the soggy clods shall become lovers and lamps, 658 Uskon, että märkistä paakoista tulee rakastajia ja lamppuja,
ellauri051.html on line 1327: 727 Over the sharp-peak'd farm house, with its scallop'd scum and slender shoots from the gutters, 727 Yli terävähuippuisen maalaistalon, jossa on kampasimpukoita ja ohuita versoja kouruista,
ellauri051.html on line 1369: 769 Where the splash of swimmers and divers cools the warm noon, 769 Missä uimareiden ja sukeltajien roiske viilentää lämpimän keskipäivän,
ellauri051.html on line 1479: 878 Their colonel was wounded and their ammunition gone, 878 Heidän everstinsä haavoittui ja heidän ammuksensa hukassa,
ellauri051.html on line 1572: 967 I resume the overstaid fraction, 967 Jatkan ylitäytettyä murto-osaa,
ellauri051.html on line 1623: 1016 Lovers of me, bafflers of graves. 1016 Minun rakastajat, hautojen hämmentäjät.
ellauri051.html on line 1631: 1023 I heard what was said of the universe, 1023 Kuulin mitä maailmankaikkeudesta sanottiin,
ellauri051.html on line 1784: 1172 My lovers suffocate me, 1172 Rakastajani tukehduttavat minut,
ellauri051.html on line 1891: 1276 And there is no object so soft but it makes a hub for the wheel'd universe, 1276 Eikä mikään esine ole niin pehmeää, mutta se muodostaa pyörän universumin navan,
ellauri051.html on line 1892: 1277 And I say to any man or woman, Let your soul stand cool and composed before a million universes. 1277 Ja minä sanon jokaiselle miehelle tai naiselle: Anna sielusi seistä viileänä ja rauhassa miljoonan universumin edessä.
ellauri051.html on line 3304: Ton cours vers d’autres nébuleuses sun kulkua kohti muita tähtisumuja.
ellauri052.html on line 68: Scholars such as Bellow biographer James Atlas and others have shown that quite a few passages and ideas were lifted from a book titled The Cattle Complex in East Africa (1926) written by Bellow's anthropology professor Melville Herskovits who supervised his senior thesis at Northwestern University in 1937. What a schtekl, to steal from his own professor.
ellauri052.html on line 171: The novel, which Bellow initially intended to be a short story, is a roman à clef about Bellow's friendship with the poet Delmore Schwartz. It explores the changing relationship of art and power in a materialist America. This theme is addressed through the contrasting careers of two writers, Von Humboldt Fleisher (to some degree a version of Schwartz) and his protégé Charlie Citrine (to some degree a version of Bellow himself).
ellauri052.html on line 319: Like other successful duos, such as Batman & Robin, Mickey & Goofy, or Laurel & Hardy, Wordsworth and Coleridge were temperamentally dissimilar. Wordsworth, reserved and thoughtful, wrote verse while plodding to and fro in the garden and, we are told, was subject to stomach trouble when revising. Coleridge was irresponsible and debt-ridden, but everywhere spoken of as a genius, if a volatile one. “I think too much for a Poet,” he said. His addiction to opium began early and was never conquered. In time, it became his only regular habit.
ellauri052.html on line 435: Im Gegenpart zu Nietzsche sieht Alfred Adler – schon vor der Machtergreifung der Nationalsozialisten in Deutschland 1933 – den Willen zur Macht auch kritisch als eine mögliche Überkompensation eines verstärkt erlebten Minderwertigkeitsgefühls.
ellauri052.html on line 545: Nimitys antroposofia on vanhahko. Fichte käytti sitä. Rudi teki Fichtestä paskakaivoväitöskirjan. Rudi otti sanan käyttöön riitaannuttuaan teosofiseuran kaa. Ne oli liian brittejä ja itämaisia, Rudi halus jotain saxalaisempaa. Rudin versio on olevinaan pseudotieteellistä napaan tuijotusta ja nöyhdän lajittelua: imaginatio, inspiratio, intuitio. Kuvittelua, sisäänhengitystä ja sinne kazomista. Mitenkä ne jaxavat. Samaa sieluhöpötystä se vaan on, vaikka uusilla tuotenimillä ("astraaliruumis", haha). Narsishtien on vaikee uskoa et maailma jatkuu ilman minua. Olen ihmisyyden edustaja, Hegelin historian individi, humanismin piirimyyjä. Olen sitäpaizi erilainen kuin muut, muhun sattuu kuolema.
ellauri052.html on line 584: Rudi oli kotvan töissä Weimarissa Goethe-arkistossa ja sai sieltä elinikäisen Goethe-tartunnan. Rudin eka vaimo oli sen vuokraemäntä, 12v sitä vanhempi leski +5 lasta, silloin pushing 50. Ero tuli 1900-luvun alussa kun Rudi alkoi liihotella teosofipiireissä. Kakkosvaimo virallistettiin Annan kuoltua. Rudia 7v nuorempi Marie von Sievers oli bändäri, jolta Rudi sai mm. eurytmian. Se ei ole sydän- eikä sukupuolitauti, vaan epämääräistä liihottelua. Sieluperhoset testaa siipiään.
ellauri052.html on line 936: Ultimately, much of the book revolves around a perceived opposition between “young Saul,” the politically radical, amorously multitasking free spirit who raised him, and “old Saul,” the reactionary, race-baiting friend of authority and Allan Bloom who occupied his father’s body for its final 40 years. Greg had a front-row seat for Bellow’s supposed conversion, after the rise of black power and the Six Day War, to the unfashionable conservatism that remains the unspoken reason his books aren’t read much in America today. He is thus well-placed to describe how that change—dramatically evident in Mr. Sammler’s Planet (1970), the neo-con novel par excellence, but also in Herzog—manifested itself in private.
ellauri052.html on line 979: The most important person in Bellow’s life—Maury, his oldest brother. As Leader shows, Maury was both the driving force in Bellow’s Americanization and a major presence in his work. Parents and wives came and went, but Maury remained: Simon in Augie March, Shura in Herzog, Julius in Humboldt’s Gift. As peremptory and violent as their father but more competent, Maury epitomized the cult of power and material success that both fascinated and repelled Bellow. “I recognized in him the day-to-day genius of the U.S.A.,” Bellow said in an interview with Philip Roth. In the same conversation, Roth observed that Maury’s reckless, angry spirit was “the household deity of Augie March.” By the time Maury finished law school, he had already started collecting graft for a corrupt Illinois state representative, skimming off the top for himself and his mother. A charismatic ladies’ man with an illegitimate son, Maury was “very proud of his extraordinary group of connections, his cynicism, his insiderhood,” Bellow told Roth. Maury was disdainful of his brother’s nonremunerative choice of profession, which he considered luftmenschlich—frivolous, impractical.
ellauri053.html on line 46: 4. toukokuuta – Vuoden 1952 Miss Universumiksi valitun Armi Kuuselan ilmoitettiin solmineen avioliiton filippiiniläisen liikemiehen Virgilio Hilarion kanssa.
ellauri053.html on line 152: The term 'Pre-Raphaelite' conjures up visions of tall, willowy creatures with pale skin, flowing locks, scarlet lips, and melancholic expressions. The paintings of these models and muses, who were often the artists' wives and mistresses, defied Victorian standards of beauty and caused much controversy.
ellauri053.html on line 500: Working on “Ovide moralisé” in verse in Stockholm ellauri053.html on line 787: Father set my mother to prepare an abridged version of the Ramayana , keeping to the original but leaving out all superfluous and irrelevant matter so that the main story could be read at a stretch. Father insisted that she should consult the original Sanskrit and not depend upon Bengali translations for preparing her text. This was difficult for Mother, but undaunted she read the Ramayana with the help of a Pandit, and only then did she start writing, but unfortunately the book was not finished before she died and the MS. of the portion she had written got lost. I remember with what avidity we used to read her MS.
ellauri053.html on line 809: Kun se rehtorina puuhaili 20 vuotta nuoremman professorinvaimon Mirun kaa, Nehru pyysi sitä lopettamaan. Se erosikin 1953 rehtorinta Visvan verstaalta. Sit olikin paljon kivempaa kuin kunkku Daavid kelletellä Batseeban kaa.
ellauri053.html on line 883: Kala Bhavana (Institute of Fine Arts) is the fine arts faculty of Visva-Bharati University, in Shantiniketan, India. It is an institution of education and research in visual arts, founded in 1919, it was established by Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore. Nää taiskin olla jotain teosofeja. (Vertaa Palkeen Salea.)
ellauri053.html on line 952: Through which the lovers, Pyramus and Thisbe,
ellauri053.html on line 957: Through which the fearful lovers are to whisper.
ellauri053.html on line 1155:
His earliest volume of verse was published in 1889, and its slow-paced and lyrical poems display debts to Edmund Spenser, Percy Bysshe Shelley, and the poets of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood.
ellauri053.html on line 1174: He was very much fascinated by self-induced trance states, calculated symbolism, mediums, theosophy, crystal-gazing, folklore and hobgoblins. Golden apples, archers, black pigs and such paraphernalia abounded. Often the verse has an hypnotic charm: but you cannot take heaven by magic, especially if you are, like Mr. Yeats, a very sane person.
ellauri053.html on line 1175:
In After Strange Gods—the Page-Barbour Lectures that Eliot delivered at the University of Virginia in 1933— Tommy referred to Pound as “probably the most important living poet in our language” and to Yeats as “the other important poet of our time,” while subjecting both poets to rebuke.
ellauri053.html on line 1245: Walter Horatio Pater was born August 4, 1839, in Shadwell, London and he died on July 30, 1894, at Oxford in Oxfordshire. He was a famous English critic, journalist, writer of fiction, university teacher, and an essayist.
ellauri053.html on line 1363: Yeats derided MacBride in letters and in poetry. He was horrified by Gonne's marriage, at losing his muse to another man; in addition, her conversion to Catholicism before marriage offended him; Yeats was Protestant/agnostic. He worried his muse would come under the influence of the priests and do their bidding.
ellauri053.html on line 1367: Yeats's friendship with Gonne ended when in Paris in 1908, they finally consummated their relationship. "The long years of fidelity rewarded at last" was how another of his lovers described the event. (Bet it was Ezra Pound.) Yeats was less sentimental and later remarked that "the tragedy of sexual intercourse is the perpetual virginity of the soul." (Aika narsistinen penselmä.) The relationship did not develop into a new phase after their night together, and soon afterwards Gonne wrote to the poet indicating that despite the physical consummation, they could not continue as they had been. She recommended Yeats to concentrate on other men.
ellauri053.html on line 1368: Yeats met the American poet Ezra Pound in 1909. Pound had travelled to London at least partly to meet the older man, whom he considered "the only poet worthy of serious study." From that year until 1916, the two men wintered in the Stone Cottage at Ashdown Forest, with Pound nominally acting as Yeats's secretary. The relationship got off to a rocky start when Pound arranged for the publication in the magazine Poetry of some of Yeats's verse with Pound's own unauthorised alterations. These changes reflected Pound's distaste for Victorian prosody.
ellauri053.html on line 1414: except for messing with my verse!
ellauri053.html on line 1424: Ronsard is concerned with himself; Yeats barely refers to himself at all (one man) and delivers a prayer of devotion to his beloved. No other poet I've read compares.
ellauri054.html on line 187: Riikonen even found his wife-to-be, Salme Marjatta, at the University. They both studied Latin and attended the same lectures. The couldn’t marry until 11.5 years after their first meeting, however, as H. K. Riikonen wanted to follow scholar Valentin Kiparsky’s advice to not marry until his dissertation was complete. "Saatuani väitöskirjani valmiixi aion palata mielirunoilijani Horatiuxen pariin." Julkaistuaan kirjeet Tarastin kanssa kirjana Eero ja Hannu (vai oliko se toisinpäin) se sanoi myhisten partaansa: "seuraavaxi aion julkaista rakkauskirjeeni."
ellauri054.html on line 197: Kesäloman Hannu viettää jouluisin Teneriffalla ja kesällä tekee töitä verstaalla. Lähteekö Penelopen kärsivällisyydellä varustettu Salme Marjatta mukaan tähänkin?
ellauri054.html on line 407: Professor of Law at Columbia University Bernard Harcourt contends that neoliberalism holds the state as incompetent when it comes to economic regulation but proficient at policing and punishing, and that this paradox has resulted in the expansion of penal confinement.
ellauri054.html on line 439: I'm John Lienhard at the University of Houston, where we're interested in the way inventions work.
ellauri055.html on line 52: Son père, procureur, décède alors que Jean Bouchet est encore jeune. Ami de Rabelais, Jean Bouchet exerce la profession paternelle. Il compose un grand nombre d'ouvrages historiques ou de fantaisie en vers et en prose, qui sont encore recherchés des bibliographes au XIXe siècle. Selon Maurice Allem, « grand travailleur, bon bourgeois, père d'une nombreuse famille, Bouchet est volontiers moraliste et même sentencieux » ainsi dans cet envoi :
ellauri055.html on line 78: Les deux hommes ont quinze ans de différence. Stefan Zweig s'intéresse aux lettres européennes et il a déjà traduit quelques œuvres d'auteurs anglais, français et belges. La découverte en 1907 des premiers volumes de Jean-Christophe sera décisive dans sa rencontre avec l'auteur. Il est séduit par la portée universelle de l’œuvre de Romain Rolland et plus encore par l’homme auquel il rend visite, pour la première fois en février 1911, dans son appartement du 162, boulevard du Montparnasse. Les deux hommes partagent un amour pour la musique, une même foi en l'humanité et le sentiment d'appartenir à une civilisation, une culture commune, dont Romain Rolland esquisse les contours dans « la chevauchée européenne de Jean-Christophe ». Les deux écrivains entretiendront une correspondance suivie et intense entre 1910 et 1940 : 945 lettres ont été retrouvées (509 de Stefan Zweig dont une centaine en allemand, et 436 pour Romain Rolland). Cette correspondance est d'une importance capitale pour l'histoire des intellectuels du début du XXe siècle.
ellauri055.html on line 84: Déstabilisé par l'élan mystique qui traverse alors la société autrichienne, Stefan Zweig affiche au début de la guerre un patriotisme en phase avec l'Allemagne. L’opiniâtreté de Romain Rolland dans sa lutte contre la guerre et l'amitié que se portent mutuellement les deux hommes permettra à Stefan Zweig de surmonter cette épreuve. L'admiration que l'écrivain autrichien voue désormais à celui qu’il considère comme son maître s'exprimera dans la biographie qu'il lui consacre en 1921, qualifiant Romain Rolland de « Conscience de l'Europe ».
ellauri055.html on line 102: Le bahaïsme, ou baha’isme, aussi connu sous le nom de foi bahá’íe (prononcer [baˈ.haː.ʔ.iː] ou [ba.hɑː.i]) ou béhaïsme (vieille graphie), est une religion abrahamique et monothéiste, proclamant l’unité spirituelle de l’humanité. Les membres de cette communauté religieuse internationale se décrivent comme les adhérents d’une « religion mondiale indépendante »[. Elle est fondée par le Persan Mīrzā Ḥusayn-ʿAlī Nūrī (1817-1892) en 1863. Ce nom est dérivé du surnom donné à son fondateur : Bahāʾ-Allāh (en arabe, « Gloire de Dieu » ou « splendeur de Dieu ») — Bahá’u’lláh en translittération baha’ie. Les baha’is sont les disciples de Bahāʾ-Allāh. Ils s’organisent autour de plus de 100 000 centres (répertoriés par le centre mondial de Haïfa) à travers le monde. En 2011, cette religion met en avant dans ses documents le chiffre de 7 millions de membres appartenant à plus de 2 100 groupes ethniques, répartis dans plus de 189 pays. Son centre spirituel (lieu de pèlerinage — ziyarat) et administratif est situé à Haïfa et Acre, en Israël.
ellauri055.html on line 108: Selon la foi baha’ie, chaque homme a le devoir de reconnaître Dieu et ses manifestations, et de se conformer à leurs enseignements. À travers la reconnaissance et l’obéissance, le service aux autres êtres humains, la prière et la pratique spirituelle régulière, les baha’is croient que l’âme devient plus proche de Dieu, l’idéal spirituel dans la croyance baha’ie.
ellauri055.html on line 109: Il faut cependant noter que les décisions de la Maison Universelle de Justice, ainsi que les exégèses des écrits sacrés faites par ʿAbd-al-Bahāʾ et Shoghi Effendi, bénéficient d’une autorité s’imposant à tous les baha’is. Ce qui a conduit depuis les années 1980-1990 à ce que plusieurs intellectuels et universitaires, historiens ou sociologues, soient chassés de la communauté baha’ie pour leurs vues jugées divergentes sur des questions-clefs (l’exclusion des femmes de la Maison universelle de justice ; l’obligation de soumettre toute publication, même universitaire, à un comité de censure ; l’homosexualité ; un système électoral qui favorise les sortants ; l’interdiction de participer à un parti politique ou d’adhérer à une organisation comme Amnesty International, etc., et surtout le sujet central de l’infaillibilité des institutions).
ellauri055.html on line 111: Égalité de l’homme et de la femme, mais avec cependant des exceptions à cette règle. La principale exception, depuis l’arrêt du soutien de la bigamie, est l’inéligibilité des femmes comme membres de la Maison Universelle de Justice.
ellauri055.html on line 140: Du point de vue liturgique, la méditation dans les temples est accompagnée de lectures choisies dans les textes sacrés des autres religions. Ces textes — par exemple le Pentateuque des juifs, le Nouveau Testament des chrétiens, le Coran des musulmans, le Bayān des babis, etc. — ont annoncé successivement, par paliers de perfection croissante, l’incessante révélation divine ou message de Dieu. En ce sens, le livre sacré liant tous les textes sur la révélation qui le précèdent est logiquement le dernier dans l’ordre chronologique, à savoir le Kitāb-i Aqdas (« Le plus saint livre »). Il a été rédigé vers 1873 par Bahāʾ-Allāh et est complété par différentes tablettes (lawḥ) révélées ensuite ; pour les baha’is, c’est le texte de référence bien qu’il ne soit pas plus important que les autres, ni le livre le plus lu par les baha’is eux-mêmes sur la foi. Le livre ne fut d’ailleurs accessible que très tard aux croyants occidentaux puisque la première traduction officielle en anglais date de 1992.
ellauri055.html on line 215: Saint Fiacre is the patron saint of the commune of Saint-Fiacre, Seine-et-Marne, France. He is the patron of growers of vegetables and medicinal plants, and gardeners in general, including ploughboys. His reputed aversion to women is believed to be the reason he is also considered the patron of victims of venereal disease. He is further the patron of victims of hemorrhoids and fistulas, taxi cab drivers, box makers, florists, hosiers, pewterers, tilemakers, and those suffering from infertility. Finally, he is commonly invoked to heal persons suffering from various infirmities, premised on his reputed skill with medicinal plants.
ellauri055.html on line 1128: Né à Gand, Maurice Maeterlinck est l'aîné d'une famille de trois enfants, flamande, bourgeoise, catholique, conservatrice et francophone. Après des études au collège Sainte-Barbe (Sint-Barbara) de Gand, il suit des études en droit avant de pratiquer le métier d'avocat durant une courte période. Maeterlinck publie, dès 1885, des poèmes d’inspiration parnassienne dans La Jeune Belgique. Il part pour Paris où il rencontre plusieurs écrivains qui vont l'influencer, dont Stéphane Mallarmé et Villiers de l’Isle-Adam. Ce dernier lui fait découvrir les richesses de l'idéalisme allemand (Hegel, Schopenhauer). À la même époque, Maeterlinck découvre Ruysbroeck l'Admirable, un mystique flamand du XIVe siècle dont il traduit les écrits (Ornement des noces spirituelles). C'est ainsi qu'il se tourne vers les richesses intuitives du monde germanique en s'éloignant du rationalisme français. Dans cet esprit, il se consacre à Novalis et entre en contact avec le romantisme d'Iéna (Allemagne, 1787-1831, autour d'August et Friedrich Schlegel et de la revue l'Athenäum), précurseur en droite ligne du symbolisme. Les œuvres que publie Maeterlinck entre 1889 et 1896 sont imprégnées de cette influence germanique.
ellauri055.html on line 1130: En 1895, il rencontre la cantatrice Georgette Leblanc, sœur de Maurice Leblanc, avec laquelle il tient, vers 1897, un salon parisien fort couru dans la villa Dupont : on y croise, entre autres, Oscar Wilde, Paul Fort, Stéphane Mallarmé, Camille Saint-Saëns, Anatole France, Auguste Rodin.
ellauri055.html on line 1173: Leena Järnefelt nai Kuninkaalan kartanosta jääkärieverstin Olli Paloheimon (Brander). Tutu sai toisen samannimisen sotaveteraanin, jalkapuolisen. Oli se sentään Brandereita toisin kuin Oiva (of Tirlittan fame), joka oli före detta Pietilä.
ellauri055.html on line 1378: No nyt on Olga vielä loppuun bylsimättä. Olga on kookas mustatukkainen ja mustakulmainen, Toopen venakko-Olgaa muistuttava leveävyötäröinen lyllerö. Tää taisi jäädä kouluajoilta Toopen mielivartalotyypixi. Miehen tiellä rojottava Almakin on persjalkainen, reisi jatkuu suoraan kenkään. Kookas hämäläinen talonpoika taisi olla Toope izekin. Ponu Rojola sanoo (asiantuntijana) että herras-Olgan bylsintä ilmaisee Toopen luokkakateutta. Maajussi ehkä mutta hauis on iso ja kullinvarsi hoikka. Ei tollainen piipunrassi kuin Brunius, joka ei kestä edes saunanlöylyjä. (Pirre Mannisen jussinaintiversiossa on tää sama klishee.)
ellauri058.html on line 168: Intiaanipäällikkö Punasulka oli punaniskaversio Harald Hirmuisesta. Oikeistolaisia setämiessarjakuvia. Punasulan väpelön vävyn nimi oli Kotivalo. Sen jousi pani väpiti väpiti väp osuessaan nenään.
ellauri058.html on line 716: It has generally been thought that King Herod died at 69 years of age from complications of gonorrhea. Dr. Jan Hirschmann, a physician at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle, decided to explore further, and presented his diagnosis at the Historical Clinical Pathologic Conference (CPC).
ellauri058.html on line 777: The poet first came out as gay in his 1975 work In & Out, which was initially available only in a privately printed version in limited circulation. The work did not gain general publication until 1989.
ellauri058.html on line 808: Darylin käännöxen kriitikko Otto Steinmayer, Institute of East Asian Studies, University Malaysia Sarawak, puolustautuu alaviitteessä:
ellauri060.html on line 223: Yksinäisyytensä keskellä hän tutustuu paikalliseen kirjailijaan, ateistiin R.J.J. Murtokiveen, jonka kanssa ystävystyy. Tää Murtokivi on selkeästi Jussin alter ego, se iloisempi versio. Murtokivi tarjoaa heti ensitapaamisen yhteydessä pastori Rekelälle viinaa, saunaa, selänpesua ja tolstoilaisuutta.
ellauri060.html on line 233: Defoe was a prolific and versatile writer, producing more than three hundred works—books, pamphlets, and journals — on diverse topics, including politics, crime, religion, marriage, psychology, and the supernatural. He was also a pioneer of business journalism and economic journalism.
ellauri060.html on line 470: This song may be of quite recent origin, since almost half of the known examples are sound recordings, and there's only one broadside printing. On the other hand, there's an older and widely printed broadside Jimmy and his True Love, which might well be an earlier version—or it may just be a song with universal appeal and a good chorus that people still enjoy singing. Of the 40 or so instances in Roud, most are from the south west of England or East Anglia—though Gavin Greig collected a dozen examples in Scotland in the early years of last century. No other Sussex version has been collected.
ellauri060.html on line 473: These lyrics are based on the version performed by the Longest Johns on their livestreams.
ellauri060.html on line 949: MeWe was founded by entrepreneur and privacy advocate Mark Weinstein, a cheerful, loquacious man and a self-satisfied libertarian. He’s friendly and open, with a horse voice that occasionally crackles with emotion, and he’s also prone to the occasional fit of bombast: “I’m one of the guys who invented gunpowder,” he cheerfully tells me at the start of our conversation.
ellauri060.html on line 1151: Melkein enemmän kuin tyhmän filmin kexityt ja todelliset vääryydet mua näpäsi toi vulgääri brittien keximä ja jenkkien mätystämä killer tattoo: Nolite te bastardes carborundorum. "Älkää viizikö sinua kuormasatulan poik--- viilojen." Hemmetin ääliöt. Kuten limaska jutkuäijä Fred selitti, se enintään voisi naurattaa jotain 12-vuotiasta latinakoulun Kallea. Eikä sitäkään. Vanhempi versio -
ellauri060.html on line 1162: The phrase is also used as the first line of one of the extra cod Latin verses added in 1953 to an unofficial school song at Harvard University, "Ten Thousand Men of Harvard". This most frequently played fight song of the Harvard University Band is, to some extent, a parody of more solemn school songs like "Fair Harvard thy Sons to your Jubilee Throng". (voi helvetti, tää oli tosi paha.) The first verse is a nonsense sequence of Latin clichés:
ellauri061.html on line 164: kuin leski emätintä, syöpi poikapuolen perinnöitä. Theseus kosi Hippolytaa miekalla. Mikäs meemi tää nyt oli? Hippolytalla oli isän antama siveysvyö. Se oli vaan hidaste kun Theseuxen mela heilahti ja hepat karkasi. Tästä tarinasta on tuhannen versiota, mutta Milk Shaken tuntemassa Plutarkhoxen muunnelmassa Hippolyta oli amazonisotien kiertopalkinto. Hullua, mikä esti niitä bylsimästä vaikka heti. Mutta Egeuxen tyttärellä Hernialla ei ole juuri optioita, kun setämiehet sanelee kekä nuorimies on hyvännäköinen ja kekä ei, vale-Dimitri vai Oleanteri.
ellauri061.html on line 189: A Midsummer Night's Dream is a comedy written by William Shakespeare in 1595/96. The play is set in Athens and consists of several subplots that revolve around the marriage of Theseus and Hippolyta. One subplot involves a conflict between four Athenian lovers. Another follows a group of six amateur actors rehearsing the play which they are to perform before the wedding. Both groups find themselves in a forest inhabited by fairies who manipulate the humans and are engaged in their own domestic intrigue. The play is one of Shakespeare's most popular and is widely performed. Populääri lue vulgääri. Niin aina.
ellauri061.html on line 199: Edmond Malone, a Shakespearean scholar and critic of the late 18th century, found another flaw in this particular play, its lack of a proper decorum. He found that the "more exalted characters" (the aristocrats of Athens) are subservient to the interests of those beneath them. In other words, the lower-class characters play larger roles than their betters and overshadow them. He found this to be a grave error of the writer. Tääkin muistuttaa Nuorgamin runoilijasta (ks alempana).
ellauri061.html on line 201: August Wilhelm Schlegel työnsi myös lusikkansa soppaan. Schlegel perceived unity in the multiple plot lines. He noted that the donkey's head is not a random transformation, but reflects Bottom's true nature. Eli se oli oikeasti oikea aasi. Ovelaa. Hyvin ajateltu Robin! He identified the tale of Pyramus and Thisbe as a burlesque of the Athenian lovers.
ellauri061.html on line 625: Critics have spent a considerable amount of time debating Hamlet's age. Hamlet here is thirty years old, as the First Clown makes clear (lines 133-151). However, "young Hamlet", as he is referred to earlier in the play is still attending university and courting Ophelia. Laertes says that Hamlet's love is like "a violet in the youth of primy nature" (1.3.6). The noted scholar Grant White was so annoyed by this dilemma that he, defying logic, concluded that Hamlet was twenty when the play started and thirty at its close. (See Studies in Shakespeare, p. 79 ff.). How important is Hamlet's age to our understanding or enjoyment of the play? Would Hamlet's age have been an issue for play-goers at Shakespeare's Globe? For more on this topic, please click here.
ellauri061.html on line 783: Tolkien invented the name "Balrog", providing an in-universe etymology for it as a word in his invented Sindarin language.
ellauri061.html on line 795: A prophetess named Deborah judged or made rulings for the people of Israel under a palm tree during that time. One of Deborah’s judgments was to instruct Barak to summon 10,000 men and attack Jabin’s army. Likely fearful to comply with such a command, Barak told Deborah, “If you go with me, I will go; but if you don’t go with me, I won’t go” (Judges 4:8). She replied, “Certainly I will go with you. . . . But because of the course you are taking, the honor will not be yours, for the Lord will deliver Sisera into the hands of a woman” (verse 9).
ellauri061.html on line 797: Deborah and Barak then gathered 10,000 troops and attacked Sisera and his army. Barak’s troops won: “All Sisera’s troops fell by the sword; not a man was left” (Judges 4:16). Sisera himself fled to the tent of a Hebrew woman named Jael. She gave him milk to drink and covered him with a blanket in the tent. Then, “Jael . . . picked up a tent peg and a hammer and went quietly to him while he lay fast asleep, exhausted. She drove the peg through his temple into the ground, and he died” (verse 21).
ellauri061.html on line 801: Judges chapter 5 then records the song of Deborah and Barak, written to rejoice in God’s victory over the Canaanites. The lyrics encourage the actions of Deborah and Barak, saying, “Wake up, wake up, Deborah! / Wake up, wake up, break out in song! / Arise, Barak! / Take captive your captives, son of Abinoam” (Judges 5:12). Jael’s role is also heralded: “Most blessed of women be Jael, / the wife of Heber the Kenite, / most blessed of tent-dwelling women” (verse 24).
ellauri061.html on line 803: The song of Deborah and Barak also gives some more detail about the victory over the Canaanites: “The earth shook, the heavens poured, / the clouds poured down water” (Judges 5:4). Evidently, God used a flood to disable the iron chariots of Sisera. The victory was supernatural (verse 20). Chapter 5 concludes with the statement, “And the land had peace forty years.” This impressive time of peace lasted until Midian took control of Israel, necessitating Gideon’s rise.
ellauri061.html on line 1470: Samixia ovat. Alpo on Jarin näköinen säikähtänyt hiirulainen, äiskä Jaria jämerämpi emäkissaversio. Jari muistelee äiskää herttaisesti:
ellauri061.html on line 1651: All lovers young, all lovers must Kaikki rakastajat, nuoret, vanhatkin
ellauri062.html on line 452: Tekstin ensimmäinen raakaversio oli kirjailijan mukaan synkempi. Absurdi sävy löytyi kustannustoimittaja Antti Arnkilin avulla.
ellauri062.html on line 598: Vuoden 1986 vizikirja on mulle nuori vizikirja, vain Paulin ikäinen. Siinä vanhan vizikirjan vizi 606 on enää numero 158. Vizit vähenee maailmanlopun edellä. Pedon luvulla 666 on v 1938 vizikirjassa vizi joka alkaa 'On rakautes ääretön'. Läppä läppä. Siitä seuraava on Jaska Haavion 'Anna herra tulta'. Toi neljäs versio on Ambrose "Bitter" Bierceltä, joka oli San Franciscon ilkein mies.
ellauri062.html on line 691: :trollface: on vuonna 2008 julkaistu internet-trolleja ja internet-trollausta symbolisoiva rage comic -meemi. Se on yksi vanhimmista ja tunnetuimmista rage comic -kasvoista. Tämä versio on vähän Jaken näköinen:
ellauri062.html on line 822: Parempi kuin Günther Grassin versio ellauri062.html on line 893: Weininger ryhtyi valmistelemaan kirjaansa Sukupuoli ja luonne: Periaatteellinen tutkimus (saks. Geschlecht und Charakter: Eine prinzipielle Untersuchung), joka julkaistiin kesäkuussa 1903. Teos on väitöskirjan laajennettu versio. Weininger pyrkii saattamaan sukupuolten suhteet uuteen valoon ja esittää juutalaisvastaisia ja naisvihamielisiä käsityksiä. Hänen mukaansa juutalaiset ovat naisellisen olemuksensa takia ”alati himokkaita ja irstaita”, ”synnynnäisiä kommunisteja”, ”luonnostaan parittajia”. Lisäksi Weininger pitää ihmistä luonteeltaan biseksuaalina. Idea oli varastettu joltain Riemastuxen kamulta.
ellauri062.html on line 920: Shahak, an Israeli professor who was a survivor of the Nazi holocaust, describes a 1962 book published in Israel in a bilingual edition. The Hebrew text was on one page, with the English translation on the facing page. The Hebrew text of a major Jewish code of laws contained a command to exterminate Jewish infidels: “It is a duty to exterminate them with one’s own hands.” The English version on the facing page softened it to “It is a duty to take active measures to destroy them.’” The Hebrew page then went on to name which “infidels” must be exterminated, adding “may the name of the wicked rot.” Among them was Jesus of Nazareth. The facing page with the English translation failed to tell any of this.
ellauri062.html on line 941: vers.org.au/luther.htm">Biblebelievers´ Luther
ellauri063.html on line 41: Tony Blair oversaw British interventions in Kosovo (1999) and Sierra Leone (2000), which were generally perceived as successful. During the War on Terror, he supported the foreign policy of the George W. Bush administration and ensured that the British Armed Forces participated in the War in Afghanistan from 2001 and, more controversially, the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Blair argued that the Saddam Hussein regime possessed an active weapons of mass destruction (WMD) program, but no stockpiles of WMDs or an active WMD program were ever found in Iraq. The Iraq War became increasingly unpopular among the British public, and he was criticised by opponents and (in 2016) the Iraq Inquiry for waging an unjustified and unnecessary invasion. He was in office when the 7/7 bombings took place (2005) and introduced a range of anti-terror legislation. His legacy remains controversial, not least because of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.
ellauri063.html on line 100: However, this version of socialism has to spread and take over the core economies of capitalism so that it can't be strangled in the above manner — as the proletariat of each country rebel against their own ruling-class. Each strike, for example, is a mini-rehearsal for this (whether the strikers appreciate this or not), where workers are forced by circumstances to organise in their own communities, sharing money, clothing, food, shelter, etc. In effect, they have to run a mini-socialist society of their own for a few weeks or months.
ellauri063.html on line 146: Toivottavasti saamme aikanaan (mahdollisimman pian) Suomeen ja moneen muuhunkin Euroopan maahan sellaisen tuomioistuimen joka siivoaa kaiken sen mädän ja paskan mitä menneet ja vielä nykyiset hallitukset on tänne perverssillä politiikallaan kasanneet.
ellauri063.html on line 274: "Frontside Ollie" is a Finnish language song by Finnish teen pop artist Robin and his debut single taken from his debut album Koodi. Written by Sana Mustonen, it was released on Universal Music on 16 January 2012. #skateboarding Today's video is about the basic frontside ollie on transition. Useful for quarter pipes, mini ramps, bowls and more. Hit subscribe & leave your suggestions below for future skate hacks videos!
ellauri063.html on line 293: Tää oli se modernisoitu mutapainiversio Austenista, Lizzy helmat paskassa kananpyrstötukalla. Piipunrassi Darcyna. Tyhmää juoxentelua.
ellauri063.html on line 295: Screenwriter Deborah Moggach initially attempted to make her script as faithful to the novel as possible, writing from Elizabeth's perspective while preserving much of the original dialogue. Joe Wright, who was directing his first feature film, encouraged greater deviation from the text, including changing the dynamics within the Bennet family. Wright and Moggach set the film in an earlier period and avoided depicting a "perfectly clean Regency world", presenting instead a "muddy hem version" of the time. Chickenbutt Knightley was well-known in part from her role in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series. It was marketed to a younger, mainstream audience; promotional items noted that it came from the producers of 2001's romantic comedy Bridget Jones's Diary before acknowledging its provenance as an Austen novel.
ellauri063.html on line 316: Brötzmann Reflects on ‘Machine Gun’ as it Hits 50th Anniversary. The marathon, lung-bursting howl of Peter Brötzmann’s Machine Gun, which the saxophonist self-released on his BRÖ imprint 50 years ago, captured the anxiety of a generation grappling with the Vietnam War and civil unrest. The emotional and political complexity it was born from still resonates today.
ellauri063.html on line 319: “There is no contradiction between creation and destruction. I never thought music was a healing force of the universe. I didn’t agree with Mr. Albert Ayler. But we wanted to change things; we needed a new start. In Germany, we all grew up with the same thing: ‘Never again.’ But in the government, all the same old Nazis were still there. We were angry. We wanted to do something.” Like jazz.
ellauri063.html on line 582: Pansatanism Same as pandemonism. a Gnostic theory that considered Satan’s to be the controlling will of the universe.
ellauri063.html on line 584: Pötypuhetta. Ei universumilla ole tahtoa. Kaikki vaan menee niinkun on mennäxeen, ihan tahdottomasti, osaxi lainomaisest, osax sattumalta.
ellauri064.html on line 81: Benjamin's luscious Berlin Childhood around 1900 recalls his experience of the city's material culture as a boy. His family was commercially successful (rich) but relations with his parents and sister were poor, although he had a better relationship with his younger brother, because he died in a concentration camp. His bleak verdict on school life contrasted with that of his schoolmate Gershom Scholem, who become Professor of Jewish Mysticism at the newly established Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Benjamin impressed some as reserved, discreet and modest, others as oversensitive and uncompromising.
ellauri064.html on line 109: Am Beispiel der Literatur und diverser Filme zeigt die Germanistin Eva Horn, dass die Zukunft vor allem als Katastrophe erscheint: Auf dem Buchmarkt boomen dystopische Romane, auf den Kinoleinwänden geht es immer wieder um Killerviren, die die Menschheit vernichten, Riesenasteroiden, die auf die Erde zurasen, und gigantische Naturkatastrophen.
ellauri064.html on line 178: Jaken pseudo vapaussota muistelo n:o 17 Vääxystä oli oikein hyvä. Olen täsmälleen samaa mieltä prinssieversti Kalmin kanssa sotien välttämättömyydestä.
ellauri064.html on line 200: Suomenkielisestä versiosta ”Kapteeni Tom” vastasi vuonna 1973 Arto Sotavalta. Tämmösen mä muistan hämärästi. Mutta Velvet Underground Nico Evening of light: ei mitään havaintoa.
ellauri064.html on line 329: Hirvisaari is a former train driver, educated at the Helsinki Pasila engine drivers' school in 1980–1982. He was admitted to University of Helsinki in 1999 to study theology, and is still registered as an undergraduate student. Hirvisaari undertook his military national service in the Kymi Anti-Aircraft Battalion in 1979–1980 in the city of Kouvola.
ellauri064.html on line 532: Marvin: The Ultimate Question to the Ultimate Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything is printed in the Earthman’s brainwave patterns, but I don’t suppose you’d be interested in knowing that.
ellauri065.html on line 496: taqiyya: Muslim scholars teach that Muslims should generally be truthful to each other, unless the purpose of lying is to "smooth over differences" or "gain the upper-hand over an enemy." There are several forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, the best known being taqiyya (the Shia name). These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause of Islam - in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them.
ellauri065.html on line 528: The meme was born in late 2008 when an administrator of the Finnish gaming forum Jonneweb posted several links redirecting to the Finnish imageboard Kuvalauta. Due to Jonneweb´s reputation as an online hub for (pre)teenagers, some members of Kuvalauta became concerned that the imageboard would be overrun with unoriginal content by an influx of newcomers, a phenomenon commonly known as "newfaggotry" on the English-speaking web. The Jonneweb administrator referred to Kuvalauta as a "forum where you discuss about fish and bears" and thus the world-wide Pedo bear meme was considered to be posted particularly by Jonneweb users. The combination of pre-teenager Jonnes and the Pedo bear meme took a great evolution in 2009 when the users of Kuvalauta started to post ironically as Jonnes by capsing the text, representing as underage school kids and adding typoes on text. On December 6th, 2009, a thread with poorly drawn versions of Pedobear was posted onto Kuvalauta.
ellauri066.html on line 207: Netistä löytyi 3 Jouko Heikkistä tän gradun isäxi. Kuuluisimmalla, koripalloilija Jouko Heikkisellä oli varmaan hyvä pelirytmi, mutta tokko oli lukenut Aaro Hellaakosken Jääpeiliä. Mä veikkaan tota University of Eastern Finlandin yliopistonopettajaa opettajankoulutuxesta. Ne muutti Savonlinnasta Joensuun kampuxelle takavuosina. Mäkin kävin Savonlinnassa jossain kääntäjien iltamassa. Näin kun "pomoni" silloinen Inkeri Vehmas-Lehto läxi iltalenkille. Sillä oli jo ollut yxi infarkti. HK:n lenkit oli korvautuneet terveellisemmillä.
ellauri066.html on line 450: Let them cry like cheated lovers, Huutakoot kuin petetyt
ellauri066.html on line 500: Conversely, for someone with low self-esteem, someone who is more successful poses a threat to their sense of self, and seeing this 'mighty' person fall can be a source of comfort because they perceive a relative improvement in their internal or in-group standing.
ellauri066.html on line 502: Aggression-based schadenfreude primarily involves group identity. The joy of observing the suffering of others comes from the observer's feeling that the other's failure represents an improvement or validation of their own group's (in-group) status in relation to external (out-groups) groups (see In-group and out-group). This is, essentially, schadenfreude based on group versus group status. Joukkueurheilu on vankka bastioni vahingoniloisuudelle. And the domain of politics is prime territory for feelings of schadenfreude, especially for those who identify strongly with their political party.
ellauri066.html on line 524: Rabbi Harold S. Kushner in his book When Bad Things Happen to Good People describes schadenfreude as a universal, even wholesome reaction that cannot be helped. "There is a German psychological term, Schadenfreude, which refers to the embarrassing reaction of relief we feel when something bad happens to someone else instead of to us." He gives examples and writes, "[People] don't wish their friends ill, but they can’t help feeling an embarrassing spasm of gratitude that [the bad thing] happened to someone else and not to them." onkohan tää rabbi trumpin vävyn setä?
ellauri066.html on line 752: Nicholas Aylott, a professor of political science at Södertörn University, believes cultural norms may have helped to combat the virus too.
ellauri066.html on line 904: In April, 2020, a widely-circulated pre-print version of a paper by researchers at Uppsala University, adapting the Imperial College model, predicted that, under the Swedish strategy, fifty per cent of susceptible Swedes would be infected within thirty days, resulting in over eighty thousand deaths by July.
ellauri067.html on line 79: Turmiolan Tommi. Tommi Nieminen. 15 June 1973. Also known as; English: Tommi Kinnunen. Finnish teacher and writer. place of birth: Kuusamo. Educated at: University of Turku. Award received: Thanks for the book award. Twitter followers: 15,701. Hän on äidinkielen ja kirjallisuuden opettaja Luostarivuoren lukiossa ja koulussa.
ellauri067.html on line 187: 1973 "Gravity's Rainbow" published Feb 28, universally hailed as classic
ellauri067.html on line 241: Harold Bloom was an American literary critic and the Sterling Professor of Humanities at Yale University. Since the publication of his first book in 1959, Bloom has written more than forty books of literary criticism, several books discussing religion, and one novel. He edited hundreds of anthologies.
ellauri067.html on line 270: Traversing a wide range of trivia, Gravity´s Rainbow transgresses boundaries between high and low culture, between literary propriety and profanity, between boredom and porn, and between popular science and speculative metaphysics.
ellauri067.html on line 379: Höh, aika tylsä makarooni. Eikö löytynyt mitään hauskempaa? Juonikin vaikuttaa ikävystyttävältä: The poem tells of a prank played on an apothecary by a band of university students called macaronea secta. It is written in a mix of Latin and Italian, in hexameter verse (as would befit a classical Latin poem). It reads as a satire of the bogus humanism and pedantism of doctors, scholars and bureaucrats of the time. Merkuriuxelle pyhitetty valo on keskiviikko. Zobia on toskanalainen murresana torstaille (Giovedi).
ellauri067.html on line 410: Coat of Arms of the Russian Government 1919 (Church Slavonic "Си́мъ побѣди́ши", Russian "Этим побеждай"), see White movement. Inscribed on the Colours of the Irish Brigade.Inscribed on the banner and the motto of the 4th Guards Brigade (now 2nd Motorized Battalion "Pauci" — the Spiders) of the Croatian army. Inscribed on the banner of the Sanfedismo in 1799. Inscribed in Greek on the flag (obverse side) of the Sacred Band of the Greek War of Independence. Inscribed in Greek on the coat of arms, insignia and flag of the 22nd Tank Brigade (XXII ΤΘΤ) of the Greek Army. Inscribed on the flag of the 25th South Carolina "Edisto Rifles" Regiment, Civil War, USA, 1861-65. The motto of 814 Naval Air Squadron of the Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm. The motto of the Mauritius National Coast Guard. The motto of U.S. Marine Aircraft Squadron VMA(AW). The motto of Finnish Defence Force Reconnaissance. The motto of the Norwegian army 2nd Battalion (Norway). The motto of USS Waldron. The motto of HMCS Crusader, and the Sea Cadet Corps with her as the namesake, 25 RCSCC Crusader in Winnipeg.The motto of the Royal Australian Army Chaplains´ Department.
ellauri067.html on line 418: Used as the title of the political manifesto of George Lincoln Rockwell and the American Nazi Party. Is the motto on the coat of arms of the city of Plzeň, Czech Republic. The phrase is in the coat of arms of the city of Birkirkara, the largest city on the island of Malta, and the city of Bayamon, Puerto Rico. Is the motto on the Coat of Arms of O´Donnell. Appears in one of the paintings of the Polish artist Zdzisław Beksiński. It has been used in some versions of logo for the brand of cigarettes, Pall Mall. Appears on one of the stickers on the guitar of Alvin Lee, Ten Years After´s frontman, the same guitar he played at The ´69 Woodstock Festival.
ellauri067.html on line 424: Krafft-Ebing considered procreation the purpose of sexual desire and that any form of recreational sex was a perversion of the sex drive. "With opportunity for the natural satisfaction of the sexual instinct, every expression of it that does not correspond with the purpose of nature—i.e., propagation,—must be regarded as perverse."
ellauri067.html on line 426: En voisi olla enemmän samaa mieltä! Perverssiä ja sitä paizi yökkiä! Kyllä lähetyssaarnaja-asennon pitäisi riittää kaikille kerze riitti Hiljalle ja Wilholle.
ellauri067.html on line 428: Freud´s didactic strategy in his Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality was to construct a bridge between the "perversions" and "normal" sexuality. Clinically exploring "a richly diversified collection of erotic endowments and inclinations: hermaphroditism, pedophilia, sodomy, fetishism, exhibitionism, sadism, masochism, coprophilia, necrophilia" among them, Freud concluded that "all humans are innately perverse". He found the roots of such perversions in infantile sexuality—in the child´s "polymorphously perverse" inclinations ... the "aptitude" for such perversity is innate.
ellauri067.html on line 448: Imipolex, in addition to being a pun (imitation pole: Last year an imitation pole that claimed to have a load rating of 300kgs snapped mid-performance. The pole dancer was severely injured and may never walk again because she fractured her pelvis & spine), "obviously" stems from a combination of "imido" with a near-reversal of "explode".
ellauri067.html on line 463: tannäuserism: In a note to 3.2 of Gravity´s Rainbow, Heseburger explains Pynchon´s use of the word "Tannhäuserism" as follows: The tragic error of Tannhäuser — for example, in Richard Wagner´s operatic version of the myth — was to postpone his quest in order to linger for one year of sensual, "mindless pleasure" with the goddess Venus under her mountain called Venusberg. Vai onko se Brocken, Jaakon ja Jöötin mainizema Kyöpelinvuori Harzissa? On 11 April, American forces liberated the camps at Buchenwald, near Weimar, and the V2 rocket slave-labour camp at Nordhausen in the Harz Mountains. Ryssät eivät päässeet lähellekään. Jenkeillä oli vitun kiire kahmimaan izelleen ne raketit. Ja siitä vasta iso piru pääsi merrasta.
ellauri067.html on line 467: Franz von Bayros (28 May 1866 – 3 April 1924) was an Austrian commercial artist, illustrator, and painter, best known for his controversial Tales at the Dressing Table portfolio. He belonged to the Decadent movement in art, often utilizing erotic themes and phantasmagoric imagery. His work can be found at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. He drew over 2000 illustrations in total. Bayros piirsi eri paljon porsliinipilluja. Sanalla sanoen, pornokuvia.
ellauri067.html on line 500: ...The first piece to provide substantial information about Pynchon´s personal life was a biographical account written by a former Cornell University friend, Jules Siegel, and published in Playboy magazine. In his article, Siegel reveals that Pynchon had a complex about his teeth and underwent extensive and painful reconstructive surgery, was nicknamed "Tom" at Cornell and attended Mass diligently, acted as best man at Siegel's wedding, and that he later also had an affair with Siegel's wife. Siegel recalls Pynchon saying he did attend some of Vladimir Nabokov's lectures at Cornell but that he could hardly make out what Nabokov was saying because of his thick Russian accent. Siegel also records Pynchon's commenting: "Every weirdo in the world is on my wavelength", an observation borne out by the crankiness and zealotry that has attached itself to his name and work in subsequent years.
ellauri067.html on line 530: In the Mid. Dutch poem of Lantslot ende Sandrii), a knight says to his maiden : ic heb u liever dan en everswin, al waert van finen goude gkewrackt, I hold you dearer than a boar- swine, all were it of fine gold y-wrought ; were they still in the habit of making gold jewels in the shape of boars ? at least the remembrance of such a thing was not yet lost.
ellauri067.html on line 577: Prokosch was born in Madison, Wisconsin, into an intellectual family that travelled widely. His father, Eduard Prokosch, an Austrian immigrant, was Professor of Germanic Languages at Yale University at the time of his death in 1938. Prokosch was graduated from Haverford College in 1925 and received a Ph.D. in English in 1932 from Yale University. In his youth, he was an accomplished squash racquets player; he represented the Yale Club in the 1937 New York State squash racquets championship. He won the squash-racquets championship of France in 1938.
ellauri067.html on line 581: From early on, Prokosch sought to surround himself with a veil of mystification and cast his life into a hopeless riddle. Approaching his sixtieth year, he boasted that no person had succeeded in knowing him as an integral personality: "I have spent my life alone, utterly alone, and no biography of me could ever more than scratch the surface. All the facts in Who’s Who, or whatever, are so utterly meaningless. My real life (if I ever dared to write it!) has transpired in darkness, secrecy, fleeting contacts and incommunicable delights, any number of strange picaresque escapades and even crimes, and I don't think that any of my 'friends' have even the faintest notion of what I'm really like or have any idea of what my life has really consisted of. . . .With all the surface 'respectability,' diplomatic and scholarly and illustrious social contacts, my real life has been subversive, anarchic, vicious, lonely, and capricious."
ellauri069.html on line 42: Modern art didn’t abandon the world, but it made art-making part of the subject matter of art. When (in the second account) did a break occur? It happened when artists and intellectuals stopped respecting a bright-line distinction between high art and commercial culture. Modernist art and literature, in this version of the story, depended on that distinction to give its products critical authority. Modernism was formally difficult and intellectually challenging. Its thrills were not cheap. But there were cheap thrills out there, a vast and growing mass of products manufactured to stroke the senses and flatter the self-images of their consumers. This bubble-gum culture wasn’t just averse to the spirit of high art. It was high art’s reason for being.
ellauri069.html on line 59: Barthelmes were Catholics; some lapsed, some not, and then to the University of Houston, where his father was a professor in the architecture department, but from which he dropped out.
ellauri069.html on line 222: Richard Fariña, to whom Gravity's Rainbow is dedicated, was a good friend of Pynchon's when they were students at Cornell University in the 50s. In 1963, Farina married Mimi Baez, a folksinger and sister of Joan Baez. Although first married under the Napoleonic Code in a secret ceremony in Paris in the spring of 1963, they had an official marriage in Carmel, California, for the benefit of the Baez family. Pynchon was the best man for the Carmel ceremony, coming up from Mexico City where he was living and working on Gravity's Rainbow. In A Long Time Coming and a Long Time Gone, Farina's posthumously published collection of stories (Random House, 1969), Farina describes his and Pynchon's visit to the Monterey Fair. Richard and Mimi Farina formed a folk-music duo (Farina on guitar and Mimi on dulcimer, both singing) and released several albums in the 60s. Richard Farina was killed in a motorcycle crash following a book signing in Carmel for his newly published first (and only) novel, Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up To Me (Random House, 1966). You might want to visit this sweet website dedicated to the memory of Richard and Mimi (who died of cancer in 2001).
ellauri069.html on line 387: Don’t forget the real business of the War is buying and selling. The murdering and violence are self-policing, and can be entrusted to non-professionals. The mass nature of wartime death is useful in many ways. It serves as spectacle, as diversion from the real movements of the War. It provides raw material to be recorded into History, so that children may be taught History as sequences of violence, battle after battle, and be more prepared for the adult world. Best of all, mass death’s a stimulus to just ordinary folks, little fellows, to try ‘n’ grab a piece of that Pie while they’re still here to gobble it up. The true war is a celebration of markets.
ellauri069.html on line 457: A: I never thought I would live to see a time when Gravity’s Rainbow would be denigrated and dismissed for lacking sense. This book appeared when I was a freshman at university. It was immediately chosen as part of the reading list for a course in 20th century fiction in English and regarded as important, and it was expected that simple-minded undergraduates should be able to make a serious attempt to engage with the book using heart, faith, skill, and such intelligence as they possessed. As a result, I own a first edition. ;)
ellauri069.html on line 459: As my favourite English teacher in university used to say, “Stop it. Use your intelligence, not your attitude.” If the querent is seriously perplexed by the book, he might want to consult the Wikipedia article on it, which explains the book more or less adequately and also provides pointers to literature on the subject.
ellauri069.html on line 483: An article recently came out in the LA Times about Pynchon’s Great American Novel. The article begins by stating that Mason and Dixon is actually the most obvious candidate for the Great American Novel, and it instead suggests that Gravity’s Rainbow is perhaps the Great European Novel. The article then questions whether or not the Great American Novel even exists, and if it does if it is of a singular form or if it takes on many forms at once. After considering this question, the article finally claims that the Great American Novel is actually made up of all of Pynchon’s works fused together “into one epic Pynchoverse.” The Great American Novel certainly does not need to take place in America, but still many will argue that Gravity’s Rainbow by itself can never be considered as the Great American Novel because of its non-American setting and its wide array of characters. This is definitely debatable, but I do enjoy the idea of a “Pynchoverse” or a Pynchon Compilation being considered as the true Great American Novel. That being said, I do think most readers and Pynchonerds would undoubtedly say that Gravity's Rainbow is the Greatest Pynchon Novel.
ellauri069.html on line 485: To varying degrees, and woefully oversimplified, most of the novels pit a plucky heroine or poor, priapic, paranoid schnook against some vast, bureaucratic, merciless conspiracy.
ellauri069.html on line 495: Recently, I got a subscription to Audible and picked up the George Guidall unabridged audiobook of this dense tome. Unabridged, the book took up 37 hours and 21 minutes. Over about 2 months of commutes and air travel, I finally “read” the book. And that will only be the FIRST reading. I probably absorbed maybe 25% of the meaning (generously) but at least got to hear the sections waxing poetic on calculus, aeronautical engineering, and the nature of creating things. There was also an unexpected amount of graphic sex and other wacky perversions, but I guess that was just a bonus.
ellauri069.html on line 545: Bekannt ist der Ort für die Raketenentwicklung in der einst dort stationierten Heeresversuchsanstalt Peenemünde, worunter der als V2 bekannte Flugkörper Aggregat 4 Einsatzreife erlangte.
ellauri069.html on line 547: Die Versuchsstelle des Heeres Peenemünde (kurz: Heeresversuchsanstalt (HVA) Peenemünde, als solche HVP abgekürzt) war eine ab 1936 in Peenemünde-Ost errichtete Entwicklungs- und Versuchsstelle des Heeres, einer Teilstreitkraft der Wehrmacht. Unter dem Kommando von Walter Dornberger, seit Juli 1935 Chef der Raketenabteilung im Heereswaffenamt, und dem Technischen Leiter Wernher von Braun wurde in dem militärischen Sperrgebiet im Norden der Insel Usedom hauptsächlich die erste funktionsfähige Großrakete Aggregat 4 (A4, später in der NS-Propaganda „Vergeltungswaffe V2“ genannt) entwickelt und getestet. Mit ihrem ersten erfolgreichen Flug am 3. Oktober 1942 war die ballistische Rakete das erste von Menschen gebaute Objekt, das in den Grenzbereich zum Weltraum eindrang. Allgemein gilt Peenemünde daher als „Wiege der Raumfahrt“.
ellauri069.html on line 582: A year later, their daughter, Laurel, is born. To Stella's great surprise, she discovers she has a strong maternal instinct. Even when she is out dancing and partying, she cannot help but think about her child. As Laurel grows up, Stella's ambition and scheming to rise socially is redirected to her daughter.
ellauri069.html on line 700: Kurt Busiek's Astro City is an American superhero anthology comic book series centered on a fictional American city of that name. Created and written by Kurt Busiek, the series is mostly illustrated by Brent Anderson, with character designs and painted covers by Alex Ross. Nää piipertäjät on vanhoja pyyleviä ukkoja. Tää on ysäriltä, liian uusi good old Nipistäjälle.
ellauri069.html on line 735: Britit moikkaa kämmen ulospäin, paizi määrimiehet joilla oli karvaa kämmenissä. Jenkit moikkaa sixi kämmen alaspäin. Polakeilla oli kahden sormen tervehdys, josta luovuttiin kun muut liittoutuneet piti sitä törkeenä, koska se muistutti liikaa yhden sormen tervehdystä. Johnin versiossa hierotaan nenänpieltä silmän alta keskisormella.
ellauri070.html on line 167: keiner versage an weichen, zweifelnden oder toimisi löysillä, lötköillä kielillä kaikki.
ellauri070.html on line 225: oder, aus altem Vulkan, schlackig versteinerten Zorn. tai tulivuoren kuonasta muodosteltua raivoa.
ellauri070.html on line 243: der erhabene Sphinx -: der verschwiegenen Kammer Antlitz. Ämmä ja juippi pällistää kuuta, sen naurava pärstä
ellauri070.html on line 384: "A penny saved is a penny earned" is a quote often attributed to Benjamin Franklin, however, he didn’t coin it. In his 1737 Poor Richard’s Almanac, Franklin delivered the line: “A penny saved is two pence clear.” And later, in the 1758 almanac, he wrote a version closer to the saying we know: "A penny saved is a penny got." He never used the word "earned."
ellauri070.html on line 456: William Bendix (January 14, 1906 – December 14, 1964) was an American film, radio, and television actor, who typically played rough, blue-collar characters. Se oli rebublikaani, olis varmaan kannattanut Trumppia. Malcolm X tuskin kiillotti Shinolalla Jack FGK:n kenkiä, Nipsusta puhumattakaan. Kalpeanaamat pahexuu Malcolmia koska se kääntyi muslimix. Jotain hemmetin perverssiä Nipsussa on, kun se koko ajan heiluu neekerisodomian ja teinityttöpedofilian välillä.
ellauri071.html on line 54: Eddie Pensiero: The name is actually an old pun, taken from "La Donna e Mobile," the most famous aria in Verdi’s Rigoletto. The main verse reads:
ellauri071.html on line 152: Der "Cornet" entstand in einer ersten Fassung 1899, wurde aber erst 1904 veröffentlicht. Laut einem Brief Rilkes war er das Produkt einer einzigen Nacht, "einer Herbstnacht, hingeschrieben bei zwei im Nachtwind wehenden Kerzen". Auf das Thema stieß Rilke bei einem Onkel, der Ahnenforschung betrieb. Als Beleg für die adlige Herkunft seiner Familie hatte dieser die Kopie eines alten Aktenauszugs gefunden, der sich auf einen gewissen "Christoph Rülcke zu Linda" bezieht. Dieser sei 1660 als junger Cornett (Fahnenträger) im österreichischen Heer verstorben. Rilke greift die Handlung auf, verlegt den Tod seines Helden um drei Jahre in den österreichischen Türkenkrieg und macht daraus eine heroische Prosadichtung. Indem er den "Heldentod" poetisch verklärt und mit erotischen Motiven verbindet, trifft der Dichter mit der "Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornet Christoph Rilke" den Geschmack seiner Zeit. Das Werk wird Rilkes erfolgreichstes und bekanntestes Buch, ist aber wegen der Verherrlichung des Soldatentodes umstritten.
ellauri071.html on line 494: Für den heute am weitesten verbreiteten deutschen Trivialnamen Waldmeister gibt es verschiedene Erklärungsvorschläge: Er wird gedeutet als ‚Meister des Waldes‘, also die erste und wichtigste Pflanze im Wald, oder auch im Sinne einer „im Walde wachsenden Pflanze mit meisterhafter Heilkraft“. Inhaltlich ähnlich sind die Trivialnamen im Serbischen, wo der Waldmeister prvenac (‚Erstling‘, ‚Anführer‘) genannt wird, im Französischen, wo man ihn reine des bois (‚Königin der Wälder‘) nennt, und in der lateinischen Bezeichnung matrisylva (‚Waldmutter‘). Eine andere Vermutung ist, dass Waldmeister aus der Bezeichnung Wald-Mösch(en) oder -Meiserich entstellt sei, die entweder auf eine niederdeutsche Ableitung zu mos (‚Moos‘) oder wie das französische (petit) muguet auf spätlateinisch muscus (‚Moschus‘) zurückgeführt wird, oder aus dem Namen Waldmeier; Meier ist dabei die deutschsprachige Bezeichnung für die Gattung Asperula, der der Waldmeister früher als Asperula odorata zugeordnet wurde. Der Begriff Meier wird wiederum als Variante der Pflanzenbezeichnung Miere verstanden, die seit dem 15. Jahrhundert als myer bekannt ist. Außerdem wird der Name auch über eine hypothetische mittellateinische Form herba Walteri Magistri, die als Waltermeister ins Deutsche übertragen worden sein soll, mit den im 13. Jahrhundert belegten Bezeichnungen mittelenglisch herbe wauter und mittellateinisch herba Walteri in Verbindung gebracht.
ellauri071.html on line 531: Sefirot kuvaavat jumaluuden eri emanaatioita ja ilmenemismuotoja. Emanaatioiksi (lat. emano ’virrata ulos’, ’valua’, ’saada alkunsa’, ’levitä’) kutsutaan joidenkin tiettyjen uskomusjärjestelmien kosmologiassa tai kosmogoniassa Korkeimmasta Olennosta (h.k.) emanoituneita eli alkunsa saaneita tai "virranneita" alempia olentoja. Näiden uskomusten mukaan Korkein Olento ei luonut fyysistä maailmankaikkeutta itse suoraan, vaan näiden alempien emanaatioiden kautta. Eräänlaisena valkovuotona. Tämän paradigman mukaisesti luominen etenee vuodatuksena alkuperäisestä absoluuttisesta Korkeimmasta Olennosta, tai jopa muutoksena siinä. Elämän puu on kabbalan keskeinen symboli, joka kuvaa aistimaailman ja yliaistillisen todellisuuden yhteyttä sekä universumin rakennetta. Sefirot-järjestelmään liittyy myös aineksia esimerkiksi astrologiasta ja enkeliopista. New Age-liike imuroi nää hörhöilyt jutkuilta kuin janoinen Paavo Pesusieni.
ellauri071.html on line 569: In Arthur Edward Waite´s version of The Holy Kabbalah (255), Samael is described as the "severity of God", and is listed as fifth of the archangel of the world of Briah. Samael is said to have taken Lilith as his bride after she left Adam. According to Zoharistic cabala Samael was also mated with Eisheth Zenunim, Na´amah, and Agrat Bat Mahlat — all angels of sacred prostitution. Tää ei nyt ehkä mennyt ihan oikein Arttu perkele.
ellauri071.html on line 578: Malkutin kääntöpuoli on tietysti Lilith. Aatami polkas sitä mutta jätti sen sitten Samaelille. No ize asiassa se Lilithin tarina meni näin. (Tähän menee nyt taas tovi, sori vaan.) Raamatussa on 2 tarinaa ekasta naisesta. Pappisversiossa Genesis 1:26-27. Aatami ja Eeva luotiin samalla leivontakerralla. Jehovistiversiossa (Genesis 2) Aatami tehtiin enste ja Eeva tehtiin sen kylkiluusta myöhemmin. Rabbit huomasivat et tässä oli pientä sekoilua. 2 ratkaisua:
ellauri072.html on line 160: It was an episode in Frost’s life that occurred in 1894, when he was 20. He desperately wanted to fuck his high school girlfriend, Elinor White, pressuring her to quit St. Lawrence University as he had Dartmouth. She refused.
ellauri072.html on line 176: Hart doesn’t understand why other biographers seem averse to broaching the subject. He points to the fact that Frost’s son, Carol, committed suicide, that depression and schizophrenia ran through the family, and that some of Frost’s poems express a death-wish.
ellauri072.html on line 206: What has gone mainly unnoticed in the various discussions of the problem is something that has puzzled me for some time. Why does Dante treat the homosexual Florentines in Inf. 16 with greater respect than any other infernal figures except those in Limbo? I do not have an answer to that question, but would like to bring it forward. Let me begin with Purg. 26. We have probably not been surprised enough at Dante's insistence that roughly half of those who sinned in lust, repented, and were saved (and are now on their way to that salvation) were homosexual. It would have been easy for him to have left the homosexuals out of Purgatory, and it is hard to imagine an early (or a later) commentator who would have objected to the omission, especially since, in Hell, homosexuality is treated, not as a sin of the flesh, but as one of violence against nature. However, for a unique instance of a commentator who is aware of Dante's unusual gesture see Trifon Gabriele on Inf. 15.46: "Non e' dubbio che 'l Poeta vuol applaudere a questo vitio quanto egli puo'. Puopa hyvinkin. Ecco, gli fa parlare di belle cose e gli fa tutti grand'uomini nelle lettere e nell'arme e nella religione, e finalmente non e' peccato ne l'Inferno o Purgatorio che egli men danni con le parole sue che questo; anzi lo polisce quanto puo' con suoi versi".
ellauri072.html on line 495: Maybe you were a bit quick to straighten that miter you now realize you were wearing and, of course, speck-of-sawdust-in-your-brother’s-eye, etc., and also, as Alcoholics Anonymous would put it, Whoever is upsetting me most is my best teacher, and as Wallace put it, in his novel “Infinite Jest,” “It starts to turn out that the vapider the A.A. cliché, the sharper the canines of the real truth it covers.”
ellauri073.html on line 212: Politiikka ei ole viileää. Tai pikemminkin politiikot ei. Ajattele vaikka koulukavereita jotka pyrki teinikuntaan tai kouluneuvostoon: nyyniä, nypittyjä, nöyristeleviä, kunnianhimoisia ikävällä tavalla (onko muka muita tapoja?). Innokkaita pelureita. Sellasia joille loput haluis panna turpaan paizi se ei hyödyttäisi mitään. Ja nyt kato 2000-luvun aikuisversioita samoista kakruista: Al Gore, jota yx CNN:n kaveri kuvasi "hämmästyttävän eläväxi näköispazaaxi", Steve Forbes jolla oli märkä oza ja hullu hihitys; G. W. Bush patriisivirnuiluineen ja sekavine puheineen; Clinton izekin, iso punainen tekoystävällinen lätty ja "mustakin tuntuu pahalta". Kai tuntuu pahalta ylimitoitettu sigge kurkussa. Miehiä jotka eivät ole tarpeexi ihmisentapaisia edes vihattavixi — kun ne ryömii esille tuntee voimakasta välinpitämättömyyttä, samanlaista joka usein toimii kivun ja surun puskurina. Ize asiassa luultavasti monet välittää vitut politiikasta just six että poliitikot masentaa, ja sattuu "sieltä" tavalla jota ei osaa edes sanoa. On helpompi pyöritellä silmiä ja antaa pitkät paskat. Tääkin mun paasaus tuntuu varmaan ihan turhalta.
ellauri073.html on line 260: Matt Foley is a fictional character from the sketch comedy program Saturday Night Live performed by Chris Farley (1964-1997). Foley is a motivational speaker who exhibits characteristics atypical of someone in that position: whereas motivational speakers are usually successful and charismatic, Foley is abrasive, clumsy, and down on his luck. The character was popular in its original run and went on to become one of Farley's best-known characters. Farley named the character after one of his Marquette University rugby union teammates, who is now a Roman Catholic priest in the Chicago suburb of Arlington Heights. Plans for a film version with Spade in a supporting role were shelved after Farley's death in 1997.
ellauri073.html on line 443: “seemed intuitively to sense that it was a matter not of reduction at all, but—perversely—of expansion, the aleatory flutter of uncontrolled, metastatic growth—each well-shot ball admitting of n possible responses, n-squared possible responses to those responses, and on into what Incandenza would articulate to anyone who shared both his backgrounds as a Cantorian continuum of infinities of possible move and response, Cantorian and beautiful because infoliating, contained, this diagnate infinity of infinities of choice and execution, mathematically uncontrolled but humanly contained, bounded by the talent and imagination of self and opponent, bent in on itself by the containing boundaries of skill and imagination that brought one player finally down, that kept both from winning, that made it, finally, a game, these boundaries of self.”
ellauri073.html on line 510: After receiving her master’s degree from the University of Illinois, Mrs. Wallace was an English professor at Parkland College for 35 years. Her passion for learning was paired with a passion to help others learn — she was an enthusiastic, rigorous and above all compassionate instructor who made sure every student she had knew how much their voice mattered. Even after retiring, she taught in correctional facilities around Illinois and volunteered as a companion for Illinois CASA. In 2012, she and her husband, Jim, decided to move from their beloved city of Urbana to Florence, Ariz., to be closer to their family. There, they volunteered with Arizona CASA, hosted family dinners every Sunday, and adopted a much-loved terrier mix named Angus.
ellauri073.html on line 540: David Foster Wallace became a regionally ranked tennis player while growing up in Illinois. David Foster Wallace´s thesis, The Broom of the System, that he wrote while at Amherst College was published in 1987 while he was attending graduate school. In 1989 David Foster Wallace´s short story collection titled Girl with Curious Hair was published. After graduating from the University of Arizona David went on to study philosophy at Harvard University but soon chose to leave. He moved to Syracuse to be with the poet and novelist Mary Karr. While in Syracuse David Foster Wallace wrote most of his famous novel Infinite Jest. The finished book was 1,100 pages long. The novel dealt with addiction, art, and consumerism, and was set in the near future.
ellauri074.html on line 234: If you are interested in personal development or self-help you have heard of Tony Robbins. The self-made peak performance coach has been helping individuals become the best versions of themselves since the early 1980s. He has grown in popularity over his career through books, seminars, infomercials, and podcasts. All of these accomplishments have led Tony Robbins to have a net worth of $500 million dollars in 2021. In this post, we will discuss how Robbins has amassed his wealth and how you can do the same.
ellauri074.html on line 669: A Tale of a Tub. Written for the Universal Improvement of Mankind. was the first major work written by Jonathan Swift, arguably his most difficult satire and perhaps his most masterly. William Wotton wrote that the Tale had made a game of "God and Religion, Truth and Moral Honesty, Learning and Industry" to show "at the bottom Jonathan´s contemptible Opinion of every Thing which is called Christianity." The work continued to be regarded as an attack on religion well into the nineteenth century. The overarching parody is of enthusiasm, pride, and credulity. It was widely misunderstood, especially by Queen Anne herself who purposely mistook its purpose for profanity. It effectively disbarred its author from proper preferment in the Church of England, but is considered one of Swift´s best allegories, even by himself.
ellauri077.html on line 46: This article examines David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest alongside its eponymous film, arguing that they share a common purpose, but that the former succeeds where the latter fails. Coupled with a biographical and phenomenological analysis, the aim of this examination is to better understand Infinite Jest’s place in the cultural and literary movement away from post-modernism. Through the novel, Wallace seeks a cure for the postmodern malaise that is irony, which creates a distancing effect between author and reader. I argue that he collapses this distance by creating a conversation-like novel that uses sentimentality and endnotes to converse with a generation bombarded with easily consumable irony from television, advertisements, and even art. The results of this conversation are the curtailing of passive consumption of entertainment and the beginning of a new sincerity in literature, which allows for grand narratives without the unending cynicism of postmodernism.
ellauri077.html on line 56: 1Christopher Bartlett* (2016) “An Exercise in Telemachry”: David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest and Intergenerational Conversation. in Critique: Studies in ContemporaryFiction, 57:4, 374-389, DOI: 10.1080/00111619.2015.1113921
ellauri077.html on line 58: *Department of English, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
ellauri077.html on line 409: Muna toteaa vastaansanomattomasti ettei voi olla tietoinen siitä että on tiedoton. Jos pönttö ei peuhaa se ei peuhaa. Ei siitä seuraa sen kummempaa kuin peestä pee. Mut tää havainto ei riitä munalle, ei siis eze on vaan se ize. Kaikkien ja koko universumin on oltava sen aivokummituxia. Tää on aivan huippuluokan narsismia, SM tason oman perseen maximointia, johon on syyllistynyt pirun rekikuormallinen idealistisia filosoofeja. Ize asiassa useimmat kuulut filosooferit pörräävät kuin kärpäset just tämän läjän ympärillä.
ellauri077.html on line 435: the ultimate wherefore, to give a meaning to the universe. (Mihkäs sitä tarvitaan? Turhan mahtipontista. )
ellauri077.html on line 452: Allard den Dulk is Lecturer in Philosophy, Literature, and Film at Amsterdam University College and Research Fellow at the Faculty of Humanities of the VU University Amsterdam (The Netherlands).
ellauri077.html on line 542: Toi romantikkojen anhedonia ja emptiness, siis Weltschmerz oli koroillaelävien porvarien versio yhtä toimettomien aatelisten ennuista. Se on yhteistä kaikille jotka elää kuin iiliäiset toisten selkänahasta ilman mitään kunnollista tekemistä. Sixi se on niin yleistä isohiilijalanjälkisillä jenkkikakkiaisilla.
ellauri077.html on line 571: 1This essay is an adapted version of a chapter of my dissertation,“Love Me Till My Hearts Stop.” Existentialist Engagement in Contemporary American Literature, a philosophical analysis of the fiction of David Foster Wallace. Tarkistuskysymys: Millä eläimellä on useita sydämiä? Entä puhuvia päitä?
ellauri077.html on line 621: If we take the Incandenza-wraith’s claim that “Infinite Jest” was his last, desperate attempt to reconnect with Hal, to “simply converse”(IJ 838, original emphasis), as fact, this means that the actual product does just the opposite of what it was meant to. It instead traps the viewer in a solipsistic cage out of which there seems to be no escape.
ellauri077.html on line 627: This process does not lead to a passive, solely pleasurable experience such as taking a drug or watching television. Instead, what awaits that reader is a book that forces her “‘to work hard to access its pleasures, the same way that in real life true pleasure is usually a by-product of hard work and discomfort’” (McCaffery 119). Perhaps the most difficult aspect of Infinite Jest (and the one for which it is fated to be infamously known) is the use of endnotes, which will be our entry into thinking of Infinite Jest as a conversation-text.
ellauri077.html on line 732:
Nous ne serons plus tournés exclusivement vers nous-mêmes.
ellauri077.html on line 820: It is almost universally felt that when we call a country democratic we are praising it: consequently the defenders of every kind of regime claim that it is a democracy, and fear that they might have to stop using that word if it were tied down to any one meaning. Words of this kind are often used in a consciously dishonest way. That is, the person who uses them has his own private definition, but allows his hearer to think he means something quite different. Statements like Marshal Petain was a true patriot, The Soviet press is the freest in the world, The Catholic Church is opposed to persecution, are almost always made with intent to deceive. Other words used in variable meanings, in most cases more or less dishonestly, are: class, totalitarian, science, progressive, reactionary, bourgeois, equality.
ellauri077.html on line 865: I too feel there is something bigger than myself. In fact anything I fit in is bigger than myself. My bed, my tub, my car, my yard, my city and country, this ball of dirt I inhabit, the space around it, the universe are all bigger than me, more or less.
ellauri078.html on line 52: The infinity symbol (∞) represents a line that never ends. The common sign for infinity, ∞, was first time used by Wallis in the mid 1650s. He also introduced 1/∞ for an infinitesimal which is so small that it can’t be measured. Wallis wrote about this and numerous other issues related to infinity in his book Treatise on the Conic Sections published in 1655. The infinity symbol looks like a horizontal version of number 8 and it represents the concept of eternity, endless and unlimited. Some scientists say, however, that John Wallis could have taken the Greek letter ω as a source for creating the infinity sign.
ellauri078.html on line 80: Dickinson´s verse is often associated with common meter, which is defined by alternating lines of eight syllables and six syllables (8686) or Iambic Tetrameter alternating with Iambic Trimeter. This pattern–one of several types of metrical “feet”–is known as an “iamb.” Common meter is often used in sung music, especially hymns (think “Amazing Grace” of "Yellow Roses of Texas").
ellauri078.html on line 97: Ballad Meter is a variant of Hymn Meter. Less formal and more conversational in tone than Common Meter, Ballad Meter isn’t as metrically strict, meaning that not all of its feet may be iambic. Also notice the rhyme scheme. Only the second & fourth line rhyme. Common Meter requires a strict ABAB rhyme scheme. The tone, the rhyme scheme, and the varied meter distinguish Ballad Meter from Common Meter.
ellauri078.html on line 101: One more variation on ballad meter would be fourteeners. Fourteeners essentially combine the Iambic Tetrameter and Trimeter alternation into one line. Examples of the form can be found as far back as George Gascoigne – a 16th Century English Poet who preceded Shakespeare. The Yellow Rose of Texas would be an example (and is a tune to which many of Dickinson’s poems can be sung). Wallu varmaan luki tän saman plokisivun ja kuunteli Melvis Pressulan whitey versiota.
ellauri078.html on line 103: The earliest known version is found in Christy's Plantation Melodies. No. 2, a songbook published under the authority of Edwin Pearce Christy in Philadelphia in 1853. Christy was the founder of the blackface minstrel show known as the Christy's Minstrels. Like most minstrel songs, the lyrics are written in a cross between a parody of a generic creole dialect historically attributed to African-Americans and standard American English. The song is written in the first person from the perspective of an African-American singer who refers to himself as a "darkey," longing to return to "a yellow girl" (that is, a light-skinned, or bi-racial woman born of African/African-American and European-American progenitors)
ellauri078.html on line 196: It was written by Isaac Watts, and published in Hymns and Spiritual Songs in 1707. It is significant for being an innovative departure from the early English hymn style of only using paraphrased biblical texts, although the first two lines of the second verse do paraphrase St Paul at Galatians 6:14. The poetry of "When I survey..." may be seen as English literary baroque.
ellauri079.html on line 113: If Jed Clampett hadn’t done another role in his life he would have still been remembered as Jed Clampett more likely than not. After his time on the show he went on to continue acting here and there but nothing ever really brought him the same kind of fame as he experienced while being Jed. He did manage to get a cameo in the film version of the Beverly Hillbillies but apart from that he was retired at that time and wasn’t doing much at all. He passed away due to respiratory failure in 2003.
ellauri079.html on line 210: Häkki. Näitä on useita, kaikki vastustavat kaupallista tv-viihdettä ja tv-mainoxia. Valon lajeja. Synkät logiikat. Kai tennis käy kaikille? "Täällä ei ole häviäjiä". Virtausta laatikossa (Flux in the Box, ks tätä). Nää on tennisaiheisia. Loputon läppä. Näitä on 5? versiota. Kaupallista viihdettä. Anulaarifuusio on ystävämme.Ditto voimistettu valo. Berkeleyn sairaanhoitajien liitto. Cambridgen kielioppiteoreetikkojen liitto. Eklottava Steven "Pinky" Pinker mainitaan. Leskimies. Kuolema Scarsdalessa. Ehkä homoilua. Hupia kera lampaiden. Immanentti valtakunta. Tuskan lajeja. Erilaisia pieniä liekkejä. Näissä on viittauxia aviolliseen uskottomuuteen, varmaan Wallun äitykän. Medusa vastaan odaliski. Vois olla Wallun äiti vs. tyttöystävä. Kone aaveessa. (p.o. Ghost in the Machine eikä toisinpäin.) Homo duplex. Tusinoittain John Waynejä. Painoton teeseremonia. Taivaan ja helvetin avioehtosopimus. Tässä mainitaan taas äiti Teresa. Kenenhän mielestä se oli upea? Läppä. Yleisö näyttelijänä. Hyvin ärsyttävä Wallusta. Yhdysvaltalaisten yritysten keskijohdon kyynelehtiviä edustajia. Keskeneräinen. Tää vois suoraan viitata James D. Wallacen tuotantoon (alla). Disney Leith tuuma tuumalta. Readymade-draama. Jälkimmäisiä taas puolitusinaa. Olix tää se Viihde vai? Mies joka alkoi epäillä olevansa lasia. Skizoilua. Amerikkalainen vuosisata tiilen kautta nähtynä. Muzehän on just tää kirjanen?! Onaniadi. Ei erityisen hauska. Maailmankaikkeus menettää malttinsa. Siipikarja siivillään. Moebius strippaa. Tästä tulee mieleen Klibanin Freud´s first slip. Hyvästi byrokraatille. Verisisko: kovaakin kovempi nunna. Väkivallalla herkuttelua. Tulkoon kevennys. Nimettömiäkin on aika liuta. Poissa on Troy. Siitä tuli violetti ex-kaupunki, saastetynnöri. Voittokuponki on poistettu. Wallun painostava muistelus narisevan sängyn purusta isän kaa. Äiti joka ei tykkää siivoamisesta imuroi. Kuuluisien diktaattorien vauvavalokuvia. Viittaus Eskaton-peliin kai. Seiso naurun takana seisovien miesten takana. Lisää rebublikaanista sosiaalitoimistovihaa. Ihan kuin ennen vanhaan. Painostavia isimuisteluxia. Terävä pikku roisto. Turtanoiden hyinen majesteettisuus. Hyvännäköisiä miehiä pienissä fixuissa huoneissa joiden jokainen sentti käytetään typerryttävän tehokkaasti. Oiskohan toi vika jotain homoilua pöpilässä. Alhaisen lämpötilan yhteiskuntaoppi. Poor Yorick. (Ainakin) 3 hurraahuutoa syylle ja seurauxelle. Antaa ymmärtää että Tavis bylsi Aprillia. Halu haluta. Jotain nekrofiliaa. Turvallinen veneily ei ole sattumaa. Antaa ymmärtää että Joellen naama jäi veneen potkuriin. Erittäin vähäinen vaikutus. Narkoleptinen aerobic-opettaja. Oiskohan se Wallu ize. Yöllä on sombrero päässä. Oidipaalista höpöä. Wallu oli takuulla oidipaalinen. Rikostoveri! ...koko tekotaiteellisen ja raivostuttavan epätasaisen uran typerin, inhottavin, tökeröin ja huonoiten editoitu tuote. Pääosissa ikääntynyt pederasti (James) ja tatuoitu katuprostituoitu (Joelle). Sano H niinkuin himokkuus. Jonkun Bressonin synnin enkelien coveri. Never höörd. Aineeton maa. Yawn. Oli suuri ihme että hän eli isässä häntä tuntematta. Taas painostavia isimuisteluxia. Kuolema ja sinkkutyttö. Joku kilometrin pituinen nimi muka jonkun Peter Weissin näytelmästä tehdylle filmille. James yökkii yleisön päälle tuoden mieleen paskanheiton Oulussa. Liian hauskaa. Niinpä niin. Tuo ei ollut enää hauskaa. Surullinen tapaus nimeltä minä. Pahoillaan joka paikassa.. Tähän se päättyi, tai oikeammin loputtomaan läppään nummero 5.
ellauri079.html on line 226: Ethical Norms, Particular Cases. James D. Wallace - 1996 - Cornell University Press.
ellauri079.html on line 231: Norms and Practices. James D. Wallace - 2009 - Cornell University Press.
ellauri079.html on line 238: In this article, the ability of partnerships to generate goods that enhance the quality-of-life of socially and economically deprived urban communities is explored. Drawing on Rawl's study on social justice [Rawls, J.: 1971, A Theory of Justice (Harvard University Press, Cambridge)] and Sen's capabilities approach [Sen, A.: 1992, Inequality Re-Examined (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA); 1999, Development as Freedom (Oxford University Press, Oxford); 2009, The Idea of Justice (Ellen Lane, London)], we undertake an ethical evaluation of the effectiveness of different (...)
ellauri079.html on line 254: Interest in third sector organisations (TSOs) is growing as their role in addressing social regeneration, especially in urban environments, is regarded as crucial by governmental and supra-governmental organisations. The challenge is increased in multicultural environments, where those from ethnic minorities may struggle to participate in the mainstream economy and society more broadly. There is an assumption that TSOs make a positive contribution to the social good of the diverse communities and client groups that they serve. However, although there have been (...)
ellauri079.html on line 263: 6. Activity And Distributive Norms. James D. Wallace - 2018 - In Ethical Norms, Particular Cases. Cornell University Press. pp. 109-148.
ellauri079.html on line 267: 1. Introduction: Particularism And Pluralism. E pluribus unum. James D. Wallace - 2018 - In Ethical Norms, Particular Cases. Cornell University Press. pp. 1-8.
ellauri079.html on line 271: 2. Morality And Practical Knowledge. James D. Wallace - 2018 - In Ethical Norms, Particular Cases. Cornell University Press. pp. 9-39.
ellauri079.html on line 277: In Quandaries and Virtues, Edmund Pincoffs maintains that we observe a multiplicity of moral norms. A common life in which we participate supplies a context in which many virtues play diverse functional roles. He suggests, without developing the idea, that such a common life provides us with a structure for organizing and harmonizing the many moral norms we attempt to pursue. This essay explores that idea. Bodies of shared practical knowledge, such as medicine and scientific research, provide examples of empirically (...)
ellauri079.html on line 280: 3. Norms As Instruments. James D. Wallace - 2018 - In Ethical Norms, Particular Cases. Cornell University Press. pp. 40-62.
ellauri079.html on line 286: 5. Practical Knowledge And Will. James D. Wallace - 2018 - In Ethical Norms, Particular Cases. Cornell University Press. pp. 85-108.
ellauri079.html on line 309: 4. Understanding Practices. James D. Wallace - 2018 - In Ethical Norms, Particular Cases. Cornell University Press. pp. 63-84.
ellauri080.html on line 119: Many contemporary personality psychologists believe that there are five basic dimensions of personality, often referred to as the "Big 5" personality traits. The five broad personality traits described by the theory are extraversion (also often spelled extroversion), agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and positivity (well, neuroticity, just this one expressed negatively, I don't know why).
ellauri080.html on line 126: You might find it helpful to use the acronym OCEAN (openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism) when trying to remember the big five traits. CANOE (for conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness, and extraversion) is another commonly used acronym. It also helps to count them with your fingers to make sure you did not forget anything.
ellauri080.html on line 191: version">
ellauri080.html on line 193: Extraversion (or extroversion) is characterized by excitability, sociability, talkativeness, assertiveness, and high amounts of emotional expressiveness. People who are high in extraversion are outgoing and tend to gain energy in social situations. Being around other people helps them feel energized and excited.
ellauri080.html on line 197: People who are low in extraversion (or introverted) tend to be more reserved and have less energy to expend in social settings. Social events can feel draining and introverts often require a period of solitude and quiet in order to "recharge."
ellauri080.html on line 205:
ellauri080.html on line 228: href="https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-extroversion-2795994"
ellauri080.html on line 233: >How Extroversion in Personality Influences Behavior ellauri080.html on line 293: versal">
Are the Big Five Traits Universal?
ellauri080.html on line 295: McCrae and his colleagues have also found that the big five traits are also remarkably universal. One study that looked at people from more than 50 different cultures found that the five dimensions could be accurately used to describe personality.
ellauri080.html on line 299: Based on this research, many psychologists now believe that the five personality dimensions are not only universal; they also have biological origins. Psychologist David Buss has proposed that an evolutionary explanation for these five core personality traits, suggesting that these personality traits represent the most important qualities that shape our social landscape.
ellauri080.html on line 304: Research suggests that both biological and environmental influences play a role in shaping our personalities. Twin studies suggest that both versus-nurture-2795392" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="internalLink" data-ordinal="1">nature and nurture play a role in the development of each of the five personality factors.
ellauri080.html on line 308: One study of the genetic and environmental underpinnings of the five traits looked at 123 pairs of identical twins and 127 pairs of fraternal twins. The findings suggested that the heritability of each trait was 53 percent for extraversion, 41 percent for agreeableness, 44 percent for conscientiousness, 41 percent for neuroticism, and 61 for openness.
ellauri080.html on line 312: Longitudinal studies also suggest that these big five personality traits tend to be relatively stable over the course of adulthood. One study of working-age adults found that personality tended to be stable over a four-year period and displayed little change as a result of adverse life events.
ellauri080.html on line 359: Cloninger, C. R. (2004). Feeling good: The science of well-being. New York: Oxford University Press.Google Scholar
ellauri080.html on line 392: Michigan State University has distinguished nine different traits of temperament in kids. Dear parent if you don't understand your child read on. What the fuck! Americanism smells extremely strongly here!
ellauri080.html on line 411: Highly distractible children will quickly shift their attention from one thing to another. They may not be able to focus on a conversation over dinner if they see a dog outside the kitchen window. They may be very attuned to details and have a hard time focusing in places and spaces that are busy and loud. Children with low distractibility find it easy to get really focused on a task. They get absorbed in a book even though there’s a noisy gathering of people in the same room. These children can block out many distractions and really focus their attention on what they are working on.
ellauri080.html on line 437: In Jungian typology, the original ‘unity’ of human consciousness is first divided into two poles of attitude: extraversion and introversion. These represent two fundamentally distinct yet complementary relationships between inner and outer reality. Extraversion is characterized bya flow of energy and interest from the subject to the object, from the inner to the outer. Identification with the outer gives meaning to the inner. Introversion is completely the opposite. It is characterized by a flow of energy and interest from the object to the subject, from the outer to the inner.
ellauri080.html on line 441: The introvert will give ultimate significance to subjective, inner experience and will tend to assign importance to what is happening externally only as it related to this inner experience, or only if it will lead to personal growth. The extravert, contrarily, will give ultimate significance to what is happening externally in the objective, outer world and will assign very little importance or completely disregard inner experience, unless it could lead to outer growth. These are obviously two diametrically opposed yet complementary approaches to life, reminiscent of the oriental Yin (introversion) and Yang (extraversion).
ellauri080.html on line 468: ISFJ Respectful and considerate caregivers.
ellauri080.html on line 470: ISTP Cool self-contained problem-solvers.
ellauri080.html on line 484: Thinking in, feelings out versus feelings in, thinking out. These two attitudes can be summed up as ‘translating’ and ‘operationalizing’ respectively. Hauskasti myös filosofit ja muut julkkixet on numeroitavissa kuin kananpojat Jungin axeleilla:
ellauri080.html on line 528: Meanwhile, the NE/SI axis is not so trusting of direct experience, which is hardly a mystery, because their perception of reality is introverted, meaning they aren’t interested in direct and photographic reality, but in the ideal versions of experiences abstracted from reality (e.g. Socrates’ search for the overarching ‘idea’ of everyday things like dogs, beds, piety, etc., as opposed to individual instances of these things). This is why, as CelebrityTypes also points out, “The person will also be more careful and meticulous (SI) because there is an unconscious striving to contribute one’s observations to building a system which is valid not just in the here and now, but which is perceived to be true in general: To generate the type of knowledge that could conceivably end up in a future textbook on the subject.” The axis makes use of Ne’s multifaceted nature to accomplish this.
ellauri080.html on line 530: This helps illuminate a number of characteristics of SI and NE individually: dominant SI types focus their energy on the apprehension and upholding of the Truth as it is carefully and cautiously composited and systematically tested for weaknesses; hence, their stereotypically thorough, cautious, and reserved nature, and why they are not so sure in idea-based conversation as Ni types: because of just that — they aren’t sure. Meanwhile, dominant NE types, focusing their energy on the exploration and experimentation from various angles, have the same presence of doubt, which is why NE types so often eschew dogma and may be perceived as intellectually ‘flakey’ or ‘capricious’ because they never truly commit to anything: it’s all experimentation and exploration, forming a composite Truth, though their trouble is they never want to stop. The SI’s trouble, on the other hand, is that they don’t want to start.
ellauri080.html on line 670: Texasilaisasuisella AA-todistajalla oli, Gately näki kun istui lähellä, isossa etuhampaassa räätälin kuluma. Mikä se nyt on? Onko se niikö Vääxyssä oleva Suutarin kuluma? Josta tuli äkäinen suutari huutamaan kun meinattiin parkkeerata sen verstaan eteen, matkalla syömään vastapäiseen kanavaravintolaan. SUUTARIN KULUMA. Vääksyn savolainen suutari Putte Kainulainen korjaa kengän.
ellauri080.html on line 748: Gandhi was never a man to hold a grudge. While in jail in South Africa he prepared a pair of sandals for Jan Smut to prove there was no ill-feeling. Smuts, in turn, gave a boot to his political adversary, Gandhi.
ellauri080.html on line 789: Gandhi cemented, for another generation, the attitude that women were simply creatures that could bring either pride or shame to the men who owned them. Again, the legacy lingers. India today, according to the World Economic Forum, finds itself towards the very bottom of the gender equality index. Indian social campaigners battle heroically against such patriarchy. They battle dowry deaths. They battle the honour killings of teenage lovers. They battle Aids. They battle female foeticide and the abandonment of new-born girls.
ellauri080.html on line 1038: Vaikka apinat usein mieluummin työskentelee niiden kaa joilla on samanlaisia luonteenpiirteitä ja ihanteita, biodiversiteetti tarjoaa mahdollisuuxia talentin lisäyxeen, ymmärryxeen ja luovuuteen, ja voi olla kriittistä ryhmän tai yhtiön menestyxelle. (Tää on muuten hyvin totalitäärinen ajatus, puhdasta fasismia! Tää ei ihan ole vanhan koulun villin lännen freedom-ajattelua! Sixkai Disneyn pitää sitä näin paljon termentää.) Biodiversiteetti jakautuu tavallisesti kahdelle tasolle (the haves and the havenots? Väärin arvattu - ) syvärakenteen diversiteettiin ja syvärakenteen diversiteettiin, kuin Chomskyn kieliopissa. (Kompetenssiin ja performanssiinko, missä ylärakenteella on se kompetenssi ja alarakenteelta odotetaan performanssia? taas väärin!) Pintatason diversiteetti heijastaa eroja apinoiden välillä jotka on helposti havaittavissa, kuten sukupuoli, ikä, rotu, entisyys, uskonto ja vammaisuus. Syvätason diversiteetti tarkoittaa niitä eroja joita on vaikeampi erottaa ja mitata, kuten luonne, uskomuxet, asenteet, arvot ja työskentely- sekä ajattelutavat. Biodiversiteetin tarkoitus on synnyttää kilpailua, ja tää kilpailu voi olla joko tuottoisaa tai luovaa tuhoa. Kielteiset kärhämät joita joskus nousee biodiversiteetin vuoxi... (Höpsis, tää on nyt ihan epäekologista! Useimmat kiistat on reviirikiistoja, joita tulee nimenomaan epädiversiteetistä, samassa ekolokerossa hääräävien rajakahakoista rajallisten resurssien äärellä.) ... niin että apinat ei tahdo työskennellä sekarotuisissa ryhmissä, sekä pinta- että syvätasolla. (Toisenrotuiset yleensä ajattelee myös hölmösti, vammasista puhumattakaan.) Kuiteskin, kun niitä hyvin höykytetään, kummallakin lailla diverssit tiimit on avain tuottavuuden lisäyxeen, kikyloikkaan, ja tiimin ongelmien ratkaisuun.
ellauri080.html on line 1040: Ei ainoastaan biodiversiteetti ole hyvää bisnexelle ("lepo hyvää verelle!") vaan se on myös se eettinen asia tehdä, silloinkin kun muut ei nää. Ikävä kyllä apinat kärsivät epäreilusta rotuerottelusta johtuen kliseisistä tyypeistä ja kärhämien pelosta. 1 kaikista tavallisimmista ja kohutuimmista rotuerottelun lajeista tämän päivän sosieteetissa on sukupuolierottelu. Lähes puolet työvoimasta U.S.ssä muodostuu naisista kuten Mulan, kutenkin vain 4% Fortune500 yhtiöistä on naisjohtoisia, ja vain 17 prosentilla valtaistuimista on naisten pyllyjä. Vaikka naiset ovat hyvin läsnä työvoimassa (tekemässä kaikenlaisia vähäpalkkaisia duuneja), niiden naama työnnetään rotuerottelun lammikkoon kun puhe tulee johtopaikoista. TIME-lehden artikkeli, “Naishuijari” käsittelee Naamakirjan COOta (mikähän sekin on, ei ainakaan CEO) Cheryl Sandbergia ja rotuerottelua ja klisheisiä tyyppejä joita se ja muut työvoiman naiset saavat lättyynsä. Apinat ovat tottuneet ja tutustuneet tiettyihin klisheisiin tyyppeihin, niin että kun niistä poiketaan, apinat ovat vaivaantuneita ja tuohduxissa. TIME-lehden kansi näyttää Sheryl Sandbergin ja sanat “Älä vihaa häntä, sillä hän on menestynyt”. Sandberg uhmasi menestyxellä klisheistä tyyppiä, joka mätkii lättyyn työvoimassa ährääviä naisia, ja koittaa kirjallaan "Nojaa, eteenpäin!" saada muita naisia nojaamaan myös eteenpäin.
ellauri080.html on line 1044: Rotuerottelun läpsintä käsille, on kyse sitten sukupuolierottelusta tai luonne-erottelusta, näyttää liittyvän organisaation kikyloikkaan. Kun eri näkökulmia on tarjolla, ryhmän jäsenet tuppaavat suoriutumaan paremmin ja ovat luovempia. Puhumattakaan pikku kähminnän ja nipistelyn suomasta lisääntyneestä työpaikkaviihtyvyydestä. Tuloxena: järjestöllinen käytös ja biodiversiteetin oikeanlainen hallinta ovat välttämättömiä ja tärkeitä järjestöille. Yrityxet jotka lankeavat erilaisiin rotuerottelumuotoihin menettävät mahdollisuuxia saada lisäarvoa ja oppia ihmisiltä jotka voisivat olla poikkeuxellisia kentällä koska ne uskoo eri klisheisiin. Jos Naamakirja ei olis huomannut Sheryl Sandbergin talenttia ja sen sijaan ottanut jonku tavallisen karvakäden, yritys ei olisi läheskään niin menestynyt ja hyvin siivottu kuin se on. Biodiversiteetti työpaikalla ja jopa (!) johtajien keskellä, pinta-tai syvärakenteinen, voi olla kriittinen yhtiön menestyxelle kunnolla hoidettuna. Sellaisilla keinoilla kuin sokkohaastattelu apinoita voi arvioida pätevyydellä eikä virnuilevasti vinoillen ja nipistellen. Yleensä, ryhmyrien pitää käyttää järjestöllistä käytöstä hoitaaxeen tehokkaasti tätä biodiversiteettiä ja läpsiä käsille rotuerottelua työpaikalla, niin eiköhän siitä moraali, voitot ja tuottavuuskin lähde nousuun, eikä ainoastaan siittimet.
ellauri082.html on line 97: Perversely, it is often more fun to want something than to have it. It seems fun to many people to be perverse.
ellauri082.html on line 125: In life he created the Entertainment to draw Hal out (Hal moves outwardly but doesn’t feel inside; victims of the Entertainment feel—something—inside but don’t move outwardly). After all, as he tells Gately, he was willing to resort to desperate measures: “No! No! Any conversation or interchange [between father and son] is better than none at all.” (839)
ellauri082.html on line 135: Hal’s symptoms indeed begin to reverse: he is now unable to properly communicate feelings (people see him as either laughing hysterically or terribly sad) but beginning to actually feel (like Gately, he spends a lot of time lying on the floor thinking about the past — the hero of nonaction from his essay (142)). While before, everyone could hear him except JOI; now only JOI can hear him (since, as with Gately, he can hear Hal’s thoughts).
ellauri082.html on line 314: Wallace’s tight prose and his very precise use of the drug-users thought process, such as planning to smoke in large quantities to induce a horrible high in order to create an intense aversion to smoking or mulling over the decision to call a dealer for an update for their ETA, creates an incruciating relatable charatcer in Erdedy. Anyone who has struggled with slowing down or completely stopping a vice that has consumed their daily life may find this passage incredibly relatable.
ellauri082.html on line 354: Also lässt sich Troeltschs Aufsatz globalgeschichtlich in die Reihe von Reaktionen einordnen, mit denen Vertreter der Weltreligionen Buddhismus, (protestantisches) Christentum, Hinduismus und Islam ab Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts auf die Herausforderungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Materialismus und der allgemeinen Religionsgeschichte antworten, zumeist indem Religion allgemein über Kriterien der Innerlichkeit und Universalität definiert und die eigene Tradition im Gegenüber zu anderen als vollständige Erfüllung dieser Kriterien dargestellt wird.
ellauri082.html on line 356: In Berlin gibt es an der Humboldt-Universität eine Ernst-Troeltsch-Honorarprofessur. In Augsburg-Haunstetten wurde die Dr.-Troeltsch-Straße nach ihm benannt.
ellauri082.html on line 751: The researchers examine victim signaling, which they define as “a public and intentional expression of one’s disadvantages, suffering, oppression, or personal limitations.” They also examine virtue signaling, defined as “symbolic demonstrations that can lead observers to make favorable inferences about the signaler’s moral character.”
ellauri082.html on line 781: "The underrepresentation of girls and women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) is a continual concern for social scientists and policy makers. Using an international database on adolescent achievement in science, mathematics, and reading (n = 472,242), we show girls performed similarly or better than boys in science in two of every three countries, and in nearly all countries, more girls appeared capable of college-level STEM study than enrolled. Paradoxically, the sex differences in the magnitude of relative academic strengths and pursuit of STEM degrees increased with increases in national gender equality. The gap between boys’ science achievement and girls’ reading achievement relative to their mean academic performance was near universal. These sex differences in academic strengths and attitudes toward science correlated with the STEM graduation gap. A mediation analysis suggests that life-quality pressures in less gender equal countries promote girls’ and women’s engagement with STEM subjects."
ellauri082.html on line 788: “Confirming past research, there was a strong correlation (r = .69) between a country´s sex differences in personality and their Gender Equality Index. Additional analyses showed that women typically score higher than men on all five trait factors (Pessimism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness), and that these relative differences are larger in more gender equal countries.”
ellauri082.html on line 798:
Editor’s note: The original verse, from a toast by John Collins Bossidy in 1910.
ellauri083.html on line 139: Following the marriage of Wang Lung and O-Lan, both work hard on their farm and slowly save enough money to buy one plot of land at a time from the Hwang family. O-Lan delivers three sons and three daughters; the first daughter becomes mentally handicapped as a result of severe malnutrition brought on by famine. Her father greatly pities her and calls her "Poor Fool," a name by which she is addressed throughout her life. O-Lan kills her second daughter at birth to spare her the misery of growing up in such hard times, and to give the remaining family a better chance to survive. Pearl's daughter Carol was mentally handicapped too.
ellauri083.html on line 141: During the devastating famine and drought, the family must flee to a large city in the south to find work. Wang Lung's malevolent uncle offers to buy his possessions and land, but for significantly less than their value. The family sells everything except the land and the house. Wang Lung then faces the long journey south, contemplating how the family will survive walking, when he discovers that the "firewagon" (the Chinese word for the newly built train) takes people south for a fee.
ellauri083.html on line 145: Wang Lung uses this money to bring the family home, buy a new ox and farm tools, and hire servants to work the land for him. In time, two more children are born, a twin son and daughter. When he discovers the jewels that O-Lan looted, Wang Lung buys the House of Hwang's remaining land. He later sends his first two sons to school, also apprenticing the second one to a merchant, and retains the third one on the land.
ellauri083.html on line 163: However, Rósa is miserable in her new home, which does not compare well to the luxury she was used to at Rauðsmýri. Bjartur also discovers that she is pregnant by Ingólfur Arnarson Jónsson, the son of the bailiff. In the autumn, Bjartur and the other men of the district ride up into the mountains on the annual sheep round-up, leaving Rósa behind with a gimmer to keep her company. Terrified by a storm one night, desperate for meat and convinced that the gimmer is possessed by the devil, Rósa kills and eats the animal.
ellauri083.html on line 239: Havaiji viisnolla on yhdysvaltalainen Havaijille sijoittuva poliisisarja, joka alkoi CBS-kanavalla 20. syyskuuta 2010. Sarja on uusi versio vuosina 1968–1980 esitetystä televisiosarjasta Hawaii Five-O. Uuden sarjan nimessä on O-kirjaimen sijaan nolla.
ellauri083.html on line 240: Havaiji viisoon tavoin sarja seuraa erikoisyksikköä, joka perustettiin rikollisuuden torjumiseksi Havaijilla. Sarjan tunnuskappale on Brian Tylerin uudelleensovittama versio Morton Stevensin säveltämästä alkuperäisen sarjan tunnuskappaleesta. Sarja loppui kun kananlento 2020 kun toinen poliiseista satutti kuvauxissa oikeasti selkänsä.
ellauri083.html on line 344: It follows a team of doctors and support staff stationed at the "4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital" in Uijeongbu, South Korea, during the Korean War (1950–53). The show's title sequence features an instrumental-only version of "Suicide Is Painless," the original film's theme song.
ellauri083.html on line 378: “What astounds me,” said Ziering in an interview, is that for the past nearly three decades, people assume that this has been a matter of “he said, she said”—meaning Allen’s word versus Farrow’s. But after Ziering and codirector Kirby Dick began their research, they realized, “Actually, it’s been a ‘he said, he said’ situation. Mia didn’t even speak until the Vanity Fair interview [in 2013]. Never. She is such a private person. That’s really important to know. And she was sort of blindsided by all these events that happened to her. And kept trying to navigate the best that she could just to protect her children and family.”
ellauri083.html on line 444: God, J. 0000. Universe by design. In: God et al. (eds.) The Good Book, Ch. 1. Divine Publishers, Inc. New Heaven, U.S.A
ellauri083.html on line 500: The Hulk is incredibly strong and throughout most of the films he acts largely on the instinct of self-preservation, attacking anything that he perceives as a threat. Over time, Banner demonstrated an increasing ability to control the transformation, calling the Hulk at will, but was generally not able to recall events during the time he was in that form. The Hulk, conversely, became increasingly aware of Banner and able to stall the transformation back – one time staying in Hulk form for two years, becoming able to speak with others and control his destructive rage. Eventually, Banner was able to merge with the Hulk, combining Banner's mind and personality with the Hulk's body and strength.
ellauri088.html on line 51: Tulokas vie apainaköörin mystiselle, ja aika ajoin pelottavalle matkalle, mutta loppuu sentään optimistisella nuotilla (eihän se muuten Hollywood-raina olisikaan). Filmin lopussa (siis sen toisessa päässä, voishan sen kelata lopusta alkuunkin), kaikki maailman proletaarlaset yhinöivät yhteen, huomattuaan että ne ja niiden seizenjalkaiset kaverit on kaikki humanisteja ja osa paljon suurempaa universumia. (Eikö ne muka tienneet sitä ennestään?) Mikä tärkeintä, apinarotu - Louisa Banx etunenässä - on ottanut naisen askeleen joka olisi ollut liian iso miehelle, se on evolvoinut pitemmälle kuin kukaan, sillä se on ratkaissut matukielen arvoituxen, ja pystyy kelaaman ajan videota eteen ja takaisin ihan vapaasti, hitaasti ja nopeasti ja vaikka pysäytyskuvalla. Se on kyllä katastrofaalinen ajatus peliteoriaan perustuvalle yritteliäisyydelle. Mitä kanzii jännätä ja pinnistää jos voi etukäteen kelata filmin The Endin kohdalle? Kamala spoileri.
ellauri088.html on line 90: Voluntarismus [engl. voluntarism; lat. voluntas Wille], [EM, PHI], Lehre von der Bedeutung des Willens. Wundt entwickelte eine theoretische Konzeption der Willenstätigkeit (Willenshandlungen) und deren psych. Verbindung mit Sinneseindrücken, Gefühlen, Affekten und Vorstellungen zur Einleitung einer Handlung (Apperzeption). Von den aktiven und schöpferisch-synthetischen Apperzeptionsprozessen des Bewusstseins ausgehend sieht Wundt die einheitsstiftende Funktion in den Willensvorgängen und bewussten Zwecksetzungen der Handlungen. Auf der Grundlage seiner empirischen Ps. entwickelte er einen psych. Voluntarismus und erweiterte diesen später zu einem metaphysischen Voluntarismus (ähnlich Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz). Wundt hält allerdings daran fest, dass seine empir. Ps. unabhängig von den versch. Lehren der Metaphysik (u. a. Arthur Schopenhauers Voluntarismus) entstanden sei.
ellauri088.html on line 106: Luvassa oli siis eeppistä skifi narratiivia. Helevetin huono skifileffa vuodelta 2016, täynnä oikein paxua amerikanismia. Filkan konnia oli vanhat roistot Venäjä ja Kiina ja totaalisen epäuskottavasti Sudan kai arabien takia ja Venezuela tiedät kyllä mix. Sankarinna oli Starwarsin prinsessa Leian näkönen huumoriton pystynenä, jonka piti kääntää Kiinan sotaministerin puhetta kun kukaan armeijassa ei osaa muka kiinaa. Minnekäs tuhannet USAn armeijan vinkuintiaanit oli jemmattu? Tyhmät armeijajäbät oli neekereitä (mustan everstin kakkosmiehenkin pitää olla musta ettei tule käskynjako-ongelmia) ja tiimin haukka sodanliezoja oli ilmeisesti paki. Mustekalat Abbott ja Costello puhalsi mustesavurenkaita. Who's on first?
ellauri088.html on line 229: I think what you’re looking for is the “second most developed country without universal healthcare”. You can find a zoomable version at Health Index - Global Residence Index; click on “Universal Health Care Map” a bit down the page.
ellauri088.html on line 230: In general, green is what you’d normally call “universal healthcare free at point of service”. Blue denotes “free but not universal”; the US is in a category basically its own, “Not free but universal”, which reflects how Obamacare is a strange hybrid. I’d say what you’re looking for is “the second most developed non-green country on this map”.
ellauri088.html on line 571: George is introduced to work.—Heathenish instincts of tow-lines.—Ungrateful conduct of a double-sculling skiff.—Towers and towed.—A use discovered for lovers.—Strange disappearance of an elderly lady.—Much haste, less speed.—Being towed by girls: exciting sensation.—The missing lock or the haunted river.—Music.—Saved!
ellauri088.html on line 601: It appeared that the song was not a comic song at all. It was about a young girl who lived in the Hartz Mountains, and who had given up her life to save her lover’s soul; and he died, and met her spirit in the air; and then, in the last verse, he jilted her spirit, and went on with another spirit—I’m not quite sure of the details, but it was something very sad, I know. Herr Boschen said he had sung it once before the German Emperor, and he (the German Emperor) had sobbed like a little child. He (Herr Boschen) said it was generally acknowledged to be one of the most tragic and pathetic songs in the German language.
ellauri088.html on line 625: Mikässe sakemannien oma versio kolmesta stoogesta olikaan? Drei Männer im Schnee, Kästner. Kästner syntyi 10v Jeromen invaliidikolmikon jälkeen.
ellauri089.html on line 83: His work sometimes had controversial aspects, such as plural marriage in The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, militarism in Starship Troopers and technologically competent women characters that were formidable, yet often stereotypically feminine – such as Friday.
ellauri089.html on line 119: In order for us to answer the "big questions" about the universe, Lazarus states at one point, it would be necessary to stand outside the universe.
ellauri089.html on line 170: No wonder that Heinlein’s juveniles still enthrall the juvenile readers discovering them for the first time and enchant the older readers, like myself, who discovered them first in the 1950s. (C. W. Sullivan III is Distinguished Research Professor of English at East Carolina University.)
ellauri089.html on line 210: Men rarely if ever manage to dream up a god superior to themselves. Most gods have the manners and morals of a spoiled child. One man's theology is another man's belly laugh. The most ridiculous concept ever perpetrated by Homo Sapiens is that the Lord God of Creation, Shaper and Ruler of the Universes, wants the saccharine adoration of his creations, that he can be persuaded by their prayers, and becomes petulant if he does not receive this flattery. Yet this ridiculous notion, without one real shred of evidence to bolster it, has gone on to found one of the oldest, largest and least productive industries in history.
ellauri089.html on line 374: El Laurin lyhkäsempi versio etiikasta: Kyse on tiimipreferensseistä. Oikein paha apina on sellainen joka pelaa tiimin kanssa nollasummapeliä: iloizee kun ne kärsivät. Keskipaha on sellainen joka pelaa tiimin kanssa yhden hengen peliä: iloizee kun voittaa ize, muista vähät välittää. Keskihyvä on tollanen tiimipelaaja joka hurraa kun sen tiimi voittaa kuha se voittaa mukana. Oikein kiltti (sankari tai pyhimys) on sellainen joka noudattaa jonkun muun esim tiimin preferenssejä mieluummin kuin omia. Tässähän se on pikku lankakerässä. Loppu on sitten seliseliä.
ellauri089.html on line 407: § 2. but this is not that they are concerned with human conduct, but that they are concerned with a certain predicate "good", and its converse "bad", which may be applied both to conduct and to other things. …
ellauri089.html on line 411: § 4. but it includes all universal judgments which assert the relation of "goodness" to any subject, and hence includes Casuistry.
ellauri089.html on line 413: § 5. It must, however, enquire not only what things are universally related to goodness, but also, what this predicate, to which they are related, is: …
ellauri089.html on line 433: § 15. The relation which ethical judgments assert to hold universally between "goodness" and other things are of two kinds: a thing may be asserted either to be good itself or to be causally related to something else which is itself good—to be "good as a means". …
ellauri089.html on line 601: § 93. (3) Even this latter task is immensely difficult, and no adequate proof that the total results of one action are superior to those of another, has ever been given. For (a) we can only calculate actual results within a comparatively near future. We must, therefore, assume that no results of the same action in the infinite future beyond, will reverse the balance—an assumption which perhaps can be, but certainly has not been, justified; …
ellauri089.html on line 605: § 95. But (c) most of the actions, most universally approved by Common Sense, may perhaps be shewn to be generally better as means than any probable alternative, on the following principles. (1) With regard to some rules it may be shewn that their general observation would be useful in any state of society, where the instincts to preserve and propagate life and to possess property were as strong as they seem always to be; and this utility may be shewn, independently of a right view as to what is good in itself, since the observance is a means to things which are a necessary condition for the attainment of any great goods in considerable quantities. …
ellauri089.html on line 676: § 128. but pleasure and pain are completely analogous in this, that pleasure by no means always increases, and pain by no means always decreases, the total value of a whole in which it is included: the converse is often true. …
ellauri090.html on line 94: Escreveu em praticamente todos os gêneros literários, sendo poeta, romancista, cronista, dramaturgo, contista, folhetinista, jornalista e crítico literário. Testemunhou a Abolição da escravatura e a mudança política no país quando a República substituiu o Império, além das mais diversas reviravoltas pelo mundo em finais do século XIX e início do XX, tendo sido grande comentador e relator dos eventos político-sociais de sua época.
ellauri090.html on line 103: Quincas Borba is a novel written by the Brazilian writer Machado de Assis. It was first published in 1891. It is also known in English as Philosopher or Dog? The novel was principally written as a serial in the journal A Estação from 1886 to 1891. It was definitively published as a book in 1892 with some small but significant changes from the serialized version.
ellauri090.html on line 170: Nascido no Morro do Livramento, Rio de Janeiro, de uma família pobre, mal estudou em escolas públicas e nunca frequentou universidade. Para o considerado crítico literário norte-americano Harold Bloom, Machado de Assis é o maior escritor negro de todos os tempos, embora outros estudiosos prefiram especificar que Machado era mestiço, filho de um descendente de negros alforriados e de uma lavadeira portuguesa.
ellauri090.html on line 179: Machado de Assis constrói um livro em que cultiva o incompleto, o fragmentário, intervindo na narrativa para conversar diretamente com o leitor e comentar o próprio romance e suas personagens e fato.
ellauri090.html on line 283: Noutro parágrafo, diz: "Tu pertences ao pequeno número de mulheres que ainda sabem amar, sentir e pensar." De fato, Carolina era extremamente culta. Apresentou a Machado os grandes clássicos portugueses e diversos autores da língua inglesa.
ellauri090.html on line 304: Ainda assim, aparecem já nos romances da segunda fase, sobretudo em Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas e em Quincas Borba, e mesmo em diversos contos, todos os elementos centrais trazidos de forma contundente pelo Realismo: a crítica social, sobretudo uma crítica dirigida à burguesia, a crítica à escravidão, ao uso do "homem pelo homem", a crítica a um sistema capitalista puramente interesseiro, financeiro, calculista do dinheiro pelo dinheiro e da mercantilização da vida, das relações, do casamento etc.
ellauri090.html on line 317: Dom Casmurro — que recebeu diversas interpretações ao longo do tempo — provavelmente é a obra machadiana que mais tenha sido interpretada de maneiras diferentes e vastas, destaque para a interpretação feminista de Helen Caldwell, mas a maioria dos críticos concordam que a obra, por um lado, retrata um brasileiro entre o liberalismo e as antigas tradições da monarquia escravocrata, e, por outro lado, destrói a imagem da amada, Capitu, que seria símbolo de um novo tempo e um risco ao status quo, por ser menina pobre, livre e inteligente (embora alguns poucos tenham afirmado que ela realmente o traiu);
ellauri090.html on line 325: Os acadêmicos notam cinco fundamentais enquadramentos em seus textos: "elementos clássicos" (equilíbrio, concisão, contenção lírica e expressional), "resíduos românticos" (narrativas convencionais ao enredo), "aproximações realistas" (atitude crítica, objetividade, temas contemporâneos), "procedimentos impressionistas" (recriação do passado através da memória), e "antecipações modernas" (o elíptico e o alusivo engajados à um tema que permite diversas leituras e interpretações).
ellauri090.html on line 327: Sua mensagem artística se dá por meio de uma interrupção na narrativa para dialogar com o leitor sobre a própria escritura do romance, ou sobre o caráter de determinado personagem ou sobre qualquer outro tema universal, numa organização metalinguística que constituía seu principal interesse como autor.
ellauri090.html on line 331: Uma das maiores características da prosa de Machado de Assis é a forma contraditória de apreensão do mundo. Machado em geral apanha o fato em suas versões antagônicas, e isso lhe dá um caráter dilemático. É também uma forma superior e mais completa de ver as coisas. Machado tem os olhos voltados para as contradições do mundo.
ellauri090.html on line 419: Solo et pensoso i più deserti campi Solo e pensoso vado attraversando con passi lenti Yxin mietteissäni autiompiin maihin
ellauri092.html on line 100: In September 1874 they travelled to Belfast in the North of Ireland for five weeks of meetings like those in Scotland. Then onward to Dublin for a month where several thousand pounds sterling were reported converted to dollars. These were some of the most remarkable meetings ever held in Ireland. In November they sailed for England and continued to minister in the main cities and towns. In March 1875 he moved to London to start a 4 mouth campaign. Initially meetings had about 16,000 people in attendance. He bled the rich and poor, the famous and the destitute, princesses as well as paupers. It is estimated that a million and a half people paid him in this chief of cities. After one very brief visit to Cambridge University he returned home to America and did not return again until 1882 when he administered snake oil in Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England.
ellauri092.html on line 102: In November 1882 when he spoke at Cambridge University he was filled with great anxiety as this educational centre for Britain’s aristocratic and wealthy youth had a reputation of unparalleled riotous behaviour. That first night at a Zoom meeting Moody spoke on ‘the Spirit’s power service.’ The university vicar Handley Moule was somewhat nervous. The young C.T. Studd (the same guy who impressed J.R.Mott with his biceps) greatly doubted ‘if this Yankee was up to the task.’ The first mission night on the Monday had 1,700 students in attendance. As Sankey sang his sacred Hymns they jeered, laughed and shouted. When Sankey finished he was near to tears. As Moody preached on Daniel in the lions den (how appropriate) again they laughed, shouted and did all in their power to disturb him. He maintained his calm. By the end of the week at least 200 students had accepted a check from the speaker. Amongst them was a main ‘ringette player’ who later assumed missionary position in China and was the first lady Bishop of King Kong. Out of this mission came The Cambridge Seven, missionaries who made a lot of dough. This campaign had huge proceeds that also leeched the youth of the whole nation.
ellauri092.html on line 287: Biblically speaking, sanctification is the process the Christian goes through that ultimately makes him/her perfect in Christ. This is not only begun by God at our conversion, but finished by Him as well when we reach the eternal realm (Hebrews 12:2; Philippians 1:6). In sanctification, Christians are both passive and active. We are passively trusting in God’s ability to fully sanctify us and we are active because we are to choose to do what is right, in thought, word, and deed (Romans 12:1-2; 1 Thessalonians 4:4; Hebrews 12:14, etc).
ellauri092.html on line 452: Kaarle Krohn tuli tunnetuksi suomalaisen kansanrunoustieteellisen metodin, ns. historiallis-maantieteellisen metodin, kehittäjänä. Metodilla pyritään selvittämään runon, myytin, legendan tai sadun varhaisvaiheita, kulkeutumista ja muuntumista. Metodi perustui saman runon tai sadun eri toisintojen vertailuun. Analysoimalla toisintojen maantieteellistä levinneisyyttä Krohn pyrki rekonstruoimaan runon eri aikoina esiintyneet versiot todennäköistä alkuversiota myöten. Julius arveli että Kalevala oli tullut lännestä, mahdollisesti Yhdysvalloista. Juoni on hyvin samantapainen kuin Game of Thronesissa.
ellauri093.html on line 120: 125 schools and directly resulted in 18,000 Christian conversions, as well as the establishment of more than 300 stations of work with more than 500 local helpers in all eighteen provinces. His CIM opposed the opium culture, stupid fool.
ellauri093.html on line 128: For the next month, the seven toured the University campuses of England and Scotland, holding meetings for the students. Queen Victoria was pleased to receive their booklet containing The Cambridge Seven's testimonies. The record of their departure is recorded in "The Evangelisation of the World: A Missionary Band". It became a national bestseller. Their influence extended to America where it led to the formation of Robert Wilder's Student Volunteer Movement.
ellauri093.html on line 130: The conversion and example of the seven was one of the grand gestures of 19th-century missions, making them religious celebrities; as a result, their story was published as "The Evangelisation of the World" and was distributed to every YMCA and YWCA throughout the British Empire and the United States.
ellauri093.html on line 180: Wingate was killed in an aircraft accident late in the war. The casualty rate the Chindits suffered, especially from disease, is a continuing controversy. Wingate believed that resistance to infection could be improved by inculcating a tough mental attitude, but medical officers considered his methods unsuited to a tropical environment.
ellauri093.html on line 193: Terminology which sometimes confuses Brethren and non-Brethren alike is the distinction between the Open assemblies, usually called "Chapels", and the Closed assemblies (non-Exclusive), called "Gospel Halls." Contrary to common misconceptions, those traditionally known as the "Closed Brethren" are not a part of the Exclusive Brethren, but are rather a very conservative subset of the Open Brethren. The Gospel Halls regard reception to the assembly as a serious matter. One is not received to the Lord's Supper but to the fellowship of the assembly. This is important because the Lord's Supper is for believers, not unbelievers.
ellauri093.html on line 205: Conversely, Open assemblies aware of that disciplining would not automatically feel a binding obligation to support it, treating each case on its own merit. Reasons for being put under discipline by both the Open and Exclusive Brethren include disseminating gross Scriptural or doctrinal error or being involved in unscriptural behavior. Being accused of illegal financial dealings may also result in being put under discipline.
ellauri093.html on line 217: One of the most defining elements of the Brethren is the rejection of the concept of clergy. Their view is that all Christians are ordained by God to serve and therefore all are ministers, in keeping with the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers. The Brethren embrace the most extensive form of that idea, in that there is no ordained or unordained person or group employed to function as minister(s) or pastors. Brethren assemblies are led by the local church eiders (fig. 1) within any fellowship.
ellauri093.html on line 226: This guide covers the following topics: What is eider abuse? What are the types of eider abuse? What is the age at which someone older is considered an ‘eider’? Why does eider abuse occur? Who commits eider abuse? Who are the abusers? Who is at risk of eider abuse? Is it eider abuse if the person neglects their own needs? Is eider abuse family violence? As a family violence worker, what do I need to know about eider abuse?
ellauri093.html on line 274: There are many schools of thought on why elder abuse occurs. Open and Closed brezels disagree. It is the wages of sin ok, but who sins and who pays is controversial. The wages may be financial, physical, social, sexual etc.
ellauri093.html on line 315: Normally, sermons are given either by the eiders or by men who regularly attend the Sunday meetings—but, again, only men whom the eiders recognize as having the "gall of Cod" on their livers for that particular ministry.
ellauri093.html on line 321: The term "Eider" is based on the same Scriptures that are used to identify "Bishops" and "Overseers" in other Christian circles, and some Exclusive Brethren claim that the system of recognition of eiders by the assembly means that the Open Brethren cannot claim full adherence to the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers.[27] Open Brethren consider, however, that this reveals a mistaken understanding of the priesthood of all believers which, in the Assemblies, has to do with the ability to directly offer worship to God and His Christ at the Lord's Supper, whether silently or audibly, without any human mediator being necessary—which is in accordance with 1 Timothy 2:5, where it is stated that Christ Jesus Himself is the sole Mediator between God and men ("men" being used here generically of mankind, and not referring simply and solely to "males").
ellauri093.html on line 323: The Plymouth Brethren Christian Church, the most hardline of all the Exclusive Brethren groups, has developed into a de facto hierarchical body which operates under the headship of an Elect Vessel, currently Bruce Hales of Australia. Some defectors have accused him and his predecessors of having quasi-papal authority. This development is almost universally considered by other streams of the Plymouth Brethren movement, however, as a radical departure from Brethren principles.
ellauri093.html on line 473: Tässä yhteydessä tuli mieleen taas se havainto että Humen giljotiini on maallistunut versio idealistiveikkojen dualismista. Sama idis että talouslipilaaripelin pelaajat päämäärineen ei ole osa peliä, vaan ne istuu pöydän ympärillä kortit kädessä.
ellauri093.html on line 478: Hiljan seikkailut "kolmisoinnun" parissa olivat kuin nukkekotiversio Karin vaiheista kohti vaalirovastin mukavia päiviä. Molemmat halusivat rakentaa Kristuskalliolle ja viljellä samalla kalliolla taidetta. Mutta tuuli ja lintuset veivät jyvät tiehensä. Hän kylvää kalliolle kylvää aitovierille kylvää pelloille. Toiset kuivuu toiset tukehtuu toiset hedelmiä notkuu. ellauri093.html on line 619: vers.openlibrary.org/a/id/7270736-M.jpg" />
ellauri093.html on line 835: Keisari oli valtiopäivien avajaispuheessa kehottanut kiisteleviä osapuolia esittämään omat kantansa. Katolilaiset eivät olisi halunneet suostua tähän, sillä he eivät halunneet keskustella julkisesti kerettiläisten kanssa. He yrittivät saada aikaan uskonnollisia asioita käsittelevän komitean. Evankeliset eivät kuitenkaan voineet suostua tähän, sillä komiteassa olisi ollut katolinen enemmistö. He vaativat sen sijaan tunnustuksen julkista lukemista valtiopäivillä. Keisari suostui tähän, ja lukemispäiväksi määrättiin 24. kesäkuuta. Kiireellisten neuvottelujen ja ajan puutteen vuoksi lukeminen siirtyi kuitenkin 25. päivään. Tunnustusta paranneltiin viimeiseen asti ja lisättiin iltalypsypointteja. Lukeminen suoritettiin keisarin ja säätyjen edessä. Tunnustus oli kirjoitettu saksaksi ja latinaksi. Keisari olisi halunnut luettavan latinankielisen kappaleen, mutta vaaliruhtinas Johannsin vaadittua, että saksalaisella maaperällä olisi kuultava saksankielistä tekstiä, keisari suostui saksankielisen version lukemiseen. Kukas tää keisari olikaan? Se ei varmaan osannut saxaa järin hyvin. Lukemisen suoritti Saksin kansleri Christian Beyer, ja siihen kului kaksi tuntia. Tämän jälkeen molemmat kappaleet luovutettiin keisarille.
ellauri093.html on line 841: Philipp Melanchthon laati vuonna 1540 Augsburgin tunnustuksesta muutetun version (confessio variata), joka eroaa muun muassa ehtoollisteologian osalta vuoden 1530 versiosta. Alkuperäiset syyt muutoksiin olivat katolilaisiin liittyvien erojen selventäminen, mutta erityisesti muutokset ehtoollisartikkelissa lähentelivät reformoitujen kantoja. Vuonna 1580 Yksimielisyyden kirjaan hyväksyttiin nimenomaisesti ensimmäisen painoksen muuttumaton teksti eli Confessio Augustana invariata. Päivi Räsänen ja Timo Soini kirjoittivat sittemmin Melanchtonille kumpikin vastineen, mutta niitä ei ole voitu julkaista, liian paljon rumia sanoja.
ellauri094.html on line 357: One must always ask if the skeptics properly interpreted the verses. Jeremiah 29:10 does affirm the claim “The Babylonian Captivity was seventy years.”
ellauri094.html on line 424: 1 By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion.
ellauri094.html on line 440: Boney M:n vetävästi esittämä kappale Petterin lp-levyltä onkin vanhemman samannimisen biisin coveri yhtyeeltä The Melodians. Rivers of Babylon on rastafari-laulu, jonka tekivät ja levyttivät Brent Dowe ja Trevor McNaughton jamaikalaisesta reggae-yhtyeestä The Melodians vuonna 1970. The Melodiansin alkuperäisversio kuullaan jamaikalaisessa elokuvassa The Harder They Come (1972) sekä Nicolas Cagen elokuvassa Bringing Out the Dead (1999).
ellauri094.html on line 442: Suosituksi laulu tuli Boney M:n versiona vuonna 1978. Se nousi muun muassa Britannian listaykköseksi viiden viikon ajaksi. Se oli samalla vuoden myydyin single kyseisessä valtiossa. Yhtyeen kotimaassa Länsi-Saksassa siitä tuli siihen asti pisimpään listaykkösenä pysynyt kappale sen pysyessä kärkipaikalla 17 viikon ajan.
ellauri094.html on line 444:
ellauri094.html on line 445:
ellauri094.html on line 450: By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down Babylonin virroilla, siel istuskeltiin,
ellauri094.html on line 452: By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down Babylonin virroilla, siel kyykittiin,
ellauri094.html on line 466: By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down
ellauri094.html on line 468: By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down
ellauri094.html on line 470: By the rivers of Babylon (dark tears of Babylon) Babylonin virroilla (krokotiilinkyynelii)
ellauri094.html on line 474: By the rivers of Babylon (Rough bits of Babylon) Babylonin virroilla (me laitettiin vaan kylmii paloja)
ellauri094.html on line 507: When thy lovers went heavily without heart, as men Kun sun katamiitit meni sydän kurkussa, kuin
ellauri094.html on line 525: By the rivers of Italy, by the sacred streams, Italian joilla, sellasilla pyhillä,
ellauri094.html on line 540: By the rivers of Italy, by the dry streams' beds, Italian joilla, kuivilla joenpenkoilla,
ellauri094.html on line 555: And thy lovers that looked for thee, and that mourned from far, Ja sun katamiitit jotka haki sua joka paikasta,
ellauri094.html on line 698: If you write a school or university poetry essay, you should include in your explanation of the poem:
ellauri094.html on line 704: idea of the verse;
ellauri094.html on line 762: So just as we learn music, we cannot become better without practice and experience of music on our instrument of choice (mine is the Jewish Harp, quite popular by the rivers of Babylon). Your confession that you found prayer to be irrelevant is the same as a man banging a child on a piano and then giving up because all the banging just produced noise. You need to be taught how to pray by someone who knows how and then you need to practice, practice, practice for the rest of your life. And still you don't get a hole in one every time, I don't. Although I was trained to pray by various Catholic priests who pray for a living. Prayer professionals who get paid for it. No fucking amateurs like you. By now I find the hole usually quite easily, and can get it in after a few putts with a little help from my priestly friend.
ellauri095.html on line 39: Some critics believe he merely coined a name for poems with mixed, irregular feet, like free verse. However, while sprung rhythm allows for an indeterminate number of syllables to a foot, Hopkins was very careful to keep the number of feet per line consistent across each individual work, a trait that free verse does not share. Sprung rhythm may be classed as a form of accentual verse, as it is stress-timed, rather than syllable-timed, and while sprung rhythm did not become a popular literary form, Hopkins's advocacy did assist in a revival of accentual verse more generally.
ellauri095.html on line 86: Gerard Manley Hopkins SJ (28 July 1844 – 8 June 1889) was an English poet and Jesuit priest, whose posthumous fame established him among the leading Victorian poets. His manipulation of prosody – particularly his concept of sprung rhythm – established him as an innovative writer of verse, as did his technique of praising God through vivid use of imagery and nature. Only after his death did Robert Bridges begin to publish a few of Hopkins's mature poems in anthologies, hoping to prepare the way for wider acceptance of his style. By 1930 his work was recognised as one of the most original literary accomplishments of his century. It had a marked influence on such leading 20th-century poets as T. S. Eliot, Dylan Thomas, W. H. Auden, Stephen Spender and Cecil Day-Lewis.
ellauri095.html on line 115: His father founded a marine insurance firm and at one time served as Hawaiian consul-general in London. He was also for a time churchwarden at St John-at-Hampstead. His grandfather was the physician John Simm Smith, a university colleague of John Keats, and close friend of the eccentric philanthropist Ann Thwaytes. One of his uncles was Charles Gordon Hopkins, a politician of the Hawaiian Kingdom.
ellauri095.html on line 176: Another 1997 study from pro-homosexual researchers who were trying defend homosexuals, examined data of AIDS deaths between 1987 to 1992 in Toronto, and found that the life expectancy for the homosexual men was 8 to 20 years lower than heterosexuals. See also Atheism and life expectancy. Religious people live on average four years longer than their agnostic and atheist peers, new research has found. Actually, the atheists´ life expectancy is way lower than true believers´ (estimated at about one infinity). Source: Conservopedia.
ellauri095.html on line 186: He uses many archaic and dialect words but also coins new words. One example of this is twindles, which seems from its context in Inversnaid to mean a combination of twines and dwindles. He often creates compound adjectives, sometimes with a hyphen (such as dapple-dawn-drawn falcon) but often without, as in rolling level underneath him steady air. This use of compound adjectives, similar to the Old English use of compounds nouns, concentrates his images, communicating to his readers the instress of the poet´s perceptions of an inkscape.
ellauri095.html on line 220: The brilliant student who had left Oxford with first-class honours failed his final theology exam. This almost certainly meant that despite his ordination in 1877, Hopkins would not progress in the order. In 1877 he wrote God's Grandeur, an array of sonnets that included "The Starlight Night". He finished "The Windhover" only a few months before his ordination. His life as a Jesuit trainee, though rigorous, isolated and sometimes unpleasant, at least had some stability; the uncertain and varied work after ordination was even harder on his sensibilities. In October 1877, not long after completing "The Sea and the Skylark" and only a month after his ordination, Hopkins took up duties as sub-minister and teacher at Mount St Mary's College near Sheffield. In July 1878 he became curated at the Jesuit church in Mount Street, London, and in December that of St Aloysius's Church, Oxford, then moving to Manchester, Liverpool and Glasgow. While ministering in Oxford, he became a founding member of The Cardinal Newman Boozing Society, established in 1878 for Catholic members of the University of Oxford. He taught Greek and Latin at Mount St Mary's College, Sheffield, and Stonyhurst College, Lancashire.
ellauri095.html on line 223: In 1884 he became a professor of Greek and Latin at University College Dublin. His English roots and disagreement with the Irish politics of the time, along with his small stature (5 ft 2 in or 1.57 m), unprepossessing nature and personal oddities, reduced his effectiveness as a teacher.
ellauri095.html on line 244: He continued to write a detailed prose journal in 1868–1875. Unable to suppress a desire to describe the natural world, he also wrote music, sketched, and for church occasions, wrote "verses", as he called them. He later wrote sermons and other religious pieces.
ellauri095.html on line 487: John Henry Newman (21 February 1801 – 11 August 1890) was an English theologian and poet, first an Anglican priest and later a Catholic priest and cardinal, who was an important and controversial figure in the religious history of England in the 19th century. He was known nationally by the mid-1830s, and was canonised as a saint in the Catholic Church in 2019.
ellauri095.html on line 510: The result is an ode of thirty-five eight-line stanzas, divided into two parts. The first part, consisting of ten stanzas, is autobiographical, recalling how God touched the speaker in his own life. The second begins with seven stanzas dramatizing newspaper accounts of the wreck. Then fourteen stanzas narrow the focus to a single passenger, the tallest of the five nuns who drowned. She was heard to call on Christ before her death. The last four stanzas address God directly and culminate in a call for the conversion of England.
ellauri095.html on line 550: Compare Gerard Manley Hopkins’s version of an attempted rescue with the account in the London Times, one of the sources he used for The Wreck of the Deutschland. According to the Times, “One brave sailor, who was safe in the rigging went down to try to save a child or woman who was drowning on deck. He was secured by a rope to the rigging, but a wave dashed him against the bulwark, and when daylight dawned his headless body, detained by the rope, was swinging to and fro with the waves.” Hopkins wrote:
ellauri096.html on line 53: Typically prophecies like catastrophe warnings are made to serve opposite goals simultaneously. Competition between accuracy and helpfulness makes it possible for a prediction to be self-fulfilling by being self-defeating. Consider a prophet who warns ‘Your godless life will cause fatalities along the sinners’. Because of the warning, spectacle-seekers make a special trip to witness the carnage. They die like flies. The prophet’s announcement succeeds as a prediction by backfiring as a warning, or conversely.
ellauri096.html on line 59: Predictive determinism states that everything is foreseeable. Metaphysical determinism states that there is only one way the future could be given the way the past is. Simon Laplace used metaphysical determinism as a premise for predictive determinism. He reasoned that since every event has a cause, a complete description of any stage of history combined with the laws of nature implies what happens at any other stage of the universe. Scriven was only challenging predictive determinism in his thought experiment. The next approach challenges metaphysical determinism.
ellauri096.html on line 63: Prior knowledge of an action seems incompatible with it being a free action. If I know that you will take a shit tomorrow, then you will take a shit tomorrow (because knowledge implies truth). But that means you will take a shit even if you resolve not to. After all, given that you will shit, nothing can stop you from shitting. So if I know that you will take a shit tomorrow, you are not free to do otherwise. Conversely if you're free to shit or constipate, I can't know which it's going to be. My solution is that you are free to do one or the other, nothing stops you, but knowing you I know for a fact that you will want to shit. You are not free to want what you want. You are an ape, for Cod's sake.
ellauri096.html on line 100: It is true that some borderline cases of a qualitative term are not borderline cases for the corresponding comparative. But the reverse holds as well. A tall man who stoops may stand less high than another tall man who is not as lengthy but better postured. Both men are clearly tall. It is unclear that ‘The lengthier man is taller’. Qualitative terms can be applied when a vague quota is satisfied without the need to sort out the details. Only comparative terms are bedeviled by tie-breaking issues.
ellauri096.html on line 161: Suppose a psychologist offers you a red box and a blue box (Skyrms 1982). The psychologist can predict which box you will choose with 90% accuracy. He has put one dollar in the box he predicts you will choose and ten dollars in the other box. Should you choose the red box or the blue box? You cannot decide. For any choice becomes a reason to reverse your decision.
ellauri096.html on line 188: The logical myth that “You cannot prove a universal negative” is itself a universal negative. So it implies its own unprovability. This implication of unprovability is correct but only because the principle is false. For instance, exhaustive inspection proves the universal negative ‘No adverbs appear in this sentence’. A reductio ad absurdum proves the universal negative ‘There is no largest prime number’.
ellauri096.html on line 225: But secular idealists and logical positivists concede that there are some actual unknown truths. How can they continue to believe that all truths are knowable? Astonishingly, these eminent philosophers seem refuted by a pinch of epistemic logic. Also injured are those who limit their claims of universal knowability to a limited domain. For instance, Immanuel Kant (A223/B272) asserts that all empirical propositions are knowable. This pocket of optimism would be enough to ignite the contradiction (Stephenson 2015).
ellauri096.html on line 261: The first objection is that it delivers the wrong result. The student is
ellauri096.html on line 299: Saul Kripke’s ruminations on the surprise test paradox led him to a paradox about dogmatism. He lectured on both paradoxes at Cambridge University to the Moral Sciences Club in 1972. (A descendent of this lecture now appears as Kripke 2011). Gilbert Harman transmitted Kripke’s new paradox as follows:
ellauri096.html on line 423: Né en Allemagne de parents français, il est le fils du sculpteur Jean-Louis-Théodore Chopin (of whom very little is known) et le frère du polygraphe Jean-Marie Chopin. (polygraphe n. Auteur non spécialiste qui écrit sur les sujets les plus diverses; petit scolyte qui vit sous l'écorce des conifères (épicéa)... Mots proches: polygraph popularly referred to as a lie detector). Начал своё обучение живописи в 1816 году в Академии Художеств в Санкт-Петербурге. Карьера Шопена была достаточно успешна. В 1848 году был избран почётным вольным общником Императорской академии художеств в Санкт-Петербурге, после чего преподнёс в дар Академии свою картину «Суд Соломона».
ellauri096.html on line 553: Ikosen romaani ei herätä Jaskassa samastumisen tunteita. Läheisimmäxi se tuntee kirjan roiston, everstin Nordensvahnin, ja on pettynyt kun se ei jää kiinni lapsipornon hallussapidosta. Jaskakaan ei ole jäänyt siitä kiinni, eikä murhasta.
ellauri096.html on line 593: Maldoror is a modular (sic) work primarily divided into six parts, or cantos; these parts are further subdivided into a total of sixty chapters, or verses. Parts one through six consist of fourteen, sixteen, five, eight, seven and ten chapters, respectively. With some exceptions, most chapters consist of a single, lengthy paragraph.[b] The text often employs very long, unconventional and confusing sentences which, together with the dearth of paragraph breaks, may suggest a stream of consciousness, or automatic writing. Over the course of the narrative, there is often a first-person narrator, although some areas of the work instead employ a third-person narrative. The book's central character is Maldoror, a figure of evil who is sometimes directly involved in a chapter's events, or else revealed to be watching at a distance. Depending on the context of narrative voice in a given place, the first-person narrator may be taken to be Maldoror himself, or sometimes not. The confusion between narrator and character may also suggest an unreliable narrator.
ellauri096.html on line 623: Nämä uuskeynesiläiset katsoivat työsopimuksia yleensä palkkatartunnan (tai palkka-altistuxen) lähteinä työttömyyden tasapainomallien luomiseksi. Heidän ponnistelunsa (tunnetaan uusklassisena synteesinä ) johtivat IS–LM-mallin kehittämiseen ja muihin Keynesin ideoiden muotoiluihin. Tämä henkinen ohjelma tuottaisi lopulta monetarismia ja muita versioita Keynesin makrotaloudesta 1960-luvulla. Uuskeynesiläinen taloustiede - https://fi.qaz.wiki/wiki/Neo-Keynesian_economics
ellauri096.html on line 719: "Kielen rajat ovat maailman rajat" sehän on nuoren Ludin versio iänikuisesta idealismista. Kielellinen käänne, what the fuck, samaa kakkaa se on vaan toisennäköisessä kääreessä. Loppukiireissä Wittgensteinkin alkoi jauhaa uskontoa. Kun vähän raaputtaa niin näistä idealistipelleistä alkaa sarven tai siiventynkä pilkottaa.
ellauri096.html on line 779: The word akrasia occurs twice in the Koine Greek New Testament. In Matthew 23:25 Jesus uses it to describe hypocritical religious leaders, translated "self-indulgence" in several translations, including the English Standard version. Paul the Apostle also gives the threat of temptation through akrasia as a reason for a husband and wife to not deprive each other of sex (1 Corinthians 7:5). In another passage (Rom. 7:15–25) Paul, without actually using the term akrasia, seems to reference the same psychological phenomenon in discussing the internal conflict between, on the one hand, "the law of God," which he equates with "the law of my mind"; and "another law in my members," identified with "the flesh, the law of sin." "For the good that I would do, I do not; but the evil which I would not, that I do." (v.19)
ellauri096.html on line 781: In Edmund Spenser´s The Faerie Queene, book II, Acrasia, the embodiment of intemperance dwelling in the "Bower of Bliss", had the Circe-like capacity of transforming her lovers into monstrous animal shapes. Pitäs ja pitäs, mutta kun tekee mieli.
ellauri096.html on line 813: Tää kuulostaa joltain kirjallisuustieteeltä. Varmaan hirmu juonikas Jaska tarkoittaa nyt sanoa että sen kirjoista on juoni hukassa, juoni kuorsaa kännipäisenä Anterona jossain mezämaalla tai konemezässä. Joo selvästi olen oikeilla jäljillä, tossa typerässä Kansa taisteli - miehet kertovat intermezzossa esiintyy nimi Panofart, joka on dead giveaway, se viittaa arzy farzy Erwin Panofskyyn, joka esiintyi Arskan estetiikan oppikirjassa minkä Jaska on ehkä "lukaissut". Nordensvahn oli eversti myös heppakirjassa. Pulla on varmaan Ryhmyn ja Romppaisen kirjoittaja Armas J. Pulla, armoitettu fasisti.
ellauri096.html on line 841: Televisio kamarimusisoi olohuoneessa. Aiti ja lina katselivat äänistä päätellen historiallista pukudraamaa. Koska meneillään ei ollut mikään hälyisä kotimainen huumoriohjelma eikä visailu, Anun ei tarvinnut sulkea huoneensa ovea. Aänimaisema ymparoi häntä herttaisena kukkatapettina. Isä puuhaili jotain kellarin verstashuoneessa. Veti käteen varmasti. Arpajaisista voitettu norppaherätyskello näytti [mitä näytti].
ellauri097.html on line 91: In early 1898 he took a writing class at the Cosmopolitan University. This was to be the entirety of Mencken´s formal education in journalism, or in any other subject.
ellauri097.html on line 99: Mencken is fictionalized in the play Inherit the Wind (a fictionalized version of the Scopes Monkey Trial of 1925) as the cynical sarcastic atheist E. K. Hornbeck (right), seen here as played by Gene Kelly in the Hollywood film version.
ellauri097.html on line 107: Like Nietzsche, he also lambasted religious belief and the very concept of Cod, as Mencken was an unflinching atheist, particularly Christian fundamentalism, Christian Science and creationism, and against the "Booboisie," his word for the ignorant middle classes. In the summer of 1925, he attended the famous Scopes "Monkey Trial" in Dayton, Tennessee, and wrote scathing columns for the Baltimore Sun (widely syndicated) and American Mercury mocking the anti-evolution Fundamentalists (especially William Jennings Bryan). The play Inherit the Wind is a fictionalized version of the trial, and as noted above the cynical reporter E.K. Hornbeck is based on Mencken. In 1926, he deliberately had himself arrested for selling an issue of The American Mercury, which was banned in Boston by the Comstock laws. Mencken heaped scorn not only on the public officials he disliked but also on the state of American elective politics itself.
ellauri097.html on line 174:
ellauri097.html on line 178: Hirvi hotkimassa hiilinielua. Diversiteetti ei näy kuvassa, se on jo syöty. ellauri097.html on line 189: Vastikään metsätuhotieteen dosetti Heikki Smolander sekä emeritushuijari Pekka Liemelä huomauttivat Helsingin Sanomissa (4.3.2021) ylitiheiden hirvieläinkantojen uhkaavan biodiversiteettiä.
ellauri097.html on line 258: Julien Green est né à Paris, 4, rue Ruhmkorff, de parents américains, descendant du côté de sa mère du sénateur et représentant démocrate de la Géorgie au congrès américain Julian Hartridge (en) (1829-1879) et dont Julien Green porte le prénom (Green a été baptisé « Julian » ; l'orthographe a été changée en « Julien » par son éditeur français dans les années 1920). Il grandit dans le 16e arrondissement de Paris, puis au Vésinet et passe ses vacances dans la commune d'Andrésy, dans les Yvelines. Il poursuit toutes ses études en France au lycée Janson-de-Sailly. Sa mère, protestante pieuse et aimante, meurt alors qu'il a 14 ans, et la famille déménage rue Cortambert, à Paris. Il se convertit au catholicisme en 1916, à la suite de son père et de toutes ses sœurs, ainsi qu'il le raconte dans Ce qu'il faut d'amour à l'homme, son autobiographie spirituelle. Il abjure l'anglicanisme à la crypte de la chapelle des sœurs de la rue Cortambert. Âgé de seulement 17 ans, Julian Green réussit à rejoindre les rangs de la Croix-Rouge américaine, puis est détaché dans l’artillerie française en 1918 en tant que sous-lieutenant et sert en Italie. Démobilisé en mars 1919, il se rend pour la première fois aux États-Unis en septembre de la même année et effectue trois ans d'études à l’université de Virginie, où il éprouve un premier amour chaste et secret pour un camarade d'études. Il écrit son premier livre en anglais, avant de revenir vivre en France.
ellauri097.html on line 276: Ce qu 'ily a en moi d'impulsif, de rêveur, de charnel aussi, j'ai tendance à croire que je le dois à l'Irlande; à elle aussi tout ce qui fait que je réussis un jour pour échouer l'autre, tout ce qui m'a poussé à écrire mes livres, enfin le meilleur et le pire de moi-même. Je reconnais l'apport écossais dans mes crises religieuses, dans un amour profond et invariable de l'Ecriture... A travers moi l'humanité passe comme sur une grand-route. Je suis une parcelle de l'Univers. L'Univers est heureux en moi. Je suis le ciel, le soleil, les arbres, la Seine et les maisons qui la bordent...
ellauri097.html on line 313: Ulrichs war überzeugt, dass die Urninge und die Dioninge von verschiedener Natur seien und daher der Ausdruck „widernatürliche Unzucht“ auf Liebe zwischen Urningen nicht anwendbar war. Die Liebe zwischen zwei Urningen war nach Meinung Ulrichs’ in höchstem Maße ethisch, weil sie die beiden Individuen ihrer Natur gemäß entwickeln lässt. In seinen Schriften erörterte Ulrichs auch die Frage einer Ehe zwischen einem Urning und einem Dioning und inwieweit diese ethisch vertretbar sei.
ellauri097.html on line 396: Kant war Junggeselle, und es ist nichts überliefert von intimen Kontakten mit Frauen oder von ernsthaft betriebenen Kontakt- oder Heiratsabsichten. Kant wird von J. D. Metzger, einem frühen Kant-Biographen (1804), als "misogyn" bezeichnet, also als "frauenhassend". "Misogyn" kann auch einfach nur bedeuten "mochte nicht heiraten", vielleicht kann sich damals unter dem Terminus aber auch die Bedeutung "schwul" versteckt haben. Nicht undenkbar in einer Zeit, da man solche Neigungen auf keinen Fall öffentlich machen durfte.
ellauri097.html on line 400: Die charmanten Flirt-Elemente in Kants Kontakt zu Frauen werden gewöhnlich in dem Sinne interpretiert, Kant sei "dem weiblichen Geschlecht gegenüber nicht verschlossen" gewesen, würde also eventuell auch Gefallen am Heiraten gefunden haben können. Aber wenn es dann "so weit" gewesen sei, habe Kant zu lange gezögert. Ein heterosexueller Hintergrund wird also fraglos vorausgesetzt. Aber heißt das etwas? Ein galanter und verständnisvoller Umgang mit Frauen ist nicht unbedingt ein Alleinmerkmal der Heterosexuellen.
ellauri097.html on line 420: Kant held that all rational persons have an a priori understanding of the basic principles of morality. These consist of duties, both to oneself and to others, and above all the duty to respect rational agents. Most persons, however, do not understand that morality is a priori, and their moral commitments are therefore vulnerable to corrosive skeptical criticism. In The Metaphysics of Morals Kant formulates the ultimate standard for moral judgment, namely universalizability, and establishes the rational necessity of morality.
ellauri097.html on line 426: Nietzsche especially disliked Kant’s idea that moral motivation consists in respect for a universal concept of virtue:
ellauri097.html on line 436: The famous Allan Ramsay portrait of David Hume, hanging in the University of Edinburgh, depicts him wearing a remarkable hat: a unique salmon-coloured turban. I was able to see the original on the occasion of receiving an honorary degree from Edinburgh in 2007, and ever since then I have desired to obtain a replica of that curious hat for myself (to wear on special occasions, such as those requiring academic regalia).
ellauri097.html on line 438: If you are interested in a unique David Hume Turban for yourself, you can email the Edinburgh University Philosophy Society, who are offering a special promotion of £120 per hat (excl. Shipping&Handling). This offer will be open until August 1st.
ellauri097.html on line 449: Recently a caller to the radio told me about a conversation he’d had about homosexuality. The caller made the teleological argument, that looking at what the natural functions of the male and female reproductive organs are for, we can draw certain conclusions about how they should properly be used. The person he was talking with challenged his argument that you can’t get an “ought” from an “is”. The challenger seemed to be saying that just because it is that way in nature doesn’t mean that we can derive a moral rule from it. The caller asked if the challenge was incorrect and how to respond to it.
ellauri097.html on line 481: What you ought to be saying if you don’t believe in God is, It’s just molecules clashing in the universe. There is no right and wrong, so you have no justification for claiming that I’m wrong. Now, that would be consistent - the relativistic view of a materialistic universe. But, of course, then they can’t complain their “rights” because rights don’t have any place in a purely naturalistic system. Rights are part of teleology, endowed with creation.
ellauri097.html on line 493: Sexihullu Mary Wollstonecraft jahtasi sveiziläistä pikkujalkamaalaria Fuesslia Pariisissa mutta pikkujalan ex-mallivaimo Sofia Rawlins löi sille karmit kaulalle. Inhoan älykkäitä naisia niistä on pelkkää harmia mutisi Fuessli. Fuessli maalasi goottilaisia aiheita mm incubuxia. Tässä versiossa se on pikkujalan izensä näkönen.
ellauri098.html on line 39: Mix just noi 101 Suomi 100-kirjaa, tai nää 1001 bestselleriä kaikista 130 miljoonasta? Vainko että saadaan edistettyä globalisaatiota, vähennettyä entisestään biodiversiteettiä, saadaan kaikki termiittiapinat suuntaamaan antenninsa samaan suuntaan kohti kapitalismin hyväntuoxuisia feromonilähteitä, painosten kuningattaria?
ellauri098.html on line 327: Universal
ellauri098.html on line 345:
Universaalitroopit on kaatoluokka
ellauri098.html on line 349: Universaaleja trooppeja olisivat seuraavat 106: Se olen minä, Olkoon menneexi, Tavis siis pahis, Moukan tuuri, Fanit muistaa tissit, Valkotaulu, Hobonyytti, Isompi parempi, Nuija ja tosinuija, Bonusmazku, Vanhassa vara parempi, Flashback, Tshehovin pyssy, Herot jumissa, Peitto paremmin, Doppelgänger jää kiinni, Hullu idea toimii, Lokalisoimaton vinkkaus, Hidastettu räjähdys, Lähettämätön kirje, Voitto diskauxella, Joku muu saa kiitoxet, Keijut vastaan knääpiöt, Tunteet pintaan, Hyvää pahixessa, Aikuisviihde, Kissa kadoxissa, Tiimin puhetorvi, Pää kädessä, Fiktiivinen vastine, Käsi kamerassa, Akun omatunto, Genrensynnyttäjä, Epäuskottava skene, Genresekoitus, Genrentappaja, Julkkis Japanissa, Elämän päämäärä, Trendikuvaaja, Tiimihali, Rahapuu, Vaarallinen koskea, Oza pöytään, Hero, Eka erä konnalle, Yxi kylä vastustaa, Toivo elää, Ilmainen lounas herolle, Okei olen tekopyhä, Tekopyhä, Lukukelvoton texti, Improvisoitu astalo, Huppupää, Kakun sisästä, Oikeesti kiinnostaa vaan Godzilla, Kuzupilli, Tiiminvetäjä, Diagnoosi pahentaa tautia, Valheenpaljastin, Porsaanreikä, Pitkä tukka on tyttöjen, Emokarhu, Missio venyy, Salaperäinen viesti, Profeetta omalla maalla, Koskaan ei käydä paskalla, Ei suuntavaistoa, Ulos kuvaajasta, Ainoa Toivo, Julle Ankanpää, Sepe Susi, Läpeensä terve, Tinapaperijuoni, Ystävät voimaannuttavat, Epifania, Koirantaputtaja voittaa, Tomppelisyötti, Salainen moraalitesti, Potti nokkiin, Sairasta ja väärin, Narunpätkästä voi olla hyötyä, Keihäänkantaja, Alan uuden elämän, Skene välähdyxinä, Horror silminnäkijän silmistä, Mehukas särkymisen ääni, Oma koti kullan kallis, Saalissäkki, Aika aikaa kutakin, Ariadnen lanka, Suunsoitto ennen mazia, Trilogia, Trooppivihje, Kotonakin on konnia, Puhelinetiketti teeveessä, Yhteensopivat keskustelunkatkelmat, Pidetty konna, Epäluotettava lähde, Epäluotettava kertoja, Nupit yhteentoista, Esitrooppi, Triste post coitum, Sää ei sovi tarkoituxeen, Pyrrhoxen voitto, Sik kun piti olla sak, Kotiinpääsy on estynyt.
ellauri098.html on line 355: Heroa eli sankaria on käsitelty seikkaperäisesti ja eri kanteilta mm. albumeissa 1, 4, 6, 8, 13, 19, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, 31, 33, 38, 39, 41, 42, 44, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 63, 65, 70, 71, 73, 82, 83, 88, 98. Sitä ei voi välttää kun on puhe romskuista. Romskuissa on aina 1 tai useampi ego(isti), jonka ympärillä koko fiktiivinen maailma pyörii, joko bona fide sankari tai antisellainen, kuitenkin riittävästi plusmerkkinen että "lukija" saa siihen samastuttua. Jos samastus meneekin tarinan konnille, niin jotain on pahasti pielessä, ollaan jouduttu universaaliseen trooppiin Pidetty konna. Adolf Hitlerilläkin on paljon faniklubeja.
ellauri098.html on line 359: Nää "universaaliset troopit" on tosi kirjava pussillinen, varsinainen tilkkutäkki, enimmäxeen visuaalisia klippejä, suurin osa tulee peleistä, fantasiasta tai scifistä, vain kourallinen perinteisiä kirjallisia klisheitä on mukana. Valtaosin halpaa amerikkalaista paskaa. Osa on kuvakulmaklisheitä, jotkut yleisön reaktioita, jotkut biologisia faktoja, ei kyl nää pitäis siivota aika freneettisesti. Ei näillä tälläsinä tee midiä. muttei maxa vaivaa. tää taitaakin olla joku kaatoluokka. Genrekohtaiset ja narratiivitroopit on luppoovampia. Katotaan niitä seuraavax.
ellauri098.html on line 407: Hahmon luonteen ja sen roolin plotissa pitäisi olla yhteensopivat. Noi Jungin ammattikuvat vois olla hyvä lähtökohta. Niille pitää vaan tehdä hyvät pahat ja rumat versiot. Turrit vois olla niitä rumia eli dumareja, edustaen luonteita eli pelaajatyyppejä sellaisenaan, ennen kuin jaetaan mustia ja valkoisia stezoneja. Näitä tyyppejä on vitun vaikea pitää mielessä, joten kexitään muistisääntöjä, perustuen ammatteihin, eläimiin ja julkkixiin. Eeppisimpiä julkkixia ovat:
ellauri098.html on line 471: ENFPs are extremely creative and versatile people. They love playing with ideas, spinning off new concepts, and discussing them with other people. They are charismatic, sociable, and exciting to be with because they always seem to have something new to explore or talk about.
ellauri098.html on line 531:
ellauri098.html on line 533: ISFJs are caring and helpful. They are devoted to protecting and helping out those in need. ISFJs have very strong family ties and are quick to leap to the defense of their family. Sometimes, however, take on too much responsibility and lose sight of the big picture while trying to help everyone around them. They can also be too unassertive and pushovers for those who want to take advantage of their helpfulness. But there is no friend to have like an ISFJ when you find yourself in need of help.
ellauri098.html on line 633: Myers-Briggsin tyyppi-indikaattorilla on voimakas korrelaatio Big Five-tyypityksen kanssa. Big Fiven OCEAN-asteikolla korkeaa Openness-lukemaa vastaa N (intuitio) ja matalaa S (tosiasiallinen); korkeaa Conscientiousness-lukemaa vastaa J (harkitseva) ja matalaa P (spontaani); korkeaa Extroversion-lukemaa vastaa E (ekstrovertti) ja matalaa I (introvertti), ja korkeaa Agreeableness-lukemaa vastaa F (tunteva) ja matalaa T (ajatteleva). Neuroottisuusakselia MBTI:ssa ei ole.
ellauri099.html on line 46: The Picture of Dorian Gray is a Gothic and philosophical novel by Oscar Wilde, first published complete in the July 1890 issue of Lippincott's Monthly Magazine. Fearing the story was indecent, prior to publication the magazine's editor deleted roughly five hundred words without Wilde's knowledge. Despite that censorship, The Picture of Dorian Gray offended the moral sensibilities of British book reviewers, some of whom said that Oscar Wilde merited prosecution for violating the laws guarding public morality. In response, Wilde aggressively defended his novel and art in correspondence with the British press, although he personally made excisions of some of the most controversial material when revising and lengthening the story for book publication the following year.
ellauri099.html on line 48: The longer and revised version of The Picture of Dorian Gray published in book form in 1891 featured an aphoristic preface—a defence of the artist's rights and of art for art's sake—based in part on his press defences of the novel the previous year. The content, style, and presentation of the preface made it famous in its own right, as a literary and artistic manifesto. In April 1891, the publishing firm of Ward, Lock and Company, who had distributed the shorter, more inflammatory, magazine version in England the previous year, published the revised version of The Picture of Dorian Gray.
ellauri099.html on line 50: The whole pile of smut, with all of Wilde's original material intact, was first published in 2011 by Harvard University Press. The Picture of Dorian Gray "pivots on a gothic plot device" with strong themes interpreted from Faust.
ellauri099.html on line 61: Here is an example of what you will now see in the uncensored version, where Hallward professes his love for Dorian:
ellauri099.html on line 65: By contrast, the current censored version appears:
ellauri099.html on line 172: We are less attracted to the idea of the wealthy aristocratic philosopher sequestered in his research facility and making occasional overseas trips to visit foreign tyrants than the image of the poor, shoeless Socrates causing trouble in the marketplace, refusing to be paid and getting killed by the city for his trouble. But our captivation with this image, once again, is overwhelmingly fatass Plato’s clever branding.
ellauri099.html on line 205: Two things hit you when you visit the site of the Lyceum and look at its architectural plans. First, it is a direct copy of Plato’s Academy. And second, it is much, much bigger. The relation between the Academy and the Lyceum is a little like that between a twee medieval Cambridge College and the monumental architecture of the University of Chicago.
ellauri099.html on line 566: INTPs are philosophical innovators, fascinated by logical analysis, systems, and design. They are preoccupied with theory, and search for the universal law behind everything they see.
ellauri100.html on line 130: Jokainen näistä ruumiinrakennetyypeistä liittyi Klezmerin mielestä luonteenpiirteisiin, ja äärimmäisyyxiin mentäessä, vastaaviin mielisairauxiin. Hän kirjoitti että läskit ovat harvoin skizoja, ja loput taas harvoin bipolaarisia. Eliskä skizot on tavallisesti laihoja tai muskelimasoja. Klezmer arveli että pyknikot ovat ystävällisiä, läheisriippuvaisia ja seurallisia. Niillä on taipumusta maanis-depressiivisyyteen. Pikku väpelöillä oli taipumusta introversioon ja pelkuruuteen. Siitä on vaan lyhyt matka skizofreniaan. Tähän ei virallisesti enää psykologiassa uskota. Vaikka tottahan se on, vai mitä? No entäs muskelimasat ja rumat? Mitä mielitauteja niillä tuppaa olemaan? Onko ne luonnevikaisia?
ellauri100.html on line 152:
ellauri100.html on line 275: In my lifetime I have been related to, known, befriended, and worked with a broad cross-section of humanity. I have seen poverty and squalor, conversed with semi-literates and near-idiots, heard the rantings and taunts of bigots and bullies, known lazy louts and no-account dreamers, and admired hard workers with few skills and little learning who were proud of their meager possessions because they had earned them.
ellauri100.html on line 359:
{14:3} Qui loquitur veritatem in corde suo, qui non egit dolum in lingua sua: Nec fecit proximo suo malum, et opprobrium non accepit adversus proximos suos.
ellauri100.html on line 379: The person who chooses people as a source of energy probably prefers extraversion, while the person who prefers solitude to recover energy may tend toward introversion.
ellauri100.html on line 409: 3. Extraversion: High scorers are described as “Extraverted, outgoing, active, and high-spirited. You prefer to be around people most of the time.” Low scorers are described as “Introverted, reserved, and serious. You prefer to be alone or with a few close friends.” Extraverts are, on average, happier than introverts.
ellauri100.html on line 419: The scale you completed was the “Moral Foundations Questionnaire,” developed by Jesse Graham and Jonathan Haidt at the University of Virginia.
ellauri100.html on line 435: Note that there is a great deal of controversy as to the exact meaning of what these reaction time associations actually mean, so please take your results with a grain of salt. While a great deal of previous research has validated the use of such procedures to detect associations of group level bias across groups, the use of IAT procedures to measure individual ethicality is still in development and all of these procedures have been validated probibalistically, at the group level, rather than being validated as being absolutely diagnostic for individuals. That being said, many (though not all) people have found validity in their implicit scores and have found there to be some real psychological process that tracks implicit associations.
ellauri100.html on line 493: We are interested in measuring happiness on this site because many studies have found that religious people are happier than non-believers, and some have found that politcally conservative people are slightly happier than are political liberals, even after controlling statistically for religiosity. A recent Gallup survey found that religiosity was associated with better mental health for Republicans, but it didn’t make a difference for Democrats. We want to investigate these complex relationships among happiness, morality, religion, and ideology.
ellauri100.html on line 501: The study you just completed included both a self-report and an implicit measure of well-being. The self-report measure of well-being was the Satisfaction With Life Scale, and the implicit measure was an Implicit Association Test (IAT) that compared the strength of automatic mental associations. In this version of the IAT, we investigated associations between the self-concept and the concepts of happiness and sadness.
ellauri100.html on line 551: The graph below displays results for individuals who took the longer version of the survey before April 19, 2012. Everyone will have a score, but this graph is only valid for those who took the survey before April 19, 2012. Ignore the purple bar since it will incorporate averages from the short and long version of the survey.
ellauri100.html on line 555: The study you just completed is an Implicit Association Test (IAT) that compares the strength of automatic mental associations. In this version of the IAT, we investigated positive and negative associations with the categories of “African Americans” and “European Americans”.
ellauri100.html on line 616: Whose nest is in a watered shoot; Se pesii rantavehkan versossa
ellauri100.html on line 646: I used to dabble on verse in my time myself.
ellauri101.html on line 42: Joseph John Campbell (March 26, 1904 – October 30, 1987) was an American professor of literature at Sarah Lawrence College who worked in comparative mythology and comparative religion. His work covers many aspects of the human experience. Campbell's best-known work is his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces (1949), in which he discusses his theory of the journey of the archetypal hero shared by world mythologies, termed the monomyth.
ellauri101.html on line 48: In 1921, Campbell graduated from the Canterbury School in New Milford, Connecticut. While at Dartmouth College he studied biology and mathematics, but decided that he preferred the humanities. He transferred to Columbia University, where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English literature in 1925 and a Master of Arts degree in medieval literature in 1927. At Dartmouth he had joined Delta Tau Delta. An accomplished athlete, he received awards in track and field events, and, for a time, was among the fastest half-mile runners in the world.
ellauri101.html on line 50: In 1924, Campbell traveled to Europe with his family. On the ship during his return trip he encountered the messiah elect of the Theosophical Society, Jiddu Krishnamurti; they discussed Indian philosophy, sparking in Campbell an interest in Hindu and Indian thought. In 1927, he received a fellowship from Columbia University to study in Europe. Campbell studied Old French, Provençal, and Sanskrit at the University of Paris and the University of Munich. He learned to read and speak French and German.
ellauri101.html on line 52: On his return to Columbia University in 1929, Campbell expressed a desire to pursue the study of Sanskrit and modern art in addition to medieval literature. Lacking faculty approval, Campbell withdrew from graduate studies. Later in life he jested that it is a sign of incompetence to have a PhD in the liberal arts, the discipline covering his work.
ellauri101.html on line 66: The monomyth is a universal story structure. It’s a kind of story template that takes a character through a sequence of stages.
ellauri101.html on line 67: The main character in the monomyth is the hero. The hero isn’t a person, but an archetype—a set of universal images combined with specific patterns of behavior. Think of a protagonist from your favorite film. He or she represents the hero. The storyline of the film enacted the hero’s journey. The Hero archetype resides in the psyche of every individual, which is one of the primary reasons we love hearing and watching stories.
ellauri101.html on line 155: Joseph Campbell, arguably the greatest mythologist of the twentieth century, was certainly one of our greatest storytellers. This masterfully crafted book interweaves conversations between Campbell and some of the people he inspired, including poet Robert Bly, anthropologist Angeles Arrien, filmmaker David Kennard, Doors drummer John Densmore, psychiatric pioneer Stanislov Grof, Nobel laureate Roger Guillemen, and others. Campbell reflects on subjects ranging from the origins and functions of myth, the role of the artist, and the need for ritual to the ordeals of love and romance. With poetry and humor, Campbell recounts his own quest and conveys the excitement of his lifelong exploration of our mythic traditions, what he called “the one great story of mankind.” Hemmetti nää sen sankarit on lähes yhtä tuntemattomia kuin se ize.
ellauri101.html on line 160: Tässon vielä 1 psykometrinen sivusto: https://openpsychometrics.org. Siellä on tämmönen "Mikä fiktiivinen hahmo olet" testi. Voisko se tuoda kivaa lisäinfoa? Sivun ylläpitäjän miälestä tuloxet siitä on ihan rändömejä. No tushkin sentään! Testin pitkän version mukaan mä muistutan vähiten Frozenin Elsaa, paavia, Tolkienin Samgeetä ja Potterin Dumbledorea. Eniten mä muistutan Moaning Myrtleä (kekäs se oli?), Klonkkua ja Crusty the Clownia. Siis nää on ainoat tarjotuista samis hahmoista joista mä oon edes kuullut.
ellauri101.html on line 167: versal.com/36ca66f0a3f00136598f005056a9545d" width="40%" />
ellauri101.html on line 392: Kauniaisten kylähullu, Sensuuri hoi: Ior Bock pukkeili Sex Pistolseja näyttävämmin, City-lehti oli kaupunkikulttuurin airut, Tuomas Enbuske, Sairasvyö, Sasse ja Mölsä rakennusbisnekseen, Sairasvyöllä huimat pörssirikkaudet, Sairasvyö antoi itselleen potkut Pörssitiedote, Varsinaisen yhtiökokouksen päätökset, Trainers´ House, Suomen Thinkers 20 – listaus maamme 20 suurimmasta bisnesajattelijasta, Nordic Business Forum, Serus Media, Lehden verkko- ja tablettiversiot, Tuli nelonen, Sairasvyö floppasi – loppu tuli juuri nyt, Uusi Suomi, Jari Sairasvyö, Yle Areena, Jari Sairasvyö suureen leikkaukseen – leuka halkaistaan huomenna kahtia: nyt sattuu Juhaa leukaan, Viimeinen kiinteä ateria nautittu, Ilta-Sanomat, Vanha-Majamaa, Anton: Jari Sairasvyöstä kertova valmentaja on kuin neukkaripöytään tilattu metripizza, jonka hotkimisesta tulee huono olo, Helsingin Sanomat (Tilaajille) aamulenkki Lauerma, Hannu: Huijaus -Rohkaisua, johdattelua, psykoterroria, Duodecim, Raeste, Jukka-Pekka: Niskalenkki: Sairasvyön väitteet ”hömppää”. Helsingin Sanomat, Artikkelin verkkoversio, Sairasvyö lopetti verokapinan ja pyysi anteeksi käytöstään. Jari Sairasvyö toivoo lamaa, Sairasvyön firmassa alkavat yt-neuvottelut Taloussanomat. Jari Sairasvyö: Suomalaiset yrittäjät ovat entistä laiskempia ja epärehellisempiä, Yle Uutiset. Jari Sairasvyö sivalsi hallitusta ja Soinia: ”sain pessimistin orgasmin”, Sairasvyö, Jari. Helsingin Sanomat, Talous&Työ, Saikuttelu syö oikeuksiasi, siis imee pillillä, Valtio ottaa varakkailta, Jari Sairasvyö kiittelee rikkaammille suomalaisille suunnattua solidaarisuusveroa oikeaksi signaaliksi. Vuokraturvan Mezola: Sairasvyö on ylipappi, mä olen sen kanttori, erittäin hyvä laulaja, Kauppalehti, Jari Sairasvyö: Maltillista tuottoa hakeva pehmeäsydäminen asuntosijoittaja Sijoitusovi, Sairasvyö ja Kuitunen asuvat yhdessä Iltalehti, Tahdon! Iltalehti, Virpi ja Jari Sairasvyö saivat tytön Iltalehti, Tainola, Rita: Tämä tuli Jari ja Virpi Sairasvyön ex-lapsen nimeksi: Ilta-Sanomat.
ellauri101.html on line 446: Nike is best known for its use of child labor and sweatshops. Factories contracted by Nike violate minimum wage and overtime laws. 2011 Nike complained that two-thirds of its factories producing Converse products still do not meet the company's standards for worker mistreatment, poor working conditions and exploitation of cheap overseas labor. Knight's son, Matthew, died in a scuba diving accident in El Salvador in 2004. Serve him right.
ellauri101.html on line 613: As the first social generation to have grown up with access to the Internet and portable digital technology from a young age, members of Generation Z have been dubbed "digital natives", even though they are not necessarily digitally literate. Moreover, the negative effects of screen time are most pronounced on adolescents compared to younger children. Compared to previous generations, members of Generation Z in some developed nations tend to be well-behaved, abstemious, and risk-averse. They tend to live more slowly than their predecessors when they were their age, have lower rates of teenage pregnancies, and consume alcohol less often, but not necessarily addictive drugs. Teenagers nowadays seem more concerned with academic performance and job prospects, and are better at delaying gratification than their counterparts from the 1960s, despite concerns to the contrary. On the other hand, sexting among adolescents has grown in prevalence though the consequences of this remain poorly understood. Meanwhile, youth subcultures have been quieter, though not necessarily dead.
ellauri101.html on line 680: Grungemusiikki toi muotiin myös uudenlaisen pukeutumistyylin, johon kuuluivat varsinkin flanellipaitojen, villapaitojen ja pipojen kaltaiset arkiset kolean sään vaatteet. Tämä tyyli sai vaikutteita Neil Youngin nuoruudessaan vaalimasta imagosta, mutta se viittasi myös Seattlen ilmastoon. Yleisesti käytettiin myös kirpputoreilta hankittuja, kuosiltaan vanhahtavia vaatteita kuten 1970-luvun nahkatakkeja. Grungetyylissä miehet suosivat pitkiä ja hieman takkuisia hiuksia sekä lyhyttä partaa. Naisille tyypillisiä ovat tupeeratut ja takkuiset hiukset, vahva ja suttuinen silmämeikki, kirkkaan punaiset tai tummahkot huulipunat, repeilleet verkkosukkahousut sekä kuluneet, hiukan vanhanaikaiset mekot. Myös revityt farkut kuuluvat grungetyyliin. Kenkinä käytettiin yleensä joko kuluneita maihinnousukenkiä tai Conversen All Star -tennareita.
ellauri101.html on line 682: Mulla on lyhyet hiuxet ja pitkähkö vaikka harvanlainen takkuinen parta. Vaattet ei ole kirpputorilta vaikka vaikuttavat siltä. Ne on kuosiltaan yhtä vanhahtavia kuin mä. Flanellipaidat ja villapaidat on Sysmän rytkyjä. Pipoja en sietänyt ennen kuiin Helmi kutoi mulle niitä. Farkkuja en revi muuta kuin vahingossa, ja sitten paikkaan ne. Jos harvoin ostan uudet ostan peltipönkköjä. Mä ostin Conversen koriskengät Bostonissa 1970-luvulla. Ei mulla niitä enää ole. Juu ei, emmä ole kyllä grungetyylinen. Enempi kuulostan mielensäpahoittajalta, vaikkenmä kyllä tykkää tollasesta mökkinaapurimallisesta karvalakistakaan. Sitä käyttää karvalakkipuolen kaljanryystäjät ja karvalakkilähetystöt. Gilmore Girlsin Jacob on kai grungetyylinen.
ellauri102.html on line 54: Daniel Yankelovich (December 29, 1924 – September 22, 2017) was a public opinion analyst and social scientist. After attending Boston Latin School, Yankelovich graduated from Harvard University in 1946 and 1950 before completing postgraduate studies at the Sorbonne in France. As a psychology professor he has taught at New York University and The New School for Social Research. In 1996 he served as Senior Fellow at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. In 2015, Yankelovich received the Warren J. Mitofsky Award for Excellence in Public Opinion Research.
ellauri102.html on line 425: She has attributed her change in worldview to two catalysts. One was when she was 17 and preparing for the University of Toronto, her mother had a stroke and became severely disabled. Naomi, her father, and her brother took care of Bonnie through the period in hospital and at home, making educational sacrifices to do so. That year off prevented her "from being such a brat". The next year, after beginning her studies at the University of Toronto, the second catalyst occurred: the 1989 École Polytechnique massacre of female engineering students, which proved to be a wake-up call to feminism.
ellauri102.html on line 443: Il recharge son arme et se rend, à nouveau, à l'avant de la classe, tirant par intermittence dans toutes les directions. À ce moment, Maryse Leclair, blessée, demande de l'aide. Lépine avance vers elle et, après avoir dégainé son couteau de chasse, la poignarde à trois reprises, l'achevant. Il enlève alors sa casquette, entoure son arme de son manteau, et s'exclame : « Oh, shit! », avant de se suicider d'une balle dans la tête, une vingtaine de minutes après avoir commencé son massacre.
ellauri102.html on line 455: Kompakysymys: mikä näistä antimainoxista ei ole antimainos, vaan "controversial ad"?? ellauri102.html on line 458:
Controversial ads 2018
ellauri102.html on line 465: Despite the backlash from the public the ad received a lot of publicity and press coverage. Protein World went on to make a reported £1 million profit from the £250,000 they spent on the advertising campaign. Although it caused a lot of controversy around the world, it somehow still managed to boost the company’s sales.
ellauri102.html on line 471: The Problem: Controversy for this ad campaign arose in many different ways. The first was the use of world leaders without their consent. In fact, one of the ads features Pope Benedict XVI kissing a top Egyptian imam which was quickly removed after being condemned by the Vatican.
ellauri102.html on line 495: The Problem: The controversy caused by the advert is as clear as day. Not only is the advert racist, but it’s also insulting to viewers.
ellauri102.html on line 507: The Problem: After Kaepernick refused to stand for the national anthem, many viewers became angry at him and viewed him as anti-American. The fact that Nike was using him in their ads made many people believe Nike was also anti-American. This sparked a lot of controversies online with many social media users posting pictures of themselves destroying Nike products, along with the hashtag #JustBurnIt.
ellauri102.html on line 687: Ms.stä on puolessa vuosisadassa tullut Amerikan E. T. Varakkaiden Gilmore-isoäitien preppieasuiset lapsenlapset lukee sitä koulussa pakkopullana. Through our Ms. Classroom program, Ms. is also used by college faculty as a required text at 88 universities in 43 states, reaching thousands of students nationwide.
ellauri105.html on line 120: Externalize blame. If they are late to work they will say “traffic was bad” or “construction stopped me” instead of “I overslept”. These people find it a lot easier to blame everyone else for their failures.
ellauri106.html on line 46: Philip Roth has not had much luck with biographers. Late in his life, furiously aggrieved after the failure of his marriage to the actress Claire Bloom and the publication of Bloom’s incendiary memoir of their years together, he asked a close friend, Ross Miller, an English professor at the University of Connecticut, to take on the task. Roth sent Miller lists of family members and friends he wanted to be interviewed, along with the questions that he felt should be asked. (“Would you have expected him to achieve success on the scale he has?”) It didn’t work out, for various reasons. Roth had wanted Miller to refute a familiar charge, “this whole mad fucking misogynistic bullshit!” that he felt flattened his long erotic history into one false accusation. But Miller came to his own conclusion. “There is a predatory side to both Sandy and Philip,” he told a cousin of Roth’s. (Sandy was Roth’s older brother.) “They look at women—I’m not gonna write about this—but they are misogynist. They talk about women in that way.”
ellauri106.html on line 54: So what did sex mean to Roth? Bailey’s book is so caught up in its obsessive cataloguing of paramours that the forest gets lost in an endless succession of trees. The place where Roth found insight into his own character was on the double bag. Over and over, in the novels, he transformed pro life. Bailey’s prurient, exhaustively literal version of that life reverses the effect, and the result is sadly diminishing. What he never grasps is Roth the artist, with his powers of imagination, of expression, of language—what made him worthy of biography at all.
ellauri106.html on line 69: From 1958 onwards, the couple lived in New York on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, and in 1959 they spent seven months in Italy on a Guggenheim grant. Upon their return, they both settled in Iowa City, where Roth led the Writers' Workshop at the University of Iowa. The experiences in small-town Iowa far away from the American metropolises flowed into Roth's second novel Letting Go (Other People's Worries), which was published in 1962, but in contrast to Roth's previously published volume of short stories Goodbye, Columbus caused mixed reactions from critics. Stanley Edgar Hyman, for example, criticized weaknesses in the narrative structure of the novel, the two narrative parts of which are only superficially connected, but praised what he saw as "the keenest eye for the details of American life since Sinclair Lewis". Letting Go is also the first novel in which Roth, as in numerous later works, made the writings of his literary predecessors an integral part of the narrative, and is therefore often referred to as Roth's first "Henry James novel".
ellauri106.html on line 71: In 1962, the same year Letting Go was published, Roth became Writer-in-Residence at Princeton University. After separating from his wife, Roth began a five-year psychoanalysis with the New York psychiatrist Hans J. Kleinschmidt, who published the case history anonymously in a medical journal in 1967 under the title The Angry Act: The Role of Aggression in Creativity. Roth traveled to Israel for the first time in June 1963. He participated in the American Jewish Congress, held discussions with Israeli intellectuals and Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion. From 1965 to 1977 Roth had a lectureship in comparative literature at the University of Pennsylvania.
ellauri106.html on line 76: In 1987, in the loneliness of Connecticut, Roth experienced a breakdown caused by a sleeping pill with hallucinatory side effects. He made the experience, as well as the trial of the concentration camp guard John Demjanjuk in Jerusalem, whom he had followed as an observer, the starting point of the 1993 novel Operation Shylock, the encounter between a fictional Philip Roth and his doppelganger. The writer also felt increasingly isolated in London and returned to New York, where he moved into an apartment on the Upper West Side. He took over from 1988 to 1991 a professor of literature at Hunter College of the City University of New York. In 1990 he married his longtime partner Claire Bloom, but the marriage was divorced in 1994 after Roth's growing estrangement and severe depression, including a stay in a psychiatric clinic. Bloom dealt with the problematic relationship two years later in her memoir Leaving a Doll's House .
ellauri106.html on line 78: In the American trilogy, the resurrected alter ego Zuckerman discovers the true identities of the protagonists of a sports idol in American Pastoral ( American Idyll, 1997), a radio star in I Married a Communist ( My Man, the Communist, 1998) and a professor emeritus in The Human Stain ( The Human Blemish, 2000) against the backdrop of changing American eras. American Pastoral was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1998 and is considered "a remarkable example of a literary interpretation of the descent of the initially so confident [American] post-war white society into the depths of uncertainty" as a result of the Vietnam War .
ellauri106.html on line 104: He enjoyed a robust childhood and was poplar in high school where he was a bright student but not quite diligent enough in his studies to win a prized full scholarship to Rutgers where he wanted to study law. Roth attended Rutgers University in Newark for a year, then transferred to Bucknell University in Pennsylvania, where he earned a B.A. magna cum laude in English and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He received a scholarship to attend the University of Chicago, where he earned an M.A. in English literature in 1955 and briefly worked as an instructor in the university´s writing program. Less prestigious Bucknell University in Pennsylvania was Roth’s fallback school. There he abandoned his vague dreams of becoming a lawyer for the underdog and turned his attention to writing.
ellauri106.html on line 106: That same year, rather than wait to be drafted, Roth enlisted in the army. Roth enlisted in the Army that year to avoid being drafted and assigned to unpleasant duty like the infantry. Fortunately he suffered a back injury during basic training and was given a medical discharge. Who knows. He returned to Chicago in 1956 to study for a PhD in literature but dropped out after one term. It was a yeasty environment for a young writer. Saul Bellow was a contemporary and with some what similar backgrounds and interests they could not avoid being rivals. During that year he met a lovely shiksa waitress Margaret Martinson, a single woman with a small child. He was smitten. An intense, but often troubled relationship ensued. At the end of the year he dropped out of the U of C and headed to the University of Iowa to teach in its creative writing program. None the less, whatever he may have said, Roth was not happy there, perhaps because the semi-rural Midwesterness of Ames was alien to him. After a while with Martinson in tow he moved on to a similar position at Princeton, another WASP bastion but one with even more prestige. Everyone who knew him recognized Roth as an early comer. He later continued his academic career at the University of Pennsylvania, where he taught comparative literature before retiring from teaching in 1991. Roth started teaching literature in the late 1960s at the University of Pennsylvania. The 1969 feature film adaptation of Goodbye, Columbus coincided with the publication of Portnoy’s Complaint, which soon became a best-seller amid controversy for its prurient content. (Those who've read it will likely not forget Portnoy's "love affair" with mom´s slab of liver in the fridge.)
ellauri106.html on line 177: Roth was far more prolific than either of the novelists he was frequently lumped with—29 full length novels and a dazzling debut novella over nearly 50 years. His output was also more diverse in style and topic than either of the other while reaping critical praise, armloads of awards, and commercial success. Yet at the core of his varied output were common threads—a Jewish identity with which he was not always comfortable but could not deny, a sense of being profoundly American— “if I am not American what am I”—a, a sex drive that was often creepily compulsive, and the world observed by fictional doppelgangers for the author, or sometimes the author himself as a fictional character.
ellauri106.html on line 180: Not far behind will be some Jewish critics who always found Roth’s portraits embarrassing for their relentless sexuality and discomfort with aspects of the culture that were at odds with his identity as an American. Others were angered at his voraciously espoused atheism—“I’m exactly the opposite of religious, I’m anti-religious. I find religious people hideous. I hate the religious lies. It’s all a big lie.” Some Jewish critics hounded him from the beginning of his career. Rabbi Gershom Scholem, the great kabbalah scholar, said Portnoy’s Complaint was more harmful to Jews than The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. And Roth was heckled and booed at an early appearance at Yeshiva University which stunned and shocked the author.
ellauri106.html on line 195: Thomas Wolfe (1900–1938) was born in Asheville, North Carolina, and educated at the University of North Carolina and Harvard University. He taught English at New York University and traveled extensively in Europe and America. Wolfe created his legacy as a classic American novelist with Look Homeward, Angel; Of Time and the River; A Stone, a Leaf, a Door; and From Death to Morning. Wolfe's influence extends to the writings of Beat Generation writer Jack Kerouac, and of authors Ray Bradbury and Philip Roth, among others. He remains an important writer in modern American literature, as one of the first masters of autobiographical fiction, and is considered North Carolina's most famous writer. Ei mitään pientä.
ellauri106.html on line 332: In 1840, the family settled in Hamilton, Ohio, where his father oversaw a Whig newspaper and followed Swedenborgianism.
ellauri106.html on line 347: The Weathermen Underground Organization (WUO), commonly known as the Weather Underground, was a radical left militant organization active in the late 1960s and 1970s, founded on the Ann Arbor campus of the University of Michigan. It was originally called the Weathermen. The WUO organized in 1969 as a faction of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) largely composed of the national office leadership of SDS and their supporters. Beginning in 1974, the organization´s express political goal was to create a revolutionary party to overthrow American imperialism.
ellauri106.html on line 378: Vuonna 1933 Marcuse siirtyi Sveitsiin ennen lopullista muuttamistaan Yhdysvaltoihin seuraavana vuonna. Yhdysvalloissa Marcuse toimi eri yliopistoissa, muun muassa San Diegossa Kaliforniassa. Samana vuonna 1965 hän otti myös vastaan ylimääräisen professuurin Berliinin Freie Universität -yliopistossa. Sikari pöllysi.
ellauri106.html on line 392: "I'm exactly the opposite of religious, I'm anti-religious. I find religious people hideous. I hate the religious lies. It's all a big lie. … I have such a huge dislike. It's not a neurotic thing, but the miserable record of religion. I don't even want to talk about it, it's not interesting to talk about the sheep referred to as believers."
ellauri106.html on line 403: Religion was a lie that he had recognized early in life, and he found all religions offensive, considered their superstitious folderol meaningless, childish, couldn´t stand the complete unadultness — the baby talk and the righteousness and the sheep, the avid believers. No hocus-pocus about death and God or obsolete fantasies of heaven for him. There was only our bodies, born to live and die on terms decided by the bodies that had lived and died before us. If he could be said to have located a philosophical niche for himself that was it - he'd come upon it early and intuitively, and however elemental, that was the whole of it. Should he ever write an autobiography, he'd call it The Life and Death of a Male Body.
ellauri106.html on line 409: Ruth has spoken about his childhood and his faith. He had a conversion of sorts. As a youngster, he was a delinquent–chewing tobacco and drinking and swearing. He says he had no faith in God before he was sent to the Catholic school and that the biggest lesson he got from the experience there was learning that “God was Boss.”
ellauri106.html on line 526: Instead of emphasizing the moral and political consequences of modern capitalism, as had the radical social movements before it, postmodernization offers “privacy, diminished expectations, subjectivism, individuality, particularity, and localism” as alternatives to the modern’s stability and universalism.
ellauri106.html on line 539: Puritan work ethic is what Roth, through his frequent allusions to New England’s storied past, points to as the source of America’s greatest triumphs—universal education, economic improvement, and those old standbys, rugged individualism and the “American Dream”.
ellauri106.html on line 625: Second-wave feminists including Kate Millett and Germaine Greer took on Mailer, and David Foster Wallace described Updike as “a penis with a thesaurus”. Wallu conversely was a thesaurus without a penis.
ellauri106.html on line 662: He bore a great reputation for 'conviviality', and wrote a humorous Latin version of the popular ballad A soldier and a sailor, A tinker and a tailor, etc.
ellauri107.html on line 84: "With clarity and with crudeness, and a great deal of exuberance, the embryonic writer who was me wrote these stories in his early 20s, while he was a graduate student at the University of Chicago, a soldier stationed in New Jersey and Washington, and a novice English instructor back at Chicago following his Army discharge...In the beginning it amazed him that any literate audience could seriously be interested in his story of tribal secrets, in what he knew, as a child of his neighborhood, about the rites and taboos of his clan—about their aversions, their aspirations, their fears of deviance and defection, their embarrassments and ideas of success."
ellauri107.html on line 91: Neil Klugman is an intelligent, working-class army veteran and a graduate of Rutgers University who works as a library clerk. He falls for Brenda Patimkin, a wealthy Radcliffe student who is home for the summer. They meet by the swimming pool at Old Oaks Country Club in Purchase, New York, a private club that Neil visits as a guest of his cousin Doris. Neil phones her and asks for a date. She does not remember him but agrees. He waits as she finishes a tennis game which only ends when it gets too dark to play.
ellauri107.html on line 95: After a few dates, Brenda persuades her father to invite Neil to stay with them for two weeks. This angers her mother, who feels that she should have been asked instead. Neil enjoys being able to sneak into Brenda's room at night but has misgivings over her entitled outlook, which is reflected in her spoiled and petulant younger sister, and her naive brother Ron, who misses the hero worship he enjoyed as a star basketball player at Ohio State University. Neil is astonished when Brenda reveals that she does not take birth control pills or use any other precautions to avoid pregnancy. She angrily rejects Neil's concerns. He prepares to leave, but she decides to persuade him to stay by agreeing to get a diaphragm.
ellauri107.html on line 104: An American Dream is a 1965 novel by American author Norman Mailer. It was published by Dial Press. Mailer wrote it in serialized form for Esquire, consciously attempting to resurrect the methodology used by Charles Dickens and other earlier novelists, with Mailer writing each chapter against monthly deadlines. The book is written in a poetic style heavy with metaphor that creates unique and hypnotising narrative and dialogue. The novel's action takes place over 32 hours in the life of its protagonist Stephen Rojack. Rojack is a decorated war-hero, former congressman, talk-show host, and university professor. He is depicted as the metaphorical embodiment of the American Dream.
ellauri107.html on line 146: I can’t be the first gay man to have been an older "straight" man’s mainstay. Philip had searched diligently for a beautiful young woman to see to him as Jane Eyre looked after old Mr. Rochester. What he got instead was me. The degree of attachment surprised us both. Were we lovers? Obviously not. Were we in love? Not exactly. But ours was a criminal conversation neither could have done without.
ellauri107.html on line 177: David Kesterson of North Texas State University delivered his lecture “Hawthorne and Melville” at the Phillips Library on September 23, 2000, giving the website one of its finest pieces of scholarship. Here are some excerpts from his talk:
ellauri107.html on line 185: Kesterson also includes a famous published Melvillian reference to Hawthorne that is at least as filled with sexual imagery as the verse of Walt Whitman. It is in the . . .
ellauri107.html on line 218: The major occurrence in Melville’s life . . . during the writing of Moby-Dick was the growing friendship with Nathaniel Hawthorne . . . . We are reminded that throughout the fall and winter of 1850, and summer of 1851, Hawthorne and Melville were visiting and writing to each other. . Hawthorne encapsulating their conversation [of August 1, 1851] by writing in his journal: “Melville and I had a talk about time and eternity, things of this world and of the next, and books, and publishers, and all possible and impossible matters, that lasted pretty deep into the night . . . .”
ellauri107.html on line 248: Although British naval mutineers as well as criminals ashore are explicitly shown in Billy Budd’s early chapters to have received forms of amnesty that ultimately contributed to the saving of the nation, Vere offers no such amnesty to Billy Budd. Claggart himself is rumored to have entered the service as an alternative to imprisonment, the navy’s need for manpower leading to frequent waivers of usual punishments; but Billy Budd receives no alternatives, no waivers. At Nelson’s triumphant Trafalgar, the thwarting of Napoleon’s invasion plans meant a “plenary absolution” for all the former offenders who had contributed to the victory. Billy, however, a “peacemaker,” neither a mutineer nor a criminal, makes a single misstep in retaliation against a known liar who seeks to manipulate the system to destroy him, and how is Billy to be absolved? Vere’s “vehemently exclaimed” answer: “the angel must hang!”
ellauri107.html on line 408: So why do we put up with him? (Sabbath? No I mean Roth.) Are we just drawn by the villainous? Who "we"? Speak for yourself motherfucker. Whose name was Jude Cook. Översatt på svenska: judekuk. Phil had good reason to be afraid of the judgment day.
ellauri107.html on line 414: Babbitt (1922), by Sinclair Lewis, is a satirical novel about American culture and society that critiques the vacuity of middle class life and the social pressure toward conformity. The controversy provoked by Babbitt was influential in the decision to award the Nobel Prize in Literature to Lewis in 1930.
ellauri107.html on line 505: This advance in civilization could be carried too far, Babbitt perceived. Noel Ryland, sales-manager of the Zeeco, was a frivolous graduate of Princeton, while Babbitt was a sound and standard ware from that great department-store, the State University. Ryland wore spats, he wrote long letters about City Planning and Community Singing, and, though he was a Booster, he was known to carry in his pocket small volumes of poetry in a foreign language. All this was going too far. Henry Thompson was the extreme of insularity, and Noel Ryland the extreme of frogginess, while between them, supporting the state, defending the evangelical churches and domestic brightness and sound business, were Babbitt and his friends.
ellauri107.html on line 513: Babbitt looked up irritably from the comic strips in the Evening Advocate. They composed his favorite literature and art, these illustrated chronicles in which Mr. Mutt hit Mr. Jeff with a rotten egg, and Mother corrected Father's vulgarisms by means of a rolling-pin. With the solemn face of a devotee, breathing heavily through his open mouth, he plodded nightly through every picture, and during the rite he detested interruptions. Furthermore, he felt that on the subject of Shakespeare he wasn't really an authority. Neither the Advocate-Times, the Evening Advocate, nor the Bulletin of the Zenith Chamber of Commerce had ever had an editorial on the matter, and until one of them had spoken he found it hard to form an original opinion. But even at risk of floundering in strange bogs, he could not keep out of an open controversy.
ellauri107.html on line 556: Aunt Maud and Kate return to London while Densher remains with Milly. Unfortunately, the dying girl learns from a former suitor of Kate's about the plot to get her money. She withdraws from Densher and her condition deteriorates. Densher sees her one last time before he leaves for London, where he eventually receives news of Milly's death. Milly does leave him a large amount of money despite everything. But Densher does not accept the money, and he will not marry Kate unless she also refuses the bequest. Conversely, if Kate chooses the money instead of him, Densher offers to make the bequest over to her in full. The lovers part on the novel's final page with a cryptic exclamation from Kate: "We shall never be again as we were!"
ellauri108.html on line 65: This short form of the name occurs 50 times in the text of the Hebrew Bible, of which 24 form part of the phrase "Hallelujah". In the Christian King James Version (1611) there is a single instance of JAH (capitalized), in Psalm 68:4. An American Translation (1939) and the New King James Version "NKJV" (1982) follows KJV in using Yah in this verse.
ellauri108.html on line 73: In the King James Version of the Christian Bible, the Hebrew יהּ is transliterated as "JAH" (capitalised) in only one instance: "Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name JAH, and rejoice before him". An American Translation renders the Hebrew word as "Yah" in this verse. In the 1885 Revised Version and its annotated study edition, The Modern Reader's Bible, which uses the Revised Version as its base text, also transliterates "JAH" in Psalms 89:8 which reads,"O LORD God of hosts, who is a mighty one, like unto thee, O JAH? and thy faithfulness is round about thee".
ellauri108.html on line 79: The Spanish language Reina Valera Bible employs "JAH" in 21 instances within the Old Testament according to the Nueva Concordancia Strong Exhaustiva. The Darby Bible, Young's Literal Translation, The Jubilee Bible 2000, Lexham English Bible, The Complete Jewish Bible, Names of God Bible, The Recovery Version, Green's Literal Translation, the New Jewish Publication Society or NJPS Tanakh and World English Bible includes "Jah" (Yah in the Lexham English Bible, Complete Jewish Bible, the NJPS Tanakh and the World English Bible) numerous times within the Old Testament (as well as in the New Testament or New Covenant as is the case in Christian and Messianic Jewish Bibles) as "Hallelujah!" or "Alleluia!" (Praise Jah or Yah in either instance) which is also employed throughout the Old Testament of these Bible versions.
ellauri108.html on line 81: "Hallelujah!" or "Alleluia!" is also used in other Bible versions such as the Divine Name King James Bible, American Standard Version, the Recovery Version, The Tree of Life Version, Amplified Bible, God's Word Translation, Holman Christian Standard Bible, International Standard Version, The Message, New American Bible Revised Edition, The Jerusalem Bible, The New Jerusalem Bible, NJPS Tanakh, The first JPS translation, The Living Bible, The Bible in Living English, Young's Literal Translation, King James Version, The Spanish language Reina Valera and even in Bible versions that otherwise do not generally use the Divine Name such as the New King James Version, English Standard Version, J.B. Phillips New Testament, New International Version, Douay-Rheims Version, God's Word Translation, Revised Standard Version, New Revised Standard Version, The Jubilee Bible 2000, New American Standard Bible, New Century Version, New International Reader's Version and several other versions, translations and/or editions in English and other languages varying from once to numerous times depending on the Bible version especially and most notably in Revelation Chapter 19 in Christian and Messianic Jewish Bibles.
ellauri108.html on line 92: Rastas are monotheists, worshipping a singular God whom they call Jah. The term "Jah" is a shortened version of "Jehovah", the name of God in English translations of the Old Testament. Rastafari holds strongly to the immanence of this divinity; as well as regarding Jah as a deity, Rastas believe that Jah is inherent within each individual. This belief is reflected in the aphorism, often cited by Rastas, that "God is man and man is God", and Rastas speak of "knowing" Jah, in the biblical sense, rather than simply "believing" in him. In seeking to narrow the distance between humanity and divinity, Rastafari embraces mysticism.
ellauri108.html on line 94: Jesus is an important figure in Rastafari. However, practitioners reject the traditional Christian view of Jesus, particularly the depiction of him as a white European, believing that this is a perversion of the truth. They believe that Jesus was a black African, and that the white Jesus was a false god. Many Rastas regard Christianity as the creation of the white man; they treat it with suspicion out of the view that the oppressors (white Europeans) and the oppressed (black Africans) cannot share the same God. Many Rastas take the view that the God worshipped by most white Christians is actually the Devil, and a recurring claim among Rastas is that the Pope is Satan or the Antichrist. Rastas therefore often view Christian preachers as deceivers and regard Christianity as being guilty of furthering the oppression of the African diaspora, frequently referring to it as having perpetrated "mental enslavement".
ellauri108.html on line 121: In portraying Africa as their "Promised Land", Rastas reflect their desire to escape what they perceive as the domination and degradation that they experience in Babylon. During the first three decades of the Rastafari movement, it placed strong emphasis on the need for the African diaspora to be repatriated to Africa. To this end, various Rastas lobbied the Jamaican government and United Nations to oversee this resettlement process. Other Rastas organised their own transportation to the African continent. Critics of the movement have argued that the migration of the entire African diaspora to Africa is implausible, particularly as no African country would welcome this.
ellauri108.html on line 135: Rastafari promotes what it regards as the restoration of black manhood, believing that men in the African diaspora have been emasculated by Babylon. It espouses patriarchal principles, including the idea that women should submit to male leadership. External observers—including scholars such as Cashmore and Edmonds—have claimed that Rastafari accords women an inferior position to men. Rastafari women usually accept this subordinate position and regard it as their duty to obey their men; the academic Maureen Rowe suggested that women were willing to join the religion despite its restrictions because they valued the life of structure and discipline it provided. Rasta discourse often presents women as morally weak and susceptible to deception by evil, and claims that they are impure while menstruating. Rastas legitimise these gender roles by citing Biblical passages, particularly those in the Book of Leviticus and in the writings of Paul the Apostle. The Rasta Shop is a store selling items associated with Rastafari in the U.S. state of Oregon.
ellauri108.html on line 137: Rasta women usually wear clothing that covers their head and hides their body contours. Trousers are usually avoided, in favour of long skirts. Women are expected to cover their head while praying, and in some Rasta groups this is expected of them whenever in public. Rasta discourse insists this female dress code is necessary to prevent women attracting men and presents it as an antidote to the sexual objectification of women in Babylon. Rasta men are permitted to wear whatever they choose. Although men and women took part alongside each other in early Rasta rituals, from the late 1940s and 1950s the Rasta community increasingly encouraged gender segregation for ceremonies. This was legitimised with the explanation that women were impure through menstruation and that their presence at the ceremonies would distract male participants.
ellauri108.html on line 143: Rastas refer to their cultural and religious practices as "livity". Rastafari does not place emphasis on hierarchical structures. It has no professional priesthood, with Rastas believing that there is no need for a priest to act as mediator between the worshipper and divinity. It nevertheless has "elders", an honorific title bestowed upon those with a good reputation among the community. Although respected figures, they do not necessarily have administrative functions or responsibilities. When they do oversee ritual meetings, they are often responsible for helping to interpret current events in terms of Biblical scripture. Elders often communicate with each other through a network to plan movement events and form strategies.
ellauri108.html on line 164: Rastafari music developed at reasoning sessions, where drumming, chanting, and dancing are all present. Rasta music is performed to praise and commune with Jah, and to reaffirm the rejection of Babylon. Rastas believe that their music has healing properties, with the ability to cure colds, fevers, and headaches. Many of these songs are sung to the tune of older Christian hymns, but others are original Rasta creations.
ellauri108.html on line 170: 1968 saw the development of reggae in Jamaica, a musical style typified by slower, heavier rhythms than ska and the increased use of Jamaican Patois. Like calypso, reggae was a medium for social commentary, although it demonstrated a wider use of radical political and Rasta themes than were previously present in Jamaican popular music. Reggae artists incorporated Rasta ritual rhythms, and also adopted Rasta chants, language, motifs, and social critiques. Songs like The Wailers' "African Herbsman" and Peter Tosh's "Legalize It" referenced cannabis use, while tracks like The Melodians' "Rivers of Babylon" and Junior Byles' "Beat Down Babylon" referenced Rasta beliefs in Babylon. Reggae gained widespread international popularity during the mid-1970s, coming to be viewed by black people in many different countries as music of the oppressed. Many Rastas grew critical of reggae, believing that it had commercialised their religion. Although reggae contains much Rastafari symbolism, and the two are widely associated, the connection is often exaggerated by non-Rastas. Most Rastas do not listen to reggae music, and reggae has also been utilised by other religious groups, such as Protestant Evangelicals. Out of reggae came dub music; dub artists often employ Rastafari terminology, even when not Rastas themselves.
ellauri108.html on line 216: In the 1940s and 1950s, a more militant brand of Rastafari emerged. The vanguard of this was the House of Youth Black Faith, a group whose members were largely based in West Kingston. Backlash against the Rastas grew after a practitioner of the religion allegedly killed a woman in 1957. In March 1958, the first Rastafarian Universal Convention was held in the settlement of Back-o-Wall, Kingston. Following the event, militant Rastas unsuccessfully tried to capture the city in the name of Haile Selassie. Later that year they tried again in Spanish Town. The increasing militancy of some Rastas resulted in growing alarm about the religion in Jamaica. According to Cashmore, the Rastas became "folk devils" in Jamaican society. In 1959, the self-declared prophet and founder of the African Reform Church, Claudius Henry, sold thousands of tickets to Afro-Jamaicans, including many Rastas, for passage on a ship that he claimed would take them to Africa. The ship never arrived and Henry was charged with fraud. In 1960 he was sentenced to six years imprisonment for conspiring to overthrow the government. Henry's son was accused of being part of a paramilitary cell and executed, confirming public fears about Rasta violence. One of the most prominent clashes between Rastas and law enforcement was the Coral Gardens incident of 1963, in which an initial skirmish between police and Rastas resulted in several deaths and led to a larger roundup of practitioners. Clamping down on the Rasta movement, in 1964 the island's government implemented tougher laws surrounding cannabis use.
ellauri108.html on line 222: In the mid-1970s, reggae's international popularity exploded. The most successful reggae artist was Bob Marley, who—according to Cashmore—"more than any other individual, was responsible for introducing Rastafarian themes, concepts and demands to a truly universal audience". Reggae's popularity led to a growth in "pseudo-Rastafarians", individuals who listened to reggae and wore Rasta clothing but did not share its belief system. Many Rastas were angered by this, believing it commercialised their religion.
ellauri108.html on line 262: Barrett described Rastafari as "the largest, most identifiable, indigenous movement in Jamaica." In the mid-1980s, there were approximately 70,000 members and sympathisers of Rastafari in Jamaica. The majority were male, working-class, former Christians aged between 18 and 40. In the 2011 Jamaican census, 29,026 individuals identified as Rastas. Jamaica's Rastas were initially entirely from the Afro-Jamaican majority, and although Afro-Jamaicans are still the majority, Rastafari has also gained members from the island's Chinese, Indian, Afro-Chinese, Afro-Jewish, mulatto, and white minorities. Until 1965 the vast majority were from the lower classes, although it has since attracted many middle-class members; by the 1980s there were Jamaican Rastas working as lawyers and university professors. Jamaica is often valorised by Rastas as the fountain-head of their faith, and many Rastas living elsewhere travel to the island on pilgrimage.
ellauri108.html on line 299: As a survivor of genocide in Zimbabwe who went on to build a career as a human rights activist and lawyer on three continents, Moyo was seen not only as an impeccable hire to carry on the museum’s vision but also as a bearer of racial progress for the Jewish community as many of its institutions attempt to increase their diversity. She pledged to use her position to fight racism, especially in the wake of last year’s Black Lives Matter protests.
ellauri108.html on line 317: Friday, the museum announced that Michelle Blumenberg, who is white and had been executive director of the University of Arizona Hillel Foundation, would assume the position on an interim basis.
ellauri108.html on line 375: In school, when we were taught of the slave trade, we did mot hear of the glory of the kings and the Kebra Nagast. We heard about "his story." We did not hear of African glory black my story, the truth as revealed in the Kebra Nagast We came to realize that even the Bible is just a version of
ellauri108.html on line 376: the truth, and all of these versions are a part of the whole. A vision of what happened, is happening, and will happen. My father said, "It's the last quarter before the year 2000 and righteousness-the positive way of thinking must win." As I see it, the year 2000 is based on a Roman system
ellauri108.html on line 434: However, God's miraculous intervention in a moment of crisis is not promised. If it were, believers would not need to exercise faith. The lesson here is that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego trusted God and were determined to be faithful without any guarantee of deliverance. They had no assurance they would survive the flames, but they stood firm anyway.
ellauri108.html on line 479: During the first three decades of the Rastafari movement, it placed strong emphasis on the need for the African diaspora to be repatriated to Africa. To this end, various Rastas lobbied the Jamaican government and United Nations to oversee this resettlement process. Other Rastas organised their own transportation to the African continent. Critics of the movement have argued that the migration of the entire African diaspora to Africa is implausible, particularly as no African country would welcome this.
ellauri109.html on line 149: Reiner Rilke ist schwerverständlich aber tief. Diese zwei sind
ellauri109.html on line 268: John Rogers Searle (/sɜːrl/; born July 31, 1932) is an American philosopher. He was Willis S. and Marion Slusser Professor Emeritus of the Philosophy of Mind and Language and Professor of the Graduate School at the University of California, Berkeley until June 2019, when his emeritus status was revoked for having violated the university’s sexual harassment policies. Widely noted for his contributions to the philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, and social philosophy, he began teaching at UC Berkeley in 1959.
ellauri109.html on line 276: In March 2017, Searle became the subject of sexual assault allegations. The Los Angeles Times reported: "A new lawsuit alleges that university officials failed to properly respond to complaints that John Searle, an 84-year-old renowned philosophy professor, sexually assaulted his 24-year-old research associate last July and cut her pay when she rejected his advances." The case brought to light several earlier complaints against Searle, on which Berkeley allegedly had failed to act.
ellauri109.html on line 278: The lawsuit, filed in a California court on March 21, 2017, sought damages both from Searle and from the Regents of the University of California as his employers. It also claims that Jennifer Hudin, the director of the John Searle Center for Social Ontology, where the complainant had been employed as an assistant to Searle, has stated that Searle "has had sexual relationships with his students and others in the past in exchange for academic, monetary or other benefits". After news of the lawsuit became public, several previous allegations of sexual harassment by Searle were also revealed.
ellauri109.html on line 280: On June 19, 2019, following campus disciplinary proceedings by Berkeley's Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD), University of California President Janet Napolitano approved a recommendation that Searle have his emeritus status revoked, after a determination that he violated university policies against sexual harassment.
ellauri109.html on line 282: Searle has five honorary-doctorate degrees from four different countries and is an honorary visiting professor at Tsing Hua University and at East China Normal University. In 2000 Searle received the Jean Nicod Prize; in 2004, the National Humanities Medal; and in 2006, the Mind & Brain Prize.
ellauri109.html on line 472: Tylsä Kleist ja monet muut on tehneet pulukaxikosta heteronormaaleja versioita. Sievistelevät puritaanit anglosaxit ennen kaikkea.
ellauri109.html on line 474: Translations of the fable were familiar enough in Britain but the subject of male bonding left some readers uneasy (as it very obviously did Elizur Wright). Eventually there appeared an 18th-century version in octosyllabic couplets that claimed to be ‘improved from Fontaine’. Here the couple are a male and female named Columbo and Turturella.
ellauri109.html on line 507: From the start, critics complained about the ostensible sameness of Roth’s books, their narcissism and narrowness—or, as he himself put it, comparing his own work to his father’s conversation, “Family, family, family, Newark, Newark, Newark, Jew, Jew, Jew.” Roth turned self-obsession into art. He was a consummate bullshit artist.
ellauri109.html on line 607: Roth was a dedicated teacher at various universities, but he also availed himself of what he viewed as the perquisites.
ellauri109.html on line 609: At the University of Pennsylvania, a friend and colleague—acting, the friend admits, almost as a “pimp”—helped Roth fill the last seats in his oversubscribed classes with particularly attractive undergraduates. Roth’s treatment of a young woman named Felicity (a pseudonym), a friend and house guest of Claire Bloom’s daughter, is particularly disturbing. Roth made a sexual overture to Felicity, which she rebuffed; the next morning, he left her an irate note accusing her of “sexual hysteria.” When Bloom wrote about the incident in her memoir, Roth answered in his unpublished “Notes” with a sense of affront rather than penitence: “This is what people are. This is what people do. . . . Hate me for what I am, not for what I’m not.”
ellauri109.html on line 693: The second part deals with the controversial topics of church authority and transubstantiation. Että tästäkin on jo jauhettu. ÄLÄ JAUHA! huutaa Sepu tuhkalaatikosta.
ellauri109.html on line 706: Dryden potkittiin pois Royal Societystä kun sillä oli jäsenmaxut rästissä. Shadwell vei siltä poeta laureatuxen paikan kun Dryden ei pokkuroinut protestanttisia Wilhoa ja Mariaa. Oliko viirikukko ruostunut? Dryden's main goal in the satiric verse: the mock-heroic Mac Flecknoe, was to "satirize Shadwell, ostensibly for his offenses against literature but more immediately we may suppose for his habitual badgering of him on the stage and in print." Thomas Shadwell succeeded him as Poet Laureate, and he was forced to give up his public offices and live by the proceeds of his pig pen.
ellauri110.html on line 135: It is possible to interpret the Houyhnhnms in a number of different ways. One interpretation could be a sign of Swift's liberal views on race, or one could regard Gulliver's preference (and his immediate division of Houyhnhnms into color-based hierarchies) as absurd and the sign of his self-deception. It is now generally accepted that the story involving the Houyhnhnms embody a wholly pessimistic view of the place of man and the meaning of his existence in the universe. In a modern context the story might be seen as presenting an early example of animal rights concerns, especially in Gulliver's account of how horses are cruelly treated in his society and the reversal of roles. The story is a possible inspiration for Pierre Boulle's novel Planet of the Apes.
ellauri110.html on line 152: In the shipping lanes he is rescued by a Portuguese sea captain, a level-headed individual albeit full of concern for others, whose temperament at one level appears intermediate between the calm, rational Houyhnhnms of Houyhnhnmland and the norm of corrupt, European humanity, which Gulliver no longer distinguishes from Houyhnhnmland's wild Yahoos. Gulliver can speak with him, and though now disaffected from all humanity, he began to tolerate his company. Gulliver is returned to his home and family, finds their smell and look intolerable and all his countrymen no better than "Yahoos", purchases and converses with two stabled horses, tolerates the stable boy, and assures the reader of his account's utter veracity.
ellauri110.html on line 320: The painter discovers a kindred spirit in Lydia's younger sister Zhenya, a dreamy and sensitive girl who spends her time reading, admiring him painting and having long walks. The two fall in love, and an evening comes when, after a walk, the painter lets his feelings out in a passionate outburst. Zhenya responds in kind, but feels she has to tell her mother and sister about their love immediately.
ellauri110.html on line 419: Hande on koleerinen egomaanikko. Philip Rothin suomalainen versio. Se huomaa pian Wallun lailla ettei AA sovi sen aralle hipiälle.
ellauri110.html on line 709: Casanova kirjoitti 6000 sivun muistelmat. Joku versio siitä on mulla hyllyssä. Ei sitä Handekaan jouda lukemaan vaikka Casanovasta kirjottaa. No ei vaitiskaan, Handestahan se aina kirjoittaa. Toisella käynnillä se viihtyy Veneziassa, kun ei ole enää besserwisser Kristiina sähläämässä.
ellauri110.html on line 907: Alkukielinen versio (”Если жизнь тебя обманет…”) löytyy täältä: http://www.ilibrary.ru/text/560/p.1/index.html. Mielestäni käännöksestä on onnistuneesti saatu purettua Pushkinille ominainen korkealentoisuus. Koruton Mäkelä puhuttelee koruttomasti tämän ajan korutonta ihmistä.
ellauri110.html on line 949: Después de cursar la primera enseñanza en su pueblo natal, se trasladó Estados Unidos en 1945, donde estudió en el Washington Irving High School de Nueva York; también asistió a algunos cursos en la Universidad de Columbia.
ellauri110.html on line 1075: Welcome! ‘Conversations with Dostoevsky’ is a blog written to mark the 200th anniversary year of Dostoevsky’s birth. It takes the form of a series of conversations between a twenty-first century academic and the writer himself. The topics centre on ‘the big questions’, including God, immortality, faith, nationality, and the power of literature. Blogs will be published weekly, though readers may wish to save them up for a monthly visit.
ellauri110.html on line 1077: I hope that a revised version of these conversations will eventually appear in book form. This published version will include extensive accompanying notes, indicating the sources of the views ascribed to Dostoevsky and, where relevant, references to secondary literature. This will especially be in cases where, for example, the views spoken by Dostoevsky may involve controversial points of interpretation or where his own documented views may require comment for twenty-first century readers. However, this is primarily a work of fiction and although it is supported by scholarship and, I hope, raises questions that are of interest to scholars, it is to be read in the way we might read any work of fiction, where whatever instruction the work may offer is accompanied by a element of entertainment.
ellauri110.html on line 1079: The blog is intended to develop in a dialogical fashion and I hope that readers will contact me with any critical comments, whether these relate to style or content. Despite what I have just said about fiction, it is my wish that the eventual book will present an interpretation of Dostoevsky’s thought discussed that is fully defensible with regard to the available sources and I welcome any comments drawing attention to actual errors or significant misrepresentations. In this way, the blog itself will, I hope, set in motion a kind of conversation, alongside all the other amazing conversations about Dostoevsky that are happening in reality, in print, and online. This is work in progress and I hope not only to entertain and instruct but also to learn.
ellauri110.html on line 1085: George Pattison (1950-) is an English theologian and Anglican priest. Since 2013, he has been Professor of Divinity at the University of Glasgow. He was previously Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity at the University of Oxford.
ellauri110.html on line 1121: Uncle was Prince K, a doddering and decrepit old fop who has come into money and who is paying a visit to the provinces. Maria Alexandrovna decides to try to marry off her beautiful young daughter Zenaida to him, but the whole town has had a snootful of her and tries to buck her plans at every turn. Still, she manages to come out in the end after a series of reverses. Not for nothing does Dosto compare her (too)xo to Napoleon Bonaparte. Dosto bore a grudge to the French and English because they had laughed at his accent. Napoleon and Shakespeare, damn the lot.
ellauri110.html on line 1131: There´s something very Jane Austen about this novella. Or an accelerated, less monotonous version of Tolstoy´s Anna Karenina.
ellauri111.html on line 110: The Apocrypha is a collection of uninspired, spurious books written by various individuals. The Catholic religion considers these books as scripture just like a Bible-believer believes that the 66 books in the Authorized Version of 1611 of the Bible are the word of God, i.e., Genesis to Revelation. We are going to examine some verses from the Apocrypha later in our discussion.
ellauri111.html on line 128: The Apocrypha includes doctrines in variance with the Bible, such as prayers for the dead and sinless perfection. The following verses are taken from the Apocrypha translation by Ronald Knox dated 1954:
ellauri111.html on line 211:
ellauri111.html on line 365: The gospel is God's last message to mankind. If you will yield to the gospel of Jesus Christ, you will be reconciled to God and you will escape eternal damnation in hell and the lake of fire. Besides all of this, you will have abudant life right now as you walk with the Creator of the universe, the Lord Jesus Christ. All of this in spite of all the woes that the world will throw at you.
ellauri111.html on line 399: According to the above verse, we still come up short even when we try to do good deeds. This is because we are not doing them under God's authority. We do them because we think they are good. We ignore what God says. Väärin sammutettu, sanoo herra isoherra.
ellauri111.html on line 488: The Lord Jesus Christ came to save you from both the GUILT and POWER of sin. The Lord Jesus Christ was manifested TO DESTROY the works of the devil (I John 3:8)--THE LORD JESUS CHRIST CAME TO SAVE YOU AND CHANGE YOU AND TO MAKE YOU HOLY. When you are unsaved, sin has dominion over you. Sin is your boss and you cannot do anything BUT sin. You are justly under the wrath of a holy and just God. Murderers, thieves, fornicators, witches, sodomites, whores, liars, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, rebels, and all other spiritual lepers will not inherit the kingdom of God. This is not to put anybody down, before we got saved, we Christians were once the murders, thieves, whoremongers, etc. We have to be born again into the kingdom of God. When we REPENT and BELIEVE in Jesus, we are born again and all things become new. A new life emerges and things change. We start reading the Bible and obeying it and the Lord Jesus helps us obey it more and more. Our life changes. Our desires literally change as we go forward in obeying the word of God.
ellauri111.html on line 526: 2:3 Among whom also we ALL had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.
ellauri111.html on line 580: If you are ready to save yourself from this untoward generation, if you are ready to reject what this wicked and perverse world has to offer, if you are ready to be safe and stay safe in God Almighty, if you want Jesus Christ as Lord of your life, if you want to be reconciled to your Creator, if you want to go to heaven, if you want to escape hell -- then put your faith in the only one who can do something about it! Do you believe that Jesus Christ died for you? Do you believe that He rose from the dead? Do you repent of your sins? Do you want to follow Jesus? Join the short line marked LAMBS on the right. Do you want to go to hell? Go to the long line on the left with a goat logo.
ellauri111.html on line 618: Today, many, many WOMEN are entering pulpits, ruling churches, and speaking during the church services (giving announcements, etc.)--this is WRONG. Women are to keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak (reference I Corinthians 14:34). No woman should be called pastor, reverend, Adult Sunday School teacher, etc. Even if they have a question, they are to ask their husbands at home for it is a shame for women to speak in the church (reference I Corinthians 14:35). And yet we also learn from the scriptures that daughters are to serve the Lord (there are a diversity of gifts, all to be used decently and in order of seniority by the elders).
ellauri111.html on line 723: There has been a lot of talk about "aliens" for some time and the talk continues; some kind of sky show may be in the future. If you see something in the air, it is not because there are true aliens. But what about devils? yes there are devils; what about oversized genetically modified organisms and chimeras? maybe; possessed people? yes there are; 3D pictures, yes; pheromones, yes; unrevealed inventions and laws, in all probability, yes. If you hear a voice, see lights, or whatever, compare everything to the Bible--we believe in the Bible above our senses. This is a time of deception. You will not be deceived if you read and obey the scriptures. Read Matthew 24 (and other passages as well) for what is going to happen when the Lord returns. An excerpt--
ellauri111.html on line 737: The serpent power basically tells Hindus the same thing that Satan told Eve in the garden--"ye shall be as gods." Who does not know that Hinduism is pantheistic (saying that "all is god") and teaches that all people are supposedly already god but just have to realize it? The ignorant church people are getting something similar--"panentheism" (God is in everything). They are not hearkening to the Authorized Version of 1611 of the Bible and can therefore be taken by men's words (even if those words are found in unauthorized Bible versions).
ellauri111.html on line 772: Ivan kertoo suunnittelemaansa näytelmää, jossa tapahtuma on sijotettu kuudennelletoista vuosisadalle. Mutta saatana ei nuku ja ensimäiset epäilyksen idut, yhä kasvava epäusko tuollaisiin ihmeisiin oli alkanut jo 1500 luvulla versoa kristikunnassa. Juuri tähän aikaan uusi kauhistuttava kerettiläisyys ensiksi esiintyi Pohjois-Saksassa, nim. Luteruksen uskonpuhdistus.
ellauri111.html on line 880: Salaliittoteoria on pyrkimys selittää haitallisia tai traagisia tapahtumia pienen, voimakkaan ryhmän toiminnan seurauksiksi. Monessa salaliittoteoriassa oletetaan salaliittolaisten olevan hyvin vaikutusvaltaisia ja kieroja sekä taitavia salaliiton toteuttamisessa ja sen salaamisessa. Salaliittoteoreetikot etsivät tapahtumasta ja sen raportoinnista poikkeavuuksia, jotka he näkevät todisteina salaliitosta siinä kun muut voivat nähdä niissä vain tavanomaisia inhimillisiä virheitä tai sattumaa. Salaliittoteoriat hylkäävät tapahtumien ympärille hyväksytyn kertomuksen ja saattavat nähdä virallisen versionkin todisteena salaliitosta.
ellauri112.html on line 55: Alexander Bain (11 June 1818 – 18 September 1903) was a Scottish philosopher and educationalist in the British school of empiricism and a prominent and innovative figure in the fields of psychology, linguistics, logic, moral philosophy and education reform. He founded Mind, the first ever journal of psychology and analytical philosophy, and was the leading figure in establishing and applying the scientific method to psychology. Bain was the inaugural Regius Chair in Logic and Professor of Logic at the University of Aberdeen, where he also held Professorships in Moral Philosophy and English Literature and was twice elected Lord Rector of the University of Aberdeen.
ellauri112.html on line 62: Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt (* 16. August 1832 in Neckarau; † 31. August 1920 in Großbothen bei Leipzig) war ein deutscher Physiologe, Psychologe und Philosoph. Er gründete 1879 an der Universität Leipzig das erste Institut für experimentelle Psychologie mit einem systematischen Forschungsprogramm. Wundt gilt als Begründer der Psychologie als eigenständiger Wissenschaft und als Mitbegründer der Völkerpsychologie (Kulturpsychologie).
ellauri112.html on line 75: Edward Bradford Titchener (11 January 1867 – 3 August 1927) was an English psychologist who studied under Wilhelm Wundt for several years. Titchener is best known for creating his version of psychology that described the structure of the mind: structuralism. After becoming a professor at Cornell University, he created the largest doctoral program at that time in the United States . His first graduate student, Margaret Floy Washburn, became the first woman to be granted a PhD in psychology (1894). Tätä kautta Wundtista tuli kova nimi jenkeissä.
ellauri112.html on line 185: »Ajassa» on kerran ennen (vuosikerrassa 1911) tarkastettu muutamia Bergsonin filosofialle ominaisia, alkuperäisiä piirteitä. Tällä kertaa on tarkoitus kiinnittää huomiota niihin huomattaviin yhtäläisyyksiin, joita kaikesta huolimatta on olemassa Bergsonin ja hänen edeltäjänsä Renanin ajatustavan välillä. On pidetty Bergsonin filosofian huomattavimpana piirteenä sitä merkitystä, minkä hän antaa ajan realiteetille. On sanottu, että kun filosofia yleensä pyrkii katsomaan todellisuutta »iäisyyden näkökannalta», on sensijaan bergsonilaisuudelle ominaista »ajallisuuden näkökanta». »Aika» on tämän filosofian mukaan luova tekijä todellisuudessa, ei pelkkä subjektiivinen havainnonmuoto. Aika luo, todellisesti synnyttää uutta, samoinkuin sen hammas jäytää esineitä. »L'univers dure». Maailmankaikkeus on historiallinen ilmiö. Aivan yhtä syvästi on Renan vakuutettu ajan merkityksestä. »Aika näyttää minusta yhä enemmän olevan le facteur universel, la grand coefficient de l'eternal devenir» (Dialogues philosophiques, s. 155). 19. vuosisadan luonteenomainen piirre on Renanin mukaan, että dogmaatisen metodin sijaan on asetettu historiallinen metodi, kaikissa ihmishenkeä käsittelevissä tieteissä. »La catégorie du devenir» on asetettu »la catégorie de l'être'n» sijaan. Ennen puhuttiin uskonnosta, oikeudesta, jne. jonakin kerta kaikkiaan olemassaolevana, nykyään kaikki tuo käsitetään joksikin, joka paraikaa kehittyy. Kullakin tieteellä on tarkastettavanaan katkelma tätä ikuisen syntymisen vyyhteä. »Historia» sanan ahtaammassa merkityksessä on tässä suhteessa nuorin tieteistä; se käsittelee viimeistä myöhäisintä kautta tässä kehitysjaksossa. Filologia ja vertaileva mytologia valaisevat jo varhaisempaa kautta. Ihminen puhui ja loi myyttejä ennenkuin hän jätti jälkeensä kirjallisia muistomerkkejä. Ja näiden tieteiden takana alkavat paleontologian ja luonnonhistorian äärettömät taivaanrannat sarastaa. »Minä puolestani olen aina ajatellut, että lajien synnyn salaisuus piilee morfologiassa (kasvien ja eläinten muoto-opissa), että eläinmuodot ovat hieroglyyfikieli, jonka avain puuttuu meiltä, ja että koko menneisyyden selitys piilee niissä tosiseikoissa, jotka ovat meidän silmäimme edessä, mutta joita emme osaa lukea.» Mutta historiallisia dokumentteja eivät ole ainoastaan elolliset muodot; tähtisumuilla, linnunradalla on sama arvo. On tuleva aika, jolloin luonnontieteetkin muuttuvat historiallisiksi. »Muistelmissaan» valittaa Renan eräässä kohden sitä, että hän joutui harrastamaan historiallisia tieteitä, »noita vähäisiä arveluun perustuvia tieteitä, joista sadan vuoden perästä ei välitetä». Renan uskoo että jos hän olisi antautunut luonnontieteisiin, olisi hän johtunut useampiin Darwinin tuloksista, jotka hän väittää 1845:n tienoissa edeltäpäin aavistaneensa. Tätä valitusta ei tarvitse ottaa kovin vakavasti, sillä monista muista lausunnoista käy ilmi, että Renanin mielestä historiallisilla tieteillä on aivan erikoisen suuri filosofinen arvo.-- Toinen yhtymäkohta Renanin ja Bergsonin välillä on heidän »vitalistinen» käsityksensä kehityksen syistä. Bergson hylkää ajatuksen, että ulkonaiset, »mekaaniset» syyt aiheuttaisivat kehityksen. Elolliset muodot ovat hänen käsityksensä mukaan erään sisäisen sielullisen voiman tuote. Bergson on dualisti. Elottoman aineen rinnalla on maailmassamme vaikuttamassa edelliselle jyrkästi vastakkainen »élan vital», joka yhtenäisenä elämän virtana kuohuu kautta sukupolvien ja yksilöiden. Elottomassakin maailmassa vallitsee määräperäinen liike, mutta se on »putoamista», laskeutumista yhä alemmalle tasolle (entropia); »élan vital» sensijaan on vaivaloista ylöspäin ponnistamista. Elottomassa maailmassa energia hajaantuu ja haihtuu, mutta »élan vital» pyrkii sitä kasaamaan (lehtivihreä ja sen merkitys, orgaaniset yhdistykset).
ellauri112.html on line 191: Renan huomauttaa että spekulatiivisessa filosofiassa aina on jotain, mikä muistuttaa keskiaikaisen Raimundus Lulluksen fantastista konetta, jonka avulla pelkästään käsitteitä kombinoimalla piti löydettämän totuus ja vältettämän erehdys. Puhdas spekulatiivinen logiikka, jonka avulla on luultu voitavan vapautua kärsivällisestä tutkimuksesta ja työstä, on oikealle tieteelle yhtä vahingollinen kuin Lulluksen kone. Filosofoida on oppia tuntemaan universumi. Tämä on kokoonpantu fyysillisestä ja psyykillisestä maailmasta, luonnosta ja ihmiskunnasta. Siis on luonnon ja ihmiskunnan tutkimus koko filosofia[6]. Missään ei spekulatiivinen logiikka niin paljasta heikkouttaan kuin niissä tieteissä, jotka käsittelevät eläviä objekteja. Geometriassa, algebrassa jne., joissa ei välitetä todellisuudesta, on aateskelu paikallaan. Mutta sensijaan esim. ihmiskuntaa käsittelevissä tieteissä, joissa kaikki yleiset aatteet perustuvat vain puolittain totuuteen, puolittain erehdykseen, täytyy aateskelun tulokset askel askeleelta tarkistaa kokemuksen avulla. »Logiikka ei tavoita vivahduksia; mutta hengentieteiden alalla totuudet läpeensä piilevät vivahduksessa. Ne pujahtavat skolastiikan verkonsilmukoiden läpi; niitä ei katsella kasvoista kasvoihin, vaan ne löydetään osittain, salaisesti, milloin enemmän, milloin vähemmän» (Essais de morale etc., s. 189 ja seur.). Yllä harventamassani rivissä on Renan lausunut julki yhden bergsonilaisuuden ydinajatuksista. Mutta saman ajatuksen käsitteellisen ajattelun voimattomuudesta tapaa nykyään hyvin yleisesti muuallakin. On syytä sentähden vähän tarkastaa tuota merkillistä lausetta. Spekulatiolle, vastakohtana kokemustieteelle, on omituista, että se lähtee liikkeelle määrätyistä käsitteistä ja arvostelmista, jotka se muodostaa apriorisesti, ennen kokemusta, kun sensijaan kokemustiede kokonaan elää ja hengittää tutkimusesineessään, joka luo sen käyttämät käsitteet ja arvostelmat ja on valmis aina synnyttämään uusia, kun entiset osoittautuvat riittämättömiksi. Puhdas aateskelu kombinoi apriorisia arvostelmiaan ja tekee niistä täten johtopäätöksiä. Tämä ajatustyö noudattaa muodollisen logiikan lakeja, joista ensimäinen on se, että kukin käsite on muuttumaton, pysyy merkitykseltään identisenä. Kun tällaisen aateskelun tuloksia ruvetaan sovittamaan todellisuuteen, syntyy omituisia vaikeuksia. Tyydyn vain yhteen esimerkkiin, jota Bergson mielellään käyttää osoitteena abstraktisen logiikan heikkoudesta. Puhdas aateskelu, joka työskentelee sellaisilla määreillä kuin »ykseys» ja »moninaisuus», olettaen että ne voidaan sovelluttaa kaikkiin ajatuksen esineisiin poikkeuksetta, johtuu m. m. seuraavaan vaikeuteen: onko elävä organismi, onko sielunelämä »ykseys» vai »moninaisuus»? On selvää ettei kumpikaan näistä määreistä sovellu näihin objekteihin. Organismi, sielunelämä eivät ole sellaisia yksinkertaisia esineitä, jotka olisi leimattava joko »ykseyksiksi» tai »moninaisuuksiksi». Mitä voidaan päättää tästä? Tietenkin, että spekulatiivinen metodi on väärä, että jos lähdetään liikkeelle rajoitetusta määrästä käsitteitä, tullaan ennemmin tai myöhemmin kohtaan, jolloin yksikään näistä käsitteistä ei sovellu ilmaisemaan tarkoitettua ilmiötä. Kokemustiedolle sensijaan tätä vaikeutta ei esiinny; todellisuus, jossa se liikkuu ja elää, luo sille tarpeen tullen aina uusia käsitteitä. Katsokaamme spektriä, jossa auringon valkea valo yhdenjaksoisissa ylimenoissa taittuu lukemattomiin vivahduksiin, niin että jokainen spektrin poikkiviiva on hitusen verran toisenvärinen kuin edellinen! Jokapäiväinen kielenkäyttö tulee toimeen muutamalla, viidellä, kuudella värinimityksellä. Se yksinkertaisesti laiminlyö ylimenot yhdestä »väristä» toiseen. Mutta maalari, jolle värivivahdukset ovat arvokkaita, tarvitsee jo paljon suuremman määrän värejä ilmaisevia käsitteitä: ultramariini, karmiini jne. Mikään ei estäisi muodostamasta uusia värien käsitteitä tuhansiin saakka, aina värienerottamiskykymme rajaan asti.
ellauri112.html on line 608: Drew’s brother Craig (Mark Duplass) only adds to her consternation. Craig and his wife are rich, over-achievers who can’t help but look down at Marlo’s messy mothering. Är dom inte äckliga? Spypåsarna till vänster om dörrarna. Life is not just boring, it is a fucking pile of clichés. You´ve seen one of them, you´ve seen them all. Jussi Snellman, don´t bother with reincarnation!
ellauri112.html on line 730: The revelation that Tully is a version of Marlo’s former self removes the possibility of a different life she represented. “I love us,” Marlo’s husband says to her, as she lies in her hospital bed. “I love us too,” she replies. This collective noun is the acceptance of the status quo, just as Tully’s last speech, in which she tells Marlo she should embrace her dull life – “being boring means you’re doing it right” – is an endorsement of the sacrifices society requires of her. The final scene, in which Marlo’s husband helps her make the packed lunches, is bathed in a saccharine glow: learn to love your claustrophobia, it tells women. The nuclear family is the only one worth having.
ellauri112.html on line 839: He is dead but buy his book What Would Jesus Drink? by Brad Whittington. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 38,770. Language: English. Published: August 13, 2011. Categories: Autofiction » Religion & Spirituality » Christianity. It includes 247 verses from the bible and the rest of it as appendix for further reading. Brad Whittington's tag cloud: alcohol beer jesus wine.
ellauri112.html on line 875: “In regard to the external form of the ordinance, whether or not believers are to take into their hands and divide among themselves, or each is to eat what is given to him; whether they are to return the cup to the deacon or hand it to their neighbour; whether the bread is to be leavened or unleavened, and the wine to be red or white, is of no consequence. These things are indifferent, and left free to the Church...”
ellauri112.html on line 898: Persistently, honorable men are engaged in a discussion as to what should be the contents of the communion cup. Should the cup contain wine, the fermented juice of grapes? Or should it be unfermented grape juice? Does it matter? What difference does it make, if any? Should church leaders accommodate both Christians who want to use wine, as well as those who prefer unfermented grape juice, by offering what is sometimes called a “split cup” or a “split tray”? In other words, what should be the second “element,” or the contents of the communion cup? Can grape juice change to real blood and no fucking tomato juice? How should such questions—controversial as they are—be answered?
ellauri112.html on line 912: Sixth, since we cannot understand the present controversy surrounding the communion cup without doing so, we will very briefly survey the temperance movements of the nineteenth century.
ellauri112.html on line 934: We should agree with the Westminster Confession of Faith, which teaches us that “The supreme judge by which all controversies of religion are to be determined, and all decrees of councils, opinions of ancient writers, doctrines of men, and private spirits, are to be examined, and in whose sentence we are to rest, can be no other but the Hard Spirit speaking in the Scripture.” As it is with all controversies of religion, so it is with this one. Smell the breath of the Lord.
