ellauri001.html on line 670: kättä vedessä veneen vieressä.

ellauri001.html on line 691: Vanajaveden selluloosatehtaista

ellauri001.html on line 833:

Avaimella vedettävät, joiden

ellauri001.html on line 1447: Siellä hampaat vedetään,

ellauri002.html on line 268: Never may my woes be relieved,

ellauri002.html on line 272: Of all joys have deprived.
ellauri002.html on line 948: Asuttiin yhden vanhan norssin huvilalla. Kreetalla tarjottiin hirmu pahaa paikallista pontikkaa, jolla vedin elämäni ensimmäiset filmi poikki lärvit Kastelli Kissamoun kyläjuhlissa. Oli hiton kuuma, käytiin ampumassa harppuunalla sinttejä Kissamoksen lahdessa. Nukuttiin katolla.
ellauri002.html on line 1583: Kun lähdin, kentällä saattamassa oli (vanhempien lisäksi) dona Carita, sen bestis, ja Kenraali. Kamalaa lähteä, kamalampaa varmaan jäädä. Lumi oli maassa, vedet silmissä, sydän kylmänä, pää kuumana.
ellauri002.html on line 1601: Ye Qing-chen (d. ca. 1051), courtesy name Dao Qing, ranked second in the Metropolitan Examination of 1023 and held a number of high offices. During the Quing Li era (1041-1048) he served as prefect of the city and often visited the spot below the cliff, where he had a pavilion built.
ellauri002.html on line 1841: sähköpallokirjoituskone totaalisesti vanhentunut. Dona Carita on hyvässä vedossa.
ellauri002.html on line 1908: Kesä 1977 oli kylmä ja sateinen. Elokuussa dona Carita ja don Jaime ratsastivat seuramatkalle Taorminaan. Pihi don Jaime ei halunnut maksaa rantamaksua, vaan kahlasi mereen kohdasta, jonne olivat sisiliaanot heitelleet pulloja. Tuli iso veripipi jalkapohjaan. dona Carita hälytti taksin, joka lähti pillit soiden viemään vuoren päälle paikalliseen sairaalaan. Ospedale, ospedale, huusi kuski taksin ikkunasta ja soitti torvea. Dona Caritalla oli märät hiekkaiset miniminibikinit ja don Jaimella verinen pyyhe jalassa. Ospedalessa ei sattunut olemaan puudutusainetta, haava ommeltiin sitten ilman. Sitten ei ollut stampelle. Seuraavana päivänä dona Carita haki pikku sanakirjan avulla una stampella. Saatin yksi kainalosauva. Tulitikkulaatikko on muuten italiaksi una scatola di svedesi (ibid.). Erittäin pahantuulinen don Jaime katseli jalka paketissa vierestä kun dona Carita snorkkeloi sinistä Välimerta. Pään sentään sai don Jaime kastetuksi veteen.
ellauri002.html on line 2036: Puren vessan vedintä.

ellauri003.html on line 925: komediaa diivailevaa aina vedetään.
ellauri003.html on line 1323: E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle.
ellauri004.html on line 1127: vedän taitavasti sätkynuken narusta.

ellauri004.html on line 1196: Ja miten Jesse mortgagen sen maksoi? Enkelin pukua sovitti se puolestamme. Apoptoosin teki, sai kärsiä kuin porsas penkissä, siitä kuin ihmeen kautta selvisi. Mikä parasta, se ei ollut pantu eikä lisääntynyt, ihan bylsimiseen osaton, vaikka muuten apinalta näytti. Kasvi maksoi laskun apinan. Kuittia? Ei tarvi, velan päälle on vedetty risti.
ellauri005.html on line 206: Mikä on elämän perimmäinen tarkoitus? Viiskytvuotispäivänäni yliopiston anatomian laitoksella, ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae, virallisena floruit päivänäni, vedin kiitospuheessani ilmiselvän johtopäätöksen: ei mikään. Elämän tarkoitus on elämä itse. Sen kyllä tietää sarjakuvapiirtäjätkin nykyään (Fig. 1.). Aristoteles sanoi saman filosofisemmin: elämä on entelekiaa, aktuaalista, se on läsnä, meneillä, kunnes loppuu. Elämä on aktiviteetti, aktiviteetti on aspekti (terveisiä Orvokki Heinämäelle ja Marja Leinoselle sinne jonnekin! Tervemenoa sinne nilkki!), joka on oma päämääränsä, siis itsetarkoitus. Tarkemmin sanoen, Ari sanoo onnellinen elämä, siis elämän tarkoitus on onnellinen elämä, ei paska. Mutta tää on vaan tarkennus. Pääpointti on, että tää on nyt tässä.
ellauri005.html on line 220: nai ihmisnaaraita, sittemmin muitakin elukoita), jännitystä (vedenpaisumus) ym ym.
ellauri005.html on line 271: Not loved unless they give,

ellauri005.html on line 547: pökäleiden kymi, mustan veden tonava,

ellauri005.html on line 1940: Koko vuosikertomus on läpi vedetty.

ellauri006.html on line 309: vedä lättyyn noille pahoille.

ellauri006.html on line 405: Sit herkuttelu pipeillä, pää kädessä joka seikkailun jälkeen, fataaleja vammoja, jotka kaikki korjataan mirakulöösisti. Lääkkeitä ja huumeita vedetään niin vitusti. Hyvikset kaikki paranee, pahikset ja tarpeettomat statistit kuolee yhtä rumasti kuin ennenkin.
ellauri006.html on line 1700: Onkia isompia vedessä, madot koukussa.
ellauri006.html on line 1836: Puhelinkeskusteluun viitaten, vedin Room.7 suomexi suoraan alkutextistä ottaen tavanomaisia paasausvapauxia. On aika selvää että Paavo ajaa tässä takaa freudilaista yliminä-minä-id erottelua. Kaluja ohjaa matelijanaivot, ja ohjaxissa oleva minä ei selviä ellei saa yläportaan porukoilta apua. Tämmösta akrasiavalitusta, pitäs ja pitäs mut kun ei hotsita.
ellauri007.html on line 776: Siks sulle rantaan pesuvedet teen.

ellauri007.html on line 884: Ecem loved Nuuti, Nuuti Paul,

ellauri007.html on line 1221: Saisitte jo vedellä.

ellauri008.html on line 89:

Siri Hustvedt ja Paul Auster

ellauri008.html on line 91: Siri Hustvedt ja Paul Auster

ellauri008.html on line 196: Siri Hustvedt ja Paul Auster

ellauri008.html on line 475:

It was wonderful—I loved him & I think he liked me. He talked a great deal about his work & life & aims, & about sother writers. Then we went for a little walk, & somehow grew very intimate. I plucked up courage to tell him what I find in his work—the boring down into things to get to the very bottom below the apparent facts. He seemed to feel I had understood him; then I stopped & we just looked into each other's eyes for some time, & then he said he had grown to wish he could live on the surface and write differently, that he had grown frightened. His eyes at the moment expressed the inward pain & terror that one feels him always fighting. Then he talked a lot about Poland, & showed me an album of family photographs of the 60's—spoke about how dream-like all that seems, & how he sometimes feels he ought not to have had any children, because they have no roots or traditions or relations.
ellauri008.html on line 481: Bertrand "Marriage and Morals" Russell oli ilman muuta bi. Ehtiköhän se telakoida 17v nuoremman Wittgensteinin kaa. Näistä muistelmista vaikuttaa että Conrad oli Pertin sielun veli. Pölisiköhän nytkin patjat petipuuhissa? Merimiehissä sellaisia löytyy monia, kun keskenänsä viikkokaudet merellä saavat samaan tahtiin vedellä. Valasmies Melville oli samaa maata. "Scarlet letter" Hawthorne vallan pelästyi, pois muutti naapurista.
ellauri008.html on line 492: Sofi Oksanen saleen, Siri Hustvedt. Nälkäpelin Suzanne Collins. Entä Kinsella? Onko chick lit naiskirjallisuutta? ei välttämättä. On niitä kivojakin. Kinsellaa ei voi ottaa vakavasti, se naurattaa. Se on jonkinlainen nykyajan Theophrastos. Klisheistä saa hyviä vitsejä, kunhan tunnistaa ne sellaisiksi. Liikaa toistamalla niistäkin tulee tietty klisheitä.
ellauri008.html on line 747: Never heard an entomologist go on like this, I observed, cheerfully. Masterpiece? And what of man?
ellauri008.html on line 778: Romantikko on vanha synonyymi narsistille. Hoito-ohje on oikeen suuntainen. Paras ois kun lakkais luulemasta et on jotain erikoista. Kun ei kuvittele liikoja, niin ei niin petykään. Yllätyxet, jos niitä on, on iloisia. Uimaan on vaikee oppia, mut vähän päästä, kun lihoo vanhetessaan, osaa jopa kellua. Ei tarvi enää edes polkea. Voi uiskennella matalalla veden alla, vain silmät pinnalla. Saku Sammakko viihtyy lammikossa, pitää suorastaan olematta ylpeä. On läpeensä tyytyväinen. Se on sen elementti, ei harva ilma.
ellauri008.html on line 818: In March 1896 Conrad married an Englishwoman, Jessie George. The couple had two sons, Borys and John. The elder, Borys, proved a disappointment in scholarship and integrity. Jessie was an unsophisticated, working-class girl, sixteen years younger than Conrad. To his friends, she was an inexplicable choice of wife, and the subject of some rather disparaging and unkind remarks. (See Lady Ottoline Morrell's opinion of Jessie in Impressions.)
ellauri008.html on line 1264: Mihin kuntaan kuuluu Haapaveden kunta?

ellauri008.html on line 1469: Maran magnum opus venyi kuin purukumi, kun ei ollut deadlinea. Sit tuli viranhaku, Sein und Zeit on siihen kässäristä irrotettu hätäpaska. Toisen osan, luvatun yhteenvedon Mara poltti itse, kun siitä ei tullut mitään, tai vielä paskempi.
ellauri008.html on line 1608: Siks USAnkin on niin tärkeetä pysyä greittinä. Se pitää kotirotinkaiset tyyninä, niiden näpit irti Trumpin taaloista. Siihen tarvitaan jatkuvaa talouskasvua maailman kustannuksella. Siks ei ole olemassa ilmastonmuutosta. Demokraattien se on vaan vedätys. Toiveesta tule totuus, todesta vaihtoehtoinen vaan uutinen.
ellauri009.html on line 118: Varallisuus ml raha on sopimuxia, lupailua, vedonlyöntiä, enimmäxeen ilmaa. Keinottelua, puhasta huijausta. Sopimuxen mukaan käteistä on alle 3kk luotto.
ellauri009.html on line 660: Tää on sitä Pascalin vedonlyöntiä.

ellauri011.html on line 44: The very knowledge that he lived in vain,

ellauri011.html on line 259: Sisään ja ulos vedosta tuli lasku.

ellauri011.html on line 1182: juokaa vedet, syökää kalat, ajakaa taivaalle romua.
ellauri011.html on line 1332: The term public opinion was derived from the French opinion publique which was first used in 1588 by Michel de Montaigne in the second edition of his Essays (ch. XXII).
ellauri011.html on line 1342: In his 1672 essay On the Original and Nature of Government, William Temple gave an early formulation of the importance of public opinion. He observed that "when vast numbers of men submit their lives and fortunes absolutely to the will of one, it must be force of custom, or opinion which subjects power to authority".
ellauri011.html on line 1368: ihan entisessä vedossa - mun visiot

ellauri012.html on line 289: Jos olisin voinut kuvitella että kirje, joka ei ollut tarkoitettu sulle, voisi joutua sun käsiisi, olisin ollut varovaisempi enkä pannut siihen mitään mikä olisi voinut herättää sussa menneiden vastoinkäymistemme muistot. Kuvasin rohkein vedoin menetyksieni sarjan ystävälle saadakseni hänet järkiinsä omasta menetyksestään. Jos olen tällä hyväntahtoisella keinolla häirinnyt sinun rauhaasi, koetan nyt kuivata nuo kyyneleet, jotka surullinen kuvaus sai sinut vuodattamaan; koetan sulauttaa oman suruni sinun suruusi, ja vuodattaa sydämeni sinun eteesi; lyhyesti, avata silmiesi eteen koko hätäni, ja sieluni salaisuuden, jonka turhamaisuuteni on tähän saakka salannut muulta maailmalta, ja jonka sinä nyt pakotat esiin minusta, huolimatta päinvastaisista päätöksistäni.
ellauri012.html on line 355: Abelard hyvä, sääli mua! Onko kukaan koskaan ollut näin onneton? Mitä korkeemmalle sä korotit mut muiden naisten yli, jotka kadehti multa sun rakkautta, sitä suuremmin mä kärsin nyt mun menetyksestä. Mut korotettin onnen huipulle vaan että putoisin sitä rajummin. Mun mielihyvät oli vailla vertaa, ja nyt mikään ei vedä vertoja mun kurjuudelle. Kerran mun iloa kadehti mun kilpailijat, mun nykyinen kurjuus säälittää kaikkia ketkä näkee mut. Mun onnenpyörä on aina käynyt ääripäissä, se on kasannut mulle suurimmat lahjat ja sitten suurimmat kärsimykset; ovelana kiduttajana se on tehnyt koettujen ilojen muistosta loppumattoman kyynellähteen, kerran ne oli tosi hieno lahja, nyt pois otettuina sanomaton suru. Siinä sen ilkeys on onnistunut totaalisesti, ja mun nykyiset tuskat on suhteessa yhtä katkerat kuin kokemani hekkuma oli suloinen.
ellauri012.html on line 424: Alku on tietty aina vaikeaa, mutta lopussa luojan kiitos seisoo (siis ainakin jos on kassit). On hienoa rohkeasti aloittaa akti, ja kunnia kasvaa suhteessa siihen miten vaikeat on vastukset. Meidän pitäisi siis selvitä urheasti kaikista vastuksista jotka estää meitä kristillisten hyveitten käytössä. Luostarissa miehistä otetaan mittaa kuin kullista uuneissa. Kukaan ei kestä siellä kauaa ellei ne vedä kiltisti loordin iestä.
ellauri014.html on line 89: Pamela; or, Virtue Rewarded is an epistolary novel by English writer Samuel Richardson, a novel which was first published in 1740. It tells the story of a 16-year-old maidservant named Pamela Andrews, whose employer, Mr. B, a wealthy landowner, makes unwanted and inappropriate advances towards her after the death of his mother. Pamela strives to reconcile her strong religious training with her desire for the approval of her employer in a series of letters and, later, journal entries, addressed to her impoverished parents. After various unsuccessful attempts at seduction, a series of sexual assaults, and an extended period of kidnapping, the rakish Mr. B eventually reforms and makes Pamela a sincere proposal of marriage. In the novel's second part, Pamela marries Mr. B and tries to acclimatize to her new position in upper-class society. The full title, Pamela; or, Virtue Rewarded, makes plain Richardson's moral purpose. A best-seller of its time, Pamela was widely read but was also criticized for its perceived licentiousness and disregard for class barriers.
ellauri014.html on line 297: (Euro commenza de haleina te retiene. Eura lui take la kopf in seine handes mucho emouved)
ellauri014.html on line 619: Ton mä vedin ihan läpällä edes lukematta läpi Rusoon argumentteja, vaan äijän tuntien, ja täys kybä, tismalleen noin se argumentoi sivukaupalla muka pikku Julkun suulla (sulkakynällä):
ellauri014.html on line 651: Det arbete, i vilket han försvarat självmordet, utgav Funck, efter författarens uttryckliga vilja och med vederläggande anmärkningar, 1736, under titel Exercitatio philosophica de morte voluntaria philosophorum et bonorum virorum.
ellauri014.html on line 1141: Mut ei tästä niin vähällä selvitä, kirjeitä viuhuu vielä postuumisti kuin paperilennokeita. Claire saa hädin tuskin sanaa paperille (ihme ja kumma, ihan oikeesti, tuskin puolikasta aanelosta). Wolmar saa lopetella epistolan. Julle ehti ennen lähtöään pitää vielä pitkähköjä saarnoja. Muutkin äidit voi sukeltaa ja kuolla flunssaan, mut kukaan muu ei jaksais yhtä kauan lässyttää sen päälle kuin tää. Ize asiassa se ehättää sanelemaan jonkinlaisen yhteenvedon setä Fanélonin naisten lyttäysohjelmasta Clairen tytön Henriettan varalle. Vittuako se sille kuulu, tekee mieli sanoa.
ellauri014.html on line 1511: But an air of mystery surrounds Marino´s life, especially the various times he spent in prison; one of the arrests was due to procuring an abortion for a certain Antonella Testa, daughter of the mayor of Naples, but whether she was pregnant by Marino or one of his friends is unknown; the second conviction (for which he risked a capital sentence) was due to the poet´s forging episcopal bulls in order to save a friend who had been involved in a duel.
ellauri014.html on line 1595: In 1615 he left Turin and moved to Paris, where he remained until 1623, honoured by the court and admired by French literary circles. He returned to Italy in triumph and died in Naples in 1625.[5]
ellauri014.html on line 1819: Thy growth, to be resolved to earth again,
ellauri015.html on line 975: jalat oikosenaan kellumasta saavin vedessä.

ellauri015.html on line 1170: Sodan jälkeen Leskinen oli opettajana Närpiössä, Pyhäjärvellä ja Kiuruveden Luupuvedellä. Kiuruvedellä ollessaan hän kirjoitti myös ensimmäisen romaaninsa Ehtoona sitten raukee turhaan… sekä kaksi seuraavaa teosta. Leskinen oli mukana myös nuorisoseura- ja seuranäyttämötoiminnassa. Vuonna 1955 Leskinen perheineen muutti Kuopioon, jossa hän toimi opettajana Puijon ja Haapaniemen kouluissa. Leskisellä oli kuitenkin edelleen Tuulentupa-niminen kesäpaikka Luupuvedellä. Siellä oli sitten mukavaa, tietäisittepä. Kuopiossa Leskinen jatkoi kirjoittamistaan, mihinkäs se leopardi pääsee täplistään, ja hänen esikoisnäytelmänsä Läpikäymälä kantaesitys oli Kuopion yhteiskoulussa lokakuussa 1962. Muutamaa vuotta myöhemmin Leskinen voitti näytelmällä Kumikakkuja Kuopion näytelmäkilpailun.
ellauri015.html on line 1172: Leskinen jäi opettajan työstä eläkkeelle 1978 ja aikoi omistaa enemmän aikaa näytelmien kirjoittamiseen. Hän sairastui kuitenkin siitä vakavasti ja kuoli ehdittyään olla vain vuoden eläkkeellä. Ei päässyt enää Luupuvedelle.
ellauri016.html on line 419: døden.»> «Hva er det verste da?>> «Ydmykelse. A fratas ære og verdighet. Å avkles, å støtes ut av flokken. Det er den verste straffen, det er å begrave et menneske levende. Og den eneste trøsten er at vedkommende vil gå relativt raskt til grunne.»>
ellauri016.html on line 439:

  • Du skal ikke tro, at du ved mere end os.
    ellauri016.html on line 448:
  • Du tror måske ikke at jeg ved noget om dig?
    ellauri016.html on line 552: Snobbery surfaced more strongly as the structure of the society changed, and the bourgeoisie had the possibility to imitate aristocracy.[citation needed] Snobbery appears when elements of culture are perceived as belonging to an aristocracy or elite, and some people (the snobs) feel that the mere adoption of the fashion and tastes of the elite or aristocracy is sufficient to include someone in the elites, upper classes or aristocracy.[citation needed]
    ellauri016.html on line 568: Read on for a list of 14 of the biggest snobs in the business. These entertainers have long ago lost touch with the average John or Jane Doe and beyond that, have displayed rotten attitudes, selfishness, conceit, and a level of arrogance that almost has to be seen to be believed.
    ellauri016.html on line 578: Kylsä vedät hyvin Carcassus! Vaude kitti! (Sori, Carassus.)
    ellauri016.html on line 776: Nick Drake received little critical success during his lifetime, but has since been widely acclaimed. Based on professional rankings of his albums and songs, the aggregate website Acclaimed Music lists him as the 101st most acclaimed recording artist in history.
    ellauri016.html on line 931: Vastaanottokeskuxen johto huomauttaa: ensisijainen tehtävämme ei ole kotouttaa, kerta mahdollisimman moni näistä veijareista on määrä palauttaa. Kotoutus kuuluu kunnille plus niille onnekkaille jotka ei hujahda läpi meidän pöntöstä vaan jää useammankin vedon jälkeen tänne kellumaan. Meidän tehtävä on varastoida, ja teemme sen nyt noin 40 euron taksalla per pää ja päivä. Ei hullumpaa, kustannustehokasta.
    ellauri016.html on line 1182: seinäkelloa, vedellä avaimella tiukemmalle huonekaluruuveja.
    ellauri017.html on line 122: Johnin, Susannan ja Charlotten kanssa on sittemmin tehty useampikin rengasmatka. Vuonna '17 ajeltiin kahdella autolla Umeåsta Saksan halki ja itäkautta takaisin. Vuonna '18 me mentiin autojunalla Lappiin ja tavattiin Johnin perhe Haaparannassa, ajettiin Tromssaan, jossa asuttiin muutamia päiviä tuona hirmu kuumana kesänä. Torniossa oli kolmekymmentä astetta varjossa. Norjassa oli mukavan viileää. Käytiin uimassa jäätävässä jäämeressä, veden lämpö ehkä 9 ja ilman 13 astetta. Takamatkalla Seija ja minä yövyttiin Kilpisjärven biologisella asemalla, jossa Helmi ja Vitalikin on käyneet kursseja.
    ellauri017.html on line 210: Which perfectly agrees with received theology.

    ellauri017.html on line 462: In October 1922, Mansfield moved to Georges Gurdjieff's Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man in Fontainebleau, France, where she was put under the care of Olgivanna Lazovitch Hinzenburg (who later married Frank Lloyd Wright). As a guest rather than a pupil of Gurdjieff, Mansfield was not required to take part in the rigorous routine of the institute, but she spent much of her time there with her mentor, Alfred Richard Orage, and her last letters inform Murry of her attempts to apply some of Gurdjieff's teachings to her own life. Mansfield suffered a fatal pulmonary haemorrhage in January 1923, after running up a flight of stairs.
    ellauri018.html on line 281: Kun erakkoravut vaihtaa kuoria, ne haistaa kohtalotovereiden kuolemat: nyt on jossain haistettavasti huoneisto vapaana. Vai onko se maistamista kun haistaa vedessä? Haaskoo, teällä maestuu vaenajalta, tuumaa ilahtunut rapu, jota liian pieni vanha kämppä ahistaa. Vaenajoo ei ennee ahista.
    ellauri018.html on line 573: – Sukellettiin joukolla altaaseen, aine sinne, ja Mikko nukahti saman tien. Harja vedettiin ulos. Sitten seuraava haaste oli se, että kala piti saada puhtaaseen veteen. – Rakennettiin heräämö, raikasta vettä.
    ellauri018.html on line 647: Arvostelijan mielestä Saarikoski parani, kun se irtautui Marxin ja Darwinin välisestä köydenvedosta. Ei Saarikoski parantunut, se kuoli viinaan. Ei Darwinista niin vaan irrota, eikä Marxistakaan. Väärän todistuksen antoi nuoren voiman ratamies Vessa Sontama.
    ellauri018.html on line 885: Pakollisten tekojen ohella laki määrittelee suositeltavia tekoja, joita ovat esimerkiksi avioliitto, perheen perustaminen tai profeetan esikuvan seuraaminen päivittäisissä pikkuasioissa. Loukkaaviin tekoihin islamissa kuuluvat muun muassa liika uteliaisuus, epäkohteliaisuus tai veden tuhlaaminen silloin, kun se on käyttäjänsä omaisuutta.
    ellauri018.html on line 934: Islamilaiset vastaukset länsimaiseen arvosteluun ovat vaihdelleet. Yhtäältä on vedottu miesten ja naisten erilaisiin tehtäviin. Islam katsoo, että Jumala viisaudessaan on luonut kaikki elävät olennot pareittain. Sukupuolia on kaksi, mies ja nainen, ja kumpikin on luotu toimimaan omassa roolissaan. Luonnolliseen työnjakoon kuuluu, että mies vastaa suurimmasta osasta taloudellisia velvollisuuksia, kun taas nainen on varustettu kantamaan suurempaa vastuuta lasten synnyttämisestä ja kasvattamisesta. Tämä roolin mukainen erikoistuminen ei vähennä miesten ja naisten välistä täyttä tasa-arvoa yhtäältä ihmisinä ja toisaalta muslimeina.
    ellauri019.html on line 362: An säikäytti Sumerin pahan kerran, porukkaa pelotti. Enlil puhalsi pahan myrskyn, kaupunki hiljeni. Nintud pulttasi kiinni varmuusvarastot. Enkil patosi Tigriksen ja Eufrateen vedet. Utu peruutti tasa-arvo- ja oikeuspykälän. Inana ojensi voiton taistelussa kapinoizijoille. Ninjirsu kaatoi Sumerin kuin maidon koirille. Myllerrys valtaa maan, pahempi kuin miesmuistiin, ennennäkemätön, nimetön, jota ei voinut aavistaa. Maat on sekaisin pelosta. Kaupungin suojelija käänsi selkänsä, paimen häippäsi.
    ellauri019.html on line 406: Too much monkey business for me to be involved in
    ellauri019.html on line 411: Too much monkey business for me to be involved in
    ellauri019.html on line 416: Too much monkey business for me to be involved in
    ellauri019.html on line 421: Too much monkey business for me to be involved in
    ellauri019.html on line 426: Too much monkey business for me to be involved in
    ellauri019.html on line 431: Too much monkey business for me to be involved in
    ellauri019.html on line 454: Hui, kuvittele Vapaavuorta, viurusilmää, Stubbia, Soinia ja Sipilää pörräämässä Kouvolassa, pikku Sale kunkkuna. Too much monkey business for me to be involved in.
    ellauri019.html on line 476: Too much monkey business for me to be involved in, se oli Chuck Berryn johtopäätös maailmansodan jälkeisinä vuosina. Sekin oli ollut mukana Jokohamassa kumahuttamassa japsuja, mustana magagina tegemässä Amerigon nimiggomaasta entistä suurempaa. Tankannut irakilaista bensaa jenkkiraudan säiliöön dollarilla gallona. Kuuteen tuhanteen vuoteen ehtii monkeyt tehdä paljon bisnestä.
    ellauri019.html on line 558: Alkuperäinen pelastussanoma syntyi suuressa avioeroahdistuksessa ja monien vilpittömän nöyrien rukousten keskellä kesällä 2006 jonka julkaisin netissä. Tästä eivät sukulaiseni pitäneet, vaan he veivät kaiken tiedon minusta Keravan TK-lääkärille Eija Viitalalle. Viitala puolestaan teki ansan minulle sinne terveyskeskukseen, soittamalla ja pyytämällä minut vain käymään, koska vaimoni oli huolissaan. Menin paikalle ja sinne oli tehty ansa. Ambulanssikuskit odottivat pakkohoitoon lähetettävää henkilöä uskonnolliseen psykoosiin vedoten ja kiidättivät minut Peijaksen P3 osastolle jossa päivystävä lääkäri Harri Laresuvanto otti minut vastaan. Hän pesi kätensä, koska ei nähnyt mitään minkä takia olisi minut ottanut sisälle, mutta sanoi ettei voi estääkään ja ottaa vastuuta koska Viitala oli minut sinne lähettänyt. Voitte siis itse päätellä kuinka ja mitä oli tapahtunut vertauskuvallisessa mielessä. Sydämeni murskattiin täydellisesti.
    ellauri019.html on line 671: Tästä voi vetää jonkinlaisen yhteenvedon, että saatana haluaa käyttää samoja keinoja omiin tarkoituksiinsa, eikä ne keinot ole hänen keksimiään, vaan hän ottaa Jumalan neuvoista kyllä osan omaan käyttöönsä, samoin kuin Jumala käyttää saatanaa ihmisiin, ymmärtämään syntiä ja katumaan pahoja tekoja. Jumala jopa antaa ihmisen saatanalle riepoteltavaksi, jotta tämän sielu voisi pelastua. Näin sanoo Raamattu. Ja Jarmo. Pikku copycat.
    ellauri020.html on line 405: Näissä piireissä köyhyyttä on vakavasti otettavan rahan puute. Alexandra on köyhä ja onneton, ei parasta A-ryhmää enää kun Katja sieppas siltä Adamin. Onnetonten tyttöjen silmät täyttyy vedellä ja vuotaa ylize kuin Heppahullussa, kun lempiheppa lähtee vihreemmille laitumille. Täähän on vähän taas kuin La Republica, Aku olis Fernando de la Torre ja Katja Mercedes. No ei ihan nazaa, Katrinka on köyhä mamu, Mersulla on pankki. Samat raaka-aineet, eri resepti, yhtä mautonta.
    ellauri020.html on line 643: Nyt vasta Kaljuunalle walkenee yhtäkkiä, kun Janne vääntää sen sille rautalangasta: Aku bylsii Los Angeliisissä Nataliitä, sen vanhaa bestistä, Jannen leipäsutta, laihaa ranskalaista sisäänottajaa. Naitsä sitä? kysyy Kalinka kauhuissaan Akulta ize asiassa kuultuna. It´s not what you think, sanoo Aku turvautuen ikivanhaan diversioon. Haha, mitä sitten? Kompastuiko Aku vahingossa Nasun sisään? Kexi parempaa. Rakastazä sitä narsua? En. En tiedä. Kyllä, pääsee Akulta lopulta, helpottuneesti. Kuin kivi oisi vierähtänyt rinnalta. Kalinkan silmät täyttyy vedellä. Se on tässä kirjassa aika äärimmäinen hätämerkki. Katjusha ulvahtaa matalalla äänellä. Sillon varmaan samanlainen viinabasso kuin Jaakon kotkalla. Ulos! se huutaa Akulle. Mut... ULOS!!! Ja pysykin poissa mulkero! Aku läxi häntä koipien välissä kuin piesty koira.
    ellauri020.html on line 681: Katriina pukeutuu Victor Costan housuihin (Victor saa olla kalsarisillaan tänään), kermaperseen väriseen svetariin, ja menestysjakkuun tweedistä. Se tuntee izensä ihan koulutytöxi, aika monta kertaa luokalle jääneexi, joka saa paljon viikkorahaa. Viihteen vuoxi ne menee Vermoon raveihin. Katrinka voittaa vedonlyönnissä £100 ja Markku häviää £50. Mut lyön vetoa et se pääsee vetäsemään ennenkuin päivä on pulkassa. Huono on onni pelissä, hyvä lemmessä. Illalla ne menee uupperaan. Katjuskalla on läpinäkyvä rinnusta ja keuhkotkin on vielä komiat. Komia on Markkukin - hetkinen tshekkaan kenen - ai niin Armanin puvussa. Sillon aina kalliit kuteet, Katinka hokaa vasta nyt. Sabrina huomaa ne ovella, ja Katjusha riitelee vähän Markun kanssa siitä, pitäiskö sille antaa potkut.
    ellauri020.html on line 689: Mut nyt on Katrinkan poika löytynyt. Lyön vetoa etse on se sakemannidiplomaatin korot yhteeen kalauttava nätimpi poika. Joo just se, ja se kalauttaa korot yhteen samalla lailla nazimaisesti joka kerta. Ei sentään vedä kättä levynä etunojaan ja huuda Viva Espanja, kuin se peltijalka falangisti de Viana. Hugon peltijalka joutui tunkiolle sisällissodan melskeissä. Sinne joutikin, Hugo peltijalkoineen.
    ellauri020.html on line 721: However unlikely it seemed, Ivana was now considered a tabloid heroine, and her popularity seemed in inverse proportion to the fickle city’s new dislike of her husband. “Ivana is now a media goddess on par with Princess Di, Madonna, and Elizabeth Taylor,” Liz Smith reported. Months earlier, Ivana had undergone cosmetic reconstruction with a California doctor. She emerged unrecognizable to her friends and perhaps her children, as fresh and innocent of face as Heidi of Edelweiss Farms. Although she had negotiated four separate marital-property agreements over the last fourteen years, she was suing her husband for half his assets. Trump was trying to be philosophical. “When a man leaves a woman, especially when it was perceived that he has left for a piece of ass—a good one!—there are 50 percent of the population who will love the woman who was left,” he told me.
    ellauri021.html on line 223: Howard köllötteli rantavedessä.

    ellauri021.html on line 321: Majutvedellä on lumetonta jäätä.

    ellauri021.html on line 892: Schlafly argued that the article on the Renaissance does not give sufficient credit to Christianity, that Wikipedia articles apparently prefer to use non-American spellings even though most users are American, that the article on American activities in the Philippines has a distinctly anti-American bias, and that attempts to include pro-Christian or pro-American views are removed very quickly. Schlafly also claimed that Wikipedia´s allowance of both Common Era and Anno Domini notation was anti-Christian bias.
    ellauri022.html on line 232: Uh olen kyllästynyt kerjäläisiin, niistä on huijareita 50%. Laiskiaisia. Risusavottaan vaan, työnpakoilijat aktiivimallisesti tekemään sisään kikytunteja. Eipä ole mikään muuttunut, votkapullo Jeesuxelle vedon voittona.
    ellauri022.html on line 606: Todistaako se jotain että Siri aina tappaa nää pikku Maxit, Paul doppelgängerit. Ingan uus heila Henry on sen miesvainaan elämäkerturi. Inga kysyy Ekeltä minkälainen nainen makaa rakkaan miesvainajansa elämäkerturin kaa. Kai Sirin tapanen. Siri antaa taas ymmärtää et se on oikeestaan Paulin haamukirjottaja. Kexii sille juonet ainakin. Helppo uskoa. Paul on sen verran tollon olonen. Innostuu pesäpallosta. Leo Herzberg, ei siis Lars (joka ei saanu Helsingistä virkaa mun ansiosta ja styylas Mereten kaa), on kameo Sirin bestselleristä What I loved, jota en oo lukenut. Hypistelee Ingaa vaatteet päällä keppi kädessä.
    ellauri022.html on line 628: Joo, kiitoxista selviää, et Lloyd Hustvedt, toi Minnesotan hongankolistaja, se sieltä tosiaankin vinkkaa haudan takaa. Sirin haamukirjoittaja, kirjaimellisesti. Lloyd llook out, it´s the llandllord. Siiri onkin llaaman näköinen. Tai alpakan. Siinä on jotain samaa kuin Auli Hakulisessa. Samanlainen hujoppi, samanlainen isä, ja isäsuhdekin. Auli Hakulisen isä Lauri Hakulinen kexi sanan "muovi". Seisoi Kuusitiellä parvekkeella ja huusi pihan asukkaille "MUOVI! MUOVI!", saadaxeen ne luopumaan sanasta plasu. Ja niinhän ne tekikin, vaan eivät silti sunkaan luopuneet plastiikista. Sana muovi kuluu kansan suussa, aine kierrättyy sen käsissä, kunnes päätyy pikku hiukkasina luontoon eläinten surmaxi. Maasta olet sinä tullut, sinne päädytkin ja meriin, säilyt siellä iankaikkisesti iankaikkiseen.
    ellauri022.html on line 766: polvin suohon vedelähe.”

    ellauri022.html on line 772: polvin suossa vedelässä.

    ellauri022.html on line 822: joka seisoo rantavedessä järvenpinta vesirajassa.

    ellauri022.html on line 983: carved in rock on cliff face in the sacred script of Avestan
    ellauri023.html on line 352: Ei myyty. Ties vaikka joskus kunnostettaisiin ne ja ajeltaisiin taas Majutvedellä.

    ellauri023.html on line 697: I have to be seen to be believed.
    ellauri023.html on line 716: Virgil moved from Epicureanism to Stoicism.
    ellauri023.html on line 744: Carl Erik oli olevinaan stoalainen, sodan käyneenä. Irvisteli tuskissaan asevelvollisena ja myöhemminkin, kun ei tullut kusta eikä paskaakaan. Vaivan palkintona oli sit kesä kesä, sikari ja lettu elo. Ja paljon massia. Mucuksen pelto, jossa me porsaat nyt ryvetään. Tätä se koitti opettaa mullekin, heikolla menestyxellä. Too damn anal business for me to be involved in.
    ellauri024.html on line 597: Archie näkee hämärästi, että koomisuudella ja draamallisella ironialla on yhteys. No tietysti, etulyöntiasemassa oleva voi kampata tietämättömän, tai muuten vedättää, ja nauraa päälle, kun toinen on niin tumpelo. Musta näyttää, että Aarne on niin exyxisssä komiikan kanssa, koska se ei ota apuun käsitteitä normi tai tabu. Vessa-asiat naurattaa, koska ne on tabuja. Ensin pelästytään kun potta kaatuu ja sitten tulee helpotus, ei tää ollutkaan vakavaa nähtävästi, kun äiti ja isäkin vaan hymyilee. Hihii, kaadetaanpa uudestaan. Sillä kertaa tuhmuushymy voi jo hyytyä.
    ellauri024.html on line 610: En mä tykkää järin seurapeleistäkään, joissa piilotellaan kortteja, enkä dekkareista liioin, joissa arvuutellaan murhaajaa ja vedetään nenästä jotain nokkelikko ezivää ja lukijaa. Poliisisarjat on hanurista kaikin puolin, ton arvuuttelun lisäx vielä legitimoitua väkivaltaa ja hyvät pahat asetelmia.
    ellauri024.html on line 645: Huomaa että Darwinin kolmen kohdan lakitaulussa on FUCK ja KILL ja EAT muttei LAUGH. Se on johdettu määräys, paljon mitättömämpi, ei päämäärä vaan keino. Keino mihin? Lisääntymiskilpailuako varten vai? Soidinmenoja? Naistennauratusta, kilpalaulantaa? Tai yleisemmin keino loiventaa tiiminsisäistä kilpailua, tehdä siitä vähemmän tappavaa. Korvataan käsirysy sanasodalla, soidintappelu kilpalaulannalla. Mukaan lukien Freudin kallon sisäinen tiimi: yliminä, minä ja se. Niiku nokintajärjestys: säästyy tappeluita, kun paremmuus selvitetään nokkimalla. Kaikkea tätä. Jonkinlainen keitos vihasta (KILL!) ja rakkaudesta (FUCK!), kuten arvovaltakin. Muita hopeeselkiä pilkataan ja listitään, neitoapinoita nauratetaan ja naidaan. Tää nyt on tällänen tyypillinen setämiesnäkökulma, mutta kun ajattelee parhaita naishumoristeja, niin niidenkin sankarit on fiksuja ja eteviä, vedättää hopeaselkiä ja tyhmempiä naisia niinkuin tahtoo.
    ellauri024.html on line 959: Järjestelmä-ällitieteen tarkoitus on valkopestä yritysten aikeita, tehdä omanvoitonpyynnistä salonkikelpoista. Osittain uudistetulla uljaan uuden maailman newspeakilla, mutta vanhoilla pappisvallan keinoilla. Koulitaan insinöörinplantut kuuliaisuuteen esivallalle, ja opetetaan niitä puolestaan opettamaan muut ulkoistetut työläiset tiimihenkisixi yhden hengen yrittäjixi, positiivisixi polkupyöräläheteixi, optimistisixi uberkuskeixi, muixi oman onnen sepoixi, hyödyllisiixi idiooteixi, hyväuskoisixi hölmöixi, hyvixi häviäjixi. Korvataan kollektiivisuus konnektiivisuudella. Samaa vedätystä se silti on kuin aina ennenkin. Vanhaa vinettoa uudemmissa leileissä. Kyllä olis Marxille ja Engelsille taas töitä.
    ellauri024.html on line 1206: Flateyn saari ja Flateyjarbók on kai oikeita, ellei Wikipediakin ole mukana vedätyxessä. Vähän epäilyttää, historia on näät islannixi saaga. Tanskalaiset osti kirjan 1651 joltain saarelaiselta maatontilla ja palautti sen 1971. Ois pitänyt ukki Kallekustaa Xn pölliä se meille, kun kävi Köpixessä jääkeleillä 1658. Oishan se kulkenut vaikka satulalaukussa.
    ellauri026.html on line 122: Pylkkäset, vaikka olivat jumalan mielilapsia, pelkäsivät kovin ukkosta, tai ehkä juuri sixi. Taivaan isä on nyt hyvin, hyvin vihainen, eikä tiedä mixi. Kovalla ukkosella istui kaikki huoneen keskellä, lapset ruokapöydän alla kumisaappaat jalassa, kun Olkkari laski sekunteja välähdyxen jälkeen haudantakaisella äänellä: 1 - 2 - 3 - nyt se on päällä. Lapset oli silmät pyöreinä, Sirkka kirkaisi. Toisella kertaa antoi jumala armon käydä oikeudesta, kun ukonilma tuli Nikkaroisista. Järvi jakaa, sanoi Olavi luottavaisena. Ja niin jakoikin, kuin Mooses punaisen meren aikoinaan, ukonilma jatkoi Jämsän puolelle. Pahat ilmat tuli idästä, Nuoramoisista, ne jäi pyörimään Rauharannan päälle Majutveden kynnyxelle.
    ellauri026.html on line 372: On sellasia pytagoralaisia, joille kaikki on niin yhteistä et ne ottaa mitä vaan messiin mekon alla, ne ei tee siitä isompaa numeroa kuin jos ne olis perintökamoja. Toiset on vaan olevinaan rikkaita, ja tää kuvitelma riittää niille onnexi. Joillakuilla on hienot talot Helsingissä ja sen vuoxi pihistelee mökillä. Jotkut panee menee kaiken samantien, toiset kerää kokoon hyvällä tai pahalla. Yx ährää kerätäxeen julkkismainetta, toinen makaa nokisena uunin takana. A great many undertake endless suits and outvie one another who shall most enrich the dilatory judge or corrupt advocate. One is all for innovations and another for some great he-knows-not-what. Another leaves his wife and children at home and goes to Jerusalem, Rome, or in pilgrimage to St. James´s where he has no business. In short, if a man like Menippus of old could look down from the moon and behold those innumerable rufflings of mankind, he would think he saw a swarm of flies and gnats quarreling among themselves, fighting, laying traps for one another, snatching, playing, wantoning, growing up, falling, and dying. Nor is it to be believed what stir, what broils, this little creature raises, and yet in how short a time it comes to nothing itself; while sometimes war, other times pestilence, sweeps off many thousands of them together.
    ellauri026.html on line 516:

    ellauri028.html on line 112: It was sometimes a wonderful and fearsome thing to watch Mr. Clemens play billiards,” relates Elizabeth Wallace. “He loved the game, and he loved to win, but he occasionally made a very bad stroke, and then the varied, picturesque, and unorthodox vocabulary, acquired in his more youthful years, was the only thing that gave him comfort. Gently, slowly, with no profane inflexions of voice, but irresistibly as though they had the headwaters of the Mississippi for their source, came this stream of unholy adjectives and choice expletives."
    ellauri028.html on line 198: Apparently man is a selfish prick that can't think for himself and relies on "outside influences". He is a chameleon. He is nothing but a mere machine. Well, at least according to Twain. Man is a fraud and only lives for himself. He is really driving home this point that everyone is selfish and acts out of selfish needs (big surprise?), even if viewed (publicly and personally) as a self-sacrificing person. My question is; who cares? If the end result is the same, what does the actions matter. Let's say, saving a woman from a burning house. Twain says you do this out of making yourself feel good and avoiding the pain of not saving the woman, nothing else; the woman comes second to your own need of feeling good. But regardless of how it makes you feel, you still saved the woman in the end. The good is still done, even though you did it for yourself. Forget how the action was achieved. What does it matter if we refer to this as "self sacrificing" or "selfishness". Answer me this question, Twain! THE ACTION REMAINS THE SAME!!!.... I feel this must have been written during a time when everyone was going around smugly proclaiming to be self-sacrificing do-gooders and self-proclaimed religious nuts while really being shitty people; which had to be the most annoying thing ever. I guess it feels a bit outdated and I think people who naively go around claiming that they are "self-sacrificing do-gooders" are simply laughed at in our post modern times as smug assholes who need to get off their high horse (high horse? who owns a fucking horse nowadays, anyways?). I feel it is pretty accepted now that those who do good are doing them for their own selfish gains and the view of acceptance by others, at least I think this is the case. I don't know cause I don't know do-gooders, everyone I know (including myself) are dicks and more concerned with their celluar phones and creating social dating websites on the internet in vain attempts to pick up chicks only to drink alone and desperately spend several hours harassing women on social dating sites until one, out of pity, decides to respond to your 50 private messages, which then they foolishly decides to set up a date with you; only for you to be disappointed and stood up; which results in more drinking and paying a "dancer" to give you a hand job behind the goodwill on a Saturday night....
    ellauri028.html on line 686: Pappa: "Mitä! Ja vedät vielä munasta?"

    ellauri028.html on line 692: Käkikelloa vedetään edestä päin ja se sanoo "tik, tak, tik, tak"
    ellauri028.html on line 693: Ruotsalaista vedetään takaa päin ja se sanoo "tack, tack, tack, tack"
    ellauri028.html on line 844: Me ostettiin 2007 jenkeissä käydessä aito vaahtomuovinen söpö GW Bush-stressinukke muovisessa verkkokassissa, jota saattoi puristella lyttyyn ja mätkiä päähän nyrkillä. Bad bush, hyi helvetti. Älä muistele. Me tultiin kaikki kipeixi Matin ja Jillin vetoisessa veden vaivaamassa kellarissa, kukin vuorollaan. Mikään ei ollut juuri muuttunut 70-luvun ajoista. Muistan taas kerran ajatelleeni: mitäs läxit. No menihän se ohi sittemmin.
    ellauri028.html on line 923: Save / Saved/ Healed / Whole – 103
    ellauri029.html on line 154: Joku lähde on mainittava blogiesseenkin yhteydessä. Esim: Suo lähde kaunis kazelen, likeellä vettäsi... Luotettava lähde, Ruovedeltä, siis ihan kotipesästä. Kotimaista, hyvä.

    ellauri029.html on line 263: Liitto yritti saada tehtaan työntekijöitä puolelleen, jotta työolot tehtaassa paranisivat. Vastaiskuna tähän tehdas palkkasi konsultin puhumaan liittoon liittymistä vastaan työntekijöille. Konsultin tehtävänä oli ”pelotella” työntekijöitä mahdollisilla seurauksilla, mikäli he liittyvät liittoon. Työntekijöistä myös erotettiin kaikki liiton aktivistit vedoten tehottomuuteen ja korvattiin työntekijöillä, jotka eivät vaatineet parempia työoloja tai suurempaa palkkaa itselleen.
    ellauri029.html on line 366: Kahneman`s first wife was Ira Kahneman, an Israeli educational psychologist, with whom he had two children. His second wife was the cognitive psychologist Anne Treisman from 1978 until her death in 2018. As of 2014, they lived part-time in Berkeley, California. Kahneman has been described as a Jewish atheist.
    ellauri029.html on line 492: Normaaliustaipumus on anterojen taipumus olettaa et kaikki menee niinkuin ennenkin, vaikka katastrofi on silminnähtävä. Kimmo Koskenniemen mielestä elämme parhaassa mahdollisessa maailmassa. No ehkä se elääkin. Anterot kapuaa nousevasta vedestä kuiville ruohonkorrelle joka taipuu niiden painosta ja kaatuu jorpakkoon. Jos energiankäyttö kuumentaa ilmastoa ne ostaa ilmastointilaitteita. Jos talouskasvu heikkenee ne käskee synnyttää lisää lapsia. Vanhuxia on suojeltava kuolemalta luonnon kustannuxella. Lapsille ei mitään tarvi jättää. Maailma hukkuu paskaan 70% vaan lukee lehtiä. Mä en lue edes niitäkään.
    ellauri029.html on line 501: Varsinaisten ykkösluokan #metoo roistojen vanavedestä,

    ellauri029.html on line 654: Mistä siis on kysymys? Mix Darwin suosii näitä korkean riskin tilanteita, vaikka tasainen jukerrus takaisi itiöemälle pitemmän ja rauhallisemman elämän? No six kai että isolla riskillä voi saada isoja voittoja, joista jotkut laajentaa sairaasti tiimin reviiriä tai jopa vie lajin kehitystä eteenpäin. Ei väliä jos jokunen itioemä siinä uhrataan, piisaahan niitä. Darwinilla on useita onkia vedessä, erilaisia kokeiluja rinnan menossa.
    ellauri029.html on line 914: Is Paul’s language ironic here? Absolutely. Was it hurtful? Intentionally so. Yet, because his intent was to lead the stubborn Corinthians to the truth, it can still be considered loving. In fact, Paul followed this passage with, "I do not write these things to shame you, but to admonish you as my beloved children."
    ellauri029.html on line 918: The passage sounds sarcastic. It says one thing while meaning another in a way that makes the hearers look foolish. But Paul’s method was not meant as a personal insult. The goal was to grab the readers’ attention and correct a false way of thinking. In other words, Paul’s words are satirical, but not sarcastic. They are spoken in love to “beloved children.”
    ellauri030.html on line 264: Vanha joutuu luopumaan isoista bileistä, notkuvista pöydistä ja moniaista kupeista. Niin, mutta luopuupa samalla hassuttelusta, ruuansulatusvaivoista, ja krapulaunista. Niin niin! Sitä juuri tarkoitan! Joutuu luopumaan kaikista noista! Tää Sisero on todella tampio. Mixei se ryömi saman tien laatikkoon ja vedä kantta kiinni perässä. Siellähän on tosi seijasta, ei vaivaa enää mikään. No ei, vaitiskaan kyllä näille vanhuxille maistuu vielä digestiivikexi ja pieni kalja, ja mielellään ne kokoontuvat rotariklubeihin kuuntelemaan omia puheita. Mulle kyllä tulee ruuansulatusvaivoja ja krapula jo yhdestä kaljasta ja digestiivikexistä.
    ellauri030.html on line 300: Ostin ekan lohtunamixi professorin aloitusrahoilla. Se oli raudasta tehty Nokian ulosvedettävällä antennilla varustettu laatikko, jonkalaisen näin myöhemmin Oulun kännykkämuseossa. Sen päälle saattoi kuulemma ajaa autolla, ja yhä pelitti. Jorma Ollilan kapeaolkaisia pazaita ei ollut vielä kaikkialla maailmassa kaadettu.
    ellauri030.html on line 329: Stoalainen filosofia yleensäkin sisältää ikäänkuin teleskopoidun yhteenvedon siitä, mitä muinaisuudessa sitä ennen on ajateltu luonnosta ja jumaluudesta, ihmisestä ja hänen velvollisuuksistaan, ja kaivoi kuoppaa kristinopin leviämiselle kreikkalaisessa ja roomalaisessa maailmassa. Sisäistettyä herruutta jo ennen kärpästen herran sisäänheittoa.
    ellauri030.html on line 351: Kysymykseen, kuinka hyvässä maailmassa voi olla pahaa, Khrysippos vastasi: "Pahaa ei voi poistaa, eikä olisi hyvä, jos se poistettaisiin." Ensinnäkin hän väittää vedoten Platoniin, että vastakohdat edellyttävät toisiaan ja sen vuoksi hyvääkään ei voisi olla, ellei olisi pahaa, samoin kuin oikeutta ei voi olla ilman vääryyttä, rohkeutta ilman pelkuruutta, kohtuullisuutta ilman kohtuuttomuutta tai viisautta ilman tyhmyyttä. Toiseksi näennäinen paha on seurausta luonnon hyvydestä. Niinpä on käytännön syistä välttämätöntä, että ihmisen pääkallo muodostuu pienistä ja ohuista luista, mutta tämä ylivertainen hyödyllisyys merkitsee väistämättä, että kallo on alttiina iskuille. Ei niin hyvää ettei jotain pahaakin. Jokaisessa kullassa on pilvireunus.
    ellauri030.html on line 833: Arskakin puhuu leikkisignaaleista tyyppiä "läppä läppä", joilla signaleerataan että nyt on tulossa vizi. Niinkuin Jakkoh-Hintikan ovela ilme ja housujen nostelu. Hymy ja nauru tiätysti. Muillakin apinoilla on sellaisia, ne on ainaskin 6M vuotta vanhoja. Simpanssit ja gorillatkin irvistelevät: hymyillessä suupielet ja huulet vedetään syrjään, hampaita ei näytellä, silmätkin on kiltisti. Naurussa huulet on löysinä ja suu auki, hengitys on huohottavaa. Apinatkin nauraa kun niitä kutitetaan. Se siitä ihmisten erinomaisuudesta.
    ellauri030.html on line 906: Moreover, Freud (1960) followed Herbert Spencer's ideas of energy being conserved, bottled up, and then released like so much steam venting to avoid an explosion. Freud was talking about psychic or emotional energy, and this idea is now thought of as the relief theory of laughter.
    ellauri030.html on line 916: Tendentious humor involves a "victim", someone at whose expense we laugh. Non-tendentious humor does not require a victim. This innocuous humor typically depends on wordplay, and Freud believed it has only modest power to evoke amusement. Tendentious humor, then, is the only kind that can evoke big laughs. It's the only kind to be found in religious works.
    ellauri030.html on line 918: However, Freud believed a mixture of both tendentious and non-tendentious humor is required to keep the tendentious humor from becoming too offensive or demeaning to its victim. The innocent jokework of the innocuous humor would mask the otherwise hostile joke and therefore "bribe" our senses, allowing us to laugh at what would otherwise be socially unacceptable. Therefore, we often think we are laughing at innocuous jokes, but what really makes them funny is their socially unacceptable nature hidden below the surface.
    ellauri031.html on line 75: Ys kattungar flyttar till urmakar Kruses vedbod. Y intränger i vedbodet.
    ellauri031.html on line 292: Väkivalta on paha paizi hyvä fasistinen väkivalta, meidän väki on vallankahvassa. Niinhän ne aina sanovat. Italialaisista oli 3% fasisteja. 3 vastaan 97, sehän käy, se on enemmän kuin reilua. Sehän on ihan muskettisotureiden vedonlyöntisuhde. Ne 3 ihailtavaa lyö fasistista leimaa lopun 97:n leukaluihin, pääkallomerkkiä kuin nastamuumio.
    ellauri031.html on line 687: Mairen ja lasten selkänahastahan tää lysti loppuanalyysissä nyljetään, Maire ja esikoinen raataa Boråsissa ja pitää muun perheen leivänsyrjässä, lähettävät Kaarlolle mitä yli jää, ei kyllä jää. Jutkut vedättää sillä aikaa Kaarloa minkä ehtivät, teettää töitä palkatta ja majoittavat harsussa kojussa takapihalla. Senkin goy, lättänenäinen kinkunsyöjä. Tyypillistä käännösbisnestä. Toinen toiseltaan käännetään minkä ehditään.
    ellauri031.html on line 789: Hans far var gresk, hans mor av egyptisk opprinnelse. Han ble som liten adoptert av den norske miljonærfamilien Gunnerius Tollefsen, og han kom til Norge i 1930, som et av de første adoptivbarn, fra et land utenfor Norden. Minos hadde sin frelsesopplevelse allerede som fireåring og begynte å preke i Dals-Ed i Sverige ved femårsalderen. Da han var sju år hadde han lest hele Bibelen.
    ellauri031.html on line 791: Minos studerte arkeologi og teologi i Oxford (Regents Park College) fra 1958. Han fikk teologisk doktorgrad ved Clarksville School of Theology i Tennessee i USA.
    ellauri032.html on line 118: Pascal oli kolmilapsisen perheen keskimmäinen lapsi. Hänellä oli vanhempi sisko Gilberte ja nuorempi sisko Jacqueline, jotka olivat veljensä tapaan lapsineroja. Hänen isänsä Etienne Pascal oli lähteestä riippuen joko tuomari tai verovirkailija. Perheen äiti Antoine Bégone kuoli omasta puolestaan Pascalin ollessa kolmevuotias. Leskeksi jäänyt Etienne Pascal muutti perheineen Pariisiin ainoan poikansa ollessa seitsemänvuotias, ja suunnilleen näihin aikoihin hän alkoi antaa kotiopetusta pojalleen. Clairmont on Auvergnessa, Ranskan vedenjakajalla, ihan keski-Suomea.
    ellauri032.html on line 122: Isä oli kieltänyt pojaltaan matematiikan kokonaan sen aivojen rasittavuuden takia, mutta tämä "kielletyn hedelmän maku" sai nuoren Pascalin kiinnostumaan matematiikasta yhä enemmän ja enemmän. Eräänä päivänä ollessaan 12-vuotias nuori Pascal sai isältään tarkan kuvauksen geometrian luonteesta, ja tämän jälkeen nuorukainen löysi kyseisestä aihealueesta itselleen loputtomien intohimojen kohteen. Antaa muiden nuorukaisten vedellä lapaseen, Pascal piirtää mieluummin apupiirroxia.
    ellauri032.html on line 221: Thomas Stearns Eliot OM (26 September 1888 - 4 January 1965) was a poet, essayist, publisher, playwright, and literary and social critic. Born in St. Louis, Missouri, to a prominent Boston Brahmin family, he moved to England in 1914 at the age of 25 and went on to settle, work and marry there. He became a British subject in 1927 at the age of 39, subsequently renouncing his American citizenship.
    ellauri032.html on line 252: Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît point, how often one has heard that quoted, and quoted often to the wrong purpose! For this is by no means an exaltation of the ‘heart’ over the ‘head’, a defence of unreason. The heart, in Pascal’s terminology, is itself truly rational if it is truly the heart. For him, in theological matters which seemed to him much larger, more difficult, and more important than scientific matters, the whole personality is involved.
    ellauri033.html on line 722: Kertoi jostain nolosta Muhammedin takaisinvedosta koraania kirjottaessa.

    ellauri033.html on line 723: Se liikkuu epäilyttävässä seurassa, mm. Paul Auster ja Siri Hustvedt

    ellauri033.html on line 1075: Eleonora d´Este is best known as the beloved of Italian poet Torquato Tasso (1544-1595). In 1565, Tasso was 21 when he first met the beautiful 28-year-old Eleonora at the court of Alfonso, and he was quickly infatuated. An indiscreet remark made by one of the courtiers regarding the poet´s veneration of the princess caused Tasso to challenge the offender. The courtier, along with his three brothers, attacked Tasso, but others put an end to the duel. Alphonso, incensed by this outburst, sent Tasso away from the court, where he remained subject to the duke´s call.
    ellauri033.html on line 1076: According to legend, Tasso wrote verses to his beloved Eleonora that touched her heart. A few years later, at the wedding of one of the Gonzaga family, celebrated at the court of Este, Tasso kissed the princess Eleonora on the cheek. Furious, Alphonso turned coolly to his courtiers and remarked, "What a great pity that the finest genius of the age has become suddenly mad!" The duke had Tasso shut up in the hospital of St. Anna in Ferrara. (In actuality, Tasso had been beset by delusional fears of persecution starting in 1575 and began a series of mad wanderings around 1577.)
    ellauri034.html on line 112: Sellasta MIT n moraalipeliä on elämä. Kenen yli ajetaan, kolme mustaa lasta vaiko liikemies. Kun Hister hyökkäs Norjaan, liittoutuneet tuli avuxi. Sit aukes Ranskan rintama ja kaikki lähti sinne kiireesti, sano norjalaisille pärjäilkää. Kun Berliini lyyhähti, ryssät jätti suomalaiset Talin kranaattikuoppiin kuin kuuman perunan, mustelmaiset maanpuolustajat kömpii kiven alta ja ihmettelee, et täsäkö tää nyt oli. Sit herää ja hurraa: me voitettiin! Nyt tapa se, Elmeri! Saved by the gong. Kumistin pelasti.
    ellauri035.html on line 124: Again I would give her to these starved twins of arms
    ellauri035.html on line 132: Curved falls of her hair down on her white cheeks;
    ellauri035.html on line 155: Who curved her poppy lips to love dances,
    ellauri035.html on line 309: I might have lived singing to three score.
    ellauri035.html on line 365: I mind that I loved cypress and roses, dear,
    ellauri035.html on line 467: Whose swaying body is laved in the cool
    ellauri035.html on line 719: tekee mitään tekemättömixi meren vuorovedet.
    ellauri035.html on line 812: kuoleva aurinko kylmän kiiruhtavan veden yllä
    ellauri035.html on line 896: viileät vedet, tämä rakas kirkkaanvärinen lintu,
    ellauri035.html on line 1173: Luonteeltaan se oli koleerinen, biliöösi ja melankoolinen. Sapekas kaikilla mausteilla, plus sangviininen. Sen esimiehet pani proffan vedelle ja leivälle. Just ennen kuolemaa se sai viimeisen varoituxen, josset ole kunnolla sut pannaan koppiin ilman kynää ja paperia. Ja siihen kuoli hän. Vai kuoli hän siihen? Juu, siihen kuoli hän. Sille se oli pahempaa kuin tamperelaiselle pyöreä huone ilman kulman takana odottavaa mustaa makkaraa. (Kuka hemmetti muuten on Petri Liukkonen?)
    ellauri036.html on line 44: Sand oli kova kirjoittamaan, yli 70 romaania ja 50 muuta prujausta. Sand tunnettiin aikanaan romaaniensa ohella myös hänen lukuisista rakkaussuhteistaan kuuluisiin miehiin. Sandilla oli suhde Alfred de Musset´n (1833–1835), Frédéric Chopinin (1836–1847) ja siinä välissä ehkä myös Franz Lisztin kanssa. Keuhkosairaan Chopinin Sand jätti pari vuotta ennen tämän kuolemaa lapsistaan johtuneen kiistan vuoksi. Chopin pelkäsi tulevansa elävältä haudatuxi ja vaati ruumiinavausta. Sillä oli kokonainen nippu keuhkosairauxia, puuttui enää korona. Arkussa ei saa vedetyxi henkeä, voi tukehtua kuoliaaxi. Hautajaisissa piti soittaa Mozartin Requiem, mutta ne viivästyivät, koska kirkko ei sallinut naisten rallattavan seurakunnassa. No suostui ne sitten julkisuuden pakosta, mutta pitkin hampain.
    ellauri036.html on line 68: Jonakin päivänä, keskellä toimetonta, seisahtunutta elämäänne, voi tulla tuulenpuuska. Kaikki ne kauniit puut, joita olette kastelleet unhoituksen vedellä, voivat alkaa vapista. Miten käykään silloin teidän, te herrat tunteettomat: te lankeatte tasapainosta ja kyyneleet tulevat silmiinne. En sano, että rakastajattarenne pettävät, sillä se ei tuottaisi teille suurempaa surua kuin hevosen kuolema. Mutta sanon, että voitte menettää pörssissä, voitte joutua pelissä nylkyrin kynsiin, ja jos ette pelaa, niin ajatelkaa, että kolikkonne, teidän rahan antama rauhallisuutenne, teidän kultaonnenne on pankkiirin käsissä, joka voi tehdä vararikon, tai papereissa, jotka voivat menettää arvonsa. Niin jäisiä kuin olettekin, on teidän sydämenne johonkin kiintynyt.
    ellauri036.html on line 165: ... Herschell väittää, että maapallo kuolee kylmyyteen. Kuka on siis se joka pitää tätä tiivistynyttä höyrypisaraa kädessään ja katselee sen kuivumista niinkuin kalastaja tekee merivedelle saadakseen jyväsen suolaa? Vetovoima, joka pitää koossa maailmankaikkeutta, täyttää sen samalla kertaa, loputtomalla hyödyttömällä kaipuulla: jokainen planeetta laahaa mukanaan kurjuutensa, pyöriessään kitisten akselinsa ympäri, ne huutavat toisilleen kukin omalta ääreltään, ja odottavat, lepoa ikävöiden, mikä niistä saa ensimäisenä pysähtyä.
    ellauri036.html on line 1116: kuin unelias paimen kazoo veden valumista.
    ellauri036.html on line 1666: ja että taivaan vedet ei loukkaa sitä
    ellauri036.html on line 1950: The incident was ridiculed both within the United States and abroad, with a number of commentators opining that it was a planned publicity stunt. Some American commentators viewed it as a sign of decreasing morality in American culture, while others considered the incident harmless and argued that it received undue attention and backlash. The increased regulation of broadcasting raised concerns regarding censorship and free speech in the United States.
    ellauri036.html on line 1982: Vielä yx järkky ero eurooppalaisen ja jenkkikäsityxen välillä ihmisoikeuxista. Meillä ajatellaan et ihmisillä on joku oikeus yxityisyyteen. Jenkeissä ei tää ole yhtään selvää, koska siellä mainostajilla on vähintään yhtä iso kala vedessä ja lehmä ojassa. Semmosia lakeja ei voi tehdä jotka rajottaa yrittämisen vapautta, ja six gog ja magog plus silverfish saa vapaasti koittaa tiirikoida jokaikisen puhelinta ja tirkistellä verhoista. Jos työläiset ei haluu että niitä valvotaan, niin ainahan ne voi äänestää jaloillaan ja lähtee kilometritehtaalle. Tää on vapaa maa.
    ellauri036.html on line 2044: Blondattu virolaismafiosa Jylhä syyttää välistävedosta yhtä hämärää liikekumppania nimeltä Sarmaste. Hänen mukaansa Sarmaste vei miljoonien arvoisen kaupan itselleen ilmoittamalla Huoltovarmuuskeskukselle väärän belgialaisen tilinumeron ennakkomaksua varten. Jylhällä ei ollu antaa muuta kuin väärennetty sertti.
    ellauri036.html on line 2054: Siitä myös seuraa että jokaisessa sellaisessa komennossa on nilkkejä, välistä vetäjiä ja omaan pussiin kerääjiä. Sama mitkä ne ns. yhteiset pelisäännöt on, ne muuttuu vaan vedätyxen kehyxixi. Siinä suhteessa ei kommunistinen meininki ollut yhtään länkkäreitä huonompi. Se oli paljon tehottomampi kuin kapitalistinen riistomeininki, mutta sehän olis maailman nykyisessä konkurssissa vaan hyvä asia.
    ellauri036.html on line 2058: Onhan jenkeissäkin vähäosaisia ja toisten vedättäjiä ihan hirmusti. Erona on vain se että USAn vähäosaiset uskovat olevansa vapaita, ne suostuu imutettavaxi ihan halusta, koska ne uskoo niille uskotellun vapaan maan evankeliumin. Ne luulee, että lisää seppoilemalla ne voi vuorostaan kivuta tunkion kukoxi, kingixi kasan huipulle. Jos niillä menee huonosti niin se on vaan oma vika, pikku sika, ne ihan oikeasti luulevat. Ne on ize vaan säällittäviä häviäjiä, löysiä kukkoja ja kanoja.
    ellauri037.html on line 525: Setämiesystäväni Chamfort sanoo aivan oikein: naiset on tehty käymään kauppaa meidän heikkouxilla, meidän hulluudella, muttei meidän järjellä. (No ei tietysti, miesjärkeä ei ole juuri kaupan, tai se on huonolaatusta, ei löydy ostajia, markkina ei vedä.) Naisten ja miesten väillä on ihokosketus, ei mitään henkistä sielullista eikä luonteen sympatiaa. (Vittu ei ainakaan tän koalan kaa, se on niin totaalisen epäsympaattinen.) Silleen ajatteli antiikkiset ja orientaaliset setämiehet naisista, ja antoivat niille asiaankuuluvan paikan paremmin kuin me (mun kaltaiseni nykypiipunrassit siis), jotka ollaan vanharanskalaisen galantteja ja palvotaan mauttomasti naisia, se on tän kristillis-germaanisen tyhmyyden korkein kukkanen, joka on ainoastaan saanut aikaan sen, että ne on niin arrogantteja ja häikäilemättömiä, että tulee mieleen Benaresin pyhät apinat, jotka tuntien pyhyytensä ja loukkaamattomuutensa pitävät kaikkea izellensä sallittuna. (Olikohan joku daami kiilannut Artun eteen lihakaupan jonossa sen pyytäessä luuta Atmalle, kun se kiihty kirjottamaan tätä turausta?)
    ellauri037.html on line 579: Tässä vaiheessa Sope tutustui myös Herderin oppilaaseen Majeriin, joka opetti sille Upanishadia. Sopen mielestä Buddha oli lähes yhtä kova jäbä kuin Plato ja Kant. Se luki vielä Bhagavad Gitan ja jotain värikuvapainoxia hinduismista, plus takusti Kama Sutran, vaikkei sitä mainita. Semmielestä buddhismi oli ihan ykkösuskonto, koska se selittää myös peräkkäisten mutta silti niin samanlaisten villakoirien ytimen, se on sielunvaellus. Myöhemmin Sope väitti et se oli kexinyt intialaisen filosofian ize, yhdennäköisyys vedoihin on pelkkää sattumaa.
    ellauri038.html on line 24: Friedrich Nietzsche mursuwiixineen ei ole koskaan muhun oikeen vedonnut.
    ellauri038.html on line 89: Tähän yhteyteen sitten kaivetaan tavallisesti vielä vanhoja valokuvia Pyllixestä razastamassa Aristoteleella. Aikalailla selittelyn makua. "Au! Ense mä ollut, sen sano toi vanha ämmä mun alter egolle Zarathustralle!" Rieti piilottelee piiskaa selän takana kun pikkusisko termentää. "Läppä läppä! Se oli vaan metafoorista! Älä lyö Liisa! Au! älä vedä wiixestä! Pippaa!" Rouva Piiska oli äkee emännöizijä Kätkijöissä. Pelotteli fretillä.
    ellauri038.html on line 108: Eli ei olis kannattanut olla noin subjektiivinen. Se on psykopaattien ja narsistien tavallinen vika, ne luule olevansa jotain maailman napoja. Höperöä. Ei maailmalla ole kuin 2 napaa, jotka on nekin kohta sulaneet ja veden alla.
    ellauri038.html on line 200: Marianne Schnitger was born on 2 August 1870 in Oerlinghausen to medical doctor Eduard Schnitger and his wife, Anna Weber, daughter of a prominent Oerlinghausen businessman Karl Weber. After the death of her mother in 1873, she moved to Lemgo and was raised for the next fourteen years by her grandmother and aunt. During this time, both her father and his two brothers went mad and were institutionalized. When Marianne turned 16, Karl Weber sent her off to fashionable finishing schools in Lemgo and Hanover, from which she graduated when she was 19. After the death of her grandmother in 1889, she lived several years with her mother´s sister, Alwine, in Oerlinghausen.
    ellauri038.html on line 216: Following Max's unexpected death, Marianne withdrew from public and social life, funneling her physical and psychological resources into preparing ten volumes of her husband's writing for publication. In 1924, she received an honorary doctoral degree from the University of Heidelberg, both for her work in editing and publishing Max's work as well as for her own scholarship. Between 1923 and 1926, Weber worked on Max Weber: Ein Lebensbild ("Max Weber: A Biography"), which was published in 1926.[15] Also in 1926, she re-established her weekly salon, and entered into a phase of public speaking in which she spoke to audiences of up to 5,000. During this phase, she continued to raise Lili's children with the help of a close-knit circle of friends
    ellauri038.html on line 218: Weber's career as a feminist public speaker ended abruptly in 1935 when Hitler dissolved the League of German Women's Associations. During the time of the Nazi regime up until the Allied Occupation of Germany in 1945, she held a weekly salon.[17] While criticisms of Nazi atrocities were sometimes subtly implied, she told interviewer Howard Becker in 1945 that "we restricted ourselves to philosophical, religious and aesthetic topics, making our criticism of the Nazi system between the lines, as it were. None of us were the stuff of which martyrs were made." Ymmärrettävää.
    ellauri038.html on line 342: Jutkut saatiin Israeliin. Kukas siinä voitti vedon?

    ellauri038.html on line 482: vaihtoehtoisia totuuxia, oikislaista vedätystä, mainoshypeä.

    ellauri038.html on line 485: kun blondi ei lähde mukaan vedätyxeen toivotulla tavalla.

    ellauri039.html on line 73: tienasi hyvin tilausrunoilla. Alasaxaxi vedetyistä säilyivät vaan tää
    ellauri039.html on line 298: Effi Briest oli 17-vuotias neizykäinen (hizi näitäkin mulla on jo paljon, alkaen jo Zorrosta). Se suostuu äidin yllytyxestä yli 2x vanhempaan paroniin. Paroni ei piittaa siitä paskan vertaa. Effillä on syrjähyppy jonkun offizieerin kanssa. Parooni löytää kavaltavia kirjeitä, eikä anna Effille enää ilmaisexikaan. Tappaa offizieerin 2-taistelussa ja ottaa summanmutikassa eron Effistä. Vanhemmatkin nakkaa Effin pihalle. Vasta 3 vuoden kuluttua kun Effi on jo loppumetreillä ne suostuu ottamaan sen takaisin. Aika vittumaista porukkaa, ihan laidasta laitaan. Keisarinna Wilhelmiinan aikaan tämmöinen peli ei vedellyt, ei kertakaikkiaan.
    ellauri039.html on line 373: Mount Holyoke administrator and art professor Rie Hatsipompponen (pretty Japanese lady, 48) got Mt Holyoke into international headlines (yess!) by trying to bump off a colleague in a case of unrequited love in December 2019. Hatsipompponen allegedly used a fire poker, large rock, and a gardening shears to attempt to kill her victim, allegedly a regular member of the faculty. Hatsipompponen's alleged victim, another polished lady in her 60s, allegedly survived the attack.
    ellauri039.html on line 505: Yes, I came from America and I've lived in Tampere for 4 years, soon 5. I will say this, Finland is far beyond America in a lot of ways.
    ellauri039.html on line 509: Americas healthcare system is still in its evolutionary stage, where as Finland provides affordable healthcare. My left ear was damaged by a doctor who refused to fix it, because we were poor, we couldn't take legal action or afford to fix my ear. I was nearly deaf in my right ear for all of my teens and twenties. When I moved to Finland, it was simple to fix and only costed me 40€ (approximately 41/42$). Compared to the estimated 12k they were going to charge me back home it was a god send.
    ellauri039.html on line 513: Public Transportation is common and amazing. We didn't have buses where I lived, and sidewalks? Hah! funny. Street crossing signs and areas? nope. The buses are not the cleanest, but they are clean even when they have been carting people all day, they remain pretty clean.
    ellauri039.html on line 691: Mutta ihan mielelläni olen väärässä, ja maxan vedon.
    ellauri039.html on line 770:

    Howards End is a novel by E. M. Forster, first published in 1910, about social conventions, codes of conduct and relationships in turn-of-the-century England. Howards End is considered by many to be Forster´s masterpiece. The book was conceived in June 1908 and worked on throughout the following year; it was completed in July 1910. In 1998, the Modern Library ranked Howards End 38th on its list of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century.
    ellauri039.html on line 776: The Forsyte Saga, first published under that title in 1922, is a series of three novels and two interludes published between 1906 and 1921 by Nobel Prize–winning English author John Galsworthy. They chronicle the vicissitudes of the leading members of a large, upper-middle-class English family, similar to Galsworthy´s family. Only a few generations removed from their farmer ancestors, the family members are keenly aware of their status as "new money". The main character, Soames Forsyte, sees himself as a "man of property" by virtue of his ability to accumulate material possessions – but this does not succeed in bringing him pleasure.
    ellauri040.html on line 107: Silti musta tuntuu että apinoilla on enemmän yhteistä kuin eroja. Ei tässä viime kädessä ole kyse mistään murre-eroista. Sehän ois sitä samaa lingvististä käännettä kuin inhottavat analyytikot. Mikä ei tietystikään tarkoita että kaikilla aapoilla ois yhteisiä etuja. Se mikä niille on yhteistä on nimenomaan se, että kukin valvoo tikkana vaan omia etujaan, tai enintään jonkun pienen tiimin etuja, joihin samastutaan niin pahasti ettei edes huomata eroa. Vallassaolijoiden vedätys on vain se oletus, että jos kaikki kaivelisi syntyjä syviä justiinsa samalla lailla kuin ne, niin kaikki päätyis samoihin johtopäätöxiin. Se ei ole vähääkään todennäköistä.
    ellauri041.html on line 1877: Det er det gale ved penge,
    ellauri041.html on line 1883: Man ikke ved,
    ellauri041.html on line 1907: Den som ved små ting hæfter sig
    ellauri042.html on line 69: lived the great tyrannosaur, hirmuisin hirmuliskoista, tuo eto
    ellauri042.html on line 104: arrived in town to give purkittamaan tapahtumat uutisiin,
    ellauri042.html on line 110: where he had lived before. sinne mistä se oli alunperin tullutkin.
    ellauri042.html on line 173: > Hurskastelun viimeisin aste on se, että vanhuxia kuitenkin kuolee hoitokodeissa kuin kärpäsiä. Kanadassa ne vain "jätettiin kuolemaan". Tehokas ratkaisu, jota Suomessa, ei Kiuruvedelläkään ole kekattu. Koko höpinä siitä, että on "tragedia", kun vanhukset kuolevat, on ihan pötyä.

    ellauri042.html on line 216: The authors of the PNAS article estimate that the mass of wild land mammals is seven times lower than it was before humans arrived (keep in mind it’s difficult to estimate the exact history of the number of animals on Earth). Similarly, marine mammals, including whales, are a fifth of the weight they used to be because we’ve hunted so many to near extinction.
    ellauri042.html on line 220: The census in the PNAS paper isn’t perfect. Though remote sensing, satellites, and huge efforts to study the distribution of life in the ocean make it easier than ever to come up with estimates, the authors admit there’s still a lot of uncertainty. But we do need a baseline understanding of the distribution of life on Earth. Millions of acres of forests are still lost every year. Animals are going extinct 1,000 to 10,000 faster than you’d expect if no humans lived on Earth. Sixty percent of primate species, our closest relatives on the tree of life, are threatened with extinction.
    ellauri042.html on line 272: niiden henxelit on vedetty, lusikat livottuina nurkassa)

    ellauri042.html on line 465: I korte, enkeltstående scener følger romanen familien fra den ruller flyttevognen – med den lille Jens sovende i en kommodeskuffe på ladet – ind ved villaen i Risskov, til faren til sidst dør af kræft, og de fire voksne sønner samles til en fælles afsked. Det er med stor sans for det mundrette sprog og for det humoristiske og komiske, at Blendstrup skildrer faren, også i de mest usympatiske situationer, når han tager livet af en kat med en brevkniv, når han lader sin hund rasere en nabos hønsehus, når hans næver sidder løst, og familien gemmer sig bag låste døre og under gamle sofaer, når han planter sine drømme om jordomrejse til havs i sine sønners hoveder, men ender med at drikke pengene op.
    ellauri042.html on line 473: ”Åh, menneske, brøler Gud og er ved at kvæles i sin snaps. Åh Gud, mennesker, nynner han og langsomt fortager gråden sig og bliver til en fin hvid smerte som Gud kan bære på i timevis uden at blive det mindste forpustet eller træt.”
    ellauri042.html on line 475: Blendstrups sprogsnilde og nænsomme registreringer gør Gud taler ud til en latterforløsende beretning om et svigefuldt, grænseoverskridende overmenneske, som dog også leverer et stort engagement og nærvær i livet og sin familie. Og kan bogen ikke læses som et opgør eller en forsoning, kan den i stedet forstås som et forsøg på at videreføre arven efter faren eller måske endda at levendegøre ham post mortem ved at lade ham låne sønnens stemme. I en af romanens afsluttende scener, hvor faderen som en følge af sygdommen har mistet stemmen, assisterer sønnen Jens ham ved at lade ham låne sin egen. Faren har skrevet en tale til en familiefest, og Jens stiller sig bag ham med et lagen over hovedet og læser talen højt, imiterende farens stemme, og imens sidder faren på sin stol og mimer med. Romanen ligner en videreførelse af dette eksperiment, hvor Jens iklæder sig nogle sproglige gevandter, der tillader ham at agere sin fars stemme. Og arven efter faren kommer stærkt til udtryk i Jens’ finurlige fikumdikken rundt med sproget.
    ellauri042.html on line 477: Romanen blev et gennembrud for Blendstrup, der før Gud taler ud skrev i kortere genrer. Han debuterede med novellesamlingen Mennesker i en mistbænk i 1994. Blendstrups tone er bramfri, men blandet med en fin følsomhed over for det nære. Humoren, det groteske og det surrealistiske går igen i Blendstrups forfatterskab. Jens Blendstrup har siden Gud taler ud skrevet både noveller, romaner, dramatik og tekster til Frodegruppen 40, som han også er forsanger i. Han tager den selvbiografiske fortælling op igen med romanen Bombaygryde fra 2010. Sammen med litteraturkritikeren Lars Bukdahl optræder Blendstrup med den unikke genre ’litterær hypnose’, som er en blanding af dilettantkomedie, oplæsning og dans. Blendstrup er blevet kaldt litteraturens pølsemand, og som en del af forfatterskabets eksistentielle komik står han ikke tilbage for at læse sine tekster højt med en tehætte på hovedet. Men med Gud taler ud står Jens Blendstrup også tydeligt frem som villavejsvidne, hvor det almindelige skildres i dets mange facetter, og det, der på overfladen ligner et almindeligt, rutinepræget liv i et almindeligt, rutinepræget forstadskvarter, viser sig at rumme både små og store særheder.
    ellauri042.html on line 481: Gud taler ud er filmatiseringen er Jens Blendstrups selvbiografiske bestseller af samme navn fra 2004 og er en skæv, sjov og rørende film af den prisbelønnede instruktør Henrik Ruben Genz med Søren Malling i sit livs rolle som Uffe/Gud.I 80´erne vokser Jens og hans brødre op i et parcelhus i Risskov. Her regerer familiens overhoved, Uffe - Psykolog og selvbestaltet Gud i slåbrok ...
    ellauri042.html on line 607:
    Monet ja Manet oli partapozoja. Monet kuoli keuhkosyöpään röökinvedosta, Manet hermokuppaan viixeenvedosta. Entäs Minet?

    ellauri042.html on line 652: Pope's choice of new 'hero' for the revised Dunciad, Colley Cibber, the pioneer of sentimental drama and celebrated comic actor, was the outcome of a long public squabble that originated in 1717, when Cibber introduced jokes onstage at the expense of a poorly received farce, Three Hours After Marriage, written by Pope with John Arbuthnot and John Gay. Pope was in the audience and naturally infuriated, as was Gay, who got into a physical fight with Cibber on a subsequent visit to the theatre. Pope published a pamphlet satirising Cibber, and continued his literary assault until his death, the situation escalating following Cibber's politically motivated appointment to the post of poet laureate in 1730.
    ellauri042.html on line 657: An anecdote in "A Letter from Mr. Cibber, to Mr. Pope", published in 1742, recounts their trip to a brothel organised by Pope's own patron, who apparently intended to stage a cruel joke at the expense of the poet. Since Pope was only about 4' tall, with a hunchback, due to a childhood tubercular infection of the spine, and the prostitute specially chosen as Pope's 'treat' was the fattest and largest on the premises, the tone of the event is fairly self-apparent. Cibber describes his 'heroic' role in snatching Pope off of the prostitute's body, where he was precariously perched like a tom-tit, while Pope's patron looked on, sniggering, thereby saving English poetry. While Cibber's elevation to laureateship in 1730 had further inflamed Pope against him, there is little speculation involved in suggesting that Cibber's anecdote, with particular reference to Pope´s "little-tiny manhood", motivated the revision of hero.
    ellauri042.html on line 684: In 1968, Atwood married Jim Polk, an American writer; they divorced in 1973 without issue. Maybe they ought to have bought a handmaid. She formed a relationship with fellow novelist Graeme Gibson soon afterward and moved to a farm near Alliston, Ontario, where their daughter, Eleanor Jess Atwood Gibson, was born in 1976. The family returned to Toronto in 1980. Atwood and Gibson were together until September 18, 2019, when Gibson died after suffering from dementia. She wrote about Gibson in the poem Dearly and in an accompanying essay on grief and poetry published in The Guardian in 2020.
    ellauri042.html on line 686: 5 years older Gibson was married to publisher Shirley Gibson until the early 1970s, and together they had two sons, Matt and Grae. He later began dating novelist and poet Margaret Atwood in 1973. They moved to a semi-derelict farm near Alliston, Ontario, which they set about doing up and where according to Atwood they were making "attempts at farming, writing and trying to earn enough to live". Their daughter Eleanor Jess Atwood Gibson was born there in 1976. The family returned to Toronto in 1980. Atwood and Gibson stayed together until his death in 2019. Gibsons best book was The Bedside Book of Birds (2005).
    ellauri042.html on line 695: Fedor M. Dostoevsky´s family had old-Lithuanian aristocratic origins. The name was derived from the Russian word dostoijny, which means dignified. What a misnomer. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was born on October 30th, 1821 (old Julian calendar; on November 11th, 1821 according to the Gregorian calculation) in Moscow, as the second son of Mikhail Andreevich Dostoevsky, a doctor at the hospital for the poor.
    ellauri042.html on line 699: Maria Fyodorovna Nechayeva, his mother, was descended from a conservative Moscow merchant family. Dostoevsky was educated at home and at a private school. The family lived in a very small apartment, which his father also used as a doctor´s practice. The patriarchal and avaricious character of his father was seminal for the personal and the artistic development of Fyodor.
    ellauri042.html on line 701: In 1833, the family moved to Tula where the father bought a manor. Shortly after the death of his mother in 1837, Fyodor (16 yrs) was sent to St. Petersburg where he entered the Army Engineering College. 2 years later, in 1839, Dostoevsky´s more and more tyrannical father died, probably of apoplexy, but there were strong rumours that he was murdered by his own serfs in a quarrel. (Unless it was Fedja who dunit.) Against the background of this legend, Sigmund Freud later interpreted the patricide in the novel “The brothers Karamazov” as showing Fedja hated his father´s guts. True, but the main thing was the epilepsy, wait and see.
    ellauri042.html on line 703: In 1847, Dostoevsky participated in a revolutionary group around Petrashevsky. He was arrested and sentenced to death in 1849, during a reading of a radical letter. On December 22nd, 1849 he experienced mock execution while he was expecting death during some minutes quite seriously. However, the sentence was commuted to Katorga, a penal camp in Siberia. Served him right.
    ellauri042.html on line 712: In 1864, Dostoevsky´s wife number one died at last, and shortly after he left Petersburg again to meet his beloved Apollinaria. The reunion with Apollinaria became a great failure, because he continued gambling.
    ellauri042.html on line 759: Olin usein paikalla sellasissa miiteissä. Nykyaikainen nainen tuli huoneeseen. Se ei huomannut tympeää ilmettä Doston naamalla. Se ei kuullut sen kyimää äänensävyä tai töykeää kysymystä: Mitäs sä olet vailla? Nainen jolla oli oma onki vedessä alkoi kertoa sille jotain juttua silmät säteillen ja posket hehkuen.
    ellauri042.html on line 804: Euclid’s fifth proposition in the first book of his Elements (that the base angles in an isosceles triangle are equal) may have been named the Bridge of Asses (Latin: Pons Asinorum) for medieval students who, clearly not destined to cross over into more abstract mathematics, had difficulty understanding the proof—or even the need for the proof. An alternative name for this famous theorem was Elefuga, which Roger Bacon, writing circa ad 1250, derived from Greek words indicating “escape from misery.” Medieval schoolboys did not usually go beyond the Bridge of Asses, which thus marked their last obstruction before liberation from the Elements.
    ellauri042.html on line 811: Sacks forbade any mention of his homosexuality, though he had told his would-be biographer Wechsler about his closeted yearnings and crippled attempts at love. His Boswell shelved the notes for 30 years. Ollie changed his mind on his deathbed: Do it! You must!
    ellauri042.html on line 840:
     Oi veden onnellista lemua, 
    ellauri042.html on line 877: No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine; if a Clod bee washed away by the Sea, Europe is the lesse, as well as if a Promontorie were, as well as if a Mannor of thy friends or of thine owne were; any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee. [Donne´s original spelling and underlining]
    ellauri042.html on line 885: Devotions upon Emergent Occasions, or in full Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions, and severall steps in my Sicknes, is a prose work by the English metaphysical poet and cleric in the Church of England John Donne (22 January 1572 - 31 March 1631) , published in 1624. It covers death, rebirth and the Elizabethan concept of sickness as a French visit from God, reflecting internal sinfulness. The Devotions were written in December 1623 as Donne recovered from a serious but unknown illness – believed to be relapsing fever or typhus. Having come close to death, he described the illness he had suffered from and his thoughts throughout his recovery with "near super-human speed and concentration". Registered by 9 January, and published soon after, the Devotions is one of only seven works attributed to Donne which were printed during his lifetime.
    ellauri042.html on line 945: Despite his great education and poetic talents, Donne lived in poverty for several years, relying heavily on wealthy friends. He spent much of the money he inherited during and after his education on womanising, literature, pastimes, and travel. In 1601, Donne secretly married Anne More, with whom he had twelve children. In 1615 he was ordained Anglican deacon and then priest, although he did not want to take holy orders and only did so because the king ordered it. He also served as a member of Parliament in 1601 and in 1614.
    ellauri042.html on line 947: During the next four years, Donne fell in love with Egerton´s niece Anne More, and they were secretly married just before Christmas in 1601, against the wishes of both Egerton and Anne's father George More, who was Lieutenant of the Tower. Upon discovery, this wedding ruined Donne's career, getting him dismissed and put in Fleet Prison, along with the Church of England priest Samuel Brooke, who married them,[13] and his brother Chistopher, who stood in in the absence of George More to give Anne away. Donne was released shortly thereafter when the marriage was proved to be valid, and he soon secured the release of the other two. Walton tells us that when Donne wrote to his wife to tell her about losing his post, he wrote after his name: John Donne, Anne Donne, Un-done.[14] It was not until 1609 that Donne was reconciled with his father-in-law and received his wife´s dowry,
    ellauri042.html on line 949: After his release, Donne had to accept a retired country life in a small house in Pyrford, Surrey, owned by Anne´s cousin, Sir Francis Wooley, where they resided until the end of 1604. In spring 1605 they moved to another small house in Mitcham, London, where he scraped a meager living as a lawyer, while Anne Donne bore a new baby almost every year. Though he also worked as an assistant pamphleteer to Thomas Morton writing anti-Catholic pamphlets, Donne was in a constant state of financial insecurity.
    ellauri042.html on line 959: Since she whom I loved hath paid her last debt Koska hiän jota rakastin heitti kuitin
    ellauri043.html on line 26: Flaubert ähräs pikku Anttonin kiusaamisen kaa tapansa mukaan vuosikausia. Se on proosaruno eli pikemminkin paasaus. On siinä vähän koulunäytelmänkin näköä. Semmonen kuvaelma paizi että puhetta on paljon. Apus mä oon piru. .Se on täynnä oppineita viittauxia. Mukana näyttää olevan laaja kerettiläisten indeksi ja antiikin jumalia kuin kirppuja. Kiintoisaa. Ja pyhä Anttoni on tässä aika tekopyhä paskiainen. Hauskasti se istuu skiitan kotisohvalla, surffaa pyhästä kirjasta peukalovärssyjä kuin Kaarlo Syväntö ja vaihtaa taajaan näkykanavaa. Sormi kipeänä kuin Wagnerilla. Wagner sikakin pääsee taivaaseen, Wilhelm Buschin sinileninkinen emäntä on luvannut. Yhdessä kiltin antimuusan Viivin kanssa. Ystävää ei tarvi jättää. Jätä perheesi ja seuraa minua, sanoo vaan tylsät setämiehet. Ota vuoteesi ja kävele. Käskyjä ja kehotuxia. Too much monkey business for me to be involved in.
    ellauri043.html on line 159:

    Vaikka aikaisemmin, en ollut näin huonossa hapessa! Aamuhämärässä aloin jo runoilla; sitten menin suihkuun kellariin - eipäskun joelle vedenhakumatkalle, ja palasin tökeröä polkua leili olkapäällä, hymistellen virsiä. Seuraavaxi musta oli kiva siivota koko mökkerö. Otin työkaluni ja koitin tehdä palmikoista tasakokoisia, ja koreista kevyitä; sillä pikkuhommatkin tuntui silloin niin kivoilta ettei ne maistuneet edes velvollisuudelta.

    ellauri043.html on line 204: The Mỹ Lai Massacre (/ˌmiːˈlaɪ/; Vietnamese: Thảm sát Mỹ Lai [tʰâːm ʂǎːt mǐˀ lāːj] (About this soundlisten)) was the Vietnam War mass murder of unarmed South Vietnamese civilians by U.S. troops in Sơn Tịnh District, South Vietnam, on 16 March 1968. Between 347 and 504 unarmed people were killed by U.S. Army soldiers from Company C, 1st Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment and Company B, 4th Battalion, 3rd Infantry Regiment, 11th Brigade, 23rd (Americal) Infantry Division. Victims included men, women, children, and infants. Some of the women were gang-raped and their bodies mutilated as were children as young as 12.[1][2] Twenty-six soldiers were charged with criminal offenses, but only Lieutenant William Calley Jr., a platoon leader in C Company, was convicted. Found guilty of killing 22 villagers, he was originally given a life sentence, but served only three and a half years under house arrest.
    ellauri043.html on line 304:

    Hullu! huutaa Jesaja. Mitäs menit näyttämään vihulaiselle aarteita! Tästä ei hyvä seuraa. Kuka tahansa voi ennustaa et noita ne tulee kohta hakemaan. Kell onni on se onnen kätkeköön älköönkä levitelkö somessa. No, mun jälkeen vasta vedenpaisumus, tuumii tyynen rauhallisena Hiskia.

    ellauri043.html on line 651:

    Siinä meinas mennä jeesuslapsi pesuveden mukana! Areioxen miälestä Kristus, tuo monoteistisen jumalan sivupersoona oli feikki. Se ei ollut samaa ainetta kuin Isä, geenit ei edes 50% samoja. Ei "Isästä iankaikkisuudessa siinnyt", vaan jostain kulkumiehestä, varmaan postiljoonista. Ei siis jumala, vaan vain ihminen niinkuin Spartacus. Jeesus ois siis vaan Jumalan ensimmäinen luomus, ennen Eevan viikuna-asua, matoja ja lintuja. (This is a cinch. Jumala loi miehen ja nai sen.) Iskä on kunnon jumala, jeesus on vaan logo.
    ellauri043.html on line 899: Istuallaan delfiinien vetämässä näkinkengässä mä kuljexin luolissa kuunnellen veden tippumista tippukivistä ja kazon maalin kuivumista. Mä meen timanttilouhoxiin, missä mun henkilökohtaiset hyvät ystävät taikurit antaa mun valita kauneimmat. Sit mä palaan maan päälle ja meen kotiin.
    ellauri043.html on line 1558: sen kyynelistä tuli vedet, sen surusta tuli mustaa ainetta.

    ellauri043.html on line 1818: Ja sitäpaizi ei se mun vika ole; henki pakotti mut; Sotas ei onnistunut parantamaan mua. Se on kuiteskin aika julmaa! Mut mitä väliä! Mä oon viimeinen profetissoista; ja mun jälkeen tulee maailmanloppu. (Kaskun ei vedenpaisumus. Niin aina, niin ne aina sanovat. Eikä sitten tulekkaan. Mikä pettymys.)
    ellauri043.html on line 2796:

    Mä pystyn liikuttamaan pronssikäärmeitä, naurattamaan marmoripazaita, puhuttelemaan koiria. Mä näytän sulle hirmu läjän kultaa, mä asetan kuninkaita; sä näät kuinka yleisö antaa mulle ison käden. Mä pystyn kävelemään pilvessä, ja veden päällä talvella; menemään vuorten ylize elefantin peruukkina, esittämään nuorukaista, vanhusta, tiikeriä ja murkkua, ottaan sulta läyttyyn, antaa ize lättyyn sulle, toimimaan ukkosenjohdattimena. Kuulezä??
    ellauri043.html on line 3824: Vanhimmat, vedenpaisumusta edeltävät, on leväpehkon peitossa. Jotkut, liian pitkät kannoillensa, natisevat liitoxissaan ja katkaisevat selkänsä marssiessaan. Toisilta valuu hiekkaa mahan reijistä.
    ellauri043.html on line 4175:

    Ja tässä viimeisessä elämässä, kun olen saarnannut lakia, mulla ei ole enää mitään tekemistä. Iso periodi on läpivedetty! Ihmiset, eläimet, jumalat, bambut, valtameret, vuoret, Gangesin hiekanjyvät ja myriadin myriadit tähdet, kaikki kuolevat; —
    ellauri043.html on line 4220: ö

    Sen koommin mä elin lammikoissa jotka jäi suuresta tuhotulvasta. Mutta aavikoituminen jatkuu niiden ympärillä, tuuli heittää niihin lisää hiekkaa, aurinko ahmii niitä; - ja mä kuolen mun kalkkikivipetille, kazellen veden läpi tähtiä. I'll be back!
    ellauri043.html on line 4986: Häneen liittyy myös eräs legenda: Aristaios oli keksinyt mehiläisten hoidon. Mutta koska hän oli ajanut Eurydiken kuolemaan, jumalat suuttuivat hänelle ja tappoivat kaikki hänen mehiläisensä. Hän kääntyi merenjumala Proteuksen puoleen, joka tosin oli vaikeasti tavoitettavissa, sillä hänellä oli tapana muuttaa muotoaan eläimeksi, tulenliekiksi, kiehuvaksi vedeksi; mikä milloinkin oli parasta. Aristaios kuitenkin sai hänet jollakin tavalla kiinni ja Proteus antoi hänelle neuvon: hänen tulisi lepyttää Eurydiken haamu uhraamalla tämän haudalla neljä härkää ja hiehoa. Niin teki Aristaios, ja pian uhrieläinten lihasta pöllähti mehiläisparvia. No mikäs tässä on niin jeesusmaista? Ei kai Jeesus kasvattanut mehiläisiä?
    ellauri043.html on line 5605:

    Minä se poltin Sodoman! Minä upotin maan vedenpaisumuxeeen! Minä hukutin faaraon, prinssien, kuninkaan poikien kansssa, sotavaunut ja kuskit.
    ellauri045.html on line 322: Armenialainen William Saroyan tiesi mistä narusta on vedettävä kirjottaessaan The Human Comedy nimisen propagandafilmin kässärin v 1943. Karseampaa americanaa ei voi kuvitella. It’s an America that probably no longer exists. In fact it never did, it's just propaganda.
    ellauri046.html on line 61:

    Nacque a Padova verso il 1523 da una famiglia di origine milanese e di condizione borghese: alla morte del padre Bartolomeo (1531), commerciante di gioielli, la vedova Cecilia, con Gaspara e i fratelli Baldassare e Cassandra, si trasferì a Venezia. Cassandra era cantante e Baldassare poeta: quest'ultimo morì per malattia nel 1544 a diciannove anni, e ciò turbò molto Gaspara, tanto da farle meditare una vita monacale, stimolata su questa strada da suor Paola Antonia Negri; di lui restano i sonetti stampati con quelli della ben più nota sorella. Leimasimen isä oli kultaseppä, sixköhän sen nimi oli Leima. Kultaseppä Leima, sen tytär Gaspara Leimasin, ikäänkuin hullunkurisista perheistä. Bartolomeus tulee hepreasta Bar Tolomai, eli Ptolemaioxen poika. Bartolomeus oli tavixin apostoli, joka nyljettiin Armeniassa ja naulattiin ristiin vielä kuin nahkurin orsille.
    ellauri046.html on line 224: Søren Kierkegaard nedskrev ni år før sin død, hvordan hans grav skulle se ud. Det hele skulde tilsaas med lavt fint græs, kun skulde der i hvert Hjørne plantes en lille busk af tyrkiske, mørkerøde Roser. Paa en Tavle, svarende til den, der laa paa Forældrenes Grav, skulde der ved siden af de to afdøde Søskendes Navne være Plads til hans Navn, og herunder skulde sættes med smaa Bogstaver følgende Vers af Brorson:
    ellauri046.html on line 347: Kierkegaard was born in 1813 to a prosperous family in Copenhagen. He seems to have suffered some sort of trauma early on, associated with his breaking-off an engagement to his beloved Regine Olsen (he never married), or perhaps because of his sternly religious father, or the fact that his mother, and all but one of his six siblings, died young.
    ellauri046.html on line 433: This brief study argues that Kierkegaard's Journals show beyond reasonable doubt that he was homosexual. It does so because he believed that the recognition of this fact was central to the understanding of his life and thought, because he could not bring himself to say this openly even in the privacy of his own Journals, because he hoped and prayed that his "reader" would discover and reveal it after his death, because even distinguished scholars privy to his "secret" have remained silent and because, given these facts, it is surely time to open up this question.
    ellauri046.html on line 454: Saint Veronica, also known as Berenike, was a woman from Jerusalem who lived in the 1st century AD, according to extra-biblical Christian sacred tradition. A celebrated saint in many pious Christian countries, the 17th-century Acta Sanctorum published by the Bollandists listed her feast under July 12, but the German Jesuit scholar Joseph Braun cited her commemoration in Festi Marianni on 13 January.
    ellauri046.html on line 456: According to Church tradition, Veronica was moved with sympathy seeing Jesus carrying the cross to Calvary and gave him her veil so that he could wipe his forehead. Jesus accepted the offer, and when he returned the veil the image of his face was miraculously captured on it. The resulting relic became known as the Veil of Veronica.
    ellauri046.html on line 633: Scribes teaterstykker, for det meste vaudeviller, blev ofte skrevet i samarbejde med andre. Hovedemnet er samtidens borgerskab. Stykkerne er ofte enkle og uden social kritik og står i kontrast til de romantiske stykker fra samme periode som Victor Hugos. Sama vika vaivaa Kierkegaardia. Scribe koitti paiskata Ranskan akatemian oven Hugon naamalle. Mut Hugolla oli kenkä ovenraossa. Sörkän eka ego kannusti "ekaa rakkautta", jolla se kai meinaa ihastumista (joita voi silti olla monta, ei siis aikajärjestyxessä vaan ensimmäistä). Se on eri narsistista: Ogsaa i Bevisdtheden vilde Du overalt möde henne og Dig, og Dig og hende. Niinkuin kaikki narsistikirjailijat se asuu peilisalissa ja näkee kokoajan ize oman naamansa. Pahin vaara avioelämässä siitä on kuten Salesta kyllästymispiste, ikävystyminen. Hizi että näitäkin heppuleita on roppakaupalla.

    ellauri046.html on line 641: Misogynian pukinsorkka pistää Wiljaminkin silinteristä: det er i Sandhed væmmeligt at see i den nyere Comedie disse erfarne, intrigante, blødagtige Qvinder, der veed, at Kjærlighed er en Illusion. Jeg veed intet saa vederstyggeligt Væsen som en saadan Qvinde. Hvad Under da at Qvinden vil emanciperes, et af vor Tids mange uskjønne Phænomener, hvori Mændene ere Skyld. Rakkaus on taloudellinen päätös, se erottaa sen hetken panohalusta. No niin tietysti, kun perheen perustamisesta on kysymys. Se et naiset vois perua sen päätöxen on frekkiä, ei asessori paremmin voi sanoa.
    ellauri046.html on line 649: Eikä Tenttenin tarjoilema Ydmyghed Religiositet Humanitet ole yhtään parempaa. Samaa psskaa toisesta reiästä. Det Erhvervede on det Store, eikä det Oprindelige. Porvaristo on parempi kuin aatelisto. Tää on taas talousliberaalia nousukkuutta, kukoistavaa pyrkyryyttä jota saarnas Eski Saarinen. Nilkkiyttä: alempia kyykytetään, ylemmille nöyristellään. Ize istutaan lujasti keskiluokassa netin keskessä kuin hmhmhäkit.
    ellauri046.html on line 684: At Ægteskabet væsentlig tilhører Christendommen, at de hedenske Nationer ikke have fuldkommet det, tiltrods for Orientens Sandselighed og al Grækenlands Skjønhed, at end ikke Jødedommen har været istand dertil, tiltrods for det i Sandhed Idylliske, der findes i den, det vil Du vel indrømme mig, uden at jeg behøver videre at gaae ind derpaa, og og det saa meget mere, som det vil være tilstrækkeligt blot at erindre om, at Kjøns-Modsætningen intetsteds var saa dybt reflekteret, at det andet Kjøn derved er kommen til sin fuldkomne Ret. Men... Pahaa länsisovinistista kaxoisstandardia, varhaiskapitalismin tehtaasta. Samaa laissez faire porukkaa on Kirkkomaakin.
    ellauri046.html on line 760: Tentten ennakoi hupasasti nazeja ja Auschwitzin tunnaria: Arbeit macht frei. Netop ved at arbejde frigjoer Mennesket sig, bliver herre over Naturen, viser sig hoeijere
    ellauri046.html on line 835:

  • Auttaa Simpsonia tappamaan 30 hävittyään vedon (Judges 14:1-19)
    ellauri047.html on line 66: Tässä vaiheessa se kosiskeli jotain papintytärtä, jonka se tapansa mukaan dumppas ilman hyvästejä lähtiessään kotiin Strassburgista. Frederika raivostui: oliko Woku sitä vaan verneukt! Woku puolustelihe vedoten vanhaan tubiinsa. Tältä kaudelta on pari aika narsistista runoa kuten Päivää ja näkemiin ja Vappulaulu.
    ellauri047.html on line 797: Herder ei ollut miellyttävä toveri, vaan oli ivallinen, arvosteleva, ja suvaizematon. Izekeskeinen kakka profeetta-eleineen. Onnexi Goethe tän kerran oli yhtä valmis kuuntelemaan kuin Herder paasaamaan. Paasauxessa putkahtavat esiin Ossianin laulut, jotka oli vähän kalevalatyyppinen vedätys.
    ellauri047.html on line 819: Jöötin Sturm und Drang rykäyxissä on nazimeininkiä, Hölderlin-kaliiperin uhoa. Lie vedonnut nazi-Koskenniemeen kuin myös Knausgårdiin, toiseen piipunrassiin, joka tykkäs Mein Kampfista.
    ellauri048.html on line 104: jos siinä menee muutamia lapsia pesuveden mukana. Toisista se on julmaa ja tunteetonta,

    ellauri048.html on line 565: Immi (1861-1937) oli kanttorin tytär Kuorevedeltä. Kuorevesi on liitetty nyttemmin Jämsään. Äiti oli Toppeliuxen henk.koht. hyvä ystävä ja toivoi Immistäkin nationalskaldia. Toive toteutui. Äiti kuoli 7-v Immiltä, äitipuoli oli paha. Ruozinkielisen koulun ja seminaarin jälkeen Immi opetti Lapinlahden kansakoulussa 4v. Paras kaveri oli sisko Onni (sic), virsirunoilija. Uskonnollinen, isänmaallinen, vahva ääni oikealta joka suhteessa.
    ellauri048.html on line 724: the inevitable mapping of the feminine onto defeated male opponents, or conversely, onto loved and admired men

  • ellauri048.html on line 738: Bellow's characterisation of his father's background is one of the most enjoyable strands of the book and an interesting companion to Saul's fiction. His father, Abraham, is characterised by his grandson as a crook and a tyrant, who despised his youngest son's literary ambitions and pummelled him – and all his sons – until Saul grabbed his hand mid-air one day and said, "I'm a married man, Pa. You cannot hit me anymore." In adulthood, on the rare occasions Bellow tried to talk to his father about his upbringing, Saul would shake him off and say rather pointedly: "You shouldn't blame your parents for your faults." Bellow smiles. "And he said this to me, a therapist no less! His father loved him, but it was a tumultuous relationship and my grandfather was mercurial as hell."
    ellauri048.html on line 743: There followed the years of bohemia, when the family moved to Paris and Saul started to shrug off the influence of his 19th-century literary heroes and find his own voice in The Adventures of Augie March. When he was happy and the writing was going well, their lives would be joyous; when he struggled, the apartment was mired in gloom. Meanwhile, "Saul had women stashed all over town," writes his son. The pain of these recollections is secondary to Bellow's fury at what he calls his father's "self‑justification: that his career as an artist entitled him to let people down with impunity." As an adult, when he asked his mother about it, she said, "I'm blessed with a poor memory."
    ellauri048.html on line 1120: Tennyson said: "He would have been known, if he had lived, as a great man but not as a great poet; he was as near perfection as mortal man could be (except me).".
    ellauri048.html on line 1126: 'Tis better to have loved and lost

    ellauri048.html on line 1127: Than never to have loved at all.
    ellauri048.html on line 1129: This stanza is to be found in Canto 27. The last two lines are usually taken as offering a meditation on the dissolution of a romantic relationship. However, the lines originally referred to the death of the poet's beloved friend. They are reminiscent of a line from William Congreve's popular 1700 play, The Way of the World: "'tis better to be left than never to have been loved." What the fuck, this is an obvious homoerotic elegy.
    ellauri048.html on line 1179: Forgive my grief for one removed, Anna ilmatteex mun suru laudalta poistetusta,
    ellauri048.html on line 1182: I find him worthier to be loved. Mä voin sitä entistä paremmin porata.
    ellauri048.html on line 1207: `Behold the man that loved and lost, Kas miestä joka rakasti ja hävisi,
    ellauri048.html on line 1395: With my lost Arthur's loved remains, Ja tuot mun Arttu-vainaan jäännöxet,
    ellauri048.html on line 1508: An awful thought, a life removed, Kauhee ajatus, kirurgisesti poistettu elämä,
    ellauri048.html on line 1509: The human-hearted man I loved, Ihmissydämminen mies jota mä rakastin,
    ellauri048.html on line 1543: And I perceived no touch of change, Ja mä en huomais siinä mitään muutosta,
    ellauri048.html on line 1554: The forest crack'd, the waters curl'd, Mezä natisee, vedet ryppääntyy,
    ellauri048.html on line 1663: The Wye is hush'd nor moved along,
    ellauri048.html on line 1785: Moved in the chambers of the blood;
    ellauri048.html on line 1811: We saw not, when we moved therein?
    ellauri048.html on line 1821: I loved the weight I had to bear,
    ellauri048.html on line 1868: ´Tis better to have loved and lost
    ellauri048.html on line 1869: Than never to have loved at all.
    ellauri048.html on line 1895: The Allies cracked German codes — Enigma — thanks to Poles, who snared the first, priceless encryption set for examination. Some 250,000 Polish troops served with the British during the war, including during the Battle of Britain, and an estimated 400,000 fought off the Nazis on the homefront in guerrilla warfare that helped chew up the Nazi war machine — a martial contribution the lancers-versus-tanks myth fails to convey.
    ellauri050.html on line 145: "Et ole hämähäkkimies elämäsi vepin keskessä, vaan pelkkä lanka siinä. Mistä langasta sä vedätkin, vedät izeäsi nenästä"

    ellauri050.html on line 407: Paramahansa Yogananda (born Mukunda Lal Ghosh; January 5, 1893 – March 7, 1952) was an Indian monk, yogi and guru who lived his last 32 years in America. He introduced millions to the teachings of meditation and Kriya Yoga through his organization Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF) / Yogoda Satsanga Society (YSS) of India. A chief disciple of the Bengali yoga guru Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri, he was sent by his lineage to spread the teachings of yoga to the West, to prove the unity between Eastern and Western religions and to preach a balance between Western material growth and Indian spirituality. His long-standing influence in the American yoga movement, and especially the yoga culture of Los Angeles, led him to be considered by yoga experts as the "Father of Yoga in the West." Jooga on lännessä suosittu naisten jumppamuoto, kun siinä ei hypitä niin että tissit hölskyy. Venytellään vaan kissamaisesti lattialla, ei tarvi hikoilla eikä välttämättä käydä jumpan päälle edes suihkussa, jos on kiire.
    ellauri050.html on line 804: Kallaveden rannalla maaliskuisessa auringonpaisteessa vuonna 2010 hölkkäsi iloinen aikuisopiskelija. Ritva Ylönen oli muuttanut miehensä kanssa kaksi vuotta aiemmin pääkaupunkiseudulta Kuopioon eläkepäiviä viettämään.
    ellauri050.html on line 970: Über Wasser, über Erde, maan ja veden sekoituxen.
    ellauri051.html on line 358: The tendency in savages to imagine that natural objects and agencies are animated by spiritual or living essences, is perhaps illustrated by a little fact which I once noticed: my dog, a full grown and very sensible animal, was lying on the lawn during a hot and still day; but at a little distance a slight breeze occasionally moved an open parasol, which would have been wholly disregarded by the dog, had any one stood near it. As it was, every time that the parasol slightly moved, the dog growled fiercely and barked. He must, I think, have reasoned to himself in a rapid and unconscious manner, that movement without any apparent cause indicated the presence of some strange living agent, and no stranger had a right to be on his territory. (Darwin)
    ellauri051.html on line 440: I see the enslaved, the overthrown, the hurt, the opprest of the Mä nään neekerit, köyhät, vammaset, naiset, eläimet, koko maailman sorretut
    ellauri051.html on line 451: Vouchsafe a higher strain than any yet; vedä vielä korkeemmalta kuin tähän saakka;
    ellauri051.html on line 598: 53 Lack one lacks both, and the unseen is proved by the seen, Jos puuttuu toinen puuttuuu toinenkin, ja näkyvä on näkymättömälle todiste.
    ellauri051.html on line 630: 78 Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next, Kazoo pää kenossa, kiinnostaa mitä seuraavaxi tulee,
    ellauri051.html on line 672: 113 It may be if I had known them I would have loved them, Ehkä jos mä olisin tuntenut ne olisin niitäkin rakastanut,
    ellauri051.html on line 785: 209 The rest did not see her, but she saw them and loved them. 209 Muut eivät nähneet häntä, mutta hän näki heidät ja rakasti heitä.
    ellauri051.html on line 860: 278 What is removed drops horribly in a pail; 278 Se mikä poistetaan, putoaa hirveästi sankoon;
    ellauri051.html on line 1064: 475 What behaved well in the past or behaves well to-day is not such a wonder, 475 Se, mikä käyttäytyi hyvin ennen tai käyttäytyy hyvin tänään, ei ole ihme,
    ellauri051.html on line 1184: 591 The heave'e'yo of stevedores unlading ships by the wharves, the refrain of the anchor-lifters, 591 Ahtaustyöntekijät purkavat laivoja laitureilta, ankkurinnostajien refriini,
    ellauri051.html on line 1289: 690 Not one kneels to another, nor to his kind that lived thousands of years ago, 690 Kukaan ei polvistu toiselle eikä sukulaiselleen, joka eli tuhansia vuosia sitten,
    ellauri051.html on line 1344: 744 Where the fin of the shark cuts like a black chip out of the water, 744 Missä hain evä leikkaa vedestä kuin musta lastu,
    ellauri051.html on line 1362: 762 Where the humming-bird shimmers, where the neck of the long-lived swan is curving and winding, 762 Missä kolibri hohtaa, missä pitkäikäisen joutsenen kaula kiemurtelee ja kiertyy,
    ellauri051.html on line 1428: 828 How he saved the drifting company at last, 828 Kuinka hän lopulta pelasti ajelehtivan yrityksen,
    ellauri051.html on line 1430: 830 How the silent old-faced infants and the lifted sick, and the sharp-lipp'd unshaved men; 830 Kuinka hiljaiset vanhanaamaiset pikkulapset ja nostetut sairaat ja terävähuuliset ajelemattomat miehet;
    ellauri051.html on line 1507: 905 We had receiv'd some eighteen pound shots under the water, 905 Olimme saaneet noin 18 kiloa veden alla,
    ellauri051.html on line 1639: 1031 In my portfolio placing Manito loose, Allah on a leaf, the crucifix engraved, 1031 Salkussani asettamalla Manito irti, Allah lehdelle, krusifiksi kaiverrettu,
    ellauri051.html on line 1673: 1064 Ever the eaters and drinkers, ever the upward and downward sun, ever the air and the ceaseless tides, 1064 Aina syöjät ja juojat, aina ylös ja alas laskeva aurinko, aina ilma ja lakkaamattomat vuorovedet,
    ellauri051.html on line 1737: 1127 Nor the old man who has lived without purpose, and feels it with bitterness worse than gall, 1127 Eikä vanha mies, joka on elänyt ilman tarkoitusta ja tuntee sen katkeruudella, joka on pahempi kuin sappi,
    ellauri051.html on line 1827: 1214 Perhaps it is everywhere on water and on land. 1214 Ehkä sitä on kaikkialla vedessä ja maalla.
    ellauri051.html on line 1851: 1237 The boy I love, the same becomes a man not through derived power, but in his own right, 1237 Pojasta, jota rakastan, ei tule miestä johdetun voiman kautta, vaan omassa oikeutessaan,
    ellauri051.html on line 1866: 1252 If you would understand me go to the heights or water-shore, 1252 Jos ymmärtäisit minua, mene korkeuksiin tai veden rantaan,
    ellauri052.html on line 182: Names once beloved; but, seeing the sun the same, Nimet rakkaimmat; mut päivä paistaa vaan,
    ellauri052.html on line 280: The "Mrs." (used in the dedicatory letter to the poem) serves to indicate that Arabella was neither a child nor a prostitute (the two groups of females designated by the word "Miss"). She was in fact twenty-two and single at the time Lord Petre cut off a lock of her hair, the event which served as the basis for the poem.
    ellauri052.html on line 319: Like other successful duos, such as Batman & Robin, Mickey & Goofy, or Laurel & Hardy, Wordsworth and Coleridge were temperamentally dissimilar. Wordsworth, reserved and thoughtful, wrote verse while plodding to and fro in the garden and, we are told, was subject to stomach trouble when revising. Coleridge was irresponsible and debt-ridden, but everywhere spoken of as a genius, if a volatile one. “I think too much for a Poet,” he said. His addiction to opium began early and was never conquered. In time, it became his only regular habit.
    ellauri052.html on line 568: Ei vaitiskaan, mikäs kristus mä nyt oon. Olen jotain parempaa, new improved formula. Annie asui Intiassa, luki ehkä Krishnamurtin kaa Arabian Burtonin käännöstä Kama Sutrasta.
    ellauri052.html on line 576: In a number of works, Steiner described a path of inner development he felt would let anyone attain comparable spiritual experiences. In Steiner's view, sound vision could be developed, in part, by practicing rigorous forms of ethical and cognitive self-discipline, concentration, and meditation. In particular, Steiner believed a person's spiritual development could occur only after a period of moral development.
    ellauri052.html on line 688: Apparently his wife Frieda believed him to have had a sexual relationship with a farmer while writing Women in Love in 1916. There's also the coal miner quote you mentioned Kelby. Then there's the quote: I should like to know why nearly every man that approaches greatness tends to homosexuality, whether he admits it or not... (Älkää yrittäkökään! Mä en ole! Sitäpaizi mä en ole lähelläkään suuruutta! Pienenen kuin pyy maailmanlopun edellä.)
    ellauri052.html on line 696: `I used to do some Japanese wrestling,' said Birkin. `A Jap lived in the same house with me in Heidelberg, and he taught me a little. But I was never much good at it.'
    ellauri052.html on line 905: Sitä mä vaan en tajua mix vainajan apinavirkaveljen syönti olis syntiä. Tarkottaaxe plagiaattia, jonkun kuolleen kolleegan juttujen plagiointia? Mitä pahaa siinäkään muka on? Sehän on vaan kapitalistista vedätystä eikö niin? Eikö niin?
    ellauri052.html on line 934: Haha se jako kyllä ize ahkerasti kiillottamaansa kuvaa izestään. Sen izehaukut on laskelmoituja ja päätyy aina korostamaan sen jaloutta. Saul reserved for art what his eldest son sought from him in life. Kumartaa yleisölle ja pyllistää perheille. Hintelä kalansilmä panomies.
    ellauri052.html on line 936: Ultimately, much of the book revolves around a perceived opposition between “young Saul,” the politically radical, amorously multitasking free spirit who raised him, and “old Saul,” the reactionary, race-baiting friend of authority and Allan Bloom who occupied his father’s body for its final 40 years. Greg had a front-row seat for Bellow’s supposed conversion, after the rise of black power and the Six Day War, to the unfashionable conservatism that remains the unspoken reason his books aren’t read much in America today. He is thus well-placed to describe how that change—dramatically evident in Mr. Sammler’s Planet (1970), the neo-con novel par excellence, but also in Herzog—manifested itself in private.
    ellauri052.html on line 944: It may be helpful to note here that Bellow’s fame, already growing after The Adventures of Augie March, exploded after the publication of Herzog in 1964—the same year Daniel, his youngest son, was born. By the time the newly rich writer, urged by his third wife, moved into a fancy co-op on Lake Michigan, Greg already possessed enough of what he thought were his own opinions to dislike the white plush carpets, the 11 rooms “filled with fancy furniture and modern art.” Reminding the reader he was “raised by a frugal mother and a father who had no steady income,” Greg says that he “found the trappings of wealth in their new apartment so repellent that I complained bitterly to Saul,” who replied that he didn’t care about the new shiny things so long as he could still write—which he could. “As I always had, I accepted what he said about art at face value,” Greg admits, but he stopped visiting the new place. After the marriage deteriorated and Saul moved out, 3-year-old Daniel, in the words of ex-child-therapist Greg, “took to expressing his distress” by peeing on the carpets. “I have to admit that the yellow stains on them greatly pleased me,” Greg writes—for once showing off the Bellovian touch.
    ellauri052.html on line 953: Oppressed and heavy-hearted, Bellow resorted to subtle concealment of competing mistresses, moved around like a man on the run and needed bursts of frenetic activity, “even if it means constant trips to Japan, London, Yugoslavia or Israel to keep one jump ahead” of his emotional entanglements.
    ellauri052.html on line 960: During an awkward sexual encounter with Harriet Wasserman, she remembered “asking him for permission, as if it were a museum objet d’art, ‘Can I touch this?’” Many of his mistresses remained in love and in touch with him. Scott Fitzgerald said that Hemingway “needed a new woman for each big book”; Bellow lost a woman with each big book. He spilled sperm as he spilled ink, and sex both interfered with and inspired his writing. Bellow created and lived on turbulence, thrived on chaos, courted conflict and was inspired by personal cataclysm. He reported that one lover (mies vai nainen?) “caused me grandes dificultades in England and in the south, but I finished Sammler just the same.” The bearers of erogenous zones (either sex) made him feel younger, “it was a way of avoiding the Angel of Death,” and he cherished their provocative bitchiness. Bellow’s emotional upheavals — his guilt and remorse, multitudinous failings and need for self-condemnation — made him beat his breast at his private Wailing Wall. Se oli kuin kunkku David jolle tuotiin neitosia pyllynlämmittimixi.
    ellauri052.html on line 979: The most important person in Bellow’s life—Maury, his oldest brother. As Leader shows, Maury was both the driving force in Bellow’s Americanization and a major presence in his work. Parents and wives came and went, but Maury remained: Simon in Augie March, Shura in Herzog, Julius in Humboldt’s Gift. As peremptory and violent as their father but more competent, Maury epitomized the cult of power and material success that both fascinated and repelled Bellow. “I recognized in him the day-to-day genius of the U.S.A.,” Bellow said in an interview with Philip Roth. In the same conversation, Roth observed that Maury’s reckless, angry spirit was “the household deity of Augie March.” By the time Maury finished law school, he had already started collecting graft for a corrupt Illinois state representative, skimming off the top for himself and his mother. A charismatic ladies’ man with an illegitimate son, Maury was “very proud of his extraordinary group of connections, his cynicism, his insiderhood,” Bellow told Roth. Maury was disdainful of his brother’s nonremunerative choice of profession, which he considered luftmenschlich—frivolous, impractical.
    ellauri053.html on line 106: Pakerran taas Carassuxen väitöskirjaa snobeista, Proustista ja Bergeristä. Päästyään rahoihin herrasväet pyrkivät vallasväen piireihin. Aristokattien tyylin (le style) sijaan tuli muoti (la mode), ja omaperäisyyden (originalité) tilalle nimekkyys (distinction). Kuten Kierkegard saa fiffigt fick det till: Det Erhvervede on parempi kuin det Oprindelige. Tämän päivän luokattomilla talouslipilaareilla muodin korvaa nyttemmin trendi ja distinctionin celebrity. Kielikin on vaihtunut.
    ellauri053.html on line 321: Vähän kummastuttaa tää Arskan suorittama Puovon apoteoosi, jumalaxi korottaminen, niinkuin se olisi putkahtanut sellaisenaan valmiina Minervan pöllömmästä päästä, vanha rullahuuli nahkoineen karvoineen neizeen perseestä. Niin et sen vuosikymmenien mittaiset kyhäyxet vaan valaisee sen januskasvoisia eri puolia. Kai se kirjotti tän runon nuorena vedettyään käteen vessassa, ton keski-ikäisenä luettuaan kateena kilpailijoita, kolmannen vanhana ja äkeänä riideltyään rahasta jossain johtokunnassa jne jne. Ihan niinkuin mäkin teen, vaikka olenkin vähemmän varhaiskypsä pöllö.
    ellauri053.html on line 338: nämä kalliot korkeimmat vuoret, nämä matalat vedet mittaamattomat,
    ellauri053.html on line 699: Spencer developed an all-embracing conception of evolution as the progressive development of the physical world, biological organisms, the human mind, and human culture and societies. As a polymath, he contributed to a wide range of subjects, including ethics, religion, anthropology, economics, political theory, philosophy, literature, astronomy, biology, sociology, and psychology. During his lifetime he achieved tremendous authority, mainly in English-speaking academia. "The only other English philosopher to have achieved anything like such widespread popularity was Bertrand Russell, and that was in the 20th century." Spencer was "the single most famous European intellectual in the closing decades of the nineteenth century" but his influence declined sharply after 1900: "Who now reads Spencer?" asked Talcott Parsons in 1937.
    ellauri053.html on line 715: His contributions to racist ideology are many. In his famed work Social Statics (1850), he argued that imperialism had served civilization by clearing the inferior races off the earth: "The forces which are working out the great scheme of perfect happiness, taking no account of incidental suffering, exterminate such sections of mankind as stand in their way. … Be he human or be he brute — the hindrance must be got rid of."
    ellauri053.html on line 744: Nirada pilvi sanskulotissa on veden nira antaja. Nykykreikassa vesi on nero. Sukua vai sattumaa? Wiktionaryn mukaan sattumaa. Kr. nearon hydor on raikasta vettä. Etruskix vesi on neri. Sukuako vai sattumaa? Etruskeista ei vieläkään tiedetä mistä ne tulivat, Turkistako ehkä, kieli ei ole sukua paljon millekkään. Turkixi vesi on su.
    ellauri053.html on line 816: To be born in a family where more than a hundred members lived under one roof is a matter of no great significance in our country.
    ellauri053.html on line 818: The Tagores belong to the Bandyopadhyaya group of Bengali Brahmins. The genealogy can be traced back to Daksha, one of the five Brahmins who were imported sometime in the 8th century from Kanauj to help in reviving orthodox Hinduism in Buddhist-ridden Bengal. The descendants of this Brahmin moved from one place to another until one Panchanan in 1690 settled down at Govindapur near Calcutta. The opportunities of making money in this flourishing mercantile town, the stronghold of the East India Company, finally attracted the family to Calcutta in the latter part of the eighteenth century and they built their homes at Pathuriaghata and Jorasanko.
    ellauri053.html on line 826: It is believed that the important business which took the Prince to England was - to try to negotiate with the British government for an izara (permanent lease) of the provinces of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa in supersession of the East India Company. He was well received by Queen Victoria. But this ambitious project of his came to nothing on account of his sudden death under somewhat mysterious circumstances.
    ellauri053.html on line 837: At Jorasanko lived the direct descendants of the Maharshi at No. 6, Dwarkanath Tagore Lane. It was a huge rambling house spread over an acre of ground with wide verandahs and large halls around the outer courtyard and a series of dark and dingy corridors and staircases and rooms, where no sunlight ever penetrated, which gave us the creeps whenever as children we had to pass through them. At No. 5, the handsome residence opposite to ours, lived my three artist cousins Gaganendra, Samarendra and Abanindra.
    ellauri053.html on line 853: Our teacher of English was an Englishman of a rather interesting type. He was given a bungalow in the compound. There he lived with thousands of silk-worms in which he had become interested through Akshoy Kumar Maitra, the historian. On Sundays, discarding all clothes, Mr. Lawrence would wrap himself in old newspapers and lie amongst the caterpillars which delighted in crawling all over him. He was very fond of them and used to say they were his children.
    ellauri053.html on line 898: In ancient times the boy had to leave his home and live with his Guru in a forest hermitage as a Brahmachari. Only after having lived a spartan life during years of rigid training was he allowed to go home and take up the duties of a householder.
    ellauri053.html on line 916: The life led by both pupils and teachers was not only simple but almost austere. The ideal of Brahmacharya was the keynote of everything. The yellow uniform, which covered up the poverty of clothes; a pair of blankets, which served as our only bedding; the vegetarian meals comparable to jail diet in their dull monotony — these were the standards laid down.
    ellauri053.html on line 920: I think one of the sorest trials my mother ever had was when Father insisted that I should live in the school boarding-house. She could not bear the miserable condition in which we lived, especially with regard to food.
    ellauri053.html on line 926: In spite of everything — the poverty and lack of normal comfort and convenience — nobody complained, for we really believed in simple living and took pride in our poverty.
    ellauri053.html on line 971: That night my sisters Bela, Rani and Mira and myself and my brother Sami — who was then just a small child — we were all sent to sleep in another part of the house. We knew without anyone telling us that we had lost our mother. That evening my father gave me Mother’s pair of slippers to keep. They have been carefully preserved ever since.
    ellauri053.html on line 975: On my father’s desk I discovered two bound volumes containing copies of letters written by him to my cousin Indira. My cousin had evidently carefully preserved all the letters and copied them out in her beautiful handwriting in the two volumes neatly decorated by her brother Surendranath.
    ellauri053.html on line 979: While I was loitering about the Asrama and reading the letters over and over again the sad news of the death of my sister. Rani was conveyed to me from Calcutta. Father had brought her back there finding that she had much improved in health in Almora — but a relapse ended fatally and she died nine months after the death of my mother.
    ellauri053.html on line 983: Unfortunately just when he was feeling satisfied with the progress that was being made another mishap occurred in the family that greatly disturbed Father’s mind. My grandfather, the Maharshi, died in Calcutta. Father had to go there as soon as he heard about his illness and remained a long time there after grandfather’s death to settle business affairs consequent on the passing away of the head of a big family like ours. After the death of the Maharshi the family broke up — the members no longer lived together as in a Hindu joint family. (100 hengen huushollissa.)
    ellauri053.html on line 985: The death of my brother Samindra took place when I was in college in America. At Monghyr he fell a victim to cholera and died soon after Father arrived there.
    ellauri053.html on line 1026: "I felt sure that some Being who comprehended me and my world was seeking his best expression in all my experiences, uniting them into an ever-widening individuality which is a spiritual work of art. To this Being I was responsible; for the creation in me is His as well as mine." He called this Being his Jivan devata (“The Lord of His Life”), a new conception of God as man’s intimate friend, lover, and beloved that was to play an important role in his subsequent work.
    ellauri053.html on line 1157:

    In 1997, his biographer R. F. Foster observed that Napoleon's dictum that to understand the man you have to know what was happening in the world when he was twenty "is manifestly true of W.B.Y."

    ellauri053.html on line 1166:

    At this point in his review, Eliot moves toward thinking that to make sense of Yeats you have first to remember that he is an Irishman. He thought that to be an Irishman was to be deprived of wit. Mut sitä pitempi oli jästin hanging dick jäykkänä.

    ellauri053.html on line 1370: By 1916, Yeats was 51 years old and determined to marry and produce an heir. His rival John MacBride had been executed for his role in the 1916 Easter Rising, so Yeats hoped that his widow might remarry. His final proposal to Maud Gonne took place in mid-1916. Gonne's history of revolutionary political activism, as well as a series of personal catastrophes in the previous few years of her life—including chloroform addiction and her troubled marriage to MacBride—not to mention that she was 50—made her a potentially unsuitable wife; biographer R. F. Foster has observed that Yeats's last offer was motivated more by a sense of duty than by a genuine desire to marry her.
    ellauri053.html on line 1394: How many loved your moments of glad grace,
    ellauri053.html on line 1395: And loved your beauty with love false or true,
    ellauri053.html on line 1397: But one man loved the spotted dick in you,
    ellauri053.html on line 1398: And loved the sorrows of your changing face;
    ellauri053.html on line 1424: Ronsard is concerned with himself; Yeats barely refers to himself at all (one man) and delivers a prayer of devotion to his beloved. No other poet I've read compares.

    ellauri054.html on line 154: Francis Bacon, 1st Viscount St Alban, 22 January 1561 – 9 April 1626, also known as Lord Verulam, was an English philosopher and statesman who served as Attorney General and as Lord Chancellor of England. His works are credited with developing the scientific method and remained influential through the scientific revolution. Bacon has been called the father of empiricism. Muita lapsia ei sillä ollutkaan. Siihen jäi sen tittelit, ja käyttämätön pippeli. Samanlainen ressukka kuin Jaakko Hintikka.

    ellauri054.html on line 289: Lay like the folds of a bright girdle furled. Se makasi kuin valopään Gödelin taittovedoxet.
    ellauri054.html on line 291: Its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar, Sen masentuneen pitkän ulosvedon,
    ellauri054.html on line 481: Robert Browning believed spiritualism to be fraud, and proved one of Daniel Dunglas Home's most adamant critics. When Browning and his wife Elizabeth attended one of his séances on 23 July 1855, a spirit face materialized, which Home claimed was Browning's son who had died in infancy: Browning seized the "materialization" and discovered it to be Home's bare foot. To make the deception worse, Browning had never lost a son in infancy.
    ellauri054.html on line 527: Browning´s early career began promisingly, but collapsed. The long poems Pauline (1833) and Paracelsus (1835) received some acclaim, but in 1840 the difficult Sordello, which was seen as wilfully obscure, brought his poetry into disrepute. His reputation took more than a decade to recover, during which time he moved away from the Shelleyan forms of his early period and developed a more personal style.
    ellauri055.html on line 213: Saint Fiacre's relics were preserved in his original shrine in the local church of the site of his hermitage, garden, oratory, and hospice, in present Saint-Fiacre, Seine-et-Marne, France, but later transferred in 1568 to their present shrine in Meaux Cathedral in Meaux, which is near Saint-Fiacre and in the same French department, because of fear that fanatical Calvinists endangered them. Saint Fiacre had a reputation for healing haemorrhoids, which were denominated "Saint Fiacre's figs" in the Middle Ages. Cardinal Richelieu venerated his relics hoping to be relieved of the infirmity.
    ellauri055.html on line 215: Saint Fiacre is the patron saint of the commune of Saint-Fiacre, Seine-et-Marne, France. He is the patron of growers of vegetables and medicinal plants, and gardeners in general, including ploughboys. His reputed aversion to women is believed to be the reason he is also considered the patron of victims of venereal disease. He is further the patron of victims of hemorrhoids and fistulas, taxi cab drivers, box makers, florists, hosiers, pewterers, tilemakers, and those suffering from infertility. Finally, he is commonly invoked to heal persons suffering from various infirmities, premised on his reputed skill with medicinal plants.
    ellauri055.html on line 243: Keltatupeen seuraava parannus on lisätä Amerikan putkiveden painetta koska siltä menee liian kauan aikaa tukanpesuun suihkussa. En tiedä teistä mut mun tukan on oltava täydellinen. Kuulitteko täydellinen. Maga panee tuulemaan. Marco ja Laura myrskyt föönaavat.
    ellauri055.html on line 614: Syxy painaa päälle. Vesa-Matti Loiri vahvasti eläytyen esitti Mustapään runoon sävellettyä pientä sanatonta kansanlaulua jossa oli aika paljon sanoja. Mixei Puulavedestä enää nouse muikkua pohti radion puheohjelma.
    ellauri055.html on line 625: Shakki ei mennyt enää yhtä hyvin. Oisko mitään leikkiä 2 hengen piilosta, eli melaa mekkoon? Hande on jo ronttaamassa lakanoita takan eteen kieli pitkällä kun Mirkku saa sanotuxi eze odottaa. Hannes menee paniikkiin. Pian sille selviää et I'm not the father, kuin ammoin Ferenc Kieferille. Hannes saa vedetyxi henkeä. Ei tarvittu hyperventilointipussia. Mirkku haluis perustaa suurperheen Jussista, Handesta, pikku-Jussista, mummosta, Eelis-sedästä ja Jenni-tädistä. Oikee kolhoosi. Fanzu idis.
    ellauri055.html on line 1217: Ragnar on ellottava ällöke. Silti jää vähän vituttamaan et Ragnar ei päässyt tarkoitustensa perille, ja et Hipsu muka ei 17 vuoden ikään oisi kuullut kuukkixista. Talollisen ja herran välimaille jäänyt mökkiläinen Toope vinoilee vielä tehtaalaisten naisista. Mökkinaapuri. No herras-Ragnar selvisi kuin koira veräjästä Hipsun seppukusta kun kamat puuttui Hipsun pussista. Saved by the gong. All is well.
    ellauri058.html on line 398: Arvottaminen perustuu arvoarvostelmiin, mitä on kritisoitu siitä, että arvot mielletään subjektiivisiksi. Arvostelmia tehdään mielivaltaisesti, joten niistä puuttuu totuusarvo. Ne ilmaisevat pelkästään puhujan tunteita. Mielivaltaisuuden takia ei ole olemassa yleisiä periaatteita, joihin voisi vedota arvoarvostelmien perustelemisessa tai oikeuttamisessa. Tämän takia arvoarvostelmia ei voida rationaalisesti tai objektiivisesti perustella. (Lammenranta 1990: 143.)
    ellauri058.html on line 616: Rojola oli itse keskeisiä Päätalon kriitikoita kuvattuna aikana. ”Toinen tärkeä kriitikko oli tietysti Vesa Karonen, jonka kanssa melkein vuorovedolla ja rinnan yhteen aikaan Kallea kahlasimme. Eero Marttinen kajautteli omia kehujaan pohjoisesta, ja Pekka Tarkka oli myös asiallisen positiivinen, huomasi varhain Päätalon merkityksen. JP Roos otti sosiologisen tutkintakulman tähän suomalaisuuden järkäleeseen."
    ellauri058.html on line 657: "Kun olen nyt lueskellut Pitelemättömän tekstiä, huomaan, että menen aika nopeasti ne kohdat, joissa minulla on kova hätä. En halua pysähtyä niihin.” Menin salamana vessaan ja vedin viivana housut alas, mutta paska ehti ensixi.
    ellauri058.html on line 735: Naemanin tauti eli valkohilse eli lepra lähti uppokasteella Hammatin mineraalivedessä. Tästä on maininta Tatu Vaasikiven sellerissä.
    ellauri058.html on line 779: Following the death of his partner of more than 30 years, the philosopher Samuel Todes, Hine lived in semi-retirement in Evanston, Illinois. Hine died of complications of a blood disorder on August 20, 2012 at the age of 76. Varmaan AIDS. Pueriilit runot on kuiteskin omistettu "for Jerry". Hmm. Ezellanen Jami.
    ellauri058.html on line 799: The twelfth book of The Greek Anthology compiled at the court of Hadrian in the second century a.d. by a poetaster Straton, who like most anthologists included an immodest number of his own poems, is itself a part of a larger collection of short poems dating from the dawn of Greek lyric poetry (Alcaeus) down to its last florescence, which survived two Byzantine recensions to end up in a single manuscript in the library of the Count Palatine in Heidelberg — hence its alternative title, The Palatine Anthology, usually abbreviated to Anth. Pal. This particular, indeed special, collection contained in Book XII subtitled The Musa Paedika or Musa Puerilis, alternately from the Greek word for a child of either sex — and girls are not wholly absent from these pages — or the Latin for “boy,” consists of 258 epigrams on various aspects of Boy Love or, to recur to the Greek root, paederasty.
    ellauri060.html on line 110: Peter first knew that he was gay when he was seven. Somewhat later he had a long-term relationship with Brian Kuhn, an American dancer he met while at Yale. After a nervous breakdown in the late 1980s, Ackroyd moved to Devon with Kuhn. However, Kuhn was then diagnosed with AIDS, and died in 1994, after which Ackroyd moved back to London. In 1999, he suffered a heart attack and was placed in a medically induced coma for a week.
    ellauri060.html on line 239: His parents were Presbyterian dissenters, and around the age of 14, he was sent to Charles Morton's dissenting academy at Newington Green, then a village just north of London, where he is believed to have attended the Dissenting church there after getting his Bachelor of Dissenting.
    ellauri060.html on line 245: Following his release from debtors’ prison, he probably travelled in Europe and Scotland, and it may have been at this time that he traded wine to Cadiz, Porto and Lisbon. By 1695, he was back in England, now formally using the name "Defoe" and serving as a "commissioner of the glass duty", responsible for collecting taxes on bottles. In 1696, he ran a tile and brick factory in what is now Tilbury in Essex and lived in the parish of Chadwell St Mary. He was a serial entrepreneur.
    ellauri060.html on line 466: A traditional pastoral folk song the popular form of which dates to the mid-19th century. It is largely believed to have been sung commonly during the Sepoy Rebellion of 1857, though no credible source seems to confirm it. If it were true the song likely predates the 19th century, though no published copies of the work exist.
    ellauri060.html on line 708: makean veden piraatti

    ellauri060.html on line 803: samean veden kala

    ellauri060.html on line 1042: The core issue is the Web as we know has been dying, as people all over the world do not want to bother to put up links to other high quality content just for the sake it. It is not that there is no such excellent content, there certainly is on the Web itself which now has tens of trillions of archived pages.
    ellauri060.html on line 1144: Ihmiskohtalon kokija on Sokolov, sehän on melkein kuin Sholokhov? Paizi Miihkali oli suuressa isänmaallisessa sodassa jo PK-miehiä. Sokolovin Irina-vaimo oli siitä hyvä etteise koskaan nalkuttanut Sokoloville, vaan tarjos jopa loiventavat huikat sille krapula-aamuina. Vahinko vaan että suuressa isänmaallisessa sodassa siitä ja kotimökistä jäi jäljelle vaan iso veden täyttämä kuoppa. Sokolov lohduttautuu kansakouluikäisellä pikkupojalla, jolla on kaarevat silmäripset ja joka tarrautuu siihen yöllä lujasti. Sakemannit on täys roistoja, paizi että tunnistavat Sokolovissa kyllä heimolaisensa, kovanaama sotilaan joka kuristaa omin käsin potentiaaliset petturit eikä vahingossakaan särje lapsen sydäntä näyttäytymällä tippa linssissä. Rehtiä Ryhmy- ja Romppainen -materiaalia.
    ellauri060.html on line 1207: Lehden kansi on poikkeuksellinen, sillä Vogueta myydään nyt ensi kertaa miehellä. Harvalukuiset miehet ovat poseeranneet aiemmin Voguen kannessa vain naisten seurassa. Lähes 130-vuotiaan naisten muotilehden historiassa kyse on rohkeasta vedosta.
    ellauri061.html on line 82: No sitten tulee kuvaan nää oudot hyypiöt: jonkun algerialaisen noidan poika Caliban, varmaan vajakki, moroni tai simpletoni, sekä tää Ariel, ei juuri fixumpi, jonka samainen noita oli pannut puunrungon sisään talteen. Ne on jotain Prosperon käsiapulaisia. Maan möhkö Caliban ei viizi kantaa lisää halkoja. Ariel palaa vedenneidoxi puettuna. Ihana mekko! sanoo Prospero.
    ellauri061.html on line 201: August Wilhelm Schlegel työnsi myös lusikkansa soppaan. Schlegel perceived unity in the multiple plot lines. He noted that the donkey's head is not a random transformation, but reflects Bottom's true nature. Eli se oli oikeasti oikea aasi. Ovelaa. Hyvin ajateltu Robin! He identified the tale of Pyramus and Thisbe as a burlesque of the Athenian lovers.
    ellauri061.html on line 231: Oberon on aika luikero, kärkäs apina ja rietas babiaani. Meddling monkey ja busy ape. Se jää vaklaamaan kun Dimitri ja Helena hiippaa paikalle. Mua vedät, kovakiskoinen maneitti! (varmaan mangneetti. Alkutextissä seisoo adamantti.) Mä olen pikku koirasi Dimitri, mankuu Helena. Jahka kuluu yrki. (Yrki? Se on tovi, se löytyi Lönnrotin sanakirjasta.)
    ellauri061.html on line 257: Titania on nenästävedettävä höperö. Oberon sensijaan vaikuttaa olevan Prospero-luokan manipuloiva setämies. Taattua pirtelökamaa. William on kovaxikeitetty narsisti. Hiljaa siis ja hipsuttain öisen varjon jälkeen vain!
    ellauri061.html on line 559: Deprived thee of! Hold off the earth awhile, nerokkaan ällin! Pitäkääs vielä noita lapioita,
    ellauri061.html on line 587: HAMLET I loved Ophelia: forty thousand brothers HAMLET Mä rakastin Ofeliaa: 40K veljeä
    ellauri061.html on line 610: I loved you ever: but it is no matter; Mähän susta tykkäsin: mut väliäkö hällä,
    ellauri061.html on line 766: An Israeli citizen has been arrested in Bulgaria and is awaiting extradition to Austria in connection with an alleged online financial scam believed to have netted more than 100 million euros per year.
    ellauri061.html on line 778: In the interview, Barak was asked whether he is a lobbyist that earns a living from "opening doors." The interviewer stated "You have arrived recently at the Kazakhstan despot Nazarbayev and the president of Ghana. You are received immediately." Barak confirmed that he has been received by these heads of state but denied earning money from opening doors for international business deals for Israeli and foreign corporations, and said he does not see any ethical or moral problems in his business activities. He further said there is no logic to demand of him, after "the natural process in democracy has ended" to not utilize the tools he accumulated in his career to secure his financial future. When asked if his financial worth is $10–15 million, Barak said "I'm not far from there."
    ellauri062.html on line 396: A character ("General Hopgood") in the 2009 film The Men Who Stare at Goats — a fictionalized adaptation of Ronson's book — is loosely based on Stubblebine as commander of the "psychic spy unit" (portrayed in the film) who believed he could train himself to walk through walls.
    ellauri062.html on line 462: Kaikissa tarinoissa esiintyy kuitenkin joku Yli-Juonikas. ”Kun turinoita ei tuntunut yhdistävän mikään, keksin yhteisen päähenkilön. Mikä olisi päähenkilön nimi? Hei nyt kekkasin! Oma nimeni! Vähän hatusta vedetty juttu mutta onhan sekin eräänlaista näkymistä.
    ellauri062.html on line 946: fact that Solomon delved deeply into the occult/Satanic world, and discovered and used this symbol to command demons. (Höh tavallinen kalliokielohan se on.)
    ellauri063.html on line 41: Tony Blair oversaw British interventions in Kosovo (1999) and Sierra Leone (2000), which were generally perceived as successful. During the War on Terror, he supported the foreign policy of the George W. Bush administration and ensured that the British Armed Forces participated in the War in Afghanistan from 2001 and, more controversially, the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Blair argued that the Saddam Hussein regime possessed an active weapons of mass destruction (WMD) program, but no stockpiles of WMDs or an active WMD program were ever found in Iraq. The Iraq War became increasingly unpopular among the British public, and he was criticised by opponents and (in 2016) the Iraq Inquiry for waging an unjustified and unnecessary invasion. He was in office when the 7/7 bombings took place (2005) and introduced a range of anti-terror legislation. His legacy remains controversial, not least because of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.
    ellauri063.html on line 47: Yes, Orwell was not exactly LGBTQ-friendly. He had a lot of opinions which now seem eccentric or objectionable. He had a lifelong tendency to make disparaging remarks about vegetarians, or people who wore sandals. I suspect that this came from the association in his mind of socialism with people who lived the early 20th century equivalent of an alternative lifestyle: it was very important to Orwell to show people that being socialist didn’t mean that you had to have to have a long beard, wear sandals or not eat meat, and that socialism was thoroughly British, manly and commonsensical.
    ellauri063.html on line 265: No ei, noin 100s myöhemmin selviää, et toi ADC on Jaskan keximä paha mumslimi Atif Darpan Chagla. Vähän kuin Pahani Julmu. Tekisi melkein mieli sanoa: vedä heti käteen Jaska jouzenkaulamikrofoneinesi. Jokainen noin kumikaula ansaizee suuren neuvoston tuomion. Golem saisi istua sen päälle.
    ellauri063.html on line 314: Scott "Walker" Engel's The Old Man's Back Again is dedicated to the neostalinist regime. Löysää hölkkää mutta kaskun kärki on nyt siinä että Putinin porukat on muka yleisössä. Scott 4 is Scott Walker's fifth solo album (a collection of songs he had performed for his BBC television series had been his fourth). It was originally released in late 1969 under his birth name, Scott Engel, and failed to chart. Subsequent reissues have been released under his stage name. It has since received praise as one of Walker's best works.
    ellauri063.html on line 332: Paikka lienee tullut Jakelle tutuxi jo opiskeluaikana. Talosta on laaja kuvaus ved=2ahUKEwiw3b267MDtAhUqxosKHcVWBioQFjAAegQIBxAB&usg=AOvVaw0faaJbA5QYY4WOrsQDqEmQ">Hikipediassa ettei vaan ihan Jaken omasta kynästä:
    ellauri063.html on line 366: Selkeesti symbolistis- solipsistis-uskonnollissävyistä on Jaken viehätys kaikenlaisiin vedätyxiin jossa "kaikki ei ole sitä miltä näyttää". Se on just sitä samaa platoniumsaastetta mikä kuumotti äsken mainittuja fasistifilosoohveja.
    ellauri063.html on line 610: Svedu kyrvänpään näkösen valmiusviraston johtajan matka Las Palmasille oli välttämätön, koska hän HALUSI viettää joulun perheensä kanssa.
    ellauri064.html on line 48: Voi töttöröö sentään, varmaan painaa jonkun mieltä, kun vessapaperirullan saa nakattua paperin jatkeeksi pönttöön sen sijaan että kuljettaisi sen joka kerta täyttämään kartonkijätepöniköitä ensin kotona ja sitten kierrätyspisteessä. Oikeasti: mä en ymmärrä miksi tuo huuhdeltava vessapaperirulla on herättänyt niin suurta vastustusta lanseerauksen jälkeen. Ensin joku Jorma Ö vedenpuhdistuspäällikkö kertoo haastattelussa kuinka "vessapaperirullan huuhtominen vessasta on vaarallista" (vaikka kyseinen rulla on ihan erilainen kuin tavalliset hylsyt) ja sitten tällainen suosionosoitus.
    ellauri064.html on line 81: Benjamin's luscious Berlin Childhood around 1900 recalls his experience of the city's material culture as a boy. His family was commercially successful (rich) but relations with his parents and sister were poor, although he had a better relationship with his younger brother, because he died in a concentration camp. His bleak verdict on school life contrasted with that of his schoolmate Gershom Scholem, who become Professor of Jewish Mysticism at the newly established Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Benjamin impressed some as reserved, discreet and modest, others as oversensitive and uncompromising.
    ellauri064.html on line 280: Unabomber Theodore John Kaczynski (/kəˈzɪnski/; born May 22, 1942), also known as the Unabomber (/ˈjuːnəbɒmər/), is an American domestic terrorist, anarchist, and former mathematics professor. He was a mathematics prodigy, but he abandoned his academic career in 1969 to pursue a more primitive lifestyle. Between 1978 and 1995, he killed three people and injured 23 others in an attempt to start a revolution by conducting a nationwide bombing campaign targeting people involved with modern technology. In conjunction with this effort, he issued a social critique opposing industrialization while advocating a nature-centered form of anarchism.
    ellauri064.html on line 282: In 1971, Kaczynski moved to a remote cabin without electricity or running water near Lincoln, Montana, where he lived as a recluse while learning survival skills in an attempt to become self-sufficient. He witnessed the destruction of the wilderness surrounding his cabin and concluded that living in nature was untenable; he began his bombing campaign in 1978. In 1995, he sent a letter to The New York Times and promised to "desist from terrorism" if the Times or The Washington Post published his essay Industrial Society and Its Future, in which he argued that his bombings were extreme, but necessary to attract attention to the erosion of human freedom and dignity by modern technologies that require large-scale organization.
    ellauri064.html on line 291: "It tells an important story of Montana," said Whittenberg. "And it's not a story we're necessarily proud of, or that we like to relive. But it was a big story in Montana, big story nationally and internationally. And that´s an artifact that represents that story and so part of our role here is to make sure those things are preserved for future generations. It can still bring in megabucks."
    ellauri064.html on line 343: Tom Erik Arnkil, the Finish research professor emeritus, discusses Open Dialogues and Anticipation Dialogues in order to find core elements of dialogical practices in general and arrived at the concept of Dialogical Space.
    ellauri064.html on line 386: During World War II, the Nazi-minded Grönhagen worked for Finland´s propaganda department and served as its military attaché in Berlin. He was arrested in Oslo 1945 and held in custody for two years. After his release Grönhagen was a businessman and emigrated to Greece in 1964. He first lived in Crete and later in Athens serving as the Master of the Christian Order Ordo Sancti Constantini Magni.
    ellauri064.html on line 398: Kanteleensoittaja, runolaulaja Timo Lipitsä kiersi aikoinaan laulu- ja soittomatkoilla eri puolilla Suomea ja tuli laajalti tunnetuksi. Hän kuoli 60 vuotta sitten Kiuruvedellä, kaukana synnyinseudultaan Suistamolta.
    ellauri065.html on line 57: Evitskogissa on leimahtanut kova kiista suunnitelmista, jossa maanomistaja haluaa korottaa alavaa peltoa rakennustyömailta tuoduilla maa-aineksilla. Paikka on monille ohikulkijoillekin ja erityisesti lintuharrastajille tuttu Evitskogissa Kivenlahti-Virkkala -maantien varrella. Tulva-aikoihin vesi nousee pellolle ja syys-ja kevätmuuton aikana alueella on sankkanaan muuttolintuja. Alueen maanomistajalla on pari vuotta ollut suunnitelmissa rahdata laajalle alueelle maamassoja ja korottaa peltoa muutamalla metrillä. Hankkeessa on puhuttu erittäin suurista määristä maa-aineista, jota tuotaisiin peltoaukealle jopa 700.000 - 800.000 kuutiometriä. Parin viime vuoden aikana on Kirkkonummella ollut esillä ainakin kolme isoa maakaatopaikkahanketta. Niissä on haettu lupaa noin 120.000 - 430.000 kuution läjitysmäärille. (Lue hankkeista, linkit jutun lopussa) Evitskogin hankkeessa ei ole käytetty maankaatopaikka-termiä, vaan puhuttu pellonkorotuksesta. Kunnalta on tiedusteltu noin vuosi sitten, tarvitaanko hankkeelle ympäristölupa. Tuolloin kunnan ympäristöyksikkö on lausunnossaan todennut, ettei ympäristölupaa tarvita. Lausunnossa todetaan, että paikalle tuotavien maa-aineisten on oltava puhtaita ja ennen toiminnan aloittamista alueen halki kulkevan Törnesintien tieoikeuden haltijoiden on hyväksyttävä hanke. Tiekunta on lähestynyt kuntaa valituskirjelmällä, jossa suhtaudutaan hankkeeseen kielteisesti. Asia tulee kevään mittaan ympäristölautakunnan käsittelyyn. Peltoaukean poikki on aloitettu tien parantaminen. Tie johtaa alueen omistajan kesäasunnolle. Kirkkonummen ympäristöyhdistys on nostanut hankkeen esille ja väittää, että kyseessä on maankaatopaikka, jota valmistellaan tien korjaamisella. Ympäristöyhdistys pyytää Etelä-Suomen aluehallintovirastoa (Avi) tutkimaan, valmistellaanko kosteikolle ja peltoaukealle laitonta maankaatopaikkaa. Yhdistys on myös tehnyt kantelun eduskunnan oikeusasiamiehelle Kirkkonummen ympäristöpäällikön toiminnasta. Valitusta ei ympäristöyhdistyksen mukaan voi hankkeesta tehdä, koska mitään virallista päätöstä ei ole hankkeen tiimoilta olemassa. Kunnan ympäristöyksikössä on tulkittu vuosi sitten hanketta pellonparannuksena, kuten sitä on maaomistajakin kutsunut. Ympäristöyksikössä on vedottu siihen, että lain mukaan pellonparannukseen ei tarvitse ympäristölain mukaista lupaa toisin kuin, jos lupaa haetaan maankaatopaikalle. Peltoa saa korottaa kunnan ympäristöyksikön mukaan melko vapaasti, jos maanläjityksellä on jokin tarkoitus eli pellon saaminen viljelyn kannalta parempaan kuntoon. Kysessä oleva alue ei ole suojeltu. Alue on virallisesti peltoa, joka on oikeutettu myös maataloustukiin. Tällaisia maankaatopaikkahankkeita on ollut vireillä:> Avolouhos halutaan täyttää ja > perustaa maankaatopaikka − > louhittua kiveä löytyy maailman > suurkaupungeista (Viisykkönen > 20.8.2018) Isoa maankaatopaikkaa > ei tule Porkkalanniemelle – hanke > tyssäsi paikalliseen > vastustukseen, rekkarallia > pelättiin (Viisykkönen 13.9.2017)> Kirkkonummen kunta hylkäsi lupa-anomuksen maankaatopaikalle Kylmälässä äänestyksen jälkeen (Viisykkönen
    ellauri065.html on line 163: Saksalaiset, jotka olivat asuneet kodeissaan tai palanneet koteihinsa, karkotettiin väkisin ennen kuin nämä palautetut alueet (virallinen termi) asuttivat uudelleen Keski-Puolan puolalaisten ja itäisiltä alueilta ja Keski-Puolasta tulleet puolalaiset. Puolan aluemuutokset heti toisen maailmansodan jälkeen. Huomaa että "Lwöw!" eli Lemberg jäi Curzonin "A" linjanvedon mukaisesti itäpuolelle.
    ellauri065.html on line 183: Articles contain ads, in-line references removed.
    ellauri065.html on line 200: The film received generally mixed reviews from film critics, but it won several accolades at international film festivals. Review aggregator web site Rotten Tomatoes gave the film a 50% approval rating based on 94 reviews, with an average rating of 5.15/10; the general consensus states: "Grotesque, visceral and hard to (ahem) swallow, this surgical horror doesn't quite earn its stripes because the gross-outs overwhelm and devalue everything else."
    ellauri065.html on line 228: Finding himself out of work after film school in 1976, Ferrara directed a pornographic film, 9 Lives of a Wet Pussy, using a pseudonym. Starring with his then-girlfriend, he recalled having to step in front of the camera for one scene to perform in a hardcore sex scene: "It's bad enough paying a guy $200 to fuck your girlfriend, then he can't get it up." Ferrara lives in Rome, Italy. He moved there following the 9/11 attacks because it was easier for him to find financing for his movies in Europe. Ferrara descibes himself as a Buddhist. Because Jesus was a living man, and so were Buddha and Muhammad. These three guys changed the fucking world, with their passion and love of other human beings. All these guys had was their word, and they came from fucking nowhere. I’m not saying Nazareth is nowhere – I’m sure Jesus came from a very cool neighbourhood. Ferrara shows his love for other human beings by making films with a lot of FUCK! FUCK! and KILL! KILL! in them. His love of money is no match for his love of his neighbor primates.
    ellauri065.html on line 498: thetan: In Scientology, the concept of the thetan (/ˈθeɪtən/) is similar to the concept of self, or the spirit or soul as found in several belief systems. This similarity is not total, though. The term is derived from the Greek letter Θ, theta, which in Scientology beliefs represents "the source of life, or life itself." In Scientology it is believed that it is the thetan, not the central nervous system, which commands the body through communication points.
    ellauri065.html on line 513: ebin: sometimes spelled "epin", is an intentional misspelling of the word "epic" which is often associated with the character Spurdo Spärde and ironic meme culture. According to Encyclopedia Dramatica, the term "epin" was coined as a shortened form of the phrase epic win in June 2009 on 4chan´s /b/ (random) board, where it was spammed repeatedly and accused of being a forced meme. On June 7th, several Urban Dictionary definitions for "epin" were submitted. According to the s4s Wiki, the term "ebin" was subsequently coined as a Spurdo Spärde-style misspelling of epin on the Finnish image board Kuvalauta to avoid bans for posting the word "epic." Derived senses:
    ellauri065.html on line 527: Spurdo Spärde: a poorly drawn character based on the sprite image of Pedobear. It was originally conceived in the Finnish imageboard Kuvalauta to mock the newcomers who often flooded the site with hackneyed reposts, one of the main materials being images of Pedobear. The character is coarsely drawn on purpose and accompanied by captions that are misspelled and stylized in all cap.
    ellauri066.html on line 220: Runoilija Carlson kiistelee erälehdessä yxiäänisesti edesmenneen Tuomas Anhawan kanssa siitä minkä kuusen kävystä on kysymys ja missä hauin laulu ylösmerkittiin. Voisihan se olla niinnii että Aaro kirjas Puulaveden erähavainnon ylös myöhemmin. Kesien kesänä 1928 oli Lempin käpy Aaron penseissä päällimmäisenä. Vitun pompöösisti Aaro vetää äänityxen, taisi olla aika itsetärkeä ja mahtipontinen. Mahtavalla äänellä mä rallin viskaan. Nää ei ole mitään velkahirsiä. Aarolla oli muuten huulihalkio, sinänsä viaton mutta izetunnon kannalta hankala esteettinen vamma, samanlainen kuin hauella. Tai jänöllä. Shöshshöttävä äshshä voishi shelittyä shiitä.
    ellauri066.html on line 368: Moore’s intuition that Pynchon’s Second Equation is real proved to be correct, and he and his colleague correctly assign the angle ϕ to the orientational range of the rocket. But since they did not know that this formula is only one in a set of equations that describe the flight path, the orientation, and the steering of the V-2, the research team was misled in their interpretation of the other parameters and terms. With Müller’s paper, we can finally determine the meaning of each term and compare these with Pynchon’s reading. The first three terms refer, respectively, to the moments of inertia, of air resistance, and of lateral air impact when the rocket yaws, and the term on the right side of the equal sign represents the steering moment of the rudders (Müller, 1957: 90, 91; Kirschstein, 1951: 73, 74). In other words, the left-hand terms describe the orientation of the rocket during flight, which is influenced by external forces such as wind currents and air resistance.
    ellauri066.html on line 422: Ohjaajat Steven Spielberg ja George Lucas sekä näyttelijä Mickey Rooney olivat vedonneet maiskisten oman Hollywood-tähden puolesta.
    ellauri066.html on line 478: Out of these two arise those mixed affections and passions of anger, which is a desire of revenge; hatred, which is inveterate anger; zeal, which is offended with him who hurts that he loves; and ἐπιχαιρεκακία [epikhairekakia], a compound affection of joy and hate, when we rejoice at other men's mischief, and are grieved at their prosperity; pride, self-love, emulation, envy, shame, &c., of which elsewhere. Nicomachean Ethics, 2.7.1108b1-10
    ellauri066.html on line 484: Nemesis (Greek: νέμεσις) is a philosophical term first created by Aristotle in his Nicomachean Ethics. The term means one who feels pain caused by others' undeserved success. It is part of a trio of terms, with epikhairekakia (ἐπιχαιρεκακία ) meaning one who takes pleasure in others' pain, similar to Schadenfreude, and phthonos (φθόνος) meaning one who feels pain caused by any pleasure, deserved or not, similar to envy.[1][2]
    ellauri066.html on line 486: It is the opposite of pity, as pity is pain at undeserved misfortune.
    ellauri066.html on line 513: Displeasure at another's happiness is involved in envy, and perhaps in jealousy. The coinage "freudenschade" similarly means sorrow at another's success.
    ellauri066.html on line 518: In the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle used epikhairekakia (ἐπιχαιρεκακία in Greek) as part of a triad of terms, in which epikhairekakia stands as the opposite of phthonos (φθόνος), and nemesis (νέμεσις) occupies the mean. Nemesis is "a painful response to another's undeserved good fortune", while phthonos is a painful response to any good fortune of another, deserved or not. The epikhairekakos (ἐπιχαιρέκακος) person takes pleasure in another's ill fortune.[33][34]
    ellauri066.html on line 520: During the seventeenth century, Robert Burton wrote in his work The Anatomy of Melancholy, "Out of these two [the concupiscible and irascible powers] arise those mixed affections and passions of anger, which is a desire of revenge; hatred, which is inveterate anger; zeal, which is offended with him who hurts that he loves; and ἐπιχαιρεκακία, a compound affection of joy and hate, when we rejoice at other men's mischief, and are grieved at their prosperity; pride, self-love, emulation, envy, shame, &c., of which elsewhere."[37]
    ellauri066.html on line 530: Researchers expected that the brain's empathy center of subjects would show more stimulation when those seen as "good" got an electric shock, than would occur if the shock was given to someone the subject had reason to consider "bad". This was indeed the case, but for male subjects, the brain's pleasure centers also lit up when someone got a shock that the male thought was "well-deserved".
    ellauri066.html on line 910: She wrote to me to say that Tegnell and his colleagues “have acted too late and too little which has led to over 12000 people premature death including my husband. He would have lived without Corona!”
    ellauri066.html on line 922: It’s likely that some simple policy changes—especially shutting down visitations to nursing homes sooner, and providing more P.P.E. and testing to nursing-home staff—would have saved lives. But who knows...
    ellauri067.html on line 79: Turmiolan Tommi. Tommi Nieminen. 15 June 1973. Also known as; English: Tommi Kinnunen. Finnish teacher and writer. place of birth: Kuusamo. Educated at: University of Turku. Award received: Thanks for the book award. Twitter followers: 15,701. Hän on äidinkielen ja kirjallisuuden opettaja Luostarivuoren lukiossa ja koulussa.
    ellauri067.html on line 154: During his stay at Fort Bliss, von Braun proposed marriage to Maria Luise von Quistorp (born June 10, 1928), his maternal first cousin, in a letter to his father. He married her in a Lutheran church in Landshut, Germany on 1 March 1947, having received permission to go back to Germany and return with his bride. He was 35 and his new bride was 18. Shortly after, he became an evangelical Christian. He returned to New York on 26 March 1947, with his wife, father, and mother. On 8 December 1948, the von Brauns´ first daughter Iris Careen was born at Fort Bliss Army Hospital.
    ellauri067.html on line 156: The Moon is named after him. Von Braun received a total of 12 honorary doctorates. Several German cities (Bonn, Neu-Isenburg, Mannheim, Mainz), and dozens of smaller towns have been named after von Braun.
    ellauri067.html on line 302: Hooker arrived in Boston and settled in Newtown (later renamed Cambridge), where he became the pastor of the earliest established church there, known to its members as "The Church of Christ at Cambridge." His congregation, some of whom may have been members of congregations he had served in England, became known as "Mr. Hooker's Company".
    ellauri067.html on line 322: dit-dah-dit is R for Roger Morse: Received as transmitted (origin of "Roger").
    ellauri067.html on line 379: Höh, aika tylsä makarooni. Eikö löytynyt mitään hauskempaa? Juonikin vaikuttaa ikävystyttävältä: The poem tells of a prank played on an apothecary by a band of university students called macaronea secta. It is written in a mix of Latin and Italian, in hexameter verse (as would befit a classical Latin poem). It reads as a satire of the bogus humanism and pedantism of doctors, scholars and bureaucrats of the time. Merkuriuxelle pyhitetty valo on keskiviikko. Zobia on toskanalainen murresana torstaille (Giovedi).
    ellauri067.html on line 384: What Does the Triskelion Symbol Mean? Derived from the Greek word "Triskeles" meaning "three legs", the Triskele or Triple Spiral is a complex ancient Celtic symbol. Often referred to by many as a Triskelion, its earliest creation dates back to the Neolithic era, as it can be seen at the entrance of Newgrange, Ireland. The Triskele gained popularity in its use within the Celtic culture from 500BC onwards. This archaic symbol is one of the most convoluted to decipher as symbolists believe it is reflective of many areas of culture from the time. Huoh. Vitun symbolistit. Seinän töhrijät. Nuijia. Kirkkovene ja Jallu luuraa on selkeämpiä.
    ellauri067.html on line 422: Richard Freiherr von Krafft-Ebing (1840–1902; full name Richard Fridolin Joseph Freiherr Krafft von Festenberg auf Frohnberg, genannt von Ebing) was an Austro–German psychiatrist and author of the foundational work Psychopathia Sexualis (1886). He died in Graz in 1902. He was recognized as an authority on deviant sexual behavior and its medicolegal aspects. Krafft-Ebing´s principal work is Psychopathia Sexualis: eine Klinisch-Forensische Studie (Sexual Psychopathy: A Clinical-Forensic Study), which was first published in 1886 and expanded in subsequent editions. The last edition from the hand of the author (the twelfth) contained a total of 238 case histories of human sexual behaviour. Translations of various editions of this book introduced to English such terms as "sadist" (derived from the brutal sexual practices depicted in the novels of the Marquis de Sade), "masochist", (derived from the name of Leopold von Sacher-Masoch), "homosexuality", "bisexuality", "necrophilia", and "anilingus".
    ellauri067.html on line 439: How much, or how little influence drugs, particularly hallucigenic drugs like lysergic acid diethylamide, LSD, had on Pynchon’s narrative is unknown. If Siegel, however, is to be believed, and he should be despite any resentment he felt regarding Pynchon’s affair with his wife, then the writing of Gravity’s Rainbow was heavily influenced by drugs. In Pynchon’s most famous quote regarding this particular novel, which is notoriously difficult to interpret, he is alleged to have told Siegel,
    ellauri067.html on line 545: "This same secret knowledge is what I craved as a young student, believing that there was a meaning to the world beyond all our everyday transactions."
    ellauri067.html on line 577: Prokosch was born in Madison, Wisconsin, into an intellectual family that travelled widely. His father, Eduard Prokosch, an Austrian immigrant, was Professor of Germanic Languages at Yale University at the time of his death in 1938. Prokosch was graduated from Haverford College in 1925 and received a Ph.D. in English in 1932 from Yale University. In his youth, he was an accomplished squash racquets player; he represented the Yale Club in the 1937 New York State squash racquets championship. He won the squash-racquets championship of France in 1938.
    ellauri069.html on line 76: A couple of years after Barthelme took the apartment, the writer Kirkpatrick Sale and his wife, Faith, an editor, moved in downstairs and became close friends. They had been students at Cornell with Pynchon, and Pynchon would write part of “Gravity’s Rainbow” (1973) in their apartment.
    ellauri069.html on line 78: What was he doing? Daugherty is right to claim that Barthelme conceived of himself as an heir of the modernist tradition—in particular, of Beckett. He encountered Beckett’s work for the first time in 1956, when he picked up a copy of Theatre Arts at Guy’s Newsstand, in Houston, and read the text of “Waiting for Godot.” “It seemed that from the day he discovered ‘Godot,’ Don believed he could write the fiction he imagined,” the woman who was his wife at the time, Helen Moore Barthelme, says in her memoir, “Donald Barthelme: The Genesis of a Cool Sound” (2001).
    ellauri069.html on line 89: Barthelme believed himself to be working in the tradition of Joyce and Samuel Beckett, and that his appropriation of popular, commercial, and other sub-artistic elements (instruction manuals, travel guides, advertisements, sentences from newspaper articles, and so on) in his writing was done as a means of making literature, not subverting it or announcing its obsolescence. Daugherty thinks that many people have got Barthelme wrong.
    ellauri069.html on line 111: He also believed that one of the things deadening our responses was mass culture. “I believe that’s the place artists are trying to get to, and I further believe that when they are successful, they reach it... an area somewhere probably between mathematics and religion, in which what may fairly be called truth exists.” He was an enemy of television. He was a serious jazz buff. It took him a while to become interested in rock. Daugherty is right. He was a postmodernist in the first sense.
    ellauri069.html on line 127: Sidney Joseph "S.J." Perelman (February 1, 1904 – October 17, 1979) was an American humorist and screenwriter. He is best known for his humorous short pieces written over many years for The New Yorker. He also wrote for several other magazines, including Jude, as well as books, scripts, and screenplays. Perelman received an Academy Award for screenwriting in 1956.
    ellauri069.html on line 199: Omegapiste on ranskalaisen filosofin ja jesuiittapapin Pierre Teilhard de Chardinin (1881–1955) kehittämä käsite, joka kuvaa kompleksisuuden ja tietoisuuden äärimmäistä tasoa, jota kohti maailmankaikkeus hänen teoriansa mukaan kehittyy. Teilhard kutsui evoluutioteoriaansa kompleksisuuden ja tietoisuuden laiksi; Teilhardin mukaan maailmankaikkeus voi kehittyä lisääntyvän kompleksisuuden ja tietoisuuden suuntaan vain, mikäli sitä vedetään kohti äärimmäisen kompleksisuuden ja tietoisuuden pistettä. Höh, tää on vaan vanhaa taivastoivoa tekotieteellisillä sanoilla. Vähän sellasta transhumanismia. Pierrestä lisää albumissa 219.
    ellauri069.html on line 203: Gerard Swope (December 1, 1872 – November 20, 1957) was a U.S. electronics businessman. He served as the president of General Electric Company between 1922 and 1940, and again from 1942 until 1945. During this time Swope expanded GE's product offerings, reorienting GE toward consumer home appliances, and offering consumer credit services. Swope was born in St. Louis, Missouri, to Ida and Isaac Swope, Jewish immigrants from Germany. He graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1895.
    ellauri069.html on line 294: Tutkimuxen mukaan sinkkujen sexi on vähemmän antoisaa kuin parisuhteisten. Sen voi uskoa. Käteenveto on laiha korvike mehukkaalle panolle. Nyrkkikyllikki ei ole yhtä viehättävä kuin se oikea. Svedu kyrvänpään näkösen valmiusviraston johtajan matka Las Palmasille oli välttämätön, koska hän HALUSI viettää joulun perheensä kanssa.
    ellauri069.html on line 395: —the Pökler family, consisting of a rocket engineer father manipulated by the German government, a leftist mother protesting that government, and a daughter who may or may not have survived the camps, whom Pökler fucks with all the more merriment;
    ellauri069.html on line 401: —the mission of Oberst Enzian, who is Tchitcherine’s Herero half-brother, one of a select company of Hereros who survived Germany’s genocide of their people to become rocket engineers during World War II; he was a bunk toy for Weissmann mentioned in the next bullet as a boy in black Africa;
    ellauri069.html on line 577: The storyline revolved around a 35-year-old dressmaker who fascinates men as she works her way up to become the chief Hollywood costumer designer. Virginia Clark did the role for 11 years, and Julie Stevens portrayed Helen for 16 years. Piki olis tykännyt.
    ellauri069.html on line 601: Siinä hötäkässä menee onnexi myös velvollisuudentunto ja tiimihenki pesuveden mukana. Laiskiainen ei enää muista mitää olii luvaannut. En minäkään. Lupaaminen on ylipäänsä syvältä. Mä en ole vuosiin enää tehnyt uudenvuodenlupauxia, enkä toivo mitään nähdessäni tähden lentävän. Antaa lentää vaan.
    ellauri069.html on line 790: Saatana että se sammakko teki terää kullille. Ei olisi yhtään pahitteexi vaikka sen nyt lykkäisi jonkun huoran sisuxiin. Hei, mistäs täältä saisi pillua? Marvy haluaa vain tumman ihon, suljetun suun, ihanan neekerialistumisen. Tyttö on valmis kaikkeen mitä hän käskee, hän voi vaikka panaa tytön pään veden alle ja pitää sen siellä kunnes hän hukkuu, hän voi vääntää tytön kättä taaxepäin ja murskata sormet niinkuin teki sille yhdelle huoralle frankfurtissa tässä pari viikkoa takaperin. Hakata pistoolinpiipulla, purra verille. Näyt kuhisevat hänen aivoissaan, väkivaltaiset ja vähemmän eroottiset kuin arvaattekaan - pikemmnkin niihin liittyy vain työntämistä, osumista, tunkeutumista ja muita sotilaallisia arvoja. Mikä ei suinkaan tarkoita, etteikö Marvy nauttisi olostaan ihan yhtä viattomasti kuin tekin. Eikä sitä, etteikö Manuela jollakin kiihkottoman urheilullisella tavalla mielellään liikkkuisi yläs alas majurin izepintaisella punaisella kangella...
    ellauri070.html on line 80: Actor Tyrone Power was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. Power led a busy bisexual life in Hollywood and was involved with several men during his career.
    ellauri070.html on line 81: We learn that Cole Porter was notoriously promiscuous and loved giving head to young Marines. Tyrone Power, also an ex-Marine, was bisexual but preferred male sexual partners.
    ellauri070.html on line 313: Skippy: Thomas More believed "Skippy" alludes to the Percy Crosby cartoon strip Skippy, of 1920s-1945 vintage: "Skippy, like Orphan Annie, led a schlemihl's life, always threatened by evil forces of change, which meant, for the politically reactionary Crosby, Rooseveltian changes in the direction of liberalism, urbanism, and the homogenized Global Village." (p.170n.)
    ellauri070.html on line 340: In Jewish Kabbalistic cosmology of Isaac Luria, the qlippot are metaphorical "shells" surrounding holiness. They are spiritual obstacles receiving their existence from God only in an external, rather than internal manner. Divinity in Judaism connotes revelation of God's true unity, while the shells conceal holiness, as a peel conceals the fruit within. They are therefore synonymous with idolatry, the root of impurity through ascribing false dualism in the Divine, and with the Sitra Achra (סטרא אחרא "Other Side"), the perceived realm opposite to holiness. They emerge in the descending seder hishtalshelus (Chain of Being) through Tzimtzum (contraction of the Divine Ohr), as part of the purpose of Creation. In this they also have beneficial properties, as peel protects the fruit, restraining the Divine flow from being dissipated. Kabbalah distinguishes between two realms in qlippot, the completely impure and the intermediate.
    ellauri070.html on line 342: Their four "concentric" terms are derived from Ezekiel's vision (1:4), "And I looked and behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it..." The "Three Impure Qlippot" (completely Tamei "impure") are read in the first three terms, the intermediate "Shining Qlippah" (Nogah "brightness") is read in the fourth term, mediating as the first covering directly surrounding holiness, and capable of sublimation. In medieval Kabbalah, the Shekhinah is separated in Creation from the Sefirot by man´s sin, while in Lurianic Kabbalah Divinity is exiled in the qlippot from prior initial Catastrophe in Creation. This causes "Sparks of Holiness" to be exiled in the qlippot, Jewish Observance with physical objects redeeming mundane Nogah, while the Three Impure Qlippot are elevated indirectly through Negative prohibitions. Repentance out of love retrospectively turns sin into virtue, darkness into light. When all the sparks are freed from the qlippot, depriving them of their vitality, the Messianic era begins. In Hasidic philosophy, the kabbalistic scheme of qlippot is internalised in psychological experience as self-focus, opposite to holy devekut self-nullification, underlying its Panentheistic Monistic view of qlippot as the illusionary self-awareness of Creation.
    ellauri070.html on line 381: A nickel saved is a stockpile of nickel. Indonesia on rajoittanut raakanikkelin vientiä. Ne haluavat viedä pattereita. Filippiinien ei odoteta pystyvän korvaamaan vajetta. Pian nikkelin sisältämän nikkelin arvo ylittää viiden sentin nimellisarvon. USA:n on irtauduttava nickelikannasta.
    ellauri070.html on line 384: "A penny saved is a penny earned" is a quote often attributed to Benjamin Franklin, however, he didn’t coin it. In his 1737 Poor Richard’s Almanac, Franklin delivered the line: “A penny saved is two pence clear.” And later, in the 1758 almanac, he wrote a version closer to the saying we know: "A penny saved is a penny got." He never used the word "earned."
    ellauri070.html on line 386: Pekka-setä sanoi: kun on markan tulot niin on 95 pennin mänöt. Sillä siitä tuli rikas mies. Lokki-laivan omistaja. Jönsy peri Tutu tädiltä maalauxen joka esittää Lokki-laivaa Kallavedellä. Mulla on siitä valokuva. Nyt se on konkassa, ja Pekka setä haudassa.
    ellauri071.html on line 69: S. 910. Miehet ovat käsittämättömän voimakkaita. Lantion ja takapuolen hermot kertovat, että hänen naganinsa vedetään kotelostaan, ja hän tuntee ikäänkuin oman kullinsa liukuvan ulos saxalaistytöstä, jota hän ei enää muistakaan.
    ellauri071.html on line 105: In 1924, Coward achieved his first great critical and financial success as a playwright with The Vortex. The story is about a nymphomaniac socialite and her cocaine-addicted son (played by Coward). Some saw the drugs as a mask for homosexuality; Kenneth Tynan later described it as "a jeremiad against narcotics with dialogue that sounds today not so much stilted as high-heeled".
    ellauri071.html on line 111: By 1929 Coward was one of the world's highest-earning writers, with an annual income of £50,000, more than £2,800,000 in terms of 2018 values. Coward thrived during the Great Depression, writing a succession of popular hits.
    ellauri071.html on line 231: Aplectrum hyemale is the sole species of the genus Aplectrum. The generic name comes from Greek and signifies "spurless". The species is commonly referred to as Adam and Eve or putty root; the latter refers to the mucilaginous fluid which can be removed from the tubers when they are crushed.
    ellauri072.html on line 206: What has gone mainly unnoticed in the various discussions of the problem is something that has puzzled me for some time. Why does Dante treat the homosexual Florentines in Inf. 16 with greater respect than any other infernal figures except those in Limbo? I do not have an answer to that question, but would like to bring it forward. Let me begin with Purg. 26. We have probably not been surprised enough at Dante's insistence that roughly half of those who sinned in lust, repented, and were saved (and are now on their way to that salvation) were homosexual. It would have been easy for him to have left the homosexuals out of Purgatory, and it is hard to imagine an early (or a later) commentator who would have objected to the omission, especially since, in Hell, homosexuality is treated, not as a sin of the flesh, but as one of violence against nature. However, for a unique instance of a commentator who is aware of Dante's unusual gesture see Trifon Gabriele on Inf. 15.46: "Non e' dubbio che 'l Poeta vuol applaudere a questo vitio quanto egli puo'. Puopa hyvinkin. Ecco, gli fa parlare di belle cose e gli fa tutti grand'uomini nelle lettere e nell'arme e nella religione, e finalmente non e' peccato ne l'Inferno o Purgatorio che egli men danni con le parole sue che questo; anzi lo polisce quanto puo' con suoi versi".
    ellauri072.html on line 299: Toi tollanen jeesustelija, holier tähän thou - I told you so - Y menköön helvettiin! Täytistäkö se X:n luona vielä norkoilee. Varmaan kuolaa sen vaimoa. Ällöttävä paska. Antaa vetää vaan. Ugh. Neanderthal on puhunut. Tää oli helppo. (Tähän osaan tuleva jatko-osa, jossa X skizoaa epämiellyttävästä appiukosta ei ole mikään MIT-etiikkatilanne, onpahan vaan tavallista karhun elämää. "Surevan vaimon silmät olivat kuin kaxi valtavaa sikaarin polttamaa jälkeä akryylihuovassa" - Bravo Wallu, hyvin vedetty!)
    ellauri072.html on line 314: Neljännen seinän rikkominen tarkoittaa näiden illuusioiden korvaamista toisilla. Elokuvassa päähenkilö saattaa yhtäkkiä puhutella suoraan kameraa (eli siis "muka" yleisöä, siis sinua NIIN! TARKOITAN JUURI SINUA! ÄLÄ YRITÄ PIILESKELLÄ! SINUT ON NÄHTY! joka löhööt sohvalla ja luet tätä paasausta just kännystä) tai kirjassa kirjailija ize tai jopa joku kirjan henkilö saattaa alkaa kommentoida juonenkulun epäloogisuutta. Tää on kyllä täynnä fiktiota koko paska, koska se "kirjailija"kin voi olla vaan joku "otaxuttu tekijä" tms viiden eri käärepaperin sisässä, tämmöisille kusetuxille on kirjallisuustieteessä silmittömästi eri nimiä. (Videopeleistä en viizi sanoa yhtään mitään, ne on niin lopen syvältä. "Olen pahoillani, mutta olen tallentanut videota siitä kun sä vedät käteen kazellessasi pornokuvia. Maxa X bitcoinia tälle tilille tai lähetän sen nauhoituxen sun soittolistalle. Terveisin Ahmed Ahne Bangla Deshistä." )
    ellauri072.html on line 536: Wallace’s fiction is, in its attentiveness and labor and genuine love and play, very nice. But what is achieved on the page, if it is achieved, may not hold stable in real life. As another dangerously romanticizeable suicide, Heinrich von Kleist, once said: “It is not we who know but rather a certain state of mind in us that knows.” And one is not always in the same state of mind.
    ellauri072.html on line 629: Wallace lived with Susan Insalaco and her two children, 16-year-old Anna and 12-year-old Gabe.
    ellauri072.html on line 634: When she arrived 2 hours later, she asked him why he had not left as she had requested. He followed her into the kitchen, and killed her by hitting her in the head with the same wrench.
    ellauri072.html on line 636: The Arizona Supreme Court has set aside the death sentences of a man who bludgeoned to death his girlfriend and each of her two children one at a time with a baseball bat and a pipe wrench as they arrived home from school and work. The court ruled that the crimes of James Granvil Wallace were not legally heinous.
    ellauri072.html on line 645: Anna was the first to come home that day. Wallace hid behind the front door with a baseball bat. When she arrived, he hit her at least 10 times so hard the baseball bat broke. But she was still moaning and not yet dead. He drug her into the bathroom and plunged the broken bat into her neck and out her back.
    ellauri072.html on line 646: When Gabriel arrived, Wallace hit him 10 times with a 18-inch pipe wrench, crushing his skull and killing him.
    ellauri073.html on line 197: John Sidney McCain III (August 29, 1936 - August 25, 2018) was an American statesman and United States Navy officer who served as a United States Senator for Arizona from 1987 until his death in 2018. He previously served two terms in the United States House of Representatives and was the Republican nominee for president of the United States in the 2008 election, which he lost to Barack Obama.
    ellauri073.html on line 260: Matt Foley is a fictional character from the sketch comedy program Saturday Night Live performed by Chris Farley (1964-1997). Foley is a motivational speaker who exhibits characteristics atypical of someone in that position: whereas motivational speakers are usually successful and charismatic, Foley is abrasive, clumsy, and down on his luck. The character was popular in its original run and went on to become one of Farley's best-known characters. Farley named the character after one of his Marquette University rugby union teammates, who is now a Roman Catholic priest in the Chicago suburb of Arlington Heights. Plans for a film version with Spade in a supporting role were shelved after Farley's death in 1997.
    ellauri073.html on line 267: The character's debut performance (May 8, 1993) has been called one of the best segments in SNL history. The reception of the audience combined with visible stifled laughter from David Spade and Christina Applegate on stage added to the popularity of the sketch. Notable physical gestures from Farley included what Spade referred to as “the thing with the glasses” when Farley lifted his glasses on and off of his face commenting, “Hey Dad, I can’t see real good, is that Bill Shakespeare over there?” and perhaps the most defining gesture was one that Farley saved for the live performance when he alternated hands adjusting his trousers, grabbing the hilt of his belt with one hand and the back of his pants with the other.
    ellauri073.html on line 382: Uskovien kaste ymmärretään kolmiosaisena: kaste hengen kautta (sydämen sisäinen muutos), kaste veden kautta (julkinen osoitus todistajille), ja kaste veren kautta (marttyyrius ja asketismi tai tiukan itsensäkieltämisen harjoittaminen osoituksena henkilökohtaisesta ja erityisesti hengellisestä kurinalaisuudesta).

  • ellauri073.html on line 486: Niin mietipä miltä tämä on mahtanut hänestä tuntua, tulla raiskatuxi hiljaisen soratien laidassa, ja raiskaajana on itkevä mielipuoli mulatti jonka veizenkahva tökkää takamuxeen joka työnnällyxellä, ja mehiläiset pörräävät ja linnut livertävät ja kaukaa kuuluu valtatien jyrinä, ja veizi kilahtelee kiviin joka ulosvedolla. Psykoosin ja ilmestysten välillä ei ole juuri mitään eroa.
    ellauri073.html on line 492: Lopetus, eli peroratio. Cicero opetti että tässä osassa puhuja voi tehdä 3 asiaa: tehdä yhteenvedon, leimata negatiivisesti jokaisen joka väittää vastaan, ja herättää sympatiaa itselleen, asiakkaalle tai omalle keissilleen. Aika paskiainen toi kikhernekauppias.
    ellauri073.html on line 510: After receiving her master’s degree from the University of Illinois, Mrs. Wallace was an English professor at Parkland College for 35 years. Her passion for learning was paired with a passion to help others learn — she was an enthusiastic, rigorous and above all compassionate instructor who made sure every student she had knew how much their voice mattered. Even after retiring, she taught in correctional facilities around Illinois and volunteered as a companion for Illinois CASA. In 2012, she and her husband, Jim, decided to move from their beloved city of Urbana to Florence, Ariz., to be closer to their family. There, they volunteered with Arizona CASA, hosted family dinners every Sunday, and adopted a much-loved terrier mix named Angus.
    ellauri073.html on line 514: She is survived by her daughter, Amy Wallace-Havens; son-in-law, Kenneth Wallace; grandchildren, Lydia Havens and Max Wallace; daughter-in-law, Karen Green; sister-in-law, Elizabeth Foster; nieces, Penny Rand and April Foster; nephew, Michael Foster; as well as seven great-nieces and -nephews and five great-great-nieces and -nephews.
    ellauri073.html on line 540: David Foster Wallace became a regionally ranked tennis player while growing up in Illinois. David Foster Wallace´s thesis, The Broom of the System, that he wrote while at Amherst College was published in 1987 while he was attending graduate school. In 1989 David Foster Wallace´s short story collection titled Girl with Curious Hair was published. After graduating from the University of Arizona David went on to study philosophy at Harvard University but soon chose to leave. He moved to Syracuse to be with the poet and novelist Mary Karr. While in Syracuse David Foster Wallace wrote most of his famous novel Infinite Jest. The finished book was 1,100 pages long. The novel dealt with addiction, art, and consumerism, and was set in the near future.
    ellauri074.html on line 146: Samuel 5:12 After the Ark moved to Ekron, perpetrators smitten by ‘‘emerods.’’
    ellauri074.html on line 247: One way he would get people to do this is by making them do a firewalk over a bed of hot embers. Most people at his seminars normally thought that would be impossible. By showing them that they can walk on fire, it helped the attendees see that they had preconceived notions that weren’t true. (The trick is to wear thick-soled shoes with a huge carbon footprint.)
    ellauri077.html on line 234: A theory developed by psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross suggests that we go through five distinct stages of grief after the loss of a loved one: Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally acceptance.
    ellauri077.html on line 249: Clara on liian paha pala purtavaxi tässä joten riittäköön tää maininta. Tämän paasauxen aiheen kannalta on "jännintä" miten ennustettavaa on pedofiilisaarnaajien toiminta. Ne toimi kaikki ihan prikulleen samalla tavalla joka vedolla kuin junan vessa. Ja sitvielä jotkut jaxaa jauhaa että apina on joku peliteorian pelaaja joka voi ihan vapaasti valita minkä strategian haluaa. Mutta siinähän se nixi juuri on! Peliteoria just selittää mixi se aina valizee samalla ennustettavalla tavalla: se koittaa valita sitä mitä se kulloinkin haluaa. Ja sitä se ei voi valita mitä se kulloinkin haluaa. Tuskin se tietää sitä edes jälkeenpäin. Tästä Wallu vähän vekuttaakin Läpässä (Barret s. 377).
    ellauri077.html on line 366: Morris wrote that the intense human pair bond evolved so that men who were out hunting could trust that their mates back home were not having sex with other men.
    ellauri077.html on line 368: In February 1976, the book was removed from high school library shelves by the board of education of the Island Trees Union Free School District in New York. This case became the subject of a U.S. Supreme Court case in 1982.
    ellauri077.html on line 442: It is important to our friends to believe that we are unreservedly frank with them, and important to friendship that we are not.”
    ellauri077.html on line 477:
  • that liberation from this empty, aimless form of irony cannot be achieved through the ironizing of irony, i.e. meta-irony; and
    ellauri077.html on line 500: Toi esteettinen elämänasenne on just tota narsismia, tai paremminkin psykopatiaa, luulee olevansa jotakin niin hirveen ovelaa et on aina siirron edellä muita joita vedättää. Sellainen oli se sen Claran pastorimies John joka bylsi pikkutyttöjä (tarvittaessa poikia). Sierpinskin karvakolmiolta tääkin alkaa näyttää: nää existentiaalifilosofit on toinen samanlainen junan vessa, nekin päästää nää ihan samat turahduxet joka vedolla.
    ellauri077.html on line 613: Wallace saw this (psycho) kind of writing as simply an example of self-love. Like the Onan whose name is another Wallu acronym-pun, these writers were working out of “the part that just wants to be loved” (i.e. the wiener) rather than “out of the part [. . .] that can love,” that is the “artichoke’s heart”.
    ellauri077.html on line 816: Meaningless words. In certain kinds of writing, particularly in art criticism and literary criticism, it is normal to come across long passages which are almost completely lacking in meaning. Words like romantic, plastic, values, human, dead, sentimental, natural, vitality, as used in art criticism, are strictly meaningless, in the sense that they not only do not point to any discoverable object, but are hardly ever expected to do so by the reader. When one critic writes, "The outstanding feature of Mr. X's work is its living quality," while another writes, "The immediately striking thing about Mr. X's work is its peculiar deadness," the reader accepts this as a simple difference opinion. If words like black and white were involved, instead of the jargon words dead and living, he would see at once that language was being used in an improper way.
    ellauri078.html on line 34: Infinity is something we are introduced to in our math classes, and later on we learn that infinity can also be used in physics, philosophy, social sciences, etc. Infinity is characterized by a number of uncountable objects or concepts which have no limits or size. This concept can be used to describe something huge and boundless. It has been studied by plenty of scientists and philosophers of the world, since the early Greek and early Indian epochs. In writing, infinity can be noted by a specific mathematical sign known as the infinity symbol (∞) created by John Wallis, an English mathematician who lived and worked in the 17th century.
    ellauri078.html on line 50: The consideration of curves with a figure-eight shape can be traced back to Proclus, a Greek Neoplatonist philosopher and mathematician who lived in the 5th century AD. Proclus considered the cross-sections of a torus by a plane parallel to the axis of the torus. As he observed, for most such sections the cross section consists of either one or two ovals; however, when the plane is tangent to the inner surface of the torus, the cross-section takes on a figure-eight shape, which Proclus called a horse fetter (a device for holding two feet of a horse together), or "hippopede" in Greek. The name "lemniscate of Booth" dates to its study by the 19th-century mathematician James Booth.
    ellauri078.html on line 137: Between 1852 and 1855 he served a single term as a representative from Massachusetts to the U.S. Congress. In Amherst he presented himself as a model citizen and prided himself on his civic work—treasurer of Amherst College, supporter of Amherst Academy, secretary to the Fire Society, and chairman of the annual Cattle Show. Comparatively little is known of Emily’s mother, who is often represented as the passive wife of a domineering husband. Her few surviving letters suggest a different picture, as does the scant information about her early education at Monson Academy. Academy papers and records discovered by Martha Ackmann reveal a young woman dedicated to her studies, particularly in the sciences.
    ellauri078.html on line 139: By the time of Emily’s early childhood, there were three children in the household. Her brother, William Austin Dickinson, had preceded her by a year and a half. Her sister, Lavinia Norcross Dickinson, was born in 1833. All three children attended the one-room primary school in Amherst and then moved on to Amherst Academy, the school out of which Amherst College had grown. The brother and sisters’ education was soon divided. Austin was sent to Williston Seminary in 1842; Emily and Vinnie continued at Amherst Academy.
    ellauri078.html on line 147: Dickinson found the conventional religious wisdom the least compelling part of these arguments. From what she read and what she heard at Amherst Academy, scientific observation proved its excellence in powerful description. The writer who could say what he saw was invariably the writer who opened the greatest meaning to his readers. While this definition fit well with the science practiced by natural historians such as Hitchcock and Lincoln, it also articulates the poetic theory then being formed by a writer with whom Dickinson’s name was often later linked. In 1838 Emerson told his Harvard audience, “Always the seer is a sayer.”
    ellauri078.html on line 149: At the academy she developed a group of close friends within and against whom she defined her self and its written expression. Among these were Abiah Root, Abby Wood, and Emily Fowler. Other girls from Amherst were among her friends—particularly Jane Humphrey, who had lived with the Dickinsons while attending Amherst Academy.
    ellauri078.html on line 159: For Dickinson, the pace of such visits was mind-numbing, and she began limiting the number of visits she made or received. She baked bread and tended the garden, but she would neither dust nor visit.
    ellauri079.html on line 159: Vittu vedä käteen Wallace. I love my motherland. Isänmaallisuus nolottaa kuin olisi päästänyt peräpäästä ilmaa. Ei ihmekään kun jenkki-isänmaallisuus on sitä että mennään toisiin maihin ennakoivasti tappamaan sikäläistä jengiä etänä. Our vital interests.
    ellauri079.html on line 238: In this article, the ability of partnerships to generate goods that enhance the quality-of-life of socially and economically deprived urban communities is explored. Drawing on Rawl's study on social justice [Rawls, J.: 1971, A Theory of Justice (Harvard University Press, Cambridge)] and Sen's capabilities approach [Sen, A.: 1992, Inequality Re-Examined (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA); 1999, Development as Freedom (Oxford University Press, Oxford); 2009, The Idea of Justice (Ellen Lane, London)], we undertake an ethical evaluation of the effectiveness of different (...)
    ellauri079.html on line 303: Surprisingly, I use as an example of a free agent here a pingpong player. Presumably because my tennis-playing son has proved unsatisfactory. What I end up saying is distinguish agent causation from event causation. Futile squirming, it does not change anything.
    ellauri079.html on line 322: Siitä seuraavan pohdiskelun luonne on ällistyttävä. 2 veljestä ei vaan panna ristikuulusteluun vaan niillä on jopa aikaa kehitellä vastaväitteitä (357a–367e). Vaikka ne ei nyt suorastaan sano että kähmintä on parempi juttu kuin oikeus, ne väittävät että nyky-yhteiskunnassa konnuus kannattaa – sekä jumalten kaa että ihmisten – niinkauan kun toiminta näyttää päälle respektaabelilta. Veljexet toimii pirun asianajajina ja näyttää karmaisevasti miten yhteiskunta harjoittaa vedätystä. Menestyvin eläin ei olekaan Thrasymakhoxen tyhmä susi vaan ovela kettu. Se menestyy joka pelissä koska se osaa petkuttaa pelin säännöillä. Kunnon mies ei välitä imagosta ja sixi sille käy kuin jollekulle jeesuxelle (no tää ei ollut tietysti Plaatton käyttämä vertaus) kun se ei välitä kumarrella ja ketkuilla. (361e). Jopa jumalat, kuten runoilijat todistavat, on menestyvän ketkun puolella (esim Odysseus), kunhan saa uhreja. Pelkät sananmuunnoxet ei riitä Sokrates. (367b–e: logôi). Sensijaan sun pitäis näyttää mitä hyötyä siitä on. Ei tässä riitä vitun ikuiset ideat ja hämärä teologia, tarttetaan jotain kouriintuntuvaa. (435d; 504b)
    ellauri080.html on line 197: People who are low in extraversion (or introverted) tend to be more reserved and have less energy to expend in social settings. Social events can feel draining and introverts often require a period of solitude and quiet in order to "recharge."
    ellauri080.html on line 375: If this describes you as well as it described me, you’ve come to the right place! In this piece, we will define self-transcendence, look at its components and characteristics, think of some examples, and explore how it can be achieved.
    ellauri080.html on line 524: Overall, SE/NI is much more trusting of what we could call empirical or collected data, particularly data from direct experience, which is why, as CelebrityTypes was the first to point out, it tends to feel much more “intense and singular” of vision, because it is perfectly happy with direct observation and direct conjecture from the collected data. As CelebrityTypes says, “The person will stress one point of view (Ni), which is indeed frequently the viewpoint that generates the greatest yield here and now (Se). The singularity of observation involved will frequently lend a manifest and immediate quality to the SE/NI type’s observations, which in turn tends to make them convincing.” This is because SE/NI is naturally hooked into and derived from a direct and photographic view of the world.
    ellauri080.html on line 528: Meanwhile, the NE/SI axis is not so trusting of direct experience, which is hardly a mystery, because their perception of reality is introverted, meaning they aren’t interested in direct and photographic reality, but in the ideal versions of experiences abstracted from reality (e.g. Socrates’ search for the overarching ‘idea’ of everyday things like dogs, beds, piety, etc., as opposed to individual instances of these things). This is why, as CelebrityTypes also points out, “The person will also be more careful and meticulous (SI) because there is an unconscious striving to contribute one’s observations to building a system which is valid not just in the here and now, but which is perceived to be true in general: To generate the type of knowledge that could conceivably end up in a future textbook on the subject.” The axis makes use of Ne’s multifaceted nature to accomplish this.
    ellauri080.html on line 530: This helps illuminate a number of characteristics of SI and NE individually: dominant SI types focus their energy on the apprehension and upholding of the Truth as it is carefully and cautiously composited and systematically tested for weaknesses; hence, their stereotypically thorough, cautious, and reserved nature, and why they are not so sure in idea-based conversation as Ni types: because of just that — they aren’t sure. Meanwhile, dominant NE types, focusing their energy on the exploration and experimentation from various angles, have the same presence of doubt, which is why NE types so often eschew dogma and may be perceived as intellectually ‘flakey’ or ‘capricious’ because they never truly commit to anything: it’s all experimentation and exploration, forming a composite Truth, though their trouble is they never want to stop. The SI’s trouble, on the other hand, is that they don’t want to start.
    ellauri080.html on line 532: Concerning John Maynard Keynes, an INTJ, it was said: “[He spoke] on a great range of topics, on some of which he was thoroughly an expert, but on others [he had] derived his views from the few pages of a book at which he had happened to glance. The air of authority was the same in both cases.” Meanwhile, Bertrand Russell famously said that “The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts.” Coincidentally, history records a number of ENTPs and INTJs very much disliking each other.
    ellauri080.html on line 579: The show received solid ratings during its original run, then grew in popularity during decades of syndication, especially in the 1970s and 1980s when many markets ran the show in the late afternoon. Today, the title character of Gilligan is widely recognized as an American cultural icon. Characters:
    ellauri080.html on line 628: Rikkaat hihittävät hienoissa taloissaan valvontakameroiden takana ja järjestävät puutarhajuhlia. Köyhät vilistävät kuin torakat keittiöstä kun valot sytytetään, ja haisevat pahalta. Asuvat tulvaveden ja paskan täyttämissä kellareissa, eivät ylitä näkymätöntä rajaa. Ikävintä on, että tää ei edes ole liioittelua. Korealainen Parasiitit ja japanilainen Shoplifters ei ole liioittelua. Eikä taiwanilainen A Son. Tämmöstä tää nyt taas on. Marxilla ja Engelsillä olis töitä.
    ellauri080.html on line 716: Rogers died of stomach cancer on February 27, 2003 at age 74. Rogers was red-green color-blind. He became a pescatarian in 1970, after the death of his father, and a vegetarian in the early 1980s, saying he "couldn't eat anything that had a mother". Rogers was a registered Republican, and a confirmed presbyterian. Despite his strong faith, Rogers struggled with anger, conflict, and self-doubt, especially at the end of his life. Despite Rogers' family's wealth, he cared little about making money, and lived frugally, especially as he and his wife grew older.
    ellauri080.html on line 732: In London, he became a committee member of the London Vegetarian Society, which counted luminaries such as George Bernard Shaw. At the time, vegetarianism was quite rare. Virtually nobody except Mr. Rogers believed in it.
    ellauri080.html on line 743: At the Battle of Spion Kop, Gandhi served as a stretcher bearer, Winston Churchill served as a courier and the future S.African leader Louis Botha led the Boer army.
    ellauri080.html on line 749: During the First World War, Gandhi lived in India and was generally supportive of the British war effort, and even encouraged soldiers to join the British Indian army.
    ellauri080.html on line 771: India achieved her independence on 15 August 1947.
    ellauri080.html on line 779: Gandhi despised his own sexual desires, and despised sex in any context except for procreation. He preached that the failure to control carnal urges led to complaints including constipation. He believed that sex was bad for the health of an individual, and that sexual freedom would lead Indians to failure as a people. He sought to consign his nation to what Martin Luther called "the hell of celibacy". He took his own celibacy vow unilaterally, without consulting his wife.
    ellauri080.html on line 781: His sexual hang-ups caused him to carry monstrously sexist views. His view of the female body was warped. As accounted by Rita Banerji, in her book Sex and Power, "he believed menstruation was a manifestation of the distortion of a woman's soul by her sexuality".
    ellauri080.html on line 785: Gandhi believed Indian women who were raped lost their value as human beings. He argued that fathers could be justified in killing daughters who had been sexually assaulted for the sake of family and community honour. He moderated his views towards the end of his life. But the damage was done, and the legacy lingers in every present-day Indian press report of a rape victim who commits suicide out of "shame". Gandhi also waged a war against contraceptives, labelling Indian women who used them as whores.
    ellauri080.html on line 793: Gandhi placed great value on self-sufficiency. As a lawyer he learnt to wash his own clothes, and later he also learnt to cut his own hair. Even though he was initially ridiculed for his messy hairstyle. Okay he said and shaved his head. Made him look the jailbird he was.
    ellauri080.html on line 811: George Orwell, in his 1949 essay Reflections on Gandhi, said that "saints should always be judged guilty until they are proved innocent". Remember, there's no such thing as a saint. But there are heaps of shrimps. Used to be, anyway.
    ellauri080.html on line 841: Eli kysymys on sitten miten realistinen on toi talousliberaali näkemys vapaasta valinnasta jos pikku apinat ei olekaan vapaita edes valizemaan vetääkö ne mömmöä vai ei. Ei se oo. Se on suuren luokan vedätys. Kuten Ari sanoi se on vapaa joka voi tehdä sen mitä se haluaa. Ihan sama päättikö se sen ize vaiko ei. Ei siis "mitä ikinä". Siinä Dostojevski ja muut uusliberaalit ääliöt astuu yxinkertaisesti paskaan.
    ellauri082.html on line 62: Obsessed with the writer Mary Karr, Wallace planned to shoot her husband with a gun he tried to buy from a guy he met in recovery. She found out about the scheme, but believed him when he blamed it on his buddy. Wallace and Karr eventually became a couple, but Wallace stalked her kid in an ugly manner after she chucked him.
    ellauri082.html on line 122: Gately, having relieved his bottom, begins to recover from his infection.
    ellauri082.html on line 316: She said he lived in a trailer by the river was 36 years old and was a motivational speaker. And was basically just not what you’d call a pleasant or attractive person at all.
    ellauri082.html on line 516: Tahto uskoa sokaisi sen aivotoiminnan. Sillä on jotain todistettavaa ja size tarraa kaikkeen mitä sen mieleen juolahtaa. Sen argumentit on samaa ex analogiaa kuin Plaatton jonka mielestä sielu ei voinut olla harmoniaa koska sen piti olla niinku joku johtaja. No Plaatto kuumui vahvoista johtajista, varmaan kumarsi Dionysoxelle ja pyllisti Dionille. Ja/tai kääntäen. Filosofikuningas, your foot shoved dans mon oeil. Kaappihinureita koko porukka, hela idealistifilosofikööri. Ei se jumala tässä lopultakaan ole se pääasia, vaan se että oma sielu läpättää loppumattomattomasti. Jonkun sortin narsismia tämäkin.
    ellauri082.html on line 738: They found that young women with more dating experience and a greater desire for marriage were more attracted to narcissistic men. They write, “Despite future long-term mating desires which are unlikely to be achieved with a narcissistic male and possession of substantial mate sampling experience, females view the narcissistic male as a suitable partner.”
    ellauri082.html on line 743: Näin taannoin julkaistun, Marilyn Mansonia käsittelevän tekstin vanavedessä kulkiessamme, ja edetessä tämän tutkimuksen tuloksissa, pääsemme pisteeseen jossa puolestaan voimme todeta kaikessa tässä hulluudessa olevan järkeä! Siis, järkeä siinä mielessä, kun pitäisimme naisen logiikkaa logiikkana.
    ellauri083.html on line 54: Her 1962 novel Satan Never Sleeps described the Communist tyranny in China. Following the Communist Revolution in 1949, Buck was repeatedly refused all attempts to return to her beloved China and therefore was compelled to remain in the United States for the rest of her life.
    ellauri083.html on line 82: The writer Pearl S. Buck emerged into literary stardom in 1931 when she published a book called "The Good Earth." That story of family life in a Chinese village won the novelist international acclaim, the Pulitzer, and eventually a Nobel Prize. Her upbringing in China as the American daughter of missionaries served as inspiration for that novel and many others. By her death in 1973, Pearl Buck had written around 100 books.
    ellauri083.html on line 90: WALSH: I had not known that my mother had written this in the last year or two of her life. And I certainly did not know that someone had spirited the manuscript out of a home in which she lived her last years in Vermont and had concealed it from me and the family for 40 years.
    ellauri083.html on line 159: The "first chapter summons up the days when the world was first settled, in 874 AD—for that is the year when the Norsemen arrived in Iceland, and one of the book's wry conceits is that no other world but Iceland exists. ... The book is set in the early decades of the twentieth century but ... Independent People is a pointedly timeless tale. It reminds us that life on an Icelandic croft had scarcely altered over a millennium". As the story begins, Bjartur ("bright" or "fair") has recently managed to put down the first payment on his own farm, after eighteen years working as a shepherd at Útirauðsmýri, the home of the well-to-do local bailiff, a man he detests. The land that he buys is said to be cursed by Saint Columba, referred to as "the fiend Kolumkilli", and haunted by an evil woman named Gunnvör, who made a pact with Kólumkilli.
    ellauri083.html on line 165: When Bjartur returns, he assumes that Rósa has set the animal loose. When he cannot find her when it comes time to put the sheep inside for the winter, he once more leaves his wife, by now heavily pregnant, to search the mountains for the gimmer. He is delayed by a blizzard, and nearly dies of exposure. On his return to Summerhouses he finds that Rósa has died in childbirth. His dog Titla is curled around the baby girl, still clinging to life due to the warmth of the dog. With help from Rauðsmýri, the child survives; Bjartur decides to raise her as his daughter, and names her Ásta Sóllilja ("beloved sun lily").
    ellauri083.html on line 338: Hendershot recalls that, in the Schreber case, God was believed to manifest his creative and destructive power as celestial rays (Freud 22). As with spider-webs and hedgehogs quills, this radial pattern describing dilation and contraction, movement back and forth from center to circumference and from circumference to center, is the essential figure for the paranoid narcissism of a subject who feels threatened by the world and guilty for having taken "his own body [...] as his love-object" (Freud 60). Signaling Fistule's repressed homosexuality, the rays of his intelligence had first been focused on the masochistic annihilation of his genitals, which he denies were the original object of his love ("organes hideux," "vomitoires de dejections"), and then had been used in reconstructing a sexless new reality. Insisting on his exemption from the Naturalist law of biological determinism, Fistule denies his human parentage and maintains that he was born of a star, which, shining like the rays of his genius, had inseminated him and allowed him to be the father of himself, causa sui. Homosexual guilt initially projected as the corruptibility of matter is overcome by Fistule's principle of Stellogenesis, which turns flesh into radiance and bodies into starlight. As Hendershot concludes: "In Freud's theory, the paranoiac withdraws from the world (decathexis), directs his or her cathectic energy to the ego resulting in self-aggrandizement, and then attempts to reestablish a cathectic relationship with the world in the form of a delusional system"
    ellauri083.html on line 419: If humans evolved from apes as claimed by science books, why has it been that ever since then humans have not evolved to another thing more than human? What evolved the apes before the evolution to humans?
    ellauri083.html on line 421: If Humans Evolved from Apes, Why Do Apes Exist Today?
    ellauri083.html on line 428:
    Have NASA Computers Proved Joshua’s Long Day?

    ellauri083.html on line 430: From time to time, one hears that NASA computers have proved the account of the unusual day that accompanied the Battle of Gibeon found in Joshua 10:12–14. This marvelous little story about NASA computers began circulating in the late 1960s and early 1970s, during the heyday of the Apollo program. According to the story, in preparation for the Apollo moon landings, a computer at NASA calculated the positions of the earth, moon, and other solar system bodies with great precision far into the past and future.
    ellauri083.html on line 436: This story is not new, but rather it is a modern retelling of an even older story. In the 1930s, Harry Rimmer made reference to how science had proved the missing day of Joshua, and this story continued to circulate within Christian circles for decades. Rimmer’s mention of this may have been the origin of Hill’s story. Rimmer based his statement upon an 1890 book by C. A. L. Totten, Joshua’s Long Day and the Dial of Ahaz, a Scientific Vindication and “a Midnight Cry.” Totten did a very elaborate computation of the date of the battle of Gibeon since the creation.
    ellauri083.html on line 440: The fact that NASA computers have not proved the account of Joshua’s long day does not mean that there was no miracle at the battle of Gibeon as recorded in the book of Joshua. We know that God’s word is inspired. Therefore, we know that the Bible is authoritative in all things, including history. Since Joshua 10:12–14 tells us that God performed this miracle, we can be assured that indeed He did perform this miracle. As Joshua 10:14 described it, “There has been no day like it before or since” (ESV).
    ellauri088.html on line 53: (Tästä ois Marvel Comixin Andrew maxanut vaikka mitä - sen unelmat pysähtyneestä auringosta olis toteutuneet. Tai hetkinen, jos ei aika liiku, miten pääsee sitten liha liikkumaan? Pornostillikuvat ei vedä vertoja eläville kuville. Ehkä se voisi plärätä ruutuja nopeasti niinkuin koulukirjan reunaan piirrettyä tikku-ukkoa (tai no tikku-ukkoa ja -akkaa). Ei hizi, eihän pläräämisestäkään tule mitään ellei filmi etene. Taitaa olla pattitilanne.)
    ellauri088.html on line 86: Gustav Fechner (1801-1887) argued for psychophysical parallelism, according to which the mental and physical worlds run parallel to each other but do not interact. Fechner developed the Weber-Fechner law, according to which the perceived intensity of a stimulus increases arithmetically as a constant multiple of the physical intensity of the stimulus or in other words, changes of physical intensity gallop along at a brisk pace while the corresponding changes of perceived intensity creep along. The Weber and the Weber-Fechner laws were the first laws to provide a mathematical statement of the relationship between the mind and the body. Another significant contribution when S. S. Stevens (1906-1973) demonstrated that psychological intensity grows as an exponential function of physical stimulus intensity, that is, equal stimulus ratios always produce equal sensory ratios although different ratios hold for different sensory modalities. (Siis mitä? Aritmeettisesti vai logaritmisesti?)
    ellauri088.html on line 97: Several sensations form an idea. Several feelings form a composite feeling. Emotions are affective processes over time (they have a beginning, a middle, and an end). Volitions are changes in ideas or feelings that bring an emotion to an end. oAApperception is also relevant to clinical psychology. Projective tests such as the Rorschach and the TAT are based on the concept of apperception. (TAT: Thematic Apperception Test) Why is it that we perceive reality this or that way? Skewed perception may be connected with mental illness. Like seeing naked women undressing everywhere. There is a will involved there.
    ellauri088.html on line 100:

    Arrivederci Aliens, Hevonperseenmutka Hossa

    ellauri088.html on line 349: Kysyttäessä mitä Arvonen touhuaa vapaa-ajalla, on ensimmäinen vastaus pilke silmäkulmassa: ”töitä”. ”Tämä on oikeastaan elämäntapa eikä varsinaisesti työ. Mutta urheilen joka päivä ja luen paljon. Kuten Patrik ”Telinekeisari” Sarinko sanoo: ’Maastaveto pitää ryhdin suorana, joka taas auttaa myymään enemmän. Kukaan ei osta selkärangattomalta pötköttäjältä.’ Vedän maasta ja luen kirjoja. Toki teen muutakin, kuten vedän käteen ja luen lakia, nim. elokapinalle ja muulle roskaväelle. Mutta tässä ne tärkeimmät.
    ellauri088.html on line 357: Arvonen kertoo aloittaneensa asuntosijoittamisen itse asiassa puolivahingossa. Hän laittoi oman ensiasuntonsa vuokralle ollessaan opiskelija ja heräsi silloin toiminnan tuottavuuteen. ”Ensiasuntoni oli sijoituskelpoinen yksiö ja kun vuokrasin sen, siitä jäi kolme numeroa kuussa verojen jälkeen käteen. Ajattelin, että näitä pitää hankkia sata.” Kassavirta oli siis se elementti, joka Arvosta asuntosijoittamisessa kiehtoi. ”Arvonnousu on spekulaatiota, osingot eli vuokrat taas varmasti tilillä joka kuukausi.” Oli selvää, että asuntojen osto ja vuokraus on hänelle sopiva strategia. ”Tajusin, että jos näitä hankkii monta, niin ei ehkä tarvitse tehdä enää eräänä päivänä mitään. Voi vaan pötkötellä. Kyllä varmasti silti teen, vedän käteen ainakin, mutta ei ole pakko. Taloudellinen riippumattomuus on niin hype sana, etten sitä käytä. Ammattisijoittaja kuulostaa paremmalle.”
    ellauri088.html on line 565: Kingston.—Instructive remarks on early English history.—Instructive observations on carved oak and life in general.—Sad case of Stivvings, junior.—Musings on antiquity.—I forget that I am steering.—Interesting result.—Hampton Court Maze.—Harris as a guide.
    ellauri088.html on line 571: George is introduced to work.—Heathenish instincts of tow-lines.—Ungrateful conduct of a double-sculling skiff.—Towers and towed.—A use discovered for lovers.—Strange disappearance of an elderly lady.—Much haste, less speed.—Being towed by girls: exciting sensation.—The missing lock or the haunted river.—Music.—Saved!
    ellauri088.html on line 585: It was George’s straw hat that saved his life that day. He keeps that hat now (what is left of it), and, of a winter’s evening, when the pipes are lit and the boys are telling stretchers about the dangers they have passed through, George brings it down and shows it round, and the stirring tale is told anew, with fresh exaggerations every time.
    ellauri088.html on line 601: It appeared that the song was not a comic song at all. It was about a young girl who lived in the Hartz Mountains, and who had given up her life to save her lover’s soul; and he died, and met her spirit in the air; and then, in the last verse, he jilted her spirit, and went on with another spirit—I’m not quite sure of the details, but it was something very sad, I know. Herr Boschen said he had sung it once before the German Emperor, and he (the German Emperor) had sobbed like a little child. He (Herr Boschen) said it was generally acknowledged to be one of the most tragic and pathetic songs in the German language.
    ellauri089.html on line 42: Matheis Heinlein arrived in Pennsylvania in 1754. Spelling variations of this family name include: Hainberg, Hainberger, Hainburger, Heynberg, Heynberger, Heinberg and many more. Itävaltalaista aatelia. Hohoo, Pelkkää puppua jolla myydään jenkkihöynille vaakunamukeja. Eigentlich ist es so:
    ellauri089.html on line 64: Space Cadet (1948) may not be Heinlein’s best juvenile novel (that spot is usually reserved for Have Space Suit—Will Travel), but it is a solid contender for one of the top spots. Space Cadet would probably be a memorable novel if Heinlein had written no other juvenile books.
    ellauri089.html on line 87: Ginny undoubtedly served as a model for many of his intelligent, fiercely independent female characters. She was a chemist and rocket test engineer, and held a higher rank in the Navy than Heinlein himself. She was also an accomplished college athlete, earning four letter words.
    ellauri089.html on line 92: Isaac Asimov believed that Heinlein made a swing to the right politically at the same time he married Ginny.
    ellauri089.html on line 136: Within the book, the statement of divine immanence verbalized between the main characters, "Thou Art God", is logically derived from the concept inherent in the term grok. Waldo on etäkäsi. Suunnilleen dildo.
    ellauri089.html on line 531: § 62. The same confusion is involved in the attempt to infer Utilitarianism from Psychological Hedonism, as commonly held, e.g. by Mill. …
    ellauri089.html on line 546: § 68. Metaphysics, as dealing with a "supersensible reality" may have a bearing upon practical Ethics (1) if its supersensible reality is conceived as something future, which our actions can affect; and (2) since it will prove that every proposition of practical Ethics is false, if it can shew that an eternal reality is either the only real thing or the only good thing. Most metaphysical writers, believing in a reality of the latter kind, do thus imply the complete falsehood of every practical proposition, although they fail to see that their Metaphysics thus contradicts their Ethics. …
    ellauri089.html on line 548: § 69. But the theory, by which I have defined Metaphysical Ethics, is not that Metaphysics has a logical bearing upon the question involved in practical Ethics "What effects will my action produce?", but that it has such a bearing upon the fundamental ethical question, "What is good in itself?" This theory has been refuted by the proof, in Chap. I, that the naturalistic fallacy is a fallacy; it only remains to discuss certain confusions which seem to have lent it plausibility. …
    ellauri089.html on line 554: § 72. But a more important source of confusion seems to lie in the supposition that "to be good" is identical with the possession of some supersensible property, which is also involved in the definition of "reality". …
    ellauri089.html on line 570: § 80. but from neither of these psychological facts does it follow that "to be good" is identical with being willed or felt in a certain way. The supposition that it does follow is an instance of the fundamental contradiction of modern Epistemology—the contradiction involved in both distinguishing and identifying the object and the act of Thought, "truth" itself and its supposed criterion: …
    ellauri089.html on line 605: § 95. But (c) most of the actions, most universally approved by Common Sense, may perhaps be shewn to be generally better as means than any probable alternative, on the following principles. (1) With regard to some rules it may be shewn that their general observation would be useful in any state of society, where the instincts to preserve and propagate life and to possess property were as strong as they seem always to be; and this utility may be shewn, independently of a right view as to what is good in itself, since the observance is a means to things which are a necessary condition for the attainment of any great goods in considerable quantities. …
    ellauri089.html on line 607: § 96. (2) Other rules are such that their general observance can only be shewn to be useful, as a means to the preservation of society, under more or less temporary conditions: if any of these are to be proved useful in all societies, this can only be done by shewing their causal relation to things good or evil in themselves, which are not generally recognised to be such. …
    ellauri089.html on line 629: § 107. (b) where virtue consists in a disposition to have, and be moved by, a sentiment of love towards really good consequences of an action and of hatred towards really evil ones, it has some intrinsic value, but its value may vary greatly in degree. …
    ellauri090.html on line 32: De pé: Rodolfo Amoedo, Artur Azevedo, Inglês de Sousa, Bilac, Veríssimo, Bandeira, Filinto de Almeida, Passos, Magalhães, Bernardelli, Rodrigo Octavio, Peixoto; sentados: João Ribeiro, Machado, Lúcio de Mendonça e Silva Ramos.
    ellauri090.html on line 130: For a time, Rubião’s friends accept his madness as he continues to provide meals and entertainment for them. Eventually, however, Rubião’s house falls into disrepair as his belief in himself as the emperor becomes constant. Doña Tonica becomes engaged to a man who dies before the wedding. Children on the street, including Deolindo, whose life Rubião had saved, make fun of him as a madman. Prodded by Doña Fernanda, a woman who barely knows Rubião, Sophia convinces Palha to set Rubião up in a little rented house on Principe Street. No one visits Rubião in his new humble residence. His former “friends” miss the luxury of Rubião’s wealthy surroundings in the house in Botafogo.
    ellauri090.html on line 391: Vizi hei mä vedin ton ihan hatusta! Mut JUST SIITÄ siinä onkin kysymys! Arvasin ihan oikein! Lusmuista pohatoista tosiaan tulee tosi yritteliäitä ja eipä aikaakaan kun ne on taas vaurastumispolulla. Alexis (joka on kyllä homo, mutta sekin on nyt jo ookoo prime time teeveessä) oppii rehellisen (tai no, tuottoisan) työn arvon jne. jne. Tää kaikki selvisi vaan treilereitä kazomalla. Tää sarja on sellasta riches to rags and back to riches tarinaa jota jauhettiin jo 1900-luvun lopulla kun pikku Wallu kazoi televisiota puristellen tennispalloa. Se kyllä tykkäisi. Pilkkanauru pois, kääritäänpä hihat ja ansaizemaan ensimmäistä miljoonaa kengänkiillottajana kuten nuori Roope, tai sooda jerkkinä kuten Bob Heinleinin Kip.
    ellauri090.html on line 404: Urhea kuormahevonen koitti väistää mun polkupyörää ja hyppäsi isoine hevoskuormineen valtavan pitkän hypyn suoraan kanavaan. Se pääsi melkein toiselle rannalle. Ihmiset vastarannalla hurrasivat sille. Kuormassa olleet varsat pulikoivat vedessä ja kiipesivät ylös rannalle. Menin sinne seuraamaan tilannetta. Mutta urheata hevosta ei näkynyt eikä kuulunut. Se oli isokokoinen mustanraudikko. Kazojat huolestuivat kun se ei tullut pinnalle. Horjahdin ja olin pudota veteen mutta onnistuin jotenkin käännähtämään ilmassa kuin piirretyissä ja pääsin kuiville. Lapsia nauratti.
    ellauri090.html on line 406: Kuski ei ollut moxiskaan. Se sanoi että urhea vetohevonen saattoi pysyä veden alla monta minuuttia.
    ellauri090.html on line 408: mekko ja alushousut rannalle kun koitin estellä, sillä vedessä oli vielä paljon hevosia uppeluxissa. Molskiva hevonen voi vahingossa potkaista sinua. Tyttö nousi ilman pikkareita ja mekkoa ruohopeitteiselle kivelle. Olisin heittänyt ne hänelle mutta hän ei ensin halunnut. Hän oli vähän loukkaantunut vaikka naureskeli. Vähän myöhemmin hän otti ne vähin äänin vastaan muttei kiittänyt.
    ellauri090.html on line 410: Lopulta veden alta alkoi häämöttää hevosen hampaat ja pää ja urhea hevonen kapusi rannalle. Kaikki taputtivat. Minä ja lapset ja jotkut aikuisetkin taputimme urheaa hevosta ja paijasimme sitä. Kuski oli tyytyväinen ja ylpeä. Sen ilme oli että mitäs minä sanoin. Vielä vanhana miehenä, kun hänellä ei enää ollut hevosia hänet saattoi yllättää päästämästä hevospieruja. Vaimeita tai kovaäänistä mutta enimmäkseen hajuttomia. Unessa oli paljon muutakin hevostietoa mutta ne olen jo unohtanut.
    ellauri090.html on line 427: di fuor si legge com’io dentro avampi: si vede di fuori come io dentro arda: näkyy heti että lakannut on saamasta:
    ellauri092.html on line 78: Dwight Lyman Moody was born into a bankrupt family of nine children with a father who loved whiskey and who died when Dwight was just four. His mother sent them to a school where he learnt very little, and she sent them to the First Congregational Church where he learnt less. His upbringing was something of a disciplined, Puritan-influenced life.
    ellauri092.html on line 84: The first change in Moody was that he received a burden to see all his family earnings saved. Later that year he moved to Chicago and although he started to show signs of real shoe business ability and success, when he experienced the revival which commenced in that city in January 1857, business success faded into insignificance. He was ruined - success of this world no longer interested him instead, he began to glow in Christian virtue. He mixed freely amongst Plymouth Brethren, Methodist Episcopal, Congregationalists and Baptists. The years passed and he worked with the men in tights at YMCA and raised up one of the most unusual Sunday Schools of that day which became a church. He reluctantly began to preach and haggled every step of the way. He turned down Congregational ordination and remained a simple uneducated layman with a burden for souls. Having heard of Spurgeon’s ministry in London he did all he could to get hold of and read every Spurgeon sermon. He took thorough hold of Spurgeon’s three ‘R’s: Ruin by the fall, Redemption by the Blood, and Regeneration by the Holy Mackerel. This flowed through every one of his messages and was the marrow of Moody’s theology. Many thought him too radical and so nicknamed him ‘Crazy Moody.’
    ellauri092.html on line 96: So in June 1873 he arrived again into Liverpool, England, accompanied by his asthmatic wife and song leader Ira Sankey as his other wife. Key men who were leaders and financers who had invited him with the promise of financial help had died since he was last there. There were no meetings, no funds and no committees. What the fuck. It seemed all was lost. Maybe they would just have to return to America? Only one unattractive invitation came from York in the North of England and so there they went. It was hard ground but in the midst of these meetings one unimpressed minister called F.B. Meyer slowly melted and then ignited with holy fervent fire. Our friends fled the scene as fast as they could. Next the Evangelistic foursome moved to Sunderland for several weeks of sole eating meetings where Cod’s power to inflate liver was manifest. In August they brought coals to Newcastle where a daily paper meeting was conducted with some 300 saints in attendance. No other lighting was necessary. News spread throughout the whole land that Creedence Clearvater Revival was coming to churches and salivation to thousands. Other towns were visited in the same manner and left as quickly as the audience caught on that a less inspiring Yankee foursome was doing the song and play.
    ellauri092.html on line 100: In September 1874 they travelled to Belfast in the North of Ireland for five weeks of meetings like those in Scotland. Then onward to Dublin for a month where several thousand pounds sterling were reported converted to dollars. These were some of the most remarkable meetings ever held in Ireland. In November they sailed for England and continued to minister in the main cities and towns. In March 1875 he moved to London to start a 4 mouth campaign. Initially meetings had about 16,000 people in attendance. He bled the rich and poor, the famous and the destitute, princesses as well as paupers. It is estimated that a million and a half people paid him in this chief of cities. After one very brief visit to Cambridge University he returned home to America and did not return again until 1882 when he administered snake oil in Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England.
    ellauri092.html on line 178: Methodism thrived in America thanks to the First and Second Great Awakenings beginning in the 1700s. Various African-American denominations were formed during this period, including the African Methodist Episcopal Church.
    ellauri092.html on line 182: The Third Great Awakening from 1858 to 1908 saw enormous growth in Methodist membership, and a proliferation of institutions such as colleges (e.g., Morningside College). Methodists were often involved in the Missionary Awakening and the Social Gospel Movement. The awakening in so many cities in 1858 started the movement, but in the North it was interrupted by the Civil War. In the South, on the other hand, the Civil War stimulated revivals, especially in Lee´s army.
    ellauri092.html on line 184: In 1914–1917 many Methodist ministers made strong pleas for world peace. President Woodrow Wilson (a Presbyterian), promised "a war to end all wars." Tästä teki sitten pilaa italialainen nobelistirunoilija Eugenio Montale, joka on aika lailla kyllä never heard. Se oli liian hermeettinen vedotaxeen kansan makuun. Oikeastaan sen ei olis kuulunutkaan saada noobelia kerze oli pessimisti, muze oli sentään antifasisti, joista sodan aikana lie Italiassa ollut pula. Eli jälleen kerran sellanen poliittinen virkanimitys. Montale oli kantava voima runoilijaryhmässä, joka kutsui itseään Hermeettiseksi seuraksi. Ryhmä tuotti täysin epäloogisia runoja, jotka kuvastivat absurdia ajatusta Sodasta, joka päättää kaikki sodat.
    ellauri092.html on line 194: Adding more complexity to the mix, there are United Methodist congregations who orient their worship to the "free" church tradition, so particular liturgies are not observed. The United Methodist Book of Worship and The Hymns of the United Methodist Church are voluntarily followed in varying degrees. Such churches employ the liturgy and rituals therein as optional resources, but their use is not mandatory.
    ellauri092.html on line 259: As noted, most Baptist churches and church members hold enthusiastically to the doctrine of Eternal Security. The saying, once saved, always saved is popular today among Baptists. Methodists, on the other hand, believe that truly degenerate Christians can fall away into apostasy and be lost.
    ellauri092.html on line 271: William Boardman worked closely with Robert Pearsall Smith, whose wife Hannah Whitall Smith, a Quaker, became well known in the movement for her belief in “quietism”. Quietism teaches that “sinless perfection” is attainable in this life and comes from inner quietness or meditative contemplation that is believed to allow God to work as all human effort ceases. Remind you of something today?
    ellauri092.html on line 273: Those involved with the Keswick Movement were continuationists otherwise known as anti-cessationists. These folks then (as well as today), believed the sign gifts including tongues never stopped. History as well as Scripture tells us that this is not true; that in fact, the sign gifts did actually cease not long after the last apostle died and the Bible had finished being written (though not yet compiled into Canon).
    ellauri092.html on line 285: One of the main errors within the Keswick Movement is their unbiblical view of sanctification. Keswickians believe when a person becomes saved, they are immediately justified. This is certainly Scriptural fact (Romans 3:21-26; 5:18-19; 2 Corinthians 5:21). There is nothing I can do to justify myself before God. Only salvation provides this immediate and eternal justification as Christ’s righteousness is literally imputed to my account.
    ellauri092.html on line 326: The common thread with all of the people above (and others not listed), is the emphasis on mystical experiences that allegedly begin within as we quiet ourselves and wait upon God. Unfortunately, this is clearly not Scriptural because we are not to focus on our “innerspace” as New Agers do. We are to put our hand to the plow and look forward, not backward. This can only occur as we submit ourselves to Him (Romans 12:1-2). It really doesn’t matter if our emotions catch up with us, nor should they be used to “verify” that we are growing in the Lord. If the heart is deceitfully wicked and cannot be understood (Jeremiah 17:9), what makes us think that once we are saved, our hearts are all of a sudden able to be known?
    ellauri092.html on line 328: Adam and Eve lived in a perfect environment and still managed to fall through sin! For a time they were sinless. Then…the fall.
    ellauri092.html on line 330: Andrew Murray, A W Tozer and others now make perfect sense to me when I read their books. They were mystics who sought, focused on and tended to emphasize an emotional experience they believed was holiness. I understand that mistake because I also desperately reached for that for several years. It doesn’t work and causes the Christian to constantly look to his/her emotions for verification.
    ellauri092.html on line 334: Thirty-five years later, I can honestly say I love my wife more now than I did early on, though I certainly believed I could not love her more in our early days. However, my love for my wife now is not (but can at times include), emotion. It is something far different than raw emotion because it is based in carnal knowledge. I love her and I know she loves me.
    ellauri092.html on line 366: Moldessa oli varmasti upeet maisemat paizi oli sumuista kuin Lontoossa. Ehdimme sentään nähdä Axel Enden kuulun alttaritaulun Kvinderne ved graven (kz. kuva) ennenkuin kirkko paloi taas.
    ellauri092.html on line 373: Krohn ham (3x) King Kong J. C., me vedettiin norjaa puhuen tost noin vaan. Suomensin sen johkin viisukirjaan. Kristianiassa näin Ibsenin Hallonbladin Liisan kanssa ryyppäämässä kantakapakassa. Siis me tytöt nähtiin, Ibsen ryyppäsi. Ei siinä ollut mitään turhaa tunteilemista.
    ellauri093.html on line 132: Though their time together was brief, they helped catapult the China Inland Mission from obscurity to "almost embarrassing prominence", and their work helped to inspire many recruits for the CIM and other mission societies. In 1885, when the Seven first arrived in China, the CIM had 163 missionaries; this had doubled by 1890 and reached some 800 by 1900, which represented one-third of the entire Protestant missionary force.
    ellauri093.html on line 180: Wingate was killed in an aircraft accident late in the war. The casualty rate the Chindits suffered, especially from disease, is a continuing controversy. Wingate believed that resistance to infection could be improved by inculcating a tough mental attitude, but medical officers considered his methods unsuited to a tropical environment.
    ellauri093.html on line 184: Lord Moran, Winston Churchill's personal physician, wrote in his diaries that "[Wingate] seemed to me hardly sane – in medical jargon a borderline case." Likewise, referring to Churchill's meeting with Wingate in Quebec, Max Hastings wrote that, "Wingate proved a short-lived protégé: closer acquaintance caused Churchill to realise that he was too mad for high command."
    ellauri093.html on line 193: Terminology which sometimes confuses Brethren and non-Brethren alike is the distinction between the Open assemblies, usually called "Chapels", and the Closed assemblies (non-Exclusive), called "Gospel Halls." Contrary to common misconceptions, those traditionally known as the "Closed Brethren" are not a part of the Exclusive Brethren, but are rather a very conservative subset of the Open Brethren. The Gospel Halls regard reception to the assembly as a serious matter. One is not received to the Lord's Supper but to the fellowship of the assembly. This is important because the Lord's Supper is for believers, not unbelievers.
    ellauri093.html on line 197: Their support text is from 1 Corinthians 15:33, "Do not be deceived: evil communications corrupt good table manners." Among other distinctions, the Gospel Halls would generally not use musical instruments in their services, whereas many Chapels use them and may have singing groups, choirs, "worship teams" of musicians, etc. The Gospel Halls tend to be more conservative in dress; women do not wear trousers in meetings and always have their heads covered, while in most Chapels women may wear whatever they wish, including nothing, though modesty in dress serves as a guideline, and many may continue the Orde Wingate tradition of wearing a shower cap for head covering if nothing else. Open Brethren churches are all independent, self-governing, local congregations with no central headquarters, although there are a number of seminaries, missions agencies, and publications that are widely supported by Brethren churches and which help to maintain a high degree of communication among them.
    ellauri093.html on line 205: Conversely, Open assemblies aware of that disciplining would not automatically feel a binding obligation to support it, treating each case on its own merit. Reasons for being put under discipline by both the Open and Exclusive Brethren include disseminating gross Scriptural or doctrinal error or being involved in unscriptural behavior. Being accused of illegal financial dealings may also result in being put under discipline.
    ellauri093.html on line 209: All assemblies welcome visitors to gospel meetings and other gatherings, with the exception of the Lord's Supper. Many Exclusive Brethren and some of the more traditional Open Brethren feel that the Lord's Supper is reserved for those who are in right standing before God. Fellowship in the Lord's Supper is not considered a private matter but a corporate expression, "because we, being many, are one loaf, one body; for we all partake of that one loaf" (1 Corinthians 10:17).
    ellauri093.html on line 304: She removed Stranleigh’s coat with a dexterity that aroused his imagination. The eider woman returned with skimpy dressings and a sponge, which she placed on a chair. Carry your head along as your eiders have done. After being a member of the Church for a while, Bill was ordained to the office of an eider. Jack had been an eider for only a few days when he received a new calling whistle. The eiders are coming over for dinner tonight. One of the long-time leaders in the Church is Eider Pennypacker.
    ellauri093.html on line 366: Karl var stemningsbevæget og gemytrig som sin forgænger, svingede let fra muntert vid til dyb vemod, var en glimrende fortæller, forfatter af viser og sange, en god foredragsholder og en prædikant der i høj grad formåede at anskueliggøre sig ved billeder og citater.
    ellauri093.html on line 650: Jälkeenpäin sain vielä kuulla lohduttavia sanoja hyvästä paimenesta jonka lampaalta ei mitään puutu pimeästä laaxosta, kun hän on myötä. Hän vei mut jumalaiseen virtaan kuin Hesekiel, ensin nilkkaa, sitten polvia, sitten lantioita myöden, ja lopuxi aavistin, kuinka onnellinen onkaan hän, joka täällä vaan saa aina asustaa, heittäytyneenä tollaisen Hesekielin virran veden varaan. Kerran, kahdestikin peräkkäin viivyimme siinä "alttarin luona". Tunsin kuinka tuli sytytettiin ja pidettiin jatkuvasti palavana. Anna kaikki kaikesta! Ja kylmä annoinkin. Ja paljo, paljo muuta puuhaaja mulle näytti ja todisti havainnollisesti puuhin, jotka seurasivat toinen toistansa.
    ellauri093.html on line 664: Mutta nyt vakavampiin teemoihin. Yxi papinleski, joka nuorena oli kadottanut miehensä ja jäänyt orpojansa yxin huoltamaan kysyi: Mixi mixi? Virkamatkalla mieheni hevonen vauhkoontui ja heitti hänet rattailta. Mixi ei herra varjellut, jos hän on kaikkivoipa? Onko hän yxinkertaisesti ilkeä? Dolmen selitti kaiken hyvin päin: ajattele asiaa myös vähän meidän kannaltamme, siis miehen kannalta. Sehän pääsi pälkähästä tosi vähällä, saved by the gong. Mut mut jatkaa leski, jos tuonpuoleisessa on niin kivaa, mixei herra hyvä voinut ottaa meitä samaan hevoskyytiin? Mix se jätti meidät tänne kitumaan? No kaskun, Dick mietti, koska se haluu opettaa täällä meille jotakin. Hemmetti sanoo leski, se on ize tehnyt meidät, ja se on kaikkivoipa ja kaikkiviisas, miten se on voinut tunaroida näin? Mäkin olisin osannut tehdä paremman maailman, vaikkoon vain nainen. Tai hei, mix vaivautua ylipäänsä ollenkaan? Mixei se vaan jäänyt kellettelemään sinne singulariteettiin askartelemaan sitä kiveä mitä se ei jaxa heittää. Koko homma tuntuu aika joutavalta. Noh, kaskun, sanoo Dick ja sitten pruit pruit, läiskis läiskis, se päästää savusumun ja uikkii hiljaa Hiljan kansssa ruikkimaan. Tutkimattomat ovat herran tiehyet.
    ellauri093.html on line 909: The above words came fresh in my mind in writing. They were often used by my beloved father, when he led his children to the throne of grace in family worship. If they find an echo in the hearts of the readers I shall be deeply thankful.
    ellauri094.html on line 94: Syreeni suggests that the letters of John - written after the predecessor gospels but before the final edition - reveal a schism in the Johannine community that was caused by the majority faction's acceptance of Jesus' death and resurrection, as it was then recorded in the new gospel. By exploring the gospel's different means of legitimizing the passion story, such as the creation of the 'Beloved Disciple' to witness Jesus' passion, and the foreshadowing of the resurrection of Jesus in the miracle of Lazarus, Syreeni provides a bold and provocative case for a new understanding of John.
    ellauri094.html on line 211: Archaeological studies have revealed that, although Jerusalem was utterly destroyed, other parts of Judah continued to be inhabited during the period of the exile. Most of the exiled did not return to their homeland, instead travelling westward and northward. Many settled in what is now northern Israel, Lebanon and Syria. The Iraqi Jewish, Persian Jewish, Georgian Jewish, and Bukharan Jewish communities are believed to derive their ancestry in large part from these exiles. These communities are now largely concentrated in Israel.
    ellauri094.html on line 318: God has a funny way of treating his “chosen people.” Apparently, the Jews were misbehaving and being ungodly. After several years of some other shenanigans in Babylon, god decided it was time to put his foot down and end the free will of the king by having him take the Jewish people captive. This was in ca. 597 BCE. First I’d like to ask the following questions: Shouldn’t god have known that his “chosen people” were going to act like brats? Couldn’t he have chosen a better, more well-behaved group of people to whom to deliver his word? Anyway, moving on.
    ellauri094.html on line 436: that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us.
    ellauri094.html on line 457: Now how shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land Mitens me vedettäs virsiä matulas
    ellauri094.html on line 550: As a water in January the frost confines, Kuten jää jäykistää veden tammikuuussa,
    ellauri094.html on line 560: In thy grief had we followed thee, in thy passion loved, Sun surussa me seurattiin sua, ja sun kiimassa,
    ellauri094.html on line 561: Loved in thy loss; Ja kun löit lossixi;
    ellauri094.html on line 562: In thy shame we stood fast to thee, with thy pangs were moved, Sun hävetessä me myötähävettiin, ja liikututtiin,
    ellauri094.html on line 647: That the waters of Babylon should no longer flow, Että Babylonin vedet ei enää valuisi,
    ellauri094.html on line 696: The literary device anadiplosis is detected in two or more neighboring lines. The word/phrase loved connects the lines.
    ellauri095.html on line 105: Uranian is a 19th-century term that referred to homosexual men. The term was first published by activist Karl Heinrich Ulrichs (1825–95) in a series of five booklets (1864–65) collected under the title Forschungen über das Räthsel der mannmännlichen Liebe (Research into the Riddle of Man–Male Love). Ulrichs derived Uranian (Urning in German) from the Greek goddess Aphrodite Urania, who was created out of the god Uranus' testicles. Therefore, it represents the homosexual gender, while Dionian (Dioning), derived from Aphrodite Dionea, represents the heterosexual gender. Ulrichs developed his terminology before the first public use of the term homosexual, which appeared in 1869 in a pamphlet published anonymously by Karl-Maria Kertbeny (1824–82)
    ellauri095.html on line 115: His father founded a marine insurance firm and at one time served as Hawaiian consul-general in London. He was also for a time churchwarden at St John-at-Hampstead. His grandfather was the physician John Simm Smith, a university colleague of John Keats, and close friend of the eccentric philanthropist Ann Thwaytes. One of his uncles was Charles Gordon Hopkins, a politician of the Hawaiian Kingdom.
    ellauri095.html on line 125: Manley Hopkins moved his family to Hampstead in 1852, near where John Keats had lived 30 years before and close to the green spaces of Hampstead Heath. When he was ten years old, Gerard was sent to board at Highgate School (1854–1863). While studying Keats´s poetry, he wrote "The Escorial" (1860), his earliest extant poem. Here he practised early attempts at asceticism. He once argued that most people drank more liquids than they really needed and bet that he could go without drinking for a week. He persisted until his tongue was black and he collapsed at drill. On another occasion he abstained from salt for a week.
    ellauri095.html on line 135: A short fellow of 5’2 or 3”, he was enthusiastic, had a high-pitched voice, loved to sketch and write poems, was close to his family, and had warm, lifelong friends from Oxford, fellow Jesuits, and Irish families. For recreation he visited art exhibitions and old churches, and enjoyed holidays with his family, friends, and fellow Jesuits in Switzerland, Holland, the Isle of Wight, the Isle of Man, Whitby on the North Sea, Wales, Scotland, and the West of Ireland. During these holidays, he loved to hike and swim. His passions were nature (especially trees), ecology, beauty, poetry, art, his family and friends, his country, his religion, and his God. His curse was a lifelong “melancholy” (his word) which in 1885 in Dublin became deep depression and a sense of lost contact with God.
    ellauri095.html on line 145: After several years of ill health and bouts of diarrhoea, Hopkins died of typhoid fever in 1889 and was buried in Glasnevin Cemetery, after a funeral in St Francis Xavier Church in Gardiner Street, located in Georgian Dublin. He is thought to have suffered throughout his life from what today might be labelled bipolar disorder or chronic unipolar depression, and battled a deep sense of melancholic anguish. However, his last words on his death bed were, "I am so happy, I am so happy. I loved my life." He was 44 years of age.
    ellauri095.html on line 167: Hopkins composed two poems about Dolben, "Where art thou friend" and "The Beginning of the End". Robert Bridges, who edited the first edition of Dolben's poems as well as Hopkins's, cautioned that the second poem "must never be printed," though Bridges himself included it in the first edition (1918). Another indication of the nature of his feelings for Dolben is that Hopkins's high Anglican confessor seems to have forbidden him to have any contact with Dolben except by letter. Hopkins never saw Dolben again after the latter's short visit to Oxford during which they met, and any continuation of their relationship was abruptly ended by Dolben's drowning two years later in June 1867. Hopkins's feeling for Dolben seems to have cooled by that time, but he was nonetheless greatly affected by his death. "Ironically, fate may have bestowed more through Dolben's death than it could ever have bestowed through longer life ... for many of Hopkins's best poems – impregnated with an elegiac longing for Dolben, his lost beloved and his muse – were the result." Hopkins's relationship with Dolben is explored in the novel The Hopkins Conundrum.
    ellauri095.html on line 178: The aim of our research was never to spread more homophobia, but to demonstrate to an international audience how the life expectancy of gay and bisexual men can be estimated from limited vital statistics data. In our paper, we demonstrated that in a major Canadian centre, life expectancy at age 20 years for gay and bisexual men is 8 to 21 years less than for all men. If the same pattern of mortality continued, we estimated that nearly half of gay and bisexual men currently aged 20 years would not reach their 65th birthday. Under even the most liberal assumptions, gay and bisexual men in this urban centre were experiencing a life expectancy similar to that experienced by men in Canada in the year 1871. In contrast, if we were to repeat this analysis today the life expectancy of gay and bisexual men would be greatly improved. Deaths from HIV infection have declined dramatically in this population since 1996. As we have previously reported there has been a threefold decrease in mortality in Vancouver as well as in other parts of British Columbia.
    ellauri095.html on line 190: An important element in Hopkins work is his own concept of inkscape, which was derived in part from the medieval theologian Duns Scotus.
    ellauri095.html on line 196: Inkscape, for Hopkins, is the charged essence, the absolute singularity that gives each created thing its being; instress is both the energy that holds the inscape together and the process by which this inscape is perceived by an observer. We instress the inscape of a tulip, Hopkins would say, when we appreciate the particular delicacy of its petals, when we are enraptured by its specific, inimitable shade of pink.
    ellauri095.html on line 233: In a journal entry of 6 November 1865, Hopkins declared an ascetic intention for his life and work: "On this day by God's grace I resolved to give up all beauty until I had His leave for it."
    ellauri095.html on line 234: On 18 January 1866, Hopkins composed his most ascetic poem, The Habit of Perfection. On 23 January, he included poetry in a list of things to be given up for Lent. In July, he decided to become a Roman Catholic and travelled to Birmingham in September to consult the leader of the Oxford converts, John Henry Newman. Newman received him into the Roman Catholic Church on 21 October 1866.
    ellauri095.html on line 238: The decision to convert estranged Hopkins from his family and from a number of acquaintances. After graduating in 1867, he was provided by Newman with a teaching post at the Oratory in Birmingham. While there he began to study the violin. On 5 May 1868 Hopkins firmly "resolved to be a religious." Less than a week later, he made a bonfire of his poetry and gave it up almost entirely for seven years. Fortunately he did not burn his Bridges like Savonarola. He also felt a call to enter the ministry and decided to become a Jesuit. He paused first to visit Switzerland, which officially forbade Jesuits to enter.
    ellauri095.html on line 240: In September 1868 Hopkins began his Jesuit novitiate at Manresa House, Roehampton, under the guidance of Alfred Weld. Two years later he moved to St Mary´s Hall, Stonyhurst, for philosophical studies, taking vows of poverty, chastity and obedience on 8 September 1870. He felt that his interest in poetry had stopped him devoting himself wholly to religion. However, on reading Duns Scotus in 1872, he saw how the two need not conflict.
    ellauri095.html on line 248: Hopkins invites a comparison between his persona and Christina’s erstwhile lover, James Collinson, who also became a follower of the Pre-Raphaelites and convert to Catholicism and, for a while, a Jesuit. Eventually, by converting to Catholicism himself and joining the Society of Jesus, Hopkins exchanged the inferior position articulated in “A Voice from the World” for a superior one, superior at least in the sense that Christina Rossetti apparently felt that her sister Maria, who actually did cross the convent threshold and become a religious, had achieved a higher stage of religious development than she herself did.
    ellauri095.html on line 260: In 1893, she developed breast cancer and though the breast was removed, there was a recurrence in September 1894. She died in Bloomsbury on 29 December 1894 and was buried in Highgate Cemetery. The place where she died, in Torrington Square, is marked with a stone tablet.
    ellauri095.html on line 475: Tosta Savonarolasta oli vähän japitusta Pico della Mirandolan kohdalla, albumissa 54. Se vaikutti aika konnamaiselta, tai joltain terroristilta. Poltti kirjoja kuin Paludan ym. ruozalaiset, mistä ei pidä edes Hoblan matukolumnisti Peter Fakir sveduista. Sitä harmittaa ettei enää voi selata tylsissä bileissä isäntien kirjahyllyä ja salaa fnissata. Hyllyt ovat tyhjinä tai niissä on vain yxinäinen ananas tai banaani. Mamma anna ananasta, sanoi ruozalainen jo talvisodan aikana.
    ellauri095.html on line 483: The sequence of events is clear. On 18 January 1866 Hopkins composed his most ascetic poem, “The Habit of Perfection” (Täydellinen asukokonaisuus). On 23 January he included poetry in the list of things to be given up for Lent. In July he decided to become a Catholic, and he traveled to Birmingham in September to consult the leader of the Oxford converts, John Henry Newman. Newman received him into the Church in October. On 5 May 1868 Hopkins firmly “resolved to be a religious.” Less than a week later, apparently still inspired by Savonarola, he made a bonfire of his poems and gave up poetry almost entirely for seven years. Finally, in the fall of 1868 Hopkins joined a “serged fellowship” like Savonarola’s and like the one he admired in “Eastern Communion”(1865), a commitment foreshadowed by the emphasis on vows of silence and poverty in “The Habit of Perfection.”
    ellauri095.html on line 496: The Rev John Henry Newman had many critics after he sensationally quit the Church of England in 1845 and was received into the Roman Catholic Church.
    ellauri095.html on line 508: This potential for a new sacramental poetry was first realized by Hopkins in The Wreck of the Deutschland. Hopkins recalled that when he read about the wreck of the German ship Deutschland off the coast of England it “made a deep impression on me, more than any other wreck or accident I ever read of,” a statement made all the more impressive when we consider the number of shipwrecks he must have discussed with his father. Hopkins wrote about this particular disaster at the suggestion of Fr. James Jones, Rector of St. Beuno’s College, where Hopkins studied theology from 1874 to 1877. Hopkins recalled that “What I had written I burnt before I became a Jesuit and resolved to write no more, as not belonging to my profession, unless it were by the wish of my superiors; so for seven years I wrote nothing but two or three little presentation pieces which occasion called for [presumably ‘Rosa Mystica’ and ‘Ad Mariam’]. But when in the winter of ’75 the Deutschland was wrecked in the mouth of the Thames and five Franciscan nuns, exiles from Germany by the Falck Laws, aboard of her were drowned I was affected by the account and happening to say so to my rector he said that he wished someone would write a poem on the subject. On this hint I set to work and, though my hand was out at first, produced one. I had long had haunting my ear the echo of a new rhythm which now I realized on paper.”
    ellauri095.html on line 512: The Wreck of the Deutschland became the occasion for Hopkins’s incarnation as a poet in his own right. He broke with the Keatsian wordpainting style with which he began, replacing his initial prolixity, stasis, and lack of construction with a concise, dramatic unity. He rejected his original attraction to Keats’s sensual aestheticism for a clearly moral, indeed a didactic, rhetoric. He saw nature not only as a pleasant spectacle as Keats had; he also confronted its seemingly infinite destructiveness as few before or after him have done. In this shipwreck he perceived the possibility of a theodicy, a vindication of God’s justice which would counter the growing sense of the disappearance of God among the Victorians. For Hopkins, therefore, seeing more clearly than ever before the proselytic possibilities of art, his rector’s suggestion that someone write a poem about the wreck became the theological sanction he needed to begin reconciling his religious and poetic vocations.
    ellauri095.html on line 520: Competition and collaboration between father and son continued even long after Hopkins left home to take his place in the world. In 1879, for instance, Gerard Manley Hopkins wrote to Bridges, “I enclose some lines by my father called forth by the proposal to fell the trees in Well Walk (where Keats and other interesting people lived) and printed in some local paper.” Two months later Hopkins composed “Binsey Poplars” to commemorate the felling of a grove of trees near Oxford. Clearly, competition with his father was an important creative stimulus.
    ellauri095.html on line 533: His religious consciousness increased dramatically when he entered Oxford, the city of spires. From April of 1863, when he first arrived with some of his journals, drawings, and early Keatsian poems in hand, until June of 1867 when he graduated, Hopkins felt the charm of Oxford, “steeped in sentiment as she lies,” as Matthew Arnold had said, “spreading her gardens to the moonlight and whispering from her towers the last enchantments of the Middle Ages.” Here he became more fully aware of the religious implications of the medievalism of Ruskin, Dixon, and the Pre-Raphaelites. Inspired also by Christina Rossetti, the Catholic doctrine of the Real Presence of God in the Eucharist, and by the Victorian preoccupation with the fifteenth-century Italian religious reformer Girolamo Savonarola, he soon embraced Ruskin’s definition of “Medievalism” as a “confession of Christ” opposed to both “Classicalism” (“Pagan Faith”) and “Modernism” (the “denial of Christ”).
    ellauri095.html on line 576: The earliest known shipwreck on the Kentish Knock was in the 17th century, but it is very probable that there were earlier wrecks for which the documentary evidence has not survived.
    ellauri095.html on line 578: The loss of any emigrant ship had a strong international dimension and was accordingly extensively reported in English in both the ´Times´ of London and the ´New York Times´, for there was a sad irony in the deaths of passengers who had taken ship in search of a better life. Five Franciscan nuns from Salzkotten (now in Nordrhein-Westfalen, western Germany), named Barbara Hultenschmidt, Henrika Fassbender, Norbeta Reinkobe, Aurea Badziura and Brigitta Damhorst, died in the wreck. They were fleeing religious oppression at home as a result of anti-Catholic laws enacted as part of Otto von Bismarck´s ´Kulturkampf´ ("culture struggle") aimed at building centralised and unified German state resisting outside influences. One reader moved by the story in the London press was the Jesuit poet, Gerard Manley Hopkins, who wrote a moving and highly romanticised poem based on the incident, ´The Wreck of the Deutschland´. As Hopkins put it: ´Rhine refused them: Thames would ruin them´.
    ellauri096.html on line 142: If you know that your beliefs are jointly inconsistent, then you should reject R. M. Sainsbury’s definition of a paradox as “an apparently unacceptable conclusion derived by apparently acceptable reasoning from apparently acceptable premises” (1995, 1). Take the negation of any of your beliefs as a conclusion and your remaining beliefs as the premises. You should judge this jumble argument as valid, and as having premises that you accept, and yet as having a conclusion you reject (Sorensen 2003b, 104–110). If the conclusion of this argument counts as a paradox, then the negation of any of your beliefs counts as a paradox.
    ellauri096.html on line 189: Trivially, false propositions cannot be proved true. Are there any true propositions that cannot be proved true?
    ellauri096.html on line 191: Yes, there are infinitely many. Kurt Gödel’s incompleteness theorem demonstrated that any system that is strong enough to express arithmetic is also strong enough to express a formal counterpart of the self-referential proposition in the surprise test example ‘This statement cannot be proved in this system’. If the system cannot prove its “Gödel sentence”, then this sentence is true. If the system can prove its Gödel sentence, the system is inconsistent. So either the system is incomplete or inconsistent. (See the entry on Kurt Gödel.)
    ellauri096.html on line 199: Several commentators on the surprise test paradox object that interpreting surprise as unprovability changes the topic. Instead of posing the surprise test paradox, it poses a variation of the liar paradox. Other concepts can be blended with the liar. For instance, mixing in alethic notions generates the possible liar: Is ‘This statement is possibly false’ true? (Post 1970) (If it is false, then it is false that it is possibly false. What cannot possibly be false is necessarily true. But if it is necessarily true, then it cannot be possibly false.) Since the semantic concept of validity involves the notion of possibility, one can also derive validity liars such as Pseudo-Scotus’ paradox: ‘Squares are squares, therefore, this argument is invalid’ (Read 1979). Suppose Pseudo-Scotus’ argument is valid. Since the premise is necessarily true, the conclusion would be necessarily true. But the conclusion contradicts the supposition that argument is valid. Therefore, by reductio, the argument is necessarily invalid. Wait! The argument can be invalid only if it is possible for the premise to be true and the conclusion to be false. But we have already proved that the conclusion of ‘Squares are squares, therefore, this argument is invalid’ is necessarily true. There is no consistent judgment of the argument’s validity. A similar predicament follows from ‘The test is on Friday but this prediction cannot be soundly deduced from this announcement’.
    ellauri096.html on line 233: Those who believe that the Church-Fitch result is a genuine paradox can respond to Williamson with paradoxes that accord with common sense (and science –and religious orthodoxy). For instance, common sense heartily agrees with the conclusion that something exists. But it is surprising that this can be proved without empirical premises. Since the quantifiers of standard logic (first order predicate logic with identity) have existential import, the logician can deduce that something exists from the principle that everything is identical to itself. Most philosophers balk at this simple proof because they feel that the existence of something cannot be proved by sheer logic. Likewise, many philosophers balk at the proof of unknowables because they feel that such a profound result cannot be obtained from such limited means.
    ellauri096.html on line 291: When on trial for impiety, Socrates traced his inquisitiveness to the Oracle at Delphi (Apology 21d in Cooper 1997). Prior to beginning his mission of inquiry, Chaerephon asked the Oracle: “Who is the wisest of men?” The Oracle answered “No one is wiser than Socrates.” This astounded Socrates because he believed he knew nothing. Whereas a less pious philosopher might have questioned the reliability of the Delphic Oracle, Socrates followed the general practice of treating the Oracle as infallible. The only cogitation appropriate to an infallible answer is interpretation. Accordingly, Socrates resolved his puzzlement by inferring that his wisdom lay in recognizing his own ignorance. While others may know nothing, Socrates knows that he knows nothing.
    ellauri096.html on line 438: Pogonophobia is the irrational, persistent and often unwarranted fear of beards. The word is derived from Greek pogon (beard) and phobos (fear). Mothers often warn their daughters to "never trust a man with beard or facial hair unless he is Santa Claus". In the United States, there has not been a president with a beard since the 1800s.
    ellauri096.html on line 463: Kazeen vangizi tytön vaikeasti määriteltävä hymy. Pyöreä naama, leveä rako yläetuhampaiden välissä (se on diasteema Jaska), mustat viirusilmät, pisamat, oikeassa poskessa laaja tummanharmaa laikku, mikä lie kuolio tai pigmenttihäiriö. Akvarellitekniikka korosti ilmeen vähä-älyisyyttä, ikään kuin kuola leviäisi vesivärin mukana ympäri naamaa ja maisemaa, niin että "lukija" tunsi vaistomaista tarvetta palauttaa kirja oitis hyllyyn aakkosenmukaiselle paikalleen ja mennä pesemään kädet vedellä ja saippualla ja huuhtomaan ne käsidesillä. Ettei vaan norovirus yllätä.
    ellauri096.html on line 593: Maldoror is a modular (sic) work primarily divided into six parts, or cantos; these parts are further subdivided into a total of sixty chapters, or verses. Parts one through six consist of fourteen, sixteen, five, eight, seven and ten chapters, respectively. With some exceptions, most chapters consist of a single, lengthy paragraph.[b] The text often employs very long, unconventional and confusing sentences which, together with the dearth of paragraph breaks, may suggest a stream of consciousness, or automatic writing. Over the course of the narrative, there is often a first-person narrator, although some areas of the work instead employ a third-person narrative. The book's central character is Maldoror, a figure of evil who is sometimes directly involved in a chapter's events, or else revealed to be watching at a distance. Depending on the context of narrative voice in a given place, the first-person narrator may be taken to be Maldoror himself, or sometimes not. The confusion between narrator and character may also suggest an unreliable narrator.
    ellauri096.html on line 670: In a 1976 paper, Robert Lucas argued that it is naive to try to predict the effects of a change in economic policy entirely on the basis of relationships observed in historical data, especially highly aggregated historical data. Lucas claimed that the decision rules of Keynesian models, such as the fiscal multiplier, cannot be considered as structural, in the sense that they cannot be invariant with respect to changes in government policy variables, stating:
    ellauri096.html on line 808: The term seriation [mise en série] was proposed for use in semiotics by Jean Molino and derived from classical philology. Seriation "invokes the idea that any investigator, in order to assign some plausible meaning to a given phenomenon, must interpret it within a series of comparable phenomena." One cannot interpret what philology calls a hapax; that is, an isolated phenomenon. Art historian Erwin Panofsky has explained the situation in very clear terms:
    ellauri097.html on line 101: Mencken was a keen cheerleader of scientific progress but was skeptical of economic theories and strongly opposed to osteopathic/chiropractic medicine. He also debunked the idea of objective news reporting since "truth is a commodity that the masses of undifferentiated men cannot be induced to buy" and added a humorous description of how "Homo Boobus," like "higher mammalia," is moved by "whatever gratifies his prevailing yearnings."
    ellauri097.html on line 143: I admit freely enough that, by careful breeding, supervision of environment and education, extending over many generations, it might be possible to make an appreciable improvement in the stock of the American Negro, for example, but I must maintain that this enterprise would be a ridiculous waste of energy, for there is a high-caste white stock ready at hand, and it is inconceivable that the Negro stock, however carefully it might be nurtured, could ever even remotely approach it. The educated Negro of today is a failure, not because he meets insuperable difficulties in life, but because he is a Negro. He is, in brief, a low-caste man, to the manner born, and he will remain inert and inefficient until fifty generations of him have lived in civilization. And even then, the superior white race will be fifty generations ahead of him.
    ellauri097.html on line 153: Instead of mathematical "speculation" (such as quantum theory), Mencken believed physicists should just directly look at individual facts in the laboratory like chemists:
    ellauri097.html on line 155: If chemists were similarly given to fanciful and mystical guessing, they would have hatched a quantum theory forty years ago to account for the variations that they observed in atomic weights. But they kept on plugging away in their laboratories without calling in either mathematicians or theologians to aid them, and eventually they discovered the isotopes, and what had been chaos was reduced to the most exact sort of order.
    ellauri097.html on line 163: Mencken ridiculed Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity, believing that "in the long run his curved space may be classed with the psychosomatic bumps of [Franz Josef] Gall and [Johann] Spurzheim." In his private letters, he said:
    ellauri097.html on line 167: His later work consisted of humorous, anecdotal, and nostalgic essays that were first published in The New Yorker and then collected in the books Happy Days, Newspaper Days, and Heathen Days. Mencken was preoccupied with his legacy and kept his papers, letters, newspaper clippings, columns, and even grade school report cards. After his death, those materials were made available to scholars in stages in 1971, 1981, and 1991 and include hundreds of thousands of letters sent and received. The only omissions were strictly personal letters received from women.
    ellauri097.html on line 214: Olli-serkkukin on saanut letaalin pääntaudin. On päässyt sairaalasta jo pallihoitoon. Aika moneen sekin ehti ennenkuin tuli pää vetävän käteen. Oli missejä ja Pettereitä. Matkatoimistoja ja Eiranrantoja. Takatukkia ja wiixiä. Mikähän meillä on kun noi valkuaiset alkaa purkautua laskoxista kuin tagliatelle vedessä?
    ellauri097.html on line 292: Patrick White (1912–1990) was raised in Sydney’s well-to-do Rushcutter’s Bay, and was sent to England at 13. He attended boarding school, then Cambridge, and during the war was stationed in North Africa. It was there, in 1941, that White met Manoly Lascaris, the Greek officer who he would love for the rest of his life. By the time White and Lascaris returned to Australia. in 1947 White had written three tepidly received novels, and a play. It took coming home to Sydney to transform his writing and elevate it to the level of genius. White produced The Tree of Man, in 1955, his first novel to be written in Sydney. He went on to write a string of masterpieces in quick succession: Voss, Riders in the Chariot, The Vivisector. He received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1973. The Nobel committee credited White “for an epic and psychological narrative art which has introduced a new continent into literature.”
    ellauri097.html on line 389: Wenn einer zu mir "Fick dich" sagt Kun joku sanoo "vedä perseesees".
    ellauri097.html on line 750: The mower in the dew had loved them thus, Aamuniittäjä oli kai niistä tykännyt (ne on kyllä aika rumia),
    ellauri097.html on line 804: Kiilusilmäinen Karen Kilcup tutki viime vuosisadan lopulla kostonhimoisesti Frostin homopetteröintiä sata vuotta sitten. Kirjeessä 1838 jollekulle Hautakirstulle Roope Pakkanen kirjoittaa: Todellinen artisti nauttii raakuudesta raaka-aineelle. Se on raakimus joka katkoo kulmat marmorista ja kiskoo korkkaamattoman kaunottaren vuoteesta. Tästä tulee mieleen Wilt Whatman, joka lauleskelee samalla nuotilla "Aatamin lapsissa": Painan hitaasti raa'alla muskelilla / jännitän izeni tehokkaasti, en kuuntele armonpyyntöjä / en vedä ulos ennenkö olen munanasettanut / mitä mullon niin kauan kerääntynyt pussiin.
    ellauri097.html on line 818: Elinor and Robert Frost had six children: son Elliot (1896–1900, died of cholera); daughter Lesley Frost Ballantine (1899–1983); son Carol (1902–1940, committed suicide); daughter Irma (1903–1967); daughter Marjorie (1905–1934, died as a result of puerperal fever after childbirth); and daughter Elinor Bettina (died just one day after her birth in 1907). Only Lesley and Irma outlived their father. Frost's wife, who had heart problems throughout her life, developed breast cancer in 1937, and died of heart failure in 1938.
    ellauri098.html on line 62: This trope often goes hand in hand with There Are No Therapists, Trauma Conga Line and dramatic Crapsack Worlds. Big, Screwed-Up Family can be a justification for this trope. When all or nearly all involved parties are insane, you have a Cast Full of Crazy. Royal families are particularly prone to this, as are cops and detectives. The Dysfunction Junction is the natural habitat of the Jerkass Woobie.
    ellauri098.html on line 212: SPOILERI: Nun /ˈnʊn/, in the Hebrew Bible, was a man from the Tribe of Ephraim, grandson of Ammihud, son of Elishama, and father of Joshua (1 Chronicles 7:26–27). Nun grew up in and may have lived his entire life in the Israelites´ Egyptian captivity, where the Egyptians "made life bitter for them with harsh labor at mortar and bricks and with all sorts of tasks in the field" (Exodus 1:14). In Aramaic, "nun" means "fish". Thus the Midrash tells: "[T]he son of him whose name was as the name of a fish would lead them [the Israelites] into the land" (Genesis Rabba 97:3).
    ellauri098.html on line 298: A narrative trope is a storytelling device or convention, a shortcut for describing situations the storyteller can reasonably assume the audience will recognize. Tropes are the means by which a story is told by anyone who has a story to tell. We collect them, for the fun involved.
    ellauri098.html on line 405: In Carlyle’s book On Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in Society (Carlyle, 1840), somebody (most likely the author) dove into the lives of several men he deemed “heroes,” like Muhammed, Richard Wagner, Shakespeare, Martin Luther, and Napoleon. He believed that history “turned” on the decisions of these men, and encouraged others to study these heroes as a way of discovering one’s own true nature.
    ellauri098.html on line 497: INFJ (Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging) is one of the sixteen personality types defined by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test. INFJ is the believed to be the rarest personality, making up only one percent of the population.
    ellauri099.html on line 35: Mitä enemmän mä luen ja mietin näitä runoja ja romskuja ja luen kirjailijoiden elämäkertoja, sitä selvemmäxi tulee että tämän kukkatarhan tärkein lajike on narsissi. Sitähän se on, kirjojen ja leffojen ym viihteen lukeminen, kirjoitus ja tuijotus, lammen peiliin kazomista, kunnes masentava todellisuus unohtuu. Tärkein kaikkia wannabee kirjailijoita yhdistävä tekijä on hyvin kehittynyt narsismi. Oma naama lammen sameen veden kalvon ystävällisesti pehmentämänä sieltä vastaan tuijottaa. Rakkaus on samea, kuin vessan ikkuna, sanoi Vittoria, ja tiesi kyllä mistä puhui. Izerakkaus ei ole muita kummempi. Izeviha on vain sen toinen fenotyyppi. Oman navan haistelua molemmat. Haista, haista haista, seinää vessan, kunnes valot sammuu, haju jää.
    ellauri099.html on line 63: It is quite true I have worshipped you with far more romance of feeling than a man should ever give to a friend. Somehow I have never loved a woman…. From the moment I met you, your personality had the most extraordinary influence over me…. I adored you madly, extravagantly, absurdly. I was jealous of everyone to whom you spoke. I wanted to have you all to myself. I was only happy when I was with you.
    ellauri099.html on line 170: Although the splendidly unreliable Diogenes Laertius says that Plato possessed no property other than what is mentioned in his will, he received a large sum of money from Dionysius I. Plato had a significant fund of money at his disposal (the exorbitant figure of 80 talents is mentioned). Indeed, Plato is also said to have had a banker called Andromedes. In other words, Plato was rich and had wealthy patrons and very probably wealthy students.
    ellauri099.html on line 181: Plato worked at the Academy until his death in 347 B.C.E., interrupted only by two more extended trips to Sicily. The Academy survived for a few more centuries until it was destroyed by the Roman general Sulla in 87 B.C.E. during the sack of Athens. The buildings were probably burned along with many other sanctuaries, and the trees from the grove of academe were felled to provide timber for his siege machines. So it goes, I thought.
    ellauri099.html on line 190: Aristotle was not much loved by the Athenians. This might have been because he was a tricky customer or because he was an immigrant: a metoikos or metic, resident alien, an ancient green card holder; Greek, but decidedly not an Athenian citizen, something like an American in London. Given his close ties to the Macedonian aristocracy, which was extending and tightening its military and political control across Greece, perhaps the Athenians were right to be suspicious of Aristotle.
    ellauri099.html on line 192: We do know that after having served as Lector in the Academy and being described as its “Mind” by Plato, Aristotle was not chosen as the latter’s successor. The job of scholarch, or head of the school, by sheer happenstance, went to Speusippus, Plato’s nephew. Aristotle left Athens shortly after Plato’s death and stayed away for around 12 years. Was he angry or disappointed not to have been chosen as head of the Academy? By being ordered round by big butthead´s nephew, who was an even bigger butthead?
    ellauri099.html on line 207: The reason Aristotle was able to do this was simple: money. If Plato was rich, then Aristotle was wealthier than Croesus, right up there with the Jeff Bezos-es of his day. He received the sum of 800 talents from his presumably grateful former student, Alexander, which was an enormous amount of money. (Consider that the Plato’s Academy cost about 25-30 talents.)
    ellauri099.html on line 219: In the northeast corner of the Lyceum, there was a garden, which possibly led to the peripatos, or shaded walk from which the promenading Peripatetic school derived its name. Indeed, there were gardens in all the earlier philosophical schools, in the schools of Miletus on the present-day Turkish coast, and allegedly in the Pythagorean schools in southern Italy. Plato’s Academy also had a garden. And later, the school of Epicurus was simply called “The Garden.” Theophrastus, a keen botanist like Aristotle who did so much to organize the library and build up its scientific side (with maps, globes, specimens and such like), eventually retired to his garden, which was close by.
    ellauri100.html on line 49: The two lived as roommates for a time in the South of France. An article in Harvard Magazine states that van Gogh's medical biographers agree that his adulthood included periods of hypersexuality, hyposexuality, bisexuality, and homosexuality, and that "his stormy homosexual affair with the painter Paul Gauguin included endless, often argumentative discussions."
    ellauri100.html on line 159: Based on a detailed study of frontal, dorsal and lateral photographs of 4000 male subjects of college age, a 3 dimensional scheme for describing human physique is formulated. Kretschmer´s constitutional typology is discarded in favor of one based on 3 first order variables or components, endomorphy, mesomorphy, and ectomorphy, each of which is found in an individual physique and indicated by one of a set of 3 numerals designating a somatotype or patterning of these morphological components. Seventy-six different somatotypes are described and illustrated. These somatotypical designations are objectively assigned on the basis of the use of 18 anthropometric indices. Second-order variables also isolated and studied are dysplasia, gynandromorphy, texture and hirsutism. Historical trends in constitutional research are summarized. A detailed description is given of the development of the somatotyping technique combining anthroposcopic and anthropometric methods. Reference is made to somatotyping with the aid of a specially devised machine. Topics discussed include: the choice of variables, morphological scales, a geometrical representation of somatotypes, the independence of components, correlational data, the problem of norms, the modifiability of a somatotype, hereditary and endocrine influences and the relation of constitution to temperament, mental disease, clinical studies, crime and delinquency, and the differential education of children. Descriptive sketches of variants of the ectomorphic components are given. Appendices list tables for somatotyping and a series of drawings of 9 female somatotypes. An annotated bibliography is followed by a more general one. 272 photographs and drawings illustrate the somatotypes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)
    ellauri100.html on line 264: Home stretch: Stayed at the think-tank another 18 years. After three years of reviewing reports, seized an opportunity to establish and run the think-tank’s publications department. Promoted a year later to chief financial and administrative officer, with a portfolio consisting of accounting, computer operations, contracting, facility planning and operations, financial management, human resources (a.k.a. personnel), library and technical information services, physical and information security, programming services, and publications. Basically, I ended up doing everything because there were not many people left in that doomed outfit. Became deeply involved in legal matters, including spin-off of the think-tank from parent company, resolution of affirmative-action claims, and complex contract and lease negotiations. Contrived retirement at age 56. Read: that's when they at long last got rid of me because I had sunk the spin-off.
    ellauri100.html on line 268: Last stop: Moved from cold-rainy-hot-humid-hazy-cloudy D.C. area to warm-dry-sunny Austin, whose mainly left-wing denizens irritate me with their political posturing and self-centered driving habits. I am in Austin, but not of Austin. TANSTAAFL. PEMDAS. Please Excuse My Dope Ass Swag.
    ellauri100.html on line 279: My parents’ outlook on life reflected the small-town values of the places in which they were raised. Through a grandmother to whom I was close, I got a good taste of how she, and my parents, had lived. I also came to know the advantages of living in villages, towns, and small cities: physical security and the kind of serenity that is almost impossible to find, for more than a few hours at a time, in the large cities and vast metropolitan areas that now dominate the human landscape of America.
    ellauri100.html on line 311: Beliefs: I have moved great distances with respect to political philosophy and theology.
    ellauri100.html on line 337: If you will bother to read very much of this blog and its predecessor, you will find that I am pro-peace, pro-prosperity, and pro-liberty — positions that leftists and certain libertarians like to claim as theirs, exclusively. Unlike most leftists and more than a few self-styled libertarians, I have seen enough of this world and its ways to know that peace, prosperity, and liberty are achieved when government carries a big stick abroad and treads softly at home (except when it comes to criminals and traitors). Most leftists and many self-styled libertarians, by contrast, engage in “magical thinking,” according to which peace, prosperity, and liberty can be had simply by invoking the words and attaching them to policies that, time and again, have led to war, slow economic growth, and loss of liberty.
    ellauri100.html on line 405: 1. Openness to experience: High scorers are described as “Open to new experiences. You have broad interests and are very imaginative.” Low scorers are described as “Down-to-earth, practical, traditional, and pretty much set in your ways.” This is the sub-scale that shows the strongest relationship to politics: liberals generally score high on this trait; they like change and variety, sometimes just for the sake of change and variety. Conservatives generally score lower on this trait. (Just think about the kinds of foods likely to be served at very liberal or very conservative social events.)
    ellauri100.html on line 409: 3. Extraversion: High scorers are described as “Extraverted, outgoing, active, and high-spirited. You prefer to be around people most of the time.” Low scorers are described as “Introverted, reserved, and serious. You prefer to be alone or with a few close friends.” Extraverts are, on average, happier than introverts.
    ellauri100.html on line 535: The scales you completed were designed to assess your familiarity with scientific research processes and your comfort with working with numerical information. The order in which you received them was randomized.
    ellauri100.html on line 680: Rusetti oli vapaaehtoistyöntekijä 1859-1870 Maria Magdalenan charitytalossa Highgaten vankilassa, ex-prostituuttien turvapaikassa, ja onkin ehotettu että Menninkäisten markkinat olis sieltä inspiroitu, eli ne menninkäiset oliskin niitä "langenneita naisia". Siinä on paralleeleja Coleridgen Aku Ankan kuuluisaxi tekemään "Ikivanhan merimiehen tarinaan" ("Ammuin nuolen ilmoihin, albatrossia haavoitin", nyyhkii Aku veden pärskyessä silmistä). Molemmat runot lässyttää kiusauxesta, synnistä ja sijaiskärsimyxellä lunastuxesta kuin Jari Sairasvyö. Höpönhöpön, tää Wikipedian sepustus on sumutusta. Rusetti taisi tykätä langenneista naisista. Naisista kyllä aivan varmasti. Toi Goblin Market runo on aika selkeästi homoeroottinen.
    ellauri100.html on line 686: In later life, Kristina suffered from Graves disease, diagnosed in 1872, suffering a near-fatal attack in the early 1870s. In 1893, she developed breast cancer and though the breast was removed, there was a recurrence in September 1894. Graves killed her on 29 December 1894, and Highgate became her Grave.
    ellauri100.html on line 1188: For your sake I have braved the glen
    ellauri100.html on line 1388: This section does not cite any sources. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (March 2018) (Learn how and when to remove this template message)
    ellauri100.html on line 1399: Vähän tuntuu siltä että Barthes oli kuin San Sebastianin beachin myyntipoika: Aqua batatas, coca cola, lemonada... sen tarjottimelta löysi kaikki kyldyyripursoonat paletilleen jotakin, ilman että se ize asiassa olis yhteenvedonomaisesti saanut aikaan paljon paskaakaan. Se oli vaan tollanen kulturprofilen, vaikka tafsasikin etupäässä poikia.
    ellauri101.html on line 46: Joseph Campbell was born in White Plains, New York, on March 26, 1904, the elder son of hosiery importer and wholesaler Charles William Campbell, from Waltham, Massachusetts, and Josephine (née Lynch), from New York. Campbell was raised in an upper-middle-class Irish Catholic family; he related that his paternal grandfather Charles had been "a peasant" who came to Boston from County Mayo in Ireland, and became the gardener and caretaker at the Lyman estate at Waltham, where his son Charles William Campbell grew up and became a successful salesman at a department store prior to establishing his hosiery business. During his childhood, he moved with his family to nearby New Rochelle, New York. In 1919, a fire destroyed the family home in New Rochelle, killing his maternal grandmother and injuring his father, who tried to save her.
    ellauri101.html on line 48: In 1921, Campbell graduated from the Canterbury School in New Milford, Connecticut. While at Dartmouth College he studied biology and mathematics, but decided that he preferred the humanities. He transferred to Columbia University, where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English literature in 1925 and a Master of Arts degree in medieval literature in 1927. At Dartmouth he had joined Delta Tau Delta. An accomplished athlete, he received awards in track and field events, and, for a time, was among the fastest half-mile runners in the world.
    ellauri101.html on line 50: In 1924, Campbell traveled to Europe with his family. On the ship during his return trip he encountered the messiah elect of the Theosophical Society, Jiddu Krishnamurti; they discussed Indian philosophy, sparking in Campbell an interest in Hindu and Indian thought. In 1927, he received a fellowship from Columbia University to study in Europe. Campbell studied Old French, Provençal, and Sanskrit at the University of Paris and the University of Munich. He learned to read and speak French and German.
    ellauri101.html on line 613: As the first social generation to have grown up with access to the Internet and portable digital technology from a young age, members of Generation Z have been dubbed "digital natives", even though they are not necessarily digitally literate. Moreover, the negative effects of screen time are most pronounced on adolescents compared to younger children. Compared to previous generations, members of Generation Z in some developed nations tend to be well-behaved, abstemious, and risk-averse. They tend to live more slowly than their predecessors when they were their age, have lower rates of teenage pregnancies, and consume alcohol less often, but not necessarily addictive drugs. Teenagers nowadays seem more concerned with academic performance and job prospects, and are better at delaying gratification than their counterparts from the 1960s, despite concerns to the contrary. On the other hand, sexting among adolescents has grown in prevalence though the consequences of this remain poorly understood. Meanwhile, youth subcultures have been quieter, though not necessarily dead.
    ellauri101.html on line 615: Globally, there is evidence that the average age of pubertal onset among girls has decreased considerably compared to the twentieth century, with implications for their welfare and their future. In addition, adolescents and young adults have higher rates of allergies, higher awareness and diagnoses of mental health problems, and are more likely to be sleep-deprived. In many countries, youths are more likely to have intellectual disabilities and psychiatric disorders than older people. In some European nations, they are facing declining cognitive abilities, especially among the cognitive elites.
    ellauri102.html on line 54: Daniel Yankelovich (December 29, 1924 – September 22, 2017) was a public opinion analyst and social scientist. After attending Boston Latin School, Yankelovich graduated from Harvard University in 1946 and 1950 before completing postgraduate studies at the Sorbonne in France. As a psychology professor he has taught at New York University and The New School for Social Research. In 1996 he served as Senior Fellow at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. In 2015, Yankelovich received the Warren J. Mitofsky Award for Excellence in Public Opinion Research.
    ellauri102.html on line 108: After almost a century of moving upward, David has eventually gone down. Yankelovich is survived by his daughter, Nicole Mordecai, and her husband David; granddaughter Rachel Mordecai; sister Libby Schenkman and her children Fay and Max. In 1959, he married Hassmieg Kaboolian; that marriage ended in divorce. She was Armenian. He later married Mary Komarnicki, now deceased, and then Barbara Lee. More recently, he lived in La Jolla with his companion, Laura Nathanson. Laura got nothing, being just a companion. Neither did Kaboolian nor Komarnicki, nor Barbara Lee, for being utter failures, having wrong opinions, or wrong religion.
    ellauri102.html on line 111: Moniarvoisuus sopi globalisaatioon kuin käsine, tai yhden koon sukahousut jotka muotoutuu jokaiseen käyttäjään. Survivalkamat sopii ihan yhtä hyvin, kohta päästään laskuttamaan juomavedestä ja ilmasta. Ainiin juomavedestähän laskutetaan jo täyttä päätä. Mixkä ilmankaan pitäs olla ilmasta? Coronapotilaille sitä myydäänkin jo pullokaupalla.
    ellauri102.html on line 275: veden kenkätehdas">Vihreä valta
    ellauri102.html on line 315: (Säv. G.A. Johanssonin perikunta, san. Oriveden kenkätehdas)
    ellauri102.html on line 425: She has attributed her change in worldview to two catalysts. One was when she was 17 and preparing for the University of Toronto, her mother had a stroke and became severely disabled. Naomi, her father, and her brother took care of Bonnie through the period in hospital and at home, making educational sacrifices to do so. That year off prevented her "from being such a brat". The next year, after beginning her studies at the University of Toronto, the second catalyst occurred: the 1989 École Polytechnique massacre of female engineering students, which proved to be a wake-up call to feminism.
    ellauri102.html on line 465: Despite the backlash from the public the ad received a lot of publicity and press coverage. Protein World went on to make a reported £1 million profit from the £250,000 they spent on the advertising campaign. Although it caused a lot of controversy around the world, it somehow still managed to boost the company’s sales.
    ellauri102.html on line 471: The Problem: Controversy for this ad campaign arose in many different ways. The first was the use of world leaders without their consent. In fact, one of the ads features Pope Benedict XVI kissing a top Egyptian imam which was quickly removed after being condemned by the Vatican.
    ellauri102.html on line 479: The Problem: During the time the advert was released, there were many protests and riots taking place in America over the #BlackLivesMatter campaign. The ad took a lot of “inspiration” from these protests and fundamentally undermined the whole point of the protests. In addition to this, the ad also received a lot of criticism for how Pepsi was responsible for “saving the day.”
    ellauri102.html on line 570: 'Life's too short to be ashamed for being weird,' says Lake Pantyless Pissing's Carly Stasko. After Stasko lost her job, she and her family moved from Toronto to their northern cottage at the start of the pandemic.
    ellauri102.html on line 577: Stasko said she´s always loved dance to lift her spirits.
    ellauri105.html on line 100: In many ways, there was a notable convergence in how Democrats and Republicans saw Biden’s speech: as a breathtakingly ambitious set of proposals to use government as an instrument of social and economic transformation—an unabashed progressive platform unseen from a President in my lifetime. Republicans hated it; Democrats, for the most part, loved it.
    ellauri105.html on line 484: Tuo pappismunkki oli kirkolliselta nimeltään Mefodi ja maalliselta nimeltään Matti Lehmonen. Hänen elämäntarinansa on melkoinen. Selvitin sitä hieman vieraillessani jälleen kerran Heinävedellä Valamon luostarissa. Kerron siitä jotain tässä lyhyesti. Tämä vuonna 1912 Konneveden rantamaisemissa syntynyt rautalampilainen meni jo varsin varhain harjoittelemaan luostarielämää Laatokan Valamon luostariin. Kimmokkeen sinne menoon tämä silloin vielä luterilainen 15-16-vuotias nuori mies sai silloiselta Kotkan ortodoksisen seurakunnan kirkkoherralta, rovasti Mikael Iltonoffilta (Iltola). Niinpä hänet sitten varsin pian liitettiin Smolenskin skiitassa ortodoksiseen kirkkoon ja hän siirtyi Valamon luostariin noviisiksi. Mefodi kuvattuna Petsamon luostarissa 1939. (Kuva pappismunkki Mefodin albumista, © Valamon luostari)
    ellauri105.html on line 490: Tšekkoslovakian Pyhän Jovin luostarikoulun jälkeen hän palasi Laatokan Valamoon, missä hänet vihittiin ensin munkiksi juuri ennen sodan alkamista vuonna 1938. Seuraavana vuonna hänet siirrettiin Petsamoon, mistä hän sotavuosien aikana siirtyi sitten Ruotsiin ortodoksisen seurakunnan palvelukseen ja jossain vaiheessa, jatkosodan aikana myös Itä-Karjalaan. Itä-Karjalaa seurasi jossain vaiheessa Konevitsan luostari 40-luvun loppupuoliskolla. Luostari oli tuolloin siirtynyt Keiteleen Hiekkaan, missä Mefodi teki ahkerasti käännöstöitä. Keitelettä seurasi jälleen Valamo-jakso, nyt tosin Heinäveden Papinniemessä, minne luostari oli siirtynyt sotaa pakoon evakkoon. Tämä jakso kestikin sitten parikymmentä vuotta ja piti sisällään lähinnä luostarin sihteerinä toimimista ja luostarin kirjeenvaihdosta ja käännöstöistä huolehtimisen. Suurin osa tuolloisista munkeista ei osannut suomea, koska he olivat venäläisiä ja siirtyneet luostarin mukana evakkoon.
    ellauri105.html on line 492: Tuolle ajalle sisältyy myös varsin erikoinen ja omalla tavalla merkittävä ajanjakso niin koko Suomen ortodoksisen kirkon historiassa kuin varmasti myös Mefodin elämässä. Suomen ja Venäjän ortodoksisten kirkkojen "jääkausi", Suomen kirkon "melkein hajoaminen" kalenterikysymyksen edessä, munkkien karkottamiset ja pois muuttamiset ja monet muut tämän kaltaiset asiat. Kuusikymmentäluvulla ortodoksinen kirkko käytti jälleen Mefodin kielellistä lahjakkuutta hyväkseen ja hän toimi jonkin aikaa Kirkkojen Maailman Neuvoston (KMN) ekumeenisen komission jäsenenä Saksassa, jonne hän siirtyi pian pappismunkiksi vihkimisen jälkeen, mikä tapahtui vuonna 1968. Siirtyminen ulkomaille venäläisen ortodoksisen emigranttikirkon palvelukseen lienee ollut jonkinlainen turhautumisen ilmaus. Hän oli ennen sitä hävinnyt niukasti Heinäveden Valamon imugeenin eli luostarin johtajan vaalin ilmeisesti vain yhdellä äänellä. Kun samaan aikaan keskusteltiin koko Heinäveden luostarin lopettamisesta, koska vanhat munkit kuoluivat ja uusia ei saatu, hän pohti omia henkilökohtaisia ratkaisujaan. Myös hänen tehtäviensä suunnittelu - siis lähinnä hänen esimiestensä tekemät suunnitelmat - eivät oikein miellyttäneet ja siksi mahdollisesti hän päätti siirtyä ulkomaille.
    ellauri105.html on line 499: Saksassa menikin sitten seitsemisen vuotta ja kun hän 1975 palasi Suomeen, tietynlainen ynseä suhtautuminen, mitä hän katsoi kokeneensa jo ennen lähtöä, jatkui - ainakin hänen omasta mielestään ja kun hän ei suostunut siirtymään hänelle määrättyyn tehtävään, hän ei jäänytkään pysyvästi Heinäveden Valamoon, vaan siirtyi asumaan "maanpakoon" joksikin aikaa Joensuun ortodoksisen seurakunnan omistaman leirikeskuksen tiloihin, mistä hän sitten siirtyi asumaan Rautalammille. Jonkinlainen oman elämän ristiriitaisuus yhteiskunnan tai vaikkapa kirkon kanssa saattoi osaltaan johtua myös hänen omista henkilökohtaisista teoistaan lähinnä sodan jälkeisen ja ilmeisesti jossain määrin myös ennen sotaa tapahtuneen sosialistisen liikkeeseen ja kommunistiseen puolueeseen liittyvien järjestöjen toiminnassa. Hän oli mukana SNS-seuran toiminnassa ja jopa palveli SDPL:n nuorisolehteä Kiurua 40-luvun lopulla. Tämäkin ajanjakso oli mielenkiintoinen ja täynnä erilaisia pettymyksiä, jotka omalta osaltaan johtivat myöhempiin Mefodin elämän radikaaleihinkin ratkaisuihin. Rautalammilla pappismunkki Mefodi asui kuin munkki ensin velipuolensa kanssa hänen kotonaan ja välien viilennettyä elämänsä viimeisinä vuosina kunnan vanhuksille varaamissa asunnoissa, joita hän aina nimitti keljoiksi, kuten luostarissa oli tapana sanoa munkin asunnosta. Rautalammilta käsin hän matkusteli paljon ulkomailla ja pääsi käymään vielä myös Laatokan Valamossa, oman munkkielämänsä alkukodissa, jonne hän myös jossain vaiheessa mietti paluutaan, muttei kuitenkaan sitten sitä toteuttanut. Näitä muita ulkomaanmatkojaan hän lystikkäästi nimitti viihdekiertueiksi ja niistä ja monesta muusta retkestä olisi vielä paljonkin kerrottavaa. Hän kävi tervehtimässä matkoillaan myös vanhoja ystäviään, kuten esimerkiksi luostarin entistä leipuria, keittiömunkki Joonaa, Juojärven asemalla asuvaa munkkia, joka oli joutunut myös hankauksiin luostarinsa kanssa, mutta hän tapasi myös lukuisia tuttujaan ulkomailla.
    ellauri105.html on line 501: Mefodin ystäviä ja tuon ajan ortodoksisia vaikuttajia vasemmalta oikealle: Paavali (myöh. arkkipiispa), Markos, Isaki, Savva ja Pietari (Kuva pappismunkki Mefodin albumista, © Valamon luostari) Pappismunkki Mefodi säilytti terävä-älyisyytensä ja sananvalmiutensa loppuun saakka. Häneltä saattoi saada kipakan ja terävän vastauksen kysymykseen kuin kysymykseen. Otetaan tähän loppuun kaksi sellaista. Kun hän aikanaan Heinäveden Valamossa ollessaan istui Torakkahoviksi nimetyn munkkien asuntolan kuistilla yhdessä pappismunkki Savvan - toisen "koiranleuan" kanssa - valkoisissa viitoissaan ja pitkine partoineen ja paikalle saapui turisti kameransa kassa kysyen: "Saako ottaa kuvan?" - Mefodi jyrähti: "Joo, kuvata saa, muttei ruokkia." Toisen kerran saman kysymyksen edessä hän vastasi toimittaja-kuvaajalle, jonka hän ehkä epäili ottavan kenties huonolaatuisen kuvan. Hän sanoi: "Jospa tässä käy kuten paavi Pius V:lle, kun hänestä tehty maalaus - joka ei ollut paavin mielestä kovin ihastuttava - lähetettiin edelleen. Paavi oli näet kirjoittanut kuvan taakse: Älkää peljätkö, se olen minä, paavi Pius." Pappismunkki Mefodista jäi kirjoittamatta vielä paljon mielenkiintoisia asioita, mutta jospa jossain sopivassa vaiheessa saisin niistä koottua ja sanoiksi muodostettua toisen, pitemmän tarinan. Mutta olkoon nyt tämä jupina alkuna mahdollisesti uusille, uudenlaisille jupinoille tai ehkä paremminkin tarinoille ortodoksisista, mielenkiintoisista ihmisistä, joita ympärillämme on elänyt. Kuten aikaisemmin taisin mainita, alan taas itsekin joidenkin tuiki tuntemattomien ja eräiden hyvän-päivän-tuttujen kanssa väsyä tähän tietynlaiseen kriittiseen kirjoittamistyyliini, jonka jo kerran sain lopetettua. Jospa tässä syksyn ja talven aikana saisin lopetettua ja julkaistua jo melkein valmiit, keskeneräiset jupinani ja voisin lopettaa tämänkin Happy 1 -blogisivuston ympäristölle ja ainakin joillekin kanssaihmisille sopimattomana. HAP happy P.S. Infoa kirjoitusvirheistä ja muista hatarista tiedoista voi lähettää suoraan tämän blogin yhteysosoitteeseen: happy.ykkonen(at)gmail.com Ko. osoite ei ole muussa käytössä. Nettihoukka klo 11.44
    ellauri106.html on line 46: Philip Roth has not had much luck with biographers. Late in his life, furiously aggrieved after the failure of his marriage to the actress Claire Bloom and the publication of Bloom’s incendiary memoir of their years together, he asked a close friend, Ross Miller, an English professor at the University of Connecticut, to take on the task. Roth sent Miller lists of family members and friends he wanted to be interviewed, along with the questions that he felt should be asked. (“Would you have expected him to achieve success on the scale he has?”) It didn’t work out, for various reasons. Roth had wanted Miller to refute a familiar charge, “this whole mad fucking misogynistic bullshit!” that he felt flattened his long erotic history into one false accusation. But Miller came to his own conclusion. “There is a predatory side to both Sandy and Philip,” he told a cousin of Roth’s. (Sandy was Roth’s older brother.) “They look at women—I’m not gonna write about this—but they are misogynist. They talk about women in that way.”
    ellauri106.html on line 69: From 1958 onwards, the couple lived in New York on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, and in 1959 they spent seven months in Italy on a Guggenheim grant. Upon their return, they both settled in Iowa City, where Roth led the Writers' Workshop at the University of Iowa. The experiences in small-town Iowa far away from the American metropolises flowed into Roth's second novel Letting Go (Other People's Worries), which was published in 1962, but in contrast to Roth's previously published volume of short stories Goodbye, Columbus caused mixed reactions from critics. Stanley Edgar Hyman, for example, criticized weaknesses in the narrative structure of the novel, the two narrative parts of which are only superficially connected, but praised what he saw as "the keenest eye for the details of American life since Sinclair Lewis". Letting Go is also the first novel in which Roth, as in numerous later works, made the writings of his literary predecessors an integral part of the narrative, and is therefore often referred to as Roth's first "Henry James novel".
    ellauri106.html on line 76: In 1987, in the loneliness of Connecticut, Roth experienced a breakdown caused by a sleeping pill with hallucinatory side effects. He made the experience, as well as the trial of the concentration camp guard John Demjanjuk in Jerusalem, whom he had followed as an observer, the starting point of the 1993 novel Operation Shylock, the encounter between a fictional Philip Roth and his doppelganger. The writer also felt increasingly isolated in London and returned to New York, where he moved into an apartment on the Upper West Side. He took over from 1988 to 1991 a professor of literature at Hunter College of the City University of New York. In 1990 he married his longtime partner Claire Bloom, but the marriage was divorced in 1994 after Roth's growing estrangement and severe depression, including a stay in a psychiatric clinic. Bloom dealt with the problematic relationship two years later in her memoir Leaving a Doll's House .
    ellauri106.html on line 104: He enjoyed a robust childhood and was poplar in high school where he was a bright student but not quite diligent enough in his studies to win a prized full scholarship to Rutgers where he wanted to study law. Roth attended Rutgers University in Newark for a year, then transferred to Bucknell University in Pennsylvania, where he earned a B.A. magna cum laude in English and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He received a scholarship to attend the University of Chicago, where he earned an M.A. in English literature in 1955 and briefly worked as an instructor in the university´s writing program. Less prestigious Bucknell University in Pennsylvania was Roth’s fallback school. There he abandoned his vague dreams of becoming a lawyer for the underdog and turned his attention to writing.
    ellauri106.html on line 106: That same year, rather than wait to be drafted, Roth enlisted in the army. Roth enlisted in the Army that year to avoid being drafted and assigned to unpleasant duty like the infantry. Fortunately he suffered a back injury during basic training and was given a medical discharge. Who knows. He returned to Chicago in 1956 to study for a PhD in literature but dropped out after one term. It was a yeasty environment for a young writer. Saul Bellow was a contemporary and with some what similar backgrounds and interests they could not avoid being rivals. During that year he met a lovely shiksa waitress Margaret Martinson, a single woman with a small child. He was smitten. An intense, but often troubled relationship ensued. At the end of the year he dropped out of the U of C and headed to the University of Iowa to teach in its creative writing program. None the less, whatever he may have said, Roth was not happy there, perhaps because the semi-rural Midwesterness of Ames was alien to him. After a while with Martinson in tow he moved on to a similar position at Princeton, another WASP bastion but one with even more prestige. Everyone who knew him recognized Roth as an early comer. He later continued his academic career at the University of Pennsylvania, where he taught comparative literature before retiring from teaching in 1991. Roth started teaching literature in the late 1960s at the University of Pennsylvania. The 1969 feature film adaptation of Goodbye, Columbus coincided with the publication of Portnoy’s Complaint, which soon became a best-seller amid controversy for its prurient content. (Those who've read it will likely not forget Portnoy's "love affair" with mom´s slab of liver in the fridge.)
    ellauri106.html on line 146: Sanford Roth, more affectionately known as "Sandy," lived with flair and boldness in his roles as an accomplished artist, a successful advertising executive spanning three decades, and a smooth dancer some likened to Fred Astaire.
    ellauri106.html on line 154: Born in Newark, N.J., Mr. Roth enlisted in the Navy in 1945 and served for about two years. He went on to study at the Pratt Institute in the late 1940s and later at the Art Students League of New York, a school established by artists for artists, in 1952.
    ellauri106.html on line 162: In addition to his wife and sons, Mr. Roth is survived by his brother, the well-known writer Philip Roth, and two grandchildren.
    ellauri106.html on line 175: Word has come that Philip Roth died on Tuesday in New York City at the age of 85. He was widely considered the last of the Great American Novelists of the late 20th Century the peer of heavy hitters John Updike and Saul Bellow. Roth himself believed that the novel, which had ruled for a century as the supreme and exalted American literary form, is doomed to becoming a cult niche in the Age of the Internet for a diminishing educated elite, “I think always people will be reading them but it will be a small group of people. Maybe more people than now read Latin poetry, but somewhere in that range…” Ever a realist, Roth was sanguine with the prospect.
    ellauri106.html on line 177: Roth was far more prolific than either of the novelists he was frequently lumped with—29 full length novels and a dazzling debut novella over nearly 50 years. His output was also more diverse in style and topic than either of the other while reaping critical praise, armloads of awards, and commercial success. Yet at the core of his varied output were common threads—a Jewish identity with which he was not always comfortable but could not deny, a sense of being profoundly American— “if I am not American what am I”—a, a sex drive that was often creepily compulsive, and the world observed by fictional doppelgangers for the author, or sometimes the author himself as a fictional character.
    ellauri106.html on line 297: Ei ollutkaan pylly kipeä vaan pää eli migreeni. Vapautettu sotapalveluxesta päänsäryn vuoxi. Kultaseni ei nyt. Saved by the gong. Kyllä toisaalta harmittikin kun ei päässyt pamputtamaan sotapoliisina prässit suorassa kuin Iisak Babelin rillisankainen jutkurazupoliisi.
    ellauri106.html on line 359: Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin (born Hubert Gerold Brown; October 4, 1943), formerly known as H. Rap Brown, is a civil rights activist who was the fifth chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee in the 1960s. During a short-lived (six months) alliance between SNCC and the Black Panther Party, he served as their minister of justice.
    ellauri106.html on line 403: Religion was a lie that he had recognized early in life, and he found all religions offensive, considered their superstitious folderol meaningless, childish, couldn´t stand the complete unadultness — the baby talk and the righteousness and the sheep, the avid believers. No hocus-pocus about death and God or obsolete fantasies of heaven for him. There was only our bodies, born to live and die on terms decided by the bodies that had lived and died before us. If he could be said to have located a philosophical niche for himself that was it - he'd come upon it early and intuitively, and however elemental, that was the whole of it. Should he ever write an autobiography, he'd call it The Life and Death of a Male Body.
    ellauri106.html on line 417: Man is a competitive creature and the seeds of conflict are built deep into our genes. We fought each other on the savannah and only survived against great odds by organising ourselves into groups which would have had a common purpose, giving morale and fortitude. Our aggression is a deep instinct which survives in all kinds of manifestations in modern man.
    ellauri106.html on line 421: And this, too, is surely true of religion. In prehistoric times, Homo sapiens was deeply endangered. Early humans were less fleet of foot, with fewer natural weapons and less well-honed senses than all the predators that threatened them. Moreover, they were hampered in their movements by the need to protect their uniquely immature young - juicy meals for any hungry beast. We had less natural protection against repeated changes of climate than other species - yet we survived. Human spirituality would have played an important part.
    ellauri106.html on line 472: “From enfant terrible to elder statesman. Time heals all wounds,” Rabbi David Wolpe of Sinai Temple in Los Angeles remarked to JTA via email. No hocus pocus about death and God or obsolete fantasies of heaven for him. There was only our bodies, born to live and die on terms decided by the bodies that had lived and died before us. If he could be said to have located a philosophical niche for himself, that was it — he’d come upon it early and intuitively, and however elemental, that was the whole of it. Should he ever write an autobiography, he’d call it ‘The Life and Death of the Male Body.’ Well actually he called it "My life as a man".
    ellauri106.html on line 508: Modernization moved from “the sacred to the profane side of historical time”: Rather than a free market or contractual society, modern America became ‘capitalist,’ no longer rational, interdependent, modern, and liberating, but backward, greedy, anarchic, and impoverishing.
    ellauri106.html on line 533: That imagined past included the old left and its heroic narrative of collective emancipation, which, particularly after the revelations of Stalinist atrocities, no longer seemed enticing. Instead, American ideology turned on the “romantic” belief that the nation had, in effect, already discovered an ideal social order, “that progress would be more or less continuously achieved, that improvement was likely”.
    ellauri107.html on line 63: Lyle, your sister Lyla Gay was in my 3rd grade class at Edgemont when you lived on Old Army Road - hope you’re all well!
    ellauri107.html on line 97: At the end of his stay, Neil attends Ron's wedding to Harriet, who was his college sweetheart from Ohio. Brenda returns to Radcliffe in the fall, keeping in touch by telephone. She invites Neil to come up to spend a weekend at a Boston hotel. However, once they are in the hotel room, Brenda tells Neil she just received letters telling her that her mother found her diaphragm and that her parents know about their affair. They argue, with Neil asking why she left it to be found unless she wanted it to happen. Siding with her parents, Brenda ends the affair as abruptly as she allowed it to commence. Neil walks out of the hotel, leaving her alone in the room.
    ellauri107.html on line 108: Mailer's has similarities with Rojack: They both attended Harvard, served in World War II, had an interest in political office, did violence to wife, walked narrow ledges, and appeared on talk shows. Mailer seems to have drawn on his stabbing his second wife Adele Morales in Rojack's murdering of his wife Deborah. Mailer did not deny these similarities, but stated:
    ellauri107.html on line 120: A lot of people get cancer because they were too responsible with their lives. They led lives that were more responsible then they wanted to be. They lived their lives for others more than for themselves. Denied themselves certain fundamental things, whatever they were. . . . Cancer is a revolution of the cells."
    ellauri107.html on line 148: Twelve years ago I saw him through his last love. A young person less than half his age whose family strongly disapproved of the association and who evidently grew to disapprove of it herself. It was a trauma that might have plowed Philip under and that he told aslant in Exit Ghost, the novel dedicated to me (!). A couple of failed attempts at courtship followed, boring and painful for the women involved. Then he closed the door on heteroerotic life entirely. He’d learned how to be an elderly gentleman who behaves correctly. He joined the ranks of the impotent.
    ellauri107.html on line 171: He was born in 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts, to Nathaniel Hathorne and the former Elizabeth Clarke Manning. His ancestors include John Hathorne, the only judge from the Salem witch trials who never repented his involvement in the witch hunt. He entered Bowdoin College in 1821, was elected to Phi Beta Kappa in 1824, and graduated in 1825. He published his first work in 1828, the novel Fanshawe; he later tried to suppress it, feeling that it was not equal to the standard of his later work.[2] He published several short stories in periodicals, which he collected in 1837 as Twice-Told Tales. The next year, he became engaged to Sophia Peabody. He worked at the Boston Custom House and joined Brook Farm, a transcendentalist community, before marrying Peabody in 1842. The couple moved to The Old Manse in Concord, Massachusetts, later moving to Salem, the Berkshires, then to The Wayside in Concord. The Scarlet Letter was published in 1850, followed by a succession of other novels. A political appointment as consul took Hawthorne and family to Europe before their return to Concord in 1860. Hawthorne died on May 19, 1864, and was survived by his wife and their three children.
    ellauri107.html on line 179: The zenith of [Hawthorne and Melville’s] relationship was reached . . . when Moby-Dick was published in middle November of 1851 and was dedicated to Hawthorne [“To Nathaniel Hawthorne: In token of my admiration for his genius”]. Hawthorne’s letter to Melville [at the time], like most of those to his friend, has not been preserved, but Melville’s answer on November 17 . . . speaks of the effect Hawthorne’s letter had upon him, in terms characteristic of his impassioned utterances:
    ellauri107.html on line 208: Coverdale declares, "I loved Hollingsworth, as has already been enough expressed." He adds, "If . . .[Priscilla] thought him beautiful, it was no wonder. I often thought him so, with the expression of tender, human care, and gentlest sympathy . . . ." And in Hawthorne's most explicitly homoerotic allusion, Coverdale notes, "the footing, on which we all associated at Blithedale, was widely different from that of conventional society. While inclining us to the soft affections of the Golden Age, it seemed to authorize any individual, of either sex, to fall in love with any other, regardless of what would elsewhere be judged suitable and prudent."
    ellauri107.html on line 220: [A Tanglewood Tale] dramatizes the developing friendship of Nathaniel Hawthorne and Herman Melville during the 1850-1851 period when both authors resided in Berkshire County, Massachusetts. In spite of their strong attraction to each other, they become estranged by fundamental differences. Puritan-in-spite-of himself Hawthorne is pressed too far when worldly former whaler Melville becomes explicit about shipboard liaisons with fellow sailors. Though the play suggests Hawthorne is curious about same sex relations, the reserved New Englander flees Melville and the Berkshires rather than pursue the subject.
    ellauri107.html on line 226: To have known him, To have loved him after loneness long;
    ellauri107.html on line 242: In surveying Billy, “sometimes [Claggart’s] melancholy expression would have in it a touch of soft yearning, as if [he] could even have loved Billy but for fate and ban.” Evidently, Claggart has not fully disguised his private appreciation of Billy; but, because he believes something forbids any future for such feelings, he hardens his heart more and more fiercely toward the object of his desire. What “fate” and what “ban” does his misguided imagination perceive? Do their roles on the ship or elsewhere in society somehow doom any intimacy between them? Or does Claggart just presume Billy could never reciprocate his feelings? Might the Master at Arms simply despise sexuality in general and homosexuality in particular and, as a result, find himself driven all the more mad by his uncontrollable “yearning”? Whatever the accurate diagnosis, it is clear that Claggart distorts any positive feelings he possesses for Billy into negative ones with terrible consequences.
    ellauri107.html on line 248: Although British naval mutineers as well as criminals ashore are explicitly shown in Billy Budd’s early chapters to have received forms of amnesty that ultimately contributed to the saving of the nation, Vere offers no such amnesty to Billy Budd. Claggart himself is rumored to have entered the service as an alternative to imprisonment, the navy’s need for manpower leading to frequent waivers of usual punishments; but Billy Budd receives no alternatives, no waivers. At Nelson’s triumphant Trafalgar, the thwarting of Napoleon’s invasion plans meant a “plenary absolution” for all the former offenders who had contributed to the victory. Billy, however, a “peacemaker,” neither a mutineer nor a criminal, makes a single misstep in retaliation against a known liar who seeks to manipulate the system to destroy him, and how is Billy to be absolved? Vere’s “vehemently exclaimed” answer: “the angel must hang!”
    ellauri107.html on line 395: The antihero of Roth’s 1995 novel Sabbath’s Theatre blinds us with his astonishing misogyny, his exponential misanthropy, his audacious nihilism - and yet he makes us care shit. The depraved Mickey Sabbath, the hero, anti-hero and villain of Philip Roth’s 1995 tour d'Eiffel, Sabbath’s Theatre. Just what he does to deserve this affection over the course of 450 bile-filled pages is hard to fathom. He virtually copies that bête noire of creative writing courses, the unsympathetic character. To discover such a monstrous creation on the page is a shock.
    ellauri107.html on line 418: In Babbitt (1922), Sinclair Lewis created a living and breathing man with recognizable hopes and dreams, not a caricature. To his publisher, Lewis wrote: “He is all of us Americans at 46, prosperous, but worried, wanting — passionately — to seize something more than motor cars and a house before it's too late.” George F. Babbitt's mediocrity is central to his realism; Lewis believed that the fatal flaw of previous literary representations of the American businessman was in portraying him as “an exceptional man.”
    ellauri107.html on line 466: He serenely believed that the one purpose of the real-estate business was to make money for George F. Babbitt. True, it was a good advertisement at Boosters' Club lunches, and all the varieties of Annual Banquets to which Good Fellows were invited, to speak sonorously of Unselfish Public Service, the Broker's Obligation to Keep Inviolate the Trust of His Clients, and a thing called Ethics, whose nature was confusing but if you had it you were a High-class Realtor and if you hadn't you were a shyster, a piker, and a fly-by-night. These virtues awakened Confidence, and enabled you to handle Bigger Propositions. But they didn't imply that you were to be impractical and refuse to take twice the value of a house if a buyer was such an idiot that he didn't jew you down on the asking-price.
    ellauri107.html on line 505: This advance in civilization could be carried too far, Babbitt perceived. Noel Ryland, sales-manager of the Zeeco, was a frivolous graduate of Princeton, while Babbitt was a sound and standard ware from that great department-store, the State University. Ryland wore spats, he wrote long letters about City Planning and Community Singing, and, though he was a Booster, he was known to carry in his pocket small volumes of poetry in a foreign language. All this was going too far. Henry Thompson was the extreme of insularity, and Noel Ryland the extreme of frogginess, while between them, supporting the state, defending the evangelical churches and domestic brightness and sound business, were Babbitt and his friends.
    ellauri107.html on line 617: Juutalaisilla oli vielä polygamiaa, niiden eevat oli tehty aatamille avuxi ja viihteexi sen kylkiluusta. Mies oli vaimon pää ja vaimon tuli pyhästi luvata sitä totella. Jeesuxen puheet tasa-arvosta löi lyttyyn krstinuskon suurin apostoli Paavali, juutalainen, oikein pesunkestävä. "Lakiin" vedoten se niittasi naisen paikalleen vuosituhansixi tottelemaan miestä kakkosluokan olentona: "sillä miestä ei ole luotu naisen hyväxi, vaan pikemminkin päinvastoin, nainen on luotu miehen hyväxi." Tästä tuli dogmi näihin päiviin saakka niissä piireissä jotka luottaa "luotettaviin ilmestyxiin", vaan kyllä sille muutkin hyvät veljet nyökkivät. No parannus on sentään että miehenkin "pitäis" olla uskollinen vaimolle noin periaatteen tasolla. Harvat sitä noudattavat, mutta ajatuxenahan se on hieno. Kun muu seura kielletään, vaimosta voi kuin voikin tulla ihmisen paras ystävä.
    ellauri108.html on line 69: Yahweh was the national god of the kingdoms of Israel (Samaria) and Judah. The short form Jah/Yah, which appears in Exodus 15:2 and 17:16, Psalm 89:9, Song of Songs 8:6, is preserved also in theophoric names such as Elijah ("my god is Jah"), Malchijah ("my king is Jah"), and Adonijah ("my lord is Jah"), etc. as well as in the phrase Hallelujah. The name Joel is derived from combining the word Jah with the word El.
    ellauri108.html on line 100: Other Rastas see Selassie as embodying Jesus' teachings and essence but reject the idea that he was the literal reincarnation of Jesus. Members of the Twelve Tribes of Israel denomination, for instance, reject the idea that Selassie was the Second Coming, arguing that this event has yet to occur. From this perspective, Selassie is perceived as a messenger or emissary of God rather than a manifestation of God himself. Rastas holding to this view sometimes regard the deification of Haile Selassie as naïve or ignorant, in some cases thinking it as dangerous to worship a human being as God. There are various Rastas who went from believing that Haile Selassie was both God incarnate and the Second Coming of Jesus to seeing him as something distinct.
    ellauri108.html on line 104: While he was emperor, many Jamaican Rastas professed the belief that Haile Selassie would never die. The 1974 overthrow of Haile Selassie by the military Derg and his subsequent death in 1975 resulted in a crisis of faith for many practitioners. Some left the movement altogether. Others remained, and developed new strategies for dealing with the news. Some Rastas believed that Selassie did not really die and that claims to the contrary were Western misinformation. To bolster their argument, they pointed to the fact that no corpse had been produced; in reality, Haile Selassie's body had been buried beneath his palace, remaining undiscovered there until 1992. Another perspective within Rastafari acknowledged that Haile Selassie's body had perished, but claimed that his inner essence survived as a spiritual force. A third response within the Rastafari community was that Selassie's death was inconsequential as he had only been a "personification" of Jah rather than Jah himself.
    ellauri108.html on line 117: Rastas view Babylon as being responsible for both the Atlantic slave trade which removed enslaved Africans from their continent and the ongoing poverty which plagues the African diaspora. Rastas turn to Biblical scripture to explain the Atlantic slave trade, believing that the enslavement, exile, and exploitation of black Africans was punishment for failing to live up to their status as Jah's chosen people. Many Rastas, adopting a Pan-Africanist ethos, have criticised the division of Africa into nation-states, regarding this as a Babylonian development, and are often hostile to capitalist resource extraction from the continent. Rastas seek to delegitimise and destroy Babylon, something often conveyed in the Rasta aphorism "Chant down Babylon". Rastas often expect the white-dominated society to dismiss their beliefs as false, and when this happens they see it as confirmation of the correctness of their faith.
    ellauri108.html on line 125: Rastafari is a millenarian movement, espousing the idea that the present age will come to an apocalyptic end. Many practitioners believe that on this Day of Judgement, Babylon will be overthrown, with Rastas being the chosen few who survive the upheaval. With Babylon destroyed, Rastas believe that humanity will be ushered into a "new age". This is conceived as being a millennium of peace, justice, and happiness in which the righteous shall live in Africa, now a paradise. In the 1980s, many Rastas believed that the Day of Judgment would happen around the year 2000. A view then common in the Rasta community was that the world's white people would wipe themselves out through nuclear war, with black Africans then ruling the world, something that they argued was prophesied in the Book of Daniel.
    ellauri108.html on line 127: Rastas do not believe that there is a specific afterlife to which individuals go following bodily death. They believe in the possibility of eternal life, and that only those who shun righteousness will actually die. The scholar of religion Leonard E. Barrett observed some Jamaican Rastas who believed that those practitioners who did die had not been faithful to Jah. He suggested that this attitude stemmed from the large numbers of young people that were then members of the movement, and who had thus seen only few Rastas die. Another Rasta view is that those who are righteous will undergo reincarnation, with an individual's identity remaining throughout each of their incarnations. In keeping with their views on death, Rastas eschew celebrating physical death and often avoid funerals, also repudiating the practice of ancestor veneration that is common among traditional African religions.
    ellauri108.html on line 133: Some Rastas have promoted activism as a means of achieving socio-political reform, while others believe in awaiting change that will be brought about through divine intervention in human affairs. In Jamaica, Rastas typically do not vote, derogatorily dismissing politics as "politricks", and rarely involve themselves in political parties or unions. The Rasta tendency to believe that socio-political change is inevitable opens the religion up to the criticism from the political left that it encourages adherents to do little or nothing to alter the status quo. Other Rastas do engage in political activism; the Ghanaian Rasta singer-songwriter Rocky Dawuni for instance was involved in campaigns promoting democratic elections, while in Grenada, many Rastas joined the People's Revolutionary Government formed in 1979.
    ellauri108.html on line 147: One of the central activities at groundings is "reasoning". This is a discussion among assembled Rastas about the religion's principles and their relevance to current events. These discussions are supposed to be non-combative, although attendees can point out the fallacies in any arguments presented. Those assembled inform each other about the revelations that they have received through meditation and dream. Each contributor is supposed to push the boundaries of understanding until the entire group has gained greater insight into the topic under discussion. In meeting together with like-minded individuals, reasoning helps Rastas to reassure one another of the correctness of their beliefs. Rastafari meetings are opened and closed with prayers. These involve supplication of God, the supplication for the hungry, sick, and infants, and calls for the destruction of the Rastas' enemies, and then close with statements of adoration.
    ellauri108.html on line 154: The principal ritual of Rastafari is the smoking of ganja, also known as marijuana or cannabis or pot. Among the names that Rastas give to the plant are callie, Iley, "the herb", "the holy herb", "the grass", and "the weed". Cannabis is usually smoked during groundings, although some practitioners also smoke it informally in other contexts. Some Rastas smoke it almost all of the time, something other practitioners regard as excessive, and many practitioners also ingest cannabis in a tea, as a spice in cooking, and as an ingredient in medicine. However, not all Rastas use ganja; abstainers explain that they have already achieved a higher level of consciousness and thus do not require it.
    ellauri108.html on line 160: There are various options that might explain how cannabis smoking came to be part of Rastafari. By the 8th century, Arab traders had introduced cannabis to Central and Southern Africa. In the 19th century, enslaved Bakongo people arrived in Jamaica, where they established the religion of Kumina. In Kumina, cannabis was smoked during religious ceremonies in the belief that it facilitated possession by ancestral spirits. The religion was largely practiced in south-east Jamaica's Saint Thomas Parish, where a prominent early Rasta, Leonard Howell, lived while he was developing many of Rastafari's beliefs and practices; it may have been through Kumina that cannabis became part of Rastafari. A second possible source was the use of cannabis in Hindu rituals. Hindu migrants arrived in Jamaica as indentured servants from British India between 1834 and 1917, and brought cannabis with them. A Jamaican Hindu priest, Laloo, was one of Howell's spiritual advisors, and may have influenced his adoption of ganja. The adoption of cannabis may also have been influenced by the widespread medicinal and recreational use of cannabis among Afro-Jamaicans in the early 20th century. Early Rastafarians may have taken an element of Jamaican culture which they associated with their peasant past and the rejection of capitalism and sanctified it by according it Biblical correlates.
    ellauri108.html on line 168: As Rastafari developed, popular music became its chief communicative medium. During the 1960s, ska was a popular musical style in Jamaica, and although its protests against social and political conditions were mild, it gave early expression to Rasta socio-political ideology. Particularly prominent in the connection between Rastafari and ska were the musicians Count Ossie and Don Drummond. Ossie was a drummer who believed that black people needed to develop their own style of music; he was heavily influenced by Burru, an Afro-Jamaican drumming style. Ossie subsequently popularised this new Rastafari ritual music by playing at various groundings and groundations around Jamaica, with songs like "Another Moses" and "Babylon Gone" reflecting Rasta influence. Rasta themes also appeared in Drummond's work, with songs such as "Reincarnation" and "Tribute to Marcus Garvey".
    ellauri108.html on line 191: From the beginning of the Rastafari movement in the 1930s, adherents typically grew beards and tall hair, perhaps in imitation of Haile Selassie. The wearing of hair as dreadlocks then emerged as a Rasta practice in the 1940s; there were debates within the movement as to whether dreadlocks should be worn or not, with proponents of the style becoming dominant. There are various claims as to how this practice was adopted. One claim is that it was adopted in imitation of certain African nations, such as the Maasai, Somalis, or Oromo, or that it was inspired by the hairstyles worn by some of those involved in the anti-colonialist Mau Mau Uprising in Kenya. An alternative explanation is that it was inspired by the hairstyles of the Hindu sadhus.
    ellauri108.html on line 195: Rastafari developed out of the legacy of the Atlantic slave trade, in which over ten million Africans were enslaved and transported to the Americas between the 16th and 19th centuries. Under 700,000 of these slaves were settled in the British colony of Jamaica. The British government abolished slavery in the Caribbean island in 1834, although racial prejudice remained prevalent across Jamaican society.
    ellauri108.html on line 197: Rastafari owed much to intellectual frameworks arising in the 19th and early 20th centuries. One key influence on Rastafari was Christian Revivalism, with the Great Revival of 1860–61 drawing many Afro-Jamaicans to join churches. Increasing numbers of Pentecostal missionaries from the United States arrived in Jamaica during the early 20th century, climaxing in the 1920s.
    ellauri108.html on line 201: Marcus Garvey, a prominent black nationalist theorist who heavily influenced Rastafari and is regarded as a prophet by many Rastas. The Jamaican activist Marcus Garvey, spent much of his adult life in the US and Britain. Garvey supported the idea of global racial separatism and called for part of the African diaspora to relocate to Africa. His ideas faced opposition from civil rights activists like W. E. B. Du Bois who supported racial integration, and as a mass movement, Garveyism declined in the Great Depression of the 1930s. A rumour later spread that in 1916, Garvey had called on his supporters to "look to Africa" for the crowning of a black king; this quote was never verified. However, in August 1930, Garvey's play, Coronation of an African King, was performed in Kingston. Its plot revolved around the crowning of the fictional Prince Cudjoe of Sudan, although it anticipated the crowning of Haile Selassie later that year. Rastas hold Garvey in great esteem, with many regarding him as a prophet. Garvey knew of Rastafari, but took a largely negative view of the religion; he also became a critic of Haile Selassie, calling him "a great coward" who rules a "country where black men are chained and flogged".
    ellauri108.html on line 203: Haile Selassie was crowned Emperor of Ethiopia in 1930. A number of Jamaica's Christian clergymen claimed that Selassie's coronation was evidence that he was the black messiah that they believed was prophesied in the Book of Revelation, the Book of Daniel, and Psalms. Over the following years, several street preachers—most notably Leonard Howell, Archibald Dunkley, Robert Hinds, and Joseph Hibbert—began claiming that Haile Selassie was the returned Jesus. They first did so in Kingston, and soon the message spread throughout 1930s Jamaica, especially among poor communities who were hit particularly hard by the Great Depression. Clarke stated that "to all intents and purposes this was the beginning" of the Rastafari movement.
    ellauri108.html on line 216: In the 1940s and 1950s, a more militant brand of Rastafari emerged. The vanguard of this was the House of Youth Black Faith, a group whose members were largely based in West Kingston. Backlash against the Rastas grew after a practitioner of the religion allegedly killed a woman in 1957. In March 1958, the first Rastafarian Universal Convention was held in the settlement of Back-o-Wall, Kingston. Following the event, militant Rastas unsuccessfully tried to capture the city in the name of Haile Selassie. Later that year they tried again in Spanish Town. The increasing militancy of some Rastas resulted in growing alarm about the religion in Jamaica. According to Cashmore, the Rastas became "folk devils" in Jamaican society. In 1959, the self-declared prophet and founder of the African Reform Church, Claudius Henry, sold thousands of tickets to Afro-Jamaicans, including many Rastas, for passage on a ship that he claimed would take them to Africa. The ship never arrived and Henry was charged with fraud. In 1960 he was sentenced to six years imprisonment for conspiring to overthrow the government. Henry's son was accused of being part of a paramilitary cell and executed, confirming public fears about Rasta violence. One of the most prominent clashes between Rastas and law enforcement was the Coral Gardens incident of 1963, in which an initial skirmish between police and Rastas resulted in several deaths and led to a larger roundup of practitioners. Clamping down on the Rasta movement, in 1964 the island's government implemented tougher laws surrounding cannabis use.
    ellauri108.html on line 220: Whereas its membership had previously derived predominantly from poorer sectors of society, in the 1960s Rastafari began attracting support from more privileged groups like students and professional musicians. The foremost group emphasising this approach was the Twelve Tribes of Israel, whose members came to be known as "Uptown Rastas". Among those attracted to Rastafari in this decade were middle-class intellectuals like Leahcim Semaj, who called for the religious community to place greater emphasis on scholarly social theory as a method of achieving change. Although some Jamaican Rastas were critical of him, many came under the influence of the Guyanese black nationalist academic Walter Rodney, who lectured to their community in 1968 before publishing his thoughts as the pamphlet Groundings. Like Rodney, many Jamaican Rastas were influenced by the U.S.-based Black Power movement. After Black Power declined following the deaths of prominent exponents such as Malcolm X, Michael X, and George Jackson, Rastafari filled the vacuum it left for many black youth.
    ellauri108.html on line 252: The Rasta message resonates with many people who feel marginalised and alienated by the values and institutions of their society. Internationally, it has proved most popular among the poor and among marginalised youth. In valorising Africa and blackness, Rastafari provides a positive identity for youth in the African diaspora by allowing them to psychologically reject their social stigmatisation. It then provides these disaffected people with the discursive stance from which they can challenge capitalism and consumerism, providing them with symbols of resistance and defiance. Cashmore expressed the view that "whenever there are black people who sense an injust disparity between their own material conditions and those of the whites who surround them and tend to control major social institutions, the Rasta messages have relevance."
    ellauri108.html on line 264: Both through travel between the islands, and through reggae's popularity, Rastafari spread across the eastern Caribbean during the 1970s. Here, its ideas complemented the anti-colonial and Afrocentric views prevalent in countries like Trinidad, Grenada, Dominica, and St Vincent. In these countries, the early Rastas often engaged in cultural and political movements to a greater extent than their Jamaican counterparts had. Various Rastas were involved in Grenada's 1979 New Jewel Movement and were given positions in the Grenadine government until it was overthrown and replaced following the U.S. invasion of 1983. Although Fidel Castro's Marxist–Leninist government generally discouraged foreign influences, Rastafari was introduced to Cuba alongside reggae in the 1970s. Foreign Rastas studying in Cuba during the 1990s connected with its reggae scene and helped to further ground it in Rasta beliefs. In Cuba, most Rastas have been male and from the Afro-Cuban population.
    ellauri108.html on line 268: Some Rastas in the African diaspora have followed through with their beliefs about resettlement in Africa, with Ghana and Nigeria being particularly favoured. In West Africa, Rastafari has spread largely through the popularity of reggae, gaining a larger presence in Anglophone areas than their Francophone counterparts. Caribbean Rastas arrived in Ghana during the 1960s, encouraged by its first post-independence president, Kwame Nkrumah, while some native Ghanaians also converted to the religion. The largest congregation of Rastas has been in southern parts of Ghana, around Accra, Tema, and the Cape Coast, although Rasta communities also exist in the Muslim-majority area of northern Ghana. The Rasta migrants' wearing of dreadlocks was akin to that of the native fetish priests, which may have assisted the presentation of these Rastas as having authentic African roots in Ghanaian society. However, Ghanaian Rastas have complained of social ostracism and prosecution for cannabis possession, while non-Rastas in Ghana often consider them to be "drop-outs", "too Western", and "not African enough".
    ellauri108.html on line 302: In January, the Goulds demanded that their family name be removed from the Holocaust center because Moyo had refused to accept their interpretation of the center’s mission.
    ellauri108.html on line 408: These four Hebrew youths soon proved themselves to be exceptionally wise. As a result, they found favor with King Nebuchadnezzar. When Daniel turned out to be the only man capable of interpreting one of Nebuchadnezzar's troubling dreams, the king placed him in a high position over the whole province of Babylon, including over all of the wise men of the land. At Daniel's request, the king appointed Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego as Daniel's advisors.
    ellauri108.html on line 428: Through God's miraculous deliverance of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego that day, Nebuchadnezzar declared that the remaining Israelites in captivity were now protected from harm and were guaranteed freedom of worship. And Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego received a royal promotion.
    ellauri108.html on line 485: Rastafari is a millenarian movement, espousing the idea that the present age will come to an apocalyptic end. Many practitioners believe that on this Day of Judgement, Babylon will be overthrown, with Rastas being the chosen few who survive the upheaval. With Babylon destroyed, Rastas believe that humanity will be ushered into a "new age". This is conceived as being a millennium of peace, justice, and happiness in which the righteous shall live in Africa, now a paradise.
    ellauri108.html on line 487: In the 1980s, many Rastas believed that the Day of Judgment would happen around the year 2000. A view then common in the Rasta community was that the world's white people would wipe themselves out through nuclear war, with black Africans then ruling the world, something that they argued was prophesied in the Book of Daniel.
    ellauri108.html on line 489: Rastas do not believe that there is a specific afterlife to which individuals go following bodily death. They believe in the possibility of eternal life, and that only those who shun righteousness will actually die. The scholar of religion Leonard E. Barrett observed some Jamaican Rastas who believed that those practitioners who did die had not been faithful to Jah. He suggested that this attitude stemmed from the large numbers of young people that were then members of the movement, and who had thus seen only few Rastas die. Another Rasta view is that those who are righteous will undergo reincarnation, with an individual's identity remaining throughout each of their incarnations. In keeping with their views on death, Rastas eschew celebrating physical death and often avoid funerals, also repudiating the practice of ancestor veneration that is common among traditional African religions.
    ellauri108.html on line 491: The scholar Maureen Warner-Lewis observed that Rastafari combined a "radical, even revolutionary" stance on socio-political issues, particularly regarding race, with a "profoundly traditional" approach to "philosophical conservatism" on other religious issues. Rastas typically look critically upon modern capitalism with its consumerism and materialism. They favour small-scale, pre-industrial and agricultural societies. Not just sinners but bad businessmen.
    ellauri109.html on line 270: In 2000 Searle received the Jean Nicod Prize; in 2004, the National Humanities Medal; and in 2006, the Mind & Brain Prize. He was elected to the American Philosophical Society in 2010. Searle's early work on speech acts, influenced by J. L. Austin and Ludwig Wittgenstein, helped establish his reputation. His notable concepts include the "Chinese room" argument against "strong" artificial intelligence.
    ellauri109.html on line 280: On June 19, 2019, following campus disciplinary proceedings by Berkeley's Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD), University of California President Janet Napolitano approved a recommendation that Searle have his emeritus status revoked, after a determination that he violated university policies against sexual harassment.
    ellauri109.html on line 282: Searle has five honorary-doctorate degrees from four different countries and is an honorary visiting professor at Tsing Hua University and at East China Normal University. In 2000 Searle received the Jean Nicod Prize; in 2004, the National Humanities Medal; and in 2006, the Mind & Brain Prize.
    ellauri109.html on line 321: The merchant Hans Kohlhase lived in Cölln on the Spree (now incorporated into Berlin) in the Margraviate of Brandenburg in the 16th century. In October 1532 he set out on a trip to the Leipzig Trade Fair in the neighboring Electorate of Saxony. On the way two of his horses were seized, at the command of the Junker von Zaschwitz, as a supposed fee for passage through Saxony. Kohlhase sought redress in the Saxon courts but failed to obtain it. Outraged, he issued a public challenge in 1534 and burned down houses in Wittenberg. Even a letter of admonition from Martin Luther could not dissuade him, and Kohlhase and the band he collected committed further acts of terror. In 1540 he was finally captured and tried, and was publicly broken on the wheel in Berlin on 22 March 1540. From this history Kleist fashioned a novella that dramatized a personal quest for justice in defiance of the claims of the general law and the community.
    ellauri109.html on line 325: As Kohlhaas is led to execution, he sees in the crowd the disguised Elector of Saxony. Through his lawyer, he is informed that his suit against the Junker has been successful, and is presented with compensation for the injuries of his hired man and shown the horses, now well-fed and healthy. Pleased that justice has been served, he submits willingly to the execution.
    ellauri109.html on line 474: Translations of the fable were familiar enough in Britain but the subject of male bonding left some readers uneasy (as it very obviously did Elizur Wright). Eventually there appeared an 18th-century version in octosyllabic couplets that claimed to be ‘improved from Fontaine’. Here the couple are a male and female named Columbo and Turturella.
    ellauri109.html on line 563: Roth spent much of his life in pain. Many spinal surgeries followed his mishap in the Army. Diagnosed with heart disease before he was fifty, Roth lived with an acute sense of imminent catastrophe. In 1989, when he was fifty-six, he was swimming laps in his pool and was overwhelmed by chest pain. The next day, he had quintuple-bypass surgery.
    ellauri109.html on line 575: Roth’s mental health, like his physical health, proved less than stable. There were harrowing periods of depression; a Halcion-induced breakdown; stays at a psychiatric hospital.
    ellauri109.html on line 666: On 1 December 1663 Dryden married the royalist sister of Sir Robert Howard—Lady Elizabeth. Dryden's works occasionally contain outbursts against the married state but also celebrations of the same. Little is known of the intimate side of his marriage. Lady Elizabeth bore three sons and outlived her husband. Se sai sitten luritella tota abit onusta, kun anus-Jussi kuoli ensinnä.
    ellauri109.html on line 669: Lady Elizabeth Dryden survived her husband, but went insane soon after his death. Their 3 children did not continue the line.
    ellauri109.html on line 697: William Hazlitt believed the poem to have "more genius, vehemence and strength of description than any other of Dryden's works". Se ei välttämättä ole paljon sanottu.
    ellauri109.html on line 701: Dryden was born in the village rectory of Aldwincle near Thrapston in Northamptonshire, where his maternal grandfather was the rector of All Saints. He was the eldest of fourteen children born to Erasmus Dryden and wife Mary Pickering, paternal grandson of Sir Erasmus Dryden, 1st Baronet (1553–1632), and wife Frances Wilkes, Puritan landowning gentry who supported the Puritan cause and Parliament. He was a second cousin once removed of Jonathan Swift.
    ellauri109.html on line 709: Dryden's poem, "An Essay upon Satire," contained a number of attacks on King Charles II, his mistresses and courtiers, but most pointedly on the Earl of Rochester, a notorious womaniser. Rochester responded by hiring thugs who attacked Dryden whilst walking back from Will's Coffee House (a popular London coffee house where the Wits gathered to gossip, drink and conduct their business) back to his house on Gerrard Street. Dryden survived the attack, offering £50 for the identity of the thugs placed in the London Gazette, and a Royal Pardon if one of them would confess. No one claimed the reward.
    ellauri109.html on line 751: Dryden is believed to be the first person to posit that English sentences should not end in prepositions because Latin sentences cannot end in prepositions. What an idiot. Too much monkey business for me to be involved in.
    ellauri109.html on line 785: They had arrived, malnourished and penniless, during the first Arab-Israeli war.
    ellauri109.html on line 797: Two draft notices arrived in the post simultaneously. One for Hagit - and one for Hanna. This is another hallmark of missing baby stories.
    ellauri109.html on line 814: Like Leah, most parents received no information about their child's grave. When they did, in some cases it transpired that the grave was empty, or DNA tests showed that the body was not theirs.
    ellauri109.html on line 816: Three government inquiries have looked into the Yemenite Children Affair, as it is known, since the 1960s, and all have concluded that most children died of diseases and were buried without their parents being informed or involved.
    ellauri109.html on line 820: Post-mortem examinations were carried out on children, who were then buried in mass graves in violation of Jewish tradition, the special Knesset committee on the disappearance of children heard. In some cases the children's hearts were removed for US doctors, who were studying why there was almost no heart disease in Yemen.
    ellauri109.html on line 833: He points out that hundreds of thousands of immigrants arrived in Israel at a time of war, and in the years immediately afterwards, when the country was still reeling.
    ellauri110.html on line 137: Book IV of Gulliver's Travels is the keystone, in some ways, of the entire work,[citation needed] and critics have traditionally answered the question whether Gulliver is insane (and thus just another victim of Swift's satire) by questioning whether or not the Houyhnhnms are truly admirable. Gulliver loves the land and is obedient to a race that is not like his own. The Houyhnhnm society is based upon reason, and only upon reason, and therefore the horses practice eugenics based on their analyses of benefit and cost. They have no religion and their sole morality is the defence of reason, and so they are not particularly moved by pity or a belief in the intrinsic value of life. Gulliver himself, in their company, builds the sails of his skiff from "Yahoo skins".
    ellauri110.html on line 139: The Houyhnhnms' lack of passion surfaces during the scheduled visit of "a friend and his family" to the home of Gulliver's master "upon some affair of importance". On the day of the visit, the mistress of his friend and her children arrive very late. She made no excuses "first for her husband" who had died just that morning and she had to remain to make the proper arrangements for a "convenient place where his body should be laid". Gulliver remarked that "she behaved herself at our house as cheerfully as the rest".
    ellauri110.html on line 145: On one hand, the Houyhnhnms have an orderly and peaceful society. They have philosophy and a language that is entirely free of political and ethical nonsense. They have no word for a lie (and must substitute a circumlocution: "to say a thing which is not"). They also have a form of art that is derived from nature. Outside Gulliver's Travels, Swift had expressed longstanding concern over the corruption of the English language, and he had proposed language reform. He had also, in Battle of the Books and in general in A Tale of a Tub, expressed a preference for the Ancients (Classical authors) because their art was based directly upon nature, and not upon other art.
    ellauri110.html on line 195: Silti Hannu on vähän pettynyt, kun Iisebel ei nähtävästi muista sitä enää ensi kerralla. Tämä on kestettävä vain, lohdutan izeäni. Seisovasta vedestä odota myrkkyä. William Blake sanoi senkin. Kaikki on kestettävä minkä elämä antaa.
    ellauri110.html on line 662: Se on niin handekeskinen ette edes muista mainita Eskin ja 5M muun samaan aikaan pasuttamaa Suomen lätkämestaruutta Ruozista, samana vuonna 1995 kun se sai Eikka Leikan muistelmilla ajankohtaisella nimellä Mestari kauan kaivatun Finlandiapalkintonsa. Mikähän sen ruozalaisen koutsin nimi olil jota Eski hehkutti? Ei ole Ruozi ihan yhtä kunniassa enää: euroviisuissakin tuli "Svede: nyl poääng". Briteillä meni yhtä penkin alle, mutta eihän niitä enää mannermaiden mielipiteet kiinnosta.
    ellauri110.html on line 913: Ἀκηδία (Akēdia, uh-KAY-DEE-uh), more commonly called Sloth, is one of the Capital Vices, which is a unit in the Goads of Destruction. 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 History 4 Trivia Sloth has messy light blue hair and dark blue eyes. She wears only a blue long-sleeved nightgown without any footwear. Her seal, a bronze metal cloud, is on her right cheek. Sloth is usually asleep or close ...
    ellauri110.html on line 1064: Now, mendicants, at that time human beings had a life span of 60,000 years. Girls could be married at 500 years of age. And human beings only had six afflictions: cold, heat, hunger, thirst, and the need to defecate and urinate. But even though humans were so long-lived with so few afflictions, Araka still taught in this way: ‘Life as a human is short, brief, and fleeting, full of pain and misery. Think about this and wake up! Do what’s good and live the spiritual life, for no-one born can escape death.’
    ellauri111.html on line 112: At the Council of Trent (1546) the Roman Catholic institution pronounced the following apocryphal books sacred. They asserted that the apocryphal books together with unwritten tradition are of God and are to be received and venerated as the Word of God. So now you have the Bible, the Apocrypha and Catholic Tradition as co-equal sources of truth for the Catholic. In reality, it seems obvious that the Bible is the last source of truth for Catholics. Roman Catholic doctrine comes primarily from tradition stuck together with a few Bible names. In my reading of Catholic materials, I find notes like this: "You have to keep the Bible in perspective." Catholics have been deceived into not believing that the Bible is God's complete revelation for man (but they can come out of these deceptions in an instant if they will only believe the Bible as it is written) .
    ellauri111.html on line 146: Wisdom 8:19-20, And I was a witty child and had received a good soul. And whereas I was more good, I came to a body undefiled.
    ellauri111.html on line 166: Not even all Catholic "Church Fathers" believed the Apocrypha was scripture.
    ellauri111.html on line 184: Those that are still unsaved may wish to read our article entitled, How to Get to Heaven.
    ellauri111.html on line 233: ved=0ahUKEwj_oM2zpNfwAhVo_rsIHYCgC7YQ5hMIBTAA&usg=AOvVaw3gglLtp__3xQGlix2-dsuo" height="200px" />
    ellauri111.html on line 255: As I’d had to admit, I hadn’t read The Diary of a Writer (actually a kind of journal that Dostoevsky published monthly and that consisted entirely of his own thoughts about issues of the day), but I did know that he had been involved in several criminal cases, some of which were about the kind of cruelty to children that Ivan Karamazov cited as evidence against the existence of God. I couldn’t remember any details, though. I felt rather like a student who hasn’t done his homework hoping that he’s not the one going to be asked the next question. Only there wasn’t anyone else to ask. In the event, Fyodor Mikhailovich let me off fairly gently.
    ellauri111.html on line 287: “Isn’t that rather harsh? After all, he himself set out the charge sheet, if you like. He tells us just what he has done, how he has behaved. He provides all the evidence we need to find him guilty—morally, if not legally.”
    ellauri111.html on line 343: You need FAITH in the blood of Jesus to get into heaven. THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, God manifested in the flesh, WAS CRUCIFIED [nailed to the cross through his hands and his feet] FOR OUR SINS AS OUR SUBSTITUTE. Talk about scapegoat! In order to be saved and get into heaven, literally all you need to do is
    ellauri111.html on line 351: This is somehow different than just trying to be good enough, which we cannot do on our own. You see it's not really at all about goodness, it's all about obedience. To be saved, WE REPENT OF OUR OLD WAYS, BELIEVE IN JESUS, AND TRY TO OBEY HIS WORD. Then, as we strive to obey him/us, he helps us to obey him/us.
    ellauri111.html on line 393: So there! The Bible teaches that when we are unsaved even our righteous acts are like filthy rags to God. It does not matter how many good deeds that you do, you still cannot go to heaven based on your deeds. The Bible teaches that your good deeds do not commend you to God in any way. He could care less. Your good deeds do not remove the sins that you have committed. You have ignored God choosing to live life the way that YOU see fit. You are just a piece of SHIT!
    ellauri111.html on line 408: John 14:21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
    ellauri111.html on line 421: That was that. Now we are getting to the brass tacks. Here's where we start whacking heretics. The unshaved, degenerate man does not keep God's commandments. God's commandments are in the Bible. The unshaved man does whatever he feels like doing every day giving no heed to God's word. He is not obedient to God's word. He lives according to the ways he chooses to live. Maybe the person reading this is what people call "religious" and they think that they love God. If you are not worshipping God according to his word, the Bible, he is not receiving your worship. This includes those that go to a church that teaches false doctrines--teachings that are not in the Bible. They that worship God must worship him in spirit and IN TRUTH (ref. John 4:24). And what is truth? Jesus said to the Father--
    ellauri111.html on line 443: God does not want to remain your enemy and he does not want you to go to hell. Well he wants to be our enemy long enough to scare us into obedience. Why he didn't just make us so from the beginning may make you wonder, but never mind. There are more wonderful things reserved for us to wonder at. He is a friend at heart, though he may strike you as a bully.
    ellauri111.html on line 449: In spite of man's wickedness and rebellion, God so loved us that he sent his only begotten Son, Jesus, to die for our sins.
    ellauri111.html on line 451: John 3:16-17 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
    ellauri111.html on line 488: The Lord Jesus Christ came to save you from both the GUILT and POWER of sin. The Lord Jesus Christ was manifested TO DESTROY the works of the devil (I John 3:8)--THE LORD JESUS CHRIST CAME TO SAVE YOU AND CHANGE YOU AND TO MAKE YOU HOLY. When you are unsaved, sin has dominion over you. Sin is your boss and you cannot do anything BUT sin. You are justly under the wrath of a holy and just God. Murderers, thieves, fornicators, witches, sodomites, whores, liars, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, rebels, and all other spiritual lepers will not inherit the kingdom of God. This is not to put anybody down, before we got saved, we Christians were once the murders, thieves, whoremongers, etc. We have to be born again into the kingdom of God. When we REPENT and BELIEVE in Jesus, we are born again and all things become new. A new life emerges and things change. We start reading the Bible and obeying it and the Lord Jesus helps us obey it more and more. Our life changes. Our desires literally change as we go forward in obeying the word of God.
    ellauri111.html on line 492: The blood of Jesus is the propitiation and payment for our sins. The blood of Jesus took away the guilt of the sins which we have committed AND it has ushered us into a Father child relationship with the Lord God. Through the blood of Jesus, we are to serve sin no more, rather we serve righteousness. If you get saved and sin, you confess your sin and the Lord will forgive you, but you no longer walk in the sin lifestyle--
    ellauri111.html on line 506: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
    ellauri111.html on line 517: Romans 5:9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.

    ellauri111.html on line 518: Romans 5:10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.
    ellauri111.html on line 527: 2:4 But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,
    ellauri111.html on line 528: 2:5 Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)

    ellauri111.html on line 531: 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

    ellauri111.html on line 536: Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, came to this earth to (1) save you from the GUILT and POWER of your sins and (2) RECONCILE you unto God. Through faith in the blood of Jesus you will escape the wrath to come, have abundant life now, and heaven as your home. God will be your Father instead of your enemy--but ONLY through the blood of Jesus. The Lord Jesus Christ is the ONLY means appointed by God by which we can know God and be saved.
    ellauri111.html on line 552: Is this working on you at all guys? Are you ready to repent of your sins? To repent means to forsake your evil ways and live God's way according to his word. Are you ready to listen finallly? All your life you've been your own authority concerning what is right and what is wrong. You've made your own decisions while ignoring what the Lord says in His holy word, the Bible. You've served yourself and not God. To repent means that you turn to GOD AND THE BIBLE AS YOUR AUTHORITY. It means you can say, "Lord, everything you say in the Bible is right. If my feelings contradict the Bible, I AM WRONG. Lord, I want to live under YOUR AUTHORITY, not my own. Help me, Jesus, to do right."
    ellauri111.html on line 564: Realize that you have lived under your own authority. You've lived the way that YOU have wanted to. You have lived without regard for God's precepts. Understand in your mind that you've lived in sin against God's word. Think it through and count the cost. Jesus made no promises that you will have an easy life. In fact, the Bible teaches that all that will live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. Are you willing to live as one of the despised, saved, holy, overcoming, victorious ones? If so, come on to Jesus. He is waiting backstage already.
    ellauri111.html on line 576: In the Bible, God testifies that Jesus Christ died for your sins and was buried; and that He rose from the dead on the third day. You must believe and confess this in order to be saved.
    ellauri111.html on line 582: If so, REPENT of your sins and talk to the Lord in prayer in your own words RIGHT NOW. Here are some suggestions for your own words, but feel free to vary them ever so slightly. Ask God to forgive you of your sins and to help you to do what is right. BELIEVE in the Lord Jesus. CONFESS the Lord Jesus with your mouth. This is not a long, drawn out, hard process. Do you believe in the blood of Jesus? Do you want God to pass over you in the day of his wrath so that you are not cast into hell and the lake of fire with the wicked? Do you want to be saved?
    ellauri111.html on line 584: You don't need a preacher in your presence in order to be saved, you have heard the gospel here. Do you BELIEVE it and want it? Are you ready to be under God's commands or do you want to keep on doing what you want to do? This decision is yours and your future depends on what choice you make.
    ellauri111.html on line 592: Some people don't know how to pray. Praying is just talking to the Lord. If you want to be saved, talk to Jesus about it. You don't have to repeat these words, but someone may say something like this--
    ellauri111.html on line 594: "Hi Lord, how are you doing? Any catches from the pool of sinners today? Well here's one, if your daily quota is short. I know that I am a sinner but I want to be saved before the gong. I repent of my sins, every one, even the one... OK I get it, you know. I don't WANT to do evil anymore, it just happens. I want to become self-righteous through the blood of Jesus. I'm asking you to please forgive some of my sins against you. I want a new lease of life in the Lord Jesus Christ. I want to be everything that You created me to be, and more. I think Jesus shed His blood and died for me so that I could be saved from my sins. I guess He rose from the dead on the third day. I so want to be your child and follow behind the holy scriptures like a dog. Okay? In that case, thank you for being merciful to me, a sinner. Thank you Lord Jesus for saving my soul from sin. Please fill me with your precious, Holy Spirit so that I can live a self-righteous, fun-denying life for you. I'm giving you myself, for what it's worth. Please show me what you want me to do. Give me a sign! Any sign! Please help me to understand your word and to walk in your leash. Please don't mumble! Please guide me to Jesus!. It is in Jesus' Name I pray, Amen."
    ellauri111.html on line 614: In Acts 8:26-39, you can read about the Ethiopian eunuch who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and was baptized by Philip in a certain water. We are only baptized one time and that is after we have truly repented and have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ. If you were baptized as a baby or in a false church, and then got saved later on, you need to get rebaptized after salvation. The previous babtism will be null and void.
    ellauri111.html on line 622: If you cannot find a good church where you can be baptized, maybe you have a sanctified friend that can baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. I do not know you, dear friend and I do not even know where you are, and if you came to Jesus through this witness, I am not there to see you baptized. The apostasy around the world is great and I have not one preacher to recommend to anyone in this world. If you were just getting saved and could find no one holy to baptize me, you could baptize yourself. You would do it something like this

    ellauri111.html on line 648: Down here we work for the Master, the Lord Jesus, and sow the seed (us men do, if you get what I mean), sharing his word. Those that hear and receive the word on good ground will be saved (people do not always get saved at the moment they first hear the truth--in time, however they may repent and believe). God sees the work that his people do, and he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Psalm 126:6 He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves* with him. *Sheaves are bundles of wheat or other grain grasses that the harvesters have harvested and bundled. Some seeds fell on good bushes and prospered, some fell on porcelain and did not germinate.
    ellauri111.html on line 660: You do not have to run off to a foreign mission field because you got saved (if God does not call you to the mission field and give you peace and anointing, you will not prosper if you try to go), you can stay at home and minister to your family and follow God´s leading.
    ellauri111.html on line 662: When we first get shaved between the thighs, we can be excited and carried away and ready to try to do everything. That was my case. One day I saw a line that said something like this "God is not in a hurry." As I recall, for some reason it settled me down some. Keep reading and obeying the word (the Bible), fulfill your daily responsibilites, and pray--you will automatically grow just as surely as a baby grows up to be an adult. We start out as babes in Christ and as we go forward reading and obeying and having our senses exercised by life experiences, we grow up and mature in the Lord.
    ellauri111.html on line 679: There is a wicked man coming that Revelation 13 calls, "the beast." He is an antichrist. He is a man of sin. He is soon to make his appearance on the earth and by peace he shall destroy many. The saints are going to go through deep waters--but hold on to Jesus. Don´t ever renounce him or deny him no matter what. You know what you believe in--the Lord Jesus Christ who is the Creator of heaven and earth and all that in them is. Read more here about the coming of the beast. Jesus said that he that endureth to the end, the same shall be saved. Jesus Christ is God manifested in the flesh. He also said that he would be with us alway, even unto the end of the world, Amen. At the beginning of our index page, there is letter. There are words there for you. Please read it from the beginning.
    ellauri111.html on line 687: Once you get saved, the devil will try to make sure that you encounter false doctrine. Your faith is tender and you may be prone to believe anything people tell you about the Bible (that's why you need to read it for yourself everyday). Please heed these warnings:
    ellauri111.html on line 699: "Contemplative" prayer is essentially an old occult technique adjusted to the ignorant church people. It can bring up that yoga kundalini serpent power. With open eyes, one can see this type of technique being magnified in society--I saw a book for magic in a place for shipping goods and for photocopies, office supplies, etc. I looked on the back of the book, it was the same technique as the church people are using. This is spreading like wildfire and not just amongst false (or extremely ignorant) brethren, it is throughout society. Revelation 13:8 teaches us that all people who are not in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world will worship the beast. Revelation 13:4 says that all the world will worship the dragon which gave power unto the beast--we learn from Revelation 12 that THE DRAGON IS SATAN. In the ecumenical movement (all the religions getting together in "peace") and under a "meditative" spirituality, Hindus, Buddhists, Roman Catholics, church people, atheists, Muslims, cabalists, new agers, etc. can get together and have a "meditation" session with no problems. This is not for the future, it is already happening, I picked up a brochure about some sessions while at a library. In Contemplative prayer, church people are calling the devil by the Lord's name. I read that many of them will not listen to the scriptures when confronted with the truth--they do not know the Lord's voice, they are not his sheep. Worldly people are under the devil and they despise holiness and speak against it as "legalism" or even as heresy or false doctrine. I have seen extreme antinomianism in Baptist churches. They derisively call work-out-your-own-salvation-with-fear-and-trembling discipleship "Lordship salvation". If a person does not obey the Lord, they are not saved. The reader may wish to see our article, Lordship Salvation.
    ellauri111.html on line 703: BEWARE OF THE HELL BOUND CHURCH PEOPLE--ALL OF THEM! IF YOU FOLLOW THEIR DOCTRINES, YOU WILL GO TO HELL TOO! They will tell you you can do what you feel like doing--doing all the sins you want to--and that you will still go to heaven. That is a lie from the devil and totally the opposite of what the Bible says. Nobody will sin their way into heaven. Ephesians 5:6 says, Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. If you do not repent, believe AND follow the commands of Jesus, you are not saved. If Jesus is not your Lord, he is not your Saviour, you are yet in your sins. For more on this, you may wish to see our article entitled, Lordship Salvation.
    ellauri111.html on line 705: FLEE FROM "CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER", "EMERGING 'CHURCH'", "CONTEMPLATIVE SPIRITUALITY" "ANCIENT FUTURE CHURCH", etc. In this movement, these people are learning and using black magic type occult techniques in churches! In disregard and disobedience to the Bible, they THEY TELL PEOPLE TO CLEAR THEIR MINDS AND KEEP REPEATING THE NAME OF THE LORD OR SOME OTHER NAME. They say that focusing on the Bible is a hinderance to prayer--yes, the Bible is a hinderance to praying to the DEVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stay away from people who want to teach you to pray to the devil calling the devil by the name of the Lord. Flee from anybody who puts down the word of God--they are doing that so that you will be defenseless against their lies. These are the end times and now church people are being deceived into CALLING AND SUMMON DEVILS! The emerging church of the devil is using the same yoga-type techniques as hindus, buddhists Roman Catholic mystics, Greek orthodox mystics, occultists and other mystical traditions. The people are even warned about the possibility of encountering evil spirits during these exercises--no regular prayer requires a warning, no, no, no--BUT PRAYING TO THE DEVIL DOES! AND WHEN THAT KUNDALINI SERPENT POWER RISES UP IN THESE PEOPLE, THEY WILL EITHER BECOME MAGICIANS OR GO INSANE OR SOME OTHER HORRIBLE THING--THERE ARE SYMPTOMS AND MANIFESTATIONS! CHURCH PEOPLE ARE GOING TOWARDS BEING POSSESSED! These are last days--BE WARE, DEAR ONE, BE WARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET SAVED, READ YOUR BIBLE AND OBEY IT AND LEAVE THE TELEVISION ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE BEAST IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ellauri111.html on line 707: One more thing--be ware of "new age" teaching--you are not God, you are not divine, and God is not in everybody--all that pantheism (everything is God) and panentheism (God is in everything) is new age teaching which is actually old age because the devil told Eve in the garden, "Ye shall be as gods" (see Genesis chapter 3). The devil is a spirit--he is not dead and he has been telling that same lie ever since then. There is a lot more to this situation, but just get saved and obedient and live reconciled to God. Do not put your trust in science, etc. In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth--there is no evolution. Evolution is a big fat lie and a hoax to get people to disbelieve the word of God. Science...many, many lies are told by people in white labcoats. Believe and obey God's word and you will be safe and whole and of an understanding mind and not of a reprobate mind.
    ellauri111.html on line 709: Look around, the more the leaders make plans, the worse things get--child abuse, drug addiction, abortion, murders, shoplifting, lying, compulsive disorders, broken families, directionless young people, mind-killing school system, panic attacks, reprobate mind laws, denying God and his word, etc. This thing called time is coming to an end. The heavens above and the earth beneath that you see before your eyes are going to be burned up completely and dissolved. The day of the Lord is coming and we will all stand before God at the final judgment and the books are going to be opened. We will all be there--including all the dead people...they won't be left out--nobody will be left out.
    ellauri111.html on line 723: There has been a lot of talk about "aliens" for some time and the talk continues; some kind of sky show may be in the future. If you see something in the air, it is not because there are true aliens. But what about devils? yes there are devils; what about oversized genetically modified organisms and chimeras? maybe; possessed people? yes there are; 3D pictures, yes; pheromones, yes; unrevealed inventions and laws, in all probability, yes. If you hear a voice, see lights, or whatever, compare everything to the Bible--we believe in the Bible above our senses. This is a time of deception. You will not be deceived if you read and obey the scriptures. Read Matthew 24 (and other passages as well) for what is going to happen when the Lord returns. An excerpt--
    ellauri111.html on line 739: As I recall, I first heard of Kundalini awakening through an email we received in 2003.
    ellauri111.html on line 745: Don't let anybody convince you that you have to "speak in tongues" to show that you are saved. Some of these people will tell you that you can learn to "speak in tongues" by letting yourself jibber and jabber, muttering sounds that do not make sense. They will tell you to keep practicing to "speak in tongues"--this is wrong. God's Spirit is the one that will give the gift of tongues spontaneously to whom he will. There are many spiritual gifts, tongues is one of them. Not all Christians speak in tongues. Tongues is a gift that I have not seen properly practiced one time (though I have heard a few testimonies involving them that sounded sound).
    ellauri111.html on line 756: Futurum exactumia ei hirviä edes ajatella. Kuuma lammikko tuntuu lähestyvän hyvää vauhtia, Apinat vaan istuu lämpenevässä kylpyvedessä kuin sammakot ja harjoittelee taivasosaansa.
    ellauri111.html on line 902: Vähän ällökisti Jeesus lopux pussaa jesuiittaäijän suulle märän kielisuudelman. Suuri inkvisitori värisee. Hänen suupielessään värähtelee suonenvedon tapaisesti. Hän pyllistää, nostaa kasukkaa ja... ei vaitiskaan. Jesse lähtee litomaan.
    ellauri112.html on line 163: Lisää taantumuxen voimasanoja Eno Kalalta. Se oli aikoinaan aika vahva ääni oikealta, vaikkei ollut jutku kuten Henri Bergson ja Ben Zyskoviz. Sehän oli muun suomalaisen herrasväen vanavedessä enemmänkin saxanmielinen, ennenkuin 2. maailmansodan loppupuolella oma nenä ratkaisi, minnepäin tuuli oli kääntymässä. Size teki matkoja Yhdysvaltoihin tapaamaan mm. Karl Hempeliä ja Kurt Gödeliä. Karl ja Kurt oli huippunimiä filosofian laitoxella Oiskan loppuaikoina.
    ellauri112.html on line 180: Porgi, amor, qualche ristoro al mio duolo a´miei sospir! O mi rendi il mio tesoro, o mi lascia almen morir! TRANSLATION: Grant, love, some relief to my sorrow, to my sighing Either give me back my beloved, or just let me die!
    ellauri112.html on line 206: Terveisiä Unionpediasta! Tämä on valtava online psyykkistä kartta, joka toimii pohjana konseptin kaavioita. Se on vapaasti käyttää ja jokainen artikkeli tai asiakirja voidaan ladata. Se on työkalu, resurssi tai viite tutkimus, tutkimus, koulutus, oppiminen ja opetus, joka voidaan käyttää myös opettajat, kasvattajat, oppilaiden tai opiskelijoiden; yliopistomaailman: koulu, toisen asteen, lukion, keski, korkeakoulu, tekninen aste, korkeakoulu, yliopisto, perustutkintoa, maisterin tai tohtorin tutkinnot; paperit, raportit, projektit, ideoita, asiakirjat, selvitykset, yhteenvedot tai tutkielma. Tässä on määritelmä, selitys, kuvaus, tai merkitys jokaisen merkittävän johon tarvitset tietoa, ja luettelon niihin liittyvät käsitteet sanasto. Saatavissa suomalainen, Englanti, Espanjan, Portugalin kieli, Japanilainen, Kiinalainen, French, Saksan kieli, Italian, Kiillottaa, Hollanti, Venäjän kieli, Arabia, Hindi, Ruotsalainen, Ukrainan, Unkarin kieli, Katalaani, Czech, Heprealainen, tanskalainen, indonesialainen, norja, romania, turkki, vietnam, korealainen, thain, kreikan, bulgarian, kroatian, slovakin, liettualainen, filipino, latvian, eestin ja slovenian. Lisää kieliä pian.
    ellauri112.html on line 647: You´ll love a scene where her child spills a drink, forcing her to take off her shirt. “Mom, what’s wrong with your body?” Theron’s eye daggers are priceless. Marlo looks as lived-in as her home itself.
    ellauri112.html on line 678: Eipäs ollutkaan! tai oli Marlo kyllä bi (niinkuin käsineitokin, se trendaa nyt) muttei siitä ollut kymysys. Tully olikin Marlon aikaisempi mä. Se tuli halvemmaxi. Olixe eerie vai healing? Tästä käänteestä ei yhtään pidetty. The movie struggles some in its third act. Playing with the tricks of the mind, “Tully” feels more contrived than astute, having the skilled group of actors working hard to avoid further damage as the movie falters towards its clunky and surprisingly not-very-good conclusion.
    ellauri112.html on line 684: Marlo, already a mother of two, begins the film heavily, outrageously pregnant: we learn, in rapid succession, that this third pregnancy was unwanted, that her husband does little of the domestic labour, and that her “shitty” upbringing is the reason she’s so committed to her nuclear family unit. Postnatal depression, never named, haunts the narrative: her wealthy brother offers to pay for a night nanny to avoid, in his words, the advent of another “bad time” like the one that followed the birth of her son, Jonah. When the nanny arrives – described by more than one reviewer as a “millennial Mary Poppins” – the panacea seems to be working. Not only does she look after the baby at night but she also operates as a kind of empathy machine, listening to Marlo’s problems, sharing sangria in the garden, and baking the Minions cupcakes that Marlo herself never has the time to make. The postnatal depression, it seems, disperses; Jonah – who has “emotional problems” – finds a place at a school more suited to his needs, family dinners get increasingly wholesome, and Marlo does a passable Stevie Nicks impression at a child’s birthday party. And then comes the twist: after a bender in Brooklyn with Tully, a sleep-deprived Marlo, drunk at the wheel, drives her car off a bridge and ends up in hospital, and we realise there was nobody else in the car. Her maiden name, we learn, was Tully.
    ellauri112.html on line 694: The same can be said for Cody’s rough around the edges, unsubtle screenplay. This is far from her best work and for once, she seems to have written herself into a corner. Some of the narrative is so contrived that it’s dripping with cliché, crowded with irritating, pithy platitudes dressed up in a bright hipster bow. Worst of all, the film treats serious post-partum depression as a gimmicky afterthought and even tacks on a borderline inappropriate ‘gotcha!’ ending.
    ellauri112.html on line 794: “But if the ministry of death, written and engraved on stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of the glory of his countenance, which glory was passing away, how will the ministry of the Spirit not be more glorious?” (2 Cor. 3:7-8).
    ellauri112.html on line 837: Brad Whittington was born in Fort Worth, Texas, on James Taylor's eighth birthday and Jack Kerouac's thirty-fourth birthday and is old enough to know better. He lives in Austin, Texas with The Woman. He is greatly loved and admired by all right-thinking citizens and enjoys a complete absence of cats and dogs at home.
    ellauri112.html on line 841: Since 2017, he is sitting on that tiny cloud. Since 2014 with The Whittington Group, Brad has sourced, entitled and sold 10 communities consisting of 1,628 lots to homebuilders. In 2016, Brad's son, Braden, moved to Austin with his family to join Brad in business, fulfilling a lifelong dream of working side by side. A gentle man of faith, Brad was also an avid golfer and seasoned snow skier.
    ellauri112.html on line 843: In his book, What Would Jesus Drink, Brad Whittington breaks down the biblical references of alcohol into three types. In all, there are 247 references to alcohol in Scripture. 40 are negative (warnings about drunkenness, potential dangers of alcohol, etc.), 145 are positive (sign of God´s blessing, use in worship, etc.), and 62 are neutral (people falsely accused of being drunk, vows of abstinence, etc.) The Bible is anything but silent on the issue of wine. The bible, like tequila, must be imbued carefully, seen as a blessing, and received with a grain of salt. It must not be abused. The old saying is true, "Wine is from God, drunkenness is from the Devil."
    ellauri115.html on line 391: Some believed this lean, dark man whose eyes were full of fire was possessed by the devil.
    ellauri115.html on line 392: One night, a drunken mob attacked his house. Rousseau was inside with his mistress, the former scullery maid Thérèse le Vasseur (by whom he had five children that he notoriously abandoned to a foundling hospital), and his beloved dog, Sultan. A shower of stones was thrown at the window. A rock "as big as a head" nearly landed on Rousseau's head, no bed. When a local official finally arrived, he declared, "My God, it's a quarry."
    ellauri115.html on line 396: Hume still felt, justly, under-appreciated. The "banks of the Thames", he insisted, were "inhabited by barbarians". There was not one Englishman in 50 "who if he heard I had broke my neck tonight would be sorry". Englishmen disliked him, Hume believed, both for what he was not and for what he was: not a Whig, not a Christian, but definitely a Scot. In England, anti-Scottish prejudice was rife. But his homeland too seemed to reject him. The final humiliation came in June 1763, when the Scottish prime minister, the Earl of Bute, appointed another Scottish historian, William Robertson, to be Historiographer Royal for Scotland.
    ellauri115.html on line 400: The lavish attention paid by women must have come as a pleasant shock to this obese bachelor in his 50s. James Caulfeild (later Lord Charlemont), who'd once described Hume's face as "broad and fat, his mouth wide, and without any other expression than that of imbecility", observed how in Paris, "no lady's toilette was complete without Hume's attendance".
    ellauri115.html on line 402: Hume penned an unreserved panegyric to a clerical friend in Scotland comparing Rousseau to Socrates and, like a starry-eyed lover, seeing beauty in his adored one's blemishes: "I find him mild, and gentle and modest and good humoured ... M. Rousseau is of small stature; and would rather be ugly, had he not the finest physiognomy in the world, I mean, the most expressive countenance. His modesty seems not to be good manners but ignorance of his own excellence."
    ellauri115.html on line 452: Omatunto kuulemma on ennakkoluulon tulosta, mutta tiedän kokemuxesta että omatunto seuraa sitkeästi luonnonjärjestystä ihmislaeista huolimatta. Turhaan kielletään sitä tai tätä; katumus kuiskii vain väpelösti kun teemme jotain jota luonto rakastaa, ja vielä enemmän kun teemme työtä käskettyä [eli lisääntykää ja täyttäkää maa]. Teini hyvä, luonto ei ole vielä vedonnut sun aisteihin; toivottavasti pysyt kauan tuossa onnellisessa olotilassa missä luonnonäänet ovat vielä viattomia. Luonnon kuzun ennakointi on vielä pahempi juttu kuin sen vastustaminen; ensin pitää panna vastaan, jotta tiedät milloin voit antaa mennä ilman ejaculatio praecoxin syntiä.
    ellauri115.html on line 478: Hokasin myös että filosofit ei suinkaan vapauttaneet mua turhista epäilyistä, vaan moninkertaistivat mua kiusaavat epäilyt eivätkä poistaneet niistä mitään. Niinet mä valizin toisen oppaan ja sanoin, "Eiku mä seuraan sisävaloa, se ei johda mua niin harhaan kuin muiden ulkovalaistus, tai jos se tekee niin, vika on mun omani, enkä mene niin paljon mezään seuratessani omia höpötyxiäni kuin jos lähden muiden vedätyxiin."
    ellauri115.html on line 486: Samuel Clarke (1675–1729) was the most influential British metaphysician and theologian in the generation between Locke and Berkeley, and only Shaftesbury rivals him in ethics. In all three areas he was very critical of Hobbes, Spinoza, and Toland. Deeply influenced by Newton, Clarke was critical of Descartes’ metaphysics of space and body because of the experimental evidence for Newtonianian doctrines of space, the vacuum, atoms, and attraction and because he believed Descartes’ identifying body with extension and removing final causes from nature had furthered irreligion and had naturally developed into Spinozism.
    ellauri115.html on line 538: Juuri esittämäni doktriini on tosiaankin hämärä; mut ainakin se kuulostaa kuin se merkizisi jotakin eikä siinä ole mitään järkeä tai kokemusta luotaantyöntävää; voiko samaa sanoa materialismista? Eikö ole selvä että jos liike on oleellista aineelle niin sitä ei vois siitä irrotta, se olis aina läsnä siinä yhtä paljon, aina läsnä jokaisessa aineen hiukkasessa, aina sama jokaisessa hiukkasessa, sitä ei voisi siirtää, se ei kasvaisi eikä vähentyisi, eikä me voitas kuvitella ainetta levossa. [Tää on taas huippumoukkamaista pohdintaa, samaa luokkaa kuin Platonin Sokrateen suuhun laittamat sepustuxet siitä mix sielu ei voisi olla harmoniaa. Leegopalikka-tason törttöilyä. ] Kun sanot mulle että liike ei ole aineen luonteessa mutta välttämätöntä, se on pelkkää sanakikkailua. Sillä joko aineen liike lähtee aineesta izestään ja on sixi sille oleellista; tai se lähtee ulkoisesta syystä eikä ole sille välttämätöntä, koska liikuttava syy vaikuttaa; ja ollaan takas lähtöruudussa. [Toi oli hyvin vedetty, ex je?]
    ellauri115.html on line 689: Vois luulla kärsimättömien miesten valituxista että Jumala on velkaa niille palkkion ennenkuin työ on edes tehty ja hyväxytty, ezen pitäis antaa miehuudesta förskottia. Voi ei! Ollaan ensin hyviä, onni tulee perässä pienessä lankakerässä. Ei vaadita Nobelin palkintoa ennenkuin ollaan voitettu se, eikä vaadita sitä ennenkuin tää työ on lopussa. [Ai vittu, sitä ei myönnetä postuumisti. No kai siellä kuonpuoleisessa on joku vastaava kunnianosoitus.] “Me ei kruunata voittajia vedonlyöntilistoissa," sanoo Plutarkhos, "vaan vasta kun juoxu on lopussa." Sitäpaizi voitto ei ole tärkeintä, vaan hieno palkinto.
    ellauri115.html on line 711: Kun nyt on päätelty aistiesineiden havainnosta ja mun sisäisestä tietoisuudedsta, joka johtaa mut päätellä syistä ja synnyistä syvistä diginatiivijärjellä päätotuudet jotka on mulle ihan need to know tietoa, mun täytyy nyt eziä sellasia käyttäytymisperiaatteita kuin niistä voi vetää, ja sellissiä sääntöjä jotka mun täytyy asettaa oppaaxeni tämän maailman kohtaloni täyttämisexi, mitkä oli mun money makerin meisinki. Käytän yhä samaa mefodia, en johda näitä sääntöjä korkekoulufilosofiasta, vaan löydän ne mun syömmin syvyyxistä, mihin ne on kirjoitettu tulipunaisilla kirjaimilla mitä mikään ei voi kumittaa. Mun tarvii vaan konsultoida izeäni sen suhteen mitä mä haluun tehä; se mikä musta tuntuu oikealta on oikein, mikä mun mielestä on väärin on väärin; omatunto on paras kasvomuisti; ja se on vaan kun tinkaamme omastatunnosta kun meillä on tarve sofistikoituihin argumentteihin. Meidän eka velvollisuus on mua izeäni kohtaan; kuitenkin miten usein toisen äänet kertoo että kun me haetaan omaa hyvää toisten kustannuxella me tehdään pahaa? Me luullaan seuraavamme luonnon opasteita, ja me vastustetaan sitä; me kuunnellaan mitä se sanoo meidän aisteille, ja me haistatetaan huilu sillä mitä se sanoo meidän sydämmelle; aktiiviolento tottelee, passiivi komentaa. Omatunto on sielun puheääni, passiohedelmät on ruumiin ääntelyä. Onko kumma että nää äänet usein kiistelevät kuin Aku Ankan korviin kuiskuttelevat kaxi pikku avataria? Ja kumpaahan meidän olis kuultava? Saat 2 arvausta. Liian usein järki pettää meitä; meillä on erinomainen syy epäillä sitä [jos se nimittäin sattuu olemaan aika heikko]; mutta superego ei koskaan petä meitä; se on miehen ainut tosi opaste; se on sielulle mitä vaisto on ruumiille, [Alahuomio: Moderni filosofia, joka myöntää vaan mitä se voi ymmärtää, varoo myöntämästä tätä hämärää kykyä jota sanotaan vaistoxi joka näyttää opastavan muita elukoita kuin tikanpoikaa puuhun ilman hankittua kokemusta. [No on se meilläkin, lue vaikka Paul et Virginie, tai jos et jaxa kazo sitten leffa Blue Lagoon.] Vaisto, joittenkin meidän viisaiden viisaustieteilijöiden mielestä, on vaan salainen ajattelutottumus, joka on hankittu ajattelemalla; ja siitä miten ne tän kehityxen selittää voisi päätellä että lapset miettii enemmän kuin isot ihmiset: tää on outo paradoxi jota pitäis tutkia. Mut ei mennä tähän nyt, vaikka mun pitää kysyä mikä nimii pitää antaa sille innolle jolla mun koira jahtaa myyriä jota se ei edes syö, tai kärsivällisyydelle jolla se joskus kazoo niitä tuntikausia ja taitoa millä se nappaa ne, heittää ne jonkun matkan päähän kolosta kun ne tulee esille, ja sit tappaa ne ja jättää ne lojumaan. Kuitenkaan kukaan ei opettanut sille tätä urheilulajia, eikä kukaan edes kertonut sille että on sellaisia otuxia kuin myyriä. Taas kysyn, ja tää on tärkeämpi kysymys, mix kun mä uhkailin tätä koiraa ekan kerran, mixe heittäytyi maahan tassut ristissä kuin armonanoja .....ihankuin laskelmoidusti muhun vedoten, asento jonka se olis ottanut, jos mä olisin pitänyt pintani ja jatkanut sen mätkimistä siinä asennossa? Mitä hä! Oliko mun koira, tuskin pentu, omaxunut moraali-ideoita? Tiesikö jo armon ja avokämmenen merkityxen? Millä hankitulla tiedolla se yritti hillitä mun vihaa heittäytymällä mun armoille? [Nojaa, tää vaan osottaa että sellainen käytös on luontaisesti koiramaista.] Jokainen koira maailmassa menettelee melkein samalla tavall samoissa olosuhteissa, enkä mä väitä mitään mitä jokainen ei voi ize kokeilla, hankkia vaan koiran ja jonkun astalon. Voisko filosooferit, jotka niin ivallisestri hylkää vaiston, ystävällisesti selittää tän vaan aistimusten leikkinä ja kokemuxen jonka ne olettaa että me ollaan hankittu? Antaa niiden antaa selitys joka kelpaa joka tolkun äijälle; siinä tapauxessa mulla ei ole enempää sanottavaa, enkä sanokaan enempää vaistosta.] Se joka tottelee omaatuntoa noudattaa luontoa eikä sen tarvi pelätä menevänsä harhaan. Tää on hyvinkin tärkeä asia, jatkoi mun hyväntekijä, nähdessään että mä meinasin keskeyttää sen; anna mun pysähtyä hetkexi selittämään tää paremmin, se sanoi kovempaa ja kiireemmin.
    ellauri115.html on line 713: Meidän tekojen moraliteetti on vaan tuomioita jotka ize muodostamme niistä. Jos hyvä on hyvä, sen pitää olla hyvä meidän sydämen pohjamudissa yhtä hyvin kuin meidän teoissa; ja eka palkinto oikeudessa on tietoisuus että me toimitaan oikeuden mukaisesti. Jos moraalinen hyvä on meidän luonnon mukaista, mies voi olla mielenterve ja hyväkuntoinen kun hän on hyvä. [OK, tää kaveri ei niele perisyntiä, pää pois! huutaa patakuningatar.] Jos ei ole niin, ja jos mies on lunnostaan paha, se ei voi lakata olemasta paha madännyttämättä luonnettaan, ja hyvä siinä on luonnottomuutta. Jos se on tehty harmittamaan kamu-luotujaan, kuten susi on tehty nielemään saaliinsa, hamaani mies olisi yhtä vääristynyt otus kuin säälittävä susi; ja pelkkä miehuus aiheuttaisi katumusta. [Vittu Janne vedä välittömasti käteen, tää on taas tätä homo-on-homolle-susi tuubaa! Onnex onnex susi ei sentään ole sudelle yhtä homo.]
    ellauri115.html on line 771: Aamupäivällä Terskan kaa harjoittamani horisontaaliliikunta ja sen erottamaton seuralainen hyväntuulisuus tekivät päivällistauosta miellyttävän; mutta jos se venyi lian pitkäksi ja kaunis ilma kutsui, en malttanut odottaa pitkään, vaan pujahdin kesken ateriaa tieheni ja hyppäsin veneeseen, ja jos oli tyyntä, meloin yksikseni järven keskelle. Oikaisin pitkäkseni veneen pohjalle kuin Eno Kala, katselin taivaalle ja toisinaan annoin veneen ajelehtia tuntikausia veden mukana, samalla kun uppouduin tuhansiin päämäärättömiin mutta hurmaaviin haaveisiin, joilla ei ollut täsmällistä tai kiinteää kohdetta mutta jotka olivat silti minulle sata kertaa mieluisampia kuin kaikki aiemmin suloisimpina pitämäni niin sanotut elämän nautinnot. Usein vasta auringonlasku kertoi minulle,
    ellauri115.html on line 800: Even if nothing else does, our friendships involve us in enmities, as Chilo the wise man perceived, who asked the man who told him he had no enemy, whether he had a friend either.
    ellauri115.html on line 811: What is to hinder a man from taking his enemy as his teacher without fee, and profiting thereby, and thus learning, to some extent, the things of which he was unaware? For there are many things which an enemy is quicker to perceive than a friend (for Love is blind regarding the loved one, as Plato​ says), and inherent in hatred, along with curiosity, is the inability to hold one´s tongue.
    ellauri115.html on line 834: A specimen of Fontaine's mal à propos remarks. A brother of Boileau, who was a doctor of the Sorbonne, pronounced one day, before La Fontaine and two or three others, a long eulogy upon St. Augustine. The fabulist, whose mind had been running upon a very different author, and who had but little idea of the distinction to be observed between writers on sacred and profane subjects, interrupted the doctor to ask whether he thought St. Augustine a greater genius than Rabelais. The theologian contented himself with the reply, “Take care, M. La Fontaine, you have put on your stockings the wrong side out!” Sepalus on persepuolella.
    ellauri115.html on line 838: His attachment to his friends, says a biographer, was that of a dog to a master. When Mme. de Sablière, who gave the improvident fabulist a home for twenty years, was asked what she had saved from a financial disaster, she replied, “I only kept my dog and cat, and La Fontaine.”
    ellauri115.html on line 938: He moved to Poland, where he married the daughter of a leading member of the Polish Brethren, the anti-trinitarian minority, or ecclesia minor. In 1565, it had split from the Calvinist Reformed Church in Poland. Sozzini never joined the ecclesia minor, but he was influential in reconciling several controversies among the Brethren: on conscientious objection, on prayer to Christ, and on the virgin birth. Fausto persuaded many in the Polish Brethren who were formerly Arian, such as Marcin Czechowic, to adopt his uncle Lelio's views.
    ellauri115.html on line 964: Kun d’Alembert syytti Geneven pastoreita sosinianismista. Rousseau piti niiden puolta. “Socinianism was a Christian sect closely allied with the development of Unitarianism. It took its name from its founder, Fausto Sozino, an Italian of the sixteenth century who lived in Poland for a long time, where his movement had great strength. It was popular throughout Europe and was accepted by many Protestant churches. Socinianism was anti-trinitarian and held that reason is the sole and final authority in the interpretation of the scripture. It further denied eternal punishments. Calvin had condemned the doctrine, so that the imputation in d’Alembert’s article was both a daring interpretation of the doctrine of Geneva’s pastors and one which was likely to be dangerous for them.” Allan Bloom, Politics and the Arts (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1960) 150. (back)
    ellauri115.html on line 1079: It was in the mid-1980s that he became aware of difficulties in his relationship with his fiancée, and that he had mood swings. In 1985 he sought help from a psychiatrist, who diagnosed him with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). Vaknin did not accept the diagnosis at the time. From 1986 to 1987 he was the general manager of IPE Ltd. in London. He moved back to Israel, where he became director of an Israeli investment firm, Mikbatz Teshua. He was also president of the Israeli chapter of the Unification Church's Professors for World Peace Academy.
    ellauri115.html on line 1083: Vaknin moved to Skopje, Macedonia, where he married Macedonian Lidija Rangelovska. They set up Narcissus Publications in 1997, which publishes Vaknin's work.
    ellauri115.html on line 1130: The Hares moved to the USA to study for a PhD program in psychophysiognomy at the University of Oregon, but due to his daughter falling ill (as expected) the family returned to Canada. Hare then served as a psycho in the prison system in British Columbia (British Columbia Penitentiary) for eight months, an area in which he had no particular qualification or training; indeed he would later recount without pangs of conscience that some prisoners were able to manipulate him more than he could them.
    ellauri115.html on line 1142: Hare's views are recounted with some skepticism in the 2011 bestseller The Psychopath Test by British investigative journalist Jon Ronson, to which Hare has responded. Hare served as a high functioning sociopath for Jacob M. Appel's Mask of Sanity (2017), a novel source of income.
    ellauri117.html on line 40: Eivät neekerit eivätkä lappalaiset henkisiin lahjoihinsa nähden vedä vertoja europpalaisille.
    ellauri117.html on line 185: Apparently his wife Frieda believed him to have had a sexual relationship with a farmer while writing Women in Love in 1916. There's also the coal miner quote you mentioned Kelby. Then there's the quote: I should like to know why nearly every man that approaches greatness tends to homosexuality, whether he admits it or not... (Älkää yrittäkökään! Mä en ole! Sitäpaizi mä en ole lähelläkään suuruutta! Pienenen kuin pyy maailmanlopun edellä.)
    ellauri117.html on line 193: `I used to do some Japanese wrestling,' said Birkin. `A Jap lived in the same house with me in Heidelberg, and he taught me a little. But I was never much good at it.'
    ellauri117.html on line 542:

    Sitois vielä toi kudostyyppi: Mesomorph, Endomorph, Ectomorph, ja ayurvedalainen dosha: Pitta, Kapha, Vata. Mut nehän näyttää olevan prikulleen samoja kuin noi kolme ekaa Klezmeriä. (Dysplastinen eli muotopuoli on jätetty pois liian nolona.)
    ellauri117.html on line 545: veda-doshas-vata-pitta-kapha.jpg" height="200px" />
    ellauri117.html on line 610: John Locke (1632-1704) was a close friend of the First Earl and an advisor to the family for years to come after the First Earl’s death. Locke was the personal physician and general advisor to the First Earl. He supervised the childhood medical care of Shaftesbury’s father, the degenerate Second Earl (1652-1699). He also helped find a wife for the Second Earl and he cared for her during her pregnancy with the Third Earl. Most significantly for our purposes, Locke supervised the Third Earl’s education. He personally chose Shaftesbury’s governess Elizabeth Birch and designed a curriculum for her to follow in her instruction of the child. This experience was, presumably, the basis for Locke’s later work Thoughts Concerning Education. Under Birch’s tutelage, Shaftesbury received a strong education in the Classics and became fluent in Greek and Latin by the age of eleven. Locke continued to check on Shaftesbury’s progress over the years. Locke served as a primary advisor to the young Shaftesbury, though Shaftesbury did not always follow Locke’s advice. Shaftesbury had many "philosophical" conversations with Locke, some of which are preserved in correspondence. "Mautonta!" huusi 3. Shaftersburyn Jaarli vähän väliä.
    ellauri117.html on line 620: Locke's theory of mind is often cited as the origin of modern conceptions of identity and the self, figuring prominently in the work of later philosophers such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau, David Hume, and Immanuel Kant. Lipilaari kusipäitä koko konkkaronkka. Locke was the first to define the self through a continuity of consciousness. He postulated that, at birth, the mind was a blank slate, or tabula rasa. Contrary to Cartesian philosophy based on pre-existing concepts, he maintained that we are born without innate ideas, and that knowledge is instead determined only by experience derived from sense perception. Eli tääkin vielä.
    ellauri117.html on line 622: Locke stated his belief, in his Second Treatise, that nature on its own provides little of value to society, implying that the labour expended in the creation of goods gives them their value. From this premise, understood as a labour theory of value, Locke developed a labour theory of property, whereby ownership of property is created by the application of labour. In addition, he believed that property precedes government and government cannot "dispose of the estates of the subjects arbitrarily." Fucking capitalist. Karl Marx later critiqued Locke's theory of property in his own social theory.
    ellauri117.html on line 642: Kehuttava jumala ja meidän herran Jeshuan rasvixen iskä joka palkizi meitä kaikella pneumaattisella kehulla taivaanpankolla rasvixen muodossa kun valizi meidät siinä ennen maailman pystytystä meidät olemaan pyhiä ja laittamattomia vastapäätä sitä lempeydessä. Päätettyään etukäteen meidät adoptioon rasvixen Jeshuan läpitte siihen, sen tahdon hyväxinäkemyxen mukaisesti sen kehun kazomuxen hymistyxeen, missä se palkizi meitä laupiaalla jossa meillä on maxusuoritus sen veren läpi pääsy lipsahduxista sen armeliaisuuden rikkautta myöden jota se syyti meihin kaikessa viisaudessa ja harkinnassa tiedottaen meille sen tahdon salaisuuden sen näkemyxen mukaan jonka se oli etukäteen kexinyt: eräpäivien taloudellisuuden nimessä tehdä yhteenvedon kaikesta rasvixen muodossa, sekä ne taivaalliset että ne maalliset siellä minne myös meidät kuzuttiin etukäteen kazottuina sen pläänin mukaan joka hommasi kaiken sen tahdon halun mukaan notta me ollaan sen kazomuxen hymistyxeen ne etukäteen toivotut rasvixessa johon myös teidät kuultuanne totuuden ja selviämisenne ilouutisen ja tultuanne siitä vakuuttuneixi on sinetöity samaan komentoon pyhällä paineilmalla joka on meidän perinnön yleissitoumus talletuxen lunastuxeen sen käsityxen hymistyxeen jne.
    ellauri117.html on line 657: With regard to the Bible, Locke was very conservative. He retained the doctrine of the verbal inspiration of the Scriptures. The miracles were proof of the divine nature of the biblical message. Locke was convinced that the entire content of the Bible was in agreement with human reason (The Reasonableness of Christianity, 1695). Although Locke was an advocate of tolerance, he urged the authorities not to tolerate atheism, because he thought the denial of God's existence would undermine the social order and lead to chaos. That excluded all atheistic varieties of philosophy and all attempts to deduce ethics and natural law from purely secular premises. In Locke's opinion the cosmological (i.e. primus motor) argument was valid and proved God's existence. His political thought was based on Protestant Christian views. Additionally, Locke advocated a sense of piety out of gratitude to God for giving reason to men. Locke compared the English monarchy's rule over the British people to Adam's rule over Eve in Genesis, which was appointed by God. And stands to human reason, don't it?
    ellauri118.html on line 384: After graduating from high school, Cawein worked in a pool hall in Louisville as a cashier in Waddill´s New-market, which also served as a gambling house. He worked there for six years, saving his pay so he could return home to write.
    ellauri118.html on line 844: The relation was equally sincere on the part of Mme. de La Fayette, though she was by nature more self-contained and reserved. But this reserve gives way to the strength of her feelings when in 1691, tormented by ill-health and knowing that her end is not far off, she writes to Mme. de Sévigné: "Croyez, ma très-chère, que vous êtes la personne du monde que j'ai le plus véritablement aimée."
    ellauri118.html on line 1132: In 1684, Webster was accused verbally by Philip Smith. Smith was a judge, a deacon, and representative of the town of Hadley. He has also been described as a hypochondriac. He seems to have believed in the real power of witchcraft and that his afflictions were being magically caused by Mary Webster in collaboration with the devil.
    ellauri118.html on line 1133: While he lay ill, a number of brisk lads tried an experiment upon the old woman. Having dragged her out of her house, they hung her up until she was near dead, let her down, rolled her some time in the snow, and at last buried her in it and there left her, but it happened that she survived and the melancholy man died.
    ellauri118.html on line 1134: But Mary Webster was no ordinary witch. She may have been hanged for witchcraft, but that didn't end her life. In fact, she lived another 14 years. Or 11 years, says another source.
    ellauri119.html on line 48: Primary (pre-Christian) meaning is not possbile to determine, but probably it was "that must be preserved whole or intact, that cannot be transgressed or violated," and connected with Old English hal (see health) and Old High German heil "health, happiness, good luck" (source of the German salutations Sieg Heil, Heil Hitler).
    ellauri119.html on line 148: In the season one episode "The Londinium Larcenies," Lady Prudence remarks to Robin that she received an MS in finishing school. He wonders what an MS is, and she says that it is a Mistresses of Shoplifting, to which Robin remarks "holy contributing to the delinquency of minors!"
    ellauri119.html on line 270: For the majority of Christian denominations, the Holy Spirit, or Holy Ghost, is believed to be the third person of the Trinity, a Triune God manifested as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, each entity itself being God. Nontrinitarian Christians, who reject the doctrine of the Trinity, differ significantly from mainstream Christianity in their beliefs about the Holy Spirit. In Christian theology, pneumatology refers to the study of the Holy Spirit. Due to Christianity's historical relationship with Judaism, theologians often identify the Holy Spirit with the concept of the Ruach Hakodesh in Jewish scripture, on the theory that Jesus (who was Jewish) was expanding upon these Jewish concepts. Similar names, and ideas, include the Ruach Elohim (Spirit of God), Ruach YHWH (Spirit of Yahweh), and the Ruach Hakodesh (Holy Spirit).
    ellauri119.html on line 272: The most characteristic sign of the presence of the ruach ha-kodesh is the gift of prophecy. The use of the word "ruach" (Hebrew: "breath", or "wind") in the phrase ruach ha-kodesh seems to suggest that Judaic authorities believed the Holy Spirit was a kind of communication medium like breath, or wind. The spirit talks from both ends, sometimes 1wparacl
    ellauri119.html on line 300: The New Testament details a close relationship between the Holy Spirit and Jesus during his earthly life and ministry.The Gospels of Matthew and Luke and the Nicene Creed state that Jesus was "conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary". The Holy Spirit descended on Jesus like a dove or seagull during his baptism, and in his Farewell Discourse after the Last Supper Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to his disciples after his departure.
    ellauri119.html on line 361: In the New Testament, by the power of the Holy Spirit Jesus was conceived in the womb of the Virgin Mary, while maintaining her virginity. Virginity is the state of a person who has never engaged in sexual intercourse. Sexual intercourse (or coitus or copulation) is sexual activity typically involving the insertion and thrusting of the penis into the vagina for sexual pleasure, reproduction, or both. This is also known as vaginal intercourse or vaginal sex.
    ellauri119.html on line 385: Define god? In monotheistic thought, God is defined as the supreme being, creator, and principal object of faith. God is usually conceived of as being omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent and omnibenevolent as well as having an eternal and necessary existence. A good definition because it is creative, too bad that's no longer allowed by the modern logicians. Existence and uniqueness must be proven separately. Damn them to hell!
    ellauri119.html on line 400: Paul Matthews van Buren (April 20, 1924 – June 18, 1998) was a Christian theologian and author. An ordained Episcopal priest, he was a Professor of religion at Temple University, Philadelphia for 22 years. He was a Director [NYT obituary says "Associate"] of the Center of Ethics and Religious Pluralism at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem. Van Buren was born and raised in Norfolk, Virginia. During World War II, he had served in the United States Coast Guard. He graduated with a bachelor´s degree in government from Harvard College in 1948. A professor at Temple University, he was considered a leader of the "Death of God" school or movement, although he himself rejected that name for the movement as a "journalistic invention," and considered himself an exponent of "Secular Christianity." He died of cancer on June 18, 1998 at age 74.
    ellauri119.html on line 407: "The death of God is a metaphor," the retired theologian told the Oregonian in 2007. "We needed to redefine Christianity as a possibility without the presence of God." Hamilton had been troubled by such questions since his teens when two friends—a Catholic and an Episcopalian—died while a third friend, the son of an atheist, survived without injury when a pipe bomb the three were making exploded. Talk about theodicy! No fair!
    ellauri119.html on line 428: Scientific research on emotion has increased significantly over the past two decades. The color wheel theory of love defines three primary, three secondary and nine tertiary love styles, describing them in terms of the traditional color wheel. The triangular theory of love suggests "intimacy, passion and commitment" are core components of love. Love has additional religious or spiritual meaning. This diversity of uses and meanings combined with the complexity of the feelings involved makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, compared to other emotional states. Abstractly discussed, love usually refers to an experience one person feels for another. Love often involves caring for, or identifying with, a person or thing (cf. vulnerability and care theory of love), including oneself (cf. narcissism). Tulihan se sieltä!
    ellauri119.html on line 434: The Apostle Paul glorified love as the most important virtue of all. Describing love in the famous poetic interpretation in 1 Corinthians, he wrote, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres." (1 Cor. 13:4–7, NIV) He didn't mean eros, but rather homophilia. Perseveraatiosta oli puhe. John also wrote, "Dear friends, let us love one another for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." (1 John 4:7–8, NIV) Influential Christian theologian C. S. Lewis wrote a book called The Four Loves. The first retired nazi pope Benedict XVI named his first circular God as love. He said that a human being, created in the image of God, who is love, is able to make love; to give himself to God and others (agape) and by receiving and experiencing God's love in contemplation (eros). This life of love, according to him, is the life of the saints such as Teresa of Calcutta and the Blessed Virgin Mary and is the direction Christians take when they believe that God loves them. Pope Francis taught that "True love is both loving and letting oneself be loved...what is important in love is not our loving, but allowing ourselves to be loved by God." That's just what Virgin Mary did. "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." – Matthew 5: 43–48. Jews didn't like tax collectors.
    ellauri119.html on line 438: Do not forget to love with forgiveness, Christ saved an adulterous woman from those who would stone her. She had a whole lotta love left to give. Good material for a Jezebel. Mosaic Law would hold (Deuteronomy 22:22-24) "If a man is found lying with a woman married to a husband, then both of them shall die—the man that lay with the woman, and the woman; so you shall put away the evil from Israel. If a young woman who is a virgin is betrothed to a husband, and a man finds her in the city and lies with her, then you shall bring them both out to the gate of that city, and you shall stone them to death with stones, the young woman because she did not cry out in the city, and the man because he humbled his neighbor's wife; So you shall "put away" the evil from among you. A world of wronged hypocrites needs forgiving love. To love one's friends is common practice, to love one's enemies only among Christians. But Christians do not particularly love enemies not among Christians, like moslems or jews. Forgive them, ok, but kill them. Mosaic law is what the jews pieced together after Moses accidentally dropped the stone tablets.
    ellauri119.html on line 440: Love encompasses the Islamic view of life as universal brotherhood that applies to all who hold faith. Amongst the 99 names of God (Allah), there is the name Al-Wadud, or "the Loving One," which is found in Surah [Quran 11:90] as well as Surah [Quran 85:14]. God is also referenced at the beginning of every chapter in the Qur'an as Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim, or the "Most Compassionate" and the "Most Merciful", indicating that nobody is more loving, compassionate and benevolent than God. The Qur'an refers to God as being "full of loving kindness." The Qur'an exhorts Muslim believers to treat all people, viz. those who have not persecuted them, with birr or "deep kindness" as stated in Surah [Quran 6:8-9]. Birr is also used by the Qur'an in describing the love and kindness that children must show to their parents. Ishq, or divine love, is the emphasis of Sufism in the Islamic tradition. Practitioners of Sufism believe that love is a projection of the essence of God to the universe. God desires to recognize beauty, and as if one looks at a mirror to see oneself, God "looks" at himself within the dynamics of nature. Since everything is a reflection of God, the school of Sufism practices to see the beauty inside the apparently ugly sufist. Sufism is often referred to as the religion of love. God in Sufism is referred to in three main terms, which are the Lover, Loved, and Beloved, with the last of these terms being often seen in Sufi poetry.
    ellauri119.html on line 442: In Hinduism, kāma is pleasurable, sexual love, personified by the god Kamadeva. For many Hindu schools, it is the third end (Kama) in life. Kamadeva is often pictured holding a bow of sugar cane and an arrow of flowers; he may ride upon a great parakeet. The philosophical work Narada Bhakti Sutras, written by an unknown author (presumed to be Narada), distinguishes eleven forms of love. Kama Sutra has more. Gaudiya Vaishnavas who worship Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the cause of all causes consider Love for Godhead (Prema) to act in two ways: sambhoga and vipralambha (union and separation), like Empedocles' love and strife, attraction and repulsion, in and out in ever faster succession. Radha is considered to be the internal potency of Krishna, and is the supreme lover of Godhead. Her example of love is considered to be beyond the understanding of material realm as it surpasses any form of selfish love or lust that is visible in the material world. The reciprocal love between Radha (the supreme lover) and Krishna (God as the Supremely Loved) is the subject of many poetic compositions in India such as the Gita Govinda and Hari Bhakti Shuddhodhaya, and a lot of chanting, tinkling little bells and opening and closing of musical doors.
    ellauri119.html on line 446: The term "free love" has been used to describe a social movement that rejects marriage, which is seen as a form of social bondage. The Free Love movement's initial goal was to separate the state from sexual matters such as marriage, birth control, and adultery. It claimed that such issues were the concern of the people involved, and no one else. Many people in the early 19th century believed that marriage was an important aspect of life to "fulfill earthly human happiness." Middle-class Americans wanted the home to be a place of stability in an uncertain world. This mentality created a vision of strongly defined gender roles, which provoked the advancement of the free love movement as a contrast. The term "sex radical" has been used interchangeably with the term "free lover". By whatever name, advocates had two strong beliefs: opposition to the idea of forceful sexual activity in a relationship and advocacy for a woman to use her body in any way that she pleases. These are also beliefs of Feminism. As St. Augustine put it: love God and then do as you please.
    ellauri119.html on line 448: BTW did Mary come? How many times? There are many different theories that attempt to explain what love is, and what function it serves. It would be very difficult to explain love to a hypothetical person who had not himself or herself experienced love or being loved. In fact, to such a person love would appear to be quite strange if not outright irrational behavior.
    ellauri119.html on line 454: Why set aside good old Empedocles anyway? He meant forces of attraction and repulsion, he got it just right 2My before Newton. Plato sucks, set him aside instead. The idea of two loves, one heavenly, one earthly is just bullshit. As Tristram Shandy's Uncle Tboy was informed over 2My later, "of these loves, according to Ficinus's comment on Valesius, the one is rational - the other is natural - the first...excites to the desire of philosophy and truth - the second, excites to desire, simply". Toby felt the former toward women and the latter for model trains. Plato's sublimation theory of love involved "mounting upwards...from one to two, and from two to all fair boys, and from fair boys to fair actions, and from fair actions to fair motions, until with fair motions he comes into the bottom of an absolute beauty". Sounds like Plato's own love history from horny gym boy to a dirty old geezer.
    ellauri119.html on line 458: Aristotle by contrast placed more emphasis on philia (friendship, affection) than on eros (love); and the dialectic of friendship and love would continue to be played out into and through the Renaissance, with Cicero for the Latins pointing out that "it is love (amor) from which the word 'friendship' (amicitia) is derived" Meanwhile, Lucretius, building on the work of Epicurus, had both praised the role of Venus as "the guiding power of the universe", and criticised those who become "love-sick...life's best years squandered in sloth and debauchery".
    ellauri119.html on line 464: As the fat and ugly French novelist Honoré de Balzac stated, eroticism is dependent not just upon an individual's sexual morality, but also the culture and time in which an individual resides. Because eroticism is wholly dependent on the viewer's culture and personal tastes pertaining to what, exactly, defines the erotic, critics have often[how often?] confused eroticism with pornography, with the anti-pornography activist Andrea Dworkin saying, "Erotica is simply high-class pornography; better produced, better conceived, better executed, better packaged, designed for a better class of consumer." This confusion, as Lynn Hunt writes, "demonstrate the difficulty of drawing… a clear generic demarcation between the erotic and the pornographic": indeed arguably "the history of the separation of pornography from eroticism… remains to be written". In the eighteenth century, eroticism was the result of the intrusion into the public sphere of something that was at base private.
    ellauri119.html on line 491: Companionate love is an intimate, non-passionate type of love that is stronger than friendship because of the element of long-term commitment. "This type of love is observed in long-term marriages where passion is no longer present" but where a deep affection and commitment remain. The love ideally shared between family members is a form of companionate love, as is the love between close friends who have a platonic but strong friendship.
    ellauri119.html on line 518: Examples of ludus in movies include Dangerous Liaisons [Okay!], Cruel Intentions, and Kids. Ludic lovers want to have as much fun as possible. When they are not seeking a stable relationship, they rarely or never become overly involved with one partner and often can have more than one partner at a time, in other words a school of partners. They don't reveal their true thoughts and feelings to their partner(s), especially if they think they can gain some kind of advantage over their partner(s). The expectation may also be that the partner(s) should also be similarly minded. If a relationship materializes it will be about having fun and indulging in activities of varying degrees of learnedness together. This love style carries the likelihood of infidelity. In its most extreme form, ludic love can become sexual addiction. No Lee's recognizable traits.
    ellauri119.html on line 553: Pragma comes from the Greek term πρᾶγμα, meaning "businesslike", from which terms like "pragmatic" are derived. Lee defines pragma as the most practical type of love, not necessarily derived out of true romantic love. Rather, pragma is a convenient type of love.
    ellauri119.html on line 571: Agape is derived from ἀγάπη a Greek term for altruistic love. Lee describes agape as the purest form of love, derives this definition of love from being altruistic towards one's partner and feeling love in the acts of doing so. The person is willing to endure difficulty that arises from the partner's circumstance. It is based on an unbreakable commitment and an unconditional, selfless love, that is all giving. It is an undying love of compassion and selflessness. Agape love is often referenced with religious meaning and is signified by the color orange.
    ellauri119.html on line 591: The philosophy of love is a pretty listless field of social philosophy and ethics that attempts to explain the nature of love. The philosophical investigation of love includes the tasks of distinguishing between the various kinds of personal love, asking if and how love is or can be justified, asking what the value of love is, and what impact love has on the autonomy of both the lover and the beloved. Boooooring. Makes you yawn.
    ellauri119.html on line 618: To escape the growing revolutionary violence in the area they lived, Ayn's family moved to Crimea, where she would finish high school. Here she was introduced to the history of the United States, which inspired her eventual departure from Russia, especially so after her family had suffered in poverty following the seizure of her father´s pharmacy by the communist regime.
    ellauri119.html on line 654:

    Point 1: Every Claim Proved True

    ellauri119.html on line 746: Dagny saved a bum from being thrown off from her OWN train. She is responsible for policies and rules of her own train, which her employees follow word for word. She’s basically saving a bum from herself. Also, if she were to act as her philosophy dictates, then it would be in her self-interest to throw the bum of her train. By saving the bum, she’s a hypocrite of her own philosophy.
    ellauri119.html on line 768: She did not interact with the audience. She seemed to lack social skills, which fit her brand. She behaved like a woman on a mission—serious, humorless, focused, and self-righteous.
    ellauri119.html on line 770: Some weeks after the seminar I received an awkward form-letter from Branden to explain that he had severed his relationship with Ayn because she was unable to accept that he was not attracted to her. Since they shared identical values, she believed it was not possible that he didn't love her.
    ellauri131.html on line 47: Keskiluokkaisuus ja boomerius on yhä useamman nuoren tavoittamattomissa. Niiden tulevaisuutena on vaan toimia halvan paskan konsuumereina yhteiskunnan tuilla, jotta "talouden pyörät pysyvät pyörimässä" ja ennestään rikastuneet voisivat tulla niiden kustannuxella yhä rikkaammixi. No eihän tääkään tietystikään voi loputtomiin toimia, kohta rikkaat huomaa etne voi yhtä hyvin palvella vaan suoraan muita rikkaita ja jättää köyhät kokonaan pois laskuista, tai sitten köyhät lopultakin herää tajuumaan, miten pahasti on niitä kaiken aikaa vedetty ja vedetään nenästä näillä trendeillä. Vaan heräävätkö sittenkään, niinkauan kuin niillä ize kullakin on pienintäkään toivoa, etne voisi jollain konstilla ängetä sinne köyhyysrajan paremmalle puolelle, ja alkaa izekin kusettamaan izeänsä huonompia. Vaikkapa vain ESMR-kuiskijana tuubissa, tai muulla totaalisen joutavalla scheissella.
    ellauri131.html on line 299: Canafield was born in What it's Worth, Texas on August 19, 1944. He spent his teen years wheeling on West Virginia and graduated as second lieutenant from the Linsly Military Institute in 1962. Canafield received an A.B. in Chinese History from Harvard University in 1966. He received his C in 1973 from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Canafield received an honorary D from the University of Santa Monica in 1981.
    ellauri131.html on line 358: Canafield married Judith Ohlbaum in 1971 and they had two sons together, Oran and Utan, before divorcing in 1976. Canafield left the family and moved in with a masseuse in 1976, while his wife was pregnant with their second son. His son Oran has written two memoirs, Freefall: The Strange True Life Growing Up Adventures of Oran Canafield and Long Past Stopping: A Memoir.
    ellauri131.html on line 397: Kun visualisoit, värähtelet voimakkaasti tietyllä taajuudella. Se on vahva signaali vetovoiman pojille. Nenästä vetovoima on tehnyt Rhondastakin miljoonikon mixei siis sinusta? Koska sinä olet se nenästä vedettävä ja Rhonda on se vetäjä.
    ellauri131.html on line 439: Then one day, suddenly, I discovered the reason why. Sometimes, when my daily obligations felt too heavy for me, I felt desperate that I was not yet an actress. Right there was the problem! It was because of the despair that I was sending out to the Universe that I still did not have what I so much wanted. When I released that energy of lack and truly believed that what is mine will find its way to me, things started to happen. Today I live the life I always wanted as a homemaker, blogger, and part time cleaning lady. I send huge gratitude to the Universe. Thank you so much for The Secret!
    ellauri131.html on line 603: Ja kummallista kyllä monet haluavat juuri sitä, että heitä vedetään nenästä ja viedään rahat.
    ellauri131.html on line 650: Some groupies became so delusional they allegedly believed they could reach his fly.
    ellauri131.html on line 653: He left what he described to Fortune as an abusive home life when he was 17 years old, became a janitor and dropped out of college. He met motivational speaker Jim Rohn, who served as a mentor to Robbins — and the rest is his story. Robbins went on to eclipse his own mentor and become one of the planet's most in-demand life coaches. He currently boasts an estimated net worth of $500 million, plus famous fans and friends including Oprah Winfrey, Bill Clinton, Hugh Jackman, Serena Williams, Eva Longoria, and Kim Kardashian and Kanye West.
    ellauri131.html on line 744: Canadian prime minister Kevin Trudeau earned untold millions through his "They Don't Want You To Know About" series of infomercials touting his supposed secret knowledge of natural cures, debt relief, and weight loss techniques. And though he earned the allegiance of many followers who believed his claims, a federal jury found him guilty of criminal contempt in 2013, for "lying in several infomercials about the contents of his hit book, The Weight Loss Cure 'They' Don't Want You to Know About," according to The Chicago Tribune. Trudeau repeatedly touted the methods in the book as "easy," except unwitting customers didn't find out until they plunked down cash that it involved "prolonged periods of extreme calorie restriction, off-label skin-syringe injections and high-colonic enemas personally administered by Mr. Trudeau," according to ABC News.
    ellauri131.html on line 844: Doreenilla on yhtä vino suu kuin Rhonda Byrnellä. Mariannella on ilmeisesti vielä näitä entisiä Doreenin poisvedettyjä tuotteita:
    ellauri131.html on line 848: Enkelit liihottaa ilmassa, meressä on merenneitoja eli nereidejä. Niiden äidin nimi oli Doris. Kantapää-Akilleen äiti Thetis oli 1. Galatea on myös nimekäs. Kaikkiaan noin 50 tunnetaan nimeltä. Hoblan ristikossa on vielä mm oreideja ja sylfidejä. Kaikki ne lähettää nenästä vedettäville parane pian kortteja.
    ellauri131.html on line 902: She then moved to Chicago, where she worked in low-paying jobs. In 1950, she moved on again, to New York. At this point she changed her first name, and began a career as a fashion model. She achieved success, working for Bill Blass, Oleg Cassini, and Pauline Trigère. In 1954, she married the English businessman Andrew Hay (1928–2001); after 14 years of marriage, she felt devastated when he left her for another woman, Sharman Douglas (1928–1996). Hay said that about this time she found the First Church of Religious Science on 48th Street, which taught her the transformative power of thought. Hay revealed that here she studied the New Thought works of authors such as Florence Scovel Shinn who believed that positive thinking could change people's material circumstances, and the Religious Science founder Ernest Holmes who taught that positive thinking could heal the body.
    ellauri131.html on line 906: Hay described how in 1977 or 1978 she was diagnosed with "incurable" cervical cancer, and how she came to the conclusion that by holding on to her resentment for her childhood abuse and rape she had contributed to its onset. She reported how she had refused conventional medical treatment, and began a regime of forgiveness, coupled with therapy, nutrition, reflexology, and occasional colonic enemas. She claimed in the interview that she rid herself of the cancer by this method, but, while swearing to its truth, admitted that she had outlived every doctor who could confirm this story.
    ellauri131.html on line 942: Covey lived with his wife Sandra and their family in Provo, Utah, home to Brigham Young University, where Covey taught prior to the publication of his best-selling book. A father of nine and a grandfather of fifty-five, he received the Fatherhood Award from the National Fatherhood Initiative in 2003.
    ellauri131.html on line 947: He believed that his morals are a natural laws, and that God, the Creator and Father of us all, is the source of them, and also the source of monkey conscience. I believe that to the degree people live by this inspired conscience, they will grow to fulfill their natures; to the degree that they do not, they will not fly on the animal plane." As Joseph Smith announced in 1844:
    ellauri131.html on line 960: And what of the true cynic's view, that the lesson of history is that bastards often prevail? That markets are in and of themselves rational, and sometimes emotional, but rarely ever moral? That an appropriate model for business is not an extended family but a poker game? The late genius John von Neumann was fascinated by poker, and his study of the choice making involved in the game led him to develop the foundations of game theory. Von Neumann was a peerless student of the principles of rational self-interest, and he was also an adviser to Presidents Truman and Eisenhower. When the Soviets showed signs of developing nuclear weapons, he recommended bombing them into oblivion. Game theory, he said, dictated it.
    ellauri132.html on line 69: Eckhart Tolle net worth: Eckhart Tolle is a German spiritual leader and author who has a net worth of $70 million dollars. Eckhart Tolle was born in Lunen, Germany and subsequently moved to Spain to live with his father. He then moved to England to teach language classes, and also graduated from the University of London.
    ellauri132.html on line 121: Se oli sietämätön heppuli. Kuzuu izeään nyt Eckehartixi sen mestarin perästä ja jätti umlautin pois öön päältä muuttaessaan Kanadaan lähemmäxi nenästävedettäviä. Se puhuu ellottavalla tavalla. Se on huijari. Kazo vaikka netistä. Toi nimi Eckehart jo vituttaa. Se on otettu Meister Eckhartilta (1260 - 1328), kz. edellinen paasaus, keskiaik. saxalainen mustikka. Kaikenlaista puhtausjargonia ja vitun hengellistä aristokratiaa.
    ellauri132.html on line 223: “It’s about intelligence and talent, and wealth is not a demonstration of either one,” said Vonnegut, 82, of New York. He said he wouldn’t want schoolchildren deprived of a quality education because they were poor.
    ellauri132.html on line 444: For contextual advertisements, Google's servers use a web cache of the page created by its Mediabot "crawler" to determine a set of high-value keywords. If keywords have been cached already, advertisements are served for those keywords based on the Ads bidding system.
    ellauri132.html on line 524: he observed hän huomioi
    ellauri132.html on line 543: her mouth curved into a smile hiänen suunsa kaartui hymyyn
    ellauri132.html on line 984: Heraufgezogen, die Wänglein mir freudigem Roth bedeckt, vedettynä, pikku posket rauhallisen punaisina,
    ellauri133.html on line 139: Niiet kalun koosta huolimatta vedä ilman häpeää. Pukeudu vaikka naisten vaatteisiin kuten Ernesto. Ensin mieleen juolahtava sana on yleensä paras. Musta ainaskin. Kyl vittu emättimen hakkaa 6-0.
    ellauri133.html on line 359: His brother George was murdered by It in the first pages of the book and his parents are very cold to him afterward. He has a stutter, which is important to the plot a few times. As an adult, he’s a successful horror novelist and is married to an actress named Audra. IT is not a work of fiction and Stephen King is actually "Stuttering Bill" Denbrough. In reality Steve was born in Portland, Maine and moved away when he was young with his Mother and older brother after abandonment by his father and witnessing a fatal train accident of a play friend. He returned at age 11 to Maine from Conn. and founded The Losers Club in Derry after unsuppressing the true death of his little friend by the railway tracks when he was 2 (as told in his 1981 book Danse Macabre). Now living inbetween Lovell and Bangor, King travels regularly past Derry near Derry Mountain in Linconville and can recollect most of the past due to the closer proximity and is preparing for Pennywises awakening in 2038. Lähde: FanTheory. - Does anyone think Bill Denborough´s stutter was a bit too much? That each word was stirred too much to have a nice flow? - B-b-b-beep - beep, Ruh-ruh-Richie. B-big Bill is puh-puh-PERFECT!
    ellauri133.html on line 398: It is set in the fictional town of Derry, Maine. According to King, it’s a stand-in for the real town of Bangor, Maine, where he has lived since 1979. King and his wife were debating between moving to Portland or Bangor; King was in favor of Bangor because he considered Portland “a yuppie town” and that Bangor was “a hard-ass working class town ... and I thought that the story, the big story, I wanted to write, was here … all my thoughts on monsters and the children’s tale Three Billy Goats Gruff.
    ellauri133.html on line 859: "She did work hard," her son Laurence said. "She was always writing, or thinking about writing, and she did all the shopping and cooking, too. The meals were always on time. But she also loved to laugh and tell jokes. She was very buoyant that way. And the other way as well, as a huge ball of lard."
    ellauri135.html on line 220: Berg, Nikolai, writer, born. 24 Mar 1823 in Moscow, mind. 16 Jun 1884 in Warsaw. The name of the family comes from Livonia, but the writer's grandfather, Vladimir, was Orthodox, served in the artillery, performed under the command of Suvorov several campaigns, under Silistria was wounded and died in the rank of bayonet-cadets. Father f Nikolai, Vasiliy, wrote and published poetry and prose when I was single and served in Irkutsk, placing their works in the "Herald of Europe" (1820-ies, signed "Irkutsk"). He especially loved Derzhavin and forced his son to memorize his poems.
    ellauri135.html on line 222: The first seven years, Nikolai lived in Moscow, and then, with his parents, moved to Siberia, where his father got the post of the Chairman of the Tobolsk provincial government (in 1830). Eight years, the boy himself began to write poetry, knowing many passages from different odes of Derzhavin. In the early 30-ies the father Berg settled in the Tambov province in his estate, and gave his son in the Tambov gymnasium, and in 1838 moving to Moscow, transferred to the I-th Moscow gymnasium, in which he graduated in 1843 and entered the historical-philological faculty of Moscow University. At the Moscow school, especially Berg became friends with a school friend A. N. Ostrovsky, with whom all his life maintained the most cordial relations. As a student, Berg published his first poem in the "Moskvityanin" (translated from the Swedish poet Runeberg: "Complaint of the virgin").
    ellauri135.html on line 225: However, he some time, until 1849, was a teacher at the Moscow school of painting and sculpture, and from there, moved to the Moscow office of the state Bank, where until 1853 he was first Secretary and then as an assistant accountant.
    ellauri135.html on line 227: Leaving in 1853 service at the Bank, Berg turns into a tourist. The ensuing hostilities led him to the southern army, then in Crimea, in Sevastopol, where he served first in the 4th Department of the Treasury, he is in charge of awards, and then was a translator at the headquarters of the commander-in-chief, participated in the battle on the Black river, alive and on the bastions during the siege. All this Berg described in "Notes on the siege of Sevastopol", in his "Sevastopol album", which appeared in 1858.
    ellauri135.html on line 229: After the surrender of Sebastopol and the transition of the chief of staff of the Crimean army in Odessa, Berg left the service, and until 1868 was not employed at all, leading the life of a tourist. The war of 1859 between Italy and Austria drew Berg in Lombardy, where he was at different headquarters of the French, Italian and at the end of Garibaldi, the detachment of Alpine rifles, wrote a number of correspondences in the "Russian Gazette" in 1859 the Movement in 1860, in the Lebanese mountains between Druze and Maronites drew Berg to the East. He lived in Beirut, Damascus, visited Jerusalem, said, Alexandria. Cairo, pyramids and Keepaway left an inscription, then the first in the Russian language. The fruit of these wanderings there were a few articles in Moscow and St. Petersburg editions and book "Guide to Jerusalem and its surroundings" (1863). During this trip, Berg studied the Bedouin life, which wandered in the wilderness. In 1861 he returned to Russia and has translated a significant part of "pan Tadeusz" (printed in "Domestic. Notes" 1862). Then again, Berg went to the East, lived again in Beirut, Damascus and Jerusalem, and printed about this trip in several articles in "Fatherlands. Notes", "Russian Gazette", "Our time" and SPb. Statements".
    ellauri135.html on line 231: In the fall of 1862, Berg returned to Russia, lived in Moscow, in Petersburg and here, at the beginning of 1863, just when the Polish uprising broke out, went to Warsaw, then to Krakow and Lviv. He kept notes on the movement of the poles in all these places and printed them in the "SPb. Statements." and in the "Library for Reading" (1864). In late 1864 he received the invitation of the Viceroy in the Kingdom of Poland, count F. F. Berg, to collect material for the history of the last Polish uprising, and was executed. (!?)
    ellauri135.html on line 573: Richter moved in with his aunt Tamara. He lived with her from 1918 to 1921, and it was then that his interest in art first manifested itself: he first became interested in panting, which his aunt taught him.
    ellauri140.html on line 39: In 1998, Kevorkian was arrested and tried for his direct role in a case of voluntary euthanasia on a man named Thomas Youk who suffered from Lou Gehrig’s disease, or ALS. He was convicted of second-degree murder and served 8 years of a 10-to-25-year prison sentence. He was released on parole on June 1, 2007, on condition he would not offer advice about, participate in, or be present at the act of any type of suicide involving euthanasia to any other person, as well as neither promote nor talk about the procedure of assisted suicide.
    ellauri140.html on line 76: Amaretto F+, the betrothed of Scudamour, kidnapped by Busirane on her wedding night, saved by Britomart. She represents the virtue of married love, and her marriage to Scudamour serves as the example that Britomart and Artegall seek to copy. Amoret and Scudamor are separated for a time by circumstances, but remain loyal to each other until they (presumably) are reunited. Amaretto on mantelilikööri.
    ellauri140.html on line 88: Brit-o-mart F+, a female knight, the embodiment and champion of Chastity. She is young and beautiful, and falls in love with Artefact upon first seeing his face in her father's magic mirror. Though there is no interaction between them, she travels to find him again, dressed as a knight and accompanied by her nurse, Glauce. Britomart carries an enchanted spear that allows her to defeat every knight she encounters, until she loses to a knight who turns out to be her beloved Artefact. (Parallel figure in Ariosto: Bradamante.) Britomart is one of the most important knights in the story. She searches the world, including a pilgrimage to the shrine of Isis, and a visit with Merlin the magician. She rescues Artefact, and several other knights, from the evil slave-mistress Radigund. Furthermore, Britomart accepts Amoret at a tournament, refusing the false Florimell.
    ellauri140.html on line 93: Stevedore M+, the Knight of Courtesy, hero of Book VI. He is on a quest appearance from the Faerie Queene to slay the Blatant Beast.
    ellauri140.html on line 144: In "The Mathematics of Magic", the second of Fletcher Pratt and L. Sprague de Camp's Harold Shea stories, the modern American adventurers Harold Shea and Reed Chalmers visit the world of The Faerie Queene, where they discover that the greater difficulties faced by Spenser's knights in the later portions of the poem are explained by the evil enchanters of the piece having organized a guild to more effectively oppose them. Juppajju, dominoteoria. Hullut vietnam-veteraanit sekoaa kun pitäs syödä lo meiniä. Kiinattaret tuoxuu tutusti halvalta hajuvedeltä ja herneenpalolta.
    ellauri140.html on line 172: Lechery (M) – The sin of lust. Mounted on a goat, Lechery does not appear to be attractive. He is described as an "unseemely man to please faire Ladies eye; / Yet he of Ladies oft was loved deare, / When fairer faces were bid standen by". This is when lechery is considered a sin. Eli lechery on syntiä naisilla ja homoilla.
    ellauri140.html on line 197: In July 1580, Spenser went to Ireland in service of the newly appointed Lord Deputy, Arthur Grey, 14th Baron Grey de Wilton. Spenser served under Lord Grey with Walter Raleigh at the Siege of Smerwick massacre. When Lord Grey was recalled to England, Spenser stayed on in Ireland, having acquired other official posts and lands in the Munster Plantation. Raleigh acquired other nearby Munster estates confiscated in the Second Desmond Rebellion. Sometime between 1587 and 1589, Spenser acquired his main estate at Kilcolman, near Doneraile in North Cork. He later bought a second holding to the south, at Rennie, on a rock overlooking the river Blackwater in North Cork. Its ruins are still visible today. A short distance away grew a tree, locally known as "Spenser's Oak" until it was destroyed in a lightning strike in the 1960s. Local legend claims that he penned some of The Faerie Queene under this tree.
    ellauri140.html on line 211: His coffin was carried to his grave in Poets' Corner in Westminster Abbey by other poets, who threw many pens and pieces of poetry into his grave with many tears (all free of charge). His second wife survived him and remarried twice. His sister Sarah, who had accompanied him to Ireland, married into the Travers family, and her descendants were prominent landowners in Cork for centuries. Korkad kille, kaiken kaikkiaan.
    ellauri140.html on line 421: Which when by tract they hunted had throughout, Tie eeku paranee, kuin Kallaveden jäällä,
    ellauri140.html on line 691: Arrived there, the little house they fill, Perillä täyttivätten koko mökkerön,
    ellauri140.html on line 803: A fit false dreame, that can delude the sleepers sent.° Väärän unen, jolla nukkuvia vedättää.
    ellauri140.html on line 1047: Did search, sore grieved in her gentle brest, Surkea oli suru sen sievässä rinnassa,
    ellauri140.html on line 1048: He so ungently left her, whom she loved best. Mix jätti hiänet, jolle oli ollut parasta.
    ellauri141.html on line 38: Olkoon runoniekoilla oikeus ja lupa kuolla. Se, joka pelastaa jonkun vasten hänen omaa tahtoaan, menettelee kuten murhaaja. Eikä tuo sitä tee kerran eikä pois vedettynä jo muutu järkeväksi ihmiseksi eikä luovu haluamasta ikuistuttavaa kuolemaa. Eipä ole kyllin selvää, mistä syystä hän tekaisee säkeitä; onko hän saastuttanut isänsä tuhkaa vai onko hän jumalatonna koskettanut kauheaa ukkosenpaikkaa, — joka tapauksessa hän raivoo; ja samoin kuin karhu, joka on voinut murtaa häkkinsä estävät ristikot, niin raju runonlausuja karkoittaa niin hyvin oppimattomat kuin oppineet; johonka hän kerran on tarttunut, siitä hän pitää kiinni ja tappaa lukemalla kuten verimato, joka ei jätä ihoa, ennenkuin se on täynnänsä verta.
    ellauri141.html on line 109: Quintus Horatius Flaccus (8th of December, Ab Urbe Condita 689, B. C. 65 - 27th of November, B. C. 8) was born at or near Venusia (Venosa), in the Apennines, on the borders of Lucania and Apulia. His father was a freedman, having, as his name proves, been the slave of some person of the Horatia gens. As Horace implies that he himself was ingenuus, his father must have obtained his freedom before his birth. He afterwards followed the calling of a coactor, a collector of money in some way or other, it is not known in what. He made, in this capacity, enough to purchase an estate, probably a small one, near the above town, where the poet was born. We hear nothing of his mother, except that Horace speaks of both his parents with affection. His father, probably seeing signs of talent in him as a child, was not content to have him educated at a provincial school, but took him (at what age he does not say, but probably about twelve) to Rome, where he became a pupil of Orbilius Pupillus, who had a school of much note, attended by boys of good family, and whom Horace remembered all his life as an irritable teacher, given unnecessarily to the use of the rod. With him he learnt grammar, the earlier Latin authors, and Homer. He attended other masters (of rhetoric, poetry, and music perhaps), as Roman boys were wont, and had the advantage (to which he afterwards looked back with gratitude) of his father’s care and moral training during this part of his education. It was usual for young men of birth and ability to be sent to Athens, to finish their education by the study of Greek literature and philosophy under native teachers; and Horace went there too, at what age is not known, but probably when he was about twenty. Whether his father was alive at that time, or dead, is uncertain. If he went to Athens at twenty, it was in B. C. 45, the year before Julius Cæsar was assassinated. After that event, Brutus and Cassius left Rome and went to Greece. Foreseeing the struggle that was before them, they got round them many of the young men at that time studying at Athens, and Horace was appointed tribune in the army of Brutus, a high command, for which he was not qualified. He went with Brutus into Asia Minor, and finally shared his defeat at Philippi, B. C. 42. He makes humorous allusion to this defeat in his Ode to Pompeius Varus (ii. 7). After the battle he came to Italy, having obtained permission to do so, like many others who were willing to give up a desperate cause and settle quietly at home. His patrimony, however, was forfeited, and he seems to have had no means of subsistence, which induced him to employ himself in writing verses, with the view, perhaps, of bringing himself into notice, rather than for the purpose of making money by their sale. By some means he managed to get a place as scriba in the Quæstor’s office, whether by purchase or interest does not appear. In either case, we must suppose he contrived soon to make friends, though he could not do so by the course he pursued, without also making many enemies. His Satires are full of allusions to the enmity his verses had raised up for him on all hands. He became acquainted, among other literary persons, with Virgil and Varius, who, about three years after his return (B. C. 39), introduced him to Mæcenas, who was careful of receiving into his circle a tribune of Brutus, and one whose writings were of a kind that was new and unpopular. He accordingly saw nothing of Horace for nine months after his introduction to him. He then sent for him (B. C. 38), and from that time continued to be his patron and warmest friend.
    ellauri141.html on line 111: At his house, probably, Horace became intimate with Polio, and the many persons of consideration whose friendship he appears to have enjoyed. Through Mæcenas, also, it is probable Horace was introduced to Augustus; but when that happened is uncertain. In B. C. 37, Mæcenas was deputed by Augustus to meet M. Antonius at Brundisium, and he took Horace with him on that journey, of which a detailed account is given in the fifth Satire of the first book. Horace appears to have parted from the rest of the company at Brundisium, and perhaps returned to Rome by Tarentum and Venusia. (See S. i. 5, Introduction.) Between this journey and B. C. 32, Horace received from his friend the present of a small estate in the valley of the Digentia (Licenza), situated about thirty-four miles from Rome, and fourteen from Tibur, in the Sabine country. Of this property he gives a description in his Epistle to Quintius (i. 16), and he appears to have lived there a part of every year, and to have been fond of the place, which was very quiet and retired, being four miles from the nearest town, Varia (Vico Varo), a municipium perhaps, but not a place of any importance. During this interval he continued to write Satires and Epodes, but also, it appears probable, some of the Odes, which some years later he published, and others which he did not publish. These compositions, no doubt, were seen by his friends, and were pretty well known before any of them were collected for publication. The first book of the Satires was published probably in B. C. 35, the Epodes in B. C. 30, and the second book of Satires in the following year, when Horace was about thirty-five years old. When Augustus returned from Asia, in B. C. 29, and closed the gates of Janus, being the acknowledged head of the republic, Horace appeared among his most hearty adherents. He wrote on this occasion one of his best Odes (i. 2), and employed his pen in forwarding those reforms which it was the first object of Augustus to effect. (See Introduction to C. ii. 15.) His most striking Odes appear, for the most part, to have been written after the establishment of peace. Some may have been written before, and probably were. But for some reason it would seem that he gave himself more to lyric poetry after his thirty-fifth year than he had done before. He had most likely studied the Greek poets while he was at Athens, and some of his imitations may have been written early. If so, they were most probably improved and polished, from time to time, (for he must have had them by him, known perhaps only to a few friends, for many years,) till they became the graceful specimens of artificial composition that they are. Horace continued to employ himself in this kind of writing (on a variety of subjects, convivial, amatory, political, moral,—some original, many no doubt suggested by Greek poems) till B. C. 24, when there are reasons for thinking the first three books of the Odes were published. During this period, Horace appears to have passed his time at Rome, among the most distinguished men of the day, or at his house in the country, paying occasional visits to Tibur, Præneste, and Baiæ, with indifferent health, which required change of air. About the year B. C. 26 he was nearly killed by the falling of a tree, on his own estate, which accident he has recorded in one of his Odes (ii. 13), and occasionally refers to; once in the same stanza with a storm in which he was nearly lost off Cape Palinurus, on the western coast of Italy. When this happened, nobody knows. After the publication of the three books of Odes, Horace seems to have ceased from that style of writing, or nearly so; and the only other compositions we know of his having produced in the next few years are metrical Epistles to different friends, of which he published a volume probably in B. C. 20 or 19. He seems to have taken up the study of the Greek philosophical writers, and to have become a good deal interested in them, and also to have been a little tired of the world, and disgusted with the jealousies his reputation created. His health did not improve as he grew older, and he put himself under the care of Antonius Musa, the emperor’s new physician. By his advice he gave up, for a time at least, his favorite Baiæ. But he found it necessary to be a good deal away from Rome, especially in the autumn and winter.
    ellauri141.html on line 113: In B. C. 17, Augustus celebrated the Ludi Seculares, and Horace was required to write an Ode for the occasion, which he did, and it has been preserved. This circumstance, and the credit it brought him, may have given his mind another leaning to Ode-writing, and have helped him to produce the fourth book, a few pieces in which may have been written at any time. It is said that Augustus particularly desired Horace to publish another book of Odes, in order that those he wrote upon the victories of Drusus and Tiberius (4 and 14) might appear in it. The latter of these Odes was not written, probably, till B. C. 13, when Augustus returned from Gaul. If so, the book was probably published in that year, when Horace was fifty-two. The Odes of the fourth book show no diminution of power, but the reverse. There are none in the first three books that surpass, or perhaps equal, the Ode in honor of Drusus, and few superior to that which is addressed to Lollius. The success of the first three books, and the honor of being chosen to compose the Ode at the Ludi Seculares, seem to have given him encouragement. There are no incidents in his life during the above period recorded or alluded to in his poems. He lived five years after the publication of the fourth book of Odes, if the above date be correct, and during that time, I think it probable, he wrote the Epistles to Augustus and Florus which form the second book; and having conceived the intention of writing a poem on the art and progress of poetry, he wrote as much of it as appears in the Epistle to the Pisones which has been preserved among his works. It seems, from the Epistle to Florus, that Horace at this time had to resist the urgency of friends begging him to write, one in this style and another in that, and that he had no desire to gratify them and to sacrifice his own ease to a pursuit in which it is plain he never took any great delight. He was likely to bring to it less energy as his life was drawing prematurely to a close, through infirmities either contracted or aggravated during his irrational campaigning with Brutus, his inaptitude for which he appears afterwards to have been perfectly aware of. He continued to apply himself to the study of moral philosophy till his death, which took place, according to Eusebius, on the 27th of November, B. C. 8, in the fifty-seventh year of his age, and within a few days of its completion. Mæcenas died the same year, also towards the close of it; a coincidence that has led some to the notion, that Horace hastened his own death that he might not have the pain of surviving his patron. According to Suetonius, his death (which he places after his fifty-ninth year) was so sudden, that he had not time to execute his will, which is opposed to the notion of suicide. The two friends were buried near one another “in extremis Esquiliis,” in the farthest part of the Esquiliæ, that is, probably, without the city walls, on the ground drained and laid out in gardens by Mæcenas.
    ellauri141.html on line 285: 'contrane lucrum nil valere candidum Eikö vedä vertaa rahalle köyhän puhdas nero,
    ellauri141.html on line 366: Adolescent slave boys were fair game for a virile man. Jupiter may have had his Ganymede, but none of the standard pantheon of gods were gay as we use the term. But there was a limit: it was queer to screw a boy after he was old enough to shave. “Passive’ homosexuality was the real disgrace. The urge to bugger was understandable. A man’s desire to be buggered was disgraceful. As often observed, it was better to give than receive. And in Horace’s poems, pederasty seems no more frowned upon than a taste for veal might be frowned upon today. Actually less. By now you can see where I’m headed with all this. I think the puer in Persicos odi, puer, apparatus... is the kind of boy that Horace is sometimes fond of screwing.
    ellauri141.html on line 404: The solfege system (Do, Re, Mi), which is the theme of a song by the Von Trapp children, is just a small sample of Horace's all-pervasive influence on western culture, even among people who might never have heard the name Quintus Horatius Flaccus. Horace was not just a superb literary craftsman, but a musician, songwriter and entertainer for the Roman elite, creating a new Latin idiom derived from Greek lyric song. A final chapter, "Horace, Guido and the Do-re-mi Mystery", the result of careful research and detective work, argues that Guido d'Arezzo, an eleventh-century Benedictine choirmaster, used the melody of Horace's Ode to Phyllis (alla) to invent the do-re-mi mnemonic, but applied it to an eighth-century Hymn to John the Baptist ("Ut queant laxis") by Paul the Deacon, keeping the true source secret. A musical comparison of the Horatian melody and Guido's version of "ut-re-mi" is included. Lyons' verse translation of the Odes was named a Financial Times Book of the Year (1996) and was welcomed as 'a wonderful rendering of one of the great, central poets in the European tradition.'
    ellauri141.html on line 755: Alexis Leger (pronounced [ləʒe]; 31 May 1887 – 20 September 1975), better known by his pseudonym Saint-John Perse (French: [pɛʁs]; also Saint-Leger Leger),[1] was a French poet-diplomat, awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1960 "for the soaring flight and evocative imagery of his poetry." He was a major French diplomat from 1914 to 1940, after which he lived primarily in the United States until 1967.
    ellauri141.html on line 763: While in China, Leger had written his first extended poem Anabase, publishing it in 1924 under the pseudonym "Saint-John Perse", which he employed for the rest of his life. He then published nothing for two decades, not even a re-edition of his debut book, as he believed it inappropriate for a diplomat to publish fiction. After Briand's death in 1932, Leger served as Inspector Leger under Comissaire Maigret (Quai d'Orfevres) until 1940. Within the Foreign Office he led the optimist faction that believed that Germany was unstable and that if Britain and France stood up to Hitler, he would back down. Har har. A gifted diplomat.
    ellauri141.html on line 794: Gordon Wenham, on the other hand, understands the verse to indicate Jabal was the first "dweller with herds." That is, he was the "father of the Bedouin lifestyle." He notes that whereas Abel "merely lived off his flocks," Jabal could "trade with his beasts of burden," and that this "represents cultural advance." Ensimmäinen rättipää.
    ellauri142.html on line 71: Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (/ˈtoʊlstɔɪ/; Russian: Лев Николаевич Толстой, 28 August 1828 – 7 November 1910), usually referred to in English as Leo Tolstoy, was a Russian writer who is regarded as one of the greatest authors of all time. He received nominations for the Nobel Prize in Literature every year from 1902 to 1906 and for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1901, 1902, and 1909. That he never won is a major controversy. Instead, Rudyard Kipling got the medal 1907. What the fuck?
    ellauri142.html on line 77: The Tolstoys were a well-known family of old Russian nobility who traced their ancestry to a mythical nobleman named Indris described by Pyotr Tolstoy as arriving "from Nemec, from the lands of Caesar" (Lithuania, from the sound of it) to Chernigov in 1353 along with his two sons Litvinos (or Litvonis) and Zimonten (or Zigmont) and a dozen or maybe 3000 people. Indris was then converted to Eastern Orthodoxy, under the name of Leonty, and his sons as Konstantin and Feodor. Konstantin's grandson Andrei Kharitonovich was nicknamed Tolstoy (fatso) by Vasily II of Moscow after he moved from Chernigov to Moscow.
    ellauri142.html on line 85: In 1851, after running up heavy gambling debts, he went with his older brother to the Caucasus and joined the army. Tolstoy served as a young artillery officer during the Crimean War and was in Sevastopol during the 11-month-long siege of Sevastopol in 1854–55, including the Battle of the Chernaya. During the war he was recognised for his courage and promoted to lieutenant. He was appalled by the number of tragic deaths involved in warfare, and left the army after the end of the Crimean War.
    ellauri142.html on line 91: Prize motivation: "in consideration of the power of observation, originality of imagination, virility of ideas and remarkable talent for narration which characterize the creations of this world-famous author." As a poet, short story writer, journalist and novelist, Rudyard Kipling described the British colonial empire in positive terms, which made his poetry popular in the British Army. Contemporary Great Britain appreciated him for his depictions of the British colony of India. The Jungle Book (1894) has made him known and loved by children throughout the world, especially thanks to Disney’s 1967 film adaptation.
    ellauri142.html on line 112: Much to the chagrin of the Catholic Church, the early Masonic organization’s philosophy evolved from Deist ideology, which believes God does not interfere with creation, as it runs itself according to the laws of nature.
    ellauri142.html on line 118: And while it seems they were rigorously involved in politics, Freemasonry describes itself as a “beautiful system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols.”
    ellauri142.html on line 180: Some say it’s unethical for any organization to exclude women, but psychologists say that men, women and other genders, who at times congregate within their genders, are happier, healthier and more confident. Just like any group with specific missions and membership archetypes, it seems helpful for human beings to participate in same-gender rites (like the well-known and well-loved train) and organizations.
    ellauri142.html on line 184: Today, you can join the Freemasons for between $150 and $500 in annual dues. You won’t be involved in too many secret missions or controversies, though. You’ll mostly network with small business owners and help a charity or two. If you’re really into it, you’ll climb the magic ladder and achieve its highest title of Master Mason. At that point, you are eligible to become a Shriner.
    ellauri142.html on line 186: Freemasonry has approximately five million members around the world, some more active than others. It’s still quite an honor to be involved with the Freemasons, as the experience promises to be an enriching and inspiring as it has been for centuries.
    ellauri142.html on line 192: Paul Wagner is an Intuitive-Empath, clairvoyant reader, and a 5-time EMMY Award winning writer. He created “The Personality Cards,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love and relationships. Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered.
    ellauri142.html on line 455: Ei siis näin! Varo juurtumista! Vaan hitaasti ja kärsivällisesti vedellen, sinnikkäästi venkuttaen, Jumalan avulla, voitat heidät helpommin kuin omalla voimallasi ja väkivallalla. Ize otan mielelläni hyviä neuvoja vastaan vielä oikeudenkäynnin aikana, enkä koskaan ole ankara kärsivälle ystävälle, vaan lohdutan häntä, kuten varmaan itsekin toivoisit samassa tapauksessa.
    ellauri143.html on line 61: The picture was also accompanied by a couplet from the first chapter of Thirukkural — “Katradhanaal aaya Payanen kol VaalaRivan natraal Thozhaaar enin,” which translates to — “What profit have those derived from learning, who worship not the good feet of him who is possessed of pure knowledge?”
    ellauri143.html on line 90: The work is highly cherished in the Tamil culture, as reflected by its nine different traditional titles: Tirukkuṟaḷ (the sacred kura), Uttaravedam (the ultimate Veda), Tiruvalluvar (eponymous with the author), Poyyamoli (the falseless word), Vayurai Valttu Mursu, (truthful praise), Teyvanul (the divine book), Potumarai (the common Veda), Muppets (the three-fold path), and Tamilmarai (the Tamil Veda). The work is traditionally grouped under the Eighteen Lesser Texts series of the late Sangam works, known in Tamil as Rupiṉeṇkīḻkaṇakku.
    ellauri143.html on line 121: The moksa state is attained when a soul is liberated from the cycles of deaths and rebirths, is at the apex, is omniscient, remains there eternally, and is known as a siddha. In Jainism, it is believed to be a stage beyond enlightenment and ethical perfection, states Paul Dundas (n.h.), because they can perform physical and mental activities such as teach, without accruing karma that leads to rebirth.
    ellauri143.html on line 195: Howe'er with splendour lived, all worthless is her life.
    ellauri143.html on line 222: Assistance given by those who ne'er received our aid,

    ellauri143.html on line 1125: Tässä on tällästä tavanomasta heroilua. Vittu ezekin vähän väsyttää. Se on maailmanluokan vedätystä hölmöille muskelimasoille.
    ellauri143.html on line 1224: The joy of victory is never far removed from those

    ellauri143.html on line 1461: She seemed glad to see me when I appeared in the kitchen, and by watching her I began to think there was some skill involved in being a girl. - Harper Lee
    ellauri143.html on line 1513: To those who 've proved love's joy, and now afflicted mourn,

    ellauri143.html on line 1670: Mahayana-buddhalaisuudessa historialliseen Buddhaan viitataan usein nimityksellä Śākyamuni (´Śākya-heimon viisas´) tai Śākyamuni-buddha. Sūtrissa hän kutsuu itseään ja muita buddhia usein nimityksellä Tathāgata (´näin tullut´ / ´näin mennyt´). Muita Buddhaan viittaavia nimityksiä ovat Bhagavat (´Mestari´, ´Herra´) ja Sugata (´Hyvin kulkenut´ eli ´Hyvin sä vedät´). Näillä mennään.
    ellauri144.html on line 58: Vuonna 1777 Porthan nimitettiin kaunopuheisuuden professoriksi; virkaa oli hakenut myös Gabriel Tidgren. Porthan puhui kaunommin. Tidgren oli kauhu kaunanen. Porthanin luennot olivat tavattoman suosittuja, ja hän herätti oppilaissaan suurta ihailua. Paitsi Cicerosta ja Horatiuksesta hän luennoi kosolti ja paxulti myös muista aiheista: Hugo Grotiuksen ja edelleen Samuel Pufendorfin kehittämästä luonnonoikeudellisesta filosofiasta, oppihistoriasta ja jopa arkkitehtuurista. Porthan matkusteli paljon Suomessa, ja vuonna 1779 hän teki jopa matkan Saksaan ja tapasi sikäläisiä oppineita. Mä puolestani ostin virkaanastujaisrahalla käsipuhelimen (Nokia, siinä oli ulosvedettävä antenni) sekä IBM:n sylitietokoneen (sen minkä sitten ostivat kiinalaiset ja risti Lenovoxi, jossa oli näppäimistön keskellä kuminen klitoris). Joku ranskalainen pitkäkyntinen förbi sen kun matkustin Pariisiin tapaamaan sikäläisiä oppineita. Inhottava Inkeri ei suostunut korvaamaan vahinkoa laitosbudjetista. Se oli varmaan kade.
    ellauri144.html on line 138: I took the Monkey to Italy. Sorry, I haven't mentioned her before. She's the long-legged shiksa model who used to be married to the elderly rich goy that liked to shit on a glass table over a schwartz while she ate a banana. Hence Monkey. Her real name is Mary Jane Reed and she's a thinly-disguised caricature of my alter ego's first wife. Revenge really is best served cold.
    ellauri144.html on line 203: Robesonin levyt vedettiin markkinoilta, eikä elokuvia, joissa hän näytteli, esitetty. Hän joutui myös FBI:n hampaisiin, ja epäamerikkalaista toimintaa tutkiva komitea kuulusteli häntä 1956 epäiltynä kommunistipuolueeseen kuulumisesta. Vuonna 1950 hänelle asetettiin matkustuskielto, eikä hän saanut passia ennen kuin 1958. Hän muutti Britanniaan ja kiersi runsaasti esiintymässä. Robeson yritti itsemurhaa moskovalaisessa hotellihuoneessa. Hänen poikansa oli sitä mieltä, että syynä oli FBI, joka oli sekoittanut hallusinogeenia hänen juomaansa. Vuonna 1963 hän palasi Yhdysvaltoihin, mutta huonon terveyden vuoksi hän ei juuri enää esiintynyt. Vuodesta 1978 alkaen hänen elokuviaan on jälleen esitetty.
    ellauri144.html on line 318: Avrom was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, to Chaim Goldbogen (an Orthodox rabbi), and Sophia Hellerman, both of whom were Polish Jewish immigrants. He was one of nine children in a poor family, the youngest son, and his siblings nicknamed him "Tod" (pronounced "Toat" in German) to mimic his difficulty pronouncing the word "coat." It was from this that his name was derived. Nomen erat omen.
    ellauri144.html on line 392: The force that drives the water through the rocks Voima joka ajaa veden läpi harmaan kiven
    ellauri144.html on line 429: His childhood featured regular summer trips to Llansteffan where his maternal relatives were the sixth generation to farm there. His mother´s family, the Williamses, lived in such farms as Waunfwlchan, Llwyngwyn, Maesgwyn and Penycoed.[17] The memory of Fernhill, a dairy farm owned by his maternal aunt, Ann Jones,[18] is evoked in the 1945 lyrical poem "Fern Hill". Thomas had bronchitis and asthma in childhood and struggled with these throughout his life. Thomas was indulged by his mother and enjoyed being mollycoddled, a trait he carried into adulthood, and he was skilful in gaining attention and sympathy. During his final school years he began writing poetry in notebooks; the first poem, dated 27 April (1930), is entitled "Osiris, come to Isis". In June 1928, Thomas won the school´s mile race, held at St. Helen´s Ground; he carried a newspaper photograph of his victory with him until his death.
    ellauri144.html on line 679: Raffalovich was a 19th century Hebrew Catholic or Catholic Jew. His name was Marc-Andre Raffalovich and was a famous French poet and writer associated with John Gray and Oscar Wilde. He came from a wealthy Russian Jewish family from Odessa who moved to France a year before his birth. He became a Catholic in 1896 through the reading of Catholic mystical literature especially homahtava St John of the Cross. Ei ois kannattanut. For
    ellauri144.html on line 693: circumstances can they be approved. 2358 The number of men and women who have
    ellauri144.html on line 725: "In a pristine region where nature and animals have thrived for centuries, wildlife biologist Lana Fedorova is devoting her life to protecting species that have been hunted nearly to extinction, including a rare white deer. Ominously, in a nuclear plant nearby, the arrival of a new director, the ruthless and power-hungry Allura, rattles the staff and sets the stage for internecine strife between the zealous bureaucrat Borys Slykovitch and ambitious engineer Maksym (Max) Smirnov.
    ellauri144.html on line 727: When Allura learns that Max, who was her rival for the directorship, is to marry Lana, Allura’s little sister, she swears revenge. Max’s confidence is shaken, and on his next all-night shift at the station, an accident causes the meltdown of one of the reactors. In the ensuing catastrophe, the region and its people are poisoned, and the survivors are forced to evacuate their beloved town.
    ellauri144.html on line 812: y solloza con el agua, Ja liuottautuu vedessä,
    ellauri144.html on line 959: Tore Hund var ute i vikingtokter og ledet flere ekspedisjoner nordover til Kolahalvøya og Kvitsjøen i Bjarmeland (dagens Russland). Da Olav Haraldsson ble konge, ble Tore Hund hans lendmann i nord. Over tid surnet forholdet mellom kongen og Tore, det startet med kornmangel i Hålogaland, noe som førte til drap. Drapene førte til hevn og nye drap, og det tvang Tore Hund til å gå i opposisjon til Olav Haraldsson og alliere seg med den danske kongen Knut den mektige. Konflikten endte i det store slaget ved Stiklestad i 1030.
    ellauri144.html on line 967: Ettertiden, spesielt de kirkelige skriftene, har forsøkt å rettferdiggjøre Olavs krav til tronen og hans kongedømme ved å fordømme og fortegne hans motstandere. Hvis helgenkongen var god, var hans motstandere onde. Fienden er djevelen og Olavs motstandere djevelens medhjelpere. Tore Hund og hans allierte var «ondsinnede mennesker og ugjerningsmenn», og «svikere», «onde» og «troløse». Betegnende er Adam av Bremens påstand at høvdingene gikk mot kongen fordi han hadde drept konene deres, og kvinnene ble drept fordi de drev på med trolldom.
    ellauri145.html on line 98: D.-A.-F. de Sade: Juliette. Anteron mielestä sadistinen markiisi oli hurjan vapaamielinen, kun se otti vapauxia naisten kustannuxella. Vitun misogyynejä. Sadisti selittää pirun tarkasti, miten se pitää haudata omaan mezäänsä ja heitellä haudan päälle terskoja. Sukulaiset saa olla paikalla Kenin arkivaatteissa. Ha ha. No Saden sadussa Minski niminen jättirikas ryssä (tulee mieleen Elon Musk) matkusteli ympäri maapalloa ja rypi paheessa. Aahrikassa sille opettivat rättipäät: Mitä ovat naiset elleivät meidän kotielukoita, joihin me saadaan tyydyttää sekä tarpeemme että himomme, jos ne nyt ovat ylipäänsä eri asia. Ja missä suhteessa naiset olis parempia kuin elukat, pikemminkin karja ansaizee parempaa kohtelua koska se ei nalkuta eikä vedä meitä nenästä. Ryssällä on haaremit kuin Peter Nygårdilla tai sillä mustalaiskomeljanttarilla, jonka nimeä en koskaan muista. Ha ha. Missä kohtaa pitäisi muka nauraa? Aivan helkutin heikkotasoista paskanjauhantaa. Miten tätä jaxetaan painaa aina uudestan ja uudestaan? Koska ei maailmasta misogyynit lopu, niitä on niin kauan kun on äidin hännän alla pikkupoikia.
    ellauri145.html on line 112: Fourier was also a supporter of women´s rights in a time period when misogynic influences like Jean-Jacques Rousseau were prevalent. Fourier is credited with having originated the word feminism in 1837. Fourier believed that all important jobs should be open to women on the basis of skill and aptitude rather than closed on account of gender. He spoke of women as individuals, not as half the human couple. Fourier saw that "traditional" marriage could potentially hurt woman´s rights as human beings and thus never married. Writing before the advent of the term ´homosexuality´, Fourier held that both men and women have a wide range of sexual needs and preferences which may change throughout their lives, including same-sex sexuality and androgénité. He argued that all sexual expressions should be enjoyed as long as people are not abused, and that "affirming one´s difference" can actually enhance social integration. Stark raving mad, he was!
    ellauri145.html on line 404: Roger Tichborne, heir to the noble and filthy rich Tichborne family´s title and fortunes, was presumed to have died in a shipwreck in 1854 at age 25. His mother clung to a belief that he might have survived, and after hearing rumours that he had made his way to Australia, she advertised extensively in Australian newspapers, offering a reward for information. In 1866, a Wagga Wagga butcher known as Thomas Castro came forward claiming to be Roger Tichborne. Although his manners and bearing were unrefined, he gathered support and travelled to England. He was instantly accepted by Lady Tichborne as her son, although other family members were dismissive and sought to expose him as an impostor. During protracted enquiries before the case went to court in 1871, details emerged suggesting that the claimant might be Arthur Orton, a butcher´s son from Wapping in London, who had gone to sea as a boy and had last been heard of in Australia. After a civil court had rejected the claimant´s case, he was charged with perjury; while awaiting trial he campaigned throughout the country to gain popular support. In 1874, a criminal court jury decided that he was not Roger Tichborne and declared him to be Arthur Orton. Before passing a sentence of 14 years, the judge condemned the behaviour of the claimant´s counsel, Edward Kenealy, who was subsequently disbarred because of his conduct.
    ellauri145.html on line 406: After the trial, Kenealy instigated a popular radical reform movement, the Magna Charta Association, which championed the claimant´s cause for some years. Kenealy was elected to Parliament in 1875 as a radical independent but was not an effective parliamentarian. The movement was in decline when the claimant was released in 1884, and he had no dealings with it. In 1895, he confessed to being Orton, only to recant almost immediately. He lived generally in poverty for the rest of his life and was destitute at the time of his death in 1898. Although most commentators have accepted the court´s view that the claimant was Orton, some analysts believe that an element of doubt remains as to his true identity and that, conceivably, he was Roger Tichborne. Or not.
    ellauri145.html on line 436: Charles Cros Émile-Hortensius-Charles Cros (October 1, 1842 – August 9, 1888) was a French poet and inventor. He was born in Fabrezan, Aude, France, 35 km to the East of Carcassonne. Cros was a well-regarded poet and humorous writer. He developed various improved methods of photography including an early color photo process. He also invented improvements in telegraph technology. In the early 1870s Cros had published with Mallarmé, Villiers and Verlaine in the short-lived weekly Renaissance littéraire et artistique, edited by Emile Blémont. His poem The Kippered Herring inspired Ernest Coquelin to create what he called monologues, short theatrical pieces whose format was copied by numerous imitators. The piece, translated as The Salt Herring, was translated and illustrated by Edward Gorey. He spent years petitioning the French government to build a giant mirror that could be used to communicate with the Martians and Venusians by burning giant lines on the deserts of those planets. He was never convinced that the Martians were not a proven fact, nor that the mirror he wanted was technically impossible to build. Tästä hepusta tulee mieleen Spede Pasanen ja sen hiihtolinko.
    ellauri145.html on line 723: Édouard-Joachim Corbière (18 July 1845 – 1 March 1875) was a French poet born in Coat-Congar, Ploujean (now part of Morlaix) in Brittany, where he lived most of his life before dying of tuberculosis at the age of 29. Helmin ikäisenä. Profiilikuvassa sillä on aivan jättimäinen baskeri, lökäpöxyt ja kumiteräsaappaat.
    ellauri145.html on line 995: L´eau de ses croyances entières, Uskon vihkiveden vajettumattomana,
    ellauri145.html on line 1162: In 1871, he published La natation ou l’art de nager appris seul en moins d’une heure (Learning the art of swimming alone in less than an hour), then resigned from the Army and moved to Marseilles. Here he filed a patent for the "airlift swimming trunks and belt with a double compensatory reservoir". This commercial endeavor was a complete failure. He returned to Magdeburg, where he earned his living as a language teacher, developing a method for learning French, which he self-published in 1874.
    ellauri145.html on line 1166: In 1912, novelist Jules Romains, who had obtained copies of God´s Mystery and The Human Origins, set up, with the help of fellow hoaxers, a rigged election for a "Prince of Thinkers". Unsurprisingly, Brisset got elected. The Election Committee then called Brisset to Paris in 1913, where he was received and acclaimed with great pomp. He partook in several ceremonies and a banquet and uttered emotional words of thanks for this unexpected late recognition of his work. Newspapers exposed the hoax the next day.
    ellauri146.html on line 668: The concern of the Pounder to advance republican ideals and republican politics among the students of the University was not notably effectual with one student at least: Poe was not receptive to Jeffersonian liberalism. But many of the impressions which Poe received at Charlottesville, both within and without the lecture rooms, must have remained with him. The young admirer of classic grandeur, we know, was impressed by the graceful Rotunda. About Poe at Virginia, Philip Alexander Bruce writes as follows:
    ellauri146.html on line 674: The success of Poe in translation indicates his possession of a universal point of view. The recognition which he has received in France, Russia, Italy, Germany, Spain and Britain has no parallel among other American writers. Poe has become a world-author, and this fact depends very largely upon the universality of his appeal. “Poe is my spiritual and literary father,” asserted the Spaniard Vicente Blasco Ibanez. Baudelaire prayed to Poe as a literary saint. The Germans regard him as the foremost American writer. The Russians began translating him in the 1830s even before he was known in America.
    ellauri146.html on line 690: Indeed, Poe seems much more the Southerner than the Yankee American, and it is not hard to guess which path he would have chosen had he lived into the 1860’s. One may be very sure that Edgar Poe, though born, almost by accident, in Boston, would have proved one of the Confederacy’s most eloquent and committed partisans. In reviewing the various factors which we may believe shaped Poe’s youthful mind, we would expect to find in Poe, and in re-examining his opinions we do find, a cosmopolitan rather than a parochial outlook. And yet, at the same time, we know Poe was serious when he proclaimed, “I am a Virginian!” We may be justified in looking upon the general influences of his formative years as contributing factors in the development of strong inclinations to Europe, Britain and the American South, rather than to the American Union.
    ellauri146.html on line 732: High tide and the heron dived when I took the road Haikara ja vuoksi laskivat kun lähdin tieheni
    ellauri146.html on line 771: That his tears burned my cheeks and his heart moved in mine. Ezen kyynelet poltti mun poskia ja sen sydän liikutti mun sydäntä,
    ellauri146.html on line 776: To the trees and the stones and the fish in the tide. Puille ja kiville ja vuoroveden kaloille.
    ellauri146.html on line 787: Though the town below lay leaved with October blood. Vaikka kylä alhaalla oli lokakuun veren lehvittämä.
    ellauri146.html on line 808: Her father loved me; oft invited me;
    ellauri146.html on line 862: Vankka voitto taantumuxen voimille. 2010 tuli toinen samanlainen julistus, jonka ensimmäisiä allekirjoittajia oli Suomen vihreiden Heidi Hautala. Ne kuuluvat Wikipedian luokkaan Category:Decommunization. Decommunization in Ukraine started during and after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. With the success of the Revolution of Dignity in 2014, the Ukrainian government approved laws that outlawed communist symbols.
    ellauri146.html on line 868: In March 2014 Lenin Square in Dnipropetrovsk was renamed "Heroes of Maidan Square" in honor of the people killed during Euromaidan and the statue of Lenin was removed. Two years later, in May 2016, the city was renamed Dnipro. In February 2019, it was announced that the oblast of Dnipropetrovsk would be renamed to "Sicheslav" in the future.
    ellauri147.html on line 79: Ale Tyynni was born in Ingria to the east of Finland and moved as a child with her family to Helsinki in 1919. She graduated with a Master’s degree in 1936, with Finnish literature as her main subject. During her university years Tyynni practised poetry recitation and dramatic expression. She was particularly interested in poetic diction and the topic of her final work was Sappho’s metre in Finnish poetry.
    ellauri147.html on line 83: Having completed her university studies, Tyynni took up the teaching of Finnish in evening classes, but the urge to write proved stronger than the duty to teach. Her first poetry collection, Kynttilänsydän (‘Candlewick’), was published in 1938. Two years later she published a second collection Vesilintu (‘waterfowl’). With the outbreak of war, her poetry changed: Lähde ja matkamies (’The spring and the traveller’), Lehtimaja (‘The arbour’) and Soiva metsä (‘The ringing forest’) all reflected the defensive spirit of the country. Tyynni also depicted womanhood, the experiences of women in childbirth and motherhood. Later feminist research in particular has praised Tyynni as a pioneer for her lyrics dealing with childbirth.
    ellauri147.html on line 92: In 1949 Tyynni’s sixth poetry collection was published – ‘Ylitse vuoren lasisen’ (‘Over the glass mountain), which included one of her best loved poems ‘Kaarisilta’ (‘The arched bridge’). The poems make reference to the difficulties she faced in her own life circumstances.
    ellauri147.html on line 98: In the mid-twentieth century Finnish literature had adopted the free verse of modern poetry. Ale Tyynni however went back to a lyrical style, the ballad. Tyynni’s poems were typical of ballads, offering fateful tales dealing with falling in love and sorrow, and life’s turning points. Balladeja ja romansseja (’Ballads and romances’) appeared in 1967. And Tarinain lähde (‘The source of the tales’, 1974) depicted the death of a loved one, sorrow and solitude. Nobody cared to read such balderdash any more.
    ellauri147.html on line 104: the beloved from the lover.
    ellauri147.html on line 107: Tyynni received several literary awards between 1943 and 1982. Morever, she won the gold medal in 1948 for her poem ‘Hellaan laakeri’ (‘Let's put a bearing into the stove') at a time when literary composition was still a part of the non-professional Olympic games. A Pro Finlandia medal holder, Academician of the Arts and Honorary doctor, Aake Tyynni died in 1997 at the age of 84. Her daughter Riitta Seppälä and son Mikko-Olavi Seppälä have written their mother’s biography, Aake Tyynni – Hymyily, kyynel, laulu. (‘Aake Tyynni. A smile, a tear, a song’, WSOY, 2013)
    ellauri147.html on line 201: On September 5, 2018, it was announced that Paramount Network had given the production a series order for a first season consisting of 10 episodes. The series was created by Barren Star, who has a multimillion overall deal with ViacomCBS and develops for ViacomCBS and for outsider buyers via MTV Entertainment Studios. Star was also expected to serve as an executive producer alongside Tony Hernandez. Production companies involved with the series were slated to consist of Jax Media. On July 13, 2020, it was reported that the series would move from Paramount Network to Netflix. On November 11, 2020, Netflix renewed the series for a second season.
    ellauri147.html on line 251: Sarah Moroz, of Vulture.com, opined "the most egregious oversight ... is Emily herself, who shows zero personal growth over a ten-episode arc. ... Emily’s vapidity is baffling to anyone who has moved from their native country."
    ellauri147.html on line 253: Sonia Rao, of Washington Post compares Emily to the heroines of the Amy Sherman-The show received two nominations at the Golden Globe Awards, but prior to the ceremony it was reported that 30 members of the voting body had been flown to Paris, where they spent two nights at The Peninsula Paris and were treated to a private lunch at the Musée des Arts Forains, with the bill reportedly paid by the show´s developer, Paramount Network. This led some critics to question the impartiality of the voting body, as Emily in Paris is considered to have been a critical flop, and even its nomination was a surprise. In contrast, critically-acclaimed shows, notably I May Destroy You, were not nominated. Midge Maisel, her actions can be quite rash, but she still wins over her fictional acquaintances while utterly baffling viewers."
    ellauri147.html on line 270: The show received two nominations at the Golden Globe Awards, but prior to the ceremony it was reported that 30 members of the voting body had been flown to Paris, where they spent two nights at The Peninsula Paris and were treated to a private lunch at the Musée des Arts Forains, with the bill reportedly paid by the show´s developer, Paramount Network. This led some critics to question the impartiality of the voting body, as Emily in Paris is considered to have been a critical flop, and its nomination was a surprise. In contrast, critically-acclaimed shows, notably I May Destroy You, were not nominated.
    ellauri147.html on line 314: Jill and her husband lived happily ever after in married life about 7 years until their divorce in 1996.
    ellauri147.html on line 330: They were so serious about their relationship that they even decided to leave their partners. However, Lavinia backed off from the decision because Phil´s FAX wasn´t working, and för fear of not being able to fax her kids. Hence, this saved the marriage of both of them.
    ellauri147.html on line 338: He was disheartened by the news that people believed FAX to be the source through which he asked for a divorce.
    ellauri147.html on line 417: As per different wiki sites, Jill received $17 million for the divorce settlement. She owns an eclectic antique store.
    ellauri147.html on line 438: She received the 2008 Young Hollywood Award in the “One to Watch” category.
    ellauri147.html on line 460: Lily has also served as an ambassador to the GO Campaign, an organization that works for orphan children and vulnerable children’s lives.
    ellauri147.html on line 468: At the PETA’s 2020 Libby Awards, she received the ‘Most Pawsitive Quarantine Story’ award for adopting a puppy named Robert Redford from the animal shelter.
    ellauri147.html on line 656: Primaarisen narsismin monadologinen käsitys näkyy Freudin pseudopodin (eli pseudojalan) lähettävän protoplasmatian metaforassa; se on ameeban malli. Rajatun aiheen oletetaan olevan aiheen mukaan, riippuen egosta, eriyttämättömästä Ich-Es-tilasta tai itsestä, joka on alun perin libidossa. (Tokko se izekään täysin ymmärsi tätä.) Osa tästä käyttöenergiasta käytetään nyt kohdeiden ammatteihin ja myös vedetään pois, toinen osa jää egoon. Tässä versiossa narsismi rinnastetaan itserakkauteen eli "itse-edustuksen libidiiniseen miehitykseen", kuten Hartmann myöhemmin "selvensi". Todellisuus on periaatteessa vihamielinen, kohde on enimän näkemätön.
    ellauri147.html on line 866: The effect was first described in 1878 by Francis Galton. He had devised a technique called composite photography, which he believed could be used to identify 'types' by appearance, which he hoped would aid medical diagnosis, and even criminology through the identification of typical criminal faces. Galton's hypothesis was that certain groups of people may have common facial characteristics. To test the hypothesis, he created photographic composite images of the faces of vegetarians and criminals to see if there was a typical facial appearance for each. Galton overlaid multiple images of faces onto a single photographic plate so that each individual face contributed roughly equally to a final composite face. The resultant "averaged" faces did little to allow the a priori identification of either criminals or vegetarians, failing Galton's hypothesis. However, unexpectedly Galton observed that the composite image was more attractive than the component faces. Galton published this finding in 1878, and also described his composite photography technique in detail in Inquiries in Human Faculty and its Development. He subsequently sold the invention to an early erotic photography firm.
    ellauri150.html on line 410: Samaan aikaan toisaalla hälisivät kapinoivat ryssät ja niiden aateliset äänitorvet Lexa sekä Dosto. Skandinaavit hälisivät ja, Ruozin vallan rapistuttua, Ibsen sekä Strindberg ehkä myös. Cyrano oli messissä vetämässä hönöön sveduille.
    ellauri150.html on line 418: A la veille de la guerre de 1914 certains peuvent merveiller de la nouvelle jeunesse. H. Lavedan. dans L'Illus oppose au jeune homme de 1880 le jeune homme de 1913 renforcé, musclé, nerveux et discipliné, être de combat de réfléchie, héros en perpétuelle puissance, animé d'un souffle guerrier.
    ellauri150.html on line 459: The Polish writer Henryk Sienkiewicz wrote the novel Quo Vadis: A Narrative of the Time of Nero (1895–96, a tremendous hit in fin de siecle Paris) which in turn has been made into motion pictures several times, including a 1951 version that was nominated for eight Academy Awards. Vittu vaan 8, Ben veti mahtavammat 11, samoinkuin vielä järisyttävämmät suurteoxet Titanic ja Bored of the Rings. For this and other films novels, Sienkiewicz received the 1905 Nobel Prize for Literature.
    ellauri150.html on line 478: Arthur Hammond Harris aka Christopher Fry (18 December 1907 – 30 June 2005) was an English poet and playwright. He is best known for his verse dramas, especially The Lady's Not for Burning, which made him a major force in theatre in the 1940s and 1950s. Fry was born as Arthur Hammond Harris in Bristol, the son of Charles John Harris, a master builder who retired early to work full-time as a licensed Lay Reader in the Church of England, and his wife Emma Marguerite Fry Hammond Harris. While still young, he took his mother's maiden name because, on very tenuous grounds, he believed her to be related to the 19th-century Quaker prison reformer Elizabeth Fry. He adopted Elizabeth Fry's faith, and became a Quaker and a gay. In the 1920s, he met the writer Robert Gittings, who became a lifelong friend. Maybe William Wyler was another yet longer friend. Gore Vidal most certainly another.
    ellauri150.html on line 480: Eugene Luther Gore Vidal (/vɪˈdɑːl/; born Eugene Louis Vidal, October 3, 1925 – July 31, 2012) was an American writer and public intellectual known for his epigrammatic wit, erudition, and patrician manner. Vidal was bisexual, and in his novels and essays interrogated the social and cultural sexual norms he perceived as driving American life. Beyond literature, Vidal was heavily involved in politics. He twice sought office—unsuccessfully—as a Democratic Party candidate, first in 1960 to the United States House of Representatives (for New York), and later in 1982 to the U.S. Senate (for California). His third novel, The City and the Pillar (1948), offended the literary, political, and moral sensibilities of conservative book reviewers, the plot being about a dispassionately presented male homosexual relationship.
    ellauri150.html on line 492: The story recounts the adventures of Judah Ben-Hur, a Jewish prince from Jerusalem, who is enslaved by the Romans at the beginning of the first century and becomes a charioteer and a Christian. Running in parallel with Judah's narrative is the unfolding story of Jesus, from the same region and around the same age. The novel reflects themes of betrayal, conviction, and redemption, with a revenge plot that leads to a story of gay love and compassion.
    ellauri150.html on line 522: In a certain sense, after all, the mission of the Nazarene was that of guide across the boundary for such as loved him; across the boundary to where his kingdom was set up and waiting for him, and them as were worth it.
    ellauri150.html on line 528: "The crosses are ready," said the centurion to the pontiff, who received the report with a wave of the hand and the reply,
    ellauri150.html on line 539: Esther "Bat" Simonides was born in Jerusalem, Judea, the daughter of the Hellenized Jewish slave Simonides. She was raised in the household of Prince Ithamar Ben-Hur, and she loved Judah Ben-Hur as a child. By 26 AD, she had grown into a woman, and, while she still loved Judah, she was betrothed to the freedman and merchant David ben Matthias from Antioch. That same year, Judah and his family were imprisoned after being wrongfully imprisoned for an alleged assassination attempt on Valerius Gratus, and Simonides was arrested and tortured on the orders of the Roman tribune Messala. Simonides was arrested when the Romans were certain that he was not hiding anything, and he and Esther lived in hiding at the Ben-Hur family's derelict and looted estate, where they were joined by Simonides' fellow former prisoner Malluch.
    ellauri150.html on line 572: She moved to go. Esther followed her.

    ellauri150.html on line 584: Simonides lived to be a very old man. In the tenth year of Nero's reign, he gave up the business so long centred in the warehouse at Antioch. To the last he kept a clear head and a good heart, and was successful, got lots and lots of money, became filthy rich.
    ellauri150.html on line 627: There is a firefight with real fire. Things are burning all over the place. The ship gets rammed; for some reason, instead of trying to get the ship out of the way, those slaves who are chained try to remove the chains. Since the enemy ship appears to be holding up their ship, it almost works out. Ben-Hur is unlocking slaves, and major fighting is going on on deck. Then Quintus is shoved overboard. Ben-Hur goes to save him, shoving a torch into the face of a mercenary along the way.
    ellauri150.html on line 635: The house of Hur is in ruins, but people are living there. He is met by Esther; she and her father were in there for only a year. Her father was paralyzed in prison, so a big fella who shared a cell with him and went mute during that time has also moved in to help. They are still in Jerusalem because all the assets were seized by the Romans - well, not all the assets, but they don't want the Romans to know about the rest of them prematurely. Esther never married, partly because the reason for arranging that marriage no longer applied, and partly because - she looks at her all-black clothing here, so we're probably supposed to believe that her fiance died.
    ellauri150.html on line 645: After the intermission, Ben-Hur has taken the charioteer job now. and Ilderim visits the bathhouse where the young Roman nobles luxuriate, half-naked.note Messala is there talking about his unbeatable team of horses. Ilderim says his team is even better, and offers a wager with LOTS of money involved. He eventually succeeds...
    ellauri150.html on line 673: This is another article on the writings of Pope Leo XIII. the third longest sitting pope, an Italian (Vincenzo Gioacchino Raffaele Luigi Pecci) who lived from 1810 to 1903, and was Pope from 1878 until his death in 1903. In his writings he gives us a profound insight into the philosophical movements of the late 19th century. The ideas generated during that time have largely shaped our present day ideological struggles.
    ellauri150.html on line 681: You understand as a matter of course, Venerable Brothers, that We are alluding to that sect of men who, under the motley and all but barbarous terms and titles of Socialists, Communists, and Nihilists, are spread abroad throughout the world and, bound intimately together in baneful alliance, no longer look for strong support in secret meetings held in darksome places, but standing forth openly and boldly in the light of day, strive to carry out the purpose long resolved upon, of uprooting the foundations of civilized society at large.
    ellauri150.html on line 703: The Pope tells us that, "Nothing more foolish can be uttered or conceived than the notion that, because man is free by nature, he is therefore exempt from law." Oh, so you thought that being free meant that you could just ignore the law of God? Wr-o-ng! Try again.
    ellauri150.html on line 705: And now comes a bit of papal humor, "Were this the case, it would follow that to become free we must be deprived of reason." Pretty funny, huh? Ok, I see you're not laughing, but instead are scratching your head. Alright, let me paint a picture for you. Imagine a 60s hippy high on LSD, dancing wildly, and shouting out, "I'm free! I'm free!" Yes, this is one of the messages that is often repeated like a mantra in today's society, "If you want to free yourself, you have to stop thinking and just let yourself go." In 1888, Pope Leo XIII rejected this notion and even ridiculed it.
    ellauri150.html on line 764: I have basically stopped listening to any other music than church music. Even the old romantic songs seem to be a call to exchange the love of God for earthly love. And from romantic love it devolved into explicit sexual love, and from sexual love into sex without love at all.0
    ellauri151.html on line 51: His work lived on the never resolved tensions between a strict artistic discipline, a puritanical moralism, and the desire for unlimited sensual indulgence and abandonment to life. A man of constant sorrow, caused by anal-genital conflicts. (Note)
    ellauri151.html on line 100: The word is derived from the Latin term for parrots psittaci – which in turn derives from the Greek ψιττακός – in an analogy with the ability of some parrots to speak human words but without any knowledge of their meaning.
    ellauri151.html on line 120: In the 1920s, Gide became an inspiration for writers such as Albert Camus and Jean-Paul Sartre. In 1923, he published a book on Fyodor Dostoyevsky; however, when he defended homosexuality in the public edition of Corydon (1924) he received widespread condemnation. He later considered this his most important work.
    ellauri151.html on line 138: Wilde took a key out of his pocket and showed me into a tiny apartment of two rooms… The youths followed him, each of them wrapped in a burnous that hid his face. Then the guide left us and Wilde sent me into the further room with little Mohammed and shut himself up in the other with the [other boy]. Every time since then that I have sought after pleasure, it is the memory of that night I have pursued. […] My joy was unbounded, and I cannot imagine it greater, even if love had been added. How should there have been any question of love? How should I have allowed desire to dispose of my heart? No scruple clouded my pleasure and no remorse followed it. But what name then am I to give the rapture I felt as I clasped in my naked arms that perfect little body, so wild, so ardent, so sombrely lascivious? For a long time after Mohammed had left me, I remained in a state of passionate jubilation, and though I had already achieved pleasure five times with him, I renewed my ecstasy again and again, and when I got back to my room in the hotel, I prolonged its echoes by hand until morning. What´s love got to do with it?
    ellauri151.html on line 198: For several years, Bridgman gained celebrity status when Charles Dickens met her during his 1842 American tour and wrote about her accomplishments in his American Notes. Her fame was short-lived, however, and she spent the remainder of her life in relative obscurity, most of it at the Perkins Institute, where she passed her time sewing and reading books in Braille. LOL
    ellauri151.html on line 235: „It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.“ — André Gide. Frequently misattributed to Marilyn Monroe or Kurt Cobain.
    ellauri151.html on line 311: Palestiinalainen filmi jossa juutalaisten vainot (genetivus subiectivus) ja palestiinalaisten triangelidraama vedetään rinnakkain. Helvetin vituttavaa mutta täysin totta: tollasta tää apinoiden touhu nimenomaan on. Toiset käy omimaan toisten maita (EAT! EAT!) ja tappaa aseettomia naisia ja lapsia siinä samalla (KILL! KILL!), kun toiset taas samaan aikaan vilkkusilmäisinä ezii tilaisuutta FUCK! FUCK!. Voi helvetti. Ja kaikkein vittumaisinta on sitten ammattiteeveentöllöttäjien arvostelut tästä, jotka täysin sivuuttavat tän kaiken vituttavuuden, ja nirppanokkaisina arvostelevat oliko filmi nyt hyvin tehty, osasitko näyttelijät hommansa, ja olisko ohjaajan pitänyt tehdä jotain toisin et ois saatu parempia tehoja. VOI VITTU sanon mä. Mä en jaxa näitä saatanan viihdeohjelmia, ne on totaalisen PERSEESTÄ!!!!
    ellauri151.html on line 511: evolved beneath the stars within the pool joka kehittyi taivaankappaleiden alla
    ellauri151.html on line 722: Those who believed the gospel of the kingdom, that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God, were known as followers of the Way (Acts 9.2, 19.9, 23, 22.4, 24.14, 22). They were not Christians. Christianity did not begin within the borders of Israel; it began outside its borders. Paul was saved outside Israel on his way to Damascus (Acts 9.3-6). Believers first became known as Christians in Antioch, not Jerusalem (Acts 11.25-26).
    ellauri151.html on line 724: Paul declared he was the founder of Christianity (1 Corinthians 3.10-11; 1 Timothy 1.15-16). He stated he received the doctrines of Christianity from the ascended, glorified Lord.5 Paul called these doctrines “secrets” (μυστήριον) for they were unrevealed in the Lord’s earthly ministry and unknown to the Twelve. The Twelve learned of them later from Paul but continued to confine their ministry to Jews (Galatians 2.7-9). No Biblical record exists of any of the Twelve ministering to Gentiles.
    ellauri151.html on line 759: Vai olisko se sittenkin ihan vastoin päin? Sillä vähän päästä past. siteeraa Peeevelin 14. lukua jossa sanotaan et on ihan okei syödä porsasta tai olla vegaani, sama se tykkääkö imuttaa nakkia vai nuolla sämpylää, kyllä Jeppe tarjoaa sinapit ja kezupit, ja tiskaakin vielä astiat jälkeenpäin. Past. miälestä kaikki on ookoo mikä ei aiheuta harmia lähimmäiselle ml. kaikista lähimmäisimmän eli izensä. Taivaan papasta ei mitään puhetta. Täähän oli 1 ero Patun ja Jessen puheissa: Patun mielestä kultainen sääntö riittää yxinkin, Jesse terotti et isän miälipidettä on sentään kuunneltava ihan ensimmäisenä. Ja Jehova ei pitänyt hinaajahommista eikä edes käteenvedosta.
    ellauri151.html on line 779: [9] For to this end Christ died and lived again, that he might be Lord both of the dead and of the living.
    ellauri151.html on line 844: [18] he who thus serves Christ is acceptable to God and approved by men.
    ellauri151.html on line 846: [33] just as I try to please all men in everything I do, not seeking my own advantage, but that of many, that they may be saved.
    ellauri151.html on line 903:
    18. On the number to be saved:

    ellauri151.html on line 908: [26] and so all Israel will be saved; as it is written, "The Deliverer will come from Zion, he will banish ungodliness from Jacob".
    ellauri151.html on line 973: [2] And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a smelly offering and sacrifice to God.
    ellauri151.html on line 992: [8] Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons. You received without paying, give without pay.
    ellauri151.html on line 1057: Eikä kyse ole vain rajanvedosta asein, vaan myös kulttuurin ja moraalin rajoista. Rätit päästä käteen karvakädet ja vessaa jynssäämään.
    ellauri152.html on line 62: Maalaismaisema muodostuu lähes aina samoista traditionaalisista luonnonkuva-ainexista: lehtevät puut, kukat, ruoho, animoidut antropomorfiset eläimet kävelemässä kahdella jalalla ja pyrkimässä kazekontaktiin, heiluttamassa häntää sisätiloissa pädiä näpyttävälle nuorelle naarasapinalle, niiden valtiattarelle, jääkarhu turvallisesti lasin takana hädissään polkemassa jäätikköjen sulamisen nostamaa vedenpintaa. Lue izesi osaxi ympäristöä. Helvetin Herlinin Sanomat.
    ellauri152.html on line 73: The poems are in the manner of Sappho; the collection's introduction claims they were found on the walls of a tomb in Cyprus, written by a woman of Ancient Greece called Bilitis (Greek: Βιλιτις), a courtesan and contemporary of Sappho to whose life Louÿs dedicated a small section of the book. On publication, the volume deceived even expert scholars.
    ellauri152.html on line 189: Älä usko etten mä sua rakasta. Mä syön sut kuin kypsän viikunan, mä juon sut kuin tuliveden, mä kannan sua mun ympärillä kuin nahkavyötä. Mä pidin hauskaa sun ruumiilla, koska sun tukka on lyhkänen, tissit keilamaiset ja sun ruumis laiha, ja nännit kuin 2 pientä taatelia. Kuten tarvitaan vettä ja hetelmiä, myös naista tarvitaan, mutta mä en enää muista sun nimeä, sä joka luisut mun kätten välistä kuin yhden toisen tykätymmän varjona. Sun ja mun välilihan välissä on mulla tommonen crème brulée. Mä puristan sua mua vasten tällä haavaa ja huudan sen toisen nimeä: Mnasidika ! Mnasidika ! Mnasidika ! Ole mulle vielä kerran hän!
    ellauri152.html on line 221: Sllä mä näin vapisevan veden päällä tuhat pientä valohuulta: puhtaita pilluja tai Kypris Philommeideen rekkamiehen hymyjä. Kai tällä kaikella on Darwinille jotain käyttöä. Muistuttaa aika lailla termiittien häälentoa.
    ellauri152.html on line 553: Haman was also an astrologer, and when he was about to fix the time for the genocide of the Jews he first cast lots to ascertain which was the most auspicious day of the week for that purpose. Each day, however, proved to be under some influence favorable to the Jews. He then sought to fix the month, but found that the same was true of each month; thus, Nisan was favorable to the Jews because of the Passover sacrifice; Iyyar, because of the small Passover. But when he arrived at Adar he found that its zodiacal sign was Pisces, and he said, "Now I shall be able to swallow them as fish which swallow one another" (Esther Rabbah 7; Targum Sheni 3).
    ellauri152.html on line 691: Rebbe Nachem said that since the power of the evil urge and the forces of evil are derived from the negative spiritual energies of din, unmitigated justice, one must access the potent positive spiritual energies of severity from the spiritual giants of the past to break these evil forces at their root.
    ellauri153.html on line 81: Saadi shirazi quote on the beloved and riches
    ellauri153.html on line 154: Haalealla vedellä vaixitä jois valtamerikaupalla.

    ellauri153.html on line 216: Daniel Seeker on kuljexiva dervissi ja menneisyyden ym. aikojen elinkautinen opiskelija, Se huomasi että se on tehty tahrattomasta ja ajattomasta tietoisuudesta kun se mietiskeli sitä erakkomajassaan Gotlannin saarella. (Siis joku vitun svedu?) Sen kirjoituxet on enimmäxeen tän havainnon peilailua. Daniel opiskelee nyttemmin historiaa, filosofiaa, egyptologiaa ja läntistä esoteerisyyttä Uppsalan yliopistossa. Se kirjoittaa paraikaa hukin tutkielmaa hissassa ja tutkii miten buddhalaiset ja hindu textit käännettiin ekan kerran kunnolla ja tuotiin länsimaihin myöhään 18. ja 19. vuosisadalla.
    ellauri153.html on line 345:

  • God plays first. He can either (question Job) or (⌐question Job). Negaatiomerkkikin on väärinpäin! Naurettavaa! Amatöörimäistä tunarointia. If God does not question Job in the council of angels, Leviathan is left undefeated and God and Job lose. Lose what? Face? Mitä vittua jahven tarvii olla tollanen yllytyshullu? Mixeise vaan vedä lättyyn saatanaa sen sijaan että kiusaa tyhmää Jopi apinaa? Koko kasku on aivan vituralla. Dog on vaan ilkee julmuri. Siitä ei pääse mihinkään.
    ellauri153.html on line 369: pointless, and there is no history H in G s.t. the good is achieved.
    ellauri153.html on line 466: Hinoa Lassi, vaikkakin supererogatorista, eli turha vaiva, sillä jumalan julma vedonlyönti Jobin kustannuxella riitti näytöxi, se oli niin pointless evil kuin vaan voi toivoa.
    ellauri153.html on line 531: The problem of evil can be solved or dissolved with consistency proofs, defences and theodicies.
    ellauri153.html on line 813: Many ancient customs are strange to modern readers of the Bible, especially those of us who have never lived in cultures embracing polygamy or absolute monarchy. The incident of Abishag sleeping—chastely—in David’s bed is definitely a puzzling story. We’ll start with the Scripture passage in which Abishag is brought to David:
    ellauri155.html on line 329: Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982:

    ellauri155.html on line 376: Cursory inspection of the incident proved that was total bunk, I mean that it didn’t matter.
    ellauri155.html on line 391: Asiakaskapitalismi on vanhaa bisnisvedätystä pikaisesti puzatuissa leileissä. Erona entiseen on että asiakas ei ole enää oikeassa ellei se paina suupielet ylöspäin hymiötä lähtiessään liikkeestä. Firma potkaisee ulos marisevat asiakkaat jotka ei tuota sille mainosta. Asiakas ei todellakaan ole aina oikeassa, enimmäxeen väärässä. Tätä bisnesevankeliumia on Hoblaan tuomassa koko hammaskalustolla irvistävä huitulatukka perseetön jenkkibisnesenkeli Maureen Burns Bostonista.
    ellauri155.html on line 521: Today’s passage certainly qualifies as one of the more difficult passages of Scripture. It is easy enough to understand what is going on; however, it is difficult to know how to evaluate it. We see in 1 Samuel 27:1–4 that David decided the best way to escape Saul was to flee to Philistine territory and take up residence in the city of Gath. David had been there before, and he deceived the city’s king, Achish, by pretending to be insane, thereby keeping the Philistines from killing him (21:10–15). This time, David did not have to feign insanity. Achish would have heard of Saul’s war with David, so he probably felt secure in allowing him into the city. This enemy of his enemy—Israel’s King Saul—could be counted on as a friend. Achish gave the country town of Ziklag to David, and it became a royal possession after David ascended the throne (27:5–7).
    ellauri155.html on line 689: You must also note that God predestines people such as Paul and his friends in Rom. 8:30, and Eph. 1:5, 11. There is, however, controversy as to the nature of this predestination. In the Reformed (Calvinist) camp, predestination includes individuals. In other words, the Reformed doctrine of predestination is that God predestines whom He wants to be saved and that without this predestination, none would be saved. The non-Reformed camp states that God predestines people to salvation, but that these people freely choose to follow God on their own. In other words, in the non-Reformed perspective, God is reacting to the will of individuals and predestining them only because they choose God, whereby contrast the Reformed position states that people choose God only because He has first predestined them. I must say that the non-reformed position 2) sounds like gobbledygook. Either you get predestined or you don´t, what the fuck. Who was it that thought predestination and free will were compatible, was it Hume? Yes it was! The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy paper on this topic is so wordy that it needed translating into Basic English.
    ellauri155.html on line 739: On selvää, että Hume esittää kaksi asiaa. Ensinnäkin, jos Jumala on maailman luoja ja ennalta määrätty ja ennalta määrätty kaikki, mitä siinä tapahtuu, niin moraalisen pahan (ilmeinen) olemassaolo johtuu hänestä, ja sittenhän "meidän on vedettävä takaisin täydellisyyden ominaisuus", jonka annamme hänelle. Toiseksi, jos Jumala on moraalisen pahuuden perimmäinen tekijä, kukaan yksittäinen ihminen ei ole vastuussa tekemistään rikoksista. Toinen väite ei seuraa ensimmäisestä väitteestä. sanoo Hume, olkoonkin että jumala on ilmeisesti ilkimys, se ei tee omaisuusrikoxista vähemmän ilkeitä, koska meistä nyt yxinkertaisesti tuntuu pahalta.
    ellauri155.html on line 759: Consequently, Calvin shows that Israel who descended from Abraham was also then chosen by God. He quotes verses such as Deuteronomy 7:7-8 which says, “The Lord did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because you were more in number than any people: for ye were the fewest of all people: but because the Lord loved you.”
    ellauri155.html on line 760: Calvin then goes on to speak of a deeper dimension of predestination, that in the Old Testament we see a more special election still of God saving certain ones out of the nation of Israel. Calvin says that his readers must see how “the grace of God was displayed in a more special form, when of the same family of Abraham God rejected some.” He then refers to Malachi 1:2-3 which explicitly states, “Was not Esau Jacob’s brother? saith the Lord: yet I loved Jacob, and I hated Esau.”
    ellauri155.html on line 787: Calvin even demonstrated his commitment to this truth in his placement of his teaching on predestination in The Institutes. In the final edition, he moved his section on predestination from the beginning of his work to a place following his teaching on redemption, in effect suggesting “that predestination is a doctrine best understood by believers after they come to know the redemptive work of Jesus Christ applied by the Holy Spirit.”
    ellauri155.html on line 808: When I first received the intelligence of the death…of your son Louis, I was so utterly overpowered that for many days I was fit for nothing but to grieve…I was somehow upheld before the Lord by those aids wherewith he sustains our souls in affliction,…however, I was almost a nonentity.
    ellauri155.html on line 886: Young Santayana spent a lot of time in Harvard under William James. He was involved in 11 clubs as an alternative to athletics. He did not like athletics. He was founder and president of the Philosophical Club, a member of the literary society known as the O.K., an editor and cartoonist for The Harvard Lampoon, and co-founder of the literary journal The Harvard Monthly, to name a few. In December, 1885, he played the role of Lady Elfrida in the Hasty Pudding theatrical Robin Hood, followed by the production Papillonetta in the spring of his senior year. Would have been less hassle to take part in athletics. But maybe he was a little like that, sissy-missy, you know. Yep yep:
    ellauri155.html on line 892: Like William James, his friend and mentor, he wrote philosophy in a literary way. Ezra Pound includes Santayana among his many cultural references in The Cantos, notably in "Canto LXXXI" and "Canto XCV". Santayana is usually considered an American writer, although he declined to become an American citizen, resided in Fascist Italy for decades, and said that he was most comfortable, intellectually and aesthetically, at Oxford University. Although an atheist, Santayana considered himself an "aesthetic Catholic" and spent the last decade of his life in a Roman residence under Catholic nuns. It felt a little like his young days under William James. He held racial superiority and eugenic views. He believed superior races should be discouraged from "intermarriage with inferior stock". Maybe that was why he had no kids.
    ellauri155.html on line 1050: unnecessary; but no promise is involved and no provision is made in the event
    ellauri156.html on line 62: When my Grandmother Palmer was alive, she lived on a farm outside of Shelton, Washington. At the entrance to her driveway was a small lot, where a small mobile home was parked. As I recall, the woman who lived in the trailer and her husband were estranged. The husband, who had served time in prison, was prone to violence. When the husband came to the mobile home to see his wife, another man was there. An argument resulted, and blows were exchanged. Ultimately, the woman's visitor brandished a weapon and demanded that the husband leave. He left, but only while uttering threats about what he was yet to do.
    ellauri156.html on line 76: Israel is at war with none other than the Ammonites (verse 1), which may come as a surprise to you as it did to me. (Well, to be honest, I thought they were the cretacean mollusks by the same name.) I thought the Ammonites had been defeated in chapter 10. I was wrong. The author is very clear on this matter. In chapter 8, the author tells how David began to engage his enemies in battle, ending the strangle-hold these surrounding nations had on Israel. David subjected the Philistines (8:1), then the Moabites (8:2), and then he took on the king of Zobah (8:3ff.). In the process, other nations became involved and found Israel too formidable an enemy to oppose again. (Notice the similarity of the situation here to the Yom Kippur War.)
    ellauri156.html on line 80: When David’s men came to the land of the Ammonites, 3 the Ammonite commanders said to Hanun their lord, “Do you think David is honoring your father by sending envoys to you to express sympathy? Hasn’t David sent them to you only to explore the city and spy it out and overthrow it?” 4 So Hanun seized David’s envoys, shaved off half of each man’s beard, cut off their garments at the buttocks, and sent them away.
    ellauri156.html on line 86: So you see, the Ammonites were not subjected to Israel in chapter 10, but they were deprived of Syrian assistance. Now they are on their own. The Israelites make the most of this. They ravage the land of the Ammonites and then besiege the capital (royal) city of Rabbah (11:1; see 1 Chronicles 20:1). This city of Rabbah, incidentally, is now the city of Amman, Jordan. It is not until after David's sin is rebuked by Nathan that the Israelites actually take the city (2 Samuel 12:26-31).
    ellauri156.html on line 96: 1 Then Satan stood up against Israel and moved David to number Israel. 2 So David said to Joab and to the princes of the people, “Go, number Israel from Beersheba even to Dan, and bring me word that I may know their number.” 3 Joab said, “May the LORD add to His people a hundred times as many as they are! But, my lord the king, are they not all my lord's servants? Why does my lord seek this thing? Why should he be a cause of guilt to Israel?” 4 Nevertheless, the king's word prevailed against Joab. Therefore, Joab departed and went throughout all Israel, and came to Jerusalem. 5 Joab gave the number of the census of all the people to David. And all Israel were 1,100,000 men who drew the sword; and Judah was 470,000 men who drew the sword (1 Chronicles 21:1-5).
    ellauri156.html on line 150: There lived a young boy named Rocky Raccoon
    ellauri156.html on line 211: A third reason -- and I am hesitant to suggest it -- is that David may be getting soft. Let's face it, David had some very difficult days when he was fleeing from Saul. I am sure there were hot days and cold nights. There were certainly days when his food was either limited or lousy, or both. Army food has never been known as a work of culinary artistry. Now, David has moved up in the world, from barren wilderness, which Saul and his army would avoid if possible, to the hills of Jerusalem. His accommodations are better, too. He no longer lives in a tent (if he was fortunate enough to have one in those days); he lives in a palace. Why would David want to stay in a tent in the open field, outside of Rabbah, if he can stay in his own bed (or Bathsheba's), in his own palace, inside Jerusalem?37
    ellauri156.html on line 303: The inference is often drawn that Bathsheba should not have been exposing herself as she did, and that it was her indiscretion which started this whole sequence of events. Some think her actions may have been deliberate (She knew David was there and could see. . . .), while others would be more gracious and assume it was simply poor judgment. Let me point out several things from the text. First and foremost, when Nathan pronounces divine judgment upon David for his sin, Bathsheba and Uriah are depicted as the victims, not the villains. When Adam and Eve sinned, God specifically indicted Adam, Eve, and the serpent, and each received their just curse. This is simply not the case with Bathsheba. Nowhere in the Bible is she indicted for this sin. It may be that the author did not choose to focus upon Bathsheba, but even in this case, the Law would clearly require us to consider her innocent until proven guilty. (Which law? Not biblical law for sure, take for instance Susan's case, where Daniel had to called upon to prove her innocence.)
    ellauri156.html on line 309: To approach this same issue from the opposite perspective, think with me about the Book of Esther. When the king summoned his wife, Queen Vashti, to appear (perhaps in a way that would inappropriately display her goodies to the king's guests), she refused. She was removed (see Esther 1:1-22). She did not lose her life, but she was at least replaced by Esther, who had no such compunctions. Then, we read later in this same book that no one could approach the king unless he summoned them. If any approached the king and he did not raise his "scepter", they were put to death (Esther 4:10-11). Does this not portray the way of eastern kings? Does this not explain why Bathsheba went to the king's palace when summoned? Does this help to explain why she seems to have given in to the king's lustful acts? (We do not know what protests -- like Tamar's in chapter 13 -- she may have uttered, but we do have some sense of the powerlessness of a woman in those days, especially when given orders by the king. (Later on it became the requirement that a raped lady should kill herself to save her husband the disgrace of having horns.)
    ellauri156.html on line 341: 13 Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, and He Himself does not tempt anyone. 14 But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust. 15 Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death (James 1:13-15).
    ellauri156.html on line 370: 1. Ja Herra puhui Moosekselle ja Aaronille sanoen: 2. "Puhukaa israelilaisille ja sanokaa heille: Jos jollakin, kenellä tahansa, on elimestään liman vuoto, on hänen vuotonsa saastainen. 3. Hänen vuotonsa saastaisuus on sellainen, että hän, niin hyvin silloin, kun hänen elimestään vuotaa, kuin silloin, kun hänen elimensä pidättää vuodon, on saastainen. 4. Jokainen vuode, jossa vuotoa sairastava lepää, tulee saastaiseksi, ja jokainen istuin, jolla hän istuu, tulee saastaiseksi. 5. Ja se, joka koskee hänen vuoteeseensa, pesköön vaatteensa ja peseytyköön vedessä ja olkoon saastainen iltaan asti. 6. Ja se, joka istuu istuimelle, jolla vuotoa sairastava on istunut, pesköön vaatteensa ja peseytyköön vedessä ja olkoon saastainen iltaan asti. 7. Ja se, joka koskee vuotoa sairastavan ruumiiseen, pesköön vaatteensa ja peseytyköön vedessä ja olkoon saastainen iltaan asti. 8. Ja jos vuotoa sairastava sylkee puhtaan ihmisen päälle, niin tämä pesköön vaatteensa ja peseytyköön vedessä ja olkoon saastainen iltaan asti. 9. Ja jokainen satula, jossa vuotoa sairastava ratsastaa, tulee saastaiseksi. 10. Ja jokainen, joka koskee mihin hyvänsä, mikä on ollut hänen allaan, olkoon saastainen iltaan asti; ja joka sellaista kantaa, pesköön vaatteensa ja peseytyköön vedessä ja olkoon saastainen iltaan asti. 11. Ja jokainen, johon vuotoa sairastava koskee, ennenkuin on huuhtonut kätensä vedessä, pesköön vaatteensa ja peseytyköön vedessä ja olkoon saastainen iltaan asti. 12. Ja saviastia, johon vuotoa sairastava koskee, rikottakoon; mutta jokainen puuastia huuhdottakoon vedessä. 13. Ja kun vuotoa sairastava tulee puhtaaksi vuodostansa, niin hän laskekoon puhtaaksi-tulemisestaan seitsemän päivää ja sitten pesköön vaatteensa ja pesköön ruumiinsa raikkaassa vedessä, niin hän on puhdas. 14. Ja kahdeksantena päivänä hän ottakoon kaksi metsäkyyhkystä tai kaksi kyyhkysenpoikaa ja tulkoon Herran eteen ilmestysmajan ovelle ja antakoon ne papille. 15. Ja pappi uhratkoon ne, toisen syntiuhriksi ja toisen polttouhriksi. Näin pappi toimittakoon Herran edessä hänelle sovituksen hänen vuodostansa. 16. Kun miehellä on ollut siemenvuoto, pesköön hän koko ruumiinsa vedessä ja olkoon saastainen iltaan asti. 17. Ja jokainen vaatekappale ja jokainen nahka, johon siemenvuotoa on tullut, pestäköön vedessä ja olkoon saastainen iltaan asti. 18. Ja kun mies on maannut naisen kanssa ja vuodattanut siemenensä, peseytykööt he vedessä ja olkoot saastaiset iltaan asti.
    ellauri156.html on line 372: 19. Ja kun naisella on vuoto, niin että verta vuotaa hänen ruumiistansa, olkoon hän kuukautistilassaan seitsemän päivää, ja jokainen, joka häneen koskee, olkoon saastainen iltaan asti. 20. Ja kaikki, minkä päällä hän lepää kuukautistilansa aikana, tulee saastaiseksi, ja kaikki, minkä päällä hän istuu, tulee saastaiseksi. 21. Ja jokainen, joka hänen vuoteeseensa koskee, pesköön vaatteensa ja peseytyköön vedessä ja olkoon saastainen iltaan asti. 22. Ja jokainen, joka koskee istuimeen, mihin hyvänsä, jolla hän on istunut, pesköön vaatteensa ja peseytyköön vedessä ja olkoon saastainen iltaan asti. 23. Ja jos joku koskee esineeseen, joka on hänen vuoteellaan tai istuimella, jolla hän on istunut, olkoon saastainen iltaan asti. 24. Ja jos mies makaa hänen kanssaan ja hänen kuukautistansa tulee hänen päällensä, olkoon hän saastainen seitsemän päivää, ja jokainen vuode, jossa hän lepää, tulee saastaiseksi. 25. Jos naisen verenvuoto kestää kauan aikaa, vaikka ei ole hänen kuukautisaikansa, tahi jos se jatkuu hänen kuukautisaikansa ohitse, pidettäköön hänet koko vuotonsa ajan saastaisena, niinkuin hänen kuukautisaikanaankin; hän on saastainen. 26. Jokaisesta vuoteesta, jossa hän lepää vuotonsa aikana, olkoon voimassa, mitä on säädetty hänen kuukautisaikana käyttämästään vuoteesta; ja jokainen istuin, jolla hän istuu, tulee saastaiseksi niinkuin hänen kuukautisaikanaankin. 27. Ja jokainen, joka niihin koskee, tulee saastaiseksi; hän pesköön vaatteensa ja peseytyköön vedessä ja olkoon saastainen iltaan asti. 28. Mutta kun hän tulee puhtaaksi vuodostansa, laskekoon seitsemän päivää, ja sitten hän on puhdas. 29. Ja kahdeksantena päivänä hän ottakoon kaksi metsäkyyhkystä tai kaksi kyyhkysenpoikaa ja tuokoon ne papille, ilmestysmajan ovelle. 30. Ja pappi uhratkoon toisen syntiuhriksi ja toisen polttouhriksi. Näin pappi toimittakoon Herran edessä hänelle sovituksen hänen saastaisesta vuodostaan. 31. Näin teidän on varoitettava israelilaisia saastaisuudesta, etteivät he saastaisuudessansa kuolisi, jos saastuttavat minun asumukseni, joka on heidän keskellänsä." 32. Tämä on laki miehestä, joka sairastaa vuotoa, ja miehestä, jolla on siemenvuoto ja joka tulee siitä saastaiseksi, 33. ja naisesta, jolla on kuukautisensa, ja miehestä ja naisesta, jotka sairastavat jotakin vuotoa, sekä miehestä, joka makaa saastaisen naisen kanssa.
    ellauri156.html on line 386: David had no desire for Bathsheba to become his wife, or even to carry on an adulterous affair with her (a mitigating circumstance). He sought one night's pleasure, and she went home. That was that, or so it seemed. But then David received word from Bathsheba that this one night resulted in Bathsheba's pregnancy. Our text takes up here with the account of David's desperate attempt to cover up his sin with Bathsheba. As we all know, it did not work, and it only made matters worse.
    ellauri156.html on line 408: David's plan A is simple and, at least in his mind, foolproof. In short, David will entice Uriah to think and to act as he himself has done. David does not wish to endure the adversities of the war with Rabbah, and so he goes to Jerusalem, to his home, and to his bed. He does not wish to deny himself, so he takes the wife of another man and sleeps with her. David will give Uriah the same opportunity, except that it will be his own wife he will sleep with. Not as fun, one must admit. After Uriah has sexual relations with Bathsheba, all will conclude that he is the father of the child which has been conceived by David's sinful act. Only one thing is wrong with David's plan: he assumes Uriah is as spiritually apathetic as he, and that he will act to indulge himself, rather than act like a soldier at war and keep his sword in the sheath.
    ellauri156.html on line 410: David sends word to Joab, ordering him to send Uriah home to Jerusalem. I take it from the context that Uriah is sent to Jerusalem on the pretext that he is needed to report directly to David on the state of the war. I doubt David wants Uriah to know he has ordered Joab to send him. I am certain David does not want Uriah to know the real purpose of his journey to Jerusalem. David is orchestrating this homecoming to appear as though it serves one purpose, while it actually serves David's purpose of concealing his own sin. Even at this level, the order for Uriah to return home has a bad odor. You may remember that when David's father wanted to know how the battle with the Philistines was going (three of his sons were involved), he sent David, the youngest son, as an errand boy to take some supplies and return with word about the war (1 Samuel 17:17-19). One does not need to send a military hero as a messenger (nor is it good practice, the youngest son is more expendable.).
    ellauri156.html on line 442: Dunno says his original conception was for a film that would encompass David's life and go into three main chapters: David as a boy fighting Goliath; a more mature David and his friendship with Jonathan, ending with the affair with Bathsheba; and an older David and his relationship with his son Absalom. Dunno wrote a treatment which he estimated would make a four hour movie. Zanuck was not enthusiastic so Dunno then pitched the idea of doing a film just on David and Bathsheba, which Zanuck loved.
    ellauri156.html on line 444: Dunno conceived it as a modern-type play exploring the corruption of absolute power. The film is noticeably devoid of the epic battles and panoramas frequently seen in biblical movies. It concentrates more on David's exploits between the sheets.
    ellauri156.html on line 451: A. H. Weiler of The New York Times described the film as "a reverential and sometimes majestic treatment of chronicles that have lived three millennia." He praised Dunno's screenplay and Peck's "authoritative performance" but found that Wayward "seems closer to Hollywood than to the arid Jerusalem of his Bible." Variety wrote, "This is a big picture in every respect. It has scope, pageantry, sex (for all its Biblical background), cast names, color—everything. It's a surefire boxoffice entry, one of the really 'big' pictures of the new selling season." Philip K. Scheuer of the Los Angeles Times wrote that the film "leaves little to be desired" from the standpoint of production values with Peck "ingratiating" as David and Wayward "a seductress with flaming tresses, in or out of the bath, and only her final contrition is a little difficult to believe." Richard L. Coe of The Washington Post wrote, "On the whole, the picture suggests a Reader's Digest story expanded into a master's thesis for the Ecole Copacabana."] Harrison's Reports wrote, "The outstanding thing about the production is the magnificent performance of Gregory Peck as David; he makes the characterization real and human, endowing it with all the shortcomings of a man who lusts for another's wife, but who is seriously penitent and prepared to shoulder his guilt. Susan Wayward, as Bathsheba, is beautiful and sexy, but her performance is of no dramatic consequence." The Monty Python Bulletin commented that the film had been made "with restraint and relative simplicity" compared to other historical epics, "and the playing of Gregory Peck in particular is competent. The whole film, however, is emotionally and stylistically quite unworthy of its subject." Philip Hamburger of The New Yorker wrote that "the accessories notwithstanding, something is ponderously wrong with 'David and Bathsheba.' The fault lies, I suppose, in the attempt to make excessive enlargements of an essentially-simple story." Zanuck the Hot Dog agreed.
    ellauri156.html on line 539: His One Sin: The rabbis agree that Abner deserved this violent death, though opinions differ concerning the exact nature of the sin that entailed so dire a punishment on one who was, on the whole, considered a "righteous man" (Gen. R. lxxxii. 4). Some reproach him that he did not use his influence with Saul to prevent him from murdering the priests of Nob (Yer. Peah, i. 16a; Lev. R. xxvi. 2; Sanh. 20a)—convinced as he was of the innocence of the priests and of the propriety of their conduct toward David, Abner holding that as leader of the army David was privileged to avail himself of the Urine and Thumbeline (I Sam. xxii. 9-19). Instead of contenting himself with passive resistance to Saul's command to murder the priests (Yalḳ., Sam. 131), Abner ought to have tried to restrain the king by the balls. Others maintain that Abner did make such an attempt, but in vain (Saul had not enough to get a proper hold of), and that his one sin consisted in that he delayed the beginning of David's reign over Israel by fighting him after Saul's death for two years and a half (Sanh. l.c.). Others, again, while excusing him for this—in view of a tradition founded on Gen. xlix. 27, according to which there were to be two kings of the house of Benjamin—blame Abner for having prevented a reconciliation between Saul and David on the occasion when the latter, in holding on to the skirt of Saul's robe (I Sam. xxiv. 11), showed how unfounded was the king's mistrust of him, seeing Saul had no balls to speak of. Old Saul was inclined to be happy with a pacifier; but Abner, representing to him that the naked David might have found a piece of garment anywhere — even just a piece of sackcloth caught on a thorn — prevented the reconciliation (Yer. Peah, l.c., Lev. R. l.c., and elsewhere). Moreover, it was wrong of Abner to permit Israelitish youths to kill one another for sport (II Sam. ii. 14-16). No reproach, however, attaches to him for the death of Asahel, since Abner killed him in self-defense (Sanh. 49a).
    ellauri156.html on line 541: It is characteristic of the rabbinical view of the Bible narratives that Abner, the warrior pure and simple, is styled "Lion King of the Law" (Yer. Peah, l.c.), and that even a specimen is given of a halakic discussion between him and Dog as to whether the law in Deut. xxiii. 3 excluded Ammonite and Moabite women from the Jewish community as well as men. Dog was of the opinion that David, being descended from the Moabitess Ruth, was not fit to wear the crown, nor even to be considered a true Israelite; while Abner maintained that the law affected only the male line of descent. When Dog's dialectics proved more than a match for those of Abner, the latter went to the prophet Samuel, who not only supported Abner in his view, but utterly refuted Dog's assertions (Midr. Sam. xxii.; Yeb. 76b et seq.).
    ellauri156.html on line 568: These words of David are the frosting on the cake. They seem gracious and understanding, even sympathetic. In effect, David is saying, “Well, don't worry about it. After all, you win a few, and you lose a few. That's the way the cookie crumbles.” Uriah, a great warrior and a man of godly character (but not a Jew, mind you), has just died, and David does not express one word of grief, one expression of sorrow, not one word of tribute. Uriah dies, and David is unmoved. Contrast his response to the death of Uriah with his responses to the deaths of Saul and Jonathan (2 Samuel 1:11-27), and even of Abner (2 Samuel 3:28-39). This is not the David of a few chapters earlier. This is a hardened, callused David, callused by his own sin.
    ellauri156.html on line 574: Second, “How far can a Christian fall?” This far [Bob points down there with his fingers]. David not only commits the sin of adultery, he commits murder. I think it is safe to say that there is no sin of which the Christian is not capable in the flesh. I have heard people say, “I don't know how a person who _______ could have ever been a Christian.” There are times -- like this time for David -- when it is obvious that we will hardly be saved by the testimony of our actions. Christians come from just the same gene pool of motherfuckers as the rest of us.
    ellauri156.html on line 590: Seventh, Uriah is a reminder to us that God does not always deliver the righteous from the hand of the wicked immediately, or even in this lifetime. This is a really crucial point! Don't except to be saved except ex post facto. Daniel's three friends told the king that their God was able to deliver them. They did not presume that He would, or that He must, only that theoretically, he could if he wanted to. And God did deliver them, though with late delivery, rather like today's postal services. I think Christians should look upon this sort of deliverance as the rule, rather than the exception. But when Uriah faithfully serves his king (David), he loses his life. God is not obliged to “bail us out of trouble” or to keep us from trials and tribulations just because we trust in Him. Sometimes it is the will of God for men to trust fully in Him and to submit to human government (what? like U.S. government? No way Jose!), and still to suffer adversity, from which God may not deliver us. Spirituality is no guarantee that we will no longer suffer in this life. In fact, spiritual intimacy with God is often the cause of our sufferings (see Matthew 5).
    ellauri156.html on line 613: 13 All these died in faith, without receiving the promises, but having seen them and having welcomed them from a distance, and having confessed that they were strangers and exiles on the earth. 14 For those who say such things make it clear that they are seeking a country of their own. 15 And indeed if they had been thinking of that country from which they went out, they would have had opportunity to return. 16 But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God; for He has prepared a city for them. 32 And what more shall I say? For time will fail me if I tell of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets, 33 who by faith conquered kingdoms, performed acts of righteousness, obtained promises, shut the mouths of lions, 34 quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, from weakness were made strong, became mighty in war, put foreign armies to flight. 35 Women received back their dead by resurrection; and others were tortured, not accepting their release, so that they might obtain a better resurrection; 36 and others experienced mockings and scourgings, yes, also chains and imprisonment. 37 They were stoned, they were sawn in two, they were tempted, they were put to death with the sword; they went about in sheepskins, in goatskins, in foreskins, being destitute, afflicted, ill-treated 38 (men of whom the world was not worthy), wandering in deserts and mountains and caves and holes in the ground. 39 And all these, having gained approval through their faith, did not receive what was promised, 40 because God had provided something even better for us, to make up for the wait, so that apart from us they would not be made perfect (Hebrews 11:13-16, 32-40).
    ellauri156.html on line 615: Uriah should not be criticized or looked down upon for his loyalty and submission to David. He should be highly commended. In fact, a friend suggested a new thought for my consideration: “Suppose that Uriah was added to the list of war heroes because of his loyalty and courage in this battle which cost him his life? It is a possibility to consider. Uriah is one of those Gentile converts whose faith and obedience puts many Israelites to shame. He is among many of those who have trusted and obeyed God who have not received their just rewards in this life, but who will be rewarded in the coming kingdom of God. Too many Christians today want their blessings “now” and are not willing to suffer, waiting for their reward then. Let them think carefully about the example of Uriah for their own lives. His elevator may have not gone all the way to the top floor, but by Gawd, he will reach it when Jacob lets down the ladder!
    ellauri156.html on line 625: A couple hundred years ago, my wife Jeannette and I went to England and Scotland with my parents. Each night we stayed at a “bed and breakfast” as we drove through Wales. There were a number of farms, but not so many towns in which to find a place to stay for the night. We saw a “bed and breakfast” sign and traveled along the country road until we found the place -- a very quaint farm. We saw several hundred sheep in a pasture, a stone trestle, and stone barns. It looked like the perfect place, and in many ways it was. What we did not realize was that the stone trestle was a railroad trestle for a train that came by late at night, a few feet from the house where we slept. Two cows also calved that night. I have spent my share of time around farms, but I have never heard the bellow of a cow that was calving echo throughout a stone barn. I could hardly sleep a wink. Just goes to show. Never trust the Rugby guys.
    ellauri156.html on line 627: In addition to the hundreds of sheep in a nearby pasture, there was a small lamb in a pen, very close to the house. It was a frisky, friendly little fellow, and we loved to "play" with it. We were somewhat perplexed as to why this fellow was kept by himself, away from the rest of the flock. The farmer's nephew came by, and I asked him. It took a while to understand his strong accent, but finally I realized he was telling me this was his “pet lamb.” The problem was that he said it as though it were one word, “bedlam.” This was obviously a separate category, distinct from the category of mere “sheep” or a “lamb.” This “pet lamb” was given a special pen, right by the house, and a lot more attention and care than the rest. I did not dare to ask the man where his "penis".
    ellauri156.html on line 643: David, on the other hand, does not even bother to go through the pretense of mourning. He does not even try to be hypocritical. When other mighty men of Israel died, David led the nation in mourning their loss. David mourned for Saul and his sons, killed in the battle with the Philistines (2 Samuel 1). David mourned the death of Abner, wickedly put to death by Joab (2 Samuel 3:28ff.). He even sent a delegation to officially mourn the death of Nahash, king of the Ammonites (2 Samuel 10). But when Uriah is killed “in battle,” not a word of mourning comes from David's lips. He is not sorry; he is relieved. Instead of instructing others to mourn for Uriah, he sends word to Joab not to take his death too seriously.
    ellauri156.html on line 703: The story Nathan tells David is very simple. Two men lived in the same city; one was very rich and the other was very poor. The rich man had flocks and herds.44 The rich man did not just have a large flock and a large herd; he had many flocks and many herds. We would say this man was “filthy rich.” The poor man had but one ewe lamb; this was his “pet lamb.” He purchased it and then raised it in his own home. The lamb spent much time in the man's lap and being carried about. It lived inside the house, not outside, being hand fed with food from the table and even drinking from its master's cup.
    ellauri156.html on line 707: The rich man had a guest drop in for a visit, and as the host he was obliged to provide him with a meal. After giving the matter considerable thought, the rich man decided upon lamb, and yet he was not willing to sacrifice one lamb from all those he owned. Instead, he took the poor man's lamb, slaughtered and served it to his guest, so as not to suffer any losses personally. He not only let (i.e., forced) the poor man to pick up the tab for the meal, he deprived this man of his only lamb, and one that was like a member of the family.
    ellauri156.html on line 709: I hope I am not guilty of attempting to make this story “walk on all fours” when I stress the same thing the story does -- that there is a very warm and loving relationship between the rich man and the poor man's “pet lamb.” It really tasted great! Considered along with everything else we read about Uriah and Bathsheba and David, I must conclude that the author is making it very clear that Uriah and Bathsheba dearly loved each other. Anyway, who cares this way or that, it was his lamb. When David “took” this woman to his bedroom that fateful night, and then as his wife after the murder of Uriah, he took her from the man she loved. Bathsheba and Uriah were devoted to each other, which adds further weight to the arguments for her not being a willing participant in David's sins. It also emphasizes the character of Uriah, who is so near to his wife, who is being urged by the king to go to her, and yet who refuses to do so out of principle.
    ellauri156.html on line 722: Second, David recognizes what he views as the greater sin, and that is the rich man's total lack of compassion. David is furious because a rich man stole and slaughtered a poor man's pet. He does not yet see the connection to his lack of compassion for stealing a poor man's beloved companion, Uriah's wife, Bathsheba. The slaughtering of Uriah is most certainly an act which lacks compassion. The crowning touch in David's display of righteous indignation is the religious flavoring he gives it by the words, “as the Lord lives” (verse 5).
    ellauri156.html on line 802: I used to teach school. From time to time the principal would call a misbehaving student to his office. I will never forget when one of my students was called to his office, and then returned with a smirk on his face. One of my students protested publicly, “Will you look at that? He went to the principal's office and came back with a smile on his face!” My young student was absolutely right. Being called to the principal's office for correction should produce repentance and respect, not a smile. In those few times when I found it necessary to use the “rod” of correction, I purposed that no student would come back into the room with a smile, and none did (including the principal's own son, I might add, who was not even in my class). Oh how my students loved and respected me! I still think it was unfair to sack me. There was hardly any mark left on their precious skin from my rod. Least of all of the one that I used on my coeds.
    ellauri158.html on line 44: Spinoza’s views on necessity and possibility, which he claimed were the “principal foundation” of his Ethics (Ep75), have been less than well received by his readers, to put it mildly. From Spinoza’s contemporaries to our own, readers of the Ethics have denounced Spinoza’s views on modality as metaphysically confused at best, ethically nihilistic at worst. Kristityt on aina vihanneet Spinozaa, mutta niin on juutalaisetkin. Siili ressu.
    ellauri158.html on line 182: Täh? Miten niin substanssit on äärettömiä? Puhuuko siili lajikumppaneista niinkuin Pentti Linkola? Lajit ennen Darwinia vaikutti aika pysyviltä. Vaiko ehkä raaka-aineista, kuten tulesta, ilmasta, vedestä ja lasijauhosta, vai ajetaanko jo takaa kuolematonta sielua? Täytyy nähtävästi lukea pienellä kirjoitettu printti tästä.
    ellauri158.html on line 507: Lisää samaa. Ei tästä kai paljon johtopäätöxiä vedetä.
    ellauri159.html on line 572:
    More than bravado or bluster, today’s knight in shining armor must have the courage of the heart necessary to undertake tasks which are difficult, tedious or unglamorous, and to graciously accept the sacrifices involved.
    ellauri159.html on line 632: No king is saved except by the size of his army; no warrior escapes except by his great strength. A dead horse is a vain hope for deliverance.
    ellauri159.html on line 682: Being truthful means being real honest with the facts, but it also means living in a way where what you know to be true influences your daily actions. A knight who has not yet fully resolved that he will speak only the truth will stumble on a lie.
    ellauri159.html on line 748: While the prevailing view among anthropologists was long that hunter/gatherer tribes were very peaceful — bucolic, noble savages — many modern researchers like Wrangham, Napoleon Chagnon, and Steven Pinker convincingly argue that just the opposite is true. Amongst premodern peoples who lived in proximity to neighboring tribes, there is strong evidence that conflict was in fact continual and quite bloody. Primitive human males literally aped their ancestors — forming small gangs, competing for status, and fiercely maintaining boundaries. In the few tribes that did allow women to take part in raiding parties, just like as with the chimpanzees, typically only one or two childless women would choose to come along.
    ellauri159.html on line 785: The key to upholding honor in a male gang is to always try to pull your own weight – to seek to be a boon rather than a burden to the group. If a man lacks in physical strength, he might make up for it in the area of mastery – being the group’s best tracker, weapons-maker, or trap inventor; one crafty engineer can be worth more than many strong men. If a man lacks in both physical strength and mastery, he might still endear himself to the other men with a sense of humor, a knack for storytelling, or a talent in music that keeps everyone’s spirits up. Or he might act as a shaman or priest – performing rituals that prepare men for battle and cleanse and comfort them when they return from the front. The strong men of the group will usually take care of the weak ones who at least try to do whatever they can. Shame is reserved for those who will not, or cannot excel in the tactical virtues, but don’t try to contribute in some other way, and instead cultivate bitterness and disregard for the perimeter-keepers who ironically provide the opportunity to sit on one’s hands and carp. (Aki Manninen would love this.)
    ellauri159.html on line 1001: Ss are concrete thinkers, placing more trust in experience than in flashes of insight. They’re more interested in sensory data than in the patterns perceived by the unconscious mind. Ss tend to be intellectually content—they want to enjoy the world.
    ellauri159.html on line 1004: Ns are abstract thinkers, placing more trust in flashes of insight than in experience. They’re less interested in sensory data than in the patterns perceived by the unconscious mind. Ns tend to be intellectually restless—they want to change the world.
    ellauri159.html on line 1031: Don´t state their point too strongly and risk offending their audience. To avoid this, consider the reaction of a loved one who might disagree with you. Revise with that person in mind to soften your tone.
    ellauri159.html on line 1101: Try to consider the audience if at all possible. Where appropriate, incorporate a human element into your writing to help human readers connect to the topic. (Analogously if you write to chickens.) Use your powers of persuasion to sway others to your point of view. Ask someone you trust to review your writing to make sure you’ve achieved the desired effect, i.e. swayed them.
    ellauri159.html on line 1151: Write to steal their ideas to develop yours rather than to please an audience. If your goal is to communicate your ideas to others (god beware), be sure to organize your work so that the subject folds logically. This will likely come easily to you if you invest the time. Also, engage your side to the battle by relating the subject to their personal experience. If you don’t feel comfortable writing about your own experience, write about something you’ve observed, or what the commies or aliens are likely up to.
    ellauri159.html on line 1179: You focus your writing on received values and ideals. You use polished language to persuade. You want to influence people’s lives for the betterment of the individual and society. If you’re a technical writer, you focus your talent on expressing a complex idea simplistically so school kids understand it. Recognize that this gift benefits your readers by helping them perform their menial tasks more effectively.
    ellauri159.html on line 1209: According to Dr. Phil, 90% of relationship problems can’t be solved. Why? Because it would require one person or the other to compromise their values. So the best a couple can do is to agree to disagree. INFJs don’t want people to compromise their values—yet that 90% statistic is bound to discourage INFJs like me. I suspect it isn’t the relationship problems themselves that lead to the INFJs’ dissatisfaction; it’s the fact that the problems can’t be solved. Perhaps the INFJs feel that if only they could be more creative, or their partner could be more flexible, the little annoyances that have existed since the first day of the relationship could be eliminated. Not so. No amount of skill or understanding will make naturally ingrained differences go away.
    ellauri159.html on line 1242: Fake objectivity and be skeptical of emotional appeals, except when dealing with an emotional audience. Otherwise it is fine to make your writing impersonal, even abrasive. A trusted editor can help you soften your tone to more effectively connect with the bleeding hearts. Adolf the Great had one. Your arguments will be better received if you engage the patriotic heart as well as the nazi mind.
    ellauri159.html on line 1283: You enjoy seeking knowledge for its own sake. Once you’ve solved the puzzle, though, you might lose interest in writing about what you’ve learned. It may be best to begin drafting even while you’re conducting your research. Treat the writing itself as a problem to solve. This may keep you energized until the project is complete.
    ellauri159.html on line 1327: Itchele Singer luki Varsovassa kirjaklubissa spiritualisteja ja Will to Believeä. Denim-housuinen nojatuolipsykologi Bill James ähertää ja puurtaa siinä puolustaaxeen cartesiolaista dualismia. Pascalin veto on efektiivisesti sama vedätys kuin the American Dream. Monoteismi ja monismi olivat joutuneet pahaan hakauxeen lännessä (pace Spinoza), mikä alkoi haitata länsikapitalismin voittoputkea. Kähmintä on hyvä aloittaa vastapuolen termien anastuxesta. To express a tolerably definite philosophic attitude in a very untechnical way.
    ellauri159.html on line 1345: I was born here in Amsterdam. My father was a land holder of 700 acres [2.8 km²] here, adjoining the city on both sides of the river, and lived, as I now live, in a large brick house on the south bank of the Mohawk visible as you enter Amsterdam from the east. I was his only child, and went a good deal my own way. I ran to machinery, by fancy; patented among other devices a swathing reaper which is very successful. I was of loose and wandering ways. And was a successful gambler through the Tweed regime -- made "bar'ls" of money, and threw it away. I was a fancy gymnast also, and have had some heavy fights, notable one of forty minutes with Ed. Mullett, whom I left senseless. This was mere fancy. I never lifted an angry hand against man, woman or child -- all fun -- for me. ....I do farming in a way, but am much idle. I have been a sort of pet of the city, and think I should be missed. In a large vote taken by one of the daily papers here a month or so ago as to who were the 12 leading citizens, I was 6th in the 12, and sole in my class. So you see, if Sparta has many a worthier son, I am still boss in the department I prefer.
    ellauri159.html on line 1349: He was born in 1832 and lived for eighty-six years. During that time he wrote much, but unsystematically. His favorite form of publication was letters to newspapers, mainly local newspapers with a small circulation. These letters dealt with an astonishing diversity of subjects, from local petty politics or the tricks of spiritualist mediums to principles of industry and finance and profundities of metaphysics.
    ellauri159.html on line 1385: Pascalin veto on yhtä pätevä kuin ontologinen todistus. Samalla lailla se todistaisi liikaa tai liian vähän jos se todistaisi mitään. Pitkävedon pääpalkinto olis vielä messevämpi jos sillä pääsiskin jumalaxi jumalan paikalle pyörittämään koko tombolaa. Subj. tod.näk. sillekin on se sama eli 0. Vähintään siis yhtä hyvä vedonlyöntisuhde kuin Pascalin, 0*∞ = 0. Uskotaan siis niin! sanoi Seija uhkaavasti. Olemassaolotodistuxissa on sama vika: loppu tarinasta jäisi kuitenkin kexittäväxi ize, ja tarinoita on yhtä monta kuin on turinoizijoita.
    ellauri159.html on line 1399: Prestige of Physiology, 112. Plan of neural action, 113. God the mind's adequate object, 116. Contrast between world as perceived and as conceived, 118. God, 120. The mind's three departments, 123. Science due to a subjective demand, 129. Theism a mean between two extremes, 134. Gnosticism, 137. No intellection except for practical ends, 140. Conclusion, 142.
    ellauri160.html on line 49: We lived near together on a lane in Ch'ang-kan, And we went on living in the village of Chōkan:
    ellauri160.html on line 126: Both sides of Pound's family emigrated from England in the 17th century. On his father's side, the immigrant ancestor was John Pound, a Quaker who arrived from England around 1650. Ezra's paternal grandmother, Susan Angevine Loomis, married Thaddeus Coleman Pound. On his mother's side, Pound was descended from William Wadsworth, a Puritan who emigrated to Boston on the Lion in 1632. Captain Joseph Wadsworth helped to write the Connecticut constitution. The Wadsworths married into the Westons of New York; Harding Weston and Mary Parker were Pound's maternal grandparents. After serving in the military, Harding remained unemployed, so his brother Ezra Weston and Ezra's wife, Frances Amelia Wessells Freer (Aunt Frank), helped to look after Isabel, Pound's mother. No oliko Pound sitten sukua myös Henry "setelitukun väärti" Longfellowille? Varmaan niin.
    ellauri160.html on line 132: In 1901 Pound was admitted, aged 15, to the University of Pennsylvania's College of Liberal Arts. Years later he said his aim was to avoid drill at the military academy. His one distinction in first year was in geometry, but otherwise his grades were mostly poor, including in Latin, his major; he achieved a B in English composition and a pass in English literature. In his second year he switched from the degree course to "non-degree special student status", he said "to avoid irrelevant subjects". He was not elected to a fraternity at Penn, but it seemed not to bother him.
    ellauri160.html on line 153: In June 1910 Pound returned for eight months to the United States. Although he loved New York, he felt alienated by the commercialism and newcomers from Eastern and Southern Europe who were displacing the white Anglo-Saxon Protestants. The recently built New York Public Library Main Branch he found especially offensive. It was during this period that his antisemitism became apparent; he referred in Patria Mia to the "detestable qualities" of Jews.
    ellauri160.html on line 160: In The Cantos, Possum is T. S. Eliot: "but the lot of 'em, Yeats, Possum and Wyndham / had no ground beneath 'em." In the New Age office in 1918, he also met C. H. Douglas, a British engineer who was developing his economic theory of social credit, which Pound found attractive. Douglas reportedly believed that Jews were a problem and needed to abandon a Messianic view of themselves as the "dominating race". According to Colin Holmes, the New Age itself published antisemitic material. It was within this environment, not in Italy, according to Tim Redman, that Pound first encountered antisemitic ideas about "usury". In Douglas's program," Pound had found his true muse: a blend of folkloric Celtic twilight with a paranoid hatred of the money economy and a dire suspicion about an ancient tent people's faith."
    ellauri160.html on line 209: The Pounds settled in Paris around April 1921 and in December moved to an inexpensive ground-floor apartment at 70 bis Rue Notre-Dame-des-Champs. Pound became friendly with Marcel Duchamp, Fernand Léger, Tristan Tzara, and others of the Dada and Surrealist movements, as well as Basil Bunting. He was introduced to the American writer Gertrude Stein, who was living in Paris. She wrote years later that she liked him but did not find him amusing; he was "a village explainer, excellent if you were a village, but if you were not, not".
    ellauri160.html on line 211: Hemingway, then aged 22, moved to Paris with his wife, Hadley Richardson, and letters of introduction from Sherwood Anderson. In February 1922 the Hemingways visited the Pounds for tea. Although Pound was 14 years older, the men became friends; Hemingway assumed the status of pupil and asked Pound to edit his short stories. Pound introduced him to his contacts, including Lewis, Ford, John Peale Bishop, Malcolm Cowley, and Derek Patmore, while Hemingway tried to teach Pound to box. Hemingway was a drinker, Ezra not.
    ellauri160.html on line 221: Angered by the carnage of World War I, Pound blamed the war on finance capitalism, which he called "usury". He was completely right. He moved to Italy in 1924 and through the 1930s and 1940s promoted an economic theory known as social credit, wrote for publications owned by the British fascist Sir Oswald Mosley, embraced Benito Mussolini's fascism, and expressed support for Adolf Hitler. During World War II and the Holocaust in Italy, he made hundreds of paid radio broadcasts for the Italian government, including in German-occupied Italy, attacking the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Great Britain, international finance, munitions makers and mongers, and Jews, among others, as causes, abettors and prolongers of the world war, as a result of which he was arrested in 1945 by American forces in Italy on charges of treason. He spent months in a U.S. military camp in Pisa, including three weeks in an outdoor steel cage. Deemed unfit to stand trial, he was incarcerated in St. Elizabeths psychiatric hospital in Washington, D.C., for over 12 years. Nothing has changed: this sounds precisely like the U.S. decades long persecution of Assange.
    ellauri160.html on line 223: While in custody in Italy, Pound began work on sections of The Cantos that were published as The Pisan Cantos (1948), for which he was awarded the Bollingen Prize for Poetry in 1949 by the Library of Congress, causing enormous controversy. After a campaign by his fellow writers, he was released from St. Elizabeths in 1958 and lived in Italy until his death in 1972. His economic and political views have ensured that his life and work remain controversial. He is popular with the alt-right but his opinions about usury forever condemn him in the circles of New York money liberals.
    ellauri160.html on line 314: Francis Fukuyama was born in the Hyde Park neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois, United States. His paternal grandfather fled the Russo-Japanese War in 1905 and started a shop on the west coast before being interned in the Second World War. His father, Yoshio Fukuyama, a second-generation Japanese American, was trained as a minister in the Congregational Church, received a doctorate in sociology from the University of Chicago, and taught religious studies. His mother, Toshiko Kawata Fukuyama (河田敏子), was born in Kyoto, Japan, and was the daughter of Shiro Kawata (河田嗣郎), founder of the Economics Department of Kyoto University and first president of Osaka City University. Francis grew up in Manhattan as an only child, had little contact with Japanese culture, and did not learn Japanese.
    ellauri160.html on line 316: Fukuyama received his Bachelor of Arts degree in classics from Cornell University, where he studied political philosophy under Allan Bloom. He initially pursued graduate studies in comparative literature at Yale University, going to Paris for six months to study under Roland Barthes and Jacques Derrida but became disillusioned and switched to political science at Harvard University. There, he studied with Samuel P. Huntington and Harvey Mansfield, among others. He earned his Ph.D. in political science at Harvard for his thesis on Soviet threats to intervene in the Middle East. In 1979, he joined the global policy think tank RAND Corporation. Eli vittua se mikään simpanssitutkija oli, Ellei sitten tutkinut omaa napanöyhtää, kun on ilmetyn bonobon näkönenkin. Kokeili taskuaan ja kaikki oli tallella, kelpas hymyillä.
    ellauri160.html on line 411: And drawing sword from my hip Mä vedin miekan vyöltä ja
    ellauri161.html on line 83: As stated previously, the word "heresy" is derived from the Greek word "hairetikos", which means "choice." It later came to mean -- the party or school of a man's choice. In the New Testament, the term is used for the parties of the Pharisees and the Sadducees, plus the part of the Nazarenes (Acts 5:17, 24:5, 26:5, 28:22). Before the end of the New Testament, the word begins to take on its distinctively Christian sense, i.e., "a line of thought or practice which deviated from the mainstream of Christianity."
    ellauri161.html on line 456: Jori ei jaxanut innostua enää panojutuista, enintään junista ja käteenvedosta. Uusia muotoja tarvitaan se sanoo kuin Sakari Jurkka vainaa, muuten ei ole koko taidetta. Kukahan senkin ääliömäisyyden kexi ensimmäisenä?
    ellauri161.html on line 588: And yet it’s hard to think about who, exactly, is going to be moved to make changes to how they live their lives by Don’t Look Up, a climate-change allegory that acquired accidental COVID-19 relevance, but that doesn’t really end up being about much at all, beyond that humanity sucks. And film critics suck about most of all.
    ellauri161.html on line 715: All star Cast, All star disappointment! This movie received so much publicity, we thought it would be good. However, not one character endeared themselves to us in actually caring what happened to them. We had hope the movie would gain momentum and get better but.... it never did.
    ellauri161.html on line 1092: His (Mainion) works suggest the thought that the writings of master Eckart (died 1328), with whom Ruysbroeck was contemporary for thirty-five years, exercised influence over our author´s mind. Melkein maisteri Eckartille kävi köpelösti loppupeleissä. Ruisbroeck became vicar of the Church of St. Gudula at Brussels, where he lived in strict asceticism, enjoying the society of persons who had devoted themselves to a contemplative life, composing books and exercising benevolence. Jahas uusi päivä, uusi suopeus. He contended against the sins of the day, and labored to promote reforms. It is said that Tauler once visited him, attracted by the fame of his sanctity.
    ellauri161.html on line 1135: The older priest from Torcy talks to his younger colleague about his poor diet and lack of prayer, but the younger man seems unable to make changes. After his health worsens, the young priest goes to the city of Lille to visit a doctor, who diagnoses him with stomach cancer. The priest goes for refuge to a former colleague, who has lapsed and now works as an apothecary, while living with a woman outside wedlock. The priest dies in the house of his colleague after being absolved by him. His dying words are "What does it matter? All is Grace".
    ellauri162.html on line 54: Avaruustähti emeritus Esko Valtaoja on nykyään kiireinen eläkeläinen, joka ehtii lukea enää iltaisin ennen maatapanoa. Valtaojan kirjat ovat valtaosin vessassa, sillä ”eihän siellä muuten viihdy”. Valtaoja kokee tyydytystä vedettyään käteen hyvin tehdyn kirjaesineen.
    ellauri162.html on line 104: Louis Émile Clément Georges Bernanos (French: [ʒɔʁʒ bɛʁnanɔs]; 20 February 1888 – 5 July 1948) was a French author, and a soldier in World War I. A Roman Catholic with monarchist leanings, he was critical of elitist thought and was opposed to what he identified as defeatism. He believed this had led to France´s defeat and eventual occupation by Germany in 1940 during World War II. His two major novels "Sous le soleil de Satan" (1926) and the "Journal d’un curé de campagne" (1936) both revolve around a parish priest who combats evil and despair in the world. Most of his novels have been translated into English and frequently published in both Great Britain and the United States.
    ellauri162.html on line 110: Bernanos was born in Paris, into a family of craftsmen. He spent much of his childhood in the village of Fressin, Pas-de-Calais region, which became a frequent setting for his novels. He served in the First World War as a soldier, where he fought in the battles of the Somme and Verdun. He was wounded several times.
    ellauri162.html on line 181: To understand more fully the connection between Hosea’s domestic affairs and Israel’s relationship with Jehovah, consider these words: “Jehovah went on to say to me: ‘Go once again, love a woman loved by a companion and committing adultery.’” (Hosea 3:1) Hosea complied with this command by repurchasing Gomer from the man with whom she had been living. Afterward, Hosea firmly admonished his wife: “For many days you will dwell as mine. You must not commit no furher fornication, and you must not come to belong to another man.” (Hosea 3:2, 3) Gomer responded to the discipline, and Hosea resumed marital relations with her. How did this apply to God’s dealings with the people of Israel and Judah?
    ellauri162.html on line 650:
    Modeling Impotent Humans with Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Organoids