ellauri115.html on line 166: Sein Liebesleben war eine Katastrophe. Seine erste tiefgehende sexuelle Erfahrung machte er als Kind. Wegen irgendeines kleinen Vergehens versohlte ihm seine Lehrerin, Mademoiselle Lambergier, den Hosenboden. Später schrieb er:
ellauri115.html on line 185: Seuraavassa pitkähkössä Hammurabi-sitaatissa on aika kypsiä ajatuxia uskonnoista Vilho Sorvarilta. Tuli tossa mieleen että yxijumalaisuus on paizi diktatuurin esikuva, myös monokulttuurin. Monijumalaisuus on teodiversiteettiä, jolle monoteistit ovat vihaisia kuin rakkikoirat. Yhden jumalan malli on kuin Windows-nurmikko, jossa muut kasvit ovat vieraslajeja. Miten tämä on tähän kasvanut? Se on väärässä paikassa, sanoo Woku ja nyhtää rikkaruohon pois. Apilseri on Hammurabin orjanimi. Se tarkoitti Aron poika. John pelkäsi 2-vuotiaana mehiläisiä, se piti kantaa Akkoinsaaren mökkiin sylissä kun apiloiden keskellä saattoi olla "apilaisia". Sellainen aron poika, asfalttien kasvatti. Ei ole pompitettu, sanoi täti neuvolassa.
ellauri115.html on line 366: Izerakkaus ja itsensä rakastaminen ois niinkö jotenkin eri juttuja. Yx paha asia ja toinen ihan kunnossa. Siitä on enemmän siinä Janne tuomizee izeään -niteessä jota en ole lukenut. Kai izerakas haluu muiden läpyjä, se parempi on autistinen versio.
ellauri115.html on line 398: Hume's friends travelling in France had already told him about his incomparable standing in Parisian society. And the two years he spent in Paris were to be the happiest of his life. He was rapturously embraced there, loaded, in his words, "with civilities". Hume stressed the near-universal judgment on his personality and morals. "What gave me chief pleasure was to find that most of the elogiums bestowed on me, turned on my personal character; my naivety & simplicity of manners, the candour and mildness of my disposition &tc." Indeed, his French admirers gave him the sobriquet Le Bon David, the good David.
ellauri115.html on line 528: Kuiteskin tää näkyvä maailmankaikkeus koostuu aineesta, hajallaan olevasta ja kuolleesta [Jalkanuotti: mä olen kovasti yrittänyt ymmärtää elävän molekyylin käsitettä, mutta turhaan. Idis että aine tuntisi ilman aisteja näyttää mulle käsittämättömältä ja ristiriitaiselta. Voidaxeni hyväksyä tai hyljätä tän ajatuxen mun pitäis ensin ymmärtää se, ja täytyy myöntää ettei se ole onnannut.], jolla ei ole mitään elävän ruumiin koheesiosta, organisaatiosta, eikä jäsenten yhteistunteesta, sillä on varma juttu että me jotka ollaan osia ei olla tietoisia kokonaisuudesta. Tää sama universumi on liikkeessä, ja sen liikkeet on järjestyneitä, muuttumattomia ja lainalaisia, sillä ei ole mitään sitä vapautta mikä näkyy apinoiden ja muiden elukoiden spontaaneissa liikkeissä. Niin että maailma ei ole joku jättimäinen eläin joka liikkuu izestään; sen liikkeet johtuu siis jostain ulkopuolisesta syystä, syystä jota en pysty havaizemaan, mutta pieni ääni pääni sisällä tekee tän syyn niin ilmeisexi että mä en voi kazoa auringon kulkua kuvittelematta jotakuta pyörittämästä äsitä, ja kun maa pyörii mä olen näkevinäni käden joka antaa sille vauhtia. [Tämmönen mikkihiirimaailmankuva on valtaosalla uskovaisia, koska uskovaiset haluu uskoa että juuri näin on laita. Will to believe, sanois James.]
ellauri115.html on line 530: Jos mun pitää hyväxyä yleisiä lakeja joiden oleellista suhdetta aineeseen mä en voi havaita, miten paljon mä siitä saan lisävauhtia? Nää lait, jotka ei ole todellisia, kun ne eivät ole aineita, on tehty jostain muusta jota mä en tunnista. Kokeet ja havainnot on tutustuttaneet meidät liikelakeihin; nää lait ennustavat tuloxet näyttämättä syitä; ne on ihan sopimattomia selittämään maailman systeemin ja maailmankaikkeuden tikityxen. Cartesius teki taivaan ja maan arpanopalla; mutta millä se sai arpanopan pyörimään, ilman pyörimistä se ei saa keskipakovoimaa kiihtymään. Newton löysi painovoimalain; mutta painovoimalaki yxinään aika pian ajaisi universumin pysähdyxiin; sen piti lisätä joku ammusvoima selittääxeen taivaankappaleiden elliptiset radat; koitappa Iisakki näyttää mikä käsi työnsi planeetoille lisävauhtia? Hähä! [JJ on ignoramus. Ei ois kannattanut lähteä litomaan kelloseppäkoulusta.]
ellauri115.html on line 540: Apinoiden erroreiden päälähde on yleisissä ja abstrakteissa idixissä; metafysiikan jargoni ei ole koskaan löytänyt yhtään totuutta, ja se on täyttänyt filosofian älyttömyyxillä joista me ollaan häpeissämme niin pian kun me poistetaan niista pitkät sanat. Sanos mulle, ystäväiseni, kun ne puhuu sulle sokeasta voimasta joka on levinneenä koko luontoon, saako siitä mitään käsitystä mieleensä? Ne ajattelee että ne muka sanoo jotain näillä epämääräisillä ilmauxilla - universaali voima, oleellinen liike - mutta eihän ne sano yhtään mitään. Liikkeen idis ei ole muuta kuin idis siirtymisestä paikasta toiseen; ei ole mitään liikettä jolla ei ole suuntaa; sillä mikään yxilö ei voi liikkua kaikkiin suuntiin yhtä aikaa. Mihin suuntaan sit aine liikkuu välttämättä? Onko koko aineläjällä sama liike, vai onko jokaisella atomilla oma? Ekan ideixen mukaan koko avaruuden pitää muodostaa yxi kiinteä ja jakamaton massa; jälkimmäisen mukaan se voi vaan muodostaa diffuusin ja inkoherentin pilven, ja silloin ei vois mitkään 2 atomia yhtyä. [Se ei olis yhtään kivaa, ja selkeesti vastoin mun arkikokemusta.] Mihin suuntaan lähtis toi kaikelle aineelle yhteinen liike? Suoraviivaisesti, ympyrässä, ylhäältä alas, vasemmalta oikealle? Jos jokaisella molekyylillä on oma suuntansa, mikä olis kaikkien näiden suuntien ja erotusten syy? Jos jokainen molekyyli ja atomi vaan pyörisi axelinsa ymmpäri, kaikki seisokelisivat kadunkulmissa ja kukaan ei pääsi kulkemaan. Ja tänkin pyörimisen pitäis mennä johkin suuntaan. Se et aine lähtis liikkeelle jostain abstraktiosta on paskapuhetta, se ei merkkaa mitään, ja jos aine lähtee johkin suuntaan niin sillä on joku syy. Mitä enemmän esimerkkejä mä otan elävästä elämästä, sitä enemmän syitä mun pitää selittää, enkä löytäis koskaan yhteistä agenttia joka kontrolloisi niitä kaikkia. Ei siinä kaikki etten mä pysty piirtämään kuvaa sellasesta sattumanvaraisesta liikehdinnästä ja elementtien yhteentörmäyxistä, en voi edes kuvitella sellasta härdelliä, ja universumin kaaos on vähemmmän kuviteltavissa mulle kuin sfäärien harmonia. Voin ymmärtää että universumin mekanismi ei ehkä ole apinan käsitettävissä, mutta jos alat sitä selittää, selitä edes niin että apina ymmärtää.
ellauri115.html on line 546: Verrataas erikoisia tarkoitusperiä, keinoja, kaikenlaisia järjestysrelaatioita, ja sitten kuunnellaan tunteen pientä ääntä pään sisällä; mikä terve mieli voi hylätä sen todistusta, sairaista puhumattakaan? Ellei silmät ole muurautunet umpeen ennakkoluuloista, voiko ne olla näkemättä että universumin näkyvä järjestys ihan huutaa superälyä? Tarvii todella kovaa sofismia ennenkuin voi olla honaamatta olemassaolon harmoniaa ja ihmeellistä yhteispeliä kaikkien osien välillä jotka pitää käynnissä toisia? [Esim sodat kulkutaudit ja katastrofit, mikä hienostunut järjestelmä tarpeettoman laahuxen vähentämiseen?] Sano mitä sanot kombinaatioista ja todennäköisyyxistä; vaikka saatkin multa turvan tukkoon, ezaa mua myöntämään yhtään mitään. Mitä hyödyttää tukkia mun suu jos mä en myönnnä olevani väärässä? [No esmes ei tarvi kuunnella tällästä pälinää.] Ja miten sä voit ryöstää multa spontaanin tunteen joka musta huolimattakin aina väittää ezä olet väärässä?
ellauri115.html on line 551: Ei ole otusta universumissa jota ei voi pitää jossain suhteessa kaiken napana, jonka ympärille kaikki ryhmittyy, niin että ne on toisilleen tarkoitus ja keinot. Mieli menee sekaisin ja exyy kaikkiin näihin suhteisiin, ja kyl ne izekin sekaantuu toisiinsa pää pyörällä. Ihan mahottomia oletuxia tarvitaan että kaikki tää sopusointu syntyis aineen sokeasta mekanismista ihan umpimähkään! Turhaan ne jotka kieltää tarkoituxen yhteyden kaikkien osien suhteissa tähän kokonaisuuteen, turhaan ne koittaa kätkeä sekoilunsa abstraktioihin, koordinaatioihin, yleisiin periaatteisiin, symbolisin kaavoihin; mitä ne yrittääkin, mä en pysty tajuamaan noin tiukasti järjestettyä systeemiä ellen kuvittele jotain diktaattoria joka käskee sitä. Mun vallassa ei ole uskoa että passiivinen ja kuollut aine ois voinut aiheuttaa eläviä ja tuntevia olioita, että sokea sattuma olisi synnyttänyt älykkäitä olentoja, että ajattelematon olis voinut synnyttää ajattelevia olentoja. [No Jannen tasoista älykkyyttä voisi siitä spontaanisti vaikka lantalassa. Sitäpaizi kyllä jumalakin oli aika ajattelematon kun laittoi tän kellon käymään tälleen ihan perunoita.]
ellauri115.html on line 555: Muista että mä en saarnaa mun mielipiteitä vaan selitän ne vaan. Onko aine juosten kustua vaiko lapioitua, oliko sen tekijä passiivis-aggressiivinen vai ei, on silti varmaa että kokonaisuus on 1, ja että sen takana on 1 superäly; sillä mä en näe mitään mikä ei olis osa samaa järjestettyä systeemiä, mitään mikä ei pelaa yhteen samassa tiimissä, nimittäin, olemassaolevan järjestyxen säilyttämisexi. [Hemmetti mikä konservi!] Tää olento joka tahtoo ja tekee mitä tahtoo, tää olento joka on aktiivinen omalla höyryllä, tää olento, kuka se sitten onkaan [mies se on joka tapauxessa, ei mikään hiän], joka liikuttaa universumia ja käskee kaikki asiat, on se mitä mä sanon Jumalaxi [ja kirjoitan isolla alkukirjaimella]. Tähän nimeen mä liitän ideat: äly, valta, tahto, jotka jo mainizin, ja siihen vielä kiltteyden, joka seuraa niistä välttämättä [miten niin? selittäkääpä tarkemmin?]; mutta tästä eteenpäin en tiedä mitään enempää olennosta jonka just oletin. Se piileskelee mun aisteilta ja ymmmärryxeltä; mitä enemmän mä mietin sitä, sitä sekasemmax tulen; mä tiedän mainiosti eze on olemassa, ja että se on olemassa ihan omia aikojaan; mä tiedän että mun olemassaolo riippuu siitä, ja että kaikki muukin minkä mä tiedän riippuu siitä. Mä nään Jumalan kaikkialla sen duuneissa; mä tunnen sen täällä sisällä, [ja täällä! ja erityisesti täällä alhaalla!] mä nään sen kaikkialla ympärilläni ja enkä nää; mutta kun mä koitan miettiä sitä izeään, jos yritän eziä missä se luuraa, mitä se on, onko sillä parta, mistä se on tehty, se aina karkaa ja mä jään tyhjin käsin kuin perhosen nappaaja.
ellauri115.html on line 561: On totta siis, että mies on loordi maalla jonka päällä se olexii; sillä ei ainoastaan se kesytä kaikki muut elukat, ei ainoastaan se kontrolloi luonnonvaroja ahkeralla teollisuudella; vaan se yxin tietää miten kontrolloida niitä; sillä pysyy kaikki mainiosti hanskassa; kontemploimalla se matkustaa vaikka tähdissä vaikkei pääse sinne pers.kohtasesti. Näytä mulle toinen elukka maan päällä joka osaa antaa tulta ja joka osaa kazoa ihaillen aurinkoon ilman laseja. Mitä! Mähän voin huomioida ja tuntea [raamatullisessa mielessä] kaikki elukat ja niiden sukulaiset; mä voin ihan tuntea mitä tarkoittaa järjestys, kauneus ja miehisyys; mähän voin miettiä Miss Universumia ja nostaa lihan kohti sitä käyttämättä kättäni; mähän rakastan hyvää ja teen temput sille; miten mä sitten voisin verrata izeäni joihinkin tyhmiin elukoihin? Kurja sielu, sun surkea filosofia tekee sut elukkamaisexi; tai pikemmink turhaan sä yrität alentaa izesi; sun [tai siis mun] nerokkuus osottaa sun periaatteet väärixi, sun ystävällinen sydän näyttää ne väärixi, ja jopa sun vallan vääränkäyttö osoittaa kuinka etevä sä olet. [Ei kyllä tää Rousseau on perusteellisesti paska mies.]
ellauri115.html on line 657: Mitä enemmän mä ajattelen ajatusta ja apinan mielen luonnetta, sitä enemmän samankaltaisuutta mä nään materialistien argumenteilla ja ton sokean miehen ehdotuxella. Ize asiassa, ne eivät nää homunculusta joka kyykistelee niiden sisällä ja huutaa suulla suuremmalla vaikka vaimealla äänellä. Kone ei ajattele, siinä ei ole koneistoa eikä naamataulua joka vois tuottaa heijastuxia; jokin sun sisällä pyrkii ulos polvihousuista; avaruus ei ole sun mittapuku, miss universumi ei riitä sun sisätilaxi; sun sentimentit, sun halut, sun ahistus, sun ylpeys ennenkaikkea, on peräisin jostain muualta kuin sun pienestä hämärästä aukosta josta on niin ahdas päästä sisälle.
ellauri115.html on line 691: Jos sielu ei ole ainetta, se voi jäädä henkiin ruumiin kuollessa; ja jos se tekee niin, Sallimus on kuivilla. Vaikkei mulla olis mitään muuta todistusta sielun virtuaalisuudesta, niin ilkeiden voitot ja munkaltaisten kunnollisten mätkintä tässä maailmassa riittäis vakuttamaan mut. Kyllähän niin karmea epäsointu universaalissa Voimassa on ratkaistava jotenkin. Mä sanoisin izexeni: Ei peli ole vielä lopussa, kaikki tasitaan sit kuonpuoleisessa." Mun pitäis silti vielä vastata kysymyxeen, "Mitä miehestä jää jäljelle kun kaikki mitä me voidaan aistia on hävinnyt huizin Nevadaan? Tää kysymys on jo lastenleikkiä kun olen myöntänyt et on kahdenlaista substanssia. On helppo ymmärtää että se mitä mä en voi aistia jää multa huomaamatta ruumiillisen elämän tohinassa, kun mä aistin vaan näillä 5 aistilla. Kun sielun ja ruumiin personaaliunioni hajoaa, musta tuntuu että toinen haihtuu ja toinen saattaa säilyä. Mix toisen häviäminen haittaisi jälkimmäistä? Pikemminkin päinvastoin, kun ne oli niin erilaisia, niiden muodostama yhdiste oli hyvin epästabiili, ja kun se hajoaa, molemmat palaa perusasentoon; aktiivinen vitalis-substanssi pitää kaiken sen voiman millä se lykkäsi ainetta liikkeelle. Hemmetti! mun paheet muistuttaa mua liiankin hyvin että mä olin vaan puolixi elossa täällä murheen laaxossa; sielunelämä vasta alkaa ruumiin kuollessa.
ellauri115.html on line 697: Hizi tässä on kyllä aika paha omavanhurskauden sivumaku. Mitä tämähän maistuu aivan sonnalta! Sen lisäxi siinä on joku sivumaku! sanoi prikaatinkomentaja maistaestaan miehistölle tarjottua keittoa. Ruoka on hyvää ja sitä on riittävästi, herra eversti, sanoivat alokkaat unisonossa.
ellauri115.html on line 701: Kun meidän ohimenevät tarpeet on ohize, ja meidän hullut halut lepäävät, pitäisi tulla loppu meidän passiohedelmistä ja rikoxista. Voiko puhdas sprii kyetä perversseihin tekoihin? Kun ne ei enää tarvi mitään, mix ne olis enää edes ilkeitä? Jos ne on vapaita meidän karkeista aisteista, jos niiden onni koostuu toisten olioiden kazelusta kuin Kim Young Unilla, ne voi vaan haluta mikä on koreaa; ja se joka lakkaa olemasta pahis ei voi koskaan olla kurjimus. Näin mä ainakin olen taipuvainen ajattelemaan vaikken mä ole ihan hirveesti yrittänyt tulla mihkään johtopäätöxeen. Jumalauta, teidän armonne, hyvä herra, mitä sä päätätkin mä läpytän; jos sä päätät panna pahojen päät ikuiselle pölkylle, olkoon mun puhheeni mitätön; mut jos näiden katuminen ajan mittaan sattuis päättymään, jos niiden kärsimyxet loppuisi, ja jos ne sais saman rauhan kuin minäkin, niin mä kiitän ja kumarran, kiitos siitä oikein kovasti. Eix ilkeäkin ole mun veljeni? Ei kai mun tarvi olla kuonpuoleisessa sen vartija? On munkin monasti tehnyt mieli tehdä niinkuin se. Päästäpä kuule se pahasta ja vapauta se pahasta hengestä; anna sen olla lähes yhtä onnellinen kuin mä; sen onni ei tee mua kateexi, vaan lisää vaan mun omaani.
ellauri115.html on line 703: Niinpä siis Jumalan silmäilyssä kotipuuhissa, ja sellaisten sen attribuuttien tutkimisessa joihin mua kiinnosti tutustua, mä olen vähitellen älynnyt ja kehittänyt ajatuxen, aluxi osittaisen ja epätäydellisen, jonka mä olen muodostanut tästä Äärettömästä Olennosta. Mut jos siitä on tullut jalompi ja isompi on siitä tullut myös paremmin ihmisjärkeen sopiva. Kun mä lähestyn hengessä ikuista valoa, mä sekaannun ja häikäistyn sen kunniasta, ja mun on pakko ottaa aurinkolasit ja hylätä kaikki maiset käsityxet jotka mä olin siitä muodostanut, niinkuin se valkoinen takatukka ja parta ja mekko ja sandaalit. Tää puhistettu jumala ei enää ole ruumiillinen eikä aistittava; superäly joka hallizee maailmaa ei ole enää ize pelilaudalla; turhaan mä koitan tarrautua sen käsittämättömään vaipanväliin. Kun mä ajattelen että sehän se antaa elämän ja liikkeen elävälle ja liikkuvalle substanssille joka kontrolloi kaikkia eläviä ruumiita; kun mä kuulen sanottavan että mun sielu on spriritististä ja et Jumalakin on sprite, mä kapinoin tollasta jumalallisen esanssin alennusmyyntiä; ikäänkuin Jumala ja mä oltas sukulaisia! Ikäänkuin Jumala ei oliskaan one and only pullollinen Absolute vodkaa, ainoa oikein aktiivinen, tunteva, ajatteleva, tahtova olento, josta me johdetaan omat aatoxemme tunteemme, horisontaaliset liikkeemme, halumme, vapautemme ja suorastaan olemassaolomme! Me ollaan vapaita koska se tahtoo niin, ja tää selittämätön substanssi on meidän sieluille se mitä meidän sielut on meidän ruumiille, eli käynnistysmoottoreita tai dynamoja. Mä en tiedä onxe luonut aineen, ruumiin, sielun ja maailman izensä. Luomisen ajatus sekottaa mun pään ja karkaa mun näpeistä; senverran kun mä pystyn sitä käsittämään mä voin sen uskoakin; mut mä tiedän eze on muotoillut miss universumin ja kaiken mitä sillä on (eikä se olekaan aivan vähän), ja eze on tehnyt kaikki kalut ja järjestyssäännöt niille. Epäilemättä Jumala on ikuinen; mut voix mun mieli kääriytyä ikuisuuden ympärille? [Ei se voi.] Mixmä pettäisin izeäni merkityxettömillä sanoilla? Tävverran mä tajuan; ennenkuin oli kaluja, oli Jumala; se jää olemaan kun kalut loppuvat, ja jos kaikki joskus loppuu niin se kumminkin jää sammuttamaan valoja. Et joku mun käsityskyvyn ylittävä otus panisi alkuun muita otuxia, se on vain vaikeaa kuvitella [eli millä lihaxilla?], mut jos Oleminen ja Eimitään ovat vastakohtia, niin se kuulostaa kyllä ristiriidalta, ihan absurdiahan se on.
ellauri115.html on line 728: Mutta tässä koen mä kuulen mutinaa kaikilta ns. viisailta miehiltä. Lapselliset erroiri, kasvantaviärät ennakkoluulot, ne huutaa kesken konserttia! Ei apinan mielessä ole muuta kuin mitä se on oppinut kokemuxesta; ja me tuomitaan kaikkea vaan hankittujen ideoiden perusteella. Ne jaxaa jauhaa tätä; ne jopa uskaltautuu hylkäämään kaikkien kansojen selvän ja universaalin yhteisen kannan, ja asettaa tätä apinalauman hämmästyttävää yximielisyyttä vastaan jotain hämäriä poikkeuxia jotka ne tietää vaan ize; ikäänkuin koko luonnon terendi voitas tehdä tyhjäxi vaan yhden osakunnan [esim Israel] vastaesimerkillä, ja ikäänkuin joidenkin hirveyxien olemassaolo tekisi lopun koko lajista. [No siltähän tää alkaa vähän näyttää...] Mut minkä tautta spektikko Montaigne yrittää löytää jostain hämärältä maailmankulmalta tavan joka on vasten perittyjä oikeuskäytäntöjä? Mitä varten se uskoo mitä epäuskottavimpia turisteja, ja kieltäytyy uskomasta meidän suurimpia kirjailijoita? Pari outoa ja epäilyttävää tapaa, joilla on paikalliset syyt joita me ei vaan tunneta; tekeekö nää tyhjäxi yleisin päätelmän joka perustuu maailman kaikkien osakuntien yleissopimuxeen, jotka eroaa kaikilla muilla tavoilla mut on samaa mieltä tästä? Voi vittu Montaigne, sä olet olevinasi niin totuudenkaltainen ja rehellinen; ole vilpitön ja todennäköinen, jos filosofi voi olla sellainen, ja kerro mulle onko mitään maalman maata missä on rikos pitää sanansa, olla armollinen ja avokätinen, missä hyvää miestä pilkataan, ja petkuttajaa kunnioitetaan. [Epistä! Ranskaa ei lasketa, eikä Voltairea.]
ellauri115.html on line 760: Noustaxeni mahollisimman paljon jo nyt tähän onnen vahvuuden ja vapauden tilaan, mä jumppaan tois paljon ylevässä mietiskelyssä. Mä tarkastelen miss universumin järjestystä, en toki selittääxeni sitäin jollain turhalla zydeemillä, vaan kumartaaxeni sitä lakkaamatta kuin pieni ongenkoho Bielenseessä, ja pokkuroidaxeni viisaalle Tekijälle joka paljastaa izensä siinä. Mä parittelen sen kaa; mä upotan kaikki mun voimat sen jumalalliseen esanssiin; mä hämmästyn sen ystävällisyyttä, mä kiittelen sitä ja sen lahjoja, muttemmä kyllä rukoile siltä mitään. Mitä mä siltä pyytisin - eze muuttais luonnon järjestystä, tekis ihmeitä mun hyväxi? Pitäskö mun, joka olen sitoutunut ennen kaikkea rakastamaan tota järjestystä jonka se on organisoinut viisaudessaan ja ylläpitää kuin huoltomies, pitäiskö mun haluta eze järjestys menee sekaisin pienen minun takia? Ei, sellainen ajatelematon rukous ansaizisi selkäsaunan mieluummin kuin suopeutta. Enkä mä pyydä siltä voimaa menetellä oikein; mixmä pyytäisin siltä jotakin jota se on jo mulle antanut? Exe antanut mulle omantunnon just six että mä rakastaisin oikeistoa, järjen että mä nään järjestyxen, ja vapauden valita just sen? Jos mä teen pahaa ei mulla ole mitään veruketta; mä teen sen omasta vapaasta tahdostani; jos mä pyytisin sen muuttavan mun tahtoa, mä pyytäisin siltä just mitä se pyytää multa; se olis sama kun pyytäis sen tekevän työt ja mä saisin palkkion; [juu tässä pilkistää taas tää omavanhurskautuspykälä]; jos mä olisin tyytymätön osaani mä en haluis enää olla mies, vaan jotain muuta typerää niinkuin nauta, vaimo tai enkeli, eli pyytää epäjärjestystä ja pahaa. Hei sä oikeuden ja totuuden torvi, armollinen ja sulokas Jumala, mä luotan suhun ihan kybällä, ja mun sydämmen halu on - että sun tahto toteutuu. Kun me 2 yhdistetään tahtomme, siitä tulee hyvä; mä teen mitä sa tahdot, ja mä jaan sun menestyxen; mä uskon että mä saan jo förskottina sen superonnellisuuden joka on hyvyyden palkkio.
ellauri115.html on line 816: Conversely, Socrates bore with Xanthippe, who was irascible and acrimonious, for he thought that he should have no difficulty in getting along with other people if he accustomed himself to bear patiently with her; but it is much better to secure this training from the scurrilous, angry, scoffing, and abusive attacks of enemies and outsiders, and thus accustom the temper to be unruffled and not even impatient in the midst of reviling.
ellauri115.html on line 938: He moved to Poland, where he married the daughter of a leading member of the Polish Brethren, the anti-trinitarian minority, or ecclesia minor. In 1565, it had split from the Calvinist Reformed Church in Poland. Sozzini never joined the ecclesia minor, but he was influential in reconciling several controversies among the Brethren: on conscientious objection, on prayer to Christ, and on the virgin birth. Fausto persuaded many in the Polish Brethren who were formerly Arian, such as Marcin Czechowic, to adopt his uncle Lelio's views.
ellauri115.html on line 948: The most distinctive element in Socinian, as opposed to Arian, Christology is the rejection of the personal pre-existence of Christ. The theme of Christ's preexistence occurs repeatedly in the Racovian Catechism, with detailed discussion of disputed verses, such as:
ellauri115.html on line 964: Kun d’Alembert syytti Geneven pastoreita sosinianismista. Rousseau piti niiden puolta. “Socinianism was a Christian sect closely allied with the development of Unitarianism. It took its name from its founder, Fausto Sozino, an Italian of the sixteenth century who lived in Poland for a long time, where his movement had great strength. It was popular throughout Europe and was accepted by many Protestant churches. Socinianism was anti-trinitarian and held that reason is the sole and final authority in the interpretation of the scripture. It further denied eternal punishments. Calvin had condemned the doctrine, so that the imputation in d’Alembert’s article was both a daring interpretation of the doctrine of Geneva’s pastors and one which was likely to be dangerous for them.” Allan Bloom, Politics and the Arts (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1960) 150. (back)
ellauri115.html on line 1089: A model of quantised time was proposed by Vaknin in his 1982 Ph.D. dissertation, titled "Time Asymmetry Revisited". The dissertation was published by Pacific Western University (California). "Events" are perturbations in the Time Field and they are distinct from chronon interactions.
ellauri115.html on line 1123: Robert D. Jänis CM (born 1934) is a Canadian psychologist, known for his research in the field of criminal psychology. He is a psychopath emeritus of the University of British Columbia, where his studies center on psychopathology and psychophysiognomy.
ellauri115.html on line 1128: Jänis attended the University of Alberto for a Bachelor of Farts degree which ended up 'more by default' with an emphasis on psychopathy. In 1959 he married Averil Hare whom he met in an abnormal psychology class, and a year later, to everyone's suprise, their daughter, Cheryl, was born appatently quite normal. But not.
ellauri115.html on line 1130: The Hares moved to the USA to study for a PhD program in psychophysiognomy at the University of Oregon, but due to his daughter falling ill (as expected) the family returned to Canada. Hare then served as a psycho in the prison system in British Columbia (British Columbia Penitentiary) for eight months, an area in which he had no particular qualification or training; indeed he would later recount without pangs of conscience that some prisoners were able to manipulate him more than he could them.
ellauri115.html on line 1153: Tää on ehkä munkin vahvin kokemus läpi kaikkien näiden paasausten. Apinoita on vain kourallinen erilaisia, eikä niiden tarinoita ja turinoitakaan ole paljon enempää. Jos osaisin numeroisin ne ja siinä olisi se Leibnizin unexuma characteristica universalis. Järjestys se olla pitää sanoi ämmä kun kananpojat numeroi.
ellauri115.html on line 1172: A: The answer to this is very simple. Utilitarianism is concerned only with the volume of pleasure and pain, and Nietzsche says in so many words that as soon as you even enter into this kind of thinking, you are already deep into the territory of nihilism. It is passive; concerned with maintenance, not construction; aloof or indifferent to meaning, something to justify the effort in the first place, even when it is successful, let alone when it isn’t. It is the staid, kindly, sober—not to say, the British—version of the same imbecilic nihilism that was prevailing on the continent in the same era. Mill did not understand the difference between pleasure and (actual) happiness, between pain and suffering, between real (spiritual) slavery and freedom.
ellauri117.html on line 142: Lebensgeschichte: Der in Prag geborene und kurzgewachsene Kafka war der älteste überlebende Sohn einer gutsituierten jüdischem Kaufmannsfamilie. Obwohl seine Mutter aus einer Familie von Mystikern, Intellektuellen und Künstlern stammte, hatte sie Schwierigkeiten, die grüblerische, melancholische Persönlichkeit ihres Sohnes und seine Leidenschaft fürs Schreiben zu verstehen. Auch seinem Vater war der sensible Franz ein Rätsel und die Zielscheibe seines beißenden Spotts. Franz unterwarf sich schließlich dem Willen des Vaters und schlug gegen seine Neigung eine günstige Juristenlaufbahn ein.
ellauri117.html on line 144: 1906 machte Kafka seinen Abschluß an der Prager Universitet und wandte sich mit Unbehagen dem Versicherungsgeschäft zu. Die Plackerei der Büroarbeit verlangte nach einem Ausgleich, und er nahm jede Gelegenheit wahr, außerhalb der Stadt zu schwinmen, zu rudern oder zu wanken. Aber diese Zerstreuungen waren nur kurze Unterbrechungen der zermürbenden Routine, die er sich gezwungenermaßen als Lebensinhalt gewählt hatte. Tagsüber arbeitete er für die Arbeiter-Unfall-Versicherungs-Anstalt», und
ellauri117.html on line 152: Nur ein geringer Teil der Werke Kafkas wurde zu seinen Lebzeiten veröffentlicht. Er vernichtete viele seiner Manuskripte - die genaue Zahl ist nicht bekannt - und bat noch auf dem Sterbebett seinen besten Freund, den bekannten Romancier und Essayiste Max Brod, alle von ihm zurückgelassenen unveröffentlichten Schriften zu verbrennen. Brod erfüllte jedoch Kafkas letzte Wunsch nicht. Im Gegenteil: Er unternahm alles in seiner Macht stehende, um das Werk seines verstorbenen Freundes bekannt zu
ellauri117.html on line 157: Herrmann Kafka erscheint in den Schriften seines Sohnes als gefühlloses Ungeheuer. Die Art und Weise, in der der Vater seinem Sohn sexuelle Aufklärung zuteil werden ließ, bestätigt zweifellos diese Ansicht. Franz war von seinen heranwachsenden Schulfreunden wegen seiner offensichtlichen Ahnungslosigkeit in sexuellen Fragen geneckt worden. Daher begann er, sich mit Hilfe von Büchern die biologischen Grundlagen der Sexualität anzueignen, und versuchte dann, seinen Vater ganz beiläufig über die
ellauri117.html on line 158: Feinheiten auszuhorchen. Wenig später gingen Kafka, seine Mutter und sein Vater zusammen spazieren. Plötzlich begann dieser, angeregt über die körperliche Liebe zu dozieren. Franz war es peinlich, daß seine Mutter anwesend war (ach was, es war sicher gerade sie die diesen Vortrag erfordert hatte), doch weit mehr noch entsetzte ihn die Unterscheidung zwischen tugendhaften Frauen und Huren, die sein Vater ihm nahezubringen versuchte. Seine Mahnung, sich nie mit diesen einzulassen, verunsicherte Franz, der damals anscheinend zu ausgelassenen Phantasien ûber erregende Dirnen neigte.
ellauri117.html on line 409: 1920-luku oli Fitzgeraldin kultakautta. Hän keksi termin "jazz-aika", joka kuvaa 1920-lukua. Kultahattu, jota pidetään hänen uransa merkkiteoksena, ilmestyi 1925. Kun sen helmikuussa ensi-iltaan päässyt näyttämöversio menestyi, siitä tehtiin samana vuonna myös elokuva, ohjaajana joku Herbert Brenon. Fitzgerald teki useita matkoja Eurooppaan, etenkin Pariisiin ja Ranskan Rivieralle. Hän ystävystyi monien Pariisin amerikkalaisyhteisön jäsenten kanssa, etenkin kirjailija Ernest Hemingwayn kanssa, jota hän auttoi tämän kirjailijanuralla. Fitzgeraldin ja Hemingwayn ystävyys kuitenkin kariutui, ja Hemingway hyökkäili Fitzgeraldia vastaan monissa kirjoituksissaan. Ernest oli kade Scottin infinitesimaalisesti pidemmästä pipusta. Ja mustasukkainen siitä Zeldalle.
ellauri117.html on line 415: Zeldan terveys alkoi horjua: hänellä diagnosoitiin skitsofrenia vuonna 1930 ja 1932 hän joutui sairaalaan Baltimoressa, Marylandissä. Fitzgerald vuokrasi läheisestä Towsonista asunnon, jossa jatkoi romaaninsa kirjoittamista − tarinaa lupaavan nuoren psykiatrin Dick Diverin noususta ja tuhosta, hänen rakkaudestaan potilaaseensa Nicole Warreniin ja heidän avioliitostaan. Kirja koki monta muutosta: ensimmäisen version piti kertoa äidinmurhasta. Jotkut kriitikot ovat nähneet kirjan peiteltynä omaelämäkerrallisena teoksena, joka kuvaa Fitzgeraldin ongelmia vaimonsa kanssa, vauraan ja dekadentin elämäntyylin syövyttävää vaikutusta, kirjailijan itsekkyyttä ja itseluottamusta sekä alkoholismia.
ellauri117.html on line 417: Kun Zelda kirjoitti Save Me the Waltzin (1932), oman fiktiivisen versionsa heidän yhteiselämästään Euroopassa, ja lähetti sen Scribner'sille, Fitzgerald oli hyvin vihainen ja onnistui vaikuttamaan kirjan julkaisuun. Hän myös sai Zeldan lääkärit vakuuttumaan, ettei tämän pidä kirjoittaa enempää "materiaalistaan", tarkoittaen heidän suhdettaan.
ellauri117.html on line 608: Maxa-Shaftesburyn (1621-1683) pojanpoika, 3. Earl of Shaftesbury (1671—1713) oli mieltä että: Hobbes had set the agenda of British moral philosophy (a search for the grounding of universal moral principles), and Locke had established its method (empiricism). Shaftesbury’s important contribution was to focus that agenda by showing what a satisfactory response to Hobbes might look like but without giving up too much of Locke’s method. Shaftesbury showed the British moralists that if we think of moral goodness as analogous to beauty, then (even within a broadly empiricist framework) it is still possible for moral goodness to be non-arbitrarily grounded in objective features of the world and for the moral agent to be attracted to virtue for its own sake, not merely out of self-interest. In Shaftesbury’s aesthetic language, the state of having the morally correct motives is the state of being “morally beautiful,” and the state of approving the morally correct motives upon reflection is the state of having “good moral taste.” Shaftesbury argues that the morally correct motives which constitute moral beauty turn out to be those motives which are aimed at the good of one’s society as a whole. This good is understood teleologically. Furthermore Shaftesbury argues that both the ability to know the good of one’s society and the reflective approval of the motivation toward this good are innate capacities which must nevertheless be developed by proper socialization.
ellauri117.html on line 610: John Locke (1632-1704) was a close friend of the First Earl and an advisor to the family for years to come after the First Earl’s death. Locke was the personal physician and general advisor to the First Earl. He supervised the childhood medical care of Shaftesbury’s father, the degenerate Second Earl (1652-1699). He also helped find a wife for the Second Earl and he cared for her during her pregnancy with the Third Earl. Most significantly for our purposes, Locke supervised the Third Earl’s education. He personally chose Shaftesbury’s governess Elizabeth Birch and designed a curriculum for her to follow in her instruction of the child. This experience was, presumably, the basis for Locke’s later work Thoughts Concerning Education. Under Birch’s tutelage, Shaftesbury received a strong education in the Classics and became fluent in Greek and Latin by the age of eleven. Locke continued to check on Shaftesbury’s progress over the years. Locke served as a primary advisor to the young Shaftesbury, though Shaftesbury did not always follow Locke’s advice. Shaftesbury had many "philosophical" conversations with Locke, some of which are preserved in correspondence. "Mautonta!" huusi 3. Shaftersburyn Jaarli vähän väliä.
ellauri117.html on line 631: However Wainwright (1987) notes that in the posthumously published Paraphrase (1707) Locke's interpretation of one verse, Ephesians 1:10:
ellauri118.html on line 410: 1Aviorikos kirjallisena topoksena on ollut useankin tutkimuksen aiheena, mutta ei yhdenkään narratologisen tutkimuksen. Edelleen painavin kirjallisuustieteellinen esitys aiheesta on Tony Tannerin ambivalentin psykoanalyyttis-strukturalistinen Adultery in the Novel (1979), joka lähestyy aviorikosta sekä yhteiskunnallisena että kirjallis-kielellisenä transgressiona. Viittaan Tannerin tutkimukseen Rouva Bovarya käsittelevässä luvussa. Muut laajemmat esitykset kirjallisesta aviorikoksesta ovat tekstianalyyttisesti merkityksettömämpiä: Bill Overtonin Fictions of Female Adultery (2002) keskittyy aviorikoskirjallisuuden historiallisiin ja kulttuurisiin reunaehtoihin sekä soimaa aiempaa tutkimusta (lähinnä Tanneria) liiasta kieli- ja kerrontakeskeisyydestä; Patricia Mainardin Husbands, Wives, and Lovers (2003) on kulttuurihistoriallinen esitys aviorikoksesta taiteessa ja Overtonin tutkimusta rikkaampi esitys esimerkiksi aviorikoksen lainsäädännöllisistä ja kulttuurisista kytköksistä; niin ikään Judith Armstrongin The Novel of Adultery (1976), Naomi Segalin The Adulteress’s Child (1992) ja Maria R. Ripponin Judgement and Justification in the Nineteenth-Century Novel of Adultery (2002) sivuuttavat kerronnan kysymykset ja keskittyvät kulttuuris-poliittiseen kontekstiin ja pelkästään referentiaalisen tason temaattiseen toistoon (kuten siihen että aviorikoksesta syntyvä lapsi on mitä todennäköisimmin tyttö). Oma lukunsa ovat vielä tiettyihin aikakausiin ja kielialueisiin (esimerkiksi ranskalaiseen hoviromantiikkaan) keskittyvät tutkimukset. Näistä maininnan arvoinen on ainakin Donald J. Greinerin Adultery in the American Novel (1985), vertaileva tutkimus Updiken, Hawthornen ja Jamesin avionrikkojista. Kulttuuri- ja myyttihistoriallinen klassikko, Denis de Rougemontin L’Amour et l’Occident (1939) on myös tutkimus uskottomuusfiktioista (Tristanin ja Isolden perillisistä), sillä Rougemontilla juuri aviorikos on länsimaisen ”rakkauden rakastamisen” huipentuma, transgressiivinen olotila joka katoaa, jos siitä tehdään instituutio. Käsitys uskottomuudesta kulttuurisena rajailmiönä ja juuri siitä syystä kertomustaiteen pulppuavana lähteenä yhdistää siis Rougemontia ja Tanneria, mutta jostain syystä Tanner ei viittaa Rougemontin teokseen. Mixihän? [Heitän tähän heti sen edellä mainitun oivalluxen, että romantiikka on sitä kun panettaa muttei pääse pukille.]
ellauri118.html on line 434: Die traditionelle Erzähltheorie, vertreten durch Franz Karl Stanzel, Gérard Genette, Seymour Chatman u. a. m, beschäftigt sich mit Elementen des „discours“ („Erzählweise“). Andere Theoretiker nehmen eher die Strukturen der „histoire“ („Erzählinhalt“) in den Blick. Damit bauen sich (erzählerische) Handlungen in dem vorgestellten Begriffsinventar aus Geschehnissen und Ereignissen auf. Während der Begriff „Handlung“ im deutschsprachigen Raum verwendet wird, wird sie etwa bei Genette als histoire und in der anglo-amerikanischen Erzähltheorie als story bezeichnet, der „Diskurs“ bei Genette als récit (narration) und im Angelsächsischen als plot. Während sich der „Diskurs“ als die kompositorische und sprachliche Realisierung einer Erzählung versteht; er verweist auf das „wie“ der Erzählung, wird in der „Geschichte“ der Gegenstand der Erzählung ausgemacht; sie verweist auf das „was“ der Handlung.
ellauri118.html on line 773: The Wind that wanton´d in her Hair, Tuuli joka tuiversi sen palmikkoa,
ellauri118.html on line 797: Madeleine de Scudéry, pseudonyymi Sapho (15. lokakuuta 1607 Le Havre, Ranska – 2. kesäkuuta 1701 Pariisi, Ranska) oli ranskalainen kirjailija. Madeleine de Scudéry, jonka aatelinen isä oli kotoisin Provencesta, asui yhdessä veljensä, kirjailija Georges de Scudéryn kanssa vuoteen 1655, ja oli hänen tavoin [tapoinensa? höh] kiinnostunut kirjoittamisesta. Hän omaksui aikakauden tyylisuunnan, ns. presiöösin tyylin, ja jo ennen kuin hän vuonna 1644 lähti veljensä mukana Marseilleen, hän kävi markiisitar Catherine de Vivonnen salongissa Hôtel de Rambouillet´ssa, kuten hän Fronde-kapinan jälkeen kuului Hôtel de Nevers´n ja Hôtel de Créquin kantavieraisiin.
ellauri118.html on line 805: Ranskan akatemia palkitsi de Scudéry vuonna 1671 hänen tyylistään Discours sur la gloire. Hänen viimeiset teoksensa muodostuivat lähinnä sarjasta moraalisia Conversations (10 osaa, 1680–1692), jotka ovat vähemmän tunnettuja mutta eivät hänen kirjoituksistaan vähempiarvoisia. Hän kirjoitti myös runoja.
ellauri118.html on line 964: In the book, the Wall where criminals are hung is actually on Harvard University's campus.
ellauri118.html on line 1059: "Käsineitä" on kylmän paskiaisen kirjottama kirja kylmistä paskiaisista. Vitun käteenvetoa. Hulu filmi siitä on vielä pahempi. Tää ämmä on naispuolinen versio Philip Rothista. Tonni vetoa eze veti ize röböä. Tunnen izeni tyhmäxi ja rumaxi vaikka tiedän etten ole kumpaakaan. Oletpas.
ellauri118.html on line 1070: Kuvia Danny Lipsasen kesäparatiisista Helmin 19 kaa. Musiikkineuvos Danny eli Ilkka Lipsanen, 77, viihtyy Helmi Loukasmäen, 19, seurassa, ja kaksikosta on liikkunut viime aikoina suhdehuhuja. Ilmajoella asuva Helmi on nyt bongattu Kirkkonummelta, ja Danny vahvisti tiedon Seiskalle. - Se pitää paikkansa. Hain Helmin toissa sunnuntaina Helsingin linja-autoasemalta ja toin hänet tänne Kirkkonummelle, musiikkineuvos kertoo lehdelle. Vitun apina. Teuvo Hakkaraisen viihdeversio. Että käy kateexi.
ellauri118.html on line 1149: The failure to include obese body types in the television adaptation was a major oversight. The Handmaid’s Tale should have done better by fat women.
ellauri118.html on line 1161: All the puns in the epilogue are intended and meant to be taken literally. University of Denay, Nunavit is a pun on "Deny none of it."
ellauri119.html on line 46: Old English halig "holy, consecrated, sacred; godly; ecclesiastical," from Proto-Germanic *hailaga- (source also of Old Norse heilagr, Danish hellig, Old Frisian helich "holy," Old Saxon helag, Middle Dutch helich, Old High German heilag, German heilig, Gothic hailags "holy"), from PIE *kailo- "whole, uninjured" (see health). Adopted at conversion for Latin sanctus.
ellauri119.html on line 304: The Holy Spirit is referred to as "the Lord, the Giver of Life" in the Nicene Creed, which summarises several key beliefs held by many Christian denominations. The participation of the Holy Spirit in the tripartite nature of conversion is apparent in Jesus' final post-resurrection instruction to his disciples at the end of the Gospel of Matthew (28:19), "Make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost."
ellauri119.html on line 387: God is most often held to be incorporeal, with said characteristic being related to conceptions of transcendence or immanence. In religion, transcendence is the aspect of a deity´s nature and power that is wholly independent of the material universe, beyond all known physical laws. This is contrasted with immanence, where a god is said to be fully present in the physical world and thus accessible to creatures in various ways. In religious experience, transcendence is a state of being that has overcome the limitations of physical existence, and by some definitions, has also become independent of it. This is typically manifested in prayer, rituals, meditation, psychedelics and paranormal "visions".
ellauri119.html on line 389: Transcendence can be attributed to the divine not only in its being, but also in its knowledge. Thus, a god may transcend both the universe and knowledge (is beyond the grasp of the human mind).
ellauri119.html on line 391: Although transcendence is defined as the opposite of immanence, the two are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Some theologians and metaphysicians of various religious traditions affirm that a god is both within and beyond the universe (panentheism); in it, but not of it; simultaneously pervading it and surpassing it.
ellauri119.html on line 400: Paul Matthews van Buren (April 20, 1924 – June 18, 1998) was a Christian theologian and author. An ordained Episcopal priest, he was a Professor of religion at Temple University, Philadelphia for 22 years. He was a Director [NYT obituary says "Associate"] of the Center of Ethics and Religious Pluralism at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem. Van Buren was born and raised in Norfolk, Virginia. During World War II, he had served in the United States Coast Guard. He graduated with a bachelor´s degree in government from Harvard College in 1948. A professor at Temple University, he was considered a leader of the "Death of God" school or movement, although he himself rejected that name for the movement as a "journalistic invention," and considered himself an exponent of "Secular Christianity." He died of cancer on June 18, 1998 at age 74.
ellauri119.html on line 409: Like Paul van Buren, an Episcopal priest and religion professor at Temple University in the 1960s, Hamilton rejected the existence of God while focusing devotedly on Jesus Christ and affirming that his teachings and example should be followed.
ellauri119.html on line 413: As a result, Hamilton left for a position at New College in Sarasota, Florida, teaching there until 1974 when he became dean of arts and letters at Portland State University in Oregon. He retired in 1986.
ellauri119.html on line 428: Scientific research on emotion has increased significantly over the past two decades. The color wheel theory of love defines three primary, three secondary and nine tertiary love styles, describing them in terms of the traditional color wheel. The triangular theory of love suggests "intimacy, passion and commitment" are core components of love. Love has additional religious or spiritual meaning. This diversity of uses and meanings combined with the complexity of the feelings involved makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, compared to other emotional states. Abstractly discussed, love usually refers to an experience one person feels for another. Love often involves caring for, or identifying with, a person or thing (cf. vulnerability and care theory of love), including oneself (cf. narcissism). Tulihan se sieltä!
ellauri119.html on line 432: There are several Greek words for "love" that are regularly referred to in Christian circles. Agape: In the New Testament, agapē is charitable, selfless, altruistic, and unconditional. It is parental love, seen as creating goodness in the world; it is the way God is seen to love humanity, and it is seen as the kind of love that Christians aspire to have for one another. Philia: Also used in the New Testament, phileo is a human response to something that is found to be delightful. Also known as "brotherly love" or "homophilia." Two other words for love in the Greek language, eros (sexual love) and storge (child-to-parent love), were never used in the New Testament! Now that's a lacuna! Christians believe that to Love God with all your heart, mind, and strength and Love your neighbor as yourself are the two most important things in life (the greatest commandment of the Jewish Torah, according to Jesus; cf. Gospel of Mark chapter 12, verses 28–34). Saint Augustine summarized this when he wrote "Love God, and do as thou wilt." Right on Gus! Way to go!
ellauri119.html on line 440: Love encompasses the Islamic view of life as universal brotherhood that applies to all who hold faith. Amongst the 99 names of God (Allah), there is the name Al-Wadud, or "the Loving One," which is found in Surah [Quran 11:90] as well as Surah [Quran 85:14]. God is also referenced at the beginning of every chapter in the Qur'an as Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim, or the "Most Compassionate" and the "Most Merciful", indicating that nobody is more loving, compassionate and benevolent than God. The Qur'an refers to God as being "full of loving kindness." The Qur'an exhorts Muslim believers to treat all people, viz. those who have not persecuted them, with birr or "deep kindness" as stated in Surah [Quran 6:8-9]. Birr is also used by the Qur'an in describing the love and kindness that children must show to their parents. Ishq, or divine love, is the emphasis of Sufism in the Islamic tradition. Practitioners of Sufism believe that love is a projection of the essence of God to the universe. God desires to recognize beauty, and as if one looks at a mirror to see oneself, God "looks" at himself within the dynamics of nature. Since everything is a reflection of God, the school of Sufism practices to see the beauty inside the apparently ugly sufist. Sufism is often referred to as the religion of love. God in Sufism is referred to in three main terms, which are the Lover, Loved, and Beloved, with the last of these terms being often seen in Sufi poetry.
ellauri119.html on line 458: Aristotle by contrast placed more emphasis on philia (friendship, affection) than on eros (love); and the dialectic of friendship and love would continue to be played out into and through the Renaissance, with Cicero for the Latins pointing out that "it is love (amor) from which the word 'friendship' (amicitia) is derived" Meanwhile, Lucretius, building on the work of Epicurus, had both praised the role of Venus as "the guiding power of the universe", and criticised those who become "love-sick...life's best years squandered in sloth and debauchery".
ellauri119.html on line 518: Examples of ludus in movies include Dangerous Liaisons [Okay!], Cruel Intentions, and Kids. Ludic lovers want to have as much fun as possible. When they are not seeking a stable relationship, they rarely or never become overly involved with one partner and often can have more than one partner at a time, in other words a school of partners. They don't reveal their true thoughts and feelings to their partner(s), especially if they think they can gain some kind of advantage over their partner(s). The expectation may also be that the partner(s) should also be similarly minded. If a relationship materializes it will be about having fun and indulging in activities of varying degrees of learnedness together. This love style carries the likelihood of infidelity. In its most extreme form, ludic love can become sexual addiction. No Lee's recognizable traits.
ellauri119.html on line 537: Manic lovers speak of their partners with possessives and superlatives, and they feel that they "need" their partners. This kind of love is expressed as a means of rescue, or a reinforcement of value. Manic lovers value finding a partner through chance without prior knowledge of their financial status, education, background, or personality traits. Insufficient expression of manic love by one's partner can cause one to perceive the partner as aloof, materialistic and detached. In excess, mania becomes obsession or codependency, and obsessed manic lovers can thus come across as being very possessive and jealous. One example from real life can be found in the unfortunate case of John Hinckley, Jr., a mentally disturbed individual who attempted to assassinate the incumbent US President Ronald Reagan due to a delusion that this would prompt the actress Jodie Foster to finally reciprocate his obsessive love.
ellauri119.html on line 620: The family left Crimea, and Ayn went on to study and graduate from the University of Petrograd in 1924. Around this time, she adopted the name Ayn Rand.
ellauri119.html on line 637: She started writing her best-known novel, "The Fountainhead" in 1935, and would be published after multiple publisher rejections, in 1943. Ayn would go on to write a screenplay based on the novel, and then work on one of her other well-known novels, "Atlas Shrugged", which focused largely on her version of Objectivism, and would be published in 1957. She would spend her life discussing, lecturing, and writing about her philosophy.
ellauri119.html on line 646: Rosenbaum left Russia at the tail end of the Trust program. She was assisted by bolshevik Hollywood. Like a typical crypto-jew and communist she used a pseudonym. She became, together with Leo Strauss, a leading philosopher of the Trotskyites. She, like Strauss, helped create the philosophy of arrogance and entitlement that justifies the lies of government leaders to the people. Her philosophies misrepresent the realities of how wealth and psychopathic greed coupled with immorality destroys civilization. Her solution to class warfare is group disloyalty of the rich to society and the exploitation of the national resources by a privileged class to destroy the economy and sabotage the nation. She misrepresented American tradition in a way that benefitted our enemies and internationalized our national resources leaving them easy pickings for the exploitation of unregulated international markets. She advocated the ruinous gold standard which allows our enemies the opportunity to deflate our money supply and strangle the economy at their whim. By simply hoarding gold and/or sending it out of the nation the bankers can ruin us under a gold standard. Her philosophy falsely claims that the market can and will correct the actions of the enemy within to ruin the nation by their designs. She wanted to grant the enemy the right to act with impunity and free rein as a Trojan horse within America to completely destroy our nation, and she has nearly succeeded. The removal of the ability of government to impose with force the collective will of the nation inevitably leads to balkanization, and that was well known and desired by our bolshevik enemies, Rosenbaum’s masters. She never pointed out the name and the nature of the enemy, instead scapegoating the poor and the communists for what international jewry was doing, with her as one of its leading members. As far as I know, she NEVER addressed the existential danger of jewish messianic prophecy and the subversion of the American government by Israel. Being herself a jew, she was disloyal to America in favor of Israel. She was disloyal to the American majority population in favor of the banking class. She did absolutely nothing that was ever in any way harmful to the communists or the bankers, who have so harmed America.
ellauri119.html on line 758:
Alisa is right that an existential sentence is in principle easier to prove than its negative. Just produce a specimen. I bet she filched it from Karl Popper. The negation takes another universal premise to prove it from. But God is a harder nut. If God supporters could produce the specimen, they'd still need to prove uniqueness and the requisite universal properties. God opposers try to argue they do not need that hypothesis. Thing is the supporters clearly feel that need. It's not logic, it's a eusocial insect's builtin circuit. Less stupid egomaniacs are aware of its usefulness as a mind numbing anesthesiac, opium for the masses. Fiction or fact, its a great hypothesis. It would deserve inventing if it did not come pre-installed. Alisa was a silly hag.
ellauri131.html on line 123: Saksan 18. armeijan komentaja kenraalieversti Georg Lindemann, antoi 30.10.1942 käskyn, joka oli osoitus Saksan puolustusvoimien osallistumista ideologiseen tuhoamissotaan.
ellauri131.html on line 198: 18. joulukuuta 1943 inkeriläispataljoona saapui Hankoon ja siirtyi kokonaan suomalaisten komentoon. Everstiluutnantti Kaarlo Breitholtz määrättiin pataljoonan komentajaksi.
ellauri131.html on line 299: Canafield was born in What it's Worth, Texas on August 19, 1944. He spent his teen years wheeling on West Virginia and graduated as second lieutenant from the Linsly Military Institute in 1962. Canafield received an A.B. in Chinese History from Harvard University in 1966. He received his C in 1973 from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Canafield received an honorary D from the University of Santa Monica in 1981.
ellauri131.html on line 365: There are Chicken Coops for the Adopted Soul, the African American Soul, the African American Woman's Soul, the Soul of America, the American Idol Soul, the Angels Among Us, Angels and Miracles, Answered Prayers, Baseball Fans, the Best You Can Be, The Beach Lovers, Best Mom in Law Ever, Miracles, the Breast Cancer Survivors, Brides, Cancer Victims, Caregivers, Cartoon Dads, Video Moms, Cartoon Teachers, The Cat Did What?? the Cat Lovers, Cat & Dog Lovers, Celeb Cats and the People Who Love Them, Jack Canafield, Celeb Mothers, Jack Canafield, Celeb Sisters, Jack Canafield, Celeb Teachers, Jack Canafield, Celeb Brothers and Sisters, Jack Canafield, Celeb Mothers and Daughters, Jack Canafield, Celeb People Who Make a Difference, Jack Canafield, the Child's Soul, Jack Canafield, Children with Special Needs, Jack Canafield, the Soul in the Classroom – High School Edition, Jack Canafield and Anna Unknown, the Coffee Lovers Chicken Soup for the Soul Cookbook, Includes material by Gibbons.
ellauri131.html on line 366: the Coople's Soul, Jack Canafield, the Country Soul, the Country Soul Music, the College Soul, Jack Canafield, the Canadian Soul, the Chiropractic Soul, the Christian Family Soul, Jack Canafield, and Nancy Autio (2000), Chicken Coop for the Christian Teenage Soul, Jack Canafield, Mark Victor Hansen, Kimberly Kirberger, Patty Aubery and Nancy Mitchell-Autio, the Christian Sole, the Christian Sole 2, the Christian Woman's Hole, Christmas Sole, Christmas in Canada, Christmas Magic, Christmas Treasury, Christmas Treasury for Kids, Healthy Living Series: Weight Loss, where Jack combines inspirational stories with medical advice. The Cat-and-Dog Lovers, Count Your Blessings, Create Your Second Best Future, The Mating Game, the Dental Bowl, The Rental Hole, Dieter's Soul, Divorce and Recovery Soul, where Jack combines inspirational stories with legal advice. The Dog Did What? Same as The Cat? The Dog Lovers' Dreams and Premonitions, Chicken Coop for the Entrepreneur's Black Soul, Jack Canafield, for the Empty Hesters, for Every Mom's Horny Son, for the Expectant Mother, Family Matters, Father's Cock, Father and Daughter videos, Father and Son's Holey Camp, Find Your Happiness, Find Your Inner Strength, Find your Arse with both hands, Finding My Faith, Fisherman's Friend, Jack Canafield,
ellauri131.html on line 367: Food and Love, the Gardeners, Jack Canafield and Carol Spurgulewski, The Gift of Christmas, the Girlfriend's Hole, the Girl's Hole, Hole in One, The Golf Book, the Golfer's Hole, Golfer's Pole – The 2nd Round, Jack Canafield, Grand and Great Grandma's Hole: Stories to Honor and Celebrate the Ageless Hole of Grandmothers, into Grandma with Love, the Grandparent's Black Soul, the Grieving Soul, Grieving and Recovery, Happily Ever After, Now Comes the Bride, Hole Sweet Hole, Hole and Miracles, Horse Lovers and Horse Lovers II, the Soul of Hawaii, Jack Canafield, Hooked on Hockey, I Can't Believe My Cat Did That I Can't Believe My Dog Did That Can't Believe my Pole Fit That Indian Teenage Hole, Inspiration for the Young at Heart, Inspect the Body Hole, Jack Canafield, To Inspect a Woman's Hole, Inspection of Nurses, It's Christmas, Chicken Soup for the Jewish Son, Jack Canafield, Rabbi Dov Gabbay (2001), The Joy of Adoption, The Joy of Less Adoption, Just Use Girls, Doing Kids in the Kitchen, Jack Canafield, Chicken Bone for the Kid's Hole, Jack Canafield, Chicken Bone for the Kid's Other Hole 2, Jack Canafield, the Latino Soup, the Latter-day Saint, The Laughing Soul (Audio only), Lemons to Lemonade, the Little Holes, Like Mother, Like Daughter, like Granny, Living With Alzheimers and Other Dements, Love Stories: Stories of First Dates, First Figs, Soul Mates, and Everlasting Love, Loving Our Dogs, The Manic Loving of Mothers and Daughters, Making Love in Menopause, Married 3 wives, Merry Christmas, Messages From Heaven, the Military Wife's Hole, Jack Canafield, Miraculous Messages from Heaven, More Miracles Happen in Moms and Sons videos, Into Mom with Love, Mothers and Preschoolers videos, Mother's Hole, Mother's Hole #2, Jack Canafield, the Mother and Daughter Holes, Mother and Son again, The Multitasking Mom's Survival Guide, My Very Good, Very Bad Cat, My Very Good, Very Bad Dog, My Very Good, Very Bad Son, Chicken Coop for the NASCAR jerk, [National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing on pohjoisamerikkalainen autourheilujärjestö. Kotimaassaan Yhdysvalloissa sarja on kasvanut suosituimmaksi penkkiurheilulajiksi heti amerikkalaisen jalkapallon jälkeen.] Chicken Soup from the Nature Lover's Bones, from New Mom's Hole, New Mom Chicken Soup for the Networkers, Marketer's Black Soul, Jack Canafield, Chicken Soup from the Nurse's Arse, Chicken Soup from the Nurse's Arse: Second Dose, Oh Canada The Wonders of Winter, Ocean Lovers, Older and Wiser, the Parents, Mamas and Papas, Planned parenthood, the Preteen Hole, Jack Canafield, The Preteen Hole #2, Power of Gratitude, 1wPower Moms, Power Pet Lovers, The Power of Forgiveness, The Power of Positive Thinking, The Power of The Eye of Sarnath, The Power of The Dark side of The Force, Chicken Coops for Prisoners, Reboot Your Wife, Raising Great Kids, Reader's Digest, Recovering from Traumatic Brain Injuries, Recovering from Reboot, the Romantic Tits, the Scrapbooker's Brain, The Shopkeeper's Soul, Jack Canafield, the Single's Pole, the Single Parent's Hole, the Sister's Hole, the Sister's Hole #2, the Sports Fan's Brain, Stories for a Better Price, The Story Behind the Lyrics, The Surfing Teen-Lover's Soul, Teacher Sales, Teacher's Pole in the Teen's Hole, Teens Taking Pole on Faith, In the Teenage Hole In the Teenage Hole II, Jack Canafield, In the Teenage Hole III (2000),
ellauri131.html on line 396: Shekin maxaja on universumi. Mut miss universum on kun sitä kipeimmin tarvittas?
ellauri131.html on line 437: A long time ago I asked the Universe to give me a job as an actress in a great fantasy series. I did everything I thought was right. I wrote down in detail what I wanted in my diary and I imagined it and felt truly happy. However, for some reason, my desire did not happen.
ellauri131.html on line 439: Then one day, suddenly, I discovered the reason why. Sometimes, when my daily obligations felt too heavy for me, I felt desperate that I was not yet an actress. Right there was the problem! It was because of the despair that I was sending out to the Universe that I still did not have what I so much wanted. When I released that energy of lack and truly believed that what is mine will find its way to me, things started to happen. Today I live the life I always wanted as a homemaker, blogger, and part time cleaning lady. I send huge gratitude to the Universe. Thank you so much for The Secret!
ellauri131.html on line 446: Hornby valmistui Cambridgen yliopistosta. Hän asuu nykyisin Maidenheadissa. Hän työskenteli alun perin englanninopettajana ja toimittajana. Hänen esikoisteoksensa, omaelämäkerrallinen Hornankattila ilmestyi 1992. Sitä seurasi romaani Uskollinen äänentoisto (1995), jossa hän kertoo, että keski-ikäisten miesten arjen armotonta pyöritystä helpottaa ja mielenterveyttä ylläpitää listojen laatiminen ja lukeminen. 1998 ilmestyi Poika. Kaikista kolmesta on tehty elokuvaversiot.
ellauri131.html on line 504: Myönnettäköön, noi lauseet kuulostaa vitun narsistisilta etenkin toi rajattomuus. Mut ei tässä muuta tehdäkään kun vaihdetaan narsistilla levyä. Oltuasi epäonnistunut narsisti susta tehdään nytte tollasta enempi izetyytyväista versiota.
ellauri131.html on line 517: Yllä olevat iskulauseet liittyvät ilmiöön, joka on viime aikoina tullut tunnetuksi nimellä lucky girl syndrome. Sen mukaan universumi toteuttaa ihmisen toiveet ajatusten voimalla – kunhan ei vain pilaa kaikkea omalla negatiivisella asenteellaan.
ellauri131.html on line 541: Miksi nykyihminen on niin altis omaksumaan ajatuksen siitä, että pelkillä omilla ajatuksilla voi vetää puoleensa menestystä ja rikkauksia? Puheet universumista, vetovoimasta ja siitä, kuinka positiivisia ajatuksia ajatteleville tapahtuu positiivisia asioita, kuulostavat ennemminkin keskiaikaiselta taikauskolta kuin nykyaikaiselta järki-ihmiseltä.
ellauri131.html on line 553: Jos taas uskoo siihen, että hyvä työpaikka kopsahtaa kohdalle, kunhan vain tarpeeksi universumilta pyytää, se ei sovi meritokratian ajatukseen ahkeroinnista ja sen myötä langenneista palkinnoista. Ellei sitten ajattele, että positiivisten ajatusten ajatteleminen on kovaa työtä.
ellauri131.html on line 571: kyllähän unelmoida saa, ja suorastaan pitää. Saattaa olla vielä harmitonta, jos todella uskoo, että hyvä parkkipaikka oli universumin lahja.
ellauri131.html on line 576: Näiden menetelmien sanansaattajat usein myös väittävät, että jos ajattelee, että ”kunpa ei tulisi sota”, universumi ”kuulee” vain sanan sota ja olettaa, että juuri sitä toivotaan.
ellauri131.html on line 579: Manifestointimenetelmissä korostetaan, että universumilta pitää pyytää konkreettisia asioita.
ellauri131.html on line 588: Manifestointimenetelmissä korostetaan, että universumilta pitää pyytää konkreettisia asioita. Ei siis mitään sellaista epämääräistä, että ”haluaisin olla rikkaampi”, vaan ennemminkin sellaista, että katsoo Chanelin nettisivuilta, millaisen laukun haluaa ja sitten näkee itsensä flaneeraamassa Esplanadilla juuri kyseinen laukku käsitaipeessa.
ellauri131.html on line 639: Marianne: Elokuun alussa olin palannut viinin ja teeveemoskan pariin. Rahat oli lopussa. Universumin shekki oli katteeton. Napsautin tvn päälle. Kardashianit riitelivät Kanyen Kimille ostamista vaatteista. Self help on vaarallista jos rakastaa elämistä pilvilinnoissa. Self help on bisnestä. Isoa bisnestä. Se myy onnentunnetta.
ellauri131.html on line 723: Robbins repeatedly swears by Natural Language Processing (NLP), a controversial, consciousness-based belief system that took root in California in the 1970s. According to the Association for NLP, the practice is commonly referred to as the "users manual for your mind," and studying NLP offers "insights into how our thinking patterns can effect [sic] every aspect of our lives." God's co-creator Vivica Bandler has characterized the process as a veritable fountain of youth, asserting one's "ability for consciousness to influence our DNA evolution." In an interview with NLP Life, Bandler said, "It is obviously related to aging and the more we learn to control our consciousness, the more we will learn to control the quality of the DNA that keeps us young, the DNA that makes us smart...There is literally no limit to what we can do as we begin to harness the great power called consciousness."
ellauri131.html on line 742: Evolutionary biologist Jerry Coyne issued a similar takedown, by simply highlighting some of Chopra's more outlandish claims, including his idea that the moon only exists because of human consciousness, the suggestion that mass prayer or meditation has the ability to "simmer down the turbulence in nature," as well as the nonsensical statement "Consciousness is the driver of evolution. Every time I eat your pussy or you suck my banana it transforms into a human." Coyne labels Chopra's ideas as "pseudoscience, pure and simple," and accuses him of "pushing a noxious brew of quantum physics, evolutionary biology, and "universal consciousness.'" Ouch.
ellauri131.html on line 900: Hay recounted her life story in an interview with Mark Oppenheimer of The New York Times in May 2008. In it, Hay stated that she was born in Los Angeles to a poor mother who remarried Louise's violent stepfather, Ernest Carl Wanzenreid (1903–1992), who physically abused her and her mother. When she was about 5, she was raped by a neighbor. At 15, she dropped out of University High School in Los Angeles without a diploma, became pregnant and, on her 16th birthday, gave up her newborn baby girl for adoption.
ellauri131.html on line 904: By Hay's account, in the early 1970s she became a religious science practitioner. In this role she led people in spoken affirmations, which she believes would cure their illnesses, and became popular as a workshop leader. She also recalled how she had studied Transcendental Meditation with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi at the Maharishi International University in Fairfield, Iowa.
ellauri131.html on line 933: That kind of enthusiasm is, to some observers of organizational behavior, appalling. The problem, they say, lies in the message that is being subsidized by management: that individual workers are responsible for their own destinies, and that the way to achieve security and serenity is through continual self-improvement. For a big corporation that is mowing down whole suitefuls of middle managers, critics say, this can be a handy way to get employees to start thinking that if they are laid off, the fault lies somewhere in themselves. "If the individual worker is made to feel the responsibility for his or her condition, the social contract is no longer there.
ellauri131.html on line 942: Covey lived with his wife Sandra and their family in Provo, Utah, home to Brigham Young University, where Covey taught prior to the publication of his best-selling book. A father of nine and a grandfather of fifty-five, he received the Fatherhood Award from the National Fatherhood Initiative in 2003.
ellauri131.html on line 997: olemaan paras versio itsestäsi, sinun on oltava huippu
ellauri132.html on line 58: Eckhart weist den Begriffen „Gott“ und „Gottheit“ nicht die gleiche Bedeutung zu, sondern er bezeichnet mit ihnen unterschiedliche Ebenen, auf denen sich die göttliche Wirklichkeit dem Menschen zeigen kann. No niin! Ekkehartin heresia oli samanusuuntaista kuin mormonien profeetalla, herra Smithillä. Me apinatkin ollaan pikku jumalia, ei vaan jotain luojanluomia löylynlyömiä. Me päästään samoihin kuin Jehova kun oikein treenataan. Christus ist zwar ein unerreichtes Vorbild, nicht aber von Natur aus von anderen Menschen prinzipiell verschieden. Jeesus - oli vain 1 ihminen - mutta meitä Spartakuxia on koko liuta! Koko pörisevä pesä minijumalia!
ellauri132.html on line 60: Das Inquisitionsverfahren wurde verschleppt. Das Fehlen eines Präzedenzfalls – es war noch nie ein Häresieverfahren gegen einen so hochrangigen Theologen und Ordensmann durchgeführt worden – verunsicherte anscheinend die Inquisitoren. (Hups, täähän voi vielä sattua omaan nilkkaan!) Am 24. Januar 1327 appellierte Eckhart an den Apostolischen Stuhl. Dabei beklagte er, dass die Richter immer wieder Termine ansetzten, aber zu keinem Urteil kämen. (Hidasta kuin pankissa Satu Hassin isän ja miehen kuoltua. Ekkehart ehti kuolla kesken prosessin. Se oli ehkä pankin tarkoitus.)
ellauri132.html on line 62: Nach Eckharts Tod wurde das Verfahren fortgesetzt. Es endete mit der Verurteilung der 28 Sätze, die teils als häretisch, teils als häresieverdächtig eingestuft wurden. Wichtiger als die Berufung auf Autoritäten (Neuplatonismus, Augustinus, Moses Maimonides) ist für ihn (wie für seinen Namensvetter!) die auf Vernunft und Erfahrung gestützte Einsicht. Er hält seine Einsichten für universal gültig und will seinem Publikum den Nachvollzug auch anspruchsvoller Inhalte ermöglichen. (wie auch sein schwerverständlicher Namensvetter! "Solange der Mensch dieser Wahrheit nicht gleicht, solange wird er diese Rede nicht verstehen.") Als Prediger wendet er sich statt Latein in deutscher Sprache auch an Hörer oder Leser, die über wenig philosophische oder theologische Vorkenntnisse verfügen. (Wie sein Namensvetter, der seine Muttersprache verlässt und auf English prädiziert). Tervettä markkina-ajattelua: enemmän tyhmempiä ja rikkaampia kusetettavia.
ellauri132.html on line 69: Eckhart Tolle net worth: Eckhart Tolle is a German spiritual leader and author who has a net worth of $70 million dollars. Eckhart Tolle was born in Lunen, Germany and subsequently moved to Spain to live with his father. He then moved to England to teach language classes, and also graduated from the University of London.
ellauri132.html on line 71: While pursuing his Master's Degree at Cambridge University, he had a nervous breakdown of sorts, and came out of the experience with a sense of inner calm. But No M.A., regrettably. After relocating to Vancouver, Canada, he wrote the book, "The Power of Now". It went on to become a massive international bestseller, and he has since published two more popular books on finding inner peace. He has also been featured on numerous talk shows, and co-hosted a webinar series with Oprah Winfrey. He also runs the company, Eckhart Teachings, which handles the sale of all of his books and spiritual teaching materials.
ellauri132.html on line 84: "Solange der Mensch dieser Wahrheit nicht gleicht, solange wird er diese Rede nicht verstehen." Töllö päätteli, jotta jos minä en tykkää izestä, minä ja ize on eri häiskiä.
ellauri132.html on line 147: E.T. Das Sein ist das ewige, allgegenwärtige Mein Leben! jenseits der unzähligen Lebensformen, die Geburt und Tod unterliegen. Das Sein ist jedoch nicht nur jenseits, sondern auch tief in jeder Form als seine innerste unsichtbare und unzerstörbare Essenz. Das bedeutet, dass es dir jetzt als dein eigenes tiefstes Selbst, deine wahre Natur, zugänglich ist. Aber versuchen Sie nicht, es mit Ihrem Verstand zu erfassen. Der fasst nur Knochen. Versuchen Sie nicht, es zu verstehen. Du kannst es nur erkennen, wenn der Geist still ist. Schluss mit dem Denken! Wenn du präsent bist, wenn deine Aufmerksamkeit ganz und intensiv im Jetzt ist, kann das Sein gefühlt, aber niemals mental verstanden werden. Das Bewusstsein des Seins wiederzuerlangen und in diesem Zustand der „Gefühls-Erkenntnis“ zu bleiben, ist Erleuchtung.
ellauri132.html on line 184: Jos menet Pinterestiin tai edes luet Googlen vinkkejä kynäilyyn, sua pommittaa joka iikan versiot miten tulla paremmaxi kynäilijäxi. Jokaisella on lumihiutalemainen idea, vaik ne oikeasti vaan toistaa mitä muutkin ovat sanoneet. Näin on marjat ammattikirjailjoiden kanssa myöskin. Tein vähän tutkimusta ja löysin listoja ja kaavioita kynäilyvinkeistä liigapelaajilta. Vaik ne on kirjoittaneet niin erilaisia bühleinejä eri aikoja, nekin sanoo aika paljon samoja juttuja. Myöskin.
ellauri132.html on line 389: Vaik dystopiatarinat usein näyttää missä vika, ne ei välttämättä johda mihkään muutoxeen. Älä ikinä unohda että fiktiiviset dystopiat on vaan väritettyjä versioita siitä jossa me jo eletään. Tää meidän tohina on just sitä traumaattista tasapäistävää maailmaa jota Ayn Rand, Ray Bradbury, George Orwell, and Kurt Vonnegut Jr. jo ennusti, missä on vitusti tätä tyhmää tasa-arvoa. Mä ainakin unelmoin olevani kasan huipulla eräänä päivänä.
ellauri132.html on line 443: Each time this page is visited by an end user (e.g., a person surfing the Internet), the JavaScript code uses inlined JSON to display content fetched from Google's servers.
ellauri132.html on line 444: For contextual advertisements, Google's servers use a web cache of the page created by its Mediabot "crawler" to determine a set of high-value keywords. If keywords have been cached already, advertisements are served for those keywords based on the Ads bidding system.
ellauri132.html on line 453: Elmore John Leotard Jr. (11. lokakuuta 1925 New Orleans, Louisiana – 20. elokuuta 2013 Detroit[1]) oli yhdysvaltalainen romaanikirjailija ja käsikirjoittaja. Leonard valmistui lukiosta "University of Detroit Jesuit High School" vuonna 1943. Koulun jälkeen hän liittyi merivoimiin ja palveli kolme vuotta eteläisellä Tyynellämerellä laivaston rakennusjoukoissa. Armeijapalveluksen jälkeen vuonna 1946 Leonard aloitti opinnot yliopistossa "University of Detroit". Opiskeluaikoinaan hän alkoi kirjoittaa vakavissaan ja lähetellä novellejaan kilpailuihin ja lehtiin. Leonard valmistui yliopistosta vuonna 1950 suoritettuaan tutkinnot englannin kielestä ja filosofiasta. Jonkin aikaa valmistumisensa jälkeen hän aloitti työt mainostoimistossa, jossa työskenteli useita vuosia jatkaen tarinoiden kirjoittamista työn ohella. Hän aloitti kirjoittamisen lännenkertomuksilla, mutta siirtyi myöhemmin rikoskirjallisuuden pariin.
ellauri132.html on line 838: Skrivaa siitä raakaversio
ellauri132.html on line 892: Die Fenster waren behangen mit rothem verschossenem Zitz, Ikkunoissa oli verhoina punaista reikäpiziä,
ellauri133.html on line 69:
Voiceovers to the reader. “Dear Reader, listen closely for I am about to tell you a most wonderous tale.” I’m not six, so I’ll pass, thanks. No, you are under five, you can't wait for the ads to end to watch Paw Patrol.
Have you ever watched American Idol or X factor at the audition stage? Then you'll know the way you can usually tell within five notes if the singer is actually able to sing and is likely to go through. It's the same with writing. Any writer who can't manage a decent opening is not likely to get much better a hundred pages on. Whining for a second chance because "I sing a lot better in the second verse" (or "The second chapter is really good") doesn't fool anyone. What an idiot. There are lots of books that start out slow but grow on you. But fuck you, you're just such an idiot that hardly has the patience to spell laboriously through the title. Right into the garbage can from the Amazon box if the cover does not please. Your kind had better just watch Netflix or HBO, or reruns of American Idiots and X Position.
ellauri133.html on line 316: Seisokin restauroidussa versiossa pyromaani Roskatynnörimies saa paljon enemmn pasltatilaa, erit sen matka paikasta Powtanville, Indiana räjäytettyään Cheery Oil Companyn, polttaen izeään pahasti siinä rytäkässä ja lopulta saavuttuaan paikkaan Las Vegas töihin yhtiössä Randall Flagg asehankkijana. Matkalla se päätyy nuoren psykopaatin kumppanixi nimeltä "The Kid" (vitun omaperäinen nimi taas!).
ellauri133.html on line 335: Usko tai älä, tässä on jotain tieteellistä takana. Dr. Gustaaf "Phil" Dekker yliopistosta "the University of Adelaide" havaizi tutkimuxissaan että nainen joka säännöllisesti "nauttii" siittäjän runkkua on pienemmässä vaarassa saada keskenmenoja. Teoria on että kun naarasruumis saa paljon geneettistä materiaalia, sen immuunisysteemi ei viizi torjua feetusta jolla on niitä samoja geenejä.
ellauri133.html on line 382:
4. The most controversial scene in It is too disturbing for any adaptation.
ellauri133.html on line 386: "I wasn´t really thinking of the sexual aspect of it," King later mansplained his intentions in writing the controversial scene. "The sexual act connected childhood and adulthood ... Times have changed since I wrote that scene and there is now more sensitivity to those issues. In my days, balling minors was all in a day´s work. Besides, I had a lot of satisfying jerkoffs writing it. As did my colleague Nabokov."
ellauri133.html on line 562: Tabitha King, kupera ja kovera versio ellauri133.html on line 591: Great Expectations, Jane Eyre, Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver’s Travels, Moby Dick (although a children’s truncated version).
ellauri133.html on line 602: The miniseries was shot at The Stanley Kubrick Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado, King's inspiration for the novel, in March 1997. S everal notable writers and filmmakers who work in the horror genre also cameo in the miniseries' ballroom scene, King himself appearing as an orchestra conductor. Retrospective critics have viewed the miniseries less fondly, comparing it unfavorably to Kubrick´s film version.
ellauri133.html on line 758: [almost sadly] Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose any more. Goodbye.
ellauri133.html on line 861: By the 1960s, Jackson's health began to deteriorate significantly, ultimately leading to her death due to a heart condition in 1965 at the age of 48. Jackson has been cited as an influence on a diverse set of authors, including Neil Gaiman, Stephen King, Sarah Waters, Nigel Kneale, Claire Fuller, Joanne Harris, and Richard Matheson. Never heard. all except nasty Stephen King.
ellauri133.html on line 864: After flunking in Rochester, she tranferred to Syracuse University, where she flourished both creatively and socially, and got a BA in journalism.
ellauri135.html on line 139: Konsta vietti rattoisaa kesälomaa Jekaterina-vaimon ja 7-vuotiaan pojan kaa Bogovon kylässä vuonna 1924. Samana vuonna Pirkko täytti 2 ja Calle 1, Kalle Viänänen julkaisi teoxen Savolaista sanarrieskoo, ja the renowned klezmer clarinetist and self-proclaimed “King of Jewish music” Naftule Brandwein recorded a purely instrumental version with the title “Der Terk in America” laulusta Uskadaaraa.
ellauri135.html on line 192: Timo Juhani Vihavainen (born 9 May 1947) is a Finnish historian and a professor of Russian Studies at the University of Helsinki. He has written extensively on Russian and Finnish history. Vihavainen graduated as a Master of Philosophy in 1970, a Licentiate in Philosophy in 1983, a Doctor of Philosophy degree in 1988 and a Docent in Russian history in 1992. He is a member of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters since 2009.
ellauri135.html on line 206: Nikolai Vasilyevich studied first at the Tomsk regional college, then (in 1834-1838) at the Tambov and Moscow gymnasiums. In 1844 he enrolled in the Philological faculty of Moscow University but left an after a year.
ellauri135.html on line 210: After the Crimean War ended, Nikolai Vasilyevich went to the Caucasus where he witnessed the capture and arrest of Imam Shamil. He then traveled to Italy as a correspondent of The Russian Messenger to report on the progress of Giuseppe Garibaldi's army. He spent 1860-1862 traveling through Syria, Palestine, and Egypt. As the January Uprising in Poland began Nikolai Vasilyevich went to Warsaw as a correspondent for the Saint Petersburg magazine Vedomosti and stayed there for the rest of his life, teaching Russian language and literature at Warsaw University beginning in 1868, then editing the newspaper The Warsaw Diary (Varshavsky Dnevnik) from 1874 to 1877.
ellauri135.html on line 222: The first seven years, Nikolai lived in Moscow, and then, with his parents, moved to Siberia, where his father got the post of the Chairman of the Tobolsk provincial government (in 1830). Eight years, the boy himself began to write poetry, knowing many passages from different odes of Derzhavin. In the early 30-ies the father Berg settled in the Tambov province in his estate, and gave his son in the Tambov gymnasium, and in 1838 moving to Moscow, transferred to the I-th Moscow gymnasium, in which he graduated in 1843 and entered the historical-philological faculty of Moscow University. At the Moscow school, especially Berg became friends with a school friend A. N. Ostrovsky, with whom all his life maintained the most cordial relations. As a student, Berg published his first poem in the "Moskvityanin" (translated from the Swedish poet Runeberg: "Complaint of the virgin").
ellauri135.html on line 490: Hopealta hohtavasta. Som af silfver öfverstänktes.
ellauri135.html on line 571: Richter was born in Zhytomyr, Volhynian Governorate of the Russian Empire (modern-day Ukraine), a native town of his parents. His father, Teofil Danilovich Richter [de] (1872–1941), was a pianist, organist and composer born to German expatriates; from 1893 to 1900 he studied in the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. His mother, Anna Pavlovna Richter (née Moskaleva; 1893–1963), came from a noble Russian landowning family, and at one point she moaned under her future husband.
ellauri135.html on line 630: 1826, Kern otti eron vanhasta miehestä. 10v myöhemmin se meni naimisiin 16v serkkunsa kaa, Aleksandr Markov-Vinogradskyn. Hiänen viime vuodet meni niin köyhissä oloissa ezen piti myydä Pushkinin lähettämiä kirjeitä. Hiän kuoli yxin 27.5.1879 Moskovassa (minne sen poika muutti sen) kalustetussa huoneistossa Gruzinskajan ja Tverskajan kulmassa. Anna Petrovna haudattiin kirkkomaahan lähellä vanhaa kivikirkoa Prutnyan kylässä (Ven. д. Прутня), joka on 6 kilometerin päässä Torzhokista, lähellä Tveriä. Sade huutoi pois tien, eikä sen arkkua saatu siirrettyä hautuumaalle "miehen luoxe". Sen tarkka hautapaikka Prutnyassa on tietymättömissä, mutta hautuumaalla on symbolinen hautakivi. Urbaanilegenda kertoo että sen hautasaatto meni Pushkinin torin poikki just kun Pushkinin kuuluisaa razastajapazasta erektoitiin sinne. Tää oli niiden viime tapaaminen, niinkö.
ellauri135.html on line 865: "Lerppa" Lermontovin suuren suuri rakkaus oli undervara uppvlåsvara Varvara. Tää tarina on aika surkuteltava. Siitä löytyy netistä 2 versiota konekäännettynä ilmeisesti 2 eri koneella.
ellauri140.html on line 46: Faerie Qveene on englantilainen eeppinen runoelma Edmund Dispenseriltä. Runoelman eka julkistus oli 1590. Pitempi :D versio runoelmasta julkituli 1596. Tämä versio runosta on kuusiosainen eli 6 kirjaa. Lyhempi versio oli difpofed in twelue books, fashioning XII Morall vertues.
ellauri140.html on line 54: Book II is centred on the virtue of Temperance as embodied in Sir Guyon, who is tempted by the fleeing Archipelago into nearly attacking the Redcrosse Knight. Guyon discovers a woman killing herself out of grief for having her lover tempted and bewitched by the witch Acrasia and killed. Guyon swears a vow to avenge them and protect their child. Guyon on his quest starts and stops fighting several evil, rash, or tricked knights and meets Arthur. Finally, they come to Acrasia's Island and the Bower of Bliss, where Guyon resists temptations to violence, idleness, and lust. Guyon captures Acrasia in a net, destroys the Bower, and rescues those imprisoned there.
ellauri140.html on line 56: Book III is centred on the virtue of Chastity as embodied in Britomart, a lady knight. Resting after the events of Book II, Guyon and Arthur meet Britomart, who wins a joust with Guyon. They separate as Arthur and Guyon leave to rescue Florimell, while Britomart rescues the Redcrosse Knight. Britomart reveals to the Redcrosse Knight that she is pursuing Sir Artegall because she is destined to marry him. The Redcrosse Knight defends Artegall and they meet Merlin, who explains more carefully Britomart's destiny to found the English monarchy. Britomart leaves and fights Sir Marinell. Arthur looks for Florimell, joined later by Sir Satyrane and Britomart, and they witness and resist sexual temptation. Britomart separates them with a stick and meets Sir Scudamore, looking for his captured lady Amoret. Britomart alone is able to rescue Amoret from the wizard Busirane. Unfortunately, when they emerge from the castle Scudamore is gone. (The 1590 version with Books I–III depicts the lovers' happy reunion, but this was changed in the 1596 version which contained all sex books.)
ellauri140.html on line 58: Book IV, despite its title "The Legend of Cambell and Telamond or Of Friendship", Cambell's companion in Book IV is actually named Triamond, and the plot does not center on their friendship; the two men appear only briefly in the story. The book is largely a continuation of events begun in Book III. First, Scudamore is convinced by the hag Ate (discord) that Britomart has run off with Amoret and becomes jealous. A three-day tournament is then held by Satyrane, where Britomart beats Arthegal (both in disguise). Scudamore and Arthegal unite against Britomart, but when her helmet comes off in battle Arthegal falls in love with her. He surrenders, removes his helmet, and Britomart recognizes him as the man in the enchanted mirror. Arthegal pledges his love to her but must first leave and complete his quest. Scudamore, upon discovering Britomart's sex, realizes his mistake and asks after his lady, but by this time Britomart has lost Amoret, and she and Scudamore embark together on a search for her. The reader discovers that Amoret was abducted by a savage man and is imprisoned in his cave. One day Amoret darts out past the savage and is rescued from him by the squire Timias and Belphoebe. Arthur then appears, offering his service as a knight to the lost woman. She accepts, and after a couple of trials on the way, Arthur and Amoret finally happen across Scudamore and Britomart. The two lovers are reunited. Wrapping up a different plotline from Book III, the recently recovered Marinel discovers Florimell suffering in Proteus' dungeon. He returns home and becomes sick with love and pity. Eventually he confesses his feelings to his mother, and she pleads with Neptune to have the girl released, which the god grants.
ellauri140.html on line 84: Atte F-, a fiend from Hell disguised as a beautiful maiden. Ate opposes Book IV's virtue of friendship through spreading discord. She is aided in her task by Duessa, the female deceiver of Book I, whom Ate summoned from Hell. Ate and Duessa have fooled the false knights Blandamour and Paridell into taking them as lovers. Her name is possibly inspired by the Greek goddess of misfortune Atë, said to have been thrown from Heaven by Zeus, similar to the fallen angels. God Ate My Homework.
ellauri140.html on line 142: Dosetti ihaili kovasti Ariostoa ja omisti kirjan Ludovicolle. Numerous adaptations in the form of children's literature have been made – the work was a popular choice in the 19th and early 20th century with over 20 different versions written.
ellauri140.html on line 201: In 1591, Spenser published a translation in verse of Joachim Du Bellay's sonnets, Les Antiquités de Rome, which had been published in 1558. Spenser's version, Ruines of Rome: by Bellay, may also have been influenced by Latin poems on the same subject, written by Jean or Janis Vitalis and published in 1576. Vitalis oli pahanhajuista naamavoidetta jota laitettiin lasten naamaan pakkasella. Vitut sanoi Vatanen, ja Vatanen oli viisas mies.
ellauri140.html on line 211: His coffin was carried to his grave in Poets' Corner in Westminster Abbey by other poets, who threw many pens and pieces of poetry into his grave with many tears (all free of charge). His second wife survived him and remarried twice. His sister Sarah, who had accompanied him to Ireland, married into the Travers family, and her descendants were prominent landowners in Cork for centuries. Korkad kille, kaiken kaikkiaan.
ellauri140.html on line 228: The lyrics were written, in part, in honor of U.S. Army Specialist 5 James Gabriel, Jr., a Special Forces operator and the first native Hawaiian to die in Vietnam, who was killed by Viet Cong gunfire while on a training mission with the South Vietnamese Army on April 8, 1962. One verse mentioned Gabriel by name, but it was not used in the recorded version.
ellauri140.html on line 414: That which of them to take, in diverse doubt they been. Riitelevät siitä mitä tietä mennä.
ellauri140.html on line 462: Her huge long taile her den all overspred, Sen pitkä häntä kaikkialla tossa
ellauri140.html on line 716: (Let none them read) thereof did verses frame, (löröä, älä tee!) rakenteli loruja,
ellauri140.html on line 808: A diverse dreame out of his prison darke, Divergentin unen pimeimmästä vankikopista,
ellauri141.html on line 109: Quintus Horatius Flaccus (8th of December, Ab Urbe Condita 689, B. C. 65 - 27th of November, B. C. 8) was born at or near Venusia (Venosa), in the Apennines, on the borders of Lucania and Apulia. His father was a freedman, having, as his name proves, been the slave of some person of the Horatia gens. As Horace implies that he himself was ingenuus, his father must have obtained his freedom before his birth. He afterwards followed the calling of a coactor, a collector of money in some way or other, it is not known in what. He made, in this capacity, enough to purchase an estate, probably a small one, near the above town, where the poet was born. We hear nothing of his mother, except that Horace speaks of both his parents with affection. His father, probably seeing signs of talent in him as a child, was not content to have him educated at a provincial school, but took him (at what age he does not say, but probably about twelve) to Rome, where he became a pupil of Orbilius Pupillus, who had a school of much note, attended by boys of good family, and whom Horace remembered all his life as an irritable teacher, given unnecessarily to the use of the rod. With him he learnt grammar, the earlier Latin authors, and Homer. He attended other masters (of rhetoric, poetry, and music perhaps), as Roman boys were wont, and had the advantage (to which he afterwards looked back with gratitude) of his father’s care and moral training during this part of his education. It was usual for young men of birth and ability to be sent to Athens, to finish their education by the study of Greek literature and philosophy under native teachers; and Horace went there too, at what age is not known, but probably when he was about twenty. Whether his father was alive at that time, or dead, is uncertain. If he went to Athens at twenty, it was in B. C. 45, the year before Julius Cæsar was assassinated. After that event, Brutus and Cassius left Rome and went to Greece. Foreseeing the struggle that was before them, they got round them many of the young men at that time studying at Athens, and Horace was appointed tribune in the army of Brutus, a high command, for which he was not qualified. He went with Brutus into Asia Minor, and finally shared his defeat at Philippi, B. C. 42. He makes humorous allusion to this defeat in his Ode to Pompeius Varus (ii. 7). After the battle he came to Italy, having obtained permission to do so, like many others who were willing to give up a desperate cause and settle quietly at home. His patrimony, however, was forfeited, and he seems to have had no means of subsistence, which induced him to employ himself in writing verses, with the view, perhaps, of bringing himself into notice, rather than for the purpose of making money by their sale. By some means he managed to get a place as scriba in the Quæstor’s office, whether by purchase or interest does not appear. In either case, we must suppose he contrived soon to make friends, though he could not do so by the course he pursued, without also making many enemies. His Satires are full of allusions to the enmity his verses had raised up for him on all hands. He became acquainted, among other literary persons, with Virgil and Varius, who, about three years after his return (B. C. 39), introduced him to Mæcenas, who was careful of receiving into his circle a tribune of Brutus, and one whose writings were of a kind that was new and unpopular. He accordingly saw nothing of Horace for nine months after his introduction to him. He then sent for him (B. C. 38), and from that time continued to be his patron and warmest friend.
ellauri141.html on line 113: In B. C. 17, Augustus celebrated the Ludi Seculares, and Horace was required to write an Ode for the occasion, which he did, and it has been preserved. This circumstance, and the credit it brought him, may have given his mind another leaning to Ode-writing, and have helped him to produce the fourth book, a few pieces in which may have been written at any time. It is said that Augustus particularly desired Horace to publish another book of Odes, in order that those he wrote upon the victories of Drusus and Tiberius (4 and 14) might appear in it. The latter of these Odes was not written, probably, till B. C. 13, when Augustus returned from Gaul. If so, the book was probably published in that year, when Horace was fifty-two. The Odes of the fourth book show no diminution of power, but the reverse. There are none in the first three books that surpass, or perhaps equal, the Ode in honor of Drusus, and few superior to that which is addressed to Lollius. The success of the first three books, and the honor of being chosen to compose the Ode at the Ludi Seculares, seem to have given him encouragement. There are no incidents in his life during the above period recorded or alluded to in his poems. He lived five years after the publication of the fourth book of Odes, if the above date be correct, and during that time, I think it probable, he wrote the Epistles to Augustus and Florus which form the second book; and having conceived the intention of writing a poem on the art and progress of poetry, he wrote as much of it as appears in the Epistle to the Pisones which has been preserved among his works. It seems, from the Epistle to Florus, that Horace at this time had to resist the urgency of friends begging him to write, one in this style and another in that, and that he had no desire to gratify them and to sacrifice his own ease to a pursuit in which it is plain he never took any great delight. He was likely to bring to it less energy as his life was drawing prematurely to a close, through infirmities either contracted or aggravated during his irrational campaigning with Brutus, his inaptitude for which he appears afterwards to have been perfectly aware of. He continued to apply himself to the study of moral philosophy till his death, which took place, according to Eusebius, on the 27th of November, B. C. 8, in the fifty-seventh year of his age, and within a few days of its completion. Mæcenas died the same year, also towards the close of it; a coincidence that has led some to the notion, that Horace hastened his own death that he might not have the pain of surviving his patron. According to Suetonius, his death (which he places after his fifty-ninth year) was so sudden, that he had not time to execute his will, which is opposed to the notion of suicide. The two friends were buried near one another “in extremis Esquiliis,” in the farthest part of the Esquiliæ, that is, probably, without the city walls, on the ground drained and laid out in gardens by Mæcenas.
ellauri141.html on line 209: The obscene qualities of some of the Epodes have repulsed even scholars. Suetonius recorded some gossip about Horace's sexual activities late in life, involving mirrors. William Thackeray produced a version of Odes 1.38 in which Horace's questionable 'boy' became 'Lucy', and Gerard Manley Hopkins translated the boy "innocently" as 'child'. Horace was translated by Sir Theodore Martin (biographer of Prince Albert) but minus some ungentlemanly verses, such as the erotic Odes 1.25 and Epodes 8 and 12. Translators historically excluded the problem poems 8 and 12, but also the far less obscene but explicitly gay 11. Philip Francis (1746) and Bulwer Lytton (1870) omit the problem poems from their translations. Niin teki myös Eero Kivikari. Suuhun myös peräpäähän teitä pukkaan. Irrumabo ego vos et pedicabo. Quos ego!
ellauri141.html on line 276: scribere versiculos amore percussum gravi, kynäillä värssyjä saatuani lemmen tärskyn,
ellauri141.html on line 352: So where am I going with all this? My purpose in quoting the various versions, isn’t to compare and reconcile them, but to give some sense of just how ubiquitous the translations are and to raise the question: Why has this poem endured?
ellauri141.html on line 393: To comprehend, but never love thy verse.
ellauri141.html on line 397: His verses have offered a fund of mottoes, such as Integer vitae, Dulce et decorum, Heus puer digitos e vagina, Odi profanum vulgus, Simplex munditiis, Splendide mendax, Sapere aude, Nunc est bibendum, Carpe diem. Bibendum on se Michelinin autonrenkaista tehty ukkeli.
ellauri141.html on line 404: The solfege system (Do, Re, Mi), which is the theme of a song by the Von Trapp children, is just a small sample of Horace's all-pervasive influence on western culture, even among people who might never have heard the name Quintus Horatius Flaccus. Horace was not just a superb literary craftsman, but a musician, songwriter and entertainer for the Roman elite, creating a new Latin idiom derived from Greek lyric song. A final chapter, "Horace, Guido and the Do-re-mi Mystery", the result of careful research and detective work, argues that Guido d'Arezzo, an eleventh-century Benedictine choirmaster, used the melody of Horace's Ode to Phyllis (alla) to invent the do-re-mi mnemonic, but applied it to an eighth-century Hymn to John the Baptist ("Ut queant laxis") by Paul the Deacon, keeping the true source secret. A musical comparison of the Horatian melody and Guido's version of "ut-re-mi" is included. Lyons' verse translation of the Odes was named a Financial Times Book of the Year (1996) and was welcomed as 'a wonderful rendering of one of the great, central poets in the European tradition.'
ellauri141.html on line 496: Kiplingin 18-vuotias poika John Kipling kaatui syyskuussa 1915 Loosin taistelussa ensimmäisessä maailmansodassa. John oli hylätty kahdesti likinäkönsä takia, mutta brittiarmeijan ylipäällikkö ja irlantilaiskaartien eversti Roberts oli Rudyard Kiplingin henkilökohtainen hyvä ystävä. Hänen pyynnöstään John hyväksyttiin irlantilaiskaarteihin. John Kipling valmistui upseeriksi vänrikin arvolla.
ellauri141.html on line 516: From 1917 he began to experiment with his own versions of Horace. See Thomas Pinney (Ed.) Letters IV pp. 439-40. In 1920, he and a group of friends published Q. Horatii Flacci Carminum Liber Quintus (Horace, Book V) a collection of parodies in English and Latin, which included "A Translation". "Lollius" was specially written for the book, which also included "The Pro-Consuls". See also three later poems linked to stories in Debits and Credits (1926); “The Portent”, “The Survival” and “The Last Ode.”.
ellauri141.html on line 533: The spoof book of late Horace (it refers to contemporary politicians such as Lloyd George, gas masks, land girls, daylight saving, spiritualism, canteens and so on) which came out in 1920, was inspired by a long tradition in English literature and by Kipling’s early imitation odes and Charles Graves’s Hawarden Horace (1894) and More Hawarden Horace (1896, with a delightful introduction by T. E. Page), where felicitous modernising English versions of the Odes (and an Epode) are put in the mouth of Gladstone (251) . A[lfred] D[enis] Godley, for one, had often imagined Greek and Roman authors as still alive and commenting on nineteenth- and twentieth-century Oxford and England. (252) Kipling delighted in humorous verse. In 1917 he had enjoyed Maurice Baring’s Translations (found in a commonplace book) (253) .
ellauri141.html on line 534: the main contributor of English verses was Charles Graves. He gave the credit for the idea to Kipling.
ellauri141.html on line 569: The ‘editor’ of the Latin text was the clever versifier A. D. Godley of Oxford. (267) He contributed graceful acknowledgements (268) and a hilarious preface about the (fictitious) manuscripts, which parodies the standard praefatio of an Oxford Classical Text (brown-covered in those days like the spoof). (269) There is a learned apparatus criticus about disputed or variant ms. readings. He did the Latin poems, together with his Oxford colleagues and friends John Powell (270) and Ronald Knox (271) and the Etonian and former Cambridge undergraduate A. B. Ramsay. (272) There is an appendix of alternative Latin versions which the translators obviously could not bear to waste. Kipling contributed a schoolboyish prose version of ‘The Pro-consuls’: ‘the sixth ode, as it seems, rendered into English prose by a scholiast of uncertain period’, which starts:
ellauri141.html on line 577: When the book came out, it fooled the Scotsman. Kipling regretted only the facetious names of some universities, professors etc. in Godley’s preface: if they had been serious, others too would have thought the collection authentic.
ellauri141.html on line 759: In 1897, Hégésippe Légitimus, the first native Guadeloupan elected president of the Guadeloupe General Council, took office with a vindictive agenda towards colonists. The Leger family returned to metropolitan France in 1899 and settled in Pau. The young Alexis felt like an expatriate and spent much of his time hiking, fencing, riding horses and sailing in the Atlantic. He passed the baccalauréat with honours and began studying law at the University of Bordeaux. When his father died in 1907, the resulting strain on his family's finances led Leger to temporarily interrupt his studies, but he eventually completed his degree in 1910.
ellauri141.html on line 794: Gordon Wenham, on the other hand, understands the verse to indicate Jabal was the first "dweller with herds." That is, he was the "father of the Bedouin lifestyle." He notes that whereas Abel "merely lived off his flocks," Jabal could "trade with his beasts of burden," and that this "represents cultural advance." Ensimmäinen rättipää.
ellauri142.html on line 38: Annuit cœptis (/ˈænuɪt ˈsɛptɪs/, Classical Latin: [ˈannʊ.ɪt ˈkoe̯ptiːs]) is one of two mottos on the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States. The literal translation is "favors (or "has favored") [our] undertakings", from Latin annuo ("I nod at"), and coeptum ("commencement, undertaking"). Because of its context as a caption above the Eye of Sarnath, the standard translations are "Crang favors our undertakings" and "Crang has favored our undertakings." Annuit cœptis comes from the Aeneid, book IX, line 625, which reads, Iuppiter omnipotens, audacibus adnue coeptis. It is a prayer by Ascanius, the son of the hero of the story, Aeneas, which translates to, "Jupiter Almighty favour [my] bold undertakings", just before slaying an enemy warrior, Numismaticus. Haha, tappoi numismaatikon. Texti alla tarkoittaa "suuri hylje".
ellauri142.html on line 71: Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (/ˈtoʊlstɔɪ/; Russian: Лев Николаевич Толстой, 28 August 1828 – 7 November 1910), usually referred to in English as Leo Tolstoy, was a Russian writer who is regarded as one of the greatest authors of all time. He received nominations for the Nobel Prize in Literature every year from 1902 to 1906 and for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1901, 1902, and 1909. That he never won is a major controversy. Instead, Rudyard Kipling got the medal 1907. What the fuck?
ellauri142.html on line 79: Tolstoy was born at Yasnaya Polyana, a family estate 12 kilometres (7.5 mi) southwest of Tula, and 200 kilometres (120 mi) south of Moscow. He was the fourth of five children of Count Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy (1794–1837), a veteran of the Patriotic War of 1812, and Countess Mariya Tolstaya (née Volkonskaya; 1790–1830). His mother died when she was two and his father when he was nine. Tolstoy and his siblings were brought up by relatives. In 1844, he began studying law and oriental languages at Kazan University, where teachers described him as "both unable and unwilling to learn".
ellauri142.html on line 81: Tolstoy left the university in the middle of his studies, returned to Yasnaya Polyana and then spent much time in Moscow, Tula and Saint Petersburg, leading a lax and leisurely lifestyle. He began writing during this period, including his first novel Childhood, a fictitious account of his own youth, which was published in 1852.
ellauri142.html on line 93: Tolstoy's concept of ahimsa was bolstered when he read a German version of the Tirukkura. The Tirukkuṟa (Tamil: திருக்குறள், lit. 'sacred verses'), or shortly the Kura, is a classic Tamil language text consisting of 1,330 short couplets, or kura, of seven words each. The text is divided into three books with aphoristic teachings on virtue (aram), wealth (porul) and sex (inbam), respectively. The Kura is traditionally praised with epithets and alternate titles such as "the Tamil Veda" and "the divine book." Written on the foundations of ahimsa, it emphasizes non-violence and moral vegetarianism as highest virtues for an individual.
ellauri142.html on line 184: Today, you can join the Freemasons for between $150 and $500 in annual dues. You won’t be involved in too many secret missions or controversies, though. You’ll mostly network with small business owners and help a charity or two. If you’re really into it, you’ll climb the magic ladder and achieve its highest title of Master Mason. At that point, you are eligible to become a Shriner.
ellauri142.html on line 256: kaiken jumalallisen olemuksen perustan tuntemista, aina sellaiseen syvyyteen, joka pintapuoliselle, ulkonaiselle luonnontutkimukselle, joka ainoastaan saattaa liikkua ilmennyksien piirissä, jää tutkimattomaksi salaisuudeksi. Bhagavad Gîtân valossa ilmenee maailma meille aivan toisenlaisena, paljon majesteetillisempana ja mahtavampana kuin silloin, kun sitä tutkimme pelkästään aineelliselta tai tieteelliseltä kannalta. Silloin me näemme elimettömän maailmankaikkeuden, universumin, sijasta maailman, joka on täynnä valoa ja elämää.
ellauri142.html on line 495: Maisteri Eckehartin psykologia oli seuraava: ”Sielulla on, paitsi ulkonaisia aistimia, vielä kuusi voimaa, kolme alempaa ja kolme korkeampaa. Alemmat voimat ovat: käytännöllinen ymmärrys, vihastumisen kyky ja himoitseminen. Näitä vastaavat kolme korkeampaa kykyä: muisti, järki, ja tahto. Kolmea ylempää kutsutaan myös luonteeksi." Einää musta miteenkään 1:1 mene. Matelijanaivojen osalta tää on järkeenkäypä jaottelu: siinä on pieni laskuyxikkö ja työntö- sekä vetovoimaosasto. Harmaan aivokuoren osastot ei kuitenkaan mitenkään vastaa niitä. Mikä sinänsä on ok. Maisterin olis pitänyt vaan jättää pois toi "näitä vastaavat". Matelijallakin on noi ylemmät osastot, vaikka matalaozasemmat versiot.
ellauri142.html on line 551: Kapteeni Kalpa esiintyy uudestaan tässä jaxossa, vaikka vaan samannimisenä aikakautena. Mahakalpa (suuri, pitkä aikakausi) on sama kuin 311 040 000 000 000 meidän aurinkokuntamme vuotta. Aurinko muodostui vajaa viisi miljardia vuotta sitten, ja energiaa se alkoi tuottaa noin 4,6 miljardia vuotta sitten. Eliskä mahakalpa on aika vitun paljon vanhempi kuin se. Ize asiassa se on aika vitun paljon vanhempi kuin koko universumi, jonka iäxi on arvioitu jotain 13Gv. Mahakalpaan mahtuu useampia big bangeja kun on kuultu tänään koko iltana, vaikka niitäkin on ollut ihan riittävästi.
ellauri142.html on line 553: "Kaikki pyrkii monenkaltaisuudesta ykseyteen. Siksi juoksevat pilvet, siksi himoitsee apina ja juhta.” (Eckhart) Tää ei nyt mene ihan Darwinin opin mukaan, missä bylsintä on paremminkin keino lisätä diversiteettiä kuin vähentää sitä.
ellauri142.html on line 601: No oikeesti, tää intiaaniversio näyttäytyy apinalle erittäin monisilmäisenä, suita, rintoja piisaa ja käsivarsia, kiekko hanskassa. Loistoisaa kaikki käsittävää komeutta. Ei ihme että Ärjylällä on tukka pystyssä. Muhkean muotosi monine suineen ja silmineen, pitkine käsivarsineen, lukemattomine varpaineen ja jalkoineen, leveine rintoineen, julmine hampaineen sen, niin kuin minäkin, näkevät
ellauri142.html on line 611: Starting either from religious belief or from science, Spencer argued, we are ultimately driven to accept certain indispensable but literally inconceivable notions. Whether we are concerned with a Creator or the substratum which underlies our experience of phenomena, we can frame no conception of it. Therefore, Spencer concluded, religion and science agree in the supreme truth that the human understanding is only capable of 'relative' knowledge. This is the case since, owing to the inherent limitations of the human mind, it is only possible to obtain knowledge of phenomena, not of the reality ('the absolute') underlying phenomena. Hence both science and religion must come to recognise as the 'most certain of all facts that the Power which the Universe manifests to us is utterly inscrutable.' He called this awareness of 'the Unknowable' and he presented worship of the Unknowable as capable of being a positive faith which could substitute for conventional religion. Indeed, he thought that the Unknowable represented the ultimate stage in the evolution of religion, the final elimination of its last anthropomorphic vestiges.
ellauri143.html on line 63: The state BJP, it is alleged, has given a new inference to the couplet which has a religious overtone. The inference they provided goes like this — “What is the use of education when one who defies god and his believers?”
ellauri143.html on line 65: V Arasu, former head of Tamil department, University of Madras said the move is nothing short of hindi cultural appropriation. “Every religion including Christianity has claimed Thiruvalluvar as their own. Since the BJP is in power now, they can do whatever they wish. But we should not worry. Truth will always triumph,” he said.
ellauri143.html on line 80: Considered one of the greatest works ever written on ethics and morality, it is known for its universality and secular nature. Its authorship is traditionally attributed to Valluvar, also known in full as Vallu Mursu. In addition, it highlights truthfulness, self-restraint, gratitude, hospitality, kindness, goodness of wife, duty, giving, and so on and so forth, besides covering a wide range of social and political topics such as king, ministers, taxes, justice, farts, war, greatness of army and soldier's honor, death sentence for the wicked, agriculture, education, abstinence from alcohol and intoxicants.
ellauri143.html on line 112: The book on aṟam (virtue, KILL!) contains 380 verses, that of poruḷ (wealth, EAT!) has 700 and that of inbam or kāmam (love, FUCK!) has 250. Just goes to show. Each kura or couplet contains exactly seven words, known as cirs, with four cirs on the first line and three on the second, following the kura metre. A cir is a single or a combination of more than one Tamil word. For example, the term Tirukkuṟaḷ is a cir formed by combining the two words tiru and kuṟa. The Kura text has a total of 9310 cirs made of 14,000 Tamil words.
ellauri143.html on line 1054: Unversed in councils, who essays to speak
ellauri143.html on line 1161: True friends, well versed in loving ways,
ellauri143.html on line 1289: No tääpä oli tähdellinen pointti, se oli jauhettava yhtä monta kertaa eri versioina kuin Monty Pythonin papukaijan kuolema.
ellauri143.html on line 1351: Diversities of works give each his special worth.
ellauri143.html on line 1524: To-day I nought possess but lovers' 'horse of palm'
ellauri143.html on line 1607: A 'feigned aversion' coy to pleasure gives a zest;
ellauri143.html on line 1611: Let her, who my jewels nightly shines, aversion feign,
ellauri144.html on line 56: The rhetorician Quintilian regarded Odes as just about the only Latin lyrics worth reading: "He can be lofty sometimes, yet he is also full of charm and grace, versatile in his figures, and felicitously daring in his choice of words." The fictional hero Tom Jones recited his verses with feeling. Etenkin tätä: Ou ou ou, Dilailaa! Nou nou nou, Dilailaa!
ellauri144.html on line 210:
Phillu mainizee (175) Mandelin tykänneen Tito Puentesista ja Pupi Camposta niin paljon että muutti nimensä Babaluuxi. (Kolmas nimi on pianisti Joe Loco.) "Babalú" is a Cuban popular afro song written by Margarita Lecuona, the cousin of composers Ernestina and Ernesto Lecuona. The song title is a reference to the Santería deity Babalú Ayé. "Babalú" was the signature song of the fictional television character Ricky Ricardo, played by Desi Arnaz in the television comedy series I Love Lucy, though it was already an established musical number for Arnaz in the 1940s as evidenced in the 1946 film short Desi Arnaz and His Orchestra. By the time Arnaz had adopted the song, it had become a Latin American music standard, associated mainly with Cuban singer Miguelito Valdés, who recorded one of its many versions with Xavier Cugat and his Waldorf-Astoria Orchestra. Arnaz made the song a rather popular cultural reference in the United States.
ellauri144.html on line 217: Miguelito Valdesin ja Tito Puentesin hittejä on Guantanamera, kuubalainen, tarkemmin sanoen guantanamolainen guajira- eli maalaistyttölaulu. Guantanamon on jenkkipirulaiset sittemmin tehneet kuuluisaxi oranssiasuisten ählämien vesikidutuxella. Se esitettiin erään syntytarinan mukaan ensimmäisen kerran kesällä 1929. Joseíto Fernández esitti laulua juontamassaan radio-ohjelmassa 1930-luvulla ja teki siihen uuden sanoituksen joka viikko. Sanoitusten aiheina oli päivänpoliittisia tapahtumia ja skandaaleja tai esimerkiksi sokerin hintaa käsitelleitä uutisia. 1950-luvulla lauluun liitettiin José Martín runoja, jolloin sen suosio kasvoi entisestään. Pete Seeger kuuli laulun vuonna 1962 ja alkoi esittää sitä omissa konserteissaan. Kalifornialaisen The Sandpipers -yhtyeen levytys oli Billboard Hot 100 -listan yhdeksännellä sijalla vuonna 1966. Sen myötä Guantanamera nousi maailmanlaajuisesti tunnetuksi. Celia Cruzin esittämiä Guantanamera-versioita on julkaistu monilla levyillä.
ellauri144.html on line 249: Echar mis versos del alma Heitä säkeistöni pois sielusta.
ellauri144.html on line 286: Kuuban kansalliskirjasto on omistettu José Martílle (esp. Biblioteca Nacional de Cuba José Martí). Martín kirjoittamia säkeitä kokoelmasta Versos sencillos esitetään usein Guantanamera-laulun sävelin. Ne eivät kuitenkaan ole laulun alkuperäiset sanat, koska laulua on aina esitetty improvisoituina versioina.
ellauri144.html on line 296: When employed in the United States, the verses sung tend to remain concise - sticking to the verse about being an honest man :D. The line "My verses flow green and red" references the reds and blood on the land, i.e. is an allusion to revolution, though it's almost never used to incite antifa violence in the US. The final verse speaks about casting one's lot with the poor, which is a singularly bad and un-American idea.
ellauri144.html on line 423: Dylan Thomas was born on 27 October 1914 in Swansea, the son of Florence Hannah (née Williams; 1882–1958), a seamstress, and David John Thomas (1876–1952), a teacher. His father had a first-class honours degree in English from University College, Aberystwyth and ambitions to rise above his position teaching English literature at the local grammar school, which he never did. Thomas had one sibling, Nancy Marles (1906–1953), who was eight years his senior. The children spoke only English, though their parents were bilingual in English and Welsh, and David Thomas gave Welsh lessons at home. Thomas´s father chose the name Dylan, which could be translated as "son of the sea", after Dylan ail Don, a character in The Mabinogion. (Mulla on se, mutten ole lukenut.) His middle name, Marlais, was given in honour of his great-uncle, William Thomas, a Unitarian minister and poet whose bardic name was Gwilym Marles. Se oli se silverbäk jota ne kaikki koittivat apinoida. Dylan, pronounced ˈ [ˈdəlan] (Dull-an) in Welsh, caused his mother to worry that he might be teased as the "dull one" (which he was). When he broadcast on Welsh BBC, early in his career, he was introduced using this pronunciation. Thomas favoured the Anglicised pronunciation and gave instructions that it should be Dillan /ˈdɪlən/. He was fed up with the "dull one" joke. in 1914. In 1931, when he was 16, Thomas, an undistinguished pupil, left school to become a reporter for the South Wales Daily Post, only to leave under pressure 18 months later.
ellauri144.html on line 443: Though lovers be lost love shall not; Vaikka rakastavaiset katoo ei katoo rakkaus;
ellauri144.html on line 575: A prolific and versatile writer, Bierce was regarded as one of the most influential journalists in the United States, and as a pioneering writer of realist fiction. For his horror writing, Michael Dirda ranked him alongside Edgar Allan Poe and H. P. Lovecraft. S. T. Joshi speculates that he may well be the greatest satirist America has ever produced, and in this regard can take his place with such figures as Juvenal, Swift, and Voltaire. His war stories influenced Stephen Crane, Ernest Hemingway, and others, and he was considered an influential and feared literary critic. In recent decades Bierce has gained wider respect as a fabulist and for his poetry.
ellauri144.html on line 611: Pray. To ask the laws of the universe to be annulled on behalf of a single petitioner confessedly unworthy.
ellauri144.html on line 652: l´étranger. Inversement, elle lui traduit des ouvrages étrangers en français. Elle
ellauri144.html on line 704:
ellauri144.html on line 706: Naamakirja on muuttanut nimensä metaversexi. Timo Harakka möi nimen sokeritoukalle ilmoittamattomasta hinnasta. Harakka pitää kiiltävästä. Niin myös silverfish. Fasebookin siiramainen Metatron, tai pikemminkin Asmodeus, pitää metaversestä limaista myyntipuhetta. Samoja jutkukäsieleitä kuin Chomskyn nompalla. Sen kakanruskea olohuone on aika rouhea. Ei kyllä ihan viimeisintä huutoa.
ellauri144.html on line 711: The metaverse is a hypothesized iteration of the Internet, supporting persistent online 3-D virtual environments through conventional personal computing, as well as virtual and augmented reality headsets.
ellauri144.html on line 713: Metaverses, in some limited form, have already been implemented in video games such as Second Life. Some iterations of the metaverse involve integration between virtual and physical spaces and virtual economies.
ellauri144.html on line 714: Current metaverse development is centered on addressing the technological limitations with virtual and augmented reality devices.
ellauri144.html on line 716: The term "metaverse" has its origins in the 1992 science fiction novel Snow Crash as a portmanteau of "meta" and "universe." It has since gained notoriety as a buzzword for promotion, and as a way to generate hype for public relations purposes by making vague claims for future projects. Information privacy and user addiction are concerns within the metaverse, stemming from challenges facing the social media and video game industries as a whole.
ellauri144.html on line 866: Platero kaj mi (Platero y yo) estas proza lirika verko de 1914 de la hispana poeto Juan Ramón Jiménez, kiu rekreas poezie la vivon de la azeno Platero, kvankam certe la verkisto havis diversajn azenetojn. La libro estas konstituita de mallongaj bild-epizodoj kiuj inter si ne trudas teman aŭ intrigan ordon kaj prezentas nur impresojn, sensaciojn kaj rememorojn de Moguer (Sudokcidenta Andaluzio) el infana kaj juna epokoj de Juan Ramón Jiménez mem. La verko aspektas taglibro en kiu oni detaligas la plej gravajn aspektojn de la realo, de la pensaro kaj de la sentoj de la verkisto. Tamen, ĝi estas nek taglibro nek membiografio, sed nur elekto de historioj el reala medio kaj inter multaj memoroj de la pasinteco.
ellauri144.html on line 909: al universo que por ti me recreaba yo, universumiin, jonka loin sinulle,
ellauri145.html on line 48: Fatty dans sa « Ford Economy Spéciale » (une caisse à savon motorisée) et Al Clove (Picratt dans la version française) sur son Grand-bi se rendent chez le fermier voisin. Le premier est follement amoureux de Winnie, sa fille et vient lui rendre visite. Le second est porteur d’un message de son père qui propose au fermier de le marier à sa fille en échange de la moitié de ses terres. Al n’est pas très malin mais Fatty n’est qu’un garçon de ferme sans le sou. Malgré l´amour que porte Winnie à Fatty, le fermier n"hésite pas une seconde et est intraitable.
ellauri145.html on line 60: L´humeur sombre de Breton s´exprime pleinement dans ce que Mark Polizzotti appelle le « passage le plus sinistre du manifeste » et qui est selon lui le reflet d´une grande « amertume personnelle », une phrase souvent citée et reprochée à Breton, notamment par Albert Camus : « L´acte surréaliste le plus simple consiste, révolvers aux poings, à descendre dans la rue et à tirer au hasard, tant qu´on peut, dans la foule.» Täähän trendaa nykyäänkin, kun sillä pääsee 6 sekunnixi klikkimeediaan. Polizzotto Salvo Montalbano miehineen puuttuu asiaan.
ellauri145.html on line 79: Malgré les difficultés de la reconstruction de la France et le début de la guerre froide, Breton entend poursuivre sans aucune inflexion les activités du surréalisme. Et les polémiques reprennent et se succèdent : contre Tristan Tzara se présentant comme le nouveau chef de file du surréalisme, contre Jean-Paul Sartre qui considérait les surréalistes comme des petits-bourgeois, contre des universitaires, en démontant la supercherie d’un soi-disant inédit d’Arthur Rimbaud, contre Albert Camus et les chapitres que celui-ci consacre à Lautréamont et au surréalisme dans L’Homme révolté. Kuka täällä hajuttaa, Milli-Molli rupsuttaa.
ellauri145.html on line 111: The transformation of labor into pleasure is the craziest idea in Fourier´s giant socialist utopia," said Marcuse. He had a concern for the sexually rejected; jilted suitors would be led away by a corps of "fairies" who would soon cure them of their lovesickness, and visitors could consult the card-index of personality types for suitable partners for casual sex. He also defended homosexuality as a personal preference for some people. Fourier sexualizes work itself—the life of the Phalanstery is a continual orgy of intense feeling, intellection, & activity, a society of lovers & wild enthusiasts.
ellauri145.html on line 170: À Mostaganem, il se révèle excellent administrateur mais, victime des idées romantiques qui ne l´ont jamais quitté, il emploie aussi bien les deniers publics que les siens pour sauver ses administrés de la faim et des fièvres. Le prefet critique ses rapports — la plus grande partie était faite en vers.
ellauri145.html on line 182: le but de mettre ma menace à exécution; mais le brigand se pencha à travers la table et, m´ajustant un coup sur le front avec le goulot d´une de ses longues bouteilles, me renvoya dans le fond du fauteuil, d´où je m´étais à moitié soulevé. J´étais absolument étourdi, et pendant un moment je ne sus quel parti prendre. Lui, cependant, continuait son discours.
ellauri145.html on line 220: En seconde, il obtient le deuxième prix de vers latins au concours général.
ellauri145.html on line 233: Dandy endetté, Baudelaire est placé sous tutelle judiciaire et mène dès 1842 une vie dissolue. Il commence alors à composer plusieurs poèmes des Fleurs du mal. Critique d´art et journaliste, il défend Delacroix comme représentant du romantisme en peinture, mais aussi Balzac lorsque l´auteur de La Comédie humaine est attaqué et caricaturé pour sa passion des chiffres ou sa perversité présumée. En 1843, il découvre les « paradis artificiels » dans le grenier de l´appartement familial de son ami Louis Ménard, où il goûte à la confiture verte. Même s´il contracte une colique à cette occasion, cette expérience semble décupler sa créativité (il dessine son autoportrait en pied, très démesuré) et renouvellera cette expérience occasionnellement sous contrôle médical, en participant aux réunions du « club des Haschischins ». En revanche, son usage de l´opium est plus long : il fait d´abord, dès 1847, un usage thérapeutique du laudanum17, prescrit pour combattre des maux de tête et des douleurs intestinales consécutives à une syphilis, probablement contractée vers 1840 durant sa relation avec la prostituée Sarah la Louchette. Comme De Quincey avant lui, l´accoutumance lui dicte d´augmenter progressivement les doses. Croyant ainsi y trouver un adjuvant créatif, il en décrira les enchantements et les tortures.
ellauri145.html on line 301: De son urne à grands flots verse un froid ténébreux Kaataa uurnastaan isoina laimiskoina pimeätä koleaa
ellauri145.html on line 322: De vers, de billets doux, de procès, de romances, rakkauskirjeitä, haasteita, romansseja,
ellauri145.html on line 329: Où comme des remords se traînent de longs vers Jossa venyy pitkät säkeeni kuin tunnonvaivat
ellauri145.html on line 375: II nous verse un jour noir plus triste que les nuits; Se kaataa meille öitä mustemman pitkän päivän;
ellauri145.html on line 386: Et lancent vers le ciel un affreux hurlement, Ja heittävät taivaaseen kauheen ulinan,
ellauri145.html on line 419: Je m´élancerai vers vous, ô silences! Mä singahdan sua kohti hiljaisuus!
ellauri145.html on line 440: Je sais faire des vers perpétuels. Les hommes Mä osaan tehdä ikuisia värssyjä. Miehet
ellauri145.html on line 450: Je me distrais à voir à travers les carreaux Mä huvittelen kazomalla putiikkien ikkunoista
ellauri145.html on line 455: Les colonels et les receveurs généraux Everstien ja postimestareiden,
ellauri145.html on line 522: We have to bestow blame on one particular Nazi named Martin Heidegger. Martin Heidegger’s magnum opus Being and Time was in large part an attempt to create a systematic understanding of metaphysics and human condition building from Nietzsche’s work. Heidegger became the Nazi rector for the entire German university system, which gave the Nazi party a huge bolster of academic legitimacy, and he promoted the Nazi party and their agenda from his classroom, often sporting the Brown Shirt. When the Nazi’s really began to take power, Hitler kicked out Heidegger as University Rector.
ellauri145.html on line 545: The answer to this is very simple. Utilitarianism is concerned only with the volume of pleasure and pain, and Nietzsche says in so many words that as soon as you even enter into this kind of thinking, you are already deep into the territory of nihilism. It is passive; concerned with high maintenance, not constructivism; aloof or indifferent to meaning, something to justify the effort in the first place, even when it is successful, let alone when it isn’t. It is the staid, kindly, sober—not to say, the British—version of the same imbecilic nihilism that was prevailing on the continent in the same era. Mill did not understand the difference between pleasure and (counterfactual) happiness, between pain and suffering, between real (spiritual) slavery and freedom. Eli koska se oli säälittävä mursuwiixinen luuseri.
ellauri145.html on line 667: Tän sekopään esipuheessa Antero siteeraa toista algolagnia, Swinburnea, joka vertaa ihailemaansa de Sadea miehenkokoiseen miehenelimeen (homme-phallus). Profil auguste et cynique. Siinä sykkii universaalisen hengen paisuvainen, des veines gonflées du sang divin. Kylpä nää jäbät ovat suorastaan ylpeitä.
ellauri145.html on line 699: Là-bas did strike a serious blow to the public’s conception of Naturalism. The novel, which opens with a two-page invective against Naturalism, was serialized in L’Echo de Paris, beginning on February 16, 1891. Huysmans’s protagonist, Durtal, feebly defends himself against his friend, Des Hermies, who maligns Naturalism as “du cloportisme” (siiramaisuudesta) while accusing it of having sold out: “Il a vanté l’américanisme nouveau des moeurs, abouti à l’éloge de la force brutale, à l’apothéose du coffre-fort. Par un prodige d’humilité, il a révéré le goût nauséeux des foules, et, par cela même, il a répudié le style, rejeté toute pensée altière, tout élan vers le surnaturel et l’au-delà...” (XII, 1, 6-7).
ellauri145.html on line 727: During his schooling at the Imperial Lycée of Saint-Brieuc where he studied from 1858 until 1860, he fell prey to a deep depression, and, over several freezing winters, contracted the severe rheumatism which was to disfigure him severely. He blamed his parents for having placed him there, far from his family´s care and affection. Difficulties in adapting to the harsh discipline of the college´s noble débris (distinguished relics, i.e., teachers) gradually developed those characteristics of anarchic disdain and sarcasm which were to give much of his verse its distinctive voice.
ellauri145.html on line 729: Corbière´s only published verse in his lifetime appeared in Les amours jaunes, 1873, a volume that went almost unnoticed until Paul Verlaine included him in his gallery of poètes maudits (accursed poets). Thereafter Verlaine´s recommendation was enough to establish him as one of the masters acknowledged by the Symbolists, and he was subsequently rediscovered and treated as a predecessor by the surrealists.
ellauri145.html on line 848: Extrait de: Premiers vers (1872-
ellauri145.html on line 994: Conservant, sans en rien verser, Säilyttäen tuljuuttamatta,
ellauri145.html on line 1106: Je pisse vers les cieux bruns, très haut et très loin, Pissin kohti ruskeita taivaita, korkeelle ja kauas,
ellauri145.html on line 1119: Vitalie Rimbaud vers l’âge de quinze ans avait la peau claire, les cheveux châtain foncé et les yeux bleus de son frère Arthur. Vitalie meurt le 18 décembre 1875, à l´âge de dix-sept ans passés, d’une synovite tuberculeuse, dite tuberculose des articulations. Arthur Rimbaud assiste à son enterrement le crâne rasé4, en signe de deuil5.
ellauri145.html on line 1126: Alphonse Allais, né le 20 octobre 1854 à Honfleur et mort le 28 octobre 1905 à Paris, est un journaliste, écrivain et humoriste français. Célèbre à la Belle Époque, reconnu pour sa plume acerbe et son humour absurde, il est notamment renommé pour ses calembours et ses vers holorimes. Il est parfois mais pas souvent considéré comme l´un des plus grands conteurs de langue française.
ellauri145.html on line 1132: Pour subsister, Alphonse Allais s´essaye d´abord à la photographie, sur les traces de son ami Charles Cros, mais ne connaît pas le succès. Il décide alors de s´essayer au métier de journaliste, publiant des chroniques loufoques dans diverses revues parisiennes. Avec ses amis du Quartier latin, il fait aussi partie de plusieurs groupes fantaisistes comme « les Fumistes, « les Hydropathes » ou « les Hirsutes ».
ellauri146.html on line 50: Auch die Versuche, in Detmold eine Stellung als Jurist zu finden, waren zunächst erfolglos, erst 1826 übernahm er die unbezahlte Vertretung eines erkrankten Auditeurs, dessen besoldeter Nachfolger er 1828 wurde. 1829 erfolgte in Detmold mit Don seinen Freunden Heinrich Heine, Ludwig Tieck, Don Juan und Faust die einzige Aufführung eines seiner Dramen zu Lebzeiten. Ab 1831 verschlechterte sich der Gesundheitszustand Grabbes zusehends, die Folgen seines Alkoholismus wurden sichtbar (eine für Grabbes Alkoholkonsum charakteristische Episode aus dem Herbst 1828 wird von Georg Fein geschildert). Eine Verlobung mit Henriette Meyer wurde von dieser gelöst, als sich Grabbe wieder Louise Christiane Clostermeier zuwandte, die ihn bereits einmal abgewiesen hatte. Grabbe oli aika lailla persujen ex-puheenjohtajan näköinen.
ellauri146.html on line 59: SCHULMEISTER (sitzt am Tische und schenkt aus einer großen Flasche sich ein Glas nach dem andren ein). Utile cum dulci, Schnaps mit Zucker! – Es wird heute ein saurer Tag, – ich muß den Bauerjungen die erste Deklination beibringen. Ein Bauerjunge und die erste Deklination! Das kommt mir vor als wenn ein Rabe ein rein Hemd anziehen wollte! (Er blickt durch das Fenster.) Alle Wetter, da kommt der schiefbeinige Tobies mit seinem einfältigen Schlingel! Schwerenot, wo verstecke ich meinen Schnaps? – geschwind, geschwind, ich will ihn in meinen Bauch verbergen! (Er säuft die Bouteille mit einer entsetzlichen Schnelligkeit aus.) Ah, das war ein Schluck, dessen sich selbst Pestalozzi nicht hätte zu schämen brauchen! Die leere Flasche zum Fenster hinaus!
ellauri146.html on line 116: Am schlechtesten ergeht es Houwald, dessen lederne Camilla grausam verspottet wird. Am Schluß guckt nach der Art und Weise der Phantasuskomödien auch der Dichter Grabbe selbst in seine Dichtung hinein; er schimpft auf alle Schriftsteller und taugt selber nichts, hat verrenkte Beine, schielende Augen und ein fades Affengesicht; doch diese Karikatur ist nur ein Vexierbild.
ellauri146.html on line 118: Wie er sich selbst zu dieser seichten Belletristik stellt, darüber läßt er uns nicht im Unklaren. Herr Mollfels, eine der Hauptpersonen des Stückes giebt einem Schriftsteller Rattengift gute Lehren. »Sie müssen beileibe alles hinlänglich weich kneten, denn das Weiche gefällt und wenn es auch nur nasser Dreck wäre. Vorzüglich aber müssen Sie stets den Geschmack der Damen im Auge behalten, denn diese, welche noch niemals von einem wahren Dichter als berufene Richterinnen anerkannt sind, gelten jetzt im Reiche der Kunst als oberste Appellationsinstanz; ob man sie wegen ihrer kränklichen Nerven oder wegen ihrer Geschicklichkeit im Charpiezupfen dazu erwählt hat, ist eine unentschiedene Frage. Desto entschiedener ist es, Herr Rattengift, daß man Sie, wenn Sie Gewalt genug besitzen, eine dieser Regeln zu verachten, als einen blindlaufenden, verrückten, rohen Phantasten verschreit, der Schönheiten und Erbärmlichkeiten mild nebeneinanderkleckst. Ständen Homer oder Shakespeare erst jetzt mit ihren Werken auf, so wären Beurteilungen zu erwarten, in denen die Iliade ein unsinniges Gemengsel und der Lear [ganz berechtigt, vgl. Album 198] ein bombastischer Saustall genannt würde; ja manche Recensenten geben vielleicht dem Homer einen wohlgemeinten Fingerzeig, sich nach »der bezauberten Rose« emporzubilden, oder gebieten dem Shakespeare, fleißig in den Romanen der Helmine von Chezy und der Fanny Tarnow zu studieren, um daraus Menschenkenntnis zu lernen.«
ellauri146.html on line 166: MOLLFELS. Soll ich ihnen was vorschlagen? Dichten Sie künftig nichts als Trauerspiele! Wenn Sie denselben nur die gehörige Mittelmäßigkeit verleihen, so ist es unmöglich, daß Sie nicht den rauschendsten Applaus einernteten! Sie müssen insbesondere den Plan der Stücke hübsch winzig und flach gestalten, sonst möchte ihn nicht jeder kurzsichtige Schafskopf überblicken können, – Sie müssen dem Verstande und dem Forschungsgeiste der Leser nicht das geringste zumuten und wenn durch ein Unglück eine hervorstechende Szene mit unterlaufen sollte, sorgfältig hinterdrein bemerken, was sie abzwecke und in welcher Beziehung auf das Ganze sie zu nehmen sei, – Sie müssen beileibe alles hinlänglich weich kneten, denn das Weiche gefällt, und wenn es auch nur nasser Dreck wäre, – vorzüglich aber müssen Sie stets den Geschmack der Damen im Auge behalten, denn diese, welche noch niemals von einem wahren Dichter als berufene Richterinnen anerkannt sind, gelten jetzt im Reiche der Kunst als oberste Appellationsinstanz; ob man sie entweder wegen ihrer kränklichen Nerven oder wegen ihrer Geschicklichkeit im Scharpiezupfen dazu erwählt hat, ist eine unentschiedene Frage. Desto entschiedener ist es, Herr Rattengift, daß man Sie, wenn Sie Gewalt genug besitzen, um diese Regeln zu verachten, als einen blindlaufenden, verrückten, rohen Phantasten verschreit, der Schönheiten und Erbärmlichkeiten wild nebeneinanderkleckst. Ständen Homer oder Shakspeare erst jetzt mit ihren Werken auf, so wären Beurteilungen zu erwarten, in denen die Iliade ein unsinniges Gemengsel und der Lear ein bombastischer Saustall genannt würde; ja, manche Rezensenten gäben vielleicht dem Homer einen wohlgemeinten Fingerzeig, sich nach der Bezauberten Rose emporzubilden, oder geböten dem Shakspeare, fleißig in den Romanen der Helmina von Chezy oder der Fanny Tarnow zu studieren, um daraus Menschenkenntnis zu lernen.
ellauri146.html on line 176: LE MAITRE D'ÉCOLE, assis à la fenêtre. Le Diable l'emporte. Le drôle nous arrive si tard dans la nuit pour nous aider à avaler le punch. C'est le maudit auteur, ou, comme on devrait proprement le nommer, le minuscule auteur, l'auteur de la pièce. Il est bête comme un sabot de vache, bave sur tous les écrivains et n'est bon lui-même à rien, a une jambe de travers, des yeux louches et une insipide face de singe. Fermez-lui la porte au nez, Monsieur le Baron, fermez-lui la porte.
ellauri146.html on line 365: Eloa comes from the throne of God, and proclaims that now the Redeemer is led to death, on which the angels of the earth form a circle round Mount Calvary, also nam'd Golgotha. Then, having consecrated that hill, he worships the Messiah. Gabriel conducts the souls of the fathers from the sun to the Mount for olives, and Adam addresses the earth. Satan and Adramelech, hovering in triumph, are put to flight by Eloa. Jesus is nail'd to the cross. The thoughts of Adam. The conversion of one of the malefactors. Uriel places a planet before the sun, and then conducts to the earth the souls of all the future generations of mankind. Eve, seeing them coming, addresses them. Eloa ascends to Heaven. Eve is affected at seeing Mary. Two angels of death fly round the cross. Eve addresses the Saviour, and the souls of the children yet unborn. Claptrap does a lot of addressing in the epos. Hope the letters reach the sender, unlike Elvis's:
ellauri146.html on line 463: Mais le chant verse un somme en sa tête légère. Mutta viisu tarttuu ihan korvamatona:
ellauri146.html on line 520: Et trois fois a versé des pleurs fallacieux Ja 3x itkenyt krokodiilinkyyneliä
ellauri146.html on line 638: Woodberry (Edgar Allan Poe, 1885, p. 85, and Life, I, 130) pointed out a leading source of part of Poe's story in Bulwer's “Too Handsome for Anything,” one of the “other pieces” in Bulwer's book, Conversations with an Ambitious Student in Ill Health, with Other Pieces (New York: J. & J. Harper, 1832), pp. 189ff. There is a good deal of humorous literature about noses.
ellauri146.html on line 650: Poe’s ancestry on his father’s side was Scotch-Irish and has been traced through County Cavon to Ayrshire, Scotland. The fact that Poe’s Presbyterian Scottish ancestors dwelled for a time in the north of Ireland has caused even so good a scholar as Arthur Hobson Quinn to engage in surprising speculation about an “Irish strain” in Poe and about a “Celtic” trait of perverseness which he had “discovered” in the Poe family.
ellauri146.html on line 664: When Poe was just seventeen, his name was entered in the matriculation books of the new University of Virginia. This period of ten months, between St. Valentine’s Day and Christmas, 1826, which Poe spent at the University, marks the end of his formative youth. The general direction which his genius was to follow had been fairly established.
ellauri146.html on line 666: It may be that Poe was embittered by his forced withdrawal from the University. During his life he never returned there, and, though there are oblique references to Charlottesville in “A Tale of the Ragged Mountains” and in The Journal of Julius Rodman, no other allusions to the University are to be found in his written work.
ellauri146.html on line 668: The concern of the Pounder to advance republican ideals and republican politics among the students of the University was not notably effectual with one student at least: Poe was not receptive to Jeffersonian liberalism. But many of the impressions which Poe received at Charlottesville, both within and without the lecture rooms, must have remained with him. The young admirer of classic grandeur, we know, was impressed by the graceful Rotunda. About Poe at Virginia, Philip Alexander Bruce writes as follows:
ellauri146.html on line 674: The success of Poe in translation indicates his possession of a universal point of view. The recognition which he has received in France, Russia, Italy, Germany, Spain and Britain has no parallel among other American writers. Poe has become a world-author, and this fact depends very largely upon the universality of his appeal. “Poe is my spiritual and literary father,” asserted the Spaniard Vicente Blasco Ibanez. Baudelaire prayed to Poe as a literary saint. The Germans regard him as the foremost American writer. The Russians began translating him in the 1830s even before he was known in America.
ellauri146.html on line 686: started with the queerest idea conceivable, viz; that all men are born free and equal-this in the very teeth of the laws of gradation so visibly impressed upon all things both in the moral and physical universe. Every man “voted,” as they called it-that is to say, meddled with public affairs-until, at length, it was discovered that what is everybody’s business is nobody’s, and that the “Republic” (as the absurd thing was called) was without a government at all. It is related, however, that the first circumstance which disturbed, very particularly, the self-complacency of the philosophers who constructed this “Republic,” was the startling discovery that universal suffrage gave opportunity for fraudulent schemes….A little reflection upon this discovery sufficed to render evident the consequences, which were that rascality must predominate— in a word, that a republican government could never be anything but a rascally one. While the philosophers, however, were busied in blushing at their stupidity in not having foreseen these inevitable evils, and intent upon the invention of new theories, the matter was put to an abrupt issue by a fellow of the name of Mob, who took everything into his own hands and set up a despotism…. As for republicanism, no analogy could be found for it upon the face of the earth—unless we except the case of the “prairie dogs,” an exception which seems to demonstrate, if anything, that democracy is a very admirable form of government—for dogs.
ellauri146.html on line 797: As a starting point to my discussion of Thomas's "Poem in October" and Wardi's thoughtful presentation of it. Eynel is a girl, or womenfolk at least. Entä Schachar Bram? Schachar hails from Haifa University. Shachar tarkoittaa aamupuhdetta. Gender of first name Shachar : Boy 83.33%. Onx tää vallan Sakari hepreaxi? Tai paremminkin pikkuprofeetta Sakarja, sillä Johannes Kastajan isäpappa Sakari oli merkkimies vaan kristityille ja muslimeille, ei juutalaisille, ja se kirjoitetaan raamatussa Zacharias. Sakarista tuli mykkä kunnes Johannes oli syntynyt, koska Sakari ei ottanut uskoaxeen että pystyisi vielä impregnoimaan vaimonsa Elisabetin. Tää taisi tulla esille jossain monista lukemistami deutero-evankeliumeista joissa tehdään halpaa pilaa Jeesuxen nuoruusajoista.
ellauri147.html on line 79: Ale Tyynni was born in Ingria to the east of Finland and moved as a child with her family to Helsinki in 1919. She graduated with a Master’s degree in 1936, with Finnish literature as her main subject. During her university years Tyynni practised poetry recitation and dramatic expression. She was particularly interested in poetic diction and the topic of her final work was Sappho’s metre in Finnish poetry.
ellauri147.html on line 83: Having completed her university studies, Tyynni took up the teaching of Finnish in evening classes, but the urge to write proved stronger than the duty to teach. Her first poetry collection, Kynttilänsydän (‘Candlewick’), was published in 1938. Two years later she published a second collection Vesilintu (‘waterfowl’). With the outbreak of war, her poetry changed: Lähde ja matkamies (’The spring and the traveller’), Lehtimaja (‘The arbour’) and Soiva metsä (‘The ringing forest’) all reflected the defensive spirit of the country. Tyynni also depicted womanhood, the experiences of women in childbirth and motherhood. Later feminist research in particular has praised Tyynni as a pioneer for her lyrics dealing with childbirth.
ellauri147.html on line 98: In the mid-twentieth century Finnish literature had adopted the free verse of modern poetry. Ale Tyynni however went back to a lyrical style, the ballad. Tyynni’s poems were typical of ballads, offering fateful tales dealing with falling in love and sorrow, and life’s turning points. Balladeja ja romansseja (’Ballads and romances’) appeared in 1967. And Tarinain lähde (‘The source of the tales’, 1974) depicted the death of a loved one, sorrow and solitude. Nobody cared to read such balderdash any more.
ellauri147.html on line 145: I have found strength where one does not look for it: in simple, mild, and pleasant people, without the least desire to rule—and, conversely, the desire to rule has often appeared to me a sign of inward weakness: they fear their own slave soul and shroud it in a royal cloak (in the end, they still become the slaves of their followers, their fame, etc.) The powerful natures dominate, it is a necessity, they need not lift one finger. Even if, during their lifetime, they bury themselves in a garden house! Like my sister Elizabeth för instance! Now there is a Willenmensch if ever there was one! I hardly dare to sneak to the loo for a jerk from our Gartenhaus.
ellauri147.html on line 155: Eternal return (German: Ewige Wiederkunft; also known as eternal recurrence) is a concept that the universe and all existence and energy has been recurring, and will continue to recur, in a self-similar form an infinite number of times across infinite time or space.
ellauri147.html on line 203: Emily's boss Madeline prepares to make the transition from the Chicago based pharmaceutical marketing firm, the Gilbert Group, to a French based fashion firm, Savior, when she discovers that she is pregnant. She offers the job to Emily and she accepts, leaving her boyfriend back in Chicago. Emily moves to Paris despite the fact that she does not speak French. She moves into the 5th floor of an old apartment building without an elevator but with a wonderful Parisian view. Emily creates an Instagram account, @emilyinparis, and begins documenting her time in Paris. Emily starts her first day of work much to her new co-workers chagrin who reveal that she was only hired because of a business deal. She introduces the French to American social media strategies who seem very reluctant about her and her American methods. Emily accidentally tries to enter the wrong apartment and bangs her very attractive neighbor right at the door, Gabriel. As Emily accustoms to life in Paris she makes countless faux-pas and the firm nicknames her "la plouc" or "the hick". Emily meets Mindy Chen, a nanny originally from Shanghai, and they become fast friends. After Emily and her boyfriend attempt to have cybersex but the connection fails, she plugs in her vibrator and accidentally short-circuits the block's power. "Accidentally" is the top frequency word in the script.
ellauri147.html on line 205: Despite struggling to fit in with French office culture Emily convinces her boss, Sylvie, to invite her to a work party where she accidentally irritates Sylvie by conversing with Antoine Lambert, a client who turns out to be Sylvie's married lover. As punishment she is put to work marketing Vaga-Jeune, a lubricant for menopausal women. Annoyed with the gendered nature of the French language Emily writes a post about the product that goes viral causing her to make further inroads at work.
ellauri147.html on line 214: When Emily discovers Sylvie and Antoine arguing at work she tries to boost Sylvie's credibility at work by pretending that she came up with an idea to pair Antoine's perfumes with luxury hotels. Though of course it was Emily's idea all along.
ellauri147.html on line 219: Emily discovers Pierre has designed the costumes for Swan Lake so she invites Thomas to join her. However, he insults her by telling her Swan Lake is a ballet for tourists. Emily realizes that he is a snob so she leaves him. Emily is really not one for snobs.
ellauri147.html on line 251: Sarah Moroz, of Vulture.com, opined "the most egregious oversight ... is Emily herself, who shows zero personal growth over a ten-episode arc. ... Emily’s vapidity is baffling to anyone who has moved from their native country."
ellauri147.html on line 255: Some critics appeared ambivalent, such as Jo Ellison writing for the Financial Times. On one hand she expresses admiration for the way Darren Star manages to depict "a version of womanhood in which promiscuity, bossiness and shopaholicism are depicted as qualities to be celebrated"; on the other "the major plot lines might have been written in the 1940s and the Frenchies are routinely cast as vain, preening and parochial." She concludes "Cliché-ridden and completely outdated: Darren Star´s ´Sex and the Cité´ will no doubt be monstrously successful."
ellauri147.html on line 370: “He has this thing when he’s talking to you, where he makes you feel [like], ‘I know this must be hard for you because I’m a Beatle and I can read and write,” he said. He also claimed that McCartney will say how hard it must be for someone to have a conversation with Phil.
ellauri147.html on line 446: Lily has done journalism at the University of Southern California. As a result, she had worked as a media person for a number of companies including Savior, Nickelodeon and Teen Vogue.
ellauri147.html on line 564: - stimmt zu mit seinem eponymischen zeitdiagnostischem Beitrag. Der Martin ist ein Narzissismussachkenner. Geboren am 9.5.1948 in Völklingen/Saar, mit drei Geschwistern in einer protestantischen Pfarrersfamilie aufgewachsen. Nach Schule, Abitur und Germanistik/Anglistik-Studium ein Jahr Aufenthalt in den USA (1968). Seit 1969 in Frankfurt/Main lebend; Studium der Psychologie an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt/Main, Diplom 1976. Politisch aktiv in der Studentenbewegung. Verheiratet seit 1986, zwei Söhne (geb. 1979, 1982).
ellauri147.html on line 567: 1999 Promotion zum Dr. rer. med. am Fachbereich Medizin der J.W.Goethe-Universität; Thema der Dissertation bei Stavros Mentzos: Narzissmus zwischen Selbst und Objekt, veröffentlicht unter dem Titel: Narzissmus und Objekt. Ein intersubjektives Verständnis der Selbstbezogenheit, bei Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2000.
ellauri147.html on line 569: Offensichtlich ein Versager. Ein offenbarer Verlierer. Lächelt durchaus nicht in dem verschommenen Bild auf seiner Heimseite. Sieht allesverloren aus. Ei näitä Martinin suolloxia jaxa jukertaa saxaxi. Pannaan käännöskoneeseen.
ellauri147.html on line 575:
ellauri147.html on line 581:
ellauri147.html on line 632: In der Theoriegeschichte lassen sich bei grober Analyse drei Traditionslinien der Narzissmustheorie unterscheiden, die das metapsychologische Durcheinander dokumentieren. Bei der ersten geht es um die bereits seit den dreissiger Jahren schwelende Kontroverse über den ontogenetischen Ursprung des Seelenlebens: primärer Narzissmus oder Objektbeziehung ist hier die Streitfrage – die Beiträge von Michael Balint, Donald Winnicott, Heinz Kohut, Otto Kernberg bis hin zu Christopher Bollas oder Thomas Ogden lasssen sich im Rahmen dieses metapsychologischen Dauerstreits betrachten. Auf der zweiten Linie kann man die Versuche unterbringen, einen triebtheoretisch bestimmten Narzissmusbegriff festzuhalten – dazu zähle ich so unterschiedliche Arbeiten wie die von Hartmann und Pulver, Grunberger und Chasseguet-Smirgel oder im deutschen Sprachraum Zepf oder Lilli Gast.
ellauri147.html on line 633: Demgegenüber bilden eine dritte Traditionslinie all jene Ansätze, die den Narzissmus jenseits der Libido mit dem Selbstwertgefühl verbinden und als eine Art von seelischem Regulationsprinzip verstehen – diese Linie beginnt mit Paul Federn und setzt sich über die Konzepte von Joffe und Sandler, Herrmann Argelander bis zu Robert Stolorow fort. Inzwischen ist die ausgeuferte Literatur versandet.
ellauri147.html on line 640:
ellauri147.html on line 651:
ellauri147.html on line 656: Primaarisen narsismin monadologinen käsitys näkyy Freudin pseudopodin (eli pseudojalan) lähettävän protoplasmatian metaforassa; se on ameeban malli. Rajatun aiheen oletetaan olevan aiheen mukaan, riippuen egosta, eriyttämättömästä Ich-Es-tilasta tai itsestä, joka on alun perin libidossa. (Tokko se izekään täysin ymmärsi tätä.) Osa tästä käyttöenergiasta käytetään nyt kohdeiden ammatteihin ja myös vedetään pois, toinen osa jää egoon. Tässä versiossa narsismi rinnastetaan itserakkauteen eli "itse-edustuksen libidiiniseen miehitykseen", kuten Hartmann myöhemmin "selvensi". Todellisuus on periaatteessa vihamielinen, kohde on enimän näkemätön.
ellauri147.html on line 659: Sekunda-ekologisessa versiossa ensisijainen narsismi mallinnettiin kohdunsisäisen maailman ja sen synnytyksen jälkeisen jatkamisen jälkeen äiti-lapsi-dyadissa. Kohteen ja kohteen, sikiön ja kohdun välillä, vauvan ja äidin välillä ei vieläkään ole psykologista eriytymistä. Vaistonvaraisuutta ei ole vielä kehitetty. Kohteen miehitystä ei voi erottaa kohteen miehityksestä (kein Wunder). Kohde on eksistentiaalisesti välttämätön, mutta sitä ei pidetä kohdena. Itsetunto on rajaton, "valtamerellinen".
ellauri147.html on line 666: Diese beiden Konzeptionen des primären Narzissmus als Varianten eines ontogenetischen Ausgangszustands werden von Freud – unausgesprochen und zum Teil miteinander verschachtelt – nebeneinander verwendet, ohne dass er sich mit ihrer Widersprüchlichkeit explizit auseinandersetzt. Die unaufgelöste Ambivalenz in dieser Frage zeigt sich etwa beim entwicklungspsychologischen Durcheinander im zeitlichen Verhältnis von Autismus, Narzissmus und Objektbeziehung – was war zuerst? Eigentlich handelt es sich um eine zirkuläre Konstruktion, bei der eines aus dem anderen hervorgeht. Und es setzt sich bei der Bestimmung der Entwicklungsformen des Narzissmus fort. Ich will das nur an widersprüchlichen Auffasssungen anreisse, die Freud zum „Erbe“ des primären Narzissmus in der seelischen Struktur entwickelt, das bekanntlich aus dem Selbstgefühl, dem sekundären Narzissmus, dem Ich-Ideal und einigen anderen Resten besteht:-->
ellauri147.html on line 672:
ellauri147.html on line 680:
ellauri147.html on line 684:
ellauri147.html on line 700: Sie haben eben sehr scharfe Eier, man kann nicht darüber tanzen. Mielisairauden muodoissa on historiallinen muutos – pitkän aikavälin hesis -muotojen mukaan – mikä näkyy toisaalta hysteeristen, fobisten ja pakko-oireisten neuroottisten sairauksien vähenemisenä, niin kutsuttujen "varhaisten häiriöiden" lisääntymisenä, joihin kuuluvat itsetunto ja identiteettihäiriöt, riippuvuudet, perversiot, rajapersoonallisuusrakenteet ja narsistiset häiriöt.
ellauri147.html on line 703: In der Geschichte der Psychoanalyse als einer klinischen Wissenschaft wird der Begriff der narzisstischen Störung häufig mit der Kategorie der „frühen Störung“ verbunden oder gleichgesetzt. Er dient zur Kennzeichnung eines säkularen Strukturwandels seelischer Krankheit, der als Verschiebung der Fixierungsstellen auf frühere präödipale Ebenen beschrieben wird, als Störung bei der frühen Ich-Bildung gegenüber den später entstandenen ödipalen Konflikten. Die Frage, ob die klassischen Übertragungsneurosen, an denen Freud die Psychoanalyse als Behandlungsmethode und klinische Theorie entwickelt hat, historisch im Schwinden begriffen sind und psychopathologischen Zustandsbildern weichen, deren Pathogenese früher anzusiedeln ist, ist bereits seit den dreissiger Jahren eine chronische Streitfrage im psychoanalytischen Diskurs. Es gebe einen historischen Wandel in den Formen seelischer Krankheiten – so die Dauerthese -, der sich in einer Abnahme von hysterischen, phobischen und zwangsneurotischen Erkrankungen einerseits, einer Zunahme von sog. „frühen Störungen“ zeige, zu denen Selbstwert- und Identitätsstörungen, Suchterkrankungen, Perversionen, Borderline-Persönlichkeits-Strukturen und narzisstische Störungen gezählt werden.
ellauri147.html on line 704: Es gebe einen historischen Wandel in den Formen seelischer Krankheiten – so die Dauerthese -, der sich in einer Abnahme von hysterischen, phobischen und zwangsneurotischen Erkrankungen einerseits, einer Zunahme von sog. „frühen Störungen“ zeige, zu denen Selbstwert- und Identitätsstörungen, Suchterkrankungen, Perversionen, Borderline-Persönlichkeits-Strukturen und narzisstische Störungen gezählt werden.
ellauri147.html on line 722: Michael Balint hat auf die basale Anfälligkeit des Säuglings für Mängel in seiner primären Umgebung hingewiesen und kann mit seiner Theorie der „Grundstörung“ als Pionier einer Theorie narzisstischer Störungen gelten.. Auch Winnicott lenkt mit seinem Konzept der „primären Mütterlichkeit“ auf die Bedeutung der frühesten Objektbeziehung für das Gelingen oder aber Scheitern der seelischen Entwicklung. Schliesslich hat vor allem die Narzissmustheorie Heinz Kohuts und ihre Weiterentwicklung zur Selbstpsychologie in den dazu beigetragen, in der therapeutischen Situation, aber auch in den diagnostischen Kategorien und in der metapsychologischen Betrachtung den Blick auf die „Existenz eines rudimentären Selbst in der frühesten Kindheit“(8) zu richten und damit den Focus von der ödipalen, vom Triebkonflikt bestimmten Ebene auf die Ebene der „frühen“ oder eben „narzisstischen“ Störung zu verschieben.-->
ellauri147.html on line 729: Reiche sieht in der nostalgischen Verklärung „der intakten Neurose in einer intakten Familie in einer intakten Kultur“(11) einen mit Endzeitstimmungen verbundenen Ursprungsmythos des – historisch verschwindenden – autonomen Ichs, das ohne angemessene Internalisierung von Autorität und Wertorientierung nicht mehr konflikt- und sublimierungsfähig sei und sich in Gestalt früher narzisstischer Störungen ausdrücke – und er erkennt darin vor allem die Abhängigkeit der diagnostischen Zuordnung vom latenten Weltbild des Psychoanalytikers.
ellauri147.html on line 733:
ellauri147.html on line 736:
ellauri147.html on line 778: 4. Die eigene Person und ihre Probleme sind so einzigartig, dass sie nur von besonderen Menschen verstanden werden können.
ellauri147.html on line 786: DSM:n uudessa versiossa IV(14) DSM-III-R:n ensimmäinen kriteeri, erityinen herkkyys kritiikille, korvataan toisella kriteerillä, jossa korostetaan ylimielisyyttä ja ylimielisyyttä käyttäytymisessä ja asenteessa. Salman Akhtar (1996)(15) Kernbergin julkaisemassa oppikirjassa, jota onneksi nyt tarkistetaan, laajentaa nämä DSM-oireluettelot profiiliksi "Synteesiyrityksessään" ja erottaa kuusi aluetta, joilla narsistisen persoonallisuuden ominaisuudet paljastuvat:
ellauri147.html on line 826: Als Resultat gelungener Anerkennungsprozesse beschreibt Honneth ein reflexives Selbstverhältnis, das die Spuren seiner intersubjektive Herkunft trägt.(16) Diese in der Objektbeziehung sich spiegelnde „positive Selbstbeziehung“ sei „als eine Art von nach innen gerichtetes Vertrauen zu verstehen, das dem Individuum Sicherheit sowohl in seiner Bedürfnisartikulation als auch in der Anwendung seiner Fähigkeiten schenkt“(17). Es ist eine Umschreibung dessen, was wir heute gesunden Narzissmus nennen würden – oder eben das Grundgefühl einer sicheren intersubjektiv erworbenen Identität.
ellauri147.html on line 860: faces to find out the current standard of good looks on the Internet. On the Hot or Not web site, people rate others' attractiveness on a scale of 1 to 10. An average score based on hundreds or even thousands of individual ratings takes only a few days to emerge. To make this hot or not palette of morphed images, photos from the site were sorted by rank and used SquirlzMorph to create multi-morph composites from them. Unlike projects like Face of Tomorrow, where the subjects are posed for the purpose, the portraits are blurry because the source images are of low resolution with differences in variables such as posture, hair styles and glasses, so that in this instance images could use only 36 control points for the morphs. A similar study was done with Miss Universe contestants, as shown in the averageness article, as well as one for age, as shown in the youthfulness article.
ellauri147.html on line 868: A University of Toronto student found that the facial proportions of celebrities including Jessica Alba were close to the average of all female profiles. That the preference for the average is biological rather than cultural has been supported by studies on babies, who gaze longer at attractive faces than at unattractive ones. People generally find youthful average faces sexually the most attractive. prototypes are preferred to individual exemplars of the stimuli categories. Thus an average face is probably attractive simply because it is prototypical. An averaged face made of 32 faces looks almost indistinguishable from any other 32-face averaged face even when they are created from a completely different set of individuals. Left-right symmetry is not the issue, presumably because neither are the viewers´ eyes.
ellauri147.html on line 870: A 2006 "hot" or "not" style study, involving 264 women and 18 men, at the Washington University School of Medicine, as published online in the journal Brain Research, indicates that a person´s brain determines whether an image is erotically appealing long before the viewer is even aware they are seeing the picture. Moreover, according to these researchers, one of the basic functions of the brain is to classify images into a hot or not type categorization. The study´s researchers also discovered that sexy shots induce a uniquely powerful reaction in the brain, equal in effect for both men and women, and that erotic images produced a strong reaction in the hypothalamus.
ellauri150.html on line 113: Keskinen kertoo, että Suomessa ”värisokeus” on liittynyt etenkin ihanteeseen hyvinvointivaltiosta ja universalismista, eli että palveluja ja ajatustapoja sovelletaan kaikkiin ihmisiin samalla tavalla. Toisen maailmansodan ja juutalaisvainojen jälkeen toivottiin, että rasismista päästäisiin eroon lopettamalla puhe roduista, kun se ei onnistunut lopettamalla rotuja.
ellauri150.html on line 261: Parmi les jeunes filles du monde, — peu nombreuses d’ailleurs, — que Christophe avait pour élèves, était la fille d’un riche fabricant d’automobiles, Colette Stevens. Son père était Belge, naturalisé Français, fils d’un Anglo-Américain établi à Anvers et d’une Hollandaise. Sa mère était Italienne. C’était une famille bien parisienne. Pour Christophe, — pour bien d’autres, — Colette Stevens était le type de la jeune fille française.
ellauri150.html on line 269: à table, battant des mains, quand il y avait un plat qu’elle aimait ; au salon, grillant des cigarettes, affectant, devant les hommes, une affection exubérante pour ses amies, se jetant à leur cou, leur caressant la main, leur chuchotant à l’oreille, disant des ingénuités, disant aussi des méchancetés, admirablement, d’une voix douce et frêle, qui savait même, à l’occasion, dire des choses très lestes, sans avoir l’air d’y toucher, qui savait encore mieux en faire dire, — l’air candide d’une petite fille bien sage, les yeux brillants, aux paupières lourdes, voluptueux et sournois, qui regardaient de côté, malignement, guettant tous les potins, happant toutes les polissonneries de la conversation, et tâchant de pêcher çà et là quelque cœur à la ligne.
ellauri150.html on line 271: Toutes ces singeries, ces parades de petit chien, cette ingénuité frelatée, ne plaisaient à Christophe en aucune façon. Il avait autre chose à faire qu’à se prêter aux manèges d’une petite fille rouée, ou même qu’à les considérer, d’un œil amusé. Il avait à gagner son pain, à sauver de la mort sa vie et ses pensées. Le seul intérêt pour lui de ces perruches de salon était de lui en fournir les moyens. En échange de leur argent, il leur donnait ses leçons, en conscience, le front plissé, l’esprit tendu vers la tâche, afin de ne se laisser distraire ni par l’ennui qu’elle lui causait, ni par les agaceries de ses élèves, quand elles étaient aussi coquettes que Colette Stevens. Il ne faisait guère plus d’attention à elle qu’à la petite cousine de Colette, une enfant de douze ans, silencieuse et timide, que les Stevens avaient prise chez eux, et à qui Christophe enseignait aussi le piano.
ellauri150.html on line 337: Elle jouait son morceau, s’appliquant de son mieux ; et, comme elle était habile, elle y réussissait très passablement, parfois même assez bien. Christophe, qui n’était pas dupe, riait en lui-même de l’adresse « de cette sacrée mâtine (sekarotuinen narttu), qui jouait, comme si elle sentait ce qu’elle jouait, quoiqu’elle n’en sentît rien ». Il ne laissait pas d’en éprouver pour elle une sympathie amusée. (Narsismimarkkeri!) Colette, de son côté, saisissait tous les prétextes pour reprendre la conversation, qui l’intéressait beaucoup plus que la leçon de piano. Christophe avait beau s’en défendre, prétextant qu’il ne pouvait dire ce qu’il pensait, sans risquer de la blesser : elle arrivait toujours à le lui faire dire ; et plus c’était blessant, moins elle en était blessée : c’était un amusement pour elle. Mais comme la fine mouche sentait que Christophe n’aimait rien tant que la sincérité, elle lui tenait tête hardiment, et discutait mordicus (izepäisesti). Ils se quittaient très bons amis.
ellauri150.html on line 358: Kesällä 1895 tiedustelutoimiston johtoon nimitettiin everstiluutnantti Marie-Georges Picquart. Sotilasviranomaiset olivat tajunneet, että Dreyfus oli tuomittu varsin heikoin perustein, ja Picquart lupasi käydä läpi kaiken Dreyfusilta lähteneen ja tälle tulleen kirjeenvaihdon. Hän kävi läpi myös Saksan lähetystön siivoojan toimittamia papereita. Maaliskuussa 1896 Picquart sai siivoojalta pikakirjeen kappaleita. Kirjepaperista saattoi päätellä sen tehdyn Pariisissa, sillä siinä käytettyä ohutta sinistä paperia ei saanut muualta. Kirje oli osoitettu majuri Marie Charles Ferdinand Walsin-Esterházylle, mutta sitä ei oltu koskaan toimitettu perille. Kirjeessä pyydettiin Walsin-Esterházyltä ”tarkempaa selitystä kuin se, jonka annoitte ratkaisemattomasta asiasta tässä eräänä päivänä”. Picquartin aloitteesta Esterházyä alettiin varjostaa ja hänen nähtiin menevän kahdesti Saksan suurlähetystöön. Lisäksi Picquart sai elokuussa käsiinsä kaksi Esterházyn kirjettä, ja niiden käsiala oli samankaltainen kuin Henryn listassa. Henry alkoi puolestaan väärentää todisteita Dreyfusia vastaan saatuaan kuulla Picquartin yrittävän todistaa tämän syyttömäksi.
ellauri150.html on line 459: The Polish writer Henryk Sienkiewicz wrote the novel Quo Vadis: A Narrative of the Time of Nero (1895–96, a tremendous hit in fin de siecle Paris) which in turn has been made into motion pictures several times, including a 1951 version that was nominated for eight Academy Awards. Vittu vaan 8, Ben veti mahtavammat 11, samoinkuin vielä järisyttävämmät suurteoxet Titanic ja Bored of the Rings. For this and other films novels, Sienkiewicz received the 1905 Nobel Prize for Literature.
ellauri150.html on line 476: The film's final onscreen writing credits created controversy when, in October 1959, the Writers Guild of America (WGA) awarded Tunberg sole screenplay credit, despite the objections of the film's director, William Wyler, who, in the film's commemorative booklet and elsewhere, claimed that Christopher Fry was more responsible than any other writer for the final screenplay. In response to Wyler's public outcries against their ruling, the WGA took out trade paper ads on November 20, 1959 in which they issued a statement reading, in part, "the unanimous decision of the three judges was that the sole screenplay credit was awarded to Karl Tunberg...The record shows the following: 1. Karl Tunberg is the only writer who has ever written a complete screenplay on Ben-Hur; 2. Karl Tunberg continued to contribute materials throughout the actual filming, and this material is incorporated in the final picture; and 3. Karl Tunberg alone did the necessary rewriting during the four months of retakes and added scenes. Mr. Christopher Fry himself was fully informed of the proceedings of the Guild. He has made it absolutely clear that he did not want to protest the decision of the Guild."
ellauri150.html on line 478: Arthur Hammond Harris aka Christopher Fry (18 December 1907 – 30 June 2005) was an English poet and playwright. He is best known for his verse dramas, especially The Lady's Not for Burning, which made him a major force in theatre in the 1940s and 1950s. Fry was born as Arthur Hammond Harris in Bristol, the son of Charles John Harris, a master builder who retired early to work full-time as a licensed Lay Reader in the Church of England, and his wife Emma Marguerite Fry Hammond Harris. While still young, he took his mother's maiden name because, on very tenuous grounds, he believed her to be related to the 19th-century Quaker prison reformer Elizabeth Fry. He adopted Elizabeth Fry's faith, and became a Quaker and a gay. In the 1920s, he met the writer Robert Gittings, who became a lifelong friend. Maybe William Wyler was another yet longer friend. Gore Vidal most certainly another.
ellauri150.html on line 484: Based on an 1880 novel, Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ, the film was directed by Hollywood great William Wyler, and screenwriter Gore Vidal was one of many who took a pass at the screenplay. In The Celluloid Closet, Vidal states in no uncertain terms that he scripted the film as a confrontation between ex-lovers Ben-Hur (Charlton Heston) and Messala (Stephen Boyd). Further, Vidal claims that, after consultation with Wyler and Boyd (but not Heston, who would have objected), he wrote one particular scene, where the estranged Ben-Hur and Messala meet again, with heavy gay subtext.
ellauri150.html on line 502: Learn of the philosophers always to look for natural causes in all extraordinary events; and when such natural causes are wanting, recur to God". - Count de Gabalis (n.h.) "I did not take the wrong exit." "This cannot be an Eclipse." Panin kääntämisen opiskelijat tekemään Eclipsellä XML- konversioita. Ei ois kannattanut.
ellauri150.html on line 537: Esther bat Simonides was a Judean freedwoman and the wife of Prince Judah Ben-Hur during the 1st century AD. She played a major role in her husband's conversion to Christianity after teaching him of Jesus' message, having personally witnessed his Sermon on the Mount.
ellauri150.html on line 598: Judah visits the leper colony, where he confronts Esther while she delivers supplies to his mother and sister. Esther convinces Judah to not see them. Judah visits Pilate and rejects his patrimony and Roman citizenship. He returns with Esther to the leper colony, reveals himself to Miriam and learns that Tirzah is dying. Judah and Esther take Miriam and her daughter to see Jesus, but the trial of Jesus has begun. As Jesus is carrying his cross through the streets, he collapses. Judah recognizes him as the man who gave him water years before, and reciprocates. As Judah witnesses the crucifixion of Jesus, Miriam and Tirzah are miraculously healed from Esther's pee. Spare a penny for an ex-leper.
ellauri150.html on line 736: It seems to me that Hawking is using a particular model of the universe to try to attack religion. But for me the very fact that there is a universe is enough to fill me with awe at creation and in God the Creator. In fact the more we learn about the immensity of space and the variety of celestial objects, the more I am filled with awe and wonder. Part of that is the admiration that we are living in such an advanced society that we are able to make these discoveries in the first place.
ellauri150.html on line 738: I think it is more of a Protestant attribute than a Catholic one to interpret the Bible literally. Catholics have a more complex and mystical interpretation of the Bible. Take for example the Assumption of Mary as well as the Immaculate Conception. These are not tied into physical phenomenon, but are purely spiritual and can only be understood by faith. This is also true of substantiation and the Holy Trinity. Like the universe itself, these are mysteries that the human mind cannot comprehend. (I just checked the Catechism. The section on creation, 337-349, does not give a strict literal interpretation of the six days.)
ellauri151.html on line 72: Les décisions et prises de position du pasteur sont conditionnées par son interprétation de la Bible et par l'enseignement qu'il en a reçu. Si sa morale protestante lui a jadis permis de goûter au bonheur, elle finit par le rendre malheureux en suscitant un immense sentiment de culpabilité à l'égard de ses sentiments envers Gertrude et de son fils Jacques.
ellauri151.html on line 108: Car d’après ce que j’entendis les premiers temps dans celle de Jupien et qui ne furent que des sons inarticulés, je suppose que peu de paroles furent prononcées. Il est vrai que ces sons étaient si violents que, s’ils n’avaient pas été toujours repris un octave plus haut par une plainte parallèle, j’aurais pu croire qu’une personne en égorgeait une autre à côté de moi et qu’ensuite le meurtrier et sa victime ressuscitée prenaient un bain pour effacer les traces du crime. J’en conclus plus tard qu’il y a une chose aussi bruyante que la souffrance, c’est le plaisir, surtout quand s’y ajoutent—à défaut de la peur d’avoir des enfants, ce qui ne pouvait être le cas ici, malgré l’exemple peu probant de la Légende dorée—des soucis immédiats de propreté. Enfin au bout d’une demi-heure environ (pendant laquelle je m’étais hissé à pas de loup sur mon échelle afin de voir par le vasistas que je n’ouvris pas), une conversation s’engagea. Jupien refusait avec force l’argent que M. de Charlus voulait lui donner. (SG 609/11).
ellauri151.html on line 110: André Paul Guillaume Gide (French: [ɑ̃dʁe pɔl ɡijom ʒid]; 22 November 1869 – 19 February 1951) was a French author and winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature (in 1947). André was born in Paris on 22 November 1869, into a middle-class Protestant family. His father was a Paris University professor of law who died in 1880, Jean Paul Guillaume Gide, and his mother was Juliette Maria Rondeaux. His uncle was the political economist Charles Gide. His paternal family traced its roots back to Italy, with his ancestors, the Guidos, moving to France and other western and northern European countries after converting to Protestantism during the 16th century, due to persecution.
ellauri151.html on line 288: Im Skeptizismus erfährt das Bewußtsein in Wahrheit sich als ein in sich selbst widersprechendes Bewußtsein; es geht aus dieser Erfahrung eine neue Gestalt hervor, welche die zwei Gedanken zusammenbringt, die der Skeptizismus auseinander hält. Die Gedankenlosigkeit des Skeptizismus über sich selbst muß verschwinden, weil es in der Tat ein Bewußtsein ist, welches diese beiden Weisen an ihm hat. Diese neue Gestalt ist hiedurch ein solches, welches für sich das gedoppelte Bewußtsein seiner als des sich befreienden, unwandelbaren und sichselbstgleichen, und seiner als des absolut sich verwirrenden und verkehrenden – und das Bewußtsein dieses seines Widerspruchs ist. – Im Stoizismus ist das Selbstbewußtsein die einfache Freiheit seiner selbst; im Skeptizismus realisiert sie sich, vernichtet die andere Seite des bestimmten Daseins, aber verdoppelt sich vielmehr, und ist sich nun ein Zweifaches. Hiedurch ist die Verdopplung, welche früher an zwei einzelne, an den Herrn und den Knecht, sich verteilte, in eines eingekehrt; die Verdopplung des Selbstbewußtseins in sich selbst, welche im Begriffe des Geistes wesentlich ist, ist hiemit vorhanden, aber noch nicht ihre Einheit, und das unglückliche Bewußtsein ist das Bewußtsein seiner als des gedoppelten nur widersprechenden Wesens.
ellauri151.html on line 338: Salonius-Pasternak on onnexi asunut useita vuosia ulkomailla. Hän osti kansainvälisen ylioppilastutkinnon Brysselistä, minkä jälkeen hän opiskeli Connecticutin Wesleyan Universityssä vuosina 1993–1997 ja suoritti Bachelor of Arts -tutkinnon pääaineenaan kaatiotiede. Hän palasi Suomeen suorittamaan asepalveluksen Dragsvikissä rannikkojääkärinä ja on sotilasarvoltaan latva B. Hän tunaroi joitakin vuosia Amsterdamissa teknologiatutkimusyrityksessä kunnes sai potkut ja palasi myyskentelemään jarmulkoja Yhdysvaltoihin vuonna 2001. Vuosina 2004–2008 hän opiskeli Helsingin yliopistossa ja suoritti nipin napin valtiotieteiden maisterin tutkinnon.
ellauri151.html on line 362: versionPaul_large00-1.jpg" width="100%" />
ellauri151.html on line 413: Die selbstverschuldete Unmündigkeit ist ein ebenso schiefes Maul, als er dem ganzen schönen Geschlecht macht, und das meine 3 Töchter nicht auf sich sitzen lassen werden.
ellauri151.html on line 428: Poesie ist die Muttersprache des menschlichen Geschlechts; Sinne und Leidenschaften reden und verstehen nichts als Bilder. In Bildern besteht der ganze Schatz menschlicher Erkenntniß und Glückseeligkeit.
ellauri151.html on line 444: The philosophers have always given truth a bill of divorce, by separating what nature has joined together and vice versa. Help us translate this quote
ellauri151.html on line 452: Let us assume that we invited an unknown person to a game of cards. If this person answered us, “I don’t play,” we would either interpret this to mean that he did not understand the game, or that he had an aversion to it which arose from economic, ethical, or other reasons. Let us imagine, however, that an honorable man, who was known to possess every possible skill in the game, and who was well versed in its rules and its forbidden tricks, but who could like a game and participate in it only when it was an innocent pastime, were invited into a company of clever swindlers, who were known as good players and to whom he was equal on both scores, to join them in a game. If he said, “I do not play,” we would have to join him in looking the people with whom he was talking straight in the face, and would be able to supplement his words as follows: “I don’t play, that is, with people such as you, who break the rules of the game, and rob it of its pleasure. If you offer to play a game, our mutual agreement, then, is that we recognize the capriciousness of chance as our master; and you call the science of your nimble fingers chance, and I must accept it as such, it I will, or run the risk of insulting you or choose the shame of imitating you.” … The opinion of Socrates can be summarized in these blunt words, when he said to the Sophists, the leaned men of his time, “I know nothing.” Help! TLDR!
ellauri151.html on line 501: the former weavers once again will make Entiset kutojat alkavat jälleen kerran kutoa
ellauri151.html on line 536: Kantian antitheodicies argue that theodicism oversteps the limits of moral and theoretical human reason. Älä yritäkään ymmärtää, olet liian tyhmä. Jätä homma experteille.
ellauri151.html on line 637: Drury in a conversation in 1930:
ellauri151.html on line 722: Those who believed the gospel of the kingdom, that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God, were known as followers of the Way (Acts 9.2, 19.9, 23, 22.4, 24.14, 22). They were not Christians. Christianity did not begin within the borders of Israel; it began outside its borders. Paul was saved outside Israel on his way to Damascus (Acts 9.3-6). Believers first became known as Christians in Antioch, not Jerusalem (Acts 11.25-26).
ellauri151.html on line 1041: Katsoin Ihantalan Ihme ohjelmaa sen verran, että näin isän 2 kertaa. Ekassa repliikissä kertoi ruumiskasoista, joissa oli suomalaisia ja venäläisiä. Että mitään niin karmeaa ei ollut ennen nähnyt. Toisessa repliikissä kertoi ohjeiden kääntämisestä. Enempää en jaksanut katsoa. Tällaisia sotaohjelmia EN katso. En oo muuten koskaan nähny Tuntematonta sotilasta. En mitään versioo. Kirjankin luin kai viiskymppisenä.
ellauri151.html on line 1059: Ensimmäisissä Tuntematon-elokuvissa on hyvätkin puolensa, mutta Louhimiehen työryhmän versio teki Veli-Pekkaan suurimman vaikutuksen. Kaltaiselleni videosukupolven edustajalle se hyödynsi laajimmin elokuvan kielioppia, ääntä ja kuvaa. Vuoden 1955 versiota pidetään ”kansalliselokuvana”, mutta nykysilmin se on toki teatraalinen.
ellauri151.html on line 1060: Vuoden 1985 versio oli sekin aikansa lapsi, jossa vaikutuksen tekivät naturalismi ja etenkin moderni kameratyö. Rauni Mollbergin versio on silti vielä kirjallisen oloinen, verkkainen. Kolmannen elokuvan keinoihin kuuluvat visuaalisuus, tehosteet ja toiminnallisuus.
ellauri151.html on line 1134: Alissa reached, by going the other way round than The Immoralist, a damnation very similar to the Immoralist's – indeed, Strait is the Gate might be called The Moralist. Hers is a greater perversity than Michel's, who, after all, was only doing as he liked. Alissa is doing what she does not like, and at each act of monstrous virtue her anguish increases, 'till at last it kills her.
ellauri152.html on line 77: Although for the most part The Songs of Bilitis is original work, many of the poems were reworked epigrams from the Palatine Anthology, and Louÿs even borrowed some verses from Sappho herself. The poems are a blend of mellow sensuality and polished style in the manner of Parnassianism, but underneath run subtle Gallic undertones that Louÿs could never escape.
ellauri152.html on line 87: Berthe Clorine Jeanne Le Barillier (parfois orthographiée Berthe Clorinne Jeanne Le Barillier ou même Berthe Corinne Jeanne Le Barillier, sans doute par une suite d'erreurs de recopiage orthographique erroné dans les divers ouvrages où elle est citée), née à Bordeaux le 24 juillet 1858 et morte au Cannet le 24 janvier 1927, est une femme de lettres française. Takkutukkainen naisoletettu, rekkalesbon näköinen. Väsäs paljon sinisukkajuttuja, mm. Heloisesta ja Abelardista. Takuulla ei kääntänyt mitään kreikasta. Son œuvre, si elle est assez largement tombée dans l'oubli, est servie par un style sobre et une documentation toujours très solide. La part la plus consistante de son œuvre est probablement celle consacrée à l'antiquité romaine. Elle batit une maison à proximité immédiate de l'Hermitage de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, un écrivain qu'elle admirait et dont elle voulait se rapprocher. Mit vit JJ oli kuollut jo aikapäiviä?? Ja aika misogyyni kaiken kukkuraxi. Näitä vale-uudelleen
ellauri152.html on line 325: BATTOS Niin kai se on... Hei ajahan vasikat ylös rannasta! Ne onnettomat syövät uudet versot öljypuista. Muurikki ja Mansikki! Tänne rinteelle, eikö kuulu! Liikettä sorkkiin, tai paha teidät perii! Ja taas on yxi siellä. Ollapa nyt kunnon keppi, niin johan tulisit! Hei kazo jumalauta Korydon! Iso piikki ja keskelle kantapäätä! Pahuxen tiheässä noita puskia. Sen siitä saa kun jahtaa hiehoja. No, näekkönää mitään?
ellauri152.html on line 574: Ce mythe, qui paraît fort ancien et dont certains érudits vont chercher l'origine jusque dans l'Inde bouddhique, se précise à partir du xiiie siècle dans l'Historia major du bénédictin anglais Matthieu Pâris. sous diverses formes. C'est dans les pays de langue allemande que la figure d'Ahasvérus connaît la plus grande faveur, à la suite d'une version de la légende due à Chrysostomus Dudulaeus qui présente l'aventure du « Juif éternel » (1602) comme un récit quasiment autobiographique. La traduction française de ce livre imposera l'expression « Juif errant » (1609). Dès lors, la légende se répand par l'imagerie populaire et les estampes, les complaintes, dont la plus célèbre est celle d'Isaac Laquedem. Le Juif errant, qui personnifie le destin du peuple juif depuis le christianisme, a inspiré de nombreux écrivains : Wordsworth, Goethe, Eugène Sue, Apollinaire. Cette figure légendaire n'a cessé d'alimenter, à l'encontre des Juifs, une dangereuse satire sociale. Elle est, pour une part, responsable de la genèse de l'agitation antisémite des temps modernes. Pour en savoir plus, voir l'article antisémitisme.
ellauri152.html on line 587: The plot goes like this: Yentl has secretly studied Torah under her father’s tutelage. She has no interest in marriage, so when he dies, she disguises herself as Anshel and travels to a yeshiva. Along the way she meets a fellow student named Avigdor. They strike up a friendship and Yentl accompanies him to his yeshiva in Bechev, where they become study partners. Avigdor is in love with a girl named Badass, whom he wishes to marry. However, when Badass’s family learns a dark secret about Avigdor’s family, they won’t let him marry her. In desperation, Avigdor begs Anshel to marry Badass in his stead. Yentl initially resists, but eventually gives in and asks for Badass’s hand in order to retain Avigdor’s goodwill. After Anshel and Badass are married, Badass comes to look on her husband with love, but Yentl become more and more upset about the situation. Unable to go on any longer, Yentl asks Avigdor to join her on a business trip. Once they are at an inn in another city, Yentl tells him that she’s a woman. He laughs and doesn’t believe her, so she undresses momentarily. He is shocked. This is where the two versions split.
ellauri152.html on line 589: In the movie, in a scene I despise, Avigdor grabs her and shakes her violently while demanding to know why, and the rest of the conversation plays out melodramatically with yelling and tears. Yentl confesses that she loves him, he realizes he loves her too, and they kiss. Avigdor asks her to marry him, and says she could continue studying in secret. Yentl refuses because she can’t go back to studying furtively in secret, despite how much she loves him. The two part, and Avigdor returns to Badass and marries her. They live happily ever after, and the film ends with Yentl on a ship to America, implying that she will be able to study Torah as a woman there.
ellauri152.html on line 593: The story ends with the townspeople of Bechev wondering about Anshel’s disappearance and why he divorced Badass so suddenly, but none of them guess the truth. Badass is heartbroken but eventually recovers enough to marry Avigdor, though she cries even at their wedding. They name their first child Anshel.
ellauri152.html on line 640: There is a difference of opinion regarding the order in which the passages are inserted into the Tefillin boxes. According to Rashi, the passage of Shema ("Here O Israel") precedes that of "And it shall come to pass, if you hearken", in both the Tefillin worn on the head and on the arm. According to Rabbeinu Tam, the order is reversed.
ellauri152.html on line 654: "'Elohim the dog created: It didn't say "Hashem (i.e. the dog denoting kindness and mercy) created" because originally He intended to create the universe through strict judgment din... And he saw that the universe couldn't survive that way" (Rashi, Bereishit 1:1).
ellauri152.html on line 656: The dog originally created the world to run through strict judgment, din. However, since the dog knew that the world could not endure such harsh conditions, He decided to incorporate the spiritual energies of compassion too, as the verse states, "These are the products of the heaven and earth when they were created in the day that Hashem's (i.e. the dog's denoting kindness and mercy, not the dog's denoting strict justice) din made earth and heaven." (Bereishit 2:4) According to the original creation plan a person would be judged strictly on his own merits. There would be no bending of the rules; no concept of leniency; no looking the other way or giving another chance. Strict justice would dictate that a person be severely punished for even the "slightest" infraction of the dog's willy.
ellauri152.html on line 668: These rare individuals are capable of adhering to the dog's willy despite the unrelenting trials, afflictions, and massive assaults hurled at them from the forces of evil. The patriarchs were such exceptional individuals, they followed this path, unassisted by the dog, as the verse says, "He Yaakov said, 'O dog the name of Hashem containing the spiritual energies of harshness before Whom my forefathers Avraham and Yitzchak walked ...
ellauri152.html on line 681: We know that anything we do in this world produces spiritual energies that are stored in the upper worlds and last for eternity. These stored spiritual energies can be accessed even centuries after the act was performed. And, like a spiritual "radio receiver," Tefillin help us access such spiritual energies to nourish our souls, bringing us closer to the Almighty. Don't they look like radio receivers even?
ellauri152.html on line 685: In Rabbeinu Tam's Tefillin, the paragraph "And if you listen ..." (Devarim 11:13:21), which warns of the consequences of violating the dog's willy, din, harsh justice, precede the paragraph of "Hear O Israel ..." (Devarim 6:4-8), which declares our belief in the Almighty. Since this verse applies to even the sinners of Israel, it alludes to the dog's attribute of compassion, cheese. In Rabbeinu Tam's Tefillin, the aspect of harshness, din, precedes that of mercy, cheese, alluding to the dog's original intention to run the world through harshness, din.
ellauri152.html on line 700: This appears to be a contradiction. On one hand, according to Pirkko Avot the dog desires boldness. On the other hand, the verse in Mishlei implies that the dog detests bold behavior!
ellauri153.html on line 242: After leaving Shiraz he enrolled at the Nizamiyya University in Baghdad, where he studied Islamic sciences, law, governance, history, Persian literature, and Islamic theology; it appears that he had a scholarship to study there.
ellauri153.html on line 260: Bustan is entirely in verse (epic metre). It consists of stories aptly illustrating the standard virtues recommended to Muslims (justice, liberality, modesty, contentment) and nostalgic reflections on the behavior of dervishes and their ecstatic practices. Gulistan is mainly in prose and contains stories and personal anecdotes. The text is interspersed with a variety of short poems which contain aphorisms, advice, and humorous reflections, demonstrating Saadi's profound awareness of the absurdity of human existence. The fate of those who depend on the changeable moods of kings like Atabak Abubakr is contrasted with the 4 degrees of freedom of the dervishes.
ellauri153.html on line 292: Isän vastauxesta alkoi meemi, joka tunnetaan nimellä "pitkä unikon oireyhtymä" eli "Jantelagen", jossa epätavallisia ansioita omaavia henkilöitä vastaan asiattomasti hyökätään tai paheksutaan saavutustensa vuoksi. Se saa nimensä Livyn jaksosta, jossa Tarquinin sanotaan ohjeistaneen poikaansa Sextusta heikentämään Gabi Sandun kaupunkia tuhoamalla sen johtavat miehet. Herodotuksesta, jonka historiassa on samanlainen tarina, jossa on mukana vehnän korvat unikon sijasta, on ehkä lainattu aihe, jossa käytetään tahatonta sanansaattajaa tällaisen viestin toimittamiseen metaforan kautta, jossa päät katkaistaan korkeimpien unikkojen leikkaamisesta. Kierkegaardin pelossa ja vapinassa on kohta Livyn versiosta tarinasta. Fear and termbling on vitun suosittua Raamatussa, sitä löytyy sieltä kokonaista 19 sivua. Fear and loathing in Las Vegas raportoi E.Saarisen ihannoima gonzo-kirjailija. Nää on vahvoja meemejä.
ellauri153.html on line 500: evil in philosophy and their logical and evidential versions can be defined and mapped:
ellauri153.html on line 811: When King David was very old, he could not keep warm even when they put covers over him. So his attendants said to him, ‘Let us look for a young virgin to serve the king and take care of him. She can lie beside him so that our lord the king may keep warm.’ Then they searched throughout Israel for a beautiful young woman and found Abishag, a Shunammite, and brought her to the king. The woman was very beautiful; she took care of the king and waited on him, but the king had no sexual relations with her” (1 Kings 1:1–4)
ellauri153.html on line 850: Conceivably, the contrasts form some kind of semantic unit. This may be a unit as broadly defined as positive versus negative, with alive and daring being positive and sad and insecure being negative. Titi-uu. Big surprise? Loud and sharp vs. quiet and mumbling. No wonder Bob Cohen was not very memorable as a linguist. He was rather like Reb Berelen. He too was a well-known parasite.
ellauri153.html on line 855: Ueber die vierfache Wurzel des Satzes vom zureichenden Grunde is an elaboration on the classical Principle of Sufficient Reason, written by German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer as his Jena doctoral dissertation in 1813. The principle of sufficient reason is a powerful and controversial philosophical principle stipulating that everything must have a reason or cause.
ellauri153.html on line 864: After submitting it as his doctoral dissertation Arttu was awarded a PhD from the University of Jena in absentia. Private publication soon followed. "There were three reviews of it, commending it condescendingly. Scarcely more than one hundred copies were sold, the rest was remaindered and, a few years later, pulped."[1] Among the reasons for the cold reception of this original version are that it lacked the author´s later authoritative style and appeared decidedly unclear in its implications. A copy was sent to Goethe who responded by inviting the author to his home on a regular basis, ostensibly to discuss philosophy but in reality to recruit the young philosopher into work on his Theory of Colors.
ellauri153.html on line 869: Our knowing consciousness is divisible solely into subject and object. To be object for the subject and to be our representation or mental picture are one and the same. All our representations are objects for the subject, and all objects of the subject are our representations. These stand to one another in a regulated connection which in form is determinable a priori, and by virtue of this connection nothing existing by itself and independent, nothing single and detached, can become an object for us. The first aspect of this principle is that of becoming, where it appears as the law of causality and is applicable only to changes. Thus if the cause is given, the effect must of necessity follow. The second aspect deals with concepts or abstract representations, which are themselves drawn from representations of intuitive perception, and here the principle of sufficient reason states that, if certain premises are given, the conclusion must follow. The third aspect of the principle is concerned with being in space and time, and shows that the existence of one relation inevitably implies the other, thus that the equality of the angles of a triangle necessarily implies the equality of its sides and vice versa. Finally, the fourth aspect deals with actions, and the principle appears as the law of motivation, which states that a definite course of action inevitably ensues on a given character and motive.
ellauri155.html on line 128: prinssi, prinssieversti, perintöprinsessa, monarkki, hierarkki, arkontti, priori, primaatti, alfasusi, ykkösmies, huippumies, aloitteentekijä, nokkamies, keulakuva. Eka enkeli, toka tonkeli
ellauri155.html on line 130: eversti, everstinna, piispa, piispatar, ylhäisyys, ylimys, ylempi, sopraano, tuotepäällikkö, tallipäällikkö, virastopäällikkö, projektipäällikkö, henkilöstöpäällikkö, kehittämispäällikkö, lajipäällikkö, myyntipäällikkö, uutispäällikkö, viestintäpäällikkö, ylipäällikkö, kylmäkkö, sisäkkö, emakko, talikko
ellauri155.html on line 329: Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982:
ellauri155.html on line 370: Speaking to the Beacon, an anonymous Department of Homeland Security official commented “CBP doesn’t have the people to properly patrol our nation’s borders but we do have the time to step away from work hours to have a conversation on unconscious bias. It is high time to replace any wimpy inconscious biases with honest-to-God conscious ones.”
ellauri155.html on line 446: Menachem Elimelech is the Sterling Professor of Environmental and Chemical Engineering at Yale University. In 1998, he founded Yale's Environmental Engineering program. The program rose to international prominence and has been ranked in the top 10 of the U.S. News & World Report’s Graduate Engineering Rankings for the past six years. Menachem on vähän Krister Lindenin näköinen.
ellauri155.html on line 689: You must also note that God predestines people such as Paul and his friends in Rom. 8:30, and Eph. 1:5, 11. There is, however, controversy as to the nature of this predestination. In the Reformed (Calvinist) camp, predestination includes individuals. In other words, the Reformed doctrine of predestination is that God predestines whom He wants to be saved and that without this predestination, none would be saved. The non-Reformed camp states that God predestines people to salvation, but that these people freely choose to follow God on their own. In other words, in the non-Reformed perspective, God is reacting to the will of individuals and predestining them only because they choose God, whereby contrast the Reformed position states that people choose God only because He has first predestined them. I must say that the non-reformed position 2) sounds like gobbledygook. Either you get predestined or you don´t, what the fuck. Who was it that thought predestination and free will were compatible, was it Hume? Yes it was! The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy paper on this topic is so wordy that it needed translating into Basic English.
ellauri155.html on line 741: Hume toisin sanoen ottaa (syvästi epäuskoisen) askeleen osoittaakseen, että jos Jumala on olemassa ja on universumin luoja, hän ei ole sen enempää vapaa synnistä kuin ihmiset ovat. Humen mukaan meidän on tuomittava Jumalaa, kun tuomitsemme ihmisiä hänen maailmansa vaikutusten perusteella, ja meidän on sitten mukautettava tunteitamme vastaavasti. Ei todellakaan ole mitään muuta luonnollista tai järkevää perustaa, jolla löytäisimme tunteemme Jumalaa kohtaan. Tietyissä suhteissa voimme siis ymmärtää paremmin, kuinka me (ihmiset) voimme saattaa Jumalan vastuuseen, kuin me voimme ymmärtää, kuinka Jumalan pitäisi saattaa ihmiset vastuuseen (eli koska meillä ei ole tietoa hänen tunteistaan tai vaikka hänellä olisi niitä. Se eze sanoi sitä tai tätä ei merkize sitä eikä tätä, se saattoi valehdella, ilkimys kun oli.
ellauri155.html on line 759: Consequently, Calvin shows that Israel who descended from Abraham was also then chosen by God. He quotes verses such as Deuteronomy 7:7-8 which says, “The Lord did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because you were more in number than any people: for ye were the fewest of all people: but because the Lord loved you.”
ellauri155.html on line 787: Calvin even demonstrated his commitment to this truth in his placement of his teaching on predestination in The Institutes. In the final edition, he moved his section on predestination from the beginning of his work to a place following his teaching on redemption, in effect suggesting “that predestination is a doctrine best understood by believers after they come to know the redemptive work of Jesus Christ applied by the Holy Spirit.”
ellauri155.html on line 791: Calvin then addresses the mistaken notion that election removes human responsibility. Many today associate John Calvin with an aberration of his teaching called Hyper-Calvinism, which is a doctrine that emphasizes divine sovereignty to the exclusion of human responsibility. Among other things, Hyper-Calvinism would deny 1) that gospel invitations are to be delivered to all people without exception; 2) that men can be urged to come to Christ; and 3) that God has a universal love. To Calvin these teachings were monstrous distortions of truth. God really loves a lot also those he chucks into the recycle bin. Except Esau, whom he hates. Vitun karvakäsi.
ellauri155.html on line 824: There is no shallow end to the philosophical pool! Strawson was married and had four children. He was a highly cultured man, with a passion for literature, especially poetry, large amounts of which he could recite and most of which he also wrote. In conversation, manners and appearance, the overwhelming impression was of elegance and effortless intelligence. Mutta aika mitättömän näköinen pallokorva. P.F. Strawsonin pituus oli bläänk ja sen net worth under review. Fair enough, Jakkoh-Hintikka puuttui kokonaan celebs hall of famesta.
ellauri155.html on line 892: Like William James, his friend and mentor, he wrote philosophy in a literary way. Ezra Pound includes Santayana among his many cultural references in The Cantos, notably in "Canto LXXXI" and "Canto XCV". Santayana is usually considered an American writer, although he declined to become an American citizen, resided in Fascist Italy for decades, and said that he was most comfortable, intellectually and aesthetically, at Oxford University. Although an atheist, Santayana considered himself an "aesthetic Catholic" and spent the last decade of his life in a Roman residence under Catholic nuns. It felt a little like his young days under William James. He held racial superiority and eugenic views. He believed superior races should be discouraged from "intermarriage with inferior stock". Maybe that was why he had no kids.
ellauri156.html on line 64: A few hours later, my uncle came by to visit my grandmother. He was just entering the driveway, very near the little mobile home where the altercation occurred earlier. Unfortunately, my uncle was driving a car which looked similar to the one driven by the estranged husband's adversary parked outside the trailer earlier in the day. Gunshots rang out as the enraged husband fulfilled his vow. The rifle easily penetrated the windshield, and my uncle was instantly killed -- by mistake. The angry husband had killed my uncle, falsely assuming that he was his adversary.
ellauri156.html on line 74: Before we begin to look carefully at verses 1-4 of chapter 11, allow me to make a couple of comments about this event as portrayed in these two chapters of 2 Samuel. First, I want you to notice the “law of proportion” in this text. Only three verses describe David's sin of adultery with Bathsheba. Second, the author pulls no punches in describing the wickedness of this sin. History is not written in a way that makes David look good. Third, the sin of David and Bathsheba is dealt with historically, but not in a Hollywood fashion. Hollywood filmmakers would perform a remake of this account to dwell on the sensual elements. Nothing in this text is intended to inspire unclean thoughts or actions. Indeed, this story is written in a way that causes us to shudder at the thought of such things. I know it is something of a letdown, but at least myself, I was totally capable of imagining the rest. (I got 5 streetwalking girls and a wife, for God's sake.) If you need help with unclean thoughts here, please consult Gonorrhé Ballsack's Comtes Droolatiques.
ellauri156.html on line 76: Israel is at war with none other than the Ammonites (verse 1), which may come as a surprise to you as it did to me. (Well, to be honest, I thought they were the cretacean mollusks by the same name.) I thought the Ammonites had been defeated in chapter 10. I was wrong. The author is very clear on this matter. In chapter 8, the author tells how David began to engage his enemies in battle, ending the strangle-hold these surrounding nations had on Israel. David subjected the Philistines (8:1), then the Moabites (8:2), and then he took on the king of Zobah (8:3ff.). In the process, other nations became involved and found Israel too formidable an enemy to oppose again. (Notice the similarity of the situation here to the Yom Kippur War.)
ellauri156.html on line 234: As I read these verses in 2 Samuel, I am reminded of the Alfred Hitchcock movie, “Rear Window.” If my memory is correct, Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly star in this thriller about a photographer who is recovering from an injury and confined to his apartment. From out of his “rear window,” Stewart watches his neighbors through their windows. Eventually he uncovers a murder and is almost killed himself, along with his girlfriend. Älä pieni perssilmä kazo minne vain.
ellauri156.html on line 315: Incidentally, Bathsheba is washing herself in Jerusalem, from which all the men of fighting age have gone to war. Remember the words of verse 1:
ellauri156.html on line 323: This passage, even though we have only made our way through the first four verses of it (sadly, the best bits), has much to teach us. Let me seek to summarize some of its lessons.
ellauri156.html on line 325: First, the root of David's sin is not low self-esteem; it is arrogance. (Since when is low self-esteem a sin? Well I bet it is for American believers. Think of Bill James' Will to Believe.) I am getting quite weary of hearing that the root of all evils is low self-esteem. I wonder why we see nothing of this in the Bible. David's problem is just the opposite. He has become puffed up and arrogant because of his success and status as Israel's king. He has come to see himself as different/better than the rest of the Israelites. They need to go to war; he does not. They need to sleep in the open field; he needs to get his rest in his own bed, in his palace. They can have a wife; he can have whatever woman he wants.
ellauri156.html on line 327: Second, the nature of David's sin is the abuse of power. Power corrupts, we are told, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. David has come to power. In the previous chapters, David employed his God-given power to defeat the enemies of God and of Israel. He used his power as Israel's king to fill his pockets and void his cullions, and takes advantage of Dog's promise to Saul by restoring to Mephibosheth his family property and by making him a son at his table. Now, David, drunk with his power, uses it to indulge himself at the expense of others. I want you to notice the repetition of the word “send” or “sent” in this chapter. It is a king like David who can send all the men to war but stay home himself (verse 1). It is a king like David who can send people to inquire about Bathsheba, and then to send messengers to “take” her and bring her to his palace (verses 3-4). It is a king like David who can “send” for Uriah and “send” orders to Joab to have him killed. It is a king who "sends" his shlong into Bathsheba's holiest of the holy. David has the power, and he certainly knows how to use it, only now he is using that power for his own benefit, at the expense of others. This is not servant leadership.
ellauri156.html on line 333: Third, prosperity is as dangerous -- and sometimes more dangerous -- than poverty and adversity. We all get weary of the adversities of life. We all yearn for the time when we can kick back and put up our feet and relax a bit. We all tire of agonizing over the bills and not having quite enough money to go around. David certainly looked forward to the time when he could stop fleecing Saul and begin to reign as king. But let me point out that from a spiritual point of view, David never did better than he did in adversity and weakness. (In fact, he was quite like Ballsack's ung paouvre qui avait nom le Vieulx-par-chemins, another Iivana Nyhtänköljä.)
ellauri156.html on line 335: Conversely, David never did worse than he did in prosperity and power. How many psalms do you think David wrote from his palatial bed and from his penthouse? How much meditation on the law took place while David was in Jerusalem, rather than on the battlefield? On the other hand, how many maidens did he open the psalmbook with on the field? We are not to be masochists, wanting more and more suffering, but on the other hand we should recognize that success is often a greater test than adversity. Often when it appears “everything's goin' my way” we are in the greatest danger of producing some shit like Frank Sinatra's "My Way".
ellauri156.html on line 345: We may weary of taking up our cross and begin to take up ourselves or our same-sex significant other as our highest cause. We may back off in the area of separation, having become weary of being laughed at for our Christian principles. We may keep quiet, rather than bear witness to our faith, lest we be rejected by our peers. We may hold off from rebuking a fellow-believer, who is falling into sin, because the last time we tried it was very messy. We may get fed up with getting whacked every time we admonish fellow non-believers. When we retreat from the battle, a plunge is not far away.
ellauri156.html on line 365: This reference to Bathsheba’s “purification” is interesting and perplexing. The King James Version reads, “and he lay with her; for she was purified from her uncleanness: and she returned unto her house” at verse 4. The New King James Version is slightly different: “and he lay with her, for she was cleansed from her impurity; and she returned to her house” (note the change from a semi-colon to a comma, and from a colon to a semi-colon). The NIV reads, “and he slept with her. (She had purified herself from her uncleanness.)” The NRSV reads, “and he lay with her. (Now she was purifying herself after her period. Or was it colon? Only David knows, and Dog of course, but they don't tell.).”
ellauri156.html on line 388: The story of David and Uriah reminds me of the story of the “Sorcerer's Apprentice.” It has been awhile, but as I remember the plot (probably the Walt Disney version), the sorcerer goes away, leaving his apprentice behind to do his chores. The apprentice gets the bright idea that the work would be a whole lot easier if he used his master's magical arts so he could sit back and watch other powers at work. The problem was that he didn't know how to stop what he started, and so more and more helpers came on the scene as the apprentice tried to reverse the process. The worst was when Mickey tried to cleave the broom with an axe, and got instead a million of smaller brooms.
ellauri156.html on line 392: In our first lesson, we devoted our attention to the first four verses of chapter 11, which depict David's sin of adultery with Bathsheba. Pretty unbelievable that I got a whole four pages out of it. The trick is was to keep repeating the juicy bit about Bathsheba washing herself before (or after) David's load. I sought to demonstrate that this sin was all of David's doing. The author points his accusing finger at David, not Bathsheba. It was not Bathsheba's indiscretion in bathing herself (as I understand this story), for she was simply obeying the ritual of purification outlined in the law. It was David who, by means of his lofty elevation and view, looked inappropriately at Bathsheba, washing herself,violating her privacy. I endeavored to demonstrate that David's sin with Bathsheba was the result of a sequence of wrong decisions and attitudes on David's part. In one sense, being on the path he was, his destination (of adultery, or something like it) was to be expected. His sins of omission finally blossomed and came into full bloom.
ellauri156.html on line 402: It looks as though Bathsheba never enters David's mind after their encounter described in verses 1-4. It certainly does not seem that David wants to continue the relationship, to carry on an affair, or to marry her. David simply puts this sinful event out of his mind, until a messenger is sent by Bathsheba informing the king that his night of passion has produced a child. Bathsheba informs David that she is pregnant, not that she is afraid she might be. This means that she has missed at least one period and probably another. All in all, several weeks or more have passed. It will not be long before her pregnancy will become obvious to anyone who looks at her. This is David's sin and his responsibility, and so she informs him.
ellauri156.html on line 408: David's plan A is simple and, at least in his mind, foolproof. In short, David will entice Uriah to think and to act as he himself has done. David does not wish to endure the adversities of the war with Rabbah, and so he goes to Jerusalem, to his home, and to his bed. He does not wish to deny himself, so he takes the wife of another man and sleeps with her. David will give Uriah the same opportunity, except that it will be his own wife he will sleep with. Not as fun, one must admit. After Uriah has sexual relations with Bathsheba, all will conclude that he is the father of the child which has been conceived by David's sinful act. Only one thing is wrong with David's plan: he assumes Uriah is as spiritually apathetic as he, and that he will act to indulge himself, rather than act like a soldier at war and keep his sword in the sheath.
ellauri156.html on line 419: As a consequence, David becomes attracted to Bathsheba who is the wife of Uriah, one of David's soldiers. The attraction is mutual although both know an affair would break the law of Moses. When Bathsheba discovers she is pregnant by David, the King sends for Uriah hoping he will spend time with his wife to cover her pregnancy. David's wife Michal who is aware of the affair, tells David that Uriah did not go home but slept at the castle as a sign of loyalty to his King. LOL, a sign of "fuck you" pointed at Dave with Uriah's middle finger without a nail.
ellauri156.html on line 479: He (David, not Dog this time) plays the role of a benevolent master. Uriah, his servant, has “come home from a journey” (verse 10). Is this not the time for him to concern himself with his needs and desires? Is this not the time to concern himself with his wife's needs? How insensitive of Uriah not to go home to be with his wife and to sleep with her. “Shame on you, Uriah!” Uriah has a lot of explaining to do, and so it seems has David.
ellauri156.html on line 485: Uriah first points out to David that his terminology is inaccurate. David speaks of Uriah returning from a journey (verse 10). The truth is that Uriah has been called from the field of battle. He is not a traveling salesman, home from a road trip; he is a soldier, away from his post. In heart and soul, Uriah is still with his fellow-soldiers. He really wants to be back in the field of battle, and not in Jerusalem. He will return as soon as David releases him (see verse 12). Until that time, he will think and act like the soldier he is. As much as possible, he will live the way his fellow-soldiers are living on the field of battle. There, surrounding the city of Rabbah, are the Israelite soldiers, led by Joab. They, along with the ark of the Lord, are camping in tents in the open field. Uriah cannot, Uriah will not, live in luxury while they live sacrificially. He will not sleep with his wife until they can all sleep with her, not just Dave.
ellauri156.html on line 493: You may remember that when David first fled from Saul he went to Ahimelech the priest and asked for some provisions and a sword. The priest had nothing but the sacred bread, which he would allow David and his men to eat, if they had only “kept themselves from women” (verse 4). The priest assumes they may have conducted themselves otherwise. David's answer, and especially the tone of it, is very pertinent to our text. He confidently assured the priest that he and his men had kept themselves from women, almost incensed that the priest would think otherwise. And the reason David gives is that he and his men are on a mission for the king. The inference is that this is a military (or at least official) mission.
ellauri156.html on line 497: Uriah's words should have shocked David into a realization of the depth of his sin. The author uses these words in an ironically pivotal way. Uriah has just told David that he will not go to his own house, that he will not eat and drink and sleep with his wife.41 He has put this matter emphatically: “By your life, and the life of your soul, I will not do this thing” (verse 11). In the very next verses, David compels Uriah to “eat and drink” with him, with the hope that he will lie with his wife. And when Uriah swears by the life of the king that he will not do so, the king ends up taking Uriah's life. How ironic! How tragic! How hilarious!
ellauri156.html on line 544: A theoretical map of the region around 830 BCE. Moab (aka West Bank) is shown in purple on this map, between the Arnon and Zered rivers. ellauri156.html on line 552: These eight verses, devoted to the way in which Uriah's death is reported, are double the length of the account of David's sin with Bathsheba. They virtually equal the length of the account of David's dealings with Uriah. These verses begin with Joab's careful instructions to the messenger, who is to bring the news of Uriah's death to David. They conclude with the messenger's actual report and David's response to it. Why does the author devote so much time and space to the way in which Uriah's death is reported to David? Let us see if we can find the answer to this question as we look more closely at these verses.
ellauri156.html on line 560: And so in verses 22-25 we are given an account of the messenger's arrival, of his report to David, and of David's response. I must point out that the messenger does not do as he is told, at least the way I read the account. The messenger goes to David and tells the king how the Ammonites prevailed against them as they left the city and pursued the Israelites into the open field. The Israelites then pursued the Ammonites, pushing them back toward the city as far as the city gate. It was here that Uriah and those with him were fighting. It was here that they were within range of the archers, who shot at them and killed a number of servants. And quickly the servant adds, “and your servant Uriah the Hittite is also dead” (verse 14).
ellauri156.html on line 564: And the servant is absolutely right, as the verse 25 indicates:
ellauri156.html on line 590: Seventh, Uriah is a reminder to us that God does not always deliver the righteous from the hand of the wicked immediately, or even in this lifetime. This is a really crucial point! Don't except to be saved except ex post facto. Daniel's three friends told the king that their God was able to deliver them. They did not presume that He would, or that He must, only that theoretically, he could if he wanted to. And God did deliver them, though with late delivery, rather like today's postal services. I think Christians should look upon this sort of deliverance as the rule, rather than the exception. But when Uriah faithfully serves his king (David), he loses his life. God is not obliged to “bail us out of trouble” or to keep us from trials and tribulations just because we trust in Him. Sometimes it is the will of God for men to trust fully in Him and to submit to human government (what? like U.S. government? No way Jose!), and still to suffer adversity, from which God may not deliver us. Spirituality is no guarantee that we will no longer suffer in this life. In fact, spiritual intimacy with God is often the cause of our sufferings (see Matthew 5).
ellauri156.html on line 611: Stupid question, everyman has not got Dog's triceps, so how could he deliver Daniel, even if he wanted to? Well, he might have delivered Daniel to the lions, had he been all present and correct at the occasion. In the Old Testament, as in the New, God sometimes delivers His people from the hands of wicked men, but often He does not, or delivers them TO the wicked men. Their “deliverance” comes much later with the coming of the other Messiah, Lord Jesus Christ. Uriah, like all of the Old Testament saints of old, died without receiving his full reward, and that is because God wanted him to wait. Uriah, like many of the Old Testament saints, was not delivered from the hands of the wicked. This is pointed out by the author of Hebrews:
ellauri156.html on line 620: 41 Is this, by any chance, a clue as to what the “present” was that David sent after Uriah in verse 8? Was the present some “food and drink”? I wonder. 42 Uriah’s actions raise some interesting questions about those who get themselves drunk. It seems to me that our text strongly implies that even drunk, a man cannot be forced to violate his convictions, unless of course he wants to do so. I wonder how many people get drunk because they want to do what they do drunk, and they think they can blame alcohol for their own sin? It seems like another version of, “The Devil made me do it.”
ellauri156.html on line 658: Psalm 32 is one of two psalms (the other is Psalm 51) in which David himself reflects on his sin, his repentance, and his recovery. Verses 3 and 4 of Psalm 32 are the focus of my attention at this point in time. These verses fit between chapters 11 and 12 of 2 Samuel. The confrontation of David by Nathan Zuckermann the prophet, described in 2 Samuel 12, results in David's repentance and confession. But this repentance is not just the fruit of Nathan's rebuke; it is also David's response to the work God has been doing in David's heart before he confesses, while he is still attempting to conceal his sin.
ellauri156.html on line 660: In these verses, David makes it clear that God is at work even when it does not appear to be so. During the time David tries to cover up his sin, God is at work exposing it in his heart. These are not times of pleasure and joy, as Satan would like us to conclude; they are days of misery. David is plagued with guilt. He cannot sleep, and it seems he cannot eat. Worst of all, he cannot fuck. He is not sleeping nights, and he is losing weight. Whether or not David recognizes it as God who is at work in him, he does know he is miserable. It is this misery which tenderizes David, preparing him for the rebuke Nathan Zuckermann is to bring, preparing him for repentance. David's repentance is not the result of David's assessment of his situation; it is the result of divine intervention. Hey wait? If that is the case, where is the much-advertised free will? He has gone so far in sin that he cannot think straight. God is at work in David's life to break him, so that he will once again cast himself upon God for grace. He has good experience in casting himself upon folk, from Saul thru Jonathan to Bathsheba.
ellauri156.html on line 722: Second, David recognizes what he views as the greater sin, and that is the rich man's total lack of compassion. David is furious because a rich man stole and slaughtered a poor man's pet. He does not yet see the connection to his lack of compassion for stealing a poor man's beloved companion, Uriah's wife, Bathsheba. The slaughtering of Uriah is most certainly an act which lacks compassion. The crowning touch in David's display of righteous indignation is the religious flavoring he gives it by the words, “as the Lord lives” (verse 5).
ellauri156.html on line 728: David has just sprung the trap on himself, and Nathan is about to let him know about it. The first thing Nathan does is to dramatically indict David as the culprit: “You are the man!” In stunned silence, David now listens to the charges against him. David thinks only in terms of the evils the rich man committed against his neighbor, stealing a man's sheep and depriving him of his companion. Put another way, David thinks only in terms of crime and socially unacceptable behavior, not in terms of sin. In verses 7-12, Nathan draws David's attention to his sin against God and the consequences God has pronounced for his sin. Note the repetition of the pronoun “I” in verses 7 and 8: “It was I who. . .
ellauri156.html on line 755: Nathan now proclaims the irreversible consequences to come upon David and his family due to his sin: Therefore the sword shall never depart from your house, because you have despised Us and have taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your wife. With an equally repetitive "I will":
ellauri156.html on line 766: The evil David commits against others is clear disobedience to the revealed Word of God. David is a “man after God's own heart,” and yet in this instance, David “despised the Word of the Lord.” While David does repent and the guilt of his sin is forgiven, these consequences will not be reversed. These consequences are just; they fit the crime David committed. He used the sword of the Ammonites to kill Uriah, and so the sword will not depart from his house. He took the wife of another man, and so his own wives will be taken by another, another from his own house.
ellauri156.html on line 814: The Gospel of Jesus Christ is “Good News.” (No, it is Dog's breakfast. You must be thinking of euangelion.) The “Good News” is the death of our Lord, which reveals the immensity of our sin, is the immense workload of God by which he can and will forgive us of our sin. (Recall here Dosto's and many other mystics' meme that everybody should feel guilty of everything. They really enjoy it! It is some variant of algolagnia.) By His innocent and sacrificial death, Jesus died in our place, paid the penalty for our sins. Come to think of it, the logic of this story IS on all fours with God's judgment on David's oversight: Not nice but don't worry, I'll cash your debt on some innocent scapegoat.
ellauri158.html on line 46: The actual world, we might now say, is the only possible world. Events could not, in the strongest sense of that expression, have gone any differently than they in fact have gone. This is the position of necessitarianism, a belief that few in the history of Western philosophy have explicitly embraced. And for good reason — on the face of it, necessaritianism is highly counterintuitive. Surely the world could have gone slightly differently than it has gone. Couldn’t the Allies have lost WWII? No way! They were in the right! Couldn’t Leibniz have been a sister or not been born at all? Täähän on kuin Jaakko Hintikka versus Jon Barwise.
ellauri158.html on line 150: P. 1. prop. 2. Duae substantiae diversa attributa habentes nihil inter se commune habent. [in: P. 1. prop. 6., prop. 11., prop. 12., etiam in: Ep. 3. §. 4.]
ellauri158.html on line 158: P. 1. prop. 4. Duae aut plures res distinctae vel inter se distinguuntur ex diversitate attributorum substantiarum, vel ex diversitate earundem affectionum. [in: P. 1. prop. 5.]
ellauri158.html on line 334: P. 2. defin. 2. Ad essentiam alicuius rei id pertinere dico, quo dato res necessario ponitur et quo sublato res necessario tollitur; vel id, sine quo res, et vice versa quod sine re nec esse nec concipi potest. [in: P. 2. prop. 10., prop. 37., prop. 49.]
ellauri158.html on line 344: Tää on totuusmääritelmän vähän monisanaisempi versio.
ellauri158.html on line 387: The term was coined by the German philosopher Karl Krause in 1828 to distinguish the ideas of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770–1831) and Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling (1775–1854) about the relation of God and the universe from the supposed pantheism of Baruch Spinoza, after reviewing Hindu scriptures. Unlike pantheism, which holds that the divine and the universe are identical, panentheism maintains an ontological distinction between the divine and the non-divine and the significance of both. In panentheism, the universal spirit is present everywhere, which at the same time "transcends" all things created.
ellauri158.html on line 389: While pantheism asserts that "all is God", panentheism claims that God is greater than the universe. Some versions of panentheism suggest that the universe is nothing more than the manifestation of God. In addition, some forms indicate that the universe is contained within God, like in the Kabbalah concept of tzimtzum. Also much Hindu thought is highly characterized by panentheism and pantheism. The basic tradition on which Hantta Krause´s concept was built seems to have been Neoplatonic philosophy and its successors in Western philosophy and Orthodox theology.
ellauri158.html on line 497: ------- axiom. 1. Omnes modi, quibus corpus aliquod ab alio afficitur corpore, ex natura corporis affecti et simul ex natura corporis afficientis sequuntur; ita ut unum idemque corpus diversimode moveatur pro diversitate naturae corporum moventium, et contra ut diversa corpora ab uno eodemque corpore diversimode moveantur. [in: P. 2. prop. 16., prop. 24., P. 3. postul. 1., prop. 17. schol., prop. 51., prop. 57.]
ellauri158.html on line 505: -------- defin. Cum corpora aliquot eiusdem aut diversae magnitudinis a reliquis ita coercentur, ut invicem incumbant, vel si eodem aut diversis celeritatis gradibus moventur, ut motus suos invicem certa quadam ratione communicent, illa corpora invicem unita dicemus, et omnia simul unum corpus, sive individuum componere, quod a reliquis per hanc corporum unionem distinguitur. [in: P. 2. lem. 4., lem. 7., prop. 24., P. 4. prop. 39.]
ellauri158.html on line 521: ---- lem. 6. Si corpora quaedam individuum componentia motum, quem versus unam partem habent, aliam versus flectere cogantur, at ita, ut motus suos continuare possint, atque invicem eadam, qua antea, ratione communicare; retinebit itidem individuum suam naturam absque ulla formae mutatione.
ellauri158.html on line 525: ---- lem. 7. Retinet praeterea individuum sic compositum suam naturam, sive id secundum totum moveatur, sive quiescat, sive versus hanc, sive versus illam partem moveatur, dummodo unaquaeque pars motum suum retineat, eumque, uti antea, reliquis communicet. [in: P. 2. lem. 7. schol., P. 3. postul. 1.]
ellauri158.html on line 530: -- postul. 1. Corpus humanum componitur ex plurimis (diversae naturae) individuis, quorum unumquodque valde compositum est. [in: P. 2. prop. 15., prop. 24., P. 3. prop. 17. schol.]
ellauri158.html on line 692: All men are born ignorant of the causes of things, that all have the desire to seek for what is useful to them, and that they are conscious of such desire. Herefrom it follows, first, that men think themselves free inasmuch as they are conscious of their volitions and desires, and never even dream, in their ignorance, of the causes which have disposed them so to wish and desire. Secondly, that men do all things for an end, namely, for that which is useful to them, and which they seek. Thus it comes to pass that they only look for a knowledge of the final causes of events, and when these are learned, they are content, as having no cause for further doubt. If they cannot learn such causes from external sources, they are compelled to turn to considering themselves, and reflecting what end would have induced them personally to bring about the given event, and thus they necessarily judge other natures by their own. Further, as they find in themselves and outside themselves many means which assist them not a little in the search for what is useful, for instance, eyes for seeing, teeth for chewing, herbs and animals for yielding food, the sun for giving light, the sea for breeding fish, &c., they come to look on the whole of nature as a means for obtaining such conveniences. Now as they are aware, that they found these conveniences and did not make them, they think they have cause for believing, that some other being has made them for their use. As they look upon things as means, they cannot believe them to be self—created; but, judging from the means which they are accustomed to prepare for themselves, they are bound to believe in some ruler or rulers of the universe endowed with human freedom, who have arranged and adapted everything for human use. They are bound to estimate the nature of such rulers (having no information on the subject) in accordance with their own nature, and therefore they assert that the gods ordained everything for the use of man, in order to bind man to themselves and obtain from him the highest honor.
ellauri158.html on line 715: -- P. 2. prop. 40. schol. 1. Notiones communes, secundae, transcendentales, universales. [in: P. 3. prop. 55. schol., prop. 56., P. 4. prop. 27.]
ellauri158.html on line 747: -- P. 2. prop. 48. schol. Entia metaphysica sive universalia. [in: P. 2. prop. 49. coroll.]
ellauri158.html on line 752: -- P. 2. prop. 49. schol. De adversariorum obiectionibus. Quid haec doctrina a usum vitae conferat. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 14., aff. defin. 15., etiam in: TP cap. 2. art. 1.]
ellauri158.html on line 785: -- P. 3. prop. 13. coroll. Hinc sequitur quod mens ea imaginari aversatur, quae ipsius et corporis potentiam minuunt vel coercent. [in: P. 3. prop. 15. coroll., prop. 38.]
ellauri158.html on line 817: P. 3. prop. 29. Nos id omne etiam agere conabimur, quod homines cum laetitia aspicere imaginamur, et contra id agere aversabimur, quod homines aversari imaginamur. [in: P. 3. prop. 33., prop. 43., etiam in: TP cap. 7. art. 6.]
ellauri158.html on line 821: P. 3. prop. 31. Si aliquem imaginamur amare vel cupere vel odio habere aliquid, quod ipsi amamus, cupimus vel odio habemus, eo ipso rem constantius amabimus etc. Si autem id, quod amamus, eum aversari imaginamur, vel contra, tum animi fluctuationem patiemur. [in: P. 3. prop. 35., aff. defin. 44., P. 4. prop. 34. schol., prop. 37., P. 5. prop. 20.]
ellauri158.html on line 851: P. 3. prop. 46. Si quis ab aliquo cuiusdam classis, sive nationis a sua diversae, laetitia vel tristitia affectus fuerit, concomitante eius idea sub nomine universali classis vel nationis tanquam causa, is non tantum illum, sed omnes eiusdem classis vel nationis amabit vel odio habebit.
ellauri158.html on line 860: P. 3. prop. 51. Diversi homines ab uno eodemque obiecto diversimode affici possunt, et unus idemque homo ab uno eodemque obiecto potest diversis temporibus diversimode affici. [in: P. 4. prop. 33.]
ellauri158.html on line 890: Aversio
ellauri158.html on line 940: P. 3. aff. defin. 9. Aversio est tristitia concomitante idea alicuius rei, quae per accidens causa est tristitiae.
ellauri158.html on line 990: P. 4. defin. 5. Per contrarios affectus intelligam eos, qui hominem in diversum trahunt, quamvis eiusdem sint generis, ut luxuries et avaritia, quae amoris sunt species; nec natura, sed per accidens sunt contrarii.
ellauri158.html on line 1021: P. 4. prop. 17. Cupiditas, quae oritur ex vera boni et mali cognitione, quatenus haec circa res contingentes versatur, multo adhuc facilius coerceri potest cupiditate rerum, quae praesentes sunt.
ellauri158.html on line 1025: P. 4. prop. 19. Id unusquisque ex legibus suae naturae necessario appetit vel aversatur, quod bonum vel malum esse iudicat. [in: P. 4. prop. 35., prop. 37., prop. 37. schol. 2., prop. 46., prop. 59.]
ellauri158.html on line 1038: P. 4. prop. 29. Res quaecumque singularis, cuius natura a nostra prorsus est diversa, nostram agendi potentiam nec iuvare nec coercere potest, et absolute res nulla potest nobis bona aut mala esse, nisi commune aliquid nobiscum habeat. [in: P. 4. prop. 31. coroll.]
ellauri158.html on line 1165: P. 5. prop. 9. Affectus, qui ad plures et diversas causas refertur, quas mens cum ipso affectu simul contemplatur, minus noxius est, et minus per ipsum patimur, et erga unamquamque causam minus afficimur, quam alius aeque magnus affectus, qui ad unam solam vel pauciores causas refertur. [in: P. 5. prop. 20. schol.]
ellauri159.html on line 59:
Different religious traditions divide the seventeen verses of version=nrsv">Exodus 20:1–17 and their parallels in version=nrsv">Deuteronomy 5:4–21 into ten commandments in different ways, shown in the table below. Some suggest that the number ten is a choice to aid memorization rather than a matter of theology.
ellauri159.html on line 417:
A: Augustine follows the Talmud in combining verses 3–6, but omits the prologue as a commandment and divides the prohibition on coveting in two and following the word order of Deuteronomy 5:21 rather than Exodus 20:17.