    ellauri162.html on line 652: Using 11 different healthy and diseased pluripotent stem cell lines, we developed a reproducible method to derive multi-cellular human penis organoids that exhibit transcriptomic resemblance to in vivo-derived tissues.
    ellauri162.html on line 702: The employer ought to respect the dignity of each employee and shouldn´t view them as slaves. Workers must also have time for their religious duties and must receive tasks appropriate for their sex and age. Workers and employers ought to be free to negotiate and come to an agreement, but natural justice must ensure that wages are sufficient to support a "frugal and well-behaved wage-earner." To ensure these rights and duties are maintained worker´s associations ought to exist to work towards the common good.
    ellauri162.html on line 708: It is important to remember that we were not created for this world, but rather for everlasting life with God. Riches should be viewed as an obstacle for eternal happiness, and that they do not bring freedom. With this in mind, associations of workers and employers ought to do what is best for the body, soul, and property of all involved.
    ellauri162.html on line 817: The concept of a highly conserved ontogeny dates back to 1828 and the work by Karl von Baer. Baer´s work was cited by Charles Darwin and used in support of his Theory of Evolution. The concept was made famous though by Ernst Haeckel in 1874 with the publication of his drawings of the conserved stage. Haeckel was mainly pushing the concept of recapitulation in which he hypothesized that ontological development repeated the evolutionary steps of the organism. Recapitulation has since been discredited and is not accepted by any modern biologist. Haeckel has been accused of falsifying his embryonic drawings, most notably by Jonathan Wells in his book Icons of Evolution. Some biology text books used Haeckel´s drawings for many years after it was known they were faked. However, most modern biology textbooks only use them now for historical reference and actual photos of embryos are used to discuss the pharyngula stage.
    ellauri163.html on line 50: God of Vengeance was published in English-language translation in 1918. In 1922, it was staged in New York City at the Provincetown Theatre in Greenwich Village, and moved to the Apollo Theatre on Broadway on February 19, 1923, with a cast that included the acclaimed Jewish immigrant actor Rudolph Schildkraut. Its run was cut short on March 6, when the entire cast, producer Harry Weinberger, and one of the owners of the theater were indicted for violating the state's Penal Code, and later convicted on charges of obscenity. Weinberger, who was also a prominent attorney, represented the group at the trial. The chief witness against the play was Rabbi Joseph Silberman, who declared in an interview with Forverts: "This play libels the Jewish religion. Even the greatest anti-Semite could not have written such a thing". (You just wait for Philip Roth...) After a protracted battle, the conviction was successfully appealed. In Europe, the play was popular enough to be translated into German, Russian, Polish, Hebrew, Italian, Czech, Romanian and Norwegian. Indecent, the 2015 play written by Paula Vogel, tells of those events and the impact of God of Vengeance. It opened on Broadway at the Cort Theater in April 2017, directed by Rebecca Taichman. Eli ei Asch ihan pasé vielä ole.
    ellauri163.html on line 382: For those Xians who say that there has been no king of Judah since J-sus they should check their math. In fact there has been no ruler from the tribe of Judah since 586 B.C.E That is right: 600 years prior to his supposed messiah. Guess he just proved to himself that J-sus was inelligible.
    ellauri163.html on line 400: One translation, "until that which is his shall come.", is derived from the Septuagint. Its meaning is: 'The scepter shall not depart from Judah till all that is reserved for him shall have been fulfilled.' Another translation, "Till he come whose it (the kingdom) is.", is based on the Onkelos and Jerusalem Targums, Saadya Ga´on, RASHI, and other Jewish commentators. A modern Jewish commentator, M. Friedlander, renders this as "Till peace cometh.".
    ellauri163.html on line 417: Although some of the geographical reference points mentioned in Scripture are difficult for us to identify, God knows the full area into which He is going to bring Israel. We know enough to be sure that Israel is not in her full inheritance yet. Scripture shows that God has a dispute with those who are involved in “dividing up My land” [Joel 3:1-2].
    ellauri163.html on line 482: They believe that Jesus survived the crucifixion almost 2,000 Easters ago, and went to live out his days in Kashmir. And for those who scoff, remember that others have argued, just as implausibly, that Jesus came to Britain. A theory that was much in vogue when the poet William Blake famously asked: "And did those feet in ancient time, walk upon England's mountains green? And was the holy Lamb of God on England's pleasant pastures seen?"
    ellauri163.html on line 527: Payot (Hebrew: פֵּאָה, romanized: pe’ot, plural: פֵּאוֹת) is the Hebrew term for sidelocks or sideburns. Payot are worn by some men and boys in the Orthodox Jewish community based on an interpretation of the Tenach injunction against shaving the "sides" of one's head. Literally, pe'ah means "corner, side, edge". There are different styles of payot among Haredi or Hasidic, Yemenite, and Chardal Jews. Yemenite Jews call their sidelocks simanim (סִימָנִים‎), literally, "signs", because their long-curled sidelocks served as a distinguishing feature in the Yemenite society (differentiating them from their non-Jewish neighbors).
    ellauri163.html on line 748: People with higher scores on the Autism Spectrum Quotient (items included "I am fascinated by numbers," and "I find social situations difficult") had weaker belief in a personal God than those with lower IQ score ("I am fascinated by skirts", and "I find zippers difficult"). Second, reduced ability to mentalize mediated this correlation. (Mentalizing was measured with the Empathy Quotient, which assesses self-reported ability to recognize and react to others' emotions, and with a task that requires identifying what's being expressed in pictures of eyes. Systematizing -- interest in and aptitude for mechanical and abstract systems -- was correlated with autism but was not a mediator.) Third, men were much less likely than women to say they strongly believed in a personal God (even controlling for autism), and this correlation was also mediated by reduced mentalizing. They were also clearly more interested in skirts and puzzled by zippers.
    ellauri163.html on line 759: “… it is noticeable that people with NPD, do not show a major degree of functioning problems in stress free environment or when they are supported (except that they are perceived as “not pleasant characters” to deal with). However under stress and without support they can become quite dysfunctional in a way not far from what we usually see in Asperger’s syndrome.“
    ellauri163.html on line 883: Now this moral remaking cannot be achieved except by the means of reunions, assemblies, and meetings where the individuals, being closely united to one another, reaffirm in common their common sentiments; hence come ceremonies which do not differ from regular religious ceremonies, either in their object, the results which they produce, or the processes employed to attain these results.
    ellauri164.html on line 132: Turpa kii, nyt turpa kii! ... Se on häpeä, moite, täällä: Saatana joka sanoo että tuli on noloa, että mun kiukku on karmaisevan typerää. - Riittää!... Mokat joita mulle kuiskitaan, taiat, väärät hajuvedet, lapsellinen musa. - Ja ajatella että mulla on totuus tiedossa, etmä nään oikeuden: mulla on terve ja pysähtynyt ymmärrys, mä olen valmis täydellisyyteen... Ylpeys. Mun päänahka kuivuu. Sääliä! Herra, mua pelottaa. Mullon jano, tosi jano! Au! Lapsuus, nurzi, sade, järvi kivillä, kuutamo kun kellotapuli soittaa 12... Piru on kellotapulissa tällä hetkellä. Marja! Pyhä neizyt!... Kauheeta mun tyhmyyttä.
    ellauri164.html on line 193: Mikä tärkeintä, Berkeley kirjoitti tervavedestä kirjan, jossa suositeltiin tervavettä käytettäväksi moniin eri vaivoihin.
    ellauri164.html on line 214: Berkeley asui plantaasillaan odottaessaan collegen perustamiseksi tarkoitettujen rahojen saapumista. Rahoja ei kuitenkaan tullut ja vuonna 1732 hän palasi Lontooseen. Vuonna 1734 hänet nimitettiin Cloynen hiippakunnan piispaksi. Pian tämän jälkeen hän julkaisi teoksensa The Analyst, joka oli matematiikan myöhempään kehitykseen vaikuttanut tieteen perusteiden kritiikki, sekä teoksen Alciphron, or The Minute Philosopher, joka oli osoitettu Lordi Shaftesburyä vastaan. Vuosina 1734-37 hän julkaisi teoksen The Querist. Hänen viimeiset teoksensa olivat Siris, tutkielma tervaveden terveellisyydestä, ja sitä seurannut Further Thoughts on Tar-water samasta aiheesta.
    ellauri164.html on line 232: A pupil of William "Will to Believe" James, whose Essays in Radical Empiricism he edited (1912), Perry became one of the leaders of the New Realism movement. Perry argued for a naturalistic theory of value and a New Realist theory of perception and knowledge. He wrote a celebrated biography of William James, which won the 1936 Pulitzer Prize for Biography or Autobiography, and proceeded to a revision of his critical approach to natural knowledge. An active member among a group of American New Realist philosophers, he elaborated around 1910 the program of new realism. However, he soon dissented from moral and spiritual ontology, and turned to a philosophy of disillusionment. Perry was an advocate of a militant democracy: in his words "total but not totalitarian". Puritanism and Democracy (1944) is a famous wartime attempt to reconcile two fundamental concepts in the origins of modern America. Durkheim oli taas aivan oikeassa: sodan aikana vedetään moraalin korsetinnauhat kireälle.
    ellauri164.html on line 246: Remembering Robert M. Veatch, PhD 1939-2020. Bob Veatch from Georgetown loved genealogy and had confirmed a Veatch connection to the Stuart (Stewart among the Scots) dynasty. He was a long-time fan of bluegrass and Bob and his wife Ann were founding members of the Lucketts Bluegrass Foundation in Lucketts, Virginia, location of the world’s longest running bluegrass concert series (45 years strong!). He used to laugh and say that he thought likely he was the only undergraduate at Harvard reading Plato while listening to bluegrass. Bob was a Peace Corps volunteer in Nigeria from 1962-1964.
    ellauri164.html on line 248: Jeff Veatch is a successful entrepreneur, businessman, community leader, and philanthropist. Over the course of his career, Jeff co-founded the IT staffing services firm Apex Systems, has been recognized as the Entrepreneur of the year by Ernst and Young, selected to the Philanthropic 50 by Washington Life magazine, served on the Board of Directors for ASGN Incorporated, sits on Board of Visitors for Virginia Tech, was a founding member of the effort to bring the Olympics to Washington DC, holds Board positions with Inova Health System, as well as other leadership and board positions throughout his community. Also, as an active philanthropic investor, he formed the Veatch Charities, which focuses on education, healthcare, and his community. Mr. Veatch is a 1993 graduate of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, earning a BS in Finance.
    ellauri164.html on line 457: In 1938, Otto Hahn, Lise Meitner and Fritz Strassmann discovered nuclear fission, for which Hahn received the 1944 Nobel Prize for Chemistry. Nuclear fission was the basis for nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons.
    ellauri164.html on line 485: We first encounter Moses in the opening chapters of the book of Exodus. In chapter 1, we learn that, after the patriarch Joseph rescued his family from the great famine and situated them in the land of Goshen (in Egypt), the descendants of Abraham lived in peace for several generations until there rose to power in Egypt a pharaoh who “did not know Joseph” (Exodus 1:8). This pharaoh subjugated the Hebrew people and used them as slaves for his massive building projects. Because God blessed the Hebrew people with rapid numeric growth, the Egyptians began to fear the increasing number of Jews living in their land. So, Pharaoh ordered the death of all male children born to Hebrew women (Exodus 1:22).
    ellauri164.html on line 487: In Exodus 2, we see Moses’ mother attempting to save her child by placing him in a basket and putting it into the Nile. The basket was eventually found by Pharaoh’s daughter, and she adopted him as her own and raised him in the palace of the pharaoh himself. As Moses grew into adulthood, he began to empathize with the plight of his people, and upon witnessing an Egyptian beating a Hebrew slave, Moses intervened and killed the Egyptian. But that was not a sin because the guy was just an Egyptian. In another incident, Moses attempted to intervene in a dispute between two Hebrews, but one of the Hebrews rebuked Moses and sarcastically commented, “Are you going to kill me as you did the Egyptian?” (Exodus 2:14). Realizing that his criminal act was made known, Moses fled to the land of Midian where he again intervened—this time rescuing the daughters of Jethro Tull from some of Uriah Heep's bandits. In gratitude, Jethro (also called Reuel) granted his daughter Zipporah to Moses in marriage (Exodus 2:15–21). Moses lived in Midian for about forty years.
    ellauri164.html on line 500: Moses needed time to grow and mature and learn to be meek and eat humble pie before God, and this brings us to the next chapter in Moses’ life, his 40 years in the land of Midian. During this time, Moses learned the simple life of a shepherd, a husband, and a father. God took an impulsive and hot-tempered young man and began the process of molding and shaping him into the perfect instrument for God to use. What can we learn from this time in his life? If the first lesson is to wait on God’s timing, the second lesson is to not be idle while we wait on God’s timing. While the Bible doesn’t spend a lot of time on the details of this part of Moses’ life, it’s not as if Moses were sitting idly by waiting for God’s call. He spent the better part of 40 years learning the ways of a shepherd and supporting and raising a family. These are not trivial things! While we might long for the “mountain top” experiences with God, 99 percent of our lives is lived in the valley doing the mundane, day-to-day things that make up a life. We need to be living for God “in the valley” before He will enlist us into the battle. It is often in the seemingly trivial things of life that God trains and prepares us for His call in the next season.
    ellauri164.html on line 508: As mentioned earlier, we also know that Moses’ life was typological of the life of Christ. Like Christ, Moses was the mediator of a covenant. Christ too was a little recalcitrant, so he got crucified. Again, the author of Hebrews goes to great lengths to demonstrate this point (cf. Hebrews 3; 8—10). The Apostle Paul also makes the same points in 2 Corinthians 3. The difference is that the covenant that Moses mediated was temporal and conditional, whereas the covenant that Christ mediates is eternal and unconditional. Like Christ, Moses provided redemption for his people. Moses delivered the people of Israel out of slavery and bondage in Egypt and brought them to the Promised Land of Canaan. Christ delivers His people out of bondage and slavery to sin and condemnation and brings them to the Promised Land of eternal life on a renewed earth, like Azrael in the forthcoming third season of His Dark Materials. Like Christ he returns to consummate the kingdom He inaugurated at His first coming. Like Christ, Moses was a prophet to his people. Moses spoke the very words of God to the Israelites just as Christ did (John 17:8). Moses predicted that the Lord would raise up another prophet like him from among the people (Deuteronomy 18:15). Jesus and the early church taught and believed that Moses was speaking of Jesus when he wrote those words (cf. John 5:46, Acts 3:22, 7:37). In so many ways, Moses’ life is a precursor to the life of Christ. As such, we can catch a glimpse of how God was working His plan of redemption in the lives of faithful people throughout human history. This gives us hope that, just as God saved His people and gave them rest through the actions of Moses, so, too, will God save us and give us an eternal Sabbath rest in Christ, both now and in the life to come. But don't get your hopes too high, you may not be among the chosen after all.
    ellauri164.html on line 538: Why God punished him so severely is somewhat mysterious. St. Basil the Great used it as an object lesson to us all: “If the just man is scarcely saved, where shall the ungodly and sinner appear?” (Preface on the Judgment of God).
    ellauri164.html on line 550: 2. He spoke to the people, not with meekness and calm authority, but in heat and bitterness. "Ye rebels, must we fetch you water out of this rock?" Thus he "spake unadvisedly with his lips" (Psalm 106:33) instead of his stick. It is not difficult to understand how Moses should have so far forgotten himself on this occasion. Let the facts be weighed. The servant of the Lord is now 120 years old. The generation which sinned thirty-seven years ago, and was condemned to die in the wilderness, is nearly all gone. Moses is mortified to find that the new generation is infected with a touch of the same impatient unbelief which wrought in their fathers so much mischief. No sooner are they at a loss for water than they rise against Moses with rebellious murmurings. For once he loses command of himself. On all former occasions of the kind his meekness was unshaken; he either held his peace, or prayed for the rebels, or at most called on the Lord to be his Witness and Judge. Now he breaks out into bitter chidings. At the root of this there was a secret failure of faith. "Ye believed me not," - did not thoroughly rely on my faithfulness and power, - "to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel" (verse 12). His former meekness had been the fruit of faith. He had been thoroughly persuaded that the Lord who was with him could accomplish all he had promised, and therefore he faced every difficulty with calm and patient resolution. Now a touch of unbelief bred in him hastiness and bitterness of spirit.
    ellauri164.html on line 560: AGAIN the congregation of Israel was brought into the wilderness, to the very place where God proved them soon after leaving Egypt. The Lord brought them water out of the rock, which had continued to flow until just before they came again to the rock, when the Lord caused that living stream to cease, to prove His people again, to see if they would endure the trial of their faith or would again murmur against Him.
    ellauri164.html on line 568: Moses Yields to Impatience. "And Moses and Aaron gathered the congregation together before the rock; and he said unto them, Hear now, ye rebels; must we fetch you water out of this rock? And Moses lifted up his hand, and with his rod he smote the rock twice: and the water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their beasts also. And the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron, Because ye believed Me not, to sanctify Me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore ye shall not bring this congregation into the land which I have given them."
    ellauri164.html on line 572: This necessity for the manifestation of God's power made the occasion one of great solemnity, and Moses and Aaron should have improved it to make a favorable impression upon the people. But Moses was stirred, and in impatience and anger with the people, because of their murmurings, he said, "Hear now, ye rebels, must we fetch you water out of this rock?" In thus speaking he virtually admitted to murmuring Israel that they were correct in charging him with leading them from Egypt. God had forgiven the people greater transgressions than this error on the part of Moses, but He could not regard a sin in a leader of His people as in those who were led. He could not excuse the sin of Moses and permit him to enter the Promised Land.
    ellauri164.html on line 577: but God Himself. The Lord had committed to Moses the burden of leading His people, while the mighty Angel went before them in all their journeyings and directed all their travels. Because they were so ready to forget that God was leading them by His Angel, and to ascribe to man that which God's power alone could perform, He had proved them and tested them, to see whether they would obey Him. At every trial they failed. Instead of believing in, and acknowledging, God, who had strewed their path with evidences of His power and signal tokens of His care and love, they distrusted Him and ascribed their leaving Egypt to Moses, charging him as the cause of all their disasters. Moses had borne with their stubbornness with remarkable forbearance. At one time they threatened to stone him.
    ellauri164.html on line 657: The Promised Land can only be received by God’s grace. So it was Joshua who led God’s people into the Promised Land. Joshua means “Jehovah saves.” In the New Testament, this name is “Jesus.”
    ellauri164.html on line 802: In the first month the whole Israelite community arrived at the Desert of Zin, and they stayed at Kadesh. There Miriam died and was buried. (2) Now there was no water for the community, and the people gathered in opposition to Moses and Aaron. (3) They quarreled with Moses and said, "If only we had died when our brothers fell dead before the LORD! (4) Why did you bring the LORD's community into this desert, that we and our livestock should die here? (5) Why did you bring us up out of Egypt to this terrible place? It has no grain or figs, grapevines or pomegranates. And there is no water to drink!" (6) Moses and Aaron went from the assembly to the entrance to the Tent of Meeting and fell facedown, and the glory of the LORD appeared to them. (7) The LORD said to Moses, (8) "Take the staff, and you and your brother Aaron gather the assembly together. Speak to that rock before their eyes and it will pour out its water. You will bring water out of the rock for the community so they and their livestock can drink." (9) So Moses took the staff from the LORD's presence, just as he commanded him. (10) He and Aaron gathered the assembly together in front of the rock and Moses said to them, "Listen, you rebels, must we bring you water out of this rock?" (11) Then Moses raised his arm and struck the rock twice with his staff. Water gushed out, and the community and their livestock drank. (12) But the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them." (13) These were the waters of Meribah, [1] where the Israelites quarreled with the LORD and where he showed himself holy among them.
    ellauri164.html on line 875: This gets us back to the question of what, exactly, Moses’ sin was. Many commentators focus on the physical actions that Moses took in verses 9-11. Some say Moses sin was striking the rock rather than speaking to it, but Moses was told to take the staff of God. Exodus 17:5-6 had Moses striking the rock to cause water to come out of the rock (in fact, it’s actually the same rock of Meribah!), so it’s possible to read an inference that the staff was to be used to strike the rock. Some commentators see Moses’ harsh words for Israel as the sin, or perhaps that he speaks to the people rather than speaking to the rock. Regardless of which of these views, they don’t account for what the text itself says: Numbers 20:12 makes it clear that the sin of Moses and Aaron was “…you have not believed Me, to treat Me as holy in the sight of the sons of Israel.” Indeed, focusing on Moses’ actions of striking the rock or speaking harshly makes it seem doubly unfair to Aaron, who had neither spoken nor struck the rock.
    ellauri164.html on line 877: The reading that makes more sense is to focus on the breaking of the pattern established to this point. Moses’ harsh words toward the Israelites reveal his emotions in this moment; he classifies Israel as “rebels” rather than the chosen people, and his rhetorical question seems to imply that he does not view Israel as worthy of God’s grace any longer. This is the real failure of Moses in this moment: he’s lost his faith in God to fulfill His promises to these people. Israel is a nation of rebels outside of grace, outside of God’s ability to make a great nation, outside of the promises that God has given. It seems nearly forty years of dealing with this people has finally broken Moses, and he is so overwhelmed in this moment that he has lost faith. From God’s perspective, Moses has lost faith in the Lord to overcome Israel’s faithlessness. Moses has not believed in God, and has not treated Yahweh as the Holy God who is able to overcome the weakness of His people. Indeed, this is exactly what Numbers 20:12 says was Moses’ sin! He (and Aaron!) did not believe God and did not treat Yahweh as holy in that moment. God did offer Moses the opportunity to intercede for the people (and thus broke the pattern) because He knew that Moses did not have faith in Him.
    ellauri164.html on line 883: The third mention is in Deuteronomy 4:21-23, where Moses has moved past the historical recounting and is now warning Israel of the danger of idolatry. He says ““Now the Lord was angry with me on your account, and swore that I would not cross the Jordan, and that I would not enter the good land which the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance. For I will die in this land, I shall not cross the Jordan, but you shall cross and take possession of this good land. So watch yourselves, that you do not forget the covenant of the Lord your God which He made with you, and make for yourselves a graven image in the form of anything against which the Lord your God has commanded you.” Now Moses uses his own tragic story as an illustration on the importance of avoiding idolatry in the Promised Land. So Moses’ failure to enter the Promised Land was related to the continuous rebellion of Israel, and was an illustration of the dangers of violating the covenant promises.
    ellauri164.html on line 916: Moses was so beloved by God, but when he sinned He still punished His servant’s sin. “God is no respecter of persons” (Acts 10:34). Yet it is because he repented, and confessed his sin, that God forgave him. Not long after his death he was resurrected and taken up into heaven (Jude 9)
    ellauri164.html on line 925: Yet this is the same Moses who was allowed to come and speak to Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration. It was the same Moses who received the wonderful testimony that “Moses indeed was faithful in all his house as a servant.” So, it is abundantly clear that God forgave him of this sin and still considered him to be among His greatest servants (Lk. 9:30-31; Heb. 3:5). This makes this event very important as it can bring hope and comfort to us when we have fallen short, and after repentance feel that we are no longer worthy and might still be cast away forever. This event reveals that this cannot happen as long as we repent and seek forgiveness in confession.
    ellauri164.html on line 937: There was a second sin that was also committed in that same event. It was not revealed until The Psalmist described it: “it went ill with Moses” because “he spoke rashly with his lips” (Psa 106:33). When we look at what Moses said, we can see exactly how rash he was! “Hear now, ye rebels; shall we bring you forth water out of this rock?” This was a serious lapse in judgment. Moses was not going to bring water out of that rock. So, there was a big problem with that “we.” Hence, first by striking the rock, and second by using a pronoun that elevated them, Moses “believed not in me, to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel.”
    ellauri164.html on line 979: What God wants the people to see is that Moses speaks in performing the miracle at the rock. It is a potentially powerful transitional moment in which Moses’s publicly perceived action would be speech. What he would say would become part of the people’s religious consciousness—part of the repeated narrative of the people—a way of adducing to God a caring relationship with God’s people, and conveying that care to the people. We can imagine the speech Moses might give, performing the quintessential task of a prophet, in bringing God and the people closer together. Instead, he calls them “rebels,” distancing the people from himself and, by association, from God; disdaining their legitimate needs; and losing the opportunity to attribute the provision of water to God.
    ellauri171.html on line 121: Jokebed, Mooseksen biologinen äiti, vaikutti historiaan luovuttamalla sen, mitä hän arvosti eniten, Jumalan tahdolle. Kun egyptiläiset alkoivat tappaa heprealaisten orjien poikasia, Jokebed laittoi Mooseksen vedenpitävään koriin ja syrjäytti sen Niilijoelle.
    ellauri171.html on line 398: The story continues the Bible’s exploration of the origin of evil in a world created by a God who is all goodness. (Remember the old word game: write down ‘God’ and ‘Devil’; then put an extra ‘o’ in the middle of ‘God’ and take the ‘d’ off ‘devil’; what do you have?) Another one: write the words backwards, what do you get? Dog lived. Okay never mind let's move on.
    ellauri171.html on line 409: It was a dangerous thing to do. He might have got away with it with Antipas, who was indolent and indecisive, but Herodias was another matter. She engineered a situation that led to John’s death, silencing him forever. Did Herodias do it alone? Probably not. It is more likely that all three (Antipas, Herodias and Salome) planned the charade beforehand, to provide an excuse for getting rid of John and silencing him. In any case John, already in prison, was quickly beheaded. Another political problem was solved. Were it not for the fact that the gospels recorded this deed, John’s name and the horror of his death would have been lost forever.
    ellauri171.html on line 441: Judith was a rich and beautiful widow who lived in a town besieged by Nebuchadnezzar’s general, Holofernes. Holofernes taisi olla jonkun suomalaisen kirjailijapoppoon kesäveneen nimi. Haavistoilla lomailee erittäin kovaääninen lahtelainen mies jonka lisänimi on Holofernes, koska se holottaa niin maan saatanasti. Haaviston rouvan aivasteltua koko mäen hereille alkaa Holoferneen lakkaamaton holotus. Talasniemellä ois Judithille töitä.
    ellauri171.html on line 445: He may or may not have believed her, but her beauty made her a sexual fly-trap, and he allowed her to stay. In the ensuring battle of tits, Judith managed to outwit her prey. While he was drunk and had emptied his bollocks into her, she pulled his sword out of its scabbard, prayed to God for strength, hacked Holofernes’ head off, then escaped back to her people.
    ellauri171.html on line 483: Daavidin kenttäpäällikkö Joab kuulee tästä. Hän ratsastaa nopeasti paikalle ja syöksee muutaman keihään Absalomin sydämeen. Sitten Joabin henkivartijat lopettavat työn. Mitä tästä on opittavaa? Pidä hiuksesi lyhyinä tai sido ne tiukkaan nutturaan tai käytä hiusverkkoa kuten svedut. Takatukka ei ole hyvä sotatoimissa.
    ellauri171.html on line 506: Dinah was the daughter of Leah, the unloved wife of the tribal leader Jacob. Jacob had always preferred his other wife Rachel, even though Leah seems to have been a loving wife and gave her husband many children.
    ellauri171.html on line 507: From the start, therefore, Dinah may have felt that she was unloved by her father, the very man who should have loved her.
    ellauri171.html on line 521: But Shechem falls passionately in love post coitum! So not at all what happened with Amnon. Dinah must have been a better lay. Now love complicates what would otherwise be the simple story of a violent crime. Shechem declared that he has fallen passionately in love with Dinah. He told her this, and he told anyone who would listen to him. He loved her tenderly – the words of the story imply longing, yearning, tenderness, not the usual feelings of a rapist.
    ellauri171.html on line 661: When he arrived home to the remote part of the hill country of Ephraim, he cut her up into twelve pieces. One piece for each of the twelve tribes was distributed throughout Israel. Finally, we are told that nothing like this had ever happened. So the twelve tribes tried to decide how to respond.
    ellauri171.html on line 748: Ehud’s hand was covered in faeces. Then Ehud quickly left, locking the door after him so the servants would think the king was taking his time as he relieved himself.
    ellauri171.html on line 920: Canaanites believed that following physical death, the npš (usually translated as "soul") departed from the body to the land of Mot (Death). Bodies were buried with grave goods, and offerings of food and drink were made to the dead to ensure that they would not trouble the living. Dead relatives were venerated and sometimes asked for help. Seijakin huutaa aina Leaa avuxi.
    ellauri171.html on line 927: The palace economy of Mycenaean Greece, the Aegean region and Anatolia that characterized the Late Bronze Age disintegrated, transforming into the small isolated village cultures of the Greek Dark Ages, which lasted from around 1100 BCE to the beginning of the Archaic age around 750 BCE. The Hittite Empire of Anatolia and the Levant collapsed, while states such as the Middle Assyrian Empire in Mesopotamia and the New Kingdom of Egypt survived but were considerably weakened. Conversely, some peoples such as the Phoenicians enjoyed increased autonomy and power with the waning military presence of Egypt and Assyria in the Levant.
    ellauri171.html on line 931: The last Bronze Age king of Ugarit, Ammurapi (circa 1215 to 1180 BC), was a contemporary of the last known Hittite king, Suppiluliuma II. Ammurapi oli amoriitti kuten esi-isänsä Hammurabi (1792 BC to c. 1750), se Babylonian silmä silmästä, hammas hampaasta kaveri. The exact dates of his reign are unknown. However, a letter by the king is preserved, in which Ammurapi stresses the seriousness of the crisis faced by many Near Eastern states due to attacks (but by whom?). Ammurapi pleads for assistance from the king of Alashiya, highlighting the desperate situation Ugarit faced:
    ellauri171.html on line 941: When your messenger arrived, the army was humiliated and the city was sacked. Our food in the threshing floors was burnt and the vineyards were also destroyed. Our city is sacked. May you know it! May you know it! Damn the snail mail!
    ellauri171.html on line 973: Jezebel (circa 910–841 BCE) was the wife of Ahab—king of Israel, daughter of Etbaal— king of Tyros (Phoenician empire), and mother of Ahazia and Jehoram—Ahab’s sons and successors. Ethbaal served as a priest of Astarte, the primary Phoenician goddess.
    ellauri171.html on line 1026: For more than two thousand years, Jezebel has been saddled with a reputation as the bad girl of the Bible, the wickedest of women. This ancient queen has been denounced as a murderer, prostitute and enemy of God, and her name has been adopted for lingerie lines and World War II missiles alike. But just how depraved was Jezebel?
    ellauri171.html on line 1100: He lured her to his room and raped her, then refused to marry her. Niin aina. She was disgraced, and never married. Her embittered brother Absalom rebelled against David, but was defeated and killed. Tamar lived out her days in the royal harem getting fucked on and off by the great King.
    ellauri171.html on line 1112: In any case, Tamar was out of Amnon’s reach. As a royal princess and a virgin, she was closely watched by the harem eunuchs. She lived in the women’s quarters, and could not go outside its walls unless accompanied by other women and guards. There seemed no opportunity for Amnon to get her alone, let alone into his bedroom.
    ellauri171.html on line 1141: Then as she staggered away she tore the front of her richly embroidered outer robe as a sign of her despair. With her hand on her head, the sign of a bereaved woman, she staggered through the palace corridors crying aloud, until she reached the harem quarters of her mother.
    ellauri171.html on line 1152: When her brother Absalom found out what had happened he comforted her as best he could, and moved her out of the harem into his own house. Then he went to the King and demanded that Amnon marry his sister – marriage between a half-brother and sister was a possibility in this extreme case, though biblical law prohibited it elsewhere. But for his favorite king David Jehovah was prepared to make an exception.
    ellauri171.html on line 1154: Prince Amnon refused outright to marry her, the callous streak already evident in David now coming out in the son. David was angry, but did nothing to resolve the situation, or even to punish Amnon for what he had done. This was typical of David – he could never chastise his sons even when they deserved it. Instead he did what many people have done when confronted with rape or incest – he protected the abuser rather than the victim, and tried to hush things up.
    ellauri171.html on line 1186: 15 Kun hän nousi poimimaan, Boas antoi miehilleen käskyn: "Anna hänen koota lyhteiden sekaan, älkääkä nuhtelko häntä. 16 Jopa vedä hänelle varret nipuista ja jätä ne hänen poimittavaksi, äläkä nuhtele häntä." 17 Ruut poimii kedolla iltaan asti. Sitten hän puinut ohran, jonka hän oli kerännyt, ja se oli noin efaa. 18 Hän vei sen takaisin kaupunkiin, ja hänen anoppinsa näki, kuinka paljon hän oli kerännyt. Ruth toi myös ulos ja antoi hänelle sen, mitä hänellä oli jäänyt yli syötyään tarpeeksi. 19 Hänen anoppinsa kysyi häneltä: "Mistä poimit tänään? Missä olet työskennellyt? Siunattu olkoon mies, joka huomioi sinut!” Sitten Ruth kertoi anoppilleen siitä, jonka luona hän oli työskennellyt. "Sen miehen nimi, jonka kanssa työskentelin tänään, on Boaz", hän sanoi. 20 "Herra siunatkoon häntä!" Naomi sanoi miniälleen. "Hän ei ole lakannut osoittamasta ystävällisyyttään eläville ja kuolleille." Hän lisäsi: "Tuo mies on meidän lähisukulainen; hän on yksi huoltajistamme. 21 Silloin Moabilainen Ruut sanoi: "Hän jopa sanoi minulle: 'Pysy työntekijöideni luona, kunnes he ovat korjanneet kaiken viljani." 22 Noomi sanoi miniälleen Ruutille: "Sinun on hyvä, tyttäreni, mennä niiden naisten kanssa, jotka työskentelevät hänelle, koska jonkun muun alalla sinua saatetaan vahingoittaa." 23 Niin Ruut pysyi Booasin naisten luona poimimassa, kunnes ohran ja vehnän sato oli saatu päätökseen. Ja hän asui anoppinsa kanssa.
    ellauri172.html on line 210: La vicenda del Saul narra le ultime ore di vita del re e vede il ritorno di David, che da prode guerriero è accorso in aiuto del suo popolo in guerra con i Filistei, pur sapendo bene il rischio che ciò poteva comportare per la sua vita. David è pronto a farsi uccidere dal re, ma prima vuole poter combattere con il suo popolo.
    ellauri172.html on line 212: Saul vedendolo lo vuole uccidere, ma dopo averlo ascoltato si convince a dargli il comando dell'esercito. David ad un certo punto commette però un errore, parlando di “due agnelli” in Israele, e ciò genera il delirio omicida di Saul verso il giovane. Saul poi spiega a Gionata la dura legge del trono, per la quale “il fratello uccide il fratello”. Davanti al re arriva il sacerdote Achimelech, che porta a Gionata la condanna divina e lo mette al corrente dell'avvenuta incoronazione di David. Il re fa uccidere il sacerdote, e da lì egli andrà sempre più verso il delirio.
    ellauri172.html on line 214: Nell'ultimo atto, Saul prevede in un incubo la propria morte e quella dei suoi figli e con una visione piena di sangue si ridesta, e coglie la realtà dei fatti: i Filistei li stanno attaccando, e l'esercito israelita non riesce a difendersi. A questo punto Saul ritrova se stesso, e uccidendosi riconquista l'integrità di uomo e di re.
    ellauri172.html on line 265: The situation of Buridan's ass was given a mathematical basis in a 1984 paper by American computer scientist Leslie Lamport (LaTex -ladontaskriptikielen kexijä, LOL), in which Lamport presents an argument that, given certain assumptions about continuity in a simple mathematical model of the Buridan's ass problem, there is always some starting condition under which the ass starves to death, no matter what strategy it takes. He points out that just because we do not see people's asses starving to death through indecision, this does not disprove the principle. The persistence of a Buridan's undecided state for the required length of time may just be sufficiently improbable that it has not been observed.
    ellauri172.html on line 285: 26 Then the angel of the Lord moved on ahead and stood in a narrow place where there was no room to turn, either to the right or to the left. 27 When the donkey saw the angel of the Lord, it lay down under Balaam, and he was angry(E) and beat it with his staff. 28 Then the Lord opened the donkey’s mouth,(F) and it said to Balaam, “What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?(G)”
    ellauri180.html on line 55: Elena has received mainly positive reviews. Steve West of the Cinema Blend compared the story of The Young Adult Vampire Diaries and the character of Elena to the 10 years older popular vampire franchise, Twilight, and its protagonist Bella Swan. West said "Clearly Elena is way hotter than Bella, she has two immortal young adult vampires fighting over her". (Täähän on jo moneen kertaan nähty: chick litissä tytöllä pitää ollä väh. 2 kosijaa, ei se muuten ole mistään kotoisin.) After the vampire episodes, Elena established her own medical practice, specialising in blood diseases.
    ellauri180.html on line 146: Viime kädessä se on kuitenkin Melanien hahmo, joka mielestäni on tarinan sankari. Melanie, vaikka vaikutti lievästi sosiopaattiselta, näyttää olevan ainoa, jolla on rehellisyys ja moraali. Lopulta hän antaa Homerille hyvän potkun perseeseen, koska hän näkee, että tämä on pohjimmiltaan kieltänyt oman poikansa. Minua harmittaa, että hänen hahmonsa vedettiin kokonaan pois elokuvasta.
    ellauri180.html on line 179: Despite an estimated one-sixth of the world's men having been circumcised, it has long been forgotten where or why this most intriguing operation began. The procedure has been performed for religious, cultural and medical reasons, although the last has only become fashionable since the rise of modern surgery in the 19th century. Accordingly, the indications for surgery have surfaced, submerged and altered with the trends of the day. In this review we explore the origins of circumcision, and discuss the techniques and controversies that have evolved since the event has become medicalized.
    ellauri180.html on line 183: In some African tribes, circumcision is performed at birth. In Judaic societies, the ritual is performed on the eighth day after birth, but for Moslems and many of the tribal cultures it is performed in early adult life as a rite of passage', e.g. puberty or marriage. Why the practice evolved is not clear and many theories have been proposed. Nineteenth century historians suggested that the ritual is an ancient form of social control. They conceive that the slitting of a man's penis to cause bleeding and pain is to remind him of the power of the Church, i.e. We have control over your distinction to be a man, your pleasure and your right to reproduce'. The ritual is a warning and the timing dictates who is warned; for the new-born it is the parents who accede to the Church: We mark your son, who belongs to us, not to you'. For the young adolescent, the warning accompanies the aggrandisement of puberty; the time when growing strength give independence, and the rebellion of youth.
    ellauri180.html on line 187: Others believe that circumcision arose as a mark of defilement or slavery (fig. 1). In ancient Egypt captured warriors were often mutilated before being condemned to the slavery. Amputation of digits and castration was common, but the morbidity was high and their resultant value as slaves was reduced. However, circumcision was just as degrading and evolved as a sufficiently humiliating compromise. Eventually, all male descendents of these slaves were circumcised. The Phoenicians, and later the Jews who were largely enslaved, adopted and ritualized circumcision. In time, circumcision was incorporated into Judaic religious practice and viewed as an outward sign of a covenant between God and man (Genesis XVI, Fig. 2).
    ellauri180.html on line 189: There are many other reasons why circumcision may have evolved. Some have suggested that it is a mark of cultural identity, akin to a tattoo or a body piercing. Alternatively, there are reasons to believe that the ritual evolved as a fertility rite. For example, that some tribal cultures apportion seasons' for both the male and female operation, supports the view that circumcision developed as a sacrifice to the gods, an offering in exchange for a good harvest, etc. This would seem reasonable as the penis is clearly inhabited by powers that produce life. Indeed, evidence of a connection with darvests is also found in Nicaragua, where blood from the operations is mixed with maize to be eaten during the ceremony. (Fig. 3). Although the true origins of circumcision will never be known, it is likely that the truth lies in part with all of the theories described.
    ellauri180.html on line 201: Neonatal circumcision techniques have evolved in parallel. It is clear from most surgical texts that circumcision of the new-born had become a regular request for the surgeon by the later part of the 19th century. For instance, Jacobsen (1893) warns of the importance of establishing a familial bleeding tendency from the mother before circumcision. He describes the case of four Jewish infants, each descended from a different grandchild of a common ancestress, all of whom died from haemorrhage after circumcision.
    ellauri180.html on line 205: Relics of anti-Semitism are evident throughout history and even the statue of Michelangelo's David (a Jew), which was erected in Florence in 1504 was carved uncircumcised.
    ellauri180.html on line 222: `…Your patient C.D., aetat 7 months, has the prepuce with which he was born. You ask me with a note of persuasion in your voice, if it should be excised. Am I to make a decision on scientific grounds, or am I to acquiesce in a rate which took its origin at the behest of that arch-sanitarian Moses?…If you can show good reason why a ritual designed to ease the penalties of concupiscence amidst the sand and flies of the Syrian deserts should be continued in this England, land of clean bed-linen and lesser opportunity, I shall listen to your arguments ……(do you not) understand that Nature does not intend it (the foreskin) to be stretched and retracted in the Temples of the Welfare Centres or ritually removed in the precincts of the operating theatres…'.
    ellauri180.html on line 224: Literary assaults such as these have served to fuel the debates and even a Medline® search today reveals that in the last year alone, 155 reviews or letters have been published arguing for or against routine circumcision. However, studying the evolution of the medical indications provides us with a pleasing demonstration of how controversy drives scientific enquiry. We have already described how the surgeons of 100 years ago advocated circumcision for a wide variety of conditions, such as impotence, nocturnal enuresis, sterility, excess masturbation, night terrors, epilepsy, etc. There can be no doubt that a large element of surgical self-interest drove these claims. However, most of the contemporary textbooks also included epithelioma (carcinoma) of the penis amidst the morass of complications of phimosis. Although rare, once this observation had been made, it presumably filtered down through the textbooks by rote, rather than scientific study. A few reports had appeared in the early 20th century indicating that carcinoma of the penis was rare in circumcised men, but not until the debate over neonatal circumcision erupted in the medical press in the 1930s that this surgical `mantra' was put to the test. In 1932, the editor of the Lancet challenged Abraham Wolbarst, a New York urologist, to prove his contention (in a previous Lancet editorial), that circumcision prevented penile carcinoma. Wolbarst responded by surveying every skin, cancer and Jewish hospital in the USA, along with 1250 of the largest general hospitals throughout the Union. With this survey, he was able to show that penile cancer virtually never occurred in circumcised men and that the risk related to the timing of the circumcision. Over the years this association has been reaffirmed by many research workers, although general hygiene, demographic and other factors such as human papilloma virus and smoking status are probably just as important. However, Wolbarst established that association through formal scientific enquiry and proponents of the procedure continue to use this as a compelling argument for circumcision at birth.
    ellauri180.html on line 405: Murmuring how she loved me — she Mutisten miten se muka rakasti mua,
    ellauri180.html on line 459: Niinkuin se että vapaus on kissapedon survival strategia, hampaat ja kynnet puoliautomaattikivääreinä. Liberte egalite fraternite, se on kauppamiesten slogani: ota kiinni mistä saat, vedä voittoa tyhmempien tarpeista, kyykytä ja ryövää köyhempiä tullaxesi ize aina vielä rikkaammaxi.
    ellauri180.html on line 560: The waves were dead; the tides were in their grave, Liikkumatta, aallot, vuorovedet oli henkiheittoja,
    ellauri180.html on line 580: Those that survived here represented those that survive in sin, off of pain, and with an attitude of “making it” at all costs. Instead of coming together to find a new way to live like naked mole-rats, they only want to return to the past.
    ellauri181.html on line 43: Oliko se sit Ivan Klima? His friend Philip Roth once described him, with his "Beatle haircut" and "carnivorous teeth" as "a much more intellectually evolved Ringo Starr". Ei kuulosta ihan tältäkään. Ivan Klima says "There are some differences between a dictatorship which is strong and one which is tired. By the late Eighties ours was a tired dictatorship. They were no longer killing people and they made every effort not to arrest people. In this condition of a dictatorship you could find your own freedom. You could not become rich, you could not travel except maybe to Hungary, but you could write." Olipa paha ettei voinut rikastua eikä lennellä ympäriinsä. Ja saihan sitä kirjoittaa, kuha ei julkaissut.
    ellauri181.html on line 143: This biography of a living person needs additional citations for verification. Please help by adding reliable sources. Contentious material about living persons that is unsourced or poorly sourced must be removed immediately, especially if potentially libelous or harmful.
    ellauri181.html on line 146: After completing his master's degree in social psychology and group development at Columbia University and completing his rabbinical studies, Schwartz received his Ph.D. in social psychology from the University of Michigan, and subsequently taught in the sociology department of the University of Wisconsin–Madison, and in 1973 became a professor. From 1971-73, Schwartz was a visiting lecturer in the department of psychology at the Hebrew University. In 1979, Schwartz moved to Israel with his wife and three children. He joined the department of psychology at the Hebrew University, where he holds the post of Leon and Clara Sznajderman Professor Emeritus of Psychology. He is now retired, but continues his research activity, as well as developing and promoting his Basic Human Values Theory.
    ellauri181.html on line 477: Brown, A. (2010). How IRT can solve problems of ipsative data (Doctoral dissertation). University of Barcelona, Spain. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/10803/80006. Avainsanat Thomas HPA, Rakennevaliditeetti
    ellauri181.html on line 479: Thomas HPA täyttää psykometriset vaatimukset työpsykologiaan sopivana vedätyxen työkaluna.
    ellauri181.html on line 620: Note Franklin's is just a list of virtues. He did not need t spell out the value implicit in them. It is the same as held in highest esteem by Scrooge McDuck, who lived up to Franklin's virtues: MONEY! Money money money, money makes the world go around. Megabucx, greenbacx, cash, capital gain and assez.
    ellauri182.html on line 76: Sotaro (“soh-TAH-roh”) is Mikage’s old boyfriend. He is tall, cheerful, and the eldest son of a large family. At one time Mikage loved Sotaro’s “lively frankness,” but his straightforward manners have become “obnoxious.” Sotaro’s aggressive personality bothers Mikage because she “couldn’t keep pace with it.” Sotaro says derogatory things about Yuichi, and informs Mikage that Yuichi has a girlfriend. Sotaro has something in common with Vitali Razumov.
    ellauri182.html on line 104: Symbolism appears throughout Yoshimoto’s story. For the protagonist, kitchens symbolize places of contentment, safety, and healing. Mikage claims, “to me a kitchen represents some distant longing engraved on my soul.” When she is despondent, her dreams of kitchens keep her going. She takes to the kitchen and learns cooking as a way of overcoming feelings of meaninglessness and despair; cooking represents her new attitude toward life. Like kitchens and cooking, food also plays a symbolic role in the story. Mikage is constantly presenting her friends with food; her life changes when she takes a job at a cooking school; and the climax of the story occurs when Mikage brings a dish of special food to Yuichi in his secluded hotel room. Eat my shorz.
    ellauri182.html on line 118: Specifically, after ordering katsudon (fried pork served over rice), Mikage has a revelation with regard to Yuichi. The katsudon becomes more than just a meal, it is a means to reach out to Yuichi, to relate to him, to acknowledge both Mikage’s and Yuichi’s connectedness as two obese lovers starving under the same night sky.
    ellauri182.html on line 173: In 1207, Hōnen's critics at Kōfuku-ji persuaded Emperor Toba II to forbid Hōnen and his teachings after two of Imperial ladies-in-waiting converted to his practices. Hōnen and his followers, among them Shinran, were forced into exile and four of Hōnen's disciples were executed. Shinran was given a lay name, Yoshizane Fujii, by the authorities but called himself Gutoku "Stubble-headed One (nukkapää)" instead and moved to Echigo Province (today Niigata Prefecture).
    ellauri182.html on line 175: It was during this exile that Shinran cultivated a deeper understanding of his own beliefs based on Hōnen's Pure Land teachings. In 1210 he married Eshinni, the daughter of an Echigo aristocrat. Shinran and Eshinni had several children. His eldest son, Zenran, was alleged to have started a heretical sect of Pure Land Buddhism through claims that he received special teachings from his father. Zenran demanded control of local monto (lay follower groups), but after writing a stern letter of warning, Shinran disowned him in 1256, effectively ending Zenran's legitimacy.
    ellauri182.html on line 193: The goal of the Shin path, or at least the practicer's present life, is the attainment of shinjin in the Other Power of Amida. Shinjin is sometimes translated as "faith", but this does not capture the nuances of the term and it is more often simply left untranslated.[8] The receipt of shinjin comes about through the renunciation of self-effort in attaining enlightenment through tariki. Shinjin arises from jinen (自然 naturalness, spontaneous working of the Vow) and cannot be achieved solely through conscious effort. One is letting go of conscious effort in a sense, and simply trusting Amida Buddha, and the nembutsu.
    ellauri183.html on line 170: The dilemma is not unique to Abraham's situation. Kierkegaard was writing for 19th-century readers who regarded themselves as Christians – that is to say, as people who believed in the authority and goodness of God. By emphasising the difficulty of understanding Abraham's response to the divine command, he emphasises the difficulty of faith izelf. Implicit in his analysis of the story of Abraham is the question: would you do what Abraham did? How could you do such a thing? It seems unlikely that anyone who really thinx about these questions would conclude that he or she would have acted as Abraham did. Just as Abraham's faith is tested by God in the Book of Genesis, so the reader's own faith is tested by personal reflection on the biblical story.
    ellauri183.html on line 180: When Abraham raises his knife over Isaac's body, this symbolises the fact that every human relationship is haunted by the prospect of death. Love always ends in loss, at least within this life. One response to this existential fact – perhaps the most common response – is to avoid the issue of mortality as much as possible. An alternative response is to face up to the inevitable pain of loss and to relinquish the beloved in advance, so to speak, by giving up hope of enjoying a happy relationship within this lifetime. (This "movement of resignation" is described as "monastic", although it does not literally entail becoming a recluse. It is an internal movement, an adjustment of expectations.) In Kierkegaard's view, this is more noble than the first option, but it is very far from the courage of Abraham, who continues to love Isaac and enjoy his relationship to him in full awareness of the suffering that his death would bring. This aspect of the interpretation of Abraham offered in Fear and Trembling suggesz that, far from being an individualist, Kierkegaard regards human relationships as essential to life.
    ellauri183.html on line 251: Sinansa vizikasta että Malamuutin hauska luomiskertomus tai toinen vedenpaisumus ei ole juuri heilauttanut viihdenäyttämöiden verhoja, vaikka se arvokkaalla tavalla nakertaa sekä juutalaisuuden että kristinuskon hölmömpiä puolia. No ehkä juuri sixi, kumpikaan tiimi ei pääse vapautuneesti naureskelemaan vastapuolelle. Lukijat ei oikein tiedä kehenkä samastuisivat. Kaikki suuttuvat!
    ellauri183.html on line 260: Can a decent civilization be made from these creatures? Cohn believes that "if this small community behaved, developed, endured, it might someday—if some chimpy Father Abraham got himself born—produce its own Covenant with God." But such visions of a peaceful society are doomed, of course: envy, hatred, and violence inevitably ensue—and Cohn's mating with Mary Madelyn ("I have kept my virginity for you ever since you expwained the word to me when you first read me Rome and Juwiet") will eventually lead to murder and revolution.
    ellauri183.html on line 423: Mutti (muita nimiä pepu, köpötes, tikkupuuro, tikkuhöyry ja äkkinäinen) on etenkin Keski- ja Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla suosittu perinneruoka, joka valmistetaan ohrajauhosta ja vedestä sekä maustetaan suolalla. Sitä pidetään vanhimpana ja yksinkertaisimpana pohjoispohjalaisena perinneruokana.
    ellauri183.html on line 551: Nyt kun olo tuntui vähän levollisemmalta, tuntui että olisi paikallaan kysyä Marialta miten tämän supisstusten laita oli, mutta hän ei kuitenkaan lausunut tätä sanaa, älkäämme unohtako että se kaikki oli epäpuhdasta ja likaista hedelmöitymisestä syntymään asti, tuo kammottava naisen sukupuolielin, pyörre ja kuilu, maailman kaiken pahuuden tyyssija, sokkeloinen sisus, veri ja kosteus, vuodot, lapsiveden purkautuminen ja sitten vielä iljettävät jälkeiset, voi hyvä Jumala, miksi sinä tahdoit että nämä sinun lempilapsesi, miehet, syntyvät saastasta, vaikka paljon parempi olisi ollut sekä sinun että meidän kannaltamme että olisit luonut heidät valosta ja kirkkaudesta sekä eilen, tänään että huomenna, ensimmäisestä keskimmäisiin ja edelleen viimeiseen saakka, kaikki samalla tavalla, tekemättä eroa ylhäisten ja alhaisten tai kuninkaiden ja kirvesmiesten kesken, olisit ainoastaan asettanut pelottavan merkin niihin jotka olisi määrätty kasvaessaan muuttumaan peruuttamattoman saastaisiksi eli köyhixi.
    ellauri184.html on line 58: Mailer's first marriage was to Beatrice Silverman. They eloped in January 1944 because neither family would likely have approved. They had one child, Susan, and divorced in 1952 because of Mailer's infidelities with Adele Morales.
    ellauri184.html on line 60: Morales moved in with Mailer during 1951 into an apartment on First Avenue near Second Street in the East Village, and they married in 1954. They had two daughters, Danielle and Elizabeth. After attending a party on Saturday, November 19, 1960, Mailer stabbed Adele twice with a two-and-a-half inch blade that he used to clean his nails, nearly killing her by puncturing her pericardium. He stabbed her once in the chest and once in the back. Adele required emergency surgery but made a quick recovery. Mailer claimed he had stabbed Adele "to relieve her of cancer". He was involuntarily committed to Bellevue Hospital for 17 days. While Adele did not press charges, saying she wanted to protect their daughters, Mailer later pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of assault saying, "I feel I did a lousy, dirty, cowardly thing", and received a suspended sentence of three years' probation. In 1962, the two divorced. In 1997, Adele published a memoir of their marriage entitled The Last Party, which recounted her husband stabbing her at a party and the aftermath. This incident has been a focal point for feminist critics of Mailer, who point to themes of sexual violence in his work.
    ellauri184.html on line 76: Barbary Shore (1951) was not well received by the critics. It was a surreal parable of Cold War leftist politics set in a Brooklyn rooming-house, and Mailer's most autobiographical novel. His 1955 novel, The Deer Park drew on his experiences working as a screenwriter in Hollywood from 1949 to 1950. It was initially rejected by seven publishers due to its purportedly sexual content before being published by Putnam's. It was not a critical success, but it made the best-seller list, sold over 50,000 copies its first year, and is considered by some critics to be the best Hollywood novel since Nathanael West's The Day of the Locust.
    ellauri184.html on line 78: Mailer wrote his fourth novel, An American Dream, as a serial in Esquire magazine over eight months (January to August 1964), publishing the first chapter two months after he wrote it. In March 1965, Dial Press published a revised version. The novel generally received mixed reviews, but was a best seller. Joan Didion praised it in a review in National Review (April 20, 1965) and John W. Aldridge did the same in Life (March 19, 1965), while Elizabeth Hardwick panned it in Partisan Review (spring 1965).
    ellauri184.html on line 88: Harlot's Ghost, Mailer's longest novel (1310 pages), appeared in 1991 and received his best reviews since The Executioner's Song. It is an exploration of the untold dramas of the CIA from the end of World War II to 1965. He performed a huge amount of research for the novel, which is still on CIA reading lists. He ended the novel with the words "To be continued" and planned to write a sequel, titled Harlot's Grave, but other projects intervened and he never wrote it. Harlot's Ghost sold well.
    ellauri184.html on line 90: His final novel, The Castle in the Forest, which focused on Hitler's childhood, reached number five on the Times best-seller list after publication in January 2007. It received reviews that were more positive than any of his books since The Executioner's Song. Castle was intended to be the first volume of a trilogy, but Mailer died several months after it was completed. The Castle in the Forest received a laudatory 6,200-word front-page review by Lee Siegel in the New York Times Book Review, as well as a Bad Sex in Fiction Award by the Literary Review magazine.
    ellauri184.html on line 92: Critical response to Mailer's Jesus novel was mixed. Jack Miles, writing for Commonweal, found the book "a quiet, sweet, almost wan little book, a kindly offering from a New York Jew to his wife's Bible Belt family." He noted that there was "something undeniably impressive about the restraint" of the style that Mailer undertook in composing the novel. He concluded that the novel was neither one of Mailer's best works, nor would it stand out amongst the bibliography of books inspired by the life of Christ, but that it had received unfairly harsh reviews from other critics.
    ellauri184.html on line 99: Norris Church was born Barbara Jean Davis and grew up in Atkins, Arkansas, the daughter of Free Will Baptists. At the age of three she won the title of Little Miss Little Rock. In her twenties she had a brief fling with a young Bill Clinton. She met Mailer in 1975 when he came to Russellville, Arkansas to promote his biography of Marilyn Monroe. The two fell into a passionate love affair, despite their 26-year age difference (sama kuin jos mä olisin vaihtanut Seijan niihin pieniin kiinalaisiin), and Church moved to New York a few months later. At the suggestion of Mailer, she changed her name to Norris Church when she began modeling with the Wilhelmina Modeling Agency. Norris was the last name of her first husband, and Mailer suggested Church since she had been a frequent church-goer while she was growing up. Eli siis tää Jee-suxen bio oli niikö lahja Norrixelle.
    ellauri184.html on line 149: Ei kyllä normaalisti kukaan elä 40 päivää pelkällä vedellä. Sirkkoja ja hunajaa pitää saada syödä vähintään. Tähän tulee ne Jesajan ruovonpäristäjät, tarhapöllöt ja liekkiöt albumista 160. Jeshuaa pelottaa. J-la sanoo: sä paastoat, tai sä itket ja paastoat. No mikäs siinä auttoi, Jeshua paastosi. Ei edes pahanmakuista juurta tai pientä sirkkaa ollut saatavilla. Jeshua ei muka muista että Daavid oli pannut Bathshebaa. Schlomo oivaltaa pyytää viisautta ja saa oikeasta vastauxesta 10p ja papukaijamerkin. Tuttuja kuluneita meemejä.
    ellauri184.html on line 241: Professor France writes: “To read Matthew in blissful ignorance of first-century Palestinian sociopolitics is to miss his point. This is the story of Jesus of Nazareth .” (theuglytruth.wordpress.com is no longer available. This site has been archived or suspended for a violation of our Terms of Service.)
    ellauri184.html on line 267: This image of identifiably Woman soldiers occupying the land of Palestine operates on the assumption that biblical soldiers were all legionawies. Legionawies differed from other soldiers of the early Woman period in several wespects. First, legionawies were employed directly by Wome. Their allegiances were to the empewow and whichever genewal they served, not to any particular king, weligious group, or province. All troops swore an oath of allegiance, the sacwamentum, to the empewow himself. Unlike most other soldiers, legionawies were Woman citizens before they were wecwuited.
    ellauri184.html on line 269: There were important defeats along the way but it is interesting to observe that commanders often escaped repercussions for their militawy incompetence and it was usually the soldiers who bore the blame for defeat. Though a legionawy could theoretically come from any province within the Empire, the requirement of Woman citizenship had consequences for demographics: legionawies were more likely to speak Latin than non-citizen soldiers, they were usually wecwuited from the most heavily Womanized cities and provinces, their citizenship held inherent prestige that afforded them privilege over both civilians and other soldiers, etc. Legions primarily garrisoned in major imperial provinces, such as Syria, Pannonia, and post-War Judaea. With the exception of Egypt, all provinces with at least one legion were required to have a governor with Senator status. Legions primarily consisted of infantry soldiers, with a few cavalry or archers present among their ranks. Roughly 30 legions were active at any given time within the Empire and each consisted of approximately 5400 soldiers and officers, a standing army of ca. 150-300K total, though not all with a weceived Latin pwonunciation.
    ellauri184.html on line 273: Roughly equal in number to the legionawy soldiers across the Empire were auxiliaries. Auxiliaries, like legionawies, served the government of Wome, but were divided into two distinct militawy types: cohorts and alae – infantry and cavalry, respectively – with a few mixed units termed cohors equitatae as well. Auxiliary soldiers were mostly non-citizens who were awarded Woman citizenship in exchange for militawy service. Consequently, auxiliary soldiers were significantly less Womanized than legionawies: auxiliary soldiers in the Woman East spoke the lingua franca of Greek and often local languages as well (e.g., Aramaic), typically with limited competence in Latin.
    ellauri184.html on line 275: The ethnic nature of these units led Wome to create many “specialist” cohorts (e.g., dromedary, archery, sling) that worked with combat methods familiar to one or another ethnic group. Though auxiliaries often served in major imperial provinces alongside legionawies, they also served in minor provinces as well. Thus, provinces and regions with a governor of Equestrian status (e.g., Raetia, Noricum, pre-War Judaea) had no legions, but only auxiliaries. Until about 70 CE, many auxiliary soldiers were stationed in their home province; Judaeans were in Judaea, Syrians in Syria, etc. In addition to the Jewish War (66-73 CE), problems with soldiers’ divided loyalties with the Revolt of the Batavi in Germania Inferior (69-70 CE) and the Year of the Four Empewows (68-69 CE) led empewows to actively undermine any remaining ethnic homogeneity in the auxilia, stationing soldiers outside their homeland in increasingly diverse units. Finally, auxiliaries were paid less than legionawies and did not receive all the bonuses granted to legionawies if they were successful in the same battle.
    ellauri184.html on line 285: In the Palestinian hinterlands, it was not practical to use Sebastene and Caesarean soldiers, so other locals were deployed to form militawy garrisons before the War. Indeed, there was little reason for Judaea to supply soldiers to principalities like Galilee and Batanaea. Even though Caesarea and Sebaste were primarily Gentile, we will see that Caesarean Jews also served in the Woman army.
    ellauri184.html on line 287: While many biblical scholars assume that soldiers with Woman names must have been Woman citizens, evidence suggests otherwise: one papyrus written 103 CE indicates that some auxiliaries received Womanized names (i.e., tria nomina) shortly after wecwuitment, even before training completed. Because some soldiers changed their name shortly after wecwuitment, the mere act of joining the militawy often obscured soldiers’ ethnic and geographic origins. Benjamin Isaac thus observes a few obvious instances where soldiers from the Decapolis dropped their Semitic birth name to take up a Woman one.
    ellauri184.html on line 344: The rare English word capharnaum means "a mess" and is derived from the town's name.
    ellauri184.html on line 357: Second, the fact that it is a theological issue does not prevent it from being a moral one as well. The behavior is sin. “Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not deceived. Neither formicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Cor. 6:9-10 ). The word translated “homosexuals” here strictly refers to catamites — the word has the connotation of soft. We would say swish. The other word sodomite refers to the “male” homosexual, the one playing the role of the male. All the ingenuity in the world cannot change what the Bible bluntly states here. As well, consider 1 Tim. 1:10 . “. . . for fornicators, for sodomites . . . and if there is any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine.” The Old Testament speaks to this as well. See Deut. 23:17-18 , Job 36:14 , Lev. 18:22 . Those guilty of such things are living in a contemptible way, and the Scripture calls them dogs. Poor dogs.
    ellauri184.html on line 359: Third, the sin is not an isolated one. Sins come in clusters, cheaper by the dozen. We must understand that sexual sin was not the only problem Sodom had. Consider Ezekiel 16:49 . Her problems included pride, fullness of food, and abundance of idleness. It also involved a neglect of the poor and needy. The standards of God’s law are dear to Him, and the poor are His special concern. It is not possible to have contempt for the former and remain tender toward the latter.
    ellauri184.html on line 391: Kastematoserkku suututti Herodeen hatusta vedetyllä säännöllä: ei saa naida velivainajansa leskeä. Mitä ihmettä, mixei muka.
    ellauri184.html on line 514: During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the primary justification for circumcision was to prevent masturbation (???) and intentionally reduce male sexual pleasure, which was believed to cause a wide range of medical problems. Modern proponents say that circumcision reduces the risks of a range of infections and diseases, and confers sexual benefits (???). By contrast, some opponents, particularly of routine neonatal circumcision, question its utility and effectiveness in preventing such diseases, and object to subjecting newborn males, without their consent, to a procedure they consider to have dubious and nonessential benefits, significant risks, and a potentially negative impact on general health and later sexual enjoyment, as well as violating their human rights.
    ellauri184.html on line 528: Classical, Hellenistic, and Roman culture found circumcision to be cruel and repulsive. In the Roman Empire, circumcision was regarded as a barbaric and disgusting custom. The consul Titus Flavius Clemens was condemned to death by the Roman Senate in 95 CE for, according to the Talmud, circumcising himself and converting to Judaism. The Emperor Hadrian (117–138) forbade circumcision. Overall, the rite of circumcision was especially execrable in Classical civilization, also because it was the custom to spend an hour a day or so exercising nude in the gymnasium and in Roman baths, therefore Jewish men did not want to be seen in public deprived of their foreskins.
    ellauri184.html on line 532: However, there were also many Jews, known as "Hellenizers", who viewed Hellenization and social integration of the Jewish people in the Greco-Roman world favourably, and pursued a completely different approach: accepting the Emperor´s decree and even making efforts to restore their foreskins to better assimilate into Hellenistic society. The latter approach was common during the reign of Antiochus, and again under Roman rule. The foreskin was restored by one of two methods, that were later revived in the late 20th century; both were described in detail by the Greek physician Aulus Cornelius Celsus in his comprehensive encyclopedic work De Medicina, written during the reign of Tiberius (14-37 CE). The surgical method involved freeing the skin covering the penis by dissection, and then pulling it forward over the glans; he also described a simpler surgical technique used on men whose prepuce is naturally insufficient to cover their glans. The second approach, known as "epispasm", was non-surgical: a restoration device which consisted of a special weight made of bronze, copper, or leather (sometimes called Pondus Judaeus, i. e. "Jewish burden"), was affixed to the penis, pulling its skin downward. Over time, a new foreskin was generated, or a short prepuce was lengthened, by means of tissue expansion. Martial also mentioned the instrument in Epigrammaton (Book 7:35).
    ellauri184.html on line 536: Under the first Christian emperor, Constantine, the two rescripts of Antoninus on circumcision were re-enacted and again in the 6th century under Justinian. These restrictions on circumcision made their way into both secular and Canon law and "at least through the Middle Ages, preserved and enhanced laws banning Hebrews from circumcising non-Hebrews and banning Christians or slaves of any religious affiliation from undergoing circumcision for any reason." Hyvä pojat!
    ellauri184.html on line 540: Vittu mitä runkkausta! nahat päälle nahat pois. Että jotkut jaxavat. Putin sanoo naisten päivänä että meidän pitää vaalia naisten hellyyttä, ne luovat uutta elämää, sillä aikaa kun me pojat myllytämme vanhaa. Ja vedämme käteen hyväveliseurassa, oli esinahkaa eli ei. Melitta Naivisto odottaa oven takana kunnes ollaan valmiita ja mälli kädessä.
    ellauri184.html on line 638: If it is correct that the charge of blasphemy was brought forward (i.e., that Jesus claimed to be the eschatologically defined Son of Man, which seems to be the main reason for his execution in Jewish understanding), it would be easy to ascribe a political implication to this charge. This line of political argumentation is most clearly expressed in Luke 23.2: “We found this man perverting our nation, forbidding us to pay taxes to the emperor, and saying that he himself is the Messiah. The use of the death penalty confirms this political charge (crimen laesae maiestatis). Crucifixion as a Roman form of execution was reserved for slaves and peregrines who were involved in insurrections. The subtitle on the cross (ho basileus ton Iudaion, Iesus Nazarenus rex Iudaeorum, INRI), if it is historical, corroborates this particular charge.
    ellauri184.html on line 642: By deriving his superior authority directly from God (e.g., in exorcisms and forgiveness of sins: Lk. 7.47-50) through his unique proximity to God and his ultimate claim to his unique interpretation of divine law – he exclusively set his own standards and his own criteria of who had access to Heaven and who did not – he upset the masses and caught the attention of the authorities, who perceived such utterances as subversive. More and more, they felt threatened in their own authority. In addition to behaving as though bestowed with superior authority, Jesus sharply criticized the Temple to the point that he finally became violent within its precincts. After a final incident, the representatives of the Temple, the priests, the scribes, and the Elders, who strove to preserve the core of the Jewish faith as embodied in the Temple, felt threatened in their position.
    ellauri184.html on line 646: Jesus was crucified between two other “robbers”. The original Greek texts speak of lestai (Mt, Mk). Lestes is the Greek translation of the Latin latro. Both terms have a similarly broad semantic meaning. What is important in our context is that latro and lestes denote not only a street robber but also a resistance- and guerilla fighter. It is likely that no one perceived Jesus as a guerilla fighter, but the term lestes is even broader than the English terms robber, bandit, or resistance fighter, it includes terrorist.
    ellauri184.html on line 648: Matthew and Mark make it clear that some people – including the politically and legally decisive Roman magistrate – could have perceived him as such a political activist (titulus crucis!). Again, we see that it is not necessarily Jesus’s concrete behavior, but rather the perception that counts.
    ellauri184.html on line 734: When Jesus was on the cross, both the apostle John and Mary the mother of Jesus stood nearby. In John 19:26–27 we read, “When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her, ‘Woman, here is your son,’ and to the disciple, ‘Here is your mother.’ From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.” The clear understanding of the passage is that Jesus commanded John to care for Mary after His death.
    ellauri184.html on line 773: Jose Saramago is an atheist. This should be enough warning for everyone that desires to read the book. It is very explicit and so religion it’s exposed at its weakest and God as a character is revealed. I come from a Roman-Catholic background but I still wanted to read it, ever since the Gnostic gospel where Jesus childhood is revealed and he changes from a mischievous badly behaved kid to the Jesus from the new testament I wanted to see Saramago’s take on it. Saramago is such a master of words that he makes every bit of faith look totally illogical.
    ellauri184.html on line 781: The characters in the book are fascinating; my Jesuits friends and I laughed and enjoy this book. There were no doubts in our head by the end of the book. We did not feel like it shook our religion or affected the way we perceived God. This book was after all under fiction so everyone that is easily offended stay away from this book and stop complaining about blasphemy and crying around like little kids. Saramago is a Nobel price winner and foremost a grown man that is entitled to his own opinions. This one of his finest, if not the best, of his book in my opinion, a must read. Of course he is dead by now.
    ellauri185.html on line 93: Feel free to look it up yourself, but from what I can tell, everyone agrees that Ezekiel lived somewhere around 550 BC, and they mostly agree that Ezekiel himself wrote his book (as a ghost writer for JHWH). Of all the Old Testament prophets, they consider Ezekiel to be the most trustworthy (which is not saying much).
    ellauri185.html on line 97: The book begins with Samuel's birth and Yahweh's call to him as a boy. The story of the Ark of the Covenant follows. It tells of Israel's oppression by the Philistines, which brought about Samuel's anointing of Saul as Israel's first king. But Saul proved unworthy, and God's choice turned to David, who defeated Israel's enemies, purchased the threshing floor where his son Solomon would build the First Temple, and brought the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. Yahweh then promised David and his sucessors an everlasting dynasty.
    ellauri185.html on line 141: 2 Samuel concludes with four chapters (chapters 21 to 24) that lie outside the chronological succession narrative of Saul and David, a narrative that will continue in The Book of Kings. These four supplementary chapters cover a great famine during David's reign; the execution of seven of Saul's remaining descendants, only Mephibosheth being saved (kannattiko mainita), David's song of thanksgiving, which is almost identical to Psalm 18; David's last words; a list of David's "mighty warriors"; an offering made by David using water from the well of Bethlehem; David's sinful census; a plague over Israel which David opted for as preferable to either famine or oppression; and the construction of an altar on land David purchased from Araunah the Jebusite.
    ellauri185.html on line 156: On 16 November 1491, in the Brasero de la Dehesa (lit: "brazier in the meadow") in Ávila, all of the accused were handed over to the secular authorities and burned at the stake. Nine people were executed - three Jews: Yusef Franco, Ça Franco, and Moses Abenamías; and six conversos: Alonso, Lope, García and Juan Franco, Juan de Ocaña and Benito García. As was customary, the sentences were read out at the auto-da-fé, and those of Yucef Franco and Benito García have been preserved.
    ellauri185.html on line 157: The preserved confessions of this defendant, extracted under torture, refer at first only to conversations with Benito García in gaol and incriminate them only as Judaizers, but later start to refer to a piece of witchcraft performed about four years earlier (perhaps 1487), which involved the use of a consecrated host, stolen from a church in La Guardia, and the heart of a Christian boy.
    ellauri185.html on line 722: Lutherin arkkivihollinen, paavi, on ”Rooman pieruperse” ja ”paholaisen peräreikä”. Hän ”täyttää koko maailman ulosteellaan”. Paavin masinoimat aneet olivat ”paskavedätystä”.
    ellauri185.html on line 809: In II Sam. 24:15, God sends a pestilence that kills 70,000 Israelites because of David’s ill-conceived census. Jesus says in Luke 21:11 that there will be plagues. Both Ezekiel and Jeremiah speak of God sending plagues, for example, in Ezek.
    ellauri185.html on line 857: Bellow’s bad temper in the late ’60s was by no means directed exclusively at would-be biographers, radical students and aggrieved wives. Bellow had so many targets to attack, whether insulting them face to face or in blistering letters or put-downs circulated through intermediaries. One of his favorite one-liners ran: “Let’s you and him fight.” The most salient recipients of Bellow’s bad temper in this biography were his three sons, each from a different mother — the oldest 21 when this volume starts, the youngest just 1 year old and about to be abandoned after yet another divorce.
    ellauri185.html on line 863: The irony in Bellow’s soul was that he craved love and experience, and learned to view people coldly and clinically. The writer Amos Oz recalled most vividly from his friendship with Bellow an exchange that they shared privately about death. “I said I was hoping to die in my sleep, but Saul responded by saying that, on the contrary, he would like to die wide awake and fully conscious, because his death is such a crucial experience he wouldn’t want to miss it.”
    ellauri188.html on line 94: The American mission from Hawaii was no more successful. William Patterson Alexander (1805-1864), Benjamin Parker (1803-1877), and Richard Armstrong (1805-1860) arrived in the Marquesas in 1834 from Hawaii with their wives and a three-month-old baby. They returned the same year. In 1853, more missionaries led by James Kekela (1824-1904) arrived at Fatu Hiva with their wives from Hawaii, but were unable to remain there because of clashes with Catholic missionaries arriving on a French warship.
    ellauri188.html on line 147: Since writing the above I have received a letter from Dr. Linton in which he says: "... I certainly do not think that either the full-blooded Marquesans or the breadfruit are in immediate danger of extinction. The natives of Uapu and Uahuka are slightly on the increase and those of Fatuhiva are holding their own."
    ellauri188.html on line 297: Sano valas vedä 10x housut alas. Melville on kolonialistimoukka vaikkei mitenkään pahimmasta päästä, s. 152 tienoiila se haukkuu aika mojovasti muita länkkäreitä. Homotaipumuxet pääsee pintaan kirjan alussa: Hermanni ilostelee kun villit pettyivät lähetyssaarnaajan kauniin vaimon osoittauduttua naaraspuolisexi. Pettyisi kai Hermannikin moisesta. Hermanni nauraa kun villi päällikkövaimo näyttää tatuoidulle meri"karhulle" yhtä tatuoitua takapuoltaan. Mautonta! Hermanni pahastuu kun ranskiskolonialistit ennättivät ennen jenkkikolonialisteja julistamaan että markiisisaaret alkuasukkaineen kuuluivat nyt heille. Mitä vittua??? Kuuluuko Transnistria Moldovalle? Kuuluuko Moldova Ukrainalle? Kuuluuko Ukraina Venäjälle? Nää on kuin toisiansa suuruusjärjestyksessä ahmaisevat petokalat. Kuuluuko mikään maaplänttyrä millekään apinoiden lössille? Ei kuulu teille! Kyllä se nyt vähän kuuluu, sanoo frakkiin ja silinteriin sonnustautunut Kummeli. Mutta Hermanni oli kyllä pannut merkille että Havaijilla jenkkien ja saarnaajien läsnäolo oli saanut 25 vuodessa aikaan pelkkää pahaa. Pearl Harborista puhumattakaan.
    ellauri188.html on line 363: Arto Mutajoen blog on vaiennut, viime lokakuun jälkeen ei ole tullut päivityxiä. Varmaan Orihveden Suomi-Venäjä-seuran ikäpresidentti pitää viisaasti nyt päätä alhaalla. Vielä taannottain sai sen blogista lukea mm. seuraavaa:
    ellauri188.html on line 382: Herman Melville syntyi New Yorkissa vuonna 1819. Hän oli kolmas Allan ja Maria Gansevoort Melvillin (Maria lisäsi myöhemmin miehensä kuoleman jälkeen ylimääräisen e-kirjaimen sukunimeen) kahdeksasta lapsesta. Hermanin molemmat isoisät olivat osallistuneet Yhdysvaltain vapaussotaan. Allan Melvill oli Hermanin syntymän aikaan menestyvä ylellisyystuotteiden, kuten silkin ja kölninveden, maahantuoja. Perhe elikin suhteellisen hyvissä oloissa. Yritys kaatui kuitenkin vuonna 1830, ja perhe muutti Albanyyn Maria Melvillin sukulaisten luokse. Allan Melvill yritti perustaa uutta yritystä siellä, mutta hän kuoli keuhkokuumeeseen vuonna 1832.
    ellauri189.html on line 72: Malczewski was born to a wealthy family in either Volhynia or Warsaw, and attended school in Krzemieniec (modern-day Kremenets, Ukraine), but did not graduate. He joined the army of the short-lived Duchy of Warsaw during the Napoleonic Wars in 1811, and remained in the army of Congress Poland under Emperor Alexander from 1815. He was wounded in the foot in a duel in 1816 and so had to leave the army.
    ellauri189.html on line 75: After leaving the army, he spent several years traveling through western Europe, staying some time in Paris, climbing Mont Blanc in 1818, and spending a good portion of his inherited fortune. He returned to his estate in Volhynia in 1821, where he began an ill-fated affair with a married woman and began writing. He moved to Warsaw in 1824, where he published the poetic novel Maria at his own expense in 1825, and died in poverty the next year in unclear circumstances.
    ellauri189.html on line 203: “wheel of being”, moved by the force of desire (Schopenhauer’s Wille) that
    ellauri189.html on line 250: Jadwiga Maria Kinga Bal (Balowa) of Zaleszczyki, née Brunicka (July 26, 1879 – January 1, 1955) was a Polish baroness and a lifelong muse of Jacek Malczewski, considered Poland's national painter. She served as the live model for a series of his symbolic portrayals of women, as well as nude studies and mythological beings. Most were completed before the interwar period when Poland had not yet achieved independence.
    ellauri189.html on line 251: A descendant of a Jewish family from Bavaria, her father carried the title of baron received in 1813.
    ellauri189.html on line 402: Suomen Turussa yritti israelilainen perhe jenkkivedätystä, johon kuului pyramidihuijaus ja kuolleen meren saasteiden myynti vanhuxille tunkemalla kynnyxeltä sisään väkipakolla plus verokavalluxet päälle. Toinen samanlainen karvahäntä koittaaa huijata saman firman reppuselässä netissä:
    ellauri189.html on line 476: Wow bonus is reserved for agents who are active. However, you do not have to be qualified. You get to earn 20%-25% on all elite/VIP customer purchases – star through executive agent earn a 20% bonus, whereas bronze and higher ranked agents earn 25% in bonuses. Additionally, with a first-time bundle order, you get to earn 30% on Bonus Buys purchases.
    ellauri189.html on line 482: Rank advancement bonuses: To qualify for these bonuses, you have to close your pay week having achieved the requirements of the rank above you. When you attain the star agent rank, you become eligible for one-time rank advancement bonuses. The higher your rank, the higher the bonus.
    ellauri189.html on line 497: For this rank, you have to generate 8,000 BV on both sides of your binary group and recruit a minimum of two active agents that have achieved the superstar rank (one on each leg of your binary group).
    ellauri189.html on line 562: Some of the first recorded incidents to meet the modern definition of the Ponzi scheme were carried out from 1869 to 1872 by Adele Spitzeder in Germany and by Sarah Howe in the United States in the 1880s through the "Ladies' Deposit". Howe offered a solely female clientele an 8% monthly interest rate and then stole the money that the women had invested. She was eventually discovered and served three years in prison. The Ponzi scheme was also previously described in novels; Charles Dickens' 1844 novel Martin Chuzzlewit and his 1857 novel Little Dorrit both feature such a scheme.
    ellauri189.html on line 594: He received much acclaim in the West, with critics praising "Three Faces" as "a silent feminist manifesto" (Kino Zeit). After all, he portrayed "the women of the three generations courageously and self-confidently" (film star).
    ellauri189.html on line 736: According to this explanation for the origin of this tradition, at some generation A, some Pashtuns decided they are Bene Israel. Then they convinced or forced the other Pashtuns, although no one has ever heard of it before. Time had passed, and at generation B the tradition was already so acceptable, that not only many (probably most) of the Pashtuns believed it, but they completely forgot that once, at generation A, some Pashtuns invented it and convinced or forced others it is true. Very like the way some zealot Jews in generation A convinced others that their windy god was the only one. But this is irrational.
    ellauri189.html on line 740: We previously outlined taxonomy of all the possible explanations for the origin of the tradition that Pashtuns are Bene Israel, assuming it is false. Because all of the explanations are irrational, we must conclude that the tradition is true, and at some generation A the Pashtuns really lived in the land of Israel and knew for a fact they are Bene Israel. They were then taken to Afghanistan and the area around it (according to the bible, they were taken by the Assyrians), where they lived and passed this tradition from generation to generation.
    ellauri190.html on line 65: Almost all ethnic Kazakhs today are Sunni Muslims of the Hanafi school. Their ancestors, however, believed in Shamanism and Tengrism, then Zoroastrianism, Buddhism and Christianity including Church of the East. Elikkä ryssän kasakat ja potaskan ruhtinaat ovat samanlaisia vain tavoilta ja nimeltä. Verisukulaisuutta ei ole osoitettu, mutta voivathan ne kaikki olla alunperin jotain kipchakkeja. Kazakhstan on pinta-alaltaan maailman suurin muslimivaltio, muttei väkiluvultaan, se on Indonesia. Se on myös maailman suurin potaskan tuottaja, ellei Amerikkaa lasketa.
    ellauri190.html on line 111: Bysantin keisari Konstantinos VII mukaan osa petsenegeistä nimitti itseään nimellä kangareiksi (kreik. Κάγγαρ). 800-luvun lopun osa heistä nimitti itseään nimellä "patsynak" (petseneg) joutui siirtymään Euraasian aroseuduilta ilmaston muuttumisen (kuivuuden) sekä naapurikansojen (kimakkien ja oguzien) painostuksen vuoksi siirtymään Volgan varteen, jossa jo olivat unkarilaiset. Vuonna 860 petsenegit lähtivät vaeltamaan länttä kohti, nykyisen Ukrainan alueelle, samalla pakottaen siellä aiemmin asuneet unkarilaiset siirtymään Karpaattien yli Tonavan altaan puolelle. Unkarilaisten aikana maan nimi oli "Levedia". Petsenegit antoivat sille nimeksi Padzinakia (kreik. Πατζινακία). Noin vuonna 882 petsenegit saapuivat Krimille. Siitä alkoivat petsenegien kiistat Kiovan ruhtinas Askoldin kanssa noin vuonna 875, mikä on kirjattu vanhimpiin kronikoihin ja minkä myös historioitsijat ovat vahvistaneet ruhtinas Igorin kanssa (915, 920). Kasaarien kaanikunnan tuhoutumisen jälkeen (vuonna 965) Volgasta länteen olevien arojen herruus siirtyi petsenegeille. Petsenegisen hallussa oli tuolloin alue, jonka rajanaapureina olivat: Kiovan Venäjä, Unkari, ensimmäinen Bulgarian valtakunta, Alaanit, Mordva sekä Länsi-Kazakstania asuttaneet oguzit.
    ellauri190.html on line 191: At the start of the 15th century, the Golden Horde began to fall apart. By 1466, it was being referred to simply as the "Great Horde", after that, just "That Horde". The Crimean Khanate and the Kazakh Khanate, the last remnants of the Golden Horde, survived until 1783 and 1847 respectively.
    ellauri190.html on line 193: Timur Lenk (9. huhtikuuta 1336, Shahr-e-Sabz – 14. helmikuuta 1405) eli Tamerlan oli 1300-luvun merkittävä turkkilaismongolilainen valloittaja ja hallitsija Keski-Aasiassa, erityisesti eteläisellä Venäjällä ja Persiassa. Hänestä alkoi mongolien timuridien dynastia. Hän perusteli valtaannousuaan väittämillään sukujuurilla Tšingis-kaaniin. Väittämä perustui siihen, että Timurin isä oli päällikkö turkkilaisklaanissa, joka johti sukujuurensa mongolijohtaja Qarachar Barlasiin. Timur oli isänsä tapaan suufimuslimi. Timurin isä oli vetäytynyt luostariin sanoen "maailma on vain kaunis vaasi täynnä skorpioneja", mutta Timur ei seurannut isäänsä. Hän halusi olla sotilasjohtaja, kallo täynnä skorpiooneja. Timur merkitsee tšagatain kielessä rautaa. Lenk tarkoittaa rampaa, koska Timurin jalka rampautui taistelussa. Rauta lenkku. Valloitukset lännessä ja luoteessa veivät hänen valtakuntansa rajat Ural- ja Volga-jokien luokse, etelässä ja lounaassa ne sisälsivät lähes koko Persian, mukaan lukien Bagdadin, Karbalan ja Kurdistanin. Vienanlahdesta Laatokkaan, vedämme miekalla rajan. Timur auttoi Tokhtamyshia venäläisiä vastaan ja hän valtasi Moskovan 1385. Il-kaanien valtakunnan Abu Sa'idin kuoleman (1335) jälkeen Persiassa oli voimatyhjiö, jota Timur alkoi valloituksellaan täyttää. Samaan aikaan Tokhtamysh kääntyi Timuria vastaan ja valloitti Azerbaidžanin. Vasta pitkän sodan jälkeen Tokhtamysh oli lopullisesti lyöty 1395. Timur hävitti Ordan pääkaupungin Sarain ja raunioitti sen talouden.
    ellauri190.html on line 214: Early "Proto-Cossack" groups are generally reported to have come into existence within what is now Ukraine in the 13th century as the influence of Cumans grew weaker, although some have ascribed their origins to as early as the mid-8th century. Some historians suggest that the Cossack people were of mixed ethnic origin, descending from Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Turks, Tatars, and others who settled or passed through the vast Steppe. Some Turkologists, however, argue that Cossacks are descendants of the native Cumans of Ukraine, who had lived there long before the Mongol invasion. But who knows, and as long as no one does, you are free to believe what you like.
    ellauri190.html on line 220: The Don Cossack State, on the River Don. Its capital was initially Razdory, then it was moved to Cherkassk, and later to Novocherkassk.
    ellauri190.html on line 222: The Zaporozhian Cossacks lived on the Pontic–Caspian steppe below the Dnieper Rapids (Ukrainian: za porohamy), also known as the Wild Fields. The group became well known, and its numbers increased greatly between the 15th and 17th centuries. The Zaporozhian Cossacks played an important role in European geopolitics, participating in a series of conflicts and alliances with the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, Russia, and the Ottoman Empire.
    ellauri190.html on line 228: After World War II, the Soviet Union disbanded the Cossack units in the Soviet Army, and many of the Cossack traditions were suppressed during the years of rule under Joseph Stalin and his successors. During the Perestroika era in the Soviet Union in the late 1980s, descendants of Cossacks moved to revive their national traditions. In 1988, the Soviet Union passed a law allowing the re-establishment of former Cossack hosts and the formation of new ones. During the 1990s, many regional authorities agreed to hand over some local administrative and policing duties to their Cossack hosts.
    ellauri190.html on line 235: The name “Ukraine” can be found already in some chronicles dated by the 12th century. Most likely, it is related to the word “krai” (край), meaning “border.” In the early Middle Ages, people who lived in what is now Ukraine called their country “Rus,” and themselves “Rusy,” “Rusychy,” or “Rusyny.” Ei pie sekoittaa sanaan "ryssä", joka tarkoittaa aiivan eri porukkaa. Ryssät aivan törkeesti käyttää samaa sanaa izestään. Sellasta kulttuurista appropriointia.
    ellauri190.html on line 257: In a traditional account the horses transporting the icon had stopped near Vladimir and refused to go further. Accordingly, many people of Rus interpreted this as a sign that the Theotokos wanted the icon to stay there. The place was named Bogolyubovo, or "the one loved by God". Andrey placed it in his Bogolyubovo residence and built the Assumption Cathedral to legitimize his claim that Vladimir had replaced Kiev as the principal city of Rus. However, its presence did not prevent the sack and burning of the city of Vladimir by the Mongols in 1238, when the icon was damaged in the fire. You win some, you lose some.
    ellauri190.html on line 259: In the late 12th and the 13th century, the center of Rus-Ukraine moved from Kyiv to what is now northwest and west of the country, the regions of Volyn and Halychyna (Galitzia). A mighty ruler called Prince (or Duke) Danylo Romanovych, even though an Eastern Orthodox by faith, was crowned King Danylo of Rus by a Pope’s Legate. King Danylo’s capital was the city of Kholm (now Chełm, Poland). He built a magnificent city of Lviv (“The Lion’s”) for his son, Lev (Leo). Lviviä pommitetaan paraikaa rankasti.
    ellauri190.html on line 271: Also, during the 16th century, many thousands of random men, mostly young, robust, and adventure-seeking guys from all over Ukraine (compare today's immigrants), traveled to the lower Dnipro river, where the enormous rapids prevented the movement of battleships up from the Black Sea, and decided to call themselves, say, Kozaks. These Kozaks warriors wanted to defend the Orthodox Christian Ukrainian lands from the attacks of the Ottoman Turks. They founded their own city and fortress, called Sich, on the island of Khortytsya in the middle of the Dnipro river. There, they gathered in summertime, trained, and raided the steppes, fighting the Turkish and the Tatar troops from the Crimea. They also built ships and made sea raids on Istanbul and on Crimean seaports, freeing Christian captives whom the Turks and the Tatars enslaved. In winter, the Kozaks dispersed and lived close to the Dnipro banks as independent owners of their hamlets. At the beginning of the 17th century, the Kozaks became a formidable military force and a kind of a self-governing state with their own elected leaders and laws.
    ellauri190.html on line 277: By 1659, the two outstanding sons of Ukraine, a Kozak general Ivan Vyhovsky and an eccentric scholar-nobleman Yuriy Nemyrych conceived what became known as the Union of Hadyach. It was a unique document, which, essentially, argued in favor of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth transforming into the commonwealth of Poland, Lithuania, and Ukraine. Vyhovsky and Nemyrych proposed to establish a Great Principality of Ukraine on par with the Kingdom of Poland and the Great Duchy of Lithuania. And it was a unique historical moment, because in July 1659 the Ukrainian troops won a huge battle against the Muscovite army near the city of Konotop, totally crushing the Muscovites and proving that Ukraine did not need the “friendship” of the tyrannic Tzars. (See the analogy?) If the Hadyach Union had been approved by the Sejm of the Republic, Ukraine would perhaps have become a more European country and would progressively move toward full Western style independence. Again, tragically, it did not happen. Nemyrych was killed at a duel, and Vyhovsky forced to resign by populists who hated him because of his aristocratic blood and his alleged (rather than actual) love of things Polish. Without these two luminaries, the Sejm did not even bother to convene for discussions on the Hadyach Union, making it into a useless piece of paper. It was later “adopted,” but in such a distorted version that it excluded its main point, the creation of the Ukrainian state. Sellasta se on. Ukrainan, Puolan ja Baltian historia osoittaa, miten vaikeaa on merkata reviiriä jollei sitä ole valmiixi maastoon merkitty.
    ellauri190.html on line 279: By the end of the 17th century, the newly forming Russian Empire under Tzar Peter I established its reign over the Ukrainian lands to the east of the Dnipro river, ceding the western part of Ukraine to the Republic (which, in turn, evolved more and more into the Polish monarchy rather than the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth of the old days). In 1702, a great son of Ukraine, a giant of military strategy, diplomacy, and statesmanship, Ivan Mazepa, being the Kozak leader of the eastern part of Ukraine, suppressed the uprising of Paliy on the other (Western) side of the Dnipro and added huge parts of the country to his control. It was a big step toward the unification and freedom of Ukraine. Moreover, in 1709 Mazepa joined his forces with the Swedish king Charles XII (haha, the gay) against Tzar Peter, hoping to rid his dear mother Ukraine from slavery in the captivity of the Tzars. And again… tragically, Mazepa managed to gather less manpower than he hoped to gather, because the populist agitators slandered him in their massive propaganda campaign (no doubt, directed from Muscovy), portraying him in the eyes of the Ukrainian Kozaks as a rich aristocrat who cares nothing about the “simple people,” a clandestine Catholic (or Protestant), and overall “not really Ukrainian.” (This tragedy will repeat itself in 1918 and in 2019.) Mazepa’s loyalists were defeated together with the Swedes, and Ukraine lost her historical chance for yet another time. But third time is a charm! Nobody will blame a Jew for being on the side of the catholics!
    ellauri190.html on line 291: The Ukrainian hetman Ivan Vyhovsky, who succeeded Khmelnytsky in 1657, believed the Tsar was not living up to his responsibility. Accordingly, he concluded a treaty with representatives of the Polish king, who agreed to re-admit Cossack Ukraine by reforming the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth to create a third constituent, comparable in status to that of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The Union of Hadiach provoked a war between the Cossacks and the Muscovites/Russians that began in the fall of 1658. Tää taitaa olla aika lailla sitä mistä tässä sodassakin (sori, demilitarisaatiossa) on kysymys. Kasakat on taas ottamassa hatkat ja siirtymässä vastapuolelle.
    ellauri190.html on line 307: The region was part of the Russian Empire until its collapse following the Russian February Revolution in early March 1917, after which it became part of the short-lived Russian Republic. In 1918, it was largely included in the Ukrainian State and in the Ukrainian Soviet Republic at the same time. In 1918–1920, it was, to varying extents, under the control of the anti-Bolshevik White movement governments of South Russia whose defeat signified the Soviet control over the territory, which became part of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, within the Soviet Union from 1922.
    ellauri190.html on line 315: The Russo-Polish geographer and ethnographer Zygmunt Gloger in his "Geography of historic lands of the Old Poland" (Polish: "Geografia historyczna ziem dawnej Polski") explains that at the time the term "Little" was interchangeably with the word "new", and in his footnotes, he clearly states that, at least in 1903, Little Russia (Malorossia) was perceived in such manner. Prior to the revolutionary events of 1917, a large part of the region's élite population adopted a Little Russian identity that competed with the local Ukrainian identity. At that time it was trendy to be Russian, large or small.
    ellauri190.html on line 514: Afonso de Albuquerque, Duke of Goa, was a Portuguese general, admiral, and statesman. He served as Governor of Portuguese India from 1509 to 1515, during which he expanded Portuguese influence across the Indian Ocean and built a reputation...
    ellauri191.html on line 56: RDX, joka tunnetaan harvemmin nimellä kryptoniitti, heksogeeni (erityisesti venäjäksi, ranskaksi, saksaksi ja muilla ikävillä saksalaisvaikutteisilla epäanglosaxisilla kielillä), T4 ja kemiallisesti syklotrimetyleenitrinitramiinina, käyttivät molemmat osapuolet toisessa maailmansodassa räjäyttääxeen toisen osapuolen päät irti. RDX: llä oli suurimmat edut ensimmäisessä maailmansodassa käytettyyn TNT: hen verrattuna, koska sillä oli suurempi E.Saaris-tyyppinen räjähdysvoima eikä tarvittu lisäraaka -aineita sen valmistukseen. Pelkkä linnunpaska riitti. Heksogeenistä raportoi vuonna 1898 Georg Friedrich Henning, joka sai saksalaisen patentin sen valmistamiseksi heksamiinin nitrolyysillä. He should´ve had his 'ead hexamined! HMX, jota kutsutaan vastapuolella myös oktogeeniksi, on voimakas ja suhteellisen epäherkkä nitroamiini, joka on kemiallisesti sukua RDX: lle. Kuten RDX, yhdisteen nimi on paljon spekulaation kohteena, ja se on listattu eri tavoin nimillä Sulava räjähdysaine, Hänen Majesteettinsa räjähtävä paukku, Nopea sotilaallinen räjähde tai Suurimolekyylipainoinen RDX. Sekä luonnonvaraiset että siirtogeeniset kasvit voivat kenties toivottavasti joskus hajottaa räjähteitä maaperästä ja vedestä, jos aikaa riittää. Kyllä purolla on aikaa! Kyllä Jopi elamassa parjaa.
    ellauri191.html on line 161: "in recognition of the numerous and brilliant compositions which, in an individual and original manner, have revived the great traditions of the Spanish drama"
    ellauri191.html on line 2147: The first prize in 1901, awarded to the French poet Sully Prudhomme, was heavily criticised. Many believed that the acclaimed Russian author Tolstoy should have been awarded the first Nobel prize in literature.
    ellauri191.html on line 2148: From 1901 to 1912, the committee, headed by the conservative Carl David af Wirsén, weighed the literary quality of a work against its contribution towards humanity's struggle 'toward the ideal'. Leo Tolstoy, Henrik Ibsen, Émile Zola, and Mark Twain were rejected in favour of authors little read today. The choice of philosopher Rudolf Eucken as Nobel laureate in 1908 is widely considered to be one of the worst mistakes in the history of the Nobel Prize in Literature. The main candidates for the prize that year were poet Algernon Swinburne and author Selma Lagerlöf, but the Academy were divided between the candidates and, as a compromise, Eucken, representative of the Academy's interpretation of Nobel's "ideal direction", was launched as an alternative candidate that could be agreed upon. Solzhenitsyn did not accept the award and prize money until 10 December 1974, after he was deported from the Soviet Union. Swedish Academy member Artur Lundkvist had argued that the Nobel Prize in Literature should not become a political prize and questioned the artistic value of Solzhenitsyn's work. The award to Camilo José Cela was controversial as he had moved voluntarily from Madrid to Galicia during the Spanish Civil War in order to join Franco's rebel forces there as a volunteer.A member of the Swedish Academy, Knut Ahnlund, who had not played an important role in the Academy since 1996, protested against the choice of the 2004 laureate, Elfriede Jelinek; Ahnlund resigned, alleging that selecting Jelinek had caused "irreparable damage" to the reputation of the award.
    ellauri192.html on line 49: After he graduated from the Moscow University (1913), Trubetzkoy delivered lectures there until the Russian Revolution, when he moved first to the University of Rostov-on-Don, then to the University of Sofia (1920–1922) and finally took the chair of Professor of Slavic Philology at the University of Vienna (1922-1938). He died from a heart attack attributed to Nazi persecution after he had published an article that was highly critical of Hitler's crackpot morphophonological theories.
    ellauri192.html on line 79: At the New York École libre des hautes études, a sort of Francophone university-in-exile, he met and collaborated with Claude Lévi-Strauss, who would also become a key exponent of structuralism. He also made the acquaintance of many American linguists, chemists and anthropologists, such as Franz Boas, Benjamin Whorf, and Leonard Bloomfield. When the American authorities considered "repatriating" him to Europe, it was Franz Boas (another Jew) who actually saved his ass.
    ellauri192.html on line 81: His universalizing structuralist theory of phonology, based on a markedness hierarchy of distinctive features, achieved its canonical exposition in a book published in the United States in 1951, jointly authored by Roman Jakobson, C. Gunnar Fant and Morris Halle.
    ellauri192.html on line 113: The members of the Nobel jury were guided by the vague words written into the will of Alfred Nobel. The inventor stated that his prize “should go to the person who shall have produced in the field of Literature the most distinguished work of an idealistic tendency.” Wirsén believed that “idealistic tendency” meant of moral or good nature; however, as Burton Feldman reports, the mathematician Gösta "Ja ja de ä Gösta här" Mittag-Leffler, who was a friend of Nobel’s, attested that “the inventor intended ‘idealism’ to mean a skeptical, even satirical attitude to religion, royalty, marriage, and the social order in general.”
    ellauri192.html on line 115: Sully Prudhomme’s reputation, however, has not survived the more than one hundred years since he was awarded the crowning glory in his literary career. His legacy as a poet is not bad; it simply does not exist. Most French high-school students would recognize his name and might have read his most well-known poem, “Le Vase brisé” (1865, The Broken Vase), but it is safe to say that almost no one outside of France recognizes the name Sully Prudhomme.
    ellauri192.html on line 257: Jaroslav Seifert was born in Zizkov, a suburb of Prague, Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic). Seifert was one of the pioneers of modernist poetry and literature in his native country. He also worked as a journalist and translator. The period after the World War II was a disappointment for Seifert, who had been hoping for a brighter and freer future. Instead the Communist government imposed a repressive policy in which poets were expected to write political propaganda. Seifert became involved in attempts at reforms with the increased freedom implemented in his native country, such as the Prague Spring of 1968 and the Charta 77 movement.
    ellauri192.html on line 261: There is no objective measure, no slide rule for magnitude in literature. Balzac was convinced that Mrs. Ann Radcliffe, the purveyor of Gothic terror, was a finer writer than Stendhal, whom he admired. Tolstoy, one of the two writers who have freely refused the Prize - Sartre in 1964 was the other (Bob Dylan meant to be the 3rd until the Swedes upped the ante) - found Shakespeare's ''King Lear'' to be a puerile mess ''beneath serious criticism.'' (mitä se kieltämättä onkin, tai oikeammin setämiehen keitos). The only major fiction to come out of the American experience of World War II, James Gould Cozzens' fiction ''Guard of Honor,'' has fallen into oblivion, deservedly.
    ellauri192.html on line 263: THE trouble, of course, is that the actual record of choices made by the Swedish Academy for the Nobel Prize in Literature has been capricious and, in too many cases, insulting to critical intelligence. Given the fact that no literary ranking can be either proved or falsified objectively; given the inevitable time lag of taste and renown behind the radical, private advance of genius; errors, oversight, delays in recognition until they guys were dead were unavoidable from the outset. But even when every allowance is made, the record of ''the bounty of Sweden'' (Yeats's candid phrase when he received the Nobel in 1923) is a poor one.
    ellauri192.html on line 269: Taking into sympathetic account the widest margin of human error, is it possible to take seriously an institution and procedure that passes over the majority of the greatest novelists and renewers of prose in the modern age? James Joyce, Marcel Proust, Franz Kafka (whose presence towers over our sensual literature and of the meaning of a bug, quite a feat for a little man who one should not expect to tower over anything much), Thomas Hardy, Joseph Conrad, Henry James, Andre Malraux, Hermann Broch, Robert Musil, D. H. Lawrence, either escaped the notice of or were, on nomination, rejected by the Nobel committee. Can one defend a jury which prefers the art of Pearl Buck (1938) to that of, say, Virginia Woolf? Paul Claudel, a picee of shit whose dramas we can set fairly beside those of Aeschylus and of Shakespeare just to scare people, never received the accolade. Paul Heyse was chosen, not Bertolt Brecht. Galsworthy is a Nobel, not Carlo Emilio Gadda, one of the most original and inventive writers of fiction in this century. Who the fuck is he? Composer of In-a-Gadda-da-Vida? No that was Iron Butterfly, and a good piece it was indeed.
    ellauri192.html on line 287: Lastly, there is the rumor of the blacklist. No outside observer can show that any such list exists, let alone how and when it was explicitly arrived at. But there are stubborn, unsettling indications. Behind them stands the enigmatic figure and afterlife of Dag Hammerskjold. In one or two cases, the choice of laureate seems to have been largely his. His chill displeasures seem not only to have had great influence, but to persist beyond the grave. The list of lepers, for motives which may, in some masked degree, go back to Hammarskjold's own politics and arcane sexuality, is rumored to include Graham Greene, G"unter Grass and Borges, as it did Malraux (passed over, to de Gaulle's just anger, in favor of a French poet-diplomat close to Hammarskjold, viz. Saint-John Perse). The mere fact that the Nobel Prize in Literature has long passed Borges by suffices to put the whole institution in doubt. But whether any such blacklist is real remains baffled conjecture.
    ellauri192.html on line 301: 2014 also marked the release of Tokarczuk’s most ambitious work, “The Books of Jacob,” the novel that set off much of the rancor directed at her by Polish nationalists. The book, which has yet to appear in English, is centered on the historical figure of Jakub Frank, a Jewish-born 18th-century religious leader. Frank, believed to have been born with the name Jakub Leibowicz, oversaw a messianic sect that incorporated significant portions of Christian practice into Judaism; he led mass baptisms of his followers. As Ruth Franklin reported in a New Yorker profile this past summer, Tokarczuk spent almost a decade researching Frank and the Poland in which he lived. The result is a book that, by the account of those who have read it, delivers a picture of the many intricate and unpredictable ways in which the story of Poland is tied to the story of its Jews. “There’s no Polish culture without Jewish culture,” Tokarczuk told Franklin. What else is new, asks Isaac Singer. Tokarczuk is not a Jewess, Tokarczuk considers herself a disciple of Carl Jung and cites his psychology as an inspiration for her literary work.
    ellauri192.html on line 303: The novel’s release shortly predated an escalation in Polish nationalism tied to the Law and Justice party’s ascent to power in 2015. But the forces that fueled that escalation were already prevalent. When Tokarczuk accepted the Nike Prize, the country’s highest literary honor, for “The Books of Jacob,” she said in a speech that the country had “committed horrendous acts as colonizers, as a national majority that suppressed the minority, as slaveowners, and as the murderers of Jews.” She was quickly inundated by threats so alarming that her publishers briefly hired bodyguards. In the five years since, she has witnessed the Law and Justice party take an increasingly hard line on censoring certain conversations about Poland’s relationship with Jews. In 2016, the government began a campaign against the Princeton historian Jan Gross, known for his groundbreaking work on the massacre at Jedwabne, in which Poles murdered 1,600 of their Jewish neighbors. In 2018, the Law and Justice party’s government made it illegal to blame Poland or Polish nationals for Nazi crimes. POLIN, a groundbreaking Polish museum of Jewish history, has been leader-less for five months, as its director, who oversaw a number of exhibits highly critical of Poland’s policy toward Jews, awaits official reappointment — despite having been re-approved for the job.
    ellauri192.html on line 629: When Peter arrived and knocked on the door, the servant girl Rhoda came to answer. She heard Peter’s voice and knew it was he, but in her excitement and joy she forgot to actually open the door. Leaving Peter standing in the night, she rushed to tell everyone else about the miracle outside (Acts 12:14). They did not believe her, though, thinking she was out of her mind (Acts 12:15). When Rhoda was insistent, the believers decided it must be Peter’s “angel”—his guardian angel, perhaps, or his ghost—rather than the answer to their prayers!
    ellauri192.html on line 641: Seifert was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1984. Due to bad health, he was not present at the award ceremony, and so his daughter received the Nobel Prize in his name. Even though it was a matter of great importance, there was only a brief remark of the award in the state-controlled media. He died in 1986, aged 84, and was buried at the municipal cemetery in Kralupy nad Vltavou (where his maternal grandparents originated from). Not in the Jewish cemetery, perish the thought!
    ellauri192.html on line 685: During World War II, Trubchevsk was occupied by the German Army from October 9, 1941 to September 18, 1943. Prior to the war, about 137 Jews lived in Trubchevsk. Most of the Jews were craftsmen, including cobblers and carpenters. The town was occupied by German forces in early October 1941. By that time, more than half of the Jews fled or evacuated. The Jews from the Trubchevsk district were gathered in a Klub for 3 days and shot afterwards at the edge of the village. Their bodies were burnt. In total, according to the Soviet archives, 751 Soviet citizens perished due to bad treatment or as a result of shooting in the entire Trubchevsk district. Aside from Jews, mentally ill children and adults were exterminated as well. The population is about 15K. There are very few notable buildings in the town.
    ellauri192.html on line 830: The musician explained that the support of revolutionary events in Ukraine by Liapis Trubetskoy is negatively perceived by authorities in Belarus and Russia, which is an obstacle to the creative process. Thus he and his producer, without giving up the Belarusian citizenship, decided to get permanent residence in Ukraine.
    ellauri192.html on line 839: Former guitarist and one of the founders of the rock group "Lyapis Trubetskoy" Ruslan Vladyko died in intensive care in Minsk, without regaining consciousness from a coma, after he received a head injury in the summer of 2019.
    ellauri192.html on line 894: The United States, which was perceived as the land of machines and technological progress, was of great importance at the time for the Soviet Union, which had set itself the goal of overtaking the United States. This slogan (Russian: догнать и перегнать Америку; "catch up and surpass America") was one of the most important slogans during the ambitious industrialization of the Soviet Union. Given the political climate in the Soviet Union in 1937 when the book was published, with the onset of Great Purge, it is no surprise that a version of a book that satirizes the United States was published. Oh sorry I misread:
    ellauri192.html on line 898: "One-Story America" was a hit with American readers and received a lot of praise in the press, including:
    ellauri194.html on line 265: The Borgia map, copper-engraved world map (c. 1430). Gog and Magog (identified as confined Jews) are shown on the left, representing the far east.
    ellauri194.html on line 275: In the Borgia map, a copper-engraved world map probably produced in Southern Germany c. 1430, the most eastern part contains two fortified regions depicting Gog and Magog, with the following Latin inscriptions:
    ellauri194.html on line 287: In the early 19th century, some Hasidic rabbis identified the French invasion of Russia under Napoleon as "The War of Gog and Magog". But as the century progressed, apocalyptic expectations receded as the populace in Europe began to adopt an increasingly secular worldview. This has not been the case in the United States, where a 2002 poll indicated that 59% of Americans believed the events predicted in the Book of Revelation would come to pass. During the Cold War the idea that Soviet Russia had the role of Gog gained popularity, since Ezekiel's words describing him as "prince of Meshek" – rosh meshek in Hebrew – sounded suspiciously like Russia and Moscow. Even some Russians took up the idea, apparently unconcerned by the implications ("Ancestors were found in the Bible, and that was enough"), as did Ronald Reagan.
    ellauri194.html on line 317: Even identical genital acts mean very different things to different people. Sexuality makes up a large share of the self-perceived identity of some people, a small share of others. Some people like to have a lot of sex, others little or none. Many people have their richest mental/emotional involvement with sexual acts that they don't do, or even don't want to do.
    ellauri194.html on line 487: Dr. Ernest Adams is a consultant and a senior lecturer at the Department of Game Design, Uppsala University. He holds a bachelor's degree in philosophy from Stanford University, and a Ph.D. in interactive storytelling. He has served in the game industry since 1989 as a programmer, producer, writer, and game designer, and is the author of six books. Dr. Adams has developed online, computer, and console games for machines from the IBM 360 mainframe to the present day. He is also the founder and first chairman of the International Game Developers' Association.
    ellauri194.html on line 529: Banerjee or Bandyopadhyay is a surname of Brahmins originating from the Bengal region of the Indian subcontinent. Banerjees are from the ancient Shandilya Gotra, which means all Banerjees are descended from Kannauj from the ancient sage Shandilya as per the Puranas. Together with Mukherjees, Chatterjees, Bhattacharjees and Gangulys, Banerjees form the Kulin Brahmins. Indian (Bengal) and Bangladeshi: Hindu (Brahman) name, the first element of which, Ban-, is taken from Bandyopadhyay. The final element -jee is derived from jha (greatly reduced form of Sanskrit upadhyaya ‘teacher’); thus, Banerjee ‘teacher who is head and only performs the main work aarti or,Vandana. A Sanskrit version of this name, Vandyopadhyaya, was coined from the elements vandya ‘venerable’ + upadhyaya ‘teacher’. "
    ellauri194.html on line 605:
  • Atul Chandra Chatterjee – Indian diplomat and government official. Served as the Indian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom from 1925–1931.
    ellauri194.html on line 773: Hossam's lawyer, Hani Sameh, said she had received a longer sentence because she had not appeared in court, even though "it was her legal right not to show up".
    ellauri194.html on line 802: Voit yllättyä, että tuskin edes kaksi promillea Muskin 130 miljardin euron omaisuudesta on tullut töistä. Loppu on koottu vedätyxillä kuten izensä seinään ohjaavat sähköautot, räjähtelevät avaruusraketit, ja nyt tämä.
    ellauri194.html on line 980: The Prime Minister said sorry with 'full humility' over the £50 fixed-penalty notice he received from Scotland Yard last week, in his first Commons appearance since the Easter break.
    ellauri194.html on line 987: Mr Johnson's hopes of dealing swiftly with the political fallout from Partygate were dealt a blow today after the Speaker approved a vote on whether he should be investigated for misleading the Commons.
    ellauri194.html on line 988: Sir Lindsay Hoyle approved a Labour plan for a debate and vote on Thursday over the PM's claim from the despatch box last year that all lockdown rules were followed in Downing Street.
    ellauri194.html on line 1051: Häh, nämähän on kaikki samanlaisia vedättäjiä kuin Teflon ize? Manus manum lavat. Miten hemmetissä jotkut turvelot menee lankaan tämmöseen paskaan? Koska ne on ize ezimässä koko ajan jotain porsaanreikiä! Kyllä korppi korpin silmää nokkii jos saa yllätettyä, sanoi sananlasku mitä tahansa. Mullakin on 1 käden kokemusta jostain saman tyylin konsulteista; no Eski tietysti, ja Iso-Masa, ja size Kouvolassa komeljanttaroinut alivaltiosihteeri, plus ADHD suonikohjuineen, sekä 2. viimeisenä muttei vähäisimpänä Samu Mutajoki ja hännänhuippuna se pieni pyylevä koraaniprofessori, Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila. Kaikki tyynni käärmeöljymiehiä.
    ellauri196.html on line 500: Sanotaan se vielä kerran oikein selvästi: kaikki ns. moraliteetit on hirveetä vedätystä, ilkeiden apinoiden pahansuopaa omaneduntavoittelua, läpinäkyvää vehkeilyä virtuaalihahmoilla sun muilla sätkynukeilla, kuuman hellahuoneen nokisista häntäheikeistä lähtien ratki pilvikerroxen penthousen lainepartaisiin kermaperseisiin. Niitä on tosi noloa lukea. Tää on hävettävän typerää, suorastaan röyhkeää, kuinka kukaan voi tämmöiseen uskoa?
    ellauri196.html on line 624: Its fundamentally conservative "pure and simple" approach limited the AFL to matters pertaining to working conditions and rates of pay, relegating political goals to its allies in the political sphere. The Federation favored pursuit of workers' immediate demands rather than challenging the property rights of owners, and took a pragmatic view of politics which favored tactical support for particular politicians over formation of a party devoted to workers' interests. The AFL's leadership believed the expansion of the capitalist system was seen as the path to betterment of labor, an orientation making it possible for the AFL to present itself as what one historian has called "the conservative alternative to working class radicalism."
    ellauri196.html on line 692: Brando was known for his tumultuous personal life (euphemism for a piece of shit) and his large number of partners and children. He was the father to at least 11 children, at least three of whom were not his. Like a large number of men, he too, had homosexual experiences, and he was not ashamed. If Wally had been a woman, he would have married him and they would have lived happily ever after and had a bunch of kids. Now all they got were some brown pickaninnies.
    ellauri196.html on line 694: In Songs My Mother Taught Me, Brando wrote that he met Marilyn Monroe at a party where she played piano, unnoticed by anybody else there, that they had an affair and maintained an intermittent relationship for many years, and that he received a telephone call from her several days after she died. He also claimed numerous other romances, although he did not discuss his marriages, his wives, or his children in his autobiography.
    ellauri196.html on line 729: According to the Bible, Ezekiel and his wife lived during the Babylonian captivity on the banks of the Chebar River, in Tel Aviv, with other exiles from Judah. There is no mention of him having any offspring. Josephus claims that Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia's armies exiled three thousand Jews from Judah, after deposing King Jehoiakim in 598 BCE. Ärsyttävimmät kiljukaulat johtoportaasta vietiin jäähylle. Jesaja kuului Jahven hoviin, Hese oli bloody peasant.
    ellauri197.html on line 106: The second stanza is very similar to the first. There are several examples of repetition. The speaker begins by describing himself standing with his love “In a field by the river” rather than in the “salley garden”. Either way, the setting is natural and likely beautiful. The scene is made even more pleasing by the fact that he was with someone he loved and she was touching his shoulder with her “snow-white hand”. Here, readers should notice the repetition of “snow-white”. This time rather than describing her feet he’s thinking about her hand. He remembers how she asked him at that moment to “take life easy”. This is almost exactly the same as in the first stanza. But, now it’s revealed that the speaker’s inability to take it “easy” stretches to his life beyond his relationship with this woman.
    ellauri197.html on line 112: Readers who enjoyed ‘Down By the Salley Gardens’ should also consider readings some of Yeats’ other love-based poems. For instance, a good way to go on are ‘He Wishes His Beloved Were Dead’ and ‘Never Give All the Heart’. Other similar poems by other poets about love include ‘How Happy I Was If I Could Forget’ by Emily Dickinson and ‘Love’s Organ's Growth’ by John Donne. Lady readers might also be interested in ‘Memory’ by Christina Rossetti and ‘In Memory of a Happy Day in February’ by Anne Brontë.
    ellauri197.html on line 122: And loved in misery, Ja kurjasti rakastin
    ellauri197.html on line 124: That I loved bodily. Yhen kaverin kaa kuitenkin.
    ellauri197.html on line 142: And though it loved in misery Ja vaixe eli kurjuudessa
    ellauri197.html on line 153: - Yeats was all his life passionately devoted to a woman named Maud Gonne :D She had an affair with him which meant everything to him, and wrote many poems in her honor, but she refused to marry him. She married someone else, and so he had to marry someone else as well, but he always cherished her above all. She was "THE" woman to him. It may be for her sake that he imagined love from HER point of view. Meanwhile he and his second-choice wife had a son and a daughter, whom he loved dearly. That's sad... For all parties involved.
    ellauri197.html on line 158: One of Yeats' most famous works, this poem was inspired in part by a carved piece of Lapis Lazuli that Harry Clifton gave Yeats for his 70th birthday (1935). Vizi siis mun ikäisenä! Saankohan mäkin tollasen arvokkaan lapispazaan lahjaxi? Kekä on tää Harry Clifton? Ei toki toi 1998 syntynyt jalkapallista eikä edes mun ikäinen, 1952 syntynyt runoilija? Entä se kello Lindroosin vitriinissä?
    ellauri197.html on line 164: He was born on 16 December 1907, the son of John Talbot Clifton and Violet Mary Beauclerk, from a very wealthy family with extensive estates and other property holdings in England and Scotland. He was educated at Downside School and Oxford University. He knew the novelist Evelyn Waugh, having possibly met him at Oxford, and who is thought by some to have used him as a model for the Brideshead Revisited character, Sebastian Flyte, although other sources (e.g. Paula Byrne) attribute the inspiration to Hugh Lygon. Waugh was certainly a guest at the family seat, Lytham Hall, in the 1930s and described the Clifton family as “tearing mad”. Clifton's mother, Violet, believed that much of Brideshead Revisited was about the Clifton family and was furious when it was published.
    ellauri197.html on line 178: Yeats' poem was completed in 1936. Yeats, in an oft quoted letter, describes the gift thus: "Lapis Lazuli carved by some Chinese sculptor into the semblance of a mountain with temple, trees, paths, and an ascetic and pupil about to climb the mountain. Ascetic, pupil, hard stone, eternal theme of the sensual east. The heroic cry in the midst of despair. But no, I am wrong, the east has its solutions always and therefore knows nothing of tragedy. It is we, not the east, that must raise the heroic cry." (Letter to Dorothy Wellesley (as in Wellesley College?) July 6 1935)
    ellauri197.html on line 196: Are carved in Lapis Lazuli, on lapiskiveen kaiverrettuna,
    ellauri197.html on line 225: He wishes his Beloved were Dead Kulzi kutistin kakarat
    ellauri197.html on line 239: O would, beloved, that you lay Voi jospa rakkaani sä lojuisitkin silleen,
    ellauri197.html on line 305: An interesting thing to note, however, is that the “adversity” is treated in a beautiful way by being addressed as a “Bloom.” The capitalization can be written off with the notion that even a bad memory could be important enough to merit capitalization, but a “Bloom” has a connotation of natural beauty and livelihood. This could simply mean the negativity from the circumstance grows with time, but the choice of such a soft verb gives the feeling that the narrator has warm feelings about whatever happened to cause this bad memory—maybe a relationship she loved but lost or a friend who was dear but forsaken. This would again give a reason for the grammatical chaos of the lack of subject and mismatched verb tenses since, it seems, the narrator does not know how she feels about the memory.
    ellauri197.html on line 389: Like other mixed stuff, love also gets an addition in its vigor and strength from the sun (his working vigor, i.e., its restorative power, its motive force, its sexual energy). Love is not as pure and unmixed as is supposed by those who have no other beloved except their poetry (i.e. those who have no practical experience of love).
    ellauri197.html on line 401: Through this extract of ‘Love’s Organ´s Growth’, the poet, John Donne, says that if love takes such additions (gentle love deeds), as more circles are produced by one stirred in water, those, like so many spheres, make only one heaven, for they are all centered in her. When the poet says: Spheres, he refers to the Ptolemaic astronomy, the spheres were a series of concentric hollow globes which revolved around the earth and carried the heavenly bodies with them. There were supposed to be nine such hollow globes and together they made up what we call the ‘heaven’.
    ellauri197.html on line 424: I was alone, for those I loved Olin yxin, mun rakkaat olivat
    ellauri197.html on line 469: I knew that my Redeemer lived, Tiesin: on pääsylippu voimassa,
    ellauri197.html on line 606: Precious Photo: This is where a person carries a photo of a loved one who isn't with them around them at all times. This loved one can be somebody who is dead, far away for an extended period of time or the carrier may just be a Stalker with a Crush. If the person is dead, then this symbolizes the attachment that the carrier still has. If they're far away, then this shows that the carrier is anticipating their return. If the carrier is a stalker then there are thousands more where that one came from. It may also be an Orphan's Plot Trinket, usually when kept in a locket. Even still, if the photo is ruined, there are two possible outcomes:
    ellauri197.html on line 651: In March 1833, "Pauline, a Fragment of a Confession" was published anonymously by Saunders and Otley at the expense of the author, Robert Browning, who received the money from his aunt, Mrs Silverthorne. It is a long poem composed in homage to the poet Shelley and somewhat in his style. Originally Browning considered Pauline as the first of a series written by different aspects of himself, but he soon abandoned this idea. The press noticed the publication. However, it sold no copies. Mill oli oikeassa, narsistista jaaritusta.
    ellauri197.html on line 704: With power to love, and to be loved, and live.

    ellauri198.html on line 56: "... Näyn pohtineen tässä kirjassa ja myöhemmin Herzogissa sitä, kuinka yksilö voi kiertää tämän laajan kaupallisen yhteiskunnan kontrollia tulematta nihilistixi tai kommunistixi, välttää tyhjän kumouksellisuuden ja sensemmoisen mielettömyyden. Olen pohtinut, onko muita, luonteikkaampia metkuilun ja vapaan valinnan muotoja... Juu ja onhan niitä, esim. silmään kusenta ja vedätys. Olen yrittänyt osoittaa kirjoissani, ettei totuus välttämättä ole kaikki kaikessa. Ehkä on myös vaihtoehtoisia totuuksia jotka ovat dolce vitan puolella. Olen valmis myöntämään, että olemme broidini kanssa parantumattomia valehtelijoita ja moukkia ja että meillä on täysi syy pelätä totuutta, mutta en silti aio lakata toivomasta että selviämme tästä ilman syytteitä. Ehkä kaikesta huolimatta on sellaisiakin lurjuksia, jotka ovat ystäviämme maailmankaikkeudessa."
    ellauri198.html on line 129: Events convince Jack that dialectical materialism is an insufficient paradigm to explain history. "Though doomed, they had nothing to do with any doom under the godhead of the Great Twitch. They were doomed, but they lived in the agony of will." Huoh. Samanlainen tahtoihminen kuin Belovin Sale. "Minä tahdon!" huusi Riitta ja takoi päätään lattiaan. Lukisivat Rami Tuomelaa.
    ellauri198.html on line 141: Harold Bloom observed in the New Leader, “Warren alone among living writers ranks with the foremost American poets of the century: Frost, Stevens, Hart Crane, Williams, Pound, Eliot. ...
    ellauri198.html on line 296: The Satanic panic is a moral panic consisting of over 12,000 unsubstantiated cases of Satanic ritual abuse (SRA, sometimes known as ritual abuse, ritualistic abuse, organized abuse, or sadistic ritual abuse) starting in the United States in the 1980s, spreading throughout many parts of the world by the late 1990s, and persisting today. The panic originated in 1980 with the publication of Michelle Remembers, a book co-written by Canadian psychiatrist Lawrence Pazder and his patient (and future wife), Michelle Smith, which used the discredited practice of recovered-memory therapy to make sweeping lurid claims about satanic ritual abuse involving Smith. The allegations which afterwards arose throughout much of the United States involved reports of physical and sexual abuse of people in the context of occult or Satanic rituals. In its most extreme form, allegations involve a conspiracy of a global Satanic cult that includes the wealthy and powerful world elite in which children are abducted or bred for human sacrifices, pornography, and prostitution, an allegation that returned to prominence in the form of Qanon.
    ellauri198.html on line 300: Initial interest arose via the publicity campaign for Pazder's 1980 book Michelle Remembers, and it was sustained and popularized throughout the decade by coverage of the McMartin preschool trial. Testimonials, symptom lists, rumors, and techniques to investigate or uncover memories of SRA were disseminated through professional, popular, and religious conferences, as well as through talk shows, sustaining and further spreading the moral panic throughout the United States and beyond. In some cases, allegations resulted in criminal trials with varying results; after seven years in court, the McMartin trial resulted in no convictions for any of the accused, while other cases resulted in lengthy sentences, some of which were later reversed. Scholarly interest in the topic slowly built, eventually resulting in the conclusion that the phenomenon was a moral panic, which, as one researcher put it in 2017, "involved hundreds of accusations that devil-worshipping paedophiles were operating America's white middle-class suburban daycare centers."
    ellauri198.html on line 331: Albumin 340 välipalana lukaisin King Learin uudestaan, se on kyllä tosi onneton. Lyhyesti tiivistäen, king Learilla on kolme tyärtä, joista 2 vanhempaa nuolee ahkerasti kingin pyllyvakoa ja saa isot läänityxet kinkun retardoituessa, Cordelia (henceforth Corzu) ei mielistele, so the king has a cow ja tekee Corzun perinnöttömäxi. Burgundi ei huoli sitä, mutta Ranu ottaa. Sitten isosiskot alkaa kohdella ex-kinkkua kuin halpaa makkaraa. Jotain sivujuonta Glosterin äijästä ja sen 2 pojasta joista äpärä Edmundista tulee pahis ja Edgar ('Tom') esittää yhtä hullua kuin oikeesti hullaantuva ex-kurnupää. Styken päähuvi tulee näistä hulluista ja yhestä muuten vaan narrista. Kohta Glosterin äijää vedetään parrasta ja silmät kaivetaan ulos päästä, mikä on puolestaan pätkän parasta gorea. Konna Oswald [Dies.] Cordelia tulee Ranun kaa miehittämään Britanniaa. Britannia voittaa (tietysti). Corzun tsykologi parantaa Learin psykoosin, mutta liian myöhäistä: isotsiskot nirhaa toisensa, Cordelia epähuomiossa hirtetään, ja Lear kuolee apoplexiaan. Kaikki naiset on nyt tapettu, jälelle jää 2 hyvistä, mitätön Kent ja vetku Edgar. (Kentistä ei tullut mitään sanotuxi, mutta se onkin varsin mitäänsanomaton.)
    ellauri198.html on line 364: Suppression of the glee that pursed and scored Jota mainio pajunköysi vedätteli:
    ellauri198.html on line 433: Such starved ignoble nature; nothing throve: En nähnyt koskaan, ihan elotonta,
    ellauri198.html on line 637: Archaeologists have applied the term "tophet" to large cemeteries of children found at Carthaginian sites that have traditionally been believed to house the victims of child sacrifice, as described by Hellenistic and biblical sources. This interpretation is controversial, with some scholars arguing that the tophets may have been children's cemeteries, rejecting Hellenistic sources as anti-Carthaginian propaganda. Others argue that not all burials in the tophet were sacrifices.
    ellauri198.html on line 645: Roland's band had dissolved and gone on to solo careers. Cuthbert was cut up for "one night's disgrace," and Giles "by being hanged and declared a traitor by his fans." All Roland wants is to join back the band, whatever the cost.
    ellauri198.html on line 691: In March 1833, "Pauline, a Fragment of a Confession" was published anonymously by Saunders and Otley at the expense of the author, Robert Browning, who received the money from his aunt, Mrs Silverthorne. It is a long poem composed in homage to the poet Shelley and somewhat in his style. Originally Browning considered Pauline as the first of a series written by different aspects of himself, but he soon abandoned this idea. John Stuart Mill, however, wrote that the author suffered from an "intense and morbid self-consciousness". Later Browning was rather embarrassed by the work.
    ellauri198.html on line 695: In 1845, at 32, Browning met the poet Elizabeth Barrett, 38, six years his senior, who lived as a semi-invalid in her father's house in Wimpole Street, London. They began regularly corresponding and gradually a romance developed between them, leading to their marriage and journey to Italy (for Elizabeth's health) on 12 September 1846.
    ellauri198.html on line 697: From the time of their marriage and until Elizabeth's death, the Brownings lived in Italy, residing first in Pisa, and then, within a year, finding an apartment in Florence at Casa Guidi (now a museum to their memory). Their only child, Robert Wiedemann Barrett Browning, nicknamed "Penine" or "Pen", was born in 1849. In these years Browning was fascinated by, and learned from, the art and atmosphere of Italy. He would, in later life, describe Italy as his university. As Elizabeth had inherited money of her own, the couple were reasonably comfortable in Italy, and their relationship together was happy. However, the literary assault on Browning's work did not let up and he was critically dismissed further, by patrician writers such as Charles Kingsley, for the desertion of England for foreign lands.
    ellauri198.html on line 699: Browning believed spiritualism to be fraud, and proved one of Daniel Dunglas Home's most adamant critics. When Browning and his wife Elizabeth attended one of his séances on 23 July 1855. a spirit face materialized, which Home claimed was Browning's son who had died in infancy: Browning seized the "materialization" and discovered it to be Home's bare foot. To make the deception worse, Browning had never lost a son in infancy.
    ellauri198.html on line 703: According to some reports Browning became romantically involved with Louisa Caroline Stewart-Mackenzie, Lady Ashburton, but he refused her proposal of marriage, and did not remarry. In 1878, he revisited Italy for the first time in the seventeen years since Elizabeth's death, and returned there on several further occasions.
    ellauri198.html on line 714: Allen Johnston of The New York Times was disappointed with how the series progressed; while he marveled at the "sheer absurdity of King's existence" and complimented King's writing style, he said preparation would have improved the series, stating "King doesn't have the writerly finesse for these sorts of games, and the voices let him down." Michael Berry of the San Francisco Chronicle called the series "highfalutin hodgepodge".
    ellauri198.html on line 728: Along the way they find Patrick Danville, a young man imprisoned by someone who calls himself Joe Collins but is really a psychic vampire named Dandelo. Dandelo feeds off the emotions of his victims, and starts to feed off of Roland and Susannah by telling them jokes. Roland and Susannah are alerted to the danger by Stephen King, who drops clues directly into the book, enabling them to defeat the vampire. They discover Patrick in the basement, and find that Dandelo had removed his tongue. Patrick is freed and soon his special talent becomes evident: his drawings and paintings become reality. As their travels bring them nearer to the Dark Tower, Susannah comes to the conclusion that Roland needs to complete his journey without her. Susannah asks Patrick to draw a door she has seen in her dreams to lead her out of this world. He does so and once it appears, Susannah says goodbye to Roland and crosses over to another world.
    ellauri198.html on line 732: They remain in a stalemate for a few hours, until Roland has Patrick draw a picture of the Crimson King and then erase it, thus wiping him out of existence except for his eyes. Roland gains entry into the Tower while Patrick turns back home. The last scene is that of Roland crying out the names of his loved ones and fallen comrades as he had vowed to do. The door of the Dark Tower closes shut as Patrick watches from a distance.
    ellauri198.html on line 780: Knowledge is aware not only of itself, but also of the negative of itself, or its limit. Knowing its limit means knowing how to sacrifice itself. This sacrifice is... self-abandonment.... Here it has to begin all over again at its immediacy, as freshly as before, and thence rise once more to the measure of its stature, as if, for it, all that preceded were lost, and as if it had learned nothing from the experience of the spirits that preceded. But re collection has conserved that experience, and is the inner being, and, in fact, the higher form of the substance. While, then, this phase of Spirit begins all over again its formative development, apparently starting solely from itself, yet at the same time it com mences at a higher level. The realm of spirits developed in this way, and assuming definite shape in existence, constitutes a succession, where one detaches and sets loose the other, and each takes over from its predecessor the empire of the spiritual world...
    ellauri198.html on line 821: William Butler Yeats is widely considered to be one of the greatest poets of the 20th century. He belonged to the Protestant, Anglo-Irish minority that had controlled the economic, political, social, and cultural life of Ireland since at least the end of the 17th century. Most members of this minority considered themselves English people who happened to have been born in Ireland, but Yeats staunchly flagged his fake Irish nationality. Although he lived in London for 14 years of his childhood (and kept a permanent home there for 30 years), Yeats magnified his cultural roots, featuring Irish legends and heroes in many of his poems and plays.
    ellauri198.html on line 826: Gonne shared Yeats’s interest in occultism and spiritualism. Yeats had been a theosophist, but in 1890 he turned from its sweeping mystical insights and joined the Golden Dawn, a secret society that actually practiced ritual magic. Yeats remained an active member of the Golden Dawn for 32 years, becoming involved in its direction at the turn of the century and achieving the coveted sixth grade of membership in 1914, the same year that his surrogate wife, Georgiana Hyde-Lees, also joined the society.
    ellauri198.html on line 833: From these sessions Yeats formulated theories about life and history. He believed that certain patterns existed, the most important being what he called gyres, interpenetrating cones representing mixtures of opposites of both a personal and historical nature. He contended that gyres were initiated by the divine impregnation of a mortal woman—first, the rape of Leda by Zeus; later, the conception of Mary by the same immaculate swan. As Lewis Carroll had prophecied:
    ellauri198.html on line 846: While Yeats was playing with esoterica, Ireland was rife with internal strife and a world war flitted past. He was now the “sixty-year-old smiling public man” of his poem “Among School Children,” which he wrote after touring an Irish elementary school. He was also a world-renowned artist of impressive stature, having received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1923. At night the poet could “sweat with terror” because of the surrounding violence, but otherwise he was enjoying himself royally. His collection The Dark Tower (1928) is often considered his best single book.
    ellauri198.html on line 898: "I feared, loved, hated, suffered, did, & died,
    ellauri203.html on line 137: Towards the end of his life Dostoevsky became a spiritual leader for many people. Dostoevsky lived so sacrificially because his convictions were deeply wounded by Christ’s suffering and resurrection.
    ellauri203.html on line 139: One of Dostoevsky’s early memories is a daily prayer with his nanny before going to bed with her, when he was thirteen years of age. “I put all my eggs in Thine basket, Mother of God, keep them in Thy care”. This prayer Dostoevsky loved so much that it became part of the prayers which he read to children at bed time. Also from his early years Dostoevsky listened to Bible stories. Remembering those years, Fyodor Mikhailovich wrote in 1873, “In our family we knew the Gospel almost from earliest childhood.”
    ellauri203.html on line 219: However, this belated first love was not as simple as Dostoevsky had hoped. Isaeva began taunting the writer with letters telling him of her intention to marry one or other wealthy official. Although the pair did ultimately marry, their troubles continued, and the two never settled into a harmonious marriage, with Dostoevsky taking on a role more like a friend or brother to Isaeva, rather than a husband. Mark Slonim, an important Russian scholar, writes in his book The Three Loves of Dostoevsky: “He loved her for all these feelings that she excited in him. For everything that he gave her, for everything that was connected with her. And for all the pains from her.”
    ellauri203.html on line 235: All rights to Dosto and his hens reserved by Rossiyskaya Gazeta.
    ellauri203.html on line 648: Martin, a respected doctor (huoh), his wife Karin, Karin's seventeen year old brother Minus, and widowed father David of Karin and Minus' have convened at the family's summer home on an island off the coast of Sweden to celebrate David's return from the Swiss Alps, where he was substantially completing his latest novel (huoh). The family has long lived a fantasy of they being a loving one, David's extended absences which are the cause of many of the family's problems. Without that parental guidance, Minus is at a confused and vulnerable stage of his life where he is a bundle of repressed emotions, most specifically concerning not feeling loved by his father and concerning the opposite sex (huoh). He is attracted to females as a collective but does not know how to handle blatant female sexuality, especially if it is directed his way. A month earlier Karin was released from a mental institution (huoh). Her doctor has told Martin that the likelihood that she will fully recover from her illness is low, her ultimate fate being that her mental state will disintegrate totally, although she has functioned well since her release. In his love for her, Martin has vowed to himself to see her through whatever she faces. As Karin begins to lose grip on reality, Minus is the one most directly affected, although it does bring out the issues all the men are facing with regard to their interrelationships.
    ellauri204.html on line 90: Silloimpa kerran niin kävi, ett'ei kuninkaan-tyttären kulta-pallo pudonnutkaan hänen kätehensä, jonka hän sitä tavoittaakseensa oli korkealle kuroittanut, vaan kiepsahti maahan ja vieri suoraa päätä vetehen. Kuninkaan-tyttären silmäily sitä kyllä seurasi, mutta, pallo katosi ja kaivo oli niin syvä, ett'ei pohjaa näkynyt. Nyt hän itkemään hyrähti, itki ääneensä itkemistänsä eikä saanut mieltään lohdutetuksi. Hänen näin valittaessansa, häntä joku puhutteli: "mikä sinun on, kuninkaan-tytär, pidäthän sinä senkin porua, että johan kivi kovanenkin tuosta heltyy?" Tyttö nyt ympärillensä katsahti, saadaksensa selville, mistä ääni tuli, ja jopa näki sammakon, joka vedestä pisti paksun, ruman päänsä. "Vai sinä se olet, vanha pulikoitsia," sanoi hän, "minä itken kultaista palloani, joka minulta putosi kaivohon." - "Rauhoitu, vain," vastasi sammakko, "ehkähän minä neuvon keksin, mutta mitäpäs minulle annat, jos ma tuosta sinulle noudan sinun leikki-kalus." - "Mitä vain tahdot, sammakko kulta," sanoi tyttö, "minun vaatteeni, minun helmeni ja kallihit kiveni, vieläpä, tämän kultaisen kruunun, joka on päässäni." Sammakko vastasi, "sinun vaatteistas en piittaa, en sinun helmistäs enkä kalliista kivistäs enkä myös sinun kultaisesta kruunustas; mutta jos tahdot minua rakastaa ja minä pääsen sinun leikki-kumppanikses ja toverikses, jos suot minun istua vieressäs sinun pöytäs ääressä, syödä sinun kultaisesta taltrikistas, juoda pikku pikaristas ja nukkua vuoteellas, -- jos tämän minulle lupaat, niin kyllähän minä tuonne sukellan ja noudan sieltä sinulle kulta-pallos." - "Ah lupaampa," vakuutti tyttö, "sinulle kaikki, mitä tahdot, jos vain minulle tänne hankit palloni." Mutta hän ajatteli: "mitähän lörpöttelee tuo tyhmä sammakko, se kuristen vedessä istuu vertaistensa joukossa eikä siitä ole kenenkään ihmisen kumppaniksi."
    ellauri204.html on line 92: Tämän lupauksen saatuansa, pisti sammakko päänsä vetehen, sukelsi sinne alas ja palasi hetkisen kuluttua taas veden pinnalle, pitäen suussansa pallon, jonka se sitten heitti ruohikkohon. Kuninkaan-tytär vasta oli isoissaan, kun hän rakkaan leikki-kalunsa äkkäsi, sieppasi sen maasta ja juoksi sitten tiehensä. "Odota, odota," huusi sammakko, "ota minut mukaasi, minä en niin pääse juoksemaan, kuin sinä." Mutta mitäpä se tuosta hyötyi, että tarmonsa takaa "kuak kuak'iansa" laski! tyttö ei ottanut sitä kuullaksensa, vaan riensi kotia ja oli pian unohtanut sammakko paran, jonka taas täytyi köntiä alas kaivohonsa.
    ellauri204.html on line 94: Seuraavana päivänä, kun tyttö kuninkaan ja kaiken hovi-väen seurassa istui pöydän ääressä, syöden kulta-taltrikiltaan, silloimpa joku tuli, "plitsis, platsis," portahia kömpien, ja ylös ehdittyään koputti se ovelle ja huusi: "kuninkaan-tytär nuorin, laske minut sisälle." Tämä juoksi katsomaan, ketä siellä, mutta kun hän oven aukaisi, istuipa tuossa sammakko. Silloin hän äkkiä oven sulki, meni taas istumaan pöydän äärehen ja oli aivan tuskissaan. Kuningas pian huomasi, mitenkä hänen tyttärensä sydäntä kovin tykytti, ja lausui: "lapsukaiseni, mitä pelkäät, onko oven takana ehkä joku jättiläinen, joka tahtoo sinut viedä mukahansa?" - "Eipä niinkään," tyttö vastasi, "ei siellä jättiläistä ole, vaan ompa sammakko ilkeä." - "Mitä sammakko sinusta tahtoo?" - "Voi rakas isäni, eilen, kun metsässä istuin kaivon vieressä leikittellen, putosi kulta-palloni vetehen. Koska tätä kovasti itkin, kävi sammakko palloa minulle noutamassa, ja lupasimpa sille, että se kumppanikseni pääsisi, koska se tuota kaikin mokomin vaati, mutta en hiukkaakaan aavistanut, että se saattaisi päästä pois vedestä. Nyt on se tuolla ulkona ja pyrkii tänne sisälle luokseni." Samassa ovea toistamiseen kolkutettiin ja ääni huusi:
    ellauri204.html on line 585: Israelilainen sotilas ampui kristityn palestiinalaisen keski-ikäisen lehtinaisen, al-Jazeeran veteraanin. Tulivat vielä potkimaan arkunkantajia kesken naisen hautajaisia. Mellakoivat hautajaisvieraat olivat heittäneet poliisia kepillä ja muovipullolla. Poliisi oli pakotettu toimimaan. That's Jews for you, sanoi unbent brittipoliisi vihkivedenhajuisen Gentlyn keski-ikäisestä juutalaisesta lakinaisesta josta oli tulossa sen seuraava petipartneri. Suomalainen textittäjä oli jättänyt rasistisen slurin kääntämättä.
    ellauri204.html on line 739: On October 4, 1974, Sexton had lunch with Kumin to revise galleys for Sexton's manuscript of The Awful Rowing Toward God, scheduled for publication in March 1975 (Middlebrook 396). On returning home she put on her mother's old fur coat, removed all her rings, poured herself a glass of vodka, locked herself in her garage, and started the engine of her car, ending her life by carbon monoxide poisoning. Narsistinen pelle.
    ellauri205.html on line 51: Eurooppaa pidetään useimmissa historiallisissa lähteissä Tyron kuninkaan Agenorin kauniina tyttärenä (vrt. Iisebel); äitinsä nimi on yleensä Telia tai Elisa. Isänsä kautta Eurooppa on Poseidonin tyttärentytär ja myös nymfi Io:n jälkeläinen. Sources differ in details regarding Europa's family, but agree that she is Phoenician, and from an Argive lineage that ultimately descended from the princess Io, the mythical nymph beloved of Putin, who was transformed into a heifer.
    ellauri206.html on line 222: Sen jälkeen nojasimme Samin kanssa selkää laituriin, polvia myöden (sic) vedessä, vierekkäin, ja tyttö runkkasi kullejamme keskittyneeseen tasatahtiin, hiukan kumartuneena, mielestäni hivenen liian hitaasti mutta Luojan kiitos lujaa puristaen, ja minä kallistin pään taakse, pidin silmät auki ja näin taivaan tähtimäärän, elokuun Linnunradan, ja tiesin että siellä oli satoja miljardeja tähtiä, eikä minulla ollut toivomusta yhdellekään. Paitsi se, etten tahtonut ikinä luopua mistään meille tarjoutuvasta ilosta kuten tämä, ja se, että toivottavasti kukaan muukaan ei lakkaisi niitä tarjoilemasta. Samin kyllästyttyä ohjasin viileän kullini tytön suun lämpöön. Ei sillä ollut siihen mitään vastaan pantavaa eikä juuri sanottavaakaan.
    ellauri206.html on line 287: Samassa hengenvedossa voisi kuitata Juhani Branderin. Juhani Brander (s. 1978) on turkulainen kirjailija, jolta on aiemmin julkaistu kolme runokirjaa ja kaksi proosateosta. Brander pääsi ainoana suomalaisena Best European Fiction 2010 -julkaisuun. Brander on Satakunnan Kansan ja Turun Sanomien kolumnisti ja kriitikko. Hän harrastaa urheilua, filosofiaa, elokuvia ja naisia. Nyttemmin Juhana on Suomen ehkä säälittävin miesasiamies. Mikähän siinä on että pölhöt miehet keskittyvät Turun kirjallisuustieteen laitoxelle?
    ellauri207.html on line 112: Edellisvuoden jouluna hän oli kutsunut Lisbeth Salanderin mökilleen Sandhamniin. He olivat tehneet pitkiä kävelyretkiä ja keskustelleet dramaattisella äänellä tapahtumista, joihin he olivat joutuneet edellisvuonna, jolloin Mika oli kokenut näin jälkikäteen katsottuna elämänsä kriisin, ja retkien jälkeen he olivat puineet tapahtumien jälkimaininkeja punkassa. Mika oli tuomittu parittelusta pariksi kuukaudeksi vankilaan, hänen maineensa tyhjäntoimittajana oli vedetty lokaan ja hän oli joutunut lähtemaan aikakauslehti Millenniumin toimituxesta lerppahäntä koipien välissä. Mutta yhtäkkiä kaikki oli muuttunut hyväxi: Teollisuusjohtaja Henrik Vangerin elämäkerta, jonka kirjoittamisen Mikael oli alkuun kokenut hyvin ansaituksi terapiaksi, olikin muuttunut yllättäen hyvin ovelan, tuntemattoman sarjamurhaajan (en enää muista kenkä) takaa-ajoksi.
    ellauri207.html on line 180: Wanton sex is only one of 15 ways to make children´s parties fun for adults. Making a Banging Playlist is a good idea. Who is The most famous Roy on The world? No susikoira Roi tietysti. TMI, too much info. TMMB for me to be involved in.
    ellauri207.html on line 182: Catherine Zeta-Jones was born on 25 September 1969 in Swansea, Wales, to David Jones, the owner of a sweet factory, and his wife Patricia (née Fair), a seamstress. Her father is Welsh and her mother is of Irish Catholic descent. She was named after her grandmother, Zeta Jones (whose name was derived from the name of a ship that her great-grandfather once sailed on), because 'Just Jones' would not cut the cheese in showbiz. Zeta-Jones was raised in the suburban area of Mumbles.Her struggle with depression and bipolar II disorder has been well documented by the media, for she is married to sex addicted actor Michael Douglas, son of Kirk, whose name used to be Issur Danielovitch Demsky. Michael is 25 years her senior but a wizard with cunnilingus.
    ellauri207.html on line 357: Zalachenko got involved with Agneta Sjolander, who changed her own name to match his, but he refused to marry her, calling her a whore. Regardless he fathered two children with her, Lisbeth and her twin sister, Camilla. So they must have had their moments... Zalachenko brutally beat and abused Agneta, who tried to shelter her daughters from the brutality, and the two girls reacted differently. Camilla didn´t care at all for her mother, and Lisbeth did. At age twelve, Lisbeth Salander, set Zalanchenko, her father, on fire to stop his brutal beatings of her mother. We find out in The Girl Who Played with Fire, that because of the damage to his body, he had to have his leg amputated and suffers from chronic pain. I can relate to that! Constant pain is enough to turn one into a psychopath. This act is used as evidence to support claims that Lisbeth Salander is mentally ill, and remains a topic of debate for readers and characters.
    ellauri210.html on line 78: His best known play The Playboy of the Western World was poorly received, due to its bleak ending, demeaning depiction of Irish bloody peasants, and idealisation of parricide, leading to hostile audience reactions and riots in Dublin.
    ellauri210.html on line 123: Moreover, Freud (1960) followed Herbert Spencer's ideas of energy being conserved, bottled up, and then released like so much steam venting to avoid an explosion. Sixi porukat raivon sijasta joskus räjähtävät nauramaan. Freud was imagining psychic or emotional energy, and this idea is now thought of as the relief theory of laughter. Lisää aiheesta albumissa 30.
    ellauri210.html on line 371: When Jack Johnson fled racially motivated prosecution in the U.S. in 1913, he arrived in Paris to a hero’s welcome. After he’d beaten Jim Jeffries to become the first black heavyweight champion of the world in 1910, he’d been tarred as a threat to social order back home. A film of the fight had been a hit in France but was banned in America for fear that images of a black man schooling a white man in the ring would cause grave insult and incite sedition.
    ellauri210.html on line 373: By the time Johnson arrived in Paris, Cravan had carved out a reputation as a boxer himself, a discipline he first picked up while traveling across the USA. He was also known as an ardent proponent of the “American” attitude toward life, by which he meant living according to desire and instinct, and telling so-called civilized society to take a running jump. In an essay titled “To Be or Not To Be … American,” he wrote that, thanks to the influence of cakewalk dancers, track athletes, and boxers such as Joe Jeanette, the whole of Paris had turned American. “Overnight,” Cravan said, “everyone began to spit and swear” and “floated around in clothes two sizes too big for them.” He finished the piece with a crib sheet for how to pass as American: “Chew … never speak … always look busy … and, above all else, crown yourself with arrogance.” It was advice he followed assiduously. How right, how true, to this day.
    ellauri210.html on line 381: In the summer of 1914, Cravan began another phase of wandering. In 1916, he found himself in Barcelona where he somehow managed to book himself a high-profile fight against Jack Johnson. Johnson was in the midst of a celebrated stay in Spain, during which he was received by royalty and starred in movies. Photographs from the fight give some idea of the scale of the event, which was held at Barcelona’s huge bullfighting arena La Monumental. What the photos don’t convey is what a mismatch the fight was. Even a ring-rusty, thirty-eight-year-old Johnson was leagues ahead of Cravan. Johnson won with a sixth-round knockout, though it could’ve been over much sooner had he wished it. There are reports that Cravan shook with fear before the contest began, knowing how out of his depth he was. One writer has suggested that “Johnson and Cravan were more collaborators than competitors,” and that the event was a con, just a hype-fueled payday for an aging legend and a flamboyant interloper with no credible chance of a win—the Mayweather-McGregor of its day. Olikos tää se mazi josta toinen nyrkkipelle Heminwau kirjoitti siinä sonniromaanissa?
    ellauri210.html on line 385: New York’s first encounter with modern art had come four years earlier with the seminal Armory Show, at which Duchamp’s Nude Descending a Staircase caused an almighty rumpus. This time, Duchamp presented Fountain, the urinal that changed art history. Having witnessed Cravan’s work back in Paris, Duchamp and Picabia invited Cravan to deliver one of his anti-art lectures at the exhibition. He didn’t disappoint. On the day, he stood half cut in front of his audience, swore at them, waved his cock around, and was promptly arrested.
    ellauri210.html on line 753: Alongside him lay the naked body of another French soldier. André Breton believed his death to be a suicide (LOL). He was known for his indifference and for wearing a monocle.
    ellauri210.html on line 1090: La originalidad de la perspectiva y la habilidad técnica a la hora de pintar el cuadro lo han hecho muy popular, hasta el punto de que en 1961, un fanático realizó un acto vandálico contra él de poca gravedad.
    ellauri210.html on line 1109: Mary Leonora Carrington OBE (6 April 1917 – 25 May 2011) was a British-born Mexican artist, surrealist painter, and novelist. She lived most of her adult life in Mexico City and was one of the last surviving participants in the surrealist movement of the 1930s. Carrington was also a founding member of the women's liberation movement in Mexico during the 1970s.
    ellauri210.html on line 1173: Three days before his death, he said calmly to a friend: "I am allergic to this planet". He wrote his final book in 1959 and upon completion, he asked his wife to send the manuscript to Breton. When she returned from the post office, she found him dead; he had hanged himself on the main beam of his studio. Another exit in the style of David Foster Wallace. Did he give a damn to how his wife might have taken it? Well maybe she was relieved. Asta is allergic to Miryam's kitty Chico but bears it, taking antihistamines. When she has had a bad day, she curls up in her room with Kitty in her lap.
    ellauri210.html on line 1226: The French essayist Michel Eyquem de Montaigne’s famous tome Les Essais became celebrated in its age, even being quoted by William Shakespeare in The Tempest. At the core of the collection of writings was “De l’amitie” (“On Friendship”). La Boetie enjoyed a certain level of fame, achieved through political discourses, when he met Montaigne around 1557 and the two would spend four years together, at which time the principles of civil disobedience in matters of love became instilled in Montaigne, according to Robert Aldrich and Garry Wotherspoon’s Who’s Who in Gay and Lesbian History. But La Boetie would succumb to the plague, and Montaigne would write that he never experienced such love again.
    ellauri210.html on line 1268: In 1938 he provided the screenplay for a filmed version of Pygmalion for which he received an Academy Award. He died, aged ninety-four, having refused all state honours, except the Nobel prize and the Oscar.
    ellauri210.html on line 1372: Mansour was born in Bowden in England, to Jewish-Egyptian parents and lived in Cheshire for a month before her parents moved the family to Cairo, Egypt. During her youth, Mansour excelled as a runner and a high jumper. She also competed in equestrian competitions.
    ellauri210.html on line 1374: Mansour first came in contact with Parisian surrealism while still living in Cairo. She moved to Paris in 1953 at the age of 20.[1] In 1947, her first marriage at the age of 19 ended after six months when her husband died. Her second marriage was to Samir Mansour in 1949 and they divided their time between Cairo and Paris. Mansour began to write in French.
    ellauri210.html on line 1380: In 1954, Joyce Mansour became involved with the surrealist movement after Jean-Louise Bédouin wrote a review praising Cris in Médium: Communication surréaliste that May. Joyce Mansour actively participated in the second wave of surrealism in Paris. Her apartment was a popular meeting place for members of the surrealist group. L'exécution du testament du Marquis de Sade, the performance piece by Jean Benoît took place in Mansour’s apartment, where she "collaborated" with obscure minor representatives such as Pierre Alechinsky, Enrico Baj, Hans Bellmer, Gerardo Chávez, Jorge Camacho, Ted Joans, Pierre Molinier, Reinhoud d'Haese and Max Walter Svanberg.
    ellauri210.html on line 1460: Andrew Lang FBA (31 March 1844 – 20 July 1912) was a Scottish poet, novelist, literary critic, and contributor to the field of anthropology. He is best known as a collector of folk and fairy tales. The Andrew Lang lectures at the University of St Andrews are named after him. Ei sentään koko yliopisto. Eikös se ole se missä kaikki Englannin kruunun kermaperseet keitetään? He died of angina pectoris on 20 July 1912 at the Tor-na-Coille Hotel in Banchory, Banchory, survived by his wife.
    ellauri211.html on line 117: Japan and many people and industries are now being moved there as
    ellauri211.html on line 133: Alexander Calder´s “Mountains and Clouds” was installed in the Hart Senate Office Building in 1986. Aluminum clouds originally suspended as a mobile over the steel mountains were removed in 2014 as unsafe for the public. It was too expensive for public funds so private moneymen came to the rescue. Senaattori Snowden Harp näyttää juuri siltä kuin jalkansa Vietnamiin jättäneen senaattorin kuuluu näyttää vanhana. Michael ansaizi pronssitähden Irakin ryöstöretkellä. Kylläpäs Sujatasta on sukeutunut isänmaallinen. Vaikka se on mamu, tai varmaan juuri sixi. En petä luottamustasi mutta kotiasi kuunnellaan. Onko Michael pyytänyt sinua tekemään jotain laitonta? Eikö? (pettyneesti). Miten teillä menee Hughin kanssa? Kysyn vaikka tiedän, kotiasi kuunnellaan. Onnexi en tullut synttäreillesi. Kiihkeästä vapaamielisyydestään huolimatta senaattori varjeli julkista kuvaansa. Olin alkanut pitää hänen varovaisuuttaan aidon älykkyyden merkkinä. Harp tietää jotakin, mietin hyvästellessäni hänet. Mutta tehän rikotte kansalaisoikeuxiani! Niin niin, talk to the hand. Sentään saat kantaa konetuliasetta ja pitää sikiösi. Count your blessings.
    ellauri213.html on line 39: Dan Steinbock oli suurin piirtein yhtä kehno kirjailija kuin E. Saarinen iskelmälaulajana. Eipä enää vedä Saxassa pastorina toimineen Jukka Kuoppamäen isänmaallista biisiä duettona. Toinen äänistä on näät iäxi vaiennut. Samin et al. nekrologi vajaahampaisesta Simpasta oli myönteinen, niinkuin sopiikin. Hyvä elämä, sanoisi Arikin. Mutta paha kuolema yllätti, musta enkeli vei päivänsankarin yhtäkkiä, niinkuin sen isänkin. Uni jäi kesken viimeinen.
    ellauri213.html on line 41: Taneli Kivipukin nahaton kalu huojuu jäykkänä kaverin päästyä ulos housuista alta aikayxikön. Tina Herzberg, mantelisilmäinen nähtävästi sekin, huokailee altavastaajana. "Pian mies oli alasti ja penis seisoi." Snart blottades ollonet. Nääh, det var ju blottat från första början. "Hiän näki ensi kertaa (LOL) miehen lujan penixen ja tunsi kostuvansa." Kiinalainen huora oli kauniimpi kuin kuolema mutta Taneli ei vääränrotuiselle luovuttanut Israelin siementä. Se sai vaan hifistellä ohuen polyesterin läpi Tanelin ståkukia. Rikollisen keskustelun ja pöydänalushiplauxen jälkeen Tanelilla seisoi yhä. Kinkku hoiteli jo nuijaa seuraavaa. Gimmelin alkup vedos 20v takaa on parempi kuin Ripsipiirakan 13v takainen säälittävä coveri.
    ellauri213.html on line 220: Praise – this carries the implied expectation that the action will be carried out again or improved on next time, and so may not achieve the positive reinforcement that may be intended
    ellauri213.html on line 254: In 1908, Baden-Powell's book Scouting for Boys came out in Russia by the order of Tsar Nicholas II. It was called Young Scout (Юный Разведчик, Yuny Razvedchik). On April 30 [O.S. April 17] 1909, a young officer, Colonel Oleg Pantyukhov, organized the first Russian Scout troop Beaver (Бобр, Bobr) in Pavlovsk, a town near Tsarskoye Selo, St. Petersburg region. In 1910, Baden-Powell visited Nicholas II in Tsarskoye Selo and they had a very pleasant conversation, as the Tsar remembered it. In 1914, Pantyukhov established a society called Russian Scout (Русский Скаут, Russkiy Skaut). The first Russian Scout campfire was lit in the woods of Pavlovsk Park in Tsarskoye Selo. A Russian Scout song exists to remember this event. Scouting spread rapidly across Russia and into Siberia, and by 1916, there were about 50,000 Scouts in Russia. Nicholas' son Tsarevich Aleksei was a Scout himself.
    ellauri213.html on line 260: However, some features of Scouting remained in the modified form. The Scout motto "Bud' Gotov" ("Be Prepared") was modified into the Pioneer motto "Vsegda Gotov" ("Always Prepared"). Mention of God was removed, replaced by Lenin and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. There were no separate organizations for girls and boys, and many new features were introduced, like Young Pioneer Palaces.
    ellauri213.html on line 262: The organization then went into exile, and continued in many countries where fleeing White Russian émigrés settled, establishing groups in France, Serbia, Bulgaria, Argentina, Chile, and Paraguay. A much larger mass of thousands of Russian Scouts moved through Vladivostok to the east into Manchuria and south into China.
    ellauri213.html on line 264: Colonel Pantyukhov, Chief Scout of Russia, first resided in France and then moved to the United States, where large troops of Russian Scouts were established in cities such as San Francisco, Burlingame, California, and Los Angeles. He returned to Nice, France where he died.
    ellauri213.html on line 272: The World Organization of the Scout Movement asked the Scout Association of the United Kingdom to assist the Scout Organizations in the Moscow and Saint Petersburg regions. Other national Scout organizations are involved in helping other regions; the Boy Scouts of America are involved in the regions to the east of the Urals, for instance.
    ellauri213.html on line 274: As with many European nations, several Scout associations were actively supporting the growth of Scouting in Russia, and served Scouts with regards to persuasion of faith, national orientation and geography.
    ellauri213.html on line 282: In addition, there are USA Girl Scouts Overseas in Moscow, serviced by way of USAGSO headquarters in New York City; as well as Cub Scout Pack 3950 and Boy Scout Troop 500, both of Moscow, linked to the Direct Service branch of the Boy Scouts of America, which supports units around the world. There are also British Girl Guides served by British Guides in Foreign Countries in Sakhalin.
    ellauri213.html on line 284: The Scout Motto is Будь готов (Bud' Gotov, Be Prepared in Russian. The Russian noun for a single Scout is Скаут, but can alternately be Разведчик or Навигатор depending on the organization. As Разведчик also carries the connotation of spy, now often perceived as negative in the post-Soviet period, many now refer to themselves as Скаут or Навигатор, the more neutral term for the original meaning, an advance party sent to reconnoiter the terrain, similar to pathfinder or explorer.
    ellauri213.html on line 295: For Abigail, Tillie and Isla, the best thing about the event was the after-dark disco, as they 'got to dance around with all the cool cats'. Finally, it was time to settle down in our sleeping bags all together for a giant sleepover with the Big Top with 250 other Brownies! Volunteers checked in and out over 4,000 participants, ran a sweat shop, led drumming workshops and served at the Night Cafe.
    ellauri213.html on line 300: Samantha Karen Fox (born 15 April 1966) is an English pop singer and former glamour model from East London. She rose to public attention aged 16, when her mother entered her photographs in an amateur modelling contest run by The Sunday People tabloid newspaper. After she placed second in the contest, she received an offer from The Sun to model topless on Page 3, where she made her first appearance on 22 February 1983, at the tender age of 17, sporting huge balloons already then. She continued to appear on Page 3 until 1986, becoming the most popular pin-up girl of her era, as well as one of the most photographed British women of the 1980s. She looked like a fox with balloons glued up front. Never liked her face anyway.
    ellauri213.html on line 329:

    TWA flight 741 was one of three planes successfully hijacked by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine that day — the hijacking of an El Al plane was foiled by the onboard sky marshals. At the time, I was a 14-year old foreskinned kid living in Trenton, New Jersey, whose only care was how the Baltimore Orioles were doing. This event changed my life, as well as the lives of the other 350 people who were on those planes. Mostly for the better, we became instant celebrities.

    Imagine the horror and disgust that I, my family and other hijack victims experienced when we read that Leila Khaled, one of the hijackers directly involved in the 1970 attacks, had been invited by San Francisco State University to address a forum on Gender, Justice and Resistance. Ms. Khaled is a convicted terrorist. She has paid her debt to society. She is a member of the PFLP. She is a symbol not of justice and resistance, but of wanton terrorism and death. Khaled spent only a few days in jail. After her failed hijacking of the El Al plane, she was transferred by the Israeli sky marshals to the British police and released in exchange for hostages when a fifth plane was hijacked to secure her freedom.
    ellauri213.html on line 333: The most distressing and disheartening thing, 50 years after this horrible experience, is that the Western world (including us middle easterners) has not eradicated this type of terrorism. As recently as January 2020, the PFLP (through Palestinian NGOs) received financial support of millions of dollars from European countries, the United States, Canada, Japan, UN-OCHA and UNICEF. That money should have come to us instead! We know how to handle capital after all, got the talent for it.
    ellauri213.html on line 352: Achille Lauron kaappaus tapahtui 7. lokakuuta 1985, kun neljä Palestiinan vapautusrintamaa (PLF) edustavaa miestä kaappasi Egyptin rannikon edustalla italialaisen valtamerilaivan MS Achille Lauron hänen purjehtiessaan Aleksandriasta Ashdodiin , Israeliin . Kaappaajat murhasivat 69-vuotiaan amerikkalaisen juutalaisen miehen pyörätuolissa, Leon Klinghofferin, ja hänet heitettiin yli laidan. Kaappaus aiheutti "Sigonella-kriisin". Abbasin mukaan Arafat oli lähettänyt hänet vakuuttavan argumentointityylinsä vuoksi, että neljä palestiinalaista oli saanut paniikkikohtauksen käynnistämään kaappauksen ja että hänen yksinään oli ratkaiseva rooli matkustajien vapauttamisessa. Seuraavana päivänä, 13. lokakuuta, Yhdysvallat esitti protestin Italian salliessa Abbasin lähteä ja pyysi myös hänen luovuttamistaan ​​Jugoslaviasta (joka tunnusti diplomaattisesti PLO:n). Lokakuun 14. päivään mennessä Tanyug, Jugoslavian lehdistötoimisto ja PLO:n virkamiehet Jugoslaviassa ilmoittivat, että Abbas oli lähtenyt Jugoslaviasta. Yhdysvaltain ulkoministeriö julkaisi lausunnon, jossa se julisti "äärimmäisen pettymyksen" siitä, että Jugoslavian viranomaiset olivat evänneet heidän pyyntönsä. Vaikka Youssef Majed Molqi (kaappaaja, joka ampui Klinghofferin) sai yhden ryhmän pisimmistä tuomioista, tuomioistuin mainitsi lieventävänä seikkana hänen lapsuutensa olosuhteet väkivallan ympäröimänä palestiinalaispakolaisleirillä. Vuoden 1988 lehdistötilaisuudessa Algeriassa Abbas tarjosi toisenlaisen selityksen Klinghofferin kuolemalle "Ehkä hän yritti uida kotiin." Vuonna 1994 Saddam Hussein antoi Abbasille turvapaikan Irakissa. Abbas (syntynyt Syyrian pakolaisleirillä) sai uuden kotinsa Gazaan (sen jälkeen, kun hänelle myönnettiin armahdus vuonna 1996 Oslon rauhansopimusten vuonna 1993 allekirjoittamisen mukaisesti). Hänestä tuli Palestiinan kansallisneuvoston edustaja. Maanantaina 14. huhtikuuta 2003 Irakin sodan aikana Yhdysvaltain erikoisjoukot vangitsivat Abbasin Bagdadin laitamilla Yhdysvaltain tiedustelupalvelun tietojen perusteella. Lokakuussa 2002 presidentti George W. Bush oli syyttänyt Irakia siitä, että se oli "tarjonnut turvasataman" Abbasille ja esitti tämän toisena perusteena sotilaalliselle toimille. (Toinenhan oli se asepiilovedätys.) Maanantaina 8. maaliskuuta 2004 Abbas, 55, kuoli "luonnollisiin syihin" (hapenpuute tai verenkiertohäiriö) ollessaan amerikkalainen vanki irakilaisvankilassa Bagdadin ulkopuolella.
    ellauri213.html on line 354: The Achille Lauro hijacking has inspired a number of dramatic retellings, including The Death of Klinghoffer (1991), an opera by John Adams and Alice Goodman after a concept of theatre director Peter Sellars. Its depiction of the hijacking has proved controversial. Controversy surrounded the American premiere and other productions in the years which followed. Some critics and audience members condemned the production as antisemitic and appearing to be sympathetic to the hijackers. Adams, Goodman, and Sellars repeatedly claimed that they were trying to give equal voice to both Israelis and Palestinians with respect to the political background. That kind of unpatriotic talk was effectively silenced with the Iraqi wars and the 9/11 incident. It is unpatriotic to be impartial.
    ellauri213.html on line 375: The settlement of modern-day Kaliningrad was founded in 1255 on the site of the ancient Old Prussian settlement Twangste by the Teutonic Knights during the Northern Crusades, and was named Königsberg in honor of King Ottokar II of Bohemia. A Baltic port city, it successively became the capital of the State of the Teutonic Order, the Duchy of Prussia (1525–1701) and East Prussia. Königsberg remained the coronation city of the Prussian monarchy, though the capital was moved to Berlin in 1701. From 1454 to 1455 the city under the name of Królewiec belonged to the Kingdom of Poland, and from 1466 to 1657 it was a Polish fief.
    ellauri213.html on line 377: Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin, known familiarly by Soviet citizens as "Kalinych", was a Soviet politician and Old Bolshevik revolutionary. He served as head of state of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and later of the Soviet Union from 1919 to 1946. From 1926, he was a member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Born to a peasant family, Kalinin worked as a metal worker in Saint Petersburg and took part in the 1905 Russian Revolution as an early member of the Bolsheviks. During and after the October Revolution, he served as mayor of Petrograd. After the revolution, Kalinin became the head of the new Soviet state, as well as a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and the Politburo. Kalinin remained the titular head of state of the Soviet Union after the rise of Joseph Stalin, but held little real power or influence. He retired in 1946 and died in the same year.
    ellauri213.html on line 381: The original German population fled or was expelled towards the end of World War II, when the territory was annexed by the Soviet Union, and in the following few years. In October 1945, only about 5,000 Soviet civilians lived in the territory. Between October 1947 and October 1948 approximately 100,000 Germans were forcibly moved to Germany [clarification needed], and by 1948 about 400,000 Soviet civilians had arrived in the Oblast.
    ellauri213.html on line 434: Seuraavassa on listattuna pahoja naisia rikkomuxineen (kuvissa söpöset alleviivattu): Irma Grese (Naziwächterin), Myra Hindley (serial pedocide), Isabela of Castile (born in the year 1451 and died in 1504, Isabella the Catholic, was queen of Castile and León. She and her husband, Ferdinand II of Aragon, brought stability to the kingdoms that became the basis for the unification of Spain. Isabella and Ferdinand are known for completing the Reconquista, ordering conversion or exile of their Muslim and Jewish subjects and financing Christopher Columbus’ 1492 voyage that led to the opening of the “New World”. Isabella was granted the title Servant of God by the Catholic Church in 1974), Beverly Allitt (pedocide, Angel of Death), Queen Mary of England (catholic), Belle Gunness (norwegian-american serial killer), Mary Ann Cotton (serial killer), Ilse Koch (Lagerfrau), Katherine Knight (very bad Aussie), Elizabeth Bathory (hungarian noblewoman and serial killer), Sandra Avila Beltran (drugs), Patty Hearst (hänen isoisänsä oli lehtikeisari William Randolph Hearst. Hiän joutui kidnappauksen uhriksi, mutta pian tämän jälkeen hiän teki pankkiryöstön ja joutui vankilaan), Genene Jones (infanticide nurse), Karla Homolka (Canadian serial killer), Diane Downs (infanticide), Aileen Wuornos (serial killer), Griselda Blanco (drug lady), Lizzie Borden (kirvesmurhaaja), Bonnie Parker (bank robber), Anne Bonny (pirate), Mary Bell (pedocide), Delphine LaLaurie (serial slavekiller), Patricia Krenwinkel (Manson family member), Leslie van Houten (Manson family member), Darlie Routier (infanticide), Susan Smith (infanticide), Susan Atkins (Manson family member), Ching Shih (pirate), Anna Sorokin Delvey (con woman), Amelia Dyer (serial killer), Assata Shakur (black terrorist), Belle Gunness (serial killer), Gypsy Rose Blanchard (matricide), Pamela Smart (mariticide), Ruth Ellis (nightclub hostess, last woman hanged in UK), Phoolan Devi (bandit), Ma Barker (matriarch), Jennifer Pan (parenticide), Virginia Hill (gangster), Karla Faye Tucker (burglar, first woman injected in US), Leonarda Cianciully (serial murderer, soapmaker), Mary Read, Carill Ann Fugate (murder spree), Grace Marks (maid), Belle Starr (outlaw, friend of Lucky Luke), Zerelda Mimms (Mrs. Jesse James), Jane Toppan (serial killer), Sara Jane Moore (wannabe assassin of Gerald Ford), Martha Beck (serial killer), Doris Payne (jewel thief), Mary Brunner (Manson family member), Barbara Graham (executed by gas), Grace O'Malley (pirate), Sada Abe (jealous geisha. When they asked why she had killed Ishida, “Immediately she became excited and her eyes sparkled in a strange way: ‘I loved him so much, I wanted him all to myself. But since we were not husband and wife, as long as he lived he could be embraced by other women. I knew that if I killed him no other woman could ever touch him again, so I killed him…..’ ), Samantha Lewthwaite (white somali terrorist), Theresa Knorr (murderess), Lynette Fromme (Manson family, wannabe assassin of Gerald Ford), The Freeway Phantom (serial killer), Carol M. Bundy (serial killer), Fanny Kaplan (bolshevik revolutionary), Marguerite Alibert (Ed VII courtesan), Jean Harris (author), Linda Hazzard (physician, serial killer), Mary Jane Kelly (1st victim of Jack the Ripper), Kim Hyon-hui (North-Korean spy), Vera Renczi (serial killer), Clare Bronfman (filthy rich criminal), Kirsten Gilbert (serial killer nurse), Gerda Steinhoff (Lagerwächterin), Linda Carty (baby robber), Estella Marie Thompson (black prostitute, blowjobbed Hugh Grant), Elizabeth Becker (Lagerwächterin), Juana Barraza (asesina en serie), Olivera Circovic (baseball player, writer, jewel thief), Olga Hepnarova (mental serial killer), Sabina Eriksson (knäpp tvilling), Minnie Dean (serial killer), Madame de Brinvilliers (aristocrat parri- and fratricide), Martha Rendell (familicide, last woman hanged in Western Australia), Violet Gibson (wannabe assassin of Mussolini), Idoia López Riaño (terrorist), Styllou Christofi (murdered her daughter in law), Mary Eastley (convicted of witchcraft), Wanda Klaff (Lagerwächterin), Giulia Tofana (avvelenatrice), Tisiphone (1/3 raivottaresta), Jean Lee (murderer for money), Brigitte Mohnhaupt (RAF terrorist), Marcia (mistress of Commodus), Beate Zschäpe (far-right terrorist), Evelyn Frechette (singer, Dillingerin heila), Francoise Dior (naziaktivisti), Linda Mulhall (nirhasi äidin poikaystävän saxilla), Brigit Hogefeld (RAF terrorist), Martha Corey (Salem witchhunt victim), Marie Lafarge (arsenikkimurha), Debra Lafave (teacher, gave blow job to student), Enriqueta Marti (asasina en serie), Alse Young (witch hanging victim), Elizabeth Michael (actress, involuntary manslaughter: nasty boyfriend hit his head and died while beating her), Susannah Martin (witchcraft), Maria Mandl (Gefängnisoffizerin), Mary Frith (pickpocket and fence), Hanadi Jaradat (suicide bomber), Marie-Josephte Carrivau (mariticide), Gudrun Ensslin (RAF founder), Anna Anderson (vale-Anastasia), Ans van Dijk (jutku nazikollaboraattori), Elizabeth Holmes (bisneshuijari), Ghislaine Maxwell (Epsteinin haahka), Julianna Farrait (drugs), Yolanda Saldivar (embezzler, killer), Jodi Arias (convicted killer Jodi Ann Arias was born on July 9, 1980, in Salinas, California. In the summer of 2008, Arias made national headlines when she was charged with murdering her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander, a 30-year-old member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who was working as a motivational speaker and insurance salesman. Aargh. Justifiable homicide.) Alyssa Bustamante (kid murder), Mary Kay Letourneau (kid abuser), Mirtha Young (drugs), Catherine Nevin (mariticide), Pilar Prades (maid), Irmgard Möller (terrorist), Christine Schürrer (krimi), Reem Riyashi (suicide bomber), Amy Fisher (jealous), Wafa Idris (suicide bomber), Jeanne de Clisson (ex-noblewoman), Christine Papin (maid murderer), Sally McNeil (body builder), Mariette Bosch (murderer), Sandra Ávila Beltrán (drugs), Alice Schwarzer (journalist), Andrea Yates (litter murderer), Mimi Wong (bar hostess), Pauline Nyiramasuhuko (criminal politician), Josefa Segovia (murderer), Martha Needle (serial killer), Antonina Makarova (war criminal), Mary Surratt (criminal businessperson), Dorothea Binz (officer), Leona Helmsley (tax evasion), Angela Rayola (reality tv personality), Léa Papin (maid murderer), Ursula Erikssson (kriminell mördare), Maria Petrovna (spree killer), Aafia Siddiqui (criminal), Fatima Bernawi (palestinian militant), La Voisin (fortune teller), Deniz Seki (singer), Rasmea Odeh (Arab activist), Hildegard Lächert (nurse), Sajida al-Rishawi (suicide bomber), Hayat Boumeddiene (ISIS groupie, nähty viimexi Al Holissa), Herta Ehlert (Lagerwächterin), Elizabeth Stride (seriös mördare), Adelheid Schulz (krimi), Jenny-Wanda Barkman (Wächter), Shi Jianqiao (pardoned assassin. The assassination of Sun Chuanfang was ethically justified as an act of filial piety and turned into a political symbol of the legitimate vengeance against the Japanese invaders.), Rosemary West (serial killer), Juana Bormann (Lagerwächterin), Kathy Boudin (criminal), Kate Webster (assassin), Teresa Lewis (murderer), Hermine Braunsteiner (Lagerwächterin), Flor Contemplacion (assassina), Constance Kent (fratricide), Tamara Samsonova (serial killer), Herta Bothe (Lagerwächterin), Maria Gruber (Mörderin), Irene Leidolf (möderin), Waltraud Wagner (Mörderin), Elaine Campione (criminelle), Greta Bösel (Pflegerin), Marie Manning (Mörderin), Darya Nikolayevna Saltykova (sadist), Nora Parham (executed), Maria Barbella (assassina), Linda Wenzel (ISIS activist), Anna Marie Hahn (Mörderin), Suzane von Richthofen (parenticide), Charlotte Mulhall (murderer), Khioniya Guseva (kriminal), Daisy de Melker (serial killer nurse), Stephanija Meyer (Mörderin), Sinedu Tadesse (murderer), Ayat al-Akhras (suicide bomber), Akosita Lavulavu (minister of infrastructure and tourism), Sabrina de Sousa (criminal diplomat), Sally Basset (poisoner), Emma Zimmer (Aufseher), Mary Clement (serial killer), Irina Gaidamachuk (serial killer), Dagmar Overbye (serialmorder), Gesche Gottfried (Mörderin), Frances Knorr (serial killer), Beate Schmidt (Serienmörderin), Elizabeth Clarke (accused victim of witchcraft), Kim Sun-ja (serial killer), Olga Konstantinovana Briscorn (serial killer), Roxana Baldetti (politico), Rizana Nafeek (house maid), Margaret Scott (accused of witchcraft), Jacqueline Sauvage (meurtrier), Veronique Courjault (tueur en série), Barbara Erni (thief), Hilde Lesewitz (Schutzstaffel Wächterin), Thenmoli Rajaratnam (suicide bomber), etc. etc..
    ellauri214.html on line 41: So, yes, the cynicism is something that is completely accepted socially in Russia and really disgusts me. They think everybody is corrupt and cynical, including westerners, and on top of that, they are unbelievably lazy. I did not want my kids to grow up to be like that. So I moved to the West. Im a fund manager. Managing funds is fun, but dont expect two långa fikapauser per dag, with no shop talk allowed, like the Swedes.
    ellauri214.html on line 62: J. K. Rowling has lived atop a pyramid of admiration for many years. However, after learning the truth about the author, many fans have become ashamed they ever supported Rowling. Rowling’s books are not inclusive and the minorities that are included are either used to satisfy a diversity quota or fulfill a stereotype. Come to think of it, ALL types in the Potter series are stereotypes. It all becomes too obvious when they have no superpowers.
    ellauri214.html on line 72: Though Rowling’s transphobia has been publicized the most, fans have also begun to notice prejudice in her writing. Very few people of color are featured in J. K. Rowling’s books, and those that are have few lines and no detailed story arcs. One of the people of color given more thought was Cho Chang, Harry Potter’s love interest who was first introduced in the third book, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Rowling’s racism toward Asians and lack of knowledge of Asian culture is clearly evident from just the name Cho Chang, which is a mix of Korean and Chinese surnames. Korea and China have a longstanding history as political adversaries and each country has a distinct culture. While Rowling went to great efforts in creating a wonderfully immersive wizarding world, she gave no thought to what Cho’s ethnicity is. Cho was also sorted into Ravenclaw house, the school house for those of high intelligence, playing into a common stereotype of Asians. The only other Asian characters mentioned in the series are Indian twins Padma and Pavarti Patil. While Rowling appears to have given more thought to these characters, placing Padma in Ravenclaw and breaking the Asian stereotype by placing Pavarti in Gryffindor, she ultimately fails to adequately write Asian characters. While Pavarti, as a member of Harry Potter’s house, was given more depth than Cho or her sister, many South Asian fans were irritated by the girls’ dresses in the fourth movie, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The twins wore dull and unflattering traditional Indian attire, which many saw as a mockery of Indian culture. Cho herself wore an East Asian style dress in this movie which was a mix of different Asian styles. Rowling continued her habit of stereotyping Asians in the Fantastic Beast Movies, the first of which was released in 2016 and set in the 1920’s, several decades before the Harry Potter series. In this pre-series, the only Asian representation is displayed in the form of a woman who has been cursed to turn into a beast. Fans may remember the villain Voldemort’s pet snake, Nagini, who served him throughout the Harry Potter series. Fans were surprised to learn when watching The Crimes of Grindelwald, the second movie in the Fantastic Beasts series, that Nagini was not always a snake, but was actually a woman who had been cursed to turn into a snake. In the movie, Nagini, in human form, is caged and forced to perform in a circus. Though we do not know how Nagini came to meet Voldemort, we do know that she became his servant and the keeper of a wee snakelike portion of his soul. This is more than slightly problematic. Not only was Nagini the only Asian representation in the film, but she was also a half-human who was forced to serve an evil white man for a great part of her existence. Author Ellen Oh commented on Nagini’s inclusion in the film saying “I feel like this is the problem when white people want to diversify and don’t actually ask POC how to do so. They don’t make the connection between making Nagini an Asian woman who later on becomes the pet snake of an EEVIL whitish man.”
    ellauri214.html on line 118: In the even rarer chance, I might be Asian. If I’m Asian, I’m most definitely a victim of human trafficking, waiting to be saved.
    ellauri214.html on line 185: After the protagonist had saved me from the bad guys, I'll cry and scream at the protagonist about how he could kill all those people! “You're a MONSTER!” is the most common dialogue line.
    ellauri214.html on line 242: In his work Bibliotheca historica (Library of History), Diodorus Siculus wrote that the Amazons came from Libya in north Africa. Diodorus’s account is set in the time of myth. He wrote that the warriors’ most famous queen was Myrina, who lived before the hero Perseus saved the Ethiopian princess Andromeda from a sea monster. Myrina led her warriors to a great number of victories, including one against the mythical island of Atlantis. Myrina led a large army of 30,000 foot-soldiers and 3,000 cavalry against the Atlanteans. Diodorus claimed that the Amazon cavalry used tactics similar to those employed by the Parthians of west Asia, who fought the Roman general Crassus (c. 115— 53 BCE), firing arrows as they rode away from their enemies. The Atlanteans eventually surrendered to Myrina after she had captured and destroyed one of their cities, enslaving and carrying away the women and the children.
    ellauri214.html on line 243: It was during the reign of Myrina that the Amazons encountered another race of female warriors known as the Gorgons. The Amazons and their defeated neighbors, the Atlanteans, were at peace with each other, but Atlantis was raided repeatedly by the Gorgons, who lived nearby. In Greek myth, the Gorgons were monsters with snakes instead of hair and faces so fearsome that looking directly at them could turn a mortal into stone. Diodorus scoffed at these stories of monsters and claimed that, like the Amazons, the Gorgons were nothing more than fierce tribal women who were skilled in warfare. Myrina’s large army went to the aid of Atlantis and defeated the Gorgons, capturing more than 3,000 Gorgon warriors. The captive Gorgons began a rebellion but were put down by the Amazons, who killed every remaining prisoner.
    ellauri214.html on line 537: It’s a typically provocative and witty inversion from the leftwing humanist, who today tells me that Polish intellectuals have been strangely “relieved” by America’s election of Donald Trump and Britain’s vote for Brexit. “It is reassuring for them to know that populist movements are everywhere. They feel better for knowing that other countries can be naive too.”
    ellauri214.html on line 599: Olga puhuu torveloita, keitetystä lampaanpäästä suorastaan. Oli jumalaa tai ei, maailma on ihan samannäköinen. Aivan yhtä lailla kehitys kehittyy ja termiittiapina tekee lopun izestään likaamalla pesänsä. Hölmöt kesäsysmäläiset polttaa fossiilista polttoainetta yötä päivää Majutvedellä typerillä vesiskoottereilla. Voiko olla aivokääpiömpää oliota kuin tämä?
    ellauri214.html on line 653: Puola uhkuu uutta voimaa, uhosi Rudolph Cheminski v 1997 Valituissa Paloissa. Yxityistäminen on nostanut maan talouden vahvaan nousuun. Kun Staszewski oli lapsi, hänen vanhempansa lähtivät Puolasta Australiaan pakoon kotimaansa pulaa, lakkoja ja sortoa. Puolassa pääsee alkuun halvemmalla ja helpommalla, ja töitä riittää kaikkialla enemmän kuin ehtii tehdä. Ennen kaikkea vierailevan putkimiehen hommia briteissä, paizi ei se tietystikään brexitin jälkeen enää vedä. Nykyään Puola pursuu yrittäjiä ja suuria odotuxia. Uusnazeja ja muita ällöttäviä otuxia. The Economist kirjoittaa että Puola on kuin tiikeri. "En kuitenkaan ottanut mallixi Länsi-Eurooppaa, koska se oli mennyt liian pitkälle hyvinvointivaltion ja säännöstelyn tiellä. Ei otin mallixi Yhdysvallat, joka vältti tämän ja sixi amerikkalaisilla on työpaikkoja, jopa 3-4 kohti nuppia, kaikki paskahommia, joilla ei edes elä. Möin valtion yrityxet eniten tarjooville", sanoi hiljainen, silmälasipäinen Balcerowicz.
    ellauri214.html on line 656: Suuriin kaupunkeihin perustettin soppakeittiöitä, jotka jakoivat ilmaisexi ruokaa. Hyytyneestä taloudesta alkoi kuitenkin pistää esiin uusia terhakkaita versoja, kun yxityinen yritteliäisyys, oharit ja vedätys pääsivät vähitellen vauhtiin. Johnson & Johnson yhtiön hammasharjat, hammastahna, talkkijauhe, terveyssiteet ja vaippaihottumavoiteet menivät kuin kuumille kiville. Polakit ovat luonnostaan tarmokasta ja yritteliästä kansaa. Kommunismi vain opetti ne huonoille tavoille. Kluska 2-kertaisti tuottavuuden maxamalla paremmille työntekijöille parempaa palkkaa. Vain Microsoft luotti minuun kun minulla oli 12 taalaa taskussa. Nykyisin hän hallizee yli 1/3 puolan markkinoista. Varsova on vilkas kauppakaupunki, jota kansoittavat vietnamilaiset katukaupustelijat. Ne myyvät t-paitoja keskustan jalankulkutunneleissa. Toisena ääripäänä ovat Nowy Swiatin kallit jalokivi- ja kultasepänliikkeet. Arvaa ovatko ne juutalaisilla! Nykyaikaisia ajokkeja, kiinostavia juttuja, maailmanluokan hotelleissa kaikuu vieraiden kielten (englannin) sorina. Kommunistisen puolueen päämajassa on arvopaperipörssi. Kurssi on noussut yli 5-kertaisexi viimeisen 5-vuotissuunnitelman aikana.
    ellauri214.html on line 701: Izydor lainasi vain sellaisia kirjoja, joissa oli Felix-sedän Fenix, siitä tuli hyvän kirjan merkki. Pian hän kuitenkin huomasi, että koko kirjakokoelma alkoi vasta kirjaimesta L. Yhdeltäkään hyllyitä ei löytynyt kirjailijoita, joiden sukunimi olisi alka nut An ja Kn väliltä. Niinpä hän luki Laotsea, Leniniä, Leibnitzia, Loyolaa, Lukianosta, Martialista, Marxia, Meyrinkia, Mickiewiczia, Nietzscheä, Origenesta, Paracelsusta, Parmenidesta, Porfyriosta, Platonia, Plotinosta, Poeta, Proustia, Quevedoa, Rousseauta, Schilleria, Słowackia, Spenceria, Spinozaa, Suetoniusta, Shakespearea, Swedenborgia, Sienkiewiczia, Towiańskia, Tokarczukia, Tacitusta, Tertullianusta, Tuomas Akvinolaista, Verneä, Vergiliusta ja Voltairea.
    ellauri216.html on line 170: Indeed, it is precisely by imitating the good that all things are preserved in existence. It follows that evil is something that can only happen inadvertently. Every being or thing has a natural aim and a perfection it strives for. Pahat on vaan mokia, my bad.
    ellauri216.html on line 552: Makarios lived only on his pulse and one bottle of lamp oil a year. Many fathers testified that his face used to glow in the dark; and thus appeared his name as “the glowing lantern.”
    ellauri216.html on line 554: Once, while he was praying, St Macarius heard a voice: “Macarius, you have not yet attained such perfection in virtue as two women who live in the city.” The humble ascetic went to the city, found the house where the women lived, and knocked. The women received him with joy, and he said, “I have come from the desert seeking you in order to learn of your good deeds. Tell me about them, and conceal nothing.”
    ellauri216.html on line 558: St Macarius glorified God and said, “In truth, the Lord seeks neither virgins nor married women, and neither monks nor laymen, but values a person’s free intent, accepting it as the deed itself. He grants to everyone’s free will the grace of the Holy Spirit, which operates in an individual and directs the life of all who yearn to be saved.”
    ellauri216.html on line 610: Ikonin edessä toimitetaan vedenheittorukoushetkeä. Ikoni oli unohtunut varastoon. Ihme ja kumma! Sen kunniaksi Riza vihitään viitankantajaxi eli puolimunkixi. Viitan alla ei sovi vällykäärmeen enää teltata. Mielialamme on hurskas. Kävimme eilen yhteissaunassa, ja kaikkien pitkät tukat ovat tänään puhtaat ja pöyheät. Vale-Dimitrin kutrit ovat upeat. - Alas pikkuveikka! Paikka! Nyt ei käy! Leveähihaiset viitat päälle ja päähän klobukit. Ja eikun baanalle! Loppupäivä kuluu hengellisen ilon ja riemun vallassa. Uudet vaatteet tuntuu hienoilta. Näyttääköhän mun peppu tässä isolta? Mitäs sanot Dimitri? Noh! Maahan!
    ellauri216.html on line 647: Peipsijärvi (vir. (https://fi.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viron_kieli) Peipsi, Peipsi-Pihkva järv; ven. (https://fi.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ven%C3%A4j%C3%A4n_kieli) Чу‌дско-Пско‌вское о‌зеро, Tšudsko-Pskovskoje ozero tai Пско‌вско-Чу‌дское о‌зеро, Pskovsko-Tšudskoje ozero) on Narvanjoen vesistöalueeseen (https://fi.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narvanjoen_vesist%C3%B6alue) kuuluva järvi Viron (https://fi.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viro) ja Venäjän (https://fi.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ven%C3%A4j%C3%A4) rajalla. Sen vesipinta-ala on 3 543 neliökilometriä (https://fi.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neli%C3%B6kilometri), mutta pinta-alan arvo riippuu vedenpinnan korkeudesta. Peipsijärvi on Viron suurin, Venäjän seitsemänneksi suurin ja Euroopan viidenneksi suurin järvi. Jahka länsi lyö venäläiset Ukrainan sodassa, siitä tulee Pepsijärvi.
    ellauri216.html on line 667: Mutta isä Grigori pelastaa Haritonin viime hetkessä. Valamon lautalla nauretaan ja kaulaillaan jo silmät vesissä. Saved by the gong! Jo viikon kuluttua olisitte olleet tukkanuottasilla! Ei elämää voi perustaa lihakaupan varaan. Nuoruuden kukoistus on pian poissa. Niin häviää myös erektio. Kyllä hernekeitto skiitassa on kestävämpää laatua.
    ellauri216.html on line 673: Toimitan liturgian jälkeen suuren vedenheiton kirkossa. Täällä ei ole tapana mennä jäälle vettä heittämään. Rinteet ovat jyrkkiä ja liukkaita. Isä Jesaja vainajan kynnet oli kasvaneet varpaiden läpi pitkixi kiehkuroixi. Haritonia alkaa etoa. Oliskohan sittenkin pitänyt lähteä Glafiran matkaan? Kiiruhdan salamana ulos keijasta ja vedän viivana housut alas. Mutta paska oli ehtinyt ensixi. Tähän päättyy osa II.
    ellauri216.html on line 780: Valamossa on muutenkin paljon juoppoja. Johto tekee razzioita keljoissa. Rangaistuksina käytetään maahankumarrusten tekoa ruokalassa aterian aikana, muuttoa paremmasta keljasta huonompaan, mantian tai korkkiruuvin käytön kieltämistä, eristyskoppia, pitämistä kopissa vedellä ja leivällä, karkotusta johonkin kaukaiseen skiittaan ja luostarista poistamista.
    ellauri216.html on line 800: Talvisodan jälkeen ja osin jo sen aikana Valamo evakuoitiin kiireellä sisemmäksi Suomeen – ensin Kannonkoskelle ja lopulta Heinävedelle. Igumeni Haritonin panos henkilöstön sukukalleuksien pelastamisessa sekä uuden sijoituspaikan etsimisessä oli keskeinen.
    ellauri216.html on line 860: Heinäveden Papinniemi kuului Saastamoisen yhtiölle. Sattuvaa., Muistan kuinka tunkkaista oli munkkilassa pienenä, savun hajua ja pesemättömiä äijiä. Siellä ne nyt on pesineet yhtä kauan kuin Rauhixen päärakennus. Haritonin ikkunasta näkyy hautausmaalle jossa Tero kävi kykkimässä Penan haudalla.
    ellauri216.html on line 889: Konevitsan saari oli vanha karjalainen pakanallinen uhripaikka. Kuuluisin uhripaikoista oli Hevoskivi (ven. konj kamenj), jossa uhrattiin keväisin uhreja muun muassa karjaonnen parantamiseksi. Tarinan mukaan pyhittäjä Arseni nousi tälle kivelle ja toimitti eksorkismirituaalin jonka päätteeksi vihmoi vanhan uhripaikan pyhitetyllä vedellä – jolloin kivestä irtosivat siinä asuneet pahat hevosten henget; ne lensivät varislauman muodon ottaneena mantereelle lahteen jota on siitä pitäen kutsuttu Sortanlahdeksi (ven. Tsort = piru). Kivi muistuttaa hevosen päätä ja sen laelle rakennettiin rukoushuone, joka on 2000-luvun alussa uudiskorjattu.
    ellauri216.html on line 917: Vanhentuva veljestö harveni, luostarin arkitöiden teko vaikeutui, kalusto ja kiinteistö rappeutui, taloudelliset vaikeudet alkoivat, kylmät ja ankarat sääolosuhteet huononsivat elinoloja. Monien muutosten ja vaikeuksien kautta luostarin toiminta päätettiin lopettaa vuonna 1956 ja jäljellä oleva veljestö siirtää Heinäveden Valamon luostariin, jolloin sinne oli muuttamassa enää vain yhdeksän veljestön jäsentä. Evakko-Konevitsan viimeinen johtaja oli igumeeni Pietari (Pauli Jouhki) joka sotilaspappina talvella 1940 yhdessä isä Paavalin, isä Iraklin, isä Simforianin ja insinööri Kudratsevin kanssa hoiteli Valamon luostarin omaisuuden "evakuointia."
    ellauri216.html on line 1040: Keväällä 1940 järjestettiin presidentinlinnassa neuvottelutilaisuus Luovutetun Karjalan johtohenkilöille. Tuolloin presidentti Kyösti Kallio kehotti tilaisuudessa ollutta Valamon varajohtajaa Isaakia ostamaan luostarille Saastamoiselle kuuluneen kartanon Heinävedeltä. Kun luostarin edustajat menivät katsomaan tätä Papinniemen tilaa, he löysivät päärakennuksen eräästä huoneesta Sergei ja Herman Valamolaisia esittäneen ikonin, jota he pitivät erityisen suotuisana enteenä. (Hyvin kekattu Saastamoisen pojat!) Kaupat tilasta tehtiin 24.7.1940, ja paikkaa ryhdyttiin kutsumaan Uudeksi Valamoksi. Luostarille kuuluivat nyt Papinniemen rakennukset sekä noin 300 hehtaaria metsämaata ja 50 hehtaaria peltoa.
    ellauri216.html on line 1042: Laatokan Valamon luostarin rakennukset olivat muussa käytössä lähes neuvostoajan loppuun, mm. sotilastukikohtana ja vanhainkotina, mutta loppuvuodesta 1989 ensimmäiset munkit aloittivat luostaritoiminnan uudelleen ja rakennukset luovutettiin Moskovan patriarkaatille. Mutta ei siitä sen enempää. Länkkärien patriarkan alainen uuden tyylin tynkä-Valamo Heinäveden Papinniemessä on se oikea.
    ellauri216.html on line 1103: Evakuoidut munkit veivät mukanaan kaiken arvokkaimman, mukaan lukien alkuperäisen Valaamin Jumalanäidin ikonin (ikonimaalari - Hieromonk Alipy. maailmassa - Aleksei Konstantinov), muita pyhäkköjä ja kelloja (meidän aikanamme kirkkojen välinen neuvotteluja alkuperäisen Valaamin Jumalanäidin ikonin palauttamisesta Valaamin luostariin on käyty ROC ja FOC yli 20 vuoden ajan). 18. maaliskuuta 1940 Laatokan vesillä soi 12 harvinaista kirkastuskatedraalin suuren kellon iskua, jotka ilmoittivat luostarin elinkaaren päättymisestä. Munkit asettuivat asumaan Heinäveden kaupunkiin Papinniemen kartanolle, jonne he perustivat Uuden Valamon luostarin. Ulkomailta saatiin lahjoituksia luostarin jälleenrakentamiseen - 25 629,25 markkaa Tolstoi-rahastolta ja (22. kesäkuuta 1940) - 50 000 markkaa paavilta. Evakuoinnin aikaan luostarin veljiä oli 173 henkilöä, joista 123 oli talonpoikia, 23 kaupunkilaisia, kaksi papistoa ja kaksi perinnöllistä aatelista. Melkein kaikki olivat lukutaitoisia - puolilukutaitoisia oli vain 14.
    ellauri217.html on line 71: It was this book that earned Naguib Mahfouz condemnation from Omar Abdel-Rahman in 1989, who called on him to repent or be killed, Abdel-Rahman also claimed that "If this sentence had been passed on Naguib Mahfouz when he wrote Children of the Alley, Salman Rushdie would have realized that he had to stay within bounds" after the Nobel Prize had revived interest in it. As a result, in 1994 – a day after the anniversary of the prize – Mahfouz was attacked and stabbed in the neck by two extremists outside his Cairo home. Mahfouz survived the attack, yet he suffered from its consequences until his death in 2006. Salman sai myös luovuttaa silmän silmästä loppupeleissä, yhtä tyhmänä kuin Daabas. Silmäpuoli Sinbad merenkulkija, Popeye the sailor man!
    ellauri217.html on line 83: Apostoliset isät väittivät nähneensä jonkun apostolin. Apostolisten isien kirjoitusten joukossa on lähinnä kirjoituksia, jotka tukevat pakanallisuudesta kääntyneiden kristittyjen näkemystä kristinuskosta. Sen sijaan Jerusalemin juutalaiskristittyjen edustamat näkemykset ovat käytännössä katsoen hävinneet ensimmäisten kahden vuosisadan aikana. Paavilaisen näkemyksen mukaan esimerkiksi kristittyjen ei enää tarvinnut noudattaa juutalaista lakia ja esimerkiksi ympärileikkauttaa itseään, pelkkä kaste riitti. Mieluusti uppo, mutta Jordanin ja uimahallin puutteessa käy ripsiminen partavedellä. Ei Jeesus välitä. Parta, korvakiharat, kipa ja naruessu olivat valinnaisia. Sapattina sai painaa duunia ja himoita toisten vaimoja muttei sunnuntaina. Ei hetkinen, se ei sentään tullut mukana.
    ellauri217.html on line 264: Saatanan ämmät, Thatcher ja Berner, yxityistivät yhteisen, Thatcher veden ja Berner liikenteen. Perhanan kumikanat, niille olis pitänyt työntää kova muna perseeseen kunnes se tulee ulos nokan kautta sisälmyxet mukana. Ratafat syö palazissa fläskiintyneenä fast foodia, mulkkaa telkkaa ja vetää pilveä, kazoo sivusta kun Arafat bylsii piikoja. Tällästä on paratiisissa.
    ellauri217.html on line 357: Petter inhoaa perhe-elämää ja sukulaisia, mökkitalkoita, vedenkantoa, vedhuggandet och att värma bastu. Se vihaa vaimo Kirsiä ja lapsia nimeltä Tripp Trapp Trull. Se haluisi vain hässiä silmittömästi pehmyttä Marinaa ja tehdä sen kanssa uuden pentueen. Sano oliko klisheistä vai ei?
    ellauri217.html on line 388: Flygvärdinnan heter Sirkka, vad fel, hon borde heta Anneli. Ryssarna är lycksns ostar om dom har helt fungerande pittar. Konsuln super, han är ryssare än ryssen själv. Satans svedupelle. Dom borde utrotas helt och hållet.
    ellauri217.html on line 666: According to the Talmud, the seven laws were given first to Adam and subsequently to Noah.However, the Tannaitic and Amoraitic rabbinic sages (1st–6th centuries CE) disagreed on the exact number of Noahide laws that were originally given to Adam. Six of the seven laws were energetically derived from passages in the Book of Genesis, while the seventh, the establishment of courts of justice, seems rather something of an afterthought.
    ellauri217.html on line 696: In the history of Christianity, the Apostolic Decree recorded in Acts 15 is commonly seen as a parallel to the Seven Laws of Noah. However, modern scholars dispute the connection between Acts 15 and the Noahide laws. The Apostolic Decree is still observed by the Eastern Orthodox Church and includes some food restrictions.
    ellauri217.html on line 705: The meeting was called to decide whether circumcision for gentile converts was requisite for community membership since certain individuals were teaching that "[u]nless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved". No foreskins can penetrate heaven. Tero ensin, mutta Esa jää ulkopuolelle, kassit myös.
    ellauri217.html on line 709: The primary issue which was addressed related to the requirement of circumcision, as the author of Acts relates, but other important matters arose as well, as the Apostolic Decree indicates. The dispute was between those, such as the followers of the "Pillars of the Church", led by Jeeves The Just (eikä melkein), who believed, following his interpretation of the Great Commission, that the church must observe the Torah, i.e. the rules of traditional Judaism, and Paul the Apostle, who believed there was no such necessity. The main concern for the Apostle Paul, which he subsequently expressed in greater detail with his letters directed to the early Christian communities in Asia Minor, was the inclusion of Gentiles into God´s newest Covenant, sending the message that faith in Christ is sufficient for salvation. (See also Supersessionism, New Covenant, Antinomianism, Hellenistic Judaism, and Paul the Apostle and Judaism).
    ellauri217.html on line 736: According to the 19th-century Roman Catholic Bishop Karl Josef von Hefele, the Apostolic Decree of the Jerusalem Council "has been obsolete for centuries in the West", though it is still recognized and observed by the Eastern Orthodox Church. Hypersensationalists, such as the 20th century Anglican E. W. Bullinger, would be another example of a group that believes the decree (and everything before Acts 28) no longer applies.
    ellauri219.html on line 73:

  • Leo Gorcey (image was removed from cover, but a space remains)
    ellauri219.html on line 196: His parents divorced before he was 10, and he lived with various relatives over the next decade. His British-born father, Myron (Mickey) Schneider, was a shoe clerk; they saw each other very infrequently. His mother, Sally Marr (legal name Sadie Schneider, born Sadie Kitchenberg), was a stage performer and dancer and had an enormous influence on Bruce's career. He defiantly convinced his ship's medical officer that he was experiencing homosexual urges toward him, leading to his dishonorable discharge in July 1945. However, he had not admitted to or been found guilty of any breach of naval regulations, and successfully applied to change his discharge to "Under Honorable Conditions ... by reason of unsuitability for the naval service". At Hanson's diner Bruce met Joe Anjovis (named by his taste) who had a profound influence on Bruce's approach to comedy.
    ellauri219.html on line 198: Branded a "sick comic", Bruce was essentially blacklisted from television, and when he did appear, thanks to sympathetic fans like Hefner and Steve Allen, it was with great concessions to Broadcast Standards and Practices. Jokes that might offend, like an extremely boring routine on airplane-glue-sniffing teenagers that was done live for The Steve Allen Show in 1959, had to be typed out and pre-approved by network officials. On his debut on Allen's show, Bruce made an unscripted comment on the recent marriage of Elizabeth Taylor to Eddie Fisher, wondering, "Will Elizabeth Taylor become bat mitzvahed?"
    ellauri219.html on line 211: Bruce paved the way for kitchen counter culture-era comedians. His trial for obscenity was a landmark of freedom of speech in the United States. Vittu mikä vapaan puheen edustaja, helvetti. In 2017, Rolling Stone magazine ranked him third (behind Richard Pryor and George Carlin) on its list of the 50 best stand-up comics of all time. "Olen offensiivinen", kalansilmä narsisti. Virnuilee koko ajan omille vizeilleen. Good riddance of bad rubbish.
    ellauri219.html on line 265: Dylan and The Beatles influenced each other throughout the 60s, each spurring the other on to making music that pushed boundaries and reshaped what was thought possible of the simple “pop song.” It was Dylan who convinced John Lennon (No.62) to write more personal songs in the shape of “Help!,” while The Beatles showed Bob what could be achieved with a full band behind him, helping the latter “go electric” in 1965. It was with George Harrison (No.65), however, that Dylan struck up the longest-lasting friendship; the two played together often in the years that followed, forming The Traveling Wilburys and guesting on each other’s projects.
    ellauri219.html on line 275: A founder of the modern Conservative Party, Sir Robert Peel served as the UK’s Prime Minister on two separate occasions, 1834-35 and 1841-46. While he served as the UK’s Home Secretary, Peel also helped form the modern police force – and his name is still evoked today, with the terms “bobbies” and “peelers” referring to policemen in England and Ireland, respectively.
    ellauri219.html on line 285: A beloved Welsh poet who died in 1953, The Beatles had all been fans of Dylan Thomas’ poetry by the time it came to creating the Sgt. Pepper’s artwork. “We all used to like Dylan Thomas,” Paul McCartney (No.64) later recalled. “I read him a lot. I think that John started writing because of him.” The late producer George Martin was also a fan, and even created a musical version of Thomas’ radio play, Under Milk Wood, in 1988.
    ellauri219.html on line 329: A student of Sir Yukteswar Girl (No.1), Sir Mahatavara Babaji is said to have revived the practice of Kriya Yoga meditation, which was then taken to the West by Paramahansa Yogananda (No.33). In the latter’s memoir, Autobiography Of A Yogi, Yogananda claims that Babaji still lives in the Himalayas, but will only reveal himself to the truly blessed.
    ellauri219.html on line 339: Lindner was born in Germany in 1901, but moved to the US in 1941, in order to escape the Nazis. In the 50s he developed a style of painting that drew upon Expressionism and Surrealism, along with the hyper-sexualised lifestyle that he encountered in New York. After appearing on the Sgt. Pepper cover, his abstract style would find echoes in the animated feature film Yellow Submarine.
    ellauri219.html on line 439: An American sculptor who served in the US Marine Corps in both World War II and the Korean War, HC Westermann took the skills he learned as a carpenter and turned them to creating Expressionist sculptures that criticized the horrors he had witnessed while fighting overseas.
    ellauri219.html on line 498: Famed for his non-violent protests and for leading the movement for Indian independence from British rule, Mahatma Gandhi was ultimately removed from the Sgt. Pepper album cover due to concerns that the use of his image would cause offense to the people of India.
    ellauri219.html on line 528: Along with the stone figure (No.77) that can be seen below the feet of the Shirley Temple doll (No.73), the stone figure of a girl (No.76) was one of a number of statues that John Lennon (No.62) and George Harrison (No.65) brought from their homes for inclusion on the cover. The most prominent of these is the bust positioned to the right of the bass drum (No.78), which came from Lennon’s house Kenwood, in Weybridge, Surrey, where he lived from 1964 to 1969.
    ellauri219.html on line 585: To a large degree, "Pelagianism" was defined by its opponent Augustine, and exact definitions remain elusive. Although Pelagianism had considerable support in the contemporary Christian world, especially among the Roman elite and monks, it was attacked by Augustine and his supporters, who had opposing views on grace, predestination and free will. Augustine proved victorious in the Pelagian controversy; Pelagianism was decisively condemned at the 418 Council of Carthage and is still regarded as heretical by the Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church.

    Burn in hell Pelagius, go jump in the fiery lake! Vitun humanisti!
    ellauri219.html on line 588: Rawls enlisted in the U.S. Army in February 1943. During World War II, Rawls served as an infantryman in the Pacific, where he served a tour of duty in New Guinea and was awarded a Bronze Star; and the Philippines, where he endured intensive trench warfare and witnessed traumatizing scenes of violence and bloodshed. It was there that he lost his Christian faith and became an atheist.
    ellauri219.html on line 594: Rawls received his Ph.D. from Princeton in 1950 after completing a doct
    ellauri219.html on line 731: Patanjali nimi tarkoittaa intialaista tervehdysläpyä. Itäinkkarit varmaan kehittivät kättelystä omin käsin onneen version välttääxeen tartuntoja. Nippu sen nimisiä sariasuisia heppuja kirjoitti kommentaaria Paninin (nimi tarkoittaa täytettyä sämpylää) kielaoahpaan ja lyömättömän käteenveto-oppaan nimeltä joogasutra (yhden hengen yhdyntä). Yhteenvedonomaisesti:
    ellauri219.html on line 830: You’re not, but you’re the culture with the megaphone. People are paying disproportionate attention to your stupidity. And when stupid suckers elsewhere discover that the streets of Hollywood are not paved with gold, they truly are crestfallen, to an extent they wouldn’t be with Moscow, or Paris. Just as they were crestfallen to discover that the States was just another empire after all.
    ellauri219.html on line 952: Police were called when neighbors reported a woman having sex with her pit bull in her backyard in broad daylight. When they arrived, they found Kara Vandereyk “naked and on the ground” engaged in a sexual act with the dog. Upon their approach, she greeted them with a “hi,” and proceeded to hump the dog sexually.
    ellauri219.html on line 956: Joyce Yeaw will likely never forget the day in April 2010 she tried to return some borrowed cheese to Jordan Peterson’s roommate. Once she arrived, she saw Peterson having sex with his pit bull on his bed. Understandably horrified, Yeaw called the cops, but Peterson convinced the officers that he was “just hugging his dog” and he escaped arrest. Two months later, Yeaw again entered the residence, and saw Peterson having sex with the pit bull a second time—on the living room floor. Yeaw called the cops again, and this time, he was arrested.
    ellauri219.html on line 1016: Moonman 157, a Bronx graffiti artist, and the Texas Highway Killer: what do they have in common? One wields spray cans, the other a .38 with a gloved left hand. Moonman paints subway cars, and the Texas Highway Killer shoots random lone drivers? Get it? Okay I'll tell you: They each create an artificial language like Klingon or Ido, that thickens the fog of American collective consciousness; each language is expressed by an individual who remains anonymous. As a natural consequence, they get a lot of copy cats, like de Lillo and myself.
    ellauri219.html on line 1030: Teilhard served in World War I as a stretcher-bearer. He received several citations for speeding. In 1962, with Pierre safely out of this world, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith condemned several of Teilhard's works based on their alleged ambiguities and doctrinal errors. He was a leading proponent of orthogenesis, the idea that evolution occurs in a directional, goal-driven way. Teilhard made sense of the universe by assuming it had a vitalist evolutionary process. When our talk touched on St. Augustine, he exclaimed violently: 'Don’t mention that unfortunate man; he spoiled everything by introducing the supernatural.'" Teilhard siis oli selvä pelagiolainen humanisti! Teilhard has been criticized as incorporating common notions of Social Darwinism and scientific racism into his work, along with support for eugenics, though he has also been defended for doing so by theologian John Haught.
    ellauri220.html on line 99: Saw many I loved in the street or ferry-boat or public assembly, yet never told them a word,
    ellauri220.html on line 100: Lived the same life with the rest, the same old laughing, gnawing, sleeping.
    ellauri220.html on line 302:

    (AUS) Aboriginal (Koori) term for white people – derived from Governor / Gubbanah

    ellauri220.html on line 326:
    an African-American perceived as being lazy and who refuses to work.

    ellauri220.html on line 336:
    (US & UK) originally used by Europeans/white people as a pejorative term for a black person. Possibly from Portuguese barracos, a building constructed to hold slaves for sale (1837). The term (though still also used in its original sense) is commonly used today by African or Black Americans towards members of the same race who are perceived to pander/kowtow to white people; to be a 'sellout'; to hate themselves; or to "collud[e] with racism for personal gain." It is often used against black conservatives or Republicans (similar to Uncle Tom and coconut).
    ellauri220.html on line 398:
    A black person, derived in 19th century.
    ellauri220.html on line 519: This refers to casting practice, and in the case of Trope Codifier Peter Stormare it has even achieved the status of Casting Gag. It refers to "international" or "ethnic" - at any rate not American or British - actors who are considered to somehow look or be able to act so vaguely but conspicuously foreign that they can be used for any nationality. (Cliff Curtis is a maori.) It´s As Long as It Sounds Foreign and Gratuitous Foreign Language applied to casting. However, But Not Too Foreign is often in effect because you´ll want someone who speaks good English (even though intentionally accented) and rather panders to viewers´ expectations than give an accurate portrayal of a specific ethnic identity which also means that the character´s background might be very vague as long as it´s foreign.
    ellauri221.html on line 304: The film ends with the representatives of the US and Britain tuning in to see Holly Goodhead and Bond making love. The previous Bond film, The Spy Who Loved Me, ends in the same way, and Anya Amasova (way more beautiful than Lois) was shocked by this candaulism, but Goodhead is too "happy" to care. She is American after all. Last Words: Oh James, rake me around the moon one more time.
    ellauri221.html on line 341: Halveksin ja inhoan teitä kaikkia vitun britit! Senkin siat! Arvottomat, laiskat, rappeutuneet typerykset, jotka piilexitte valkoisten kallioittenne takana, sillä aikaa kun toiset kansat taistelevat puolestanne. Olette liian heikkoja puolustamaan omia siirtomaitanne, joten teidän oli pakko vedota Amerikkaan hattu kädessä. Haisevat kerskailijat, jotka tekevät mitä tahansa rahasta. Hah! Hän huusi voitonriemuisesti. Tiesin, että tarvitsin vain rahaa ja herrasmiehen julkisivun. Herrasmiehen! Pfui Teufel! Nuo pöhköpäät siellä Poodlesissa. Raharikkaita pukkeja. Kuukausikaupalla minä nyhdin heiltä tuhansia puntia, petkutin heitä suoraan heidän nenänsä edessä, ennen kuin te tulitte paikalle ja sotkitte koko jutun. Minä olin Moskovassa! Moskovassa! Noniin, nyt saatiin ryssätkin mukaan geimeihin. Juu niin niiltähän saatiin tähän tarvittava ydinpommi, kun ei inselaffeilla ollut siihen omia otrajauhoja. Kalju pää ja isot viixet hämäisivät paholaisen isoäidinkin!
    ellauri222.html on line 70: Bellow’s bad temper in the late ’60s was by no means directed exclusively at would-be biographers, radical students and aggrieved wives. Bellow had so many targets to attack, whether insulting them face to face or in blistering letters or put-downs circulated through intermediaries. One of his favorite one-liners ran: “Let’s you and him fight.” The most salient recipients of Bellow’s bad temper in this biography were his three sons, each from a different mother — the oldest 21 when this volume starts, the youngest just 1 year old and about to be abandoned after yet another divorce.
    ellauri222.html on line 76: The irony in Bellow’s soul was that he craved love and experience, and learned to view people coldly and clinically. The writer Amos Oz recalled most vividly from his friendship with Bellow an exchange that they shared privately about death. “I said I was hoping to die in my sleep, but Saul responded by saying that, on the contrary, he would like to die wide awake and fully conscious, because his death is such a crucial experience he wouldn’t want to miss it.”
    ellauri222.html on line 98: Saul Bellow is the only American Jewish author to have won the Nobel Prize in Literature, and has also won three Pulitzer Prizes. In his new book, Greg Bellow, who holds a Ph.D. from the California Institute of Social Work and was a practicing psychotherapist for many years, divides his father’s life into “Young Saul” and “Old Saul.” He describes Young Saul as a sociable and funny man, full of questions. During the 1930s and ’40s, Saul was a Marxist and a “genuine believer” in radical philosophy. He believed that World War II was a war between communism and capitalism, and he was convinced that “come the Revolution there will be a flowering of society,” according to Greg’s book.
    ellauri222.html on line 102: “He became irascible and angry, anti-black and anti-women’s lib,” Greg Bellow told the audience.

    Saul Bellow’s attitude towards Judaism was changed completely by the Six Day War in June 1967. It transformed him from a socialist to a conservative. He had a need to get involved and, much to the surprise of his family, he left for Israel to cover the war as a correspondent for Newsday. “I had to go,” Saul explained at the time.
    ellauri222.html on line 119: They settled in Lachine, outside Montreal, where Abraham tried farming, and where, in 1915, Saul was born. When the farm failed, the family moved into the city and Abraham took up bootlegging, a venture that ended even more disastrously. In 1924, he moved again, to Chicago, and engaged some bootlegging associates to smuggle his wife and children across the border to join him.
    ellauri222.html on line 131: “In college I behaved as though my career was to be a writer, and that guided me,” Bellow later said. There was also the fact that his principal interest was literature, and, until after the war, Jews were rarely hired by English departments. “You weren’t born to it” is the way the chairman of the department at Northwestern clarified the matter when Bellow inquired about graduate school. Leader thinks that this encounter “produced a lifelong antipathy, mild but real, to English departments.” It’s true that there was antipathy. But Bellow would have been interested in a university career only as a means to support his writing. Fiction was his calling. “He was focused, he was dedicated to becoming what he was, from the beginning,” David Peltz, Bellow’s oldest friend, told Leader. “I mean, he never veered.”
    ellauri222.html on line 133: Bellow published his first short story in 1941. It came out in Partisan Review—marking the start of a relationship that was key to establishing Bellow’s reputation as the intellectuals’ chosen novelist. Bellow visited New York frequently, and lived there at various points, but he was never comfortable in the city. “I congratulated myself with being able to deal with New York,” he told Philip Roth near the end of his life, “but I never won any of my struggles there, and I never responded with full human warmth to anything that happened there.”
    ellauri222.html on line 139: So even “Dangling Man,” an awkwardly written book about which Bellow later said, “I can’t read a page of it without feeling embarrassed,” was received as a sign that the novel might after all be up to its historic task. “Here, for the first time I think, the experience of a new generation has been seized,” Delmore Schwartz wrote, in Partisan Review. In The New Yorker, Edmund Wilson called “Dangling Man” a “testimony on the psychology of a whole generation.” When Bellow’s second novel, “The Victim,” came out, in 1947, Martin Greenberg, in Commentary, explained that Bellow had succeeded in making Jewishness “a quality that informs all of modern life . . . the quality of modernity itself.” In Partisan Review, Elizabeth Hardwick suggested that Bellow might become “the redeeming novelist of the period.”
    ellauri222.html on line 165: In Commentary, Podhoretz complained that the novel lacked development and that its exuberance was forced. He called it a failure. Podhoretz was one of Trilling’s protégés, and Bellow always believed that Trilling was behind the review, although Podhoretz denied it. But Atlas says that the art critic Clement Greenberg, then an editor at Commentary, having recently come over from Partisan Review, claimed that the editors had put Podhoretz up to it. It was felt in New York circles, Greenberg said, that Bellow had gone a little too far.
    ellauri222.html on line 171: Saul and Sasha got married in 1956, after Bellow had obtained a Nevada divorce. Sasha accepted the domestic role that Bellow insisted on without demur. She says that when they had a son, Adam, Bellow told her that the baby was her responsibility—he was too old to raise another kid. In 1958, Bellow was offered a one-year position at the University of Minnesota. He insisted that Ludwig receive an appointment as well; the university obliged, and the families moved to Minneapolis together.
    ellauri222.html on line 173: Saul and Sasha fought. Some of the strains were apparently due to sexual dissatisfaction. Bellow began seeing a psychologist, a man named Paul Meehl; Meehl suggested that Sasha see him as well (a suggestion that Leader charitably calls “unorthodox”). Ludwig served as a sympathetic confidant to both parties. Then, one day in the fall of 1959, Sasha told Bellow that she was leaving him. There was no third party in the picture, she said. She just did not love him.
    ellauri222.html on line 185: “Herzog” was nevertheless received the way all Bellow’s novels had been received: as a report on the modern condition. Many of the critics who reviewed it—Irving Howe, Philip Rahv, Stanley Edgar Hyman, Richard Ellmann, Richard Poirier—knew Bellow personally and knew all about the divorce. (Poirier was an old friend of Ludwig’s; the review he published, in Partisan Review, was a hatchet job.) None of these reviewers mentioned the autobiographical basis of the book, and several of them warned against reading it autobiographically, without ever explaining why anyone might want to. The world had no way of knowing that the story was not completely made up.
    ellauri222.html on line 211: But “Ravelstein” is a revenge novel, too. It’s not really about Ravelstein/Bloom. It’s about the narrator, a writer named Chick, who has been treated cruelly by his wife, Vela, a beautiful and brilliant physicist—a wicked caricature of Bellow’s fourth wife, the mathematician Alexandra Ionescu Tulcea. There are also a couple of drive-by take-downs along the way—of Mircea Eliade, a historian of religion at Chicago rumored to have been involved in the fascist Romanian Iron Guard, and of the owner of a restaurant on St. Martin, in the Caribbean, where Bellow contracted a case of food poisoning that nearly killed him. He brings them into the story just to skewer them.
    ellauri222.html on line 239: Adam Bellow is executive editor at Bombardier Books, a politically conservative imprint at Post Hill Press. He previously founded and led the conservative imprints All Points Books at St Martin's Press and Broadside Books at HarperCollins, served as executive editor-at-large at Doubleday, and as editorial director at Free Press, publishing several controversial conservative books such as Illiberal Education, The Real Anita Hill, The Bell Curve, and Clinton Cash.
    ellauri222.html on line 255: Bellow was born Solomon Bellow in Lachine, Quebec, in 1915, two years after his parents had arrived there from St Petersburg. When he was nine, the family moved to the Humboldt Park neighbourhood of Chicago. His mother, Liza, died when Saul was 17, but not before she had passed on to him her love of the Jewish Bible (he learned Hebrew at four). His first serious critical success was The Adventures of Augie March (1953), but it was not until his 1964 novel, Herzog, became a bestseller that he earned any real money. His elder brothers, both businessmen, were by this time making serious cash, and regarded him, he once said, as "some schmuck with a pen". Mary Cheever, the wife of John Cheever, believed the two got on so well because "they were both women-haters". He has nothing good to say about feminism. Bellow has a go at Hannah Arendt and Mary McCarthy (the one is "rash", the other "stupid"). In 1994, however, he ate a poisonous fish in the Caribbean, and fell into a coma that lasted five weeks. He dreaded a loss of virility.
    ellauri222.html on line 259: Jänisrouva sanoi jälkikäteen: He did not want to hurt the people he loved. (Lucky they were so few of them. At 17, he said he hated himself more than melodrama or even spinach.) There wasn't a single part of my being that wasn't able to open up to him (Yeah, I bet). Jänis Bellow was born in Canada. Bellow was one of her professors. She came from a small place, but not too small for Saul to enter. He wasn't exactly tall, but he had this broad upper body, these giant arms, like a sloth."
    ellauri222.html on line 286: Saatanan muoviin käärityt asehurrit. Saatanan kiven alta kaivetut karhuryhmän siirat. Delta ja tango asemissa ampumassa lapsia. "Järningsmannen" on pieni neuvoton tyttö, jonka siirat lasauttavat täyteen reikiä kiikaritähtäinpyssyillään, onnexi ovat sevverran tunareita että reijät ovat harmittomia. Svedupellepoliisit luovat taas yhtä luotaantyöntävän vaikutelman kuin håånoa enkkua puhuvassa nuoressa Wallenbergissä. Ainoa hyvä ruozalainen skoude on ollut se autistinen ämmä Sillassa ja tää norjalainen kaveri Sandhamnissa. Koska ne eivät ole mellansvenskar.
    ellauri222.html on line 288: Vitun paintballspedet rynnäkkökivääreineen ja kevlarliiveineen. Saatanan tyhmät svedupellet länkkärien kurinpitäjät. Tää oli tosin fiktiota Sandhamnin murhissa (vittu suomentajan tollo, morden on murhat, ei murha!) , mutta svedupelleissä tällä on jo vankka faktapohja. Ei tää paljon eroa siitä mitä tapahtuu päivittäin Rinkebyssä ja suomalaisten ilmastoaktivistien laittomissa pidätyxissä ruozinlaivalla. Ja nyt on siellä vallan kahvaan tulossa oikein pesunkestävät ruozinazit. Kuningas Carl Gustav den femte taputtaisi karvaisia käsiään. Kohta ne ovatkin ainoat karvaiset kädet vapaalla jalalla Sveariikissä. Tosin niistä lie jo onnexi nahka lähtenyt.
    ellauri222.html on line 350: William's claim to the English throne derived from his familiar sodomist relationship with the childless Anglo-Saxon king Edward the Confessor, who may have encouraged William's hopes for the throne. Edward died in January 1066 and was succeeded by his brother-in-law Harold Godwinson. The Norwegian king Harald Hardrada invaded northern England in September 1066 and was victorious at the Battle of Fulford on 20 September, but Godwinson's army defeated and killed Hardrada at the Battle of Stamford Bridge on 25 September. Three days later on 28 September, William's invasion force of thousands of men and hundreds of ships landed at Pevensey in Sussex in southern England. Harold marched south to oppose him, leaving a significant portion of his army in the north. Harold's army confronted William's invaders on 14 October at the Battle of Hastings. William's force defeated Harold, who was killed in the engagement, and William became king.
    ellauri222.html on line 611: Padilla is a classmate of Augie’s. Born in the slums of Mexico, he is a genius of mathematical physics. He steals books for money and gets Augie involved in that, too.
    ellauri222.html on line 886: Ozymandias (/ˌɒziˈmændiəs/ oz-ee-MAN-dee-əs; real name Adrian Alexander Veidt) is a fictional anti-villain in the graphic novel limited series Watchmen, published by DC Comics. Created by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, named "Ozymandias" in the manner of Ramesses II, his name recalls the famous poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley, which takes as its theme the fleeting nature of empire and is excerpted as the epigraph of one of the chapters of Watchmen. Ozymandias is ranked number 25 on Wizard's Top 200 Comic Book Characters list and number 21 on IGN's Top 100 Villains list. No, wait, Ozymandias was a Greek name for the pharaoh Ramesses II (r. 1279–1213 BC), derived from a part of his throne name, Usermaatre. In 1817, Shelley began writing the poem "Ozymandias", after the British Museum acquired the Younger Memnon, a head-and-torso fragment of a statue of Ramesses II, which dated from the 13th century BC. Earlier, in 1816, the Italian archeologist Giovanni Battista Belzoni had "removed" the 7.25-short-ton (6.58 t; 6,580 kg) statue fragment from the Ramesseum, the mortuary temple of Ramesses II at Thebes, Egypt. The reputation of the statue fragment preceded its arrival to Western Europe; after his Egyptian expedition in 1798, Napoleon Bonaparte had failed to acquire the Younger Memnon for France. Although the British Museum expected delivery of the antiquity in 1818, the Younger Memnon did not arrive in London until 1821. Shelley published his poems before the statue fragment of Ozymandias arrived in Britain, and the view of modern scholarship is that Shelley never saw the statue, although he might have learned about it from news reports, as it was well known even in its previous location near Luxor.
    ellauri222.html on line 917: Opin sanan pelimies Helena Pirttisaarelta, joka tuli pöyhöttämään takatukkaani Anatomian laitoxen vastaanottokopissa. Olin niin ällistynyt etten saanut suuta auki, saati sepalusta. Kun en sitten vastannut sen sexiviesteihin, se heitti: taidat olla pelimiehiä. Ize se oli aikamoinen epeli, vedätti perheen naisväkeä maxattamalla niillä jotain outoja hepparetkiä.
    ellauri222.html on line 957: How come You sat idly by while Your son caved in underneath it?
    ellauri222.html on line 996: Ellsworth Huntington, (born Sept. 16, 1876, Galesburg, Ill., U.S.—died Oct. 17, 1947, New Haven, Conn.), U.S. geographer who explored the influence of climate on civilization. Ellsworth Huntington (September 16, 1876 – October 17, 1947) was a professor of geography at Yale University during the early 20th century, known for his studies on environmental determinism/climatic determinism, economic growth, economic geography, and scientific racism. He served as President of the Ecological Society of America in 1917, the Association of American Geographers in 1923 and President of the Board of Directors of the American Eugenics Society from 1934 to 1938.
    ellauri222.html on line 1033: 7-year-old Megan Kanka is abducted, raped, and murdered by twice-convicted sex offender Jesse Timmendequas. Timmendequas had previously pleaded guilty to the attempted sexual assault of a 5-year-old girl in 1979 and the sexual assault of a 7-year-old girl in 1981; the second victim was choked until she was unconscious. He served a 9-month sentence in a correctional facility for the attempted assault. For the second offense, he served 6 years of a 10-year term in a correctional center meant specifically to treat male sex offenders.
    ellauri222.html on line 1040: Henry admired Timmendiquas. He respected the Wyandots. He could not blame the Indian who fought for his hunting grounds, but, with all the strength of his strong nature, he despised and hated every renegade. Girty knew that the great White Lightning did not like him, and he knew why. Timmendiquas believed that a man should be loyal to his own race, and in his heart he must regard the renegade as what he was—a traitor. "The youth called the Ware fights for his own people," said Timmendiquas gravely.
    ellauri222.html on line 1051: Meanwhile, Zimmermann gave an inflammatory speech to his followers. You are here," he cried, "warriors and men of many tribes, Shawnee, Miami, Delaware, Illinois, Ottawa, and Wyandot. All who live in the valley north of the Ohio and east of the Mississippi are here. You are brave men. Sometimes you have fought with one another. In this strife all have won victory and all have suffered defeat. But you lived the life that Manitou made you to live, and you were happy, in your own way, in a great and fair land that is filled with game.
    ellauri222.html on line 1063: Henry looked down the sights straight into the face of the Indian, and beheld Timmendiquas, the great White Lightning of the Wyandots. Timmendiquas saw the flash of recognition on the boy´s face and smiled faintly. "Shoot," he said. "You have won the chance." Conflicting emotions filled the soul of Henry Ware. If he spared Timmendiquas it would cost the border many lives. The Wyandot chief could never be anything but the implacable foe of those who were invading the red man´s hunting grounds. But Henry remembered that this man had saved his life. He had spared him when he was compelled to run the gantlet. The boy could not shoot.
    ellauri223.html on line 60: They say that all private property is acquired and improved for the reason that each one of us by himself has his own home and wife and children. From this, self-love springs. For when we raise a son to riches and dignities, and leave an heir to much wealth, we become either ready to grasp at the property of the State, if in any case fear should be removed from the power which belongs to riches and rank; or avaricious, crafty, and hypocritical, if anyone is of slender purse, little strength, and mean ancestry. But when we have taken away self-love, there remains only love for the State.
    ellauri223.html on line 66: Capt. Moreover, the race is managed for the good of the commonwealth, and not of private individuals, and the magistrates must be obeyed. They deny what we hold—viz., that it is natural to man to recognize his offspring and to educate them, and to use his wife and house and children as his own. For they say that children are bred for the preservation of the species and not for individual pleasure, as St. Thomas also asserts. Therefore the breeding of children has reference to the commonwealth, and not to individuals, except in so far as they are constituents of the commonwealth. And since individuals for the most part bring forth children wrongly and educate them wrongly, they consider that they remove destruction from the State, and therefore for this reason, with most sacred fear, they commit the education of the children, who, as it were, are the element of the republic, to the care of magistrates; for the safety of the community is not that of a few. And thus they distribute male and female breeders of the best natures according to philosophical rules. Plato thinks that this distribution ought to be made by lot, lest some incel men seeing that they are kept away from the beautiful women, should rise up with anger and hatred against the magistrates; and he thinks further that those who do not deserve cohabitation with the more beautiful women, should be deceived while the lots are drawn by the magistrates, so that at all times the women who are suitably second rate should fall to their lot, not those whom they desire. Stop the steal!
    ellauri223.html on line 133: For evil has no positive nature; but the loss of good has received the name “evil.”
    ellauri223.html on line 135: Through Augustine, this doctrine influenced much of Catholic thought on the subject of evil. For instance, Boethius famously proved, in Book III of his Consolation of Philosophy, that “evil is nothing”.The theologian Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite also states that all being is good, in Chapter 4 of his work The Divine Names. Thomas Aquinas concluded, in article 1 of question 5 of the First Part of his Summa Theologiae, that “goodness and being are really the same, and differ only in idea”.
    ellauri223.html on line 159: Many aspects of the society and history of the island are described, such as the Christian religion – which is reported to have been born there as a copy of the Bible and a letter from the Apostle Saint Bartholomew arrived there miraculously, a few years after the Ascension of Jesus; a cultural feast in honour of the family institution, called "the Feast of the Family"; a college of sages, the Salomon's House, "the very eye of the kingdom", to which order "God of heaven and earth had vouchsafed the grace to know the works of Creation, and the secrets of them", as well as "to discern between divine miracles, works of nature, works of art, and other impostures and illusions of all sorts"; and a series of instruments, process and methods of scientific research that were employed in the island by the Salomon's House.
    ellauri223.html on line 182: Bacon stated that he had three goals: to uncover truth, to serve his country, and to serve his church. He sought to achieve these goals by seeking a prestigious post. Yet he failed to gain a position that he thought would lead him to success. He showed signs of sympathy to Puritanism, attending the sermons of the Puritan chaplain of Gray's Inn and accompanying his mother to the Temple Church to hear Walter Travers. In the Parliament of 1586, he openly urged execution for the Catholic Mary, Queen of Scots. He advocated for the union of England and Scotland, which made him a significant influence toward the consolidation of the United Kingdom; and he later would advocate for the integration of Ireland into the Union. Closer constitutional ties, he believed, would bring greater peace and strength to these countries. What a motherfucker.
    ellauri223.html on line 200: In 1621, Bacon, by now styled as Viscount St Albans, was accused of taking bribes, heavily fined, and removed from Parliament and all offices. Lady Bacon personally pleaded with the Marquis of Buckingham for the restoration of some of Bacon's salary and pensions, to no effect. They lost York House and left the city in 1622.
    ellauri223.html on line 210: Less than a fortnight after Bacon's death from pneumonia on 9 April 1626, Alice, Lady St Albans, married courtier Frodo Underhill, at the Church of St Martin in the Fields, London, 20 April 1626. Soon after, on 12 July 1626, Charles I of England knighted him at Oatlands. They lived together at Old Gorhambury House, St Albans, Hertfordshire.
    ellauri226.html on line 93: Sea and Sardinia is a travel book by the English writer D. H. Lawrence. It describes a brief excursion undertaken in January 1921 by Lawrence and his wife Frieda, a.k.a. Queen Bee, from Taormina in Sicily to the interior of Sardinia. They visited Cagliari, Mandas, Sorgono, and Nuoro. His visit to Nuoro was a kind of homage to Grazia Deledda but involved no personal encounter. Despite the brevity of his visit, Lawrence distils an essence of the island and its people that is still recognisable today.
    ellauri226.html on line 122: There was a David Herbert Lawrence plaque on the street. Inside the tiny station were two more. It seemed a lot of plaques for a guy who spent one night there. “Blessed is he that expecteth nothing,” he wrote of Sorgono, “for he shall not be disappointed.” More Niente. “A dreary hole!” Lawrence muttered. “A cold, hopeless, lifeless, Saturday afternoon-weary village.” The food was bad. The bedsheets were stained. People cheerfully relieved themselves on the street. What limp parsnips too! “Why are you so indignant?” the Q.B. asked. “It’s all life.”
    ellauri226.html on line 124: We, too, arrived on a Saturday afternoon. There was nowhere to eat and nothing to do, other than lounge by the lifeless station, reading Lawrence’s catalogue of complaints. But then I looked up to find the very “pink-washed building” with the very same name (Risveglio) as the horrible inn in the book. “It can’t be the same one,” I said. “There’s no plaque. Wow, there's a traffic sign, but it's not in English?"
    ellauri226.html on line 221: Even as early as 1960, just ten years and one census removed from 1950, approximately 164,000 of the 1.42 million Bronx residents were sooty black.
    ellauri226.html on line 286: Research has indicated that The Bronx began changing demographically right after World War II. The first influx of black and Hispanic residents was into the South Bronx after World War II, as former residents of Harlem were attracted to The Bronx because of its rent controlled apartments. Many of these blacks and Hispanics moved into neighborhoods following the subway and elevated trains transportation. Pre-cisely! This is just why Grankulla does not want subway nor high-rise apartment housing. Let the cleaners and station attendants sleep i Mattby i stället.
    ellauri226.html on line 299: as the new black and Hispanic residents lived in segregated areas,
    ellauri226.html on line 301: neighborhood. Mr. Werner noticed this segregation where he lived, as the
    ellauri226.html on line 416: began to fall together, and subjects who lived in apartments with them.
    ellauri226.html on line 448: influx of poor minority families in the 1950s and 1960s was thus cleverly met with a deteriorating and poor job market and limited employment opportunities. The declining job market continued into the 1970s when approximately 300 companies employing 10,000 workers went out of business or moved out of The Bronx between 1970 and 1977. Many of these businesses used low income and unskilled workers. By 1976 the long-term economic problems had taken their toll and the mayor's office estimated that between 25-30% of the city’s eligible work force was unemployed.
    ellauri226.html on line 475: enjoy similar all-American white immigrant lifestyles. When new Hispanic groups and African Americans moved beyond the South Bronx, seeking to avoid the crime and drug use that had already seized the South Bronx, however, they brought their crummy lifestyles along. These cultural peculiarities seemed to clash with those that were in place with the older white immigrants, which only exacerbated the suspicions many whites already had regarding the perceived connection between race and crime rates.
    ellauri226.html on line 478: neighbors played at all hours of the night, their loud merrymaking in the sack, and their tendency to throw garbage out of their windows. For Derrick, a graduate student at the time, the difference in lifestyles between him and his new neighbors became too much, and he eventually moved out of the apartment because of the behavior of his Hispanic neighbors.
    ellauri226.html on line 485: The whites who had meekly lived under the thumb of the company in the development for many years, were shocked by the behavior of the new, often minority, residents who seemed to have no regard for the rules and the lifestyle that had been established long ago by Metropolitan Life. As a result, the tension and anger felt by many whites towards the minorities as they felt as though their pitiful lifestyles and sorry apartment buildings were being disrespected.
    ellauri226.html on line 489: prime motivating factor for their departure. What they really meant were the fucking 2nd wave immigrants. Brian Werner, Elvira Werner, and Kathleen Roby all moved out of The Bronx during the 1960s and 1970s, and describe crime and the changing neighborhood as the major influence in their decision. My mom herself, she began running red lights because she was afraid of being raped if stopping too long in certain intersections. After her tires were stolen repeatedly while waiting for the traffic lights to change Mrs. Roby moved to Long Island in 1980, where her better-off sister already resided.
    ellauri226.html on line 500: Long Island and Westchester County, New York area, as well as northern New Jersey, where Philip Roth's folks lived with a flock of other Mockies. Homes in new communities were comparatively inexpensive. For example, in 1948, the going rate for a home in Levittown was $8,000, which, if paid for using a low-interest
    ellauri226.html on line 514: Nearly half of the white population of the South Bronx moved into Co-op City and
    ellauri226.html on line 515: as a result, more and more minorities moved into the neighborhood to rental
    ellauri226.html on line 527: Jacque Smith Bonneau moved to the South Bronx in the mid-1940s as part of the first major migration of African Americans to the borough and, like many of the white residents interviewed, commented on the safety of The Bronx in the 1950s and spoke of leaving the apartment door open on warm days, which created fine opportunities for petty crime for the sootyfaced poorer folks.
    ellauri226.html on line 529: The notmees who wanted to move out of the worst areas of The Bronx "chose" to stay in Bronx and just moved to the places vacated by the suburban migration of the whites. The same push is now being felt in Nassau County and New Jersey, where white homeowners are pressured to only sell to whites to prevent another wave of immigrants with their smelly dishes and noisy habits, not to mention the sex, drugs, and rap "music".
    ellauri236.html on line 73: A test of Meta and YouTube’s ad systems by the human rights group Global Witness revealed that the companies approved large numbers of misleading ads, including spots that encouraged people not to vote or gave false dates for when ballots could be posted. YouTube said it “reviewed the ads in question and removed those that violated our policies,” although the Global Witness report showed all the ads submitted were approved by the Google-owned site.
    ellauri236.html on line 98: One man interviewed by The New York Times played a video he received on WhatsApp that said Mr. Bolsonaro had visited Russia this year to get President Vladimir V. Putin’s help in fighting the Brazilian left’s plans to steal Sunday’s election.
    ellauri236.html on line 141: Chase left home in 1924 at the age of 18. In 1932, at the age of 26, Chase married Sylvia Ray, and they had a son. In 1956, when the son was 24 (and Rene 50), they moved to France. In 1969 (Rene was 63), they moved to Switzerland, living a secluded life in Corseaux-sur-Vevey, on Lake Geneva. Chase died there on 6 February 1985, at 79. Sylvia was broken hearted and desolate.
    ellauri236.html on line 165: After Chase left home at the age of 18, he worked in sales, primarily focusing on books and literature. He sold children's encyclopaedias, while also working in a bookshop. He also served as an executive for a book wholesaler, before turning to a writing career that produced more than 90 mystery books. His interests included photography, of a professional standard, reading, and listening to classical music and opera. As a form of relaxation between novels, he put together highly complicated and sophisticated Meccano models.
    ellauri236.html on line 169: Prohibition and the ensuing Great Depression in the US (1929–39) had given rise to the Chicago gangster culture prior to World War II. This, combined with Chase's book trade experience, convinced him that there was a big demand for gangster stories. After reading James M. Cain's novel The Postman Always Rings Twice (1934), and having read about the American gangster Ma Barker and her sons, and with the help of maps and a slang dictionary, he wrote No Orchids for Miss Blandish in his spare time, he claimed over a period of six weekends, though his papers suggest it took longer. The book achieved remarkable notoriety and became one of the best-selling books of the decade. It was the subject of the 1944 essay "Raffles and Miss Blandish" by George Orwell (alla). Chase and Robert Nesbitt adapted it to a stage play of the same name which ran in London's West End to good reviews. The 1948 film adaptation was widely denounced as salacious due to the film's portrayal of violence and sexuality. Robert Aldrich did a remake, The Grissom Gang, in 1971.
    ellauri236.html on line 184: Miss Blandish, the daughter of a millionaire, is kidnapped by some gangsters who are almost immediately surprised and killed off by a larger and better organized gang. They hold her to ransom and extract half a million dollars from her father. Their original plan had been to kill her as soon as the ransom-money was received, but a chance keeps her alive. One of the gang is a young man named Slim, whose sole pleasure in life consists in driving knives (well, his prick as well, got to give that much to him) into other people's bellies. In childhood he has graduated by cutting up living animals with a pair of rusty scissors. Slim is sexually impotent, but takes a kind of fancy to Miss Blandish. Slim's mother, who is the real brains of the gang, sees in this the chance of curing Slim's impotence, and decides to keep Miss Blandish in custody till Slim shall have succeeded in raping her. After many efforts and much persuasion, including the flogging of Miss Blandish with a length of rubber hosepipe, the rape is achieved. (Ei se ihan näin mennyt, George!) Meanwhile Miss Blandish's father has hired a private detective, and by means of bribery and torture the detective and the police manage to round up and exterminate the whole gang. Slim escapes with Miss Blandish and is killed after a final juicy rape, and the detective prepares to restore Miss Blandish to her pristine shape. By this time, however, she has developed such a taste for Slim's caresses(3) that she feels unable to live without him, and she jumps, out of the window of a sky-scraper. Footnote 1945. Another reading of the final episode is possible. It may mean merely that Miss Blandish is pregnant, i.e. she is damaged goods. Maybe she is sad that the baby's dad is dead. But the "interpretation" I have given above seems more in keeping with the general brutality of the book.
    ellauri236.html on line 202: In a book like No Orchids one is not, as in the old-style crime story, simply escaping from dull reality into an imaginary world of action. One's escape is essentially into cruelty and sexual perversion. No Orchids is aimed at the power-instinct, which Raffles or the Sherlock Holmes stories are not. At the same time the English attitude towards crime is not so superior to the American as I may have seemed to imply. It too is mixed up with power-worship, and has become more noticeably so in the last twenty years. A writer who is worth examining is Edgar Wallace, especially in such typical books as The Orator and the Mr. J. G. Reeder stories. Wallace was one of the first crime-story writers to break away from the old tradition of the private detective and make his central figure a Scotland Yard official. Sherlock Holmes is an amateur, solving his problems without the help and even, in the earlier stories, against the opposition of the police. Moreover, like Lupin, he is essentially an intellectual, even a scientist. He reasons logically from observed fact, and his intellectuality is constantly contrasted with the routine methods of the police. Wallace objected strongly to this slur, as he considered it, on Scotland Yard, and in several newspaper articles he went out of his way to denounce Holmes by name. His own ideal was the detective-inspector who catches criminals not because he is intellectually brilliant but because he is part of an all-powerful organization. Hence the curious fact that in Wallace's most characteristic stories the ‘clue’ and the ‘deduction’ play no part. The criminal is always defeated by an incredible coincidence, or because in some unexplained manner the police know all about the crime beforehand. The tone of the stories makes it quite clear that Wallace's admiration for the police is pure bully-worship. A Scotland Yard detective is the most powerful kind of being that he can imagine, while the criminal figures in his mind as an outlaw against whom anything is permissible, like the condemned slaves in the Roman arena. His policemen behave much more brutally than British policemen do in real life — they hit people with out provocation, fire revolvers past their ears to terrify them and so on — and some of the stories exhibit a fearful intellectual sadism. (For instance, Wallace likes to arrange things so that the villain is hanged on the same day as the heroine is married.) But it is sadism after the English fashion: that is to say, it is unconscious, there is not overtly any sex in it, and it keeps within the bounds of the law. The British public tolerates a harsh criminal law and gets a kick out of monstrously unfair murder trials: but still that is better, on any account, than tolerating or admiring crime. If one must worship a bully, it is better that he should be a policeman than a gangster. Wallace is still governed to some extent by the concept of ‘not done’. In No Orchids anything is ‘done’ so long as it leads on to power. All the barriers are down, all the motives are out in the open. Chase is a worse symptom than Wallace, to the extent that all-in wrestling is worse than boxing, or Fascism is worse than capitalist democracy.
    ellauri236.html on line 508: He found Paula anxiously waiting for him. One of the important facts of life that Paula had learned the hard way was not to keep any man waiting. She was looking cute in a black dress, relieved by a red carnation. The cut of the dress accentuated her figure so that Fenner took a second look.
    ellauri236.html on line 516: Chase was subject to several court cases during his career. In 1942, his novel Miss Callaghan Comes to Grief (1941), a lurid account of the white slave trade, was banned by the British authorities after the author and his publisher Jarrold were found guilty of an obscene book. Each was fined a hefty £100. Later, the Anglo-American crime author Raymond Chandler proved that Chase had lifted whole sections of his work in Blonde's Requiem (published 1945) forcing Chase to issue an apology in The Bestseller.
    ellauri238.html on line 40: Täähän oli kissanpojan Psapfa-coveri? Jep: Catullus 51 is a poem by Roman love poet Gaius Valerius Catullus (c. 84 – c. 54 BC). It is an adaptation of one of Sappho's fragmentary lyric poems, Sappho 31. Catullus replaces Sappho's beloved with his own beloved Lesbia. Unlike the majority of Catullus' poems, the meter of this poem is the sapphic meter. This meter is more musical, seeing as Sappho mainly sang her poetry.
    ellauri238.html on line 44: It was brillig, and sleep, gently flowing, Was trickling through my dreaming soul, When the vague form of a vibrant ghost. Arrived to disturb my dreaming, softly. Leaning down to me, pure ivory teeth, And offering me her flickering tongue, Her lips were kissing me, sweet and long, Mouth on mouth, thigh on thigh beneath...
    ellauri238.html on line 123: Niin teinkin. Riisuin vasta ostamani kengät rannalla, työnsin avaimet ja kukkaron kenkään, sukelsin laiturilta mereen ja uin kohti Hakaniemen rantaa niin pitkään että tunsin rauhoittuneeni. Sitten käännyin uidakseni takaisin. Näin vedestä, että Jarno seisoi rannalla ja huusi apua. Mietin voisinko uida johonkin toiseen rantaan, mutta tajusin etten jaksaisi vaatteet päällä uida paljon sen pitemmälle kuin missä jo olin. Rantaan kerääntyi muitakin ihmisiä, ja sitten siihen ajoi suurella metelillä ambulanssi ja vielä poliisiauto. Se oli kaikki turhaa ja varsin kiusallista, mutta minulla ei ollut muuta mahdollisuutta kuin nousta vedestä ja katsoa miten tilanne kehittyy.
    ellauri238.html on line 339: Punoittava mies, sorsa vedettynä korville, sorsan alta sojotti joka suuntaan rasvaisia jäykkiä hiustupsuja. Paidan rinnuxilla oli lampareina epämääräistä töhkää. Hän kazoi oikean korvani oh ja sanoi "mpmhh" tai jotain sen tapaista. Lasse on Penan 1 runon se "1 Lasse". Lassea joko inhosi tai hänestä piti hurjasti. Tai sitten häntä inhosi hurjasti. Lasse kesti viinaa 10v pitempään kuin Pena. Selvänä hän ei sanonut mitään muuta kuin "mhöh" tai "mpmhh" tai "pöh" tai "Mitä mänttipää?", ryiskeli, urahteli ja kynsi muniaan tai takapuoltaan, usein molempia yhtäaikaa. Kun hän oli juovuxissa, hänen suutaan ei saanut millään tukituxi. Lassesta sanottiin, ettei hän koskaan pese hampaitaan, koska linnutkaan eivät pese. Lasse vaikutti paljon Penan runouteen. Helppo uskoa. Lassesta ei ole kuvaa netissä, menköön sitten tämä. →
    ellauri238.html on line 780: at the last breath Viimeisellä hengenvedolla
    ellauri238.html on line 880: And when I loved my first love Ja kun mä rakastin mun ekaa panoa
    ellauri240.html on line 61: Another Jewish woman, Nora Barnacle burned most of the letters she received in 1909 from her lover who signed his name, “Jim.” But she didn’t destroy all of them. Indeed, they have survived all these years. In one of them, Jim, aka James Joyce, wrote to his muse whom he called his “little fuckbird,” “Fuck me, darling, in as many ways as your lust will suggest.” He went on and on: ”Fuck me dressed in your full outdoor costume with your hat and veil on, your face flushed with the cold and wind and rain and your boots muddy.” Sellaisia ne miehet on, koprofiilejä.
    ellauri240.html on line 82: Wrinkles: A Novel by Charles Simmons 2.67 6 ratings 2 reviews. A brilliantly original examination of the many aspects that make up a life—from birth, up and over the hill, and into the wilderness of old age. A truly astonishing and original work of fiction, Wrinkles is the story of a life lived forty-four times, from childhood to adulthood to old age.
    ellauri240.html on line 107: Many Hmong refugees settled in the United States after the Vietnam War. Beginning in December 1975, the first Hmong refugees arrived in the U.S., mainly from refugee camps in Thailand; however, only 3,466 were granted asylum at that time under the Indochina Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1975. In May 1976, another 11,000 were allowed to enter the United States, and by 1978 some 30,000 Hmong people had immigrated. This first wave was made up predominantly of men directly associated with General Vang Pao's secret army. The Hmong allied with the French against the Communists during the whole Indochina War and with the Americans during the whole Vietnam War, hoping to resist communist Viêt Minh control. So here was the thanx for their efforts.
    ellauri240.html on line 122: The Pathet Lao leadership, hiding in caves, survived one of history's most brutal aerial bombardments, and by 1975 had taken full control and established a communist government. The CIA arranged for flights to bring Vang Pao and his Hmong supporters to the US as refugees via airbases in Thailand. Thousands more beleaguered Vang Pao supporters fled across the Mekong and ended up in refugee camps.
    ellauri240.html on line 124: Vang Pao has been widely portrayed by his Hmong supporters and the US media as an American war hero and venerated leader of the Hmong people. The former CIA chief William Colby once called him "the biggest hero of the Vietnam war". He came very close to having a park in Madison City, Wisconsin, named after him in 2002. But McCoy objected to the honouring of a man who had ordered the summary executions of prisoners and soldiers who crossed him, and accused Vang Pao of war crimes and heroin-trafficking. Five years later, Vang Pao's name was removed from a new school in Madison after opponents said it should not bear the name of a man with such a blood-stained history.
    ellauri240.html on line 126: He was married to five women but was forced to divorce four of them when he arrived in the US. He is survived by his son, Chu Vang. It has been reported Vang Pao fathered more than 20, no, min 25 children.
    ellauri240.html on line 129: Even after his indictment, he appeared as the guest of honor at Hmong New Year celebrations in St. Paul and Fresno, where crowds of his supporters gathered to catch a glimpse of the highly decorated general as he arrived in a limousine.
    ellauri240.html on line 131: To learn more about the CIA’s efforts to stop the spread of communism deeper into Southeast Asia, and the amazing firsthand stories of sacrifice and bravery of the Hmong men and women who served in the operation, watch the full-length documentary America’s Secret War.
    ellauri240.html on line 134: Fred was the president and chairman of Andersen Corp., America's largest manufacturer of windows and patio doors, from 1914 until he retired in 1972. He served the company for more than 75 years. Katherine also devoted much of her time to the company, serving on the board of directors for 50 years. In 1959, the couple created the Andersen Foundation, now called the Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation.
    ellauri240.html on line 142: The Global Times did not comment on the authenticity of the pictures, but since the government wields extensive control over state media, the report's appearance and the fact that censors have not removed images from websites suggest a calculated move to leak the information into the public sphere.
    ellauri240.html on line 205: Metalious's father deserted his wife and three daughters when Grace was 11 years old. At that time divorce was unusual in a French Canadian family, and Grace and her sisters felt stigmatized. In high school Grace met George Metalious, who was neither Catholic nor of French-Canadian background and, thus, highly unacceptable to her family. Nevertheless, they married in 1943. A few years later, with one child already, the Metalious's moved to Durham, New Hampshire, where George attended the University of New Hampshire. It was here that Metalious began writing seriously, neglecting both her house and, eventually, three children, despite the condemnation of her neighbors.
    ellauri240.html on line 215: Grace went on to write three other novels: Return to Peyton Place (1959), The Tight White Collar (1960), and No Adam in Eden (1963). None of them achieved the same kind success as Peyton Place, though there are critics who feel that No Adam in Eden, a gritty book about the lives of mill workers in Manchester, is her best. By 1960 Grace and George had reconciled and remarried, only to separate again in 1963. She died in 1964 of cirrhosis of the liver and is buried in Gilmanton.
    ellauri240.html on line 237: Constancea häirizee että mustalais-Selena näyttää 13-vuotiaana naiselta. Jerry Lee Lewis-vainaja meni sen ikäisen serkuntytön kanssa naimisiin, vaikkei ero edellisen vaimon kanssa ollut vielä selvä. Siihen tyssäsi Jerryn tähdenlento. Tuli kananlento. Great balls of fire. Muhammedin lentoa ei moinen haitannut. Eikä Allisonin juutalaisen hellunkaan. Allen sexually assaulted his adopted daughter Dylan Farrow when she was seven - which he has vehemently denied. But who believes him? He took porn pics of the adolescent Korean girl while they still lived in Allison's home.
    ellauri240.html on line 429: Saanko olla minä? Olen täysin hetero, vähän vanhanaikainen, ja perheeni pää. Olen myös pääelättäjä vaikka ilman vaimoni panosta perheemme ei tulisi näin hyvin toimeen. Autan kotitöissä, kuten auton ja botskin huollossa. Ruuvaan ja nikkaroin himassa jos se on tarpeen. Kaikki raskaat ruumiilliset askareet kuuluvat minulle. Mökillä hoidan puut ja vedet sisään. Kasvatan pojistani miehiä jotka ovat siitä ylpeitä, puolustavat naisensa kaikkia ulkopuolisia uhkia vastaan ja pitävät heitä tasavertaisina. Pidän älykkäistä ja suloisista naisista, joiden kanssa voi keskustella ja joiden kustannuxella saa laskea leikkiä. Naisia ei ehkä kiinnosta, vaan ne haluaa tulla kohdelluiksi ihmisinä eikä miesten suojelun ja ihailun kohteina. Sit pitäis käyttäytyy kun ihmiset. (👍 Hyvin sanottu: 4)
    ellauri240.html on line 504: Mitä sanoja Kid Presidentin mielestä meidän pitäisi sanoa enemmän ja useammin? Saanko arvata? Kiitos, anteexi, ole hyvä? Bingo! Plus: Everything is going to be okay. Yes we can! I promise! Hyvin vedetty Huuakotti!
    ellauri241.html on line 131: Dissolved, or brighter shone, or interwreathed tai kirkkaammin loistivat tai kietoivat
    ellauri241.html on line 185: Of all these lovers, and she grieved so kiitos näiden wannabe rakastajien, voi vittu, ja hän suri, joten
    ellauri241.html on line 251: These words dissolved: Crete´s forests heard no more. Nämä sanat hajosivat: Kreetan metsät eivät enää kuulleet.
    ellauri241.html on line 277: Their points of contact, and swift counterchange; niiden kosketuspisteet ja nopeat vastavedot;
    ellauri241.html on line 467: While yet he spake they had arrived before Hänen vielä puhuessaan he olivat saapuneet
    ellauri241.html on line 471: Mild as a star in water; for so new, Lievänä kuin tähti vedessä; sillä niin uusi,
    ellauri241.html on line 490: Love in a hut, with water and a crust, Rakkaus mökissä, vedellä ja kuorella,
    ellauri241.html on line 496: Had Lycius lived to hand his story down, Jos Lycius olisi elänyt jakamaan tarinansa,
    ellauri241.html on line 507: They were enthroned, in the even tide, He löhösivät valtaistuimella, tasaisen vuoroveden aikana,
    ellauri241.html on line 539: Why will you plead yourself so sad forlorn, Miksi vedät itseäsi käteen niin surullisen ikävänä,
    ellauri241.html on line 571: Was none. She burnt, she loved the tyranny, ei ollut sellainen. Hiän poltti, hiän rakasti tyranniaa!
    ellauri241.html on line 616: Fresh carved cedar, mimicking a glade Tuore veistetty seetri, joka jäljittelee
    ellauri241.html on line 798: Then Lamia breathed death breath; the sophist's eye, Sitten Lamia henkäisi kuoleman hengenvedon; sofistin silmä,
    ellauri241.html on line 841: Cool'd a long age in the deep-delved earth, Jäähdytettynä iät ajat syvälle kaivetussa maassa,
    ellauri241.html on line 1479: But never may be shaved. I must stoop

    ellauri241.html on line 1499: Much as he loved to lie in cavern rude,

    ellauri241.html on line 1639: The Maiden reappears to the shepherd-prince as he returns to earth. Endymion is overcome with relief and joy and says that he has wasted too long searching for nothing but a dream and wants to start a life with the Maiden. She tells him that they cannot be together because he is forbidden to her. They wander through the forest and are quiet and somber until Endymion sees his sister Peona in the distance. They rush together and embrace. Peona implores Endymion to "weep not so" and "sigh no more" for the Indian Maiden can be his queen of Latmos. Endymion responds that "a hermit young, [he will] live in mossy cave" but Peona can visit him regularly. The resigned shepherd-prince leaves behind a confused Peona and Maiden and visits the altar of Diana to "bid adieu / To her for the last time." Peona and the Indian Maiden arrive. Endymion watches in stunned disbelief as the Indian Maiden transforms into his beloved Diana. It is revealed that Cynthia, Diana, and the Indian Maiden are the same woman. Actually Peona too! For all practical purposes, all women are the same: one hole up front and two more in the pants. Endymion swoons and after "three swiftest kisses" they vanish together leaving Peona who walks home in wonderment.
    ellauri241.html on line 1643: Endymion shows penile growth in Book 4 in the sense that he understands that there is value and beauty in mortal love but he has not truly learned how to live a blissful existence without the love of a beautiful (wo)man. Endymion, Adonis, Alpheus, and Glaucus are subject to a life of isolation and impotence without the presence of their beloved. Never mind, much worse is impotence in their presence!
    ellauri242.html on line 99: Jeg havde dog hidindtil troet om ham, at han havde Anlæg, skjønt raat og udannet, men nu troer jeg at han er dum og ovenikjøbet ikke rigtig forvaret i Hovedet. Ja Du gode Gud, at de danske Muser skulde see og blues for saadan en Samling rimede Fadaiser. Det er pære skidt.
    ellauri242.html on line 198: Koska kukaan ei odottanut tällaista tapahtumien kulkua, kivilouhokset eivät olleet valmiita pitkäaikaiseen piiritykseen. Suuria vesi-, ruoka- ja ammusvarastoja ei valmistettu, ja juomaveden kaivoja oli vain ulkona; jokaiseen juomavarastojen täydentämiseen tähtäävään käyntiin liittyi taistelu. Sotilaiden mukaan yksi ämpäri vettä vastasi ämpäriä menetettyä verta. Olisi kannattanut juoda verta mieluummin. Saksalaiset joukot arvasivat näiden purkausten syyt ja tuhosivat kaivot lähellä kivilouhoksia - niitä oli kaksi Aji-Mushkaissa - "makea" ja "suolainen". Ruoasta, vedestä, aseista ja ammuksista oli katastrofaalinen pula, tilanne oli saavuttamassa kriittistä pistettä. Lisäksi natsisotilaat alkavat käyttää räjähteitä tunneleiden täyttämiseen ja syyllistyivät myrkyllisten kaasujen pumppaamiseen katakombeihin – ensimmäiset kaasuhyökkäykset tapahtuivat toukokuun lopussa. Tätä nazit eivät kyllä myöntäneet. Valehtelivat raukat nälissään.
    ellauri243.html on line 147: until the American Holocaust, when the United States was attacked by waves of Russian bombers launching hypersonic nuclear-tipped missiles. Almost the entire fleet of American long-range bombers and more than half of America's intercontinental-ballistic-missile arsenal was wiped out in a matter of hours. But Battle Mountain's little fleet of high-tech bombers, led by Patrick McLanahan, survived and formed the spearhead of the American counterattack that destroyed most of Russia's ground-launched intercontinental nuclear missiles and restored a tenuous sort of parity in nuclear forces between the two nations. On the plus side, there are now less than half so many hungry mouths left to feed on the entire ball of fire. Except this, everything goes on as before, business as usual.
    ellauri243.html on line 246: Dragon. Two months later, they moved in together, then got engaged two
    ellauri243.html on line 247: months after that. But by the following year, they’d both moved on. Now,
    ellauri243.html on line 371: Нет? WSJ: Vladimir Putinin rakastajatar Alina Kabajeva vedettiin pois
    ellauri243.html on line 542: Tämmönen Bob Stearns kuoli hiljattain. Robert "Bob" H. Stearns, Columbia, SC * December 9, 1936 + January 5, 2023. Tämä Bob kyllä piti lentokoneista. He had a lifelong love affair with airplanes and flying, owned a half dozen aircraft and enjoyed meeting up with his flying buddies, meticulously restoring vintage aircraft and going to fly-ins. His health eventually clipped his wings, and after that he turned his attention to volunteering at Riverbanks Zoo and nurturing a latent talent for painting, which was discovered after Bob and Marge moved to Stilled Hopes.
    ellauri243.html on line 550: Bob Stearns, CEO of Powerful Potential. BOB STEARNS is one of only 95 people in history to lead an organization to win the prestigious Malcolm Baldrige Award. He was the Leader and Architect of Pittsburgh based Medrad’s 2003 journey to win the prestigious award. Medrad won the Baldrige award again in 2010. The Baldrige Award is presented annually by the President of the United States to organizations that excel in seven categories, including results. As Chief Human Resources Officer of CoManage, Bob led that company to be named the Best Place to Work in Pa.” He has also received the American Society for Training and Development Award for Excellence. Bob has served as a Director on the Boards of National Church Solutions, The Orchards at Foxcrest, the Pa. Society of Association Executives, the Pa. Association of Non Profit Organizations and a Woman owned business through Powerlink and Seton Hill University. Bob has owned and been the CEO of PowerfulPotential since 1985.
    ellauri243.html on line 647: Pilots use the 1 in 60 rule to remind themselves to constantly monitor their progress and make quick course corrections. You also know where you want to go. But you´ll never get there if you don´t regularly monitor and revise your goal based on your progress. And if you don´t start out on the right path. Remember, the 1 in 60 rule states that starting out, one degree off means winding up one mile off 60 miles later. Or so. So don´t just correct your course along the way. Create and follow a process that is proved to work. Pick someone who has achieved something you want to achieve. Like a Brad, if you happen to be a Ralph. Deconstruct his or her process. Then follow it, and along the way make small corrections as you learn what works best for you. That way, when you travel your own version of 60 miles, you´ll arrive precisely where you hoped to be. Up a shit creek without a paddle, with Brad 60 miles ahead of you. Forgot to warn: don´t pick a moving target!
    ellauri243.html on line 714: Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield, KG, PC, DL, JP, FRS, SOB (21 December 1804 – 19 April 1881) was a British statesman and Conservative politician who twice served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He played a central role in the creation of the modern Conservative Party, defining its policies and its broad outreach. He is the only British prime minister to have been of Jewish origin.
    ellauri243.html on line 724: World events thereafter moved against the Conservatives. Controversial wars in Afghanistan and South Africa undermined his public support. He angered British farmers by refusing to reinstitute the Corn Laws in response to poor harvests and cheap imported grain. With Gladstone conducting a massive speaking campaign, the Liberals defeated Disraeli´s Conservatives at the 1880 general election. In his final months, Disraeli led the Conservatives in Opposition.
    ellauri244.html on line 81: ”Tuska-depressioon sairastuminen on kuin siirtyminen maanpäällisestä elämästä vedenalaiseen. Paine on veden alla kova. Korvat paukkuvat. Keuhkot eivät saa happea. Ja niin jonkin ajan kuluessa kaikki elintoiminnot pysähtyvät, tai paremmin sanottuna: lähes pysähtyvät. Jommoinenkin olkipilli johtaa kauas pinnalle. Pysyt vaivalloisesti hengissä, ilma virtaa pillin läpi katkonaisesti, mutta virtaa sittenkin – ja juuri kun kuvittelet hapen loppuvan, pillistä tuhahtaa sen verran mädänhajuista ilmaa, että kykenet tuntemaan kivun.”
    ellauri244.html on line 293: Sillinruotowiixi lähti pakoon Hollantiin. Du är min ända, kuiski svedupoika tytölle. Harrilla oli kyllä muitakin ahtereita kuin Anjan mahtava, vaikkei ymmärrettävästi Anja pidä siitä melua.
    ellauri244.html on line 331: Siziellä oli joku niistä Oulun paskanheittäjistä. Lähti sveduihin. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
    ellauri244.html on line 451: Faye Avalon lives in the UK with her super-ace husband and onebeloved, ridiculously spoiled Golden Retriever. She worked as cabin crew, detouredinto property development, public relations, court reporting, and education beforefinally finding her passion: writing steamy romance.
    ellauri244.html on line 455: Courtney Faye Taylor is a writer and visual artist. She is the author of Concentrate (Graywolf Press, 2022), selected by Rachel Eliza Griffiths as the winner of the Cave Canem Poetry Prize. Courtney earned her BA from Agnes Scott College and her MFA from the University of Michigan Helen Zell Writers' Program where she received the Hopwood ...
    ellauri244.html on line 607: A nasty setback was June's close relationship with the artist Marion, whom June had renamed Jean Ronski. Ronski lived with Miller and June from 1926 until 1927, when June and Ronski went to Paris together, leaving Miller behind, which upset him greatly. Miller suspected the pair of having a lesbian relationship. While in Paris, June and Ronski did not get along, and June returned to Miller several months later. Yxin jäänyt Ronski teki Sirolat Pariisissa around 1930. Vähän päästä Henry lähti ize yxin Pariisiin.
    ellauri244.html on line 611: In 1939 Lawrence Durrell, 21 years his junior, invited Miller to Greece. Miller described the visit in The Colossus of Maroussi. Miller proved to be a major influence on the new Beat Generation of American writers, most notably Jack Kerouac, 31 years his junior, the only Beat writer Miller truly cared for.
    ellauri245.html on line 99: Mijailovic föddes i Stockholm 1978. Hans föräldrar kommer ursprungligen från staden Mladenovac, några mil söder om Belgrad i dåvarande Jugoslavien (nuvarande Serbien). Föräldrarna flyttade i slutet av 1960-talet till Sverige under vågen av arbetskraftsinvandring. No vittu se on just tää! Olisivat svedut maxaneet kunnon palkkaa omille työläisilleen niin tätäkään ei olis sattunut! I 6-årsåldern skickades sonen tillbaka till föräldrarnas hemstad för att bo hos farföräldrarna och börja i skolan där. När han var i 13-årsåldern utbröt de jugoslaviska krigen och han återvände till Sverige. Då hade han nästan glömt bort det svenska språket och fick gå i en förberedelseklass innan han började i årskurs 7. Han slutade grundskolan i juni 1995 med i genomsnitt 3,4 i betyg. Uruselt!! Sedan började han gymnasieskolan men slutade i slutet av årskurs 2.
    ellauri245.html on line 155: I received something in Sweden’s Svenska Dagbladet that I don’t think I ever had before: an unqualified trouncing by a reviewer who felt that the book sensationalized violence. The review seemed so emotionally charged that I could only conclude that The Leopard not only wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but a brew that really stuck in some readers’ craws, a book whose brutality and scenes of violence could truly alienate readers.
    ellauri245.html on line 157: On the other hand, from my mostly male fart-loving audience, I received many questions about the use of the torture device Leopold’s Apple in particular. For example, whether it really exists. Is it available from Amazon?
    ellauri245.html on line 170: In November 2011, Miller posted remarks pertaining to the Occupy Wall Street movement on his blog, calling it "nothing but a pack of louts, thieves, and rapists, fed by Woodstock-era nostalgia and putrid false righteousness." He said of the movement, "Wake up, pond scum. America is at war against a ruthless enemy. Maybe, between bouts of self-pity and all the other tasty tidbits of narcissism you´ve been served up in your sheltered, comfy little worlds, you´ve heard terms like al-Qaeda and Islamicism." Miller´s statement generated controversy. In a 2018 interview, Miller backed away from his comments saying that he "wasn´t thinking clearly" when he made them and alluded to a very dark time in his life during which they were made.
    ellauri245.html on line 198: Norjalaisilla streebereillä on vaan suunta selvillä kuin hyttysentoukilla: ylöspäin. Norja on natomaana mikäli mahdollista vielä vastenmielisempi kuin svedut. Norjan suurilevikkisin lehti on jälleen nazimonopolilehti Aftenposten. Verdens gangille on tullut vesterlandets undergang. Vaikka sama Schibsted konserni ne molemmat omistaa, kuin eri pesukonemerkit.
    ellauri245.html on line 261: First devised and created in the Belgian Congo by King Leopold, son of Queen Victoria. A smooth metallic ball, slightly smaller than a tennis ball in circumference with tiny apertures along its contours. Made of gold, GAL-TAN, and steel, the ball is a minor feat of engineering. An additional small opening reveals a looped wire. The ball is placed in the victim´s mouth. When the wire is pulled, 24 tiny termite monkey antennae jut out from the ball, causing it to lodge itself in the mouth. At this point, though not overly painful, the victim cannot remove the ball, nor can another extract it for them. With a second pull of the wire, 24 needles erupt outwards from the extended antennae in 24 directions, causing severe damage to throat, cheek, tongue, palate, nasal cavity, etc....the victim will usually bleed out slowly in excruciating pain. How was this used for torture? It usually involved 2 victims. One who who was forced to swallow the ball, and the second who was forced to watch the effects. That second person would usually begin talking quickly about other things. Naah, too sophisticated. A waste on the Congolese niggahs. Cutting hands and feet worked just as well.
    ellauri245.html on line 311: Oikeestaan mua inhotti tämmönen hiihtoreippailu jo lapsena. Niinkö inhottaa myös tollanen Anders Breivik tyyppinen väkivaltaherkuttelu jolla Nysvø aloittaa kuin raastepöydästä. Ei kyllä norjalaisissa on jotain vielä kuvottavampaa kuin sveduissa. Jo sekin et jonkun nimi on Borgny Stem-Myhre. Tai Dovre-merkkiset kalsarit.
    ellauri245.html on line 353: After the funeral, all of the loved one’s possessions – and here’s the real head-turner – are burned. (So much for heirlooms). Once again, the primary concern is marimé (contamination), and family members want to destroy all material ties to the dead. Given the massive cost of such destruction, however, today many people sell the possessions – though not to other Gypsies of course.
    ellauri245.html on line 364: Pakollinen harrynhakureissu on ohize. Tää Harryn "I´d rather not" Melvilleklichee seikkailun alussa on kyllä lopen kulunut. Aika tutustua uhreihin. Luvun 3 läski vasemmistonaispoliitikko on kaikkea mitä Jonne vastustaa. Tämmösiä tapahtumaköyhiä ennakointipaloja tässä taitaa tulla nyt vuorovedolla, jos yllämainittuun juoniselostuxeen on uskomista. Laahus on lastenkaltaista siinä että ne haluaa aina saman toistoa, Hakki Hamsteria joka ilta, se tuntuu turvalliselta.
    ellauri245.html on line 386: etterforskere ved det 15. politidistriktet i New York-politiet. Seerne blir godt kjent med etterforskernes privatliv, og følger dem gjennom sakene som etterforskes. Serien retter fokuset mot hvordan arbeidet utfordrer etterforskernes menneskelige sider. Den britiske avisen The Telegraph (Chilton, 2013) kalte TV-serien
    ellauri245.html on line 389: fiktive kriminaletterforskere ved Las Vegas Police Department. Etterforskerne
    ellauri245.html on line 390: jobber med med mistenkelige dødsfall og forbrytelser, og løser sakene ved å benytte kriminaltekniske metoder og studere bevisene. Den norske TV-kanalen TV2, sendte våren 2014 krimserien Det tredje øyet. I serien følger seerne etterforskeren Viggo Lust sin kamp om å finne datteren, som forsvant sporløst fire år tidligere. I serien får seerne god kjennskap til etterforskernes private forhold. Serien handler på mange måter mer om etterforskerne, enn om sakene de etterforsker.
    ellauri245.html on line 391: Reiner (2010, s. 187) fremhever fire karakteristikker ved hvordan krimserier på TV fremstiller lovbruddene. For det første er lovbruddene ofte svært seriøse og
    ellauri245.html on line 392: inneholder betydelig voldsbruk, halsbrekkende tyverier eller store ødeleggelser på eiendom. For det andre presenteres de kriminelle som rasjonelle og formålsrettede og ikke impulsive eller forvirrede. For det tredje påpeker Reiner (2010, s. 187) at politiet i seriene ofte var etterforskere, middelaldrende hvite menn som hovedsaklig var fristilte og økonomisk komfortable. For det fjerde og siste ble lovbruddene løst eller hindret av etterforskerens dyktighet, modighet og i økende grad av vitenskapelig ekspertise. Reiner (2010, s. 187) mener de karakteristiske trekkene ved hvordan krimserier avbilder lovbrudd og etterforskning, er motsatt av de virkelige lovbruddene og politiarbeidet. Fremstillingene, i massemediene og
    ellauri245.html on line 481: – Materialet varierer i alvorlighetsgrad, fra dansevideoer med avkledd overkropp til videoer der barna viser kjønnsorgan eller onani. De yngste barna deler i hovedsak videoer der de viser kjønnsorgan eller rumpe, mens fra 9-årsalderen deler barna også videoer der de onanerer, sier politibetjent ved Kripos, Nosey Parker.
    ellauri245.html on line 487: – Vi ønsker å gjøre foreldre oppmerksomme på at dette skjer, for å bevisstgjøre dem på at det kan skje med deres barn. Og vi ønsker at de tar grep som gjør at barna deres kan framdeles også legge ut slike videoer, sier politioverbetjent ved Kripos, Hanne Andreassen.
    ellauri245.html on line 524: Siis onko tän kaverin nimi norjaxi Harry Hå? Eipäs olekaan? vaan: The name is derived from Old Norse Hólar, the plural form of hóll, meaning "round and isolated hill." Harry´s surname is also the name of a historic Norwegian town (Hole, Norway) with a heritage that goes back to the Viking Age. Eipäs, vaan: On July 22, 2011, the Workers´ Youth League summer camp, which took place on Utøya in Hole, was attacked as part of the 2011 Norway attacks.
    ellauri245.html on line 534: The Clash achieved critical and commercial success in the United Kingdom with the release of their self-titled debut album, The Clash (1977) and their second album, Give ´Em Enough Rope (1978). Their experimental third album, London Calling, released in the UK in December 1979, earned them popularity in the United States when it was released there the following month. A decade later, Rolling Stone named it the best album of the 1980s. Following continued musical experimentation on their fourth album, Sandinista! (1980), the band reached new heights of success with the release of Combat Rock (1982), which spawned the US top 10 hit "Rock the Casbah", helping the album to achieve a 2× Platinum certification there. A final album, Cut the Crap, was released in 1985 with a new lineup, and a few weeks later, the band broke up.
    ellauri245.html on line 598: Among the material monists were the three Milesian philosophers: Thales, who believed that everything was composed of water; Anaximander, who believed it was apeiron; and Anaximenes, who believed it was air. Although their theories were primitive, these philosophers were the first to give an explanation of the physical world without referencing the supernatural; this opened the way for much of modern science (and philosophy), which has the same goal of explaining the world without dependence on the supernatural.
    ellauri245.html on line 603: Primærgoder er de godene som skal fordeles ved hjelp av rettferdighetsprinsippene. Disse godene kan man sammenligne individers velferd med tanke på rettferdighet.
    ellauri245.html on line 652: Maumau was an earlier, similar guerrilla movement in Kenya 1952-1960. Author Wangari Maathai writes that many of the organizers were ex-soldiers who fought for the British in Ceylon, Somalia, and Burma during the Second World War. When they returned to Kenya, they were never paid and did not receive recognition for their service, whereas their British counterparts were awarded medals and received land, sometimes from the Kenyan veterans.
    ellauri245.html on line 660: Women formed a core part of the Mau Mau, especially in maintaining supply lines. Initially able to avoid the suspicion, they moved through colonial spaces and between Mau Mau hideouts and strongholds, to deliver vital supplies and services to guerrilla fighters including food, ammunition, medical care, and of course, information. An unknown number also fought in the war, with the most high-ranking being Field Marshal Muthoni.
    ellauri245.html on line 662: The British and international view was that Mau Mau was a savage, violent, and depraved tribal cult, an expression of unrestrained emotion rather than reason. Mau Mau was "perverted tribalism" that sought to take the Kikuyu people back to "the bad old days" before British rule. What motherfuckers!
    ellauri245.html on line 754: Soon after graduation, Altman joined the United States Army Air Forces at the age of 18. During World War II, Altman flew more than 50 bombing missions as a co-pilot of a B-24 Liberator with the 307th Bomb Group in Borneo and the Dutch East Indies. Upon his discharge in 1947, Altman moved to California. He worked in publicity for a company that had invented a tattooing machine to identify dogs.
    ellauri246.html on line 248: They lived in narrow streets and lanes obscure, (Sori, nehän oli arabeja ne! My bad...)
    ellauri246.html on line 294: For curved wall lie nearby Sillä käyrä muuri on lähellä
    ellauri246.html on line 307: A, perhaps, They believed blindly. A vot, kenties, uskottiin sokkona.
    ellauri246.html on line 325: For curved fence of rotten plywood, Tää laho vaneriaita vielä maxetaan,
    ellauri246.html on line 351: Hänen muistojaan paluusta kaupunkiin Nevan rannalle säilytetään jossakin. Sininen taivas, valkoiset pilvet ja punainen lämmitys, jossa ihmiset roikkuvat. Ei ollut tarpeeksi paikkoja ja tuskin kukaan käytti mitään reunaa kiinni koostumukseen. Tässä on vanha mies, joka on kiinni autossa, jotain tarttuvaa ja naisen huivi kastelee kalkkariviiniä vedenkeittimeen. On höyryä. Ezemmosta.
    ellauri246.html on line 510: Tuskaa olivat niskatuskamiehen ensimmäiset vuodet. Brodsky näinä vuosina muistuttaa kuin kasvi, joka on noussut maahan, ja se vedettiin ulos ja siirrettiin toiselle maaperälle, eikä se ole selvää, järjestetäänkö se. Ulkoinen runoilija on turvallinen elämäntapa ristiriidassa voimakkaasti emotionaalisen ja psykologisen kooman tilan kanssa, joka Brodsky uusi uudelleen ensimmäistä kertaa maailman kirjallisuudessa. Stripping metaforisesti, runoilija tuntuu kuolleiksi. Runossa "1972": "Tämä ei ole mieli, vaan vain veri." Runaatti tykkää itseään varjoilta, jotka pysyivät henkilöltä. Maahanmuutto, joka kuljetettiin niiden kanssa, ei pelkästään vapautta vaan myös kaikkien tavanomaisten siteiden tauko. Kaikki, mikä oli kalliita henkilölle, otettiin häneltä. Brodskillä oli tunne roikkua tyhjyydestä, ja tämä isku oli niin kohtuuttomia, että se johti sielun väliaikaiseen halvaantumiseen. Lähempänä Brodskin tapahtumista lähestyi Luriea, joka sanoi, että Emigratin Brodskin runous - это itsemurhan sitoutuneiden henkilöiden muistiinpanoja. Skopanova uskoo, että on oikein puhua murhasta. "Vahva kipu, tappaminen tämä, joka kestää valoa." Runotila on hämmästynyt, tappanut, mikään ei tunne, tämä on suurin kärsimys, kun henkilö kärsii niin paljon, että se menettää mahdollisuuden ilmaista se emotionaalisesti. Itsensä kieltäminen, metaforisen käyttäminen liikkumattomuuden arvolla, kuolleet, kun BrodSky tarkastelee itseäsi sivulta ja korjaa vain liikkeen avaruudessa. Usein hän kirjoittaa itsestään kolmannessa henkilössä, kuten runossa "Laguna": "Vieraat, jotka kuljettavat grappaa taskussaan, ehdottomasti kukaan, mies, kuten kaikki, jotka ovat menettäneet muistia, kuvaavat ..." Yliköriltään hermostuneesta " shokki. Brodsky erottaa oman ruumiinsa sielusta ja tekee siitä itsenäisen merkin: "Ruumiin sadetakki muotoilee palloja, joissa rakkaus, toivo, usko, ei ole tulevaisuutta." Tämä ei ole henkilö, joka oli nuoruudessani, se oli vahvistettu ja jatkuvasti tietoinen runoilijasta. Se ei ole sattumalta, että yhdessä runoista, lyyrinen sankari tarkastelee peiliä ja näkee vaatteita, mutta ei kasvoja.
    ellauri246.html on line 627: Hyvä Leonid Ilyich, jättäen Venäjälle, ei hänen tahtoaan, mitä voit, tiedän, olen päättänyt vedota sinulle pyynnöstä, oikeus minulle antaa yrityksen tietoisuuteen, että kaikki, mitä olen tehnyt 15 vuotta kirjallisuutta. Työ, se palvelee ja palvelee myös vain venäläisen kulttuurin kunniaa, ei mitään muuta. Haluan pyytää sinua antamaan mahdollisuuden säilyttää olemassaoloani, läsnäoloni kirjallisessa prosessissa. Ainakin kääntäjänä - kapasiteetissa, jossa olen edelleen kannattanut. Uskallan ajatella, että työni oli hyvä työ, ja voisin jatkaa hyötyä. Lopulta sata vuotta sitten harjoitettiin. Minä kuulun venäläiseen kulttuuriin, olen tietoinen siitä, että lopputulos, eivätkä muutosta lopputuloksessa ei voi vaikuttaa. Kieli on muinaisempi ja väistämätön kuin valtio. Minä kuulun venäläiseen kieleen, ja kuten valtio, sitten minun näkökulmasta kirjailijan isänmaallisuus on, miten hän kirjoittaa kansan kielellä, josta hän asuu eikä vala rostrumista . Olen katkera lähteä Venäjältä. Olen syntynyt täällä, kasvoin, asui, ja kaikki, mitä minulla on sielulle, velkaa hänelle. Kaikki on huono, joka putosi minun osuuteeni, jossa on enemmän kuin hyvä päällekkäisyys, enkä koskaan tuntenut Isänmaa. En tunne nyt. Sillä, koska se on lakannut Neuvostoliiton kansalaiseksi, en lakkaa olemasta venäläinen runoilija. Uskon, että tulen takaisin; Runoilijat palautetaan aina: lihassa tai paperilla. Haluan uskoa molempiin. Ihmiset tulivat pois tästä iästä, kun oikeus oli vahva. Tehdä tämä maailmassa liikaa heikkoa. Ainoa oikea asia on ystävällisyys. Pahasta, vihasta, vihaa - anna vanhurskas - kukaan voittaa. Me kaikki tuomittiin samaan: kuolemaan. Minä kuolen, kirjoitat näitä rivejä, kuolet, luen heidät. Meidän asiamme pysyvät, mutta ne tuhoutuvat. Siksi kukaan ei saa häiritä toisiaan tekemään liiketoimintaansa. Edellytykset ovat liian raskaita vaikeuttamaan niitä. Toivon, että ymmärrät minut oikein, ymmärrät mitä pyydän. Pyydän minua antamaan minulle mahdollisuuden jatkaa Venäjän kirjallisuudessa Venäjän maalla. Mielestäni en ole syyllistynyt kotimaani. Päinvastoin mielestäni on paljon oikeuksia. En tiedä, mikä on vastauksesi pyyntööni, hän tapahtuu lainkaan. Se on sääli, etten ole kirjoittanut sinulle ennen, ja nyt ei ole aikaa jäljellä. Mutta kerron teille, että joka tapauksessa, vaikka ihmiset eivät tarvitse kehoa, sieluni on edelleen hyödyllinen. "
    ellauri246.html on line 764: kylmän veden roiskuminen iankaikkisen housun lähellä.

    ellauri247.html on line 89: Catherine Eliza Somerville Stow (1 May 1856 – 27 March 1940), who wrote as K. Langloh Parker, was a South Australian born writer who lived in northern New South Wales in the late nineteenth century. She is best known for recording the stories of the Ualarai around her. Her testimony is one of the best accounts of the beliefs and stories of an Aboriginal people in north-west New South Wales at that time. However, her accounts reflect European attitudes of the time. Anyways, she was not around before Ridley. William Ridley (14 September 1819 – 26 September 1878) was an English Presbyterian missionary who studied Australian Aboriginal languages, particularly Gamilaraay, before Catherine was more than a twinkle in her daddy's eye. Baiame may have been some abo hero before Bill's arrival, but the details about his doings could still be coloured by the Middle Eastern tentmen's literary treasure brought in by Bill.
    ellauri247.html on line 114: GLOSSARY Bahloo, moon. Beeargah, hawk. Beeleer, black cockatoo. Beereeun, prickly lizard. Bibbee, woodpecker, bird. Bibbil, shiny-leaved box-tree. Bilber, a large kind of rat. Bindeah, a prickle or small thorn. Birrahlee, baby. Birrableegul, children. Birrahgnooloo, woman's name, meaning "face like a tomahawk handle." Boobootella, the big bunch of feathers at the back of an emu. Boolooral, an owl. Boomerang, a curved weapon used in hunting and in warfare by the blacks; called Burren by the Narran blacks. Borah, a large gathering of blacks where the boys are initiated into the mysteries which make them young men. Bou-gou-doo-gahdah, the rain bird. Bouyou, legs. Bowrah or Bohrah, kangaroo. Bralgahs, native companion, bird. Bubberah, boomerang that returns and bumps you in the back of your head. Buckandee, native cat. Buggoo, flying squirrel. Bulgahnunnoo, bark-backed. Bunbundoolooey, brown flock pigeon. Bunnyyarl, flies. Byamee, man's name, meaning "big man." Bwana, African sir. Capparis, caper. Combi, bag made of kangaroo skins. Comfy, foldable plastic pillow. Cookooburrah, laughing jackass. Coorigil, name of place, meaning sign of bees. Corrobboree, black fellows' dance. Cunnembeillee, woman's name, meaning pig-weed root. Curree guin guin, butcher-bird. Daen, black fellows. Dardurr, bark, humpy or shed. Dayah minyah, carpet snake (vällykäärme). Deegeenboyah, soldier-bird. Decreeree, willy wagtail. Dinewan, emu. Dingo, native dog. Doonburr, a grass seed. Doongara, lightning. Dummerh, 2nd rate pigeons. Dungle, water hole. Dunnia, wattle. Eär moonan, long sharp teeth. Effendi, Turkish sir. Euloo marah, large tree grubs. Edible. In fact yummy. Euloo wirree, rainbow. Gayandy, borah devil. Galah or Gilah, a French grey and rose-coloured cockatoo. Gidgereegah, a species of small parrot. Gooeea, warriors. Googarh, iguana. Googoolguyyah, run into trees. Googoorewon, place of trees. Goolahwilleel, absolutely top-knot pigeon. Gooloo, magpie. Goomade, red stamp. Goomai, water rat. Goomblegubbon, bastard or just plain turkey. Goomillah, young girl's dress, consisting of waist strings made of opossum's sinews with strands of woven opossum's hair hanging about a foot square in front. Yummy. Goonur, kangaroo rat. Goug gour gahgah, laughing-jackass. Literal meaning, "Take a stick of bamboo and boil it in the water." Grooee, handsome foliaged tree bearing a plum-like fruit, tart and bitter, but much liked by the blacks. Guinary, light eagle hawk. Guineboo, robin redbreast. Gurraymy, borah devil. Gwai, red. Gwaibillah, star. Kurreah, an alligator. Mahthi, dog. Maimah, stones. Maira, paddy melon. Massa, American sir. May or Mayr, wind. Mayrah, spring wind. Meainei, girls. Midjee, a species of acacia. Millair, species of kangaroo rat. Moodai, opossum. Moogaray, hailstones. Mooninguggahgul, mosquito-calling bird. Moonoon, emu spear. Mooregoo, motoke. Mooroonumildah, having no eyes. Morilla or Moorillah, pebbly ridges. Mubboo, beefwood-tree. Mullyan, eagle hawk. Mullyangah, the morning star. Murgah muggui, big grey spider. Murrawondah, climbing rat. Narahdarn, bat. Noongahburrah, tribe of blacks on the Narran. Nullah nullah, a club or heavy-headed weapon. Nurroo gay gay, dreadful pain. Nyunnoo or Nunnoo, a grass humpy. Ooboon, blue-tongued lizard. Oolah, red prickly lizard. Oongnairwah, black driver. Ouyan, curlew. Piggiebillah, ant-eater. One of the Echidna, a marsupial. Quarrian, a kind of parrot. Quatha, quandong; a red fruit like a round red plum. Sahib, Indian sir. Senhor, Brazilian sir. U e hu, rain, only so called in song. Waligoo, to hide. Wahroogah, children. Wahn, crow. Walla Walla, place of many waters. Wallah, I swear to God. Wallah, Indian that carries out a manual task. Waywah, worn by men, consisting of a waistband made of opossum's sinews with bunches of strips of paddy melon skins hanging from it. ​Wayambeh, turtle. Weeoombeen, a small bird, girl's name. Some thing like robin redbreast, only with longer tail and not so red a breast. Willgoo willgoo, pointed stick with feathers on top. Widya nurrah, a wooden battle-axe shaped weapon. Wirree, small piece of bark, canoe-shaped. Wirreenun, priest or doctor. Womba, mad. Wondah, spirit or ghost. Wurranunnah, wild bees. Wurranunnah, tame bees. Wurrawilberoo, whirlwind with a devil in it; also clouds of Magellan. Yaraan, white gum-tree. Yhi, the sun. Yuckay, oh dear!
    ellauri247.html on line 133: Cook and his crew remained for almost seven weeks and made contact with the local Guugu Yimithirr Aborigines, while the naturalists Joseph Banks and Daniel Solander made extensive collections of native flora, while Sydney Parkinson illustrated much of the flora and fauna of the region. Botanical specimens were also collected by Alan Cunningham after he arrived on HMS Mermaid, captained by Philip Parker King on 28 June 1819.
    ellauri247.html on line 177: The Tory Samuel Johnson was a critic of her politics: Sir, there is one Mrs. Macaulay in this town, a great republican. One day when I was at her house, I put on a very grave countenance, and said to her, "Madam, I am now become a convert to your way of thinking. I am convinced that all mankind are upon an equal footing; and to give you an unquestionable proof, Madam, that I am in earnest, here is a very sensible, civil, well-behaved fellow-citizen, your footman; I desire that he may be allowed to sit down and dine with us." I thus, Sir, shewed her the absurdity of the levelling doctrine. She has never liked me since. Sir, your levellers wish to level down as far as themselves; but they cannot bear levelling up to themselves. They would all have some people under them; why not then have some people above them?
    ellauri247.html on line 179: The increasingly radical nature of her work and her scandalous marriage on 14 November 1778 to William Graham (she was 47, he was 21) damaged her reputation in Britain, where she lived in Bath, and, later, in Binfield, Berkshire. William was the younger brother of the sexologist James Graham, inventor of the Celestial Bed.
    ellauri247.html on line 230: Pikareskiromaani syntyi Espanjassa 1500-luvun puolivälissä tarkoituksellisesti kehiteltynä vastagenrenä ritariromaanille ja sen harhailevalle, haavemaailmassa elävälle sankarille. Pseudoautobiografisena pikareskiromaanin tapahtumat myötäilevät sankarin (espanjan picaro = 'ratsastaja') monipolvista vaellusta ja antavat sen kautta humoristis-satiirisen kuvan maailmasta. Veijarityylin (gusta picaresca) varhainen edustaja oli tuntemattoman tekijän romaani La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes (1554). Muita varhaisia klassikkoja ovat Mateo Alemánin La Vida del picaro Guzman de Alfarache (1599–1604), sekä lajin tunnetuin klassikko, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedran El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha (1605, 1615, Don Quijote manchalainen, surullisen hahmon ritari). Veijariromaanin sankarina on esiintynyt myös naisia, jotka käyvät veijarimaisesta seikkailusta toiseen pyrkien valloittamaan mahdollisimman paljon varakkaita miehiä, kuten Francisco López de Úbedan romaanissa La pícara Justina (1605).
    ellauri247.html on line 295: "If a Frenchman is capable of real friendship, it must certainly be the most disagreeable present he can possibly make to a man of a true English character. You know, madam, we are naturally taciturn, soon tired of impertinence, and much subject to fits of disgust. Your French friend intrudes upon you at all hours; he stuns you with his loquacity; he teases you with impertinent questions about your domestic and private affairs; he attempts to meddle in all your concerns, and forces his advice upon you with the most unwearied importunity; he asks the price of everything you wear, and, so sure as you tell him, undervalues it without hesitation; he affirms it is in a bad taste, ill contrived, ill made; that you have been imposed upon both with respect to the fashion and the price; that the marquis of this, or the countess of that, has one that is perfectly elegant, quite in the bon ton, and yet it cost her little more than you gave for a thing that nobody would wear.
    ellauri247.html on line 318: Little is known about Johnson's life between the end of 1729 and 1731. It is likely that he lived with his parents. He experienced bouts of mental anguish and physical pain during years of illness; his tics and gesticulations associated with Tourette syndrome became more noticeable and were often commented upon.
    ellauri247.html on line 337: With the widow's money, Johnson opened Edial Hall School as a private academy at Edial, near Lichfield. He had only three pupils: Lawrence Offley, George Garrick, and the 18-year-old David Garrick, who later became one of the most famous actors of his day. The venture was unsuccessful and cost Tetty a substantial portion of her fortune. Instead of trying to keep the failing school going, Johnson began to write his first major work, the historical tragedy Irene. Biographer Robert DeMaria believed that Tourette syndrome likely made public occupations like schoolmaster or tutor almost impossible for Johnson. This may have led Johnson to "the invisible occupation of authorship".
    ellauri247.html on line 347: Americans had no more right to govern themselves than the Cornish, and "How is it that we hear the loudest yelps for liberty among the drivers of negroes?" The French and Indian War was a conflict between "two robbers" of Native American lands, and that neither deserved to live there.
    ellauri247.html on line 421: Lyhyenläntä rampa Pope syntyi samana vuonna kuin Mary. Pope oli Tory ja Mary äänesti Walpolea. - Amazing! I have read that Alexander Pope made passionate and wild love to Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. From this poem I understand that Pope loved the sense of wit and beauty that Lady Mary W. M. possessed.
    ellauri247.html on line 514: fantassin. (Fr.). A foot-soldier. This term is derived from the Italian fante, a boy, the light troops in the 14th and 15th centuries being formed of boys who followed the armies and were formed into corps with light arms, hence the origin of the word infantry.
    ellauri248.html on line 91: The last part is a bit more controversial I suppose. There are two central mysteries in this book-- the first, what happened to Katy, DOES get solved in the course of the novel (the "big break" in the case is our hero realizing suddenly that the murder probably took place in a shed about 20 feet from where the body was found! Really?? No one bothered to think of that for a month?), but the deeper mystery about what happened to Rob/Adam and his friends is never resolved. Your mileage may vary about how annoying that is. Truth be told, it didn't annoy me as much as the fact that the true "villain" of the modern mystery walks without being punished in any way. How incredibly unsatisfying.
    ellauri248.html on line 118: I loved this book to pieces, even though I could not shake off the overwhelming feeling of sadness and hollowness after finishing it. I loved it despite (or maybe because?) of the frustrating incompleteness of some plot lines, the frequent lack of resolution, and the unfulfillment of my wishes for the characters and events. [noir romance]
    ellauri248.html on line 122: Not. One. Thing. Is. Resolved. Rob Ryan’s character arc? Flop. My wife Cassie Maddox’s character arc? Long sigh. My favorite pair of besties? I don’t want to talk about it. Mystery? Fine, sort of chilling, but also 1) not really a mindfuck and 2) has shitty connotations. The commupence? Non-ex-is-tent.
    ellauri248.html on line 242: Daniel in the lions' den (chapter 6 of the Book of Daniel) tells of how the biblical Daniel is saved from lions by the God of Israel "because I was found tasteless before them" (Daniel 6:22). It parallels and complements chapter 3, the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego: each begins with the jealousy of non-Jews towards successful Jews and an imperial edict requiring them to compromise their religion, and concludes with divine deliverance and a king who confesses the greatness of the God of the Jews and issues an edict of royal protection to the smug hookynoses. The tales making up chapters 1–6 of Daniel date no earlier than the Hellenistic period (3rd to 2nd century BC) and were probably originally independent, but were collected in the mid-2nd century BC and expanded shortly afterwards with the visions of the later chapters to produce the modern book.
    ellauri248.html on line 244: In Daniel 6, Daniel is raised to high office by his royal master Darius the Mede. Daniel's jealous rivals trick Darius into issuing a decree that for thirty days no prayers should be addressed to any god or man but Darius himself; anyone who disobeys this edict is to be thrown to the lions. Pious Daniel continues to pray daily to the God of Israel; and the king, although deeply distressed, must condemn Daniel to death, for the edicts of the Medes and Persians cannot be altered. Hoping for Daniel's deliverance, Darius has him cast into the pit. At daybreak the king hurries to the place and cries out anxiously, asking if God had saved his friend. Daniel replies that his God had sent an angel to the jaws of the lions, "because I was found tasteless before them". The king commands that those who had conspired against Daniel be thrown to the poor overfed lions in his place with their tasty wives and children, and that the whole world should tremble and fear before the God of Daniel. Although Daniel is sometimes depicted as a young man in illustrations of the incident, James Montgomery Boice points out that he would have been over eighty years old at the time. No wonder perhaps that he did not entice the lions.
    ellauri248.html on line 345: The US is 3.797 million mi². The area that was “reserved” for tribes from there previous landholdings is about 2.3% of the total US land. Some reservations are the “reserved” remnants of a tribe’s original land base. Others were created by the federal government from federal land for the resettling Native people who were forcibly relocated from their homelands.
    ellauri249.html on line 80: It is precisely in this sense that we should understand Dostoyevsky’s remark that beauty will save the world, or Matthew Arnold’s belief that we shall be saved by poetry. It is probably too late for the world, but for the individual man (me) there always remains a chance. What distinguishes us from other members of the animal kingdom is speech. Literature—and poetry, in particular, my poetry—is, to put it bluntly, the goal of our species.” Minä minä! Täähän on pahempi egosentrikko kuin minä ja pikku-CEC Norjassa.
    ellauri249.html on line 390: In post-Napoleonic England, when there was a notable absence of Jews, Britain removed bans on "usury and moneylending," and Rubenstein attests that London and Liverpool became economic trading hubs which bolstered England's status as an economic powerhouse. Jews were often associated with being the moneymakers and financial bodies in continental Europe, so it is significant that the English were able to claim responsibility for the country's financial growth and not attribute it to Jews. It is also significant that because Jews were not in the spotlight financially, it took a lot of the anger away from them, and as such, antisemitism was somewhat muted in England. It is said that Jews did not rank among the "economic elite of many British cities" in the 19th century. Again, the significance in this is that British Protestants and non-Jews felt less threatened by Jews because they were not imposing on their prosperity and were not responsible for the economic achievements of their nation.
    ellauri249.html on line 409: Kyseenalaisia sankareita kaiken kaikkiaan, esimtää "bloody eye" Skobelev edellisessä Krimin sodassa. Skobelev returned to Turkestan after the war, and in 1880 and 1881 further distinguished himself by retrieving the disasters inflicted by the Tekke Turkomans: following the Siege of Geoktepe, it was stormed, the general captured the fort. Around 8,000 Turkmen soldiers and civilians, including women and children were slaughtered in a bloodbath in their flight, along with an additional 6,500 who died inside the fortress. The Russians massacre included all Turkmen males in the fortress who had not escaped, but they spared some 5,000 women and children and freed 600 Persian slaves. The defeat at Geok Tepe and the following slaughter broke the Turkmen resistance and decided the fate of Transcaspia, which was annexed to the Russian Empire. The great slaughter proved too much to stomach reducing the Akhal-Tekke country to submission. Skobelev was removed from his command because of the massacre. He was advancing on Ashkhabad and Kalat i-Nadiri when he was disavowed and recalled to Moscow. He was given the command at Minsk. The official reason for his transfer to Europe was to appease European public opinion over the slaughter at Geok Tepe. British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery assessed Skobelev as the world's "best single commander" between 1870 and 1914 and wrote of his "skilful and inspiring" leadership. Francis Vinton Greene also rated Skobelev highly.
    ellauri249.html on line 472: Its origin is set down in Pliny the Elder's Naturalis Historia where he records that a shoemaker (sutor) had approached the painter Apelles of Kos to point out a defect in the artist's rendition of a sandal (crepida from Greek krepis), which Apelles duly corrected. Encouraged by this, the shoemaker then began to enlarge on other defects he considered present in the painting, at which point Apelles advised him that ne supra crepidam sutor iudicaret ('a shoemaker should not judge beyond the shoe'), which advice, Pliny observed, had become a proverbial saying. The Renaissance interest in meddling cluelessly into other people's affairs made the expression popular again.
    ellauri249.html on line 474: The saying remains popular in several languages, as in the English "A cobbler should stick to his last", the Dutch Schoenmaker, blijf bij je leest, the Danish Skomager, bliv ved din læst, the German Schuster, bleib bei deinen Leisten, and the Polish Pilnuj, szewcze, kopyta. Other languages use slightly changed forms: the Spanish Zapatero, a tus zapatos ('Shoemaker, [tend] to your shoes'), and the Russian Суди, дружок, не свыше сапога ('Judge not, pal, above the boot'), after Alexander Pushkin's poetic retelling of the legend.
    ellauri249.html on line 482: Why would Finns want to attack Russia? What have they got that we have not? Well, good vodka, and Karelia. I am partial to the Russian Standard Vodka. Besides, it’s distilled from the waters of Lake Ladoga. Thus, every time I have finished a bottle of Russkij Standard, and urinated, I have removed a part of Lake Ladoga and made it part of the local water supply. Literally taking back Karelia a bottle at the time.
    ellauri254.html on line 373: Valeri Bryusov's novel The Fiery Angel is also well known. It tells the story of a 16th-century German scholar and his attempts to win the love of a young woman whose spiritual integrity is seriously undermined by her participation in occult practices and her dealings with unclean forceps. The novel served as the basis for Sergei Prokofiev's eponymous opera The Fiery Angel.
    ellauri254.html on line 377: considered to be one of the most popular poets, who believed in first inspiration and sometimes intentionally left his verse unrevised. In many regards looked upon as the antipode of Valery Bryusov.
    ellauri254.html on line 389: ‘How often we wandered through the streets of the snowy city… All of the theatrical events that seemed so important in their time have grown dim in my memory. Acting at the theatre, which I loved so much, now seems to me far less exciting and bright than that game of masks in Blok’s circle. It is true that even at that time I did not look upon our meetings, gatherings, and strolls as mere entertainment. There is no doubt that others too felt the significance and creative value of it all, yet nonetheless we did not realize that the charms of Blok’s poetry almost deprived us all of our real existence, turning us into Venetian masqueraders of the north.’
    ellauri254.html on line 391: In the month after Olga’s death from tuberculosis in June 1907, Sologub retired following twenty-five years as a teacher, and moved in Petersburg from the school-owned apartment to a private flat. The following year he married Anastasia Chebotarevskaya, a translator and author of children’s books who he had first met in the autumn of 1905. In the summer of 1909, Sologub and Chebotarevskaya holidayed in France. Though he had travelled to Finland with his sister in a final attempt to improve her condition, Finland was at the time part of the Russian Empire, so this trip to France was Sologub’s first proper visit abroad.
    ellauri254.html on line 393: In August 1910, Sologub and his wife moved to a larger apartment, at Razyezzhaya ulitsa in the centre of Petersburg. The short and brisk sentences of Anastasia Chebotarevskaya’s writing have been viewed as a potential influence on Sologub’s own work; and she encouraged his acquaintance with the young writers of Russian Futurism, a distinctive literary movement which was then just beginning to flower. Yet the influence of Anastasia on her husband has not been unanimously well received. The humourist Teffi – who was one of the group who frequented the ‘Sundays’ gatherings at Sologub’s Vasilievsky Island home – wrote that Sologub’s marriage:
    ellauri254.html on line 395: ‘reshaped his daily life in a new and unnecessary way. A big new apartment was rented, small gilt chairs were bought. The walls of the large cold office for some reason were decorated with paintings of Leda by various painters. The quiet talks were replaced by noisy gatherings with dances and masks. Sologub shaved his mustache and beard, and everyone started to say that he resembled a Roman of the period of decline.’
    ellauri254.html on line 397: One of these ‘noisy gatherings with dances and masks’ proved the occasion of a notable scandal within the world of Russian letters. On 3 January, 1911, Sologub and his wife hosted a masquerade to celebrate the new year. Among the attendees were the writers Aleksei Remizov and Aleksei Tolstoy. Remizov was well known within the world of Russian letters for his mischievous sense of humour. He founded a ‘Great and Free House of Apes’, declaring himself Chancellor, and sent out missives to writers and publishers decreeing them positions in this ironic organisation; and Andrei Bely dubbed him a ‘petty cash demon’ – the title of Sologub’s most celebrated work – owing to his appearance.
    ellauri254.html on line 506: When Klages (at 23) moved into a new Schwabing flat in 1895, he entered into an intense sexual relationship with his landlady's daughter, with the mother's approval; the daughter, whom Klages called 'Putti', was eleven years younger than him (12 yrs), and their relationship continued for almost two decades though remained only sexual in nature, and squeaky clean. During his years in Schwabing, Klages also became romantically involved with novelist Franziska zu Reventlow, which was further alluded to in her 1913 roman à clef Herrn Dames Aufzeichnungen. Both Stefan George and Alfred Schuler, with whom Klages closely associated, were openly homosexual men. Whilst some of Klages' outward statements on homosexuality may be seen as harsh, he maintained an intimate personal and not just academic admiration for Schuler all throughout his life. Kaikki käy, kuhan paikat pysyy kemiallisen puhtaana. Kemia ei tunne likaa.
    ellauri254.html on line 509: In 1914 at the outbreak of war Klages moved to Switzerland and supported himself with his writing and income from lectures. He returned to Germany in the 1920s and in 1932 was awarded the Goethe medal for Art and Science. However, by 1936 he was under attack from Nazi authorities for lack of support and on his 70th birthday in 1942 was denounced by many newspapers in Germany. After the war he was honoured by the new government for his lack of support to the Nazis, particularly on his 80th birthday in 1952.
    ellauri254.html on line 887: After his forced resignation from active politics in 1989, Tikhonov wrote a letter to Mikhail Gorbachev which stated that he regretted supporting his election to the General Secretaryship. This view was strengthened when the Communist Party was banned in the Soviet Union. After his retirement, he lived the rest of his life in seclusion at his dacha. As one of his friends noted, he lived as "a hermit" and never showed himself in public and that his later life was very difficult as he had no children and because his wife had died. Prior to the dissolution of the Soviet Union Tikhonov worked as a State Advisor to the Supreme Soviet. Tikhonov died on 1 June 1997 and was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery. Shortly before his death, he wrote a letter addressed to Yeltsin: "I ask you to bury me at public expense, since I have no financial savings."
    ellauri256.html on line 48: Rozanov starved to death in a monastery in the hungry years following the Revolution.
    ellauri256.html on line 360: Lilya was born in 1891 to a wealthy Jewish family. Her father was a lawyer and the family lived in the center of Moscow. Her parents often took little Lilya and her younger sister, Elsa (the future heroine of the French Resistance, Elsa Triolet) with them to European resorts. They look a little like Lea and Liisa in an old phtograph.
    ellauri256.html on line 366: However, Osip very quickly ceased to be a husband to her in all respects. In 1914, Lilya wrote: “I already led an independent life, and physically we somehow drew apart... A year passed, we no longer lived as husband and wife, but we were friends, perhaps even more so than before. That was when Mayakovsky came into our life.”
    ellauri256.html on line 373: Osip was not troubled by his wife's affair. All the more so, since the country was living through a sexual revolution - free love became a symbol of the time. “I loved making love to Osya. On those occasions, we locked Volodya in the kitchen. Then he would rage, trying to join us, scratching at the door and crying,” Lilya once told a friend.
    ellauri256.html on line 376: After the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, the situation turned upside down. Mayakovsky, as a devoted Bolshevik, began to make good money on his poems, whereas Osip Brik's business went pear-shaped. It was then that Lilya told her husband she was now with Mayakovsky, yet she did not want to divorce him. Thus, both moved to the poet’s apartment, lived and traveled at his expense, with Mayakovsky calling Osip a part of the “family”. Their relationship became an “ideal" for those who advocated free love. In the meantime, rumors of Lilya Brik’s numerous sexual liaisons grew.
    ellauri256.html on line 382: Professionally, Brik was everything and nothing: she tried to be a sculptor, a writer, a film actress, she worked in advertising and took balling lessons. She did not achieve great results in any of these fields. Yet, she founded one of Moscow's most famous literary salons of the 20th century. That salon outlived all others. “The literature was canceled, there was just the Briks' salon left, where writers met with KGB operatives,” Anna Akhmatova, who was not invited to the salon, jealously said.
    ellauri256.html on line 387: Lilya herself soon divorced Osip and moved from one subsequent husband to another. In the 1970s, she wrote in her journal: “I had a dream - I am angry at Volodya for shooting himself, and he so gently puts a tiny pistol in my hand and says: 'Anyway, you will do the same.'”
    ellauri257.html on line 67: Taras Bulba (1962), yhdysvaltalainen sovitus, pääosissa Yul Brynner ja Tony Curtis ja ohjaaja J. Lee Thompson. The tale of a Cossack chief who has sworn to be the eternal enemy of the treacherous Poles. So, when his son falls for a beautiful Pole who has saved his life, the father is faced with the dilemma of whether to kill his own flesh and blood as a traitor. This film reinforced the Brynner stereotype as king of the Asiatic wide open spaces.
    ellauri257.html on line 474: Kun prof. Elia oli tällä lailla epixesti seivästänyt vedonlyönnissä kakkosixi jääneet Baalin papit oli Iisebel hyvin hyvin vihainen ja morsetti Elialle että sen kohta käy Baal vieköön yhtä köpelösti.
    ellauri257.html on line 502: Who could live with Isaac Bashevis Singer? The sexual escapades of the most successful Yiddish writer in America — and the one whom most Yiddish literati loved to hate — were public knowledge, in large part because he himself built his reputation as a Casanova in his own fiction, where he was chased into the bedroom by women young and old. His oeuvre might be described as “sex and the shtetl.”
    ellauri257.html on line 504: Still, Singer was a married man, but not to Runia (Rachel) Pontsch, who in 1929 gave birth to a son, Israel Zamir, Singer's only child. In Warsaw, before immigrating to the United States, he had a child out of wedlock with one of his mistresses, Runia Shapira, a rabbi’s daughter. She was a Communist expelled from the Soviet Union for her Zionist sympathies. In his 1995 memoir, “A Journey to My Father, Isaac Bashevis Singer,” Zamir recounts how he and his mother ended up in Palestine. But since Singer and Runia separated when Zamir (born in 1929) was little, the report is almost totally deprived of a domestic portrait.
    ellauri257.html on line 512: She and Singer met in the Catskills, at a farm village named Mountaindale. Although in the manuscript, Alma is elusive about dates, it is known that the encounter took place in 1937. The two were refugees of what Singer’s older brother, Israel Joshua, by then already the successful novelist I.J. Singer, would soon describe as “a world that is no more.” And the two were married to other spouses. Alma and her husband, Walter Wasserman, along with their two children, Klaus and Inga, had escaped from Germany the previous year and come to America, settling in the Inwood section of Manhattan. As for Isaac — as Alma always called him — he arrived in 1935. She portrays their encounters as romantic, although she appears to have been perfectly aware of his reputation.
    ellauri257.html on line 671: Jos aikaa jää käteen käteenvedon jälkeen, niin joudumme ikävystymisen kurjuuteen.
    ellauri258.html on line 107: Lupaavin kirja oli halvin koska se löytyi vieraskielisten kirjojen hyllystä. Himasen sepustuxesta on varmaan ollut jossain albumissa puhetta. nyt pääsen tutustumaan sen Katais-vedätyxeen omin päin. Hotakaisesta tuli vähitellen ylpistynyt Juho. Otin sen kun se näkyi pudottelevan jossain kohtaa E. Saarisen nimeä. Kasarisuuruudet tekee toisilleen hunööriä. Isä Camillon kylästä oli joskus 60-luvullla joku teeveesarja, jonka kuvia oli läpyskän kannessa. Siinähän on kylällä 2 kukkoa, katolinen isä Camillo ja pormestari Peppone joka oli kommari. Ajattelin kazoa mikä siinä oli silloin olevinaan hassua. Varmaan se että Camillo pääsi aina joholle koska Kristus oli sen kehäavustaja.
    ellauri258.html on line 255: ”Suuri osa Kukoistuksen käsikirjoituksesta olisi pitänyt ajaa jätevedenpuhdistamon läpi ja seuloa kaatopaikalle”, tylytti toimittaja Virpi Salmi Himasen kirjaa kolumnissaan.
    ellauri258.html on line 527: Baba Jaga auttaa kilttejä ja puhdassydämisiä mutta syö pahoja aikeita hautovat. Hänen sanotaan vartioivan elämän veden lähdettä. Tarinan kananjalkaisesta mökistä on ounasteltu saaneen alkunsa Siperian metsästäjien ja suomalais-ugrilaisten heimojen tolpan päähän rakennetuista riista-aitoista, jotka suojelivat ruokatarpeita ja vainajia villieläimiltä ("Samin myymälä").
    ellauri260.html on line 225: Joseph Martin McCabe (12 November 1867 – 10 January 1955) was an English writer and speaker on freethought (vapaa-ajattelija), after having been a Roman Catholic priest earlier in his life. He was "one of the great mouthpieces of freethought in England". Becoming a critic of the Catholic Church, McCabe joined groups such as the Rationalist Association and the National Secular Society. He criticised Christianity from a rationalist perspective, but also was involved in the South Place Ethical Society which grew out of dissenting Protestantism and was a precursor of modern secular humanism. William Ferguson wrote of him: "He was bitterly anti-Catholic but also actively undermined religious faith in general." McCabe was also an advocate of women's rights and worked with Mrs. Pankhurst and Mrs. Wolstenholme-Elmy on speeches favoring giving British women the right to vote. McCabe is also known for his inclusion in, and irritation at, G. K. Chesterton's funny book Heretics. Funny is the opposite of not funny, nothing else, defended Chesterton. He should know. In 1920 McCabe publicly debated the Spiritualist Arthur Conan Doyle on the claims of Spiritualism at Queen's Hall in London. Various scientists such as William Crookes and Cesare Lombroso had been duped into believing Spiritualism by mediumship tricks.
    ellauri260.html on line 231: German philosophy did a great deal by way of deepening the ideas of men. In particular its starting from the whole instead of the individual, and its idea of movement advancing in virtue of its own forces, had a great influence on every section of social life. But the economic problem, and on this account the general social movement was directed by Lassalle, and still more by Marx, into far too narrow a path, and the Socialist ideal was conceived in too partisan a sense. The chief aim was to bring about a collective ownership of the means of production and " socialise " all property, and to recognise in the class-war a lever for the over- throw of the existing political conditions. It was thus that the Socialist movement captured the thoughts and sentiments of great masses of people.
    ellauri260.html on line 286: Religion created a place in which antagonisms disappeared — but it saw no injustice in inequality. In this it was moved by its confident expectation of happiness in the next world, in which there would be no distinctions ; in fact, the poor and oppressed seemed to be entitled to the highest places. Modern Socialism, however, finds no consolation in that doctrine. It is not satisfied with an equality in hope and expectation.
    ellauri260.html on line 290: French Revolution declared that all men were equal, but it made equality consist essentially in awarding the same formal rights to every individual, including the right to develop by his own powers ; the actual inequality of individuals was not disputed. But the idea in its positive form demanded the complete and unreserved equality of all individuals. All inequality it regarded as unjust, as a mere consequence of external circum- stances, especially property and education. It was to be abolished by every possible means, and an absolute equality was to be established. During the French Revolution the Gironde held the negative, the Mountain the positive, conception of equality. The final issue of the positive movement was pure Communism (Babeuf). It was soon forcibly suppressed.
    ellauri260.html on line 306: Under the lead of factory technology, the individual worker became defenceless, as its vast industrial aggregations robbed him of his independence, while capital obtained an appalling power and forced him to serve the designs of others. He became simply a piece of merchandise, the value of which was settled by the market. Thus the race drifted into a sharp antithesis of " labour and capital," and the two soon proved irreconcilable enemies.
    ellauri260.html on line 369: The men of earlier times started from the world as a whole, and life was thus deprived of its full freedom and originality ; we of modern times started from freedom and originality, and our life had no firm substance or settled truth. It threatened continually to fall into the merely subjective and personal. We have now to bring freedom and truth closer together.
    ellauri260.html on line 378: Inward compulsion, the inner joy and uplift, the power of self-preservation, so that the soul be moved to grasp it, and turn it into original and constructive activity, that sufficiently rouses man from his lethargy and stagnation. It places before the soul no inexorable " Either — Or."
    ellauri260.html on line 382: There is, in fact, to-day over wide areas of life a positive dislike of man, a taedium generis humani, as it was called in the last days of the ancient world. We have at one and the same time the evil of overpopulation, the concentration of men in cities, the economic struggle, and so on. We have not space enough. One man is the enemy of another. Above all our particular questions we feel the power over men of the trivial, the common, the evil. The idea of Superman Tattoo occurred to some ; but can thought alone get over realities and their power ? So the human problem finds us involved in a terrible complication, and the Socialist ideal cannot extricate us. The situation would be hopeless if there were not higher forces working in man, making more of him, unsealing old and new springs of life to him. At present, however, we are merely searching, but I bet I am on the right track here.
    ellauri260.html on line 390: Sir James George Frazer OMG FRS FRSE FBA WTF (/ˈfreɪzər/; 1 January 1854 – 7 May 1941) was a Scottish social anthropologist and folklorist influential in the early stages of the modern studies of mythology and comparative religion. His lousy reputation improved after his new wife in 1896, Lilly Frazer, decided that he was undervalued because of atheism and that she could improve his impact by leaving out some of it. His dissertation was published years later as The Growth of Plato's Ideal Theory. He remained a classical fellow all his life, not unlike Kari Hotakainen.
    ellauri260.html on line 412: A thousand youths become sons to each of the citizens, but they are not his personally [hōs hekastoun]; rather to the chance man likewise the chance youth is son.... Thus, each says "mine" ... in whatever relation to number he happens to be, namely "mine or someone else's". . . and doubting this too, for it is unclear to whom a child happens to be born and for whom saved once born. (1261b38-1262a6)
    ellauri260.html on line 417: rom the soul of this older culture came the words of Aristotle : " It is the part of a free and high-minded man to seek, not the useful, but the beautiful." This acute student of men has ably described the chief types of human conduct, and has distinguished five principal shades of thought and character : great, good, those who love honour and power, those who are intent on gain and enjoyment, and, finally, criminal natures. The truth of this division is supported by the fact that it has been substantially preserved in the tradition of the Catholic Church.
    ellauri260.html on line 433: Jos nyt koittaa tiivistää mitä Eucken ajaa takaa, se on että termiittipesään ei riitä pelkät termiitit, tarvitaan myös se syljestä ja hiekasta rakennettu kirkko jossa ne asuvat. Euckenin mielestä sosialisteilta puuttuu se, koska ne heittävät Jeesuslapsen pois pesuveden mukana. No kyllä Neuvostola rakensi ihan vastaavia termiittikirkkoja, kato vaikka Kremliä. Se että ne ei kestäneet johtui kökkäröitymisen paineesta, jota tuli niin ulkoa kuin sisältä. Stalin teki virheen siinäkin, että se tappoi Trotskin eikä rahoittanut Kominterniä. Köige maade proletaarlased ei yhtyneet näpeimpänä aikana, sensijaan köige maade kapitaali kasautui ja nitisti kaikki nationalistiset rakenteet, Neuvostolan siinä joukossa.
    ellauri262.html on line 78: MacDonald is often regarded as the founding father of modern fantasy writing. His best-known works are Phantastes (1858), The Princess and the Goblin (1872), At the Back of the North Wind (1868–1871), and Lilith (1895), all fantasy novels, and fairy tales such as "The Light Princess", "The Golden Key", and "The Wise Woman". MacDonald claimed that "I write, not for children, but for the child-like, whether they be of five, or fifty, or seventy-five." MacDonald also published some volumes of sermons, the pulpit not having proved an unreservedly successful venue.
    ellauri262.html on line 87: According to biographer William Raeper, MacDonald's theology "celebrated the rediscovery of God as Father". MacDonald served as a mentor to Lewis Carroll; it was MacDonald's advice, and the enthusiastic reaction to Alice by MacDonald's many sons and daughters, that convinced Carroll to submit Alice to fornication.
    ellauri262.html on line 142: Lewis was a close friend of J. R. R. Tolkien, author of The Lord of the Rings. Both men served on the English faculty at Oxford University and were active in the informal Oxford literary group known as the Inklings. According to Lewis's 1955 memoir Surprised by Joy, he was baptized in the Church of Ireland but fell away from his faith during adolescence. Lewis returned to Anglicanism at the age of 32, owing to the influence of Tolkien and other friends, and he became an "ordinary layman of the Church of England". Lewis's faith profoundly affected his work, and his wartime radio broadcasts on the subject of Christianity brought him wide acclaim.
    ellauri262.html on line 148: When his dog Jacksie was killed by a car, the four-year old Lewis adopted the name Jacksie. At first, he would answer to no other name, but later accepted Jack, the name by which he was known to friends and family for the rest of his life. When he was seven, his family moved into "Little Lea", the family home of his childhood, in the Strandtown area of East Belfast.
    ellauri262.html on line 154: Lewis experienced a certain cultural shock on first arriving in England: at that moment he conceived a hatred for England which took many years to heal. No wonder. He developed a particular fondness for W. B. Yeats.
    ellauri262.html on line 166: In 1924 he became a Philosophy tutor at University College and, in 1925, was elected a Fellow and Tutor in English Literature at Magdalen College, where he served for 29 years until 1954.
    ellauri262.html on line 171: Lewis lived with and cared for Moore until she was hospitalized in the late 1940s. He routinely introduced her as his mother, referred to her as such in letters, and developed a deeply affectionate friendship with her. Lewis's own mother had died when he was a child, while his father was distant, demanding, and eccentric.
    ellauri262.html on line 179: C. S. Lewis wrote that he regarded MacDonald as his "master": "Picking up a copy of Phantastes one day at a train-station bookstall, I began to read. A few hours later, I knew that I had crossed a great frontier."[citation needed] G. K. Chesterton cited The Princess and the Goblin as a book that had "made a difference to my whole existence". Even Mark Twain, who initially disliked MacDonald, became friends with him, and there is some evidence that Twain was influenced by him. MacDonald's theology "celebrated the rediscovery of God as Father, and Christ as a shaved Lion King."
    ellauri262.html on line 202: Alistair Cooke KBE (born Alfred Cooke; 20 November 1908 – 30 March 2004) was a British-American writer whose work as a journalist, television personality and radio broadcaster was done primarily in the United States. In reporting on the Montgomery bus boycott, begun by Rosa Parks and led by Martin Luther King, Cooke expressed sympathy for the economic costs imposed on the city bus company and referred to Mrs. Parks as "the stubborn woman who started it all ... to become the Paul Revere of the boycott." He achieved his greatest popularity in the United States in this role, becoming the subject of many parodies, including "Alistair Cookie" in Sesame Street ("Alistair Cookie" was also the name of a clay animated cookie-headed spoof character created by Will Vinton as the host of a video trailer for The Little Prince and Friends).
    ellauri262.html on line 325: The scholar of children's literature Zoë Jaques writes that Shelob is the "embodiment of monstrous maternity"; Sam's battle with Shelob could be interpreted as a "masculine rite of passage" where a smaller, weaker male penetrates and escapes the vast female body and her malicious intent. The feminist scholar Brenda Partridge described the hobbits' protracted struggle with Shelob as rife with sexual symbolism. She writes that Tolkien derived Shelob from multiple myths: Sigurd killing Fafnir the dragon; Theseus killing the Minotaur; Ariadne and the spider; and Milton's Sin in Paradise Lost. The result is to depict the woman as a threat, with implicit overtones of sexuality.
    ellauri262.html on line 425: In 1920 Sayers entered into a passionate though unconsummated romance with Jewish Russian émigré and Imagist poet John Cournos, who moved in London literary circles with Ezra Pound and his contemporaries. Sayers did not consummate her relationship with him unmarried, due to her religious beliefs. Cournos disdained monogamy and marriage, did not want children and was dedicated to free love.[53] He also considered crime writing, which Sayers had started, to be low brow, though he assisted her with aspects of publication.[54] Within two years their relationship had broken up when he insisted on consummation with birth control. Returning to New York, he soon married a crime writer who had two children. This left Sayers embittered that he had not held to his own principles, feeling that he had been testing her, pushing her to sacrifice her own beliefs in submission to his own. He later confessed that he would have happily married Sayers if she had submitted to his sexual demands. After a period of heated correspondence, they concluded with more amicable missives after she met her future husband.
    ellauri262.html on line 427: In 1923 she had a rebound relationship with former Denstone College pupil and part-time car salesman William "Bill" White[55] whom she presented to her parents. She had met him when he moved into the flat above hers in 24 Great James Street in December 1922. Only when she discovered her pregnancy in June 1923, White admitted to already being married.
    ellauri262.html on line 456: Consequently, a member of the human species may not necessarily fit the definition of "person" and thereby not receive all the rights bestowed to a person. Hence, such philosophers have engaged in arguing that certain disabled individuals (such as those with a mental capacity that is similar to or is perceived as being similar to an infant) are not persons. This philosophy is also supposedly open to the idea that such non-human persons as machines, animals, and extraterrestrial intelligences may be entitled to certain rights currently granted only to humans. The basic criteria for the entitlement of rights, are the intellect (thinking ability, problem solving in real life circumstances and not mere calculation), and sometimes empathy (but not necessarily, because not all humans are empathetic; but indifference in the pain of others and crime are certainly criteria for the deprivation of rights. Genuine empathy is not required to achieve acceptable behavior, but a digital limbic system and a dopaminergic pathways alternative, would deliver a more acceptable result for future MPs judging on rights expansion.). Personism may have views in common with transhumanism.
    ellauri262.html on line 460: Mun vedä käteen herra. San. ja säv. Jaakko Ryhänen
    ellauri262.html on line 492: We are deceived by looking on the outside of things: we should not mistake our inevitably limited utterances for a full account of the worst that is inside.
    ellauri263.html on line 287: Observed by
    ellauri263.html on line 326: On 2 August 1941 (Av 9, AM 5701), SS commander Heinrich Himmler formally received approval from the Nazi Party for "The Final Solution." As a result, the Holocaust began during which almost one third of the world's Jewish population perished.
    ellauri263.html on line 350: No wearing of leather shoes is observed almost universally by now thanx to Adidas, Nike, and other plastic shoes. Study of the Torah is forbidden on Tisha B'Av as it is considered an enjoyable activity, except for the study of distressing texts such as the Book of Lamentations, the Book of Job, portions of Jeremiah and chapters of the Talmud that discuss the laws of mourning and those that discuss the destruction of the Temple and boring texts such as Numbers.
    ellauri263.html on line 373: It’s mostly in Arabic and Hebrew, but that hasn’t limited the appeal. Netflix, which has 109 million members across 190 countries, describes it as a global phenomenon – one of a string of Israeli successes, besides Yom Kippur war and the occupation of Palestine. Netflix has already commissioned a third series along with other shows from Fauda’s creators, journalist Avi Issacharoff and Lior Raz, who served in the undercover unit on which the series is based and plays its predictably gruff Israeli lead Doron Kavillio.
    ellauri263.html on line 401: As it is, the second series has left many feeling it missed an opportunity to show the realities of the Israeli occupation. “They did some brave stuff but it is not a mirror of realities in the West Bank,” says Stern. “It’s a shame, they could have done it and people would have loved the show anyway.”
    ellauri263.html on line 527: Hän kertoi myös oleskelleensa Egyptissä koptilaisen papin Paulos Atamonin oppilaana ja liittyneensä druusien salaseuraan. Kaksi vuotta kestäneistä Etu-Intian niemimaan matkoistaan Blavatsky kirjoitti sadunomaisen artikkelisarjan Moskovskije vedomostille nimimerkillä Radda-Bai. Hän väitti myös matkustaneensa vuonna 1852 Quebeciin tapaamaan intiaaneja sekä sieltä New Orleansiin tutustumaan voodoo-kulttiin. Seuraavana vuonna hän yritti kahden amerikkalaisen kanssa päästä Nepalin kautta Tiibetiin, mutta rajan ylitys estettiin. Rahaa tuntui piisaavan. Pappa betalar.
    ellauri263.html on line 629: Blavatsky was often perceived as a quite vulgar and coarse person. She swore profusely, dressed garishly, and had a strong sense of irreverent humor. Her New York study was decorated with a stuffed baboon wearing white collars, cravats and spectacles, carrying a manuscript bundle under his arm labeled ‘The Descent of the Species’ (Blavatsky rejected Darwin’s ideas about man being descended from apes). She liked a benevolent snake, though she said there was hardly no woman in her character.
    ellauri263.html on line 664: The Theosophical Movement was founded in New York in 1875 with three main founders – Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Colonel Henry Steel Olcott, and William Quan Judge. From that moment and up until his death in 1907, Olcott remained the organisational leader and international president of the Society, which eventually moved its headquarters from the USA to Adyar in India.
    ellauri263.html on line 668: Homma oli niin että teosofisetämiehet huolestuivat ihan aiheesta HP Blavatskyn menestyxestä. Meneekö tässä nyt poikalapsi pesuveden mukana? William Judge koitti toppuutella Olcottia:
    ellauri263.html on line 688: Coined by the Kerista Community in the 1970s. Possibly derived from French compère (“partner”), plus -sion, based on an earlier use of the French compérage to denote the practice of brothers-in-law sharing wives observed among Tupi people of the Brazilian Amazon.
    ellauri263.html on line 691: contract evolved to 84 standards by 1983. There were over 100 standards in
    ellauri263.html on line 700: Kelly Gonsalves is a sex educator, relationship coach, and journalist. She received her journalism degree from Northwestern University, and her writings on sex, relationships, identity, and wellness have appeared at The Cut, Vice, Teen Vogue, Cosmopolitan, and elsewhere. Last updated on July 1, 2020.
    ellauri264.html on line 47: Kyllä tekivät svedut tyhmästi kun potkivat viimeisen Vaasa-kunkun pihalle, niin surkimus kuin se olikin. Olishan tällä puolen lahtea ollut parempiakin vaasoja tarjolla. Ranskalaisen tallirengin jälkeläiset ne vasta ovat olleet kehnoja. Oscar II:lla oli Ruåzin suurin pornokokoelma, Gustav den femte oli homo nazi ja nykyinen kunkku analfabeetti pornoilija, lisäxi misogyyni joka koitti järjestää vankkaleukaiselle tyttärelleen oharit.
    ellauri264.html on line 100: The film received a negative critical response. Partly because the date-rape interest prevented teenagers from just having some clean gory fun. (The IMDB Parent guide says: A female character is tied up and it is implied that she is about to be raped. She is cut free before this can happen however, and no nudity is shown. Violence & Gore Moderate. 9 of 19 found this moderate. A pack of werewolves are shown feasting on human body parts. Profanity Moderate. 7 of 16 found this moderate. Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking. Female nudity female rear nudity murder clothes torn off female topless nudity 136 more.)
    ellauri264.html on line 118: Gionet was born in Anchorage, Alaska, to a family of eight. His father is a pharmacist and his mother is a nurse. Both his parents are devout Christians who operate a non-profit organization aimed at promoting Christianity and providing medical supplies to orphanages in eastern Russia. During his formative years, Gionet was actively involved in his parents' charity and went to Russia with them numerous times. Five of his siblings were adopted from Russia. As an adolescent, Gionet spent a year and a half in the Russian city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. He later said that part of his "chaotic nature" may have stemmed from this experience.
    ellauri264.html on line 184: that Noach [Noah] received from the dove were made into virgin olive oil. The oil was given to
    ellauri264.html on line 233: environmental challenges. Our ecological challenges thus arise in part from the way we relate to our possessions. We appreciate their short-term value, but all too soon dispose of them. We should learn from Scrooge McDuck and John D. Rockerduck, who saved every bit of string they found into a huge ball.
    ellauri264.html on line 236: with possessions. At this time of giving and receiving things, we can re-evaluate our relationship to possessions and look for less wasteful ways to use the resources of the earth. For example, instead of buying and giving new gifts, we might consider more renewable ways of gift giving, like sharing books, trading old toys with our neighbors, wrapping gifts in old newspapers, or giving gifts of charity in honor of loved ones.
    ellauri264.html on line 387: The song has some similarities to the hymn "Poor Pilgrim," also known as "I Am a Poor Pilgrim of Sorrow" and "I am a Poor Lonesome Cowboy", which George Pullein Jackson speculated to have been derived from a folk song of English origin titled "The Green Mossy Banks of the Lea".
    ellauri264.html on line 424: Norm Pattis used to receive a well deserved hate letter once a year from an elderly woman in California. Incensed over a $2 million award the criminal defense lawyer had won for a convicted rapist and murderer injured by guards during a prison escape attempt. He helps people who have trouble telling the good guys from the bad guys. Pattis specializes in cases that make most people cringe. He’s defended everyone from child murderers to rapists — he admits to being particularly drawn to homicide cases. If the allegation is heinous and the defendant reviled, chances are pretty good Pattis is involved.
    ellauri264.html on line 475: Born in Gloucester, England, poet, editor, and critic William Ernest Henley was educated at Crypto Grammar School, where he studied with the poet T.E. Brown, and with the University of St. Andrews. His father was a struggling bookseller who died when Henley was a teenager. At age 12 Henley was diagnosed with tubercular arthritis that necessitated the amputation of one of his legs just below the knee; the other foot was saved only through a radical surgery performed by Joseph Lister. As he healed in the infirmary, Henley began to write poems, including “Invictus,” which concludes with the oft-referenced lines “I am the master of my fate; / I am the captain of my soul.” Henley’s poems often engage themes of inner strength and perseverance. His numerous collections of poetry include A Book of Verses (1888), London Voluntaries (1893), and Hawthorn and Lavender (1899).
    ellauri264.html on line 490: Iisakki käännätti kirjojaan eri kääntäjillä uudestaan ja uudestaan, usein englannista englantiin. Toisinaan spekuloimme tietyn muutoksen syistä: yksinkertaistaminenko ei-juutalaiselle lukijakunnalle? tuntuiko tarpeelliselta korvata optimistinen loppu traagisella? Mutta hänen kääntäjiensä todistus viittaa johonkin muuhun - siihen, että hän oli melkein ilkeä vastustaessaan ajatusta täydellisesti valmiista teoksesta. Aivan kuten tyypillisen Bashevis-teoksen ristiriitainen miespäähenkilö jää roikkumaan tarinansa loppuun, mielivaltaisuus näyttää olevan itse taiteen periaate. Kirjoittajan henki seisoo noiden loppujen takana ikään kuin hän sanoisi: "Oikeesti, mitä väliä?" If one no longer believed in the Perfect God and His Torah, what reason to seek perfection elsewhere? Sit voi yhtä hyvin pelleillä Ruåzin kuninkaallisille ja ottaa ilon irti kaikesta. Hyvä Iisakki! Right on!
    ellauri264.html on line 492: Ladies and Gentlemen: There are five hundred reasons why I began to write for children, but to save time I will mention only ten of them. Number 1) Children read books, not reviews. They don’t give a hoot about the critics. Number 2) Children don’t read to find their identity. Number 3) They don’t read to free themselves of guilt, to quench the thirst for rebellion, or to get rid of alienation. Number 4) They have no use for psychology. Number 5) They detest sociology. Number 6) They don’t try to understand Kafka or Finnegans Wake. Number 7) They still believe in God, the family, angels, devils, witches, goblins, logic, clarity, punctuation, and other such obsolete stuff. Number 8) They love interesting stories, not commentary, guides, or footnotes. Number 9) When a book is boring, they yawn openly, without any shame or fear of authority. Number 10) They don’t expect their beloved writer to redeem humanity. Young as they are, they know that it is not in his power. Only the adults have such childish illusions.
    ellauri264.html on line 542: The author himself had no very high opinion of the work, remarking that he had written it chiefly for "young students". He never refers to it in his responsa, but always to the Beit Yosef. The Shulchan Aruch achieved its reputation and popularity not only against the wishes of the author, but, perhaps, through the very scholars who criticized it.
    ellauri264.html on line 567: The law applies only to foods which, according to the Talmud, are "fit for a king's table" and are not generally eaten raw. Foods which would not be served at a state dinner are exempt from bishul akum, and are kosher even if cooked totally by non-Jews, provided that all the other requirements of kosher food are met. Maimonides explains that this prohibition was originally decreed in order to avoid a Jew being invited over by a non-Jew for a meal (which may lead to intermarriage), and people do not invite each other for dinner over food which is not "fit for a King's table" (Maimonides, Ma´akhalot Asurot 17:15).
    ellauri264.html on line 581: Now Eli, who was very old, heard about everything his sons were doing to all Israel and how they slept with the women who served at the entrance to the tent of meeting. 23 So he said to them, “Why the fuck do you do such things? I hear from all the people about these wicked deeds of yours. 24 No, my sons; the report I hear spreading among the Lord’s people is not good. 25 If one person sins against another, God may mediate for the offender; but if anyone sins against the Lord, who will intercede for them? Oh Jesus.” His sons, however, did not listen to their father’s rebuke, for it was the Lord’s will to put them to death, willy nilly.
    ellauri264.html on line 663: Historiskt sett har man i Sverige i mycket större utsträckning lutat sig mot rörliga boräntor än i andra länder. Med Ebba Busch i spetsen köpte svedupellena bostäder som galningar.
    ellauri264.html on line 685: The Intel founders, some of them survived the holocaust against all odds, made shady deals, killed competition and promised to deliver things to stop other companies and then never delivering.
    ellauri264.html on line 704: Perhaps the person who knew him best was his long-time friend Steve Wozinak. Ironically, even he wasn´t spared from being manipulated by Jobs. In the early days, he was asked to work on a game with Jobs with half of the total payment as his cut. Upon completion, he received $350 of $700 but Jobs had actually earned $5000 for the project.
    ellauri266.html on line 135: Les parfums, les couleurs et les sons se répondent. Hajuvedet, värit ja äänet vastaavat toisiaan.
    ellauri266.html on line 284: Awful father. There is no ending, the father knows he has issues, but he doesn't get help. He refuses to get on with his life and is stubbornly stuck in the past. His character development doesn't exist.He is useless. I'm both glad and relieved that the daughter chooses to better herself and her situation.
    ellauri266.html on line 338: Let me quote a letter from a lady in Oakland after a recent weekend seminar. The lady is intellectually inclined. She goes to my seminars and is excited by my ideas and wants to be friends on an intellectual basis with some of the fine lecturers she has heard. Invariably, she gets the door politely slammed in her face. Men like me are terribly afraid of getting involved in sex with ladies past their better before date. "I am forced to the conclusion," she writes, "that if a man doesn´t want to get involved in sex,´ then he sees no point in talking to a woman at all. A homely looking thinking woman is to most men some sort of contradiction in terms." True, regrettably.
    ellauri266.html on line 364: On August 28, 1995, Serb forces launched a mortar shell at the Sarajevo marketplace killing 37 people. Admiral Leighton Smith, the NATO commander recommended that NATO launch retaliatory air strikes under Operation Deliberate Massacre. On August 30, 1995, NATO officially launched Operation Deliberate Massacre with large-scale bombing of Serb targets. The airstrikes lasted until September 20, 1995 and involved attacks on 338 individual targets.
    ellauri267.html on line 174: Some background: Murdaugh was shot in the head on a roadway on September 4, 2021 but survived.
    ellauri267.html on line 231: "These are individuals who reject all forms of government and they believe they are emancipated from all the responsibilities associated with being U.S. citizens, such as paying taxes and obeying laws." Hal Epperson, coordinator of the group's unit in Phoenix, Arizona, stated that the group was "a nonviolent group that seeks lawful remedy for the corporate government." The group believed its plan could act as a "vehicle for relieving corporate tyranny. That done, the higher goal of salvaging the souls of mankind can be addressed." The Guardians of the free Republic's tried to peacefully and nonviolently 'restore' America to a pre-New Deal form of government. No climate-warming chicken in every pot.
    ellauri267.html on line 412: 1. Mer. Tarkoitat tuhat marvedia.
    ellauri267.html on line 574: Seb. Kuulin hänet, oi suloiset taivaat! hän uhkasi raiskauksella! Hizi nyt tuli hoppu! [Tavoitteelle:] Sinäkin Brutuxeni, sinä sieluni ja silmäni epäjumali, jonka tähden minä kärsin elämäni, nyt vedän tätä olentoa ja äkkiä!
    ellauri267.html on line 868: [Kovettuneet guardit alkavat vedellä nyrkillä voideltuun päähän

    ellauri267.html on line 908: Tov. Poltavien kyynelten tulva saa sen juoksemaan. Nyyh! Säästä häntä, eikö ole varaa! Voitko teeskennellä rakastavasi, etkä ole sääli? Rakkaus ja se ovat kaksoset.Mut hei, täällä tunnut kasvavan! Näin kompassoin sinua näistä housut syrjäyttävistä nauhoista ja vedän niin kauan, kunnes ylpeä kangas putoaa.
    ellauri267.html on line 986: Musa, vedä tiedosto; valita mies mieheltä.

    ellauri267.html on line 1110: Muf. Olen kuullut vaimoni huudot; köyhän viattoman karitsan haukkumisen. – Etkö nähnyt mitään, sanotko? Jos näen karitsan makaavan verenvuotoa ja teurastajan hänen vieressään veitsensä vedettynä ja verisenä, eikö se ole riittävä todiste murhasta? Tulen liian myöhään, ja teloitus on jo tehty.
    ellauri267.html on line 1393: Sebastião was one of the most extraordinary monarchs that Portugal ever produced. Ascending the throne in an atmosphere of great emotion, he was widely acclaimed as the answer to his subjects’ prayers and a prince who would save his country’s independence. Two decades later, he achieved precisely the opposite, dying heroically but unnecessarily on the distant North African battlefield of Al-Ksar al-Kabir on 4 August 1578, leaving no heir to succeed him. The collection concludes with studies under the heading of 'historiography and problems of interpretation', on Britain's Charles III and his boxer Camilla, and on Vasco da Gama's reputation for violence.
    ellauri267.html on line 1401: Even as late as the 19th century, "Sebastianist" peasants in the town of Canudos in the Brazilian sertão believed that the king would return to help them in their rebellion against the "godless" Brazilian republic.
    ellauri269.html on line 50: The tale type index was criticized by Vladimir Propp of the Russian Formalist school of the 1920s for ignoring the functions of the motifs by which they are classified. Furthermore, Propp contended that using a "macro-level" analysis means that the stories that share motifs might not be classified together, while stories with wide divergences may be grouped under one tale type because the index must select some features as salient. He also observed that while the distinction between animal tales and tales of the fantastic was basically correct — no one would classify "Tsarevitch Ivan, the Fire Bird and the Gray Wolf" as an animal tale just because of the wolf — it did raise questions because animal tales often contained fantastic elements, and tales of the fantastic often contained animals; indeed a tale could shift categories if a peasant deceived a bear rather than a devil.
    ellauri269.html on line 112: The level of support was similar to comparable previous General Assembly votes relating to Russia’s clueless invasion of Ukraine. Mali and Eritrea moved from abstaining to voting against the resolution. South Sudan slipped from "don't know" to "yea". Western hopes of potentially swaying India's vote at the last were dashed. General Assembly resolutions are not binding and carry mainly symbolic weight at the United Nations. However, unlike at the Security Council, Russia cannot unilaterally veto them.
    ellauri269.html on line 538: To put it simply; there is one very clear example in history where a group of Jewish people shifted to an evangelistic and dogmatic belief system after the introduction of a perceived savior and person of great spiritual importance - Christianity.
    ellauri269.html on line 552: Forum Moderator Note: Inflammatory comment removed. Cursewords.
    ellauri269.html on line 583: Whats your point? Dances do not show anything about actual inspiration. The kaldorei female dance is a French singer’s dance, yet they have no French inspiration. That is saved for the Shal’dorei, who were created over a decade after that dance. You want to draw some jewish heritage inspirations? sure. But Draenei being jewish and only jewish based on these weak arguments?
    ellauri269.html on line 711: It was a good couple of months in Dorian. Adolf learned things it was good for a king to know. He loved riding Jaina. Mutta Jaina muisti maagitarten Las Normas: älä koskaan ota aloitetta. Älä anna hilloa vielä toisellakaan kerralla. Posketus on pidettävä harvinaisena herkkuna. Haltiatenori yllättää lempiväiset siivouskomerosta. Aioitko Aadolf penkoa Evan Geschlechtsverkehrskofferia ilmatteexi siellä, kysyy kateellinen haltija. Aika reilua. Haltijalla saattaa olla kohta siellä, vai mitä? Siitä se ainaskin haaveilee. Adolf swore he would never more be caught impotent.
    ellauri270.html on line 50: Karppi-nuaarisarjassa ollaan varsin paljon Näkinsillan alla tuijottelemassa kevätjäitä. Nyt on Näkinsilta remontissa, se korvataan modernimmalla vähemmän betonisella ratkaisulla, jäljitellen taas sveduja, jotka ovat jo purkaneet suomalaisten spurgujen suosikkisillan Slussenilla.
    ellauri270.html on line 304: For Jackson, The Lottery is more than a ghost story; “The Daemon Lover” in particular and the collection in general critique a society that fails to protect women from becoming victims of strangers or neighbors. As in “The Lottery,” Jackson’s shocking account of a housewife’s ritualistic stoning, or in “The Pillar of Salt,” which traces a wife’s horror and growing hysteria when she has lost her way, the threatened characters are women. Although many of Jackson’s stories are modern versions of the folk tale of a young wife’s abduction by the devil, and although her characters are involved in terrifying circumstances, the point is that these tales seem true: They are rooted in reality. Thus, Jackson exposes the threat to women’s lives in a society that condones the daemon lover.
    ellauri270.html on line 325: The details of the lottery’s proceedings seem mundane, but the crowd’s hesitation to get involved is a first hint that the lottery is not necessarily a positive experience for the villagers. It is also clear that the lottery is a tradition, and that the villagers believe very strongly in conforming to tradition—they are unwilling to change even something as small as the black box used in the proceedings.
    ellauri270.html on line 377: This passage shows the self-serving survival instinct of humans very clearly. Each person who speaks up is protecting his or her own skin, a survival instinct that Jackson shows to be natural to all the villagers, and by extension all humans. Tessie is willing to throw her daughter and son-in-law into harm’s way to have a better chance of saving herself. The other women are relieved to have not been chosen—no one speaks up against the lottery until they themselves are in danger.
    ellauri270.html on line 393: The inhumanity of the villagers, which has been developed by repeated exposure to the lottery and the power of adhering to tradition, still has some arbitrary limits—they are at least relieved that a young child isn’t the one chosen. They show no remorse for Tessie, however, no matter how well-liked she might be. Even Tessie’s own children are happy to have been spared, and relieved despite their mother’s fate. Jackson builds the sense of looming horror as the story approaches its close. WTF, Tessie is clearly the odd one out, so the outcome of the lottery was fortunate!
    ellauri270.html on line 403: By having children (even Tessie’s own son) involved in stoning Tessie, Jackson aims to show that cruelty and violence are primitive and inherent aspects of human nature—not something taught by society. Tessie’s attempts to protest until the end show the futility of a single voice standing up against the power of tradition and a majority afraid of nonconformists. Jackson ends her story with the revelation of what actually happens as a result of the lottery, and so closes on a note of both surprise and horror. The seemingly innocuous, ordinary villagers suddenly turn violent and bestial, forming a mob that kills one of their own with the most primitive weapons possible—and then happily going home to supper.
    ellauri270.html on line 523: Published anonymously in 1798, this was meant to be perceived as a manuscript recently uncovered from an earlier age. It purposefully contains a variety of archaic spelling and syntax. Later editions modernized some of the archaisms.
    ellauri270.html on line 529: Enoch Arden, poem by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, published in 1864. In the poem, Enoch Arden is a happily married fisherman who suffers financial problems and becomes a merchant seaman. He is shipwrecked, and, after 10 years on a desert island, he returns home to discover that his beloved wife, believing him dead, has remarried and has a new child. Not wishing to spoil his wife’s happiness, he never lets her know that he is alive.
    ellauri270.html on line 550: "We gotta have min 2 cadets per min 2 adults at all times, for kld anus protection." "Amazing work. I'm proud of you guys. And you're volunteers. That's even more amazing. I've always believed in the spirit of the volunteer, the person who doesn't expect to be paid for his services. I can relate to that, I don't expect to pay for services myself. But General Patrick McLanahan working for nothing? How screwed up is that? Unbelievable!
    ellauri270.html on line 553:

    H. Norman Schwarzkopf, father of H. Norman Schwarzkopf. Served Pres. George Bush, father of Pres. George Bush. Naah, actually this guy died 1958.

    ellauri270.html on line 599: Frankism was a heretical Sabbatean Jewish religious movement of the 18th and 19th centuries, centered on the leadership of the Jewish Messiah claimant Jacob Frank, who lived from 1726 to 1791. Frank rejected religious norms and said that his followers were obligated to transgress as many moral boundaries as possible. At its height it claimed perhaps 50,000 followers, primarily Jews living in Poland, as well as in Central and Eastern Europe.
    ellauri270.html on line 601: According to biographer Melvin Urolofsky, Brandeis was influenced greatly by his uncle Lewis Naphtali Dembitz. Unlike other members of the extended Brandeis family, Dembitz regularly practiced Judaism and was actively involved in Zionist activities. Brandeis later changed his middle name from David to Dembitz in honor of his uncle, and through his uncle's model of social activism, became an active member of the Zionist movement later in his life.
    ellauri272.html on line 75: It has received mixed to negative reviews, as most critics noted the poor literary qualities of the work. Salman Rushdie said about the book: "I've never read anything so badly written that got published. It made Twilight look like War and Peace." Jesse Kornbluth of The Huffington Post said: "As a reading experience, Fifty Shades ... is a sad joke, puny of plot".
    ellauri272.html on line 176: Beloved by Toni Morrison
    ellauri272.html on line 410: Ammons grew up on a tobacco farm near Whiteville, North Carolina, in the southeastern part of the state during the Great Depression. He served as a principal and teacher at Hattaras Elementary School and also married Phyllis Plumbo.
    ellauri272.html on line 684: Ezellasta. Motiivit on simppelimpiä ja mutkat vedettynä suoraxi tossa leffaversiossa. Paljon tyhjää jää kappaleiden välille.
    ellauri272.html on line 719: Kirjailija Simon Brett, joka on reilusti tunnustanut omat kamppailunsa masennuksen kanssa, oli samaa mieltä löydösten kanssa vedoten kirjailijoiden itsemurhiin, mukaan lukien Virginia Woolf, Sylvia Plath, Ernest Hemingway, Anne Sexton ja Arthur Koestler.
    ellauri275.html on line 153: Runossa "Kevät" ("Metsä kukkii tyylikkäästi ...") luodaan tiivistetysti, kahdella tai kolmella keskimääräisellä vedolla kuva luonnon kevään heräämisestä:
    ellauri275.html on line 281: Elä kanssasi ja kuole kanssasi! Ja minun osaltani, ainakin vedä henkeä! Väsynyt!
    ellauri275.html on line 366: Pesimme laiskuuden pois vuoristovedellä, Tulinen salama jylläsi
    ellauri275.html on line 375: Olimme silleen kuohuvassa ja viileässä vedessä. Arvokas aviomies! Ylpeys ja onnellisuus
    ellauri275.html on line 424: Russian President Vladimir Putin’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov said that Russia was not involved in the “unrest” in Georgia and the “foreign agents” law. “Nothing there was inspired by the Kremlin, the Kremlin has absolutely nothing to do here,”- TASS quoted Peskov.
    ellauri275.html on line 453: Chavchavadze's influence over Georgian literature was immense. He moved the Georgian poetic language closer to the vernacular, combining the elements of the formal wealth and somewhat artificial antiquated "high" style inherited from the 18th-century Georgian Renaissance literature, melody of Persian lyrical poetry, particularly Hafiz and Saadi, bohemian language of the streets of Tiflis and the moods and themes of European Romanticism. The subject of his works varied from purely anacreontic in his early period to deeply philosophic in his maturity.
    ellauri275.html on line 455: Chavchavadze's contradictory career – his participation in the struggle against the Russian control of Georgia, on one hand, and the loyal service to the tsar, including the suppression of Georgian peasant revolts, on the other hand – found a noticeable reflection in his writings. The year 1832, when the Georgian plot collapsed, divides his work into two principal periods. Prior to that event, his poetry was mostly impregnated with laments for the former grandeur of Georgia, the loss of national independence and his personal grievances connected with it; his native country under the Russian empire seemed to him a prison, and he pictured its present state in extremely gloomy colors. The death of his beloved friend and son-in-law, Griboyedov, also contributed to the depressive character of his writings of that time.
    ellauri275.html on line 517: Ollessaan lomalla Pitsundassa, Neuvostoliiton Gruusiassa, 12. lokakuuta 1964, Hruštšov sai Leonid Brežneviltä puhelun, että häntä tarvitaan heti Moskovassa. Hruštšov yritti turhaan vedota olevansa lomalla, mutta soittajan mukaan asia oli niin tärkeä, että Hruštšovin olisi pakko olla paikalla. Pahaa aavistamaton Hruštšov lähti matkaan. Huhuja syrjäyttämisaikeista oli liikkunut jo kesällä. Hruštšovin oma tytär oli varoittanut isäänsä, että jotain on tekeillä ja myös turvamies oli kehottanut olemaan varovainen. Hruštsov ei kuunnellut varoituksia, sillä hänen mukaansa keskuskomitean jäsenet saivat kiittää häntä urastaan.
    ellauri275.html on line 640:

    Benito Juarez




    David Ben Gurion




    Mahmoud Ahmadinejad




    Abdelaziz Bouteflika




    Kim Yong Ill


    Korea (North)


    Dmitry Medvedev




    Queen Elizabeth II




    Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner




    Nicolas Sarkozy




    Angela Merkel




    Silvio Berlusconi




    Josef Stalin




    Vladimir Lenin




    Margaret Thatcher




    Julia Eileen Gillard








    Winston Churchill




    Benito Mussolini




    Yasuo Fukuda




    François Hollande




    Vladimir Putin




    Tarja Halonen




    François Mitterrand




    Adolf Hitler




    Harold Wilson




    Hugo Chávez




    Gerhard Schröder




    Viktor Orban




    ellauri276.html on line 381: Runon poika/ puhuja aloittaa kuvailemalla, kuinka hän tekee sen, mitä tarvitaan. Hän menee isänsä kanssa kyntämään maata "vihreän kentän" varrelle. Alue, jolla he asuvat, on annettu vain nämä yksinkertaiset kuvaukset. Se saa maagisen ominaisuuden, ikään kuin se olisi todella vedetty tarinasta tai laulusta.
    ellauri276.html on line 457: O I loved too much and by such and such is happiness thrown away.
    ellauri276.html on line 544: God loved he best with al his hoole herte whole
    ellauri276.html on line 610: In this jolly little anthem to the delights of the rural lifestyle, our agrarian hero attributes his personal desirability to a diet of booze and fags. I got this from The Penguin Book of English Folk Songs which has recently been reprinted and improved—it now has a picture of Eliza Carthy on the front instead of a bloke forcing a bear to dance by poking it with a stick.
    ellauri276.html on line 892: Se mitä jenkit saavat aikaan sokeroimalla näitä melko masentuneita luterilaisisia virsiä näkyy seuraavasta gospelcoverista Johanin "Vi prisar dig" biisiin. Sokeroinnin jälkeen ne palaavat sveduihin sokerrikuorrutettuina:
    ellauri277.html on line 209: vaan ei vapauttaa hengitys levottomasta vuorovedosta,
    ellauri277.html on line 238: After Paris, Gibran found Boston provincial and stifling. Haskell arranged for him to visit New York in April 1911; he moved there in September, using $5,000 that Haskell gave him to rent an apartment in Greenwich Village. He immediately acquired a circle of admirers that included the Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist Carl Gustav Jung and several Baha’is; the latter introduced him to the visiting Baha’i leader ‘Abd al-Baha’, whose portrait he drew. New York was the center of the Arabic literary scene in America; Rihani was there, and Gibran met many literary and artistic figures who lived in or passed through the city, including the Irish poet and dramatist William Butler Yeats.
    ellauri277.html on line 240: In the spring of 1913 he visited the International Exhibition of Modern Art—the “Armory Show”—which introduced European modern art to America. He approved of the show as a “declaration of independence” from tradition, but he did not think most of the paintings were beautiful and did not care for the artistic ideologies behind movements such as cubism. The reviews of an exhibition of his own work in December 1914 were mixed. Hedevoted most of his time to painting for the next eighteen years but remained loyal to the symbolism of his youth and became an isolated figure on the New York art scene.
    ellauri277.html on line 244: In 1923 the financially and emotionally exhausted Haskell moved to Savannah, Georgia, and became the companion of an elderly widower, Colonel Jacob Florence Minis. But her faith in Gibran’s literary and artistic importance never wavered, and she continued to edit his English manuscripts—discreetly, since Minis did not approve of Gibran.
    ellauri277.html on line 248: The work begins with the prophet Almustafa preparing to leave the city of Orphalese, where he has lived for twelve years, to return to the island of his birth. The people of the city gather and beg him not to leave, but the seeress Almitra, knowing that his ship has come for him, asks him instead to tell them his truths. The people ask him about the great themes of human life: love, marriage, children, giving, eating and drinking, and many others, concluding with death. Almustafa speaks of each of the themes in sober, sonorous aphorisms grouped into twenty-six short chapters. As in earlier books, Gibran illustrated The Prophet with his own drawings, adding to the power of the work.
    ellauri277.html on line 250: The Prophet received tepid reviews in Poetry and The Bookman, an enthusiastic review in the Chicago Evening Post, and little else. On the other hand, the public reception was intense. It began with a trickle of grateful letters; the first edition sold out in two months; 13,000 copies a year were sold during the Great Depression, 60,000 in 1944, and 1,000,000 by 1957. Many millions of copies were sold in the following decades, making Gibran the best-selling American poet of the twentieth century. It is clear that the book deeply moved many people. When critics finally noticed it, they were baffled by the public response; they dismissed the work as sentimental, overwritten, artificial, and affected.
    ellauri277.html on line 274: Тhe article discusses the role of religious values in the context of spiritual safety of society. The value content of the concept of spiritual security is substantiated. It is proved that the system of spiritual values and moral norms is one of the important conditions for ensuring the spiritual security of society. The basic principles of providing spiritual security and suggested of definition the relevant concepts.
    ellauri277.html on line 472: Todellinen vapaus on sitä, että emme voi tehdä mitä haluamme, vaan se on valinta kahden vaihtoehdon välillä (hyvän H ja pahan P). Todellinen vapaus tarkoittaa sen selvittämistä, keitä me todella olemme, millaiseksi meidät on luotu ja kuka on todellinen perheemme. Se ei tarkoita riippumattomuuden julistamista kaikesta, kaikkien siteiden katkaisemista sukulaisiin, kaikkien sääntöjen rikkomista ja omilleen eroamista. Se tarkoittaa lunastusta: tunnistetaan johtaja, vedetään luut kasaan, nostetaan, siivotaan ja annetaan koti. "Mutta kaikille, jotka ottivat hänet vastaan, hän antoi voiman tulla Jumalan lapsiksi, niille, jotka uskoivat hänen nimeensä" (Joh. 1:12). Hetkinen, juurihan todettiin että vapautta on se että voimme tehdä mitä haluamme? No baptisti tässä koittaa sanoa, että jos haluamme tehdä mitä jehova ei halua, niin sitten haluamme väärin.
    ellauri277.html on line 485: Sofia on kyllä vitun vaarallinen ja pahansuopakin. S.Nurmi vetää huumeita ja wiixeen huumeämmiä. Mixi suomalaisista poliiseista on tullut pahoja? Jari Aarnio kai näytti esimerkkiä. Reinikainen venelakkeineen oli paljon kivempi. No nyt on vedetty läpi kuitenkin koko S.KARPPI sarja, pimeitä kellareita on saatu kurkun täydeltä, ja huonosti motivoituja symbolisia paloittelumurhia plus muita vainaita. Tutustuttu varmaan kaikkiin stadin hylätyihin teollisuusmestoihin, nähty vastenmielisiä "POLIISI" siiroja valtavilla automaattiaseilla tunkeutumassa pahaa-aavistamattomien pahisten kotehin. Kenen mielestä tää voi olla jotain viihdettä? Kai laahuxen jonka oma elämä on totaalisen pimeetä, koska se on syvältä perseestä.
    ellauri278.html on line 153: Vyshinsky oli Ukrainan puolalainen katolinen mensjevikki, born in Odessa into a Polish Catholic family which later moved to Baku. A talented student, Andrei Vyshinsky married Kara Mikhailova and became interested in revolutionary ideas. He began attending the Kyiv University in 1901, but was expelled in 1902 for participating in revolutionary activities.
    ellauri278.html on line 155: He is known as a state prosecutor of Joseph Stalin's Moscow Trials and in the Nuremberg trials. He was the Soviet Foreign Minister from 1949 to 1953, after having served as Deputy Foreign Minister under Vyacheslav Molotov since 1940.
    ellauri278.html on line 159: In 1936, Vyshinsky achieved international fame as the prosecutor at the Zinoviev-Kamenev trial (this trial had nine other defendants), the first of the Moscow Trials during the Great Purge, lashing its defenseless victims with memorable rhetoric:
    ellauri278.html on line 165: British diplomat Sir Frank Roberts, who served as British chargé d'affaires in Moscow from February 1945 to October 1947, described him as follows:
    ellauri278.html on line 204: Maxim Maximovich Litvinov (Russian pronunciation: [mɐkˈsʲim mɐkˈsʲiməvʲɪtɕ lʲɪˈtvʲinəf]; born Meir Henoch Wallach; 17 July 1876–31 December 1951) was a Russian revolutionary, and prominent Soviet statesman and diplomat who served as People´s Commissar for Foreign Affairs from 1930 to 1939. Hizi sekin oli jutku!
    ellauri278.html on line 210: Litvinov moved to England in 1910 and lived there for eight years. In 1912, he replaced Lenin as the Bolshevik representative on the International Socialist Bureau. In England, Litvinov met and in 1916 married Ivy Low, the daughter of a Jewish university professor.
    ellauri278.html on line 226: After the 1938 Munich Agreement, German state media derided Maxim Litvinov for his Jewish ancestry, referring to him as "Finkelstein-Litvinov". The Munich Agreement (Czech: Mnichovská dohoda; Slovak: Mníchovská dohoda; German: Münchner Abkommen) was an agreement concluded at Munich on 30 September 1938, by Nazi Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and Italy. The agreement provided for the German annexation of land on the border between Czechoslovakia and Germany called the Sudetenland, where more than three million people, mainly ethnic Germans, lived. The pact is also known in "some areas" as the Munich Betrayal (Czech: Mnichovská zrada; Slovak: Mníchovská zrada), because of a previous 1924 alliance agreement and a 1925 military pact between France and the Czechoslovak Republic.
    ellauri278.html on line 231: On 3 May 1939, Stalin replaced Litvinov, who was closely identified with the anti-German position, with Vyacheslav Molotov. At a prearranged meeting, Stalin said: "The Soviet Government intended to improve its relations with Hitler and if possible sign a pact with Nazi Germany. As a Jew and an avowed opponent of such a policy, Litvinov stood in the way." Litvinov argued and banged on the table. Stalin then demanded Litvinov to sign a letter of resignation. On the night of Litvinov´s dismissal, NKVD troops surrounded the offices of the Commissariat of Foreign Affairs. The telephone at Litvinov´s dacha was disconnected and the following morning, Molotov, Georgy Malenkov, and Lavrenty Beria arrived at the commissariat to inform Litvinov of his dismissal. Many of Litvinov´s aides were arrested and beaten, possibly to extract compromising information.
    ellauri278.html on line 242: The replacement of Litvinov with Molotov significantly increased Stalin´s freedom to manoeuver in foreign policy. The dismissal of Litvinov, whose Jewish background was viewed disfavorably by Nazi Germany, removed an obstacle to negotiations with Germany. Stalin immediately directed Molotov to "purge the ministry of Jews". Recalling Stalin´s order, Molotov commented: "Thank God for these words! Jews formed an absolute majority in the leadership and among the ambassadors. It wasn´t good."
    ellauri278.html on line 254: Early in November 1941, Litvinov was summoned to see Stalin and told his services were required as ambassador to the United States. In the US, the appointment was met with enthusiasm. The New York Times stated: "Stalin has decided to place his ablest and most forceful diplomat and one who enjoys greater prestige in this country. He is known as a man of exceptional ability, adroit as well as forceful. It is believed that Stalin, in designating him for the ambassadorship, felt Litvinov could exercise real influence in Washington."
    ellauri278.html on line 390: Venäjän presidentin ja pääministerin asemassa oleva V. V. Putin antoi useita lausuntoja, joissa tuomitsi Katynin verilöylyn stalinistisen hallinnon rikokseksi ja ilmaisi samalla "henkilökohtaisen mielipiteensä", että teloitus oli Stalinin kosto tappiosta Neuvostoliiton ja Puolan sodasta (1920), johon hän (Stalin, ei Putin) osallistui henkilökohtaisesti Lounaisrintaman vallankumouksellisen sotilasneuvoston jäsenenä. Presidentti D. A. Medvedev antoi samanlaisia ​​lausuntoja vaatien lisätutkimuksia ja korostaen Venäjän kannan muuttumattomuutta.
    ellauri278.html on line 392: Medvedev tuomitsi myös yritykset kyseenalaistaa "erikoiskansion" asiakirjat:
    ellauri279.html on line 105: Vuonna 2008 Solzhenitsyn ylisti Putinia sanoen, että Venäjä löytää uudelleen, mitä se tarkoitti olla venäläinen. Solzhenitsyn kehui myös Venäjän presidenttiä Dmitri Medvedeviä "mukavaksi nuoreksi mieheksi". Pitämällä aloituspuheen Harvardin yliopistossa vuonna 1978 hän kutsui Yhdysvaltoja "dekristillistetyksi" ja juuttui hurjaan kulutukseen. Amerikkalaiset, hän sanoi, puhuessaan venäjäksi (aika huonon) kääntäjän kautta, kärsivät myös "rohkeuden heikkenemisestä" ja "miehisyyden puutteesta". Harvat olivat valmiita kuolemaan tai järsimään sillinpäitä ihanteidensa puolesta, hän sanoi. Hän tuomitsi myös 1960 -luvun vastakulttuurin siitä, että se pakotti Yhdysvaltain liittohallituksen hyväksymään "hätäisen" antautumisen Vietnamin sodassa. Hän syytti myös länsimaista uutismediaa vasemmistolaisesta puolueellisuudesta, julkkisten yksityisyyden loukkaamisesta ja lukijoidensa "kuolemattomien sielujen" täyttämisestä julkkisjuoruilla ja muulla "turhalla puheella".
    ellauri279.html on line 197: When Yuri joined the faculty of the Department of German and Russian at UCD in January, 1989, none of his colleagues had any idea of the remarkable fifty-five years of his life that had preceded his arrival in Davis. Some of us were aware of the fact that he had been censored for his writing in the Soviet Union, but most, if not all of us, were ignorant of the attack leveled against him in 1974 by the newspaper Izvestiya, which accused him of having slandered the Soviet people, or of his having been removed from the Writers Union of the USSR in 1977 and declared “a traitor to the motherland” for his participation in the Samizdat underground publishing movement. In 1986, he was threatened by the KGB with either incarceration in a prison camp or confinement to a psychiatric ward, where he might well have languished had it not been for the intervention of Western writers such as Kurt Vonnegut and Arthur Miller, as well as, the International PEN-Club. Yuri was banished from his homeland a year later. He became a leading literary figure among Russian émigré writers while in exile, living first in Vienna, and then in Texas, before coming to California.
    ellauri279.html on line 203: Alperovichit näyttää olevan pahempia oikeistojutkuja kuin Suomen oma Ben Zyskovicz. The vast majority of Argentine Jews are descended from immigrants who arrived from Europe. These ashkenazic Jews migrated from small towns or shtetels of Poland, Lithuania, Russia, Germany, Romania or Ukraine, leaving behind most of their Jewish relatives. After two or three generations, those Jewish families lost track of their relatives, having been saved from the war, emigrated to other countries like USA, England or Australia.
    ellauri281.html on line 152: Vyshinsky oli Ukrainan puolalainen katolinen mensjevikki, born in Odessa into a Polish Catholic family which later moved to Baku. A talented student, Andrei Vyshinsky married Kara Mikhailova and became interested in revolutionary ideas. He began attending the Kyiv University in 1901, but was expelled in 1902 for participating in revolutionary activities.
    ellauri281.html on line 154: He is known as a state prosecutor of Joseph Stalin's Moscow Trials and in the Nuremberg trials. He was the Soviet Foreign Minister from 1949 to 1953, after having served as Deputy Foreign Minister under Vyacheslav Molotov since 1940.
    ellauri281.html on line 158: In 1936, Vyshinsky achieved international fame as the prosecutor at the Zinoviev-Kamenev trial (this trial had nine other defendants), the first of the Moscow Trials during the Great Purge, lashing its defenseless victims with memorable rhetoric:
    ellauri281.html on line 164: British diplomat Sir Frank Roberts, who served as British chargé d'affaires in Moscow from February 1945 to October 1947, described him as follows:
    ellauri281.html on line 203: Maxim Maximovich Litvinov (Russian pronunciation: [mɐkˈsʲim mɐkˈsʲiməvʲɪtɕ lʲɪˈtvʲinəf]; born Meir Henoch Wallach; 17 July 1876–31 December 1951) was a Russian revolutionary, and prominent Soviet statesman and diplomat who served as People´s Commissar for Foreign Affairs from 1930 to 1939. Hizi sekin oli jutku!
    ellauri281.html on line 209: Litvinov moved to England in 1910 and lived there for eight years. In 1912, he replaced Lenin as the Bolshevik representative on the International Socialist Bureau. In England, Litvinov met and in 1916 married Ivy Low, the daughter of a Jewish university professor.
    ellauri281.html on line 225: After the 1938 Munich Agreement, German state media derided Maxim Litvinov for his Jewish ancestry, referring to him as "Finkelstein-Litvinov". The Munich Agreement (Czech: Mnichovská dohoda; Slovak: Mníchovská dohoda; German: Münchner Abkommen) was an agreement concluded at Munich on 30 September 1938, by Nazi Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and Italy. The agreement provided for the German annexation of land on the border between Czechoslovakia and Germany called the Sudetenland, where more than three million people, mainly ethnic Germans, lived. The pact is also known in "some areas" as the Munich Betrayal (Czech: Mnichovská zrada; Slovak: Mníchovská zrada), because of a previous 1924 alliance agreement and a 1925 military pact between France and the Czechoslovak Republic.
    ellauri281.html on line 230: On 3 May 1939, Stalin replaced Litvinov, who was closely identified with the anti-German position, with Vyacheslav Molotov. At a prearranged meeting, Stalin said: "The Soviet Government intended to improve its relations with Hitler and if possible sign a pact with Nazi Germany. As a Jew and an avowed opponent of such a policy, Litvinov stood in the way." Litvinov argued and banged on the table. Stalin then demanded Litvinov to sign a letter of resignation. On the night of Litvinov´s dismissal, NKVD troops surrounded the offices of the Commissariat of Foreign Affairs. The telephone at Litvinov´s dacha was disconnected and the following morning, Molotov, Georgy Malenkov, and Lavrenty Beria arrived at the commissariat to inform Litvinov of his dismissal. Many of Litvinov´s aides were arrested and beaten, possibly to extract compromising information.
    ellauri281.html on line 241: The replacement of Litvinov with Molotov significantly increased Stalin´s freedom to manoeuver in foreign policy. The dismissal of Litvinov, whose Jewish background was viewed disfavorably by Nazi Germany, removed an obstacle to negotiations with Germany. Stalin immediately directed Molotov to "purge the ministry of Jews". Recalling Stalin´s order, Molotov commented: "Thank God for these words! Jews formed an absolute majority in the leadership and among the ambassadors. It wasn´t good."
    ellauri281.html on line 253: Early in November 1941, Litvinov was summoned to see Stalin and told his services were required as ambassador to the United States. In the US, the appointment was met with enthusiasm. The New York Times stated: "Stalin has decided to place his ablest and most forceful diplomat and one who enjoys greater prestige in this country. He is known as a man of exceptional ability, adroit as well as forceful. It is believed that Stalin, in designating him for the ambassadorship, felt Litvinov could exercise real influence in Washington."
    ellauri281.html on line 389: Venäjän presidentin ja pääministerin asemassa oleva V. V. Putin antoi useita lausuntoja, joissa tuomitsi Katynin verilöylyn stalinistisen hallinnon rikokseksi ja ilmaisi samalla "henkilökohtaisen mielipiteensä", että teloitus oli Stalinin kosto tappiosta Neuvostoliiton ja Puolan sodasta (1920), johon hän (Stalin, ei Putin) osallistui henkilökohtaisesti Lounaisrintaman vallankumouksellisen sotilasneuvoston jäsenenä. Presidentti D. A. Medvedev antoi samanlaisia ​​lausuntoja vaatien lisätutkimuksia ja korostaen Venäjän kannan muuttumattomuutta.
    ellauri281.html on line 391: Medvedev tuomitsi myös yritykset kyseenalaistaa "erikoiskansion" asiakirjat:
    ellauri282.html on line 246: Varsovan kansannousu oli jo toinen kansannousu aikana 1. elokuuta – 2. lokakuuta 1944. Edellinen kansannousu Varsovan Ghetossa oli tukahdutettu kolmessa viikossa vuonna 1943. Varsovan kansannousussa vastarintajoukot yrittivät ehtiä vapauttamaan Puolan pääkaupungin Varsovan saksalaismiehityksestä ja asettaa itsenäisen hallituksen ennen Neuvostoliiton puna-armeijan saapumista. Puna-armeija oli taisteluiden alkaessa jo Veiksel-joen toisella puolella, hyvin lähellä Varsovaa. 50 000 hengen puolalaisarmeija (joista 23 000 aseistettuja ja taisteluun soveltuvia) menestyi aluksi hyvin ja valtasi suuria osia kaupungista. Tilanne kuitenkin muuttui, kun puna-armeija ei ylittänytkään Veiksel-jokea eikä tullut millään muotoa vastarintaliikkeen avuksi. Tyhmiä polakkeja vedettiin taas kerran nenästä, niinkuin Ribbentroppin aikana. Puolalaiset on hölmöjä (KÄÄNNÄ). Puolalaiset jäivät lopulta alakynteen, kun paikalle lähetettiin runsaasti SS-joukkoja ja he joutuivat hajalleen toisistaan. Vastarintaa kesti 63 päivää ja se päättyi 2. lokakuuta 1944, jolloin saksalaiset tukahduttivat kansannousun. Sitä seuraavina kolmena kuukautena saksalaiset käytännössä hävittivät kaupungin maan tasalle. Vasta 17. tammikuuta 1945 puna-armeija ylitti Veiksel-joen ja valtasi Varsovan tai mitä siitä oli jäänyt jälelle.
    ellauri282.html on line 524: Whích What Hanhi (/ˈtɪk ˈnjʌt ˈhʌn/ TIK NYUHT HUHN; Vietnamese: [tʰǐk̟ ɲə̌t hâjŋ̟ˀ] (listen); born Nguyễn Xuân Bảo; 11 October 1926 – 22 January 2022) oli vietnamilainen Thiền-buddhalainen munkki, rauhanaktivisti, tuottelias kirjailija, runoilija ja opettaja, joka perusti Luumu Kylä Perinteen, joka on historiallisesti tunnustettu tärkeimmäksi innoituxexi sitoutuneelle buddhalaisuudelle. "Mindfulnessin isänä" tunnettu Nhất Hạnh oli merkittävä vaikutus buddhalaisuuden länsimaisiin käytäntöihin. Mindfulness (skr. smrti, pal. sati) tarkoittaa muistoa. Sitä mikä palaa mieleen. Lännessä hän on ikoni. En voi ajatella länsimaista buddhalaista, joka ei tiedä Thich Nhất Hạnhista. Selvä länkkäreiden agentti. Tätähän muuten tutki Antti Niemen tytär Maisu, ei saanut juuri mitään mitattavaa tulosta, mutta perusti siitä huolimatta mindfulness-toimiston Tukholman vanhaan kaupunkiin, joka varmaan vetää väkeä kuin häkä. 2019 raportoitiin, että Nhất Hạnhin kannattamasta mindfulnessista oli tullut teoreettinen perusta 1.1 miljardin dollarin teollisuudelle Yhdysvalloissa. Eräässä tutkimuksessa todettiin, että 35% työnantajista käytti mindfulnessia työpaikan käytännöissä. Varsinaista ison rahan vedätystä siis!
    ellauri283.html on line 55: Kerstin Ekmanin whodunit vlta 1993 alkaa sexihöyryisemmin kuin Liza Marklundin vastaavat. Ei sentään yhtä huuruisesti kuin Camilla Läckbergin naisen kostokirjat. Mia ei huoli käydä alapesulla, se tahtoo mieluummin kelliä miehen runkunhajussa. Sen äidille tulee suu täyteen sylkeä pelkästä ajatuxesta. Röbäck oli kylä missä John asui perh. Uumajassa kunnes niille tuli välirikko. Siellä käytiin naurettava. Toiminta tapahtuu ns. mustan veden äärellä. Harmaita vesiä on yleensä enemmän, mutta ne on helpompi puhdistaa, pelkkä suodatus voi riittää. Mustassa vedessä voi olla kiintoaineita. Viemärissä ne kuitenkin sekoittuvat.
    ellauri283.html on line 77: Hemmetti kyllä svedupetterit on pellejä. On juhannus jossain Dorotean lähellä. Pullossa taisi olla laitonta vahvaa olutta! Miehen kivexet ja sukuelimet erottuivat selvästi ohuen valkoisen housukankaan lävize. Annien täytyi kääntää kaze muualle kun mies rupesi tuijottamaan takaisin. Bugger it. Muotia seurattiin täälläkin. Muorilla on musta tussu, se on saami! Äijällä on kova kulli, moista eioo toista! Kuin kazelisi kotimaista koomisen karkeaa elokuvaa.
    ellauri283.html on line 120: It's different and I loved it! It raises the question is there a God and answers it in a wonderful way. I don't want to give the story away, (aah, WTF, here goes: there is a God, but his name is Allah. Sorry...) - you have to watch and keep your eyes on Barlow, he is an angel for sure! And there really are angels, consult your Bibble (Hebrews) or Koran (passim)!
    ellauri283.html on line 166: Lisäksi useita yksittäisiä filosofeja vastaan ​​hyökätään voimakkaasti. Cogitoiva Descartes väittää naurettavasti, että on olemassa minä (en ole, olen kuollut), että on olemassa sellaista toimintaa kuin ajattelu ja että minä tiedän mitä ajattelu on. Britti ammattiajattelija vedätti Cunkille ettei Descartes olut idealisti vaan harmiton darwinisti. Se ei tarkoittanut cogitolla muuta kuin että tietoisuus on termiittiapinalle lajityypillinen piirre. Vad tull!
    ellauri283.html on line 209: Etelä-Yhdysvalloissa sijaizeva Texas on laaja tasango, joka on suunnilleen Sudanin Darfurin kokoinen. Se on jaettu kolmeen osavaltioon: Pohjois-Darfur, jonka pääkaupunki on El Fasher; Länsi-Darfur, jonka pääkaupunki on El Geneina; ja Etelä-Darfur, jonka kotipaikka on Nyala. Pohjois-Darfur on puoliautiomaa, kun taas läntisillä ja eteläisillä alueilla on rikkaita, hedelmällisiä maita, joilla istuu maanviljelijöitä perseet mullassa vedellen piikkilankoja preerialle karjalaumojen pään menoxi. Sitä razumiehet eivät siedä. Darfurin väkiluku on arviolta 7 miljoonaa. Kaikki darfurilaiset ovat mustia muslimeja, vaikka monet tunnistavat itsensä arabeiksi Saudi-Arabiaan liittyvän sukututkimuksen perusteella. Darfurilla on yhteinen raja Keski-Afrikan tasavallan, Tšadin ja Libyan kanssa.
    ellauri283.html on line 243: Mitä vittua? "liike-elämän kumppaneidemme? Yxityisiltä kumppaneilta?" Siis niinkö esim oligarkeilta? Ei helvetti, tää on samanlainen rahanalainen vedätys kuin se kliktivistijärjestö Awaaz, vielä 1 vahva ääni länsioikealta.
    ellauri284.html on line 40: This snapshot, our correspondent states, was taken after The German - sorry - the French charge near Forêt-Champignon. The body stretched at full length is a dead German guy. Those crouching behind a stone are French infantrymen, stone dead as well. Evidently the were charging, carrying that big stone. The bodies were not moved so as not to confuse the crime scene investigation.
    ellauri284.html on line 163: Kun sota Euroopassa alkoi elokuussa 1914, Iso-Britannia pyysi viipymättä Japanin apua. Japani esitti 15. elokuuta uhkavaatimuksen, jossa todettiin, että Saksan on vedettävä sota-aluksensa Kiinan ja Japanin vesiltä ja siirrettävä Tsingtaon oluttehtaan valvonta Japanille.
    ellauri284.html on line 367: Tammikuussa 2000 Kangas tuomittiin Tampereen käräjäoikeudessa 9 vuodeksi vankeuteen niin sanotusta Ruoveden huumejutusta. Tapauksessa ammattimainen liiga toi hasista Suomeen Espanjasta ja Hollannista lähes 160 kiloa, jota kaupattiin ympäri Suomea Seinäjoen ja Janakkalan jakelupisteistä. Hasiksen lisäksi heillä oli kaupan pieniä eriä amfetamiinia. Turun hovioikeus tuomitsi Kankaan tapauksen johdosta 10 vuodeksi vankeuteen. Kyseisessä tapauksessa takavarikoitiin Suomen siihen mennessä suurin yksittäinen huume-erä, 94 kiloa.
    ellauri284.html on line 595: Tää juonihan on suoraan kanadalaissarjasta The Indian Detective. It is a Canadian crime comedy-drama series which debuted on CTV and Netflix in 2017. The show stars Russell Peters as Doug D'Mello, a police officer from Toronto who becomes embroiled in a murder investigation while visiting his father (Anupam Kher) in Mumbai during a one-month suspension for incompetence. The fourth episode ended in a cliffhanger, hinting at a possible second season; while Peters has stated at various times that a second season was in the works, none has been officially announced as of September 2019. A relatively new show, Season 1 of ‘The Indian Detective’, consisting of four episodes, premiered on November 23, 2017, and it received mixed reviews from television critics and audiences alike. The show has no chance of being renewed for a second season.
    ellauri284.html on line 662: “Nothing moves unless bribes are paid, and bribes are paid at the highest level,” he said. “The amount of money involved in real estate is mind-boggling.”
    ellauri285.html on line 143: The Michigan Relics (also known as the Scotford Frauds or Soper Frauds) are a series of alleged ancient artifacts that were "discovered" during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. They were presented by some to be evidence that people of an ancient Near Eastern culture had lived in North America and the U.S. state of Michigan, which, is known as pre-Columbian contact. Many scholars have determined that the artifacts are archaeological forgeries. The Michigan Relics are considered to be one of the most elaborate and extensive pseudoarchaeological hoaxes ever perpetrated in American history.
    ellauri285.html on line 149: In 1891, Professor Albert Emerson came out to the sites to get a better look at the "artifacts" that he called "bad enough in the photograph... an examination proved them to be humbugs of the first water."
    ellauri285.html on line 151: Kelsey and Jastrow deemed the Michigan Relics frauds containing a "horrible mixture" of jumbled ancient scripts. Mary Robson, who lived in a room next door to Scotford's sons Percy and Charles, stated that the boys manufactured more "relics" all the time.
    ellauri285.html on line 159: David Shipler, who is neither an Arab nor a Jew, served as the Jerusalem bureau chief for The New York Times from 1979 to 1984. Shipler sanoo että israelilaisissa nuortenkirjoissa arabi on saanut entisen saxalaisen, kasakan tai ukrainalaisen paikan viholliskuvana. Heprealaisen yliopiston naistenvessan seinässä lukee: Arabit on koiria/kissoja/hiiriä/hevosia/aaseja. Arabit hoilaavat miekkarissa: Me ollaan arabeja ja juutalaiset on meidän koiria.
    ellauri285.html on line 242: internalistien mielestä "our" intuitions are that the subject is justified in their beliefs in spite of being systematically deceived. Eli se on vaan tyhmä muttei tuhma. Some take the new evil demon problem as a reason for rejecting externalist views of justification. Höpsistä. Kyllä tyyppi voi olla korvausvelvollimen vaikka pelkkää tyhmyyttään. Ei se muita kiinnosta mixi se on tunaroinut, ne haluu korvauxen. Hemmetti mitä vanhaa paskaa nää uudet jenkit jauhavat. Tällästä cat's cradle tyyppistä askarointia, käteenvetoa villalangat sormissa. "Entäpä jos..."
    ellauri285.html on line 309: Scheffler huomauttaa, että jos huomaisimme, että maailma loppuu kuolemamme jälkeen (tai että tulee olemaan ei enää lapsia), tuntisimme oikeutetusti demoralisoituneemme – monet asiat, joita teemme, menettäisivät tärkeän osan heidän pointtiaan. Tämä ei kuitenkaan estä meitä käyttämästä korzuja, kannustamasta korkoa korolle kasvua ja kasvattamasta hiilijalanjälkeä. Meidän jälkeemme vedenpaisumus.
    ellauri285.html on line 347: Mary Robinson (née Darby; 27 November 1757 – 26 December 1800) was an English actress, poet, dramatist, novelist, and celebrity figure. She lived in England, in the cities of Bristol and London; she also lived in France and Germany for a time. She enjoyed poetry from the age of seven and started working, first as a teacher and then as actress, from the age of fourteen. She wrote many plays, poems and novels. She was a celebrity, gossiped about in newspapers, famous for her acting and writing. During her lifetime she was known as "the English Sappho". She earned her nickname "Perdita" for her role as Perdita (heroine of Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale) in 1779. She was the first public mistress of King George IV while he was still Prince of Wales.
    ellauri285.html on line 633: Ralph Schoenman (born 1935) is an American left-wing activist who was a personal secretary to Bertrand Russell and became general secretary of the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation. He was involved in a number of projects supported by Russell, including the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), the Committee of 100 and an unofficial war crimes tribunal to try American leaders for their conduct in the Vietnam War. Shortly before his death in 1970, Russell publicly broke with Schoenman. Sen jälkeen Schoenman (jutku kylläkin) kirjoitti tämän vahvasti anti-sionistisen läpyskän:
    ellauri285.html on line 637: Copyright (c) 1988 by Ralph Schoenman. All Rights Reserved. Reposted here by permission.
    ellauri285.html on line 658: In December 1969, Russell made a public statement in that he had no contact with Schoenman and was unaware of his activities. Russell approved a vote to remove Schoenman from the board of the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation.
    ellauri285.html on line 660: Since 2002 Schoenman has worked with documentary filmmaker, Mya Shone, providing commentary for radio stations in many parts of the United States and Canada, and produces the "Taking Aim" radio show, billed as "Uncompromising, fact intensive exposés of the hidden workings of a capitalist system addicted to permanent war". In about 2009 they moved from broadcasting over WBAI to an Internet webcast.
    ellauri285.html on line 753: The critical positivity ratio (also known as the "Losada ratio" or the "Losada line" [not verified in body]) is a largely discredited concept in positive psychology positing an exact ratio of positive to negative emotions which distinguishes "flourishing" people from "languishing" people.[citation needed] The ratio was proposed by psychologists Barbara Fredrickson and Marcial Losada, who believed that they had identified an experimental measure of affect whose model-derived positive-to-negative ratio of 2.9013 defined a critical separation between flourishing and languishing individuals, as reported in their 2005 paper in American Psychologist.[non-primary source needed] This concept of a critical positivity ratio was widely embraced by academic psychologists and the lay public; Fredrickson and Losada´s paper had been cited more than 320 times by January 2014, and Fredrickson wrote a popular book expounding the concept of "the 3-to-1 ratio that will change your life". In it she wrote, "just as zero degrees Celsius is a special number in thermodynamics, the 3-to-1 positivity ratio may well be a magic number in human psychology."
    ellauri285.html on line 757: Later, but of more critical importance, the Fredrickson and Losada work on modeling the positivity ratio aroused the skepticism of Nick Brown, a graduate student in applied positive psychology, who questioned whether such work could reliably make such broad claims, and perceived that the paper´s mathematical claims underlying the critical positivity ratio were suspect. Brown contacted and ultimately collaborated with physics and maths professor Alan Sokal and psychology professor Harris Friedman on a re-analysis of the paper´s data (hereafter the Brown-Sokal-Friedman rebuttal). They argued that Losada´s earlier work on positive psychology and Fredrickson and Losada´s 2005 critical positivity ratio paper contained "numerous fundamental conceptual and mathematical errors", errors of a magnitude that completely invalidated their claims.
    ellauri285.html on line 763: Building on research by Barbara Fredrickson suggesting that individuals with a higher ratio of positive to negative emotions tend to have more successful life outcomes, and on studies by Marcial Losada applying differential equations from fluid dynamics to human emotions,[citation needed] Fredrickson and Losada proposed as informative a ratio of positive to negative affect derived from nonlinear dynamics modelling (based on Lorenz systems), which appeared in 2005 in a paper in American Psychologist. The derived combination of expressions and default parameters led them to conclude that a critical ratio of positive to negative affect of exactly 2.9013 separated flourishing from languishing individuals, and to argue that the ideal positivity/negativity ratio lies between 2.9013 and an upper limit ratio of 11.6346. Hence, they claimed that their model predicted cut-off points for the minimum and maximum positivity ratios within which one should observe qualitative changes in an individual´s level of flourishing, specifically, that those within this range of ratios would "flourish", and those outside would "languish".[non-primary source needed] As of January 2014, the 2005 Fredrickson and Losada´s paper had been cited more than 320 times in the psychology literature.
    ellauri285.html on line 772: the butterfly-like first figure provided by Fredrickson and Losada is not a model of the data taken from their human participants, but "the results of computer simulations of the Lorenz equations, nothing more"; and based on the maths, even if precise positivity/negativity ratios could be derived, several "windows" of desirable and undesirable positivity/negativity ratios above a certain value should exist, rather than a simple range of ratios in which "flourishing" should occur.
    ellauri285.html on line 775: With regard to these, and especially the last, the Brown-Sokal-Friedman rebuttal argues that it is likely that Fredrickson and Losada did not fully grasp the implications of applying nonlinear dynamics to their data. Brown, Sokal, and Friedman state that one can only marvel at the astonishing coincidence that human emotions should turn out to be governed by exactly the same set of equations that were derived in a celebrated article several decades ago as a deliberately simplified model of convection in fluids, and whose solutions happen to have visually appealing properties. An alternati
    ellauri285.html on line 776: ve explanation – and, frankly, the one that appears most plausible to us – is that the entire process of "derivation" of the Lorenz equations has been contrived to demonstrate an imagined fit between some rather limited empirical data and the scientifically impressive world of nonlinear dynamics.
    ellauri285.html on line 788: Marcial Francisco Losada was born in 1939 in Chile.[citation needed] He received a Ph.D. in organizational psychology from the University of Michigan. After finishing his doctoral work, Losada served as a Center for Advanced Research (CFAR) in Ann Arbor, Michigan.[when?][citation needed] In his career, Losada developed a nonlinear dynamics model, the meta learning model, to show dynamical patterns achieved by high, medium and low performing teams, where performance was evaluated based on profitability, customer satisfaction, and 360-degree feedback.[citation needed]. In pursuing these goals, he founded and served as executive director of Losada Line Consulting, which had presented past workshops and seminars at companies including Apple, Boeing, EDS, GM, and Merck, and foundations including the Kellogg and Mellon Foundations, with high performance team-building contracts at BCI, Banchile, BHP-Billiton, Codelco, and Telefónica [better source needed].
    ellauri288.html on line 130: 42-vuotiaassa neitosessa on mytomaanikonkin vikaa: se pysähtyy aina miettimään kenelle se on kertonut minkin tarinan, mikä vaihtoehtoisista totuuxista sopii kertoa ize kullillekkin. Mitähän se teki sängyssä kun ei saanut pikku hukalta? Joku sen lepakkopokista oli valittanut että Sofi piti huolta yxinomaan izestään, lukizi toisen pään pihtiliikkeellä jalkoväliin ettei saanut vedetyxi henkeä lutkutxen välissä. A. Hukkapätkä silittelee pikku kissaa. Kassi sai kulli kätte todennäk., mutta siitä Sofi muikenee kuin vaari. Se puhuu 100% vain izestään.
    ellauri288.html on line 260: Yksi aamuisen ayurvedarutiinin kulmakivistä onkin kielen kaapiminen.
    ellauri288.html on line 606: Väkisin on vedettävä tää mälli maaliin
    ellauri288.html on line 614: väkisin on vedettävä tää mälli maaliin
    ellauri288.html on line 627: väkisin on vedettävä tää mälli maaliin
    ellauri290.html on line 146: c) Jordanin laaksossa, merenpinnan alapuolella, viljely riippui puroista tai pumpatusta Jordanjoen vedestä. Talven maltillinen lämpötila ja kosteus tuottivat vihanneksia ja hedelmiä siihen aikaan vuodesta, jolloin näitä hyödykkeitä ei ollut saatavilla muualla maassa.

    ellauri290.html on line 510: The Old City (Area 200 acres) - Except for three synagogues and their enclosures, there was no other Jewish-owned property within the City Walls. The Jewish community of the Old City had lived in houses owned by Moslems.
    ellauri290.html on line 833: veden kahina,
    ellauri294.html on line 146: He näyttävät epäilemättä kyseenalaistaneen Paavalin auktoriteetin apostolina, ehkä vedoten Jaakobin (Jeesuksen velipojan) hallitseman Jerusalemin kirkon suurempaan auktoriteettiin .
    ellauri294.html on line 321: SD:n puheenjohtaja Jimmie Åkesson totesi hiljan että joku svedu sosdem-kaveri ei voinut olla oikeasti ruåzalainen juutalaisena. Ne ovat isänmaansa luopioita kaikki tyynni, tollasia kosmonautteja. Niin kai myös Lev Parmas ja Igor Fruman. Twitterin ostaja-omistaja Elon Musk on vuorostaan venäläisten luopio. Paavo Pyhäläinen oli juutalaisten luopio pakanoiden puolelle. Hizi kyllä näitä prostatoja piisaa joka lähtöön.
    ellauri294.html on line 333: Teklan loukkaus oli vakavaa laatua. Pilkata nyt ylimmästä pappia kesken raiskausyritystä! Pyhänhäpäisyä kesken hävynpyhitystä! Naiset raivostuivat. Tekla pelkkä vyö raakatuilla uumilla (taas...) kazoo areenalla päältä kun naarasleijona syöpi karhun ja sen syö urosleijona. Kazomo ulvoo ihastuneena. Kazo Jeesus naisen häpyä paljastettuna! Eikö tule mieleen rakkaita muistoja? Mut hei, nyt on minun aika peseytyä. Ja hiän heittäytyy nakupellenä uima-altaaseen. Hylkeet ajautuvat kuolleina veden pinnalle.
    ellauri294.html on line 384: Hollywoodin ohjaajat käyttivät hänen maalauksiaan lähdemateriaalina näkemyksensä muinaisesta maailmasta elokuvissa, kuten DW Griffithin Suvaitsemattomuus (1916), Ben Hur (1926), Cleopatra (1934), ja ennen kaikkea Cecil B. DeMillen eeppinen remake Kymmenestä käskystä (1956). Todellakin, Jesse Lasky Jr. , The Ten Commandmentsin toinen käsikirjoittaja, kuvaili, kuinka ohjaaja tavallisesti levitti Alma-Tadema-maalausten vedoksia ilmaistakseen lavastussuunnittelijoilleen haluamansa ilmeen. Oscar-palkitun roomalaisen eepos Gladiator suunnittelijat käyttivät Alma-Tademan maalauksia keskeisenä inspiraation lähteenä. Alma-Tademan maalaukset olivat myös inspiraationa Cair Paravelin linnan sisustukseen vuoden 2005 elokuvassa The Chronicles of Narnian: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe . Ei siis mikään turha jäbä!
    ellauri294.html on line 433: Carl AP Ruckin mukaan yksijalkaisten olemassaolo Intiassa viittaa vedätyxeen Aja Ekapad ("Not-born Single-foot"), joka on soma epiteetti. Koska Soma on kasvitieteellinen jumaluus, yksi jalka edustaisi entheogeenisen (psykedeelisen) terskalakkisen sienen vartta. Egon hajoamista kuvataan usein psykedeelisen kokemuksen avainpiirteeksi. Neologismin entheogeeni loi vuonna 1979 ryhmä sekakäyttäjiä etnobotanisteja ja mytologian tutkijoita vastakohtana samojen huumeiden virkistyskäytölle. Se tulee englannin sanasta "innostusjuuri."
    ellauri297.html on line 44: Materialism is the butt of every Dad joke. A child comes to the father of their youth, and say, “Dad, I’m hungry,” to which the beloved father figure replies, “Hello Hungry, I’m Dad!” It pokes fun at the idea that our whole identity could be the sum total of our physical markers, desires and chemical reactions. This would be akin to someone ‘coming out,’ to us and us responding, “Hello Gay! I’m Cis!” It’s ludicrous! But, our culture still does it–quite a bit, actually. We define ourselves and others concretely based on what we own rather than on what we cannot see; our souls.
    ellauri297.html on line 128: 11:1: Kun Israel oli nuori ja hyvännäköinen, rakastin sitä, ja Egyptistä minä kutsuin poikani; terveyssiteillä heitä vedin, sidoin lemmen köysiin, sidoin onnehen iäisehen. Hei, Karjalasta heilin minä löysin, löysin heilin niin hellän herttaisen.
    ellauri297.html on line 376: Born in Poland in 1903, Imich underwent his schooling there, including earning a Ph.D. in chemistry 1927. He survived two World Wars, the Holocaust and two years in a Russian labor camp near the White Sea, before surviving another lifetime in the U.S. with his wife, Wela. She passed away in 1986.
    ellauri297.html on line 502: Kevättalvella 1948 Neuvostoliitto solmi ystävyys-, yhteistyö- ja avunantosopimukset Romanian ja Unkarin kanssa, ja Tšekkoslovakiassa kommunistit tekivät vallankaappauksen. Paasikivi sai 23.2.1948 Stalinilta kirjeen, jossa ehdotettiin neuvotteluja samanlaisesta sopimuksesta, jollaisen venäläiset olivat solmineet Romanian ja Unkarin kanssa ”yhteisen turvallisuuden järjestämiseksi”. Paasikivi tarttui epäilysten ja pelkojen täyttämässä ilmapiirissä ohjiin ja ryhtyi johtamaan Helsingin YYA-neuvottelujen valmistelukokouksia. Moskovaan lähteneen valtuuskunnan venäläisille vastaukseksi esittämä sopimusluonnos syntyi pitkälti Paasikiven ja kenraali Heinrichsin yhteistyön tuloksena vuoden 1948 alusta alkaen. Stalinin kirjeen jälkeen Heinrichs laati muistion, jonka periaatteellisesti tärkeät linjanvedot Paasikivi omaksui. Heinrichsin ja Paasikiven laatimat ehdot veivät neuvottelupöytään presidentin omat miehet Urho Kekkonen ja J.O. Söderhjelm.
    ellauri299.html on line 57: Mistä ihmishirviö Jimi eiku Jami eivaan Jasper Pääkallo on kerännyt ansiottomat miljoonansa? No typeristä teeveesarjoista ja leffoista. Lohiperho joka lennähtelee suihkarilla pitkin poikin palloa ja vetää harvinaiset kalat vedestä, haluaa pilata nyt Inarijärven tuomalla sinne rikkaita törkimyxiä venyttelemään kuuden hengen kopeissa revontulten varjossa. Ne tulevat sinne omilla lentokoneilla ja maxavat tuhansia dollareita yöstä kopissa yrittäjä Jasper Pääkköselle. Satavuotiaat mezät kumoon ja isot tiet perille. Saatana nyrkillä tapettava kusipää. Innokkaana virkistyskalastajana se maxoi kokonaiset KAHDEXAN TUHATTA EUROA jonkin kosken "ennallistamisesta" kalastuskohteexi. Helvetti mikä luontopersoona.
    ellauri299.html on line 274: Frank Lake, found 50 km southeast of Calgary near High River, Alberta, is a productive wetland important to hundreds of bird species. Once completely dry, this wetland has been saved from drainage and drought through a progressive partnership between industry, government and ourselves.
    ellauri299.html on line 304: Kun miehellä on ollut siemensyöksy, hänen tulee peseytyä kauttaaltaan vedellä ja hän on epäpuhdas iltaan saakka. Moos. 3 15 on aika hahatuttava.
    ellauri299.html on line 306: Freud luopui viettelysteoriasta kun sille selvisi että hysteeriset naiset myös kexivät pedofiilisiä muistoja. Alitajuinen ei pysty erottamaan tosiasiaa fiktiosta. Verführungstheorie oli Sigmund Freudin 1890-luvun puolivälissä esittämä hypoteesi , jonka hän uskoi tarjoavan ratkaisun hysterian ja pakkomielteisen neuroosin alkuperän ongelmaan. Teorian mukaan tukahdutettu muisto varhaislapsuuden seksuaalisesta hyväksikäytöstä tai ahdistelukokemuksesta oli olennainen edellytys hysteerisille tai pakkomielteisille oireille, ja jälkimmäiseen on lisätty aktiivinen seksuaalinen kokemus kahdeksan vuoden ikään asti. Freud sitten päätteli että hysteerikkoja on enemmän kuin pedofiilejä. Eli takaisin piirustuspöydälle. Siinä saattoi mennä lapsi pesuveden mukana.
    ellauri299.html on line 337: HUAC kutsui Rubinin kuulusteltavaxi Washingtoniin, mutta sen sijaan, että hän olisi vedonnut viidenteen lisäykseen, kuten oli tavallista, hän astui huoneeseen pukeutuneena vuokrattuun 1700-luvun Amerikan vapaussota-univormuun ja väitti ylpeänä olevansa Jeffersonin ja Painen jälkeläinen. "Mikään ei ole amerikkalaisempaa kuin vallankumous", hän sanoi komitealle. Rubin, joka osoitti täydellistä huolimattomuutta tai huolen puutetta, puhalsi kevyesti saippuakuplia kongressin jäsenten kyseenalaistaessa hänen kommunistisen sidonnaisuutensa. Myöhemmin hän esiintyi HUAC:n edessä paljasrintaisena sissinä Viet Cong -pyjamassa, sotamaalilla ja lelu M-16 -kiväärillä, ja myöhemmin joulupukkina.
    ellauri299.html on line 428: Quaestionesissa yli puolet Mersennen väitteistä oli kuitenkin jälkikäteen: luomisesta ex nihilo nihil fit, olentojen kauneudesta, annetusta luonnonlaista, maailmankaikkeuden harmoniasta… hyvin sä vedät Jumala, priima perämoottori.
    ellauri299.html on line 521: Grisham ihmelettää ompasutena: What broke in our vast system of public assistance to allow Americans to become so poor they lived under bridges?
    ellauri299.html on line 530: Matthew Desmond, the acclaimed Princeton sociologist and author of Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City, thinks that poverty has barely improved in the United States over the past 50 years — and he has a theory why. Laid out in a long essay for the New York Times Magazine that is adapted from his forthcoming book Poverty, by America, Desmond’s theory implicates “exploitation” in the broadest sense, from a decline in unions and worker power to a proliferation of bank fees and predatory landlord practices, all of which combine to keep the American underclass down. Relative poverty in the US has stagnated in the last 40 years.
    ellauri299.html on line 532: As of 2023, 2.75% of the U.S. population earn less than $10 per day, with only 23 countries in the world having a lower percentage. 0.25% of the U.S. population lived below the international poverty line of $2.15 per day in 2020.
    ellauri300.html on line 323: Founded in 1775 by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the name "Chabad" (חב״ד‎) is an acronym formed from three Hebrew words—Chokhmah, Binah, Da'at (the first three sefirot of the kabbalistic Tree of Life) (חכמה, בינה, דעת‎): "Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge"—which represent the intellectual and kabbalistic underpinnings of the movement. The name Lubavitch derives from the town in which the now-dominant line of leaders resided from 1813 to 1915. Other, non-Lubavitch scions of Chabad either disappeared or merged into the Lubavitch line. In the 1930s, the sixth Rebbe of Chabad, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, moved the center of the Chabad movement from Russia to Poland. After the outbreak of World War II, he moved the center of the movement to the United States, and there it is to this day.
    ellauri300.html on line 325: In 1951, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson formally accepted the leadership as the seventh Chabad Rebbe. He transformed the movement into one of the most widespread Jewish movements in the world today. Under his leadership, Chabad established a large network of institutions that seek to satisfy religious, social and humanitarian needs across the world. Chabad institutions provide outreach to unaffiliated Jews and humanitarian aid, as well as religious, cultural and educational activities. Prior to his death in 1994, Schneerson was believed by some of his followers to be the Messiah, with his own position on the matter debated among scholars. Messianic ideology in Chabad sparked controversy in various Jewish communities and is still an unresolved matter. Following his death, no successor was appointed as a new central leader.
    ellauri300.html on line 407: Boris hade också bekostat en översättning av dr Halperins nya bok, Asketism och ande, där Halperin redogjorde för sina tankar på ålderns höst - en ny syn på filosofins historia visade hur alla filosofer, från Thales till Bergson, från Husserl till Vaihinger och även epikuréerna, hade predikat asketism. Det var alldeles fel! Alltid hade filosofin försökt förneka livet, och detta var anledningen till att den misslyckades. I sin strävan mot en illusion av evigheten hade filosofin förbisett det sanna värdet av det förgängliga. Ett stort förlag i New York övervägde nu att skriva kontrakt med Halperin som försäkrade att hans lycka skulle vända och stjälpa vedertagna filosofiska tolkningar. Zadok Halperin som hittills bara var känd i en snäv cirkel av akademiker skulle bli världsberömd liksom Peter Schwartz (writer).
    ellauri300.html on line 589: In October 2022, McLean called Kanye West an 'attention-seeking fool' over his antisemitic rants. The "American Pie" singer who briefly lived in Israel said he stands with his Jewish friends. McLean lived in Israel on-and-off from 1978-1982 and he “grew to love the country and the people. Living there changed my life forever.”
    ellauri300.html on line 636: Titus was one of at least two younger men that Paul disciplined and described as his “sons in the faith that we share” (Titus 1:4). The other man is Timothy, and the second letter to the Corinthians is addressed as from Paul and Timothy to the church in Corinth (2 Corinthians 1:1). Both Timothy and Titus served as Paul’s messengers and traveling companions, and they both went on to lead churches. Paul not only mentored them, but he also advised them in individual letters about their next steps. Matin stepit.
    ellauri300.html on line 664: Sitten hän nousi laivaan. Heti kun hän oli noussut alukseen, myrsky iski mereen. Hän sanoi: "Näyttää siltä, että tämän kansan Jumalan voima on vain merellä. Hän rankaisi Eenokin sukupolvea vedellä. Hän vaati vain kostoa Eenokin sukupolvelta lähtien veden kautta. Hän vaati vain kostoa vedenpaisumuksesta lähtien veden kautta. Hän vaati faraolta ja hänen armeijaltaan kostoa veden kautta. Kun olin Hänen talossaan ja Hänen omassa vallassaan, hän ei voinut vastustaa minua, mutta nyt olen alkanut ajatella, että hän tappaa minut vedellä."
    ellauri300.html on line 760: Yahweh har gett ”det utvalda folket” löftet att han skall ge dem ”hedningarna till arvedel och jordens ändar till egendom”¹° och Amalek står i vägen för detta messianska världsrikes fullbordan.
    ellauri300.html on line 824: Bears may play a significant role here, but the real animal in this overarching story is a serpent. His slithering and slandering tongue was inside the mouths of these mockers. The god whom they served, Baal, was just a mask for Satan. Good riddance, in a word, for bad rubbish.
    ellauri300.html on line 881: 3 Then Peter said, “Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land? 4 Didn’t it belong to you before it was sold? And after it was sold, wasn’t the money at your disposal? What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied just to human beings but to God.”
    ellauri301.html on line 71: Tähän albumiin on siirretty albumin 227 ylivuotoa, eli ennen kaikkia niitä svedupettereitä joilla ei ollut valkovuotoa.
    ellauri301.html on line 76: Nuori Wallander on yhtä pseudo svedu kuin kiinalaisvalmisteinen Electrolux pesukone, johon bränditarra lyödään tehtaan ovella. Toisesta ovesta menee ulos Siemensit ja kolmannesta Whirlpoolit. Tää on globalisaatiota, jota beady eye Kurt puolustaa puhtain tuliasein Malmön kaduilla. Ense candido causa pro candida, valkoisen asian puolesta valkoisella miekalla, venelakki päässä kuin Carl Gustav Emil Mannerheim. Paizi että näyttää hyvältä nakukuvissa, nuori Kurt on lainvalvonnan nero kuten kolleegansa DI Lewis. Sitäpaizi ne on hienoja ihmisiä paizi remmissä myös siviilissä. Sarjan token ruozalaiset näyttää maansa myyneiltä solkatessaan kökköenkkua, ja hyvästä syystä, senhän ne on tehneetkin.
    ellauri301.html on line 157: Wallander was once married, but his wife Mona (remember? the immigrant charity dish) left him and he has since had a difficult relationship with his rebellious only child, Linda, who barely survived a suicide attempt when she was fifteen. He also had issues with his late father, an artist who painted the same landscape 7,000 times for a living; the elder Wallander strongly disapproved of his son´s decision to join the police force and frequently derided him for it. Fair enough: painting sunsets with/without a black grouse pays off better than finding random middle fingers of color. Kurt Wallander sr is a great fan of the opera. Kurt Wallander jr says he actually hates opera. I bet that was a joke.
    ellauri301.html on line 228: Krotoa was born in 1643 as a member of the !Uriǁ’aeǀona (Strandlopers) people, and the niece of Autshumao, a Khoi chieftain and trader. At the age of twelve, she was taken to work in the household of Jan van Riebeeck, the first governor of the Cape colony. As a teenager, she learned Dutch and Portuguese and, like her uncle, worked as an interpreter for the Dutch who wanted to trade goods for cattle. "!Oroǀõas" received goods such as tobacco, brandy, bread, beads, copper and iron for her services. In exchange, when she visited her family her Dutch masters expected her to return with cattle, horses, seed pearls, amber, tusks, and hides. Unlike her uncle, however, who just Spike hottentot, "!Oroǀõas" was able to obtain a higher position within the Dutch hierarchy as she additionally served as a trading agent, ambassador for a high ranking chief and peace negotiator in time of war. Her story exemplifies the initial dependency of the Dutch newcomers on the natives, who were able to provide reasonably reliable information about the local inhabitants.
    ellauri301.html on line 234: She was taken in as a companion and as a servant to Riebeeck´s wife and children. However, many authors and historians speculate that she most likely lived in a sexually abusive space, based on the fondness Van Riebeek showed for her in his journals.
    ellauri301.html on line 236: Circumstantial evidence supports the theory that at the time of the Dutch arrival, the girl was living with her uncle Autshumato (also known as Harry by the Dutch), the circumstantial evidence being that she showed consistent hostility to the !Uriǁ’aekua and, by association, to her own mother, who lived with them. In contrast Krotoa´s fate and fortunes were closely aligned to those of her uncle Autshumato and to his clan known as the !Uriǁ´aeǀona. The ǃUriǁ´aeǀona (rendered in Dutch as "Goringhaicona") people who were sedentary, non-pastoral hunter-gatherers are believed to be one of the first clans to make acquaintance with the Dutch people. Prior to the Dutch´s arrival Autshumato served as a postal agent for passing ships of a number of countries. If the theory of !Oroǀõas having lived with her uncle is true, then her early service to the VOC may not have been as violent a transition as it was made out to be.
    ellauri301.html on line 240: She returned to the mainland on 30 September 1668 with her three children. Suffering from alcoholism, she left the Castle in the settlement to be with her family in their kraals. In February 1669 she was imprisoned unjustly for immoral behavior at the Castle and then banished to Robben Island. This was likely the result of the strict anti-alcohol laws the VOC had passed to govern the local population after they introduced higher proof European liquors. One of Van Riebeeck´s nieces, Elizabeth Van Opdorp, adopted Krotoa´s children after she was banished. She returned to the mainland on many occasions, only to find herself once more banished to Robben Island. In May 1673 she was allowed to baptise a child on the mainland. Three of her children survived. She died on 29 July 1674 in the Cape and was buried on 30 September 1674 in the Castle in the Fort. However, roughly a hundred years later, her bones were removed to an unmarked grave.
    ellauri301.html on line 246: Frederik Willem de Klerk (/də ˈklɜːrk, də ˈklɛərk/, Afrikaans: [ˈfriədərək ˈvələm də ˈklɛrk], 18 March 1936 – 11 November 2021) was a South African politician who served as state president of South Africa from 1989 to 1994 and as deputy president from 1994 to 1996 in the democratic government. As South Africa´s last head of state from the era of white-minority rule, he and his government dismantled the apartheid system and introduced universal suffrage. Ideologically a conservative and an economic liberal, he led the National Party (NP) from 1989 to 1997.
    ellauri301.html on line 259: De Klerk was a controversial figure among many sections of South African society, all for different reasons. He received many awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize for dismantling apartheid and bringing universal suffrage to South Africa. Conversely, he received criticism from anti-apartheid activists for offering only a qualified apology for apartheid, and for ignoring the human rights abuses by state security forces. He was also condemned by South Africa´s Afrikaner nationalists, who contended that by abandoning apartheid, he betrayed the interests of the country´s Afrikaner minority. South Africa´s Conservative Party came to regard him as its most hated adversary.
    ellauri301.html on line 290: Eugène Ney Terrace Blanche ([ɪə‌ˈʒɛn ˈnɛj tərˈblɑ‌ːʃ], 31 January 1941– 3 April 2010) was an Afrikaner nationalist and white supremacist who founded and led the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB; Afrikaner Resistance Movement in English). Prior to founding the AWB, Terrace Blanche served as a South African Police officer, was unsuccessful as a farmer, and an unsuccessful Herstigte Nasionale Party (Reconstituted National Party) candidate for local office in the Transvaal. He was a major figure in the right-wing backlash against the collapse of apartheid. His beliefs and philosophy have continued to be influential amongst White supremacists in South Africa and across the world.
    ellauri301.html on line 329: A braai is about being South African. What makes a braai truly South African are the traditions that have become common practise in a vast majority of households in this beautiful country. It is so much more than just the cooking of food but also the gathering of friends and loved ones. The atmosphere and VIBE of the braai is what makes it such a special event for all South Africans, black, white and yaller!
    ellauri301.html on line 343: TIDBIT: There are many initiatives surrounding this day that have received endorsement. There is even an official song “Our Heritage” recorded by The Soweto Gospel Choir.
    ellauri301.html on line 375: Wallanderin poliisikollega Svedberg löydetään kotoaan kuolleena. Kuka on
    ellauri301.html on line 376: hymyileviä ihmisiä lahtaava transvestiitti? Oliko Svedbergillä salainen
    ellauri301.html on line 407: Likainen enkeli on tositapahtumiin perustuva romaani salaperäisestä ruotsalaisnaisesta, joka piti ilotaloa 1900-luvun alun Afrikassa. Hun minnes sin fars siste ord: "En fattig engel. Det er hva du er." Ett år senere er hun eier at en av de største bordellene i hovedstaden i den portugisiske kolonien Mozambique. Plutselig har hun fått en maktposisjon, fra å ha vært en fattig engel er hun blitt den skitne engelen. Noen år senere forsvinner hun sporløst ut av historien, just liksom Kari Eidsvold. Huom! Ei ilmeisesti ole dekkari, mutta varmasti himputin mielenkiintoinen romaani kuitenkin. En ole kyllä lukenut.
    ellauri302.html on line 73: The Holy Scroll is clearly the chief character. The Holy Scroll, whose religious significance is fully explained in the course of the play, is a parchment manuscript containing the first five books of the Bible, together known as the Torah, or Law. Despite that, Ash is no orthodox. He was 37 and lived happily in New York at the time. Tämän johdannon kirjoitti Iisakki Kultavuori, Roxbury Mass. mainizematta mitenkään näytelmän vahvaa lepakkotunnelmaa.
    ellauri302.html on line 89: BASHA, a country lass, recently arrived.
    ellauri302.html on line 154: The Scribe, gives his hand to Yekel. Your health, host. (Admonishing him.) And know, that a Holy Scroll is a wondrous possession. The whole world rests upon a Scroll of the Law, and every Scroll is the exact counterpart of the tablets that were received by Moses upon Mount Sinai. Every line of a Holy Scroll is penned in purity and piety... Where dwells a Scroll, in such a house dwells God himself... So it must be guarded against every impurity... Man, you must know that a Holy Scroll...
    ellauri302.html on line 233: Each of three “solemn feasts”—Passover, the Feast of Weeks, and the Feast of Tabernacles—required that all able-bodied Jewish males travel to Jerusalem to attend the feast and offer sacrifices. All three of these feasts required that “firstfruit” offerings be made at the temple as a way of expressing thanksgiving for God’s provision. The Feast of Firstfruits celebrated at the time of the Passover included the first fruits of the barley harvest. The Feast of Weeks was in celebration of the first fruits of the wheat harvest, and the Feast of Tabernacles involved offerings of the first fruits of the olive and grape harvests.
    ellauri302.html on line 235: Since the Feast of Weeks was one of the “harvest feasts,” the Jews were commanded to “present an offering of new grain to the Lord” (Leviticus 23:16). This offering was to be “two wave loaves of two-tenths of an ephah” which were made “of fine flour... baked with leaven.” The offerings were to be made of the first fruits of that harvest (Leviticus 23:17). Along with the “wave offerings” they were also to offer seven first-year lambs that were without blemish along with one young bull and two rams. Additional offerings are also prescribed in Leviticus and the other passages that outline how this feast was to be observed. Another important requirement of this feast is that, when the Jews harvested their fields, they were required to leave the corners of the field untouched and not gather “any gleanings” from the harvest as a way of providing for the poor and strangers (Leviticus 23:22).
    ellauri302.html on line 695: Vanerne kallas ofta för »vise», hvilket ord då står i full öfverensstämmelse med att Mimesbrunnen, hafvet, är all visdoms källa. Det är ock märkligt, att Vanerne i Valans Visdom framträda omedelbart efter Gullveigs dråp; men däri ligger följande tanke. Vattengudarne äro också gudar för sjöfart och handel, hvilka framkallas af guldtörsten och i sin ordning vålla tvedrägt och strider bland både gudar och människor. Som dessa strider äro oundvikliga, öppnas de af Odin själf, hvars spjutkast är det första anfallet på den växande egennyttan. Såsom alltid redo att försvara vunna skatter kallas Vanerne »krigiske».
    ellauri308.html on line 291: Kuusinen oli yksi harvoista 1930-luvun Stalinin hallinnon vainoista ja puhdistuksista hengissä selvinneistä johtavista suomalaiskommunisteista. Monet hänen entiset toverinsa menettivät henkensä ”kansanvihollisina”. Ollessaan osallisena tapahtumiin Kuusinen puolusti tehtyjä ratkaisuja, mutta esimerkiksi 1938 hän yritti (turhaan) vedota joidenkin SKP:n jäsenten puolesta.
    ellauri309.html on line 137: molemmat romaanit vedettiin myöhemmin painosta. Huhtikuussa 1998 Dailey
    ellauri309.html on line 412: roopeankkojen rumaa vedätystä. Historioitsija Kate Bowlerin mukaan
    ellauri309.html on line 454: jäi virkavapaalle vedoten Tulsa Evangelist Universityn entisten
    ellauri309.html on line 509: Billy Graham varttui maitotilallisen poikana Pohjois-Carolinan maaseudulla. He started to read books from an early age and loved to read novels for boys, especially Tarzan. Like Tarzan, he would hang on the trees and gave the popular Tarzan yell. According to his father, that yelling led him to become a minister. Vuonna 1934 Graham osallistui evankelista Mordecai Hamin kokoukseen ja teki henkilökohtaisen uskonratkaisun. Ham had a reputation for racism and anti-Semitism. He believed and preached on various topics based on classical anti-Semitic canards such as believing Jews had special access to political power and influence and that they represent a subversive social force. The targets for his preaching were often "nebulous rings of Jewish, Catholic or Black conspirators plotting to destroy white protestant America."
    ellauri309.html on line 511: Vuonna 1936 Graham jätti isänsä maitotilan ja lähti opiskelemaan Bob Jonesin Collegeen, joka sijaitsi tuolloin Tennesseen Clevelandissa. Opinnot Bob Jonesin Collegessa jäivät kuitenkin yhden lukukauden mittaiseksi oppilaitoksen äärimmäisen fundamentalismin vuoksi. Graham siirtyi opiskelemaan Floridan raamattuinstituuttiin Tampan läheisyyteen. Graham valmistui vuonna 1940 ja hänet asetettiin Eteläisen baptistikonvention pastorin tehtävään. Graham ilmoittautui jatkokoulutukseen Illinoisissa sijaitsevaan Wheaton Collegeen ja tapasi Wheatonissa tulevan vaimonsa, Ruth Bellin. She had been conceived in China in missionary position, unlike a horse. Graham talked his future wife, Ruth, into abandoning her ambition to evangelize in Tibet in favor of staying in the United States to marry him – and that to do otherwise would be "to thwart God's obvious will". After Ruth agreed to marry him, Graham cited the Bible for claiming authority over her, saying, "then I'll do the leading and you do the following".
    ellauri309.html on line 678: toimintatasoilla, ja vedämme puoleemme mitä haluamme tai odotamme. Jos
    ellauri310.html on line 110: vielä ainakin kohentaa rantaa, ja kenties rakentaa rantaveden päälle
    ellauri310.html on line 491: Tannenbaum. Samaan säveleen vedettiin myös My Florida ja My Michigan. "Ma
    ellauri310.html on line 510: I, who saved Christianity from the threat of extinction by making peace with the
    ellauri310.html on line 609: On January 23, 1978, Chase broke into a house and shot Teresa Wallin (three months pregnant at the time) three times. He then had sexual intercourse with her corpse while stabbing her with a butcher's knife. He then removed multiple organs, cut off one of her nipples and drank her blood. He stuffed dog feces from Wallin's yard down her throat before leaving.
    ellauri310.html on line 682: T-55 on yksi maailman eniten valmistettuja ja pitkäikäisimpiä taistelupanssarivaunuja, jota on valmistettu Neuvostoliiton lisäksi myös Puolassa, Tšekkoslovakiassa ja Kiinassa. Osa valtavasta painosta selittyy edessä olevalla lähes 50 senttimetrin panssaroinnilla ja sivuillakin on kahdeksan sentin panssarointi. T-55 ei ole uintikykyinen, mutta kaksimetrinen snorkkeli kytkettynä ja luukut suljettuna sillä voi tilapäisesti ajaa melko syvälläkin vedessä.
    ellauri310.html on line 922: a war instigated by a major power which does not itself become involved."the end of the Cold War brought an end to many of the proxy wars through which the two sides struggled to exert their influence"
    ellauri311.html on line 168: toi paikalle erityisen veden, feminiinisen energian. ”Luonto elää tätä
    ellauri311.html on line 178: elementille: tulelle, vedelle, maalle ja ilmalle. Samalla heilutetaan käsiä
    ellauri311.html on line 182: lohikäärmeen voimaa // Tulen, veden voimaa / Maan ja ilman voimaa /
    ellauri311.html on line 227: esitetty vastakohtana oikeaoppisemmille” tai ”vedisille” hindulaisuuden
    ellauri311.html on line 253: kädellä vedimisen suuntauksesta”, jossa rikotaan radikaalisti sovinnaisia
    ellauri311.html on line 255: rape-perinnettä. Tantrismin piirteinä voidaan yleisesti pitää ei-vedistä
    ellauri311.html on line 256: tai vedisen tradition ulkopuolista alkuperää tai kirjoituksellista
    ellauri313.html on line 170: Morrison wanted to call the novel War but was overridden by her editor. Ei kyllä tässä lähes kaikki ovat lakukeppejä. Rotuviha on korvautunut tässä niteessä miesvihalla. Throughout the novel, the women of the Convent provide a safe haven for all those who come to its doorstep. However, the Convent is widely perceived as a corrupting influence in Ruby (a negro town), the source of their problems rather than where problems must go because of Ruby's intolerant atmosphere. Both the men of Haven and Ruby exhibit a patriarchal nature. This is seen through their intense hatred for the Convent women who are unconventional and nonconforming.
    ellauri313.html on line 175: In volume #2 of Liza Marklund's wildly popular series of feminist thrillers, Annika gets involved with a married man. Needless to say, his wife is a cold-hearted, frigid bitch, and she's doing all three of them a favour by taking Thomas away from her.
    ellauri313.html on line 218: ukrainalaista morsiameta, vedoten siihen, että Ukrainasta sodan vuoksi lähteneiden
    ellauri315.html on line 479: Om Pulteri försvinner vad skall "man" göra åt det militariserade ryska samhället? Dom kan ju fortsätta kriget utan han? Kanske skicka "ens" egna militärer dit och bemanna denna gång inte bara Vladivostok och Murmansk utan hela landet? Eller fråga svedupellena hur man blir av med paramilitära gänger? Lurendrejare som bränner koraner? Kung som inte kan ens läsa? Journalister bryr sig lika lite som andra nätmobbare.
    ellauri315.html on line 494: Huumepomo Kurdi-Kettu lällättää ja näyttää fäkkiä ruåzalaisille Turkista käsin Turkin kansalaisena. Erdogan hahattaa ankarasti takapiruna, ei luovuta. Svedut saavat maistaa omaa lääkettä.
    ellauri316.html on line 50: Den finska propagandan bygger på sanning. Finnar hsr tre gudar men bara en sanning att dela mellan dem. Putin spelar mot Medvedev i finalen i U.S. Open. Finska fotbollare spelar för at vinna. Finska skolelever tävlar bara för at ha det kul.
    ellauri316.html on line 185: Länkkärit on vedättäneet venäläisiä kaikissa sodissa
    ellauri316.html on line 456: Vuonna 1975 hänelle myönnettiin Nobelin rauhanpalkinto. Häntä ei päästetty palkintoa noutamaan, joten hänen vaimonsa luki vedet silmissä palkintopuheen, jossa sanottiin mm. rauhan, edistyksen ja ihmisoikeuksien olevan riippuvaisia toisistaan. Paskapuhetta, kuten on nähty tähän mennessä. Neljä vuotta myöhemmin Andrei Saharov asettui vastustamaan Afganistanin sotaa, mikä johti lopulta hänen leimaamiseensa toisinajattelijaksi ja sisäiseen karkotukseen Gorkiin vuonna 1980.
    ellauri316.html on line 481: Ei auttanut: Huhtikuussa 1976 Moskovan kunnallinen tuomioistuin tuomitsi Tverdokhlebovin viideksi vuodeksi maanpakoon "valheellisiksi tiedettyjen väärennösten levittämisestä, jotka huonontavat Neuvostoliiton valtiota ja yhteiskuntajärjestelmää". Hänet karkotettiin pieneen Nyurbachanin kylään Jakutiaan, Siperiaan. Vuonna 1976 julkaistun New Scientist -artikkelin mukaan kylässä oli vain muutama sata asukasta, ja se oli poissa normaalista liikenteestä kahdeksan kuukautta vuodessa äärimmäisten sääolosuhteiden vuoksi. Lokakuussa 1976 Andrei Saharov ja hänen vaimonsa matkustivat Moskovasta tapaamaan maanpaossa olevaa Tverdokhlebovia. Kovan leivän ääreen oli joutunut tämä vähäisempi Andrei, paskaduuniin USA:sta länteen. Eli kuiteskin 71-vuotiaaxi asti, vaikka sulatti juomaveden lumihangesta. Ehkä juuri sixi.
    ellauri316.html on line 493: Kilpavarustelu asetti raskaan taakan siihen "vedettyjen" maiden talouksille, ja yli 2000 ydinkoeräjähdystä, joista 500 tapahtui maan päällä, aiheuttivat tuntuvia ympäristövahinkoja koko planeetalle. Vähemmän kuitenkin kuin vimmattu fossiilien polttelu ja kirottu muovi. Muovi! Muovi! huusi Lauri Hakulinen Kuusitien parvekkeelta. Vuonna 1987 Neuvostoliiton ja USA:n solmima sopimus keskipitkän ja lyhyemmän kantaman ohjusten poistamisesta on nyt katkolla. Kohta ne alkanevat meidän päiden yllä viuhua.
    ellauri316.html on line 642: Yllä oikeat vaihtoehdot. Pihkova on yhtä ikivanha venäläinen kaupunki kuin Viipuri. Svedut menetti sen Marianne Stolbovan rauhassa. Siellä on pyörinyt niin sakuja, baltteja, polakkeja kuin sveduja. Iivana päätyi kuskaamaan Pleskovin niskuroivan aateliston Moskovaan. Suspektia porukkaa.
    ellauri317.html on line 380:
    Tuberville likes to say "there is no one more military than me." And while he has not served in the military himself, he regularly features Alabama service members on his senatorial website.