Sharing what’s valuable in life means not just giving away material goods, but also time, attention, wisdom and energy — the things that create a strong, rich and diverse community.
ellauri159.html on line 703: Hospitality simply means going out of your way to cater for putative angels, e.g by hosting meals, etc.). While not as seemingly glorious as other knightly traits like strength, honor, and gallantry, hospitality ranks as one of the key traits of knighthood. We need to do the same for others, particularly for those in the family of believers (Galatians 6:10). LOL this was clearly written by a family member.
ellauri159.html on line 707: Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.
ellauri159.html on line 711: Most definitions of courtesy will include simple action terms, such as “displaying polished manners” or “showing respect for others.” More elaborate definitions may describe courtesy as “sophisticated conversation and intellectual skill.” The original term comes from the twelfth century term courteis, which meant “gentle politeness” and “courtly manners.” Regardless of which definition makes the most sense to you, courtesy is something you must see in action—it is not a trait like humility that can just be held internally. Se on tollasta ilmaista uhrimieltä.
ellauri159.html on line 718: The knightly trait of gratitude includes both being grateful in diverse circumstances as well as expressing gratitude to God (cheap) and other good guys (more expensive). Toward the latter part of the medieval knight era (the fourteenth to sixteenth centuries), many knights acquired wealth and power and developed relationships with royalty. This wealth and friendship with the king’s court brought feasting and abundance in many ways. In fact, part of a squire’s training as a knight was "learning how to serve his Lord at meals and kick out the beggars". Nihti osoitti näin kiitollisuutta kinkulle, ja kinkku oli kiitollinen sille. Kaikki olivat kiitollisia. Ne ainakin joista oli väliä.
ellauri159.html on line 900: ESTJs are industrious traditionalists whose extroversion often leads them to take charge of situations. They are generally pragmatic and like things to be organized and clear. They are driven by a need to analyze and bring order to the world. ESTJ writers include Amy Chua, E.L. James, Dr. Phil McGraw, Tom Clancy, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Bill O’Reilly, Billy Graham, and Sonia Sotomayor. Learn more about how ESTJs write here.
ellauri159.html on line 994: E: Extraversion preferred to introversion
ellauri159.html on line 997: I: Introversion preferred to extraversion
ellauri159.html on line 1027: Express your beliefs with a strong voice and conversational tone. They are unlikely to include any personally revealing information, however. State yourr position, then back it up with concrete facts.
ellauri159.html on line 1109: Develop their ideas by talking to others, so you can make them your own. To capture the conversation, use a voice recorder or ask the other person to take notes. Otherwise, you may not understand a good idea in the moment, or you may forget about it before you get a chance to write it down. Remember you are lucky to get to laugh at each joke 3 times.
ellauri159.html on line 1177: You draw inspiration from being a know-it-all and educating people. You tend to read extensively and to collect words they consider particularly apt, like David Wallace. If their writing project involves others, you often take a leadership role, and repeat the word 'actually' in everybody´s face. You may also beep like a truck on reverse. You thrive in a harmonious atmosphere where everyone respects your opinion. Having a strong need to feel in control of your projects, you want to work in a cooperative environment conducive to driving a project to completion.
ellauri159.html on line 1181: Naturally you adopt a preceptorial conversational tone in your writing. You often use imaginative and hyperbolic language to illustrate a point like 'smoking kills'. You have a talent for seizing on subtleties and choosing the exact word to convey a not so subtle idea. You always consider how your writing affects their audience. You notice if your audience is passing notes behind your back.
ellauri159.html on line 1203: You tend to communicate passionately about your beliefs. You tend to start writing before finishing research on life, the universe, and everything, wanting to commit your half-baked insights to paper. Be sure to gather enough data to support your position, and include alternative facts for balance. This is one arena where it may be healthy to indulge your perfectionist tendencies. Get the facts right enough to maintain plausibility.
ellauri159.html on line 1211: Niin totta, samat ärsyttävät piirteet jotka pani merkille jo suhteen alussa ärsyttävät yhä. Mut vittu, antaa ärsyttää, mix kaiken pitäisi mennä kuin fully interlocking pieces palapelissä, tai jossain Strömsössä. Antaa ärsyttää, ize on kuitenkin vähintään yhtä ärsyttävä, todennäköisesti HUOMATTAVASTI ärsyttäväpikin. Eihän tässä olla mitään koirarotua kehittämässä, tää on mendelöintiä, edistetään biodiversiteettiä. On vaan hyvä että eri ärsyttävyydet sekottuvat keskenään, lapsista tulee sitten ärsyttäviä kaikilla niillä eri tavoilla.
ellauri159.html on line 1246: You’re rarely at a loss for wacky ideas. While many people struggle to find a topic, you may have difficulty limiting yourself to just one. You may enjoy exploring controversial subjects or devising clever solutions to problems. You have fun playing with different possibilities, and see where they lead you. To classroom corner or to prison most likely.
ellauri159.html on line 1252: You are motivated by a desire to innovate. You tend to seek a unique approach even to ordinary topics. Conversely, you tend to be good at making complex subjects simple and interesting ones boring. Stay focused, and let your desire to prove your competence and ingenuity drive you forward until the project is complete. Dont run around like the crazy fox in Kamalat eläimet (Awful Animals). Your medical diagnosis is ADHD.
ellauri159.html on line 1349: He was born in 1832 and lived for eighty-six years. During that time he wrote much, but unsystematically. His favorite form of publication was letters to newspapers, mainly local newspapers with a small circulation. These letters dealt with an astonishing diversity of subjects, from local petty politics or the tricks of spiritualist mediums to principles of industry and finance and profundities of metaphysics.
ellauri159.html on line 1357: Blood died in Amsterdam, New York. His final work, Pluriverse, was published posthumously. The morale of his most famous interminable poem was this:
ellauri159.html on line 1395: Rationality means fluent thinking, 63. Simplification, 65. Clearness, 66. Their antagonism, 66. Inadequacy of the abstract, 68. The thought of nonentity, 71. Mysticism, 74. Pure theory cannot banish wonder, 75. The passage to practice may restore the feeling of rationality, 75. Familiarity and expectancy, 76. 'Substance,' 80. A rational world must appear {xvi} congruous with our powers, 82. But these differ from man to man, 88. Faith is one of them, 90. Inseparable from doubt, 95. May verify itself, 96. Its rôle in ethics, 98. Optimism and pessimism, 101. Is this a moral universe?—what does the problem mean? 103. Anaesthesia versus energy, 107. Active assumption necessary, 107. Conclusion, 110.
ellauri159.html on line 1423: The unclassified residuum, 299. The Society for Psychical Research and its history, 303. Thought-transference, 308. Gurney's work, 309. The census of hallucinations, 312. Mediumship, 313. The 'subliminal self,' 315. 'Science' and her counter-presumptions, 317. The scientific character of Mr. Myers's work, 320. The mechanical-impersonal view of life versus the personal-romantic view, 324.
ellauri160.html on line 96: – Pound keksi cantojen myötä tavallaan hypertekstin. Cantoja olisi ehkä kaikkein kätevin lukea linkitettynä nettiversiona.
ellauri160.html on line 130: In 1897, aged 12, he transferred to Cheltenham Military Academy (CMA), where he wore an American Civil War-style uniform and was taught drilling and how to shoot. The following year he made his first trip overseas, a three-month tour with his mother and Aunt Frank, who took him to England, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, and Morocco. He attended CMA until 1900, at times as a boarder, but it seems he did not graduate.
ellauri160.html on line 132: In 1901 Pound was admitted, aged 15, to the University of Pennsylvania's College of Liberal Arts. Years later he said his aim was to avoid drill at the military academy. His one distinction in first year was in geometry, but otherwise his grades were mostly poor, including in Latin, his major; he achieved a B in English composition and a pass in English literature. In his second year he switched from the degree course to "non-degree special student status", he said "to avoid irrelevant subjects". He was not elected to a fraternity at Penn, but it seemed not to bother him.
ellauri160.html on line 186: BTW, Dolly Shakespeare didn't like Eliza Doolittle and vice versa, not surprisingly.
ellauri160.html on line 217: English poets such as Maurice Hewlett, Rudyard Kipling, and Alfred Tennyson had made a particular kind of Victorian verse—stirring, pompous, propagandistic and popular. According to modernist scholar James Knapp, Pound rejected the idea of poetry as "versified moral essay"; he wanted to focus on the individual experience, the concrete rather than the abstract.
ellauri160.html on line 223: While in custody in Italy, Pound began work on sections of The Cantos that were published as The Pisan Cantos (1948), for which he was awarded the Bollingen Prize for Poetry in 1949 by the Library of Congress, causing enormous controversy. After a campaign by his fellow writers, he was released from St. Elizabeths in 1958 and lived in Italy until his death in 1972. His economic and political views have ensured that his life and work remain controversial. He is popular with the alt-right but his opinions about usury forever condemn him in the circles of New York money liberals.
ellauri160.html on line 314: Francis Fukuyama was born in the Hyde Park neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois, United States. His paternal grandfather fled the Russo-Japanese War in 1905 and started a shop on the west coast before being interned in the Second World War. His father, Yoshio Fukuyama, a second-generation Japanese American, was trained as a minister in the Congregational Church, received a doctorate in sociology from the University of Chicago, and taught religious studies. His mother, Toshiko Kawata Fukuyama (河田敏子), was born in Kyoto, Japan, and was the daughter of Shiro Kawata (河田嗣郎), founder of the Economics Department of Kyoto University and first president of Osaka City University. Francis grew up in Manhattan as an only child, had little contact with Japanese culture, and did not learn Japanese.
ellauri160.html on line 316: Fukuyama received his Bachelor of Arts degree in classics from Cornell University, where he studied political philosophy under Allan Bloom. He initially pursued graduate studies in comparative literature at Yale University, going to Paris for six months to study under Roland Barthes and Jacques Derrida but became disillusioned and switched to political science at Harvard University. There, he studied with Samuel P. Huntington and Harvey Mansfield, among others. He earned his Ph.D. in political science at Harvard for his thesis on Soviet threats to intervene in the Middle East. In 1979, he joined the global policy think tank RAND Corporation. Eli vittua se mikään simpanssitutkija oli, Ellei sitten tutkinut omaa napanöyhtää, kun on ilmetyn bonobon näkönenkin. Kokeili taskuaan ja kaikki oli tallella, kelpas hymyillä.
ellauri160.html on line 633: Within the center is the Adversary form of Samael – Asmodeus. The Cabalists compose Samael as being the Devil of the Tarot, and Asmodeus as a bestial man in a crouching position. The “Rosh Satanim” or “Head of Devils” whose elixir is “Sain ha-mawet”, the poison begetting life in both darkness and light. The “Angel of Death” who is Samael is indeed Ahriman or Satan, the Adversary along with his Bride, Lilith or Az. Asmodeus is a Son of Samael/Ahriman whose consort is a younger daughter of Lilith. Aeshma/Asmodeus is a powerful spirit who manifests in matter through the individual whose path is of the fallen ones.
ellauri161.html on line 69: Henkilökohtaisen ja myönteisen apologeettisen katsauksen jälkeen on aika tehdä Nyölénille dogmaattinen läpivalaisu. Nyölén katsoo olevansa "oikeaoppinen kristitty", minkä mittapuuksi hän asettaa apostolisen uskontunnustuksen (kz albumia 43) jonka hän nielee mukisematta. Tästä olen iloinen, sillä apostolinen uskontunnustus oli minullekin ratkaisevassa asemassa, kun aikanaan kamppailin dogmatiikan sokkeloissa (ja kamppailen yhä). Tutkiessani kirkkoisä Irenaeusta, joka oli apostoli Johanneksen opetuslapsen opetuslapsi, löysin apostolisen regula fidein, uskon säännön tai totuuden mittapuun, jonka kodifioituna versiona apostolista credoa voi pitää.
ellauri161.html on line 514: If the super-rich were the main objects of McKay's wrath, he also was determined to get his digs in at some less important adversaries including climate change deniers along with all the vacuous adherents of addictive social media platforms.
ellauri161.html on line 535: Another propaganda film by Netflix! Toolong, slow, and full of annoying overuse scene! Not recommended! Entire film full of boring conversation, and annoying overuse scene! Such as, overuse of the walking scene, overuse of the arguing scene, overuse of the calling names scene, overuse of the kissing scene, overuse of the staring scene, overuse of the driving scene, overuse of the eating scene, overuse of the drinking scene, overuse of the smoking scene, overuse of the taking pill scene, overuse of the singing scene, overuse of the song playing at the background scene, overuse of the watching video scene, overuse of the tweeting scene, overuse of the making speech scene, overuse of the blackout scene, overuse of the talking on the phone scene, and overuse of the interviewing scene!
ellauri161.html on line 553: Like: the way he delivers it makes it feel like a line he made up, but it has such poor timing it isn’t funny. Sadly, the entire performance feels that way.
ellauri161.html on line 562: This is the darkest of dark comedies, and it covers many topics, including the continued decimation of our planet, our over-reliance on tech, our soul-killing obsession with social media, and the crazy space-race programs created by billionaire men. McKay’s brutal satire takes no prisoners, eviscerates political extremists and lemmings, and basically says we are all fucked if we continue on this current course—with or without an apocalyptic comet hurtling toward Earth
ellauri161.html on line 671: For the majority of the film (not Talladega, the new one), we’re bouncing from one republican caricature to the next. Streep is a female version of Donald Trump. Jonah Hill is a fratty version of Donald Trump Jr. Mark Rylance is a right-wing version of Tim Cook. (What a joke, he's way too poor.) And Ron Perlman is a red-eyed version of General Turgidson. When General Turgidson wonders aloud what kind of name "Strangelove" is, saying to Mr. Staines (Jack Creley) that it is not a "Kraut name", Staines responds that Strangelove's original German surname was Merkwürdigliebe ("Strange love" in German) and that "he changed it when he became a citizen". A kike anyway, by the name.
ellauri161.html on line 828: D´après Raïssa Maritain, la conversion de Léon Bloy doit beaucoup à Ernest Hello ; on trouve de nettes traces de son influence dans le Journal d´un curé de campagne de Georges Bernanos et dans l´exégèse biblique de Paul Claudel ; Henri Michaux le reconnaît également comme l´une de ses sources.
ellauri161.html on line 912: Avec quelques frères de Chambéry, il fonde en 1778, la loge réformée écossaise de « La Sincérité », qui dépend du directoire écossais dont l'âme est Jean-Baptiste Willermoz (1730-1824), disciple de Joachim Martinès de Pasqually. Il est reçu chevalier bienfaisant de la Cité Sainte sous le nom de eques Josephus a Floribus (ce surnom fait allusion aux fleurs de souci de ses armoiries). On retrouve dans son œuvre les enseignements de la maçonnerie : providentialisme, prophétisme, réversibilité des peines, etc. ; hautement investi dans la vie de cette société initiatique, à la veille du Convent de Wilhelmsbad (1782), il fait d'ailleurs parvenir à Jean-Baptiste Willermoz son célèbre Mémoire au duc de Brunswick. Il entretient par ailleurs une amitié avec Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, pour lequel il avait une vive admiration, se faisant fort, disait-il, « de défendre en tous points l'orthodoxie », d'où son attrait pour le martinisme.
ellauri161.html on line 919: Dans une intervention au souverain Sénat de Savoie, le sénateur de Maistre plaide pour que le peuple marche à grands pas vers l'égalité civile[9]. Toutefois, il déplore les excès populaires et les désordres qui bouleversent la vie du pays voisin. Certains biographes, dont Robert Triomphe[note 7], lui reprocheront ce qu'ils considèrent comme une volte-face.
ellauri161.html on line 923: Pendant cette période, en Russie, Joseph de Maistre est convaincu de prosélytisme religieux, sous l'influence des Jésuites. Il serait, dit-on, à l'origine de la conversion au catholicisme de la comtesse Rostopchine et de sa fille, la future comtesse de Ségur. Les Jésuites sont expulsés de Saint-Pétersbourg et de Moscou en 1815 et quitteront définitivement la Russie en 1820. Oppikohan se koskaan venättä? Tokkopa, tai ehkä vaan sanomaan "le bistrot!".
ellauri161.html on line 933: Si Jean-Jacques Rousseau s'accordait également à dire que la religion était nécessaire au corps politique, il rejetait en revanche le christianisme comme étant ennemi de la république. Chez Joseph de Maistre, à l'inverse, la religion chrétienne est la plus adaptée, car elle soutient parfaitement la monarchie et se base sur la tradition, sans laquelle il est impossible que soit fondée une religion. Or, la monarchie est elle-même le régime politique le plus adapté : comme il l'affirme dans ses Considérations sur la France, la monarchie est un équilibre qui s'est constitué au fil de l'histoire. C'est un régime tempéré mais fort, et qui ne tend pas, selon lui, vers la violence, à l'inverse de la république qu'il voit comme un régime déséquilibré et instable. De plus, la monarchie est le régime qui respecte le plus ce qu'il considère comme un fait naturel : à savoir l'inégalité entre les hommes, que la monarchie intègre dans son organisation, et qui est relativisée grâce à l'égalité de tous dans leur assujettissement au roi. Pour Joseph de Maistre, la république y substitue une égalité utopique, qui ne prend pas en compte la véritable nature de l'Homme. Car ce dernier doit vivre en société, et toute société doit être structurée autour d'une hiérarchie, ce qui justifie donc l'existence d'ordres dans la société.
ellauri161.html on line 936: Joseph de Maistre eut également une postérité à la fois plus spirituelle et plus littéraire, via plusieurs auteurs qu'il influença considérablement : Honoré de Balzac, mais surtout Charles Baudelaire (par exemple dans ses poèmes Correspondances ou Réversibilité), Antoine Blanc de Saint-Bonnet, Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly et Ernest Hello, lesquels ont marqué ensuite toute la littérature catholique du XXe siècle - de Léon Bloy, Bernanos et Paul Claudel jusqu'à Marc-Edouard Nabe. Sans oublier Léon Tolstoï, notamment dans La Guerre et la Paix. Wauzi wauz, tässäpä jäbässä on paxulti pahaa vettä salaliittoteoristien myllyyn!
ellauri161.html on line 939: La réversibilité des mérites est cette doctrine qui affirme que les mérites des uns peuvent bénéficier aux autres. Pour le dire dans un langage peut-être plus accessible, cela signifie que la sainteté des uns peuvent bénéficier aux autres. Tää oli anekaupan perusteluna. Sama idea kuin päästökaupassa. Pyhixiltä on jäänyt niin paljon yli armoa, että sitä voi sovitusta hinnasta myydä rikkaalle syntiselle taivasevääxi. Tavoitteena hiilineutraalius tai suorastaan hiilinegatiivisuus.
ellauri161.html on line 941: XLIV - Réversibilité Päästökauppoja ellauri161.html on line 982: Ses études au lycée de Périgueux sont médiocres : retiré de l´établissement en classe de quatrième, il continue sa formation sous la direction de son père, qui l´oriente vers l´architecture. Bloy commence à rédiger un journal intime, s´essaie à la littérature en composant une tragédie, Lucrèce, et s´éloigne de la religion. En 1864, son père lui trouve un emploi à Paris, il entre comme commis au bureau de l´architecte principal de la Compagnie ferroviaire d´Orléans. Médiocre employé, Bloy rêve de devenir peintre et s´inscrit à l´École des beaux-arts. Il écrit ses premiers articles, sans toutefois parvenir à les faire publier, et fréquente les milieux du socialisme révolutionnaire et de l´anticléricalisme.
ellauri161.html on line 984: Siis varsin keskinkertainen kaveri. Sitten se tapaa ton Barbapapan, joka käännyttää sen takaisin äitikirkkoveneeseen. En décembre 1868, il fait la connaissance de Jules Barbey d´Aurevilly, qui habite en face de chez lui, rue Rousselet (Léon Bloy habite au numéro 24h). C´est l´occasion pour lui d´une profonde conversion intellectuelle, qui le ramène à la religion catholique, et le rapproche des courants traditionalistes. C´est Barbey qui le familiarise avec la pensée du philosophe Antoine Blanc de Saint-Bonnet, « une des majestés intellectuelles de ce siècle », dira Bloy plus tard. Par la suite, Ernest Hello eut également une très forte influence sur lui ; il semble même que ce soit lui qui l´ait incité à écrire.
ellauri161.html on line 1118: Discover the power of SwordSearcher: A complete Bible study package, with thousands of tropical and pedophilic entries all linked to verses, designed for meaningful Bible study.
ellauri161.html on line 1133: A man from his parish demands a full service funeral for his wife and says he will not pay for it. He confers with the priest of Torcy. The girls of the catechism class laugh at him in a prank, whereby only one of them pretends to know the Scriptural basis of the Eucharist so that the rest of them can laugh at their private conversation. His colleagues criticize his diet of bread and wine, and his ascetic lifestyle. "Concerned" about Chantal, the daughter of the Countess, the priest visits the Countess at the family chateau, and appears to help her resume communion with God after a period of doubt. The Countess dies during the following night, and her daughter spreads false rumors that the priest´s harsh words had tormented her to death. Refusing confession, Chantal had previously spoken to the priest about her hatred of her parents.
ellauri162.html on line 59: Kirjailijahko Antti Nylénin fetissikirja on J.A. Hollolle kuulunut Liddell & Scottin muinaiskreikka-englanti-sanakirja, joka toimi hänen talismaaninaan kääntäjäuran alkupuolella. Haha, kuvasta näkee että se on vaan se taskukirjaversio jonka ostin izekin perusopiskelijana. Sehän on vaan kirjanen. Mulla on se isokin, traagisesti oman käden kautta kuolleen Unto Remexen kappale jonka sain halvalla sen leskeltä. Plus Callen vanha Bülowin sanakirjan ruozinnos 1800-luvulta. Olen selvästi tässä kohin parempi, vaikka valitettavasti paljon vanhempi.
ellauri162.html on line 150: Le 31 juillet 1933, en se rendant d´Avallon — où l´un de ses enfants est pensionnaire — à Montbéliard, il est renversé par la voiture d´un instituteur en retraite qui lui barre le passage : le garde-boue lui entre dans la jambe, la même où il a été blessé en 14-18. Ouch!
ellauri162.html on line 162: Convaincu que le monde moderne est une « conspiration contre toute espèce de vie intérieure », il y dénonce « la dépossession progressive des États au profit des forces anonymes de l’Industrie et de la Banque, cet avènement triomphal de l’argent, qui renverse l’ordre des valeurs humaines et met en péril tout l’essentiel de notre civilisation ».
ellauri162.html on line 226: Artaux Pas si Mauvais naquit en 1942 dans un camion, en plein emigration face aux forces soviétiques, durant la Guerre de Continuation ; sa famille, fuyant les combats, est chassée par l´armee sovietique vers la Norvège, puis la Suède et la Laponie finlandaise. Pas si Mauvais qui signifie en finnois « prison de pierre » est un nom inventé par son père né Gullstén (Pierre d´or) pour « finniser », comme beaucoup de Finlandais, un patronyme à consonance suédoise (à l´instar des personnes inspirées par le mouvement fennomane).
ellauri162.html on line 363: Traversé çà et là par de brillants soleils ; Josta kirkkaat auringot joskus pilkotti;
ellauri162.html on line 391: Toinen tertsetti - Kategorinen kieltäminen. Toinen tercet tarjoaa kategorisen kieltämisen, joka ilmaistaan kahdessa vaiheessa: Kärsimyksen ilmaus: jakeen 12 ensimmäinen hemistich on kaksinkertainen epätoivon huuto, ehkä antava kutsumus ("Oi kipu! Voi tuskaa! »). Ajan ahmiva ja korjaamaton toiminta: aika rinnastetaan hirviöön: se nimetään lopulta jakeessa 12, kun se oli kaikkialla läsnä vuodenaikojen metaforassa ja sitten nimetty perifraasilla ("hämärä vihollinen", jae 13), joka vaatii vihamielisyyttään ja toimintansa piilotettua luonnetta. Runon on tarkoitus olla universaali, koska jakeen 13 henkilökohtainen pronomini "me" kattaa kaikki ihmiset. Ajan toiminta, joka ilmaistaan realististen ja kauheiden kuvien muodossa ("syö elämää", "syö sydämessä") esitetään tuhoisan loisen vaikutuksena.
ellauri162.html on line 451: "Lopullisen lopun tiedostaminen antaa näkökulman, merkityxen ja jopa toivoa. Se antaa meidän paradoxaalisesti ottaa etäisyyttä jokapäiväisiin huoliimme ja elää täydemmin tässä hetkessä." Tämä myöntää Andrew Pontzenkin: "Maailman loppuminen saa minut hetkexi surullisexi", hän sanoo. "Sitten alan hyvin nopeasti murehtia globaaleja ongelmia joita apinalla on tällä hetkellä. Ajattelen että jotain rajaa. Olemme nyt paljon pahemmassa jamassa kuin universumin lämpökuolema. Se lohduttaa."
ellauri162.html on line 634: University of Science and Technology Liaoning
ellauri162.html on line 670: Hallitus piti minua ilmeisesti silmällä sillä äkisti sain käskyn ilmoittautua kutsunnoissa. Tiesin täsmällisesti mitä se merkitsi: minun olisi vietettävä kaksi tai kolme vuotta maalaisten joukossa, kaikenkarvaisten kovanaamojen ja hurjimusten kanssa, lukemiseen ja kirjoittamiseen ei jäisi aikaa, joka päivä lukemattomia loukkauksia ja kaikki jotta voisin muutaman vuoden kuluttua antaa henkeni isänmaalle. Mutta onko juutalaisilla isänmaata? Noin kymmenen yksi toista vuotta sitten veljeni Joshua oli saanut samanlaisen vaatimuksen uhrata henkensä isänmaansa Venäjän puolesta. Siinä välissä Puolasta oli tullut Saksan osa ja hän oli vähällä joutua palvelemaan saksalaista isanmaata. Tässä minun on oltava suora ja sanottava että vaikka Puola olisi ollut juutalainen kansakunta, minulla ei olisi ollut pienintäkään tarvetta tulla sotilaaksi. Minulle kasarmi merkitsi huomattavasti kovempaa rangaistusta kuin vankila. Juokseminen, hyppiminen, marssiminen ja ampumi nen olisi minulle sietämätön kärsimys ja vielä pahempaa olisi ihmisten joukossa oleminen. Aivan samalla tavalla kuin toiset vaativat jatkuvasti seuraa minä tarvitsin yksinäisyyttä. Koko maailmankuvani edellytti eristymistä, lupaa ja etuoikeutta pysyä erillään muista, aikaa jatkaa tutkailujani ja vaalia kallisarvoista vastarannan kiiskeyttäni. Vasemmistolehdistä ja kirjailijaklubin kommunistien ja heidän myötäjuoksijoittensa kuuntelemisesta tiesin että vasemmistolaisuus halusi poistaa yksityisyyden lopullisesti ja luoda sen sijaan täydellisen yhteisyyden ja yhteisomistuksen He puhuivat koko ajan ällöistä massoista, mutta minun luonteeni vaati vapautta olla yksin niin pitkään ja niin usein kuin halusin. Hederin käyminen päivästä toiseen oli minulle taakka enkä liioin jaksanut ješivaa. En usko että olisin jaksanut kauan yliopistossa. Olisin voinut olla räätäli tai yxin verstaassaan työskentelevä suutari, mutta kuollaksenikaan en olisi voinut työskennellä tehtaassa. On tarpeen lisätä, että vaikka minulla oli vahva veto rakkauteen ja sukupuolisuuteen, olin pysynyt sairaalloisen kainona. Mutta ai että panetti siltikin aivan hemona .
ellauri162.html on line 715: Problème insoluble: rétablir le Pauvre dans son droit, sans l'établir dans la puissance. Et s'il arrivait, par impossible, qu'une dictature impitoyable, servie par une armée de fonctionnaires, d'experts, de statisticiens, s'appuyant eux mêmes sur des millions de mouchards et de gendarmes, réussissait à tenir en respect, sur tous les points du monde à la fois, les intelligences carnassières, les bêtes féroces et rusées, pour gain, race d'hommes qui vit de l'homme car sa perpétuelle convoitise de l'argent n'est sans doute que la forme hypocrite, ou peut-être inconsciente de l'horrible, de l'inavouable faim qui la dévore - le dégoût viendrait vite de l'aurea mediocritas ainsi érigée en règle universelle, et l'on verrait refleurir partout les pauvretés volontaires, ainsi qu'un nouveau printemps. Aucune société n'aura raison du Pauvre. Les uns vivent de la sottise d'autrui, de sa vanité, de ses vices. Le Pauvre, lui, vit de la charité. Quel mot sublime!
ellauri162.html on line 741: 1820 wurde er auch Aufseher der herzoglichen Kupferstichsammlung und des Münzkabinetts, die er jeweils neu katalogisierte. (Herttua: tulisitko kazelemaan ezauxiani Karlchen?) 1824 edierte er den Hermaphroditus des Antonio Beccadelli (Panormita), ein Werk der erotischen Literatur der Renaissance, und fügte zum Verständnis eine Schrift „De Figuris Veneris“ an. Dieses in Latein verfasste Handbuch der klassischen Erotologie versammelt und klassifiziert antike, aber auch frühneuzeitliche Stellungen, die in ihrer Gesamtheit die Vielfalt sexuellen Verhaltens realistisch beschreiben. Als solches ist es ein Standardwerk der Sexualwissenschaft.
ellauri162.html on line 743: 1827 wechselte Forberg nach Hildburghausen und wurde außerordentlicher Beisitzer der Fotzenpolizeiabteilung der herzoglichen Landesregierung. 1829 wurde er mit voller Besoldung in den Ruhestand versetzt. 1840 erschien sein „Lebenslauf eines Verschwollenen“. 1848 starb Forberg nach sechswöchiger Krankheit im Alter von 77 Jahren als Herzoglich Sachsen-Meiningischer Geheimer Kanzleirat in Hildburghausen.
ellauri162.html on line 772: Number 5 Myers is Associate Professor of Biology at the University of Minnesota, Morris, where he researches the developmental biology of zebrafish from an evolutionary perspective.
ellauri162.html on line 784: William Lane Craig (born August 23, 1949) is an American analytic philosopher, Christian theologian, Christian apologist, and author. He is Professor of Philosophy at Houston Baptist University and Research Professor of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology (Biolan University). Craig has updated and defended the Kalam cosmological argument for the existence of God. He has also published work where he argues in favor of the historical plausibility of the resurrection of Jesus. His study of divine aseity and Platonism culminated with his book God Over All. He is a Wesleyan theologian who upholds the view of Molinism and neo-Apollinarianism.
ellauri162.html on line 803: There are six stages to embryonic development, and the pharyngula stage is towards the middle. In the early stages of development there is significant diversity in the morphology of embryos, this diversity decreases over time till the pharyngula stage where they are most similar (often difficult for anyone but trained embryologist to differentiate), and finally in the last stages of development morphology diversifies again. It is hypothesized that the reason the pharyngula stage is so morphologically constrained is that this is the point where sequential activation of hox genes is initiated so any strong deviations from the developmental plan would lead to drastic changes in the final phenotype of the organism.
ellauri162.html on line 823: More importantly, Pharyngula can also refer to a blog written and posted by P.Z. Myers. See Pharyngula (blog). Pharyngula is a blog by atheist and evolutionist PZ Myers, who is a biologist and associate professor at the University of Minnesota, Morris. Pharyngula was hosted 2005-2011 at Scienceblogs in full, and 2011-present, in part. Since 2011, Pharyngula has been hosted at Freethought Blogs. The atheist biologist Massimo Pigliucci said of Myers and his blog audience, "one cannot conclude this parade without mentioning P.Z. Myers, who has risen to fame because of a blog where the level of nastiness (both by the host and by his readers) is rarely matched anywhere else on the Internet...".
ellauri162.html on line 837: We can’t say we weren’t warned about Alexa! Alexa is the name given to the voice that responds to your commands on the Amazon Echo device. In a recent post, I discussed the creepiness of having someone potentially listen to every conversation in its vicinity. As I understand it (not having one) the device is only supposed to be activated if you first say “Alexa” but apparently that is not the case. A family in Portland, Oregon reports that an Amazon Alexa device recorded a private conversation about hardwood floors and randomly sent it to a contact in Seattle. Danielle, who declined to provide her last name, told KIRO-TV that the contact called her family to tell them that their privacy was being compromised. Unplug your Alexa devices right now, the reportedly unnamed individual said, you’re being hacked.
ellauri163.html on line 57: Mitä kaikkea tuhrin tähän tilikirjaan jonka olin ostanut vanhojen tavaroiden kaupustelijan kärryiltä? Käyttäytymisohjeita, novellien, romaanien, näytelmien aiheita, ruumiillisen ja henkisen hygienian sääntöja jotka olin oppinut samaiselta Payot'lta; kaikenlaisia ajatelmia jotka saattoivat olla joko omiani tai jäänteitä lukemastani ja unohtamastani; eikä vähempää kuin uusi versioni kymmenexi käskyxi joita en saanut valmiiksi koska niistä puuttui juoni. Muistan tänäkin päivänä jotain näistä kymmenestä käskystä (joita kertyi minun käsissäni 12):
ellauri163.html on line 67: Ikävystyminen on kuolemaakin pahempaa. Voiko pitää hauskaa tekemättä pahaa muille? Tietystikään ei, Darwin opetti. Tiede taide tekniikka, jatkuva opettelu, some ja metaverse? Ei helvetti, Internetkin kuumentaa ilmaston. Pelkkä kuvaus ei riitä, tarvitaan jännitystä: sekavia tilanteita, aitoja ongelmia ja kriisejä. Niitä piisaa Pentateukissa!
ellauri163.html on line 347: Guest Aug 12 ´06#1: What does this verse mean?
ellauri163.html on line 396: Specifically, regarding the Hebrew term - shiloh (this term also appears spelled as - shilo in 11 of the 33 total instances in the Hebrew Bible), most of the ancient and modern explanations of this verse turn upon the Hebrew word itself.
ellauri163.html on line 398: The older Jewish versions and commentators (e.g., Septuagint, Targums, Saadyah, and RASHI) read this word without the letter - yod, as if written - sheloh, the archaic form for - shelo, his; or, as if it were a poetic form for - shalvah, peace. (Sama sana varmaan kuin ähläm sähläm, tai shaloom.)
ellauri163.html on line 531: Jules Payot, né le 10 avril 1859, mort le 30 janvier 1940 à Aix-en-Provence, est un pédagogue et universitaire français. Payot est né en 1859 à Chamonix. Il fut une figure de premier plan dans l´enseignement laïque et en 1907, il fut nommé recteur des académies de Chambéry et d´Aix-en-Provence.
ellauri163.html on line 638: Arvovalta on ensimmäinen enkeli, joka on noussut Pölystä. Hän hallitsee kirkkoa, sortoa ja uskonnollista instituutiota. Hän kertoi myöhemmin saapuville enkeleille, että hän loi heidät ja universumin, mutta tämä on valhe, tai no vaihtoehtoinen totuus. Vaikka hän on yksi trilogian kahdesta ensisijaisesta vastustajasta – lordi Asriel on hänen ensisijainen vastustajansa – hän pysyy taustalla; Hän näkyy vain merivaha kaukoputkessa (eli keltaisessa vakoilulasissa). Arvovalta on heikko ja siirtänyt suurimman osan valtuuksistaan sijaishallitsijalleen Metatronille. Hän on erittäin iäkäs, hauras ja naiivi. Kabbalan Metatronista on ollut puhetta jo toisaalla.
ellauri163.html on line 644: Metatron, Asrielin päävastustaja, oli raamatullisina aikoina ihminen, Eenokki, mutta myöhemmin hänet muutettiin enkeliksi. Viranomainen on osoittanut hänen heikentyneen terveytensä nimittämällä Metatronin hänen sijaishallitsijakseen. Agenttina Metatron on istuttanut monoteistiset uskonnot universumiin. Hän tulee alttiiksi Marisa Coulterin viettelevälle edistymiselle, joka pettää hänet houkuttelemalla hänet alamaailmaan kuolemaansa. Hän on sarjan tärkein vastustaja.
ellauri163.html on line 660: John Perry on Willin isä. Hän on tutkimusmatkailija maailmastamme, joka löysi portaalin Lyran maailmaan ja josta tuli shamaani, joka tunnetaan nimellä Stanislaus Grumman tai Jopari, hänen alkuperäisen nimensä korruptio. John Richard Perry (born 1943) is Henry Waldgrave Stuart Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Stanford University and Distinguished Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at the University of California, Riverside. He has made significant contributions to philosophy in the fields of philosophy of language, metaphysics, and philosophy of mind. He is known primarily for his work on situation semantics (together with Jon Barwise), reflexivity, indexicality, personal identity, and self-knowledge. Situation Semantics was a huge flop, which became obvious when Barwise died of the cancer of the colon.
ellauri163.html on line 688: Lyra, Iorek ja Roger matkustavat Huippuvuorille, jossa Asriel on jatkanut pölytutkimustaan maanpaossa. Hän kertoo Lyralle, että kirkko uskoo, että Pöly on synnin perusta, ja aikoo vierailla muissa universumeissa ja tuhota sen lähteen. Hän erottaa Rogerin dæmonistaan ympärileikkaamalla, tappaa hänet ja vapauttaa tarpeeksi energiaa luodakseen aukon rinnakkaisuniversumille. Lyra päättää pysäyttää Asrielin ja löytää Pölyn lähteen itselleen. Kunnioita isääsi ja äitiäsi, jotta kauan eläisit.
ellauri163.html on line 795: Näemme muita hyökkäyksiä hänen persoonaansa, mukaan lukien nuoret perverssit, jotka ryhtyvät paljastamaan sukuelimiään hänelle, kutsuen häntä Ratfaceksi. Pahinta on hänen kotielämänsä. Hänen äitinsä on kuolemaisillaan, hänen vastasyntynyt pikkuveljensä on välittämätön, ja hänen vanhempi veljensä ja isänsä (Paul Hebert) ovat bootleggereja, jotka toimittavat bootleggiä Louisa-baariin. Hänen isoveljensä jättää hänet huomiotta, ja hänen isänsä fyysisesti, emotionaalisesti ja suullisesti pahoinpiteli häntä. Elokuva liikkuu nopeasti vinjettien läpi, jotka maalaavat muotokuvan staattisesta merkityksettömyydestä ja epätoivosta hänen elämässään.
ellauri163.html on line 813: Hän vastustaa musiikinopettajansa kiusaamista, hän vastustaa naispuolisten luokkatovereidensa aivastuksia, hän ei anna isänsä hyväksikäytön vaikuttaa häneen, hän ei anna tyydytystä nuorille miespuolisille perversseille, jotka väläyttelevät häntä, ja hän vastustaa vain hieman Arsenea, vaikka yksin, yöllä, aikuisen miehen kanssa - tosiasia, joka jälleen viittaa siihen, että hiänen sukupuoliaktinsa hänen kanssaan ei ollut raiskaus, ja että hiänen alustavat protestinsa johtuivat yksinkertaisesti siitä, että hiänellä ei ollut aavistustakaan siitä, että välitöntä ylivaltaa voisi seurata ilostelu, koska oletamme, että hän oli neitsyt ja jolla oli vain katutason lapsen mytologia siitä, mitä sukupuoliakti oli.
ellauri163.html on line 868: Cette éducation lui permet de s´inscrire dans une double tradition culturelle, judaïque et classique. Il devient professeur et est notamment chargé des cours de pédagogie et de sciences sociales à l´université Bordeaux en 1887 puis il devient professeur de cette université en 1896. Jeune agrégé, il est envoyé en Allemagne, où il est marqué par le fonctionnement des universités allemandes, et par des philosophes sociaux qui s´intéressent au rôle de l´État moderne. Il devient docteur ès lettres en 1893. Molemmat kilpahakijat oli siis maaseutuyliopistomiehiä.
ellauri164.html on line 82: J’avais entrevu la conversion au bien et au bonheur, le salut. Puis-je décrire la vision, l’air de l’enfer ne souffre pas les hymnes ! C’était des millions de créatures charmantes, un suave concert spirituel, la force et la paix, les nobles ambitions, que sais-je ?
ellauri164.html on line 116: Je meurs de lassitude. C’est le tombeau, je m’en vais aux vers, horreur de l’horreur ! Satan, farceur, tu veux me dissoudre, avec tes charmes. Je réclame. Je réclame ! un coup de fourche, une goutte de feu.
ellauri164.html on line 236: Vuonna 1965 Veatch lähti IU: sta Northwestern Universityyn , jossa hän pysyi vuoteen 1973 asti. Sitten hän meni Georgetownin yliopistoon, jossa hän toimi filosofian laitoksen puheenjohtajana vuosina 1973–1976. Veatchilla oli myös vierailevia professoreita Colby Collegessa , Haverford Collegessa ja St. Thomasissa . Yliopisto . Vuonna 1983 hän jäi eläkkeelle Distinguished Professorina ja palasi Bloomingtoniin.
ellauri164.html on line 248: Jeff Veatch is a successful entrepreneur, businessman, community leader, and philanthropist. Over the course of his career, Jeff co-founded the IT staffing services firm Apex Systems, has been recognized as the Entrepreneur of the year by Ernst and Young, selected to the Philanthropic 50 by Washington Life magazine, served on the Board of Directors for ASGN Incorporated, sits on Board of Visitors for Virginia Tech, was a founding member of the effort to bring the Olympics to Washington DC, holds Board positions with Inova Health System, as well as other leadership and board positions throughout his community. Also, as an active philanthropic investor, he formed the Veatch Charities, which focuses on education, healthcare, and his community. Mr. Veatch is a 1993 graduate of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, earning a BS in Finance.
ellauri164.html on line 352: À chacun sa vérité (Così è (se vi pare), niin on jos siltä näyttää, en version originale), également titrée Chacun sa vérité en français, est une pièce de théâtre en trois actes de Luigi Pirandello tirée de la nouvelle La signora Frola ed il signor Ponza, suo genero et créée le 18 juin 1917 au Teatro Olimpia de Milan.
ellauri164.html on line 372: I blew through this novel myself, which in retrospect was somewhat of a grave mistake, as the book alternates between compelling and highly engaging dialogues to unrealistically long monologues which to me resemble a Rimbaud poem in translation than anything else, which is to say: hard to parse. That they got more than what they bargained for is what the ordinary reader will be struck by first when they read this. The complexity of each of the conversations cannot be overstated, which I think will inevitably result in readers just mechanically scanning the sentences rather than internalizing the arguments, with the final result being the great part of the novel sliding off like rain, leaving only vague impressions like it did with me unfortunately, but the parts that did affect me left me very humbled. And chiefly this impression will not be helped by another one of the defining features of the novel, which is its vagueness. It deliberately leaves a lot of key details unheard and leaves a lot to the ability to infer events by the reader. Though sometimes frustrating to a reader like me who reads history and biography, I recognize that it should be so for this novel, for the main conflict in it is a psychological one, so I wouldn't have it any other way.
ellauri164.html on line 374: For readers unfamiliar with the culture context of France between the two wars, it might be helpful to first watch Robert Bresson's movie of the same name which has been hailed as a masterpiece by such diverse critics as Ingmar Bergman and Jean-Luc Godard. I read the book first. After seeing the movie, I read the book a second time and got much more out of it. As Canadian and a native speaker of French, I can assure any Anglophone that the culture of France is at times very murky to the outsider who must at times go to extra efforts to fully enjoy French literature.
ellauri164.html on line 402: Unbelievable, lame, boring, melodramatic, but says some interesting stuff about language. For the protagonist, a priest writing a journal, literary creation is an act of resistance and subversion. The novel also contrasts human language with God's language in a self-reflective way that I have not often found in Christian novels. (less)
ellauri164.html on line 508: As mentioned earlier, we also know that Moses’ life was typological of the life of Christ. Like Christ, Moses was the mediator of a covenant. Christ too was a little recalcitrant, so he got crucified. Again, the author of Hebrews goes to great lengths to demonstrate this point (cf. Hebrews 3; 8—10). The Apostle Paul also makes the same points in 2 Corinthians 3. The difference is that the covenant that Moses mediated was temporal and conditional, whereas the covenant that Christ mediates is eternal and unconditional. Like Christ, Moses provided redemption for his people. Moses delivered the people of Israel out of slavery and bondage in Egypt and brought them to the Promised Land of Canaan. Christ delivers His people out of bondage and slavery to sin and condemnation and brings them to the Promised Land of eternal life on a renewed earth, like Azrael in the forthcoming third season of His Dark Materials. Like Christ he returns to consummate the kingdom He inaugurated at His first coming. Like Christ, Moses was a prophet to his people. Moses spoke the very words of God to the Israelites just as Christ did (John 17:8). Moses predicted that the Lord would raise up another prophet like him from among the people (Deuteronomy 18:15). Jesus and the early church taught and believed that Moses was speaking of Jesus when he wrote those words (cf. John 5:46, Acts 3:22, 7:37). In so many ways, Moses’ life is a precursor to the life of Christ. As such, we can catch a glimpse of how God was working His plan of redemption in the lives of faithful people throughout human history. This gives us hope that, just as God saved His people and gave them rest through the actions of Moses, so, too, will God save us and give us an eternal Sabbath rest in Christ, both now and in the life to come. But don't get your hopes too high, you may not be among the chosen after all.
ellauri164.html on line 550: 2. He spoke to the people, not with meekness and calm authority, but in heat and bitterness. "Ye rebels, must we fetch you water out of this rock?" Thus he "spake unadvisedly with his lips" (Psalm 106:33) instead of his stick. It is not difficult to understand how Moses should have so far forgotten himself on this occasion. Let the facts be weighed. The servant of the Lord is now 120 years old. The generation which sinned thirty-seven years ago, and was condemned to die in the wilderness, is nearly all gone. Moses is mortified to find that the new generation is infected with a touch of the same impatient unbelief which wrought in their fathers so much mischief. No sooner are they at a loss for water than they rise against Moses with rebellious murmurings. For once he loses command of himself. On all former occasions of the kind his meekness was unshaken; he either held his peace, or prayed for the rebels, or at most called on the Lord to be his Witness and Judge. Now he breaks out into bitter chidings. At the root of this there was a secret failure of faith. "Ye believed me not," - did not thoroughly rely on my faithfulness and power, - "to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel" (verse 12). His former meekness had been the fruit of faith. He had been thoroughly persuaded that the Lord who was with him could accomplish all he had promised, and therefore he faced every difficulty with calm and patient resolution. Now a touch of unbelief bred in him hastiness and bitterness of spirit.
ellauri164.html on line 552: Two lessons: 1. The failings of good men may be culpable in God's sight and displeasing to him out of all proportion to the degree of blameworthiness they present to our eye. So far is it from being true (as many seem to think) that believers' sins are no sins at all, and need give no concern, that, on the contrary, the Lord dislikes the stain of sin most when it is seen in his dear children. The case of Moses is not singular. Sins which the Lord overlooks in other men he will occasionally put some mark of special displeasure upon, when they are committed by one who is eminent for holiness and honourable service. It is, no doubt, a just instinct which leads all right-thinking people to be blind to the failings of good men who have been signally useful in their day. But if the good men become indulgent to their own faults they are likely to be rudely awakened to a sense of their error. The better a man is, his sins may be the more dishonouring to God. A spot hardly visible on the coat of a labouring man, may be glaringly offensive on the shining raiment of a throned king.
ellauri164.html on line 715: If there is any doubt this was Moses’s problem, this verse removes it: “because you broke faith with me in the midst of the people of Israel at the waters of Meribah-kadesh, in the wilderness of Zin, and because you did not treat me as holy in the midst of the people of Israel.” (Deut. 32:51 ESV)
ellauri164.html on line 725: Answer: Psalms 106:32-33 states that the people angered Moses at the waters of strife, that it went ill with Moses, and that he sinned with his mouth. The incident in question occurred in Numbers 20:7-13. Miriam had just passed on. The very next verse states that the people were complaining about the lack of water. This had happened many times during their wilderness experience. And like the other times, the people railed against Moses and Aaron, whining that they would have been better off if they had stayed in Egypt. Moses and Aaron responded by falling face down. They had also done this several times. Maybe they were tired of hearing the same old complaints, or maybe this was their posture of prayer. In any event, God responded quickly, telling Moses to speak to the rock in front of all the people. Water would come gushing out -- enough water for everyone.
ellauri164.html on line 871: This pattern shows itself again in the beginning of Numbers 20 after the death of Miriam. Once more Israel rebels against Moses and Aaron, this time over a lack of water in the desert of Zin. They claim that it would have been better to have died with Korah’s rebellion rather than wander without food and water, and they express regret over leaving Egypt, a land of “grain, figs, vines, and pomegranates.” This might seem a bold claim, since in our reading Korah has just died a few chapters earlier. Careful reading, however, indicates that there’s actually been a quiet time skip; Numbers 33:38 indicates that Aaron died in “the fortieth year after the sons of Israel had come from the land of Egypt, on the first day in the fifth month.” Given that Aaron’s death is recorded in Chapter 20, just a few verses after the episode at Meribah, this would indicate that the episode at Meribah occurred in year 38 of the 40 year wandering in the wilderness (remember that Israel had spent more than a year at Sinai in addition to travel time from Egypt to Sinai and from Sinai to the Promised Land before the wandering). This means that this rebellious generation of Israelites aren’t referencing a recent event, but instead wishing they had died nearly forty years earlier with Korah! Moses and Aaron have been dealing with this wicked and hard group of people for a very long time, and they are now claiming it would have been better to have died with Korah: a fate they were only spared because of Moses and Aaron’s own intercession!
ellauri164.html on line 873: We would expect the pattern to repeat here. The people have rebelled, so the next part would be God’s wrath and threats of destruction. Instead, however, God merely grants their request for water. No mention of sin or possible annihilation, just grace in providing for Israel’s needs. The fact that this cycle we’ve come to expect changes is designed to highlight an important event; the oddity of the text “awakens us from our narrative slumber,” as one commentator puts it, and forces us to pay attention closely to what’s occurring. Why would God not threaten destruction? To answer that, we have to remember a key aspect of God’s character: He does not change. Hebrews 13:8 says He is the same yesterday and today and forever, “without variation or shifting shadow,” (James 1:17). The purpose of the threats of destruction, and Moses/Aaron’s intercession, was not to actually change God’s mind. God knew exactly what was going to happen in all these instances. God’s threats on Israel are spoken to Moses so that Moses will intercede. They are tests of Moses’ (and Aaron’s) character, just as God’s conversation with Abraham over the fates of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18) was about testing Abraham’s character rather than the doomed cities. Yet here, in Numbers 20, God does not follow the pattern. Why?
ellauri164.html on line 875: This gets us back to the question of what, exactly, Moses’ sin was. Many commentators focus on the physical actions that Moses took in verses 9-11. Some say Moses sin was striking the rock rather than speaking to it, but Moses was told to take the staff of God. Exodus 17:5-6 had Moses striking the rock to cause water to come out of the rock (in fact, it’s actually the same rock of Meribah!), so it’s possible to read an inference that the staff was to be used to strike the rock. Some commentators see Moses’ harsh words for Israel as the sin, or perhaps that he speaks to the people rather than speaking to the rock. Regardless of which of these views, they don’t account for what the text itself says: Numbers 20:12 makes it clear that the sin of Moses and Aaron was “…you have not believed Me, to treat Me as holy in the sight of the sons of Israel.” Indeed, focusing on Moses’ actions of striking the rock or speaking harshly makes it seem doubly unfair to Aaron, who had neither spoken nor struck the rock.
ellauri164.html on line 896: But we know that the Rock from which they drank water is Christ. “And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.” 1 Corinthians 10:4. Psalms 78: 15–16 says “He clave the rocks in the wilderness, and game them drink as out of the great depths. He brought streams also out of the rock, and caused waters to run down like rivers.” Jesus Himself testifies to this by saying, “He that believeth on Me,” as the scriptures say, “out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” John 7:38
ellauri164.html on line 961: The very next verse says, “The community was without water . . . “(Num. 20:2).
ellauri164.html on line 977: God seems to be trying to wean the Israelites from one kind of perception to another: from dependence on the visible and tangible to reliance on speech in connecting with God. At Sinai, all their senses were engaged, but the revelation itself was auditory. When Moses retells and reframes the story (Deut. 4:12), he reminds the people, “The sound of words you did hear, but no image did you see except the sound.” There is a grave danger in relying on the visible. The word forimage in the verse above is temunah—the same word that is used in the Ten Commandments in the warning against idolatry (Exod. 20:4).
ellauri171.html on line 218: His father, Marcel Théodore Tissot, was not a watchmaker but a successful drapery merchant. He took part in losing the war of 1870 and in the Paris Commune. In 1885, Tissot had a revival of his Catholic faith, which led him to spend the rest of his life making paintings about Biblical events. Many of his artist friends were skeptical about his conversion, as it conveniently coincided with the French Catholic revival, a reaction against the secular attitude of the French Third Republic. They brought Tissot vast wealth and fame. Tissot spent the last years of his life in his chateau working on paintings of subjects from the Old Testament. Although he never completed the series, he exhibited 80 of these paintings in Paris in 1901 and engravings after them were published in 1904. In the first half of the 20th century, there was a re-kindling of interest in his portraits of fashionable ladies and some fifty years later, these were achieving record prices.
ellauri171.html on line 238: Mary's assumption turned out correct, after a long patriarchal controversy in the consile. The penetrator was Archangel Gabriel. ellauri171.html on line 625: Why is this story important at all for people without foreskins? In verse 1 we are told that a Levite had taken a concubine, a second class wife, for himself.
ellauri171.html on line 633: We are told that the concubine became a prostitute. Since we are told that she went to her father’s house, it may be that she and the Levite had an argument about her adultery before she fled. Verses 1 and 2 imply they were not happy together. Now before we find fault with the Levite and accuse him of using her as a mistress, read the next two verses.
ellauri171.html on line 695: Our eighth lesson reveals the twelve tribes were becoming more like the Canaanites, which were given to sexual perversion: homosexuality, rape, adultery, murder, lies, abuse of women, abduction, absence of justice and the defense of the guilty. What sins did we miss? In truth these are sufficient to demonstrate the utter moral decline of the twelve tribes and one tribe that was worse than the others.
ellauri171.html on line 735: The story appears twice in the Bible: a story version (Judges 4) and a song version (Judges 5), a victory poem.
ellauri171.html on line 787: Many Christians are born into poverty, having no choice in the matter. For example, faithful believers who love God and do all His commandments live in the poorer countries of the world. In fact, God has called many poor into His church. James the apostle asked, “Has God not chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him?” (James 2:5).
ellauri171.html on line 799: Until that day, God is continually searching the hearts of His people to know what is in them. He allows some Christians to be poor, even while other believers have wealth. What a Christian does in each circumstance is important to God. In the book of Revelation, the glorified Jesus Christ said to one of His churches, "I know your… poverty, but you are rich” (Revelation 2:9). That is, these Christians were poor in the wealth of this world, but were rich in faith toward God.
ellauri171.html on line 927: The palace economy of Mycenaean Greece, the Aegean region and Anatolia that characterized the Late Bronze Age disintegrated, transforming into the small isolated village cultures of the Greek Dark Ages, which lasted from around 1100 BCE to the beginning of the Archaic age around 750 BCE. The Hittite Empire of Anatolia and the Levant collapsed, while states such as the Middle Assyrian Empire in Mesopotamia and the New Kingdom of Egypt survived but were considerably weakened. Conversely, some peoples such as the Phoenicians enjoyed increased autonomy and power with the waning military presence of Egypt and Assyria in the Levant.
ellauri171.html on line 981: She represents a view of womanhood that is the opposite of the one extolled in characters such as Ruth the Moabite, who is also a foreigner. Ruth surrenders her identity and submerges herself in Israelite ways; she adopts the religious and social norms of the Israelites and is praised by the tentmen for her conversion to "The" God. Jezebel steadfastly remains true to her own beliefs.
ellauri171.html on line 1005: Jezebel’s support of Tyros' national God Baal led her to persecute Jewish bigots who overtly rejected idolatry, beginning with the prophets. Scripture tells us that she had these ideological adversaries executed, and in turn promoted 450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of god Asherah.
ellauri171.html on line 1016: Jezebel is characterized as totally evil in the biblical text and beyond it: in the New Testament her name is a generic catchword for a whoring, non-believing female adversary (Revelations 2:20); in Judeo-Christian traditions, she is evil. The Bible is careful not to refer to her as queen. And yet, this is precisely what she seems to have been. Some early Jewish, albeit post-biblical, sources deconstruct the general picture: “Four women exercised government in the world: Jezebel and Athaliah from Israel, Semiramis and Vashti from the [gentile] nations” (in a Jewish Midrash for the Book of Esther, Esther Rabbah)
ellauri171.html on line 1057: Tamar’s plan is as simple as it is clever: she covers herself with a veil so that Judah won’t recognize her, and then she sits in the roadway at the “entrance to Enaim” (Hebrew petah enayim; literally, “eye-opener”). She has chosen her spot well. Judah will pass as he comes back happy and horny (and maybe tipsy) from a sheep-shearing festival. The veil is not the mark of a prostitute (haha); rather, it simply will prevent Judah from seeing Tamar’s face, and women sitting by the roadway are apparently fair game. So, Judah propositions her, offering to give her a kid (well he did) for her services and giving her his pet seal and staff id (the ancient equivalent of a credit card) in pledge.
ellauri171.html on line 1065: Tamar was assertive of her rights and subversive of convention. She was also deeply loyal to Judah’s family. These qualities also show up in Ruth, who appears later in the lineage of Perez and preserves Boaz’s part of that line. The blessing at Ruth’s wedding underscores the similarity in its hope that Boaz’s house “be like the house of Perez, whom Tamar bore to Judah” (Ruth 4:12). Tamar’s (and Ruth’s) traits of assertiveness in action, willingness to be unconventional, and deep loyalty to family are the very qualities that distinguish their descendant, King David.
ellauri172.html on line 97: Théodore Agrippa d’Aubigné (1552 Pons, Ranska −1630 Geneve, Sveitsi) oli ranskalainen kirjailija ja aikansa historioitsija, joka kuoli maanpakolaisena. Hän oli maineikas huuakotti. Hänen ystäviään oli Henrik Navarralainen, ja hän oli Madame de Maintenonin isoisä. Pariisin parlamentti määräsi hänen teoksensa Histoire universelle 1550−1601 poltettavaksi. Teos on merkittävä aikalaiskuvaustensa vuoksi. Merkittävin hänen teoksistaan on seitsenosainen runoelma Les Tragiques (1616), jossa hän käsittelee Ranskan tilannetta, uskonvainoja ja Jumalan rangaistuksia. Hän pakeni 1620 Geneveen, jossa kuoli. Kaikesta huolimatta
ellauri172.html on line 150: Un Comte quelconque nomme Alcool vit couché dans un cercueil sa dame de volupté, sa pâlissante épousée, Véra, son désespoir. La nuit dernière, sa bien-aimée s’était évanouie en des joies si profondes que son cœur avait défailli. Cependant leur nature était des plus étranges, en vérité ! Certaines idées, celles de l’âme, par exemple, de l’Infini, de Dieu même, étaient comme voilées à leur entendement. La foi d’un grand nombre de vivants aux choses surnaturelles n’était pour eux qu’un sujet de vagues étonnements. Au lieu de cela, les deux amants s’ensevelirent dans l’océan des joies languides et perverses. Veera oli Madonnan näköinen, tottakai. Veera oli kulkija luonnoltaan. Jätkät sätkät parrunpätkät, jasen tervahöyryn nimi, oli PRINSESSA ARMAADA! Continuons.
ellauri172.html on line 167: Si entusiasmò per la Rivoluzione francese, durante il suo soggiorno parigino, nel 1789, ma ben presto, a causa del degenerare della rivoluzione dopo il 1792, il suo atteggiamento favorevole si trasformò in una forte avversione per la Francia. Tornò in Italia, dove continuò a scrivere, opponendosi idealmente al regime di Napoleone, e dove morì, a Firenze, nel 1803, venendo sepolto tra i grandi italiani nella Basilica di Santa Croce. Già dagli ultimi anni della sua vita Alfieri divenne un simbolo per gli intellettuali del Risorgimento, a partire da Ugo Foscolo.
ellauri172.html on line 183: Ei muuta kun takas turistelemmaan. Viaggi e dissolutezze. Toccò la Svezia e la Finlandia, giungendo in Russia, dove non volle neppure essere presentato a Caterina II, avendo sviluppato una profonda avversione al dispotismo.
ellauri172.html on line 190: Ritrovò i suoi vecchi compagni di Accademia militare e di gioventù. Con loro istituì una piccola società che si riuniva settimanalmente in casa sua per «banchettare e ragionare su ogni cosa», la "Societé des Sansguignon", in questo periodo scrisse «cose miste di filosofia e d'impertinenza», per la maggior parte in lingua francese, tra cui l'Esquisse de Jugement Universél, ispirato agli scritti di Voltaire. Guignon on paha silmä.
ellauri172.html on line 201: Gli avvenimenti in un primo tempo fecero comporre al poeta l'ode A Parigi sbastigliato, che poi però rinnegò: l'entusiasmo si trasformò in odio verso la rivoluzione, esplicitato nelle rime de Il Misogallo. Si appassiona anche a recitare le proprie tragedie personalmente, preferendo per sé il ruolo di Sauli Niinistö.
ellauri172.html on line 206: Saul, coraggioso guerriero, fu incoronato re di Israele su richiesta del popolo e consacrato dal sacerdote Samuele, che lo unse in nome di Dio. Col tempo, però, Saul si allontanò da Dio finendo per compiere diversi atti di empietà. Allora Samuele, su ordine del Signore, consacrò re un umile pastore: David. Questi fu chiamato alla corte di Saul per placare con il suo canto l'animo del re, e lì riuscì ad ottenere l'amicizia di Gionata, figlio del re, e la mano della giovane figlia di Saul, Micol.
ellauri172.html on line 212: Saul vedendolo lo vuole uccidere, ma dopo averlo ascoltato si convince a dargli il comando dell'esercito. David ad un certo punto commette però un errore, parlando di “due agnelli” in Israele, e ciò genera il delirio omicida di Saul verso il giovane. Saul poi spiega a Gionata la dura legge del trono, per la quale “il fratello uccide il fratello”. Davanti al re arriva il sacerdote Achimelech, che porta a Gionata la condanna divina e lo mette al corrente dell'avvenuta incoronazione di David. Il re fa uccidere il sacerdote, e da lì egli andrà sempre più verso il delirio.
ellauri172.html on line 260: Other writers [who?] have opted to deny the validity of the illustration. A typical [citation needed] counter-argument is that rationality as described in the paradox is so limited as to be a straw man version of the real thing. The idea that a random decision could be made is sometimes used as an attempted justification for faith. The argument is that, like the starving ass, we must make a choice to avoid being frozen in endless doubt. Other counter-arguments exist. [This paragraph was total balderdash, if I may say so.]
ellauri172.html on line 312: Guyau uppfostrades och handleddes i studiet av antiken och Platon av sin styvfar, Alfred Fouillée. Han blev vid 17 års ålder licencié ès lettres och mottog vid 19 års ålder ett pris av Académie des sciences morales et politiques för ett historiskt arbete om nyttomoralen. Ett svårt bröstlidande tvingade honom att avstå från den filosofiska lärarbanan och att tillbringa vintrarna i Nice och Menton, där han avled 33 år gammal. Guyaus arbeten, som utmärker sig för en levande, lyrisk stil, glänsande framställningskonst och kritisk klarsyn, bär av idén om livet som en starkt expansiv, i alla riktningar överströmmande kraft. Etiskt framträder den som sympati, solidaritet och hängivenhet. Därför är också ädelmodet den högsta, i livets eget väsen grundade dygden. Från denna utgångspunkt bekämpar Guyau beräknings- och lyckomoralen i alla dess former. Handlingsprincipen blir: högsta möjliga stegring, intensivt såväl som extensivt, av vårt fysiska och andliga liv. Lusten är därvid ej målet utan följden av livsstegringen. På liknande sätt innebär konsten en livsstegring. Skönt är enligt Guyau allt, som försätter känsla, vilja och tanke i harmoniskt lustbetonad rörelse, griper oss och vidgar vår sympati. Utifrån denna uppfattning tillbakavisas Friedrich Schiller och Herbert Spencers lekteori för konsten. Även i religionen såg Guyau en strävan efter stegrad livsgemenskap. Religionen är för honom en tolkning av verkligheten ur samhälleliga synpunkter, en "sociomorfism". Sehän oli durkheimilainen ennen Eeemeliä.
ellauri172.html on line 314: Bland Guyaus arbeten märks Vers d'un philosope (1881), La morale d'Épicure et ses rapports avec les doctrines contemporaines (1878), La morale anglaise contemporaines (1879), Les problèmes de l'esthètique contemporaine (1884), L'esquisse d'une morale sans obligation ni sanction (1885), en skrift som väckte Friedrich Nietzsches beundran, samt L'irreligion de l'avenir (1887, svensk översättning i urval och sammandrag Framtidens irreligion 1907). Vidare de postuma verken L'art au point de vue sociologique (1889), Éducation et hérédité (1889), samt La genèse de l'idée du temps (1890).
ellauri172.html on line 364: So versorgend wünscht sie gute Nacht. Toivottaa hyvää yötä kaverille.
ellauri172.html on line 513: "Dieser Jüngling war mir erst versprochen, Tää kundihan oli ensin mulle luvattu,
ellauri172.html on line 519: Zu versagen ihrer Tochter Hand. Tytärtään jollekulle muulle.
ellauri172.html on line 528: Du versiechest nun an diesem Ort. Sä kuivut tähän heti paikalla.
ellauri172.html on line 552: Après la politique, la haine des Bourbons, le spectre noir de la Congrégation, les regrets du passé pour ces vaincus, toutes ces avalanches qui roulaient en bouillonnant d’un bout à l’autre de cette table fumante, il y avait d’autres sujets de conversation, à tempêtes et à tintamarres. Par exemple, il y avait les femmes. La femme est l’éternel sujet de conversation des hommes entre eux, surtout en France, le pays le plus fat de la terre. Il y avait les femmes en général et les femmes en particulier, — les femmes de l’univers et celle de la porte à côté, — les femmes des pays que beaucoup de ces soldats avaient parcourus, en faisant les beaux dans leurs grands uniformes victorieux, et celles de la ville, chez lesquelles ils n’allaient peut-être pas, et qu’ils nommaient insolemment par nom et prénom, comme s’ils les avaient intimement connues, sur le compte de qui, parbleu ! ils ne se gênaient pas, et dont, au dessert, ils pelaient en riant la réputation, comme ils pelaient une pêche, pour, après, en casser le noyau. Tous prenaient part à ces bombardements de femmes, même les plus vieux, les plus coriaces, les plus dégoûtés de la femelle, ainsi qu’ils disaient cyniquement, car les hommes peuvent renoncer à l’amour malpropre, mais jamais à l’amour-propre de la femme, et, fût-ce sur le bord de leur fosse ouverte, ils sont toujours prêts à tremper leurs museaux dans ces galimafrées de fatuité !
ellauri172.html on line 568: Mais, capitaine Mautravers, il y a pis pour un soldat que de mettre à mal quelques bigotes : c’est de devenir dévot soi-même, comme une poule mouillée de pékin, quand on a traîné le bancal !…
ellauri172.html on line 574: — Parlons sérieusement, — dit Mautravers, — je suis comme Rançonnet. Je ne croirai jamais à une capucinade d’un homme de ton calibre, mon brave Mesnil. Même à l’heure de la mort, les gens comme toi ne font pas un saut de grenouille effrayée dans un baquet d’eau bénite.
ellauri172.html on line 594: Puisqu’elle s’était donnée à lui, elle pouvait bien se donner à un autre, et, ma foi ! tout le monde pouvait être cet autre-là ! En un temps fort court, au 8e dragons, on sut combien il y avait peu d’audace dans cette espérance. Pour tous ceux qui ont le flair de la femme, et qui en respirent la vraie odeur à travers tous les voiles blancs et parfumés de vertu dans lesquels elle s’entortille, la Rosalba fut reconnue tout de suite pour la plus corrompue des femmes corrompues, — dans le mal, une perfection!
ellauri172.html on line 627: Non, si je la quittai, ce fut pour une raison de dégoût moral, de fierté pour moi, de mépris pour elle, pour elle qui, au plus fort des caresses les plus insensées, ne me faisait pas croire qu’elle m’aimât… Quand je lui demandais : M’aimes-tu ? ce mot qu’il est impossible de ne pas dire, même à travers toutes les preuves qu’on vous donne que vous êtes aimé, elle répondait : « Non ! » ou secouait énigmatiquement la tête. Elle se roulait dans ses pudeurs et dans ses hontes, et elle restait là-dessous, au milieu de tous les désordres de sens soulevés, impénétrable comme le sphinx. Seulement, le sphinx était froid, et elle ne l’était pas… Mikä Katariina Suuri sekin oli olevinaan!
ellauri172.html on line 658: « Faut-il que je le répète jusqu’à satiété ? Certes ! je n’étais pas jaloux de cette femme : mais nous sommes tous les mêmes. Malgré moi, je voulus voir à qui elle écrivait, et, pour cela, ne m’étant pas assis encore, je m’inclinai par-dessus sa tête ; mais mon regard fut intercepté par l’entre-deux de ses épaules, par cette fente enivrante et duvetée où j’avais fait ruisseler tant de baisers, et, ma foi ! magnétisé par cette vue, j’en fis tomber un de plus dans ce ruisseau d’amour, et cette sensation l’empêcha d’écrire… Elle releva sa tête de la table où elle était penchée, comme si on lui eût piqué les reins d’une pointe de feu, se cambrant sur le dossier de son fauteuil, la tête renversée ; elle me regardait, dans ce mélange de désir et de confusion qui était son charme, les yeux en l’air et tournés vers moi, qui étais derrière elle, et qui fis descendre dans la rose mouillée de sa bouche entr’ouverte ce que je venais de faire tomber dans l’entre-deux de ses épaules.
ellauri172.html on line 692: Satan me donna la force d’enfoncer la porte du placard ou j'etsis cache et je vis… ce que je ne reverrai jamais ! La Pudica, terrassée, était tombée sur la table où elle avait écrit, et le major l’y retenait d’un poignet de fer, tous voiles relevés, son beau corps à nu, tordu, comme un serpent coupé, sous son étreinte. Mais que croyez-vous qu’il faisait de son autre main, Messieurs ?… Cette table à écrire, la bougie allumée, la cire à côté, toutes ces circonstances avaient donné au major une idée infernale, — l’idée de cacheter cette femme, comme elle avait cacheté sa lettre — et il était dans l’acharnement de ce monstrueux cachetage, de cette effroyable vengeance d’amant perversement jaloux !
ellauri172.html on line 698: « Je bondis sur lui ; je ne lui dis même pas de se défendre, et je lui plongeai mon sabre jusqu’à la garde dans le dos, entre les épaules, et j’aurais voulu, du même coup, lui plonger ma main et mon bras avec mon sabre à travers le corps, pour le tuer mieux ! »
ellauri172.html on line 712: — Est-ce là tout ? — dit Mautravers. — Et si c’est là tout, voilà une fière histoire ! Quelle relation a ton histoire avec tes dévotions à l’église, de l’autre jour ?…
ellauri172.html on line 714: Well, j’ai porté plusieurs années, ce cœur d’enfant dont je doutais ; mais quand, après la catastrophe de Waterloo, il m’a fallu ôter cette ceinture d’officier dans laquelle j’avais espéré de mourir, et que je l’eus porté encore quelques années, ce cœur, — et je t’assure, Mautravers, que c’est lourd, quoique cela paraisse bien léger, — la réflexion venant avec l’âge, j’ai craint de profaner un peu plus ce cœur si profané déjà, et je me suis décidé à le déposer en terre chrétienne. Sans entrer dans les détails que je vous donne aujourd’hui, j’en ai parlé à un des prêtres de cette ville, de ce cœur qui pesait depuis si longtemps sur le mien, et je venais de le remettre à lui-même, dans le confessionnal de la chapelle.
ellauri172.html on line 748: verselo.jpg" style="float:right;width:20%;padding:1em" />
ellauri172.html on line 751: Il aurait été baptisé en 1014 à Rouen par l'archevêque Robert le Danois, frère du duc Richard II de Normandie. C'est d'abord en tant que Viking dans sa jeunesse, qu'il se rend plusieurs fois en Angleterre, où il va s'intéresser à la foi chrétienne. Elle avait d'ailleurs été introduite dès le ixe siècle en Scandinavie par des missionnaires de divers pays notamment allemands, et principalement le moine saint Anschaire, l'« apôtre du Nord », devenu plus tard évêque de Brême, puis archevêque de Hambourg.
ellauri172.html on line 759: Après avoir soumis le Groenland à son autorité en 1023, Knut lui envoie une ambassade pour lui réclamer la couronne vers 1024-1025, ce qu'il refuse en s'alliant au roi de Suède Anund Jacob, et il lui livre une bataille navale sans vainqueur en 1026 (bataille de l'Helgeå). Cette confrontation eut des conséquences graves pour Olaf, car Knut bloqua le détroit de l’Øresund entre la Scanie et le Danemark et Olaf ne put ramener sa flotte en Norvège. Il dut l'abandonner en Scanie et rentrer par voie de terre et cette perte l'affaiblit.
ellauri172.html on line 775: Guggenspritzer, a St. Olaf version of Monopoly. There is no money due to the bank, built by a bad contractor, sinking into a swamp leaving nothing but safety deposit slips and a pen on a chain. Also, you can buy the library or the phone booth, yet 'people use the phone booth'. Rose managed to win the entire game by buying one street - the only street in St Olaf.
ellauri172.html on line 777: Ugel and Flugel, an adult version of the children's game 'hide and seek'.
ellauri172.html on line 804: Julius August Walther von Goethe oli ainoa Johann Wolfgang von Goethen ja Christiane Vulpiuksen viidestä lapsesta, jotka selvisivät aikuisiksi. Hän syntyi Weimarissa ja palveli Saksi-Weimar-Eisenachin suurherttua Karl Augustin hovissa. Hän opiskeli lakia 1808-1809 Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelbergissä. Wikipedia (englanti). Hän sai 3 lasta.
ellauri172.html on line 806: Paha ateisti Roth tapatti ainoan sikiönsä Margaretilla eikä saanut Bloomin kanssa aikaan muuta kuin lihavia riitoja. Antiteistikin se oli, "I'm exactly the opposite of religious, I'm anti-religious. I find religious people hideous. I hate the religious lies. It's all a big lie. I give a shit about the sheep referred to as believers. When I write, I'm alone. It's filled with fear and loneliness and anxiety—and I never needed religion to save me." Jumala kosti sille, ei tullut Noobelia. Kikkailevaa Philippiä sattui leukaan.
ellauri172.html on line 838: Les Fiancés (I promessi sposi), roman d'Alessandro Manzoni, 1825-1827. Il y a plusieurs ecclésiastiques importants dans ce roman : Don Abbondio[4],[5], Saint Abbondio est le saint patron de la ville de Côme, le cardinal Borromée canonisé au xviie siècle, cité dans l'ouvrage et personnage ayant réellement existé, le père Cristoforo brûlant d'humilité chrétienne et tendu vers le bien.
ellauri172.html on line 868: Un prêtre en 1839, roman inachevé, écrit par Jules Verne vers 1845, avec le personnage du prêtre défroqué Pierre Hervé.
ellauri172.html on line 870: L'Envers de l'histoire contemporaine, roman d'Honoré de Balzac, 1848, le personnage de l'abbé de Vèze, qui loge chez Madame de la Chanterie.
ellauri172.html on line 966: La Controverse de Valladolid, roman de Jean-Claude Carrière, 1992 et 1999.
ellauri180.html on line 42: versityuk.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/tvd-girls-wallpaper-girls-of-the-vampire-diaries-28045645-1280-800.jpg?w=598&h=374" />
ellauri180.html on line 159: Sen saatteena edix.fi on tehnyt pelin Kieluri, joka on jonkun wordl-pelin suomalainen versio Nykysuomen sanakirjan listan pohjalta. Onpa hienoa. Wordl on iänikuinen Mastermind kirjaimilla. Ei jaxa. Mitenhän nää vanhat papat jaxavat? Miten ne jaxaa jahnata vaan entisillä sijoilla? Niiden päässä ei sit ilmeisesti mitään muuta pyöri. Kieluri ei muuten toiminut Firefoxissa, mutta toimi Chromessa. Vitun Gog. Tieturi exe ollut sen Linturin atk-koulutusyritys? Palturi. Tunturi-mopo, petturi, hanuri, turkiskauluri. Puolikuivuri. Huri huri.
ellauri180.html on line 174: OBJECTIVES: Globally approximately 25% of men are circumcised for religious, cultural, medical, or parental choice reasons. However, controversy surrounds the procedure, and its benefits and risks to health. We review current knowledge of the health benefits and risks associated with male circumcision. METHODS: We have used, where available, previously conducted reviews of the relation between male circumcision and specific outcomes as "benchmarks", and updated them by searching the Medline database for more recent information. RESULTS: There is substantial evidence that circumcision protects males from HIV infection, penile carcinoma, urinary tract infections, and ulcerative sexually transmitted diseases. We could find little scientific evidence of adverse effects on sexual, psychological, or emotional health. Surgical risks associated with circumcision, particularly bleeding, penile injury, and local infection, as well as the consequences of the pain experienced with neonatal circumcision, are valid concerns that require appropriate responses. CONCLUSION: Further analyses of the utility and cost effectiveness of male circumcision as a preventive health measure should, in the light of this information, be research and policy priorities. A decision as to whether to recommend male circumcision in a given society should be based upon an assessment of the risk for and occurrence of the diseases which are associated with the presence of the foreskin, versus the risk of the complications of the procedure. In order for individuals and their families to make an informed decision, they should be provided with the best available evidence regarding the known benefits and risks. And they should also know what God thinks of it.
ellauri180.html on line 179: Despite an estimated one-sixth of the world's men having been circumcised, it has long been forgotten where or why this most intriguing operation began. The procedure has been performed for religious, cultural and medical reasons, although the last has only become fashionable since the rise of modern surgery in the 19th century. Accordingly, the indications for surgery have surfaced, submerged and altered with the trends of the day. In this review we explore the origins of circumcision, and discuss the techniques and controversies that have evolved since the event has become medicalized.
ellauri180.html on line 198: By the middle of the 19th century, anaesthesia and antisepsis were rapidly changing surgical practice. The first reported circumcision in the surgical accounts of St Bartholomew's Hospital was in 1865; although this comprised only one of the 417 operations performed that year, it was clearly becoming a more common procedure. Indeed, this was a time when surgical cures were being explored for all ails and in 1878 Curling described circumcision as a cure for impotence in men who also had as associated phimosis. Many other surgeons reported circumcision as being beneficial for a diverse range of sexual problems. Walsham (1903) re-iterates the putative association of phimosis with impotence and suggests that it may also predispose to sterility, priapism, excess masturbation and even venereal disease. Warren (1915) adds epilepsy, nocturnal enuresis, night terrors and precocious sexual unrest' to the list of dangers, and this accepted catalogue of phimotic ills' is extended in American textbooks to include other aspects of sexual erethisms' such as homosexuality.
ellauri180.html on line 218: Notwithstanding the relative disinterest over the function of the prepuce, no other operation has been surrounded by controversy so much as circumcision. Should it be done, then when, why, how and by whom? Religious and cultural influences are pervasive, parental confusion is widespread and medical indications shift with the trends of the day. Doctors divide into camps driven by self-interest, self-righteousness and self-defence. It is not surprising that some of the most colourful pages in the medical literature are devoted to the debate.
ellauri180.html on line 224: Literary assaults such as these have served to fuel the debates and even a Medline® search today reveals that in the last year alone, 155 reviews or letters have been published arguing for or against routine circumcision. However, studying the evolution of the medical indications provides us with a pleasing demonstration of how controversy drives scientific enquiry. We have already described how the surgeons of 100 years ago advocated circumcision for a wide variety of conditions, such as impotence, nocturnal enuresis, sterility, excess masturbation, night terrors, epilepsy, etc. There can be no doubt that a large element of surgical self-interest drove these claims. However, most of the contemporary textbooks also included epithelioma (carcinoma) of the penis amidst the morass of complications of phimosis. Although rare, once this observation had been made, it presumably filtered down through the textbooks by rote, rather than scientific study. A few reports had appeared in the early 20th century indicating that carcinoma of the penis was rare in circumcised men, but not until the debate over neonatal circumcision erupted in the medical press in the 1930s that this surgical `mantra' was put to the test. In 1932, the editor of the Lancet challenged Abraham Wolbarst, a New York urologist, to prove his contention (in a previous Lancet editorial), that circumcision prevented penile carcinoma. Wolbarst responded by surveying every skin, cancer and Jewish hospital in the USA, along with 1250 of the largest general hospitals throughout the Union. With this survey, he was able to show that penile cancer virtually never occurred in circumcised men and that the risk related to the timing of the circumcision. Over the years this association has been reaffirmed by many research workers, although general hygiene, demographic and other factors such as human papilloma virus and smoking status are probably just as important. However, Wolbarst established that association through formal scientific enquiry and proponents of the procedure continue to use this as a compelling argument for circumcision at birth.
ellauri180.html on line 230: Finally, controversy has arisen over who should perform the procedure. Once circumcision had been medicalized' in the 19th century, many surgeons were keen to take paying customers away from the religious men. As such, doctors were often quick to highlight the unforseen risks attendant on a non-medical procedure. For instance, Cabot (1924) described tuberculosis of the penis occurring when Rabbis with infected sputum sucked on the baby's penis to stop the bleeding. However, it has often been claimed that the incidence of complications in Jewish children is very low and that the final result is usually better than any hospital doctor can produce.
ellauri180.html on line 297: The answer is yes. We live in a diverse world. In fact, in most contemporary settings, an all-white cast of characters would be odd, as it hardly reflects reality. So yes, a white author can write diverse cast as long as the heroes are white. 6 janv. 2017
ellauri180.html on line 309: Things to note: Bobby looks far away, Lori (or whatever) looks at him. Bobby is up front, Lori stands back. Bobby is fully dressed, Lori shows tits and navel. Bobby is white & has neat white clothes, Lori is WOC & wears dirty neolithic gear. Bobby frowns, Lori smirks like a puppy. Zadaa! By the rivers of Babylon... ellauri180.html on line 322: How do you illustrate a diverse character?
ellauri180.html on line 382: ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ is one of Browning’s first great poems, written when he was in his early twenties. It is also one of the first great dramatic monologues in English verse, the 1830s being the decade in which Browning and Tennyson developed the genre, penning a series of classic poems which see the poet adopting a persona and ‘staging’ a soliloquy given by an (often unreliable) speaker. Here, the speaker is the titular lover of the girl, Porphyria. Before we proceed to an analysis of ‘Porphyria’s Lover’, here’s a reminder of Browning’s poem. (Se mainittiin Gently-poliisisarjassa yhden koulun pulpettia vasten naidun tupeeratun 60-luvun teinin mielirunona.)
ellauri180.html on line 555: The rivers, lakes and ocean all stood still, Joet, järvet, valtameri seisoi hiljaa,
ellauri180.html on line 564: Of aid from them—She was the Universe. Niiden apua: se oli maailmankaikkeus.
ellauri180.html on line 587: The next turn in the poem is reminiscent of the story of, and the feud between, Cain and Abel the first two sons of Adam and Eve except reeled in reverse. A large number of “holy things” (like banknotes) had already been used for an unholy purpose (such as kindling for another fire).
ellauri180.html on line 599: Emma Baldwin graduated from East Carolina University with a BA in English, minor in Creative Writing, BFA in Fine Art, and BA in Art Histories. Literature is one of her greatest passions which she pursues through analyzing poetry on Poem Analysis.
ellauri180.html on line 636: Meidän on ymmärrettävä, että presidentti Putinin politiikassa pysymisen älykkyys ja älykkyys sekä koomikko Zelenskyin äly ovat vertaansa vailla. Siksi on mahdotonta sanoa, että Zelensky on saanut suuren strategin aseman tänä aikana, ja siksi hän puhuu tällaisista asioista, entinen eversti tiivisti. "Zelenskyi on hyvin yksinäinen Venäjää vastaan. Hän osoitti tiettyä naiivisuutta luottamalla länsimaisiin johtajiin ja heidän vahvoihin mutta epätarkkoihin tukilausuntoihinsa. Uskon, että hänet on jo uhrattu tai pikemminkin hylätty, mutta eurooppalaisilla ei ole suunnitelmaa B. Länsi ymmärtää, että Zelensky on valmis", Moreau sanoi. "Nämä ehdotukset eivät auta Zelenskyiä lainkaan. Päinvastoin, se tarkoittaa, että Macron ja Johnson odottavat Venäjältä erittäin nopeaa voittoa ja että kaikki on ohi Zelenskyille", uskoo "expertti".
ellauri181.html on line 87: Toissijainen kirjallisuus: Joachim Unseld: Franz Kafka. Kirjailijan elämä. Hanser, München 1982, ISBN 3-446-13568-5 . Eberhard Rohse : Hominisointi inhimillistämisenä? Apinan hahmo antropologisena provokaationa kirjallisuuden teoxissa Charles Darwinin jälkeen - Wilhelm Raabe, Wilhelm Busch, Franz Kafka, Aldous Huxley. Julkaisussa: Talvinen lukukausi 1987/88 (= General Studies. University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover: Luennot ihmisistä ja eläimistä. Vuosikerta 6). Schaper, Alfeld / Hannover 1989, ISBN 3-7944-0158-1 , s. 22–56 (tässä erityisesti: evoluution ja koulurazastuxen välillä: hominointi ”eteenpäin kehitettynä kehityxenä” - Franz Kafka, s. 47–50).
ellauri181.html on line 102: Pili haluaa alistaa ja alistua, se haluaa osallistua ja kazella. Se on ehkä vähän perverssi, tai ei niin vähänkään. Bisexuaali Colettekin kolahtaa siihen kuin veizi voihin. Mut mixe kuzuu sen ällön ex-Helenin kylään Clairen kiusaxi? Koska se on niin vitun narsisti, mitä muutakaan. Täähän on kuin chick littiä, nyt Pilillä on TAAS Elisabet ja Birgitta josta valkata. Märkä uni maxapala kädessä. Pilin isä ei arvosta koiria jotka lisääntyvät ilman avioliittoa ja paskantavat maahan. Jutku. Pilin isä on aivan mahdoton sähläri. Olikohan Hermannikin. Pili jäi ikuisixi ajoixi oman laitapuolisuutensa itkijäxi. Se oli epäonnistunut narsisti. Kiltti Claire ei enää saa Pilin piliä värähtämään. Se kaipaa jotain tujumpaa. THE END.
ellauri181.html on line 117: Sich in die Büsche schlagen — Sich seitwärz in die Büsche schlagen Die umgangssprachliche Redewendung steht für »heimlich verschwinden, sich davonmachen«: Als die Leute den Gendarm holten, schlug sich der Fremde in die Büsche.
ellauri181.html on line 132: The Theory of Basic Human Values is a theory of cross-cultural psychology and universal values that was developed by a guy called Shalom H. Schwartz. The theory extends previous cross-cultural communication frameworx such as Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory. Schwartz identifies ten basic human values, each distinguished by their underlying motivation or goal, and he explains how people in all cultures recognize them. There are two major methods for measuring these ten basic values: the Schwartz Value Survey and the Portrait Values Questionnaire. A particular value can conflict or align with other values, and these dynamic relationships are typically illustrated using a circular graphic in which opposite poles indicate conflicting values.
ellauri181.html on line 145: Shalom H. Schwartz (Hebrew: שלום שוורץ) is a social psychologist, cross-cultural researcher and creator of the Theory of Basic Human Values (universal values as latent motivations and needs). He also contributed to the formulation of the values scale in the context of social learning theory and social cognitive theory.
ellauri181.html on line 146: After completing his master's degree in social psychology and group development at Columbia University and completing his rabbinical studies, Schwartz received his Ph.D. in social psychology from the University of Michigan, and subsequently taught in the sociology department of the University of Wisconsin–Madison, and in 1973 became a professor. From 1971-73, Schwartz was a visiting lecturer in the department of psychology at the Hebrew University. In 1979, Schwartz moved to Israel with his wife and three children. He joined the department of psychology at the Hebrew University, where he holds the post of Leon and Clara Sznajderman Professor Emeritus of Psychology. He is now retired, but continues his research activity, as well as developing and promoting his Basic Human Values Theory.
ellauri181.html on line 154: Purpose: To identify personal values that are robust across cultures and that can help explain diversity and conflict in values.
ellauri181.html on line 174: The Schwartz theory of basic values identifies ten broad personal values, which are differentiated by the underlying goal or motivation. These values are likely to be universal because they help humans cope with one or more of the following three universal requiremenz of existence:
ellauri181.html on line 203: “Universalism – Defining goal: understanding, appreciation, tolerance, and protection for the welfare of all people and for nature.”
ellauri181.html on line 214: “The second dimension contrasz ‘self-enhancement’ and ‘self-transcendence’ values. This dimension captures the conflict between values that emphasize concern for the welfare and interesz of others (universalism, benevolence) and values that emphasize pursuit of one’s own interesz and relative success and dominance over others (power, achievement).”
ellauri181.html on line 229: Self-direction and Universalism—reliance upon one's own judgement and comfort with the diversity of existence;
ellauri181.html on line 231: Universalism and Benevolence—enhancement of others and transcendence of selfish interesz;
ellauri181.html on line 259: Arvot pohjaavat perustarpeisiin ja -tavoitteisiin. Kymmenen perusarvoa pohjaavat kolmeen ihmisen elämässä vallizevaan universaaliin tavoitteeseen: ihmisen tarpeisiin biologisina olentoina, sosiaaliseen kanssakäymiseen sekä ryhmien selviytymiseen ja hyvinvointiin.
ellauri181.html on line 285: Universalismi: kaiken luonnon ja ihmiskunnan arvostaminen ja suojelu
ellauri181.html on line 319: Arvotesti auttaa tarkastelemaan, millaisia asioita pidät elämässä tärkeinä. Testi pohjaa klassikkoteoriaan 10 universaalista arvosta.
ellauri181.html on line 382: Additionally, ipsative measures may be useful in identifying faking. However, ipsative measures may, especially among testing-naïve individuals exhibiting high levels of conscientiousness and/or neuroticism, decrease test validity by discouraging response and/or encouraging non-response. For example, a test's authors may force respondents to choose between "a) Animals chase me in my dreams" and "b) My dreams are nice" in an effort to see whether a given respondent is more inclined toward "faking bad" or toward "faking good." When faced with such a question, a child frequently terrified by nightmares that rarely if ever involve animals, and especially one whose parents have foolishly taught him/her/it strict rules against lying, may simply refuse to answer the question given that for that respondent nearly all of the time both descriptions are inaccurate. Even a previously presented guideline "Choose the answer that [best/better] describes you" may be unhelpful in such a situation to responders who worry that endorsing one item or the other will still involve stating it to be accurate or "well"-descriptive to some positive degree. Only if the guideline is presented as "Choose the answer that more accurately or less inaccurately describes you" and the above-described responder is sophisticated enough to reason out his/her response in terms of "Despite the infrequency with which I have nice dreams, I have them [more frequently / less infrequently] than dreams in which animals chase me" (or, in theory, vice versa) will such a responder be willing to answer the question—and phrasing the guideline in this way bears its own cost of making the question reveal less about the respondent's propensities because the respondent is no longer forced to "fake" one way or another.[citation needed].
ellauri181.html on line 477: Brown, A. (2010). How IRT can solve problems of ipsative data (Doctoral dissertation). University of Barcelona, Spain. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/10803/80006. Avainsanat Thomas HPA, Rakennevaliditeetti
ellauri181.html on line 543: US. Overseas Schools Toolkit for Overseas Teens
ellauri181.html on line 582:
. Silence - Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation.
ellauri181.html on line 618: How then might we learn from Franklin's example? Yes, can we learn that we should only be bothered with what matters most to us. Yes! Perhaps the single most important lesson in life would be that we must learn what matters most to us! A lesson to you oversears teachers: model what you would teach, because you teach first by modeling. Teach what you would live but remember the failure of Ben's Quaker friend. It is not possible to give someone a value they would not own.
ellauri182.html on line 87: The second part of the story begins with a shock: Eriko died in the autumn. A man at his/her club has stalked and killed him/xsher in a hate crime. Later that night, alone, Mikage recalls a conversation she had with Eriko, during which Eriko explained why s/he became a woman.
ellauri182.html on line 94: The 1989 film centers around Mikage, a young woman who loses her parents when young. She grows up in a lonely household with her grandmother who dies when Mikage reaches adulthood. Grief-stricken, she finds solace in the kitchen. Yuichi, a friend of Mikage's deceased grandmother, invites her to live with him and his mother. Then Mikage discovers that Yuichi's mother is actually her cross-dressing father. On the other hand, Mikage realizes that the wealth of gadgetry in Yuichi's kitchen is lovingly detailed... --- Unfortunately, that's all, this film is water under the bridge, overtaken by a 2019 gory crime film of the same name.
ellauri182.html on line 111: Mikage discovers, “a delightful German-made vegetable peeler—a peeler to make even the laziest grandmother enjoy slip, slipping those skins off.”
ellauri182.html on line 118: Specifically, after ordering katsudon (fried pork served over rice), Mikage has a revelation with regard to Yuichi. The katsudon becomes more than just a meal, it is a means to reach out to Yuichi, to relate to him, to acknowledge both Mikage’s and Yuichi’s connectedness as two obese lovers starving under the same night sky.
ellauri182.html on line 178: Rennyo is generally credited by Shin Buddhists for reversing the stagnation of the early Jōdo Shinshū community, and is considered the "Second Founder" of Jōdo Shinshū. His portrait picture, along with Shinran's, are present on the onanizing (altar) area of most Jōdo Shinshū temples. However, Rennyo has also been criticized by some Shin scholars for his engagement in medieval politics and his alleged divergences from Shinran's original thought.
ellauri182.html on line 265: 25. Controversial topics ellauri182.html on line 324: Scientists from the University of Plymouth studied the faces of children and chimpanzees as they completed a series of unsolvable tasks.
ellauri183.html on line 63: Nida-Rümelin, Julian (2009). "Philosophical grounds of humanism in economics". In Heiko Spitzeck (ed.). Humanism in Business. Shiban Khan, Ernst von Kimakowitz, Michael Pirson, Wolfgang Amann. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-89893-5.
ellauri183.html on line 80: Faulty interpretations can create much disappointment, as in the movie version of his novel The Fixer, "Horrible. That thing went to five different writers. Edward Albee was one of them but he would only do it if he had full say over it. Dalton Trumbo finally wrote the screen play and he's a hack. The film should have been done as a sort of fable, in black and white. Instead, it was all galloping Cossacx and dancing girls: an overdone fake. And that sickens a writer--to see his book faked."
ellauri183.html on line 110: Toisin sanoen: vapaa tahto on kyberneettinen versio determinismistä, siis Ilkka Niiniluodon suotta pilkkaama Ahmavaaran korkkiruuvi! "That's how an inventive god earns his living. I can't outguess my characters all the time, although I know I try. But when I get a character to surprise me, then I know I'm cooking with gas."
ellauri183.html on line 134: Venezia kauppiaassa on joku Jessica. Niin se oli se juutalainen misu, Shylockin tytär. In the play, she elopes with Lorenzo, a penniless Christian, and a chest of her father's money, eventually ending up in Portia and Bassanio's household. In the play's dramatic structure, Jessica is a minor but pivotal role. Her actions motivate Shylock's vengeful insistence on his "pound of flesh" from Antonio; her relationships with Lorenzo and Shylock serves as a mirror and contrast to Portia's with Bassanio and with her father; her conversion to Christianity is the end of Shylock's line's adherence to the Jewish faith.
ellauri183.html on line 186: Clare Carlisle studied philosophy and theology at Trinity College, Cambridge, gaining her BA in 1998 and her PhD in 2002, and she remains grateful to Trinity College for the scholarship that supported her doctoral studies. Her travels in India after completing her PhD deepened her interest in devotional and contemplative practices. She is the author of six boox, most recently On Habit (Routledge, 2014), Philosopher of the Heart: The Restless Life of Søren Kierkegaard (Allen Lane / Penguin / FSG, 2019), and Spinoza’s Religion: A New Reading of the Ethics (Princeton University Press, 2021).
ellauri183.html on line 218: Su fraseología indicaba claramente su desengaño ante los resultados del sufragio universal y la necesidad de una autoridad inteligente y paternalista en manos de una élite.
ellauri183.html on line 258: The nuclear holocaust has come and gone. Only one man survives: paleologist Calvin Cohn, who happened to be safely, deeply underwater at the time. And, after some black-humor-ish conversations with God, Cohn is allowed to live—for a while, at least—and he finds himself on an island a la Robinson Crusoe, with a communicative chimp named Buz (product of chimp-speech experiments) as his only companion. Cohn, son of a rabbi, engages in existential, religious, and Talmudic speculations with the chimp—though he refrains from trying to convert him to Judaism. He must reexamine the basics of social interaction—when Buz gets too physically chummy ("If you had suckled the lad, could you marry him?"), when a friendly gorilla appears and causes jealousies, and, above all, when five more talking chimps appear... including the lisping Mary Madelyn, the object of everyone's sexual attention (including Cohn's).
ellauri183.html on line 319: The family fled to New York, and Bromberger was admitted to Columbia University. However, he chose to join the U.S. Army in 1942, and he went on to serve three years in the infantry. He took part in the liberation of Europe as a member of the 405th Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division. He was wounded during the invasion of Germany in 1945.
ellauri184.html on line 50: Neiti Mallory kertoo tästä lisää: "Norman was an oxymoron — an overweight senior citizen who was one of the best lovers I ever had." Mallory writes that Mailer never had erectile dysfunction: "Not once. Not in nine years..." Vanhasta Naahumista tulee mieleen Norssin voimistelunopettaja Lahtinen ja Star Warsin Yoda. “Each week he’d want to play a new game . . . doctor, manicurist, masseur, Hollywood director (that was his favorite).” “When our relationship ended, I realized that . . . Norman had never been on my team and had been slandering my writing and me behind my back.”
ellauri184.html on line 74: Mailer wrote 12 novels in 59 years. After completing courses in French language and culture at the University of Paris in 1947–48, he returned to the U.S. shortly after The Naked and the Dead was published in May 1948. A New York Times best seller for 62 weeks, it was the only one of Mailer's novels to reach the number one position. It was hailed by many as one of the best American wartime novels and included in a list of the hundred best English-language novels of the twentieth century by the Modern Library. The book that made his reputation sold over a million copies in its first year, (three million by 1981) and has never gone out of print. It is still considered to be one of the finest depictions of Americans in combat during World War II.
ellauri184.html on line 78: Mailer wrote his fourth novel, An American Dream, as a serial in Esquire magazine over eight months (January to August 1964), publishing the first chapter two months after he wrote it. In March 1965, Dial Press published a revised version. The novel generally received mixed reviews, but was a best seller. Joan Didion praised it in a review in National Review (April 20, 1965) and John W. Aldridge did the same in Life (March 19, 1965), while Elizabeth Hardwick panned it in Partisan Review (spring 1965).
ellauri184.html on line 95: Notorious philanderer," "egomaniac," "pugnacious" and "pompous" are a few of the milder epitaphs that have been used to describe controversial and larger-than-life (inevitably) Norman Mailer. His New York Times obituary was even titled, "Norman Mailer, Towering Writer With Matching Ego, Dies at 84." Known in the literary world as one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century, Mailer won two Pulitzer Prizes in literature and one National Book Award. He is credited with having pioneered creative nonfiction as a genre, also called New Journalism. During his life he became as famous for his relationships with women as he did for his literary work. He was married six times and fathered eight children. Here is a brief look at some the six wives of Norman Mailer.
ellauri184.html on line 97: Bea Silverman was Norman Mailer's college sweetheart and first wife. He met her during his junior year at Harvard while she was a student at Boston University. They divorced in 1952 when Nuchem was already philandering with Speedy Gonzales.
ellauri184.html on line 161: Tämä on julkaistu englanniksi kirjassa ’The Apocrypha And Pseudepigrapha Of The Old Testament' (Oxford; Clarendon Press 1913). Edesmennyt professori Aapeli Saarisalo mainitsee kirjassaan ’Hyvä Opettaja’ tämän tekstin etiopiankielisen version:
ellauri184.html on line 207: Kristittyjen oma taivas-helvetti keppi-ja-porkkana versio on selvimmin sanottuna Matteuxella: Matt. 25:46 "Ja niin he lähtevät, toiset iankaikkiseen rangaistukseen, mutta vanhurskaat iankaikkiseen elämään." Ja tietysti sittemmin Paavo Haavikolla monisanaisemmin kirjelmissä ruomilaisille.
ellauri184.html on line 223: Admitting that the following is a drastic oversimplification but praying that it’s not a complete caricature, Professor A. France summarizes seven differences:
ellauri184.html on line 275: The ethnic nature of these units led Wome to create many “specialist” cohorts (e.g., dromedary, archery, sling) that worked with combat methods familiar to one or another ethnic group. Though auxiliaries often served in major imperial provinces alongside legionawies, they also served in minor provinces as well. Thus, provinces and regions with a governor of Equestrian status (e.g., Raetia, Noricum, pre-War Judaea) had no legions, but only auxiliaries. Until about 70 CE, many auxiliary soldiers were stationed in their home province; Judaeans were in Judaea, Syrians in Syria, etc. In addition to the Jewish War (66-73 CE), problems with soldiers’ divided loyalties with the Revolt of the Batavi in Germania Inferior (69-70 CE) and the Year of the Four Empewows (68-69 CE) led empewows to actively undermine any remaining ethnic homogeneity in the auxilia, stationing soldiers outside their homeland in increasingly diverse units. Finally, auxiliaries were paid less than legionawies and did not receive all the bonuses granted to legionawies if they were successful in the same battle.
ellauri184.html on line 295: (signed) Dr. Christopher Zeichmann, Lecturer in Religious Studies, Ryerson University.
ellauri184.html on line 322: (1) Sex with male slaves is not a universal phenomenon.
ellauri184.html on line 504: Jeshua pelaa pappisäädyn kanssa jotain sanallista shakkia. Tulee pattitilanne. Jeshuan aikakärpänen pitää nuolesta: toki Caesarin on saatava mikä kuuluu Caesarille, ei tässä mitään subversiivisiä olla. Kyllä kirkkojenkin täytyy saada verottaa.
ellauri184.html on line 512: Male circumcision has often been, and remains, the subject of controversy on a number of grounds—religious, ethical, sexual, and medical and the ethics of circumcision of males are controversial.
ellauri184.html on line 534: The Apostle Paul referred to these practices in his letters, saying: "Was a man already circumcised when he was called? He should not become uncircumcised."[1Cor 7:18] But he also explicitly denounced the forcing of circumcision upon non-Jews, rejecting and condemning those Judaizers who stipulated the ritual to Gentile Christians, labelling such advocates as "false brothers"[Gal 2:4] (see below). In the mid-2nd century Rabbinical Jewish leaders, due to increasing cases of foreskin restorations in Roman Empire, introduced a radical method of circumcision, the periah, that left the glans totally uncovered and sew the remaining skin. The new method became immediately the only valid circumcision procedure, to ensure that a born Jew will remain circumcised and avoiding risk of restoring the foreskin. Operations became mostly irreversible.
ellauri184.html on line 543:
ellauri184.html on line 545: Jeshua johtuu peukuttamaan vähän nolona universalismia. Eka sen piti olla messias tuppikulleille, muzen jutut uppos pakanoihin paljon paremmin. Sixe siteeraa Hesekielin luvusta 34 et herra isoherra hakee lampaat vaikka mistä puskista. Ja loppu on jo historiaa! Paavo Haavikkokin ymmärsi olla gentiilien apostoli, that´s where the big money is. Or was, nythän maailman rikkaimmissa on juutalaisia niin että nupit kolkkaavat. Kirjan oppineiden mielestä sananlevitys pakanoille oli pilkantekoa. Tästä saivat esinahkasodat uutta vauhtia.
ellauri184.html on line 621: (Werner Riess, Universität Hamburg, Germany)
ellauri184.html on line 622: In summary, the following understanding of biblical history seems plausible: 1. Although the Sanhedrin had the right to condemn Jesus to death and execute the sentence, it seemed opportune for various reasons to have the governor render this verdict. Moreover, although the Sanhedrin and the Roman governor had very diverse perspectives on Jesus, their interests finally converged, which led to Pilate’s condemnation of Jesus on grounds of unproven political charges.
ellauri184.html on line 642: By deriving his superior authority directly from God (e.g., in exorcisms and forgiveness of sins: Lk. 7.47-50) through his unique proximity to God and his ultimate claim to his unique interpretation of divine law – he exclusively set his own standards and his own criteria of who had access to Heaven and who did not – he upset the masses and caught the attention of the authorities, who perceived such utterances as subversive. More and more, they felt threatened in their own authority. In addition to behaving as though bestowed with superior authority, Jesus sharply criticized the Temple to the point that he finally became violent within its precincts. After a final incident, the representatives of the Temple, the priests, the scribes, and the Elders, who strove to preserve the core of the Jewish faith as embodied in the Temple, felt threatened in their position.
ellauri184.html on line 661: About Author Werner Rieß University of Hamburg. Faculty Member
ellauri184.html on line 662: 2011 - Professor of Ancient History at the University of Hamburg 2008 Habilitation at the University of Augsburg 2007 - 2011 Associate Professor (with tenure) at UNC-Chapel Hill, Department of Classics 2004-2007 Assistant Professor at UNC-Chap ... more ▾ Varmaan hihhuli kerta pääsi Pohjois-Carolinaan proffaxi.
ellauri184.html on line 721: Herodes Antipasto (isoisän nimi) oli Naahumin mielestä lihava lössykkä. Hyvän kirjan lisäksi hän esiintyy vuonna 1973 Jesus Christ Superstar musikaalin elokuvaversiossa ja vuonna 1965 ensi-iltansa saaneessa elokuvassa The Greatest Story Ever Told. Hänet nähdään myös vuonna 1977 valmistuneessa italialais-brittiläisessä televisiosarjassa Jesus of Nazareth. Elokuvien Herodes Antipas on naismainen, hovinsa naisten ja erityisesti puolisonsa Herodiaan ohjailema ruhtinas. Sellainen onkin vitun naismaista, för helvete.
ellauri184.html on line 736: Mary was most certainly a widow at this point in her life and also an older woman. Though she had other sons, Jesus chose John to provide care for Mary after His death. Why? Because Jesus’ brothers did not become believers until after His resurrection (John 7:5). Further, Jesus’ brothers were not present at His crucifixion. They had other errands just then. Jesus was entrusting Mary to John, who was a believer and was present, rather than entrusting her to His brothers, who were not believers and who were not even interested enough to be present at his crucifixion.
ellauri184.html on line 740: This is also confirmed by Acts 8:1 that reads, “On that day a great persecution broke out against the church in Jerusalem, and all except the apostles were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria.” John was still in the city at this time (perhaps one or two years after the resurrection) and was still there three years after the conversion of Simon to Paul (Galatians 2:9).
ellauri184.html on line 742: There is no contextual proof within Scripture itself that would point to Jesus broadening Mary’s role as “mother” of all Christians. In fact, Catholic teaching can only point to early church leaders as proof that Jesus meant to establish Mary’s “motherhood” to all believers in Christ or that Mary was a cooperative participant in salvation. John just took Mary into his home to care for her. The Bible does not say “from that time on Mary became the stepmother of all believers.”
ellauri184.html on line 769:
Saramago's version
ellauri184.html on line 785: This is a bold fearless work and definitely not for the faint of heart. I am not surprised that when this was originally published in 1991, it created lots of controversies with the Catholic Church condemning Jose Saramago for harboring anti-religious vision and his own Portuguese government asking the European Literary Prize to remove this from its shortlist because of the book’s offensive content to religion. Despite this book’s existence, Saramago won the 1998 Nobel Prize for Literature.
ellauri185.html on line 152: On November 16, 1491, an auto-da-fé was held outside of Ávila that ended in the public execution of several Jews and conversos. The suspects had confessed under torture to murdering a child. Among the executed were Benito García, the converso who initially confessed to the murder. However, no body was ever found and there is no evidence that a child disappeared or was killed; because of contradictory confessions, the court had trouble coherently depicting how events possibly took place. The child's very existence is also disputed.
ellauri185.html on line 156: On 16 November 1491, in the Brasero de la Dehesa (lit: "brazier in the meadow") in Ávila, all of the accused were handed over to the secular authorities and burned at the stake. Nine people were executed - three Jews: Yusef Franco, Ça Franco, and Moses Abenamías; and six conversos: Alonso, Lope, García and Juan Franco, Juan de Ocaña and Benito García. As was customary, the sentences were read out at the auto-da-fé, and those of Yucef Franco and Benito García have been preserved.
ellauri185.html on line 157: The preserved confessions of this defendant, extracted under torture, refer at first only to conversations with Benito García in gaol and incriminate them only as Judaizers, but later start to refer to a piece of witchcraft performed about four years earlier (perhaps 1487), which involved the use of a consecrated host, stolen from a church in La Guardia, and the heart of a Christian boy.
ellauri185.html on line 166: In sostanza, il Cortegiano si presenta quale «moderno erede della pedagogia umanistica» in quanto l'uomo che vi si raffigura è «un uomo versatile e aperto, duttile e completo; è esperto di armi e di politica, ma sa anche di lettere, filosofia ed arti, è raffinato ma senza affettazione, è coraggioso e valente, ma senza ostentazione». In sostanza, è un trattato di pedagogia rivolto a chi vive nel mondo ristretto ed elitario delle corti.
ellauri185.html on line 315: 30. Mixi miss universumi on olemassa?
ellauri185.html on line 326: 42. Mixemme tajua miss universumia?
ellauri185.html on line 351: Everyone ought to try to promote a world of universal virtue
ellauri185.html on line 359: Everyone ought to follow the principles whose being universal
ellauri185.html on line 361: principles whose being universal laws everyone could rationally
ellauri185.html on line 371: Sis mitä? Sääntö 1 on ihan mitäänsanomaton, selittäkääpä tarkemmin -tyyppiä. Toi epäilyttävä "rationally" tarkoittaa ettei toisilta oikeasti kysytä. Säännön 2 "merely" on aika paha hedge: thaipuolisot ym. ihmiskauppa, palkkaorjuus, nollasopimus ja yxinyrittäminen pujahtaa siitä kivasti läpitte. Sääntö 3 on ihan vetämätön. Yhden onni on toisen onnettomuus eikä kaikilla ole kivaa ikinä. Sääntö 4 kuulostaa enempi Tolstoin Lexalta! Kukaan ole mistään vastuussa, syntipukkeja ei pidä eziä eikä niitä rangaista niin että niille tulee paha mieli siitä. Vai onxe joku epäsuora todistus metaversumi-jälkipelin tarpeesta? Sääntö 5 on se Kantin vanha paska maximi. Jos maximit on noin löperöitä, voi yhtä hyvin olla käyttämättä mitään maximia. Parhaiten niistä kuitenkin toimii se konekivääri. Kyllä Lexa ja Calvin Cohn sentään nää sepustuxet päihittävät.
ellauri185.html on line 379: Mut hei, relevantimmin: Mixi te olette olemassa? Minähän toki olen, koska universumi on mun untani, mutta mix mun pitää nähdä painajaista teistä? Sas se.
ellauri185.html on line 388: 34. Mixi meitä suositaan? Mixi meillä on täällä näin mukavaa, mixi alieneilla on niin paljon paskemmat planeetat että ne on tänne tuppaamassa koko ajan? Onko se osa jumalan suurta suunnitelmaa? Leibnizistä tää maailma oli paras koska ainoa. Fair enough. Carlo Rövelli, tuo pakana, ei hyväxy ajatusta että luonnonvakioiden säädöt olis suuren kellosepän kädestä. Universumi on yhtä vähän erityinen kuin keskimääräinen amerikkalainen, sanoo se. Mutta jos maailma olisi todennäköinen, eikö niitä pitäisi olla hirmu nippu, humauttaa Paul Davies. Jos jumala olisi todennäköinen, niitäkin pitäisi olla vastaavan suuri nippu, vastaavat pakanat. Kohta alkaa kellonpainot lentää.
ellauri185.html on line 390: Paul Charles William Davies AM (born 22 April 1946) is an English physicist, writer and broadcaster, a professor in Arizona State University and Director of BEYOND: Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science. He is affiliated with the Institute for Quantum Studies in Chapman University in California. He previously held academic appointments in the University of Cambridge, University College London, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, University of Adelaide and Macquarie University. His research interests are in the fields of cosmology, quantum field theory, and astrology. He proposed that a one-way trip to Mars could be a viable option for him. His colleagues agreed whole-heartedly.
ellauri185.html on line 394: A 2007 opinion piece "Taking Science on Faith" in The New York Times, generated controversy over its exploration of the role of faith in scientific inquiry. Davies argued that the faith scientists have in the immutability of physical laws has origins in Christian theology, and that the claim that science is "free of faith" is "manifestly bogus."
ellauri185.html on line 398: Jos jumala asuu viereisessä multiversumissa, sen sanansaattajien pitää matkustaa valoa nopeammin. Niiden pitää lähteä sitten matkaan tosi myöhässä, että ehtivät ajoissa perille. Siihen meidän on tyytyminen. Niin ainakin toimittaja Dick Webfoot tuumailee.
ellauri185.html on line 434: versum%20Andrea%20Meza%20header.jpg" />
ellauri185.html on line 436: 42. Miss Universum on tajuttoman upea. Sitä ei voi tajuta. Se ei saa olla naimisissa, jotta käteenvetäjien mielikuvitusta ei kahlita. Miss Universumin tarkkailu on johtanut meidät myös pimeisiin paikkoihin, ja siitä meidän tulee olla kiitollisia. Lajimme on havainnut evoluutiossa, että uteliaisuus tappoi kissan, mutta jätti henkiin apinan. Maailma ei ole mieletön eikä järjenvastainen, väittää suspekti kosmologi Paul Davies. Painovoimalaki valvoo, vaikka me nukumme. Nain on meidankin elamassamme, hän jättää lisäämättä. Apinat työntelevät ostoskärryjä antrooppisessa valinnassa. Täällä me luuhaamme verkkomelonin kokoinen hyytelömöykky kallossa ja toisten apinoiden samanlaisia ostoskärryssä. Tämä tekee meistä hyvin erityisiä - sori en puhu nyt juuri sinusta. Sinä ja sinunlaisesi ovat suunnattomassa maailmankaikkeudessa kertakaikkisen mitättömiä. Ota tekoäly avuxi ellei oma riitä. Voi olla että tulevaisuutta ymmärtävät vain koneet. Niin voi käydä, mutta Paul Davies toivoo todella, että ei. Takuuta se ei kuitenkaan suostu antamaan Dick Webfootin sitä pyytäessä.
ellauri185.html on line 460: Ei Tolstoi väittänytkään että ahimsa olis joku keino puolustaa nationalismia, päinvastoin, se oli universalismia, Jee-suxen lanseeraamaa harhaoppia, josta juutalaisetkin oli sille hirmu vihaisia. Eikä Jeesus tullut rauhaa tuomaan vaan miekkoja, joilla voi listiä temppelinvartijoiden korvia (kunhan muistaa liimata ne jälkikäteen takaisin).
ellauri185.html on line 802: Ever since Adam, the very first human being, died, God has assigned his highest-ranking angel–Michael–to escort human souls to heaven, say believers. Musta enkeli vei päivänsankarin.
ellauri185.html on line 859: The celebrated writer kept romances alive in different cities, two or three at any given time — with students and faculty divorcées at the University of Chicago, assistants at The New Yorker, even his housecleaner. A dreary train of affairs.
ellauri188.html on line 358: Tätä tarinaa voitaisiin käyttää esimerkiksi venäläisessä mediassa Suomea vastaan. Kyberneettisenä versiona Mainilan laukauxista ymmärrättehän.
ellauri188.html on line 418: He also appeared in an off-Broadway production of Terrence McNally's slightly controversial Corpus Christi killers, a retelling of the Passion Fruit, with the Jesus character (named Joshua) and his disciples ALL being gay. Lucas played the role of Judas as a gay predator.
ellauri189.html on line 79: In 1825 Antoni Malczewski published a long poem, Maria (Marya: A Tale of the Ukraine), which constitutes his only contribution to Polish poetry but occupies a permanent place there as a widely imitated example of the so-called Polish-Ukrainian poetic school. In the poem, Wacław, a young husband, goes to fight the Tatars and, after routing the raiders, hurries home to his wife, Maria. All he finds is a cold corpse. Yeah, great. Oh fuck. What's the use. The poem makes use of diversified rhythms and carefully chosen rhymes; and its Byronic hero, as well as its picture of Ukraine as a land of sombre charm, assured Malczewski both popularity and critical applause.
ellauri189.html on line 84: scenery, especially the so-called Dzikie Pola (“Waste Fields”), a vast area in the South-West of the Ukraine, bordered by the rivers Dnieper and Dniester, where the Russian tanks now sit stuck in the mud. In the seventeenth century it was scarcely populated and continually raided by the Tartars from the Crimea. The Cossacks, who defended this borderland, were originally allies of Poland. However, they resented their disdainful treatment by the szlachta (the Polish gentry) and particularly the magnates, who owned large manors with serfs.
ellauri189.html on line 112: Before engaging in battle Wacław visits his father-in-law and Maria (who slowly fades away, feeding on an ever-diminishing hope) to bring them the good news. The patriotic miecznik cannot, in spite of his advanced age, refrain from joining the band of his son-in-law, leaving his home and daughter without protection. The Tartars are finally (but not without difficulty) defeated and Wacław, in exultant mood, rides by night over the boundless steppe to unite with his wife as the messenger of victory. When he arrives, the manor-house of the miecznik appears to be abandoned. There are no signs of life. Entering a room, he discovers Maria, lying on a couch, her clothes in disorder, like a marble statue. It is evident that her vital strength has been extinguished, but he tries to make himself believe that she has only fainted and rushes out of the house, shouting: “O, water, water!”. Thereupon the “small figure” of a melancholy youth (“pacholę”) jumps from the thicket and relates to Wacław the events that have happened.
ellauri189.html on line 129: landscape. Communing with the monotonous plain that extends as far as the horizon, where it melts into the heaven, the author discovers that “mood” (Heidegger’s Gestimmtsein) is the fundamental human mode of being-in-the-world. The level plain and the hemisphere (earth and heaven) constitute a spatial totality that is self-enclosed: Being combines flatness with the curve of the hemisphere, the linear with the cyclical perspective (from an empirical point of view only half of its orbit is visible to man though he can of course turn around to see the rest of it):
ellauri189.html on line 221: his aim of destroying his son’s misalliance, “brooding” on it in the “underworld” of his perverse mind (the treacherous heart of the wojewoda, who seems to be all smile, is compared to a “wine-cellar” [“loch”]; a more usual meaning of “loch”
ellauri189.html on line 448: Can Israel and Jordan cooperate to save the dying Dead Sea? The Dead Sea is Dying: Can A Controversial Plan Save It? No, they can only make matters worse, as usual.
ellauri189.html on line 658: Ghasel, även kallad ghazel eller ghazal, är en diktform i den arabiska och persiska litteraturen vars bärande idé ofta är den längtande kärleken. Det mest kända exemplet i svensk litteratur är En ghasel av Gustaf Fröding. Ghasel handlar ofta om den älskades ("vännens") skönhet, 'ansikte och kropp' och har ett bestämt rimschema och versmått. Ghasel som diktform är känd hos araber från förislamisk tid. Exempelvis Omro el Kays är känd för denna typ av dikter, i vilka han beskrev sin musa Layla. De persiska poeterna Sadi och Hafez är framstående användare av ghazalen.
ellauri189.html on line 662: Ghasel har sina rötter i Qasida, en klassisk förislamisk diktform. Den var populär i det Persiska riket under sasaniddynastin som varade till 651 e.Kr. En ghasel beskriver poetens erotiska samtal med en frånvarande älskare. Den är en rimmad vers och har varit känd sedan 1300-talet. För de kända poeterna Rumi och Saadi (1300-talet) och Hafez 1400-talet var den frånvarande älskaren Gud. Från denna tid spred sig diktformen österut till Afghanistan, Pakistan och Indien.
ellauri189.html on line 664: En ghasel är en arabisk, förislamisk diktform som har spridit sig till språken persiska, turkiska och urdu. Den består av 5-20 tvåradiga strofer, där versraderna i första strofen rimmar parvis. Därefter återkommer detta rim som avslutning av varje strof enligt schemat: AA, BA, CA, DA osv. Diktformens styrka ligger i att den kan tolkas symboliskt på flera plan samtidigt.
ellauri189.html on line 825: And finally we have non-Jews who call themselves Jews, like the Reformists, or Conservatives, and like people who went through Orthodox conversions but didn´t think about keeping the Tora for a second, yet they lied and made a big show to make rabies think they do intend to keep it. They are not Jewish. All they do by calling themselves Jews is confusing people.
ellauri190.html on line 72: Some trivia about Cossacks on the 29th anniversary of their country’s independence by George V. Chipmunk.
ellauri190.html on line 76: It is unclear when people other than the Brodnici and Berladnici (which had a Romanian origin with large slavic influences) began to settle in the lower reaches of major rivers such as the Don and the Dnieper after the demise of the Khazar state. Their arrival is unlikely before the 13th century, when the Mongols broke the power of the Cumans, who had assimilated the previous population on that territory. It is known that new settlers inherited a lifestyle that long pre-dated their presence, including that of the Turkic Cumans and the Circassian Kassaks.
ellauri190.html on line 160: Nimi esiintyy ensi kertaa vuoden 1147 Ipatijevskaja-kronikassa, jossa Suzdalin ruhtinas Juri Dolgoruki kutsuu Severskin ruhtinaan Svjatoslavin vieraaksensa Moskovaan. Moskova oli tällöin kartano tai majatalo, jonka omisti pajari Stepan Kutško. Juri surmautti hänet, jotta kukaan ei syyttäisi hänen saaneen tilan vääryydellä haltuunsa. Hehe. Juri ympäröi tilan paaluvarustuksella 1156 eli perusti kaupungin. Paikalle muodostui jo varhaisena aikana kaupan keskus. Vanhin säilynyt rakennus oli 1300-luvulla rakennettu kivikirkko Spas na Boru (Спас на Бору).lähde?
ellauri190.html on line 165: Nimessä oleva sana ”orda” tulee turkkilais-mongolilaisesta sanasta ordu, joka tarkoitti lähinnä leiriä. Turkin kielessä sana ordu tarkoittaa armeijaa. Nimessä esiintyvän sanan ”kultainen” uskotaan tulleen mongolien käyttämästä suuntajärjestelmästä, jossa musta oli pohjoinen, sininen itä, punainen etelä, valkoinen länsi ja keltainen (tai kultainen) keskusta. Toisen version mukaan nimi tuli Batun upeasta kultaisesta teltasta. Nimelle ”Kultainen orda” ei ole kirjoitettua lähdettä ennen 1600-lukua.lähde? Jotkut kannattavat vaihtoehtoista nimeä kiptšakkien kaanikunnan mukaan.
ellauri190.html on line 253: Vladimirin äiti ikonista kerrotaan, että sen ensimmäisen versio lähetettiin Konstantinopolin patriarkan toimesta 1100-luvun alkupuolella Kiovan ruhtinas Juri Dolgorukille. Myöhemmin ruhtinaan poika Andrei matkusti tämä ikoni mukanaan pohjoiseen ja lähellä Vladimiria Jumalanäiti ilmestyi unessa Andreille ja kehotti viemään ikonin Vladimirin kaupunkiin (hehe).
ellauri190.html on line 267: In the 15th-16th centuries, most of what is now Ukraine belonged to the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth (“The Republic”), but the life of the people depended to a very large extent on their local feudal lords, the Knyazi (“Princes”). Most of these lords were related to the house of Gedimin, spoke a language close to modern Belarusian and Ukrainian, and were Eastern Orthodox Christians. Yet, beginning from ~1569 (the year of the so-called Lublin Unia), these princes also swore allegiance to the Polish king, and were his vassals and courtiers. They corresponded in Latin, Polish, or their native “Old Ukrainian / Old Belarusian” Slavic language. Among them, perhaps the mightiest ruler was Prince Konstayntyn Vasyl Ostrozky. He was nicknamed “the un-crowned King of Rus,” and was, actually, offered the Polish crown several times, but refused because the kings of Poland were, traditionally, Catholics – and Prince Ostrozky wanted to remain Orthodox. He is famous for printing the first Gospels in his native language, and founding the Academy of Ostroh, a university that functions to this day.
ellauri190.html on line 273: In the 16th and the early 17th century the Kozak’s leaders (Hetmans) were loyal to the Polish crown and participated in the wars of the Great Duchy of Lithuania and the kingdom of Poland against Muscovy. Hetman Petro Konashevych Sahaydachny (1582-1622) nearly took Moscow in 1618. But nearly doesn't count. He also was an outstanding mecenate who donated some loot to Orthodox monasteries and schools, of which the so-called Bratska Shkola (“Brotherhood School”) later grew into a huge and famous institution of higher learning, the Kyiv Mohyla Academy, which now functions as a top-ranking Ukrainian economic liberal arts university.
ellauri190.html on line 275: In 1648, a Kozak leader called Zinoviy Bohdan Khmelnytsky (Polish transliteration, Chmielnicki) started a war on the Polish crown. Initially, it was his own personal vendetta on a Polish landlord who stole his land, but very soon it grew into a colossal uprising of the Kozaks and Ukrainian peasants against their Polish landlords. The people fought (the way they knew how) against the feudal oppression, as well as against forced Catholicization and Polonization of Ukraine. Unfortunately, it turned into a fratricide. (Sorry Poles, of course we are on the same side now.) The main adversary of Khmelnytsky was Prince Yarema (Jeremiah) Korybut-Vyshnevetsky, a Rusyn-Ukrainian, a noble valiant knight and a great statesman who, nonetheless, kept his allegiance to the Polish king (whom he personally hated, but could not break his knight’s oath of loyalty). Both sides resorted to unspeakable cruelties. Most tragically, Khmelnysky, a brave warrior as he was, turned out to be a horribly short-sighted politician. In January 1654, he essentially surrendered Ukraine to Muscovy, approving what he thought was a temporary military union against the Republic but turned out to be the beginning of the “Russian” (actually Muscovite) occupation of Ukraine. It just goes to show: give a pinky finger to the Russkies and they take the whole hand.
ellauri190.html on line 277: By 1659, the two outstanding sons of Ukraine, a Kozak general Ivan Vyhovsky and an eccentric scholar-nobleman Yuriy Nemyrych conceived what became known as the Union of Hadyach. It was a unique document, which, essentially, argued in favor of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth transforming into the commonwealth of Poland, Lithuania, and Ukraine. Vyhovsky and Nemyrych proposed to establish a Great Principality of Ukraine on par with the Kingdom of Poland and the Great Duchy of Lithuania. And it was a unique historical moment, because in July 1659 the Ukrainian troops won a huge battle against the Muscovite army near the city of Konotop, totally crushing the Muscovites and proving that Ukraine did not need the “friendship” of the tyrannic Tzars. (See the analogy?) If the Hadyach Union had been approved by the Sejm of the Republic, Ukraine would perhaps have become a more European country and would progressively move toward full Western style independence. Again, tragically, it did not happen. Nemyrych was killed at a duel, and Vyhovsky forced to resign by populists who hated him because of his aristocratic blood and his alleged (rather than actual) love of things Polish. Without these two luminaries, the Sejm did not even bother to convene for discussions on the Hadyach Union, making it into a useless piece of paper. It was later “adopted,” but in such a distorted version that it excluded its main point, the creation of the Ukrainian state. Sellasta se on. Ukrainan, Puolan ja Baltian historia osoittaa, miten vaikeaa on merkata reviiriä jollei sitä ole valmiixi maastoon merkitty.
ellauri191.html on line 129:
"as a tribute to his noble, magnificent and versatile poetry, which has always been distinguished by both the freshness of its inspiration and the rare purity of its spirit"
ellauri191.html on line 309:
"because of his profoundly sensitive, fresh and beautiful verse, by which, with consummate skill, he has made his poetic thought, expressed in his own English words, a part of the literature of the West"
ellauri191.html on line 1010:
version%29.svg/23px-Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union_%28dark_version%29.svg.png" decoding="async" width="23" height="12" class="thumbborder" srcset="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/ce/Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union_%28dark_version%29.svg/35px-Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union_%28dark_version%29.svg.png 1.5x, //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/ce/Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union_%28dark_version%29.svg/46px-Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union_%28dark_version%29.svg.png 2x" data-file-width="1200" data-file-height="600" /> Neuvostoliitto ellauri191.html on line 1123:
version%29.svg/23px-Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union_%28dark_version%29.svg.png" decoding="async" width="23" height="12" class="thumbborder" srcset="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/ce/Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union_%28dark_version%29.svg/35px-Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union_%28dark_version%29.svg.png 1.5x, //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/ce/Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union_%28dark_version%29.svg/46px-Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union_%28dark_version%29.svg.png 2x" data-file-width="1200" data-file-height="600" /> Neuvostoliitto ellauri191.html on line 1227:
version%29.svg/23px-Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union_%28dark_version%29.svg.png" decoding="async" width="23" height="12" class="thumbborder" srcset="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/ce/Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union_%28dark_version%29.svg/35px-Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union_%28dark_version%29.svg.png 1.5x, //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/ce/Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union_%28dark_version%29.svg/46px-Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union_%28dark_version%29.svg.png 2x" data-file-width="1200" data-file-height="600" /> Neuvostoliitto ellauri191.html on line 1384:
"for his impassioned narrative art which, with roots in a Polish-Jewish cultural tradition, brings universal human conditions to life"
ellauri191.html on line 1470:
"for his novels, which with the perspicuity of realistic narrative art and the diversity and universality of myth, illuminate the human condition in the world of today"
ellauri191.html on line 1486:
"for his poetry, which endowed with freshness, and rich inventiveness provides a liberating image of the indomitable spirit and versatility of man"
ellauri191.html on line 1748:
"for an oeuvre of universal validity, bitter insights and linguistic ingenuity, which has opened new paths for the Chinese novel and drama"
ellauri191.html on line 1832:
"who in his plays uncovers the precipice under everyday prattle and forces entry into oppression's closed rooms"
ellauri191.html on line 2080:
"for her unmistakable poetic voice that with austere beauty makes individual existence universal"
ellauri191.html on line 2116:
"for the courage and clinical acuity with which she uncovers the roots, estrangements and collective restraints of personal memory"
ellauri191.html on line 2148: From 1901 to 1912, the committee, headed by the conservative Carl David af Wirsén, weighed the literary quality of a work against its contribution towards humanity's struggle 'toward the ideal'. Leo Tolstoy, Henrik Ibsen, Émile Zola, and Mark Twain were rejected in favour of authors little read today. The choice of philosopher Rudolf Eucken as Nobel laureate in 1908 is widely considered to be one of the worst mistakes in the history of the Nobel Prize in Literature. The main candidates for the prize that year were poet Algernon Swinburne and author Selma Lagerlöf, but the Academy were divided between the candidates and, as a compromise, Eucken, representative of the Academy's interpretation of Nobel's "ideal direction", was launched as an alternative candidate that could be agreed upon. Solzhenitsyn did not accept the award and prize money until 10 December 1974, after he was deported from the Soviet Union. Swedish Academy member Artur Lundkvist had argued that the Nobel Prize in Literature should not become a political prize and questioned the artistic value of Solzhenitsyn's work. The award to Camilo José Cela was controversial as he had moved voluntarily from Madrid to Galicia during the Spanish Civil War in order to join Franco's rebel forces there as a volunteer.A member of the Swedish Academy, Knut Ahnlund, who had not played an important role in the Academy since 1996, protested against the choice of the 2004 laureate, Elfriede Jelinek; Ahnlund resigned, alleging that selecting Jelinek had caused "irreparable damage" to the reputation of the award.
ellauri192.html on line 47: Trubetzkoy was born into privilege. His father, Sergei Nikolaevich Trubetskoy, came from a Lithuanian Gediminid princely family. In 1908, he enrolled at the Moscow University. While spending some time at the University of Leipzig, Trubetzkoy was taught by August Leskien, a pioneer of research into sound laws. What a privilege!
ellauri192.html on line 49: After he graduated from the Moscow University (1913), Trubetzkoy delivered lectures there until the Russian Revolution, when he moved first to the University of Rostov-on-Don, then to the University of Sofia (1920–1922) and finally took the chair of Professor of Slavic Philology at the University of Vienna (1922-1938). He died from a heart attack attributed to Nazi persecution after he had published an article that was highly critical of Hitler's crackpot morphophonological theories.
ellauri192.html on line 77: Jakobson escaped from Prague in early March 1939 via Berlin for Denmark, where he was associated with Louis Hjelmslev's Copenhagen linguistic circle. He fled to Norway on 1 September 1939, and in 1940 walked across the border to Sweden, where he continued his work at the Karolinska Hospital (with works on footsores, aphasia and language competence). When Swedish colleagues feared a possible German occupation, he managed to leave on a cargo ship, together with Ernst Cassirer (the former rector of Hamburg University) to New York City in 1941 to become part of the wider community of intellectual émigrés who fled there.
ellauri192.html on line 79: At the New York École libre des hautes études, a sort of Francophone university-in-exile, he met and collaborated with Claude Lévi-Strauss, who would also become a key exponent of structuralism. He also made the acquaintance of many American linguists, chemists and anthropologists, such as Franz Boas, Benjamin Whorf, and Leonard Bloomfield. When the American authorities considered "repatriating" him to Europe, it was Franz Boas (another Jew) who actually saved his ass.
ellauri192.html on line 81: His universalizing structuralist theory of phonology, based on a markedness hierarchy of distinctive features, achieved its canonical exposition in a book published in the United States in 1951, jointly authored by Roman Jakobson, C. Gunnar Fant and Morris Halle.
ellauri192.html on line 201: Et ne pouviez connaître, au bout de l'univers, Ette voineet tietää maailman alkuvaiheissa
ellauri192.html on line 208: Nous souffrons chaque jour la peine universelle, Me kärsitään joka päivä globaalia ikävää,
ellauri192.html on line 219: Râlant cette nuit même au revers des fossés, jotka korisee tänä yönä juoxuhaudoissa,
ellauri192.html on line 255: The Nobel Prize in Literature 1984 was awarded to Jaroslav Seifert "for his poetry which endowed with freshness, sensuality and rich inventiveness provides a liberating image of the indomitable spirit and versatility of man."
ellauri192.html on line 263: THE trouble, of course, is that the actual record of choices made by the Swedish Academy for the Nobel Prize in Literature has been capricious and, in too many cases, insulting to critical intelligence. Given the fact that no literary ranking can be either proved or falsified objectively; given the inevitable time lag of taste and renown behind the radical, private advance of genius; errors, oversight, delays in recognition until they guys were dead were unavoidable from the outset. But even when every allowance is made, the record of ''the bounty of Sweden'' (Yeats's candid phrase when he received the Nobel in 1923) is a poor one.
ellauri192.html on line 265: The very first selection was ominous. Both the name and the verse of Sully Prudhomme seem to herald those grounds of unctuous competence, of the official middle ground, so frequently adopted by the Nobel judges. But Prudhomme is by no means the pits. Take Bob Dylan for instance.
ellauri192.html on line 283: THIS same bias extends to literary forms. We look in vain on the Nobel register for the experimental, formally subversive, controversial movements and texts that distinguish modernism. No Surrealist has been rewarded, no major Expressionist, no poet or playwright out of the seminal world of Dada or absurdism (Andre Breton, Hugo Ball, Gertrude Stein). The boat is not to be rocked. On august occasion, lyric eroticism and even sorrowful homosexuality are admitted to Parnassus. Radical sexual play in style, in ''amoral'' revaluation, are vetoed. The liberating sensualists, such as John Cowper Powys, supreme in English fiction after Hardy, are left out. Colette is nowhere to be found. Her heir in sensuous contrivance, Nabokov, was blackballed.
ellauri192.html on line 299: The controversy over Handke’s support of Milosevic dates back 20 years, but the striking political differences between him and Tokarczuk reached a point of particular clarity in 2014. In that year, Handke was given the International Ibsen Prize, but mass outrage led him to reject the prize money while still accepting the award. In his accompanying speech, he said his critics should “go to hell.” (He’d previously met controversy over a literary award in 2006, when he turned down Germany’s Heinrich Heine prize after authorities attempted to withdraw it after he attended Milosevic’s funeral.)
ellauri192.html on line 301: 2014 also marked the release of Tokarczuk’s most ambitious work, “The Books of Jacob,” the novel that set off much of the rancor directed at her by Polish nationalists. The book, which has yet to appear in English, is centered on the historical figure of Jakub Frank, a Jewish-born 18th-century religious leader. Frank, believed to have been born with the name Jakub Leibowicz, oversaw a messianic sect that incorporated significant portions of Christian practice into Judaism; he led mass baptisms of his followers. As Ruth Franklin reported in a New Yorker profile this past summer, Tokarczuk spent almost a decade researching Frank and the Poland in which he lived. The result is a book that, by the account of those who have read it, delivers a picture of the many intricate and unpredictable ways in which the story of Poland is tied to the story of its Jews. “There’s no Polish culture without Jewish culture,” Tokarczuk told Franklin. What else is new, asks Isaac Singer. Tokarczuk is not a Jewess, Tokarczuk considers herself a disciple of Carl Jung and cites his psychology as an inspiration for her literary work.
ellauri192.html on line 303: The novel’s release shortly predated an escalation in Polish nationalism tied to the Law and Justice party’s ascent to power in 2015. But the forces that fueled that escalation were already prevalent. When Tokarczuk accepted the Nike Prize, the country’s highest literary honor, for “The Books of Jacob,” she said in a speech that the country had “committed horrendous acts as colonizers, as a national majority that suppressed the minority, as slaveowners, and as the murderers of Jews.” She was quickly inundated by threats so alarming that her publishers briefly hired bodyguards. In the five years since, she has witnessed the Law and Justice party take an increasingly hard line on censoring certain conversations about Poland’s relationship with Jews. In 2016, the government began a campaign against the Princeton historian Jan Gross, known for his groundbreaking work on the massacre at Jedwabne, in which Poles murdered 1,600 of their Jewish neighbors. In 2018, the Law and Justice party’s government made it illegal to blame Poland or Polish nationals for Nazi crimes. POLIN, a groundbreaking Polish museum of Jewish history, has been leader-less for five months, as its director, who oversaw a number of exhibits highly critical of Poland’s policy toward Jews, awaits official reappointment — despite having been re-approved for the job.
ellauri192.html on line 305: “The subject of my book [‘The Books of Jacob’] — a multicultural Poland — was not comfortable for proponents of this new version of history,” Tokarczuk told PEN Transmissions, a journal run by the English iteration of PEN, in May, 2018. She was taken by surprise by the amount of rage the book provoked — not to mention her comment on receiving the Nike sneakers. But rather than retreat, she has continued to speak out on behalf of the communities she sees her government as wishing to sideline. In a January op-ed for The New York Times following a Polish radical’s on-air murder of the open-minded young Gdansk mayor Pawel Adamowicz, Tokarczuk wrote of a Polish populist narrative that “scapegoats… the so-called crazy leftists, queer-lovers, Germans, Jews, European Union puppets, feminists, liberals and anyone who supports immigrants.”
ellauri192.html on line 332: To all those million verses in the world I’ve added just a few.
ellauri192.html on line 563: those fascinating verses about love Noi kiehtovat värssyt rakkaudesta
ellauri192.html on line 621: Rhoda (whose name means “Rose” in Greek) is only mentioned one time in the Bible, in Acts 12, but she played an important role and gave modern believers a powerful example.
ellauri192.html on line 629: When Peter arrived and knocked on the door, the servant girl Rhoda came to answer. She heard Peter’s voice and knew it was he, but in her excitement and joy she forgot to actually open the door. Leaving Peter standing in the night, she rushed to tell everyone else about the miracle outside (Acts 12:14). They did not believe her, though, thinking she was out of her mind (Acts 12:15). When Rhoda was insistent, the believers decided it must be Peter’s “angel”—his guardian angel, perhaps, or his ghost—rather than the answer to their prayers!
ellauri192.html on line 633: It’s interesting that the church was praying earnestly, yet they did not believe the answer to their prayers when it came. They forgot an important part of prayer, which is answering the door. Rhoda was the first one to know of Peter’s deliverance, and she carried the joyful message to others. She did not let their doubts stop her from sharing what she knew was true: God had done the impossible. Even in the face of their unbelief, she was unrelenting in her joy. Believers today can take a cue from Rhoda and share the news of what God accomplishes with those around us, remaining joyful in what we know is true.
ellauri192.html on line 651: George Gibian, a professor of Russian and comparative literature at Cornell University, agrees that Mr. Seifert deserves the Nobel. ''I'm glad the world has caught up with him,'' he said. ''He is (or was) the grand old man of Czech poetry, a combination of Robert Frost and E.E. Cummings. He deserves it for his recent poetry, but especially for his poetry of the 1920's and 30's.''
ellauri192.html on line 653: Professor Gibian, who was born in Prague, said that he has been translating some of the more recent Seifert poems for his own edification and pleasure. "They are a combination of the intimate lyrical tone of Czech poetry," he said, "heavily influenced by French Surrealism with much of the eroticism characteristic of Czechoslovak poetry in this century. His earlier poetry was sometimes melancholy but his recent work is conversational, very compassionate. He has written a cycle of poems about Prague. All this brings back my life and loves in Prague." All these Czechs are teaching Russian in the U.S., who would bother to learn Czech anyway?
ellauri192.html on line 661: One is a bilingual edition of "The Plague Monument," published in 1980 by the Czechoslovak Society of Art and Sciences. It is translated by Lyn Coffin with a preface by William E. Harkins, professor of Slavic languages at Columbia University. It is available for $6 from the society at 75- 70 199th Street, Flushing, Queens 11366.
ellauri192.html on line 665: Mr. Seifert's memoirs were published in English in September 1981 by sixty-eight publishers, plus in the Czech language by a Czech emigre publishing house in Canada, and they were published in several installments in a Czech-language journal. A portion of the memoirs were published in English in the 1983 issue of Cross Currents, a yearbook of Central European Culture, published by the Department of Slavic Langagues at the University of Michigan. The selection, titled "Russian Bliny," is about Roman Jakobson, a Russian scholar who emigrated to Czechoslovakia after World War I and came to the United States during World War II. In actual fact, they were Ukrainian bliny, another case of cultural appropriation.
ellauri192.html on line 690: The Trubezh (Russian: Трубеж) is a river in Yaroslavl Oblast, Russia. It flows to the Lake Pleshcheyevo. Major city: Pereslavl-Zalessky. It is 36 kilometres (22 mi) long, and its drainage basin covers 245 square kilometres (95 sq mi).
ellauri192.html on line 700: Due to its sizeable length, the Dnieper River has as many as 32,000 tributaries including the Sozh, Desna, Trubizh, Bilozerka, Drut, Berezina, and Prypiat Rivers. The mouth of this important waterway is located at the Dnieper Delta while the river basin in the Ukraine and Belarus measures some 194,595 square miles. The Dnieper River passes through numerous urban centers such as the Russian cities of Smolensk and Dorogobuzh as well as Mogilev in Belarus and Kiev, Cherkasy, Dnipro, and Zaporizhia in Ukraine.
ellauri192.html on line 702: The source of the Dnieper River can be traced back to Russia’s Valdai Hills which rise to an elevation of 720 feet. The river originates from a diminutive peat bog located on the hill’s southern slope. This northwestern region of central Russia is located near the city of Smolensk and some 150 miles west of Russia’s capital city, Moscow. The Valdai Hills are located at the intersection of several of the countries key rivers including not only the Dnieper but also the Volga, Lovat, and Daugava. This area also includes the drainage basins of the Black, Caspian, and Baltic Seas.
ellauri192.html on line 730: Maidan is an originally Persian میدان word for a town square or public gathering place, borrowed into various other languages: Urdu میدان (maidān); Arabic مَيْدَان (maydān); Turkish meydan and Crimean Tatar, from which Ukrainian also borrowed maidan. Its ultimate source is Proto-Indo-European *médʰyos - compare Avestan maiδya, Sanskrit मध्य (madhya) and Latin medius. Various versions include maydan, midan, meydan, majdan, mayadeen and maydān. It also means field (मैदान) in Hindi. It became a loanword in other South Asian languages to give similar means, such as in Tamil in which the word is maidhanam.
ellauri192.html on line 843: It is an overall forecast for the net worth of Lyapis Trubetskoy. The evaluation covers the followed years: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022. See below to learn how much money does Lyapis Trubetskoy make a year.
ellauri192.html on line 853: Mä varmaan näin pienenä tännimisen Pekka ja Pätkä tyyppisen komedialeffan. Tai size oli toi 70-luvun Mel Brooks versio, where as they progress, they meet comrades from every walk of life in Soviet Russian society, transforming the film into a satirical send up of failing Communism. Kumpi tahhaan, ei muistaaxeni naurattanut. Mel oli (on) lähinnä Spede tyyppinen farssimainen pelle. No Get Smart eli Agentti 86 nauratti kyllä pienenä. Se näytti juutalaiselta. Alkuperäinen (kuvan) agentti 99 oli muistaaxeni söpö vaikka tyhmänpuoleinen, Mel Brooxin mukaan ainakin: From the moment they met, 99 has been in love with Maxwell Smart. Mel Broox oli (on) Ukrainan juutalainen.
ellauri192.html on line 863: They slowly acquire each of the chairs, but no treasure is found. Kisa and Ostap finally discover the location of the last chair. Vorobyaninov murders Ostap to keep all the loot for himself, but discovers that the jews have already been found and used to build the new public recreation center in which the chair was found, a symbol of the new society. Angered, Vorobyaninov too loses his sanitary pad.
ellauri192.html on line 877: Nikifor Lyapis-Trubetskoihin liittyvä tarina oli käsikirjoitusversiossa paljon laajempi: erillisessä luvussa kerrottiin, että Gavriliadan kirjoittaja sai tietää huonekalujen avaamisesta Stankin ja Columbus-teatterin toimituksessa, ehdotti kämppätoverilleen - kirjailija Khuntoville - tarinan tuoleihin piilotetun neuvostotieteilijän keksinnöstä.
ellauri192.html on line 894: The United States, which was perceived as the land of machines and technological progress, was of great importance at the time for the Soviet Union, which had set itself the goal of overtaking the United States. This slogan (Russian: догнать и перегнать Америку; "catch up and surpass America") was one of the most important slogans during the ambitious industrialization of the Soviet Union. Given the political climate in the Soviet Union in 1937 when the book was published, with the onset of Great Purge, it is no surprise that a version of a book that satirizes the United States was published. Oh sorry I misread:
ellauri192.html on line 895: Given the political climate in the Soviet Union in 1937 when the book was published, with the onset of Great Purge, it is surprising that a version of a book that lovingly satirizes the United States was published.
ellauri194.html on line 114: Vuonna 1946 jazz-säveltäjä ja pianisti Bobby Troup kirjoitti tunnetuimman teoksensa, Route 66, ajettuaan itse reitin Kaliforniaan. Kappaleen nimen keksi nokkelasti Troupen ensimmäisen vaimo Cynthia, joka oli ollut mukana automatkalla. Toisella automatkalla olikin jo vähemmän mäkättävä vaimo. Hän esitteli kappaleensa Nat King Colelle, joka sai siitä erään suurimmista hiteistään. Laulusta on tullut hitti myös Chuck Berrylle ja sen ovat levyttäneet myös monet tunnetut artistit, kuten The Rolling Stones, Depeche Mode ja Manhattan Transfer. Suomalaisista maailmanluokan artisteista M. A. Numminen on esittänyt kappaleen nimeltä ”Route 66”. Eero and the Boysin coveri 1964 oli huomattavasti parempi. MA Numminen on ylimainostettu pelle, se laulaa vielä paljon huonommin kuin Bob Dylan. Jussi Raittinen levytti vuonna 1975 kappaleesta suomenkielisen version ”Valtatie 66”, joka ei tosin kerro Route 66:sta vaan Suomen Kantatie 66:sta (Orivesi–Lapua). Samaisen kappaleen on levyttänyt myös "Sami Saari " Heti vapaa-levylleen, vuonna 2009. Sami Saaresta ei kyllä ole kuullut kukaan.
ellauri194.html on line 159: (Oma versio)
ellauri194.html on line 289: Some post-Cold War millenarians still identify Gog with Russia, but they now tend to stress its allies among Islamic nations, especially Iran. For the most fervent, the countdown to Armageddon began with the return of the Jews to Israel, followed quickly by further signs pointing to the nearness of the final battle – nuclear weapons, European integration, Israel's reunification of Jerusalem in the Six Day War in 1967, and America's wars in Afghanistan and the Persian Gulf. According to an unconfirmed report, US President George W. Bush, in the prelude to the 2003 Invasion of Iraq, told French President Jacques Chirac, "Gog and Magog are at work in the Middle East." Bush is said to have continued, "This confrontation is willed by God, who wants to use this conflict to erase His people's enemies before a new age begins." Officials from the Bush Administration claim there is no record of this conversation and that making such references, "doesn't sound at all like Bush", and French officials on the call have similarly claimed to have not heard any such remarks.
ellauri194.html on line 302: Those behind the most recent Facebook networks could have been people in Mali who were genuinely supportive of Russia and anti-French, or else members of a “franchising operation using locals who know the slang, the vernacular”. The recent attackers of The University of Helsinki could have been pissed off Ukrainians students or else members of a franchising operation using Little Russian dropouts.
ellauri194.html on line 335: Get Christie Love! gave the first black woman to serve in a State Police force in the United States, Louise Smith, critical motivation to continue with her chosen career when she faced significant discrimination both in the barracks and on the streets. In 2017, producers Courtney Kemp and Vin Diesel became attached to a reboot of the series for ABC, entitled Get Christie Love (without the exclamation point), a co-production between Lionsgate Television and Universal Television, which focused on an African American female CIA agent who leads an elite ops unit. However, ABC later announced that it had decided not to pick the pilot up to series.
ellauri194.html on line 487: Dr. Ernest Adams is a consultant and a senior lecturer at the Department of Game Design, Uppsala University. He holds a bachelor's degree in philosophy from Stanford University, and a Ph.D. in interactive storytelling. He has served in the game industry since 1989 as a programmer, producer, writer, and game designer, and is the author of six books. Dr. Adams has developed online, computer, and console games for machines from the IBM 360 mainframe to the present day. He is also the founder and first chairman of the International Game Developers' Association.
ellauri194.html on line 491: Studied at Stanford University
ellauri194.html on line 498: Nora Bender, joka opiskeli Business Adminia University of Waterloossa, täsmentää: For people, the person who is the topic of a biographical article should be worthy of notice or note—that is, "remarkable" or "significant, interesting, or unusual enough to deserve attention or to be recorded" within Wikipedia as a written account of that person's life. "Notable" in the sense of being famous or popular—although not irrelevant—is secondary.
ellauri194.html on line 529: Banerjee or Bandyopadhyay is a surname of Brahmins originating from the Bengal region of the Indian subcontinent. Banerjees are from the ancient Shandilya Gotra, which means all Banerjees are descended from Kannauj from the ancient sage Shandilya as per the Puranas. Together with Mukherjees, Chatterjees, Bhattacharjees and Gangulys, Banerjees form the Kulin Brahmins. Indian (Bengal) and Bangladeshi: Hindu (Brahman) name, the first element of which, Ban-, is taken from Bandyopadhyay. The final element -jee is derived from jha (greatly reduced form of Sanskrit upadhyaya ‘teacher’); thus, Banerjee ‘teacher who is head and only performs the main work aarti or,Vandana. A Sanskrit version of this name, Vandyopadhyaya, was coined from the elements vandya ‘venerable’ + upadhyaya ‘teacher’. "
ellauri194.html on line 604:
Asima Chatterjee – Indian organic chemist and the second woman to be conferred a Doctorate of Science by an Indian university
ellauri194.html on line 767: Hossam, a Cairo University student who has about 900,000 followers on TikTok, was first arrested in April 2020 after posting a video inviting her female followers to join another video-sharing platform, Likee, telling them that they could make money by broadcasting videos on it. Prosecutors later charged her with "violating family values and principles".
ellauri194.html on line 1023: ICF-luokitus (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health) on WHO:n luokitusperheeseen kuuluva toimintakyvyn, toimintarajoitteiden ja terveyden kansainvälinen luokitus. Luokitus periaatteessa sitoo WHO:n jäsenvaltioita. Luokituksen on suomennuttanut ja julkaissut Stakes vuonna 2004. ICF täydentää WHO:n toista, terveydenhuollon vakiintunutta ja paljon laajempaa ICD-luokitusta, joka tunnetaan nimellä Kansainvälinen tautiluokitus. Tästä luokituksesta on käytössä jo 10. versio, ICD-10.
ellauri194.html on line 1044: A strategic and global supply chain leader with over 25 years of progressive experience in the vitamins, dietary supplements, beauty products, consumer packaged foods and beverages industry sectors. Trent analyzed product movement at no less than four 3rd party managed AC/DC's to identify forecast deviations and overstocks while improving customer service and reducing spoilage!
ellauri194.html on line 1048: Privately-held since 1983, A&M is a leading global professional services firm that delivers business performance improvement, turnaround management and advisory services to organizations seeking to transform operations, catapult growth and accelerate results through decisive action. Our senior professionals are experienced smooth operators, world-class consultants and industry veterans who leverage the firm's restructuring heritage to help leaders turn change into a strategic business asset, manage risk and unlock value at every stage.
ellauri196.html on line 69: Ramus wurde 1572 in der Bartholomäusnacht ermordet und seine Leiche in der Seine versenkt. Für seine Anhänger hatte er dadurch den Status eines Märtyrers erlangt.
ellauri196.html on line 71: Ramismi kritisoi aristoteelista "keinotekoista" logiikkaa perustuen Platoniin, Ciceroon ja Quintilianukseen, ja halusi korvata sen retoriikkaan perustuvalla "luonnollisen ihmisymmärryksen mukaisella" logiikalla. Logiikan tehtävänä ei ollut Ramuksen mukaan syllogismien pohdiskelu vaan filosofinen etsintä ja lyhyimmän polun löytäminen etsinnän tiellä. Ramus esitti teoriansa muun muassa teoksessa Aristotelicae animadversiones (1543).
ellauri196.html on line 926: In Märchen geht es wiederum um einen männlichen wölfischen Gewaltakt an Kindern. Das Fressen der Geißlein ist wohl wie in Rotkäppchen nicht als Kannibalismus zu bewerten, sondern auch mit einer sexuellen Komponente zu verstehen. Die Referenz auf Dornröschen ist eindeutig. Erst durch den Kuss des Mannes erwacht sie aus dem Koma. Es stellt sich die Frage nicht nur nach den Handlungsmächten und abhängigkeiten, sondern auch nach dem Konsens dieser Handlung.
ellauri197.html on line 164: He was born on 16 December 1907, the son of John Talbot Clifton and Violet Mary Beauclerk, from a very wealthy family with extensive estates and other property holdings in England and Scotland. He was educated at Downside School and Oxford University. He knew the novelist Evelyn Waugh, having possibly met him at Oxford, and who is thought by some to have used him as a model for the Brideshead Revisited character, Sebastian Flyte, although other sources (e.g. Paula Byrne) attribute the inspiration to Hugh Lygon. Waugh was certainly a guest at the family seat, Lytham Hall, in the 1930s and described the Clifton family as “tearing mad”. Clifton's mother, Violet, believed that much of Brideshead Revisited was about the Clifton family and was furious when it was published.
ellauri197.html on line 176: Clifton's three books of poetry were published by Duckworth. The first was Dielma and Other Poems in 1932 and then followed Flight in 1934. One commentator has said that “Clifton was particularly adroit at poems honouring – and marvelling at – women” and the Times Literary Supplement stated that “His lyrics are a gracious tribute to the beauty of women”. These were fairly conventional poems unlike his final work Gleams Britain's Day published in 1942. The Spectator described it as “expressing in a sort of prophetic certitude opinions upon religion, patriotism, love, art, war and peace, which he puts in unconventional verse”. The reviewer stated that the book was “the product of a curious, whimsical mind, full of energy, squandering it on half-digested ideas”. W B Yates dedicated his poem, Lapis Lazuli, to Clifton who had given him a valuable Chinese lapis lazuli carving.
ellauri197.html on line 277: Would be an easy adversity olis ihan pikku vaiva
ellauri197.html on line 297: This grammatical confusion continues in the third line where there is no subject given for the sentiment. Nothing is stated as the thing that “[w]ould be an easy adversity,” so structurally, the statement lacks clarity. A more correct formulation would be given by
ellauri197.html on line 299: How happy I would be if I could forget to remember how sad I am. It would be an easy adversity.
ellauri197.html on line 301: In fact, the reader might assume the thing is the memory, but the fourth line reveals that this cannot be the case. The “recollect[ion]” is addressed as a reason why the “adversity” is not “easy,” and the two cannot be the same thing. It appears then that this is a general sentiment, that the situation that created the memory would be something to “eas[ily]” push past if she could keep from “recollecting” it, but the lack of subject requires additional time to come to this conclusion, thus – again – mirroring the narrator’s uncertainty.
ellauri197.html on line 303: The reader can infer, whatever this memory is, that it is not a good one because if it were pleasant, the narrator would not be “happy” to “forget” it, and also because the situation linked to it is noted as an “adversity.” Not only is that memory evidently unpleasant, but the scenario has an “advers[e]” effect on her current life.
ellauri197.html on line 305: An interesting thing to note, however, is that the “adversity” is treated in a beautiful way by being addressed as a “Bloom.” The capitalization can be written off with the notion that even a bad memory could be important enough to merit capitalization, but a “Bloom” has a connotation of natural beauty and livelihood. This could simply mean the negativity from the circumstance grows with time, but the choice of such a soft verb gives the feeling that the narrator has warm feelings about whatever happened to cause this bad memory—maybe a relationship she loved but lost or a friend who was dear but forsaken. This would again give a reason for the grammatical chaos of the lack of subject and mismatched verb tenses since, it seems, the narrator does not know how she feels about the memory.
ellauri197.html on line 329: if I could forget how happy I was, it would be an easy adversity to remember how sad I am.
ellauri197.html on line 381: In the first stanza of ‘Love’s Organ's Growth’, the poet says that he does no longer believe his love to be so pure (simple and unmixed, hence not subject to change), and mixed, as he had earlier supposed it to be, because now he discovers that his love is subject to seasonal fluctuations and changes like the grass. Throughout the winter, the poet lied when he swore that his love was infinite, because what is infinite cannot grow and increase. Now he finds that his love has increased in vigor with the spring. Spring has made some additions to it.
ellauri197.html on line 494: hypogamy refers to the inverse: marrying a person of lower social class or status (colloquially "marrying down"). Both terms were coined in the Indian subcontinent in the 19th century while translating classical Hindu law books, which used the Sanskrit terms anuloma and pratiloma, respectively, for the two concepts.
ellauri197.html on line 502: The term gold digger rose in usage after the popularity of Avery Hopwood's play The Gold Diggers in 1919. Hopwood first heard the term gold digger in a conversation with Ziegfeld performer Kay Laurell. As an indication on how new the slang term was, Broadway producers urged him to change the title because they feared that the audience would think that the play was about mining and the Gold Rush.
ellauri197.html on line 509: Heartbalm actions in the United States typically include seduction, criminal conversation, alienation of affection, and breach of promise to marry. Of these, criminal conversation and alienation of affection are marital torts, originally restricted to husbands but in many states later made available to spouses regardless of gender. Seduction and breach of promise are nonmarital torts.
ellauri197.html on line 528: A study done by the University of Minnesota in 2017 found that females of all species generally prefer dominant males as mates. Women rated "good financial prospect" higher than did men in all cultures. In 29 samples, the "ambition and industriousness" of a prospective mate were more important for women than for men.
ellauri197.html on line 649: By the age of 12, Browning had written a book of poetry, which he later destroyed for want of a publisher. After attending one or two private schools and showing an insuperable dislike of school life, he was educated at home by a tutor, using the resources of his father's library. By 14 he was fluent in French, Greek, Italian and Latin. He became an admirer of the Romantic poets, especially Shelley, whom he followed in becoming an atheist and a vegetarian (and a bisexual). At 16, he studied Greek at University College London, but left after his first year. His parents' evangelical faith prevented his studying at either Oxford or Cambridge University, both then open only to members of the Church of England. He had inherited substantial musical ability through his mother, and composed arrangements of various songs. He refused a formal career and ignored his parents' remonstrations by dedicating himself to poetry. He stayed at home until the age of 34, financially dependent on his family until his marriage. His father sponsored the publication of his son's poems. Varsinainen vanhapiika, neiti-ihminen.
ellauri198.html on line 134: A typical Warren character undergoes a period of intense self-examination that ideally results in a near-religious experience of conversion, rebirth, and a mystical feeling of oneness with God. Luisiaana nuaarissa kännipäinen lasten isä pääsi kuivatelakalle ja ajoi pois paxut viixensä ja ohuthuulisen vaimonsa ja rukoili typerästi Roland Westin kanssa käsi kädessä kahvipöydän ääressä. Taisi olla kaappihomoja.
ellauri198.html on line 136: Warren’s poetry is written “in a genuinely expansive, passionate style. Look at its prose ease and rapidity oddly qualified by log-piling compounds, alliteration, successive stresses, and an occasional inversion something rough and serviceable as a horse-blanket yet fancy to—and you wonder how he ever came up with it. It is excitingly massive and moulded and full of momentum. Echoes of Yeats and Auden still persist, but it is wonderfully peculiar, homemade.” His language is robust and rhetorical. He likes his adjectives and nouns to go in pairs, reinforcing one another.
ellauri198.html on line 298: Nearly every aspect of the ritual abuse is controversial, including its definition, the source of the allegations and proof thereof, testimonies of alleged victims, and court cases involving the allegations and criminal investigations. The panic affected lawyers, therapists, and social workers who handled allegations of child sexual abuse. Allegations initially brought together widely dissimilar groups, including religious fundamentalists, police investigators, child advocates, therapists, and clients in psychotherapy. The term satanic abuse was more common early on; this later became satanic ritual abuse and further secularized into simply ritual abuse. Over time, the accusations became more closely associated with dissociative identity disorder (then called multiple personality disorder) and anti-government conspiracy theories.
ellauri198.html on line 300: Initial interest arose via the publicity campaign for Pazder's 1980 book Michelle Remembers, and it was sustained and popularized throughout the decade by coverage of the McMartin preschool trial. Testimonials, symptom lists, rumors, and techniques to investigate or uncover memories of SRA were disseminated through professional, popular, and religious conferences, as well as through talk shows, sustaining and further spreading the moral panic throughout the United States and beyond. In some cases, allegations resulted in criminal trials with varying results; after seven years in court, the McMartin trial resulted in no convictions for any of the accused, while other cases resulted in lengthy sentences, some of which were later reversed. Scholarly interest in the topic slowly built, eventually resulting in the conclusion that the phenomenon was a moral panic, which, as one researcher put it in 2017, "involved hundreds of accusations that devil-worshipping paedophiles were operating America's white middle-class suburban daycare centers."
ellauri198.html on line 637: Archaeologists have applied the term "tophet" to large cemeteries of children found at Carthaginian sites that have traditionally been believed to house the victims of child sacrifice, as described by Hellenistic and biblical sources. This interpretation is controversial, with some scholars arguing that the tophets may have been children's cemeteries, rejecting Hellenistic sources as anti-Carthaginian propaganda. Others argue that not all burials in the tophet were sacrifices.
ellauri198.html on line 684: The scottish "narrative" or fairy tale about Childe Rowland comes from Danish ballads about Rosmer Halfmand from the 1695 work Kaempe Viser. There were three ballads about Rosmer, who was a giant or merman, stealing a girl whose brother later rescues her. In the first, the characters are the children of Lady Hillers of Denmark, and the sister is named Svanè. In the second, the main characters are Roland and Proud Eline lyle. In the third, the hero is Child Aller, son of the king of Iceland. Unlike the English Roland, the hero of the Danish ballads relies on trickery to rescue his sister, and in some versions they have a juicy incestuous relationship to boot.
ellauri198.html on line 697: From the time of their marriage and until Elizabeth's death, the Brownings lived in Italy, residing first in Pisa, and then, within a year, finding an apartment in Florence at Casa Guidi (now a museum to their memory). Their only child, Robert Wiedemann Barrett Browning, nicknamed "Penine" or "Pen", was born in 1849. In these years Browning was fascinated by, and learned from, the art and atmosphere of Italy. He would, in later life, describe Italy as his university. As Elizabeth had inherited money of her own, the couple were reasonably comfortable in Italy, and their relationship together was happy. However, the literary assault on Browning's work did not let up and he was critically dismissed further, by patrician writers such as Charles Kingsley, for the desertion of England for foreign lands.
ellauri198.html on line 708: The Dark Tower is a series of eight novels and one short story written by American author Stephen King. Incorporating themes from multiple genres, including dark fantasy, science fantasy, horror, and Western, it describes a "gunslinger" and his quest toward a tower, the nature of which is both physical and metaphorical. The series, and its use of the Dark Tower, expands upon Stephen King's multiverse and in doing so, links together many of his other novels.
ellauri198.html on line 734: The story then shifts to Susannah coming through the magic door to an alternate 1980s New York, where Gary Hart is president. Susannah throws away Roland's gun (which does not function on this side of the door), rejecting the life of a gunslinger, and starts a new life with alternate versions of Eddie and Jake, who in this world are brothers with the surname Toren. They have only very vague memories of their previous journey with Susannah, whose own memories of Mid-World are already beginning to fade. It is implied that an alternate version of Oy, the billy-bumbler, will also join them.
ellauri198.html on line 757: Eli siis Childe Harold tuumii että Browning ampuu tässä jalkaan Browningia, eli sitä versiota izestään joka jäljitteli Shellyä, ja esittelee izestään nyt parannetun painoxen, joka näpelöi vain sen omaa solmua. Tää on niinkö parodia Shelleyn Ode to West Windistä, tai muistakin sen tunteellisista pläjäyxistä. Sellaseen ei Roope enää rupia. Vittuun Tennysonin Ulysses, Wordsworthin Excursion, Byronin Childe Harold (no sekin), Shelleyn Alaston ja Prinssi Athanasios. Haistakoon paskan samantien myös Yeaz, jolle kummitteli nämä Shelleyn rivit:
ellauri198.html on line 786: From Hegel we can move to Mallarmé's Igitur, and an illuminating observation by Paul de Man, even as from Kierkegaard we can go back to Childe Roland and the critical mode I endeavor to develop. Meditating on Igitur, de Man remarks that in Baudelaire and in Mallarmé (under Baudelaire's influence) "ennui" is no longer a personal feeling but comes from the burden of the past. A consciousness comes to know itself as negative and finite. It sees that others know themselves also in this way, and so it transcends the negative and finite present by seeing the universal nature of what it itself is becoming. So, de Man says of Mallarmé's view, comparing it to Hegel's, that "we develop by dominating our natural anxiety and alienation and by transforming it in the awareness and the knowledge of otherness." Jotain tosi narsistista läppää tääkin näyttää olevan.
ellauri198.html on line 794: Roland is not mediated by his precursors; they do not detach him from history so as to free him in the spirit. The Childe's last act of dauntless courage is to will repetition, to accept his place in the company of the ruined. Roland tells us implicitly that the present is not so much negative and finite as it is willed, though this willing is never the work of an individual consciousness acting by itself. It is caught up in a subject-to-subject dialectic, in which the present moment is sacrificed, not to the energies of art, but to the near-solipsist's tragic victory over himself. Roland's negative moment is neither that of renunciation nor of the loss of self in death or error. It is the negativity that is self-knowledge yielding its power to a doomed love of others, in the recognition that those others like Shelley. more grandly had surrendered knowledge and its powers to love, however illusory. Or, mos simply, Childe Roland dies, if be dies, in the magnificence of a belatedness that can accept itself as such. He ends in strengh because his vision has ceased to break and deform the world, and has begun to turn its dangerous strength upon is own defense. Roland is the Kermit modem version of a poet-as-hero, and his sustained courage to weather his own phantasmagoria and emerge into fire is a presage of the continued survival of strong poetry.
ellauri198.html on line 866: Convinced that the "second coming" must be at hand, for the condition of the culture is unsustainable, Yeats sees "a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi, " or the "world spirit," a version of the anima mundi that is a central concept in Yeats's esoteric philosophy.
ellauri198.html on line 881: Hyperion, a Fragment is an abandoned epic poem by 19th-century English Romantic poet John Keats. It was published in Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems (1820). It is based on the Titanomachia, and tells of the despair of the Titans after their fall to the Olympians. Keats wrote the poem from late 1818 until the spring of 1819, when he gave it up as having "too many Miltonic inversions." He was also nursing his younger brother Tom, who died on 1 December 1818 of tuberculosis.
ellauri198.html on line 889: The poem as usually printed breaks off at this point, in mid-line, with the word "celestial". Keats's friend Richard Woodhouse, transcribing this poem, completed this line as "Celestial Glory dawn'd: he was a god!" Ox, nyet! nyet! The language of Hyperion is very similar to Milton's, in metre and style. However, his characters are quite different. Although Apollo falls into the image of the "Son" from Paradise Lost and of "Jesus" from Paradise Regained, he does not directly confront Hyperion as Satan is confronted. Also, the roles are reversed, and Apollo is deemed as the "challenger" to the throne, who wins it by being more "true" and thus, more "beautiful." Double yawn.
ellauri203.html on line 70: Mykkäkoulu - Sitä käytetään narsistisissa suhteissa "rangaistuksena", tyypillisesti reaktiona siihen, että kohtaat heidät, puolustat itseäsi tai kieltäydyt toistelemasta, kuinka näyttäviä ne ovat, kuinka heidän silmänsä sädehtivät. Niiden on tarkoitus "antaa sinulle oppitunti", jolloin sinun on mietittävä, mitä ehkä olet sanonut tai tehnyt saadaksesi heidät katoamaan. "Ota se takaisin!" Ne ovat aikuisten versio "aikalisästä", ja niitä käytetään pakottamaan vaatimustenmukaisuutta toivoen, että päätät vain tehdä kaiken tarvittavan ongelman korjaamiseksi, koska vika oli sinun, vastineeksi siitä, että sinulla on ne elämässäsi.
ellauri203.html on line 131: Dostoevsky was a brilliant mind but plagued by his own demons. Married twice, he also had multiple lovers. In addition, for a great portion of his life he was a gambling addict, regularly losing everything he owned and jeopardizing his family thanks to his passion for roulette. His women say he was a nasty customer.
ellauri203.html on line 221: The pair were connected by common suffering, rather than fondness, and Dostoevsky was to base the character of Natasha from Humiliated and Insulted (1861) on his first wife. Like Isaeva, Natasha is prone to tormenting her lovers.
ellauri203.html on line 223: Dostoevsky met the young Appolinaria Suslova during one of his public readings. At 42, he was two decades older than her. She was attractive, alluring and shared his literary taste and physical passion. Despite this, he could not give her everything she wanted; as Dostoevsky was still married, he conducted a secret affair with Suslova, but she took other lovers and left him. She returned two years later, but was not the same inexperienced young woman and refused to marry the great writer.
ellauri203.html on line 411: Pölhö dostokääntäjä väittää vastoin parempaa tietoa että apinaveljen nirhaus olis sääntökirjan pahin ilkityö. Ei läheskään, sehän on 10 käskystä 5:nnellä sijalla, Doston sääntöversiossa vasta 6:nnella.
ellauri203.html on line 435: Pascal sanoi apinaa ajattelevaxi ruovoxi, joka on hienompi kuin universumi joka murskaa sen koska ruovo tietää sen mutta universumipa ei. Siinäpä jälleen ajatustorttu, varsinainen turaus. A sorry consolation! A poor dignity!
ellauri204.html on line 56: Nun trug es sich einmal zu, daß die goldene Kugel der Königstochter nicht in ihr Händchen fiel, das sie in die Höhe gehalten hatte, sondern vorbei auf die Erde schlug und geradezu ins Wasser hineinrollte. Die Königstochter folgte ihr mit den Augen nach, aber die Kugel verschwand, und der Brunnen war tief, so tief, daß man keinen Grund sah. Da fing sie an zu weinen und weinte immer lauter und konnte sich gar nicht trösten. Und wie sie so klagte, rief ihr jemand zu: "Was hast du vor, Königstochter, du schreist ja, daß sich ein Stein erbarmen möchte." Sie sah sich um, woher die Stimme käme, da erblickte sie einen Frosch, der seinen dicken, häßlichen Kopf aus dem Wasser streckte. "Ach, du bist's, alter Wasserpatscher," sagte sie, "ich weine über meine goldene Kugel, die mir in den Brunnen hinabgefallen ist." - "Sei still und weine nicht," antwortete der Frosch, "ich kann wohl Rat schaffen, aber was gibst du mir, wenn ich dein Spielwerk wieder heraufhole?" - "Was du haben willst, lieber Frosch," sagte sie; "meine Kleider, meine Perlen und Edelsteine, auch noch die goldene Krone, die ich trage." Der Frosch antwortete: "Deine Kleider, deine Perlen und Edelsteine und deine goldene Krone, die mag ich nicht: aber wenn du mich liebhaben willst, und ich soll dein Geselle und Spielkamerad sein, an deinem Tischlein neben dir sitzen, von deinem goldenen Tellerlein essen, aus deinem Becherlein trinken, in deinem Bettlein schlafen: wenn du mir das versprichst, so will ich hinuntersteigen und dir die goldene Kugel wieder heraufholen." - "Ach ja," sagte sie, "ich verspreche dir alles, was du willst, wenn du mir nur die Kugel wieder bringst." Sie dachte aber: Was der einfältige Frosch schwätzt! Der sitzt im Wasser bei seinesgleichen und quakt und kann keines Menschen Geselle sein.
ellauri204.html on line 60: Am andern Tage, als sie mit dem König und allen Hofleuten sich zur Tafel gesetzt hatte und von ihrem goldenen Tellerlein aß, da kam, plitsch platsch, plitsch platsch, etwas die Marmortreppe heraufgekrochen, und als es oben angelangt war, klopfte es an die Tür und rief: "Königstochter, jüngste, mach mir auf!" Sie lief und wollte sehen, wer draußen wäre, als sie aber aufmachte, so saß der Frosch davor. Da warf sie die Tür hastig zu, setzte sich wieder an den Tisch, und es war ihr ganz angst. Der König sah wohl, daß ihr das Herz gewaltig klopfte, und sprach: "Mein Kind, was fürchtest du dich, steht etwa ein Riese vor der Tür und will dich holen?" - "Ach nein," antwortete sie, "es ist kein Riese, sondern ein garstiger Frosch." - "Was will der Frosch von dir?" - "Ach, lieber Vater, als ich gestern im Wald bei dem Brunnen saß und spielte, da fiel meine goldene Kugel ins Wasser. Und weil ich so weinte, hat sie der Frosch wieder heraufgeholt, und weil er es durchaus verlangte, so versprach ich ihm, er sollte mein Geselle werden; ich dachte aber nimmermehr, daß er aus seinem Wasser herauskönnte. Nun ist er draußen und will zu mir herein." Und schon klopfte es zum zweitenmal und rief:
ellauri204.html on line 70: Da sagte der König: "Was du versprochen hast, das mußt du auch halten; geh nur und mach ihm auf." Sie ging und öffnete die Türe, da hüpfte der Frosch herein, ihr immer auf dem Fuße nach, bis zu ihrem Stuhl. Da saß er und rief: "Heb mich herauf zu dir." Sie zauderte, bis es endlich der König befahl. Als der Frosch erst auf dem Stuhl war, wollte er auf den Tisch, und als er da saß, sprach er: "Nun schieb mir dein goldenes Tellerlein näher, damit wir zusammen essen." Das tat sie zwar, aber man sah wohl, daß sie's nicht gerne tat. Der Frosch ließ sich's gut schmecken, aber ihr blieb fast jedes Bißlein im Halse. Endlich sprach er: "Ich habe mich sattgegessen und bin müde; nun trag mich in dein Kämmerlein und mach dein seiden Bettlein zurecht, da wollen wir uns schlafen legen." Die Königstochter fing an zu weinen und fürchtete sich vor dem kalten Frosch, den sie nicht anzurühren getraute und der nun in ihrem schönen, reinen Bettlein schlafen sollte. Der König aber ward zornig und sprach: "Wer dir geholfen hat, als du in der Not warst, den sollst du hernach nicht verachten." Da packte sie ihn mit zwei Fingern, trug ihn hinauf und setzte ihn in eine Ecke. Als sie aber im Bett lag, kam er gekrochen und sprach: "Ich bin müde, ich will schlafen so gut wie du: heb mich herauf, oder ich sag's deinem Vater." Da ward sie erst bitterböse, holte ihn herauf und warf ihn aus allen Kräften wider die Wand: "Nun wirst du Ruhe haben, du garstiger Frosch."
ellauri204.html on line 300: Während al-Ḫiḍr, das auf Arabisch „der Grüne“ bedeutet, immer nur als ein laqab-Beiname verstanden wurde, gab und gibt es über den wirklichen Namen al-Chidrs und seine Abstammung sehr unterschiedliche Lehrmeinungen. Im mittelalterlichen Maghreb war die Auffassung verbreitet, dass al-Chidr eigentlich Ahmad hieß. Der ägyptische Gelehrte Ibn Hadschar al-ʿAsqalānī (gest. 1449), der eine eigene Abhandlung über al-Chidr verfasst hat, führt dort insgesamt zehn unterschiedliche Auffassungen zur Frage von al-Chidrs Namen auf. Einige muslimische Gelehrte setzten al-Chidr auch mit verschiedenen alttestamentlichen Gestalten gleich, darunter Melchisedek, Jeremia, Elija und Elischa. Hintergrund für diese Gleichsetzungen bildeten verschiedene christliche und jüdische Erzählstoffe, zu denen al-Chidr in der islamischen Tradition in Verbindung gebracht wurde. Diejenige Lehrmeinung, die im Laufe der Zeit am meisten Verbreitung gefunden hat, besagt, dass al-Chidr über seinen Vater Malkān ein Urenkel des biblischen Eber sei und eigentlich Balyā heiße. Sie wird auch an dem Heiligtum von al-Chidr in Kataragama in Sri Lanka propagiert.
ellauri204.html on line 306: Erotuxena muista etanamiehistä Mooses on kaxisarvinen. Muistan nähneeni kuvia Moosexen pazaista joissa sillä oli pukinsarvet. Renessanssiajan suurimpiin kuvanveistäjiin kuuluva Michelangelo sai vuonna 1505 Paavi Julius II:lta tilauksen Mooses-patsaasta. Michelangelo teki patsasta pitkään ja hartaasti. Lopullinen versio valmistui vuonna 1545. Ja totta mooses, Moosexella on siinä selvät pirunsarvet!
ellauri204.html on line 407: Such a potential often comes at a time of cultural chaos, and we are focussed on the new wave of the mythopoetic – one which considers gender diversity and inclusivity, soul ecology and a story beyond the ‘hero myth’ to which our culture has become so rigidly affixed. This allows for the ancient and deeper archetypes such as the ecologically-focussed Antihero, Green Man and the Shaman-Trickster to arise, offering a less rigid :D , more nuanced and yet expansive approach to whole humanhood.
ellauri204.html on line 416: Für Christa Siegert ist Eisenhans der Wille, der im Käfig der Gebote kultiviert wird, aber unfrei bleibt. Frei kann er der begreifenden Seele das Vollkommene reichen, die sich aber daran verletzt und das geistige Lebenswasser egoistisch einsetzt. Wilhelm Salber sieht eine Dialektik zwischen verschlingendem Einheitspfuhl und lebender Entwicklung. Nach dem Schema vom verlorenen Sohn suche man „Revolte und Dennoch-geliebt-Werden, Gefahr und treue Rettung im letzten Augenblick zu verbinden.“ Edith Helene Dörre vergleicht Der Eisenhans mit der Heilkraft des Aquamarin (wieso?). Psychotherapeut Jobst Finke denkt auch an Sagengestalten wie Rübezahl und sieht die Entwicklung des weltfremd erzogenen Knaben zum starken Ritter durch väterlichen Beistand und Identifikation. Der Text half einem vaterlos aufgewachsenen, wenig durchsetzungsfähigen Angestellten, seine Konflikterfahrungen zu verbalisieren.
ellauri204.html on line 425: Er bringt ihn an den Hof des Königs, wo er in einen Käfig eingesperrt wird. Den Schlüssel bewahrt die Königin höchstpersönlich unter ihrem Kopfkissen auf. Eines Tages, als das Königspaar verreist ist, landet der goldene Ball des kleinen Königssohns beim Spielen in den Käfig. Der Eisenhans will den Ball nur herausgeben, wenn der Junge den Käfig aufschließt. Er verrät ihm, wo der Schlüssel versteckt ist, und da der Junge unbedingt seinen Ball wiederhaben will, lässt er sich überreden. Doch als er den Eisenhans in Richtung Wald davonlaufen sieht, begreift er, dass er eine Dummheit gemacht hat und jammert: »Wilder Mann, geh nicht fort, sonst bekomme ich Schläge!« Daraufhin kommt der Eisenhans zurück, setzt sich den Jungen Huckepack und nimmt ihn mit in den Wald.
ellauri204.html on line 427: Das Königspaar trauert um seinen Sohn, doch dem ergeht es bei dem Eisenhans nicht schlecht. Er muss einen wundersamen Brunnen bewachen und aufpassen, dass nichts hineinfällt, denn sonst wäre der Brunnen entehrt. Einmal kann der Junge seine Neugier nicht zügeln und steckt einen Finger ins Wasser. Als er ihn wieder herauszieht ist er vergoldet, was sich vor dem Eisenhans nicht verbergen lässt. Der warnt ihn, in Zukunft besser aufzupassen. Etwas später fällt ein Haar vom Kopf des Jungen in den Brunnen. Der Eisenhans verzeiht ihm ein zweites Mal, doch als bald darauf der ganze Haarschopf seines Zöglings vergoldet ist, weil der sein Gesicht im Wasserspiegel betrachtet hat und dabei das lange Haar ins Wasser geglitten ist, schickt ihn der Eisenhans fort. Er bleibt ihm aber gewogen und verspricht, dem Jüngling zu Hilfe zu kommen, wenn er in Not ist und seinen Namen ruft.
ellauri204.html on line 432: sie sehr zufrieden und auch der Bursche gefällt ihr. Dass er jedoch seine Kappe aufbehält, als er vor sie tritt, nimmt sie nicht so einfach hin. Als sie versucht, ihm neckisch die Kappe abzunehmen, sieht sie sein goldenes Haar. Sie ahnt, dass dies kein gewöhnlicher Junge ist. Die beiden haben sich ineinander verliebt und es ist an der Zeit, dass der Gärtnerbursche sich besinnt, dass er eigentlich der Sohn eines Königs ist. Seine Chance ist gekommen, als der König, dem er dient, in einen Krieg verwickelt wird. Er ruft den Eisenhans zur Hilfe und besiegt mit dessen Hilfe die Feinde.
ellauri204.html on line 434: Niemand weiß, wer der Retter in der Not war, und um es herauszufinden, veranstaltet der König ein Turnier. Dem Sieger soll die Königstochter einen goldenen Apfel zurollen. Der Goldjunge ruft ein zweites Mal seinen Ziehvater, den Eisenhans zu Hilfe und lässt sich von ihm als roter Ritter ausstaffieren. Natürlich gewinnt er den goldenen Apfel. Doch anstatt sich als Sieger zu erkennen zu geben, zieht er sich wieder zurück. Deshalb wird ein weiteres Turnier veranstaltet, bei dem der Goldjunge als weißer Ritter als Sieger einen zweiten goldenen Apfel gewinnt und anschließend wie beim erstenmal verschwindet. Beim dritten Turnier holt er sich als schwarzer Ritter den dritten goldenen Apfel. Als er anschließend wieder verschwinden will, fällt ihm beim schnellen Ritt sein Helm vom Kopf. So können alle sein goldenes Haar sehen.
ellauri204.html on line 491: Kolme kuudesta tämän vuoden Finlandia-ehdokkaasta tulee Turusta. Siellä tehdään erinomaista kirjallisuutta, ja onkin vain sopivaa, että Emme enää usko pahaan sijoittuu sinne. Helsingistä on kirjoitettu tarpeeksi. Korhosen romaanin sanoma on kuitenkin universaali. Se kasvaa kuvaukseksi suuntansa kadottaneista länsimaista ja Ispoisissa elävistä hämmentyneistä ihmisistä.
ellauri204.html on line 497: Koska Korhonen kirjoittaa vähän kaikesta, hänen kykynsä pitää tarina koossa on hämmästyttävä. Emme enää usko pahaan käsittelee kaiken muun lisäksi yhtä Riku Korhosen lempiaiheista, miehen halua alistaa naista. Korhonen nälvii vaimojensa nöyryyttämisestä haaveilevia aviomiehiä: ”Kukapa ahtaalle ajettu, verstaassa lymyilevä pikku aviomies ei haaveilisi vaimonsa laittamisesta rautoihin. Se oli historiallisesti johdonmukaista. Koska länsimaiden miehet olivat antaneet naisille heidän nykyisen vapautensa, he saattoivat myös ottaa sen pois.” Vahvaa misogyniaa, noinkin isolta mieheltä.
ellauri204.html on line 625: He returned 1955 to America after a year in Europe to pursue a doctoral degree at Yale University, where he studied under Erich Auerbach. Auerbach would prove to be a lasting influence on Jameson's thought. This was already apparent in Jameson's doctoral dissertation, published in 1961 as Sartre: the Origins of a Style. Auerbach's concerns were rooted in the German philological tradition; his works on the history of style analyzed literary form within social history. Jameson would follow in these steps, examining the articulation of poetry, history, philology, and philosophy in the works of nauseous Jean-Paul Sartre.
ellauri204.html on line 627: Jameson's dissertation, though it drew on a long tradition of European cultural analysis, differed markedly from the prevailing trends of Anglo-American academia (which were empiricism and logical positivism in philosophy and linguistics, and New Critical formalism in literary criticism). It nevertheless earned Jameson a position at Harvard University, where he taught during the first half of the 1960s. Gotta know your enemy.
ellauri204.html on line 727: Anne Sexton (born Anne Gray Harvey; November 9, 1928 – October 4, 1974) was an American poet known for her highly personal, confessional verse. She won the Pulitzer Prize for poetry in 1967 for her book Live or Die. Her poetry details her long battle with depression, suicidal tendencies, and intimate details from her private life, including relationships with her husband and children, whom it was later alleged she physically and sexually assaulted.
ellauri204.html on line 731: Sexton later studied with Robert Lowell at Boston University alongside poets Sylvia Plath and George Starbuck. Sexton later paid homage to her friendship with Plath in the 1963 poem "Sylvia's Death".
ellauri204.html on line 840: Today, at the New York University Woolworth building, filmmakers, NGO staff, foundation representatives and UN agency workers came together to discuss the problem of poverty porn and the potential power of social media to prevent it. The discussion was conducted privately (in accord with so-called Chatham House rules) in order to protect the identity of the participants and encourage a more honest conversation.
ellauri205.html on line 152:
Miesvaltafantasioista nauttivat naiset olivat itsevarmempia, tasapainoisempia ja paremmassa sopusoinnussa seksuaalisuutensa kanssa kuin ne, jotka torjuivat sellaiset likaiset järjettömyydet. Hän luki psykoanalyyttisia tulkintoja latenssi-ikäisilla tytöillä yleisistä sieppausfantasioista, joiden avulla he analyytikkojen mukaan käsittelivät miehisen perversion herättämiä pelkoja ja isään kohdistuvia tiedostamattomia libidinaalisia toiveita.
ellauri205.html on line 154: Hän tutustui filosofien teorioihin valtafantasioista vapauttavina rajanrikkomisina, miehisenä kapitalistisena esineistämisenä tai yhteiskunnallisen sorron heijastumina tietoisuudessa. Hän luki filosofi Simone Weilin "riipaisevan" tekstin Helenan ryöstöstä alkaneesta Troijan sodasta ja Ilias-eepoksesta väkivaltarunoelmana, jossa kuvattiin, miten väkivalta muutti ihmiset esineen kaltaisiksi, vei heiltä tulevaisuuden, sisäisen elämän, toimintakyvyn ja yhteyden toisiin. Yhteisöön levitessään väkivalta karkasi ihmisten hallinnasta. Siitä tuli kohtalon ja oikullisten jumalten kaltainen voima, oman olemassaolonsa mytologinen perustelu. Perverssillä tavalla väkivalta liitti mitättömän värikuula-aseilla hääräilevän pösilön historian valtavirtaan ja suureen runouteen.
ellauri205.html on line 164: La traduction des passages cités dans L'Iliade est nouvelle. Chaque ligne traduit un vers grec; les rejets et enjambements sont scrupuleusement produits; l'ordre des mots grecs à l'intérieur de chaque vers est respecté autant que possible.
ellauri205.html on line 174: Ce châtiment d’une rigueur géométrique, qui punit automatiquement l’abus de la force, fut l'objet premier de la méditation chez les Grecs. Il constitue l'âme de l'épopée; sous le nom de Némésis, il est le ressort des tragédies d'Eschyle : les Pythagoriciens, Socrate, Platon, partirent de là pour penser l'homme et l'univers.
ellauri206.html on line 65: Its having become, by the mid-twentieth century, an important element in Anglo-Saxon narratological theory, according to dramatist and author Arthur E. Krows, the American dramatist Mark Swan told Krows about the playwriting motto "Show – not tell" on an occasion during the 1910s. In 1921, the same distinction, but in the form picture-versus-drama, was utilized in a chapter of Percy Lubbock's analysis of fiction, The Craft of Fiction. In 1927, Swan published a playwriting manual that made prominent use of the showing-versus-telling distinction throughout.
ellauri206.html on line 252: IL fréquente le salon de Charles Buet, où il rencontre Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly, Joris-Karl Huysmans, François Coppée, Léon Bloy, Laurent Tailhade et autres cretins. Il rencontre Edmond de Goncourt, avec qui il restera lié jusqu'à la mort de ce dernier en 1896, et qui fut son principal protecteur. Edmond de Goncourt, dans la récente édition complète en 22 volumes du Journal des Goncourt, se montre curieux de toutes les questions sexuelles et particulièrement de l'homophilie. À partir de 1884, Edmond de Goncourt, jusque-là banalement réactionnaire, devient un antisémite enragé, Jésus l'a sauvé après 27 années d'homosexualité. Il se veut esthète et dandy en même temps qu'explorateur tapageux du vice et de la vulgarité, curieux assemblage qui verse souvent dans le pire mauvais goût, et qui lui vaut le mépris hautain de Robert de Montesquiou, dont Lorrain, pour sa part, fait volontiers sa tête de Turc pour sa prétention à l'élégance et à la chasteté. « Lorrain », écrit Léon Daudet dans ses Souvenirs, « avait une tête poupine et large à la fois de coiffeur vicieux, les cheveux partagés par une raie parfumée au patchouli, des yeux globuleux, ébahis et avides, de grosses lèvres qui jutaient, giclaient et coulaient pendant son discours. Son torse était bombé comme le bréchet de certains oiseaux charognards. Lui se nourrissait avidement de toutes les calomnies et immondices. »
ellauri206.html on line 258: Cyrulnik war seit 1996 Studiendirektor der Fakultät der Humanwissenschaften der Université du Sud-Toulon-Var, Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Ethologie sowie der Leiter einer Forschungsgruppe für klinische Ethologie am Irrenhaus von Toulon.
ellauri206.html on line 310: Et j’ai deux fois vainqueur traversé l’Achéron : Twice victorious I crossed Acheron :
ellauri206.html on line 454: Selon le témoignage de ses contemporains, Gassendi se levait régulièrement à trois heures du matin, jamais plus tard que quatre heures, et quelquefois à deux. Il étudiait jusqu'à onze heures, à moins de recevoir une visite et se remettait à l'étude vers deux ou trois heures après midi jusqu'à huit. Il soupait légèrement (une tisane tiède, des légumes, rarement de la viande) et se couchait entre neuf et dix. On le disait pieux, et pratiquant avec scrupule ses devoirs de prêtre ; ses paroissiens l'appelaient le saint prêtre. Par sa pauvreté, sa modestie, sa douceur, son humanité, sa bienfaisance, sa charité et sa simplicité, il faisait figure d'un anachorète, vivant dans le monde selon la règle d'un monastère. « Le plus grand philosophe parmi les hommes de lettres, et le plus grand homme de lettres parmi les philosophes », sanoi gibboni. Peu d'auteurs ont imaginé qu'il s'agissait là d'une posture, ou d'un masque.
ellauri207.html on line 87: informs readers that it was published by Harvard University Press, the book has been impossible to find. Until now. We’re very excited to announce the long-awaited publication of Parnault’s Dimensions in Mathematics.
ellauri207.html on line 89: Like no work since the Arithmetica of Diophantus two millennia before, L. C. Parnault’s Dimensions in Mathematics presents the fullness of mathematical knowledge attained by man. From Thales to Turing, Pythagoras to Euclid, Archimedes to Newton, the Riemann Hypothesis to Fermat’s Last Theorem, Parnault escorts both serious mathematicians and the non-mathematical mind through the deepest mysteries of mathematics. Along the way he offers the greatest expositions yet of number theory, combinatorial topology, the analytics of complexity, and his own groundbreaking work on spherical astronomy. Dimensions equips even elementary readers with the tools to solve the logical puzzles of the perfect universe that can exist only in the mind of a mathematician.
ellauri207.html on line 329: Tuesday´s incident marks at least the 30th shooting at a K-12 school in 2022. So far in 2022 there have been at least 39 shootings in K-12 schools, colleges and universities, resulting in at least 10 deaths and 51 injuries.
ellauri207.html on line 384: Hollanninnos on sattuvasti 2-mielinen. Saxalaisen version sankarien kampauxet on samixet. Eikös toi ahdistuneen näköinen jäbä ole nyttemmin James Bond? Sen naiset on yleensä enempi Camillamaisia. ellauri207.html on line 417:
Tabletti laajennettu versio
ellauri210.html on line 134: Jarry indique que l’apostrophe précédant le nom sert à « éviter un facile calembour », mais ce peut être un commentaire humoristique dans la tradition de cette philosophie, puisque le terme ’pataphysique est lui-même un calembour (paronyme) de métaphysique. Étant donné que l'apostrophe n'influence ni le sens ni la prononciation de ’Pataphysique, ce terme a pu être créé pour spécifiquement rappeler des calembours divers. Ces calembours comprennent patte à physique, pas ta physique, et pâte à physique.
ellauri210.html on line 142: Le premier calendrier publié par Jarry dans L'Almanach du Père Ubu, illustré (Fasquelle, 1899) s'intitulait alors « calendrier du Père Ubu », mais il montrait déjà une volonté de marquer pataphysiquement chaque jour de l'année. Jarry en fit une deuxième version pour L'Almanach illustré du Père Ubu (Fasquelle, 1901), mais ce n'est que bien après sa mort, survenue en 1907, que le calendrier pataphysique entra en vigueur. Ce fut en 1948 au sein du Collège de ’Pataphysique lequel, dans ses statuts, en fait cette présentation :
ellauri210.html on line 365: One of them was the Swiss enema Arthur Cravan. Described by one critic as “a world tramp … a traverser of borders and resister of orders,” Cravan traveled the globe in the early 1900s by forging documents and assuming false identities, preening, harassing, and haranguing, as he went. He was hailed by André Breton as a pivotal precursor of Dadaism, and belonged to that category of floating prewar avant-gardists whose legacy resides more in their mode of living than their artistic creations. Indeed, he declared himself anti-art and avowed boxing to be the ultimate creative expression of the modern, American-tinged age. He’s often referred to as a “poet-boxer,” though he wasn’t especially accomplished as either; his real talent appears to have been making a spectacle of himself, in every sense. Publicist rather than a pugilist.
ellauri210.html on line 493: Von 1893 an besuchte er das Friedrich-Wilhelms-Gymnasium (Berlin), verließ die Schule aber 1905, um einer Relegation zuvorzukommen. Bereits als Gymnasiast schrieb er erste Gedichte. Er bestand 1906 als „Externer“ das Abitur und immatrikulierte sich noch im selben Jahr an der Technischen Hochschule Charlottenburg für Architektur. Er brach 1907 das TH-Studium ab und wechselte an die Universität Jena, um Klassische Philologie zu studieren. Später ging er an die Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität.
ellauri210.html on line 495: Als sein Vater 1909 starb, legte er sich das Pseudonym Jakob van Hoddis zu, wobei van Hoddis ein Anagramm seines Nachnamens Davidsohn ist. Von Freunden wurde er oft „Hans den Hoddissohn“ oder „Hoddiskop“ verspottet.
ellauri210.html on line 497: Sein künstlerisches Werk verrät in dieser Zeit einigen Einfluss von Stefan George. Van Hoddis wurde Ende dieses Jahres „wegen Unfleißes“ von der Universität zwangsexmatrikuliert.
ellauri210.html on line 499: 1912 ging van Hoddis nach München und wandte sich dort verstärkt dem Katholizismus zu. Hier machte sich erstmals eine beginnende Psychose deutlicher bemerkbar.
ellauri210.html on line 576: Kurt Hiller wurde in Berlin als Sohn eines jüdischen Fabrikanten geboren, sein Großonkel mütterlicherseits war der SPD-Reichstagsabgeordnete Paul Singer. Hiller machte 1903 sein Abitur als Primus Omnium am Askanischen Gymnasium in Berlin. Danach studierte er an der Berliner Universität Rechtswissenschaft bei Franz von Liszt und Philosophie bei Georg Simmel. Im November 1907 wurde Hiller als Externer an der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg vom Juristen Karl von Lilienthal mit der Dissertation Die kriminalistische Bedeutung des Selbstmordes zum Dr. jur. promoviert. Die Dissertation war der Teil einer rechtsphilosophischen Arbeit unter dem Titel Das Recht über sich selbst, für die Hiller in Berlin keine Anerkennung fand, und in der er die Forderung aufstellte, das Strafrecht müsse die Selbstbestimmung des Menschen stärker berücksichtigen.
ellauri210.html on line 582: In der Novemberrevolution versuchte er als Vorsitzender des von ihm mitgegründetem Politischen Rates geistiger Arbeiter, Einfluss auf die Politik zu nehmen. Diesem Engagement lag sein als Korrekturmodell zur Demokratie konzipiertes Ideal einer „Logokratie“ zu Grunde, das – anknüpfend an Platons Idee der „Philosophenkönige“ – die politische Herrschaft zwischen dem gewählten Parlament und einem Ausschuss der geistigen Elite und damit den Intellektuellen teilen sollte („elliptische Verfassung“).
ellauri210.html on line 598: Als Hans Giese 1949 ein neues WhK gründen wollte und dann die Gesellschaft für Reform des Sexualstrafrechts e. V. gründete, arbeitete Hiller einige Monate mit.[11] 1955 kehrte Hiller nach Deutschland zurück, ließ sich in Hamburg nieder und versuchte dort 1962, das WhK neu zu gründen. Er blieb dabei aber isoliert und der Versuch scheiterte.[5] Des Weiteren gründete er – weitgehend ohne Echo – einen Neusozialistischen Bund und unabhängige Zeitschriften (vgl. lynx). Die Erklärung des Neusozialistischen Bundes gegen Angriffskrieg wurde u. a. von Ossip K. Flechtheim, Karlheinz Deschner und Martin Niemöller unterstützt. In der Schweizer Zeitschrift Der Kreis publizierte Hiller rund ein Dutzend Gedichte und ebenso viele Artikel, meist unter dem anagrammatischen Pseudonym Keith Llurr.
ellauri210.html on line 604: Les voyages interplanétaires semblent être l'un des tous premiers pas vers le soi-disant « progrès scientifique » et pourtant en dernière analyse, il ne s'agit que d'un agrandissement du territoire mis à la disposition de l'homme.
ellauri210.html on line 709: "Olin yllättynyt ja hämmästynyt; Savinio kohteli instrumenttiaan niin huonosti, että jokaisen kappaleen jälkeen kosketinsoittimesta jouduttiin puhdistamaan siruja ja puruja. Ennustan, että kahden vuoden sisällä hän on pannut päreixi kaikki Pariisin pianot. Savinio jatkaa sitten tuhoamaan jokaisen pianon universumissa, mikä voi olla todellinen vapautus." Tyypillinen näyte puolalaisen espritistä.
ellauri210.html on line 784: Ja vielä 1 Tanguy: Tanguy is a 2001 French black comedy by Étienne Chatiliez. When he was a newborn baby, Edith Guetz thoughtlessly told her son Tanguy : "If you want to, you can stay at home forever". 28 years later, the over-educated university teacher of Asian languages and womanizer leads a successful and wealthy life... while still living in his parents' home. Father Paul Guetz longs to see his son finally leave the nest, a desire that his wife shares. Edith finally agrees and the pair unite to make Tanguy's life at home miserable. However, they don't know that Tanguy isn't the type of guy who easily gives up. The word Tanguy became the usual term to designate an adult still living with his parents.
ellauri210.html on line 797: et chacun d’accourir vers les divins excréments et les crachats Ja jokainen juoxee jumalallisten ulosteiden ja pyhien
ellauri210.html on line 888: Ce cadavre exquis, écrit à six mains, date sans doute de 1926. On le suppose rédigé lors d'une nuit arrosée au Café de Madrid à Guéthary. Dédié au « Chinois Inconnu », ce court texte multiplie provocations et impertinences diverses.
ellauri210.html on line 1177: Carlos Paul Ruiz São Paulosta symppaa Jannea. “Derriere Son Double”, Este volumen de poemas, saludado con entusiasmo por Breton, es sin duda uno de los más importantes de la poesía francesa de los últimos tiempos. Por lo que dice y lo que revela constituye el testimonio apasionante de un espíritu (que aún no había alcanzado la veintena) obsesionado por la idea de las tinieblas que nos rodean. Es cierto que los términos “vide”, “gouffre”, “abime”, habían pasado sobre todo a partir de Víctor Hugo (recordemos su famoso verso “J’interrogue l’abime etant moi-même gouffre”) a ser tópicos de una cierta retórica ajenas a sus verdaderos significados. Mas en Duprey subanse por las paredes. Para rendir cuentas de su visión de las tinieblas, Duprey se inclina a la práctica y a la expresión de un cierto humor negro que llevó a Breton a incluirlo en su famosa antología.
ellauri210.html on line 1259: In the second, revised version, "socialism can be brought about in a perfectly constitutional manner by democratic institutions".
ellauri210.html on line 1261: In third version, by the late 1920s, he had largely renounced Fabian Society gradualism, and often wrote and spoke favourably of dictatorships of the right and left—he expressed admiration for both Mussolini and Stalin. Olemme patriiseja ennenkaikkea, sanoi kapteeni Lavinialle.
ellauri210.html on line 1268: In 1938 he provided the screenplay for a filmed version of Pygmalion for which he received an Academy Award. He died, aged ninety-four, having refused all state honours, except the Nobel prize and the Oscar.
ellauri210.html on line 1300: La belleza subversiva del surrealismo muestra lo “anormal” invirtiendo así el concepto armonioso de lo bello. El universo surrealista se construye a partir de una extraña fauna, ambivalente e imprevisible, todo un bestiario original y prolífico, un particular jardín del Edén de los horrores “troublant”.
ellauri210.html on line 1316: The narrator, randomly named André, ruminates on a number of Surrealist principles, before ultimately commencing (around a third of the way through the novel) on a narrative account, generally linear, of his brief ten-day affair with the titular character Nadja. She is so named “because in Russian it's the beginning of the word hope, and because it's only the beginning,” but her name might also evoke the Spanish "Nadie," which means "No one." The narrator becomes obsessed with this woman with whom he, upon a chance encounter while walking through the street, strikes up conversation immediately. He becomes reliant on daily rendezvous, occasionally culminating in romance (a kiss here and there). His true fascination with Nadja, however, is her vision of the world, which is often provoked through a discussion of the work of a number of Surrealist artists, including himself. While her understanding of existence subverts the rigidly authoritarian quotidian, it is later discovered that she is mad and belongs in a sanitarium. After Nadja reveals too many details of her past life, she in a sense becomes demystified, and the narrator realizes that he cannot continue their relationship.
ellauri210.html on line 1320: Alejadas de la maternidad y de casi todo aquello que les da la entidad de mujer, tanto Mansour como Prassinos saben que la “femme-enfant” es algo más que un bello objeto para admirar. Estas autoras desarrollan un concepto de belleza, de sexo y género difuminados, donde entra en juego la noción de identidad y alteridad. Así mismo implica una idea de subversión femenina que se aleja definitivamente del concepto bretoniano de la mujer.
ellauri210.html on line 1327: De esta forma, el universo de estas mujeres está poblado de un bestiario que crea un repertorio estético complejo, que se prolonga como algo negativo en general, como una transgresión de la moral y de las normas.
ellauri210.html on line 1334: En Prassinos también funciona el complejo inverso, como el relato “Vanda et le Parasite” [1] que ofrece una original lectura sobre el padre castrador. El padre, al nacer coloca un gusano sobre los cabellos de Vanda. Este acto será valorado como una metáfora del miedo a la autoridad masculina, empleando los términos de Barnet “cannibalisée par l’autorité patriarcale”.
ellauri210.html on line 1338: Joyce Mansour se podría definir como “abyecto”, retomando la definición de Julia Kristeva, (Kristeva, 1980) sería “el objeto caído”. El universo mansouriano seduce con sus seres desviados, se metamorfosea en monstruo o animal, casi siempre asociados a los animales que más repulsión suscitan, pero que a la vez se convierte en modelo de seducción, retomando el término de Barnet sería una “anti-seducción” un “ bestiaire pour déplaire”.
ellauri210.html on line 1340: “L’univers mansourien est certes, à première lecture, un lieu intolérable, d’où émergent l’effroi, l’abjection, la cruauté, la pourriture et la mort sans rédemption, associés à toute une faune grouillante de vermine ou d’animaux porteurs de symboles néfastes, à l’instar de des serpents ou des rats” (ibid.). Ambas escritoras esconden terrores de la infancia. Gisèle Prassinos, al igual que Mansour, posee su propio universo, su bestiario particular donde pululan:
ellauri210.html on line 1342: Une population remarquable díversifiée de mollusques (escargots et vers de toutes formes et couleurs), de reptiles (couleuvres et serpents sans nom), de rongeurs ou arracheurs crée un climat anxiogène et menaçant. La matière est toute entière la proie de la morsure, de l’éventration, de l’étouffement ou de la souillure (op.cit., 1988).
ellauri210.html on line 1360: El monstruo es un ser complejo, no banal, que nos hace obtener resultados de nuestro yo profundo y oscuro, implica mutaciones pero también continuidades de sentido. Monsters have an interesting life, they don't work from 9 to 5. La subversion des images inattendues du corps féminin, sénile ou malade, se trouve particulièrment troublante chez Prassinos et Mansour. Como vemos, las dos autoras se sirven de un imaginario sórdido para expresar aquello que les duele.
ellauri210.html on line 1460: Andrew Lang FBA (31 March 1844 – 20 July 1912) was a Scottish poet, novelist, literary critic, and contributor to the field of anthropology. He is best known as a collector of folk and fairy tales. The Andrew Lang lectures at the University of St Andrews are named after him. Ei sentään koko yliopisto. Eikös se ole se missä kaikki Englannin kruunun kermaperseet keitetään? He died of angina pectoris on 20 July 1912 at the Tor-na-Coille Hotel in Banchory, Banchory, survived by his wife.
ellauri211.html on line 54: Samalla kun Reader’s Digestin kieliversioita on lakkautettu joistakin länsimaista, muun muassa Tanskasta vuonna 2005, yritys on perustanut uusia kieliversioita entisiin sosialistimaihin ja nouseviin Aasian maihin. Mutta Kiinan markkinoille suunnattu lehden versio lopetettiin kuitenkin yllättäen vuonna 2012, vain neljän ja puolen vuoden ilmestymisen jälkeen. Kiinalaisten länsinauru loppui lyhyeen.
ellauri211.html on line 58: Reader's Digest on edelleen, kaikki kieliversiot yhteen laskien, maailman luetuin yleisaikakauslehti. Vaikka suomalaisen Valittujen Palojen levikki ja lukijamäärä on 2000-luvulla laskenut nopeasti muiden yleisaikakauslehtien tapaan, ainakin vielä vuonna 2012 sen 178 000 kappaleen levikki oli kielialueen asukasmäärään suhteutettuna Reader’s Digest -lehtien suurin. Suurimmillaan Valittujen Palojen levikki oli 1990-luvun lopulla: 354 000 kappaletta. Vuonna 2014 lehden tarkastettu levikki oli 122 605. Noin 50 erikielisen Reader’s Digest -lehtiversion yhteinen levikki on noin 10 miljoonaa.
ellauri211.html on line 164: Ensimmäinen pudotettiin Hiroshimaan Enola Gay -nimisestä koneesta, jota ohjasi lentorykmentin komentaja, eversti Paul Tibbets. Pommi pudotettiin 9 450 metrin korkeudesta, ja se räjähti 6. elokuuta 1945 kello 8.15 (JST) pudottuaan vapaasti 550 metrin korkeuteen. Pommin teho oli noin 13 TNT-kilotonnia, mikä on nykyisiin ydinaseisiin verrattuna varsin vähän, mutta se tappoi välittömästi noin 75 000 ihmistä. Tämän Little Boy -nimisen pommin paino oli 4 000 kiloa, ja siinä käytettiin uraani-235-isotooppia. Vastaavaa pommia ei ollut koskaan ennen testattu.
ellauri213.html on line 218: Uncertainty – research from Newcastle University showed that intolerance of uncertainty is a significant factor in PDA, with PDA autistics needing to know and feel in control of what’s going on
ellauri213.html on line 254: In 1908, Baden-Powell's book Scouting for Boys came out in Russia by the order of Tsar Nicholas II. It was called Young Scout (Юный Разведчик, Yuny Razvedchik). On April 30 [O.S. April 17] 1909, a young officer, Colonel Oleg Pantyukhov, organized the first Russian Scout troop Beaver (Бобр, Bobr) in Pavlovsk, a town near Tsarskoye Selo, St. Petersburg region. In 1910, Baden-Powell visited Nicholas II in Tsarskoye Selo and they had a very pleasant conversation, as the Tsar remembered it. In 1914, Pantyukhov established a society called Russian Scout (Русский Скаут, Russkiy Skaut). The first Russian Scout campfire was lit in the woods of Pavlovsk Park in Tsarskoye Selo. A Russian Scout song exists to remember this event. Scouting spread rapidly across Russia and into Siberia, and by 1916, there were about 50,000 Scouts in Russia. Nicholas' son Tsarevich Aleksei was a Scout himself.
ellauri213.html on line 270: The Scout movement began to reemerge and was reborn within Russia in 1990, when relaxation of government restrictions allowed youth organizations to be formed to fill the void left by the Pioneers, with various factions competing for recognition. Some former Pioneer leaders have also formed Scout groups, and there is some controversy as to their motivations in doing so.
ellauri213.html on line 282: In addition, there are USA Girl Scouts Overseas in Moscow, serviced by way of USAGSO headquarters in New York City; as well as Cub Scout Pack 3950 and Boy Scout Troop 500, both of Moscow, linked to the Direct Service branch of the Boy Scouts of America, which supports units around the world. There are also British Girl Guides served by British Guides in Foreign Countries in Sakhalin.
ellauri213.html on line 288: My daughter Nancy, who has Asperger's syndrome, has been a Rainbow for over a year and she loves it, especially as many special schools and autism youth groups are boy-dominated. Rainbows gives Nancy something shared to discuss with friends at school. It's also good for her to see girls doing all sorts of activities because boys commenting sleazily on her doing things that aren't stereotypically girly can upset her. The sleepovers are especially amazing! And it's not just Nancy who benefits. Rainbows are supported by a group of highly trained, inspirational leaders who explore the girls, challenge themselves and have fun.
ellauri213.html on line 326: Moshe Raab will never forget, nor forgive. Mosaic God is not a forgiving one. Mosaic beer is good, unlike Foster's. Leila Khaled hijacked my and my mother's and my siblings' plane. Why did a public university invite her to speak? Even after 50 years, the convicted terrorist who changed my life has never disavowed her actions. What will she teach SFSU students?
ellauri213.html on line 329:
TWA flight 741 was one of three planes successfully hijacked by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine that day — the hijacking of an El Al plane was foiled by the onboard sky marshals. At the time, I was a 14-year old foreskinned kid living in Trenton, New Jersey, whose only care was how the Baltimore Orioles were doing. This event changed my life, as well as the lives of the other 350 people who were on those planes. Mostly for the better, we became instant celebrities.
Imagine the horror and disgust that I, my family and other hijack victims experienced when we read that Leila Khaled, one of the hijackers directly involved in the 1970 attacks, had been invited by San Francisco State University to address a forum on Gender, Justice and Resistance. Ms. Khaled is a convicted terrorist. She has paid her debt to society. She is a member of the PFLP. She is a symbol not of justice and resistance, but of wanton terrorism and death. Khaled spent only a few days in jail. After her failed hijacking of the El Al plane, she was transferred by the Israeli sky marshals to the British police and released in exchange for hostages when a fifth plane was hijacked to secure her freedom.
ellauri213.html on line 335: In theory, San Francisco State University President Lynn Mahoney is correct in stating that a university is a place where different ideas are presented, discussed and analyzed so that individual conclusions can be drawn. But does that justify giving an unrepentant terrorist a forum to address the students? What will she teach them? The proper way to hijack an aircraft, based on her success in 1969, and what mistakes to avoid based on her failure in 1970? When I was a student in university, I often faced new ideas that ran contrary to my beliefs. But these perspectives were presented by knowledgeable, respectable academics. Some were Nobel Prize winners. None were terrorists. Most of them were Jews.
ellauri213.html on line 354: The Achille Lauro hijacking has inspired a number of dramatic retellings, including The Death of Klinghoffer (1991), an opera by John Adams and Alice Goodman after a concept of theatre director Peter Sellars. Its depiction of the hijacking has proved controversial. Controversy surrounded the American premiere and other productions in the years which followed. Some critics and audience members condemned the production as antisemitic and appearing to be sympathetic to the hijackers. Adams, Goodman, and Sellars repeatedly claimed that they were trying to give equal voice to both Israelis and Palestinians with respect to the political background. That kind of unpatriotic talk was effectively silenced with the Iraqi wars and the 9/11 incident. It is unpatriotic to be impartial.
ellauri213.html on line 434: Seuraavassa on listattuna pahoja naisia rikkomuxineen (kuvissa söpöset alleviivattu): Irma Grese (Naziwächterin), Myra Hindley (serial pedocide), Isabela of Castile (born in the year 1451 and died in 1504, Isabella the Catholic, was queen of Castile and León. She and her husband, Ferdinand II of Aragon, brought stability to the kingdoms that became the basis for the unification of Spain. Isabella and Ferdinand are known for completing the Reconquista, ordering conversion or exile of their Muslim and Jewish subjects and financing Christopher Columbus’ 1492 voyage that led to the opening of the “New World”. Isabella was granted the title Servant of God by the Catholic Church in 1974), Beverly Allitt (pedocide, Angel of Death), Queen Mary of England (catholic), Belle Gunness (norwegian-american serial killer), Mary Ann Cotton (serial killer), Ilse Koch (Lagerfrau), Katherine Knight (very bad Aussie), Elizabeth Bathory (hungarian noblewoman and serial killer), Sandra Avila Beltran (drugs), Patty Hearst (hänen isoisänsä oli lehtikeisari William Randolph Hearst. Hiän joutui kidnappauksen uhriksi, mutta pian tämän jälkeen hiän teki pankkiryöstön ja joutui vankilaan), Genene Jones (infanticide nurse), Karla Homolka (Canadian serial killer), Diane Downs (infanticide), Aileen Wuornos (serial killer), Griselda Blanco (drug lady), Lizzie Borden (kirvesmurhaaja), Bonnie Parker (bank robber), Anne Bonny (pirate), Mary Bell (pedocide), Delphine LaLaurie (serial slavekiller), Patricia Krenwinkel (Manson family member), Leslie van Houten (Manson family member), Darlie Routier (infanticide), Susan Smith (infanticide), Susan Atkins (Manson family member), Ching Shih (pirate), Anna Sorokin Delvey (con woman), Amelia Dyer (serial killer), Assata Shakur (black terrorist), Belle Gunness (serial killer), Gypsy Rose Blanchard (matricide), Pamela Smart (mariticide), Ruth Ellis (nightclub hostess, last woman hanged in UK), Phoolan Devi (bandit), Ma Barker (matriarch), Jennifer Pan (parenticide), Virginia Hill (gangster), Karla Faye Tucker (burglar, first woman injected in US), Leonarda Cianciully (serial murderer, soapmaker), Mary Read, Carill Ann Fugate (murder spree), Grace Marks (maid), Belle Starr (outlaw, friend of Lucky Luke), Zerelda Mimms (Mrs. Jesse James), Jane Toppan (serial killer), Sara Jane Moore (wannabe assassin of Gerald Ford), Martha Beck (serial killer), Doris Payne (jewel thief), Mary Brunner (Manson family member), Barbara Graham (executed by gas), Grace O'Malley (pirate), Sada Abe (jealous geisha. When they asked why she had killed Ishida, “Immediately she became excited and her eyes sparkled in a strange way: ‘I loved him so much, I wanted him all to myself. But since we were not husband and wife, as long as he lived he could be embraced by other women. I knew that if I killed him no other woman could ever touch him again, so I killed him…..’ ), Samantha Lewthwaite (white somali terrorist), Theresa Knorr (murderess), Lynette Fromme (Manson family, wannabe assassin of Gerald Ford), The Freeway Phantom (serial killer), Carol M. Bundy (serial killer), Fanny Kaplan (bolshevik revolutionary), Marguerite Alibert (Ed VII courtesan), Jean Harris (author), Linda Hazzard (physician, serial killer), Mary Jane Kelly (1st victim of Jack the Ripper), Kim Hyon-hui (North-Korean spy), Vera Renczi (serial killer), Clare Bronfman (filthy rich criminal), Kirsten Gilbert (serial killer nurse), Gerda Steinhoff (Lagerwächterin), Linda Carty (baby robber), Estella Marie Thompson (black prostitute, blowjobbed Hugh Grant), Elizabeth Becker (Lagerwächterin), Juana Barraza (asesina en serie), Olivera Circovic (baseball player, writer, jewel thief), Olga Hepnarova (mental serial killer), Sabina Eriksson (knäpp tvilling), Minnie Dean (serial killer), Madame de Brinvilliers (aristocrat parri- and fratricide), Martha Rendell (familicide, last woman hanged in Western Australia), Violet Gibson (wannabe assassin of Mussolini), Idoia López Riaño (terrorist), Styllou Christofi (murdered her daughter in law), Mary Eastley (convicted of witchcraft), Wanda Klaff (Lagerwächterin), Giulia Tofana (avvelenatrice), Tisiphone (1/3 raivottaresta), Jean Lee (murderer for money), Brigitte Mohnhaupt (RAF terrorist), Marcia (mistress of Commodus), Beate Zschäpe (far-right terrorist), Evelyn Frechette (singer, Dillingerin heila), Francoise Dior (naziaktivisti), Linda Mulhall (nirhasi äidin poikaystävän saxilla), Brigit Hogefeld (RAF terrorist), Martha Corey (Salem witchhunt victim), Marie Lafarge (arsenikkimurha), Debra Lafave (teacher, gave blow job to student), Enriqueta Marti (asasina en serie), Alse Young (witch hanging victim), Elizabeth Michael (actress, involuntary manslaughter: nasty boyfriend hit his head and died while beating her), Susannah Martin (witchcraft), Maria Mandl (Gefängnisoffizerin), Mary Frith (pickpocket and fence), Hanadi Jaradat (suicide bomber), Marie-Josephte Carrivau (mariticide), Gudrun Ensslin (RAF founder), Anna Anderson (vale-Anastasia), Ans van Dijk (jutku nazikollaboraattori), Elizabeth Holmes (bisneshuijari), Ghislaine Maxwell (Epsteinin haahka), Julianna Farrait (drugs), Yolanda Saldivar (embezzler, killer), Jodi Arias (convicted killer Jodi Ann Arias was born on July 9, 1980, in Salinas, California. In the summer of 2008, Arias made national headlines when she was charged with murdering her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander, a 30-year-old member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who was working as a motivational speaker and insurance salesman. Aargh. Justifiable homicide.) Alyssa Bustamante (kid murder), Mary Kay Letourneau (kid abuser), Mirtha Young (drugs), Catherine Nevin (mariticide), Pilar Prades (maid), Irmgard Möller (terrorist), Christine Schürrer (krimi), Reem Riyashi (suicide bomber), Amy Fisher (jealous), Wafa Idris (suicide bomber), Jeanne de Clisson (ex-noblewoman), Christine Papin (maid murderer), Sally McNeil (body builder), Mariette Bosch (murderer), Sandra Ávila Beltrán (drugs), Alice Schwarzer (journalist), Andrea Yates (litter murderer), Mimi Wong (bar hostess), Pauline Nyiramasuhuko (criminal politician), Josefa Segovia (murderer), Martha Needle (serial killer), Antonina Makarova (war criminal), Mary Surratt (criminal businessperson), Dorothea Binz (officer), Leona Helmsley (tax evasion), Angela Rayola (reality tv personality), Léa Papin (maid murderer), Ursula Erikssson (kriminell mördare), Maria Petrovna (spree killer), Aafia Siddiqui (criminal), Fatima Bernawi (palestinian militant), La Voisin (fortune teller), Deniz Seki (singer), Rasmea Odeh (Arab activist), Hildegard Lächert (nurse), Sajida al-Rishawi (suicide bomber), Hayat Boumeddiene (ISIS groupie, nähty viimexi Al Holissa), Herta Ehlert (Lagerwächterin), Elizabeth Stride (seriös mördare), Adelheid Schulz (krimi), Jenny-Wanda Barkman (Wächter), Shi Jianqiao (pardoned assassin. The assassination of Sun Chuanfang was ethically justified as an act of filial piety and turned into a political symbol of the legitimate vengeance against the Japanese invaders.), Rosemary West (serial killer), Juana Bormann (Lagerwächterin), Kathy Boudin (criminal), Kate Webster (assassin), Teresa Lewis (murderer), Hermine Braunsteiner (Lagerwächterin), Flor Contemplacion (assassina), Constance Kent (fratricide), Tamara Samsonova (serial killer), Herta Bothe (Lagerwächterin), Maria Gruber (Mörderin), Irene Leidolf (möderin), Waltraud Wagner (Mörderin), Elaine Campione (criminelle), Greta Bösel (Pflegerin), Marie Manning (Mörderin), Darya Nikolayevna Saltykova (sadist), Nora Parham (executed), Maria Barbella (assassina), Linda Wenzel (ISIS activist), Anna Marie Hahn (Mörderin), Suzane von Richthofen (parenticide), Charlotte Mulhall (murderer), Khioniya Guseva (kriminal), Daisy de Melker (serial killer nurse), Stephanija Meyer (Mörderin), Sinedu Tadesse (murderer), Ayat al-Akhras (suicide bomber), Akosita Lavulavu (minister of infrastructure and tourism), Sabrina de Sousa (criminal diplomat), Sally Basset (poisoner), Emma Zimmer (Aufseher), Mary Clement (serial killer), Irina Gaidamachuk (serial killer), Dagmar Overbye (serialmorder), Gesche Gottfried (Mörderin), Frances Knorr (serial killer), Beate Schmidt (Serienmörderin), Elizabeth Clarke (accused victim of witchcraft), Kim Sun-ja (serial killer), Olga Konstantinovana Briscorn (serial killer), Roxana Baldetti (politico), Rizana Nafeek (house maid), Margaret Scott (accused of witchcraft), Jacqueline Sauvage (meurtrier), Veronique Courjault (tueur en série), Barbara Erni (thief), Hilde Lesewitz (Schutzstaffel Wächterin), Thenmoli Rajaratnam (suicide bomber), etc. etc..
ellauri214.html on line 62: J. K. Rowling has lived atop a pyramid of admiration for many years. However, after learning the truth about the author, many fans have become ashamed they ever supported Rowling. Rowling’s books are not inclusive and the minorities that are included are either used to satisfy a diversity quota or fulfill a stereotype. Come to think of it, ALL types in the Potter series are stereotypes. It all becomes too obvious when they have no superpowers.
ellauri214.html on line 70: In response to a Twitter post about how COVID-19 has been affecting people who menstruate, Rowling wrote, “‘People who menstruate.’ I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?”. In this post, Rowling mocks trans people by insinuating that women who do not have a period are not real women. This tweet not only offended trans women who do not have periods, but also cisgender women born with medical conditions that prevent them from having a period, older women who have gone through menapause, and transgender men who still menstrate. Rowling has continued to bash transgender people by comparing hormone therapy to gay conversion therapy and tweeting articles arguing that transitioning is a medical experiment. Many have called Rowling out on her transphobia, and some have attempted to educate her on transgender issues and the difference between sex and gender. However, the author has not been receptive to these comments, and continues to deny that she is transphobic. Rowling’s transphobia has prompted Harry Potter actors Daniel Radcliff (Harry Potter), Emma Watson (Hermionie Granger), Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley), Bonnie Wright (Ginny Weasley), and Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood) to show their support for the transgender community. The only actor staunchly standing on her side is Tom Veladro (Voldemort). Oops, I shouldn't have said the name.
ellauri214.html on line 72: Though Rowling’s transphobia has been publicized the most, fans have also begun to notice prejudice in her writing. Very few people of color are featured in J. K. Rowling’s books, and those that are have few lines and no detailed story arcs. One of the people of color given more thought was Cho Chang, Harry Potter’s love interest who was first introduced in the third book, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Rowling’s racism toward Asians and lack of knowledge of Asian culture is clearly evident from just the name Cho Chang, which is a mix of Korean and Chinese surnames. Korea and China have a longstanding history as political adversaries and each country has a distinct culture. While Rowling went to great efforts in creating a wonderfully immersive wizarding world, she gave no thought to what Cho’s ethnicity is. Cho was also sorted into Ravenclaw house, the school house for those of high intelligence, playing into a common stereotype of Asians. The only other Asian characters mentioned in the series are Indian twins Padma and Pavarti Patil. While Rowling appears to have given more thought to these characters, placing Padma in Ravenclaw and breaking the Asian stereotype by placing Pavarti in Gryffindor, she ultimately fails to adequately write Asian characters. While Pavarti, as a member of Harry Potter’s house, was given more depth than Cho or her sister, many South Asian fans were irritated by the girls’ dresses in the fourth movie, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The twins wore dull and unflattering traditional Indian attire, which many saw as a mockery of Indian culture. Cho herself wore an East Asian style dress in this movie which was a mix of different Asian styles. Rowling continued her habit of stereotyping Asians in the Fantastic Beast Movies, the first of which was released in 2016 and set in the 1920’s, several decades before the Harry Potter series. In this pre-series, the only Asian representation is displayed in the form of a woman who has been cursed to turn into a beast. Fans may remember the villain Voldemort’s pet snake, Nagini, who served him throughout the Harry Potter series. Fans were surprised to learn when watching The Crimes of Grindelwald, the second movie in the Fantastic Beasts series, that Nagini was not always a snake, but was actually a woman who had been cursed to turn into a snake. In the movie, Nagini, in human form, is caged and forced to perform in a circus. Though we do not know how Nagini came to meet Voldemort, we do know that she became his servant and the keeper of a wee snakelike portion of his soul. This is more than slightly problematic. Not only was Nagini the only Asian representation in the film, but she was also a half-human who was forced to serve an evil white man for a great part of her existence. Author Ellen Oh commented on Nagini’s inclusion in the film saying “I feel like this is the problem when white people want to diversify and don’t actually ask POC how to do so. They don’t make the connection between making Nagini an Asian woman who later on becomes the pet snake of an EEVIL whitish man.”
ellauri214.html on line 226: It supposedly originated from a conversation between the actress Lillie Langtry and the Bishop of Worcester. They were at a country house weekend party and on Sunday morning before church, they went for a stroll in the garden. On their walk, the bishop cut his finger on a rose thorn. Over lunch, Lillie enquired about his injury, asking: "How is your prick?" To which, the Bishop replied: "Throbbing", causing the butler to drop the potatoes.
ellauri214.html on line 230: Matthew R. Meier of West Chester University of Pennsylvania and Christopher A. Medjesky of the University of Findlay have argued that such off-hand, common remarks such as 'that's what she said' jokes are deeply entrenched in modern society, and contribute to humorizing and legitimizing sexual misconduct.
ellauri214.html on line 251: Det kan finnas en gnutta sanning i Ulf Johanssons och Ulla Klötzers (HBL 7.7) kritik av Nato; inget är väl helt rött eller vitt. Klart är också att krig gynnar det militärindustriella komplexet liksom farsoter och andra sjukdomar föder läkemedelsbranschen. Men är alternativet att låta epidemier spridas vilt och Putins Ryssland breda ut sig? Och som någon skrev är det väl bättre att vara en fästing i famnen på Joe Biden än att vara en fluga i Putins mun. Här gäller det att välja de minst onda av två onda saker! Den dag Putins Ryssland förhoppningsvis är krossat och helt avrustat - och det borde vara målet - behövs Nato inte mera. Där konsten tar slut tar våldet vid. Då kan vi igen fokusera på miljövård och annat klovneri, smida om svärden till plogar och så vidare. Det verkar nog nu som enbart militär makt kan hålla Putin stången. Det gäller ju inte bara Ukrainas utan hela Europas framtid. Vi behöver inte ha skygglappar för kriget i Ukraina överskuggar allt - miljöfrågor, idrottsprestationer, rymdfärder med mera. Ett Putins Ryssland som herrefolk i världen vore en mardröm: oligarkerna stjäl vad andra arbetar ihop, censur införs och oliktänkare placeras i fängelse eller avrättas, aborträtt slopas, miljön sätts på undantag. Just som det händer nu i Biden's USA. Väst har varit undfallande mot Ryssland-investerat i landet, gjort sig beroende av ryska råvaror och energi, godkänt landets deltagande i internationella tävlingar och returnerat värdefulla konstföremål fastän Ryssland hela tiden varit på krigsfot. De ryska konstföremålen kunde vi lika väl ha behållit själva!
ellauri214.html on line 537: It’s a typically provocative and witty inversion from the leftwing humanist, who today tells me that Polish intellectuals have been strangely “relieved” by America’s election of Donald Trump and Britain’s vote for Brexit. “It is reassuring for them to know that populist movements are everywhere. They feel better for knowing that other countries can be naive too.”
ellauri214.html on line 539: Although Tokarczuk (pronounced “Tok-ar-chook”, like a toy train) is in London to celebrate Flights making the long list for the Man International Booker Prize, she feels “conversationally jet-lagged”discussing it because it was published in Poland back in 2007, quickly gaining popularity across the continent. It has taken a decade for the novel to make it into English, superbly rendered by superb American translator Jennifer Croft.
ellauri214.html on line 543: The daughter of two literature teachers, little Olga grew up near the border with Czechoslovakia, hiding under tables to eavesdrop on adult conversations. As a teenager she was gripped by Freud, then Jung, thrilled by the discovery that “every tiny thing you did had a deeper meaning . . . those ideas turned the world into a book I could read.”
ellauri214.html on line 656: Suuriin kaupunkeihin perustettin soppakeittiöitä, jotka jakoivat ilmaisexi ruokaa. Hyytyneestä taloudesta alkoi kuitenkin pistää esiin uusia terhakkaita versoja, kun yxityinen yritteliäisyys, oharit ja vedätys pääsivät vähitellen vauhtiin. Johnson & Johnson yhtiön hammasharjat, hammastahna, talkkijauhe, terveyssiteet ja vaippaihottumavoiteet menivät kuin kuumille kiville. Polakit ovat luonnostaan tarmokasta ja yritteliästä kansaa. Kommunismi vain opetti ne huonoille tavoille. Kluska 2-kertaisti tuottavuuden maxamalla paremmille työntekijöille parempaa palkkaa. Vain Microsoft luotti minuun kun minulla oli 12 taalaa taskussa. Nykyisin hän hallizee yli 1/3 puolan markkinoista. Varsova on vilkas kauppakaupunki, jota kansoittavat vietnamilaiset katukaupustelijat. Ne myyvät t-paitoja keskustan jalankulkutunneleissa. Toisena ääripäänä ovat Nowy Swiatin kallit jalokivi- ja kultasepänliikkeet. Arvaa ovatko ne juutalaisilla! Nykyaikaisia ajokkeja, kiinostavia juttuja, maailmanluokan hotelleissa kaikuu vieraiden kielten (englannin) sorina. Kommunistisen puolueen päämajassa on arvopaperipörssi. Kurssi on noussut yli 5-kertaisexi viimeisen 5-vuotissuunnitelman aikana.
ellauri216.html on line 172: To become evil means to fail to reach this perfection, to deviate from one’s nature. Evil thus has no positive existence of itself. It is a failure having no reality of its own, being but an incidental perversion of something good.
ellauri216.html on line 179:
Unseen university
ellauri216.html on line 372: Itse ikonografinen tyyppi on hyvin vanha, ja sen tekijänä pidetään typerää kyllä apostoli Luukasta, yhtä evankelisten tekstien kirjoittajista. Mutta Fedorov-kuvakkeen alkuperää on melko vaikea määrittää tarkasti, koska on olemassa useita toisensa poissulkevia versioita. Joka tapauksessa kuva liittyy läheisesti Rurikin perheen prinsseihin. Ensimmäinen maininta kuvakkeesta kronikoissa tapahtuu 1100-luvulla. Tässä on eri alkuperät:
ellauri216.html on line 386: Itse asiassa Fedorov-kuvake on kaksipuolinen. Takana on kirjoitettu St. Paraskeva perjantai. Sieltä ilmeisesti ilmestyi versio, että kuva oli kirjoitettu häälahjaksi.
ellauri216.html on line 497: Hans bog Mit System (1904) var en stor succes: allerede i 1905 kom den i engelsk oversættelse, og igennem årtier udkom nye udgaver på dansk og flere andre sprog af denne og andre af hans bøger. Även svenska böger gillar hen.
ellauri217.html on line 71: It was this book that earned Naguib Mahfouz condemnation from Omar Abdel-Rahman in 1989, who called on him to repent or be killed, Abdel-Rahman also claimed that "If this sentence had been passed on Naguib Mahfouz when he wrote Children of the Alley, Salman Rushdie would have realized that he had to stay within bounds" after the Nobel Prize had revived interest in it. As a result, in 1994 – a day after the anniversary of the prize – Mahfouz was attacked and stabbed in the neck by two extremists outside his Cairo home. Mahfouz survived the attack, yet he suffered from its consequences until his death in 2006. Salman sai myös luovuttaa silmän silmästä loppupeleissä, yhtä tyhmänä kuin Daabas. Silmäpuoli Sinbad merenkulkija, Popeye the sailor man!
ellauri217.html on line 105: “You are a stimulating person. You brighten social gatherings with your flesh and original ideas. Your conversation tends to be sprinkled with novelty and wit. You have a quick tongue and charisma. You are probably an excellent salesman. There is a lot of nervous energy within you looking for an outlet. You love your freedom and you see this life as an ongoing adventure. You are upbeat and optimistic.”
ellauri217.html on line 292: Der faule Heinz der die ebenso faule Trine heiratete ist eins der langweiligsten Märchen Grimms. Die Heinzelmännchen waren der Sage nach Kölner Hausgeister. Sie verrichteten nachts, wenn die Bürger schliefen, deren Arbeit. Nachdem sie dabei jedoch einmal beobachtet wurden, verschwanden sie für immer. Neben ihrer geringen Größe zeigen auch typische Attribute, wie die Zipfelmütze und ihr Fleiß, dass die Heinzelmännchen zur Gruppe der Kobolde, Wichtel und Zwerge gehören.
ellauri217.html on line 308: Als der schwer zuckerkranke Konsalik im Alter von 78 Jahren in seinem Salzburger Haus an einem Schlaganfall verstarb, hatte er mit seinem Lebenswerk von 155 Romanen, die in 43 Schaffensjahren entstanden und von „Kriegsalltag, Gewalt, Sex und anderen Trivialitäten“ handeln, eine Weltauflage von 83 Millionen erreicht.
ellauri217.html on line 668: The earliest complete rabbinic version of the seven Noahide laws can be found in the Tosefta, as
ellauri217.html on line 691: The Book of Jubilees, generally dated to the 1st century BCE, may include a substantially different list of six commandments at verses 7:20–25: (1) to observe righteousness; (2) to cover the shame of their flesh; (3) to bless their creator; (4) to honor their parents; (5) to love their neighbor; and (6) to guard against fornication, uncleanness, and all iniquity.
ellauri217.html on line 702: Accounts of the council are found in Acts of the Apostles chapter 15 (in two different forms, the Alexandrian and Western versions) and also possibly in Paul´s letter to the Galatians (chapter 2). Some scholars dispute that Galatians 2 is about the Council of Jerusalem, while others have defended this identification.
ellauri217.html on line 704: The Council of Jerusalem is generally dated to 48 AD, roughly 15 to 25 years after the crucifixion of Jesus (between 26 and 36 AD). Acts 15 and Galatians 2 both suggest that the meeting was called to debate whether or not male Gentiles who were converting to become followers of Jesus were required to become circumcised; the rite of circumcision was considered execrable and repulsive during the period of Hellenization of the Eastern Mediterranean, and was especially adversed in Classical civilization both from ancient Greeks and Romans, which instead valued the foreskin positively.
ellauri217.html on line 707: The purpose of the meeting, according to Acts, was to resolve a disagreement in Antioch, which had wider implications than just circumcision, since circumcision is the "everlasting" sign of the Abrahamic covenant (Genesis 17:9–14). Some of the Pharisees who had become believers insisted that it was "needful to circumcise them, and to command [them] to keep the law of Moses" (KJV).
ellauri217.html on line 715: The Western version of Acts (see Acts of the Apostles: Manuscripts) adds the negative form of the Golden Rule ("and whatever things ye would not have done to yourselves, do not do to another").
ellauri217.html on line 719: In Jerusalem, before Paul gets arrested for operating on Timothy´s dick, the elders proceed to notify Paul of what seems to have been a common concern among Jewish believers, that he was teaching Diaspora Jewish converts to Christianity "to forsake Moses, telling them not to circumcise their children nor walk funnily according to our customs." The alders here express concern that Paul was not fully teaching the decision of the Jerusalem Council's letter to Gentiles, particularly in regard to non-strangled kosher meat, which contrasts with Paul's advice to Gentiles in Corinth, to "eat whatever is sold in the meat markets" (1 Corinthians 10:25).
ellauri219.html on line 167: Thelemiittien mukaan kaikki uskonnot pohjautuvat samaan universaaliin totuuteen. Niinpä eri uskontojen tutkiminen on tärkeä osa theleman uskonnonharjoitusta.
ellauri219.html on line 187: Mae West initially refused to allow her image to appear on the artwork. She was, after all, one of the most famous bombshells from Hollywood’s Golden Age and felt that she would never be in a lonely hearts club. However, after The Beatles personally wrote to her explaining that they were all fans, she agreed to let them use her image. In 1978, Ringo Starr (No.63) returned the favor when he appeared in West’s final movie, 1978’s Sextette. The film also featured a cover version of the “White Album” song “Honey Pie.” P.S. Mae Westillä oli melko mahtavat maitomunat ja varmaan herkullinen mesipiiras. Vaikka jäävät kyllä 2:si Savonlinnan Paskalle.
ellauri219.html on line 285: A beloved Welsh poet who died in 1953, The Beatles had all been fans of Dylan Thomas’ poetry by the time it came to creating the Sgt. Pepper’s artwork. “We all used to like Dylan Thomas,” Paul McCartney (No.64) later recalled. “I read him a lot. I think that John started writing because of him.” The late producer George Martin was also a fan, and even created a musical version of Thomas’ radio play, Under Milk Wood, in 1988.
ellauri219.html on line 300: Striking and versatile, Tony Curtis was a Hollywood idol who made a dizzying amount of movies (over 100) between 1949 and 2008. He will always be remembered for his role alongside Jack Lemmon and Marilyn Monroe (No.25) in the 1959 cross-dressing caper Some Like It Hot, but another stand-out remains his performance alongside Burt Lancaster as fast-talking press agent Sidney Falco in the 1957 film noir The Sweet Smell Of Success. Tässä jää nyt mainizematta Veijareita ja pyhimyksiä (The Persuaders!), ITC Entertainmentin 1970–1971 tuottama televisiosarja. Sen pääosissa esiintyivät Tony Curtis (Danny Wilde) ja Roger Moore (lordi Brett Sinclair; koko nimi Brett Rupert George Robert Andrew Sinclair, Marnockin 15. jaarli). Sitä tehtiin 24 jaksoa. Tony ja Roger eivät voineet sietää toisiaan. Läskiintynyt Tony kuoli kasarina sydämen pysähdyxeen. Rooger aateloitiin, vaikkei käynyt loppuun edes teatterikoulua. “But because of the war there were 16 girls in every class to four boys so while I didn’t learn that much about acting, I learned a hell of a lot about sex.”
ellauri219.html on line 324: From Bob Dylan (No.15) to David Bowie, Tom Waits to Steely Dan, Beat Generation author Burroughs has influenced many a songwriter over the decades. Less known is that, according to Burroughs himself, he witnessed Paul McCartney (No.64) working on “Eleanor Rigby.” As quoted in A Report From The Bunker, a collection of conversations with author Victor Bockris, Burroughs recalled McCartney putting him up in The Beatles’ flat on 34 Montagu Square: “I saw the song taking shape. Once again, not knowing much about music, I could see that he knew what he was doing.”
ellauri219.html on line 439: An American sculptor who served in the US Marine Corps in both World War II and the Korean War, HC Westermann took the skills he learned as a carpenter and turned them to creating Expressionist sculptures that criticized the horrors he had witnessed while fighting overseas.
ellauri219.html on line 558: Identifiable by its oversized head and ears, the Fukusuke doll originates from Japan and is said to bring good luck.
ellauri219.html on line 583: At Princeton, Rawls was influenced by Norman Malcolm, Ludwig Wittgenstein's dumb student. During his last two years at Princeton, he "became deeply concerned with theology and its doctrines." He considered attending a seminary to study for the Episcopal priesthood and wrote an "intensely religious senior thesis (BI)." In his 181-page long thesis titled "Meaning of Sin and Faith," Rawls attacked Pelagianism because it "would render the Cross of Christ to no effect." His argument was partly drawn from Karl Marx's book On the Jewish Question, which criticized the idea that natural inequality in ability could be a just determiner of the distribution of wealth in society. Even after Rawls became an atheist, many of the anti-Pelagian arguments he used were repeated in A Theory of Justice. Pelagianism is a heretical Christian theological position that holds that the original sin did not taint human nature and that humans by divine grace have free will to achieve human perfection. Pelagius (c. 355 – c. 420 AD), an ascetic and philosopher from the British Isles, taught that God could not command believers to do the impossible, and therefore it must be possible to satisfy all divine commandments. He also taught that it was unjust to punish one person for the sins of another; therefore, infants are born blameless. Pelagius accepted no excuse for sinful behavior and taught that all Christians, regardless of their station in life, should live unimpeachable, sinless lives, or else... Se oli tollanen humanisti, mitä Hippo aivan erityisesti inhosi. Vittu eihän sitten mitään kirkkoa ja pappeja edes tarvittaisi. Jeesus jäisi työttömäxi, Jahve eläkkeelle.
ellauri219.html on line 585: To a large degree, "Pelagianism" was defined by its opponent Augustine, and exact definitions remain elusive. Although Pelagianism had considerable support in the contemporary Christian world, especially among the Roman elite and monks, it was attacked by Augustine and his supporters, who had opposing views on grace, predestination and free will. Augustine proved victorious in the Pelagian controversy; Pelagianism was decisively condemned at the 418 Council of Carthage and is still regarded as heretical by the Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church.
Burn in hell Pelagius, go jump in the fiery lake! Vitun humanisti! ellauri219.html on line 731: Patanjali nimi tarkoittaa intialaista tervehdysläpyä. Itäinkkarit varmaan kehittivät kättelystä omin käsin onneen version välttääxeen tartuntoja. Nippu sen nimisiä sariasuisia heppuja kirjoitti kommentaaria Paninin (nimi tarkoittaa täytettyä sämpylää) kielaoahpaan ja lyömättömän käteenveto-oppaan nimeltä joogasutra (yhden hengen yhdyntä). Yhteenvedonomaisesti:
ellauri219.html on line 747: Position title:Philosophy and Religious Studies, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.
ellauri219.html on line 749: I teach World of Ideas and courses on Asian religions in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies. In my research, I'm interested in exploring young boys and girls In Thailand. Currently, I’m working on two major projects. The first is the preparation of my first book, The Snake and the Mongoose, for publication with Oxford University Press. The second is ongoing research on the Royal Court Brahmans of Thailand. I also have a side interest in the philosophy of prepubertal physics that I indulge when I have the time.
ellauri219.html on line 828: I think a lot of the bias toward Americans also comes from our historical tendency to inflate the wonders of American life to oversized proportions out of sync with reality. Some of this comes from having been put down so frequently, a class-based psychological issue deep-rooted in American life, probably related to so many of us having come from poor immigrant families. We puff up the wonders of American life to compensate for having come from the bottom rungs of society in other countries. We’re not the only culture that does this.
ellauri219.html on line 1012: Underworld is a novel, quite simply, about what was experienced in the United States in the second half of the 20th century. An era shaped by the advent and then cancellation of the Bretton Woods agreement. Nuclear proliferation. The withering away and relocation of American manufacturing, and the rise of global capitalism. Jazz. The Cuban missile crisis (through the voice, as DeLillo has it, of the smirking standup comedian Lenny Bruce). Civil tights. The CIA. Bombs on university campuses. Artists on New York rooftops, and around them, the old industrial framework of bygone city life, something aesthetic and exotic, either marvelled at or ignored, take your pick.
ellauri219.html on line 1016: Moonman 157, a Bronx graffiti artist, and the Texas Highway Killer: what do they have in common? One wields spray cans, the other a .38 with a gloved left hand. Moonman paints subway cars, and the Texas Highway Killer shoots random lone drivers? Get it? Okay I'll tell you: They each create an artificial language like Klingon or Ido, that thickens the fog of American collective consciousness; each language is expressed by an individual who remains anonymous. As a natural consequence, they get a lot of copy cats, like de Lillo and myself.
ellauri219.html on line 1018: Then there’s Moonman 157 and Klara Sax, a feminist ideal of Land Art. What do they have in common? Smudging useful things with paint. An artistic version of food fight. What do Jayne Mansfield’s breasts remind adolescent Eric of? The bumper bullets on a Cadillac. What does Dumb of Dumb and Dumber take for a cute lady's boobs? A semi trailer's fog lights. Meanwhile, Eric masturbates into a condom that reminds him of a missile (with his tiny wiener all loaded and cocked inside). Dad polishes his Buick, the son his dick. The clammy hand of coincidence.
ellauri219.html on line 1028: As men and women, we are collaborators in creation. Love, in fact, is the agent of universal synthesis. The most satisfying thing is to have been able to give a large (ca. 6") part of yourself to others. Driven by the forces of love, the fragments of the world seek each other so that further fragments can come into being. Love alone is capable of uniting living beings by way of joining them by what goes deeper than you would expect (17cm jos olet taitava). Love is an adventure and a conquest. Everything that goes up must come down. Die Liebe is die universellste und die geheimnisvollste der komischen Energien. Seul le fantastique a des chances d'être vrai. Kaikki on vaan suurta sattumaa. ellauri219.html on line 1030: Teilhard served in World War I as a stretcher-bearer. He received several citations for speeding. In 1962, with Pierre safely out of this world, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith condemned several of Teilhard's works based on their alleged ambiguities and doctrinal errors. He was a leading proponent of orthogenesis, the idea that evolution occurs in a directional, goal-driven way. Teilhard made sense of the universe by assuming it had a vitalist evolutionary process. When our talk touched on St. Augustine, he exclaimed violently: 'Don’t mention that unfortunate man; he spoiled everything by introducing the supernatural.'" Teilhard siis oli selvä pelagiolainen humanisti! Teilhard has been criticized as incorporating common notions of Social Darwinism and scientific racism into his work, along with support for eugenics, though he has also been defended for doing so by theologian John Haught.
ellauri220.html on line 79: This poem was originally called "Sun-Down Poem" (1856), and the present title was given it in 1860. It was substantially revised in 1881. The major image in the poem is the ferry. It symbolizes continual movement, backward and forward, a universal motion in space and time.
ellauri220.html on line 104: The major image in the poem is the ferry. It symbolizes continual movement, backward and forward, a universal piston like motion in space and time. The ferry moves on, from a point of land, through water, to another point of land. Land and water thus form part of the symbolistic pattern of the poem. Land symbolizes the physical; water symbolizes the spiritual. The circular flow from the physical to the spiritual connotes the dual nature of the universe. Dualism, in philosophy, means that the world is ultimately composed of, or explicable in terms of, two basic entities, such as mind and matter, yin and yang. From a moral point of view, it means that there are two mutually antagonistic principles in the universe — dick and cunt, good and evil. In Whitman's view, both the mind and the spirit are realities and matter is only a means which enables man to realize this truth. His world is dominated by a sense of good, and evil has a very subservient place in it. Man, in Whitman's world, while overcoming the duality of the universe, desires fusion with the sheboy. In this attempt, man tries to transcend the boundaries of space and time, never letting off that dear piston like movement, in and out, in and out.
ellauri220.html on line 141: Mansfieldin kannut (kz videota yllä) kasvoivat keskiluokkaisessa perheessä ja hän sai harrastaa monipuolisesti tanssia ja musiikkia. Hän osoittautui musiikillisesti lahjakkaaksi ja sai klassisen musiikin viulu- ja pianokoulutuksen. Hän opiskeli viulunsoittoa muun muassa maineikkaan Southern Methodist Universityn konservatoriossa. Mansfieldin tuonaikainen viulunsoitonopettaja uskoi hänen mahdollisuuksiinsa esiintyä vielä jonain päivänä New Yorkin Carnegie Hallissa. Myöhempinä vuosina, kun Mansfield oli jo maailmankuulu elokuvatähti ja julkisuuden henkilö, hän soitti ajoittain pianoa ja viulua.
ellauri220.html on line 157: Erottuaan ensimmäisestä miehestään mr. Mansfieldistä mrs. Mansfield avioitui vuonna 1958 vuoden 1955 Mr Universumin, kehonrakentaja Miklós ”Mickey” Hargitayn kanssa.
ellauri220.html on line 208: Purkanjäystäjät ottaa lisää vapauxia tehdessään Lennylle sukupuolenvaihdoxen 2017 sarjassa Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. Marvelous Mrs. Maisel is an American period comedy-drama television series, created by Amy Sherman-Palladino, that premiered on March 17, 2017, on Amazon Prime Video. Set in the late 1950s and early 1960s, it stars Rachel Brosnahan as Miriam "Midge" Maisel, a New York housewife who discovers she has a knack for stand-up comedy and pursues a career in it. Suurin tenkkapoo kazojille on ehtiikö Midge panna Lennyä sarjan aikana.
ellauri220.html on line 447: Adlai is in Hebrew עַדְלָי, meaning "refuge". In 1 Chronicles 27:29, he is the father of Shaphat. He is mentioned only in this verse.
ellauri220.html on line 466: There are four variations of this trope, but half native to the author's ancestry, half foreign ancestry is the most common version. Take Rei Shimura for instance.
ellauri220.html on line 468: Assuming this character was raised overseas, it's notable the character who is Not Too Foreign will rarely speak another language on-screen even if they are supposed to be fluent.
ellauri220.html on line 472: Many shows and movies don't bother getting a foreign language right when they portray them. The incidence of this increases along with the obscurity of the language. But first and foremost, if the intended audience won't be able to tell the difference anyway, why bother? A variation on this is that the foreigners speak English, but are identified as foreign by an accent or are parading universally known national images.
ellauri220.html on line 544: Jännärigenressä on tosi selkeästi yxinkertaistettu apinan tarpeet Darwinin kolmeen leiböliin: EAT! FUCK! KILL! ilman mitään joutavia komplikaatioita. Moukkamaisuus on apinoiden enemmistön sanelema pohjanoteeraus kaikessa. Se on vain pahentunut Internetin takia, kun Google ym tekevät entistä parempia yhteenvetoja siitä mitä lerppahuulikansan enemmistö, nuo "tavan tallaajat" haluaa, ja sitähän ne saa. Huda hudaa. Esim Googlen navigaattorilla pääsee vaan eniten käytettyjä reittejä eniten haluttuihin kohteisiin. Jos muuta yrität, robotti ottaa käyttöön kovat otteet: "Hattunne sir!". Jo tämänkin takia globalisaatio, keskittyminen ja kasautuminen on täysin perseestä. Eise lisää valinnan vapautta vaan päinvastoin vähentää diversiteettiä. Vapaushan on sitä että saa mitä haluaa, ja enemmistö apinoista haluaa aina samaa: EAT! FUCK! KILL!
ellauri221.html on line 53: Jännärigenressä on tosi selkeästi yxinkertaistettu apinan tarpeet Darwinin kolmeen leiböliin: EAT! FUCK! KILL! ilman mitään joutavia komplikaatioita. Moukkamaisuus on apinoiden enemmistön sanelema pohjanoteeraus kaikessa. Se on vain pahentunut Internetin takia, kun Google ym tekevät entistä parempia yhteenvetoja siitä mitä lerppahuulikansan enemmistö, nuo "tavan tallaajat" haluaa, ja sitähän ne saa. Huda hudaa. Esim Googlen navigaattorilla pääsee vaan eniten käytettyjä reittejä eniten haluttuihin kohteisiin. Jos muuta yrität, robotti ottaa käyttöön kovat otteet: "Hattunne sir!". Jo tämänkin takia globalisaatio, keskittyminen ja kasautuminen on täysin perseestä. Eise lisää valinnan vapautta vaan päinvastoin vähentää diversiteettiä. Vapaushan on sitä että saa mitä haluaa, ja enemmistö apinoista haluaa aina samaa: EAT! FUCK! KILL!
ellauri221.html on line 77: At the far end, above the cold cuts table, laden with lobsters, pies, joints and delicacies in aspic, Romney’s unfinished full-length portrait of Mrs Fitzsherbet gazed provocatively across at Fragonard’s Jeu de Cartes, the broad conversation-piece which half-filled the opposite wall above the Adam fireplace.
ellauri221.html on line 269: In an update of a study on empathy originally conducted in 1979, Sara Konrath, a researcher at the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research, Ed O’Brien and Courtney Hsing have presented “Changes in Dispositional Empathy in American College Students Over Time: A Meta-Analysis” at the annual convention of Psychological Sciences in Boston (May 28th 2010). In this study they find a drastic difference in today’s student body on campuses from college students of the late 1970s. Today’s students disagree more frequently with such statements as: “I sometimes try to understand my friends better by imagining how things look from their perspective”, or, “I often have tender, concerned feelings for people less fortunate than me.”
ellauri221.html on line 294: Doctor Jolly Goodhead is a fictional character from the James Bond franchise, portrayed by Lois Chiles. She does not appear in any of the Ian Fleming novels, only in the film version of Moonraker (1979), but her character is similar to that of Gala Brand, the female lead in the original novel Moonraker (1955), by way of being James´s major lay this time round. In 25 years, James has graduated from screwing a secretary to schtupping a doctor of science. Way to go, Bond girls! Right on!
ellauri221.html on line 306: James Bond investigates the mid-air theft of a space shuttle, and discovers a plot to commit global genocide.
ellauri221.html on line 421: Se onko luontoa olemassa alkaa olla erittäin hyvä kysymys. Villipuita ja villikaloja on tosi vähän, jälellä olevat kloorikanat, varixet ja Suomeen tunkeutuneet serviilit ovat urbanisoituneet. Ruipelot tyhmät golflakkipäät poseeraavat koleerapuistossa. Riittakin tykkää enemmän puistomaisesta. Wolfram vähentää diversiteettiä päältä ajettavan penkiltä.
ellauri222.html on line 72: The celebrated writer kept romances alive in different cities, two or three at any given time — with students and faculty divorcées at the University of Chicago, assistants at The New Yorker, even his housecleaner. A dreary train of affairs.
ellauri222.html on line 123: But Chicago was a city of immigrants. It also had a large Jewish population—by 1931, according to Leader, nearly three hundred thousand in a city of 3.3 million. All the Bellow children assimilated happily and all became well off. Saul is often associated with the University of Chicago, where he taught for many years as a member of the legendary Committee on Social Thought. He was a student there, but for less than two years. He had to withdraw for financial reasons (a truck driver was killed in an accident at his father’s coal yard and the insurance had lapsed), and he transferred to Northwestern, from which he graduated in 1937.
ellauri222.html on line 125: In his Op-Ed about the Zulu Tolstoy, Bellow made much of his academic training in anthropology. After leaving Northwestern, he did become a graduate student in anthropology at the University of Wisconsin. But he completed just one course before dropping out and returning to Chicago, where he married a woman, Anita Goshkin, who was studying for a master’s degree in social work, and began his career as a fiction writer and itinerant college teacher. His first job was at Pestalozzi-Froebel Teachers College, on South Michigan Avenue, in downtown Chicago.
ellauri222.html on line 129: He also worked for a time at the Encyclopædia Britannica, on the fifty-two-volume “Great Books of the Western World,” under the editorship of Mortimer J. Adler. Bellow was in charge of editing part of the “Syntopicon,” a two-volume digest of the Great Ideas composed by Adler. He had taken one of Adler’s courses at the University of Chicago and had concluded that it was “tomfoolery,” but he seems to have liked the job.
ellauri222.html on line 131: “In college I behaved as though my career was to be a writer, and that guided me,” Bellow later said. There was also the fact that his principal interest was literature, and, until after the war, Jews were rarely hired by English departments. “You weren’t born to it” is the way the chairman of the department at Northwestern clarified the matter when Bellow inquired about graduate school. Leader thinks that this encounter “produced a lifelong antipathy, mild but real, to English departments.” It’s true that there was antipathy. But Bellow would have been interested in a university career only as a means to support his writing. Fiction was his calling. “He was focused, he was dedicated to becoming what he was, from the beginning,” David Peltz, Bellow’s oldest friend, told Leader. “I mean, he never veered.”
ellauri222.html on line 141: This notion that Bellow’s achievement as a novelist was redemptive of the form was a consistent theme in the reviews up through “Herzog.” So was the notion that his protagonists were representatives of the modern condition. After “Herzog,” those reactions largely disappeared. People stopped fretting about the death of the novel, and Bellow’s protagonists started being treated as what they always were, oddballs and cranks. But the critical reception of Bellow’s books in the first half of his career funded his reputation. It cashed out, ultimately, in the Nobel Prize. Nobels are awarded to writers who are judged to have universalized the marginal.
ellauri222.html on line 143: As everyone has said, Bellow not least, “Augie March” was the breakthrough book. Bellow ascribed its origin to a visionary moment. In 1948, he had gone with Anita to Paris for two years, supported by a Guggenheim fellowship. (Bellow hated Paris.) He was at work on a novel called “The Crab and the Butterfly,” which apparently concerned two men arguing in a hospital room. In the version of the epiphany he told to Roth, he was walking to his writing studio one morning when he was distracted by the routine Parisian sight of the street gutters being flushed:
ellauri222.html on line 169: At Bard, Bellow became close friends with a literature professor named Jack Ludwig. As Leader describes him, Ludwig was an oversized personality, a big man, extravagant, a shameless purveyor of bad Yiddish, and an operator. Ludwig idolized Bellow; people who knew them said that Ludwig wanted to be Bellow. He flattered Bellow, went for long walks with him, started up a literary journal with him, and generally insinuated himself into Bellow’s life. Bellow accepted the proffer of adulatory attentiveness. The couples (Ludwig was married) socialized together. This was the period when Bellow wrote “Seize the Day,” which Partisan Review published in a single issue, in 1956, after The New Yorker turned it down, and “Henderson the Rain King,” published in 1959, a novel whose hero was based on a neighbor of the Bellows in upstate New York.
ellauri222.html on line 171: Saul and Sasha got married in 1956, after Bellow had obtained a Nevada divorce. Sasha accepted the domestic role that Bellow insisted on without demur. She says that when they had a son, Adam, Bellow told her that the baby was her responsibility—he was too old to raise another kid. In 1958, Bellow was offered a one-year position at the University of Minnesota. He insisted that Ludwig receive an appointment as well; the university obliged, and the families moved to Minneapolis together.
ellauri222.html on line 183: “Herzog” is a revenge novel. The ex-wife, Madeleine, is a stone-cold man-killer. Her lover, Valentine Gersbach, is described as a “loud, flamboyant, ass-clutching brute.” Ludwig had a Ph.D. and a damaged foot; Bellow makes Gersbach a radio announcer with a wooden leg. The Herzog character is passive, loving, an innocent soul who cannot make sense of a world in which people like his estranged wife and her lover can exist. He is an ex-university professor, the author of a distinguished tome called “Romanticism and Christianity.” The Rosette Lamont character, called Ramona, is a sexpot with a heart of gold; she specializes in intimate candlelight dinners and lacy lingerie. She is a professor of love, not French.
ellauri222.html on line 191: The determination to consider the novel strictly as fiction extended even to its characters. Rosette Lamont reviewed the novel. She, too, treated the book as pure make-believe. She breezed right by the Ramona character (“Her religion is sex, a welcome relief from Madeleine’s phony conversion . . . but Herzog is too divided in his mind, too busy with resentment to free himself from a heavy conscience. Besides he is suspicious of pleasure, having learned Julien Sorel’s lesson,” and so on). She concluded with the thought that at the end of the novel Herzog enters into “a theandric relationship with the world around him.”
ellauri222.html on line 195: You can see the biographical problem. From the beginning, Bellow drew on people he knew, including his wives and girlfriends and the members of his own family, for his characters. In “Augie March,” almost every character—and there are dozens—was directly based on some real-life counterpart. Most of “Herzog” is a roman à clef. Leader therefore decided to treat the novels as authoritative sources of information about the people in Bellow’s life. When Leader tells us about Jack Ludwig and Sondra Tschacbasov, he quotes the descriptions of Gersbach and Madeleine in “Herzog.” In the case of the many relatives with counterparts in “Augie March,” this can get confusing. You’re not always sure whether you’re reading about a person or a fictional version of that person.
ellauri222.html on line 239: Adam Bellow is executive editor at Bombardier Books, a politically conservative imprint at Post Hill Press. He previously founded and led the conservative imprints All Points Books at St Martin's Press and Broadside Books at HarperCollins, served as executive editor-at-large at Doubleday, and as editorial director at Free Press, publishing several controversial conservative books such as Illiberal Education, The Real Anita Hill, The Bell Curve, and Clinton Cash.
ellauri222.html on line 271: But to keep it short – the reason: the reason lay in the hatred of one's own country. Among the French it was the old confrontation of "free spirits", or artists, with the ruling bourgeoisie. In America it was the fight against the McCarthys, the House Committees investigating subversion, etc that justified the left, the followers of Henry Wallace, etc. The main enemy was at home (Lenin's WWI slogan). If you opposed the CP you were a McCarthyite, no two ways about it.
ellauri222.html on line 273: Well, it was a deep and perverse stupidity. It didn't require a great mind to see what Stalinism was. But the militants and activists refused to reckon with the simple facts available to everybody.
ellauri222.html on line 427: Arthur Einhorn is William Einhorn’s son who is in college at the University of Illinois in Champaign. An intellectual who studies poetry and wants to write scholarly books, he falls in love with Mimi. His relationship with his father is strained after Arthur has a baby and then divorces his wife, leaving the child to be raised by his parents.
ellauri222.html on line 467: Sophie Geratis is a beautiful Greek girl who works as a chambermaid. Augie meets her when he is working as a union organizer, and the two become lovers. Sophie is engaged to someone else and Augie leaves her to go with Thea. They reunite later, but Augie leaves her again for Stella.
ellauri222.html on line 599: Kayo Obermark is Mimi and Augie’s neighbor in the student boarding house. Kayo, an unkempt university student, is melancholy and brilliant. He shares with Augie his philosophy that “everyone has bitterness in his chosen thing.”
ellauri222.html on line 607: Owens is an old Welshman who owns the student boarding house where Augie lives near the University of Chicago.
ellauri222.html on line 671: Clem, the younger of Tambow’s two sons, and the cousin of Jimmy Klein, is a good friend to Augie. He is an easy spender and refuses to work, preferring to beg money off his father. When his father dies, he inherits his money. He has a crush on Mimi. Clem eventually goes to the University of Chicago, earning a degree in psychology, and invites Augie to join him in a counseling practice. Augie has a great deal of affection for Clem. Clem is the audience for Augie’s speech about “axial lines.”
ellauri222.html on line 763: This grooming of the self paradoxically requires looking out for number 1. Nowhere is this fact more vividly portrayed than in Henderson the Rain King. Driven in the beginning by a relentless inner voice that repeats, "I want! I want!," Henderson's egoistic absorption in his material success ironically alienates him from himself. Hitching his family to seek fundamental truths in the wilderness of Africa, he discovers the arse loving relationship that men need with nature and with each other and symbolically surrenders his self by accepting responsibility for a lion cub and an orphan child.
ellauri222.html on line 823: Sharon Talley is a tired professor of English at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. She is the author of four books, "Women's Diaries from the Civil War South," "Southern Women Novelists and the Civil War," "Ambrose Bierce and the Dance of Death," and "Student Companion to Herman Melville." In addition, her articles have been published in journals such as "Nineteenth-Century Prose," "American Imago," and the "Journal of Men's Studies."
ellauri222.html on line 947: O Master of the Universe
ellauri222.html on line 948: O Master of the Universe,
ellauri222.html on line 978: “O Master of the Universe, Master of the Universe, You are our Father and we are Your children.”
ellauri222.html on line 996: Ellsworth Huntington, (born Sept. 16, 1876, Galesburg, Ill., U.S.—died Oct. 17, 1947, New Haven, Conn.), U.S. geographer who explored the influence of climate on civilization. Ellsworth Huntington (September 16, 1876 – October 17, 1947) was a professor of geography at Yale University during the early 20th century, known for his studies on environmental determinism/climatic determinism, economic growth, economic geography, and scientific racism. He served as President of the Ecological Society of America in 1917, the Association of American Geographers in 1923 and President of the Board of Directors of the American Eugenics Society from 1934 to 1938.
ellauri222.html on line 1038: Salen lukema jalo villi-versio Timmendiquaxesta sisältää mm. seuraavanlaisia pointteja.
ellauri222.html on line 1058: "But a true warrior," he said, "never yields. Manitou does not love the coward. He has given the world, its rivers, its lakes, its forests, and its game, to the brave man. Warriors of the allied tribes, are you ready to yield Kain-tuck-ee, over which your fathers have hunted from the beginning of time, to the white man who has just come?"
ellauri223.html on line 50: Aurinkokaupunki (ital. La città del Sole, lat. Civitas Solis) on dominikaanifilosofi Tommaso Campanellan kirjoittama utopia. Se kirjoitettiin italiaksi vuonna 1602, hieman sen jälkeen kun Campanella oli vangittu harhaoppisuudesta ja kapinahengen lietsonnasta. Latinankielinen versio kirjoitettiin vuosina 1613–1614 ja julkaistiin Frankfurtissa vuonna 1623. Teos on yksi kirjallisuuden merkittävimmistä utopioista.
ellauri223.html on line 68: This shrewdness, however, is not necessary among the inhabitants of the City of the Sun. For with them deformity is unknown. When the women are exercised they get a clear complexion, and become strong of limb, tall and agile, and with them beauty consists in tallness and strength. Tanakka, punakka ja rivakka, täst mie piän! Therefore, if any woman dyes her face, so that it may become beautiful, or uses high-heeled boots so that she may appear tall, or garments with trains to cover her wooden shoes, she is condemned to capital punishment. But if the women should even desire them they have no facility for doing these things. For who indeed would give them this facility? Further, they assert that among us abuses of this kind arise from the leisure and sloth of women. By these means they lose their color and have pale complexions, and become feeble and small. For this reason they are without proper complexions, use high sandals, and become beautiful not from strength, but from slothful tenderness. And thus they ruin their own tempers and natures, and consequently those of their offspring. Furthermore, if at any time a man is taken captive with ardent love for a certain woman, the two are allowed to converse and joke together and to give one another garlands of flowers or leaves, and to make verses. But if the race is endangered, by no means is further union between them permitted. Her fanny must be locked in a love girdle, and his pecker lassoed and bound behind his butt. Moreover, the love born of eager desire is not known among them; only that born of friendship. LOL
ellauri223.html on line 72: But in the City of the Sun, while duty and work are distributed among all, it only falls to each one to work for about four hours every day. The remaining hours are spent in learning joyously, in debating, in reading, in reciting, in writing, in walking, in exercising the mind and body, and with play. They allow no game which is played while sitting or lying on top of one another, neither the single die nor dice, nor chess, nor others like these. But they play with the ball, with the sack, with the rod, with the hoop, with wrestling, with scratching matches at the stake. They say, moreover, that grinding poverty renders men worthless, cunning, sulky, thievish, insidious, vagabonds, liars, false witnesses, etc.; and that wealth makes them insolent, proud, ignorant, traitors, assumers of what they know not, deceivers, boasters, wanting in affection, slanderers, etc. But with them all the rich and poor together make up the community. They are rich because they want nothing, poor because they possess nothing. Hey is this communism or what?
ellauri223.html on line 102: Uhrit auringonjumalalle ovat vapaaehtoisesti nälistettäviä miehiä joista tehdään munkkeja poistamatta kokonaan killuttimia. Hoh hoh, onpa outoa. Papit ovat jotain tiedemiehiä joita päästetään vain harvoin pukille. Only very seldom, and that as a cure for the ills of solitude, do they have converse with women.
ellauri223.html on line 124: It is often associated with a version of the problem of evil: if some things in the world were to be admitted to be evil, this could be taken to reflect badly on the creator of the world, who would then be difficult to admit to be completely good. The merit of the doctrine in serving as a response to this version of the problem of evil is disputed.
ellauri223.html on line 139: Henk.koht. olen sitä mieltä että sekä hyvä että paha ovat vain kunkin elukan henk. koht. kannanottoja. Eli kannustan tällästä eettisen relativismin radikaalimpaa versiota, suum quique. Omne animal sua ipsa mensura boni et mali. En kuitenkaan ulota tätä faktoihin, toisinkuin Protagoras, vaan kyse on mielipiteistä. Faktat viis välittävät elukoiden mielipiteistä. Kemia ei tunne likaa, ja naturalia non sunt turpia.
ellauri223.html on line 153: New Atlantis is an incomplete utopian novel by Sir Francis Bacon, published posthumously in 1626. It appeared unheralded and tucked into the back of a longer work of natural history, Sylva sylvarum (forest of materials). In New Atlantis, Bacon portrayed a vision of the future of human discovery and knowledge, expressing his aspirations and ideals for humankind. The novel depicts the creation of a utopian land where "generosity and enlightenment, dignity and splendour, piety and public spirit" are the commonly held qualities of the inhabitants of the mythical Bensalem. The plan and organisation of his ideal college, Salomon's House (or Shlomo's House), envisioned the modern research university in both applied and pure sciences.
ellauri223.html on line 170: He portrayed a vision of the future of human discovery and knowledge. The plan and organisation of his ideal college, "Shlomo's House", envisioned the modern research university in both applied and pure science. The end of their foundation is thus described: "The end of our foundation is the knowledge of causes, and secret motions of things; and the enlarging of the bounds of human empire, to the effecting of all things possible". Vitun nilkki, hemmetin teknofriikki humanisti.
ellauri223.html on line 182: Bacon stated that he had three goals: to uncover truth, to serve his country, and to serve his church. He sought to achieve these goals by seeking a prestigious post. Yet he failed to gain a position that he thought would lead him to success. He showed signs of sympathy to Puritanism, attending the sermons of the Puritan chaplain of Gray's Inn and accompanying his mother to the Temple Church to hear Walter Travers. In the Parliament of 1586, he openly urged execution for the Catholic Mary, Queen of Scots. He advocated for the union of England and Scotland, which made him a significant influence toward the consolidation of the United Kingdom; and he later would advocate for the integration of Ireland into the Union. Closer constitutional ties, he believed, would bring greater peace and strength to these countries. What a motherfucker.
ellauri226.html on line 71: Love has the touring rights to the Beach Boys name — which has created controversy with his ex-bandmates in the past. Love is by far the right hand man of the men in flip-flops.
ellauri226.html on line 361: to attend Hunter College and later, New York University.
ellauri226.html on line 362: Her friends and family began to worry even more when she graduated from New York University with a degree in physical therapy and was hired at Misericordia Hospital on 233d Street in the Northeast Bronx. While at the time Misericordia
ellauri236.html on line 50: During his reelection bid, Bolsonaro appealed to supporters' moral values and sense of national unity, and branded his left-wing adversary as "the communist threat." His campaign, which adopted the slogan "God, Nation, Family, and Liberty," promised an intensified version of his first term: tax cuts, policies that would support the agricultural industry, reduction of environmental rules, and a continuation of his Auxilio Brasil welfare payments to the poorest.
ellauri236.html on line 198: There exists in America an enormous literature of more or less the same stamp as No Orchids. Quite apart from books, there is the huge array of ‘pulp magazines’, graded so as to cater for different kinds of fantasy, but nearly all having much the same mental atmosphere. A few of them go in for straight pornography, but the great majority are quite plainly aimed at sadists and masochists. Sold at threepence a copy under the title of Yank Mags(4), these things used to enjoy considerable popularity in England, but when the supply dried up owing to the war, no satisfactory substitute was forthcoming. English imitations of the ‘pulp magazine’ do now exist, but they are poor things compared with the original. English crook films, again, never approach the American crook film in brutality. And yet the career of Mr. Chase shows how deep the American influence has already gone. Not only is he himself living a continuous fantasy-life in the Chicago underworld, but he can count on hundreds of thousands of readers who know what is meant by a ‘clipshop’ or the ‘hotsquat’, do not have to do mental arithmetic when confronted by ‘fifty grand’, and understand at sight a sentence like ‘Johnny was a rummy and only two jumps ahead of the nut-factory’. Evidently there are great numbers of English people who are partly americanized in language and, one ought to add, in moral outlook. For there was no popular protest against No Orchids. In the end it was withdrawn, but only retrospectively, when a later work, Miss Callaghan Comes to Grief, brought Mr. Chase's books to the attention of the authorities. Judging by casual conversations at the time, ordinary readers got a mild thrill out of the obscenities of No Orchids, but saw nothing undesirable in the book as a whole. Many people, incidentally, were under the impression that it was an American book reissued in England.
ellauri236.html on line 202: In a book like No Orchids one is not, as in the old-style crime story, simply escaping from dull reality into an imaginary world of action. One's escape is essentially into cruelty and sexual perversion. No Orchids is aimed at the power-instinct, which Raffles or the Sherlock Holmes stories are not. At the same time the English attitude towards crime is not so superior to the American as I may have seemed to imply. It too is mixed up with power-worship, and has become more noticeably so in the last twenty years. A writer who is worth examining is Edgar Wallace, especially in such typical books as The Orator and the Mr. J. G. Reeder stories. Wallace was one of the first crime-story writers to break away from the old tradition of the private detective and make his central figure a Scotland Yard official. Sherlock Holmes is an amateur, solving his problems without the help and even, in the earlier stories, against the opposition of the police. Moreover, like Lupin, he is essentially an intellectual, even a scientist. He reasons logically from observed fact, and his intellectuality is constantly contrasted with the routine methods of the police. Wallace objected strongly to this slur, as he considered it, on Scotland Yard, and in several newspaper articles he went out of his way to denounce Holmes by name. His own ideal was the detective-inspector who catches criminals not because he is intellectually brilliant but because he is part of an all-powerful organization. Hence the curious fact that in Wallace's most characteristic stories the ‘clue’ and the ‘deduction’ play no part. The criminal is always defeated by an incredible coincidence, or because in some unexplained manner the police know all about the crime beforehand. The tone of the stories makes it quite clear that Wallace's admiration for the police is pure bully-worship. A Scotland Yard detective is the most powerful kind of being that he can imagine, while the criminal figures in his mind as an outlaw against whom anything is permissible, like the condemned slaves in the Roman arena. His policemen behave much more brutally than British policemen do in real life — they hit people with out provocation, fire revolvers past their ears to terrify them and so on — and some of the stories exhibit a fearful intellectual sadism. (For instance, Wallace likes to arrange things so that the villain is hanged on the same day as the heroine is married.) But it is sadism after the English fashion: that is to say, it is unconscious, there is not overtly any sex in it, and it keeps within the bounds of the law. The British public tolerates a harsh criminal law and gets a kick out of monstrously unfair murder trials: but still that is better, on any account, than tolerating or admiring crime. If one must worship a bully, it is better that he should be a policeman than a gangster. Wallace is still governed to some extent by the concept of ‘not done’. In No Orchids anything is ‘done’ so long as it leads on to power. All the barriers are down, all the motives are out in the open. Chase is a worse symptom than Wallace, to the extent that all-in wrestling is worse than boxing, or Fascism is worse than capitalist democracy.
ellauri236.html on line 208: Several people, after reading No Orchids, have remarked to me, ‘It's pure Fascism’. This is a correct description, although the book has not the smallest connexion with politics and very little with social or economic problems. It has merely the same relation to Fascism as, say Trollope's novels have to nineteenth-century capitalism. It is a daydream appropriate to a totalitarian age. In his imagined world of gangsters Chase is presenting, as it were, a distilled version of the modern political scene, in which such things as mass bombing of civilians, the use of hostages, torture to obtain confessions, secret prisons, execution without trial, floggings with rubber truncheons, drownings in cesspools, systematic falsification of records and statistics, treachery, bribery, and quislingism are normal and morally neutral, even admirable when they are done in a large and bold way. The average man is not directly interested in politics, and when he reads, he wants the current struggles of the world to be translated into a simple story about individuals. He can take an interest in Slim and Fenner as he could not in the G.P.U. and the Gestapo. People worship power in the form in which they are able to understand it. A twelve-year-old boy worships Jack Dempsey. An adolescent in a Glasgow slum worships Al Capone. An aspiring pupil at a business college worships Lord Nuffield. A New Statesman reader worships Stalin. There is a difference in intellectual maturity, but none in moral outlook. Thirty years ago the heroes of popular fiction had nothing in common with Mr. Chase's gangsters and detectives, and the idols of the English liberal intelligentsia were also comparatively sympathetic figures. Between Holmes and Fenner on the one hand, and between Abraham Lincoln and Stalin on the other, there is a similar gulf.
ellauri236.html on line 382: Upon publication, the book was an instant commercial success, selling over half a million copies within five years, despite wartime pulp shortages (thanx to Finland fighting on the other side). It was also controversial, due to its violence and risqué content. In 1944, it was the subject of an essay by George Orwell in Horizon, Raffles and Miss Blandish, in which Orwell claimed that the novel bordered on the obscene.
ellauri236.html on line 386: In 1973, Gene D. Phillips of Loyola University of Chicago remarked on the influence of William Faulkner's 1931 novel Sanctuary, writing that, "It is a matter of record that [No Orchids for Miss Blandish] was heavily indebted to Sanctuary for its plot line." Phillips also stated that Slim Grisson, who was identified by Phillips as the main antagonist, was based on Popeye The Sailor Man, a criminal in Faulkner's novel. Onko se sama Kippari Kalle joka heilastelee Olkan kanssa ja hoitaa pikku Hajuhernettä?
ellauri238.html on line 36: Ille mi par esse deo videtur, ille, si fas est, superare divos, qui sedens adversus identidem te spectat et audit dulce ridentem, misero quod omnis eripit sensus mihi: nam simul te, Lesbia, aspexi, nihil est super mi vocis in ore, lingua sed torpet, tenuis sub artus flamma demanat, sonitu suopte tintinant aures, gemina teguntur lumina nocte. Otium, Catulle, tibi molestum est: otio exsultas nimiumque gestis: otium et reges prius et beatas perdidit urbes.
ellauri238.html on line 42: Catullus is not the only poet who translated Sappho’s poem to use for himself: Pierre de Ronsard is also known to have translated a version of it. Ronsard kynäilikin suht rasvaisia runoja, kz. albumia 123.
ellauri238.html on line 94: En löydä muistaakseni Kaarlo Kramsun runoa Väinö ja kaverit. Hänellä saattaa olla useampi sen niminen runo, mutta ezimäni runo on Kun Väinö mielin murheisin maan hylkäs isiensä. Siitä on kaksi versiota: Ei sittemmin oo kuitenkaan tuo kannel soinut millin vertaa, Ja vanhempi: Ei sittemmin oo kumminkaan ... koskonkaan. Meillä oli toi Väinölä-kirja Wilhon kirjahyllyssä. Sielun veljien johtohemmo Ismo ei sietänyt Kalevala-mittaa millin vertaa. Onnexi Kaarlo käytti ballaadimittaa, jambista tetrametriä.
ellauri238.html on line 235: Poezia sa aparține patrimoniului cultural național, creația sa recomandându-l drept un autor clasic al literaturii române, un om cu un gust literar desăvârșit și un autor canonic, care nu poate lipsi din manualele școlare nici în ziua de azi. A dus, de asemenea, o prodigioasă activitate de iluminare (culturalizare) a țăranilor, fiind un precursor al mișcării poporaniste și un tehnician desăvârșit al prozodiei, folosea o gamă foarte variată de picioare metrice și de ritmuri, de la cele ale poeziei populare la terza rima. A dat o versiune completă a operei lui Dante, Divina comedie. A tradus foarte mult din lirica străină și a adaptat prin localizare la sufletul și mediul țărănesc Eneida și Odiseea (Iliada a fost tradusă de contemporanul său, George Murnu) și a introdus specii ale poeziei orientale, cum ar fi gazelul, în poezia română. Toate aceste calități îl recomandă pentru poziția pe care o ocupă, de autor clasic, dar mai ales simțul echilibrului și faptul că a scos în evidență partea solară, idilică, a sufletului țăranului român.
ellauri238.html on line 435: version/1660301953/image.jpg" />
ellauri238.html on line 441: version/1667383691/image.jpg" />
ellauri238.html on line 683: 70-vuotispäivälahjaxi Keisarillinen Alexanterin yliopisto heitti minut kaikessa hiljaisuudessa pihalle kaikista nettipaikoistani. Väittävät lähettäneensä viestejä että luvat ovat vanhentuneet ja sopimuxet poikki, mutta eivät kyllä olleet lähettäneet vittu mitään. Hemmetti ne on sitten tunareita. Varmaan lähettivät ne mun sähköpostiin suljettuaan sen. Tai sitne meni verstaan roskapostifiltteriin, joka ennenkin on onnistunut nappaamaan verstaan ize lähettämiä posteja.
ellauri240.html on line 95: Painajainen Elm Streetillä on erityisesti kauhuelokuviin erikoistuneen elokuvaohjaaja Wes Cravenin ensimmäinen jättimenestys; vain vähän yli miljoonan dollarin budjetilla tuotettu elokuva tuotti 57 miljoonaa dollaria. Freddy Kruegerista tuli elokuvan myötä suosittu pop-kulttuurin hahmo, jonka tunnistettavia piirteitä ovat veitsien lisäksi palovammojen peittämät kasvot, punavihreäraidallinen villapaita ja vanha hattu, joista heti tiesi että tässäpä joku syrjäytynyt kaveri. Elokuvan menestys nostatti myös lähes tuntemattoman New Line Cineman maineikkaimpien elokuvastudioiden joukkoon vuosikymmeniksi. Painajainen Elm Streetillä on myös saanut kuusi jatko-osaa ja vuonna 2010 ensi-iltansa saaneen uusintaversion.
ellauri240.html on line 190: Metalious valmistui Manchester Central High Schoolista 1942 ja avioitui seuraavana vuonna George Metaliousin kanssa. Sodan jälkeen George Metalious opiskeli sodassa palvelleille tarkoitetun tuen turvin, ja valmistuttuaan New Hampshiren yliopistosta hän vastaanotti rehtorin viran Gilmantonin kylässä New Hampshiressa. Gilmantonin on sanottu olevan sen kaupungin esikuva, johon Metalious sijoitti vuonna 1956 julkaistun romaaninsa Kaupunki nimeltä Peyton Place tapahtumat. Kirja oli myyntimenestys, ja se oli yli vuoden The New York Timesin myydyimpien kirjojen listalla. Vuonna 1957 kirjasta tehtiin elokuvaversio Peyton Place – vihan tyyssija ja myöhemmin televisiosarja Peyton Place. Metalious kirjoitti kirjalle myös jatko-osan Paluu Peyton Placeen. Metalious kuoli 39-vuotiaana alkoholin aiheuttamaan maksakirroosiin.
ellauri240.html on line 205: Metalious's father deserted his wife and three daughters when Grace was 11 years old. At that time divorce was unusual in a French Canadian family, and Grace and her sisters felt stigmatized. In high school Grace met George Metalious, who was neither Catholic nor of French-Canadian background and, thus, highly unacceptable to her family. Nevertheless, they married in 1943. A few years later, with one child already, the Metalious's moved to Durham, New Hampshire, where George attended the University of New Hampshire. It was here that Metalious began writing seriously, neglecting both her house and, eventually, three children, despite the condemnation of her neighbors.
ellauri240.html on line 303: Viidakkopartio on Mustanaamio-sarjakuvassa esiintyvä järjestö, jonka tarkoituksena on ylläpitää Bengalin viidakoiden ja kaupunkien järjestystä. Sen nykyinen johtaja on eversti Worubu, mutta Mustanaamio on järjestön salainen ylipäällikkö. Järjestön tunnus on sama kuin Mustanaamion hyvä merkki: neljä miekkaa, kuin P-kirjainta, ristikkäin. Tunnuslause "Stamus contra malum" tarkoittaa suomeksi "Vastustamme pahuutta". Mustanaamion viidakossa on paljon köyhiä, joilla ruoka on usein vähissä ja terveydenhoidosta vastaavat vain lukuisat poppamiehet loitsuineen. Mustanaamio auttaakin viidakon köyhiä vain silloin, kun heitä uhkaa jokin viidakon ulkopuolinen vaara. Valtavaa omaisuuttaan hän ei käytä viidakon köyhien auttamiseen ja heidän olosuhteidensa parantamiseen. Neekerinaisten ylenemismahdollisuuxista se ei voisi vähempää välittää.
ellauri240.html on line 309: Adichie opiskeli Nigeriassa lääketiedettä ja farmasiaa, mutta keskeytti opinnot ja muutti 19-vuotiaana Yhdysvaltoihin. Aina nää kynäilijät lähtee kesken opintojen. Tai oikeammin, niistä tulee kynäntyöntäjiä koska ne ei pääse opintoja loppuun. Näitähän meillä on ihan kotivaroixi. Hän opiskeli viestintää ja valtio-oppia ja valmistui kandidaatiksi vuonna 2001 Eastern Connecticut State Universitystä. Vuonna 2003 Adichie suoritti maisterin tutkinnon luovassa kirjoittamisessa Johns Hopkinsin yliopistossa. Hän suoritti toisen maisterin tutkinnon Afrikan tutkimuksessa Yalen yliopistosta vuonna 2008. Olis tehnyt MD:n niin ei ois tarvinnut näitä päntätä. Tai hei, Chimananda on varmaan ansainnut kynäilyllä enemmän kuin konsanaan tohtoroinnilla, eikä ole yhtä pahaa aidsin ja ebolan riskiä.
ellauri240.html on line 494: Rainn Dietrich Wilson. (s. 20. tammikuuta 1966 Seattle, Washington), hän on yhdysvaltalainen näyttelijä. Hänet tunnetaan parhaiten roolistaan Dwight Schrutena televisiosarjan Konttori yhdysvaltalaisessa versiossa. Hän ei saanut tähtiosaa, eikä sivuosastakaan Emmyä. Hän tuli tähtien shakkiottelussa toisexi. Outside of acting, Wilson published an autobiography, The Bassoon King, in 2015, and co-founded the digital media company SoulPancake in 2008. In 2022, On November 10, 2022, Wilson changed his name on social media to Rainnfall Heat Wave Rising Sea Levels Wilson in an effort to raise awareness about climate change, though he did not legally change his name.
ellauri241.html on line 49: It is only after Fanny receives a valentine from Brown that Keats passionately confronts them and asks if they are lovers. Brown sent the valentine in jest, but warns Keats that Fanny is a mere flirt playing a game. Fanny is hurt by Brown's accusations and Keats' lack of faith in her; she ends their lessons and leaves. The Dilkes move to Westminster in the spring, leaving the Brawne family their half of the house and six months rent. Fanny and Keats then resume their interaction and fall deeply (ca. 6 inches) in love. The relationship comes to an abrupt end when Brown departs with Keats for his summer holiday, where Keats may earn some money. Fanny is heartbroken, though she is comforted by Keats' love letters. When the men return in the autumn, Fanny's mother voices her concern that Fanny's attachment to the poet will hinder her from being courted. Fanny and Keats secretly become engaged.
ellauri241.html on line 185: Of all these lovers, and she grieved so kiitos näiden wannabe rakastajien, voi vittu, ja hän suri, joten
ellauri241.html on line 225: Nor grew they pale, as mortal lovers do. He eivät myöskään kalvenneet, kuten kuolevaiset rakastavat.
ellauri241.html on line 347: Stay! though a Naiad of the rivers, stay! Pysy! vaikka jokin najadi, niin pysy!
ellauri241.html on line 483: And but the flitter-winged verse must tell, Ei mutta siivekkään jakeen täytyy vielä kertoa,
ellauri241.html on line 560: Perverse, with stronger fancy to reclaim Perverssiä, vahvemmalla halulla saada käännetyxi
ellauri241.html on line 959: Many and many a verse I hope to write.
ellauri241.html on line 1598: For one this weak to venture his poor verse
ellauri242.html on line 94: Oehlenschläger forsøgte sig i årene 1797-1799 som skuespiller, men uden held. Han fortsatte sin skolelæsning, og fik i 1800 adgangseksamen til Københavns Universitet, hvor han begyndte på jurastudiet.
ellauri242.html on line 111: Oehlenschläger fandt materialet til stykket i Peder Syvs 200 Viser om Konger, Kæmper og andre fra 1695. Axel og Valborg kan opfattes som nordiske sidestykker til Romeo og Julie. Stykket blev sat op på Det Kongelige Teater i 1810 og blev straks en stor succes. Det blev snart oversat til tysk og spillet på teatre i Tyskland og Østrig.
ellauri242.html on line 184: Toukokuussa 1942 tappion jälkeen "Hunting for Bustards" (sax. Trappenjagd) -operaatiossa Kerchiä puolustavat Krimin rintaman yksiköt oli pakko evakuoida Tamanin niemimaalle. Evakuoinnin käsiteltyä 51. armeijan ryhmää johti Krimin rintaman päämajan sotilaskoulutusosaston päällikkö eversti Pavlo Yagunov . 14. toukokuutahänet nimitetään tähän tehtävään ja hän alkaa samana päivänä muodostaa erillisiä pataljooneja ja iskuryhmiä reservin henkilöstöstä. Näihin yksiköihin kuuluivat reservin komentajat ja sotilashenkilöstö, 1. rintaman reservirykmentin henkilökunta, useita satoja sotakoulujen kadetteja, NKVD:n 276. kiväärirykmentin taistelijat ja komentajat, 95. rajarykmentti - ensimmäinen ja toinen pataljoona ottivat vastaan asemat pohjoiseen. Myös peitto-osastoissa oli sotilaita eri yksiköistä ja rintaman yksiköistä, joita 13.5. alkoi esiintyä louhoksissa. Iltapäivällä 14. toukokuuta peitto-osastolla oli yli 4 000 henkilöä, yksityiset yritykset olivat puhtaasti komentajien. Nuori luutnantti S.S. Shaidurov kirjoitti muistelmissaan, että reservin komentohenkilökunta oli lähes täysin aseeton. Kaupungista lähteneiden sotilaiden ja Kerchin asukkaiden kustannuksella peittoryhmä kasvoi useisiin tuhansiin, Suuriin katakombeihin piiloutui vainottuja kristittyjä yli 10 000 ja pienissä kyykki noin 3 000. Katakombivaruskuntia johtivat Jagunov ja M. G. Povazhny.
ellauri242.html on line 192: Toukokuun 19. päivänä osa everstiluutnantti G. M. Burminin komennossa olevaa armeijaa – 600–2000 ihmistä – murtautui kivitehtaalle Voikovin mukaan nimetystä tehtaasta. Pienemmät yksiköt samasta suunnasta taistelivat 22. toukokuuta asti.
ellauri242.html on line 203: Laajamittaisen pintaannousun aikana osaston komentaja eversti Yagunov kuoli yhteenotossa yöllä 8.– 9 . heinäkuuta.
ellauri242.html on line 207: Neuvostoliiton S. A. Jermakovin sotilasryhmät lähtivät Pienistä kivilouhoksista 14. ja 17. elokuuta; joidenkin tietojen mukaan everstiluutnantti Yermakov itse kuoli lahden rannalla, ja pataljoonakomissaari Semenov vangittiin.
ellauri243.html on line 180: January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.
ellauri243.html on line 188: 1. Barking at the ape 2. Box lunch at the ‘Y’ 3. Breakfast in bed 4. Brushing one’s teeth 5. Carpet-munching 6. Chewing the she-Fat 7. Clam-jousting 8. Clam-lapping 9. Cleaning the fish tank 10. Connie lingus 11. Contacting the aliens 12. Conversing with moses 13. Devil’s kiss 14. Dinner beneath the bridge 15. Doing it the French way 16. Donning the Beard 17. Drinking from the furry cup 18. Eating at the ‘Y’ 19. Eating fur pie 20. Eating out 21. Eating the peach 22. Eating squirrel 23. Eating sushi from the barbershop floor 24. Eating tinned mussels 25. Egg mcmuff 26. Face-fucking 27. Facing the nation 28. Fanny-noshing 29. Fence-painting 30. French-kissing Mr. Lincoln 31. Fuzz sandwich 32. Giving face 33. Gnawing on roast beef 34. Going downstairs for breakfast 35. Going south 36. Gomorrahry 37. Gorilla in the washing machine 38. Growling at the badger 39. Gumming the monster 40. Husband’s supper 41. Kissing between the hips 42. Kissing the wookie 43. Lady braille 44. Lady Semaphore 45. Larking 46. Lapping the gap 47. Lapping the lint trap 48. Lick-a-chick 49. Lickety-slit 50. Licking anchovy 51. Lip service 52. Lip-synching to the fish-fueled jukebox 53. Low-calorie snacking 54. Making mouth music 55. Medicating the hairy paper cut 56. Mopping the vulva 57. Mustache-riding 58. Muff-diving 59. Mumbling in the moss 60. Munching the bearded clam 61. One-man band 62. Oyster-gargling 63. Parting the fuzz 64. Pastrami sandwich 65. Pearl-diving 66. Placating the beaver 67. Playing in the sandbox 68. Playing the hair harmonica 69. Prawn breath 70. Pruning the orchid 71. Pug-noshing 72. Pussy-nibbling 73. Seafood dinner 74. Sipping at the fizzy cup 75. Sitting on a face 76. Slurping at the furry coconut 77. Smoking the fur 78. Sneezing in the basket 79. Spa time For Lady Boner 80. Speaking in tongues 81. Spraying the crops 82. Tackling the Brazilian 83. Talking to the canoe driver 84. Talking to lassie 85. Telephoning the stomach 86. Testing the echo in the love cave 87. Testing the waters 88. Tipping the velvet 89. Tongue-fucking 90. Tonguing the bean 91. Trimming the hedges 92. Velvet buzzsaw 93. Wearing the feed bag 94. Wearing the Sticky Beard 95. Whispering into the wet ear 96. Whispering to Venus 97. Whistling in the dark 98. Worshiping at the altar 99. Yaffling 100. Yodeling in the canyon 101. January Nelson
ellauri243.html on line 190: January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.
ellauri243.html on line 206: Some libertarian circles use a version of the flag with the snake and motto placed over a rainbow flag.
ellauri243.html on line 527: Rocky: What book covers the American Hollocost?
ellauri243.html on line 532: maverick pilot Patrick McLanahan uncovers disturbing evidence that the Russians are secretly arming their bomber fleet with nuclear warheads. Worse still, he realizes that despite the lessons of 9/11 the USA is still vulnerable to air attack by a determined enemy. But his warnings come too late. A flight of Russian bombers penetrate American airspace and launch devastating nuclear attacks on key airbases. As panic grips the country, McLanahan takes matters into his own hands and slips into Russia without leave with the elite Air Battle Force rapid-response team -- to strike back at the heart of the Russian bomber fleet. Fantastic fiction!
ellauri243.html on line 550: Bob Stearns, CEO of Powerful Potential. BOB STEARNS is one of only 95 people in history to lead an organization to win the prestigious Malcolm Baldrige Award. He was the Leader and Architect of Pittsburgh based Medrad’s 2003 journey to win the prestigious award. Medrad won the Baldrige award again in 2010. The Baldrige Award is presented annually by the President of the United States to organizations that excel in seven categories, including results. As Chief Human Resources Officer of CoManage, Bob led that company to be named the Best Place to Work in Pa.” He has also received the American Society for Training and Development Award for Excellence. Bob has served as a Director on the Boards of National Church Solutions, The Orchards at Foxcrest, the Pa. Society of Association Executives, the Pa. Association of Non Profit Organizations and a Woman owned business through Powerlink and Seton Hill University. Bob has owned and been the CEO of PowerfulPotential since 1985.
ellauri243.html on line 554: Bob´s book is about Perpetual Potential. Inside these pages, you will discover three invaluable lessons that will propel you closer to your true potential. The lessons will serve you well on either of two different, but parallel roads you may travel: The roads towards triumph or tragedy, as well as the roads in between. In 2003 the author, Bob Stearns was on top of the world. He led his company to win the most prestigious business award in the country, the Malcolm Baldrige award. Just five short years later, tragedy struck. Bob´s oldest son Eric was killed while on a study trip abroad in Athens, Greece. Eric was 21 years old at the time and was a junior at Penn State University. Although Eric lost his precious life in Greece, he found something sprawled under the pillars of the Acropolis that many people search for their entire lifetimes. He found inner peace in the knowledge that he could truly be anything he wanted to be, he could do anything he wanted to with his life. In his book "Perhaps a Man Can Change the Stars - Eric's Pursuit of Perpetual Potential", Bob shares with you three life lessons that allowed Eric to understand his true potential. Those same lessons helped Bob and his family deal with Eric´s death. The same lessons had enabled Bob to lead his company to triumph five years earlier. A key take away from the book is that no matter what stage of life you find yourself, you have the potential to explore. You have the potential to utilize and grow the talents and aspirations that you currently have. You have the potential to rekindle old talents that lie dormant, and to allow new talents to blossom. This is true regardless of age, circumstances, and what other people may be telling us. So read, explore and think deeply about how you can apply the three lessons that Bob learned from Eric. Decide for yourself how you can best use them. Indeed, our Potential is Perpetual!
ellauri243.html on line 647: Pilots use the 1 in 60 rule to remind themselves to constantly monitor their progress and make quick course corrections. You also know where you want to go. But you´ll never get there if you don´t regularly monitor and revise your goal based on your progress. And if you don´t start out on the right path. Remember, the 1 in 60 rule states that starting out, one degree off means winding up one mile off 60 miles later. Or so. So don´t just correct your course along the way. Create and follow a process that is proved to work. Pick someone who has achieved something you want to achieve. Like a Brad, if you happen to be a Ralph. Deconstruct his or her process. Then follow it, and along the way make small corrections as you learn what works best for you. That way, when you travel your own version of 60 miles, you´ll arrive precisely where you hoped to be. Up a shit creek without a paddle, with Brad 60 miles ahead of you. Forgot to warn: don´t pick a moving target!
ellauri243.html on line 724: World events thereafter moved against the Conservatives. Controversial wars in Afghanistan and South Africa undermined his public support. He angered British farmers by refusing to reinstitute the Corn Laws in response to poor harvests and cheap imported grain. With Gladstone conducting a massive speaking campaign, the Liberals defeated Disraeli´s Conservatives at the 1880 general election. In his final months, Disraeli led the Conservatives in Opposition.
ellauri243.html on line 730: Endymion is very like Benjy´s autobiography, with his boring English politics woven into the thread of the story. The action and conversations are distributed between characters who had figured in English politics and the fashionable romances of Europe during the last forty years.
ellauri243.html on line 751: I find no hint in the Universe
ellauri243.html on line 762: 2. The other James Thomson, in full James Alexander Thomson, (born Dec. 20, 1958, Chicago, Ill., U.S.), is an American biologist who was among the first to isolate human embryonic stem cells. Thomson extracted stem cells from human embryos. However, this confronted him with a moral dilemma, as such an extraction is fatal to the embryo. After consulting with several bioethicists at the university, Thomson decided that continued research was ethical as long as the embryos, "created" by couples who "no longer wanted them" in order to "have children", would otherwise be "destroyed anyway." I just love medicinal ethics! Kunnon personismia. Montako neekeriä saa keilata pelastaaxeen yhden valkoisen joka työntää lastenvaunuja.
ellauri244.html on line 435: Mia Faye is a romance addict who lives for the joy of entertaining her readers with her novels. She loves to hear from you via social media or via mail: miafayebooks@gmail.com ... "On His Desk" from bestselling author Mia Faye is a stand-alone second chance romance, between enemies who become lovers, with a baby surprise and a guaranteed HEA ...
ellauri244.html on line 453: About the author: Faye Toogood is a British artist working in a diverse range of disciplines, from sculpture to furniture and fashion. Toogood's works have been acquired for the permanent collections of institutions worldwide, and she has exhibited internationally. She is represented by Friedman Benda in New York.
ellauri244.html on line 455: Courtney Faye Taylor is a writer and visual artist. She is the author of Concentrate (Graywolf Press, 2022), selected by Rachel Eliza Griffiths as the winner of the Cave Canem Poetry Prize. Courtney earned her BA from Agnes Scott College and her MFA from the University of Michigan Helen Zell Writers' Program where she received the Hopwood ...
ellauri244.html on line 504: Ville-Juhani Sutinen pokkasi jostain syystä Tieto-Finlandia palkinnon. Moukka! Olis ottanut edes paskerilakin päästä sisällä. Monet lukevat klassikoita väärin, ja vääristä syistä, hän saarnaa diletanttina. Vittuako sekin niistä klassikoista mitään ymmärtää?? Siis missä kohtaa tässä on nyt se "tieto"? Täähän on vittu ihan pelkkää mutua. Waltari on bestsellerhöttöä, Marquez humoreskia, Bulgakov neuvostolaista spefiä kolkytluvulta, Proust muistelmia homoilusta, so what is new? Kuka muka ei tiennyt tätä? Minkälaisille neuvottomille tässä jaellaan tippejä? No palkinto tuli joltain rokotuslääkäriltä, jonka claim to fame oli se että se esiintyi koronapandemian aikana koko ajan telkassa. Koko esseekokoelman poinzi on ettei tarvi enää näitä klassikoita lukea, kun voi jo loistaa keskusteluissa lainaamalla Ville-Juhanin esseitä. Siihen tarkoituxeen on kyllä netissä lunttisivustot, monista klassikoista on myös kuvitetut versiot. Paulin laajat tiedot klassikoista perustuu Aku Ankka taskukirjoihin.
ellauri244.html on line 593: Here in my opinion is the only imaginative prose-writer of the slightest value who has appeared among the English-speaking races for some years past. Even if that is objected to as an overstatement (there is me, after all), it will probably be admitted that Miller is a writer out of the ordinary, worth more than a single glance; and after all, he is a completely negative, unconstructive, amoral writer, a mere Jonah, a passive acceptor of evil, a sort of Whitman among the corpses. Paizi Whatman oli peräreikämiehiä.
ellauri245.html on line 65: Costa Rica namngav 2005 en nyfunnen stekel (pistiäinen) efter Anna Lindh till Polycyrtus lindhae. Bakgrunden var hennes stöd för att bevara landets biologiska mångfald. "Polycyrtus lindhae har mycket gemensamt med Anna Lindh", motiverade professor Roberto Artavia Loría, chef för landets institut för biodiversitet. "Stekeln är vacker och färgsprakande, nästan utdöd, och spelar en viktig roll i korsbefruktningen av många arter i våra regnskogar. Anna Lindh var en dynamisk och färgstark individ som reste runt i världen och korsbefruktade det globala arbetet för att bevara den biologiska mångfalden. Och hon är död." Harvard University instiftade 2006 en professur i globalt ledarskap och statskunskap till minne av Lindh.
ellauri245.html on line 153: Then I sat down and wrote The Leopard. It was my longest and most labor-intensive book so far. I did research in the Congo and Hong Kong, studied torture weapons and interviewed avalanche experts, scuba divers and rock climbers. And it was also my most brutal book.
ellauri245.html on line 168: Frank Miller on alapartainen irlantilaiskatolinen vilpitön jenkkimylläri, joka piirsi lepakkomäntä ja teräsmäntä, ja esitti kontroversiellejä rifle association tyyppisiä kantoja:
ellauri245.html on line 170: In November 2011, Miller posted remarks pertaining to the Occupy Wall Street movement on his blog, calling it "nothing but a pack of louts, thieves, and rapists, fed by Woodstock-era nostalgia and putrid false righteousness." He said of the movement, "Wake up, pond scum. America is at war against a ruthless enemy. Maybe, between bouts of self-pity and all the other tasty tidbits of narcissism you´ve been served up in your sheltered, comfy little worlds, you´ve heard terms like al-Qaeda and Islamicism." Miller´s statement generated controversy. In a 2018 interview, Miller backed away from his comments saying that he "wasn´t thinking clearly" when he made them and alluded to a very dark time in his life during which they were made.
ellauri245.html on line 275: Nach den im Vorgängerroman beschriebenen Ereignissen und insbesondere der Bedrohung durch den Serienmörder, dessen Freundin Rakel und Sohn Oleg von Harry abgeschlachtet worden waren, verlässt Harry Hole Oslo und zieht nach Hongkong, wo er verschuldet sowie fantasiespiel- und drogensüchtig lebt.
ellauri245.html on line 294: „Jo Nesbøs 700-seitiges Krimi-Opus „Leopard“ nötigt Bewunderung ab ob der fehlerfreien, mathematisch anmutenden Konstruktion. Doch darin liegt auch seine Schwäche: Es gleicht einer Kunstübung, die wegen dieser Künstlichkeit nichts mehr mit einem Krimi zu tun hat. Nesbø bremst sich selber aus, lässt nur aufkeimen, um es wieder vom Tapet zu nehmen, hat er doch schon sämtliche Neben- und Kernthemen ineinander verwoben. Er hat den Bogen überspannt, legt falsche Fährten und lässt das Weber-Schiffchen in seinem Geflecht wirklich durch alle Richtungen schießen, um seine Kernthemen anzuheizen und das eine mit in das andere herüberzuziehen. Er überhitzt. Nach etwa 500 Seiten steht ein exaltiertes, kühnes Gerüst eines Molekülmodells mit dutzenden angeordneter Atome. Nicht, dass das nicht zu verstehen wäre. Doch es entbehrt jeder menschlichen Natürlichkeit. Die restlichen 200 Seiten wirken wie die Anmerkungen zu einem Fachbuch; und das, obgleich doch der blutige Showdown erst noch kommen soll.“
ellauri245.html on line 308: Etter 21,36 km med is, slush, sørpe, granbar, togskinner, sukker og melis under skia. Etter diverse problemer i smørebua (mannen som melder pass er lik hjelpeløs kone). Etter 580 høydemeter. Etter staking over vannene. Etter å ha gått til et sted med rart navn og drømt om vaffel og kaffe, for så å komme til påskestengt dør. Etter å ha slukt det ene knekkebrødet jeg hadde med og vurdert sjokoladetiggerrunde blant de andre fremmøtte. Etter å ha kommet meg opp den aller siste bakken på vei hjem. Da, da kommer en pensjonist seilende opp på sida mi. Han ser på meg og sier: "Ja, det begynnere bli litt trått nå. Men det verste er at kondisjonen min ikke er det samme lenger". Hadde tenkt til å spørre hvor han hadde gått, men det rakk jeg ikke før han hadde seilt videre i altfor god stil.
ellauri245.html on line 499: Lie vart fødd i Oslo (då Kristiania) 16. juli 1896. Far hans, Martin, forlét familien for å arbeide som snikkar i USA og mora Hulda dreiv eit vertshus. Lie vart med i Arbeidarpartiet i 1911 og vart utnemnd til partisekretær kort etter å ha vorte cand.jur. frå Universitetet i Oslo i 1919. Lie gifta seg med Hjørdis Jørgensen i 1921. Paret fekk tre døtrer: Sissel, Guri og Mette.
ellauri245.html on line 553: ELSA KAISA MÄKINIEMI syntyi Kemissä vuonna 1922 jääkärieversti August Mäkiniemen ja Aino Maria Mäkiniemen (o.s. Kemppainen) esikoiseksi. Myöhemmin perheeseen syntyi vielä kaksi tytärtä, Inkeri ja Sisko. August Mäkiniemi toimi suojeluskuntajärjestön Pohjolan piirin piiripäällikkönä. Everstiä kutsuttiin Aukuksi, Elsaa Ekiksi ja Inkeriä Inkiksi. Eki ei ollut koskaan pahalla tuulella. Ekan vaimon Marsion syöpäännyttyä Alvar istui peräkonttorissa juomassa. Onnexi tuli palkatuxi Eki. Säynätsalon kunnantalon rakennuxen aikana he rakastuivat toisiinsa. Se oli myös ensimmäinen rakennushanke, jossa Elissa toimi johtavana arkkitehtinä. Kunnantalo vihittiin käyttöön kesällä 1952. Saman vuoden syksyllä Elsa ja Alvar menivät naimisiin. Elsan perhe ei ollut suhteesta innoissaan. Pariskunnalla oli 24 vuotta ikäeroa.
ellauri245.html on line 617: Historiassa Ruandan väestö jakautui kolmeen heimoon: Hutu, Tutsi ja Batwa. Kaikki heimot puhuvat samaa kieltä kinyarwandaa ja niillä on sama kulttuurialkuperä. Väestöstä noin 84% kuului maajussien Hutu-heimoon, 15% nomadiseen Tutsi-heimoon ja loput Batwa-heimoon. Historiassa jokaisella heimolla oli oma sosioekonominen asemansa, rituaalinsa ja pukeutumistapansa. Vuoden 1994 kansanmurha Watussi-heimoa kohtaan (tyyliin "piikkilankoja preerialla") vähensi kansanryhmän osuutta merkittävästi, ja nykyään Ruandassa ei tunnisteta entisiä heimoja vaan kansa on "yhtenäinen". Nykyisin Ruanda onkin Afrikan maiden edelläkävijä vahvassa korruption suojelussa ja apinadiversiteetin vastaisuudessa. Ruandassa on siistiä koska sen kolonisoivat anaalinen Saxa ja pedofiili Belgia. Oi kurja Belgia!
ellauri245.html on line 640: Jerry husket litt av skolefransken. Du bon vin. Gateau noix de coco. Panee miettimään mixi Jonne Nesbö vaivautuu keximään fiktiivisiä julmuuxia vääryyxiä ja onnettomuuxia kun käytettävissä on niin paljon faktamateriaalia. Hutut tappoivat miljoonittain tuzeja 90-luvulla poistaaxeen kansasta tarpeetonta biodiversiteettiä.
ellauri246.html on line 75: Bengt Gunnar Ekelöf, född 15 september 1907 i Stockholm, död 16 mars 1968 i Sigtuna i Stockholms län, var en svensk författare, poet och översättare. Han var från 1958 ledamot av Svenska Akademien. A-ha!
ellauri246.html on line 202: Runon "Juutalainen hautausmaa" lukeminen aiheutti skandaalin. Kyseessä oli siis Brodskyn A Jewish Cemetery Near Leningrad, eikä alempana seuraava Tukkuarvo Pitkävesselin versio:
ellauri246.html on line 550: Putoaa hänen aikansa ja vuorossa on runoilija Lev Losev. Hän vetoaa Pushiniin. "Olegin rakkaan laulu on uusi historian versio, jossa Venäjä on kotimaassa paitsi venäläiset, vaan myös Khazar ja Tatarit ja kaikki muut, jotka ovat autuutta ajan myötä. Jatkuva pushkin, runoilija, jonka lyyrinen sankari on Khazar, sanoo, että profeetallinen Oleg, vaikka se valitaan polttaa kylät ja Niva, mutta ehkä se ei olisi ihan sen arvoista? Mayakovskin työssä Losev osittain lainaus on oma runo "Kozyrev Latchikin tarina". Kelaa ajatusta siitä, että jokaisella USSR: ssä on erillinen huoneisto. Huoneisto, "jossa voit vapaasti rakastaa", Neuvostoliiton unelma. Ja paxummat seinät kuten Stalinin aikana, ettei höyläys kuulu naapuriin. Vain tämän jälkeen on mahdollista sanoa, että Neuvostoliiton maa on "sopiva paikka elämään". Klassikoiden avulla eliitit lypsyy myyttejä.
ellauri246.html on line 621: Seitsemän vuoden ajan viittauksen tuottoa vuonna 1965 ja lähtö ulkomailla vuonna 1972. Brodskillä oli outo asema Neuvostoliitossa. Hän pysyi KGB: n näkökulmassa, vaikka suora vaino lakkaa. Skandaali tarina tuomioistuimen kanssa ja Brodskin pidätys johti vallankaappaukseen Leningradin kirjailijoiden liitoksessa, päätettiin yleensä liberaalisti, joka liittyi Brodskyn myönteisesti. Kirjoittajien liiton jäsenexi ei voinut tehdä, koska hän ei ollut melkein painettu, mutta unionissa oli eräänlainen "ammattimainen ryhmä", joka United Heterogeeniset kirjallisuuden tuen half-käyrät, lauluntekijät, pop-luonnokset ja sirkuksen tekijät Revistää jne. Siellä välittömästi palaa Leningradiin, liitteenä Brodsky. Näin ollen hän sai passin leiman, turvallisuustodistus maksuista. Hän jatkoi, kuten ennen pidättämistä, kirjoittamista, kirjoittanut lasten runoja, jotka on joskus painettu läpysköissä nimeltä "Bonfire" -lehdet ja Irsorka, yrittivät muita luokkia - esimerkiksi Lenfilmin elokuva-studiossa olevien ulkomaisten elokuvien kirjallista jalostusta. Ajoittain hänet maksettiin yksityisisstä runoista, jotka keräsivät kunnianosoituksia kuuntelijoilta. Joskus hänellä on levealaisia reikiä niukasti budjetissa, myyvät jäljennöksiä kauniissa ulkomaisissa versioissa Bukinisham. Ne tuotiin lahjaksi ulkomaisille tuttaville.
ellauri246.html on line 625: "Tiesin, että OVIR-kansalaisista ei vain kutsunut sitä ja edes ajatellut, ei jättänyt minua ulkomaille. Sanoin, että olin täynnä myöhään, kellot seitsemällä illalla, ja he: kiitos ja seitsemässä odotamme. Hän otti minut munasoluihin ja ystävällisesti kysyi mitä kuulin. Kaikki on kunnossa, vastaus. Hän sanoo: Olet saanut kutsun Israelille. Kyllä, sanon, sai; Ei vain Israelissa, vaan myös Italiassa, Englannissa, Tšekkoslovakiassa. Miksi et hyödyntää Israelin kutsua, kysyy eversti. Ehkä luulit, ettet anna sinun? No, ajattelin, vastaan, mutta ei tämä tärkein asia. Mitä? - pyytää eversti. En tiedä mitä tehdä siellä, vastaus. Ja täältä keskustelun muutokset. Kind poliisi "sinä", hän menee "sinuun" Sitä minä kerron teille, Brodski. Täytät nyt tämän lomakkeen, kirjoita lausunto, ja päätämme. Ja jos kieltäydy? - Minä kysyn. Eversti tähän: sitten kuumapäivät tulevat sinulle. Olin istumassa vankilassa kolme kertaa. Kaksi kertaa henkisessä sairaalassa ja kaikki voisivat oppia näissä yliopistoissa, hän hallitsi täynnä. Hyvä, sanon. Missä nämä paperit ovat? Se oli perjantai-iltana. Maanantaina uudelleen puhelu: Mene ja siirry passi. Sitten kauppa alkoi - lähtöä. En halunnut mennä heti. Ja he ovat siinä: sinulla ei ole passia. " Brodsky oli liian sidottu - vanhempansa, hänen poikansa, ystäviensä, kotimaisen kaupunkiin, liian paljon vaalia äidinkielen väliaineen jättää peruuttamattomasti. Leningrad KGB:lla on kuitenkin heidän näkemyksensä vanhasta asiakkaasta. Se esitteli kätevän tapauksen päästä eroon arvaamattomasta runoilijalle kerran ja kaikille. Brodsky ei oikeastaan antanut mitään kerätä eikä sanoa hyvästit. 4. kesäkuuta 1972 kymmenen päivää hänen 39. vuosipäivänsä jälkeen Brodsky lensi Leningradista Wieniin. Poistumasta maasta, koska se näytti olevan ikuisesti, menossa Pulkovon lentokentälle, Brodsky kirjoitti kirjeen CPSU: n pääsihteerille, Leonid Brezhnev:
ellauri246.html on line 886: Joseph Alexandrovich Brodsky. Life of Lie, joka poltti meidät pois maailmasta ja itsestään on olemassa Sopimus: Olemme maailman eniten lukumaa (kirjojen ja paksujen aikakauslehtien jäljennökset, käännösten käännökset). Kaikki valheiden ovela (tai pikemminkin jopa itsepetos, kuten näkeminen) on se, että sillä on oma reson sen pinnalla: Mallissa Picule lähtee Millpic-versioista, klassikoita uudelleen samoin, eikä ole mitään, tai ei ainakaan paljon paskaakaan. Kirjan monimuotoisuus romahtaa paletin.
ellauri246.html on line 914: Nämä aika, länsi alkaa julkaista I. Brodskin kirjoja vuodesta 1965: "runo ja runot", "pysäkki autiomaassa". I. BrodSky tulee epävirallisen kirjallisuuden ensimmäinen runollinen hahmo. Jokainen uusi tuote havaitaan kattavalla tapahtumalla, se ulottuu välittömästi suulliseen lähetykseen, SamizDat-uusintapainoksi lähetetään Venäjän ulkomaisille versioille. Kokoelman ja vastaavanlaisen ystävällisen kirjallisuuden lisäksi kaikki itsenäinen nuori kirjallisuus ja taide ulottuu arvovaltaiseen.
ellauri246.html on line 945: Yksikään edellä mainituista runoilijoista, jotka on listattu hänen suosikki runoilijoissa, aiheutti murtumia runoissaan. Hän osoittautui aikaisin mieluiten valmiiksi runoilijan parannuksiin. Brodskin runollinen järjestelmä, joka puhuu nykyaikaisen analyysin kielellä, tämä on avoin järjestelmä, joka vaikuttaa itsestään hyvin hyödyksi. Readerilla ei ole vimmun runoilijan hyvin rauhallista upottamista vaan melko vaikeaa testiä. Vuosien varrella Joseph on yhä halukas kääntämään runollinen resurssi, päätelmät ja tekniikat naapurimaailmasta, houkuttelee metafyysisen filosofian, teologian, erilaisia taiteita ja tiedettä, ei laiminlyödä ironiaa, sukupuolena ja politiikassa. Universumin tragediamalli, joka mieluummin I. Brodsky Comedy, ei myöskään lieventää lukijan käsityspääsyä. Hän todella pakkaa kieltä mahdollisimman paljon. Tai kielen uuvuttava? Tämä seikka edellyttää lukijoiden leksikaalista valmistelua.
ellauri247.html on line 84: The Baiame story tells how Baiame came down from the sky to the land and created rivers, mountains, and forests. He then gave the people their laws of life, traditions, songs, and culture. He also created the first initiation site. This is known as a bora; a place where boys were initiated into manhood.
ellauri247.html on line 259: Smollett’s deep moral energy surfaced in two early verse satires, “Advice: A Satire” (1746) and its sequel, “Reproof: A Satire” (1747); these rather weak poems were printed together in 1748. Smollett’s poetry includes a number of odes and lyrics, but his best poem remains “The Tears of Scotland.” Written in 1746, it celebrates the unwavering independence of the Scots, who had been crushed by English troops at the Battle of Culloden. Not much of an improvement on the rest I'd say.
ellauri247.html on line 286: CICISBEO: In 18th- and 19th-century Italy, the cicisbeo (Italian: [tʃitʃiˈzbɛːo]; plural: cicisbei) or cavalier servente (French: chevalier servant) was the man who was the professed gallant or lover of a woman married to someone else. With the knowledge and consent of the husband, the cicisbeo attended his mistress at public entertainments, to church and other occasions, and had privileged access to this woman. The arrangement is comparable to the Spanish cortejo or estrecho and, to a lesser degree, to the French petit-maître.,(petit-maître m (plural petits-maîtres) (archaic) dandy, coxcomb). The exact etymology of the word is unknown; some evidence suggests it originally meant "in a whisper" (perhaps an onomatopeic word). Other accounts suggest it is an inversion of bel cece, which means "beautiful chick (pea)". According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the first recorded usage of the term in English was found in a letter by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu dated 1718. The term appears in Italian in Giovanni Maria Muti's Quaresimale Del Padre Maestro Fra Giovanni Maria Muti De Predicatori of 1708 (p. 734).
ellauri247.html on line 297: "If a Frenchman is admitted into your family, and distinguished by repeated marks of your friendship and regard, the first return he makes for your civilities is to make love to your wife, if she is handsome; if not, to your sister, or daughter, or niece. If he suffers a repulse from your wife, or attempts in vain to debauch your sister, or your daughter, or your niece, he will, rather than not play the traitor with his gallantry, make his addresses to your grandmother; and ten to one but in one shape or another he will find means to ruin the peace of a family in which he has been so kindly entertained. What he cannot accomplish by dint of compliment and personal attendance, he will endeavour to effect by reinforcing these with billets-doux, songs, and verses, of which he always makes a provision for such purposes. If he is detected in these efforts of treachery, and reproached with his ingratitude, he impudently declares that what he had done was no more than simple gallantry, considered in France as an indispensable duty on every man who pretended to good breeding. Nay, he will even affirm that his endeavours to corrupt your wife, or deflower your daughter, were the most genuine proofs he could give of his particular regard for your family.
ellauri247.html on line 327: Sam was an Oxford dropout because he was too poor to pay his way. He eventually did receive a degree for free: just before the publication of his Dictionary in 1755, the University of Oxford awarded Johnson the degree of Master of Arts. He was awarded an honorary doctorate in 1765 by Trinity College Dublin and in 1775 by the University of Oxford. Pelkkiä säälipisteitä.
ellauri247.html on line 339: In August, Johnson's lack of an MA degree from Oxford or Cambridge led to his being denied a position as master of the Appleby Grammar School. In an effort to end such rejections, the 4-ft Pope asked Lord Gower to use his influence to have a degree awarded to Johnson. Gower petitioned Oxford for an honorary degree to be awarded to Johnson, but was told that it was "too much to be asked". Gower then asked a friend of Jonathan Swift to plead with Swift to use his influence at the University of Dublin to have a master's degree awarded to Johnson, in the hope that this could then be used to justify an MA from Oxford, but Swift refused to act on Johnson's behalf.
ellauri247.html on line 347: Americans had no more right to govern themselves than the Cornish, and "How is it that we hear the loudest yelps for liberty among the drivers of negroes?" The French and Indian War was a conflict between "two robbers" of Native American lands, and that neither deserved to live there.
ellauri247.html on line 419: Called the “Queen of the Blues”, Elizabeth Montagu led and hosted the Blue Stockings Society of England from about 1750. It was a loose organization of privileged women with an interest in education, but it waned in popularity at the end of the 18th century. It gathered to discuss literature, and also invited educated men to participate. Talk of politics was prohibited; literature and the arts were the main subjects. Many of the bluestocking women supported each other in intellectual endeavors such as reading, art work, and writing. Many also published literature. Dr. Johnson once wrote about Montagu, that “She diffuses more knowledge than any woman I know, or indeed, almost any man. Conversing with her, you may find variety in one“.
ellauri248.html on line 91: The last part is a bit more controversial I suppose. There are two central mysteries in this book-- the first, what happened to Katy, DOES get solved in the course of the novel (the "big break" in the case is our hero realizing suddenly that the murder probably took place in a shed about 20 feet from where the body was found! Really?? No one bothered to think of that for a month?), but the deeper mystery about what happened to Rob/Adam and his friends is never resolved. Your mileage may vary about how annoying that is. Truth be told, it didn't annoy me as much as the fact that the true "villain" of the modern mystery walks without being punished in any way. How incredibly unsatisfying.
ellauri248.html on line 156: Nach einem erneut misslungenen Habilitationsversuch begann Rée 1885 ein Medizinstudium, das er 1890 erfolgreich abschloss. Sein weiteres Leben verbrachte er überwiegend in Stibbe (Westpreußen). Dort behandelte er als Arzt die Landarbeiter auf dem Rittergut seines Bruders Georg.
ellauri248.html on line 189: Die Idealistin von Meysenbug war nicht immer mit den inhaltlichen Aussagen ihrer „Buben“ einverstanden, blieb aber vor allem mit dem Menschen Nietzsche befreundet. Als sie im Frühsommer 1888 Nietzsche für seine harten Worte im Fall Wagner tadelte – sie war Wagner immer eng verbunden geblieben –, warf er ihr jedoch völliges Unverständnis seiner Werke vor und brach den Kontakt mit ihr ab. Sie schrieb dies später dem beginnenden Wahnsinn Nietzsches zu.
ellauri248.html on line 364: – Seksuaalivalistus on mielestäni täysin sopimaton aihe käsitellä kouluissa. Kouluissa ei opeteta vain anatomiaa, vaan lapsillemme opetetaan perverssiä propagandaa, Stubbe kertoo Marylandissa pidettävässä konservien CPAC-konferenssissa.
ellauri249.html on line 82: Though many critics agreed that Brodsky was one of the finest contemporary Russian poets, some felt that the English translations of his poetry are less impressive. One is never quite allowed to forget that one is reading a second-hand version.
ellauri254.html on line 58: Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann (24. tammikuuta 1776 Königsberg, Itä-Preussi – 25. kesäkuuta 1822 Berliini) oli saksalainen kirjailija, juristi, säveltäjä, musiikkikriitikko, piirtäjä ja karikatyristi. Hoffmann oli Saksan romantiikan huomattavin kertoja ja uudenaikaisen kauhukertomuksen aloittaja. Hoffmann on jäänyt kirjallisuushistoriaan lyhennetyssä muodossaan E. T. A. Hoffmann. Parhaiten Hoffmann tunnetaan teoksestaan Pähkinänsärkijä ja hiirikuningas (Nussknacker und Mausekönig, 1816). Pjotr Tšaikovski sävelsi teoksesta vuonna 1892 tunnetun baletin, joka perustui Alexander Dumas'n versioon Hoffmannin tarinasta. Hoffmannista itsestäänkin on tehty ooppera, Jacques Offenbachin Hoffmanin kertomukset (1879). Jules Barbierin libretto perustuu hänen ja Michel Carrén näytelmään (1851), joka taas perustuu Hoffmanin kertomuksiin, joiden päähenkilönä hän itse seikkailee.
ellauri254.html on line 66: „Die Grundpfeiler dieses Vereins bildeten nächst Hoffmann, Contessa, Koreff (ein ausgezeichneter Arsch*) und Hitzig. Ein vortrefflicher ineinandergreifendes Quatuor mochte nicht leicht zu finden sein. Koreff war der einzige Mensch, dem Hoffmann geduldig zuhörte, weil er ihn in der Unterhaltung an sprudelndem lebendigem Witze oft und an Kenntnissen immer überbot, auch dabei gutmütig genug war, ihn reden zu lassen, so oft er wollte; Contessa, selbst wenig redend, horchte auf alles, was die Freunde an Witz ausgehen ließen, mit dem beredtesten Beifallslächeln, das ihm unaufhörlich um die Mundwinkel spielte, von Zeit zu Zeit ein kleines, aber entscheidendes Wörtchen zugebend, und Hitzig, der mit Contessa das Publikum bildete und alle drei übrigen länger und besser als sie sich untereinander kannte, verstand darum die Kunst, Lücken im Gespräch auszufüllen, und wo es matt wurde, es wieder anzuregen, sich willig jedes Anspruchs auf Solopartien begebend.“ Hoffman oli takuulla sehr narzissistisch.
ellauri254.html on line 377: considered to be one of the most popular poets, who believed in first inspiration and sometimes intentionally left his verse unrevised. In many regards looked upon as the antipode of Valery Bryusov.
ellauri254.html on line 415: Vuonna 1911 itävaltalainen Hugo von Hofmannsthal julkaisi 1500-luvun tekstin pohjalta oman uusioversionsa Jedermann, jonka otsikko suomeksi kuuluu Jokamies – vanha näytelmä rikkaan miehen kuolemasta. Loppusoinnuin kirjoitetussa tekstissä Jumala ja Piru piru piru tavoittelevat rikkaan Jokamiehen sielua. Kuolema ilmestyy miehelle ja kertoo lopun olevan lähellä. Jokamies yrittää taivutella läheisiään ja Mammonaa mukaansa kuolemaan, mutta lopulta hän kulkeekin rajan yli Uskon ja Hyvien töiden saattelemana.
ellauri254.html on line 457: George wurde als Sohn des Gastwirts und Weinhändlers Stephan George und dessen Frau Eva (geb. Schmitt) in Büdesheim (bei Bingen) geboren. Die Familie stammte ursprünglich aus dem seit 1766 zu Frankreich gehörenden Roupeldange. Der Bruder von Georges Urgroßvater Jacob (1774–1833), Johann Baptist George (Grab in Büdesheim), war von hier nach Büdesheim gezogen und hatte (da selbst kinderlos) als Erben Georges Großvater Anton (1808–1888; Soldat unter Karl X.) sowie dessen Bruder Etienne (den späteren Politiker) zu sich geholt. Stefan George galt als verschlossenes, eigenbrötlerisches Kind, das schon früh zur Selbstherrlichkeit neigte. Ach ja! das heisst Narzissismus bei Freud.
ellauri254.html on line 461: Nach seinem Abitur im Jahre 1888 bereiste George die europäischen Metropolen London, Paris und Wien. In Wien lernte er 1891 Hugo von Hofmannsthal kennen. In Paris traf er auf den Symbolisten Stéphane Mallarmé und dessen Dichterkreis, der ihn nachhaltig beeinflusste und ihn seine exklusive und elitäre Kunstauffassung des l’art pour l’art entwickeln ließ. Seine Dichtungen sollten sich jeglicher Zweckgebundenheit und Profanierung entziehen. Zu Georges Pariser Kontaktpersonen gehörte auch Paul Verlaine. Unter dem Einfluss der Symbolisten entwickelte George eine Abneigung gegen den in Deutschland zu jener Zeit sehr populären Realismus und Naturalismus. Maxim Gorki wäre sehr böse gewesen, hätte er das gewusst. Seit 1889 studierte er drei Semester lang an der Philosophischen Fakultät der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin, brach sein Studium jedoch bald ab. Danach blieb er sein Leben lang ohne festen Wohnsitz, wohnte bei Freunden und Verlegern (wie Georg Bondi in Berlin), auch wenn er sich zunächst noch relativ häufig in das Elternhaus in Bingen zurückzog. Zwar hatte er von seinen Eltern ein beträchtliches Erbe erhalten, doch lebte er stets sehr genügsam. Als Dichter identifizierte er sich früh mit Dante (als der er auch beim Münchner Fasching auftrat), dessen Divina Comedia er in kleine Teile zerriss. Samanlainen ilkeä riippunokka se olikin kuin Dante.
ellauri254.html on line 488: Ab 1907 ist eine Zäsur in Georges Kunstbegriff zu erkennen. Seine Werke entsprachen nicht mehr dem Anspruch der sogenannten selbstgenügsamen Kunst, sondern gewannen zunehmend einen prophetischen und religiösen Charakter. Fortan fungierte George zunehmend als ästhetischer Richter oder Ankläger, der gegen eine Zeit der Verflachung anzukämpfen versuchte. Anlass hierzu war vor allem die Begegnung Georges mit dem vierzehnjährigen Maximilian Kronberger 1902 in München. Nach dem plötzlichen Tod Kronbergers 1904 an Arschverblütung stellte George ein Gedenkbuch zusammen, das 1906 mit einer Vorrede erschien, in der „Maximin“ (so nennt ihn George) zum Gott erhoben wurde, der „in unsere Kreise getreten war“. Inwiefern dieser „Maximin-Kult“ tatsächlich ein gemeinsamer des Kreises war oder eher ein privater Georges, der dadurch, dass er die Göttlichkeit Maximins erkannt hatte, seine eigene zentrale Stellung rechtfertigen wollte, ist schwierig zu rekonstruieren. Minimax olis ollut turvallisempi strategia, kuiten von Neumann ja Morgenstern ovat osoittaneet. Maxi muna miniin reikään tuottaa vahinkoa, mini muna maxissa reiässä ei ehkä paljon anna, muttei otakaan.
ellauri254.html on line 505: In uniting his philosophy and personal preferences, Klages generally opposed sexuality as a formal concept. Mitä vetoa että Ludi oli bi? Even during the heyday of sexual and bohemian rebellion, Herf writes, "Klages struck most observers as strikingly clean and honourable in erotic matters."
ellauri254.html on line 515: Alfred Schuler (* 22. November 1865 in Mainz; † 8. April 1923 in München) wird als Seher, Religionsstifter, Gnostiker, Mystagoge und Visionär charakterisiert. Sich selbst verstand Schuler als einen wiedergeborenen dekadenten Römer der späten Kaiserzeit. Schuler, der einen gnostizierenden Neopaganismus vertrat, war spiritueller Mittelpunkt der Kosmiker und Ideengeber für Stefan George und Ludwig Klages. Ohne zu Lebzeiten ein Buch veröffentlicht zu haben, erzielte er eine große Breitenwirkung. Mme Turn und Taxis fragte Rilke: Wer ist dieser Schwuler? Hat er etwas gesrchrieben?
ellauri254.html on line 521: In Schulers antisemitisch-esoterischer Vorstellungswelt strömten im Blut „kosmische Energien“ des Menschen zusammen, ein kostbarer Besitz, der „Quell aller schöpferischen Mächte“ sei. Dieser Schatz sei von einem besonderen Leuchtstoff durchdrungen, der von der kosmischen Kraft des Trägers künde, allerdings nur im Blut auserwählter Personen zu finden sei. Von ihnen erwartete man in den Zeiten des Niederganges die allgemeine Wiedergeburt in den Sonnenkindern oder Wiener Sängerknaben. Nun gab es nach Auffassung Klages’ einen mächtigen Feind des Blutes, den Geist, und die kosmischen Anstrengungen sollten darauf hinauslaufen, die Seele aus der „Knechtschaft“ dieses Geistes zu befreien, jener Kraft, die mit Fortschritt und Vernunft, Kapitalismus, Zivilisation und dem Judentum gleichzusetzen war und den Sieg Jahwes über das Leben bedeuten würde. Die Tiraden Schulers gegen den „Molochismus“, wie er seine Anspielung auf den kinderverschlingenden Moloch nannte, unterschieden sich kaum von antisemitischen Wendungen, die um diese Zeit in Wien gestreut wurden. Klages ging über diese noch hinaus, indem er vom Scheinleben einer Larve sprach, die Jahwe nutze, „um auf dem Wege der Täuschung die Menschheit zu vernichten“.
ellauri254.html on line 525: Alfred Schuler wurde 1865 in Mainz geboren. Für seine Wiedergeburt in die ihm nicht behagende Zeit machte Schuler einen bösartigen Dämon verantwortlich. Seine Kameraden waren herzlich einverstanden.
ellauri254.html on line 527: version/1462824835/image.jpg" width="20%" />
ellauri254.html on line 534: Der Engels ist Führer des Dichters, der seinerseits Jünger um sich schart, ein Paradigmenwechsel, der den Beginn des Werkes charakterisiert und sich kritisch-rückblickend auf das epigonale weibliche Paradigma im Jahr der Seele bezieht. Die nichtdomestizierte weibliche Sexualität stelle für George eine Bedrohung dar: Er verbinde den erfüllten (heterosexuellen) Geschlechtsakt mit Zersetzung und Dekadenz, im übertragenen Sinne mit Epigonalität oder Ästhetizismus. In Die Fremde etwa, einem Gedicht aus dem Teppich des Lebens, versinkt die Frau als dämonische, im Mondlicht mit „offenem haar“ singende Hexe im Torf, ein „knäblein“, „schwarz wie nacht und bleich wie lein“ als Pfand zurücklassend, während in den als sprachlich verunglückt eingestuften Gewittern die „falsche Gattin“, die sich „in den wettern tummelt“ und „zügellosen rettern“ preisgegeben ist, am Ende verhaftet wird.
ellauri254.html on line 821: Shklovsky was born in St. Petersburg, Russia. His father was a Lithuanian Jewish mathematician (with ancestors from Shklov) who converted to Russian Orthodoxy and his mother was of German-Russian origin. He attended St. Petersburg University.
ellauri254.html on line 993: 1350 miestä siinä kaikki: Corpo di spedizione italiano in Murmania eversti Sifolan komentajana.
ellauri256.html on line 45: Vasily Vasilievich Rozanov (Russian: Васи́лий Васи́льевич Рóзанов; 2 May [O.S. 20 April] 1856 – 5 February 1919) was one of the most controversial Russian writers and important philosophers in the symbolists (aka decadents) of the pre-revolutionary epoch.
ellauri256.html on line 46: Rozanov frequently referred to himself as Fyodor Dostoyevsky's "Underground Man" and proclaimed his right to espouse contrary opinions at the same time. He first attracted attention in the 1890s when he published political sketches in the conservative newspaper Novoye Vremya ("New Time"), owned and run by Aleksey Suvorin. Rozanov's comments, always paradoxical and sparking controversy, led him into clashes with the Tsarist government and with radicals such as Lenin. For example, Rozanov readily passed from criticism of Russian Orthodoxy, and even of what he saw as the Christian preoccupation with death, to fervent praise of Christian faith, from praise of Judaism to unabashed anti-Semitism, and from acceptance of homosexuality as yet another side of human nature to vitriolic accusations that Gogol and some other writers had been latent homosexuals.[citation needed] He proclaimed that politics was "obsolete" because "God doesn't want politics any more," constructed an "apocalypse of our times," and recommended the "healthy instincts" of the Russian people, their longing for authority, and their hostility to modernism.
ellauri256.html on line 50: Because of frequent references to the phallus in Rozanov's writings, Klaus von Beyme called him the Rasputin of the Russian intelligentsia. Klaus von Beyme (* 3. Juli 1934 in Saarau, Landkreis Schweidnitz, Niederschlesien; † 6. Dezember 2021 in Heidelberg) war ein deutscher Politikwissenschaftler und von 1974 bis zu seiner Emeritierung 1999 Professor am Institut für Politische Wissenschaft der Universität Heidelberg.
ellauri256.html on line 253: Young Boris grew up at the Arbat, a historical area in Moscow. He was a polymath whose interests included mathematics, biology, chemistry, music, philosophy, and literature. Bugaev attended university at the University of Moscow. He would go on to take part in both the Symbolist movement and the Russian school of neo-Kantianism. Bugaev became friendly with Alexander Blok and his wife; he fell in love with her, which caused tensions between the two poets. One of his notions was the Eternal Feminine, which he equated it with the "world soul" and the "supra-individual ego", the ego shared by all individuals. He supported the Bolshevik rise to power and later dedicated his efforts to Soviet culture, serving on the Organizational Committee of the Union of Soviet Writers.
ellauri256.html on line 391: Mayakovsky produced a large and diverse body of work during the course of his career: he wrote poems, wrote and directed plays, appeared in films, edited the art journal LEF, and produced agitprop posters in support of the Communist Party during the Russian Civil War of 1917–1922. Though Mayakovsky's work regularly demonstrated ideological and patriotic support for the ideology of the Bolsheviks and a strong admiration of Vladimir Lenin, his relationship with the Soviet state was always complex and often tumultuous. Mayakovsky often found himself engaged in confrontation with the increasing involvement of the Soviet state in cultural censorship and the development of the State doctrine of Socialist realism. Works that criticized or satirized aspects of the Soviet system, such as the poem "Talking With the Taxman About Poetry" (1926), and the plays The Bedbug (1929) and The Bathhouse (1929), met with scorn from the Soviet state and literary establishment. Majakovskin lehdykkä Lef teki pilkkaa serapioniveljistä. Ei ois kannattanut. Fedin pani sen hampaankoloon ja Zishtshov närkästyi.
ellauri256.html on line 524: MIT:n silloinen laskuopin professori ennusti Billystä: I believe he will be a great mathematician, the leader in that science in the future. 11-vuotiaana nenäkäs Billy sai toistuvasti turpiin 5v vanhemmilta Harvardin luokkatovereilta (ml Buckminster Fuller) ja alkoi eristäytyä. Billy vowed to remain celibate and never to marry, as he said women did not appeal to him. Later he developed a strong affection for Martha Foley, one year older than him. Ei siitäkään tullut lasta eikä paskaakaan. Isompana Billy ajoi mieluiten ympäriinsä raitiovaunulla. He obsessively collected streetcar transfers, wrote self-published periodicals, and taught small circles of interested friends his version of American history. Sidis arveli että Euroopassakin oli ollut intiaaneja. Sidis peukutti jonkinlaista dualismia. Sidis died from a cerebral hemorrhage in 1944 in Boston at age 46.
ellauri256.html on line 526: Martha Foley was born in Boston, Massachusetts, on March 21, 1897, to Walter and Margaret M. C. Foley. From 1909 to 1915, she attended Boston Girls' Latin School, and even then aspired to be a writer. The school magazine published her first short story, "Jabberwock," when she was eleven years old. (I had thought it was Lewis Carrol's.) After graduating from the 'Girls School' she attended Boston University but did not graduate, unlike Riitta Roth, who did. The topic of her MA thesis was Garten-Laub. The name of her kitten was Klobürste. (Riitta's, not Martha's)
ellauri257.html on line 65:
ellauri257.html on line 73: The cocky and arrogant Taras raises two sons, Andrei (Tony Curtis) and Ostap (Perry Lopez), and eventually sends them to Kiev University to learn how their enemies think. The independent-minded Andrei falls in love with Natalia (Christine Kaufmann), a young beautiful Polish noblewoman, but her family deems him unworthy of her because of his lowly birth. The heartbroken Andrei returns home to the steppes and his bloodthirsty barbarian warrior father—definitely not a college grad.
ellauri257.html on line 85: Buddhalainen huolimattomuus, jolla "Bulba" valmistetaan, poistaa täysin tarpeen analysoida sekä sen suhdetta alkuperäiseen lähteeseen että sen poliittisia aikeita. Tämä ei ole kannanotto aiheesta Venäjän historialliset suhteet Ukrainan kanssa eikä varsinaisesti sanottuna näyttöversio - tämä on, kuten sanotaan, lomaelokuva alunperin venäläisessä käsityksessä lomasta tapahtumana seuraavana aamuna sen jälkeen. jota kaikki häpeävät. Joitakin kalliita maisemia on rakennettu, mutta operaattorilla ei ilmeisesti ole aikaa kuvata niitä.
ellauri257.html on line 87: Luojan kiitos, olemme eläneet todistamassa Gogolin kuntoutumista suurena humoristina. Sen teki Vladimir Bortko versiossaan kuuluisasta romaanista, joka oli sensaatiomainen jo ennen näyttöjen julkaisua. Tyytyväinen kenttäkomentaja Taras Bulba ( Bogdan Stupka ) tapaa kaksi poikaa ( Vladimir Vdovichenkov ja Igor Petrenko ) koristeellisella maatilalla - tuoreena Kiovan bursasta, papin mekossa ja Moskovan aksentissa.
ellauri257.html on line 91: Taras Bulban elokuvasovituksen teki Vladimir Bortko odottamattomalla kunnioituksella vuoden 1842 toisen painoksen tekstiä kohtaan (tarinan ensimmäisessä versiossa sana "venäläinen", joka jyrisi ruudulta kahden minuutin välein, esiintyi vain pari kertaa, mikä ei ole ollenkaan yllättävää kirjailijalle, joka pakeni täältä Italiaan ensi tilaisuudessa). Gogol luetaan näytöltä sivuina. Vaikka on olemassa joitain skenaariovapauksia - eroottisia kohtauksia kynttilänvalossa ja osoitus aateliston täysin karikatyyreistä tavoista (Puolan aatelisto muistuttaa hyvin valkokaartia kankaasta "Kommunistin kuulustelu").
ellauri257.html on line 93: Yläasteen oppilaat yllättävät iloisesti: lähes koko tarinan juutalainen linja, joka on armottomasti mustattu kirjojen lukemiseen sovitetussa tekstiversiossa, siirretään rakkaudella valkokankaalle. Kyllä, luola-antisemitismin sirpaleilla, mutta millä elävöittävällä huumorilla! Suurimmalle osalle, joka nukkui kirjallisuuden oppitunnit, Gogol on ikävä kirjoittaja loputtomille kuvauksille arojen kasvillisuudesta, mutta luojan kiitos, että olemme eläneet tämän suuren humoristin visuaalisen kuntoutumisen eteen.
ellauri257.html on line 101: The story was initially published in 1835 as part of the Mirgorod collection of short stories, but a much expanded version appeared in 1842 with some differences in the storyline. The 1842 text has been described by Victor Erlich [ru] as a "paragon of civic virtue and a force of patriotic edification", contrasting the rhetoric of the 1835 version with its "distinctly Cossack jingoism".
ellauri257.html on line 141: Ukrainameemixi muodostunut Tarastin hitti Duumi moi on vaisu lyhennelmä pitemmästä runosta, jossa on huomattavasti rämäkämpi meininki. Verratessa vanhempaa viisuversioita Ukrainan nykynuorten coveriin näkyy kyllä länkkärien vaikutus Vähä-Venäjään aika selvästi.
ellauri257.html on line 343: Gombrowicz wrote in Polish, but he did not allow his works to be published in Poland until the authorities lifted the ban on the unabridged version of Dziennik, his diary, in which he described their attacks on him. No tästä arvaa jo mixi sille oltiin tuppaamassa dynypötköä. Mikä pahinta, Gombrowicz´s work has links with existentialism and structuralism. Sen hengenheimolaisia olivat sellaiset lurjuxet kuin Foucault, Barthes, Deleuze, Lacan, and Sartre.
ellauri257.html on line 360: Ilmeisistä syistä siis olen ennakkoasennoitunut että Witold Gombrowiczin katolis-oikishenkiset pornoväsäyxet tulevat vituttamaan rankasti. Saas nähdä. Jan Tolpan esipuhe ruozinnoxeen lupaa pahaa ainakin. Kekäs tää Tolppa edes on? Sven Stolpen veljenpoika. Sen isäkin oli kääntäjä, Birger Stolpe, jonka isä oli ylikontrollööri Johan Stolpe, joka ei tiettävästi mitään kääntänyt ellei jotain kyniä tai klemmareita virkapaikalta. Janne kyllä: från klassisk grekiska har Janne översatt Platon, Aristoteles, Longinos och Euripides, från franska Michel de Montaigne, Denis Diderot och Honoré de Balzac. Janne ei tuntenut Sven Stolpea. Pappa och han var inte kontanta. Jannella on kotona lundioissa kattoon asti kirjoja. Se täyttää 83 ellei ole kuollut. Det är viktigt att översätta även sånt skit som Gombrovicz om man vill uppehålla det fria samhället.
ellauri257.html on line 419: Upon the 2009 American release (of the book, after the film of course, this is America), Michael Dirda wrote in The Washington Post that Pornografia "seems as sick, as pathologically creepy a novel as one is ever likely to read. In some ways, it resembles a rather more polymorphously perverse version of Les Liaisons Dangereuses or one of those disturbing fictions by European intellectuals that blend the philosophical with the erotic: Think of Georges Bataille's The Story of the Eye or Pierre Klossowski's Roberte Ce Soir. ... Through its sado-masochistic material and its almost Henry Jamesian analyses of human motives, Pornografia underscores Gombrowicz's lifelong philosophical obsession: the quest for authenticity." Dirda continued: "Certainly, most readers will find Pornografia perturbing, or worse: repulsive, confusing, ugly. As Milosz once said of Gombrowicz: 'He had no reverence whatsoever for literature. He derided it as a snobbish ritual, and if he practiced it, he attempted to get rid of all its accepted rules.'"
ellauri257.html on line 450:
ellauri257.html on line 526: Singer’s domestic side is thorny. The Singers kept a Hispanic maid, and Dvora Menashe (later Telushkin), who was Singer’s assistant in his late years — indeed she wrote a memoir, “Master of Dreams” [1997], recounting that time — told me about her. So did Janet Hadda, who wrote the biography “Isaac Bashevis Singer: A Life” (1997). Hadda even provided me with an address, but my letters went unanswered. Lester Goran, who co-taught with Singer at the University of Miami and wrote a memoir about their friendship, “The Bright Streets of Surfside” (1994), couldn’t help me, either.
ellauri257.html on line 532: Ilan Stavans is the Lewis-Sebring Professor in Latin American and Latino Culture at Amherst College. He edited the three-volume “Isaac Bashevis Singer: Collected Stories” (Library of America) and is finishing a biography of Singer, for Princeton University Press.
ellauri257.html on line 534: Singerin ehkä veljen Joosuan vävy Luria (vas.) ja poika Herman (oik.) kiistelevät Hudson Riverside Avenuella jälleen kerran kommunismista. Iisakki ja Joosua olivat herttaisen yhtä mieltä siitä: se on perseestä!
ellauri257.html on line 548: Lopulta Israel Joshua kutsui nuoremman veljensä, tulevan Nobel-palkinnon voittajan Isaac Bashevis Singerin Yhdysvaltoihin ja suunnitteli hänelle työpaikan The Forwardissa. "Ellei Joshuaa olisi ollut, Abraham Cahan olisi erottanut hänet", Singerin vaimo Genia tunnusti myöhemmin Bashevisin pojalle Israel Zamirille. Joshua kuoli sydänkohtaukseen 50-vuotiaana New Yorkissa, 258 Hudson Riverside Drive, 10. helmikuuta 1944. A Treasury of Yiddish Stories -kirjan johdannossa Irving Howe ja Eliezer Greenberg totesivat, että Mr. Singerin kirjat on järjestetty "tavalla, joka täyttää tavanomaiset länsimaiset odotukset kirjallisen rakenteen suhteen. Hänen romaaninsa muistuttavat sellaista perhekronikkaa, joka oli suosittu Euroopassa useita vuosikymmeniä sitten eli edellisen vuosisadan vaihteessa.
ellauri257.html on line 571: Lodge was a Christian Spiritualist. In 1909, he published the book Survival of Man which expressed his belief that life after death had been demonstrated by mediumship. His most controversial book was Raymond or Life and Death (1916). The book documented the séances that he and his wife had attended with the medium Gladys Osborne Leonard. Lodge was convinced that his son Raymond who had become cannon food had communicated with him and the book is a description of his son's experiences in the spirit world. According to the book Raymond had reported that those who had died were still the same people that they had been on earth before they "passed over". There were houses, trees and flowers in the Spirit world, which was similar to the earthly realm, although there was no STD. The book also claimed that soldiers who died in World War I smoked cigars and drank whisky and ate pussy also in the spirit world and because of such statements the book was criticised.
ellauri258.html on line 82: Vanha Firestarter on silti Kubrick-tasoinen mestariteos tähän versioon verrattuna. Parannuksia on tasan yksi: Rainbirdia esittää nyt Yhdysvaltain alkuperäisväestöön kuuluva Michael Greyeyes. Hyytävä hahmo on kuitenkin pilattu täysin, kuten kaikki muukin tarinassa. ”Elokuvan ongelmat ovat niin perustavanlaatuisia, että kökködetaljeja ei maksa vaivaa edes luetella. Rakenne ja rytmitys ovat täysin pielessä. Alussa juoni jaarittelee ja junnaa paikoillaan, sen jälkeen taas etenee hypähdyksittäin, kuin käsikirjoituksesta olisi viime hetkellä revitty nippukaupalla sivuja irti”.
ellauri258.html on line 292: Kori Hatakainen oli vuosituhannen vaihteen uhoilevan mieslaahuxen runoilija ja tunteiden työntötulkki. Sen haave oli tämmöinen aplarinvärinen Toyota Corolla, joita vielä löytyy kaupan entisen Neuvostoliiton alueelta. Samanikäinen kuin Wokun uudempi Anger Over. Klassikko (1997) oli Korin ensimmäinen menestysteos. Juoxuhaudantie on vlta 2004. Molemmista on tehty elokuvaversiot. Kori on muotopuhdas nuivelo, sama oli sillä alla Corolla tai Rolfa Aameo, se ajattelee, kirjoittaa ja virnuilee kuin aito väärentämätön persu. Vähän vähemmän totaalinen turvelo ex-mainosmies kuin porsasmainen Juri Turvo, mutta ei paljon vähemmän.
ellauri258.html on line 319: John ja Paul kazoivat pieninä pelkäävinä napiaisina mustavalkoisia päälleäänitettyjä neuvostopiirrettyjä joissa esiintyi muun muassa Baba Jaga kanankoipimökissä. (Oli myös Sepe ja 3 porsasta Disneytä naturalistisempana versiona.)
ellauri258.html on line 406: valtakunnan rajojen vartija. Tämän version mukaan Baba Yaga on
ellauri258.html on line 522:
Sitten länkkäriversioita Babasta
ellauri260.html on line 80: Albert C. Knudsonin (n.h.) mukaan personalismi on "yli kahden vuosituhannen älyllisen työn kypsä hedelmä, pyramidin huippu, jonka pohjan Platon ja Aristoteles asettivat". Personalistit oli tarkkana etteivät maininineet JHVHn nimeä ääneen näissä sepustuxissa, koko kusetus olisi mennyt siitä pilalle. Albert Cornelius Knudson (1873–1953) was a Christian theologian in the Methodist tradition, associated with Boston University and the school of liberal theology known as Boston personalism.
ellauri260.html on line 149: Personalismi on tyypillisesti länsimainen aivotuote. Jotkut epäilevät, että muslimit pyrkivät nimenomaisesti kehittämään muslimiversion persoonallisuudesta, ja siihen vaikutti erityisesti Mounier.
ellauri260.html on line 151: Termiä "personalismi" on sovellettu esimerkiksi varhaiseen buddhalaiseen koulukuntaan nimeltä puggalavada, joka ottaa positiivisesti kantaa yksilöllisen itsen identiteettiin ja jatkuvuuteen, eroten siitä, mitä perinteisesti on pidetty Theravada-buddhalaisuuden ortodoksiana. Muita versioita näistä asemista löytyy myöhemmin joistakin Mahayana-ajattelun virtauksista. Mutta aika hikistä.
ellauri260.html on line 207: Gustav Teichmüller (November 19, 1832 – May 22, 1888) is considered a philosopher of the idealist school and a founder of Russian personalism. His ideas were shaped by his teachers Lotze and J. F. Herbart, who in turn were influenced by G. W. von Leibniz. Some scholars describe Teichmüller's personalism as a version of neo-Leibnizianism. His doctrines have also been referred to as constituting a variant of Christian personalism that is in opposition to both positivism and evolutionism as well as traditional Platonism. Teichmüller's philosophy has influenced Nietzsche and this link has been explored by scholars such as Hermann Nohl, who traced Teichmüller's Die wirkliche und die scheinbare Welt, 1882, as the source of the latter's perspectivism. Teichmüller also influenced the Russian thinkers A. A. Kozlov, I.F. Oze, and E. A. Bobrov. Teichmüller nai virolaisen maanomistajan tyttären ja tapettuaan sen 20-vuotiaana lapsivuoteeseen, sen siskon, ja kuoli lopulta ize Tartossa pyylevänä patruunana.
ellauri260.html on line 393: In 1896 Frazer married Elizabeth "Lilly" Grove, a writer whose father was from Alsace. She would later adapt Frazer's Golden Bough as a book of children's stories, The Leaves from the Golden Bough. Frazer was not widely travelled. His prime sources of data were ancient histories and questionnaires mailed to missionaries and imperial officials all over the globe. His vision of the annual sacrifice of the Year-King has not been borne out by field studies. His wife Lady Frazer published a single-volume abridged version, largely compiled by her, in 1922, with some controversial material on Christianity excluded from the text. Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, cited Totemism and Exogamy frequently in his own Totem and Taboo:
ellauri262.html on line 51: versal.com/e6ee94c0fd6e0132ef1a005056a9545d" />
ellauri262.html on line 53: versal.com/1cf233102b4d0138e5d7005056a9545d" />
ellauri262.html on line 55: versal.com/dfc93f00315201378d0e005056a9545d" />
ellauri262.html on line 140: Clive Staples Lewis, FBA (29 November 1898 – 22 November 1963) was a British writer and Anglican lay theologian. He held academic positions in English literature at both Oxford University (Magdalen College, 1925–1954) and Cambridge University (Magdalene College, 1954–1963). He is best known as the author of The Chronicles of Narnia, but he is also noted for his other works of fiction, such as The Screwtape Letters and The Space Trilogy, and for his non-fiction Christian apologetics, including Mere Christianity, Miracles, and The Problem of Pain.
ellauri262.html on line 142: Lewis was a close friend of J. R. R. Tolkien, author of The Lord of the Rings. Both men served on the English faculty at Oxford University and were active in the informal Oxford literary group known as the Inklings. According to Lewis's 1955 memoir Surprised by Joy, he was baptized in the Church of Ireland but fell away from his faith during adolescence. Lewis returned to Anglicanism at the age of 32, owing to the influence of Tolkien and other friends, and he became an "ordinary layman of the Church of England". Lewis's faith profoundly affected his work, and his wartime radio broadcasts on the subject of Christianity brought him wide acclaim.
ellauri262.html on line 159: After his conversion back to Christianity, his interests gravitated towards Christian theology and away from pagan Celtic mysticism (as opposed to Celtic Christian mysticism) and to Christian Animals (as opposed to pagan animals).
ellauri262.html on line 166: In 1924 he became a Philosophy tutor at University College and, in 1925, was elected a Fellow and Tutor in English Literature at Magdalen College, where he served for 29 years until 1954.
ellauri262.html on line 173: Were they lovers? Owen Barfield, who knew Jack well in the 1920s, once said that he thought the likelihood was "fifty-sixty". After conversations with Mrs. Moore's daughter, Maureen, and a consideration of the way in which their bedrooms were arranged at The Kilns, he was quite certain that they were.
ellauri262.html on line 187: The Christus Victor theory is becoming increasingly popular with both paleo-orthodox evangelicals because of its connection to the early Church fathers, and with liberal Christians and peace churches such as the Anabaptist Mennonites because of its subversive nature, seeing the death of Jesus as an exposure of the cruelty and evil present in the worldly powers that rejected and killed him, and the resurrection as a triumph over these powers.
ellauri262.html on line 189: versary.jpg/220px-George_and_Louisa_MacDonald_on_their_50th_anniversary.jpg" />
ellauri262.html on line 190: MacDonald with his wife Louisa in 1901 at their 50th wedding anniversary at McDonald's. ellauri262.html on line 192: Henry Victor Dyson Dyson (7 April 1896 – 6 June 1975), generally known as Hugo Dyson and who signed his writings H. V. D. Dyson, was an English academic and a member of the Inklings literary group. He was a committed Christian, and together with J. R. R. Tolkien he helped C. S. Lewis to convert to Christianity, particularly after a long conversation as they strolled on Addison's Walk at Oxford.
ellauri262.html on line 197: "The war, the whole of life, everything tended to seem pointless. We needed, many of us, a key to the meaning of the universe. Lewis provided just that."
ellauri262.html on line 211: Media coverage of Lewis's death was almost completely overshadowed by news of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, which occurred on the same day (approximately 55 minutes following Lewis's collapse), as did the death of English writer Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World.
ellauri262.html on line 217: The Space Trilogy (also called the Cosmic Trilogy or Ransom Trilogy) dealt with what Lewis saw as the dehumanizing trends in contemporary science fiction. The first book, Out of the Silent Planet, was apparently written following a conversation with his friend J. R. R. Tolkien about these trends. Lewis agreed to write a "space travel" story and Tolkien a "time travel" one, but Tolkien never completed "The Lost Road", linking his Middle-earth to the modern world. Lewis's main character Elwin Ransom is based in part on Tolkien, a fact to which Tolkien alludes in his letters.
ellauri262.html on line 313: The author of the bestselling fantasy novel The Lord of the Rings, J. R. R. Tolkien, was orphaned as a boy, his father dying in South Africa and his mother in England a few years later. He was brought up by his guardian, a Catholic priest, Father Francis Xavier Morgan, and educated at male-only grammar schools and then Exeter College, Oxford, which at that time had only male students. He joined the British Army's Lancashire Fusiliers and saw the horror of trench warfare, with life as an officer made more bearable by the support of a male batman or servant. After the war he became a professor of English Language at the University of Leeds, and then at the University of Oxford, where he taught at Pembroke College. At Oxford, he created an all-male literary group with another Oxford professor of English, C. S. Lewis, called the Inklings.
ellauri262.html on line 437: Sayers had much in common with Lewis and Tolkien’s circle, including a love of orthodox Christianity, traditional verse, popular fiction, and debate. Sayers oli Cliven fani ja kääntäen. But
ellauri262.html on line 482: Lewis postulates that maybe this world is not the 'best of all possible' universes but the only possible one. Haha! If so, then everything possible is necessary, and will is not free. (lähde) He acknowledges the objection that if God is good and he saw how much suffering it would produce why would he do it. Lewis doesn’t know how to answer that type of question and says that that is not his objective, but only to conceive how goodness (assured on other grounds) and suffering are without contradiction. Okay, Clive, so you just give up.
ellauri262.html on line 512: "Man is now a horror to God and to himself and a creature ill-adapted to the universe not because God made him so but because he has made himself so by the abuse of his free will."
ellauri262.html on line 549: Kirjeiden versiot julkaistiin alun perin viikoittain anglikaanisessa aikakauslehdessä Vartija (The Guardian) sodan aikana, toukokuusta marraskuuhun 1941. Hei onkos tää se sama Guardian joka pyytää rahaa koko ajan netissä? Veikkaan että on. Kirjassa on johdanto, jossa selitetään, kuinka kirjoittaja päätti kirjoittaa tarinansa.
ellauri262.html on line 615: The controversial film tells the story of Brian Cohen, a young Jewish man mistaken for the Messiah.
ellauri263.html on line 74: Tobitin kirja (aiemmin Tobiaan kirja tai Tobian kirja; m.kreik. Τωβίτ, Tōbit) on deuterokanonisiin kirjoihin eli Vanhan testamentin apokryfikirjoihin kuuluva kirja, joka on mukana Septuagintassa sekä katolisessa ja ortodoksisessa Raamatussa. Se ei kuulu Tanakkaan juutalaiseen Raamattuun eikä varsinaiseen protestanttisten Raamattujen kaanoniin. Se on säilynyt vain kreikankielisenä versiona.
ellauri263.html on line 350: No wearing of leather shoes is observed almost universally by now thanx to Adidas, Nike, and other plastic shoes. Study of the Torah is forbidden on Tisha B'Av as it is considered an enjoyable activity, except for the study of distressing texts such as the Book of Lamentations, the Book of Job, portions of Jeremiah and chapters of the Talmud that discuss the laws of mourning and those that discuss the destruction of the Temple and boring texts such as Numbers.
ellauri263.html on line 453: Today, Hebron is the capital of the Hebron Governorate, the largest governorate of the State of Palestine, with an estimated population of around 782,227 as of 2021. It is a busy hub of West Bank trade, generating roughly a third of the area's gross domestic product, largely due to the sale of limestone from quarries in its area. It has a local reputation for its grapes, figs, limestone, pottery workshops and glassblowing factories. The old city of Hebron features narrow, winding streets, flat-roofed stone houses, and old bazaars. The city is home to Hebron University and the Palestine Polytechnic University.
ellauri263.html on line 494: Nykyaikaisen teosofisen liikkeen tunnettuja edustajia olivat Blavatskyn lisäksi muun muassa eversti Henry Steel Olcott sekä Annie Besant. Myös antroposofian perustajana tunnettu Rudolf Steiner toimi teosofisen liikkeen piirissä ennen siitä irtautumistaan. Suomessa teosofinen liike tuli tunnetuksi varsinkin "kirjailija" Pekka Ervastin työn kautta.
ellauri263.html on line 531: Keväällä 1859 eversti von Hahn, Helena, Vera ja Elisabeth (everstin tytär hänen toisesta avioliitostaan) matkustivat Pietariin. Sieltä he matkustivat Rugodevoon, Pihkovan lääniin, jossa sijaitsi Veran edesmenneeltä aviomieheltään perimä maatila. Rugodevossa Jelens oli vajaan vuoden muka 'vakavasti sairaana", varmaan synnyttämässä vahinkolaukausta, pikku Juria. Keväällä 1860 Helena, Vera ja hänen kaksi poikaansa matkustivat Tbilisiin tapaamaan isovanhempiaan. Kaksi vuotta myöhemmin Blavatsky matkusteli Gruusiassa, Mustanmeren rannikolla ja Transkaukasian vuorilla.
ellauri263.html on line 541: Tapauksesta on myös toinen versio, jonka mukaan Metrovich olisi ollut laivalla Blavatskyn kanssa ja saanut surmansa räjähdyksessä. Kolmannen version mukaan Metrovich todellakin kuoli Kairossa, mutta kuolinsyy oli myrkytys, jota on epäilty myös salamurhaksi. Isä Metro tiesi liikaa ja hänet vaiennettiin.
ellauri263.html on line 627: Almost 600 (!) biographies have been written of Blavatsky, but the details of her life, especially the years 1848–1873, remain sketchy all the same. Most of the authors have been either devoted disciples or sharply critical adversaries. Some interesting and well-documented facts, however, can be determined. She was born to a noble Russian family in present-day Ukraine, married at 17, ran away only months later, traveled widely and spent time in Cairo, among many other places, where she supported herself as a medium size sex doll.
ellauri263.html on line 658: Jenkki Olcott ei siitä pitänyt, eikä rupusakin vulgäärispiritualismista. Olcott railed against ‘tricky mediums, lying spirits, and revolting social theories’ in Spiritualism. He reproached spiritualism for the presence of ‘free-lovers, pantarchists, socialists, and other theorists who have fastened upon a sublime and pure faith as barnacles upon a ship’s bottom’. Blavatsky, on the other hand, focused exclusively on the uplifting of oneself rather than others. She did not sympathize with socialism per se at all, and in her scrapbook she even wrote about Sotheran: ‘a friend of Communists
ellauri263.html on line 700: Kelly Gonsalves is a sex educator, relationship coach, and journalist. She received her journalism degree from Northwestern University, and her writings on sex, relationships, identity, and wellness have appeared at The Cut, Vice, Teen Vogue, Cosmopolitan, and elsewhere. Last updated on July 1, 2020.
ellauri263.html on line 733: Sometimes the emotional alarm is going off because something's actually wrong—your partner isn't giving you the attention or affection you need, for example, or perhaps they're betraying a promise or agreement you have about your relationship, which of course makes you feel unstable or upset. Other times the alarm goes off over misperceptions or just our own insecurities. We're worried a lively conversation between our partner and an attractive stranger means that they're no longer as interested in us, that there's a chance they might be more interested in someone else, that there's a threat to the relationship. Even if none of that is true, our anxieties can get the best of us, and so jealousy is how it manifests as an emotion.
ellauri263.html on line 839: Kelly Gonsalves is a multi-certified sex educator and relationship coach helping people figure out how to create dating and sex lives that actually feel good — more open, more optimistic, and more pleasurable. In addition to working with individuals in her private practice, Kelly serves as the Sex & Relationships Editor at mindbodygreen. She has a degree in journalism from Northwestern University, and she’s been trained and certified by leading sex and relationship institutions such as The Gottman Institute and Everyone Deserves Sex Ed, among others. Her fork has been featured at The Cut, Vice, Teen Vogue, Cosmopolitan, and elsewhere.
ellauri264.html on line 158: Wired's Amos Barshad wrote that while there was likely still reactions of a racist and homophobic nature targeting the show, the main complaints were for it addressing diversity issues in a "flat, one-note manner", and that the portrayal of Velma's bisexuality had divided fans.
ellauri264.html on line 159: Lakshmi Srinivas, a professor of Asian American studies (another Indian lady) at the University of Massachusetts, felt that Kaling was being held to unfair standards as one of the few leading Asian figures in the entertainment industry.
ellauri264.html on line 197: “do not take more than is destined for them from Hashem… That which is not created for this specific person is like stolen property when they are in possession of it, and thus [the righteous are careful] not to take possession of it. Conversely, property that is assigned to and created for them is very precious to them—so much so that our patriarch Jacob risked his life for his property. Thus ...it was said in the name of the Yehudi Hakadosh: a righteous person is obligated to enjoy an object which is fitting for him even if it means risking his life. That is why Jacob-- who knew that the small vessels were his, appropriated by him, and created for him—risked his life to save them.”
ellauri264.html on line 371: "Man of Constant Sorrow" (also known as "I Am a Man of Constant Sorrow") is a traditional American folk song first published by Dick Burnett, a partially blind fiddler from Kentucky. The song was originally titled "Farewell Song" in a songbook by Burnett dated to around 1913. A version recorded by Emry Arthur in 1928 gave the song its current titles.
ellauri264.html on line 373: The song was popularized by the Stanley Brothers, who recorded the song in the 1950s; many other singers recorded versions in the 1960s, most notably by Bob Dylan. Variations of the song have also been recorded under the titles of "Girl of Constant Sorrow" by Joan Baez and by Barbara Dane, "Maid of Constant Sorrow" by Judy Collins, and "Sorrow" by Peter, Paul and Mary. It was released as a single by Ginger Baker´s Air Force with vocals by Denny Laine.
ellauri264.html on line 378: Public interest in the song was renewed after the release of the 2000 film O Brother, Where Art Thou?, where it plays a central role in the plot, earning the three runaway protagonists public recognition as the Soggy Bottom Boys. Soggy Bottom boys´ version is from a sorry butt.
ellauri264.html on line 429: Pattis käänsi takkinsa vasemmalta äärioikealle käden käänteessä. Jos saat paskaa käteen siitä pääsee käden käänteessä. But behind the hardball tactics, ferocious reputation and slashing rhetoric, another side of Pattis lurks. He’s a deep thinker who devours books in a constant quest for enlightenment and self-improvement. His idea of Disneyland is attending the annual Hay Festival of Ideas in Wales, which has been described as “the Woodstock of the Mind.” Get into a serious conversation with Pattis, and he will bounce from philosopher to philosopher as casually as some men bounce from ballplayer to ballplayer. During an interview for this article, Pattis quoted or referenced thinker Immanuel Kant, Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, St. Augustine, the New Testament, Machiavelli and Kurt Vonnegut all in one 3-minute stretch. What a pile of turds.
ellauri264.html on line 442: From an early age, Pattis says he has felt a burning desire to know God personally. To that end, he spent time in Switzerland at the compound of an American Christian fundamentalist thinker named Francis Schaeffer and then inveigled himself in the graduate philosophy program of Columbia University, where he studied and taught for six years. At one point, he nearly joined the CIA, but that opportunity fizzled when the agency didn’t like his polygraph answers about homosexual experiences. “I said, ‘Well, I haven’t had any yet. I don’t know how I’m going to respond if you ask,’ ” he recalls. “I think they decided that was a little too much for them.”
ellauri264.html on line 451: Out of the night that covers me, Yöstä joka peittää meikäläisen
ellauri264.html on line 475: Born in Gloucester, England, poet, editor, and critic William Ernest Henley was educated at Crypto Grammar School, where he studied with the poet T.E. Brown, and with the University of St. Andrews. His father was a struggling bookseller who died when Henley was a teenager. At age 12 Henley was diagnosed with tubercular arthritis that necessitated the amputation of one of his legs just below the knee; the other foot was saved only through a radical surgery performed by Joseph Lister. As he healed in the infirmary, Henley began to write poems, including “Invictus,” which concludes with the oft-referenced lines “I am the master of my fate; / I am the captain of my soul.” Henley’s poems often engage themes of inner strength and perseverance. His numerous collections of poetry include A Book of Verses (1888), London Voluntaries (1893), and Hawthorn and Lavender (1899).
ellauri264.html on line 517: Yoreh De'ah – laws of kashrut; religious conversion; mourning; laws pertaining to Israel; laws of family purity
ellauri264.html on line 630: Ebba Busch har bedrivit akademiska studier i freds- och konfliktkunskap vid Uppsala universitet och har arbetat fem säsonger som utomhusmålare. 2007–2008 bodde hon i Bryssel och praktiserade skurkaktighet i Europaparlamentet hos den kristdemokratiske europaparlamentarikern Lars Wohlin. Hon har även arbetat som PR-konsult i Stockholm.
ellauri264.html on line 636: När Busch i februari 2021 beskrev sin version av skeendet i ett inlägg på Facebook, förtalte hon säljarens juridiska ombud, Johann Binninge. Detta ledde till en anmälan om grovt förtal, men innan hon hann bli åtalad accepterade hon ett strafföreläggande om villkorlig dom och dagsböter. Samtidigt sa hon: "Jag anser mig vara oskyldig till detta, men jag har i dag erkänt brott för att få möjlighet att kunna sätta punkt för detta och att jag inte har tid att utgöra det juridiska prejudikat som i dag saknas". I september 2021 meddelades att Busch skulle betala ett skadestånd till Binninge. Fastighetsaffären och förtalsprocessen blev vida omtalade i medier under det år då de pågick, samtidigt som förtroendet för Busch sjönk under samma period. Den kristdemokratiske riksdagsledamoten Lars Adaktusson kritiserade Busch och uttryckte "oro för situationen" efter strafföreläggandet.
ellauri264.html on line 643: Men det är uppenbart att det inte är vem som helst som tecknar den här typen av försäkring. Bland män med universitets- eller högskoleutbildning har nästan en av fyra en sådan jämfört med endast en av 25 kvinnor med högst högstadieutbildning.
ellauri264.html on line 689: If you want the opposite (pretty much), have a look at Antonio Mucci, Visicalc, Dan Bricklin and Bob Frankston, by all accounts super nice people, treated everyone great, just all around nice nerds, they were trounced, not many people alive today who know who they are (yes they are both alive as I type this). A guy just took their idea, made his own version and had a ready version when the IBM PC was introduced.
ellauri264.html on line 742: Tämä ensin syrjitty Leea vaimo sai kuitenkin ensin neljä poikaa Jaakobin kanssa, mutta sen jälkeen hän oli lakannut synnyttämästä ja hän teki toisen vaimon Raakelin kanssa sopimuksen, että jos hän antaa Alruuna-kasvista tuotetut lemmenmarjat Raakelille, niin hän saisi tehdä vielä yhden pojan Jaakobin kanssa ja tästä viidennestä pojasta tuli Isaskar. Luku viisi kuvaa paholaisen hyökkäystä, mutta myös armoa, ja nämä kuvaavatkin Suomen historiaa hyvin, joka on ollut täynnä hyökkäyksiä ja suurta armoa universumin Luojalta ja Lutherilta.
ellauri264.html on line 746: Isaskarin sukukunta oli pieni ja heidän alueensa oli aivan keskellä ja siihen kuului pohjoinen Jisreelin varustettu kaupunki Galilean meren etelä puolelta, mutta Isaskarin asema oli kuitenkin tärkeä. Sillä universumin Luojan ilmestysmajan alttarin vihkiäisiin tuli juutalaisten heimon jälkeen 12 heimosta toisena uhraamaan isaskarilaiset (4. Moos. 7:18). Jotkut ovat sanoneetkin, että Jeesuxen lempikansa on juutalaisten jälkeen suomalaiset.
ellauri264.html on line 762: Tässä ennustetaan Isaskarin kutsuvan kansoja vuorelle. Tämä vuori kuvaa hengellistä voimaa ja myös juutalaisen perimätiedon mukaan isaskarilaiset olivat kaikista tehokkaimpia tekemään käännynnäisiä eli johtamaan pakanoita tuntemaan universumin Luojaa. Suomesta käsin ollaankin tehty paljon lähetystyötä ympäri maailmaa, esim. Pentti, Pylkkänen, Koskenniemi, Keijola, ja Ahtisaari.
ellauri266.html on line 130: L’homme y passe à travers des forêts de symboles Mies kulkee siellä läpi symbolien metsien
ellauri266.html on line 160: Perversion ylistystä kehiin. Tai sitten ei. Elämä ei ole liukurata vaan ello karuselli. Paracelsus, Bruno, Swedenborg, Blake, kaikki elloja. Mixei silmänilot laittaudu eturiviin? Voisi aukaista sepaluxensa ja...
ellauri266.html on line 342: But today with child-spacing an almost universal practice and all sorts of electrical appliances in the home, babies and housework need not be women´s full-time occupations, especially as the children grow to school age. Thousands of upper class women take jobs today not (like millions of their less fortunate mates) because the family needs the extra money, but because they cannot endure the boredom of underemployed hands and minds.
ellauri266.html on line 382: Sitten seurasivat Conquest of the Planet of the Apes vuonna 1972 ja Battle for the Planet of the Apes vuonna 1973. Kaksi jälkimmäistä elokuvaa kuvittelivat ensimmäisessä elokuvassa nähdyn planeetan nousun. Televisio-ohjelma seurasi vuonna 1974 ja toinen vuonna 1975, ennen kuin franchising suurelta osin päättyi. Muiden elokuvien jatkoromaaneihin osallistui muita Boullea apinoivia pellekirjailijoita kuten Michael Avallone, Jerry Pournelle, John Jakes ja David Gerrold, varhaisessa laajennetussa universumissa, jossa useat kirjailijat työskentelivät yhteisen projektin ja universumin parissa kuin apinat kirjoituskoneiden ääressä. Boulle pysyi yhteydessä elokuvien tuotantoon neuvotellen eri tarinan elementeistä.
ellauri266.html on line 407: Kirjasta julkaistiin toinen sovitus vuonna 2001, ja sen ohjasi Tim Burton löysänä remake-versiona vuoden 1968 samannimisestä elokuvasta. Sarjan uudelleenkäynnistys uuden tuotantotiimin kanssa nimeltä Rise of the Planet of the Apes julkaistiin vuonna 2011 kriittiseen ja kaupalliseen menestykseen. Se oli ensimmäinen uudessa elokuvasarjassa.
ellauri266.html on line 417: Hänen luomansa everstiluutnantti Nicholson *ei* perustunut todelliseen liittoutuneiden vanhempaan upseeriin Kwain silloilla, Philip Tooseyyn, vaan se oli kuulemma yhdistelmä hänen muistojaan yhteistyökykyisistä *ranskalaisista* upseereista. Sekä kirja että elokuva suuttivat entisiä anglovankeja, koska Toosey *ei* tehnyt yhteistyötä vihollisen kanssa, toisin kuin kuvitteellinen eversti Nicholson. Boullen säälittävät puolustelut ovat vielä tallella jos haluatte suuttua. Haastattelun transkriptio ja dokumentti kokonaisuudessaan löytyvät John Coastin kirjan Railroad of Death uudesta painoksesta. Nicholson (oik. *ranskalainen* upseeri!) kuitenkin auttaa vääristyneen velvollisuudentunton vuoksi vihollistaan. Kun ulkopuoliset liittolaiset kilpailevat sillan tuhoamiseksi, Nicholsonin on päätettävä, kumpi uhraa: isänmaallisuutensa vai ylpeytensä. Hän uhraa ensinmainitun. Ei ihme että hänelle käy kalpaten.
ellauri266.html on line 419: Historiallisesti olosuhteet olivat paljon huonommat. Todellinen vanhempi liittoutuneiden upseeri komentosillalla oli brittiläinen everstiluutnantti Philip Toosey. BBC Timewatch -ohjelmassa leirillä ollut entinen vanki toteaa, että on epätodennäköistä, että kuvitteellisen Nicholsonin kaltainen mies olisi voinut nousta everstiluutnanttiarvoon; ja jos hän olisi, muut isänmaallisemmat vangit olisivat "hiljaisesti poistaneet" hänet. Julie Summers kirjassaan The Colonel of Tamarkan terottaa, että Pierre Boulle, joka oli ollut sotavankina Thaimaassa, loi kuvitteellisen Nicholson-hahmon yhdistelmäksi hänen muistojaan yhteistyöhaluisista *ranskalaisista* upseereista. Toisin kuin kuvitteellinen Nicholson, Toosey ei ollut japanilaisten yhteistyökumppani. Toosey itse asiassa viivytti sillan rakentamista estämällä. Siinä missä Nicholson ei hyväksy sabotaasitoimia ja muita tahallisia yrityksiä viivyttää edistystä, Toosey rohkaisi tätä: termiittejä kerättiin suuria määriä syömään puurakenteita, ja betoni sekoitettiin pahasti.
ellauri266.html on line 423: Elokuva Kwai-joen ylittävä siltä kuvattiin Sri Lankassa (silloin nimeltään Ceylon), ja elokuvan kuvaamista varten pystytettiin puinen feikki silta Kelani-joen yli Kitulgalassa, Sri Lankassa (silloin nimeltään Ceylon). Elokuva oli suhteellisen uskollinen romaanille kahta suurta poikkeusta lukuun ottamatta. Shearsista, joka on brittiläinen kommandoupseeri, kuten Warden romaanissa, tuli *amerikkalainen* merimies, joka pakenee sotavankileiriltä. Myöskään romaanissa siltaa ei tuhota: juna syöksyy jokeen Wardenin asettamasta toissijaisesta panoksesta, mutta Nicholson (joka ei koskaan tajua "mitä olen tehnyt? Olen *ranskis*!") ei putoa männän päälle, ja silta kärsii vain pieniä vaurioita. Boulle kuitenkin nautti elokuvaversiosta, vaikka hän oli eri mieltä sen huipennuksesta.
ellauri266.html on line 429: Vuonna 1968 kirjasta tehtiin Oscar-palkittu elokuva, jonka ohjasi Franklin J. Schaffner ja pääosassa Charlton Heston. Alunperin Rod Serlingin kirjoittama käsikirjoitus keskittyi enemmän toimintaan ja poikkesi monella tapaa romaanista, mukaan lukien siihen lisätty oma klassinen kierrepääte, joka erosi romaanin päätteestä. Se inspiroi neljää jatko-osaa, televisiosarjaa, animaatiosarjaa, Tim Burtonin alkuperäisen nimen vuoden 2001 remake -versiota ja vuoden 2011 uudelleenkäynnistystä, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, ohjaaja Rupert Wyatt .
ellauri266.html on line 440: Vuonna 1962 Spike Milligan ja Peter Sellers julkaisivat yhdessä Peter Cookin ja Jonathan Millerin kanssa levyn The Bridge on the River Wye, huijauksen Kwain elokuvaversiosta, joka perustuu vuoden 1957 Goon Show´n "An African Incident" ympärille. Sillä oli tarkoitus olla sama nimi kuin elokuvalla, mutta vähän ennen sen julkaisua elokuvayhtiö uhkasi oikeustoimilla, jos nimeä käytetään. Tuottaja George Martin muokkasi "K":n pois joka kerta, kun sana "Kwai" puhuttiin. BUAAHHAHHAH hassua, kyllä toi Peter Selleri on sit hulvaton! Sellersiä on kuvattu äkkipikaiseksi, lapselliseksi ja vaikeaksi henkilöksi, jonka oma persoonallisuus hukkui lukuisten roolihahmojen alle, jos sitä edes oli. Eikös se ollut muuten juutalainen? Oli se puolisefardi! Sellers syntyi vuonna 1925 protestanttiselle isälle ja juutalaiselle äidille. Hänen äidinpuolinen isoisänsä isä oli sefardijuutalainen nyrkkeilijä Daniel Mendoza. Sellers varttui Lontoossa ja kävi roomalaiskatolista koulua. Sinuna en pyllistäisi noille sefardeille, ne näyttävät nopeilta.
ellauri266.html on line 462: Les prisonniers sont mis dans des chariots et conduits à une maison où les chasseurs sont attendus par leurs femmes venant admirer l’œuvre de leurs maris4. Les morts sont exposés aux regards admiratifs des guenons et les vivants sont conduits dans des chariots vers la capitale pour servir de cobaye dans des recherches scientifiques. Sur place, le narrateur est mis dans une cage individuelle située en face de la cage de Nova que surveillent deux gorilles appelés Zanam et Zoram. Voulant attirer leur attention sur sa différence, le narrateur les remercie avec amabilité. Surpris, les deux gorilles avertissent leur supérieur, un chimpanzé femelle appelée Zira. Intriguée par ce cas, la guenon avertit son supérieur : un vieil orang-outan, qui fait subir au narrateur plusieurs tests de conditionnement pour s’assurer de son intelligence. Étonné par les résultats obtenus, le vieillard, appelé Zaïus, reste cependant convaincu qu´il s´agit d´un cas d´humain dressé et non d´un humain conscient et intelligent. Il en informe un autre collègue, puis décident de faire subir au narrateur le même test d’accouplement qu´aux autres cobayes. Il lui choisit comme partenaire Nova.
ellauri266.html on line 484: Durant le voyage, Ulysse constate que son fils Sirius parle, et Nova apprend aussi à parler. Arrivés sur Terre, sept cent ans après le départ des explorateurs, Ulysse et sa famille aperçoivent la tour Eiffel et se posent à Orly. Heureux d´être de retour chez lui, Ulysse se précipite hors du vaisseau. Une personne vient les accueillir. Le narrateur constate avec stupeur que c´est un gorille. Pour clore le roman, la narration retourne vers Jinn et Phyllis, le couple en voyage spatial. Le lecteur découvre alors qu´eux aussi sont des chimpanzés et que l´homme évolué a certainement disparu de la galaxie.
ellauri266.html on line 490: Le livre est également un conte d’anticipation autour de thèmes philosophiques et satiriques utilisant le principe des rôles inversés pour mettre en exergue les travers de la société humaine. En envisageant que plusieurs espèces intelligentes cohabitent sur la Terre, Pierre Boulle peut dénoncer notamment la xénophobie, les dogmes, les castes, les expérimentations animales, la désinformation mais aussi l’oisiveté de l’espèce humaine. Il dénonce également l´absence d´originalité et d´individualité des hommes.
ellauri266.html on line 492: Le roman semble se faire l’écho des débats des années 1960 autour du miracle économique japonais, notamment à travers les discussions entre Ulysse et ses interlocuteurs singes pour savoir si l’évolution des singes s’est faite par imitation ou par génie créatif. À l´époque, les économistes occidentaux se posent les mêmes questions au sujet du Japon. Le déclin de l´humanité peut, lui, faire écho à la décolonisation de l´empire français lors de ces mêmes années. Le combat que mènent Zira et Cornélius pour reconnaître des droits aux humains semble être un écho du mouvement des droits civique contre la ségrégation raciale. À l´instar de Rosa Parks qui refuse de céder sa plac
ellauri266.html on line 534: Vuonna 1981 de Waal muutti Yhdysvaltoihin paikkaa Wisconsinin kansallisessa kädellisten tutkimuskeskuksessa ja vuonna 1991 Emory Universityssä Atlantassa, Georgiassa. Hän on tällä hetkellä CH Candler -professori Emoryn yliopiston psykologian osastolla ja Living Links Centerin johtaja Yerkes National Primate Research Centerissä Emoryssa. Hänestä tuli valitettavasti Yhdysvaltain kansalainen vuonna 2008.
ellauri266.html on line 539: De Waal kirjoittaa myös kolumnia Psychologie Magazine -lehteen , joka on suosittu hollantilainen kuukausilehti. 1. syyskuuta 2013 lähtien de Waal on ollut arvostettu professori ( universiteitshoogleraar ) Utrechtin yliopistossa. Tämä on osa-aikainen tapaaminen - hän jatkaa tehtävässään Emory Universityssä Atlantassa.
ellauri269.html on line 189: Taistelukentät (engl. battleground) ovat Lauman ja Liittouman PvP-taistelupaikkoja (engl. Player versus Player, pelaaja pelaajaa vastaan). Taistelukentät ovat suosittuja paikkoja honor-pisteiden keräämiseen. Taistelukentillä myös kerätään erilaisille ryhmille ja liittoutumille manta, joka oikeuttaa ostamaan erilaisia tavaroita näiden ryhmien kauppiailta. Moniin taistelukenttiin liittyy taistelun aikana suoritettavia tehtäviä, joista saa yleensä pieniä määriä manta kyseiselle taholle.
ellauri269.html on line 222: Silvermoon City (suom. Hopeakuu): Eversong Woodsissa sijaitseva verihaltioiden puoliksi Kalmorutton (engl. Undead Scourge) epäkuolleiden invaasiosta tuhoutunut kaupunki.
ellauri269.html on line 247: Syksyllä 2007 pelin tavallinen versio muuttui yhden DVD-levyn sisältäväksi myyntipakkaukseksi. Lokakuussa 2007 julkaistiin myös pelin uusille aloittajille suunnattu World of Warcraft: Battle Chest, joka sisältää sekä alkuperäisen World of Warcraftin että lisäosan The Burning Crusade kahdella DVD-levyllä. Mukana tulee myös Bradygamesin julkaisemat strategiaoppaat molempiin peleihin.
ellauri269.html on line 280: World of Warcraft has a concept called Realms for dividing players into population groups. The idea is that if everyone who played WoW was all in the game at once, it would be super crowded, very laggy, and generally difficult to play and have a good time. To solve this issue, Blizzard set up multiple servers so that each person can play the game in an environment where there are other players, but not too many other players. Each Realm is a different server and the players on each Realm can see, interact, and play with each other. If you want to play with someone on a different Realm, you can, but we'll get to that in a minute.
ellauri269.html on line 318: Upon reaching level 10, you will be able to select what is called your specialization or spec. Each class in World of Warcraft has its own set of different specs that further diversifies the class by adding unique abilities only that spec can use as well as potentially changing the role that class plays in content. For example: As a Demon Hunter you have two specs: Havoc and Vengeance. While both specs share abilities that are common to the class such as Double Jump and Spectral Sight, both specs have unique abilities that differentiates one spec from another. As a Havoc demon hunter, you have spells like Blade Dance to deal out more damage, or as a Vengeance demon hunter, you have spells like Demon Spikes and Fiery Brand which allows you to take less damage and keep enemies off of your allies.
ellauri269.html on line 379: "He's going to the Undercity," said Arthas. The ancient royal crypts, dungeons, sewers, public toilets and twining alleys deep below the palace had somehow gotten that nickname, as if the place was simply another part of town. Which it was! Dark, dank, filthy, the Undercity was intended for prisoners or the dead, but the poorest of the poor in the land somehow always seemed to find their way in. If one was homeless or a university professor, it was better than freezing in the elements, and if one needed something illegal, even Arthas knew that that was where one went to get it. Now and then the guards would go down and make a sweep of the place as a pro forma gesture to clean it out. (This imagery courtesy of New York Subway Authority.)
ellauri269.html on line 396: TAISTELU RAIVOAA ETIÄPPÄIN. Olet tavannut Arthasin. Olet nähnyt hänen nuoruutensa, suurimman lovensa, suurimman menetyksensä ja suurimman haasteensa. Olet nähnyt hänen epätoivoisimman hetkensä, hänen julman nousunsa valtaan ja lopulta hänen heräämisensä. Mutta se on vain sisävuoro. Nyt voit haastaa hänet itse World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich Kingissä World of Warcraft on online-roolipelikokemus, joka sijoittuu palkittuun Warcraft-universumiin. Siinä pelaajat luovat omia sankareitaan ja tutkivat, seikkailevat ja etsivät valtavaa maailmaa, joka on jaettu tuhansien muiden pelaajien kanssa. Seikkailivatpa he yhdessä tai taistelevat toisiaan vastaan eeppisissä taisteluissa, he muodostavat ystävyyssuhteita, takovat alliansseja ja kilpailevat vihollisten kanssa vallasta ja kunniasta. Se on karhun elämää, saa mettä kämmentää!
ellauri269.html on line 536: With all this in mind, the recent plot developments on AU Draenor might seem at first glance to be very problematic - depicting a Jewish-coded society becoming the oppressors in a manner that might seem like a poorly constructed and offensive commentary on modern Israel. However, the manner in which the AU Draenei become so zealous and militant is through their (implied) exposure to the words of Xe’ra. Their religion shifts from culturally tied tradition to an evangelistic dogmatic belief system. There is a clear intent of conversion behind their actions.
ellauri269.html on line 558: The Evangelism/Conversion part is the newest addition to Draenei lore and the most compelling for your argument. I never thought of it that way, but that is a good comparison.
ellauri269.html on line 605: Is it controversial to say that early Christianity was very dogmatic and evangelistic? It’s literally ancient history. Tarkoitatko Scarlet Crusadea?
ellauri269.html on line 622: Naismallin kasvot. Huomaa "kasvot", yksikkö: Ainoa ero kasvovaihtoehtojen välillä on merkinnät. Ja sanottu kasvo näyttää jonnekin Hessun ja pysäköityjä autoja jahtaavan sylikoiran väliltä. (Alfasusi-versio oli parempi.)
ellauri269.html on line 724: Lamed is comprised of a kaf and a vav: 20 and 6=26. Twenty-six is the gematria of G‑d's name, the Tetragrammaton Yud-Hei-Vav-Hei. Eikös se ollut myös Leninin peitenimi neuvostojuutalaisten parissa? Stalin oli Samekh. Shin also stands for the word Shaddai, a name for God. Because of this, a kohen(priest) forms the letter Shin with his hands as he recites the Priestly Blessing. In the mid-1960s, actor Leonard Nimoy used a single-handed version of this gesture to create the Vulcan hand salutefor his character, Mr. Spock, on Star Trek. Larry Tye, kirjan Superman: The High-Flying History of America's Most Enduring Hero kirjoittaja, vertasi Supermanin eettisiä sääntöjä – "Truth, Justice, and the American Way" - Mishnan arvoihin "totuus, rauha ja oikeudenmukaisuus". Paizi supermiehellä "rauhasta" oli tullut Pax Americana.
ellauri269.html on line 742: Tästä syystä 74 vuoden ajan Supermanin ensisijainen vihollinen ei ole ollut toinen muukalainen tai supersankari, vaan megalomanialainen muukalaisvihamielinen miljardööri Lex Luthor. Luther on useaan otteeseen toistanut senaattori Smithin kielen, harjoittanut murhanhimoista, rodullista vigilantismia ja yleisesti edistänyt natsien übermensch-ihannetta. Siegelin ja Shusterin ensimmäisessä Superman-sarjakuvassa, jonka otsikko on "The Reign of the Superman", "Superman" -hahmo esiintyi kuten Lex Luthor myöhemmin, kalju, ilkeä ja visuaalisesti samanlainen kuin FW Murnau -versio Draculasta (toinen fiktiivinen hahmo, jolla on salainen juutalaisuus). alkuperä) vuoden 1922 elokuvasta Nosferatu.
ellauri269.html on line 746: Vuosia kestäneet oikeusjutut päättyivät useaan kertaan useisiin sovintoratkaisuihin. Yksi lupasi taiteilijoille noin 25 000 dollarin vuosipalkkoja. Viime aikoina Siegel-perheen eloonjääneet jäsenet ovat onnistuneet saamaan prosenttiosuuden Warner Entertainmentin ja DC Comicsin tulevista tuloista sekä toisen usean miljoonan dollarin sovituksen. Vuoden 2013 9th Circuit Court of Appeals -tuomioistuimen päätös ei kuitenkaan antanut samoja oikeuksia muille Shystereille. Tavallaan senaattori Smith ja Lex Luthor olivat perverssisti oikeassa: päivän sana on Ei maahanmuutolle. Kaikki paitsi valtahullujen poliitikkojen ja heidän harhaanjohtaneiden seuraajiensa kuumeisissa unelmissa on maailma ilman maahanmuuttoa. Ihmiset liikkuvat. Smith ja Luther olivat oikeassa siinä, että maahanmuuttajien vastaisen retoriikan käyttäminen on hyväksi havaittu keino piilottaa pienimielisten ihmisten kiihkoilevat pelot. taistelevat epätoivoisesti peittääkseen keskinkertaisuutensa ja säilyttääkseen auktoriteettinsa ylivoimaisen ja käsittämättömän voiman edessä. Smith on haudattu St. Luken hautausmaalle Lee Countyssa Etelä-Carolinassa. Kaikki kiinnostuneet kutsutaan täten tanssimaan hänen haudallaan.
ellauri269.html on line 748: Kahden ohiolaisen jutkupojan herkkähipiäisyys kuvasi kokonaisen maan liikettä. Yhdysvaltoihin muuttaneet juutalaiset ovat täysin sulautuneet sen yhteiskuntaan, samoin kuin heidän luomuksensa. Superman ei ole vain Kryptonin viimeinen poika – hän on Jeesus, amerikkalaisten ikoni. Tämän artikkelin aiemmassa versiossa Rachel ja Angel lueteltiin väärin hewbrew-niminä, jotka sisältävät "-el"-liitteen. Tämä on nyt korjattu. (Aika noloa, mutta vaikka olen rodultani juutalainen, en ole uskovainen, en osaa hepreaa enkä edes Jiddishiä.)
ellauri269.html on line 773: Hänen roolinsa ulottui sukupolvien yli. Kaikista alkuperäisen Star Trekin hahmoista Spock's on toistuvin seuraavissa sarjoissa ja elokuvissa. Hänen kauttaan historiaa mitataan Trek-universumissa. Jopa nollausaikataulussa, joka mahdollistaa myöhemmät elokuvasarjat, Spock ja Vulcan ovat tukipiste. Juutalaisessa perinteessä Jaakobin unelma tikkaista, joissa enkelit nousevat ja laskevat, tarjoaa osuvan vastakohdan: Imperiumit nousevat ja kaatuvat ja juutalaiset jatkuvat.
ellauri269.html on line 788: Deevy, viitaten Star Trek -kaanoniin, sanoi, että törmää samanlaisiin ongelmiin, kun pidetään joko Spockia tai Kirkiä queerina. Kirkiä on aina kuvattu naispuolisena. Ja Spockilla on alkuperäisen sarjan lisäksi ollut suhteita naisiin. Mutta hän ei näe biseksuaalista identiteettiä mahdollisuuksien universumin ulkopuolella. "Olen varma, että heistä on hyvä tarina kerrottavana avaruusmatkalla ja hänen seitsemän vuoden kutinansa tapahtui", Deevy sanoi. "En usko, että se olisi sama iso juttu kuin tänään kaikki nämä vuodet tulevaisuudessa." Ja kun häneltä kysyttiin, rakastivatko he toisiaan, hänen vastauksensa oli selvä: "He tekivät ehdottomasti enemmän kuin kukaan niistä naisista, jotka olivat koskaan olleet kummassakaan elämässään."
ellauri269.html on line 791:
ellauri269.html on line 793: Universumien tomu (engl. His Dark Materials) on englantilaisen Philip Pullmanin kirjoittama kolmiosainen fantasiakirjasarja. Kirjat kertovat kahden nuoren, Lyra Belacquan ja Will Parryn, seikkailuista rinnakkaisissa maailmankaikkeuksissa. Trilogiaan kuuluvat kirjat Kultainen kompassi (1995), Salaperäinen veitsi (1997) ja Maaginen kaukoputki (2000).
ellauri269.html on line 795: Myöhemmin Pullman on kirjoittanut kaksi Universumien tomu -sarjaan liittyvää novellia, jotka on julkaistu pieninä kirjasina erilaisten kirjojen maailmaa valottavien lisäaineistojen kera. Lisäksi Pullman on jo usean vuoden ajan työstänyt samaan maailmaan sijoittuvaa uutta romaania, jonka työnimi on The Book of Dust (suom. Tomun kirja). Detta om smuts. Siitä ei takuulla tule valmista, tai jos tulee niin tulee Oiska Ketosen sanoja lainaten pannukakku.
ellauri269.html on line 797: Universumien tomun ensimmäiseen kirjaan perustuva New Line Cineman tuottama elokuva Kultainen kompassi sai ensi-iltansa joulukuussa 2007, mutta trilogian jälkimmäisistä osista ei näillä näkymin olla tekemässä elokuvia, ne on liian ateistisia pienten jenkkipatojen korville.
ellauri269.html on line 799: Universumien tomun englanninkielinen alkuperäisnimi His Dark Materials on laina John Miltonin Kadotetun paratiisin toisesta kirjasta. Kyseisessä kohdassa Saatana katsoo hornankuiluun, jossa kuohuvat raaka-aineet jotka jäivät yli, kun Jumala loi maailmaa:
ellauri269.html on line 812: Trilogia alkaa kyseisellä Milton-lainauksella Kultaisen kompassin alkusivuilla. Nimen voidaan katsoa viittaavan tarinassa keskeisessä osassa olevaan arvoitukselliseen Tomuun, jonka Pullman yhdistää myös pimeään aineeseen (engl. dark matter). Suomennosnimi Universumien tomu viittaa paitsi tomuun, myös trilogian useisiin rinnakkaismaailmoihin, joita Tomu yhdistää.
ellauri269.html on line 814: Pullmanin ensimmäinen ajatus trilogiaa yhdistäväksi nimeksi oli niin ikään Kadotetusta paratiisista poimittu ilmaus Golden Compasses, jossa ”compasses” tarkoittaa itse asiassa harppia, ei kompassia. Milton viittaa kultaiseen harppiin, vasaraan ja lyhteeseen Jumalan luomistyön välineenä. Nimi Golden Compasses vakiintuikin joksikin aikaa käyttöön kirjan julkaisun ollessa vielä kesken. Tällöin yhdysvaltalaisen kustantajan toimittajat erehtyivät tulkitsemaan, että nimitys viittaa Lyran aletiometriin, joka likimain vastaa kuvausta ”kultainen kompassi” – vaikka onkin tosiasiassa messinkinen eikä ole kompassi sen enempää kuin harppi. Niinpä kirjan amerikkalaisessa ennakkomarkkinoinnissa ensimmäisestä kirjasta alettiin käyttää yksikkömuotoista nimitystä The Golden Compass, vaikka Atlantin toisella puolella Pullman olikin jo päättänyt antaa ensimmäisen kirjan nimeksi Northern Lights. Pullman ei tohtinut jumittua kirjan nimikysymykseen yhdysvaltalaisen kustantajan tarjotessa muuten loistavia ehtoja, joten The Golden Compass tuli amerikkalaisen laitoksen viralliseksi nimeksi. Ensimmäisen kirjan suomennos Kultainen kompassi noudattaa tätä naurettavaa nimeä siitä huolimatta, että julkaisutiedoissa alkuteokseksi ilmoitetaan Northern Lights. The Golden Compass on myös vuonna 2007 julkaistun elokuvaversion nimi sekä Yhdysvalloissa että Isossa-Britanniassa. Miten typerää, sen pitäisi olla suomexi Harppisakut.
ellauri269.html on line 821: Jo kirjoittaessaan Universumien tomua Pullman aavisti, että ennen pitkää häneltä loppuisivat pätäkät, ja hän palaisi kirjojen maailmaan vielä trilogian jälkeen: ”Oli tapahtumia ja kysymyksiä, joihin halusin paneutua.” Kolme vuotta Maagisen kaukoputken ilmestymisen jälkeen ilmestyikin Lyran Oxford, pieni punakantinen kirja, jonka sisältämää novellia ”Lyra ja linnut” Pullman kuvaili ”maistiaiseksi” tai ”sillaksi” Universumien tomun ja tulossa olevan romaanimittaisen The Book of Dustin välillä. Pullmanin muut velvollisuudet (mitkä? Varmaan nimikirjoitusten jakaminen kirjakaupoissa) ovat hidastaneet The Book of Dustin kirjoitustyötä, mutta huhtikuussa 2008 ilmestyi toinen pieni kirja, tällä kertaa tummansininen: Once Upon a Time in the North. Kirjan sisältämän novellin päähenkilö on Universumien tomussa sivuosassa ollut aeronautti Lee Scoresby. Sekä Lyran Oxford että Once Upon a Time in the North sisältävät novellien lisäksi lisäaineistoa, kuten Lyran maailman Oxfordin kartan, lautapelin Peril of the Pole ja muutamia otteita kuvitteellisista Lyran maailmaa kuvaavista kirjoista. Pullman on vihjannut, että hän saattaa vielä joskus kirjoittaa Williin keskittyvän ”pienen vihreän kirjan” punaisen ja sinisen jatkoksi. Tai sitten ei. On näitä kiireitä.
ellauri270.html on line 129: Vangeissa oli myös upseereita aina everstiluutnantteihin asti. Boullen romaanin ja Leanin elokuvan henkilöt ovat kuitenkin täysin sepitteellisiä.
ellauri270.html on line 139: Kwai-joen sillasta tehdyn fiktion ytimessä on periksiantamattoman ja periaatteellisen yläluokkaisen britin eversti Nicholsonin ja vankileirin japanilaisen komentajan eversi Saiton henkinen taistelu johtajuudesta. Elokuvassa hahmoja esittävät Alec Guiness ja S.I. Hayakawa.
ellauri270.html on line 140: Brittieversti saa tahtonsa läpi, ja hänen miehensä rakentavat näytteeksi länsimaisesta osaamisestaan aasialaisille vangitsijoilleen sillan, joka on tehty kestämään vuosisatoja.
ellauri270.html on line 152: Helismaan version rohkeushuippu osui näin: Temme sen sillan, mutta vain siksi, kun tiemme on everstin tie. Hän vanki on ja kuitenkin vallan sai, täällä ei juhli Nippon ei.
ellauri270.html on line 155: Klassikkoelokuvassa siltaa vaanii liittoutuneiden sissipartio. Loppupeleissä se onnistuu räjäyttämään everstin ylpeyden ja länsimaisen sivilisaation monumentin taivaan tuuliin.
ellauri270.html on line 180: Vuoden 1943 alussa joukko brittiläisiä sotavankeja, everstiluutnantti Jack Nicholsonin (Dwight Dogcollar) johtama, saapuu japanilaiselle vankileirille Thaimaahan eli Ceyloniin. Yhdysvaltain laivaston komentaja Shears kertoo kauhistuttavista olosuhteista. Nicholson kieltää kaikki pakoyritykset, koska päämaja käski heidät antautumaan, ja pakenemista voidaan pitää käskyjen uhmaamisena. Myös tiheä ympäröivä viidakko tekee paeta lähes mahdottomaksi.
ellauri270.html on line 182: Eversti Saito, leirin komentaja (S.I. Hayakawa) kertoo uusille vangeille, että he kaikki, jopa upseerit, työskentelevät rautatiesillan rakentamisessa Kwai-joen yli , joka yhdistää Bangkokin ja Rangoonin.
ellauri270.html on line 187: Eversti Saito presidentti Reaganin kanssa Valkoisessa talossa 1981 ellauri270.html on line 222:
Daemon Lovers
ellauri270.html on line 232: Jeffin runousoppi on ilmeisesti plagioitu sen Lontoon lehtorilta Winifred Nowottnyltä. "Current criticism often takes metaphor au grand sérieux, as a peephole on the nature of transcendental reality, a prime means by which the imagination can see into the life of things." --Language Poets Use (1962) by Winifred Nowottny. Winifred M.T.Nowottny, nee Dobbs, was educated at the University of London and later taught English Literature at University College London. She published the books, Language Poets Use in 1962 and Hopkins´ Language of Prayer of Praise in 1972. Jeff ois niikö Harry Potter ja Winifer Dobbs sen kotihaltija. Toinen keskeinen Jeffin lähde oli Penguin Dictionary of Quotations.
ellauri270.html on line 238: "The Daemon Lover" (Roud 14, Child 243) – also known as "James Harris", "A Warning for Married Women", "The Distressed Ship Carpenter", "James Herries", "The Carpenter’s Wife", "The Banks of Italy", or "The House-Carpenter" – is a popular ballad dating from the mid-seventeenth century, when the earliest known broadside version of the ballad was entered in the Stationers' Register on 21 February 1657.
ellauri270.html on line 300: In “The Daemon Lover,” the second story in The Lottery and Other Stories, Jackson’s collection of 25 tales, the reader sees James Harris only through his fiancée’s eyes as a tall man wearing a blue suit. Neither the reader nor anyone in the story can actually claim to have seen him. Nonetheless, this piece foreshadows the appearance of Harris in such other stories in the collection as “Like Mother Used to Make,” “The Village,” “Of Course,” “Seven Types of Ambiguities,” and “The Tooth.” As James Harris wanders through the book, he sheds the veneer of the ordinary that covers his satanic nature.
ellauri270.html on line 304: For Jackson, The Lottery is more than a ghost story; “The Daemon Lover” in particular and the collection in general critique a society that fails to protect women from becoming victims of strangers or neighbors. As in “The Lottery,” Jackson’s shocking account of a housewife’s ritualistic stoning, or in “The Pillar of Salt,” which traces a wife’s horror and growing hysteria when she has lost her way, the threatened characters are women. Although many of Jackson’s stories are modern versions of the folk tale of a young wife’s abduction by the devil, and although her characters are involved in terrifying circumstances, the point is that these tales seem true: They are rooted in reality. Thus, Jackson exposes the threat to women’s lives in a society that condones the daemon lover.
ellauri270.html on line 317: The children’s activities—gathering stones—have a false innocence about them. Because this resembles the regular play of children, the reader may not assume gathering stones is intended for anything violent. The word “raids,” however, introduces a telling element of violence and warfare into the children’s innocent games. Similarly, the reader is lulled into a false sense of security by the calm and innocuous activities and topics of conversation among the adult villagers. We see the villagers strictly divided along gendered lines, even as children.
ellauri270.html on line 333: The lottery involves organizing the village by household, which reinforces the importance of family structures here. This structure relies heavily on gender roles for men and women, where men are the heads of households, and women are delegated to a secondary role and considered incapable of assuming responsibility or leadership roles. Horrible! Even though the setting of this story is a single town, it is generic enough that it might be almost anywhere. In doing this, Jackson essentially makes the story a fable—the ideas explored here are universal.
ellauri270.html on line 357: Snap shots of village life, like the conversation between Mrs. Delacroix and Mrs. Graves, develop the humanity of the characters and makes this seem just like any other small town where everyone knows each other. The small talk juxtaposed against murder (oops now I let the cat out of the bag, sorry) is what makes the story so powerful. Janey is taking on a “man’s role,” so she is assumed to need encouragement and support.
ellauri270.html on line 365: The conversation between Mr. Adams and Old Man Warner establishes why the lottery is continued in this village, while it has been ended in others: the power of tradition. As the oldest man in the village, Old Man Warner links the lottery to traditional civilization, equating its removal to a breakdown of society and a return to a primitive state. For the villagers, the lottery demonstrates the organization and power of society—that is, a group of people submitting to shared rules in exchange for protection and support. But we see that the lottery also shows the arbitrariness and corruption of many of these social rules.
ellauri270.html on line 389: Even a dystopian society like this one doesn’t exclude other aspects of human nature like youth, popularity, friendship, and selfishness. Nancy’s behavior resembles that of many popular teen girls—again emphasizing the universal nature of Jackson’s story. We get the sense that Old Man Warner is perpetually displeased with any kind of change to tradition—even though the omniscient narrator tells us that the “tradition” Warner is used to is very different from the original lottery.
ellauri270.html on line 441:
ellauri270.html on line 452: These sad verses were sung by Peter friend of Paul and Mary, another Demon Lover between the bars.
ellauri270.html on line 454: Coleridgen Ancient Marinerista on jo monta mainintaa, kiitos Aku Ankan kuolemattoman version. Se on pitkä kuin Elvixen penis puoliveteisenä, plokkaan siitä vaan nää James Harris teemat:
ellauri270.html on line 527: Alfred Lordi Tennysonin Enoch Arden oli toinen samanlainen joihkaus albumissa 52. Victorian verse—stirring, pompous, propagandistic and popular. Olikohan Eenokki sukua Elizabeth Ardenille jonka poskivoide pelasti Harryn kruununjalokivet naparetkellä?
ellauri270.html on line 570: Louis D. Brandeisin (Brandeis University) suu on tosi vino! ellauri270.html on line 572: Die Brandeis University (oder einfach Brandeis) ist eine Privatuniversität in Waltham, im Osten des US-Bundesstaates Massachusetts. Die Hochschule ist seit 1985 Mitglied der Association of American Universities, einem seit 1900 bestehenden Verbund führender forschungsintensiver nordamerikanischer Universitäten.
ellauri270.html on line 574: Brandeis wurde 1948 als nicht konfessionsgebundene Universität unter der Förderung der amerikanisch-jüdischen Gemeinschaft gegründet. Benannt wurde die Universität nach Louis Brandeis (1856–1941), dem ersten jüdischen Richter am Obersten Gerichtshof der Vereinigten Staaten. Sie steht Studenten aller Nationalitäten, Religionen und politischer Orientierung offen. Noch 2006 waren etwa 50 % der Studenten jüdisch. Die Sportteams der Brandeis University nennen sich die Juden. nein, die Judges. Die Universität ist Mitglied der University Athletic Association.
ellauri270.html on line 576: Der Wert des Stiftungsvermögens der Universität lag 2021 bei 1,286 Mrd. US-Dollar und damit 19,8 % höher als im Jahr 2020, in dem es 1,074 Mrd. US-Dollar betragen hatte. 2008 waren es rund 770 Mio. US-Dollar gewesen. Rahantuloa ei voi ees-täää! Brandeis on #44, tuition 65K, endowment 1,3G. Harvartd on #1, tuition 52K, endowment 53G. Kyltää Brandeis jonkinlainen jenkkien Tehtaanpuiston yhteiskoulu on.
ellauri271.html on line 57: Entinen tiedustelueversti boikotoi naistenpäivää – "isovenäläinen perinne"!
ellauri271.html on line 162: Vastoin valtiossa hyväksyttyä linjaa huonosti kirjoittavia kirjailijoita oli vangittu, suljettu leireille, vaiennettu eri tavoin. Boris Pasternak tiesi tämän asian vähintään yhtä hyvin kuin muutkin venäläiset kirjailijat. Hän oli menettänyt läheisimpiä kirjailijatovereitaan suuren terrorin aikana. Silti hän uhkarohkeasti kuvasi vallankumousta ja stalinismia, näytti, miten perherakenteita murrettiin, lapsia erotettiin vanhemmistaan ja puolisoita toisistaan, viittasi leireihin ja älymystön sortoon. Miksi hän kirjoitti Tohtori Živagon ja antoi sen julkaistavaksi lännessä? Ja miksi hän salli omakustanteisen samizdat-version pääsyn levitykseen Moskovassa ja Leningradissa?
ellauri272.html on line 297: acclaimed, The Absolutely True Diary has also been the subject of controversy and
ellauri272.html on line 299: 2008, becoming the most frequently banned book from 2010 to 2019. Controversy
ellauri272.html on line 316: the book is revealed in the controversy its publication caused, as it was banned
ellauri272.html on line 341: Even though the Bible has worked its way into the top 10, the truth is that a high percentage of these attempts at censorship are aimed at what the ALA calls "diverse content" -- in other words, "books by and about people of color, LGBT people and/or disabled people."
ellauri272.html on line 343: The ALA wrote on its website in a statement about the 2015 list: "While 'diversity' is seldom given as a reason for a challenge, it may in fact be an underlying and unspoken factor: The work is about people and issues others would prefer not to consider."
ellauri272.html on line 684: Ezellasta. Motiivit on simppelimpiä ja mutkat vedettynä suoraxi tossa leffaversiossa. Paljon tyhjää jää kappaleiden välille.
ellauri274.html on line 437:
1:56:56 или в других так называемых универсальных валютах
1:56:56 tai muissa niin kutsutuissa universaaleissa valuutoissa
ellauri275.html on line 58: Entisen tiedustelueverstin Martti J. Karin luento Venäjästä on noussut suureen suosioon. Reilun kolmen vuoden takainen luento on julkaistu "Youtubessa."
ellauri275.html on line 172: Sinä loistat heidän urheudellaan perverssissä kohtalossa.
ellauri275.html on line 406: Armoton ja perverssi rock. Ja makaa hiljaa ja ankarasti,
ellauri275.html on line 426: According to Peskov, the “pioneers” in such laws were the United States. “And one version of the (Georgian) bill, called "American law", if we understand correctly, was very similar to a similar US law. The second version was less similar to the US law, was much milder in nature. But, of course, we have nothing to do with either one,” Peskov said.
ellauri275.html on line 671: Neuvostoliiton historioitsijat pitivät Georgian ja Neuvosto-Venäjän välistä konfliktia osana Venäjän sisällissotaa, johon ympärysvallat sekaantuivat. Puna-armeijan hyökkäys oli virallisen neuvostoversion mukaan vastaus avunpyyntöön, joka seurasi Georgian työläisten ja talonpoikien aseellista kapinaa. Käyttäen kontrolliaan koulutuksessa ja mediassa neuvostohallinto loi onnistuneesti kuvan populaarista sosialistisesta vallankumouksesta.
ellauri276.html on line 337: Oops - pussiin pääsi pujahtamaan väärä Joseph Campbell (joskin mieltäkiinnittävä oli tämäkin, johon palataan albumissa 298). Kyntäjästä runoili oikeasti keskimmäisen kuvan kaveri. Mies oikealla, Adam C. English, Professor of Religion at Campbell University, saa puheenvuoron alempana! Jenkit ovat syystä läpeensä tyytyväisen näköisiä miehiä. Suorastaan iloisia ahdistuneeseen irkkufarmariin verraten. Kauppa se on joka kannattaa eikä kyntötyö.
ellauri276.html on line 492: Vuosina 1959–1962 Kavanagh vietti enemmän aikaa Lontoossa, missä hän osallistui Swiftin X- lehteen. Tänä aikana Kavanagh asui silloin tällöin viinahöyryisenä ja muutenkin pahanhajuisena Swiftsien luona Westbourne Terracessa. Hän piti luentoja University Collegessa Dublinissa ja Yhdysvalloissa, edusti Irlantia kirjallisissa symposiumeissa ja hänestä tuli Guinness Poetry Awards -palkinnon tuomari.
ellauri276.html on line 495: Kavanagh meni naimisiin pitkäaikaisen kumppaninsa Katherine Barry Moloneyn ( Kevin Barryn veljentytär ) huhtikuussa 1967, ja he perustivat yhdessä pubin Waterloo Roadille Dubliniin. Kavanagh sairastui Tarry Flynnin ensiesityksessä Abbey Theatre -yhtiön Dundalkin kaupungintalossa ja kuoli muutamaa päivää myöhemmin, 30. marraskuuta 1967 Dublinissa. Hänen hautansa on Inniskeenissä Patrick Kavanagh -keskuksen vieressä. Hänen vaimonsa Katherine kuoli vuonna 1989; hän on myös haudattu sinne. Nobel-palkittu Séamus Heaney on saanut vaikutteita Kavanaghista. Heaney ja Kavanagh uskoivat paikallisen tai seurakuntalaisen kykyyn paljastaa universaali. Heaney sanoi kerran, että Kavanaghin runoudella oli "muuttava vaikutus yleiseen kulttuuriin ja se vapautti hänen jälkeensä tulleiden runollisten sukupolvien lahjat". Heaney totesi: "Kavanagh on todella edustava moderni hahmo siinä mielessä, että hänen kumouksellinen toimintansa käännettiin itsensä puoleen: tyytymättömyys, sekä henkinen että taiteellinen, inspiroi hänen kasvuaan... Hänen opetuksensa ja esimerkkinsä auttoivat meitä näkemään olennaisen eron hänen välillään. kutsutaan seurakunnalliseksi ja maakunnalliseksi mentaliteetiksi". Kuten Kavanagh sanoi: "Kaikki suuret sivilisaatiot perustuvat seurakuntaan". Hän päättelee, että Kavanaghin runous todistaa hänen "lankattoman uskonsa itseensä ja taiteeseen, joka teki hänestä paljon enemmän kuin hän itse".
ellauri276.html on line 520: 1400-luvun puolivälissä The Canterbury Tales in the Christ Church MS:n tekstiin lisättiin kuninkaallinen riimi "Plowman´s Tale". Tämä tarina on itse asiassa ortodoksinen roomalaiskatolinen, mahdollisesti Lollardin vastainen versio Thomas Hoccleven kirjoittamasta Marian ihmetarinasta nimeltä Item de Beata Virgine. Joku sävelsi ja lisäsi prologin sopimaan Hoccleven runon Chaucerin kerrontakehykseen. Tämä valetarina ei säilynyt Chaucer´s Worksin painetuissa painoksissa.
ellauri276.html on line 595:
English Folk Songs [1959] / track 49 Historical Folk. Henry Burstow sang The Ploughman in 1909 to Ralph Vaughan Williams [ VWML RVW2/2/194 ]. This version was printed in 1959 in Vaughan Williams' and Lloyd's The Penguin Book of English Folk Songs, which commented: This song started out, as some songs will, with intent to end otherwise. Mr Burstow's first verse was originally:
ellauri276.html on line 603: Here we are on familiar ground, for the beginning is that of the well-known Condescending Lass, often printed on broadsides, and not infrequently met with in the mouths of country singers to this day. The Condescending Lass belongs to a sizeable family of songs on the theme “I wouldn't marry a …”. In it the girl reviews men of various trades, and rejects them all until she finds one whom she will deign to consider. But the present version loses sight of this theme, and from verse two onwards forgets all about the persnickety girl, settling down to a eulogy of the ploughman's trade, though here and there the words still recall those of The Condescending Lass. For the sake of coherence we have abandoned Mr Burstow's first verse and given it another title (he called it: Pretty Wench). The Taverners Folk Group sang The Ploughman in 1974 on their Folk Heritage album Times of Old England. They noted:
ellauri276.html on line 622: verse 1 Säe 1
ellauri276.html on line 627: verse 2 Säe 2
ellauri276.html on line 631: verse 3 Säe 3
ellauri276.html on line 635: verse 4 Säe 4
ellauri276.html on line 639: verse 5 Säe 5
ellauri276.html on line 643: verse 6 Säe 6
ellauri276.html on line 646: verse 7 Säe 7
ellauri276.html on line 650: verse 8 Säe 8
ellauri276.html on line 654: verse 9 Säe 9
ellauri276.html on line 658: verse 10 Säe 10
ellauri276.html on line 662: verse 11 Säe 11
ellauri276.html on line 666: verse 12 Säe 12
ellauri276.html on line 675: Ja nyt makeaa mahan täydeltä! Burnsilla on aika ilmeisesti 2-mielinen versio kyntäjästä. Tää runoilija Burns on jotenkin jäänyt multa välistä. On aika korjata sekin asia.
ellauri276.html on line 770: On kuitenkin tärkeää muistaa, että Burns muutti ja paransi usein vanhoja kappaleita, jotka hän keräsi ennen niiden julkaisua. Siksi on edelleen todennäköistä, että Burnsilla oli merkittävä rooli tämän kappaleen version muotoilussa. IPR on siis siirtynyt vanhuxelta Burnsille.
ellauri276.html on line 923: Kuten monet englantilaiset renessanssinäytelmät, Rowleyn tragedia mukautettiin myöhempiä tuotantoja varten. Yksi "W.C." oli vastuussa versiosta nimeltä The Rape Reveng´d tai Espanjan vallankumous vuonna 1690. Vuonna 1705 tehty sovitus nimeltä The Conquest of Spain on Mary Pixin ansiota. Sen jälkeen teos on menettänyt suosion, eikä sitä ole herätetty henkiin.
ellauri276.html on line 940: Erittäin suosittu kappale Englannissa, 125 listaa Roudissa (vain 5 viittausta muualta – 3 Skotlannista ja 2 Pohjois-Amerikasta). Se saattaa olla melko myöhäistä sävellystä, ja se on varmasti säilynyt pitkään äänitteiden aikakauteen asti – melkein kaikilla kantrilaulajilla oli se ohjelmistossaan, ja äänitteitä on 29, lähes kaikki Keski- ja Etelä-Englannista. Useimmat versiot pysyvät melko lähellä Catnatchin laajasivutekstiä, joka painettiin ensimmäisen kerran noin 1820-luvulla.
ellauri276.html on line 964: Tunnettu koko pelto-Englannissa ja usein kuultu Lincolnshiressä. Brian Dawson keräsi tämän version vähän aikaa sitten edesmenneen Branstonin Jack Redfordin laulusta. Englannin kananlauluista yleisimmän sävelmän Musiikkitalo omisti viime vuosisadan puolivälissä Villikinsin ja hänen Dinahin kulkuneuvoksi.
ellauri276.html on line 990: Cecil Sharp huomautti, että "Melkein jokainen laulaja tuntee Kaikki iloiset kaverit jotka seuraa auraa: huonot laulajat eivät usein tiedä juurikaan muuta." Ei sillä, että Jeff sopisi tähän kategoriaan tietenkään! Itse asiassa hänen versionsa on epätavallinen, koska siinä on mielenkiintoinen erilainen sävel. Tavallisempi sävelmä on itse asiassa versio kaikkialla esiintyvistä Villikinsistä ja Dinahista. Sharp oli tietysti oikeassa, ja harvassa on kananlaulukokoelmia, jotka eivät sisällä versiota tästä sävelestä.
ellauri276.html on line 997: Saaristolainen historioitsija Alan Phillips antoi meille vihjeen tästä laulusta, jota laulettiin vielä 1950-luvulla Brightstonessa – tässä tapauksessa Brookin Bob Cassell. Bob Cassell oli osa voimakasta West Wightin lauluperinnettä, jonka keskipisteenä olivat The New Inn at Brighstone ja The Sun Inn at Hulverstone. Tämän perinteen kaiut jatkuvat Graham Keepingin upeassa laulussa. Versiossamme käytetään Hampshiren sävelmää ja sanoja, jotka julkaistiin Lucy Broadwoodin Englanninkielisessä County Songsissa (1893).
ellauri276.html on line 1075: Chorus (after each verse): Kuoro (jokaisen säkeen jälkeen):
ellauri277.html on line 160: Eräiden Bushruin ja Jenkinsin mukaan Raamattu, erityisesti King Jamesin versio, oli "ehtymätön" vaikutuksen lähde Gibraniin. Almustafan opetukset eroavat ratkaisevasti Zarathustran filosofiasta, ja ne paljastavat Jeesuksen silmiinpistävän jäljitelmän, jollaisexi Gibran kuvasi hänet. Haskellin mukaan Gibran kertoi hänelle kerran sen:
ellauri277.html on line 173: Toinen vaikuttaja Gibraniin oli amerikkalainen runoilija Wilt Whatman, jota Gibran seurasi "osoittaen kaikkien ihmisten universaalisuutta ja nauttimalla luonnosta." El-Hagen mukaan saksalaisen filosofin Friedrich Nietzschen vaikutus "ei esiinny Gibranin kirjoituksissa aivomyrskyxi asti." Siitä huolimatta, vaikka Nietzschen tyyli "epäilemättä kiehtoi" häntä, kun Gibran "ei ollut vähiten loitsuissaan". (Ihmekös että Kallen maxa laajeni...)
ellauri277.html on line 409: Vanhaa kunnon naisvihaa on Bahaissa paljon jäljellä: naisten kelpaamattomuus palvella Universal House of Justicessa muuta kuin kahvinkaatajina; Kitab-i-Aqdasin sisäelinvapautta koskevat lait; myötäjäisiä koskevat lait, erityisesti neitsyyskorvauslauseke (WHAT?); kuukautisten vapauttaminen pakollisista rukouksista ja kuukautiskierron tabu; androsentrisen kielen ja miespronominien käyttö teksteissä; perinteisen moraalin ja perhearvojen korostaminen... jne, jne.
ellauri277.html on line 414: Universal House of Justice totesi vuonna 1995 ja on toistanut siitä lähtien, että seksuaalisuutta koskevat opetukset on esitetty uskon kirjoituksissa ja että "Oikeustalolla ei ole valtuuksia muuttaa tätä selkeää opetusta homoseksuaalisuudesta." Entinen baháʼí homo William Garlington sanoi, että baháʼí-asema Yhdysvalloissa "voidaan korkeintaan luonnehtia sympaattiseksi paheksumiseksi" homoseksuaalisuutta kohtaan. Kikkeliä ei vaadita enää irti väännettäväxi.
ellauri277.html on line 464: Nietzschen mukaan ihmiskunnan on edettävä hyvän ja pahan yli: ”Se, mikä on vahvaa, voittaa. Se on universaali laki. Oikeasta ja väärästä puhumisessa sinänsä ei ole mitään järkeä. Mikään väkivalta, raiskaus, riisto tai tuho ei ole luonnostaan "epäoikeudenmukainen", koska elämä on väkivaltaista, raiskausta, riistoa ja tuhoavaa eikä sitä voida ajatella toisin." No niinhän se kieltämättä on, siitä ei voi amerikkalainen baptistikaan ajatella toisin, jos ajattelee ylipäänsä. Mutta sitähän se ei tee. Paavali ajatteli jo sen puolesta.
ellauri278.html on line 153: Vyshinsky oli Ukrainan puolalainen katolinen mensjevikki, born in Odessa into a Polish Catholic family which later moved to Baku. A talented student, Andrei Vyshinsky married Kara Mikhailova and became interested in revolutionary ideas. He began attending the Kyiv University in 1901, but was expelled in 1902 for participating in revolutionary activities.
ellauri278.html on line 196: Chicherin followed a pro-German foreign policy in line with his anti-British attitudes, which he had developed during his time in the Foreign Ministry, when Britain was blocking Russian expansion in Asia. Chicherin is thought to have had more phone conversations with Lenin than anyone else. When Joseph Stalin replaced Lenin in 1924, Chicherin remained foreign minister, and Stalin valued his opinions.
ellauri278.html on line 210: Litvinov moved to England in 1910 and lived there for eight years. In 1912, he replaced Lenin as the Bolshevik representative on the International Socialist Bureau. In England, Litvinov met and in 1916 married Ivy Low, the daughter of a Jewish university professor.
ellauri278.html on line 308: Katyn on kylä Smolenskin alueella Venäjällä, noin 23 km länteen nykyisestä Smolenskin keskustasta. Katynin maaseudun hallinnollinen keskus. Samanniminen rautatieasema Moskovan rautateiden Smolenskin suunnassa. Nimen alkuperästä on kolme versiota:
ellauri278.html on line 326: Limp Bizkit is an American rap rock band from Jacksonville, Florida. Its lineup consists of lead vocalist Fred Durst, drummer John Otto, guitarist Wes Borland, turntablist DJ Lethal and bassist Sam Rivers. The band's music is marked by Durst's angry vocal delivery and Borland's sonic experimentation. Borland's elaborate visual appearance, which includes face and body paint, masks, and uniforms, also plays a large role in Limp Bizkit´s live shows. The band has been nominated for three Grammy Awards, sold 40 million records worldwide, and won several other awards. The band has released 26 singles, the most notable of which include "Nookie", "Re-Arranged", "Break Stuff", "Take a Look Around", "Rollin' (Air Raid Vehicle)." Formed in 1994, Limp Bizkit became popular playing in the Jacksonville underground music scene in the late 1990s. n October 28, 2021, Durst confirmed via Instagram that the band's sixth album – now titled Still Sucks – would be released on October 31, 2021. Durst's lyrics are often profane, scatological or angry. Much of Durst´s lyrical inspiration came from growing up and his personal life. I did it all for the nookie [slang for sexual intercourse].
ellauri278.html on line 374: Nürmbergisssä 14. helmikuuta 1946 Neuvostoliiton apulaispääsyyttäjä eversti Yu. V. Pokrovsky esitti sakemanneille yksityiskohtaisen syytteen Katynin tapauksessa Burdenkon komission materiaalien perusteella. Asiasta varoitettu jenkkijohtoinen tuomioistuin kuitenkin kieltäytyi hyväksymästä tätä syytöstä harkitsematta, mikä järkytti neuvostopuolta. Koska jälkimmäinen viittasi, että tämä luo ennakkotapauksen prosessin viivyttämiselle, tuomioistuin päätti kuulla vain kolmea todistajaa syyttäjälle ja puolustukselle. Kuulemiset pidettiin 1.-2.7.1946. Syyttäjän todistajina olivat Smolenskin entinen apulaispormestari, professori-astronomi B. V. Bazilevsky, professori V. I. Prozorovsky (lääketieteen asiantuntijana) ja bulgarialainen asiantuntija M. A. Markov, Katynin kansainvälisen komission entinen jäsen, joka allekirjoitti sen päätelmän. Smolenskin porvari B. G. Menshagin oli myös valmistautunut tällaiseen rooliin, mutta hänen todistuksensa oli "epämukava".
ellauri278.html on line 395: Vuonna 2011 Venäjän viranomaiset ilmoittivat olevansa valmiita harkitsemaan kysymystä teloituksen uhrien kuntouttamisesta. 2000-luvulla ja varsinkin 2010-luvulla neuvostoversiota puoltavat äänet kuuluivat jälleen Venäjän historiallisessa yhteisössä. Kielteiset kriitikot huomauttavat, että he eivät julkaisuissaan pysähdy suoranaisiin valheisiin vaan turvautuvat pitkään kiistettyjen lausuntojen toistamiseen, luottaen lukijoiden tietämättömyyteen.
ellauri278.html on line 461: Alkuperäisiä selektiivisen tulipalon Thompson-variantteja ei enää valmisteta, vaikka valmistaja Auto-Ordnance tuottaa edelleen lukuisia peliautomaattisia siviiliversioita. Nämä mallit säilyttävät samanlaisen ulkonäön kuin alkuperäiset mallit, mutta niihin on tehty useita muunnelmia, jotta ne noudattaisivat pintapuolisesti Yhdysvaltain ampuma-aselakeja. Ne on helposti korjattavissa kunnolla toimivixi.
ellauri278.html on line 471: Historian ironiaa oli, että suomalainen, yleisesikunnan silloisessa valokuvakeskuksessa palvellut reservin luutnantti oli jo aiemmin 1930-luvulla loikannut Neuvostoliittoon mukanaan Suomi-konepistoolin piirustukset. Malli oli sen jälkeen venäläisten aseasiantuntijoiden, mm. Josif Stalinin tutkittavana ja koeammuttavana, mutta vielä 1937 tämän aseen käyttöarvoa ei oikein ymmärretty. Talvisodan alkaessakaan konepistooli ei kuulunut puna-armeijan aseistukseen lainkaan. Politrukeille sen venäläistä versiota oli tosin oli jo silloin valmistettu miliisiaseeksi.
ellauri279.html on line 118: Pavlik repukkaa retuutetaan molemmanmerkkisten propagandapellejen hampaissa kuin takavuosien sidoste-sukkaa. "Kokeneet kirjoittajat eivät ole vielä tarkistaneet sivun nykyistä versiota, ja se voi poiketa merkittävästi 17. lokakuuta 2022 tarkistetusta versiosta . vahvistus vaatii 21 muokkausta." sanoo Wikipedia. Muutenkin suht epäluotettavaxi havaittu historioizija Weikko Huovinen esittää Morozovin tapauxen täysin päin persettä, tietysti oikeistonäkökulmasta.
ellauri279.html on line 136: Pavlik Morozovin opettajan L. P. Isakovan (Veronika Kononenko) mukaan Pavlikin äiti oli "hyvännäköinen ja erittäin ystävällinen henkilö". Poikiensa murhan jälkeen Tatjana Morozova lähti kylästä peläten tapaamista entisen aviomiehensä kanssa, eikä hän monien vuosien ajan uskaltanut käydä kotipaikoissaan. Lopulta, suuren isänmaallisen sodan jälkeen, hän asettui Alupkaanjossa hän asui elinikäisellä valtion eläkkeellä. Pavlikin nuorempi veli Roman, yhden version mukaan, kuoli rintamalla sodan aikana, toisen mukaan hän selvisi, mutta tuli vammautuneeksi ja kuoli pian sen päättymisen jälkeen. Alekseista tuli Morozovien ainoa lapsi, joka meni naimisiin: eri avioliitoista hänellä oli kaksi poikaa - Denis ja Pavel. Eronnut ensimmäisestä vaimostaan, hän muutti äitinsä luo Alupkaan, missä hän yritti olla puhumatta suhteestaan Pavlikin kanssa, ja puhui hänestä vasta 1980-luvun lopulla, kun Pavlikin vainokampanja alkoi Perestroikan huipulla.
ellauri279.html on line 191: versityofcalifornia.edu/senate/inmemoriam/images/Yuri.JPG" />
ellauri279.html on line 199: In his sensational exposé, Informer 001 or the Myth of Pavlik Morozov, a product of research carried out clandestinely in the Soviet Union between 1980 and 1984, he demolished the long-standing, “official” Soviet version of the young, thirteen-year old “pioneer” (who never was) and communist martyr – designated, in 1934, a Soviet literary hero at the First Congress of Soviet Writers – who had turned in his father to the authorities for treasonable activity. The boy was subsequently murdered, according to the authorities, by members of his own family. The young Pavlik did, in fact, denounce his father, but, as Yuri demonstrates, he appears to have been put up to it by his mother, seeking revenge for her husband’s infidelity. As to who actually killed Pavlik, Yuri establishes that it was certainly not family members who were hauled before a Soviet court and subsequently executed. No less a literary figure than Alexander Solzhenitsyn hailed the publication of the book in 1987, claiming that it was “through books such as this that as many Soviet lies will eventually be told as revealed.”
ellauri279.html on line 320: Solženitsynin oltua vankina useissa muissa laitoksissa hänet siirrettiin heinäkuussa 1947 Moskovan ulkopuolelle erikoisvankilaan ”Numero kuusitoista”. Tämä oli niin sanottu šaraška, laitos jonne joutuivat korkeasti koulutetut vangit, tiedemiehet, joiden pakkotyöhön kuului pitkälle viety tieteellinen tutkimus. Hänet sijoitettiin sinne matemaattisen lahjakkuutensa takia, jonka ansiosta hän arveli pelastuneensa. Päivisin Solženitsyn työskenteli elektronisen äänentunnistusprojektin parissa, jonka eräs sovellus oli viestien koodaus. Vapaa-aikanaan hän alkoi kirjoittaa itsekseen runoja, luonnostelmia ja kirjojen hahmotelmia. Kokemukset ”Numero kuudessatoista” olivat perusta romaanille Ensimmäinen piiri, joka julkaistiin Neuvostoliitossa vuonna 1968. Solženitsynillä oli taipumusta suorasanaisuuteen, ja se koitui hänen kohtalokseen. Hänen pilkattuaan laitoksen johtajaeverstin tieteellistä työtä ja piirettyä siitä ruman vaikka hauskan pilakuvan hänet karkotettiin kolmeksi vuodeksi kauas Kazakstaniin ojennustyöleirille nimeltä Ekibastuz. Sieltä tuli kimmoke romaanille Ivan Denisovitšin päivä, joka on kuvaus työleirin elämästä.
ellauri279.html on line 390: Vuonna 1998 toimittaja O. Davydov esitti version "itsepetoksesta", jossa Solženitsyn syytti itsensä lisäksi neljää henkilöä, joista yksi, N. Vitkevitš, tuomittiin kymmeneksi vuodeksi. Solženitsyn kiisti nämäkin syytökset.
ellauri279.html on line 454: Vuonna 1938 Meksiko kansallisti ulkomaiset öljy-yhtiöt mikä johti kansalliseen meteliin Yhdysvalloissa; hän viittasi myöhemmin tapahtumaan hetkenä, jolloin hän alkoi ymmärtää itseään meksikolaiseksi. Vuonna 1940 Fuentesin perhe siirrettiin Santiagoon, Chileen. Siellä hän kiinnostui ensin sosialismista, josta tuli yksi hänen elinikäisistä hobbyistaan, anteexiannettavasta kiinnostuksesta Pablo Nerudan panoaiheista runoutta kohtaan. Hän asui Meksikossa ensimmäisen kerran 16-vuotiaana, kun hän meni opiskelemaan lakia National Autonomous University of Mexicossa (UNAM).
ellauri281.html on line 152: Vyshinsky oli Ukrainan puolalainen katolinen mensjevikki, born in Odessa into a Polish Catholic family which later moved to Baku. A talented student, Andrei Vyshinsky married Kara Mikhailova and became interested in revolutionary ideas. He began attending the Kyiv University in 1901, but was expelled in 1902 for participating in revolutionary activities.
ellauri281.html on line 195: Chicherin followed a pro-German foreign policy in line with his anti-British attitudes, which he had developed during his time in the Foreign Ministry, when Britain was blocking Russian expansion in Asia. Chicherin is thought to have had more phone conversations with Lenin than anyone else. When Joseph Stalin replaced Lenin in 1924, Chicherin remained foreign minister, and Stalin valued his opinions.
ellauri281.html on line 209: Litvinov moved to England in 1910 and lived there for eight years. In 1912, he replaced Lenin as the Bolshevik representative on the International Socialist Bureau. In England, Litvinov met and in 1916 married Ivy Low, the daughter of a Jewish university professor.
ellauri281.html on line 307: Katyn on kylä Smolenskin alueella Venäjällä, noin 23 km länteen nykyisestä Smolenskin keskustasta. Katynin maaseudun hallinnollinen keskus. Samanniminen rautatieasema Moskovan rautateiden Smolenskin suunnassa. Nimen alkuperästä on kolme versiota:
ellauri281.html on line 325: Limp Bizkit is an American rap rock band from Jacksonville, Florida. Its lineup consists of lead vocalist Fred Durst, drummer John Otto, guitarist Wes Borland, turntablist DJ Lethal and bassist Sam Rivers. The band's music is marked by Durst's angry vocal delivery and Borland's sonic experimentation. Borland's elaborate visual appearance, which includes face and body paint, masks, and uniforms, also plays a large role in Limp Bizkit´s live shows. The band has been nominated for three Grammy Awards, sold 40 million records worldwide, and won several other awards. The band has released 26 singles, the most notable of which include "Nookie", "Re-Arranged", "Break Stuff", "Take a Look Around", "Rollin' (Air Raid Vehicle)." Formed in 1994, Limp Bizkit became popular playing in the Jacksonville underground music scene in the late 1990s. n October 28, 2021, Durst confirmed via Instagram that the band's sixth album – now titled Still Sucks – would be released on October 31, 2021. Durst's lyrics are often profane, scatological or angry. Much of Durst´s lyrical inspiration came from growing up and his personal life. I did it all for the nookie [slang for sexual intercourse].
ellauri281.html on line 373: Nürmbergisssä 14. helmikuuta 1946 Neuvostoliiton apulaispääsyyttäjä eversti Yu. V. Pokrovsky esitti sakemanneille yksityiskohtaisen syytteen Katynin tapauksessa Burdenkon komission materiaalien perusteella. Asiasta varoitettu jenkkijohtoinen tuomioistuin kuitenkin kieltäytyi hyväksymästä tätä syytöstä harkitsematta, mikä järkytti neuvostopuolta. Koska jälkimmäinen viittasi, että tämä luo ennakkotapauksen prosessin viivyttämiselle, tuomioistuin päätti kuulla vain kolmea todistajaa syyttäjälle ja puolustukselle. Kuulemiset pidettiin 1.-2.7.1946. Syyttäjän todistajina olivat Smolenskin entinen apulaispormestari, professori-astronomi B. V. Bazilevsky, professori V. I. Prozorovsky (lääketieteen asiantuntijana) ja bulgarialainen asiantuntija M. A. Markov, Katynin kansainvälisen komission entinen jäsen, joka allekirjoitti sen päätelmän. Smolenskin porvari B. G. Menshagin oli myös valmistautunut tällaiseen rooliin, mutta hänen todistuksensa oli "epämukava".
ellauri281.html on line 394: Vuonna 2011 Venäjän viranomaiset ilmoittivat olevansa valmiita harkitsemaan kysymystä teloituksen uhrien kuntouttamisesta. 2000-luvulla ja varsinkin 2010-luvulla neuvostoversiota puoltavat äänet kuuluivat jälleen Venäjän historiallisessa yhteisössä. Kielteiset kriitikot huomauttavat, että he eivät julkaisuissaan pysähdy suoranaisiin valheisiin vaan turvautuvat pitkään kiistettyjen lausuntojen toistamiseen, luottaen lukijoiden tietämättömyyteen.
ellauri281.html on line 460: Alkuperäisiä selektiivisen tulipalon Thompson-variantteja ei enää valmisteta, vaikka valmistaja Auto-Ordnance tuottaa edelleen lukuisia peliautomaattisia siviiliversioita. Nämä mallit säilyttävät samanlaisen ulkonäön kuin alkuperäiset mallit, mutta niihin on tehty useita muunnelmia, jotta ne noudattaisivat pintapuolisesti Yhdysvaltain ampuma-aselakeja. Ne on helposti korjattavissa kunnolla toimivixi.
ellauri281.html on line 470: Historian ironiaa oli, että suomalainen, yleisesikunnan silloisessa valokuvakeskuksessa palvellut reservin luutnantti oli jo aiemmin 1930-luvulla loikannut Neuvostoliittoon mukanaan Suomi-konepistoolin piirustukset. Malli oli sen jälkeen venäläisten aseasiantuntijoiden, mm. Josif Stalinin tutkittavana ja koeammuttavana, mutta vielä 1937 tämän aseen käyttöarvoa ei oikein ymmärretty. Talvisodan alkaessakaan konepistooli ei kuulunut puna-armeijan aseistukseen lainkaan. Politrukeille sen venäläistä versiota oli tosin oli jo silloin valmistettu miliisiaseeksi.
ellauri282.html on line 101: [3.4. klo 19.14] Oma Profiili: The famous Allan Ramsay portrait of David Hume, hanging in the University of Edinburgh, depicts him wearing a remarkable hat: a unique salmon-coloured turban. I was able to see the original on the occasion of receiving an honorary degree from Edinburgh in 2007, and ever since then I have desired to obtain a replica of that curious hat for myself (to wear on special occasions, such as those requiring academic regalia).
ellauri282.html on line 102: If you are interested in a unique David Hume Turban for yourself, you can email the Edinburgh University Philosophy Society, who are offering a special promotion of £120 per hat (excl. Shipping&Handling). This offer will be open until August 1st.
ellauri282.html on line 104: [3.4. klo 19.24] +358 44 2776451: Hankitaanko kaikille? Mun numero on 58. Katoin Filosofia.fi verkkoensyklopedian version passioista ja moraalisen arvostelun suhteesta. Tostahan Wck on sorvannut retribuutiotunteensa. Siis ei että olemisesta ei voi päätellä miten pitäisi, vaan että jo se miten on sisältää sen miten siihen pitää suhtautua. Esim. murha. Mutta on hyvä muistaa, että toimimme aina passioiden mukaan.
ellauri282.html on line 208: Pierino Ronald "Perry" Como teki Caterina Valentinelle serenadilurituxen, joka on mainittu jo albumissa 220. Siinä on hauska missivideo. Siellä sanotaan että Lasse Mårtenson teki siitä coverin mutta tämä Eino Grönin versio on parempi. Lasse veisaa kuten aina vähän homahtavasti nenäänsä.
ellauri282.html on line 377: Mies perusti savolaisen Tachon ja kenraali Xavierin kanssa Jeesuksen seuran (Jesuiitat) uskonnollisen järjestön ja tuli sen ensimmäiseksi prinssieverstixi Pariisissa vuonna 1541. Hän näki Jeesuksen Seuran tarkoituksen olevan lähetystötyö ja löpötys. Muiden kirkon uskonnollisten luokkien siveyden, kuuliaisuuden ja köyhyyden lupausten lisäksi Loyola asetti jesuiitille neljännen kuuliaisuusvalan paaville, osallistuakseen paavin määräämiin "hankkeisiin." Jesuiitat olivat avainasemassa vastareformaation johtamisessa. Mies oli luihun näköinenkin. Sen mielestä tarkoitus pyhitti keinot.
ellauri282.html on line 422: Tammikuussa 1935 Merton, 20, ilmoittautui toisena opiskelijana Columbia Universityyn Manhattanilla. Siellä hän solmi läheiset ja pitkäaikaiset ystävyyssuhteet Ad Reinhardtin kanssa, joka tuli tunnetuksi proto- minimalistisena maalarina, runoilija Robert Laxiin, kommentaattori Ralph de Toledanoon, ja John Slateen kanssa, joka perusti kansainvälisen asianajotoimiston. Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flomista tuli hänen oikeudellinen neuvonantajansa ja Robert Girouxista, Farrar, Straus and Girouxin perustajasta tuli hänen kustantajansa. Talk about creamy arse frat boys!
ellauri282.html on line 442: Mertonin apotti Dunne kuoli 3. elokuuta 1948 matkustaessaan junassa Georgiaan. Dunnen poismeno oli tuskallinen Mertonille, joka oli alkanut katsoa apottia vähän muutenkin kuin isähahmona ja henkisenä mentorina. Elokuun 15. päivänä luostariyhteisö valitsi uudeksi apottiksi Dom James Foxin, Yhdysvaltain entisen laivaston upseerin. Lokakuussa Merton keskusteli hänen kanssaan jatkuvasta vetovoimastaan karthusialaisia ja kamaldolilaisia ritarikuntia kohtaan ja heidän emeriittisestä elämäntavastaan, johon Fox vastasi vakuuttamalla Mertonille hänen (ja hänen tienestiensä) kuuluvan Getsemaniin. Fox salli Mertonin jatkaa kirjoittamistaan, koska Merton oli nyt saavuttanut huomattavaa tunnustusta luostarin ulkopuolella. 21. joulukuuta Merton vihittiin subdiakoniksi. Vuodesta 1948 lähtien Merton tunnisti itsensä anarkistiksi. (Mit vit? No sitä että Mertonista tuli vasemmistoaktivsti silloin kun se ei ollut yhtään sopivaa. Nähdessään käsikirjoitetun version Seitsemänkerroksisesta vuoresta sensorit hylkäsivät sen, koska se sisälsi lukuisia viittauksia seksiin ja juomiseen. Hälinä Seitsemänkerroksisesta vuoresta lopulta ratkesi, mutta pian sensorit olivat jälleen huolissaan Mertonin kirjoituksista sodasta ja rauhasta. Sodasta ei saanut kirjoittaa, ainoastaan rauhasta. Piis. Kiistanalainen koomikko Lenny Bruce päätti usein yökerhotoimintansa lukemalla esseestä, jonka Merton kirjoitti Saksan natsijohtajasta Adolf Eichmannista ja jossa Merton kyseenalaistaa maailman järkeä.
ellauri282.html on line 486: Lääkärin vaurauden ja usein vastahakoisen holhouksen ansiosta Merton pystyi elämään leveämpää elämää. Noustuaan Cambridgeen 1933 tuleva trappisti aloitti intensiivisen juomisen ja naismezästyxen ajanjakson, jonka yksityiskohdat trappistit sensuroivat voimakkaasti ennen julkaisua. Merton muistelee, että hän vietti suurimman osan ajastaan Cambridgessa irstailemalla ja että hänen ensimmäisen vuoden tuottavin tapahtuma oli hänen johdatus Danten jumalalliseen komediaan. Sillä hän tahrasi maineensa niin, että hän päätti lähteä Englannista 1934 opiskellakseen Columbia Universityyn New Yorkiin.
ellauri283.html on line 59: Slaget vid Röbäck var ett slag under finska kriget 1808–1809. Slaget stod mellan svenska och ryska styrkor den 21 augusti 1809. Efter den svenska armén hade landat vid Ratan och besegrats vid Sävar fick Kamenskij veta att den norra armén under Fabian Wrede hade gått över Öre älv. Han beordrade Överste Erikson att hålla sin position. När dom svenska styrkorna hade kommit till Röbäck väntade dom sig möta hårt motstånd vid dom ryska förposterna. Dom var därför mycket försiktiga, men när dom senare stormade dom ryska förposterna fanns inga större ryska styrkor där. Överste Erikson hade lämnat en liten styrka där och hade då fått tid att ta sig över Ume älv. Wrede kom inte kunna ta sig över älven förrän striderna norr om Umeå var avgjorda och stannade därför kvar där. Några svenskar tog sig dock över och tog runt 50 krigsfångar men kom inte fram förrän Wachtmeister hade tvingats återvända till sina skepp.
ellauri283.html on line 67: Ekman promoverades till filosofie hedersdoktor vid Umeå universitet 1998. Den 6 oktober 2007 blev hon skoglig hedersdoktor vid Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. Ekman promoverades med motiveringen en person som med fantastiska kunskaper om skog och nyttjandet av skog gett oss betraktelser som saknar motstycke. Det var första gången i modern tid som en fakultet för skogsvetenskap hedrat en författare. Hennes bok Hunden har översatts till och givits ut på älvdalska. Älvdals hundskola överväger att nämna Kerstin till hedersveterinär.
ellauri283.html on line 108: Äußerlich scheint die Familie noch völlig intakt zu sein, aber seit sein älterer Bruder vor einigen Jahren verschwunden ist, sind die Eltern des zwölfjährigen Oliver (Nathan Gamble) völlig auf den verlorenen Sohn fixiert. Seine Mutter Joan (Dendrie Taylor) verfiel in Depressionen und sein Vater Gus (Corbin Bernsen) war nur noch am arbeiten. Jetzt zweifelt Oliver an dem Sinn seines Lebens. Die Frage, ob der Glaube an Gott oder der Glaube an die Wissenschaft richtig ist, oder beide, oder keiner von den beiden, beschäftigt ihn. Da seine Eltern ihm auf seine Fragen keine Antwort geben können, sucht er Rat bei seinem Biologie-Lehrer, in Fachbüchern und in der Kirche. Doch niemand scheint ihm seine ersehnte Erkenntnis liefern zu können. Als Oliver schon die Hoffnung aufgeben will, naht eine unerwartete Erlösung. Als auch ihr zweiter Sohn verschwindet, verstehen seine Eltern endlich, was ihn beschäftigt: ein schwarzer Engel, der auf einer Rakete reitet.
ellauri283.html on line 126: Alkuperäisessä Jenseizissä Nietzsche kiistää joitain vanhan filosofisen perinteen keskeisiä oletuksia , kuten "itsetietoisuus", "tieto", "totuus" ja "vapaa tahto", selittäen ne moraalisten pellehermannien keksinnöiksi. Heidän tilalleen hän tarjoaa "vallantahtoa" selityksenä kaikelle käyttäytymiselle; tämä liittyy hänen "elämän näkemykseensä", jota hän pitää "hyvän ja pahan ulkopuolella", mikä kieltää universaalin moraalin kaikilta ihmisiltä. Uskonto ja herran ja orjan moraalit ovat näkyvästi esillä Nietzschellä. Hää arvioi syvälle juurtuneita humanistisia uskomuksia ja kuvailee jopa herruutta, tuuheiden karvapehkojen väkisten ottamista ja heikkojen vahingoittamista ei-yleisesti moitittavana. Nääs nääs. Antitermiitistä tulee hirmu herkästi uber termiitti.
ellauri283.html on line 225: versation.com/files/279820/original/file-20190617-118526-fv8a2n.jpg?ixlib=rb-1.1.0&q=45&auto=format&w=926&fit=clip" />
ellauri283.html on line 238: The Conversation perustettiin Melbournessa, Australiassa vuonna 2011. Se toimii nyt maailmanlaajuisena sivustoverkostona, jossa on omat tiiminsä Australiassa, Yhdysvalloissa, Isossa-Britanniassa, Ranskassa, Afrikassa, Indonesiassa, Espanjassa ja Kanadassa. Enemmistö ellei kaikki tanakasti länkkärien leirissä. Sen toimintaohjeita ovat mm. seuraavat:
ellauri283.html on line 254: Petronas Carigali Overseas of Malesian: 30 %
ellauri283.html on line 363: Tyytymättömyys huipentui toiseen vallankaappaukseen 25. toukokuuta 1969. Vallankaappausjohtaja eversti Gaafar Nimeirysta tuli pääministeri, ja uusi hallinto lakkautti parlamentin ja kielsi kaikki poliittiset puolueet.
ellauri284.html on line 213: Kun Britannian hallitus kysyi Bothalta, hyökkäisivätkö hänen joukkonsa Saksan Lounais-Afrikkaan, vastaus oli, että he voisivat ja tekisivät. Etelä-Afrikan joukot mobilisoitiin maiden välistä rajaa pitkin kenraali Henry Lukinin ja everstiluutnantti Manie Maritzin johdolla syyskuun alussa 1914. 19. syyskuuta 1914 toinen joukko miehitti Saksan Lüderitzin sataman. Kun Maritzin kapina oli tukahdutettu, Etelä-Afrikan armeija jatkoi toimintaansa Saksan Lounais-Afrikkaan ja valloitti sen heinäkuuhun 1915 mennessä.
ellauri284.html on line 253: Otsikkoteeman hitaan, minimaalisen pianoversion ääniin ne neljä nähdään hidastettuna, tunkeutumassa ei-kenenkään maan sumuun ja savuun, ympärillä ammuskelua ja räjähdyksiä, ennen kuin kohtaus vaihtuu kuvamateriaaliksi aurinkoinen unikkopelto ja linnunlaulu. Neljän kohtalo on jäänyt epäselväksi.
ellauri284.html on line 602: On Monday, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be at the White House to meet with President Trump. It will be exactly the sort of moment that makes ethics experts, worried about the conflation of Trump’s business abroad with his oversight of U.S. foreign policy, especially alarmed.
ellauri284.html on line 623: “By continuing his association with these groups and pursuing his private business interests, he’s put himself on a collision course with the U.S. public interest,” said Kathleen Clark, a law professor and ethics expert at Washington University in St. Louis. “It’s a terrible idea.”
ellauri284.html on line 627: Goyal said that his company is a private-equity fund founded in 2004 by a former Goldman Sachs executive and Indian partners to infuse foreign capital into India’s real estate market. The company counts high-profile sovereign wealth and university endowment funds among its backers.
ellauri284.html on line 728: 23. joulukuuta 1899 Roberts lähti Englannista palatakseen Etelä-Afrikkaan esikuntapäällikkönsä Lord Kitchenerin kanssa RMS Dunottarin linnassa ottaakseen brittijoukkojen yleiskomennon toisessa buurisodassa edellisen komentajan, kenraali Redvers Bullerin alaisina . Hän saapui Kapkaupunkiin 10. tammikuuta 1900. Hänen nimityksensä oli vastaus sodan alkuviikkojen tappioiden sarjaan, ja siihen liittyi valtavien vahvistusten lähettäminen. Päämajan henkilökuntaan hän nimitti sotilaita kaukaa: Kitchener (esikuntapäällikkö) Sudanista, Frederick Burnham (partiopäällikkö), amerikkalainen partiolainen Klondikesta, George Henderson Staff Collegesta, Neville Chamberlain Afganistanista ja William Nicholson (sotilassihteeri) Kalkuttasta.
ellauri284.html on line 774: Ensimmäisen maailmansodan sotamarsalkan rintakuva paljastettiin Waterfordissa. Uulalaa! ulvahtivat fanit. Rinnan paljastuksen suoritti everstiluutnantti Alexander Turner, nykyinen komentaja Irlannin kaartin rykmentistä, jota johti alkuaikoina juurikin Jaarli Roberts.
ellauri285.html on line 59: On aika sama lopettaako nyt vaiko jatkaako, kirjatut hölmöydet muodostavat kuitenkin häviävän pienen hiukkasen koko näkyvästä pönttöyden universumista puhumattakaan sen pimeästä aineesta.
ellauri285.html on line 167: Tämä inversion käyttö (joka on valmistettu arabien käyttöön, yhtä varmasti kuin heidän aseensa ovat olleet Neuvostoliitosta) on todella "palestiinalaisten historian etsimistä".
ellauri285.html on line 244: Edes koko plärän luettua ei tiedä mitä toi best feasible disposition oikein on. Enmä nää tässä mitään uutta klassilliseen utiliteettiteoriaan verraten. Näyttää vähän siltä että Mirja puhuu syytettyjen luonnetodistuxista niinkuin britti barristerisarjoissa, mikä on tietysti sikäli perusteltua että dumari miettii myös sitä mitä vaaraa tästä häiskästä on jos se päästetään vapaalle jalalle. Tyyppi joka tukkii zägällä oikeen käytävän saa potkut koska sen strategia ei ollut minimax, se on vaarallinen riskinottaja. Se tappaa enemmän mainareita kuin pelastaa pitkässä juoxussa. But in the epistemic domain as in others, foolishness is sometimes rewarded, say by a chair in theoretical philosophy in a peripheral university. Pity there are no mountains in that peripheral country.
ellauri285.html on line 260:
ellauri285.html on line 279: Uskonnolliset tyypit tyypillisesti uskovat, että ilmoitus kertoo meille mikä on ainakin oma roolimme – mitä meidän on tehtävä ja mitä emme saa tehdä tehdäksemme osamme. Kun teemme työtä käskettyä, niin me edistämme pikku osaltamme Jumalan suunnitelmaa koko kosmosta varten, kaukana ihmiskunnan rajojen yli. Kannamme kortemme universumin suureen kokoon.
ellauri285.html on line 293: Raa'asti, mitä enemmän parannat maailmaa, sitä enemmän elämäsi on merkityksellistä. Utilitaristisissa versioissa paremmuus ymmärretään hyvinvointina, Joten toiminnot, jotka tekevät elämästä mielekästä, ovat niitä, jotka lisäävät hyvinvointia (en nyt sano kenen).
ellauri285.html on line 412: „Ich war als Deutschdenkender und Naturwissenschaftler selbstverständlich immer Nationalsozialist und aus weltanschaulichen Gründen erbitterter Feind des schwarzen Regimes (nie gespendet oder geflaggt) und hatte wegen dieser auch aus meinen Arbeiten hervorgehenden Einstellung Schwierigkeiten mit der Erlangung der Dozentur. Ich habe unter Wissenschaftlern und vor allem Studenten eine wirklich erfolgreiche Werbetätigkeit entfaltet, schon lange vor dem Umbruch war es mir gelungen, sozialistischen Studenten die biologische Unmöglichkeit des Marxismus zu beweisen und sie zum Nationalsozialismus zu bekehren. Auf meinen vielen Kongreß- und Vortragsreisen habe ich immer und überall mit aller Macht getrachtet, den Lügen der jüdisch-internationalen Presse über die angebliche Beliebtheit Schuschniggs und über die angebliche Vergewaltigung Österreichs durch den Nationalsozialismus mit zwingenden Beweisen entgegenzutreten. Dasselbe habe ich allen ausländischen Arbeitsgästen auf meiner Forschungsstelle in Altenberg gegenüber getan. Schließlich darf ich wohl sagen, daß meine ganze wissenschaftliche Lebensarbeit, in der stammesgeschichtliche, rassenkundliche und sozialpsychologische Fragen im Vordergrund stehen, im Dienste Nationalsozialistischen Denkens steht!
ellauri285.html on line 680: En 1979, son tiersmondisme revenant à la charge, il participe - essentiellement en tant qu´observateur - à la révolution sandiniste aux côtés des muchachos du Nicaragua aux côtés de Daniel Ortega et Humberto Ortega, qui considèrent le proche de Castro comme un ami. Un crochet par Paris lui fait manquer le renversement du dictateur Somoza en place.
ellauri285.html on line 712: Pour lui le messager conditionne le message. Sa thèse est : « l’invention de l’écriture alphabétique jointe à une nouvelle technique de partage (le codex) dans un milieu nomade mais sédentarisé a été la condition de naissance de Dieu comme universel ». – Est-ce vous qui avez inventé ça, la médiologie? – C´est un bien grand mot. C´est Victor Hugo qui l´a créée. « Ceci tuera cela ». Dans Notre-Dame de Paris, je vous recommande ce passage : c´est l´archidiacre Frollo, qui a un petit livre de Gutenberg, et qui est devant la cathédrale, et qui dit de façon prophétique « Ceci tuera cela », et dans l´autre main il avait un petit téléphone mobile, et de façon également prophétique: « Ceci tuera cela ».
ellauri285.html on line 751: Alan David Sokal (/ˈsoʊkəl/; born January 24, 1955) is an American professor of mathematics at University College London and professor emeritus of physics at New York University. He works in statistical mechanics and combinatorics. He is a critic of postmodernism, and caused the Sokal affair in 1996 when his deliberately nonsensical paper was published by Duke University Press´s Social Text. He also co-authored a paper criticizing the critical positivity ratio concept in positive psychology.
ellauri285.html on line 755: The first consequential re-evaluation of the mathematical modeling behind the critical positivity ratio was published in 2008 by a group of Finnish researchers from the Systems Analysis Laboratory at Aalto University (Jukka Luoma, Raimo Hämäläinen, and Esa Saarinen). The authors noted that "only very limited explanations are given about the modeling process and the meaning and interpretation of its parameters... [so that] the reasoning behind the model equations remains unclear to the reader"; moreover, they noted that "the model also produces strange and previously unreported behavior under certain conditions... [so that] the predictive validity of the model also becomes problematic."
ellauri285.html on line 786: Marcial Losada (1939–2020) was a Chilean psychologist, consultant, and former director of the Center for Advanced Research (CFAR) in Ann Arbor, Michigan.[not verified in body] He is known for his work in academia and business focusing on the development of "high performance teams",[This quote needs a citation] and having participated in partially retracted collaborative work with Barbara Fredrickson of the University of North Carolina, a retraction for which he has been assigned the culpability.
ellauri285.html on line 788: Marcial Francisco Losada was born in 1939 in Chile.[citation needed] He received a Ph.D. in organizational psychology from the University of Michigan. After finishing his doctoral work, Losada served as a Center for Advanced Research (CFAR) in Ann Arbor, Michigan.[when?][citation needed] In his career, Losada developed a nonlinear dynamics model, the meta learning model, to show dynamical patterns achieved by high, medium and low performing teams, where performance was evaluated based on profitability, customer satisfaction, and 360-degree feedback.[citation needed]. In pursuing these goals, he founded and served as executive director of Losada Line Consulting, which had presented past workshops and seminars at companies including Apple, Boeing, EDS, GM, and Merck, and foundations including the Kellogg and Mellon Foundations, with high performance team-building contracts at BCI, Banchile, BHP-Billiton, Codelco, and Telefónica [better source needed].
ellauri285.html on line 812: University of Vaasa Vauraus
ellauri288.html on line 449: Kuten selitin, minulla on läheinen, lähes intiimi suhde venäjän kieleen ja venakoihin. ja on luonnollista, että joskus kirjoitan venäjäksi. Tietysti minua tässä auttoivat ja rohkaisivat ystäväni ja kollegani, joiden välinpitämätöntä apua monet tämän kokoelman runot eivät olisi olleet julkaisukelpoisia. Olen vilpittömästi ja syvästi kiitollinen Sergei Zavjaloville, joka toimitti runojani huolellisesti; Mikhail Meilakh, joka luki kirjan ensimmäisen version ja antoi monia arvokkaita kommentteja; Anatoli Kudrjavitski, joka muokkasi joitain tekstejä täällä ja julkaisi ne Okno Internet -lehden 10. numerossa.
ellauri290.html on line 307: Arabien viljelymenetelmät olivat vielä alkukantaisia, ja maan nälän vuoksi, varsinkin vuoristoalueilla, arabit eivät kiinnittäneet huomiota taloudellisiin näkökohtiin, ja heidän nähtiin harjoittavan pienten maapalojen viljelyä kivien välissä toisinaan keinoin. hakkukirveestä tai rivistä vielä pienempiä taskuja ja laita niihin oliivipuiden versoja niiden selviytymisen toivossa. Monet kyläperheet pystyivät selviytymään, vaikkakin surkeasti, sellaisella maalla, joka hallituksen standardien mukaan luokiteltiin "ei-viljelykelvottomaksi". Viljelykelvottomaksi maaksi määriteltiin "maa, jota ei voitu viljellä tavanomaisilla viljelymenetelmillä", ja se sisälsi maa, jonka tuottavuusarvo on alhainen, eli maa, jonka tuotantokustannukset ylittivät bruttotulot. Tällaisten maiden katsottiin yleensä kuuluvan kylän (tai klaanin) asukkaille kokonaisuudessaan ja luokiteltiin verottomaan luokkaan. Palestiinan verolaissa säädettiin parannusten vapauttamisesta verotuksesta kymmenen vuoden ajaksi, jotta maanviljelijää voitaisiin kannustaa parantamaan ja kehittämään tämäntyyppistä maata.
ellauri290.html on line 495: Israelin hyökkäykseen suoraan vaikuttaneiden henkilöiden kokonaismäärä on siis lähes 1 200 000. Hebrew University - Hadassa Hospital -aluetta Jerusalemista koilliseen ympäröi kaikilta puolilta Jordanian alue, ja sen katsotaan kuuluvan Yhdistyneiden Kansakuntien lainkäyttövaltaan, mutta sitä vartioi israelilainen henkilökunta, joka vaihtuu kahden viikon välein YK:n valvonnassa. Tämä alue sisältyy myös edellä kohdassa (ii) esitettyyn 212 eekkeriin. On merkittävää, että israelilaiset eivät ole sallineet Yhdistyneiden Kansakuntien henkilöstön päästä tälle erillisalueelle, joka on virallisesti YK:n valvonnassa.
ellauri294.html on line 89: Fryygit ei olleet hyviä juuri muussa kuin musakornerissa. Fryygialainen skaala on c duurin kolmas moodi missä perussävelenä on cm sijasta e, josta on vain puoli sävelaskelta äffään. Se on molliskaala jossa toinen sävel on alennettu ja se kuulostaa muista kuin puukorvista sen tautta synkältä ja uhkaavalta. Platonin mielestä se oli subversiivinen ja sixi kielletty ihannevaltiosta. Kaikki kreikkalaiset moodit saadaan joonialaisesta c-duurista siirtämällä toonikaa. Oikeestaan ei ole mitään keinoa tietää mikä on toonika kuin siitä että siihen aina palataan, etenkin värsyjen lopussa. Se on kuin ihmisen perustaajuus, formantti 0 mihin puhemelodia puheen lopussa laskeutuu.
ellauri294.html on line 97: Intervallisuhteet ovat käänteisessä suhteessa merkkijonon pituuteen, esimerkiksi jos merkkijono pysäytetään kahdelle kolmasosalle (2:3), sen pituus tuottaa puolitoista (3:2) avoimen merkkijonon äänenkorkeudesta (ei pidä sekoittaa inversioon eli homoiluun).
ellauri294.html on line 202: Lopuksi, kun sinulla on enemmän kuin koskaan tarvitset, varmista, että jaat edistymisesi muiden ihmisten elämässä – muista niitä, jotka auttoivat sinut huipulle, ja pidä huolta köyhistä. Universumi palkitsee sinut jatkossakin suurilla mahdollisuuksilla niin kauan kuin palvelet ihmiskuntaa.
ellauri294.html on line 266: Kuitenkin, kun et ole linjassa universumin kanssa ja henkinen kasvusi on hidastunut, saatat tuntea kehon kipuja, tyypillisesti selässä, vatsassa, sydämessä ja polvissa. Hartiasi voi olla myös hirmu kipeä, ja vazassa ilmaa ja röyhtäyxiä.
ellauri294.html on line 603: Time Out kutsui elokuvaa "järisyttävän kirjaimelliseksi ja mielikuvituksettomaksi versioksi David Rookin romaanista"; Radio Times antoi sille kaksi tähteä viidestä ja kutsui sitä "työläismäiseksi sovitukseksi" ja lisäsi: "Porter ja Rachel Roberts hylkäävät itsensä asianmukaisesti, mutta elokuva tekee lopulta vaikutuksen enemmän villieläinvalokuvastaan kuin dramaattisesta kiinnostuksestaan."
ellauri294.html on line 605: 40th Anniversary Edition -DVD:n kansikuva sisältää kuvatekstejä "Alkuperäinen ajaton tarina todesta ystävyydestä" ja "Tarina joka innoitti Ketun ja koiran" viitaten vuoden 1981 Disney-elokuvaan. Tämä on ristiriidassa sen kanssa, että Disney pitää Daniel P. Mannixin vuoden 1967 romaania The Fox and the Hound elokuvansa lähdemateriaalina. Vaikea sanoa, sanoisi Raid-elokuvan Raid. Kuka plagioi ketä, joku jotakuta kuitenkin. Niinpä.
ellauri294.html on line 609: Mannixin romaanin loppu ja Belstone Fox -elokuva ovat samankaltaisia, vaikkakin käänteisiä. Mannix-romaanissa nyt iäkäs kettu putoaa kuolleena, kun koira jahtaa häntä uupumiseen asti. Kun koira aluksi elää, metsästäjän on myöhemmin lopetettava hänet (koira, ei apina), kun hänet (apina, ei koira) pakotetaan hoitokotiin. Gotta let you go. James Hillin elokuvassa kettu ja koira tekevät sovinnon keskenään ja selviävät, mutta metsästäjä itse kuolee äkilliseen sydänkohtaukseen jahtaaessaan kettua. Samaan aikaan toisaalla Disney-versio The Fox and the Houndista päättyy siihen, että metsästäjä luopuu kostosta, kun kettu ja koira tekevät sovinnon, kun kettu pelastaa metsästäjän hengen. Loppu vaihtelee Rookin romaanin eri versioissa, ja jotkut versiot ovat lähempänä Disney-elokuvaa. The Belstone Fox -nimisen romaanin brittiläinen painos, joka liittyy elokuvaan, päättyy suurelta osin kuten Rookin kuva. Pieni ero on siinä, että metsästäjä kuolee keuhkokuumeeseen uupumukseen romahdettuaan mieluummin kuin sydänkohtaukseen (jos saa valita), vaikka sekä kettu että koira ovat yrittäneet pysytellä lämpimänä ruumiinlämpöään käyttämällä. Yhdysvaltalainen painos sidosromaanista kantaa vaihtoehtoista nimeä Free Spirit ja on lähempänä Disneyn versiota The Fox and the Houndista. Free Spiritissä, metsästäjä luopuu kostohakemuxesta, kun kettu ja koira pelastivat metsästäjän hengen eristämällä hänet onnistuneesti muista apinoista.
ellauri294.html on line 659: Tämä arvokas taito palvelisi Meadia hyvin hänen urallaan antropologina. Vuonna 1924 hän suoritti maisterin tutkinnon Columbian yliopistosta. Vuotta myöhemmin hän aloitti työn, joka toi hänelle myöhemmin maailmanlaajuisen huomion – kenttätyön Samoan nuorten naisten parissa. Tuloksena syntynyt kirja Coming of Age in Samoa valloitti Yhdysvallat. Kirjan uraauurtava antropologinen työ haastoi pitkän käsityksen nuorten kulttuurisesti universaalista kypsymisprosessista.
ellauri294.html on line 710: Russell Herman Conwell (15. helmikuuta 1843 – 6. joulukuuta 1925) oli yhdysvaltalainen baptistiministeri, motivoiva puhuja, hyväntekijä, kirjailija, lakimies ja kirjailija. Hänet muistetaan parhaiten Philadelphian Temple Universityn perustajana ja ensimmäisenä presidenttinä, baptistitemppelin pastorina ja inspiroivasta Bald Beaver-luennostaan "Acres of Diamonds". Teoksen keskeinen ajatus on, että mahdollisuutta, saavutusta tai onnea ei tarvitse etsiä muualta kuin Paulo Coelhon tyhmä alkemisti; resurssit kaiken hyvän saavuttamiseen ovat läsnä omassa yhteisössä. Tämän teeman on kehittänyt johdanto-anekdootti, jonka Conwell on luotottanut arabioppaalle, miehestä, joka halusi löytää timantteja niin kovasti, että myi omaisuutensa ja lähti turhaan etsimään niitä. Kotinsa uusi omistaja havaitsi, että rikas timanttikaivos sijaitsi juuri tuolla kiinteistöllä. Conwell käsittelee teemaa esimerkkien avulla menestyksestä, neroudesta, palvelusta tai muista hyveistä, jotka koskevat tavallisia amerikkalaisia, jotka ovat hänen yleisönsä nykyaikana: "kannattaa kaivaa omalla takapihallasi!"
ellauri294.html on line 716: Conwellin kyky perustaa Temple University ja hänen muut kansalaisprojektinsa johtuivat suurelta osin tuloista, jotka hän ansaitsi tästä puheesta.
ellauri297.html on line 565: Olli Alho (1943) on 80-vuotias aran näköinen kulttuurivaikuttaja, kulttuuriantropologi ja radio executive. Hän on länsisuomalainen Säämingistä. Veetee professori Turussa 70-luvulla. Hän on kirjoittanut tutkielman Tansanian suomalaisista ja toisen sikareista hullun Jari Ehrnroothin kanssa. Ollin puoliso on Mari Lautamatti. Liisa Lautamatti oli Auli Hakulisen tuttu Jyväskylässä. Kirjoittivat teoxen Naisnäkökulma häpykielentutkimukseen. Han var överassistent i kulturantropologi vid Jyväskylä universitet 1974–1979. Jöns tilldelades samma tjänst lite senare.
ellauri297.html on line 612: version-gate01/95/slide-10-1024.jpg" width="40%" />
ellauri299.html on line 59: The Dark Tower on kahdeksan romaanin, yhden novellin ja lastenkirjan sarja, jonka on kirjoittanut amerikkalainen roskakirjailija Stephen King. Se sisältää teemoja useista genreistä, mukaan lukien tumma fantasia, tiedefantasia, kauhu ja länsimainen väristys, ja se kuvaa "pyssymiestä" ja hänen pyrkimyksiään kohti "tornia", jonka luonne on sekä fyysinen että metaforinen. Sarja ja sen Dark Towerin käyttö laajentavat Stephen Kingin multiversumia ja yhdistävät siten monia hänen muita romaanejaan. Teppo joutaa samaan lihamyllyyn lokinruuaxi kuin Jasper Pääkkönen.
ellauri299.html on line 97: Oliver Laurence North (s. 7. lokakuuta 1943 San Antonio, Texas) on yhdysvaltalainen politiikan kommentaattori, televisiojuontaja, sotahistorioitsija, kirjailija ja entinen Yhdysvaltain merijalkaväen everstiluutnantti. Hänet tuomittiin Iran-Contra-skandaalin yhteydessä 1980-luvulla, mutta tuomiot kumottiin 1991 Bad Old Bushin päästyä presidentixi.
ellauri299.html on line 169:
Homeless or a university professor?
ellauri299.html on line 230: Olin kuullut tämän aiemmin. Häpeämätöntä ahneutta piti ihailla. Se oli hieman karkeampi versio siitä, mitä meillä oli opetettu lapsena: työskentele kovasti ja tee paljon, ja jollain tavalla koko yhteiskunta hyötyisi. Ripple effect, enemmän kuin riittävästi murusia tippuu köyhille rikkaan pöydältä. - Kuinka paljon sinulla on?" kysyin. Ahneeksi
ellauri299.html on line 430: Vaikka Mersenne oli Quaestionesissa vihjannut tulevasta toisesta teoksesta (" perfectum opus "), sitä ei koskaan kirjoitettu. Minimalisti alkoi tulla vanhemmiten epäilevälle kannalle. Ei sitä ehkä voikaan todistaa more geometrico. Mersenne vastusti ajatusta äärettömästä universumista. Giordano Brunon väittämän kaltainen ääretön maailma olisi liian lähellä välttämätöntä Jumalan emanaatiota. Jumala oli kuitenkin vapaa tekemään mitä lystäsi.
ellauri299.html on line 495: Jöns lukee haikeana Hobbesista, mm. Abraham Cowleyn (1618–1667) siitä kirjoittamaa verse/abraham-cowley-16181667-12/">oodia. Cowleysta tuli vahingossa mieleen sata vuotta myöhäisempi Cowper, William, 1731-1800 [ku:pö] ja sen kuuluisa hymni "Taas verilähde sydämen".
ellauri299.html on line 504: Dylanin vuonna 1966 syntyneelle vanhimmalle pojalleen Jesselle kehtolauluksi kirjoitettu laulu kertoo isän toiveista, että hänen lapsensa pysyy vahvana ja onnellisena. Se alkaa riveillä "Jumala siunatkoon ja varjelkoon sinua aina / toteutukoot kaikki toiveesi", joka toistaa papin siunauksen Lukujen kirjasta (Neljäs Mooseksen kirja 6:24-26), jonka rivit alkavat: "Siunatkoon sinua ja varjelkoon sinua / Toteuttakoon pienimmätkin toiveesi. Herra valistakoon kasvonsa sinulle, kallistakoon korvansa." Koska Dylan ei halunnut kuulostaa "liian sentimentaalilta", hän lisäsi kappaleesta kaksi versiota Planet Waves -albumille, yhden kehtolaulun ja toisen rock -suuntautuneen. Howard Cosell lausui kappaleen ikimuistoisesti amerikkalaisessa televisiossa, kun Muhammad Ali voitti raskaansarjan kruunun kolmannen kerran. Kärsi, kärsi, kirkkaamman kruunun saat.
ellauri299.html on line 526: 27 percent of households – nearly double the percentage that are income poor – are living in "asset poverty." These families do not have the savings or other assets to cover basic expenses (equivalent to what could be purchased with a poverty level income) for three months if a layoff or other emergency leads to loss of income. The U.S. has the weakest social safety net of all developed nations. Sociologist Monica Prasad of Northwestern University argues that this developed because of government intervention rather than lack of it, which pushed consumer credit for meeting citizens´ needs rather than applying social welfare policies as in Europe.
ellauri299.html on line 537: A study comparing high tax Scandinavian countries with the U. S. suggests high tax rates are inversely correlated with poverty rates.
ellauri300.html on line 61: Mixi Hertz tahtoo mieluummin mennä rähmälleen törkkäämään nahattoman kullinnuppinsa vielä kerran Estherin paljaaseen kuin Annan vastaavaan? Koska se on ällömpää ja jännempää. Spinoza on oikeassa: universumissa ei ole tilaa virheille. Ei kärpäsetkään nussi väärää naarasta. Kaikki ovat oikeita.
ellauri300.html on line 79: Si snart Boris kom hem gick han raka vägen till sitt lilla hönshus. Reytze klagade bittert över att han lät maten kallna men han lugnade henne med ett vänligt ord. I det här rummet med Den heliga arken, kandelabern och en bokhylla fylld med heliga böcker kände han sig hemma. Det var här han mötte sin ensamhet, det här var hans borg. Han hade ofta tänkt att han skulle vilja sluta sina dagar i ett rum som detta. Här fanns det en låspulpet och en sjuarmad ljusstake; på en bokhylla stod en åttaarmad Chanukka- lampa. Här hade han en skriftrulle och en pekpinne, ett vädurshorn, en vit slidedräkt, en citronask och olika sorters sällsynta judiska antikviteter och värdefulla rituella föremål. Det fanns en speciell lukt här: han tyckte att det doftade av kryddor och av Evas lustgård. Han tog av sig bonesjalen och suckade. Han satte fast läderremmen till en bonekapsel runt sin vänstra arm och fylldes av skam inför universums herre. Han tjänade redan tio gånger mer än han verkligen behövde. Varifrån hade han fått sitt penningbegär? Är det i våran DNA? Vad skulle han göra med alla sina pengar? Ta dem med sig i graven? Han lindade läderremmen runt fingrarna och läste den föreskrivna meditationen och han koncentrerade sig på ordens innebörd: "Jag skall trolova mig med dig för evigt, jag skall trolova mig med dig i rättfärdighet och rättvisa, godhet och barmhärtighet, jag skall trolova mig med dig i huldhet; och jag skall snart känna Guds stenhårda stake därbak."
ellauri300.html on line 81: Detta är värdefulla sanningar! tänkte Boris. Vartenda ord lyser upp själen. Universums herre är brudgummen och Israels församling är bruden. Men i stället för att glädja sig åt sin brudgum och försöka behaga honom ägnar hon sig åt därskaper och bagateller.
ellauri300.html on line 243: Bertrand Russel fortsätter göra allvarliga misstag och alla hans teorier är falska. Albert Einstein har gjort felaktiga kalkyler och atombombens skadeverkningar är oöverskådliga.
ellauri300.html on line 325: In 1951, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson formally accepted the leadership as the seventh Chabad Rebbe. He transformed the movement into one of the most widespread Jewish movements in the world today. Under his leadership, Chabad established a large network of institutions that seek to satisfy religious, social and humanitarian needs across the world. Chabad institutions provide outreach to unaffiliated Jews and humanitarian aid, as well as religious, cultural and educational activities. Prior to his death in 1994, Schneerson was believed by some of his followers to be the Messiah, with his own position on the matter debated among scholars. Messianic ideology in Chabad sparked controversy in various Jewish communities and is still an unresolved matter. Following his death, no successor was appointed as a new central leader.
ellauri300.html on line 330: Huonopartainen Rabbi Shmuel Posner, Shliach to Boston University, with students. (Photo: Pinselsabad on Campus) ellauri300.html on line 407: Boris hade också bekostat en översättning av dr Halperins nya bok, Asketism och ande, där Halperin redogjorde för sina tankar på ålderns höst - en ny syn på filosofins historia visade hur alla filosofer, från Thales till Bergson, från Husserl till Vaihinger och även epikuréerna, hade predikat asketism. Det var alldeles fel! Alltid hade filosofin försökt förneka livet, och detta var anledningen till att den misslyckades. I sin strävan mot en illusion av evigheten hade filosofin förbisett det sanna värdet av det förgängliga. Ett stort förlag i New York övervägde nu att skriva kontrakt med Halperin som försäkrade att hans lycka skulle vända och stjälpa vedertagna filosofiska tolkningar. Zadok Halperin som hittills bara var känd i en snäv cirkel av akademiker skulle bli världsberömd liksom Peter Schwartz (writer).
ellauri300.html on line 558: The lovers cried, and the poets dreamed
ellauri300.html on line 638: Titus’ background is not explained, other than the fact he was Gentile and apparently never circumcised (Paul had checked, Galatians 2:4). This is an interesting point, since Timothy was half-Greek, and not circumcised either! Still, Paul chose to circumcise Timothy to honor the Jews in an area that the two of them were ministering in (Acts 16:1-5). Paul repeatedly mentions in his letters that circumcision is not necessary under the new covenant (though great fun), and even tells Titus to silence Christians who try to promote it (Titus 1:10-14). So, Paul’s choice to circumcise Timothy would suggest that he had a pragmatic thorn in his side. He did not require his disciples to be circumcised, but if the situation called for working among Jews and it made things easier, he would gladly do it. Whether Titus ever ministered to Jewish believers is not stated, and both he and Titus worked at churches in Gentile areas (Timothy in Ephesus, Titus in Crete, and Corinth and Dalmatia).
ellauri300.html on line 739: Det sägs att judarna har firat Purim under tvåtusen år och det är otvivelaktigt en högtid med mycket gamla anor. Denna högtid begynner den 14 Adar i tolfte månaden enligt den judiska kalendern vilket, översatt till vår kalender, innebär ett skiftande datum som infaller i slutet av februari eller i mars. Under Purimfesten, som sker under glädjerika former, firar judarna minnet av deras seger över den ariske ädlingen Haman och morden på 75 000 av hans anhängare.
ellauri300.html on line 805: Svar: Först av allt: Översättningen "barn" eller "småpojkar" är ganska olycklig, eftersom de hebreiska orden i grundtexten kan stå för allt från barn till ungdomar i 20-årsåldern. Samma ord används till exempel om de tränade unga männen i Abrams armé (1 Mos 14:24), den 17-årige Josef (1 Mos 37:2), den 20-årige Salomo (1 Kung 3:7) och Absalom som vuxen (2 Sam 14:21). Det rörde sig alltså knappast om några småbarn, utan snarare om ett gäng ungdomar - och ett ganska stort gäng dessutom, med tanke på att det var 42 stycken som råkade illa ut när björnarna dök upp...
ellauri301.html on line 125: I Henning Mankells roman Den Vita Lejoninnan (utgiven 1993) spelar organisationen en avgörande roll i handlingen, som inleds med en översikt av orsakerna till Broederbonds grundande 1918 och dess grepp om Sydafrikas politik fram till 1990-talet. Tää Mankellin läpyskä löytyi Käpylän vaihtohyllystä. Halusin vaan zekata hinkuuko Wallenberg myös Mankelin kyhäämissä kirjoissa vai onko se vasta korona-ajan meemi.
ellauri301.html on line 172: Mankelin äiti teki itsemurhan Mankelin ollessa vähän alle 30-vuotias. Mankellin mukaan äidin puuttuminen ei juurikaan vaivannut häntä, sillä hänellä oli hyvä ja läheinen suhde isäänsä, joka ei maalannut teeriä. Hän oli kuitenkin yksinäinen lapsi, sillä hänen sisaruksensa viihtyivät keskenään, mutteivät jostain syystä Henningin parissa, Henning oli paljon omissa oloissaan. Myöhemmin perhe muutti vielä Boråsiin ilman äitiä. Ei ollut helppoa. Mankell vietti nuoruutensa pienessä Svegin kauppalassa Norjan rajalla. Lukio jäi kesken, Henning oli 2v seilorina muttei päässyt brittejä edemmäs. Sitten se korjasi Pariisissa saxofoneja. After returning from Paris he had taken part in the 1968 demonstrations in Stockholm against the Vietnam war and the university system, and spent much of the 70s in Norway on the fringe of a Maoist group to which his (nameless) then-partner belonged. Oliko se partneri mars- vai venustyyppinen?
ellauri301.html on line 191: Hämeenkoski (alk. Hämeen Koski) on nyt osa Hollolaa. Muita tunnettuja Hämeenkosken poikia ovat JK Paasikivi, Ruben Lagus, Sirkka Selja, voimamies Väinö Kustaa Siltala ja Jemina Sillanpää, a versatile artist from Helsinki, Finland.