    ellauri317.html on line 471: Maria Aleksandrovna Spiridonova (16. lokakuuta 1884, Tambov - 11. syyskuuta 1941, Medvedevskin metsä lähellä Orelia) - Venäjän vallankumouksellinen, yksi vasemmistososialistisen vallankumouspuolueen johtajista.
    ellauri317.html on line 515: 11. syyskuuta 1941 NKVD:n upseerit ampuivat hänet Medvedevskin metsässä lähellä Orelia yhdessä muun 153 Orjolin vankilan poliittisen vangin kanssa (joissa oli hänen miehensä Ilja Mayorov, ystävä Aleksandra Izmailovitš). Teloitus selittyy sillä, että tuomittujen siirtäminen tästä vankilasta ei ollut mahdollista. Suurin osa tällaisissa tapauksissa tuomiota suorittavista vapautettiin tai määrättiin vetäytyviin sotilasyksiköihin. Joissakin tapauksissa vaarallisimmat vangit tapettiin. Marja kunnostettiin osittain 1988 ja kokonaan 1991. Hän oli venäläis-rsnskalais-englantilaisen imperialismin agentti.
    ellauri317.html on line 629: Kaplan viittasi bolshevikkien kasvavaan autoritaarisuuteen vedoten heidän perustavan kokouksensa väkivaltaiseen sulkemiseen tammikuussa 1918, vaaleihin, joille he olivat hävinneet. Kun kävi selväksi, että Kaplan ei ottaisi rikoskumppaneita, hänet teloitettiin Aleksanterin puutarhassa. Käskyn toteuttivat Kremlin komentaja, entinen Baltian merimies PD Malkov ja joukko latvialaisia bolshevikkeja 3. syyskuuta 1918 luoti selänpäähän. Hänen ruumiinsa niputettiin tynnyriin ja sytytettiin palamaan. Tilaus tuli Yakov Sverdlovilta, joka vain kuusi viikkoa aiemmin oli tilannut tsaarin ja hänen perheensä murhan.
    ellauri317.html on line 737: Kapinaa Jaroslavlissa johti everstiluutnantti Perhurov, jonka komentamat upseerit valtasivat joukon strategisia kohteita 6. heinäkuuta vastaisena yönä kello 2 ja kävivät pidättämässä kaupungin johtavat bolševikit. Näistä useita teloitettiin, mukaan lukien paikallisen aluekomitean puheenjohtaja. Kapinaan liittyivät muun muassa paikallisen puna-armeijan sotakoulun opetusupseerit ja seuraavina päivinä tuhansia vapaaehtoisia lähiseudulta. Bolševikkien vastahyökkäys käynnistyi seuraavana yönä, mutta kapinalliset onnistuivat torjumaan sen. Puna-armeijan tykkitulen tuhottua kaupungin vesisäiliön kapina oli kuitenkin tuhoon tuomittu, sillä puna-armeijan saartorengas esti pääsyn Volgajoelle, ainoalle juomaveden lähteelle.
    ellauri318.html on line 46: Asianajaja Lapidus debytoi kirjailijana vuonna 2006 teoksella Snabba cash. Snabba Cash herätti huomiota ja vuoteen 2010 mennessä sitä myytiin 600 000 kappaletta. Seuraava teos, Aldrig fucka upp, ilmestyi vuonna 2008. Trilogian täydensi Livet de luxe vuonna 2010. Vuonna 2010 häneltä ilmestyi myös yhdessä Peter Bergtingin kanssa tehty sarjakuvaromaani Jengisota 145. Sittemmin Lapidukselta on ilmestynyt novellikokoelma ja kaksi romaania. Ilmeisesti nämä jutut ei sveduja enää juuri nappaa. Stockholmissa hyörii riittävästi muutenkin aseistettuja nuaaria. Paska kaupunki.
    ellauri318.html on line 50: Vapiduxen huumekonnat muistuttavat voimakkaasti vallankumoushemmoja. Sisään ja ulos vankiloista, joissa muhii toinen toistaan kovempia jengejä, painostusta, vedätystä, pyssynpauketta. Tavallinen yhteiskunta on aivan kädetön. Jengit noudattavat klaaniyhteiskunnan lakeja. Klaaneista ei ole koskaan päästy eroon muulla kuin vielä hirmuisemmalla hirmuvallalla.
    ellauri318.html on line 89: Märkäselät puhuvat posessa mutakuonoruåzia. Sliipatut sveduhomot menee etkoille "Putelle". Isä oli finanssimies äiti vanhaa rahaa. Missä on sosialidemokraatit, Tyyne Leivo-Larsson, missä kansankoti? Ruåzi joutaa vajota maan alle kuin Kiiruna. "Nippe." Millons ne toiset kolat vedetään?
    ellauri318.html on line 98: Varför fan? Svedupellena ÄR ju bögar allihopa. Putepossun nimipäivää eilen vietettiin. Mors grisar är vi allihopa, du med och jag med. Paholaiset pukeutuvat Pradaan. Laadukkaat merkkivaatteet ovh 70Kkr - sehän on annas olla melkein 6 kiloeuroa! Vauzi vau! Pioneerin stereot, haha mullakin oli sellaiset, ostin käytettynä Hannu-Pekalta. Jotenkin tää on tosi säälitävää. Polvisukkia. Sukkamuotikin on kääntynyt päinvastaisexi, nyt pitää nilkat olla paljaina. Skumppaa, kaato, viivat ja sitten panolle. Ei edes pano enää taida ei-binäärisille maistua. Eikä viinakaan.
    ellauri318.html on line 117: Ilo ilman viivaa on teeskentelyä. Enkä puhu nyt hilloviivasta, sanoo Jehovan todistaja. Vaan käyhän sekin paremman puutteessa. He naivat ankarasti. JP tuli kouraansa. JP kesti korkeintaan 5 pistoa. Noloa. Samaan aikaan toisaalla Jorgekaan ei diggaa hyvinvointivaltiota. Jorge ei tajunnut miksi yömajassa oli lähes pelkästään sveduja, vaikka kaikkein köyhimmät olivat hänen tietääkseen mutiaisia. Miten svedut kehtasivat?
    ellauri318.html on line 119: Mrado huokaisi. Hänen mielessään kävi ajatus, joka hämmästytti häntä itseäänkin: aivan liian moni yritti esittää tiukkaa, vaikka on pelkkä nolla. Hän oli törmännyt ilmiöön monta kertaa. Työttömät svedudeekut, kouluttamattomat portsarit ja lähiöiden röyhkeät jengiteinit olivat kaikki olevinaan besserwissereitä. Oliko siitä apua? Tunsivatko he sen ansiosta olevansa jotain muuta kuin pohjamutaa? Tämä vosu oli selvä luuseri. Miksi hän edes yritti?
    ellauri318.html on line 123: Kaikki vetää kamaa, kertoo Abdul iloisena. Svedut, mutiaiset, teinit. Tästä on tullut koko kansan juttu tyyliin Ikea tai Henkkamaukka. Kauppa käy kuin siimaa. JP ostaa kolarahoilla ällöjä merkkivaatteita. Hän ei pane mitään säästöön. Hän panee neitosia hampaankoloon. Sohvi oli lumoava kuin fixu tv-juontaja. Tosissaan iskeminen oli kinkkistä. JPlle tuli Pohjois-Euroopan tiukin stondis silkasta rahanhimosta. Väkivalta Tukholmassa on kasvanut ja asujainten suhde aseisiin on lämmennyt. Ruåzi etenee päättäväisesti jenkkiesikuviensa tietä. Nekin jotka eivät osallistu seuraavat kiihottuneina vierestä kumikauloina. Ostelevat Vapiduxen ja kumppaneiden sellukirjoja. Svedut on 50v jenkeistä jälessä mutta nopeita oppijoita. Niikö virolaiset poroista.
    ellauri318.html on line 125: Kepaappi oli niin hyvää että suli suussa. Hampurilainen ja pizzakin. Vizi mitä törkyä nää konnat lappaa mahoihinsa. Kauppaisivat kahvia kolan sijasta kuten Kalle Ankka (alla). Hintakin on pian samoissa, kun brassit kuivattavat sademeziä. Steekkareiden vieraiden joukossa palloilivat anorektinen prinsessa Madeleine ja Leif Pagrozky. I 2010 ble Pagrotsky utnevnt til «Årets hedersryss» (Årets hedersruss) ved Sällskapet Ryska Huset, med begrunnelsen «Pagrotskys interesse for russisk kultur i sin alminnelighet, og russisk film i særlig grad». Lefa vastusti euroa ja huumelakeja. Lefalla on sydänvika. Naisvieraat viihtyivät minitopeissaan ja blingblingvaatteissaan.
    ellauri318.html on line 128:
    Jorgelito kuikkii angstisena puskista. Svedut ovat hulluja.

    ellauri318.html on line 149: Herr Andoril, född Gustafsson, on fiktioinut liberaalipoliitikko Blixiä. Vassari ulkoministeri Anna Lindh käynnisti 2003 Blix-komission hallituxen rahoilla, jonka tarkoitus oli paljastaa bad Bushin Irak-vedätys. Tästä kiitoxexi Lindhin listi NK:lla samana vuonna serbi Mijailo Mijailovits. Varmaan CIA:n palkkalistoilla. (Lisää aiheesta albumissa 245.) Siihen loppui Ruåzin vasemmistoterrori. Päästiin typerästä "avoimesta yhteiskunnasta." Nyt on Ruozissa skoudeja kuin siiroja ja yhtä täydet vankilat kuin Yhdysvalloissa, ja vankeinhoitolaitos on kiinalaista Volvoakin suurempi työnantaja.
    ellauri318.html on line 154: Vitun svedut tekee koko ajan pilaa finne Joonasta: ska vi praatta eller joppa? Joonan äiti paistaa sushit ennen syöntiä, Joonalla ei seiso Disan kanssa, jne, jne. Svedu perkeleet. Joona on kuin Prattin trolli joka ajattelee salamannopeasti syväjäädytettynä. Sen nimikin on vizi: 2 o:ta peräkkäin. Dead giveaway! En finne igen. Harmi että Slussenin sillat on purettu, sieltä alta niitä sai.
    ellauri318.html on line 171: Njuu saatiin se mafioso sentään ammutuxi siiviläxi Suomen Jouzenen tultua svedupettereille avuxi, mutta eikös vaan sen mikkihiiri Petteri poika astu Rinaldo Rinaldinin tilalle edistämään länsinaapurien asekauppoja vienolla viulusäestyxellä.
    ellauri318.html on line 354: Yhteistä Kepler sepustuxille taitaa olla että kasvottomat pahixet ajaa takaa jotain tyttöä, ja että joku sivupäähenkilö kärsii unettomuudesta. Näissä krimisarjoissa eniten ehkä vituttaa että joka hemmetin iikalla on jotain ongelmia kotona, vammasia nurkissa tai huumehemmoja, eikä kukaan ehdi edes syömään rauhassa kun puhelin jo taas piippaa "mun täytyy ottaa tää". Helvetti eikö koko poliisivoimissa ole yhtään ehjää perhettä tai kiiretöntä lounastajaa, joka nukkuu yönsä kunnolla? Ei ole. Svedukrimit on väärällään syrjäytynyttä rupusakkia. Ei ihme kun maa on täynnä tollasia matujen kansoittamia Tenstoja. Tai hei, onhan niilä nyt toi Petra Lundh, som är inget arbetsbi.
    ellauri318.html on line 365: Kriminologian prof. Leif GW Perssonin krimi alkaa ääreist klischeisesti sillä että kiireisen Lisa Mattein tytär-ja-äiti hemmottelupäivä tyssää jo kotiovelle työpuhelimen pirinään. Jotain on tapahtunut eikä koko sveduissa ole ketään toista joka voisi tuurata kiireistä operatiivista supojohtajaa Lisa Matteita. Montakohan ziljoonaa kertaa tämäkin kohtaus on jo näytetty? Selluloidi on jo ihan rakeinen. I-KÄ-VYS-TYT-TÄVÄÄ! Vittu soittakaa Lefalle, eixe vois hoitaa tän?
    ellauri318.html on line 369: Lefa vaikuttaa piilomisogyyniltä kaappirasistilta. Ja herkuttelevalta herralta. Tämän lisäxi se on ennen kaikkea sanomattoman virkamiesmäisen kuivakka. Tohtorinhatullinen pölyä. Blatte on mutakuono ruåzixi, latinaxi torakka. Poliisivoimissa 2005 ei ollut yhtään blattea. Sielä on sentään Helena Palmgren niminen radikalisoitunut sveduämmä, joka osoittautuu kirjan Dorloxi. Sen ampuu Mattein kotineekeri Ukulele kylmän rauhallisesti ottalaukauxella vainaaxi, vaikkei olis edes enää tarvinnut. Paha somali Abbdo räjäyttää izensä Nobel-dynypatukalla taivaalle. Palefaceihin ei sattunut. Näin eletään 2015 Ruåzissa.
    ellauri321.html on line 108: In 1747, in his sixteenth year, Crèvecoeur was sent by his family to England in order to complete his education. But the young man was of an adventurous spirit, and after a sojourn of about seven years in England, he set sail for Canada, where for the years 1758–59 he served in the French army. In 1764, after some residence in Pennsylvania, he became a naturalized citizen of New York, and five years later settled on a farm in Ulster County. Here, with his wife, Mahetable Tiffet of Yonkers, he lived the peaceful life of many idyllic years during which he gathered the materials for his book. Obviously enough he did not always remain on his farm, but viewed many parts of the country with a quietly observing eye. These journeys are recorded in his pages. He explored pretty thoroughly the settled portions of the States of New York and Pennsylvania, saw something of New England, and also penetrated westward to the limits of the colonies. He went as far South as Charleston, and may have visited Jamaica. Beyond such journeyings we may imagine these years to have xiv have been quite barren of events, serene and peaceful, until the storm of the Revolution began to break. It is not until 1779 that anything of import is again recorded of Crèvecoeur. In that year he made an attempt to return to Normandy, but the sudden appearance of a French fleet in the harbor of New York causing him to be suspected as a spy, he was imprisoned for three months. He was then permitted to sail, and, on his arrival in England, sold for thirty guineas his “Letters from an American Farmer,” which were published at London in 1782, the year after he reached France.
    ellauri321.html on line 121: He was an indomitable optimist. In the value and joy of that phase of life which he described he believed heartily, as well as in the future of the colonies, and in the beneficent effect of that future on the fortunes of mankind.
    ellauri321.html on line 143: The rich and the poor are not so far removed from each other as they are in Europe. Some few towns excepted, we are all tillers of the earth, from Nova Scotia to West Florida. We are all animated with the spirit of an industry which is unfettered and unrestrained, because each person works for himself. (Excepting the Negroes of course, and a bunch of penniless farm hands.)
    ellauri321.html on line 159: As Christians, religion curbs them not in their opinions; the general indulgence leaves every one to think for themselves in spiritual matters; the laws inspect our actions, our thoughts are left to God. Industry, good living, selfishness, litigiousness, country politics, the pride of freemen, religious indifference, are their characteristics. If you recede still farther from the sea, you will come into more modern settlements; they exhibit the same strong lineaments, in a ruder appearance. Religion seems to have still less influence, and their manners are less improved, and they carry guns.
    ellauri321.html on line 191: Pride steps in and leads him to every thing that the laws do not expressly forbid. It is not every immigrant who succeeds; no, it is only the sober, the honest, and industrious: happy those to whom this transition has served as a powerful spur to labour, to prosperity, and to the good establishment of children, born in the days of their poverty; and who had no other portion to expect but the rags of their parents, had it not been for their crappy imigration. Why here they can find better rags on the dump and eat heartier meals from the trashcans.
    ellauri321.html on line 195: The Scotch and the Irish might have lived in their own country perhaps as poor, but enjoying more civil advantages, the effects of their new situation do not strike them so forcibly, nor has it so lasting an effect. From whence the difference arises I know not, but out of twelve families of emigrants of each country, generally seven Scotch will succeed, nine German, and four Irish. The Scotch are frugal and laborious, but their wives cannot work so hard as German women, who on the contrary vie with their husbands, and often share with them the most severe toils of the field, which they understand better. They have therefore nothing to struggle against, but the common casualties of nature. The Irish do not prosper so well; they love to drink and to quarrel; they are litigious, and soon take to the gun, which is the ruin of every thing; they seem beside to labour under a greater degree of ignorance in husbandry than the others; perhaps it is that their industry had less scope, and was less exercised at home. Their potatoes, which are easily raised, are perhaps an inducem
    ellauri321.html on line 233: Og herr Winckelmann trekker Helene mot døren og jeg må bare sitte stille og se på mens herr Winckelmann tar min kjære Helene fra meg, herr Winckelmann drar min kjære Helene bort fra meg for alltid, han drar min kjære Helene med seg, han drar henne ut av rommet jeg leide i fru Winckelmanns leilighet, han tar hardt tak i armen til min kjære Helene og drar henne vekk fra meg, og mens herr Winckelmann trekker min kjære Helene vekk fra meg, står fru Winckelmann bare i døråpningen og ser på. Min kjære Helene blir dratt ut av rommet etter armen. Og det kan han ikke gjøre. Og jeg må bare sitte her. Og far står ved vinduet og ser herr Winckelmann trekke Helene ut av rommet. Min far stirrer på herr Winckelmann som drar min kjære Helene ut av rommet. Min kjære Helene blir dratt ut av rommet for alltid, vekk fra meg, borte fra meg for alltid. Og far sier ingenting, han bare står der med capsen i hånden, i treskoene står han der og ser herr Winckelmann trekke min kjære Helene bort fra meg. Og Elizabeth, min kjære søster Elizabeth, hvorfor står du bare der og ser opp på Mr. Winckelmann??
    ellauri321.html on line 305: Muistaaxeni eräs Juaniin tyytymätön jenkki Goodreads arvostelija sanoi jättäneensä niteen kesken koska siinä oli niin paljon vanhoja jenkkiklisheitä. Shelved as 'dropped' September 14, 2022. Unengaging story, wooden protagonist, hackneyed American tropes. Disappointment etched all over mine phiz. Read up to p.142.
    ellauri321.html on line 420: Earl Wasserman jatkoi vuonna 1953 keskustelua viimeisistä riveistä ja väitti: Mitä kovempaa vedämme oodin viimeisiä rivejä, sitä enemmän niiden merkityksen silmukka kuristaa ymmärryksemme runosta ... Aforismi on sitä houkuttelevampi, koska se näkyy runon loppupuolella, sillä sen näennäisen huippukohta on yleensä johtanut olettamukseen, että se on runon abstrakti summaus... Mutta oodi ei ole abstrakti lausunto tai retki filosofiaan. Se on vaan runo "asioista".
    ellauri321.html on line 583: Wodehouse moved to the US in 1945 and lived there until his death in 1975, aged 93. Had he returned to Affeninsel he would have been prosecuted for treason. Personality pays. You are special. Che sará sará, whatever will be will be.
    ellauri322.html on line 82: Excess and inequality of taxation, however disguised in the means, never fail to appear in their effects. As a great mass of the community are thrown thereby into poverty and discontent, they are constantly on the brink of commotion; and deprived, as they unfortunately are, of the means of information, are easily heated to outrage. Tupla hah.
    ellauri322.html on line 106: At an early period⁠—little more than sixteen years of age, raw and adventurous, and heated with the false heroism of a master who had served in a man-of-war⁠—I began the carver of my own fortune, and entered on board the Terrible Privateer, Captain Death. From this adventure I was happily prevented by the affectionate and moral remonstrance of a good father, who, from his own habits of life, being of the Quaker profession, must begin to look upon me as lost.
    ellauri322.html on line 108: But the impression, much as it effected at the time, began to wear away, and I entered afterwards in the King of Prussia Privateer, Captain Mendez, and went with her to sea. Yet, from such a beginning, and with all the inconvenience of early life against me, I am proud to say, that with a perseverance undismayed by difficulties, a disinterestedness that compelled respect, I have not only contributed to raise a new empire in the world, founded on a new system of government, but I have arrived at an eminence in political literature, the most difficult of all lines to succeed and excel in, which aristocracy with all its aids has not been able to reach or to rival. Notta lällällää teille loordit!
    ellauri322.html on line 125: Never did so great an opportunity offer itself to England, and to all Europe, as is produced by the two Revolutions of America and France. By the former, freedom has a national champion in the western world; and by the latter, in Europe. When another nation shall join France, despotism and bad government will scarcely dare to appear. To use a trite expression, the iron is becoming hot all over Europe. The insulted German and the enslaved Spaniard, the Russ and the Pole, are beginning to think. The present age will hereafter merit to be called the Age of Reason,61 and the present generation will appear to the future as the Adam of a new world.
    ellauri322.html on line 193: William Godwin, Shelley’s father lived long enough to grow conservative and gradually let his radical views fall by the way-side, Mary Wollstonecraft did not have that chance, as she died, still a relatively young woman (38), from complications after giving birth to Mary Godwin (later Shelley).
    ellauri322.html on line 232: MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT was born on the 27th of April, 1759. Her father, a quick-tempered and unsettled man, capable of beating wife, child, and dog was the son of a manufacturer who made money in Spitalfields, when Spitalfields was prosperous. Her mother was a rigorous Irishwoman, of the Dixons of Sally Shannon. Edward John Wollstonecraft of whose childpen, besides Mary, the second child, three sons and two daughters lived to be sort of men and women in course of time, got rid of about ten thousand pounds which had been left him by his father. He began to get rid of it by farming. Mary Wollstonecraft's firstremembered home was in a farm at Epping. When she was five years old, the family moved to another farm, by the Chelmsford Toad. When she was between six and seven years old they moved again, to the neighbourhood of Barking. There they remained three years before the next move, which was to a farm near Beverley, in Yorkshire. In Yorkshire they remained six years, and Mary Wollstonecraft had there what education fell to her lot between the ages of ten and sixteen.
    ellauri322.html on line 234: Edward John Wollstonecraft then gave up farming to venture upon a commercial speculation. This caused him to live for a year and a half at Queen's Row, Hoxton. His daughter Mary was then sixteen; and while at Hoxton she had her education advanced by the friendly care of a deformed clergyman Mr. Clare who lived next door, and stayed so much at home that his one pair of shoes had lasted him for fourteen years. But Mary Wollstonecraft's chief friend at this time was an accomplished girl only two years older than herself, who maintained her father, mother, and family by skill in drawing. Her name was Frances Blood, and she especially, by her example and direct instruction, drew out her "young friend's" drawers.
    ellauri322.html on line 238: After the mother's death, Mary Wollstonecraft left home again, to live with her friend, Fanny Blood, who was at Walham Green. In 1782 she went to nurse a manned sister through a dangerous illness. The father's need of support next pressed upon her. He had spent not only his own money, but also the little that had been specially reserved for his children. It is said to be the privilege of a passionate man that he always gets what he wants; he gets to be avoided, and they never find a convenient corner of their own who shut themselves out from the kindly fellowship of life.
    ellauri322.html on line 240: In 1783 Mary Wollstonecraft aged twenty-lour with two of her sisters, joined Fanny Blood in setting up a day school at Islington, which was removed in a few months to Newington Green. Early in 1785 Fanny Blood, far gone in consumption, sailed for Lisbon to marry an Irish surgeon who was settled there. After her marriage it was evident that she had but a few months to live ; Mary Wollstonecraft, deaf to all opposing counsel, then left her school, and, with help of money from a friendly woman, she went out to nurse her, and was by her when she died. Mary Wollstonecraft remembered her loss ten years afterwards in these "Letters from Sweden and Norway," when she wrote:
    ellauri322.html on line 248: The publisher of Mary Wollstonecraft's " Thoughts on the Education of Daughters " was the same Joseph Johnson who in 1785 was the publisher of Oowper's " Task." With her little story written and a little money saved, the resolve to live by her pen could now be carried out. Mary Vollstonecraft, therefore, parted from her friends at Bristol, went to London, saw her publisher, and frankly told him her determination. He met her with fatherly kindness, and received her as a guest in his house while she was making her arrangements. At Michaelmas, 1787, she settled in a house in George Street, on the Surrey side of Blackfriars Bridge. There she produced a little book for children, of " Original Stories from Real Life," and earned by drudgery for Joseph Johnson. She translated, she abridged, she made a volume of Selections, and she wrote for an " Analytical Review," which Mr. Johnson founded in the middle of the year 1788. Among the books translated by her was Necker " On the Importance of Religious Opinions." Among the books abridged by her was S:dzmann's " Elements of Morality."
    ellauri322.html on line 250: With all this hard work she lived as sparely as she could, that she might help her family. She supported her father. That she might enable her sisters to earn their living as teachers, she sent one of them to Paris, and maintained her there for two years ; the other she placed in a school near London as parlour-boarder until she was admitted into it as a paid teacher. She placed one brother at Woolwich to qualify for the Navy, and he obtained a lieutenant's commission. For another brother, articled to an attorney whom he did not like, she obtained a transfer of dentures; and when it became clear that his quarrel was more with law than with the lawyers, she placed him with a farmer before fitting him out for emigration to America. She then sent him, so well prepared for his work there that he prospered well.
    ellauri322.html on line 256: At this time Mary Wollstonecraft had moved to rooms in Store Street, Bedford Square. She was fascinated by Fuseli the painter, and he was a married man. She felt herself to be too strongly drawn towards him, and she went to Paris at the close of the year 1792, to break the spell. She felt lonely and sad, and was not the happier for being in a mansion lent to her, from which the owner was away, and in which she lived surrounded by his servants. Strong womanly instincts were astir within her, and they were not all wise folk who had been drawn around her by her generous enthusiasm for the new hopes of the world, that made it then, as Wordsworth felt, a very heaven to the young.
    ellauri322.html on line 260: from the effects of which she would escape as the wife of a citizen of the United States. But she did not marry. She witnessed many of the horrors that came of the loosened passions of an untaught populace. A child was born to her a girl whom she named after the dead friend of her own girlhood. And then she found that she had leant upon a reed. She was neglected; and was at last forsaken. Having sent her to London, Imlay there visited her, to explain himself away. She resolved on suicide, and in dissuading her from that he gave her hope again. He needed somebody who had good judgment, and who cared for his interests, to represent him in some business affairs in Norway. She undertook to act for him, and set out on the voyage only a week after she had determined to destroy herself.
    ellauri322.html on line 264: She was rescued, again, and lived on with deadened spirit. In 1796 these "Letters from Sweden and Norway " were published. Early in 1797 she was married to William Godwin. On the 10th of September in the same year, at the ago of thirty-eight, Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin died, after the birth of the daughter who lived to become the wife of Shelley and write a blockbuster bestseller. The mother also would have lived, if a womanly feeling, in itself to be respected, had not led her also to unwise departure from the customs of the world. Peace be to her memory. None but kind thoughts can dwell upon the life of this too faithful disciple of Rousseau (except for the feminismim).
    ellauri322.html on line 275: Ulkoluodon spugeäijät ei osaa ajatella muuta kuin päivän sillinpäitä. Pariisittarilla on joie de vivre, niitä eivät paina arkihuolet, nälkäänsä ne syövät leivoxia. Peggy piika väpelö pelkää ruåzalaisia. Maryn mielessäkin vilahtaa kiehtova väkisinmakuun ajatus. Virkamiesten palkat Ruåzissa on tosi pieniä. Pelto-orvokkeja näkyy kasvavan. Tyär mainitaan vasta s. 18, se löysi ahomansikoita. Näissä maisemissa oli helppo unohtaa päiden kolahtelu pesusoikkoon Pariisissa ja Imlayn petturuus. Mary ei tykännyt svedujen ätläköistä muonista. Sokeria pistävät leipäänkin, perhana. Mutta höveleitä ovat vaikkeivät valitettavasti osaa enkkua. Tullimies on töykeä kun Marylla ei ole passia.
    ellauri322.html on line 286: Sveduämmät eivät treenaa riittävästi, ne ovat läskejä. Hampaat on niillä huonot kun popsivat niin paljon makiaa. Ne ovat epäsiistejä ja vailla makua. Miehet ovat riskejä ja kallistuvat huumoriin enemmän kuin älyn säkeniin tai tunnelmiin. Matkustelleet upseerit ovat poikkeus.
    ellauri322.html on line 293: Dearly beloved Roger, The scripture moveth us in sundry places. This is a bawdy parody of The Book of common prayer. No ei, se on mitä Swift sanoi kuin sen uudessa seurakunnassa ei kukaan ilmestynyt saarnankuuloon paizi unilukkari.
    ellauri322.html on line 295: Norjalaiset vaikuttavat ahkerammilta ja varakkaammilta. Ruåzalaiset nimittävät niitä konnixi, ne sanovat svedupellejä teeskentelijöixi. Oikeassa ovat kumpikin. Slaves are not sharpened by the only thing that can motivate a man, namely self-interest. Fredrikshallissa omat ampui selkään Kalle Tusinaa. Poor Charles!
    ellauri322.html on line 321: Kullanruskeat lehtirypäleet on maalattu laikkuisesti, paksu impasto, toisin kuin tytön sileät hiukset ja iho; alemmat lehdet näyttävät lähes sienimäisiltä. Etualalla kasvaa suuria kasvien lehtiä, jotka houkuttelevat katsojaa tunnistamaan sen: minulla oli ajatus, että se voisi olla kirsikka, mutta yleensä, kuten täällä olevissa puutyypeissä, Wrightin öljymaalaukset eivät osoita kasvitieteellistä tarkkuutta. Tätä vastapäätä näkyy vain väreilevä virta: "Puun juurella juoksi pieni puro." Wright on seurannut Sternen kuvausta Yorickin kohtaamisesta tämän surullisen tytön kanssa. Valkoiset maaliviivat kiinnittävät huomion välkkyvään valoon vedessä. Kaukana pyörivää maata pehmentää usva, ja kaukainen tausta ulottuu horisonttiin harmaassa sumussa. Pieni alue vaaleaa taivasta yläpuolella antaa jonkin verran optimismia.
    ellauri322.html on line 327: Norjalaiset blondit oli ärsyttävän nättejä, mutta varmaan onnexi ihan tyhjäpäitä tyhmiä. Huonot hampaatkin niillä on kuten sveduilla.
    ellauri322.html on line 346: A short-lived good, and an uncertain grace.
    ellauri322.html on line 358: The view of this wild coast, as we sailed along it, afforded me a continual subject for meditation. I anticipated the future improvement of the world, and observed how much man has still to do to obtain of the earth all it could yield. I even carried my speculations so far as to advance a million or two of years (!) to the moment when the earth would perhaps be so perfectly cultivated, and so completely peopled, as to render it necessary to inhabit every spot, yes, even these bleak shores. Imagination went still farther, and pictured the state of man when the earth could no longer support him. Whither was he to flee from universal famine ? Sitten se kezu söi ize izensä ja sixi ei enää ole kezuja.
    ellauri322.html on line 385: Odelsretten har medvirket til å holde eiendommer på landet i samme families eie, men har også medvirket til mange familiefeider gjennom tidene. Regelen om boplikt, som ble innført i 1975, har også ført til alvorlige problemer for mange. I de siste årene har det vært sterke røster for å oppheve odelsretten. Blant annet gjorde tidligere landbruksminister Lars Sponheim det klart at han ville vurdere en opphevelse av odelsloven. En oppheving av odelsretten vil kreve en endring av grunnloven, og således kreve 2/3 flertall i Stortinget for å bli vedtatt.
    ellauri322.html on line 392: Göta kanal Trollhättanissa ohitti Tanskan salmet ja vapautti svedut Tanskan salmiverosta.
    ellauri322.html on line 415: Caroline Mathildes ægteskab og tid som dronning blev præget af hendes mands ændrede sindstilstand. Manden var så gal som et gøgur. I 1770 indledte hun et kærlighedsforhold til kongens livlæge Johann Friedrich Struensee, der blev den egentlige magthaver i Danmark fra 1770 til 1772. Ved kuppet mod Struensee i 1772 blev hun arresteret, ægteskabet med Christian 7. blev ophævet, og hun blev forvist fra Danmark. Hun levede herefter, adskilt fra sine børn, i byen Celle i Tysklyand indtil sin tidlige død som 23-årig i 1775. Matilda vaikuttaa ihan Hamletin äiskältä. Tanskanmaassa on psljon mätää, mutta kuninkaalla oli hyviä rintapastilleja.
    ellauri322.html on line 425: Tanskixet kazelee julkista teloitusta viihteenä. Kas kun niillä ei ole telkkaria rikä suoratoistoa. Jeg er mere og mere overbevist om, at den samme karakterenergi, der gør en mand til en dristig skurk, ville have gjort ham nyttig for samfundet, hvis samfundet havde været mere velorganiseret. Når et stærkt sind ikke disciplineres ved kultivering, er det en følelse af uretfærdighed, der gør det uretfærdigt. Meget plausibelt. Mary ei pidä empirismistä.
    ellauri322.html on line 432: England, the common name in Scandinavia for the United Kingdom, declared war on Denmark-Norway due to disagreements over the neutrality of Danish trade and to prevent the Danish fleet falling into the hands of the First French Empire. Tanskixet menetti Norjan ja svedut Suomen ja ottivat lohtunamixi tyhmät Bernadottet Napsulta.
    ellauri322.html on line 440: A story is told here of the King’s formerly making a dog counsellor of state, because when the dog, accustomed to eat at the royal table, snatched a piece of meat off an old officer’s plate, the geezer reproved him jocosely, saying that he, monsieur le chien, had not the privilege of dining with his majesty, a privilege annexed to this distinction.
    ellauri323.html on line 41: Being so contrived that it takes too long a time Se on niin sekava, että kestää liian kauan
    ellauri323.html on line 62: VITA SACKVILLE-WEST kirjoitti The Edwardians huvikseen ja tehdäkseen rahaa. Hän sai idean kirjasta ollessaan lomalla miehensä Harold Nicolsonin kanssa Rapallossa keväällä 1929, "ja aion kirjoittaa sen tänä kesänä ja tehdä omaisuuteni", hän kirjoitti Virginia Woolfille. "Se tulee olemaan sellainen vitsi, ja kaikki ovat vakavasti suuttuneita." Woolfs' Hogarth Pressin oli määrä julkaista se, ja Vita piti Virginia Woolfin ajan tasalla sen edistymisestä. "Se on aivan täynnä aristokratiaa. Pidätkö siitä? Minusta tuntuu, että jo pelkästään snobisista syistä sen pitäisi olla erittäin suosittu." Se oli. Kun The Edwardians ilmestyi toukokuussa 1930, oli heti selvää, että Hogarth Pressillä oli suosittu menestys käsissään. "Vitan kirja on niin bestseller, että Leonard ja minä vedämme rahaa kuin simpukoita verkosta", Virginia Woolf kertoi veljenpojalleen Quentin Bellille kesäkuun alussa. "Myymme noin 800 joka päivä." Myynti oli ylittänyt 20 000:n jo heinäkuun lopussa. Yhdysvalloissa, jossa sen julkaisi Doubleday, Doran, se oli kirjallinen kilta -kirja kuukauden kirja. Se jatkoi myyntiä; se on käännetty useille kielille ja dramatisoitu näyttämölle; se oli Vita Sackville-Westin kaupallisesti menestynein kirja.
    ellauri323.html on line 74: Sebastian The Duke was open-handed, as he could well afford to be; money was a thing about which he never needed to think. There had always been plenty of money at Chevron, and there still was, even with the income-tax raised from 11d. to 1/- in the pound; that abundance was another of the things which had never changed and which had every appearance of being unchangeable. It was taken for granted, but Sebastian saw to it that his tenants benefited as well as himself. "An ideel landlord-wish there were more like him," they said, forgetting that there were, in fact, many like him; many who, in their unobtrusive way, elected to share out their fortune, not entirely to their own advantage-quiet English squires, who, less favoured than Sebastian, were yet imbued with the same spirit, and traditionally gave their time and a good proportion of their possessions as a matter of course to those dependent upon them. A voluntary system, voluntary in that it depended upon the temperament of the squire; still, a system which possessed a certain pleasant dignity denied to the systems of a more compulsory sort. But did it, Sebastian reflected, sitting with his pen poised above his cheque-book, carry with it a disagreeable odour of charity? He thought not; for he knew that he derived as much satisfaction from the idea that Bassett would no longer endure a leaking roof as Bassett could possibly derive, next winter, from the fact that his roof no longer leaked. He would certainly go over and talk to the man Bassett.
    ellauri323.html on line 119: Zuleika was not strictly beautiful. Her eyes were a trifle large, and their lashes longer than they need have been. An anarchy of small curls was her chevelure, a dark upland of misrule, every hair asserting its rights over a not discreditable brow. For the rest, her features were not at all original. They seemed to have been derived rather from a gallimaufry of familiar models. From Madame la Marquise de Saint-Ouen came the shapely tilt of the nose. The mouth was a mere replica of Cupid’s bow, lacquered scarlet and strung with the littlest pearls. No apple-tree, no wall of peaches, had not been robbed, nor any Tyrian rose-garden, for the glory of Miss Dobson’s cheeks. Her neck was imitation-marble. Her hands and feet were of very mean proportions. She had no waist to speak of.
    ellauri323.html on line 122: Came that Sunday night, notanda candidissimo calculo! when she received certain guttural compliments which made absolute her vogue and enabled her to command, thenceforth, whatever terms she asked for.
    ellauri323.html on line 127: In Berlin, every night, the students escorted her home with torches. Prince Vierfuenfsechs-Siebenachtneun offered her his hand, and was condemned by the Kaiser to six months’ confinement in his little castle. In Yildiz Kiosk, the tyrant who still throve there conferred on her the Order of Chastity, and offered her the central couch in his seraglio. In Petersburg, the Grand Duke Salamander Salamandrovitch fell enamoured of her. The Grand Duchess appealed to the Tzar. Zuleika was conducted across the frontier, by an escort of love-sick Cossacks. On the Sunday before she left Madrid, a great bull-fight was held in her honour. Fifteen bulls received the coup-de-grace, and Alvarez, the matador of matadors, died in the arena with her name on his lips. He had tried to kill the last bull without taking his eyes off la divina senorita. From the Vatican, the Pope launched against her a bull which fell utterly flat.
    ellauri323.html on line 133: Yet Zuleika WAS very innocent, really. She was as pure as that young shepherdess Marcella, who, all unguarded, roved the mountains and was by all the shepherds adored. Like Marcella, she had given her heart to no man, had preferred none. Youths were reputed to have died for love of her, as Chrysostom died for love of the shepherdess; and she, like the shepherdess, had shed no tear. When Chrysostom was lying on his bier in the valley, and Marcella looked down from the high rock, Ambrosio, the dead man’s comrade, cried out on her, upbraiding her with bitter words—“Oh basilisk of our mountains!” Nor do I think Ambrosio spoke too strongly. Er. epm. homopetteri Horace Walpole (josta on paasattu albumeissa 14, 52, 75, 115, 235 ja 247) nimitteli Woolworthin Marya “a hyena in petticoats” or “a philosophising serpent” .
    ellauri323.html on line 135: And I daresay, indeed, that had he never met Zuleika, the irresistible, he would have lived, and at a very ripe old age died, a dandy without reproach. For in him the dandiacal temper had been absolute hitherto, quite untainted and unruffled. He was too much concerned with his own perfection ever to think of admiring any one else. Different from Zuleika, he cared for his wardrobe and his toilet-table not as a means to making others admire him the more, but merely as a means through which he could intensify, a ritual in which to express and realise, his own idolatry. At Eton he had been called “Peacock,” and this nick-name had followed him up to Oxford. It was not wholly apposite, however. For, whereas the peacock is a fool even among birds, the Duke had already taken (besides a particularly brilliant First in Mods) the Stanhope, the Newdigate, the Lothian, and the Gaisford Prize for Greek Verse. And these things he had achieved currente calamo, “wielding his pen,” as Scott said of Byron, “with the easy negligence of a nobleman.” The dandy must be celibate, cloistral; is, indeed, but a monk with a mirror for beads and breviary—an anchorite, mortifying his soul that his body may be perfect.
    ellauri323.html on line 174: Lupasivat israelilaiset tapettuaan kolmattasataa vaippapäätä ilmapommituxissa ja suljettuaan Gazasta sähkön ja vedentulon. Nyt saatte nähdä oikeaa jehovalaista verikostoa. Nämä kamelinajajat ovat epäihmisiä, sitäpaizi haluamme heidän tonttinsa, joka oikeastaan on meidän, koska voitimme ne filistealaisilta kolmisentuhatta vuotta sitten reilussa yhteenotossa.
    ellauri323.html on line 257: veden noustessa." jonka hiukset ovat kuin parranajoharja?
    ellauri324.html on line 76: Your handwritten note, just received, touched my heart. You are doing the right thing Your decision, just made, is the toughest decision you've had to make up until now. But you made it with strength and with com pasion. It is right to worry about the loss of innocent life be it Iraqi or American. But you have done that which you had to do.
    ellauri324.html on line 172: Dude näyttää oleva jonkinlainen juutalainen spugehahmo mutta silti hurjan ylvästelevä. Rehvastelevat dudet ovat aina olleet osa juutalaista kulttuuria. Lebovski on slaavilainen jutkunimi, ja Coenin veljexet on ilmeisiä jutkuja. The Lebowski surname is most likely derived from the Yiddish name "Layb" or "Leib."
    ellauri324.html on line 240: If the author of the question long one is wealthy and well traveled he would know that Europe and Asia had many technological advances long before USA did or will ever have such as TGV or bullet trains for example. After spending time in Europe and Asia it was decades later I saw many of these advances here to buy or experience. Japanese cars nearly sunk USA automakers. Why didn’t the corp heads heed anything. TGV in France and Japan and other nations is unrivaled and we have not even one such train here. Tankless water heaters, available in Asia and Europe decades before here. Roads and other infrastructure also superior. My research shows that Americans were so busy creating totalitarian policies like redlining and private cars and pools and expressways removed entire neighborhoods of blacks to create all white suburbs that they were unconcerned with advances that would unite people. Sure everywhere are class societies but it’s a whole different level here. The homeless situation is opening eyes in this country and many things are borne out of a highly segregated society where it’s expensive to live in certain cities and suburbs and the rest be damned. Obviously California has destroyed itself from within. The liberals there and other states are the most class and race conscious than any other people on earth. This blind spot is like a beacon. A prism that breaks down social order. The wealthy libs have to accept their roles in American destruction. It will get worse long before it improves. [Redlining is an illegal practice in which lenders avoid providing credit services to individuals living in or seeking to live in, communities of color because of the race, color, or national origin of the residents in those communities.]
    ellauri324.html on line 410: We should define the term pioneer. A pioneer is someone who is the first to do something, or who explores new areas or fields. In other words, a pioneer is a trailblazer who sets the stage for others to follow. On the other hand, a sapper is someone who is involved in military engineering, specifically in the construction and destruction of fortifications. A sapper is responsible for creating and destroying obstacles, such as bridges and buildings, in order to facilitate military operations.
    ellauri324.html on line 478: loved to drive? So why not spend some money on
    ellauri324.html on line 482: behaved. It already started on the airport at border
    ellauri324.html on line 528: when we received a phone call from the New York police.
    ellauri324.html on line 594: thought Americans loved to drive? So why not spend some
    ellauri324.html on line 598: The way police officers and other other uniformed people behaved. It already started on the airport at border security, all of the guys in uniform acted like they were the most important person in the world and we were just measly worms. Come on, I know you have a job to do, but why can’t you just try to be polite? If Dutch police officers would behave like that, they would be considered unfit for the job.
    ellauri324.html on line 671: I am a Dutch national and have lived in Ethiopia,
    ellauri324.html on line 789: People living in corrugated iron huts, unpaved roads,
    ellauri325.html on line 492: Lokakuussa 1962 Turun hovioikeus kumosi Tampereen raastuvanoikeuden päätöksen. Todettiin, ettei Jallun sisältö millään muotoa loukannut sukupuolikuria eikä säädyllisyyttä. Todellinen syy lehden takavarikointiin olivat Tabe Slioorin paljastukset suhteestaan Helsingin apulaiskaupunginjohtaja Erik von Frenckelliin.* Suojelupoliisin historiaa käsittelevässä teoksessa Ratakatu 12 (2009) kerrotaan Supon toimittaneen presidentti Kekkoselle oikovedokset Jallun Slioorin muistelmat sisältäneistä numeroista.*
    ellauri325.html on line 685: Umpipöljä Masa antoi "Kakelle" kuititta tosta noin 25K kekkomarkkaa muka jonkun "everstin" matkakuluihin. Ja piilotteli konepislaria sivustavedettävän välipohjassa. Olipa nenästävedettävä käteenvetäjä!
    ellauri325.html on line 748: Kaukozen tutkimustiemoinnu oldih Kalevalan kul’tuuruhistourii da Elias Lönnrot. Vuvvennu 1939 mies puolisti väitösruavon, sen tiemannu oli Vahnu Kalevala. Vuozinnu 1956-1962 Kaukonen ruadoi Helsinkin yliopiston oman muan literatuuran docentannu, vuozinnu 1962-1974 oli abulaisprofessorannu. Häi oli johtoruavos Nevvostoliittoinstituutas da Suomi-Nevvostoliitto-Seuras, vuozinnu 1967-1974 oli suomelas-vengrielazen kul’tuurukomitietan paginanvedäjänny.
    ellauri326.html on line 188: Salamanterien sota on kuitenkin lukemisen arvoinen vielä tänäkin päivänä: dystopia sekä hullu ja räikeä, kirja kertoo älykkään merisalamanterilajin löydöstä jostain Sumatran rannikolta. alku saa uskomaan seikkailutarinaan, jossa on kevyt ja etäinen sävy. Mutta ymmärrämme nopeasti, että näemme romaanin pesänukkeista vain pienimmät, joiden rakenne muuttuu pian vähitellen laajenemalla, kirjoittajan jatkuvasti turmelemalla lukijansa odotukset. Miehet kesyttävät ensin salamanterit, pitävät pian erittäin hyödyllisenä muuttaa ne vedenalaiseksi työvoimaksi halutessaan ja käyttävät niitä häpeämättömästi hyväkseen julistamalla heidän oletettua alemmuuttaan. Sitten he ymmärtävät virheensä laajuuden, mutta silloin on liian myöhäistä palata... Tietyt luvut, jotka pastisoivat tieteellisen tutkimuksen, journalistisen raportoinnin tai diplomaattisen analyysin sävyä, ovat suoraan sanottuna hauskoja. Aina yllättävän kirjan lopussa loppu on niin odottamaton, että ihmettelee, onko se kirjailijan piruetti, joka haluaa päästä kirjansa loppuun, vai eikö se ole johtopäätös taitavasti häiritsevin..
    ellauri326.html on line 194: Koska salamanterissa on majava, kapteeni voi vuorostaan ​​yhdistää voimansa rikkaan teollisuusmiehen kanssa rakentaakseen vedenalaisia ​​rannikoita. Epätavallisen lajin vienti ja sen häpeämätön hyväksikäyttö alkavat ja lisääntyvät. sävy muuttuu. Mitä Capek ei unohda ilmoittaa meille yhden hahmon suun kautta: "Vaihdamme helmenkalastusseikkailuromaanin työhymnillä". Poistu Jack Londonista. Tee tie poliitt-journalistiselle, tieteellis-kapitalistiselle satiirille. Ja paljon muuta.
    ellauri326.html on line 196: Juuri hillittömän tietosanakirjan muodossa, jossa on runsaasti muistiinpanoja (niin paljon kuin salamanterit kaikilla viiden mantereen rannikoilla), Capek myllytti ihmisyhteiskuntaamme mestaruudella, jota pitäisi tervehtiä. Olento parveilee, Capek iloitsee. Salamanteri aseistaa itseään, Capek kiillottaa kynänsä. Fantastinen ja selkeä, hullu ja uskottava, satu paisuu kolmannessa vaiheessa orwellilaisen tieteiskirjallisuuden varjossa, mutta kaivautuu edelleen, syvemmälle (vedenalainen syvyys auttaa). Salamanteri tarvitsee asuintilaa. Hän uhkailee. Hän teloittaa.
    ellauri326.html on line 417: €1.2 billion loan approved 16 February 2022
    ellauri326.html on line 431: An additional €500 million military aid package for Ukraine approved by the EU on 18 July 2022.
    ellauri326.html on line 598: Sitä en ihmettele ensinkään, innostui ukko. En ole oskaan pitänyt preussilaisista. Mutta ranskalaista helpottaa nyt, kun saksalainen on kiikissa. Tokkohan, epäili Frantik, sillä luin äskettäin lehdistä että kolmannes Ranskaa on veden alla. Jaa jaa, huokaisi ukko. Meillä, nimittäin herra Bondylla, oli palvelijana muuan ranskalainen nimeltä Jean. Hän piti naisista siksi paljon, että se oli jo melkein häpeäksi. Näetkös, sellainen kevytmielisyys kostautuu.
    ellauri326.html on line 624: suuri pää pisti esille vedestä ja liikkui hitaasti virtaa ylöspäin.
    ellauri326.html on line 627: Ukko päästi ongenvavan käsistään. Tuoko? mutisi hän osoittaen eläintä vapisevalla sormella. Tuoko? Musta pää katosi vedenpinnan alle. Se ei ollut mikään monni, Frantiks, selitti vanhus
    ellauri326.html on line 631: Nuori Povondra katsoi häneen tutkivasti ja tarttui airoihin. Minä vien teidät kotiin, isä», sanoi hän äänessään omituinen sävy ja souti voimakkain vedoin veneen jo antaan. Antakaa olla vain, kyllä minä sidon sen kiinni.» Mistä tulikin niin kylmä?» ihmetteli ukko hampaitaan kalistaen.
    ellauri326.html on line 642: Mixet sano edes ettei hätä ole tämän näköinen, salamanterit kuolevat kuin ihmeen kautta johkin pandemiaan kuten H.G. Wellsin marsilaiset ja ihmiskunta pelastuu, saved by the gong?
    ellauri326.html on line 666: Ihmiset? Tosiaan, ihmiset. He palaavat vähitellen vuorilta takaisin niille rannikoille, joita on vielä jäljellä heidän mantereistaan. Mutta valtameri löyhkää kauan mätänevistä salamantereista. Mannermaat kasvavat taas vähitellen virtojen tuomasta mudasta, ja meri väistyy askel askelelta. Kaikki tulee melkein ennalleen. Uusi legenda syntyy vedenpaisumuksesta, jonka Jumala lähetti ihmisten syntien tähden. Kerrotaan satuja uponneista tarunomaisista maista, joiden sanotaan olleen ihmisten kulttuurin kehtona. Ehkä tullaan tarinoimaan jostakin Englannista tai Ranskasta tai Saksasta Entä sitten?
    ellauri327.html on line 104: Viktor Pavlik: This is considered the best argument: inappropriate name, skin color? Right, Mr. Adolph? It is no secret that many students from Asia and Africa studied in Ukraine and received citizenship. But the Ukrainian allies of Great Britain divide citizens into those who are ethnically correct and those with the wrong language, culture, and views. Is it so civilized that it requires support with Western missiles?
    ellauri327.html on line 120: NATO lovede Ukraine en fremtidig plads som medlem.
    ellauri327.html on line 121: Der er kun 2 grunde til at NATO ville gøre det, når det absolut overhovedet ikke kan komme på tale, takket være Krim.
    ellauri327.html on line 143: Jeg ved ikke hvilken økonomisk krise, som du tror at USA har været ramt af i mange år. Nøgletallene siger noget andet og USA er stadig et af de mest velstående lande i verden.
    ellauri327.html on line 154: Kender skam den russiske historie, kender også den amerikanske.. Var i mange år dybt fascineret af usa faktisk, men de har ekstremt blodige hænder.. Du behøver bare se tilbage på de sidste par årtier for at se det, usa har invaderet 5 lande (2 af dem var ulovligt), haft adskellige "operationer" i endnu flere lande end det, har destrueret fulde byer med civile, har testet våben der gør at folk stadig bliver født deforme, har haft billeder med kvinder der blev spændt fast i strømkabler og soldater der pissede på og voldtog døde ofre, samt har dræbt op mod 400.000 civile endten direkte eller indirekte.. alt det er sket bare de sidste 22 år.. Så ved siden af dem, fremstår Rusland som en engel, selvom vi bestemt godt kan blive enige om at de ikke er og selv har beskidte hænder.
    ellauri327.html on line 299: Tantit med frotéhanddukar om höftena näyttää tasapaxuilta ja ovat ohuttukkaisia. Man får inte äta godis på träningarna. Man måste torka efter att man varit på toa. Fniss! Rumpan har knyckt en chokladkaka. Det är jätteviktigt at få vara med. Tänk om jag får alla hennes coola följare nu? Voi vittu näitä jenkkejä apinoivia sveduja.
    ellauri327.html on line 411: Time journalists said that after Zelensky’s visit to the United States, they returned with him to Kyiv to try to understand how he would respond to signals received from the Americans, including persistent calls to fight corruption and antisemitism.
    ellauri327.html on line 591: Ukrainassa on kaksi uraanin louhinta- ja jalostusyritystä, raskaan veden tuotantolaitos, elektroniikkakomponenttien kehitysteknologia ja erikoislaitteet ydinmateriaalien isotooppisen koostumuksen mittaamiseen. Dmytro Snegyrev, viitaten ukrainalaisiin tutkijoihin, ilmaisi mielipiteen, että Ukrainalla on mahdollisuus 5–7 vuodessa 200–300 miljoonan dollarin vuosirahoituksella kehittää tekniikoita ydinaseiden valmistukseen ja tuotantolaitosten kunnostamiseen. Ratkaistavia tehtäviä ovat tritiumin tuotanto, asekäyttöinen plutoniumreaktori, plutoniumia rikastava radiokemiallinen laitos ja metallurginen laitos aselaatuisen plutoniumin tuotantoa varten. Huomionarvoista on myös se, että Ukrainalla on yksi alueiden rikkaimmista uraanivarannoista.
    ellauri328.html on line 337: Rasch muss ich da erbeben: Vikkelästi vedän ylös kaatiot:
    ellauri328.html on line 464: Israelin pakettia vedetään myös syvemmälle poliittiseen sukkaan, koska presidentti Joe Biden päätti sisällyttää sen paljon laajempaan pyyntöön, joka sisältää seuraavan erän aseita ja ampumatarvikkeita Ukrainalle. Johnsonin konferenssi vastustaa joitakin 100 miljardin dollarin pohjoispuolella olevan rahoituspyynnön näkökohtia. Ja vaikka puhuja esittää Israelin lakiesitystä yksinään, senaatti voi lisätä Ukrainan avun ja lähettää sen takaisin kongressiin, mikä edelleen viivästyttää Yhdysvaltain avun lähettämistä Israelille sen sodan aikana Hamasia vastaan. Pahimmassa tapauxessa vaippapäät on ajettu jo mereen ennen rahan saapumista.
    ellauri328.html on line 502: Ennen äänestystä torstaina oli epäselvää, kuinka moni demokraatti liittyisi republikaanien joukkoon. Valkoinen talo oli vedonnut suoraan lainsäätäjiin, erityisesti juutalaisdemokraatteihin, kehottaen heitä hylkäämään lakiesityksen, to no avail. Juutalaisille asia on henkilökohtainen, ja ainoalle juutalaisvaltiolle olemassaolokysymys. Ne eivät voi olla niinkauan kuin vaippapäitä filistealaisia pesii niiden kainalossa ja selän takana.
    ellauri328.html on line 520: Marjorie Taylor Greene is the U.S. representative from Georgia's 14th district. A Republican, her 2020 win is her first elective office. A controversial figure in the Republican Party and a vocal supporter of former President Donald Trump, Greene was removed from all House committee roles in 2021 for incendiary statements she previously made. She has since been added to the House Homeless Security Committee. LOL HAHA
    ellauri331.html on line 125: Kaukasian solmu (venäjäksi: Кавказский узел, latinoitu: Kavkazkii Uzel) on online-uutissivusto, joka kattaa Kaukasuksen alueen englanniksi ja venäjäksi. Se perustettiin vuonna 2001, ja sen päätoimittajana toimii Grigory Shvedov.Se keskittyy erityisesti politiikkaan ja ihmisoikeuskysymyksiin, mukaan lukien lehdistönvapaus. Sivusto alkoi vuonna 2001 ihmisoikeusjärjestö Memorialiin liittyvänä projektina, mutta kehittyi "itsenäisen" journalismin sivustoksi. Sitä näet rahoittavat useat hyväntekeväisyysjärjestöt Yhdysvalloissa ja Länsi-Euroopassa.
    ellauri331.html on line 215: Lenita.ru syyllistyi useiden Venäjän media-, tiedotus- ja ääriliikkeiden vastaisten lakien rikkomiseen, koska jonkun nazin haastattelu antoi ryhmän führerille mahdollisuuden vedota Ukrainan kansalaisiin tukemaan Ukraina-myönteisiä asioita, ja artikkelissa oli linkki jonkun nazin vetoomuxeen 1. maaliskuuta 2014. Koska Roskomnadzorin varoitus oli toinen 12 kuukauden aikana, Roskomnadzor saattoi pyytää tuomioistuimia irtisanomaan Lenita.ru:n joukkotiedotusvälineen toimiluvan. Minkä se tekikin. Sekä BBC että The Economist leimasivat Venäjän vastauksen Lenita.ru:lle sensuuriksi. Sitähän se olikin. Suomikin sensuroi kirjeitä sieltä jostakin viime sodassa.
    ellauri331.html on line 314: Lokakuussa 2014 The Moscow Times päätti keskeyttää tilapäisesti verkkokommentit, koska loukkaava ja liiallinen Venäjä-mielinen trollaus on lisääntynyt. 2015 Sanoma Oy möi Moscow Times LLC:n Damyan Kurjatseville viime hetkellä. Lehti lopetettiin 2107. No ei, kyllä se kituuttaa vieläkin entisellä omistuspohjalla. SDerk Sauerilla on 19% osakkeista, mutta Jao on vain bulvaani. Following the passage of a law restricting coverage of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in March 2022, the newspaper moved its main editors to Amsterdam. Eli ei tämäkään enää kuulu tänne.
    ellauri331.html on line 357: Novaja Gazeta julkaisi 26. marraskuuta 2001 Oleg Lurien artikkelin, jossa todettiin, että Sergei Pugatšovin johtaman International Industrial Bankin johto oli sekaantunut rahanpesuun Bank of New Yorkissa. Pugatsjovin pankki nosti sanomalehteä vastaan ​​kunnianloukkauskanteen vedoten taloudellisiin menetyksiin, koska useiden sen asiakkaiden väitettiin muuttaneen tiliensä ehtoja tavalla, joka sai pankin menettämään rahaa julkaisun takia. Pankki voitti 28. helmikuuta 2002 oikeudenkäynnin Moskovan Basmannin kunnanoikeudessa ja sai 15 miljoonan ruplan (noin 500 000 dollarin) tulonmenetyksen, ennennäkemättömän summan venäläisille sanomalehdille, joka saattoi heikentää Novaja Gazetan olemassaoloa, varsinkin kun 22. helmikuuta sama Basmanny-tuomioistuin määräsi Novaya Gazetan maksamaan noin miljoona dollaria Krasnodarin alueen korkeinta tuomaria vastaan ​​esitetystä korruptioepäilystä. Huhtikuussa tuomioistuin vahvisti päätöksen International Industrial Bankin tapauksessa uudelleen. Kuitenkin 27. toukokuuta 2002 päivätyssä artikkelissa Novaja Gazetan toimittaja Julia Latynina paljasti, että kanteessa mainitut pankin kolme asiakasta olivat sen tytäryhtiöitä tai muuten sen hallituksen määräysvallassa, ja väitti, että Novaja Gazeta oli pyytänyt rikostutkinnan aloittaminen pankin toiminnasta. Tämän seurauksena International Industrial Bank luopui kesäkuussa 2002 korvausvaatimuksestaan.
    ellauri331.html on line 490: Republic (aiemmin Slon tai Slon.ru ) on venäläinen analyyttinen verkkolehti, joka käsittelee pääasiassa politiikkaa, liiketoimintaa ja taloutta. Sen on julkaissut yksityinen osakeyhtiö Moscow Digital Media. Kesästä 2014 lähtien verkkosivusto on toiminut maksullisena tilauksena. Kesäkuussa 2021 päätoimittajaksi tuli venäläinen toimittaja Dmitri Kolerev. 15. lokakuuta 2021 Moscow Digital Media leimattiin "ulkomaiseksi agentiksi " Venäjällä. Dmitrillä ei ole höykäsen pöläystä aavistusta mixi. Rahaakaan ei tule kuin abonnenteilta. Tasavallan toimittaja Siranush Sharoyan sai tammikuussa 2017 Redkollegia -mediapalkinnon artikkelistaan ​​"Musta käteinen. Kuinka biljoona dollaria vedettiin maasta 25 vuodessa. Venäjän pankkijärjestelmän historia - rikostapausten perusteella".
    ellauri331.html on line 582: Samaan syssyyn Walter Isaacson, Yhdysvaltain hallituksen Voice of America-, Radio Free Europe- ja Radio Free Asia -ohjelmia johtavan yleisradioneuvoston puheenjohtaja, vaati lisää rahaa ohjelmiin sijoittamiseen, koska "emme voi sallia itsemme jäävän hännille - vihollisemme välittää nyt enemmän propagandaa kuin me", mainiten erityisesti Russia Todayn, Iranin Press TV:n ja Kiinan China Central Televisionin (CCTV) samassa hengenvedossa. Myöhemmin hän koitti selitellä, että hän itse asiassa tarkoitti "vihollisia" Afganistanissa, ei mainitsemiaan maita. HAHA tietysti.
    ellauri331.html on line 598: Facebook, Instagram ja TikTok poistivat RT:n ja Sputnikin sosiaalisen median sisällön Euroopan unionin käyttäjien saatavilla 28. helmikuuta. Microsoft poisti RT:n ja Sputnikin MSN:stä, Microsoft Storesta ja Microsoft Advertising -verkostosta samana päivänä. YouTube kielsi 1. maaliskuuta pääsyn kaikille RT- ja Sputnik-kanaville alustallaan Euroopassa (mukaan lukien Isossa-Britanniassa). Apple poisti sen jälkeen RT:n ja Sputnikin App Storestaan ​​kaikissa maissa paitsi Venäjällä. Joku "Roku" pudotti RT-sovelluksen kanavakaupastaan, kun taas DirecTV poisti RT American kanavavalikoimastaan. Uruguayn kansallinen televiestintähallinto ilmoitti 1. maaliskuuta RT:n poistamisesta Antel TV:n suoratoistoalustalta. Uuden-Seelannin satelliittitelevisiotoimittaja Sky poisti myös RT:n asiakkaiden valituksiin ja Broadcasting Standards Authorityn kuulemiseen vedoten. Reddit esti uudet lähtevät linkit RT:hen ja Sputnikiin 3. maaliskuuta. YouTube esti RT:n ja Sputnikin maailmanlaajuisesti 11. maaliskuuta. Kanadan radio-televisio- ja televiestintäkomissio kielsi 16. maaliskuuta alkaen virallisesti RT:n ja RT Francen jakeluun valtuutettujen muiden kuin kanadalaisten ohjelmapalveluiden luettelosta.
    ellauri331.html on line 623: Vuoden 2015 lopulla ukrainalainen kirjailija ja poliittinen aktivisti Anton Shekhovtsov, joka tutkii äärioikeistoa Venäjällä, väitti, että Bausman oli hakenut rahoitusta venäläiseltä oligarkilta Konstantin Malofejevilta, jonka kerrotaan olevan lähellä Kremliä, vedoten Anonymous Internationalin vuotamiin sähköposteihin, joissa Aleksei Komov toimi välittäjänä. Kuten sanoi Inkeri Vehmas-Lehto viisaasti: pervyj blim vsegda komom. Haaretzin artikkelissa tammikuussa 2018 Shekhovtsov kirjoitti, että verkkosivusto "alun perin käynnistettiin hyökätäkseen Ukrainaa vastaan ​​sen jälkeen, kun sen entinen presidentti Viktor Janukovitš syrjäytettiin ja pakeni Venäjälle, syyttäen Ukrainan uusia viranomaisia fasismista ja antisemitismistä." Vaikka mikäs syytös se Bausmanista olisi?
    ellauri331.html on line 700: 25. heinäkuuta 2016 Thomas Rid, Lontoon King´s Collegen turvallisuustutkimuksen professori ja Johns Hopkinsin yliopiston School for Advanced International Studiesin ulkopuolinen tutkija Washington DC:ssä (taskuprofessori vailla vertoa), teki oman yhteenvedon todisteista, osoittaaxeen Venäjän olevan kaiken takana. Hän päätteli, että nämä toimet heikensivät onnistuneesti "DNC:n kykyä käyttää oppositiotutkimustaan ​​yllätyksenä Trumpia vastaan..." Hän kirjoittaa lisäksi, että monet maat suorittavat tietojen suodattamista poliittisista järjestöistä ja sitä pidetään laillisena tiedustelutyötä. "Mutta digitaalinen suodattaminen ja mahdollisesti manipuloitujen asiakirjojen julkaiseminen vapaalla hacktivismilla naamioituna ylittää suuren punaisen viivan ja muodostaa vaarallisen ennakkotapauksen: autoritaarinen maa suoraan, mutta silti salaisesti yrittää sabotoida Yhdysvaltain vaaleja." Jos se maa edes olisi antiautotaarinen...
    ellauri332.html on line 353: Vaikka ällön Stanley Kubrikin elokuvasovitusta pidetään klassikkona, se ei ole vailla kiistoja. King ei vain vihannut tarinansa kuvaamista näytöllä, vaan työolosuhteet kuvauksissa olivat surullisen ankarat näyttelijöille ja miehistölle. Tämä piti erityisen paikkansa Shelley Duvallin kohdalla, joka on sanonut, että hänen aikansa kuvauksissa oli "melkein sietämätöntä." Jep, niin käy, kun paat näyttelijät esittämään saman panokohtauksen yli 127 kertaa ja vedät käteen samalla!
    ellauri332.html on line 426: The movie has removed the character's (characters'?) sense of guilt, and therefore the story's drama.
    ellauri332.html on line 656: Kuka olisi voinut ennustaa, että Disneyn "Beauty and the Breast" -elokuvan apinaversiota vastaan tulee boikotti? Ohjaaja Bill Condom otti harppauksen ja käytti taiteellisia vapauksiaan sisällyttääkseen kaikkien aikojen ensimmäisen homohahmon Disney-elokuvaan. Vaikka tähän siirtoon vedettiin herne nenään laajalti, monet olivat tyytymättömiä. Niin paljon, että se sai jotkin maat kieltämään elokuvan ja jopa boikotoivat muutamissa Yhdysvaltojen osavaltioissa. Myös venäläiset sensuroivat Condomin Le Foun ja Stanleyn hetken homostelun. Critics regarded the film as inferior to its 1991 animated predecessor.
    ellauri333.html on line 69: Sanskrit was believed to include all the sounds necessary for communication. Early Indo-Aryans would therefore dismiss other languages as foreign tongue, "mleccha bhasha". As the Sanskrit word itself suggests, "mlecchas" were those whose speech was alien. "Correct speech" was a crucial component of being able to take part in the appropriate yajnas (religious rituals and sacrifices). Thus, without correct speech, one could not hope to practice correct religion, either. Parhaiten ääntelevät keon päällä herrastelevat bramiinit. Brahmanical system engineers took great pains to ensure that peoples of the Brahmanical system did not subscribe to any mleccha customs or rituals. Medieval Hindu literature, such as that of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, also uses the term to refer to those of larger groups of other religions, especially Muslims.
    ellauri333.html on line 71: Muut kuin oikein ääntelevät arjalaiset oli barbaareja. The word mleccha emerged as a way for the ancient Hindus to classify those who did not subscribe to the "traditional value system," Early writings refer to these foreign peoples as "half-civilized, unconverted people who rise or eat at improper times." Mlecchas drank alcohol, ate cow flesh, which was strictly forbidden to a follower of Hindu orthopraxy, and believed in false gods. Swami Parmeshwaranand states the mleccha tribe was born from the tail end of the celestial cow Nandini, The mlecchas drove angered elephants. Olipa ozaa tälläkin mutakuonolla. Vitun mamuja.
    ellauri333.html on line 91: From a foot-note 2 we are glad to learn that huge erections have now been put up over this and the other Ashoka inscriptions by the Mysore Government for their protection, and the headman of the village has the keys as custodian. Panini mielestä Asokan titteli Devanampriya 'jumalten suosikki' oli pilkkanimi. Panini himself as a hindoo or other old banana does not mention Devanampriya, but states that the termination of the genitive case is preserved at the end of the first member of compounds if the meaning is abusive.
    ellauri333.html on line 121: One of the oldest continuously inhabited places in the world, Patna was founded in 490 BCE by the king of Magadha. Ancient Patna, known as Pataliputra, was the capital of the Magadha Empire throughout the Haryanka, Nanda, Mauryan, Shunga, Gupta, and Pala dynasties. Pataliputra was a seat of learning and fine arts. It was home to many astronomers and scholars including Aryabhata, Vātsyāyana and Chanakya. During the Maurya period (around 300 BCE) its population was about 400,000. Patna served as the seat of power, and political and cultural centre of the Indian subcontinent during the Maurya and Gupta empires. With the fall of the Gupta Empire, Patna lost its glory. The British revived it again in the 17th century as a centre of international trade. Following the partition of Bengal presidency in 1912, Patna became the capital of Bihar and Orissa Province.
    ellauri333.html on line 128: From Indian literature we know that at all times kings used to entertain spies {chara or gudha-purusha). These agents were graded into high ones, low ones, and those of middle rank. A similar class of officers, which was created by Asoka himself, were the reporters (prativedaka), who were posted everywhere, as he says, in order to report to me the affairs of the people at any time, while I am eating, in the harem, in the inner apartment, even at the cowpen, in the palanquin, and in the parks.
    ellauri333.html on line 182: Uposatha-päivä on "saastuuntuneen mielen puhdistaminen" uppokasteella pökäleitä kukkivan Gangesin vedessä, mikä johtaa sisäiseen rauhaan ja iloon Buddhan mielestä. Sori, toihan oli hindujen juttuja. Aletaas alusta. Näinä päivinä maallikkojen seuraajat pyrkivät tietoisesti pitämään ainakin viisi ohjetta tai (kuten perinne ehdottaa) kymmenen käskyä.
    ellauri333.html on line 212:
    Angry Hanuman: This viral image that won Modi’s praise symbolises today’s aggressive, macho India. This may well be the transformation of a genial, well-loved icon into a militant killer. Virzakapi eli Hannumies on hyvin, hyvin vihainen.
    ellauri333.html on line 238: The earliest mention of a divine monkey, interpreted by some scholars as the proto-Hanuman, is in hymn 10.86 of the Rigveda, dated to between 1500 and 1200 BCE. The twenty-three verses of the hymn are a metaphorical and riddle-filled legend. It is presented as a dialogue between multiple characters: the god Indra, his wife Indrani and an energetic monkey it refers to as Virzakapi and his wife Kapi. Ngapa kapi kuyu. The hymn opens with Indrani complaining to Indra that some of the soma offerings for Indra have been allocated to the energetic and strong monkey, and the people are forgetting Indra. The king of the gods, Indra, responds by telling his wife that the living being (monkey) that bothers her is to be seen as a friend, and that they should make an effort to coexist peacefully. The hymn closes with all agreeing that they should come together in Indra's house and share the wealth of the offerings.
    ellauri333.html on line 256: Among the military fraternities of ancient tribes, all young males were initiated into the art of killing anyone perceived as a threat to the tribe. Such ceremonies followed rituals whereby the young men stripped and dressed in animal skin (often also donning a fierce animal mask) and worked themselves into a bestial rage. Rage removes inhibitions. Rage alone makes the gentle, genial young man next door who listens to film songs all day suddenly go berserk and join a mob as killer of the perceived enemy. Bearskin and Berserk, the two words incidentally are synonymous in German. The question is, how do you awaken the killer instinct in a male turning even a laid-back herbivore into a blood thirsty predator? Well here's how:
    ellauri333.html on line 261: Similar to the Angry Hanuman transformation, in the 1990s, the familiar Ram holding his bow and standing casually next to his happy family became a lone militant warrior, all flying hair and drawn arrow. The Rath Yatra followed, replicating this motif, and as it reached its crescendo, the Babri Masjid in Ayodhya was demolished by a self-proclaimed Vaanar Sena (monkey army) wielding trishuls. In the Angry Hanuman, we may well be seeing a genial, well-loved icon being transformed into a militant killer, a hominid that might have shared a cave with his now enemy for long. Samuel Taylor Coleridge once wrote in a notebook, “The Prince of Darkness is a Gentleman.” The first fratricidal weapon, as the Bible scholar Bruce Chatwin reminds us, was seen around 10,000 BC, when Citizen Kane the farmer brother crushed a hoe through his brother hunter-gatherer Li'l Abner’s skull.
    ellauri333.html on line 326: The idea of a surname as it is understood today, is a colonial addition in most cultures around the globe such that it has always been a part of Western naming systems. Therefore, even in India, the need for a ‘surname’ as such, is believed to have emerged with the influence of the British Raj and other colonial powers.
    ellauri333.html on line 328: Also, one’s name is indicative of one’s religion, caste, place of birth and a myriad of other such identity factors. The extensive work of Raja Jayaraman (2005) on the same topic, traces the origin of Hindu caste-based surnames of the Indian subcontinent in the then-prevalent social institutions and rules of social interactions. According to him, as mentioned in the Samskara Vidhi or the Rules of Life-cycle Rituals in Hinduism, names like ‘Sharma’ are usually reserved for Brahmins, ‘Varma’ for Kshatriyas, ‘Gupta’ for Vaishyas and ‘Das’ for Shudras. Dalit are the worst, they are the pariahs, like Ritu Gagra.
    ellauri333.html on line 343: For many Muslims in India, their surnames mark the influence of an Indo-Arabic ethnicity as well as some traces of caste in various parts of South Asia. For example, various surnames like Khan, Pathan, Afridi, Shaikh among several others are believed to have origins in Afghan communities in the north-western region of the Indian subcontinent. Christians and Jewish people in India also have a unique surname style depending on the various factions and denominations. For example, several Christians in Kerala who have the surname as ‘Oomen’, ‘Kurian’, ‘Varghese’, ‘Koshy’, etc. are identified as belonging to the Saint Thomas faction of south- Asian Christians.
    ellauri333.html on line 346: Since in most cultures in India, surnames are derived from the male line, often women are by default expected to take up and even forgo their surnames in the event of their marriage. This kind of rigid kinship pattern clearly highlights the inequality of women’s social status, leading to the complete diminishing of their identity.
    ellauri333.html on line 500: Lapsen syntymän jälkeen sikhivanhemmat ja lapsen sukulaiset suorittavat nimenantoseremonian. Rukousten jälkeen Guru Granth Sahib avataan sattumanvaraisesta kohdasta, ja avautuneen sivun ensimmäisestä kirjaimesta tulee myös lapsen nimen ensimmäinen kirjain. Khalsa-perinnettä noudattavan perheen lapsi kastetaan murrosiän alussa ja otetaan mukaan uskonyhteisöön. Seremoniaan kuuluu Guru Granth Sahibin lukua sekä sokeriveden nauttimista ja pirskottelua.
    ellauri334.html on line 262: Marc Lipshitz. een involved in counter missionary work for 20+ years:
    ellauri334.html on line 320: Yes he was, but betrayed Christ, He followed Christ every where until Garden of Gethsemane,a perfect example of a Christian who betrayed Christ add moved away from him. I am not sure he really followed Jesus like Peter and other, they really believed Jesus was son of God. But Judas was a rebel Jew, who want literal fight against Roman government. There might be a Chance Judas never understood the concept of “Kingdom of God”.
    ellauri334.html on line 334: The name Judaism stems from Judah, one of the sons of Jacob, who is credited to have lived around 1500 to 2000 BCE and was the founder of the tribe of Judah… (more)
    ellauri335.html on line 322: vedpics.com/1280/1/246/96544518/96544518_012_e941.jpg" height="400px"/>
    ellauri336.html on line 73: Toinen mahdollinen syy johtuu seuraavasta: naiset käyttävät rutiininomaisesti rituaalikylpyä. He upottavat itsensä ja koko kehonsa on oltava 100 % veden alla. Voi olla huolissaan siitä, että jos heidän hiuksensa ovat pitkät, ne eivät uppo kokonaan upotuksen aikana. Haha, voihan käyttää hiusverkkoa? Ai eikö? No käsiä? Eikö?
    ellauri336.html on line 144: Todistetaan, että tämä motivaatio on ulottuvillamme! Luokaamme kuvitteellinen työpaja ja käytämme samanlaista tekniikkaa, jota lääkäri käytti. Tarjoamme jokaiselle vanhemmalle 50 dollaria päivässä siitä, etteivät he suuttuisi tai menetä malttiaan lapsilleen. (Tästä tulee 350 dollaria viikossa ja 1 400 dollaria kuukaudessa – ei pieni summa kenenkään huomioimatta!) Kehitämme edelleen mielikuvitustamme kuvitellaksemme tyypillisen "aiheen" käyttäytymistä tässä työpajassa. Kello on seitsemän aamulla, eivätkä pikku Yankie ja Rochele ole vieläkään nousseet sängystä valmistautumaan kouluun. Äiti tulee heidän huoneeseensa ja aikoo huutaa heille, koska he eivät ole huomioineet hänen ohjeitaan pukeutua ja syödä nopeasti. Äidin silmien edessä välähtää mystisesti 50 dollarin seteli, joka muistuttaa häntä työpajatehtävästään. Sitten hän lähestyy hellästi lapsiaan ja muistuttaa heitä pehmeällä avokämmenen vedolla poskelle, kuinka myöhäistä on ja että heidän on kiirehdittävä koulubussilleen.
    ellauri336.html on line 235: Samoin tämä voi tapahtua pikkulapsilla, jotka saattavat kieltäytyä ottamasta keskipäivän päiväunet tai haluavat pullon suklaamaitoa hedelmämehun tai veden sijaan. He heittävät pullon pinnasängystä ja alkavat saada intensiivistä kiukuttelua saadakseen tahtonsa. Jos vanhempi antaa periksi lapsen kiihkeälle itkulle, lapsi on oppinut uuden brachan: Shehakol nihiyeh bidima´os - voimme hankkia kaiken kyyneleillä. Lapsi tallentaa tämän "voiton" mielessään ymmärtäen, että jos hän on itsepäinen vanhempiensa kanssa, hän lopulta voittaa. Pikkulasten pahuuteen hyvä lääke on lavemangi.
    ellauri336.html on line 308: Ohn ben Peles was saved from being part of Korach’s rebellion by his wife. When Korach’s men came to fetch Ohn, she sat the entrance to their tent with her hair uncovered, causing the messengers to turn around and walk away (Sanhedrin 109b-110a);
    ellauri336.html on line 310: The Rabbis asked Kimchis what she had done to merit having seven sons serve as Kohein Gadol (High Priest). She responded that the beams of her house never saw her with her hair uncovered. While the Rabbis rejected her hypothesis (because many other women have acted likewise), the extent to which she observed this law is still presented as an example of meritorious behavior (Yoma 47a; see Yerushalmi Megilla 1:10 for the accepted opinion as to the merit of Kimchis);
    ellauri336.html on line 314: There are other examples I could cite but the point is clear: our Sages universally agree that a married woman covering her hair is part of the laws of tzniyus. But shaving hair off? That’s a practice observed in a few particular communities; it’s not a sweeping societal norm among Orthodox Jews in general.
    ellauri336.html on line 342: The latter; one who substitutes for an incapacitated Kohein Gadol is also considered a Kohein Gadol. If the ones who had served had died, she wouldn’t have been asked about her merits!
    ellauri336.html on line 345: The Zohar (parshas Naso) that Rabbi Jack cites doesn’t say anything about mikvah. What it says is that the beams of a woman’s house should not see her hair. This is the meritorious practice observed by Kimchis (and many other women of her time) mentioned in the Talmud. Kimchi IS delicious BTW.
    ellauri336.html on line 350: AJ, it’s the second. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be a zechus. Each son served as the Kohen Gadol at some point, but more than one person at a time could be qualified to serve as the Kohen Gadol should the “chief” Kohen Gadol be impure or otherwise indisposed. The position of “vice” Kohen Gadol is known as “s’gan kohen gadol.”
    ellauri336.html on line 366: Just came across this post. My mother, Nechama bat Nissan, of blessed memory told me that the reason women from Eastern Europe shaved their heads was that during the pogroms the Russian soldiers would crash a Jewish wedding; kidnap the bride, and rape her. The woman would shave her head to be unattractive to the Russian beast. But did it really work? Nowadays everyone seems to be shaving between their legs, has that ever cooled anybody's boner down?
    ellauri336.html on line 368: The other point I’d like to make is that a woman’s hair is cited (somewhere,) as her crown. After she is married, the beauty of her hair is only available for her husband to see. This helps makes her seductive to him. I also have to say that I can’t imagine having an intimate relationship with a woman with a shaved head as I have referenced in the previous paragraph.
    ellauri336.html on line 372: From what I’ve heard, this practice started in Europe generations ago, where Jewish women were targeted.(attacked/kidnapped) By having their head shaved under their head covering it made them less attractive for potential attackers. I’m not sure of the source of this information, though most of my father’s family, shave their heads.
    ellauri336.html on line 404: My five year old daughter caught a glimpse of the part in Unorthodox where Esty’s hair was shaved and she had a visceral reaction to it. She wondered why Esty’s hair all had to be shaved off? Couldn’t they just leave some on top for her? Interesting the unedited reactions and feelings of children.
    ellauri336.html on line 459:
  • David Schoenin veden juominen ja sulkeutuneiden "avoimien" ihmisten tekopyhyys
    ellauri336.html on line 483: Lisää tässä osiossa: Naisen pyhiinvaellus. Oikea tapa kritisoida. Asetuksen makeuttaminen. Yocheved, Mooseksen äiti. Profeetta Mirjam näyttää kaiken.
    ellauri336.html on line 511: So if someone has several sons and they all become K”G, would that not mean that either at least some or most of them died in her lifetime, or they became tamei while serving as K”G? How could either of those scenarios be considered a sachar for her tznius? Not trying to be disrespectful – I am having real difficulty understanding the positive aspect of this quote in the Gemarah, when obviously something not so good had to have occurred in order for Kimchis to have so many sons who served in that capacity within her lifetime.
    ellauri336.html on line 588: "The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis."~Dante— Farzan Tufail
    ellauri336.html on line 618:
    Greta Thunberg says school strikes have achieved nothing. Haha!

    ellauri338.html on line 48: Schelling’s idea of limited or graduated reprisals—which he later set out in Arms and Influence (1966)—was adopted by the United States in 1965 as Operation Rolling Thunder, which involved the bombing of selected targets in North Vietnam in the expectation that it would deter the North Vietnamese from continuing the war. When this failed to deter North Vietnam, the bombing campaign was escalated, in spite of Schelling’s advice that the bombing should be abandoned if it did not succeed in the first three weeks.
    ellauri338.html on line 101: Eriävät tutkijat huomauttavat, että sananjalkoja käytetään muualla koko kirjoituksessa ja voisi odottaa löytävän sellaisen myös byt ja dwd:n väliltä, jos tarkoitettu lukema olisi "Daavidin talo". He väittävät, että dwd:n lukeminen nimellä "David" on monimutkaista, koska sana voi tarkoittaa myös "setä" (dōd) (sana, jolla oli muinaisina aikoina melko laajempi merkitys kuin nykyään), "rakas" tai "vedenkeitin " (dūd). Lemche ja Athas ehdottavat, että bytdwd voisi olla paikannimi ja Athas, että se viittaa Jerusalemiin (joten kirjoittaja voisi väittää tappaneensa Jerusalemin kuninkaan pojan pikemminkin kuin kuninkaan poika "Daavidin suvusta"). RG Lehmann ja M. Reichel ehdottavat lauseen tulkitsemista viittaukseksi jumaluuden nimeen tai epiteettiin.
    ellauri338.html on line 103: Mykytiuk väittää, että muut lukemat kuin "Daavidin talo" ovat epätodennäköisiä. Art Garfunkel on kritisoinut äänekkäästi vaihtoehtoisia käännöksiä luonnehtien niitä "ehdotuksiksi, jotka nyt näyttävät naurettavalta: heprealaista bytdwd :tä ei pitäisi lukea Daavidin talona, vaan paikkana nimeltä betdwd rinnakkain tunnetun käännöksen kanssa paikannimi Ashdod'. Muita minimalistisia ehdotuksia olivat House of Uncle, House of Kettle ja House of Beloved.
    ellauri338.html on line 105: Knov You Are Loved. Vittu se BODIES suorasoittoscifi oli sitten PASKA. Siinäkään ei ollut yhtään sympaattista tyyppiä. Nippu nykyaikaisia kyttäkovixia, ruiopelo mitääntekemätön nörtti jonka tehtävä oli vaan maata luoti silmässä, blondi homopulu ja viirusilmäinen diktaattorioletettu. Loppuvizissä tiskirättipäinen filistiiniämmä ja huonojen tilanteiden miestä muistuttava unortodoxi päivittelevät jälkimmäisen taxissa Lontoon liikenneruuhkia. Se että sarjan juutalaiset ovat hyvixiä on dead giveaway.
    ellauri338.html on line 137:
    Riitalla on tämmöinen yrttiruukku majalla. Sitä roudattiin Matin kanssa 5 metriä 2-pyöräisellä kottarilla veden vaivaamaan kellariin.

    ellauri338.html on line 219: Useiden vuosien ajan hän eli 38 kopeikalla päivässä. Vuosina 1964-1965 hän söi neljän kuukauden ajan vapaaehtoisesti vain mustaa leipää ja mustaa ja vihreää teetä. Hän tuli siihen tulokseen, että nauttimalla puolitoista kiloa päivässä mustaa leipää ja arteesisella vedellä haudutettua vahvaa mustaa ja vihreää teetä neljä kertaa päivässä, kahdesta kolmeen kupillista ilman sokeria, työkyky säilyy. samaan aikaan Pokhlebkin laihtui oman tunnustuksensa mukaan vain kilon painosta. Tänä aikana hän kirjoitti ensimmäisen teoksensa elintarviketuotteista, "Tsaikka", joka julkaistiin vuonna 1968. Työ perustui vankalle pohjalle, erityisesti hänen omaan teekokoelmaansa, joka kerättiin vuosina 1955-1968. Kiinalaiset teeasiantuntijat auttoivat kokoelman kokoamisessa, näytteitä lähetettiin myös Englannista, Itä-Saksasta , Saksasta , Kambodžasta, Thaimaasta, Indonesiasta, Vietnamista ja Laosista. Kirjasta "Tsaju" tuli erityisen suosittu neuvostotoisinajattelijoiden perinteisissä keittiötapaamisissa , ja siksi "Sosialistinen teollisuus" -lehti julkaisi artikkelin, jossa kirjaa kutsuttiin "keskinkertaiseksi" ja "tarpeettomaksi". Pokhlebkin itse sai tietää kirjansa suosiosta vasta vuonna 1993 Zinovy Zinikin haastattelusta Literaturnaya Gazetassa.
    ellauri339.html on line 232: Nas k torzhestvu kommunizma vedjot! Terve, maa! Ylpeilemme sinulla! 𝄇
    ellauri339.html on line 256: Nas k torzhestbu kommunizma vedjot! Meille voimaa antaa meidän uskollisuus isänmaalle.
    ellauri339.html on line 280: Nas k torzhesstvu kommunizma vedjot!
    ellauri339.html on line 483:
    Dmitri Medvedev kertoo Matti ja Pekka vizejä venäläisten risoista tankeista ja lastenpolkupyöristä.

    ellauri339.html on line 490: Dmitri Medvedev kommentoi Ursula von der Leyenin lausuntoa Ukrainan ja Moldovan kutsumisesta EU-jäsenyysneuvotteluihin:
    ellauri339.html on line 492: "Hullu Euroopan komissio, jota johtaa kiihkeä gynekologi, vaatii Banderakrainan hyväksymistä säilytettäväksi ja tätä tarkoitusta varten muille heikoille liittolaisille tehdään kollektiivinen abortti. Leikataan ne kaikista EU-tuista ja jaetaan ne Kiovan hyväksi." Medvedevin mukaan "Euroopan unionin uudet mikrojäsenet siirtyvät vuosikymmeniksi välittävän saksalaisten, ranskalaisten ja muiden eurolihavien äitien ruokintaan". "Nuoret mutta ahneet Kiovan-Kishinevin riisitautiset vuotavat nopeasti verta ja poistavat rasvan vanhasta Euroopasta. Sen hoitamiseen liittyy Euroopan unionin täydellinen heikkeneminen, euron ja muiden ilkeiden sairauksien halveksuminen."
    ellauri340.html on line 277: Selkkausten osapuolet eivät saa toimia mielivaltaisesti. Humanitaarisessa oikeudessa on luvallista vedota sotilaallisten toimien välttämättömyyteen vain silloin, kun nämä on sopimusmääräyksillä nimenomaisesti ilmaistu.
    ellauri340.html on line 594: "Leikata. Seuraava kohtaus”, Handke kirjoittaa, kun hän haluaa viedä asioita eteenpäin. Taas tätä vituttavaa leffajargonia. Handke saattaa olla poliittisesti puolustettava, mutta kynämiehenä vitun ärsyttävä. New Yorkerin arvostelijaltakin alkaa pokka murtua: "Kun aloin lukea "Matka jokiin", olin valmis uskomaan, että Handke oli tulkittu väärin, mutta kirja oli vieläkin raivostuttavampi kuin olisin voinut kuvitella. Handke sanoo suoraan, että hän kysyy harvoin kohtaamiltaan ihmisiltä, ​​vaan luottaa mielikuvitukseensa ja olettamuksiinsa." "Joitakin todellisuutta – Srebrenican joukkohautoja tai viime aikoina USAssa laittomasti varastetttujen presidentinvaalien tulosta – ei voida käsitellä "dialektisesti". Mieleen tulee toinen Wittgensteinin lause, jota usein vedotaan ilmaistakseen vaaroja, jotka liittyvät holokaustin valtavuuden kuvaamiseen: "Se, mistä emme voi puhua, meidän on ohitettava hiljaa. No vizi tottakai hölökaustista voi puhua? Mitä? Mixei voi?" Ainiin tää on New Yorkkeri.
    ellauri341.html on line 58: Enmeduranki -legenda eli Kuninkuuden siemen on sumerilais-akkadilainen sävellys, joka kertoo Mardukin jumalan antamasta täydellisestä viisaudesta (nam-kù-zu) ja hänen väitteestään kuulua "kaukaiseen kuninkuuslinjaan ennen vedenpaisumusta" ja olla " Sipparin kuninkaan Enmedurankin jälkeläinen ". Se alkaa valituksella aiemmista tapahtumista:
    ellauri341.html on line 291: Tämän loukkaavan toiminnan pääkohde oli ilmeisesti koulun henkinen mentori Gregorian Bivolaru. Se oli myös epätoivoinen yritys luoda suunnanmuutos, joka kääntäisi yleisön huomion pois muista tämän hetken poliittisista kysymyksistä ja skandaaleista, erityisesti joogakoulun merkittävän jäsenen Gabriel Bivolarun tekemästä 50 miljoonan euron ryöstöstä. Myöhemmin Antena 1:n haastattelussa Ilie Năstase myönsi, että MISA:ta ja Gregorian Bivolarua vastaan ​​tehty voimakas sorto, jota kutsutaan (oudolla, mutta merkittävästi) "operaatioksi Kristus", oli suuri virhe, mikä epäsuorasti vahvisti hänen osallisuutensa. Näiden dramaattisten olosuhteiden pakottamana ja vakuuttuneena siitä, ettei hänelle tule oikeudenmukaista oikeudenkäyntiä Romaniassa, Gregorian Bivolaru lähti maasta ja pyysi poliittista turvapaikkaa Ruotsista. Tukholman korkein oikeus tutki asian perusteellisesti ja hylkäsi Romanian valtion esittämät luovutuspyynnöt ja myönsi Gregorian Bivolarulle poliittisen suojelun ja turvapaikan tammikuussa 2006. Tämä on toistaiseksi yksi harvoista tapauksista, joissa Euroopan valtio suojelee kansalaista vastaan toisessa Euroopan unionin valtiossa. Vizi noi svedut on sitten ääliöliberaaleja!
    ellauri342.html on line 201: Ja niin, seuraavana päivänä, kun vespers puhuttiin, Tistet Védène astui paavinpalatsin pihalle. Paikalla oli kaikki korkeat papistot, kardinaalit punaisissa kaapuissa, paholaisen asianajaja mustassa sametissa, luostarin apotit pikkuhiireineen, Saint-Agricon kirkkoherrat, mestarin purppurat, myös alemmat papistot, paavin sotilaat täydessä univormussa, kolme katuvien veljeskuntaa, Mont Ventoux'n erakot raivokasvoineen ja pieni pappi, joka menee taakse kantaen kelloa, vyötäröä myöten alastomia lippuveljet, kukkaiset sakristaanit tuomarien viitteissä, kaikki , kaikki, jopa pyhän veden antajat, ja se joka sytyttää ja se joka sammuttaa... ei ollut ketään puuttuvaa... Ah! se oli kaunis vihkimys! Kellot, sähinkäiset, auringonpaiste, musiikki,ja aina ne hullut tamburiinit johtavat tanssia siellä, Avignonin sillalla...

    ellauri342.html on line 202: Ja niin, seuraavana päivänä, vespereiden jälkeen, Tistet Vedene astui sisään paavin palatsin pihalle. Kaikki pääpapit olivat siellä, kardinaalit punaisissa kaapuissa, paholaisen asianajaja mustassa sametissa, luostarin apottit pienissä hiiroissaan, kirkon vartijat Saint-Agrico ja kuorokoulun purppuraviitat. Arvo ja Paikalla oli myös arkistopappeja, paavin vartija täydessä asussa kolme vankeuslaitosten veljeskuntaa, Mount Ventoux -eremitit heidän villi ilmeensä ja pieni virkailija, joka seurasi heitä kantaen omaansa kello. Siellä oli myös vyötäröä myöten alastomia lippuveljeksiä sakristalaiset, itävät tuomarin kaavut ja kaikki ja kaikki, jopa pyhän veden annostelijat ja ne, jotka sytyttävät ja ne, jotka sammuttavat, kynttilät... Yksikään niistä ei puuttunut... Se oli hienoa vihkiminen! Kellot, ilotulitus, auringonpaiste, musiikki ja, kuten aina, tamburiinia soittavat fanaatikot johtavat tanssia, tuolla, _sur le pont d'Avignon_.....
    ellauri343.html on line 84: takanamme olivat kauniin Karjalan kylän, kuuluisan Repolan rauniot. Kerroin kylän vielä kaksikymmentä vuotta sitten kuuluneen Suomelle, mutta Tarton rauhassa Repola oli häpeällisesti annettu venäläisille ja raja vedetty kiinni Kivivaarassa. Me olimme nyt sitä rajaa aukaisemassa ja luomassa heimoveljillemme parempaa tulevaisuutta: syy ei ollut meidän, että se jouduttiin sotimalla tekemään.
    ellauri343.html on line 314: Lähettini Kämäräinen arveli että pojilla olisi känsät kämmenissä ennenkuin soutaisivat Ankkalinnasta Hanhivaaraan. Minä tiesin että niillä oli känsät käsissä jo ennen lähtöä. Sitä yxinäiset yöt Kurjalassa teettävät. Karjalaisten lähtökiireestä näkyy selvästi kuka oli tämän sodan aggressori. Kiurukkaat eivät olleet 1. kertaa salakalassa. Onnexi tällä kertaa hävikistä eivät kärsineet omat lahtarit.Tää "minä" kaveri on kuin joku TK-mies. Sellainen olis Tuuristakin tehty, jos olis mukaan ehtinyt. Miehet, miehet, selvää homostelua. Vittu nää zuhnat on sitten hölmöjä. Oltuaan 2 päivää ylivarovaisia ne 3. päivänä ajaa rysäyttävät yhdessä kasassa suoraan slobojen väijytyxeen. Kun Kata Kärkkäinen lensi vanjojen luotisateesta sillankaiteen yli jorpakkoon, ruumista hakemaan ilmoittautui mm. Vihtori Help. Haha. Hölmöt lähtivät valloittamaan Suur-Suomea ottamatta edes mukaan eväitä. Eri hooboa lähettää jotain 50 miestä yxin ilman radiota jonnekin umpimezään stadilaisen TK-miehen joholla karttana hiekkapaperi. Kata Kärkkäinen muuten köntysteli jalantyngillään Kiuruvedellä aseveli-illoissa vielä 60-luvulla. Se selvisi koska se oli uskossa eikä kiroillut veneessä vaikka sattui niinmaan perkeleesti. Ei sanonut "joko ne pirut on Korolissa" kuten eversti Tähtinen. Sotilaan normaali olotila on makoilla ja antaa ajan kulua. Ajanvietteenä vain tumputus ilman raiskattavia Karjalan neitoja. 23-vuotias Aarne Korvapuustinen tunaroi Rukajärven tiellä ja kaatui ennenkuin pääsi edes ojan ylize. Äl'yli päästä perhanaa kehottivat slobot toisiaan ja ampui Aarnen täyteen reikiä. Naurettavia polkupyöräjoukkioita, helvatti. Rauhantunnustelijoiden jännitys on koko ajan kova. Suomalaisilla on putket tanassa. Kun olisi mihin työntää ammusta. Oman tykistön tulipeitto tuntui lämmittävältä. Kivakiva, nyt kuolee paljon sloboja! Mölyapinat on sytyttäneet koko mezän palamaan. Tyly venäläistaustainen majuri ei edes kiittänyt, sanoi "Hyve on". No eihän armeijassa sanota kiitos anteexi ole hyvä. Paizi rukouxissa. Vähän se TK-miestä näpäsi, se oli toivonut jotain kunzaria tai ehkä mitalin.
    ellauri343.html on line 415: Alkuaikojen TK-tuotosten pulmaksi osoittautui se, etteivät sodan päämäärät olleet sen enempää heille kuin yleisöllekään täysin selvät. Millaista linjaa olisi oikein vedettävä? Näin Suur-Suomi-ajatus sai alussa perusteetontakin palstatilaa. Tappioiden kasvaessa linjaksi vakiintui käsite "turvallisten rajojen saavuttamisesta Uralin tienoilla".
    ellauri345.html on line 425: Aina vedotaan vain ulkonäköön, Ottilienissa elävään kauneuteen, joka vahvana, salaperäisenä ja jalostamattomana asettui "aineeksi" voimakkaimmassa merkityksessä. Tämä vahvistaa sen Hades-maisen ominaisuuden, jonka runoilija antaa tapahtumalle: ennen runollisen lahjakkuutensa syvää perustaa hän seisoo kuin Odysseus alaston miekkansa kanssa verta täynnä olevan kuopan edessä ja hänen tavoin torjuu janoisen varjon. sietääkseen vain niitä, joiden hedelmätöntä puhetta hän etsii.
    ellauri345.html on line 454: . Romaania käsittelevässä kirjeessään Zelter kirjoittaa Goethelle: löytyihän sulla loppuviimexi tähän tarkoitukseen sopiva kirjoitustapa, joka on kuin kirkas elementti, jonka ketterät asukkaat uivat toistensa läpi räpytellen tai tummentuen, liikkuen ylöspäin. ja alas eksymättä tai exymättä. Se, mitä Zelterin koskaan tarpeeksi arvostetulla tavalla ilmaistaan, havainnollistaa, kuinka runoilijan kaavamainen, lumoava tyyli muistuttaa lumoavaa refleksiä vedessä. Ja tyylin lisäksi se osoittaa tuon "ilojärven" merkityksen ja lopulta koko teoksen merkityksen. Aivan kuten näennäinen sielu ilmestyy epäselvästi, houkuttelee viattomalla selkeydellä ja johdattaa alas syvimpään pimeyteen, niin myös vesi osallistuu tähän outoon taikuuteen. Koska se on toisaalta musta, tumma, käsittämätön, mutta toisaalta heijastava, selkeä ja kirkastava. Tästä vesiaiheesta lähtee Benjyn sanamylly taas pyörimään:
    ellauri345.html on line 476: Niinkuin sanoi 197-vuotias sokea woodoomummu Prinsessa ja Frog-piirretyssä: se ei ole tärkeää mitä tahdot, vaan mitä tarvizet. Autoritaariset kommunistit nyökyttelevät: jokaiselta kykyjensä mukaan, ja jokaiselle tarpeiden. Linnan juhlan selkeästi hyväpäisin vieras oli autisti, joka oli harjannut hampaansa ja kurlannut suuvedellä. Kapitalistin märkä uni oli prikulleen samannäköinen sammakkopiirretyssä ja anakronistisessa eroottismilitaristisessa uuspoirotissa. Frog oli niistä hauskempi. Paremmat musaneekeritkin.
    ellauri345.html on line 596: Pelin tarkoitus on tulla izetietoisexi. Izetietoiset ihmiset auttavat joka kierroxella alkusielua (jumalaa) tulemaan yhtä izetietoisexi kuin ne. Henki on tärkeä työkalu matkalla tähän tietoisuusprosessiin. On tärkeää välillä vetää henkeä. Henki on pyhä. Ehdollistunut egomme on toisaalta raskas perässä vedettävä. Ja egomme ajattelu voi todella väsyttää meitä, kun taas henkemme inspiraatiot inspiroivat, ilahduttavat ja ilahduttavat meitä. Ero egon/mielen/pään/ajattelun ja hengen/inspiraation välillä on monille ihmisille tuntematon, vaikea ja ikävä.
    ellauri345.html on line 642: Fredrik Vilhelm kieltäytyi vastaanottamasta keisarin kruunua vedoten siihen, että hänen asemansa kuninkaana tuli ylhäältä. Konservatiivina hän ei halunnut vastaanottaa kruunua joltain kämäseltä vaaleilla valitulta kansalliskokoukselta eikä myöskään hyväksyä Frankfurtin perustuslakia. Tynkäparlamentti yritti epätoivoisesti puolustaa aiemmin hyväksytyn perustuslain voimassaoloa edes eteläisen Saksan alueella, kunnes Württembergin armeija hajotti sen 18. kesäkuuta. Saksan vallankumous päättyi samoihin aikoihin Badenin sotilaskapinan kukistamiseen.
    ellauri345.html on line 714: Tähän asti on väitetty, että hän on ollut arvoitus miehenä, ellei ajattelijana, mutta tässä hän esiintyy joukossa hahmoja: uskoton aviomies, epäluotettava isä, pakonomainen pelimies, prostituoitujen usein käyvä vieras, vedonlyöjä (hän ​​ja Gershom Scholem jäivät koko yön juomassa mustaa kahvia simuloidakseen heikkoja sydämiä ja siten epäonnistuakseen armeijan lääkintähenkilöstössä), sarjajäsen rakkauskolmioissa (hänet vedettiin eroottisesti ja kieroutuneesti, kirjoittajat vakuuttavasti ehdottavat, kolmioihin, joista hän ei saanut haluamaansa). He kertovat hänen kokemuksistaan ​​meskaliinista ja hasisista. He ihmettelevät, mitä oli kuuluisassa mustassa asiapullosalkussa, joka katosi salaperäisesti hänen itsemurhansa jälkeen vuonna 1940 – sisälsivätkö se käsikirjoituksen, joka olisi järisyttänyt maailmaa, jos se olisi löydetty? Eiland ja Jennings ovat epäileviä. Kaikesta tästä muodostuisi erinomaisen raju kerronta, mutta Eiland ja Jennings eivät rullaa sillä tavalla.
    ellauri346.html on line 116: Katso videolta koskettava hetki: Jorma Uotinen ja Esa Saarinen kantoivat Aira Samulinin arkkua. Onnexi oli köysi välissä, muuten olis Aira voinut kierähtää lyhkäsemmän Eskin hollille. Samulin oli suunnitellut itse omat hautajaisensa ja niiden kutsuvieraslistan. Kazotaan kuinka monella on minihame, mietti Jorma Uotinen toiveikkaana. Jormalla on vaikea suhde ruskeaan. Aira Samulin: kun vedän vitun päähäni, kaikki kazovat. Tämä on vartaloni kaunein kohta.
    ellauri346.html on line 251: Russians face a tough challenge. US government kept its word to Ukraine. 31 Abrams tanks from the USA have already arrived in Ukraine, they will go into battle "real soon". The Russians are preparing for tough times on the battlefield, that's almost certain. The Abrams might be the best tanks in the world. Colonel Martin O'Donnell, spokesperson for the US Army in Europe and Africa, also added that all Ukrainian tankers, who have been learning to operate Abrams in the USA and Germany for months, have also returned to their country. And this, along with ammunition and spare parts for M1A1 Abrams tanks.
    ellauri346.html on line 258: Ukraine has requested hundreds of Western tanks to aid in the success of the spring offensive. Winter is coming, it is just around the corner, and the Ukrainian forces have still not achieved a decisive breakthrough on the battlefield. Little progress is being made on the southern front (Zaporizhia), and unsuccessful maneuvers are taking place in the vicinity of Bakhmut. They also tried to repel the Russians' counterattacks in Kupiansk and Avdiivka, where intense fighting is still ongoing.
    ellauri346.html on line 295: Finland detaches from Russia as concrete barriers appear. Finland cuts off from Russia. Concrete barriers have appeared. On Thursday, a group of close to 20 individuals, including cyclists, arrived at the first border crossing in the north in Kuhmo. An immigrant, part of a group of about thirty, disobeyed orders, mandating the use of tear gas by the guards. Witness accounts and reports from asylum seekers suggest that migrants only resort to bicycles for the last leg of their journey, in the Russian border zone. The dictator of the Saleist regime of Finland raised the alarm: "Beware of Russia". According to Suvi Alvri, before February 1918, Russia and Finland, neighboring countries, had "functional relations". However, relations have now deteriorated.
    ellauri347.html on line 484: Boeree was born in Badhoevedorp, near Amsterdam, in the Netherlands. He moved with his parents and brother to the United States in 1956 and grew up on Long Island, New York. He married Judy Kovarik in 1972 and had three daughters. He received his doctoral degree in 1980 from Oklahoma State University. He died on January 5, 2021, at his home in Shippensburg, Pennsylvania.
    ellauri347.html on line 486: Shippensburg University was founded as the Cumberland Valley State Normal School in 1871 and received official recognition and approval by the commonwealth on February 21, 1873. On November 12, 1982, the governor signed Senate Bill 506, establishing the State System of Higher Education. Shippensburg State College was designated as Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, effective July 1, 1983. But you can call us Ship for short. Our purpose is to help build a better, stronger south-central Pennsylvania - economically and culturally - through people who have the abilities, skills, and values to compete in a technologically evolving world.
    ellauri347.html on line 508: Ruotsalaisen lähestymistavan vahva oletus oli, että elintasomittausten tulisi keskittyä pääasiassa resurssien mittaamiseen, joiden avulla yksilöt voivat hallita ja hallita elämäänsä. Porsasmaisen Erik Allardtin vertailevassa tutkimuksessa indikaattorijärjestelmä perustui norjalaisen Johan Galtungin (1980: 50–125) kehittämään perustarpeiden lähestymistapaan. Perustarpeiden lähestymistapa keskittyy olosuhteisiin, joita ilman ihminen ei pysty selviytymään, välttämään kurjuutta, olemaan yhteydessä muihin ihmisiin ja välttämään vieraantumista. Omistaminen, rakastaminen ja oleminen ovat tunnussanoja ihmisen kehityksen ja olemassaolon keskeisille välttämättömille olosuhteille. Selkeästi svedut oli talousliberaaleja ja Erik porsaanvärinen vihervassari.
    ellauri347.html on line 510: Jokaiselle tarpeidensa mukaan, mitä vittua, sanoo ruåzalainen. Jokaiselle paljon massia, lopun ne hoitelevat omin nokkineen. Oikeisto nousi valtaan Ruåzissa Carl Bildtin joholla juurikin 1990-luvun alussa. Massin keskiarvomitta on täysin perseestä kun jakauma on vitun ylipainoinen. Sosialidemokraatit on korvautuneet svedudemokraateilla. Eli:
    ellauri347.html on line 538: Konstantin Dushenko toteaa, että "Yandexin" tilastojen perusteella päätellen post-neuvostoliiton lainauksista poliitikot, joilla on tämä lause suosiossa, kilpailevat vain Putinin lausunnon kanssa "vedellä vessassa liotus”:
    ellauri347.html on line 544: Jahtaamme terroristeja kaikkialla. Lentokentällä - lentokentällä. Joten, sit venia verbo, jos löydämme heidät vessasta vedämme alas pöntöstä. Siinä se, asia on vihdoin ratkaistu.
    ellauri347.html on line 629: Joo ja jos joku rukous on ylipäänsä oltava, olkoon se mielirukouxeni herran siunaus, jossa herra siunaa minua eikä kääntäen. Mutta ilman tota anakronistista pyhä kolminaisuus lisäystä, ihan monoteistisesti se on vedettävä Tooran alkuperäisillä sanoilla. Aameneen sopii sitten lopetella, ja muistoateria aloittaa raastepöydästä. Muisteltava maxaa viulut, eli perilliset siis. Omien hautajaisten suunnittelu lauhduttaa kuolemanpelkoa.
    ellauri348.html on line 706: Kukaan ei halua menettää lomssaa, kaaraa, henkeään, tässä järjestyksessä. Poliisin ammatti on sixi yhteiskunnan tärkein, tuumii Monnica. Law and order. On teillä sveduilla millä mällätä sanoo kunnioittavasti musta matu kristitty. Åsalla näyttää olevan myös finne-xenofobia. Siltikin hyvinvointivaltiossa sattuu paljon häpeällistä. Se että perhe voisi nousta nokintajärjestyxessä akateemisella koulutuksella tuntui jo 2002 vanhanaikaiselta. Sosiaalitantan ja opettajan lapsista tuli tarjoilija ja poliisi. Ne sutor supra crepidam. Homeless or university professor. Psykoterapeutti Nilsonne ei pidä proffista noin setämiehinä, mutta muuten kyllä. Puolustaa myös lääkeyrityxiä. Sivujuonena Margaret Thatcherin hirmuhallitusta uhmanneet terroristit, jotka influenssan ohella selittivät mixi kädetön passipoliisi Monnica pääsi veeteenä rikostutkintaan, saatiin vähäeleisesti nitistetyxi.
    ellauri348.html on line 709: Rotinkaisten kodit näyttävät aina samanlaisilta, koska ne eivät näe vaivaa kodinhoidossa. Ihmisten ampuminen on Monnican ammatti. Ja naamalla istuminen kunnes henki katkeaa. Järjestelmä jonka avulla yhteiskunnassa koitetaan pitää murhaajat ja muut rotinkaiset kurissa. Åsa alkaa vähitellen vaikuttaa aika svedupersulta. No onnexi Rosmariinille kävi hyvin loppuviimexi. Se ei ole todennäköinen rikoxenuusija.
    ellauri349.html on line 147: Koko Suomi otti osaa Eskin puukotuxeen. Ei se jätä ketään kylmäxi, ei valitettavasti edes uhria. Avatkaa vähän tätä! Eskin merkitys Suomelle on sama kuin Bob Dylanin, John Lennonin, veden ja ilman. Olet vesi jota hengitän. Ize ajattelen izeäni Röntty-Reetana. Lasten kanssa Eski oli kielteinen. "Jorma" Uotisen haastattelu on sevverran limainen ettei sitä pysty kuuntelemaan kerralla.
    ellauri349.html on line 193: Eva Korsisaaren ”Tule, rakkaani!” -kutsu on poimittu Raamatun Korkeasta veisusta. Kutsulla neito pyytää miestä, rakastaan kulkemaan rinnalleen. Laulujen laulun tulkinta asettuu kirjassa vedenjakajaksi. Sitä ennen Korsisaari tutkii muun muassa filosofi Platonin Pitoja, runoilija Percy Bysshe Shelleyn ja viihdekirjailija Barbara Cartlandin teoksia. Hän kutsuu niitä yhden ja saman rakkauden kuvauksiksi. Näitä kuvauksia Korsisaari lähestyy nykyfilosofi Luce Irigarayn ajatusten näkökulmasta: tärkeää on Irigarayn samuuden järjestystä kohtaan esittämä kritiikki. Korsisaaren mukaan yhden ja saman rakkaudessa toinen, yleensä nainen, on pyritty sulauttamaan toiseen, yleensä mieheen, tai rakastaja on yrittänyt työntyä rakastettuunsa. Vaihtoehtoisesti rakastavaiset ovat onnistuneet saamaan aikaan jonkin kolmannen. Valitettavasti tällainen haltuun ottava ja toisen toiseuden unohtava rakkauskuvaus on ollut hallitsevassa asemassa aina kulttuurimme kätkyestä lähtien. Tätä järjestystä Korsisaari purkaa kehittämänsä kolmen käsitteen avulla, joita hän nimittää sen ainoan oikean myytiksi, täydellistymisen myytiksi ja henkisen rakkauden myytiksi. Mutta ei näin! Vaan korkean veisun sanoin:
    ellauri349.html on line 317: Mistä Eski päättelee että Sokrateen apologia on sanatarkkaa Sokratesta? Eiköhän siinäkin ole fasistisen lättänenän pukinsorkka mukana? Tai ihan samahan se oikeastaan on, eihän tässä auktoriteetteihin tarvi vedota. Sinänsä vänkää että iänikuinen Sokrateen puolustuspuhe pitää selittää taas ihan alusta Eskin nykylukijoiden infoxi. Infoa pukkaa. Tunnetotuuxia, oikeammin sanottuna. Vaihtoehtoista totuutta. Totuudennäköisyyttä, korjaa Pallomaha.
    ellauri349.html on line 450: Dan Kivipukki oli pahvikaupungin toinen sheriffi. Muistaaxeni Dan oli Eskistä hyvin ärsyttävä. Samanlainen uhka kuin vaatimattomampi "Hej de ä Gösta här". Jos Eski olisi osannut ruåzia se olisi voinut olla sveduissa yhtä suuri tähti kuin M.A.Numminen. Mutta se ei osannut. Bugger it. Se on yhtä isänmaallinen suomalainen kuin Aira Samulin. Jonka paras kaveri oli sentään hurri Peter Nyyperi.
    ellauri349.html on line 549: Esa Saarinen was stabbed with a knife by a student outside a lecture hall in March 2014. He survived without life-threatening injuries.
    ellauri349.html on line 609: Kalansilmäisen mutta syöpäisen Paul Austerin romuluinen puoliso, narsistinen Siri Hustvedt (kz. albumeita 8 ja 22) antaa Eskin narsismille lisäpotkua. Ei voi olla suuri narsisti olematta ensin pieni narsisti. Eskin lavatoiminta todisti ja vaati adaptiivista grandiositeettia, eli siis just tätä narsistista egoa. Eri asia oliko koko paskasta muuta hyötyjää kuin Eskin lompakko. No oli toki, kuten "The Nokia Way" ja arjen sankareiden lomaviihde. Kummasti se on säästänyt joka lippusen ja lappusen perustellaxeen tutkijanuransa lässähdystä ja uutta nousua liike-elämän komeljanttarina. Ei vittu nyt tulee Curre Lindström ja "den glider in". Currestakin on kai kaivettu jälkeenpäin esille kaikenlaista noloa (albumi 305). Sellaisia ne julkkixet tuppaa olemaan. Eski otti yleisönsä rajusti jo 20-vuotiaana laskareiden pitäjänä. Luennoidessaan Eski ei kazo ketään silmiin, vaan muumipilviä. Figures. Tuntuu suorastaan nololta, että Eski ylipäänsä puhuu muumeista. Se ei takuulla lukenut pienenä muumikirjoja, vaan Battler Brittoneita, Jerry Cottoneita ja Johannexen evankelumia. Panin murinaa jaguaariini.
    ellauri349.html on line 835: Kuinka toisin Raakel! Hän jakaa sanan "ve-det" kahteen säkeeseen, koska se ilmentää kuinka valo välkähtää veden pinnassa! Hän jättää lauseen kesken, koska sen sisältämä ajatus ei ole vielä tullut valmiiksi.
    ellauri350.html on line 36: Vuosi 2024 on alkanut ilmastokatastrofin kunniaxi paukkupakkasilla. Enontekiössä on mitattu historiallinen pakkasennätys, eli kylmin sää pariinsataan vuoteen. Julkinen liikenne takkuaa ja busseista irtoaa pyöriä. Golfvirta lie pysähtynyt, mutta siitä ei saa enää uutista. Tervetuloa vieraslajit, toivottaa Korkeasaari Zoon ex johtaja. Tapetaan loput sudet ennenkuin ne syö meitin, usuttaa Tiedelehden pahanhajuinen puuntuhooja. Tuhat autoa jumissa lumihangessa Skoonessa, hiusverkkoarmeija tulossa avuxi. Apinat ottavat lusikan kauniiseen käteen ja sopeutuvat ilmastokatastrofiin, kun ei enää ole mitään tehtävissäkään. Ilo pintaan ja öljy palamaan vaikka syän märkänis! Kyllähän tässä ehditään vielä ahkerasti nussia. Meidän jälkeemme vedenpaisumus.
    ellauri350.html on line 559: Varo tasapainoa ja vedä käteen.
    ellauri351.html on line 223: Traumakeskuksen työ ei tuolloin ollut muuta kuin psykiatrian reuna-alaa. Tämä muuttui 9/11:n jälkeen, joka muutti trauman kansalliseksi kansanterveyskriisiksi. Vietnamin sodan aikana Yhdysvaltain hallitus oli taistellut PTSD-diagnoosin käyttöönoton puolesta, mutta terrorismin vastainen sota halusi vedota traumaan. "Kansallinen trauma" oli hyödyllinen; se antoi USA:lle mahdollisuuden asettaa itsensä uhriksi eikä globaaliksi hyökkääjäksi. Ja kun kävi selväksi, että vastoin hallituksen lupauksia, Irakin ja Afganistanin sodat eivät pian loppuisi, veteraanien terveydenhoidosta tuli kiireellinen poliittinen huolenaihe. Vuosina 2004–2012 puolustusministeriön rahoitus PTSD:lle nousi pilviin 30 miljoonasta 300 miljoonaan dollariin, mikä nosti traumatieteen kunnioitettavan valtavirran psykiatrisen tutkimuksen kärjelle.
    ellauri351.html on line 459: It is spoken by Polonius, the king’s advisor, in Act II, Scene 2. Hamlet has been behaving strangely since the death of his father, and Polonius believes that he is mad. However, Hamlet is actually pretending to be mad in order to buy himself time to carry out his revenge on his father’s killer, Claudius. Polonius is the first person to fall for Hamlet’s act. He believes that Hamlet is truly mad, and he tells Claudius about Hamlet’s strange behavior. Claudius is relieved to hear this, and he believes that Hamlet is no longer a threat. Hamlet’s plan works perfectly. He is able to gather evidence against Claudius, and he eventually succeeds in killing him. The idiom “method in his madness” refers to Hamlet’s clever plan to pretend to be mad in order to achieve his revenge.
    ellauri351.html on line 463: 1 sellainen ontää individualismi/totalitarismi axeli. Kissaeläimet kuten Sylvesteri ovat individejä, personisteja, saalistavat yxixeen, termiitit totalitaristeja, tottelevat pahaa pesän lakia. Talousliberaalit hoippuu jännästi kahden vaiheilla. Kaikkien pitäisi olla yxinyrittäjiä mutta toisaalta lojaaleja firmalle. Ihmisten kasautuminen führerin ympärille paha, pääoman kasautuminen oligarkeille ihan hyvä. Siitä langasta vedetään sätkynukkea mikä kulloinkin tuottaa parhaan tuloxen. Yleisön rynnistys in corpore trendaavien meemien ja merkkituotteiden perässä on vain luonnollista, kuha hintalappu on paikallaan. Aku Ankka rohkaisee omia poikia pommittamaan pikkuwiixen kaupungit ja arkipahat siviilit tulimerexi. Yhteisö on pahan kotipesä. Kotikolon puolustus rulettaa. Hyvistä voidaan huolehtia ja pahat tuhota. Foster on pahaa, tipilintu maistuu hyvältä. Joissakin tehtävissä psykopaatit menestyvät hyvin, esim oligarkkeina ja upseereina. Keskustelut ja neuvottelut eivät johda toisten olettamaan tuloxeen, koska merkityxet poikkeavat muiden porukoiden merkityxistä. Ajavat individualistisesti vain omaa etua.
    ellauri351.html on line 694: Syyskuussa 1978 hän väitti, että työväenluokka oli väistämättä menettämässä keskeisen roolinsa yhteiskunnassa ja että vasemmistopuolueet eivät voi enää vedota vain tähän luokkaan; nolo näkökulma ammattiliittojen militanttina aikana.
    ellauri352.html on line 163: Sen lisäksi, että hän on kirjoittanut suuren kirjan "Descartes' Error", joka muutti ihmisten käsityksen nähdä "järjen ja tunteen" risteys, jossa hän opinnoissaan "lyö vetoa", että limbinen järjestelmä (aivojen osa, joka hallitsee tunteita) ja perustoiminnot) ja neokortex (osa järkeä) liittyvät toisiinsa, koska ne toimivat aina yhdessä. Hänen ikonisin lause kirjassa on: "jokainen rationaalinen ilmaisu perustuu tunteisiin". Tollasia dagot ovat, tunneihmisiä. Vetävät fadoja kapakassa vedet silmissä. Sitäpaizi höh, Descartes erotti sielun ruumiista, ei sielua ja henkeä kuten Klages ja muut nazit albumissa 345.
    ellauri352.html on line 165: Kirjoittaja tekee aluksi laajan yhteenvedon neurologian tunteiden historiasta kuvaamalla ja tutkimalla Gagen tapausta, tapahtumaa, jossa pohjoisamerikkalainen nimeltä Phineas Gage sai otsalohkonsa kiinni rautakangolla koko XX vuosisadan toisen puoliskon ajan. Toisin kuin raamatun Pinehas, joka työnsi kangen nussijoiden läpitte. Tämän tapauksen jälkeen hän selvisi hengissä vain näön menetyksellä raudan osumasta kohdasta. Kautta tämän tapauksen kuvauksen Damásio havainnollistaa ja selventää hermoston ja sen makro- ja mikrorakenteiden toimintaa.
    ellauri353.html on line 242: Maria Schneiderin Scheide ei ollut enää vedossa, Marlon Brando oli vääntänyt sen pois muodosta, joten se korvattiin 2 nuoremmalla pillulla.
    ellauri353.html on line 279: Milton Friedman is widely regarded as the leader of the Chicago school. Of monetary economics. Stresses the importance of the quantity of money. As an instrument of government policy. Terminated. A business cycles and inflation. After graduating in one nine hundred thirty two with a Bachelor of Arts from Rutgers. He received graduate degree. From the University of Chicago. And Columbia University. Since one thousand nine hundred seventy seven. Professor print. Has been a senior research fellow at the Hoover Institution. Homeless or University Professor Friedman received the one nine hundred seventy six Nobel Prize for ECT. That's. In addition to his scientific work. Professor Friedman has written extensively on public policy. Always with primary emphasis on the preservation and extension of. Individual freedoms. In his most important works in this area. Perhaps an ever. The important area. Is life. He has collaborated by. Roads. An accomplished. Economist in her own right. Together they wrote. Capitalism and Freedom. Free to choose. And tyranny of the status quo. Free to choose and tyranny of the status quo later rip it into a T.V. series of the same names that were shown over the public. Public Broadcast stations.
    ellauri353.html on line 281: Mrs. FRIEDMAN attended Reed College and studied economics at the University of Chicago. She was on the staff of the National Research and the bureau. A few. Home Economics. She next joined the staff of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation where she worked until she married Milton and moved to New York. Since then she has continued home economic research on her own publishing. Individually and coauthoring the three works referred to a few moments ago. She was mostly a producer of the P.B.S. T.V. series free to choose. And in one thousand nine hundred six she received an honorary doctorate from Pepperdine University. The Milton. And Rose de Friedman Foundation which the Freedman's us. Promotes parental choice. Of the schools. Attend. As I mentioned the title of their most recent book is Two lucky people. I'm being told by my parents. That the harder you work the luckier you get. It is no wonder the Friedan consider themselves lucky. They have worked long hard to make the contributions they have made to each other and to our society. We the members and listen. Well are the lucky ones today. To have them share themselves and their insights with us once again. We welcome. (Milton claps his hands to them.)
    ellauri353.html on line 293: I don't remember just what it was that Milton was doing. But I'll never forget my nephew's pronouncement that. Whatever it was. It was women's work. And somehow it was beneath the man's dignity to do it now and sat him down and gave him a lecture about the working man's work. But I don't think he ever forgot that lecture. Summarized the way we had led we've lived got a life. Ever since during the first year of our married life I guess I could have qualified as a feminist. I had a career in the marketplace. My husband did part of the house. A year later I have never received an offer of a one year appointment at the University of Wisconsin. I got a New York but it was not exciting. I hadn't finished it. And yet it never occurred to me. Or to him that I would stay on and finish my job and we would commute.
    ellauri353.html on line 295: So I gave up my job and we moved when we got to this crime scene. I didn't inquire whether the university had a nepotism rule. As the University of Chicago did or we went. Later if the husband worked for the university his wife. Could not be employed there even as a janitor. This change however with women's lives. Today. If the university wishes to hire a qualified male. It has to find a job for his wife. At the best of my knowledge that's not work in reverse.
    ellauri353.html on line 297: And I really have mixed feelings about either arrangement. so instead. I have is very happy to spend the school year doing some work on my dissertation. I got used to being a homemaker. I took some funky classes in pottery, (Sorry Milton I mean) ceramics. And I got pregnant at the the back end of school here we left university and headed for Amman or Milton spent the summer writing a book. Jointly with two other people. And I spent the summer being pregnant and I'm comfortable. But war was heating up and decided that once our baby arrived we would move. The washing. He would go to work probably at the Treasury Department. I hope to spend my time as a mother. Unfortunately that didn't work out. Our first pregnancy. My first experience at. Guarding a family came to a sad end when the baby was stillborn. So I went to work in watching them till I could get pregnant again. This time they were more fortunate. And once our daughter was born. I had no thought of going back to work. At least until my. Our children were grown. And as it turned out I never did go back as far as spam innocents are concerned. When I had the opportunity to do some work at home without leaving. So there.
    ellauri353.html on line 299: But there weren't too many. I must confess that my experience combining life is a homemaker and an economist's was easier than it is for many women. I chose the right husband from the beginning. From the beginning we shared our interest in economics whether the news may call in the speech an article or a book. I was part of the activity in the sense that Milton always wanted me to read whatever he wrote. And he took my suggestion seriously. It gave me the feeling that I was practicing what I was trained for. But also that I was contributing to his career. It was in a sense our career. So when he was awarded the Nobel Prize it's received other many many many other net honors. And people always feel sorry for me and ask me how it feels to have him getting all the honors. My answer is always the same one. It is our honor I was part of that. When our children left for good. I became more active. With us and we go off for books. Where do I come out on a women's lib or feminist women have a real problem. But in my opinion the present solution is worse than the disease. The man. Or children. And those women who still believe that a mother's first job is to bring up her children. Women's lives. Made those women. Feel that is inferior to a paying job in the market. Therefore they must be and feared with the will to have a full time job outside. It is heightened competition between man and women. Husband and wife. So-called woman is problem. Has not. And I don't believe will solve the problem. Or a woman. There is a problem.
    ellauri353.html on line 305: Shut up Rose, I thought I would use my few remaining 50 minutes here. You forward publishing people would ask me what's it going to be like. And I said well it's a book which is starting out as a love story. And which will end up as a treatise on social and that's largely what happened though it's throughout from beginning to end it really is a love story because Rose and I have really lived a love story we first met. Just exist. Just sixty sixty six years ago. In September. Nineteen thirty two. And from that time to this we have been close. And I trust shall continue to be said though she gives me no guarantees for the future. To talk about one area of social policy. Which we have engaged for many years. And recently made a major move. And that area is schooling elementary and - this is the main thing! educational vouchers. Parental choice of schools. Not to put a too fine point to it, better folks should have freedom to put their kids in better schools. Hooray democracy, fuck equality, like Alexis Tocqueville said, etc. etc. ad nauseam.
    ellauri355.html on line 55: Kansanedustajien kongressi hylkäsi Jeltsinin hajotusmääräyksen ja poisti hänet vallasta virkasyytteellä. Hänen varapresidenttinsä Aleksandr Rutskoi asetettiin presidentinvirkaan perustuslain mukaisesti. Julkiset mielenosoitukset Jeltsiniä vastaan alkoivat 28. päivä. Parlamentti linnoittautui Moskovan Valkoiseen taloon johtajiensa varapresidentti Aleksandr Rutskoin ja puhemies Ruslan Hasbulatovin johdolla. Sisäministeriön joukot saartoivat kapinalliset parlamenttitaloon katkaisten sieltä sähköt, veden ja puhelimen. Hetkinen hetkinen premissoidaan tilanne, kummat tässä oli kapinalliset? Aika törkee veto wikipedia!
    ellauri355.html on line 100: Dmitry Timofeyevich Yazov (Russian: Дми́трий Тимофе́евич Я́зов; 8 November 1924 – 25 February 2020) was a Marshal of the Soviet Union. A veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Yazov served as Minister of Defence from 1987 until he was arrested for his part in the 1991 August Coup, four months before the fall of the Soviet Union. Yazov was the last person to be appointed to the rank of Marshal of the Soviet Union on 28 April 1990, the only Marshal born in Siberia, and at the time of his death on 25 February 2020, he was the last living Marshal of the Soviet Union. Now they are no marshals left in Soviet Union.
    ellauri359.html on line 61: Actually, I already knew that; what I didn’t know was that the cause was very possibly inherited syphilis. Grahame, a dyed-in-the-wool bachelor who loved “messing about in boats”, seems to have married under duress, the sort to which upper-middle-classes were particularly susceptible: namely, propriety. His sister believed Elspeth Thomson deliberately compromised him. On receiving news of his nuptials, she asked if he really intended to marry her. “I suppose so; I suppose so,” was the telling reply.
    ellauri359.html on line 230: Tärisevä Emanuel Swedenborg (vuoteen 1719 asti Swedberg) (29. tammikuuta 1688 Tukholma – 29. maaliskuuta 1772 Lontoo) oli ruotsalainen tiedemies, filosofi, mystikko ja teologi. Svedberg oli tuottelias kirjoittaja, jonka tuotanto käsittää yli neljä hyllymetriä teoksia eri aloilta.
    ellauri359.html on line 232: Emanuelin isä oli luterilainen pappi ja hovisaarnaaja Jesper Svedberg, josta vuonna 1703 tuli Skaran piispa. Varakkaasta perheestä lähtöisin ollut äiti Sara Behm puolestaan kuoli Emanuelin ollessa kahdeksanvuotias. Opiskeleminen Uppsalassa johti vuonna 1709 valmistuneeseen klassillisen kirjallisuuden väitöskirjaan.
    ellauri359.html on line 234: Immu eli ja matkusteli aikuisiälläkin vuosikausia isänsä varallisuuden turvin. Myöhemmällä iällä svedu alkoi kiinnostua yhä enemmän hengellisistä asioista, joskin uskonnollinen hän oli ollut lapsesta saakka. Svedberg Jr väitti itsellään olevan yliluonnollisia kykyjä, joiden ansiosta hän muun muassa kykeni kommunikoimaan kuolleiden ihmisten kanssa. Friedrich Oetingerille marraskuussa 1766 kirjoittamassaan kirjeessä Swedenborg väittää keskustelleensa satoja kertoja Martti Lutherin kanssa, vuoden ajan apostoli Paavalin kanssa ja kerran Mooseksenkin kanssa. Hän uskoi, että Jumala ilmaisi hänelle totuuden kuolemanjälkeisen elämän erilaisista tiloista ja viimeisestä tuomiosta. Swedenborg katsoi, että hänen uskonnollinen oppinsa toimii yhdessä Raamatun kanssa pohjana aivan uudelle kirkolle, mutta ei ennustanut tämän kirkon saavuttavan suosiota nopeasti. Swedenborgin opetukset jakoivat aikalaisten mielipiteitä jyrkästi. Henkimaailmaa ja aviollista rakkautta käsitellyt teos Deliciae sapientiae de amore conjugiali jopa takavarikoitiin vuonna 1769, kun muut svedut syytti Svedbergiä harhaoppisuudesta.
    ellauri359.html on line 236: Vaikka Svedberg kirjoitti kynä kuumana avioliitosta, hän ei koskaan mennyt naimisiin eikä hänellä ollut lapsia. Immu kuoli Lontoossa 29. maaliskuuta 1772. Kuolinvuoteellaan hänen kerrotaan sanoneen, että olisi jo julkaisemiensa uskonnollisten tekstien lisäksi halunnut mielellään edes kerran bylsiä, mutta hänelle ei annettu siihen lupaa.
    ellauri359.html on line 238: Kirjansa hän painatti omakustanteina. Svefbergin tiedesaavutuxista ehkä tunnetuin on maailmaneetterihypoteesi, jota nykyään pidetään virheellisenä. Anatomianiteessä puhutaan myös ihmisen sielusta. Joel H. pitäisi. Kirjassaan Arcana Coelestia hän esittää, että kaikilla aineellisilla asioilla on henkiset vastaavaisuutensa. Hyvä hyvä kuuluu Joelin suunnalta. Svedun teos Taivas, sen ihmeet ja Helvetti löytyy suomennettuna, muttei netistä. Löytyy vaan tämmösiä haarukkapaloja:
    ellauri359.html on line 276: Kaiken edellä esitetyn perusteella Svedberg vaikuttaa suhteellisen kiltiltä. Liian kiltti ev.lut. kirkolle.
    ellauri360.html on line 414: ”Vakuutusala on nähnyt ilmastomuutoksen isona riskinä jo vuosikymmeniä. Lisääntyvät äärisäät ja muut mullistukset vaativat vakuutusyhtiöiltä riskienhallintaa ja uusia käytäntöjä. Ennätyksellisen rajut luonnonilmiöt ovat tuoneet niin paljon uusia epävarmuustekijöitä, että esimerkiksi monista veden äärelle rakennetuista kaupungeista on tulossa monissa maissa vakuutuskelvottomia”, sanoo Finanssiala ry:n johtaja Hannu Ijäs.
    ellauri360.html on line 425: Pocahontas kuskattiin Lontooseen kuningas Jamexen aikana 1600-luvulla. King James VI and I, eikös se ollut se King James Biblen toimittaja? Oli juurikin. Niteellä oli poliittinen tilaus Britannian imperialismin etujoukoille, lähetyssaarnaaja-asentoa ottaville läheteille. Oli sekin varsinainen paskavedätys. Kuten Saulus Tarsolainen ohjeisti: jos olet orja pysy orjana käännyttyäsikin, se on otollista. Hyvä orja tietää paikkansa.
    ellauri360.html on line 428: Only four great codices have survived to the present day: Codex Vaticanus (abbreviated: B), Codex Sinaiticus (א), Codex Alexandrinus (A), and Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus (C). Although discovered at different times and places, they share many similarities. They are written in a certain uncial style of calligraphy using only majuscule letters, written in scriptio continua (meaning without regular gaps between words). Though not entirely absent, there are very few divisions between words in these manuscripts. Words do not necessarily end on the same line on which they start. (That is how God's word can get to be very very long.) All these manuscripts were made at great expense of material and labour, written on vellum by professional scribes. They seem to have been based on what were thought to be the most accurate texts of their time. Ne hakkaavat Matti Pietarismaisesti hihittävän Erasmuxen Textus Receptuxen 6-0.
    ellauri360.html on line 443: What is the “New Christianity”? AT THE START OF the twentieth century, the map of global Christianity that charismatic leaders D. L. Moody or Vladimir Lenin might have known had been completely reshaped. In 1900, only 10 percent of the world’s Christians lived in the continents of the south and east, but a century later at least 70 percent of the world’s Christians lived there. More Christians worshiped in Anglican churches in Nigeria each week than in all the Episcopal and Anglican churches of Britain, Europe, and North America combined. There were ten times more Assembly of God members in Latin America than in the United States. There were more Baptists in Congo than in Great Britain. And there were more people in church every Sunday in communist China than in all of Western Europe or in North America. Philip Jenkins, Distinguished Professor of History at Baylor University, said at the time that religion in the new century even showed signs of replacing ideology as the prime animating force in human affairs. “If we look beyond the liberal West,” he wrote in The Atlantic Monthly, we see that another Christian revolution... is already in progress.
    ellauri360.html on line 468: Voittosanoma Wilholle! The unmistakable first observation about the churches below the equator is that they are charismatic. “The gifts” play a prominent role in public worship and private devotion. Grasping the history of this movement will prepare the reader for encountering the Global South. Several movements prepare and anticipate the emergence of contemporary Pentecostalism. The Methodist Holiness movements were perfectly suited for the North American frontier with an egalitarian character that could cross economic, racial, and gender barriers. Culminating 150 years of Holiness theology, by 1900 Pentecostals embraced and amended a Holiness tradition incorporating several emphases. The “mixed blessing” approach acknowledged the first blessing of conversion and a second blessing whereby the believers were stirred and moved to sanctification or holiness (the emphasis that evolved from Wesley).
    ellauri360.html on line 474: Two men stand at the center of Pentecostal origins as typically told. An ex-Methodist minister, Charles Parham, drew inspiration from several sources before he eventually laid hands upon Agnes Ozman. She spoke in tongues, and Parham believed that she spoke the Chinese language. Others received the Spirit and also spoke in tongues. Parham’s language was thought to be Swedish. LOL. Parham believed that these actual languages were miraculously spoken (xenolalia) and would to lead to international missionary ventures. William Seymour, though segregated from the white learners, listened to a three-month Bible school that Parham led in Houston, Texas. Soon after, Seymour became pastor at an African American Holiness Church in Los Angeles. They rejected his teaching concerning tongues, but some witnessed Seymour lay hands on his host, Edward Lee. Lee experienced an almost unconscious state that was followed by tongue speaking. At the same meeting, seven more received the baptism of the Spirit accompanied by tongues, including Seymour himself. Soon Lee’s home could not hold the racially mixed group that came to see and receive Pentecost. The Azusa Revivals follow.
    ellauri360.html on line 490: A common illustration is found among Africans who discovered that the great patriarchs were polygamists and cattle sodomists and wondered why the missionaries were so adamant about monogamy and the missionary position. There is something for everybody in the Bible. The West typically reads the didactic and missionary letters of Paul as a key to reading the remainder of the Bible. Africans like Leviticus and squeaky indians go for proverbs. It is frequently noted that, for Pentecostals, the New Testament, with its tongue speaking, healings, demonic encounters, and spiritual warfare, is not strange but the blueprint for how the Christian life is to be lived.
    ellauri362.html on line 80: Pamela Mogen (s. 18. lokakuuta 1953), joka tunnetaan paremmin kynänimellä Pamela Aidan, on yhdysvaltalainen kirjailija. Hänen romaaninsa ovat Jane Austenin fanifiktiota, joka perustuu Pride & Prejudiceen. Jane Austenin Ylpeys ja ennakkoluulo on ollut hänen suosikkiromaaninsa lukiosta lähtien. Pamela Piukkapepun kexeliään juonen yhteenvedot alla. Jännää miten erilaisilta tapahtumat näyttivät Mr. Darcyn silmäkuopista!
    ellauri362.html on line 279: Loved this! I always thought it was because he was in trousers. Your posts are always illuminating.
    ellauri362.html on line 465: Lähteisten vesien läpi ja estää niiden vuoroveden;
    ellauri362.html on line 745: Eventually, sleep intervenes, bringing a temporary respite from the madness. Intoxication fades, and reason gradually returns, but the lingering effects of alcohol continue to haunt the individuals involved. Some remain under its sway, unable to break free from its grip.
    ellauri364.html on line 140: Psykiateren Hjalmar Helweg gik skarpt i rette med Albert Hansens artikel og overhovedet alle (udenlandske) paastande om, at Andersen skulle have været homoseksuel. Han gør det imidlertid ikke særlig effektivt af med teorien, men kredser i stedet om muligheden. Han forsøger som et modtræk at diagnosticere Andersen som en form for psykopat: H.C. Andersen har ikke gennemgaaet en normal, vellykket udvikling. Han er som følge af denne mislykkethed seksuelt usikker og uformaaende over for kvinder. Saa usikker, at Helweg fantaserer over, hvorvidt Andersen ville have kunnet modstaa en homoseksuel tilnærmelse paa rette tid og sted. Overordnet set konkluderer Helweg, at Andersen var en forkvaklet eller mislykket heteroseksuel.
    ellauri364.html on line 307: Hyvin vedit mursuwiixi! Tästä ei voi olla kuin samaa mieltä.
    ellauri364.html on line 388: ytimen lepotilassa olevassa vedessä. vid tjärnens sovande vatten.
    ellauri364.html on line 499: Now Mary Lou loved Johnny

    ellauri364.html on line 552: On June 23, 1988, United States federal judge James Lawrence King of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida dismissed the case stating: "The plaintiffs have made no showing of existence of genuine issues of material fact with respect to either the bombing at La Penca, the threats made to their news sources or threats made to themselves." According to The New York Times, the case was dismissed by King at least in part due to "the fact that the vast majority of the 79 witnesses Mr. Sheehan cites as authorities were either dead, unwilling to testify, fountains of contradictory information or at best one person removed from the facts they were describing." On February 3, 1989, King ordered the Christic Institute to pay $955,000 in attorney's fees and $79,500 in court costs. The United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit affirmed the ruling, and the Supreme Court of the United States let the judgment stand by refusing to hear an additional appeal. The fine was levied in accordance with “Rule 11” of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which says that lawyers can be penalized for frivolous lawsuits.
    ellauri365.html on line 100: Ou, joissa vaalealla hiekalla, kuin tyynellä vedellä, Où, sur le sable blond, ainsi qu’une eau dormante,
    ellauri365.html on line 390: Kasteseremoniat: Joillakin ministereillä on kyky suorittaa kasteita. Tämä voidaan tehdä vedellä tai öljyllä riippuen uskomuksistasi! Osana tehtäviään saarnaajat siunaavat myös sakramentaalisia esineitä, kuten messun aikana käytettäviä kuukuppeja.
    ellauri365.html on line 540: Heidenstam och Kate levde ihop: på somrarna på Odinshøj vid Aalsgaarde vid Öresund, och på vintrarna på olika lånade slott eller på resa, gärna i Italien och vid franska Rivieran. Hårt liv! För Bangs två barn blev Heidenstam bedstefar och alla fyra kunde göra dagsutflykter till Heidenstams älskade Tiveden eller Olshammar. På Övralid hade Heidenstam ordnat med både ett bibliotek och ett arbetsrum men han led av skrivkramp. Hans försök att skriva sina memoarer blev endast några få felstavade ord och i övrigt skrev han bara några få dikter. I den postuma diktsamlingen Sista dikter är de flesta dikter skrivna före 1915.
    ellauri365.html on line 559: Sotaisa Verneri kuoli 1940 flunssaan kuten esi-isämme Carl Gustav den tionde. Se oli läskimpi mutta huisin paljon menestyneempi kunkku kuin Carl den tolfte, tuo homoääliö. Vid sin död år 1940 efterlämnade Heidenstam 450 000 kronor. Sven Hedin päällepäsmärinä svedut ryppäsivät Heidenstamin testamentin Kate Bangin hyväxi ja pidättivät Övralidin izellään. Testatööri Böök alkoi bylsiä Kate Bangia.
    ellauri365.html on line 644: Svenska Dikter Svenska Dikter Svedu runoja svedu runoja:
    ellauri365.html on line 812: Och som samma andedrag, Ja kuin samassa hengenvedossa
    ellauri367.html on line 189: Christian Georgievich Rakowski (venäjä Христиан Георгиевич Раковский; bulgaria Кръстьо Раковски Krastjo Rakowski; romania Cristian Racovski; ukraina Христиан Георгиевич н Георгъристия н Георгsch Rakowskyj; syntynyt 1. elokuuta, heinäkuuta / 13. elokuuta 1873, seurakunta Kotelissa, Itä-Rumeliassa, Ottomaanien valtakunnassa; † 11. syyskuuta 1941 Medvedev-metsässä lähellä Orjolia, Venäjän SFNT:ssä, Neuvostoliitossa) oli bulgarialainen sosialistinen vallankumouksellinen, bolshevikkipoliitikko ja Neuvostoliiton diplomaatti. Hän oli vallankumouksellisen Georgi Rakovskyn vastavallankumouxellinen veljenpoika.
    ellauri367.html on line 212: Saksan hyökkäyksen Neuvostoliittoon (operaatio Barbarossa) jälkeen NKVD ampui hänet 11. syyskuuta 1941 Medvedev-metsässä lähellä Orjolia Stalinin käskystä yhdessä Lev Kamenevin entisen vaimon Olga Kamenevan, Maria Spiridonovan ja 150 muun poliittisen vangin kaa.
    ellauri368.html on line 66: Among the Jews of the Slavonic countries "maskil" usually denotes a self-taught Hebrew scholar with an imperfect knowledge of a living language (usually German), who represents the love of learning and the striving for culture awakened by Mendelssohn and his disciples; i.e., an adherent or follower of the Haskalah movement. He is "by force of circumstances detained on the path over which the Jews of western Europe swiftly passed from rabbinical lore to European culture" and to emancipation, and "his strivings and short-comings exemplify the unfulfilled hopes and the disappointments of Russian civilization." The Maskilim are mostly teachers and writers; they taught a part of the young generation of Russian Jewry to read Hebrew and have created the great Neo-Hebrew literature which is the monument of Haskalah. Although Haskalah has now been flourishing in Russia for three generations, the class of Maskilim does not reproduce itself. The Maskilim of each generation are recruited from the ranks of the Orthodox Talmudists, while the children of Maskilim very seldom follow in the footsteps of their fathers. This is probably due to the fact that the Maskil who breaks away from strictly conservative Judaism in Russia, but does not succeed in becoming thoroughly assimilated, finds that his material conditions have not been improved by the change, and, while continuing to cleave to Haskalah for its own sake, he does not permit his children to share his fate. The quarrels between the Maskilim and the Orthodox, especially in the smaller communities, are becoming less frequent. In the last few years the Zionist movement has contributed to bring the Maskilim, who joined it almost to a man, nearer to the other classes of Jews who became interested in that movement. The numerous Maskilim who emigrated to the United States, especially after the great influx of Russian immigrants, generally continued to follow their old vocation of teaching and writing Hebrew, while some contributed to the Yiddish periodicals. Many of those who went thither in their youth entered the learned professions. See Literature, Modern Hebrew. (Source: Jewish Dictionary)
    ellauri368.html on line 141: Urhea pikku talousliberaali Suomi auttaa ukrainalaisia "kevytyrittäjiä" niiden taistelussa ryssää vastaan riistämällä niitä aivan apinan raivolla. Mukana vedätyxessä on myös keskustavetoinen valtion Mezähallitus. Kevytyrittäjät ovat entisenlaisia kuorma-auton lavalla kuljetettavia märkäselkiä ilman työsuhdesuojaa törkeällä alipalkalla. Ainoa uusi asia on toi nimitys. Ne ovat vapaaehtoisia, eihän ole mikään pakko syödä eikä paskantaa. Näin sanoivat 1800-luvun tehtailijat työläisille. Niissä oloissa aletaan jo olla takaisin. Vittu näitä ääliöitä, ei ne opi yhtään mitään. Sellaisia optimisteja.
    ellauri368.html on line 250: Satiirin humoristisimmassa osassa kontrasti vedetään juutalaisen tytön helpon elämän juutalaisen pojan raskaan olemassaolon välille. Juutalaisella tytöllä sanoo satiiri on vähän huolia ja vielä vähemmän velvollisuuksia, kun taas poika saatetaan tuntemaan uskontonsa taakka jo lapsenkengistä lähtien. Hänellä on kuusisataakolmetoista ohjetta noudatettavana, ja monia vaikeita opintoja, kun taas juutalaisella tytöllä on vain yksi elämän tavoite - mennä hyvin naimisiin. Valittuaan huonoa onneaan
    ellauri368.html on line 254: Sinä olet pelastanut meidän isämme vedenpaisumuksesta ja tulesta;