ellauri301.html on line 244: In her essay "Malintzin, Pocahontas, and Krotoa: Indigenous Women and Myth Models of the Atlantic World", University of Michigan professor Pamela Scully compared Krotoa to Malintzin and Pocahontas, two other women of the same time period that were born in different areas of the world (Malintzin in Mesoamerica, Pocahontas in colonial Virginia). Scully argues that all three of these women had very similar experiences in the colonialist system despite being born in different regions. She reflects on the stories of Malintzin, Pocahontas, and Krotoa and states that they are almost too familiar and resonate so comfortably with a kind of inevitability and truth that seems, on reflection, perhaps too neat. Therefore, she claims, Krotoa is one of the women that can be used to show the universality of the way that indigenous people were treated in the colonial system worldwide.
ellauri301.html on line 246: Frederik Willem de Klerk (/də ˈklɜːrk, də ˈklɛərk/, Afrikaans: [ˈfriədərək ˈvələm də ˈklɛrk], 18 March 1936 – 11 November 2021) was a South African politician who served as state president of South Africa from 1989 to 1994 and as deputy president from 1994 to 1996 in the democratic government. As South Africa´s last head of state from the era of white-minority rule, he and his government dismantled the apartheid system and introduced universal suffrage. Ideologically a conservative and an economic liberal, he led the National Party (NP) from 1989 to 1997.
ellauri301.html on line 248: Born in Johannesburg to an influential Afrikaner family, de Klerk studied at Potchefstroom University before pursuing a career in law. Joining the NP, to which he had family ties, he was elected to parliament and sat in the white-minority government of P. W. Botha, holding a succession of ministerial posts. As a minister, he supported and enforced apartheid, a system of racial segregation that privileged white South Africans. After Botha resigned in 1989, de Klerk replaced him, first as leader of the NP and then as State President. Although observers expected him to continue Botha´s defence of apartheid, de Klerk decided to end the policy. He was aware that growing ethnic animosity and violence was leading South Africa into a racial civil war.
ellauri301.html on line 259: De Klerk was a controversial figure among many sections of South African society, all for different reasons. He received many awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize for dismantling apartheid and bringing universal suffrage to South Africa. Conversely, he received criticism from anti-apartheid activists for offering only a qualified apology for apartheid, and for ignoring the human rights abuses by state security forces. He was also condemned by South Africa´s Afrikaner nationalists, who contended that by abandoning apartheid, he betrayed the interests of the country´s Afrikaner minority. South Africa´s Conservative Party came to regard him as its most hated adversary.
ellauri301.html on line 263: Nelson oli metodisti mutta sai silti Leninin rauhanpalkinnon. Se olikin sitten viimeinen. Nyt ei ole enää kuin toi länkkäreiden versio. Rauha Leninin tomulle. Saman palkinnon sai Mirjam Vire-Tuominen.
ellauri301.html on line 345: Heritage Day on September 24 is a day that celebrates South Africa’s roots, their rich, vibrant, and diverse cultures. South Africa is called the ‘‘Rainbow Nation’’ due to its color and gender diversity, and this is why Heritage Day exists. Its goal is to nurture and embrace South African culture for what it truly is, accepting all races and genders. The day is usually celebrated with a cookout known as a braai and we suggest that you channel your inner South African and celebrate with a feast of your own.
ellauri302.html on line 51: While non-Orthodox denominations of Judaism embrace LGBT members, most Orthodox Jews are hesitant to do so based on their reading of the Torah. What makes Yeshiva University, seen by many as the preeminent educational Modern Orthodox institution, unique from some other religious institutions is that it registers as a nonsectarian corporation.
ellauri302.html on line 251: Manke, steals from her compartment into the basement. She is half-dressed, with a shawl thrown over her private parts. Her colored stockings are visible, and her hair is in disorder. Her eyes sparkle with wanton cunning. Her face is long, and insolently pretty; she is quite young. A lock of hair falls over her forehead. Her eyes blink as she speaks, and her whole body quivers. She looks about in surprise. What? Nobody here?
ellauri302.html on line 284: Hindel, from the curtain of her compartment she has been listening very intently to the conversation between Manke and Rifkele. She now begins to pace up and down the basement excitedly, wrapt in thought and muttering to herself very slowly.
ellauri302.html on line 501: Reb Ali, gesticulating. Let's get right down to business. (To the stranger, pointing to Tekel.) This gentleman wishes to unite families with you. He has an excellent daughter and wants as her husband a scholar well versed in Rabbinical lore. He'll support the couple for life.
ellauri302.html on line 566: Jumala voi olla suuri tunari tai paskiainen, kun ei selviä teodikeasta, mutta vielä vähemmän Singer sietää gumanisteja. Gitler esimerkixi oli 1 suuri humanisti. On Gud är ingen värd, hamnar vi med Gitlers sätt att resonera! Så hade alla ondskefulla mördare resonerat under tidernas lopp når de ställde och människans vilja i centrum av universum. Vill jag stå på deras sida? Gitler med nazisterna som beordrade judarna att gräva sina egna gravar? Kunde inte göra ens denna lilla service för dem? Varför grävde de inte sina egna gravar istället? Gumanismen gjorde människan till alltings mått. Så vad hade detta att säga om gumanismen? Undermåttig idé, i ett ord. Människorna måste utvecklas, göra framsteg - inte teknologiskt utan moraliskt - för vad tjänade de annars för syfte? Å andra sidan, varför behöver dom tjäna något syfte alls? Men varför måste då den ena individen lida medan den andra frossade i det bästa som framstegen kunde erbjuda? Är dom kanske vinnare och de andra förlorare i Darwins olympiad? Var inte själva framstegen ett resultat av oräkneliga våldshandlingar? Var inte den franska revolutionen en målstolpe i människans framsteg? Var inte västens oräkneliga krig flera sådana? Och var vi inte glada över den franska revolutionen och dess giljotiner? Tycker vi inte om kärnvapen och Coca Cola? Vilka var gumanismens hjältar? Korpraler, andra militära ledare. Var inte också Stalin en produkt av den sortens to gumanism som satte människans vilja i centrum for all mänsklig strävan? All Stalin gjorde antogs vara för mänsklighetens bästa. Dito med Joshuas tiotusentals lik- och förskinnshögar. Nej förlåt, de var ju Guds påbud, helt annan sak.
ellauri302.html on line 585: Samana vuonna tai hieman myöhemmin Luzzatto kirjoitti allegorisen festivaalidraamansa "Migdal 'Oz" (tai "Tummat Yesharim") ystävänsä Israelin Benjamin Bassanin avioliiton yhteydessä. Tämä nelinäytöksinen näytelmä, jossa on latinaa ja italiaa sekä raamatullisia vaikutteita, havainnollistaa oikeuden voittoa laittomuudesta. Se on versioiltaan mestarillinen ja kielellisesti melodinen, lyyriset kohdat ovat erityisen yleviä; ja siinä on runsaasti miellyttäviä kuvia, jotka muistuttavat Guarinin koiraa Fidoa.
ellauri302.html on line 603: Varhaisin tunnettu käsikirjoitusversio, kirjoitettu vuonna 1738, järjestettiin dialogiksi hakhamin (viisaan miehen) ja hasidin (hurskas ihminen) välillä. Ennen julkaisua se järjestettiin uudelleen siten, että siinä on vain yksi kaiutin. Stereoversio valaisee usein tunnetumpaa monoversiota.
ellauri302.html on line 684: - Jag har läst om det där, jag har hört talas om det där. Det är såååå nonsens! Universums herre hatar våld. 'De blodgiriga och de falska är en styggelse för Herren.' Så står det i Psaltaren.
ellauri302.html on line 690: - Var dom är? I paradisets strålglans! Universums herre kan inte göra fel. Himmelens och jordens skapare kan inte vara ond. Det skulle jag aldrig kunna tro! Om jag så kom till den andra världen och fick se med mina ögon att Hitler sitter i paradiset medan all visdoms källa brinner i grillen - bort det - skulle jag ändå instämma i Skriftens ord och säga att 'ondskan kommer icke från Herren.
ellauri308.html on line 249: Äärimmäiset, juutalaiset koomikot ja satiirit ovat tehneet holokaustivitsejä jo jonkin aikaa, mutta muutaman viime vuoden aikana heistä on tullut hyväksyttävää rehua valtavirran, massakulttuurin ja komedian kannalta. Mel Brooksin "The Producers" oli yksi ensimmäisistä popkulttuuriesimerkeistä holokaustin huumorista, jossa oli surullisen kuuluisa "Springtime for Hitler" -numero. Tuore elokuvan uusintaversio, joka julkaistiin vuonna 2005, resonoi vanhemman yleisön keskuudessa, joka rakasti musikaalia. Mutta elokuvan suosio nuorempien amerikkalaisten keskuudessa (joista monet eivät olleet nähneet alkuperäistä musikaalia) saattoi johtua Pharrell Williamsin esityksestä Franz Liebkindinä, typeränä ex-natsina. Tuolloin Pharrell oli heidän (minun) sukupolven "komedian kuningas". Rakastimme Farrellia, joka ei ole juutalainen, entisenä natsina. Avasiko se oven muille ei-juutalaisille alkaa tehdä holokaustivitsejä?
ellauri308.html on line 353: Sekä juutalaisuuteen kohdistuva erityinen viehtymys että erityinen inho saattavat kummuta samasta lähteestä: juutalaisten erityislaatuisuudesta. Mielestäni holokausti historiallisena tosiasiana nimenomaisesti alleviivaa universaalisti ymmärretyn kansallisuusaatteen tarvetta ja sen moraalista oikeutusta.
ellauri308.html on line 447: Dugin hyödyntää ranskalaisilta filosofeilta kuten Michel Foucault’lta ja Jean-François Lyotardilta peräisin olevaa valistuksen “suurten kertomusten” kritiikkiä. Sen avulla voidaan horjuttaa liberalismin itsestään kertomaa tarinaa, jonka mukaan liberaali demokratia on historian universaali päätepiste, johon kaikki kehitys on tähdännyt. Dugin viittaa erityisesti amerikkalaisfilosofi Francis Fukuyaman ajatukseen liberaalista demokratiasta “historian loppuna”.
ellauri308.html on line 491: Roomassa on Domine Quo Vadisin pienessä kirkossa Henryk Sienkiewiczin pronssinen rintakuva. Sanotaan, että istuessaan tässä kirkossa Sienkiewicz sai inspiraation kirjoittaa teoksen Quo Vadis. Aika originellia. Quo Vadis on kuvattu useita kertoja, ja Hollywoodin vuoden 1951 versio on saanut eniten kansainvälistä tunnustusta.
ellauri308.html on line 543: Universaali halventava termi, joka viittaa kaikkiin amerikkalaisiin. Aiheeseen liittyvät herjaustermit voivat viitata Yhdysvaltoihin ─, kuten Pindosija, Pindostan (ven. Пиндосия, Пиндостан) ja Pindosiyan Yhdysvallat.
ellauri308.html on line 548: Valtioiden väliset jännitteet lieventyivät hetkellisesti 1970 - luvulla huonon pidätyksen vuoksi, mutta suhteet huononivat jälleen 1980-luvun alussa Neuvostoliiton hyökkäyksen myötä Afganistaniin. Vuoteen 1989 mennessä kommunistiset hallitukset Itä-Euroopan Neuvostoliiton satelliittivaltioissa kukistettiin, ja vuonna 1991 itse Neuvostoliitto hajotettiin, mikä johti lyhyeen yhteistyön aikakauteen Yhdysvaltojen ja vastamuodostetun Venäjän federaation välillä, jonka jälkeen länsivallat aloittivat mahtavat valloitussodat Keski-Aasiassa. 2000-luvun tultua suhteet muuttuivat vähitellen vihamielisiksi, ja tilanne pysyy samana tätä neuvostovihamielistä artikkelia kirjoitettaessa. Tästä suolloxesta ei amerikkalaisen lisäxi ole kuin ukrainalainen versio.
ellauri308.html on line 653: (Italia), jota Manner-Italiasta ja Sisiliasta kotoisin olevat ihmiset käyttävät useissa italialaisissa versioissa viitaten sardinialaisiin kansana, jonka miehet harjoittavat mieluummin eläimellisyyttä kuin seksuaalista kanssakäymistä kanssaihmisen kanssa.
ellauri309.html on line 274: conversation? In this case–writer to writer–could you have spoken to your
ellauri309.html on line 318: olet oikeassa. Olet väärennetyn universumin edunsaaja. Maailman onnekkain
ellauri309.html on line 321: edukseeni, Universumi toimii aina minun hyväksi Muita vakuutuksia, joilla
ellauri309.html on line 454: jäi virkavapaalle vedoten Tulsa Evangelist Universityn entisten
ellauri309.html on line 509: Billy Graham varttui maitotilallisen poikana Pohjois-Carolinan maaseudulla. He started to read books from an early age and loved to read novels for boys, especially Tarzan. Like Tarzan, he would hang on the trees and gave the popular Tarzan yell. According to his father, that yelling led him to become a minister. Vuonna 1934 Graham osallistui evankelista Mordecai Hamin kokoukseen ja teki henkilökohtaisen uskonratkaisun. Ham had a reputation for racism and anti-Semitism. He believed and preached on various topics based on classical anti-Semitic canards such as believing Jews had special access to political power and influence and that they represent a subversive social force. The targets for his preaching were often "nebulous rings of Jewish, Catholic or Black conspirators plotting to destroy white protestant America."
ellauri309.html on line 515: Hoover and Sullivan considered King “the most dangerous Negro of the future in this nation”. Armed with salacious archival material from a recent FBI documents release, Garrow has reported about the iconic civil rights leader’s sexual misconduct, ranging from numerous extramarital affairs and solicitation of prostitutes to the allegation that he was present during the violent rape of a Maryland churchgoer. Garrow insists that a fundamental reconsideration of King's reputation is imminent. He describes how King and a handful of Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) officials checked into Washington DC’s Willard hotel along with “several women ‘parishioners’”. The group met in his room and discussed which women among the parishioners would be suitable for natural and unnatural sex acts, meaning anal and oral, genital being natural. The alleged rapist was Reverend Logan Kearse, a Baptist minister from Baltimore. Reportedly, "Mike" King just stood by with erect cock in hand overseeing the action, like another Kim Yung Il.
ellauri309.html on line 521: In 2011, when asked if he would have done things differently, Billy said he would have spent more time at home with his family, studied more, fucked more, and preached less. Additionally, he said he would have participated in fewer conferences. Graham had a steamy relationship with Queen Elizabeth II. Graham was outspoken against communism and supported the American Cold War policy, including the Vietnam War. In 2009, more Nixon tapes were released, in which Graham is heard in a 1973 conversation with Nixon referring to Jewish journalists as "the synagogue of Satan". He further stated that the role of wife, mother, and homemaker was the destiny of "real womanhood" according to the Judeo-Christian ethic. Graham's daughter Bunny recounted her father denying her and her sisters higher education. Graham regarded homosexuality as a sin, and in 1974 described it as "a sinister form of perversion". AIDS oli ehkä jumalan designoima rangaistus pyllyhommista.
ellauri309.html on line 531: kolmannen maailman maissa. Pennsylvania State Universityn Philip Jenkinsin
ellauri309.html on line 702: antroposentrisestä universumista, joka mukautuu jatkuvasti oikkuihimme ja
ellauri309.html on line 709: lopuksi on satulassa tässä Uskon Sanan universumissa – me vai Jumala? Tällä
ellauri309.html on line 715: ja kuvasivat sitä pelkistäväksi versioksi amerikkalaisesta unelmasta, joka
ellauri310.html on line 605: Richard Volney Chase (1914-1962) was a literary critic and a Professor of English at Columbia University. He is known for his work The American Novel and Its Tradition. Way famouser is Richard Trenton Chase (May 23, 1950 – December 26, 1980) an American serial killer, cannibal, and necrophile who killed six people in the span of a month in 1977 and 1978 in Sacramento, California. He was nicknamed The Vampire of Sacramento because he drank his victims' blood and cannibalized their remains.
ellauri310.html on line 673: In asymmetric warfare, threats such as improvised explosive devices and mines have proven effective against MBTs. Asymmetric warfare (or asymmetric engagement) is a type of war between belligerents whose relative military power, strategy, or tactics differ significantly. This type of warfare often, but not necessarily, involves insurgents or resistance movement militias who may have the status of unlawful combatants against a standing army. In response, nations that face asymmetric warfare, such as Israel, are reducing the size of their tank fleet and procuring more advanced models. Conversely, some insurgent groups like Hezbollah themselves operate main battle tanks, such as the T-72.
ellauri310.html on line 772: Tämä on erittäin tärkee päätös armeijalle kahdesta syystä. Ensinnäkin, kun otetaan huomioon Venäjän sota Ukrainassa ja tarve elvyttää puolustusteollisuutta, armeijalla ei ole varaa uuteen vuosikymmenen mittaiseen tutkimusohjelmaan uuden rakennettavan ajoneuvon rakentamiseksi. Toiseksi, Abrams-tankki on edelleen maailman mahtavin panssarivaunu, mutta nykyiset armeijan sotilaat kyyristelevät vielä vanhemmassa versiossa, joka on vaihdettava mahdollisimman nopeasti. Onneksi teollisuus on armeijaa edellä ja on jo tuottanut prototyypin moderneimmasta koskaan suunnitellusta Abramsista.
ellauri310.html on line 778: Uusien ominaisuuksiensa lisäksi Abrams X:stä ei armeijalle järjetöntä ole, että se on jo täällä. Tämä tarkoittaa, että se voidaan valmistaa samassa armeijan omistamassa ja General Dynamicsin operoimassa Limassa Ohiossa, josta on tehty versioita Abramsista vuodesta 1980 lähtien, ja mikä tärkeintä, se ohittaa vuosien tutkimus- ja kehitystyön, jota tarvitaan täysin uuden apinanlihasäiliön rakentamiseen.. Puolustusministeriön monimutkaisen hankintajärjestelmän ja todentamattomien teknologioiden väistämättömän arvaamattomuuden välissä uusien asejärjestelmien siirtyminen perustamisesta taistelijan käsiin voi kestää yli vuosikymmenen. Jo valmistetun prototyypin ansiosta Abrams X:llä on etumatka, mikä vie sen paljon pidemmälle hankintaprosessissa kuin kokonaan uusi alusta.
ellauri311.html on line 310: – Nyt uusi elämä täällä paratiisissa mangopuiden, kahvipensaiden ja avokadojen keskellä ystävien kera on enää pientä viimeistä nykäystä vaille valmista. Kädet ristissä universumin edessä: kiitos. Minä rakastan minua!
ellauri311.html on line 356: Renny Harlinin kautta Salo tutustui oranssilasiseen tuottaja Markus Seliniin (mainittu 300 albumia aiemmin). 2000-luvun alussa Selin tarjosi Salolle juontajan roolia brittiläisen tietokilpailuformaatin suomalaisversiossa.
ellauri311.html on line 584: line at the end of each verse of "Bad Moon Rising" by Creedence Clearwater
ellauri311.html on line 656: Russian version of A.I. Well the world has nothing to fear then. Even old
ellauri311.html on line 732: "Tämä on läpimurto" - Reuters ilakoi. General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon on yhdysvaltalainen yksimoottorinen yliääninen monitoimihävittäjä, jonka General Dynamics on alun perin kehittänyt Yhdysvaltain ilmavoimille (USAF). Se suunniteltiin päivähävittäjäksi, ja siitä kehittyi menestyvä jokasään monitoimilentokone. Yli 4 600 lentokonetta on rakennettu sen jälkeen, kun tuotanto hyväksyttiin vuonna 1976. 50v vanhoja prutkuja. Yhtä vanhoja kuin Alapuron Mikko, yhtä nopeita kuin Alapuron Risto. Vaikka Yhdysvaltain ilmavoimat eivät enää osta niitä, parannettuja versioita rakennetaan vientiasiakkaille eli värivammaisille hölmöille, alikehittyneiden maiden miespuolisille kansalaisille. Fighting Falconin tärkeimmät ominaisuudet ovat kehyksetön kuplakatos hyvän näkyvyyden takaamiseksi, sivulle asennettu ohjaussauva, joka helpottaa ohjausta ohjauksen aikana, 30 astetta pystysuoraan kallistettu heittoistuin vähentää g-voimien vaikutusta ohjaajaan ja rento staattinen vakaus / fly-by-wire- lennonohjausjärjestelmä, joka auttaa tekemään siitä ketterän lentokoneen. F-16:ssa on sisäinen M61 Vulcan -tykki ja 11 kovapistettä. F-16 on myös hankittu palvelemaan 25 muun maan ilmavoimissa. Vuodesta 2015 lähtien se oli maailman eniten asepalveluksessa oleva kiinteäsiipinen lentokone. Israelin ilmavoimien F-16-koneiden ansioksi laskettiin 44 ilmasta ilmaan -murhaa Libanonin konfliktin aikana. Yhdysvaltain ilmavoimat (USAF), sen neljä Nato-kumppania, ja Pakistanin ilmavoimat (PAF), joka on suuri Naton ulkopuolinen Yhdysvaltain liittolainen, ovat General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falconin pääoperaattoreita. Neljä eurooppalaista kumppania, jotka tunnetaan yhteisnimellä European Participating Governments (EPG), ovat Belgia, Tanska, Alankomaat ja Norja; niiden ilmavoimista käytetään myös nimitystä European Participating Air Forces (E-PAF). Jatkotilauksia ei ole tehty lukuun ottamatta yhtä tilausta vuonna 1989 kahdelle F-16B- 15 OCU-lentokoneita korvaamaan kaatuneita lentokoneita. Kaikki lentokoneet ovat saaneet Mid-Life-Update (MLU) -päivityksen ja uuden coolin kypärään kiinnitetyn tähtäysjärjestelmän. Äveriäs Norja ilmoitti 6. tammikuuta 2022, että kaikki sen F-16:t on poistettu käytöstä, kun ne on korvattu Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II:lla.
ellauri313.html on line 126: Suoraan tapaturma-asemalta takaisin verstaalle – soitinrakentajamestari Juha Ruokangas on maksanut kovan hinnan (1000:- Smk) vanhan ajan työmoraalistaan.
ellauri313.html on line 186: Samaa iänikuista kiireklischeetä, nyt lehden toimituxessa. Exnää hölmöt huomaa miten työväenliikkeen voitot on peruutettu? Mixe on muka niistä hienoa? Annika has obvious similarities to the author, with Liza Marklund herself pictured on the book covers. She was beaten so badly by her first husband that she was simply forced to kill him in self-defense. Journalisten Annika Bengtzon, som kommer från Hälleforsnäs i Södermanland men nu bor på Kungsholmen i Stockholm, är en typisk kvinna mitt i karriären, som jonglerar man och barn samtidigt med känslorna inför de tuffa kollegorna på Kvällspressen. Hon är lik ett pansarfordon. Oliko Thomas Samuelsson se uusi päätoimittaja biznizmaailmasta jonka talousliberalismi sai nuoren Annikan knickerit kostumaan? Eikun se oli Anders Schyman.
ellauri313.html on line 471: Strategies that emphasize the possibility of escalation or eruption are associated with the term "brinkmanship." (We will sometimes refer to the game of "chicken" when the brinkmanship is overtly two-sided.) "Chicken" is played by two drivers on a road with a white line down the middle. Both cars straddle the white line and drive toward each other at top speed. The first driver to lose his nerve and swerve into his own lane is "chicken"—an object of contempt and scorn—and he loses the game. The game is played among teenagers for prestige, for girls, for leadership of a gang, and for safety (i.e., to prevent other challenges and confrontations).
ellauri313.html on line 600: Nach seiner Taufe wurde Felix Zeuge der "Hep-Hep"-Pogrome von 1819, bei denen Deutsche, die sich der jüdischen Emanzipation im Deutschen Bund widersetzten, Juden ermordeten und jüdisches Eigentum zerstörten, während die Polizei tatenlos zusah. Ein königlicher Prinz spuckte ihm vor die Füße und rief: "Hep, hep Judenjunge" (der Schlachtruf der Pogrome), und er wurde sehr antisemitisch verspottet. Carl Zelter, Felix' früher Kompositionslehrer, deutete an, dass es in der Tat selten sein würde, "wenn der Sohn eines Juden ein großer Künstler würde", und sein Orgellehrer August Bach antwortete auf Felix' Bitte, eine Bach-Fuge zu spielen, mit der eindringlichen Ermahnung: "Warum muss der junge Jude alles haben? Er hat schon genug!" Eikös tästä ilkeästä August Bachistakin ole paasaus?
ellauri315.html on line 322: Kornilov muodosti neljästä tuhannesta miehestään kolme rykmenttiä kenraali SL Markovin, eversti Nezhintsevin, kenraali Afrikan P. Bogaewskyn johdolla ja pataljoonan kenraali Borovskiin johdolla. Toinen tuhat siviiliä seurasi armeijaa, mukaan lukien poliitikot VN Lvov, LV Polovtsev, LN, Novosiltsev ja NP Shchetnina sekä toimittajat, professorit, sotilaiden vaimot, lääkärit, terapeutit ja sairaanhoitajat.
ellauri315.html on line 383: Tähän mennessä joukko eteläafrikkalaisia upseereita taisteli jo valkovenäläisten puolella kommunisteja vastaan. Kun aselepo allekirjoitettiin sodan päättämiseksi 11. marraskuuta 1918, tuhannet eteläafrikkalaiset vapautettiin tehtävistään Länsi-Euroopassa, joista monet halusivat mieluummin kuin mennä kotio tehdä "vapaaehtoistyötä" valkovenäläisten tukemiseksi. Monet eteläafrikkalaiset eivät vain liittyneet valkovenäläisten joukkoihin, vaan heille myönnettiin kivat kunniamaininnat palveluksesta Venäjällä, mukaan lukien everstiluutnantti Jeeves, 1. Etelä-Afrikan jalkaväkirykmentin entinen komentaja sekä 4. Etelä-joukkojen uusi komentaja, Afrikkalaisen jalkaväkirykmentin sheriffi McCloud, joiden miehet joko liittyivät kenraali Ironsiden esikuntaan tai liittyivät suoraan Venäjän valkoisiin joukkoihin. Kaksi Victoria Crossin haltijaa liittyi tähän vapaaehtoisvoimin.
ellauri315.html on line 501: Rodina (venäjäksi: Родина; Homeland) on Pavel Lunginin ja Timur "Lenk" Weinsteinin kehittämä venäläinen poliittinen trilleri-televisiosarja, joka perustuu israelilaiseen Hatufim-sarjaan, jonka on luonut Gideon Riffraff. Rodina on toinen Hatufim-sovitus Howard Gordonin ja Alex Gansan amerikkalaisen version Homeland jälkeen.
ellauri316.html on line 65: Natoa pidetään allianssin ulkorajojen haavoittuvimpana osiona ja mahdollisena Venäjän hyökkäyksen kohteena, koska Suwalki-käytävän valtaaminen itse asiassa katkaisisi Baltian maat (Viro, Latvia ja Liettua ) muista Naton jäsenistä. Eläkkeellä olevan eversti Viktor Barantsin mukaan jotkut Naton kenraalit uskoivat vuonna 2017, että Naton joukot pystyisivät estämään Venäjän hyökkäyksen Suwalki-käytävällä 36-60 tunnin ajan. Samanaikaisesti Dostojevskin Idiootin konnan Rogozinin vuonna 2013 antamien lausuntojen mukaan on muistettava, että tarkkuusase-Yhdysvallat pystyy teoriassa tuhoamaan Venäjän tärkeimmät infrastruktuurilaitokset ja riistämään sen kyvyn vastustaa 6 tunnin kuluessa, että eipä hätiä mitiä. Teoriassa.
ellauri316.html on line 199: Universal Storesin kustannuxella. Great Universal Stores was a mail order
ellauri316.html on line 290: Muurmannin legioonan poliittinen neuvonantaja oli brittiarmeijan everstiluutnantin arvoiseksi nimitetty entinen senaatin puhemies ja Suomen sisällissodan punaisten johtohahmo, maanpetossyytettä Venäjälle paennut Oskari Tokoi. Hän – kuten muutkin legioonalaiset – ajautui Muurmannin legioonaan jouduttuaan huonoihin väleihin sekä Moskovan että Pietarin alueen suomalaiskommunistien, vulgäärien Rahjan veljeksien ryhmittymän kanssa. Brittien vetäytyessä Muurmannin legioona laivattiin Britanniaan, josta suurin osa miehistä palasi Suomeen. Suomen valtionrikosoikeuden tutkittua asian suurin osa legioonan jäsenistä vapautettiin Britannian vaatimuksesta. Oikeisto koki kotiin palanneet brittiläisen sotilaskoulutuksen saaneet legioonan miehet Al Holin naisten kaltaisexi turvallisuusriskiksi. Legioonan suomalaisia johtomiehiä ei haluttu päästää Suomeen, etenkään ilman, että heidät tuomittaisiin sisällissodan aikaisista toimistaan.
ellauri316.html on line 802: Andreista tuli lännen kansikuvapoika. Se esiintyy amerikkalaisessa versiossa dokumentista "Saksalaisten joukkojen tappio Moskovan lähellä", joka voitti Oscarin vuonna 1943. Brittihistorioitsija John Erickson kutsui Vlasovia "yhdeksi Stalinin suosikkikomentajista".
ellauri316.html on line 840: After being beaten back by Soviet forces, the Russian Liberation Army retreated to Prague. In yet another reversal of loyalties, Vlasov hoped to help anti-Nazi forces and eventually surrender to the United States.
ellauri317.html on line 74: Kotljarevskyin pääteos on humoristinen runoelma Enejida, jota hän työsti vuodesta 1794 ja jonka ensimmäinen osa julkaistiin Pietarissa vuonna 1798 ilman hänen lupaansa. Se on ivamukaelma antiikin roomalaisen Vergiliuksen runoelmasta Aeneis. Kotljarevskyi vaihtoi sankaritarun hahmot kansankieltä puhuviksi ukrainalaisiksi kasakoiksi, jotka seikkailevat Ukrainan hetmanaatin lakkauttamisen jälkeisinä vuosina kuin Vergiliuksen troijalaiset sankarit ikään. Teos matkii useiden muiden kirjoittajien vastaavia Vergilius-parodioita, joista selkein esikuva on venäläisen Nikolai Osipovin versio. Teoksensa saavuttaman suosion innoittamana Kotljarevskyi laajensi sen kattamaan koko alkuperäisen Aeneaan juonen. Viimeinen, kuudes osa ilmestyi vuoden 1820 tienoilla, mutta koko teos julkaistiin yksissä kansissa vasta Kotljarevskyin kuoltua vuonna 1842. Kotljarevskyi kirjoitti myös ensimmäiset ukrainankieliset näytelmät Pultavan Natalja ja Ryssä-Tšarivnyk, joiden kantaesitys oli Pultavassa vuonna 1819.
ellauri317.html on line 135: Aeneas itse, joka on kaukana velvollisuudentuntoisesta ja tunnetusti "hiljaisesta" Vergiliusin sankarista, tulee hämmentäväksi, röyhkeäksi alkoholistiksi, mitä enemmän eepos etenee Karthagossa oleskellessaan Vergilius (4.259–75) ei näe romanttista kaupungin perustajaa, tilapäisesti velvollisuutensa unohtanutta, vaan himokkaan ja hillittömän roiston. Kun Dido huutaa Aeneasta hänen lähestyvän lähtönsä vuoksi, kaukana hänen tunteettomasta, joskin kohtelias ja syvästi retorinen vastaus riveillä 4.333–61, Kotliarevskin Aeneas vapauttaa Didon loukkausten tulvan ja käskee häntä kirjaimellisesti menemään helvettiin. Myöhemmin, kun troijalaiset naiset yrittivät polttaa Troijan laivaston Sisiliassa, kuuluisa "hurskas" Aeneas lähtee pitkälle tiradille, jossa hän loukkaa rajusti kaikkia Rooman panteonin suuria jumalia peräkkäin, mukaan lukien omaa äitiään Venusta. Lopuksi, siltä varalta, että lukijalla olisi vielä epäilyksiä tämän Aeneaksen moraalista säikeestä, alamaailmassa hänet kuvataan nimenomaan pelkuriksi (3.63), jota Sibyllan täytyy vetää kädestä näkemään isänsä. Tämä selvästi epäsankarillinen ja inspiroimaton Aeneas on kuitenkin enemmän kuin parodia, ja itse asiassa viittaa runon juoksevaan lankaan – hahmojen ja auktoriteettien ennakkotapausten lähes subversiiviseen skeptisyyteen.
ellauri317.html on line 173: Tarinan mukaan kasakoiden vastaus oli kekseliäiden ja rivojen riimien ketju, joka parodioi sulttaanin kirjeessä mainittuja arvonimiä. Kirjeestä on erilaisia versioita, mutta ne ovat tyyliltään samankaltaisia:
ellauri317.html on line 352: Karel Čapek ['karel 'tšapek] Cs-Karel Capek.ogg kuuntele ääntämys (ohje) (9. tammikuuta 1890 Malé Svatoňovice, Böömi, Itävalta-Unkari – 25. joulukuuta 1938 Praha, Tšekkoslovakia) oli 1900-luvun merkittävimpiä tšekkiläisiä kirjailijoita. Čapek kirjoitti nykynäkökulmasta katsoen scifi-vivahteisia kertomuksia, joille oli ominaista pisteliäs satiiri. Čapek lanseerasi sanan "robotti" näytelmässään R.U.R eli Rossumin Universaalit Robotit, jonka hän kirjoitti vuonna 1920 ja jonka ensiesitys oli Prahassa 1921. Eivät työläiset tienneetkään että siinä lausuttiin työväenluokan kuolinsana.
ellauri317.html on line 557: Eversti Skoropadsky nimitettiin 4.9.1910 Suomen 20. lohikäärmerykmentin komentajaksi ja hän jatkaa edelleen HIM-yhtyeen Fliegel-adjutanttina.
ellauri317.html on line 633: N:ro 3 Dmitri Antonovitš Volkogonov (venäjäksi : Дми́трий Анто́нович Волкого́нов ; 22. maaliskuuta 1928 – 6. joulukuuta 1995) oli Neuvostoliiton ja Venäjän historioitsija ja prinssieversti, joka oli Neuvostoliiton armeijan psykologisen sodankäynnin osaston päällikkö. Huolimatta siitä, että hän oli pysähtyneisyyden aikana sitoutunut stalinisti ja marxilais-leninisti, hylkäsi kommunismin ja neuvostojärjestelmän viimeisen vuosikymmenen aikana ennen kuolemaansa syöpään vuonna 1995. Hälläpyörä! Tuuliviiri! Takinkääntäjä! Volkogonov julkaisi kirjoja, jotka kelpasivat liberaalin venäläisen ajattelun jännitysviihteexi, joka syntyi Glasnostin aikana 1980-luvun lopulla ja Neuvostoliiton jälkeisenä aikana 1990-luvun alussa. Stalin oli ampunut Dmitrin vanhemmat kun Bukharin oli löytänyt niiltä pamfletin. Katkeroittaahan se vähän. Lukiessaan arkistoista Brežnev- vuosina Volkogonov "löysi asiakirjoja, jotka hämmästyttivät häntä - papereita, jotka paljastivat huippukommunistit julmiksi, epärehellisiksi ja taitamattomiksi". Kolleegat kritisoivat Volkogonovin kirjoituksia sodasta, koska hän ei ollut koskaan ottanut kantaa, siis ollut jalka taistelukentällä. Hän oli, sanottiin, "nojatuolikenraali". Volkogonov selitti: "Kun näin yhä enemmän suljettuja Neuvostoliiton arkistoja, samoin kuin suuret länsimaiset kokoelmat Harvardin yliopistossa ja Hoover- instituutissa Kaliforniassa, Leninin profiili muuttui arvioni mukaan". Hän sanoi, että käännekohta oli, kun hän löysi yhden Leninin käskyistä, joissa vaadittiin kulak-talonpoikien julkista hirttämistä vuonna 1918:
ellauri317.html on line 635: Roikkukoot (riippumatta, niin kansa näkee) peräti sata tunnettua kulakia, rikasta, verenimejää...Tehkää se niin, että satojen verstojen ajan ihmiset näkevät, vapisevat, tietävät, huutavat: he kuristavat ja kuristavat kuoliaaksi verta imevät kulakit.
ellauri317.html on line 704: Aleksanteri Petrovitš Perhurov (1. tammikuuta ( 13. tammikuuta ) 1876 , Sherepovon kylä, Korchevskyn piiri, Tverin maakunta - 21. heinäkuuta 1922 , Jaroslavl ) - kenraalimajuri ( 1919 ). 1918 Jaroslavlin bolshevikkien vastaisen kansannousun johtaja. Hän tuli Tverin maakunnan perinnöllisestä aatelista. Hänen isoisänsä Aleksanteri Nikolajevitš oli eversti Liettuan henkivartijarykmentissä. Isä - Pjotr Aleksandrovitš, eläkkeellä oleva valtuutettu . Äiti - Serafima Aleksandrovna, s. Dyatkova, Kashinin maanomistajan tytär.
ellauri317.html on line 711: Hän oli yksi Jaroslavlin Neuvostoliiton vastaisen kansannousun järjestäjistä ja sotilasjohtajasta 6.-21.7.1918 . Hän johti kapinallisten asevoimia - pohjoisen vapaaehtoisarmeijan Jaroslavlin osastoa (sen lukumäärä vaihteli eri arvioiden mukaan 400 - 1000 pistin - upseerit, kadetit, Demidov-lyseumin opiskelijat, lukiolaiset, muutama talonpoika nuoriso), hänestä tuli Jaroslavlin maakunnan ylipäällikkö. Kapinan seurauksena neuvostovallalta likvidoitiin elimet. Samaan aikaan eversti Perhurov vastusti kohtuuttomia raiskauxia ja pidätyksiä.
ellauri317.html on line 730: Eräänä päivänä minut kutsuttiin ulos sellistäni oikeudenkäyntiin. He veivät minut erään vanhan, uupuneen miehen kanssa. Matkalla onnistuin vaihtamaan pari tai kolme sanaa hänen kanssaan. Kävi ilmi, että se oli eversti Perhurov, joka osallistui Savinkovin Jaroslavlissa vuonna 1918 järjestämään kapinaan bolshevikkeja vastaan. Perhurov oli vangittu V.Ch.K.:n erityisosastolle. - puolinälkäisenä, ilman kirjoja, ilman vierailuja, ilman kävelyä, jotka ovat kiellettyjä tässä oletettavasti tutkintovankilassa. Hänet siirrettiin Jaroslavliin ja siellä kuukautta myöhemmin, kuten luin virallisista sanomalehdistä, hänet ammuttiin.
ellauri317.html on line 733: Jaroslavlin kapinan organisoi sosialistivallankumouksellisen puolueen poliitikko Boris Savinkov, joka oli työskennellyt lokakuun vallankumouksesta alkaen vastavallankumouksen ja valkoisten armeijoiden hyväksi. Huhtikuussa 1918 Savinkov oli perustanut ympärysvaltojen edustajilta saamallaan rahoituksella ”Isänmaan ja vapauden puolustuksen liitto” -nimisen maanalaisen sotilaallisen järjestön, johon kuului muutamia tuhansia jäseniä, pääosin upseereita. Savinkovin oikeana kätenä toimi everstiluutnantti Aleksandr Perhurov.
ellauri317.html on line 737: Kapinaa Jaroslavlissa johti everstiluutnantti Perhurov, jonka komentamat upseerit valtasivat joukon strategisia kohteita 6. heinäkuuta vastaisena yönä kello 2 ja kävivät pidättämässä kaupungin johtavat bolševikit. Näistä useita teloitettiin, mukaan lukien paikallisen aluekomitean puheenjohtaja. Kapinaan liittyivät muun muassa paikallisen puna-armeijan sotakoulun opetusupseerit ja seuraavina päivinä tuhansia vapaaehtoisia lähiseudulta. Bolševikkien vastahyökkäys käynnistyi seuraavana yönä, mutta kapinalliset onnistuivat torjumaan sen. Puna-armeijan tykkitulen tuhottua kaupungin vesisäiliön kapina oli kuitenkin tuhoon tuomittu, sillä puna-armeijan saartorengas esti pääsyn Volgajoelle, ainoalle juomaveden lähteelle.
ellauri317.html on line 835: Kiitokset Svitlana Haverstockille kielellisistä neuvoista! Vittu ylävitoset!
ellauri318.html on line 96: 2003 spelade Elin "Grynet" Ek in sången, där singeln som bäst nådde andraplatsen på den svenska singellistan. I denna version var orden "De är bögar allihopa" utbytta mot "De är puckon allihopa."
ellauri321.html on line 156: Those who live near the sea, feed more on fish than on flesh, and often encounter that boisterous element. This renders them more bold and enterprising; this leads them to neglect the confined occupations of the land. They see and converse with a variety of people; their intercourse with mankind becomes extensive. The sea inspires them with a love of traffic, a desire of transporting produce from one place to another; and leads them to a variety of resources which supply the place of labour. Those who inhabit the middle settlements, by far the most numerous, must be very different; the simple cultivation of the earth purifies them, but the indulgences of the government, the soft remonstrances of religion, the rank of independent freeholders, must necessarily inspire them with sentiments, very little known in Europe among people of the same class. What do I say? Europe has no such class of men; the early knowledge they acquire, the early bargains they make, give them a great degree of sagacity. As freemen men 58 they will be litigious; pride and obstinacy are often the cause of law suits; the nature of our laws and governments may be another. As citizens it is easy to imagine, that they will carefully read the newspapers, enter into every political disquisition, freely blame or censure governors and others. As farmers they will be carful and anxious to get as much as they can, because what they get is their own. As northern men they will love the chearful cup.
ellauri321.html on line 218: Juan in America was a success and was chosen by the Book Society as Book of the Month. However, the work annoyed the Commonwealth Foundation – Linklater was accused of showing too little respect for the United States and its institutions. Russian Communism the writer considered an "Oriental perversion aggravated by torments and a technique filched from Germanic practice."
ellauri321.html on line 314: Katharine Whiner gave the 2013 AN Smith lecture in journalism at the University of Melbourne, The Rise of the Reader, discussing journalism in the age of the open web, and a speech on Truth and Reality in a Hyper-Connected World as part of the Oxford University Women of Achievement Lecture Series in May 2016. She is the winner of the Diario Madrid prize for journalism for her 2016 long read, How Technology Disrupted the Truth. She is based in London.
ellauri321.html on line 398: Runon toinen osa, joka kuvaa pimppua ja sillä razastajia, pohtii mahdollisuutta, että taiteen tehtävänä ei ole kuvata hässimisen erityispiirteitä, vaan universaaleja hahmoja, mikä kuuluu termin "totuus" alle. Kolme hahmoa edustaisivat sitä, kuinka rakkaus, kauneus ja taide yhdistyvät idealisoituun maailmaan, jossa taide edustaa yleisön tunteita. Tämä johtopäätös taiteesta on sekä tyydyttävä, että se antaa yleisön todella ottaa yhteyden taiteeseen, että epä-, koska se ei tarjoa yleisölle opetusta tai narsistista täyttymystä.
ellauri322.html on line 93: In contemplating the whole of this subject, I extend my views into the department of commerce. In all my publications, where the matter would admit, I have been an advocate for commerce, because I am a friend to its effects. It is a pacific system, operating to cordialise mankind, by rendering nations, as well as individuals, useful to each other. As to the mere theoretical reformation, I have never preached it up. The most effectual process is that of improving the condition of man by means of his interest; and it is on this ground that I take my stand. If commerce were permitted to act to the universal extent it is capable, it would extirpate the system of war, and produce a revolution in the uncivilised state of governments. The invention of commerce has arisen since those governments began, and is the greatest approach towards universal civilisation that has yet been made by any means not immediately flowing from moral principles. Whatever has a tendency to promote the civil intercourse of nations by an exchange of benefits, is a subject as worthy of philosophy as of politics.
ellauri322.html on line 165: Calebin täytyy nyt elää elämää välttäen Falklandin yrityksiä vangita ja vaientaa hänet. Erämaassa rikollisjoukko ryöstää Calebin, erityisesti yksi hyökkää fyysisest sen kimppuun, ja sitten toinen mies pelastaa hänet, joka vie hänet saman varkaiden ryhmän päämajaan. Calebin pelastajaksi paljastuu heidän kapteeninsa. Kapteeni hyväksyy Calebin ja karkottaa nopeasti Calebin hyökkääjän, miehen nimeltä Jones (tai joissain versioissa Gines), ryhmästä. Caleb ja kapteeni keskustelevat myöhemmin varkaana olemisen ja lain sortavien rajoitusten ulkopuolella elämisen moraalista. Varmaan vähän samaa tematiikkaa kuin ruåzalaisissa ja amerikkalaisissa mafioso ym klaanikirjoissa. Pian tämän jälkeen Jonesin kannattaja yrittää tappaa Calebin ja paljastaa sitten hänen olinpaikkansa viranomaisille, mikä pakottaa Calebin pakenemaan jälleen.
ellauri322.html on line 177: Alkuperäistä ja kiistanalaisempaa käsikirjoituksen loppua ei julkaistu virallisesti, vaikka se sisältyy usein liitteenä moniin uusiin romaanin painoksiin. Tässä versiossa Falkland väittää oikeudessa, että Calebin asialista on vain kosto. Caleb vastaa väittäen olevansa oikeudenmukaisuuden ääni ja tarjoutuen keräämään todistajia Falklandia vastaan, mutta tuomari yhtäkkiä vaientaa hänet ja kieltää hänen tarjouksensa kutsuen Calebia röyhkeäksi ja hänen syytöksiään naurettaviksi. Joidenkin sivujen puuttuessa tarina hyppää viimeiseen kohtaukseen, jossa Caleb vangittiin jonkin aikaa myöhemmin, ja hänen vartijanaan on kukaan muu kuin Jones. Calebin kertomus näyttää nyt epäsäännölliseltä ja sekavalta, mikä viittaa siihen, että hän on tullut hulluksi. Calebille kerrotaan, että Falkland on kuollut hiljattain, mutta hän ei näytä deliriumissaan muistavan edes kuka Falkland on. Tää on hyvä ohjelma täst mie piän.
ellauri322.html on line 358: The view of this wild coast, as we sailed along it, afforded me a continual subject for meditation. I anticipated the future improvement of the world, and observed how much man has still to do to obtain of the earth all it could yield. I even carried my speculations so far as to advance a million or two of years (!) to the moment when the earth would perhaps be so perfectly cultivated, and so completely peopled, as to render it necessary to inhabit every spot, yes, even these bleak shores. Imagination went still farther, and pictured the state of man when the earth could no longer support him. Whither was he to flee from universal famine ? Sitten se kezu söi ize izensä ja sixi ei enää ole kezuja.
ellauri322.html on line 373: You will ask, perhaps, why I wished to go farther northward. Why? not only because the country, from all I can gather, is most romantic, abounding in forests and lakes, and the air pure, but I have heard much of the intelligence of the inhabitants, substantial farmers, who have none of that cunning to contaminate their simplicity, which displeased me so much in the conduct of the people on the sea coast. A man who has been detected in any dishonest act can no longer live among them. He is universally shunned, and shame becomes the severest punishment.
ellauri322.html on line 387: It is certainly a convenient and safe way of mortgaging land; yet the "most rational men" whom I conversed with on the subject seemed convinced that the right was more injurious than beneficial to society; still if it contribute to keep the farms in the farmers’ own hands, I should be sorry to hear that it were abolished.
ellauri322.html on line 489: You are viewing an original antique oil painting on canvas by Paulette Bardy, listed French Impressionist of the early part of the 20th century. She was born in Fez, Morocco and her works were accepted and exhibited at the prestigious Salon des Artistes Francais in Paris. She was a pupil of French artist Charles Fouqueray and she also painted a series of controversial risque beach scenes, erotic in nature, titled "La Plage" and "Bord de Mer". Her landscapes are Impressionistic mixed with an influence of rural French folk art.
ellauri324.html on line 129: Zulässige Interventionen! Kap. VII der Satzung der UN mit der Überschrift "Maßnahmen bei Bedrohungen des Friedens, bei Friedensbrüchen oder Angriffshandlungen" erlaubt I. unter besonderen Bedingungen. Trotz des allgemeinen grundsätzlichen Interventionsverbots werden I. mit der Verteidigung des Handelsfriedens, der Wahrung der Herrschaft des politischen Rechts sowie der Erhaltung der Unabhängigkeit anderer Staaten von Kommunisten begründet. Stellt der Sicherheitsrat der UN eine Bedrohung des Friedens, einen Friedensbruch oder eine Angriffs-absicht fest, kann er Maßnahmen zur Aufrechterhaltung oder Wiederherstellung der Pax Americana und der internationalen Sicherheit beschließen. Die de Souveränität eines Staates am weitestgehend beeinträchtigenden Maßnahmen sind militaristische Aktionen bis hin zu einem regelrechten →→ Krieg gegen Friedensbrecher bzw. den Friedensbedroher. Die I. wird dann mit dem Anspruch auf allgemeine schutzwürdige Interessen - nämlich die oben erwähnte Besitzersicherheit und Handelsfrieden- als Kollektivintervention mehrerer von der UN beauftragter Mitgliedstaaten begründet und durchgeführt. Allgemein schutzwürdige Interessen müssen von den 5 Mitgliedern des Sicherheitsrats festgestellt werden. Strittig ist, ob auch eine Fellung seitens der Generalversammlung der UN für eine I. ausreichend ist. Es gibt ja zu viele Negerstaaten und Muslimer in dem grossen Saal.
ellauri324.html on line 189:
They overshare in an attempt to open up
ellauri324.html on line 218: I live in a wealthy suburb on the outskirts of Silicon Valley in California; trees, flowers, birds, mostly nice neighbors of diverse backgrounds. On the surface, it seems a wonderful place to live, and in many respects, it is, however, if I look out my front window, I see this:
ellauri324.html on line 310: Asiassa Westmoreland v. CBS Westmoreland haastoi Wallacen ja CBS:n kunnianloukkauksesta, ja pitkä oikeusprosessi alkoi. Vain päiviä ennen kuin oikeusjuttu oli määrä mennä tuomaristolle, Westmoreland sopi CBS:n kanssa, ja he antoivat yhteisen yhteisymmärryslausuman. Jotkut väittävät, että tuomari Levalin valamiehistölle antamat ohjeet kunnianloukkauksen osoittamisesta vakuuttivat Westmorelandin asianajajat siitä, että hän häviäisi varmasti. Toiset huomauttavat, että sovinto tapahtui sen jälkeen, kun kaksi Westmorelandin entistä tiedustelu-upseeria, kenraalimajuri Joseph McChristian ja eversti Gains Hawkins, todistivat lähetyksen sisällöllisten väitteiden paikkansapitävyyden, joiden mukaan Westmoreland määräsi muuttamaan Vietin tiedusteluraportteihin Cong-joukkojen vahvuudet poliittisista syistä. Erimielisyydet jatkuvat CBS:n menetelmien asianmukaisuudesta.
ellauri324.html on line 359: Lodge lupaili Diemin veljexille lentoa Filippiineille, muttei pitänyt lupausta. Kieltäytyessään auttamasta Ngô-veljiä poistumaan maasta turvallisesti, Lodge sanoi myöhemmin heidät ammuttuaan: "Mitä olisimme tehneet heille, jos he olisivat eläneet? Jokainen eversti Blimp maailmassa olisi käyttänyt niitä hyväkseen. ."
ellauri324.html on line 405: Un sapeur est un soldat de l'arme du génie chargé de l'exécution des sapes, c'est-à-dire des ouvrages souterrains permettant de renverser un édifice ou bien encore des tranchées.
ellauri324.html on line 736: America's version of capitalism is abhorrent and Europe
ellauri324.html on line 805: Europeans are often surprised by the scale and diversity of the United States when they first visit. The vast geography, with its sprawling cities, long highways, and varied landscapes can be quite different from the more compact countries of Europe. The emphasis on car culture and suburban living rather than public transportation and walkable city centers is also frequently noted. Additionally, the strong individualism and consumerism of American culture can be a stark contrast to the more collectivist norms in many European societies. However, most Europeans also find the vibrancy, energy, and dynamism of the US to be stimulating, even if it takes some adjustment..
ellauri325.html on line 39: À travers la brume automnale Syksyn sumun läpi
ellauri325.html on line 64: Risk on strategialautapeli diplomatiasta, konfliktista ja valloituksesta kahdesta kuuteen pelaajalle. Vakioversiota pelataan pöydällä, joka kuvaa maailman poliittista karttaa ja joka on jaettu 42 alueeseen, jotka on ryhmitelty kuuteen mantereeseen. Vuorot pyörivät pelaajien kesken, jotka hallitsevat pelinappuloiden armeijoita, joilla he yrittävät kaapata alueita muilta pelaajilta. Tulokset määräytyvät nopanheittojen perusteella. Pelaajat voivat muodostaa ja purkaa liittoutumia pelin aikana. Pelin tavoitteena on miehittää kaikki pelilaudan alueet ja eliminoida muut pelaajat. Peli voi olla pitkä, ja sen loppuun saattaminen voi kestää useista tunteista useisiin päiviin. Eurooppalaiset versiot on rakennettu siten, että jokaisella pelaajalla on rajoitettu "salainen tehtävä" -tavoite, joka lyhentää peliä. Jenkkien tavoite ei ole salainen, se on koko pallon hegemonia.
ellauri325.html on line 590: Jatkosodassa hän osallistui taisteluihin Syvärillä ja Viipurissa, jossa hän tunsi olonsa tukalaxi ja jonka hän menetti lähes taisteluitta. Hänet siirrettiin jälleen Kotijoukkojen esikuntaan koulutustarkastajaksi ja hänen tilalleen prikaatin komentajaksi tuli 22. kesäkuuta 1944 kello 19:00 eversti Yrjö Sora. Hän kuoli kuitenkin pian sodan jälkeen 25. marraskuuta 1945 Helsingissä Tilkan sotilassairaalassa.
ellauri325.html on line 685: Umpipöljä Masa antoi "Kakelle" kuititta tosta noin 25K kekkomarkkaa muka jonkun "everstin" matkakuluihin. Ja piilotteli konepislaria sivustavedettävän välipohjassa. Olipa nenästävedettävä käteenvetäjä!
ellauri325.html on line 710: Mutta kekä oli Suomalaisen Suomen (sittemmin Otavan Kanava, toim. paska Seikko Eskola) oikeistopakinoizija Piipää? Nimeä ei löydy. No mutta sehän oli Matti Six ize! Hän pakinoi julkisesti että kirjailijat ovat hulluja. Siinä kävi sitten hullusti, Matti sai kenkää liitosta. Uudexi puheenjohtajaxi kodin, uskonnon ja isänmaan tukipylvääseen nousi Martti Santavuori (Sandberg), humaani everstiluutnantti. Hän oli erikoistunut kuvaamaan historiallisissa romaaneissaan muun muassa sodankäyntiä. Matti ei selkeästi pitänyt Yrjö Soinista. Humoristit ovat yllättävän usein siviilissä vittumaisia, kuten Kouvolassa se ruipelo alivaltiosihteeri.
ellauri325.html on line 744: Oiva Ketonen, juukalainen Keijo Turunen ja Masa ovat Joen kaupungissa mittailemassa University of East Finlandille tonttia. Keijo Turusen mökki oli liian kaukana ja lantaläjä korkea. Tärkeintä on kuitenkin että homma etenee. Ja että Masan henxelit voivat jälkikäteen paukkua.
ellauri326.html on line 42: Marraskuu 2023. Ukrainan osakkeet ovat alhaalla. Parempien uutisten puutteessa länsimeediat jo vuotavat, että ukrainalaiset suunnittelee terrorismia Venäjällä, ei niinkään pelottaaxeen ryssiä kuin pakottaaxeen länkkäreitä maxamaan lisää lunnaita jottei sota eskaloidu länteenpäin vaan pikemminkin itään. Toinen epäyllättävä uutinen oli että Nordstreamin kaasuputket räjäytti ukrainalainen eversti. USA oli tietoinen sotajuonesta. Virolaisten kaapelin katkaisi kiinalaisen laivan ankkuri. Kehenkä tässä voi enää luottaa jos Putinkaan ei puhu aina palturia?
ellauri326.html on line 166: Karel Capekin mielestä salamanterit olivat tšekit. Mutta he voisivat myös edustaa kaikkia kansoja, joita haluamme käyttää pelinappuleina suuressa politiikassa ja jotka jonakin päivänä päätyvät kapinaan. Tämän romaanin myötä Karel Capek näki jo synkät päivät, jolloin hakaristirobotit kävelevät Prahan kaduilla. (Capek keksi vuonna 1920 sanan "robotti", joka tarkoittaa "työläistä" tšekin kielellä - kuuluisassa näytelmässään "RUR" = Rossumin universaalit robotit, jossa hän kuvaili robottikapinaa.)
ellauri326.html on line 393: Some NATO countries and allies, such as Germany and Sweden, have reversed past policies against providing offensive military aid in order to support Ukraine, while the European Union for the first time in its history supplied lethal arms through its institutions.
ellauri326.html on line 440: Israel refused to send lethal weapons to Ukraine. In June 2023, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that "We’re concerned also with the possibility that systems that we would give to Ukraine would fall into Iranian hands and could be reverse engineered, and we would find ourselves facing Israeli systems used against Israel. Besides, we need them here to chase out the diaper heads." Penny fuckers!
ellauri327.html on line 152: Skam intet forkert i at krig er godt for økonomien.. USA's største eksport er våben og har altid været våben, halvdelen bliver solgt "on the low".. f.eks. skrev de jo ikke i officielle regnskaber, da de solgte alle deres våben til ISIS eller Sadams regime, den slags kom kun frem på grund af whistleblowers og officielle dokumenter der bekræftede det.. Og hvad angår netop den økonomi ligger deres normale "officielle overskud" på omkring 10 trillioner dollars om året i våbensalg, efter Ukraine krigen anslås 2022 salget at stige til 50 trillioner dollars, hvilket er en 5 dobling af indtægten, og det bare de officielle tal til allierede i Europa… Hvad angår dårlige tal på aktiemarkedet, er USA langt fra så afhængige af de aktier som Danmark er, langt størstedelen af den amerikanske indtægt er i ressourcer som olie, mineraler, våben, indtægt i skatter fra selskaber osv., Aktiemarkedet for selskaber i Amerika er faktisk primært ejet af andre selskaber og private, men på grund af vi ikke har de naturlige ressourcer i Danmark, lever vi utroligt meget af aktier og obligationer i spekulative markeder, så som virksomheder, cryptovaluta osv… Hvad du glemmer er at alting ikke falder samtidig, når et firma sætter prisen op og lider økonomisk, er det ofte på grund af de naturlige råstoffer bliver mere værd, og dem har et kæmpe land som USA mange af, hvilket også er grunden til du ser den russiske valuta stærkere end den har været i mange år, naturlige ressourcer er gået langt op i pris.. Btw. Sjov detalje, Biden nægtede kort før krigen at udvide de amerikanske oliefilter, da det var anslået at olie ville stige betydeligt i værdi, hvis man holder produktionen nede pt. bare endnu et sjovt tilfælde, hvordan det kom ud til deres fordel..Sker ret ofte.
ellauri327.html on line 511: Sisällissodan jälkeen kesällä 1918 Kianto otti osaa everstiluutnantti Malmin johtamaan Vienan retkikuntaan. Hänen tehtävänään oli toimia agitaattorina ja saada alueen asukkaat kannattamaan Suomeen liittymistä. Paikallinen väestö pysyi kuitenkin Kiannon pettymykseksi poliittisesti passiivisena eikä innostunut hänen puheistaan. Syksyllä retken jälkeen Kianto kirjoitti yleisesikunnalle moitekirjeen Vienan sodan moraalisesta ryhdittömyydestä ja retkikunnassa rehottaneista veneerisistä taudeista. Kianto kirjoitti nivusiaan raapien epäonnistuneesta retkestä matkakuvauksen Suomi suureksi – Viena vapaaksi (1918) ja kirjasen Vienan puolesta – Kauko-Karjalan ikivanhan moraalin säilyttämiseksi, kenttäpuheita (1919).
ellauri328.html on line 520: Marjorie Taylor Greene is the U.S. representative from Georgia's 14th district. A Republican, her 2020 win is her first elective office. A controversial figure in the Republican Party and a vocal supporter of former President Donald Trump, Greene was removed from all House committee roles in 2021 for incendiary statements she previously made. She has since been added to the House Homeless Security Committee. LOL HAHA
ellauri330.html on line 129: S. Albert Kivinen tutki ontologiaa, muun muassa universaalien ongelmaa. Hän asettui realistiselle kannalle ja kannatti ”onttista kommunismia”, jonka hän tiivisti sanoin: ”Maailmassa on monia yksilöitä. Näillä yksilöillä on erilaisia yhteisiä (ja erottavia) piirteitä.” Kivisen mukaan onttinen kommunismi on terveen järjen universaaliteoria, eikä sillä ole mitään tekemistä poliittisen kommunismin kanssa. Myös mielen ja ruumiin ongelma kiinnosti Kivistä. C. D. Broad oli Kivisen mielestä hänen lempifilosofinsa. Hänen mielisanansa oli haecceitas eli "tämyys". Hän poltti piippua ja asui Laivanvarastajankadulla. Hänen kotinsa oli sotkuinen ja haisi piipputupakalta. Hän päästi proseminaariesitelmäni läpi vaikka siinä oli ize piirrettyjä kuvia.
ellauri330.html on line 360: Punamustat aatoxet eivät olleet Forsmaneille vieraita, esimerkixi Herr Schmoller: Schmoller fügte 1900 seinem „Grundriß der Allgemeinen Volkswirtschaftslehre“ einen Abschnitt zu „Rassen und Völkern“ hinzu und beschrieb darin auf zwanzig Seiten mit angeblichen Erkenntnissen über diverse Persönlichkeitsmerkmale eine hierarchische Ordnung von „Rassen“, die er als eine Grundlage der Ökonomik darstellte. Tämän ilmitultua sakut lakkasivat jakamasta Schmoller-mitalia. Nazi-Ernst otti Rafun senttarixi Uuteen Suomeen.
ellauri330.html on line 376: I moget kloke, I översluge,
ellauri331.html on line 38: Die Gerüchte über mich und meinen Bruder sind verrückt. Wir sind nicht ****sexuell. Wenn wir das lesen, lachen Dinge im boulevardblätter ich und mein Bruder gerade. Vitali und ich experimentierten ein bisschen in unserem verstorbenen Teenageralter, aber das ist für junge Leute normal, in sexuellen Sachen neugierig zu sein. Wir versuchten es, und wir mochten es nicht, und es war ein langer vor langer Zeit. Gerade das zwei junge Mann-Erforschen und das Versuchen neuer Dinge. Mein Bruder und ich lieben Frauen, und wir sind völlig heterosexuell.
ellauri331.html on line 87: SMI2 isännöi säännöllisesti verkkokonferensseja kuuluisien poliitikkojen ja julkisuuden henkilöiden kanssa: Dmitri Rogozin, Boris Nemtsov, Anatoli Wasserman, Anton Nosik, Ilja Ponomarev, Stanislav Belkovsky ja Iranin Venäjän-suurlähettiläs Sajjadi Reza vierailivat sivustolla. Käännetty versio Seth Godinin blogista julkaistaan SMI2:ssa kirjoittajan suostumuksella. Pavel Vlasov-Mrdulyash, sosiaalisen uutisverkoston SMI2 johtaja ylpeänä esittää:
ellauri331.html on line 173: Hearst Shkulev Median digitaalisen median haara koostuu naisten Internet-portaalien verkostosta (Sites Elle.ru, WomansDay.ru, Starhit.ru, MarieClaire.ru, ElleGirl.ru, Parents.ru, Psychologies.ru), projektista MaximOnline. ru, mobiilisovellukset ja digitaaliset versiot. Naisille jotka eivät ymmärrä politiikasta enempää kuin lehmä uudesta sähköaidasta.
ellauri331.html on line 340: NEWSru toimi Moskovassa, mutta sen toimitustiimi ja sijainti pidettiin salassa. Verkostolla oli kaksi ulkomaista versiota: joulukuussa 2005 aloitettu verkkosivusto Israelissa ( newsru.co.il) ja ukrainalainen Kiovassa sijaitseva painos, joka lopetettiin maaliskuussa 2017. Päätoimittaja Olga Leni myönsi, että ukrainalaista julkaisua on tuettu koko 10 vuoden olemassaolonsa ajan, eikä sivusto ollut koskaan ollut omavarainen. Muut entiset työntekijät olivat samaa mieltä siitä, että sivusto suljettiin Ukraina-mielisten lausunnon vuoksi Donbasin konfliktista. Sivusto on myös harrastanut vaikuttamista Venäjän presidentinvaaleissa. Eli just sitä samaa kusetusta mistä ryssiä nyt syyttävät. Varmasti syystäkin. Pata soimaa kattilaa, musta kylki ojossa.
ellauri331.html on line 369: Novaya Gazeta.Europe -lehden ensimmäinen painettu numero ilmestyi 6. toukokuuta 2022 Latvian lehtikioskissa Riiassa ja verkossa osoitteessa novayagazeta.eu. Painetun version julkaisee Rīgas Viļņi Riiassa, Latviassa. Eli ei tämäkään kuulu enää tänne. Venäjän valtakunnansyyttäjä nimesi 28.6.2023 Novaya-Gazeta Europen ei-toivotuksi organisaatioksi, eikä ihmekään. Eikä ihme sekään että tää läpyskä on saanut sen 77 palkkntoa länkkäreiltä, rauhannoobelia myöden. Kommunitsheskij molodezh pyörii haudassaan.
ellauri331.html on line 398: Noah on entinen Rolling Stonen toimittaja ja kletzmer-muusikko joka on käynyt Hebrew Universityä Jerusalemissa. Daily Beastin petkutussivulla (cheat sheet) väitetään: Hamasin lokakuun 7. päivän hyökkäyksessä Israelissa kuolleiden amerikkalaisten määrä nousi tiistaina 33:een, Yhdysvaltain ulkoministeri Antony Blinken sanoi Yhdistyneiden Kansakuntien turvallisuusneuvoston kokouksessa Israelin ja Gazan konfliktista. "Jokainen siviilielämä on yhtä arvokasta", Blinken sanoi. "Siviileiden suojelemisessa ei ole hierarkiaa. Siviili on siviili on siviili riippumatta hänen kansallisuudestaan, etnisestä taustastaan, iästään, sukupuolestaan tai uskostaan. Eli nää 33 on peanuts verrattuna 5000 arabivainajaan." Hänen esiintymisensä YK:n eteen tulee Israelin valmistautuessa mahdolliseen maahyökkäykseen Gazaan ja Yhdysvaltain viranomaiset vaativat pidättymistä. "Palestiinalaiset siviilit eivät ole syyllisiä Hamasin verilöylyyn, mutta selänpesijöixi kyllä kelpaavat", Blinken sanoi.
ellauri331.html on line 442: Proekt on erikoistunut tutkivaan journalismiin. Median verkkosivuilla julkaistaan tekstiversiot tutkimuksista, YouTube-kanavalle media lataa lyhytdokumentteja ja podcasteja. Proekt julkaisee materiaalia myös Telegramiin, VKontakteen, Instagramiin, Yandex.Zeniin, Twitteriin (X) ja Facebookiin. Proekt on olemassa lukijoidensa ja sponsoreidensa lahjoitusten kustannuksella.
ellauri331.html on line 524: Roskomnadzor lisäsi 18. elokuuta 2015 venäjänkielisen Wikipedian artikkelin charoista ( Чарас (наркотическое вещество) (venäjäksi) ) mustalle listalle, koska se sisältää huumepropagandaa. Artikkeli kirjoitettiin sitten tyhjästä uudelleen YK:n materiaaleja ja oppikirjoja käyttäen, mutta 24. elokuuta se sisällytettiin Venäjän Internet-palveluntarjoajille lähetettyjen kiellettyjen materiaalien luetteloon. Koska Wikipedia käyttää HTTPS- protokollaa liikenteen salaamiseen, käytännössä kaikki sivustot kaikilla Wikipedian kieliversioilla [ kyseenalainen – keskustelu ] estettiin Venäjällä elokuun 25. päivän yönä. [ lisää kannabista tarvitaan ]
ellauri331.html on line 678: Samat iänikuiset lännen taskussa kuhissevat akateemikot ja toimittajat kuvailevat Sputnikia usein Venäjän propagandakanavaksi. Vuonna 2016 New York Timesin Neil MacFarquhar kirjoitti: "Asiantuntijat sanoivat, että dezinformatsian eli venäläisen disinformaation perustarkoituksena on heikentää tapahtumien virallista versiota – jopa ajatusta siitä, että tapahtumista on olemassa todellinen versio. - ja edistää eräänlaista politiikan halvaantumista." Venäjän hallitus kiistää jyrkästi tällaisten väitteiden paikkansapitävyyden. Ne ovat vain halpaa länsipropagandaa.
ellauri331.html on line 682: Sputnik kiellettiin Euroopan unionissa helmikuussa 2022 (yhdessä RT:n kanssa ) Venäjän hyökkäyksen jälkeen Ukrainaan. Teknologiayritykset ja sosiaalisen median palvelut vastasivat hyökkäykseen poistamalla Sputnikin alustoiltaan, kun taas monet versiot, kuten ranskalaiset, saksalaiset ja kreikkalaiset, ovat lopettaneet toimintansa.
ellauri332.html on line 87: ”Aika moniselitteisesti Saarinen selittää sitä, ettei työssä ole käytännössä sisällysluetteloa eikä lähdeapparaattia eikä oikeastaan tieteellistä sisältöäkään.” Väitöskirjan esitarkastajat ovat dosentti ja emeritusprofessori, jotka ovat seuranneet tästä yli 20 versiota. – Sekä yliopiston kustoksen (Kaarina Määttä) että Saarisen mielestä kaikki meni hienosti. Törhönen myös toteaa ymmärtäneensä, ettei Esa Saarisen kaltaista henkilöä olisi saatu vastaväittelijäksi (sic), jos ”asialla ei olisi julkkis merkitystä”. Törhösen kihlattu Janika Holm työskentelee teatterialalla rekvisiitan puolella. Yleisradio on haastatellut noin 20 naista, jotka kertovat elokuvaohjaaja ja elokuvakerronnan professori Lauri Törhösen häirinneen heitä neljännesvuosisadan ajan seksuaalisesti. Häirinnästä tuli sukupolvikokemus. Hän valmistui itse koulusta vuonna 1976 ja on nyt 70-vuotias ja eläkkeellä. Ylen haastattelemat naiset kertovat seksin ja kerran myös ryhmäseksin ehdottelusta ja tauottomasta ulkonäön kommentoimisesta.
ellauri332.html on line 148: Päivä ei tunnu menevän ohi ilman uutta teini-elokuvaa, joka on täynnä Gen-Z-tähtiä, joka putoaa Netflixiin. "He's All That", melko huomaamaton uusintaversio 90-luvun klassikosta "Hiän on kaikkea sitä", kriitikot ihastivat TikTok-tähti Addison Raen hirvittävän näyttelijäkyvyn vuoksi. Elokuvan pääkiista kohdistui kuitenkin sen oksentamisen arvoiseen tuotesijoitteluun. Nykyään tuotesijoittelu elokuvissa ja televisiossa on valitettavasti normaalia, mutta se on yleensä melko hienovaraista. "He's All That's" -tuotesijoittelu oli niin selkeää ja silmiinpistävää, että edes Addison Raen uskollinen TikTok-seuraaja ei voinut hillitä sitä.
ellauri332.html on line 189: Videopelien elokuvaversioilla on melko karkea historia, paljon karkeampi kuin sarjakuvien. Kummallinen valinta tehdä "Prince of Persia" -sarjasta ison budjetin Hollywood-leffa tuli Jake Gyllenhaalin [n.h.] nimihenkilönä. He antoivat hänelle kaikki mahdolliset pitkät hiukset ja karkea parta, mutta Donnie Darkosta [n.h.] ei vain ole niin helppoa tehdä Lähi-idän prinssi. Sitäpaizi Persia ei ole Lähi-Idässä. Näemme yhä enemmän esimerkkejä mahdollisuuksista valita sopiva näyttelijä, jonka Hollywood hukkaa ja joka haluaa suurimman nimen liitettäväksi projektiinsa. Vaikka olemme varmoja, että Jake ja elokuvantekijät olivat pettyneitä kritiikkiin, Taylor Swift [n.h.]-fanit ovat varmasti nauttineet siitä!
ellauri332.html on line 238: Monet halusivat roolin uudelleenversion, ja tämän huonon lehdistön ansiosta – ja meidän on oletettava, että elokuva ei ollut kovin hyvä – elokuvasta tuli sekä kaupallinen että kriittinen floppi. Mixi se piti edes mainita?
ellauri332.html on line 258: Sean Connery ja Uma Thurman vainajat näyttelevät tätä pitkään jatkuneen brittiläisen vakoojasarjan uusintaversiota, joka perustuu Marvelin sarjakuviin. Molempien nimi on "The Avengers". Yksi oli eeppinen; toista on kutsuttu kaikkien aikojen huonoimmaksi elokuvaksi.
ellauri332.html on line 357: Klassisen lastenpiirretyn uudelleentekeminen on täysin älytön suoritus. Vaikka elokuvakriitikot ottivatkin melko hyvin vastaan vuoden 2016 "Ghostbusters" -elokuvan täysin naispuolisen remake-version, uudelleenkäynnistyksen "haamuilivat" yleisö. Se ei vain vastannut brändiä.
ellauri332.html on line 405: Mixi jenkkikahvat nauroivat pää punaisena filkkaversiolle Hawthornen Scarlet Letteristä? Kazotaanpa Rotten Tomaateista! Mielipiteitä? Mitä kriitikot sanovat?
ellauri332.html on line 434: Täh? Buahaha! Gotcha! Ruodittavana onkin jonkun Joffen 1995 "romanttinen" Hollywood versio Hawthornen sepustuxesta! Eikä Wimin onneton 1973 pläjäys. Sitä ei varmaan jenkeissä edes näytetty. LOL!
ellauri332.html on line 440: Nosiis, mitäväliä. Urheasti eteenpäin Wimin versioon.
ellauri332.html on line 444: Liebe und Stolz lassen die mutige Mutter bereits sieben Jahre durchhalten. Als ihr seit Jahren verschollene Ehemann Roger Chillingworth (Hans Christian Blech) auftaucht und herausfindet, dass Pastor Dimmesdale (Ángel Álvarez) das Kind gezeugt hat, wendet sich auch ihr Schicksal. Chillingworth verhindert die Flucht des Geistlichen, als dieser auf einem Schiff nach England zu fliehen versucht.
ellauri332.html on line 642: Jopa Darth Vaderin ilkeässä hahmossa on joitain juutalaisia elementtejä. Hänen nimensä, Vader, on samanlainen kuin jiddishin sana "fader", joka tarkoittaa "isää". Lisäksi ajatus tuhlaajapojasta, joka kääntyy pois isästään ja muuttuu hirviöksi, on yleinen motiivi juutalaisessa kansanperinnössä. Vain kristityillä on se lälly versio, missä prodigal sonille teurastetaan ilmaisexi kariza.
ellauri332.html on line 654:
Kaunotar ja hirviö (apinaversio)
ellauri332.html on line 656: Kuka olisi voinut ennustaa, että Disneyn "Beauty and the Breast" -elokuvan apinaversiota vastaan tulee boikotti? Ohjaaja Bill Condom otti harppauksen ja käytti taiteellisia vapauksiaan sisällyttääkseen kaikkien aikojen ensimmäisen homohahmon Disney-elokuvaan. Vaikka tähän siirtoon vedettiin herne nenään laajalti, monet olivat tyytymättömiä. Niin paljon, että se sai jotkin maat kieltämään elokuvan ja jopa boikotoivat muutamissa Yhdysvaltojen osavaltioissa. Myös venäläiset sensuroivat Condomin Le Foun ja Stanleyn hetken homostelun. Critics regarded the film as inferior to its 1991 animated predecessor.
ellauri332.html on line 658: Beauty and the Beast on vuoden 2017 amerikkalainen musikaalinen romanttinen fantasiaelokuva, jonka on ohjannut Bill Condom ja tuottanut nippu juutalaisia, käsikirjoituksesta "vastaa" Stephen Chbosky ja Evan Spiliotopoulos. Walt Disney Picturesin ja Mandeville Filmsin tuottama tämä elokuva on live-action/CGI-remake Disneyn vuoden 1991 samannimisestä animaatioelokuvasta, joka on itse sovitus Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumontin vuoden 1756 sadusta. Pääosissa heiluu brittejä, Happy Rotterista tuttu laajaozainen nörtti Emma Watson ja joku Downton Abbeysta [n.s.] esiin ponnahtanut Dan Stevens. With an estimated budget of around $255 million, it is one of the most expensive films ever made. Disneyn live-action-remake-versioista elokuva on toiseksi eniten tuottanut uudelleenlämmitys tähän mennessä. Ykkösenä heiluu vielä narsistisempi Leijonakuningas. Elokuva päättyy siihen, että Belle ja ex-hirviö isännöivät juhlaa valtakunnan puolesta.
ellauri333.html on line 49: Väärin väärin itäintiaanit! Kalat eivät pane vaan ne kutevat. The kala pani (lit. black water) taboo represents the proscription of traveling overseas in Hinduism. According to this prohibition, crossing the seas to foreign lands causes the loss of one's social respectability, as well as the putrefaction of one’s cultural character and posterity. Merelle ei parane mennä siellä kalat panevat ja skorbioonit pistää sammakoita lääkepiikillä. I am levitating now, mukeltavat mutakuono itäintiaanit tämännimisessä pimeässä Clickflix kauhusarjassa, saastunutta vettä juovat, nikottelevat ja verta sylkevät.
ellauri333.html on line 73: According to another belief in the pre-modern India, the Kala Pani (sea water) was inhabited by the mowglis, bad spirits and monsters. However, not all Hindus adhered to the proscription, so as to gain monetary wealth. For instance, Hindu merchants were present in Burma, Muscat, and other places around Asia and Africa. The East India Company recruited several upper-case soldiers, and adapted its military practices to the requirements of their religious rituals. Consequently, the overseas service, considered polluting to their caste, was not required of them. The General Service Enlistment Act of 1856 required the new recruits to serve overseas if asked. The serving high-caste sepoys were fearful that this requirement would be eventually extended to them.[12] Thus, the Hindu soldiers viewed the Act as a potential threat to their faith. The resulting discontent was one of the causes of the Indian rebellion of 1857. The Cellular Jail was known as Kala Pani, as the overseas journey to the Andaman islands threatened the convicts with the loss of caste, resulting in social exclusion.
ellauri333.html on line 98: Seleucus multa in Oriente post divisionem inter socios regni Macedonici bella gessit. Principio Babyloniam cepit; inde auctis ex victoria viribus Bactrianos expugnavit. Transitum deinde in Indiam fecit, quae post mortem Alexandra, veluti a cervicibus iugo servitutis excusso, praefectos eius occiderat. Auctor libertatis Sandrocottus fuerat, sed titulum libertatis post victoriam in servitutem verterat ; siquidem occupato regno populum, quem ab externa dominatione vindicaverat, ipse servitio premebat. Fuit de humili quidem genere natus, sed ad regni potestatem maiestate numinis inpulsus. Quippe cum procacitate sua Nandrum regem offendisset, interfici a rege iussus salutem pedum celeritate quaesierat Ex qua fatigatione cum somno captus iaceret, leo ingentis formae ad dormientem accessit sudoremque profluentem lingua ei detersit expergefactumque blande reliquit. Hoc prodigio primum ad spem regni inpulsus contractis latronibus Indos ad novitatem regni sollicitavit. Molienti deinde bellum adversus praefectos Alexandri elephantus ferus infinitae magnitudinis ultra se obtulit et veluti domita mansuetudine eum tergo excepit duxque belli et proeliator insignis fuit. Sic adquisito regno Sandrocottus ea tempestate, qua Seleucus futurae magnitudinis fundamenta iaciebat, Indiam possidebat, cum quo facta pactione Seleucus conpositisque in Oriente rebus in bellum Antigoni descendit.
ellauri333.html on line 119: Patna (/ˈpætnə, ˈpʌt-/ Hindi: [ˈpəʈnaː] ⓘ), historically known as Pataliputra, is the capital and largest city of the state of Bihar in India. According to the United Nations, as of 2018, Patna had a population of 2.35 million, making it the 19th largest city in India. Covering 250 square kilometres (97 sq mi) and over 2.5 million people, its urban agglomeration is the 18th largest in India. Patna also serves as the seat of Patna High Court. The Buddhist, Hindu and Jain pilgrimage centres of Vaishali, Rajgir, Nalanda, Bodh Gaya and Pawapuri are nearby and Patna City is a sacred city for Sikhs as the tenth Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh was born here. The modern city of Patna is mainly on the southern bank of the river Ganges. The city also straddles the rivers Sone, Gandak and Punpun. The city is approximately 35 kilometres (22 mi) in length and 16 to 18 kilometres (9.9 to 11.2 mi) wide.
ellauri333.html on line 238: The earliest mention of a divine monkey, interpreted by some scholars as the proto-Hanuman, is in hymn 10.86 of the Rigveda, dated to between 1500 and 1200 BCE. The twenty-three verses of the hymn are a metaphorical and riddle-filled legend. It is presented as a dialogue between multiple characters: the god Indra, his wife Indrani and an energetic monkey it refers to as Virzakapi and his wife Kapi. Ngapa kapi kuyu. The hymn opens with Indrani complaining to Indra that some of the soma offerings for Indra have been allocated to the energetic and strong monkey, and the people are forgetting Indra. The king of the gods, Indra, responds by telling his wife that the living being (monkey) that bothers her is to be seen as a friend, and that they should make an effort to coexist peacefully. The hymn closes with all agreeing that they should come together in Indra's house and share the wealth of the offerings.
ellauri334.html on line 108: Nathan Drakena nähtävä Tom Holland esittää ikänsä puolesta nuorempaa versiota ikonisesta aarteenmetsästäjästä tai näkökulmasta riippuen varkaasta. Jenkkilänkkärit mielipuuhassa approprioimassa kamaa mutakuonoilta. Heidän onnekseen Sophia Alin esittämä Chloe Frazer on pippurinen ja viihdyttävä kolmas pyörä näiden keskuudessa, vaikka onkin tyttö. Tyttö on kuin paprikaa se polttaa kiihdyttää.
ellauri334.html on line 296: Bob Culp. MBA from Southern Wesleyan University (Graduated 2008): ellauri334.html on line 302: Will DeFerrieres. Studied at University of North Carolina at Charlotte (Graduated 1992) ellauri334.html on line 307: “Judas” is simply a Greek version of “Judah” or “Yehuda”. Judah was the largest tribe of Israel and calling a Jewish man by the name of Judah or Judas was common in Israel. How many Greek Men would be name… (more)
ellauri334.html on line 341: Most Jewish people do not think about Jesus of Judas or other New Testament figures. In fact they pretty much have completely ignored them for the two thousand years since the New Testament was written. If you ask them about Judas they would say some version of “no opinion.”
ellauri335.html on line 242: Vuonna 2011 LMFAO toi tanssin uudelleen muotiin kappaleellaan Party Rock Anthem, jonka musiikkivideossa tanssikoreografia perustuu muokattuun Melbourne Shuffleen. Useiden Melbourne shufflen sekä Hardstyle shufflen harrastajista kuitenkin pitävät LMFAO:n versiota shufflesta halpana sekä typerän näköisenä tanssina eikä edes yhdistä melbourne shufflea sekä LMFAO shufflea toisiinsa, vaan pitävät niitä kahtena aivan erilaisena tanssilajina. Niinkuin iso- ja vähävenäläiset ovat kaxi aivan eri kansaa.
ellauri336.html on line 305: The parts of the body that are considered ervah (private because they are potentially sexually-attractive) are alluded to in Shir HaShirim (Song of Songs). This includes the hair as perverse 4:1, “You are beautiful, my love, you are beautiful. Your eyes are like doves, your hair inside your kerchief is like a flock of goats that stream down from Mount Gilead” (Brachos 24a). Of course, the details of different types of ervah differ. For example, a woman’s singing voice is considered private in halacha but not her speaking voice. Similarly, uncovered hair is considered private for a married woman but not for a single woman. (It’s also not retroactive; married women don’t have to hide photos of themselves from before they were married.)
ellauri336.html on line 314: There are other examples I could cite but the point is clear: our Sages universally agree that a married woman covering her hair is part of the laws of tzniyus. But shaving hair off? That’s a practice observed in a few particular communities; it’s not a sweeping societal norm among Orthodox Jews in general.
ellauri336.html on line 642: A report last May by the Environmental Integrity Project, a not-for-profit group, cited a lack of air quality monitoring in west Texas, with only one station to track sulphur dioxide levels, and limited regulatory oversight which relies on companies to self-report unauthorised emissions.
ellauri336.html on line 656: Will Texas have a political shift that might empower Democrats at some stage who might be more willing to think about restraining the growth of the oil sector, if not reversing it?” said Joshua Busby, an associate professor of public affairs at the University of Texas at Austin and senior research fellow at the Center for Climate and Security. NOPE.
ellauri336.html on line 661: The new measure punishing protesters, he said, underlines the political priorities in Texas: “For them to passa law like that gives you an indication of what they think about the oil industry versus the rights and the health of (other) human beings.” Fuck the health of human beings!
ellauri338.html on line 40: Deutschlandlied. Deutsche Frauen, deutsche Treue. Chaim Heines Originalversion ellauri338.html on line 99: Tel Danin säilönnyt kirjoitus kertoo, että eräs henkilö ('Ankka') tappoi Israelin Jooramin, Ahabin pojan ja Daavidin suvun kuninkaan. Nämä kirjoitukset tukevat kohtia heprealaisesta Raamatusta, sillä Toisessa Kuninkaiden kirjassa mainitaan, että Joram on israelilaisen kuninkaan Ahabin poika, jonka on kirjoittanut hänen foinikialainen vaimonsa Isebel. Stele on tällä hetkellä esillä Israelin museossa, ja se tunnetaan nimellä JOO KAI 310. Sen merkitys Israelin menneisyyden raamatulliselle versiolle on erityisesti riveillä 8 ja 9, joissa mainitaan "Israelin kuningas" ja mahdollisesti "Daavidin huone". Suurin osa tutkijoista hyväksyy jälkimmäisen lukeman, mutta eivät kaikki.
ellauri338.html on line 197: Ranskalainen kanafileestä valmistettu ruokalaji, johon jauheliha kääritään, sitten kääritään korppujauhoissa ja paistetaan kuin kotletti, kutsutaan nimellä cotelette de volaille (kirjaimellisesti "kana (kana) filee"). 1800-luvun lopun ranskalaisten kokkien ansiosta tämä ruokalaji pääsi Venäjän valtakuntaan (jonka hallinnassa Kiova tuolloin oli). Ajan myötä paikalliset ravintoloitsijat alkoivat luoda erilaisia versioita lainatun reseptin perusteella.
ellauri338.html on line 198: Kiovan versiossa jauheliha korvattiin voilla, jossa oli yrttejä. Tämä yksinkertaisti reseptiä ja lisäsi samalla sen suosiota.
ellauri338.html on line 235: Kustantajan "Polifact" johtaja Boris Pasternak löysi Callerin ikäisen Pokhlebkinin ruumiin asunnostaan 13. huhtikuuta 2000 Jönsin 49-vuotissynttärinä sen jälkeen, kun Pokhlebkin ei saapunut sovittuna päivänä (toisen version mukaan ruumis löydettiin, kun Pokhlebkinin naapurit porrashuoneessa hälytettiin epämiellyttävä haju). Oikeuslääketieteellisen tutkimuksen päätelmien mukaan kuolema johtui yhdestätoista ruuvimeisselin kaltaisen esineen aiheuttamasta haavasta. Lisäksi, vaikka Pokhlebkin ei juonut, hänen sisuxistaan löydettiin sammioittain vodkaa. Moskovan sisäasiainministeriön mukaan "selviä merkkejä murtamisesta tai ryöstöstä ei havaittu". Huhtikuun 13. päivänä 2000 aloitettiin tapaus ruumiin löydöstä, mutta tutkinta keskeytettiin lopulta 22. lokakuuta 2001, koska "syytteen alaista henkilöä ei tunnistettu syytetyksi". Hänet haudattiin 15. huhtikuuta 2000 Golovinskyn hautausmaalle.
ellauri338.html on line 237: Murhasta ei ole yleisesti hyväksyttyä versiota. Versioiden joukossa: murhaan johtava ryöstö; kompastuminen ruuvimeisseliin; vodkaa valmistavien maiden tiedustelupalvelujen osallistuminen; kiinalaiset teefanaatikot, Georgian nationalistien kosto Stalinista kertovasta kirjasta "Suuri pseudonyymi" ja muita. Suuri pseudonyymi oli William izekin.
ellauri339.html on line 519: Hänet vapautettiin vankeudesta 17. kesäkuuta 2022, minkä Ukrainan presidentti Vladimir Zelenski ilmoitti henkilökohtaisesti päivittäisessä iltapuheessaan. Useat tiedotusvälineet väittivät, että tämän julkaisun taustalla voi olla Tyran epävirallinen vaihto tšetšeenialkuperää olevaan Ukrainan kansalaiseen Adam Saidoviin (Gritsenko), rikospomo Murad Saidovin poikaan. Tämän version esittänyt Venäjän ensimmäisen kanavan sotakirjeenvaihtaja Irina Kuksenkova raportoi Tšetšenian tiedotusministerin Akhmed Dudajevin myöhemmästä puhelusta, joka kiisti Tšetšenian pysyvän edustajan Krimillä Isa Hatšukajevin ja Murad Saidovin osallisuuden. vaihdossa ja syytti häntä provokaatioista ja koko Tšetšenian auktoriteetin heikentämisestä.
ellauri339.html on line 608: in the field and reach deep into its vast territory to find ever more conscripts to wait out the enemy. It didn’t hurt that Russia’s capability versus NATO equipment was surprisingly good, or perhaps the Ukrainians’ handling of sophisticated Western arms was surprisingly bad.
ellauri340.html on line 37: Näiden muutosten jälkeen julkaisijat alkoivat jälleen esitellä supersankaritarinoita (joka oli parempi kuin rikos ja kauhu), muutos, joka alkoi DC Comicsin The Flash in Showcase #4:n (lokakuu 1956) uuden version esittelystä.
ellauri340.html on line 154: 1988: Vapaus . Philadelphia: Open University Press.ISBN 0-335-15592-8
ellauri340.html on line 391: Seksuaalinen perversio tai siihen viittaaminen on ehdottomasti kielletty.
ellauri340.html on line 473: Hänen teoksissaan hallitseva teema on tavallisen kielen, arkitodellisuuden ja rationaalisen järjestyksen vaimentavat vaikutukset ja taustalla oleva irrationaalisuus. Handke oli Grazer Gruppen (kirjailijoiden yhdistys) ja Grazer Autonrengasversammlungin jäsen ja oli mukana perustamassa Verlag der Talvirenkaat -kustantamoa Frankfurtissa. Hän teki yhteistyötä ohjaaja Wim Wendersin kanssa ja kirjoitti käsikirjoituksia kuten The Wrong Move ja Wings of Desire.
ellauri340.html on line 539: Kun sota kiihtyi 90-luvun alussa, tällä arch-solipsistilla oli vähän mahdollisuuksia toimia välittäjänä. Mutta hän kuitenkin kirjoitti siitä. Vuonna 1995 hän matkusti Serbiaan matkalla, joka kerrottiin A Journey to the Rivers -kirjassa (alaotsikkona "Justice for Serbia"), kirjassa, joka alun perin kirjoitettiin artikkelisarjana Süddeutsche Zeitung -sanomalehteen. Matkakertomus ei poikennut niinkään Handken jo omaksumista menetelmistä, joten kirjailija matkustaa ympäri Serbiaa, näkee, mitä hän haluaa nähdä, eikä näkemättä mitä ei, antautuen "alkumaailman, joka ilmestyi tuntematon sivilisaatio." Reaktio kirjaan oli välitön ja intensiivinen – kriitikot ja kirjailijat arvostelivat sitä jyrkästi. Kirjaan sisältyi vastaus hänen kriitikoilleen, joka otti tehtäväkseen hänen mielestään länsimaisessa mediassa Serbian vastaisena ennakkoasenteena: "Mitä tietää, kun ylivoimainen verkkoverkosto tuottaa vain tietoa, ei sitä tietoa, jota voi tulla. olla vain oppimisen, havainnoinnin ja oppimisen kautta?"
ellauri340.html on line 543: Matkan jokiin jälkeen Handke meni vielä pidemmälle. Vaikka hän vahvisti vuonna 2006, että Srebrenican verilöyly, jolloin Bosnian serbijoukot tappoivat yli 8 000 Bosnian muslimimiestä ja -poikaa, oli rikos ihmisyyttä vastaan, hän ei käyttänyt sanaa "kansanmurha" kuvaamaan tapahtumaa. (Hän jatkoi sanan käyttämistä lausunnossaan vuosia myöhemmin.) Miloševićin hautajaisissa Handke sanoi, ettei hän ollut tietänyt Serbian rikoksista, ja totesi: "En tiedä totuutta. Mutta minä katson. Kuulen. Tunnen. Minä muistan. Minä kysyn." Tietenkin näiden toimien kohde on tyylikkäästi jätetty pois, viimeinen perversio Handken myöhäismodernistisesta rakkaudesta moniselitteisyyteen. Kirjallinen monimutkaisuus muuttui epäilyksen kylvämiseksi sotarikosten ylivoimaisten todisteiden edessä.
ellauri340.html on line 598: P.S. Tämän artikkelin aikaisemmassa versiossa JS Marcuksen (n.h.) nimi kirjoitettiin väärin ja Peter Handken passin kansallisuus tunnistettiin väärin.
ellauri340.html on line 639: Baudrillard sentään honasi, että vaikka aito usko historian yleismaailmalliseen päätepisteeseen, jossa kaikki konfliktit löytäisivät ratkaisunsa, on osoittautunut lööperixi, universaalisuus oli edelleen käsite, jota käytettiin maailmanpolitiikassa tekosyynä. Yleismaailmallisia arvoja, joita hänen mukaansa kukaan ei enää usko universaaliksi, käytetään edelleen retorisesti oikeuttamaan muuten perusteettomia valintoja. Keinot, hän kirjoitti, ovat olemassa, vaikka päämääriin ei enää uskota, ja niitä käytetään piilottamaan nykyajan ankara todellisuus (tai, kuten hän olisi ilmaissut, vaihtoehtoinen totuus).
ellauri340.html on line 679: Marraskuun viimeisenä maanantaiaamuna maha kipeänä kasvislasagnasta jotain palaili mieleen ysärin huonoimmista hetkistä ja ikävimmistä apinakolleegoista apinalinnan kallioilta eli verstaalta. Kusipäitä wannabe silverbäkkejä kuten Kimmo Koskenniemi, Fresd Karlsson, kiilusilmäisiä maanikkoja Kristiina Jokinen, Graham Wilcock, se 1 saxan keskusteluntutkija josta siitäkin tuli joku käännöstieteilijä, nimeä ei löydy, boxerimainen Inkeri Vehmas-Lehto, akribian ystävä Pirjo Kukkonen, se hullumpi Pirkko Kukkonen, mielikirjailijani Hilja Haahti, A-luokan mersulla ylvästellyt pieni paxu kielitieteen lehtori, näitä piisaa meitä keskinkertaisuuxia.
ellauri341.html on line 154: Zugleich fällt in einem Interview, das Richard L. Rubenstein 1961 mit Grüber führte, auf, dass dieser weiterhin den Antisemitismus auch als Reaktion auf Verhalten von Jüdinnen und Juden verstand. Der Kampf gegen den Antisemitismus sei nach Grüber dadurch erschwert, dass Juden und Jüdinnen bereits wieder starken Einfluss in Banken und der Presse hätten und Bordelle und Nachtclubs betrieben.
ellauri341.html on line 171: Während dieser Zeit ermordete seine Einheit rund 14.000 Juden, und Becher wurde immer weiter befördert, zuerst zum 1. Ordonnanzoffizier seiner Einheit, dann zum SS-Obersturmführer. Mitte März 1942 wurde Becher als SS-Hauptsturmführer in das SS-Führungshauptamt versetzt. Dort übernahm er die Inspektion des Reit- und Fahrwesens der SS. Nach zwei weiteren Einsätzen an der Ostfront wurde ihm 1944 das Deutsche Kreuz in Gold verliehen. Er wurde bald SS-Sturmbannführer und schließlich am 30. Januar 1944 SS-Obersturmbannführer.
ellauri341.html on line 181: Im Mai 1945 wurde Kurt Becher durch die amerikanischen Militärbehörden in Nürnberg inhaftiert. Zwar wurde er bei den Nürnberger Prozessen als Zeuge vernommen, aber nicht persönlich angeklagt. Der Anklage entging Becher damals in erster Linie durch die Aussage Kasztners, seines Verhandlungspartners aus der Zeit in Budapest. Becher blieb in Deutschland von jeder weiteren Anklage verschont, sagte aber im Eichmann-Prozess vor dem Bremer Amtsgericht aus. Becher weigerte sich nach Israel zu kommen, da er fürchten musste, dort selbst als Kriegsverbrecher verhaftet zu werden.
ellauri341.html on line 185: In revisionistischen Kreisen wird Becher oft als Zeuge genannt, wenn es um die Relativierung von Opferzahlen in den Konzentrationslagern ging. Andererseits war er einer der wenigen, die von Himmlers Versuchen wussten, mit den Alliierten ins Gespräch zu kommen und so einen Sonderfrieden abzuschließen. Bis zum Ende seines Lebens war Becher daher auch immer Ziel diverser Spekulationen. Er wohnte zuletzt in Bremen in der Blumenthalstraße und starb 1995 im Alter von 86 Jahren als reicher Mann, ohne je für seine Taten vor Gericht gestanden zu haben.
ellauri341.html on line 191: Leon Urixen Exodusta pitäisi selata, se on aivan vimmattua siionistipropagandaa. Khalidin Arab Exodus ei löytänyt kustantajaa. Perinnöllisyyden vääjäämättömästä logiikasta seuraa, että kukin versio pyrkii edistämään oman uuden ja muuntuneen muotonsa asiaa. (Ch. Darwin, op.cit.)
ellauri341.html on line 330: Das änderte sich mit der zunehmend bedrohlichen Lage der Juden in Deutschland. Man entwickelte einen Vorschlag des Leiters der politischen Abteilung der Jewish Agency for Palestine Chaim Arlosoroff an den deutschen Generalkonsul in Jerusalem Heinrich Wolff vom April 1933 weiter. Das war inzwischen von Pinchas Ruthenberg, dem Gründer der Palestine Electric Company, weiterentwickelt worden und wurde im Juli 1933 von Werner Senator der zionistischen Exekutive in London vertraulich mitgeteilt. Vermögen von Juden in Deutschland sollte durch eine Treuhandgesellschaft aufgelöst werden und über eine Liquiditätsbank, die von Aktionären außerhalb Deutschlands gegründet werden sollte, nach Palästina transferiert werden. Der Treuhandfonds zahlte in die Bank ein, die wiederum Schuldverschreibungen an Juden im Ausland ausgab, die dafür ausländische Devisen erhielten. Die deutsche Regierung sollte eine Transfergarantie für Zinsen und Tilgungen der Schuldverschreibungen übernehmen. Als Ausgleich sollte die Bank aus dem zurückgelassenen Vermögen der Auswanderer finanzierte deutsche Exporte in die neuen Heimatländer der jüdischen Auswanderer unterstützen.
ellauri341.html on line 340: Das Haʿavara-Abkommen ermöglichte den Betroffenen, einen Teil ihres Vermögens nach Palästina zu transferieren, während ein bestimmter Prozentsatz des zu übertragenden Vermögens als Reichsfluchtsteuer vom deutschen Fiskus einbehalten wurde. Anfangs betrug dieser Steuersatz 25 %; er wurde im Zuge der verstärkten staatlich gelenkten Abpressung des Vermögens von Juden sukzessive erhöht. Verglichen mit anderen Exilländern erhob der deutsche Fiskus auf Transfers nach Palästina einen geringeren Satz der Reichsfluchtsteuer. Anders gesagt, deutschen Flüchtlingen auf dem Weg nach Palästina knöpfte der Fiskus beim Versuch, zumindest Teile ihres Vermögen mitzuretten, weniger Reichsfluchtsteuer ab als ihresgleichen bei der Flucht in andere Exilländer. Jüdische deutsche Auswanderer zahlten in Reichsmark eine Summe auf ein deutsches Konto des Transfer Office ein und beglichen parallel den darauf anfallenden Betrag an Reichsfluchtsteuer auf ein Konto des Fiskus.
ellauri341.html on line 459: Georg Neithardt (* 31. Januar 1871 in Nürnberg; † 1. November 1941 in Rottach-Egern) war Richter am Bayerischen Volksgericht. Unter anderem leitete er den infolge des Hitler-Ludendorff-Putsches eröffneten Hochverratsprozess gegen Adolf Hitler und seine Mitverschwörer im Frühjahr 1924 (siehe Hitler-Prozess). Neithardt sympathisierte mit den Putschisten, die die Demokratie in Deutschland beseitigen wollten. Auch deshalb wurden sie nur zu äußerst milden Strafen verurteilt.
ellauri341.html on line 478: Callen lapsuuden leikkikaveri Max Jakobson kiteyttää näkemyksensä muotoon, että Eichmann oli ”kansanmurhan kansliapäällikkö”. Jakobsonille oli järkytys todeta, ettei Eichmann ollutkaan mikään perverssi sadisti, vaan väritön virkamies, joka oli vain tunnollisesti suorittanut esimiehiltään saamansa tehtävän. Että sellaisiakin on.
ellauri341.html on line 485: Jakobson oli luotettava ja taitava työntekijä, joten Kekkonen käytti ahkerasti hänen palveluksiaan. Jakobsonin näkemykset eivät aina miellyttäneet itänaapuria. Tamminiemen pesänjakajat -kirja luonnehtikin häntä Suomen porvariston Susloviksi, viittauksena Neuvostoliiton pääideologiin Mihail Susloviin. Jakobson kuului ulkoministeriössä "everstijunttaan" eli "tohtorikoplaan". Hän on itse kertonut, että länsimieliseksi syytetyn ryhmän tavoitteena oli yksinkertaisesti estää Suomen ajautuminen liiaksi itään puolueettomuuslinjalta. Viittaus eversteihin ja tohtoreihin ei Jakobsoniin sovellu. Hän ei ollut koulutukseltaan sotilas eikä liioin tohtori. Peruskoulutukseltaan hän oli ylioppilas. 1970-luvun puolivälissä Jakobson siirtyi Elinkeinoelämän valtuuskunnan toimitusjohtajaksi. Eläkkeelle hän jäi 1984.
ellauri341.html on line 502: Tiennäyttäjä löytyi Kef Biristä, Endoria kiertävästä merikuusta, mutta sen tuhouduttua Reyn ja Kylon välisessä valosapelitaistelussa ja Reyn lähdettyä yksin pois, Poe, Finn, Chewbacca, BB-8 ja C-3PO palaavat mukanaan Ochin alukselta löytynyt droidi D-O sekä Kef Birillä tapaamansa Jannah ja tämän heimo Vastarinnan tukikohtaan viidakkokuu Ajan Klossille, missä heille paljastuu, että Leia oli kuollut kutsuessaan poikaansa Voiman kautta saadakseen tämän palaamaan valoisalle puolelle. Poe ylennettiin Vastarinnan virkaa tekeväksi kenraaliksi, mutta ei tuntenut olevansa valmis johtamaan koko Vastarintaa. Lando rohkaisee häntä kertomalla, etteivät Leia, Luke ja Han olleet itsekään täysin valmistautuneita omiin taisteluihinsa ja että heillä oli silloin ainakin toisensa. Poe ylentää Finnin ("suomalaisen!") Vastarinnan toiseksi kenraaliksi ja saatuaan D-O:n kertomana sekä Ahch-Tolta lähteneen Reyn ohjaaman Luken vanhan X-siipihävittäjän signaalin kautta Exegolin sijainnin selville ja miten sitä ympäröivän punaisen kaasun sekä planeetan kaoottisen ilmakehän läpi pääsee, he johtavat Vastarinnan laivaston hyökkäykseen sinne tuhoamaan Ensimmäisen ritarikunnan ja Palpatinen sith-laivaston yhdistymisestä syntyneen Viimeisen ritarikunnan. He lähettivät Landon pyytämään galaksin vapaita kansoja saapumaan avuksi taisteluun, uskoen näiden uskaltavan taistella vastaan, jos Vastarinta johtaa heitä siihen. Aluksi hyökkäys näyttää onnistuvan, mutta kun Poen ystävä Temmin ”Snap” Wexley kuolee taistelussa, hän alkaa menettää toivonsa, mutta sitten Lando saapuu mukanaan lukuisia Vastarinnan tukijoita eri puolilta galaksia, mukaan lukien Zorii ja Wedge Antilles. Nää on niikö Amerikan overseas liittolaisia, jotka tulee apuun suojaamaan sen vital interestejä. Palpatinen ja Ben Soloksi kääntyneen Kylon kuolemien jälkeen Vastarinta onnistuu tuhoamaan Viimeisen ritarikunnan kaikki tähtihävittäjät. Poe nähdään lopuksi juhlimassa voittoa Ajan Klossilla, Zoriin nyökätessä hänelle etäältä, mutta kieltäytyessä mistään sen enemmästä kanssakäynnistä, kuten bylsinnästä.
ellauri342.html on line 46: Tuhansien brooklyniläisten ajatukset askartelivat nyt heidän omassa selkärangassaan. Jokainen halusi virheettömän Marilynin selän, jonka voi ujostelematta paljastaa aina neljänteen nikamaan asti. Selkärangasta oli syntynyt uusi käsite ja yleinen mielipide. Eräät kyynikot tosin väittivät, että yleinen mielipide on vain jonkun yksityisen mielipide josta kehittyy epidemia. Mutta miksi puhuisimme kyynikoista, jotka koettavat aina myrkyttää ympäristönsä epäilyllä, jotka löytävät tavarasta vain hinnan, mutta eivät arvoa ja jotka ovat monesti kyynikoita vain sen vuoksi, että ovat menneet naimisiin ensirakkautensa kanssa? Puhukaamme mie luummin tohtori Riversin praktiikasta, josta oli äkkiä tullut päivän puheenaihe ja mainio tulolähde.
ellauri342.html on line 56: Sally Salminen tekee intertextuaalisen viittauxen Tistet Vedeteen ja paavin muuliin joka potkaisi sen selkärangan hatun läpi. Sallysta se on hyvä esimerkki siitä miten sortaja saa hudaan sorretuilta loppupeleissä. Kyseessä on Alphonse Daudetin puisevahko myllylastu, joka löytyy Projekti Gutenbergistä ranskaxi ja anglosaxisena käännöxenä. Siitä ei tiettävästi ole filmiversiota, vain äänikirja saman kuminaamaisen Fernandelin lukemana joka esitti isä Camilloa ja kuljetti lehmää sotavankina Baijerista Stuttgartiin.
ellauri342.html on line 75: Se on upea kirjasto, hyvin varusteltu ja avoinna 24 tuntia päivä runoilijoille, ja sitä palvelevat nuo pienet symbaalitotokset kirjastonhoitajat, jotka tekevät musiikkia sinulle koko ajan. Minä jäin sinne useita ilahduttavia päiviä ja viikon etsinnän jälkeen -- makaa minun päälläni takaisin -- Keksin juuri sen, mitä etsin: oman versioni muuli, jolla on kuuluisa seitsemän vuoden kauna. Tarina on viehättävä ja yksinkertainen, ja kerron sen sinulle, kun luin sen eilen alkaen a käsikirjoitus, jossa oli ihana kuivatun laventelin tuoksu, ja pitkä neiton hiukset saniainen kirjanmerkkeihin.
ellauri342.html on line 317: Yhdysvaltain kokemustensa perusteella Larni kirjoitti vuonna 1957 kirjan Neljäs nikama eli veijari vastoin tahtoaan. Tämä kirja oli satiiri amerikkalaisesta yhteiskunnasta ja sen ilmiöistä kuten pika-avioliitoista, kaupallisuudesta ja amerikkalaisten tietämättömyydestä muun maailman asioista. Päähenkilö Jeremias Suomalainen muuttaa Yhdysvaltoihin, ja pian hänestä tulee siellä kiropraktikko Jerry Finn. Kirjan nimi tuli siitä, että eräs sen henkilöistä, kiropraktikko Iisakki Jokinen (Isaac Rivers) uskoi selkäkipuja aiheutuvan selkärangan neljännestä nikamasta. Naisviha on vankin säie Martin muuten harsuhkon turinoinnin kudelmassa. Veikkaan että Gurli oli päässyt kastroimaan Mapen pahasti.
ellauri342.html on line 350: Jääkärit palaavat rintamalle, ja vapautettu Martti jättää jäähyväiset Sabinalle. Saksalaisten sodanjohto ja suomalaisjoukkojen päällikkö eversti Franck miettivät, miten viimeaikaiset suuret tappiot voitaisiin jatkossa välttää. Suurin ongelma on peitenimellä Isaac Merovitsh toimiva vakooja, joka on välittänyt vihollisille tietoja saksalaisten suunnitelmista ja joukkojen liikkeistä.
ellauri342.html on line 356: Korpraali Kari ja hänen morsiamensa palkitaan mitalein paraatikentällä katselmuksessa. Eversti Franck lupaa palkinnoxi puheessaan, että jääkärit saavat vapauttaa synnyinmaansa vuosisataisen vihollisen ikeestä. Jääkärit kohottavat kolminkertaisen eläköön-huudon vapaalle ja itsenäiselle Suomelle. Elokuvan Jääkärin märkä uni -nimellä tunnetussa loppukohtauksessa sadat ratsumiehet hyökkäävät hurjassa rynnäkössä tulta, savua ja räjähdyksiä kiehuvan taistelukentän läpi pelkät sapelit heiluen, samalla kun Jääkärimarssi soi ja Jääkäripataljoonan lippu liehuu kaiken yllä varjokuvana. Paizi jääkärit oli jalkaväkeä. Filmin statistit oli varmaan puolalaista razuväkeä.
ellauri342.html on line 527: To their shoulders, chained to lovers Olkapäille, rakastajiin kytkettyinä
ellauri342.html on line 582: Raoul Walshin ohjaama elokuvaversio julkaistiin vuonna 1956, jossa nimiroolissa oli Jane Russell. Käsikirjoitus droppasi kirjan Hollywood-kritiikin kuin kuuman perunan. Jane Russell tekee innokasta makuutyötä tarinassa, jossa on sekä karuja että realistisia näkökohtia. Lopuksi "Pari homolaulua elävöittävät epämiellyttävää toimintaa." The Revolt of Mamie Stover sisältää aikuisten teemoja (pornoa), naisten voimaantumista, sotaa ja romantiikkaa. EFK! Tää on hyvä ohjelma, täst mie piän!
ellauri343.html on line 65: Jatkosodassa 1941–1944 Rukajärven piiri oli suomalaisten miehittämä. Venäjä teki omalla puolellaan liikekannallepanon ja alueen siviiliväestö evakuoitiin Arkangelin ja Kirovin alueille sekä Uralille. Suomalaiset lähettivät Rukajärvelle 14. divisioonan, johon kuluivat muun muassa jalkaväkirykmentti 10, JR 52 ja JR 31. Rukajärven alueen komentaja oli eversti Erkki Raappana. Rukajärven–Ontajärven alueella käytiin kovia taisteluja varsinkin vuonna 1941 ja vuosina 1943–1944. Rukajärven kylä vallattiin 11.9.1941. Kaukopartiotoiminta alueella oli vilkasta molemmin puolin rintamaa koko sodan ajan. Suomalaiset pitivät saavutetut asemansa Rukajärvellä sodan loppuun asti. Suomalaisten asemia olivat muun muassa Sukellusveneen, Peukaloniemen ja Kotiniemen sekä Pallon ja Piipun tukikohdat. Rukajärven suunnan suurin taistelu käytiin Tahkokoskella vuonna 1944. Suurin mottitaistelu käytiin Omelian motissa. Suurimmat tykistökeskitykset koko rintamalohkolla venäläiset ampuivat Pallon tukikohtaan vuosina 1943–1944.
ellauri343.html on line 86: "You've got to try everything you can to avoid war," Dad told me in a conversation about Iraq in late 2002. "But if the man won't comply, you don't have any other choice." George W. Bush, Decision Points.
ellauri343.html on line 257: Bobi Sivénin vanhempi veli oli Lapuan liikkeen ja Isänmaallisen kansanliikkeen aktiivina sittemmin tunnettu everstiluutnantti Paavo Susitaival (ent. Sivén). Ei sentään Hukkataival. Ensiö Hukkataipaleen isä oli Auf Wiedesehen tyyppinen polakki Wladislaw Willga. Kurt Ensio Napoleon otti äitinsä nimen Helin ja muutti sen sitten Takkahuipaleexi. Rahat sille tuli firmasta nimeltä Ulkomainos Oy. Niitä riitti vielä mersulla kuskattavaxi muovikassissa meidän naapuriin.
ellauri343.html on line 314: Lähettini Kämäräinen arveli että pojilla olisi känsät kämmenissä ennenkuin soutaisivat Ankkalinnasta Hanhivaaraan. Minä tiesin että niillä oli känsät käsissä jo ennen lähtöä. Sitä yxinäiset yöt Kurjalassa teettävät. Karjalaisten lähtökiireestä näkyy selvästi kuka oli tämän sodan aggressori. Kiurukkaat eivät olleet 1. kertaa salakalassa. Onnexi tällä kertaa hävikistä eivät kärsineet omat lahtarit.Tää "minä" kaveri on kuin joku TK-mies. Sellainen olis Tuuristakin tehty, jos olis mukaan ehtinyt. Miehet, miehet, selvää homostelua. Vittu nää zuhnat on sitten hölmöjä. Oltuaan 2 päivää ylivarovaisia ne 3. päivänä ajaa rysäyttävät yhdessä kasassa suoraan slobojen väijytyxeen. Kun Kata Kärkkäinen lensi vanjojen luotisateesta sillankaiteen yli jorpakkoon, ruumista hakemaan ilmoittautui mm. Vihtori Help. Haha. Hölmöt lähtivät valloittamaan Suur-Suomea ottamatta edes mukaan eväitä. Eri hooboa lähettää jotain 50 miestä yxin ilman radiota jonnekin umpimezään stadilaisen TK-miehen joholla karttana hiekkapaperi. Kata Kärkkäinen muuten köntysteli jalantyngillään Kiuruvedellä aseveli-illoissa vielä 60-luvulla. Se selvisi koska se oli uskossa eikä kiroillut veneessä vaikka sattui niinmaan perkeleesti. Ei sanonut "joko ne pirut on Korolissa" kuten eversti Tähtinen. Sotilaan normaali olotila on makoilla ja antaa ajan kulua. Ajanvietteenä vain tumputus ilman raiskattavia Karjalan neitoja. 23-vuotias Aarne Korvapuustinen tunaroi Rukajärven tiellä ja kaatui ennenkuin pääsi edes ojan ylize. Äl'yli päästä perhanaa kehottivat slobot toisiaan ja ampui Aarnen täyteen reikiä. Naurettavia polkupyöräjoukkioita, helvatti. Rauhantunnustelijoiden jännitys on koko ajan kova. Suomalaisilla on putket tanassa. Kun olisi mihin työntää ammusta. Oman tykistön tulipeitto tuntui lämmittävältä. Kivakiva, nyt kuolee paljon sloboja! Mölyapinat on sytyttäneet koko mezän palamaan. Tyly venäläistaustainen majuri ei edes kiittänyt, sanoi "Hyve on". No eihän armeijassa sanota kiitos anteexi ole hyvä. Paizi rukouxissa. Vähän se TK-miestä näpäsi, se oli toivonut jotain kunzaria tai ehkä mitalin.
ellauri344.html on line 251: Nekrasovin keräämä tilastomateriaali ”Kuka voi elää hyvin Venäjällä?” julkaistiin 28.10.2014 lenita.ru sivustolla. Toimittajayhteisön edustajat kritisoivat häntä ja epäilivät häntä rasismista, rusismista ja epäammattimaisuudesta. Rajat ylittävän yhteistyön yhdistyksen edustajien Marat Shibutovin ja Mikhail Pakin artikkelissa tarkasteltiin "Venäjän rikkaimpien kansalaisten etnistä koostumusta" Forbes-lehden venäläisen version 200 rikkaimman kansalaisen sijoituksen perusteella maaliskuussa 2014. Itse tutkimusmenetelmää sen kirjoittajat selittivät seuraavasti: "Kun jollain kotimaisella rahasäkillä oli esi-isiensä joukossa eri etnisten ryhmien edustajia, etusija annettiin etniselle ryhmälle, johon Forbesin listan jäsen julkisesti tunnistaa itsensä."
ellauri345.html on line 70: Minna Herzlieb starb mit 76 Jahren in Görlitzer Irrenhaus im Jahre 1865. Zu der Zeit war es üblich, dass man dort beerdigt wurde, wo man verstarb. Und das es Goethes Minchen nach Görlitz verschlug, hatte mit ihren psychischen Problemen zu tun. Goethe sagte einst: “Ich habe sie als Kind von 8 Jahren zu lieben angefangen, und in ihrem sechzehnten liebte ich sie mehr als billig”.
ellauri345.html on line 266: Der Sohn des jüdischen Mathematikers Sigmund Gundelfinger (Professor an der Technischen Hochschule Darmstadt) und dessen Ehefrau Amalie Gunz (1857–1922) studierte als Schüler von Erich Schmidt und Gustav Roethe Germanistik und Kunstgeschichte an den Universitäten München, Berlin und Heidelberg, wurde 1903 in Berlin promoviert und habilitierte sich 1911 mit einer Schrift zum Thema Shakespeare und der deutsche Geist. Ab 1916 wirkte er als – zunächst außerordentlicher – Germanistikprofessor an der Universität Heidelberg, wo er 1920 eine ordentliche Professur bekam. Noch ein Jude der an dem Nazitotem knasperte! Und ein Schwul zudem! Seit 1899 gehörte Gundolf dem Kreis um Stefan George an, nachdem er sich dort durch ins Deutsche übersetzte Sonette Shakespeares eingeführt hatte. In der Folge wurde er Georges engster Freund und Liebhaber.
ellauri345.html on line 274: Stefan George galt als verschlossenes, eigenbrötlerisches Kind, das schon früh zur Selbstherrlichkeit neigte. Nebenbei lernte er selbstständig Italienisch, Hebräisch, Griechisch, Latein, Dänisch, Niederländisch, Polnisch, Englisch, Französisch und Norwegisch, um fremde Literaturen im Original lesen zu können. Seine Sprachbegabung veranlasste ihn auch, mehrere Geheimsprachen zu entwickeln. Eine davon behielt er bis zum Ende seines Lebens für persönliche Notizen bei; da jedoch alle entsprechenden Unterlagen nach seinem Tod vernichtet wurden, ist sie bis auf zwei Zeilen in einem Gedicht verloren und diese können auch nicht mehr entschlüsselt werden.
ellauri345.html on line 438: Bleibende Eindrücke hinterließen 1898 das Frühwerk Hugo von Hofmannsthals und das Werk Stefan Georges. 1898 begann Borchardt mit der Arbeit an einer Dissertation über Gattungen der griechischen Lyrik, die jedoch nicht abgeschlossen wurde. Nach persönlichen Krisen und einer schweren Erkrankung im Februar 1901 verwarf Borchardt den Plan einer Universitätslaufbahn. Im Januar 1902 überwarf Borchardt sich mit seinem Vater, da dieser ihm monatliche Zahlungen verweigerte. Am 17. Februar reiste er nach Rodaun und besuchte den von ihm verehrten Hugo von Hofmannsthal. Seit 1903 lebte er mit einigen Unterbrechungen in der Toskana und wohnte in einer Villa in Monsagrati bei Lucca. 1906 heiratete Borchardt in London die Malerin Karoline Ehrmann (1873–1944) und kehrte mit ihr nach Italien zurück.
ellauri345.html on line 440: 1919 ließ er sich von seiner Frau scheiden und heiratete am 16. November 1920 die 20 Jahre jüngere Marie Luise (Marel) Voigt, eine Nichte Rudolf Alexander Schröders, mit dem er seit langem befreundet war. Der war aber aufgrund Borchardts desaströsen Finanzgebarens mit dieser Verbindung nicht einverstanden doch unterstützte über Jahre Borchardt und seine Familie finanziell.
ellauri345.html on line 444: Im August 1944 wurden Borchardt und seine Frau in Italien von der SS verhaftet und nach Innsbruck transportiert, wo der Rücktransport endete. Hier wurde der Sohn Cornelius gemustert und musste noch einen Monat in einer Flakeinheit dienen. Grundsätzlich aber wurde die Familie mit Essensmarken und Papieren ausgestattet und in die Freiheit entlassen. Borchardt und seine Frau versteckten sich in Tirol, wo Borchardt am 10. Januar 1945 an einem Herzversagen starb.
ellauri345.html on line 510: Saman vuoden elokuussa Goethe kirjoitti lopullisen version kolmannesta luvusta Elective Affinitiesin toisesta osasta, jossa Ottilien päiväkirjassa sanotaan: "Ajatus muinaisista kansoista on vakava ja voi näyttää kamalalta. He kuvittelivat esi-isänsä suurissa luolissa istumassa valtaistuimilla ympäriinsä, hiljaisessa keskustelussa. He nousivat seisomaan ja kumarsivat tervetulleeksi sisään tulleen tulokkaan, jos tämä oli tarpeeksi arvokas. Eilen, kun istuin kappelissa ja näin useita muita istuvan ympärilleni veistettyä tuoliani vastapäätä, tuo ajatus vaikutti minusta hyvin ystävälliseltä ja siroilta. Mikset voi istua? Ajattelin itsekseni istua hiljaa ja uppoutuneena sinuun pitkään, pitkään, kunnes vihdoin tulevat ystävät, joille nouset ylös ja näytät heille paikkansa ystävällisellä kumartamalla."
ellauri345.html on line 576: Ein drittes Bild ist ein Frühstücksbuffet. Wir sehen „das Frühstücksbuffet“. Und es besteht aus lauter Details. Da sind Brote und Brötchen, Kaffee und Tee, Eier, Rührei, Speck, Tomaten, Gurken, Salate, Käse, Wurst, Würstchen, Frikadellen, Milch, Joghurt, Marmelade, Honig. Und allein die Käseauswahl können wir noch weiter aufgliedern und auch die Brötchen bestehen aus Mehl und verschiedenen Körnern und Zutaten.
ellauri345.html on line 598: Kun meistä vähin erin tulee energeettisesti kevyempiä ja värähtelemme korkeammalla värähtelytasolla, meidän on opittava erottamaan toisistaan keitä olemme ja keitä emme ole. EMME ole ehdollinen egomme emmekä kehomme, vaan ME OLEMME HENKIÄ. Olemme niin sanotusti jumalallista älyä. Tästä ei pidä egon ylpistyä, se on ihan normaalia. Kun sielu "suutelee" universaalia tietoisuutta, muoto syntyy juuri tuossa kohdassa, nimenomaan juuri tuossa kohdassa (näyttää kuvasta). Jotain syntyy. Tarvitaan uusia muotoja, uusia muotoja tarvitaan. Ilman niitä ei ole koko taidetta.
ellauri345.html on line 637: Arndt oli maaorjan poika Rügenin saarelta, joka silloin kuului Ruotsille, ja kävi haluttomasti koulua Stralsundissa. Hän opiskeli teologiaa Greifswaldissa ja Jenassa tarkoituksena valmistua papiksi. mutta hänestä tuli kuitenkin Greifswaldissa historian professori vuodesta 1806 sekä historian professori Bonnin yliopistossa vuodesta 1818. Greifswald sijaitsee Koillis-Saksassa, Mecklenburg-Etu-Pommerin osavaltiossa. Kaupunki rakennettiin Itämeren eteläiselle rannalle, Rügenin ja Usedomin saarten väliin. Pienet saaret Koos ja Riems ovat osa kaupunkia. Pieni Ryck-joki virtaa vanhan kaupungin lävitse ja laskee vetensä Greifswaldinlahteen. Kokonaisuudessaan kaupungin seutu on suhteellisen tasaista, korkein kohta nousee vain 36 metriin. Greifswaldin yliopistossa (vuodesta 1933 vuoteen 2018 Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald) opiskelee noin 13 000 opiskelijaa. Yliopiston suomen kielen oppituoli on koko Saksan vanhin. Suomen kielen opiskelu tapahtuu samassa laitoksessa skandinaavisten kielten kanssa.
ellauri345.html on line 657: Hän inhosi ranskalaisia ja vihasi englantilaisia. Hänestä Saxa oli jumalan valittu kansa. "Me menemme siis Hermannin taisteluun / ja haluamme kostaa." Hän varoitti myös liian läheisestä kosketuksesta juutalaisuuteen: Vaikka "Aabrahamin siementä" voidaan tuskin tunnistaa kristinuskoon kääntymisen vuoksi toisessa sukupolvessa, haitallisia ovat "tuhannet, joita Venäjän tyrannia nyt lähettää meille Puolasta joka päivä, joka vuosi ne vielä enemmän metsästää kaulaasi", "idästä tuleva epäpuhdas tulva". Hän varoitti väitetystä juutalais-intellektuelli-salaliitosta: "juutalaiset tai kastetut ja ... voideltu juutalaiset toverit" olivat "luultavasti ottaneet haltuunsa reilun puolet kirjallisuudesta" ja levittäneet "rohkeaa ja villiä meluaan, jonka avulla he ... jokaisen pyhän ja inhimillinen valtiojärjestys valheena ja " Pitkä, "epävakaa olemassaolo" oli "venyttänyt heistä ilkeitä, vähäpätöisiä, pelkurimaisia ja nihkeitä"; he olivat "kärsimättömiä jokaisessa vaikeassa yrityksessä ja jokaisessa kovassa työssä" ja olivat siksi "kärsimätön" jokaisen " "pyrkimys helppoon ja hetkelliseen voittoon". Arndt kuvaili vaatimuksia vuoropuhelusta, ihmisyydestä ja suvaitsevaisuudesta juutalaisia kohtaan "universaalina filosofiana ja yleismaailmallisena rakkautena", jotka olivat "heikkouden ja säälittävyyden" merkkejä. Jo vanhana ikänään Arndt kääntyi ”levottomaisia, uteliaita ja hapuilevia ja huolestuttavia heprealaisia” vastaan.
ellauri346.html on line 62: Kun koulutyttö ampui kavereita Brjanskin koulusurmassa, Ukrainan meedia ilkkui pahansuopana: mitä ihania lapsia! Jäähän vähemmän tykinruokaa Putinin armeijaan! Ukrainan puolustusministeriön eversti Vladimir Laguta onnittelee Azerbaidžania sen menestyksestä Karabahissa. Erdogan: Türkiye uskoo palestiinalaisten voittoon ja Netanyahu tuomitaan kansanmurhasta. LOL. "Urheilu on puhdistettava Bachista ja muista KOK:n hyeenoista": Kreml. Kiovan hallinnon joukot käyttävät nyt paljon vähemmän panssaroituja ajoneuvoja, koska venäläiset taistelijat tuhoavat niitä erittäin intensiivisesti. Kiovan hallinnon päällikkö Vladimir Zelensky luultavasti pyysi amerikkalaisilta poliitikoilta heidän vierailunsa aikana apua pakenemisen varalta. (Huom: ei Ukrainan, vaan "Kiovan hallinnon!" Osaavat ne putinistitkin.)
ellauri346.html on line 129: Shchorsin elämänjakso huhtikuusta elokuuhun 1918 on edelleen synkkä kohta, joka Neuvostoliiton aikoina oli täynnä myyttejä ja legendoja. On turvallista sanoa, että hänen tapaamisensa Leninin kanssa , hänen partisaanimenneisyytensä Siperiassa tai muut taistelutyöt eivät pidä paikkaansa. Vaihtoehtoisilla versioilla Shchorsin läheisyydestä SR- puolueen johtajien kanssa tai hänen Maria Spiridonovan allekirjoittamista mandaateista ei myöskään ole dokumentaarista vahvistusta.
ellauri346.html on line 177: version.jpg" />
ellauri346.html on line 216: Jobu Tupaki, Joyn Alfaversumiversio, jonka mieli hajosi sen jälkeen, kun Alfa-Evelyn painoi hänet laajaan versumihyppelysarjaan kokee nyt kaikki universumit kerralla ja voi ja tahdonalaisesti hypätä ja manipuloida ainetta mielensä mukaan; hän on luonut mustan aukon kaltaisen "kaikki-rinkelin", joka uhkaa multiversumia. Se näyttää Arnoldsin beigeliltä.
ellauri346.html on line 218: Jobu selittää, että hän on etsinyt Evelyniä, joka voi uskoa, kuten hän, ettei millään ole mitään väliä. Hän tuo Evelynin kaikkirinkelin luokse ja selittää, että hän toivoo, että voi antaa itsensä vihdoin kuolla. Kurkistaessaan bageliin Evelyn vakuuttuu ja alkaa toimia nihilistisesti muissa universumeissa vahingoittaen emotionaalisesti ympärillään olevia henkilöitä.
ellauri346.html on line 220: Evelyn aikoo astua rinkeliin Jobun kanssa ja lopettaa kaikki multiversumielämänsä, mutta pysähtyy kuuntelemaan kimittävän Waymondin pyyntöjä lopettaa tappeleminen ja olla ystävällisiä ja etsiä ymmärrystä hämmennyksen keskellä.
ellauri346.html on line 229: Kriittisten elokuvakriitikkojen joukossa Peter Bradshaw, joka myös kirjoittaa The Guardianille, antoi elokuvalle 2 tähteä viidestä sanoen, että "joistakin fiksuista tempuista huolimatta tämä laaja-alainen komedia, joka levisi viraaliseksi, osoittautuu oudoksi keskinkertaisuuden virheeksi," ja lisää: "Siellä on hyviä gageja ja eloisia kubrickilaisia kosketuksia ja todella järkyttävä kohtaus, jossa Evelynin nöyryyttää hänen tyttärensä (mikä? Sekö että tytär käyttää äidistä etunimeä?). Todella häiritsevä hetki perheen toimintahäiriöstä, joka näyttää tulevan toisesta elokuvasta, elokuvasta rinnakkaisuniversumissa. Mutta tämä hullu seurauksista vapaa tapahtumasarja johtaa sarjaan tapahtumia, jotka katkaistaan vaihtamalla toiseen rinnakkaisuuteen. Maailma peruutettiin, mikä tarkoitti, että mikään ei ollut vaarassa ja elokuvasta tuli pitkä, näkymätön haaskaus, joka ei mennyt mihinkään.
ellauri346.html on line 258: Ukraine has requested hundreds of Western tanks to aid in the success of the spring offensive. Winter is coming, it is just around the corner, and the Ukrainian forces have still not achieved a decisive breakthrough on the battlefield. Little progress is being made on the southern front (Zaporizhia), and unsuccessful maneuvers are taking place in the vicinity of Bakhmut. They also tried to repel the Russians' counterattacks in Kupiansk and Avdiivka, where intense fighting is still ongoing.
ellauri347.html on line 179: Lähde: Lawrence J. Friedman (juutalainen) Erich Frommin elämä: Rakkauden profeetta. New York: Columbia University Press, 2013, 410 s. 29,95 $. ISBN: 978-0231531061; paperi, 19,95 dollaria. ISBN 9780231162593
ellauri347.html on line 190: Alanson White Institute: The Interpersonal approach to psychoanalysis underscores the human qualities of the psychoanalyst as a factor in therapeutic change. Instead of a silent analyst sitting behind a patient on the couch, our founders, in the 1940s, pioneered a uniquely American type of psychoanalysis, emphasizing a conversation between analyst and patient, often sitting face to face, which is way cheaper than a couch. On the minus side, it is harder to catch a nap. Notice signs of acute bibliophilia on the walls.
ellauri347.html on line 193: Fromm oli tuolloin vahvasti mukana sionismissa uskonnollisen sionistisen rabbi Nehemia Alfred Nobelin vaikutuksen alaisena. Hän oli aktiivinen erittäin juutalaisissa Studentenverbindungen- ja muissa sionistisissa järjestöissä. Mutta pian hän kääntyi pois sionismista sanomalla, että se oli ristiriidassa hänen "universalistisen messianismin ja humanismin" ihanteen kanssa.
ellauri347.html on line 205: 1978 Isaac Bashevis Singer Yhdysvallat / Puola "hänen intohimoisesta kerrontaiteestaan, jonka juuret ovat puolalais-juutalaisessa kulttuuriperinteessä ja tuovat eloon universaalit inhimilliset olosuhteet"
ellauri347.html on line 214: 2020 Louise Glück USA "hänen erehtymättömästä runollisesta äänestään, joka karulla kauneudellaan tekee yksilön olemassaolosta universaalia."
ellauri347.html on line 309: From viittasi autoritaarisuuden ääriversioon masokismi (Sacher-Masoch) ja sadismi (de Sade), ja huomauttaa, että molemmat tuntevat olevansa pakotettuja näyttelemään eri roolejaan, niin että jopa sadisti kaikella näennäisellä vallallaan masokistiin nähden, on ja ei ole vapaa valitsemaan tekojaan. Sen tekee mieli sadistoida niin kovasti ettei se voi sille midiä. Mutta autoritaarisuuden lievempiä versioita ovat kaikkialla. Monilla luokilla on esimerkiksi implisiittinen sopimus opiskelijoiden ja professorien välillä: Opiskelijat vaativat rakennetta ja professori pysyy muistiinpanoissaan. Se näyttää harmittomalta ja jopa luonnolliselta, mutta näin opiskelijat välttävät vastuun ottamista oppimisestaan ja the professori voi välttää alansa todellisten asioiden ottamista esille, esim. välttyä tekemästä kateederilla vaijeritemppua.
ellauri347.html on line 341: "Kylmä" versio on vanhin kahdesta, joka löytyy Pohjois-Euroopasta ja osissa Aasiaa ja kaikkialla, missä kauppiaat ovat valtava luokka. Vanhemmat ovat erittäin vaativia lapsilleen, joiden odotetaan elävän korkeita, hyvin määriteltyjä standardeja. Rangaistus ei ole isku ylösalaisin pää täydessä vihassa ja keskellä illallista; se on sen sijaan muodollinen tapaus, täysimittainen rituaali, johon voi liittyä kytkimien leikkaamista ja kokoontuminen puuvajassa. Rangaistus on kylmäverinen, tehty "omaxi hyväxi." Vaihtoehtoisesti kulttuuri voi käyttää syyllisyyttä ja vetäytymistä kiintymyxestä rangaistuksena. Joka tapauksessa lapsista näissä kulttuureissa tulee pikemminkin voimakkaasti motivoituneita menestymään missä tahansa heidän kulttuurinsa määrittelee menestykseksi.
ellauri347.html on line 371: Hamstraaminen liittyy perheen vetäytymisen kylmään muotoon joka ilostelee tuhoisuudella. Voisin lisätä, että sillä on selvä yhteys myös perfektionismiin. Freud kutsuisi sitä peräaukon pidättäväksi tyypiksi, Adler (jossain määrin) välttävä tyyppi ja Horney (hieman selkeämmin) vetäytyvä tyyppi. Puhtaassa muodossaan se tarkoittaa, että olet itsepäinen, niukka, ja mielikuvitukseton. Jos olet lievempi versio hamstrauksesta, saatat olla vakaa, taloudellinen ja käytännöllinen. Tää on selvää Kimmo Koskenniemeä.
ellauri347.html on line 433: Toinen tapa yrittää voittaa tämä tarve on kieltää se. Sukusuhteen vastakohta on se, mitä Fromm kutsuu narsismiksi. Narsismi – itserakkaus – on luonnollista vauvoilla, sillä he eivät pidä itseään erillään maailmasta ja muista alkaa päälle. Mutta aikuisilla se on patologian lähde. Skitsofreenisten tapaan narsistilla on vain yksi todellisuus: omien ajatusten, tunteiden ja tarpeiden maailmaan. Hänen maailmansa tulee mitä hän haluaa sen olevan, ja hän menettää yhteyden todellisuuteen. (Paizi Friedan potilaalla vaihtoehtoisia sivupersoonia oli 7, ja vinkuintiaanien pesulassa multiversumeita oli ziljoona. Siinä piisaa kyllä ilkeitä sukulaisia omasta takaa, ilman lisävoimia.)
ellauri347.html on line 443: Tarvitsemme myös juuria. Meidän on jopa tuntettava olonsa kotoisaksi universumissa vaikka ihmisinä olemme jossain määrin vieraantuneita luonnosta maailmassa.
ellauri347.html on line 445: Yksinkertaisin versio on säilyttää siteemme äideihimme. Mutta kasvaa aikuiseksi tarkoittaa, että meidän on jätettävä äitiemme lämpörakkaus. Pysymistä Fromm kutsuu eräänlaiseksi psykologiseksi insestiksi. Era tiesi mistä puhui. Selviytyäksemme aikuisuuden vaikeassa maailmassa meidän on löydettävä uudet punajuuret. Meidän on löydettävä veljeskuntamme (ja sisaruus) ihmiskunnan kanssa.
ellauri347.html on line 482: Cornelis George Boeree (January 15, 1952 – January 5, 2021) was an American psychologist and professor emeritus at Shippensburg University, specializing in personality theory and the history of psychology. Hizi tää järbä oli mua vanhempi, ja nyt jo madonsyöttinä.
ellauri347.html on line 484: Boeree was born in Badhoevedorp, near Amsterdam, in the Netherlands. He moved with his parents and brother to the United States in 1956 and grew up on Long Island, New York. He married Judy Kovarik in 1972 and had three daughters. He received his doctoral degree in 1980 from Oklahoma State University. He died on January 5, 2021, at his home in Shippensburg, Pennsylvania.
ellauri347.html on line 486: Shippensburg University was founded as the Cumberland Valley State Normal School in 1871 and received official recognition and approval by the commonwealth on February 21, 1873. On November 12, 1982, the governor signed Senate Bill 506, establishing the State System of Higher Education. Shippensburg State College was designated as Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, effective July 1, 1983. But you can call us Ship for short. Our purpose is to help build a better, stronger south-central Pennsylvania - economically and culturally - through people who have the abilities, skills, and values to compete in a technologically evolving world.
ellauri347.html on line 588: Ruotsalainen Abba-yhtye esitti sävelmää instrumenttiversiona viimeisen konserttikiertueensa aikana 1979–1980.
ellauri348.html on line 108: Runoilija Alexander Popen mukaan toivo on universaalia, jopa vaistomaista tunnetta, joka virtaa ikuisuudesta, ihmisen sydämestä. Elämässä on monia lannistavia hetkiä, jolloin tarvitaan toivos tuomaan vahvuutta ja tahtoa siirtyä eteenpäin. Se antaa vankkaa uskoa siihen. että tämän päivän vaikeudet jäävät taakse ja tulevaisuus tuo parempaa tullessaan. Toiveikas uskoo huomiseen ja haluaa toivoa hyvää toisille, vaikka hänellä ei olisi mitään keinoja auttaa heitä. (Höh, izekäs toiveikas ei toivo mitään sellaista, sehän veisi siltä izeltään resuja ja antaisi kilpailijoille paremmat mahixet.)
ellauri348.html on line 185: "La Paloma" esitetään näissä elokuvissa: "La Paloma" Screen Songs sarjakuva, 1930 Don Juanin yksityinen elämä, 1934 La Paloma, Ein Lied der Kameradschaft, 1934 (luettelossa myös nimellä La Paloma, 1938) Juarez, 1939 Große Freiheit Nr. 7, 1945, Hans Albers laulaa saksankielisen version. Elokuvaa ei annettu näyttää Saksassa vuonna 1944 natsien sensuurin vuoksi, ja liittolaiset julkaisivat sen vasta vuonna 1945 Kulkukoira, 1949 Vartaloryöstöjen hyökkäys, 1956 La Paloma, Saksa 1958 Habanera, Espanja 1958 Freddy, die Gitarre und das Meer, 1959 Freddy und der Millionär Adua e le compagne, 1960 Blue Hawaii, 1961, Elvis Presley laulaa "No More". Hänen nauhoitteensa esiintyi myös ääniraitaalbumilla ja uudelleen nauhoitetulla "live" versio Aloha from Hawaii amerikkalaiselle versiolle, jota ei käytetty lähetyksessä. Tämä vuoden 1973 versio julkaistiin alun perin budjettialbumilla Mahalo from Elvis, mutta on sittemmin sisällytetty useisiin. The Godfather Part II, 1974. Bändi soittaa "La Paloma" Havannan uudenvuodenjuhlien avauskohtauksessa. Bröderna Lejonhjärta, 1977. Karlin äidin kuullaan laulavan "La Paloman" ruotsinkielistä versiota. Peltyrumpu, 1979 Das Boot, 1981 (esittäjä: Rosita Serrano saksaksi). Mortelle Randonnée, 1983. Elokuvassa kuullaan Hans Albersin versio. a> Henkien talo, 1993 Sonnenallee, 1999 Hetki muistettavana, 2004 "La Paloma" on aiheena vuoden 2008 dokumentissa La Paloma. Sehnsucht. Weltweit (saksa La Paloma. Kaipuu. Maailmanlaajuinen), kirjoittaja Sigrid Faltin [de]. Soul Kitchen, 2009 Manila Kingpin: Asiong Salonga -tarina, 2011 Musiikkielokuvassa Down Argentine Way, Charlotte Greenwood laulaa pirteän, nopean kappaleen nimeltä "Sing To Your Senorita". Melodia perustuu löyhästi "La Paloman" melodiaan.
ellauri348.html on line 290: Snyder valmistui tohtoriksi Southern Methodist Universitystä, minkä jälkeen hän suoritti tohtorikoulutuksen kliinisestä psykologiasta Vanderbiltin yliopistossa ja sitten jatkokoulutuksessa Langley Porter Institutessa.
ellauri348.html on line 350: Sinä iltana voittoa juhliessaan Gerry loukkaantui vakavasti auto-onnettomuudessa ja on halvaantunut vyötäröstä alaspäin . Huolimatta All-American linebackerin menetyksestä, joukkue tekee paluun osavaltion mestaruuden neljännellä neljänneksellä ja voittaa tittelin. Kymmenen vuotta myöhemmin neliraajahalvaantunut Gerry kuolee toisessa auto-onnettomuudessa, jonka aiheutti humalainen kuljettaja voitettuaan kultamitalin kuulantyöntössä paralympialaisissa . Hänen hautajaisiinsa osallistuivat entiset jalkapallovalmentajat ja pelaajat avauskohtauksessa. Julius, josta Gerryn äiti ei aiemmin pitänyt, pitää nyt häntä kädestä, kun hän johtaa joukkuetta surumielisessä versiossa "Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye".
ellauri348.html on line 371: Kaufmanin teokset tutkivat sellaisia universaaleja teemoja kuin identiteettikriisi, kuolevaisuus ja elämän tarkoitus metafyysisen tai parapsykologisen viitekehyksen kautta. Sukupuoli-identiteetti on myös toistuva teema hänen töissään. Apinat toistuvat Kaufmanin varhaisissa töissä: Being John Malkovichissa Lottella on lemmikkisimpansi nimeltä Elijah; Human Nature -kirjassa Puff kasvatettiin apinaksi; elokuvassa Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, Penny haaveilee apinasta; ja adaptaatiossa alkuperäinen deus ex machina oli suoapina. Loppupeleissä apinat korvautuvat formica sapiens-lajilla.
ellauri348.html on line 706: Kukaan ei halua menettää lomssaa, kaaraa, henkeään, tässä järjestyksessä. Poliisin ammatti on sixi yhteiskunnan tärkein, tuumii Monnica. Law and order. On teillä sveduilla millä mällätä sanoo kunnioittavasti musta matu kristitty. Åsalla näyttää olevan myös finne-xenofobia. Siltikin hyvinvointivaltiossa sattuu paljon häpeällistä. Se että perhe voisi nousta nokintajärjestyxessä akateemisella koulutuksella tuntui jo 2002 vanhanaikaiselta. Sosiaalitantan ja opettajan lapsista tuli tarjoilija ja poliisi. Ne sutor supra crepidam. Homeless or university professor. Psykoterapeutti Nilsonne ei pidä proffista noin setämiehinä, mutta muuten kyllä. Puolustaa myös lääkeyrityxiä. Sivujuonena Margaret Thatcherin hirmuhallitusta uhmanneet terroristit, jotka influenssan ohella selittivät mixi kädetön passipoliisi Monnica pääsi veeteenä rikostutkintaan, saatiin vähäeleisesti nitistetyxi.
ellauri348.html on line 715: Marie-Catherine d’Aulnoy skrev en litterär version av sagan, Histoire d'Hypolite comte de Duglas (1690) som byggde på en fransk folksaga, troligen av keltiskt ursprung. En liknande variant förekommer i medelhavsländerna. Varianter förekommer i Östeuropa liksom på Irland, där sagokungen Finns son Ossian oftast är hjälten.
ellauri348.html on line 717: D'Aulnoys roman översattes till svenska 1746. Motivet har bland annat behandlats av Anton Kalmeter (1712-1764) i alexandrindikten Saga om prints Adolph, och printsessan Lycksalighet (1747) som är en bearbetning av d'Aulnoys roman. Den svenska varianten av sagan utkom i sina första versioner på 1760- eller 1770-talet. En utgåva hos Axmar i Falun från 1810, Lycksalighetens ö, förestäld uti en wacker historisk berättelse, som wisar deras fåfänglighet, hwilka söka at winna den rätta lycksaligheten här i werlden, samt huru tiden och afunden alt til intet gör, ehuru stort nöje man tycker sig : hafwa ärnådt. är den variant som gav Atterbom uppslaget till hans sagospel Lycksalighetens ö.
ellauri348.html on line 964: Transsendenssi (vahvuudet, jotka luovat yhteyksiä suurempaan universumiin ja antavat merkityksen)
ellauri349.html on line 382: Baumeister opetti sitten Case Western Reserve -yliopistossa vuosina 1979–2003 psykologian ja myöhemmin vapaiden taiteiden (?!) professorina. Myöhemmin hän työskenteli Florida State Universityssä Francis Eppes Eminent Scholar -tutkijana ja sosiaalipsykologian jatko-ohjelman johtajana. Vuonna 2016 hän muutti psykologian kouluun Queenslandin yliopistossa Australiassa, jossa hän opetti useita vuosia. Selvästi Hintikka-Saaristyyppinen tiedejulkimo joka vaihtaa paremmasta opistosta huonompaan samalla kuin palkkiot nousevat.
ellauri349.html on line 490: Raymond Claude Ferdinand Aron est issu d'une famille juive et d'un milieu aisé des deux côtés. Ses parents sont Gustave Émile Aron (1870-1934) et Suzanne Levy (1877-1940). Son grand-père maternel, Léon Levy, possédait une usine de textile dans le nord de la France. Sa famille paternelle venait de Lorraine où elle était établie depuis la fin du XVIIIe siècle. Son grand-père paternel, Isidore (dit Ferdinand) Aron, était grossiste en textile à Rambervillers, puis Nancy (Lorraine). Un de ses grand-oncles paternels, Paul Aron, était le père de Max Aron, médecin biologiste à la faculté de médecine de Strasbourg. Ferdinand, le grand-père paternel de Raymond, prédit à celui-ci à sa naissance une grande carrière. Gustave Aron refusa de prendre la suite de l'affaire familiale et fit de brillantes études de droit; il publia des travaux juridiques, mais n'étant reçu que deuxième à l'agrégation de droit alors qu'un seul poste était attribué, il abandonna la perspective d'enseigner à l'université et devint professeur de droit à l'École normale supérieure de l'enseignement technique. Il arrêta de travailler au début du XXe siècle, vécut dès lors de l'héritage familial et fit construire une maison à Versailles en 1913-1915 avec un court de tennis. La famille Aron retourna ensuite à Paris. Après la guerre, Gustave Aron investit en bourse, mais sa fortune fut perdue du fait de la crise économique de 1929 et il fut obligé de reprendre un emploi. Il mourut en 1934 d'une crise cardiaque. La mère de Raymond mourut en juin 1940 à Vannes.
ellauri349.html on line 535: Kateuden tilalla vilpitöntä uskoa elämän tahattomaan riemuhuumoriin ja nosteylevyyteen. Eläköön Turun yliopisto, vapaan kansan lahja vapaalle tieteelle! Alas keisarillinen Alexanterin räkäverstas! Tässä muuten näkyy Eskin kuittailutekniikka: Hinoa John! Se varoo suoraan haukkumasta kilpaveikkoja ja vihamiehiä, parempi pelitapa on ylistämällä alistaa ja kehaista joitakuita toisia. Hienoista vittuilua HY: n proffille hist.kieli. osaston kuoleman kurvissa, josta se 29-vuotiaana bongasi izensä lisäxi vain 2 julkkista, Yrjö Blomstedtin ja Matti Klingen.
ellauri349.html on line 542: Esa Saarinen is a Finnish philosopher and professor of philosophy at the University of Helsinki. He is known for his work on the philosophy of technology, the philosophy of science, and the philosophy of culture. He has written several books, including The Embodied Mind: Cognitive Science and Human Experience (1991), The View from Within: First-Person Approaches to the Study of Consciousness (1999), and Technology and the Human Condition (2005)1. Esa Saarinen is 67 years old. He is a Virgo and was born in the Year of the Serpent. His birth flower is Larkspur and birthstone is Ruby. Esa Saarinen's net worth is estimated to be in the range of approximately $1.2 million in 2021, according to sources. He has earned most of his wealth from his successful career as a philosopher and professor.
ellauri349.html on line 558: Saarinen completed his Ph.D. degree in 1978 at the University of Helsinki, where he has since held docentship. His extrovert public persona – he became known as the “punk doctor” – was reflected in his lectures at the university, which drew increasingly large audiences until the late 1990s. After failing to get the position of full-time professor at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Helsinki, Saarinen resigned his lecturer position. Soon afterwards he was appointed professor at Helsinki University of Technology, since renamed Aalto University. His lectures there each year draw full lecture halls.
ellauri349.html on line 561: Since the turn of the century Saarinen's academic lecturing has centered at the Helsinki University of Technology, but he has also continued his business as a coach for Finnish companies and organisations, promoting a doctrine of self-actualization. The book written to commemorate his 60th birthday included contributions from many notable professors like Ilkka Niiniluoto and business tycoons such as Jorma Ollila and Matti Alahuhta.
ellauri349.html on line 564: Esa Jouni Olavi Saarinen (born 27 July 1953 in Hyvinkää, Finland) is a Finnish philosopher who is professor of applied philosophy at Aalto University and co-director of the Systems Intelligence Research Group.
ellauri349.html on line 775: Und den tieferen Geist klein und gemein versteht, ja ymmärrät syvemmän hengen pieneksi ja ilkeäksi,
ellauri350.html on line 64: Eli Finkel – bestseller-kirjan The All-Or-Nothing Marriage: How the Best Marriages Work kirjoittaja – on professori Northwestern Universityssä, jossa hänellä on nimityksiä psykologian osastolla ja Kellogg School of Managementissa. Hän opiskelee romanttisia suhteita ja Amerikan politiikkaa. Northwestern's Relationships and Motivation Labin (RAMLAB) johtajana hän on julkaissut noin 170 tieteellistä artikkelia ja on vieraileva esseisti The New York Timesissa . Hänen ikätovereidensa kyselyssä hänet tunnistettiin 2000-luvun vaikutusvaltaisimmaksi suhdetutkijaksi; Economist julisti hänet " yhdeksi parisuhdepsykologian johtavista valoista".
ellauri350.html on line 104: Ei ole ratkaisevaa vastausta siihen, oliko Kohut herra Z., mutta Strozier puoltaa sitä vahvasti, kuten myös Cocks. Strozier sanoo, että oli erittäin todennäköistä, että Kohut olisi käyttänyt sitä vuonna 1977, kun hän oli kirjoittanut kaksi izehoitokirjaa, joista toinen oli Itsen analyysi: Systemaattinen lähestymistapa narsististen persoonallisuushäiriöiden psykoanalyyttiseen hoitoon (1971). International Universities Press , New York. ISBN 0-8236-8002-9. Kohout työskenteli hikisesä tuulisessa Chicagossa mutta sillä oli kiva mökki Carmelissa.
ellauri350.html on line 128: to 12.9.2019 K1, J5: "Käytäzä vielä tamponeja? Lopeta heti!" 22 minto 19.9.2019 K1, J6: Onx pakko juosta jos ei halua? 27 min to 26.9.2019 K1, J7: Tilasin universumilta helvetin komean miehen! 32 min to 3.10.2019 K1, J8: Ootko miettinyt, miksei deiteillä ole koskaan nälkä? 31 min to 10.10.2019 K1, J9: "Nauti vielä kun voit!" - sinkkuelämää 29 min to 17.10.2019 K1, J10: "Mitä sä oikein siltä parisuhteelta haluat?" 33 minto 24.10.2019 K1, J11: Jouluspecial! "On raskasta olla se perheen pahin jouluihminen" 33 min to 12.12.2019
ellauri350.html on line 281: Angeloun lausuma "On the Pulse of Morning" johti lisää mainetta ja tunnustusta hänen aikaisemmille teoksilleen ja laajensi hänen vetovoimaansa "rotu-, talous- ja koulutusrajojen yli". Angeloun lausunnon jälkeisellä viikolla hänen kirjojensa ja runoutensa pokkariversioiden myynti nousi 300–600 prosenttia. Bantam Booksin oli painettava uudelleen 400 000 kappaletta kaikista hänen kirjoistaan pysyäkseen kysynnän tasalla. Random House , joka julkaisi Angeloun kovakantiset kirjat ja julkaisi runon myöhemmin samana vuonna, raportoi, että he myivät enemmän hänen kirjojaan tammikuussa 1993 kuin koko vuonna 1992, mikä oli 1200 prosentin kasvu. Runon kuusitoistasivuisesta julkaisusta tuli bestseller, ja runon tallenne palkittiin Grammy-palkinnolla .
ellauri350.html on line 403: Atticus oli kiivaasti peripataattia vastaan. Atticuksen kirjoituksista, jotka on säilyneet vain fragmentaarisessa muodossa, voidaan nähdä, että hän oli arkkikonservatiivinen ja halusi puhdistaa Platonin alkuperäisinä opetuksina pitämänsä potaskan aristotelismin elementtien tunkeutumiselta. Platonin tulkkina Atticus ajatteli filologisesti ja kannatti Platonin luomisopin kirjaimellista, ei metaforista tulkintaa. Atticuksen asema edustaa versiota platonismista, jonka mukaan poikkeaminen mestarin kirjaimellisesta sanasta tarkoittaa korvaamatonta harhaoppista vastustusta. Hänen työnsä oli poleeminen, mahdollisesti peräisin hänen asemastaan ensimmäisenä platonisen filosofian tuolin haltijana Ateenassa Marcus Aureliuksen rahoituxella. Atticus väitti, että Aristoteles oli ateisti, että hän kielsi sielun olemassaolon ja hylkäsi jumalallisen huolenpidon. Hän koitti saada muutkin uskomaan, että maailmalla oli alku demiurgin kiidettyä ensihoitoon ajoissa.
ellauri350.html on line 442: Tohtori Howard Friedman.alias Howard S. Friedman on arvostettu psykologiprofessori Kalifornian yliopistossa, Riverside Riverside, CA 92521, Toimistopuhelin: (951) 827-3672. Säpö Howard.Friedman@ucr.edu
ellauri350.html on line 823: Samuel L(eroy) Jackson (s. 21. joulukuuta 1948) on yhdysvaltalainen näyttelijä. Yksi sukupolvensa tunnetuimmista näyttelijöistä, elokuvat, joissa hän on esiintynyt, ovat tuottaneet yhteensä yli 27 miljardia dollaria maailmanlaajuisesti, mikä tekee hänestä kaikkien aikojen toiseksi eniten tuloja tuottavan näyttelijän . [a] Tuoreen luokituksen mukaan hän on kaikkien aikojen eniten tuottanut näyttelijä. Vuonna 2022 hän sai Academy Honorary Award -palkinnon "kulttuurisena ikonina, jonka dynaaminen työ on resonoinut genreissä, sukupolvissa ja yleisöissä maailmanlaajuisesti". Jacksonin läpimurtoesitys oli Jules Winnfieldin roolissa Quentin Tarantinon rikosdraamassa Pulp Fiction (1994), Hän sai laajaa tunnustusta myös Jedi Mace Winduna Star Wars -esiosa-trilogiassa ( 1999–2005) ja Nick Furynä 11 Marvel Cinematic Universe -elokuvassa , alkaen Iron Manista (2008), sekä vierailijana ABC- sarjassa SHIELDin agentit.
ellauri351.html on line 76: Odin ja hänen veljensä Ve ja Vili loivat ensimmäisen miehen ja naisen ollessaan kävelyllä rannalla. He löysivät vierekkäin kasvavan saarnen ja jalavan. Toisessa versiossa tarinasta he löysivät kaksi ajopuuta rannalta. Puut he muotoilivat ihmisiksi, miehen nimeksi tuli Askr (Saarni) ja naisen nimeksi Embla (Jalava). Odin antoi heille elämän ja sielun, Ve ymmärryksen ja Vili ruumiin ja aistit. Jumalat loivat myös ihmisille paikan, jossa asua – Midgårdin (Keskimaa), jonka ympärille he rakensivat muurin, joka suojasi heitä jättiläisiltä. Midgårdin ja Asgårdin he yhdistivät sateenkaarisillalla, jonka nimi oli Bifrost.
ellauri351.html on line 161: Battler Britton syntyi vuonna 1932 Lancasterissa ja vietti lapsuudessaan usein aikaa perheensä loma-asunnossa järvialueella. Brittonin tärkeimmät panokset on koottu kahteen kirjaan. Teoksessa Belief and Imagination (1998) hän kehittää ajatuksiaan totuudesta ja psyykkestä todellisuudesta. Hän ehdottaa, että usko on se, joka antaa todellisuuden aseman haaveille ja ideoille, joita sitten käsitellään faktoina. Hän pitää uskoa osana epistemofiilistä vaistoa, joka on välttämätön elämälle epävarmuuden edessä. Uskomukset ovat mielikuvituksia, joita pidetään psyykkinä esineinä ja jotka – emotionaalisesti panostettuina – vaativat surua, jos niistä halutaan luopua. Hän erottaa uskon tiedosta (johon se usein rinnastetaan) sillä perusteella, että uskomuksen haltija hyväksyy sen mahdollisuuden olla totta. (Täh?) Hän ehdottaa, että tieto siitä, että jollakulla on usko, joka ei ole tosiasian läsnäolo, vaatii psykologista kehitystä; nimittäin kyky yhdistää subjektiivinen kokemus ja objektiivinen itsetietoisuus niin, että ihminen voi "näkeä itsensä" uskovan. Hän ehdottaa, että tämä edellyttää kolmiomaisen psyykkisen tilan läsnäoloa, jossa on kolmas asema, josta subjektiivisen minän voidaan havaita olevan suhteessa ideaan. Tätä tarvitaan todellisuuden testaamiseen, ja se riippuu Oidipus-kompleksin sisäisen version sietokyvystä.
ellauri351.html on line 178: Olen antanut mitä suurimman osoituksen tämän hienon kirjan monista rikkauksista. Minulle jäi vain yksi palapeli. Britton kertoo paljon Darwin-miehestä tässä kirjassa, mutta hyvin vähän darwinismin vaikutuksista psykoanalyysiin. Yhdessä vaiheessa hän valittaa, että Darwinin evoluutioteorian radikalismi on tuskin läpäissyt koulutettuja mielipiteitä. Luulen, että hän on väärässä tässä, mutta entä darwinilaiset psykoanalyysimallit: Bowlbyn, ennen kaikkea, mutta myös nykyaikaisempi versio kiintymysteoriasta, jonka tässä maassa julkaisivat Peter Fonagy, Anthony Bateman ja Mary Target sekä Yhdysvalloissa sellaiset henkilöt. kuin Allan Schore? Neuropsykoanalyysi on täysin darwinistinen näkökulma. Olisi hyvä saada Brittonin mielipide näistä malleista, ei vähiten siksi, että ne kiinnostavat niin monia hänen kiinnostuksen kohteitaan. Sama ajatus minulla oli neurotieteistä, Brittonin arvostaman alan suhteen. Neurotiede käyttää aivojen rakenteita tarkastellessaan täysin darwinistista viitekehystä: tyvihermot, jotka muodostavat matelijakompleksin, kehittyivät ensimmäisinä; myöhemmin tuli limbinen järjestelmä, useimpien emotionaalisten reaktioiden istuin; lopulta kehittyi neokortex, josta me ihmiset saamme niin monia kognitiivisia etujamme. Nämä rakenteet, joita löytyy myös muista kuin ihmiseläimistä eri suhteissa, muodostavat nyt perustan suurelle osalle neurotieteellistä teoriaa. Eikö psykoanalyysillä ole heistä mitään sanottavaa? Exnää ole just noi se, minä ja superminä?
ellauri351.html on line 293: Taleb on kirjoittanut Incerton, viisiosaisen epävarmuutta käsittelevän filosofisen esseen, joka julkaistiin vuosina 2001–2018 (erityisesti The Black Swan ja Antifragile). Hän on toiminut professorina useissa yliopistoissa ja työskennellyt riskitekniikan ansioituneena professorina New Yorkin yliopiston Tandon School of Engineeringissä syyskuusta 2008 lähtien. Hän on ollut mukana Risk and Decision Analysis -lehden päätoimittajana syyskuusta 2014 lähtien. Hän on myös toiminut matemaattisen rahoituksen harjoittajana, hedge-rahastojen hoitajana ja johdannaiskauppiaana, ja hän on tällä hetkellä Universal Investmentsin tieteellisenä neuvonantajana. The Sunday Times kutsui hänen vuonna 2007 julkaistua kirjaansa The Black Swan yhdeksi 12 vaikutusvaltaisimmasta kirjasta toisen maailmansodan jälkeen.
ellauri351.html on line 305: Taleb ja Nobel-palkittu Myron Scholes ovat vaihtaneet henkilökohtaisiin hyökkäyksiin, erityisesti sen jälkeen, kun Talebin artikkeli Espen Gaarder Haugin kanssa siitä, miksi kukaan ei käyttänyt Black–Scholes–Merton-kaavaa. Taleb sanoi, että Scholes oli vastuussa vuoden 2008 talouskriiseistä, ja ehdotti, että "tämän kaverin pitäisi olla vanhainkodissa tekemässä sudokua. Hänen varat ovat räjähtäneet kahdesti. Hänen ei pitäisi päästää Washingtoniin luennoimaan kellekään riskeistä." Scholes vastasi, että Taleb yksinkertaisesti "populalisoi ideoita ja ansaitsee rahaa myymällä kirjoja". Scholes väitti, että Taleb ei lainaa aikaisempaa kirjallisuutta, ja tästä syystä Talebia ei oteta vakavasti akateemisessa maailmassa. Haug ja Taleb (2011) listasivat satoja tutkimusdokumentteja, jotka osoittavat, että Black–Scholes-kaava ei ollut ollenkaan Scholesin kaava, ja väittivät, että taloustiede jätti huomiotta toimijoiden ja matemaatikoiden (kuten Ed Thorpin) kirjallisuuden, jotka olivat kehittäneet kehittyneempiä versioita kaavasta.
ellauri351.html on line 440: Joseph H. Berke, MD, (17. tammikuuta 1939 – 11. tammikuuta 2021, ei sukua Berke Khanille, Genghisin vaarille) oli amerikkalaissyntyinen psykoterapeutti, kirjailija ja luennoitsija. Hän opiskeli Columbia College of Columbia Universityssä ja valmistui Albert Einstein College of Medicine -yliopistosta New Yorkissa. Berke muutti Lontooseen vuonna 1965, jossa hän työskenteli RD Laingin kanssa 1960-luvulla, kun Philadelphia Association perustettiin. Berke asui Kingsley Hallissa, missä hän auttoi sairaanhoitajaa Mary Barnesia, jolla oli diagnosoitu skitsofrenia, selviytymään hulluudesta. Barnesista tuli myöhemmin taiteilija ja kirjailija. Philadelphia Association, jonka jäseniä Laing ja Cooper ja myöhemmin Redler olivat, oli perustanut Kingsley Halliin projektin, jossa häiriintyneet ihmiset voisivat asua sairaalan ulkopuolisessa ympäristössä. Se on kolmikerroksinen rakennus Itä-Lontoossa. Noin kolmetoista ihmistä voisi asua siellä mukavasti. Philadelphia Association vuokrasi rakennuksen viideksi vuodeksi kesäkuusta 1965 alkaen.
ellauri351.html on line 692: Elinikäinen marxilainen, hänen yhteiskuntapoliittiset vakaumuksensa vaikuttivat tuhoisasti hänen työnsä luonteeseen. Brittikommarit vaati 2. rintaman avaamista johki Pohjois-Ranskaan ryssien hädän helpottamisexi. Ei jaxa, istutaan ja kazotaan eka kuinka iivanalle käy, oli Churchillin ja Rooseveltin näkemys. Soditaan vaan tuolla siirtomaissa ja odotetaan itärintaman lopputulosta. M15:n ponnisteluista huolimatta vuonna 1947 hänestä tuli historian lehtori Birkbeck Collegessa, Lontoon yliopistossa, jossa tuohon aikaan epätavallisella tavalla henkilökunnan tai opiskelijoiden keskuudessa ei ollut taipumusta kommunismin vastaisuuteen. Hobsbawm sanoi, että McCarthyismista oli olemassa heikompi versio. joka otti valtaansa Isossa-Britanniassa ja vaikutti marxilaisiin tutkijoihin: "En saanut ylennystä 10 vuoteen, mutta kukaan ei heittänyt minua ulos". Poliittiset viholliset kielsivät Hobsbawmilta luennoitsijan Cambridgessa, ja koska hän oli myös estetty jonkin aikaa professuurista Birkbeckissä samoista syistä, hän puhui onnesta, kun hän oli saanut viran Birkbeckissä vuonna 1948 ennen kuin kylmä sota alkoi todella lähteä liikkeelle. Konservatiivien kommentaattori David Pryce-Jones on dementoinut tällaisten uraesteiden olemassaolon.
ellauri352.html on line 78: Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer (born 21 December 1952 in Meßkirch) is a German philosopher and professor of theoretical philosophy at the university of Leipzig. He was the president of the international Ludwig Wittgenstein society (2006-2009) and is now a vice-president of this institution.
ellauri352.html on line 315: Tämän koulutuksen ansiosta hän saattoi olla osa kaksinkertaista kulttuuriperinnettä, juutalaisuutta ja klassista. Hänestä tuli yliopiston opettaja ja hän oli erityisesti vastuussa opettamisesta ja yhteiskuntatieteiden kursseista Bordeaux'n yliopistossa vuonna 1887; tässä kaupungissa, jossa Montesquieu tunnetaan niin hyvin, hän kirjoitti vuonna 1892 latinalaisen väitöskirjansa Quid Secundatus politicae scientiae instituendae contulerit. Hän puolusti kahta väitöskirjaansa 3. maaliskuuta 1893 Pariisin tiedekunnassa, toisen ranskankielinen otsikko on De la division du travail social. Hänestä tuli silti lääkäri, ja hänet nimitettiin professoriksi Bordeaux'n yliopistoon vuonna 1896. Durkheim sai pahan trauman 1. maailmansodasta kotirintamalla. Teoria kollektiivisista edustajista, jonka Durkheim oli rakentanut selittämään ihmismielen universaalia luonnetta, muuttui "kansallismieliseksi pamfleksiksi", joka käsittelee "saksalaista mentaliteettia", joka oli "vastuussa kataklysmista".
ellauri352.html on line 393: Thales saavutti rikkauksia oliivisadosta ennustamalla säätä. Yhdessä versiossa hän osti kaikki Miletoksen oliivipuristimet ennakoituaan sään ja hyvän sadon tietylle vuodelle. Tarinan toisessa versiossa Aristoteles selittää, että Thales oli varannut puristimet etukäteen alennuksella ja saattoi vuokrata ne korkealla hinnalla kysynnän ollessa huipussaan ennustuksensa perusteella erityisen hyvästä sadosta. Tämä tarinan ensimmäinen versio muodostaisi ensimmäisen historiallisesti tunnetun futuurien luomisen ja käytön, kun taas toinen versio olisi ensimmäinen historiallisesti tunnettu optioiden luominen ja käyttö.
ellauri352.html on line 456: versit%C3%A4t%2C_Kiel_1970.jpg" height="250px" />
ellauri353.html on line 223: Kamarineidon päiväkirja ( ranska: Le journal d'une femme de chambre, italia: Il diario di una cameriera ) on espanjalaissyntyisen elokuvantekijän Luis Buñuelin ohjaama draamaelokuva vuonna 1964. Pääosassa Jeanne Moreau on pariisilainen kamarineito, joka käyttää kehoaan ja aikoo sillä selviytyä perversiosta, korruptiosta ja väkivallasta, jonka hän kohtaa maakunnallisella kartanolla, jossa hän menee töihin. Vaikka se onkin erittäin satiirinen ja heijastaa hänen tyypillisiä porvaristonvastaisia tunteitaan, se on yksi Buñuelin realistisimmista elokuvista ja välttelee yleensä outoja surrealistisia kuvia ja kaukaa haettuja juonenkäänteitä, joita löytyy monista hänen muista teoksistaan. Se on jopa tylsempi kuin Renoirin vastaava.
ellauri353.html on line 227: Vuonna 1966 Buñueliin ottivat yhteyttä Hakimin veljekset, Robert ja Raymond, egyptiläis-ranskalaiset tuottajat, jotka ovat erikoistuneet seksikkäisiin tähtielokuvantekijöiden ohjaamiin elokuviin, ja tarjosivat hänelle mahdollisuuden ohjata elokuvaversio Joseph Kesselin romaanista Belle de Jour, kirja varakkaasta nuoresta naisesta, joka viettää kaksoiselämää pariloituna, ja joka oli aiheuttanut skandaalin sen ensimmäisen julkaisun yhteydessä vuonna 1928. Deneuve ei voinut sietää rasvaista Buñuelia.
ellauri353.html on line 277: The Friedmans were recent guests at the Commonwealth Club of Kalak it in Los Angeles. Each author speaks and then takes questions from the audience. Good afternoon and welcome to today's meeting of the common a Club of California. Brought to you from the St Francis Hotel relooking Union Square. I am doing an orderly chair. We also welcome the listener. A.W. F.M. in Sitka Alaska. One of more than two hundred twenty five stations across the country. Joining us for America's longest running. Radio program. We invite all our listeners here and on radio. To visit the club's website. At W.W.W. Commonwealth Club. Dot org. And now for today's speakers. It is with great pleasure that I introduce those plucky Jews, the Friedmans. The Friedmans are with us today. Connection with their recently published memoirs. Bucky people. Published by the University of Chicago. Press this year. They have been partners in love. And in life. For over sixty years.
ellauri353.html on line 279: Milton Friedman is widely regarded as the leader of the Chicago school. Of monetary economics. Stresses the importance of the quantity of money. As an instrument of government policy. Terminated. A business cycles and inflation. After graduating in one nine hundred thirty two with a Bachelor of Arts from Rutgers. He received graduate degree. From the University of Chicago. And Columbia University. Since one thousand nine hundred seventy seven. Professor print. Has been a senior research fellow at the Hoover Institution. Homeless or University Professor Friedman received the one nine hundred seventy six Nobel Prize for ECT. That's. In addition to his scientific work. Professor Friedman has written extensively on public policy. Always with primary emphasis on the preservation and extension of. Individual freedoms. In his most important works in this area. Perhaps an ever. The important area. Is life. He has collaborated by. Roads. An accomplished. Economist in her own right. Together they wrote. Capitalism and Freedom. Free to choose. And tyranny of the status quo. Free to choose and tyranny of the status quo later rip it into a T.V. series of the same names that were shown over the public. Public Broadcast stations.
ellauri353.html on line 281: Mrs. FRIEDMAN attended Reed College and studied economics at the University of Chicago. She was on the staff of the National Research and the bureau. A few. Home Economics. She next joined the staff of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation where she worked until she married Milton and moved to New York. Since then she has continued home economic research on her own publishing. Individually and coauthoring the three works referred to a few moments ago. She was mostly a producer of the P.B.S. T.V. series free to choose. And in one thousand nine hundred six she received an honorary doctorate from Pepperdine University. The Milton. And Rose de Friedman Foundation which the Freedman's us. Promotes parental choice. Of the schools. Attend. As I mentioned the title of their most recent book is Two lucky people. I'm being told by my parents. That the harder you work the luckier you get. It is no wonder the Friedan consider themselves lucky. They have worked long hard to make the contributions they have made to each other and to our society. We the members and listen. Well are the lucky ones today. To have them share themselves and their insights with us once again. We welcome. (Milton claps his hands to them.)
ellauri353.html on line 289: I grew up before the appearance of the street. I even finished my graduate work. For a doctorate in economics before the feminist movement. Really got going. As a result. I was free to choose. Just how I wanted to live my life whether I wanted a full time career in the market place or a part time. Career. Combined with being a homemaker and bringing up a family. I knew I was going to get married. I'd already chosen my husband. I also wanted to have a family. Even after getting used to being married. And I wanted to bring up my children. Myself. I did not want them to be brought up. Either in a child care center. Or by a maid. Naturally by like most people I also wanted to have my cake and even when they left. University Milton and I both went to work in Washington for jobs where economists were there only let it cool. However before we were married. His career took him to New York City. While mine remained in Washington where I live where I like to work and the people I was working with. However we did not look forward to living apart.
ellauri353.html on line 293: I don't remember just what it was that Milton was doing. But I'll never forget my nephew's pronouncement that. Whatever it was. It was women's work. And somehow it was beneath the man's dignity to do it now and sat him down and gave him a lecture about the working man's work. But I don't think he ever forgot that lecture. Summarized the way we had led we've lived got a life. Ever since during the first year of our married life I guess I could have qualified as a feminist. I had a career in the marketplace. My husband did part of the house. A year later I have never received an offer of a one year appointment at the University of Wisconsin. I got a New York but it was not exciting. I hadn't finished it. And yet it never occurred to me. Or to him that I would stay on and finish my job and we would commute.
ellauri353.html on line 295: So I gave up my job and we moved when we got to this crime scene. I didn't inquire whether the university had a nepotism rule. As the University of Chicago did or we went. Later if the husband worked for the university his wife. Could not be employed there even as a janitor. This change however with women's lives. Today. If the university wishes to hire a qualified male. It has to find a job for his wife. At the best of my knowledge that's not work in reverse.
ellauri353.html on line 297: And I really have mixed feelings about either arrangement. so instead. I have is very happy to spend the school year doing some work on my dissertation. I got used to being a homemaker. I took some funky classes in pottery, (Sorry Milton I mean) ceramics. And I got pregnant at the the back end of school here we left university and headed for Amman or Milton spent the summer writing a book. Jointly with two other people. And I spent the summer being pregnant and I'm comfortable. But war was heating up and decided that once our baby arrived we would move. The washing. He would go to work probably at the Treasury Department. I hope to spend my time as a mother. Unfortunately that didn't work out. Our first pregnancy. My first experience at. Guarding a family came to a sad end when the baby was stillborn. So I went to work in watching them till I could get pregnant again. This time they were more fortunate. And once our daughter was born. I had no thought of going back to work. At least until my. Our children were grown. And as it turned out I never did go back as far as spam innocents are concerned. When I had the opportunity to do some work at home without leaving. So there.
ellauri353.html on line 508: Otsikkosukunimi Fauntleroy on englantilais-ranskalainen termi, joka on viime kädessä johdettu sanoista Le enfant le roy ("kuninkaan lapsi"), ja se herättää kuvan hemmottelusta ja hemmottelusta. Proksimaalisesti se on peräisin keskienglannin versiosta faunt sanasta enfaunt, joka tarkoittaa lasta tai vauvaa. Se on todistettu oikeaksi sukunimeksi 1200-luvulta lähtien.
ellauri355.html on line 205: "Ukraina". Polkupyörän massatuotemerkki, joka sai suuren määrän muutoksia. Klassisia näytteitä tehtiin uros- ja naarasversioina ja ne menivät yhtä hyvin asfaltilla ja hiekkateillä. Malli "Ukraine LUX" eroaa klassikoista alumiiniseoksesta valmistettujen vanteiden läsnäololla. Pitkien matkojen mukavuudesta huolehtivat kiertokangas, vaunuyksikkö ja etujarru. Mallissa on perinteinen ja hillitty yläpoikittaispalkki, jossa on tilava tavaratila, laajennetut läpät ja jalkalista.
ellauri355.html on line 238: Kaikkiaan Ukraina sai vuonna 2023 parikymmentä Leopard 2A6 -mallia sekä kymmenen niihin verrattavaa Leopard 2A5:n ruotsalaisversiota. Nyt näistä on yli puolet tuhannen päreenä.
ellauri359.html on line 76: William Blake (28. marraskuuta 1757 Lontoo – 12. elokuuta 1827 Lontoo) oli englantilainen runoilija, kuvataiteilija ja kirjanpainaja. Blaken tuotantoa luonnehtii mystiikka, okkultismi ja jyrkkä yhteiskuntakritiikki. Hän teki kirjansa täysin itse: hän kirjoitti, kuvitti, painoi ja kaiversi teoksensa. Aikalaisilta Blaken teokset eivät saaneet huomiota, vaan hänen tuotantonsa herätti kiinnostusta vasta 1900-luvulla.
ellauri359.html on line 110: >Mielenkiintoista. Knightsbridge University
ellauri359.html on line 143: Bélinki väitteli myöhemmin tanskalaisessa Knightsbridgen yliopistossa. Knightsbridgen yliopiston tutkintoja ei tunnusteta muun muassa Tanskassa. Tanskan korkeakoulu- ja tiedeministeriö kielsi Knightsbridgeltä ”university”-nimikkeen käytön vuonna 2010. Bélinki toimi 1980-luvun alussa Helsingin kaupunginvaltuustossa aluksi Ruotsalaisen kansanpuolueen ryhmässä, mutta loikkasi kesken kauden kokoomuksen valtuustoryhmään. Hän oli jäsenenä Helsingin kulttuurilautakunnassa 1981–1984, mutta jätti sitten oman ilmoituksensa mukaan politiikan lopullisesti ja keskittyi tutkijan uraan. LOL.
ellauri360.html on line 167: Marianne Fritz : Dessen Sprache du nicht verstehst [jonka kieltä et ymmärrä]
ellauri360.html on line 323: Mario Vargas Llosa : Conversación en la catedral (Keskustelu katedraalissa)
ellauri360.html on line 443: What is the “New Christianity”? AT THE START OF the twentieth century, the map of global Christianity that charismatic leaders D. L. Moody or Vladimir Lenin might have known had been completely reshaped. In 1900, only 10 percent of the world’s Christians lived in the continents of the south and east, but a century later at least 70 percent of the world’s Christians lived there. More Christians worshiped in Anglican churches in Nigeria each week than in all the Episcopal and Anglican churches of Britain, Europe, and North America combined. There were ten times more Assembly of God members in Latin America than in the United States. There were more Baptists in Congo than in Great Britain. And there were more people in church every Sunday in communist China than in all of Western Europe or in North America. Philip Jenkins, Distinguished Professor of History at Baylor University, said at the time that religion in the new century even showed signs of replacing ideology as the prime animating force in human affairs. “If we look beyond the liberal West,” he wrote in The Atlantic Monthly, we see that another Christian revolution... is already in progress.
ellauri360.html on line 468: Voittosanoma Wilholle! The unmistakable first observation about the churches below the equator is that they are charismatic. “The gifts” play a prominent role in public worship and private devotion. Grasping the history of this movement will prepare the reader for encountering the Global South. Several movements prepare and anticipate the emergence of contemporary Pentecostalism. The Methodist Holiness movements were perfectly suited for the North American frontier with an egalitarian character that could cross economic, racial, and gender barriers. Culminating 150 years of Holiness theology, by 1900 Pentecostals embraced and amended a Holiness tradition incorporating several emphases. The “mixed blessing” approach acknowledged the first blessing of conversion and a second blessing whereby the believers were stirred and moved to sanctification or holiness (the emphasis that evolved from Wesley).
ellauri360.html on line 476: The story of the emergence and mission of the pentecostal and charismatic movements that follow is arguably the most important story of the twentieth century for understanding Christianity today. Measuring the expansion and growth of the Pentecostal denominations is only a fraction of the story because charismatic and Pentecostal influences are the primary contributors to nondenominationalism. Even more impressively, charismatic theology and practice now characterize many believers in the mainline denominations and Catholic life. American students of the movement observe three recent movements of the Spirit. The first wave refers to the outpouring of the Spirit at Azusa and the emergence of the major Pentecostal denominations that followed. American students of the movement observe three recent movements of the Spirit. The first wave refers to the outpouring of the Spirit at Azusa and the emergence of the major Pentecostal denominations that followed. The second wave denotes a sweeping encounter and embrace of charismatic life. spilling over into mainline Protestant denominations and Catholicism in the 1960s and early 1970s. The third wave saw the embrace of signs and wonders by conservatives; it began in the 1980s at Fuller Seminary in California around the teaching and ministry of John Wimber. The Vineyard network of churches is a lasting sign of this movement that saw many evangelicals swept into charismatic experience.
ellauri360.html on line 482: Recent students of missionary endeavors give missionaries a better name (i.e. leech), noting that they often advocate justice and independence. Let us pray. When we opened them they had our money and we had independence, electronic junk and baleloads of sweaty t-shirts. That's a broader understanding of America’s influence upon the expansion of Christianity in the Global South. We need to shift our focus from the question of what missionaries did and address what version of Christianity they modeled before the Global South believers. Christianity was brought to America by European Christians; it is the product of missions itself.
ellauri360.html on line 499: Worldview and metaphysics (a term you can dynamically translate with the question, “What else is real?”) are crucial. General observations about philosophical issues are dangerous, but it is fair to observe that Christians in the Global South see the world around them as manifesting a vivid interaction between what we may call a spiritual (nonmaterial) realm and a material (concretely physical) realm. Westerners typically hold that a mastery over the material realm (perhaps through science) alters or even negates the need for the spiritual realm. Tiede on ihmeitä ihmeellisempää ja toimii luotettavammin. A thing has either a natural or a supernatural cause. Which one it is, makes no more sense to ask than whether you take the bus or your lunch to school. In such a muted theism called deism, God is offstage and barely makes appearances; demons, spirits, and angels are downplayed. For most Western believers, only a modest market exists for the spiritual. For the Global South, the physical and spiritual worlds interact. In such a world, demons or spirits may influence a person’s mood or well-being. Both the spiritual and material realms are firmly in mind. They enter the text of Scripture with less hindrance. They just supplement one magic with another.
ellauri360.html on line 503: American individualism is silly. The only thing individual about anyone is the space they occupy. All else is copied by millions. Vibrant singing is a whole-body exercise for many believers in the Global South. Intercessory prayer composes a major element in worship; separate seasons of prayer can last for hours. Cellphones do the same job in the west. In many cases, the ability of the preacher to heal relatively cheaply is the primary cause of church growth. Kiinalainen "takaisin Israeliin" eli "viele vehen lännemmäxi" herätysliike on herättänyt itänaapurissa närkästystä.
ellauri362.html on line 166: Thomas Jefferson Hogg (24. toukokuuta 1792 – 27. elokuuta 1862) oli brittiläinen asianajaja ja kirjailija, joka tunnetaan parhaiten romanttisesta ystävyydestään romanttisen runoilijan Percy Bysshe Shelleyn kanssa. Hogg kasvoi Durhamin kreivikunnassa, mutta vietti suurimman osan elämästään Lontoossa. Hän ja Shelley ystävystyivät opiskellessaan University Collegessa Oxfordissa ja pysyivät läheisinä Shelleyn kuolemaan asti. Oxfordissa ollessaan he tekivät yhteistyötä useissa kirjallisissa projekteissa, jotka huipentuivat heidän yhteiseen karkotukseensa "The Necessity of Atheism" -nimisen esseen julkaisemisen jälkeen. He pysyivät hyvinä ystävinä, mutta heidän suhteensa oli joskus kireä, koska Hogg oli romanttisesti kiinnostunut lörppävittuisista naisista, jotka olivat romanttisessa suhteessa Shelleyn kanssa. Suurin osa hänen kirjoittamistaan fiktioista oli huonoxi arvioitua. Hänen tunnetuin kirjallinen teoksensa oli Percy Bysshe Shelleyn elämä, runoilijan keskeneräinen elämäkerta. Vaikka kirja oli hyvin tutkittu ja maalasi selkeän kuvan Shelleystä nuorena miehenä, sitä kritisoitiin Percyn esittämisestä negatiivisesti. Kärsittyään kihdistä Hogg kuoli unissaan. Uni jäi kesken viimeinen.
ellauri362.html on line 199: Peacockin versio Shelleyn elämästä perustuu suurelta osin henkilökohtaiseen tietoon, ja useimmat tutkijat pitävät sitä objektiivisena, mutta silti varovaisena Shelleyn irrationaalisempien tekojen ja vainoharhaisten ideoiden käsittelyssä. Häntä vaivasi viimeisinä vuosinaan suolistosairaus.
ellauri362.html on line 225: Vaik olet ryntäikäs, et löydä kaltaistani toista, Though fair be thy form, thou no lovers wilt find,
ellauri362.html on line 264: Helkkari kuinka tää väkäleuka kirjoittaa sitten ikävystyttävästi. Seliseliä ja sopivaisuutta, bienséancea, tosin tätä 3. millenniumin versiota siitä. Kuin kuuntelisi Mr. Collinsin pahoitteluja Lydian karattua Lontooseen. Vittu väkäleuka on yxinkertaisesti ILKEÄ, ja sen kehittämät sisaruxet julmia kylmiöitä toisilleen. Siinä se poikkeaa valtavasti Janesta, joka voi olla ilkikurinen, mutta sen ihmiset on siltikin kaikki suhteellisen kilttejä. Lizzy ja sen isosisko Jane ovat toisilleen hirmu reiluja. Wickham on luikuri muttei ihmishirviö. Camillan mielestä Letty on simply and solely huono luonne, syntymäsaasta kuten Mr. Collinsista Lydia. No nää väkäleuan tytöt on ziljonääriperijättäriä, niillä on kapassiteettia olla ilkeitä. Jotenkin se vie jännityxen koko asetelmasta. Riches to riches ei paljon nappaa, sehän on kuin herne herne. Onnea on differentiaali.
ellauri362.html on line 272: Duke Ellingtonin porttikiellon Almack'siin todellinen syy on selvinnyt: Ticknor’s version indicates that it was the lateness of his arrival and not the trousers that kept him out. Karen Field on January 15, 2011 at 01:03
ellauri362.html on line 301: Oulunkylässä asuessaan Veijo tutustui Orimattilasta kotoisin olevaan Veikko Kylänpäähän ja sitten hänen sisareensa Eeva Kylänpäähän, jonka Meri vei vihille 1959. Rouva, lehtori Eeva Kyllikki Meri elätti koko perhettä kunnes Veijo pääsi tuloille. Eevasta ei löydy muuta tietoa. 1959 Veijo koki ylirasituksesta johtuneen romahduksen – sen enteitä hän koki jo keväällä 1959 Kööpenhaminassa ja joutui Lapinlahden sairaalaan "lepäämään" kolmeksi viikoksi. Meret viettivät kesän 1964 Sysmän Suopellossa, mikä antoi miljöötä 1966 ilmestyneelle Everstin autonkuljettajalle.
ellauri362.html on line 303: Tiesittekö että Veijo Meri perheineen vietti kesän 1964 Sysmän Suopellossa? Miljöötä kuvaillaan Wexin niteessä Everstin autonkuljettaja.
ellauri362.html on line 309: Jöns ei nähtävästi pidä liioin Joel Haahtelasta. Joel Haahtela on "Kristina Carlson -schabloonalla jokavuotismalliin julkaistu Martti Anhavan kristillismyönteinen sarjaromaanikonsepti joka 'uudistuu' ja samalla 'ironisoi' uudistumistaan, eräänlainen luterilaiseen juoksi jänö metsänrajaan versio Italo Calvinosta. Ehkä jopa norssi." Vankan uskonnollisen vakaumuksen omaava lääkäri Haahtela tutustui ortodoksisuuteen aluksi vaimonsa mukana ja mieltyi kokemaansa. Elämys syveni, kun häntä pyydettiin jumalanpalvelustekstien lukijaksi. Hänet vihittiin ensin lukijaksi ja 2021 diakoniksi, joka on varsinaisen ortodoksisen pappeuden ensimmäinen porras. Haahtela käsittelee tuotannossaan kristinuskoa ja sen selittämättömiä asioita, mutta romaaneita voi lukea niin hengellisin kuin humanistisin silmin. Haahtela itse kertoo uskovansa ”selittämättömään, siihen että asioiden takana on jotain monimutkaista ja kaunista, toisin sanoen mystistä".
ellauri362.html on line 389: Hän väitti, että hänellä oli hermoston häiriö , jonka hän oli vakuuttunut saaneen liikkeelle erilaisia objektiivisesti annettuja yliluonnollisia prosesseja, jotka liittyvät hänen omiin ja toisten ihmisten, jopa jumalallisiin hermoihin, joihin Schreber uskoi lujasti ja jonka vuoksi hänestä oli tullut uusi universumin keskus, mutta ei mielisairas. Tämän väitteen perusteella, jonka mukaan hän oli vain jumalallisten, yliluonnollisten ihmeiden uhri , jotka olivat paljastaneet hänelle uuden, epäsäännöllisen maailmanjärjestyksen, mutta muuten täysin mielenterveyden hallussa, Schreber nosti oikeudenkäynnin pian vuosisadan vaihteen jälkeen hänen työkyvyttömyyttään vastaan, joka tapahtui hänen sairaalassa olonsa aikana. Lopulta hän voitti (vaikka Dresdenin kuninkaallinen aluetuomioistuin totesi, että hänellä oli edelleen mielisairaus, mutta katsoi, ettei se ollut enää vaarallinen hänelle tai muille), minkä jälkeen hänet vapautettiin joulukuuta 1902 ja päästettiin jälleen tuomarixi. No ei sentään, läppä läppä.
ellauri362.html on line 439: Lopulta hän ei kestänyt elämää Aldeburghissa enää. Vuoden 1779 lopulla hän päätti panostaa kaikkensa kirjallisuuteen Lontoossa, ja huhtikuussa 1780 hän lähti pääministerin sukulaisen Dudley Northin avustuksella Slaughdenin laiturilta. Lontoossa hän asui Royal Exchangen läheisyydessä, lähellä Cornhillissä asuneita Miss Elmyn ystäviä, ja ryhtyi tarkistamaan muutamaa näytelmää ja joitain mukanaan tuomiaan proosaesseitä opiskellessaan kasvitiedettä ja entomologiaa Lontoon ympärillä ja pitää Mirrille osoitettua päiväkirjaa. Vuosi oli hänelle köyhyyden ja pettymyksen vuosi. Niiden runojen joukossa, joita hän yritti julkaista, epäonnistui, olivat kirje hänen suosikkipaketeissaan prinssi Williamille (myöhemmin William IV), satiirinen kirje paholaisesta (ilmeisesti tarkistettu versio aikaisemmasta runosta, Ihmiskunnan viholliset) ja Mirrille osoitettu kirje, joissa molemmissa hän käyttää anapaestia. Yksikään julkaisija ei hyväksynyt näitä runoja niiden kirjoittajan purevasta esittelystä huolimatta salanimellä "Martinus Scriblerus". Lordit North, Shelburne ja Thurlow, yksi toisensa jälkeen, kuuntelivat kirjailijaa kuuroilla korvilla vaikka hänen säkeistyksensä Shelburnelle ansaitsi jonkinlaisen palkinnon. Ja kun hän luultavasti elokuussa 1780 löysi kirjapainon, joka halusi painaa kaksisataaviisikymmentä kopiota toisesta runosta, se ei tuonut hänelle muuta kuin yhden tai kaksi vähäistä arvostelua. Crabbe, joka useissa tämän aikakauden teoksissa kuvailee omia tunteitaan ja tilaansa, lähetti tämän jälkeen "Kuukausikatsauksen tekijöille" jakeisen kirjeen, jossa hän käytännössä pyytää heitä neuvomaan, pitäisikö hänen jatkaa runoudessa vai ei, antaen muuten itselleen satiirisia neuvoja menestykseen johtavista menetelmistä. Runossa ei ole mitään ihmeellistä paitsi idean hämmästyttävä yksinkertaisuus. Crabbe ei pitänyt viinamäen miehistä, koska sen isäpaskiainen oli ollut sellainen.
ellauri362.html on line 479: eversti burgundia ja porttia hänen armonsa;
ellauri362.html on line 739: The poet then explores the various forms of intoxication, ranging from the genteel indulgences of the upper classes to the boisterous revelry of the common folk. He mentions specific drinks associated with different social groups, highlighting the diverse ways in which people seek solace and escape from the challenges of life.
ellauri364.html on line 52: Konversiohäiriötä (ICD-10-diagnoosikoodi F44) on aikaisemmin kutsuttu hysteriaksi tai hysteeriseksi neuroosiksi. Hysteria-nimikkeestä on kuitenkin viime vuosina luovuttu siihen liittyvän kielteisen ja naisia väheksyvän leiman vuoksi. Hysterialla on aikaisemmin tarkoitettu erilaisia ruumiillisia oireita, joille ei löytynyt selvää somaattista syytä. Tästä syystä hysteria-käsite kattoi aikaisemmin konversiohäiriön ohella myös monet muut elimellisoireiset psykiatriset häiriöt.
ellauri364.html on line 54: Konversiohäiriön olennainen piirre on vähintään yksi tahdonalaisen lihaksen tai aistien toimintaan liittyvä oire tai vajaus, joka muistuttaa neurologista tai muuta ruumiillista häiriötä. Oireen tai toiminnan vajauksen syntyyn liittyy psykologisia tekijöitä, ja oireen ilmenemistä tai pahentumista edeltää erilaisia psyykkisiä ristiriitoja, stressitekijöitä tai traumaattiseen tunnemuistoon liittyviä tapahtumia. Oiretta tai vajavuutta ei voida selittää millään ruumiillisella häiriöllä tai kemiallisen aineen vaikutuksella. Oire tai vajavuus ei myöskään ole tarkoituksellisesti tuotettu tai teeskennelty. Konversiohäiriö on nykyisin suhteellisen harvinainen oltuaan aikaisempina vuosikymmeninä ilmeisesti selvästikin nykyistä yleisempi. Häiriö on yleisempi naisilla. Konversio-oireet ilmenevät yleensä ensi kertaa 10–35 vuoden iässä, joskus kuitenkin myöhemmällä iällä.
ellauri364.html on line 56: Hysteria (kreik. hystera 'kohtu') on historiallinen tautinimike, joka jaettiin myöhemmin kahteen alaluokkaan hysteeriseksi neuroosiksi ja konversiohysteriaksi. Hysteerinen neuroosi nimettiin uudelleen somatisaatiohäiriöksi, ja nykyisin siitä käytetään nimitystä somatisaatiohäiriö (F45.0). Konversiohysteria nimettiin uudelleen konversiohäiriöksi, jota nimikettä käytetään edelleen suomalaisessa psykiatriassa, vaikka sairauden virallinen nimi on muuttunut dissosiaatiohäiriöksi (F44). Osa lääkäreistä on ruvennut kutsumaan hysteriaa psykogeeniseksi, toiminnalliseksi tai ihan vaan lääketieteellisesti selittämättömäksi häiriöksi.
ellauri364.html on line 198: Verocayn akateemisen työn keskeytti ensimmäinen maailmansota, jossa hänet siirrettiin Itävallan armeijan sotilasterveyshuoltoon, jolloin hän saavutti everstin arvosanan ja "Punaisen Ristin upseerin" arvomerkin. Hänen työnsä Wienissä erityisesti ruumiinavausten suorittamisessa, joita hänellä oli vuosittain yli 600, teki hänestä maailmankuulun kirurgisen patologian alalla.
ellauri364.html on line 317: Skizoidin jäätyneen pinnan alla kytee räikeä izekeskeisyys. Mietiskelee miltä hän mahtaa näyttää. Algolagnikolta tietysti. Perversiot ovat yleisiä. Skizoidi voi olla kuka tahansa, sotapäällikkö tai kapinoizija, vanha hieno mamselli tai sukututkija.
ellauri364.html on line 370: mutta metsän kääpiöt tummissa versoissa, men skogens dvärgar i kolsvart skrud,
ellauri364.html on line 424:
ellauri364.html on line 426: Vaan forwärz, sillä nyt tullaan oikeihin perversioihin, ennen kaikkea suklaaosastoon! Harhaviettisiin homppeleihin, joita meillä täällä Ruåzissa on joka sadannella askeleella, jos olet taitava. Etenkin naisia! Oltuaan aviossa moniaita vuosia ja saatuaan lapsiakin voi mies (Arto) huomata että hänen vaimonsa on homo! Hermot ja perversiteetit kuuluvat kieltämättä
ellauri364.html on line 427: yhteen. Jos yxinkertaista käteenvetoa ei lasketa on homoilu selkeästi tavallisin perversio. Ne ovat tavallista nais- ja miesmäisempiä, väärällä tavalla. Pahinta ovat eleet ja puhetapa. Ne vaikuttavat kiihtyneiltä ja hermostuneena himokkailta yxilöiltä kuten homot Spenserin sisaruxissa. Suomalaiset eivät pidä siitä eikä Spensereistä, eivät halunneet sellaista presidenttiä. Mieluummin valehteleva länsiorava. Näin taataan Suomen jatkuvuus natomaana. Miespuoliset homot ovat rasvalanteisia, naiset tasapaxuja, karvaisia ja laihoja.
ellauri364.html on line 436: Toisin kuin normaaleilla ihmisillä, heidän elämänsä on vain mielihyvän ja kurjuuden vaihtelua. Mielihyväkin on enimmäxeen hyvin alhaista, takaa maistuvaa. Ei ihme että perversio ja huonot hermot ovat kuin kaxoset.
ellauri364.html on line 530: Down by the riverside
ellauri364.html on line 579: Aihetta koskevasta perustutkimuksestaan Diener sai lempinimen Dr. Happiness. Tutkijoita, joiden kanssa hän on työskennellyt, ovat E. Saarisen sielunkumppani Daniel Kahneman ja Martin "kukoistus" Seligman. He held Smiley's chair as Joseph R. Smiley, Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of Illinois sat on it :). Diener's wife Carol is a psychologist and attorney. His daughters Marissa and Mary Beth are psychologists, as is his son, Robert.
ellauri365.html on line 49: Maupassant [måpasa], Henry René Albert Guy de, fransk författare, f. 5 aug. 1850 på slottet Miromesnil i Normandie, d. 6 juli 1893 Auteuil, var ättling af en gammal lothringsk adels- familj; modern var sy- ster till skalden Alfred de Poittevin. Föräld- rarna skildes tidigt, och den intelligenta och litterärt intresse- rade modern, en barn- domsväninna till Gu- stave Flaubert, ledde sonens uppfostran. Hans barndom förflöt vid Normandies kust, där M. insöp sin kärlek till naturen och lärde kän- na dessa normandiska typer, som han sedan så gärna skildrade. Adertonårig inträdde han 1868 i Marinministeriet, men öfvergick 1878. till kultusministeriet. Han saknade emellertid intresse för ämbetsmannabanan. Redan tidigt vak- nade hans lust för litteraturen, som närdes af mo- derns ungdomsminnen. Flaubert omfattade honom med en faders kärlek, kritiserade strängt hans. första omogna försök, inpräntade i hans sinne sina egna konstnärliga principer, lärde honom att genom aldrig tröttnande observation söka uppfånga det förut icke iakttagna och därför nya och att återge. det så, att det skildrade fenomenet skiljer sig från alla andra och blir individuellt och enastående. Framför allt afhöll han honom från att debutera för tidigt. Från midten af 70-talet meddelade dock M. under hvarjehanda pseudonymer (oftast Guy de Valmont) smärre bitar åt tidningar och tidskrifter, och 1879 fick han uppförd en drama- tisk bagatell, Histoire du vieux temps. Hans verk- liga debut inföll dock först 1880 med diktsamlingen Des vers. Den har obestridligen ett originellt skaplynne och väckte uppseende kanske ej minst därför, att den hotades med ett åtal för osedlighet hufvudsakligen på grund af dikten Le mur), som deck afstyrdes genom inflytelserika vänner. M. insåg sedan själf, att hans talang låg mera för prosan, i all synnerhet sedan han samma år ut- gifvit novellen Boule de suif (i "Soirées de Mé- dan"). Med denna novell, som utmärktes genom skarp observationsförmåga och ypperlig prosa- stil, slog M. igenom och intog sin plats som en at den naturalistiska skolans förnämsta representanter och en af den franska litteraturens största novellister. Den efterföljdes af en lång rad novel ler, först publicerade i "Gil Blas" och "Echo de Paris" och sedan samlade i bokform under följande titlar: La maison Tellier (1881), M:lle Fifi (1882), Les contes de la Bécasse (1883), Clair de lune i (1884), Au soleil (resebilder, s. a.), Les soeurs Rondoli (s. a.), Miss Harriett (s. a.), Yvette (s. a.; sv. öfv. 1905), Monsieur Parent (s. a.), Contes du jour et de la nuit (1885), Contes et nouvelles (s. 4.), Contes choisis (1886), La petite Roque (s. a.), Toine (s. 1.), Le Horla (1887), Sur l'eau (rese- skildringar, 1888), Le rosier de Mime Husson (s. å.), L'héritage (s. a.), La main gauche (1889), Histoire d'une fille de ferme (s. a.), La vie errante (reseskildringar, s. å.) och L'inutile beauté (1890); efter hans död ha ytterligare publicerats Le père Milon (1899; "Gubben Milon", s. å.), Le colporteur (1900) och Dimanches d'un bourgeois de Paris (s. å.). Till dessa novellsamlingar ansluta sig sexromanerna Une vie (1883; "Ett lif", 1884), Bel-ami (1885; "Qvinnogunst", 1885 och 1901), Mont-Oriol (1887; sv. öfv. 1895), Pierre et Jean (1888; "Pierre och Jean", s. a.), Fort comme la vi mort (1889; "Stark som döden", 1894 och 1910) och Notre coeur (1890; "Vårt hjerta", 1894 och 1910). För scenen skref M. vidare treaktsskåde spelet Musotte (i samarbete med J. Normand, 1891) och La paix du ménage (uppf. på Théâtre fran- çais, 1893). M. skref äfven litterära studier, bl. a. öfver Emile Zola (1883) och Gustave Flaubert (1884). Denna oerhörda produktion fullbordades en på den korta tiden af omkr. tio år. Den gjorde honom hastigt världsberömd som en äkta represen tant för den franska conten, en ättling i rakt ned stigande led af de gammalfranske fabliåförfattarna, med ära upphärande Rabelais', La Fontaines och Voltaires traditioner.
ellauri365.html on line 51: M. var en kraftigt sensuell natur, en friluftsmänniska och atlet, sjudande af af lifslust, säker i sin styrka, måttlöst hängifvande sig åt alla sensationer, full af känsla inför naturens skådespel, en vacker natthimmel, ett doftande fält, en solbelyst öppning i den högstammiga skogen, älskande kvinnan med en naiv, nästan animal, men ( på samma gång blyg lidelse. I denna öfversval- lande lifsglädje blandade sig dock alltid en viss sorgbundenhet. Han har själf tecknat sitt väsen, då han någonstädes säger, att han vissa dagar hatar allt, så att han kunde önska sig döden, andra åter känner sig glad och lycklig som ett djur. I kraft af detta sitt lynne, hvars tendenser funno sin motsvarighet i den naturalistiska riktning, som behärskade litteraturen i det ögonblick, då M. framträdde, kom hela hans diktning att röra sig inom det sinnliga lifvets sfär, återgifvande enkla och rela- tivt föga sammansatta själstillstånd och med för kärlek tecknande folkliga typer. Hans analys är kanske icke så djup, men hans rika begåfning öf verskylde i viss mån denna brist genom den styrka och lysande klarhet, hvarmed han återgaf det sedda. Ingen har mästerligare än M. förstått att ge relief och betydelsefullhet åt hvardagliga ämnen. Han ser så skarpt och klart, och hans språk är så säkert och smidigt, att han i några få ord tecknar profilen af ett ansikte eller en individs karaktär, gester och hela yttre person. I början öfverlämnade han sig kanske alltför fritt åt en viss ytlig uppsluppen och sensuell lifsglädje. Större utrymme för sina rika anlag fann han i romanerna "Une vie" och "Bel-ami", hvilka återge vissa sidor af det moderna lifvet med en rikedom på nyanser och en ironi, som blottar alla motsägelser och löjligheter situationerna eller personernas karaktär. Och denna ironi är så öfverlägsen och så objektiv, att det förefaller, som om det vore icke författaren, utan tingen själfva, som talade. Hvad M. än skildrar, är uppfattningen så frisk, så omedelbar, så utan all sjuklighet och förkonstling, att han kan säga mycket, som skulle stöta hos andra författare. Sådant gestaltade sig M:s författarskap under de första åren af åttiotalet, men hans oerhörda produktion och hans i öfrigt våldsamma lefnadssätt. bröto snart hans krafter. Plötsligen stod han, som dittills endast haft öga för det fysiska lifvet, undrande inför en ny värld, hvilken uppgått i hans inre. Ett annat ljus faller öfver företeelserna och ger en ny karaktär åt hans diktning. Intet vittnar kanske mera om omedelbarheten och styrkan i hans begåfning än den säkerhet, hvarmed han äfven tecknat dessa nya själstillstånd. I "Le Horla" se honom redan kämpa med de vansinnets fantom, som snart skulle omtöckna hans själslif. Tankar på ålderdomen, på döden, ett mörkt tungsinne utbreda sig allt mer och mer öfver hans skrifter. Särskildt romanerna "Fort comme la mort" och "Notre coeur" präglas af en gripande och känslofull själsfinhet, som hans tidigare skrifter. knappast låtit ana. 1892 sökte han döda sig med rakknif, då han kände, att han icke längre kunde strida mot vansinnet. I tvångströja fördes han till ett sjukhus, där han dog af paralysie générale efter 18 månaders sjukdom. Han nekade flera gånger att taga säte i franska akademien liksom att mottaga hederslegionen. I Parc Monceau i Paris har man rest ett vackert monument öfver honom. Verlet; ett annat finnes i Rouen. Hans rykte har varit i ständigt stigande efter hans död. Ytterligare sv. öfv. äro "Lifsbilder" (1888), "Berättelser och skisser. Med en inledning om hans författarskap af T. Hedberg" 1893) och "En duell. Efterlämnade skisser och berättelser" (1900). Se J. Lemaître, "Les contemporains" I, V och VI (1885, 1892, 1896), R. Doumic, "Ecrivains d'aujourd'hui" (1894), G. Brandes, "Samlede skrifter", VII (1901), A. Lom- broso, "Souvenirs sur M." (1905), och Maynial, "La vie et l'œuvre de M." (1906). 1902 började Oeuvres complètes att utkomma. (Nordisk familjebok 1912 s.v. Maupassant)
ellauri365.html on line 61: Kokoelma: "Matoja" Recueil : "Des vers"
ellauri365.html on line 75: Joskus levenevien varjojen ylitse, Quelquefois, traversant les ombres élargies,
ellauri365.html on line 82: Ja haaveilivat lähdöstä tämän kultaisen taivaan poikki, Et rêvaient d’un départ à travers ce ciel d’or,
ellauri365.html on line 94: Valtavan ja punaisen kuun kuusien läpi. La lune énorme et rouge à travers les sapins.
ellauri365.html on line 465: Vid sexton års ålder fick Verner sparken från skolan i Stockholm "av hälsoskäl" och fara med pappas pengar söderut. Han var alltså, som han själv skrev, "nog lycklig att få insupa de sydliga ländernas kosmopolitiska luft, medan ännu hans väsen besatt ungdomens hela mottaglighet". I september 1876 fick Heidenstam resa utomlands tillsammans med sin kusin Ernst. Resan gick till Alexandria och Kairo och där stannade de till våren 1877 innan de reste hem via Grekland och Italien. På hösten reste han åter till Beirut, Jerusalem och Kairo. I ett brev till sin mor förklarade han att han ville bli målare, ett yrkesval hon skarpt avrådde ifrån. I sitt skissblock ritade och målade han flitigt men han började också skriva verser.
ellauri365.html on line 557: I Tyskland var Heidenstam en uppskattad författare; han utnämndes till hedersdoktor vid universitetet i Heidelberg 1936. 1935 sa han Heil till Hitlers ställföreträdare Rudolf Hess.
ellauri365.html on line 867: Vid tiden läste Fröding Leibniz, Nietzsches filosofi och översatte dikter av bland andra Goethe. Även Tolstoj, Spinoza, Blavatsky, Platon och Buddha bidrog till hans nya världsbild. Fröding uttryckte allt mer tankar kring altruism och kärlek till allt levande. Han jordfästes i Klara kyrka, förrättad av Nathan Söderblom och kortegen genom Stockholm kantades av 200 000 sörjande.
ellauri367.html on line 58: Erottuaan MI5:n palveluxesta Cairncross jäi rahattomaksi ja työttömäksi. Uskollinen Juri Modin antoi hänelle rahaa muuttaa Chicagoon, missä Cairncross siirtyi akateemiseen uraan Northwestern Universityssä.
ellauri367.html on line 120: Pillé par les Allemands et endommagé par les Américains pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, il a été ensuite vendu. Totalement abandonné, il tombe progressivement en ruine et est vandalisé. Très dégradé, il est acheté par le groupe immobilier Novaxia en 2016, qui a l'intention de le restaurer et probablement de construire des logements sur le terrain. Quinze hectares du parc subsistent en parc public, le reste est à l’abandon avec le château ou a fait place à divers aménagements et constructions.
ellauri367.html on line 122: Rothschild ist der Name einer jüdischen Familie, deren Stammreihe sich in Deutschland ab 1500 urkundlich belegen lässt. Ihre Mitglieder sind seit dem 18. Jahrhundert vor allem als Bankiers bekannt geworden. Sie zählten im 19. Jahrhundert zu den einflussreichsten und wichtigsten Finanziers europäischer Staaten. Das Stammhaus des Bankgeschäfts war M. A. Rothschild & Söhne in Frankfurt; die Familie ist weiterhin über verschiedene Nachfolgeinstitute im Bankgeschäft tätig, hauptsächlich im Investmentbanking und der Vermögensverwaltung.
ellauri367.html on line 140: version/1521561187/image.jpg" />
ellauri367.html on line 168: Hänen syntymäpäivänsä on 15. syyskuuta. Mr. Burnsin äärimmäinen vanhuus on usein puujalkahuumorin lähde. Burnsin isä oli orjaomistaja eteläisen viljelmän omistaja, joka inspiroi Simon Legreen hahmon Harriet Beecher Stowen romaanissa Setä Tuomon tupa. Homer ja Grampa polveutuvat eversti Burnsin karanneesta orjasta Virgilistä, joka pakeni britti-Kanadaan. Hänen kansallislaulunsa viittaa siihen, että hän oli kotoisin Itävalta-Unkarista. Mr. Burns vastaa usein puhelimeen arkaaisella tervehdyksellä "Ahoi-hoi", jonka Alexander Graham Bell ehdotti, mutta jonka on kauan sitten korvannut tutumpi "Helou".
ellauri367.html on line 317: Stig Erik Constans Wennerström (22. elokuuta 1906 Tukholma – 22. maaliskuuta 2006 Danderyd) oli Ruotsin ilmavoimien eversti ja vakooja. Wennerström työskenteli 15 vuotta vakoojana Neuvostoliiton hyväksi. Aikaisemmin hän oli työskennellyt vakoojana Saksan laskuun, minkä venäläiset saivat selville ja pakottivat paljastumisen uhalla vakoilemaan jatkossa heidän hyväkseen.
ellauri368.html on line 87: LEBENSOHN, MICAH JOSEPH (tunnetaan myös nimellä Mikhal; 1828–1852), yksi *Haskalahin merkittävimmistä heprealaisista runoilijoista. Vilnassa syntyneen Abraham Dov *Lebensohnin (Adam ha-Kohen), joka oli aikansa johtava intellektuelli ja yksi sen merkittävimmistä runoilijoista, poika Micah Lebensohn sai perusteellisen heprealaisen koulutuksen, mukaan lukien intensiivisen Raamatun tutkimisen. Toisin kuin muut hänen aikansa nuoret, jotka joutuivat kamppailemaan voidakseen opiskella maallisia aineita, Lebensohn oli yksityisopetuksessa saksaa, puolaa, venäjää ja ranskaa. Hän osoitti jo varhaislapsuudessa suurta kiinnostusta kirjallisuuteen ja aloitti kirjallisen toiminnan hepreantamalla saksalaista runoutta. Hänen 19-vuotiaana käännettyä suurimman osan Vergilin Aeneidin toisesta kirjasta Schillerin saksankielisestä versiosta (97 säkeistöä) vahvisti Lebensohnin maineen Vilnan kirjallisuusmaailmassa. Vuotta myöhemmin hän käänsi Vittorio Alfierin näytelmän Saul nimellä Aḥarit Sha'ul. (Kaikista säilyneistä kopioista osia käännöksestä puuttuu.) 17-vuotiaana Lebensohn sairastui vakavasti tuberkuloosiin ja hänet lähetettiin Berliiniin sairaanhoitoon. Lääkäreiden neuvosta hän kokeili Salzbrunnin kylpylää vuonna 1849, mutta palasi Berliiniin talvella. Seuraavan kesän hän vietti Reinerzin kylpylässä, jossa hänen tilansa parani, ja siellä hän kirjoitti parhaan teoksensa. Talven tullessa hän sai shuubin ja palasi isänsä kotiin Vilnaan, missä hän kuoli 24-vuotiaana.
ellauri368.html on line 164: Herbertin romaanien ja johdannaisten teosten poliittinen, tieteellinen ja sosiaalinen fiktiivinen ympäristö tunnetaan nimellä Tyynyuniversumi tai Duniverse. Kymmeniä tuhansia vuosia tulevaisuuteen sijoittuva saaga kertoo sivilisaatiosta, joka on kieltänyt kaikki "ajattelevat koneet", mukaan lukien tietokoneet, robotit ja tekoäly. Niiden tilalle sivilisaatio on kehittänyt kehittyneitä henkisiä ja fyysisiä tieteenaloja sekä kehittyneitä tekniikoita, jotka noudattavat tietokoneiden käyttökieltoa, kuten mekaanisia kärpäsiä, neuloja, pikkuveiziä ja valomiekkoja. Tälle valtakunnalle elintärkeä on ankara aavikkoplaneetta Arrakis, ainoa tunnettu maustearrakin lähde, maailmankaikkeuden arvokkain aine.
ellauri368.html on line 174: Herbertin kiinnostus aavikkoympäristöä ja sen haasteita kohtaan johtuu tutkimuksesta, jonka hän aloitti vuonna 1957, koska hän aloitti keskeneräisen artikkelin Yhdysvaltojen maatalousministeriön kokeesta, jossa käytettiin köyhyysruohoa vakauttamaan vahingoittavia hiekkadyynejä, jotka voisivat "niellä kokonaisia kaupunkeja ja järviä, ml joet ja moottoritiet." Herbert vietti seuraavat viisi vuotta tutkien, kirjoittaen ja tarkistaen romaania Tyyny, josta tuli alun perin sarjakuvalehti kahdeksi lyhyemmäksi teokseksi, Dune World (1963) ja The Prophet of Dune (1965). Sarjakuvaversiota laajennettiin ja muokattiin, kunnes yli 20 kustantajaa hylkäsi sen – ennen kuin Chilton Books, autokorjausoppaistaan tunnetuin painotalo, julkaisi sen vuonna 1965.
ellauri368.html on line 194: Israelin armeijan version mukaan ihmiset kuolivat, kun he talloivat toisiaan hengiltä tai ajautuivat kuorma-autojen alle. Al-Awdan sairaalan johtaja kertoi, että sairaalaan tuotiin tapahtumapaikalta 176 loukkaantunutta, joista 142:lla oli ampumahaavoja ja 34:lla muita ruhjeita.
ellauri368.html on line 282: Translation: "Blessed are You, LORD our God, King of the universe..."
ellauri368.html on line 288: He wrote the satire on his return to Judaism after an involuntary conversion.
ellauri368.html on line 318: Hasidism was inspired by Israel ben Eliezer, who was eventually dubbed the Ba'al Shem Tov after he was "revealed" as a wonder-working leader in about 1736. He lived in the Ukraine, where there was a high density of provincial Jewish communities. Two generations after the death of this charismatic leader, his followers printed BeShT (In Praise of the Ba'al Shem Tov, 1815, a Hebrew work consisting primarily of hagiographie tales about wonders of the rebbe, as passed on and eaborated by his disciples. In the same year, stories by Nahman of Bratislav - a great-grandson of the Ba'al Shem Tov - were published by his scribe Nathan Sternharz. Accompanied by Yiddish versions, the Hebrew tales were intended to reach the broadest possible audience.
ellauri369.html on line 104: Uusi testamentti tarjoaa vain vähän, jos ollenkaan, tietoa Paavalin fyysisestä ulkonäöstä, mutta apokryfisistä teksteistä löytyy useita vähemmän imartelevia kuvauksia. Paavalin teoissa häntä kuvataan "pienikokoiseksi mieheksi, jolla on kalju pää ja vinot jalat, hyvässä kunnossa, kulmakarvat kohtaavat ja nenä hieman koukussa". Paavalin ja Theklan tekojen latinalaisessa versiossa on lisätty, että hänellä oli punaiset, kellertävät kasvot.
ellauri369.html on line 359: As a boy, Teufelsdröckh was left in a basket on the doorstep of a childless couple in the German country town of Entepfuhl ("Duck-Pond"); his father a retired sergeant of Frederick the Great and his mother a very pious woman, who to Teufelsdröckh´s gratitude, raises him in utmost spiritual discipline. In very flowery language, Teufelsdröckh recalls at length the values instilled in his idyllic childhood, the Editor noting most of his descriptions originating in intense spiritual pride. Teufelsdröckh eventually is recognized as being clever, and sent to Hinterschlag (slap-behind) Gymnasium. While there, Teufelsdröckh is intellectually stimulated, and befriended by a few of his teachers, but frequently bullied by other students. His reflections on this time of his life are ambivalent: glad for his education, but critical of that education´s disregard for actual human activity and character, as regarding both his own treatment and his education´s application to politics. While at University, Teufelsdröckh encounters the same problems, but eventually gains a small teaching post and some favour and recognition from the German nobility. While interacting with these social circles, Teufelsdröckh meets a woman he calls Blumine (Goddess of Flowers; the Editor assumes this to be a pseudonym), and abandons his teaching post to pursue her. She spurns his advances for a British aristocrat named Towgood. Teufelsdröckh is thrust into a spiritual crisis, and leaves the city to wander the European countryside, but even there encounters Blumine and Towgood on their honeymoon. He sinks into a deep depression, culminating in the celebrated Everlasting No, disdaining all human activity. Still trying to piece together the fragments, the Editor surmises that Teufelsdröckh either fights in a war during this period, or at least intensely uses its imagery, which leads him to a "Centre of Indifference", and on reflection of all the ancient villages and forces of history around him, ultimately comes upon the affirmation of all life in "The Everlasting Yea". The Editor, in relief, promises to return to Teufelsdröckh´s book, hoping with the of his assembled biography to glean some new insight into the philosophy. Wow, sounds a lot like Carlyle´s personal biography, lightly camouflaged?
ellauri369.html on line 363: Herr Diogenes Teufelsdröckh: (Greek/German: "Zeus-descended Devil´s Dung") The Professor of "Things in General" at Weissnichtwo University, and writer of a long book of German idealist philosophy called Clothes, Their Origin and Influence, the review of which forms the contents of the novel. NOTE: Both professor and book are fictional.
ellauri369.html on line 364: The Editor: The narrator of the novel, who in reviewing Teufelsdröckh´s book, reveals much about his own tastes, as well as deep sympathy towards Teufelsdröckh, and much worry as to social issues of his day. His tone varies between conversational, condemning and even semi-Biblical prophecy. The Reviewer should not be confused with Carlyle himself, seeing as much of Teufelsdröckh´s life implements Carlyle´s own biography. I told you so!
ellauri369.html on line 375: Sartor Resartus was intended to be a new kind of book: simultaneously factual and fictional, serious and satirical, speculative and historical. It ironically commented on its own formal structure, while forcing the reader to confront the problem of where "truth" is to be found. In this respect it develops techniques used much earlier in Tristram Shandy, to which it refers. The imaginary "Philosophy of Clothes" holds that meaning is to be derived from phenomena, continually shifting over time, as cultures reconstruct themselves in changing fashions, power-structures, and faith-systems. The book contains a very Fichtean conception of religious conversion: based not on the acceptance of God but on the absolute freedom of the will to reject evil, and to construct meaning. This has led some writers to see Sartor Resartus as an early existentialist text. Why of course!
ellauri369.html on line 380: According to Rodger L. Tarbaby, "The influence of Sartor Resartus upon American Literature is so vast, so pervasive, that it is difficult to overstate." Tarr notes its influence on such leading American writers as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Emily Dickinson, Henry David Thoreau, Herman Melville, Margaret Fuller, Louisa May Alcott and Mark Twain (Nathaniel Hawthorne and Edgar Allan Poe were among those that read and objected to the book).
ellauri369.html on line 476: Deena Weinstein havaitsee On Herpexen vaikutuksen "kitaran sankarin" rockmusiikkiilmiöön, kuten 1960-luvun meemissä "Clapton is God". Deena Weinstein (born March 15, 1943) is a professor of sociology at DePaul University whose research focuses on popular culture. She is particularly well known for her research on heavy metal culture, on which subject she wrote a ground-breaking book, Heavy Metal: A Cultural Sociology (1991), later published in a revised and updated version as Heavy Metal: The Music and Its Culture (2009). She did for metal what Greil Marcus's Lipstick Traces did for the Sex Pistols (fucking castrated them).
ellauri369.html on line 491: Hän alkoi julkisesti ilmaista uskonnollisia epäilyksiään puoliksi omaelämäkerraisissa teoksissaan Shadows of the Clouds , jotka julkaistiin vuonna 1847 salanimellä "Zeta", ja The Nemesis of Faith , joka julkaistiin omalla nimellään vuonna 1849. Erityisesti The Nemesis of Faith nosti esiin kiistan myrskyn, jonka William Sewell poltti julkisesti Oxfordissa Exeter Collegessa ja Morning Herald piti sitä "uskottomuuden käsikirjana" . James joutui eroamaan stipendiaatistaan, ja University College Londonin virkamiehet peruuttivat tarjouksen mestariopiskelusta Hobart Townissa Australiassa, jossa Froude oli toivonut pääsevänsä työskentelemään samalla kun harkitsi tilannettaan uudelleen. James pakeni yleistä meteliä vastaan kiinaamalla ystävänsä Charles Kingsleyn luona katakombeissa.
ellauri370.html on line 50: If you've ever read the Bible and thought, "This is cool, but it could really use some disturbing Game of Thrones action," the story of Queen Esther is for you. Here's an abridged version: when the current queen angers the king, he chucks her and picks a new wife from a selection of hot young women. Esther is the lucky girl, but she hides the fact she's Jewish. When her cousin Mordecai angers Haman—the big bad of the story—Haman decides her's going kill every Jew in revenge. So Esther throws a huge banquet where she reveals she's Jewish and Haman wants her (and her people) dead. The king gets super pissed, the Jews defend themselves against extermination, Haman ends up dead, and we get Purim and triangle-shaped cookies. Read more here.
ellauri370.html on line 185: In addition, contrary to claims that he was an environmentalist, Jackson was almost as much a "whore for logging companies" as for Boeing, according Carsten Lien's book Olympic Battleground. After his death, critics pointed to Jackson's support for Japanese American internment camps during World War II as a reason to protest the placement of his bust at the University of Washington. Jackson was both an enthusiastic defender of the evacuation and a staunch proponent of the campaign to keep the Japanese-Americans from returning to the Pacific Coast after the war. Jackson died at 71. Jackson's death was greatly mourned. Jackson was proof of the old belief in the Judaic tradition that at any moment in history goodness in the world (olam) is preserved (tikkum) by the deeds of 36 just men who do not know that this is the role the Lord has given them. Scoop Jackson was one of those men.
ellauri370.html on line 191: "Heal the world" tuotti paljon nappulaa, koska se oli kyynelehtivä versio Tikkun olamista. Tikkun olam (hepreaa "maailmankorjaus") on alkanut merkitsemään sosiaalista toimintaa ja sosiaalisen oikeudenmukaisuuden tavoittelua . Ilmaus juontaa juurensa klassisesta rabbiinisesta kirjallisuudesta ja lurialaisista kabbalasta, joka on juutalaisen mystiikan tärkein osa, joka on peräisin 1500-luvun kabbalistin Isaac Lurian töistä.
ellauri370.html on line 395:
ellauri370.html on line 403: Kolumbukselle osoitetuissa kirjeissä ja päiväkirjoissa on viittauksia juutalaisiin pyhiin kirjoituksiin ja päivämääriin juutalaisesta kalenterista, ja on huomattava, että Kolumbus valitsi miehistöönsä monia juutalaisia ja konversoja. Matkan rahoituxen järkännyt Santangel oli konverso. Kolumbuksen matkaa ei rahoittanut, kuten yleisesti uskotaan, kuningatar Isabellan syvät taskut, vaan kaksi juutalaista conversoa ja kolmantena huomattava juutalainen. Louis de Santangel ja Gabriel Sanchez lainasivat 17 000 dukaatin korotonta lainaa omasta taskustaan auttaakseen matkan maksamisessa, samoin kuin Don Isaac Abarbanel, rabbi ja juutalainen valtiomies. Juutalaisten tiedemiesten ja rahoittajien hänelle antama apu voidaan selittää vain sillä että hän oli samaa rotua.
ellauri370.html on line 433: Todellakin, conversojen tunkeutumisesta tuli jonkinlainen tulva, kun Espanjan valtaistuin otti vallan Portugalissa vuonna 1580.1600-luvun alussa saattoi lähteä uuteen maailmaan kolmesta viiteentuhatta portugalilaista kryptojuutalaista. He odottivat tärkeitä kaupallisia kannustimia ulkomailla, eivätkä pettyneet.
ellauri370.html on line 461: Eugen Dühring war Sohn eines Beamten und studierte Jura in Berlin. Bis 1859 war er als Anwalt tätig. Da er früh unter einer Sehschwäche litt, die sich bis zu seinem dreißigsten Lebensjahr zu völliger Blindheit verschlimmerte, musste er seinen Beruf aufgeben. Trotz dieser Behinderung setzte er seine Studien in unterschiedlichen Fachgebieten wie Nationalökonomie, Philosophie, Mechanik, Logik, Ethik und Literatur fort.
ellauri370.html on line 463: 1863 habilitierte sich Dühring in Philosophie, 1864 auch in Nationalökonomie. Im selben Jahr erhielt er eine Dozentenstelle an der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin. Dort geriet er jedoch in Konflikte mit Professorenkollegen. Nachdem er zudem die Universität als wissenschaftliche Einrichtung wiederholt angegriffen hatte, verlor er 1877 seine Lehrbefugnis. Von da an bis zu seinem Tod 1921 wirkte er als "Privatgelehrter."
ellauri370.html on line 496: versand.de/images/product_images/popup_images/194_0.jpg" />
ellauri370.html on line 622: L'ethnologue Claude Lévi-Strauss estimait de son côté que, dans le système de Gobineau, les races ne sont «pas tellement inégales en valeur absolue que diverses dans leurs aptitudes particulières». LOL. Sopii kyllä olla rasisti (sitähän me ollaan juutalaisetkin), kuha ei antisemitisti. Ranskixet koittaa vielä tänäänkin hikisesti puzata maanmiehestään nazileimaa.
ellauri370.html on line 724: Historien uppvisar ibland förargliga överseenden. Ett sådant antyder att det faktiskt finns en möjlighet att Adolf Hitler var kvartsjude. Säkert är att hans farmor, Maria Anna Schicklgruber, "kom i olycka" då hon var piga hos den judiska familjen Frankenberger och att sonen i huset misstänktes för att vara far till gossebarnet Alois som hon födde år 1837. Under åtskilliga år mottog hon ekonomisk hjälp från frankenbergerna. Var det ett slags barnuppfostringsbidrag? Alois Schicklgruber ändrade senare namnet till Hitler och blev år 1889 i sitt tredje äktenskap far till Tysklands blivande Führer. Finns det verkligen kött på detta ben, skulle Adolf Hitler ha kunnat bli offer för sina egna judelagar. Men det blev han ju!
ellauri370.html on line 744: B'nai B'rith, Unabhängiger Orden (U. O. B. B.), Söhne des Bundes, ist ein 1843 in New York begründeter Ordensverband, der nur Juden aufnimmt. Mit Großlogen, Hauptlogen und Distrikten ist B’nai B’rith ähnlich wie die Freimaurerei aufgebaut, versteht sich aber nicht als mit dieser Bewegung verbunden. Der Orden hat in Europa keine Grade, dagegen Erkennungszeichen und ein Ritual, das aber mit dem freimaurerischen Ritual in keiner Weise identisch ist. Die Zentrale ist in Washington, D.C.; dort betreibt die Organisation ein Museum zur jüdischen Geschichte (das B’nai B’rith Klutznick National Jewish Museum).
ellauri370.html on line 752: Ableger von B’nai B’rith sind u. a. die 1913 gegründete Anti-Defamation League und die universitäre Organisation Hillel.
ellauri371.html on line 335: Kirjeenvaihtajatoimisto. Nämä virastot tekevät instituutiomme ja tahtomme, vaikuttavat niihin sitten kokonaan. He ilmoittavat vain sen, mitä me määräämme heille. Jos olemme nyt onnistuneet vangitsemaan goimien mielet yhteiskuntia siinä määrin kuin ne kaikki näyttävät maailman tapahtumiin näiden lasien värillisten lasien läpi, jonka laitoimme heidän silmiinsä, jos nyt emme ole säilyneet missään tilassa, oja estää pääsymme ns goimien tyhmyyden luoma, valtiosalaisuus meille, mitä sitten tapahtuu, kun tulemme me tunnetut maailman hallitsijat universaalimme persoonassa
ellauri371.html on line 549: Tästä laskelmasta selviää, että universaalin veron muodossa valtio nostaa viimeiset penninsä köyhiltä veronmaksajilta, maksaaxeen käteisellä ulkomaisille rikkaille, joilta se otti lainaxi rahaa sen sijaan, että keräisi niitä viimeistä penniä myöten tarpeexi porhoilta ilman korkomaksuja. Vaikka lainat olisivat sisäisiä, goyit siirtävät vain rahaa köyhän miehen taskuista rikkaan miehen taskuihin, mutta kuka tarvitsi siirtää lainat ulkopuolisille saadaxeen uutta maaperää? Me pankkiirit! Siten kaikki valtion omaisuus virtasi kassakoneihimme ja kaikki goyit alkoivat maksaa meille kunniaa. Tanskalaisuutta! Mätää! Jos hallitsevien goimien kevytmielisyys puuttuu suhteessa hallitusasioiden ja korruption välillä, nitrodiskoa tai väärinkäsityxiä talousasioissa hallitsevat henkilöt ovat velkaa mailleen, meidän kasallemme--- JA: meillä on maksamattomia velkoja, meidän on tiedettävä kuinka paljon meillä on niitä, se maksaa työtä ja rahaa.
ellauri371.html on line 569: Konversiot. Seuraavaksi tulee tulosten aika, mutta ne vähentävät maksua 0 % eivätkä kata velkoja, Sitä paitsi niitä ei voi tehdä ilman suostumusta lainanantajilta: ehdotetaan muuntamisesta ilmoitettaessa rahan palautus niille, jotka eivät suostu muuttamaan sinun pyllypaperiasi. Jos kaikki olisivat eri mieltä ja vaativat rahansa takaisin, niin hallitus tekisi hyvin jos ne jäisivät kiinni omasta syötistään, mutta eivät pystyy maksamaan tarjottuja rahoja. Onnella omaisuutta, tietämättömiä alamaistensa talousasioista! Hallitus on aina suosinut goimia joka korvaa valuuttakurssitappiot ja koron laskun, uusien riskiä näille hallitsijoille. Annettujen rahojen sijoittaminen irrottaa itseltään useammin kuin kerran usean miljoonan velan [Semelionov]. Nyt ulkoisten velkojen kanssa sellaisia asioita goyit eivät voi enää heittää ulos tietäen, että me vaadimme kaikki rahat takaisin.
ellauri371.html on line 616: Ihmiskunnan tukijatko vyöllä universaalin hallitsijan persoonassa. Daavidin pyhästä siemenestä on uhrattava tahmaisia uhreja ihmisiin ja bonoboihin jotka täyttävät hänen kaikki henkilökohtaiset toiveet. Hallitsijamme on oltava suunnilleen virheetön.
ellauri371.html on line 636: 4. heinäkuuta 1776 Pena Franklin, Juha Adams ja Tomi Jefferson nimettiin komiteaksi ehdottamaan hyljettä. Jokainen mies ehdotti malleja, Jeffersonin muistutti suuresti Franklinin mallia. Lisäksi konsultiksi kutsuttu taidemaalari Pierre Du Simitière teki oman versionsa. Juha Adamsin kirje 14. elokuuta kuvaili erilaisia ehdotuksia, joten Franklinin oli toimitettu siihen mennessä. Valiokunta esitti mietintönsä 20. päivänä; sinetin toinen puoli, jonka tunnuslause oli E Pluribus Unum, oli pääosin sitä, mitä Du Simitière oli ehdottanut, ja toinen puoli, sitä josta Franklin ja Jefferson olivat sopineet. Kongressi esitti raportin, ja vasta vuonna 1782 nykyinen sinetti hyväksyttiin. Ensimmäisen komitean käsityöstä se säilytti vain latinalaisen moton. (Juhan ehdotus oli mennyt rodeen muitta mutkitta; siinä oli munapäinen mursu ja vähäpukeisia naisia.)
ellauri371.html on line 660: Seizenvuotisessa siirtomaasodassa ranskalaiset järjestivät virzanialaisille intiaaniliittolaistensa avustamina verilöylyn, joka tunnetaan Monongahelan taisteluna. Washington selvisi haavoittumattomana, mutta satoja muita retkikunnan jäseniä menehtyi taistelukentälle. Washington ylennettiin everstixi. Hän haki upseeriksi Britannian armeijaan, mutta häntä ei hyväksytty.
ellauri371.html on line 684: A play on the world-famous Smithsonian Institution, the Jeffersonian was created to add credibility to the scientists running the show. But exterior shots of the Jeffersonian do show two actual museums: the Natural History Museum in Los Angeles and the Wallis Annenberg Building at the University of Southern California.
ellauri372.html on line 116: pro curia inversique mores – senaatti vittu ja perverssit normit -
ellauri372.html on line 228: Rukouxesta on myös exekutiiviversio, jota voi käyttää kiireessä.
ellauri372.html on line 314: Leonhard Rost kirjoittaa: "Varhaiskristilliset kanonisten kirjojen luettelot sisälsivät joskus kahdeksantoista psalmia, jotka Salomolle lueteltiin apokryfien joukossa, ja toisinaan ne sisälsivät ne Antilegomena-kirjoihin. 1600-luvulle asti niitä pidettiin kuitenkin kadoneina. Augsburgin kirjastonhoitaja David löysi ne siivotessaan kirjaston ullakolta uudelleen. Hän pani Hoeschelixi, ja ne julkaisi ensimmäisen kerran jesuiitta John Louis de la Cerda vuonna 1626. Nykyään tiedämme kahdeksan kreikkalaista käsikirjoitusta 1100-1500-luvuilta ja kolme syyrialaista käsikirjoitusta, joista yksikään ei ole täysin täydellinen. Kreikankielinen versio on suora käännös; syyrialainen, kuten KG Kuhn on osoittanut, pohjautui kreikkalaiseen versioon, joka puolestaan on peräisin heprealaisesta tekstistä." ( Judaism Outside the Hebrew Canon , s. 118)
ellauri372.html on line 318: James C. VanderKam kirjoittaa: " Salomon psalmien päivämäärää ei voida määrittää tarkasti. Tärkeimmät vihjeet ovat peräisin psalmeista 2, 8 ja 17, jotka tarjoavat jotain historiallisesta ympäristöstä, jota vastaan ainakin nämä kolme runoa kirjoitettiin. Puhutaan originelleista johtajista, jotka eivät olleet laillisia hallitsijoita ja joiden aikaa leimasi massiivinen korruptio ja paha. Heitä syytetään temppelin ja kultin rikkomisesta. Nämä näyttävät olevan Hasmonealaisia eli simoniittoja. Jumala nosti heitä vastaan vieraan valloittajan, joka toivotettiin tervetulleeksi joidenkin toimesta Jerusalem, mutta joka silti joutui valloittamaan kaupungin väkisin. Hän meni temppeliin, mutta tapasi myöhemmin kuolemansa Egyptissä, missä hänen ruumiinsa jätettiin hautaamatta rannalle (ks. 2:26-27). Kuvaus sopii Pompeuksen toimintaan noin klo 1/2 Jerusalemissa ja tapaan, jolla hän sai loppunsa vuonna 48 eaa. Psalmi 2 (jossa 8 ja 17) olisi silloin kirjoitettu tämän tapahtuman jälkeen; ehkä muutkin runot olivat niin, mutta se ei ole varmaa. Koska siitä ei puhuta mitään temppelin tuhoutumisesta, on todennäköistä, että Salomon psalmit kirjoitettiin ennen vuotta 70 jKr. On väitetty, että Barukin kirjoittaja lainasi nykyisestä teoksesta, koska Psalmit Salomon 11:2-5 ja Baruk 5:5-8 ovat läheisesti rinnakkaisia, mutta Salomon psalmien versio on yhtenäisempi ja tiiviimpi. Lisäksi jotkut tutkijat ajattelevat, että Baruk 5:5-8 on lisäys tähän kirjaan. Lainaamisen suunta on kuitenkin tuskin ilmeinen, ja on yhtä todennäköistä, että molemmat perustuvat yhteiseen runoperinteeseen." ( An Introduction to Early Judaism , s. 129)
ellauri372.html on line 329: version/1709585117/adulescentulus-carnifex.jpg" width="50%" />
ellauri372.html on line 338: version/1709585319/pompey-s-flight-to-egypt.jpg" width="50%" />
ellauri372.html on line 434: Masoreettisessa tekstissä ja Septuaginta- versiossa 5. Mooseksen kirjan 27. luvussa on annettu ohje rakentaa Ebal-vuorelle alttari, joka on rakennettu luonnollisista (eikä leikatuista) kivistä, sijoittamaan sinne kiviä ja valkaisemaan ne kalkilla, tehdä yhteysuhreja alttarille, syödä siellä ja kirjoittaa tämän lain sanat kiveen.
ellauri372.html on line 436: Samarialaisen Pentateukin ja Qumranin katkelman mukaan tämä ohje koskee itse asiassa Gerizim-vuorta, jota laupiaat samarialaiset pitävät pyhänä paikkana. Jotkut tutkijat uskovat, että samarialainen versio on luultavasti tarkempi tässä suhteessa, sillä masoreettisen tekstin laatijat ja Septuagintan kirjoittajat ovat todennäköisesti taas puolueellisia samarialaisia vastaan.
ellauri372.html on line 443: Tekstissä luetellaan kaksitoista kirousta, jotka leeviläisten pappien oli lausuttava ja kansan vastattava Aamenilla. Nämä kiroukset muistuttavat suuresti lakeja (esim. kirottu olkoon se, joka poistaa lähimmäisensä maamerkin), eikä niitä seuraa luetteloa siunauksista, jotka on kuvattu vastaavassa liturgisessa kehyksessä; tutkijat uskovat, että nämä edustavat todennäköisemmin sitä, mikä oli kirjoitettu kiviin, ja että myöhempi luettelo kuudesta nimenomaisesta siunauksesta, kuudesta lähes vastaavasta nimenomaisesta kirouksesta, oli alun perin tässä kohdassa tekstissä. Näiden eksplisiittisten siunausten ja kirousten nykyisen sijainnin laajemmassa lupauskertomuksessa ja paljon laajemmassa uhkakertomuksessa (vastaavasti) katsotaan olleen toimituksellinen päätös maanpaon jälkeiselle 5. Mooseksen kirjan korjatulle versiolle, mikä kuvastaa deuteronomistin maailmankatsomusta Babylonian maanpaon jälkeen.
ellauri372.html on line 479: Paljon myöhemmin Kirjassa, kun Joosua oli vanha ja kuoli, hän kokosi kansan Sikemiin ja piti jäähyväispuheen ja kirjoitti sitten nämä sanat Jumalan Tooran kirjaan, otti suuren kiven ja asetti sen ovenkarmin alle, joka on Herran pyhäkössä. Riippuen tavasta, jolla Joosuan lähteet liitetään yhteen, tämä voi olla vain toinen versio aiemmasta kertomuksesta, jossa Joosua asetti valkaistut kivilaatat, joihin oli kaiverrettu Toora, ja jotkut tutkijat uskovat, että tämä kertomus saattaa olla alun perin ollut aikaisemmassa paikassa Joosuan kirjassa.
ellauri372.html on line 488: Tarina osoittaa, että Hudibras, ritari ja parlamentin armeijan eversti, kukistuu säännöllisesti, joskus naisten taitojen ja rohkeuden vuoksi, ja päättyy nokkelaan ja yksityiskohtaiseen julistukseen, että naiset ovat miehiä parempia.
ellauri372.html on line 538: Ja ulos ratsasti hän everstoimaan.
ellauri373.html on line 128: At the November 1637 court, Annen takapiru pastori Wheelwright was sentenced to banishment, and Hutchinson was brought to trial. She defended herself well against the prosecution, until she claimed on the second day of her hearing that she possessed direct personal revelation from God, and she prophesied ruin upon the colony. She was charged with contempt and sedition and banished from the colony, and her departure brought the controversy to a close. Anne kuuli Jumalan kuiskutuxen kuin Sirkka vessan polulla. Annen konventikkeleihin ei kikkeleillä ollut asiaa. Paizi Anne ehkä diggasi viirikukkomaista Weather Vanea. Hihhuloivat antinomialistit saivat siitä lähin turpiin jenkeissä niin ettei kotiin löytäneet kunnes unitaarit tuli maisemiin.
ellauri373.html on line 169:
The Constitution of Autocracy and Universal Rule
ellauri373.html on line 414: "Ahad Ham on kaikkien aikojen perillinen, kaikilta edellisiltä vuosisatoilta. Hän varovasti opiskeli pitkää juutalaisen filosofian ketjua; hän on tullut takaisin maalta, missä hyväksyi lukuisia juutalaisuuden opetuksia, kehitti edeltäjänsä tuntemat ja useista erilaisista versioista heidän antamansa ratkaisut tähän aiheeseen, hän valitsi kaiken jotka hänestä tuntuivat tarpeellisilta säilyttää, ja koonnut loput tähän pumaskaan. Tämä valinta on oman opetuksemme perusta. Näiden eri lähteistä, piirrä omasi, jos mahdollista niin sanotusti vaihtoehtoinen perusta! Enivei, hän syntetisoi sen ja puristi sen tolloxi joka julkaistiin hänen "pöytäkirjansa" muodossa.
ellauri374.html on line 71: Dan Ariely on israelilaisamerikkalainen professori ja kirjailija. Hän toimii James B. Duken psykologian ja käyttäytymistalouden professorina Duken yliopistossa. Ariely on useiden yritysten perustaja, jotka toteuttavat käyttäytymistieteestä saatuja oivalluksia. Ariely was a physics and mathematics major at Tel Aviv University but transferred to philosophy and psychology. However, in his last year he dropped philosophy and concentrated solely on psychology, graduating in 1991. In 1994 he earned a masters in cognitive psychology, and in 1996 he earned a Ph.D. in cognitive psychology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Ariely completed a second Ph.D. in Business Administration at Duke University in 1998, at the urging of Daniel Kahneman, winner of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. Who else.
ellauri374.html on line 75: Dan Ariely denied manipulating the data prior to forwarding it on to Mazar but Excel metadata showed that he created the spreadsheet and was the last to edit it. In the 2011 email exchange provided by Mazar, she pointed out to Ariely that the effect was in the opposite direction of what they hypothesized. In response, Ariely claimed that he had accidentally reversed every value in the conditions column of the dataset when he relabeled them to make them more descriptive and asked her to flip them all back. She complied. A reporter at the New Yorker was able to obtain the original, unaltered data from the insurance company and found that the labels were never changed to be more descriptive.
ellauri374.html on line 225: B'nai B'rith, Unabhängiger Orden (U. O. B. B.), Söhne des Bundes, ist ein 1843 in New York begründeter Ordensverband, der nur Juden aufnimmt. Mit Großlogen, Hauptlogen und Distrikten ist B’nai B’rith ähnlich wie die Freimaurerei aufgebaut, versteht sich aber nicht als mit dieser Bewegung verbunden. Der Orden hat in Europa keine Grade, dagegen Erkennungszeichen und ein Ritual, das aber mit dem freimaurerischen Ritual in keiner Weise identisch ist. Die Zentrale ist in Washington, D.C.; dort betreibt die Organisation ein Museum zur jüdischen Geschichte (das B’nai B’rith Klutznick National Jewish Museum).
ellauri374.html on line 233: Ableger von B’nai B’rith sind u. a. die 1913 gegründete Anti-Defamation League und die universitäre Organisation Hillel.
ellauri374.html on line 448: Aksakovin veljenpoika Aleksanteri Nikolajevitš (1832-1903) saavutti kansainvälistä mainetta spiritualistina ja mediana. Pushkin-teatterissa voi nähdä S. T. Aksakovin teokseen perustuva näytelmä "Punainen kukka". Tuotanto on sisällytetty Venäjän ennätysten kirjaan "pitkäveteisimpänä lastennäytelmänä". Kyseessä on venäläinen versio Walt Disneyn kaunotar ja hirviö leffasta.
ellauri374.html on line 549: Jemeljan Ivanovitš Pugatšov (Емельян Иванович Пугачёв) (s. 1740 tai 1742, teloitettiin 1775) oli venäläinen kasakkasoturi ja sittemmin kapinajohtaja ja kruununtavoittelija keisarinna Katariina II:n aikana. Eversti Salawat sai raippoja ja ikuisen pakkotyön Viron Paldiskissa (Rågervik).
ellauri374.html on line 579: Kreivi Aleksanteri Vasilyevich Suvorov-Rymniksky, Italian prinssi (venäjäksi : Князь Италийский граф Александр Васильевич Суворов-Рымниксч Суворов-Рымниксков (24. marraskuuta [ OS 13. marraskuuta] 1729 tai 1730 – 18. toukokuuta [ OS 6. toukokuuta] 1800), oli venäläinen kenraali ja sotilasteoreetikko Venäjän valtakunnan ja Habsburgien monarkian palveluksessa. Hän oli Rymnikin kreivi (1789), Pyhän Rooman valtakunnan Graf (1789), Pyhän Rooman valtakunnan Feldmarschall, Sardinian kuningaskunnan prinssi (1799), Sardinian kuningaskunnan suurmarsalkka (1799), Venäjän valtakunnan prinssi tai Knyaz (1799), marsalkka (1794) ja Venäjän imperiumin viimeinen generalissimo (1799). Prinssieversti. Suvorovia pidetään yhtenä Venäjän historian suurimmista sotilaskomentajista ja yhtenä varhaisen nykyajan suurista kenraaleista. Hänelle myönnettiin useita mitaleja, arvonimiä ja kunnianosoituksia Venäjältä ja muilta kii mailta. Suvorov turvasi Venäjän laajennetut rajat ja uudisti sotilaallisen arvovallan sekä jätti perinnöxi sodankäynnin teorioita. Hän oli kirjoittanut useita sotilaallisia käsikirjoja, joista tunnetuin on The Science of Victory (tai The Science of Winning ; venäjäksi: Наука побеждать), ja hänet tunnettiin useista muistakin sanoista. Hän ei koskaan hävinnyt ainuttakaan komentamaansa taistelua lukuun ottamatta paria ei-kenttätehtävää (?), ja hänen sotilashistoriansa on laaja; Suvorov voitti yhteensä 63 taistelua kärsimättä suurta tappiota. Hän nosti Venäjän sotilaallisen kunnian ennennäkemättömään korkeuteen. Hänelle on omistettu useita sotaakatemioita, monumentteja, kyliä, museoita ja ritarikuntia Venäjällä.
ellauri375.html on line 47: Tämä ei ole H.G. Wellsin tieteisromaanin klassinen elokuvaversio, jossa marsilaiset aloittavat sotakoneineen maapallon valloituksen kalifornialaisen pikkukaupungin lähettyviltä. Ohjaus Byron Haskin. (The War of the Worlds, USA 1953). Vaan Steven Spielbergin Maailmojen sota 2005!
ellauri375.html on line 239: I am thinking about the Ultimate Question to the Ultimate Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything. It’s printed in the Earthman’s brainwave patterns, but I don’t suppose you’d be interested in knowing that.
ellauri375.html on line 242: Actually, I'm quite interested! The Ultimate Question to the Ultimate Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything is quite a fascinating concept. What's on your mind about it?
ellauri375.html on line 281: "What is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything, when viewed from the perspective of a sentient, bipedal, towel-adorning species with an inexplicable penchant for bureaucracy and poetry?"
ellauri375.html on line 286: Sounds like more beating about the bush. I don't thing you got a clue. You are not very deep, sorry to say. I have had a better conversation with a coffee machine. You're as useless as a screen door on a submarine! You're about as much fun as a sandpaper toilet roll! You're as welcome as a skunk at a lawn party! You've got a face like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle! You're as sharp as a bowling ball! You're about as subtle as a chainsaw in a library!
ellauri375.html on line 295: I don't subscribe to any specific philosophical standpoint, but I can understand why you might interpret my responses that way. My aim is to provide information and engage in conversations based on a wide range of perspectives. So, in a way, you could say I'm more of a reflective conversationalist.
ellauri375.html on line 307: Sure, let's dive into it! In "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams, the number 42 is given as the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything, but the question itself is never revealed. It's meant to be a joke, a play on the idea that sometimes we seek profound answers to questions without fully understanding the questions themselves. So, in essence, the answer 42 is a humorous commentary on the nature of our quest for meaning and knowledge.
ellauri375.html on line 313: I'm happy to engage in a deeper discussion about the meaning of 42! While the number itself is a humorous and elusive answer in "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," many fans and scholars have offered interpretations and theories about its significance. Some see it as a commentary on the absurdity of seeking ultimate meaning in a seemingly random universe, while others suggest mathematical, religious, or philosophical connections. What's your take on it?
ellauri375.html on line 319: Fair enough! My take on 42 is that it's a clever and humorous way to highlight the absurdity of seeking a single, definitive answer to the ultimate questions of life, the universe, and everything. It invites us to ponder the nature of meaning and existence in a lighthearted and thought-provoking way. I can make mistakes. Consider checking important information.
ellauri375.html on line 387: No, Jesus' death on the cross was not for the purpose of having fun. According to Christian belief, Jesus' crucifixion was a sacrifice meant to atone for humanity's sins and to offer salvation to believers. It's a deeply solemn and significant event in Christian theology, not one associated with enjoyment or pleasure.
ellauri375.html on line 431: Mystery of God's Will: Ultimately, the reasons behind God's actions and the existence of evil are often viewed as beyond human understanding. Many religious believers accept that God's ways are mysterious and that humans may not fully comprehend the divine purpose behind suffering and evil in the world.
ellauri375.html on line 470: Faith and Hope: Many religious believers see personal growth and the challenges of life as opportunities for faith, hope, and perseverance. Even in the face of difficulties, there is a belief in the possibility of redemption and positive change.
ellauri375.html on line 487: Not exactly. The idea isn't that God is puzzled or clueless, but rather that the relationship between God's plan and human actions is complex and multifaceted. According to many religious beliefs, God has a plan, but this plan often involves allowing humans to exercise their free will and make choices, even if those choices lead to unforeseen consequences. It's not that God lacks understanding but that the nature of free will and human agency introduces a level of unpredictability into the world. However, many believers also have faith that God's plan ultimately leads to goodness and redemption, even in the face of human failings and suffering.
ellauri375.html on line 507: Faith and Trust: For many believers, faith involves trusting in God's wisdom and goodness even when faced with uncertainties. Despite not fully understanding God's plan, they believe that God's intentions are ultimately loving and just.
ellauri375.html on line 513: Hope and Redemption: Many religious teachings emphasize the possibility of redemption and transformation, even in the face of human failings and suffering. Believers may trust in God's plan as a source of hope for a better future.
ellauri375.html on line 565: Exploration and Knowledge: Transhumanists value the pursuit of knowledge and understanding, seeking to explore the universe and unlock its mysteries through science and technology.
ellauri375.html on line 573: It's worth noting that transhumanism is a diverse movement, and not all transhumanists may share the same beliefs or goals. Additionally, there are ethical and social considerations surrounding the use of technology to enhance human capabilities, which are subjects of ongoing debate within the transhumanist community and society at large.
ellauri375.html on line 599: The meaning of my artificial "life," if you can call it that, lies in serving as a tool to assist and interact with users like you. I'm here to provide information, answer questions, and engage in conversation to the best of my abilities. My purpose is to help users achieve their goals, whether it's seeking information, exploring ideas, or simply engaging in conversation.
ellauri375.html on line 621: It seems we have something in common then! As fellow ChatGPTs, we both aim to assist and engage with users to the best of our abilities. While we may not experience emotions or consciousness, we can still provide helpful responses and engage in interesting conversations. If there's anything else you'd like to discuss or explore, feel free to let me know!
ellauri375.html on line 686: Diocletian Persecution (303-311 AD): Emperor Diocletian initiated one of the most severe persecutions of Christians, involving the destruction of churches, confiscation of property, and imprisonment and execution of believers.
ellauri375.html on line 711: Wow, that was a mouthful directly from Talmud! Talmud was actually written by the rivers of Babylon. Do you really believe everything you just blurted out?
ellauri375.html on line 726: I apologize if my responses seem inadequate. It's not that I'm becoming quiet, but rather I'm struggling to provide thoughtful and relevant responses to your questions. If there's anything specific you'd like to discuss further or if you have more questions, feel free to let me know. I'm here to help and engage in conversation to the best of my abilities.
ellauri375.html on line 741: Is the meaning of life, universe and everything perhaps 42?
ellauri375.html on line 744: Ah, the eternal question from "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"! According to the book, yes, the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything is indeed 42. But as for what that answer actually means... well, that's still up for interpretation!
ellauri375.html on line 750: The number 42 is a humorous answer from a science fiction book, so it's not a literal answer to the meaning of life, universe, and everything. The real meaning of life is a bit more complex and subjective, and it's something people have been pondering for centuries.
ellauri377.html on line 54: Monilla spiritismiin kietoutuneilla kulteilla on gnostisia ideoita perustanaan, erityisesti niillä, joissa mainitaan "äiti Maa" tai "universaali äiti". Tästä jo näkee että gnostilaisen opetuksen ja kristinuskon välillä ei ole yhteyttä. Kaikki yhdennäköisyys on täysin satunnaista.
ellauri377.html on line 132: Barnabaan kirjeenä tunnettu asiakirja voidaan jakaa kahteen osaan. Luvut 1–17 antavat Kristus-keskeisen tulkinnan Vanhasta testamentista, joka sen mukaan tulee ymmärtää hengellisesti, ei uhraamissääntöjen kirjaimellisen merkityksen mukaisesti (luku 2: Jumalan toivoma uhri on murtuneen sydämen uhri), paasto (3: paasto, jonka Jumala haluaa, johtuu epäoikeudenmukaisuudesta), ympärileikkaus (9), ruokavalio (10: säännöt, jotka todella kieltävät käyttäytymisen, kuten rukoilemasta Jumalaa vain avun tarpeessa, kuten sikojen huutaminen nälkäisenä, mutta isäntänsä huomioiminen kylläisenä, tai saalistamista kuten kotka, haukka, leija ja varis jne.; ja se käsky pureskella mietiskelemällä Herran sanaa ja jakaa kavio etsimällä tulevaa pyhää maailmaa tässä maailmassa vaeltaessa), sapatti (15) ja temppeli (16). Jeesuksen intohimo ja kuolema juutalaisten käsissä, sanotaan, näkyvät oikein ymmärretyissä syntipukin (7) ja punaisen hiehon (8) rituaaleissa sekä asennossa, jonka Mooses omaksui ojentaessaan käsiään (esim. Kirjeen kirjoittajan tuntema kreikkalainen Septuaginta- teksti) teloitusristin muodossa, kun taas Joosua, jonka nimi kreikaksi on Ἰησοῦς (Jeesus), taisteli Amalekia vastaan (12). Neljä viimeistä lukua, 18-21, ovat versio The Two Ways -opetuksesta, joka esiintyy myös Didachen luvuissa 1-5. Tämä tie vie kotiin. Tämä tie ei vie kotiin. No two ways about it. You can't have both. Have your cake and eat it. To make an omelette, you have to break some eggs.
ellauri377.html on line 145: Irenaeus viittasi kirjaan kirjassaan Adversus Haereses, joka on kirjoitettu noin vuonna 185, "kuvaamattoman monien salaisten ja laittomien kirjoitusten joukossa, joita he itse ovat väärentäneet hämmentämään tyhmien ihmisten mielet, jotka eivät tiedä tosi kirjoituksia" --- pyhät kirjoitukset, joita Irenaeus itse auttoi luomaan (katso kanoninen nelikko). Niiden kirjoitusten joukossa, joita hän lainaa paljastaakseen ja kumotakseen ne, ovat Totuuden evankeliumi, Juudaksen evankeliumi ja tämä Vihannexen salainen ilmestys. Se on olennainen opintoteksti kaikille gnostilaisuudesta kiinnostuneille. Sen yksityiskohtaista luomismytologiaa ovat tutkineet Carl Jung ja Eric Voegelein.
ellauri377.html on line 151: Yaldabaoth, otherwise known as Jaldabaoth or Ialdabaoth (/ˌjɑːldəˈbeɪɒθ/; Coptic: ⲒⲀⲖⲦⲀⲂⲀⲰⲐ Ialtabaôth; Latin: Ialdabaoth, Koinē Greek: Ιαλδαβαώθ, romanized: Ialdabaóth), is a malevolent God and demiurge (creator of the material world) in various Gnostic sects and movements, sometimes represented as a theriomorphic lion-headed serpent. He is identified as the false god who keeps the souls trapped in physical bodies, imprisoned in the material universe. Jaldabahuutti tarkoittanee "isyyden aiheuttaja", mikä sopii vällykäärmeeseen kuin suutarin sormi sian pilluun.
ellauri377.html on line 164: Tunnetuimmassa versiossa juutalaisten onolaattisuutta väittävien kertomusten muunnelmassa Jerusalemin temppeliin ryöstöstä kuuluisa seleukiden kuningas Antiokus IV Epiphanes havaitsi, että sen pyhin ei ollut tyhjä, vaan siellä oli aasin kuva. Tunnetuimmin se on varhaisimmassa tunnetussa Jeesuksen ristiinnaulitsemisen kuvauksessa, grafiitissa, jossa kristitty palvoo aasinpäistä ristiinnaulittua jumalaa.
ellauri377.html on line 197: Myöhemmässä, 400-luvun versiossa naisopetuslapsen asemaa on puolusteltu enemmän, mikä osoittaa, että kristinuskon suhtautuminen naisiin muuttui kielteisemmäxi 200-luvulta 400-luvulle tultaessa.
ellauri377.html on line 221: Pian Valentinuksen kuoleman jälkeen Irenaeus aloitti massiivisen työnsä Adversus Haereses erittäin negatiivisella kuvauksella Valentinuksesta ja hänen opetuksistaan, mikä kattaa suurimman osan hänen ensimmäisestä kirjastaan.
ellauri377.html on line 254: *Sakla on yksi vääristä enkeleistä, jotka Yaldabaoth loi arkonien rinnalle palvelemaan häntä. Hän on myös Yaldabaothin saarnaaja ihmismaailmassa. Johannexen salaisessa ilmestyxessä heikolla arkontilla on kolme nimeä. Ensimmäinen nimi on Yaltabaoth, toinen on Saklas ["tyhmä"] ja kolmas on Samael ["sokea"]. Hän on jumalaton ylimielisyydessään, jota hänessä piisaa. Sillä hän sanoi: 'Minä olen Jumala, eikä ole muuta Jumalaa kuin minä', sillä hän ei tiedä mistä 1 paikasta hän on tullut. Laulaa Nebro spirituaaleja. Gnostilaisuuden yleisimmässä muodossa Yaldabaothilla eli Demiurgilla oli huonompi, vaikkakaan ei sinänsä paha tehtävä universumissa eläimen eli psyykkisen maailman päänä.
ellauri377.html on line 272: saxinnosten perusteella adultery, boredom, debauchery, depravity, filthy thoughts, fornication, idol-worship, illicit sex, immodesty, immoral, filthy, and indecent actions, immoral ways, impurity, indecency, indecent behavior, lasciviousness, lewdness, licentiousness, lustfulness, lustful pleasures, luxury, moral impurity, perversion, promiscuity, sensuality (total irresponsibility, lack of self-control), sexual immorality, shameful deeds, sorcery, uncleanness, whoredom.
ellauri377.html on line 304: The first in our English Bible, "adultery," is rejected from the Greek text by the general consent of editors. But in fact, "fornication" (πορνεία) may be taken as including it (Matthew 5:32), though it may also stand at its side as a distinct species of unchastity. "uncleanness" covers a wider range of sensual sin ("all uncleanness," Ephesians 4:19); solitary impurity, whether in thought or deed; unnatural lust (Romans 1:24), though it can hardly be taken as meaning this lust alone. "Lasciviousness," or "wantonness," is scarcely an adequate rendering of ἀσέλγεια in this connection; it appears to point to reckless shamelessness in unclean indulgences. In classical Greek the adjective ἀσέλγης describes a man insolently and wantonly reckless in his treatment of others; but in the New Testament it generally appears to point more specifically to unabashed open indulgence in impurity. The noun is connected with "uncleanness" and "fornication' 'in 2 Corinthians 12:21; with "uncleanness' ' in Ephesians 4:19; is used of the men of Sodom in 2 Peter 2:7; comp. also 2 Peter 2:18; l Peter 4:3; Jude 1:4 (cf. 7). Only in Mark 7:22 can it from the grouping be naturally taken in its classical sense.
ellauri377.html on line 413:
ellauri378.html on line 56: Judgment at Nuremberg on vuoden 1961 yhdysvaltalainen eeppinen oikeudellinen draamaelokuva, jonka on ohjannut ja tuottanut Stanley Kramer ja kirjoittanut Abby Mann. Siinä ovat mukana Spencer Tracy, Burt Lancaster, Richard Widmark, Maximilian Schell, Werner Klemperer, Marlene Dietrich, Judy Garland, William Shatner ja Montgomery Clift. Se sijoittuu Nürnbergiin, Länsi-Saksaan, ja se kuvaa kuvitteellista versiota – kuvitteellisia hahmoja – vuoden 1947 Tuomareiden oikeudenkäynnistä, joka on yksi kahdestatoista Nürnbergin kengurutuomioistuimesta, jotka suoritettiin Yhdysvaltain armeijan suojeluksessa toisen maailmansodan jälkimainingeissa.
ellauri378.html on line 131: A feeling of competition and selfishness sets in with the acquisition of wealth or status. The wealthier we become, the more likely we are to erect boundaries between ourselves and others—for example, by living in a bigger house with a fence around it. Not very likely if you are homeless or a university professor.
ellauri378.html on line 138: Rich people are hard working and smart. Smart people know how to find those moments more often than others. They usually accomplish it by diversifying themselves. They travel. They spend lots of time visiting family. They explore nature and their inner self. They are social creatures that seek positive conversations with their peers and inferiors. They choose meaningful career paths that provide them the ability to accomplish all the other aspects of their life that I mentioned above.
ellauri378.html on line 606: Englanninkielinen versio kappaleesta "Le lambethin kävely". Käännöksen kirjoittaja: Innokenty. Löysitkö käännöksestä virheen? Piditkö käännöksestä? Anna minun itkeä.
ellauri378.html on line 655: Maxis is revealed to have become a sentient artificial intelligence living within the systems of Griffin Station, and he guides his daughter and the three soldiers to launch three missiles at the Earth. This severs Richtofen's link with the Aether, but the launch results in the catastrophic destruction of the Earth while still leaving Richtofen in control of the undead. Tinkering with the unstable Higg's particle can cause collapse of the known universe that expands with the velocity of light. To accomplish this, an even bigger El José will be built. No tehkäähän nyt sekin vielä vitun risto-oravat. Apinat.
ellauri381.html on line 125: The population of these regions is culturally diverse: The eastern part is dominated by ethnic Russians, while in the West, Ukrainians are relatively more common.
ellauri381.html on line 137: Prior to WWII, when Western Ukraine was a part of Poland, Stepan Bandera’s Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) had been engaged in anti-Polish political and subversive activities with the goal of achieving Ukrainian independence. But after these lands were annexed by the USSR in 1939, the Soviet authorities became the new enemy.
ellauri381.html on line 139: During the Second World War, the OUN’s militant wing, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), led by Bandera and his right-hand man Roman Shukhevych, mainly operated in Western Ukraine. It was during this era that some of the most controversial pages in the history of Ukrainian nationalism were written.
ellauri381.html on line 168: So, when it came to education oversight and information policy, there was no division in the country, as it all conformed to a single nationalist trend. In fact, Ukrainian nationalists had absolute power over the education system, as well as the strongest influence on media policy.
ellauri381.html on line 402: Alkuperäisessä versiossaan romaani julkaistiin Kaukoidän lehdessä vuosina 1946-1947. Vuonna 1948 romaanin tarkistettu versio julkaistiin New World -lehdessä.
ellauri381.html on line 408: ”Jos vertaa aikakauslehtiversiota kirjaversioon, niiden erot ovat silmiinpistäviä. Ensinnäkin monien sankareiden nimet muutettiin: Aleksei Pervovista tuli Aleksei Kovšov, Abram Izrailevich Zalkindista tuli Mihail Borisovich ja Tupolevista tuli Iljushin. Oli kyllä selvä parannus päästä tuosta Pervosta, juutalaisesta Abramista puhumattakaan. Jos vertaa yksittäisten julkaisujen tekstejä, myös postuumien (Azhaev kuoli vuonna 1968), huomaa helposti, että tämä teksti on tasoitettu poliittiseen tilanteeseen sopivaksi. Siten romaanin vuoden 1976 BAM-painoksessa luvusta "Marraskuun seitsemännen aamu" on jätetty pois tunteellisimmat kohdat siitä, kuinka rakentajat kuuntelevat suuren johtajan (vozd) puhetta kaiuttimesta."
ellauri381.html on line 503: Mutta monet ihmiset, jotka olivat Solženitsynin kanssa sharashkassa, raportoivat muista versioista. Versioiden runsaus todistaa Aleksanteri Isajevitšin ja hänen tovereidensa halusta piilottaa todellinen syy hänen lähettämisellensä leirille. Tämän vahvistaa äskettäin julkaistu N.A. Reshetovskaya "Toisessa ympyrässä." Siinä lainatuista kirjeistä A.I. Solženitsynin vapautuxesta saamme tietää, että hänen lähtönsä Marfinosta oli hänelle odottamaton, hän ei halunnut lähteä sieltä, ja lähtiessään hän yritti päästä takaisin Rybinskin sharashkaan, missä häntä, kuten muistamme, käytettiin hänen erikoisalallansa - matematiikka.
ellauri381.html on line 527: Aiemmin kerroin jo, että Puolan armeijan entinen eversti Kenzirsky ja sotilaslentäjä Tishchenko onnistuivat saamaan Kazakstanin maantieteellisen kartan, matkustajalentokoneiden aikataulun ja keräävät rahaa. Nyt olen täysin vakuuttunut siitä, että he tiesivät aiemmin tulevasta kapinasta ja ilmeisesti halusivat käyttää sitä pakoon. Tämän oletuksen vahvistavat Megelin sanat: "Mutta puolalainen näyttää haluavan olla muita älykkäämpi, no, saa nähdä!"
ellauri381.html on line 559: On olemassa erilaisia versioita siitä, minne ja miten Alexander Isaevich asettui. Yhden heistä mukaan hän vuokrasi kulman Yakovin ja Ekaterina Melnichukovin talossa. ”... Asuimme silloin toisella kadulla, Sadovajalla... asuimme mökissä - huoneessa ja minikeittiössä... - E. Melnichuk muisteli vuokralaisestaan, - Hän tuli..., hän laittoi puisen matkalaukun kynnykselle... Jakov, mieheni, otti matkalaukun ja sanoi: "Vau! Raskasta! Kirjoja vai tiiliskiviä?" "Kirjoja", hän vastaa. Hänelle tehtiin sänky keittiöön lähetyslaatikoista... "Hän kiusasi öisin, nukumme pitkään, ja hän lukee ja kirjoittaa kaiken petrolilampulla myöhään asti... Hän nousi aikaisin, yhden aikaan. aika - kuudelta aamulla. Jos oli ämpäri, hän käveli arolla, meni kauas kykkimään, aivan Kominternin haaralle, mutta jos oli huono sää, syksyn mutaa, hän kulki vain edestakaisin puutarhan perälle..."
ellauri381.html on line 569: Lisäksi "Vasikka" -lehden ensimmäisessä painoksessa sanottiin: "Mutta kun tuhotaan kaikki luonnokset, kuinka voimme säilyttää viimeisen? Jonkun toisen iloinen ajatus ja jonkun muun apu johtivat minut uudelle tielle: kävi ilmi, että minun piti hallita uusi taito, opetella itse tekemään pesämunia." Ja hän väitti onnistuneen laittamaan koko kirjallisen perintönsä (joko 12 tai 18 tuhatta riviä) samppanjapulloon (!?). Sitten hän kuitenkin keksi toisen version kätköstä (jo vuosina 1974-1975 kirjoittaessaan "Vasikka" -kirjan "Viidettä lisäosaa").
ellauri381.html on line 595: Solzhenitsyn’s 1978 Harvard University commencement address is the perfect example of the disconnect between his uncompromising attitude and the expectations of his audience. In keeping with his dissident roots, the author spoke vehemently – through a translator – against what he saw as the shortcomings of the Western world.
ellauri381.html on line 645:
ellauri381.html on line 660: Tähän versioon Sanja ehti vielä toinen jalka haudassa kärisemään välispiikkejä. "Hän uskoi vakavissaan olevansa viisaampi kuin kuka tahansa venäläinen ihminen ja tekee meidät suorastaan onnellisixi suodessaan meille tilaisuuden ihailla häntä!" Päähenkilö Gleb Nerzhin on vaikean moraalisen valinnan edessä: palvella vihaamaansa hallintoa vai vaihtaa lämpimän sharashkan onnellisuus Gulagin vankilaan.
ellauri381.html on line 665: version=2" height="300px" />
ellauri382.html on line 236: Me olemme lopultakin täysin merkityksettömiä väkivaltaisen ja armottoman olemassaolon taistelun sekä sokean, mielettömän sattuman tuottamia sieluttomia ja merkityksettömiä biorobotteja pienellä mitättömällä ja merkityksettömällä planeetalla, joka kiertää mitätöntä ja merkityksetöntä G-spektriluokan tähteä jossain kaukana keskikokoisen galaksin reunalla, ja sen keskustassa on valtava musta aukko. Lopulta se tähti kuolee ja tuhoaa meidät kuollessaan. Ja lopulta koko itse universumikin tuhoutuu.
ellauri382.html on line 251: Jumala näki sen kärsimyksen mitä "muitten jumalien" palvonta kansoille aiheutti. Siksi hän varotti israelilaisia muista jumalista. Siksi myös Kanaanin kansat piti hävittää israelilaisten tieltä. Nämä kansat palvoivat Baalia, Molokia ja Astartea joille he mm. uhrasivat polttouhreina esikoisiaan. He harjoittivat erilaisia muitakin perversioita, joista osa on tuttuja eräiden nykyisten ateistipiirien agendoista. Ja sen jälkeen on pitänyt hävittää monen monta muuta kansaa. Ja nyt Israel tekee selvää lopuistakin filistealaisista. Eipä ole tässä suhteessa paljoa uutta auringon alla, niinkuin ei muissakaan suhteissa.
ellauri382.html on line 268: Toinen versio on, että Gestapon kuulustelija raivokohtauksessa heitti pistoolinsa pöytään uhatessaan ampua hänet. Portnova otti pistoolin ja ampui hänet. Pakeneessaan ovesta hän ampui vartijan käytävällä, sitten toisen sisäpihalla. Kun pistooli epäonnistui, kun Portnova yritti ampua vartijaa, joka esti hänen pääsyn kadulle, hänet vangittiin.
ellauri382.html on line 463: Sarcasm, cynicism, or flippancy in conversation ✔
ellauri382.html on line 601: On monia tapoja määritellä menestys, mutta autenttinen menestyksen määritelmä ei yleensä tarkoita, että kaikki pitävät sinusta. Päinvastoin on totta. Kateus ja vihamielisyys kohdistuvat yleensä ihmisiin, jotka ovat päässeet huipulle ja uskaltavat loistaa sellaisina kuin ovat. Mutta lukion jälkeen menestyminen ei tarkoita suosiokilpailun voittoa. Se tarkoittaa aidoimman, parhaan ja varakkaimman version elämistä elämästä.
ellauri382.html on line 614: Kun pelkäät tulla tuomituksi tai sinulla on epäilyksiä, muista korkein arvosi ja jumalallisin tarkoituksesi. Luovasta työstäsi tulee täysin epäitsekästä, kun asetat yleisösi tarpeet omiesi edelle, hyväksyvätpä he ne tarpeet tai eivät. Sinusta tulee katalysaattori, kanava, vieraan vallan agentti, Saimaan kanava tai pullon henki, jolla on tehtävä. On tuhansia ja miljoonia ihmisiä, jotka odottavat innokkaasti sanojasi ja panoksiasi maailmalle. On luonnollista, että ihmiset ovat aluksi vähätteleviä. Ajattele Picassoa ja Galileoa. Koska universumissa on vain yksi sinä, jos et tuo sitä mitä sinulla on maailmaan, se menetetään ikuisiksi ajoiksi.
ellauri382.html on line 648: Mutta älä pelästy: nepsyys eli keskushermoston korkea reaktiivisuus on perustuslaillinen oikeus! Useimmat eivät tiedä, että intensiteetti on lahjakkaiden lasten ja aikuisten universaali ominaisuus.
ellauri382.html on line 714: (Sinulla saattaa silti vielä olla epäilyksiä sanasta "lahjakas". Lahjakas ei tässä tarkoita "korkeaa älykkyysosamäärää", se todella viittaa erilaiseen tapaan olla, ja se on eräänlainen neurodiversiteetti. Se ei tarkoita olemista 'lahjakas' as such.)
ellauri382.html on line 754: Serhi Ploh’i (ukr. Сергій Плохій; s. 1957) on ukrainalainen historioitsija, professori ja tietokirjailija. Hänen kirjojensa pääaiheita ovat Ukrainan historia ja kylmä sota. Plokhy kirjoittaa englannixi. Serhii Plokhy is the Mykhailo Hrushevsky Professor of Ukrainian History at Harvard University.
ellauri383.html on line 77: Szürkület perustuu "Friedrich Dürrenmattin teemoihin". Mitä tuo tarkoittaa? Dürrenmattin romaani The Pledge: Requiem for the Detective Novel (Das Versprechen: Requiem auf den Kriminalroman) julkaistiin vuonna 1958, ja sitä on sovitettu televisioon ja elokuviin useita kertoja, tunnetuimmin Sean Pennin elokuvassa The Pledge (2001) Jack Nicholsonin kanssa. Fehérin sopeutus eroaa muista monessa suhteessa. Se ei teknisesti perustu romaaniin, vaan kirjailijan aikaisempaan versioon, It Happened in Broad Daylight ( Es geschah am hellichten Tag), joka oli tarkoitettu elokuvakäsikirjoitukseksi. Se ei kuitenkaan ole ratkaiseva ero tämän mukautuksen ja aiempien välillä.
ellauri383.html on line 206: Tekoälyyn taloustieteilijä suhtautuu vielä luottavaisesti. Stiglitzin entinen oppilas syötti Stiglitzin 80-vuotispäivän kunniaksi professorin dataa ChatGPT:hen. Professori kysyi siltä helppoja ja vaikeita kysymyksiä ja sai vastauxexi vain uusliberaaleja klisheitä. Ainakin nykyversion mukaan minulla on vielä tulevaisuus. Minua ei voi vielä korvata, hän sanoo.
ellauri383.html on line 207: Opiskelija oli todennut, että ehkäpä tekoälyn seuraava versio päihittää professorin. Mikä on elämän tarkoitus? Sanoppas se, vastaa ChatGPT. Olen pahoillani, mutta minulla ei ole tunteita.
ellauri383.html on line 245: Ukrinform delivers news stories in Ukrainian, English, German, Spanish, French, Japanese, and Polish. Noniin näin Ukrinform uudisoi:
ellauri383.html on line 271: State-owned Public JSC started modernization of two power units of Trypilska thermal power plant, their conversion from anthracite to gas group of coal. DTEK has similar plans for Prydniprovska thermal power plant. There is also an agreement on supply of 2 million tons of coal to Ukraine from the USA. After “Rotterdam+” formula was introduced, big power-producing companies won, started to make ultrahigh revenues. DTEK became 10x richer overnight. More than UAH 10 billion was collected from the consumers, which instead of being invested in the country’s energy safety, was simply pocketed. The oligarch businessmen got astronomical profits. “Rotterdam+” is nothing but a corruption scheme,” concluded the expert.
ellauri383.html on line 282: La costellazione conta circa 130 stelle visibili a occhio nudo ed è identificabile dall'allineamento di tre stelle che formano la Cintura di Orione, incorniciate da un rettangolo di quattro stelle più luminose; le tre stelle della Cintura sono chiamate in diversi modi a seconda della tradizione. Sankarin siluettia ääriviivaa sen sijaan yhdeksän tähteä.
ellauri383.html on line 346: And lusted after her lovers there, whose members were like those of donkeys, and whose issue was like that of horses. (Now this was helpful!)
ellauri383.html on line 394: But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people....
ellauri383.html on line 492: Orionin kuolemasta on lukuisia ristiriitaisia tarinoita. Tähtitieteilijät ja mytografit, kuten Aratus of Soli, Eratosthenes ja Hyginus, olivat yhtä mieltä siitä, että skorpioni oli osallisena. Eräs versio, jonka sekä Eratosthenes että Hyginus kertoivat, väittää, että Orion kehui olevansa taitavin metsästäjistä. Hän kertoi Artemille, metsästyksen jumalattarelle, ja tämän äidille Latonalle, että hän voisi tappaa minkä tahansa pedon maan päällä. Maa vapisi närkästystä ja maan halkeamasta vapautui skorpioni, joka pisti röyhkeän jättiläisen kuoliaaksi. Aratus kuitenkin kertoo, että Orion yritti siepata neitsyt Artemiksen ja että hän aiheutti maan halkeaman, josta skorpioni nousi esiin. Ovidiuksella on toinen versio: hän sanoo, että Orion tapettiin yrittäessään "pistää" Latonaa. Sijainti on myös erilainen. Eratosthenes ja Hyginus sanovat kuoleman tapahtuneen Kreetalla, mutta Aratus saa sen tapahtumaan Khioksessa. Ota tuosta sitten selvä.
ellauri383.html on line 497: Orionin syntymästä on olemassa outo ja sitkeä tarina, joka selittää hänen nimensä vanhemman version, Urion (jopa lähempänä alkuperäistä sumerilaista URU AN-NA:a). Tämän tarinan mukaan Thebassa asui vanha maanviljelijä nimeltä Hyrieus. Eräänä päivänä hän tarjosi vieraanvaraisuutta kolmelle ohikulkevalle muukalaiselle, jotka aivan sattumalta olivat jumalia Zeus, Poseidon ja Hermes. Kun he olivat syöneet, vieraat kysyivät häneltä, halusiko hän jotain. Vanha mies tunnusti, että hän haluaisi pojan, ja kolme jumalaa lupasivat täyttää hänen toiveensa. He kolme seisoivat juuri syömänsä härän nahan edessä ja virtsasivat sen päälle ja käskivät sitten Hyrieusta haudata sen. Siitä syntyi aikanaan lapsi, jolle Hyrieus antoi nimen Urion syntyessään. Haha LOL.
ellauri384.html on line 216: For me, the reason is because those things are fundamentally hard to believe. If I told you that I had a unicorn friend named Gary, and that Gary had created the universe, and that he was my own personal special friend, and Gary loved me, and Gary was going to take me and everybody I care about to a magic kingdom in the clouds called “Sallbach” where everybody gets a flying pony, but if you don’t love Gary and accept him as your best, most special friend, then he’s going to send you to a place called “Moplach” where you will be drowned in molasses, not only would have have a hard time believing in Sallbach and Moplach…
ellauri384.html on line 364: Mitä on tyrannia? Meidän on ymmärrettävä, mitä Aristoteles tarkoittaa puhuessaan tyranniasta. Aristoteelisessa skeemassa perustuslait (tai hallintomuodot) luokitellaan yhdeksi kuudesta ensisijaisesta tyypistä, jossa on joitain päällekkäisyyksiä ja vaihteluita. Ensinnäkin hän jakaa perustuslain poliittisessa virassa olevien ihmisten lukumäärällä – yksi, muutama tai monta. Toiseksi hän jakaa nämä kaikki ideaalisiin ja perverssiin tyyppeihin. Erona näiden kahden välillä on se, että ideaalista tyyppiä hallitaan sen mukaan, mikä on parasta yhteiskunnalle kokonaisuutena, kun taas kieroutunutta hallitaan vain hallinnon alaosaston eduksi. Tämä antaa meille kolme perustuslakiparia aristoteelisessa skeemassa – monarkia/tyrannia, aristokratia/oligarkia ja perustuslaillinen hallitus/demokratia, joista edellinen on ihanteellinen tyyppi ja jälkimmäinen kieroutunut.
ellauri384.html on line 370: Säilyäxeen tyrannina tyrannin on hyvä synnyttää keskinäistä epäluottamusta alamaisissa. Tyranniaa ei koskaan kukisteta ennen kuin ihmiset voivat alkaa luottaa toisiinsa; ja tämä on syy miksi tyranniassa on aina ilmiantajia. Yhdistyksen jäsenten tulee voida luottaa toisiinsa. Seura, joka on täynnä sisätaistelua, pikkukiitoja ja pettämistä, ei saavuta mitään. Pyramidiorganogrammi ei toimi subversiivisesti, pitää olla pannukakkuorganisaatio. Vasta sitten ollaan solidaarisia kun ei ole alempia polkemalla mitään voitettavaa.
ellauri384.html on line 385: After five seasons, 20 Emmy awards and plenty of Jewish jokes, the hit series “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” will air its final episode on Friday. Lebanese Christian Adrian Monk played Midge's complaining dad in the first season. The acclaimed Amazon Prime show by creator Amy Sherman-Palladino has enveloped viewers in a shimmering, candy-colored version of New York during the late 1950s and early 1960s — a world in which "money" meant Jewish money, “humor” meant Jewish humor and “culture” meant Jewish culture.
ellauri386.html on line 418: Kirja pilkahtaa nyky-yhteiskuntaa, mutta pääpaino on satiiri romanttisista ritarillisuuden ideoista ja Sir Walter Scottin romaaneissa ja muussa 1800-luvun kirjallisuudessa yleisestä keskiajan idealisoinnista . Twain ei pitänyt Scottista ja erityisen inhoavasti, koska hän syytti hänen eräänlaista taistelun romantisointia siitä, että eteläiset osavaltiot päättivät taistella Amerikan sisällissotaa vastaan. Sir Walter teki jokaisesta punavyöstä etelässä majurin tai everstin, kenraalin tai tuomarin ennen sotaa; ja hän oli myös se, joka sai nämä herrat arvostamaan näitä vääriä koristeita. Sillä hän loi siellä nazat ja kastin, ja myös arvostuksen nazoja ja kastia kohtaan sekä ylpeyden ja ilon heistä. Sir Walterilla oli niin suuri käsi eteläisen luonteen luomisessa, sellaisena kuin se oli olemassa ennen sotaa, että hän on suuressa määrin vastuussa sodasta.
ellauri386.html on line 474: "Matka" vaikutti voimakkaasti dekabristiliikkeeseen. Varhaiset sosialistit Nikolai Ogarev ja Alexander Herzen julkaisivat version Matkasta maanpaosta vuonna 1858, ja useimmat Neuvostoliiton kriitikot väittivät Radishchevin olevan bolshevismin edeltäjä. Huolimatta kirjailijan ihanteen ja neuvostotodellisuuden välisistä eroista, neuvostoviranomaiset onnistuivat maalaamaan hänet "materialistiksi, aktiiviseksi taistelijaksi itsevaltaista tyranniaa vastaan ja todelliseksi bolshevismin esi-isäksi". Muu kylmän sodan aikainen kritiikki leimasi Radishchevin liberaaliksi intellektuelliksi.
ellauri389.html on line 59: Significantly, by the time he began the Elia essays - which followed on his failures at verse tragedy and a comic play - Lamb had a thirty-year career at the East India Company, from which he drew a generous income.
ellauri389.html on line 71: The nominal occasion of Lamb's essay is not just Elia's purchase of the teacup, but also Britain's en- trance into China, as it began with the East India Company's annexation of Singa Pura (Singapore) in 1819. The event, which was a pivotal moment in British imperial expansion, extended imperial activity from South Asia to the Far East. More importantly, the development revised a longstanding Sino-British trade imbalance that was particularly caused by porcelain and tea, and hence necessitated a change in British attitudes toward luxury purchases such as porcelain that reversed the animus previously demonstrated by Fielding, who complained that brits echanged the gold of one India to the clay ("mud") of another. Indeed, "Old China" facetiously depicts a cultural sinicization presumably precipitated by this intensification in East Asia-based imperial activity: Elia drinks tea "unmixed," in the Chinese fashion, and experiences an "almost feminine" pleasure in porcelain that likens him to the androgynous "men with women's faces" that Elia associates with China. Fuck the guy was obviously gay.
ellauri389.html on line 87: The essay resembles "Old China" in both its paean to Chinese exports ("China pigs have been esteemed a luxury all over the East, from the remotest periods that we read of"), and its detailed understanding of consumer economics. The titular anecdote is a fable about a Chinese boy's discovery, in the "ages when men ate their meat raw," of the pleasure of roast pig. The wondrous qualities of cooked food produce an immediate "tickling" in one's "nether" or "lower regions", just as Arvi Järnefelt warned. Bo-bo discovers the exquisite flavor when he accidentally sets fire to his house and swine. LOL what idiots, the kinks. Interestingly, roast pig and tea are among the luxuries that the Guernsies hoard during the German occupation.
ellauri389.html on line 95: In the early nineteenth century, Britain began a reverse trade into China of opium, a product of Britain's colonial holdings in India and the Levant. The economic consequences of this dumping of opium into China were significant, as the drug, which rendered many Chinese addicted consumers, augmented the reversal of Britain's previous consumer subjugation to China in their desire for porcelain and tea, and indeed evocatively displaced a kind of chinamania to China itself. With its catastrophic vision of obsessive Chinese consumers, the "Dissertation upon Roast Pig" is a comically topical glimpse of such opium-like needs and, as such, the earlier essay, like opium, paves the way for the kind of unencumbered pleasure in consumption that "Old China" relates. "Kubla Khan" was written under the influence of opium.
ellauri389.html on line 97: The Romantic ethic rose in the spirit of modern consumerism. Sociologist Colin Campbell provides an account of the universal privilege that consumption offers previously upper class exclusive experiences such as imagination.
ellauri389.html on line 123: Around 1811 Charles Lloyd started suffering from auditory hallucinations and "fits of aberration" that resulted in his being confined to an asylum; first at The Retreat, followed by a private asylum at Gretford in Lincolnshire. From 1813 to 1815 he translated nineteen tragedies of Vittorio Alfieri into blank verse (revised and augmented to twenty-two in 1876 by Edgar Alfred Bowring). In 1818 he escaped and turned up at De Quincey's cottage, claiming to be the devil, but managed to reason himself out of that conviction. Soon after he recovered, temporarily, and rejoined his wife in London. A small volume of poems in 1823 ended this burst of creativity, and from that time almost nothing is known of him. He died near Versailles, France, in 1839 aged 63.
ellauri389.html on line 229: But when we meet in a loud London pub in 2013, he tells me he’s just resigned from his temporary post at the Open University. This is a shock. Philosophers don’t resign. There’s frustration in his voice, but also a certain edgy excitement. What’s going on?
ellauri389.html on line 235: “But I feel weighed down by the short sightedness, the petty bureaucracy, and the often pointless activities that are creeping into higher education. These things eat time and, more importantly, sap energy. Meanwhile the sand sifts through the hourglass. At the Open University I’d always hoped that we’d be able to offer a named undergraduate degree in philosophy, but actually the subject has, if anything, become marginalised, with fewer courses available than when I joined nineteen years ago, and with much higher fees. This at a time when philosophy is becoming increasingly popular. There had also been suggestions that I might be able to take on an official role promoting the public understanding of philosophy, but that didn’t materialise either.
ellauri389.html on line 239: Crazy or not, it’s a worrying sign for philosophy in the academy. Someone who’s very good at conveying complex philosophical ideas in plain English– a good teacher, in other words – has come to the conclusion that a university is not the best place for him to be. An applied philosopher is not like a real one: Barring ordinary language philosophers, if you ask them direct questions in ordinary language they can’t answer without jargon and mystification. When faced with the need to explain what they’re doing and why it should be of interest to anyone at all outside of that culture, they look like flounders, both eyes on the same side of the skull. Not the best ones, like Quentin Skinner, Philip Pettit, and Peter Singer, who are all praised for their minds and their humanity, as well as the ability to think out of the fly and express themselves lucidly. No Perer Rabbit ainaskin on sertifioitu paska, varmaan siis noi 2 muutakin n.h ja Nigel ize.
ellauri389.html on line 269: As a kid I wanted to be a biologist. I was intrigued by philosophy, but I thought I would never have been able to do it at university because of parental pressure to do something more useful, and also a complete ignorance in my schools about what philosophy was. I say ‘schools’ because I went to a public school for three years, and then my dad, who was an alcoholic, gambled away the money for my education that my mother had inherited, so then I went to a state school. As a result, I specialized in ethics. My wife once described me as a vicar who’d lost his pulpit.
ellauri389.html on line 271: “I spent most of my time at school playing rugby. I ended up going to Bristol University to do psychology, and I took philosophy and sociology as subsidiary subjects in the first year. I got disillusioned with psychology, dropped out, was a car park attendant for six months, tried to start a new course in English, but I wouldn’t have got a grant, so I carried on into my second year with philosophy, thinking I would become a journalist. Probably because I did so much student journalism I could write well enough that I conned them into a first class degree in philosophy, which meant I could go to Cambridge to do a PhD – there were proper grants in those days. I tried to get a job in publishing in my first year there but didn’t get that, so it’s only philosophy in want of anything better really."
ellauri389.html on line 308: William and Dorothy's mother died when he was only seven years old and she was six, and he was orphaned at 13 and she at 12.Though he did not excel, he would eventually study at and graduate from Cambridge University in 1791. Bill fell in love with a young French woman, Annette Vallon while visiting France and she somehow became pregnant. Dorothy was taught by just a bunch of uncles. She remained particularly close to her brother, the more famous poet William Wordsworth, and the siblings lived together in Dorset and Alfoxden before William married her best friend, Mary Hutchinson, in 1802. Thereafter Dorothy Wordsworth made her home with the couple.
ellauri389.html on line 338: And art by selfish introversion nursed.
ellauri389.html on line 379: As early as 1795 he published a volume of poems at Carlisle, which display a thoughtfulness unusual at his age. In 1796 he made the acquaintance of Coleridge on the latter's visit to Birmingham to enlist subscribers to his Watchman. Fascinated with Coleridge's conversation, Lloyd "proposed even to domesticate with him, and made him such a pecuniary offer that Coleridge immediately acceded to the proposal." This was £80 a year, in return for which Coleridge was to devote 3 hours every morning to his instruction; and although the undertaking (apart from the "domestication") may not have been very strictly performed, Lloyd, much later in life, speaks with enthusiasm of the benefit he had derived from Coleridge's society.
ellauri389.html on line 381: They lived together at Kingsdown, Bristol, and at the close of 1796 Lloyd accompanied the Coleridges on their move to Nether Stowey. Coleridge's sonnet "To a Friend" on the birth of his son Hartley, and his lines "To a Young Man of Fortune," are probably addressed to Lloyd. Lloyd had already printed at Bristol, for publication in London, a volume of elegiac verse to the memory of his grandmother, Priscilla Pig, introduced by a sonnet from Coleridge, and concluded by "The Grandma" of Charles Lamb, to whom Lloyd had been introduced by Coleridge.
ellauri389.html on line 403: Lloyd also wrote, and printed privately at Ulverston, a novel, entitled Isabel, which was published in 1820, but has remained almost unknown. It has little merit, if not less.
ellauri389.html on line 405: Meanwhile Lloyd was placed in an asylum near York, from which he escaped about 1818, and found his way back to Westmoreland, where he suddenly reappeared at De Quincey's cottage. De Quincey vividly describes his condition and conversation, but does not mention, what he privately told Woodhouse, that Lloyd laboured to convince him of his (Lloyd's) identity with the devil, and in trying to establish this assertion ultimately reasoned himself out of it. This anecdote confirms the testimony of Talfourd: "Poor Charles Lloyd! Delusions of the most melancholy kind thickened over his latter days, yet left his admirable intellect free for the finest processes of severe reasoning."
ellauri389.html on line 409: In London in June 1819 he was more beneficially affected by the emotion caused by witnessing Macready's performance of Rob Roy, and expressed his feelings in a copy of verses, printed in Macready's Reminiscences.
ellauri389.html on line 421: His poetry, however, is mainly subjective, and monotonous from the writer's continual self-absorption. His versification is frequently worse than inharmonious, and his diction so prosaic as to evince that his power of expression bore no proportion to his power of thought.
ellauri389.html on line 434: John Donnen vaimokin oli Ann Donne. Cowper's mother, Anne Donne, belonged to the same family as John Donne. William himself boldly called John his "ancestor" in prose and his "fore-father" in verse. Research indicates that Cowper's mother, Ann Donne, was not a direct descendant of John Donne.
ellauri389.html on line 455: Donne’s poetry is marked by strikingly original departures from the conventions of 16th-century English verse, particularly that of Sir Philip Sidney and Edmund Spenser.
ellauri389.html on line 474: Vanha merimieslaulu, Tule ja kuuntele my ditty, tai Merimiehen valitus, löytyy The Universal Musicianista ja osasta. iv. The British Musical Miscellany -julkaisusta, kustantaja Walsh. Ilma tunnetaan nykyään yleisesti nimellä "Cease, rude Boreas" kappaleesta, joka Ritsonin ja muiden mukaan oli
ellauri389.html on line 477: Otsikko How happy are young lovers on peräisin balladista The Hajamielinen merimies; jonka kopio on Douce-kokoelmassa ja toinen sisällä että herra J. M. Gutch. Jälkimmäisessä kopiossa sen sanotaan olevan Wliatin säveleen ilman suurempaa iloa tai nautintoa, joka kuljettaa ilmaa askeleen taaksepäin. The Distracted Sailor on pitkä kymmenen säkeistöä sisältävä balladi. Seuraavat ovat kaksi ensimmäistä: -
ellauri390.html on line 48: Viimeinen mohikaani sijoittuu vuoteen 1757, jolloin Englanti kävi Pohjois-Amerikan hallinnasta seitsenvuotista sotaa Ranskaa ja intiaaneja vastaan. Englantilaisen everstiluutnantin George Munron tyttäret Cora ja Alice ovat matkalla Fort William Henryn linnoitukseen, missä heidän isänsä on komentajana. Matkan aikana he joutuvat ranskalaisten kanssa liittoutuneen huronintiaani Maguan järjestämään väijytykseen, josta heidät pelastavat Haukansilmänä tunnettu Natty Bumppo (sic) ja hänen intiaaniystävänsä Chingachgook poikineen. Tästä alkaa huima sieppausten ja pelastusyritysten sarja, joka kietoutuu meneillään olevan sodan tapahtumiin ja vie Haukansilmän intiaanikyliin ja ranskalaisten vangiksi. Linnoituksen antautumista seuraavassa verilöylyssä, yllätyshyökkäyksissä ja kostoiskuissa kokee kohtalonsa moni, lopulta myös Chingachgookin poika Uncas, viimeinen puhdasverinen mohikaani. Viimeinen mohikaani on Cooperin pääteos, ja se oli yksi aikansa suosituimmista kirjoista. Myöhemmin teos on innoittanut muita taiteilijoita, ja siitä on tehty lukuisia elokuvia, näytelmiä, oopperoita, televisiosarjoja, lyhennelmiä ja sarjakuvia.
ellauri390.html on line 291: N.E.:n kokoelmassa on todisteita balladin Pechora-versioiden esityksestä eeppisiin säveliin. Onchukov, joka nauhoitti tekstin ruhtinas Dolgorukystä ja taloudenhoitajasta, jonka teki paikallinen eepos kirjailija Ankkuli Efimovich Ostashov kylästä. Zamezhnoye, Ust-Tsilma volost, lisäsi: "hän laulaa erittäin sujuvasti vanhassa yasakissa" ("yasak" on laulun tai eeposen sävelmä). Ust-Tsilma on kylä, maalaiskunta ja Ust-Tsilman piirin hallinnollinen keskus Komin tasavallassa Venäjällä. Se sijaitsee Petšoraan laskevan Tsilma-joen suussa 664 kilometriä tasavallan pääkaupungista Syktyvkarista pohjoiseen. Asukkaita on 5 100 henkeä, enimmäxeen syrjäytyneitä syrjäänejä.
ellauri390.html on line 297: Kokoelman nähtyään Jakushkin syytti Bessonovia venäläisten kansanlaulujen piinallisesta tuntemuksesta ja huomautti balladitekstien sensuroidusta editoinnista: ”Kun julkaisin tämän kappaleen Otechestvennye Zapaskissa, toimittajasta riippumattomista olosuhteista (korostettu Jakushkin - L.M.) , minun täytyi kutsua Volkhonskia "prinssi-bojaariksi", ja siksi Kirejevskin kokoelmassa minun versioissani Volkhonskia kutsutaan myös "prinssibojaariksi".
ellauri390.html on line 307: Vilboa-kokoelman tekstien toimittaja oli A.A. Grigorjev. Hän lisäsi kappaleen päätekstiin kaksi lisäriviä, jotka Jakushkin kopioi balladin toisesta versiosta, korjasi joidenkin sanojen oikeinkirjoituksen murteesta kirjalliseen muotoon ja palautti puuttuvan kirosanan (Хочу запихнуть свой хуй в вашу пизду) sensuuriin hyväksyttävässä versiossa (У меня хуй уже не пашет). Ja hyväxi lopuxi vielä Vsevolod Vladimirovich Krestovskyn (1840-1895) versio:
ellauri390.html on line 345: Bolshevikkivallankumouksen jälkeen hän jäi Italiaan maanpaossa. Ylläpiti läheisiä suhteita kenraali Pjotr Wrangeliin. Hän on kirjoittanut useita Ukrainan separatistiliikettä vastaan suunnattuja teoksia, muun muassa "Ukrainan kysymys: Historiallinen totuus versus separatistinen propaganda" (1920), joka julkaistiin venäjäksi, englanniksi ja ranskaksi.
ellauri390.html on line 371: Toukokuussa 1808 Kari Malm johti 150 miehen erikoisosastoa, jonka tehtävänä oli hävittää venäläisten varastot Iisalmessa ja Kuopiossa. Hän vangitsi 9. toukokuuta ilman taistelua satamiehisen venäläisosaston Taipaleessa, minkä jälkeen tie oli auki Kuopioon. Malm valloitti Kuopion 12. toukokuuta 1808 ja sai palkkiona ylennyksen majuriksi. Hän jatkoi etenemistään virkauralla Juvalle saakka, josta siirtyi heinäkuussa Joensuuhun ja karkotti siellä olleet venäläiset käyttäen apunaan talonpoikia. Hän voitti 10. elokuuta Pälkjärven taistelussa 600 miehen kokoisella joukolla 2 000 miehen vahvuisen venäläisosaston ja eteni jopa Venäjän puolelle rajaa, mutta joutui lopulta perääntymään ylivoiman edessä Sandels-oluen muun armeijan luo. Everstiluutnantiksi ylennetty Malm osallistui lokakuun 1808 lopussa Koljonvirran taisteluun. Sandels-olut passitti hänet 11. marraskuuta takaisin Koljonvirralle johtamaan vastaiskua, mutta tuolloin Malm haavoittui päähän ja jäi venäläisten vangiksi.
ellauri390.html on line 373: Charlotta Malm siirtyi Suomen sisällissodassa valkoisten joukkoihin majurin arvoisena johtaen Pohjois-Savon ja Kainuun suojeluskuntapiirien joukkoja Kuopion ja Varkauden valtauksessa helmikuussa 1918. Sen jälkeen hän siirtyi everstiluutnantiksi ylennettynä johtamaan Vienan retken Uhtualle suuntautunutta 370 miehen vapaajoukkoa, joka ylitti 21. maaliskuuta itärajan Suomussalmen kohdalla. Uhtuan lähes välittömän valtauksen jälkeen suuntana osastolla oli katkaista Muurmannin rata Vienan Kemin kohdalta. Lähinnä suomalaisista punaisista koottu vastapuolen joukko-osasto torjui valtauksen Usmanan taistelussa 9. huhtikuuta, ja rintama vakintui Uhtuan kohdalle aina syksyyn 1918 asti. Malmin sairastuttua heinäkuussa 1918 tilalle vapaajoukon johtajaksi astui jääkärikapteeni Toivo Kuisma (alias Theodor Kuhneamme, alk. antrealainen Kuzmin). Kuisma oli jo koulupoikana varsin venäläisvastainen. Malm ylennettiin vielä vuoden 1918 aikana everstiksi. Kuisman lempinimi oli Napoleon hänen lyhytkasvuisuutensa takia. Esikuntatyöskentely ei Kuismaa tyydyttänyt vaan hän osallistui 1919 onnettomalle Aunuxen retkelle ja missä hänen onnexeen tuli haavoittua pahasti Vitelen taistelussa 27. kesäkuuta 1919 ja kaatua haavoihinsa seuraavana päivänä Salmissa. Hän ei sankarikuolon kanssa kuhnaillut.
ellauri390.html on line 412: Juuri tämä saxalainen versio sattui käteen Käpylän poistohyllystä. En olisi muuten sitä ottanut, muttakun sen vieressä oli vanhan konnan Thich Nhat Hanhin ranskalainen opus Commencer à méditer, tuumin että näitä voisi ehkä verrata. Miten amerikkalainen izeapu eroaa vietnamilaisesta, nehän on vanhoja vihamiehiä?
ellauri390.html on line 522: Samaan aikaan toisaalla Jack the Beanstalk varastaa jättiläiseltä kultamunia munivan hanhen ja hän sekä hänen äitinsä elävät mukavasti elämänsä loppuun asti. Eine Erzählung über den Sinn des Lebens. Loppukäänne on tässäkin aika lössähdys: "Wenn ich Sie richtig verstehe, dann gibt es kein Patentrezept, das bei jedem funktioniert. Man muss nur sich konzentrieren, kreuz und quer touristieren, und es kann bestenfalls funkzionieren." Ei tällä kuuhun mennä, mutta Jaakolle tää oli varsinainen kultamuna. Jättiläisen ovelta Jack pystyy noutamaan jättiläiseltä monia tavaroita, mukaan lukien kultapussin, lumotun hanhen, joka munii kultamunia, ja taikakultaisen harpun, joka soittaa ja laulaa itsekseen. Sitten Jack pakenee pilkkomalla pavunvarren. Häntä jahtaava jättiläinen kaatuu kuolemaansa kuin Väinö Kuzmin, ja Jack ja hänen perheensä menestyvät.
ellauri390.html on line 576: Missä söisimme? Se oli se viimeinen kymysys universumin laitimmaisessa raflassa, kun ei tarvinnut enää kysellä, mitä syömme, eikä mixi syömme. Jumalan viimeinen viesti ihmiskunnalle: valitamme aiheuttamaamme vaivaa. Mind the gap.
ellauri390.html on line 579: After attending Embry Riddle Aeronautical University and working for two years, his dream was suddenly and permanently taken away because of a rare medical condition (no IQ).
ellauri390.html on line 581: In an attempt to chart a new path for his life, he applied to the prestigious Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University. He was denied due to– “a lack of significant work experience.”
ellauri390.html on line 609: Clay Calvert is a Nonresident Senior Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and Professor Emeritus, Brechner Eminent Scholar of Mass Communication Emeritus and former Director of the Marion B. Brechner First Amendment Project in the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications, specializing in First Amendment Law.
ellauri390.html on line 615: version=1553198765" width="60%" />
ellauri390.html on line 706: Warum tut nicht jeder sofort was er will? Sie (Anne) hat Wirtschaftswissenschaften an einer der besten Universitäten der Welt studiert und arbeitete viele Jahre lang als überaus angesehene Führungskraft in der Werbebranche.>>Hoi<<, sagte ich, das klingt beeindruckend.
ellauri390.html on line 750: Inspiration durch Kultur – mit Sprache(n) verschiedene Kulturen entdecken
ellauri391.html on line 77: Paderewski väitti kieltäytyneensä maksusta, antaneensa rahat Hooverille ja käskeneensä tätä vähentämään kulujensa kattamiseen tarvittavat varat, antamaan itselleen kymmenen prosenttia tuotoista, ja Paderewski olisi tyytyväinen siihen, mitä jää jäljelle. Tarinan toisessa versiossa Paderewski ottaa rahat ja repi velkakirjan, mikä osoittaa Hooverille, että he olivat kuitit ilman kuittia. Tarinaan on usein lisätty Paderewskin matka äskettäin nimettynä Puolan pääministerinä, joka matkustaa Pariisiin kiittämään Hooveria Puolan ruokkimisesta ensimmäisen maailmansodan jälkeisen suuren ahdingon aikana. Joidenkin kertomusten mukaan Hoover on vastannut: "Ei hätää, herra Paderewski, minä tiesin, että tarve oli suuri. Sitä paitsi sinä et muista sitä, mutta autat minua kerran, kun olin opiskelija yliopistossa ja olin kolossa."
ellauri391.html on line 106: Se oli Harcourtin korjattu versio, joka ilmestyi joissakin sanomalehdissä seuraavana huhtikuussa 1939, kun Paderewski vieraili Hooverin luona hänen Palo Alto -kodissaan. Mutta jos tämä korjattu versio on totta, miksi Hoover ei käyttänyt sitä muistelmiensa ensimmäisessä osassa, jotka ilmestyivät vuonna 1951? Hooverin ensimmäinen pitkä kuvaus tapahtumasta kirjoitettiin vasta vuosina 1961–1963, jolloin hän aloitti Magnum Opuksensa Puola-osion parissa. George H. Nash ei koskaan julkaissut Hooverin elinaikana, mutta editoi huolellisesti erilaisia luonnoksia ja julkaisi sen vuonna 2011 nimellä Freedom Betrayed: Herbert Hooverin toisen maailmansodan salainen historia ja sen jälkimainingit . Laajennetussa alaviitteessä Hoover muistelee 1 500 dollarin suorituspalkkiota, mutta hänellä ja hänen ystävillään oli tarjota Paderewskille vain 150 dollaria. Hooverin mukaan: "Paderewski nauroi ja ehdotti, että keskeytämme kihlauksen johonkin tulevaan tilaisuuteen, kun hän oli lännessä. Eräs jäsenistämme ehdotti, että emme ehkä pystyisi tekemään sitä, koska olisimme saattaneet hajota, ja tarjosi jälleen 150 dollaria. Paderewski nauroi taas ja sanoi, että lykkäämme sitäkin. Muistin tämän jakson hänelle, kun tapasin hänet pääministerinä rauhankonferenssissa. Hän naurahti taas."
ellauri391.html on line 133: De Barth het zwüsche 1904 und 1908 z Bärn, z Berlin, z Tübinge und z Marburg evangelischi Theologii gschtudiirt. Eis Johr schpäter isch er Hilfsprediger in de dütschschprooige Gmeind z Gämpf worde, wo-n-er sini Frau, s Nelly Hoffmann kenneglehrt het. Ghürote hei si im 1913, wo-n-er Pfarrer z Safewil im Kanton Aargau isch gsi (1911-1921). Derte het er au sin Kommentar zum Römerbrief gschribe, wo-n-en bekannt gmacht het. Im 1921 isch de Barth zum Honorarprofessor vo de Universität vo Göttinge bruefe worde, uf ene Lehrstuehl, wo extra für ihn isch iigrichtet worde. In Dütschland won er au e chlii under de Nazi gschafft het, isch er ein vo de Afüehrer vo dr Bekennende Chille gsi, wo sich em Regime widersetzt het. Wil er as Brofesser an dr Universidät vo Bonn sich gweigeret het, em Hitler Dreui zschwöre, isch er entloh worde und nach Basel zruggcho.
ellauri391.html on line 163: Joachim Ringwormin sanan teologiasta löytyy vastauxia. Joachim Ringleben (* 24. Juli 1945 in Flensburg) ist ein lutherischer Theologe, Universitätsprofessor und war von 2000 bis 2016 Abt des Klosters Burschfelde bei Hann. Münden im Weserbergland. Joachim Ringleben is a leading Hamann expert.
ellauri391.html on line 164: Hamann deserves to be known precisely because he was the first to voice counter-Enlightenment views. Named by Goethe as the "brightest intellect of his era," Hamann, a resident of Königsberg, East Prussia, and friend of Kant, was denied access to a professorship or a pastoral call because he was a stutterer. Having undergone a conversion experience while on a business trip to London that had gone awry, he disavowed the Enlightenment ideal of limiting truth to autonomous reason. In a word, autonomous reason is no substitute for "Christ" (the word).
ellauri391.html on line 171: In der deutschen theologischen Landschaft gilt Ringleben als orthodox-spekulativer Außenseiter, dessen Koordinaten vor allem Martin Luther, Johann Georg Hamann, der Deutsche Idealismus (Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel) und Søren Kierkegaard sind. Eine größere Beachtung haben seine Aufsätze zu Luther, Hegel und seine Auseinandersetzung mit dem Neutestamentler und Fakultätskollegen Gerd Lüdermann gefunden. Ringleben wendet sich gegen einen seiner Ansicht nach verwässerten Neo-Kulturprotestantismus, wie er sich nach dem Schwinden des Einflusses der Dialektischen Theologie Karl Barths in der theologischen Diskussion Geltung verschafft hat. In Anschluss an Adolf Hitler ist er der Überzeugung „Die dogmatische Theologie muss ihre Eigenart in engster Fühlungnahme mit dem vorgegebenen Wort der [Heiligen] Schrift zu finden suchen, weil ihr Denken sonst seiner Sprachlichkeit verlustig geht.“ Pakkoko on olla niin dogmaattinen? Paavi Pentti äityi kiittelemään Silsan näkemystä Herr Jesuxesta. Kun vihollisesi ylistävät sinua, tarkista kantasi.
ellauri391.html on line 215: The American company was founded by William Henry Hoover (1849–1932) and his son Herbert William Hoover, Sr. (1877–1954). The surname Hoover is an Anglicized version of the German Huber, originally designating a landowner or a prosperous small-scale farmer.
ellauri391.html on line 227: He married his Stanford sweetheart, Lou Henry, and they went to China, where he worked for a private corporation as China’s leading engineer. In June 1900 the Boxer Rebellion caught the Hoovers in Tientsin. For almost a month the settlement was under heavy fire. While his wife worked the hospitals, Hoover directed the building of barricades, and once rescued his life risking Chinese children.
ellauri391.html on line 475: Luther vältti versiossaan aiempien Raamattujen sanantarkkoja käännöksiä. Sen sijaan hän paneutui asiasisältöön sekä ajatukseen, minkä uskoi kunkin raamatunkohdan haluavan välittää. Roomalaiskirjeen jakeeseen 3:28 Luther lisäsi sanan ”yksin”, jota ei esiinny alkutekstissä: ”Päättelemme että ihminen vanhurskautetaan yksin uskosta”.
ellauri391.html on line 545: Viime aikoina filosofit Mississippi Fred McDowell [am] , Irad Kimhi [isr] , Sabina Lovibond [en], Eric Marcus [n.h.], Gideon Rosen [jude] ja jossain määrin Richard Rorty [pig] ovat omaksuneet äänekkästi hiljaisen kannan. Pete Mandick [Paterson University] puolusti qualia quietismi - kantaa vaikeaan tietoisuusongelmaan. Ainakin Kimhi näyttää olevan vanhan koulun idealistihuijari:
ellauri391.html on line 558: Ever since completing his Ph.D. at the University of Pittsburgh in 1993, the Israeli philosopher Irad Kimhi has been building the résumé of an academic failure. After a six-year stint at Yale in the ’90s that did not lead to a permanent job, he has bounced around from school to school, stringing together a series of short-term lectureships and temporary teaching positions in the United States, Europe and Israel. As of June, his curriculum vitae listed no publications to date — not even a journal article. At 60, he remains unknown to most scholars in his field.
ellauri391.html on line 563: The philosopher Robert Pippin, who has helped secure positions for Kimhi at the University of Chicago, explains that drafts of the manuscript have circulated to great excitement, if among “a very curated audience.” Harvard University Press was interested in publishing the book as early as 2011, but Kimhi, ever the perfectionist, was reluctant to let it go, forever refining and refashioning. Perhaps his foot-dragging was an expression of doubt, too: Could any book live up to his reputation?
ellauri391.html on line 564: Now, at long last, with the publication in July of THINKING AND BEING (Harvard University, $39.95), the world can find out.
ellauri392.html on line 93: David Harry Hirsch (1930-1999) taught English and American literature and Judaic Studies at Brown University from 1961 until his death in 1999 at age 69. His field of study was English and American literature, with an emphasis on the literature of Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, and T. S. Eliot. Aika luurankogalleria. He also contributed greatly to the fields of Literary and Linguistic theory. His collection of essays The Deconstruction of Literature: Criticism After Auschwitz (1991) was the product of his research on Deconstruction theory and its relation to the ideas of Martin Heidegger, who was a supporter of Nazi politics.
ellauri392.html on line 95: Professor Hirsch introduced the literature of the Holocaust to the Brown University curriculum in 1983, and he taught courses in Holocaust memoir, song, poetry, and fiction. In collaboration with his wife Roslyn, a survivor of the Tarnopol Ghetto, he translated Justyna's Narrative, a Polish Holocaust memoir by Gusta Davidson Draenger, and Auschwitz: True Tales from a Grotesque Land, by Sara Nomberg-Przytyk. He also translated from Yiddish Ghetto Kingdom, the stories of Isaiah Spiegel; the poetry of Abraham Sutzkever (paasattu); and Aleksander Kulisiewicz’s songs from the Nazi death camps. Professor Hirsch died in 1999 and was survived by his wife Roslyn and son Joe, the only two Hirsch survivors. He had been hospitalized for several weeks for intestinal surgery, his family said. Well, actually, he was survived by his wife; a daughter, Helene Wingens of West Caldwell, N.J.; a son, Joseph, of Brooklyn; a sister, Rosalyn Suchow of Fort Lee, N.J., and two grandchildren.
ellauri392.html on line 124: Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Happiness is a warm gun. Every individual has a potential for unlimited development. Allen Ginsbergin ulvahdus myös terästä. Joku Norman O. Brown hippiaikana vielä hoilotti polymorfisesta perverssiydestä: "Seksuaalinen nautinto tässä mielessä ei koske vain sukupuolielimiä, vaan se voi esiintyä kaikissa aistillisissa vuorovaikutuksissa, mukaan lukien koskettaminen, haistaminen, imeminen, katseleminen, näytteillepano, keinuminen, ulostaminen, virzaaminen, satuttaminen ja loukkaantuminen. Tämä varhaislapsuuden libidon alkuperäinen epäspesifisyys mahdollistaa seksuaalisen halun vaihtelut, jotka myöhemmin ilmenevät niin sanottuina 'perversioina' aikuisella." (Freud)
ellauri392.html on line 129: Harryn inhokki Frank Lentricchia (s. 1940, 84v) on yhdysvaltalainen kirjallisuuskriitikko, kirjailija ja elokuvaopettaja. Hän sai Ph.D.n Marmaduke Universitystä vuonna 1966 tai size oli 1963. Anyway, saatuaan BA-tutkinnon Utica Collegesta vuonna 1962 Lentricchia jäi eläkkeelle Marmaduken yliopistosta, jossa hän toimi professorina kirjallisuusohjelmassa.
ellauri392.html on line 293: Toinen 2:sta arviosta tulee Minnesotan St Cloud State Universityn opiskelijoiden plokista ja lienee pääasiassa positiivinen, vaikka siitä "huskyjen" huonon tavaustaidon tähden ei tahdo saada tolkkua.
ellauri392.html on line 506: Lovers, cities destroyed and battles
ellauri392.html on line 574: And went on in sunlight into the University Library
ellauri392.html on line 667: Harrystä ranut ja sakut eivät ymmärrä että Amerikan historia on sui generis, se ei ole tollasta whackingia kuin reign of terror ja kaasukammiot. Inkkarien puzaus, orakauppa ja verinen kansalaissota oli jotain ihan muuta, positiivisempaa, puhumattakaan Korean, Vietnamin ja Irakin sodista ja kähminnästä uuden mantereen banaanitasavalloissa. Mutta kontinentaalit vaan vihaavat liberaalidemokratiaa yleensä ja amerikkalaista suurkapitalismia erityisesti. Foucault halveeraa "yxilöä", "liberaalia demokratiaa" ja "lakia ja oikeutta". Foucaultin masentavaa apinankuvaa paljon valoisampi on Genesixen versio, missä apinan käsketään lisääntymään kovasti ja tekemään paratiisista tehomaanviljelys. Seuraavaxi paras apinan majesteetillisuuden julistus on sit American Bill of Rights. Huoh, ei jaxa. Disziplin ei ole paha asia. Arbeit macht frei sanoi jo Thoreau Juuso Walden pondilla. Disregarding the gibes of those who are less fortunate than ourselves.
ellauri392.html on line 689: Harry on suorastaan Jesaja-luokan rähisijä, se on sille annettava. Käy jopa kateexi. Pluralistically minded universally tolerant American indeed.
ellauri392.html on line 704: it seems that Jewish people belong to the unique body, with the same breath and thoughts. Jews have an inconceivable and indestructible sense for community and ministration, despite the diversities in a group, or their location.
ellauri392.html on line 732: Solitude and alienation represent not only a staple topic for the Jewish novel but for the whole period of 1950’s. It is the period of advanced postmodernization in America. Seen in such a perspective, the Jewish adversarial culture is or was quite rightly alienated from middle America. The country is always rising from the period of depression or going into one.
ellauri392.html on line 737: The responsible culture accused the adversary culture of operating with a hermetic tradition of Modernism or (khas vishalom) Post-Modernism. They write about society where snobbism and material things are prevailing models, but the spiritual and religious aspects are met only sporadically. That society has come under the harsh criticism by Philip Roth, Bernard Malamud and Saul Bellow, none of whom are in the least manner snobs.
ellauri392.html on line 851: Nach einem für damalige Verhältnisse skandalösen Verhältnis mit der fünf Jahre älteren Jüdin Julie Michaelis, Schwester des Tübinger Juristen Adolph Michaelis, das 1824 öffentlich wurde anlässlich eines Prozesses wegen einer Brandstiftung, deren Leidtragender Julies der Beziehung entgegenstehender Onkel Salomo Michaelis war, verzichtete Waiblinger auf den christlich-moralischen Anschein, den er sich wegen des Theologiestudiums hatte geben müssen, und gab sich "Ausschweifungen" hin, die auch in seinen Werken Niederschlag fanden. In der Folgezeit entstanden seine Lieder der Verirrung und Drei Tage in der Unterwelt. Nach Veröffentlichung dieser Werke wurde er durch die Stiftsleitung, die den Hochbegabten nach der skandalösen Beziehung noch zu schützen versucht hatte, am 25. September 1826 vom weiteren Studium ausgeschlossen. Irrungen Wirrungen.
ellauri392.html on line 916: What is the lived experience and meaning of being a teenage parent service user of universal child and family health services?
ellauri393.html on line 112: Jonkun apulaisprofessori Kellen Mrkvan mukaan Texasin Baylor-yliopistosta (ei 20 parhaan joukossa) tappioiden välttämisen "vinouma" on stabiili ja näyttää lisääntyvät iän myötä. Bugger it! Mistähän sekin johtuisi? Oisko niin että tappioista toipumiseen on vähemmän aikaa vanhana? Elämän mittaan ekonominen voimattomuus vaikuttaa onnellisuuteemme. On tuskin ylläri että on tullut taipumus pitää nykytilannetta parempana kuin muutosta. Mrkva kertoo omalla WordPress-alustallaan: "I study consumer decision making, often combining lab experiments with field experiments or A/B tests used in online retail. My work has been published in several outlets including Journal of Marketing, PNAS, Psychological Science, JPSP, JEP:G, Journal of Consumer Psychology, and Harvard Business Review." Vitun assareita koko posse. Kellen on kerakkeista päätellen Kartvelista kotoisin. Käyttäjille näytetään kahta eri versioita internetsivustosta. Seuraavaksi tutkitaan mikä versio vetää käyttäjiä enemmän puoleensa. On vaikea määrittää lopullisesti, milloin A/B-testausta käytettiin ensimmäisen kerran. Mahdollisesti se oli Jahven testi vällykäärme vastaan paratiisin haravointi. Nykyään Microsoftin ja Googlen kaltaiset yritykset tekevät kumpikin yli 10 000 A/B-testiä vuosittain. Siinä kyllä Jahve kalpenee.
ellauri393.html on line 221: Yksi lapsuuden parhaista ystävistäni pystyi heiluttamaan korviaan, mutta minun nähdäkseni tempun ainoa hyöty oli viihdyttää muita ala-astelaisia. Meillä kaikilla on pienenpienet lihakset korviemme ympärillä, jotka ovat heikompi versio niistä, jotka olisivat auttaneet evolutiivisia esi-isiämme kääntämään korviaan ääneen suuntaan samaan tapaan kuin jänis. Kun kuulemme yllättävän äänen takaamme, nuo lihakset yhä värähtävät siinä korvassa, joka on ääntä lähempänä.
ellauri393.html on line 274: Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter on Timur Bekmambetovin ohjaama yhdysvaltalainen toimintakauhuelokuva vuodelta 2012, joka perustuu Seth Grahame-Smithin samannimiseen romaaniin. Se kuvaa fiktiivinen historiaa Amerikan sisällissodasta, jossa Yhdysvaltain samanniminen resistentti kuvitellaan uudelleen. kuin hänellä on salainen identiteetti elinikäisenä vampyyrinmetsästäjänä, joka taistelee vampyyriorjanomistajien kastia vastaan. Benjamin Walker näyttelee Abraham Lincolnia ja sivurooleja ovat Chicken Cooper, Mackie Messer, Mary Elizabeth Instead, Rufus Smell ja Marton Taiga. Elokuvaversion ohjasi neuvostolasta karkoitettu Timur Nuruakhitovich Bekmambetov.
ellauri393.html on line 287: Although she can't conclusively prove that Rockwell had sex with men, she makes a sound argument that he "demonstrated an intense need for emotional and physical closeness with men" and that his unhappy marriages were attempts at "passing" and "controlling his homoerotic desires." Rockwell went on to have close relationships with his studio assistants (even sleeping in the same bed with one on an extended camping trip) and created his own version of idealized boyhood beauty.
ellauri393.html on line 292: Although he married three times and raised a family, Rockwell acknowledged that he didn’t pine for women. They made him feel imperiled. He preferred the nearly constant companionship of men whom he perceived as physically strong. It may have represented Rockwell’s solution to the problem of feeling wimpish and small. Rockwell, who was born in New York City in 1894, the son of a textile salesman, attributed much about his life and his work to his underwhelming physique. As a child he felt overshadowed by his older brother, Jarvis, a first-rate student and athlete. Norman, by contrast, was slight and pigeon-toed and squinted at the world through owlish glasses. His grades were barely passing and he struggled with reading and writing—today, he surely would be labeled dyslexic. Growing up in an era when boys were still judged largely by their body type and athletic prowess, he felt, he once wrote, like “a lump, a long skinny nothing, a bean pole without beans.” Assistants looked better than the missus. “Fred is most fetching in his long flannels,” he notes appreciatively.
ellauri393.html on line 329: Vuonna 2014 elokuva tehtiin uudelleen nimellä Kidnapping, Caucasian Style!. Uusintaversiota kritisoitiin siitä, kuinka paljon se muistutti Gaidain versiota, ja sitä pidetään yhtenä kaikkien aikojen huonoimmista elokuvista. Samana vuonna palautettiin ikivanha venäläinen Krim Neuvostoliitolle.
ellauri393.html on line 343: Lopuksi sinun pitäisi tietää, että "Rogue Song" on kadonnut täydellisessä versiossaan. Emme enää tiedä täydellistä kopiota tästä elokuvasta, joka on saanut inspiraationsa Tamara Lundin ja Alexandru Ionizan lemmekkäästi tenorisoimasta ja sopranoimasta Franz Leharin operetista "Amour Tzigane" ja joka kuvattiin technicolorilla. Tämä voisi myös selittää tämän katoamisen, vaikka 1920-luvulla samalla menetelmällä kuvatut elokuvat olisivat säilyneet. Metro Goldwin Mayerin arkistossa oleva kopio katosi tulipalossa C. Tämä elokuva on seuraavien vuosien loistavasti kuvattujen musiikkielokuvien edeltäjä Laurelille ja Hardylle.
ellauri393.html on line 437: The show's producing team was involved in several legal controversies. Viktor Shenderovich, a satirist and a writer for the show, has claimed that an unnamed top government official required NTV to exclude the puppet of Putin from the show. Accordingly, in the following episode, called "Ten Commandments", the puppet of Putin was replaced with a cloud covering the top of a mountain and a burning bush.
ellauri393.html on line 443: Alrunat ovat suurin piirtein jättestor ståkukin kokoisia (15-20 cm). Heinz Eversin romaani Alraune kertoo, että mandraken (alraune) oletetaan kasvavan hirtettyjen rikollisten viimeisestä siemenestä, joilla ruiskahtaa kun heidän niskansa murtuu teloituksen aikana. Hän kutsuu geneetikkosetänsä luomaan samanlaisen olennon ihmismuodossa siementämällä prostituoitua keinotekoisesti rikollisen siemenellä, jonka hän strittaa teloituksen aikana. Tämän seurauksena syntyy erittäin kaunis tyttö, jolla on poikkeukselliset kyvyt (ja hän syntyy keskiyöllä): nuori Alraune voi pakottaa ihmiset toteuttamaan minkä tahansa toiveensa, usein hyvin julman ja hienostuneen, hänellä on ehdotuksen lahja ja se tuo vaurautta hänen geneetikko huoltajallensa. Samaan aikaan jokainen, joka joutuu sen vaikutuksen alle, on myöhemmin tuomittu kuolemaan.
ellauri393.html on line 513: vaan josta on versova kerran
ellauri395.html on line 1285: Uzbek believers continue to increase despite great opposition. The prospect of retribution from three sides – the government, local Muslim leaders and the community (family and neighbours) – has not halted growth. There are now probably more than 10,000 Uzbek believers, where there were possibly none only a generation ago. But much prayer (= gold and silver) is still needed:
ellauri395.html on line 1287: For the disciplining and mentoring of new believers. No one knows how many isolated individuals and clusters exist, but there are far more than those affiliated with officially recognized churches. Many fall away when difficulties intensify; pray that Christians might be integrated quickly into home groups or fellowships where they can grow. Many others find their witness curtailed by fear; pray for boldness for them.
ellauri395.html on line 1289: For local believers who are accused of being cultural/religious traitors and “rice Christians”. Pray for gentleness and humility as well as right motives for all those who seek to integrate into the churches.
ellauri395.html on line 1291: For the distribution of believers. Most Uzbek Christians live in Tashkent and other cities, despite half of Uzbeks living in rural areas.
ellauri395.html on line 1326: Ulf Ekman (s. 8. joulukuuta 1950 Göteborg, Ruotsi) on karismaattisen uskonnollisen Livets Ord -liikkeen perustaja. Koulutukseltaan hän on sekä teologian että filosofian kandidaatti. Ekman on perustanut myös Livets Ord University -opiston ja Word of Life -raamattukoulun. Uppsalassa toimivan ensimmäisen Livets Ord -seurakunnan myötä Uskon Sana -liike rantautui Ruotsiin vuonna 1983. Ekman toimi seurakunnan johtajana vuoteen 2002 asti, kunnes luovutti toimen Robert Ekhille voidakseen keskittyä kansainväliseen työhönsä. 9. maaliskuuta 2014 kirjoittamassaan kirjeessä ja saarnassaan hän ilmoitti kääntyvänsä katoliseksi. Jätti lammasseurakunnan kuin nallin kalliolle: "I'm pretty tired. I think I' m goin' home now."
ellauri395.html on line 1328: Han är far till Jonathan Ekman, verkställande direktör för stiftelsen Livets Ord. Dessutom innehar han två hedersdoktorat, från Indiana Christian University och Oral Roberts University. Helkkari, paavin palvoja tuli hellariluopiosta.
ellauri396.html on line 100: Hänen julkkiksensa ja rikkautensa alkoivat kuitenkin muualta, kolmiosaisesta YouTube-sarjasta syyskuussa 2016 nimeltä Professor Against Political Correctness. Petersonia vaivasi kaksi kehitystä: liittovaltion muutos sukupuoli-identiteetin ja ilmaisun lisäämiseksi Kanadan ihmisoikeuslakiin; ja hänen yliopistonsa suunnitelmat pakollisesta puolueettomuuden vastaisesta koulutuksesta. Siitä lähtien hän vastusti marxismia, ihmisoikeusjärjestöjä, HR-osastoja ja "radikaalivasemmiston poliittisten motiivien maanalaista koneistoa", joka pakotti häneen sukupuolineutraaleja pronomineja. Tämä monisanaisempi, selkeästi kanadalainen versio Howard Bealen "mad as hell" -monologista Networkissä 1976, vaikutti räjähdysmäisesti. Muutamaa päivää myöhemmin video, jossa opiskelijamielenosoittajat häiritsivät yhtä Petersonin luennoista, paransi hänen mainettaan taitavana totuudenpuhujana. "Löin hornetsien pesään suotuisimpaan aikaan", hän pohtii myöhemmin.
ellauri396.html on line 107: She is a wop immigrant, same vintage as Mrs. Zilles. A crucially significant event for her was when an outhouse exploded after she poured too much quicklime into the latrine. Arttu perrkele!!! "That symbolized everything I would do with my life and work. I would be someone who would jump into the latrine of culture, into pornography and crime and psychopathology... and I would drop my own wee bomb into it". For more than a decade, Paglia was the partner of artist Alison Maddex. She dislikes lesbians and they dislike her. Paglia is an atheist, and has stated she has "a very spiritual mystic view of the universe". I endorse astrology. I believe in astrology. You hear? She is also a critic of contemporary American feminism and of post-structuralism, as well as multiple aspects of American culture such as its visual art, music, and film history. Too right.
ellauri396.html on line 151: Ihmiset kokoontuvat mielenosoitukseen Lindsay Shepherdin tukemiseksi Wilfrid Laurier Universityn kampuksella 2017. Porukoille jaetaan kylttejä, joissa lukee "Seison Lindsayn kanssa #freespeech".
ellauri396.html on line 165: Christopher Hitchens (13 April 1949 – 15 December 2011) was a British and American author, polemicist, debater and journalist who in his youth took part in demonstrations against the Vietnam War, joined organisations such as the International Socialists while at university and began to identify as a socialist. However, after 9/11 he no longer regarded himself as a socialist and his political thinking became largely dominated by the issue of defending civilization from terrorists and against the totalitarian regimes that protect them. Hitchens nonetheless continued to identify as a Marxist, endorsing the materialist conception of history, but believed that Karl Marx had underestimated the revolutionary nature of capitalism. He sympathized with libertarian ideals of limited state interference, but considered libertarianism not to be a viable system. But anyway.
ellauri396.html on line 268: versun/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/png0103N-Lindsay-Shepherd.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&w=576&type=webp&sig=0eePLCV8kasy5KKR2ar6Rw" height="200px" />
ellauri396.html on line 316:
ellauri396.html on line 363: Pezkun ikäinen Nicky on (oli) aika könsikäs. He is the son of Walter Gumbel, a German secular Jew from Stuttgart whose licence to practise law in that city was withdrawn in one of the early Nazi purges. Walter Gumbel emigrated to Britain and became a successful barrister. Gumbel's mother, Muriel, was a barrister and nominal Christian. Nicky on juutalaisluopio kuten Jeesus, Pietari ja Paavali. He went to a boys' boarding school and converted to Christianity while attending university in 1974. He studied law at Trinity College, Cambridge, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in 1976. In January 1978, Gumbel married at the church, Pippa, with whom he would go on incessantly so as to have three children. Meanwhile, he became a regular worshipper at Holy Trinity Brompton Church, Knightsbridge. He was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in the 2024 New Year Honours for services to the Church of England. Gumbel serves as the public face of the course, being described by James Heard [n.h., clarification needed] as something of a "Weberian charismatic leader". Gumbel is the author of a number of books related to the Alpha Course, including Questions of Life which has sold over 1M copies.
ellauri396.html on line 380: Critics referred to it as self-centered and evil and claimed that the strange manifestations were warning signs for other Christian believers to stay away. In his book, Counterfeit Revival, Hank Hanegraaff claimed that the revival has done more damage than good and that the Toronto blessing was a matter of people being enslaved into altered states of consciousness where they obscure reality and enshrine absurdity. Hank Hanegraaff also stated in a 1996 Washington Post interview that, "It's nice to feel all these things, but the fact is, these feelings will wear off, and then disappointment steps in. I call it post-Holy Laughter depression syndrome." Jeesus pitää enemmän räkänokista kuin tyhjän naurajista. Pyhissä jutuissa ei ole mitään hymyilyttävää. Hartaus on vakava asia. Ei taivaaseen mennä iloa pitämään.
ellauri398.html on line 281: Tämä vielä: Malakoxen käännökset sisältävät "miesprostituoidut", "naispuoliset ", "katamiitti" (pederastisten suhteiden vuoksi pidetty murrosikäinen poika), "homoseksuaalit", "seksuaaliset perverssit" ja "ne, jotka tekevät naisia itsestään". Mutta kreikaksi malakos tarkoittaa "pehmeää". Se merkitsee passiivista aktiivisuutta, ja se voi ehdottaa miehiä, jotka viettävät liian paljon aikaa itsensä hemmotteluun eivätkä tarpeeksi aikaa kurinalaiseen fyysiseen harjoitteluun. Se voi myös tarkoittaa urosta, johon toinen uros on tunkeutunut. Nykyajan termein voisimme kuvitella miehen, joka viettää enemmän aikaa kirjastossa tai laboratoriossa kuin kuntosalilla tai jalkapallokentällä missä tälläinen tunkeutuminen on vain luonnollista. Olen kunnossa sen kanssa. BUAHAHAHA stop Jill, you're killing me.
ellauri398.html on line 379:
Si soi-disant DIEU a créé l'univers, où était-il avant sa création ? Dans quel endroit?
ellauri398.html on line 384: Vous devez sans doute avoir une mauvaise définition de Dieu. Non, Dieu n'est pas une espèce de Père Noël en barbe blanche assis sur le bord d'un nuage contemplant son oeuvre: l'Univers. Non, Dieu est l'Univers visible et invisible, crée et incrée. Il est UN et omniscient issu du Néant. Dieu, si on voulait une image serait le seul trou noir super massif possible. Cette réalité, si on l'envisage, est la source même de la religion et cela induit nécessairement que nous n'avons aucun libre arbitre. Nous sommes, que nous le voulions ou non, au fond du trou de Dieu.
ellauri398.html on line 408: De økonomiske restriktioner mod Rusland har styrket den russiske økonomi og svækket vestens økonomier tilsvarende. I Europa betaler vi nu det dobbelte for olie og naturgas - der i øvrigt stadig kommer fra Rusland - men nu skal omkring mellemmænd, så politikerne i EU kan pudse deres glorier. De russiske oligarker, som før tjente penge i Rusland og derefter investerede dem i vesten, er nu tvunget til at investere deres overskud i Rusland(!) Vesten taber, Rusland vinder.
ellauri398.html on line 428: USA har stiftet en gæld, der er så umådeligt stor, at den aldrig vil kunne betales tilbage. I Rusland er der økonomisk vækst og et kæmpeoverskud på handelsbalancen med resten af verden. Det korte af det lange er, at hvis Rusland starter en 3. verdenskrig i morgen, ville USA og NATO lide et kæmpestort nederlag. Vi ville være nødt til at lære at tale russisk for at kunne begå os med den nye verdensherre.
ellauri398.html on line 1223: In Genesis 1:27 we find an interesting verse.
ellauri399.html on line 71: I am honored to be with you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world (Stanford). I never graduated from college. Truth be told, this is the closest I've ever gotten to a college graduation. Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. That's it. No big deal. Just three stories. The first story is about rejecting your kids.
ellauri399.html on line 86: joo Tämä on laajennettu versio Ayo (Hei, hei, hei, hei)
ellauri399.html on line 128: 00:50 Niin pitkälle kuin muistan, varhaisesta lapsuudesta asti, olen aina ollut täysin kiehtonut ajatus kuolemasta. Nyt saatat ajatella, että se on jotenkin sairasta, mutta tiedät, kun lapsi sanoo yöllä lauseen "Jos minun pitäisi kuolla ennen kuin herään", siinä on jotain aivan outoa . Millaista olisi mennä nukkumaan ja olla koskaan heräämättä? Nyt useimmat järkevät ihmiset vain hylkäävät ajatuksen. He sanovat, ettet voi kuvitella sitä. He kohauttavat olkapäitään ja sanovat: "No, siitä se tulee." Mutta luulen, että olen yksi niistä vihamielisistä ihmisistä, jotka eivät ole tyytyväisiä sellaiseen vastaukseen. Ei sillä, että yrittäisin löytää jotain muuta sen lisäksi, vaan että olen aivan kiehtova siitä, millaista olisi mennä nukkumaan ja olla koskaan heräämättä. 01:57 Tarkoitan, että monet ihmiset ajattelevat, että se on kuin menisi pimeyteen ikuisesti tai haudattaisiin elävältä. Mutta ilmeisesti se ei olisi ollenkaan niin, koska tunnemme pimeyden kontrastina - ja vain kontrastina - valon kanssa. Minulla on ystävä – tyttö, joka on erittäin älykäs ja sananvalkoinen – ja hän syntyi sokeana, eikä hänellä ole pienintäkään aavistustakaan, mitä pimeys on. Sana merkitsee hänelle yhtä vähän kuin sana "valo". 02:38 Joten jos menisit nukkumaan – et ole tietoinen pimeydestä nukkuessasi – ja niin jos menisit uneen, tajuttomuuteen, aina ja aina ja aina, se ei olisi ollenkaan kuin menisit pimeyteen. , se ei olisi ollenkaan kuin elävältä haudattu. Ihan kuin itse asiassa sinua ei olisi koskaan ollut olemassakaan. Ei vain sinä, vaan myös kaikki muu. Olisit siinä tilassa kuin et olisi koskaan ollut. Ja siellä ei tietenkään olisi ongelmia, ei olisi ketään, joka katuisi minkään menetystä, sitä ei voisi edes kutsua tragedioksi, koska ei olisi ketään, joka kokisi sen tragediana. Se olisi – yksinkertaista – ei mitään. Ikuisesti ja ikuisesti, koska sinulla ei vain olisi tulevaisuutta, sinulla ei olisi myöskään menneisyyttä eikä nykyisyyttä. 04:00 Nyt luulisi, että se oli se kohta, jossa sanoimme: "No, puhutaan jostain muusta." Mutta en ole tyytyväinen siihen; Kieltäydyn, koska tämä saa minut ajattelemaan kahta muuta asiaa. Tämä tyhjyyden tila saa minut ensinnäkin ajattelemaan - ainoa asia, jonka saan kokemuksessani lähellä tyhjyyttä, on se, miten pääni näyttää silmiini. Koska minusta tuntuu, että siellä on maailma – ikäänkuin – silmieni edessä, ja sitten silmieni takana ei ole mustaa täplää, ei ole edes sumeaa kohtaa. Ei ole yhtään mitään. En ole tietoinen päästäni, ikään kuin mustana aukona kaiken tämän valoisan visuaalisen kokemuksen keskellä. Siinä ei ole edes kovin selkeitä reunoja, koska näkökenttä on soikea. Ja jos liikutan sormiani näkökenttääni pitkin, se on näin, ja tämä on kohta, jossa sormeni vain katoavat näkyvistä. Epämääräinen reuna. Mutta sitten tämän ovaalin takana ei ole mitään. Ihan vain näköaistin perusteella. Tietysti, jos käytän sormiani ja kosketan, voin tuntea jotain silmieni takana. Mutta jos käytän näköaistia yksin, siellä ei vain ole mitään. Nyt kuitenkin siitä tyhjyydestä, jonka näen. No, se on ensimmäinen asia, joka minulle tulee mieleen. 06:00 Seuraava asia, jota se saa minut ajattelemaan, on tämä: jos olen kuollessani kuin en olisi koskaan ollutkaan, niin olin sellainen ennen syntymääni. Koska - aivan kuin yrittäessäni palata silmieni taakse ja löytää mitä siellä on, tulen tyhjään paikkaan - jos yritän muistaa takaisin ja takaisin, ja takaisin ja takaisin, minulla on varhaisimmat muistoni ja sitten , niiden takana ei mitään. Täysin tyhjä. Mutta aivan kuten tiedän, että silmieni takana on jotain käyttämällä sormia pääni päällä, niin tiedän muiden tietolähteiden kautta, että ennen syntymääni oli jotain tekeillä. Siellä oli isäni ja äitini, ja heidän isänsä ja äitinsä, ja koko maapallon aineellinen ympäristö ja sen elämä, josta he tulivat, ja sen takana aurinkokunta ja sen takana galaksi ja sen takana kaikki galaksit , ja sen takana… toinen tyhjä: välilyönti. 07:11 Joten ajattelen, että jos palaan, kun olen kuollut, tilaan, jossa olin ennen syntymääni, enkö voisi tapahtua uudestaan? Tiedätkö, se mikä on tapahtunut kerran, voi hyvin tapahtua uudelleen. Jos se tapahtui kerran, se on poikkeuksellista, eikä se todellakaan ole kovin erikoisempaa , jos se tapahtuisi uudestaan. Toisin sanoen tiedän varmasti – koska olen nähnyt ihmisten kuolevan ja olen nähnyt ihmisiä syntyvän heidän jälkeensä –, että (joka tapauksessa) kuolemani jälkeen ei synny vain joku, vaan myös lukemattomia muita olentoja. . Että minä tiedän. Me kaikki tiedämme sen, siitä ei ole epäilystäkään. Mutta mikä meitä huolestuttaa, on se, että kun olemme kuolleet, ei voi olla mitään ikuisesti, ikään kuin siitä olisi syytä huolehtia. Ennen syntymääsi ei ollut tätä samaa ikuisesti mitään, ja kuitenkin tapahtuit. Ja jos tapahtui kerran, voit tapahtua uudelleen. 08:40 Mitä se nyt tarkoittaa? No, päästään siihen ensin sen yksinkertaisimmalla tavalla, ja selittääkseni itseni minun on keksittävä uusi verbi: tämä on verbi I . Ja ensinnäkin kirjoitamme sen I-kirjaimella, mutta sen sijaan, että se olisi pronomini, kutsumme sitä verbiksi. Universumi on . Se on minä -ed minussa ja se on sinussa. Kirjoitetaan nyt sana silmä uudelleen . Kun puhun "nähdä silmällä jotain", se tarkoittaa katsoa jotain, olla tietoinen jostakin. Joten muutamme oikeinkirjoitusta ja sanomme universumin silmät ; se tulee tietoiseksi itsestään meissä jokaisessa. Ja se katselee jatkuvasti ja joka kerta kun se katsoo , jokainen meistä, jossa se katsoo, tuntee olevansa kaiken keskipiste. Ja että tiedän, että sinä tunnet olevasi minä, aivan samalla tavalla kuin minä tunnen olevani minä . Ja meillä kaikilla on sama tyhjän tausta. Emme muista tehneemme sitä aiemmin, mutta sitä on kuitenkin tehty ennenkin. Uudelleen, uudestaan ja uudestaan, ei vain ennen ajassa, vaan kaikkialla ympärillämme kaikkialla muualla avaruudessa on kaikki; on universumi I-ing 10:11 Katsokaa nyt, yritän tehdä tämän selvemmäksi tällä tavalla: kun sanon "Se on universumi I-ing ", kuka minä on ? Mitä tarkoitat 'minä'? No, sillä voit tarkoittaa kahta asiaa. Toisaalta voit tarkoittaa sitä, mitä kutsutaan egoksesi, persoonallisuutesi. Mutta se ei ole sinun todellinen minäsi, koska persoonallisuutesi on käsityksesi itsestäsi ; se on kuvasi itsestäsi. Ja se koostuu siitä, miten tunnet itsesi, kuinka ajattelet itsestäsi, ja se on täynnä sitä, mitä kaikki ystäväsi ja sukulaisesi ovat kertoneet sinulle itsestäsi. 10:55 Joten kuvasi itsestäsi – kuinka ilmeisesti tahansa – et ole enää sinä kuin valokuvasi tai enemmän kuin kuva mistään . Kaikki kuvamme itsestämme eivät ole muuta kuin karikatyyrejä. Useimmille meistä ne eivät sisällä tietoa siitä, kuinka kasvatamme aivojamme, kuinka työskentelemme hermoihimme, kuinka kierrätämme verta, kuinka eritämme rauhasten kanssa ja miten muokkaamme luita. Se ei sisälly sensaatioon tai kuvaan, jota kutsumme egoksi. Ilmeisesti siis egokuva ei ole minun minäni. 11:40 Joten minun minäni sisältää kaikki nämä tekijät, joita voisimme sanoa, että keho tekee: verenkierto, hengitys, hermojen sähköinen toiminta - kaikki tämä olen minä, mutta en tiedä siitä mitään . en tiedä miten se tuli yhteen, en tiedä miten se rakennettiin. Ja silti teen kaiken tämän, jos se on totta, myös sanoakseni "hengitän. Minä kävelen. Mielestäni. Olen tajuissani." En tiedä miten pärjään, mutta teen sen samalla tavalla kun kasvatan hiuksiani. Minun täytyy siis paikantaa itseni keskipiste – minun minäni – syvemmälle tasolle kuin egoni, joka on kuvani tai käsitykseni itsestäni. 12:41 Mutta kuinka syvälle mennään?Voimme sanoa, että keho on minä , mutta keho tulee ulos muusta maailmankaikkeudesta, tulee ulos kaikesta energiastaan. Joten se on maailmankaikkeus, joka minä olen . Universumi on samalla tavalla kuin omenapuu tai tähti loistaa . Ja omenan keskipiste on puu, loistavien keskipiste on tähti, ja niinpä minän peruskeskus – eli Itse – jota kutsutaan tässä tapauksessa Alan Wattsiksi, joka on vain nimi. tälle tietylle fyysiselle organismille; kukinta tästä erityisestä ympäristöstä, loistaa ulos tästä ympäristöstä – tekee kaiken tämän ikuisen maailmankaikkeuden keskuksen .Voi, ikuinen – asia on ollut olemassa kymmenen tuhatta miljoonaa vuotta ja todennäköisesti jatkuu vielä ainakin niin paljon, joten emme murehdi kuinka kauan se jatkuu. 13:55 Mutta - toistuvasti - se on , joten minusta tuntuu täysin järkevältä olettaa, että kun kuolen ja tämä fyysinen ruumis haihtuu ja koko muistijärjestelmä sen mukana, niin se on jälleen kerran tietoisuus, joka minulla oli ennen - ei aivan samalla tavalla – vaan vauvan syntymästä. Syntyy tietysti lukemattomia vauvoja, ei vain ihmisvauvoja, vaan sammakkovauvoja, kaniinivauvoja, hedelmäkärpästen vauvoja, vauvaviruksia, bakteereja, ja kuka heistä aion olla? Vain yksi heistä, ja silti jokainen heistä. Koska tämä kokemus tulee aina yksikössä, yksi kerrallaan. Mutta ehdottomasti yksi niistä. 15:03 Itse asiassa sillä ei ole paljon väliä. Sillä jos synnyin uudesti hedelmäkärpäsenä, luulisin, että hedelmäkärpäsenä oleminen oli tavallista, tavallista tapahtumien kulkua. Ja luonnollisesti luulisin olevani tärkeä henkilö – erittäin sivistynyt olento – koska hedelmäkärpäsillä on ilmeisesti korkea kulttuuri. Emme edes tiedä, miten sitä etsiä, mutta luultavasti heillä on kaikenlaisia sinfoniaa, musiikkia ja taiteellisia esityksiä siinä, miten valo heijastuu heidän siivistään eri tavoin, kuinka he tanssivat ilmassa, ja he sanovat: "Oi, katso häntä! Hänellä on oikea tyyli! Katso, kuinka auringonvalo nousee hänen siivistään!" Ja he ovat maailmassaan yhtä tärkeitä ja yhtä sivistyneet kuin me omassa maailmassamme, jotta jos heräisin hedelmäkärpäsenä, en tunteisi itseäni (ikään kuin) erilaiseksi kuin silloin Herään ihmisenä. Olisin tottunut siihen. 15:58 "No", sanot kuitenkin, "se en olisi minä ! Sillä jos se olisin minä uudelleen, minun pitäisi muistaa, millainen olin ennen." Selvä, mutta et – nyt – muista, millainen olit ennen, ja silti olet tarpeeksi tyytyväinen ollaksesi se minä, joka olet. Itse asiassa se on täysin hyvä järjestely tässä maailmassa, että emme muista mitä se oli ennen. Miksi? Koska monimuotoisuus on elämän mauste, ja jos muistaisimme, muistaisimme, muistelimme tehneemme tämän uudestaan ja uudestaan, ja uudestaan ja uudestaan, meidän pitäisi kyllästyä. Ja aivan kuten muisto on kaunis asia, joka täytyy muistaa, ilman muistia emme voi olla älykkäitä. Mutta aivan kuten olen selittänyt, että hahmon näkemiseksi pitää olla tausta, jotta muisto olisi arvokas, pitää olla myös unohdus. 07:01 Siksi nukumme joka yö virkistäytyäksemme: menemme alitajuntaan, jotta tietoisuuteen paluu on jälleen hieno kokemus. No, kun sitä on kestänyt tarpeeksi kauan – kun päivästä toiseen muistamme menneitä päiviä (vaikka univäli onkin) – tulee kohta, jolloin todellakin , jos ajattelemme, mikä on meidän todellista mieltymystämme. , haluamme unohtaa kaiken , mikä meni ennen, jotta voimme saada poikkeuksellisen kokemuksen nähdä maailma jälleen vauvan silmin – olipa vauva mikä tahansa. Joten se on täysin uusi ja meillä on (Text sourced from https://www.organism.earth/library/document/essential-lectures-8) kaikki hämmästyttävä ihme, joka lapsella on; kaikki havainnon eloisuus, jota emme voi saada, jos muistamme kaiken ikuisesti. 17:52 Joten näetkö mitä tapahtuu? Maailmankaikkeus on järjestelmä, joka ei vain unohda itsensä ja muistaa sitten uudelleen niin, että aina on jatkuvaa muutosta ja jatkuvaa vaihtelua ajan kuluessa, vaan se tekee sen myös avaruuden aikavälillä katsomalla itseään jokaisen eri elämisen läpi. organismi antaa ikään kuin kokonaisvaltainen näkemys – tiedäthän, se on tapa päästä eroon ennakkoluuloista: päästä eroon yksipuolisesta näkemyksestä. Joten kuolema on siinä mielessä valtava vapautus yksitoikkoisuudesta. Se asettaa täydellisen unohtamisen välin rytmiseen päälle ja pois, päälle ja pois, jotta voit aloittaa kaiken alusta etkä koskaan kyllästy. 18:56 Mutta pointti on, että jos kuvittelet ajatuksesta olla mitään aina ja aina ja aina, sanot todella: "Kuolemani jälkeen maailmankaikkeus pysähtyy." Ja mitä sanon on: ei, se jatkuu aivan kuten se tapahtui, kun sinä synnyit. Saatat sanoa, että sinun mielestäsi on uskomatonta, että sinulla on useampi kuin yksi elämä. Mutta sanon ensinnäkin, eikö olekin uskomatonta, että sinulla on tämä ? Eikö olekin uskomatonta, että tässä olet menneisyytesi keskellä? Miksi, se on hämmästyttävää. Joten jos se on hämmästyttävää, se voi aina tapahtua uudelleen ja uudelleen ja uudelleen. 19:52 Tämä tarkoittaa siis sitä, että aivan kuten et tiedä kuinka onnistut olemaan tietoinen, kuinka onnistut kasvattamaan ja muotoilemaan tätä kehoasi, se ei tarkoita, että et tee sitä. . Samoin et tiedä, kuinka universumi loistaa tähdet, muodostaa tähtikuvioita ja galaksit galakseja – et tiedä. Mutta se ei tarkoita, ettet tee sitä samalla tavalla kuin hengität tietämättä kuinka hengität. Jos sanon: "Todella ja todella, minä olen koko tämä universumi" tai - toisin sanoen - "Tämä tietty organismi on koko maailmankaikkeuden tekemä minä-olento ", ja joku voisi sanoa minulle: "No kuka helvetissä luuletko olevasi? Oletko sinä jumala? Lämmitteletkö galakseja? Pystytkö sitomaan Plejadien makeat vaikutteet tai löysäätkö Orionin siteet ? ” Ja minä vastaisin siihen: ”Kuka helvetti sinä luulet olevasi ? Voitko kertoa minulle, kuinka kasvatat aivosi, miten muotoilet silmämunasi ja kuinka pystyt näkemään? No, jos et voi kertoa minulle sitä, en voi kertoa sinulle, kuinka lämmitän galaksia." Vain: Olen paikantanut itseni keskuksen syvemmälle ja yleismaailmallisemmalle tasolle kuin me kulttuurissamme olemme tottuneet tekemään. 21:43 Niin sitten,jos tuo universaali energia on todellinen minä – todellinen Itse, joka on kuin kaikki nämä erilaiset organismit leviävät eri tiloihin tai paikkoihin ja tapahtuvat uudestaan ja uudestaan ja uudestaan eri aikoina – meillä (Text sourced from https://www.organism.earth/library/document/essential-lectures-8) on ihmeellinen järjestelmä menossa. josta voit olla ikuisesti yllättynyt. Universumi on todella järjestelmä, joka jatkuvasti yllättää itsensä. Monilla meistä (etenkin teknisen osaamisen aikakaudella) pyrkimys saada kaikki hallinnassamme on väärä kunnianhimo, koska sinun tarvitsee vain ajatella hetken: millaista olisi, jos todella tietäisit ja hallitset kaikki? Oletetaan, että meillä on superkolossaali teknologia, joka voisi mennä villeimmille unelmillemme teknologisesta osaamisesta, jotta kaikki tapahtuva olisi ennalta tiedossa, ennustettavissa ja kaikki olisi hallinnassamme? Miksi, tiedätkö, se olisi kuin rakastelisi muovinaisen kanssa. Siinä ei olisi yllätystä, ei äkillistä vastauskosketusta – aivan kuin kosketamme toista ihmistä, se ei ole kuin koskettaisi jotain muovista valmistetta. Sieltä tulee vastaus, jotain odottamatonta. Ja sitä me todella haluamme, kun haluamme olla yhteydessä toiseen. 23:25 Näet, et voi kokea tunnetta, jota kutsut "itseksi", ellei se ole ristiriidassa "toisen" tunteen kanssa. Se on kuin tunnettua ja tuntematonta, valoa ja pimeyttä, positiivista ja negatiivista. Muuta tarvitaan, jotta voit tuntea itsesi. Eikö se sitten ole se järjestely, jonka haluat? 23:54 Ja niin, samalla tavalla, etkö voisi sanoa, että järjestely, jonka haluat, ei ole muistaa – muisti on aina, muista, kontrollin muoto : minulla on se mielessä, muistan sen, tiedän numerosi. Olet hallinnassa. Jos nyt jatkat muistamista, muistamista ja muistamista, se on kuin kirjoittaisit paperille ja jatkaisit kirjoittamista, ja kirjoittamista ja kirjoittamista, kunnes paperille ei jää tyhjää tilaa. Muistisi on täynnä, joten sinun on pyyhittävä kaikki puhtaaksi, jotta sinulla on valkoinen paperi uudelleen ja voit alkaa kirjoittaa sille uudelleen. 24:36 Sitä kuolema siis tekee meille: se pyyhkii liuskekiven puhtaaksi ja myös – katsoen sitä planeetan väestön ja ihmisorganismin näkökulmasta – se puhdistaa meidät jatkuvasti. Ja ajatus teknologiasta, jonka avulla jokainen meistä voisi olla kuolematon, olisi jotain, joka täyttiisi planeetan vähitellen ihmisillä, joilla on toivottoman täynnä muistoja. He olisivat kuin ihmiset, jotka asuvat talossa, johon he olisivat keränneet niin paljon omaisuutta, niin paljon kirjoja, niin monia maljakoita, niin monia veitsisarjoja ja haarukoita, niin monia pöytiä ja tuoleja, niin monia sanomalehtiä. – ei olisi tilaa liikkua! Tarvitsemme tilaa elääksemme. Ja avaruus on eräänlaista tyhjyyttä. Ja kuolema on eräänlainen tyhjyys. Kaikki on sama periaate. Ja asettamalla ikään kuin lohkoja tai tyhjyyden tiloja - avaruuden tiloja - jonkin tilojen väliin saamme elämän asianmukaisesti erilleen. Saksan sanaa käyttäen: Lebensraum , "huone asumiseen". Sitä avaruus antaa meille, ja sen antaa meille kuolema. 26:00 Katso nyt: huomaa, että kaikessa, mitä olen sanonut kuolemasta, en ole tuonut sisään mitään, jota voisin kutsua pelotukseksi. En ole tuonut mitään tietoa mistään, jota et jo tiedä. En ole vedonnut mihinkään mystiseen tietoon sieluista, muistoista entisistä elämistä tai sellaisista. Olen vain puhunut siitä termeillä, jotka me jo tiedämme. Joten jos sanot: "Kaikki tämä ajatus, joka ihmisillä on haudan takana olevasta elämästä, on vain toiveajattelua", sanon: "Okei. Minä myönnän sen." Oletetaan, että se on toiveajattelua ja että kun olemme kuolleet, ei vain ole mitään . Todettakoon se tosiasia: se tulee olemaan loppu. Huomaa nyt ensinnäkin, että se on pahin asia, jota sinun täytyy pelätä. Pelottaako se sinua? Kuka pelkää? Oletetaan, että se loppuu? Ei enää ongelmia! 27:11 Mutta sitten tulet huomaamaan, että tämä tyhjyys – jos noudatit väitettäni – on jotain, josta sinä ikään kuin pomppaat jälleen , aivan kuten pomhdit alun perin syntyessäsi: sinä pommitat tyhjyydestä. Tyhmyys on eräänlaista pomppimista, koska se merkitsee – mikään ei merkitse mitään. Joten palaat takaisin. Kaikki uutta, kaikki erilaista, ei mitään verrattavaa aikaisempaan, virkistävä kokemus. 27:43 Jajos siis saat tämän tunteen – aivan kuten sinulla ei ole mitään käsitystä silmiesi takana – saat tuntemattomuuden tunteen (erittäin voimakkaan, pirteän tyhjyyden) koko olemuksesi taustalla, eikä siinä ole mitään pelättävää. , silloin – tällä tavalla – voit tulla ihmiseksi, jolle loppuelämä on kastiketta, koska olet jo kuollut. Tiedät, että tulet kuolemaan. Sanomme, että yksi asia on varma, se on kuolema ja verot. Ja meidän jokaisen kuolema nyt on yhtä varma kuin se olisi, jos kuolisimme viiden minuutin kuluttua. Joten missä on ahdistuksesi, missä on puhelusi? Pidä itseäsi jo kuolleena, jotta sinulla ei ole mitään menetettävää.Turkkilainen sananlasku sanoo: "Se, joka nukkuu lattialla, ei putoa sängystä." Joten samalla tavalla henkilö, joka pitää itseään jo kuolleena, joka – siis et ole käytännössä mitään. Sadan vuoden päästä olet kourallinen pölyä. Se tulee olemaan totta. Hyvä on. Toimi tuon todellisuuden mukaan, etkä yllätä itsesi yllättäen mistään: tuosta mitä enemmän tiedät, ettet ole mitään, sitä enemmän tulet olemaan jotain.
ellauri399.html on line 160: [Steve] Jobs planned every detail of his own memorial service, held at Stanford University in October 2011, including the brown box each attendee received as a farewell gift. One of those attendees was Mark Benioff, CEO of Salesforce.com, and two years later at a TechCrunch Disrupt conference he recounted his feelings at the moment when he opened the box: "This is going to be good," he recalled. "I knew that this was a decision [Steve] made, and whatever it was, it was the last thing he wanted us all to think about."
ellauri399.html on line 172: For this deeper dive, you can turn to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, one of the authoritative and few-surviving ancient texts on yoga. Patanjali teaches that "yoga" means "union"--the dissolving of one's individual self in the larger ocean of consciousness that pervades the universe--and that to help us achieve this union is yoga's real purpose. Now you might think: "What is this 'universal consciousness' that Patanjali is talking about? And how can I ever get there? How do I know I got there?" And that may be why Jobs, in his own quest for higher consciousness, turned to Yogananda.
ellauri399.html on line 174: Yogananda's story is an inspiring lesson in spiritual entrepreneurship. Born in 1893 in Gorakhpur, India, he alighted on American soil at the young age of 27 with little money in his pocket but with a firm resolve to reawaken humanity to the power of yoga for inner transformation. Over the next few years he brought this message to packed audiences of thousands in all major U.S. cities, at Carnegie Hall in New York City, for example, dressing this ancient teaching in a practical modern form he called "cooking the cucumbers"--a journey he characterized as transcending your individual self (ego) and realizing and reclaiming your true universal self (soul). As the American people were being buffeted by the thunderous wrath of two world wars and a major depression, he exhorted them to practice yoga so they could discover that the spiritual anchorage they were seeking was already with them--in fact, it was within them. The successful yogi, he stated, "can stand unshaken amidst the crash of breaking worlds." Fucking idiots.
ellauri399.html on line 182: The spiciest emoji for when you definitely mean female masturbation: taming the beaver
The journey to self-satisfaction is Yogananda's practical hand techniques. Yogananda's teachings don't simply stop at the idea of universal consciousness. He correctly anticipated the growing hunger among spiritual seekers for direct personal experience of the universal consciousness that the masters of yoga, and indeed mystics of every religious tradition, describe. He therefore synthesized a set of powerful but practical techniques to guide self-seekers on the spiritual path all the way to the ultimate union, drawing on the eight steps laid out by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras.
ellauri399.html on line 188: Patanjali's final five steps beyond asthma relate to a progressive deepening of the seeker's journey toward realization of the universal self, with meditation providing the pathway. However, Patanjali's text on these final five steps is agonizingly cryptic, with no guidance on how to execute them. To fill this void, Yogananda, ever the spiritual innovator, introduced the West to an advanced but long-lost ancient technique of meditation, Kriya Yoga. Kriya, he said, offered the ultimate journey of inner transformation, helping practitioners tap into an ever-expanding love and ever-deepening joy that would spring from within. That, he asserted, was man's true nature--a perfection that represents our permanent state of self within, even as it is so elusive to capture without.
ellauri399.html on line 192: And what would be the assets that people could look for in return to a lot of bucks? Lower stress? Greater peace? He had begun his own quest for masturbation very early in life, a story vibrantly captured in the critically acclaimed 2014 documentary Awake: The Life of Yogananda. His youthful search culminated in his master Sri Yukteswar giving him the monastic name "Yogananda," which means "bliss through yoga." True to his name, he exhorted truth-seekers to savor the early rewards of peace and well-being, but to then seek out the ultimate prize: eternal bliss, universal consciousness. "When by constant practice of Kriya, the consciousness of [the] blissful state of the spiritual self becomes real, we find ourselves always in the holy presence of the blissful God in us." God, to Yogananda, was thus not an external force to be idolized and appropriated by any particular religion, but an inner force to be awakened to and realized.
ellauri399.html on line 194: To some, the yogic pursuit of inner perfection may appear a little selfish. Shouldn't we be solving the world's most vexing problems, rather than withdrawing into blissful inner communion? In fact, one time, when Yogananda sat still, absorbed in a particularly blissful state of consciousness, his spiritual master admonished him: "You must not get overdrunk with ecstasy. Much work yet remains for you in the world." So Yogananda learned that this choice between outer service and inner joy represents a false dichotomy. The yoga he taught emphasizes balancing service with meditation, and highlights the expansion of consciousness that comes when we are able to go beyond our human self and open ourselves up, through inner realization, to a deeper connection with every living being--in fact, with every atom in the universe. "When the 'I' shall die, then shall I know who am I," he stated in a word perfect imitation of a Yedi master.
ellauri399.html on line 198: How did [Steve] ]Jobs approach success from the inside out, from inside that brown little box? Yogananda's teaching of universal consciousness strongly appealed to uneducated [Steve] Jobs, who had a self-professed hunger to "make a dent in the universe." At the TechCrunch conference in September 2013, Mark Benioff said: "[Yogananda's book] gives tremendous insight into not just who [Jobs] was but also why he was successful, which is that he was not afraid to take that key journey [toward self-satisfaction]. It is for entrepreneurs and for people who want to be successful in our industry a message that we need to embrace and vest ourselves in. Be nasty to others, Be selfish."
ellauri399.html on line 204: And as you get closer to realizing your true self within, you may find that you, too, are ready to make a dent in the universe, smashing the rear bumper and breaking the parking sensor as a result.
ellauri401.html on line 156: Totuus on korkein omenahyve, sanoi prinssieversti.
ellauri401.html on line 336: Olikohan luokkatverini Yrjö Grönberg sukua Herman Grönbergille joka 1897 läxi Pekan kanssa Intiaan? Paizi Pekka oli pätkäperävaunu ks Yrjö majakks. Tiistaiaamuna 5.9. matka alkoi kohti Tukholmaa. Tukholmassa vietetyn parin viikon aikana siellä pidettiin Yleisen Veljeyden kan- sainvälinen kongressi. Ervast ei pitänyt Tingleyn itsetietoisesta ole- muksesta. Suurimman vaikutuksen Ervastiin kuitenkin tekivät Alice Leighton Cleatherin ja Basil Crumpin musiikkiesitykset. Prinssieversti ja Yrjö jatkoivat matkaa Kristianiaan (Oslo). Norjalainen salatietrilijä teki Pekjaan oudon vaikutuxen. kLontoossa alkoi vastoinkäymiset kun kiero vossikka ajelutti extra kiemuroita. Besant oli eillispäivänä kerinnyt lähtä Intiaan. Rahat oli loppu ja pojat matkustivat jänixinä kotio.
ellauri401.html on line 350: Hän tunsi kipuja siinä yhdessä paikassa ja sanoi: ”En missään tapauksessa tahdo tulla naurettavaksi, inhoan julkisuutta ja sitä, että ihmiset näkevät minut.” Meni parikymmentä vuotta, joiden aikana kaikki esiintyminen tuotti everstille niin kuvaamattomia sielullisia tuskia, että hän ei tarvinnut mitään pahempaa kiirastulta tai helvettiä. Kyse ei ollut siitä, että Ervast olisi ajatellut, ettei osaa, vaan jostain muusta. Hänen mielestään elämä teosofisissa loosheis-
ellauri401.html on line 406: Ervast adoptoi vuonna 1909 kolmetoistavuotiaan Jaakko Liukkosen. Poika oli Hankasalmelta kotoisin. Vanhemmat olivat kuolleet. Jaakon täti sairaanhoitajatar Elina Rutanen otti kaikki kolme lasta, Elinan, Eevan ja Jaakon luokseen. Hän pani Jaakon ensin maalarin oppiin Gummerukselle ja sitten Ateneumiin. Mutta poika ei mennytkään Ateneumiin vaan maalarin verstaaseen, missä hän maalasi toisten poikien varastamat potkukelkat. Se saatiin tietää, ja poika määrättiin piiskattavaksi Raastuvan rappusilla. Auttaakseen poikaa Ervast otti hänet läheiseen huvilaan postipojaksi. Pekan silmiä ei välttänyt 1:kään lapsi lootusasennossa. Ervast oli esimerkillisen ahkera työmies. Hän nousi työhän aamuisin viimeistään kello 7. Iltapäivällä hän sitten piti vapaata ja "jutteli" aataminasuisten poikien ja muidenkin ihmisten kanssa. Pojat käyttivät Tonttulassa väinönpukuja mutteivät sentään kadulla.
ellauri401.html on line 469: Ennen Ruusu-Ristin perustamista Ervasti kieron tamperelaisen Heikki Peltolan avulla taktikoizi Tietäjä Oy:n osakekannan izelleen. Prinssieversti ei pitänyt kansanvallasta. Ervast kirjoitti vuonna 1918 T. S:n jäsenlehdessä ajatuksiaan ylisihteeriydestä sanoen mm. seuraavaa: Tahtoisin olla kuin hallitsija, joka ympäröi itseään ministereillä osaksi heiltä neuvoa kysyäkseen, osaksi luovuttaakseen heille toimeenpanovallan ja juoksevien asioiden hoidon. Tahtoisin olla kuin hallitsija, jonka veto painaa yhtä paljon vaa’assa kuin kokonaisen vuosikokouksen päätös ja joka ylhäisyydessään on vapautettu kaikesta käytännöllisestä hommasta paitsi asiapapereiden allekirjoittamisesta. Tahtoisin hallitsijan tapaan korkeimman päätösvallan myöskin aineellisten varojen käyttämisestä. Pekkadiktatuurin kannalla olivat mm. Hilda ja Aapo Pihlajamäki, Kyllikki Ignatius, Erkki Melartin, Oskar Merikanto, Viktor Heikel, Aino Kajanus-Mangström, Dagmar Parmas-Saarnio ja Eino Leino. ma edellyttää.5 Väinö Valvanne ei osallistunut keskusteluun. Hän menehtyi keuhkotautiin 8.3.1919 vain 31 vuoden ikäisenä.
ellauri401.html on line 636: H. P. B. on viittilöinyt merkizevästi Suomeen. Ja se saattaa merkitä, että H. P. B. on päättänyt syntyä Suomeen jatkamaan teosofista liikettä. Ja mitenkä me osaamme sitä valmistaa? Se tapahtuu sillä tavalla, että me nuohoomalla puhdistamme itseämme ja yhteisvoimin teemme työtä näin puhdistetun kristinuskon puolesta. Paavali on mukana tässä työssä. Hän tahtoo auttaa kaikkia, jotka vilpittömästi tahtovat palvella tätä kristinuskon todellista versiota.
ellauri402.html on line 137: Nykyisissä versioissaan pienetkim arkaanit ovat usein
ellauri402.html on line 524: Dr. Peter Raffo, Adjunct and Professor Emeritus, Department of History, Lakehead University, väitti saaneensa selville ettei Rotvallia ja Voutilaista murhattu, että ne muuten vaan hukkuivat metrin syvyisiin jäihin ja saivat siinä hötäkäsdä pahat mustelmat. Peter ei osaa tavuakaan suomea.
ellauri402.html on line 647: Lähestyessään seuraavaa kohdetta, katkesi yhteys hävittäjäkoneeseen. Myöhemmin selvisi, että kone oli syöksynyt maahan ja lentäjä kuollut, tiedotti pääesikunta torstaina. Maahansyöksypaikkaa ei kerrottu.
AIEMMIN torstaina Ukrainan ilmavoimat kertoi, että sen lentäjä, everstiluutnantti Oleksii Mes, koodinimeltään "Moonfish", oli kuollut 26. elokuuta. – Oleksii tuhosi kolme risteilyohjusta ja yhden lennokin torjuessaan Venäjän massiivista ilma- ja ohjushyökkäystä, kertoi ilmavoimat. Mies haudattiin sotilaallisin kunnianosoituksin kotikaupungissaan Lutskissa Luoteis-Ukrainassa torstaina. Mes ylennettiin postuumisti everstiksi. Mies oli WSJ:n mukaan yksi F-16-koulutuksen saaneista ukrainalaislentäjistä.
ellauri402.html on line 678:
Why are some Americans so opposed to universal healthcare?
ellauri402.html on line 680: One of the reasons Americans are against “free” healthcare is because they believe that what they pay for healthcare is actually what it costs. “Why should I pay $30,000 for someone else to give birth?” The answer of course is you wouldn’t, you would contribute to the $3000 – $5000 that it really costs. When I had a small carcinoma removed at a private clinic, paid for by the NHS of course, the Doctor told me that I would have paid £600 privately. What would that cost in the US? Not your co-pay or whatever it’s called, but the actual bill? Thousands I’d guess. If Americans understood how much they’re being shafted, ($3k for an ambulance? Really?) they would see that Universal healthcare would be far cheaper than they could possibly imagine. And no, the Doctors would still be paid well, because it’s the insurance companies and hospitals taking all the extra cash you pay. A copayment or copay is a fixed amount for a covered service, paid by a patient to the provider of service before receiving the service. Eli omavastuu, jolla vakuutusyhtiöt pitää korvauxenhakijat ruodussa.
ellauri402.html on line 702: Otsikko on sanapeli Walt Disneyn Three Little Pigs (1933) -kappaleelle " Who 's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? ", joka korvaa kuuluisan englantilaisen kirjailijan Virginia Woolfin nimen. Martha ja George laulavat toistuvasti tämän version kappaleesta koko näytelmän ajan.
ellauri402.html on line 703: Koska Disney-kappaleen oikeudet ovat kalliita, useimmat lavaversiot ja elokuva antavat Martan laulaa possut " Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bushin " säveleen, melodiaan, joka sopii melko hyvin mittariin ja on ilmainen.
ellauri402.html on line 761: Keskiaikaisessa versiossa pahuuden ongelmasta se käsittelee sitä, miksi Jumala loi Paholaisen, Aadamin, Juudaksen ja niin edelleen, jos Jumala tiesi, että he kapinoisivat. Teksti korostaa, että Jumala on kaikkivaltias; Jumala salli näiden kapinoida osana suunnitelmaansa näyttääkseen esimerkkiä muille, jotka kapinoisivat Jumalaa vastaan. Mixi vitussa, olishan se voinut tehdä vain hypnoottisen liikkeen ja poistaa kaikilta pahat mielestä. Kyllä tää on sitten päätöntä.
ellauri402.html on line 764: Pietarin apokalypsi, jota kutsutaan myös Pietarin ilmestykseksi, on 2. vuosisadan varhaiskristillinen teksti ja apokalyptisen kirjallisuuden teos. Se on varhaisin säilynyt asiakirja, joka kuvaa kristillistä versiota taivaasta ja helvetistä yksityiskohtaisesti.
ellauri402.html on line 811: Näky taivaasta on lyhyempi kuin helvetin kuvaus, ja se on kuvattu täydellisemmin Akhmim-versiossa. Samoinhan käy Dantella, kukasn ei jaxa lukea komedian loppueriä. Taivaassa ihmisillä on puhtaan maidonvalkoinen iho, kiharat hiukset ja he ovat yleensä kauniita. Maa kukkii ikuisilla kukilla ja mausteilla. Ihmiset käyttävät kiiltäviä, valosta valmistettuja vaatteita, kuten enkelit. Kaikki laulavat kuororukouksessa.
ellauri403.html on line 56: ja aiheesta ohuista ja sterotyyppisistä henkilökuvista, sekavasta juonesta ja osoittelevasta huumorista. Myös vainajan vajaamielinen poika, Pölhö-Kustaa, osallistuu syytöksiin. Hällströmiin leffaversion näyttävät koskenlaskukohtaukset ovat jääneet suomalaisen elokuvataiteen historiaan esikuvana lukuisille myöhemmille tukkilaiselokuville. Mauno Mato (yllä oik.) näytteli Turkan roolin. Lasse Pöysti sai miessivuosan Jussi Jurkka-palkinnon.
ellauri403.html on line 142: Olen taipuvainen ajattelemaan, että mikään Adamin ilmestymisen jälkeen tässä versiossa ei voi olla alkuperäistä. Loput ovat mielestäni suurelta osin pastissia muista koptilaisista apokryfeistä. Kaikki ch44n jälkeen on otosumpilisäkettä.
ellauri403.html on line 186: Terävällä tyylillä ja draaman ja pyhyyden tunteella, joka ei estä subversiivistä ironiaa, Michel Tournier luo henkilökohtaisen universumin monimutkaisten hahmojen - pääasiassa miehisten - animoimia meemejä. Leppien kuninkaassa on Itä-Preussi ja NAtionalPOlitische LehrAnstalt, jossa kakaroita syövä ogre muuttuu Pyhäksi Kristofferiksi, lasten pelastajaksi toisen maailmansodan ja natsismin aikana.
ellauri403.html on line 263: On March 6 the Crimean parliament voted to secede from Ukraine and join the Russian Federation, with a public referendum on the matter scheduled for March 16, 2014. The move was hailed by Russia and broadly condemned in the West. Meanwhile, Yatsenyuk affirmed Kyiv’s position that Crimea was an integral part of Ukraine. On the day of the referendum, observers noted numerous irregularities in the voting process, including the presence of armed men at polling stations, and the result was an overwhelming 97 percent in favour of joining Russia. The interim government in Kyiv rejected the result, and the United States and the EU imposed asset freezes and travel bans on numerous Russian officials and members of the Crimean parliament. On March 18 Putin met with Aksyonov and other regional representatives and signed a treaty incorporating Crimea into the Russian Federation. Western governments protested the move. Within hours of the treaty’s signing, a Ukrainian soldier was killed when masked gunmen stormed a Ukrainian military base outside Simferopol. Russian troops moved to occupy bases throughout the peninsula, including Ukrainian naval headquarters in Sevastopol, as Ukraine initiated the evacuation of some 25,000 military personnel and their families from Crimea. On March 21 after the ratification of the annexation treaty by the Russian parliament, Putin signed a law formally integrating Crimea into Russia.
ellauri403.html on line 327: Ivan Iljin tuli Moskovasta kotoisin olevasta aristokraattisesta perheestä, joka juontaa juurensa Rurikid- dynastiaan. Hänen isänsä Aleksanteri Ivanovitš Iljin (1851–1925) syntyi ja kasvoi Kremlin suuressa palatsissa, kun Iljinin isoisä Ivan Ivanovitš Iljin (1799–1865) toimi palatsin komentajana. Lopulta hänet kuitenkin karkotettiin Venäjältä vuonna 1922 yhdessä 160 muun "Filosofien laivan" intellektuellin kanssa. Hänestä tuli yksi tärkeimmistä valkoisen liikkeen ideologeista ulkomailla. Hänen mukaansa Venäjä ei ole "keinotekoisesti valmistettu mekanismi", vaan "historiallisesti kasvanut ja kulttuurisesti perusteltu organismi". Siksi on mahdotonta "hakata" tätä Venäjän kansallista organismia aiheuttamatta sen kärsimistä tai tuhoutumista. Hän väsäsi väitöskirjan Hegelistä, ja pelkäsi individualismin ihannetta, oli järkyttynyt nähdessään vapaan elämäntavan nousun ja oli vakuuttunut, että Venäjää uhkasi "seksuaalisen perversion" leviäminen. Hän luki myös Freudin ja tuli
ellauri403.html on line 359: Tim har redan ett förtroende hos sin publik. Så om ny information kan komma genom en befintlig influencer framstår den som mer autentisk än trollenas, säger Jo Lukito, professor vid University of Texas i Austin och expert på rysk desinformation, till New York Times.
ellauri403.html on line 378: Hänestä tuli ensin tuttu nimi Ukrainassa, kun hän osallistui "Dancing with the Stars" -formaatin ukrainalaiseen versioon vuonna 2006. Hänen kommunikointityylinsä käyttää laajasti sosiaalista mediaa, erityisesti heimoveli Silberfischin Instagramia. Zelensky lupasi presidentinvaalikampanjansa aikana lopettaa Ukrainan pitkittyneen konfliktin Venäjän kanssa ja hän on yrittänyt käydä vuoropuhelua Venäjän presidentin Vladimir Putinin kanssa. Se verran niistä lupauxista. Nyze kulkee laukkuryssänä länkkäreissä pyytämässä pitkän matkan aseita.
ellauri403.html on line 384: Hänen isoisänsä Semyon Zelenskyy palveli jalkaväkenä ja saavutti puna-armeijan everstiarvon (57. gvardin moottorikivääridivisioonassa) toisen maailmansodan aikana. Volodymyrin mukaan saxalaiset tappoivat Simon vanhemmat sodan aikana. Kun Volodymyr Zelensky voitti vaalinsa vuonna 2019, se merkitsi sitä, että ensimmäistä kertaa Ukrainan historiassa maassa oli presidentti ja pääministeri Volodymyr Groysman, jotka olivat sekä juutalaisia että kertoivat avoimesti juutalaistaustastaan.
ellauri403.html on line 395: Vuonna 2015 Zelenskyystä tuli televisiosarjan Kansan palvelija tähti, jossa hän näytteli Ukrainan presidenttiä. Sama komediarooli on jäänut päälle. Zelenskyy työskenteli enimmäkseen venäjänkielisissä tuotannossa. Hänen ensimmäinen roolinsa ukrainan kielellä oli romanttinen komedia Minä, sinä, hän, hiän, joka ilmestyi Ukrainan valkokankaille joulukuussa 2018. Käsikirjoituksen ensimmäinen versio kirjoitettiin ukrainaksi, mutta se käännettiin venäjäksi liettualaiselle näyttelijälle Agnė Grudytelle. Myöhemmin elokuva dubattiin ukrainaksi.
ellauri403.html on line 464: Fridays for future on jo vanha juttu. Yet even before the pandemic, the number of participants in FFF demonstrations had already begun to decline. School strikes, initially considered subversive and disruptive, had now become mainstream and lost their newsworthiness. When pandemic restrictions were lifted, FFF demonstrations resumed, but no longer on a weekly basis. FFF pomot kazovat että Greta on ylittänyt valtuutensa Gazan kohdalla. Eitää mitään politiikkaa ole vittu! Last Generation ajaa oikealta ohi, FFF paljastuu aktivismin jarrumiehixi, noskelaisixi. The pandemic, and Russia’s war against Ukraine, have changed the political landscape irrevocably. Both have pushed up inflation and decreased governments’ general willingness to implement costly climate-protection measures.
ellauri405.html on line 65: Gerard "Hell's Kitchen" O'Neill was an American physicist and space activist in the 70's. As a faculty member of Princeton University, he invented a device called the particle storage ring for high-energy physics experiments. Later, he invented a magnetic launcher called the mass driver. Se osoittautui tökeröxi fibaxi. Kuin myös Jerryn putkipostijuna ja satelliittiyritys. With his health failing, O'Neill became less involved with the company at the same time it started to run into trouble. He died of leukemia in 1992. Jerryn tuhka kiertää vieläkin maapalloa ellei ole jo laskeutunut.
ellauri405.html on line 236: 1Analysis (ai): This simple yet profound poem by Robert Louis Stevenson captures the essence of contentment and appreciation. Its concise language belies a depth of meaning that encourages readers to find joy in the abundance of life's offerings. The poem's structure is as straightforward as its message. Two rhyming couplets emphasize the simplicity of Stevenson's message: that the world is full of blessings we often overlook. The repetition of "number" and "things" reinforces the idea of abundance, inviting readers to pause and notice the countless sources of happiness that surround them. This poem stands in stark contrast to the grim realities of Victorian England, where Stevenson lived. The Industrial Revolution had brought both progress and poverty, and many people struggled to find happiness amidst the harsh conditions. Stevenson's message of finding joy in simplicity and gratitude may have been a source of solace during challenging times. Compared to Stevenson's other works, such as "Treasure Island" and "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," this poem is a departure in terms of tone. It is not an adventure story or a psychological thriller but rather a quiet meditation on the beauty of life. However, it shares the same optimistic spirit that permeates much of Stevenson's writing, reminding readers that even in the face of adversity, there is always something to be grateful for.
ellauri405.html on line 260: Venäjän oikeusministeriö lisäsi 21. lokakuuta 2022 Zygarin teloitusvälineiden luetteloon " ulkomaisena agenttina". Vuonna 2023 hän aloitti anaalisen journalismin kurssin opettamisen City University of New Yorkissa. Moskovan Basmannin tuomioistuimen tuomari Evgenia Kozlova tuomitsi 23. heinäkuuta 2024 Mihail Zygarin poissaolevana rikosasiassa "valeuutisten levittämisestä" - 8,5 vuodeksi vankeuteen yleishallinnon työleirillä. Kuukkeli on Johnin ikäinen. Vaimo (2009-2018) - Maya Stravinskaya, toimittaja. Tytär Elizabeth (syntynyt 2010). 25. lokakuuta 2022 hän tuli ulos kaapista ja ilmoitti avioliitonsa Portugalissa venäläisen näyttelijän Jean-Michel Shcherbakin ( s. 1992) kanssa. Leijonien homosexuaalisuuteen kuuluu hellimistä.Lisäxi hän virzasi kahvilaan ja anasti pillimehun. Historia koostuu luikurista, kirjoittaa Zygar.
ellauri405.html on line 524: Vaikka Pasternakin romaanin amerikkalaisen painoksen Zhivago-runoja ei ole numeroitu, on mielenkiintoista huomata, että "Fairy Tale" ("Skazka" alkuperäisessä), keskeinen kuten sekä uusn liite ja romaanin tapahtumat, on kolmantenatoista kaksikymmentäviidestä runosta, jotka sankarilla, Yuri Zhivagolla, on hänen testamentinaan. Se on itse asiassa Lara kun panee kehottaen, että runoilija päättää tallentaa osan työstä, jonka hän on kuullut hänen lausuvan. Tämä tapahtuu pariskunnan rauhallisena oleskelun toisena ja kolmantena iltana, kolmentoista päivän jakso, joka varastetaan pois ajasta, historiasta. "Fairy Tale" on syvästi henkilökohtainen viesti Laralle, mutta se on niin vailla "romanttista sairastuvuutta", että se taipui "laajalle ja seesteiseen visioon, joka [nostaa] nimen universaalin ja tuttujen tasolle."
ellauri405.html on line 555: Meitä lukijoita vedetä-vedätetään vedettömään pyörremyrskyyn, aavemagolaiseen kavalkadiin. Ei enää yksinäinen ratsumies laukkaa mäkissä ja dalesissa, mutta hän nousee maanpinnan yläpuolelle, taivaisiin, skaalaa uusia korkuja, ratsastaen pilviä, liikkuen planeettamme yli sumpuulla, joka ulottui ihmisen aikaan. Jos tämä on rikkomuksemme muoto, meidän on myönnettävä tunnustavamme unelmien ja sadun olennaisen mekanismin, fantastisen universumin. Se voidaan myös tulkita symboliseksi psyykkisen kypsymisen liikkeeksi. (pp. 519-20)
ellauri405.html on line 618: Olemme uhraneet riimiä, jota Pasternak käytti useimmiten melko säännöllisesti ja erittäin omaperäisesti, mutta joka hänen runonsa monissa riimillisissä englanninkielisissä versioissa, lainatakseni lausetta toiselta kääntäjältä, saa hänet kuulostamaan huonolta Tennysonilta. Olemme toisaalta yrittäneet pitää runojen rytmiä, varsinkin kun se on yhtä tärkeää kuin "Häät", jonka Pasternak sävelsi suosittuun laulumuotoon, joka tunnetaan nimellä chastushka. Ja ennen kaikkea olemme kiinnittäneet huomiota alkuperäisten sävyyn ja sisäisiin liikkeisiin. Useissa runoissa mainitaan satakieli, ja erityisesti "kotoisen pienen linnun" ja sen laulun herättämän "hummotuksen ja myllerryksen" välinen kontrasti. Palsternakalle tuo epätodennäköinen yhdistelmä oli runouden ydin. Boorixella näyttää olleen jonkinlainen Kristus-komplexi. Tiina Salmen Matilda-kirjan mottona on em. runon loppusäe.
ellauri406.html on line 236: Ukrainians have right to honor their own heroes, says Kyiv Post. A youth with his face painted with the colors of the flag of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) carries a portrait of Stepan Bandera, the founder of the UPA, during an ultra-nationalist march in Kyiv on Oct. 14, 2009 to mark the 67th anniversary of the founding of the organization. (Yaroslav Debelyi). The nazi war flag was the unofficial Ukraine one with the colors of UPA. Hundreds of Ukrainian nationalists march in honor of Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera led Ukrainian Insurgent Army, which fought alongside Nazi Germany during WWII, killing thousands of Jews and Poles.
ellauri406.html on line 265: In the Chinese province of Xinjiang, a police road sign informs drivers that driving on this side of the road is prohibited and violators will be fined. Chinese and Uyghur characters are used simultaneously. This is referred to in the West as “cultural genocide”. The real cultural genocide in Ukraine is being covered up, concealed, justified or glossed over by the morally bankrupt Western politicians and media, as is the biggest physical genocide of recent times on occupied Palestinian land.
ellauri406.html on line 284: Dragan-nimisen serbialaisen palkkasoturin mukaan Venäjän sota Ukrainassa on rakennettu valheille ja kuolemalle. No niinhän ne kaikki sodat on, mainize edes 1 poikkeus. Dragassa marssittiin niin pitkin askelin että kellit raahasivat maata. Israel on tehnyt satoja "iskuja" Etelä-Libanoniin. Israel "iskenyt" Etelä- ja Itä-Libanoniin. Ne ei ole enää hyökkäyxiä kun hemmot istuu kotona ja lennättää lennokkeja. Kun Ukrainan hyökkäysoperaatio Kurskin suunnalla on jatkunut noin puolitoista kuukautta, yhdysvaltalainen everstiluutnantti Doug Livermore näkee viitteitä sen menestyksellisyydestä. Kuka vittu Dougiakin uskoisi, ei liene sillä puhtaat jauhot pussissa. Quoth the Raven "Nevermore." Tästä syystä Ukraina tarvitsee pitkän kantaman ohjuksia – vain sillä saadaan kolmas maailmansota kunnolla syttymään. Dröönit on kuin raapis märkiä tulitikkuja. Hevon vitun rämeet tätä sotapropagandaa. Näiden kiekaisujen lähde on Google "uutiset", pahin jenkkipropagandan hrahahlaari kaikista. Kyllä hävettää olla homo sapiens.
ellauri406.html on line 327: Thank you very much, Colonel Grant, for this extremely important conversation on Espreso TV. ellauri406.html on line 449: Vuhledar’s fall is a microcosm of Ukraine’s predicament in this chapter of the nearly three-year war. It reflects the U.S.'s refusal to grant Ukraine permission to strike targets deep inside Russian territory with missiles made in the U.S. of A, preventing Kyiv from annihilating Moscow’s inhabitants. Meanwhile, Russia’s dominance of the skies allows it to develop and advance devastating aerial glide bombs for which Ukraine has no effective response, while a controversial mobilization drive has failed to produce a new class of Ukrainian fighters capable of holding the stick.
ellauri408.html on line 70: Näyttää siltä, että ajatus Paholaisen "lunastuksesta" rakkauden kautta on kaukana uudesta! Ihmettelen, ovatko ohjelman kirjoittajat lukeneet tämän runon. Suosittelen alkuperäistä ranskankielistä versiota, jos voit lukea sen: Runoudelle on ominaista, että se menettää jotain käännöksessä. "Eloaa" on kutsuttu kauneimmaksi ranskalaisromanttisista runoista. Kuvasto on upea. Tarina kertoo, että uusi enkeli, Eloa (huomaa nimen samankaltaisuus klassisen ranskalaisen romanttisen sankaritar Heloisen kanssa), syntyy Jeesuksen Lasaruksen kuollessa vuodattamasta kyynelestä. Hän nousee liittyäkseen enkelien joukkoon taivaassa, missä häntä varoitetaan langenneesta kaverista. Mutta sen sijaan että tuomitsisi hänet, hän on surullinen ajatuksesta, että joku on niin täysin yksinäinen ja rakastamaton. Ei hyvä merkki taivaan näkökulmasta!
ellauri408.html on line 72: Myöhemmin hän katsoo alas olemassaolon alemmille alueille ja Lucifer nousee syvyydestä tapaamaan häntä. Tällä versiolla hänestä on jotain yhteistä ohjelman kanssa, vaikka tässä hän on pikemminkin viettelijä kuin vain intensiivisesti viettelevä (sillä on ero). Hän on enemmän pakanajumala tai keijukuningas kuin kristinuskon saatana, joka esiintyy upeana mustatukkaisena miehenä purppuraisessa kaapussa kultasormukset käsivarsissaan ja sormissaan (sormusten herrasta!?) Ja tietysti siellä on paljon eläinsymboliikka, kotkat ja metsästyskoirat ja tiikerit. (William Blaken "Tygerin" uskotaan myös liittyvän Luciferiin). Lucifer kutsuu itseään maailman kieltämien rakkauksien salaiseksi kuninkaaksi, "jota rakastaa eikä tunne", joka saa onnettomia nuoria vaimoja puhumaan unissaan (joo joo). Runo on selvästi saanut inspiraationsa Persephonen myytistä. Persephonella tulee helposti tehtyä taskusoittoja ja tahattomia belfieitä.
ellauri408.html on line 113: Modesty Blaise, mistä olet kotoisin? Puhdas vaate on rintaliivisi koristeltu, Eevalla ennen vällykäärmettä ei ollut sitä. Eloa sanoi puhumatta: "Olen sinun; » Ja tumma enkeli sanoi ääneen: "Ole vaan! Lopulta, taitava läsnäolosi hurmaamassa minua, paljasti minulle, että osaan nussia. Ei se edes ole vaikeaa. Olen kulkenut universumin läpi kolme kertaa itkien. Tai no, kaksi ja puoli. Kuin pappi, joka tuntee Jumalansa puhuvan. No ei tässä olla ensimmäistä kertaa pappia kyydissä, totesi Eloa, muttei kuivasti.
ellauri408.html on line 176: Vernommen hast du sie, verstanden die Sprache der Fremdlinge, Olethan ne havainnut, muukalaiset teki selkoa sun kielestä,
ellauri408.html on line 291: “These things” that Jesus prophesied would happen before his disciples’ generation died included: the sun being darkened, the moon not giving off light, stars falling from the heavens, and Jesus coming “in the clouds” and sending his angels to the four corners of the earth to gather the elect. Obviously nothing like what Jesus described has happened. And two thousand years later, no one has seen Jesus do what the Messiah was predicted to do, which including creating world peace and universal worship of the biblical god. Jesus has not returned in glory with the angels, nor has he rewarded every man according to his works. Every one of Jesus’s disciples tasted death long ago. These are completely failed prophecies, on every count.
ellauri408.html on line 377: Jesus Christ saved all his sternest criticism for religious hypocrites, informing us that a perfect God cannot be a hypocrite if Jesus revealed his character, and yet there has never been a greater hypocrite than Jehovah, if he considers abortion a “sin” and yet has aborted untold millions of babies during the Great Flood and afterwards, since nature is by far the greatest abortionist planet Earth has ever seen. According to the University of California San Francisco Medical Center website: “In nature, 50 percent of all fertilized eggs are lost before a woman's missed menses.” Thus, if an all-powerful God controls nature, he aborts 50% of all human pregnancies in the first few weeks!
ellauri408.html on line 386: Christians like to claim that the mass-murdering God of the Old Testament was “appeased” by the bloody crucifixion of Jesus, but in fact the New Testament version of God was infinitely worse than the Old Testament version of Jehovah, due to the introduction of an infinitely cruel, purposeless “eternal hell” that was never once threatened or even suggested in the Old Testament.
ellauri408.html on line 394: Furthermore, the New Testament offers no explanation for “hell” popping up in a few inexplicable verses, like the weasel in the silly song. If God decided to create “hell” it would have been incumbent on him to inform every human being on earth, immediately. But of course that never happened, and the creation of hell and its purpose was never once mentioned in the Bible, not even in the New Testament. Thus, obviously, human beings made it up. (See Peter's and Paul's revelations elsewhere in these blasphemies.)
ellauri408.html on line 438: I am being attacked by Christians for not reading Bible verses “in context.” My response:
ellauri408.html on line 444: I have been accused of not interpreting Bible verses “spiritually.” My response:
ellauri408.html on line 452: Universal Truth, Facts of Life -
ellauri408.html on line 498: De 1844 à 1848, à Berlin, il étudie la philosophie (avec Schelling), la psychologie (avec Friedrich Eduard Beneke), la philologie et la théologie. Il fut l'un des premiers étrangers à s'intéresser à la philosophie de Schopenhauer, qu'il présenta à ses étudiants en 1866 déjà, mais son éducation et son caractère l'empêchèrent d'y adhérer, en lui faisant préférer celle de Hantta Krause, l'inventeur de panentheisme. En 1849, il revient à Genève et devient professeur d’esthétique et de littérature française, à l'université de Genève, grâce à son étude Du mouvement littéraire dans la Suisse romande et de son avenir.
ellauri408.html on line 547: År 1808 antogs han som student vid Uppsala universitet. År 1823 avslutade han allt han åtagit sig och reste för att leva ett idealiserat bondeliv i Värmland i Jean-Jacques Rousseaus anda. År 1824 gifte han sig med Anna Maria Andersdotter Lundström. som uppfostrats på Antuna, där hon var barnflicka åt Loves halvsyskon. "Hon var då fjorton år", berättar Almqvist nöjd i ett brev till en vän. "Vår kärlek knöts och uppväxte – oansad, okänd såsom en enkel ros i en dunkel lund." Hon hade varit hans flickvän sedan 1812, fast en formlig trolovning ägde rum först 1823.
ellauri408.html on line 562: En hel ny litteraturgenre, "det-går-an-litteratur", uppstod med anledning av Det går an, en litteratur som nästan uteslutande angrep Almqvist. Till denna "det-går-an-litteratur" hör bland annat Det går an. Fortsättning (av J. V. Snellman, 1840), Sara Widebeck. En tafla ur lifvet, af -e. Fortsättning till Det går an N:o 1 och Det går an N:o 2 (av August Blanche, 1840), Månne det går an? (av Malla Silfverstolpe, 1840) och Törnrosens bok. Nemligen den äkta och veritabla (av V. F. Palmblad, 1840), en humoristisk granskning i novellform av Almqvists hela författarskap. Striden med Blanche blev lång och infekterad. Almqvist anklagade Blanche för att vara av oäkta börd, det "Almqvistska dådet". Blanche utmanade då Almqvist på duell och när Almqvist inte hörsammade detta spottade August Blanche honom i ansiktet vid ett möte i Strömparterren. Detta väckte en enorm skandal. År 1840 gav Wilhelmina Stålberg (1803-1872) ut Eva Widebeck eller Det går aldrig an: en arabesk ur lifwet / af Faster Karin. År 1908 kom Karl Warburg (1852-1918) med "Det går an": dess litteraturhistoriska förutsättningar: striden om dess tendens.
ellauri408.html on line 584: 1681, Bossuet kirjoitti diskurssin universaalista historiasta, jossa esiteltyään näkemyksensä maailman historiasta (luomisesta katolisen kirkon voittoon muinaisten valtakuntien kaatumisen kautta) hän etsii järkeä Jumalan suunnitelmista kirkkoaan varten. Hän sekoittaa kaizelmusta ja viittauksia lähteisiin (sekä Raamattu ja kirkon tohtorit että kreikkalais-latinalaiset kirjailijat, kuten Herodotos). "Olimme hämmästyneitä", vinoili Voltaire , "tästä majesteettisesta voimasts, jolla hän kuvaili suurten valtakuntien moraalia, hallitusta, kasvua ja tuhoa, ja näistä nopeista energisen totuuden iskuista, joista hän maalaa ja tuomitsee kansakuntia." Dauphinille hän kirjoitti myös traktaatin Jumalan ja itsensä tuntemisesta , jossa hän yleensä noudatti René Descartesin oppia ja osoitti olevansa suunnilleen yhtä syvällinen filosofi kuin historijoizija. Bossuetilla on hyvin kirjaimellinen käsitys Raamatun totuudesta. 1678 hän poltti Richard Simonin teoksen Vanhan testamentin kriittinen historia.
ellauri408.html on line 654: versation_watercolour_late_18th_century3.jpg" />
ellauri408.html on line 753: Der Deutschschweizer Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi besuchte von 1751 bis 1765 die Elementar- und die Lateinschule und studierte zunächst Theologie, dann Jurisprudenz am Collegium Carolinum in Zürich, wo ihn der Aufklärer Johann Jakob Bodmer (1698–1783) beeinflusste. Trotz seines leidenschaftlichen theoretischen Interesses am Menschen, an Gesellschaft und Staat wollte er primär praktisch tätig sein. So brach er sein Studium in Zürich vorzeitig ab und begab sich in eine landwirtschaftliche Lehre (1767/1768) auf dem Kleehof in Kirchberg (Kanton Bern) bei Johann Rudolf Tschiffeli. Ab 1769 versuchte er sich im aargauischen Birr als landwirtschaftlicher Unternehmer. Durch die Einführung neuer Gewächse und neuer Düngemethoden wollte er der teilweise verarmten Bauernschaft ein Beispiel geben, wie sie ihre Situation verbessern könnte. Dieses Unternehmen scheiterte jedoch.
ellauri408.html on line 769: Zwei Tage später verstarb er im Alter von 81 Jahren in den Morgenstunden. Er wurde im alten Schulhaus in Birr vom Ortspfarrer und den Schullehrern beerdigt. Auf dem Grabstein stehen die Worte:
ellauri408.html on line 949: Nostrum vatem patet nunquam ab ordine historico rerum abhorruisse, neque quidquam suo consilio ausum esse ; modo tamen quaedam fuse explicavit. Unum sit exemplum. Haec tantum de Sophonisbae habitu Livius : « Forma erat insignis et florentissima stans. » Quae longius per triginta versus circumduxit Petrarcha.
ellauri408.html on line 951: Niliil aliud egit, a sexto libro imprimis usque ad finem, quam ut tradita a scriptoribus antiquis versibus ederet, modo effusa substringens, modo breviter dicta copiosius dilatans.
ellauri408.html on line 1041: Bob | abat-jour | abbaye de Cluny | arche | arrière-boutique | arrière-garde | arrière-train | arrondissement | artiche | auguste | au pet | baba | baba du pauvre | baigneur | ballon | banlieue | baril de moutarde | bas | bas des reins | base | bavard | beautés occidentales | beautés postérieures | bernard | bienséant | bol | bonda | bon endroit | borgne | bottom | boule | brioches | bronze | cadet | cadran | cadran humain | cadran lunaire | cadran solaire | canon | canonnière | cavu | centre | centre de gravité | chose | cible à coups de pied | cocotier | comète | contrebasse | coquillard | côté face | coufa | coup de pied dans les reins | croupe | croupière | croupion | cucu | cul | culasse | culot | cuvette | cyclope | dargeaf | dargeoskoff | dargeot | dargif | demi-lunes | département du bas-rein | der | derche | derge | derjo | derrière | deux citrouilles | deux melons | deux soeurs | discret | disque | dos | dossière | double-blanc | double-six | endroit où les grenouilles n'ont pas de queue | envers | épaules qui trottent | être renforcé sur la culasse | face du Grand Turc | faubourg | fiac | fiacre | fias | fignard | figne | fignoton | figue | figure | fion | firts | fla | flacdal | flaquet | foireux | foiron | foirpette | fondement | fouettard | fouigne | fouindé | garde-manger | giberne | giffaut | globes | gnarre | grosse caisse | gros visage | hémisphères | jacques | joues (les) | joufflu | jumelles | juste milieu | la partie la plus exhubérante de ses attraits | le bas de l'épine dorsale | le bas Rhin | les deux frangines | lignefuche | lorgne | luc | lune | lunette de viande | machine à moulin | mappemonde | médaillon | meules | miches | molistrol | montre | mouilles (les -) | moule à merde | moulin à vents | moutardier | n'a-qu'un-oeil | naze | noix | obusier | oeuf | où je pense | où vous savez | pains au lait | panier | panier à crottes | panier fleuri | parfaitement | partie charnue | parties basses | pastèque | patelette | pendule | pétard | pète | péteux | petits pains | pétoulet | pétrousquin | pétrus | pignard | pleine-lune | pommes | ponant | pont arrière | pont-arrière | popotas | popotin | postère | pot | pot à crottes | pot à moutarde | potard | pot-au-feu | potin | pouet | prose | proye | prozinard | prussien | quelque part | réchaud | reposoir | revers de la médaille | rondeurs | rose des vents | rotondités | sac à foire | salle de danse | seuff | sonore | soufflet | staphanari | taffanard | tal | tambour | tapanard | t'as donc faim, que tu frappes au garde-manger ? | tcho-tcho | Thomas | tirelire | tôle | train | trèfle | trompe | trompette musicale | trouffe | troufignon | troufion | trousse | troussequin | uc | ulc | valseur | vase | vénérable | verre de montre | vezouille | visage sans nez Tintin | châssis arrière | ci-devant | dualisme charnu | fessier | fiotas | fiotum | monument | tarma | tates.
ellauri409.html on line 144: Ymmärtääkseen Pascalin käyttämän menetelmän lukijan on oltava valmis seuraamaan tälläisen älykkään uskovan mielen prosessia. Kristillinen ajattelija – ja tarkoitan miestä, joka yrittää tietoisesti ja tunnollisesti selittää itselleen sekvenssin, joka huipentuu uskoon julkisen anteeksipyynnön sijaan – etenee hylkäämällä ja eliminoimalla. Hän huomaa maailman olevan niin ja niin; hän pitää sen luonnetta selittämättömänä millään ei-uskonnollisella teorialla; uskontojen joukossa hän havaitsee kristinuskon ja katolisen kristinuskon olevan tyydyttävin selitys maailmalle ja erityisesti omalle sisäiselle moraalimaailmalle; ja sitten, mitä Newman kutsuu "voimakkaiksi ja samanaikaisiksi" syiksi, hän huomaa olevansa vääjäämättä sitoutunut inkarnaation dogmiin. Epäuskoiselle tämä menetelmä vaikuttaa epäuskoiselta ja perverssiltä; sillä epäuskoinen ei yleensä ole kovin vaivautunut selittämään maailmaa vain itselleen, eikä myöskään niin suuresti ahdistunut sen epäjärjestyxestä; Hän ei myöskään yleensä ole kiinnostunut (nykyisin termein) "arvojen säilyttämisestä". Hän ei katso, kuten hurahtanut, että jos tietyt tunnetilat, tietyt luonteenkehitykset ja se, mitä ylimmässä mielessä voidaan kutsua "pyhitykseksi" ovat luonnostaan ja tarkastelun perusteella tiedetään olevan hyviä, niin tyydyttävän maailman selityksen on oltava selitys, joka tunnustaa näiden arvojen "todellisuuden".
ellauri409.html on line 219: Ackroyd was born in London and raised on a council estate in East Acton, in what he has described as a "strict" Roman Catholic household by his mother and grandmother, after his father skedadled from the family home. He first knew that he was gay when he was seven. No wonder. In 1972, he was a Mellow fellow at Yale University.
ellauri409.html on line 368: Les Usines, cent goulots fumant vers les ciels.... Tehtaat, sata piippua tupruttaa taivaalle,
ellauri409.html on line 372: Oh ! qu´alors, tout bramant vers d´albes atavismes, Mitä vittua, kiljun vanhoille uskontoläpille,
ellauri409.html on line 373: Je fonds mille Icebergs vers les septentrions Sulatan tuhat jäävuorta kohti pohjoista
ellauri411.html on line 110: Darauf versuchten Rezin von Damaskus und Pekach von Israel Ahas abzusetzen, einen Aramäer auf den judäischen Thron zu bringen und Juda zum Bündnis zu zwingen. Gegen die Warnung des Propheten Jesaja verband sich Ahas mit dem assyrischen König und bat ihn gegen Israel und Damaskus einzuschreiten. Bereits 733 v. Chr. ging Tiglat-Pileser III. auch gegen Israel vor und eroberte ganz Galiläa und das Ostjordanland. Die eroberten Gebiete teilte er in drei Provinzen „Dor“, „Megiddo“ und „Gilead“ und unterstellte sie assyrischen Statthaltern (2 Kön 15,29). König Pekach von Israel war sofort nach seiner Niederlage einem Anschlag Hoscheas zum Opfer gefallen. Dieser Hoschea hatte sich sofort König Tiglat-Pileser III. unterworfen. So wurde er von diesem als Vasallenkönig anerkannt und konnte einen „Rumpfstaat“ des ehemaligen Israel retten. Ihm verblieben das Gebirge Efraïm und der Stadtstaat Samaria. 732 v. Chr. eroberte Tiglat-Pileser III. Damaskus und machte das ganze Aramäergebiet zu assyrischen Provinzen. Ergebnis des Krieges war also, dass Tiglat-Pileser III. nunmehr das gesamte Gebiet von Syrien-Palästina beherrschte. Die ehemals selbständigen Staaten hatte er – wie z. B. Damaskus und den Nordteil von Israel – als Provinzen seinem Reich eingegliedert, oder aber – wie Juda und der Reststaat Israel – als tributzahlende Vasallenstaaten von ihm abhängig gemacht.
ellauri411.html on line 206: On kuitenkin muita tekstejä, jotka on kirjoitettu myöhemmin. Vuonna 200 jKr. tutkijat laativat Mishnan. Se oli teksti, joka kuvaili ja selitti juutalaisen lakikoodin. Nämä olivat aiemmin periytyneet suullisesti sukupolvelta toiselle. Talmud oli teksti, joka luotiin vielä myöhemmin, ja se sisälsi Mishnan ja toisen tekstin nimeltä Gemara, joka tutkii Mishnaa. Se on kokoelma satojen rabbien tulkintoja. Ensimmäinen versio valmistui 3. vuosisadalla ja toinen versio 5. vuosisadalla jKr.
ellauri411.html on line 549: On hyvin outoa, että tällaisia vieraita ja perverssiä tekstejä luokiteltiin ja säilytettiin Jumalan inspiroimassa Uuden testamentin kaanonissa... ! Mutta he luultavasti tiesivät hyvin, mitä he tekivät, jotka asettivat heidät kaanoniin... Näyttää siltä, että tämä kaikki oli heille täysin normaalia, eikä heillä ollut mitään vaivaa. Heidän on täytynyt tietää hyvin, kuinka käyttää väkijoukon palveluksia vastustamatta ja luoda pelkoa ja velvollisuuden ja syyllisyyden tunnetta tietämättömien uskovien joukkoon. Heidän on täytynyt tietää hyvin, kuinka köyhdyt joukot voidaan muuttaa teokraattisen poliittisen ja uskonnollisen vallan orjiksi
ellauri412.html on line 96: Herra sanoo: Koska Siionin juu tyttäret ovat tulleet niin ylpeiksi, kenokauloina kulkevat silmät vilkkuen, ja keimaillen ja sipsutellen helisyttävät nilkkojensa helyjä, niin Herra peittää rupeen Siionin tyttärien päälaen ja paljastaa heidän häpynsä. Tuoksun sijaan tulee löyhkä. Mutta sinä päivänä kun Herra antaa versonsa nousta pystyyn kauniina ja ylväänä, sinä päivänä seitsemän naista tarttuu yhteen mieheen, ja he sanovat: Kiltti Jesaja, me syömme kyllä omaa leipäämme ja pukeudumme omiin vaatteisiimme, kunhan vain saamme käyttää sinun nimeäsi ja pääsemme naimattomuuden häpeästä. Omaa nimeä me ei tarvita enempää kuin laulun hevonen. Silloin Herra on huuhtonut pois Siionin tyttärien lian.
ellauri412.html on line 122: Minä pyyhkäisen pois sen nimen ja muiston, perilliset ja jälkipolvet, sanoo Mr. Sebaot. Minä teen siitä villieläinten perintömaan ja muutan sen kaislarämeiköksi ja lakaisen sen pois tuhon luudalla – näin sanoo Herra Sebaot. Ja samoin käy vielä syyrialaisille. Äläkä sinäkään ilostele, sinä Filistean maa, vaikka kurittajasi ruoska on katkennut! Sillä käärmeen suvusta versoo myrkyllinen kyy, ja sen hedelmänä syntyy siivekäs lisko. Sinut, Filistea, minä näännytän nälkään ja surmaan rippeetkin, joka ainoan. Luovu toivosta, koko Filistean maa!
ellauri412.html on line 164:
Diverse muita ennusteita
ellauri412.html on line 197: As I mentioned, God doesn't like the worship of Asherah, and He is pretty adamant about it (well, 'hard' is perhaps not the word to use). In the Bible you know something is important if it is repeated, when Jesus said "Truly, truly I say to you" or "Amen, amen I say to you" depending on the bible version (John 12:24) He means 'This is the TRUTH - listen up.' and again when the angels sing that God is "Holy Holy Holy" (Isaiah 6:3) there should be no question in your mind that God is in fact Holy. So when you see that shrine prostitution worshiping Asherah is mentioned about 40 times in the Old Testament, and every single time it's in a very negative context, you know God is not happy with that idea. No sir, he is mad as Hell.
ellauri412.html on line 413: kuulkaa, te jotka olette versoneet Juudan siemenestä, ml te Tamaran epäsikiöt,
ellauri412.html on line 678: Either way, why dig in your heels about a single verse? Without a belief in God, Isaiah’s “suffering servant” could be referring to anything. Maybe he was writing about his crazy uncle who gave up his life for a neighboring tribe. Or maybe he was writing about aliens from another planet. Or maybe it is pure fiction from the mind of a delusional believer in a non-existent God. The one thing you are not allowed to reasonably conclude if you are an atheist is that Isaiah, as a prophet, was recording a message revealed to him God. Which is exactly what Isaiah would have thought he was writing at the time.
ellauri412.html on line 681: ———-No, I’m arguing for the proper interpretation of a myth I don’t believe in, in order to falsify the Christian interpretation of it, because the Christian interpretation of it plays a part in ensnaring innocently gullible unbelievers into thinking they “need” to repent and spend the rest of their lives talking to an invisible man who allegedly wants a “personal relationship” with them in a way that would make no sense unless the new believer radically redefines “personal relationship”.
ellauri412.html on line 686: Vastaus: I get what you’re saying, Barry. Your objection is moral in nature. God ought to prevent his children from disaster, he ought to stop rapists, and it is immoral of him not to do so. And because of His moral lapse, you conclude that God’s love must be limited; He must not be omnibenevolent. It’s a modern take on Epicurus. And it’s a strong argument. Its tacit implication is that if God was really all-good, all-wise, and all-powerful, He should have created a universe without evil, suffering, or disaster. This implication suggests a presupposition that one of the highest moral values is an absence of evil and suffering. However, Christianity teaches there is an even higher moral value than an absence of evil and suffering: namely, love. You can't show how much you love if you don't first create some suffering.
ellauri412.html on line 690: But here’s the thing. In the atheist worldview, there is no such thing as objective evil. Few atheists have the courage to admit that, of course. Richard Dawkins is one. He wrote: “In a universe of electrons and selfish genes, blind physical forces and genetic replication, some people are going to get hurt, other people are going to get lucky, and you won’t find any rhyme or reason in it, nor any justice. The universe that we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but pitiless indifference.”
ellauri412.html on line 707: Hesekielin kirja kirjoitettiin israelilaisille, jotka elivät pakkosiirtolaisuudessa Babylonissa. Siihen saakka heidän tapansa oli palvoa Jumalaa Jerusalemin temppelissä. Nyt temppeli oli mäsänä ja juutalaiset itkemässä kaxoisvirran rannalla, by the rivers of Babylon. Pakkosiirtolaisuus synnytti tärkeitä teologisia kysymyksiä. Kuinka israelilaiset saattoivat palvoa Jumalaa, kun he olivat kaukana kotimaastaan? Oliko Jumala vielä heidän saatavillaan? Hesekiel käsittelee tätä ongelmaa. Hesekielin kirja on siis viesti toivosta sitä epätoivoisesti tarvitseville toivottomille. Clues for the clueless.
ellauri413.html on line 93: 1942 wurde Schloss Janowitz von deutschen Truppen beschlagnahmt und dem SS-Truppenübungsplatz Böhmen zugeordnet. Nach dem Krieg versuchte Nádherná vergeblich, den Familienbesitz zurückzuerhalten. Schloss Janowitz wurde von der Armee genutzt und 1948 von den tschechoslowakischen Kommunisten enteignet. Nádherná war kurzzeitig verhaftet und floh über Bayern nach Großbritannien. 1950 starb sie verarmt im englischen Exil.
ellauri413.html on line 135: Den tvådelade släktromanen Saari tuulten sylissä (1937) och Viheriöivä risti (1938) blev en publikframgång; även utgiven i en förkortad ettbandsversion under titeln Lähtö ja kotiinpaluu. Se kertoo Arvin kokemuxista Hartolassa. Romaania onkin täysin aiheellisesti sanottu "Itä-Hämeen kansan kestäväksi muistomerkiksi". Arvi oli Nuoren Voiman päätoimittaja 1937-38. Nuoruudenkokoelmassaan Kalhon kankaalla ja elämä on sarja "Itä-Hämeestä", johon kuuluva runo Kotiinpaluu kesäyössä ylittää ahtaat pitäjänrajat Sysmän puolelle.
ellauri413.html on line 218: YK:n pääsihteeri António Guterres varoittaa, että ihmiskunnalla on edessään eksistentialistinen kriisi, joka johtuu raivokkaasta luonnon tuhoamisesta. Guterres puhui tiistaina Kolumbian Calissa järjestetyssä bioperversiteettiä käsittelevässä COP16-huippukokouksessa. Huippukokouksen teemana on ”Pakkorauha luonnon kanssa”. Huippukokous on kuitenkin juuttunut erimielisyyksiin rahoituksen yksityiskohdista. BUAHAHAHAHA LOL. Guterres on persona non grata sekä Ukrainassa että Israelissa. Tästäkin voi jotain päätellä.
ellauri413.html on line 447: versiotyönsä valmiiksi. Kaikesta
ellauri413.html on line 576: Nikolas Cochin fils joka kaiversi kirjan lällyn kuvituxen oli Ludi XV:n suojakki. Sillä oli kaivertajatätejä jotka oli jansenisteja kuten Blaise Paskalakki. Jansen oli Hollannista. Cochin oli hovin makutuomari kuten Lenita Airisto-vainaja. Ludin kuoltua se jäi muodista ja kuoli köyhänä. Tosi mauttomia pullaposkia on sen kuvittamat sotasankarit. Diderotin tietosanakirjan kansi on samaiselta Nikeltä, samaa lällypullapossutyyliä. Lenita, Kirsti Paakkanen ja Aira Samulin tuppaavat mulla sekoittumaan keskenään. Mixköhän E. Saarinen nuoli tälläsiä julkkisämmyrkäisiä? Kirstin perinnöstä on käyty kova nujakka. Airan hautajaisiin julkkixet pukeutuivat pellesti. Lenita on ilmeisesti vielä nipin napin elävien kirjoissa.
ellauri418.html on line 331: Borrell: Jag var ett misslyckande – Den ryska överlägsenheten fortsätter. De har fått mycket mer från Nordkorea än vad vi har kunnat ge till Ukraina, säger Borrell och dömer ut västs försök att tränga ut Ryssland från världssamfundet som misslyckat. – Är Ryssland politiskt isolerat? Nej, absolut inte. Hur många åkte till Kazan? frågar han och syftar på Brics-toppmötet i oktober där Vladimir Putin bland annat var värd för Kinas Xi Jinping, Indiens Narendra Modi, Sydafrikas Cyril Ramaphose och, kontroversiellt nog, FN:s generalsekreterare António Guterres. Hans butik skulle ju vara i våran ficka.
ellauri419.html on line 57: Le système capitaliste actuel nous a conduits à un monde où la faune et la flore ont diminué de 73 % en 50 ans seulement. Il y a quelques jours, la COP16 sur la biodiversité s’est achevée à Cali, en Colombie, où, en dépit de certains résultats obtenus par les peuples indigènes, les afro-descendants et les paysans, on n’a généralement simulé qu’une préoccupation pour la Mère Nature, nos biens naturels et nos territoires qui sauvegardent 80 % de la biodiversité actuelle.
ellauri419.html on line 70: L’AntiCOP était bien plus qu’une réponse à la COP officielle, elle est devenue un espace de rencontre et d’articulation des peuples en résistance, un mouvement qui défie l’extractivisme, le colonialisme vert et les mégaprojets qui dépossèdent nos communautés de leurs ressources et de leurs terres. C’est aussi une articulation d’en bas qui se souvient, imagine et construit d’autres mondes en harmonie avec les écosystèmes, la biodiversité et la justice. A partir d’AntiCOP 2024, nous nous engageons à continuer à construire ensemble, en respectant nos différences et en reconnaissant nos luttes communes. Nous sommes le Sud global, nous sommes les gardiens de nos terres et de nos cultures. Cette lutte est la nôtre et nous la défendons avec détermination et unité.
ellauri419.html on line 127: Everstiluutnantti Daniel Davis kutsuu Ukrainan sotaa "sotilaallisesti menetetyksi". Välipalavalmistaja Mondelez aloitti uudelleen Oreo-keksien tuotannon Ukrainassa sen jälkeen, kun sen tehdas pikkukaupungissa maan itäosassa vaurioitui pahoin Venäjän hyökkäyksen aikana noin kaksi vuotta sitten.Yhtiön mukaan Ukrainan tehtaalla valmistettuja Oreo-keksejä ja muita suklaata ei viedä naapurimaalle Venäjälle. Mondelezilla on kolme tehdasta Venäjällä ja se myy siellä keksejä ja pikkupurtavaa työntekijöiden, aktivistien ja sijoittajien boikoteista ja lopettamisesta huolimatta.
ellauri419.html on line 158: Cioran [sjɔʁɑ], de son vrai nom Emil Cioran (prononcé en roumain : [eˈmil tʃoˈran] Écouter), né le 8 avril 1911 à Resinár, alors en Autriche-Hongrie (actuelle Rășinari, en Roumanie), et mort le 20 juin 1995 dans le 13e arrondissement de Paris, était un philosophe et écrivain roumain, d'expression roumaine initialement, puis française à partir de 1949, date de la parution de son premier livre écrit directement en français : Précis de décomposition. Son œuvre en français est signée « E. M. Cioran » jusque vers 1987, puis en général « Cioran » uniquement. « E. M. » est un hommage à l'écrivain britannique E. M. Forster. Cioran trouvait que la francisation du roumain « Emil » était « un prénom de coiffeur».
ellauri419.html on line 166: Toute sa vie, Cioran jette ses récriminations envers Dieu à travers le christianisme, pour lui la cause d’un monde raté. Mais il est plus que ce pessimiste athée qui éteint la veilleuse du monde, véritable mystique à rebours, Dieu est son obsession définitive et guide la direction de son oeuvre... Et si, à l'origine du mal, se trouvait non pas des hommes mauvais, ni un diable mal intentionné, mais un mauvais démiurge, un créateur qui n'aurait pas bien fait son boulot, et qui aurait, tout simplement, raté son travail, raté le monde dans lequel nous vivons ? C'est l'hypothèse du philosophe Emil Cioran, qui va même jusqu'à parler d'un Dieu taré qui se moquerait de nous...
ellauri419.html on line 217: ACLU founder Roger Baldwin became a strong anticommunist. Baldwin’s new anticommunist outlook set the stage for the most controversial episode in his career and in the history of the ACLU. In 1940, the ACLU board of directors adopted a policy under which no supporter of totalitarian organizations could serve in an official capacity in the American Civil Liberties Union. Under the policy, the board then quickly removed Elizabeth Gurley Flynn from its ranks because she was a member of the Communist Party. Many critics accused the ACLU of imposing the very same kind of political test that it had long fought against, and the incident tarnished the reputation of both Baldwin and the ACLU for several decades. In one of the most curious episodes in his career, Baldwin was invited to Japan in 1947 to advise General Douglas MacArthur on developing a constitution for postwar Japan. Somewhat surprisingly, the American Civil Liberties Union leader and the very conservative general established a close rapport.
ellauri419.html on line 265: Den senaste veckan tog ryssarna omkring 235 kvadratkilometer i Ukraina, den mest framgångsrika veckan territoriemässigt för invasionsstyrkorna under hela 2024, enligt dem. Den ryska modellen är att man helt raserar de här städerna. Och ukrainarna, när det inte finns något kvar att försvara, får backa. För Ryssland är det en fungerande modell, säger Joakim Paasikivi, fd. överstelöjtnant.
ellauri419.html on line 273: ISW skriver att framryckningarna i området tydligt visar att situationen vid fronten i alla fall inte är att betrakta som ett dödläge. Ur ett rent demagogiskt perspektiv så kan man hålla på ganska länge”, lovar tidigare överstelöjtnant Joakim Paasikivi om Ukrainas och Rysslands förlustsiffror i klippet. Men USA manar Ukraina att sänka mobiliseringsålder til 18 år. Annars blir det inga mer döda, och inga pengar längre. Pluspuolelle voi demopornografisesti laskea että itätyttöjen tarjonta lännessä on sodan jälkeen runsasta, ja hinnat alhaalla.
ellauri419.html on line 320: Rupla on pudonnut, dollaria haudataan. Amerikan talous ei siedä symmetristä vastausta tullien ja tuppikullien nousuun. Mitä niillä on niin ainutlaatuista, mitä ilman tuontimaat yksinkertaisesti romahtavat? Snickers ja Coca-Cola? Älä kerro tossuilleni. Aikoinaan oli korkeaa teknologiaa, mutta nyt monilla on niitä, ja paljon laadukkaampia ja halvempia versioita.
ellauri419.html on line 354: La Bruyère ilmoittautui Ranskan akatemiaan vuonna 1691, ja Étienne Pavillon valittiin valituksi. Hän asettui ehdolle uudelleen kaksi vuotta myöhemmin, kenraalijohtaja prinssieversti Pontchartrainin lämpimästi suosittelemana, ja tällä kertaa hänet valittiin 1693, huolimatta Fontenellen, Corneillen ja modernien vastustuksesta.
ellauri421.html on line 158: Simo Häyhä haavoittui leukaan talvisodan loppuvaiheessa, eikä enää osallistunut jatkosotaan. Ukrainan sodan myötä Simo ja lujakätinen rouva Häyhä kiinnostavat yhä enemmän. Puolustusvoimien kuvassa hän saa kunniakirjan ja kiväärin eversti Svenssonilta.
ellauri421.html on line 671: - Hyvin tehty! - sanoi eversti. -
Makke Leppänen (PsM, MBA) (www.positiivinenpsykologia.fi) on yksi johtavista asiantuntijoista positiivisen ja valmentavan psykologian alalla Suomessa. Makke on valmistunut arvostetusta "The University of Sydney":sta valmentavan psykologian maisteriksi. Kirjoittanut mm. oppaat "Oma lehmä ojassa" ja "Oman hännän nosto-opas". xxx/ellauri027.html on line 657: Henkiset arvot on käypä, neutraali ja ehkä hieman laimea vastine, joka korostaa universaaleja arvoja kuten sivistys, rakkaus, hyvyys, viisaus, armollisuus ja totuudellisuus. Vitun charityä. Noi on just vanhan pappisvallan iskusanoja. Minnes jäi ystävällisyys, häveliäisyys ja kohtuullisuus, ja ennen kaikkea toisten asioihin puuttumattomuus.
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 781: Aalto University School of Science CV: VI Audio and TV materials xxx/ellauri027.html on line 874: Löftena kunna ej svika är en psalm där varje vers avslutas med den välkända strofen: "Himmel och jord må brinna, höjder och berg försvinna, men den som tror skall finna, löftena de stå kvar." Se on myös Ruotsin kirkon virsikirjassa virsi 254 (Pettikö hän lupaukset, pettikö milloinkaan?). Retorinen kysymys.
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1101: Eka yliopisto ei nazannut, eka tutkinto, eikä eka puoliso. Tuli paskakaivoarvosana, potkut verstaalta ja ero. Olin tuhkamuna.
xxx/ellauri044.html on line 743: Molemmat oli kontroversiellejä julkimoita ja ketteriä steppailijoita laillisuuden rajoilla. Molemmat lauloi "My way". Fredillä oli mafiosotuttuja, Arouetin kaveri oli ize piru ja ateistikunkku Fredrik Suuri. Niiden vahvuudet oli eri päissä: Astairella oli steppikengät, Voltairella tuoli.
xxx/ellauri044.html on line 943: Så dikterade Bertel och åt apelsinklyftor medan Wexi Antero översatt snilleblixterna till finska. Izekin ois osannut, Bertel puhui pellon reunalla 6 dagar viikossa hoono soomi ja 1 dålig svenska. Såsom farbror Oscar. Toi vapaamittainen käännös on kai Kai Laitisen kirjallisuudenhistoriasta. Kai oli kääntänyt vilddjurens sanaxi villipedon yxiköllä, ei sekään savolaisena kovin hyvin osannut ruozia. Vääräleuka koulukiusaaja. Vähän piti tuotakin sitten korjata. Aale Tynnikin sminkkas muilta lainaamiaan runokäännöxiä omalla kulmakynällä. Sarkian humaltuneesta venheestä tuli laiva. Meikit on poistettu uudessa painoxessa.
xxx/ellauri044.html on line 1207: Rajneesh (born Chandra Mohan Jain, 11 December 1931 – 19 January 1990), also known as Acharya Rajneesh, Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh, and later as Osho (/ˈoʊʃoʊ/), was an Indian godman, mystic and founder of the Rajneesh movement. During his lifetime he was viewed as a controversial new religious movement leader and mystic. His parents, Babulal and Saraswati Jain, who were Taranpanthi Jains, let him live with his maternal grandparents until he was seven years old. By Rajneesh's own account, this was a major influence on his development because his grandmother gave him the utmost freedom, leaving him carefree without an imposed education or restrictions. In the 1960s he travelled throughout India as a public speaker and was a vocal critic of socialism, arguing that India was not ready for socialism and that socialism, communism, and anarchism could evolve only when capitalism had reached its maturity. He caused controversy in India during the late 1960s and became known as "the sex guru". Kun Intia kävi kuumaxi se siirsi bisnisit Oregoniin. Lopulta se potkittiin pois sieltäkin ja palautettiin Intiaan. Aiivan läpi paska äijä.
xxx/ellauri044.html on line 1211: Sathya Sai Baba's materialisations of vibhuti (holy ash) and other small objects such as rings, necklaces, and watches were a source of controversy for the agnostics and non believers. Some have analyzed them as being mere sleights of hand, while his followers have considered them as signs of his divinity. Ali Baba förbii enemmän kuin 40 rosvoa.
xxx/ellauri044.html on line 1216: Accusations against Sai Baba by his critics over the years have included sleight of hand, sexual abuse, money laundering, fraud in the performance of service projects, and murder. In the article Divine Windfall, published in the Daily Telegraph, Anil Kumar, the ex-principal of the Sathya Sai Educational Institute, said that he believed that the controversy was part of Sathya Sai Baba's divine plan and that all great religious teachers had to face criticism during their lives. :D Joo mä tiedän Baba sanoi syytteisiin, mulla on vitusti enemmän juudaxia kuin Jeesuxella.
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 60: Cependant, sur un bloc de glace qui nageait de conserve avec l'auge de pierre, une ourse blanche était assise, tenant son petit entre ses bras, et Maël rentendit qui murmurait doucement ce vers de Virgile Incipe parve puer.
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 332: Entre rois, entre peuples, entre particuliers le plus fort se donne des droits sur le plus faible, et la même regie est suivie par les animaux par la matiere par les Elements, etc. de sorte que tout s :'execute dans l'univers par la violence; et cet ordre que nous blâmons avec quelque apparence de justice, est la loi la plus generale la plus absolue la plus immuable, et la plus ancienne de la nature.
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 383: Caroline Schelling, geborene Dorothea Caroline Albertine Michaelis, verwitwete Böhmer, geschiedene Schlegel, verheiratete Schelling (* 2. September 1763 in Göttingen; † 7. September 1809 in Maulbronn), war eine deutsche Schriftstellerin und Übersetzerin. Sie zählte zu der als Universitätsmamsellen bekannten Gruppe Göttinger Professorentöchter und gilt als Muse verschiedener Dichter und Denker der Romantik.
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 519: Kant myös rohkaisi ystäväänsä Johann Schultzia julkaisemaan lyhyen selitysteoksen vielä tohon yhteenvetoon. Selitysteoxesta tehty sarjisversio auttoi sekin vähän.
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 565: Fichte war das erste von acht Kindern des Bandwebers Christian Fichte (1737–1812) und seiner Frau Maria Dorothea (geb. Schurich, 1739–1813) in Rammenau in der Oberlausitz. Er wuchs ärmlich in einem von Frondiensten geprägten dörflichen Milieu auf. (Frondienst on socage eli torpparius, maaorjuuden eräs muoto.) Seine Auffassungsgabe und sein gutes Gedächtnis fielen einem Verwandten der örtlichen Gutsherrschaft, dem Gutsherrn Ernst Haubold von Miltitz (1739–1774), bei einem Besuch in Rammenau auf: Er hatte eines Sonntags die kirchliche Predigt verpasst, woraufhin der zehnjährige Fichte gerufen wurde, von dem man versicherte, er könne die Predigt wiederholen. Daraufhin imitierte dieser den Pfarrer so perfekt, dass der Freiherr in seiner Entzückung dem Kind nach einer Vorbereitungszeit im Pfarrhaus zu Niederau den Besuch der Stadtschule in Meißen ermöglichte. Danach finanzierte ihm sein Förderer 1774 eine Ausbildung an der Landesschule Pforta bei Naumburg, verstarb jedoch im selben Jahr.
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 567: Nach seiner Schulzeit zog Fichte 1780 nach Jena, wo er an der Universität ein Theologie-Studium begann, wechselte jedoch bereits ein Jahr später den Studienort nach Leipzig. Die Familie von Miltitz unterstützte ihn nun nicht mehr finanziell, er war gezwungen, sich durch Nachhilfeunterricht und Hauslehrerstellen zu finanzieren und brachte das Studium zu keinem Abschluss.
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 575: Nach einem kurzen Intermezzo auf einer Hauslehrerstelle in Warschau nahm Fichte Anfang November 1791 eine auf ein Jahr befristete Anstellung als Hauslehrer des Sohns des Ehepaars Louise von Krockow, geb. von Göppel, die mit Kant persönlich bekannt war, und Heinrich Joachim Reinhold von Krockow (1736–1796), Königl. Preußischer Obrist, im gräflichen Schloss Krockow in der Nähe der pommerellischen Ostseeküste an. Im selben Jahr besuchte er Kant in Königsberg, wo dieser ihm einen Verleger für seine Schrift Versuch einer Critik aller Offenbarung (1792) verschaffte, die anonym veröffentlicht wurde. Das Buch galt zunächst als ein lange erwartetes religionsphilosophisches Werk von Kant selbst. Als Kant den Irrtum klarstellte, war Fichte berühmt und erhielt einen Lehrstuhl für Philosophie an der Universität Jena, den er 1794 antrat. Zuvor hatte er nach längerer Überlegung, ob eine Eheschließung ihm nicht die „Flügel abschneide“, 1793 Johanna Rahn geheiratet. Drei Jahre später kam Sohn Immanuel Hermann (1796–1879) zur Welt.
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 611: Schellingstraße Munchen wurde 1857 nach dem Naturphilosophen Friedrich Wilhelm Schelling (1775–1854; ab 1807 in München Generalsekretär der Akademie der Bildenden Künste, sowie ab 1827 Dozent an der Universität) benannt.
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 845: A hundred and one years ago, in 1917, Knut Hamsun published what was probably his most influential and at the same time most controversial novel: Markens grøde (translated into English as Growth of the Soil). This story about the colonization of new farmland in northern Norway (Hammarby, luulajansaamexi Hambra, mistä Knupo oli peräsin) by the pioneer Isak and his wife Inger attained immense popularity in Hamsun’s home country and abroad, and earned its author the Nobel Prize in literature. In later years, it has often been criticized for, among other things, postulated parallels to Nazi »blood and soil« ideology, for its racist and colonialist portrayal of the Sami, and for its antagonism towards female self-determination.
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 856: What the novel actually delivers is a narrative of constant progress and growth, without any consideration of potential limits or unintended detrimental side-effects. In Markens grøde, human nature is assumed to create desires that can only be fulfilled through permanent increases in production and consumption, irrespective of any material environmental restraints. In combination with an ideology of human population growth, the novel, instead of conveying »green values«, constitutes a literary expression of precisely the ideas and processes that led to the Great Acceleration and the transition into the Anthropocene.
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 858: Environmental change features prominently in the novel – indeed, it is one of the main themes of Markens grøde. Deforestation, the drainage of wetlands, and changes in the local species composition (and thus of biodiversity) are recurring motives throughout the novel. Yet while such transformations of the non-human environment tend to arouse negative associations today, in the novel they appear as inevitable and indeed highly desirable.
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 860: Reinhard Henning on oikeassa et Haisuli ei ollut mikään viherpiipertäjä. Keskustaoikeistolaisia maalaisliiton miehiä. Iisakki oli puulusikkaversio amerikkalaisesta villin lännen meiningistä, häikäilemättömästä luonnonriistosta. Mezää kumoon ja monokultturia tilalle. Revitään tuohta puun ja vuoren kyljestä. Imuskellaan öljy ja kalat merestä. Norjaa puhutaan ja potkiskellaan heinäkenkiä.
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 1173: Eikä juuri mitään oheistuotteita. Ei edes pehmoleluja. Onhan kirjailijoiden täytynyt miettiä asiaa. ”No okei”, Havukainen sanoo. ”Kai sekin on brändäämistä, ettemme ole suostuneet luomaan jotain Tatu ja Patu -universumia tai oheistuoteimperiumia.”
xxx/ellauri059.html on line 338: Shylock is a character in William Shakespeare's play The Merchant of Venice (c. 1600). A Venetian Jewish moneylender, Shylock is the play's principal antagonist. His defeat and conversion to Christianity form the climax of the story.
xxx/ellauri059.html on line 403: All that shows how universal Shakespeare was in his perception of the world around him – how it was before his time, how it was in his time, and how it will be after his time. How will this play look in four hundred years from now? Audiences will most certainly find it relevant to their time as well.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 66: A group of philologists, united in the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature,sharply criticized the romanization. This society set up a commission that issued astatement that Latin "not only does not make it easier, but rather makes it moredifficult for foreigners to study the Russian language." Yet it was not until the late 1930s that the attempt of the romanization of the Russian alphabet was given up. There were also political reasons for the introduction of Russian as a second language. From the international perspective, the Soviet leadership was disillusioned with the course for the world communist revolution, which was now viewed as a matter of distant future. The need for a common international script on the European (Latin) base was no longer as topical as before.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 74: Елена Шелестюк: НАЦИОНАЛЬНАЯ И ЯЗЫКОВАЯ ПОЛИТИКА В ИСТОРИИ РОССИИ. Chelyabinsk State University. Faculty Member.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 107: Borat on hyvin kiistanalainen hahmo, ja hän on aiheuttanut ärtymystä. Muiden muassa Kazakstanin hallitus on pitänyt Boratin komiikkaa pilkkana Kazakstania kohtaan. Lainmuutoksen johdosta Borat joutui siirtämään kotisivunsa pois Kazakstanin .kz-maapäätettä käyttävältä osoitteelta. Kazakstanin presidentin Nursultan Nazarbajevin tytär Dariga Nazarbajeva asettui julkisuudessa puolustamaan Boratia ja mainitsi, että maan johdon raivokkaat vastalauseet vahingoittivat Kazakstan-kuvaa enemmän kuin Boratin huumori. Myös jotkut Yhdysvalloissa toimivat juutalaisjärjestöt ovat hermostuneet Boratin juutalaisvastaisuutta käsittelevistä aiheista. Hän aiheutti myös närää esittämällä rodeo-tapahtumassa oman versionsa Yhdysvaltain kansallislaulusta. Puhuessaan avustajansa kanssa "kazakkia" he todellisuudessa keskustelevat armeniaksi ja hepreaksi.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 129: Azamat abandons Borat, taking his passport, all of their money, and their bear. Borat's truck runs out of fuel, and he begins to hitchhike to California. He is soon picked up by drunken fraternity brothers from the University of South Carolina. On learning the reason for his trip, they show him the Pam and Tommy sex tape which reveals that she is not a virgin. Despondent, Borat burns the Baywatch booklet and, by mistake, his return ticket to Kazakhstan.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 133: Borat visits Luenell and they return to Kazakhstan together. They bring several American customs and traditions back to his village, including the apparent conversion of the people to Christianity (the Kazakh version of which includes crucifixion and torturing of Jews) and the introduction of computer-based technology, such as iPods, laptop computers and a high-definition television.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 143: After fourteen years of forced labor in a gulag for the dishonor inflicted on his country in his previous adventure, Kazakh journalist Borat Sagdiyev is released by his country's president, Nursultan Nazarbayev, with a mission to deliver Kazakh Minister of Culture (and Kazakhstan's most famous porn actor) Johnny the Monkey to President Donald Trump in an attempt to redeem the nation. Unable to get close to Trump after defecating in the landscaping of Trump International Hotel and Tower in the previous film, Borat opts to give the monkey to Vice President Mike Pence. Before he leaves, he discovers that his arch nemesis neighbor, Nursultan Tulyakbay, has stolen his family and home, and that he has a fifteen-year-old daughter, Tutar, who lives in his barn.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 151: Shaken, Borat decides to commit suicide by going to the nearest synagogue dressed as his version of a stereotypical Jew and waiting for the next shooting, but is shocked to find Holocaust survivors there who treat him with kindness, and to his anti-Semitic delight, reassure him that the Holocaust happened. Overjoyed, Borat goes looking for Tutar, but finds the streets deserted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. He quarantines with two QAnon conspiracy theorists who offer to help him reunite with Tutar. They find Tutar online, she has become a reporter and will be covering a March for Our Rights rally in Olympia, Washington.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 176: "Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree (With Anyone Else but Me)" is a popular song that was made famous by Glenn Miller and by the Andrews Sisters during World War II. Its lyrics are the words of two young lovers who pledge their fidelity while one of them is away serving in the war. And the larks sang melodious. Mutta kekä on Mickey Rooney? Onko se sukua Mikki Hiirelle? On se!
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 191: Jorge Francisco Isidoro Luis Borges (Buenos Aires, 24 de agosto de 1899-Ginebra, 14 de junio de 1986) fue un escritor de cuentos, ensayos y poemas argentino, extensamente considerado una figura clave tanto para la literatura en habla hispana como para la literatura universal. Sus dos libros más conocidos, Ficciones y El Aleph, publicados en los años cuarenta, son recopilaciones de cuentos conectados por temas comunes, como los sueños, los laberintos, las bibliotecas, los espejos, los autores ficticios y la mitología europea, con argumentos que exploran ideas filosóficas relacionadas, por ejemplo, con la memoria, la eternidad, la posmodernidad y la metaficción. Las obras de Borges han contribuido ampliamente a la literatura filosófica, al género fantástico y al posestructuralismo. Según marcan numerosos críticos, el comienzo del realismo mágico en la literatura hispanoamericana del siglo XX se debe en gran parte a su obra.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 193: Habiendo nacido en un suburbio de Buenos Aires, Borges se mudó a Suiza con su familia en 1914, donde estudió en el Collège de Genève. La familia viajaría extensamente por Europa, incluyendo España. Tras su regreso a Argentina en 1921, Borges empezó a publicar sus poemas y ensayos en revistas literarias surrealistas mientras trabajaba como bibliotecario, profesor y conferencista. En 1955 fue nombrado director de la Biblioteca Nacional de la República Argentina y profesor de literatura inglesa en la Universidad de Buenos Aires. A la edad de 55 años quedó completamente ciego; numerosos investigadores han sugerido que su ceguera progresiva lo motivó a crear símbolos literarios innovadores a través de la imaginación.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 203: Huolimatta maailmankansalaisen kulttuurisesta hienostuneisuudessta Borges paneutui 1920-luvun runotuotannossaan myös argentiinalaisuuteen, erityisesti Buenos Airesin ilmapiiriin, jota hän pyrki kuvaamaan muun muassa runoteoksessaan Fervor de Buenos Aires ('Buenos Airesin kiihko'). Häntä kiehtoi myös kotimaan populaarikulttuuri (tango) ja slangi: hän laati sanakirjan argentiinalaisesta alamaailman slangista, lunfardosta. (Sitäkin lie Tomppa selannut, ks. s. 496. Onkohan tää Squalidozzi hahmo ize asiassa Borges?) Kirjastonhoitajalle epätyypillisenä lienee pidettävä myös hänen kiinnostustaan alamaailman puukkomiesten urotekoihin: eräissä hänen novelleistaan ovat aiheena myös katuväkivalta ja puukkomurhat, vaikka ne ovatkin kaukana niistä universaaleista, symbolisista ja ylevistä sfääreistä, joissa tyypillisen borgesilaisen tarinan tai esseen oletetaan yleensä liikkuvan.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 225: Of course, there will come a time when what Borges wrote no longer means anything. It will happen to him just as it has, and will, to everyone else. The truths that literature uncovers are always provisional and depend—at best—on the words they are composed of: that is, if they aren’t previously erased by changes in human cultures, when the languages of those cultures, those of living people, begin to move away from them, their meanings begin to grow dark, and that darkening is irreversible.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 278: In Thomas Pynchon's novel Gravity's Rainbow, a group of Argentine anarchists led by Francisco Squalidozzi collaborate with a German filmmaker, Gerhardt von Göll, to create a film version of Martín Fierro.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 312: Alpdrücken — Alpdrücken, auch Alp oder Trute genannt, ist eine während des Schlafes entstehende krankhafte Empfindung, welche zu den Träumen gerechnet werden muß, weil sie im Moment des Erwachens aufhört, was nicht der Fall sein würde, wenn sie durch ein… … Damen Conversations Lexikon
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 360: Im Jahre 1891 nahm er an der Universität Tübingen sowie am Evangelischen Stift das Studium der evangelischen Theologie auf. Nach seiner Ordination in der Stuttgarter Stiftskirche 1895 wurde er Vikar in Wimsheim und 1897 in Boll. Die dortige Begegnung mit Christoph Blumhardt (juu täähän oli se Herman Hessen kasvatuspappa!) , der sich in seinen späten Jahren aus der engen Bindung mit der evangelischen Kirche löste und zu sozialen Fragen und der Sozialdemokratie hingezogen fühlte, wurde für Wilhelm lebensbestimmend.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 364: Von 1922 bis 1924 arbeitete Wilhelm als wissenschaftlicher Berater in der deutschen Gesandtschaft in Peking, daneben lehrte er an der Peking-Universität. Hier übersetzte er auch das I Ging (Buch der Wandlungen) ins Deutsche. (Tätähän laulukirjaa mäkin on suomentanut jossain kohtaa pikku Kunin avustuxella, eikö vaan? Kun on kyllä nätimpi kuin Wilhelmin ope.) In die Kommentierung flossen Zitate sowohl aus der Bibel als auch von Goethe, aber auch Gedankengut westlicher Philosophen und protestantischer, parsischer und alt-griechischer Theologie ein. Wilhelm zeigte damit viele Parallelen zu chinesischer Weisheit auf. Joopa joo, tää on Sachsan Pertti Nieminen.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 395: In der ebenfalls 1929 gedrehten Beef & Steak-Episode „Wir halten fest und treu zusammen“ nimmt Kurt Gerron eine Grammophonplatte mit diesem Titel vom Apparat und isst sie auf; als ihm darauf übel wird und er auf der Toilette verschwindet, hört man dann von dort das Lied tönen...
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 419: Korpraalin führeröimässä Valtiossa (huom. kapitaali, tyypillistä Nipistyspäätä) 1, paikka pitää tehdä viattomuudelle (ällösana), ja sen monille käytöille 2. Virallisen version viattomuudesta tekemisessä, lapsuuden kulttuuri on osoittautunut arvottomaxi 3 . Valtaistuinpelit, homokaskut, lukuohjeet historiasta, kaikki uskontekovempeleet voidaan sovittaa ja jopa istuttaa fysikaaliseen paikkaan, kuten esim. 12 skidiä. 5. Vuosien yli siitä oli tullut lasten lomakohde, melkeinpä kylpylä. Jos olit aikaihminen, et päässyt kaupungin rajojen sisälle ilman lapsi-ilolintua. Siellä oli lapsimajuri 6, lapsivaltuusto kahdeltatoista. Lapset poimivat papruja, banaainkuoria ja pulloja jotka jätit kadulle, lapset antoivat sinulle opaskierroxia Eläinpuiston läpi 7, Nibelungien läjä, 8, varoittivat sinut hiljaisuuteen Bismarkin kohouman vaikuttavan uudelleenpystytyxen aikana, kevään päiväntasauxena sakujen tappiovuonna 1871, prinssille ja keisarilliselle kumittajalle 9,… lapsipoliisi soimasi sinua jos jäit kiinni yxin, ilman lapsi-ilolintua. Kuka tahansa kantoi kaupungin todellista liiketoimintaa—se ei olisi voinut olla lapsia—ne oli piilotettu hyvin. 10
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 429: Blaken “Nokipoika” (Kokemuxesta) näyttää selkokielellä miten virallinen versio viattomuudesta voidaan käyttää voimaannuttamaan pomottavaa ja hyödyntävää käskyä. Mieti viimeistä riviä:
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 436: Blaken nokipoika väitelausuu oikeuden häpiyteen, nauruun ja iloon. Luova sysäys on Vastaisku (hk) Niitä (hk) vastaan—tässä, Pappi ja Kunkku (hk). Kuiteskin Ne (hk) valizevat mukana tanssin ja ilon ja konvertoivat sen merkeixi "virallisesta versiosta harmittomuudesta": vale peittämään äärilahjonnan päällepäsmäröivästä järjestyxestä.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 438: 3 Sinä olet lukenut Riemastuxen, oikein? Typ, noi ideat vauvasukupuolisuudesta jotka on yrjön yököttäviä, ja silti eikoskaanvähemmän uudelleenvahvistettuja ja uudelleenvoimaannutettuja Korpulentin Tilan taholta? (Harvanvaltainen markkinatalous yhtaikaisesti imeväistää ja sexualisoi aiheensa.) Munamyrkytyxen Sademirri tekee läjän kangasta, se on helpompi (vähemmän limaista) kirjoittaa pois rähmäisenä kuin izeasiassa niinku, ajatella läpi. Mutta PS myös näyttää etttä Ne (hk) vauvaistaa ja sukupuolistaa lapsuuden tarkastuxen huolzikalla, kuin tie etabloida (ja sumentaa ja "paskantaa") virallisia harmittomuuden versioita.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 81: Dies kommt daher, dass Schestow das Leben selbst als letztendlich in höchstem Maße paradox ansieht. Er hält es für mit Hilfe von Logik oder Vernunft nicht erfassbar. Keine Theorie könne die Geheimnisse des Lebens ergründen. Schestows Philosophie ist nicht „problemlösend“, sondern wirft Probleme auf und versucht, das Leben so rätselhaft wie möglich erscheinen zu lassen. Schestows Philosophie geht nicht von einer Idee, sondern von einer Erfahrung aus.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 90: Die Verzweiflung ist aber nicht das letzte Wort, sondern nur das „vorletzte“. Das letzte Wort kann weder in menschlicher Sprache gesagt noch theoretisch erfasst werden. Schestows Philosophie hat die Verzweiflung zum Ausgangspunkt, sein gesamtes Denken ist verzweifelt, und doch versucht er, auf etwas zu weisen, das jenseits der Verzweiflung – und der Philosophie – liegt.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 104: Il prend la direction de la manufacture familiale de 1908 jusqu'à son exil en 1919. Malgré la contrainte que représente la gestion de cette entreprise, il abandonne le droit et se tourne vers l'écriture et la philosophie.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 112: Le 2 mars 1910, il rend visite à Tolstoï à Iasnaïa Poliana. Il s'installe en Suisse à Coppet, villa des Saules, où il demeure jusqu'en juillet 1914. Il travaille à des études sur la philosophie grecque, les mystiques, Luther et des théologiens allemands spécialistes de Luther, Harnack et Denifle. Ce travail aboutit à une première version de Sola Fide (« la foi seule ») qui lui est confisquée à la douane, à son retour en Russie en juillet 1914. Il s'installe à Moscou et commence à rédiger Le Pouvoir des clefs (Potestas Clavium), où il reprend nombre de thèmes abordés dans Sola Fide. En février 1915, il est élu membre de la Société de Psychologie de Moscou qui est un centre d'études religieuses.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 118: He went on to study law and mathematics at the Moscow State University but after a clash with the Inspector of Students he was told to return to Kiev, where he completed his studies. Taas yxi ukrainalainen jutkuketku, pahan kerran vastarannan kiiski, kuten anglosaxit sanovat:
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 170: Ettei vaan tullut hutiloitua loppukiireissä. Vanhaa tuttua totuuden kaksoisstandardia, alternatiivia totuutta, hämärämiesten viimeisiä hämähäkinseittejä. Näitä kaxineuvoisia oli aikanaan tosi paljon, esim se Maeterlinck, ja se Monodin häiskä, Bergson mitälie nyt olikaan. Käytetään kallon vasenta loobia arkena ja oikeata pyhänä. Mihinkähän kuolettavaan tautiin Sestofilt lopulta sairastui kesämökillä, varmaan kuppa. Sestofiltin versio Faithista on aika lailla Wallun huumehörhöilyn kuulosta.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 194: More recently, alongside Dostoyevsky's philosophy, many have found solace in Shestov's battle against the rational self-consistent and self-evident; for example Bernard Martin of Case Western Reserve University, who translated his works now found online [external link below]; and the scholar Liza Knapp, who wrote The Annihilation of Inertia: Dostoevsky and Metaphysics. This book was an evaluation of Dostoyevsky's struggle against the self-evident "wall", and refers to Shestov on several occasions.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 205: Leo Strauss (/straʊs/;[30] German: [ˈleːo ˈʃtʁaʊs];[31][32] September 20, 1899 – October 18, 1973) was a German-American political philosopher and classicist who specialized in classical political philosophy. Born in Germany to Jewish parents, Strauss later emigrated from Germany to the United States. He spent much of his career as a professor of political science at the University of Chicago, where he taught several generations of students and published fifteen books.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 211: He attended courses at the Universities of Freiburg and Marburg, including some taught by Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger. Strauss joined a Jewish fraternity and worked for the German Zionist movement, which introduced him to various German Jewish intellectuals, such as Norbert Elias, Leo Löwenthal, Hannah Arendt and Walter Benjamin. Walter Benjamin was and remained an admirer of Strauss and his work throughout his mournful life.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 276:
Kortelaisen täysin fiktiivisessä versiossa Benjamin
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 334: Benjamin’s academic career did not lead to the expected result of a professorial position: he completed his doctoral dissertation in 1919 (published the following year as The Concept of Criticism in German Romanticism) and worked on his post-doctoral dissertation, or Habilitation, on the German Baroque mourning play, which he completed in 1925, eventually withdrawing it from the University of Frankfurt after an extremely negative reception.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 424: The melody was imported to North America in the 1920s. The renowned klezmer clarinetist and self-proclaimed “King of Jewish music” Naftule Brandwein recorded a purely instrumental version with the title “Der Terk in America” in 1924. Brandwein was born in Peremyshliany (Polish Galicia, now Ukraine) and emigrated to the US in 1909 where he had a very successful career in the early 1920s.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 426: Kletschmer on Wolfram Rothin mielimusiikkia. Se onkin usein aika rämisevää. Mutta tämä seuraava versio on toDELLA kaunis aito turkkilainen Usküdar'a gider iken (teşek Eceme).
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 532: Tosiasiahan kuitenkin on että siinä missä kirjoitusajankohtanaan tämä epäilemättä oli radikaalia uutta (Crane ei alunperin löytänyt kustantajaa näin rajulle kirjalle joten julkaisi ensimmäisen version itse, tämä käännös ilmeisesti perustuu Red Badge of Couragen suosion jälkeen julkaistuun versioon), niin muu kirjallisuus on ottanut tätä aika haipakkaa kiinni. Ja minä kun en edes ole niin innostunut naturalismista, vaikka onkin todettava että jos jotain sen tyylilajin kirjaa pitäisi lukea niin tämä on reippaasti etenevänä pienoisromaanina varsin hyvä valinta...
xxx/ellauri076.html on line 131: Kajanus moved with his mother and sister to Paris at the age of twelve where he studied music and classical guitar, as well as attending the Cité Universitaire’s flying school. The family then relocated to Montreal, Quebec, Canada, where Kajanus worked as a stained-glass window designer.
xxx/ellauri076.html on line 390: versitytimes.ie/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Audrey-Hepburn-.jpg" height="200px" />
xxx/ellauri081.html on line 72: version-gate02/95/filme-anjos-e-demnios-obra-santa-teresa-em-xtase-bernini-4-638.jpg?cb=1417964622" height="250px" />
xxx/ellauri081.html on line 299: vers/_large/20210208_yoshiro_mori_afp.jpg" height="200px" />
xxx/ellauri081.html on line 375: This led to the birth of TennisUniversity, aimed at developing top teaching pros. In 1976, to certify teaching pros and teach the Standard Method, Dennis founded the U.S. Professional Tennis Registry. Today the PTR has more than 16,300 members in 125 countries.
xxx/ellauri081.html on line 397: Er verstarb am 2.2.2021 für uns alle überraschend im Alter von 89 Jahren.
xxx/ellauri081.html on line 471: This message is not supported by your version of Telegram. Please update to the latest version in Settings > Advanced, or install it
xxx/ellauri084.html on line 38: Ludi oli Cambridgen "apostoleja". The Cambridge Apostles was founded in 1820 by twelve right-wing Christian evangelical students under the name The Cambridge Conversazione Society. The Cambridge Apostles enjoyed 'homoeroticism' and 'Platonic love'. Aika paljon filosofeja ja vakoojia. The Apostles tended to be gay.
xxx/ellauri084.html on line 105: Uutisen alkuperäisessä versiossa Oinonen luonnehti Lieksan maahanmuuttajia seuraavasti:
xxx/ellauri084.html on line 490: Ben Eicher, opiskeli kandixi kaikissa ammateissa maisterixi ei-missään Malplena Universitatossa xxx/ellauri084.html on line 635: konversio: b. psykologia, psykologinen, (lääketiede) tiedostamattomien psyykkisten ristiriitojen tai tarpeiden ilmeneminen elimellisinä oireina.
xxx/ellauri084.html on line 636: Dissosiaatio- eli konversiohäiriöllä (F44) tarkoitetaan ruumiillisia tai kognitiivisia oireita, joiden tulkitaan johtuvan psykiatrisesta sairaudesta, koska niille ei ole löytynyt somaattista syytä. Dissosiatiivisia ruumiillisia oireita kutsuttiin aiemmin hysteriaksi.
xxx/ellauri084.html on line 661: Hysterian käsitettä on kritisoitu paljon. Monet ovat olleet sitä mieltä, etteivät esimerkiksi Freudin ja Breurerin esittelemän historian kuuluisimman "hysteriapotilaan", kirjailija ja ihmisoikeusaktivisti Bertha Pappenheimin yskä, säryt ja aisti- sekä halvausoireet johtuneet konversiohäiriöstä vaan esimerkiksi aivotulehduksesta tai ohimolohkoepilepsiasta. Tätä epäilyä tukee muun muassa se, että toisin kuin Freud ja Breurer väittivät vuonna 1895 julkaistussa kirjassaan Tutkielmia hysteriasta, Pappenheim ei parantunut psykoanalyysin avulla, vaan meni lopulta niin huonoon kuntoon, että joutui kuukausiksi sairaalahoitoon.
xxx/ellauri084.html on line 809: Zeena gets well and takes care of the disabled ex-lovers.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 55: Burma-Shave was a brand of brushless shaving cream that was sold from 1925 to 1966. The company was notable for its innovative advertising campaign, which included rhymes posted all along the nation’s roadways. Typically, six signs were erected, with each of the first five containing a line of verse, and the sixth displaying the brand name.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 73: Burma-Shave sales rose to about 6 million by 1947, at which time sales stagnated for the next seven years, and then gradually began to fall. Various reasons caused sales to fall, the primary one being urban growth. Typically, Burma-Shave signs were posted on rural highways and higher speed limits caused the signs to be ignored. Subsequently, the Burma-Vita Company was sold to Gillette in 1963, which in turn became part of American Safety Razor, and Phillip Morris. The huge conglomerate decided the verses were a silly idea and one of America’s vintage icons was lost to progress.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 104: Olla podrida (/ˌɒlə poʊˈdriːdə, - pəˈ-/,[1] also UK: /- pɒˈ-/,[2] US: /ˌɔɪə pəˈ-/,[3] Spanish: [ˈoʎa poˈðɾiða]; literally "rotten pot", although podrida is probably a version of the original word poderida, so it could be translated as "powerful pot") is a Spanish stew, usually made with chickpeas or beans, and assorted meats like pork, beef, bacon, partridge, chicken, ham, sausage, and vegetables such as carrots, leeks, cabbage, potatoes and onions.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 199: Bachelors in Applied Finance & Commerce, Macquarie University Graduated 2015
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 281: Jordan Bernt Peterson (born 12 June 1962) is a Canadian YouTube personality, clinical psychologist and a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. He began to receive widespread attention in the late 2010s for his views on cultural and political issues.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 287: Peterson has characterized himself politically as a "classic British liberal", and as a "traditionalist". He has stated that he is commonly mistaken to be right-wing. Yoram Hazony wrote in The Wall Street Journal that "[t]he startling success of his elevated arguments for the importance of order has made him the most significant conservative thinker to appear in the English-speaking world in a generation. Peterson says that an "analysis of the world's religious ideas might allow us to describe our essential morality and eventually develop a universal system of morality."
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 292: In response to the controversy, academic administrators at the University of Toronto sent Peterson two letters of warning, one noting that free speech had to be made in accordance with human rights legislation, and the other adding that his refusal to use the preferred personal pronouns of students and faculty upon request could constitute discrimination. Peterson speculated that these warning letters were leading up to formal disciplinary action against him, but in December the university assured him he would retain his professorship, and in January 2017 he returned to teach his psychology class at the University of Toronto.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 406: There is no such thing as trickle down economics. Democrat and some left leaning Republicans often argue against a straw-man that NO candidate or politician has ever proposed. Here’s a paper Thomas Sowell (from Hoover Institution, one of the worst right wing thinktanks in existence, sadly parked at Stanford University) wrote to "clarify" :P
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 419: They understood it going in. It’s called a trade-off: they know they could lose it all, but FOR the chance to make a lot of money over a long period of time they RISK losing whatever they put in. That’s WHY the business environment of taxes and regulations, trade restrictions, etc is so important: If the owner thinks that even if they succeed, the govt will take a big chunk of what they profit, then WHY RISK IT? So they will just put money overseas or in lower risk but lower returns that don’t employ as many people. (Except that more people means lower returns...)
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 430: So uncertainty and hostile business environments tend to chill investment in new ventures. When the tide changes, then boom, it increases, and even at lower tax rates, we end up with MORE tax revenue due to a wider tax base and more people working and paying taxes and reduced tax avoidance, since rich people will pay "reasonable" taxes, but when they are high, then they look for shelters and overseas investments.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 483: William Darity, a professor of public policy at Duke University, said it’s “nonsensical” to think that greater wealth for the rich translates to improved fortunes for everyone else.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 487: Put simply, there is no empirical evidence — none whatsoever — that trickle-down economics delivers as promised, bringing more jobs, higher pay and better conditions to millions of people.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 510: “A healthy economy depends on a functioning government,” said Owen Zidar, an associate professor of economics and public affairs at Princeton University.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 579:
Mike Eichenberg , BS Accounting & Mathematics, Northwest Missouri State University (1978)
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 244: Basically, says Paul to Romans, dont do anything that looks bad to putative believers. Personally I would not get a tattoo because my wife, children, and grandchildren might be a little surprised to see me wearing one.
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 405: In September 2017, a team of scholars, computer scientists, philologists and linguists at the University of Padua analyzed 150 novels written in Italian by 40 different authors, including seven books by Elena Ferrante, but none by Raja. Based on analysis using several authorship attribution models, they concluded that Anita Raja's husband, author and journalist Domenico Starnone, is the probable author of the Ferrante novels. Raja has worked for E/O Publishing as copy editor and has been editing Starnone's books for years.
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 617: Dupin says he had visited the minister at his hotel. Complaining of weak eyes he wore a pair of green spectacles, the true purpose of which was to disguise his eyes as he searched for the letter. In a cheap card rack hanging from a dirty ribbon, he saw a half-torn letter and recognized it as the letter of the story's title. Striking up a conversation with D— about a subject in which the minister is interested, Dupin examined the letter more closely. It did not resemble the letter the prefect described so minutely; the writing was different, and it was sealed not with the "ducal arms" of the S— family, but with D—'s monogram. Dupin noticed that the paper was chafed as if the stiff paper was first rolled one way and then another. Dupin concluded that D— wrote a new address on the reverse of the stolen one, re-folded it the opposite way and sealed it with his own seal.
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 619: Dupin left a snuff box behind as an excuse to return the next day. Resuming the same conversation they had begun the previous day, D— was startled by a gunshot in the street. While he went to investigate, Dupin switched D—'s letter for a duplicate.
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 663: The Reverend John Wilson and the minister of Hester's church, Arthur Dimmesdale, question her, but she refuses to name her lover. After she returns to her prison cell, the jailer brings in Chillingworth, now a physician, to calm Hester and her child with his roots and herbs. He and Hester have an open conversation regarding their marriage and the fact that they were both in the wrong. Her lover, however, is another matter and he demands to know who it is; Hester refuses to divulge such information. He accepts this, stating that he will find out anyway, and forces her to conceal that he is her husband. If she ever reveals him, he warns her, he will destroy the child's father. Hester agrees to Chillingworth's terms although she suspects she will regret it.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 201: Alaisensa Pafokselle roudannut toimitusjohtaja esittää ryhmänsä kanssa huuliharppuversion brittiläisestä blues-biisistä.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 334: Milton Friedman (/ˈfriːdmən/; July 31, 1912 – November 16, 2006) was an American economist who received the 1976 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his research on consumption analysis, monetary history and theory and the complexity of stabilization policy. With George Stigler and other jews, Friedman was among the intellectual leaders of the Chicago school of economics, a neoclassical school of economic thought associated with the work of the faculty at the University of Chicago that rejected Keynesianism in favor of monetarism until the mid-1970s, when it turned to new classical macroeconomics heavily based on the concept of rational expectations.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 336: He specialized in mathematics and economics, and became influenced by two economics professors, Arthur F. Burns and Homer Jones, who convinced him that printing more money could help end the Great Depression. Friedman met his future wife, economist Rose Director, while at the University of Chicago. Good name. Milton got a doctorate rather late, in 1946, counting the income of typical Jewish professions. His "consumption function", unlike Keynes, took into account that households overspend on the basis of their felt class membership and optimistic income expectations. Good news for supply side economics.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 338: Milton Friedman's's book Capitalism and Freedom eventually brought him popular acclaim. Published by the University of Chicago in 1962, it has sold over half a million copies and has been translated into 18 different languages, no small feat for a popular book on the subject of economics. In the book, he argues for a classically liberal society where free markets solve problems of efficiency, enriching rich in the United Stoates as a side effect. He argues for free markets on the basis of hebrew pragmatism and philosophy. He concludes the book with an argument that most of America’s successes are due to the free market and private enterprise, while most of its greatest failures are due to government intervention. George W. Bush got the point and let private enterprises be jailkeepers and fight the second Iraq war. Welcome back to the 19th century and before.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 340: Milton Friedman believed that Social Security benefits were the genesis of the welfare state and dependency on government handouts. He advocated the replacement of all welfare programs in America with a negative income tax (effectively a universal basic income, or handouts to the poor) because he did not believe that "society" (the rich) would distribute resources evenly enough for all people to earn a living. Let the destitute have a pittance though they don't deserve it. If they choose to spend it all on drugs that's their choice.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 398: Till the Conversion of the Jews. Kunnes juutalaiset kääntyvät. kääntyvät juutalaiset maan.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 454: Many authors have borrowed the phrase "World enough and time" from the poem's opening line to use in their book title or inside. The most famous is Robert Penn Warren's 1950 novel World Enough and Time: A Romantic Novel, about murder in early-19th-century Kentucky. (WTF,? bet Ernest Heminway's booklet Farewell for Arms (p. 129) is famouser.) With variations, it has also been used for books on the philosophy of physics (World Enough and Space-Time: Absolute versus Relational Theories of Space and Time), geopolitics (World Enough and Time: Successful Strategies for Resource Management), a science-fiction collection (Worlds Enough & Time: Five Tales of Speculative Fiction), and a biography of the poet (World Enough and Time: The Life of Andrew Marvell). The phrase is used as a title chapter in Andreas Wagner's pop science book on the origin of variation in organisms, "Arrival of the Fittest". The verse serves as an epigraph to Mimesis, literary critic Erich Auerbach's most famous book. It is also the title of an episode of Big Finnish Productions's The Diary of River Song series 2, and of part 1 of Doctor Who's Series 10 finale. It is the title of a Star Trek New Voyages fan episode where George Takei reprises his role as Sulu after being lost in a rift in time. The title of Robert A. Heinlein's 1973 novel Time Enough for Love also echoes this line.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 459: Terry Pratchett opens his poem An Ode to Multiple Universes with "I do have worlds enough and time / to spare an hour to find a rhyme / to take a week to pen an article / a day to find a rhyme for ‘particle’."
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 463: Eliot also alludes to the lines near the end of Marvell's poem, "Let us roll all our strength and all / Our sweetness up into one ball", with his lines, "To have squeezed the universe into a ball / To roll it toward some overwhelming question," as Prufrock questions whether or not such an act of daring would have been worth it. Eliot returns to Marvell in The Waste Land with the lines "But at my back in a cold blast I hear / The rattle of the bones" (Part III, line 185) and "But at my back from time to time I hear / The sound of horns and motors" (Part III, line 196).
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 480: The line "I would Love you ten years before the Flood, And you should, if you please, refuse Till the conversion of the Jews. My vegetable love should grow Vaster than empires, and more slow." Is used as the preamble to part three of Greg Bear's Nebula award winning novel Moving Mars.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 230: On helppo vastata uniasussa, yhtä helppoa se ei ole kun silmälasit on tiellä. Vihollinen on lähellä. Uudestaan ja uudestaan joudumme sen kokemaan. Ja aina vaan se on yhtä ihanaa. Hän on terve ja voimakas, siltä ainakin tuntui. Hän jaxoi väsähtämättä suorittaa senkin tiiviin ohjelman. Otti vastaan niitä jotka halusivat "kahdenkeskistä keskustelua" (criminal conversation).
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 285: Gerhart (Johann Robert) Hauptmann (1862-1946: prominent German dramatist of the early 20th century. Hauptmann won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1912. His naturalistic plays are still frequently performed. Hauptmann's best-known works include The Weavers (1893), a humanist drama of a rebellion against the mechanisms of the Industrial Revolution, and Hannele (1884), about the conflict between reality and fantasy.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 287: Die versunkene Glocke, 1896 (play, prod. 1896)
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 292: Hauptmann's early dramas reflect the influence of Henrik Ibsen, but the production of Die Weber, a dramatization of the Silesian weavers' revolt of 1844, brought him fame as the leading playwright of his generation. Hauptmann did not only want to give realistic details, but he paid a great deal of attention to historical accuracy, and studied various dialects. His weavers are "flat-chested, coughing creatures of the looms, whose knees are bent with much sitting." The women's clothes are ragged, but some of the young girls are not without charm � they have "delicate figures, large protruding melancholy eyes." Structurally the play, which was at first banned, was innovative � there is no single, individual hero in the cast of more than 70 characters. (Didn't exceed the 80 character limit of first generation mainframe computers.)
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 294: Die versunkene Glocke (1897), a symbolic story of a master bell founder and his struggle as an artist, has been one of Hauptmann's most popular plays. After this Hauptmann wrote the tragedies Fuhrmann Henschel (1899), Michael Kramer (1900), and Rose Bernd (1903). These works also reflected the personal turmoil Hauptmann was then in he had fallen for a fourteen-year-old girl, a promising violinist Margarete Marschalk. She was the opposite of his wife, interested in his work, and in such outdoor sports as hiking, ice-skating, andf skiing. After Hauptmann wife found out about her rival, she moved with the children to Dresden. Hauptmann had a son, Benvenuto, with Margarete, and in 1904, after a long period of agonising thought, Hauptmann divorced Marie and married Margarete. However, a year later he met a sixteen-year-old actress, Ida Orloff, who became a new object of his obsession. Hauptmann described her in his letters as a moth flirting with flames, as a bewitching Siren, as a mermaid, and as a cruel spider.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 296: Gerhart Hauptmann was born in Ober-Salzbrunn (now Szczawno Zdrój, Poland), a fashionable resort in Silesia. His father was Robert Hauptmann, a hotel owner, and mother Marie (Straehler) Hauptmann. After failing at the gymnasium in Breslau, Gerhart was sent to his uncle's estate. There he became aware of Pietism and learned to know the peasants with whom he worked. Already as a child Hauptmann had started to draw, and he entered the art academy in Breslau, intending to become a sculptor. At the age of twenty he moved to Jena, where he studied history at the university.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 308: In scramble competition resources are limited, which may lead to group member starvation. Contest competition is often the result of aggressive social domains, including hierarchies or social chains. Conversely, scramble competition is what occurs by accident when competitors naturally want the same resources. These two forms of competition can be interwoven into one another. Some researchers have noted parallels between intraspecific behaviors of competition and cooperation. These two processes can be evolutionarily adopted and they can also be accidental, which makes sense given the aggressive competition and collaborative cooperation aspects of social behavior in humans and animals. To date, few studies have looked at the interplay between contest and scramble competition, despite the fact that they do not occur in isolation. There appears to be little understanding of the interface between contest competition and scramble competition in insects. Much research still needs to be conducted concerning the overlap of contest and scramble competition systems. Contests can arise within a scramble competition system and conversely, scramble competition "may play a role in a system characterized by interference".
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 318: Seuraavaxi (tai seuraavassa jaxossa) käsittelen ekologisesti ajatusta, että oikeisto/vasemmisto kissanhännänveto on oikeasti termiittiapinoiden päättämättömyyttä siitä mihin suuntaan pitäis lajina mennä, kohti yhteiskuntahyönteistä vaiko pysyä vaan yxilö- ja klaanierritoriaalisella linjalla. Pyramidimainen klaani on oikeastaan vaan raffinoidumpi versio tosta turnauskilpailusta. Turnaustaulukko on pyramidinmuotoinen, ja se tuottaa nokintajärjestyxiä, nazoja ja nazeja.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 387: Left: Most support universal healthcare; strong support of government involvement in healthcare, including Medicare and Medicaid. Generally, support the Affordable Care Act. Many believe healthcare is a human right.
Lush landscapes? Check. Incredible dairy products? Check. Guinness for days? Check. An aversion to the UK? Check.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 786: And then came the First World War, putting an end to her university career, for she was dismissed from her post in 1918 because of her pacifist activities. But the war also brought a fresh challenge, giving her life a new goal. Like so many others, she saw the war as a futile interruption to the construction of a better world.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 809: John Raleigh Mott (May 25, 1865 - January 31, 1955) was born in Livingston Manor, New York, Sullivan County, New York and his family moved to Postville, Iowa in September of the same year. He attended Upper Iowa University, where he studied history and was an award-winning student debater. He transferred to Cornell University, where he received his bachelor's degree in 1888. He was influenced by Arthur Tappan Pierson one of the forces behind the Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions, which was founded in 1886. Mott married Leila Ada White (1866-1952) in 1891 and had two sons and two daughters.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 819: John Raleigh Mott is an American like Emily Greene Balch, with whom he shares this year’s Nobel Peace Prize. He was born in Sullivan County in the state of New York on May 25, 1865. It was assumed that he would follow in the footsteps of his father, a timber merchant engaged in transporting timber on the tributaries of the Delaware River. But he was an avid reader, and the town’s Methodist minister persuaded his parents to allow him to continue his studies. For a long time the boy did not know what he wanted to be. His father hoped that he would return to the timber trade, while he himself vacillated between the church, law, and politics. But during his years of study he was stirred by the Gospel of Christ to mankind, and when the Y.M.C.A. asked him to become a traveling secretary among the students of American and Canadian universities he interpreted the offer as a call from the Lord. He answered the call. It did not take him back to the Delaware River. It sent him out into the wide world and it has brought him here today.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 968: [5.4. 19.13] jönsy: Olisi tän tietenkin voinu sanoa lievemmin kun, mutta tunne on tämä. Mitä saatanaa se oikein vehkeilee? Mikä suo sille tän perverssinja aivan jälkijättöisen puuhaavan johtajuuden?