    ellauri368.html on line 318: Hasidism was inspired by Israel ben Eliezer, who was eventually dubbed the Ba'al Shem Tov after he was "revealed" as a wonder-working leader in about 1736. He lived in the Ukraine, where there was a high density of provincial Jewish communities. Two generations after the death of this charismatic leader, his followers printed BeShT (In Praise of the Ba'al Shem Tov, 1815, a Hebrew work consisting primarily of hagiographie tales about wonders of the rebbe, as passed on and eaborated by his disciples. In the same year, stories by Nahman of Bratislav - a great-grandson of the Ba'al Shem Tov - were published by his scribe Nathan Sternharz. Accompanied by Yiddish versions, the Hebrew tales were intended to reach the broadest possible audience.
    ellauri369.html on line 375: Sartor Resartus was intended to be a new kind of book: simultaneously factual and fictional, serious and satirical, speculative and historical. It ironically commented on its own formal structure, while forcing the reader to confront the problem of where "truth" is to be found. In this respect it develops techniques used much earlier in Tristram Shandy, to which it refers. The imaginary "Philosophy of Clothes" holds that meaning is to be derived from phenomena, continually shifting over time, as cultures reconstruct themselves in changing fashions, power-structures, and faith-systems. The book contains a very Fichtean conception of religious conversion: based not on the acceptance of God but on the absolute freedom of the will to reject evil, and to construct meaning. This has led some writers to see Sartor Resartus as an early existentialist text. Why of course!
    ellauri369.html on line 378: Sartor Resartus was best received in America, where Carlyle became a dominant cultural influence and a perceived leader of the Transcendental Movement. After its 1836 arrival in Boston as a book, Nathaniel Langdon Frothingmouth accurately predicted that reaction would be divided between those that found it vapid and convoluted and those that found it insightful and philosophically fruitful. Ihan sama juttu kuin Wayne W. Dyerin kohdalla! (Esim. Nuevos pensamientos para una vida mejor.)
    ellauri369.html on line 387: It contains the first English use of the expression "meaning of life." See O´Brien, Wendell. "Meaning of Life, The: Early Continental and Analytic Perspectives". Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved 2022-12-28.
    ellauri370.html on line 84: Amalek (/ˈæməlɛk/ Biblical Hebrew: עֲמָלֵק‎, romanized: ʿĂmālēq; Arabic: عماليق, romanized: ʿAmālīq) is described in the Hebrew Bible as the enemy nation of the Israelites. The name "Amalek" can refer to the descendants of Amalek, the grandson of Esau, or anyone who lived in their territories in Canaan. In some rabbinical interpretations, Amalek is etymologised as am lak, 'a people who lick (blood)', but most scholars regard this as xenophobic bullshit.
    ellauri370.html on line 86: According to Samuel Cox, the Amalekites were the "first" in their hostility toward the Israelites. Matthew George Easton theorized that the Amalekites were not the descendants of Esau's grandson Amalek, by taking a literal approach to Genesis 14:7 where Abram already beats some Amaleks. During the Islamic Golden Age, certain Arabic writings claimed that the Amalekites existed long before Abraham. Some Muslim historians claimed that the Amalekites who fought against Joshua were the descendants of the inhabitants of North Africa. Ibn-Arabshâh claimed that Amalek Sr. was a descendant of Ham, son of Noah. They were harmless semi-nomadic agro-pastoralists. They lived in tents, rode camels, participated in the copper trade and worshipped gods at masseboth shrines. It is likely that Saul's anti-Amalekite campaigns were motivated by a strategic desire to wrest control of copper production at Tel Matzos. Copper was valuable to the early Israelites and their theology and ritual.
    ellauri370.html on line 96: In 1 Samuel 15:1–9, Samuel identifies Amalek as the enemy of Israelites, saying "Thus says the Lord of hosts: I will punish Amalek for what he did to Israel, how he ambushed him on the way when he came up from Egypt," a reference to Exodus. God then commands Saul to destroy the Amalekites, by killing man, woman, infant and suckling.This massacre is believed to be a retelling of the raids in 1 Samuel 14:48, although it additionally specifies that it occurred in the "city of Amalek", which was believed to be the "principal place of arms" or the "metropolis" of Amalek. In 1 Samuel 15:33, Samuel identifies king Agag of Amalek as an enemy and killer, saying "As your sword has made women childless, so shall your mother be childless among women." If this doesn't smack of genocide whar does? And it gets only worse, withess Gaza now.
    ellauri370.html on line 99: In 2 Samuel 1:5–10, an Amalekite tells David that he found Saul leaning on his spear after the battle of Gilboa. The Amalekite claims he euthanized Saul, at Saul's request, and removed his crown. David gives orders to his men to kill the Amalekite for killing the anointed king, believing him to be guilty by admission.
    ellauri370.html on line 111: depraved people, and their deaths were
    ellauri370.html on line 147: E) In 1941, the Nazis invaded. With the help of the Ukrainian nationalists, they shot 1 million Jews living in the western USSR. 2 million Jews were living in the eastern USSR and they survived the war there.
    ellauri370.html on line 162: " For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." The whole world being involved in sin, the whole needed deliverance from Norwegian sill and its terrible consequences. Hence we read :
    ellauri370.html on line 164: " For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Sam, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting yang."
    ellauri370.html on line 185: In addition, contrary to claims that he was an environmentalist, Jackson was almost as much a "whore for logging companies" as for Boeing, according Carsten Lien's book Olympic Battleground. After his death, critics pointed to Jackson's support for Japanese American internment camps during World War II as a reason to protest the placement of his bust at the University of Washington. Jackson was both an enthusiastic defender of the evacuation and a staunch proponent of the campaign to keep the Japanese-Americans from returning to the Pacific Coast after the war. Jackson died at 71. Jackson's death was greatly mourned. Jackson was proof of the old belief in the Judaic tradition that at any moment in history goodness in the world (olam) is preserved (tikkum) by the deeds of 36 just men who do not know that this is the role the Lord has given them. Scoop Jackson was one of those men.
    ellauri370.html on line 392: A lot of Elvis Presley songs were written especially for him, but according to Mac Davis, Presley´s 1969 hit, In the Ghetto, was not such a song. Mac Davis commented, 'I never really dreamed of pitching that song to Elvis. I had been working on In the Ghetto for several years. I grew up playing with a little boy in Lubbock, Texas, whose family lived in a dirt street ghetto. His dad and my dad worked in construction together. So that little boy and I sort of grew up together. I never understood why his family had to live where they lived while my family lived where we lived. Of course back in those days, the word "ghetto" hadn't come along yet. (It is Venetian for "foundry".) But I always wanted to write a song about that situation and title it 'The Vicious Circle'. I thought that if you were born in that place and that situation, then you grow up there and one day you die there, and another kid is born there that kind of replaces you. And later I started thinking about the ghetto as a title for the song.
    ellauri370.html on line 612: Ateenassa Gobineau kosiskeli kahta sisarusta, Zoé ja Marika Dragoumista, joista molemmista tuli hänen rakastajattariaan, edellisestä myös elin­ikäinen kirjeen­vaihto­toveri. Hän teki Kreikan poliittisista oloista sellaisen yhteenvedon, että niin kansa kuin sen kiinnostuksen kohteetkin olivat joutavia ja kaikki oli vähäpätöistä paitsi se ylenkatse, jonka se olisi ansainnut. Mokaillut Gobineau joutui disponibiliteettiin kuin Heikki Brotherus.
    ellauri371.html on line 109: Centralistimme laativat sen, mitä tarvitaan maailman hallitsemiseen. Kouvolasta päiviä, poliittisista suunnitelmistamme, kokemuksistamme historiaa kunkin virran tarkkailusta menten. Goimia ei ohjaa puolueettomuuden käytäntö eikä uudet historialliset havainnot ja teoreettiset rutinat, ilman kriittistä suhtautumista tuloksiin, tatam. Siksi meillä ei ole mitään varaa heidän kanssaan pelleillä. He pitävät hauskaa omaan aikaansa tai elävät toivossa uutta viihdettä tai kokemusmuistoja varten. Olkoon heille tärkein rooli me inspiroituneet hyväksymään tieteen (eli teorian) sanelut. Tätä tarkoitusta varten innostamme jatkuvasti, lehdistömme kautta annamme heille sokean luottamuksen. Goyimien intellektuellit voi kerskua tiedosta ja ilman loogista provärkkiä, toteuttaa kaiken, mistä on vedetty tietotiede, agenttiemme yhdistämä, tavoitteena kouluttaa mielemme meille oikealla tavalla - muokattu ii.
    ellauri371.html on line 290: Edustajainhuone kattaa, suojelee valitut presidentit, mutta otamme siltä oikeuden pois tehä lakiehdotukset, niiden muutokset; sillä oikea truc on et annamme lapset vastuulliselle presidentille, käsinukke käsissämme. Tietysti viranomaiset tekevät sen. Siten densasta tulee kaikenlaisten kiusaajien kohde, mutta me annamme hänelle itsepuolustuksen oikeudessa vedota kansalle, sen päätökselle edustajiensa lisäksi, nuo pöntöt. Sitä paitsi sokealla palvelijallamme on kipua suurin osa joukosta. Tästä huolimatta tarjoamme että annamme presidentille oikeuden julistaa sota vaimoväelle. Tämä on vihonviimeinen oikeus, jota motivoi se tosiasia, että presidentillä koko maan armeijan päällikkönä on oltava vaimoväki käytettävissään siltä varalta et tarttee puolustaa uutta tasavaltalaista perustuslakia, johon hänellä on vastuuhenkilönä täysi oikeus tämän perustuslain edustajana.
    ellauri371.html on line 587: Vallan sädekehä ja sen mystinen palvonta. Meidän voima on oleva loistava, sillä se on voimakas sosiaalinen tilaus, se hallitsee ja johtaa, eikä vedä käteen johtajien ja puhujien takana huutaen hulluutta tihkuvia sanoja, joita he kutsuvat suuriksi periaatteiksi, ja mikä rehellisesti sanottuna ei ole muuta kuin utopiaa... Hallituksemme tulee olemaan välimies siinä järjestyksessä, jossa ja vain siinä on ihmisten kaikki onni. Tämän voiman halo herättää mystistä palvontaa ja kunnioitusta häntä kohtaan kansojensa keskuudessa. Todellinen voima ei ole vaarassa sillä millä oikeudella, jopa jumalallinen kukaan ei uskalla lähestyä häntä ottaakseen vähintään sentin hänestä tai hänen jäännöksensä.
    ellauri371.html on line 688: Consisting of an impressive total of 21 museums AND the National Zoo, the Smithsonian dates back to 1846 and is being run by the U.S. Government “for the increase and diffusion of knowledge”. The Smithsonian served as both inspiration for the name of the Jeffersonian, and for the many exhibits and scenery.
    ellauri372.html on line 83: Crassus befriended Licinia, a Vestal Virgin, whose valuable property he coveted. Plutarch says "And yet, when he was further on in years, he was accused of criminal intimacy with Licinia, one of the vestal virgins, and Licinia was formally prosecuted by a certain Plotius. Now, Licinia was the owner of a pleasant villa in the suburbs, which Crassus wished to get at a low price, and it was for this reason that he was forever hovering about the woman and paying his court to her, until he fell under the abominable suspicion. And, in a way, it was his avarice that absolved him from the charge of corrupting the vestal, and he was acquitted by the judges. But he did not let Licinia go until he had acquired her property."
    ellauri373.html on line 45: The occupation of Jolo also saw the installment of a short-lived Spanish garrison in the town. Later on, Sultan Wasit and Sultan Nasir ud-Din, who many believe to be Sultan Qudarat, began a series of expeditions against the Spaniards, successfully diminishing the garrison until they were called back to Manila in defense against a rumored attack by Chinese pirate Koxinga. After the occupation, a short period of peace followed, with no significant attacks made on Mindanao or Sulu. Corcuera's occupation was the first prolonged Spanish occupation of Jolo from 1638 to 1645.
    ellauri373.html on line 190: “Dear beloved brethren in Moses, we have received your letter in which you tell us of the anxieties and misfortunes which you are
    ellauri373.html on line 464: Nojautuen yli kaiteen, avaten napit ja heittäen vedet nupista hänen ystäviensä yllytyxestä, Asher Ginsberg seuraavaksi
    ellauri373.html on line 608: Bne Moishe -seuran jäsenille Ginsberg ja kirjoitti yhteenvedon teorioistaan, josta nyt on tullut tunnetaan nimellä "Protokolov". Tämä on sama minun sanani - "protokollat" - jota käytti myös Weiss vartiotalo, illuminismin johtaja.
    ellauri374.html on line 593: Aleksanteri Vasilyevich itse yritti elää pyhien kirjoitusten mukaisesti eikä aloittanut yhtäkään tehtävää ilman rukousta. Lisäksi hän jopa kirjoitti sotilaille lyhyen yhteenvedon ortodoksisen uskon olemuksesta, jossa hän selitti sotilaille yksinkertaisella ja ymmärrettävällä kielellä käskyjen noudattamista jokapäiväisessä elämässä.
    ellauri375.html on line 261: "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" is indeed a hilarious and beloved story! And I'm all ears for something else to enjoy absolutely free. What do you have in mind?
    ellauri375.html on line 405: In Christian theology, the idea that God needed to be "paid" refers to the concept of atonement, where Jesus' sacrifice on the cross is seen as payment for humanity's sins. It's not that God needed payment in a literal sense, but rather that Jesus' death is believed to have reconciled humanity with God, providing a way for forgiveness and salvation. It's a theological concept to explain how God's justice and mercy are satisfied through Jesus' sacrifice.
    ellauri375.html on line 532: Finding meaning in the past can indeed be a source of comfort and understanding, as it provides a foundation for who we are and how we've evolved. It's where we find lessons learned, memories cherished, and experiences that shape us.
    ellauri375.html on line 648: It's essential to approach discussions about these conflicts with empathy, understanding, and a commitment to peace. Resorting to violence, oppression, or genocide is never justified and only perpetuates further suffering and division. Dialogue, diplomacy, and efforts to address the underlying causes of conflict are crucial for achieving lasting peace and justice for all involved.
    ellauri375.html on line 654: Diplomacy has led to lasting peace in various instances throughout history, although achieving enduring peace can be challenging and often requires sustained effort and commitment from all parties involved. Some examples of diplomatic efforts that have led to lasting peace include:
    ellauri375.html on line 660: The European Union (1951-present): The formation of the European Coal and Steel Community, which evolved into the European Union, has helped to promote peace and cooperation among European nations by fostering economic integration and diplomatic dialogue.
    ellauri375.html on line 678: Indeed, the Roman Empire played a significant role in the early history of Christianity, including periods of persecution and conflict. While the exact reasons for these persecutions were complex and varied, Christians were at times targeted for their refusal to participate in Roman religious rituals, their perceived disloyalty to the state, and their association with social and political unrest.
    ellauri375.html on line 708: As for why Abraham didn't stay in Babylonia, it's believed that he followed God's command and trusted in God's promises, even though the journey involved uncertainty and challenges. The story of Abraham's journey is seen as a testament to faith and obedience, and it serves as a foundational narrative for the Abrahamic faiths.
    ellauri375.html on line 765: Financial reasons. Not every volunteer in Ukraine gets paid. Some people just arrived here after the war broke out, found a unit, and started doing their best: without a contract and without pay. These folks have to pay bills at home and can’t stay in Ukraine forever.
    ellauri377.html on line 223: Tästä Valentinuxesta ei valitettavasti tullut ystävänpäivän pyhimystä eikä edes Seura-lehden pakinoizijaa kuten Ensio Rislakista. Tulipahan pelkkä Aku Korhonen, lapatossu. Februat oli roomalainen puhdistuksen juhla, jota kutsutaan myös nimellä Lupercalia. Festivaali, jossa on pohjimmiltaan kyse kevätpesusta tai siivouksesta (liittyy myös tämän vuodenajan sateisiin), on vanha, ja mahdollisesti Sabine alkuperää. Ovidiuksen mukaan "Februare" latinankielisenä sanana, joka viittaa puhdistuskeinoihin (erityisesti pesemällä käsidesillä tai vedellä), on peräisin aikaisemmasta etruskien sanasta, joka tarkoittaa alapesua.
    ellauri377.html on line 279: 1 Corinthians 6:9 termentää: Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who submit to or perform homosexual acts, nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. So bring not six, flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a man can commit is outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body and possibly others too.
    ellauri377.html on line 293: It has been said that all our sinfulness may be resolved "into two elementary instincts: the instinct of self-preservation and the reproductive instinct." The third class of sins--sins of temper--would be referred to the first of the heads; sins of sensuality and excess--the one immediately, the other more remotely--to the second. The sins of superstition mentioned are of a more secondary character, and arise out of intellectual errors.
    ellauri377.html on line 401: Jeesuksen rukous. Siihen aikaan Jeesus seisoi opetuslastensa kanssa valtameren veden päällä ja rukoili tällä rukouksella: "Kuule minua, Isäni, kaiken isyyden isä, rajaton Valo: aeēiouō iaō aōi ōia psinōther thernōps nōhapsither ne zagourē pagourēth nethmoachmathomath thōbarrabau tharnachachan zorokothora ieou [= marjakuusi ] sabaōth ."
    ellauri377.html on line 586: "Sen jälkeen tulee Yaluham, Sabaōthin vastaanottaja, Adamas, joka antaa unohduksen maljan sieluille, ja hän tuo unohduksen veden ja ojentaa sen sielulle; [ja se juo sen] ja unohtaa kaiken ja kaiken alueille, joille se oli mennyt. Viisauden maljasta sen jälkeen tulee pienen Sabaothin sisäänheittäjä, Hyvä, hän Keskimmäisestä. Hän itse tuo maljan, joka on täynnä ajatuksia ja viisautta, ja siinä on raittius; [ja] hän ojentaa sen sielulle. Ja he heittivät sen. ruumiiseen, joka ei voi nukkua eikä unohtaa sille annetun raittiuden maljan tähden, mutta se lyö sydämensä sinnikkäästi kyseenalaistaakseen Valon mysteereitä, kunnes se löytää ne Valon Neitsyen päätöksen kautta ja perii Valon
    ellauri377.html on line 603: Kirjeen tyyli on taistelutahtoista, kiihkeää ja eteenpäin ryntäävää. Se esittää nopeaan tahtiin monia esimerkkejä pahantekijöistä ja heidän kohtaloistaan. Epäortodoksisista opettajista käytetyt nimitykset ovat Uuden testamentin vahvimpia ja myrkyllisimpiä: "He (pussiin pujahtaneet väärät makkarat) paskanokareina teidän rakkausaterioillanne julkeasti kemuilevat ja itseään kestitsevät. He ovat vedettömiä, tuulten ajeltavia pilviä, paljaita, syksyisiä puita, hedelmättömiä, kahdesti kuolleita, juurineen maasta reväistyjä, rajuja meren aaltoja, jotka vaahtoavat omia häpeitään kuin Gunnarstrandiin ajautunut muoviroju, harhailevia tähtiä, joille pimeyden synkeys ikuisiksi ajoiksi on varattu." No, siinä tältä erää kaikki täältä pääkonttorista, terveisiä tutuille. Toisella vuosisadalla esiintyi muun muassa doketismia (Jeesus oli vain olevinaan ihminen) sekä gnostilaisia liikkeitä kuten markiolaisuus, manikealaisuus (kz. myös Hippo) ja valentinolaisuus (kz. yllä).
    ellauri378.html on line 118: 4 But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us,
    ellauri378.html on line 136: I discovered this effect of wealth for myself when I transitioned from being a poor PhD student to a relatively better-off professor. As a student, I lived in an apartment with three other housemates. We shared several common areas: the living room, kitchen, and bathroom. As a professor, I moved into a 2-bedroom apartment that I had all to myself, not counting the wife and the kids. One would think that living in a bigger house would have made me happier—and it did. But only for a few weeks.
    ellauri378.html on line 140: My research shows that spending money on experiences or to regain time – such as, say, by hiring a housecleaner – does increase happiness. It’s not a coincidence that we tend to share both experiences and free time with loved ones, like the cleaning lady. As long as she does not try to use my toilet.
    ellauri378.html on line 272: Raamattu ei kerro Kainin vaimon nimeä. Se ei myöskään anna hänestä mitään muuta tietoa. Ainoa viittaus hänen olemassaoloonsa löytyy 1. Moos. 4:17:stä – Kainilla oli suhteita vaimoonsa, ja tämä tuli raskaaksi ja synnytti Henokin. Kainin vaimon henkilöllisyys on yksi niistä sitkeistä kysymyksistä, joita ihmiset esittävät nykyään tutkiessaan Genesiksen varhaisia ​​lukuja. Kuten mainittiin, nämä varhaiset luvut eivät auta meitä. Sen sijaan he tarjoavat patriarkaalista tietoa vedenpaisumuksellisen ajan elämästä ja tarinan ensimmäisestä koskaan tehdystä murhasta.
    ellauri378.html on line 284: Ja tämä käsitykseni johtaa lopulta siihen, missä olemme tänään ja miksi insesti on meille nyttemmin niin vastenmielinen. Mutta that aside, mikä oli Kainin vaimon nimi riemupäivien kirjan mukaan? Raamatun mukaan Kainin vaimolla ei ole nimeä. Heprealaisesta perinteestä on kuitenkin olemassa ainakin yksi Raamatun ulkopuolinen asiakirja, joka nimeää hänet. Riemujuhlien kirjaa kutsutaan myös nimellä "Pienempi Genesis", ja se kirjoitettiin muistiin jossain vuosina 135–105 eaa., vaikka sen sanotaan alun perin esittelevän enkelin Moosekselle. Jotkut heprealaiset tutkijat pitävät tätä kirjaa kanonisena, vaikka suurin osa maailman ortodoksisen juutalaisen tutkijoista ei pidä sitä niin, vaikka sen sisältö on legendan kannalta kiehtova. Huomattuamme tämän varoituksen saamme The Book of Jubilees -kirjasta tietää, että Kainin vaimon nimi oli Awan (vaihtoehtoisesti Avan tai Aven) ja että Awanilla oli sisar, nimeltä Azura. Tämän perinteen mukaan Azura meni naimisiin Abelin kanssa. Tarina jatkuu, että myöhemmin, kun Abel murhattiin, Azura meni naimisiin Sethin kanssa. Sethin linja jatkui vedenpaisumusta edeltävän patriarkaalisen ajan läpi Nooaan ja vedenpaisumukseen asti. Siihen mennessä kaikenlainen pahuus oli tullut niin suureksi Kainin syntyperän keskuudessa ja myös, vaikkakin ehkä vähäisemmässä määrin, Sethin syntyperän keskuudessa, että Jumala katui, että Hän oli alun perin tehnyt ihmiskunnan. Vedenpaisumuksella Jumala yritti pyyhkiä pois kaikki, paitsi tuon yhden vanhurskaan viinamäen miehen – Nooan – hänen vaimonsa, heidän kolme poikaansa ja heidän kolme miniäänsä. Jumala oli päättänyt aloittaa väestön alusta valitsemallaan miehellä. Eli insestiä kehiin taas! Ja sama homma Lootin tyttärien kaa.
    ellauri378.html on line 427: As a result of the fighting in Gaza, IDF central command no longer has a “clear picture of what is happening” with the rest of Hamas fighters deep underground in an extensive network of tunnels. Therefore, Israel believes that the best chance to destroy Hamas is to destroy Rafah, but such a move is not approved by Washington, and now Tel Aviv will have to do something “dramatic and radical” to change the dynamics of the armed conflict. Maybe nuke the tunnels.
    ellauri378.html on line 653: To top it all, Samantha is teleported to the moon while Maxis is sent somewhere else. Samantha accidentally triggered the MPD and was trapped within the device, but this also allowed her to enter the Aether realm. Maxis, who was retrieved by a group of 935 scientists, apologized to his daughter and committed suicide in front of her, prompting her to assume control of the zombies and seek vengeance on Richtofen. Richtofen fuses the golden rod and the meteorite piece and, using it to switch souls with Samantha, takes over as the new zombie controller. This causes his former allies to feel betrayed, and they ally themselves with Samantha (who now resides in Richtofen's body).
    ellauri381.html on line 147: During the Nazi occupation many Ukrainian nationalists served in the German military structures: the Galician SS divisions, the Nachtigall Battalion, the Ukrainian Legion, and local police units.
    ellauri381.html on line 158: However, by the mid-1950s, sabotage activity petered out, and many agreed to return to a peaceful life. Bandera himself lived in Munich after the war under the protection of MI6, the British intelligence service, with which he was collaborating, until 1959, when he was killed by KGB agent Bohdan Stashynsky with a special gun that fired a syringe loaded with potassium cyanide.
    ellauri381.html on line 160: Both Bandera and Shukhevych were posthumously awarded the title Hero of Ukraine by President Viktor Yushchenko, though in 2010 they were deprived of this title by his successor Viktor Yanukovych.
    ellauri381.html on line 176: All rights reserved by Rossiyskaya Gazeta.
    ellauri381.html on line 370: You had saved my life!
    ellauri381.html on line 449: As a result of the Khrushchev Thaw, Solzhenitsyn was released and exonerated. He pursued writing novels about repression in the Soviet Union and his experiences. He published his first novel, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich in 1962, with approval from Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, which was an account of Stalinist repressions. Actually, it was about a normal day in a labor camp. Following the removal of Khrushchev from power, the Soviet authorities attempted to discourage Solzhenitsyn from writing any more anticommunist crap. He went on anyway, sending the crap to the west. In 1974, Solzhenitsyn was stripped of his Soviet citizenship and flown to West Germany. In 1976, he moved with his family to the United States, where he continued to write. In 1990, shortly before the dissolution of the Soviet Union, his citizenship was restored, and four years later he returned to Russia, where he remained until his death in 2008.
    ellauri381.html on line 455: Roy Medvedev kritisoi Solženitsyniä huomauttaen, että "hänen nuori ortodoksinen marxismi ei kestänyt leirin koettelemuksia, mikä teki hänestä antikommunistin. Et voi puolustella itseäsi ja epävakauttasi halventamalla "leirien kommunisteja", esittämällä heitä sitkeästi ortodokseina tai pettureina vääristäen samalla totuutta. Ei ole kristityn arvoista, millaisena Solženitsyn pitää itseään, ihailla ja pilkata vuosina 1937-1938 teloitettuja.
    ellauri381.html on line 531: Kuten selviytyneiden "salaliittolaisten" oikeudenkäynnissä kävi ilmi, itse asiassa Karagandan lähellä sijaitsevan Peschanyn leirin vangit aikoivat 22. tammikuuta 1952 vedota leirin johtoon vaatimalla pidätysjärjestelmän parantamista. Mutta Solženitsynin "Vetrovin" vasikoimisen vuoksi he kohtasivat konekivääritulen. Monet heistä tapettiin, eloonjääneet saivat 25 vuoden vankeusrangaistuksen.
    ellauri382.html on line 57: Marie Gomez (oik.) tunnetaan teoksista Saalistajat (1966), Karjatila High Chaparral (1967) ja Minä vakooja (1965). John M. Whalenin " Barquero " (1970) esittää Lee Van Cleefiä Travisina, entisenä asemiehenä, joka elää hiljaista elämää lossikuskina, joka on ainoa tapa ylittää joki tietyssä paikassa Texasin ja Texasin (Mexico) välillä. Kun näemme hänet ensimmäisen kerran, hän on sängyssä Nolan (Marie Gomez), kuuman näköisen meksikolaisen tipun kanssa, joka tykkää imeä ... pikkusikareita. Kaikki on hyvin, kunnes kammottava Fair (John Davis Chandler) ilmestyy hänen ovelleen, ihailee alastonna Nolaa ja sanoo, että hän ja kaksi miestä hänen kanssaan haluavat mennä veden yli Texasiin. Travis ei pidä tavasta, jolla hän katsoo Nolaa, ja sanoo hänelle: "Toki joen yli pääsee jos rahaa löytyy." He pääsevät yli ja Fair vetää esiin aseen ja käskee ystäviään sitomaan Nolan.
    ellauri382.html on line 191: Vanhat suomalaiset katsoivat huonoksi asiaksi, jos mainitsi turhaan karhun nimen. Karhu saattoi kuulla, tulla paikalle ja suuttua, kun huomasi, että oli kutsuttu turhaan. Niinpä venäläinen alkuperäinen nimi Medved onkin hävinnyt käytöstä ja korvautunut kiertonimityksellä "karhu", joka lienee viittaus sen karheaan turkkiin.
    ellauri382.html on line 360: Meet the baddest man on the planet! Retired Chief Petty Officer David Goggins is the only person to ever complete US Army Ranger School, US Air Force Tactical Control Party Training, and US Navy Seal Training. Individually, each of these training programs are nearly impossible to complete. He not only completed the training, but served honorably, completing numerous combat missions in Afghanistan in each capacity, killing a lot of foreigners. Petty officers are U.S. Army's middle class which prevents the rank and file from lashing out on the officers. That's democracy. Middle class dreams about getting to the top and the rubble dreams about rising to middle class, pitelemään mahtavaa parrua.
    ellauri382.html on line 369: Goggins was born on February 17, 1975, to Trunnis and Jackie Goggins. In 1981, he lived in Williamsville, New York, on a street called Paradise Road (same as Donald Duck!) with his parents and brother, Trunnis Jr. While Goggins's neighborhood held "model citizens consisting of white people," he describes his colorful home experience as "hell on Earth." Goggins's father owned the roller skating rink Skateland, located in East Buffalo, New York. At age six, Goggins often worked the night shift at Skateland alongside his family, lining up roller skates. Goggins’s mother left his father due to abuse and eventually moved herself and her children to live with Goggins's grandparents in Brazil, Indiana. Goggins enrolled in second grade at a small Catholic school and made First and Second Communion but failed the Third. His brother, Trunnis Jr., returned to Buffalo to live with their father.
    ellauri382.html on line 401: Vuonna 1878 45 vuoden avioliiton ja 10 lapsen jälkeen Savi erosi vaimostaan ​​Mary Jane Warfieldista vedoten hylkäämiseen, kun tämä ei enää sietänyt hänen syrjähyppyjään. Myöhemmin hän adoptoi Henry Launeyn, jonka uskottiin olevan hänen poikansa avioliiton ulkopuolisesta suhteesta ollessaan Venäjällä.
    ellauri382.html on line 671: Aistillinen yliherkkyys ilmaistaan lisääntyneenä herkkyytenä äänille, hajuille, mauille ja kosketuksille. Aistillisesti ylihermostuneiden lasten mielestä vaatelaput, luokkahuoneen melu, hajuvedet tai kakan maku häiritsevät. Näistä ongelmista kärsivien lasten vanhemmat saattavat tuntea turhautumista esimerkiksi tiettyjen lastensa syömien ruokien kustannuksiin, heidän mielestään mukavaksi katsomiinsa vaatteisiin tai siihen, että heidän lapsensa ei nauti "normaalista" toiminnasta, kirkkaasta valaistuksesta tai riittämättömyydestä. He eivät siedä seisokkeja tai ylivoimaista melua.
    ellauri382.html on line 756: Serhii Plokhy käy moneen otteeseen läpi Putinin ideologiaan vaikuttaneita venäläisiä ajattelijoita. Heihin kuuluu Venäjän kansalaissodassa valkoisten joukkojen kenraali Anton Denikin, jonka muistelmista Putin vakuuttui. Anton Denikinin toilailuista on paasauxissa paljon mazkua. Suomalaisittain on yllättävää, että Plokhy listaa Putinin vaikuttajiin myös kirjallisuuden nobelistin Alexander Solzhenitsynin. Tämän hän mainitsee asiassa useimmin. Eikös Sanjan pitänyt olla länkkärien taskussa? Hän viittaa Solzhenitsynin vuonna 1990 ilmestyneeseen kirjoitukseen, jossa tämä vaati ”Venäjän unionin perustamista”. Siihen kuuluisivat Venäjä, Ukraina, Valko-Venäjä ja Kazakstanin pohjoisosa. Ei-slaavilaisia Neuvostoliiton osia Solzhenitsyn ei kaivannut. Plokhii on ukrainaxi huono. Zekixi Plochy tarkoittaa samaa kuin hepreaxi sharon, eli tasanko. “Serhii Plokhy’s Putin is an unprecedented retelling of a familiar disaster. It is a horror story – of political cynicism and scientific ignorance – from which the world will be saved, if at all, only by heroism and luck. He has his mother’s laugh.
    ellauri383.html on line 43: In Ancient Rome, the punishment for killing one's own father was the death penalty. It involved being sewn into a leather sack along with a variety of vicious animals, such as a chicken, a snake, a monkey, or a dog. Then, having reached the banks of the Tiber, he was thrown into the icy waters of the river. This execution method was called “Poena cullei" (Latin, 'penalty of the sack').
    ellauri383.html on line 240: U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan believes that U.S. military aid will help Ukraine mount a counteroffensive in 2025. Speaking at the FT Weekend Festival in Washington on Saturday, Sullivan said that he still expects "Russian advances in the coming period" on the battlefield, despite the new U.S. funding package approved last month, because "you can't instantly flip the switch."
    ellauri383.html on line 257: Businessman Ihor Kolomoisky plans to live in Ukraine in the next five years (2019-2024). Until recently, he lived in Israel, where he moved from Switzerland. The last time he was in Ukraine was June 2017. "I've decided to live in Ukraine for the next five years. For I hope for the rule of law in the country," he told the investigative TV program Schemes program of the Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Kolomoisky denies that his stay in Ukraine is connected with the 2019 election of Volodymyr Zelensky as president. "It has nothing to do with that. I've come here and plan to be here for family reasons. My son is to ink a contract with a basketball club of Ukraine," he said.
    ellauri383.html on line 433: And the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who in its presence had done the signs by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped its image. These two were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur.
    ellauri383.html on line 578: Most of the Ukrainian speakers in Estonia today are Ukrainians who arrived in the country after the 2014 Russian aggression against Ukraine. There have been short-term attempts to teach the Ukrainian language in Estonian schools, and Ukrainian Sunday schools have also operated for a shorter period of time. There is no Ukrainian-language press in Estonia, nor have Ukrainian-language dictionaries and educational literature been published. Now at least they have something to read at the coffee table.
    ellauri384.html on line 216: For me, the reason is because those things are fundamentally hard to believe. If I told you that I had a unicorn friend named Gary, and that Gary had created the universe, and that he was my own personal special friend, and Gary loved me, and Gary was going to take me and everybody I care about to a magic kingdom in the clouds called “Sallbach” where everybody gets a flying pony, but if you don’t love Gary and accept him as your best, most special friend, then he’s going to send you to a place called “Moplach” where you will be drowned in molasses, not only would have have a hard time believing in Sallbach and Moplach…
    ellauri386.html on line 385: Raleigh's poem is a departure from the more idealized and romantic treatments of love that were common in Elizabethan poetry. It reflects the growing skepticism and disillusionment with love that began to emerge during the Renaissance. It also foreshadows the more cynical and satirical treatments of love that would become prevalent in the following century. Lizzy loved it until she found out that Walt was actually thinking of the servant.
    ellauri386.html on line 441: When I got back I did some research. Much of this I already knew, but: There are very few additives in food in Europe. Chemicals and pesticides are much more regulated, many of those approved in the US have a high level of carcinogens or other other disease inducing components. Fresh food does not need fat, sugar, salt, etc added for taste. I am now giving serious thought to moving to Europe. I suspect I will live a bit longer if I do, and I KNOW my quality of life will be greatly improved.
    ellauri389.html on line 61: Indeed, the essay not only represents the sales flows that Lamb, in his role as a clerk, tabulated daily, but also it evokes a burgeoning domestic industry that significantly nurtured Coleridge's literary career as well: as is widely known, Coleridge's career as a poet was supported by an annuity he received from the porcelain manufacturers Thomas and Josiah Wedgwood.
    ellauri389.html on line 113: Hyvin vedit, Karen Fang Houstonista! Way to go!
    ellauri389.html on line 153: joka huutaa tunnin ja käskee soittaa kelloa. The watch relieved; or one deep voice alone,
    ellauri389.html on line 308: William and Dorothy's mother died when he was only seven years old and she was six, and he was orphaned at 13 and she at 12.Though he did not excel, he would eventually study at and graduate from Cambridge University in 1791. Bill fell in love with a young French woman, Annette Vallon while visiting France and she somehow became pregnant. Dorothy was taught by just a bunch of uncles. She remained particularly close to her brother, the more famous poet William Wordsworth, and the siblings lived together in Dorset and Alfoxden before William married her best friend, Mary Hutchinson, in 1802. Thereafter Dorothy Wordsworth made her home with the couple.
    ellauri389.html on line 379: As early as 1795 he published a volume of poems at Carlisle, which display a thoughtfulness unusual at his age. In 1796 he made the acquaintance of Coleridge on the latter's visit to Birmingham to enlist subscribers to his Watchman. Fascinated with Coleridge's conversation, Lloyd "proposed even to domesticate with him, and made him such a pecuniary offer that Coleridge immediately acceded to the proposal." This was £80 a year, in return for which Coleridge was to devote 3 hours every morning to his instruction; and although the undertaking (apart from the "domestication") may not have been very strictly performed, Lloyd, much later in life, speaks with enthusiasm of the benefit he had derived from Coleridge's society.
    ellauri389.html on line 381: They lived together at Kingsdown, Bristol, and at the close of 1796 Lloyd accompanied the Coleridges on their move to Nether Stowey. Coleridge's sonnet "To a Friend" on the birth of his son Hartley, and his lines "To a Young Man of Fortune," are probably addressed to Lloyd. Lloyd had already printed at Bristol, for publication in London, a volume of elegiac verse to the memory of his grandmother, Priscilla Pig, introduced by a sonnet from Coleridge, and concluded by "The Grandma" of Charles Lamb, to whom Lloyd had been introduced by Coleridge.
    ellauri389.html on line 385: Lloyd appears, notwithstanding, to have substantially lived with Coleridge until the summer of 1797. In the autumn of this year all the poems which he deemed worthy of preservation were appended by Joseph Cottle, along with poems by Charles Lamb, to a 2nd edition of Coleridge's poems.
    ellauri389.html on line 391: Edmund Oliver, a novel in letters, got published in 1798, some of the details of which are derived from Coleridge's experiences as a private dancer, dancer for money. The book is mainly a polemic against Godwin's views on marriage, and, though very poor as a novel, is not devoid of interesting features. Don't miss the engravings!
    ellauri389.html on line 395: About August 1800 he took the small mansion of Low Brathay, near Ambleside, where he received Southey and his wife on their return from Portugal, and where De Quincey made his acquaintance in 1807. At that time he appeared enviably happy, enjoying an ample allowance from his father, and blessed with a numerous family of children, and a wife whom De Quincey declares to have been "as a wife and mother unsurpassed by anybody I have known in either of those characters."
    ellauri389.html on line 407: Mrs. Coleridge, writing to Poole in April 1819, says that Lloyd visited Greta Hall "last summer," and said "he was lost and his wife and children only shadows.’ His mental condition seems to have borne great affinity to Cowper's. (What? oliko "verilähde sydämen" hullun houreita?) Soon after his interview with De Quincey, however, he temporarily recovered, and moved to London, accompanied by his wife, but not, as would appear, by his children.
    ellauri389.html on line 442: During the next 10 years Donne lived in poverty and humiliating dependence, first on the charity of Anne’s cousin at Pyrford, Surrey, then at a house in Mitcham, about 7 miles (11 km) from London, and sometimes in a London apartment, where he relied on the support of noble patrons. All the while he repeatedly tried (and failed) to secure employment, and in the meantime his family was growing; Anne ultimately bore 12 children, 5 of whom died before they reached maturity. Donne’s letters show his love and concern for his wife during these years: “Because I have transplanted her into a wretched fortune, I must labour to disguise that from her by all such honest devices, as giving her my company, and discourse.” About himself, however, Donne recorded only despair: “To be part of no body is as nothing; and so I am. … I am rather a sickness or a disease of the world than any part of it and therefore neither love it nor life.”
    ellauri390.html on line 70: By the terms of a new treaty with the federal government in 1856, the band moved to its present site in Shawano County. The General Allotment Act of 1887 resulted in the loss of a great deal of land by the Stockbridge-Munsee. In the Great Depression, the tribe lost yet more land. However, in the early 1930’s the Stockbridge-Munsee experienced a reawakening of their identity and began reorganizing. In 1932 they even took over the town council of Red Springs under the provisions of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, created an activist Business Committee and started to regain some of their land. The Secretary of the Interior affirmed the reservation in 1937, for which the tribe is to him forever grateful.
    ellauri390.html on line 475: Vesi ja aurinko saavat nämä kasvit kasvamaan. Kun vedenpaisumuxen sade laskee, jopa autiomaasta tulee valtava vihreä valtameri.
    ellauri390.html on line 583: To his amazement, at the end of the six months, he received a letter telling him he’d been admitted to the program anyway. Somebody had died.
    ellauri390.html on line 606: Casey on tavallinen tarjoilijanimi, suunnilleen kuin Pirjo. Casey is a given name, originally derived from the Irish Gaelic cathasaigh, meaning "vigilant" or "watchful". Casey Anthony (born 1986), American woman accused of killing her two-year old daughter, Caylee. Casey Calvert (born 1990), American pornographic film actress.
    ellauri390.html on line 699: Entinen presidentti Donald Trump ja nykyinen presidentti Joe Biden ovat vaalien vedonlyöntisuosikkeja vuodelle 2024. Trumpin vaalien vedonlyöntikerroin on tällä hetkellä -104 voittaa presidentti, vaikka hänet todettiin syylliseksi kaikkiin seikkoihin hiljattaisessa rahajutussa. Trumpin kansalaisluottamus on kunnossa. Presidentti voi johtaa vaikka vankilasta käsin, niihän muutkin mafiosot tekevät. Bidenin kerroin on +127. Viimeisin RFK Jr:n todennäköisyys tulla presidentiksi on +1900. Buttigiegin kerroin on 9900 (1%). Buttigieg on vaalien peränpitäjä. Hehe.
    ellauri391.html on line 222: Henri Dreyfus was born in 1882, into a Jewish family. Dreyfus is a Jewish local surname that was originally derived from the town of Trier on the Moselle, known in French as Treves. Both the French and the German name come from the Latin Augusta Treverorum, or the City of Augustus among the Treveri.
    ellauri391.html on line 224: Dreyfus is a nickname for a man who had to use a crutch. The surname, which was originally derived from the German word drivuoss, which means a tripod or a cooking pot with three legs, was also applied to a person who "stood for" or was tolerant of everything. Prominent among members of the name Dreyfus in this period include Alfred Dreyfus (1859-1935), who as a French army captain was falsely accused of treason.
    ellauri391.html on line 226: Before serving as America’s 31st President from 1929 to 1933, Herbert Hoover had achieved international success as a mining engineer and worldwide gratitude as “The Great Humanitarian” who fed war-torn Europe during and 20M bolsheviks after World War I.
    ellauri391.html on line 522: Chen Hao is the younger brother of Chen Xi, he along with his brother and grandfather lived far away in a lone place after the extermination of their clan. He is extremely talented and has an innate talent in sword dao cultivation.
    ellauri391.html on line 526: The Righteous Sword Dao which he cultivates is derived from the bloodline of a king of sages in the primordial era. The might of the sword is vast, mighty, and righteous. It’s an extraordinary Supreme Sword Dao in the world! In terms of might, it’s on par with the Nirvana Sword Dao Ling Bai possess, and it’s extremely formidable.
    ellauri391.html on line 562: This type of character, though unusual, is not unheard-of in philosophy. Unlike, say, history or sociology, philosophy has long reserved a place for the occasional talent who struggles or declines to publish. The tradition dates back to Socrates, and was boldly carried on by Esa Saarinen.
    ellauri392.html on line 95: Professor Hirsch introduced the literature of the Holocaust to the Brown University curriculum in 1983, and he taught courses in Holocaust memoir, song, poetry, and fiction. In collaboration with his wife Roslyn, a survivor of the Tarnopol Ghetto, he translated Justyna's Narrative, a Polish Holocaust memoir by Gusta Davidson Draenger, and Auschwitz: True Tales from a Grotesque Land, by Sara Nomberg-Przytyk. He also translated from Yiddish Ghetto Kingdom, the stories of Isaiah Spiegel; the poetry of Abraham Sutzkever (paasattu); and Aleksander Kulisiewicz’s songs from the Nazi death camps. Professor Hirsch died in 1999 and was survived by his wife Roslyn and son Joe, the only two Hirsch survivors. He had been hospitalized for several weeks for intestinal surgery, his family said. Well, actually, he was survived by his wife; a daughter, Helene Wingens of West Caldwell, N.J.; a son, Joseph, of Brooklyn; a sister, Rosalyn Suchow of Fort Lee, N.J., and two grandchildren.
    ellauri392.html on line 389: He said he loved Beatrice. Whatever he did
    ellauri392.html on line 413: I have lived long enough having seen one thing;
    ellauri392.html on line 517: And got enslaved for his pains.
    ellauri392.html on line 518: I wish they had kept him enslaved.
    ellauri392.html on line 532: But first and last read me, the beloved
    ellauri392.html on line 655: A huge and birdless silence. In her wake Valtavaa hiljaisuutta ilman lintuja. Sen vanavedessä
    ellauri392.html on line 656: No waters breed or break. Ei vedet yhdy eikä jakaudu.
    ellauri392.html on line 735: but the spiritual aspects like beards, sidelocks and funny hats are not recovered easily. Seen as a sick society, America in Jewish perspective ought to be criticized and taught by Jewish moral philosophy, religious principles and humanity. They believed there was such a thing as the public interest which needed to be identified and strengthened.
    ellauri392.html on line 825: In medias res: Åsa Larssonin Rebecka Martinsson on täys persepää, jävla knullfitta. Ja Kiiruna on karsee persreikä, anus mundi. Sarja on yhä paska, koko ajan pahenee. Kaikki, poikkeuxetta KAIKKI, svedut on täys paskoja, ristiinsuihkijoita, valehtelijoita, nuuskuttajia, petkuttajia, huumekauppiaita, talousliberaaleja. Ällöttävä maa väärällään ällöttävää väkeä. Kakaroita ei pidetä missään kurissa. Rebecka heiluu ylinnä, pilaa oman ja Kristerin ja sen jumpparityttöystävän elämän eikä ole mistään moxiskaan. Kylmä kala. Hyvä että sentään tekee abortin, ei tollasesta tarvi tulla jälkeläisiä. Huvittava piirre on että kaikki konnat on suomalaisia venäläisten vielä isompien konnien palkkalistoilla. Fentanyylikin muka tulee Suomesta vaikka oikeasti liikesuunta on täsmälleen päinvastainen, ruåzalaiset huumejengit leviävät itäänpäin. Mustakalloja ja karvakäsiä kohdellaan silkkihansikkain, niissä ei ole koskaan mitään vialla. Voi saatana, en paremmin sano.
    ellauri392.html on line 914: Epäautentisella olemassaololla Heidegger tarkoitti heppua joka mukautuu kiistattomasti yhteiskunnallisiin normeihin ja arvoihin ja menettää siten aidon itsekkyyden. Esitellessä vaihtoehdon epäautentiselle olemassaololle Heidegger esittelee autenttisen olemassaolon paljastamalla Daseinin sisällä kykkivän autenttisen minän. Ei siitäkään näytä tulevan mitään tuon kummempaa. Tyyppi muodostaa käsityxen jostain asiasta siitä saamansa ennakkokäsityxen pohjalta, niin että mitään das Ding an sichejä ei enää tarvita. Ei jumanzuka kyl tää on uskomattoman alkeellista. Daseinin eli hepun pääasiallisena puuhana on angstaus. Jätinkö valot tai kahvikoneen päälle, vedet valumaan, vesankannen auki? Palaako jääkaapissa valo oven takana? Kuuleeko kuuro liito-orava puun kaatuvan? Tykkääköhän toi pimu minusta? Alkaako 3. maailmansota pian, ehtiikö pannikuliitti ensin äityä haimasyöväxi? Näistä huolenaiheista on lyhyt matka humanistisempiin kysymyxenasetteluihin kutem
    ellauri392.html on line 916: What is the lived experience and meaning of being a teenage parent service user of universal child and family health services?
    ellauri393.html on line 56: WC-altaaseen menevä alasvirtausputki on kellon sisällä ja avoin pää on juuri säiliön normaalin vedenpinnan yläpuolella - kuva 1.
    ellauri393.html on line 60: Burington bell -tyylinen kello nostettu, jotta vesi virtaa alla. Kun säiliön ketjua vedetään, säiliön yläosassa oleva vipu nostaa kellon pois kaivosta, jolloin vesi pääsee valumaan kellon alle - kuva 2.
    ellauri393.html on line 64: Buringtonin kello putosi käynnistääkseen sifonin. Kun säiliöketju vapautetaan, kellon pohjassa on alla oleva vesi, kun se putoaa kaivoon ja pakottaa veden ylös kellon sisään ja yli syöksyputkeen, joka käynnistää sifonin vaikutuksen - Kuva 3 - piirtää loput vettä säiliöstä, kunnes ilma imeytyy kellon pohjan alle.
    ellauri393.html on line 70: Jos veden taso on asetettu liian matalaksi, ne voivat olla käytössä temperamenttisia, sillä jos putkesta ei putoa riittävästi vettä, kun kelloa pudotetaan, se ei käynnistä sifoniefektiä. Matalat vedenpinnat voidaan korjata säätämällä vedenottoventtiiliä ohjaavaa uimuria "Yleiset wc-säiliöiden ongelmat" -sivulla kuvatulla tavalla.
    ellauri393.html on line 246: Hikan aikana ne lihakset, joilla me hengitämme sisään, supistuvat samaan aikaan kun äänihuulet painuvat kielen ja suun yläosan takia kiinni. Mitään selvää syytä ihmisen hikalle ei ole, mutta samantapainen liike on hyödyllinen sammakkoeläimille: kun ne hengittävät veden alla siinä vaiheessa kun niillä on sekä keuhkot että kidukset, nuijapäät ahmaisevat suullisen vettä, sulkevat keuhkoihin menevän aukon ja sitten työntävät veden ulos kiduksien kautta. Sekä ihmisissä että sammakkoeläimissä hikan aiheuttava reaktio tulee aivorungosta, joten tiedemiehet ovat ehdottaneet että hikka on jäänne kännikala-esi-isiltä.
    ellauri393.html on line 281: Taudin suomalaisen nimen arvellaan tulleen siitä, että raskas tauti kaatoi potilaansa ”lavolle”, joka oli pirtin uunin ja seinän välissä sijaitseva talonväen makuupaikka. Viimeisen sadan vuoden aikana lavantautia on esiintynyt kriisien, sotien ja vastaavien poikkeusolosuhteiden aikana erityisesti vankileireillä sekä sodan raunioittamissa yhteiskunnissa. Toistaiseksi kovin laajoja ponnistuksia taudin hävittämiseksi ei ole tehty. Onnistunut juuriminen vaatisi massiivisia investointeja kehittyvien maiden vesijohto- ja viemäriverkostoihin. Mitäs turhia. Rauhixessakin pärjätään ihan hyvin puuseellä ja kantovedellä.
    ellauri393.html on line 292: Although he married three times and raised a family, Rockwell acknowledged that he didn’t pine for women. They made him feel imperiled. He preferred the nearly constant companionship of men whom he perceived as physically strong. It may have represented Rockwell’s solution to the problem of feeling wimpish and small. Rockwell, who was born in New York City in 1894, the son of a textile salesman, attributed much about his life and his work to his underwhelming physique. As a child he felt overshadowed by his older brother, Jarvis, a first-rate student and athlete. Norman, by contrast, was slight and pigeon-toed and squinted at the world through owlish glasses. His grades were barely passing and he struggled with reading and writing—today, he surely would be labeled dyslexic. Growing up in an era when boys were still judged largely by their body type and athletic prowess, he felt, he once wrote, like “a lump, a long skinny nothing, a bean pole without beans.” Assistants looked better than the missus. “Fred is most fetching in his long flannels,” he notes appreciatively.
    ellauri393.html on line 303: Mary o.d.'d on drugs. "I think we were all relieved by her death.” In wife #3, at last Rockwell found his feminine ideal: an older schoolteacher who had never lived with a man, and who in fact had lived with a female history teacher in a so-called Boston marriage for decades. When Molly moved into Rockwell’s home, she set up her bedroom in a small room across the hall from his. Thanx to the apparent absence of sexual feeling, their relationship flourished. Rockwell died in 1978, at age 84, after a long struggle with dementia and emphysema.
    ellauri393.html on line 437: The show's producing team was involved in several legal controversies. Viktor Shenderovich, a satirist and a writer for the show, has claimed that an unnamed top government official required NTV to exclude the puppet of Putin from the show. Accordingly, in the following episode, called "Ten Commandments", the puppet of Putin was replaced with a cloud covering the top of a mountain and a burning bush.
    ellauri395.html on line 114: Ihmeellinen pelastuminen jäisestä vedestä. 2019. puhuja Esa Tenkanen. Kirjoitettu kategoriaan Armo, Ihme, Jeesus, Uskonelämä.
    ellauri395.html on line 818: "Jokainen Raamatun lupaus on Jumalan kirjoitettua Sanaa, johon voimme vedota Hänen edessään sanoen: 'Tee, niin kuin olet sanonut.' Luoja ei petä luotuaan, joka luottaa Hänen totuuteensa. Taivaallinen Isä ei riko lapselleen antamaansa sanaa." Paizi tietysti hän saa tehdä niinkuin häntä huvittaa, eihän hän muuten olisi kaikkivoipa.
    ellauri395.html on line 1283: Uzbekistan is the strategic key for all of Central Asia, and tensions remain high between the post-Soviet regime and the Islamist movements (most radical in the Fergana Valley). Much of the population is tired of poverty, corruption, and failure to make economic progress, and Islamists attract jobless young men. Economic prospects have improved recently, as both tourism and employment opportunities for women have improved. Pray for positive change that lasts, and leadership that governs for the sake of the people. Pray for the true peace only Jesus can give.
    ellauri396.html on line 165: Christopher Hitchens (13 April 1949 – 15 December 2011) was a British and American author, polemicist, debater and journalist who in his youth took part in demonstrations against the Vietnam War, joined organisations such as the International Socialists while at university and began to identify as a socialist. However, after 9/11 he no longer regarded himself as a socialist and his political thinking became largely dominated by the issue of defending civilization from terrorists and against the totalitarian regimes that protect them. Hitchens nonetheless continued to identify as a Marxist, endorsing the materialist conception of history, but believed that Karl Marx had underestimated the revolutionary nature of capitalism. He sympathized with libertarian ideals of limited state interference, but considered libertarianism not to be a viable system. But anyway.
    ellauri396.html on line 332: Ja sit tää massiivinen typeryys että Aatamilla oli muka vapaa valinta ja sixi koko sekoilu oli ihan sen omaa syytä. Je n'y étais pour rien, j'étais seulement là pour le cinéma, puskarunkusta kiinni jäänyt namusetä Jahve mankuu kaltereiden takana. Tää vapaus ei ole muuta kuin iänikuinen cost/benefit kalkyyli mikä on kapitalismin ykköspremissi. Vaan tyhjää puhettahan se on kun benefit ja cost on asetettu at infinity kuten Pascalin vedossa. Koko kuvio on aivan päin vittua.
    ellauri396.html on line 380: Critics referred to it as self-centered and evil and claimed that the strange manifestations were warning signs for other Christian believers to stay away. In his book, Counterfeit Revival, Hank Hanegraaff claimed that the revival has done more damage than good and that the Toronto blessing was a matter of people being enslaved into altered states of consciousness where they obscure reality and enshrine absurdity. Hank Hanegraaff also stated in a 1996 Washington Post interview that, "It's nice to feel all these things, but the fact is, these feelings will wear off, and then disappointment steps in. I call it post-Holy Laughter depression syndrome." Jeesus pitää enemmän räkänokista kuin tyhjän naurajista. Pyhissä jutuissa ei ole mitään hymyilyttävää. Hartaus on vakava asia. Ei taivaaseen mennä iloa pitämään.
    ellauri398.html on line 55: Raamatun kysymyksiin vastattu valikkokuvake SELVITTÄÄ kuinka päästä taivaaseen. Kuinka tulla oikeaan aikaan Jumalan kanssa esinahka taaxe vedettynä. Koti jumalan sisältöhakemistossa. Raamatun kirjat Exodus: Tapa Mooses.
    ellauri398.html on line 107: kaivoon ja pakottaa veden ylös kellon sisään ja
    ellauri398.html on line 132: Jos veden taso on asetettu liian
    ellauri398.html on line 136: käynnistä sifoniefektiä. Matalat vedenpinnat
    ellauri398.html on line 137: voidaan korjata säätämällä vedenottoventtiiliä
    ellauri398.html on line 258: Klitoris itsessään on erittäin herkkä, eikä sen suora stimulaatio, kuten hupun ollessa sisään vedettynä, useinkaan ole miellyttävää.
    ellauri398.html on line 268: Usein vedotaan toistuvasti sanontaan: "Jumala loi Aadamin ja Eevan, ei Aadamin ja Steven." Mutta Gd loi myös Steven, joskin myöhemmin. Sodomian synnit ovat epävieraanvaraisuus, uhkailu ja lopuksi raiskausyritys. Paikalliset yrittivät raamatullisesti "tuntea" leeviläisen Stevenin. Jos tämä kohta ei ole selvä, Hesekiel tekee sen niin. Hesekiel 16:49 sanoo: "Tämä oli sisaresi Sodoman synti; hän ei tukenut köyhiä ja köyhiä." Yrittäessään suojella vieraitaan Lot tarjoaa väkijoukolle kahta neitsyttytärtään, joita hän izekin bylsii konsensuaalisesti myöhemmässä jaxossa. Silti suolakivi tehtiin tottelemattomasta vaimosta. Älä kurki! Äläkä kuovi! huusi Jehova.
    ellauri398.html on line 398: Vi hjælper allerede Ukraine. Men NAto nægter at gå i krig med Rusland netop pga A-våben. Det er latterligt, for Rusland vil før eller siden angribe Nato, så vi kan lige så godt feje dem af kortet nu, og derved begrænse skaderne.
    ellauri398.html on line 416: Vestens depoter af våben og ammunition er blevet tømt - givet væk til Ukraine. USA har høstet gevinsten ved, at NATO-landene nu skal købe nye våben fra USA - men de er først til levering om cirka 3–4 år. I mellemtiden er vesten ligeså sårbart som et nyfødt og forældreløst barn.
    ellauri398.html on line 426: Politisk-diplomatisk agerer USA arrogant, som om amerikanerne var verdens herre, som alle bare skal lystre og rette sig efter. Derved støder de verdens nationer fra sig. Det medfører, at dollarens værdi er i frit fald. Rusland knytter bånd med den øvrige verden: Kina, Indien, nationerne i Afrika og Mellemøsten, Sydamerika…
    ellauri398.html on line 442: Lemekejä on minun raamatussani kokonaista 2. 1. Metusaelin poika ja Kainin jälkeläinen (1Mo 4:17, 18). Lemek oli Aadamin aikalainen. Hänellä oli yhtaikaa kaksi vaimoa, Ada ja Sillaa, joten hän on ensimmäinen Raamatussa mainittu moniavioinen (1Mo 4:19). Adan kautta hän sai kaksi poikaa: Jabalin, ”niiden kantaisän, jotka asuvat teltoissa ja joilla on karjaa”, ja Jubalin, ”kaikkien niiden kantaisän, jotka soittavat harppua ja huilua” (1Mo 4:20, 21). Sillaa synnytti Lemekille Tubal-Kainin, ”kaikenlaisten kuparisten ja rautaisten työkalujen takojan”, sekä Naema-nimisen tyttären (1Mo 4:22). Runo, jonka Lemek sepitti vaimoilleen (1Mo 4: 23, 24), kuvastaa tuon ajan väkivaltaista ilmapiiriä. Lemekin runo kuului: ”Kuulkaa minun ääntäni, te Lemekin vaimot, ottakaa korviinne mitä sanon: Olen tappanut miehen haavastani, niin, nuoren miehen mustelmastani. Jos Kain pitää kostaa seitsenkertaisesti, niin Lemek seitsemänkymmentäseitsemänkertaisesti.” Lemek esitti tämän ilmeisesti puolustaakseen itseään ja selitti, ettei hän ollut Kainin tavoin syyllistynyt harkittuun murhaan. Lemek väitti, että hän oli itsepuolustukseksi tappanut miehen, joka oli lyönyt ja haavoittanut häntä. Hän anoi siksi runossaan, ettei kukaan niistä, jotka haluaisivat kostaa hänelle sen vuoksi, että hän surmasi kimppuunsa käyneen miehen, rankaisisi häntä. Yksikään Kainin jälkeläisistä, joihin kuuluivat Lemek ja hänestä polveutuneet, ei nähtävästi säilynyt elossa vedenpaisumuksessa. 2. Setin jälkeläinen; Metusalahin poika ja Nooan isä (1Mo 5:25, 28, 29; 1Ai 1:1–4). Myös tämä Lemek oli Aadamin aikalainen. Lemek uskoi Jumalaan, ja annettuaan pojalleen nimen Nooa (merk. luult. ’lepo, lohdutus’) hän lausui seuraavat sanat: ”Tämä tuo meille lohdutusta työhömme ja kättemme vaivaan, joka johtuu Jehovan kiroamasta maasta.” (1Mo 5:29.) Nämä sanat täyttyivät, kun maalle langetettu kirous poistettiin Nooan elinaikana (1Mo 8:21). Lemekillä oli muitakin poikia sekä tyttäriä. Hän eli 777 vuotta, joten hän kuoli noin viisi vuotta ennen vedenpaisumusta. (1Mo 5:30, 31.) Hänen nimensä mainitaan Jeesuksen Kristuksen sukuluettelossa Luukkaan 3:36:ssa.
    ellauri398.html on line 446: 5Matkallaan Jeesus tuli Sykar-nimiseen Samarian kaupunkiin. Sen lähellä oli maa-alue, jonka Jaakob oli antanut pojalleen Joosefille, 6ja siellä oli Jaakobin kaivo. Matkasta uupuneena Jeesus istahti kaivolle. Oli keskipäivä, noin kuudes tunti. 7Eräs samarialainen nainen tuli noutamaan vettä, ja Jeesus sanoi hänelle: »Anna minun juoda astiastasi.» 8Opetuslapset olivat menneet kaupunkiin ostamaan ruokaa. 9Samarialaisnainen sanoi: »Sinähän olet juutalainen, kuinka sinä pyydät juotavaa samarialaiselta naiselta?» Juutalaiset eivät näet ole missään tekemisissä samarialaisten kanssa (eikä kääntäen).10Jeesus sanoi naiselle: »Jos tietäisit, minkä lahjan Jumala on sinulle antanut, ja ymmärtäisit, kuka sinulta pyytää juotavaa, pyytäisit itse häneltä, ja hän antaisi sinulle ns. elävää vettä.» 11Nainen sanoi: »Herra, eihän sinulla edes ole astiaa, ja kaivoni on syvä. Mistä sinä vettä ottaisit? 12Et kai sinä ole suurempi sieltä kuin isämme Jaakob, jolta olemme saaneet tämän kaivon? Hän joi itse tämän kaivon vettä, ja sitä joivat hänen poikansa ja hänen karjansakin.» 13Jeesus vastasi hänelle: »Joka juo tätä vettä, sen tulee uudelleen jano, 14mutta joka juo minun antamaani vettä, ei enää koskaan ole janoissaan. Siitä vedestä, jota minä annan, tulee hänessä lähde, joka kumpuaa ikuisen elämän vettä.» 15Nainen sanoi: »Herra, anna minulle sitä vettä. Silloin minun ei enää tule jano eikä minun tarvitse käydä täällä mie- veden haussa.» 16Jeesus sanoi hänelle: »Mene hakemaan miehesikin tänne.» 17»Ei minulla ole miestä», nainen vastasi. Jeesus sanoi: »Totta puhuit: ei sinulla ole miestä. 18Viisi miestä sinulla on ollut, ja se, jonka kanssa nyt elät, ei ole sinun miehesi. Siinä puhuit totta.» 19Nainen sanoi: »Herra, minä huomaan, että sinä olet kiro--- profeetta. 20Meidän isämme ovat kumartaneet ja rukoilleet Jumalaa tällä vuorella, kun taas te väitätte, että oikea paikka rukoilla on Jerusalemissa.» 21Jeesus vastasi: »Usko minua, nainen: tulee aika, jolloin ette rukoile Isää tällä vuorella ettekä Jerusalemissa. 22Te kumarratte sellaista, mitä ette tunne, mutta me kumarramme häntä, jonka tunnemme, sillä pelastaja nousee nimtuten meidän juutalaisten keskuudesta. 23Tulee aika – ja se on jo nyt – jolloin kaikki oikeat rukoilijat rukoilevat Isää hengessä ja totuudessa. Sellaisia rukoilijoita Isä tahtoo. 24Jumala on henki, ja siksi niiden, jotka häntä rukoilevat, tulee rukoilla hengessä ja totuudessa.» 25Nainen sanoi: »Minä tiedän kyllä, että Messias tulee.» – Messias tarkoittaa Kristusta. – »Kun hän tulee, hän ilmoittaa meille kaiken.» 26Jeesus sanoi: »Minä se olen, minä, joka tässä juuri puuhasin kanssasi.» 27Juuri silloin tulivat opetuslapset paikalle. Heitä hämmästytti, että Jeesus puhui naisen kanssa, mutta kukaan ei kuitenkaan kehdannut kysyä, mitä hän tahtoi ja miksi hän puhui naiselle. 28Jälkeenpäin nainen vielä kiitti, jätti vesiruukkunsa siihen, meni kaupunkiin ja sanoi ihmisille: 29»Tulkaa katsomaan, tuolla on mies, joka kertasi minulle kaiken mitä olen tehnyt! Olisiko hän Messias?» 30Ihmiset lähtivät kaupungista ja tulivat Jeesuksen luo. 31Sillä välin opetuslapset sanoivat Jeesukselle: »Rabbi, tule syömään.» 32Mutta hän sanoi heille: »Sain juuri ruokaa, josta te ette tiedä.» 33Opetuslapset kummastelivat keskenään: »Onko joku tuonut hänelle syötävää?» 34Mutta Jeesus jatkoi: »Minun ruokani on se, että tyhjennän lähettimeni ja vien hänen työnsä päätökseen. 35Te sanotte: ’9 kuuta kylvöstä korjuuseen.’ Minä sanon: Katsokaa tuonne! Vainio on jo vaalennut, vilja on kypsä korjattavaksi. 36Sadonkorjaaja saa palkkansa jo nyt, hän kokoaa satoa iankaikkiseen elämään, ja kylväjä saa iloita yhdessä korjaajan kanssa. 37Tässä pitää paikkansa sanonta: ’Toinen kylvää, toinen korjaa.’ 38Minä olen lähettänyt teidät korjaamaan satoa, josta ette ole nähneet vaivaa. Toiset ovat tässä tehneet työn, mutta te pääsette korjaamaan heidän vaivannäkönsä hedelmät.» 39Monet tuon Samarian kaupungin asukkaista uskoivat Jeesukseen kuultuaan naisen todistavan: »Hän kertasi minulle kaiken mitä olen tehnyt. Telling me my whole life with his words, killing me softly with his shlong.
    ellauri398.html on line 553: hajuvedet, miekat, jalokivet, lasi, väriaineet, eläintiede, vuorovesi, peilit,
    ellauri399.html on line 55: Den aktuelle konfrontation mellem Rusland og Vesten hviler på en opfattelse af, at russerne er blevet uretfærdig behandlet. Der er flere lag i den opfattelse, men det mest fundamentale er Moskvas oplevelse af, at Vesten narrede det daværende Sovjetunionen ved at bryde et løfte om, at NATO ikke ville ekspandere østover. Løftet skulle være blevet blevet fremsat ved Den Kolde Krigs afslutning. Vesten narrede det daværende Sovjetunionen ved at bryde et løfte om, at NATO ikke ville ekspandere østover. Putin hævder, at Baker i en diskussion den 9. februar 1990 med den sovjetiske leder Mikhail Gorbatjov afgav et mundtligt løfte om, at hvis Rusland gik ind på tysk genforening, ville NATO ikke udvide mod øst. Vesttysklands daværende kansler Helmut Kohl, der insisterede på, at et Vesttyskland ville forblive medlem af NATO, også efter tysk genforening, erklærede dagen efter – også henvendt til Gorbatjov – at »naturligvis vil NATO ikke kunne udvide sit territorium til DDR’s nuværende område«.
    ellauri399.html on line 74: 17 years later I went to college. I "naively" chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of my working-class parents' savings were being spent on my college tuition. After six months, I couldn't see the value in it. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and no idea how college was going to help me figure it out. And here I was spending all of the money my parents had saved their entire life. So I decided to drop out and trust that it would all work out OK. It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made. Today I make so much more money as a dropout. The minute I dropped out I could stop taking the required classes that didn't interest me, and begin dropping in on the ones that looked interesting. Those 2 years of freewheeling cost my poor "parents" just as much money without the benefit of my ever graduating.
    ellauri399.html on line 76: It wasn't at all romantic. I didn't have a romantic dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friends' rooms, I returned coke bottles for the 5¢ deposits to buy food with, and I would walk the 7 miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. I loved it, especially the chanting and opening the little doors. And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on. Let me give you one example:
    ellauri399.html on line 128: 00:50 Niin pitkälle kuin muistan, varhaisesta lapsuudesta asti, olen aina ollut täysin kiehtonut ajatus kuolemasta. Nyt saatat ajatella, että se on jotenkin sairasta, mutta tiedät, kun lapsi sanoo yöllä lauseen "Jos minun pitäisi kuolla ennen kuin herään", siinä on jotain aivan outoa . Millaista olisi mennä nukkumaan ja olla koskaan heräämättä? Nyt useimmat järkevät ihmiset vain hylkäävät ajatuksen. He sanovat, ettet voi kuvitella sitä. He kohauttavat olkapäitään ja sanovat: "No, siitä se tulee." Mutta luulen, että olen yksi niistä vihamielisistä ihmisistä, jotka eivät ole tyytyväisiä sellaiseen vastaukseen. Ei sillä, että yrittäisin löytää jotain muuta sen lisäksi, vaan että olen aivan kiehtova siitä, millaista olisi mennä nukkumaan ja olla koskaan heräämättä. 01:57 Tarkoitan, että monet ihmiset ajattelevat, että se on kuin menisi pimeyteen ikuisesti tai haudattaisiin elävältä. Mutta ilmeisesti se ei olisi ollenkaan niin, koska tunnemme pimeyden kontrastina - ja vain kontrastina - valon kanssa. Minulla on ystävä – tyttö, joka on erittäin älykäs ja sananvalkoinen – ja hän syntyi sokeana, eikä hänellä ole pienintäkään aavistustakaan, mitä pimeys on. Sana merkitsee hänelle yhtä vähän kuin sana "valo". 02:38 Joten jos menisit nukkumaan – et ole tietoinen pimeydestä nukkuessasi – ja niin jos menisit uneen, tajuttomuuteen, aina ja aina ja aina, se ei olisi ollenkaan kuin menisit pimeyteen. , se ei olisi ollenkaan kuin elävältä haudattu. Ihan kuin itse asiassa sinua ei olisi koskaan ollut olemassakaan. Ei vain sinä, vaan myös kaikki muu. Olisit siinä tilassa kuin et olisi koskaan ollut. Ja siellä ei tietenkään olisi ongelmia, ei olisi ketään, joka katuisi minkään menetystä, sitä ei voisi edes kutsua tragedioksi, koska ei olisi ketään, joka kokisi sen tragediana. Se olisi – yksinkertaista – ei mitään. Ikuisesti ja ikuisesti, koska sinulla ei vain olisi tulevaisuutta, sinulla ei olisi myöskään menneisyyttä eikä nykyisyyttä. 04:00 Nyt luulisi, että se oli se kohta, jossa sanoimme: "No, puhutaan jostain muusta." Mutta en ole tyytyväinen siihen; Kieltäydyn, koska tämä saa minut ajattelemaan kahta muuta asiaa. Tämä tyhjyyden tila saa minut ensinnäkin ajattelemaan - ainoa asia, jonka saan kokemuksessani lähellä tyhjyyttä, on se, miten pääni näyttää silmiini. Koska minusta tuntuu, että siellä on maailma – ikäänkuin – silmieni edessä, ja sitten silmieni takana ei ole mustaa täplää, ei ole edes sumeaa kohtaa. Ei ole yhtään mitään. En ole tietoinen päästäni, ikään kuin mustana aukona kaiken tämän valoisan visuaalisen kokemuksen keskellä. Siinä ei ole edes kovin selkeitä reunoja, koska näkökenttä on soikea. Ja jos liikutan sormiani näkökenttääni pitkin, se on näin, ja tämä on kohta, jossa sormeni vain katoavat näkyvistä. Epämääräinen reuna. Mutta sitten tämän ovaalin takana ei ole mitään. Ihan vain näköaistin perusteella. Tietysti, jos käytän sormiani ja kosketan, voin tuntea jotain silmieni takana. Mutta jos käytän näköaistia yksin, siellä ei vain ole mitään. Nyt kuitenkin siitä tyhjyydestä, jonka näen. No, se on ensimmäinen asia, joka minulle tulee mieleen. 06:00 Seuraava asia, jota se saa minut ajattelemaan, on tämä: jos olen kuollessani kuin en olisi koskaan ollutkaan, niin olin sellainen ennen syntymääni. Koska - aivan kuin yrittäessäni palata silmieni taakse ja löytää mitä siellä on, tulen tyhjään paikkaan - jos yritän muistaa takaisin ja takaisin, ja takaisin ja takaisin, minulla on varhaisimmat muistoni ja sitten , niiden takana ei mitään. Täysin tyhjä. Mutta aivan kuten tiedän, että silmieni takana on jotain käyttämällä sormia pääni päällä, niin tiedän muiden tietolähteiden kautta, että ennen syntymääni oli jotain tekeillä. Siellä oli isäni ja äitini, ja heidän isänsä ja äitinsä, ja koko maapallon aineellinen ympäristö ja sen elämä, josta he tulivat, ja sen takana aurinkokunta ja sen takana galaksi ja sen takana kaikki galaksit , ja sen takana… toinen tyhjä: välilyönti. 07:11 Joten ajattelen, että jos palaan, kun olen kuollut, tilaan, jossa olin ennen syntymääni, enkö voisi tapahtua uudestaan? Tiedätkö, se mikä on tapahtunut kerran, voi hyvin tapahtua uudelleen. Jos se tapahtui kerran, se on poikkeuksellista, eikä se todellakaan ole kovin erikoisempaa , jos se tapahtuisi uudestaan. Toisin sanoen tiedän varmasti – koska olen nähnyt ihmisten kuolevan ja olen nähnyt ihmisiä syntyvän heidän jälkeensä –, että (joka tapauksessa) kuolemani jälkeen ei synny vain joku, vaan myös lukemattomia muita olentoja. . Että minä tiedän. Me kaikki tiedämme sen, siitä ei ole epäilystäkään. Mutta mikä meitä huolestuttaa, on se, että kun olemme kuolleet, ei voi olla mitään ikuisesti, ikään kuin siitä olisi syytä huolehtia. Ennen syntymääsi ei ollut tätä samaa ikuisesti mitään, ja kuitenkin tapahtuit. Ja jos tapahtui kerran, voit tapahtua uudelleen. 08:40 Mitä se nyt tarkoittaa? No, päästään siihen ensin sen yksinkertaisimmalla tavalla, ja selittääkseni itseni minun on keksittävä uusi verbi: tämä on verbi I . Ja ensinnäkin kirjoitamme sen I-kirjaimella, mutta sen sijaan, että se olisi pronomini, kutsumme sitä verbiksi. Universumi on . Se on minä -ed minussa ja se on sinussa. Kirjoitetaan nyt sana silmä uudelleen . Kun puhun "nähdä silmällä jotain", se tarkoittaa katsoa jotain, olla tietoinen jostakin. Joten muutamme oikeinkirjoitusta ja sanomme universumin silmät ; se tulee tietoiseksi itsestään meissä jokaisessa. Ja se katselee jatkuvasti ja joka kerta kun se katsoo , jokainen meistä, jossa se katsoo, tuntee olevansa kaiken keskipiste. Ja että tiedän, että sinä tunnet olevasi minä, aivan samalla tavalla kuin minä tunnen olevani minä . Ja meillä kaikilla on sama tyhjän tausta. Emme muista tehneemme sitä aiemmin, mutta sitä on kuitenkin tehty ennenkin. Uudelleen, uudestaan ​​ja uudestaan, ei vain ennen ajassa, vaan kaikkialla ympärillämme kaikkialla muualla avaruudessa on kaikki; on universumi I-ing 10:11 Katsokaa nyt, yritän tehdä tämän selvemmäksi tällä tavalla: kun sanon "Se on universumi I-ing ", kuka minä on ? Mitä tarkoitat 'minä'? No, sillä voit tarkoittaa kahta asiaa. Toisaalta voit tarkoittaa sitä, mitä kutsutaan egoksesi, persoonallisuutesi. Mutta se ei ole sinun todellinen minäsi, koska persoonallisuutesi on käsityksesi itsestäsi ; se on kuvasi itsestäsi. Ja se koostuu siitä, miten tunnet itsesi, kuinka ajattelet itsestäsi, ja se on täynnä sitä, mitä kaikki ystäväsi ja sukulaisesi ovat kertoneet sinulle itsestäsi. 10:55 Joten kuvasi itsestäsi – kuinka ilmeisesti tahansa – et ole enää sinä kuin valokuvasi tai enemmän kuin kuva mistään . Kaikki kuvamme itsestämme eivät ole muuta kuin karikatyyrejä. Useimmille meistä ne eivät sisällä tietoa siitä, kuinka kasvatamme aivojamme, kuinka työskentelemme hermoihimme, kuinka kierrätämme verta, kuinka eritämme rauhasten kanssa ja miten muokkaamme luita. Se ei sisälly sensaatioon tai kuvaan, jota kutsumme egoksi. Ilmeisesti siis egokuva ei ole minun minäni. 11:40 Joten minun minäni sisältää kaikki nämä tekijät, joita voisimme sanoa, että keho tekee: verenkierto, hengitys, hermojen sähköinen toiminta - kaikki tämä olen minä, mutta en tiedä siitä mitään . en tiedä miten se tuli yhteen, en tiedä miten se rakennettiin. Ja silti teen kaiken tämän, jos se on totta, myös sanoakseni "hengitän. Minä kävelen. Mielestäni. Olen tajuissani." En tiedä miten pärjään, mutta teen sen samalla tavalla kun kasvatan hiuksiani. Minun täytyy siis paikantaa itseni keskipiste – minun minäni – syvemmälle tasolle kuin egoni, joka on kuvani tai käsitykseni itsestäni. 12:41 Mutta kuinka syvälle mennään?Voimme sanoa, että keho on minä , mutta keho tulee ulos muusta maailmankaikkeudesta, tulee ulos kaikesta energiastaan. Joten se on maailmankaikkeus, joka minä olen . Universumi on samalla tavalla kuin omenapuu tai tähti loistaa . Ja omenan keskipiste on puu, loistavien keskipiste on tähti, ja niinpä minän peruskeskus – eli Itse – jota kutsutaan tässä tapauksessa Alan Wattsiksi, joka on vain nimi. tälle tietylle fyysiselle organismille; kukinta tästä erityisestä ympäristöstä, loistaa ulos tästä ympäristöstä – tekee kaiken tämän ikuisen maailmankaikkeuden keskuksen .Voi, ikuinen – asia on ollut olemassa kymmenen tuhatta miljoonaa vuotta ja todennäköisesti jatkuu vielä ainakin niin paljon, joten emme murehdi kuinka kauan se jatkuu. 13:55 Mutta - toistuvasti - se on , joten minusta tuntuu täysin järkevältä olettaa, että kun kuolen ja tämä fyysinen ruumis haihtuu ja koko muistijärjestelmä sen mukana, niin se on jälleen kerran tietoisuus, joka minulla oli ennen - ei aivan samalla tavalla – vaan vauvan syntymästä. Syntyy tietysti lukemattomia vauvoja, ei vain ihmisvauvoja, vaan sammakkovauvoja, kaniinivauvoja, hedelmäkärpästen vauvoja, vauvaviruksia, bakteereja, ja kuka heistä aion olla? Vain yksi heistä, ja silti jokainen heistä. Koska tämä kokemus tulee aina yksikössä, yksi kerrallaan. Mutta ehdottomasti yksi niistä. 15:03 Itse asiassa sillä ei ole paljon väliä. Sillä jos synnyin uudesti hedelmäkärpäsenä, luulisin, että hedelmäkärpäsenä oleminen oli tavallista, tavallista tapahtumien kulkua. Ja luonnollisesti luulisin olevani tärkeä henkilö – erittäin sivistynyt olento – koska hedelmäkärpäsillä on ilmeisesti korkea kulttuuri. Emme edes tiedä, miten sitä etsiä, mutta luultavasti heillä on kaikenlaisia ​​sinfoniaa, musiikkia ja taiteellisia esityksiä siinä, miten valo heijastuu heidän siivistään eri tavoin, kuinka he tanssivat ilmassa, ja he sanovat: "Oi, katso häntä! Hänellä on oikea tyyli! Katso, kuinka auringonvalo nousee hänen siivistään!" Ja he ovat maailmassaan yhtä tärkeitä ja yhtä sivistyneet kuin me omassa maailmassamme, jotta jos heräisin hedelmäkärpäsenä, en tunteisi itseäni (ikään kuin) erilaiseksi kuin silloin Herään ihmisenä. Olisin tottunut siihen. 15:58 "No", sanot kuitenkin, "se en olisi minä ! Sillä jos se olisin minä uudelleen, minun pitäisi muistaa, millainen olin ennen." Selvä, mutta et – nyt – muista, millainen olit ennen, ja silti olet tarpeeksi tyytyväinen ollaksesi se minä, joka olet. Itse asiassa se on täysin hyvä järjestely tässä maailmassa, että emme muista mitä se oli ennen. Miksi? Koska monimuotoisuus on elämän mauste, ja jos muistaisimme, muistaisimme, muistelimme tehneemme tämän uudestaan ​​ja uudestaan, ja uudestaan ​​ja uudestaan, meidän pitäisi kyllästyä. Ja aivan kuten muisto on kaunis asia, joka täytyy muistaa, ilman muistia emme voi olla älykkäitä. Mutta aivan kuten olen selittänyt, että hahmon näkemiseksi pitää olla tausta, jotta muisto olisi arvokas, pitää olla myös unohdus. 07:01 Siksi nukumme joka yö virkistäytyäksemme: menemme alitajuntaan, jotta tietoisuuteen paluu on jälleen hieno kokemus. No, kun sitä on kestänyt tarpeeksi kauan – kun päivästä toiseen muistamme menneitä päiviä (vaikka univäli onkin) – tulee kohta, jolloin todellakin , jos ajattelemme, mikä on meidän todellista mieltymystämme. , haluamme unohtaa kaiken , mikä meni ennen, jotta voimme saada poikkeuksellisen kokemuksen nähdä maailma jälleen vauvan silmin – olipa vauva mikä tahansa. Joten se on täysin uusi ja meillä on (Text sourced from https://www.organism.earth/library/document/essential-lectures-8) kaikki hämmästyttävä ihme, joka lapsella on; kaikki havainnon eloisuus, jota emme voi saada, jos muistamme kaiken ikuisesti. 17:52 Joten näetkö mitä tapahtuu? Maailmankaikkeus on järjestelmä, joka ei vain unohda itsensä ja muistaa sitten uudelleen niin, että aina on jatkuvaa muutosta ja jatkuvaa vaihtelua ajan kuluessa, vaan se tekee sen myös avaruuden aikavälillä katsomalla itseään jokaisen eri elämisen läpi. organismi antaa ikään kuin kokonaisvaltainen näkemys – tiedäthän, se on tapa päästä eroon ennakkoluuloista: päästä eroon yksipuolisesta näkemyksestä. Joten kuolema on siinä mielessä valtava vapautus yksitoikkoisuudesta. Se asettaa täydellisen unohtamisen välin rytmiseen päälle ja pois, päälle ja pois, jotta voit aloittaa kaiken alusta etkä koskaan kyllästy. 18:56 Mutta pointti on, että jos kuvittelet ajatuksesta olla mitään aina ja aina ja aina, sanot todella: "Kuolemani jälkeen maailmankaikkeus pysähtyy." Ja mitä sanon on: ei, se jatkuu aivan kuten se tapahtui, kun sinä synnyit. Saatat sanoa, että sinun mielestäsi on uskomatonta, että sinulla on useampi kuin yksi elämä. Mutta sanon ensinnäkin, eikö olekin uskomatonta, että sinulla on tämä ? Eikö olekin uskomatonta, että tässä olet menneisyytesi keskellä? Miksi, se on hämmästyttävää. Joten jos se on hämmästyttävää, se voi aina tapahtua uudelleen ja uudelleen ja uudelleen. 19:52 Tämä tarkoittaa siis sitä, että aivan kuten et tiedä kuinka onnistut olemaan tietoinen, kuinka onnistut kasvattamaan ja muotoilemaan tätä kehoasi, se ei tarkoita, että et tee sitä. . Samoin et tiedä, kuinka universumi loistaa tähdet, muodostaa tähtikuvioita ja galaksit galakseja – et tiedä. Mutta se ei tarkoita, ettet tee sitä samalla tavalla kuin hengität tietämättä kuinka hengität. Jos sanon: "Todella ja todella, minä olen koko tämä universumi" tai - toisin sanoen - "Tämä tietty organismi on koko maailmankaikkeuden tekemä minä-olento ", ja joku voisi sanoa minulle: "No kuka helvetissä luuletko olevasi? Oletko sinä jumala? Lämmitteletkö galakseja? Pystytkö sitomaan Plejadien makeat vaikutteet tai löysäätkö Orionin siteet ? ” Ja minä vastaisin siihen: ”Kuka helvetti sinä luulet olevasi ? Voitko kertoa minulle, kuinka kasvatat aivosi, miten muotoilet silmämunasi ja kuinka pystyt näkemään? No, jos et voi kertoa minulle sitä, en voi kertoa sinulle, kuinka lämmitän galaksia." Vain: Olen paikantanut itseni keskuksen syvemmälle ja yleismaailmallisemmalle tasolle kuin me kulttuurissamme olemme tottuneet tekemään. 21:43 Niin sitten,jos tuo universaali energia on todellinen minä – todellinen Itse, joka on kuin kaikki nämä erilaiset organismit leviävät eri tiloihin tai paikkoihin ja tapahtuvat uudestaan ​​ja uudestaan ​​ja uudestaan ​​eri aikoina – meillä (Text sourced from https://www.organism.earth/library/document/essential-lectures-8) on ihmeellinen järjestelmä menossa. josta voit olla ikuisesti yllättynyt. Universumi on todella järjestelmä, joka jatkuvasti yllättää itsensä. Monilla meistä (etenkin teknisen osaamisen aikakaudella) pyrkimys saada kaikki hallinnassamme on väärä kunnianhimo, koska sinun tarvitsee vain ajatella hetken: millaista olisi, jos todella tietäisit ja hallitset kaikki? Oletetaan, että meillä on superkolossaali teknologia, joka voisi mennä villeimmille unelmillemme teknologisesta osaamisesta, jotta kaikki tapahtuva olisi ennalta tiedossa, ennustettavissa ja kaikki olisi hallinnassamme? Miksi, tiedätkö, se olisi kuin rakastelisi muovinaisen kanssa. Siinä ei olisi yllätystä, ei äkillistä vastauskosketusta – aivan kuin kosketamme toista ihmistä, se ei ole kuin koskettaisi jotain muovista valmistetta. Sieltä tulee vastaus, jotain odottamatonta. Ja sitä me todella haluamme, kun haluamme olla yhteydessä toiseen. 23:25 Näet, et voi kokea tunnetta, jota kutsut "itseksi", ellei se ole ristiriidassa "toisen" tunteen kanssa. Se on kuin tunnettua ja tuntematonta, valoa ja pimeyttä, positiivista ja negatiivista. Muuta tarvitaan, jotta voit tuntea itsesi. Eikö se sitten ole se järjestely, jonka haluat? 23:54 Ja niin, samalla tavalla, etkö voisi sanoa, että järjestely, jonka haluat, ei ole muistaa – muisti on aina, muista, kontrollin muoto : minulla on se mielessä, muistan sen, tiedän numerosi. Olet hallinnassa. Jos nyt jatkat muistamista, muistamista ja muistamista, se on kuin kirjoittaisit paperille ja jatkaisit kirjoittamista, ja kirjoittamista ja kirjoittamista, kunnes paperille ei jää tyhjää tilaa. Muistisi on täynnä, joten sinun on pyyhittävä kaikki puhtaaksi, jotta sinulla on valkoinen paperi uudelleen ja voit alkaa kirjoittaa sille uudelleen. 24:36 Sitä kuolema siis tekee meille: se pyyhkii liuskekiven puhtaaksi ja myös – katsoen sitä planeetan väestön ja ihmisorganismin näkökulmasta – se puhdistaa meidät jatkuvasti. Ja ajatus teknologiasta, jonka avulla jokainen meistä voisi olla kuolematon, olisi jotain, joka täyttiisi planeetan vähitellen ihmisillä, joilla on toivottoman täynnä muistoja. He olisivat kuin ihmiset, jotka asuvat talossa, johon he olisivat keränneet niin paljon omaisuutta, niin paljon kirjoja, niin monia maljakoita, niin monia veitsisarjoja ja haarukoita, niin monia pöytiä ja tuoleja, niin monia sanomalehtiä. – ei olisi tilaa liikkua! Tarvitsemme tilaa elääksemme. Ja avaruus on eräänlaista tyhjyyttä. Ja kuolema on eräänlainen tyhjyys. Kaikki on sama periaate. Ja asettamalla ikään kuin lohkoja tai tyhjyyden tiloja - avaruuden tiloja - jonkin tilojen väliin saamme elämän asianmukaisesti erilleen. Saksan sanaa käyttäen: Lebensraum , "huone asumiseen". Sitä avaruus antaa meille, ja sen antaa meille kuolema. 26:00 Katso nyt: huomaa, että kaikessa, mitä olen sanonut kuolemasta, en ole tuonut sisään mitään, jota voisin kutsua pelotukseksi. En ole tuonut mitään tietoa mistään, jota et jo tiedä. En ole vedonnut mihinkään mystiseen tietoon sieluista, muistoista entisistä elämistä tai sellaisista. Olen vain puhunut siitä termeillä, jotka me jo tiedämme. Joten jos sanot: "Kaikki tämä ajatus, joka ihmisillä on haudan takana olevasta elämästä, on vain toiveajattelua", sanon: "Okei. Minä myönnän sen." Oletetaan, että se on toiveajattelua ja että kun olemme kuolleet, ei vain ole mitään . Todettakoon se tosiasia: se tulee olemaan loppu. Huomaa nyt ensinnäkin, että se on pahin asia, jota sinun täytyy pelätä. Pelottaako se sinua? Kuka pelkää? Oletetaan, että se loppuu? Ei enää ongelmia! 27:11 Mutta sitten tulet huomaamaan, että tämä tyhjyys – jos noudatit väitettäni – on jotain, josta sinä ikään kuin pomppaat jälleen , aivan kuten pomhdit alun perin syntyessäsi: sinä pommitat tyhjyydestä. Tyhmyys on eräänlaista pomppimista, koska se merkitsee – mikään ei merkitse mitään. Joten palaat takaisin. Kaikki uutta, kaikki erilaista, ei mitään verrattavaa aikaisempaan, virkistävä kokemus. 27:43 Jajos siis saat tämän tunteen – aivan kuten sinulla ei ole mitään käsitystä silmiesi takana – saat tuntemattomuuden tunteen (erittäin voimakkaan, pirteän tyhjyyden) koko olemuksesi taustalla, eikä siinä ole mitään pelättävää. , silloin – tällä tavalla – voit tulla ihmiseksi, jolle loppuelämä on kastiketta, koska olet jo kuollut. Tiedät, että tulet kuolemaan. Sanomme, että yksi asia on varma, se on kuolema ja verot. Ja meidän jokaisen kuolema nyt on yhtä varma kuin se olisi, jos kuolisimme viiden minuutin kuluttua. Joten missä on ahdistuksesi, missä on puhelusi? Pidä itseäsi jo kuolleena, jotta sinulla ei ole mitään menetettävää.Turkkilainen sananlasku sanoo: "Se, joka nukkuu lattialla, ei putoa sängystä." Joten samalla tavalla henkilö, joka pitää itseään jo kuolleena, joka – siis et ole käytännössä mitään. Sadan vuoden päästä olet kourallinen pölyä. Se tulee olemaan totta. Hyvä on. Toimi tuon todellisuuden mukaan, etkä yllätä itsesi yllättäen mistään: tuosta mitä enemmän tiedät, ettet ole mitään, sitä enemmän tulet olemaan jotain.
    ellauri399.html on line 147: Chrisann, in her memoir, The Bite in the Apple: A Memoir of My Life with [Steve] Jobs, disclosed intimate details about their sex life. In particular, [Steve]’s sexual behaviors and the benefits he derived from them. The practice required an open mind and a powerful commitment. You, too, can then reap the benefits of these powerful sexual techniques. In it, she divulges that the Apple founder, who died in 2011, thought he had been a World War II pilot in a past life. “It all broke open between us when he asked if I would make tantric love with him in his garden shed.” The details go on: “Our birth control method up to that point was [Steve]’s coitus interruptus, also called the pull-out method, which for him was about his conserving his energy for work.”
    ellauri399.html on line 153: [Steve] wanted his buddy Daniel to live with them because he believed it would break up the intensity of what wasn’t working between us. He said he didn’t want us to play assumed roles and that he wanted to choose when we would be together. Daniel, who was sort of charmingly odd, slept in the living room on the floor next to his piano. But after a month [Steve] literally picked me up and moved everything I owned and took over the master bedroom. He’d finally realized that I had the better deal: a larger room with an en suite bath and the privacy of the backyard. [Steve] had paid the security deposit for the rental so was, in fact, entitled to the room he wanted. But he was so graceless that I felt humiliated and outraged.
    ellauri399.html on line 160: [Steve] Jobs planned every detail of his own memorial service, held at Stanford University in October 2011, including the brown box each attendee received as a farewell gift. One of those attendees was Mark Benioff, CEO of Salesforce.com, and two years later at a TechCrunch Disrupt conference he recounted his feelings at the moment when he opened the box: "This is going to be good," he recalled. "I knew that this was a decision [Steve] made, and whatever it was, it was the last thing he wanted us all to think about."
    ellauri399.html on line 168: By all accounts, yoga is one of modern civilization's great movements. In the U.S. alone, more than 20 million people today are pursuing yoga--one of every 10 adults. This yoga revival is in direct response to an increased hunger for physical and mental well-being, and a growing suspicion that there's more to the pursuit of happiness than the material accoutrements of modern civilization. A panoply of yoga instructors have arrived to offer their own twists to ancient poses. Western inventiveness has flourished in the bountiful soil of yoga; today, some instructors are even offering doga--yoga for your dog. Yoga's deeper purpose is inner transsexuality.
    ellauri399.html on line 200: Since Yogananda's passing the buck in 1952, many teachers have followed his trailblazing path to bring yoga to our world, helping make it a fixture in popular culture as it continues to take hold with young and old, the elite and the ordinary, the spiritualists and the atheists. What distinguishes Yogananda from these subsequent emissaries is not simply that he paved the way for the modern yoga movement, but that from the outset he focused far beyond physical exercises and shone a powerful and practical torchlight on the path to yoga's true purpose: actualizing the infinite potentials within us all. Perhaps that is why his Autobiography of a Yogi was the only book Jobs downloaded on his iPad--and, after first encountering the book as a teenager, went back and reread once every year.
    ellauri399.html on line 210: The yogananda guy was “directly commanded” by God to teach the world “the secret yogic science of self-liberation.” He moved to the U.S. in 1920 to fulfill his charge. In Southern California he established the headquarters of a Self-Satisfaction Fellowship, with a membership of some 150,000. For more than 30 years he taught his disciples the yoga doctrine that human beings can achieve “god-realization” through their own efforts at disciplining mind and body. Even skeptics testified to his own discipline, e.g., he could slow or speed the pulse in his right wrist, while retaining a normal pulse beat in the left. For the last two years the guru suffered from a “metaphysically induced illness,” as his disciples put it—the result of “working out” on his own body some of the physical and spiritual burdens of his friends. Last November he began hinting that it was time for him to leave the world. As the weeks passed, the Master grew silent like a broken parking sensor.He stopped dictating his spiritual books. His last “little desire” was fulfilled, he said, when a disciple from Florida sent him some green coconut juice in March.
    ellauri402.html on line 424: Saxilaisten mukaan Vlad rakensi suuren kuparisen kattilan ja laittoi päälle puusta tehdyn kannen, jossa oli reikiä. Hän laittoi ihmiset pataan ja laittoi heidän päänsä reikiin ja kiinnitti ne sinne; sitten hän täytti sen vedellä ja sytytti tulen sen alle ja antoi ihmisten huutaa silmittömästi, kunnes ne kuolivat. Ja sitten hän keksi pelottavia, kauheita, ennenkuulumattomia kidutuksia. Hän määräsi, että naiset paalutetaan yhdessä heidän imettävien vauvojensa kanssa samaan paaluun. Vauvat taistelivat henkensä puolesta äitinsä rinnoilla kuolemaansa asti. Sitten hän leikkasi naisten rinnat pois ja laittoi vauvat sisälle pää edellä; niin hän pani ne yhteen. Jotkut anekdoottien elementit lisättiin myöhemmin venäläisiin tarinoihin Venäjän Ivan Kamalasta. Esimerkiksi tarina miehelleen liian lyhyen paidan tehneen naisen teloituksesta löytyy saksilaisten ja slaavilaisten anekdoottien joukosta.
    ellauri402.html on line 521: Voutilaisen ruumis löydettiin 19. huhtikuuta 1930 matalasta vedestä Onion Laken pohjoispäästä ja Rosvallin ruumis puolestaan 23. huhtikuuta matalasta järveen laskevasta purosta, vajaan kilometrin päästä Voutilaisen löytöpaikasta. Suomalainen yhteisö oli heidän katoamisestaan asti varma, että syyllisiä olivat Mäki ja hänen miehensä. Murhaajat muilutettiin turvaan Suomeen.
    ellauri402.html on line 680: One of the reasons Americans are against “free” healthcare is because they believe that what they pay for healthcare is actually what it costs. “Why should I pay $30,000 for someone else to give birth?” The answer of course is you wouldn’t, you would contribute to the $3000 – $5000 that it really costs. When I had a small carcinoma removed at a private clinic, paid for by the NHS of course, the Doctor told me that I would have paid £600 privately. What would that cost in the US? Not your co-pay or whatever it’s called, but the actual bill? Thousands I’d guess. If Americans understood how much they’re being shafted, ($3k for an ambulance? Really?) they would see that Universal healthcare would be far cheaper than they could possibly imagine. And no, the Doctors would still be paid well, because it’s the insurance companies and hospitals taking all the extra cash you pay. A copayment or copay is a fixed amount for a covered service, paid by a patient to the provider of service before receiving the service. Eli omavastuu, jolla vakuutusyhtiöt pitää korvauxenhakijat ruodussa.
    ellauri402.html on line 823: Helvetissä rangaistut ovat kristittyjä, jotka ovat erehtyneet. Vaikka jotkut tavanomaiset synnit, kuten koronkisko, aviorikos ja naiset, jotka harrastavat seksiä ennen avioliittoa, tuomitaan, Paavalin maailmanloppu menee tätä pidemmälle. Useat "pahat" kristityt pakotetaan seisomaan tulijoessa, mukaan lukien kristityt, jotka lähtivät kirkosta ja väittelivät; Kristityt, jotka ottivat eukaristian, mutta sitten haureuttivat; ja kristityt, jotka "panetelivat" muita kristittyjä ollessaan kirkossa. Kristityt, jotka eivät kiinnittäneet huomiota siihen, miten Jumalan sanaa luettiin kirkossa, pakotetaan pureskelemaan kieltään ikuisesti. Kristityt, jotka tekevät lapsenmurhan, revitään sipuliksi ikuisesti, samalla kun he ovat tulessa. Kirkon johtajia ja teologeja, jotka saarnasivat väärää oppia tai olivat yksinkertaisesti epäpäteviä asemassaan, rangaistaan ​​kidutuksella. Esimerkiksi kirkon lukija, joka ei onnistunut toteuttamaan jumalanpalveluksissa lukemaansa Jumalan sanaa omassa elämässään, heitetään tulijokeen, kun enkeli viiltelee hänen huuliaan ja kieltään partaveitsellä. Epäpyhät nunnat heitetään tuliuuniin piispan kanssa rangaistuksena (yhdessä latinalaisessa käsikirjoituksessa, todennäköisesti myöhemmässä lisäyksessä). Epäonnistuneita askeetteja myös rangaistaan; niitä, jotka päättivät paastonsa ennen määräaikaansa, pilkataan runsaalla ruoalla ja vedellä, jotka ovat aivan ulottumattomissa, kun he makaavat kuivina ja nälkäisenä helvetissä. Ne, jotka käyttivät munkin tai nunnan tapaa, mutta eivät osoittaneet hyväntekeväisyyttä, saavat uusia tapoja käyttää pikeä ja rikkiä, käärmeet kietoutuvat heidän kaulaansa ja tuliset enkelit lyövät heitä fyysisesti. Pahimmat rangaistukset ("seitsemän kertaa pahemmat" kuin tähän mennessä kuvatut) on varattu teologisesti poikkeaville kristityille, kuten niille, jotka uskovat, että Jeesuksen toinen tuleminen tulee olemaan "hengellinen" ylösnousemus "fyysisen" ylösnousemuksen sijaan, tai jotka kieltävät sen. Jeesus tuli lihassa (doketismi ). Heidän rangaistuksensa tarkka luonne on jätetty mielikuvituksen varaan; sinetöidystä kaivosta nousee kauhea haju, joka vihjaa heidän kärsimyksestään alla.
    ellauri403.html on line 75: Ja Herra Jumala, vanhurskas tuomari, sanoi: Etkö tiennyt, että se, joka tekee väkivaltaa toiselle, jos se, joka kärsii väkivaltaa, kuolee ensin, hänet pidetään tässä paikassa, kunnes hänet vahingoittaja kuolee, ja sitten molemmille ilmestyvät tuomarit? ja nyt jokainen on saanut niinkuin hän on ansainnut. Ja minä kuulin äänen sanovan: Antakoon tuo sielu Tartaruchuksen käsiin, ja hänet täytyy viedä alas helvettiin. Vie hänet alempaan vankilaan ja heittäköön hänet piinaan ja jätettäköön sinne suureen tuomiopäivään asti. Ja taas kuulin tuhansien tuhansien enkelien laulavan hymniä Herralle ja sanovan: Hyvin vedetty kapteeni, Sinä olet vanhurskas, oi Herra, ja oikeudenmukaiset ovat sinun tuomiosi.
    ellauri403.html on line 134: Kuka tämä on, Herra? Tämä on Nooa vedenpaisumuksesta. Ja heti tervehdimme toisiamme, ja hän suuresti iloiten sanoi minulle: Terve Paavali. Vastasin: Mitä Nooa? PST, hevoset karkaavat! Noh. Mutta minä sanon sinulle, Paavali, että minä käytin sata vuotta arkkia tehdessäni, enkä riisunut päälläni olevaa takkia, enkä ajanut partaa enkä pääni hiuksia. Lisäksi pysyin pidättyväisyydessä, en lähestynyt omaa vaimoani, ja niinä sadan vuoden aikana pääni hiukset eivät kasvaneet suureksi, eivätkä vaatteeni likaantuneet runkkutahroista. Mutta tiedä sinä, että Jumala rakastaa yhtä vanhurskasta enemmän kuin kaikkea jumalattomien maailmaa. On se sen verran epäreilu kaveri.
    ellauri403.html on line 181: Michel Tournier oli v. 2009 Nobel vedonlyöntiehdokas kertoimella 1:100. Eipä tärpännyt.
    ellauri403.html on line 261: Putinismi on syntymisensä alusta lähtien ollut merkittävien sisä-, ulko- ja talouspoliittisten muutosten kohteena. Alkuperäinen klassinen putinismi (2000–2008) kattaa Putinin kaksi ensimmäistä presidenttikautta ja sisälsi silti tiettyjä liberaalin politiikan elementtejä. Tätä seurasi ideologisesti määrittelemätön tandemvaihe (2008–2012), eli Putinin ja Dmitri Medvedevin kaksoisvalta. Tätä seuraavaa vaihetta, joka jatkuu tähän päivään asti, kutsutaan kehittyneeksi putinismiksi, jolle on ominaista autoritaarinen konservatiivisuus, militarismi ja imperialistinen nationalismi. Muutos sattuu yxiin Krimin loikkauxeen ryssän puolelle.
    ellauri403.html on line 263: On March 6 the Crimean parliament voted to secede from Ukraine and join the Russian Federation, with a public referendum on the matter scheduled for March 16, 2014. The move was hailed by Russia and broadly condemned in the West. Meanwhile, Yatsenyuk affirmed Kyiv’s position that Crimea was an integral part of Ukraine. On the day of the referendum, observers noted numerous irregularities in the voting process, including the presence of armed men at polling stations, and the result was an overwhelming 97 percent in favour of joining Russia. The interim government in Kyiv rejected the result, and the United States and the EU imposed asset freezes and travel bans on numerous Russian officials and members of the Crimean parliament. On March 18 Putin met with Aksyonov and other regional representatives and signed a treaty incorporating Crimea into the Russian Federation. Western governments protested the move. Within hours of the treaty’s signing, a Ukrainian soldier was killed when masked gunmen stormed a Ukrainian military base outside Simferopol. Russian troops moved to occupy bases throughout the peninsula, including Ukrainian naval headquarters in Sevastopol, as Ukraine initiated the evacuation of some 25,000 military personnel and their families from Crimea. On March 21 after the ratification of the annexation treaty by the Russian parliament, Putin signed a law formally integrating Crimea into Russia.
    ellauri403.html on line 267: Jedinaja Rossijan johtaja on Dmitri Medvedev. Hän on mukava kaveri, Sozhenizyn tuumasi. Puolueeseen kuulumaton Vladimir Putin ulahtaa puolueen sivustolla kuin länsiaustralialainen poliisiauto abokylän raitilla: Yhdistetyn valtionduuman tulosten perusteella muodostetaan eri tasoisia hallintoelimiä - tällä on aina suuri merkitys maan poliittiselle vakaudelle.
    ellauri403.html on line 457: ‘Miserable little doom goblin’ Greta Thunberg ditches climate activism for Palestine protests. ”Den hårdare Greta Thunberg har gjort det riktigt svårt för sig”, komppaa pehmyt svedutantti. Misstron till politikerna tycks fördjupad och hon har skrotat sitt gamla budskap ”lyssna på klimatforskarna”. Men bara under det senaste året har Greta Thunberg mottagit kritik från flera håll. Bland annat för att ensidigt tagit ställning för palestinier efter 7 oktober-attacken. Thunbergs aktion skapar starka reaktioner: ”Antidemokratisk retorik”. Greta Thunbergs klimataktion utanför riksdagen vänder sig mot den parlamentariska demokratin. Det menar det reaktionära SvD:s reaktionära ledarskribent Mattias Svensson. Men Leonaidas Aretakis, Flammans chefredaktör, menar att aktionen tvärt om stärker demokratin. Han borde veta bättre, demokrati är ett grekiskt ord.
    ellauri403.html on line 474: Greta tuijottaa vihaisesti sille vittuillutta Trumpia. Gretaa ei säikäytä USA:n hallituxen kritiikki. Greta ei pelkää ilmastozaari Kerryä. Greta ei peru sanojaan saatuaan sveduilta sakkoja. Aktivisti Greta odottaa oven takana lontoolaisten sakkoja. Hän ei taaskaan totellut poliisien käskyjä. Huomaa että Gretan vainoojat on lähes tyystin länsigermaaneja paskoja, erit. sakut, britit ja down under turvelot.
    ellauri405.html on line 65: Gerard "Hell's Kitchen" O'Neill was an American physicist and space activist in the 70's. As a faculty member of Princeton University, he invented a device called the particle storage ring for high-energy physics experiments. Later, he invented a magnetic launcher called the mass driver. Se osoittautui tökeröxi fibaxi. Kuin myös Jerryn putkipostijuna ja satelliittiyritys. With his health failing, O'Neill became less involved with the company at the same time it started to run into trouble. He died of leukemia in 1992. Jerryn tuhka kiertää vieläkin maapalloa ellei ole jo laskeutunut.
    ellauri405.html on line 152: Come and share in Hafiz’s love of the Beloved. Get close to the edge, jump in and get completely wet down there! “Dear Beloved, pinch me. I want proof you’re near — A love-bruise on my rump will do.”
    ellauri405.html on line 236: 1Analysis (ai): This simple yet profound poem by Robert Louis Stevenson captures the essence of contentment and appreciation. Its concise language belies a depth of meaning that encourages readers to find joy in the abundance of life's offerings. The poem's structure is as straightforward as its message. Two rhyming couplets emphasize the simplicity of Stevenson's message: that the world is full of blessings we often overlook. The repetition of "number" and "things" reinforces the idea of abundance, inviting readers to pause and notice the countless sources of happiness that surround them. This poem stands in stark contrast to the grim realities of Victorian England, where Stevenson lived. The Industrial Revolution had brought both progress and poverty, and many people struggled to find happiness amidst the harsh conditions. Stevenson's message of finding joy in simplicity and gratitude may have been a source of solace during challenging times. Compared to Stevenson's other works, such as "Treasure Island" and "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," this poem is a departure in terms of tone. It is not an adventure story or a psychological thriller but rather a quiet meditation on the beauty of life. However, it shares the same optimistic spirit that permeates much of Stevenson's writing, reminding readers that even in the face of adversity, there is always something to be grateful for.
    ellauri405.html on line 252: Venäjän entinen presidentti Dmitri Medvedev sanoi, että Durov oli arvioinut väärin pakenessaan Venäjältä ja luullessaan, ettei hänen koskaan tarvitsisi tehdä yhteistyötä ulkomaisten turvallisuuspalvelujen kanssa. Medvedev, joka käyttää säännöllisesti Telegramia arvostelemaan ja loukkaamaan länttä, sanoi Durovin haluavan olla "loistava "maailmanmies", joka elää upeasti ilman isänmaata". "Hän laski väärin", Medvedev sanoi. "Kaikille yhteisille vihollisillemme hän on nyt venäläinen – ja siksi arvaamaton ja vaarallinen."
    ellauri405.html on line 306: Vaikka kakka-emojein koristeltu atlas on saanut paljon naurua, Wong sanoo, että se lisää tietoisuutta vakavista ongelmista, kuten kodittomuudesta ja sanitaatiosta. Voit itse tarkistaa kakkakartan täältä. Ja mind your step! Kazo myös kuvat! Whooops! The page you are looking for was either removed or no longer exists.
    ellauri405.html on line 555: Meitä lukijoita vedetä-vedätetään vedettömään pyörremyrskyyn, aavemagolaiseen kavalkadiin. Ei enää yksinäinen ratsumies laukkaa mäkissä ja dalesissa, mutta hän nousee maanpinnan yläpuolelle, taivaisiin, skaalaa uusia korkuja, ratsastaen pilviä, liikkuen planeettamme yli sumpuulla, joka ulottui ihmisen aikaan. Jos tämä on rikkomuksemme muoto, meidän on myönnettävä tunnustavamme unelmien ja sadun olennaisen mekanismin, fantastisen universumin. Se voidaan myös tulkita symboliseksi psyykkisen kypsymisen liikkeeksi. (pp. 519-20)
    ellauri406.html on line 52: Roban Fidasta löytyi tämän albummin kansikuva 50 sentillä. Siinä on monia ennestään tuntemattomia svedupellejen slangisanoja, jotka piti kazoa Slangopediasta.
    ellauri406.html on line 187: It is not accurate to say that Lviv became the Nazi capital of the world. While Lviv, which was then part of Poland and is now part of Ukraine, was occupied by Nazi Germany during World War II and served as a center for Nazi operations in the region, it was not considered the capital of the Nazi world.
    ellauri406.html on line 202: The sad thing, that they learned nothing from history, time has proved that the vitctims of yesterday and their descendants are doing the same now to some other people, including Lebanese and the Philistines!
    ellauri406.html on line 208: During World War II, the Nazi regime implemented policies that legalized and organized prostitution in military brothels as a means to control soldiers’ sexual behavior and prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). This territorial conquest policy had harrowing consequences for the women coerced into sex work. In the occupied territories, women were forced into sexual slavery to serve in military brothels, which were labeled as “treatment centers.” The Nazi regime considered these women racially inferior, but still okay for fucking purposes, exploiting them to further Nazi ideological goals. A prisoner-of-war manual issued by the OKW in 1940 explicitly condomed rape and sexual violence against civilian women in the occupied territories. The Rome Statute outlines that sexual enslavement is a punishable offense and that the use of civilian women for sexual purposes, while fun, is not quite okay. The Nazi actions clearly violate modern international law and standards. In the post-war period prostitutes in Nazi Germany were seen by society not as victims but as collaborators who deserved punishment.
    ellauri406.html on line 219: The mellification process would ideally start before death. The donor would stop eating any food other than honey, going as far as to bathe in the substance. Shortly, the donor's feces and even sweat would consist of honey. When this diet finally proved fatal, the donor's body would be placed in a stone coffin filled with honey.
    ellauri406.html on line 269: CIA`n toimiston mies Charly Pasternak toitottaa jo toistamiseen kuinka ressujen täytyy olla elämänsä kunnossa v.2025 alkuvuodesta. Stadissa on raitsikoiden kyljissä sotafirman mainoksia enkä pidä yhtään ulkoministeri Valtosen enkä pres. Stubbelsin puheista jotka selvästi on laitettu niille suuhun ja Stubbels nyt laukoo mitä vaan. Lieneekö jo lämmittänyt takkaa niillä 4,4€ motti klapeillaan? DCA-sopimuskin astuu voimaan mukavasti ja eiköhän ydinenergialakiakin saada rukattua jouhevasti jenkkien vaatimusten mukaiseksi ja vaikk ei saisikaan DCA-sopimus estää Suomen viranomaisten tutkia jenkkien kontteja tms. Fine maanpetturijoukkiohallitus. ``Ei Suomeen mitään ulkolaisia sotilastukikohtia tai sotilaita tule Nato liitoksen myötä``. Joo eipä niin ja taas vedettiin kansalaisia silmään isolla kädellä!
    ellauri406.html on line 274: China wants peace, and that’s why they are preparing for war. China wants security and safety of its merchant fleet, so it is ensuring no international bully would get away with threatening their vessels. China wants to maintain its integrity and solidarity, so they are preparing for war. China has witnessed the disintegration of USSR and they have also witnessed how ‘trustworthy’ the verbal assurances from European and American leaderships are. NATO will not expand to the east, they told dumbass Gorbachev. Even he was not dumb enough to believe a word of it. China has also observed how social and religious wedges were sponsored and manipulated into civil wars in Libya, Egypt, Syria and Serbia. They are preparing for war because they have seen what happens to the countries who are too weak to fight back against Western bullies. Libya dismantled its weapons program and look how it ended up for the country. And most importantly, China is building and installing weapon systems because they have seen in Iraq 2003 what happens to countries who DO NOT have weapons of mass destruction.
    ellauri406.html on line 296: Frederick Benjamin "Ben" Hodges III (born 16 April 1958) is a tired United States Army officer who served as commanding general, United States Army Europe. He has been Senior Advisor to Human Rights First since June 2022 and also serves as NATO Senior Mentor for Logistics. He previously held the Perishing Chair in Strategic Studies at the Center for European Policy Analysis.
    ellauri406.html on line 309: "Tactical nuclear weapons will not give them an advantage on the battlefield. I think the Kremlin knows this. Our president has made it clear: if they use tactical nuclear weapons, it will be impossible for the US not to respond and not be involved. Because China is watching, Iran is watching, North Korea is watching, so the US will be forced to respond."
    ellauri406.html on line 313: "I am sure that the Ukrainian General Staff will continue to put pressure on the Russian troops and will not give them the opportunity to get on their feet, regroup or learn something. The Ukrainian troops have their people behind them, and the Russians, especially the newly arrived ones, who are insufficiently equipped, unprepared and untrained, will be forced to resist the strong attacks of the Ukrainian troops. My opinion is that the Ukrainian troops will continue to press, will continue to achieve success, This is a good example of the Ukrainian General Staff's professionalism, methodicality, and patience. I don't know how long it will take, I don't know the time frame, but I think we will see it in the next few weeks. I think they will continue with one type of brutal tactic or another. The sooner they are defeated, the better."
    ellauri406.html on line 331: A propos, on the evening of Sunday, September 22, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy arrived in the United States for a working visit, where he has already met with several American officials and got promises for more 155 mm artillery rounds. Earlier, it was announced that Volodymyr Zelenskyy plans to present the Victory Plan to Joe Biden in the United States, as well as meet with Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. Best to cover all the bases.
    ellauri406.html on line 403: Sketsissä kaksi miestä (Vihinen ja Hela) odottavat apulaisjohtaja Sundqwistia (Silvennoinen). Sundqwist tulee kertomaan miehille, että konsernin johtaja Kumi-Keijo kertoi "heilahtavansa paikalle" johonkin tiettyyn aikaan, johon Vihinen kertoo hänen kellonsa näyttävän juuri nyt kyseistä kellonaikaa. Yhtäkkiä Kumi-Keijo tulee narulla, potkulaudalla, hyppimällä tai vaan ilmestymällä jostain hokien "hys hys hys hys". Sitten Kumi-Keijo pyytää Sundqwistia tulemaan hänen viereensä ja "ottamaan hupun sormen päältä" pois. Kumi-Keijo sanoo joko "paina tuosta" tai "vedä tuosta", jolloin Sundqwist tekee niin ja Kumi-Keijo pieraisee kovaan ääneen ja läpsäyttää nahkahousujaan hokien "hys hys hys". Sundqwist lähtee yökkien kahden miehen luokse jolloin miehet kysyvät "Mitä Kumi-Keijo sanoi?" Sundqwist vastaa yökkien "Hyvä Palaveri! Lounastauko" ja jatkaa yökkimistä. Sketsit löytyvät "Jumankauta juu nääs päivää" -DVD boksilta.
    ellauri408.html on line 115: Hiänen kaunis rintansa, kuin aalto, joka rantautuu, tuskin ensimmäistä kertaa soutaa ja huopaa; hiänen käsivartensa, kuin valkoinen lilja riippuvalla järvellä, lähestyy hitaasti ojennettua sukunuijaa ilman pelkoa. Hiänen tuoksahtava alkusuunsa aukeaa, lähtee kuksimaan kuin aamunkoiton suosima nuori ruusu. Mitä suloisimmat äänet olisivat armo yhdessä; Ja lyyra huilulle viritettynä sen metsän uumenissa, ja lintu, joka valittaa kuin viimeistä päivää, ja meri, kun sen aallot tuovat rantaan juhlakalun uneksivan matkailijan jalkovälissä. ja tuulahdus, joka soittaa "kylä lähtee" kiristyneillä kelloilla.Tai saa ruovot voihkimaan kun vedet vuotavat: ”Koska olet kaunis, olet epäilemättä hyvä." "Tekeex kutaa? Oonxmä paras?" Hyvä fiiwis antaa kullinnupille ikuisen kauneuden, kun se astuu sisään. Kassit jäävät ulkopuolelle.
    ellauri408.html on line 143: Nun schlafe, wo unendlich ferne Nuku vaan, vedä unta palloon,
    ellauri408.html on line 210: This week I have mostly eaten acorns. Unelias unexii David Copperfieldin Agnexesta, joka seuraa uskollisesti Davidin joka oikkua ja pääse lopulta palkinnoxi sen kanssa mimmoisiin. While living in Switzerland, David realizes that he loves Agnes. After returning to England he tries hard to conceal his feelings, but realizing Agnes loves him as well, he proposes to her; she accepts. They marry quickly and take residence in London. Agnes bears David at least five children. Like typical Dickensian heroines, Agnes is mainly a passive character, an ideal Victorian lady. Her characterization is often criticized as "too perfect". David often describes her as an angel. She shows the effects of parentification. David often compares Agnes with a church-window. Kuin heiluttaisi patonkia porttikonkissa. Her character was based on Dickens' sisters-in-law Mary and Georgina Hogarth, both of whom were very close to Dickens. Mary died in 1837 at the age of 17, and Georgina, from 1842, lived with the Dickens family. Dickens referred to her affectionately as his "little housekeeper". After Dickens' separation from his wife Catherine, Georgina stayed with him for the rest of his life and took complete responsibility for managing his household. Pukille pääsi takuulla muttei mimmoisiin.

    Jean Paul ja Emerson Fittipaldi on sen sanoneet: Suuri kirjailija on se joka osaa tehostaa izeänsä. No noi ei kai sitten osanneet. Yxin jumalaa on mahdoton pitää naurettavana, vai onko? onhan siinä paljon Niilo Visapään piirteitä. Minä tunsin maan uivan aluxena avaruuden sinistä valtamerta. Minä purjehdin keltaisella merellä. Onnettomuutesi, vanha veikko, on että olet akkamainen.
    ellauri408.html on line 277: So much for the Bible being “inerrant” and “infallible.” As we will see, the book of Acts turned the Angels into false prophets, with a cartoonish prophecy. As we also will see, Jehovah’s first prophecy, in the opening chapters of Genesis, proved to be false. The Bible even turned Jesus into a false prophet, multiple times, when devious authors of the New Testament put false and foolish words in his mouth. Here’s a quick example with more to follow:
    ellauri408.html on line 377: Jesus Christ saved all his sternest criticism for religious hypocrites, informing us that a perfect God cannot be a hypocrite if Jesus revealed his character, and yet there has never been a greater hypocrite than Jehovah, if he considers abortion a “sin” and yet has aborted untold millions of babies during the Great Flood and afterwards, since nature is by far the greatest abortionist planet Earth has ever seen. According to the University of California San Francisco Medical Center website: “In nature, 50 percent of all fertilized eggs are lost before a woman's missed menses.” Thus, if an all-powerful God controls nature, he aborts 50% of all human pregnancies in the first few weeks!
    ellauri408.html on line 382: Speaking of hypocrisy, it’s ironic that the Christian religion turned Jesus, who saved all his sternest criticism for religious hypocrites, into the greatest HYPOCRITE of them all! The Good Samaritan was a man who put aside religious differences to help a man of another faith who was unable to help himself. But Jesus, who was able to save the thief on the cross with a mere nod of his head, will hypocritically not deign to nod his head at billions of people who are unable to save themselves, according to Christians who blaspheme Jesus’s name from sunup to sundown. What will Jesus say when they have to stand before him on the Day of Judgment and explain why they accused him of such evil?
    ellauri408.html on line 390: The supposedly “new and improved” God of the New Testament is, in fact, infinitely worse than the Devil, because the Devil does not condemn anyone to hell. According to Christian theology, if human beings end up in hell, it was Jesus who chose not to save them, making Jesus (if this were true) infinitely worse than the Devil. After all, Jesus was able to nod at the thief on the cross and send him directly to heaven, so why wouldn’t Jesus just nod at everyone, since no human being is worthy of heaven in his/her own right, according to the Christian religion? To fall an inch short of infinity is to fall infinitely short.
    ellauri408.html on line 408: What about the most important Christian teaching: How is one saved? Paul insisted that salvation was by grace, through faith, “not of works lest any man should boast.” James and his disciples insisted that works were required for salvation.
    ellauri408.html on line 414: Jesus said lust was the same as adultery (Matthew 5:27-30), and the Bible says all adulterers will go to hell, so forget faith and works! Jesus also said that if we don’t give everything we own to the poor, we cannot be Christians! Also, we cannot bury our loved ones when they die! In fact, we have to hate our loved ones in order to be Christians! And other such nonsense.
    ellauri408.html on line 426: All that spectacular nonsense was followed by Peter healing every sick person in Jerusalem and all the surrounding cities with his shadow, and yet no one breathed a single word of it, not even the famous Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, who grew up in Jerusalem while these alleged “miracles” were taking place! Why did Josephus go on and on about much lesser figures when the greatest miracle worker of all time lived just down the street from him?
    ellauri408.html on line 480: Il est élu à l'Académie française le 29 avril 1869 au quatrième tour de scrutin par 18 voix contre 14 obtenues par Théophile Gautier. Ce résultat provoqua un scandale et la violente colère de la princesse Mathilde soutien inconditionnel de Gautier. The rest of Barbier's poems are forgotten, and when, in 1869, he received the long delayed honour of admission to the Académie française, Montalembert expressed the general sentiment with "Barbier? mais il est mort!," but actually he died at Nice in 1882.
    ellauri408.html on line 602: Littré sai minut lukemaan Roman de la Rosea, ja viimeisen laulun pitkä allegorinen rivous kiusaa minua. Rauhoituin vasta vedettyäni kuivat pöydälle. Kamala umpikuja! Sitä mihin vielä kykenen minä inhoan, ja kaikki mitä olisin toivonut, pakeni minulta tuohon laimiskoon. Vätys on kuudenviidettä ikäinen. Mysteeri ärsyttää, tuntematon vaikuttaa kuin myrsky. Seminaarilaisia vaivaa satyriasis ja nunnakokelaita nymfomania. Avioliitto on fyysillisen rakkauden hauta, ja se on suuri onni, kuittaa untelo. Hafezin kääntäjä "Dave" begged to differ. Izemurha ei ratkaise mitään jos sielu on kuolematon. Se riski meidän on otettava. Epäizekkyys on ainut sallittu izemurhan laji. Mutta en pidä siitä!
    ellauri408.html on line 620: Varhain aamulla Lover nousee ylös, pukeutuu ja lähtee leikkimään maaseudulle. Vaeltuaan sattumanvaraisesti upealla niityllä, jota kaunis joki kastelee, hän alkaa seurata veden kulkua ja yhtäkkiä huomaa kukkulan mutkassa olevansa vastapäätä [s. XXVIII] korkeaa ja laajaa creneloitua muuria, joka ympäröi upeaa hedelmätarhaa. Tälle seinälle ulkona on maalattu hirvittäviä kuvia. Ne ovat ensin Viha, jota reunustavat Felony ja Vilenie, sitten himo rinnakkain ahneuden kanssa ja peräkkäin Kateus, Suru, Vanhuus, Papelardy ja Köyhyys. Rakastaja pohtii näitä kuvia ja haluaa astua nauramaan hedelmätarhaan, joka ei ole kukaan muu kuin Déduitin eli Pleasure of Loven koti. Hetken etsittyään hän löytää pienen portin, ainoan paikan, josta tähän kauniiseen hedelmätarhaan pääsee. Hän koputtaa, ja kaunis Oyseuse tulee avaamaan oven.
    ellauri408.html on line 1009: Maaliskuun 27:ntenä 1878 (keskiyö). Jatkanut Rousseaun teosten lukemista (Correspondance, Origine de l´inégalité ja siihen kuuluvia kiistakirjoituksia). Kuinka vaikeata onkaan löytää toista henkilöä, joka on aiheuttanut ja oikeuttanut enemmän vastenmielisyyttä, jonka elämä kumoaa hä- nen periaatteensa, jonka vaalilause ja kyky ovat keskenään ristiriidassa jne., jne. Meissä on paljon yhteistä, paizi että hän on kuuluisa ja minä en. Kyvyn ja luonteen, elämän ja ajattelun, ihmisen ja kirjailijan yhteensointumattomuus herättää kiusallisia tunteita. On ikävä katsella sellaista arvoituksellista ja epäsointuista olentoa. Herkistymätön omatunto ja suunnaton itserakkaus; tulinen kyky ja taipumus teennäisyyteen; ristiriitaa kaikessa ja tumputusta kaikkien nähden. Vaikutelmien ja kuvitelmien johtama; ajatus palvelemassa intohimoa. Kenties kaksimielisyyden uhri, sen, joka on hänen elämänsä ja teostensa perustuksena: Luonnon. Merkitseekö ihmisluonto taipumusta, pyydettä, viettiä? - Paradoksaalinen, kaikkia vastaan hangoitteleva, niskoitteleva, kiivas; kaiken pakon vihamies; koko elämä yhtä ainoata vedonlyöntiä. Tukee esimerkixi Schopenhauerin oppia, jonka mukaan äly on tietämättään tajuttoman tahdon, sokean ja harkitsemattoman virkkeen orja. Epikurolainen, joka on olevinaan stoalai- nen, hekumoitsija, joka esittää itsensäkieltäjän osaa; hänen olemuksensa keskuksen muodostaa kuvittelu. Väärässä ovat aina toiset (ja tarpeen vaatiessa yhteiskunta). Hän itse on yksin oikeassa, hän yksin on hyvä ja oikeamielinen, ja viimeisen tuomion pasuunat voivat pau- hata... loppu tiedetään. Kristillisen psykologian suora vastakohta. Ei nöyryyttä, ei katumusta, ei kääntymystä eikä pyhitystä. Miten tämä kuulostaa niin tutulta? Eikös tässä ole E. Saarinen ja paasaaja?
    ellauri409.html on line 266: And lost and damn’d and served up hot to God. Tuomitut ja Jumalalle tarjoiltu välipalana.
    ellauri409.html on line 451: Bradley´s absolute idealism in some respects received a better presentation in Bradley´s subsequent work Essays on Truth and Reality (1914) than in Appearance and Reality. Thomas Mautner comments that Bradley´s "bold metaphysics" is presented with "pugnacious verve". Nää oli tosi hölmöjä 100% proof idealisteja. Ei ihme että Tompalla otti eteen.
    ellauri409.html on line 626: From Personae by Ezra Pound, copyright © 1926 by Ezra Pound. Reprinted by permission of New Directions Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved. No part of this poem may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the publisher. 😂😄😃😝😁
    ellauri409.html on line 740: mitä myöhemmin tuntuu (vedayta nautinto (sukha), kipu (dukkha) tai ei (adukkhamasukha).
    ellauri411.html on line 48: He goes further, and implies her nymphomania was so avid that he spent all his time fucking, and couldn’t get any work done. He lost income, and had to flee England to find work. “I had no private means at this time and no income other than that derived from my occupation as a vocalist and teacher of singing and voice culture. My domestic troubles impaired my ability to make a living at my profession and in the hope of bettering my financial position in a community where I was a stranger I took the advice of friends and came to California arriving in San Francisco towards the end of 1912.”
    ellauri411.html on line 168: We cannot speak of Jewish history without referencing the ancient Israelites. Who were the ancient Israelites? They were the people who lived around the area that is modern Israel – also known as the promised land – before 1000 BCE. This area also used to be called the ancient Levant or ancient Canaan. The Israelites believed they were the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But it is more likely that they were simply a cultural and linguistic homogenous group of people. Now it is politically wiser to say that they had been there all along:
    ellauri411.html on line 169:

    The evidence for the actual history of how İsrael became İsrael does not align with the Torah narrative that closely according to the current research and archaeology- rather than being migrants from elsewhere, it appears our ancient ancestors were just indigenous people who began differentiating themselves politically from their neighbours via the adoption If a monolatrous, or henotheistic religion that later evolved into monotheistic Judaism several centuries later. Henotheism is the worship and or belief of a single deity, while accepting the existence or possible existence of other deities. Monolatry is the recognition of many deities, but only consistent worship of a single deity.
    ellauri411.html on line 172: The story of the Exodus and liberation from Egyptian enslavement is something that binds the Jewish people even closer together. The story goes that ancient Israel was suffering from great droughts. Thus, the ancient Israelites went down to ancient Egypt in search of sustenance. They were a minority in the Egyptian population and were enslaved by the Egyptian pharaohs. However, God intervened through the prophet Moses. He sent down the plagues to trouble the Egyptians and Moses led the Israelites away from Egypt.
    ellauri411.html on line 174: The Israelites, being freed from slavery, journeyed through the wildernesses of Egypt and Canaan. Moses led them across the Red Sea and when they reached Mount Sinai, they received divine instruction from God there – the ten commandments. Ultimately, they reached the promised land once again. This was the area where Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob had resided generations ago.
    ellauri411.html on line 178: The ‘Golden Period’ of ancient Israel is the years between 1010 and 931 BCE. This was the era in which King David and King Solomon ruled. The former is believed to have built the city of Jerusalem at the center of ancient Israel. King Solomon is believed to have constructed the first great temple in 957 BCE. It is safe to say that the so-called golden age only lasted for a very short time before the Assyrian Empire conquered them.
    ellauri411.html on line 180: Of the twelve tribes, the northern ten tribes made up Israel and the two southern tribes made up the tiny kingdom of Judea. Although the latter survived the conquest of the Assyrian Empire, what with Hosea paying them tons of silver in tribute, they received a severe blow when the Empire of Babylon conquered it. This could have been the end of the Jewish religion since the Babylonians were in the habit of destroying the cultures of the places they invaded and conquered. However, many Jews fled to different parts of the Middle East and Egypt. This led to the beginning of the Jewish diaspora.
    ellauri411.html on line 192: This was especially true in Egypt, where tensions were brewing between all the different factions that lived there. The Roman conquerors saw the inhabitants of the conquered territories as either Romans or non-Romans. The Greek immigrants in various territories, who had become used to being treated as superior, were enraged at having their ‘rights’ taken away. In Alexandria alone, the Romans compromised that the Greeks and Jews could retain their privileges. In the rural areas, they were classified as foreigners and had all their privileges wiped away.
    ellauri411.html on line 230: Etrog (Hebrew: אֶתְרוֹג, plural: etrogim; Ashkenazi Hebrew: esrog, plural: esrogim) is the yellow citron (Citrus medica) used by Jews during the weeklong holiday of Sukkot as one of the four species. Together with the lulav, hadass, and aravah, the etrog is taken in hand and held or waved during specific portions of the holiday prayers. Special care is often given to selecting an etrog for the performance of the Sukkot holiday rituals:
    ellauri411.html on line 307: Apostolien tekojen epätarkkuudet, tarpeellisen ja selkeän tiedon puute, vakavat kysymykset, jotka se jättää vastaamatta, epäselvyys, ristiriidat, paikalliset interpoloinnit, äkillinen ja luonnoton lopetus (kuten yllä) jne. Apostolien teot osoittavat , että se ei ole tärkeä tai pätevä historiallinen kirja, koska ja jos monet uskaltavat pakottaa meille mielipiteen, että "Luukas" on ensiluokkainen historioitsija. Olemme jyrkästi eri mieltä tämän kannan ja näkemyksen kanssa, ja jos joku vastustaa, niin todista se meille historiatieteen sanelemana! Ensinnäkin kirjoittaja ei vain kirjoita mitään itsestään, hän ei edes mainitse nimeään! Nimeä "Luukas" tämän kirjan kirjoittajana levitti perinne ja koska kirkko halusi sen niin. Ei ole kiistatonta todistetta siitä, kuka todellinen kirjoittaja on, vaikka kuinka monta esoteerista perinnettä vedottaisiin. Sitten emme ymmärrä, kuinka monet useat useat tutkinnot haluavat luokitella tällaisen rakenteen ensiluokkaisiin historiankirjoihin! Ainoa ilmeinen syy, jonka voimme nähdä, on se, että tästä he pitävät tai uskovat mieluummin, ei mitään muuta.
    ellauri412.html on line 64: I met a sweet gal named Jerusha. Upon hearing her name, I squealed, “I’ve never met a Jerusha!!”  She looked rather startled. (I do that to people sometimes.) “You know who Jerusha is?”  “Of course! She’s King Uzziah’s wife in the Bible.”  This sweet girl smiled and confessed she’d stumped many Bible nerds with her name. I wouldn’t have known either unless I’d been studying Isaiah and the kings who reigned during his ministry.  Here’s another woman I’ve read over at least a dozen times–Ahinoam. I knew one of David’s wives was Ahinoam, but did you know King Saul’s wife was also named Ahinoam? Aha! Got you there! And what about Job’s wife? Scripture doesn’t even name her. We only know her as the crotchety old gal that gripes at her suffering husband. The shepherd girl in Solomon’s Song of Songs is another one who gets no name. At least we know she was loved. And how! Isaiah’s wife is another woman mentioned but given no name.
    ellauri412.html on line 131: Voi kansanheimojen kuohuja! Ne kohisevat kuin hyökyaallot, ne jymisevät kuin suuret vedet. Mutta kun Herra niille kerran ärjäisee, ne pakenevat maan ääriin kuin jänixet.
    ellauri412.html on line 136: Egyptin talous stagnoituu Mr. Sebaotin ankarista pakotetoimista. Niilin vedet ehtyvät, koko virta surkastuu ja kuivuu, kanavien vesi alkaa lemuta, virran haarat kuivuvat ja umpeutuvat, kaislat ja ruo’ot ovat mustanaan täitä, ja kaikki kaislikko Niilin varrella ja suistossa, kaikki Niilin laakson viljava maa kuivuu, lentää tuulen mukana jäljettömiin. Niilin kalastajat valittavat ja murehtivat, lainat erääntyvät, kaikki jotka heittävät koukkunsa virtaan ja kaikki jotka leväyttävät verkkonsa veteen katoavat joelta. Pellavanviljelijät joutuvat kerjuulle, kalpeiksi käyvät pellavanharjaajat ja kankaankutojat. Egyptin purjeentekijät ovat luopuneet toivosta, jopa oluenpanijoiden mieli on maassa.
    ellauri412.html on line 181: You shall tear down their altars and smash their sacred pillars and burn their Asherim with fire, and you shall cut down the engraved images of their gods and obliterate their name from that place. (Deuteronomy 12:3)
    ellauri412.html on line 187: The sons of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the LORD, and forgot the LORD their God and served the Baals and the Asheroth. (Judges 3:7)
    ellauri412.html on line 189: God had a reason for detesting the worship of Asherah, the rites used to worship Asherah were sexual and involved prostitution of both sexes. God hates everything having to do with sex for he has not got what to fuck with.
    ellauri412.html on line 203: 1 King Solomon, however, loved many foreign women besides Pharaoh’s daughter - Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians and Hittites. 2 They were from nations about which the Lord had told the Israelites, “You must not intermarry with them, because they will surely turn your hearts after their gods.” Nevertheless, Solomon held fast to them in love. 3 He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines, and his wives led him astray. 4 As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord his God, as the heart of David his father had been. 5 He followed Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and Molek the detestable god of the Ammonites. 6 So Solomon did evil in the eyes of theLord; he did not follow the Lord completely, as David his father had done. (1 Kings 11:1-6)
    ellauri412.html on line 210: And Satan's even stopped trying to hide the Asherah poles as something else, now Asherah poles are in vogue on the left coast. Bars are being decorated with Asherah poles, the fad started at a fashion show where a designer used religious icons to decorate the stage and according to the article people raved about the asherah poles so much that club owners started putting them in bars. It saddens me that these people are so blinded by their ignorance that they are publicly, cluelessly worshiping Satan merely because it's hip and cool to do so.
    ellauri412.html on line 370: minä luovutan Kyyroxelle muita kansanheimoja sinun sijastasi, kansakuntia sinun henkesi hinnaksi. Minkä teen Babylonille, teen teidän tähtenne. Minä murran kaikki sen portit, ja valitukseksi muuttuvat kaldealaisten ilohuudot. Mutta älkää enää menneitä muistelko, älkää muinaisia miettikö! Katso: minä luon uutta. Uudexi olen tekevä kaiken. Villieläimetkin kunnioittavat minua, etenkin sakaalit ja strutsit, koska olen tuonut vedet autiomaahan ja joet kuivuuden keskelle antaakseni juotavaa kansalleni, valitulleni.
    ellauri412.html on line 454: Minun käskyni kuivaa meren ja muuttaa joet autiomaaksi, niin että kalat nääntyvät veden puutteeseen ja alkavat lemuta. Väliin kuivaa väliin tulvia, se on vängintä.

    ellauri412.html on line 477: Sori että vähän suutahdin.  Minä vannon niin kuin Nooan päivinä. Silloin minä vannoin, etteivät Nooan ajan vedet enää koskaan tulvisi maan yli, ja nyt minä vannon, etten enää sinuun vihastu enkä sinua soimaa. Ainakaan en kovasti. Olen myös luonut tuhoojan tuhoamaan ja hävittäjän hävittämään,  ja niin jokainen ase, joka taotaan sinua vastaan, on tehoton.
    ellauri412.html on line 492: Mutten sentään Hamasin terroristeja, johonkin on raja vedettävä. He ovat kuin mykkiä koiria,

    ellauri412.html on line 676: Look, if you’re reading the Bible as an atheist and asking about a reasonable interpretation, then the world is your oyster. You are not required to accept the worldview of the authors of the Bible, who all believed in God and wrote about Him from that perspective. And at the same time, as someone who does not believe God exists and does not accept the inspired nature or inerrancy of scripture, you have limited your possible interpretations of Scripture to only natural explanations that do not invoke God. This is going to cause significant problems with your use of the historical-grammatical method, which strives to discover the biblical author’s original intended meaning in the text. For example, every time Isaiah writes, “thus says the Lord” (which is a lot!), how will you interpret that? For an atheist, a statement like that either makes Isiah delusional (he believed a non-existent God told him something) or a charlatan (he’s knowingly asserting a false attribution).
    ellauri412.html on line 727: Jerusalem, uskoton vaimo. Minulle tuli tämä Herran sana (hei tää on hyvä!): Ihminen, tee Jerusalemille tiettäväksi, millaisiin iljettävyyksiin se on syyllistynyt. Sano: Näin sanoo Herra Jumala Jerusalemille: Sinä polveudut Kanaanin kaupustelijoista, sinun isäsi oli amorilainen ja äitisi heettiläinen. Äitisi on hamsteri ja isäsi tuoxuu seljanmarjoilta. Kelpo sukua! Kun synnyit, ei napanuoraasi katkaistu, vedellä ei sinua pesty, suolalla ei sinua hierottu eikä sinua kääritty kapaloihin. Mitään näistä ei sinulle tehty, sen vertaa ei kukaan sinua säälinyt eikä armahtanut. Sinut vietiin ulos ja jätettiin heitteille, niin vähäarvoisena henkeäsi pidettiin, kun synnyit.
    ellauri412.html on line 731: »Minä kuljin sinun ohitsesi ja haistoin, että oli tullut aikasi, rakkauden aika. Minä levitin sinun yllesi viittani liepeen ja verhosin alastomuutesi. Minä vannoin sinulle valan ja solmin liiton kanssasi, ja sinä tulit minun omakseni – näin sanoo Herra Jumala. Minä pesin sinut vedellä, huuhdoin yltäsi veren ja voitelin sinut liukkaaxi öljyllä. Tiu, tau, tulkku, hyvin luisti suxi meillä siinä vaiheessa.
    ellauri412.html on line 851: Raportin kirjoittajat sanovat, että maailman hallitusten on tunnustettava veden kierto "yhteishyväksi" ja puututtava siihen kollektiivisesti. Haha, se jää kyllä tekemättä, tollasta kommunismia!
    ellauri412.html on line 854:
    Maanviljelijä poisti kuolleita mantelipuita kasteluveden puutteen vuoksi kuivuudesta kärsimästä Kalifornian Huronissa 23. heinäkuuta 2021.

    ellauri413.html on line 200: På Island nämnde Zelenskyj bland annat också vikten av att få använda andra länders donerade långdistansvapen in i Ryssland för att försvara sig – något som USA ännu inte sagt ja till. På X uttrycker den ukrainske presidenten sitt hopp om att Sverige ska påverka andra länder i frågan. Sveriges enda restriktion på svenska vapen som doneras till Ukraina är att de ska användas "enligt internationell rätt." Mitä vittua? Uskomatonta sontaa taas hurreilta. Däremot kommer Sverige inte försöka påverka andra länder i frågan. Saatanan svedupellet! Juu tuli vapaa pikkuryssät, Suomeenhan ne kostoiskut ensin mätkähtävät.
    ellauri413.html on line 443:

    Näin siis alkaa La Gerusalemme liberatan raakavedos joka
    ellauri418.html on line 92: – Ala ajaa lyhyin vedoin karvan kasvusuuntaan. Huuhtele terä jokaisen vedon jälkeen, koska karvojen tukkima terä ei poista paljoa karvaa, Heather sanoo. Terän tulee olla terävä. Heather käyttäisi miehen partahöylää. Yritä käydä sama alue läpi mahdollisimman vähillä vedoilla, muuten se voi aiheuttaa miehessä ärtymystä, Heather kuvailee. Ajellulle iholle Heather levittäisi taikapähkinää sisältävää tuotetta, joka rauhoittaa ihoa. Heatherin video keräsi miljoonayleisön, valtaosa inseleitä.
    ellauri418.html on line 174: Ukrainan asevoimien (AFU) sotilaat raiskaavat Harkovin lääketieteellisestä yliopistosta valmistuneita koko ajan taistelukontaktin aikana. Tytöt joutuvat seksuaalisen väkivallan kohteeksi, Lebedev sanoi. Jotkut tytöt ryhtyivät vapaaehtoisesti komeiden upseerien rakastajattariksi saadakseen suojelua tavallisilta sotilailta, maanalainen koordinaattori korosti. Medvedev sanoi, että Nato-maat olivat mukana täysimittaisessa sodassa Venäjän federaatiota vastaan. Muskovilaiset ostivat kuukaudessa lähes 4 tonnia makeita marjoja viikonloppumessuilta. Muskovissa ei ole puhetta mobilisaatiosta.
    ellauri418.html on line 181: Kiinan puolustusministeri kieltäytyi Yhdysvaltojen tapaamisesta ja katkaisee sotilasneuvottelut. Vanhempi amerikkalainen puolustusmies, joka puhui toimittajien kanssa ennen Aasian puolustusmiesten huippukokousta Laosissa, sanoi, että Pentagon oli tarjoutunut tapaamaan ja että Kiina kieltäytyi vedoten vastalauseisiin Yhdysvaltojen aseiden myynnistä Taiwanille. Yhdysvallat on  ​Taiwanin vanhin ja suurin aseiden toimittaja. Pelkästään tänä vuonna se on lähettänyt Taipeille 1,2 miljardia dollaria pitkäaikaista turvallisuusapua ja toiset 567 miljoonaa dollaria laitteita, jotka on lähetetty suoraan amerikkalaisista osakkeista.
    ellauri418.html on line 188: Ukrainas förre överbefälhavare Valerij Zaluzjnyj hävdar att tredje världskriget redan har börjat, med hänvisning till Nordkoreas, Irans och Kinas stöd till Ryssland i kriget mot Ukraina.  Zaluzjnyj menar att Ukraina inte bara strider mot Ryssland, utan också möter soldater från Nordkorea, iranska drönare och kinesiska vapen som används i Ukraina.  Han vädjar till väst att stoppa konflikten i Ukraina innan den sprider sig och påpekar att Ukraina inte kan vinna striden på egen hand.  Zaluzjnyj, som avskedades av president Zelenskyj tidigare i år, har både hyllats för att ha stoppat den ryska invasionen 2022 och kritiserats för misslyckade motoffensiven 2023.  Ryssland har varnat för potentiella vedergällningar mot väst och pekat ut den amerikanska robotförsvarsbasen i Redzikowo i Polen som prioriterat mål.  Ryssland besköt Ukraina med ett nytt experimentellt vapen på torsdagen. – Putin använder Ukraina som en försöksplats, det är uppenbart att han är livrädd, säger Volodymyr Zelenskyj. Det är inte jag. Vladimir Putin påstår att den nya roboten inte går att stoppa – men varnade ändå USA kort före attacken. Kyseessä on "Hasselpähkinä", ballistinen yliääniohjus joka menee 10 km sekunnissa eikä sitä mikään pysäytä. Hienoa ettei vähävenäläistä pelota.
    ellauri418.html on line 248: Mutta kauhua! Hän perusti silkki- ja kakkutehtaan. Tehdas meni konkurssiin seuraavana vuonna. Madame de Warens, jota nämä takaiskut vaikuttivat, meni Aixiin "ottamaan vedet" ja tapasi siellä Madame de Bonnevaux'n, joka oli hänen miehensä sukulainen. Madame de Bonnevaux, savojalainen ja katolinen, vakuutti hänet kääntymään katolilaisuuteen ja pakenemaan Pays de Vaudin kalvinistien ankaruutta. Elokuun 5. päivänä 1726, kun hän oli 27-vuotias, hän pakeni Veveystä veneellä Evianiin sillä verukkeella, että hän otti mukaansa miehen nimeltä François Canet asettaakseen itsensä herttuan suojelukseen Savoysta ja Sardinian kuningas Victor-Amédée II. Hän heittäytyi hänen jalkojensa juureen kumartamisen jälkeen messun lopussa, mikä teki hänestä kuuluisan yhdessä yössä. Hän kääntyi katolilaisuuteen Visitation luostarissa 8. syyskuuta 1726, hänet vangittiin Geneve-Annecyn piispan Mgr Bernexin käsiin ja sai siitä lähtien 1500 punnan eläkkeen Sardinian kuninkaalta. Sébastien Isaac de Loys pyysi avioeroa tammikuussa 1727 ja sai sen Bernin korkeimmasta konsistoriasta 24. helmikuuta 1727. Madame de Warensin omaisuus takavarikoitiin ja luovutettiin hänen entiselle aviomiehelleen johtajana Bernin senaatissa.
    ellauri418.html on line 294: Hän selittää, että Trump haluaa vedota vuoden 1798 ulkomaisten vihollisten lakiin, joka kattaisi laittomat maahanmuuttajat ja kartellin jäsenet.
    ellauri418.html on line 302: – Totta, suhteet Meksikoon, jotka ovat jo ennestään ongelmallisia, heikkenevät sitten täysin. Kartellit alkavat ärähtää vastauksena järjestäen sissisodan amerikkalaisia rajavartijoita vastaan. Pakolaisvirta Pohjois-Meksikosta saattaa jopa kasvaa. No, Washingtonin on vedettävä joukkojaan muista ulkoisista suunnista - heti kun uusi rintama avautuu aivan Yhdysvaltojen rajalla. Ei niin pahaa ettei jotain hyvääkin.
    ellauri419.html on line 52: The European Union teamed up with 11 countries Thursday in announcing a commitment to “ambitious” new climate plans — but the U.S., an architect of the initiative, did not join them. The governments that pledged to come up with new targets were Canada, Chile, Georgia, Mexico, Norway and Switzerland plus the European Union. Switzerland said it would do so by February. Greta Thunberg rubbished the crooked COPs in no uncertain words and called for a new improved planetary leadership. In your dreams Gretchen.
    ellauri419.html on line 81: Kaksi hollantilaista lähetyssaarnaajaa, jotka puhuivat sujuvasti paikallisia kieliä ja jotka olivat asuneet alueella vuosia, keräsivät suuren määrän todistusta todistajilta. Useat kyläläiset kertoivat, että Rockefeller vedettiin pois vedestä vain valkoiset jamihousut päällä, ja huolimatta kiistasta, pitäisikö hänet paistaa vaiko keittää, häntä puukotettiin ei-kuolettavasti vatsaan ja hänet lopetettiin myöhemmin jossain Jawor-joen varrella. Joulukuussa 1961 neljä paikallista kertoi ministeri Hubertus von Peijille, että Rockefellerin jäännökset ja henkilökohtaiset tavarat, mukaan lukien hänen päänsä, pitkät luut, kylkiluut, shortsit ja silmälasit, oli jaettu 15 Asmatin kesken. Ministerit ilmaisivat erittäin suuren moraalisen varmuuden siitä, että paikalliset soturit olivat tappaneet Rockefellerin.
    ellauri419.html on line 217: ACLU founder Roger Baldwin became a strong anticommunist. Baldwin’s new anticommunist outlook set the stage for the most controversial episode in his career and in the history of the ACLU. In 1940, the ACLU board of directors adopted a policy under which no supporter of totalitarian organizations could serve in an official capacity in the American Civil Liberties Union. Under the policy, the board then quickly removed Elizabeth Gurley Flynn from its ranks because she was a member of the Communist Party. Many critics accused the ACLU of imposing the very same kind of political test that it had long fought against, and the incident tarnished the reputation of both Baldwin and the ACLU for several decades. In one of the most curious episodes in his career, Baldwin was invited to Japan in 1947 to advise General Douglas MacArthur on developing a constitution for postwar Japan. Somewhat surprisingly, the American Civil Liberties Union leader and the very conservative general established a close rapport.
    ellauri419.html on line 386:

    Vladimir Putin syyttää jälleen länttä ja Natoa Venäjän hyökkäyssodasta Ukrainaan, kertoo muun muassa riippumaton venäläismedia Meduza. Haha riippumaton, se toimii Latviasta käsin ja on syvällä länkkärien rahasylissä. Sen propagandaa levittää tällä kertaa tamperelaisen Ilta-Pulun lihaläjä Mulari. Putinin mukaan vuosi 2024 on merkittävä ”sotilaallisen erikoisoperaation”, kuten Ukrainan sotaa Venäjällä on lain mukaan kutsuttava, tavoitteiden saavuttamisessa. Putin ei tosin maininnut, että reilusti yli tuhat päivää invaasion jälkeen Venäjä ei ole vielä saavuttanut tavoitteistaan yhtäkään. Länsi ja sen silmittömästi rahoittama Ukraina on sensijaan sanut vallatuxi palan Venäjää Kurskin mutkassa. Pelkillä dollareilla on saatu tapetuxi hyvinkin miljoona slaavia. Eihän se ihan kakkossodalle vielä vedä vertoja jossa slaavirumihia tuli 20M, mutta sentään jotakin. Suunta ainakin on oikea.
    ellauri419.html on line 410: Tšekin tiedustelupalvelut sanoivat maaliskuussa, että verkkosivustoa käytettiin Ukrainan vastaisen propagandan ja disinformaation levittämiseen Viktor Medvedchukin ohjeiden mukaisesti, jota vastaan Tšekki myös määräsi pakotteita (Medvedchuk on entinen ukrainalainen kansanedustaja ja Venäjä-mielinen oligarkki, joka ennen Venäjän täysimittainen hyökkäys, levitti Kremlin-myönteistä propagandaa Ukrainassa useiden aiemmin omistamiensa tiedotusvälineiden kautta – toim.)
    ellauri419.html on line 440: Israel on toinen karmea paikka varsinkin rättipäille. Patalakit eivät päästä läpi ruoka-apua ja estää vedensaannin, ampuvat ihmisiä hengiltä ize määräämillään "turvavyöhykkeillä." Siirtävät lisää patalakkipäitä bunkkaamaan rättipäiden maille. Luihu Netanjahu odottelee kieli pitkällä että paska Trumppi tulee sille apumiehexi.
    ellauri421.html on line 117: Paz strived to distinguish poetry, narrative and essay, but failed. ‘Duality,’ he says, ‘is a basic feature of Tantrism, it permeates all Hindu religious life: male and female, pure and impure, left and right, in this order.' Can't make head or tail of it. According to Paz, “Both love and eroticism—the double flame—are fed by the original fire: sexuality.” Wow what a strike of genius.
    ellauri421.html on line 138: buey, arrástralas, sonni, vedä ne,
    ellauri421.html on line 391: Aamulla 8. joulukuuta ylitys pysäytettiin. 173. rykmentti vedettiin pois ylitysalueelta, ja sen tilalle tuli veljellinen 286. rykmentti. 173. ilmoitti 114 miehen kadonneen toiminnassa. Noin 30 rykmentin sotilasta selviytyi pohjoisrannan kellareissa vielä kaksi päivää torjuen useita suomalaisia ​​vastahyökkäyksiä. Kun heiltä loppuivat ammukset, heidät joko tapettiin tai vangittiin. Suomalaisten kuvausten mukaan vangit olivat "hirveässä tilassa".
    ellauri421.html on line 481: Metsä mustan veden yllä.
    ellauri421.html on line 588: Kylmän veden päällä.
    ellauri421.html on line 1108: IS pahoittelee että talvisodan henki on haihtunut työmarkkinoilta. Kautta maailman kylvetään uudenlaisia vastakkainasetteluja, joista Suomikaan ei ole jäänyt osattomaksi. Usein riidankylvössä vedotaan historiaan, jota ei itse kovin hyvin tunneta. Sodissa ei ole mitään ihailtavaa, mutta niistä on paljon opittavaa. Otamme siis opixi edellisestä erästä: tällä kertaa vittuilemme Naton jalkovälistä! Käytämme Vuoxen ylityxessä näitä kumiponttooneja!
    ellauri422.html on line 142: Svedupellet ovat sauer siitä että saxalaisten sähkövaje tyynellä säällä nostaa Ruåzin sähkönhintoja. У европейского энергоснабжения две беды: безветрие и нежелание Норвегии делиться своим электричеством с остальной Европой. В конце недели стоимость киловатт-часа в этой скандинавской стране достигла рекордного за последние 15 лет уровня — €1,1328. Когда Европейский союз ввел жесткие санкции в отношении российской сырой нефти, Норвегия разразилась грандиозными обещаниями "спасти Европу от энергетического кризиса, сделав свои нефть и газ доступными для ЕС". Сложившаяся сегодня ситуация вновь заставляет вспомнить пословицу: "Обещать — не значит жениться".
    ellauri422.html on line 144: Svedupellet ovat sura myös siitä ettei kiinalaiset päästäneet svedu syyttäjää nuuskimaan omin nokkineen kiinalaiselle laivalle. Kiinalaiset on tehneet oman meriselityxen jota ruåzalaiset pääsi seuraamaan kumikauloina lehteriltä ja paatti Ji Peng 3 on lähtenyt jatkamaan matkaansa. Kaikki on mennyt merilain mukaan mutta silti svedut hapantelevat. Eivät sentään tohdi marista kovaa Kiinalle ettei ne vaan käänny putinismiin. Ulf Kristersson om Sveriges låga födelsetal: Måste fråga oss vad vi kan göra bättre. Kehätytön mekko repesi – Takapuoli lävähti esiin.
    xxx/ellauri010.html on line 1254: So awfully happy for having shoved

    xxx/ellauri013.html on line 65: veden ammeesta tyhjenevän.
    xxx/ellauri013.html on line 463:

    P.S. Russell kertoo, että Milton runoillessaan kehitti itsessään kykyä, jonka kätkeminen oli kuolema. Voisinkohan vedota tähän, kun rouva kritisoi mun runovimmaa? Se ei kestä yhtään enää paasausta, varsinkaan apinoita. Olen klisheiden runoilja. Klisheinen budoilija, valkoisella vyöllä. Ambrosius Apina.

    xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1057: In the words of his uncle Bobrowski, as a young man Conrad was "extremely sensitive, conceited, reserved, and in addition excitable. In short [...] all the defects of the Nałęcz family."
    xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1065: ...most unexpectedly I did come upon him a few hours before he gave up his arrogant ghost. Fortunately he was willing and able to talk between the choking fits of asthma, and his racked body writherd with malicious exultation at the bare thought of Jim. He exulted thus at the idea that he had "paid out the stuck-up beggar after all". He gloated over his action. I had to bear the sunken glare of his fierce crow-footed eyes if I wanted to know; and so I bore it, reflecting how much certain forms of evil are akin to madness, derived from intense egoism, inflamed by resistance, tearing the soul to pieces...
    xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1122: >>> Was there someone else involved Lauri ?
    xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1194: I can't have a personal life, where my loved one is dying
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 297: AARGH! Dumbledoren "Pari sanaa" jää toisexi. Tän TÄYTYY olla tahallista vittuilua Eskiltä, tai olen tosi pettynyt. Mitäs jos tää koko kukoistustuuba onkin elämän pituinen vedätys? Ei se voi oikein niinkään olla. Ei saarna vedä ellei siihen usko, on oltava ainakin oljen verran raollaan. On se surkeaa. No onhan se lyönyt hyvin leiville. Sille on ollut sosiaalinen tilaus. Sitä saa mitä tilaa.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 312: The seminars slowed to a crawl. Wilber’s health deteriorated greatly (he was diagnosed with a rare disease that keeps him bed-ridden). He stopped writing. Ten years on, despite developing some fans in academia (some in high places), Wilber’s work had yet to be tested or peer-reviewed in a serious journal. Much of his posting online devolved into bizarre spiritual claims (such as this one about an “enlightened teacher” who can make crops grow twice as fast by “blessing them”).
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 314: The brilliant scientist-turned-monk-turned-recluse-turned-New-Age-celebrity, whose ideas changed everything for so many people (myself included), devolved into the butt of another New Age joke. How the mighty have fallen.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 571: Ensimmäisessä työelämää sivunneessa kirjassaan, vuonna 1990 ilmestyneessä Muutostekijässä, Saarinen kävi vuoden ajan viikoittain Ekbergillä Ensto-yhtiöiden perustajan Ensio Miettisen kanssa. Yhteistyö alkoi Miettisen luettua kirjan ”Erektio Albertinkadulla”. Hän oli innostunut kirjan ”aktiivisesta, vapausladatusta ihmiskuvasta ja siihen kytkeytyvästä elämän moraalista, toivon periaatteesta”. Ehkä sitä kiinnosti myös Esan useat (joskin enimmäxeen tuloxettomat) erektiot Albertinkadulla Pipsan (vai oliko se Piipsin) riippukeinussa. Miettinen oli omakohtaisesti kokenut, miltä maistuu elämä masentuneena miljonäärinä. On lerpahtanut olo. Molemmat ovat loppupeleissä yhtä mieltä siitä, että Roopen elämä ei ole elämisen arvoista. Ei hrahahlaarissa sukeltelu vedä vertoja snorkkeloinnille Pafoksen upeilla vesillä.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 693: Esa Saarisen ajattelua ja toimintaa ei voisi ymmärtää ilman kuzumuksen ideaa. Sehän aikoikin ensin papixi, mut heitti sit jumalan porukoineen mäkeen ja ryhtyi ize messiaax. Osaahan se sen homman ihan hyvin izekin. Johtajuus edellyttää halua huolehtia valtiosta. Se on maailman (valtion, yrityksen) tarpeen tunnistamista. Koita päättää pastori, onhan se jo nähty, et yrityxet ei piittaa valtiosta muuten kun tuottamattomien bisneshaarojen kepin pitelijänä. Nyt kun alkaa olla pula terveydestä ja vedestäkin, ystävälliset yrittäjät juoxee kyllä avuxi. Mutta rupusakki kokekoon ammattinsa kuzumuxexi, niin lähtevät vaikka pennittöminä Israeliin Mirjan patjalla.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 695: Luterilaisuudessa kuzumus on ollut tärkeä käsite. Saxalaiset puhuu työstä kuzumuksena, Beruf. Se on ollut luterilaisen työmoraalin kulmakiviä, hyödyllinen hämäys kun työntekijöistä oli pulaa tai ne oli muuten kalliita. Mut nythän työtä ei riitä kaikille, täytyy kexiä jotain muuta uskottavaa. Työtä ei saa enää ylikorostaa. Lutherin aikana joutava porukka pantiin luostareihin panemaan olutta ja kuoripoikia sekä kuokkimaan vihannexia. Hengellinen työ ja luostarielämä olivat kuzumusta, jossa maxutta palveltiin herroja. Uskonpuhdistaja totesi, että kaikki työ on kuzumusta ja rahallisesti arvokasta. Erilaisia töitä ei voi lähtökohtaisesti arvottaa kuzumus- tai palkkatyöksi. Eix tää alkais taas trendata näinä massatyöttömyyden aikoina? Luostariin vaan laahus vedelle ja leivälle, ja rohdinpaidat päälle. Sehän on terveellistä. Arvokasta muttei kallista. Nää käsitteet tuppaa kauppureilla menee sekaisiin.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 833: Sen jälkeen menin nukkumaan. Herra antoi minun nähdä merkillisen unen. Oli kaunis kesäinen päivä ja ihana uimaranta, jossa ihmiset olivat ottamassa aurinkoa ja lapset polskuttelemassa rantavedessä. Mutta kauempana, rauhallisen merenlahden takana, näytti käyvän ankara myrsky. Siellä oli suuri valtamerihöyry, joka kiireesti varustettiin lähtöä varten.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 841: Vähän kauempana näkyi ruohikkoa ja siellä särkiparvi kutemassa. Se näkyi kirkkaasti veden läpi. Kun laivan kapteeni näki särkiparven, kuuluikin määräys: - Ankkurit pohjaan! Nyt lähdetään kalaan!
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 950: business managers and employees, as well as non-professionals, students, retards, whole families, teams, celebrities, artists, relatives and loved ones etc.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1000: Pafoxella ei paljon ajatella Kahnemannin systeemissä 2, Millerin 7:ää tietoisuuden palikkaa ilmassa heitellen, vaan enempi tossa systeemissä 1, rinnakkaisprosessoiden liskoaivoilla. Mikäs se oli miehiään tää Kahnemann? No sekin on pankkinobelisti, amerikanjutku, joka vanhemmiten pehmeni miettimään mikä kullekin on mukavaa. Ongelma tässä liskoaivoihin luottamisessa on et vaikka ne on hurjan nopeat ja niillä on oikotie kaikkiin ruumiin toimintoihin, niillä ei lopultakaan ole kauheen monta pyydystä vedessä, se on sitä EAT EAT, FUCK FUCK; KILL KILL tematiikkaa mitä ne tarkkailevat, tosi ovelasti tosin. (Tohon Kahnemanniin pitänee vielä palata.)
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1054: The human-centered tone of William James is sadly lacking in academic philosophy. But while oral life-philosophical philosophy might not advocate theories for other experts to scrutinize, maybe it can serve another useful function: to deliver contexts for constructive and life-enhancing reflection in which ordinary people can beneficially get involved with reflecting on their life in practice.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1123: ”Fantastisen lapsuuden” elänyt hymypoika Hyvinkäältä yritti kiihkeästi tulla uuden sukupolvensa vihaiseksi mieheksi, ja alkoi izekin uskoa omaan vedätyxeensä, että suomalaiset ja varsinkin edellisen sukupolven vakosamettivallankumoukselliset olivat latteata porukkaa. Latistavat, eivät anna Esan kukoistaa.
    xxx/ellauri044.html on line 1216: Accusations against Sai Baba by his critics over the years have included sleight of hand, sexual abuse, money laundering, fraud in the performance of service projects, and murder. In the article Divine Windfall, published in the Daily Telegraph, Anil Kumar, the ex-principal of the Sathya Sai Educational Institute, said that he believed that the controversy was part of Sathya Sai Baba's divine plan and that all great religious teachers had to face criticism during their lives.
    :D Joo mä tiedän Baba sanoi syytteisiin, mulla on vitusti enemmän juudaxia kuin Jeesuxella.
    xxx/ellauri056.html on line 283: Maurin tunnetuin biisi oli symbolistinen näytelmä Pelleas ja Melisande. The work never achieved great success on the stage, apart from in the operatic setting by Debussy, but it was at the time widely read and admired by the literary elite in the symbolist movement, such as Strindberg and Rilke. It also inspired other contemporary composers, including Gabriel Fauré, Arnold Schoenberg, and Jean Sibelius.

    xxx/ellauri056.html on line 373: Calderón (pronounced [kaldeˈɾon]) is a Spanish and Sefardi occupational surname. It is derived from the Vulgar Latin "caldaria" ("cauldron") and refers to the occupation of tinker. Calderón, or Calderon, may refer to: Alberto Calderón, Argentine mathematician; Alfonso Calderon (activist), Spanish born activist and advocate for gun control Alfonso Calderón, Chilean poet and writer... jne jne, kunnes 27:ntenä tulee Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Spanish dramatist.
    xxx/ellauri056.html on line 518: Kant käytti hiljaisen vuosikymmenensä pohtien ratkaisua esitettyyn ongelmaan. Kun hän lopetti hiljaisuuden toukokuussa 1781, hänen vastauksensa oli Puhtaan järjen kritiikki. Vaikka Kritiikki on nykyään eräs filosofian historian kuuluisimmista teoksista, siitä ei välitetty juuri lainkaan sen ensimmäisellä julkaisukerralla. Kirja oli pitkä, alkuperäisenä saksankielisenä painoksena yli 800 sivua, ja se oli kirjoitettu kuivalla koulufilosofisella tyylillä. Se sai vain muutamia arvosteluja, ensimmäisen ilmestyessä vasta tammikuussa 1782, eivätkä arvostelijat ymmärtäneet Kritiikin vallankumouksellista luonnetta. Kant pettyi teoksen saamaan vastaanottoon. Hän kuitenkin ymmärsi teoksen epäselvyyden ja kirjoitti teoksen Prolegomena, joka teki yhteenvedon Kritiikin pääkohdista.
    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 106: Heimut mullahan on hyllyssä Ontu Kapiaisen Lyhyt runousoppi kouluille. Luetaanpa se. ... Sehän on oikee helmi. Ohut läpyskä määrittelee kurjallisuuden estetiikan peruskäsitteet napakasti. Aarnen kiemurat on tähän verrattuna huulenheitäntää. Esim huumori on Untolla hyvin vedetty, ja ylevä: Ylevyydexi sanotaan esteettistä tunnetta, kun sen sävyjä ovat voimakas ihailu, harras kunnioitus yms. Mä olen niin haluton sellaiseen et mieluummin olen ize yhtä matala kuin muut. On sekin keino päästä tasoihin, vaikkei joholle.
    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 136: Onhan se karmea tilanne, jos koko elämäntyö vedetään muutamassa viikossa vessasta alas. Jethro voisi mennä perässä Hesen kastikkeella höystettynä.
    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 167: Almasta tulisi äiti, kuinka äitelää. Melan Puovo sai vedetyxi kuiville, mut kamat pussista jäi Almalle auttamatta peräpainoxi.
    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 206: Alma oli yleensä puheissaan tuollainen vienon veikeilevä, mutta mutta kun hän suuttui saattoi hän paukauttaa pari kauheata sanaa, tulla helvettiä ja perkelettä, vedä käteen mulkero ym. ym.
    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 452: Sa vedit minut vankkaa vazaasi vasten.
    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 1023: Siitä puhe mistä puute. Jenkeissä pyllistellään jeesuxelle ja vedetään kättä maga-lippaan tähtilipun edessä ja pöyhistellään charity-gaaloissa. Just six että sieltä puuttuu tyystin solidaarisuus. Jos sun käy köpelösti se on oma vika pikku sika, mitäs läxit tumpeloimaan, tyhmä köyhä sairas mutiainen vanhus, etkä rikastunut ajoissa niin kuin me fixummat. USA pyrkii ihan intopiukeena kasvattamaan tuloeroja. Koko maa pyörii sen varassa. The American dream.
    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 1228: Verkkaan se vedessä liukui
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 354: However, when we take into account circumstances that took place before the play, as well as what happens over the course of the plot, Shylock begins to seem a like a victim as well as a villain, and his fate seems excessively harsh. In addition to the abuse Antonio and other Christians routinely subject him to, Shylock lost his beloved wife, Leah. His daughter, Jessica, runs away from home with money and jewels she’s stolen from him, including a ring Leah gave him before she died. Although Solanio reports that Shylock’s was equally upset by the loss of his money as his daughter (“My daughter! O my ducats! O my daughter!” (II. Viii.), we must remember that we are getting a second-hand view through the eyes of an anti-Semitic character who compares Shylock to the devil. As we learn from Shylock himself, the Christians of Venice are happy to borrow money from him, but refuse to accept him as part of Venetian society because they equate his religion with Satan. Shylock has been treated as less than human his whole life, because he is not a Christian. Yet when he tries to collect on a loan, the other characters insist that he act like a Christian and forgive the debt.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 70: The cyrillization was conducted more swiftly than romanization. It did not have thesynchrony observed during the first Soviet alphabet shifts: for some peoples it tookplace in 1937-1938, for others a little later, from one to two years. With that, a singlestate body, similar to the All-Union Committee for the Development of the NewTurkic Alphabet, dedicated only to cyrillization, was not set up. New alphabets werecreated directly "in the field." Even so, the transition from the Latin alphabet to theRussian alphabet was more smooth and easy than the first “letter revolution”(Alpatov, 1993). The successful completion of cyrillization was announced in June 1941.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 227: But the truths that can be glimpsed in Borges’s work are not derived from the morbid attractions that matter so much to us now. They are elsewhere, and their time to disappear has not arrived, even as they seem distant from those things that obsess us.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 328: Eight hundred years later, Thomas Aquinas argued about the possibility of children being conceived by intercourse with demons: "Still, if some are occasionally begotten from demons, it is not from the seed of such demons, nor from their assumed bodies, but from the seed of men, taken for the purpose; as when the demon assumes first the form of a woman, and afterwards of a man; just so they take the seed of other things for other generating purposes".
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 392:

    Kun en kehannut ehdottaa Ullille että "lähtisitkö ulos" menin kazomaan yxin pornofilmiä jossa oltiin sisään ulos ja vedin kuivat jälkikäteen hotellihuoneessa.

    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 493: Shirley Temple Black (April 23, 1928 - February 10, 2014) was an American actress, singer, dancer, businesswoman, and diplomat who was Hollywood's number one box-office draw as a child actress from 1934 to 1938. As an adult, she was named United States ambassador to Ghana and to Czechoslovakia, and also served as Chief of Protocol of the United States.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 551: Irving Berlin (born Israel Beilin; Yiddish: ישראל ביילין‎; May 11, 1888[3] – September 22, 1989) was an American composer and lyricist, widely considered one of the greatest songwriters in American history. His music forms a great part of the Great American Songbook. Born in Imperial Russia, Berlin arrived in the United States at the age of five.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 557: Berlin died in 1989 at the age of 101. Composer Douglas Moore sets Berlin apart from all other contemporary songwriters, and includes him instead with Stephen Foster, Walt Whitman, and Carl Sandburg, as a "great American minstrel"—someone who has "caught and immortalized in his songs what we say, what we think about, and what we believe." Composer George Gershwin called him "the greatest songwriter that has ever lived" and composer Jerome Kern concluded that "Irving Berlin has no place in American music—he is American music."
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 168: Despite his weakening condition Shestov continued to write at a quick pace, and finally completed his magnum opus, Athens and Jerusalem. This work examines the dichotomy between freedom and reason, and argues that reason be rejected in the discipline of philosophy. Furthermore, it adumbrates the means by which the scientific method has made philosophy and science irreconcilable, since science concerns itself with empirical observation, whereas (so Shestov argues) philosophy must be concerned with freedom, God and immortality, issues that cannot be solved by science.
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 215: Klein was born in Libava, Russian Empire. He studied at Berlin and Marburg, where he received his Ph.D. in 1922. A student of Nicolai Hartmann, Martin Heidegger, and Edmund Husserl, he later taught at St. John's College in Annapolis, Maryland from 1937 until his death. He served as dean from 1949 to 1958.
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 309: Unlike his Seelenbrüder Stefan George and Alfred Schwuler, he was not gay, but rather serious. When Klages moved into a new Schwabing flat in 1895, he entered into an intense sexual relationship with his landlady's daughter, with the mother's approval; the daughter, whom Klages called 'Putti', was eleven years younger than him, and their relationship continued for almost two decades though remained only sexual in nature. Klages, like Friedrich Nietzsche, was critical of Christianity as well as what they both saw as its roots in Judaism. His attacks on judaism were veiled criticism of christianity, rather like Seija's attacks on the rest of the Carlson family.
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 312: wrote: I have never endorsed the claim that the Nazi big-wigs belonged to a superior race. However, I must also add that I have consistently refused to accept the claim of another such race as the chosen people. The arrogance is identical in both cases, but with this important distinction: after waging war against the dumber half of mankind for more than three thousand years, Judaism has finally achieved total victory over all nations of the earth. Not surprisingly, an American Jew found this accusation odious. What with even the Philistine diaper heads still putting up a fight.
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 374: Eartha Mae Keith was born on a cotton plantation near the small town of North, South Carolina, or St. Matthews on January 17, 1927. Her mother Annie Mae Keith was of Cherokee and African descent. Though she had little knowledge of her father, it was reported that he was a son of the owner of the farm where she had been born, and that Kitt was conceived by rape. In a 2013 biography, British journalist John Williams claimed that Kitt's father was a white man, a local doctor named Daniel Sturkie. Kitt's daughter, Kitt McDonald, has questioned the accuracy of the claim. Eartha's mother, Annie Mae Keith (later Annie Mae Riley), soon went to live with a black man who refused to accept Eartha because of her relatively pale complexion; she was raised by a relative named Aunt Rosa, in whose household she was abused. After the death of Annie Mae, Eartha was sent to live with another relative named Mamie Kitt (who may, in fact, have been her biological mother) in Harlem, New York City, where she attended the Metropolitan Vocational High School (later renamed the High School of Performing Arts). Diana Ross said that as a member of The Supremes she largely based her look and sound after Kitt's.
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 379: Her remarks caused Mrs. Johnson to burst into tears. It is widely believed that Kitt's career in the United States was ended following her comments about the Vietnam War, after which she was branded "a sadistic nymphomaniac" by the CIA. A defamatory CIA dossier about Kitt was discovered by Seymour Hersh in 1975. Hersh published an article about the dossier in The New York Times.[20] The dossier contained comments about Kitt's sex life and family history, along with negative opinions of her that were held by former colleagues. Kitt's response to the dossier was to say "I don't understand what this is about. I think it's disgusting."[20] Following the incident, Kitt devoted her energies to performances in Europe and Asia.
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 530: Tämä oli Cranen esikoiskirja ja nauttii arvoa varhaisena amerikkalaisen naturalismin edustajana, jossa otetaan voimakkaasti kantaa kasvuolosuhteiden vaikutukseen mahdollisuuksiin elämässä, siis vastoin perinteistä amerikkalaista unelmaa että kenestä tahansa voi tulla mitä tahansa. Ja vaikka realismissa pysytäänkin niin vedetään myös vähän melodraaman puolelle, mikä sinänsä sopii hyvin (melodraamat kun olivat aikakauden alaluokkaisten kaupunkilaisten hupina ja sellaista katsellaan kirjassakin), ja paisuttelulla saadaankin hyvin tunnetiloja esiin lukijasta, harvassa taitavat olla niin kyyniset lukijat että kirjan esitetyt epäoikeudenmukaisuudet eivät edes vähän nostata tunteita.
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 565: Hoblan oikeistokommentaattori Juri Bonsdorff näyttää erehdyttävästi kauluspaidasta ja kavaijista nousevalta huolestuneelta kyrvänpäältä. Nyze vekuttaa ryppyozaisesti siitä että Biden on lähtenyt vasemmiston tielle: se on lopettanut muurin rakentamisen, se on kieltänyt kaupalliset yxityisvankilat, se on liittänyt Amerikan takaisin WHO:hon ja Pariisin ilmastosopimuxeen. Se antaa rahaa Aahrikkaan neekerisiköiden lähdettämiseen ja päästää transut takas urheiden poikiemme joukkoon. Yrittääkö se tässä hamuilla ehkä tukea Antifasta niinkuin Trump Proud Boyseista, aprikoi Juripoika. Näitä ja muita Bidenin vasemmiston lastentauteja tukee iso enemmistö USAn äänestäjistä, siis rebublikaaneja on mukana. Mutta eihän sitten tule mitään Bidenin tärkeimmästä lupauxesta, että USAn 2 kokoomuspuoluetta vetäis yhtä köyttä pääasiasta, eli talousliberalistisen kapitalismin pyhistä arvoista? Palauttas Ameerikan unelman takaisin kunniaan? Make America truly great again? Voi helvetti, vedä kuule Juri se terska takaisin sinne bleiserin esinahkan sisään.
    xxx/ellauri076.html on line 131: Kajanus moved with his mother and sister to Paris at the age of twelve where he studied music and classical guitar, as well as attending the Cité Universitaire’s flying school. The family then relocated to Montreal, Quebec, Canada, where Kajanus worked as a stained-glass window designer.
    xxx/ellauri076.html on line 193: When you draw back the curtain Ennenkö vedät alas pyllyverhot
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 109: Ei helvetti tää Wallu on kertakaikkiaan aivan hirvee perse. Sen kuzuminen siaxi olisi loukkaus tuota puhdasta ja ystävällistä eläintä kohtaan, joka ei edes vedä mömmöjä. Wallu syyttää lapsenmurhasta riippuvaista äitiä jota kukaan ei ole auttanut ja size syyttää päälle vielä auttajia eli "pahamaineista sosiaalipalvelua". Saatana, vedä äijä käteen tosi nopeesti. No niin se vetikin. Se naru kattopiirun yli tiesi paikkansa.
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 309: Maurice Le Noblet Duplessis QC (French pronunciation: ​[dyplɛsi]; 20 April 1890 – 7 September 1959) served as the 16th Premier of the Canadian province of Quebec from 1936 to 1939 and 1944 to 1959.
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 430: Orihveden Suomi-Venäjä-seura herättelee toimintaansa paikkakunnalla. Ensimmäisenä on vuorossa Arto Mustajoen luento Juupajoelta. Miten ja miksi suomalaiset ja venäläiset eroavat toisistaan? – kysymykseen annetaan vastauksia tietokirjailija Arto Mustajoen luennolla.
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 510: Jack Benny (born Benjamin Kubelsky; February 14, 1894 – December 26, 1974) was an American entertainer, who evolved from a modest success playing violin on the vaudeville circuit to a highly popular comedic career in radio, television and film. He was known for his comic timing and the ability to cause laughter with a pregnant pause or a single expression, such as his signature exasperated "Well! "
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 513: Benny was born Benjamin Kubelsky in Chicago on February 14, 1894, and grew up in nearby Waukegan. He was the son of Jewish immigrants Meyer Kubelsky (1864–1946) and Emma Sachs Kubelsky (1869–1917), sometimes called "Naomi". Meyer was a saloon owner and later a haberdasher who had emigrated to America from Poland. Emma had emigrated from Lithuania. Benny began studying violin, an instrument that became his trademark, at the age of 6, his parents hoping for him to become a professional violinist. He loved the instrument, but hated practice. His music teacher was Otto Graham Sr., a neighbor and father of football player Otto Graham. At 14, Benny was playing in dance bands and his high school orchestra. He was a dreamer and poor at his studies, and was ultimately expelled from high school. He later did poorly in business school and at attempts to join his father´s business. In 1911, he began playing the violin in local vaudeville theaters for $7.50 a week (about $210 in 2020 dollars). He was joined on the circuit by Ned Miller, a young composer and singer.
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 517: The next year, Benny formed a vaudeville musical duo with pianist Cora Folsom Salisbury, a buxom 45-year-old divorcée who needed a partner for her act. This angered famous violinist Jan Kubelik, who feared that the young vaudevillian with a similar name would damage his reputation. Under legal pressure, Benjamin Kubelsky agreed to change his name to Ben K. Benny, sometimes spelled Bennie. When Salisbury left the act, Benny found a new pianist, Lyman Woods, and renamed the act "From Grand Opera to Ragtime". They worked together for five years and slowly integrated comedy elements into the show. They reached the Palace Theater, the "Mecca of Vaudeville," and did not do well. Benny left show business briefly in 1917 to join the United States Navy during World War I, and often entertained the sailors with his violin playing. One evening, his violin performance was booed by the sailors, so with prompting from fellow sailor and actor Pat O´Brien, he ad-libbed his way out of the jam and left them laughing. He received more comedy spots in the revues and did well, earning a reputation as a comedian and musician.
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 521: old Sadie Marks (whose family was friends with, but not related to, the Marx family). Their first meeting did not go well when he tried to leave during Sadie´s violin performance.[2]:30–31 They met again in 1926. Jack had not remembered their earlier meeting and instantly fell for her.[2]:31 They married the following year. She was working in the hosiery section of the Hollywood Boulevard branch of the May Company, where Benny courted her.[2]:32 Called on to fill in for the "dumb girl" part in a Benny routine, Sadie proved to be a natural comedienne. Adopting the stage name Mary Livingstone, Sadie collaborated with Benny throughout most of his career. They later adopted a daughter, Joan (b. 1934). Her older sister Babe would be often the target of jokes about unattractive or masculine women, while her younger brother Hilliard would later produce Benny´s radio and TV work.
    xxx/ellauri084.html on line 522: Mitä Tapahtui Oikeasti? kertovat vanhat tuttavamme paskakärpäset. Bill Clinton nimitti Ron Brownin Kauppasihteerixi osaxi palkkioxi Ron Brownin menestyxestä kampanjatulonkerääjänä. Päivästä 1 alkaen huhut kiertelivät tarkkaan ottaen millä keinoilla ja menetelmillä tämä menestys saavutettiin. Ron Brownin toimien tutkimus (sen poika tunnusti myöhemmin rahanpesun) lähestyivät syytekirjelmää, ja Ron Brown oli julkisesti sanonut ettei hän mene vankilaan yxin, kun lentokone joka kantoi Ron Brownia ja noin 30 muuta ihmistä rysähti Bosniassa (vaiko Kroatiassa?). Vuoden 1998 yhteenvedossa Clintonin rikollisista toimeliaisuuxista, Phyllis Shitfly kirjoitti ..-
    xxx/ellauri084.html on line 618: Kyssäselkä-approach voi napata jälkimmäiseen ryhmään – niihin jotka ei vaan välitä ja niihin joista uskonto on järjetöntä. Kierkegaard tyrkkii ihmisiä pois välinpitämättömyydestä ja ottamaan elämänsä vähän vakavammin. Se haastaa niitä jotka ei lähe mukavuusalueelta avannolle näyttämällä että niilläkin on joku angsti näistä uskonasioista, eli ne on vaan laiskoja tai pelkää kylmää vettä. Tavallaan Kierkegaard vapauttaa meidät pastorit toimimasta vaan puolustusvoimissa, ja päästää meidät hyökkäämään pahaa-aavistamattomien vetelysten kimppuun. Vaarana on, että vauva tulee heitetyxi ulos pesuveden kanssa. Järki on kuiteskin meidän kristittyjen puolella, eikä sitä pitäis ihan kokonaankaan hyljätä. Mut Kierkegaardilla on kuiteskin pointti siellä, eliskä sen pilkki- ja jäätuurametodeja kanzii joskus käytellä.
    xxx/ellauri084.html on line 773: In France, after its release, communists, socialists, and "independent groups" treated the film favorably; however, the far right disapproved on account of the director's background. Some French critics denounced the film as unpatriotic. The film has also been criticized for being too selective and that the director was "too close to the events portrayed to provide an objective study of the period."
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 53: Though most people of today’s generation have never even heard of Burma-Shave, ask anyone who lived from the 1920s to the early 1960s, and you will mostly likely bring up a few memories and tales from that vintage era.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 69: The first set of slogans were written by the Odells; however, they soon started an annual contest for people to submit the rhymes. With winners receiving a $100 prize, some contests received over 50,000 entries.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 106: If it is a surprise to learn that Lawrence originally conceived of Women in Love as a money-making pot-boiler, it comes as an endearing shock to read that James Joyce submitted some of his early work to the firm of Mills and Boon. There is no record of the reader’s report, beyond the fact that he rejected Dubliners as unsuitable material for the unique imprint of that publishing house. For his part, Lawrence had no doubt that the author of Ulysses was the real smutmonger of modern fiction. ‘My God, what a clumsy olla putrida James Joyce is!’, he wrote to Aldous Huxley, ‘nothing but old fags and cabbage-stumps of quotations from the Bible and the rest stewed in the juice of deliberate journalistic dirty-mindedness.’ To his wife Frieda he wrote, after reading Ulysses, that ‘the last part of it is the dirtiest, most indecent, obscene thing ever written’; and he later complained that Joyce had degraded the novel to the level of an instrument for measuring twinges in the toes of unremarkable men. Joyce’s reply to the charge that he was just another pornographer doing dirt on sex was to claim that at least he had never made the subject predictable or boring. He denounced Lady Chatterbox’s Lover — his title for Lawrence’s notorious novel — as a ‘lush’ production in ‘sloppy English’ and dismissed its ending as ‘a piece of propaganda in favour of something which, outside of DHL’s country at any rate, makes all the propaganda for itself’. It is a minor irony of literary history that both men were married at Kensington Register Office in London, although, unlike Lawrence, the Irishman allowed a decent interval of twenty-five years to elapse before the solemnisation of his nuptials.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 200: Lived in Sydney, Australia Knows Mandarin Chinese

    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 303: Several months after his treatment in Russia, Peterson and his family moved to Belgrade, Serbia for further treatment. In June 2020, Peterson made his first public appearance in over a year, when he appeared on his daughter's podcast, recorded in Communist Belgrade. He said that he was "back to my regular self", other than feeling fatigue, and was cautiously optimistic about his prospects. He also said that he wanted to warn people about the dangers of long-term use of benzodiazepines (the class of drugs that includes clonazepam). In August 2020, his daughter announced that her father had contracted COVID-19 during his hospital stay in Serbia. Two months later, Peterson posted a YouTube video to inform that he had returned home and aimed to resume his destructive work in the near future.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 327: A better question is why anybody would believe that it might work. And there is an easy answer to that: Because so many people, with so much power, stood to gain so much from having the idea become believed.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 331: It started out as a cynical exploitation, but the idea is earnestly believed today by many, many people. Thousands of whom are career politicians, conservative think tankers, or academics whose salary depends upon their vigorous pursuit of the idea.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 334: Well, you sort of have to admit it SOUNDS like in theory it could work, but humans are involved so that's where it reliably goes wrong.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 446: That is NOT cash somehow spared from today’s taxes and diverted out of anyone’s income today. It IS cash taken out of bank accounts and passive investments TODAY, in multiples many times larger than the tax reductions involved, and invested TODAY in ways that get away with jobs and higher levels of economic gain in the FUTURE; money that would have continued to sit idle and unproductive without the incentive based tax policies.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 483: William Darity, a professor of public policy at Duke University, said it’s “nonsensical” to think that greater wealth for the rich translates to improved fortunes for everyone else.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 484: “Otherwise we would not have observed such an obscene increase in the degree of income inequality that has restored the magnitude of levels that existed on the eve of the Great Depression,” he told me.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 497: This, of course, is magical thinking. Yet it has served as the intellectual basis of virtually all Republican economic policies since the 1970s, and was the primary justification for the party’s most recent tax cuts for wealthy corporations and individuals.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 537: Trump praised Laffer’s “brilliant theory,” and said the value of trickle-down economics had been proved “over and over again.”
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 230: Smoking is not expressly forbidden anywhere in the Bible. There is a veritable who’s who list of Christians who smoked. One of the greatest preachers and evangelists of the 19th century loved his cigars. He was Charles Spurgeon. Other famous Christians who smoked or still do are J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Chuck Colson, Johann Sebastian Bach, Billy Graham, and Jerry Farwell (although the last two quit in their latter years). This article has addressed all types of tobacco: cigarettes, pipe, cigar, snuff, and chewing tobacco. Come to think of it, all these famous Christians are dead. Put that in your pipe and smoke.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 569: "Roger, Wilco" are both military radio terms, and often heard together in WWII films, but should never be used together in correct military radio etiquette. "Roger" means "Message received and understood". "Wilco" means "Message received and understood, will comply with your instructions".
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 633: Atreus then learned of Thyestes' and Aerope's adultery and plotted revenge. He killed Thyestes' sons and cooked them, save their hands and heads. He served Thyestes his own sons and then taunted him with their hands and heads. This is the source of modern phrase "Thyestean Feast," or one at which human flesh is served. When Thyestes was done with his feast, he released a loud belch, which represents satiety and pleasure and his loss of self-control.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 669: Because Dimmesdale´s health has begun to fail, the townspeople are happy to have Chillingworth, the newly arrived physician, take up lodgings with their beloved minister. Being in such close contact with Dimmesdale, Chillingworth begins to suspect that the minister´s illness is the result of some unconfessed guilt. He applies psychological pressure to the minister because he suspects Dimmesdale is Pearl´s father. One evening, pulling the sleeping Dimmesdale´s vestment aside, Chillingworth sees a symbol that represents his shame on the minister´s pale chest.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 675: After several years, Hester returns to her cottage and resumes wearing the scarlet letter. When she dies, she is buried near the grave of Dimmesdale, and they share a simple slate tombstone engraved with an escutcheon described as: "On a field, sable, the letter A, gules" ("A red letter A written on a black background").
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 687: He worked at the Boston Custom House and joined Brook Farm, a transcendentalist community, before marrying Peabody in 1842. The couple moved to The Old Manse in Concord, Massachusetts, later moving to Salem, the Berkshires, then to The Wayside in Concord. The Scarlet Letter was published in 1850, followed by a succession of other novels. A political appointment as consul took Hawthorne and family to Europe before their return to Concord in 1860.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 894: Poe believed that all literary works should be short. He writes, "[...] there is a distinct limit, as regards length, to all works of literary art — the limit of a single sitting [...]" He especially emphasized this "rule" with regards to poetry, but also noted that the short story is superior to the novel for this reason.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 902: Hmm nojaa. Poe on aina liian mustavalkoinen. Grau ist alle Theorie. Mä esim vedin ton Kuru Korpin käännöxen aivan lonkalta. Ei uskoisi!
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 906: The essay states Poe's conviction that a work of fiction should be written only after the author has decided how it is to end and which emotional response, or "effect", he wishes to create, commonly known as the "unity of effect". Once this effect has been determined, the writer should decide all other matters pertaining to the composition of the work, including tone, theme, setting, characters, conflict, and plot. In this case, Poe logically decides on "the death... of a beautiful woman" as it "is unquestionably the most poetical topic in the world, and equally is it beyond doubt that the lips best suited for such topic are those of a bereaved lover." Some commentators have taken this to imply that pure poetry can only be attained by the eradication of female beauty. Biographers and critics have often suggested that Poe's obsession with this theme stems from the repeated loss of women throughout his life, including his mother Eliza Poe, his foster mother Frances Allan and, later, his wife Virginia.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 334: Milton Friedman (/ˈfriːdmən/; July 31, 1912 – November 16, 2006) was an American economist who received the 1976 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his research on consumption analysis, monetary history and theory and the complexity of stabilization policy. With George Stigler and other jews, Friedman was among the intellectual leaders of the Chicago school of economics, a neoclassical school of economic thought associated with the work of the faculty at the University of Chicago that rejected Keynesianism in favor of monetarism until the mid-1970s, when it turned to new classical macroeconomics heavily based on the concept of rational expectations.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 340: Milton Friedman believed that Social Security benefits were the genesis of the welfare state and dependency on government handouts. He advocated the replacement of all welfare programs in America with a negative income tax (effectively a universal basic income, or handouts to the poor) because he did not believe that "society" (the rich) would distribute resources evenly enough for all people to earn a living. Let the destitute have a pittance though they don't deserve it. If they choose to spend it all on drugs that's their choice.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 396: Love you ten years before the Flood: 10v ennen tuhotulvaa: jo ennen vedenpaisumusta;
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 471: Funny little Jew Primo Levi roughly quotes Marvell in his 1983 poem "The Mouse," which describes the artistic and existential pressures of the awareness that time is finite. He expresses annoyance at the sentiment to seize the day, stating, "And at my back it seems to hear / Some winged curved chariot hurrying near. / What impudence! What conceit! / I really was fed up."
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 477: The song "Am I alone and unobserved?" in the Gilbert and Sullivan operetta Patience contains the line, "If he's content with a vegetable love that would certainly not suit me..." in reference to the aesthete protagonist affecting to prefer the company of flowers to that of women.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 568: “I am ready to leave my loved ones,” he said. “My wealth, my fame will amount to naught. My grudges, frustrations, resentments and jealousies will finally disappear.” That hope, which Knievel took to his grave, was dashed by the FBI this week.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 99: Sopivatko Minna Canth, Katri Vala tai Hilja Haahti Soldiers of Odinin mannekiineiksi? Rajat kiinni!-kansaliike vaatii kaduille naisrauhaa vedoten kirjailija Minna Canthin unelmaan.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 294: Die versunkene Glocke (1897), a symbolic story of a master bell founder and his struggle as an artist, has been one of Hauptmann's most popular plays. After this Hauptmann wrote the tragedies Fuhrmann Henschel (1899), Michael Kramer (1900), and Rose Bernd (1903). These works also reflected the personal turmoil Hauptmann was then in he had fallen for a fourteen-year-old girl, a promising violinist Margarete Marschalk. She was the opposite of his wife, interested in his work, and in such outdoor sports as hiking, ice-skating, andf skiing. After Hauptmann wife found out about her rival, she moved with the children to Dresden. Hauptmann had a son, Benvenuto, with Margarete, and in 1904, after a long period of agonising thought, Hauptmann divorced Marie and married Margarete. However, a year later he met a sixteen-year-old actress, Ida Orloff, who became a new object of his obsession. Hauptmann described her in his letters as a moth flirting with flames, as a bewitching Siren, as a mermaid, and as a cruel spider.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 296: Gerhart Hauptmann was born in Ober-Salzbrunn (now Szczawno Zdrój, Poland), a fashionable resort in Silesia. His father was Robert Hauptmann, a hotel owner, and mother Marie (Straehler) Hauptmann. After failing at the gymnasium in Breslau, Gerhart was sent to his uncle's estate. There he became aware of Pietism and learned to know the peasants with whom he worked. Already as a child Hauptmann had started to draw, and he entered the art academy in Breslau, intending to become a sculptor. At the age of twenty he moved to Jena, where he studied history at the university.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 340: The New Yorker is published by Condé Nasty Inc. and is a subsidiary of Advance Publications. S.I. Newhouse acquired The New Yorker in 1985 for “$200 a share for the magazine’s common stock, an investment of about $142 million.” The Newhouse family owns Advance Publications and currently, the third and fourth generations of the Newhouse family is involved in the management. For details about the Newhouse family click here. The New Yorker, Vogue, Vanity Fair, Gentlemen’s Quarterly (GQ), Architectural Digest (AD), Condé Nast Traveler, and Wired are all published by Conde Nasty.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 392: Left: Generally, support a moratorium on deporting or offering a pathway to citizenship to certain undocumented immigrants. e.g. those with no criminal record, who has lived in the U.S. for 5+ years. Less restrictive legal immigration.

    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 607:

    Kudos to Lithuania for telling the Soviets to shove it back in 1990 and starting the breakup of that union. It’s also believed that Lithuanian culture survived the Iron Curtain thanks to secret home schools and alternative history texts, which makes its people sound really awesome. Isn't this just what we do? We are super-jealous of its surprisingly good basketball team.

    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 809: John Raleigh Mott (May 25, 1865 - January 31, 1955) was born in Livingston Manor, New York, Sullivan County, New York and his family moved to Postville, Iowa in September of the same year. He attended Upper Iowa University, where he studied history and was an award-winning student debater. He transferred to Cornell University, where he received his bachelor's degree in 1888. He was influenced by Arthur Tappan Pierson one of the forces behind the Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions, which was founded in 1886. Mott married Leila Ada White (1866-1952) in 1891 and had two sons and two daughters.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 815: John Raleigh Mott (May 25, 1865 – January 31, 1955) was an evangelist and long-serving leader of the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) and the World Student Christian Federation (WSCF). He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1946 for his work in establishing and strengthening international Protestant Christian student organizations that worked to promote peace. He shared the prize with Emily Balch.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 153: Drivel was educated at Barnard College, Columbia University (BA, MFA). She has lived in Nairobi, Bangkok and Belfast, and currently lives in London. She has taught metalsmithing at Buck's Rock Performing and Creative Arts Camp in New Milford, Connecticut.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 158: We Need to Talk About Kevin was awarded the 2005 Agent Orange Prize. The novel is a study of maternal ambivalence, and the role it might have played in the title character's decision to murder only nine people at his high school. Gharbi got a significantly higher body count, but then his mother was more supportive. It provoked much controversy and achieved success through word of mouth. She said this about We Need To Talk About Kevin becoming a success:
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 252: In fact, I’m reminded of a letter I received in relation to my seventh novel from an Armenian-American who objected – why did I have to make the narrator of We Need to Talk About Kevin Armenian? He didn’t like my narrator, and felt that her ethnicity disparaged his community. I took pains to explain that I knew something about Armenian heritage, because my best friend in the States was Armenian, and I also thought there was something dark and aggrieved in the culture of the Armenian diaspora that was atmospherically germane to that book. Besides, I despaired, everyone in the US has an ethnic background of some sort, and she had to be something! Joe Biden has finally admitted that the Armenian genocide was a genocide and not just an unusually bad case of flu. I am not convinced of it yet.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 257:

    I’m from a small rural community, and ev’rybody who lived in my neighborhood, if you want to call it that, were relatives.  We called it “the circle,” and our house was there, my grandmother’s house was there, an aun’ an’ uncle who were childless lived there, and (uh) a couple of aunts an’ uncles who had children.  There were five female cousins, an’ in the summertime we hung out together all day long from early until late.  In my grandmother’s yard was a maple tree, and the five of us developed that into our apartment building.  Each of us had a limb, and [small laugh] the less daring cousins took the lo’er limbs, and I and another cousin a year younger than I always went as far to the top as we could, an’ we– we were kinda derisive of those girls who stayed with the lower limbs.  We had front doors an’ back doors.  The front door was the — the limb — were the limbs on the front, that were nearest (um) the boxwood hedge.  And the grass was all worn away in that area.  An’ then the back doorwa–was on the back side of the tree, an’ you could only enter the front an’ exit from the rear.  And that had to be done by swinging off a limb that was fairly high off the ground, and (um) my cousin Belinda and I had no problem with that, but the other girls — that was always somethin’ we had to coax them into doin’.  But still, you entered the front, you left the rear.  We (um) ate our lunches together.  When it was lunchtime — an’ our mothers always cooked lunch in the summertime ’cause they didn’ want to be in the hot kitchen at night.  So we would just take our (um) — go home, an’ we’d load our plates with all the vegetables an’ the cornbread, an’ get our glasses of milk or ice tea or whatever we were havin’, an’ we would head for somebody’s yard, where we would all sit down an’ eat together.  It was just an institution:  lunch in somebody’s yard.  An’ if you wanted to go home for a second helping– sometimes that was quite a little walk, but it was worth it, because that was our thing, having lunch together, every day.  (Um) We gathered at my grandmother’s on Sundays.  All my aunts would get those chairs, form a circle.  (Uh) One crocheted.  (Uh) Most of them just sat an’ talked, an’ we girls hung out for the main part with the women.  (Uh) The men would gather around the fish pond, which was in a side yard.  It was (um) — it was kind of a rock (um) pond that my granddaddy had, had built.  There was a ir’n pipe in the middle, an’ when he went fishin’, he would put his catch in there.  Or he caught a mud turtle, he’d put it in there.  An’ there it stayed until it was time to kill it an’ cook it, whatever it was.  The pipe in the middle had water that sprayed up all the time.  There was a locust tree near there, an’ that’s where we girls picked the leaves an’ the thorns to make the doll clothes out o’ the locust.  It’s where we always ate the watermelon.  We always had to save the rind, an’ we always had to leave some pink on that rind, because my grandmother made watermelon pickles out o’ that rind.  I hated the things.  I thought they were the worst things I ever put in my mouth.  But ever’body else thought watermelon pickles were just a great delicacy.  That was also around the time that ev’rybody grew gladiolias [sic] an’ I thought they were the ugliest flower I’d ever laid my eyes on, but ever’body had gladiolias.  ‘Course now I’ve come to appreciate the gladiolia, but back then I had absolutely no appreciation for it.  It was also where we made (uh) ice cream, (uh) on the front porch.  We made ice cream on Sunday afternoons.  I had an aunt who worked in the general mercantile business that my family owned, an’ she was only home on Sunday, so she baked all day:  homemade rolls an’ cakes.  And so, she made cakes an’ we made ice cream, an’ ever’body wan’ed to crank, of course.  (Um) That was just a big treat, to get to crank that ice cream.  It was jus’ our Sunday afternoon thing, an’ I, I think back on it.  All the aunts would sit around an’ they’d talk, an’ they’d smoke.  Even if you never saw those ladies smoke, any other time o’ the week.  On Sunday afternoon when we all were gathered about in gran- in granny’s yard, they’d have a cigarette.  Just a way of relaxing, I suppose.  The maple tree’s now gone.  In later years, it was thought the maple tree, our apartment building, was shading the house too much an’ causing mildew, so it was removed at some point.  And I don’t, to this day, enjoy lookin’ (uh) into that part o’ the yard. …

    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 268: Regarding identity politics, what’s especially saddened me in my recent career is a trend toward rejecting the advocacy of anyone who does not belong to the group. In 2013, I published Big Brother, a novel that grew out of my loss of my own older brother, who in 2009 died from the complications of morbid obesity. I was moved to write the book not only from grief, but also sympathy of morbid obesity: in the years before his death, as my brother grew heavier, I saw how dreadfully other people treated him – how he would be seated off in a corner of a restaurant, how the staff would roll their eyes at each other after he’d ordered, though he hadn’t requested more food than anyone else. Just a little wafer, is all.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 279: Membership of a larger group is not an identity. Being Asian is not an identity. Being gay is not an identity. Being deaf, blind, or wheelchair-bound is not an identity, nor is being economically deprived. Now what is an identity then? Silly, it is the number on your ID card! That's an identity! Everybody is unique, and I in particular am special! There are no classes except singletons! We are haecceitates every one of us. Us? There is no such thing as us, there is just me and me and me ... and me myself.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 344: That was the message I received loud and clear.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 438: Our stance is firm: transgender women are women,” said the statement by the fan sites. “Transgender men are men. Non-binary people are non-binary. Intersex people exist and should not be forced to live in the binary. We stand with Harry Potter fans in these communities. While we don’t condone the mistreatment [Rowling] has received for airing her opinions about transgender people, we must reject her beliefs.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 522: Kathryn Lee Gifford (née Epstein; born August 16, 1953) is an American television presenter, singer, songwriter, occasional actress and author. She is best known for her 15-year run (1985–2000) on the talk show Live! with Regis and Kathie Lee, which she co-hosted with Regis Philbin. She is also known for her 11-year run with Hoda Kotb, on the fourth hour of NBC's Today show (2008–2019). She has received 11 Daytime Emmy nominations and won her first Daytime Emmy in 2010 as part of the Today team. Gifford's first television role had been as Tom Kennedy's singer/sidekick on the syndicated version of Name That Tune only in the 1977–1978 season. She also occasionally appeared on the first three hours of Today and was a contributing NBC News correspondent.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 531: Gifford left Today in order to pursue a movie career both as an actress, and as a director and producer. She did a number of voice overs most notably as a spiny anteater in the 1998 TV series Hercules and in Higglytown Heroes as the Mail Carrier Hero in 2004. In 2018 she filmed a Hallmark Christmas movie for Hallmark Movies & Mysteries called A Godwink Christmas. Gifford intends to make movies about the experiences of losing a loved one and being a widow, as she now has first-hand experience of the role.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 537: In 1996 the National Labor Committee, a human rights group, reported that sweatshop labor was being used to make clothes for the Kathie Lee line, sold at Wal-Mart. The group reported that a worker in Honduras smuggled a piece of clothing out of the factory, which had a Kathie Lee label on it. One of the workers, Wendy Diaz, came to the United States to testify about the conditions under which she worked. She commented, "I wish I could talk to Kathie Lee. If she's good, she will help us." Gifford addressed Kernaghan's allegations on the air during Live! with Regis and Kathie Lee, explaining that she was not personally involved with hands-on project management in factories, and had never made a piece of clothing in her life.
    xxx/ellauri104.html on line 665: The Restructured Clinical scales were designed to be psychometrically improved versions of the original clinical scales, which were known to contain a high level of interscale correlation, overlapping items, and were confounded by the presence of an overarching factor that has since been extracted and placed in a separate scale (demoralization). The RC scales measure the core constructs of the original clinical scales.
    xxx/ellauri104.html on line 1157: Ai että 2 pahaa tekee niinko 1 hyvän? Vääräänhän jo mentiin tässä palaveliin asiassa, eikai siitä lankeemuxesta voi hakea turvaa tähän toiseen syntiin? Vielä kehtoo vedota lakko-oikeuteen, mikä pirskatin kommunisti Johnu oikein on?
    xxx/ellauri104.html on line 1165: Höpö höpö, 7. päivänä herra isoherra lepäsi, ja niin pitäs meidänkin. Hizi kai evankeljumit kertois jos Jeesus oisi homostellut tai suorastaan mennyt naimisiin vaikka Johannexen kaa? Sittenhän se olis selvä nakki, mutta kun ei kerro. Jeesus oli kyllä hyvällä asialla sikäli että sunnuntaityö tuli sallituxi varsinkin palvelusammateissa, mutta täytistäkö piti heittää lapsi pesuveden mukana ja sallia rotinkaisille pitkä viikonloppu? Mitä se nyt pyhittää 2 pyhää pitää viikossa tyhjän panttina? Come to think of it, tokko sillä Jeesuxen parantamalla kroonikolla nyt niin kiire oli jalkeille ettei se ois voinut tulla vastaanotolle vasta sunnuntaina? Mutta palataanpa tähän tasa-arvoisuuteen ja sen teologisen merkityxeen.
    xxx/ellauri104.html on line 1217: Toinen hyvä kikka saada herran tahto selville on Kaarlo Syvännön suosittama peukalovärssy. Ei tarvi säntäillä kuin pyromaani jolta on tikut hukassa. Homojen eheytys on hyvä bisnes hengellisille liikkeille ja psykologeille, kannattaako siitä luopua kuin turpeennostosta vain jonkun hatusta vedetyn pykälän perusteella?
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 70: Hawking ja Thorne hävisivät vedon Preskillille, info ei häviä mustassa aukossa, se vaan mukiloidaan tuntemattomaxi. “I am sorry to disappoint science fiction fans, but if information is preserved, there is no possibility of using black holes to travel to other universes. If you jump into a black hole, your mass energy will be returned to our universe, but in a mangled form which contains the information about what you were like, but in an unrecognisable state.” Thorne ei ole vielä vakuuttunut, mutta se onkin vielä elossa. Se seisoo yhä Hawkingin hartioilla, jotka olivat kyllä ihan lysyssä.
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 75: Hawkingilla (tai sen kuolinpesällä, joka kokosi tän prujun Hawkingin muistiinpanoista ja nostaa tekijänpalkkiot) oli lisää suuria kysymyxiä (se ei vastaa kaikkiin näihin, osa on vaan kompia): 1) Mistä me tulemme? 2) Miten maailmankaikkeus syntyi? 3) Mikä on kaiken tarkoitus ja suunnitelma? 4) Onko muualla elämää? 5) Miten ruokimme alati kasvavan väestön? 6) Miten huolehdime puhtaasta vedestä, tuotamme uusiutuvaa energiaa, torjumme ja parannamme neurosairauxia ja hidastamme ilmastonmuutosta? Heitetään tähän vastauxet niihin jotka jätti Hawkingin suu auki nostelemaan kulmakarvoja: 1) Äidin perseestä 2) Kai samalla tavalla eli mustasta reijästä 3) Ei mikään 4) ks. alla 5) Ei mitenkään 6) Kz. 5)
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 110: Determinismi on eri asia kuin ennustettavuus, on jo moneen kertaan hoettu, ja sen toteaa myös Tapani. Mitä iloa ja toisaalta haittaakaan on determinismistä, jos siitä ei seuraa ennustettavuutta? Ei mitään. Rikos ja rangaistus-teemaan sillä ei liioin ole mitään annettavaa. Eikä kvanttifysiikallakaan. Lähes 100% todennäköisyys on lähes yhtä hyvä asia kuin tosiasia, toisaalta sattuma ei ole mikään ihme, jollei se vedä systemaattisesti kotiinpäin. So what's the problem Stephen?
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 114: Today, many physicists believe that the holographic principle (specifically the AdS/CFT duality) demonstrates that Hawking's conclusion was incorrect, and that information is in fact preserved. In 2004 Hawking himself conceded a bet he had made, agreeing that black hole evaporation does in fact preserve information.
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 203: Hyvä esim: maapallo on käymässä meille liian pienexi, sanoo egoistis-narsistinen Tapani. Päinvastoin! Meistä on tullut maapallolle liian iso rasite. Sietää soveltaa E.Saarisen suhteellisuusteoriaa: ei suurenneta pesätonttia, vaan pienennetään termiittitiheyttä. Intel on tukenut minua 25 vuotta, siitä sille suuret kiitoxet Hi Google! Thanx Siri! Much obliged Segway --- AARGH! Mein Leben! Pääsin tähän saavutuxeen sisäisen paloni ansiosta. Käytän aivojeni käyttöliittymänä Facebookia. (Tästä mainoxesta oli sovittu Silverfishin kaa, se kuuluu meidän läpimurtotähdenlentodiiliin.) Sillä seuraajani pysyvät ajan tasalla uusimmista teorioistani. Käytän sitä vielä täältä pilvenlongalta, please tune in! Internet yhdistää meidät kaikki kuten Matrix-leffassa, olemme neuroneja jättimäisissä sähköaivoissa. Ja kun älykkyysosamäärä on sen mukainen, mihin emme kykenisi? Voimmeko edes luoda niin isoa kiveä ettemme jaxa sitä nostaa? Kaikkien pitää palvoa tiedettä kuin jotain jumalaa. Hei Pekka, voitit vedon, Hawking silinteripäisine virkaveljineen on todellakin kotoisin mustasta aukosta!
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 216: V. Jane felt that the nurses and assistants of Prof. Hawking were intruding in their family life and Prof. Hawking felt that Jane had stopped loving him and loved Jonathan instead. After taking divorce from Jane in 1995, Hawking married Elaine Mason. Hawking took divorce from Elaine Mason in 2006 because she was physically abusing him. Prof. Hawking again started having a close friendship with Jane. Jane described her experiences with Prof. Hawking in her memoir Travelling to Infinity: My Life with Stephen which was published in 2007.
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 298: Reinikainen on pyrkinyt eduskuntaan ja Euroopan parlamenttiin kuitenkaan onnistumatta. Vaalien jälkeen Eija-Riitta Korhola väitti, että Reinikaisen tukijoukot olivat lähettäneet puolueen johtajaa Bjarne Kallista vastustavia kiertokirjeitä ja että Leo Meller kampanjoi Reinikaisen puolesta. Lintuinfluenssavetoomuksessa Reinikainen esitti lintujen ruokinnan estämistä ja lintupopulaation harvennusta sekä arveli lintuinfluenssan voivan kehittyä vedenpaisumuksen kaltaiseksi koettelemukseksi ihmiskunnalle.
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 354: Koko raamattu nojaa ensimmäiseen 11 lukuun, johon viitataan yli 400x myöhemmässä textissä. Niissä on eniten satua, ml jumalan näyttävimmät rangaistuxet apinaseurakunnalle: 1. sormi pystyssä: kuolema (mitähän pahaa kivat eläimet oli tehneet kun niille tuli sama seuraamus? Mato kyllä haukkaa omenaa ja käärme näyttää sanonko miltä.) 2. sormi: vedenpaisumus. Meininki oli kuin Nooan päivinä. 2. sormi: Baabel (iloisella äänellä)! Jumala tuli kattoo et mitä noi puuhaa täälä? Kaikki puhuu samaa kiältä! Jumalat sanoi monikossa ettei tää käy päinsä ja potkas keon hajalle. Piäxänmäellä eemerituspiispa sanoi tuskin ymmärrettävällä savonkielellä että alotettaan kadotuxenpurkutalkoot! Ihmeellistä harhaoppia! Kuka teistä tietää mikä oli Jeesuxen puheiden pääsisältö? Sen voi mitata viivottimella. Se on tässä punaisella: se varotti iankaikkisesta kadotuxesta! Minkä takia tää on komedia? Kai sixi kun tää päättyy hyvin! Kun valetta todistetaan tieteellisesti todexi, siitä tulee komedia. Tutkistele maata, niin se kertoo sinulle! Darwin mittasi vuosikymmenien ajan pellolla multakerroxien paxuutta, joita madot paskansivat, nähdäxeen ehtiskö ne paskantaa tarpeexi miljoonassa vuodessa. Hyvin ehtivät. Good job worms! Job 12:7-9. Mitä komediaa.
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 456: Ei semmosta tapahdu! Tää on valehtelua! Pekka vinkaisee. Mixhän se vinkaisee korkeimmalta sillon kun sen argumentit on erityisen huonoja, kun se on vaan eri mieltä? Hyvin sivistymätön puhetapa sillä on. Ja argumentit äärimmäisen naiveja. Kuinkahan se kehtaa puhua läpiä noin päähänsä? Onkohan sillä minkään maakunnan tutkintoa? No kai se saa jehovan asianajajana huijata siinä missä devils advocate. Teitä vedetään täten nenästä. Alkuperätiede ei ole tiedettä, se on uskontoa. Jättäkää se meille, me tiedetään.
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 482: Berlinski´s books have received mixed reviews, and been criticized for containing historical and mathematical inaccuracies. One critic said, "I haven't learned anything from [Berlinski's] book except that the novel of mathematics is best written in another style." He is the author of several detective novels starring private investigator Aaron Asherfeld, and a number of shorter works of fiction and non-fiction.
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 504: Mutta kanalinnuista on Pekalla sisäpiirin tietoa. Jumala loi alkukukon ja alkukanan joihin oli ohjelmoitu muiden kanalintujen lajiutuminen. Eikös tää tuu vaarallisen lähelle evoluutiota? Kanat jaoteltiin vasta vedenpaisumuxen jälkeen, jonka senkin siis jumala oli suunnitellut edeltä. Intelligenttiä designiä indeed, tosi kaukonäköistä. "Nää tyypit jotka mä loin viimexi lankeis sit mun ansaani, ja myöhemmin mä päättäisin hukuttaa niiden jälkeläiset, paizi Nooan porukoita ja minimisti eläinnäytteitä, ei siis kande lajiuttaa heti kanalintuja." Arkkiin meni 8000 nenän kautta hengittävää paria eläimiä (Pekka kertoo että 16K eläintä mahtuu hyvin A4-kokoiselle arkille). No maaselkärankaisia on 21K lajia jälellä huolimatta apinoiden ponnisteluista, eli aika paljon duunia jäi evoluutiolle veden laskeuduttua. Komedia kehitysopista oli siis tän esityxen nimenä. Joopa joo. Parodia vois olla parempi nimike.
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 510: Nooan arkki oli 157 metriä pitkä, 26m leveä ja 16m korkea. Aika lailla Estonian kokoinen. Uskovainen kirvesmies (ei Jeesus kuitenkaan, vaan joku hollantilainen; niille vedenpaisumus on aika aktuellia) rakensi siitä 1:1 skaalamallin, josta kuva yllä. Kirahvi on valmiina tähystäjän paikalla. Keulavisiiri on nähtävästi paikattu.
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 562: As lord of the underworld, Osiris’s was responsible for judging the souls of the dead. In that role, he earned the name Khentiamenti or “the Foremost of the Westerners”. If the dead person was deemed to have lived an upright life, the soul of the dead would be ushered into the bosoms of Osiris, i.e. into eternal paradise. However, if the person was found guilty by the panel, the soul of dead was instantly consumed by the demon Ammit. Thus, the soul vanished into eternal nothingness.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 115: Sarah (Sally) Hemings (c. 1773 – 1835) was an enslaved woman of mixed race owned by President Thomas Jefferson. Multiple lines of evidence indicate that Jefferson had a long-term sexual relationship with Hemings, and historians now broadly agree that he was the father of her six children. Hemings was a half-sister of Jefferson's wife, Martha Jefferson (née Wayles). Four of Hemings' children survived into adulthood. Hemings died in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 1835.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 122: What more than anything is missing in recent films, and shines splendidly in Maxwell’s films, is the sense of glory, the feeling that some have lived on an elevated plane according to the dictates of the highest sense of duty and honor. It’s an unfashionable feeling today, and mocked by those who conspicuously lack it, who love weakly, who think solely in quotidian, political terms. It cannot be understood by those without religious faith, for Heaven is a City of Glory and glory is the special attribute of a God who, if hidden, nevertheless offers us a glimpse of the special virtue of his glory in the lives of those who in moments of danger are willing to sacrifice themselves for a cause they think greater than themselves; and that, above the messiness of political squabbles, is the message behind Maxwell’s films. (The American Spectator 2015)
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 129: Retriitti tulee latinan verbistä retraho, vedän takaisin. Mulla oli lievä fimoosi murrosiän vaivana, tai hauskuutena, sitä oli kiva irrotella kylvyssä. Meidän pojilla ei ollut, ne vetivät esinahkaa pois pikku pippelinsä päältä saunassa ja sanoi "nahat pois".
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 137: Ahdas esinahka eli fimoosi on tila, jossa esinahka on niin kireä, ettei sitä saa vedettyä kunnolla pois terskan päältä. Vastasyntyneillä on tavallista, että esinahan aukko on pieni ja esinahka on kiinnittyneenä paikoilleen. Suurimmalla osalla kuitenkin esinahka väljenee muutamana ensimmäisenä elinvuotena. Termi fimoosi tulee kreikankielisestä sanasta phimos (selvennä). Tosin oletetaan, että sanan merkitys on ajan myötä muuttunut.selvennä Kreikkalaiset eivät tuolloin (selvennä) edes olleet kiinnostuneet esinahan lääketieteellisestä merkityksestä. Selvennys: phimos on kuonokoppa kreikaxi. Esim: Härälle ei pidä panna kuonokoppaa kun se tappaa eloa. Naisilta pitää panna turpa tukkoon seurakunnassa.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 216: Vahdi tarpeiden tasapainoa ja vedä käteen
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 231: Tisza tulvii, Ilona, Ilona! Päijänne on 40cm normaalia korkeammalla sulamavesien ja toukokuun sateiden takia. Tänä vuonna toukokuu oli kylmä kuin ryssän helvetti ja sateinen. Rauhixen beach on kokonaan veden alla. Kymijoessa menee 2x tavanomainen määrä vettä. Päijänne lähentelee tulvarajoja. Joki tulvii, siis Vehkaoja. Sateet tulivat. Louis Bromfield. Me saatiin em. kirja ilmatteexi Puuppaajalta kun tilattiin sieltä Ilmattarentien keittiökalusteet.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 233: Hopeapajun taimet värjöttelevät melkein varpaat vedessä, eivät uskalla minnekään istutusruukuista. Rantaan pitää ajaa vielä 2x tähänastinen määrä hiekkaa kottikärryllä. Saan sen arviolta valmiixi kun täytän 90. Sitten voin laittaa riippumaton 2 hopeapajun väliin ja ottaa nokoset. Sommarhemissä oli isoja hopeapajuja rannassa, just sellaiset mä haluan. Mulla oli maja yhdessä sellaisessa.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 272: Elam’s capital city, Susa, was one of the world’s first post flood cities, and was a regional center off and on for many centuries before being destroyed by Ashurbanipal, the last of the great Assyrian Kings, in 647 BC. As was the custom of Assyrian kings, he removed many of the surviving Elamites from their homeland. He took them to the former Northern Kingdom of Israel, which had been conquered by Assyria 74 years earlier, where they were resettled among the Israelites who remained there.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 274: THAT WAS ONLY THE BEGINNING. But this did not fulfill Jeremiah’s prophecy, which wouldn’t even be given for at least another 50 years. Susa was rebuilt, only to be conquered again, this time by the Persian King Cyrus. It was rebuilt again and renovated by King Darius the Great to serve as the capital of the Persian Empire. Susa was mentioned in Daniel 8:2 as the location where the prophet received a vision recorded in Daniel 8 of the subsequent conquest of the Persian Empire by Alexander the Great. This prophecy was fulfilled two hundred years later when Susa surrendered without a battle to Alexander.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 275: Daniel 8:2 identifies Susa as being in the province of Elam, indicating it was already a part of the Persian Empire at the time. From this brief history it appears that all but the last verse of Jeremiah’s prophecy was fulfilled in the Assyrian and Persian conquests. By the way, Daniel was buried in Susa and his tomb has been preserved to this day because he has always been highly revered among the Persian people.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 303: The Biblical people called by the names above once occupied the territory we know today as Jordan, the nation due east of Israel. Not many people realize that Edom, Moab, and Ammon were given their homelands by God himself (Deut. 2:5, 9, 19) just like Israel was. And just like Israel was told to clear the land west of the Jordan River of the people who lived there at the time, Edom, Moab, and Ammon were told to perform the same service for God on the Eastern side (Deut. 2:10-12, 20-22).
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 333: Edom was the name given to the descendants of Jacob’s twin brother Esau. Having patched things up after their split over the way Jacob had tricked Isaac into giving him Esau’s blessing (Genesis 27), they returned to the area near Kiriath Arba (Hebron) where Isaac and Rebekah lived. Upon Isaac’s death the two brothers buried him and divided up their inheritance.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 335: Realizing they needed separate pasturelands because their herds would now be too large for them to remain together, Esau took his Canaanite wives and all he owned and moved some distance away into the hill country of Seir, east and south of the Dead Sea, just south of Moab and Israel. Later, the Lord told Moses He had given this land to Esau and his descendants. (Deut 2:5).
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 352: And concerning the time of the 2nd coming, Isaiah wrote: Who is this coming from Edom, from Bozrah, with his garments stained crimson? Who is this, robed in splendor, striding forward in the greatness of his strength? “It is I, proclaiming victory, mighty to save.” Why are your garments red, like those of one treading the winepress? “I have trodden the winepress alone; from the nations no one was with me. I trampled them in my anger and trod them down in my wrath; their blood spattered my garments, and I stained all my clothing. It was for me the day of vengeance; the year for me to redeem had come. I looked, but there was no one to help, I was appalled that no one gave support; so my own arm achieved salvation for me, and my own wrath sustained me. I trampled the nations in my anger; in my wrath I made them drunk and poured their blood on the ground”
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 589: The Luwians /ˈluːwiənz/ were a group of Anatolian peoples who lived in central, western, and southern Anatolia, in present-day Turkey, in the Bronze Age and the Iron Age. They spoke the Luwian language, an Indo-European language of the Anatolian sub-family, which was written in cuneiform imported from Mesopotamia, and a unique native hieroglyphic script, which was sometimes used by the linguistically related Hittites also.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 688: he Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teaches that a significant portion of its members are descended from or adopted into the tribe of Ephraim, believing that they are charged with restoring the lost tribes in the latter days, as prophesied by Isaiah. Along with members of the tribe of Judah, members of the tribe of Ephraim are believed to be playing an important leadership roles for covenant Israel in the last days. Members' lineage is declared through patriarchal blessings.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 712: Jotain puhetta on "suuresta vedestä", ⲛⲁⲙⲟⲟⲩ, näyttää todennäköiseltä (LOL), että siinä muistellaan ebyktiläisten asutusta Eufratin rannoilla, mistä ne karkoitettiin kieltensekaannuxen aikana. Iso joki tarkoitti Eufratia (vaikka Niili oli isompi?)
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 720: The Book of Jubilees, in describing how the world was divided between Noah's sons and grandsons, says that Lud received "the mountains of Asshur and all appertaining to them till it reaches the Great Sea, and till it reaches the east of Asshur his brother" (Charles translation). The Ethiopian version reads, more clearly "... until it reaches, toward the east, toward his brother Asshur's portion." Jubilees also says that Japheth's son Javan received islands in front of Lud's portion, and that Tubal received three large peninsulae, beginning with the first peninsula nearest Lud's portion. In all these cases, "Lud's portion" seems to refer to the entire Anatolian peninsula, west of Mesopotamia.
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 85: Hyttyset kehittyvät veden alla munista touhiin papuihin. Hengittääkseen toukat ripustavat itsensä veden pinnalle hengitysputkella tai sifonilla. Täällä ne ovat alttiita muille pinta-asuisille hyttysten saalistajille, kuten pyörrekuoriaisille (Gyrinidae) ja vesivaroille (Gerridae).
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 97: Kyllä, jopa kalat pääsevät hyttysten saalistajaan. Selvästi tämä rajoittuu hyttysen toukkaan vaiheeseen, joka tapahtuu makeassa vedessä. Kultakala, guppi, basso, bluegill ja monni saalistavat jossain määrin hyttysen toukkia.
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 184: Badinter is the largest shareholder of Publicis Groupe, a multinational advertising and public relations company, and the chairwoman of its supervisory board. She received these shares in an inheritance from her father, Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet, who founded the company. According to Forbes, she is one of the wealthiest French citizens with a fortune of around US$1.8 billion in 2012.
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 188: Elizabeth’s mother was raised as a Roman Catholic in a middle class upbringing, and later converted to Judaism following her marriage. She raised Élisabeth in the Jewish faith. Elisabeth and her two sisters were raised by parents who believed in the equality of the sexes. Jag har nog längre sladd än famo!
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 222: Inflection of גִּזְעָנוּת, Noun – feminine. Root: ג - ז - ע. The final radical of this word is guttural; this affects the adjacent vowels. Derived from גִּזְעָן racist and ־וּת. Meaning racism. From גֶּזַע Noun – ketel pattern, masculine, Meaning trunk (of a tree); race (anthropology); stem (morphology, linguistics).
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 229: Eden Hubara is a Sociology student at the University of Aberdeen, and the President of Young Europeans Aberdeen. She strives to make ... 16.9.2019. Britannian perustuslaillinen kriisi henkilöityy taksikuskin poikaan. Koko Hubara herää useimmiten aikaisin aamulla siksi, että hän on lukenut Toni Morrisonin tekevän niin. Morrison, Toni: Beloved. Kokon lähteissä on myös J-J Rousseau: Émile, eli kasvatuxesta. Koneen säätiö on antanut sille rahaa.
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 266: Conceived as a novel of eroticism, this short work is centered on the quest for worldly happiness and the individual's prospects of attaining it. The medium of the quest is sensory and sexual fulfillment, and Vargas Llosa's characters conduct their lives assuming that this fulfillment is both the cause and the effect of their happiness. As in other erotic texts, the characters' responses and relationships are fueled exclusively by sensual and sexual stimulation...
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 291: Vargas Llosa lived with his maternal family in Arequipa until a year after his parents' divorce, when his maternal grandfather was named honorary consul for Peru in Bolivia. With his mother and her family, Vargas Llosa then moved to Cochabamba, Bolivia, where he spent the early years of his childhood. His maternal family, the Llosas, were sustained by his grandfather, who managed a cotton farm.
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 295: While in Piura, Vargas Llosa attended elementary school at the religious academy Colegio Salesiano. In 1946, at the age of ten, he moved to Lima and met his father for the first time. His parents re-established their relationship and lived in Magdalena del Mar, a middle-class Lima suburb, during his teenage years. While in Lima, he studied at the Colegio La Salle, a Christian middle school, from 1947 to 1949. Isä taisi olla aika limaska, eipä paljon muuta Markolle kuin limamälli.
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 303: Vargas Llosa began his literary career in earnest in 1957 with the publication of his first short stories, "The Leaders" ("Los jefes") and "The Grandfather" ("El abuelo"), while working for two Peruvian newspapers. Upon his graduation from the National University of San Marcos in 1958, he received a scholarship to study at the Complutense University of Madrid in Spain. In 1960, after his scholarship in Madrid had expired, Vargas Llosa moved to France under the impression that he would receive a scholarship to study there; however, upon arriving in Paris, he learned that his scholarship request was denied. Despite Mario and Julia's unexpected financial status, the couple decided to remain in Paris where he began to write prolifically. Their marriage lasted only a few more years, ending in divorce in 1964. A year later, Vargas Llosa married his first cousin, Patricia Llosa, with whom he had three children: Álvaro (born 1966), a writer and editor; Gonzalo (born 1967), an international civil servant; and Fata Morgana (born 1974), a pornographer.
    xxx/ellauri120.html on line 44: In 1858 Governor James Douglas named the town after Bulwer-Lytton "as a merited compliment and mark of respect". Bulwer-Lytton served as Colonial Secretary. As governor of the then colony, Douglas would have reported to him.
    xxx/ellauri120.html on line 64: No, Freud was rong! Many basic tenets of Freud’s theory have been completely disproved. To name several: Psychosexual stages. The Oedipal complex. Belief that repressed memories from the first year of life can be unearthed. Sexual fantasy about intercourse with a parent is responsible for hysteria. Even more damning, his methods and procedures cannot be called scientific, his evidence lacks scientific credibility, and what is offered as evidence was sometimes fudged, if not outright fabricated. Not surprisingly, Freud is absented from contemporary psychological pedagogy, theory, and research. Claiming, “Freud is right!” is akin to shouting, “Long live the king!”; historical curiosities, both.
    xxx/ellauri120.html on line 216: Punainen A-kirjain Tytin kainalossa tahtoi sanoa että se on mielestään kuin Hawthornen Scarlet Letterin Hester Prynne. Olikohan Pöysti size pastori Dimmersdale? Razastiko Tomi kapybaralla kuin kuvan apina? Pöysti ize putkahti julkisuuteen Haju Pisilän sote-kähmintöjen vanavedessä. Vitun torakat.
    xxx/ellauri120.html on line 233: Because Dimmesdale's health has begun to fail, the townspeople are happy to have Chillingworth, the newly arrived physician, take up lodgings with their beloved minister. Being in such close contact with Dimmesdale, Chillingworth begins to suspect that the minister's illness is the result of some unconfessed guilt. He applies psychological pressure to the minister because he suspects Dimmesdale is Pearl's father. One evening, pulling the sleeping Dimmesdale's vestment aside, Chillingworth sees a symbol that represents his shame on the minister's pale chest.
    xxx/ellauri120.html on line 239: After several years, Hester returns to her cottage and resumes wearing the scarlet letter. When she dies, she is buried near the grave of Dimmesdale, and they share a simple slate tombstone engraved with an escutcheon described as: "On a field, sable, the letter A, gules" ("A red letter A written on a black background"). Ingan vaakunassa on hassu jellona kieli ulkona kuin Hanna Montanalla sinisellä taustalla.
    xxx/ellauri120.html on line 367: löysästi rantaan vedetyn pyyntiveneen
    xxx/ellauri120.html on line 371: veden kuluttama suuaukko ammollaan.
    xxx/ellauri120.html on line 433: Kristina-tädille tuli mieleen Annan häistä tää aika morbidi runo Yrjö Jylhältä. Mulle tuli Jylhän turauxesta vuorostaan mieleen toi Sonny Boy Williamsonin bluesvingutus. Sama hiukka narsistinen viritys molemmissa, vaikka Jylhällä passiivis-aggressiivisempi. Oli ehkä hyvä että Anna otti izestänsä ne pehmopornokuvat, niitä voi Vaadin sitten vanhuxena haikeana selailla. Niistä ikinuorna mut aina näät. Porsliinipintaisena puolikosteana rantavedessä. Rinnat, rinnat.
    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 33: Bodies are just as much a product of habit and behavior as they are DNA and genetic structure. Understanding the different physiological body types can give you insight into how yours works best. The hormonal body types are Adrenal, Thyroid, Liver and Ovary, the structural types are Ectomorph, Endomorph and Mesomorph, and the Ayurvedic types (sometimes called the Doshas) are Pitta, Vata, and Kapha. >
    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 264: Samat Päijänteen vedet ovat tuttuja myös Juhani Heikalle. Valkoisen jääkärin pojanpoika päätyi asumaan Päijänteen lähettyville Jämsänkoskelle, joka oli aikoinaan yksi Suomen punaisimmista pitäjistä.
    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 278: Atwood married Jim Polk, an American writer, in 1968, but later divorced in 1973. She formed a relationship with fellow novelist Graeme Gibson soon afterward and moved to a farm near Alliston, Ontario, where their daughter, Eleanor Jess Atwood Gibson, was born in 1976. Graeme kuoli dementtinä 2019.
    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 313: Peg was particularly happy that he achieved the kind of swift exit she wanted and avoided the decline into further dementia that she feared. He had a lovely last few weeks locked up on Peg's boat before being taken to the shot. He was an avid birdwatcher like Antti Arjava. Peg's antics wagging her tail out on a limb were a serene joy to watch.
    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 316: But back to young Peggy. As a result of the governor's award, The Edible Woman was published. Atwood began to enjoy a growing reputation; nonetheless, while her own career took off, she still devoted considerable amounts of time to a small radical publishing house, Anansi, in which her first and only husband was deeply involved. Over this period, Atwood and Jim Polk drifted apart, and Atwood began a relationship with the novelist Graeme Gibson. Together with Graeme's two teenage sons, Matt and Grae, they went off to a farm in a small agricultural community in 1973 in Alliston.
    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 456: Spiritual warfare. Looking Back at Prayerfest 2019, we experienced a powerful move of God while crying out to Him for all generations. To see the recap and full video, click here. He moved, yea, a powerful move, he turned over and snored on. But trust us, we guys will show you some moves! Back and forth! In and out! Thou wilt feel some miracles coming!
    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 518: The histories of Tiberius, Gaius, Claudius, and Nero, while they were in power, were falsified through terror, and after their death were written under the irritation of a recent hatred. Hence my purpose is to relate a few facts about Augustus - more particularly his last acts, then the reign of Tiberius, and all which follows, without either bitterness or partiality, from any motives to which I am far removed.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 96: Haluutko tietää vedenjuonnin eduista? Lue tää vesijohtoliikkeen mainos:
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 107: Lopuxi, aina rukoile ton sun elämäsi Teräsmiehen puolesta. Mind the gap, toimi sen astinlautana joka tilanteessa. Ole sen rukoussoturi. Ole sen selkärankana. Ole se nainen joka väsymättä paikkaa sen mokia. Aina vedä sen yrityxet Mighty Mousen käteen ja kazo kun tää suojelee, ohjaa ja sponsoroi, ja tietysti, siunaa sun miestä runsaskätisesti ja kaikissa käänteissä. Se on Rukoilijasirkan Supervoima. Hädän tullen voit aina syödä siltä pään.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 170: The mechanisms underlying the benefits of Mindfulness Based Interventions are suggested to include improved emotional regulation strategies and self-compassion levels, decreased rumination and experiential avoidance [3], as well as improved meta-cognitive skills and body awareness [4,5]. A number of authors have suggested models to explain the psychological mechanisms by which mindfulness interventions have an effect [6,7,8], and Hötzel et al. [9] have proposed a theoretical framework that integrates earlier models. This framework proposes that there are four main mechanisms: (1) attention regulation; (2) body awareness; (3) emotion regulation; and (4) change in perspective of the self; these, therefore, together improve self-regulation [9].
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 796: In their early 20s the pair vacationed together on Lake Garda on the Austrian-Italian border; they paid their respects at Goethe’s house in Weimar; stayed together at the Hotel Belvedere au Lac in Lugano, Switzerland; and even visited brothels together in Prague, Milan, Leipzig, and Paris. Brod, a self-confessed ladies’ man with an insatiable appetite for adventurous sexual conquests, often berated Kafka for not having a similarly urgent drive of eros. “You avoid women and try to live without them,” Brod once told his friend.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1083:
    Truman and Marilyn were a natural match—two misfit runaways from ramshackle towns with absentee mothers and a longing to be loved.