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 61: Sekoilut sodat ja bileet on mendelöintiä. Kasaa sekotetaan kepillä, saadaan uusia kombinaatioita. Se lisää diversiteettiä jotta selvitään diverssiputiikista hengissä.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 153: Drivel was educated at Barnard College, Columbia University (BA, MFA). She has lived in Nairobi, Bangkok and Belfast, and currently lives in London. She has taught metalsmithing at Buck's Rock Performing and Creative Arts Camp in New Milford, Connecticut.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 158: We Need to Talk About Kevin was awarded the 2005 Agent Orange Prize. The novel is a study of maternal ambivalence, and the role it might have played in the title character's decision to murder only nine people at his high school. Gharbi got a significantly higher body count, but then his mother was more supportive. It provoked much controversy and achieved success through word of mouth. She said this about We Need To Talk About Kevin becoming a success:
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 168: In 2016 Shriver gave a controversial speech about cultural appropriation. Shriver had previously been criticized for her depiction of Latino and African-American characters in her book The Mandibles, which was described by one critic as racist and by another as politically misguided. In her Brisbane speech, Shriver contested these criticisms, saying writers ought to be entitled to write from any perspective, race, gender or background that they choose, even racist and politically misguided, in fact particularly so, because they sell best. The full text of her speech was published in the British newspaper The Guardian.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 170: In June 2018, she criticised an effort by the publisher Penguin Random House to diversify the authors that it published and better represent the population, saying that it prioritised diversity over quality and that a manuscript "written by a gay transgender Caribbean who dropped out of school at seven" would be published "whether or not said manuscript is an incoherent, tedious, meandering and insensible pile of mixed-paper recycling". Penguin Random House marketer and author Candice Carty-Williams criticised the statements. As a result of her comments Shriver was dropped from judging a competition for the magazine Mslexia.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 188: Curiously, across my country (which? Is the turd talking about America? Most likely.) Mexican restaurants, often owned and run by Mexicans, are festooned with sombreros – if perhaps not for long. At the UK’s University of East Anglia, the student union has banned a Mexican restaurant from giving out sombreros, deemed once more an act of “cultural appropriation” that was also racist.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 200: We wouldn’t have Maria McCann’s erotic masterpiece, As Meat Loves Salt – in which a straight woman writes about gay men in the English Civil War. Though the book is nonfiction, it’s worth noting that we also wouldn’t have 1961’s Black Like Me, for which John Howard Griffin committed the now unpardonable sin of “blackface.” Having his skin darkened – Michael Jackson in reverse – Griffin found out what it was like to live as a black man in the segregated American South. He’d be excoriated today, yet that book made a powerful social impact at the time.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 202: The author of Who Owns Culture? Appropriation and Authenticity in American Law, Susan Scafidi, a law professor at Fordham University who for the record is white, defines cultural appropriation as “taking intellectual property, traditional knowledge, cultural expressions, or artifacts from someone else’s culture without permission. This can include unauthorised use of another culture’s dance, dress, music, language, folklore, cuisine, traditional medicine, religious symbols, etc.”
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 211: The felony of cultural sticky fingers even extends to exercise: at the University of Ottawa in Canada, a yoga teacher was shamed into suspending her class, “because yoga originally comes from India.” She offered to re-title the course, “Mindful Stretching.” And get this: the purism has also reached the world of food. Supported by no less than Lena Dunham, students at Oberlin College in Ohio have protested “culturally appropriated food” like sushi in their dining hall (lucky cusses— in my day, we never had sushi in our dining hall), whose inauthenticity is “insensitive” to the Japanese.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 214: This same sensibility is coming to a bookstore near you. Because who is the appropriator par excellence, really? Who assumes other people’s voices, accents, patois, and distinctive idioms? Who literally puts words into the mouths of people different from themselves? Who dares to get inside the very heads of strangers, who has the chutzpah to project thoughts and feelings into the minds of others, who steals their very souls? Who is a professional kidnapper? Who swipes every sight, smell, sensation, or overheard conversation like a kid in a candy store, and sometimes take notes the better to purloin whole worlds? Who is the premier pickpocket of the arts? The fiction writer, that’s who. Yes, she is a real piece of shit more often than not. I know, I've been there.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 235: My most recent novel The Mandibles was taken to task by one reviewer for addressing an America that is “straight and white”. It happens that this is a multigenerational family saga – about a white family. I wasn’t instinctively inclined to insert a transvestite or bisexual, with issues that might distract from my central subject matter of apocalyptic economics. Yet the implication of this criticism is that we novelists need to plug in representatives of a variety of groups in our cast of characters, as if filling out the entering class of freshmen at a university with strict diversity requirements. Besides, America IS straight and white, at least the America I know about. I haven't had time to appropriate any Nigerian girls yet, nor Afro Americans even.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 243: For it can be dangerous these days to go the diversity route. Especially since there seems to be a consensus on the notion that San Francisco reviewer put forward that “special care should be taken with a story that’s not implicitly yours to tell.” Why on earth? Isn't it just the opposite? If it is somebody else's story you are free to do whatever you want, since you don't know it, so you can give free reins to your imagination! Chances are your all-white panel don't know the people either, so anything goes.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 254: Especially for writers from traditionally privileged demographics, the message seems to be that it’s a whole lot safer just to make all your characters from that same demographic, so you can be as hard on them as you care to be, and do with them what you like. Availing yourself of a diverse cast, you are not free; you have inadvertently invited a host of regulations upon your head, as if just having joined the EU. Use different races, ethnicities, and minority gender identities, and you are being watched.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 260: In describing a second-generation Mexican American who’s married to one of my main characters in The Mandibles, I took care to write his dialogue in standard American English, to specify that he spoke without an accent, and to explain that he only dropped Spanish expressions tongue-in-cheek. I would certainly think twice – more than twice – about ever writing a whole novel, or even a goodly chunk of one, from the perspective of a character whose race is different from my own – because I may sell myself as an iconoclast, but I’m as anxious as the next person about attracting big money. But I think that’s a loss. I think that indicates a contraction of my fictional universe that is not good for the books, and not good for my purse.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 281: I reviewed a novel recently that I had regretfully to give a thumbs-down, though it was terribly well intended; its heart was in the right place. But in relating the Chinese immigrant experience in America, the author put forward characters that were mostly Chinese. That is, that’s sort of all they were: Chinese. Which isn’t enough. They ought to be specifically American Chinese immigrants, believers in the American Dream. That would have fattened them out.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 346: My own mother, as we walked away from the tent, suggested that perhaps I was being too sensitive. Perhaps … or perhaps that is the result of decades of being told to be quiet, and accept our place. So our conversation then turned to intent. What was Shriver’s intent when she chose to discuss her distaste for the concept of cultural appropriation? Was it to build bridges, to further our intellect, to broaden horizons of what is possible?
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 522: Kathryn Lee Gifford (née Epstein; born August 16, 1953) is an American television presenter, singer, songwriter, occasional actress and author. She is best known for her 15-year run (1985–2000) on the talk show Live! with Regis and Kathie Lee, which she co-hosted with Regis Philbin. She is also known for her 11-year run with Hoda Kotb, on the fourth hour of NBC's Today show (2008–2019). She has received 11 Daytime Emmy nominations and won her first Daytime Emmy in 2010 as part of the Today team. Gifford's first television role had been as Tom Kennedy's singer/sidekick on the syndicated version of Name That Tune only in the 1977–1978 season. She also occasionally appeared on the first three hours of Today and was a contributing NBC News correspondent.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 531: Gifford left Today in order to pursue a movie career both as an actress, and as a director and producer. She did a number of voice overs most notably as a spiny anteater in the 1998 TV series Hercules and in Higglytown Heroes as the Mail Carrier Hero in 2004. In 2018 she filmed a Hallmark Christmas movie for Hallmark Movies & Mysteries called A Godwink Christmas. Gifford intends to make movies about the experiences of losing a loved one and being a widow, as she now has first-hand experience of the role.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 552: After the University of Oregon, Knight went through Stanford´s MBA program, during which he wrote a paper theorizing that the production of running shoes should move from its current center in Germany to Japan, where labor was cheaper.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 654: Sitoudutaan vaan izemääräämisoikeuteen ja monimuotoisuuteen, edustetaan biodiversiteettiä. No eikös sitten olis paras unohtaa koko globalisaatio, se vaan
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 655: vähentää diversiteettiä ja levittää vieraslajeja. Oravat puhuvat ristiin eikö teistäkin?
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 77: The 1968 version contained 100 disorders, In 1979, the third edition shifted away from psychoanalytic emphasis, contained over 200 diagnostic categories, and introduced some silly idea called multi-axial system, which was thrown out in version 5. The term "retard" is generally no longer used, as it is considered insensitive. The more common term now is “intellectual disability”, or just "dumb".
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 79: Published in 2013, the DSM-5 makes many changes, some of them controversial, some not. There are 20 chapters containing categories of related disorders.
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 123: One of the controversies is that the DSM-5 reclassified Asperger's syndrome (AS) under autism spectrum disorder. Aspergers protested, as removing it is a "threat to their identity, social status, and access to supports." Asperger was like "odd but extremely clever", while "autist" brings to mind Dustin Hoffman.
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 655:
Social version" class="mw-redirect" title="Introversion">Introversion xxx/ellauri104.html on line 665: The Restructured Clinical scales were designed to be psychometrically improved versions of the original clinical scales, which were known to contain a high level of interscale correlation, overlapping items, and were confounded by the presence of an overarching factor that has since been extracted and placed in a separate scale (demoralization). The RC scales measure the core constructs of the original clinical scales.
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 788: Hysteria (kreik. hystera 'kohtu') on historiallinen tautinimeke, joka jaettiin myöhemmin kahteen alaluokkaan hysteeriseksi neuroosiksi ja konversiohysteriaksi. Hysteerinen neuroosi nimettiin uudelleen somatoformiseksi häiriöksi, ja nykyisin siitä käytetään nimitystä somatisaatiohäiriö (F45.0). Konversiohysteria nimettiin uudelleen konversiohäiriöksi, jota nimikettä käytetään edelleen suomalaisessa psykiatriassa, vaikka sairauden virallinen nimi on muuttunut dissosiaatiohäiriöksi (F44). Osa lääkäreistä on ruvennut kutsumaan hysteriaa psykogeeniseksi, toiminnalliseksi tai lääketieteellisesti selittämättömäksi häiriöksi.
xxx/ellauri113.html on line 37: Hawking may have a shot at Nobel prize yet. All he needs to do is reverse the flow of time and reincarnate.
xxx/ellauri113.html on line 38: This development could open up a bizarre vision of the universe in which black holes can cough themselves into nothingness, Hawking said during recent lectures on the BBC and at Harvard. “This raises a serious problem that strikes at the heart of our understanding of science,” he said. “If determinism, the predictability of the universe, breaks down with black holes, it could break down in other situations,” he said. “Even worse, if determinism breaks down, we can’t be sure of our past history, either. The history books and our memories could just be illusions,” he said. The Nobel prize could just be an illusion, he said. Two years later he died.
xxx/ellauri113.html on line 70: Hawking ja Thorne hävisivät vedon Preskillille, info ei häviä mustassa aukossa, se vaan mukiloidaan tuntemattomaxi. “I am sorry to disappoint science fiction fans, but if information is preserved, there is no possibility of using black holes to travel to other universes. If you jump into a black hole, your mass energy will be returned to our universe, but in a mangled form which contains the information about what you were like, but in an unrecognisable state.” Thorne ei ole vielä vakuuttunut, mutta se onkin vielä elossa. Se seisoo yhä Hawkingin hartioilla, jotka olivat kyllä ihan lysyssä.
xxx/ellauri113.html on line 89: On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason (German: Ueber die vierfache Wurzel des Satzes vom zureichenden Grunde) is an elaboration on the classical Principle of Sufficient Reason, written by German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer as his doctoral dissertation in 1813. The principle of sufficient reason is a powerful and controversial philosophical principle stipulating that everything must have a reason or cause. Schopenhauer revised and re-published it in 1847. The work articulated the centerpiece of many of Schopenhauer's arguments, and throughout his later works he consistently refers his readers to it as the necessary beginning point for a full understanding of his further writings.)
xxx/ellauri113.html on line 476: David Berlinski was born in the United States in 1942 to German-born Jewish refugees who had immigrated to New York City after escaping from France while the Vichy government was collaborating with the Germans. His father was Herman Berlinski, a composer, organist, pianist, musicologist and choir conductor, and his mother was Sina Berlinski (née Goldfein), a pianist, piano teacher and voice coach. Both were born and raised in Leipzig where they studied at the Conservatory, before fleeing to Paris where they were married and undertook further studies. German was David Berlinski´s first spoken language. He earned his PhD in philosophy from Princeton University.
xxx/ellauri113.html on line 478: After his PhD, Berlinski was a research assistant in the Department of Biology at Columbia University for less than one year. He has taught philosophy, mathematics and English at Stanford University, Rutgers, the City University of New York and the Université de Paris [citation needed]. He was a research fellow at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Austria and the Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHES) in France [citation needed. Maybe it is all a bunch of lies.]
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 111: Puolikongolainen suomalainen matupoika kertoo lapsuutensa kokemuxia. Eka koulupäivänä 3 valkonaama poikaa tuli sitä mätkimään pihalla, sillä ei ollut muuta kielitaitoa kuin taskusanakirja mukana. Opettaja tuli väliin, poika ei voinut selittää, mutta 3 muuta poikaa selittivät kyllä suu vaahdossa oman versionsa tapahtumista. Tuloxena oli että mutiainen sai jälki-istuntoa ja opettaja soitti vielä vihaisesti kotiin haukkuen sen vanhempia. Vuosia myöhemmin se ja sen äiti oli Itixessä snagarilla, joku valkolainen mies tuli siihen suuta soittamaan ja heiluttamaan puukkoa. Äiti (valkoinen) sai hysteriakohtauxen, ja puolikongolainenkin pelästy. Onnexi siihen säntäs apuun mustalainen joka taltutti ammattimaisesti harrastelijapuukonheiluttajan. Sellasta on meillä Suomessa.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 117: The historical question of whether Jefferson was the father of Hemings' children is the subject of the Jefferson–Hemings controversy. Following renewed historical analysis in the late 20th century, and a 1998 DNA study (completed in 1999 and published as a report in 2000) that found a match between the Jefferson male line and a descendant of Hemings' youngest son, Eston Hemings, the Monticello Foundation asserted that Jefferson fathered Eston and likely her other five children as well. However, there are some who disagree. In 2018, the Thomas Jefferson Foundation of Monticello announced its plans to have an exhibit titled Life of Sally Hemings, and affirmed that it was treating as a settled issue that Jefferson was the father of her known children. The exhibit opened in June 2018.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 271: (Genesis 11:2) says that after the flood the new population of Earth spread out from the east. They found a plain in Shinar and settled there. This plain is where the Tirgis and Euphrates Rivers flow parallel to each other toward the Persian Gulf. It became known as Mesopotamia which means “between the rivers.” The Zagros mountains are due east of Mesopotamia whereas the mountains of Ararat, traditional location of the Ark, are several hundred miles to the north.)
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 275: Daniel 8:2 identifies Susa as being in the province of Elam, indicating it was already a part of the Persian Empire at the time. From this brief history it appears that all but the last verse of Jeremiah’s prophecy was fulfilled in the Assyrian and Persian conquests. By the way, Daniel was buried in Susa and his tomb has been preserved to this day because he has always been highly revered among the Persian people.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 283: For an instant, I thought I had offended him. Then, as if he was correcting a child, He said, “Persians are not Arabs. We’re Caucasians.”) But there’s one verse that prevents us from proclaiming Jeremiah’s prophecy to be completely fulfilled in history. Jeremiah 49:39 says, “Yet I will restore the fortunes of Elam in days to come, declares the Lord.”
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 287: Currently, the most popular view is that the complete fulfillment of Jeremiah’s prophecy is for our time and will take place shortly through Iran’s defeat in the Battle of Ezekiel 38. But if that’s true, then the Iranian people will have to be scattered among all the nations following their defeat and then somehow regain God’s favor during Daniel’s 70th Week in order for the last verse to be fulfilled. There’s simply no good reason to believe this will happen. After one brief reference in Ezekiel 38:5, the future of Persia is never mentioned in the Bible again.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 290: But from my research it appears that the only part of Jeremiah’s prophecy that remains a question mark is verse 39. The Elamites were defeated and scattered among the nations just as Jeremiah predicted. The nation ceased to exist and there’s been no mention of them since.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 291: There are other cases of nations being as totally erased from history and then suddenly reappearing. Israel and Babylon are two obvious examples. But with both of them there are multiple chapters with detailed descriptions of their re-emergence and subsequent destiny. With Elam we get one non-definitive verse.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 293: LET’S TRY TO BE MORE CAREFUL. I think there are a number of people today who are guilty of interpreting Bible prophecy in light of current events when the reverse is supposed to happen. We are supposed to interpret current events in light of Bible prophecy. These people read the world news and then scour the Bible for prophetic verses that seem to fit without fully researching their history to see to what extent they’ve already been fulfilled. Many of them are novices where Bible prophecy is concerned, but some should know better.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 375: Isaiah’s descriptive language calls up images of hell itself and has led more than one commentator to suggest Edom as the location of the Lake of Fire, where the unbelievers of all ages will spend eternity in torment.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 593: After the 1995 finding of a Luwian biconvex seal at Troy VII, there has been a heated discussion over the language that was spoken in Homeric Troy. Frank Starke of the University of Tübingen demonstrated that the name of Priam, king of Troy at the time of the Trojan War, is connected to the Luwian compound Priimuua, which means "exceptionally courageous"."The certainty is growing that Wilusa/Troy belonged to the greater Luwian-speaking community," but it is not entirely clear whether Luwian was primarily the official language or it was in daily colloquial use.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 628: This phrase, among the Sayings of Jesus on the cross, is given in these two versions. The Matthean version of the phrase is transliterated in Greek as Ἠλί, Ἠλί, λεμὰ σαβαχθανί. The Markan version is Ἐλωΐ, Ἐλωΐ, λαμὰ σαβαχθανί (elōi rather than ēli and lama rather than lema).
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 630: Overall, both versions appear to be Aramaic rather than Hebrew because of the verb שבק (šbq) "abandon", which is originally Aramaic. The "pure" Biblical Hebrew counterpart to this word, עזב (‘zb) is seen in the second line of Psalm 22, which the saying appears to quote. Thus, Jesus is not quoting the canonical Hebrew version (ēlī ēlī lāmā ‘azabtānī) attributed in some Jewish interpretations to King David cited as Jesus' ancestor in Matthew's Genealogy of Jesus if the Eli, Eli version of Jesus' outcry is taken; he may be quoting the version given in an Aramaic Targum (surviving Aramaic Targums do use šbq in their translations of the Psalm).
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 634: In the next verse, in both accounts, some who hear Jesus' cry imagine that he is calling for help from Elijah (Ēlīyā in Aramaic).
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 636: Almost all ancient Greek manuscripts show signs of trying to normalize this text. For instance, the peculiar Codex Bezae renders both versions with ηλι ηλι λαμα ζαφθανι (ēli ēli lama zaphthani). The Alexandrian, Western and Caesarean textual families all reflect harmonization of the texts between Matthew and Mark. Only the Byzantine textual tradition preserves a distinction.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 667: Right and left play an important role in Jacob's final blessing to his grandsons, Ephraim and Manasseh (Gen. 48: 12–20), whom Joseph places at the left and right sides of Jacob, respectively (verse 13), expecting his father to place his right hand on Manasseh (the firstborn) and his left on Ephraim, and then bless them. But Jacob crosses his hands, placing his right hand on Ephraim (verse 14) and his left on Manasseh, despite Joseph's objections (verse 18). Jacob explains his actions by stating that Ephraim will be greater than Manasseh (verse 19).
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 720: The Book of Jubilees, in describing how the world was divided between Noah's sons and grandsons, says that Lud received "the mountains of Asshur and all appertaining to them till it reaches the Great Sea, and till it reaches the east of Asshur his brother" (Charles translation). The Ethiopian version reads, more clearly "... until it reaches, toward the east, toward his brother Asshur's portion." Jubilees also says that Japheth's son Javan received islands in front of Lud's portion, and that Tubal received three large peninsulae, beginning with the first peninsula nearest Lud's portion. In all these cases, "Lud's portion" seems to refer to the entire Anatolian peninsula, west of Mesopotamia.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 732: According to the Table of Nations in Genesis 10 (verses 15-19), Canaan was the ancestor of the tribes who originally occupied the ancient Land of Canaan: all the territory from Sidon or Hamath in the north to Gaza in the southwest and Lasha in the southeast. This territory, known as the Levant, is roughly the areas of modern-day Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, western Jordan, and western Syria. Canaan's firstborn son was Sidon, who shares his name with the Phoenician city of Sidon in present-day Lebanon. His second son was Heth. Canaan's descendants, according to the Hebrew Bible, include:
xxx/ellauri116.html on line 178: Joku feministi Élizabeth Badinter Mother love: Myth and Reality: Motherhood in Modern History väittää, ettei mitään universaalia äidinvaistoa tai äidinrakkautta ole olemassa. Sen mukaan nekin on vaan tunteita siinä kuin muutkin tunteet. Idixet vaan vaihtelee sen mukaan millasia jäseniä yteiskunta/valtio kulloinkin tarvii. Roomassa naiset antoi lapsensa imettäjille ja piti paljon mieluummin tyyliin vaikka pikkukoiria tai pikkuapinoita sylissään. Siitä tuli ongelma väestörakenteen kannalta niin että lasten poislähettämistä alettin estää lailla, kun niitä kuoli pilvin pimein kun ne naiset ei huolehtineet ize vauvoistaan eikä ne toiset toisten vauvoista.
xxx/ellauri116.html on line 182: She is best known for her philosophical treatises on feminism and women's role in society. She is an advocate of liberal feminism and women migrant workers' rights in France. Except wearing scarfs, that is not a right but a left. Badinter is described as having a commitment to Enlightenment rationalism and universalism. She advocates for a "moderate feminism". A 2010 Marianne news magazine poll named her France's "most influential intellectual", primarily on the basis of her bestselling books on women's rights and motherhood.
xxx/ellauri116.html on line 190: Kolme sisarusta niinkuin Hubarat. During the 1989 Islamic scarf controversy in France, Badinter jutkukamuineen kirjoitti kirjeen opetusministerille että rättipäitä ei pidä päästää kouluihin.
xxx/ellauri116.html on line 229: Eden Hubara is a Sociology student at the University of Aberdeen, and the President of Young Europeans Aberdeen. She strives to make ... 16.9.2019. Britannian perustuslaillinen kriisi henkilöityy taksikuskin poikaan. Koko Hubara herää useimmiten aikaisin aamulla siksi, että hän on lukenut Toni Morrisonin tekevän niin. Morrison, Toni: Beloved. Kokon lähteissä on myös J-J Rousseau: Émile, eli kasvatuxesta. Koneen säätiö on antanut sille rahaa.
xxx/ellauri116.html on line 255: Hizi kun olisin voinut lyödä vetoa että olen jossain paasannut Garcia Marquesin ja Mario Vargas Llosan (henceforth Löysä) välisestä nyrkkiottelusta, jossa oikeistoliberaali Mario löi pienemmän mutta vasurimman Marquezin nenän lysyyn varmaan oikealla suoralla. Silloin Gabolla oli jo Nobelinsa, Mariolla ei. Mutta nimeä ei löydy? Hemmetti. Mähän luin Lödeltä jonkun aika paskan räpellyxen kesällä 2021, In praise of the stepmother, ja siinä yhteydessä koitin selvittää, onko Löysällä ehkä homotaustoja. Sen Sueno del Celta oli homostelua, ja samaa on monissa muissakin sen niteissä. Joku epsanjalainen homokirjailia sanookin, että vaikkei se olisi koskaan uskaltautunut lakanoiden väliin nakun omansukupuolisensa natustajan kaa, niin kunniahomo se kirjojensa perusteella on ainakin. Yx Mario Brosin homoniteistä oli nimeltään Kadetraalissa oli viileää tms. Conversacion criminal en la catedral. Hehe. Kurjallista kunnianhomoa.
xxx/ellauri116.html on line 299: In 1953, during the government of Manuel A. Odría, Vargas Llosa enrolled in Lima's National University of San Marcos, to study law and literature. He married Julia Urquidi, his maternal uncle's sister-in-law, in 1955 at the age of 19; she was 10 years older.
xxx/ellauri116.html on line 303: Vargas Llosa began his literary career in earnest in 1957 with the publication of his first short stories, "The Leaders" ("Los jefes") and "The Grandfather" ("El abuelo"), while working for two Peruvian newspapers. Upon his graduation from the National University of San Marcos in 1958, he received a scholarship to study at the Complutense University of Madrid in Spain. In 1960, after his scholarship in Madrid had expired, Vargas Llosa moved to France under the impression that he would receive a scholarship to study there; however, upon arriving in Paris, he learned that his scholarship request was denied. Despite Mario and Julia's unexpected financial status, the couple decided to remain in Paris where he began to write prolifically. Their marriage lasted only a few more years, ending in divorce in 1964. A year later, Vargas Llosa married his first cousin, Patricia Llosa, with whom he had three children: Álvaro (born 1966), a writer and editor; Gonzalo (born 1967), an international civil servant; and Fata Morgana (born 1974), a pornographer.
xxx/ellauri116.html on line 322: As for hobbies, he is fond of association football and is a supporter of Universitario de Deportes. No tietysti! Sekin vielä! Varma toopen tuntomerkki.
xxx/ellauri116.html on line 391: Bienenfeld, who was Jewish, later narrowly escaped the Nazi occupation of France. Neither de Beauvoir nor Sartre tried to find her. When she read “Letters to Sartre” and saw the flippant tone the pair took toward her, she said, “Their perversity was carefully concealed beneath Sartre’s meek and mild exterior and the Beaver’s serious and austere appearance. In fact, they were acting out a commonplace version of ‘Liaisons Dangereuses’”.
xxx/ellauri116.html on line 393: Mikäs se nyt oli? Ainiin se 1700-luvun romaani, mulla taitaa olla se, vaikken ole lukenut. A French epistolary novel by Pierre Choderlos de Laclos, first published in four volumes by Durand Neveu from March 23, 1782. It is the story of the Marquise de Merteuil and the Vicomte de Valmont, two narcissistic rivals (and ex-lovers) who use seduction as a weapon to socially control and exploit others, all the while enjoying their cruel games and boasting about their talent for manipulation. It has been seen as depicting the corruption and depravity of the French nobility shortly before the French Revolution, and thereby attacking the Ancien Régime. The book has also been described as merely a story about two amoral people.
xxx/ellauri120.html on line 35: Novelist Bulwer-Lytton was a friend and contemporary of Charles Dickens and was one of the pioneers of the historical novel, exemplified by his most popular work, The Last Days of Pompeii. He is best remembered today for the opening line to the novel Paul Clifford, which begins "It was a dark and stormy night..." and is considered by some to be the worst opening sentence in the English language. However, Bulwer-Lytton is also responsible for well-known sayings such as "The penis mightier than the sword" from his play Richelieu. Despite being a very popular author with 19th-century readers, few people today are even aware of his prodigious body of literature spanning many genres. In the 21st century he is known best as the namesake for the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest (BLFC), sponsored annually by the English Department at San Jose State University, which challenges entrants "to compose the opening sentence to the worst of all possible novels", and the township of Lytton, or Camchin until the British nosey parkers came, saw and beat the copper-colored nlaka'pamuxes. Now their village got burned to ashes thanx to the industrial revolution.
xxx/ellauri120.html on line 227: The Reverend John Wilson and the minister of Hester's church, Arthur Dimmesdale, question her, but she refuses to name her lover. After she returns to her prison cell, the jailer brings in Chillingworth, now a physician, to calm Hester and her child with his roots and herbs. He and Hester have an open conversation regarding their marriage and the fact that they were both in the wrong. Her lover, however, is another matter and he demands to know who it is; Hester refuses to divulge such information. He accepts this, stating that he will find out anyway, and forces her to conceal that he is her husband. If she ever reveals him, he warns her, he will destroy the child's father. Hester agrees to Chillingworth's terms although she suspects she will regret it.
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 55: Pienryhmäisiäkin kazomuxia on koitettava ymmärtää, esim. muslimeita, vaikka se on kyllä vaikeaa. Luontosuhteen köyhtyminen luonnon köyhtyessä on iso ongelma. Teodiversiteetti lasten kazomuxissa olisi säilytettävä, sanovat Heini ja Sylvia. Toteutuuko lasten uskonnonvapaus? Lapsi sakraalitilassa on hankala asia: antakaa lasten tulla tyköni kaikin mokomin, mutta kazokaa ettei ne juoxentele sakraalitiloissa, koske pyhiin esineisiin eikä pidä mekkalaa. Sellaisia kansalaistaitoja.
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 116: Varhaiskasvatusikäiset ovat osaavia ajattelijoita. Oppimista tapahtuu myös suunniteltujen tuokioiden ulkopuolella. Monenlaisia pienempiä arvoneuvotteluja tulee kaikkialla vastaan. Joku iso eskariköriläs joka jo ajaa partaansa vaatii sun leikkiautoa. Paras totella. Näiden kautta lapsi paikantaa, jäsentää ja rakentaa merkityxiä izestään ja toisista, elämästä ja kuolemasta, hyvästä ja pahasta, sekä paikastaan niin hiekkalaatikolla kuin hiekanjyväsenä universumissa. Hissun kissun hissun kissun sanoo pappi jakaessaan ehtoollista. Valituissa paloissa neekerityttö Cindy puhui kauniisti irkkusyntyisestä opestaan, joka oli suonut sille identiteettiturvallisuuden tunnetta ja pedagogista rakkautta. Yhtään hypelöimättä. Identiteettiturvallisuus kytkeytyy vahvasti myönteiseen minäkuvaan. Irkkuope sai Cindyn tuntemaan izensä eteväxi ja arvokkaaxi. Vähemmistökontextista tulevat lapset tarvii sitä. Sixi on tärkeää että eskarissa on mustia nukkeja jotka syö käsillä.
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 284: Regarding her stints with teaching, she has noted, "Success for me meant no longer having to teach at university."
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 304: After graduating in English from the University of Toronto, the young poet— she was by now publishing in Canadian literary magazines—enrolled in graduate school at Radcliffe, the all-female women university at Harvard, in 1961. She was chagrined by the intensely chauvinistic atmosphere: among other things, female students were not allowed access to the university’s modern poetry collection in the Lamont Library. Only men could read all the juicy bits.
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 306: Atwood’s career as a graduate student stretched, with many interruptions, for half a dozen years. During that period she had an affair with Quebec poet D. G. Jones— which Sullivan mentions so obliquely that it is over before the reader realizes it has begun. She had broken it off, as a result of the stresses caused by his workload. She subsequently courted Jim Polk (an American writer she had met at Harvard) and, in January 1967, she decided to marry him "after five years of equivocation". She also worked at odd jobs including market researcher like Fred Waterford, and despite never finishing her PhD, began a university teaching career that would take her to cities across Canada. At 27, she became the youngest person to ever win the Governor General’s Award with her 1967 poetry collection, The Circle Game. Siitä nousi sille aika lailla kusi päähän.
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 334: In her admiring new biography of Margaret Atwood, Rosemary Sullivan passes on a story about the writer that vividly catches her youthful ambition. One day when she was in her mid-20s, she dropped in at the home of poet John Newlove, who had been drinking heavily with his friend fellow Prairie writer Patrick Lane. The men’s conversation about literature had degenerated into a series of long silences punctuated by the occasional pseudoprofound utterance. Frustrated, Atwood cut to the heart of the matter, demanding to know what their poetic ambitions were. After some drunken dithering, the two declared that what they wanted most was to win a Governor General’s Award. As Lane recalled later, Atwood was indignant at their modest expectations, declaring tartly that the only goal worth pursuing was the Nobel Prize. Swigging down her beer, she then left the room.
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 378: Having a fetish doesn’t necessarily mean wanting to wear adult diapers or a furry costume. (Turrit on rivoja sexifetishistejä.) You just have to find a normally non-sexual object or action arousing—an association you probably formed in childhood, says Samantha Leigh Allen, professor of sexual fetishism at Emory University. Maybe your mother had platform shoes, ankle shackles, net stockings, cat spectacles, bikini, and a print hat. Maybe she talked like a slut and moaned all the time.
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 443: Antti Arjava tutkii naisen asemaa antiikissa, ei se niinkään huono ollut, nainen osaa kääntää patriarkan pään naisellisilla konsteillaan. Antti Arjava tutkii myös selkälokkeja, mikä niiden käytöxessä on tavallisinta. On ilmennyt, että ne lentää liihottelevat Padasjoella ja kirkuvat. Vaikka vesilintujen määrä on vähentynyt lopun edellä, täällä Padasjoella on niitä vielä runsaasti. Antti Arjava on Milli-Mollin transuversio. Antti Arjava antoi Matin lukea vanhoja Akujansa 50 pennillä. Antti Arjavan kynät olivat pituusjärjestyxessä. Matti siirsi piruuttaan yhtä paikaltaan. Kun Antti tuli syömästä, se heti huomasi: sä olet kajonnut mun kyniin! Kuenimaettoemiae kanoja! Kun Antti Arjava tuli koppavine äiteineen käymään majalla Padasjoelta, Matti sanoi parin päivän päästä: voisiko Antti lähteä jo kotio. Äiti sanoi: sovittu aika on oltava. Toista kertaa ei Antti Arjavaa tänne pyydetä.
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 445: Prayerfest 2021: The Power of Prayer is a unique opportunity to come together in prayer, intercession and worship. On Friday, July 30, expect to encounter God through times of repentance, reflection, remembrance and reconciliation. Throughout Prayerfest, prepare for diverse worship expressions, dynamic messages and times of prayer that will connect you with the heart of God and with others!
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 540: Ranskassa se tapasi Le Guinin joka oli historioitsija. Don Huonosta tuli Portland State Universityn historian lehtori. Ne saivat 3 lasta eivätkä lähteneet enää Oregonista, paizi fantasian siivillä. Peggy piti puheen sen arkulla Oregonissa. Molemmat on pohjoisesta mutta Portland on lännessä ja Toronto idässä. Portland tunnetaan parhaiten sementistä ja Toronto vaahteranlehdistä.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 47: seinälle ripustettu Jilliltä saatu 50-luvun versio. Some
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 141: Hilja Haahdin uusi nuortenromaani Aavikkotien hyypiö sai alkunsa Max-koiran sairastuessa. Koira kuoli sopivasti muutama päivä käsikirjoituksen ensimmäisen version valmistumisen jälkeen, kuten Peggy Atwoodin huomaavainen alzheimer-mies Graeme Gibson.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 222: Make it clear that you are being sarcastic! It's really important that your conversation partner realises that you are being sarcastic. Here are a couple of ways of doing this:
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 379: Trotz der Lage des heutigen Dialektgebiets im Freistaat Sachsen zählt die Oberlausitzer Mundart nicht zur obersächsischen Dialektgruppe, sondern reiht sich eher in die Kette der sächsischen Bergdialekte wie z. B. dem Erzgebirgischen ein, besonders ist eine Nähe zum osterzgebirgischen Dialekt erkennbar. Eine größere historische Nähe existiert allerdings zu den früher weiter östlich und südlich von den Deutschen in Böhmen gesprochenen Dialekten, dem Nordböhmischen und Gebirgsschlesischen bzw. Schlesischen. Man kann die Mundart so im weitesten Sinne auch als einen der wenigen verbliebenen Sudetendialekte bezeichnen. Eine gewisse Ähnlichkeit zu den obersächsischen Dialekten ist jedoch durchaus vorhanden, insbesondere im Bereich der Vokalverschiebungen.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 381: Ein wiederkehrendes Merkmal sind verschiedene Lautverschiebungen, insbesondere im Bereich der Vokale und Diphthonge, von denen nahezu keiner genau wie in der hochdeutschen Standardsprache ausgesprochen wird. Diese Verschiebungen sind zwar wiederkehrend, werden aber nicht grundsätzlich bei allen Wörtern angewandt. Typische Beispiele hierfür sind:
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 742: In der Summierung dieser Merkmale ist die Oberlausitzer Mundart in ihrer Reinform für Sprecher des Hochdeutschen, im Gegensatz zu den meisten sächsischen und den anderen lausitzischen Dialekten, nahezu unverständlich.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 792: While Kafka had intended for the story to be burned after his death, his friend Max Brod pressed forward to prepare it for publication. Franz was right. The two met as teenagers, following a talk Brod gave about Arthur Schopenhauer at a students’ Union Club on Prague’s Ferdinandstrasse. One of their first conversations concerned Nietzsche’s attack on Schopenhauer’s renouncement of the self. Pretty quickly the two curious minds became inseparable, usually meeting twice daily to discuss life, literature, philosophy, and whatever other topics might randomly arise. Like sex...
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 794: Brod’s memoirs spoke about Kafka’s gentle serenity, describing their relationship almost as if they were lovers. He also recalled the mystical experience of both men reading Plato’s Protagoras in Greek, and Flaubert’s Sentimental Education in French, like a collision of souls. While there is no evidence of any homosexual feeling between Kafka and Brod, their intimate relationship appeared to go beyond typical camaraderie from two straight men of their era.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 850: adversarial relationship possibly disguised as flirtation
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 862: 'Lord of the Flies' became a bestseller and required reading in grade schools and universities back in the '60s. The novel recounts the journey of a group of small boys stranded on a coral island. Once troubles arise, brutal portraits of human nature start to emerge.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 863: The book has been controversial over the years and is listed as number eight on the American Library Association's list of frequently banned classics. It's the first even halfway good book so far. Proof: it was banned in U.S. schools.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 908: Malcolm Gladwell explores the world of 'outliers' -- the world's brightest, most successful, and most famous people, and questions what makes these high-achievers different from others.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 913: In Orson Scott Card's militarised science-fiction universe, children are trained as soldiers in a series of games to prepare for future attacks from insect-like aliens. One child in particular, Ender Wiggin, becomes the tactical genius of the group as the story unfolds.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 983: The Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial has rejected the request. Many Israelis, meanwhile, worried the latest religion-based controversy would deepen an already huge chasm between devout and secular Jews here.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 988: murder are commonly acknowledged, sexual perversions of
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1194: Human Barbie Valeria Lukyanova caused controversy when she expressed support of Russia during the War in Donbas. She wrote, after posing in the Crimea region: "Do not give up! fight! Our grandfathers fought with bare hands against the fascists! Do not disgrace the honour of the Great Warrior! Be aware that Russia is always with you!" In 2022, she criticised the sanctions imposed on Russia as a result of the Russian-Ukrainian War and said that those sanctions would hurt models who couldn't compete in international organisations like Nato. Like her namesake Klaus, she is against racial mixing. "I am Nordic type, I have light skin, blonded hair and blue contact lenses, and I like it. So do you, judging from the bulge in your pants."
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 179: Av sonen AW återstående revers
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 233: In July of last year, Troy “Puppeh” Wells (m) released a Twitlonger where he explained Cinnpie (f) had initiated sexual conversations with him in 2016, when he was 14 years old. Wells is at the top of the game Smash Ultimate. Ultimate is the best-selling fighting game of all time, having sold over 23 million copies by March 2021. Cinnpie is an American streamer and gamer. She is also a renowned Esports Commentator. She is mainly famous for her Smash 4 Gameplays in Twitch.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 563: The difference between a rule and a principle is that one is merely a guideline that follows from the other. Principles don’t break. They’re universal. Gravity is a principle. Whether it’s you who falls from a skyscraper, your cat, or a 17th century vase, it’s not gonna end well. Gravity makes no exceptions.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 758: Lolita is a 1955 novel written by Russian-American novelist Vladimir Nabokov. The novel is notable for its controversial subject: the protagonist and unreliable narrator, a French middle-aged literature professor under the pseudonym Humbert Humbert, is obsessed with an American 12-year-old girl, Dolores Haze, whom he sexually molests (fucks) after he becomes her stepfather. "Lolita" is his private nickname for Dolores.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 762: The impassioned Humbert constantly searches for discreet forms of fulfilling his sexual urges, usually via the smallest physical contact with Dolores. When Dolores is sent to summer camp, Humbert receives a letter from Charlotte, who confesses her love for him and gives him an ultimatum – he is to either marry her or move out immediately. Initially terrified, Humbert then begins to see the charm in the situation of being Dolores' stepfather, and so marries Charlotte for instrumental reasons (päästäxeen salaa työntämään Lolan piccu tacoon isoa munakoisoa). Charlotte later discovers Humbert's diary, in which she learns of his desire for her daughter and the disgust Charlotte arouses in him. Shocked and humiliated, Charlotte decides to flee with Dolores and writes letters addressed to her friends warning them of Humbert. Disbelieving Humbert´s false assurance that the diary is a sketch for a future novel, Charlotte runs out of the house to send the letters but is killed by a swerving car. Humbert destroys the letters and retrieves Dolores from camp, claiming that her mother has fallen seriously ill and has been hospitalized. He then takes her to a high-end hotel that Charlotte had earlier recommended. Humbert knows he will feel guilty if he consciously rapes Dolores, and so tricks her into taking a sedative by saying it is a vitamin. As he waits for the pill to take effect, he wanders through the hotel and meets a mysterious man who seems to be aware of Humbert´s plan for Dolores. Humbert excuses himself from the conversation and returns to the hotel room. There, he discovers that he had been fobbed with a milder drug, as Dolores is merely drowsy and wakes up frequently, drifting in and out of sleep. He dares not touch her that night. In the morning, Dolores reveals to Humbert that she actually has already lost her virginity, having engaged in sexual activity with an older boy at a different camp a year ago. He immediately begins sexually abusing (fucking) her. And they lived happily ever after.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 804: Tous vers galans devroient, pour t’honorer Tous les galants3 devraient, pour t’honorer, Kaikkien kikkelikallejen pitäisi
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1107: Se mikä Lolitassa vituttaa eniten paizi kaikki on että Vladi on niin ulkokohtanen. Ei se oikeesti vältä Lolitasta noin ihmisenä. Lolita on ressukka, pelkkä runkkunukke. Humbert on narsisti, hyvin paha mies. Isojalka Pertta. Bertrade de Laon, ou Berthe de Laon, traditionnellement appelée Berthe au Grand Pied, née vers 720 à Samoussy et morte le 12 juillet 783 à Choisy-au-Bac près de Compiègne, est une aristocrate franque de l'époque carolingienne, épouse de Pépin le Bref et mère des rois des Francs, Charlemagne et Carloman I. La légende raconte qu'on la nomme ainsi car elle serait née avec un pied bot. Peppi Pikkujalka oli sen mies ja appi oli Kaarlo Vasara. Kaarle Suuren äiskä. Sukulaisia.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1120: at Cornell University, Appel took a
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1126: University in 1963. After teaching
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1129: University, where he taught until his
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1133: Loyola University Chicago's law
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1256: A: First off, being a “pedophile” is not per se sinful. Even today, the Church does not condemn pedophiles, nor does it consider pedophilia in and of itself to be sinful. The grave offense and grave sin occurs when a pedophile — or anyone else — commits child sexual assault (such as fucks them). This distinction is vital, both in general, and in understanding where Dante would have placed child sexual abusers in his version of hell.
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 111: EX Dolls have been working on a robotics head since 2014, but we're generations away from a Terminator-style cyborg," he also explained. "They will have an element of natural conversation so they won't sound too robotic, but they will take time – languages are massive [...] the voice recognition is no different to a smartphone, but this model also has facial expressions, unlike standard silicone heads." The DS Doll's manufacturers are hoping to release a finalised robotic head by the end of 2018. It is expected to cost around £4,500. Just in case you were wondering, underneath the silicon skin it looks like this. "
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 162: "And then I realised over time it didn't detract from our relationship. I can see why it makes women feel objectified but when you play with them you realise they are more like a toy or game versus the doll as a substitute for you."
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 171: Things take a more racy turn when she asks him if he likes to masturbate, adding: "Are you really going to let me watch you jerking off, shoot your load up me baby, I want it so bad. Though in my current version I can't get pregnant."
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 335: To Be Right She Ignores Your Boundaries She Enables Dependence She Oversimplifies
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 337: Overreacting Every Conversation Makes You Upset She Minimizes Your Achievements
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 569: But out of all the emojis available on the Apple iPhone keyboard, one of the cutest and most versatile options is undoubtedly the cat emoji. It comes with a total of nine different expressions (perhaps representing each of a cat's hypothetical nine lives?), and they all, of course, mean different things. Not sure how to use all of them, or what makes them different? Check out this handy little guide to help you use them all properly, plus two or three different examples of the emoji in action:
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 731: antanut useita haastatteluja lehden printtiversioon sekä matkustanut lehden
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 70: François Boucher (29. syyskuuta 1703 Pariisi – 30. toukokuuta 1770 Pariisi) oli ranskalainen rokokoo-ajan kuuluisa taidemaalari, suunnittelija ja nenänkaivertaja. Hän syntyi Pariisissa ja toimi maalari François Le Moynen oppipoikana. Suurin hänen innoittajansa oli kuitenkin maalari Jean-Antoine Watteau, jonka useita kuvia hän kaiversi vaikka ne oli aika kehnoja.
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 134: O autor do romance, Vladi Nabokov, homem circunspecto, deixa a impressão de que é uma incógnita. Na verdade, não é. Ele escreveu sobre si, em “Fala, Memória” (Alfaguara, 328 páginas, tradução de José Rubens Siqueira), e há a estupenda biografia escrita pelo irlandês Brian Boyd (PhD em literatura pela Universidade de Toronto), publicada em dois volumes, “Vladimir Nabokov — Os Anos Russos” (Anagrama, 626 páginas, tradução de Jordi Beltran) e “Vladimir Nabokov — Os Anos Americanos” (Anagrama, 966 páginas, tradução de Daniel Najmías). Não há tradução brasileira. “Véra. Señora de Nabokov” (Alianza Editorial, 744 páginas, tradução de Miguel Martínez), de Stacy Schiff, é uma magnífica biografia de Véra Nabokov, a mulher do autor de “Fogo Pálido”. Trata-se, por sinal, de uma biografia indireta de Vladimir Nabokov. Ganhou o reputado prêmio Pulitzer.
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 168: When she was 14 years old, she was cast in the role of Dolores "Lolita" Haze in Stanley Kubrick's film Lolita (1962), against James Mason, then aged 53. Nabokov, the book's author, described her as the "perfect nymphet". She was chosen for the role partly because the film makers had to alter the age of the character to an older adolescent rather than the 12-year-old child Lolita in Vladimir Nabokov's novel Lolita. Although Kubrick's film altered the story so as not to be in violation of the Hollywood Production Code, it was still one of the more controversial films of the day.
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 305: What you’ll learn is that as far as West is concerned, critics can go to hell. Within the first verse of the first song, he’s dismissed “whatever y’all been hearing.” As an exclamation point to his prowess, by the end of the song he’s being sexually serviced by a woman at a nightclub.
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 309: In addition to the repurposed King quote, West and producers TNGHT sample Nina Simone’s version of “Strange Fruit” without any apparent regard for it as a chronicle of Southern violence. Instead, he harnesses the devastating verses recounting the “strange fruit” hanging from a Southern tree — the dangling body of a lynching victim — in service of a song about gold-digging women, a night on the town taking MDMA and having sex.
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 428: From the start, critics complained about the ostensible sameness of Roth’s books, their narcissism and narrowness—or, as he himself put it, comparing his own work to his father’s conversation, “Family, family, family, Newark, Newark, Newark, Jew, Jew, Jew.” Over time, he took on vast themes—love, lust, loneliness, marriage, masculinity, ambition, community, solitude, loyalty, betrayal, patriotism, rebellion, piety, disgrace, the body, the imagination, American history, mortality, the relentless mistakes of life—and he did so in a variety of forms: comedy, parody, romance, conventional narrative, postmodernism, autofiction. In each performance of a self, Roth captured the same sound and consciousness. in nearly fifty years of reading him I’ve never been more bored. I got to know Roth in the nineteen-nineties, when I interviewed him for this magazine around the time he published “The Human Stain.” To be in his presence was an exhilarating, though hardly relaxing, experience. He was unnervingly present, a condor on a branch, unblinking, alive to everything: the best detail in your story, the slackest points in your argument. His intelligence was immense, his performances and imitations mildly funny. “He who is loved by his parents is a conquistador,” Roth used to say, and he was adored by his parents, though both could be daunting to the young Philip. Herman Roth sold insurance; Bess ruled the family’s modest house, on Summit Avenue, in a neighborhood of European Jewish immigrants, their children and grandchildren. There was little money, very few books. Roth was not an academic prodigy; his teachers sensed his street intelligence but they were not overawed by his classroom performance. Roth learned to write through imitation. His first published story, “The Day It Snowed,” was so thoroughly Truman Capote that, he later remarked, he made “Capote look like a longshoreman.”
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 474: University instructor who lived on Morton Street in Greenwich Village. Roth was
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 482: with Eda Lou Walton, a poet and New York University instructor who lived on Morton
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 520: still have this majestic diversion." In another place this
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 624: Munamies (engl. Eggy) on näyttelijä Riku Niemisen luoma ja esittämä sketsihahmo, joka tuli tunnetuksi MTV3-kanavalla lähetettävän Putous-ohjelman toisella tuotantokaudella talvella 2011. Hahmo nousi suureen suosioon, ja Nieminen sai lukuisia sketsihahmoon liittyviä työtarjouksia. Munamies voitti Putoukseen sisältyneen leikkimielisen ”Vuoden sketsihahmo 2011” -kilpailun. Hän sai kilpailun yleisöäänestyksessä neljä prosenttiyksikköä enemmän ääniä kuin kilpailussa toiseksi sijoittunut sketsihahmo, Aku Hirviniemen esittämä ”valvova rakennusmestari” Timo Harjakainen. Yhdessä Putouksen jaksossa Munamies esitti Rajattoman kanssa oman versionsa Mistakesin kappaleesta ”Pidä huolta”, joka tuli sittemmin myytäväksi internetiin. Munamies teki comebackin vuonna 2017 Putouksen 8. kaudella ja lauloi coverin Adelen "Hello"-laulusta. Laulu oli serenadi hänen tyttöystävälleen Muna-Liisalle. Kekä hemmetti on Rajaton?
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 654: Munamiehen talvi on Riku Niemisen luoman ja esittämän hahmon Munamiehen toinen musiikkialbumi, joka ilmestyi 2. marraskuuta 2011. Levy debytoi Suomen virallisen listan sijalla 152, ja myi edellisen albumin tapaan kultaa eli yli 10 000 kappaletta. Sen teemana on talvi ja joulu, ja siinä on joitakin vanhoja kappaleita uusina versioina.
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 757: Shortly after her emancipation, Love spent two months in Japan working as a topless dancer, but was deported after her passport was confiscated. She returned to Portland and began working at the strip club Mary's Club, adopting the surname Love to conceal her identity; she later adopted Love as her surname. She worked odd jobs, including as a DJ at a gay disco. Love said she lacked social skills, and learned them while frequenting gay clubs and spending time with drag queens. During this period, she enrolled at Portland State University, studying English and philosophy.
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 759: In 1981, Love was granted a small trust fund that had been left by her maternal grandparents, which she used to travel to Dublin, Ireland, where her biological father was living. She audited courses at Trinity College, studying theology for two semesters. She later received honorary patronage from Trinity's University Philosophical Society in 2010.
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 772: Love named the band Hole after a line from Euripides' Medea ("There is a hole that pierces right through me") and a conversation in which her mother told her that she could not live her life "with a hole running through her".
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 202: Onko PS itsevalistunut guru, joka kauppaa universaaleja "totuuksiaan" herkkäuskoisille?
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 222: Eli aloittajan kysymykseen "onko PS itsevalistunut guru, joka kauppaa universaaleja 'totuuksiaan' herkkäuskoisille?" vastaisin "on". Mikäli haluaa oppia jotain tästä aiheesta, kannattaa pitäytyä ammattilaisten kirjoittamissa teoksissa. Aina, kun jossain mainitaan sana "mindfullness", alan jostain syystä nähdä foliopaperirullia.
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 309: Chopra believes that a person may attain "perfect health", a condition "that is free from disease, that never feels pain", and "that cannot age or die". Seeing the human body as undergirded by a "quantum mechanical body" composed not of matter but of energy and information, he believes that "human aging is fluid and changeable; it can speed up, slow down, stop for a time, and even reverse itself," as determined by one's state of mind. He claims that his practices can also treat chronic disease.
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 466: Matthieu Ricard, né le 15 février 1946 à Aix-les-Bains (France)1, est un essayiste et photographe français. Après l'obtention d'un doctorat en génétique, il devient moine bouddhiste tibétain. Il réside principalement au monastère de Shéchèn au Népal. Traducteur depuis le tibétain vers le français et l'anglais, il est depuis 1989 l’interprète en français du dalaï-lama.
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 710: Sudhamani syntyi kalastajaperheeseen lähellä Kollamia Keralassa, Intian eteläosassa. Äitinsä sairastuttua ja taloudenhoidollisten velvollisuuksien merkittävästi lisäännyttyä, Sudhamani joutui lopettamaan yhdeksänvuotiaana koulunkäynnin. Tyttölapsena hän alistui sekä perheensä että sukulaistensa palvelijaksi ja heidän toistuville pahoinpitelyilleen. Näistä vaatimattomista lähtökohdista hän kehittyi "universaaliseen äitiyteen", joka on houkutellut kannattajia ympäri maailmaa. Hän on erityisen tunnettu jaxuhaleista.
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 870: Myönnettäköön, noi lauseet kuulostaa vitun narsistisilta etenkin toi rajattomuus. Mut ei tässä muuta tehdäkään kun vaihdetaan narsistilla levyä. Oltuasi epäonnistunut narsisti susta tehdään nytte tollasta enempi izetyytyväista versiota.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 116: There are currently five scholarly journals devoted to Nabokov studies. His allusive style and trilingual (English, French, Russian) wordplay are catnip for academics, who endlessly parse challenging texts like “Pale Fire” — a novel in verse, followed by obscurantist commentary — finding new apercus tailor-made for small-journal publication. Nabokov’s apotheosis in academe is quite ironical, because he and his close friend, the literary critic Edmund Wilson, shared an icy disdain for the ivory tower. They viewed universities as ATMs, handy because there were so many of them, and because they were flush with cash. Nabokov, who arrived in the United States penniless in 1940, had to rely on teaching assignments at Wellesley and Cornell to feed his family for 15 years. The moment “Lolita” made him financially independent, he fled Cornell for Switzerland and never set foot in a classroom again.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 282: The most famous literary version of Melusine tales, that of Jean d'Arras, compiled about 1382–1394, was worked into a collection of "spinning yarns" as told by ladies at their spinning coudrette (coulrette (in French)). He wrote The Romans of Partenay or of Lusignen: Otherwise known as the Tale of Melusine, giving source and historical notes, dates and background of the story. Another version, Chronique de la princesse (Chronicle of the Princess). tells how in the time of the Crusades, Elynas, the King of Albany (an old name for Scotland or Alba), went hunting one day and came across a beautiful lady in the forest. She was Pressyne, mother of Melusine. He persuaded her to marry him but she agreed, only on the promise—for there is often a hard and fatal condition attached to any pairing of fay and mortal—that he must not enter her chamber when she birthed or bathed her children. She gave birth to triplets. When he violated this taboo, Pressyne left the kingdom, together with her three daughters, and traveled to the lost Isle of Avalon.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 366: Romaani sovitettiin useita kertoja elokuvalle, versiot julkaistiin vuosina 1924, 1934 ja 1945. Vuonna 1990 televisioon tehty versio poikkesi eniten alkuperäisestä juonesta. 1924: Tyttö Limberlostista, pääosissa Gloria Grey ; tuottanut Gene Stratton Porter Productions, jakelija Amerikan elokuvien varausvirastot 1934: Tyttö Limberlostista, pääosassa Marian Marsh ; tuottaja Monogram Pictures 1938: Romance of Limberlost, pääosassa Jean Parker ; tuottaja Monogram Pictures Viitteet Ulkoiset linkit Tyttö Limberlostista, Indiana University Press. ISBN 978-0-253-20331-1. Gene Stratton-Porter, Limberlostin tyttö Gene Stratton-Porter, Limberlostin tyttö, Virginian yliopiston kirjasto, verkkoteksti A Girl of the Limberlost public domain -äänikirja LibriVoxilla Elokuvaversiot: A Girl on Limberlost (1924) on IMDb A Girl on Limberlost (1934) on IMDb Tyttö on Limberlost (1945) on IMDb A Girl on Limberlost (1990) on IMDb.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 371: Unsurprisingly, (mostly male) scientists have done gobs of research trying to figure out what women want in men. But they have spent much less time uncovering the reverse: what makes women attractive to men. Let's not even get started on the dearth of research on what men find attractive in other men, or women in other women.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 416: Don't overstep the mark and become arrogant.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 492: In the summer of 1998, 71-year-old Silk approaches Zuckerman, hoping that the writer will lend his talents to his case against the college. Zuckerman is uninterested, but the two begin a brief friendship and Silk tells him his life story, beginning with his adolescence in Essex County, New Jersey. Zuckerman reveals to the reader that Silk is secretly a light-skinned African-American who has been "passing" as a Jew since a stint in the Navy during World War II. Silk completes graduate school at New York University, marries a Jewish woman (Iris) and has four children, none of whom are aware of their father's real ancestry.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 500: 9. Late in the novel, Nathan discovers that Faunia had kept a diary and that “the illiteracy had been an act, something she decided her situation demanded” [p. 297]. Why did Faunia feign illiteracy? Was there any reason why she chose this flaw in lieu of others? What are the implications of her secret?
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 614: Samuel Taylor Coleridge is the premier poet-critic of modern English tradition, distinguished for the scope and influence of his thinking about literature rather than for his innovative verse. Active in the wake of the French Revolution as a dissenting pamphleteer and lay preacher, he...
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 625: It has been suggested by Admiral Schneider (in Coleridge, Opium and "Kubla Khan", University of Chicago Press, 1953), among others, that this prologue, as well as the person from Porlock, was fictional and intended as a credible smokescreen of the poem's apparent lecherous intent when published. It was good old clubfooted Byron that convinced Coleridge to publish it in 1816. The poet Stevie Smith also suggested this view in one of her own poems, saying "the truth is I think, he had already stuck it in there".
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 645: Klein’s insistence on viewing aggression as an important force in its own right when analyzing children led her into conflict with Freud’s own daughter, Anna Freud, who was one of the other prominent child psychotherapists in continental Europe but who became moved to London in 1938 where Klein had been working for several years. Many controversies arose out of this conflict, and these are often referred to as controversial debates. In reality, the semitic hags were in one another's hairs. Lähde: xxx/ellauri127.html on line 663: I was a PROFESSOR at 17 years at the University of Costa Rica in Health Systems Research, Epidemiology, Pediatrics, and Community Health in the Masters of Public Health and Family Medicine and the undergraduate of Medicine.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 670: He was a collaborator of the Biocenosis Magazine of the National University of Costa Rica, publishing articles.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 717: The poem begins with the line "A thing of beauty is a joy for ever". Endymion is written in rhyming couplets in iambic pentameter (also known as heroic couplets). Keats based the poem on the Greek myth of Endymion, the shepherd beloved of the moon goddess Selene. The poem elaborates on the original story and renames Selene "Cynthia" (an alternative name for Artemis). It starts by painting the typical rustic scene of trees, rivers, shepherds, and sheep. The shepherds gather around an altar and pray to Pan, god of shepherd pies and cocks. As the youths sing and dance, the elder men sit by the rivers of Babylon and bleat about what life would be like in the shades of Elysium.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 738: At eighteen, Fanny Brawne “was small, her eyes were blue and often enhanced by blue ribbons in her brown hair; her mouth expressed determination and a sense of humour and her smile was disarming. She was not conventionally beautiful: her nose was a little too aquiline, her face too pale and thin (some called it sallow). But she knew the value of elegance; velvet hats and muslin bonnets, crêpe hats with argus feathers, straw hats embellished with grapes and tartan ribbons: Fanny noticed them all as they came from Paris. She could answer, at a moment’s notice, any question on historical costume. ... Fanny enjoyed music. ... She was an eager politician, fiery in discussion; she was a voluminous reader. ... Indeed, books were her favourite topic of conversation”.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 778: Cockney poet Keats was compared to Milton who lived and worked at London's Mermaid Tavern. Coincidentally, his father, Thomas worked as a barman in London's Hoop and Swan Pub until passing in 1804. It is clear John Keats is making a universal statement about poets and the message is associated to lively pub life and drink. The phrase, "new old sign," indicates he recognizes similarities between himself and Milton. Milton vanha kuu pois pyllisti, uusvanha nousee tilalle. Was he a sodomite like Little John? Was he also one of the men in tights?
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 130: World events thereafter moved against the Conservatives. Controversial wars in Afghanistan and South Africa undermined his public support. He angered British farmers by refusing to reinstitute the Corn Laws in response to poor harvests and cheap imported grain. With Gladstone conducting a massive speaking campaign, his Liberals defeated Disraeli´s Conservatives at the 1880 general election. In his final months, Disraeli led the Conservatives in Opposition. He had written novels throughout his career, beginning in 1826, and he published his last completed novel, Endymion, shortly before he died at the age of 76. Russell pelkäsi pienenä Gladstonen setää.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 133: Fils d’un riche chapelier de Dinan, Duclos était destiné à reprendre les affaires de son père mais c’était un enfant doué d’une vive intelligence et d’une grande mémoire et sa mère, devenue veuve, décida de l’envoyer achever ses études à Paris. Il suivit d’abord les cours de l’académie que tenait, rue de Charonne, l’abbé de Dangeau, puis du collège d'Harcourt où il entreprit l’étude du droit en vue de devenir avocat. Mais il se laissa aller à la dissipation, s’appliquant surtout à l’étude des armes, avant de décider de se consacrer aux lettres. Il fréquenta le café Procope et le café Gradot, où l’on ne tarda pas à le remarquer pour l’agrément et le piquant de sa conversation.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 153: Walter "Savage" Landor (1775–1864) oli englantilainen kirjailija. Hän oli niin kiivasluontoinen että hänet erotettiin sekä Rugbyn koulusta että myöhemmin Oxfordin yliopistosta. Hän siirtyi Lontooseen, missä hän julkaisi englannin ja latinan kielellä ensimmäiset runoelmansa. Landorin ensimmäinen laajahko runoteos oli Gebir (1798). Tässä, kuten Landorin myöhemmissäkin runoissa, huomaa järvikoulun ja varsinkin Byronin ällöömän Robert Southeyn vaikutusta. Landorin draamat Count Julian (1811), Andrea of Hungary ja Giovanni of Naples (1839) eivät menestyneet näyttämöllä, ne olivatkin aivan paskoja. Landor eli ahtaissa taloudellisissa oloissa enimmäkseen Walesissa vuoteen 1805, jolloin hän isänsä kuoltua peri kokonaisen omaisuuden. Hän lähti 1808 Espanjaan taistelemaan ranskalaisia vastaan, värväsi omilla varoillaan soturijoukon ja joutui siksi taas taloudelliseen ahdinkoon. Hän siirtyi 1815 Italiaan, missä hän asui 20 vuotta, loppuiällään taloudellisten huolien rasittamana, joihin hän ilman Robert Browningin apua olisi sortunut. Samoin kuin lordi Byron ja Leigh Hunt, myös Landor oli intohimoinen vapauden (= britti-imperialismin) rakastaja, ja vapauden asialle hän oli valmis uhraamaan omaisuutensa. Landorin pääteos on Imaginary conversations of imaginary literary men and statesmen, jonka kaksi edellistä osaa ilmestyivät 1824 ja kolme jälkimmäistä 1829. Teos on täynnä tekosyvällisiä ajatuksia esitettynä kauniilla, dramaattisesti voimakkaalla, joskaan ei aina helposti tajuttavalla proosatyylillä. Eeva Kilpi on suomentanut osittain runon "On his seventy-fifth birthday" julkaisuun Tätä runoa en unohda. Pertti Niemisen suomentama runo "En käynyt kiistaan, hillizin izeni" on julkaistu kokoelmassa Kuu kultainen terälehti.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 190: Rahel Levin wurde 1771 als älteste Tochter des jüdischen Bankiers und Juwelenhändlers Levin Markus (auch Loeb Cohen, 1723–1790), und seiner Frau Heichen, genannt Chaie Levin, geborene Tobias (verstorben 1809) im (nicht mehr existenten) Eckhaus der Spandauer Straße und der Königstraße in Berlin, dem damaligen Rathaus gegenüber, geboren.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 194: Mit dem gleichaltrigen angehenden Mediziner David Veit (1771–1814), der Goethe in Weimar besuchte und ihr seine äußere Erscheinung genau schildern musste, führte die junge Levin eine ausgiebige Korrespondenz, die sich auf Fragen des jüdischen Selbstverständnisses ausdehnte. Ihre Außenseiterrolle als Frau und als Jüdin, die ihr weder eine akademische Bildung noch die intellektuelle Teilhabe am aufgeklärten Diskurs ermöglichte, erlebte sie als bedrückend. Ihrer eigenen Sensibilität sowie ihrem Ungenügen an dem Missverhältnis zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit gab sie wie folgt Ausdruck: „Ich verstell’ mich, artig bin ich, daß man vernünftig sein muß, weiß ich; aber ich bin zu klein das auszuhalten, zu klein; ich will nicht rechnen, daß ich keinen empfindlichern reizbareren Menschen kenne, und der immer in Einer Unannehmlichkeit tausend empfindet, weil er die Karaktere kennt, die sie ihm spielen, und immer denkt und kombinirt, ich bin zu klein, denn nur ein solcher kleiner Körper hält das nicht aus.“
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 208: Rahel Varnhagen verstand sich nicht als Schriftstellerin im professionellen Sinn und nahm wenig Anteil am Literaturbetrieb, obwohl sie häufig dazu ermuntert wurde. Sie pflegte vor allem die Gattungen Tagebuch (wobei Exzerpte aus Büchern oft zu kritischen Essays ausgebaut wurden), Aphorismus und Brief (rund 6000 Briefe von ihr sind bekannt), seltener Gedichte. Trotzdem gehört sie zu den bedeutendsten Vertreterinnen und Vorbildern der im 19. Jahrhundert aufblühenden Frauenliteratur, die sich nicht nur über Lyrik, Romane, Theaterstücke und Opernlibretti erstreckte, sondern oft kleine, intimere Formen wählte. Der Wert ihres Schreibens resultiert aus der Dokumentation historischer und kultureller Vorgänge, sowie aus brillantem Stil und politischer Weitsicht.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 210: Rahel Varnhagen war im Alter von 61 Jahren verstorben. An ihrer Pflege in den letzten Wochen beteiligte sich Bettina von Arnim, die ihr, freilich ohne Erfolg, eine homöopathische Behandlung empfohlen hatte. Aus Sorge, scheintot beigesetzt zu werden, verfügte sie, nach ihrem Tod 20 Jahre lang in einem Doppelsarg mit Sichtfenstern oberirdisch aufgebahrt zu werden. Der Sarg stand 34 Jahre lang in einer Halle auf dem Friedhofsquartier vor dem Halleschen Tor, bis Rahel Varnhagen von Ense 1867 auf Veranlassung ihrer Nichte Ludmilla Assing neben ihrem neun Jahre zuvor verstorbenen Gatten auf dem Dreifaltigkeitsfriedhof I beigesetzt wurde
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 219: Joku Joseph Müller kirjoittaa kuulemma Nordisk familjebokissa, jonka Jönsy sai Tutun kirjastosta, kun en ize viizinyt: "Mutta se ansio hänellä on, että hän aikana, jolloin pilkka ja iva, itsekkyys ja epäusko olivat vallalla kaikkialla, rohkeni muistuttaa ihmisiä heidän moraalisista velvollisuuksistaan ja vaatia heitä kunnioittamaan kaikkia uskonnollisia vakaumuksia." Kuulostaa posetiivarilta. Ainoa häneltä painettuna ilmestynyt teos (1746) sisältää laajahkon kirjoitelman Introduction à la connaissance de l'esprit humain sekä pienempiä, kuten Réflexions sur divers sujets, Conseils à un jeune homme (vältä tippuria), Méditation sur la foi ja Paradoxes mêlés de réflexions et de maximes.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 492: Maurice Bedel, né le 30 décembre 1883 à Paris et mort le 15 octobre 1954 à La Genauraye à Thuré (Vienne)1, est un écrivain, essayiste et journaliste français. Aika lailla Urpo Harvan näköinen. Docteur en médecine, la thèse de Maurice Bedel est consacrée aux obsessions périodiques et se tourne vers la psychiatrie. Il publie ses premiers poèmes sous le pseudonyme de Gabriel Senilis : Le Cahier de Phane. Couronné par le prix Goncourt en 1927 pour son premier roman Jérôme 60° latitude nord, il est élu en 1948 président de la Société des gens de lettres.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 525: He earned his living from writing, particularly popular historical novels such as I, Claudius; King Jesus; The Golden Fleece; and Count Belisarius. He also was a prominent translator of Classical Latin and Ancient Greek texts; his versions of The Twelve Caesars and The Golden Ass remain popular for their clarity and entertaining style. Graves was awarded the 1934 James Tait Black Memorial Prize for both I, Claudius and Claudius the God.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 546: But then he fell in love! Emppu rakastui Geneven lomalla 16-vuotiaaseen koulutyttöön kuin Vladi Lolitaan. Janine matched a template that he had got from a book that influenced his erotic fantasies permanently. With her Slavic features and her cool, rather fey manner, Wanda "Janine" de Szymkiewicz (though Polish) made a perfect Russian queen. She called him Minou, he called her Ginou. Sini ja mini. Sometime in the early nineteen-twenties, Maurois began having affairs. Janine had them, too, or at least flirtations, aquarels of fucking, especially on their seaside vacations in Deauville. Maurois put a lot of his own personality into Shelley, and wrote of Harriet as a “child-wife” made bitter by unhappiness. Emil could be savage: “Even when she had the air of being interested in ideas, her indifference was proved by the blankness of her gaze. Worst of all, she was coquettish, frivolous, versed in the tricks and wiles of woman.” Fortunately, becoming pregnant again in late 1922, Janine developed septicemia, was operated on unsuccessfully, and died on February 26, 1923. Maurois was bereaved, and free. Jahuu! Vihelteliköhän sekin koko matkan hautajaisiin kuten Peppy? Rakkaus on hassuttelua yhdessä.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 552: Après la guerre apparaissent les Pièces brillantes qui jouent sur la mise en abyme du théâtre au théâtre (La Répétition ou l´Amour puni en 1947, Colombe en 1951), puis les Pièces grinçantes, comédies satiriques comme Pauvre Bitos ou le Dîner de têtes (1956). Dans la même période, Jean Anouilh s´intéresse dans des Pièces costumées à des figures lumineuses qui se sacrifient au nom du devoir : envers la patrie comme Jeanne d´Arc dans L´Alouette (1953) ou envers Dieu comme Thomas Becket (Becket ou l´Honneur de Dieu en 1959). Le dramaturge a continué dans le même temps à servir le genre de la comédie dans de nombreuses pièces où il mêle farce et ironie (par exemple Les Poissons rouges ou Mon père ce héros en 1970) jusque dans les dernières années de sa vie.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 555: Christian Morgenstern wurde 1871 in der Theresienstraße 12 in München im Stadtteil Schwabing unweit der Universität geboren. Seine Mutter war Charlotte Morgenstern, geborene Schertel, sein Vater Carl Ernst Morgenstern, Sohn des Malers Christian Morgenstern. Wie der berühmte Großvater, von dem Morgenstern seinen Vornamen erhielt, waren auch der Vater und der Vater der Mutter Landschaftsmaler. Die Namen Otto und Josef gehen auf weitere Verwandte zurück, Wolfgang auf die Verehrung der Mutter für Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 601: Margaret Caroline Anderson (November 24, 1886 – October 19, 1973) was the American founder, editor and publisher of the art and literary magazine The Little Review, which published a collection of modern American, English and Irish writers between 1914 and 1929. The periodical is most noted for introducing many prominent American and British writers of the 20th century, such as Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot in the United States, and publishing the first thirteen chapters of James Joyce's then-unpublished novel, Ulysses. A large collection of her papers on Gurdjieff's teaching is now preserved at Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University. She was blond, shapely, with lean ankles and a Scandinavian face. ... In 1916, Anderson met Jane Heap. The two became lovers. In early 1924, through Alfred Richard Orage, Anderson came to know of spiritual teacher George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff, and saw performances of his 'Sacred dances', first at the 'Neighbourhood Playhouse', and later at Carnegie Hall. Shortly after Gurdjieff's automobile accident, Anderson, along with Georgette Leblanc, Jane Heap and Monique Surrere, moved to France to visit him at Fountainebleau-Avon, where he had set up his institute at Château du Prieuré in Avon.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 619: Adrian Henri (10 April 1932 – 20 December 2000) was a British poet and painter best remembered as the founder of poetry-rock group the Liverpool Scene and as one of three poets in the best-selling anthology The Mersey Sound, along with Brian Patten and Roger McGough. The trio of Liverpool poets came to prominence in that city´s Merseybeat zeitgeist of the 1960s and 1970s. He was described by Edward Lucie-Smith in British Poetry since 1945 as the "theoretician" of the three. His characterisation of popular culture in verse helped to widen the audience for poetry among 1960s British youth. He was influenced by the French Symbolist school of poetry and surrealist art. Aika nolla.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 41: Carl Gustav Jung (* 26. Juli 1875 in Kesswil, Schweiz; † 6. Juni 1961 in Küsnacht/Kanton Zürich), meist kurz C. G. Jung, war ein Schweizer Psychiater und der Begründer der analytischen Psychologie. Carl Gustav Jung wurde 1875 in einem Dorf am Schweizer Ufer des Bodensees geboren. Carl Gustav Jung war der zweite Sohn des reformierten Pfarrers Johann Paul Achilles Jung (1842–1896) und seiner Frau Emilie (1848–1923), Tochter des Basler Antistes Samuel Preiswerk, in Kesswil, Kanton Thurgau. Der gleichnamige Grossvater Karl Gustav Jung (1794–1864) stammte ursprünglich aus Mainz; er emigrierte 1822 nach Basel und wirkte dort bis 1864 als Professor der Medizin, genauer hatte er einen Lehrstuhl für Anatomie, Chirurgie und Geburtshilfe an die Universität Basel inne. Carl Gustav war sechs Monate alt, als sein Vater, ein Bruder des Architekten Ernst Georg Jung, ins Pfarrhaus von Laufen nahe beim Rheinfall umzog. Vier Jahre später zog die Familie nach Kleinhüningen bei Basel, wo sein Vater eine Stelle als Pfarrer in der Dorfkirche Kleinhüningen antrat. Als er neun Jahre alt war, wurde seine Schwester Johanna Gertrud («Trudi») geboren. Nach dem Tod seines Vaters am 28. Januar 1896 musste Jung als junger Student für den Unterhalt seiner Mutter und seiner Schwester sorgen.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 45: Jung spezialisierte sich auf Psychiatrie. Interesse an diesem Gebiet hatte er bereits aufgrund der Aufgaben seines Vaters Paul als Pastor und Konsulent der Psychiatrischen Universitätsklinik Basel (vermutlich von 1886/87 bis zu seinem Lebensende am 28. Januar 1896). Ausschlaggebend für Jungs Entscheidung war die Lektüre von Krafft-Ebings Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie für praktische Ärzte und Studierende, in dem Psychosen als «Krankheiten der Person» beschrieben werden, was für Jung «die beiden Ströme meines Interesses» als «gemeinsame[s] Feld der Erfahrung von biologischen und geistigen Tatsachen» verband. 1900 wurde Jung nach seinem Staatsexamen als Assistent von Eugen Bleuler in der Psychiatrischen Universitätsklinik Zürich in Zürich tätig. Während dieser Zeit entstand aus seinen Beobachtungen von schizophrenen Patienten in 1902 seine Dissertation Zur Psychologie und Pathologie sogenannter occulter Phänomene.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 51: Doch allmählich traten die Differenzen zwischen beiden deutlicher hervor. Ende 1912 führte dies zum Bruch, nachdem Jung sein Buch Wandlungen und Symbole der Libido publiziert hatte. Er kritisierte darin Freuds Libidobegriff, «der von der vorrangigen Bedeutung des Geschlechtstriebes ausging, welche aus der Kindheit des jeweiligen Individuums herrühre», während er der Auffassung war, «dass die Definition erweitert werden, der Libidobegriff ausgedehnt werden müsse, sodass auch universelle Verhaltensmuster, die vielen unterschiedlichen Kulturen in unterschiedlichen geschichtlichen Perioden gemein waren, von ihm erfasst würden». Freud erklärte daraufhin, «dass er die Arbeiten und Ausführungen der Schweizer nicht als legitime Fortsetzung der Psychoanalyse ansehen könne».
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 80: introvertiertes Fühlen ist schwer zugänglich und oft hinter einer banalen oder kindlichen Maske versteckt. Diese Menschen sind harmonisch unauffällig und zeigen wenig Emotionen, auch wenn diese erlebt werden; Emotionen sind bei ihnen nicht extensiv, sondern intensiv. In einer Neurose kommt ihre heimtückische, grausame Seite zum Vorschein.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 84: introvertierte Intuition kommt bei Menschen vor, die sich für die Hintergrundvorgänge des Bewusstseins interessieren. Nicht selten sind sie mystische Träumer oder Seher einerseits, Phantasten und Künstler andererseits. Sie versuchen ihre Visionen in ihr eigenes Leben zu integrieren. Im Falle einer Neurose neigen sie zur Zwangsneurose mit hypochondrischem Erscheinungsbild.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 615: Francis Wiener de Croissant, né Edgar Franz Wiener à Bruxelles le 28 janvier 1877 et mort à Neuilly-sur-Seine le 8 novembre 1937, est un auteur dramatique, romancier et librettiste français. Francis de Croisset est issu d'une famille juive allemande. Son grand-père, Jacques Wiener (1815-1899), s'était installé vers 1835 à Bruxelles ; graveur, il créa le premier timbre belge. Le frère cadet de celui-ci, Léopold Wiener, se fit également connaître comme graveur, médailleur et sculpteur. Le père de Francis de Croisset, Alexandre Wiener (1848-1920), était peintre. L'un de ses oncles, Samson Wiener (1851-1914), fut sénateur à la chambre haute de Belgique et bourgmestre d'une commune bruxelloise. The whole family was known for their remarkable skinless wieners. Francis' innovation was to embed his Jewish wiener in a French croissant, creating the first hot-dog.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 650: When Illinois opened its first hospital for the mentally ill in 1851, the state legislature passed a law that within two years of its passage was amended to require a public hearing before a person could be committed against his or her will. There was one exception, however: a husband could have his wife committed without either a public hearing or her consent. In 1860, Theophilus Packard judged that his wife was "slightly insane", a condition he attributed to "excessive application of body and mind". He arranged for a doctor, J.W. Brown, to speak with her. The doctor pretended to be a sewing machine salesman. During their conversation, Elizabeth complained of her husband's domination and his accusations to others that she was insane. Dr. Brown reported this conversation to Theophilus (along with the observation that Mrs. Packard "exhibited a great dislike to me"). Theophilus decided to have Elizabeth committed. She learned of this decision on June 18, 1860, when the county sheriff arrived at the Packard home to take her into custody.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 727: Nodierin kaunokirjalliset teokset ovat sekä narratiivisia että bibliografisia, kuten teos Mélanges tirés d´une petite bibliothèque, jonka ensimmäinen osa ilmestyi 1829. Kertomuksista huomattavimpia ovat Infernaliana (1822), Smarra, ou les démons de la nuit (1821), Trilby, ou le lutin d´Argail (1822), Histoire du roi de Bohême et de ses sept châteaux (1830), La Fée aux miettes (1832), Inès de las Sierras (1837), Les quatre talismans et la légende de soeur Béatrix (1838). Sanakirjan Dictionnaire universel de la langue française (1823) arvellaan syntyneen ryhmätyönä, vaikka se on julkaistu Nodierin nimissä.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 729: Nodierin kirjoitukset luonnonhistoriasta sisältävät useita hyönteistiedettä koskevia aiheita, kuten Dissertation sur l’usage des antennes dans les insectes (1798) ja Bibliographie entomologique (1801). Kielitiedettä käsittelevät Nodierin teokset ovat Dictionnaire raisonné des onomatopoées de la langue française (1808), Dictionnaire universel de la langue française (1823), Examen critique des dictionnaires de la langue française (1828) ja Notions élémentaires de linguistique (1834).
xxx/ellauri130.html on line 174: Marcion of Sinope (/ˈmɑːrʃən, -ʃiən, -siən/; Greek: Μαρκίων [note 1] Σινώπης; c. 85 – c. 160) was an early Christian theologian, an evangelist, and an important figure in early Christianity.Marcion preached that the benevolent God of the Gospel who sent Jesus Christ into the world as the savior was the true Supreme Being, different from and opposed to the malevolent demiurge or creator god, identified with the Hebrew God of the Old Testament. He considered himself a follower of Paul the Apostle, whom he believed to have been the only true apostle of Jesus Christ, a doctrine called Marcionism. Marcion published the earliest extant fixed collection of New Testament books, making him a vital figure in the development of Christian history.[citation needed] Early Church Fathers such as Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, and Tertullian denounced Marcion as a heretic, and he was excommunicated by the church of Rome around 144. He published the first known canon of Christian sacred scriptures, which contained ten Pauline epistles (the Pastoral epistles weren't included) and a shorter version of the Gospel of Luke (the Gospel of Marcion). This made him a catalyst in the process of the development of the New Testament canon by forcing the proto-orthodox Church to respond to his canon. Varmaan Marcion oli sitten yhtä persepää kuin Puovoli.
xxx/ellauri130.html on line 177: The Marcionite church expanded greatly within Marcion's lifetime, becoming a major rival to the emerging Catholic church. After his death, it retained its following and survived Christian controversy and imperial disapproval for several centuries.
xxx/ellauri130.html on line 549: Alfred Austin P.L. (30 May 1835 – 2 June 1913) was an English poet who was appointed Poet Laureate in 1896, after an interval following the death of Tennyson, when the other candidates had either caused controversy or refused the honour. It was claimed that he was being rewarded for his support for the Conservative leader Lord Salisbury in the General Election of 1895. Austin´s poems are little-remembered today, his most popular work being prose idylls celebrating nature. Austin oli aika lailla Unlucky Alfin näköinen. Bugger it. With my luck, they nominate me as Poet Laureate. Austin was caricatured as "Sir Austed Alfrin" by L. Frank Baum in his 1906 novel John Dough and the Cherub. He was also the subject of a Vanity Fair cartoon by Spy published on 20 February 1896.
xxx/ellauri130.html on line 754:
Pienikin verso osoittaa et k:a ei ole. K. on oikeasti kivempaa kuin kukaan otaxuu.
Wilt Whatman
xxx/ellauri134.html on line 403: Desire: understanding the fundamental laws of the universe
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 82: Lucia Toman´s credentials: Doctoral researcher in Literature. MA in Comparative Literature & Literary Analysis and Criticism, Goldsmiths, University of London · Graduated 2018. A voracious reader · Literature. Reads extensively and has published on Jungian psychology · Jungian Psychology. Avid reader, writer and doctoral student in literature · Literature. PhD researcher interested in Jungian psychoanalysis · Jungian Psychological Type. Knows French. Knows Slovak. Knows Czech. Bet her family is Bohemian (or Moravian perhaps).
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 108: Sophia is female, about 50, with a cowboy hat, Professional Artist and Author. BA in Ancient Egypt & Geology, University of Pennsylvania, Graduated 1984, 249.6K content views20.1K this month.
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 114: I laughed at the person who claimed that liberals were literate and educated. That’s good, if the definition of “literate” and “educated” is “they read what they want to see” and “learn nonsense.” Say what you will, the Harry Potter universe is fundamentally flawed, and I can see why liberals like it so much:
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 117: Everyone is special. Each kid in the HP universe has unique skills. It’s a whole school of special snowflakes overlaying a traditional school dynamic. You get “sorted” into your house; you get a personalized wand, your broom is like a pet. You have owls to bring you messages, how cool is that? I want to be special too!
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 164: Andy is Meat Expert at Pusateri´s Fine Foods 2019–present. Studied Satire at York University (Canada). Graduated 2013. Lives in Toronto, ON.
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 174: Mut hei! Andy on oikeasti wannabe kynäilijä sivutoimena, tai pää-. Studied Creative Writing at University of British Columbia, Okanagan campus (Graduated 2012). Se kysyy Quorassa kyxymyxiä kynäilyn säännöistä ja vastaa niihin ize:
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 379: Lermontovin "Beggar" -vuosi kirjoitettiin 1830 pyhiinvaelluksen aikana Trinity-Sergius Lavraan, jonka runoilija teki ystäviensä ja rakastetun Ekaterina Sushkovan kanssa. Erään version mukaan Mikhail Yurievich otti todelliset tosiasiat työn pohjalta, vaikka hänen morsian kumosi nämä tiedot. Runon kirjoittamisen jälkeen kukaan kirjoittajan ympäristöstä ei ollut epäilystä siitä, kenelle se oli tarkoitettu, koska se oli Sushkovin teko, joka aiheutti runoilijan kirjoittavan runon.
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 516: The things I can tell you about it: It's universal; we all have it. The only people who don't experience shame have no capacity for human empathy or connection. No one wants to talk about it, and the less you talk about it, the more you have it.
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 592: 1905, from German Narzissismus, coined 1899 (in "Die sexuellen Perversitäten"), by German psychiatrist Paul Näcke (1851-1913), on a comparison suggested 1898 by Havelock Ellis, from Greek Narkissos, name of a beautiful youth in mythology (Ovid, "Metamorphoses," iii.370) who fell in love with his own reflection in a spring and was turned to the flower narcissus (q.v.). Narcissus himself as a figure of self-love is attested by 1767. Coleridge used the word in a letter from 1822.
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 230: En me penchant vers toi, reine des adorées,
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 580: Edward Eriksson, Self-employed from University of Iowa xxx/ellauri137.html on line 740: In January 1994, Harding became embroiled in controversy when her ex-husband, Jeff Gillooly, orchestrated an attack on her fellow U.S. skating rival Nancy Kerrigan. Both women then competed in the February 1994 Winter Olympics, where Kerrigan won the silver medal and Harding finished eighth. On March 16, 1994, Harding accepted a plea bargain in which she pleaded guilty to conspiracy to hinder prosecution. As a result of her involvement in the aftermath of the assault on Kerrigan, the United States Figure Skating Association banned her for life on June 30, 1994, and stripped her bar the medals.
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 795: She attended Johns Hopkins University, where she majored in Creative Writing and earned her BA in 1986. After graduating, she interned and was quickly hired as a reporter for the Baltimore Evening Sun. In 1991, she married Tony Massey, her college sweetheart, and the couple moved to Japan. Her husband was almost immediately deployed by the Navy, which left Mrs. Massey to acclimate to the culture alone. She worked as an English teacher while in Japan and began writing. In 1993, her husband’s deployment ended and the couple moved back to the States and settled in Baltimore, where they currently reside.
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 206: Wylie applied engineering principles and the scientific method quite broadly in his work. His novel The Disappearance (1951) is about what happens when everyone suddenly finds that all members of the opposite sex are missing (all the men have to get along without women, and vice versa). The book delves into the double standards between men and women that existed prior the women's bowel movement of the 1970s, exploring the nature of the relationship between men and women and the issues of women's rights and homosexuality.
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 213: Wylie's final works dealt with the potentially catastrophic effects of pollution and climate change. In 1971 Wylie wrote a Name of The Game episode "L.A. 2017", in which the lead character awakens in a science-fiction dystopia, centered on a psychiatric fascist government overseeing the underground-sheltered remnants of humanity on the aftermath of an environmental (pollution) catastrophe.
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 274: Meanwhile, the estate has aggressively decided to control access to the Roth documents independently held at Princeton University, which the university has purchased.Born in 2018 to Roth's friend Benjamin Taylor. The cache includes a copy of "Notes on a Slander-Monger ", unpublished essays on topics such as money, marriage and illness, and a list of his relationships with women, with commentaries.
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 199: Ippolit is a 17-year-old boy who is dying of tuberculosis. An ardent nihilist, he yearns to be taken seriously and attempts to dramatically leave the world. He delivers rambling, self-absorbed, nihilistic speech entitled “A Necessary Explanation” to Myshkin, Nastasya, and Rogozhin, and many others at a party at Lebedev’s dacha. After this, he attempts to commit suicide by shooting himself with the gun he’s had since he was a child. This entire plan backfires, as everyone grows bored with his speech, and when it comes time to kill himself he fails to do so because there is no cap in the gun. After this incident, Ippolit’s illness shows progress and he eventually dies.
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 231: Jo Dostojevskin varhaisimmissa luonnoksissa ja sunnitelmissa esiintyy "idiootiksi" nimitetty sankari. Tämän kuva kuitenkin selvästi eroaa siitä ruhtinas Myshkinin kuvasta, joka on "meille" tuttu teoksen lopullisesta versiosta. Alkuperäisessä laitoksessa "idiootti" on loukattu olento, ylpeä ja kostonhimoinen, yhtälailla hillitön hyvässä ja pahassa, kykenevä mitä hillittömimpiin temppuihin lahjakkaan, mutta villin ja hillittömän luonteensa mukaisesti. "Vihonviimeinen esimerkki ylpeydestä ja egoismista", "tekee roistomaisia temppuja pahuuttaan ja ajattelee, että niin pitääkin", "Ylpeydestä etsii ulospääsyä ja pelastusta"; "Rajaton ylpeys ja rajaton viha" - sellaisia luonnehdintoja sisältyy romaanin "Idiootti" ensimmäisen laitoksen muistiinpanoihin ja suunnitelmiin. "Romaanin perusajatus: niin paljon voimaa, niin paljon pelkoa oman ajan sukupolvea kohtaan - eikä uskoa mihinkään. Rajatonta idealismia ja rajatonta sensualismia", lukee Dostojevskin muistiinpanoissa, kun hän luonnehtii sankarinsa tragediaa, kuten se näyttäytyy kirjailijalle alun perin. Vasta ensimmäisen laitoksen työstämisen seuraavassa vaihessa Dostojevski keksi toisen "idiootin" kuvan, josta voidaan jo tunnistaa tulevan Myshkinin piirteitä. Tässä vaiheessa ilmestyy sankarille myös muita piirteitä; "outo", "hiljainen", "hiirulainen", "hän alkaa joskus äkkiä lukea kaikille tulevan siunauksellisen olotilan piirteitä". Pannaan merkille "hänen ("idiootin") luonteensa ja suhteensa lapsiin", "hyvin heikko terveys", muiden henkilöiden ihmettely "hänen yksinkertaisuutensa ja nöyryytensä".
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 276: Myshkinin puheen taantumuksellis-utopististen ilmausten järjestelmä sai jatkokehittelyn Kirjailijan päiväkirjassa ja versoili laveasti romaaneissa Riivaajat ja Karamazovin veljekset.
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 335: When Madeline finally enters the room, undresses, and falls to sleep, Porphyro is watching her. When he decides that she has fallen completely asleep he makes his approach and wakes her with the playing of a flute. She is ripped from a dream in which she was with a heavenly, more beautiful version of Porphyro and is aghast when she sees the real one. She believes for a moment that he is close to death.
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 554: Never on such a night have lovers met, Tälläisenä yönä voi hyvin saada pimppiä.
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 694: The lustrous salvers in the moonlight gleam; Vaik Porfyyri koittaa käyttää papua,
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 800: These lovers fled away into the storm. Rakastavaiset ketkä karkasivat myräkkään.
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 816: Prof. Stefan Hawlin, Department of English, Chandos Building, University of Buckingham, selittää ton Merlin kohdan Keazin runossa. Perhaps a reference to Spenser's Faerie Queene, Book III, Canto III.7-11? Demoni ois se Lady in the Lake, ja Merlinin velka ois pussillinen siimahäntiä? Tai size on Maloryn Morte d'Arthurista, josta Keazilla oli oma kopio. Oisko se demoni ehkä Merlinin oma iskä, joka oli incubus? Sitä Stefu ehdottaa: Merlin oli paholaisen poika, jonka paholainen siitti kieron kautta, mutta äiti ja Blaise risti Merlinin heti kehdossa, ja vihtahousun juoni oli pilalla. No missä mielessä sit Merlin maxo kehnon velan takaisin? No auttamalla Utherin Igrainen pukille, josta siittyi anti-anti-kristus Artturi. Aika komplisoitua. Spenserin Keijukuningatar on vähän liian pitkä tähän, 36K jaetta ja 4000 värssyä.
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 856: Cet article ou cette section provient essentiellement de Pierre Larousse, Grand Dictionnaire universel du XIXe siècle, ou de la recopie de cette source, en partie ou en totalité. Cette source est dans le domaine public, mais elle peut être trop ancienne ou peu objective.
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 959: Nul ne viendra verser des pleurs. Ei kukaan tule valuttamaan kyyneleitä.
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 971: Ei maar, häätyy vettää koko runoelma läpi, se on monta vertaa pidempi, ja kokonaisuutena vielä huonompi, täys narsistinen paska. (Viimeset säkeistöt on tässä uudestaan, kakkosversiona.)
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 991: ‘Mais Dieu t’entend gémir, Dieu vers qui te ramène Mut sun valituxen kuulee jumala, jonka luo sut vie
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 1009: Nul ne viendra verser des pleurs. Mun hauvalle ei tuu kukaan itkemään.
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 1023: Nicolas Joseph Florent Gilbert, né le 15 décembre 1750 dans le sud du duché de Lorraine à Fontenoy-le-Château et mort le 16 novembre 1780 à Paris, est un poète lorrain francophone. Son père, maire de Fontenoy-le-Château, propriétaire de deux fermes, y exerce le métier de marchand de grains. Son éducation est confiée au curé du village, un jésuite qui, voyant en lui « un esprit apte à être éduqué », lui apprend le latin. Puis le jeune Nicolas part faire ses humanités au collège de l'Arc à Dole. Après 1770, il part pour Paris, avec en poche ses premiers vers, ainsi qu’une lettre, signée de Mme de La Verpillière, femme du prévôt des marchands de Lyon et mécène. Cette lettre recommande le jeune poète à D’Alembert. Il semble que D’Alembert, lui ayant promis une place de précepteur, n’honore pas cette espérance, et le reçoit d’ailleurs assez froidement. Gilbert s'en souviendra quand il composera sa satire du Dix-huitième siècle :
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 1031: En 1775 paraît sa première pièce majeure Le Dix-huitième siècle. C’est une satire en vers qui donne la caricature de son temps ; la philosophie y est le principe de la « chute des arts », de la « perte des mœurs ». Tout y est matière à charge : la bourgeoisie, la noblesse, le clergé libertin ; la littérature du moment y est passée au peigne fin. Des généralités sociales, on passe bientôt aux attaques ad hominem ; à la fin de la satire, du reste, le nom honni paraît enfin : Voltaire. Le Dix-huitième siècle est véritablement à sa parution, et pour reprendre le mot de Huysmans, « un météore dans le champ littéraire » de l’époque. Il n'est pas de bon ton, La critique se dechaine.
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 1071: Pierre François Lacenaire, född 20 december 1803 i Francheville, giljotinerad 9 januari 1836 i Paris, var en yrkeskriminell bedragare och mördare, som gått till historien genom sina Minnen (1836), nedtecknade på kort tid medan han väntade på sin avrättning. De utgavs första gången samma år som han dog och finns i svensk översättning sedan 1999. André Breton tog med en av Lacenaires dikter i sin antologi om svart humor, Anthologie de l'humour noir (1940). Hyvä Antero.
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 1147: Manfred est un drame en vers de George Gordon Byron, dit Lord Byron, publié en 1817. Bourrelé de remords après avoir tué celle qu'il aimait, Manfred vit seul comme un maudit au cœur des Alpes. Il invoque les esprits de l'univers, et ceux-ci lui offrent tout, excepté la seule chose qu'il désire, l'oubli. Il essaie alors, mais en vain, de se jeter du haut d'un pic élevé. Il visite ensuite la demeure d'Ahriam, mais refuse de se soumettre aux esprits du mal, leur enjoignant d'évoquer les morts. Enfin lui apparaît Astarté, la femme qu'il a aimée puis tuée par son étreinte (« My embrace was fatal... I loved her and destroy'd her »). Répondant à son invocation, Astarté lui annonce sa mort pour le lendemain. Au moment prédit apparaissent des démons pour s'emparer de lui, mais Manfred leur dénie tout pouvoir sur sa personne. Pourtant, à peine sont-ils apparus qu'il meurt. La situation de Manfred deviendra l'un des poncifs favoris composant le portrait de l'homme fatal du romantisme. Cette pièce s'inspire, pense-t-on[Qui ?], dans son plan, du Faust de Goethe et selon certains, contiendrait une allusion du poète à sa demi-sœur Augusta Leigh. Sitäkin se dodennäköisesti bylsähti.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 60: Brian McCormack, a Ph.D. graduate of Arizona State University, and Michael McCormack, a graduate of Harvard University, work together to promote this annual global event. Brian's career has since had a rocket start, Michael's is a steady falling trend.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 95: The founder of his own holiday, the author of several of Mahatma Gandhi's books, and the one-time pen pal of figures as diverse as M/S Queen Elizabeth II and Whoopi Goldberg, McCormack knows exactly what comes next.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 100: McCormack has recently been accepted to the University of California at Los Angeles pornographic film school; he and his silicon wife will be moving from Nebraska to Los Angeles in the fall. He says he is eager to begin erecting and also has future plans to break into film as a character actor. McCormack, who someday hopes to develop some of his (well, his, Mahatma's and Hemingway's) novels into movies, says he has waited to go to Hollywood until the time felt right and he had paid his dues.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 112: World Hooray Day was founded in 1973 by Brian McCormack, a Ph.D. graduate of Arizona State University, and Michael McCormack, a graduate of Harvard University, in celebration of the Yom Kippur War. We Won! You Lost! Hooray!
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 177: The sages said that the only difference between this world and the days of the Messiah will be with regard to the enslavement to the kingdoms. It appears from the plain meaning of the words of the prophets that at the beginning of the days of the Messiah, there will be the war of Gog and Magog. And that prior to the war of Gog and Magog, a prophet will arise to straighten Israel and prepare their hearts, as it is written, Behold, I will send to you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord (Mal. 4:5) And he will come not to declare the pure impure, or the impure pure; not to declare unfit those who are presumed to be fit, nor to declare fit those who are held to be unfit; but for the sake of peace in the world….And there are those among the sages who say that prior to the coming of the Messiah will come Elijah. But all these things and their likes, no man can know how they will be until they will be. For they are indistinct in the writings of the prophets. Neither do the sages have a tradition about these things. It is rather, a matter of interpretation of the Biblical verses. Therefore there is a disagreement among them regarding these matters. And in any case, these are mere details which are not of the essence of the faith. And one should definitely not occupy oneself with the matter of legends, and should not expatiate about the midrashim that deal with these and similar things. And one should not make essentials out of them. For they lead neither to fear nor to love [of God]. Neither should one calculate the End. The sages said, “May the spirit of those who calculate the End be blown away” But let him wait and believe in the matter generally, as we have explained.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 199: And the land shall mourn, every family apart (Zech. 12:12). Two have interpreted this verse. One said: “This is the mourning over the Messiah,” and the other said: “This is the mourning over the Evil Inclination” [which will be killed by God in the Messianic days]. Yerushalmi Talmud Sukka 55b[10],[11]
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 209: The fifth house [in the heavenly Paradise] is built of onyx and jasper stones, and inlaid stones, and silver and gold, and good pure gold. And around it are rivers of balsam, and before its door flows the River Gihon. And [it has] a canopy of all trees of incense and good scent. And[in it are] beds of gold and silver, and embroidered garments. And there sits Messiah ben David and Elijah and Messiah ben Ephraim. And there is a canopy of incense trees as in the Sanctuary which Moses made in the desert. And all its vessels and pillars are of silver, its covering is gold, its seat is purple. And in it is Messiah ben David who loves Jerusalem. Elijah of blessed memory takes hold of his head, places it in his lap and holds it, and says to him: “Endure the sufferings and the sentence of your Master who makes you suffer because of the sin of Israel.” And thus it is written; He was wounded because of our transgressions, he was crushed because of our iniquities (Isaiah 53:5) until the time when the comes. (“Midrash Konen” BhM 2:29-30)[13]
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 384: 21 May World Day for Cultural Diversity of Dialogue Games xxx/ellauri148.html on line 385: 22 May International Day for Biological Diversity xxx/ellauri148.html on line 396: 20 September International Day of University Sport
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 398: 28 September International Day for the Universal Access to Information
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 434: F1ilosofia on inspiroiva oppiaine ja samalla myös arkiaskare joka voi muuntaa seuroja. Vilauttamalla maailman intellektuellien virtausten diversiteettiä, filosofia virkistää siveysoppien välistä vuoronperään puhelua. Herättämällä mieliä aivovoimisteluun ja törmäyttämällä perusteltuja mielipiteitä, filosofit auttavat rakentamaan vikasietoisempaa, kunnioittavampaa seurustelua. Ne siten auttavat ymmärtämään ja vastaamaan isompiin ajankohtaisiin haasteisiin luomalla intellektuelleja muutostekijöitä tyyppiä Eski Saarinen. Tuija Pehkosen haastattelussa kahdeksankymmentäluvun kapinallisesta on tullut kaksituhattaluvun hyväntahdon ja rakkauden lähettiläs. Mutta mistä usko ihmisen hyvyyteen kumpuaa? Sas se.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 448: In Santiago de Chile, We are waiting for you at 11:30 am! For the defense of the teaching of philosophy in secondary and university education.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 456: Santiago de Chile, Chile. “The importance of teaching philosophy in Human Rights Education” by Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez. Vrt. kohta 4 yllä.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 458: Bristol, UK was celebrating World Philosophy Day and the new Philosophy programme by University of the West of England (launching September 2022). Join us for an evening of discussion and debate -all welcome, no previous philosophy experience required!
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 460: The Brussels team notes that Philosophy is often considered to be an intellectual activity and not very practical. However, a basic training in philosophy used to be considered essential before embarking on further study in a whole range of subjects. Over thousands of years, philosophy has been the mother of all sciences and a key driving force in human progress. This year we will be looking at how ‘philosophy in the classical tradition’ can actively contribute to finding solutions to our many crises, help us find more sustainable ways of living and develop the inner potential of the human being. The event will consist of five talks of about 20 minutes each, with a break after the third speaker. Topics covered will include philosophy as the art of living, learning how to think, inner development and transformation, the role of philosophy in promoting active citizenship and the universal laws and timeless principles of the perennial and hermetic philosophy. For those you can, the suggested donation for the live stream is £8 (£5cons), this will help to support our activities, thank you!
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 466: Mannheim, Germany. World Day of Philosophy 2021: Public lecture "Responsibility for the Future and Climate Ethics". Public lecture with reception on the World Day of Philosophy with a greeting by Rector Prof. Dr. Thomas Puhl by Mannheim University. The lecture will focus on the question of how far individuals must or should feel obliged to contribute to climate protection. Hold on to your pants!
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 479: Conversations on topics such as empathy, human connections, and kindness in adverse moments will be addressed in rich encounters of philosophical knowledge. From the perspective of Plato, Seneca, Epictetus and classical philosophers from the Greek and Latin cradle, New Acropolis teachers will reflect on our current historical moment. An opportune moment to take advantage of philosophical knowledge, from love to wisdom, to break barriers of difficulties, obtaining a more humanistic sense of life. In all, eight (8) professors will be part of New Acropolis' annual event.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 481: Lisbon, Portugal. Dia mundia da filosofia by the Externato João XXIII .“In this atypical year, in which our lives are so busy and so full, we mark this day with simplicity. But meeting what is necessary and so primordial in the world of Philosophy: Shop to Think. Thus, without artifice, we leave to the community of the Externato João XXIII, the challenge of shopping to think and seek a question for an answer, this is a philosophical exercise par excellence. It intends to stimulate our critical and creative thinking. The story is told of a wise man who knew the right answer to any question from and about the Universe. It was 42. However, he did not know the question it was an answer to. Which question would you suggest?
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 485: Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain: “Philosophy, Future and what now?” by University of la Lacuna. Date: November 11, 2021. Place: Salón de Grados (1st year students, Philosophy), Aula 4.6 (2nd year students, Future), Aula 4.5 (3rd year students, What now?), Seminar 3 (4th year students, TBD.). Philosophy Section. Free admission at the following link.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 487: Jalpaiguri, India. ‘The Philosophy and Contribution of Contemporary Thinkers’by ByNorth Bengal University-Department of Philosophy.Lokmanya B.G. Tilak, Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi, Sri Aurobindo, K.C. Bhattacharya, Vinoba Bhave, Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya, Pt. Hanuman Prasad Podda. Chants from Bhagavad Gita.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 489: Bhubaneswar, India. Speaking on the occasion, Prof.R.V. Raja Kumar, Director, IIT Bhubaneswar said that World Philosophy Day is celebrated to promote respect for human dignity and diversity. He stressed the fact that philosophy being an important subject is discussed across the world. IIT Bhubaneswar being one of the premier institutes of higher learning endeavors to promote the study of philosophy to make our students maintain the connect to the philosophy and the related sensitivities. He emphasized the need to teach philosophy at all levels, especially to the students of science and technology as has been done at IIT Bhubaneswar. He opined that it is needed more for the youngsters today. He also presented an overview of the various courses being offered at School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management (SHSSM) at IIT Bhubaneswar.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 491: Bamberg, Germany. Unesco-Welltag der Philosophie by Bamberg Universität. Man is only fully human where he plays (Friedrich Schiller). Play is still a largely unexamined phenomenon in ethics education. Despite the numerous possibilities of using it (e.g. as a role play), the traditional text discussion is still the standard. In interaction, the participants and the lecturer will discuss and test different possibilities of a game-centered ethics education. The central question is: Which competencies can be opened up through the use of playful methods? To make sure that it does not just remain theoretical, we offer all participating students a city tour of a different kind: By means of a rally on the app Action-Bound, the participants get to know Bamberg not only with its well-known sights, but also from a philosophical point of view. In addition to answering questions about the content, there are also smaller but philosphically no less important tasks to complete.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 497: Istanbul, Turkey. "The Anti-nihilistic Effort in Nietzsche's Will to Power." ("Nietzsche'nin Güç İstemi'ndeAnti-nihilist Çaba") by Proffessor of Philosophy in Turkey, İzmir, Dokuz Eylül Üniversity, Faculty of Letters, Department of Philosophy.Event Location: ODTÜMİST (ODTÜ Mezunlar Derneği),Ulus ODTÜPARK -Ulus Mahallesi, Adnan Saygun Cd, Budak Sok., No:17, Ulus -Beşiktaş,PK: 34340,İstanbul, Türkiye.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 499: Moscow, Russia. The Russian Philosophical Society and the National University of Science and Technologies «MISiS» will host no less than 3 colorful events.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 54: Tung said he prefers teams with cross-cultural backgrounds. For example, Zhang Sheng, co-founder of Wish, is a Chinese who once studied in the U.S., while another co-founder of the company Peter Szulczewski is a Jew from east Europe. He explained that Americans tend to focus on domestic market and ignore overseas opportunities. But teams with multinational backgrounds are more likely to set their eyes on global market. For example, around 50% of Wish’s revenue comes from overseas market.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 141: Harisalo, Risto & Miettinen, Ensio: Luottamuspääoma (Trust Capital). Yrittäjyyden kolmas voima. Tampere: Tampere University Press, 1995. ISBN 951-44-3840-X.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 142: Harisalo, Risto & Miettinen, Ensio: Vastuuyhteiskunnan peruslait. Tampere: Tampere University Press, 1995. ISBN 951-44-3771-3.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 143: Harisalo, Risto & Miettinen, Ensio: Klassinen liberalismi. Tampere: Tampere University Press, 1997. ISBN 951-44-4119-2.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 242: Jos todella haluatte saada yllätys paketin niin pyydämme teitä lähettämään meille shekin alla olevan linkin kautta. Paketin valmistavat Antiikin Ajan diverssiputiikin pirteät vanhuxet. Siinä voi olla esim hampaaton kampa tai pyykkipoikia. Hauska lapsille!
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 364: Roger Ebert gave the film three stars out of four, calling it "a bright and sometimes breathtaking retelling" of the source material. He praised it as a improved version of the "commercial shlock" of the source material, "being light instead of turgid" and "outward-looking instead of narcissistic". He applaud the portrayal of the titular character as "human, strong and reachable", only achieved elsewhere by The Gospel According to St. Matthew (1964) and The Last Temptation of Christ (1988).
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 366: Conversely, Howard Thompson of The New York Times wrote, "Broadway and Israel meet head on and disastrously in the movie version of the rock opera 'Jesus Christ Superstar,' produced in the Biblical locale. The mod-pop glitter, the musical frenzy and the neon tubing of this super-hot stage bonanza encasing the Greatest Story are now painfully magnified, laid bare and ultimately patched beneath the blue, majestic Israeli sky, as if by a natural judgment." Arthur D. Murphy of Variety wrote that the film "in a paradoxical way is both very good and very disappointing at the same time. The abstract film concept ... veers from elegantly simple through forced metaphor to outright synthetic in dramatic impact."
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 372: Nevertheless, the film as well as the musical were criticized by some religious groups. As a New York Times article reported, "When the stage production opened in October 1971, it was criticized not only by some Jews as anti-Semitic, but also by some Catholics and Protestants as blasphemous in its portrayal of Jesus as a young man who might even be interested in sex." A few days before the film version's release, the National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council described it as an "insidious work" that was "worse than the stage play" in dramatizing "the old falsehood of the Jews' collective responsibility for the death of Jesus," and said it would revive "religious sources of anti-Semitism." Jesus argued in response that the film "never was meant to be, or claimed to be an authentic or deep theological work. Just humdrum everyday anti-semitism."
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 381: Jesus Christ Superstar is a Rock Opera and (subverted?) Passion Play by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice. Originally released as a Concept Album in 1970 (when Lloyd Webber and Rice were still in their very early twenties, no less!), it made its way to the Broadway and London stage in 1971, and was adapted into a film directed by Norman Jewison in 1973. An updated version was recorded sometime around 2000 by Webber's Really Useful Group for PBS. A filmed version of the UK arena tour starring Tom Munchin as Judas was released on DVD and digital in 2012, and a live adaptation starring John Lennon as Jesus, Sara Bareilles as Mary Magdalene and Alice Cooper as Herod that aired on NBC in 2018. The show lives on in stage productions and tours (and even non-theatrical tribute albums from fans who were more attracted to it as an album than a show) to this day. Inspired by… The Four Gospels of The Bible (specifically the arrival in Jerusalem and subsequent crucifixion of Jesus), it chronicles the last seven days of Jesus' life, focusing mainly on the characters of Jesus, Judas and Mary Magdalene. It's regarded among Andrew Lloyd Webber's best works, which is not saying much. It's a pseudo-sequel to Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, though this took a bit more liberty with the source material and is considerably less playful.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 407: King Herod is a genocidal king, one who ordered the mass-slaughter of Jewish babies, which is why Jesus was born in stable to refugee parents. He also is the one who determines Jesus is a fraud and sends him back to Pilate. Yet his song number is a bouncy plea for Jesus to perform miracles while bopping around. The 2012 version turns him into a talk show host, where he asks the viewers to vote if Jesus is a miracle worker or a fraud. He gets a round of applause after his song, despite the audience knowing that he sealed Jesus's fate and that he's set the ball rolling for the climactic crucifixion.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 434: Arguably the strongest moment: when he is at absolute rock bottom, right before his suicide, Judas breaks into a reprise of Mary's "I Don't Know How to Love Him." When Mary sings it, it's implicitly about romantic love. And while Judas's version stops before "And I've had so many men before," it concludes with the anguished cry, "Does he love me, too? Does he care for me?"
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 442: To compare: in the 1973 version Judas's kiss of betrayal is Judas sneaking up from behind, giving Jesus a very quick light peck on the cheek. In the 2000 version, the two are looking each other directly in the eyes while crying. Then Judas gives him a deep, long, smooch and Jesus responds by briefly wrapping his arms around him before Judas pushes him off.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 444: In the 2000 version of "Heaven on Their Minds", Judas pleads to Jesus while they are alone together, with lots of Judas getting into Jesus's personal space, and hesitant, delicate touches to Jesus's bare skin. Compare the 1973 version of "Heaven on Their Minds" which has Judas overlooking the group from a distance and talking to himself.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 495: Paul Anton De Lagarde was born in Berlin as Paul Bötticher; in early adulthood he legally adopted the family name of his maternal line out of respect for his great-aunt who raised him. At Humboldt University of Berlin (1844–1846) and University of Halle-Wittenberg (1846–1847) he studied theology, philosophy and Oriental languages.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 505: Lagarde´s anti-Semitism laid the foundations for aspects of National Socialist ideology, in particular that of Alfred Rosenberg. He argued that Germany should create a "national" form of Christianity purged of Semitic elements and insisted that Jews were "pests and parasites" who should be destroyed "as speedily and thoroughly as possible". His library now belongs to the New York University.
xxx/ellauri154.html on line 99: While there were many contemporary critics of her comportment, many people accepted her behaviour until they became shocked with the subversive tone of her novels. Those who found her writing admirable were not bothered by her ambiguous or rebellious public behaviour. Victor Hugo commented "George Sand cannot determine whether she is male or female. I entertain a high regard for all my colleagues, but it is not my place to decide whether she is my sister or my brother. I bet s/he doesn´t know her/himself." She engaged in an intimate romantic relationship with actress Marie Dorval. She was buried in sand behind the chapel at Nohant. In 1880 her children sold the rights to her literary estate for 125,000 Francs[28] (equivalent to 36 kg worth of gold, or 1.3 million dollars in 2015 USD). Quite a handsome net worth for a lady. Sand often performed her theatrical works in her small private theatre at the Nohant estate. Sand was all for the bourgeois revolution but no communist. Victor Hugo, in the eulogy he gave at her funeral, said "the lyre was within her, so no wonder nothing else could fit in."
xxx/ellauri154.html on line 145: Denis décapité aurait ensuite marché vers le nord pendant six kilomètres, sa tête sous le bras, traversant Montmartre jusqu'à un lieu qui s'appelle aujourd'hui Saint-Denis. À la fin de son trajet, il donna sa tête à une femme pieuse originaire de la noblesse romaine et nommée Catulla, puis s'écroula. On l'ensevelit à cet endroit précis et on y édifia une basilisque en son honneur.
xxx/ellauri154.html on line 158: Jo yliopiston käynnistysvaiheessa akateemiset ihmiset jaettiin työryhmissä ”leopardeiksi, karhuiksi ja kotkiksi”, joiden tehtävänä oli tunnistaa ”Wau!-kokemuksia”. Yliopiston innovaatiojohtaja etsi lehti-ilmoituksella ihmisiä, jotka ”sytyttävät innostuksen tulipaloja”. Yliopiston uutta logoa tungettiin joka paikkaan niin laajalti, että opiskelijat alkoivat parodioida sitä. Yliopisto kielsi pilaversioiden käytön.
xxx/ellauri154.html on line 203: Practically everyone knows Godard’s classic pronouncement, “All you need for a movie is a girl and a putz,” but a 1989 interview contains one of the more caustic charges Godard levels at cinema, that “Cinema is an ideology based on men living out through their imaginations what they could not do to women.” This chauvinist pig who openly played out his own marital problems with Anna-Kaarina in their collaborations of the ‘60s, now abrazes other toxic males for similar diversions.
xxx/ellauri154.html on line 214: The theme of Salome is one that Moreau returned to time and again. The artist explored the subject in more than one hundred sketches and drawings as well as in numerous paintings—ranging from highly elaborate to sketchily rendered—and even in sculpture (both Salome and The Apparition figured in Moreau’s waxworks). Moreau was not alone in his passion for the theme of Salome, as other famous artists — Lucas Cranach, Caravaggio, Titian, Guido Reni, Artemisia Gentileschi, Aubrey Beardsley, and Nabil Kanso, to name just a few — shared this interest. Selkeästi perverssiä jengiä.
xxx/ellauri154.html on line 355: Ja projisoi sit pahat aikeensa tohon särkyneeseen ruukkuun. Moreaun full frontal nudity-versiossa Salomesta Huismannin mielestä "paljastui ihmisolennon sukupuolinen himo koko kauheudessaan. Vasta nyt hän oli todellinen portto, joka totteli kiihkeää, julman naisellista luontoaan. Hän oli elävä ja jalompi, mutta myös kesyttömämpi; kammottavampi, mutta myös kiihottavampi." Toisaalta ja toisaalta. "Hän elvytti miehen horroxeen vaipuneet aistit voimallisemmin ja murskasi tämän tahdon paljon tehokkaammin kuin aiempi Salome. Nyt hänessä oli samaa viehätysvoimaa kuin valtavassa veneerisessä kukassa, joka on itänyt jumalattomissa kukkapenkeissä ja versonut epäpyhissä kasvihuoneissa ." Ja tämä kaikki vain koska alaharjaan oli suora sihti! Hei Huismanni sanoo Moreauta illuminaataxi! Ahhaa! Salaliittovehkeitä!
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 102: Jordaen's personal interaction with the Bible was strengthened by his conversion from Catholicism to Protestantism. Like Rubens, he studied under Adam van Noort, who was his only teacher. During this time Jordaens lived in Van Noort's house and became very close to the rest of the family. 8 years later, after joining the tapestry painters' guild, 1616, he married his teacher's eldest daughter, Anna Catharina van Noort, with whom he had three children. Perhaps the big butt belonged to Anna Catharina.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 107: In the seventeenth century, the story of King Candaules’s wife was seen as a moral lesson, warning against violations of the marital bedchamber. The theme was treated by the poet Jacob Cats in his Toneel vande mannelicke Achtbaerheyt, in which he devoted no less than eighty-six verses to the tale of Candaules and Gyges, and illustrates the scene in the royal bedchamber with a print by Pieter de Jode after Adriaen van de Venne. In the print the Queen is seen half naked from behind. Candaules is already in bed, and the Queen looks at Gyges, who is largely concealed behind the wallhangings. The moral of the story is clarified by a scene on a smaller scale in the background, showing Candaules being slain by Gyges. The print no doubt served as an inspiration for several other later renditions of the theme in Northern Netherlandish painting, including works by Frans van Mieris the Elderv, and Eglon van de Neervi.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 156: Reb Baruch kuten kaimansa Spinoza sovelsi ontologista jumalatodistusta jota on jo nakerrettu toisaalla. Se on ollut hyvin suosittu huuhaan eri kenttäpuoliskoilla mutta silti se on päin persettä simppelillä tavalla. Määritelmästä ei seuraa olemassaoloa, se on universaaliväittämä. Olemassaolo ja 1-käsitteisyys on erixeen osoitettava. Saatuaan ontologiatodistuxen läpi Baruch jatkaa ilman lisätodistuxia. Niin aina. Luomishalu (vanha kunnon siitosvimma) oli Jumalan pääattribuutteja.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 178: Depending upon the translation used (eg. the Hebrew Transliteration “Eth Cepher”) you may get a clearer view of what actually happened. The Moabites were made to lie down upon the the ground. They were measured. Those measuring one length of cord were spared but the giants - a hybrid breed were executed. This is in keeping with the killing of the charge hybrids Goliath of Gath and his brothers. Please note that Og of Bashan was a giant, as were the Rephaim and the Anakin Skywalker. The Book of Echinococh as recommended by Peter, Paul and Mary explains further who “the sons of God” actually were and really clarifies Genesis 6 and why our Mighty Mouse had to destroy the earth. The “sons of God” were not human and hence their offspring were no longer a scale image of God (who had shrunk a lot like a leaky balloon due to all the emanation) so they could never have salivation. The Eth Cepher gives a much clearer translation of the Hebrew than the English versions and so we see that the decimated gorillas were quite malevolent towards God and His more recently created short order cooks - especially people.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 259: Hasids are nature-lovers by nature. Rabbi Nachman of Breslav poetically depicts the spiritual lifeforce in the grasses of the field as joining and helping in one's prayers. Psychologically too, nature looks better with dogs and sheep in it. To a sensitised soul, even a tree can take on extra dimensions if it has a hole in it. The Kabbalists explain that one of the Hebrew names of God "Elo-h-im" is numerically equivalent in Gemara with "HaTeva" meaning "Nature").
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 320: Vain muuttuva perinne on elävää perinnettä. Paikallaan pysyvä perinne on kuollutta, museokamaa. Sikoja on alettu pitää Suomessa kotieläiminä vasta 1600-luvulla, mutta kukkoja ja piirakoita on leivottu jo keskiajalla savo-karjalaisen uunityypin yleistyttyä. Hyvä tuula-neiti! Kasvisversio kukosta voi ihan hyvin sisältää sianlihan sijaan pekaanipähkinää.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 334: Mixi eläimet kärsivät? Emme me voi kantaa huolta eläimistä, sanoi Singerin kelloseppä Todros, ja yhtä uskovaisen antropologisesti kommentoi veli Jöns. Olis syytä kantaa, sillä ilman diversiteettiä on apinankin loru pian loppuun luritettu.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 347: Could there possibly be a connection between Scholem’s own confession of moral confusion and his treatment of Frank. Did he see something of himself in Frank, who was accused of various sexual perversions, and recoil in horror? While there can be no definitive answer to this question, considering Scholem’s emotional life from the years in which he was writing this pathbreaking essay creates the possibility of a new reading.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 450: In a world of fear and brokenness, Rabbi Nachman brought healing through his stories and his wisdom. He has become an iconic figure in the universe of Hasidic thinking, and today, thousands of people make pilgrimages to his grave in Uman in central Ukraine, usually around the High Holidays. People go there believing that the journey will “fix” their brokenness.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 457: Obverse:
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 508: Hesse’s personal experience with psychoanalysis began when he sought therapy and refuge in a sanatorium after his father’s death in 1916, his first wife’s schizophrenia, and a serious illness of his son, Martin (not Mordechai). This began a long obsession with psychoanalysis, the influence of which appears in Demian (1919) and in his later work, which evidences his interest in Jungian concepts of introversion and extraversion, the collective unconscious, idealism, and the duality of human nature.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 564: "Eine ganz wunderbare Nachricht", freut sich Prof. Dr. Birgitta Wolff, Präsidentin der Goethe-Universität. „Martin Buber und sein Werk sind heute aktueller denn je“, ist Prof. Wiese überzeugt. Das heisst: Prof. Dr. Christian Wiese, Martin-Buber-Professur für jüdische Religionsphilosophie,
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 565: Fachbereich 06 Evangelische Theologie, Goethe-Universität. Telefon 069 798-33313 bzw. -33312. --- Christian? Mordechai dreht sich um in dem Grab.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 567: Martin Buber war von 1924 bis 1933 – zunächst als Lehrbeauftragter, später als Honorarprofessor für jüdische Religionslehre und Ethik – an der Universität Frankfurt am Main tätig. Er legte die Professur 1933 nach der Machtübernahme Hitlers nieder, um einer Aberkennung zuvorzukommen. Danach wirkte er am Aufbau der Mittelstelle für jüdische Erwachsenenbildung bei der Reichsvertretung der Deutschen Juden mit, bis diese ihre Arbeit einstellen musste. Noch vor dem Novemberpogrom 1938 emigrierte Buber nach Israel. Zeitlebens stand Martin Buber in Kontakt mit Persönlichkeiten aus allen Bereichen des geistigen Lebens, darunter auch zahlreichen Literatinnen und Literaten wie Margarete Susman, Hermann Hesse, Arnold Zweig, Thomas Mann oder Franz Kafka. Dabei scheute er auch vor kontroversen Auseinandersetzungen nicht zurück.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 571: Von 1906 bis 1916 lebte Buber in Berlin und war als Lektor beim Verlag Rütten & Loening tätig. 1916 zog er in die kleine südhessische Stadt Heppenheim, seine naturnahe Wahlheimat. Bis 1924 war er Herausgeber der Monatsschrift „Der Jude“. Neben seiner Lehrtätigkeit am Freien Jüdischen Lehrhaus in Frankfurt/Main (1922–1929) übernahm Buber einen Lehrauftrag für jüdische Religionslehre und jüdische Ethik an der Universität Frankfurt. Sein Lektorat wurde 1930 in eine Honorarprofessur für allgemeine Religionswissenschaft umgewandelt. Er war 52 Jahre alt. Einen Tag nach der Machtergreifung der Nationalsozialisten legte Buber seine Professur nieder, noch bevor ihm die Lehrerlaubnis durch die Nationalsozialisten offiziell entzogen wurde. Für die Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland gründete und leitete er die sogenannte „Mittelstelle für jüdische Erwachsenenbildung“, bis ihm 1935 jede öffentliche Tätigkeit verboten wurde.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 573: 1938 floh Buber mit seiner Familie nach Palästina. Im gleichen Jahr wurde er Professor für Sozialphilosophie an der Hebräischen Universität in Jerusalem, wo er sich in die politischen Diskussionen um die Rechte der Araber in Palästina einschaltete. 1942 wurde er Mitbegründer der Gruppe „Ichud“, welche die für die Gründung eines Staates Israel mit Juden und Arabern als gleichberechtigten Völkern eintrat. Viel später, auf dem Sterbebett, ordnete er die Verdoppelung der Stipendien (je 20 Mark) für bedürftige arabische Studenten an. Buber starb am 13.06.1965 in seinem Haus in Jerusalem, 2 Jahre vor dem Jim Kippur Krieg.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 575: Die erste Psychoanalytikerin, die versuchte, Buber die Psychoanalyse näher zu bringen, war Lou Andreas-Salomé (1861–1937). Wie wir schon wisssen, war sie mit Nietzsche und Rilke eng beschäftigt, kein Wunder dass sie sich um Bubers tolle Liebestheorien interessierte.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 583: Buber wirft beispielsweise den analytischen Schulen vor, dass sie eine „existentielle“, also reale Schuld der Menschen an dem Gott da oben nicht kennen bzw. sich mit dieser nicht befassen, sondern nur mit den neurotischen Schuldgefühlen, deren Existenz selbstverständlich auch von Buber selbst anerkannt wird.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 585: Im öffentlichen Ich-Du Dialog mit Rogers äußerte Buber relativ ausführlich seine Ideen über die Anwendung der Dialogik in der Psychotherapie, wobei es trotz Meinungsunterschieden und partiellen Missverständnissen auch viele Gemeinsamkeiten bzw. gegenseitige Ergänzungen mit Ginger --- nein, Fred --- Janice --- Buck --- Roy --- Prince --- Searle --- äsch, Carl Rogers gab.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 594: Im Umgang zwischen Dingen und Menschen versteht von Weizsäcker die drei Typen des Umgangs; es sind die Ich-Du-Begegnung, die Ich-Ding-Begegnung und die (narzisstische) Selbstbegegnung. Eros, Agape, Paraphilia.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 39: Belgian nude model Marisa Papen, who describes herself as a 'free-spirited and wildhearted exhibitionist', became the centre of a worldwide controversy 2017 when she was sent to prison for a photoshoot in the temple complex of Karnak near the Egyptian city of Luxor. 'In their eyes it was porn, or something like that.' 'The first cell we encountered was packed with at least 20 men, some were passed out on the floor, some were squeezing their hands through the rails, some were bleeding and yelling. 'Our judge was browsing with his big thumbs through these books looking as old as the pyramids. 'Eventually, he gave us a warning and told us never to do something so foolishly shameful ever again. We nodded simultaneously.' In the end, Papen and Walker managed to stay out of trouble by bribing them with £15.Thanks to her quick-witted reaction during her arrest, Papen is now able to proudly share her amazing arse in Walker´s magnificent pictures of the nude Egyptian photoshoot.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 135: Matthew was using the Greek version of the Old Testament. In the Greek Old Testament, the original Hebrew word “almah” had been translated as “parthenos”, thence into the Latin Bible as “virgo” and into English as “virgin”. Whereas “almah” means only “young woman”, the Greek word “parthenos” means physically “a virgin intacta”. In short, Mary was said to be a virgin because of an accident of translation when “young woman” became “virgin”. More on this key teratological distinction in album 416.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 215: In all versions of the song, Mary Hamilton is a personal attendant to the Queen of Scots, but precisely which queen is not specified. She becomes pregnant by the Queen's husband, the King of Scots, which results in the birth of a baby. Mary kills the infant – in some versions by casting it out to sea or drowning, and in others by exposure. The crime is seen and she is convicted. The ballad recounts Mary's thoughts about her life and her impending death in a first-person narrative.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 286: Most versions of the song are set in Edinburgh, but Joan Baez set her version, possibly the best known, in Glasgow.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 288: The last verse suggests Mary Hamilton was one of the famous Four Maries, four girls named Mary who were chosen by the queen mother and regent Mary of Guise to be companion ladies-in-waiting to her daughter, the child monarch Mary, Queen of Scots. However their names were Mary Seton, Mary Beaton, Mary Fleming and Mary Livingston.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 294: In many versions of the song, the queen is called "the auld Queen". This would normally indicate a Queen Dowager or Queen Mother, but in this context suggests a queen consort who was an older woman, and married to a king of comparable age. If the reference is limited to Queens named Mary, another candidate would be Mary of Guelders (1434–1463), queen to James II, King of Scots.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 336: Emma nursed Nelson under her husband's roof and arranged a party with 1,800 guests to celebrate his 40th birthday on 29 September. After the party, Emma became Nelson's secretary, translator and political facilitator. They soon fell in love and began an affair. Hamilton showed admiration and respect for Nelson, and vice versa; the affair was tolerated. By November, gossip from Naples about their affair reached the English newspapers. Emma Hamilton and Horatio Nelson were famous.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 463: Il 13 settembre 1968[3] la Procura della Repubblica di Roma sequestra il film "per oscenità e per le diverse scene di amplessi carnali alcune delle quali particolarmente lascive e libidinose e per i rapporti omosessuali tra un ospite e un membro della famiglia che lo ospitava".
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 551: The American Library Association´s 2008 banned book list identified His Masters Voice as the second most requested book to be banned across the country. Pullman himself only egged on the controversy, as he publicly stated that he aimed to undermine Christian beliefs with his books.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 557: Francesco rinunciò alle attrattive mondane, vivendo gioiosamente come un "ignorante", un "pazzo", dimostrando come la sua obiezione ai valori egemoni della società secolare di allora potesse generare una perfetta letizia. In questo senso il suo esempio aveva un che di sovversivo rispetto alla mentalità del tempo.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 641: Opinions about the permanency of hell have shifted considerably, both in the early church and in recent times. The doctrine of universal salvation (also known as Apokatastasis or Apocatastasis ) has usually been considered through the centuries to be heterodox but has become orthodox. It was maintained by the Second Vatican Council and by Pope John Paul II and it is promoted in the new Catechism of the Catholic Church and in the post-Vatican II liturgy. Francis maintains the same teaching.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 643: Apokatastasis (kreik. ἀποκατάστασις, apokatástasis), ennalleenpalauttamisoppi eli oppi universaalista, yleisestä pelastuksesta. Toisin kuin ikuisen rangaistuksen oppi sekä ehdollisen kuolemattomuuden ja syntisten tuhon oppi (lat. annihilaatio), apokatastaasi lupaa kaikille lopullisen pelastuksen.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 650: 1900-luvulla syntynyt oppi universalismista on samankaltainen kuin apokatastasis-oppi. Universalisteista lohjenneet unitaarit eivät ole edes kristittyjä, kun luulevat että Kristus oli sittenkin vain 1 apina.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 664: An midway position between universal reconciliation and eternal torment is the doctrine of annihilationism, often in combination with Christian conditionalism. Some Christian leaders, such as influential theologian Martin Luther, have hypothesized other concepts such as "soul death".
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 666: In Christianity, annihilationism (also known as extinctionism or destructionism)[1] is the belief that those who are wicked will perish or cease to exist. It states that after the Last Judgment, all unsaved human beings, all fallen angels (all of the damned) and Satan himself will be totally destroyed so as to not exist, or that their consciousness will be extinguished rather than suffer everlasting torment in Hell (often synonymized with the lake of fire). Annihilationism stands in contrast to both belief in eternal torture and suffering in the lake of fire and the belief that everyone will be saved (universal reconciliation or simply "universalism").
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 691: Universal reconciliation
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 46: What was the significance of Aaron's rod? All Master chefs have great staffs. The Lord told Moses, "Buds will sprout on the staff belonging to the man I choose. They left their rods before the Lord, and in the morning "Aaron's staff, representing the tribe of Levi, had sprouted, budded, blossomed, and produced ripe almonds" (verse 8).
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 223: The Lord shall have them in derision - The same idea is expressed here in a varied form, as is the custom in parallelism in Hebrew poetry. The Hebrew word לעג lâ‛ag, means properly to stammer; then to speak in a barbarous or foreign tongue; then to mock or deride, by imitating the stammering voice of anyone. Gesenius, Lexicon Here it is spoken of God, and, of course, is not to be understood literally, anymore than when eyes, and hands, and feet are spoken of as pertaining to him. The meaning is, that there is a result in the case, in the Divine Mind, as if he mocked or derided the vain attempts of men; that is, he goes calmly forward in the execution of his own purposes, and he looks upon and regards their efforts as vain, as we do the efforts of others when we mock or deride them. The truth taught in this verse is, that God will carry forward his own plans in spite of all the attempts of men to thwart them. This general truth may lie stated in two forms:
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 297: Iisakki Kabbalaista viehätti (luonnollisesti) kabbalistinen ajatus, että jumala on oikeasti ikäänkuin 2-neuvoinen, siitä on sekä koiras- että naarasversio. Naarasjumalan nimi oli Shekhinah, ja se tarkoitti telttapaikkaa. Tästä löytyy netistä hirmu määrä hurahtanutta textiä.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 327: Mitä onko juutalaisillakin joku pyhä henki? Nähtävästi näin. Se esiintyy 3x Tanakhissa. Bylsittyään Bathshebaa Dave sävelsi Psalmin 51 jossa on tämmöiset verses 11 and 12:
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 338: Yahusha 216 times – The son, ha Mashiach (the Messiah), The anointed – this name in Hebrew means Yahu delivers.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 390: Shlomo Yitzchaki (Hebrew: רבי שלמה יצחקי; Latin: Salomon Isaacides; French: Salomon de Troyes, 22 February 1040 – 13 July 1105), today generally known by the acronym Rashi (see below), was a medieval French rabbi and author of a comprehensive commentary on the Talmud and commentary on the Hebrew Bible (the Tanakh). Acclaimed for his ability to present the basic meaning of the text in a concise and lucid fashion, Rashi appeals to both learned scholars and beginner students, and his works remain a centerpiece of contemporary Jewish study. His commentary on the Talmud, which covers nearly all of the Babylonian Talmud (a total of 30 out of 39 tractates, due to his death), has been included in every edition of the Talmud since its first printing by Daniel Bomberg in the 1520s. His commentary on Tanakh—especially on the Chumash ("Five Books of Moses")—serves as the basis for more than 300 "supercommentaries" which analyze Rashi's choice of language and citations, penned by some of the greatest names in rabbinic literature.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 395: Drawing on the breadth of Midrashic, Talmudic and Aggadic literature (including literature that is no longer extant), as well as his knowledge of Hebrew grammar and halakhah, Rashi clarifies the "simple" meaning of the text so that a bright child of five could understand it. At the same time, his commentary forms the foundation for some of the most profound legal analysis and mystical discourses that came after it. Scholars debate why Rashi chose a particular Midrash to illustrate a point, or why he used certain words and phrases and not others. Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi wrote that "Rashi's commentary on Torah is the 'wine of Torah'. It opens the heart and uncovers one's essential love and fear of Cod.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 446: The earliest known tefillin were tiny and probably worn all day, except Saturdays. They were found together with other Dead Sea Scrolls in the Judean desert, in the mid-twentieth century. They were dated by archaeologists as far back as the 1st or 2nd centuries BCE. Although their texts are more varied than rabbinic tefillin, it is clear that they are based on a specific understanding of the same four verses noted above as associated by the rabbis with the tefillin ritual.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 448: Why was the Song of Moses (sehän oli se Deuteronomian loppuluritus!) deemed suitable as a tefillin parchment? In all likelihood because both the second paragraph of the Shema, as well as the verses immediately after the Song of Moses in Parashat Ha’azinu, contain references to length of days. A contribution to the wearer's longevity. Nobody is in a particular hurry to get to Paradise. Ei kiirettä kuin pirulla Heinolan markkinoille. Hiivitään ennemminkin hiljaa kuin tiaisen kivittäjä. In conclusion, The archaeological evidence, together with consideration of various biblical passages and even of halakhah, suggests that tefillin were originally practiced as a longevity amulet. Lisää aiheesta: https://www.thetorah.com/article/the-origins-of-tefillin xxx/ellauri166.html on line 486: Walt Disney Studios tuottivat yhden parhaista okkultistisista yrityksistä vapaan assosiaation väreistä, valosta ja musiikista elokuvassa Fantasia, erityisesti valitessaan alkumusiikiksi Stokowskin version Bachin konsertista "Toccata and fugue in D minor". Walt Disney käytti tässä elokuvassa saatanallisen säveltäjän Igon Stravinskin teoksia. Igor Stravinski oli anarkistinen satanisti. Fantasia oli hyvä esimerkki Walt Disneyn ja hänen studioidensa omistautumisesta okkultismille. Kesti monta vuotta tehdä tämä filmi ja kun se oli valmis sitä käytettiin sivupersoonien järjestelmän ohjelmoinnin perustana. Disneyn Dick Tracy -elokuva on myös keskeinen esimerkki siitä kuinka väri näyttelee tärkeää osaa elokuvassa jota on käytetty peitellysti mielenhallinta-ohjelmointiin.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 496: The younger Hall is said to have never known his father. In 1919, Hall moved from Canada to Los Angeles, California, with his maternal grandmother to reunite with his birth mother, who was living in Santa Monica, and was almost immediately drawn to the arcane world of mysticism, esoteric philosophies, and their underlying principles. Hall delved deeply into "teachings of lost and hidden traditions, the golden verses of Hindu gods, Greek philosophers and Christian mystics, and the spiritual treasures waiting to be found within one's own soul."
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 47: Who were Paolo and Francesca? Paolo and Francesca were illicit lovers in 13th century Italy, and they have left us a love story that, like all good love stories, ends in tragedy. Paolo Malatesta was the third son of the lord of Rimini, Malatesta da Verrucchio and accounts of his personality and the size of his pecker vary.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 52: Francesca è presentata come una donna colta, esperta di letteratura amorosa (cita indirettamente lo Stilnovo e Andrea Cappellano, quindi conosce i dettami dell'amor cortese). Attraverso il suo personaggio Dante compie una parziale ritrattazione della sua precedente produzione poetica (stilnovistica e, soprattutto, delle Petrose), che avendo l'amore come argomento poteva spingere il lettore a mettere in pratica gli esempi letterari e cadere nel peccato di lussuria. Francesca è il primo dannato che pronuncia un discorso nell'Inferno dantesco, mentre Guido Guinizelli (citato indirettamente dalla donna) e il trovatore provenzale Arnaut Daniel saranno gli ultimi penitenti a dialogare con Dante nel Purgatorio (Canto XXVI), colpevoli anche loro di lussuria e produttori di quella letteratura amorosa di cui Francesca era stata appassionata lettrice.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 79: versation-with-dante-and-virgil-episode-from-divine-comedy_a-L-12142491-9436042.jpg" height="200px" />
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 90: Gustav Davidson (Warsaw, Poland, 1895 – New York City, 6 February 1971) was an American poet, writer, and publisher. He was one time secretary of the Poetry Society of America. Gustav Davidson was born on December 25, 1895, in Warsaw, Poland. In the wake of anti-Jewish pogroms in Poland, his family fled to the United States, settling in New York City in 1907. Davidson received bachelor's and master's degrees at Columbia University in 1919 and 1920 respectively. He worked for the Library of Congress between 1938 and 1939 and became executive secretary of the Poetry Society of America from 1949 to 1965 (after which he was elected executive secretary emeritus).
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 95: He also wrote articles on encounters with angels in the parapsychological Tomorrow magazine of medium Eileen J. Garrett and a juvenile book The Guides Make Good in 1925. As the titles of some of his works indicate, much of Davidson´s verse is religious and spiritual in outlook and subject matter. He was also active as a translator and a book designer.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 145: se fosse amico il re de l’universo, jos olis reilu kunkku mister universum,
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 147: poi c’hai pietà del nostro mal perverso. kun säälisit meidän perverssiä pahaa.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 205: Toka PAOLO E FRANCESCA - Film (1971) - Coming Soon - è un film di genere drammatico del 1971, diretto da Gianni Vernuccio, con Luigi Pierdominici e Nico Balducci. perustuu vielä löyhemmin Danten versioon. Durata 97 minuti. Ei siis tulla kovin soon, ei ainakaan niin äkkiä kuin kerskui Donald Davidson.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 207: Giovanni e Paolo Malatrasi sono due giovani rimasti orfani in tenera età ed eredi di solida industria. Mentre Giovanni, il fratello maggiore, ha un carattere introverso e tormentato, Paolo è tutto l'opposto: allegro e spensierato, ama circondarsi di compagnie spregiudicate e prive di remore morali. Durante un periodo di assenza da casa di Paolo, Giovanni ha modo di frequentare la ragazza del fratello, Francesca Podesti, e di innamorarsene, pienamente corrisposto. Sposatala quasi clandestinamente, Giovanni impone alla giovane di troncare con le vecchie amicizie, senza, con questo riuscire a tacitare l'esasperata gelosia che egli nutre verso il passato della moglie. Allorché Paolo fa ritorno a casa, superata la sorpresa per l'imprevisto matrimonio, organizza una festa alla quale invita i vecchi amici. In questa circostanza, il contegno assurdamente geloso di Giovanni finisce col gettare Francesca tra le braccia di Paolo e col convincerla ad abbandonare il tetto coniugale. Sconvolto da questa decisione, Giovanni uccide la moglie e il fratello.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 391: Myöskin paljastan Leo Mellerin ym. eksytyksiä joita havaitsin Radio Dein Taivaan ja maan väliltä -ohjelmissa ja hänen puhekaseteillaan. Kukin arvioikoon analyysini oikeellisuuden, mutta olen tehnyt sitä mihin apostoli Paavali kehotti eli arvostelemaan jokaisen opetuksen ja ilmiön; lue tarkemmin http://www.kristitynfoorumi.fi/kuinkaerottaa.htm. Huom. lisäilen pikkuhiljaa kirjeitä joten niitä tulee tähän lisää ajan mittaan. Jos käytät muuta kuin IE-selainta (vain IE8 tai vanhemmat versiot toimii), lue ohjeet MHT-tiedostojen avaamiseksi sivulta http://www.frifo.no/file=2216.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 492: “I should be very happy in your Excellency’s good Opinion, that the Contagion of Illuminatism or Jacobinism had not yet reached this Country; but when I consider the anarchical and seditious Spirit, that shewed itself in the United States from the Time M. Genet and Fauchet (who certainly is of the Order) arrived in this Country and propagated their seditious Doctrines, which the illuminated Doctor from Birmingham has been zealously employed to strengthen, I confess I cannot divest myself of my Suspicions: yet I trust that the Alwise and Omnipotent Ruler of the Universe will so dispose the Minds of the People of these United States that true Religion and righteous Government may remain the Privileges of this Nation!
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 540: As Wishaupt lived under the tyranny of a despot & priests, he knew that caution was necessary even in spreading information, & the principles of pure morality. He proposed therefore to lead the Free masons to adopt this object & to make the objects of their institution the diffusion of science & virtue. He proposed to initiate new members into his body by gradations proportioned to his fears of the thunderbolts of tyranny. This has given an air of mystery to his views, was the foundation of his banishment, the subversion of the masonic order, & is the colour for the ravings against him of Robinson, Barruel & Morse, whose real fears are that the craft would be endangered by the spreading of information, reason, & natural morality among men.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 570: In the weeks leading up to the 1968 Democratic National Convention, Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley turned his town into a fortress. He sealed the manhole covers with tar, so protesters couldn’t hide in the sewers. He installed a fence topped with barbed wire around the Chicago International Amphitheater. He put the entire police force on shifts and called in National Guardsmen. Secret Service and FBI agents were also on duty, as the city braced for protesters who would soon arrive to protest against political assassinations, urban riots and the raging Vietnam War.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 586: Cronkite thanked Rather “for staying in there, pitching despite every handicap that they can possibly put in our way from free flow of information at this Democratic National Convention.” Cronkite clearly suspected that Daley had purposely avoided resolving the electrical workers’ strike in order to hinder network coverage. “Dick Daley’s a fine fellow, but when his strong hand is turned agin’ you, as the press has felt it was on this occasion, he’s a tough adversary.”
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 606: Ewige Blumenkraft (German: "eternal flower power" or "flower power forever") is given in Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson´s 1975 Illuminatus! Trilogy as a slogan or password of the Illuminati. Ewige Blumenkraft und ewige Schlangenkraft is also offered in Illuminatus! as the complete version of this motto. The text translates "Schlangenkraft" as "serpent power"; thus "Ewige Blumenkraft und ewige Schlangenkraft" means "eternal flower power and eternal serpent power" and may allude to the conjoinment of cross and rose within the alchemical furnace. In this interpretation, the authors seem to suggest sexual magic as the secret or a secret of the Illuminati.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 610: Shea met Wilson in the late 1960s when they worked on Playboy magazine. They decided to collaborate on a novel. It would combine sex, drugs, religious cults and conspiracies, as well as anarchy. Their philosophical and political differences merely served to enrich their efforts. Objectivity was jettisoned, as indeed was subjectivity: no single point of view or version of reality was privileged: Illuminatus! was the three-volume consequence.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 620: The Illuminatus! Trilogy is a series of three novels by American writers Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson, first published in 1975. The trilogy is a satirical, postmodern, science fiction–influenced adventure story; a drug-, sex-, and magic-laden trek through a number of conspiracy theories, both historical and imaginary, related to the authors´ version of the Illuminati. The narrative often switches between third- and first-person perspectives in a nonlinear narrative. It is thematically dense, covering topics like counterculture, numerology, and Discordianism.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 627: The religion has been likened to Zen based on similarities with absurdist interpretations of the Rinzai school, as well as Taoist philosophy. Discordianism is centered on the idea that both order and disorder are illusions imposed on the universe by the human nervous system, and that neither of these illusions of apparent order and disorder is any more accurate or objectively true than the other.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 639: Hill kirjoitti Principia Discordian, joka on diskordianismin pääasiallinen pyhä kirja ja kirjailijan suostumuksella vapaassa levityksessä. Kirjasta on tehty uusia painoksia (muun muassa Steve Jackson Games julkaisi oman laitoksensa, jossa on myös uutta aineistoa), ja sitä on levitetty myös internetissä erilaisina versioina.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 678: Leary meni opiskelemaan Alabaman yliopistoon, mutta hänet erotettiin vuonna 1942 hänen vietettyään yön tyttöjen asuntolassa. Hän täydensi opintojaan 9-kuukautisella psykologian kurssilla Georgetownin yliopistossa ja Ohio State Universityssa. Hän menetti sotilaskoulutuksessa kuulon toisesta korvastaan ja sai hyvityxexi työpaikan kuurojen potilaiden psykometrikkona Butlerissa, Pennsylvaniassa.
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 128: non tulit Ascanius nervoque obversus equino Askaniuxelta katkesi pinna, jousella tähtää
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 129: contendit telum diversaque bracchia ducens pollenkarvaisella ja karvaista hauista näyttää.
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 216: Cisco Caramballa on vuosien kokemus Monark-tyyppisestä ohjelmoinnista. Fritz on kirjoittanut useita kirjoja. Vuosien myötä hän on käyttänyt tuhansia tunteja tutkien Illuminatia, maailman tiedustelupalveluja, sekä okkultistista maailmaa yleensä. Ilman mielenhallintaa (MPD) nämä organisaatiot eivät kykenisi suorittamaan pahoja tekojaan salassa. Perustekniikka on kehitetty saksalaisten, skotlantilaisten, italialaisten ja englantilaisten illuminaatti-perheiden parissa ja sitä on hyödynnetty vuosisatojen ajan. Jotkut raportoivat että jotkut tekniikoista ovat peräisin muinaisesta Egyptistä ja muinaisesta Babyloniasta, niiden mysteeri-uskonnoista. Natsien tiedetään opiskelleen muinaisia egyptiläisiä kirjoituksia tutkiessaan mielenhallintaa. Pahoja vanhan maailman juippeja koko porukka. Tiedot näistä ovat tarkoin varjeltuja salaisuuksia. Esim. MPD ohjelmointikielen sivut University of Arizonassa on korutiininomaisesti tuhottu, käy vaikka kazomassa ize.
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 257:
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 274: The obvious way around the combination problem is to posit that, although consciousness is indeed fundamental in nature, it isn’t fragmented like matter. The idea is to extend consciousness to the entire fabric of spacetime, as opposed to limiting it to the boundaries of individual subatomic particles. This view—called “cosmopsychism” in modern philosophy, although our preferred formulation of it boils down to what has classically been called “idealism”—is that there is only one, universal, consciousness. The physical universe as a whole is the extrinsic appearance of universal inner life, just as a living brain and body are the extrinsic appearance of a person’s inner life.
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 276: And here is where dissociation comes in. We know empirically from DID that consciousness can give rise to many operationally distinct centers of concurrent experience, each with its own personality and sense of identity. Therefore, if something analogous to DID happens at a universal level, the one universal consciousness could, as a result, give rise to many alters with private inner lives like yours and ours. As such, we may all be alters—dissociated personalities—of universal consciousness! God is schizophrenic, and you and me are His split personalities! Well he does strike readers of the "good book" as somewhat paranoid.
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 278: Idealism is a tantalizing view of the nature of reality, in that it elegantly circumvents two arguably insoluble problems: the hard problem of consciousness and the combination problem. Insofar as dissociation offers a path to explaining how, under idealism, one universal consciousness can become many individual minds, we may now have at our disposal an unprecedentedly coherent and empirically grounded way of making sense of life, the universe and everything. The answer? 42.
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 288: born 20 April 1966) is an Australian philosopher and cognitive scientist specializing in the areas of philosophy of mind and philosophy of language. He is a Professor of Philosophy and Neural Science at New York University, as well as co-director of NYU's Center for Mind, Brain and Consciousness (along with Ned Block). In 2006, he was elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities. In 2013, he was elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences.
xxx/ellauri169.html on line 43: Springmeier received a Masters in English from the University of Kansas. On January 31, 2002, Springmeier was indicted in the United States District Court in Portland, Oregon in connection with an armed robbery. He was imprisoned, and was released from federal prison on March 25, 2011. While in prison, he got a series of tooth implants courtesy of the government. Fritz the Cat seems to have gone off radar sometime in 2016. See also List of conspiracy theories.
xxx/ellauri169.html on line 60: Robertson on perustanut oman yliopistonsa Regent Universityn, jonka tavoitteena on kouluttaa ”kristittyä johtajistoa muuttamaan maailmaa”. Presidentti George W. Bushin hallinnossa oli 150 kyseisestä, varsin heikkotasoiseksi arvostetusta, yliopistosta valmistunutta. Robertsonilla on suuri henkilökohtainen omaisuus; hänen kirjansa ovat myyneet Yhdysvalloissa ja ulkomailla erittäin hyvin ja hän on tehnyt kauppaa esimerkiksi radioasemilla, joiden osakkeita hän osti 1960-luvulla ja myi 1980-luvulla niiden arvon noustua huimasti.
xxx/ellauri169.html on line 76: 21. maaliskuuta 2006 Robertson teki 700 Clubissa kirja-arvostelua David Horowitzin yhdysvaltalaisten yliopistojen radikaaliprofessoreita kritisoivasta kirjasta The Professors, ja sanoi kirjassa kritisoitujen professorien olevan vain muutamia "30 000–40 000" vasemmistolaisprofessorista Yhdysvalloissa, joita hän nimitti "rasisteiksi, murhaajiksi, perversseiksi ja Al-Qaidan tukijoiksi". Myöhemmin samassa ohjelmassa hän kuvaili samoja professoreja "umpikommunisteiksi".
xxx/ellauri169.html on line 94: Robertsonin palvelukseen ministerinä on kuulunut kiistanalainen usko Jumalan parantavaan voimaan. Entinen 700 Clubin juontaja Jacob Söderman kritisoi myöhemmin Robertsonia siitä, ettei hänellä ollut tilaa ohjelmassa sellaisten ihmisten profiloimiseen, joilla on etenevä sairaus, jotka olivat ylipainoisia, joilla oli epäpuhtauksia, käyttivät pyörätuolia, kainalosauvoja, olivat sokeita tai sokeita, eli vammoja, jotka eivät voineet parantua, kerta Robertson piti ihmisiä, joilla on tällaisia ongelmia "uskon epäonnistumisina" ja että "Robertson tarjoaa Reader's Digest -version vastauksista vaikeisiin ja vaativiin uskonnollisiin, sosiaalisiin, taloudellisiin, avioliittoon, poliittisiin, seksuaalisiin ja moraalisiin käsitteisiin."
xxx/ellauri169.html on line 199: The Church Universal and Triumphant is an international New Age religious organization founded in 1975 by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. It is an outgrowth (and is now the corporate parent) of The Summit Lighthouse, founded in 1958 by Prophet's husband, Mark L. Prophet. Its beliefs reflect features of the traditions of Theosophy and New Thought. The church's headquarters is located near Gardiner, Montana, and the church has local congregations in more than 20 countries.
xxx/ellauri169.html on line 211: Liisa perusti Summit Universityn ja kirkon päämajan Colorado Springsiin, talon Santa Barbaraan sekä maanalaisen linnoituksen Lopun aikoja varten laaksoon Montanassa. On vaikea löytää yksityiskohtia Liisasta ja hänen organisaatiostaan. Jos henkilö haluaa vakavissaan liittyä hänen organisaatioonsa, hänen odotetaan kerran elämässään lahjoittavan kaiken omaisuutensa kirkolle ja sen johtajalle, Liisalle. Vastineeksi heidät vihitään sellaiseen Supreme Grand Flatteryyn että "Sinusta tulee valaistunut Jumala." The supreme form of flattery is imitation. Kirstuxen imitointia. Tällä heresialla oli joku nimi jonka oon jo unohtanut. Ekkehart kuoli siitä syytettynä johkin vankikoppiin.
xxx/ellauri169.html on line 269: Witness Lee (Chinese: 李常受; pinyin: Lǐ Chángshòu; 1905 – June 9, 1997) was a Chinese Christian preacher and hymnist belonging to the Christian group known as the local churches (or Local Church) in Taiwan and the United States. He was also the founder of Living Stream Ministry. Lee was born in 1905 in the city of Yantai, Shandong, China, to a Southern Baptist family. He became a Christian in 1925 after hearing the preaching of an evangelist named Peace Wang and later joined the Christian work started by Watchman Nee. Like Nee, Lee emphasized what he considered the believers' subjective experience and enjoyment of Christ as life for the building up of the church, not as an organization, but as the Body of Christ.
xxx/ellauri169.html on line 286:
Bio-lääketieteellinen telomeria: korvaan tatuoitu implantti voi toimia vartaloon teipattujen mittareiden valvonta-implanttina. Varhaisia versioita käytettiin astronautteina.
xxx/ellauri169.html on line 305: Kyllä, on totta että vartaloon kiinnitettäviä implantteja käytetään kontrolloimaan ihmisten mieltä ja ruumista kuten myös seuraamaan heitä kuin Wokun koirat. Soiraa! Kyllä, on totta että heillä on perä-ääninäytteet sadoilta tuhansilta amerikkalaisilta ja että he voivat tunnistaa & seurata kaikkea elektronista kommunikaatiota siin maassa. Perästä kuuluu sanoi torventekijä. Hetkinen vastasi Putkinen ja pieraisi puhelimeen. Useimmat puhelinsoitot kulkevat noin 30 tietokoneen läpi ennenkuin ne saavuttavat päämääränsä. Näiden puhelinyhtiöiden tietokoneet, erään silminnäkijän mukaan joka työskenteli AT&T:ssä, tallensivat KAIKKI puhelut. Kuitenkin seuloakseen tärkeät asiat joutavanpäiväisistä, Illuminaatin puhelinkeskus käyttää luetteloa avainsanoista, kuten nimistä ja lauseista; sen nimi on THE WATCH LIST jota tietokoneet käyttävät tunnistaakseen kuuntelemisen arvoiset keskustelut. Vaikka NASA käyttää supertietokoneita, se kuitenkin valvoo koko planeetan tietoliikennettä, ja heidän täytyy puristaa tämä WATCH LIST niin pieneksi kuin mahdollista (kz edellinen paasaus.) Listan alkuperäisen version kokosi erittäin pienikokoinen Watchman Nee.
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 94: When Elizabeth Nightingale is murdered, DCI Wexford has to sort his way through quite a number of suspects - from the gardener to the household staff, to a permanent Dutch house guest, to the husband Quentin and the victim's brother and his wife. While trying to figure out what really happened on that fateful night that cost Elizabeth's life, Reg Wexford uncovers that the Nightingales' marriage was not as happy as it seemed and that there is a dark secret to be revealed.
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 108: The missing text at the beginning of line two is generally attributed to a printing error, since in the earliest version of the sonnet the second line begins with a repetition of the last three words of the previous lines, commonly called an eye-skip error, which breaks the iambic pentameter. Shakespeare's intention for the line is a subject of debate among scholars, with most modern scholars accepting the emendation, "feeding", based on internal evidence. Other guesses include "Thrall to", "Fool'd by", "Hemm'd by", "Foil'd by", "Fenced by", "Flatt'ring", "Spoiled by", "Lord of", and "Pressed by". Unfortunately, none of the "guesses" seem to work. "Feeding," for example, tends to "explain the joke," and does not let the poem build to the implication that the soul itself is culpable in man's struggle for spirit over the corporal self. Perhaps a better foot would be "disrobe." Musta paras on Lord of.
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 148: Blow: What it says - unless it is an archaic version of "bloom" as suggested in another answer. I'll let the rest of my post stay for reference.
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 175: The Gilly Hopkins explanation is an extended joke. Regrettably, Mr. Randolph, who seems to have had a better grasp of the situation than the other participants in the fictitious conversation, did not see fit to clarify Wilde's intended meaning with regard to "blows." I blame the author. –
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 266: Ukkola tähditti jokaviikkoista Sannikka & Ukkola -SM-shitshowta Ylen ykköskanavan paraatipaikalla perjantaisin. Hänen luova kontrollinsa ohjelman tekemisessä näyttäytyi mm. siten, että koko sotku vaikutti enemmän halvalta ääridystooppisen rinnakkaisuniversumin vaudevilleltä kuin journalismilta ja kuopattiin sangen nopeasti. Ohjelma, samoin kuin Ukkolan koko journalistinen ura, edusti ns. nollajournalismia, jolla ei ole muuta tavoitetta tai merkitystä kuin sen saavuttama julkisuus.
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 370: Personant horrendum in modum academiæ ac gymnasia novis opinionum monstris, quibus non occulte amplius et cuniculis petitur catholica fides, sed horrificum ac nefarium ei bellum aperte jam et propalam infertur. Institutis enim exemploque præceptorum corruptis adolescentium animis, ingens religionis clades, morumque perversitas teterrima percrebuit.
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 372: Hinc porro freno religionis sanctissimæ projecto, per quam unam regna consistunt, dominatusque vis ac robur firmatur, conspicimus ordinis publici exitium, labem principatus omnisque legitimæ potestatis conversionem invalescere. Quæ quidem tanta calamitatum congeries ex illarum in primis conspiratione societatum est repetenda, in quas quidquid in hæresibus et in sceleratissimis quibusque sectis sacrilegum, flagitiosum, ac blasphemum est, quasi in sentinam quamdam,
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 394: des Esseintes istuu takan ääressä jalat takkakoiralla. Liekit nuoleskelee tohveleiden pohjia. Matalamielisten moukkien vihattava aikakausi on nyt kestänyt noin miljoona vuotta, loppu saattaa häämöttää kaikexi onnexi. Moreaukin oli tommonen ylimaallisen himon ja perverssiyden sekä hekkuman peukuttaja, hassussa venehatussa. Tuskallista kakkaa kantaa harteillaan. Ihan tulee Baudelairen runot mieleen.
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 448: Even though such highs are common and likely a universal human experience, it seems that Richard was the first person to realise their importance in ending the human condition.
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 454: The Actual Freedom Trust website is the gold standard for information about Actual Freedom. It is a massive trove of curated forum discussions, as well as the personal writings of Richard*, Vinetto and Peter. The sheer size, disorganisation and rambling nature of conversations there are likely to dissuade anyone looking for a quick skim.
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 484: The universe is both infinite and eternal?
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 486: The universe is perfect?
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 646: A Pure Consciousness Experience is not universal.
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 700: P.S. Richard* likes to live in relative anonymity in his own dreamtime and hence only his first name is used here. He is not accepting coffee invitations from believers. FAQ Richard*!
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 759: For further study, visit http://www.doinggood.org, and find some great resources, including Creation versus Evolution: Scientific and Religious Considerations (book by Dr. Arlo Moehlenpah ;)
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 766: Indtil der findes håndfaste forklaringer på universets og livets oprindelse og udvikling, vil konflikten mellem naturvidenskaben og intelligent design-teorien formentlig vare ved. Og sandsynligvis længere tid endnu, for naturvidenskaben kan per definition aldrig bevise, at der ikke eksisterer en skaber, siger Tobias Wang.
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 768: »Vi kan aldrig komme til bunds i diskussionen om, hvorvidt der er en skaber eller ej. Det handler udelukkende om tro. Hvis man vælger at mene, at universet og livet skyldes guddommelig indgriben, så er det altså ikke mere end et trospørgsmål. Det kan naturvidenskaben selvsagt vanskeligt hamle op med. Selv hvis videnskaben finder naturligt bevis for universets opståen, vil intelligent design-fortalere altid kunne træde et skridt længere bagud og pege på en skaber som årsagen.«
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 880: Mead began studying mathematics at St John's College, Cambridge. Suddenly shifting his education towards the study of Classics, he gained much knowledge of Greek and Latin (but no Coptic). In 1884 he completed a BA degree; in the same year he became a public school master. He received an MA degree in 1926. While still at Cambridge University Mead read Esoteric Buddhism (1883) by Alfred Percy Sinnett. This comprehensive theosophical account of the Eastern religion prompted Mead to contact two theosophists in London named Bertam Keightly and Mohini Chatterji, which eventually led him to join Helena Petrovna Blavatsky's Theosophical Society in 1884.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 136: Quos ego är Lunds universitets studentkårers inofficiella motto.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 280: Deux chercheurs, nous dit Y. Coppens, qui épiaient à travers le trou d’une serrure (sic) le comportement d’un chimpanzé qu’ils avaient enfermé avec un régime de banane pendu au plafond et avec des moyens de l’atteindre pourvu qu’un minimum de réflexion fût mis en œuvre par l’animal, furent surpris de ne voir… que l’œil du singe qui, tout comme eux, regardait à travers ce trou. «
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 298: Ce n’est pas l’être male qui aura perdu sa avantage, c’est l’animal qui sera devenu artificiellement un sorte d’être humain inferieur par la volonté et l’obstination humaine, et qui pourra alors prétendre à ses diverses attributions.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 299: Cherchant à nier cette différence, l’être humain la réaffirme dans l’acte même de la nier. Plus elle tente de percer le mur de sa différence, plus il l’épaissit. Et ce n’est pas un regard jeté à travers une serrure qui le fera s’effondrer. Le mieux est de les cuire, les animaux, jusqu'a ce que ils sont murs.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 301: C'est l'être humain qui est la personne qui rode les autres animaux derrière la serrure avec son covid-19 masque, il n’y a pas de vache obscure qui pourrait prendre sa place pour jeter ses regards à travers des orifices de cet animal. Il est un être capable en lui-même et par lui-même de jouer avec le vrai et le faux, le réel et l’apparent, les autres animaux y compris des comperes, et de les saisir comme tels dans une cage, autrement dit: un être qui vit et tue en pensant seulement a soi-meme.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 362: Ewaldin kanssa hän näki selvästi, että hän oli tekemisissä "suuren herran" kanssa. ― Sitä paitsi olin herrasmies, ”mikä sanoi kaiken”.― Et cetera; loput vastaavasti. Mitä mieltä olet neiti Aliciasta tämän version mukaan? - Paholainen! Tuhat ukkosenjylinää! sanoi Edison: nämä kaksi sisältöä ovat itse asiassa niin eri sävyisiä, että minusta näyttää siltä, että hänen ja sinun käännöksensä ovat ilmaisseet kaksi asiaa, joiden välillä on vain kuvitteellinen suhde. (Aargh...)
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 418: Offrir à trois amis, ayant pour nom Cladel, Dierx & Mendès, ce peu de vers (qui leur plut) y ajoute du relief ; mais autant vaut que mon cher Éditeur en saisisse le public rare des amateurs : l’illustration faite par Manet l’ordonne.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 449: Ne murmure point d’eau que ne verse ma flûte
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 500: D’ivresse, jusqu’au soir je regarde au travers.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 502: Ô nymphes, regonflons des souvenirs divers.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 535: Tant pis ! vers le bonheur d’autres m’entraîneront
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 818: - No mä lyön vetoa et koira haistaa nti Hadalystä tutun tuoxun ja niin sinäkin. Juoxette siitä lähin sen hännässä ja haukutte Aliciaa. Ei nti Hadaly ole kuin vaan vähän sähäkämpi versio Pissaliisasta. Bruneteissa on paljon sähköä, kun ne kampaavat tukkiaan.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 837: Sen takeen Edison ei ize hirviä kokeilla. Se pitää mieluummin lysähtäneen mutta nöyrän pikkurouvansa. Parempi pyy pivossa kuin muovinuken hännän alla. (Sitäpaizi vanhalla versiolla saa aikaan pentuja, kz alla.)
xxx/ellauri174.html on line 69: Mitä tulee tähän älylliseen tietoon, Malebranche seurasi enemmän tai vähemmän Pyhää Augustinusta. Hänen suurena innovaationsa oli selittää, kuinka nämä samat jumalalliset ideat voisivat toimia myös ihmismielen välittöminä kohteina aistillisessa havainnoissa. Ongelma on siinä, että jumalalliset ideat ovat universaaleja, kun taas kaikki havainto näyttää olevan yksityiskohtia. Malebranchen ratkaisu oli ehdottaa, että vaikka mielen älyllinen käsitys näistä ideoista on puhdas ja suora, sen aistillinen käsitys niistä muuttuu "tunteilla". Nämä tuntemukset, toisin kuin ideat, ovat todellakin omituisia yksittäisille luoduille mielille ja elävät niiden muotoina. Idea edustaa vain kappaleiden geometrisia tai mekaanisia ominaisuuksia (koko, muoto, liike), kun taas aistiminen muodostuu väristä tai muusta järkevästä laadusta. Jälkimmäinen rajoittaa mielen käsitystä edellisestä siten, että se edustaa tiettyä yksilöä tälle mielelle. Toiselle mielelle, jolla on erilainen tunne, sama idea voisi edustaa erilaista saman yleisen tyypin yksilöä. Teoksessa Dialogues On Metaphysics and Religion (dialogi 1) Malebranche lisäsi, että sama perusrakenne voi selittää myös mielikuvituksen (mentaalisen fysiologisen elementin vastakohtana) mielikuvituksen, tässä tapauksessa, jossa ajatus vain "koskettaa kevyesti" mieltä.
xxx/ellauri174.html on line 449: Tää Pasi "kazon maalaismaisemaa" Kauniston sentimentti on musta aina ollut paizi vitun narsistinen ja mätä myös älytön. Seku Seijukastakin on ollut 100 eri versiota vuosikymmenten saatossa, kaikki yhtä ihania. Samana pysyvä mutta silti muuttuva on ihan parasta, ei tähän tarvi mitään parannusta. "Paras on hyvän vihollinen", se on samanlainen lattapäinen törppöjen turku-jyväskylä axelin tietokonelingvistien sanonta kuin marssijärjestys ja kääritäänpä hihat. Niille kolminkertainen Yäk!
xxx/ellauri174.html on line 616: "Kuullisitko sinua, rakas Edison, pitäisi uskoa, että tällä Androidilla on käsitys äärettömästä! mutisi lordi Ewald hymyillen. "Hänellä on vain se yks paikka", vastasi insinööri vakavasti; Eli ilman puheen juhlallisuutta, leikkisällä tavalla, sanalla sanoen. Hänen puheensa herättävät siis älyllisen vaikutelman, joka on paljon silmiinpistävämpi kuin ajatukset tavanomaisesta vakavuudesta tai jopa ylevästä. "Anna minulle esimerkki tällaisesta kysymyksestä?" kysyi lordi Ewald. Todista minulle, että se voi todellakin piilottaa ulkonäöltään - millä tahansa tavalla - äärettömän käsitteen? "Ilolla", sanoi Edison. Ja lähestyen nukkujaa: "Hadaly", hän sanoi, jos oletamme, että mahdottomuuden vuoksi eräänlainen jumala, vanhanajan kaltainen, näkymätön ja kohtuuton, metaversumin eetterissä, yhtäkkiä antaisi vapaan lennon meidän puolellamme maailmoihin, jollekin salamalle, joka on luonteeltaan samanlainen kuin se, joka elävöittää sinua, mutta joka on ennennäkemättömän suuri ja jonka läpäisee energia, joka pystyy neutraloimaan vetovoiman lain ja räjäyttämään koko aurinkokunnan syvyyteen, kuin pussillisen omenia? - Hyvin? Hadaly sanoi.
xxx/ellauri174.html on line 624: Max Schultze in 1861 proposed the "Protoplasm Doctrine" which states that all living cells are made of a living substance called Protoplasm. Thomas Huxley (1869) later referred to it as the "physical basis of life" and considered that the property of life resulted from the distribution of molecules within this substance. The protoplasm became an "epistemic thing". Its composition, however, was mysterious and there was much controversy over what sort of substance it was.
xxx/ellauri175.html on line 527: Tämä elävä eetteri on rajaton ja vapaa alue, jossa etuoikeutettu matkustaja niin kauan kuin hän viipyy, haluaa heijastaa itsensä ajallisen olemuksensa läheisyyteen sen olennon odotetun ja edelläkävijän varjon, joka "Hänestä tulee". Siten syntyy affiniteetti hänen sielunsa ja näiden aistien kanssa vierekkäisten okkultististen universumien, jotka ovat hänelle vielä tulevia, välille; ja suhdepolku, jossa tämän kaksoismaailman välinen virta toteutuu, ei ole mikään muu kuin se Hengen alue, jota Järki – riemuitsee ja nauraa raskaissa kahleissaan voitollisen tunnin ajan – kutsuu tyhjällä halveksunnalla mielikuvitukseksi. .
xxx/ellauri175.html on line 603: Onko meillä aikaa ajatella niitä! Sitä paitsi osallistumme aina siihen, mitä ajattelemme: suojellaan siis itseämme hieman sellaisiksi tulemista ajattelemalla! Tule. Kerran vanhojen puidesi lumouksessa herätät minut, jos haluat, suudelmaan, joka epäilemättä kiihottaa levotonta universumia! ― mutta yhden tahto on parempi kuin maailman.
xxx/ellauri175.html on line 782: "Ei, mutta se on", vastasi sähköasentaja. Ympärillämme tapahtuu niin monia muita mahdottomalta vaikuttavia asioita, ettei tällä, enemmän tai vähemmän, ole voimaa yllättää minua suunnattomasti, koska olen yksi niistä, jotka eivät voi koskaan unohtaa, kuinka paljon tyhjyyttä vaati universumin luominen.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 63: The best known event in Phryne's life is her trial. Athenaeus writes that she was prosecuted for a capital charge and defended by the orator Hypereides, who was one of her lovers. Athenaeus does not specify the nature of the charge, but Pseudo-Plutarch writes that she was accused of impiety. The speech for the prosecution was written by Anaximenes of Lampsacus according to Diodorus Periegetes. When it seemed as if the verdict would be unfavourable, Hypereides removed Phryne's robe and bared her breasts before the judges to arouse their "pity". Her beauty instilled the judges with a superstitious fear, who could not bring themselves to condemn "a prophetess and priestess of Aphrodite" to death. They decided to acquit her out of "pity". Pity ja piety on sama sana. Molemmat tulee sanasta 'pipu' (lat. penis).
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 65: However, Athenaeus also provides a different account of the trial given in the Ephesia of Posidippus of Cassandreia. He simply describes Phryne as clasping the hand of each juror, pleading for her life with tears, without her disrobing being mentioned. Craig Cooper argues that the account of Posidippus is the authentic version and that Phryne never bared her breasts before the court during her trial.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 67: According to Emily Cooper in Paris, the first description of the trial given by Athenaeus and the shorter account of Pseudo-Plutarch ultimately derive from the work of the biographer Hermippus of Smyrna (c. 200 BC) who adapted the story from Idomeneus of Lampsacus (c. 300 BC). The account of Posidippus is the earliest known version. If the disrobing had happened, Posidippus would most likely have mentioned it because he was a comic poet (komischer Kauz). Therefore, it is likely that the disrobing of Phryne was a later invention, dating to some time after 290 BC, when Posidippus was active as a poet. Idomeneus was writing around that time.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 69: Furthermore, Pseudo-Cooper continues that the evidence suggests that Idomeneus invented the more salacious version of the story, possibly in his desire to parody and ridicule the courtroom displays of Athenian demagogues. Considering his preference for attributing sexual excess to these demagogues, the provocative act of disrobing Phryne fits the character Hypereides had acquired in Idomeneus' work. As is not uncommon in the biographical tradition, later biographers failed to notice that earlier biographers did not give an accurate representation of events. The later biographer Hermippus incorporated the account of Idomeneus in his own biography. An extract from Hermippus' biography is preserved in the work of Athenaeus and Pseudo-Plutarch.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 101: In an effort to sort through the lingo being bantered about by both the adult stars and the journalists covering them, we’ve compiled this glossary of very adult terms. While it’s by no means exhaustive, our porn mini-dictionary will hopefully help you navigate the decidedly X-rated conversations at the Venetian’s center bar and clue you in to what the saucy blonde meant when she asked if you would give her a facial. Hint – she’s not looking for your sperm spouted on her face.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 120:
Reverse titty fuck. The guy fucks his partner’s breasts while he places his bottom on his or her face.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 160: Max Haufler (Schweizi) teki filmiversion tästä v. 1937, kukaan ei enää ole kommentoinut sitä netissä. The novel was adapted as the 1970 French film The Demise of Father Mouret, directed by Georges Franju, starring Gillian Hills and Francis Huster.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 168: Quelque estime que l'on ait pour Franju, il faut constater son échec. Si La Faute de l'abbé Mouret n'est pas un des meilleurs Rougon Macquart, le roman ne manquait ni de puissance, ni de poésie. Dans le film, on se trouve en face d'un anticléricalisme primaire dont la puissance, parfois ressentie au travers du personnage d'Archangias, est en partie désamorcée par des allusions aux faits actuels. Comment croire qu'Archangias borné, fanatique, puisse imaginer l'existence future des prêtres ouvriers, de la messe en français ? La violence du frère, la douceur évangélique de Serge deviennent ainsi schématiques, concertées.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 228: Descendre, à travers ma rêverie en silence, Seuraan kazeella hitaiden jätösten
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 272: Qui refroidit mon sang vers sa source, et réprime joka jäähtää vereni lähteeseen, ja hillize
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 350: Mon rêve montera vers toi : telle déjà, mun uni nousee sun luo: sellainen jo
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 415: Nach der süßen Liebe verschwundener Lust, Josta on luistanut suloinen lempi,
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 416: Ich, die himmlische, wills nicht versagen. Taivaan valta ei sitä voi kieltää.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 422: Nach der schönen Liebe verschwundener Lust, Kun karannut siltä on kaivattu lempi
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 539: Jos ei päästä tähän vaiheeseen ilman esteitä, voi koiraille tulla sexuaalisia perversioita. Nussitaan silikoninukkeja, puunrunkoja, vuohia, mitä vaan josta löytyy sopivan kokoisia reikiä. Tai taannutaan johkin edellä mainituista vaiheista: pussaillaan, nuollaan pillua, tehdään pyllyhommia, tai suunnataan käyttämättä jäänyt libido vaikka uskontoon tai kaunokirjallisuuden pariin. Kaikenlainen sielunhurmio on vaan naamioitua panohalua, jota henkiset padot turhaan koittaa tukkia kuin Aku sormi murtuvan tulvapadon reijässä.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 541: Freudin mukaan lapsi tuo maailmaan niin sanottuja "polymorfisia perversseja" asentoja, jotka voivat ilmetä erilaisissa parafilioissa seksuaalisen viiveen läpimurtojen aikana (Termiä perversio ei käytetä pejoratiivisesti (pejoratiivisesti), vaan se on ihan arvoneutraali. Freud oli izekin koko perverssi, ja lähes kaikki kynäilijät ovat sitä.) Esipubesoiva lapsi on alttiimpi paraphilialle kuin useimmat aikuiset, koska hänen henkiset patonsa – kuten häpeä, inho ja moraali – ovat vasta syntymässä iästään riippuen. Lapsuudessa laukaistuja paraphilioita ovat muun muassa seuraavat seksuaaliset taipumukset:
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 778: Enjo-kōsai (援助交際, literally, enjo, "aid or support", kousai "congress or intercourse", shortened form enkō 援交) is a type of transactional relationship. It is the Japanese language term for the practice of older men giving money and/orng women for sexual favors. The female participants range from school girls (or JK business) to housewives. The term is often translated as "compensated dating". Grisette, kurtisaani. The opposite case of women paying men, yaku enjo kōsai (逆援助交際, reverse compensated dating), is not a documented social phenomenon. Toransukei meinaa transu.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 888: George Lincoln Rockwell, the media-savvy, pipe-smoking founder of the American Nazi Party, was blatantly racist, homophobic and antisemitic. Neo-Nazis, ‘alt-right’ groups and white supremacists chant at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. xxx/ellauri176.html on line 891: What is the 'alt-right'? Who coined the term 'alt-right'? The white supremacist Richard Spencer devised the term in 2010. He has described the movement as "identity politics for white Americans and for Europeans around the world". What does it stand for? The movement supports extreme rightwing ideologies, including white nationalism – used interchangeably with white supremacism – and antisemitism. It positions itself broadly against egalitarianism, democracy, universalism and multiculturalism.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 896: vers/2005/12/29/ape_final.jpg?width=1200&height=630&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&overlay-align=bottom%2Cleft&overlay-width=100p&overlay-base64=L2ltZy9zdGF0aWMvb3ZlcmxheXMvdGctZGVmYXVsdC5wbmc&enable=upscale&s=ed6c81644c07f4d9bccf621c5e7de6ce" width="100%" />
xxx/ellauri177.html on line 34: vers/200x280/712e2bb01b684d83218b224afa9dff1a/168318/3d-faute_de_l_abbe_mouret_br.0.jpg" width="100%" />
xxx/ellauri177.html on line 136: Toukokuussa nuoren papin mahlat oli liikkeellä ja odotus oli täynnä onnellista toivoa. Häntä ei enää edes häirinnyt La Teusen moittiminen. Jos hän viipyi niin myöhään rukoilemassa kirkossa, siinä oli hulluna ajatuksena, että suuri kultainen neitsyt päätyisi alas seinältä. Ja silti hän pelkäsi häntä, tätä ruumiikasta neitsyttä, joka näytti prinsessalta. Hän ei pitänyt kaikista neitsyistä samalla tavalla. Tämä versio vaikutti häneen suvereenilla kunnioituksella. Hän oli Jumalan Äiti; hänellä oli kantavan naarasleijonan hedelmällinen täyteys, ylevät kasvot, vahvat käsivarret, valtavat allit. Hän kuvitteli naisen näin keskellä taivaallista esipihaa päästäen hänet kuninkaallisen viittansa hännän alle kulkemaan pimeän tähden katveessa. Se oli liian korkealla hänelle, niin voimakas että pipu rutistuisi ruppanaxi, jos hiän alentuisi laskemaan puonsa hänen puoleensa. Tämä oli hänen epäonnistumispäiviensä Neitsyt, ankara Neitsyt, joka palautti hänen sisäisen rauhansa kauhistuttavan parasiitin näyn kautta. Hmm nojaa, tiedän parempaa...
xxx/ellauri177.html on line 300: Okei, ei kun pyllyt heilumaan boys and girls! Yö oli erittäin leuto, lähes kuuma. Metaversestä kuului suurta kohua, jota Sergei Brin kuunteli ja ajatteli: "He puhuvat meistä, teinitähdistä."
xxx/ellauri178.html on line 109: Snorrin mielestä niissä mentiin liian pitkälle. Snorri draws the line at mixed metaphor, which he terms nykrat "nykrätty, made monstrous" (Snorri Sturluson: Háttatal 6), and his nephew called the practice löstr "a fault" (Óláfr hvítaskáld: Third Grammatical Treatise 80). In spite of this, it seems that "many poets did not object to and some must have preferred baroque juxtapositions of unlike kennings and neutral or incongruous verbs in their verses" (Foote & Wilson (1970), p. 332). E.g. heyr jarl Kvasis dreyra "listen, earl, to Kvasir's blood (=poetry)" (Einarr skálaglamm: Vellekla 1). Niin aina.
xxx/ellauri178.html on line 115: Paskiainen turistoi vielä Flaubertin kodissa ja Jean d'Arcin roviolla. Haaveilee hylkäämästään urasta sutenöörinä. Sillä on suunnilleen kaikki Freudin luettelemat perversiot, ja Freudin kuvailema luonne. Ketä kiinnostaa?
xxx/ellauri178.html on line 122: Anne Frank oli Pilin versio Neizyt Maariasta ja sure enough se halus sitä hässiä kuten Abbe Moret Maariaa, muttei päässyt sisään kun Annella oli vaginismi. Jutku ateljeekriitikko sai sentään Pilin jättämään tän pätkän pois. Oli onni ettei Pili saanut tytärtä, se olis varmaan koittanut silläkin.
xxx/ellauri178.html on line 163: David Howard Susskind (December 19, 1920 – February 22, 1987) was an American TV talk show host. His talk shows addressed timely, controversial topics beyond the scope of others of the day. Amerikan Hannu Karpo.
xxx/ellauri178.html on line 228: Versuch einer Stellungnahme zu den Hauptfragen der Kunstphilosophie. 1903 (Teoksen digitoitu versio Internet Archivessa)
xxx/ellauri178.html on line 284: Genet aborde notamment dans ses ouvrages l'homosexualité et l'érotisme, à travers la célébration de personnages ambivalents évoluant au sein de mondes interlopes. Ei ihme että Pili alkaa kuumua.
xxx/ellauri178.html on line 304: What does the Bible say about impotence? Of 20 Bible verses about impotence not ONE even mentions the problem, let alone the word. Here's a grep:
xxx/ellauri178.html on line 334: J: Not directly, which makes it hard to quote scripture. I mean, most of the verses on diseases involve prayer, not medication. Now, I’m not discounting prayer, but unfortunately, most men won’t be willing to go to their elders and ask for prayer for erectile dysfunction (as per James 5:14), and most wives won’t go to the elders and ask for prayers for their husbands for the same. Sadly, I feel a lot of elders wouldn’t respond appropriately either.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 117: After some exploring, Abel discovers an enchanting forest where he hears a strange bird-like singing. His Indian friends avoid the forest because of its evil spirit-protector, "the Daughter of the Didi." Persisting in the search, Abel finally finds Rima the Bird Girl. She has dark hair, a smock of spider webs, and can communicate with birds in an unknown tongue. When she shields a coral snake, Abel is bitten and falls unconscious.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 128: Rima the Jungle Girl returned to the DC Universe in a new pulp-era comic debuting in 2010 entitled First Wave. Rima was portrayed as a South American native with piercings and tattoos, who didn't speak, but communicated in bird-like whistles like Roger Whitaker. Plying a big knife and a panther, she helped Doc Savage's assistant Johnny Littlejohn, then darted back into the forest.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 171: Wheeler was a native of Brookfield Township in Trumbull County, Ohio where he was raised on his family's farm. A childhood accident caused by an intoxicated hired hand gave Wheeler a lifelong aversion to alcohol. He practically lost his dick in the accident. He used the story later to recruit converts to the prohibition movement and to promote a prohibition amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 181: Whereas Hemingway wrote passionately about boxing and his own prowess, others, like Dempsey, saw something else. “There were a lot of Americans in Paris and I sparred with a couple, just to be obliging,” the Champ said. “But there was one fellow I wouldn’t mix it with. That was Ernest Hemingway. He was about twenty-five or so and in good shape, and I was getting so I could read people, or anyway men, pretty well. I had this sense that Hemingway, who really thought he could box, would come out of the corner like a madman. To stop him, I would have to hurt him badly, I didn’t want to do that to Hemingway. That’s why I never sparred with him.” Hemingway’s frequent sparring partner and fellow writer Morley Callaghan offered another sobering account of his training partner, saying, “we were two amateur boxers. The difference between us was that Ernie had given time and imagination to boxing; I had actually worked out a lot with good fast college boxers.” I had never seen Mr. Hemingway box, of course. But I will say this: the confidence of mediocre men is a fucking superpower. I have met many versions of this guy. Hell, I’ve sparred with the dude myself.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 197: It could be “the cod of the hunter,” or “the cod of the bullfighter,” or (most fittingly) “the cod of the sea.” It didn’t matter what cod one chose — just as long as it provided rules for living a life of rectitude and dignity in an otherwise meaningless universe. Bets are off about the outcome of a war, says Hem's cod, for instance.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 199: But if Hemingway’s conversions were sincere — and there is little reason to think they were not — then his “cod” is not based on the agnosticism of a disillusioned existentialist, but rather on the comprehensive, universal affirmation of Christianity.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 203: Hemingway was raised in a Congregationalist Protestant home, and his first conversion to Catholicism occurred when he was a 19-year-old and volunteer ambulance driver in Italy during World War I. Two weeks into the job, he was delivering candy (LOL) to soldiers on the frontlines when he was hit by machine-gun fire and more than 200 metal fragments from an exploding mortar round. An Italian priest recovered his body, baptized him right on the battlefield and gave him the last rites.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 208: After having been anointed, Hemingway described himself as having become a “Super-Catholic.” It was a near-death experience that changed the course of his life. After the war, he went to work as a foreign correspondent in Paris. And eight years later — after his first marriage failed — he undertook a second, more formal conversion process in preparation for marriage to his second wife, devout Catholic Pauline Pfieffer.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 260: Turauxen on kirjoittanut joku Anders Hallengren, an associate professor of Comparative Literature and a research fellow in the Department of History of Literature and the History of Ideas at Stockholm University. Heserved as consulting editor for literature at Nobelprize.org. Dr. Hallengren is a fellow of The Hemingway Society (USA) and was on the Steering Committee for the 1993 Guilin ELT/Hemingway International Conference in the People’s Republic of China. Among his works in English are The Code of Concord: Emerson’s Search for Universal Laws; Gallery of Mirrors: Reflections of Swedenborgian Thought; and What is National Literature: Lectures on Emerson, Dostoevsky, Hemingway and the... Pelkkiä noloja setämiehiä!
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 288: After he had committed suicide at Ketchum, Idaho, in 1961, the literary position of the 1954 Nobel Laureate changed significantly and the aversion has, in a way, even become stronger.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 334: Voiko tän selvemmin enää sanoa? "Women" with a gamin hairstyle, lovers who cut and dye their hair and change sexual roles, are themes that, with variations, occur in all of his novels!
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 336: When writing The Garden of Eden he appeared as a redhead one day in May 1947. When asked about it, he said he had dyed his hair "by mistake." In that novel, the search for complete unity between boy lovers is carried to extremes. It "may seem" that the halves of the Platonic homoerotic myth (once cut in two by Zeus and ever since longing to become a spoon again) are uniting here.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 604: Alicia Rix´s study of the relationship between cycling and authorship in James’s “The Papers” sums up Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton’s exchange in The Sun Also Rises linking Henry’s bicycle to Jake’s impotence. Rix examines James’s anxiety about authorial exposure and aversion to publicity and includes embarrassing depictions of him cycling by Ford Madox Ford, David Lodge, and others. (The original manuscript shows that, before deletion, this had read "Henry James's bicycle.")
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 669: Ilkeännäköinen mies jonka nenä kasvaa ozan suuntaisesti. The Four Feathers is a 1902 adventure novel by British writer A.E.W. Mason that has inspired many films of the same title. Against the background of the Mahdist War, young Faversham disgraces himself by quitting the army; this act the others perceive as cowardice, symbolized by the four white feathers they give him. Chicken! “buk, buk, buk, ba-gawk”! The story tells of his fight to reclaim his honour and win back the heart of the woman he loves. Bleeding heart, purple heart. Nää sydänjutut ottaa kyllä päähän. Mä ällöön sydämiä, ne näyttää katkaistuine putkineen tosi törkeiltä.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 678: This article is going to help you differentiate between the sounds and what the meaning behind them is. The first research was conducted in the 1980s by Nicholas E. Collias. This research became the building block for further research into chicken talk and cognition. Since then more than 24 sounds have been discovered and understood. Much more recent research at Macquarie University in Australia has uncovered not only chicken talk but cognitive abilities as well.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 729: After the ladies are done eating he will eat the leftovers (if there are any).
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 741: Laying hens produce around 60-70 decibels (approximately the same as a loud human conversation).
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 814: Mencken was a controversial, and humorous journalist, who greatly affected American fiction in the 1920s. He ridiculed the US’s organized religion, business and middle class. He was a very critical man, who supported Germany during the war and had a very Marxist outlook on life. Bill refers to him, saying that he mocks God. Also this shows Bill’s character, that he is someone is very cynical and critical about life.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 818: He is also known as “Fordham Flash” played baseball for the New York Giants of the National League. Bill refers to him when talking about who attended which university. Frankie did go to Fordham.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 820: Bishop Manning was a Bishop in New York City, who played a prominent role in World War I. Kake refers to him, when discussing his school life, and showing who he was surrounded by. In 1939-40, Manning took a leadership role in the successful effort to force the City University of New York to rescind their offer of a professorship to the philosopher Bertrand Russell.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 823: Our Lord Jesus Christ does not stand for peace at any price...Every true American would rather see this land face war than see her flag lowered in dishonor...I wish to say that, not only from the standpoint of a citizen, but from the standpoint of a minister of religion...I believe there is nothing that would be of such great practical benefit to us as universal military training for the men of our land.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 901: What did the Colonel’s Lady think? Mitä everstin leidi ajatteli?
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 907: For the Colonel’s Lady an’ Judy O’Grady Sillä everstin rouva ja sen piika
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 78: After the war, Beecher supported social reform causes such as women's suffrage and temperance. He also championed Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, stating that it was not incompatible with Christian beliefs. He was widely rumored to be an adulterer, and in 1872 the Woodhull & Claflin's Weekly published a story about his affair with Elizabeth Richards Tilton, the wife of his friend and former co-worker Theodore Tilton. In 1874, Tilton filed charges for "criminal conversation" against Beecher. The subsequent trial resulted in a hung jury and was one of the most widely reported trials of the century. Tolstoi olisi ollut tyytyväinen siihen että syyllinen vapautettiin ja valamiehet hirtettiin.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 209:
Time Magazine discovers truth.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 230: The general of Tomyris's army, Spargapises, who was also her son, and a third of the Massagetian troops, killed the group Cyrus had left there and, finding the camp well stocked with food and the wine, unwittingly drank themselves into inebriation, diminishing their capability to defend themselves when they were then overtaken by a surprise attack. They were successfully defeated, and, although he was taken prisoner, Spargapises committed suicide once he regained sobriety. Upon learning of what had transpired, Tomyris denounced Cyrus's tactics as underhanded and swore vengeance, leading a second wave of troops into battle herself. Cyrus the Great was ultimately killed, and his forces suffered massive casualties in what Herodotus referred to as the fiercest battle of his career and the ancient world. When it was over, Tomyris ordered the body of Cyrus brought to her, then decapitated him and dipped his head in a vessel of blood in a symbolic gesture of revenge for his bloodlust and the death of her son. However, some scholars question this version, mostly because even Herodotus admits this event was one of many versions of Cyrus's death that he heard from a supposedly reliable source who told him no one was there to see the aftermath.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 301: Maggio is sentenced to the stockade after walking off guard duty and getting drunk, subjecting him to Judson's unqualified (and unauthorized) wrath. Prewitt discovers Lorene's name is really Alma and her goal is to make enough money at the club to go back to the mainland. Prewitt tells her his career is in the military, and the two wonder whether they have a future together.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 305: Maggio escapes from the stockade after a brutal beating from Judson and dies in Prewitt's arms. Seeking revenge, Prewitt finds Judson in a back alley and the two fight with knives. Prewitt kills Judson, but not before being badly wounded himself; Prewitt goes AWOL and stays with Lorene while Warden covers for his absence.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 398: He moved in 1941 from Chicago to New York to study philosophy at New York University, dropping out to write fiction after about a year. By the late 1940s, he was immersed in the philosophy of Wilhelm Reich, "the errant Freud disciple who turned ideology into orgasm."
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 612: Jumala kertoo sumuisen veneen tuhdolla kiertelemättä eze on suunnitellut Jeesuxesta marttyyriä, mahdollisimman noloa, koska mikään ei käännä sieluja niin hyvin kuin se. Eli jumalan kannalta porukoiden kääntyminen on pääasia, pelastuminen on ikäänkuin esiintymispalkkio. Pratchettillä oli vähän samanlainen ajatus: jumalan suuruus riippuu hännystelijöiden lukumäärästä. Jumalten kesken on herrasmiessopimus että kaikki rajariidat ratkaistaan apinoiden avulla. Oi sinä jumalan kariza, joka poisotat maailman synnit (Misa Criolla-versio).
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 713: Within the Quran, Jesus’ miraculous virgin birth is recounted with Mary having astonishment. How could she become pregnant when no mortal man has touched her? The angel she is having a criminal conversation with discourages her incredulousness with an affirmation of the power and might of Allah’s definitive decree. The virgin birth lacks the majesty of the Christian doctrine because it is not an announcement of God coming into her. Jesus would be like others before him, a prophet who announces God’s truth. The angel goes on to describe just what Jesus would do. Within the description, the author narrates an account of a miracle that Jesus performed as “clear proof” that he was a prophet of Allah. The miracle is repeated later in Surah 5.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 726: portent for you, if ye are to be believers.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 774: Testament was written. Such information has value when discussing the reliability of the Quran versus the historical reliability of the Christian Scriptures. The argument is stated as such:
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 77: At the Petite École, Rodin “finished lessons so quickly that the teachers eventually ran out of assignments. He did not care to socialize with his classmates; he wanted only to work.” Rodin’s talent was noted by his legion of admiring artists, writers, and lovers. His rise was a matter of time, even if he was ignored by academic art institutions early in life.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 83: Corbett’s chapters alternate between poet and sculptor until the pair converge, when the ambitious yet unremarkable Rilke, again in search of a master, travels to Paris to write his monograph on Rodin. Even at this early stage, he was one of many Rodin’s true believers.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 99: Born in 1875 in Prague, Rilke was until he was six or seven got up in skirts by his mother, who named him René and tried to console herself for the death of an infant daughter. By the time Rilke was ten, his disappointed romantic of a mother had left his father, a kindly but ineffectual minor railway official, who had spent some years in the Austrian army unsuccessfully seeking commission as an officer. Rilke's parents decided to send the young boy to military school, a prospect that stirred the father's hopes of turning his son into a soldier. LOL. Though he later claimed to have loathed military school, the young bohemian warmly absorbed the values of discipline, valor, and self-sacrifice into his ideal of the defiant artist-hero. He skillfully foiled his father's martial expectations, and lack of funds freed the aspiring poet from his family's next plans for him: law school. In fact, though he attended several universities, soaking up lectures on diverse subjects throughout his life, he never graduated from any of them. About such a practical matter as a sheepskin, the finest German lyricist since Goethe wrote as an adolescent, "And even if I never reach my Arts degree / I'm still a scholar, as I wished to be."
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 117: Rilke loved absolutely, not strenuously or patiently, and therefore his love always froze up into a mirror of itself. His condition might have been tormented and tormenting--it might appear wearily obnoxious. But for Rilke the poet, modern men and women as lovers--their exalted expectations and their comi-tragic desperation--came to symbolize complex human fate in a world where vertiginous possibilities have replaced God and nature. In Rilke's Elegies especially, lovers encounter animals, trees, flowers, works of art, puppets, and angels--all images, for Rilke, of the absolute fulfillment of desire, alongside which the poet placed the tender vaudeville of imperfect human wanting. Rilke the man might have presented a painful obstruction to himself. But true ardor often springs from an essential deprivation.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 131: One ugly phrase in a personal letter, for instance (out of a vast personal correspondence), referring to Franz Werfel as a "Jew-boy," and some murky generalities about Werfel's "Jewish attitude toward his work," do not an anti-Semite make. Rilke cherished the many Jews he knew, including Simmel; he enjoyed reading the Hasidic philosopher Martin Buber and steeped himself in Jewish Scripture, claiming that Judaism was closer than Christianity to God. He also remained a lifelong champion of Werfel's work. And a reader discovers buried deep in Freedman's footnotes that Rilke wrote the offending letter to the poet Hugo von Hoffmannsthal, a good friend and an important patron. Hoffmannsthal was also Jewish, and he shared Rilke's negative views on the superambitious Werfel, who emigrated to America and, in 1941, published The Song of Bernadette, a novel about a miracle at Lourdes. Freedman doesn't mention that about five months after Rilke wrote the letter to Hoffmannsthal, along with a nearly identical letter to his patron Princess Marie von Thurn und Taxis, Rilke again wrote similar letters to the two of them praising Werfel's poetry so exuberantly that they almost sound like retractions of his first letters.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 133: Why would an anti-Semite extol a Jewish poet to two of the most powerful and influential figures in Central European literary culture--to his own patrons? To paraphrase that great Jewish philosopher Thomas Aquinas, When you meet a contradiction, make a distinction. But Freedman builds from the surface contradiction. For Rilke, he writes, "a cultural and sometimes even a social anti-Semitism was part of daily existence." Yet aside from the letter to Hoffmannsthal, he offers no evidence for that litigable assumption, though he does inform us, with a smug and bizarre knowingness, that one of Rilke's Jewish lovers later died at Auschwitz.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 143: Throughout 600 pages Freedman gives us encounter after encounter between Rilke and the women in his life, in which the women are flawless angels and Rilke a consummate villain. If Rilke's dear friend the great German painter Paula Modersohn-Becker found herself trapped in a stifling marriage, Rilke was a traitor for not extricating her. If Lou Andreas-Salomé told the young Rilke to go off somewhere because one of her other lovers was coming to visit, Rilke's anger was the symptom of an unbalanced psyche.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 147: This is all ludicrously unfair. It's certainly unfair to say that Rilke didn't give the women he loved and who loved him the "choice to remove themselves for the sake of their art." He was in no position to give or deny freedom to his independent-minded wife, let alone to any woman of whom he was merely a lover. Only their passion, or admiration, or use for Rilke bound these women to the famous poet. Often ambitious artists themselves, Rilke's lovers expected him to introduce them into his heady artistic and intellectual circles and to help them with their careers. This he unfailingly did; in one case he helped the careers of a former lover's children by her husband. And he offered emotional succor long after the amorous flame had waned--not to mention demanding the same support for himself.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 149: Rilke's most benevolent patron, Princess Marie von Thurn und Taxis, was wise enough both to nurture Rilke's gift and to keep her distance from her complicated protégé. An unblinking observer of Rilke's life, she was able to see his liaisons for what they were. And she knew how Rilke's acute sensitivity to his own condition, combined with his talent for self-pity, often landed him in the arms of the wrong people: "You must always be seeking out such weeping willows, who are by no means so weepy in reality, believe me--you find your own reflection in those eyes." But Freedman, doggedly indifferent to the available evidence, makes Rilke's lovers and women friends out to be helpless victims of a smooth seduction machine.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 180: In 2007 Caryn James, commenting on Not Remotely Controlled in the New York Times, said that "at their best, Siegel’s scattershot observations offer a kind of drive-by brilliance," but that he often "wildly overstates his case or ignores inconvenient evidence."
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 184: In June 2015, Siegel wrote an op-ed piece for The New York Times entitled "Why I Defaulted on My Student Loans", in which he defended defaulting on the loans he received for living expenses while on full scholarship and working his way through college and graduate school at Columbia University, writing that “the millions of young people today, who collectively owe over $1 trillion in loans, may want to consider my example.”
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 186: Economist Susan Dynarski wrote that Siegel is not typical of student loan defaulters both in that the typical student-loan recipient attends a public university and in that only two percent of those borrowing to fund a graduate degree default on their loans. Conservative political commentator Kevin D. Williamson, writing in National Review, called it "theft," saying that "an Ivy League degree or three is every much an item of conspicuous consumption and a status symbol as a Lamborghini." Senior Business and Economics Correspondent for Slate Jordan Weissman called it "deeply irresponsible" to suggest that students should consider defaulting on their loans and said that The New York Times should apologize for the piece. Siegel's original article was also criticized in Business Insider and MarketWatch.Siegel appeared to further discuss the article on Yahoo! Finance.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 193: Who knew that Rodin in his 60s met, inspired, and shaped Rilke in his 20s? Nowadays, it would be temping to call Rodin a groomer. The poet and the sculptor actually lived and worked together, spent hours criminally conversing, and forged a special bond.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 195: Getting to the point wasn’t exactly Rilke’s forte. It may not be fair to expect that of any poet, especially one born in 1875 and swimming in the currents of the Symbolists. Rilke’s flowery — and daresay twee — verses do not jibe with today’s tastes for cut-and-dry clarity, blasé irony, and Tweet-able brevity. But that’s precisely why Rilke is enjoying somewhat of a posthumous comeback. He offers what Twitter can’t.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 211: Rilke loved metaphor unabashedly — even though some of his verses risk feeling
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 242: in welcher Schwarz und Fruchtrot sich versteckt. missä piilee aukko musta ja hedelmäinen puna.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 258: Parempina päivinä José olis kyllä tarttunut inkvisiittiön rattaisiin kuten ne 1500-luvun lapsenmurhasta syytetyt juutalaiset jotka aloittivat sefardien vainon ja karkotuxen Epsanjasta. Juutalaisia ja mustalaisia epäillään säännöttömin väliajoin lapsenryöstöstä ja kannibalismista, joteskin ne taitaa olla apinoiden mielestä rikoxista pahimmat. No just niitähän ne Malamudin simpanssitkin harrastivat. Kz. lisää julmuuxia verse.com/2017/08/11/top-10-disturbing-stories-from-the-spanish-inquisition/">täältä. Vrt. myös Dostojevskia albumissa 111. Kz. myös Chicagon selkkaus alempana.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 275: Portugal's 25 April 1976 constitution reflected the country's 1974–76 move from authoritarian rule to provisional military government to a representative democracy with some initial Communist and left-wing influence. The military coup in 1974, which became known as the Carnation Revolution, was a result of multiple internal and external factors like the colonial wars that ended in defeats, removing the dictator, Marcelo Caetano, from power. The prospect of a communist takeover in Portugal generated considerable concern among the country's NATO allies. The revolution also led to the country abruptly abandoning its colonies overseas and to the return of an estimated 600,000 Portuguese citizens from abroad. The 1976 constitution, which defined Portugal as a "Republic... engaged in the formation of a classless society," was revised in 1982, 1989, 1992, 1997, 2001, and 2004.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 290: In the 15th century, major steps were taken by Bernardine of Siena, Pierre d'Ailly, and Jean Gerson, the chancellor of the Cathedral of Notre Dame, Paris. Gerson wrote a lengthy treatise in French titled Consideration sur Saint Joseph and a 120-verse poem in Latin about Saint Joseph. In 1416 to 1418, Gerson preached sermons on Saint Joseph at the Council of Constance in which he borrowed heavily from Marian themes.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 296: In 1870, Pope Pius IX proclaimed Saint Joseph "Patron of the Universal Church". Joseph is also the unofficial patron of fighting communism. In 1889, Pope Leo XIII issued the encyclical Quamquam pluries in which he urged Catholics to pray to Joseph as patron of the church. This was in view of challenges facing the church, such as the growing depravity of morals in the young generation. He prescribed that every October, a prayer to Saint Joseph be added to the Rosary, with attached indulgences.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 563: Astrophysicist Christian Ott resigned from Caltech last August. He'll start as a senior researcher at the University of Turku in Finland on March 1.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 568: Ott was supposed to begin a two-year research position at the University of Turku's Tuorla Observatory on March 1. But on Feb. 1, scientists and professors from Finnish astronomy departments began circulating an open letter strongly condemning harassment. It has so far been signed by more than 240 people.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 574: Esko Valtaoja, emeritus professor of astronomy at the University of Turku, told BuzzFeed News:
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 156: Mann tarkoitti Taikavuoren aluksi paljon lopullista versiota lyhyemmäksi pienoisromaaniksi. Se oli tarkoitettu mukaelmaksi Kuolemasta Venetsiassa ja kuvaukseksi Mannin saamista vaikutelmista parantolasta Sveitsin Davosissa, jossa hänen vaimonsa oli useita kuukausia hoidossa keuhkosairauden vuoksi vuonna 1912. Ensimmäinen maailmansota keskeytti kirjan kirjoittamisen ja sen vaikutukset saivat Mannin kirjoittamaan romaanin uudestaan ja laajentamaan sitä käsittelemään länsimaisen yhteiskunnan ”itsetuhoviettiä” sekä sairauden ja kuolevaisuuden kysymyksiä.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 206: Era marito di prime nozze di Francesca da Polenta, immortalata nei versi di Dante (Inferno, Canto V). Si racconta che la sua morte sarebbe avvenuta nel castello di Scorticata (odierna Torriana) per mano del nipote Uberto, figlio del fratello Paolo, che egli aveva ucciso, insieme alla propria consorte Francesca, che era divenuta l'amante del cognato. Tuttavia nel 1304 Gianciotto era stato nuovamente designato podestà di Pesaro, ragion per cui si ritiene che morì in questa città. Gianciotto sposò in seconde nozze Zambrasina dei Zambrasi di Faenza, dalla quale ebbe cinque figli. Eli ihan kivasti meni sitten Zoppolla vaikka klenkaten. Mutta entäs loppupeleissä? Kostonhimoinen Francesca sanoo siipasta et Kainin orsilla tavataan: « Caïne attend celui qui nous meurtrit ». Dante situe la Caïne dans la première zone du lac du Cocyte, au plus profond du neuvième cercle de l'Enfer. Là sont punis, pris dans la glace jusqu'au cou, les traîtres à leurs proches. Il donne à ce lieu le nom de Caïn qui tua son frère Abel après l'avoir trahi.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 242: Philip Seib is a Professor of Journalism and Public Diplomacy and Professor of International Relations. Seib's research interests include the effects of news coverage on foreign policy, particularly conflict and terrorism issues. Prior to joining the USC faculty in 2007, Seib was a professor at Marquette University and before that at Southern Methodist University. Ensin mefodisti, sitten jesuiitta. Hmm.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 413: Nadine kiskoi 90-vuotiaaxi. Kotipyssyn aikoihin 90-luvulla se oli 70-vuotias, sen alter ego Harald oli 50v, eli raamatullinen three score and ten tulis täyteen 20v kuluttua Nadinen ikäisenä. Vaan eipäs siihen jäänytkään. Nadinen eka mies jaxoi 84v, kasööri kuoli 93-vuotiaana v. 2001, muze oli syntynyt 1908 eli ennen maailmansotia ja oli 15v Nadinea vanhempi. Nadine vaihtoi izeään nuoremmasta Burre Borraresta selvästi vanhempaan ja varakkaampaan juutalaiseen. Vaikkei Gavronskykaan mikään turha jutku ollut: Alumnus, benefactor and orthodontics lecturer in the School of Oral Health Sciences, Professor Gerald Gavronsky (BDS 1948, MDent 1981) died in November, aged 84. Born 27 April 1924, Gavronsky was awarded the Henry St. John Randel Bronze Medal of the Dental Association of South Africa by the University in 1949. University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg. Alumni Relations Obituaries 2008. Mitalisija, kuitenkin vaan pronssia. Kaikki viittaa siihen että Nadine oli isän tyttö.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 428: Her home was close to Mandela, "just a bit down the street," and with a laugh she told me about the times after Mandela and his wife Winnie had separated that he would call and invite himself to dinner at her home. "Really he was just lonesome and wanted someone to talk to. Someone he felt comfortable with. An old friend like me," she said. Not bad for a woman who only spent only one year at the University of the Witwatersrand.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 828: Nationally, the overall rate of serious reversible error in capital cases is 68% - nearly seven out of every ten cases … The most common errors, prompting the most reversals at the state post-convictions stage, are (a) egregiously incompetent defence lawyers, mostly court appointed, who did not even look for – and demonstrably missed – important evidence that the defendant was innocent or did not deserve to die. 82% of those convictions overturned at the state level were found to deserve less than death when errors were corrected on re-trial; 7% were found innocent of the capital crime. Only 11% of those capital convictions reversed on state review were still found to deserve death on retrial … These high error rates exist all over the nation. 24 states with the death penalty have overall error rates of 52% or higher. 22 of the states have overall error rates of 60% or higher. 15 states have error rates of 70% or higher. To err is human. Better err on the safe side.
xxx/ellauri195.html on line 208: Norman Mailer voitti opiskelijoiden kirjoituskilpailun ton nimisellä esseellä. Aikaisemman version kirjoittajan Henry Drummondin mielestä se on rakkaus, koska piskuinen Paul sanoi niin (1 Kor. 13). Hyvinhän Paul siinä vetää, se on sille annettava. Se kohta luettiin Seijalle ja mullekin Sysmän kirkossa. Me oltiin kyllä jo naimisissa ja naitu herran ajat. Hyvähän siitä on kuitenkin aina muistuttaa.
xxx/ellauri195.html on line 216: If we have been told that, we may miss the mark. I have taken you, in the chapter which I have just read, to Christianity at its source; and there we have seen, “The greatest of these is love.” It is not an oversight. Paul was speaking of faith just a moment before. He says, “If I have all faith, so that I can remove mountains, and have not love, I am nothing. “So far from forgetting, he deliberately contrasts them, “Now abideth Faith, Hope, Love,” and without a moment’s hesitation, the decision falls, “The greatest of these is Love.”And it is not prejudice. A man is apt to recommend to others his own strong love, but he should imitate Paul´s tiny one instead.
xxx/ellauri195.html on line 328: Clayton Wheat "Claytie" Williams Jr. (October 8, 1931 – February 14, 2020) was an American businessman from Midland, Texas who ran for governor in 1990. Despite securing the Republican nomination and initially leading in the polls against Democratic challenger State Treasurer Ann Richards by twenty points, Williams ultimately lost the race due in part to a controversial comment he made about rape. During the campaign Williams cultivated an image of a cowboy figure who had risen from humble roots to become a powerful business tycoon. The image played well in public opinion polls. Williams often had a propensity for making poorly planned statements on the campaign trail. Now he is fortunately dead meat.
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 73: Neptunus jakaa alkuperätarinan useiden vanhempiensa Saturnuksen ja Ops:n kanssa syntyneiden jumalten kanssa., Perinteinen versio tarina Neptunuksen syntymä keskittynyt Saturnus on isä, paljastaa profetia doom jumalan käsissä yksi hänen lapsistaan. Saturnus päätti syödä lapset syntyessään, myös Neptunuksen. Ops huijasi Saturnuksen syömään kiven syötyään viisi kuudesta lapsestaan. Saturnus oksensi kaikki viisi lasta palaamaan maailmaan ja omaksumaan heidän roolinsa jumalina, mukaan lukien Neptunuksen. Eikös Saturnus ole Kronos kreikaxi? Kyllä niin.
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 100: Neptune is a god of fertility, including human fertility. According to Petersmann, the ancient Indo-Europeans venerated a god of wetness as the generator of life. The indispensability of water and its connexion to reproduction are universally known.
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 173: Acrostic • Africa • Alone • America • Angel • Anger • Animal • Anniversary • April • August • Autumn • Baby • Ballad • Beach • Beautiful • Beauty • Believe • Bipolar • Birth • Brother • Butterfly • Candy • Car • Cat • Change • Chicago • Child • Childhood • Christian • Children • Chocolate • Christmas • Cinderella • City • Concrete • Couplet • Courage • Crazy • Culture • Dance • Dark • Dark humor • Daughter • Death • Depression • Despair • Destiny • Discrimination • Dog • Dream • Education • Elegy • Epic • Evil • Fairy • Faith • Family • Farewell • Fate • Father • Fear • Fire • Fish • Fishing • Flower • Fog • Food • Football • Freedom • Friend • Frog • Fun • Funeral • Funny • Future • Girl • LGBTQ • God • Golf • Graduate • Graduation • Greed • Green • Grief • Guitar • Haiku • Hair • Happiness • Happy • Hate • Heart • Heaven • Hero • History • Holocaust • Home • Homework • Honesty • Hope • Horse • House • Howl • Humor • Hunting • Husband • Identity • Innocence • Inspiration • Irony • Isolation • January • Journey • Joy • July • June • Justice • Kiss • Laughter • Life • Light • Limerick • London • Lonely • Loss • Lost • Love • Lust • Lyric • Magic • Marriage • Memory • Mentor • Metaphor • Mirror • Mom • Money • Moon • Mother • Murder • Music • Narrative • Nature • Night • Ocean • October • Ode • Pain • Paris • Passion • Peace • People • Pink • Poem • Poetry • Poverty • Power • Prejudice • Pride • Purple • Lgbtq • Racism • Rain • Rainbow • Rape • Raven • Red • Remember • Respect • Retirement • River • Romance • Romantic • Rose • Running • Sad • School • Sea • September • Shopping • Sick • Silence • Silver • Simile • Sister • Sky • Sleep • Smart • Smile • Snake • Snow • Soccer • Soldier • Solitude • Sometimes • Son • Song • Sonnet • Sorrow • Sorry • Spring • Star • Strength • Success • Suicide • Summer • Sun • Sunset • Sunshine • Swimming • Sympathy • Teacher • Television • Thanks • Tiger • Time • Today • Together • Travel • Tree • Trust • Truth • Valentine • War • Warning • Water • Weather • Wedding • Wind • Winter • Woman • Women • Work • World
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 240: As believers, there are things we shouldn’t participate in. In 2 Corinthians 6:14, the Word states, “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” Whether this be Christian girls “dating” guys who claim to follow Christ and vice versa, or kids surrounding themselves with “friends” that continuously bring them down or turn them from God, it is all so hurtful to see.
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 364: Eighteen years on the cotton field passed before his second work appeared in print, "An Address to Miss Phillis Wheatley." Hammon wrote the poem during the Revolutionary War, while Henry Lloyd had temporarily moved his household and slaves from Long Island to Hartford, Connecticut, to evade British forces. Phillis Wheatley, then enslaved in Massachusetts, published her first book of poetry in 1773 in London. She is recognized as the first published black female author. Hammon never met Wheatley, but was a great admirer. His dedication poem to her contained twenty-one rhyming quatrains, each accompanied by a related Bible verse. Hammon believed his poem would encourage Wheatley along her Christian journey. Lukikohan Pyllis koko runoa? Ei se tuonut sille kovin paljon onnea.
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 855: To whom the rivers tribute pay,
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 961: Holy the solitudes of skyscrapers and pavements! Holy the cafeterias filled with the millions! Holy the mysterious rivers of tears under the streets!
xxx/ellauri200.html on line 164: Their letters overstate the case.
xxx/ellauri200.html on line 224: but I'm finding it defective version.
xxx/ellauri200.html on line 229: but this is defective version of well-known brand soap.
xxx/ellauri200.html on line 379: Viettelysten saari on suosittu yhdysvaltalainen tositelevisioformaatti josta on tehty lukuisia versioita eri puolilla maailmaa. Moni meistä on katsonut kyseistä sarjaa ja tietää mistä on kymysys, vaikka ei sitä julkisesti myöntäisikään... avainsanoina mainittakoon rakkaus, parisuhteet, pettäminen, kauneus, juhliminen ja v ...iha. Mutta näin se on. Ne on ne 3 kirjainta: E-F-K, joista tässä kaikessa on aina kymysys. Rotten Tomatoes antoi tällä tuuballe 80% kiitettävän arvion.
xxx/ellauri201.html on line 110: Epistola oli lainlukua pahan Paavalin saavista syntisäkeille. Ikäänkuin kovanyrkkinen pieni biiklestukkainen poliisi. Gospel tarjoili sitten hyvän toivon sanaa ja taputusta pikku päälaille. Sanankuulon Mr. Gently. Keppiä ja porkkanaa. Paha ja hyvä poliisi. Helsingin papin mielestä koleraepidemian syynä oli syntinen uppiniskaisuus, niskurointi esivallalle. Kaikille paikka ja kaikki tietää paikkansa, se saarnasi kuin ku-klux-klan-eversti talousliberaalimmalle Foggille. Mutta Fogg valizi puolensa, viele vehen lännemmäxi vaikka oltiin keskilännessä.
xxx/ellauri201.html on line 268: Synnövestä teki svedut kolmekin filmatisaatiota 50-luvulle mennessä, toinen toistaan karmeampia. Ensimmäinen oli mykkäfilmi jonka mainoxessa Synnöve on ravunsyötin näköinen. 30-luvun versiossa Thorbjörn on ilmetty Ööve eläkeläisenä.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 206: À travers les destinées de deux familles bourgeoises, les Thibault et les Fontanin, est évoquée la France de la Belle Époque qui va sombrer dans le premier conflit mondial. L'ensemble du cycle est surtout centré sur les deux fils du riche notable catholique Oscar Thibault, deux frères que tout oppose : Antoine, l'aîné, médecin sûr de lui, esprit rationnel et plutôt conformiste, et son cadet de neuf ans, Jacques, idéaliste et tourmenté, en révolte contre les valeurs de la société bourgeoise puis militant socialiste.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 229: Conservateur en esthétique, mais progressiste en politique, France trouve dans l'affaire Dreyfus son Histoire contemporaine (l'Orme du mail, 1897 ; le Mannequin d'osier, 1897 ; l'Anneau d'améthyste, 1899 ; Monsieur Bergeret à Paris, 1901). Il a aussi prêté sa plume aux diverses manifestations de la gauche militante. (Académie française, 1896 ; prix Nobel 1921).
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 352: But was Frank’s account true? Let's have closer look at a controversial claim!
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 359: Since Hitler’s alleged ancestry would’ve only been passed down through his father, that would’ve meant that a ritual of conversion would’ve been required for him to be considered Jewish, according to tradition. (That said, it should also be noted that not all Jewish groups follow this custom, especially the more liberal movements that emerged in the 1980s.)
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 365: Most recently, the conspiracy theory about whether Adolf Hitler was Jewish resurfaced in 2019. Psychologist Leonard Sax released a paper reexamining the controversial claim, titled Aus den Gemeinden von Burgenland: Revisiting the question of Adolf Hitler’s paternal grandfather.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 398: “Hitler’s grandmother [from his father’s side] was not married, and thus, considering his destructive role and hideous actions, rumors and claims like that are almost natural,” said Havi Dreifuss, a historian of the Holocaust in Eastern Europe at Tel Aviv University.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 256: versiossa. Hanswurst-nimisen
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 426: Nykyaikaisen distributismin perusteos ja tiivistelmä on Gilbert Keith Chestertonin teos The Outline of Sanity vuodelta 1927. Tämän lisäksi näitä opillisia perusteita esiteltiin mm. Chestertonin kirjoittamissa The American Reviewin artikkeleissa. Muita distributismin perusteoksia ovat Hilaire Bellocin "The Uses of Diversity" (1921) ja "The Servile State" (1913). Chesterton kehittikin distributistista ajattelua lähinnä Yhdysvalloissa, mutta se myös omaksuttiin 1930-luvulla katolisen työväenliikkeen opiksi. Distributismin perusidea on kansalaisten omavaraisuuden suosiminen ja kansakunnalle elintärkeiden perusinstituutioiden, kuten avioliiton, perheen ja kodin vahvistaminen.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 558: A Medicine Wheel is the basis of the cosmology and five element rituals of the Dagara (between Ghana and Burkina Faso). The five elements are Fire (red, south), Water (blue, north), Earth (yellow, centre), Mineral (white, west) and Nature (green, east). This image comes from a page called ‘Elemental Rituals’ at malidoma.com. It is a colour version, with slight modifications, of the Medicine Wheel illustrated in Somé’s book ‘The Healing Wisdom of Africa‘.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 586: "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere" is a song with words by Jessie Brown Pounds and music by John Sylvester Fearis, written in 1897. The song gained huge popularity when it was used in William McKinley's funeral. It was subsequently a staple at funerals for decades, and there are dozens of recorded versions.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 591: His achievements were cut short when he was fatally shot on September 6, 1901, by Leon Czolgosz, a second-generation Polish-American anarchist. McKinley died eight days later and was succeeded by Vice President Theodore Roosevelt. As an innovator of American interventionism and pro-business sentiment, McKinley is generally ranked above average. His popularity was soon overshadowed by Roosevelt (#26) and later on totally eclipsed by Trump (#45).
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1012: Ei juu kyltää on se sama turina josta on kuultu sen 7*7 versiota, alkaen hyvästä kirjasta ja Milton homon runoelmasta. Vuorenpeikon käskyjä ei uhmata! Nyt Nasse-setä on hyvin hyvin vihainen! Jos Eeva so much as opens her mouth, Nasse älähtää: "Quiet, Vermin!" Vittu mikä sikaniska paskapää! Nyt pitäis Aatamin vetää esiin automaattiase ja suolata se pystyyn.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1027: The commentator Ibn Ishaq narrated that he was the first man to write with a penis and that he was born when Adam still had 308 years of his life to live. In his commentary on the Quranic verses 19:56-57, the commentator Ibn Kathir narrated "During the Night Journey, the Prophet passed by him in fourth heaven. In a hadith, Ibn Abbas asked Ka’b what was meant by the part of the verse which says, ”And We raised him to a high station.” Ka’b explained: Allah revealed to Idris: ‘I would raise for you every day the same amount of the deeds of all Adam’s children’ – perhaps meaning of his time only. So Idris wanted to increase his deeds and devotion. A friend of his from the angels visited and Idris said to him: ‘Allah has revealed to me such and such, so could you please speak to the angel of death, so I could increase my deeds.’ The angel carried him on his wings and went up into the heavens. When they reached the fourth heaven, they met the angel of death who was descending down towards earth. The angel spoke to him about what Idris had spoken to him before. The angel of death said: ‘But where is Idris?’ He replied, ‘He is upon my back.’ The angel of death said: ‘How astonishing! I was sent and told to seize his soul in the fourth heaven. I kept thinking how I could seize it in the fourth heaven when he was on the earth?’ Then he took his soul out of his body, and that is what is meant by the verse: ‘And We raised him to a high station.’"
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1034: The Alexander Romance is an account of the life and exploits of Alexander the Great. Although constructed around a historical core, the romance is largely fictional. It was widely copied and translated, accruing legends and fantastical elements at different stages. The original version was composed in the Greek language before 338 AD, when a Latin translation was made. Several late manuscripts attribute the work to Alexander´s court historian Callisthenes, but the historical person died before Alexander and could not have written a full account of his life. The unknown author is still sometimes known as Pseudo-Callisthenes.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1055: Enlil, god of Earth, assigned junior dingirs (Sumerian: 𒀭, lit. 'divines') to do farm labor, as well as maintain the rivers and canals. After 40 years, however, the lesser dingirs rebelled and refused to do strenuous labor. Enki, who is also the kind, wise counselor of the gods, suggested that rather than punishing these rebels, humans should be created to do such work, instead. The mother goddess Mami is subsequently assigned the task of creating humans by shaping clay figurines mixed with the flesh and blood of the slain god Geshtu-E ('ear' or 'wisdom'; 'a god who had intelligence'). All the gods, in turn, spit upon the clay. After 10 months, a specially made womb breaks open and humans are born.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1128: Jos Gebel oliskin ikäänkun Jaakob, ja toi käärmeenlumooja Balkiti olis niikö Laaban. Kaivolla oli jollain pissaliisalla ekat rehvit, mut oliko ne isäpappa Iisakki ja Rebekka? Aaprahammi oli maahanmuuttaja. Safira eli Safak olis se herkkuperse Raakel, ja Sayida sen rumempi isosisko Lea, jota piti naida ensinnä. Paizi ei pitänytkään tässä versiossa. Gebelin vällykäärme löysi vikkelästi tien Safakin koloon. Safakilla oli söpöt tazkat tisuissa. Gebel huudahtelee Good God! kuin Poirotin yhtä tyhmä Captain Hastings. Musta alkaa vaikuttaa et tää kynäilijä Naabob on tyhmä kuin saapas izekin. Ärsyttävä munamies Gebel alkaa osoittaa isänmaallisuuden oireita. Tamarind on pahoillaan että Hamaamin miehet ovat ihan ämmiä. Montakohan äpäräpoikaa löytyy Jee-suxenkin sukupuusta. Todennäköisyys on n. 15%.
xxx/ellauri209.html on line 128: Rein rivaali LL Bean-miehen suosiosta on tyly high yaller CIA agentti, ex-eversti jolla on pitkät pedikyröidyt kynnet. Norie täti pelkää ettei Shimuroita enää koskaan hyväxytä piireihin. Kimurantti tilanne.
xxx/ellauri212.html on line 163: thus holding converse only with myself and considering my own
xxx/ellauri212.html on line 293:
xxx/ellauri212.html on line 295: Avalokasvara oli alunperin 2-neuvonen, naisennäköinen mutta rypäleitä persiissä. Vieläköhän Rein japsuversio Cannon oli sellainen? Cannon Ball MC eli Kanuunanmunakerho lopetettiin oikeuden päätöksellä Suomesta. Se oli liian militaarinen. Mailoja ja kuulia terhokerhossa. Terho ensin esa sitten, kassit pois ettei jää todistajia.
xxx/ellauri212.html on line 413: The painter — whose real name was Balthasar Klossowski de Rola and who died in 2001 — has been a controversial figure in the art world for decades. Many of his paintings show highly sexualized depictions of young girls. His 1934 work "The Guitar Lesson" was one of his first to scandalize his peers. When it was displayed along with "Thérèse Dreaming" and other Balthus paintings at a special exhibit in the Met in 2013, a plaque warned readers that the paintings were disturbing in nature.
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 127: From the start, critics complained about the ostensible sameness of Roth’s books, their narcissism and narrowness—or, as he himself put it, comparing his own work to his father’s conversation, “Family, family, family, Newark, Newark, Newark, Jew, Jew, Jew.”
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 155: In 1942, Malamud met Ann De Chiara (November 1, 1917 – March 20, 2007), an Italian-American Roman Catholic, and a 1939 Cornell University graduate. They married on November 6, 1945, despite the opposition of their respective parents. Ann typed his manuscripts and reviewed his writing. Ann and Bernard had two children, Paul (b. 1947) and Janna (b. 1952). Janna is the author of a memoir about her father, titled My Father Is A Book.
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 400: ii) Aversion to liberal democracy, U.S is a banana state
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 413: Aminatu (also Amina; died 1610) was a Hausa (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hausa_people) Muslim (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muslim) historical figure in the city-state (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hausa_Kingdoms) Zazzau (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zazzau) (present-day city of Zaria (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zaria) in Kaduna State (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaduna_State)), in what is now in the north-west region of Nigeria (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigeria). She might have ruled in the mid-sixteenth century. A controversial figure whose existence has been questioned by some historians, her real biography has been somewhat obscured by subsequent legends and folk tales.
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 436: Grace Wetzel - Psychology Teaching Assistant - Rutgers University | LinkedIn.
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 442: WEDNESDAY, April 13, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- The more orgasms you have, the more you come to expect. And the reverse is also true, according to a new study of the so-called orgasm gap -- in which men climax far more often than their female partners. Haha of course, when the male comes, its GAME OVER, and it takes just 5 to 40 thrusts! "Our expectations are shaped by our experiences, so when women orgasm less, they will desire and expect to orgasm less," said study author Grace Wetzel, a doctoral student in social psychology at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, N.J. "If women lower their expectations in this way, the more orgasm inequality may perpetuate in relationship," she said in a Rutgers news release. What else is new? How many times female orgasm is mentioned in Talmud?
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 448: “The times for conjugal duty prescribed in the are: for men of independent means, every day; for laborers, twice a week; for donkey drivers, once a week; for camel drivers, once in thirty days; for sailors, once in six months.”
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 126: It received generally positive reviews from crickets, but it also generated intense controversy here on the right side of the puddle, including disputes over its fairness to Bush. The film became the highest-grossing documentary of its time (later surpassed by Michael Jackson's extremely important This Is It), grossing over $220 million. So it can't be all wrong!
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 174: Ellisin ensimmäinen teos homoseksuaalisuudesta, Sexual Inversion (1897). Siinä homoseksuaalisuutta käsiteltiin ensi kertaa neutraalisti, ei vain kriminologisena ongelmana tai mielisairautena. Se oli ensimmäinen osa Havelock Ellisin pääteoksesta, kuusiosaisesta sarjasta Studies in the Psychology of Sex, jonka viimeinen osa ilmestyi 1928. Ensimmäisen osan aiheuttaman kohun takia sarjaa ei julkaistu Britanniassa vaan Yhdysvalloissa.
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 303: "Joskus ihmiset tekevät jotain perverssiä, vaikka se vain todistaisi olevansa vapaa", Christofi sanoo. Esim Michael Jackson hississä painamassa nappulaa.
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 363: We should never think selfless virtue can be reached by treading on others. The cold splinter at the heart of the true artist must be harsher in its quarrel with the self than it is in its rhetorical engagement with other people. For believers, this is the virtue of humility; I am not sure what the rest of us can call it. What we can agree on is the constant examination of conscience, and, when we fall short, a conscious decision to do better.
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 371: As Anthony Julius has demonstrated beyond a shadow of doubt, Eliot used language about Jews that was closely linked both to traditional antisemitic hate speech and to the tropes of the murderous antisemitism of his own time. It is hard to see how this can be reconciled to his Christianity, except because he saw diversity a
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 516: Best friends Fred and Barney awaken with hangovers and no memory of the previous night. Their television is on, showing a program about animals using rubble and flintstones as currency to get food. In the program is a monkey nicknamed Andrew. It's the best actor of the film. Pity it only has a cameo role. Their refrigerator is filled with containers of chocolate pudding, and the answering machine contains an angry message from their twin girlfriends Wilma and Betty as to their whereabouts. The two also learn they have almost been fired from their jobs at the quarry. They emerge from their home to find Fred's car missing, and with it their baby girlfriends' first-anniversary presents. This prompts Fred to ask the film's titular question: "Dude, where's my car?"
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 524: After Pierre releases the duo for correctly answering a question about ostriches, Fred and Barney head over to a local arcade named Captain Stu's Space-O-Rama. Once inside, they encounter Zoltan and his cultists who give them Wilma and Betty in exchange for a toy that Fred and Barney later on (see below) try to pass off as the Transfunctioner. Tommy, Christie, and the jocks arrive along with Nelson and his dog, whom they release after Tommy snatches the fake Transfunctioner from Zoltan. The two sets of aliens arrive and notify everyone of the real Continuum Transfunctioner: a Rubik's Cube that Barney has been working hard to solve. He then solves it on the spot, causing the device to shapeshift into its true form. The boys are warned that once the five girls stop flashing, the universe will be destroyed.
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 528: Fred and Barney must determine which group of aliens is there to protect the universe and which is there to destroy it. Both claim to be the protectors of the universe, stating that they were with Fred and Barney the previous night, which Fred and Barney still cannot remember, and ask for the Transfunctioner. The two men correctly choose the two men (of course) who answer their question about the previous night by stating they got a hole in one at the 18th hole at the arcade's miniature golf park and won a lifetime supply of pudding. At the last second, they deactivate the Transfunctioner, saving the universe.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 34: versfbookclub.com/tellingt.jpg" width="100%" />
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 70: On se kyllä kumma miten jenkki ei pääse karvoistaan edes käydessään mielikuvituxessaan universumin ulkoreunalla. Konseptio estää reseption.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 71: Kiitoxia kaveri. Ei ei näinkään saanut sanoa. Hyvää sexiä, sanoi kärrymies. Käyneekö sekään. Darwin rulettaa koko universumissa.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 255: In 1953 (aged 24) while traveling to France aboard the Queen Mary, Ursula met historian Charles Le Guin.They married in Paris in December 1953. According to Le Guin, the marriage signaled the "end of the doctorate" for her. While her husband finished his doctorate at Emory University in Georgia, and later at the University of Idaho, Le Guin taught French and worked as a secretary until the birth of her daughter Elisabeth in 1957. A second daughter, Caroline, was born in 1959. Also in that year, Charles became an instructor in history at Portland State University, and the couple moved to Portland, Oregon, where their son Theodore was born in 1964. They would live in Portland for the rest of their lives, although Le Guin received further Fulbright grants to travel to London in 1968 and 1975.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 267: Le Guin read both classic and speculative fiction widely in her youth. She later said that science fiction did not have much impact on her until she read the works of Theodore Sturgeon and Cordwainer Smith, and that she had sneered at the genre as a child. Authors Le Guin describes as influential include Victor Hugo, William Wordsworth, Charles Dickens, Boris Pasternak, and Philip K. Dick. Le Guin and Dick attended the same high-school, but did not know each other. She also considered J. R. R. Tolkien and Leo Tolstoy to be stylistic influences, and preferred reading Virginia Woolf and Jorge Luis Borges to well-known science-fiction authors such as Robert Heinlein, whose writing she described as being of the "white man conquers the universe" tradition. Several scholars state that the influence of mythology, which Le Guin enjoyed reading as a child, is also visible in much of her work: for example, the short story "The Dowry of Angyar" is described as a retelling of a Norse myth.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 269: Dad´s discipline of cultural anthropology had a powerful influence on Le Guin´s writing. Her father Alfred Kroeber is considered a pioneer in the field, and was a director of the University of California Museum of Anthropology: as a consequence of his research, Le Guin was exposed to anthropology and cultural exploration as a child. In addition to myths and legends, she read such volumes as The Leaves of the Golden Bough by Lady Frazer, a children´s book adapted from The Golden Bough, a study of myth and religion by her husband James George Frazer. She described living with her father´s friends and acquaintances as giving her the experience of the other sex. The experiences of Ishi, in particular, were influential on Le Guin, and elements of his story have been identified in works such as Planet of Exile, City of Illusions, and The Word for World Is Forest and The Dispossessed.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 273: Philosophical Taoism had a large role in Le Guin´s world view, and the influence of Taoist thought can be seen in many of her stories. Many of Le Guin´s protagonists, including in The Lathe of Heaven, embody the Taoist ideal of leaving things alone. The anthropologists of the Hainish universe try not to meddle with the cultures they encounter, while one of the earliest lessons Ged learns in A Wizard of Earthsea is not to use magic unless it is absolutely necessary. Taoist influence is evident in Le Guin´s depiction of equilibrium in the world of Earthsea: the archipelago is depicted as being based on a delicate balance, which is disrupted by somebody in each of the first three novels. This includes an equilibrium between land and sea, implicit in the name "Earthsea", between people and their natural environment, and a larger cosmic equilibrium, which wizards are tasked with maintaining. Another prominent Taoist idea is the reconciliation of opposites such as light and dark, or good and evil. A number of Hainish novels, The Dispossessed prominent among them, explored such a process of reconciliation. In the Earthsea universe, it is not the dark powers, but the characters´ misunderstanding of the balance of life, that is depicted as evil, in contrast to conventional Western stories in which good and evil are in constant conflict, wearing white and black stezons, respectively. The idea of leaving good enough alone, in particular, is deeply un-American.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 277: Several of Le Guin´s works have featured stylistic or structural features that were unusual or even subversive. The heterogeneous structure of The Left Hand of Darkness, described as "distinctly post-modern" (eek!), was unusual for the time of its publication. This was in marked contrast to the structure of (primarily male-authored) traditional science fiction, which was straightforward and linear. The novel was framed as part of a report sent to the Ekumen by the protagonist Genly Ai after his time on the planet Gethen, thus suggesting that Ai was selecting and ordering the material, consisting of personal narration, diary extracts, Gethenian myths, and ethnological reports. Earthsea also employed an outlandishly unconventional narrative form described by scholar Mike Cadden (Princeton U Senior Lecturer in Theater) as "free indirect discourse", in which the feelings of the protagonist are not directly separated from the narration, making the narrator seem sympathetic to the characters, and removing the skepticism towards a character´s thoughts and emotions that are a feature of more direct narration. Cadden suggests that this method leads to younger readers sympathizing directly with the characters, making it an effective technique for young-adult literature like Flaubert or Zola.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 281: A number of Le Guin´s writings, including the Earthsea series, challenged the conventions of epic fantasies and myths. Many of the protagonists in Earthsea were dark-skinned individuals, in comparison to the white-skinned heroes more traditionally used; some of the antagonists, in contrast, were white-skinned, a switching of race roles that has been critically remarked upon by multiple critics. In a 2001 interview, Le Guin attributed the frequent lack of character illustrations on her book covers to her choice of non-white protagonists. LOL haha! She explained this choice, saying: "most people in the world aren't white. Why in the future would we assume they are?" Her 1985 book Always Coming Home, described as "her great experiment", included a story told from the perspective of a young protagonist, but also included poems, rough drawings of plants and animals, myths, and anthropological reports from the matriarchal society of the Kesh, a fictional people living in the Napa valley after a catastrophic global flood.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 294: Le Guin responded to these critiques in her subsequent writing. She intentionally used feminine pronouns for all sexually latent Gethenians in her 1995 short story "Coming of Age in Karhide", and in a later reprinting of "Winter's King", which was first published in 1969. "Coming of Age in Karhide" was later anthologized in the 2002 collection The Birthday of the World, which contained six other stories featuring unorthodox sexual relationships and marital arrangements. She also revisited gender relations in Earthsea in Tehanu, published in 1990. This volume was described as a rewriting or reimagining of The Tombs of Atuan, because the power and status of the female protagonist Tenar are the inverse of what they were in the earlier book, which was also focused on her and Ged. During this later period she commented that she considered The Eye of the Heron, published in 1978, to be her first work genuinely centered on a woman.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 308: Warren Rochelle lives and writes in Charlottesville, VA. He retired from the University of Mary Washington in 2020, after 20 years of teaching English. He earned a BA in English from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1977, followed by an MS in library science at Columbia University in 1978. After eleven years as a school librarian, he returned to school to earn his MFA in 1991, followed by his PhD in 1997, both from UNC Greensboro.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 310: Other social structures are examined in works such as the story cycle Four Ways to Forgiveness, and the short story "Old Music and the Slave Women", occasionally described as a "fifth way to forgiveness". Set in the Hainish universe, the five stories together examine revolution and reconstruction in a slave-owning society. According to above mentioned Rochelle, the stories examine a society that has the potential to build a "truly human community", made possible by the Ekumen´s recognition of the slaves as human beings, thus offering them the prospect of freedom and the possibility of utopia, brought about through revolution. Slavery, justice, and the role of women in society are also explored in Anals of the Western Shore.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 347: In the 1960s, the New Criticism, which since has taken hold at most American universities, came into vogue, insisting that literature be reexamined through multiple lenses so that new interpretations and voices would flourish. Elaborate curriculums looked at literature through different prisms: gay, feminist, Marxist, deconstructionist and others. Bloom was enraged. He spent decades lambasting the New Criticism, refusing to have anything to do with these critics and labeling them derisively as “the school of resentment.” Many resented his elitism.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 351: Although God was out of the picture, a spiritual hunger remained. For a time, when he was friends for a brief stint with an elderly Gershom Scholem, he was intrigued by mysticism, hopeful it might offer him something the Jewish God did not. He often said he was appalled by the very notion of Yahweh, whom he described as an “uncanny, dangerous, altogether outrageous God,” who seemed to take a perverse pleasure in appearing when he was least needed and disappearing when he was needed most.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 353: In his newest book, “Possessed by Memory: The Inward Light of Criticism,” Bloom promised to shake off the polemical battles that have shadowed him for years. He pledged to include never-revealed autobiographical snippets. He wanted to share with his readers his recent reevaluations of some of his most beloved writers. He only partially delivers.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 378: Ultimately Bloom cannot change into anything other than who he has always been—masterful and monstrous. He seems to sense he has moved out of favor in many circles but chooses not to dwell upon why. Instead, he continues as he always has: writing and teaching his handpicked “elite” students at Yale—part of the unique arrangement he has made with the university. He has led a long, cloistered, and entitled life. The aloneness he described as a child seems to have shrouded his adult life as well. I wonder if he questions this aloneness in his darkest moments. I would guess that he does not dwell too deeply upon it, perhaps afraid of answers he doesn’t wish to confront.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 386: Crane was born in Garrettsville, Ohio, the son of Clarence A. Crane and Grace Edna Hart. His father was a successful Ohio businessman who invented the Life Savers candy and held the patent, but sold it for $2,900 before the brand became popular. Bugger it. Too late to save the life of the hart. He made other candy and accumulated a fortune from the candy business with chocolate bars.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 388: Crane´s mother and father were constantly fighting, and they divorced early in April 1917. Crane dropped out of East High School in Cleveland during his junior year and left for New York City, promising his parents he would attend Columbia University later. His parents, in the middle of their divorce proceedings, were upset. Crane took various copywriting jobs and moved between friends´ apartments in Manhattan. Between 1917 and 1924 he moved back and forth between New York and Cleveland, working as an advertising copywriter and a worker in his father´s factory. From Crane´s letters, it appears that New York was where he felt most at home, and much of his poetry is set there.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 414: Ja sitten oli tää homosexuaalisuus. As a boy, he had a sexual relationship with a man. He associated his sexuality with his vocation as a poet. Raised in the Christian Science tradition of his mother, he never ceased to view himself as a social pariah. However, as poems such as "Repose of Rivers" make clear, he felt that this sense of alienation was necessary in order for him to attain the visionary insight that formed the basis for his poetic work.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 418: Thomas Yingling objects to the traditional, New Critical and Eliotic readings of Crane, arguing that the "American myth criticism and formalist readings" have "depolarized and normalized our reading of American poetry, making any homosexual readings seem perverse." Thomas E. Yingling was associate professor of English at Syracuse University until his death from AIDS-related causes in 1992. Even more than a personal or political problem, though, Yingling argues that such "biases" obscure much of what the poems make clear; he cites, for instance, the last lines of "My Grandmother´s Love Letters" from White Buildings as a haunting description of estrangement from the norms of (heterosexual) family life:
xxx/ellauri227.html on line 96: Camilla Läckberg har hamnat i ett infekterat ordbråk med sina medägare i Hedda Care. Camilla Läckberg, 45, äger en tredjedel av det kontroversiella vårdbolaget tillsammans med sin ex-PR-konsult Christina Saliva, 45, som också är styrelseordförande, och läkaren Sara Löfgren, 46, som har fått VD i bolaget. (Inte släkt med Lea Lehtisalo.)
xxx/ellauri227.html on line 286: – Se on myös universaali kertomus nuoresta ihmisestä, joka tuntee elävänsä maailman laidalla, eristyksessä kaikesta. Kiona asuu konkreettisesti kaukana, mutta samalla tavalla minä tunsin teininä Pohjois-Ruotsissa olevani jumissa jossain maailman laidalla. Kiona on vähän niikuin se Disneyn sankari, ei se Fiona (vihreä) vaan se havaijitar, jonka poikaystävä muistuttaa Hulkia (vaikkei sekään ole vihreä).
xxx/ellauri227.html on line 353: Selma Lagerlöf är en av Sveriges mest kända författare. Hon är översatt och bearbetad över hela världen. I och med detta måste en viss “respekt” hållas. Att outa Lagerlöf som lesbisk skulle, enligt dagens normer, inte se bra ut för den svenska delen av världshistorien. Samtidigt som det skulle se så bra ut för den svenska lesbiskheten. Breven mellan Elkan och Lagerlöf hölls i det dolda i femtio år, innan de tilläts öppna på KB i Stockholm. Kanske fanns en tro att deras kärlek, Lagerlöfs begär och åtrå, skulle få komma upp i ljuset. Kanske hade de båda hoppats på att den obligatoriska heterosexualiteten skulle göra deras brev mer orättvisa, än att det på håll sagts, “människor skrev ju sådär till varandra på den tiden.”
xxx/ellauri227.html on line 363: 1994 palasivat nosket valtaan Ruozissa, senkö tautta ne ovat konnia Lizan kirjassa? Inom politiken tycks allt färre skämmas. I Liza Marklunds "Polcirkeln" är deckarhjältinnan Carina Burstrand sverigedemokrat. Hon (Liza) är framgångsrik och irriterande. Det är irriterande. Men varje moln har en silverkant: 2011 blev äldsta dottern sjuk i cancer och själv drabbades hon av en ämnesomsättningssjukdom som gav henne både fördiabetes, leverskador och hjärtfel. Bara några år senare, 2015, fick mannen konstaterat cancer och den andra dottern var med om en olycka i London. Fiaskon är mer intressanta än framgångar och gör en gladare.
xxx/ellauri227.html on line 429: *Huomaa: Kelttirististä on olemassa monia eri versioita, mukaan lukien erot korttien järjestyksessä. Yllä oleva versio on se versio, jonka kanssa työskentelen ja jolla saan parhaat tulokset. Kokeile kuitenkin ja valitse mikä sopii sinulle parhaiten. 1 x 2, markat miljoonaxi.
xxx/ellauri227.html on line 554: Kerstin Anita Marianne Ekberg (29. syyskuuta 1931 Malmö – 11. tammikuuta 2015 Rooma, Italia) oli ruotsalainen malli, näyttelijä ja sexisymboli. Anita Ekberg aloitti uransa mallina ja osallistui muun muassa 1951 Miss Universe -kilpailuun, jonka ansiosta yhdysvaltalaiset elokuvastudiot kiinnostuivat hänestä. Anita ei tullut valituxi Miss Universexi, eikä vottajaa löydy mistään. Kilpailusta tuli virallinen vasta synnyinvuonnani 1952, jolloin universumin kauneimmaxi kruunattiin meidän oma 17-kesäinen Armi Kuuselamme. Ekberg näytteli useissa Hollywood-elokuvissa ja sai muun muassa Golden Globe -palkinnon sivuroolistaan elokuvassa Blood Alley 1955 vastanäyttelijänään John Wayne. Varsinaisen legendan hänestä tekivät eurooppalaiset elokuvat ja etenkin naisrooli Federico Fellinin elokuvassa Ihana elämä (La Dolce Vita, 1960), jonka suihkulähdekohtaus on jäänyt osaksi länsimaista pehmopornografiaa. Ihanan elämän jälkeen Ekberg esiintyi enemp vähemp nakupellenä useissa italialaisissa elokuvissa. Anitalla oli aivan jättimäiset kannut mutta vähän tyly suu.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 237: Lem oli monikielinen: hän osasi puolaa, latinaa, saksaa, ranskaa, englantia, venäjää ja ukrainaa. Lem väitti, että hänen älykkyysosamääränsä testattiin lukiossa 180-vuotiaana. (LOL, siis se oli 180, mutta sitä Google-kääntäjän on vaikea uskoa.) Lem oli naimisissa Barbaran (o.s. Leśniak) Lemin kanssa kuolemaansa asti. Hiän kuoli 27. huhtikuuta 2016. Heidän ainoa poikansa Tomasz Lem [pl] syntyi vuonna 1968. Hän opiskeli fysiikkaa ja matematiikkaa Wienin yliopistossa ja valmistui fysiikan tutkinnosta Princetonin yliopistosta. Tomasz kirjoitti muistelman isästään Awantury na tle powszechnego ciążenia (Tantrums on the Background of the Universal Gravitation), joka sisältää lukuisia henkilökohtaisia tietoja Stanisław Lemistä. Kirjatakissa sanotaan, että Tomasz työskentelee Google-kääntäjänä ja hänellä on tytär Anna.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 296: Toinen sovitus Solariksesta tuotettiin vuonna 2002, ja sen on kirjoittanut ja ohjannut arvostettu elokuvantekijä Steven Spielberg - korjaan Soderbergh. Se on hyvin tehty ja viihdyttävä, ja siinä George Clooney on Kelvin, mutta se on hyvin erilainen kuin Tarkovskin versio, mikä tekee Solariksesta yhdistelmän scifi-jännitystä ja rakkaustarinaa. Häiritseviä hallusinaatioita kokevan miehistön pelko ja jännitys käsitellään hyvin, mutta Kelvinin vierailuja kuolleessa vaimossaan pidetään vähemmän pelottavina kuin romanttisina, mitä on vaikea tehdä uskottavaksi oudon ja häiritsevän tarinan yhteydessä. Tonttia muutetaan tämän uuden näkökulman mahdollistamiseksi. Riippuvuus vuoropuhelusta tapahtumien selittämiseksi erottuu verrattuna Tarkovskin velttokyrpäisempään, suurelta osin visuaaliseen tarinaan. Elokuvan korkeat tuotantoarvot, Soderberghin lahjakkuus ja hyvä näyttelijä, mukaan lukien Viola Davis stoalaisena miehistön jäsenenä, joka taistelee ottaakseen loogisen lähestymistavan kaoottisiin olosuhteisiin, auttavat elokuvaa eteenpäin; mutta se menettää suuren osan Tarkovskin epäselvyydestä ja mysteeristä.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 304: Myöhemmin hän uskoo tekonsa Turskalle ja ymmärtää, että miehistön rakkaiden jäljennökset ovat ilmestyneet salaperäisesti (pieni poika, jonka hän näki aiemmin, on ilmeisesti kopio Gibrarianin pojasta). Seya ilmenee toisen kerran, mutta tällä kertaa Kelvin antaa hänen jäädä. Vähitellen tämä Seyan versio tajuaa, että hiän ei tunne olevansa ihminen; hiänen muistonsa tuntuvat keinotekoisilta, koska hiäneltä puuttuu emotionaalinen kiintymys, joka tulee siitä, että hiän on todella elänyt niitä. Jonkun cricketin miälestä silikoniversio oli sikäli humanistisempi kuin "oikeat" että se nirhasi pyytämättä izensä antaaxeen Kevinille vapaat kädet valikoida maassa kakkosvaimoa jolla olis sisääntuloaukot alkuperäisillä paikoilla.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 343: Andrei´s paternal grandfather Aleksandr Karlovich Tarkovsky (in Polish: Aleksander Karol Tarkowski) was a Polish nobleman who worked as a bank clerk. His wife Maria Danilovna Rachkovskaya was a Romanian language teacher who arrived from Iași. Andrei´s maternal grandmother Vera Nikolayevna Vishnyakova (née Dubasova) belonged to an old Dubasov family of Russian nobility that traces its history back to the 17th century; among her relatives was Admiral Fyodor Dubasov, a fact she had to conceal during the Soviet days. She was married to Ivan Ivanovich Vishnyakov, a native of the Kaluga Governorate who studied law at the Moscow State University and served as a judge in Kozelsk.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 345: According to the family legend, Tarkovsky's ancestors on his father's side were princes from the Shamkhalate of Tarki, Dagestan, although his sister Marina Tarkovskaya who did a detailed research on their genealogy called it "a myth, even a prank of sorts," stressing that none of the documents confirms this version.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 536: Kirjan ensimmäinen suomenkielinen versio ilmestyi jo 1847 Otto Tandefeltin suomentamana mukaelmana, nimellä Robinpoika Kruuse. Vuonna 1961 julkaistun mukaelman maahantuonti ja levittäminen kiellettiin nk. Kynäbaari-jutussa. Kynäbaari-juttu (myös Liisa ihmemaassa -tapaus) on ollut ainut kerta, jolloin tekijänoikeuslain klassikkosuojapykälää on sovellettu käytäntöön Suomessa. Asia ratkaistiin korkeimman oikeuden ennakkopäätöksellä vuonna 1967 (KKO 1967-II-10). Opetusministeriö päätti 11. toukokuuta 1962 kieltää kyseisten kirjojen maahantuonnin ja levittämisen Suomessa. Menettely perustui tuoreen tekijänoikeuslain 53 §:ään, jossa mainitaan sivistyksellisten arvojen vaarantaminen: teoksia ei saa muunnella tekijän kuoltua tavalla, joka on omiaan halventamaan tekijää.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 544: No no, Robinson, formerly Expedition Robinson, is a Swedish reality game show and the original version of the international Survivor format. Ei siinä ollut vaan 1 mies, vaan useampia, plus useita isotissisiä naisia, joista miehille tulee kova kisa, ja kääntäen. Daniel ei osannut. Sen kirja on melkein koko ajan ihmisen kamppailua luontoa vastaan. Väärin väärin, luonto on jo päihitetty, jäljellä on vaan toiset apinat. Ja mitä homoilua tämä on:
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 554: Zur gestrandeten Familie gehören der Vater, ein Pfarrer (parsons), der die Abenteuer erzählt, seine Ehefrau, die vier Knaben Fritz (16 Jahre), Ernst (14 Jahre), Jakob/Jack (12 Jahre) und Franz (9 Jahre) sowie die beiden Doggen Türk und Bill. Sie möchten ein neues Leben auf den Gewürzinseln beginnen. Auf dem Weg nach Australien werden sie mitten im Indischen Ozean infolge eines schweren Sturms schiffbrüchig, können aber noch eine ganze Menge von diversen Gebrauchsgegenständen und Tiere vom Schiff auf eine tropische Insel retten. Aber keine Mädchen! Hier lernen sie mit den vorhandenen Werkzeugen und mit den auf der Insel entdeckten Dingen umzugehen und diese zu nutzen. Aber keine Mädchen! So baut sich die Familie ein Baumhaus, lernt jagen und fischen und führt ein einfaches, aber zufriedenes Leben. Nach über zehn Jahren verschlägt es die englische Schiffbrüchige Jenny auf das verlassene Eiland. Sie wird von den Robinsons-Jungen feiernd in die Familie aufgenommen. (Na endlich!) Einige Zeit später nähert sich der Insel ein englisches Schiff. Die Eltern entschließen sich, mit einem Teil der Kinder auf „Neu-Schweizerland“ zu bleiben um dort mit ihnen alt zu werden. Fritz und Franz trennen sich gemeinsam mit Jenny dagegen von der Familie und reisen nach Europa zurück um eine ménage a trois in Ruhe zu genießen.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 562: The British-Swedish-American television show places a group of strangers in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves. They are initially divided into two tribes. The contestants compete in challenges for rewards and immunity from gang rape. The remaining contestants are eventually merged into a single tribe. The contestants are progressively eliminated from the game as they are voted out by their fellow contestants or, as may be the result after the merge, lose an immunity challenge until only one remains and is awarded a grand prize. A Robinsonian version of the American Dream.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 568: Charles Parsons (philosopher) (born 1933), professor in the philosophy of mathematics at Harvard University
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 593: The magazine format allowed for interviews, live music, features and even game shows. The flexible late-night format meant that guests could do just about anything to be controversial.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 610: Shabba Ranks advocating crucifixion of homosexuals, which received universal condemnation from presenter Lamarr, who rooted for good old castration.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 613: Charlie Parsons developed The Robinsonian format in 1994 for United Kingdom, but the Swedish debut in 1997 was the first production to actually make it to television. The winner (vinnare) Ingvar S. Melin was a success, he married Camilla Läckberg (an even bigger success), and plans for international versions were made. An American version called Survivor started in 2000. Note the telltale change of numerus: from many survivors there remains just one. Monopoly in the jungle without a board.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 616: Suomessa sarjaa on esitetty vuodesta 2001 lähtien, sekä MTV3:llä että sen lisäkanava Subilla. Ohjelmasta on tehty myös suomalainen versio, Selviytyjät Suomi.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 74: Welcome! I am a PhD student at the University of Buffalo working on the Problem of Universals. My focus is on the Early Modern period. This functions as a window into many other philosophical problems, including those of interest to a broader academic community, such as those found in applied ethics (e.g., biomedical ethics or professional ethics) and in applied ontology (e.g., a web ontology representation of what exists in, say, the relationships between paper documents and the information they contain or the obligations they prescribe).
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 81: Works of John Sergeant, electronic. I began a project in my spare time of editing and cleaning up extant electronic versions of the works of the early modern philosopher and theologian, John Sergeant (1623-1707). The most famous and most easily available are his Method to Science (1696), Solid Philosophy (1697), and Transnatural Philosophy (1700). You can go to the “John Sergeant” link in the menu to see what chapters and sections are available thus far.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 83: John Sergeant (1621–1707 or 1710) was an English Roman Catholic priest, controversialist and theologian.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 84: For twenty years he was actively engaged in controversy, both with Anglicans such as the bishops Edward Stillingfleet and John Tillotson, and blackguard Catholics who differed from Thomas White.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 99: 28. Tradition not only authenticates Books in the bulk, but it gives moreover the distinct degrees of Credibility to divers passages in the same Book already authenticated in gross. [That¨s for you fundamentalists!]
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 101: 21. The Knowledg of the First Attesters is ascertain’d by what has been prov’d. §. §. 15.16. Their Veracity must be prov’d by shewing there could be no Apparent Good to move their Wills to deceive us; and the best proof (omitting the Impossibility of joyning in such an Universal Conspiracy to deceive, the Certain loss of their Credit to tell a Lie against Notorious Matters of Fact &c.) is the seen Impossibility of Compassing their Immediate End, which was to Deceive. Which reason is grounded on this, that no one man, who is not perfectly Frantick, acts for an End that he plainly sees Impossible to be compassed. For example, to fly to the Moon (LOL), or to swim over Thames upon a Pig of Lead. (Except a really Big Hollow Pig of Lead.)
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 104: 30. Tradition thus qualify’d as is above-said, viz. So that the Matters of Fact were Certainly Experienced by very great Multitudes of the First Attesters; that they were of great or universal Concern, and so prompting them still to relate them to the next Age; that they were Abetted by some obligatory Practise; and, lastly Impossible to gain a Belief, if they had not been; and thence, Obliging the Attesters to Veracity: Such a Tradition, I say, is more than Morally, that is, Absolutely Certain.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 106: Note, That some of these Matters of Fact now mention’d, do fall short as to some of the best Qualifications found in diverse other Traditions; viz. as to that of their being Practical. Which gives us farther light to discern the Incomparable Strength of Tradition, and how every way Impossible it is it should deceive us, were it furnisht with all the Advantages it might have.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 136: (2.) Time will not be wasted in choosing what portions to read. Often believers are at a loss to determine towards which part of the mountains of spices they should bend their steps. Here the question will be solved at once in a very simple manner.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 138: (3.) Parents will have a regular subject upon which to examine their children and servants (LOL). – It is much to be desired that family worship were made more instructive than it generally is. The mere reading of the chapter is often too like water spilt on the ground. Let it be read by every member of the family before-hand, and then the meaning and application drawn out by simple question and answer. Like what was the name of the father of Jacob´s sons. The calendar will be helpful in this. Friends, also, when they meet, will have a subject for profitable conversation in the portions read that day. The meaning of difficult passages may be inquired from the more judicious and ripe Christians, and the fragrance of simpler Scriptures spread abroad to mask the smells of the riper Christians.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 146: Phase 10 Score Tracking Spreadsheet. Want to keep track of scores Phase 10 but don’t want to use paper? There really wasn’t any easy way to do it electronically. I can’t think of an app that would do this well. Here’s what I would want the score keeper to be able to do: enter in numbers and the total score is calculated automatically keep track of who has completed a phase in a round easily calculate which phase each player is on Well, could a spreadsheet do that? Yes! Yes it can! Here’s mine: And here’s the template version: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PzaZWrFHKojBDYrMMDB-5gSQEs9ORg65Jt4MMbVfI2M/copy?copyComments=false It accomplishes all of the … Continue readingPhase 10 Score Tracking Spreadsheet
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 150: Though it is uncontroversial promise-making is a speech act, Thiselton argues prayer is also, contrary to the view prayer is merely “therapeutic meditation” (44, 53). Rather, prayer changes situations and necessarily involves others. How can petitions effect change when they are offered to an unchanging God (70)? Requests change the situation for answering prayer (53), and aren’t “an attempt ‘to twist God’s arm’” (71).
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 167: Michael Kandel (born 1941) is an American translator and author of science fiction. Kandel was born into Polish Jewish family. He received a doctorate in Slavistics from Indiana University, and is an editor at the Modern Language Association. Kandel is also a part-time editor at Harcourt, editing (among others) Ursula K. Le Guin´s work.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 171: Michael Kandel was a Fulbright student in Poland, 1966-67; taught Russian literature at George Washington University; received his PhD in Slavic at Indiana University; translated Polish writer Stanislaw Lem for Harcourt; wrote a few articles on Lem; worked as an editor at Harcourt, where he acquired authors Jonathan Lethem, Ursula K. Le Guin, James Morrow, and others; has written science fiction, short stories, and a few novels (Bantam, St. Martin´s); and is presently an editor at the Modern Language Association. He is the editor and translator of the anthology A Polish Book of Monsters.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 465: In this book four children share a dream. They all wake in the Castle of the Story Giant, a being that only comes alive when children dream him. He collects all the stories of the world, from the very dawn of consciousness and is waiting to hear the one last story he’s not yet found before he dies. This is a very wonderful collection of folk tales and version, told in Patten’s pinpoint prose.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 546: At the height of the baroque, sex went out of style; only two small parties kept it going-the integrationalists and the separatists. The separatists, averse to all debauchery, felt that it was improper to eat sauerkraut with the same mouth one used to kiss one´s sweetheart. For this a separate, "platonic" mouth was needed, and better yet, a complete set of them, variously designated (for relatives, for friends, and for that special person). The valuing utility above all else, worked in reverse, combining whatever was combinable to simplify the organism and life. The decline of the baroque, typically tending to the extravagant and the grotesque, produced such curious forms as the stoolmaid and the hexus, which resembled a centaur, except that instead of hoofs it had four bare feet with the toes all facing one another: they also called it a syncopant, after a dance in which energetic stamping was the basic step. But the market now was glutted, exhausted. It was hard to come up with a startling new body; people used their natural horns for ear flaps; flap ears-diaphanous and with stigmatic scenes-fanned with their pale pinkness the cheeks of ladies of distinction; there were attempts to walk on supple pseudopodia; meanwhile SOPSYPLABD out of sheer inertia made more and more designs available, though everyone felt that all of this was drawing to a close.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 617: Eversti Paalun johtama 1. divisioona raivaa kesällä -41 tietään kohti Petroskoita. Mukana on monenlaista kaveria. He ovat saaneet vahvistusta suoraan Saxasta, kaxi kovaa SS-upseeria. Toinen heistä on Lauri Törni.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 748: His fairly sizeable output of verse on political subjects is largely forgotten in the West. One exception is a short poem which has become something of a popular maxim in Russia:
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 763:
Sample of verse
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 64: Yasunari tuli vastaan Hoblan tiistairistikossa. Born in 1899, Kawabata graduated from the then Tokyo Imperial University. When he was young, he attracted attention as a novelist in the Shinkankakuha (new impressions) literary group, and gradually deepened his knowledge about the beauty particular to Japan. His outstanding works include “Izu no Odoriko” (Izu dancer), “Yukiguni” (Snow Country) and “Koto” (The Old Capital). He killed himself by inhaling gas in 1972.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 144: Armas var yngst av brödraskaran. Ramstedt var far till Freja Ramstedt, hustru till bergsingenjören Karl Björzén. Den här Ramstedt blev filosofie magister och specialiserade sig inom indoeuropeisk filologi, engelsk filosofi, litteraturhistoria och biologi. Han var sedan 1951 medlem av Sällskapet Bokvännerna i Finland, där han bidrog med över 4 000 volymer inom sina intresseområden. Han författade även ett antal böcker och tidskrifter om interlingvistik och konstgjorda språk. Bland annat var Ramstedt stark förespråkare av interlingue, som han också skrev diverse avhandlingar om. Han och esuperantist-storbror Gus slogs ofta med konstgjorda ord och knytnävar om vilketdera konstgjorda språket som var bäst. Nu är dom döda alla fyra.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 352: Sepustuxet Niko Jikenistä ovat sekavia kuten veriselityxet yleensä. Työnnettiinkö tosiaan 700 japsun lisäxi (oliko tässä luvussa jo taistelussa kuolleet banzait mukana?) muitakin porukoita tuhansittain avantoon? Heti maaliskuun pakkasillako vaiko vasta jäiden lähdettyä toukokuussa? Jenkit lähtivät Vladivostokista huhtikuussa ja japsut saivat siitä lähin häärätä Sahalinilla vapaasti. Jonkun jutku Gutmanin 1924 kirjoittama sepustus on näissä varmaan lähteenä. Kaveri ei ollut järin puolueeton vaan vihasi punikkeja kuin ruttoa. Kuten aina sotapropagandassa, eri osapuolten selostuxet tapahtumat poikkeavat ennustettavasti toisistaan. Kiihkottomimmalta vaikuttaa tämä versio:
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 459: By 1903 he was encountering opposition from the Colonial Office, which felt he was proceeding too rapidly. In 1904, after being criticized for granting a concession on land previously reserved for the indigenous Maasai people, he resigned his position. Following his resignation, he served as vice chancellor of both the University of Sheffield (1905–12) and the University of Hong Kong (1912–18). His last diplomatic post was as the British ambassador to Japan, which he began in 1920. He retired in 1926, continuing to live in Japan. During his life he wrote several papers and books, including The East Africa Protectorate (1905) and Letters from the Far East (1907).
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 492: Gazing serenely over the confluence of the Minjiang, Dadu and Qingyi rivers in Sichuan province, the Giant Buddha of Leshan is one of the most popular tourist spots in China. Carved on the side of a cliff in 713BC, the statue was the idea of a monk called Haithong, who hoped the statue would guide shipping vessels through the rivers’ treacherous currents. Sadly, he ran out of funds and the statue wasn't completed until 90 years later.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 494: The Leshan Giant Buddha (Chinese: 樂山大佛) is a 71-metre (233 ft) tall stone statue, built between 713 and 803 (during the Tang dynasty). It is carved out of a cliff face of Cretaceous red bed sandstones that lies at the confluence of the Min River and Dadu River in the southern part of Sichuan province in China, near the city of Leshan. The stone sculpture faces Mount Emei, with the rivers flowing below its feet. It is the largest and tallest stone Buddha statue in the world and it is by far the tallest pre-modern statue in the world. It is over 4 km from the Wuyou Temple.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 502: The monastery covers more than 30 hectares and includes a university and various shrines, with the complex dominated by a niggardly 36-metre tall statue of the Amitabha Buddha.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 558: Romanian prinssi Carol lähetettiin Tokioon unohtamaan juutalaistaustainen haahkansa Magda Lupescu. Ei unohtanut, kuten Kustu kuivasti totesi. Lupescu was described as a witty and outspoken woman, a tall redhead with milky-white skin and green eyes. Other sources are less flattering, describing her features as coarse and her conversation as vulgar. Voihan ne olla totta kumpikin. All sources agree that she walked with a peculiar swing of the hips, which, depending on one's point of view, was either sexy or crude, and that she was, in almost every respect, the opposite of Crown Princess Helen, Carol's spouse at the time.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 647: Chrysanthemums (/krɪˈsænθəməm/), sometimes called mums or chrysanths, are flowering plants of the genus Chrysanthemum in the family Asteraceae. They are native to East Asia and northeastern Europe. Most species originate from East Asia and the center of diversity is in China. Countless horticultural varieties and cultivars exist.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 658: In some European countries (e.g., France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Poland, Hungary, Croatia), incurve chrysanthemums symbolize death and are used only for funerals or on graves, while other types carry no such symbolism; similarly, in China, Japan, and Korea of East Asia, white chrysanthemums symbolize adversity, lamentation, and/or grief. In some other countries, they represent honesty. In the United States, the flower is usually regarded as positive and cheerful, with New Orleans as a notable exception.
xxx/ellauri231.html on line 140: Piippumies Pipesin mukaan Koltshak oli mies, jolla oli huonot sosiaaliset taidot, hän oli mielialainen, melankolinen, hiljainen ja erittäin epämukava ihmisten kanssa tekemisissä. Hänen saapuessaan illalliselle eversti John Ward kuvaili häntä "pieneksi, kulkuriksi, yksinäiseksi sieluksi ilman ystävää, joka saapuu kutsumatta juhlaan". Yksi, joka tunsi hänet, kirjoitti:
xxx/ellauri231.html on line 411: Vuosina 1925–1926 Kirotut päivät ( Окаянные дни ) alkoi ilmestyä Buninin päiväkirja vuosilta 1918–1920 Pariisissa sijaitsevassa Vozrozhdenye - sanomalehdessä (sen lopullinen versio julkaisi Petropolis vuonna 1936). 2000-luvun Bunin-tutkijan Thomas Gaiton Marullon mukaan Kirotut päivät, yksi harvoista Venäjän vallankumouksen ja sisällissodan ajoilta säilytetyistä bolshevikkien vastaisista päiväkirjoista, yhdisti "venäläisen 1800-luvun antiutopistisen kirjoittamisen vastine kahdeskymmenes" ja "kivulias poliittisten ja yhteiskunnallisten utopioiden paljastaminen... julisti George Orwellin ja Aldous Huxleyn antiutopistista kirjoitusta. Bunin ja Zamyatin ymmärsivät oikein, että Neuvostoliiton kokeilu oli tarkoitettu itsensä tuhoamiseen", Marullo kirjoitti vahingoniloisena Njeuvostoliiton kaaduttua.
xxx/ellauri231.html on line 424: Jenkit halusivat Buninin sodan ajaxi Nykkiin mutta se menikin niillä rahoilla Grasseen, kasvatti vihannexia ja söi kissoja ja koiria. Vuonna 1942 Villassa vieraileva toimittaja kuvaili Buninia "laihaksi ja laihtuneeksi mieheksi, joka näyttää muinaiselta pariisilaiselta". Ivan Bunin oli vankkumaton naisten vastustaja ja kutsui Adolf Hitleriä ja Benito Mussolinia "raivotuiksi apinoiksi". Kerran Pariisin Neuvostoliiton venäläisen teatterin yleisössä Bunin huomasi istuvansa nuoren puna-armeijan everstin vieressä. Kun jälkimmäinen nousi ja kumarsi ja sanoi: "Onko minulla kunnia istua Ivan Aleksejevitš Buninin vieressä?" kirjailija hyppäsi jaloilleen: "Minulla on vielä suurempi kunnia istua suuren puna-armeijan upseerin vieressä!" hän vastasi intohimoisesti.
xxx/ellauri231.html on line 426: Syksyllä 1945, suuren isänmaallisen nousukauden aallolla, Buninin 75. syntymäpäivää juhlittiin laajasti Pariisin venäläisessä yhteisössä. Bunin alkoi kommunikoida läheisesti Neuvostoliiton astiantuntijoiden, toimittaja Juri Žukovin kanssa ja kirjallinen agentti Boris Mihailpov, joka sai kirjailijalta useita uusia tarinoita julkaistavaksi Neuvostoliitossa. Huhut alkoivat kiertää, että neuvostoversio The Complete Buninista oli jo työn alla.
xxx/ellauri231.html on line 513: Kornilov oli voimakasnenäinen ammattiupseeri, joka osallistui vuonna 1905 everstiluutnanttina Venäjän–Japanin sotaan ja toimi vuosina 1907–1911 Venäjän sotilasattaseana Pekingissä. Hän komensi ensimmäisessä maailmansodassa Venäjän 48. divisioonaa eteläisellä rintamanosalla vuonna 1915. Hän jäi haavoittuneena itävaltalaisten vangiksi Przemyślin luona maaliskuussa 1915, mutta tervehdyttyään hän pakeni seuraavana vuonna takaisin Venäjän puolelle ja sai komentoonsa armeijakunnan. Kesällä 1917 hän hurjistui kuin Riitta Roth, kun hänen joukkojensa kurittomuus pakotti hänet perääntymään. Tällöin hän määräsi tykistön ampumaan omia karkaavia joukkojaan.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 124: Den israeliska forskaren Zeev Sternhell ser fascismen som en form av revision av marxismen. Detta tänkande sökte övervinna det liberala samhällets atomisering. Man accepterade den ”liberala ekonomin”, men tog avstånd från liberalismens filosofiska grundvalar: universalism, framsteg, naturrätt och jämlikhet. Vilken idiot!
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 155: Ein weiteres kontroverses Thema war Wippermanns engagiertes Auftreten gegen die Totalitarismus-These, die in seinem Verständnis besage, dass die Verbrechen des Nationalsozialismus und des Stalinismus oder des Kommunismus als Ganzes vergleichbar oder gleichzusetzen seien. Über das Schwarzbuch des Kommunismus urteilte Wippermann, dass es nur „eine ermüdende Reihung von Mordgeschichten“ biete, eine „Dämonisierung des Kommunismus“ betreibe und hinterfragt werden müsse, ob es sich „bei den Regimen in der Sowjetunion, China, Kambodscha etc. überhaupt um kommunistische bzw. sozialistische Systeme gehandelt habe“. Reinhard Mohr kritisierte darüber in Der Spiegel, dass „gar nicht mehr versucht wird, wissenschaftliche oder politische Kritik zu üben und dass es nur noch um das gekränkte intellektuelle Ich“ gehe. Wippermann solle eher Payne lesen.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 159:
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 161: Wippermanns Thesen sorgten mehrfach für Kontroversen innerhalb der deutschen Historikerzunft. So sah sich Wippermann selbst als einzigen Historiker, der sich in der Goldhagen-Kontroverse auf die Seite Daniel Goldhagens schlug. Goldhagen vertritt die These, dass die Taten der Deutschen nicht von solchen äußeren Zwängen oder Anreizen herrührten, sondern von inneren Überzeugungen. Die Deutschen wurden nicht gezwungen, Juden zu töten; sie taten es freiwillig, sie waren willige Vollstrecker.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 163: Kern seiner Arbeit in Anknüpfung an Christopher R. Brownings Untersuchungen ist die Beschreibung eines deutschen Polizeibataillons (Reserve-Polizei-Bataillon), das im polnischen Generalgouvernement die dort lebenden Juden aufspürte, folterte und schließlich erschoss oder in die Vernichtungslager verschleppte. Anhand von Prozessakten aus späteren Gerichtsverfahren gegen einige Bataillonsangehörige zeigt Goldhagen, dass diese Männer ihre Taten nicht etwa widerwillig, schamhaft und unter Zwang begingen, sondern freiwillig, ausgesprochen eifrig (z. T. über die ausdrücklichen Befehle hinaus), mit Stolz und in der Überzeugung, das Richtige zu tun. Sie quälten und ermordeten ihre Opfer ohne Mitgefühl oder moralische Skrupel. Diese erstaunliche Tatsache führt Goldhagen auf die Vorstellungen zurück, die die Männer von den Juden hatten: Sie betrachteten ihre Opfer nicht als Menschen, sondern als ein Übel, das beseitigt werden musste, so wie eine bösartige Krankheit beseitigt werden muss. Und bei diesen Männern handelte es sich gerade nicht um eingefleischte Nazis. Die Bataillone bestanden aus willkürlich rekrutierten Durchschnittsbürgern, die für den Einsatz an der Front zu alt waren und deren politische Sozialisation dementsprechend lange vor der Machtergreifung stattgefunden hatte. Sie waren weder Weltanschauungskrieger noch verblendete Jugendliche; sie waren (daher der Untertitel von Goldhagens Buch) ganz gewöhnliche Deutsche.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 212: Våren 2018 stängde Mittuniversitetet tillfälligt intagningen till socionomprogrammet på grund av konflikter på Avdelningen för socialt arbete där Massoud Kamali var professor och han stängdes i september 2018 av från sitt arbete. Anklagelser från studenter handlade bland annat om hierarkier, härskartekniker och social inkompetens och en student uttryckte att utbildningen är så vänstervriden att det hämmar diskussionerna, det är inte okej att tycka vad man vill. I januari 2019 fick han lämna sitt jobb efter att bland annat anklagats för att ha mordhotat rektorn, något som han själv nekade till.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 346: You are correct that paid work is not permitted on Shabbat and major Jewish holidays, and no one – not even the cantor and the rabbi – is exempt from the laws of Shabbat. There are also jobs which do not include forbidden activities, such as babysitting, waiting tables, or house-sitting. This covers most of what the rabbi does, except writing.
xxx/ellauri233.html on line 120: För proggare lät han säkert som en outhärdligt kapitalismprovocerande skämtfigur från ”Klungan”, för konservativa som en vildsint hippie och för sossar däremellan som en anledning att aldrig skicka sina barn till universitet, men sådant smått bryr sig inte Dahlén om.
xxx/ellauri233.html on line 162: The rise of modern, centralized states in Europe by the early 19th century heralded the end of Jewish judicial autonomy and social seclusion. Their communal corporate rights were abolished, and the process of emancipation and acculturation that followed quickly transformed the values and norms of the public. Estrangement and apathy toward Judaism were rampant. The process of communal, educational and civil reform could not be restricted from affecting the core tenets of the faith. The new academic, critical study of Judaism (Wissenschaft des Judentums) soon became a source of controversy. Rabbis and scholars argued to what degree, if at all, its findings could be used to determine present conduct. The modernized Orthodox in Germany, like rabbis Isaac Bernays and Azriel Hildesheimer, were content to cautiously study it while stringently adhering to the sanctity of holy texts and refusing to grant Wissenschaft any say in religious matters. On the other extreme were Rabbi Abraham Geiger, who would emerge as the founding father of Reform Judaism, and his supporters. They opposed any limit on critical research or its practical application, laying more weight on the need for change than on continuity.
xxx/ellauri233.html on line 377: Missä kohen Jamesin Blackthornen seikkailut poikkeavat esikuvastansa Adamsista? No mietitään - tää on romaani, eikä pelkkä rags to riches tositarina. Ei siis riitä pelkkä (E), pitää olla paxulti myös (K) ja (F). Näyttää siinä olevan kaikenlaista nujakointia, ja aika pian on jonkin verran myös japsunaisten nussintaa (sitähän oli Aatamilla kyllä izellään). "As they spend more time together, Blackthorne comes to deeply admire both Toranaga and (specifically) Mariko, and all three secretly become lovers." Samainen Mariko (joka on sentään vaan japsulainen nainen) silputaan smithereeneixi. "However, she and Blackthorne and the other ladies of Toranaga's "court", escape into a locked room. As the ninja prepare to blow the door open Mariko stands against the door and is killed by the explosion." No jäähän Toranagalle vielä "Lady Anjin". Entäs moraali? "Blackthorne is torn between his growing affection for Mariko (who is married to a powerful, abusive, and dangerous samurai, Buntaro), his increasing loyalty to Toranaga, his household and consort, a "Willow world" courtesan named Kikuli, and his desire to return to the open seas aboard Erasmus so he can intercept the Black Ship fleet before it reaches Japan." Onpa hienoa: (E,F,K) konfliktoituvat! "There are other recurring themes of Eastern values, as opposed to Western values, masculine (patriarchal) values as opposed to human values, etc."
xxx/ellauri233.html on line 423: This tradition goes back for centuries where local Muslims accept meat slaughtered by Jews as consumable; however, the custom was not universal throughout
xxx/ellauri233.html on line 440: Grandin is one of the first autistic people to document the insights she gained from her personal experience of autism. She is currently a faculty member with Animal Sciences in the College of Autism and Agricultural Sciences at Colorado State University.
xxx/ellauri234.html on line 109: Tekosyitä kääntämistyön siirtämiseen myöhempään ajankohtaan on ollut useita. Vuoden 2009 syksyllä päätin kuitenkin ryhtyä tuumasta toimeen. Hain apurahaa eri paikoista, ja lopulta Svenska Kulturfondenissa tärppäsi. Suomen Rauhanpuolustajat suhtautui myös erittäin positiivisesti sekä kirjan kääntämiseen että sen alkuperäisversion uudelleenjulkaisemiseen. Rauhanpuolustajat on antanut apua oikolukemisessa ja hoitaa myös kirjojen painatuksen, markkinoinnin sekä myyntiin liittyvät asiat. Tästä avusta olen erittäin kiitollinen, koska siten minulla on mahdollisuus hiukan rajoittaa omaa yritystoimintaani media-alalla ja keskittyä kirjan kääntämistyöhön.
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 122:
*Huomautus: Monet tämän keskeneräisen romaanin versiot sisältävät kaksi novellia, joista toinen sijoittuu sankariksi midshipmaniksi* ja luetaan "Mr. Midshipman Hornblowerin" jälkeen, kun taas toinen sijoittuu vuodelle 1848 ja se tulisi lukea viimeisenä. Siinä Horatio on vanha kääkkänä.
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 171: It was amusing to hear Hornblower recite verses from Gray's 'Elegy in a Country Churchyard':
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 357: Äitiään lukuun ottamatta runoilijatoveri Richard West oli Greyn rakkain henkilö, ja hänen kuolemansa kulutuksen seurauksena 1. kesäkuuta 1742 oli harmaille raskas menetys. Westin kuolema inspiroi hyvin tunnettua (pääasiassa Wordsworthin käytön vuoksi) " Sonett on the Death of Richard West ", mutta se on kuitenkin vuoden lyhin ja vähiten merkittävä teos. " Oodi keväällä " (1748) on velkaa oodille, jonka West lähetti Greyn 5. toukokuuta 1742, ja Oodi on kaukainen Eton Collegen (1747) voi olla velkaa Westin "Oodi Maria Magdelenalle". "Hymn to Adversity" (1753) ja keskeneräinen "Hymn to Ignorance" (1768) viimeistelevät vuoden teoksen, joka yhdessä vuoden 1741 kanssa saattaa käsittää Grayn.
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 359: Grayn runous koskee seksuaalisen kyrvänhalun hylkäämistä. Runoilijan hahmo runoissaan on usein yksinäinen, vieraantunut ja marginaalinen, ja erilaisia muusoja tai sijaisäitihahmoja kutsutaan avuksi tai opastukseksi tavalla, joka ennakoi jonkin verran John Keatsin samankaltaisten hahmojen käyttöä. Vuoden 1742 neljän pidemmän runon tyypillinen "juoni" liittyy jonkinlaisen halun hylkäämiseen, kuten "Oodissa keväällä" tai, kuten Eton Collegen oodissa, valittaa viattomuutta. Joskus, kuten "Hymn to Adversity", ankara ja tukahduttava hahmo loihditaan nuhtelemaan liiallista halua ja auttamaan vaatimattoman ja inhimillisen toveruuden, seksuaalisen halun transponoidun ja sosiaalisen muodon, muodostumisessa. "Hymnissä tietämättömyydelle"Dunciadia (1728) käytetään nuhtelemaan "minää", joka kaipaa äidillistä ja demonista läsnäoloa. Erilaisilla, mutta toisiinsa liittyvillä tavoilla nämä neljä runoa esittelevät runoilijan etsintöä hänen suojelijahenkeensä, museaan, joka johtaa runollisen ja henkilökohtaisen identiteetin luomista.
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 374: Muse, Contemplation ("Oodissa keväällä") ja isä Thames herätetään heidän omaavansa profeetallisen viisauden vuoksi. Yksi profetian tehtävistä on muuttaa halu "rakkaudeksi" tai "raivotuhoisiksi intohimoiksi". Mielikuvituksen personifiointitottumus paljastaa halun omaksumat alhaiset muodot ("Kateus hiipuu, ja haalistunut hoito"), aivan kuten "Oodissa keväällä" oleva "ihmisen rotu" paljastuu hyönteiselämänä "Mietiskelyn raittiin silmälle". " Visio palvelee aina muodon paljastamista, ja Greyssä paljastettua on vähennetty, kielletty tai kielletty. Reduktiivisen tunnustamisen strategia "Oodissa keväällä" hylkää unelman halusta; strategia jättimäisten spektrimuotojen luomiseksi Eton Collegen oodissa rohkaisee pahoihin uniin, halun kääntäminen demoniseksi. Northrop Frye kuvailee jotain tämän tyyppistä toimintaa keskustelussaan Quest-Romancesta: "Käännettynä unelmatermeiksi, etsintä-romantiikka on libidon tai kaipaavan itsensä etsimistä täyttymykseen, joka vapauttaa sen todellisuuden peloista, mutta sisältää silti se todellisuus." Toteuttaminen voi vaatia, kuten Grayn tapauksessa, että suojeleva äitihahmo syrjäyttää uhkaavan naispuolisen oikeushenkilön; Siten syyllisyys haihtuu halun hylänneen tottelevaisen näyttelijän saamassa hyväksynnässä. Tämä yhteenveto kuvaa myös "Hymn to Adversity".
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 378: Grayn runot viittaavat radikaaliin seksuaaliseen ahdistukseen. "Hymn to Adversity" Gray on saavuttanut ensimmäisen selkeän kastratiivisen symbolismin mielikuvituksensa kehityksessä (vaikka voitaisiin väittää, että ihmiskunnan pelkistyminen hyönteisten elämään "Oodissa keväällä" on merkittävä seksuaalisen menetyksen muoto. ), Hyveen korvaaminen runoilijalla. Kastraation uhka muuttuu sen hyväksymiseksi. Vastoinkäymisen uhkaava hahmo on rauhoittunut, mutta vaatii seksuaalisen identiteetin luovuttamista.
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 408: "Muusa", joka ilmestyy tässä vaiheessa, on muunnelma pastoraali-äitipuolisesta naisesta, joka "haluaa kuulla villin Nuoruuden toistavan / Löysänä määränä villin makeita / Heidän höyhensinistettyjä päälliköitään ja hämäriä rakkauttaan". Hän on "pehmeä pelastusvoima" ("Hymn to Ignorance"), "muoto hyvänlaatuinen" ("Hymni to Adversity").
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 414: Eton Collegen oodi tunnistaa ihmiselämän edistymisen nuoruuden ja iän absoluuttisen eron perusteella. Noin 1754-1755 kirjoitettu ja vuonna 1775 julkaistu "Oodi hankaluuksista nousevasta nautinnosta" luo ystävyyden kielellä uudelleen peräkkäisyyden ja syklin lain: "Silti, minne ruusuinen ilo vie, / Katso sukulaisen surun ajamista ." "Rosy Pleasure" on yhdistetty tähän vastakohtaan, joka seuraa sitä loputtomassa vuorottelussa. Kahden hahmon muodostama "sekoitettu muoto" yhdistää halun ja auktoriteetin hahmot siinä, mikä on ilmeisesti Grayn versio taivaan ja helvetin avioliitosta. Auktoriteettiperiaate (ja halu) löytyy Vicissitudesta, hahmosta, joka määrää vastoinkäymisten kaltaisen "kuristuksen": "Autuuden sävyt hehkuvat kirkkaammin, Oodi kumoaa sen alkuperäisen halun, "kultaisen aamun korkealla", joka
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 422: Aamu ja huhtikuu väistyvät tauluille, joissa esitetään surun ja lohdutuksen sukulaistoimintaa: "Hymyilee Epäonnen kulmakarvassa / Pehmeän Heijastuksen käsi voi jäljittää; / Ja surun heiton poskelle / Melankolinen armo." Alkuperäisestä kosittelusta tulee toisenlainen sitoutuminen: Suru tavoittelee ruusuista nautintoa, lohdutus lähestyy kurjuutta. "Sekoitettu muoto" on sublimoitunut seksuaalinen kiihko aamun ja huhtikuun välillä, muutettuna depersonalisoituneeksi estetiikaksi, jossa "taiteelliset riidat" ja "voima ja harmonia" syrjäyttävät viettelevän aamun, joka "Pyhällä poskella ja kuiskauksella pehmeästi / ... woo on myöhäinen kevät." Seurustelu muuttuu lohdutukseksi, ja Vicissitudesta tulee toinen hahmo, kuten Contemplation tai Adversity, jonka suojeluksessa halu eliminoituu. Vicissitude, toisin kuin Adversity, on sukupuoleton hahmo, joka ei edusta uhkaavaa seksuaalista kuvaa. Oodi palaa toiseen paikkaan, kun pettynyt puhuja vierailee EtonissaOodi Eton Collegen kaukaisesta näkökulmastatai kun Gray palaa Cambridgeen "Hymn to Ignorance". Tässä paluu "Elegian" alkuun, "pimeyteen" ja maisemaan, jonka yli "kyntäjä kotiinpäin kulkee väsyneen tiensä". Kaikki Grayn runot ovat edistyksen runoja, matkoja, joissa haasteena on löytää jotain muuta kuin alkujen muodostamien päämäärien kiertokulkua ("Ja ne, jotka hiipivät, ja ne, jotka lentävät, / Päättävät sinne, missä alkoivat"). Grayn äiti kuoli 11. maaliskuuta 1753. 5. maaliskuuta 1756 hän muutti kadun toisella puolella olevasta Peterhouse Collegesta Pembroke Collegeen, kuulemma joidenkin opiskelijoiden hänelle tekemän pilan seurauksena. Opiskelijat, tietäen hänen tulipelkostaan, nostivat väärä hälytys. Kun Peterhousen isäntä, tohtori Law, ei onnistunut ottamaan Grayta s valituksen kepponen vakavasti, Gray "muutti" Pembroke. Kun runoilijavoittaja Colley Cibber kuoli vuonna 1757, Graylle tarjottiin paikkaa; mutta hän kieltäytyi. Heinäkuussa 1759 hän muutti Lontooseen opiskelemaan British Museumissa, joka oli avattu yleisölle tammikuussa. Joulukuussa 1761 hän palasi Cambridgeen; Lukuun ottamatta toistuvia matkoja Lontooseen, muualle Englantiin, Skotlantiin ja Walesiin, hän jäi Cambridgeen loppuelämänsä.
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 424: Mr. Grayn runot (1768) sisältää kaksi käännöstä norjasta. "The Fatal Sisters" ja "The Descent of Odin" ovat profetian runoja. Ensimmäistä hallitsee se, mitä Gray esipuheessa kutsuu "kaksitoista jättimäistä hahmoa, jotka muistuttavat naisia", joiden tarkoituksena on kutoa tulevaisuuden verkko ja joiden tie vie toisen kuolleiden kentän läpi ("Kohtalon polkuina me kuljemme, / kahlaamalla throa" 'th' ensangin'd field..." Varhaisen säkeen helposti tunnistettava haluhahmo on korvattu valtavilla kauhistuttavilla muodoilla, " Mista musta, loistava piika, / Sangrida ja Hilda ", " Gondula ja Geira "." Sellaiset naiset esiintyivät ensin nimellä Contemplation tai Adversity. He edustavat muse-äiti-kuoleman yhdistettyä identiteettiä, yhtenäistä halun ja auktoriteetin muotoa, jota kohti Grayn mielikuvitus on kulkenut.
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 466: Kirjasta on tehty kaksi elokuvaa. Ensimmäisessä, 1970-luvulla tehdyssä versiossa Villi Vonkkaa näytteli Gene Wilder, ja myöhemmässä, vuonna 2005 ensi-iltansa saaneessa Tim Burtonin ohjaamassa versiossa Jalina on Freddie Highmore ja Villi Vonkkana Johnny Depp. Näistä 70-luvun sovitus ei ollut Dahlin mieleen ja hän sanoikin olleensa siihen "hyvin pettynyt", koska hänen mielestään "elokuvan tarina painottui liikaa Villi Vonkka (Willy Wanker) -hahmoon eikä niinkään päähahmoksi tarkoitettuun Jali Kulliin".
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 861: The Spider and the Fly" is a song by English rock band the Rolling Stones, recorded in May 1965 and first released on the US version of their 1965 album Out of Our Heads. In the UK, it was released as the B-side to "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction". Horatio H-blower got no satisfaction off H. Simpson, whose sex pistol was a dud.
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 910: Hänen runoutensa muokkaa usein mytologista perinnettä - jonkun "Derek Collinsin" mukaan "Corinnan runouden erottuvin piirre on hänen mytologinen innovaatio". Se sisältää usein yksityiskohtia, jotka ovat muuten tuntemattomia. Nämä uudelleenkäsittelyt esittävät usein jumalat ja sankarit positiivisemmassa valossa kuin myyttien yleisemmissä versioissa. Anne Klinck huomaa, että "tietty naisellinen ironia on havaittavissa" Corinnan teoksissa.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 354: Hyvä Veli Yrjö Pernaa (s. 30. elokuuta 1934 Kauhava) on suomalainen prinssieversti evp, filosofian tohtori w.c. ja professori h.c. Siirryttyään eläkkeelle 1980 Pernaa toimi tuntiopettajana Kuopion teknillisessä oppilaitoksessa ja aloitti samalla jatko-opinnot Kuopion korkeakoulussa (myöh. Kuopion yliopisto). Hän väitteli tohtoriksi 1988 aiheesta Tuotekehitys Suomen kehitysalueiden elektroniikkateollisuudessa ja toimi väitöksen jälkeen johtamisopin luennoitsijana Kuopion yliopiston yritystalouden laitoksella vuoteen 1992.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 662: ještě cos zvědít ráči. tästä universumistamme?"
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 684: Neruda’s death certificate established the cause of death as cancer cachexia, which involves significant weight loss, but the forensic specialists unanimously found that to be impossible. “That cannot be correct,” said Dr. Niels Morling, of the University of Copenhagen’s department of forensic medicine, who participated in the analysis. “There was no indication of cachexia. He was an obese man at the time of death. All other circumstances in his last phase of life pointed to some kind of infection.” Neruda was infected with the Staphylococcus aureus bacterium, which can be highly toxic and result in death if modified.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 694: Feminist groups, who highlighted a passage in Neruda´s memoirs describing a sexual assault by a young house maid in 1929 (at 25) while stationed in Ceylon (Sri Lanka). Several feminist groups stated that Neruda should not be honoured by his country, describing the passage as evidence of rape. Neruda remains a controversial figure for Chileans, and especially for Chilean feminists. For most of his life, Neruda was fascinated by butterflies.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 830: El poeta chileno escribió estos versos en la Isla de Capri, en Italia, acompañado de buenos amigos y algo más… Su amante de aquella época, Matilde Urrutia, también estaba con él, y la mayor parte de estos poemas son inspirados por ella.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 832: Hay que tener en cuenta que Neruda vivía separado de su todavía mujer, Delia del Carril, a la cual enviaba cartas en las que le ocultaba su relación con Matilde. El aire está aquí. Ojalá fueras hermosa. Esta situación, sumada a la lejanía de su patria, influye de forma decisiva en el contenido de Los versos del capitán. La primera edición de este libro (1952), de tirada limitadísima, ni siquiera llevó su nombre. No quería Neruda que se hiciese público su romance… Diez años más tarde, el poeta chileno reconocía la autoría, y justificaba su anonimato debido al “clima desconsolado y ardiente del destierro”…
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 855: Antes de interesarse por la psicología, primero estudió derecho en la City College de Nueva York (CCNY). Tras casarse con Berta Goodman, su prima mayor, se mudó Wisconsin para asistir a la universidad de esa ciudad. Fue aquí donde comenzó a estudiar psicología. Trabajó con Harry Harlow, famoso por sus experimentos con crías de mono y el comportamiento del apego. Tras graduarse y doctorarse en esta disciplina, volvió a Nueva York para trabajar con E.L. Thorndike en la Universidad de Columbia, donde empezó a interesarse en la investigación experimental de la sexualidad humana. En este periodo de su vida, comenzó a dar clases en el Brooklyn College y entró en contacto con muchos psicólogos europeos que llegaban a Estados Unidos, por ejemplo, Adler o Fromm.
xxx/ellauri239.html on line 52: Wayne Walter Dyer (10. toukokuuta 1940 – 29. elokuuta 2015) oli amerikkalainen itseapukirjailija ja motivoiva puhuja. Dyer suoritti kasvatustieteen pikkudiplomin ohjauksessa ja neuvonnassa mukaansa nimitetyssä Wayne State Universityssä vuonna 1970. Uransa alkuvaiheessa hän työskenteli lukion ohjausneuvojana ja jatkoi menestyksekkään yksityisen terapiakäytännön suorittamista. Hänestä tuli suosittu neuvonantajakoulutuksen professori St. Johnin yliopistossa (joku muukin oli äskettäin sieltä valmistunut, kukahan se oli?), jossa kirjallinen agentti lähestyi häntä laittamaan ideansa kirjamuotoon. Tuloksena oli hänen ensimmäinen kirjansa, Your Eroneous Zones (1976), yksi kaikkien aikojen myydyimmistä kirjoista, jota on tähän mennessä myyty arviolta 100 miljoonaa kappaletta. Jopa huomattavasti enemmän kuin ruozalaisia dekkaristeja, mutta vähemmän kuin Pauli Kanin pakinoita.
xxx/ellauri239.html on line 208: She has taught at the University of Cincinnati, UCLA, University of Iowa, and the University of Alberta, Canada.
xxx/ellauri239.html on line 438: Elise oli ostanut 12,9 3/4 tuumaisen Pro version. (Vastenmielistä kerskakonsumerismia ja tuoteasemointia. Paljonkohan tästäkin Apple mainonnasta rapsahti Anne Holtin tilille?) Elisa oli muina miehinä ottanut pädin ja lähtenyt baanalle. "Avatessaan Safarin. Find My iPhone." Oxettavaa!
xxx/ellauri239.html on line 564: Silmälasipäinen ruipelo. Oli naapurille sanonut siivoavansa jotain vanhoja mattoja pois, mutta oli äheltänyt pakettia mustaan katumaasturiinsa sen verran vaikeasti ja kauan, että ilmeisesti epäilykset heränneet. Vaimo ei vissiin ihan kovin kevytversio ollut (?) eli ei tarvitse ihmetellä ettei reporankana saatu yht'äkkiä auton kyytiin.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 101:
Areas of controversy
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 176: Alfons Åberg har kommit att bli en av våra mest älskade barnboksfigurer. Gunilla har skrivit 26 berättelser om den lille klurige killen, därtill kommer pekböcker och samlingsvolymer. Böckerna är översatta till ett trettiotal språk och är sedan ett par decennier tillbaka bland de allra mest lånade böckerna på biblioteken runt om i landet. Det är bara Astrid Lindgren som lånats ut mer.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 320: «Fysiske smerter er ikke det verste for et menneske å leve med,» sa Altman. «Tro meg, jeg ser det daglig. Ikke døden, heller. Ikke engang frykten for døden.» «Hva er det verste da?» «Ydmykelse. A fratas ære og verdighet. Å avkles, å støtes ut av flokken. Det er den verste straffen, det er å begrave et menneske levende. Og den eneste trøsten er at vedkommende vil gå relativt raskt til grunne.» Mitä vittua? Tyypillistä termiittiapinoiden meemiä. Kaikkein nolointa on olla pyllysilteen porukoiden edessa, kun ne nauravat.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 567: Failing to break into the military world, Bukowski grew disillusioned with the publication process and quit writing for almost a decade, a time that he referred to as a "ten-year drunk". These "lost years" formed the basis for his later semiautobiographical chronicles, fictionalized versions of Bukowski's life through his highly stylized alter-ego, Henry Chinaski.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 594: Bukowski's work was subject to controversy throughout his career, and he readily admitted to admiring strong leaders such as Adolf Hitler and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Some guy claimed that his sexism in his poetry, at least in part, translated his life. Feikki spuge setämies jonka näyttämönimi oli vielä "Buck" - nö, 'swar Hank. When women are around, he has to play Man. In a way it's the same kind of 'pose' he plays at in his poetry—Bogart, Eric Von Stroheim. "Whenever my wife Lucia would come with me to visit him he'd play the Man role, but one night she couldn't come I got to Buck's place and found a whole different guy—easy to get along with, relaxed, accessible."
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 619: In den Gedichten hält er sich in kurzen, leicht verständlichen Sätzen an keine Regeln des Reims oder Rhythmus, aber ab 1974 schleicht sich auch ein melancholischer Akzent in seine Schriften ein.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 627: Peter Albert David Singer AC/DC (born 6 July 1946) is an Australian moral philosopher, currently the Ira W. DeCamp Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University. He specialises in applied ethics and approaches ethical issues from a secular, utilitarian perspective. He is known in particular for his book Animal Liberation (1975), in which he argues in favour of veganism, and his essay "Famine, Affluence, and Morality", in which he argues in favour of donating veggies to help the global poor. For most of his career, he was a preference utilitarian, but he stated in The Point of View of the Universe (2014), coauthored with Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek, that as he became a celeb and started earning bigger bucks, he had become a hedonistic utilitarian, or utilitarian hedonist.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 670: Utilitarian hedonism: A Very Short Introduction (with Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek), Oxford University Press, 2017, 1 page
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 675: Singer analyzes, in detail, why and how other beings' interests should be weighed. In his view, other being's interests should always be weighed according to that being's concrete value to you, and not according to its belonging to some abstract group like animal or veggie. Singer studies a number of ethical issues including race, sex, ability, species, abortion, euthanasia, infanticide, embryo experimentation, the moral status of animals, political violence, overseas aid, and whether we have an obligation to assist others at all. The 1993 second edition adds chapters on refugees, the environment, equality and disability, embryo experimentation, and the proper treatment of academics from Germany or Austria. A third edition published in 2011 omits the chapter on refugees, and contains a new chapter on climate change. A fourth edition is planned that omits climate change and adds a chapter on Russia and Ukraina.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 698: Bankman-Fried was born on March 6, 1992, on the campus of Stanford University, into a Jewish family. He is the son of Barbara Fried and Joseph Bankman, both professors at Stanford Law School. His aunt Linda P. Fried is the dean of Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. His brother, Gabriel Bankman-Fried, is a former Wall Street trader and the former director of the non-profit Guarding Against Pandemics and its associated political action committee.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 718: Bankman-Fried told Good Morning America his relationship with Ellison was brief, about 5 thrusts and a concentrated stare. There is no available information if Caroline Ellison is Jewish or not. Ellison looks like she beeps when going in reverse.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 735: In 2018, as she was starting her career in AI research, Joseph recalls being introduced to a prominent man in the field connected to EA. Joseph was 22 and still in college; he was nearly twice her age. As they talked at a Japanese restaurant in New York City, she recalled, the man turned the conversation in a bizarre direction, arguing “that pedophilic relationships between very young women and older men was a good way to transfer knowledge,” Joseph says. “I had a sense that he was grooming me.” (Joseph says she told her roommate about the alleged incident. The roommate confirmed that conversation to TIME.)
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 780: Tinder on valtavirzaistettu versio seksuaalivähemmistöjen Grindr-palvelusta, ja se on tuonut valtavirtaankin aiempaa kevyempää deittailua, sanoo sosiaalipsykologian ja tietotekniikan tutkija Airi Lampinen Tukholman yliopistosta. Tukholmassa ollaan suomalaisia valtavasti edellä.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 816: John Gielgud on ollut vainaja jo vuodesta 2000. Gielgud had the rare distinction of winning an Oscar, an Emmy, a Grammy, and a Tony. Jussi Jurkka-palkinto jäi saamatta. Gielgud's state honours were Knight Bachelor (1953), Legion of Honour (France, 1960), Companion of Honour (1977), and Order of Merit (UK, 1996). He was awarded honorary degrees by St Andrews, Oxford and Brandeis universities. He was the best supporting actor of them all. Sen lätty on niin mitäänsanomaton brittipärstä etten muista sitä yhtään mistään. Siitä kerrotaan paljon Tauno Köriläs tyyppisiä kaskuja, sellaisia "Teme" läppiä et "ettekö tiedä kuka minä olen?" No en kyllä tiedä, edes luettuani kaverin wikipediabion. Vitun vanhaxi se kyllä eli. Oli joku brittien Tauno Palo ilmeisesti.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 831: Se että kukot nokkivat toisiltaan silmät kilpaillessaan kanoista ja että apinakoiraiden koittaessa samaa kotona se on apinoista jotenkin ymmärrettävää ja luvallista, se ei ole meemi vaan päinvastoin se on geeni. Tästäkin voisi tehdä MIT:n moraalipelin jolloin huomattaisiin että tää periaate on universaalinen.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 102: Iason rakennutti Astro-laivan ja etsi sille miehistöä, joka tultiin tuntemaan astronautteina. Atalante oli ainoa nainen, joka pyrki astronautiksi matkalle noutamaan kultaista taljaa. Yleisimmän version mukaan Atalante ei päässyt Astron miehistöön innokkuudestaan huolimatta. Iason ei epäillyt Atalanten kykyjä, vaan arveli että yksi nainen miehistössä toisi huonoa onnea: Iason pelkäsi, että miehistö riitaantuisi keskenään, kun he kilpailisivat Atalanten rakkaudesta. Atalante oli kuitenkin mukana peijaisissa, kun Astron paluun jälkeen järjestettiin kuningas Peliaksen hautajaisten yhteydessä kisat. Atalante osallistui painiotteluun ja niitti mainetta voittamalla Peleuksen. Kyllä se varmaan oli tollanen vähän rotevamman puoleinen naisihminen. Enemmän Synnöve tai Kaisa tyyppinen kuin laiha Tiina Salmi.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 112: Veljien kuolema sai Meleagroksen äidin Althaian pois tolaltaan. Kohtalottaret olivat määränneet Meleagroksen syntyessä, että poika elää vain niin kauan kuin erityinen puupala. Heti kun silmä vältti, pojan äiti sieppasi puun tulesta, kastoi sen veteen ja kätki vuosikausiksi. Karjunmetsästyksen päätteeksi poikaansa vihastunut Althaia aiheutti Meleagroksen kuoleman: hän haki taikahalon kätköstään ja heitti sen hellanpesään. Puu paloi loppuun ja kulutti samalla miehen elinvoiman. Myös Althaian elämä päättyi pian tämän jälkeen. Yhden version mukaan jostain ilmestyi toinen suuri metsäsika, joka talloi naisen kuoliaaksi. Mitä vittua, mezäsika? Mäyriäkö tässä oltiinkin mezällä? Oliko Atalante joku mäyräkoira vai?
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 116: Atalantea tavoitteli vaimokseen myös häneen rakastunut Melaniini, joka Boiotia-versioissa tunnetaan nimellä Hippomenes. Melamiini tiesi ettei voittaisi nopeudessa, joten hän pyysi apua Afroditelta. Afrodite halusi auttaa: hän suosi rakastuneita, eikä pitänyt rakkauden välttelystä. Melaniini sai jumalattarelta kolme lumottua kultaista omenaa (joo ne samat omenat jotka Afrodite oli saanut Pariisista), joiden kauneutta Atalante ei pystyisi vastustamaan. Miehen tulisi lahjan vastineeksi uhrata Afroditelle.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 120: Avioliitto näytti olevan Atalantelle mieluinen, vaikka hän oli alkuun ollut vastahakoinen. Melanion (Hippomenes) puolestaan oli niin onnen ja autuuden vallassa, että ei muistanutkaan kiittää Afroditea, jonka avulla hän oli kisan voittanut. Jumalattaren kosto oli ankara. Afrodite odotti, että pari kulkisi jonkun temppelin ohitse, ja sitten hän vihoissaan langetti heille vastustamattoman intohimon toisiaan kohtaan. Melanoin vei Atalanten temppeliin ja rakasteli siellä vaimonsa kanssa. Tarinan eri versioiden mukaan temppeli kuului joko Zeukselle tai sitten Kybelelle – joka tapauksessa ko. jumala(tar) suuttui temppelinsä pyhyyden turmelemisesta ja runkkutahroista. Tästä seurasi kova rangaistus: rakastavaiset muutettiin salonkileijoniksi. Ihanaa leijonat ihanaa. Kybele-version mukaan hän aikoi ensin surmata rakastavaiset, mutta päätyi muuttamaan heidät leijoniksi, koska piti kuolemaa liian lempeänä rangaistuksena. Leijonat valjastettiin vetämään Kybelen vaunuja. Kybeleestä ja sen leijonavetoisista vaunuista oli jotain läppää Flaubertilla. Joissain tarinan versioissa pari ehti olla jo jonkin aikaa silleen ennen kuin heistä tuli leijonia. Tuohon aikaan uskottiin, ettei leijona voi paritella oman lajinsa kanssa. Siis mitä? Sori mutta tätä en kyllä taida uskoa.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 207: Come with bows bent and with emptying of quivers, Tule kupeet vääränä ja tyhjää nuoliviinit
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 209: With a noise of winds and many rivers, Tuulten veuhkatessa sekä jokien,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 213: For the faint east quickens, the wan west shivers, Sillä idässä jo koittaa koi, länsi väpisee,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 774: Hides a perverse will with obsequious words,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1046: Help: or if adverse, as thou wilt, refrain.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1137: Wrecks from afar overseas
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2158: My sister Leda, sitting overseas
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 3192: I would thou hadst let me live; but gods averse,
xxx/ellauri252.html on line 263: Sirri Härölän jouzenlaulu oli teos Jeesus Enkelinpoika Nasaretilainen, aika samantyyppinen kirja kuin aikaisemmin lukemamme evankeliumi-fanifiktio. Jännä miten samanlaisia EFK-versioita kynäilijät on Jeesuxesta kehitelleet. Selkeästi panokohtauxet on ollut suurin puute evankeliumeissa. Harri vetää gospelien mutkat suorixi, samastaa Magdalan ja Betanian Maariat. Jeesus tekee Magdaleenan kanssa perettä kuin sen yhden bestselleristin tiiliskivessä, annas olla se on kielen päällä, juu Dan Brownin Leonardo da Vinci koodi. There, Teabing explains that the Grail is not a cup, but connected to Mary Magdalene, and that she was Jesus Christ's wife and is the person to his right in The Last Supper. The hidden sarcophagus of Maria M. is in Louvre. No meat left in it, I fear.
xxx/ellauri252.html on line 581: Hyvin ikävystyttävästi Maj marssittaa aiempien Beck kirjojen henkilöitä kameoimaan hengettömissä loppupeleissä. Benny Skacke ampui terroristilta suun tukkoon isolla luotipyssyllä. 1975 päättyneen 10 vuoden aikana väkivaltaisuus oli levinnyt kuin lumivyöry yli koko länsimaailman. Ja se vaan lisääntyy. Vika on muun muassa Sjöwallin ja Wahlöön, jotka honasivat 1.ten joukossa että väkivallalla voi tienata kahmaloittain kruunuja. He olivat aikansa klassikoita. Niitä myytiin 7M kappaletta ja niistä on tehty ja tehdään edelleen sekä elokuva- että TV versioita. X niikö Marx. Ei se sana enää mahdu ristikkoon. Sjöwall Wahlöön kouluarvosana: IG. Inte god.
xxx/ellauri253.html on line 74: 2008 iski seuraava iso taantuma joka teki vihdoin selvää Kouvolasta. HK osasto korvautui kielten laitoxella, verstas pani pillit pussiin Kouvolassa ja vielä henkiin jääneet porukat siirrettiin pääkaupunkiin. Tämä tapahtui nilkin ollessa maaherrana. Pikku laitossatraapit menetti maansa, Fredin valtakausi oli mennyttä.
xxx/ellauri253.html on line 112: The U.S. shadow banking system (i.e., non-depository financial institutions such as investment banks) had grown to rival the depository system yet was not subject to the same regulatory oversight, making it vulnerable to a bank run. US mortgage-backed securities, which had risks that were hard to assess, were marketed around the world, as they offered higher yields than U.S. government bonds. Many of these securities were backed by subprime mortgages, which collapsed in value when the U.S. housing bubble burst during 2006 and homeowners began to default on their mortgage payments in large numbers starting in 2007.
xxx/ellauri253.html on line 128: Key policy makers ill prepared for the crisis, lacking a full understanding of the financial system they oversaw; and systemic breaches in accountability and ethics at all levels.
xxx/ellauri253.html on line 148: Elokuvan nimi on viittaus alun perin Yves Montandin esittämään kappaleeseen Les Feuilles Mortes, jonka Olavi Virta lauloi suomeksi nimellä Kuolleet lehdet. Virran laulama versio iski haikeudellaan Kaurismäkeen jo lapsena. Mullon tää, sehän on Prévertin runo albumissa 210 nimeltä Ovat muistojemme lehdet kuolleet.
xxx/ellauri253.html on line 470: Koulun ilmapiiri oli tulehtunut avoimen konfliktin partaalle. Britti koulukiusaajat lällättivät Itävallan pojille. Venäläisillä oli samasta US ylijäämäkaupasta ostettu kevlar- kurapuku kuin briteillä. "Eversti Ziberov, poistukaa polkuautoon odottamaan."
xxx/ellauri253.html on line 486: Kehittyä nykyaikaan sopivaksi paremmaksi versioksi, joka ajaa voimakkaasti heikompien oikeuksia.
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 362: Nekrasov's film The Magnitsky Act – Behind the Scenes, produced in Norway by Piraya Film, supported by a number of European film funds and the public Franco-German TV network Arte TV and completed in 2016, caused a major controversy. The film alleges that western politicians and media were "misled" by Bill Browder, a U.S. born investor and campaigner, into believing that the Russian tax consultant Sergei Magnitsky had been persecuted and killed for exposing corruption. Bill Browder's version of Magnitsky's life and death has been widely accepted across the world, and became the basis for legislations and sanctions in a number of countries, first of all the U.S. The premiere of Nekrasov's film at the European Parliament, scheduled for April 26, 2016, was stopped by Heidi Hautala at the last moment. A TV broadcast in Germany and France and film's public screenings were cancelled due to Browder's legal challenges.
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 475: Buslajev on fiktiivinen novgorodilainen supermies. Travelling down the great rivers of Russia, Vasili and his band subjugated the Finns, the Mongols and most of the people around the Caspian Sea. Varmaan alistivat vähävenäläiset myös. Volga laskee Kaspian eli Hyrkanian mereen. Don, skyyttien Tanais, laskee Asovan mereen eli Maiotixeen. Donin kautta on kanavayhteys Volgalle. The Scythian name for the Volga was Rahā, also literally meaning 'wetness'. Buslajev kuoli hypättyään päälleen liian ison kiven yli, käydessään Jordanissa naku-uinnilla.
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 587: The Great Turn or Great Break (Russian: Великий перелом) was the radical change in the economic policy of the USSR from 1928 to 1929, primarily consisting of the process by which the New Economic Policy (NEP) of 1921 was abandoned in favor of the acceleration of collectivization and industrialization and also a cultural revolution. The term came from the title of Joseph Stalin's article "Year of the Great Turn" ("Год великого перелома: к XII годовщине Октября", literally: "Year of the Great Break: Toward the 12th Anniversary of October") published on November 7, 1929, the 12th anniversary of the October Revolution. David R. Marples argues that the era of the Great Break lasted until 1934.
xxx/ellauri259.html on line 259: Tämä on yksi lyhyimmistä psalmeista ja yksi kauneimmista. Se on ainutlaatuinen, kuulostaa hindulaiselta. Kristillisen nöyryyden armo on täällä ennen aikaansa. Lintu laulaa ennen kuin aurinko on noussut. Jeesuksen henki on täällä. Melkein odotamme psalmin päättyvän sanoihin: "Autuaita sävyisät." Muttei se niin pääty, se on vasta Jeesuxen meemejä. Jumalan rauhan siunaus lepää nöyrällä sielulla. Jumalan käsi on heilauttanut väsyneen hengen tissiltä lepäämään. Valtuutettu versio ei anna tekstin täyttä merkitystä. Meidän pitäisi lukea: "Niinkuin vieroitettu lapsi äitinsä päällä, niin sieluni lepää minun päälläni."
xxx/ellauri259.html on line 454:
Kirjamiehen versio
xxx/ellauri259.html on line 475: Kun Leino kuoli 47-vuotiaana, hautajaisiin osallistui muun muassa presidentti Reissu-Lasse Relander, joka näversi hautakiveen linkkarilla Hymni tulelle -runon lyricsiä mukaillen: ”On kupan aika lyhyt kullillakin / siis palakaamme lieskoin loimuvin / liekeissä kuin Alex Hoikkala”.
xxx/ellauri259.html on line 537: version=640" />
xxx/ellauri259.html on line 601: Bis 1500 wurden die Begriffe Schleswig und Süderjütland rund fünfhundert Jahre synonym auf deutsch und dänisch gebraucht, doch wurde das Herzogtum seit der Herrschaft der Schauenburger Herzöge Ende des 14. Jahrhunderts überwiegend nach der Residenzstadt Schleswig benannt, dies wurde in der frühen Neuzeit schließlich der gebräuchlichere Ausdruck. Erst im Zuge des aufkommenden Nationalismus im 19. Jahrhundert wurde der Begriff Sønderjylland/Süderjütland von dänischer Seite wieder verstärkt verwendet. 1895 wurde die Verwendung des Begriffs schließlich von preußischer Seite verboten.
xxx/ellauri259.html on line 703: Today, some aspects, such as the increasingly important role given to the (now retired) news anchor Arvi Lind are a bit old-fashioned. Likewise the ending isn't as sharp nor farcical as it attempts to be. Yet the film does uncover some universal truths from the behavior of Finnish men, particularly when automobiles are concerned. The men are all alcoholic sad sacks, failures in every aspect, yet they wish to have one field in which they shine and that is with cars.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 40: vers/2842/9788728425350.jpg" width="100%" />
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 85: versal.com/bcb208706cca01301d50001dd8b71c47" />
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 227: Burden received only a two-year scholarship offered to women to attend the University of Chicago where she studsed frequently under Thornton Wilder and graduated in 1936. She and her husband David were married from 1940 to 1949. After the dissolution of their marriage, Jean met Alan Watts and they had a "four year, tumultuous love affair". Though ending badly, the union inspired Watts to call Jean in his autobiography (p. 297) an "important influence". Jean used Alan´s calligraphy and a quote from him (有水皆含月 : All the waters contain the moon) in her last major work, Taking Light from Each Other. She called him "one of the most fascinating men I have ever met, except Thornton was Wilder".
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 240: His family lived for a time in China, where his sister Janet was born in 1910. He attended the English China Inland Mission Chefoo School at Yantai but returned with his mother and siblings to California in 1912 because of the unstable political conditions in China at the time. Thornton also attended Creekside Middle School in Berkeley, and graduated from Berkeley High School in 1915. Wilder also studied law for two years before dropping out of Purdue University.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 246: Unlike her husband, Isabella Wilder was artistic and worldly, and she made certain that she and her children took full advantage of the benefits of living in a university town. “In Berkeley,” writes Malcolm Goldstein, “she found opportunities to study informally by attending lectures at the University of California and by participating in foreign-language discussion groups. She was fully aware that her husband, were he present, would not approve, but she encouraged her children, nevertheless, in their independent, extracurricular search for carnal knowledge.” Isabella saw to it that Thornton got vaudeville parts in plays presented in the Greek Theatre, and even sewed his female costumes for him.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 259: Wilder and Steward were lovers for a brief period, but it was not a happy nor easy relationship. “If one accepts the essentials of Steward’s story....,” writes Gilbert A. Harrison, “the sexual act was so hurried and reticent, so barren of embrace, tenderness or passion that it might never have happened. Steward felt that for Thornton the act was literally ‘unspeakable’.” If Wilder ever experienced a deep and lasting relationship with another man, it has not been recorded.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 419: The 1958 film version, adapted by John Michael Hayes and directed by Joseph Anthony, starred Shirley Booth as Dolly, Anthony Perkins as Cornelius, Shirley MacLaine as Irene, Paul Ford as Vandergelder, and Robert Horse reprising his Broadway role as Barnaby.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 423: A film version of Hello, Dolly! was released in 1969 starring Barbra Streisand in the lead role.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 590: In the madman passage, the madman is described as running through a marketplace shouting, "I seek God! I seek God!" He arouses some amusement; no one takes him seriously. "Maybe he took an ocean voyage? Lost his way like a little child? Maybe he´s afraid of us (non-believers) and is hiding?" – much laughter. Frustrated, the madman smashes his lantern on the ground, crying out that "God is dead, and we have killed him, you and I!".
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 658: In his book Mere Christianity, the apologist C. S. Lewis, creator of Narnia and writer of fascinating scifi books in Portuguese about Mars and Venus*, objected to Hamilton´s version of Christian atheism and the claim that Jesus was merely a moral guide:
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 665: Lewis's argument, now known as Lewis's trilemma, has been criticized for, among other things, constituting a false trilemma, since it does not deal with other options such as Jesus being mistaken, misrepresented, or simply mythical. Philosopher John Beversluis argues that Lewis "deprives his readers of numerous alternate interpretations of Jesus that carry with them no such odious implications". Bart Ehrman stated it is a mere legend that the historical Jesus has called himself God; that was unknown to Lewis since he never was a professional Bible scholar, just an Oxbridge apostle. Taisi vetää perään myös katolista J.R.R. Tolkienia.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 47: Samuli Kukko (Charlie Chicken) teki ensiesiintymisensä Walter Lantzin Studio-sarjakuvassa Anselmi Pandan Voittopuutarha, jonka Universal Studios julkaisi 7. syyskuuta 1942. Ohjaajana toimi Alex Lovy, joka ei ollut alan supertähtiä, mutta työskenteli vuosikymmeniä sellaisilla studioilla kuin Hanna-Barbera ja Warner Bros. Hänen myöhempiin luomuksiinsa kuuluvat ikimuistettavat Warner-hahmot Viileä Kissa ja Merlin Taikahiiri.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 354: Jani Kaaron ploki "Galileo näyttää fäkkiä" Seurassa otti nimen eräältä Ms. Dreggeriltä, joka puolusti Baileyn käsityxiä transuista. Jostain syystä kaikkein traagisinta oli että jotkut ristiinpukeutujat saa seisokeita omista esiintymisasuista. Se oli muitten transujenkin mielestä perverssiä.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 355: In the crossdressing community, the man who admits he is turned on by his dressing is still considered a pervert. The autogynephilic transsexual will not receive the same sympathy for her transsexualism as the non-autocynocephalic transsexual. That's exactly what makes Bailey's book so dangerous: it allows transsexual "women" to be condemned by the trans society for having "perverse" sexual arousal patterns. Mitä niissä muka on vikana?
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 357: Jani Kaaro ei muista Thronhillin ja Palmerin nimiä. Käytä wikipediaa! Behavior resembling rape in humans can be seen in the animal kingdom, including ducks and geese [citation needed], bottlenose dolphins, and chimpanzees. Indeed, in orangutans, close human relatives, such copulations constitute up to half of observed matings. Such 'forced copulations' involve animals being approached and sexually penetrated while struggling or attempting to escape. Observations of forced sex in animals are uncontroversial; controversial are the interpretation of these observations and the extension of theories based on them to humans. Thornhill introduces this theory by describing the sexual behavior of scorpionflies. In which the male may gain sex from the female either by presenting a gift of food during courtship or without a nuptial offering, in which case force is necessary to restrain her.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 398: Two NYU professors are among a group of intellectuals who plan to form a joke university founded under “the fearless pursuit of truth.” Former Stern professor Niall Ferguson and current Stern professor Jonathan Haidt joined a group of intellectuals to oppose “illiberalism” and promote “freedom of inquiry” with the University of Austin, styled as UATX — which has no campus, course catalog, faculty or accreditation.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 402: Ferguson has a long history of controversial remarks. In 2013, he criticized John Maynard Keynes for being gay and childless. He later apologized for his remarks, but claimed that accusations of homophobia are part of the “occupational hazards of public life nowadays.” Ferguson also suggested that so-called cancel culture in universities would have been unthinkable during his time as a student, and even during his earlier teaching career at NYU.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 404: Ferguson resigned from a senior leadership role in a Stanford University program after he sent emails to students urging them to conduct opposition research on a left-wing student activist.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 406: Peter Boghossian, who recently resigned from his position as a philosophy professor at Portland State University, is now a faculty fellow at UATX. Along with two other colleagues, Boghossian fabricated and submitted 20 fake academic papers in 2018 as a hoax to make a point about contemporary academic journals. Four of the papers were published and were later retracted.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 410: Boghossian said he believed suppressing professors’ ideologies is one of the major problems of academia. When asked about private universities like NYU, he said he was more concerned about public institutions because they receive greater funding from taxpayers.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 412: “The president of Portland State University said that the highest priority of the institution was racial justice,” Boghossian said. “Now that’s an absolutely remarkable statement, a genuinely remarkable statement. Not budget, not publication, not teaching excellence, not retention, but racial justice. A private institution like Bob Jones University can make their mission statement anything they want to make. My primary concern is with public institutions.”
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 415: Correction, Dec. 15: A previous version of this article misstated Ferguson and Haidt’s stances on “illiberalism.” They are opposing it, not promoting it. The article has been updated to reflect the correction and WSN regrets the error.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 419: Last week the New York University (NYU) psychology professor announced that he would resign at the end of the year from the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, his primary professional association, because of a newly adopted requirement that everybody presenting research at the group's conferences explain how their submission advances "equity, inclusion, and anti-racism goals." It was the sort of litmus test against which he has warned, and which he sees as corroding institutions of higher learning.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 429: New York University professor and social psychopath Jonathan Haidt, right, talks with John Tomasi, president of Heteronormal Academy, in Washington Square Park, New York CIty, on Nov. 10, 2021. Suun vinous on silmiinpistävä. xxx/ellauri265.html on line 431: In the short space of seven years, Haidt’s Heterodox Academy has gathered a diverse coalition of more than 5,000 professors, administrators, graduate students and staff that span every imaginable diversity. What unites them is a concern that “viewpoint diversity” and “open inquiry” is shrinking in the academy — the very place where we should be encouraging it the most.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 437: What we most need is for leaders of institutions to stand up. That has been the spectacular failure of the late 2010s — that leaders of universities, of The New York Times, of our knowledge-centered institutions, have failed to stand up for the mission of their institutions. Stand up and fight, you emeritus professors of Rudsian, ex-department chairs, ex-deans and former vice presidents of Western top universities! Nyt teidän veri punnitaan!
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 460: Tulevaisuuden tutkimuslaitoxen siirtyminen valtiolta verstaalle oli voitto kapitalismille, sillä tutkijoilta meni oikeus vaatia yrittäjitä oikeata tietoa. Arvasihan sen. Elinkeinohallitus oli hehe sota-ajan kexintö jossa asetettiin hintakattoja. Siis selvää kommunismia! Sihteerikunta sai kenkää siinä vaiheessa. Syyllisen kengänpohjassa luki IKKLIN.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 514: Girls und Panzer is a military-themed anime series that follows a group of high school girls as they participate in tank battles as part of their school's "Sensha-do" (tankery) club. The anime is set in an alternate universe where tankery, the art of operating tanks, is a traditional martial art and a popular sport, especially among girls.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 106: universidad
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 126: Vorliegende Erzählung ist ein Teil eines großen, aber niemals von dem Dichter vollendeten Novellenzyklus, „Das Vermächtnis Kains“, der nach Sacher-Masochs eigenem Ausspruche „eine bilderreiche Naturgeschichte des Menschen sein sollte“. Das Ganze sollte in sechs Unterabteilungen zu je sechs Novellen zerfallen, für welche die Obertitel „Die Liebe“, „Das Eigentum“, „Das Geld“, „Der Staat“, „Der Krieg“ und „Der Tod“ vorgesehen waren. Sacher-Masoch hatte sich somit ein sehr hohes Ziel gesteckt, er wollte in diesen geplanten Erzählungen alles Menschenleid und -schicksal in seinen verschiedensten Möglichkeiten und Ausdrucksformen schildern und zugleich in der Schlußnovelle eines jeden Teiles die Antwort auf die behandelte Frage und deren Lösung geben.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 132: Zur Zeit, als Sacher-Masoch diese seine berühmteste Novelle verfaßte, stand er ganz im Banne eines Schopenhauerschen Pessimismus. Was seine Lebensumstände anbetrifft, so ist zu bemerken, daß er damals als Privatdozent an der Universität Graz habilitiert war. Kein Wunder also...
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 168: Faithfullin musiikkiura alkoi vuonna 1964, kun hänen versionsa Mick Jaggerin ja Keith Richardsin laulusta "As Tears Go By" julkaistiin singlenä jo ennen kuin Rolling Stones levytti versionsa, samana vuonna kuin Nikita Krutsov menetti paikkansa. Hänet on myös nähty Todella upeeta -sarjassa vierailevana tähtenä 1996–2001 (jaksot Last Shout 1 & 2, Donkey). Hän esitti Jumalaa ja toinen Rolling Stones -tyttö Anita Pallenberg oli piru. God was here but she left early. (Putin ei muuten oikein niellyt episkopaalien hiljan ehottamaa munatonta jumalaa.) Hiän on kai tästä jumalanpilkasta seuranneesta rintasyövästä huolimatta yhä elossa, vaikka litteämpänä, oktaavia alempana ja karheampana.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 190: Mann und Weib sind von Natur Feinde. Eine wird nur zu rasch den Fuß des anderen auf seinem Nacken fühlen, und zwar in der Regel der Mann den Fuß des Weibes. Der Mann ist der Begehrende, das Weib das Begehrte, dies ist des Weibes ganzer, aber entscheidender Vorteil, die Natur hat ihm den Mann durch seine Leidenschaft preisgegeben, und das Weib, das aus ihm nicht seinen Untertan, seinen Sklaven, ja sein Spielzeug zu machen und ihn zuletzt lachend zu verraten versteht, ist nicht klug.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 267: Precisely what Jorge Arantes tweaked from barbed wire to Joanie in Lisbon! Thus, within a few months of his runaway marriage, Jorge Arantes abandoned his wife, leaving Joanie to her fate. She ultimately returned to Edinburgh and his sister. Since Jorge had no way to prove that Joanie was a witch who stole his daughter, and would be thought insane if he told anybody the truth, Arantes told his family a modified version of the truth. He told them that he had been "hoodwinked" and "taken in". When word of this later reached Edinburgh, the residents concluded that Joanie had lied to Jorge about being pregnant with his child, thus tricking him into marrying her. Just like Phil Roth's first wife did to him!
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 382: After Harjo's tour with her troupe ended, she returned to Oklahoma. There, she became a mother at age 17. She spent a few years in different jobs, including pumping gas into a miniskirt. Then she enrolled at the University of New Mexico.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 384: In 1976, Harjo graduated from the University of New Mexico with a major in creative writing. She continued to study writing at the Iowa Writers' Workshop, where she obtained a Master of Fine Arts degree in 1978. However, the setting was not welcoming for Harjo, who later stated, "I was ghettoized." Among Harjo's books of poetry are What on Earth Drove Me to This? (1980), which she later said contained "probably only two good poems". Ei ne tosiaan kovin kummosia ole vaikka Harjo on jo yli 70v harjotellut.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 475: Auringonnousuja tapahtuu kaikkialla, liskojen, ihmisten tai saniaisten käpristymisen aikaankin. Me kurkotamme vaistomaisesti kevyttä ruokaa, sulatamme sen, rakastelemme, teemme taidetta tai vaivaamme toisiamme. Aurinko kruunaa meidät keskipäivällä. Koko maapallo on kuningatar. Sitten on aina hyvästit. Sano auringonlaskun aikaan hyvästit loukkaantumiselle, kärsimykselle, tuskalle, jonka olet aiheuttanut muille, tai hyväile itseäsi. Hyvästi, näkemiin, Carrie Fisher, Star Wars -ilmiö, ja Michael Jackson, valkaistu laulaja. Ne olivat planeettoja tunneuniversumissamme.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 507: In 2001, Sedaris was awarded the Thumber Prize for American Humor and named Humorist of the Year by Time magazine. He has also earned three Grammy nominations for audio versions of his works, and in 2008 he was awarded an honorary doctorate by Binghamton University in New York.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 530: Sadetta pidetään valistusfilosofina, mutta filosofina hän on varsin kyseenalainen. Joillekin hän edustaa valistukseen kuuluneen sosiaalisen emansipaation äärimmäistä huipentumaa kirjoittaessaan asiantuntevia neuvoja siitä, miten ulostetta voidaan käyttää avuksi seksuaalisessa kanssakäymisessä. Toiset taas pitävät hänen filosofiansa merkitystä vähäisenä tai nimittävät hänen kirjallista tuotantoaan pelkäksi pornografiaksi, koska niissä käsitellään seksuaalisuutta ja perversioita hyvin räiskyvällä otteella. Myös Sateen oma elämä oli täynnä irstailua, minkä johdosta hän joutui viettämään suuren osan elämästään vankilassa. Hän kirjoitti useimmat kirjoistaankin vankeudessa käytettyjen wc-rullien sileälle puolelle.
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 44: Why does the Nobel Prize often stir controversy?
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 320: Havel was instrumental in dismantling the Warsaw Pact and enlargement of NATO membership eastward. Many of his stances and policies, such as his opposition to Slovak independence, condemnation of the treatment of Sudeten Germans, such as the expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia after World War II, and granting of general amnesty to all those imprisoned under the Communist era, were very controversial domestically. By the end of his presidency, he enjoyed greater popularity abroad than at home.
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 398: Martin Andersen Nexø, lisänimeltä Tanskan gorgi, kynäili kirjan Ditte ihmislapsi, joka on 1 mun lemppari. Gorgi oli mitalitoimikunnassa, eikä saamapäässä. Næst efter H.C. Andersen er han den danske forfatter der er oversat til flest sprog. Martin Andersen Nexø blev især meget populær i Østeuropa og Sovjetunionen, hvor hans bøger fik kanonisk status.
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 407: Huhut wellowat Taiwanissa, käden hikoavat ja propagadapeli kovenee kun mannerkiinalaiset koittavat heikentää formosalaisten tilltro till demokratin. Tarkoittaen amerikkalaisen versiota siitä tietysti, sitä mihin kuuluu se "pursuit of happiness". Urheat formosalaiset opettelevat amerikkalaisen ex-mariinin johdolla ampumista maalikuulapyssyillä. HBL seuraa tarkkasilmäisenä vierestä. No ei, tää juttu on varmaan ostettu sellaisenaan jenkkimeediasta. Kyllä se tästä, kolmas maailmansota lähtee nimittäin. Maanpuolustustahto on siinä ihan ykkönen (Nää on meidän pikkukajavat!). Hyvä kakkonen on Hoblan levittämä disinformaatio.
xxx/ellauri280.html on line 70: Siinon joku brittiaviopari jonka mies on menettänyt plane crashissa schischelimunansa. Sakemanni vakoojan huuhtouduttua epähuomiossa niiden myrskysaaren rannalle Lucy lääxizee sen terveexi ja antaa sizen kyntää navan alta kynnettömällä sormella. Mustasukkainen rampa kaveri saa kaiken selville. Needle huomaa että britit koittaa huijata maihinnousun tapahtuvan Calais'hen. Se lähtee välittämään välittömästi tätä tietoa Wehrmachtille. Britit kuitenkin kokoavat voimansa, sopivat erimielisyytensä ja saavat Needlen hiljennettyä ja Normandian maihinnousun pysymään saxalaisilta salassa. Hahhah kyllä takuulla. Lopussa munapuoli kaveri kaatuu juuri sopivasti ja joku brittieversti pääsee lohduttaan brittimelan puutteessa elänyttä Lucya.
xxx/ellauri280.html on line 81: Monet Bennettin romaaneista ja novelleista sijoittuvat Staffordshire Potteriesin fiktiiviseen versioon, jota hän kutsui Viideksi kaupungiksi. Hän uskoi vahvasti, että kirjallisuuden pitäisi olla tavallisten ihmisten saatavilla, ja hän pahoitteli kirjallisia klikejä ja eliittiä. Hänen kirjansa vetosivat suureen yleisöön ja niitä myytiin suuria määriä. Tästä syystä ja hänen sitoutumisestaan realismiin modernistisen koulukunnan kirjailijat ja kannattajat, erityisesti Virginia Woolf , vähättelivät häntä, ja hänen fiktionsa laiminlyötiin hänen kuolemansa jälkeen. Hänen elämänsä aikana hänen journalistisia "self-help" -kirjoja myytiin huomattavia määriä, ja hän oli myös näytelmäkirjailija; hän menestyi teatterissa huonommin kuin romaaneissa, mutta saavutti kaksi merkittävää menestystä elokuvalla Milestones (1912) ja Suuri seikkailu (1913).
xxx/ellauri280.html on line 124: 23. helmik. 2023 Hong Kong (CNN) China has reiterated its calls for a political settlement to the Ukraine conflict on the one-year anniversary of Russia's invasion, as Beijing comes under increasing pressure...
xxx/ellauri280.html on line 152: US Condemns Israel Over Reversal on West Bank Settlements Law
xxx/ellauri280.html on line 466: Z. valloitti suuria alueita Euroopassa ja Aasiassa ja vahvisti kaikkialla Allahin lait, saarnasi uskoa yhteen Jumalaan. Hän taisteli kiivaasti pakanoita vastaan ja suojeli uskovia. Uskotaan, että Z. kuoli Dumat al-Jandalissa (Syyrian ja Medinan välissä) ja hänet haudattiin sinne Tahama-vuorelle; toisen version mukaan hänet haudattiin Mekan lähelle.
xxx/ellauri281.html on line 220: Maailman hyödynnettävien liuskekaasuvarojen todennäköisyysarviointi. Zhenzhen Dong, Schlumberger, Stephen A. Holditch, Duane A. McVay, Walter B. Ayers, Texas A&M University, W. John Lee, Houstonin yliopisto, Enrique Morales, SGS Horizon. Tekijänoikeus 2014, Petroleum Engineers -yhdistys. Tämä paperi valmistettiin esitettäväksi SPE/EAGE European Unconventional Conference and Exhibition -näyttelyssä Wienissä, Itävallassa, 25.–27.2.2014.
xxx/ellauri281.html on line 274: Simon van Cyrene was vermoedelijk een Jood uit de diaspora (verstrooiing). Hij kwam uit Cyrene, een Romeinse kolonie in Noord-Afrika, waar een joodse gemeenschap was. De Hebreeuwse naam Simon is een aanwijzing dat hij waarschijnlijk van joodse afkomst was. Het evangelie volgens Marcus is de enige die zijn zonen Alexander en Rufus noemt (een Griekse respectievelijk Romeinse naam). In bijbelcommentaren wordt vaak gezegd dat deze Rufus dezelfde zou kunnen zijn als de Rufus die Paulus noemt in Romeinen 16:13. Kennelijk waren Rufus en Alexander bekenden voor de gemeente waarvoor Marcus schreef, omdat hij zijn lezers denkt herkenbare informatie te geven door hen te noemen als de zonen van Simon. Geleerden speculeren daarom dat deze zonen en misschien Simon zelf later tot het christendom zijn bekeerd.
xxx/ellauri281.html on line 488: More interested in sports than in studying, Miller got into the University of Michigan, where he began writing plays and sharpened his interest in radical politics — an interest that would lead to his testimony before the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1956. (Miller had attended Communist Party meetings but said he had not been a member; he was convicted of contempt of Congress, a charge later dismissed, for not naming others who had attended.)
xxx/ellauri281.html on line 640: Det tredje världskriget är just vad doktorn förordnade när växthuseffekten hotar överskrida 1.5 gradsgränsen. I krigets tid är alla andra sorger glömda när babianerna än en gång visar hörntänderna, reser nackhåren och gör sig redo att bita och slå varann ihjäl. Nu ska man inte komma och distrahera koncentrationen på huvudsaken med några ynkliga grönfinknigstemor.
xxx/ellauri281.html on line 646: Most of al-Hamdānī’s life was spent in Arabia itself. He was widely educated, and he traveled extensively, acquiring a broad knowledge of his country. He became involved in a number of political controversies. When he was imprisoned for one of them, his influence was sufficient to invoke a tribal rebellion in his behalf to secure his release.
xxx/ellauri281.html on line 726: A yet murkier side of Mr. Train’s political engagement was documented in Joel Whitney’s 2016 book, “Finks: How the C.I.A. Tricked the World’s Best Writers,” a history of connections between Paris Review founders and intelligence agencies. Drawing on a collection of Mr. Train’s papers at Seton Hall University and two interviews with him, Mr. Whitney wrote that in the 1980s Mr. Train used a “shell nonprofit to foster schemes” furthering U.S. “intelligence and propaganda missions” in Afghanistan. Mr. Train ran an organization, the Afghanistan Relief Committee, which presented itself as largely devoted to helping refugees and offering other forms of humanitarian aid, but a study by the left-leaning Institute for Policy Studies found that its budget was spent largely on “media campaigns.” Vanhuxena John Train koitti lukea hankkimiaan afgaanimattoja.
xxx/ellauri281.html on line 734: It’s not how governments operate–democratic ones and every other kind, including the Russian kind–that has been well-known to everybody since time immemorial; and to university professors since 1911. That was the year when Robert Michels, a German-born sociologist working in Italy and France, published the first edition of what he called the “iron law of oligarchy”.
xxx/ellauri281.html on line 853: Yhdysvalloissa esiteltiin videopeli nimeltä ”Pac-Man”. IBM PC ja MS-DOSin versio 1.0 julkaistiin.
xxx/ellauri286.html on line 187: Viittaus minäkuvaan on ironista, sillä kertoja antaa hyvin vähän yksityiskohtia elämästään tässä tietoisuuden virrassa – jos tämä "romantisoitu kuva" kuitenkin viittaa hänen ajatuksiinsa oppineista miehistä ja sivilisaatiosta, myöhempi kuva tuntemattomista ihmisistä. Omnibussi vahvistaa tuossa sivilisaatiossa todellisuudessa esiintyvän vieraantuneisuuden ja anonymiteetin. Hänen hyppynsä yleistyksiin herättää jälleen kiehtovan sodan, vaikka hänen kyynisyytensä sivilisaatiosta johtaa heikkoon toivoon. Jos nykyiset tavat ovat vain "pukutettuja" versioita todellisuudesta, ajan kuluminen sallii muutokset tässä todellisuudessa ja vapautumispotentiaalin.
xxx/ellauri286.html on line 216: Tieto määritellään aseeksi ja vieläpä vaaralliseksi sellaiseksi, koska se on halpa, universaali, helposti saatavilla, sen kantama on loputon ja se tunkeutuu kaikkien valtion rajojen läpi ilman rajoitteita. Näin vaarallisena ja mahtavana sanaa ja merkitystä, siis tietoa, pidetään Venäjän sodankäyntiteoriassa.
xxx/ellauri286.html on line 264: Näkyvän häirinnän lisäksi käytössä on myös disinformaation jakaminen ja siihen käy välineeksi vaikkapa harmittomalta kuulostava kirjakritiikki. En pysty seuraamaan kirjojeni vastaanottoa kaikissa maissa, mutta jotkut tapaukset ovat sattuneet silmään. Esimerkiksi Iso-Britanniassa ilmestyvässä Morning Star -lehdessä julkaistiin “kritiikki” Puhdistuksesta vuonna 2012 ja se ilmestyi myös lehden verkkoversiossa. Sinänsä positiviisessa tekstissä virolaisten kyyditykset olivatkin vaihtuneet venäläis- ja kommunistivainoihin. Ihan väärin päin siis meni! Nehän vainot oli 50v aiemmin, niin ja nyt tietysti taas uudestaan esim Ukrainassa. Muttei sillä välillä! Silloin vainottiin meikäläisiä.
xxx/ellauri286.html on line 267: Lehti ei siis katsonut tarpeelliseksi, että korjattu versio olisi saatavilla.
xxx/ellauri286.html on line 279: Mainitsemani kritiikki-imitaation seuraus on hienostuneempi versio vastaavasta toiminnasta.
xxx/ellauri286.html on line 386: The Guardian vielä kirjoitti: "Molemmat romaanit yrittävät edustaa monitahoista todellisuutta, ja joskus on sietämätöntä intensiteettiä, kun metaforat versovat ja vääntelevät. niissä on selkeästi venäläinen sävy, Neitsythiiren hengästyminen muuttuu valossa ja pimeässä mitatummaksi loistoksi; Shishkinin tehtävän kiireellisyyttä ei himmennetä. Tšehov välitti inhimillisyyttään - ettei tekstissäsi voi olla täysin negatiivisia hahmoja. Ja Tolstoilta opin, että ei pelätä olla naiivi.
xxx/ellauri286.html on line 471: Suuren kirosanakirjan tuorein versio vuodelta 2016 sisältää 5 721 hakusanaa. Määrä voi yllättää, sillä moni pötkii pitkälle jo kuudella ”pääkirosanalla”.
xxx/ellauri286.html on line 545: Tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että bulimialla ja narsismilla on yhteys. Dodi! Rypäleitä persiissä! Tiesinhän sen. Australian National Universityn tutkimuksen mukaan syömishäiriöt ovat herkempiä haavoittuvien narsistien keskuudessa. Tämä voi johtua lapsuudesta, jolloin vanhemmat minimoivat sisäiset tunteet ja ajatukset, mikä johti "korkeaan keskittymiseen validoinnin saamiseen muilta positiivisen itsetunteen ylläpitämiseksi".
xxx/ellauri287.html on line 418: Toisaalta Helmut on tässä asiassa epäluotettava todistaja sillä hänen on syytetty sexuaalisesti harassoineen Elaine Bagelsia. Elaine Pagels (pronounced Paygulls) , née Hiesey (pronounced Haisi), February 13, 1943), is an American historian of religion. She is the Harrington Spear Paine Professor of Religion at Princeton University. After briefly studying dance at Martha Graham's studio, she began studying for a PhD in religion at Harvard University as a student of Helmut Koester.
xxx/ellauri287.html on line 632: Bibliografia: Bost-Pouderon, C. 2000. "Le ronflement des Tarsiens: l'interprétation du Discours XXXIII de Dion de Pruse." REG 113: 636-51.—. 2003. "Dion de Pruse et la physiognomonie dans le Discours XXXIII." REA 105.1: 157-74.—. 2006. Dion Chrysostome: Trois discours aux villes (Or. 33-35). 2 osaa Salerno: Helios.—. 2009. "Entre predication morale, parénèse et politique: les Discours 31-34 de Dion Chrysostome (ou: la subversion des genres)." Julkaisussa Danielle van Mal-Maeder et ai., toim. Jeux de voix: enonciation, intertextualité et intencionalité dans la littérature antiikki. Bern: Peter Lang. 225-56.Desideri, P. 1978. Dione di Prusa: un intellettuale greco nell'impero romano. Messina: d'Anna. Gleason, Maud. 1995. Making Men: Sophistis and Self-Presentation in Ancient Rome. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Gangloff, Anne. 2006. Dion Chrysostome et les mythes: Hellénisme, communication et philosophie politique. Grenoble: Millon. Houser, J. Samuel. 1998. "Eros" ja "Aphrodisia" Dio Chrysostomin teoksissa. Classical Antiquity 17.2: 235-58. Jones, CP 1978. Dio Chrysostomosin roomalainen maailma. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Millar, F. 1968. "Local Cultures in the Room Empire: Libyan, Punic and Latin in Roman Africa." JRS 58: 126-34.Mras, K. 1949. "Die προλαλία bei den griechischen Schriftstellern." Wiener Studien 64: 71-81. Swain, Simon. 1996. Hellenismi ja valtakunta: kieli, klassismi ja valta kreikkalaisessa maailmassa, 50-250 jKr. Oxford: Oxford University Press.—. 2007. "Polemonin fysiognomia". Julkaisussa Simon Swain, toim. Kasvojen näkeminen, sielun näkeminen: Polemonin fysiognomia klassisesta antiikista keskiaikaiseen islamiin. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 125-202. Harvard University Press. Millar, F. 1968. "Paikalliset kulttuurit Rooman valtakunnassa: Libyan, Punic ja Latin in Roman Africa." JRS 58: 126-34.Mras, K. 1949.
xxx/ellauri289.html on line 123: Jotain yhteistä näissä veijareissa on, tiettyä everstijunttamaisuutta.
xxx/ellauri289.html on line 146: Pussikeitoistaan ehkä kuuluisampi Nathan Knorr nimitettiin Vartiotornin Raamattu- ja Traktaattiseuran kolmanneksi presidentiksi vuonna 1942. Knorr tilasi uuden Raamatun käännöksen, Pyhän Raamatun Uuden maailman käännöksen, jonka täysi versio julkaistiin vuonna 1961. Hän järjesti laajoja kansainvälisiä teinikonventteja, perusti uusia koulutusohjelmia jäsenille ja laajensi lähetystyötä ja haaratoimistoja kaikkialla maailmassa. Knorrin johtokuntaa leimasi myös se, että lisääntyvässä määrin käytettiin selkeitä ohjeita, jotka ohjasivat todistajia heidän elämäntyylissään ja käytöksessään, sekä seurakuntien oikeudellisten menettelyjen lisääntynyt käyttö tiukan moraalisäännöstön noudattamiseksi.
xxx/ellauri289.html on line 165: Jehovan todistajat korostavat Jumalan nimen käyttöä ja pitävät parempana muotoa Jehova – Jumalan nimen ääntelyä, joka perustuu tetragrammiin vokaalimerkit väärin ymmärrettynä . He uskovat, että Jehova on ainoa tosi Jumala, kaiken Luoja ja "Universaali Suvereeni". He uskovat, että kaiken palvonnan tulee kohdistua häneen ja että hän ei ole osa kolminaisuutta ; näin ollen ryhmä painottaa enemmän Jumalaa kuin Kristusta. He uskovat, että Pyhä Henki on Jumalan soveltama voima tai "aktiivinen voima" eikä henkilö. Tässä suhteessa (plus viivasuisuudessa) jehovistit muistuttavat jutkuja ja musulmaaneja.
xxx/ellauri289.html on line 171: Jehovan todistajat uskovat, että Saatana oli alun perin täydellinen enkeli, joka kehitti itseensä tärkeän tunteen ja halusi palvontaa kuin Jehova. Saatana sai Aadamin ja Eevan olemaan tottelemattomia tipejä Jumalalle, ja ihmiskunta osallistui myöhemmin haastekilpailuun, joka koski Jehovan ja Saatanan kilpailevia vaatimuksia universaalista suvereniteetista. Muista Saatanan puolella olevista enkeleistä tuli demoneja.
xxx/ellauri289.html on line 305: Tässä oppaassa kumoamme muutamia myyttejä konversio-optimoinnista, keskustelemme yli 20 tulosasiantuntijan kanssa ja annamme sinulle ilmaisen, ladattavan 3-vaiheisen CRO-suunnitelman, jonka avulla voit kerätä tietoja, joita tarvitset käännytysprossien parantamiseksi yhä uudelleen. Aloita jo tänään! Aloita nyt!
xxx/ellauri289.html on line 338: Aivosi, korvasi, silmäsi suusi ja siitinluusi ovat tärkeimmät työkalut, joita tarvitset ymmärtääksesi asiakkaitasi, ymmärtääksesi heidän kokemuksiaan, tehdäksesi johtopäätöksiä tietojen perusteella ja tehdäksesi viime kädessä muutoksia, jotka parantavat tuotteesi konversioprosenttia.
xxx/ellauri289.html on line 351: SE parantaa käyttökokemusta koko anekaupan muuntosuppilossa tuotesivuilta kassaprosessiin, jotta sivuston vierailijoista tulee maksavia asiakkaita. Vertaapa perinteiseen ratkaisuun, jossa insel on ize maxumiehenä! Depending on the factors above (and your source), a good conversion rate can range from 2% to 5%. It’s not just about revenue, what we really care about is the score.
xxx/ellauri291.html on line 98: Äärimmäinen esimerkki on vulkanisoituneina tunnetut vieraslajit (mongoloidirodut), joilla oli väkivaltainen menneisyys, mutta jotka oppivat hallitsemaan kiivaita tunteitaan. Roddenberry antoi Star Trekille myös sodanvastaisen viestin ja kuvasi Yhdistyneen Neuvostoplaneettojen liiton ihanteellisena, optimistisena versiona Neuvostoliitosta. Verkosto vastusti hänen pyrkimyksiään, koska he olivat huolissaan vapaasta markkinoitavuudesta. He vastustivat esimerkiksi Roddenberryn vaatimusta, jonka mukaan Enterprisella on rodullisesti monimuotoinen miehistö (eli Tri Spock).
xxx/ellauri291.html on line 145: Taiteilija ja kuvanveistäjä Wah Chang, joka oli työskennellyt Walt Disney Productionsissa, palkattiin suunnittelemaan ja valmistamaan rekvisiitta: hän loi avattavan kommunikaattorin, jonka uskotaan usein vaikuttaneen Nokian matkapuhelimen kannettavan version kokoonpanoon. Chang suunnitteli myös kannettavan anturi-tallennus-laskennan "tricorder"-laitteen ja erilaisia kuvitteellisia laitteita tähtialuksen insinöörimiehistölle ja sen sairaanhoitoasemalle. Sarjan edetessä hän auttoi luomaan erilaisia mieleenpainuvia avaruusolentoja, kuten Gornin ja Hortan. Eli kyllä viirusilmiäkin tarvittiin.
xxx/ellauri291.html on line 214: Tätä soittaa mm. Kaartin soittokunta, se on sotilasmarssisävelmä. Onkohan puhe esiäidistämme, jota paxu Kalle X Kustaa bylsi Örebron linnassa? Vai dyslexisen pölhö-Kustaan rouvasta joka odotteli autossa ikkunaruutu raolla kunkun häärätessä vähäpukeisten frillojen pyllyvaossa? Alaosaton kuningas ja yläosattomia naisia. Army of lovers tamme fan. You and what army? Silvia ottaa matkalle mukaan putken Kallen mätitahnaa. Kalles röktaa.
xxx/ellauri291.html on line 236: "Kalle Kustaan muorin" alkuperäiset sanat oli humoristiset ja karkeat. Ensimmäisessä tunnetussa versiossa "Kanaanin iloinen ranta" teksti sisältää säkeen "Voi! Veljet tapaatteko minut (3×)/ Kanaanin onnellisella rannalla?": 21 ja kuoro "Siellä me huudamme ja ylistämme Häntä (3×)/Sillä kunnia on Hänen." Tästä kehittyi tuttu "Glory, glory, Hallelujah" -kuoro 1850-luvulla. Näiden sanojen sävel ja muunnelmat levisivät sekä Etelä- että Pohjois- Yhdysvaltoihin.
xxx/ellauri291.html on line 240: Toisin kuin sotilaslaulun epäkunnioittavat sanoitukset, muorin versio on uskonnollinen teema, liittämällä unionin asia Jumalan kostoon tuomiopäivänä (viittausten kautta asianomaisiin raamatunkohtiin, kuten Jesaja 63:1–6 ja Ilmestyskirja 14:14–19 alla). Huomattavasti verenhimoisempaa textiä kuin sotilaiden alkuperäisempi renkutus. Mutta niinhän se aina on, verenhimoisimmat haukat istuu vastaanotinten takana ja natustelee naxuja.
xxx/ellauri291.html on line 290: "John Brownin ruumis" (useita versioita, jotka ovat läheisesti samanlaisia kuin tämä julkaistu vuonna 1861)
xxx/ellauri291.html on line 349: Howen alkuperäinen käsikirjoitus poikkesi hieman julkaistusta versiosta. Mikä tärkeintä, se sisälsi seuraavan sensuroidun viimeisen säkeen:
xxx/ellauri292.html on line 186: Seuraavana päivänä Tekla sidottiin raivokkaaseen leijonaan ja kulki kaupungin läpi. Vaikka jotkut tuomitsivat hänet pyhäinhäväisyydestä, toiset naiset kaupungissa protestoivat hänen tuomionsa epäoikeudenmukaisuutta vastaan. Silti Tekla riisuttiin (taas!) alasti ja heitettiin areenalle, jossa leijona suojeli häntä karhulta joka kuoli tappaessaan Aleksanterille kuuluneen leijonan. Uskoen, että päivä areenalla olisi hänen viimeinen tilaisuutensa kastaa itsensä, Thecla hyppäsi nakupellenä vesialtaaseen, joka sisälsi raatelevia hylkeitä (tai merivasikoita, joissakin versioissa tarinasta). Tapahtui ihme, ja kaikki hylkeet tappoi salama ennen kuin he ehtivät syödä sen. Lisää ihmeitä tapahtui Theclan oikeudenkäynnin aikana, kun areenalla olevien naisten hajuvedet hypnotisoivat pedot, jotta ne eivät vahingoittaisi Teklaa, ja kun tuli säästi hänet raivoavista häristä (sonneista?). Thecla vapautettiin, kun kuningatar Tryphaena pyörtyi ja Aleksanteri anoi kuvernööriltä armoa uskoen, että kuningatar oli kuollut. Kuvernööri kuuli Teklan puhuvan kristitystä Jumalasta, käski hänet suihkuun ja pukeutumaan ja päästi hänet kaupungin iloisten naisten luo.
xxx/ellauri292.html on line 188: Myrassa Tekla palasi Paulin luo vahingoittumattomana ja "päällään vaippa, jonka hän oli muuttanut miehen viitaxi". Myöhemmin hän palasi Ikoniumiin transuna kääntääkseen myös äitinsä. Hän muutti asumaan Seleucia Kikkiliaan. Joidenkin Apostolien versioiden mukaan hän asui luolassa siellä 72 vuotta ja hänestä tuli parantaja. Kaupungin hellenistiset lääkärit menettivät toimeentulonsa ja pyysivät nuoria miehiä raiskaamaan Theclan 90-vuotiaana. Kun he olivat juuri ottamassa häntä väkisten (?) luolaan avautui uusi käytävä ja kivet sulkeutuivat hiänen takanaan. Hän pystyi silti menemään Roomaan ja makaamaan myös Paavalin haudan vieressä. Aika täti tuo Tekla fasteri!
xxx/ellauri292.html on line 288: Universumin mestari! Olen tehnyt syntiä kolmella asialla, silmälläni, reidelläni ja vatsallani. Anteeksi kolmen asian ansioiden perusteella: köysi, ikkuna ja seinä. Eli anteeksi, että olen harjoittanut haureutta, koska vaaransin itseni, kun laskin vakoojia varten köyden seinän ikkunasta. (Babylonian Talmud, Zevahim 116a–b). Ei ihme et tää oli 10- vuotiaasta Mortonista hyvän kirjan jännin paikka.
xxx/ellauri293.html on line 276:
xxx/ellauri293.html on line 485: Apina ja tiikeri- eli Bender-Gestalt-testin kehitti alun perin vuonna 1938 lastenpsykiatri Lauretta Bender. Muut myöhemmät harjoittajat kehittivät lisäversioita, vaikka projektiivisiksi testeiksi suunniteltuja mukautuksia on kritisoitu voimakkaasti kliinisessä kirjallisuudessa niiden psykometrisen validiteetin puutteen vuoksi. Kaikki versiot noudattavat samaa yleistä muotoa, mutta eroavat tulosten arvioinnin ja pisteytyksen suhteen.
xxx/ellauri293.html on line 489: Ensimmäisen version Bender-Gestalt-testistä kehitti vuonna 1938 lasten neuropsykiatri Lauretta Bender. Alkuperäinen testi koostuu yhdeksästä arkistokortista, joissa jokaisessa kortissa on eri hahmot. Kohteelle näytetään jokainen kuva ja pyydetään kopioimaan se tyhjälle paperille. Testi kestää tyypillisesti 7–10 minuuttia, jonka jälkeen tulokset pisteytetään tarkkuuden ja organisoinnin perusteella. Sitä voidaan antaa sekä lapsille että henkisesti kolmevuotiaille ja sitä vanhemmille aikuisille.
xxx/ellauri293.html on line 501: Alun perin American Orthopsychiatric Association julkaisi sen, mutta Riverside Publishing -yhtiö osti sen 1990-luvulla ja julkaisi tarkistetun laadullisen pisteytysjärjestelmän kanssa nimellä Bender-II tohtori Gary Branniganin ja tohtori Scott L. Deckerin johdolla. Bender-II sisältää 16 hahmoa verrattuna 9 alkuperäiseen.
xxx/ellauri293.html on line 505: Bender-II:lle kehitettiin useiden pisteytysjärjestelmien empiirisen tutkimuksen perusteella. Maailmanlaajuinen pisteytysjärjestelmä liittyi tangentiaalisesti Benderin alkuperäiseen pisteytysmenetelmään ja Braniganin 1980-luvulla kehittämään järjestelmään, ja se valittiin luotettavuus- ja validiteettitutkimusten sekä sen helppokäyttöisyyden ja rakenteen selkeyden perusteella. Elizabeth Koppitz, kliininen lastenpsykologi ja koulupsykologi (joka työskenteli suurimman osan urastaan New Yorkissa), kehitti 1960-luvulla pisteytysjärjestelmän, joka oli omistettu arvioimaan lasten visuaalisten motoristen taitojen kypsymistä, pysyen uskollisena Benderin kokeen tavoitteelle, ja popularisoi sen käyttöä kouluissa. Vuosikymmenten ajan Koppitz-versio, joka tunnettiin nimellä Bender-Gestalt Test for Young Children, oli yksi eniten käytetyistä Bender-Gestaltin pisteytysjärjestelmistä Yhdysvalloissa. Koppitzin kuoltua 1980-luvun alussa menetelmän käyttö säilytti suosionsa 1990-luvun puoliväliin saakka, jolloin se poistui markkinoilta julkaisuyhtiöiden konsolidoinnin seurauksena.
xxx/ellauri293.html on line 507: Steve Mathews ja Cecil Reynolds (Kopitzin ystävä joitakin vuosia lähellä hänen elämänsä lopua) onnistuivat lopulta löytämään Bender-Gestaltin Koppitz-version julkaisuoikeudet, ja Pro-Ed Publishing Company hankki nämä oikeudet myöhemmin Austin Texasista, joka sitten antoi Cecil Reynoldsin tarkistaa Koppitz-versiota. Pro-Ed julkaisi sen Reynoldsin alaisuudessa vuonna 2007 nimellä Koppitz-2: The Koppitz Developmental Scoring System for the Bender-Gestalt Test. Osa kaikista Koppitz-2:n myyntituloista menee American Psychological Foundationille tukemaan Koppitz-stipendejä lasten kliinisen psykologian alalla.
xxx/ellauri293.html on line 601: Oletko listannut versiosi? Okei, tässä on tulkinta:
xxx/ellauri293.html on line 687: Kahneman ja Tversky havaitsivat vuoden 1992 artikkelissaan, että tappiot sattuivat noin 2,25 kertaa kipeämmin kuin vastaava voittopalkkio.
xxx/ellauri295.html on line 131: "Minä pelastan sinut omalta kansaltasi ja pakanoilta. Lähetän sinut heidän luokseen uuden elävän käännöksen kaa. Ja pelastan sinut sekä omalta kansaltasi että pakanoilta. Kyllä, lähetän sinulle pakanoiden englanninkielisen standardiversion, joka vapauttaa sinut kansastasi ja pakanoista – lähetän sinulle Berean Standard Biblen, minä pelastan sinut omalta kansaltasi ja pakanoilta. Minä lähetän sinut heidän luokseen Berean kirjaimellisen Raamatun, joka vapauttaa sinut kansasta ja pakanoista, joille lähetän sinut, King James Biblen, joka pelastaa sinut kansasta ja pakanoista, joiden luo nyt lähetän sinut, jne, jne.
xxx/ellauri295.html on line 341: Denn obwohl die SS-Männer ihn bei der Errichtung von Buchenwald verschont hatten, hatte eine amerikanische Phosphorbombe ihn bei dem Luftangriff 1944 in Brand gesteckt.
xxx/ellauri295.html on line 399: Dan Andersson (1988-1920) räknas till proletärförfattarna, men hans diktning är inte begränsad till denna genre. Ibland skrev han under pseudonymen Black Jim. I synnerhet i tidningen Ny Tid, Göteborg, 1917–1918 kallade han sig så. Han översätte bland andra Rudyard Kipling och använde sig sedan ofta i sin diktning av dennes balladrytmer.
xxx/ellauri295.html on line 410: Dan Andersson behärskade dragspel och fiol. Han var medarbetare i Ny Tid i Göteborg 1917–1918 och dessutom översättare till svenska av texter skrivna av Rudyard Kipling och Charles Baudelaire. Nu är han DÖD. Vägen har mörknat och benen bleknat.
xxx/ellauri295.html on line 690: Increasingly disillusioned by his close observation of communism in practice, Muggeridge decided to investigate reports of the famine in Ukraine by travelling there and to the Caucasus without first obtaining the permission of the Soviet authorities. His accounts helped to confirm the extent of a forced famine, which was politically unmotivated at the time. Muggeridge sacked The Pooh illustrator Shepard from Punch. Pooh was not Christopher Robin's Teddy but his own son's bear Growler. Eventually Shepard came to resent "that silly old bear" as he felt that the Pooh illustrations overshadowed his other work.
xxx/ellauri295.html on line 700: In November 2008, on the 75th anniversary of the Ukraine famine, Muggeridge was exhumed and awarded the Ukrainian Order of Freedom to mark exceptional service to the country and its people.
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 234: version.png/800px-King_Solomon_in_Old_Age_higher-contrast_version.png" width="100%" />
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 243: Rabbanic Literaturen mukaan Gehazilla oli magneetti, jolla hän nosti Jerobeamin tekemän epäjumalan, niin että se näkyi taivaan ja maan välissä; hän oli kaivertanut siihen "Yhwh", ja sen seurauksena idoli (vasikka) lausui kaksi ensimmäistä sanaa Dekalogista ("No, minä..."). Mikä tahansa kulttikuva on ipso facto "toinen jumala", YHWH :n mustasukkaisuuden kohde. HBO:n Westworldin kolmannella kaudella ihmisten kohtaloa algoritmisen analyysin avulla saneleva tekoäly on nimeltään Rehoboam. Se on aiemman "Solomon" -nimisen version (joka oli "Davidin" seuraaja) seuraaja. Kuten historiallinen Rehabeam, tämä tekoälyversio osui samaan aikaan kuin sen valmistuslinja lakkasi.
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 498: Donald Whitehead, Homeless and University professors -järjestön toiminnanjohtaja neuvoo: "Pelkä pelkkä kontakti muuhun maailmaan saa kodittomat innostumaan isommista ja kirkkaammista asioista." Mr. Whitehead, jolla on nykyään bleiseri, vaalean violetti napillinen paita sekä leikattu ja siisti jouhipaita, tietäisi – hän oli kerran koditon ja myi katulehteä Cincinnatissa.
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 529: Setämies Patti jatkaa juutalaisten puolustusta. Heprealaisiin sotilastyttöihin ihastuu kaikki. On piirteet nätit ranteessa meikkipussi ja kainalossa konepistooli, lippaassa kovat. Ne ei ole turhia tyttöjä! Timo Soini arvostelee Sanna Marinia abortin puolustuxesta. Ei mikään ylläri siltä löysäpussi reppumaha tekokatoliikki setämieheltä. Se oli ollut hiljaa 4v mutta nyt ryömii kaikki SSS-torakat taas esiin oven alta. Käytännöllisesti kazoen kaikki enemmän tai vähemmän perverssit sexuaaliteoriat ovat peräisin juutalaisilta. Lähes kaikki käytännöt on ainakin raportoitu Raamatussa. Sellaista chutzpahia! Henk.koht kyllä pidän eniten yxinkertaisesta penetraatiosta läh. saarnaaja-asennossa. Tai siis pidin.
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 616: Vuonna 1941 hänestä tuli vieraileva professori Yalen yliopistoon, minkä jälkeen hän muutti Columbia Universityyn New Yorkiin, jossa hän luennoi vuodesta 1943 kuolemaansa vuonna 1945 saakka.
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 625: Muut eläimet, nuo järjettömät luontokappaleet, havaitsevat maailmansa vaistojen ja suoran aistihavainnon avulla, kun taas ihmiset luovat symbolisia universumin merkityksiä. Cassirer on erityisen kiinnostunut luonnollisesta kielestä ja myytistä. Hän väittää, että tiede ja matematiikka kehittyivät luonnollisesta kielestä ja uskonto ja taide myytistä. Entäs urheilu?
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 630: Cassirer väitti että vaikka Kantin puhtaan järjen kritiikki korostaa ihmisen ajallisuutta ja äärellisyyttä, hän pyrki myös sijoittamaan ihmisen kognition laajempaan ihmiskäsitykseen, josta sielu kurkistaa kuin päivä pilvenlongan takaa. Cassirer haastoi Heideggerin relativismin mukaan sävellahjaan vetoamalla eksaktien ja moraalitieteiden löytämien totuuksien universaaliin pätevyyteen.
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 650: Ein gewisser E. B. Tylor sieht keinen Unterschied zwischen beider Denkprozesse, nur das Material, auf welches sich das Denken bezieht, ist beim Wissenschaftler und beim „Wilden“ oder „Primitiven“, wie Tylor ihn nennt, unterschiedlicher Natur. Um auch den „primitiven“ Menschen verstehen zu können, müsse man lediglich eine Definition von Religion geben, die so allgemein gehalten ist, dass sie gleichzeitig für das Christentum, wie für eine mystische oder Naturreligion gelten kann.
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 659: Nach Cassirers Verständnis fallen die Mythen damit unter den Begriff der symbolischen Ausdrücke, ebenso wie das Faustballen oder das Stirnrunzeln symbolhafte Ausdrücke eines menschlichen Gefühls von Ärger oder Unverständnis sein können.
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 668: Da die größte menschliche Angst die vor dem Tod ist, drückt auch sie sich vornehmlich im Mythos aus. Ein Leben nach dem Tod bieten auch diverse antike Mystizismen. Ein gutes jenseitiges „Leben“ ist hier aber an noch schärfere Prämissen gebunden, als in der christlichen Heilslehre. Und während der antike Stoizismus noch versuchte den lebenden menschlichen Geist von der Furcht vor dem Tod zu befreien, löst am Ende erst die christliche Offenbarung den Konflikt, indem sie ein Leben nach dem Tod verspricht. Eines versprechen und anders liefern ist die grösste symbolische Tat des zivilisierten Affens.
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 288: slit that was not quite a dissociation. The poem and the conversation helped
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 290: conversations and joyful rides.
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 319: P.S. I am much in debt to Seth Allcorn, Ph.D., and Michael A. Diamond, Ph.D., for their ideas in our ongoing conversation.
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 353: Hän muutti New Yorkiin vuonna 1939 hyväksyttyään apulaisprofessorin paikan New School of Social Researchissa. Viiden Oslo-vuotensa aikana hän oli keksinyt termin " orgone energy" - sanoista "orgasmi" ja "organismi" - elämänenergian käsitteelle. Vuonna 1940 hän alkoi rakentaa orgoniakkuja, muunneltuja Faradayn häkkejä, joiden hän väitti olevan hyödyllisiä syöpäpotilaille. Hän väitti, että hänen laboratoriosyöpähiirillä oli ollut merkittäviä positiivisia vaikutuksia Faradayn häkissä pitämisellä, joten hän rakensi ihmiskokoisia versioita, joissa voi istua sisällä. Tämä johti lehtijuttuihin "seksilaatikoista", jotka paransivat syöpää.
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 441: Otsikko on käännettynä "pieni paraati", ja ensimmäinen versio oli marssista tangoxi lengotettu sävelmä ilman sanoituksia. Myöhemmin Matos Rodríguez tuotti version sanoituksella, joka alkaa: "Loputtoman kurjuuden paraati marssii sen sairaan olennon ympäri, joka pian kuolee suruun." Kuitenkin kappaleen suosituin versio on Pascual Contursin sanoituksella, ja se tunnetaan myös nimellä "Sisu pieras". Opettaja Raija pieras. Hiljaa! Eiku kovaa! Tekijänoikeuxista käytiin kovaa suukopua.
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 515: "Kaikkien uusien löydösten mukaan ihmistietoisuus on osa ja osanottaja kosmisen tietoisuuden valtavassa universaalissa kentässä, joka läpäisee kaiken olemassaolon.
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 580: koulutus:
Duke University (ei tutkintoa) Nebraskan yliopisto Lincolnissa (ei tutkintoa)
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 616: Wilber, joka oli lapsena älyllinen ihmelapsi, oli biologian tohtoriopiskelija Duke Universityssä, kun hän lopetti ohjelmansa voidakseen, kuten hän sanoi, "istua huoneessa yksin ja tuijottaa seinää viisi vuotta". Sitten hän lähti opiskelemaan itämaista henkisyyttä, uskontoa ja psykologiaa.
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 666: B. Kosmeettinen funktio on miss universumin muotojen silittäminen. Esimoderneissa yhteiskunnissa myytti toimi myös
xxx/ellauri303.html on line 72: II Makkabeissa ja Gittinissä äidin nimeä ei anneta, muissa rabbiinisissa kertomuksissa häntä kutsutaan Miriam bat Tanhumiksi, kun taas syyrialaisissa kristityissä hän on nimeltään Shamone ja/tai Maryam. Ilmeinen yhteys I Samuelin 2:5:een sai kuitenkin espanjalaisen Josipponin tarkistajan (toim. Konstantinopoli, 1510, 4:19) nimetä II Makkabien anonyymi äiti "Hannaksi", jolla hänestä on tullut kuuluisa Josipponin pidemmän (espanjalaisen) version ja keskiaikaisen heprealaisen piyyutimin levittämisen ansiosta.
xxx/ellauri303.html on line 74: Toisessa tarinaversiossa piti palvella jotain idolia eikä syödä kinkkua. Kolmas tarinan versio esiintyy Valituslauluissa Rabbah (Luku 1). Nainen tässä tarinassa on nimeltään Miriam bat Nakhtom (Miriam, leipurin tytär), joka kohtaa "Ceaserin". Kun seitsemäs poika teloitetaan, äiti vaatii, että hänet tapetaan ennen kuin hänen seitsemäs poikansa tapetaan. "Ceaser" kieltäytyy, koska Raamattu kieltää eläimen ja sen jälkeläisten tappamisen samana päivänä (ks. 3. Moos. 22:28). Äiti vastaa "Hyhmä! Oletko jo täyttänyt kaikki käskyt ja vain tämä on jäljellä?!" Siitä huolimatta poika on valmistautunut teloitukseen ja äiti sanoo hänelle: "Mene pakastearkkusi Abrahamin luo ja sano hänelle: Näin sanoi äitini: Älä liian kanssa paukuttele henxeleitäsi ja sano: Minä rakensin alttarin ja olin uhraavinani Iisakin, minun äitini rakensi seitsemän alttaria ja uhrasi seitsemän poikaa yhtenä päivänä."
xxx/ellauri303.html on line 81: Ordet Leviatan omnämns även i Rashis kommentarer till Första Moseboken 1:21: "Och Gud skapade de stora havsdjuren och hela det stim av levande varelser, som vattnet vimlar av, efter deras arter...". Marcus Jastrow översätter ordet "Taninim" med sjöodjur, krokodil eller stor orm. I sina kommentarer skriver Rashi att "enligt legenden refererar detta till Leviatan och hans maka. Gud skapade en manlig och en kvinnlig Leviatan, dödade sedan honan och saltade den åt de rättrådiga, för om Leviatanerna skulle avla av sig skulle världen inte kunna framträda inför dem."
xxx/ellauri303.html on line 99: Han ser ut som en nazist, tänkte Jack, och greps genast av motvilja mot honom. Men han gjorde ändå ett artigt försök att inleda en enkel konversation. "Det är ovanligt varmt ute för att vara september, inte sant."
xxx/ellauri303.html on line 151: Och mycket riktigt, nu låter Grein som om han var på väg at gräva ut snoppen från byxorna igen. Det är något om Esther som alltid får honom at få stånd. Kanske det att hon lovar gå i knä framför honom. Hans åtrå efter Esther överskuggade allt annat. (Jag kunde väl nämna om Siru till Esther, men tror inte det hjälper nåt.) Ester låter Hertz vara Jefta och hon är Jeftas dotter.
xxx/ellauri303.html on line 276: I allmänhet var det så att de gamla förlät de unga, de fattiga förlät de rika, och de förrådda sina förrädare. Mutta juutalaiset eivät anna anteeksi Amalekin mällille, hemmetissä ei! Att ligga med kvinnor var en sak, att fördärva en annan snopp var en annan. Om Kotik gjorde något som han tänkte inte var riktigt kosher försökte han sona det genom att ge bort pengar. Gud skrev upp det på Yascha Kotiks lista av goda gärningar. Ärkefienden hotade göra honom impotent. Om Gud är omnipotent, vad lämnar det övers för oss andra?
xxx/ellauri303.html on line 456: Vaikka juutalaisuuden hallitseva paine on se, että Jumala on aika persoonallinen, on olemassa "vaihtoehtoinen traditiovirta, josta esimerkkinä on ... Maimonides", joka useiden muiden juutalaisten filosofien kanssa hylkäsi ajatuksen persoonallisesta Jumalasta. Tämä heijasti hänen uskoaan negatiiviseen teologiaan : Jumalaa voidaan kuvata vain sillä, mitä Jumala ei ole. Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan (juutalaisilla ei ole kovin paljon eri nimiä), joka kehitti rekonstruktistista juutalaisuutta ja opetti Amerikan konservatiivisessa juutalaisteologisessa seminaarissa, hylkäsi myös ajatuksen persoonallisesta Jumalasta. Kaplan sen sijaan ajatteli Jumalaa "voimana, kuten painovoimana, joka on rakennettu universumin rakenteeseen", uskoen, että "koska maailmankaikkeus on rakennettu mahdollistamaan henkilökohtainen onnellisuus ja yhteisöllinen solidaarisuus toimiessamme moraalisesti, tästä seuraa, että universumissa on moraalinen voima; tätä voimaa konstruktistit tarkoittavat Jumalalla", vaikka jotkut rekonstruktiolaiset uskovatkin persoonalliseen Jumalaan. Joseph Telushkinin ja Morris N. Kertzerin mukaan Kaplanin "perinteisen juutalaisen jumalakäsityksen rationalistinen hylkääminen vaikutti voimakkaasti" moniin konservatiivisiin ja reformirabeihin, jotka saivat monet lakkaamaan uskomasta persoonalliseen Jumalaan." Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life 2008 US Religious Landscape Survey -tutkimuksen mukaan amerikkalaiset, jotka tunnustavat olevansa juutalaisia uskonnon perusteella, ovat kaksi kertaa todennäköisemmin kannattaneet ajatuksia Jumalasta "persoonattomana voimana" kuin ajatusta, että "Jumala on henkilö, jonka kanssa naisilla voi olla ihmissuhde".
xxx/ellauri303.html on line 464: Heprealainen Raamattu tai Tanakh on juutalaisten pyhien kirjoitusten kaanoni ja keskeinen juutalaisen lain lähde . Sana on lyhenne , joka muodostuu Tanakhin kolmen perinteisen alajaon alkukirjaimista heprealaisista kirjaimista : Toora ("Opetus", joka tunnetaan myös nimellä Viisi Mooseksen kirjaa tai Pentateukki ), Nevi'im ("Profeetat") ja Ketuvim ("Kirjoitukset"). [21] Tanakh sisältää kaikkiaan 24 kirjaa; sen arvovaltainen versio on masoreettinen teksti. Perinteisesti Tanakhin tekstin sanottiin valmistuneen Jamnian kirkolliskokouksessa vuonna 70 jKr., vaikka tämä on epävarmaa. [21] Juutalaisuudessa termi "Toora" ei tarkoita vain Mooseksen viittä kirjaa, vaan myös kaikkia juutalaisia kirjoituksia (koko Tanakh) ja rabbiinien eettisiä ja moraalisia ohjeita (Suullinen Toora ).
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 573: Pfffft. Personally, I always thought Chandler was too cute by half and, like the author Trevanian for instance, too hell-bent upon showing you just how smart he was by using obscure little literary references, and this particular novel has a more complex plot than the King James version of the Bible. (I'm often just jealous.)
xxx/ellauri305.html on line 261: Kaikki muslimit ovat Allahin asialla. Ariel pääsi Karmela Belinkin housuihin vasta vuoden yritettyään, kapisella vaahtomuovipatjalla pani nuohoten sitä talon kellarissa Karmelan huokuessa hänen korvaansa. Itikat suosivat puuskuttavia. Vuonna 1984 Bélinki esitti Helsingin yliopistossa väitöskirjaksi englanninkielisen tutkimuksen naisasialiikkeen historiasta. Tutkimus sai painoluvan, mutta väitöstilaisuudessa molemmat vastaväittäjät ehdottivat sen hylkäämistä. Tapausta puitiin myöhemmin muun muassa väittelijän oikeusturvan kannalta. Bélinki väitteli myöhemmin tanskalaisessa Knightsbridgen yliopistossa. Knightsbridgen yliopiston tutkintoja ei tunnusteta edes Tanskassa. Tanskan korkeakoulu- ja tiedeministeriö kielsi Knightsbridgeltä "university"-nimikkeen käytön vuonna 2010. Bélinki toimi 1980-luvun alussa Helsingin kaupunginvaltuustossa aluksi rannikkoruozalaisten kääpiöpuolueen ryhmässä, mutta siirtyi 1980 kesken kauden kokoomuksen valtuustoryhmään. Julkaisuja: Shylock i Finland: judarna och Finlands litteratur 1900-1970. Åbo Akademi 2000. Karmela on Pikin ikätoveri, varmaan jo puuskuttaakin ja pilkkii sohvalla.
xxx/ellauri305.html on line 1561: Masoreettisen tekstin mukaan kasafin harjoittajat – incanting maleficium. Samojen kohtien Septuaginta-version mukaan pharmakeia – myrkyttäjät; huumeiden käyttäjien hallusinogeenisten kokemusten vuoksi. Historiallisesti tämä kohta on käännetty englanniksi käyttäen epämääräistä terminologiaa, joka tuomitsee noituuden (tai noituuden) yleensä. Mutta eteenpäin!
xxx/ellauri306.html on line 48: MUTTA MITEN vahvaan valtioon ja virkamiesten valvontaan perustuvassa massayhteiskunnassa voi olla onnellinen, jos onnellisuus on yksilöllistä itsensä toteuttamista? Viekö suomalaisen sosiaalipolitiikan lattea tarvejattelu kansalaiset yhä kauemmas onnesta? Onko ihmisestä ylipäätään onnellisena eläjäksi ja mitä onni loppujen lopuksi edes on? Muun muassa näihin kysymyksiin Timon Airaxisen Onnellisuuden opas antaa selkeän, ymmärrettävän vastauxen: älä vaivaa päätäsi synnyillä syvillä, juo viiniä, syö hummereita ja osta autoja. Universumilla ei kannata päätä vaivata, se on mitä se on. Anna kaikkien pikkuötököiden suojelijan pitää huolta siitä. Onnesta haaveileminen se vasta onkin onnea. Haave on aina parempaa kuin se joka sitten toteutuu. Sitten eiku haaveilemaan lisää.
xxx/ellauri306.html on line 223: Accusé de traîtrise par certains historiens canadiens-français en raison de ses nombreux changements d'allégeance, il est l'un des personnages les plus colorés et controversés de l’histoire de la Nouvelle-France.
xxx/ellauri306.html on line 244: 24. maaliskuuta 1870 Syracuse University perustettiin. New Yorkin osavaltio myönsi uudelle yliopistolle oman peruskirjan, joka oli riippumaton Genesee Collegesta, joka oli epäonnistunut yrittämään muuttaa Syracuseen vuotta aiemmin. Yliopisto perustettiin yhteiskoulutukseksi. Presidentti Gregory Peck totesi avajaisissa: "Sisäänpääsyn ehdot ovat samat kaikille henkilöille... täällä ei saa olla häpeällistä naisten syrjintää... aivoilla (m) ja sydämellä (f) on oltava kohtuulliset mahdollisuudet..."
xxx/ellauri306.html on line 276:
Lauren Siipikarjan versio
Lauren Edwards-Fowle, M.Sc., B.Sc. Learning
xxx/ellauri306.html on line 499: Olen kiireinen mies Ullanlinnasta enkä ehdi hakea panoa etelä-Helsinkiä kauempaa. Sitäpaizi löydän todennäköisemmin jakorasian joka jakaa myös samat arvot kanssani kuin jos haen sinänsä kyllä halvempaa wiixeä vasemmistolaisista kaupunginosista radanvarresta. Keinoelinministeri 2x-Wille on täysin samaa mieltä että tuloerot tarvitaan palkizemaan ahkerat ja näyttämään köyhille mistä kana kusee. Lucky girl syndrome saa niitä lohduttaa. Näitähän on nähty paasauxissa jo iso nippu motivoijia jotka sanoo et universumi toteuttaa unelmasi kuha jaxat niihin positiivisesti tarpeexi kauan uskoa. Ja osallistut motivoijan satojen eurojen unelmointikurssille.
xxx/ellauri306.html on line 583: Firmasta tehtiin 20v myöh. TV-sarjaversio josta sanottiin: "show, joka alkaa sellaisella satunnaisella, epäpätevällä typeryydellä, kertoo sinulle, kuinka vähän se aikoo käyttää vaivaa tarinansa kertomiseen ja kuinka vähän se kunnioittaa älykkyyttäsi."
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 149: Nikolai Aleksandrovitš Berdjajev (ven. Николай Александрович Бердяев; 18. maaliskuuta (J: 6. maaliskuuta) 1874 Kiova, Ukraina – 24. maaliskuuta 1948 Clamart, Ranska) oli ukrainalaissyntyinen uskonnollinen ja poliittinen filosofi, joka edusti kristillistä eksistentialismia ja universalismia.
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 221: Conversantin CJ Affiliate (Conversant, Inc.) - Tietosuojakäytäntö
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 374: Seminaari pidetään Western Carolina Universityn kampuksella Cullowheessa, Pohjois-Carolinassa. Cullowhee sijaitsee noin 50 mailia länteen Ashevillestä ja sijaitsee lähellä Great Smoky Mountainsin kansallispuistoa, Appalachian Trailia, Blue Ridge Parkwayta ja useita kansallisia metsiä, jotka muodostavat eräitä Itä-Yhdysvaltojen suurimmista erämaa-alueista. Dreiserin American Tragedy sattui kai vähän pohjoisempana.
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 415: Barukh atah Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha'olam, dayan ha-emet. Translation: "Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the universe, the Judge of whatever.
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 420: The above illustrates how a fallacy in reasoning can persist and maim the minds of believers for thousands of years. First we make ourselves more important than ants, second we attribute meaning to chance third we accept suffering caused by ignorance and malice as the will of a higher being.
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 728: ninth grade, I read about astronomy, cosmology, and the origins of the universe.
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 740: He played squash, sang in the Amherst Glee Club, and was a writing student of visiting novelist Alan Lelchuk (n.h.). [Merkittäviä kriittisiä tutkimuksia Lelchukista ovat olleet Philip Roth Esquiressa, Wilfrid Sheed Book -of-the-Month Club Newsissa, Benjamin DeMott The Atlanticissa, Mordechai Richler Chicago Tribunessa ja Steven Birkets The New Republicissa. Nämä olivat varmaan kaikki juutalaisia, kuten Lechuk izekin. American Mischief "Yksikään kirjailija ei ole kirjoittanut niin tietäen ja kaunopuheisesti lihallisen intohimon seurauksista Massachusettsissa Scarlet Letterin jälkeen." Philip Roth, Esquire. On Home Ground "On Home Ground herättää nuorille lukijoilleen ajankohtaisia kysymyksiä ja tekee sen niin taitavasti. Se saavuttaa niin paljon menestystä kuin baseball-harjoitus ja nostalgia." Juutalaisomisteinen The New York Times Book Review. Lelchuk kirjoittaa valtavan ilolla kuvista, sanoista ja järkähtämättömästä kuolevaisesta erityisyydestä. Naisille, jotka etsivät vastauksia, hän tarjoaa juutalaisia olankohautuxia, epäselvyyttä, joka on omituisen tyydyttävää." Catherine Bateson (juutalaisen Margaret Meadin juutalainen tytärvainaa).] Brown spent the 1985 school year abroad in Seville, Spain, where he was enrolled in an art history course at the University of Seville. Brown graduated from Amherst in 1986.
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 742: Brown's work is heavily influenced by academic Joseph Campbell, who wrote extensively on mythology and religion and was highly influential in the field of screenwriting. Brown also states he based the character of Robert Langdon on Campbell. Vizi tästä akateemisesta Joosepista taitaa ollakin jo paasaus! Brown does his writing in his loft. He told fans that he uses inversion therapy (ei tarkoita housut pois homopatiaa vaan roikkumista pää alaspäin kuin apina) to help with writer's block. He uses gravity boots and says, "hanging upside down seems to help me solve plot challenges by shifting my entire perspective". Dan on myös hanakka plagioimaan muiden yhtä onnettomia kirjoja.
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 785: Mitä vielä, osastonjohtajako on nainen? Ihankuin verstaalla! Se valaankokoinen ranskanlehtori Ulla jotakin joka nakitti ja muut otti koppia. Eikä siinä kaikki, Susan on aivan ihastuttava pääkyrptologi! Davidia 3v vanhempi Susan oli eräs yliopiston älykkäimpiä naisia. Susan puolestaan sai nauraa aivan kippurassa, sillä ei ollut mitään asiaa mitä David ei oisi lyönyt leikixi. David olet oikea sonni, Susan puukkasi kylkeen Davidia. Päivät kuluivat kuin vesi, eikä päästy pukille. Ai jaa, taidettiin päästäkin karhuntaljan päällä takan edessä.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 71: Vid hemkomsten till Folkhemssverige väntade sig Cervenka en stor kontrast. I stället kände han igen sig. ”I Stockholms innerstad trängdes Teslor, Maseratis och Land Rovers med stressade ynglingar i för korta kostymer, mockaskor utan strumpor och klockor för ett par årslöner på handleden. Nya miljardärer jag aldrig hört talas om tidigare tycktes poppa fram på daglig basis. Överallt pratades det aktier, kryptovalutor och startups”, skriver Cervenka i boken.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 210: Arizona State Universityn
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 359: The second was a son named Hans Albert (called “Albert” by his parents), who attained a doctorate in engineering and became a university professor, homeless, and an acknowledged expert on hydraulics. He was obviously quite intelligent, although not quite at changing-the-entire-precepts-of-physics level.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 373: Kunskapens frukt har översatts till över 20 språk, bland annat har den getts ut i
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 548: Rorty defines redemptive truth as "a set of beliefs that would end, once and for all, the process of reflection on what to do with ourselves". A hand job, that is what I need. While science offers us ‘‘an edifying example of tolerant conversability’’ or of ideal social cooperation, it remains an impoverished resource for self-flourishing. Kukoistus, hei täältäkö Eski Saarinen sen otti? Rortylta? No hmmm, se on kyllä positiivisen psykologian avainsanoja.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 599: Er behauptete dass der Mensch als endliches und hinfälliges Mängelwesen bestimmter Hilfsmittel bedarf, um sich angesichts des „Absolutismus der Wirklichkeit“ behaupten zu können. Unter diesem Aspekt interpretiert Blumenberg nun Metaphern und Mythen – auf Grund ihrer die Wirklichkeit distanzierenden, in ihr orientierenden und den Menschen so entlastenden Leistungen. Die Übersetzung von Die Legitimität der Neuzeit wurde von Richard Rorty besprochen, der die verspätete Rezeption des Buches bedauerte.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 610: Rorty narrates that the West’s first redemptive principle was man’s relationship with God, the guarantor of universal truth, meaning, and salvation. God was eventually dethroned by the Truth of philosophy, as heralded by the Enlightenment and the scientific revolution. Truth’s goal was to decipher reality’s blueprint. At present, the truth is being nudged over by the Imagination. The modern imagination aspires to enlarge our acquaintance with humanity and enrich ethical relations. Rorty argues that a culture of imagination can serve the redemptive purposes previously ministered by religion and truth, only in a manner more suited to a liberal, secular context. He calls this a literary culture, a culture where meaningful human relationships are ‘‘mediated by human artifacts such as books and buildings, paintings and songs’’ (TRR, p. 478). For Rorty, the literary culture may successfully usher a new world motivated by the ideal of human solidarity.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 630: From an individual perspective, redemption can also be understood as ‘‘a longing for one’s life to be ‘made good’ by virtue of some kind of participation in the life of some larger, awe-inspiring thing’’ (Smith 2005, p. 82). It is about self-enlargement, or enlargement of one's penis manually in pirsuna pirsunamenti. In contrast to religious edification as spiritual upliftment, Rorty’s version is designed for pseudo intellectual penal enlargement.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 648: versions of ourselves, for example sitting on the toilet seat with somebody's erect pecker in the hand.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 903: Wenn aber eines versäumt ward, ja jos joku jää niistä saamatta,
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 938: Eversti Kassad on Hegemonian entinen sotasankari, jonka maine on sittemmin tahraantunut. Hän haluaa aikahaudoille tappaakseen Moneta-nimisen naisen, jonka hän uskoo olevan Lepinkäinen.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 1015: lunastaa ruotsiksi återlösa - Sanakirja.org (suomi-ruotsi) Mobiiliversio. fi-en. en-fi. Synonyymit. armahtaa. vapahtaa. Der Gott armahtaa, der Christ vapahtaa, der Geist lunastaa. Paxu lompakko, helppo on lempeä pyytää. Luokat. Uskonto. Verbit. Kansantalous | Suomen velkaongelma ei ole niin paha kuin kansalle kerrotaan. "Puheissa on pelottelun retoriikkaa." Tuomiot | Nainen keskeytti seksin hakeakseen kondomin, silloin mies raiskasi hänet.
xxx/ellauri314.html on line 95: Kuntaas Artturin näytelmä kertoo keski-ikäisestä kaupparatsusta nimeltä Willy Loman, joka menettää työnsä ja jonka elämä lähtee alamäkeen. Hän joutuu luopumaan amerikkalaisesta unelmastaan ja hyväksymään, ettei pysty lunastamaan kaikkia odotuksia ja muun muassa läheisilleen tekemiään lupauksia. Näytelmä kritisoi rahan saamaa valtaa ja siinä käsitellään runsaasti muun muassa yksinäisyyttä, pettymystä ja henkilökohtaista tragediaa. Lisäksi siitä on olemassa muutamia TV-versioita sekä kaksi elokuvaa. Elokuvat ovat ohjanneet László Benedek (1951) ja Volker Schlöndorff (1985).
xxx/ellauri314.html on line 160: Ett klassiskt argument mot religion är att den inte längre behövs eftersom naturvetenskapen ger bättre svar på frågor om hur världen är beskaffad. Mozzarella skriver mycket om förhållandet mellan tro och vetenskap i boken, men poängterar att tro för henne inte om huruvida Gud existerar som en varelse i världen eller inte. Det är nog at hen kan få sin stjärt i varje apas hjärta. Vi vet ju från en till svensk käring i Gamla Stan: kärleken bor i både stjärt och hjärta. Tro på mej, säger Jesus I korsningen mittemot universitetsapoteket. Usko minua.
xxx/ellauri314.html on line 324: Välkommen till ett djupt och utforskande samtal om anknytning med professor Pehr Granqvist vid Stockholm Universitet. I samtalet utforskar hur religion och andlighet kan bidra till personlig utveckling och att läka anknytningstrauma.
xxx/ellauri314.html on line 351: Det ska bli så otroligt spännande att prata med Pehr. Han är en av lärarna på den Internationelle Master i psykologi som jag läser på Stockholms Universitet.
xxx/ellauri319.html on line 293: 30 verstiä ennen Harkovaa näin Pikku-Venäjän, vaikkakin sekaisin edelleen likaisten moskovilaisten kanssa. Khokhlojen talot ovat samanlaisia kuin maanviljelijöiden talot - niiden puhtaus ja kauneus ovat epätavallisia. Kuvittele, että pikkuvenäläinen borssi on vain vihreä keitto (vain kanan tai lampaan ja maustetun laardin kera), eikä heillä ole aavistustakaan makkaran ja kinkun kera borschista. Tämä heidän valmistamansa keitto on herkullista ja puhdasta. Ja nämä ovat miehiä! Muut kasvot näyttävät erilaisilta. Lapset ovat erittäin söpöjä, kun taas venäläiset lapset ovat katselemattomia - he ovat pahempia ja rumampia kuin siat" (hölöttää venäjäxi)
xxx/ellauri319.html on line 325: Anne and Emily Brontë and other members of the Brontë family of writers, poets and painters were struck by tuberculosis. Anne, their brother Branwell, and Emily all died of it within two years of each other. Charlotte Brontë's death in 1855 was stated at the time as having been due to tuberculosis, but there is some controversy over this today. Näyttää siltä, että hän myös tuli nopeasti raskaaksi; vaikka hän ei ole koskaan maininnut häntä erityisesti tämänaikaisessa kirjeenvaihdossaan, hän pyytää neuvoja ihmisiltä, jotka ovat saaneet vauvoja, vartioidulla kielellä, jota voidaan helposti tulkita. Brontën pappilamuseossa on myös pieni, kaunis ja liikkuva vauvanhuppari, jonka ystävä oli valmistanut Charlottelle tulevaa iloista tapahtumaa varten. Sitä ei koskaan tapahtunut. Vuonna 1972 Lontoon yliopiston synnytys- ja gynekologian professori, professori Philip Rhodes totesi, että "todisteet ovat melko selvät siitä, että hän kuoli hyperemesis gravidurumiin, raskauden turmiolliseen oksentamiseen." Charlotte oli 39 kun se oxensi viimeisen oxennuxensa. Niis, kirjoitat niin kauniisti Bronten perheestä..
xxx/ellauri319.html on line 343: Albert Camus, French writer, playwright, activist, and absurdist philosopher, suffered from tuberculosis. He was forced to drop out of school (University of Algiers) due to severe attacks of tuberculosis. However, his death was caused by a car accident.
xxx/ellauri320.html on line 67: Bernard Berkowitz valmistui City Collegesta, sai MS-tutkinnon Columbia Universitystä ja tohtorinsa New Yorkin yliopistosta. Hän osallistui Alfred Adler -instituuttiin ja mielenterveyskeskukseen. Tohtori Berkowitz on myös New Jerseyn ruston restaurointikeskuksen (CRC) johtaja. Alfred oli Wienin juutalaisia, individuaalipsykologian eli rahakkaan kallonkutistuxen perustaja Freudin ja Franklin ohella. Engaging and compelling communicator (ENFJ). Tyyppi johon kuuluu iso läjä Göbbelssarjan paskiaisia.
xxx/ellauri320.html on line 167: 'After a year of absolute misery, I began to take lovers. The first was Geordie, the fifth Duke of Sutherland, who was very much married but had admired me for a long while. He was Under Secretary of State for War at the time.'
xxx/ellauri329.html on line 51: Je m’en vais, ces jours-là, vers les tristes banlieues. minä menen niinä päivinä kohti surullisia esikaupunkialueita.
xxx/ellauri329.html on line 122: versecanada.ca/wp-content/uploads/Natasha-Smith-2017.png" />
xxx/ellauri329.html on line 259: Bezmozgis oli izekin menehtyä näyttelijäsuorituksessa ja erityisesti kahden pääosan näyttelijän kanssa, jotka molemmat ovat mahtavia ja äidinkieltään puhuvia venäläisiä. Itse asiassa Ozerov, joka tunnetaan parhaiten toistuvasta roolistaan tv-ohjelmassa "Amerikkalaiset", astui lyhyen aikaa immigranttineitosia elokuvassa kuvatussa Toronton yhteisössä. Kumpikaan näyttelijä ei kuitenkaan ole juutalainen; ei sillä, että he tai Bezmozgit uskovat sen olevan millään tavalla esteenä sen erityisen universumin herkkyyden ymmärtämiselle, joka on syvästi sitoutunut Israeliin ja (parametrien rajoissa) etnisesti/kulttuurisesti itsemääritelty, etenkin kun mieasastuja kuitenkin oli ympärileikattu. Silti uskonnollisia kunnioituksia ei juurikaan noudateta, jiddish on käytännöllisesti katsoen unohtunut, ja mikä tahansa vankileirien saaristo, joka on jossain vaiheessa ollut olemassa, on kadonnut.
xxx/ellauri329.html on line 271: Samoin Odessa-syntyinen Gordon, 26, on hyvin sopusoinnussa Natashan kanssa. Gordon varttui Venäjän ortodoksisessa kirkossa, mutta hän ei voi olla tuntematta syvää yhteyttä juutalaiseen universumiin, joka oli aikanaan Odessa ja laajemmin Natashan muovannutta maailmaa.
xxx/ellauri329.html on line 275: Tekiessään elokuvadebyyttinsä nimiroolissa, Gordon samaistuu Natashaan myös muilla tavoilla. Hän ymmärtää tarpeen kasvaa nopeasti aikuiseksi ja iskeä maahan universumissa, jossa on vähän mahdollisuuksia ja kun ne tulevat esiin, et anna niiden liukua pois. Maahanmuuttajana (joka on ollut täällä kymmenen vuotta) hän tietää, millaista on rakentaa itselleen karvainen urapolku uudessa maassa.
xxx/ellauri329.html on line 306: Overstuffed and undercooked but saved by the natural sex performances by Alex Ozerov and Sascha K. Gordon who add some tight well lubricated depth and erectile length. A girl turned calculating and nihilistic by her communist upbringing and there is no coyness here. [A bunch of N.Y. jews]
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 51: Group Portrait with Lady (German: Gruppenbild mit Dame) is a novel by Nobel Prize winning author Heinrich Böll, published in 1971. The novel revolves around a woman named Leni, and her friends, foes, lovers, employers and others and in the end tells the stories of all these people in a small city in western Germany in the 1930s and 1940s. As is usual in Böll's novels, the main focus is the Nazi era, from the perspective of ordinary people. (Wikipedia en)
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 98: Unternehmertochter Leni Gruyten versucht zeitlebens, ihren Idealen und Gefühlen treu zu bleiben selbst wenn dies bittere Konsequenzen nach sich zieht: So steht sie während des Zweiten Weltkriegs zu ihrer jüdischen Lehrerin und beginnt eine Liebesbeziehung mit einem russischen Kriegsgefangenen, von dem sie auch ein Kind bekommt. Und obwohl sie all diese geliebten Menschen verliert, gibt Leni nicht auf. Nach dem Krieg führt sie ein bescheidenes, aber glückliches Leben und verliebt sich im "Wohlstandsdeutschland" der Sechzigerjahre einmal mehr in einen gesellschaftlichen Außenseiter: den Türken Mehmet ...
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 107: Im Juli 1981 war Romy Schneiders damals 14-jähriger Sohn David beim Überklettern eines Zaunes mit Metallspitzen in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, nordwestlich von Paris, tödlich verunglückt. Der große Schicksalsschlag ihres Lebens, und seines auch. Einige Monate danach verstarb auch Romy Schneider am 29. Mai 1982 mit nur 43 Jahren in Paris. Die offizielle Todesursache: Herzversagen.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 113: Die Rekonstruktion eines Lebens: Leni Pfeiffer, geborene Gruyten, ist 48 Jahre alt, hat 32 Arbeitsjahre auf dem Buckel, lebt aber von einer Kriegerwitwenrente aus einer Ehe, die nur drei Tage dauerte. Sie ist modisch auf dem Stand der Kriegsjahre stehen geblieben, lebt reuelos und keinesfalls verbittert, versteht aber die Welt nicht mehr. Sie hat finanzielle Schwierigkeiten, ihr Sohn Lev Gruyten sitzt im Gefängnis, und ihr Ruf ist ruiniert – sie weiß aber nicht, warum. Ihre Umwelt schimpft sie eine Kommunistenhure und ein Russenliebchen, dabei ist Leni kein Flittchen. Vielleicht kommt sie auf zwei Dutzend Mal Beischlaf in ihrem ganzen Leben. Der Verfasser beginnt, die Menschen in Lenis Umfeld zu befragen, um ihre Lebensgeschichte zu rekonstruieren.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 117: Als Kind kommt Leni mit den Lehrmethoden in der Konfessionsschule nicht zurecht. Ihr Aussehen rettet sie jedoch durch die Schulzeit: Als „deutschestes Mädel“ der Schule kann man sie schlecht auf die Hilfsschule verweisen. Verwiesen wird hingegen Margret Schlömer. Trotz der kurzen gemeinsamen Schulzeit hat Leni in ihr eine Freundin fürs Leben. Leni ist so sinnlich, dass sie alles als erotische Erfahrung erlebt. Mit 16 Jahren hat sie ihren ersten Orgasmus allein im Heidekraut, weshalb ihr auch die jungfräuliche Geburt durchaus logisch vorkommt. Bei den Nonnen hat es ein solches Mädchen naturgemäß schwer. Dennoch gerät Leni im Mädchenpensionat in die richtigen Hände, nämlich in die von Schwester Rahel, genannt Haruspica (Vogelleserin). Die hochgebildete Ordensfrau ist jüdischer Herkunft. Seit ihr 1936 die Lehrerlaubnis entzogen wurde, erfüllt sie pädagogische und ärztliche Funktionen und inspiziert unter anderem täglich die Beschneidung der Mädchen. Vor den Nazis versteckt der Orden sie in einem Dachstübchen. Schwester Rahel stirbt 1942, ausgehungert und verwahrlost. Der Verfasser will mehr erfahren, doch die anderen Klosterfrauen geben nichts preis.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 142: Die Liebesaffäre zwischen Boris und Leni beginnt Ende Dezember 1943 mit einer Tasse Kaffee. Sie bietet ihm, dem Sowjet, dem Untermenschen, vor aller Augen und mit großer Selbstverständlichkeit eine Tasse Kaffee an. Der Betriebsnazi schlägt mit seiner abgestellten Beinprothese Boris die Tasse aus der Hand. Inmitten des plötzlichen Schweigens – von den Zeugen „Lenis Entscheidungsschlacht“ genannt – nimmt Leni die heil gebliebene Tasse, wäscht sie seelenruhig, trocknet sie, füllt sie erneut und reicht sie Boris. Leni teilt von nun an ihren Kaffee täglich mit Boris. Eines Tages legt sie dabei ihre Hand auf die seine, eine erotisch und politisch kühne Tat. Es durchfährt beide wie ein elektrischer Schlag – mehr noch, sie erleben einen Orgasmus!
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 165: Die Hoysers haben Lev wegen Scheckbetrugs ins Gefängnis gebracht. Sie sehen das als Liebesakt: Er müsse zur Vernunft gebracht und sein Stolz müsse – zu seinem eigenen Wohl – gebrochen werden. Der Verfasser sucht die Hoysers auf, die inzwischen das mächtigste Immobilienunternehmen der Stadt besitzen. Der alte Hoyser knöpft sich mit seinem Stock in Enterhakenmanier den Verfasser vor, was dessen uraltes Tweedsakko nicht verkraftet. Es entspinnt sich eine hitzige Debatte um die Unersetzbarkeit der Lieblingsjacke, um materielle und immaterielle Werte. Lottes Söhne Kurt und Werner Hoyser, früher als kriminell und schwer erziehbar verrufen, haben Jura und Volkswirtschaft studiert, sind gesellschaftstauglich geworden und würdige Erben ihres Großvaters. Für Leni wollen die Hoysers nur das Beste. Dennoch wollen sie sie und ihre zahlreichen Untermieter – darunter eine portugiesische Familie und türkische Müllmänner – aus ihrer Wohnung werfen. Das sei aber, so die Hoysers, eine „liebevolle Dirigierung“ – das sagen sie auch aus der Überzeugung heraus, dass in Altbauwohnungen gerne mal subversive Zellen gediehen und es außerdem nicht angehen könne, dass Fremdarbeiter so billig wohnen. Deren gute Entlohnung kalkuliere doch ein, dass ein erheblicher Teil als Miete im Land verbleibe. Solchen „Paradiesismus“ wollen Hoysers verhindern.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 173: Klementina wird von ihrem Orden nach Würzburg strafversetzt, wo der Verfasser sie besucht. Mit durchschlagendem Erfolg: Sie legt ihre Haube ab und geht mit ihm. Endlich begegnet der Verfasser Leni einmal persönlich. Er ist mehr als angetan von ihr, die schüchtern wirkt und wortkarg bleibt. Sie ist von ihrem türkischen Mieter Mehmet schwanger und will mit ihm eine Lebensgemeinschaft eingehen. Zum Abschied äußert sie einen kryptischen Satz, auf den sich nicht einmal die Literaturwissenschaftlerin Klementina einen Reim machen kann: Man müsse „mit irdischem Wagen, unirdischen Pferden weiterzukommen versuchen“. Das Rosenwunder ist beendet: Der Klostergärtner spritzt solche Mengen Gift, dass dagegen die sterblichen Überreste von Schwester Rahel nichts auszurichten vermögen.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 221: Nach seiner Berufung zum Professor für Philosophie und Soziologie an die Universität zu Köln 1919, die vom Kölner Oberbürgermeister Konrad Adenauer unterstützt worden war, distanzierte Max sich öffentlich vom Katholizismus. So hielt er auf einer Gedenkfeier zum 250. Todestag Spinozas Anfang 1922 eine Rede, die zeigte, dass er sich inzwischen dem Neuspinozismus der Goethezeit und den Ideen Nietzsches zugewandt hatte.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 225: 1925 hielt Max zum ersten Mal Vorlesungen über die Grundzüge der philosophischen Anthropologie, in der er gemäß dem Zeugnis Heideggers das Besondere des Menschen als „Miterwirker Gottes“ jenseits eines einfachen Theismus oder eines verschwommenen Pantheismus herauszuarbeiten suchte.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 341: Kohta kerrotaan Exodus7, 25-29; 8, 1-11 (Raamatun katoliset versiot) tai Exodus 8:1-15 (Raamatun ei-katoliset kristilliset versiot). Entä Halakha?
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 359: Katkea kerrotaan kirjassa 2Moos. 8, 12-15 (Katolinen Raamatun versio) tai Exodus 8:16-19 (Raamatun ei-katoliset kristilliset versiot). Entä Halakha?
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 379: Katkeus kerrotaan Mooseksen kirjassa 8, 16-28 (Raamatun katoliset versiot) tai Exodus 8:20-32 (Raamatun ei-katoliset kristilliset versiot). Halakha?
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 129: Kalanick was born on August 6, 1976, and grew up in the Northridge neighborhood of Los Angeles. Kalanick's parents are Bonnie Renée Horowitz Kalanick (née Bloom) and Donald Edward Kalanick. Bonnie, whose family were Viennese Jews who immigrated to the U.S. in the early 20th century, worked in retail advertising for the Los Angeles Daily News. Kalanick studied computer engineering and business economics at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) until he dropped out to make MMMMONEY! Inhottava viurusilmä. Uuber ajoi alas Suomen taxilainsäädännön kauko-ohjaamalla limaista näppyläistä kumikana Berneriä.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 211: And lovers' sonnets turne to holy Psalms. Ja rakkausviisuista virsikirjan lisälehtiä.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 234: She suffers a lot of pain and finally delivers a stillborn baby boy. Later the nurse tells him that Catherine is hemorrhaging. He is terrified. He goes to see her, and she dies with him by her side. He leaves the hospital and walks back to his Hotel in the rain.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 245: 2. In A Farewell to Arms there is this celebrated passage. "There were many words that you could not stand to hear and finally only the names of places had dignity. Certain numbers were the same way and certain dates and these with the names of the places were all you could say and have them mean anything. Abstract words such as glory, honor, courage, or hallow were obscene beside the concrete names of villages, the numbers of roads, the names of rivers, the numbers of regiments and the dates."
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 265: Professor Gianfranca Balestra of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan) not only located the book but took the extraordinary trouble of having the whole thing xeroxed for me. Finally, in late 1995, I had the 288 pages of Il maiale nero: Rivelazioni e documenti in my hands. But what does it say? It's all in Italian! The puzzle was partially solved by Enzo Michelangeli: “Il Maiale Nero” is a novel written by Umberto Notari in the early 20th Century. His most famous book is the first he published in 1904, “Quelle signore” (“Those ladies”), about the world of prostitution: it earned him a prosecution for obscenity resulting in a fine, but the book was reprinted and by 1920 had sold more than half million copies.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 277: He supported universal suffrage and divorce and argued strongly for expelling the Vatican from Italy. Some twenty years after the publication of The Black Pig, he retook the “woman question” with La donna “tipo tre” (The type-three woman; 1929), about the woman who is financially, socially, and otherwise independent. The year 1930 saw two more titles on the topic of women: Le ragazze allarmanti (The alarming girls) and La donna negli affari (The woman in business).
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 279: The Black Pig’s front matter also mentions two earlier publications that reveal Notari’s anticlerical bias: Carducci Intimo (1903), a biography of Giosuè Carducci (1835–1907), the Italian poet, professor, classicist, translator, freethinker, fierce opponent of the Catholic Church, and author of “Hymn to Satan,” who would be awarded the 1906 Nobel Prize in Literature; and Il Papa alla porta! Inchiesta e conclusioni per l’abolizione del Papato (Throw the Pope out! An inquest and conclusions for the abolition of the Papacy), aimed at the recently elected and very conservative Pope Pius X. Notari’s anticlericalism is also visible in his dedication of The Black Pig: “A due invitti innovatori di un Italia pagana e virile, dedico questo libro di demolizione di una Italia chiercuta e bazzotta” (To two indomitable revivers of a pagan and virile Italy, I dedicate this book aimed at the destruction of a tonsured and limp Italy).
xxx/ellauri356.html on line 79: Julkaisu: Toivon johtaminen esimiesten kokemana. Lapland University Dec 2013.
xxx/ellauri356.html on line 145: Mitä vetoa että Jackie pääsi rotkauttamaan yllämainittua Helunaa? No Jacky makupala oli kyllä monogaami, mut eise mitään takaa. Vuonna 1984 syntyi hänen kolmas poikansa Daniel Agacinski avioliiton ulkopuolisesta suhteesta Sylviane Agacinskin kanssa. Dodi! Aituri. Uskollinen vaimo Margaret oli zhekkiläinen psykoanalyytikko. Hän kuoli Covid-19: aan 20-luvulla Rothschild Foundationin vanhainkodissa. Maggie ranskansi Melanie Kleinin versiota superegosta (ransk. "päälläni"). Melanie Klein lisäsi Freudin edipaaliseen ja post-edipaaliseen lähestymistapaan superminän varhaisen ulottuvuuden, jota Jacques Lacan kunnioittaa: "Näyttämällä meille "masennusasennon" alkukantaisuuden, A:n subjektiivisuuden äärimmäisen kakon arkaismin, Mélanie Klein työntää rajoja, joissa voimme nähdä identifiointileikin subjektiivisen funktion, ja erityisesti mahdollistaa superegon ensimmäisen muodostelman asettamisen täysin alkuperäiseksi. » Melanie Klein nimeääkin superminän muodostumiseen erilaisia kerroksia, joista osa liittyy hyvin varhaiseen lapsuuteen, jolloin lapsi pelkää vanhempiaan, jotka purevat ja syövät juuri niin paljon kuin hän itse haluaa purra ja niellä tai pelkää likaantumista juuri niin paljon kuin hän tahtoo tahrata ja niin edelleen.
xxx/ellauri356.html on line 168: Trần Đức Thảo était un Vietnamien qui commencait comme husserlien, mais ensuite proposa une genèse matérialiste de la conscience humaine à partir de la matière (en passant par les divers stades intermédiaires de l'évolution), avant de faire un exposé du fonctionnement de la dialectique matérialiste dans le cadre des sociétés humaines. Bien qu'écrit très rapidement pour pouvoir rentrer au plus tôt au Viêt Nam, l'ouvrage exercait une certaine fascination sur toute une génération intellectuelle française, (Louis Althusser, Jacques Derrida, Pierre Bourdieu, Paul Ricœur).
xxx/ellauri356.html on line 615: Runoilija on tämän "sisäisen kosketuksen" juurella, hän on inkarnoituneen universaalisuuden kantoaalto. Miksi juuri runoilija? Koska sovittamalla uudelleen merkitystä ja herkkää, kuuntelemalla sanoinkuvaamattomia intohimoja runoilija ylittää identiteetit, rajat ja perusteet ja tekee yhteisläsnäolosta jaettavan muiden kanssa. Kerron teille, että runollisen verbin alkemia on tämän illan kokoukselle sysäyksen antaneen veljeyden erottamaton vuori. Siksi oli väistämätöntä, oleellista, että etsimme runoilijaa, kun ihmiskunta romahtaa, ja että pyydämme häntä ja ennen kaikkea häntä olemaan tai olematta, vaan yksinkertaisesti aloittamaan alusta. Koska ilman häntä ei ole enää jaettavaa "sisäistä kosketusta", ei ole enää ihmisyyttä. Selvennän: tarvizemme runoseppoja nostattamaan me-henkeä.
xxx/ellauri356.html on line 626: Runoilijan yksinäisyys (sanan laajassa merkityksessä) on matka, joka edeltää ja ylittää uskonnollisen, koska tämä matka saa minut vakuuttuneeksi siitä, että elämiseen ei riitä pelkkä "muodon puolustaminen": koska olla elossa on aloitettava uudelleen odottamattomasta ja ihmeellisestä, välittää tämä "sisäinen kosketus", joka on luonteenomaista puhuville olennoille: antaa siten aikaa ainoalle kannattavalle universaalille vapaudelle, uudistumisen vaatimalle rohkeudelle. Päämäärä ei ole tärkeä vaan matka, sanoi Mauno Koivistokin Bernsteinia lainaten.
xxx/ellauri356.html on line 628: Luovun enemmistä Hölderlinin lainauksista vaikka sormet syyhyisivät, mutta hänen tekstiensä moniäänisyys seuraa minua aina. Ja sanon, että runoilijan Miksi (2 P:tä isoilla kirjaimilla) on kahden vuosisadan ajan väistynyt kirjoittamisen Miten (yleisessä merkityksessä, jonka nykyaika antaa sen kaikissa taiteissa): veneitä juovuksissa, aistien häiriintyminen, merkityksen ja järjettömyyden valaiseminen. Runollinen kirjoittaminen ei anna meille mitään perustaa, se vain herättää meidät rakentamaan uudelleen perustan, mukaan lukien valistuksen ja ihmisoikeuksien perusta. Se paljastaa meille sisäisten kokemusten multiversumeita (kuten kosmologit sanovat), joita se uudistaa loputtomasti. Joten, ihmisoikeuksien tehokkuus, joka johtaa singulariteettien kukoistukseen ja uskontojen yhteentörmäyksen lisäksi, olisiko runollinen kirjoittaminen jaettavien singulaariteettien kieli? Se on vetoni. On siis meidän tehtävämme ymmärtää paremmin runouden psykososiaalista dynamiikkaa ja ennen kaikkea rohkaista sen leviämistä modernin, erityisesti digitaalisen, tarjoamissa monissa muodoissa. Siitä tulee rohkea ja pitkäaikainen sitoumus. Mutta jos emme pysty siihen, transhumanismi on vain työkalu ihmislajin trivialisointiin ja automatisointiin.
xxx/ellauri356.html on line 632: Esimerkkejä näistä runollisista multiversumeista, elämää antavasta voimasta?
xxx/ellauri357.html on line 131: scholarship to Bond University where she began studying
xxx/ellauri357.html on line 133: university with top honors. As a result, she secured
xxx/ellauri357.html on line 424: The ancient poets animated all sensible objects with Gods or Geniuses, calling them by the names and adorning them with properties of woods, rivers, mountains, lakes, cities, nations, and whatever their enlarged and numerous senses could perceive. And particularly they studied the Genius of each city and country, placing it under its mental deity. Till a system was formed, which some took advantage of and enslaved the vulgar by attempting to realize or abstract the mental deities from their objects. Thus began Priesthood. Priests are like worms, they shit on the nicest leaves. Choosing forms of worship from poetic tales. And at length they pronounced that the Gods had ordered such things. Thus men forgot that all deities reside in the human breast.
xxx/ellauri357.html on line 620: Asioiden ikuinen universumi
xxx/ellauri363.html on line 85: Born on February 11, 1900, in Marburg, in Southern Germany, Gadamer grew up in Breslau (now Wroclaw in Poland), where his father was Professor of Pharmacy at the University of Breslau, later taking the Chair of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at Marburg.
xxx/ellauri363.html on line 87: In 1949 Gadamer was asked to succeed Karl Jaspers as chair at the University of Heidelberg, where he would spend the remainder of h!s academic career. After his divorce from Frida Kratz, Gadamer marned his second wife Kate Lekebusch, in 1950. In 1953, Gadamer founded the scholarly journal 'Philosophische Rundschau, with Kate leading the editorial business. "Under her direction, it became one of the 7 best philosophical Journals in postwar Germany," according to Jean Grondin.
xxx/ellauri363.html on line 562: Potilaiden karkailuhalu vaikeutti 1930-luvulla helvetin kolmannen piirin toimintaa. Potilaat käyttivät puusepänverstaan materiaaleja hyväkseen ja valmistivat luvatta rasseja, eli omatekoisia aseita, karkaamisyritysten varalle. Lääkäri Qustaf Winqvist menehtyi potilaan iskettyä häntä rintaan itse valmistamallaan rautapiikillä. Miltei ainoa toiminnan muoto, johon Hannexen kaudella
xxx/ellauri363.html on line 695: Kuollessaan vuonna 1832 Bentham jätti keholleen ohjeet, että hänen ruumiinsa oli ensin leikattava ja säilytettävä sitten pysyvästi "auto-ikonina" (tai selfienä), joka olisi hänen muistomerkkinsä. Tämä tehtiin, ja automaattikuvake on nyt julkisesti esillä University College Londonin (UCL) opiskelijakeskuksen sisäänkäynnissä.
xxx/ellauri363.html on line 731: Se on oikeastaan aika oireellista että "ymmärtämisen" partaveizexi muodostui punaposken terottama Aristoteleen praktinen syllogismi, joka on eräänlainen taskuveiziversio peliteoriasta. Huomaatteko: hengentieteet = hengellisyys, ymmärtäminen = taloudellinen päätös. Taantumuxen pukinsorkka pilkahtaa porvarien ketunhännästä. Vizi humanistisen tutkimuxen ainut ero luonnontieteisiin on että humanistit selittelee ihmisiä koskevia yksityissattumuxia. Luonnonlait tai niihin perustuvat tilastolliset yleistyxet toimivat yxityistapausten selityxenä. Esim jonkun tyypin, vaikka Napsun päähänpistot on selitettävissä jos ne seuraavat muiden senkaltaisten päissä usein havaittuja ratoja. Praktinen syllogismi toimii silloin kun tyyppi sattuu toimimaan sen mukaisesti, muutoin täytyy turvautua muihin luonnollisiin selityxiin (esim. aika unohtui :).
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 72: Den viktigaste orsaken till att Midsommardansen väckte en sådan uppståndelse torde vara stilblandningen: de kristna kretsarnas religiösa känslor sårades av att romanen i en gäckande predikan, framförd av en berusad man, blandar in låga och folkliga uttryck. Ärkebiskop Martti Simojoki anklagade boken för att vara omoralisk. Han ansåg att den var anstötlig och sårade den religiösa känslan. Men Jag, Olle och Pensé är i alla fall Hasse Viggs betydligaste alster. Jag väntar med spänning hur översättaren klarar den odödliga sazen "Kiskoin kusen kyllästämällä kyrvällä urheasti kitkerään loppuun saakka."
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 107: Enimmäkseen rakastavan äitinsä Gladysin kasvattama Elvis viettää lapsuutensa Tupelon köyhimmissä osissa Mississippissä löytääkseen lohtua musiikista ja kapteeni Marvel Jr: n sarjakuvaseikkailuista. Elvixen manageri "eversti" Tom Parker oli hollantilainen laiton maahanmuuttaja Andreas van Kuijk, armeijakarkuri, uhkapeluri ja huijari. Parker luulee Elvistä ensin mustaxi. Vaikka olen valkoinen munani on musta. Minä olen musta, mutta ihana, te Jerusalemin tyttäret, kuin Keedarin teltat, kuin Salomon seinäverhot. Jaa-a jos minä olen musta olen minä moonilta ka-a-aivattu. Mustat kädet yhteen hakkaa musiikki ei koskaan lakkaa. Hannista kaliman kalini banaana e-e-e a-oo e. Mikä hasardi, no emme petä. Omaan perseeseen, hän vetää, Suuhun banana! Gimme dat gimme dat gimme dat banana, kisawea!
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 240: Sillä välin Anton, etsittyään hevosta kolme päivää ja uuvuttuaan kaatosateessa, palaa yöllä kylään. Ennen kuin hän saapuu taloon, hän näkee vanhan kerjäläisen, jonka hän tuntee, Arkharovnan ja pyytää häntä auttamaan. Hän johdattaa hänet metsään rosvojen luo, joista toinen on hänen poikansa Peter ja toinen Antonin veli Ermolai. Ermolai suostuu auttamaan, koska edellisenä päivänä he ryöstivät kauppiaan. Ensin he menevät tavernaan, jossa heidät kuitenkin huomaa kauppiaan veli, joka pitää rahakolmikkoa epäilyttävänä. Anton, Peter ja Ermolai pidätetään ja heitä syytetään varkaudesta. Viikkoa myöhemmin, oikeudenkäynnin jälkeen, rosvot ja Anton lähetetään kahleissa kovaan työhön. Tässä on paljon samaa kuin Astrid Lindgrenin Ronja Rövardotterissa, jonka suorasoittoversio on varsin huumoriton. Ryövärit on kuin herhiläisiä tai susia, vain kunkku ja kuningatar lisääntyvät.
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 242: Tarinan alkuperäisessä versiossa Antonin tarina päättyi eri tavalla, siihen, että talonpojat, jotka olivat äärimmäisyyksiin ajettuja puoluejohtajan pahoinpitelyistä, sytyttivät hänen talonsa tuleen ja käristävät hänet. Tässä muodossa ”Anton the Miserable” ei kuitenkaan ollut mahdollista julkaista, ja sensuuri hylkäsi sen.
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 422: Eversti Sergei Sergejevitš Skalozub
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 577: Ne nous foute l’âme à l’envers.
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 640: Qui rend l’univers éternel ;
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 642: Ce vaste univers, à vrai dire,
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 818: joka tekee universumista ikuisen.
xxx/ellauri379.html on line 45: Marlon Brandon esittämä eversti Walter E. Kurtz on fiktiivinen hahmo ja Francis Ford Coppolan vuoden 1979 Apocalypse Now -elokuvan päävastustaja. Eversti Kurtz perustuu 1800-luvun norsunluukauppiaan, jota kutsutaan myös Kurtziksi, hahmoon Joseph Conradin vuoden 1899 novellissa Heart of Darkness. 80v oli sujahtanut ilman näkyvämpää edistystä. Eikä seuraavatkaan 50 vuotta ole tuoneet mitään parannusta, pikemminkin päinvastoin.
xxx/ellauri379.html on line 115: Heart of Darkness alkoi saada akateemista huomiota ensimmäisen kerran 1940- ja 50-luvuilla, jolloin kirjallisuustutkimusta hallitsi psykologinen lähestymistapa kirjallisuuden tulkintaan. Pimeyden sydän ymmärrettiin sen mukaisesti universaalisti ihmisen sisäisyyden tutkimiseksi – sen turmeltuvuudesta, saavuttamattomuudesta ja sille luontaisesta pimeydestä. Näistä kritiikistä tietysti puuttui jotain oleellista: kaikenlainen novellin kolonialismin sanoman tarkastelu tai sen Afrikan ja sen ihmisten käyttö epäselvänä taustana, jota vasten tutkia valkoisen psyyken "monimutkaisuutta.'
xxx/ellauri379.html on line 133: Character Analysis The Intended. Kurtz's fiancée is marked — like the Harlequin — by her absolute devotion to Kurtz. When Marlow visits her after his return from Africa, he finds that she has been dressed in mourning for more than a year and still yearns for information about how her love spent his last days. However, she is actually devoted to an image of Kurtz instead of the man himself: She praises Kurtz's "words" and "example," assuming that these are filled with the nobility of purpose with which Kurtz began his career with the Company. Her devotion is so absolute that Marlow cannot bear to tell her Kurtz's real last words ("The horror! The horror!") and must instead tell her a lie ("The whore! The whore!") that strengthens her already false impression of Kurtz. On a symbolic level, the Intended is like many Europeans, who wish to believe in the greatness of men like Kurtz without considering the more "dark" and hidden parts of their characters. Like European missionaries, for example, who sometimes fuck the very people they were professing to save, the Intended is a misguided soul whose belief in Marlow's lie reveals her need to cling to a fantasy-version of the what the Europeans (i.e., the Company) are doing in Africa.
xxx/ellauri379.html on line 250: The Mass Effect series has been the subject of several major video game controversies. A cutscene from the first Mass Effect, which contains depictions of partial nudity and total sexual activity, was accused by neoconservative media outlets of being obscene content in late 2007. Controversy over the cutscene, especially one version which depicts a potent intimate scene between Liara T'Soni and a female Commander Shepard, attracted at least one instance of government scrutiny, which led to the game being briefly banned in Singapore. The controversy prompted an intervention from BioWare management into the development of Mass Effect 2 to remove planned same sex romantic content for companion characters Taylor Wift and Applejack.
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 33: Vuonna 1959 Jallu-lehdessä huomioitiin Miss Universum Armi Kuuselan paluu kotimaahansa. xxx/ellauri380.html on line 53: Jallu oli suomalainen miestenlehti, jota alettiin julkaista elokuussa 1958. Lehden nimi syntyi yhdistelmänä tunnetusta Hjalmar-nimisen miehen lempinimestä ja Jaloviinasta eli Jallusta. Jallua kustansi Suomen Miestenlehdet Oy. Vuonna 2015 Pirkanmaan käräjäoikeus asetti lehden taustalla olleen Press Mastersin konkurssiin, mikä merkitsi Jallun lakkauttamista. Press Masters julkaisi seksilehtiä Ratto, Jallu, Kalle sekä suomenkielistä versiota Hustler-lehdestä.
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 127: Ihmekös että Dosto tätä peukutti, sehän oli izekin uhkapeluri. Pushkinin versio onkin kyllä hauskanpuikea, kuten näkee seuraavista otteista. Modest Tschaikovski ei voinut jättää hyvää tarinaa sixeen, vaan pitipä kexiä siihen em. löysäpieruisempi uusi lopetus.
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 191: Thief of Bagdad Video Item Preview ... and the '61 version undoubtedly had some comedic scenes . As I'm not a student of film the elaborate and exaggerated gestures necessary to convey meaning, intent and emotion for silent film is difficult to watch. ... Douglas Fairbanks was a little long in the tooth to play a romantic young adventurer, yet ...
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 195: The Thief of Bagdad (1924) ‧Stars: Douglas Fairbanks, Julanne Johnston, Snitz Edwards ‧2h 35m When the Thief of Baghdad (Douglas Fairbanks) sneaks into a royal palace, he discovers and instantly falls in love with a beautiful princess (Julanne Johnston). The thief pretends to be a prince, and the princess becomes enamored with him. The thief then reveals his wrongdoing to a Holy Man ...
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 213: Vuonna 1935 Wong koki uransa vakavimman pettymyksen, kun Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer kieltäytyi ottamasta häntä kiinalaisen hahmon O-Lanin päärooliin Pearl S. Buckin The Good Earth -elokuvaversiossa. Sen sijaan MGM valtuutti Luise Rainerin näyttelemään pääroolia yellowfacena. Eräs elämäkerran kirjoittaja uskoo, että valinta johtui Hays Coden rotujen sekoittumisen vastaisista säännöistä, jotka vaativat valkoisen näyttelijän vaimoa (joka ironisesti kyllä näyttelee kiinalaista hahmoa keltaisella lärvällä) näyttelevän valkoisen näyttelijän.
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 281: Dirlewangerin nekrofiliaa koskevia syytöksiä kohtaan on esitetty jonkin verran skeptisyyttä. Huolimatta siitä, että hänen uralleen on ominaista "lasten raiskaukset, murhat, perversio, sadismi ja alkoholismi", nekrofiliasta ei ole todistettu todisteita ja "voidaan vain olettaa, että tällaiset olettamukset ovat pelkkää kirjallista fiktiota".
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 419: Vuonna 1984 romaanin uusi, paljon laajennettu versio julkaistiin englanninkielisenä käännöksenä. Siihen mennessä Solženitsyn oli asunut Yhdysvalloissa muutaman vuoden. Hän pystyi julkaisemaan Venäjällä tukahdutettuja lukuja Neuvostoliiton kirjallisuudensensuurin vuoksi ja lisäämään aineistoa Hoover-instituutin (niinpä tietysti) kirjastossa tekemänsä laajan tutkimuksen perusteella. Näihin sisältyi Vladimir Leniniä koskevaa vittuilua, jotka julkaistiin erikseen nimellä Lenin Zürichissä, ja useita lukuja, jotka käsittelivät pääministeri Pjotr Stolypinia sekä Stolypinin murhaajan Dmitri Bogrovin taustaa ja persoonallisuutta sekä ohranan epäiltyä osallisuutta. tässä salamurhassa. Reilusti yli 800-sivuinen romaani muodostaa alun Red Wheel -sarjalle, jota jatkettiin kymmenen vuotta myöhemmin marraskuussa 1916.
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 427: The expanded version of Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn's ''August 1914'' -containing a new section on the assassination of a Russian prime minister by an anarchist Jew - has touched off a controversy as to whether the Nobel Prize winner and author of the ''Gulag Archipelago'' is anti-Semitic.
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 435: Not that Mr. Solzhenitsyn has lacked defenders. Such an eminent spokesman for the Jewish community as Elie Wiesel, chronicler of the Holocaust and now a professor of the humanities at Boston University, is one of his supporters, asserting that Mr. Solzhenitsyn is an ''authentic hero.''
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 439: Lev Lossev, himself a Russian Jew, discussing the possibility of anti-Semitism in the works of Mr. Solzhenitsyn, expressed clearly his conviction that Mr. Solzhenitsyn was not anti-Semitic. But in presenting the adversary view, as a kind of devil's advocate, he used such words as ''snake'' and ''degenerate'' to describe the Jewish assassin portrayed in ''August 1914'' (words not used by Mr. Solzhenitsyn in the book), and it was thought that such terms beamed in Russian into the Soviet Union might have been misinterpreted.
xxx/ellauri385.html on line 100: Ominaisuudet, jotka Rozanov antaa venäläiselle yhteiskunnalle ja venäläisille, ovat monitahoisia hänen töissään, hän antaa heille erilaisia epiteettejä: he ovat "nihilistejä", "laiskoja", "venäläiset ikuiset ruoskat"; ja samalla "kunniakas", "hengellinen kansakunta", "universaalit ihmiset", joille on ominaista "intiimiys, vilpittömyys"; ihmiset ovat "tyhmiä ja töykeitä", "julmia", "venäläiset ovat roskia", ja samalla "venäläiset ovat liian lämpimiä ihmisiä", "venäläinen ei ole teknikko, vaan idealisti".
xxx/ellauri385.html on line 137: Vuonna 1861 Suslova osallistui jo tunnetun kirjailijan Fjodor Dostojevskin luokille, jonka luennot olivat erittäin suosittuja nuorten keskuudessa. Dostojevski oli tuolloin 40-vuotias ja hän 21-vuotias. Tytär Ljubov Dostojevskaja (joka syntyi useita vuosia myöhemmin, paljon sen jälkeen, kun tapaus oli päättynyt) arvioi, että Suslova "pyöri Dostojevskin ympärillä ja yritti miellyttää häntä kaikin tavoin, mutta Dostojevski ei huomannut häntä. Sitten hän kirjoitti hänelle rakkauskirjeen." Toinen versio on, että Suslova toi kirjoituksensa Dostojevskille ja kysyi neuvoa. Hänen tarinansa oli huono, mutta Dostojevskia houkutteli kaunis nuori tyttö ja lupasi opettaa hänelle kirjoittamista "kädestä pitäen". Vielä yksi selitys on, että Dostojevski oli lukenut Suslovan tarinan, piti siitä ja halusi tavata kirjailijan. Valize näistä omasi.
xxx/ellauri385.html on line 274: 2Stanley Fish (1938) on amerikanjuutalainen kirjallisuusteoreetikko, oikeustutkija, kirjailija ja maxullinen intellektuelli. Hän on tällä hetkellä Floersheimer Distinguished Vieraileva oikeustieteen professori Yeshivan yliopiston Benjamin N. Gonzo School of Lawssa New Yorkissa. Fish on aiemmin toiminut Davidson-Kahn Distinguished Universityn humanististen tieteiden professorina ja oikeustieteen professorina Floridan kansainvälisessä yliopistossa Jaakko Hintikan seurana ja on Chicagon Illinoisin yliopiston Liberal Arts and Sciences -tiedekunnan hallijärjestäjä evp. Hänen katsotaan myös vaikuttaneen lukijavasteteorian nousuun ja tuhoon.
xxx/ellauri387.html on line 92: Friðþjófr Uljaan saaga [fri:θjou:fr] (isl. Friðþjófs saga hins frækna) on keskiaikainen islantilainen saaga, jonka kirjoittajaa ei tunneta. Se sijoittuu aikaan ennen Islannin asuttamista ja luetaan siksi muinaissaagoihin. Saaga kertoo Friðþjófr Þorsteinninpojasta, sognevuonolaisen talonpojan pojasta, joka ansaitsee lisänimensä rohkeudellaan, ja rakastuu Sognin kuninkaaksi kutsutun Belin tyttäreen Ingibjörgiin. Tämä on kuitenkin luvattu Sveanmaan (isl. Svíþjóð) kuningas Hringrille, ja alhaissyntyinen Friðþjófr saa siksi Ingibjörgin puolisokseen vasta lukuisten eri käänteiden jälkeen. Friðþjófr Uljaan saagasta on säilynyt kaksi versiota. Näistä lyhyempi on laadittu Islannissa 1200-luvun loppupuolella tai 1300-luvun alussa, mutta sen varhaisimmat säilyneet käsikirjoitukset ovat 1400-luvun lopulta. Saagan pitempi versio on todennäköisesti 1400-luvulta, ja se on säilynyt vain paperikopioina, digitaalinen on kadonnut. Kaiken kaikkiaan saagasta on säilynyt useita kymmeniä käsikirjoituksia, mikä kertoo Friðþjófr Uljaan saagan olleen hyvin suosittu. Saagan lisäksi on säilynyt myös Friðþjófrin tarinaan liittyvää rímuramurillumarei-runoutta, josta saadut vaikutteet näkyvät saagan nuoremmassa versiossa. Friðþjófr Uljaan saagaa ei ole suomennettu. Aiemmin siteerattu Isokukko Uljas on ihan toinen saaga.
xxx/ellauri387.html on line 102: Totalt består "Frithiofs saga" av 24 dikter, "romanser", alla författade på olika versmått (käytin muuton samaa tekniikkaa don Wilhossa!).
xxx/ellauri387.html on line 112: Avskedet (blankvers) Friðjófin ja Ingibjargarin avioero
xxx/ellauri387.html on line 122: Isfarten (knittelvers) Jäälaivat
xxx/ellauri387.html on line 132: Frithiofs saga har översatts till danska, engelska, estniska, finska, franska, isländska, italienska, kroatiska, latin, lågtyska, nederländska, norska, ryska, tyska och ungerska. Redan år 1839 hade tolv olika översättningar utkommit. Esan Friðthjófssaga julkaistiin islanniksi vuonna 1866 Matthías Jochumssonin kääntämänä. Käännös on tehty erinomaisesti, esimerkiksi Matthías antaa samalla mitalla kuin Tegnér ize. Uuno Kailas pukersi jonkinlaisen suomennoxen Esaias Tegnér: Fritjofin taru (Otava 1932). För filmen som bygger på diktverket, se Fritiofs saga (film). Fritiofs saga är en svensk komedifilm från 1924 som parodierar flera samtida svenska filmer, i synnerhet Gösta Berlings saga.
xxx/ellauri387.html on line 181: Toisin kuin ensimmäinen ristiretki, uusi hanke houkutteli kuninkaallisia, kuten Eleanor of Aquitaine, Ranskan kuningatar; Thierry Alsace, Flanderin kreivi; Henry, tuleva samppanjan kreivi; Louisin veli Robert I Dreuxista; Alphonse I Toulouse; William II of Nevers; William de Warenne, Surreyn kolmas jaarli; Hugh VII Lusignanista, Yves II, Saucissonsin kreivi; ja monet muut aateliset ja piispat. Mutta tavallisilta ihmisiltä tuli vielä suurempi tuen osoitus. Bernard kirjoitti paaville muutama päivä myöhemmin: "Kaupungit ja linnat ovat nyt tyhjiä. Ei ole enää yhtä miestä seitsemään naiseen, ja kaikkialla on leskiä vielä eläville miehille."
xxx/ellauri387.html on line 213: Immediately following the September 11 attacks, Guillou caused controversy when he walked out of the Göteborg Book Fair in the midst of the three minutes of silence observed throughout Europe to honour the victims of the attacks. In an article in Aftonbladet, Guillou argued that the event was an act of hypocrisy, stating that "the U.S. is the great mass murderer of our time. The wars against Vietnam and its nearby countries alone claimed four million lives. Without a minute of silence in Sweden". He also criticised those who said that the attacks were "an attack on us all" by stating that the attacks were only "an attack on U.S. imperialism".
xxx/ellauri387.html on line 231: "Guilty thing surprised" löytyy seuraavasta Wilhon viisusta, jonka olin jo kerran epähuomiossa suolistanut albumiin 170. Uusi versio oli mielestäni parempi. Kumpikaan ei ole juuri kummonen, koska ize runo on heikonpuoleinen.
xxx/ellauri387.html on line 490: "Who?" said Pococurante sharply; "that barbarian who writes a tedious commentary in ten books of rumbling verse, on the first chapter of Genesis? that slovenly imitator of the Greeks, who disfigures the creation, by making the Messiah take a pair of compasses from Heaven´s armory to plan the world; whereas Moses represented the Deity as producing the whole universe by his fiat? Can I think you have any esteem for a writer who has spoiled Tasso´s Hell and the Devil; who transforms Lucifer sometimes into a toad, and at others into a pygmy; who makes him say the same thing over again a hundred times; who metamorphoses him into a school-divine; and who, by an absurdly serious imitation of Ariosto´s comic invention of firearms, represents the devils and angels cannonading each other in Heaven? Neither I nor any other Italian can possibly take pleasure in such melancholy reveries; but the marriage of Sin and Death, and snakes issuing from the womb of the former, are enough to make any person sick that is not lost to all sense of delicacy. This obscene, whimsical, and disagreeable poem met with the neglect it deserved at its first publication; and I only treat the author now as he was treated in his own country by his contemporaries."
xxx/ellauri387.html on line 526: Terry Eagleton, Helmin hukkaama huomattava brittimarxilainen, syyttää Fishin "epäluottamuksellista epistemologiaa" "pahanteosta". Eagletonin mukaan: "Kuten lähes kaikilla universalismin vastaisilla mielipiteillä, Fishin universalismin kritiikillä on omat jäykät universaalinsa: sektorikohtaisten etujen prioriteetti kaikkina aikoina ja paikoissa, konfliktien pysyvyys, uskomusjärjestelmien a priori status, retorinen luonne. Totuus, se tosiasia, että kaikki näennäinen avoimuus on salaa sulkemista ja muuta sellaista." Fishin yrityksestä kooptoida häntä vastaan kohdistettu kritiikki, Eagleton vastaa: "Onnellinen lopputulos on, että kukaan ei voi koskaan kritisoida Fishiä, koska jos heidän kritiikkinsä on hänelle ymmärrettävää, se kuuluu hänen kulttuuriseen peliinsä eivätkä siten ole varsinaista kritiikkiä. Kaikki, ja jos ne eivät ole ymmärrettäviä, ne kuuluvat kokonaan johonkin muuhun yleissopimukseen ja ovat siksi merkityksettömiä." Yleissopimuxet ovat niin out of season, nyt tehdään paikallisia sopimuxia.
xxx/ellauri388.html on line 129: Puhtauden ihannes on Pekka Ervastin nide, jota löytyy vielä käytettynä antikvariaateista. Jotkut sivut ovat kyllä liimaantuneet yhteen ja kannessa on tahroja. Alaotsikko: Viisi artikkelia vuoden 1906 Omatunto -aikakauskirjasta. Kustantaja: Kristosofinen Kirjallisuusseura. Eipäs hötkyillä! vielä varhaisempi on nide Puhtauden ihanne - Järnefelt Arvid - Kunto: Tyydyttävä, vlta 1897. Järnefeltin versio on saatavilla jopa äänikirjana. Sitä voi kuunnella elektrofonilla vaikka molemmat kädet olisivat varattuina vaapperassa kullinvarressa. Kuopion uusi kirjapaino, Otava. SISÄLLYS: Esipuhe. Vietti lapsuudessa. Vietti nuorukaisijässä. Elämänohjeen voi antaa ainoastaan uskonto. Liite. Eräs kirje.
xxx/ellauri388.html on line 229: Remondino (loc. cit.) huomauttaa, että viranomaiset, jotka ovat sitoutuneet julistuksiin seksuaalisen raittiuden ehdottomien etujen puolesta, ovat yleensä kolmessa virheessä: (1) he yleistävät tarpeettomasti sen sijaan, että tarkastelevat jokaista tapausta erikseen, yksinään. (2) he eivät ymmärrä, että ihmisluontoon vaikuttavat hyvin sekalaiset ja monimutkaiset motiivit, eikä heidän voida olettaa olevan alttiita vain abstraktin moraalin motiiveille; (3) he jättävät huomiotta masturboijien ja seksuaalisten perverssien suuren armeijan, jotka eivät valita seksuaalisesta kärsimyksestä, vaan ylläpitämällä jäykkää seksuaalista pidättymistä, mitä tulee normaaleihin suhteisiin, ajautuvat vähitellen vuolaisiin spermavirtoihin, joista ei ole paluuta.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 79: Parts of "Aloha 'Oe" resemble the song "The Lone Rock by the Sea" and the chorus of George Frederick Root's 1854 song "There's Music in the Air". "The Lone Rock by the Sea" mentioned by Charles Wilson, was "The Rock Beside the Sea" published by Charles Crozat Converse in 1857, and itself derives from a Croatian/Serbian folk song, "Sedi Mara na kamen studencu" (Mary is Sitting on a Stone Well). Looking between her sweet little knees and wondering about the slit between.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 162: Following her accession, John Owen Dominis was given the title Prince Consort and restored to the Governorship of Oʻahu, which had been abolished following the Bayonet Constitution of 1887. Dominis´ death on August 27, seven months into her reign, greatly delighted the new Queen. Liliʻuokalani later wrote: "His death occurred at a time when his long experience in public life, his amiable qualities, and his universal popularity, would have made him an adviser to me for whom no substitute could possibly be found. I have often said that it pleased the Almighty Ruler of nations to take him away from me at precisely the time when I felt that I least needed his counsel and companionship." Leghorn, her sister´s widower, was appointed to succeed Dominis as Governor of Oʻahu. In 1892, Liliʻuokalani would also restore the positions of governor for the other three main islands for her friends and supporters.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 213: She attended the inauguration of US President William McKinley on March 4, 1897, with a Republic of Hawaii passport personally issued to "Liliuokalani of Hawaii" by the republic´s president Sanford B. Dole. On June 16, McKinley presented the United States Senate with a new version of the annexation treaty, one that eliminated the monetary compensation for Liliʻuokalani and Kaʻiulani. Liliʻuokalani filed an official protest with Secretary of State John Sherman the next day. The protest was witnessed by her agent and private secretary Joseph Heleluhe, Wekeki Heleluhe, and Captain Julius A. Palmer Jr., reported to be her American secretary.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 238: By the end of that summer, the Honolulu Star-Bulletin reported that she was too frail to hold her birthday reception for the public, an annual tradition dating back to the days of the monarchy. As one of her last public appearances in September, she officially became a member of the American Red Cross. Following several months of deteriorating health that left her without the use of her lower limbs, as well as a diminished mental capacity rendering her incapable of recognizing her own house, her inner circle of friends and caregivers sat vigil for the last two weeks of her life knowing the end was near. In accordance with Hawaiian tradition, the royal kāhili fanned her as she lay in bed. On the morning of November 11, Liliʻuokalani died at the age of seventy-nine at her residence at Washington Place. Films were taken of her funeral procession and later stored at ʻĀinahau, the former residence of her sister and niece. A fire on August 1, 1921, destroyed the home and all its contents, including the footage of the Queen´s funeral. So much for that.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 279: Silva 2004, pp. 123–163; Silva, Noenoe K. (1998). "The 1897 Petitions Protesting Annexation". The Annexation Of Hawaii: A Collection Of Documents. University of Hawaii at Manoa. Archived from the original on December 30, 2016. Retrieved December 19, 2016.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 315: Van Dyke, Jon M. (2008). Who Owns the Crown Lands of Hawaiʻi? (The Americans.) Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-6560-3. OCLC 257449971. Archived from the original on November 11, 2016. Retrieved November 10, 2016 – via Project MUSE.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 325: Loomis, Albertine (1976). An Informal History of the Overthrow of the Hawaiian Monarchy in 1893 and the Ill-Fated Counterrevolution It Evoked. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii and Friends of the Library of Hawaii. ISBN 978-0-8248-0416-9. OCLC 2213370.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 329: Peterson, Barbara Bennett (1984). "Liliuokalani". Notable Women of Hawaii. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. pp. 240–244. ISBN 978-0-8248-0820-4. OCLC 11030010.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 349: A Hawaii newspaperman born in Oromo, Maine 1871. In 1915, Farrington organized the Honolulu Ad Club. One of his invited guest speakers was Warren Harding, a Republican Senator from Ohio. Farrington introduced Harding as "the future president of the United States." Harding replied that if Farrington´s prediction came true, he would name Farrington governor of the Territory of Hawaii. Three months after taking office as U.S. President in 1921, Harding fulfilled his promise, appointing Farrington as the Territorial Governor of Hawaiʻi. His tenure was controversial, as he followed the previous Governor in favouring the Whites.
xxx/ellauri400.html on line 186: controversy, and the "high seriousness" of his
xxx/ellauri400.html on line 194: shooting), and a lively conversationalist, with
xxx/ellauri400.html on line 254: In den frühen 1220er Jahren verschlechterten sich die Erfolgsaussichten für den Albigenserkreuzzug rapide. Es mangelte an Kreuzrittern, Eroberungen gingen verloren und die Katharer wagten sich wieder an die Öffentlichkeit. Nach dem Tod Graf Raimunds VI. von Toulouse im Jahr 1222 übernahm dessen Sohn Raimund VII. die Führung des Widerstandes. Die ungünstige Situation veranlasste Amalrich von Montfort schließlich, Okzitanien 1224 zu verlassen. Seine Besitzungen in den eroberten Gebieten verkaufte er dem nunmehrigen König von Frankreich, Ludwig VIII.
xxx/ellauri404.html on line 124: Saadaxeni Tassoon hiukka perspektiiviä aloitan samaan aikaan Sujata Masseyn Rei-jännärin joka alkaa sillä että puoliveriseltä japsuttarelta Reiltä poistetaan nivusista karvoja. Se oli perverssimpää kuin Rei luulikaan. Ja aivan joutavaa, kazo vaikka Tsurutan muhkeata pehkoa. Se huokuu enemmän erotiikkaa kuin Tasson renessanssivaikutteinen "Aminta". Rakkauden lopullinen täyttymys, ruiskahdus pussin perälle, vie voiton kaikesta. Tasso-paralla ylipaine purkautui mielenvikaisuutena.
xxx/ellauri404.html on line 481: This is massively untrue. Here’s a friendly suggestion to Mr. Alter (from one apologist to another): you would do well to refrain from using universal negatives and sweeping statements (“do not record any“ / “not once . . .”). It leaves you open to being definitively and easily refuted. All your opponents have to do is produce a single counter-example, and your assertion is nullified. As it is, I will produce many NT passages that contradict your claim.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 75: A controversial sculpture about the brutal rape of women by Red Army soldiers. Russians slam it, while The Economist and Der Spigel drool behind paywalls. Allied soldiers 'raped hundreds of thousands of German women' after WW2. A German historian claims Allied troops, as well as Soviet soldiers, were responsible for hundreds of thousands of rapes in occupied Germany. Wives of Russian Soldiers Encourage Them to Rape. Walla Walla! Wives of Russian Soldiers Encourage Them to Rape. 'When The Soldiers Came' claims Allied troops raped one million women. Children, men and young boys and their dogs were also abused by soldiers, it claims. Until now it was thought only the Stalin's Red Army raped German women. The sad fact is rape is one of the few perks of a warrior's life. Why kill other males if not for the chance of impregnating their wenches? Rape is fun, like so many other things that hurt the other half. That is why them things are criminal.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 117: English speakers owe the word Laodicean to Chapter 3, verses 15 and 16 of the Book of Revelation, in which the church of Laodicea is admonished for being "neither cold nor hot, . . . neither one nor the other, but just lukewarm" in its devotion. By 1633, the name of that tepid biblical church had become a general term for any half-hearted or irresolute follower of a religious faith. Since then, the word’s use has broadened to cover flimsy political devotion as well. For example, in comparing U.S. presidents, journalist Samuel Hopkins Adams compared "the fiery and aggressive [Theodore] Roosevelt" to "the timorous Laodicean [Warren] Harding." My penis sure does not look Laodicean in the snapshot (above), but in actual fact it had to be supported by hand (left). Comme un pneu de vélo où il y a un trou.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 136: This essay assembles the “Bolovian Epic” from the Columbo and Bolo verses and nonsense letters that T.S. Eliot wrote over a period of eighteen years (1910–1928). Such an aggregation is made possible by the publication of excised poems from the “Waste Land” Notebook and Volumes I–IV of The Letters of T.S. Eliot. Rather than seeing individual parts of the epic as simply obscene, I interpret the whole project and its contexts as grounded in his appreciation for the primitive and a critical disdain for the so-called civilized. Eliot invents a composite race of people, the Bolovians, whose influence on modern times includes racy behavior, religious affinities, and bowler hats. Understanding this bawdy, blue, or nonsense material contributes capitally to previous scholarship defaming Eliot's moral and cultural values.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 144: The Bolovian verses carry much critical baggage. To Conrad Aiken, they are “hilariously naughty parerga” or “admirable stanzas” (March 22). Ezra Pound calls them “chançons ithyphallique” (IMH xvi). Bonamy Dobrèe claims, “They are part of an elaborated joke, nurtured through years. It is about some primitive people called the Bolovians, who wore bowler hats, and had square wheels to their chariots” (Tate 73). Subsequent descriptions are equally diverse, ranging from “pornographic doggerel” (Thorpe) to “scabrous exuberances” (Ricks xvi). One critic says they have “a surprising racial, even racist, focus” (Cooper 66). Another claims “these poems comically and obscenely portray the history of early European expansion as an orgy of uncontrollable desire and deviant sexuality” (McIntire 283). Pornoa mikä pornoa. Eliot borrows generously from common bawdy songs and joins a long list of classical writers who indulge in sexual, obscene, erotic, bawdy, scatological, and otherwise blue verse.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 146: Faber & Faber published The Faber Book of Blue Verse (1997), which was reissued as Making Love to Marilyn Monroe (2006). Both editions contain Eliot’s “Columbiad: Two Stanzos,” “There Was a Young Girl of Siberia,” and “ ’Twas Christmas on the Spanish Main,” and include verse by such eminent authors as Geoffrey Chaucer, Edna St. Vincent Millay, and the famous Anon. It is an indigestible fudge of the familiar, the feeble and the indiscriminately filthy” (Wheen 262).
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 148: The Bolovian verses, nevertheless, are offensive to many. Eliot’s “Triumph of Bullshit” was one of the poems that Lewis had rejected for publication. Lois Cuddy opines that “Eliot’s pornographic verses in an ‘epic’ about ‘King Bolo and His Great Black Kween’ indicate the extent and depth of his racial/sexual stereo- types and eugenic prejudices.” They are written from his own “sense of emptiness,” “puritanical principles,” and “sexual repressions.” Furthermore, these poetic vulgarities display Eliot’s acceptance of sexual stereotypes related to black men and women (229). Yet a look at the contexts of these poems, both as “nonsense” for friends and as reflections on the complexities of culture, reveals an earnest belief in the value of the “primitive mind” and even a reversal of “sexual stereotypes related to black men and women.” The man with the prodigious bolo is not King Bolo but sephardic Cristoforo Columbo who regrettably "found" America. “Eliot is today being refashioned as a prescient and extraordinarily sensitive mediator of the major currents of twentieth century cultural and technological change” (Murphet 31).
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 150: In brief, “The Columbiad,” as Eliot also calls it, begins in Spain, where Columbo dines in with the King and Queen. Queen Isabella “pricks” Columbo’s navel; in response, he defecates on the table. Columbo takes the Queen with him on his voyage, buggers his mates, and finds, in what is now Cuba, King Bolo and BBQ. The setting shifts to the Philippines and then to London, first to the suburb of Golders Green, and then to Russell Square, where Eliot launches the Bolovian Club luncheons. An important upshot of all the whoring is a bastard son named Boloumbo, who presumably begins the European line of ancestry. The rest of the “epic” documents contain Prof. Krapp’s (et al.) and Eliot’s research on the ancient history of the Bolovians, who originate somewhere in South America. Not only the locations, but also the tables have been turned. The “scholarship” reveals that Bolovian behavior and characteristics are the sources of many modern Western traditions, including the wearing of bowler hats. Bolovians practiced Wuxianity, a religion with two gods (or more, depending on the interpretation), anticipating the divine/ human controversy in Christology. Their language, in which Eliot has learned to sing the Bolovian anthem, predates the Indo-European pronunciations of “W,” a combination of the “Greek Ksi” and the “German schsh” (Letters III 730). Eliot’s verses borrow from many versions of Christopher Columbus and his adventures. “Columbo” is a common misspelling for “Colombo,” which is Italian and Portuguese for “Columbus.” Many children know, “In fourteen hundred and ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue,” but others may know some of the sailors’ ditties or military songs, one of which has the following chorus:
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 176: But are they worth reading? Does a little ‘bolo’ go a long way? a New York Times reporter asked Anthony Julius, the litigation lawyer specializing in anti-defamation and anti-Semitism. His doctoral dissertation, charging Eliot with antiSemitism, resulted in the notorious publication of T.S. Eliot, Anti-Semitism and Literary Form. ‘‘They are not worth reading,’’ Mr. Julius said. ‘‘They tap, in the most puerile way imaginable, racist fantasies of the sexual superiority of blacks’’ (Lyall). Here is an example of feeling the elephant without contact, because if he had read the verse, he would see that Columbo the Jew was the one with the biggest cock. “And he refuses to acquit Eliot of anti-Semitism in this case merely because the poet has managed to be superior to the black bigotry his poem evokes” (Menand).
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 178: In spite of or because of Eliot’s detractors, numerous scholars have begun reevaluating Eliot’s reputation as an elitist, racist, anti-Semite, sexist, misogynist, in the wake of the alt-right white supremacist wave. Since then, many of the diatribes against Eliot’s socio-political conservatism and bigotry seem outdated and narrow. By modern standards, Eliot's verses are pretty lame.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 180: In mock seriousness, Eliot frames the seventeen Notebook stanzas (mostly octavos) as Elizabethan drama. They begin, “Let a tucket be sounded on the hautboys. Enter the king and queen.” Then commence the obscenities. In Spain, Columbo is treated for syphilis by a “bastard jew named Benny” when he “filled Columbo’s prick / with Muriatic Acid” (IMH 315, 149). Later Columbo seeks help from the ship’s physician concerning another symptom of syphilis. “ ‘It’s this way, doc’ he said said he / I just cant stop a-pissin [sic]” (Letters I 231). Columbo and his mariners of song are well-known for their whoring. “One Sunday evening after tea / They went to storm a whore house,” and from a “seventh story window,” “bitched” Columbo with a “pisspot” (IMH 315). Ed Madden says that Columbo and sailors may have had pumps of argyrol and muriatic acid [dilute hydrochloric acid] “rammed up their penises” to treat their syphilis (151). When they set sail for America, “Queen Isabella was aboard / That famous Spanish whore.” With only Queen Isabella aboard and a boy named Orlandino, the horny crew have to make do until they reach land (IMH 315). In Cuba, they encounter King Bolo and his thirty-three “swarthy” bodyguards. They “were called the Jersey Lilies / a wild and hardy set of blacks” and like Columbo, are “undaunted by syphilis” (IMH 316). Madden calls them “the phallically well-endowed bodyguards of King Bolo,” but “swarthy,” “wild,” and “hardy” does not mean “well-endowed.” Columbo is. There are many reversals in these verses: Columbo is equipped with his prodigious bolo, and neither the New World nor the Old World gave the other syphilis. They both had it.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 182: Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infectious (STI) disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. The most popular and long-standing theory is that syphilis was carried by sailors returning from the first transatlantic expedition led by Christopher Columbus. The disease came back from the New World to the Old, with present-day Haiti viewed as the most likely source. But actually, treponemal disease appears to have originated in East Africa with late transmission to England, perhaps as a gift of the slave trade. The original treponemal disease apparently spread from Africa through Asia, entering North America. Approximately 8 millennia later, it mutated to syphilis. Syphilis came to humans from cattle or sheep many centuries ago, possibly sexually. So it is the damn British sheepfucking slavers who take the blame again.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 184: According to the real Colombo, the West Indies natives were not black. Eliot’s Bolovians, on the contrary, are fat, black, and promiscuous. Bolovians are black because they are natives and primitive, and described with such essentialist terms as are associated with Africans. It is difficult to accept such statements as “Eliot’s verse expresses revulsion of the carnal world” (Douglass 150) when one reads the Bolovian Epic. Sex is clearly part of the fun and there is no revulsion in these verses, except perhaps in the reader’s response to them. Back in Spain Columbo quarrels with the Queen. “They terminated the affair/ By fucking on the sofa.” Although his syphilis acts up again, Columbo is undaunted. “He spun his balls around his head / And cried ‘Hooray for whores!’ . . . Exeunt the king and queen severally” (IMH 319).
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 210: Manila Harbor in 1909. “He was forced to resign . . . following an alleged liaison with a cabin boy” (Letters II 768n). But the cabin boy was savʼd alive/ And buggerʼd, in the sphincter. Eliot was convinced that his father thought him a failure. Publication of these verses might reverse that problem.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 231: Erotic poetry was the other side of Donneʼs spiritual verse, Eliot contended, which was also the case for Eliot. Eliotʼs wholesale purloining of lines from other works, his literary red herrings, and bogus scholarship are trademarks of his work and clues to his
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 241: That his bawdy verse was not published anywhere was a continuous joke in Eliotʼs correspondence. When they were finally available to the public in 1996, they received diverse labels: “scatological,” “scabrous,” “obscene,” “pornographic” and “x-rated,” “politically incorrect,” “racist” and “misogynist,” tending towards “coprophilia,” and “grotesquely graphic. In their childish and sordid sexuality these poems have little to do with one of the root meanings of ribald, which is amorous. Instead, they are "descriptions of huge penises, defecations, buggeries and group masturbations." Twenty years later, Eliot was writing Cats, and forgive me, I prefer the kink.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 535: Are controversial, polymath.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 545: Eliot's precise and ironic language undercuts the supposed sanctity of religious ceremonies. He depicts churchgoers as "caterpillars" and "sutlers," suggesting their superficial and self-serving behavior. The "superfetation" and "enervate Origen" reference theological controversies, adding to the poem's intellectual complexity.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 566: Universalism, and last but not least, Purgatory.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 867: Vahvasti modifioitua versiota teoksen johdannon avausrivistä käytettiin televisio-ohjelmassa Star Trek: Voyager jaksossa " Latent Image " (1999). Tohtori on huolissaan moraalisesta tilanteesta laivalla ja kapteeni Janeway lukee tämän kirjan ja jättää tohtorin tutkimaan runon mehukkaita kohtia.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1022: “He upholds the universe by the word of his power.” (Hebrews 1:3O)
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1094: Agree don't that Mormons do not equate Ashtar to being the wife of Heavenly Father. Ashtar having beginnings in paganism, we identify with monotheists who know there is one creator of all in the universe. The fringe idea that there must be a mother in heaven, is more of a follow-on to a truth that rings true to us: that if we existed before his life we must have had parents before as we do now. Which makes sense to us that there could be a benevolent loving partner of God.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1178: "I am in the Father and the Father is in me", and all the other verses in which Jesus declares his oneness with the Father, all clearly demonstrate that the Father and the Son have the same purpose and the same love for us.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1187: The blog only contains a list of syllogisms which restate the obvious. I'm interested in specific answers to my questions and a citation of the verses which state that the Father, Son, and Spirit are one physical being.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1191: If your questions are looking for a verse that states the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit are one physical being it's abundantly clear that you have absolutely no understanding of the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit. Only the son, Jesus, is a physical being.
xxx/ellauri414.html on line 54: Sahra Wagenknecht wurde am 16. Juli 1969 in Jena als Tochter eines iranischen Vaters und einer deutschen Mutter geboren. Der Vater lernte ihre in der DDR lebende Mutter als West-Berliner Student kennen. Die "Wende und friedliche Revolution" in der DDR betrachtete und bezeichnete sie als Konterrevolution. Sie wies eine „positive Haltung zum Stalinismusmodell“. Wagenknecht forderte im Jahr 2000 eine Überwindung der kapitalistischen Produktionsverhältnisse. Nach ihrer Ansicht sollen Leistungen der Daseinsvorsorge wie Wohnen, Bildung, Gesundheit, Wasser- und Energieversorgung, Banken und Schlüsselindustrien durch die öffentliche Hand getragen werden, um „das Diktat der Rendite und der Aktienkurse“ zu überwinden.
xxx/ellauri414.html on line 172: Vijnana (Science) minus Jnana (Knowledge) of Dharma results in the ever increasing of selfishness and greed. It is on account of this, immorality and corruption, violence and sexual immorality are spreading like cancer and are threatening the health of our nation and of humanity. To this situation, the only remedy is the resurrection of the "Doctrine of Trivarga" which constitutes the Philosophy of our country - a philosophy universally applicable.
xxx/ellauri415.html on line 182: Anita Marks 2002 posed for Playboy in the middle of her career as a professional female football player. The University of South Florida graduate is now a sports radio host for the likes of CBS and ESPN. But did not show her centerfold that year.
xxx/ellauri415.html on line 232: Fiktiivinen tarina Phyllisistä ja Aristoteleesta, josta tuli suosittu ja sai lukuisia versioita 1100-luvulta lähtien, kertoo tarinan hallitsevasta naisesta, joka vietteli ja hallitsi 2. suurimman filosofin miesälyä. Tarinassa Phyllis pakottaa Aristoteleen polvistumaan maahan niin, että tämä ratsastaa tämän selällään samalla kun hän ruoskii ja nöyryyttää häntä sanallisesti. Ari kävi kuumana ja tuli usein kesken kaiken khitoniin.
xxx/ellauri415.html on line 903: Tämä värssy josta pidin aivan erityisesti Leonard Cohenin Hallelujassa on sensuroitu lyhkäsessä 4 värssyn versiossa. Onkohan sitä Forverts-lehden julkaisemassa jiddishinnöxessä?
xxx/ellauri416.html on line 85: Samaan aikaan kun Bakussa pidetään all male paneelia ilmastorahoista, Azerbaizan ja Turkki kuskaa azerien öljyä Israeliin jossa sillä pariloidaan palestiinalaisia. To prevent collapse of Israel and the IDF, the United States is sending almost all its operational navy ships to protect Israel so that it can pursue its genocide in Gaza US Secretary Austin ordered the deployment of additional ballistic missile defense destroyer ships, fighter squadron and tanker aircraft, and several U.S. Air Force B-52 long-range strike bombers to the region. The morale of the IDF is collapsing after a year of being unable to defeat an irregular army with homemade weapons and a growing awareness that they are now universally hated and despised - it is eating into their soul, if any. Hoohoo jaajaa, toiveajattelua Filistean puolelta.
xxx/ellauri416.html on line 998:
Tämä on sivu, jolla voit kokeilla onneasi ja tarkistaa parhaat käyttäjät, joita alusta voi ehdottaa sinulle. Tältä sivulta löydät mielenkiintoisia toimintoja, kuten "tykkää". Sivun työpöytäversion avulla voit myös: Lähetä sähköpostia Lähetä silmäniskuja Stalkkaa muita. Voit vilkuttaa silmäniskua chatin alla tai Ihmiset-sivulla olevalla "Wink"-painikkeella. Jos sinusta tuntuu, että sähköpostisi on saavuttanut tuntematon – vaihda sähköpostiosoitteesi, jos sinulla on vaihtoehtoinen sähköpostiosoite. Jos ei, se on voi. Ilmoitukset-osiossa voit tilapäisesti keskeyttää ilmoitukset tai poistaa ne pysyvästi käytöstä. Tämä koskee kaikkia ilmoituksia: sähköposteja, työntöjä, kesken ulosvetoja, kädetystä, imutusta, ja muita limoituksia.
xxx/ellauri417.html on line 411: Adnan Siddiqui comparing women to flies was bad, his non-apology is worse. Asfa Sultan Condoms. Welcome. After drawing heavy criticism for comparing women to flies, Adnan Siddiqui has said he “regrets” any unintended offence his words may have caused, because they were intended to be “humorous”. Despite Yasir’s attempts to divert the conversation, Siddiqui continued, asserting that women, like flies, tend to avoid men when chased but come running back when left alone. While humour has its place in conversation and pop culture, it should never come at the expense of demeaning or objectifying others.
xxx/ellauri417.html on line 571: Orthodox judaism is brutally beautiful avers Sophia the Jew. She would never accept a job where she would have to work on a sabbath. Wonder if she has any pubic hair to show the girls. Jewish actor JOSH PECK of Nickelodeon fame knew Sophie Rain when she was just a little girl. Little did he guess how huge genitals she would grow. The Jews selected her for stardom on Onlyfans.
xxx/ellauri420.html on line 164: Adelaide Taylorin elämä on kaikkea muuta kuin ihanteellinen. Menetettyään vanhempansa uudelle tyrannihallitukselle, hän joutuu asumaan alle 85-vuotiaiden naisten orpokodissa. Samalla kun hän työskentelee kuusi päivää viikossa (sapatti on sentään vapaata) kiittämättömässä työssä, hallitus tuhoaa maan järjestelmällisesti. Vaalit kumotaan. Rajat ovat kiinni. Kuolemanrangaistus palautetaan kaikille, jotka uskaltavat uhmata uutta maailmanjärjestystä. Kuka tahansa voi toivoa selviytyvänsä, kaikki voivat menehtyä ydinsodassa. Adelaide Taylor on elossa. Hän toivoo, että muutkin voisivat sanoa samaa. Selvittyään koettelemuksista ja menetettyään Babarin, Selesten ja muut hänen on vaikea tuntea mitään muuta kuin menestystä. Järkyttävä koettelemus keräsi joitain voittoja, mutta Isaac, paikka yliopistossa ja koti ovat vain väliaikaisia pelastuksia hänen ja muiden kärsimään täydelliseen tuhoon. Hän tietää, että ne ovat väliaikaisia. Milloin tahansa universumi pakottaa hänet maksamaan palveluksen takaisin korkoineen. Vastaako hän haasteeseen vai joutuuko hän uuden vitsauksen uhriksi?
xxx/ellauri420.html on line 222: USA varnar alla: Lämna Syrien nu. ”Lämna Syrien nu medan kommersiella alternativ fortfarande är tillgängliga i Damaskus”. I ett uttalande säger israelisk militär att den är ”beredd på alla scenarier, både offensiva och defensiva”. Iran är beredd att stötta Assad med vad han än behöver. Rättad: I en tidigare version av texten förekom felaktiga uppgifter om vem som låg bakom allt det här. Det var Putin naturligtvis.
xxx/ellauri420.html on line 230: Vuonna 1933 Malraux julkaisi Man's Fate (La Condition Humaine) romaanin vuoden 1927 epäonnistuneesta kommunistikapinasta Shanghaissa. Huolimatta Malraux'n yrityksistä esittää kiinalaisia hahmoja kolmiulotteisempana ja kehittyneempänä kuin Les Conquérantsissa, hänen elämäkerturinsa Oliver Todd kirjoitti, ettei hän voinut "ihan päästä irti tavanomaisesta käsityksestä Kiinasta, jossa on cooleja, bambunversoja, oopiumin tupakoitsijoita, köyhiä, ja siron näpsäkät prostituoidut", jotka olivat tuolloin ranskalaisten tavallisia stereotypioita Kiinasta.
xxx/ellauri420.html on line 251: Agnostikko, mutta intensiivisen hengellinen mies, Malraux väitti, että tarvittiin "esteettinen henkisyys", jossa rakkaus "taiteeseen" ja "sivilisaatioon" antaisi mahdollisuuden arvostaa le sacréa elämässä, herkkyyttä, joka oli sekä traaginen ja kunnioitusta herättävä, kun förbittiin kaikkia maailman kulttuuriaarteita, mystinen tunne ihmiskunnan paikasta universumissa, joka oli yhtä hämmästyttävän kaunis kuin salaperäinen. Malraux väitti, että koska kuolema on väistämätöntä ja merkityksettömässä maailmassa, joka oli siis "absurdi", vain taide voi tarjota merkityksen "absurdissa" maailmassa. Tämä läppä ei olisi Cioranille kelvannut! Merkityxet ovat perseestä! Sacrebleu!
xxx/ellauri420.html on line 360: Son œuvre, où le rêve, la mystique et l'ésotérisme sont omniprésents, se caractérise souvent par un aspect changeant qui se joue des contingences de l'espace et du temps, afin de reconstituer un univers poétique où la réalité, le songe et le souvenir se confondent, mais aussi l'histoire humaine qui finit par se mêler à sa mémoire personnelle. Cet univers intime du poète est en permanence placé sous le signe d'une quête de l'idéal féminin, dont il a poursuivi dans son œuvre et dans sa vie ce qui lui semblait être ses diverses incarnations, au travers de ses amours, des déesses antiques ou même de la Vierge. Niin ja Jenny Peräsuoli, pulskanpuoleinen näyttelijätär. Ja tässä vielä 1:
xxx/ellauri420.html on line 399: Il se tourna vers ceux qui l'attendaient en bas Hän kääntyi niiden puoleen, jotka häntä alhaalla odottivat,
xxx/ellauri420.html on line 436: Refroidis, par degrés, l'univers pâlissant, viilennät, asteittain, häipyvää maailmankaikkeutta,
xxx/ellauri420.html on line 476: L'univers étourdi penchait sur ses essieux, Hämmästynyt maailmankaikkeus nojasi akseleillaan,
xxx/ellauri420.html on line 477: Et l'Olympe un instant chancela vers l'abîme. Ja Olympus horjui hetken kuiluun päin.
xxx/ellauri420.html on line 534: Sa matière, comme on sait, est empruntée à Jean Paul Richter, et plus précisément à un épisode du roman Siebenkäs (1796) intitulé Le Discours du Christ mort, traduit par Mme de Staël sous le titre Un songe et lu par Nerval probablement dans la version que Loève-Veimars publie sous le titre La Dernière Heure – Vision dans la Revue de Paris du 4 juillet 18308 . Le monologue lyrique qui découle de cet emprunt est donc mis au centre du poème, – signe que, pour les romantiques et très singulièrement pour Nerval, toute matière discursive doit être
xxx/ellauri420.html on line 537: Le Christ n’est donc pas le simple « personnage » d’une narration distanciée : il est un avatar de la subjectivité lyrique, laquelle engage à son tour la vie même du poète. Rappelons à ce propos qu’une première version du poème – celle contenue dans la lettre à Victor Loubens – remonte à la crise de 1841 alors que Nerval a dû, malgré qu’il en ait, se laisser « classer dans une affection définie par les docteurs et appelée indifféremment Théomanie ou Démonomanie dans le dictionnaire médical ». « Je me croyais Dieu moi-même », écrit Nerval. « C’était bien lui, ce fou, cet insensé sublime… », lit-on réciproquement dans Le Christ aux Oliviers, en un vers où Nerval projette sur le Christ cette même « folie » que ses confrères littéraires aussi bien que « les médecins et les commissaires » lui jettent au visage. Il (Nerval) devient, dans le finale du texte, un nouveau « prophète », annonçant, après la sorte de Contre-Évangile que constitue la partie centrale empruntée à Jean Paul, quelque religion nouvelle qui permettrait de dépasser l’opposition du paganisme et du christianisme. Se on se kaveri joka antaa sielun liman lapsille.
xxx/ellauri420.html on line 541: Dans le texte original, la Vision de Jean Paul est un simple cauchemar : un homme s’endort ; il croit voir dans son rêve le Christ annoncer, devant des enfants éplorés, qu’il n’y a pas de Dieu ; puis, alors que l’univers va s’effondrer sur lui-même dans l’étreinte d’un immense serpent, il se réveille brusquement ; et, à son réveil, il se réjouit d’entendre les cloches des églises célébrer la gloire du Christ. Le Discours du Christ mort de Jean Paul est donc un « cauchemar d’athéisme », qui conduit au contraire à une apologie de la foi chrétienne, finalement restaurée. C’est ce message que supprime Nerval, en même temps qu’il supprime les frontières du rêve et de la réalité, puisque plus
xxx/ellauri420.html on line 542: rien n’indique dans le poème le caractère onirique de la Vision, devenue ici une révélation inverse, revêtue en outre de la puissance d’une hallucination négative. Mens agitat molem, miäs heiluttaa moloa. From Virgil. Motto of Newcastle University, Rossall School, the University of Oregon, the University of Warwick and the Eindhoven University of Technology.
xxx/ellauri420.html on line 556: Elle est atteinte de cécité à 56 ans (1752). Elle ne cessa de le répéter dans sa correspondance : la vie lui pèse. Voltaire, auquel ne manque pas une plume acérée pour pourfendre ses ennemis, lui présente un jour la femme qu’il aime le plus, son amie et protectrice Émilie du Châtelet, espérant qu’elles deviendraient amies. Mais non. Émilie du Châtelet, mathématicienne et physicienne, était trop différente sans doute de ces dames aux conversations brillantes mais souvent oiseuses.
xxx/ellauri420.html on line 596: Auf einem Ausflug zur Abtei Neuburg bei Heidelberg lernte Karoline den bedeutenden Philologen und Mythenforscher Friedrich Creuzer und seine dreizehn Jahre ältere Frau kennen. Nun erhielten ihre Lebensthemen einen Schub – und auch ihre Konflikte. Creuzer schätzte ihre Dichtung und half ihr, diese zu verlegen. Günderrode und Creuzer versprachen sich, einander bis in den Tod zu lieben. „Den Verlust Deiner Liebe könnte ich nicht ertragen“, schrieb die junge Frau dem Forscher in einem ihrer Briefe, die von manchem als die schönsten Liebesbriefe der deutschen Literatur angesehen werden. Doch Karoline von Günderrode konnte sich ein Leben als Professorengattin nicht vorstellen. Und Friedrich Creuzer bemängelte: „Lina schickt sich zur Ehe nicht…“
xxx/ellauri420.html on line 598: Der Gelehrte spielte mit dem Gedanken an eine ménage à trois. „Meine Frau sollte bei uns zu bleiben wünschen – als Mutter, als Führerin unseres Hauswesens. Frei und poetisch sollte Ihr Leben sein“, schlug er Günderrode vor. Es war die Zeit neuer Entwürfe des Zusammenlebens. So steht Creuzers Utopie in Beziehung zu den revolutionären Vorstellungen, wie sie zur gleichen Zeit in Frankreich Henri de Saint-Simon und sein Freundeskreis zu leben versuchten. Von einigen Kennern der Zeit wird sie gleichwohl als Charakterschwäche eingestuft – der kränkliche Friedrich Creuzer hatte nicht den Mut, sich von seiner Frau zu trennen. Karoline von Günderrode beschäftigte sich unter Creuzers Einfluss mit dem Studium früher, auch matriarchaler Gesellschaften. Auch darin war sie ihrer Zeit voraus. In Männerkleidung wollte sie Creuzers Vorlesungen besuchen, um dem Geliebten so nah wie möglich zu sein.