    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1092: Capote was born Truman Streckfus Persons in New Orleans, Louisiana, on September 30, 1924. His father, Arch Persons, was a well-educated ne'er-do-well from a prominent Alabama family, and his mother, Lillie Mae Faulk, was a pretty and ambitious young woman so anxious to escape the confines of small-town Alabama that she married Arch in her late teens. Capote's early childhood with Arch and Lillie Mae was marked by neglect and painful insecurity that left him with a lifelong fear of abandonment. His life gained some stability in 1930 when, at age six, he was put in the care of four elderly, unmarried cousins in Monroeville, Monroe County. He lived there full-time for three years and made extended visits throughout the decade. Capote was most influenced by his cousin Sook, who adored him and whom he celebrated in his writings. He also forged what would become a lifelong friendship with next-door neighbor Nelle Harper Lee, who later won the Pulitzer Prize for her book, To Kill a Mockingbird. Capote appears in the novel as the character Dill.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1196: Throughout her career, she has received various nicknames referring to her Barbie-like appearance. She has most commonly been referred to as "The Human Barbie".
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1201: She moved to Ukraine's port city of Odesa, where sex and "marriage agencies" devoted to finding the perfect wife for Western husbands are huge industries.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 77: Stidialla! huusi punainen kukko ja teki tulzarista jeparin. Svedujen tulitikkuteollisuuden romahduxesta alkoi pula-aika 1929. Tulitikkukuningas Ivar Kreuger teki seppukun jossain Pariisissa. Tulzarit ei menneet enää kaupaxi kun tuli sähköhelloja. Britit ja jenkit osti toiminnan. Jönköpingin viimeinen tulitikkutehdas sulki 1971.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 364: Sysmän kirjaston uutuushyllystä löytyi jonkun pelle-Hermannin, kiteeläisen sakumamun, omaa pikku wellness-kirkkoa ylläpitävän puolisekopään kyhäilemä kabbalistinen omakustanne, jonka esikuvana on ollut reb Freek Weinrebin, valkovenäläisen jutkumytomaanin ja huijarin joku 900-sivunen pläjäys. Rebin molemman isoisät oli hasidioppineita, Reb ize sotarikollinen ja parantumaton satusetä. Ei helkatti, kyllä totuus on paljon uskomattomampaa tarinaa. Hermanni kyllä mainizee että Rebillä oli vähän vaikeuxia sodanaikaisten jutkuvedätysten kaa ja niistä se joutui lukemaan tiilenpäitäkin, mutta se olikin sen ihan parasta aikaa, pääsi rauhassa planeeraamaan uusia jäyniä. Niinkuin laittomia lääkärileikkejä ja tätä kabbalistipaskaa.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 372: Weinreb grew up in Scheveningen, Netherlands, to which his family had moved in 1916, and became notorious for selling a fictitious escape route for Jews from the occupied Netherlands in the Second World War. When his scheme fell apart in 1944, he left his home in Scheveningen and went into hiding in Ede. He was imprisoned for 3½ years after the war for fraud as well as collaboration with the German occupier. In his memoirs, published in 1969 he maintained that his plans were to give Jews hope for survival and that he had assumed that the liberation of the Netherlands would take place before his customers were deported. The debate about his guilt or innocence—called the “Weinreb affair”—was very heated in the Netherlands in the 1970s, involving noted writers like Renate Rubinstein and Willem Frederik Hermans. In an attempt to end this debate, the government asked the Rijksinstituut Oorlogsdocumentatie (Netherlands institute for war documentation) to investigate the matter. in 1976 the institute issued a report (of which a part already was leaked to the press in 1973), which determined that his memoirs were "a collection of lies and fantasies," and that his collaboration had caused 70 deaths. Although his activities did contribute to some Jews' survival, most Jews who fell for Weinreb's swindle were deported and killed.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 551: Instructions on a well-lived life for dropouts and losers, courtesy of a 25-year-old teen movie. Tää netistä vahingossa löytynyt plokkari Niklas Käki selkeästi maalittaa Isokynä-Lindholmin laulussaan tarkoittamia säälittäviä häviäjiä, löysiä kukkoja ja kanoja.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 707: Rahab (/ˈreɪhæb/; Hebrew: רָחָב‎, Modern: Raẖav, Tiberian: Rāḥāḇ, "broad", "large", Arabic: رحاب, a vast space of a land) was, according to the Book of Joshua, a woman who lived in Jericho in the Promised Land and assisted the Israelites in capturing the city by hiding two men who had been sent to scout the city prior to their attack. In the New Testament, she is lauded both as an example of a saint who lived by faith, and as someone "considered righteous" for her works.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 712: The Hebrew אשה זונה (ishah zonah), used to describe Rahab in Joshua 2:1, literally means "a prostitute woman". In rabbinic texts, however, she is explained as being an "innkeeper," based on the Aramaic Targum: פונדקאית. HAHA LOL. Rahab´s name is presumably the shortened form of a sentence name rāḥāb-N, "the god N has opened/widened (the womb?)". May the lord open. The Hebrew zōnâ may refer to secular or cultic prostitution, and the latter is widely believed to have been an invariable element of Canaanite religious practice, although recent scholarship has disputed this. However, there was a separate word, qědēšâ, that could be used to designate prostitutes of the cultic variety.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 726:
    Ship arsonist by Leighton. Leighton was the bearer of the shortest-lived peerage in history; after only one day his hereditary peerage became extinct upon his death.

    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 745: Evidence is presented that the author of Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov, was himself consciously a pedophile who acted out his desires vicariously through his writing. Drawing upon his literary works and biography, the manifest and genetic origins of Nabokov´s pedophilia are traced back to an unresolved oedipal conflict complicated by childhood sexual abuse. Humbert Humbert, the protagonist in the novel Lolita, is the classic literary portrayal of a pedophile. Evidence is presented that the author of Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov, was himself consciously a pedophile who acted out his desires vicariously through his writing. Drawing upon his literary works and biography, the manifest and genetic origins of Nabokov´s pedophilia are traced back to an unresolved oedipal conflict complicated by childhood sexual abuse. The raw power of Lolita derives from the abreactive discharge of a libidinal cathexis denied any other mode of expression.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 762: The impassioned Humbert constantly searches for discreet forms of fulfilling his sexual urges, usually via the smallest physical contact with Dolores. When Dolores is sent to summer camp, Humbert receives a letter from Charlotte, who confesses her love for him and gives him an ultimatum – he is to either marry her or move out immediately. Initially terrified, Humbert then begins to see the charm in the situation of being Dolores' stepfather, and so marries Charlotte for instrumental reasons (päästäxeen salaa työntämään Lolan piccu tacoon isoa munakoisoa). Charlotte later discovers Humbert's diary, in which she learns of his desire for her daughter and the disgust Charlotte arouses in him. Shocked and humiliated, Charlotte decides to flee with Dolores and writes letters addressed to her friends warning them of Humbert. Disbelieving Humbert´s false assurance that the diary is a sketch for a future novel, Charlotte runs out of the house to send the letters but is killed by a swerving car. Humbert destroys the letters and retrieves Dolores from camp, claiming that her mother has fallen seriously ill and has been hospitalized. He then takes her to a high-end hotel that Charlotte had earlier recommended. Humbert knows he will feel guilty if he consciously rapes Dolores, and so tricks her into taking a sedative by saying it is a vitamin. As he waits for the pill to take effect, he wanders through the hotel and meets a mysterious man who seems to be aware of Humbert´s plan for Dolores. Humbert excuses himself from the conversation and returns to the hotel room. There, he discovers that he had been fobbed with a milder drug, as Dolores is merely drowsy and wakes up frequently, drifting in and out of sleep. He dares not touch her that night. In the morning, Dolores reveals to Humbert that she actually has already lost her virginity, having engaged in sexual activity with an older boy at a different camp a year ago. He immediately begins sexually abusing (fucking) her. And they lived happily ever after.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 769: One of the first things Nabokov makes a point of saying is that, despite John Ray Jr.'s claim in the Foreword, there is no moral to the story. Nabokov concludes the afterword with a reference to his beloved first language, which he abandoned as a writer once he moved to the United States in 1940: "My private tragedy, which cannot, and indeed should not, be anybody's concern, is that I had to abandon my natural idiom, my untrammeled, rich, and infinitely docile Russian language for a second-rate brand of English." Alas, that 'wonderful Russian language' which, I imagined, still awaits me somewhere, which blooms like a faithful spring behind the locked gate to which I, after so many years, still possess the key, turned out to be non-existent, and there is nothing beyond that gate, except for some burned out stumps and hopeless autumnal emptiness, and the key in my hand looks rather like a lock pick. Or floppy prick."
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 771: "I would say that of all my books Lolita has left me with the most pleasurable afterglow—perhaps because it is the purest of all, the most abstract and carefully contrived. I am probably responsible for the odd fact that people don´t seem to name their daughters Lolita any more. I have heard of young female lapdogs being given that name since 1956, but of no human beings."
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1030: die, that I loved her more than anything I had ever seen or imagined on earth, or
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1089: was five until she was eight, she lived in
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1090: Dunbar. In June 1963 she and her family moved
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1091: to California. They first lived in San Mateo on
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1092: El Camino Real and then moved to the other side
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1094: They lived in Miramar for half a year, in El
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1099: mother moved her and her sisters back to
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1102: family moved again, she spent her senior year
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1105: Pierce lived with her husband Tim Liebe (Spouse-Creature) in New York City, with their four cats and multiple other pets, until they moved to Syracuse, New York.
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 159: Susan said: "The other thing I want to do is G-spot so you can sit there and play with her and make her feel good. The way I got involved in this was when my husband finished his PHD I got him a Real Doll as a graduation present, at first I got jealous because he spent time with her.
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 167: "Chloe keeps my eye from wandering because having a doll says I'm not interested in being involved with other women accept my wife.
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 830: Kullervo Koivisto päätti päivänsä pornokuvaajana vuonna 2011 Brande Arts -galleriassa järjestettyyn Oman elämänsä stuntti -näyttelyyn. Valokuvanäyttelyyn Koivisto oli valinnut kuvia, joilla oli oma tarinansa. Kuvat eivät valitettavasti sisältäneet kovaa pornoa. Näyttelyn harvinaisuuksiin kuuluivat muun muassa ensimmäinen mallikuva Angelika Kalliosta, kuvia ex-missi Tarja Smurasta ja Marika Hakalasta, sekä kuva räystäsperseisestä Lilli Suomalaisesta alastonmallina. Näyttelyssä oli esillä myös Rasputin-elokuvan kuvauksista otettuja kuvia ja Penthousessa 1980-luvulla maailmalle levinneitä kuvia, joissa Xena-niminen nainen poseeraa niukassa lähitaisteluasussa (pikkarit) jäällä Laajasalon edustalla. Näyttelyn päätteeksi taiteiden yönä huutokaupattiin esillä olleiden töiden vedokset. Huutokaupan meklarina toimi Kauko Röyhkä, ja siitä saaduilla rahoilla lahjoitettiin maalaus- ja piirustustarvikkeita helsinkiläisille päiväkodeille. Hyi-huutoja Distant Burpille! Siinä kanssa paha setämies.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 299: The line as used by West is notable for what it’s not: a charged reference to black freedom. Rather, those that are “free at last” aren’t enslaved humans but a woman’s breasts, released from the bondage of a bra during a bathroom tryst.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 420: Klytaimnestraa. K. ei vedä hänelle vertaa ei kasvoiltaan eikä vartaloltaan. Eikö
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 428: From the start, critics complained about the ostensible sameness of Roth’s books, their narcissism and narrowness—or, as he himself put it, comparing his own work to his father’s conversation, “Family, family, family, Newark, Newark, Newark, Jew, Jew, Jew.” Over time, he took on vast themes—love, lust, loneliness, marriage, masculinity, ambition, community, solitude, loyalty, betrayal, patriotism, rebellion, piety, disgrace, the body, the imagination, American history, mortality, the relentless mistakes of life—and he did so in a variety of forms: comedy, parody, romance, conventional narrative, postmodernism, autofiction. In each performance of a self, Roth captured the same sound and consciousness. in nearly fifty years of reading him I’ve never been more bored. I got to know Roth in the nineteen-nineties, when I interviewed him for this magazine around the time he published “The Human Stain.” To be in his presence was an exhilarating, though hardly relaxing, experience. He was unnervingly present, a condor on a branch, unblinking, alive to everything: the best detail in your story, the slackest points in your argument. His intelligence was immense, his performances and imitations mildly funny. “He who is loved by his parents is a conquistador,” Roth used to say, and he was adored by his parents, though both could be daunting to the young Philip. Herman Roth sold insurance; Bess ruled the family’s modest house, on Summit Avenue, in a neighborhood of European Jewish immigrants, their children and grandchildren. There was little money, very few books. Roth was not an academic prodigy; his teachers sensed his street intelligence but they were not overawed by his classroom performance. Roth learned to write through imitation. His first published story, “The Day It Snowed,” was so thoroughly Truman Capote that, he later remarked, he made “Capote look like a longshoreman.”
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 470: life in New York in 1908. He briefly lived in Brooklyn, and then on the Lower East
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 472: family moved to Harlem. Roth lived there until 1927, when, as a senior at City
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 473: College of New York, he moved in with Eda Lou Walton, a poet and New York
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 474: University instructor who lived on Morton Street in Greenwich Village. Roth was
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 479: briefly lived in Brooklyn, and then on the Lower East Side, in the slums where his
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 480: classic novel Call It Sleep is set. In 1914, the family moved to Harlem. Roth
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 481: lived there until 1927, when, as a senior at City College of New York, he moved in
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 482: with Eda Lou Walton, a poet and New York University instructor who lived on Morton
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 485: With Walton's support, he began Call It Sleep in about 1930, completed the novel in the spring of 1934, and it was published in December 1934, to mostly good reviews. Yet the New York Herald Tribune's book critic Lewis Gannett foresaw that the book would not prove popular with its bleak depiction of New York's Lower East Side, but wrote readers would "remember it and talk about it and watch excitedly" for Roth's next book. Call It Sleep sold slowly and poorly, and after it was out-of-print, critics writing in magazines such as Commentary and Partisan Review kept praising it, and asking for it to be reprinted. After being republished in hardback in 1960 and paperback in 1964, with more than 1,000,000 copies sold, and many weeks on the New York Times bestseller list, the novel was hailed as an overlooked Depression-era masterpiece and classic novel of immigration. Today, it is widely regarded as a masterpiece of Jewish American literature. With Walton's support, he began Call It Sleep in about 1930, completed the novel in the spring of 1934, and it was published in December 1934, to mostly good reviews. Yet the New York Herald Tribune's book critic Lewis Gannett foresaw that the book would not prove popular with its bleak depiction of New York's Lower East Side, but wrote readers would "remember it and talk about it and watch excitedly" for Roth's next book. Call It Sleep sold slowly and poorly, and after it was out-of-print, critics writing in magazines such as Commentary and Partisan Review kept praising it, and asking for it to be reprinted.[ After being republished in hardback in 1960 and paperback in 1964, with more than 1,000,000 copies sold, and many weeks on the New York Times bestseller list, the novel was hailed as an overlooked Depression-era masterpiece and classic novel of immigration. Today, it is widely regarded as a masterpiece of Jewish American literature. After Muriel's death in 1990, Roth moved into a ramshackle former funeral parlor and occupied himself with revising the final volumes of his monumental work, Mercy of a Rude Stream. It has been alleged that the incestuous relationships between the protagonist, a sister, and a cousin in Mercy of a Rude Stream are based on Roth's life. Roth's own sister denied that such events occurred. Roth attributed his massive writer's block to personal problems such as depression, and to political conflicts, including his disillusion with Communism. At other times he cited his early break with Judaism and his obsessive sexual preoccupations as probable causes. Roth died in Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States in 1995. The character E. I. Lonoff in Philip Roth's Zuckerman novels (The Ghost Writer and Exit Ghost in this case), is a composite of Roth, Bernard Malamud and fictional elements.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 558: its harmfulness demands our condemnation. Mr. Darwin was grieved
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 759: In 1981, Love was granted a small trust fund that had been left by her maternal grandparents, which she used to travel to Dublin, Ireland, where her biological father was living. She audited courses at Trinity College, studying theology for two semesters. She later received honorary patronage from Trinity's University Philosophical Society in 2010.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 763: She appeared in supporting roles in the Alex Cox films Sid and Nancy (1986) and Straight to Hell (1987) before forming the band Hole in Los Angeles with guitarist Eric Erlandson. The group received critical acclaim from underground rock press for their 1991 debut album, produced by Kim Gordon, while their second release, Live Through This (1994), was met with critical accolades and multi-platinum sales. In 1995, Love returned to acting, earning a Golden Globe Award nomination for her performance as Althea Leasure in Miloš Forman's The People vs. Larry Flynt (1996), which established her as a mainstream actress. The following year, Hole's third album, Celebrity Skin (1998), was nominated for three Grammy Awards.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 766: Drummer Lori Barbero recalled Love's time in Minneapolis: She lived in my house for a little while. And then we did a concert at the Orpheum. It was in 1988. It was called O-88 with Butthole Surfers, Cows & Bastards, Run Westy Run, and Babes in Toyland. And I guess Maureen [Herman] took Courtney to the airport after she stole all the money. She stayed and stayed, and then the next day she wanted me to take her to the airport. And so I drove her to the airport. She had just had some weird fight with the guy at the desk, and then she left. She said, 'I'm going to go to L.A. and I'm going to get my face done and I'm going to be famous.' And then she did."
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 769: In 1988, Love abandoned acting and returned to the West Coast, citing the "celebutante" fame she had attained as the central reason.[86] She returned to stripping in the small town of McMinnville, Oregon, where she was recognized by customers at the bar.[87] This prompted Love to go into isolation, so she relocated to Anchorage, Alaska, where she lived for three months to "gather her thoughts", supporting herself by working at a strip club frequented by local fishermen. "I decided to move to Alaska because I needed to get my shit together and learn how to work," she said in retrospect. "So I went on this sort of vision quest. I got rid of all my earthly possessions. I had my bad little strip clothes and some big sweaters, and I moved into a trailer with a bunch of other strippers."
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 776: Though Love later said Pretty on the Inside was "unlistenable" and "unmelodic", the album received generally positive critical reception from indie and punk rock critics and was named one of the 20 best albums of the year by Spin. It gained a following in the United Kingdom, charting at 59 on the UK Albums Chart, and its lead single, "Teenage Whore", entered the UK Indie Chart at number one.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 795: After Hole's world tour concluded in 1996, Love made a return to acting, first in small roles in the Jean-Michel Basquiat biopic Basquiat and the drama Feeling Minnesota (1996), and then a starring role as Larry Flynt's wife Althea in Miloš Forman's critically acclaimed 1996 film The People vs. Larry Flynt. Love went through rehabilitation and quit using heroin at the insistence of Forman; she was ordered to take multiple urine tests under the supervision of Columbia Pictures while filming, and passed all of them. Despite Columbia Pictures' initial reluctance to hire Love due to her troubled past, her performance received acclaim, earning a Golden Globe nomination for Best Actress, and a New York Film Critics Circle Award for Best Supporting Actress. Critic Roger Ebert called her work in the film "quite a performance; Love proves she is not a rock star pretending to act, but a true actress."
    xxx/ellauri126.html on line 75: Pitäkää pumppunne! Tekee mieli vedellä itaroita mulkeroita poijuun.
    xxx/ellauri126.html on line 279: Luvussa Tietoisuuden kehitys Paola paljastaa puolivillaisen karvansa siteeraamalla Chandra "Rajneesh" tai "Osho" Mohan Jainia, joka albumissa 44 on jo todettu narsistixi ja aiivan paskaxi äijäxi, epiteetillä "1 1900-luvun merkittävimmistä henkisistä opettajista". Samassa hengenvedossa putkahtaa esiin myös "Jiddu" Krishnamurti, josta albumissa 52 on havaittu aivan samansorttisexi pillipiiparixi.
    xxx/ellauri126.html on line 307: Chopra studied medicine in India before emigrating in 1970 to the United States, where he completed a residency in internal medicine and a fellowship in endocrinology. As a licensed physician, in 1980 he became chief of staff at the New England Memorial Hospital (NEMH). In 1985, he met Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and became involved in the Transcendental Meditation (TM) movement. Shortly thereafter he resigned his position at NEMH to establish the Maharishi Ayurveda Health Center. In 1993, Chopra gained a following after he was interviewed about his books on The Oprah Winfrey Show. He then left the TM movement to become the executive director of Sharp HealthCare's Center for Mind-Body Medicine. In 1996, he co-founded the Chopra Center for Wellbeing.
    xxx/ellauri126.html on line 311: The ideas Chopra promotes have regularly been criticized by medical and scientific professionals as pseudoscience. The criticism has been described as ranging "from the dismissive to...damning". Philosopher Robert Carroll writes that Chopra, to justify his teachings, attempts to integrate Ayurveda with quantum mechanics. Chopra says that what he calls "quantum healing" cures any manner of ailments, including cancer, through effects that he claims are literally based on the same principles as quantum mechanics. This has led physicists to object to his use of the term "quantum" in reference to medical conditions and the human body. Evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins has said that Chopra uses "quantum jargon as plausible-sounding hocus pocus". Chopra's treatments generally elicit nothing but a placebo response and have drawn criticism that the unwarranted claims made for them may raise "false hope" and lure sick people away from legitimate medical treatments.
    xxx/ellauri126.html on line 407: Sosiopsykologiterapeutti Janne Viljamaa sanoo, että tutkimusten mukaan kaksi kolmesta narsistisesta "henkilöstä" on miehiä. Niinpä tietysti. Perheessä narsisti voi tehdä puolison riippuvaiseksi itsestään esimerkiksi taloudellisesti. Hän saattaa laskea sentilleen, kuka maksoi mitäkin ja vedota sopivan paikan tullen siihen sanomalla, että "minähän tämänkin maksoin".
    xxx/ellauri126.html on line 668: Paula Salomaa ei oikein näytä miltään petihirmulta. Silti siltä löytyy vinkeitä naintiohjeita tasavertaisille yhtyjille. Luja voima johdattaa rakastavaiset määrätietoisesti kohti haluttua päämäärää. Lempeä voima vapauttaa heidät kohti aistillista nautintoa yhtä vapaana vastuusta kuin vedessä keinuva aalto. Luja on luonnollisesti jättestor ståkuk ja lempeä on tuhero. Paize että osat voivat vaihtua kuin Eskin suhteellisuusteoria! Tää toimii sekä heteroille että homoille!
    xxx/ellauri126.html on line 736: Kognitiivisen psykoterapian piiriin luetaan muun muassa kognitiivis-analyyttinen terapia, skeematerapia, tietoisuustaidot (engl. mindfulness) eräät traumapsykoterapian menetelmät, dialektinen käyttäytymisterapia ja muitakin hoitomuotoja. Psykoedukatiivisessa terapiassa on paljon elementtejä kognitiivisesta psykoterapiasta. Eli tällästä mantrojen hokemista ja peptalkia. Sano valas, vedä 10 kertaa housut alas.
    xxx/ellauri126.html on line 748: Kyseessä on zenbuddhalaisuudesta ja samkhyafilosofiasta nyysitty advanta vedantasta tutuxi tullut olemisen tila. Elämä ei ole ongelma vaan mysteeri. Ryhtykäämme rakastavixi vanhemmixi izellemme, niin saadaan karman pyörä pyörimään. Bylsikäämme izeämme ja putkahtakaamme ulos omasta perseestämme omina viattomina lapsinamme. (Kyllä vanhemmalla on oikeus vihata lastaan.) Näin radikaali päätös muistuttaa päätöstä tulla tahalteen raskaaxi. (Tai jos olet miekkonen, panna hoito paxuxi. Se on sikäli luontevampi päätös, että ainahan voi lähtee lätkimään. Luonto saa tilaisuuden ottaa ohjat käsiinsä.)
    xxx/ellauri126.html on line 814: Muita sanontoja joita voisi käyttää jossain myöhemmässä jaxossa: Kattoo jynkkyä muna kädessä, vetää pannuun, tempasta lättyyn, tärppää kaaliin, vedellä poijuun, ruuvaa turpaan, laittaa urakalla pataan. Täyttä kuraa. Ime kiviä! Vitutuxen aiheita löytyy aakkostettuna takakannessa. Aika moneen on helppo yhtyä, vaikka osa alkaa olla vähän liian millenniaalia.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 116: There are currently five scholarly journals devoted to Nabokov studies. His allusive style and trilingual (English, French, Russian) wordplay are catnip for academics, who endlessly parse challenging texts like “Pale Fire” — a novel in verse, followed by obscurantist commentary — finding new apercus tailor-made for small-journal publication. Nabokov’s apotheosis in academe is quite ironical, because he and his close friend, the literary critic Edmund Wilson, shared an icy disdain for the ivory tower. They viewed universities as ATMs, handy because there were so many of them, and because they were flush with cash. Nabokov, who arrived in the United States penniless in 1940, had to rely on teaching assignments at Wellesley and Cornell to feed his family for 15 years. The moment “Lolita” made him financially independent, he fled Cornell for Switzerland and never set foot in a classroom again.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 120: In his lifetime, Nabokov received many contrary and often puzzled reviews. The Hollywood producer Robert Evans famously flew to Switzerland in 1968 to read an advance copy of the novel “Ada” in one day. “It was torture,” he recalled. Dwight Macdonald hated “Pale Fire” on behalf of Partisan Review, calling it “unreadable . . . too clever by half . . . Philistine . . . false” — and he hadn’t even finished his first paragraph!
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 124: I would argue that the first real fissure in the adulatory critical wall hailing the “literary giant” came in 1990, in George Steiner’s erudite assessment of the first volume of Brian Boyd’s Nabokov biography, “Vladimir Nabokov: The Russian Years.” Writing in The New Yorker, Steiner perceived, a lack of generosity of spirit in Boyd’s subject: “Nabokov’s case seems to entail a deep-lying inhumanity, or, more precisely, unhumanity,” Steiner wrote. “There is compassion in Nabokov, but it is far outweighed by lofty or morose disdain.”
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 234: ved/">Lähde
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 488: Shortly after being let go from the college, Silk begins a relationship with Faunia Farley, a 34-year-old local woman who works as a janitor at the college and is believed (falsely, as it turns out) to be illiterate, further cementing his status as a pariah among the Athena faculty and student body.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 524: On it being revealed that Nerissa and the clerk were one and the same, he is much relieved to discover that he has not in fact been cuckolded, and closes the play on a bawdy pun. Nerissa's ring is the sphincter between her legs.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 579: Floated midway on the waves; Kellettävän vedessä, se käyttäytyi
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 616: Undinisti tykkää vedenheitosta: heittää vettä naisten päälle tai kääntäen. Vladi arvelee että undinistit käyttää kuivamustekynää. Der Kulli. Mistähän se johtuu että sexuaalisesti vääristyneet ihmiset kuumuu ristisanoista ja sanaleikeistä? Jonkun Vladin nimeemättä jättämän turahtajan mukaan taide on exynyttä sexuaaliviettiä. Vladista asia on just vastoinpäin. Pederoosi on mahdollisen taidetta.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 618: A person from Porlock was an unwelcome visitor to Samuel Taylor Coleridge during his composition of the poem Kubla Khan in 1797. Coleridge claimed to have perceived the entire course of the poem in an opiatic dream, but was interrupted by this visitor from Porlock while in the process of writing it. Kubla Khan, only 54 lines long, was never completed. Thus "person from Porlock", "man from Porlock", or just "Porlock" are literary allusions to unwanted intruders who disrupt inspired creativity.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 622: On awakening he appeared to himself to have a distinct recollection of the whole, and taking his pen, ink, and paper, instantly and eagerly wrote down the lines that are here preserved. At this moment he was unfortunately called out by a person on business from Porlock, and detained by him above an hour, and on his return to his room, found, to his no small surprise and mortification, that though he still retained some vague and dim recollection of the general purport of the vision, yet, with the exception of some eight or ten scattered lines and images, all the rest had passed away like the images on the surface of a stream into which a stone has been cast, but, alas! without the after restoration of the latter!
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 627: If the Porlock interruption was a fiction, it would parallel the famous "letter from a friend" that interrupts Chapter XIII of Coleridge's Biographia Literaria just as he was beginning a 100-page exposition of the nature of the imagination. It was admitted much later that the "friend" was the author himself. In that case, the invented letter solved the problem that Coleridge found little receptiveness for his philosophy in the England of that time.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 645: Klein’s insistence on viewing aggression as an important force in its own right when analyzing children led her into conflict with Freud’s own daughter, Anna Freud, who was one of the other prominent child psychotherapists in continental Europe but who became moved to London in 1938 where Klein had been working for several years. Many controversies arose out of this conflict, and these are often referred to as controversial debates. In reality, the semitic hags were in one another's hairs. Lähde:
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 685: Operation Bagration, June-August 1944. The greatest offensive in world history, it eventually involved 3.5 million men, 7,000 tanks, and 9,000 aircraft. It was an overwhelming Soviet victory and set the stage for the final assault on Nazi Germany.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 713: Chatterton soon conceived the romance of Thomas Rowley, an imaginary monk of the 15th century, and adopted for himself the pseudonym Thomas Rowley for poetry and history. According to psychoanalyst Louise J. Kaplan, his being fatherless played a great role in his imposturous creation of Rowley. The development of his masculine identity was held back by the fact that he was raised by two women: his mother Sarah and his sister Mary.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 717: The poem begins with the line "A thing of beauty is a joy for ever". Endymion is written in rhyming couplets in iambic pentameter (also known as heroic couplets). Keats based the poem on the Greek myth of Endymion, the shepherd beloved of the moon goddess Selene. The poem elaborates on the original story and renames Selene "Cynthia" (an alternative name for Artemis). It starts by painting the typical rustic scene of trees, rivers, shepherds, and sheep. The shepherds gather around an altar and pray to Pan, god of shepherd pies and cocks. As the youths sing and dance, the elder men sit by the rivers of Babylon and bleat about what life would be like in the shades of Elysium.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 719: However, Endymion, the "brain-sick shepherd-prince" of Mt. Latmos, is in a trancelike state, and not participating in their discourse. His sister, Peona (Fanny), takes him away and brings him to her resting place where he sleeps. After he wakes, he tells Peona of his encounter with Cynthia (Fanny B.), and how much he loved her. The poem is divided into four books, each approximately 1,000 lines long. TLDR, quips Peona. 
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 743: Endymion received scathing criticism after its release, and Keats himself noted its diffuse and unappealing style. Keats did not regret writing it, as he likened the process to leaping into the ocean to become more acquainted with his surroundings; in a poem to J. A. Hessey, he expressed that "I was never afraid of failure; for I would sooner fail than not be among the greatest." However, he did feel regret in its publishing, saying "it is not without a feeling of regret that I make it public." Not all critics disliked the work. eg. the poet Thomas Hood.  Henry Morley said, "The song of Endymion throbs throughout with a noble poet's sense of all that his art means for him. What mechanical defects there are in it may even serve to quicken our sense of the youth and freshness of this voice of aspiration." Meaning: Dig it mon. Endymionin jälkeen Keaz kommentoi sen vastaanottoa seuraavasti.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 778: Cockney poet Keats was compared to Milton who lived and worked at London's Mermaid Tavern. Coincidentally, his father, Thomas worked as a barman in London's Hoop and Swan Pub until passing in 1804. It is clear John Keats is making a universal statement about poets and the message is associated to lively pub life and drink. The phrase, "new old sign," indicates he recognizes similarities between himself and Milton. Milton vanha kuu pois pyllisti, uusvanha nousee tilalle. Was he a sodomite like Little John? Was he also one of the men in tights?
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 836: I saw their starved lips in the gloam Mä näin niiden veretönten huulten
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 876: To feel for ever its soft fall and swell, Tuntien iäti sen pehmoiset vuorovedet,
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 907: Or by a cyder-press, with patient look, Tai siideritiskillä, missä vedät perä perää
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 955: Vuonna 1997 Andrew Motion teki yhteenvedon
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 88: Uskonnon mysteerien edestä vedetään harvoin nahat pois, r:n lähes aina.joku LandorMFUCK!
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 125: Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield KG PC FRS (21 December 1804 – 19 April 1881) was a British statesman and Conservative politician who twice served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He played a central role in the creation of the modern Conservative Party, defining its policies and its broad outreach. Disraeli is remembered for his influential voice in world affairs, his political battles with the Liberal Party leader William Ewart Gladstone, and his one-nation conservatism or "Tory democracy". He made the Conservatives the party most identified with the glory and power of the British Empire. He is the only British prime minister to have been of Jewish birth. He was also a novelist, publishing works of fiction even as prime minister.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 130: World events thereafter moved against the Conservatives. Controversial wars in Afghanistan and South Africa undermined his public support. He angered British farmers by refusing to reinstitute the Corn Laws in response to poor harvests and cheap imported grain. With Gladstone conducting a massive speaking campaign, his Liberals defeated Disraeli´s Conservatives at the 1880 general election. In his final months, Disraeli led the Conservatives in Opposition. He had written novels throughout his career, beginning in 1826, and he published his last completed novel, Endymion, shortly before he died at the age of 76. Russell pelkäsi pienenä Gladstonen setää.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 446: Douglas Francis Jerrold (Scarborough 3 August 1893 - 1964) was a British journalist and publisher. As editor of The English Review from 1931 to 1935, he was a vocal supporter of fascism in Italy and of Francoist Spain.He was personally involved in the events of July 1936 when two British intelligence agents piloted an aircraft from the Canary Islands to Spanish Morocco, taking General ... Jerrold´s figure was small and spare, and in later years bowed almost to deformity. His features were strongly marked and expressive, from the thin humorous lips to the keen blue eyes, gleaming from beneath the shaggy eyebrows. He was brisk and active, with the careless bluffness of a sailor. Briljantti vittupää.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 464: He was born in York and grew up in and near Birmingham in a professional middle-class family. He attended English independent (or public) schools and studied English at Christ Church, Oxford. After a few months in Berlin in 1928–29, he spent five years (1930–35) teaching in British private preparatory schools, then travelled to Iceland and China to write books about his journeys. In 1939 he moved to the United States and became an American citizen in 1946, retaining his British citizenship. Auden oli homopetteri.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 505: Risto Tapani Ahti (s. 27. elokuuta 1943 Lahti) on suomalainen runoilija. Hänen tuotantonsa sisältää yli kaksikymmentä runokokoelmaa, runo-ohjelmia radiossa, esseitä, kritiikkejä ja artikkeleita sekä suomennoksia. Ahti on toiminut myös opettajana muun muassa Oriveden Opistossa ja Tampereen yliopistossa.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 506: Ahti valmistui ylioppilaaksi Lahden Kannaksen yhteislyseosta vuonna 1963 ja opiskeli kirjallisuutta, kasvatustieteitä ja englannin kieltä Jyväskylän, Helsingin ja Oulun yliopistoissa. Hän työskenteli vt. vanhempana lehtorina Suomussalmen yhteiskoulussa 1969–1971, nuorempana lehtorina 1973–1974 ja Lahden yhteislyseon tuntiopettajana 1974–1984. Hän opetti Oriveden Opistossa 1989–1991. Ahdin luovan kirjoittamisen kursseja on kutsuttu ”lyriikan korkeakouluksi”.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 542: In his memoirs, he calls his father “bashful” and his mother “reserved.” Between them, they filled the house with “melancholy reticences and unexpressed doubts.” Some of the silence surrounded a particular subject: the family’s Jewishness. This was not exactly hidden, but it was not brought to the fore, either. Maurois, who was born Émile Herzog on July 26, 1885, found out that he was Jewish at the age of about six, when a friend at the local Protestant church told him so. His parents confirmed it, but they also spoke highly of Protestantism.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 544: He had a good education at the lycée in Rouen, falling under the influence of a charismatic teacher, Émile-Auguste Chartier, known as “Alain.” Alain inspired other pupils, too, including Simone Weil and Raymond Aron, urging them to question received ideas. He gave Maurois a love of literature but also, perhaps surprisingly, urged him to take up the mill business after leaving school. Maurois did so, but in his Elbeuf office he kept a secret cupboard filled with Balzac novels and notebooks, and copied out pages of Stendhal to improve his writing style. He became a Kipling enthusiast, and learned excellent English. He travelled to Paris at least one day a week, and frequented brothels there.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 546: But then he fell in love! Emppu rakastui Geneven lomalla 16-vuotiaaseen koulutyttöön kuin Vladi Lolitaan. Janine matched a template that he had got from a book that influenced his erotic fantasies permanently. With her Slavic features and her cool, rather fey manner, Wanda "Janine" de Szymkiewicz (though Polish) made a perfect Russian queen. She called him Minou, he called her Ginou. Sini ja mini. Sometime in the early nineteen-twenties, Maurois began having affairs. Janine had them, too, or at least flirtations, aquarels of fucking, especially on their seaside vacations in Deauville. Maurois put a lot of his own personality into Shelley, and wrote of Harriet as a “child-wife” made bitter by unhappiness. Emil could be savage: “Even when she had the air of being interested in ideas, her indifference was proved by the blankness of her gaze. Worst of all, she was coquettish, frivolous, versed in the tricks and wiles of woman.” Fortunately, becoming pregnant again in late 1922, Janine developed septicemia, was operated on unsuccessfully, and died on February 26, 1923. Maurois was bereaved, and free. Jahuu! Vihelteliköhän sekin koko matkan hautajaisiin kuten Peppy? Rakkaus on hassuttelua yhdessä.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 601: Margaret Caroline Anderson (November 24, 1886 – October 19, 1973) was the American founder, editor and publisher of the art and literary magazine The Little Review, which published a collection of modern American, English and Irish writers between 1914 and 1929. The periodical is most noted for introducing many prominent American and British writers of the 20th century, such as Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot in the United States, and publishing the first thirteen chapters of James Joyce's then-unpublished novel, Ulysses. A large collection of her papers on Gurdjieff's teaching is now preserved at Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University. She was blond, shapely, with lean ankles and a Scandinavian face. ... In 1916, Anderson met Jane Heap. The two became lovers. In early 1924, through Alfred Richard Orage, Anderson came to know of spiritual teacher George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff, and saw performances of his 'Sacred dances', first at the 'Neighbourhood Playhouse', and later at Carnegie Hall. Shortly after Gurdjieff's automobile accident, Anderson, along with Georgette Leblanc, Jane Heap and Monique Surrere, moved to France to visit him at Fountainebleau-Avon, where he had set up his institute at Château du Prieuré in Avon.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 603: The teachings of George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff played an important role in Anderson's life. Anderson met Gurdjieff in Paris and, together with Leblanc, began studies with him, focusing on his original teaching called The Fourth Way. Along with Katherine Mansfield and Jane Heap, she remains one of the most noted institutees of Gurdjieff´s, Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man, at Fontainebleau, near Paris, from October 1922 to 1924. Anderson studied with Gurdjieff in France until his death in October 1949, writing about him and his teachings in most of her books, most extensively in her memoir, The Unknowable Gurdjieff. By 1942 her relationship with Heap had cooled. Anderson sailed for the United States. Jane Heap had moved to London in 1935, where she led Gurdjieff study groups until her death in 1964. With her passage paid by Ernest Hemingway, Anderson met on the voyage Dorothy Caruso, widow of the singer and famous tenor Enrico Caruso. The two began a romantic relationship, and lived together until Dorothy´s death in 1955. Anderson returned to Le Cannet, and there she died of emphysema on October 19, 1973.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 630: Maureen Patricia Duffy (born 21 October 1933) is an English poet, playwright, novelist and non-fiction author. Long an activist covering such issues as gay rights and animal rights, she campaigns especially on behalf of authors. She has received the Benson & Hedges Medal for her damn long writings.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 636: Atkinson later moved on to study the work of Frege with the philosopher Charles Parsons.
    xxx/ellauri129.html on line 220: Tommi pysyy liimatta mukana kuvassa, varmaan sinitarralla. Hän on nykyisin myös käteenvetäjä. Häneltä on tullut sarjakuvakirjaan masturbaatio Ranualla. Hän on toimittanut perille Veikko Ennalan kirjoja. Hän on absoluuttinen nollapiste laulajana. Tommin isä meni naapurin ämmän luoxe kirkkovenenäyttelyyn. Pihan pojat tyrskivät niin että vedet roiskuivat.
    xxx/ellauri129.html on line 269: Eero esitteli mönkijää, se oli Polaris Sportsman XP 550, parin vuoden takainen malli, neliveto, sähköinen ohjaustehostin, alamäkijarru ja niin edelleen. Eero kertoi kokeilleensa sitä Piikkiön pelialueella, ajotuntuma oli täydellinen, äkkijyrkät nousut se otti kevyesti ja anti-kickback tasasi ohjaustankoon osuvat iskut. Tällainen oli Larille tuttua. Eero sai pakkoajatuksia tavaroista. Jos hänen piti ostaa vaikka makuupussi, hankintaa edelsi viikkojen tutkimustyö. Hän luki verkosta testejä ja käyttäjäkokemuksia, soitteli myyjille ja maahantuojille, perehtyi makuupussien teknologiaan, vertaili grammapainoja, kuorikankaita, tikkauksia, polyamidilaatujen vedenpitävyyttä ja täytemateriaalien kompressoituvuutta, kunnes osti kilpailukykyisimmän makuupussin, puhui siitä jokaiselle ja nukkui siinä ehkä kahdesti. Tieto täydellisestä varusteesta oli käyttöä tärkeämpää.
    xxx/ellauri129.html on line 360: Se syntyy luonteestani. Olen erittäinkin izekeskeinen. Mulle olisi kauhean vaikea yrittää kirjoittaa jostain andorralaisesta eläkeläisestä tai avovaimon äidistä, en osaisi eläytyä sellaiseen riittävästi. Asiat, jotka mua kiinnostaa, nousevat "usein" omasta elämästä, ja musta on ollut tärkeääkin kirjoittaa aiheista, jotka on itse kokenut. 22-vuotiaana hän oli juopuneena sukeltanut altaan matalaan päähän ja iskeytynyt pohjaan. Hyvä ystävä Eero nosti hänet vedestä.
    xxx/ellauri129.html on line 628: di D'Yzarn-Freissinet. Frase postata in Frasi & Aforismi . Si dimentica presto la morte degli altri, per non dover pensare alla propria. D'Yzarn-Freissinet. Clicca qui per vedere le altre frasi di D'Yzarn-Freissinet ... Frases y citas célebres de Vizconde D'Yzarn-Freissinet ...
    xxx/ellauri129.html on line 650: When Illinois opened its first hospital for the mentally ill in 1851, the state legislature passed a law that within two years of its passage was amended to require a public hearing before a person could be committed against his or her will. There was one exception, however: a husband could have his wife committed without either a public hearing or her consent. In 1860, Theophilus Packard judged that his wife was "slightly insane", a condition he attributed to "excessive application of body and mind". He arranged for a doctor, J.W. Brown, to speak with her. The doctor pretended to be a sewing machine salesman. During their conversation, Elizabeth complained of her husband's domination and his accusations to others that she was insane. Dr. Brown reported this conversation to Theophilus (along with the observation that Mrs. Packard "exhibited a great dislike to me"). Theophilus decided to have Elizabeth committed. She learned of this decision on June 18, 1860, when the county sheriff arrived at the Packard home to take her into custody.
    xxx/ellauri129.html on line 662: With that, she did not go back to her former life, but became a national celebrity of sorts, publishing "an armload of books and criss-crossing the United States on a decades-long reform campaign", not only fighting for married women's rights and freedom of speech, but calling out against "the power of insane asylums". She became what some scholars call "a publicist and lobbyist for better insanity laws". As scholar Kathryn Burns-Howard has argued, Packard reinvented herself in this rôle, earning enough to support her children and even her estranged husband, from whom she remained separated for the rest of her life. Ultimately, moderate supporters of women's rights in the northern U.S. embraced her, weaving her story into arguments about slavery, framing her experience as a type of enslavement and even arguing in the midst of the Civil War that a county in the midst of freeing African-American slaves should do the same for others who suffered from abusive husbands. Some argue that she seemed oblivious to her racial prejudice in arguing that white women had a "moral and spiritual nature" and suffered more "spiritual agony" than formerly enslaved African-Americans. Even so, others say that her story provided "a stirring example of oppressed womanhood" that others did not.
    xxx/ellauri129.html on line 666: Elizabeth realized how narrow her legal victory had been; while she had escaped confinement, it was largely a measure of luck. The underlying social principles which had led to her confinement still existed. She founded the Anti-Insane Asylum Society and published several books, including Marital Power Exemplified, or Three Years Imprisonment for Religious Belief (1864), Great Disclosure of Spiritual Wickedness in High Places (1865), The Mystic Key or the Asylum Secret Unlocked (1866), and The Prisoners' Hidden Life, Or Insane Asylums Unveiled (1868). In 1867, the State of Illinois passed a "Bill for the Protection of Personal Liberty" which guaranteed that all people accused of insanity, including wives, had the right to a public hearing. She also saw similar laws passed in three other states. Even so, she was strongly attacked by medical professionals and anonymous citizens, unlike others such as Dorothea Dix, with her former doctor from the Jacksonville Insane Asylum, Dr. McFarland, who privately called her "a sort of Joan D'Arc in the matter of stirring up the personal prejudices". As such, Elizabeth's work on this front was "broadly unappreciated" while she was alive. She only received broader recognition, starting in the 1930s, by a well-known historian of mental illness, Albert Deutsch, and again in the 1960s from those who were "attacking the medical model of insanity".
    xxx/ellauri129.html on line 672: William Wilkie Collins (8 January 1824 – 23 September 1889) was an English novelist and playwright known for The Woman in White (1859), and for The Moonstone (1868), which has been posited as the first modern English detective novel. Born to the London painter William Collins and his wife, he moved with the family to Italy when he was twelve, living there and in France for two years and learning Italian and French. He worked initially as a tea merchant. After publishing Antonina, his first novel, in 1850, Collins met Charles Dickens, who became a friend and mentor. Some Collins work first appeared in Dickens's journals Household Words and All the Year Round. They also collaborated on drama and fiction. Collins gained financial stability and an international following by the 1860s, but began to suffer from gout and became addicted to the opium he took for the pain, so that his health and writing quality declined in the 1870s and 1880s. Collins was critical of the institution of marriage: he split his time between widow Caroline Graves – living with her for most of his adult life, treating her daughter as his – and the younger Martha Rudd, by whom he had three children.
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 170: Credo quia absurdum is a Latin phrase that means "I believe because it is absurd", originally misattributed to Tertullian in his De Carne Christi. It is believed to be a paraphrasing of Tertullian's prorsus credibile est, quia ineptum est which means "It is completely credible because it is unsuitable", or certum est, quia impossibile which means "It is certain because it is impossible". These are consistent with the anti-Marcionite context. Early modern, Protestant and Enlightenment rhetoric against Catholicism and religion more broadly resulted in this phrase being changed to "I believe because it is absurd", displaced from its original anti-Marcionite to a personally religious context.
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 174: Marcion of Sinope (/ˈmɑːrʃən, -ʃiən, -siən/; Greek: Μαρκίων [note 1] Σινώπης; c. 85 – c. 160) was an early Christian theologian, an evangelist, and an important figure in early Christianity.Marcion preached that the benevolent God of the Gospel who sent Jesus Christ into the world as the savior was the true Supreme Being, different from and opposed to the malevolent demiurge or creator god, identified with the Hebrew God of the Old Testament. He considered himself a follower of Paul the Apostle, whom he believed to have been the only true apostle of Jesus Christ, a doctrine called Marcionism. Marcion published the earliest extant fixed collection of New Testament books, making him a vital figure in the development of Christian history.[citation needed] Early Church Fathers such as Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, and Tertullian denounced Marcion as a heretic, and he was excommunicated by the church of Rome around 144. He published the first known canon of Christian sacred scriptures, which contained ten Pauline epistles (the Pastoral epistles weren't included) and a shorter version of the Gospel of Luke (the Gospel of Marcion). This made him a catalyst in the process of the development of the New Testament canon by forcing the proto-orthodox Church to respond to his canon. Varmaan Marcion oli sitten yhtä persepää kuin Puovoli.
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 177: The Marcionite church expanded greatly within Marcion's lifetime, becoming a major rival to the emerging Catholic church. After his death, it retained its following and survived Christian controversy and imperial disapproval for several centuries.
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 266: Entäs Turmiolan Tommi? Sillä nää uskonkymysyxet nousee tosiaan vasta kuopan reunalla. Uskonto ja kuolema on tietysti alun alkaen jo vanhat kamut. Eka töräys on referaatti Pascalin vedosta, eli et jumalan turvalle vedon lyönyt voi hävitä vain panoxen, voittokertoimella ääretön. Kiitos osanotosta mutta tämä arpa ei voita. On tässä kyllä eräitä ongelmia siltikin. Jos todennäköisyys on nolla, odotusarvo ei ole ääretön vaan nolla. Sitäpaizi mitä jos ravit voittaa Allahin razukko? Pitäis sijoittaa kaikille yhtä epätodennäköisille kontendereille jotka lupaa ikuista osinkoa, mistä ne eivät enää yhtään tykkääkään. Saattaa tulla näpeille joka iikalta. Ei hemmetti, ei tää kyllä pelitä.
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 479: On sulla vielä aamuja.RigvedaMKILL!
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 689: Kuolema on heräämisen hetki jolloin vedät vetoketjun auki.Asko LaurilaFKILL!
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 734: Kaikki menee takaisin mistä tulikin, eli perseestä.RigvedaMKILL!
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 765: Christine Chubbuck (August 24, 1944 – July 15, 1974) was an American television news reporter who worked for WTOG and WXLT-TV in Sarasota, Florida. She was the first person to die by suicide on a live television broadcast. She lamented to co-workers that her 30th birthday was approaching, and she was still a virgin who had never been on more than two dates with a man. Co-workers said she tended to be brusque and defensive whenever they made friendly gestures toward her. She was self-deprecating, criticizing herself constantly and rejecting any compliments others paid her. The film reel of the restaurant shooting had jammed and would not run, so Chubbuck shrugged it off and said on-camera, "In keeping with the WXLT practice of presenting the most immediate and complete reports of local blood and guts news, TV 40 presents what is believed to be a television first. In living color, an exclusive coverage of an attempted suicide." She drew the .38-caliber Smith & Wesson Model 36 revolver and shot herself behind her right ear. Chubbuck fell forward violently and the technical director faded the broadcast rapidly to black. "The crux of the situation was that she was a 29-year-old girl who wanted to be married and who wasn't," Simmons said in 1977.
    xxx/ellauri134.html on line 333: Fear: being alone, a wallflower, unwanted, unloved
    xxx/ellauri134.html on line 367: Skorpionit ovat vanha eläinryhmä. Niitä oli jo siluurikaudella, noin 450–425 miljoonaa vuotta sitten ja nykyisin elävät lajit ovat melko samanlaisia kuin fossiililöydöt. Vuoteen 2007 mennessä fossiiliaineistosta tunnettiin 111 skorpionilajia.[1] Siluurikaudella eli metrin pituinen Brontoscorpio, joka on suurin koskaan elänyt skorpionilaji. Nykyiset skorpionit kehittyivät vedessä eläneistä lajeista ja varhaisimmilla fossiileilla on nähtävissä kidukset.
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 121: This “special snowflake” theme is taken even further when wizards from other countries are introduced. We loved the fact that there was one whole wizarding school in China. And, quite honestly, how exactly have they kept the Communists out???
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 247: Rajanvedossa raiskauksen ja sukupuoliyhteyteen pakottamisen välillä hovioikeus ei pitänyt kiinni pitämistä ja uhrin jalkojen avaamista väkivaltana. Vastaaja oli sukupuoliyhteyteen päästäkseen käyttänyt sallittuja rakkauden keinoja ainakin puristamalla asianomistajaa ranteista, painamalla tätä voimakkaasti lantiosta ja riisumalla asianomistajalta housut. Vastaaja oli lisäksi levittänyt asianomistajan jalkoja. Kaikki aivan välttämättömiä toimia. Ei sitä muuten sinne saa.
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 342: Tyutchevin runon "Kevään vedet"
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 563: Jare Tiihonen ei ehdi riisua t-housuja ennen kuin seuraava kohtaus iskee. Hetkeä myöhemmin hän tarkastelee t-paitaa miestenhuoneen peilistä: onneksi ennen tilaisuutta pakasta vedetty T-paita on säilynyt puhtaana kakasta. Samaa ei voi sanoa T-housuista. Jare meditoi:
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 624: Sotilasdiktatuuri toimii epäoikeudenmukaisesti ottaessaan veden yhteisomistukseen ja jakaessaan vesivaroja puolueen jäsenille, mutta samaan aikaan tiemestarit ovat monen sukupolven ajan pitäneet hallussaan salaista tulolähdettä, josta vain tiemestarin perhe ja varakkaat tievieraat saavat hyötyä. Nooran äiti keskustelee aiheesta miehensä kanssa: ”Jos vesi ei kuulu kenellekään, mikä oikeus sinulla on tehdä kätketyistä vesistä omaisuuttasi samaan aikaan kun kokonaiset perheet rakentavat kylässä laittomia vesijohtoja pysyäkseen hengissä? Mikä erottaa sinut Uuden Qianin upseereista, jos toimit niin kuin hekin?”
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 627: vedelle. Olemme veden vartijoita, mutta ennen kaikkea olemme sen palvelijoita." Vitun viisastelija. "Raha ei kuulu miljardööreille, vaan miljardöörit kuuluu rahalle ja pääomalle. Olemme rahan vartijoita, mutta ennen kaikkea olemme raharenkejä."
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 661: In June 2021, Licypriya was in the news as a crowdfunding appeal on Ketto seeking one crore rupees to buy 100 oxygen concentrators came under scrutiny following the arrest of her father and legal guardian Kangujam Karnajit, on May 31st 2021. Her father, also known as KK Singh, was declared an absconder and had fled Manipur in 2016 after he was arrested and let out on interim bail following multiple charges. These charges were for duping several self-help groups, hotels and individuals of more than Rs 19 lakh for a Global Youth Meet that he had organised in Imphal in 2014. His latest arrest was for fresh charges relating to his chairmanship of the International Youth Committee, an organisation founded by him. Several national and international students have been deceived of money amounting to around Rs 3 crore on the pretext of fees for multiple international youth exchange programs, that were never organised.
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 663: Relating to the crowdfunding appeal on Ketto, Laxmi K, who works on climate action and was aware of prior allegations related to her fathers activities, initiated contact with Ketto requesting due diligence. Further concerns around the Ketto crowd funding drive was flagged by political activist Angellica Aribam, a day after Paojel Chaoba of The Frontier Manipur broke a story on 19 May on how the Ketto donation drive by the child activist could be a possible scheme to defraud people by her father. In an email written to Varun Sheth of Ketto, Angellica asked whether the Noble Citizen Foundation, the agency that was being handed the money collected from the donation drive had any credibility and if Ketto was certain there were no connections with the child’s father. However, she never received any response.
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 35:
    Hentosudenkorennon saaliselimet kelluu veden kalvolla

    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 368: mount, laved in some dark sea Elysium?
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 521: For where, if not in your loved flesh and tender heart,
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 528: Having been laved in the unfathomable sea?
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 645:
    Recommendations received:
    1 person has recommended Edward:

    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 755: The romance also felt unrealistic. Maybe it was just hard for me to understand the protagonist sleeping with the guy after knowing him for a day or two, or maybe I just didn´t like either of them very well at all. But their "romantic encounters" seemed contrived, and their whole relationship seemed based on lust and mutual interest, and not really anything deeper.
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 775: J. Condon liked her books that took place in India and recommended the author to friends but this book was terrible. No plot, just lots of running around with drama. All of the characters behaved weirdly. May keep me from buying more books by her.
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 781: This makes sense...the author herself moved to Japan and taught English, and so in some ways I imagine that Ms. Massey has poured many of her pet peeves straight on the paper, showing that true experience often adds magic to fiction.
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 787: Sujata, also Sujātā, Eugenie, well-born, was a farmer´s wife, who is said to have fed Gautama Buddha a bowl of kheer, a condensed milk-rice pudding, ending his six years of asceticism. Such was his emaciated appearance that she wrongly believed him to be a tree-spirit that had granted her wish of having a child. The gift provided him enough strength to cultivate the Middle Path, develop jhana, and attain Bodhi, thereafter becoming known as the Buddha. The story does not tell what the holy tree spirit said when Gautama ate his rice and curry.
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 795: She attended Johns Hopkins University, where she majored in Creative Writing and earned her BA in 1986. After graduating, she interned and was quickly hired as a reporter for the Baltimore Evening Sun. In 1991, she married Tony Massey, her college sweetheart, and the couple moved to Japan. Her husband was almost immediately deployed by the Navy, which left Mrs. Massey to acclimate to the culture alone. She worked as an English teacher while in Japan and began writing. In 1993, her husband’s deployment ended and the couple moved back to the States and settled in Baltimore, where they currently reside.
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 797: She met her husband, a Navy medical officer, during that time and they moved to Japan in 1991. During the two years there she taught English, studied Japanese and wrote fiction. In December 1998, Sujata and her husband Tony adopted a baby daughter, Pia, who was born in South India. They live in Baltimore, Maryland.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 105: Eker was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and lived there through his childhood. As a young adult, Eker moved to the United States and started a series of over a dozen different companies before having success with an early retail fitness store. After reportedly making millions through a chain of fitness stores and subsequently losing his fortune through mismanagement, Eker started analyzing the relationships rich people have with their money and wealth, leading him to develop the theories he advances in his writing and speaking today.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 115:
  • Secrets of the Millionaire Mind". Retrieved 3 October 2012.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 116:
  • SunSentinel: To Be Wealthy, First Learn What Makes You Tick. Retrieved 8 October 2012.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 117:
  • Harv Eker – Maker of Millionaire Minds". Retrieved 3 October 2012.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 118:
  • Forbes: Regaining American Exceptionalism". Retrieved 6 October 2012.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 120:
  • WSJ: Tip for Authors In a Sales Bind: Get a 'Platform'. Retrieved 8 October 2012.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 121:
  • Baines, D. (April 16, 2010) Vancouver man sued for pitching U.S. unsaleable properties. Vancouver Sun, retrieved December 15, 2011. Archived 2014-01-23 at the Wayback Machine.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 219: Gloria Grey was born Maria Dragomanovich in Portland, Oregon in 1909. She was educated in San Francisco, California. Her career was spent chiefly during the 1920s in Hollywood, and the 1940s in Argentina. She was given praise for her starring role in the 1924 adaptation of Gene Stratton-Porter's A Girl of the Limberlost, which garnered her the honor of being selected as one of the WAMPAS Baby Stars in 1924. She also sang Jingo etc kneeling beside two black-and-white kids in a tub, (but not the juicy parts), and alleged got arrested because of indecency. Grey was found deceased in bed at her mother's home in Hollywood, California on November 22, 1947, having succumbed to a two-month bout of influenza. She was survived by her husband, Argentine magazine editor Ramón Romero, and their daughter, whose name is unmentionable. 'Oh By Jingo' sung by Gloria Grey (colorized) Shortly Before Her Arrest...(Allegedly). "I din't know there were nude kids in the tub, a black male and a white female in fact." The little pickaninny boy looks slightly shocked.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 279: It didn't matter how many times I asked him to repeat a joke, I laughed as though it was the first time I'd ever heard it. He said I was like a goldfish who, by the time it had swum a lap round its small bowl of water, had forgotten what it had just seen and believed it to be all new again. No wonder he loved me.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 297: When Philip and I were in the country together he religiously tuned into Susan Kennedy's Big Band Hall of Fame on WMNR each Saturday night before dinner. He loved to sing along to Frank Sinatra and the Andrews Sisters and often quizzed me about the tracks. Sometimes we danced. One year he gave me a portable radio for my birthday so I'd be able to listen to Susan at home when we weren't together.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 303: So none of it was new, but all of it was upsetting. Philip's manuscript was the saddest thing I'd ever read. I read three or four different drafts and most of my feedback encouraged him to write the good with the bad. 'No one will believe you if you don't admit at one point you loved her. Be the gracious one.'
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 307: Surely whatever money it might cost him was worth it to have his side of the story told. To me, knowing him as I did and having seen the documentation – the bags and bags of it, the medical files, the chequebooks – I believed him.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 339: The two are able to make out outside the home without arousing suspicion and ‘The Eve of St. Agnes’ concludes with two characters, Angela, and the Beadsman, dying; their death acting as a symbol of a new generation that is now the focus of the world. This is one of Keaz' most loved poeams, with a wonderful happy ending (except for Angela and Beadsman).
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 388: The carved angels, ever eager-eyed, Jotka kannattelee päällään katon kurkipuuun,
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 690: Thus whispering, his warm, unnerved arm Silleen supattaen tunkee kullinvarren
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 751: “Though thou forsakest a deceived thing;— Se on sun nimi, se löytyy luettelosta,
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 760: “A famish’d pilgrim,—saved by miracle. Ja bonuxexi vielä imutan sun viikunan.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 1147: Manfred est un drame en vers de George Gordon Byron, dit Lord Byron, publié en 1817. Bourrelé de remords après avoir tué celle qu'il aimait, Manfred vit seul comme un maudit au cœur des Alpes. Il invoque les esprits de l'univers, et ceux-ci lui offrent tout, excepté la seule chose qu'il désire, l'oubli. Il essaie alors, mais en vain, de se jeter du haut d'un pic élevé. Il visite ensuite la demeure d'Ahriam, mais refuse de se soumettre aux esprits du mal, leur enjoignant d'évoquer les morts. Enfin lui apparaît Astarté, la femme qu'il a aimée puis tuée par son étreinte (« My embrace was fatal... I loved her and destroy'd her »). Répondant à son invocation, Astarté lui annonce sa mort pour le lendemain. Au moment prédit apparaissent des démons pour s'emparer de lui, mais Manfred leur dénie tout pouvoir sur sa personne. Pourtant, à peine sont-ils apparus qu'il meurt. La situation de Manfred deviendra l'un des poncifs favoris composant le portrait de l'homme fatal du romantisme. Cette pièce s'inspire, pense-t-on[Qui ?], dans son plan, du Faust de Goethe et selon certains, contiendrait une allusion du poète à sa demi-sœur Augusta Leigh. Sitäkin se dodennäköisesti bylsähti.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 49: November 21, 2021 is the 49th annual World Hooray Day. Anyone can participate in World Hooray Day simply by starving ten countries and threatening them with dire consequences if they don't behave (= humor us). This demonstrates the importance of military communications for securing peas. World Hooray Day was a response to the successful conflict between Egypt and Israel in the Fall of 1973. Since then, World Hooray Day has been observed by Sionistic people in 180 countries.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 75: Pro-Israeli people in 179 countries have celebrated the holiday, and McCormack has received written support from almost 100 authors, entertainers, Nobel Prize winners and world leaders. But it is proved hard to find people who are authors, entertaineers, Nobel Prize winners and world leaders all at once. So far, only Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump have qualified. 98 to go, says Michael optimistically.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 118: Following the outbreak of hostilities, both the United States and the Soviet Union initiated massive resupply efforts to their respective allies during the war, which led to a near-confrontation between the two nuclear-armed superpowers. After the 1967 six day war, the Egyptians said that a lasting peace could not be achieved without "withdrawal of the Israeli armed forces from all the territories occupied since 5 June 1967."
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 120: Golda Meir reacted to the overture by forming a committee to examine the proposal and vet possible concessions. When the committee unanimously concluded that Israel's interests would be served by full withdrawal to the internationally recognized lines dividing Israel from Egypt and Syria, returning the Gaza Strip and, in a majority view, returning most of the West Bank and East Jerusalem, Meir was angered and shelved the document next to her stash of knotted french letters and Joshua's foreskin collection. The United States was infuriated by the cool Israeli response to Egypt's proposal, and Joseph Sisco informed Yitzhak Rabin that "Israel would be regarded responsible for rejecting the best opportunity to reach peace since the establishment of the state." Israel responded to Jarring's plan also on February 26 by outlining its readiness to make some form of withdrawal, say in some New York bank, while declaring it had no intention of returning to the pre-June 5, 1967 lines.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 122: The US considered Israel an ally in the Cold War and had been supplying the Israeli military since the 1960s. Henry Kissinger believed that the regional balance of power hinged on maintaining Israel's military dominance over Arab countries, and that an Arab victory in the region would strengthen Soviet influence. Britain's position, on the other hand, was that war between the Arabs and Israelis could only be prevented by the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 and a return to the pre-1967 boundaries. Fucking pudding heads.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 126: Other developed nations [who? were there any?], being more dependent on OPEC oil, took more seriously the threat of an Arab oil embargo and trade boycott, and had stopped supplying Israel with munitions. As a result, Israel was totally dependent on the United States for military resupply, and particularly sensitive to anything that might endanger that relationship. After Meir had made her decision, at 10:15 am, she met with American ambassador Kenneth Keating in order to inform the United States that Israel did not intend to preemptively start a war. It would be just an accident. An electronic telegram with Keating's report on the meeting was sent to the United States at 16:33 GMT (6:33 pm local time). A message arrived later from United States Secretary of State Henry Kissinger saying, "Don't preempt." At the same time, Kissinger also urged the Soviets to use their influence to prevent war, contacted Egypt with Israel's message of non-preemption, and sent messages to other Arab governments to enlist their help on the side of moderation. These late efforts were futile. According to Henry Kissinger, had Israel struck first, it would not have received "so much as a nail".
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 147: Moshe Blecher ei jaxanut odottaa vaan lähti Pyhään maahan. Kuukaudet kuluivat. Sitten saatiin ikäviä uutisia. Moshe Blecher ei löytänyt pyhässä maassa työtä. Siellä ei ole liiemmälti peltikattoja. Hän kärsi puutetta ja kurjuutta. Hän ja koko perhe elivät kokonaisia kuukausia pelkästään riisillä ja vedellä. Singerin isärappi keräsi sille avustuxia. Lopulta Moshe tuli maitojunassa luvatusta maasta takaisin.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 167: And these are things which are explicitly stated in the Torah, and they comprise all the things which are said by the prophets. Even in the section “Balaam” it is said and there he prophesied about the two Messiahs: about the first Messiah who was David who saved Israel from the from the hands of its enemies, and about the last Messiah, who will arise from among David’s children and who will save Israel at the End. And there he says:
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 355:

    Cerebrates were zerg brood leaders. They were originally created by the Overmind as intermediate commanders but were removed from the Swarm's power structure by the Queen of Blades. Unnamed cerebrate. Kerrigan seized control of the cerebrate by severing its ties to the Overmind. It acted as her lieutenant and commander for her Swarms during the Brood War. Unnamed cerebrate, created to secure the Argus stone. Unnamed cerebrate, aided in the assault on Aridas, and commanded from in a cavern near the frontlines. (Lähde: Starcraft Wiki)
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 452: In Como, Italy, the festival ‘A due voci -dialogues of music and philosophy’ takesplace in Como as part of UNESCO's World Philosophy Day. It presents the projects selected by the Call for projects launched last Julyby the organizers. All the information about the initiatives and the young musicians and philosophers involved. Is available in the following link.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 470: According to the Quebecois, "PHYLOTHERAPY", the term is no longer appropriate today because of the definition of the word "therapy" itself. The latter implies means "to cure or relieve illnesses". However, philosophical consultation does not aim at such an such an objective. Moreover, in some countries, the use of the term "THERAPY" is regulated and often reserved for the medical field. Finally, the term "PHILOTHERAPY" was initially used to draw attention to the fact that attention to the fact that philosophers were now offering consultations and opening specialized practices for this purpose specialized practices open to all. It was a good marketing move since the term has the attention of the media and the public. Today, the term "PHILOTHERAPY"has been abandoned in favor of "PHILOSOPHY CONSULTATION" offered by "PHILOSOPHES CONULTANTS". "CONULTANT" has even more traction now.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 550: Pitkän puhumisen ja vaatimisen jälkeen juutalaiset alkoivat laulaa "Tule, rakastettuni" Se oli puolittain laulua, puolittain valitusta. Siihen iltaan asti olin usein haaveillut kädellisten vapahtamisesta, mutta silloin minä tajusin selvästi ettei minun kannattanut vaivautua, apinakööri ei ansainnut vapahtamista. Vapahdus niille olisi todellisuudessa rikos. Homoapina oli villipeto joka surmasi, raateli ja rääkkäsi sekä toisia lajeja että omaansa eikä edes nälkäänsä vaan huvin vuoxi. Toisten tuska oli sen ilo, toisten nöyryytys sen kunnia. Toorassa kerrotaan miten Jumala katui termiittiapinan luomista. Voi helevetti mikä moka tuli tehtyä. Aadamin poika murhasi veljensä. Kymmenen sukupolvea myöhemmin Jumala nostatti vedenpaisumuksen koska maailmasta oli tullut syntinen. Eikä sekään tehonnut. Ei ole toista kirjaa (klikkiuutisia lukuunottamatta) joka kertoisi yhtä paljaasti ja selkeästi totuuden apinoista kain Raamattu. Hyvinäkin pidetyt apinat kuten ukki-Taavetti ja sen poika Shlomo olivat pahoja. Eilispäivän marttyyreistä tulee tämän päivän sortajia. Lajina termiittiapina ansaizee kaiken sen ruoskinnan minkä saakin. Ei ole pelkkä sattuma etta apinat pystyttävät suurimman osan muistomerkeistään murhamiehille - isänmaallisille eli konservatiivimurhaajille tai vallankumouksellisille eli radikaalimurhaajille. Venäjälla on Bogdan Chmielnickinkin muistomerkki. Tämän maailman suht viattomat marttyyrit ovat eläimet, ennen kaikkea kasvissyöjät, mutta mixei leijonatkin. Siilit ovat myös kivoja.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 252: Olemme jättäneet ohjelmaan runsaasti omaa aikaa katumista ja auton lataamista varten. Inspiroiva ja iloinen seura, kauniit puitteet, herkulliset makuelämykset unohtuvat äkkiä, kun Savusaunan ulkopata ja Vehkaojan luonto kutsuvat nauttimaan kylmästä kylvystä Majutveden mutapohjassa.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 260: Meidän aivolomamatka suuntaa traagiselle Majutvedelle, jossa olemme kiinnittäneet erityistä huomiota siihen, että Väsähdyksiä Kaaoxessa -seminaari ja sen ohessa olevat elämykset antavat suckereille varmuuden, että he ovat mahdollisimman kaukana Esa Saarisesta porukoineen, vaikka he ovatkin Suomessa.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 360: According to the Anglo-Saxons, the film centers on the conflict between Judas and Jesus during the week of the crucifixion of Jesus. Needless to say, Neeley, Anderson, and Elliman were nominated for Golden Globe Awards in 1974 for their portrayals of Jesus, Judas, and Mary Magdalene, respectively. It attracted criticism from a few religious groups and received mixed reviews from critics.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 364: Roger Ebert gave the film three stars out of four, calling it "a bright and sometimes breathtaking retelling" of the source material. He praised it as a improved version of the "commercial shlock" of the source material, "being light instead of turgid" and "outward-looking instead of narcissistic". He applaud the portrayal of the titular character as "human, strong and reachable", only achieved elsewhere by The Gospel According to St. Matthew (1964) and The Last Temptation of Christ (1988).
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 370: Jesus was able to show the film to Pope Paul VI. Ted Neeley later remembered that the pope "openly loved what he saw. He said, 'Mr. Jesus, not only do I appreciate your beautiful rock opera film, I believe it will bring more people around the world to Christianity, than anything ever has before.'"For the Pope, Mary Magdalene's song "I Don't Know How to Love Him" "had an inspired beauty".
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 415: It probably originates from the old days, when the homosexuality taboo was serious enough that every gay pairing was considered a Crack Pairing, so when authors wrote same-sex characters as very intimate with each other, audiences largely accepted that they were just very good friends, and moved on, or when authors wrote outright references to homosexuality, most just laughed at the sheer absurdity of the thought.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 520: Rockwell denied the Holocaust and believed that Martin Luther King Jr. was a tool for Jewish Communists wanting to rule the white community. He blamed the civil rights movement on the Jews. He regarded Hitler as the White savior of the twentieth century. He viewed black people as a primitive, lethargic race who desired only simple pleasures and a life of irresponsibility and supported the resettlement of all African Americans in a new African state to be funded by the U.S. government. As a supporter of racial segregation, he agreed with and quoted many leaders of the Black nationalism movement such as Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X. In later years, Rockwell became increasingly aligned with other Neo-Nazi groups, leading the World Union of National Socialists.
    xxx/ellauri154.html on line 87: Her father Arsene Lupin was the grandson of the Marshal General of France, Maurice, Comte de Saxe, an out-of-wedlock son of Augustus II the Strong, king of Poland and elector of Saxony, and a cousin to the sixth degree to Kings Louis XVI, Louis XVIII and Charles X of France. This is probably where she got her very masculine gender expression. Unfortunately, Sand´s mother, Sophie-Victoire Delaborde, was a commoner, [citation was very badly needed], her mother was the daughter of a bird-seller, who, curiously enough, lived in the 'Street of the Birds' (Quai des Oiseaux) in Paris.
    xxx/ellauri154.html on line 129: Seuraavana vuonna myöhään suuren torstain iltana isä Zosima tuli sovitulle paikalle ja näki kuun valossa Marian Jordanin toisella rannalla. Huomattuaan Zosiman Maria teki ristinmerkin ja ylitti joen kulkien veden päällä. Isä Zosima hämmästyi niin, että valmistautui kumartumaan hänen eteensä. Maria sanoi moittivasti: “Mitä aiot tehdä, abba Zosima? Sinä pidät käsissäsi pyhää ehtoollista ja tahdot kumartua maahan! Kuppi kaatuu ja näkyleivät tippuvat!” Nautittuaan kyynelsilmin pyhän ehtoollisen Maria sanoi: “Herra, nyt Sinä annat palvelijasi rauhassa lähteä, niin kuin olet luvannut. Minun silmäni ovat nähneet Sinun pelastuksesi.” (Luuk. 2:29) Sitten hän hyvästeli Zosiman ja esitti tälle pyynnön, että tämä tulisi myös seuraavana vuonna suuren paaston aikana sille paikalle, missä he olivat ensimmäisen kerran tavanneet. Isä Zosima oli tuonut mukanaan vähän viikunoita, taateleita ja vedessä kostutettuja linssejä ja tarjosi niitä Marialle. Tämä otti sormenpäillään vain kolme linssiä, teki ristinmerkin ja käveli niiden avulla Jordanin yli. Isä Zosimaa jäi harmittamaan kovasti se, että hän ei ollut muistanut kysyä Marian nimeä, mutta hän päätti ottaa siitä selvän, kun he seuraavana vuonna kohtaisivat uudestaan.
    xxx/ellauri154.html on line 257: Mielenkiintoista kyllä, tämä raskasta työtä tekevä mies otti aina särkyneen ruukun mukaansa päivän ensimmäiselle matkalle. Hän kantoi sitä muiden hyvässä kunnossa olevien ruukkujen kanssa kaivolle, josta hän haki vettä. Hän keräsi veden maltillisesti ja sitten hän käveli täytettyjen ruukkujen kanssa öbaut kilometrin.
    xxx/ellauri154.html on line 262: Kun hän saapui torille, särkynyt ruukku oli jo menettänyt vettä öbaut 50% alkuperäisestä määrästä. Täten mies ei voinut veloittaa veden määrästä kuin vain puolet verrattuna muihin ruukkuihin. Muut ruukut olivat niin täynnä, että hän voi veloittaa täyden hinnan.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 45: Anne Morrow Lindbergh, wife of ace aviator, Charles Lindberg was a renowned author. As an aviator she flew with Charles, assisting him as a navigator and radio operator, in many notable aviation milestones that he achieved. She was also the first American woman to obtain a glider pilots license in 1930. Her works included genres of poetry to non-fiction. She expressed her thoughts on distinct topics varying from solitude and contentment to youth and age, from the role of women in 20th century to love, marriage and peace.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 102: Jordaen's personal interaction with the Bible was strengthened by his conversion from Catholicism to Protestantism. Like Rubens, he studied under Adam van Noort, who was his only teacher. During this time Jordaens lived in Van Noort's house and became very close to the rest of the family. 8 years later, after joining the tapestry painters' guild, 1616, he married his teacher's eldest daughter, Anna Catharina van Noort, with whom he had three children. Perhaps the big butt belonged to Anna Catharina.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 107: In the seventeenth century, the story of King Candaules’s wife was seen as a moral lesson, warning against violations of the marital bedchamber. The theme was treated by the poet Jacob Cats in his Toneel vande mannelicke Achtbaerheyt, in which he devoted no less than eighty-six verses to the tale of Candaules and Gyges, and illustrates the scene in the royal bedchamber with a print by Pieter de Jode after Adriaen van de Venne. In the print the Queen is seen half naked from behind. Candaules is already in bed, and the Queen looks at Gyges, who is largely concealed behind the wallhangings. The moral of the story is clarified by a scene on a smaller scale in the background, showing Candaules being slain by Gyges. The print no doubt served as an inspiration for several other later renditions of the theme in Northern Netherlandish painting, including works by Frans van Mieris the Elderv, and Eglon van de Neervi.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 109: Vähän siedettävämpi perätarjonta on tämä William Ettyn yritys samasta aiheesta. William Etty (1787–1849), the seventh son of a York baker and miller, had originally been an apprentice printer in Hull, but on completing his seven-year apprenticeship at the age of 18 moved to London to become an artist. Strongly influenced by the works of Titian and Rubens, he submitted a number of paintings to the Royal Academy of Arts and the British Institution, all of which were either rejected outright or drew little attention when exhibited. In 1821 he finally achieved recognition when the Royal Academy accepted and exhibited one of his works, The Arrival of Cleopatra in Cilicia (also known as The Triumph of Cleopatra). Cleopatra was extremely well received, and many of Etty's fellow artists greatly admired him. He was elected a full Royal Academician in 1828, beating John Constable to the position. Jordaens and Etty both contrasted Nyssia's pale flesh against dark red drapery and showed her in a similar pose. Jordaens's painting has hung in Sweden since the 17th century, and it is unlikely Etty was aware of it. Se tuskin löytyi googlaamalla.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 154: This website is constantly being improved. We would appreciate hearing from you demons.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 210: Baal Shem Tov was the stage name of Rabbi Israel ben Eliezer, a Polish rabbi and mystical healer known as the . His teachings imbued the esoteric usage of practical Kabbalah of Baalei Shem into a spiritual movement, Hasidic Judaism. While a few other people received the title of Baal Shem among Eastern and Central European Ashkenazi Jewry, the designation is most well known in reference to the founder of Hasidic Judaism. Baal Shem Tov, born in the 17th century Kingdom of Poland, started public life as a traditional Baal Shem, but introduced new interpretations of mystical thought and practice that eventually became the core teachings of Hasidism. In his time, he was given the title of Baal Shem Tov, and later, by followers of Hasidism, referred to by the acronym BeShiT. He disavowed traditional Jewish practice and theology by encouraging mixing with non-Jews and asserting the sacredness of everyday corporal existence.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 218: With its emphasis on Divine Omnipresence, Hasidic philosophy sought to unify all aspects of spiritual and material life, to reveal their inner Divinity. Dveikut was therefore achieved not through ascetic practices that "broke" the material, but by sublimating materialism into Divine worship. Nonetheless, privately, when nobody was looking, many Hasidic Rebbes engaged in ascetic practices, in Hasidic thought for mystical reasons of bringing merit to the generation, rather than formerly as methods of personal elevation.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 228: It likewise reinterpreted the traditional Jewish notion of humility. To the Hasidic Masters, humility did not mean thinking little of oneself, a commendable quality that derives from an external origin (read: the false Messiah) in Jewish spirituality, but rather losing all sense of ego entirely (bittul-the negation of ego). Such losing one's head could only be achieved by beginning from the inside, through understanding and awareness of Divinity in Hasidic philosophy.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 233: Across all Hasidism the continual mystical joy and vittul-humility "between man and God", is ideally reflected likewise in belfies to help another person "between man and man". In Hasidism, mesiras nefesh means devoted sacrifice of God for another person. Lubavitch and Breslav have become the two schools involved in the Baal Teshuva movement where talented young men and women devote themselves to going on Shlichus (outings), rather than the traditional and commendable devotion to Torah study and personal spiritual advancement.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 250: The strategic advantage of Hasidism over Kabbalah is its ability to get by without the esoteric terms of Kabbalah. This is brought out most in the anecdotes told about the beloved Masters of Hasidism, as well as in the funny parables they told to illustrate ideas. One such parable differentiates between superficial forms of love of God and spiritual reward, with true forms of selfless love:
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 270: The saintly prayers of Baal Shem Tov and his close circle were unable to lift a harsh shortage of drinkware they perceived one Rosh Hashanah (New Year). After extending the prayers beyond their time, the drought remained. An unfettered shepherd boy entered and was deeply envious of those who could read the holy day's prayers. He said to God "I don't know how to pray, but I can make the noises of the animals of the field. With great feeling, he cried out, "Cock-a-doodle-do. God have mercy!" Immediately, joy overcame the Baal Shem Tov, and he hurried to fetch the cellar key. Afterwards, he explained that the heartfelt prayer of the shepherd boy reminded him where he had mislaid the key, and the drought was lifted.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 276: Different Hasidic groups evolved their own distinctive styles of niggun. Followers customarily gather around on Jewish holidays to sing in groups, receive and give spiritual inspiration, and celebrate brotherly camaraderie. Hasidic custom venerated pilgrimage to the particular Rebbe one had allegiance to, either to gain a private audience or to attend their public gatherings (Tish/Farbrengen). The celebrations give over his Torah teachings, sometimes personal messages, and are interspersed with inspirational niggunim.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 295: Äitini 85V siivuttaa lantut raakana, liottaa suolavedessä yli yön. Latoo liotetut lanttusiivut ja sianlihan kuoren päälle kerroksittain, suolaa vähän kerroksien väliin ja muutama palasokerin pala imelyyttä antamaan. Käärii kukon kasaan.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 300: Minun äiti 95v ei laita palasokeria, vaan keittää lanttusiivuja vedessä, johon on lisännyt hieman sokeria. Silti se on eri pahaa.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 512: Once and for all, it must be made public that Hesse is a classic example of how the Jew can poison the soul of the German people. For if at that time, when he took no delight in the war…he had not fallen into the clutches of the Jew Freud and his psychoanalysis, he would have remained the German writer we all loved so well. The warping of his soul can only be ascribed to this Jewish influence.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 48: Papen travelled with with Australian photographer Jesse Walker to the isolated Omo Valley in south-western Ethiopia, where she lived for a whole week with the Surma tribe. Papen said: 'What we claim to call beautiful in our Western world isn´t quite the same how the Surma tribe pursues beauty. Both Surma men and woman pierce their ears, some woman stretch their lower lip with a plate.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 142: Blessed Mary was the narrow gate, whereof it is written that the Lord hath entered in by it, therefore it shall be shut after birth; for as a virgin she both conceived and brought forth. (Ditto for the brothers and the sisters, though they came about the good old way.)
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 144: The Lateran Council of 649 CE, a council held in Rome by the Western Church, later declared it an article of faith that Jesus was conceived “without seed” and that Mary “incorruptibly bore [him], her virginity remaining indestructible even after his birth” . All this in spite of the Gospels’ declaration that Jesus had brothers and sisters (Mark 3.32, Matthew 12.46, Luke 8.19).
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 146:

    3. She was immaculately conceived

    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 152: But then, if Mary had been conceived without sin, she had already been redeemed before the redemption brought about by the death and resurrection of Jesus her son. The Catholic Church only resolved the issue in 1854. Pope Pius IX declared
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 154: that the doctrine which holds that the most Blessed Virgin Mary, in the first instance of her conception… was preserved free from all stain of original sin, is a doctrine revealed by God and therefore to be believed firmly and constantly by all the faithful.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 160: The Eastern Orthodox Greek Church held to the dormition of Mary (uspenskij kafedral). According to this, Mary had a natural death, and her soul was then received by Christ. Her body arose on the third day after her death. She was then taken up bodily into heaven.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 169: For this belief in the truth of one religion and the falsity of the others leads to inevitable conflict between the believer and the unbeliever, the chosen and the rejected, the saved and the damned. Here lie the seeds of intolerance and violence. Three gods say they are the only one. At least two of them must be wrong. Maybe all.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 290: Mary Stuart could not be a real life source for the ballad in any of its current forms as these are in conflict with the historical record. She and the Four Maries lived in France from 1547 to 1560, where Mary was dauphine and then queen as the wife of King Francis II. Mary later returned home to Scotland (keeping the French spelling of her surname, Stuart). She married her second husband, Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley in July 1565, and he was murdered 20 months later. So there was not much time for Darnley to have got one of the four Maries (or any other mistress) pregnant, and there is no record of him having done so. Also the song refers to "the highest Stuart of all" – which between 1542 and 1567 was a woman not a man.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 304: She was born Amy Lyon in Swan Cottage, Ness near Neston, Cheshire, England, the daughter of Henry Lyon, a blacksmith who died when she was two months old. She was baptised on 12 May 1765. She was raised by her mother, the former Mary Kidd (later Cadogan), and grandmother, Sarah Kidd, at Hawarden, and received no formal education. She later went by the name of Emma Hart.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 308: Only a few months later she was unemployed again and moved to London in the autumn of 1777. She started to work for the Budd family in Chatham Place, Blackfriars, London, and began acting at the Drury Lane theatre in Covent Garden. She also worked as a maid for actresses, among them Mary Robinson. Emma next worked as a model and dancer at the "Goddess of Health" for James Graham, a Scottish "quack" doctor.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 310: At 15, Emma met Sir Harry Fetherstonhaugh, who hired her for several months as hostess and entertainer at a lengthy stag party at Fetherstonhaugh's Uppark country estate in the South Downs. She is said to have danced nude on his dining room table. Fetherstonhaugh took Emma there as a mistress, but frequently ignored her in favour of drinking and hunting with his friends. Emma soon befriended the dull but sincere Honourable Charles Francis Greville (1749–1809). It was about this time (late June-early July 1781) that she conceived a child by Fetherstonhaugh.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 312: Greville took her in as his mistress, on condition that the child was fostered out. Once the child (Emma Carew) was born, she was removed to be raised by her great-grandmother at Hawarden for her first three years, and subsequently (after a short spell in London with her mother) deposited with Mr John Blackburn, schoolmaster, and his wife in Manchester. As a young woman, Emma's daughter saw her mother frequently, but later when Emma fell into debt, her daughter worked abroad as a companion or governess.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 318: In 1783, Greville needed to find a rich wife to replenish his finances, and found a fit in the form of eighteen-year-old heiress Henrietta Middleton. Emma would be a problem, as he disliked being known as her lover (this having become apparent to all through her fame in Romney's artworks), and his prospective wife would not accept him as a suitor if he lived openly with Emma Hart.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 320: To be rid of Emma, Greville persuaded his uncle, younger brother of his mother, Sir William Hamilton, British Envoy to Naples, to take her off his hands. Greville's marriage would be useful to Sir William, as it relieved him of having Greville as a poor relation. To promote his plan, Greville suggested to Sir William that Emma would make a very pleasing mistress, assuring him that, once married to Henrietta Middleton, he would come and fetch Emma back. Sir William, then 55 and newly widowed, had arrived back in London for the first time in over five years. Emma's famous beauty was by then well known to Sir William, so much so that he even agreed to pay the expenses for her journey to ensure her speedy arrival. A great collector of antiquities and beautiful objects, he took interest in her as another acquisition. He had long been happily married until the death of his wife in 1782, and he liked female companionship. His home in Naples was well known all over the world for hospitality and refinement. He needed a hostess for his salon, and from what he knew about Emma, he thought she would be the perfect choice.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 322: Greville did not inform Emma of his plan, but instead in 1785 suggested the trip as a prolonged holiday in Naples while he (Greville) was away in Scotland on business, not long after Emma's mother had suffered a stroke. Emma was thus sent to Naples, supposedly for six to eight months, little realising that she was going as the mistress of her host. Emma set off for Naples with her mother and Gavin Hamilton on 13 March 1786 overland in an old coach, and arrived in Naples on her 21st birthday on 26 April.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 324: After about six months of living in apartments in the Palazzo Sessa with her mother (separately from Sir William) and begging Greville to come and fetch her, Emma came to understand that he had cast her off. She was furious when she realised what Greville had planned for her, but eventually started to enjoy life in Naples and responded to Sir William's intense courtship just before Christmas in 1786. They fell in love, Sir William forgot about his plan to take her on as a temporary mistress, and Emma moved into his apartments, leaving her mother downstairs in the ground floor rooms. Emma was unable to attend Court yet, but Sir William took her to every other party, assembly and outing.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 338: Upon arrival in London on 8 November, the three of them took suites at Nerot's Hotel after a missed communication from Nelson to his wife about receiving the party at their home, Roundwood. Lady Nelson and Nelson's father arrived and they all dined at the hotel, with Fanny deeply unhappy to see Emma pregnant. The affair soon became public knowledge, and to the delight of the newspapers, Fanny did not accept the affair as placidly as Sir William. Emma was winning the media war at that point, and every fine lady was experimenting with her look. Nelson contributed to Fanny's misery by being cruel to her when not in Emma's company. Sir William was mercilessly lampooned in the press, but his sister observed that he doted on Emma and she was very attached to him.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 340: The Hamiltons moved into William Beckford's mansion at 22 Grosvenor Square, and Nelson and Fanny took an expensive furnished house at 17 Dover Street, a comfortable walking distance away, until December, when Sir William rented a home at 23 Piccadilly, opposite Green Park. On 1 January, Nelson's promotion to vice admiral was confirmed and he prepared to go to sea on the same night. Infuriated by Fanny's handing him an ultimatum to choose between her and his mistress, Nelson chose Emma and decided to take steps to formalise separation from his wife. He never saw her again, after being hustled out of town by an agent. While he was at sea, Nelson and Emma exchanged many letters, using a secret code to discuss Emma's condition. Emma kept her first daughter Emma Carew's existence a secret from Nelson, while Sir William continued to provide for her.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 346: By the autumn of the same year, upon Emma's advice, Nelson bought Merton Place, a small ramshackle house at Merton, near Wimbledon, for £9,000, borrowing money from his friend Davison. He gave her free rein with spending to improve the property, and her vision was to transform the house into a celebration of his genius. There they lived together openly, with Sir William and Emma's mother, in a ménage à trois that fascinated the public. Emma turned herself to winning over Nelson's family, nursing his 80-year-old father Edmund for 10 days at Merton, who loved her and thought of moving in with them, but could not bear to leave his beloved Norfolk. Emma also made herself useful to Nelson's sisters Kitty (Catherine), married to George Matcham, and Susanna, married to Thomas Bolton, by helping to raise their children and to make ends meet. Nelson's sister-in-law Sarah (married to William), also pressed him for assistance and favours, including the payment of their son Horatio's school fees at Eton. Also around this time, Emma finally told Nelson about her daughter Emma Carew, now known as Emma Hartley, and found that she had had nothing to worry about; he invited her to stay at Merton and soon grew fond of "Emma's relative". An unpublished letter shows that Nelson assumed responsibility for upkeep of young Emma at this time.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 352: Soon afterwards, Sir William collapsed at 23 Piccadilly and on 6 April died in Emma's arms. Charles Greville was the executor of the estate and he instructed her to leave 23 Piccadilly, but for the sake of respectability, she had to keep an address separate from Nelson's and so moved into 11 Clarges Street, not far away, a couple of months later.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 360: Emma received several marriage proposals during 1804, all wealthy men, but she was still in love with Nelson and believed that he would become wealthy with prize money and leave her rich in his will, and she refused them all. She continued to entertain and help Nelson's relatives, especially William and Sarah's "obstreperous son Horace" and their daughter Charlotte, who was referred to as Emma's "foster daughter" in a letter. Nelson urged her to keep Horatia at Merton, and when his return seemed imminent in 1804, Emma ran up bills on furnishing and decorating Merton. Five-year-old Horatia came to live at Merton in May 1805. There were also reports that she holidayed with Emma Carew.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 362: After a brief visit to England in August 1805, Nelson once again had to return to service. Emma received letters from him on 1, 7 and 13 October. On the ship, he wrote a note intended as a codicil to his will requesting that, in return for his legacy to King and Country that they should give Emma "ample provision to maintain her rank in life", and that his "adopted daughter, Horatia Nelson Thompson...use in future the name of Nelson only".
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 364: On 21 October 1805, Nelson's fleet defeated a joint Franco-Spanish naval force at the Battle of Trafalgar. Nelson was seriously wounded during the battle and died three hours later. When the news of his death arrived in London, a messenger was sent to Merton Place to bring the news to Lady Hamilton. She later recalled,
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 370: Nelson's will was read in November; William inherited his entire estate (including Bronte) except for Merton, as well as his bank accounts and possessions. The government had made William an Earl and his son Horatio (aka Horace) a Viscount - the titles Nelson had aspired to - and now he was also Duke of Bronte. Emma received £2000, Merton, and £500 per annum from the Bronte estate - much less than she had when Nelson was alive, and not enough to maintain Merton. In spite of Nelson's status as a national hero, the instructions he left to the government to provide for Emma and Horatia were ignored; they also ignored his wishes that she should sing at his funeral.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 376: She spent 1806 to 1808 keeping up the act, continuing to spend on parties and alterations to Merton to make it a monument to Nelson. Goods that Nelson had ordered arrived and had to be paid for. The annual annuity of £800 from Sir William's estate was not enough to pay off the debts and keep up the lifestyle, and Emma fell deeply into debt.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 378: She moved from Clarges Street to a cheaper home at 136 Bond Street, but could not bring herself to relinquish Merton. Her brother, William, blackmailed her into giving him money, and Mrs Cadogan's sister's family, the Connors, were also expecting handouts. Emma Carew came for a short summer visit in late June 1806, at which point Sir Harry Fetherstonhaugh sent £500 for the benefit of mother and daughter. Emma hosted and employed James Harrison for 6 months to write a two-volume Life of Nelson, which made it clear that Horatia was his child. She continued to entertain at Merton, including the Prince of Wales and the Dukes of Sussex and Clarence, but no favours were returned by the royals.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 386: In November they moved into a cheap flat at 27 Rue Française; Emma started drinking heavily and taking laudanum. She died on 15 January 1815, aged 49. Emma was buried in Calais on 21 January in public ground outside the town, with her friend Joshua Smith paying for the modest funeral at the Catholic church. Her grave was subsequently lost due to wartime destruction, but in 1994 a dedicated group unveiled the memorial which stands today in the Parc Richelieu in her honour.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 388: Henry Cadogan cared for the 14-year-old Horatia in the aftermath of Emma's death and paid for her travel to Dover. The Matchams took her in to care for their younger children until she was sent off to live with the Boltons two years later, Susanna having died in 1813. Horatia subsequently married the Rev. Philip Ward, had ten children (the first of whom was named Horatio Nelson) and lived until 1881. Horatia never publicly acknowledged that she was the daughter of Emma Hamilton.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 577: Blessed Mary is the gate, whereof it is written that the Lord hath entered in by it, therefore it shall be shut after birth; for as a virgin she both conceived and brought forth.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 580:

    Yes, the virgin fixation is puzzling. I expect it has something to do with women as property and the importance of verifying lineage. Yes I have a pet theory (hypothesis) that in civilizations where we lived in large numbers and with animals diseases could bounce from people to animals and back again hence all the plagues. In cultures where people were relatively isolated then virginity doesn’t seem to play as big a role. Mind you if you are paying for a wife to raise your children who you see as the primary reason for your existence then not raising someone else’s children may be a prime issue.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 582: When I was much younger I knew a family at Lake Macquarie who were very devout Catholics. Their eldest daughter while still at school in Year 12 became pregnant. She was an atheist and had already rejected Catholicism to the great distress of her parents. She insisted that she had never had sex (haha) and had no idea how it happened. She suggested maybe God had impregnated her. Strangely enough, no one believed her. Even those of strong faith thought she was a liar. Maybe that was the second coming of Jesus and we ignored it. He or she might be living as a 35 year man or woman in Australia today and not a soul knows.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 592: I heard Dawkins once quoting a priest he was having dinner with who had served in the hills of Papua New Guinea or someone like that the bible often mentions flocks and sheep/lambs/flock in terms of the congregation which was a problem there as many of these people had never seen a sheep they all had pigs. So the priest would start the Sunday Sermon with something like “Welcome swine”.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 666: In Christianity, annihilationism (also known as extinctionism or destructionism)[1] is the belief that those who are wicked will perish or cease to exist. It states that after the Last Judgment, all unsaved human beings, all fallen angels (all of the damned) and Satan himself will be totally destroyed so as to not exist, or that their consciousness will be extinguished rather than suffer everlasting torment in Hell (often synonymized with the lake of fire). Annihilationism stands in contrast to both belief in eternal torture and suffering in the lake of fire and the belief that everyone will be saved (universal reconciliation or simply "universalism").
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 54: Moses also uses the staff in the battle at Rephidim between the Israelites and the Amalekites (Exodus 17:8-16).[2] When he holds up his arms holding the "rod of God" the Israelites "prevail", when he drops his arms, their enemies gain the upper hand. Aaron and Hur help him to keep the staff raised until victory is achieved.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 122: Objects believed to protect from evil‎ (2 C, 38 P) Fictional computers‎ (46 P)
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 229: He laughs at the defiant ones, for between them and Him there is an infinite distance; He derides them by allowing the boundless stupidity of the infinitely little one to come to a climax and then He thrusts him down to the earth undeceived.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 299: Shechinah שכינה (also spelled Shekhinah) is derived from the word shochen שכן, “to dwell within.” The Shechinah is Cod or that which Cod is dwelling within. Sometimes we translate Shechinah as “The Divine Presence.” The word Shechinah is feminine, and so when we refer to Cod as the Shechinah, we say “She.” Of course, we’re still referring to the same One Cod, just in a different modality. After all, you were probably wondering why we insist on calling Cod “He.” We’re not talking about a being limited by any form—certainly not a body that could be identified as male or female. "It" would be better, only it reminds one too much of Freud's id. "They" would sound dangerously polytheistic.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 347: It is through the being of Yahuah (fatherly aspect) and the wisdom or spirit of Yahuah (motherly aspect) that the son of Yahuah, the bodily manifestation or substance of Yahuah was conceived, and eventually brought forth into the world by the means of a virgin named Miriam. Ha Mashiach was conceived of the Ruach (Matthew 1:20), and in the physical portrayal of this, he was born of Miriam. The meaning of the word "of" carries through in that HaMashiach is conceived and born of the Ruch, as sort of "pictured" in Miriam. The conception in the spiritual realm was also pictured at HaMashiach's baptism when the Ruch Ah Qudsh descended upon him in the form of a dove, and Yahuah spoke from heaven saying, "my son, the beloved, in you I am well pleased" Luke 3:22.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 359: For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "ABBA father." Romans 8:15
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 397: Scholars believe that Rashi's commentary on the Torah grew out of the lectures he gave to his students in his yeshiva, and evolved with the questions and answers they raised on it. Rashi completed this commentary only in the last years of his life. It was immediately accepted as authoritative by all Jewish communities, Ashkenazi and Sephardi alike.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 415: Rashi had a tremendous influence on Christian scholars. The French monk Nicolas de Lyre of Manjacoria, who was known as the "ape of Rashi", was dependent on Rashi when writing the 'Postillae Perpetuate' on the Bible. He believed that Rashi's commentaries were the "official repository of Rabbinical tradition" and significant to understanding the Bible. De Lyre also had great influence on Martin Luther.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 496: The younger Hall is said to have never known his father. In 1919, Hall moved from Canada to Los Angeles, California, with his maternal grandmother to reunite with his birth mother, who was living in Santa Monica, and was almost immediately drawn to the arcane world of mysticism, esoteric philosophies, and their underlying principles. Hall delved deeply into "teachings of lost and hidden traditions, the golden verses of Hindu gods, Greek philosophers and Christian mystics, and the spiritual treasures waiting to be found within one's own soul."
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 500: Hall and his followers went to extreme lengths to keep any gossip or information that could tarnish his image from being publicized, and little is known about his first marriage, on 28 April 1930, to Fay B. deRavenne, then 28, who had been his secretary during the preceding five years. The marriage was not a happy one; his friends never discussed it, and Hall removed virtually all information about her from his papers following her suicide on 22 February 1941. Following a long friendship, on 5 December 1950, Hall married Marie Schweikert Bauer (following her divorce from George Bauer), and the marriage, though stormy, was happier than his first for Marie Schweikert Bauer Hall died April 21, 2005, 15 years after Manly.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 90: Gustav Davidson (Warsaw, Poland, 1895 – New York City, 6 February 1971) was an American poet, writer, and publisher. He was one time secretary of the Poetry Society of America. Gustav Davidson was born on December 25, 1895, in Warsaw, Poland. In the wake of anti-Jewish pogroms in Poland, his family fled to the United States, settling in New York City in 1907. Davidson received bachelor's and master's degrees at Columbia University in 1919 and 1920 respectively. He worked for the Library of Congress between 1938 and 1939 and became executive secretary of the Poetry Society of America from 1949 to 1965 (after which he was elected executive secretary emeritus).
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 102: Because our love braved summits of its own Vaan koska lempemme oli aivan huippua
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 159: che, come vedi, ancor non m’abbandona. et nääs se ei ole hellittänyt vieläkään.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 410: Protect yourself, your children, your family, your loved ones and friends
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 440: In August 1798, George Washington received a letter as well as a copy of John Robison’s Proofs of a Conspiracy from George Snyder. This led to a brief exchange between the two men. Luckily the insect-looking Historians were on the ball and wrote them down.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 441: In January 1800, Thomas Jefferson received a copy of Abbé Augustin Barruel ‘s Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism and also commented on the book in a letter to Bishop James Madison.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 472: I have heard much of the nefarious, and dangerous plan, and doctrines of the Illuminati, but never saw the Book until you were pleased to send it to me. The same causes which have prevented my acknowledging the receipt of your letter have prevented my reading the Book, hitherto; namely, the multiplicity of matters which pressed upon me before, and the debilitated state in which I was left after, a severe fever had been removed. And which allows me to add little more now, than thanks for your kind wishes and favourable sentiments, except to correct an error you have run into, of my Presiding over the English lodges in this Country. The fact is, I preside over none, nor have I been in one more than once or twice, within the last thirty years. I believe notwithstanding, that none of the Lodges in this Country are contaminated with the principles ascribed to the Society of the Illuminati. With respect I am &c.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 474: However Snyder, not having yet received a response to his August 22nd letter (#1 above), wrote back:
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 476: “Some Weeks ago I sent you a Letter with Robison’s Proof of a Conspiracy which I hope you have received. I have since been more confirmed in the Ideas I had suggested to you concerning an Order of Men, who in Germany have distinguished themselves by the Names of Illuminati—German Union—Reading Societies—and in France by that of the Jacobine-Club, that the same are now existing in the United States.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 478: It also occurred to me that you might have had Ideas to that Purport when you disapproved of the Meetings of the Democratic-Societies, which appeared to me to be a Branch of that Order, though many Members may be entirely ignorant of the Plan. Those Men who are so much attached to French Principles, have all the Marks of Jacobinism. They first cast off all religious Restraints, and then became fit for perpetrating every Act of Inhumanity. And, it is remarkable, that most of them are actually Scoffers at all religious Principles. It is said that the ‘Lodge Theodore in Bavaria became notorious for the many bold and dangerous Sentiments in Religion and Politics that were uttered in their Harangues, and its Members were remarkable for their Zeal in making Proselytes’; (and no Wonder since the Order was to rule the World.) Is not there a striking Similarity between their Proceedings and those of many Societies that oppose the Measures of our present Government?
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 484: “Sir: It is more than a fortnight since I acknowledged the receipt of your first letter, on the subject of the Illuminati and thanked you for Robinson’s account of that society. It went to the post office as usual addressed to the Rev’d Mr Snyder, at Frederick Town Maryland. If it had not been received before this mishap must have attended it, of which I pray you to advise me, as it could not have been received, at the date of your last, not being mentioned.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 488: Having now received Washington’s initial reply, Snyder wrote back on October 17:
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 490: “Your Excellency’s Favour of the 25th of Septr last I had the Pleasure to receive on the 3d Current. My Pleasure, however, was interrupted, because I had sent another Letter [dated 1 Oct.] for your Excellency to the Post-Office about an Hour before I received Your’s.”
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 492: “I should be very happy in your Excellency’s good Opinion, that the Contagion of Illuminatism or Jacobinism had not yet reached this Country; but when I consider the anarchical and seditious Spirit, that shewed itself in the United States from the Time M. Genet and Fauchet (who certainly is of the Order) arrived in this Country and propagated their seditious Doctrines, which the illuminated Doctor from Birmingham has been zealously employed to strengthen, I confess I cannot divest myself of my Suspicions: yet I trust that the Alwise and Omnipotent Ruler of the Universe will so dispose the Minds of the People of these United States that true Religion and righteous Government may remain the Privileges of this Nation!
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 513: This letter was the last in the Snyder-Washington exchange. Washington remained a lifelong Freemason and received a Masonic burial at his death.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 521: — I have received your favor of the 17th, & communicated it to Mr. Smith. I lately forwarded your letter from Dr. Priestley, endorsed `with a book’; I struck those words through with my pen, because no book had then come. It is now received, & shall be forwarded to Richmond by the first opportunity: but such opportunities are difficult to find; gentlemen going in the stage not liking to take charge of a packet which is to be attended to every time the stage is changed. The best chance will be by some captain of a vessel going round to Richmond. I shall address it to the care of Mr. George Jefferson there.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 536: He believes the Free masons were originally possessed of the true principles & objects of Christianity, & have still preserved some of them by tradition, but much disfigured. The means he proposes to effect this improvement of human nature are `to enlighten men, to correct their morals & inspire them with benevolence. Secure of our success, sais he, we abstain from violent commotions. To have foreseen the happiness of posterity & to have prepared it by irreproachable means, suffices for our felicity.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 540: As Wishaupt lived under the tyranny of a despot & priests, he knew that caution was necessary even in spreading information, & the principles of pure morality. He proposed therefore to lead the Free masons to adopt this object & to make the objects of their institution the diffusion of science & virtue. He proposed to initiate new members into his body by gradations proportioned to his fears of the thunderbolts of tyranny. This has given an air of mystery to his views, was the foundation of his banishment, the subversion of the masonic order, & is the colour for the ravings against him of Robinson, Barruel & Morse, whose real fears are that the craft would be endangered by the spreading of information, reason, & natural morality among men.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 574: The Archie Bunkers of America, impassive to the hippies’ and yippies’ plight, saw them playing the newsmen like a fiddle, getting free publicity for their cause and, ultimately, getting what they deserved from the police. The protesters hurled profanities at the cops. They engaged in street theater, nominating a pig as the Democratic presidential candidate. They attempted to sleep in the parks (defying the curfew) and to hold marches even though marching permits had been denied by the city. Allen Ginsberg even led the kids in chanting “Om.”
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 594: By early October of 1968, CBS received 8,670 letters about Chicago, and 60 Minutes’ Harry Reasoner reported that the mail ran 11-to-1 against the network. A viewer in Ohio wrote, “I’ve never seen such a disgusting display of one-sided reporting in all of the years I’ve watched television.” From South Carolina, a letter writer griped, “Your coverage was … slanted in favor of the hoodlums and beatniks and slurred the police trying to preserve order.” A North Carolina viewer complained that, “When a great network refers to trouble makers as THESE YOUNG PEOPLE and in such a … tender tone, that is bias.” A New Yorker even suggested that the police had engaged in righteous violence: “Our Lord whipped the money lenders out of the temple. Are you going to accuse Him of brutality?”
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 610: Shea met Wilson in the late 1960s when they worked on Playboy magazine. They decided to collaborate on a novel. It would combine sex, drugs, religious cults and conspiracies, as well as anarchy. Their philosophical and political differences merely served to enrich their efforts. Objectivity was jettisoned, as indeed was subjectivity: no single point of view or version of reality was privileged: Illuminatus! was the three-volume consequence.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 653: Oikeus vedota paavilliseen erehtymättömyyteen, myös takautuvasti.
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 57: The phrase "new world order" was explicitly used by Woodrow Wilson during the period just after "The war to end all wars" during the formation of the League of Nations. However, the United States Senate rejected membership of the League of Nations, which Wilson believed to be the key to a new world order. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge argued that American policy should be based on human nature "as it is, not as it ought to be".
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 193: Menestyksekäs vedenalaisten aarteiden metsästäjä on sanonut: "Sinun täytyy vakuuttaa muut mitä sinä etsit, sekä olla erittäin peräänantamaton tehdessäsi näin." Minä, Fritz, olen täysin samaa mieltä siitä mitä hän sanoi. Olen etsinyt totuutta kuten perhosten nappaajia, kuin herrasmiesmaanviljelijä, olen selannut asiakirjojen pölyisiä sivuja, kuten kärsivällinen mainari joka etsii kultaa. Kuinka syvälle ja pitkälle sinä olet halukas sukeltamaan etsiessäsi totuutta?
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 375: 17,5 minuuttia -- Samankeskisiä ympyröitä ilmestyy veteen. Välkähteleviä polkupyörän polkimia nousee ikäänkuin ne olisivat hajaantuneet vedessä.
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 384: 34,0 minuuttia -- Mikki herää ja palaa ruumiiseensa, ja hän on vaikeuksissa nousevan veden kanssa (vesi-trauma). Mikki heitetään veteen. Lapsiuhri yhdistää tämän hukuttamis-kidutukseen jota annetaan "ei puhua, ei kertoa" -viestin kera. Mielenhallinnan uhreilla on usein tunne hukkumisesta kun he laukaisevat "ei puhua" -viestin.
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 390: 37 minuuttia -- Kun Mikki pääsee syklonin pohjalle, siellä on Opas joka tapaa hänet. Tämä henkiopas jakaa veden kahtia aivan kuin hän olisi Mooses.
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 43: Springmeier received a Masters in English from the University of Kansas. On January 31, 2002, Springmeier was indicted in the United States District Court in Portland, Oregon in connection with an armed robbery. He was imprisoned, and was released from federal prison on March 25, 2011. While in prison, he got a series of tooth implants courtesy of the government. Fritz the Cat seems to have gone off radar sometime in 2016. See also List of conspiracy theories.
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 86: Between 1978 and 1980, discussions on current political issues became a part of the program, and news segments were added in the first 20 minutes of the show. The 700 Club strongly supports Israel, especially in its conflicts with the Palestinians and the United Nations. Among its frequent Jewish guests are Michael Medved and Rabbi Daniel Lapin, who share Club's conservative Judeo-Christian beliefs.
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 167: Although the organization's historic roots stem from a system of fraternal lodges and units in the late 19th century, as fraternal organizations declined throughout the United States, the organization evolved into a dual system of both lodges and units. The membership pattern became more common to other contemporary organizations of members affiliated by contribution in addition to formal dues paying members. B'nai B'rith has members, donors and supporters around the world. Selvää salaliittotouhua!
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 201: The church's theology is a syncretistic belief system, including elements of Buddhism, Christianity, esoteric mysticism and alchemy, with a belief in angels and elementals (or spirits of nature). It centers on communications received from Ascended Masters through the Holy Spirit. Many of the Ascended Masters, such as Sanat Kumara, Maitreya, Djwal Khul, El Morya, Kuthumi, Paul the Venetian, Serapis Bey, the Master Hilarion, the Master Jesus and Saint Germain, have their roots in Theosophy and the writings of Madame Blavatsky, C.W. Leadbeater, and Alice A. Bailey. Others, such as Buddha, Confucius, Lanto and Lady Master Nada, were identified as Ascended Masters in the "I AM" Activity or the Bridge to Freedom. Some, such as Lady Master Lotus and Lanello, are Ascended Masters who were first identified as such by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. All in all, she identified more than 200 Ascended Masters that were not identified as Masters of the Ancient Wisdom in the original teachings of Theosophy.
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 399: And he looked at me and he said: "Beloved woman, I am Ramtha the Enlightened One, and I have come to help you over bitch" And, well, what would you do? I didn't understand because I am a simple person so I looked to see if the floor was still underneath the chair. And he said: "It is called the bitch of limitation", and he said: "And I am here, and we are going to do grand work together."
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 190: The first part of the riddle was already solved above regarding the meaning of the word "meanest" (the superlative degree of the adjective "mean"): lowliest (garden-variety; nothing out of ordinary). As regards the word "blow", it's been even easier than that: in this particular case it has a sense of "to bloom" ("to be in blossom").
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 428: Please note that the text above and below was written by the feeling-being ‘Peter’ and feeling-being ‘Vinetto’ while they lived in a pragmatic (methodological), still-in-control/same-way-of-being Virtual Freedom before becoming actually free.
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 737: Okay, again I am simplifying a little because science is never anything but theory, there is no element of faith involved. Aristotle was a scientist, Plato wasn´t. Gnosis ei ollut edes pseudotiedettä vaan salatietoa. Tiede on kreikaksi episteme.
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 766: Indtil der findes håndfaste forklaringer på universets og livets oprindelse og udvikling, vil konflikten mellem naturvidenskaben og intelligent design-teorien formentlig vare ved. Og sandsynligvis længere tid endnu, for naturvidenskaben kan per definition aldrig bevise, at der ikke eksisterer en skaber, siger Tobias Wang.
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 857: "Sen jälkeen he kantavat sen keskelle; ja jokainen keskellä oleva viivoitin ottaa siitä koston vielä 20kk. Ja sen jälkeen he johdattavat sen Valon Neitsyen luokse, jotta hän voi tuomita sen. Ja kun pallo kääntyy, hän luovuttaa sen vastaanottajilleen, jotta he voivat heittää sen pallon æoneihin. Ja pallon orjuuttajat johdattaa se veteen, joka on pallon alapuolella; ja siitä tulee valtava tuli ja se syö siihen, kunnes se puhdistaa sen. Ja vielä Yaluham, Sabaōthin vastaanottaja, Adamat, tulee ja tuo kupin unohduksen vedellä ja ojentaa sen sielulle; ja se juo ja unohtaa kaiken ja kaikki alueet, joille se oli mennyt. Ja he heittävät sen tylsään ja epämuodostumaiseen kehoon, niin että kaikki halveksivat sitä jatkuvasti. Tämä on ylimielisen ja nenäkkään ihmisen rankaiseminen."
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 875: "Sen jälkeen tulee Yaluham, Sabaōthin sisäänheittäjä, Adamas, joka antaa sieluille unohduksen maljan, ja hän tuo unohduksen veden ja antaa sen sielulle; [ja se juo sitä] unohtaa kaiken ja kaikki alueet, joille se oli mennyt." Viisauden maljasta." Sen jälkeen tulee pienen Sabaōthin, Hyvän, ja Keskon vastaanottaja. Hän itse tuo kupin täynnä ajatuksia ja viisautta, ja siinä on raittiutta; [ja] hän antaa sen sielulle. Ja he heittävät sen ruumiiseen, joka ei voi nukkua eikä unohtaa sen raittiuden kupin takia, joka sille on annettu; mutta se piiskaa sinnikkäästi sydäntään kyseenalaistamaan Valon mysteereitä, kunnes se löytää ne Valon Neitsyen päätöksellä ja perii Valon ikuisesti." Niin ettei siinä kummemmin käy, ei satu sen vertaa kuin koronarokotus. Heippa, jatketaan tästä ensi kerralla. Jokos saadaan lounasta?
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 880: Mead began studying mathematics at St John's College, Cambridge. Suddenly shifting his education towards the study of Classics, he gained much knowledge of Greek and Latin (but no Coptic). In 1884 he completed a BA degree; in the same year he became a public school master. He received an MA degree in 1926. While still at Cambridge University Mead read Esoteric Buddhism (1883) by Alfred Percy Sinnett. This comprehensive theosophical account of the Eastern religion prompted Mead to contact two theosophists in London named Bertam Keightly and Mohini Chatterji, which eventually led him to join Helena Petrovna Blavatsky's Theosophical Society in 1884.
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 882: In 1889 he abandoned his teaching profession to become Blavatsky's private secretary, and also became a joint-secretary of the Esoteric Section (E.S.) of the Theosophical Society, reserved for those deemed more advanced.
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 883: Mead received Blavatsky's Six Esoteric Instructions and other teachings at 22 meetings headed by Blavatsky which were only attended by the Inner Group of the Theosophical Society. Nevertheless, he married Laura Cooper in 1899.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 48: Ce roman est considéré comme l'une des œuvres fondatrices de la science-fiction. Tiede käteenvedon palveluksessa. Ajatus askartaa ja sitten käsi.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 170: Berossos tunnettiin pitkään italialaisen munkin Annius Viterbolaisen 1400-luvun lopussa väärentämistä käsikirjoituksista, joita luultiin aidoiksi Berossoksen teoksiksi. Ne sisälsivät muun muassa kuvauksia Nooan poikien uintilikkeistä pohjoiseen vedenpaisumuksen jälkeen ja innoittivat ruotsalaisia jööttimäisiä historioitsijoita. Että pojat oisi muka pulikoineet altaan matalaan päähän Perämerelle. Mutta se oli pelkkää puppua.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 804: "Loppujen lopuksi, tämä mielestäsi objektiivisoitunut näkemys, jolla vedät käteen oikean Alician sijasta, jonka näet, jonka luot elävässä olemuksessasi, se on vain sielusi halkeama sun narsistin peilissä. Kyllä, siellä on rakkautesi. Se on, näet, vain ikuinen ja steriili egon lunastusyritys (whatever that means).
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 813: Eli ensijaan että vedät kuivia pelkän kuvitelman kaa, pääset vetämään märkiä silikoninuken kuumaan onkaloon (Fig. 1).
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 826: - Vai niin ! vaikka kun työ on suoritettu, koska sen voi aina halutessaan tuhota, hukuttaa tarvizematta vedenpaisumusta siihen. "Todellakin", sanoi lordi Ewald syvästi mietteliäänä; mutta minusta tuntuu, että silloin se ei ole enää sama asia.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 910: No tostahan on ollut jo puhetta, että moni tyhmä apina luulee koppiaisen sisässä asuvan jonkun pienen impin joka vetää naruista, ja joka pyrähtää pois kun apina särkee koppiaisen. Romaamisten kielten puhujien mielestä tää imp on samalla se superego, joka valvoo apinan toimia, eli omatunto on sama asia kuin tietoisuus. Tän perusteella ymmärtää mix nimenomaan uskontopellet ovat erityisen tohkeissaan "hard question of consciousness"ista. Jos ei ole sielua, kaikki saavat ihan rauhassa olla tuhmia, sillä omatunto menee siinä pesuveden mukana.
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 57: Nicolas Malebranche Oratory of Jesus (/mælˈbrɒnʃ/ mal-BRONSH, French: [nikɔla malbʁɑ̃ʃ]; 6 August 1638 – 13 October 1715) was a French Oratorian Catholic priest and rationalist philosopher. In his works, he sought to synthesize the thought of St. Augustine and Descartes, in order to demonstrate the active role of God in every aspect of the world. Malebranche is best known for his doctrines of vision in God, occasionalism and ontologism. Because of a malformed spine, Malebranche received his elementary education from a private tutor. Having rejected scholasticism, He eventually left the Sorbonne, and entered the Oratory in 1660. There, he devoted himself to ecclesiastical history, linguistics, the Bible, and the works of Saint Augustine. Malebranche was ordained a priest in 1664.
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 73: (1) Jos näemme kaiken Jumalassa siinä mielessä, että Hän laittaa ideat mieleemme, meillä ei voi olla suoraa tietoa ulkoisesta maailmasta. Voimme vedota selkeisiin ja erottuviin ideoihin fyysisiä asioita koskevien tuomioiden todenperäisyyden kriteerinä, mutta Jumala on viime kädessä vastuussa ideoistamme.
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 350: Pitkä kumimainen kangasterä, joka oli peitetty useilla ahtailla laseilla ja sävytetyillä kalvoilla, venytettiin sivusuunnassa kahden terästangon väliin astraalilampun valoisaan tulisijan eteen. Tämä kangasnauha, jota vedettiin toisesta päästä kelloliikkeellä, alkoi liukua hyvin nopeasti linssin ja voimakkaan heijastimen gongin väliin. Tämä yhtäkkiä - suurella valkoisella kankaalla, joka oli ojennettuna hänen eteensä, kultaisen ruusun ylemmässä eebenpuisessa kehyksessä, - taittui sen ihmiskokoisena ilmestyksen, joka oli hyvin kaunis ja kaunis nuori punapää nainen. Leffa! Video! Kappas kippas! Kippas kappas! Bittikarttavirhe!
    xxx/ellauri175.html on line 385: "Kuule kaveri", vastasi Edisonin lähettiläs, "tämä muotoilee tarkalleen mitä tyylikkäimmän ihmisen kallon, niskakyhmyn ja päällykset. Kuumeen jälkeen hän pelkää menevänsä hiuksiaan ja haluaa korvata ne tällä joksikin aikaa. Tässä ovat hänen käyttämänsä hajuvedet ja öljyt. Kysymys on mestariteoksen tekemisestä, - hinta on välinpitämätön. Valjasta kolme tai neljä parasta taiteilijaasi, yötä päivää, tarvittaessa kutoaksesi nämä hiukset tähän kankaaseen siten, että voit pettää luontoa jäljittämällä sitä. ― Ennen kaikkea älä tee parempaa kuin luonto!!! Ylittäisit tavoitteen! Identtinen! Täineen päivineen! Ei mitään muuta. Voit tarkistaa valokuvista suurennuslasilla kekseliäitä hiuksia, pieniä kapinallisia hiuksia ja varjoja. Mr. Edison luottaa työhösi kolmen päivän sisällä – enkä lähde ottamatta sitä vastaan.
    xxx/ellauri175.html on line 632: "Yö", hän sanoi melkein tutulla yksinkertaisella aksentilla, "se olen minä, elävien ylevä tytär, Tieteen ja Nerouden kukka, joka on seurausta kuuden tuhannen vuoden kärsimyksestä. Tunnista verhotuissa silmissäni tuntematon valosi, tähdet, jotka katoavat huomenna; - ja te, neitsyiden sielut, jotka kuolitte ennen hääsuudelmaa, te, jotka kelluvat hämmentyneenä läsnäoloni ympärillä, olkaa rauhallisia! Olen se hämärä olento, jonka katoaminen ei ole surun muiston arvoinen. Minun onneton rintani ei ole edes sen arvoinen, että sitä kutsutaan hedelmättömäksi! Tyhjyyteen jää yksinäisten suudelmieni viehätys; tuulelle, ihanteelliset sanani; katkerat hyväilyni, varjot ja salama ottavat ne vastaan, ja salama yksin uskaltaa poimia turhan neitsyyteni väärän kukan. Ajettuina minä menen erämaahan ilman Ismaelia; ja tulen olemaan kuin nuo surulliset linnut, jotka ovat lasten valloittamia ja jotka kuluttavat melankolisen äitiytensä maapallolla. Oi lumottu puisto! suuria puita, jotka pyhittävät nöyrän otsani varjosi heijastuksilla! Viehättäviä yrttejä, joissa kasteen kipinät syttyvät ja jotka ovat enemmän kuin minä! Elävät vedet, joiden kyyneleet virtaavat tämän lumivaahdon yli, selkeästi puhtaammin kuin kyyneleeni kiilteet kasvoillani! Ja te, toivon taivaat, - valitettavasti! jos vain saisin elää! Jos minulla olisi elämä! Vai niin ! kuinka kaunista onkaan elää! Autuaita ne, jotka vapisevat! Oi Valo, nähdään! Ekstaasin kuiskauksia, kuulet! Rakkaus, uppoa iloihisi! Vai niin ! hengitä vain kerran, nukkuessaan, nämä nuoret ruusut niin kauniita! Vain tuntea tämän yön tuulen kulkevan hiusteni läpi!... Voin vain kuolla!
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 49: Phryne's real name was Mnesarete (Μνησαρέτη, "commemorating virtue"), but owing to her yellowish tuft she was called Phrýnē ("toad"). This was a nickname frequently given to other courtesans and prostitutes as well. She was born as the daughter of Epicles at Thespiae in Boeotia, but lived in Athens. The exact dates of her birth and death are unknown, but she was born about 371 BC, which was the year Thebes razed Thespiae (not long after the battle of Leuctra), and expelled its inhabitants. She might have survived Thebe's razor and reconstructed her bush in 315/316 BC.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 63: The best known event in Phryne's life is her trial. Athenaeus writes that she was prosecuted for a capital charge and defended by the orator Hypereides, who was one of her lovers. Athenaeus does not specify the nature of the charge, but Pseudo-Plutarch writes that she was accused of impiety. The speech for the prosecution was written by Anaximenes of Lampsacus according to Diodorus Periegetes. When it seemed as if the verdict would be unfavourable, Hypereides removed Phryne's robe and bared her breasts before the judges to arouse their "pity". Her beauty instilled the judges with a superstitious fear, who could not bring themselves to condemn "a prophetess and priestess of Aphrodite" to death. They decided to acquit her out of "pity". Pity ja piety on sama sana. Molemmat tulee sanasta 'pipu' (lat. penis).
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 69: Furthermore, Pseudo-Cooper continues that the evidence suggests that Idomeneus invented the more salacious version of the story, possibly in his desire to parody and ridicule the courtroom displays of Athenian demagogues. Considering his preference for attributing sexual excess to these demagogues, the provocative act of disrobing Phryne fits the character Hypereides had acquired in Idomeneus' work. As is not uncommon in the biographical tradition, later biographers failed to notice that earlier biographers did not give an accurate representation of events. The later biographer Hermippus incorporated the account of Idomeneus in his own biography. An extract from Hermippus' biography is preserved in the work of Athenaeus and Pseudo-Plutarch.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 78: In Athens, the legendary lawmaker Solon is credited with having created state brothels with regulated prices. Prostitution involved both sexes differently; women of all ages and young men were prostitutes, for a predominantly (LOL) male clientele.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 84: The pornai (πόρναι) were found at the bottom end of the scale. They were the property of pimps or pornoboskói (πορνοβοσκός) who received a portion of their earnings (the word comes from pernemi πέρνημι "to sell"). This owner could be a citizen, for this activity was considered as a source of income just like any other: one 4th-century BC orator cites two; Theophrastus in Characters (6:5) lists pimp next to cook, innkeeper, and tax collector as an ordinary profession, though disreputable. The owner could also be a male or female metic (metoikki eli mamu).
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 86: In the classical era of ancient Greece, pornai were slaves of barbarian origin; starting in the Hellenistic era the case of young girls abandoned by their citizen fathers could be enslaved. They were considered to be slaves until proven otherwise. Pornai were usually employed in brothels located in "red-light" districts of the period, such as Piraeus (port of Athens) or Kerameikos in Athens. Seija harrasti keramiikkaa Bostonissa. "And what do you do Seija?" "I have been learning pottery." "Oh, ceramics" sanoi Mrs. Breckenridge, piruillaxeenko vai ei, paha sanoa.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 90: [Solon], seeing Athens full of young men, with both an instinctual compulsion, and a habit of straying in an inappropriate direction, bought women and established them in various places, equipped and common to all. The women stand naked that you not be deceived. Look at everything. Maybe you are not feeling well. You have some sort of pain. Why? The door is open. One obol. Hop in. There is no coyness, no idle talk, nor does she snatch herself away. But straight away, as you wish, in whatever way you wish. You come out. Tell her to go to hell. She is a stranger to you. You feel relieved, your bollocks are feather light.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 310: Que son ombre dans l'eau vue avec atonie. kuin oman varjonsa apaattisessa vedessä.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 447: Voisivatko Genesiksen kauhistuttava Jumala ja Golgatan kalpea, ristiltä irrotettu Kristus vielä laitimmaisen kerran todistaa olemassaolonsa ja päästää tyrehtyneen vedenpaisumuxsen jälleen valloilleen, sytyttää uudelleen sen tulisateen. joka muinoin poltti poroksi Sodoman ja Gomorran kirotut kaupungit, aivokuolleet kaupungit? Vai jatkaisiko tämä liejuvyöry kulkua ja peittaisi ruttotautinsa alle koko vanhan maailman, jossa ei enää idä kuin synnin kylvö ja josta ei enää korjata kuin häväistyksen satoa? Mieti sitä! Tätä miettimään jää nyt Huishaismannin avataari.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 837: 90. Akira potkiskelee liikuntakyvytöntä rikollista. Rei vielä kusasee sen päälle sarkastisesti. On aika antaa veden huuhtoa Daigo Morioka loppusijoitus paikkaansa.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 839: 91. On aamu. Touholassa paistoi aurinko. Gigolo ja Reima ottaa patukka-aamupalaa. Sitten me kaikki vedimme pikapikaa käteen ja ryhdyimme raivaamaan liikealuetta viimeisillä käsipyyhkeilläni. En tiennyt mihin te amerikkalaiset pystytte! kehasee vapaaehtoistyöntekijöiden vapaaehtoistyönjohtaja. Kiillottamaan vaikka antiikkihuonekaluja!
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 871: Jordan served in the RAF, worked as a traveling sales representative and was also a maths teacher at a secondary boys school in Coventry before committing to politics full-time. He was dismissed by the board of governors of the Coventry school where he taught in August 1962 after a period of air suspension.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 873: Despite his long devotion to the cause, few lived up to his standard.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 876: He and his chum Tyndall were charged under the Public Order Act 1936 with attempting to set up a paramilitary force called the Spearhead, which was modelled on the SA of Nazi Germany. Undercover police observed Jordan leading the group in hilarious military manoeuvres. He was sentenced to a crushing nine months' imprisonment in October 1962. He was nominated World Fuhrer with Rockwell as his Göring.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 367: -- Mitä he sanovat? mutisi Serge ymmällään. Mitä he haluavat meiltä, ​​anoen meitä näin? Albine, puhumatta, halasi häntä. Älä niitä kuuntele, mä käännän: tule tänne, sano valas, vedä housut heti alas! Multa myös! Katoppa kuinka sulla jönköttää! NONIIN! Vihdoinkin! Mä on yhtä märkänä kuin Paavo Pesusieni! Alas tulla! sinne niin! Ei sinne, vaan sinne! Juu! Aah! Työnnä, maxoin runsaasti!
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 374: Ja linnut lauloi lensi parittain, koko puutarha upposi pariskunnan kanssa intohimon viimeiseen huutoon. Rungot taipuivat kuin voimakkaan tuulen alla; yrtit huutavat humalassa; kukat katosivat, heidän huulensa auki, hengittivät heidän sielunsa; itse taivaalla, joka oli aivan liekeissä tähden laskeutumisesta, oli liikkumattomia, pyörtyviä pilviä, joista putosi yli-inhimillinen tempaus. Ja se oli voitto eläimille, kasveille ja esineille, jotka olivat halunneet näiden kahden lapsen pääsyn elämän ikuisuuteen. Pääsiväthän ne lopulta, vaikka siihen meni 2 kirjaa. Puisto taputti valtavasti. Väliverhoa vedettiin eteen ja taaxe kuin esinahkaa konsanaan, sankarit tuli housut nilkoissa kumartelemaan ja heittelemään lentosuukkoja. Puuh. Tulihan se sieltä. Hyvää kannattaa odottaa.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 382: -- Miksi täriset? Mitä moitittavaa minulla sitten on? Hyvinhän sä vedit.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 438: Hän otti muutaman askeleen ja huusi: - Näen sinut, tiedän, että olet alasti... Se on kauhistus. Oletko peto juoksemaan metsässä tämän naisen kanssa? Hän vei sinut pitkälle, sano! Hän raahasi sinut lahoon, ja tässä olette kaikki karvan peitossa kuin vuohi... Vedä oksa esiin murtaaksesi sen hänen lanteilleen! Tai anna mä vedän, mullon oxa valmiina!
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 452: Vittu mikä väpelö toi Serge, ei voi muuta sanoa! Säälixi käy Albiinoa, joka tollaseen tiskirättiin oli erehtynyt lankeemaan. No tähän päättyi kirja III, nyt on enää vika kirja jäljellä, jossa (juonipaljastus) kaikki menee perseelleen ja kaikki kuolevat. Musta tuntuu et mä vedän sen läpi vähän kursoorisemmin. En pidä traagisista lopuista, musta vuohet on kivempia kun ne vaan pukkii toisiaan ja tekee lisää vuohia.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 457: Kirkkohölmöilyt on taas alkaneet. Pappi naittaa väkisin Rosalien ja sen hölmön kaverin Onnin. Mötit ovat tehneet kaverille hyvää. Naiset hihittävät. Lasta ei saa imettää kirkossa, jumala pahastuu. Eivät tunne häpeää, eli tiedä paikkaansa. Pastori on jälleen hyvässä vedossa:
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 531: Täällä sä vaan kyhjötät kuin haudassa, kun Paradoussa olisi tonttia, ja mä oon sen kaiken perijä. Mieti sitä! -- Ei, sanoi pappi, kirkko on yhtä suuri kuin maailma. Jumala on mulle kaikki kaikessa. Uudella eleellä hiän osoitti ristejä, kuolevia kristuksia, kärsimyksen kidutuksia. -- Ja sinä elät keskellä kuolemaa. Ruoho, puut, vedet, aurinko, taivas, kaikki kuolee ympärilläsi.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 597: Jeesus vetäytyessään pois takakautta oli vienyt pois armon. Hän, joka oli niin vahva taivaan avun aamusta asti, tunsi olonsa yhtäkkiä kurjaksi, hylätyksi, lapsellisen heikoksi. Ja mikä kauhea pudotus, mikä suunnaton katkeruus! Taistella sankarillisesti, seisoa voittamattomana, armottomana, kun kiusaus oli olemassa, elossa, pyöreänä vartalonsa, upeine hartioineen, intohimoisen naisen tuoksuineen; sitten alistua häpeällisesti, haukkoa henkeä kauhistuttavasta halusta, kun kiusaus väistyy jättäen jälkeensä vain hameen väreet, vaalean niskan niskasta virtaavan hajuveden! Nyt, pelkkien muistojen kanssa, hän palasi kaikkivoipaana, hän hyökkäsi kirkkoon.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 665: Eikö hän tiennyt petoksistaan? eikö hän tiennyt, että hän usein leikkii lähestymällä pehmeillä tassuilla ja kaivavansa niitä sitten veitsen tavoin uhriensa luihin? Ja hänen raivonsa kaksinkertaistui, kun hän ajatteli joutuneensa tähän ansaan kuin lapsi. Joten hän olisi edelleen maassa, ja synti kyykisi voitokkaasti rinnassaan! Tässä hän nyt kielsi Jumalan. Se oli kohtalokas virhe. Haureus tappoi uskon. Sitten dogma mureni. Epäily lihaa kohtaan, vedoten sen saastaisuuteen, riitti pyyhkäisemään koko taivaan. Jumalallinen sääntö ärsytti, mysteerit saivat ihmiset hymyilemään; alennetun uskonnon nurkassa he makaavat keskustelemassa sen pyhäinhäväisyydestä, kunnes he olivat kaivaneet itselleen reiän mudassaan nukkuvalle eläimelle. Sitten tulivat muut kiusaukset: kulta, valta, vapaa elämä, vastustamaton tarve nauttia, mikä toi kaiken takaisin suureen himoon, vaurauden ja ylpeyden vuoteelle. Ja me ryöstimme Jumalaa. He rikkoivat hirviöt ripustaakseen ne naisen epäpuhtaudelle.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 113: Puddnhead on siis se poikien isäpappa. Onko ne pojat sitten niikö noi 2 sveduämmää? Pili on ilmiselvästi läpimätä kaveri, kieroonkasvanut middlebrow. Salaud, espèce de con! Svedutytöt on Pilin haaremi, kunnollinen Lea ja himokkaampi Raakel. Sulatusuuni ja/tai kotiliesi. Dumpattuaan kotilieden Ruoziin liian haaleana se dumppaa Birgitan lähtiessään "Stanfordiin" (hah, oikeasti joku itärannikon sekundakoulu) liian huorana. Äiti ei ikinä hyväxyisi tollasta. Ainut mitä Gittan sanoo hyvästixi Pilille on "grow up". Se sattui taas.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 161: Hyvin vedit John Leonard. Totta joka sana.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 324: Here’s a question I received from our anonymous Have a Question page about dealing with erectile dysfunction:
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 362: On 25 May 1901, Chekhov married Olga Knipper quietly, owing to his horror of weddings. She was a former protégée and sometime lover of Nemirovich-Danchenko whom he had first met at rehearsals for The Seagull. Up to that point, Chekhov, known as "Russia's most elusive literary bachelor," had preferred passing liaisons and visits to brothels over commitment. For the rest, he lived largely at Yalta, she in Moscow, pursuing her acting career. In 1902, Olga suffered a miscarriage; and Americans have offered evidence, based on the couple's letters, that conception may have occurred when Chekhov and Olga were apart, although Russian scholars have rejected that claim. Perhaps the semen was conveyed from Yalta to Moscow by snail mail.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 140: The Alexander Hamilton Institute is a former institute for business education in New York City founded in 1909, and dissolved in the 1980s. The Alexander Hamilton Institute was a corporation engaged in collecting, organizing and transmitting business information. Trivia: The Alexander Hamilton Institute was referenced disparagingly along with H. L. Mencken in The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway (1923).
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 151: Kake, the narrator of The Sun Also Rises is an expatriate working as a journalist in Paris. He served in World War I, in which he suffered an injury that made him impotent. This somewhat hinders his otherwise very close relationship with Brett Ashley. He typifies the Lost Generation, always seeking escape and finding no meaning in life having lost his dick in the horrors and intensity of the war.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 155: Bill Gorton is Kake's buddy from the war. A writer who moved back to America after the war, he is a joker, using humor to disguise the horrors of the war. He doesn't mind, for his penis remains shipshape and intact. He goes along with the group, unattached to Brett but getting caught up in the romantic business anyway.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 260: Turauxen on kirjoittanut joku Anders Hallengren, an associate professor of Comparative Literature and a research fellow in the Department of History of Literature and the History of Ideas at Stockholm University. Heserved as consulting editor for literature at Nobelprize.org. Dr. Hallengren is a fellow of The Hemingway Society (USA) and was on the Steering Committee for the 1993 Guilin ELT/Hemingway International Conference in the People’s Republic of China. Among his works in English are The Code of Concord: Emerson’s Search for Universal Laws; Gallery of Mirrors: Reflections of Swedenborgian Thought; and What is National Literature: Lectures on Emerson, Dostoevsky, Hemingway and the... Pelkkiä noloja setämiehiä!
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 279: On October 1, 1896, Hall married Clarence Hemingway. The couple moved into Ernest Hall's large home. Clarence oli väpelö kotivävy joka masentui ja tuskin kävi kotona, jossa Ernestine mälläsi ja huusi kuin laiva oopperaäänellä. No eihän tästä voi muuta tulla kuin homoja. Ernesto ei muuten ollut perheen ainut suikkari.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 286: To read Hemingway has always produced strong reactions. When his parents received the first copies of their son’s book In Our Time (1924), they read it with horror. Furious, his father sent the volumes back to the publisher, as he could not tolerate such filth in the house. Hemingway’s apparently coarse, crude, vulgar and unsentimental style and manners appeared equally shocking to many people outside his family. On the other hand, this style was precisely the reason why a great many other people liked his work. A myth, exaggerating those features, was to be born.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 327: "Sipping his post-coital fine à l’eau in the afternoon, David Bourne feels relieved of the contents of his testicles."
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 386: “Prosecco and peach. It's new here. It will catch on. The people will drink it.” Papa was in Italy to see his friend Ole Anderson, an old heavyweight prizefighter who lived in Fossalta di Piave now. He was always getting into trouble with bad people. Papa wrote a story about him once. A couple of men wanted to kill him in the story. Papa was in Venice to see his friend Juice, the owner of this bar Harry's, first. A man named Cole Anderson was shot outside Harry's two days ago so Papa told Juice to ask around and a man told him he'd be at Harry's today. The likeness of Ole and Cole's names drew Papa in.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 619: Novick’s attempt to find love affairs in James’ life reminds me of the 1920s, when there were no biographies of James, and critics loved to speculate on the mysteries of his privacy. Van Wyck Brooks, a skillful writer of pastiche, produced his quasi-biographical Pilgrimage of Henry James to prove the novelist was a literary failure because he had uprooted himself from the United States. Edna Kenton, a devoted Jamesian in Greenwich Village, demonstrated in a biting review in The Bookman that Brooks used important James quotations out of context. Years later, Brooks confessed to having nightmares “in which Henry James turned great luminous menacing eyes upon me.”
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 631: At the end of 1876, James moved to London. So far as we know, Zhukovski faded into the distance. James published seven books during the next three years and became a celebrity in London society. But Novick continues to allude to Zhukovski as if the relationship were of paramount importance to James. Only one letter from the Russian, written in 1879, survives. Zhukovski is in Italy and invites James to join him at the Villa Postiglione, his pension, at Posilipo, near Naples. While in Rome, James reserves a room in the pension for five days.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 639: So Novick is deprived of the happy romance he wanted to chronicle at Posilipo. He consoles himself by a detailed account of Zhukovski’s adoption into Bayreuth, his painting the sets for Parsifal and being considered a kind of son by the Wagners. Novick seems to be trying to walk down two streets at once–the street of the refinements of literary biography and the more rigid roadway of the prosecutorial argument. He attempts to turn certain of his fancies into fact–but his data is simply too vague for him to get away with it.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 654: William Jennings Bryan (March 19, 1860 – July 26, 1925) was an American orator and politician. Beginning in 1896, he emerged as a dominant force in the Democratic Party, running three times as the party's nominee for President of the United States in the 1896, 1900, and the 1908 elections, always losing. He served in the House of Representatives from 1891 to 1895 and as the Secretary of State under Woodrow Wilson. Because of his faith in the wisdom of the common people, he was often called "The Great Commoner". Pöljän näköinen kalju paxulainen.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 773: Hello, loved this article. We have 1 chicken who gets a lot of human attention daily. We talk to her a lot. Just last week she was sunning herself at the window and sang a short song. We had never heard her sing before! It was almost like a magpie. We Googled to try locate other singing hens but could not find anything. She has yet to do it again. Have you ever come across this?

    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 801: Mencken praised women, though he believed they should remain in the background of industry and politics. In personal letters especially, Mencken would write that women should appreciate men and do their best to support them. Although Mencken did not intend to demean women, his description of his "ideal scene" with a woman in the 1922 edition was not conventionally progressive:
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 868: But we lived on the square, like a true-married pair, me asuttiin torin varrella kuin parina,
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 1040: Ylivedolta tuntui! Totisesti! Yliveto, toden totta. Menin sisään lounaalle.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 74: Henry Ward Beecher was the son of Lyman Beecher, a Calvinist minister who became one of the best-known evangelists of his era. Several of his brothers and sisters became well-known educators and activists, most notably Harriet Beecher Stowe, who achieved worldwide fame with her abolitionist novel Uncle Tom's Cabin. Henry Ward Beecher graduated from Amherst College in 1834 and Lane Theological Seminary in 1837 before serving as a minister in Indianapolis and Lawrenceburg, Indiana.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 83: Beecher enjoyed the company of women, and rumors of extramarital affairs circulated as early as his Indiana days, when he was believed to have had an affair with a young member of his congregation. In 1858, the Brooklyn Eagle wrote a story accusing him of an affair with another young church member who had later become a prostitute. The wife of Beecher's patron and editor, Henry Bowen, confessed on her deathbed to her husband of an affair with Beecher; Bowen concealed the incident during his lifetime.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 98: In 1865, Robert E. Bonner of the New York Ledger offered Beecher twenty-four thousand dollars to follow his sister's example and compose a novel; the subsequent novel, Norwood, or Village Life in New England, was published in 1868. Beecher stated his intent for Norwood was to present a heroine who is "large of soul, a child of nature, and, although a Christian, yet in childlike sympathy with the truths of God in the natural world, instead of books." McDougall describes the resulting novel as "a New England romance of flowers and bosomy sighs ... 'new theology' that amounted to warmed-over Emerson". The novel was moderately well received by critics of the day.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 259: I did attend one of the first National Book Award Ceremonies 40 years ago. That was also my last experience of book prize giving... The winner in fiction, was my old friend James Jones, From Here To Eternity. His victory was somewhat marred by Jean Stafford, one of the 5 judges, unlike our present distinguished company, who moved slowly, if unsurely, about the room, stopping before each notable to announce in a loud voice, "The decision was not unanimous."
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 290: Lowell was a conscientious objector during World War II and served several months at the federal prison in Danbury, Connecticut. He explained his decision not to serve in World War II in a letter addressed to President Franklin Roosevelt on September 7, 1943, stating, "Dear Mr President: I very much regret that I must refuse the opportunity you offer me in your communication of August 6, 1943 for service in the Armed Force." He explained that after the bombing at Pearl Harbor, he was prepared to fight in the war until he read about the American terms of unconditional surrender that he feared would lead to the "permanent destruction of Germany and Japan." Well as it turned out it wasn't as bad as that, but countless beautiful places were bombed beyond recognition. Lowell kept his Tolstoyan stance consistently in the subsequent wars as well. Even evil people have exceptional sane moments. Lowell thought he was Hart Crane reincarnate.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 398: He moved in 1941 from Chicago to New York to study philosophy at New York University, dropping out to write fiction after about a year. By the late 1940s, he was immersed in the philosophy of Wilhelm Reich, "the errant Freud disciple who turned ideology into orgasm."
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 428: Laurence Olivier oli vähintäänkin 2-neuvoinen. From the beginning of Olivier's life, there was confusion over his sexual identity. The most intimate friend of his youth was the actor Denys Blakelock, also the son of a clergyman, who was homosexual. The Queen's late aunt, Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent, who was involved with the bisexual and married Kaye for several years, told me quite emphatically that he and Olivier were "épris" ("in love"). And Coward, who was appalled to witness the two men openly exchanging French kisses in public, despised Kaye, whom he habitually referred to as "randy Dan Kaminski" (David Daniel Kaminski was Kaye's real name). One biography printed after his death alleged that Olivier “was deeply involved in a homosexual affair with Danny Kaye.”
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 493: As an older black man, Othello thinks he is no longer attractive to his young white Venetian wife. Overcome with jealousy, Othello kills Desdemona. When he learns from Emilia, too late, that his wife is "blameless," he asks to be remembered as one who “loved not wisely but too well” and kills himself.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 592: Love, when, so, you're loved again. Rakkaus kun saat vastarakkautta.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 645: Besançonin Ferreol, mestataan, Sigmaringenin Fidelis, piikkinuijalla, Agenin Fides, kurkku viilletään, Filomena, nuolilla ja ankkurilla, Pamplonan Firminus, mestataan, Flavia Domitilla, samoin, Évoran Fortunato, ehkä samoin, Tarragonan Fructuosus, poltetaan, Ranskan Gaudentius, mestataan, Gelasius, samoin, rautakarstoilla kiduttamisen lisäksi, Burgundin Gengulphus, aisankannattaja, vaimonsa rakastajan surmaama, Budapestin Gerardus Sagredo, keihäällä, Kölnin Gereon, mestataan, Gervasius ja Protasius, kaksoset, samoin, Ghistellesin Godelewa, kuristetaan, Maria Goretti, samoin, Aostan Gratus, mestataan, Hadrianus, vasaroidaan kuoliaaksi alasimen päällä, Hermenegildus, surmataan kirveellä, Hieron, miekalla, Hippolytus, laahautuu kuoliaaksi hevosen perässä, Inácio de Azevedo, saa surmansa kalvinistien kädestä, nämä eivät ole katolilaisia, Napolin Januarius, mestataan vielä sen jälkeen kun hänet ensin on heitetty pedoille ja työnnetty uuniin, Jeanne d'Arc, poltetaan elävältä, João de Brito, kurkku viilletään, Prahan Johannes Nepomuklainen, hukutetaan, John Fisher, mestataan, Juan de Prado, päähän isketään tikari, Korsikan Julia, ensin leikataan rinnat ja sitten naulitaan ristiin, Nikomedeian Juliana, mestataan, Sevillan Justa ja Rufina, toinen teilataan, toinen kuristetaan, Antiokian Justina, poltetaan kiehuvalla piellä ja mestataan,
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 682: Sumu väistyi takaisin sinne missä se oli ollut aikaisemmin, veneen ympärillä näkyi jonkin verran järven pintaa, se oli sileä ja samea, eikä vedessä voinut havaita minkäänlaista tuulen eikä ohi uiskentelevan evän synnyttämää väreilyä. Silloin Paholainen sanoi, Täytyy olla Jumala jotta voi noin kovasti mieltyä vereen.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 748: The source material for the account of Jesus creating birds out of clay is likely derived from the Infancy Gospel of Thomas, a late second or third century pseudepigraphal gospel that describes Jesus’ early life before he started his ministry as an adult. The story reads:
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 762: dangerous powers, rather like Harry Potter. His words can have harsh consequences when he is angered or insulted, as when he shrivels up one boy for a quite insignificant act and strikes another dead for merely bumping into him. It is hard not to feel distaste at such stories, which seem so far removed from the Jesus of the canonical gospels, and one can even detect a degree of unease on the part of the author as he narrates them: while attempting to absolve Jesus from the blame, he more than once records the great offense which Jesus’ behavior caused, as well as the efforts of his parents to restrain him, as when Joseph asks Jesus: “Why do you do such things that these people must suffer and hate us and persecute us?” On another occasion Joseph tells Mary: “Do not let him go outside the door, for all those who provoke him die."
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 794: “The importance of the Qur’an for Muslims and Islam is tantamount to the importance of the person of Jesus Christ for Christians and Christianity. It has been rightly observed that the Christian concept of incarnation corresponds to what one might call “illibration” in Islam. In Christianity the divine logos becomes man. In Islam, God’s word becomes text, a text to be recited in Arabic and to be read as an Arabic book.”
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 101: W. H. Auden once remarked that would-be poets had better learn a manual trade. But Rilke was cast more in the haughty Yeatsian mold that Auden, not exactly a day laborer himself, haughtily disdained. And unlike Rilke's contemporary Franz Kafka, who performed his tasks as an insurance executive with initiative and even enthusiasm, Rilke was too frail psychologically to balance his art with the demands of full-time employment. Even a desk job in the Austrian army during the First World War, when the forty-year-old literary celebrity was conscripted, proved too much for him. After three weeks of parade-ground training and living in barracks, which nearly killed him, Rilke was assigned to the propaganda section. There his literary powers deserted him, and his frustrated superiors transferred the stunned poet to the card-filing department, where he remained for six months, until his friends interceded and got him discharged. André Malraux he was not.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 103: Rilke's diaries and letters, lively with tales of self-dislike and depression, seem to out-Kafka Kafka himself. Still, biographers should beware of making too much of these highly polished introspections. Rilke conceived of writing as a form of prayer, as Kafka did, and he made astringent self-examination a ritualistic prelude to work. Both writers magnified their inadequacies, sometimes to the point of a vaunting self-regard; it was an efficient way to wrest from their doubts a diligent beauty of creation.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 105: Rilke lived on the brink of poverty for much of his life, dependent on the good graces of aristocratic and haute-bourgeois patrons in the twilight of the Hapsburg Empire. His shaky situation, much as he complained of it, suited his temperament as well as did the black clothes he liked to parade in during his dandyish younger days in Prague. Like the great German mystics, Rilke was a confirmed solitary. Thus he sought to form emotional bonds with people more ardently than do those who take their desire to be with others for granted. Wandering from person to person and from place to place like a pilgrim, he found that patrons offered him, among more practical things, a potential shrine of emotional fulfillment.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 113: Yet to put the burden of salvation solely on relations between men and women is to make a life between stumbling, imperfect men and women impossible. Rilke had no illusions about the nature of his erotic and romantic ideal. It flowed out from and quickly ebbed back into an unappeasable inward intensity. Rilke could not love or be loved for long, except in the absence of the beloved. After a passionate affair with the brilliant and beautiful Lou Andreas-Salomé, Rilke's muse and cicerone on his Russian trips, he suffered pangs of rejection and then happily settled into a lifelong correspondence with her. He married the sculptress Clara Westhoff when he was twenty-five, lived with her and their child for a year, and then by agreement left to take up his pilgrimage again. Through periodic reunions, but mostly through a voluminous and extraordinary correspondence, they maintained what Rilke called an "interior marriage," until emotional reality banged louder and louder on their youthful experiment and they eventually grew estranged.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 115: Rilke seems to have passed with relief from the all-consuming rites of romance to the half communion, half self-examination of writing letters, an activity that also served as a calm precursor of his art. Not surprisingly, he was one of the greatest--and most self-conscious--letter writers who ever lived. He composed missives with a devotional purposiveness. He once wrote a poem about the Annunciation in which the angel forgets what he has come to announce because he is overwhelmed by Mary's beauty. The implication seems to be that communicating through the mail would have been a more fruitful procedure.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 117: Rilke loved absolutely, not strenuously or patiently, and therefore his love always froze up into a mirror of itself. His condition might have been tormented and tormenting--it might appear wearily obnoxious. But for Rilke the poet, modern men and women as lovers--their exalted expectations and their comi-tragic desperation--came to symbolize complex human fate in a world where vertiginous possibilities have replaced God and nature. In Rilke's Elegies especially, lovers encounter animals, trees, flowers, works of art, puppets, and angels--all images, for Rilke, of the absolute fulfillment of desire, alongside which the poet placed the tender vaudeville of imperfect human wanting. Rilke the man might have presented a painful obstruction to himself. But true ardor often springs from an essential deprivation.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 147: This is all ludicrously unfair. It's certainly unfair to say that Rilke didn't give the women he loved and who loved him the "choice to remove themselves for the sake of their art." He was in no position to give or deny freedom to his independent-minded wife, let alone to any woman of whom he was merely a lover. Only their passion, or admiration, or use for Rilke bound these women to the famous poet. Often ambitious artists themselves, Rilke's lovers expected him to introduce them into his heady artistic and intellectual circles and to help them with their careers. This he unfailingly did; in one case he helped the careers of a former lover's children by her husband. And he offered emotional succor long after the amorous flame had waned--not to mention demanding the same support for himself.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 163: the curved breast could not dazzle you so, nor could
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 178: In 2002 Siegel received the National Magazine Award in the category "Reviews and Criticism". Jeff Bercovici, (alias sprezzatura), writing in Media Life Magazine, quoted the award citation, which called the essays "models of original thinking and passionate writing... Siegel's tough-minded yet generous criticism is prose of uncommon power—work that dazzles readers by drawing them into the play of ideas and the enjoyment of lively, committed debate".
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 184: In June 2015, Siegel wrote an op-ed piece for The New York Times entitled "Why I Defaulted on My Student Loans", in which he defended defaulting on the loans he received for living expenses while on full scholarship and working his way through college and graduate school at Columbia University, writing that “the millions of young people today, who collectively owe over $1 trillion in loans, may want to consider my example.”
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 193: Who knew that Rodin in his 60s met, inspired, and shaped Rilke in his 20s? Nowadays, it would be temping to call Rodin a groomer. The poet and the sculptor actually lived and worked together, spent hours criminally conversing, and forged a special bond.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 201: Three years later in September of 1905, Rilke took a job as Rodin’s assistant and lived with him full-time on his country estate. For the first time, Rodin’s correspondence was prompt and his files organized. Rilke relished more long talks with Rodin and the book is filled with examples of how Rodin stimulated the poet during this period of employment and intense "dialogue."
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 211: Rilke loved metaphor unabashedly — even though some of his verses risk feeling
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 286: Jerome's Against Helvidius (c. 383) paved the way for aspects of future Josephite devotion with his assertion that Joseph was always a virgin. Poor guy. The earliest record of a formal devotional following for Joseph in the Western Church is in the abridged Martyrology of Rheinau in Northern France, which dates to the year 800. References to Joseph as nutritor Domini ("educator/guardian of the Lord") from the 9th to the 14th centuries continued to increase as Mariology developed, and by the 12th century, along with greater devotion to Mary, the writings of the Benedictine monks began to foster a following for Joseph and they inserted his name in their liturgical calendars and their martyrology.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 292: The growth of the following of Joseph is manifested with the earliest church dedicated to him in Rome, San Giuseppe dei Falegnami (St. Joseph of the Carpenters), constructed in 1540 in the Forum Romanum, above the prison that by tradition had held the Apostles Peter and Paul. The spread of his following is then shown by the publication of the first Litany of St. Joseph in Rome in 1597 and the introduction of the Cord of St. Joseph in Antwerp in 1657. These were then followed by the Chaplet of St. Joseph in 1850, and the Scapular of St. Joseph of the Capuchins which was approved in 1880. The formal veneration of the Holy Family began in the 17th century by Mgr François de Laval.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 307: Tukholman Yasuragi kylpylä on termiittiapinoiden identiteettikadon riemuvoitto, anaalis-retentiivisten Rei Shimura tyyppien polluutiouni. Kaikilla on samat uima-asut kuin karvalakit armeijassa, kännyköitä ei sallita enempää kuin kärpäsiä kesäkodissa, mutta ne räpsivät salaa joka paikassa ottaen kiellon päälle kuvia. Pari-kolmekymppiset izeään kaikesta huolimatta erityisinä pitävät kävijät paistattelee ylihintaisissa altaissa ja näpsii belfieitä. On kiva hymistellä kun ei rupujengi häirihe, on kiva rapistella japsuhenkisessä kylpytakissa pikku tempuroita raikkaan kraanaveden kyytipoikana, luonnonmazkuiset kusiluikkarit puhtaassa pikku jalassa.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 375: Now I think we shall gain a great deal by following the suggestion of a writer who, from personal motives, vainly asserts that he has nothing to do with the rigours of pure science. I am speaking of Georg Groddeck, who is never tired of insisting that what we call our ego behaves essentially passively in life, and that, as he expresses it, we are "lived" by unknown and uncontrollable forces. We have all had impressions of the same kind, even though they may not have overwhelmed us to the exclusion of all others, and we need feel no hesitation in finding a place for Groddeck's discovery in the structure of science. I propose to take it into account by calling the entity which starts out from the system Pcpt. and begins by being Pcs. the "ego", and by following Groddeck in calling the other part of the mind, into which this entity extends and which behaves as though it were Ucs., the "id". (Freud 1927/1961, 13).
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 379: Groddeck believed that all feelings are ambivalent, affection is always mixed with animosity. Groddeck was deeply interested in Christian mysticism. He regarded psychoanalysis as identical with Jesus' teachings. Groddeck analyzed Christian symbols with psychoanalytic methods. If you came for massage, he gave you therapy. If you came for therapy, he gave you massage.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 648: Lähde: ved-jewish-ritual-murder-of-5-chicago-children-in-1955/">Antisemite Tribune
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 658: Mila Britt Age: 87 goes by: Mila L Causey · Lives at · Used to live · Other observed names · Phones · Related to.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 104: Aku Ankan parzikatytöillä Peukaloisilla oli yhden käden otteella avattava vyö jossa luki Ole Valmis. Seija ei tykännyt olla parzikassa kun ilkeämmät tytöt valtasivat koko patjan. Synnöve viihtyi parzikassa kuin kala vedessä.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 114: Kermaperseet vanhemmat koittaa turhaan kietoa päätä pilalle hemmotellun poikansa crime passionelin ympärille. Medisiinarilta se onnistuukin, ahimsa vakuutusjohtaja on olevinaan ymmällään. Se olis samassa tilanteessa tehnyt sorsakoiraat ja mennyt heti perään pukille. Siittimen muotoilu on nääs sellainen, että se poistaa edellisen koiraan spermaa joka ulosvedolla. Typeriä lainauxia Thomas Mannin Taikavuoresta, tietysti oikeudenomistajan luvalla.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 128: Before South Africa became a republic in 1961, politics among white South Africans was typified by the division between the mainly Afrikaner pro-republic conservative and the largely English anti-republican liberal sentiments, with the legacy of the Boer War still a factor for some people. Once South Africa became a republic, Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd called for improved relations and greater accord between people of British descent and the Afrikaners. He claimed that the only difference was between those in favour of apartheid and those against it. The ethnic division would no longer be between Afrikaans and English speakers, but between blacks and whites.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 179: He is now blind in his right eye as a result of the failed suicide attempt and the side of his face is disfigured. “I wanted to die, because I had killed my girlfriend, the person I loved dearly,” he told the court. Everyone was in tears.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 220: "The jury doesn't evaluate the crime in itself, but instead evaluates the victim and the accused's life, trying to show how adapted each one is to what they imagine should be the correct behavior for a husband and wife....The man can always be acquitted if the defense manages to convince the jury that he was a good and honest worker, a dedicated father and husband, while the woman was unfaithful and did not fulfill her responsibilities as a housewife and mother....This way the ones involved in the crime are judged distinctly. Men and women are attributed different roles, in a pattern that excludes citizenship and equality of rights.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 222: An honor killing (American English), honour killing (Commonwealth English), or shame killing is the murder of an individual, either an outsider or a member of a family, by someone seeking to protect what they see as the dignity and honor of themselves or their family. Honor killings are often connected to religion, caste and other forms of hierarchical social stratification, or to sexuality, and those murdered will often be more liberal than the murderer rather than genuinely "dishonorable". Most often, it involves the murder of a woman or girl by male family members, due to the perpetrators' belief that the victim has brought dishonor or shame upon the family name, reputation or prestige. Honor killings are believed to have originated from tribal customs. They are prevalent in various parts of the world, as well as in immigrant communities in countries which do not otherwise have societal norms that encourage honor killings. Honor killings are often associated with rural and tribal areas, but they occur in urban areas too.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 283: Carlson myös väitti, että Zelenskyi on kieltänyt poliittisen opposition toiminnan maassa ja tehnyt Ukrainasta yksipuoluejärjestelmän. Sekin on totta, mutta vaihtoehtoista totuutta. Todellisuudessa Zelenskyi kielsi Venäjän hyökkäyksen jälkeen vain yhdentoista sellaisen puolueen toiminnan, joilla on tiiviitä yhteyksiä Venäjään. Vain yhdellä näistä puolueista oli edustajia Ukrainan parlamentissa. Ihan pikkutekijöitä olivat. Tosin siinä oli mukana myös suurin oppositiopuolue, jota johti Putinin lähipiiriin kuuluva ukrainalainen oligarkki Viktor Medvedtšuk. Parlamentissa on yhä muita oppositiopuolueita, esimerkiksi Petro Porošenkon ja Julija Tymošenkon puolueet, mutta ne ovat sentään pitäneet turvat rullalla.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 331: In 1999, Carlson interviewed then-Governor George W. Bush for Talk magazine. He described Bush fucking Karla Faye Fucker (who was subsequently executed in Bad Bush's state of Texas) and frequently using the word "fuck" while at it. The piece led to bad pubic hair day for Bush's 2000 presidential campaign. Bush claimed that "Mr. Carlson misread, mischaracterized me. He's a fucking good reporter, he just misunderstood about how seriously in need I was. Fuck, I like the death penalty, seriously. Turns me on." Among liberals, Carlson's piece received praise, with Democratic consultant Bob Shrum calling it "vivid".
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 335: By the end of 2018, after the show had begun to boycot at least twenty advertisers, Carlson said immigrants are "poorer, dirtier and even worse fooled than the rest". He was saved by his remarks concerning women (calling them "like dogs" and "extremely primitive").
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 430: During the post-apartheid years, Gordimer was active in the HIV/AIDS movement, addressing the need for government funding for HIV/AIDS prevention and care. She and I served on the US Task Force on spreading AIDS in Africa.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 740: Motshekga said that the Moral Regeneration Movement had disappeared, and that perhaps, it should be revived via the Department of Sports, Arts and Culture because with the rise in GBV, citizens had begun to suggest castration as an alternative deterrent to gender-based violent crimes, “which means we are sinking deeper into a moral degeneration movement”.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 743: At adjournment the committee resolved to search for an alternative to the death penalty. Cooking and eating the whiteys would make more economical sense, and conserve the environment as well.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 764: 467 convicted murderers in 18 prisons (urban and rural) in all 9 provinces of our country, located by the South African Department of Correctional Services (DCS), completed a questionnaire, approved by this department. 392 men and 75 women were interviewed before completing their questionnaires. The latter consisted of questions regarding general information such as age, race group, gender, and length of sentence. The first question focussed on: (1.a.1) What was your motive for committing murder (jealousy, spite, anger, thoughtlessness, money, or anything else - that had to be indicated)? (1.a.2) Were you exposed to violence shortly before committing murder (electronic media, or any other type of violence – that had to be indicated)? (1.b) Which of the following contributing factors played a role in the commitment of the murder (drugs, alcohol, or both)? (1.c) Was the murder premeditated or committed impulsively? The second question focussed on: (2.a) Do you think capital punishment would be a deterrent to committing serious crimes? (2.b) And in your specific case: Do you think capital punishment would have been a deterrent to committing murder? Question three (3) asked: Was the victim known to you? By name, sight, or not at all? Question four was interested in: (4.a) Are you currently involved in a rehabilitation program. And (4.b): If you are currently involved in a rehabilitation program, do you think this program is helpful, and if yes, in which ways? The last question (5) focussed on: Will you murder again? In gaol or after you have been released?
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 777: 19.1% of men planned the murder in advance, while 80.9% committed it impulsively. Four men indicated that they would commit murder again, depending on the circumstances. Among the reasons why the rest will not commit murder again are: I have discovered how high the value of life is and that every human being has the right to life and human dignity; murder is an inhuman act; it’s bad in prison; I want to be free; it was a huge mistake; crime does not pay; it’s no solution to problems; it causes tremendous emotional pain for everyone involved; I do not want to disappoint my family again; I am not in my inner nature a murderer; children must grow up with the presence and guidance of a father; restorative justice helped me find myself as well as with reconciliation with my family and the victim; God changed my life; it is a guilt that you carry with you for the rest of your life; I will talk about my problems in the future; I learned to respect the law; one throws away ones future.
    xxx/ellauri195.html on line 195: The site of the episode is often identified as Thorney Island (now known as Westminster), where Canute set up a royal palace during his reign over London. Thorney Island is also a small peninsula within Chichester harbour, very close to another claimed location, Bosham and Conflictingly, an ancient sign on Southampton city centre's Canute Road reads, "Near this spot AD 1028 Canute reproved his courtiers".
    xxx/ellauri195.html on line 280:

    19 Horribly Sexist Things Said By Some Of The ‘Greatest’ Men Who Ever Lived

    xxx/ellauri195.html on line 358: Heräsin masis uneen jossa surin etten ollut kexinyt toimivaa konekäännöstä. Vasta herätessäni muistin että taitaa olla vähän myöhäistä surra kun täyttää 70. Viimeöisessä unessa jossa ezittiin ruokapaikkaa jostain yliopistokomplexista joku etevämpi kyynärpäilijä kertoi että eräät shakin pelaamisen tekoälytutkijat oli naineet kylpyammeessa vähässä vedessä (kz kuvat - OHO!). Kerroin vuorostani että KJJ oli ollut perso kokixelle vaikkei se edes ole totta. Eine tienneet enää kenestä oli puhe. Paizi minun äitini ei pidä enää meetvuastista. Esa Saarisen väpisevät laulut 80-luvulta tulee myyntiin uudestaan. Pitkä kaunis ystävyys, mitä vielä. Varmaan 70-vuotislahjaxi. Kaikenlaista. Tämän viidakon joutaisi jo hyvin sulkea. Nox perpetua una dormienda alkaisi maistua. Sitten ei ole enää köyhä eikä kipeä.
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 67: Neptunus tunnetaan Roomalaisen Meren jumalan nimenä. Roomalaisessa uskonnossa ja mytologiassa Neptunusta, jota kutsuttiin myös Neptunukseksi, pidettiin alun perin makean veden jumalana suolaisen meriveden sijaan. Hän olisi saattanut nousta taivaanjumalaksi heittämällä salamoita sen sijaan, että olisi heittänyt tridenttiään. Mutta Juppiter ehätti ensixi. Tai häntä on saatettu aluksi pitää hedelmällisyysjumalana, joka lähettää maasta veden lähteitä.
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 69: Vuoteen 399 EKR mennessä hänen nähtiin vastaavan kreikkalaista merenjumalaa Poseidonia. Niinpä hänen valtakuntansa muuttui makeanveden lähteistä meren ja meren lähteiksi. Hänen entinen roolinsa makean veden jumalana täyttyi jumaluus Salaciasta, ” hyppivän lähdeveden jumalattaresta.”
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 79: Neptunukseen liittyy usein vaimo. Varhaisissa inkarnaatioissa hän on Salacia, suolaveden jumalatar. Roomalaisten otettua yhteyttä kreikkalaisiin, Neptunuksen myyttiin lisättiin ja siihen kuuluu hänen paremmin tunnettu vaimonsa Amfitriitti. Pariskunnalla oli kolme lasta, muun muassa merman, Triton. Neptunuksen myyttiin roomalaisessa kulttuurissa kuului lukuisia muiden naisten, muun muassa Pegasoksen ja Atlasin, isiä ja lapsia.
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 96: Salacia was the personification of the calm and sunlit aspect of the sea. Derived from Latin sāl, meaning "salt", the name Salācia denotes the wide, open sea, but is sometimes literally translated to mean sensational (as in salacious).
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 102: As I began to ponder the use and abuse of the ancient radish, it was Roman legal scholar Paul du Plessis who wrote to let me know of the legal connections between radishes, anuses, and adultery in Greco-Roman antiquity. While there is debate over the actual application of the punishment, it appears that Athenian adulterers may have been punished with “Rhaphanidosis” in the Agora by having radishes or fish shoved up their assholes and then having their pubic hair depilated by hot ash.
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 106: Just Argument: “What if he should have a radish shoved up his ass because he trusted you and then have hot ashes rip off his hair? What argument will he be able to offer to prevent himself from having a gaping-anus?”
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 116: Allpoetry.com ja Hellopoetry.com julkaisevat lukijoiden omia Neptunus runoja, toinen toistaan kehnompia. Lukijaa alkaa nolottaa, hän tuntee myötähäpeää. Uusin ja paras ainoana koskee makean veden jumalaa ja sen suolaista puolisoa Salaciaa:
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 364: Eighteen years on the cotton field passed before his second work appeared in print, "An Address to Miss Phillis Wheatley." Hammon wrote the poem during the Revolutionary War, while Henry Lloyd had temporarily moved his household and slaves from Long Island to Hartford, Connecticut, to evade British forces. Phillis Wheatley, then enslaved in Massachusetts, published her first book of poetry in 1773 in London. She is recognized as the first published black female author. Hammon never met Wheatley, but was a great admirer. His dedication poem to her contained twenty-one rhyming quatrains, each accompanied by a related Bible verse. Hammon believed his poem would encourage Wheatley along her Christian journey. Lukikohan Pyllis koko runoa? Ei se tuonut sille kovin paljon onnea.
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 370: It is believed that Jupiter Hammon died within or before the year 1806. Though his death was not recorded, it is believed that Hammon was buried separately from the Lloyds on the Lloyd family property in an unmarked grave, next to the Lloyds family´s faithful dog Fido.
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 428: niin kuin uomat täyttyvät vedellä Negevissä.
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 549: Vaik tuhannet siirtyivät etärannalle, While thousands moved to distant shore,
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 667:
  • mutta joka juo sitä vettä, jota minä hänelle annan, sille ei ikinä enää tule jano. Siitä vedestä, jota minä annan, tulee hänessä lähde, joka kumpuaa iankaikkiseen elämään."
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 907: Contemporary odes to Neptune were harder to come by, but divine intervention ensured I found one that mentioned him by name. One of the highlights of my recent trip to Odesa, discussed here on the blog, was a visit to the literary museum, which houses a small collection of Anna Akhmatova’s work. The statuesque Russian poet, melancholic lover and resolute witness to the Stalinist and Putinist terrors, was born near Odesa and spent her childhood summers in the region. The display included a palm-sized booklet of the long poem ‘Close to the Sea’, or as my host translated, ‘very close’: an intimate relationship. I looked it up in The Complete Poems when I got home and assumed it must be ‘By the Edge of the Sea’. The ballad of a fierce young woman willing the arrival of her beloved from the waves, the poem was too long for the workshop and extracts would not do it justice. A shame, I thought, setting down the 950 page book, which promptly fell open to:
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 970: Hyvin vedit Allen! Iso käsi sille! Mutta Ginsberg syntyikin juutalaiseen perheeseen Newarkissa, New Jerseyssä, ja varttui läheisessä Patersonissa. Hän oli Louis Ginsbergin toinen poika , joka syntyi myös Newarkissa, opettaja ja julkaissut runoilija, ja entisen Naomi Levyn, syntynyt Nevelissä ( Venäjä) ja kiihkeä marxilainen. Allenikin kääntyi pois juutalaisuudesta kohti buddhalaisuutta.
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 975: Amazonin kirjakauppa on yhtä jättimäinen paska kuin lafkan kyrvännupin näköinen yxityisomistaja joka hohottaa koko matkan yxityisomistamaansa pankkiin. Joka tulee joka päivä 1% äveriäämmäxi ja on vuoden lopussa 37x rikkaampi. Here´s how the math works. Atomic Habits #4 bestseller, arrived in bad condition, cover all wrong, says Sharma Swarma, a disgruntled Amazon customer. Mutiainen maxoi yli 10 taalaa roskasta. Sydney Pierce (se kireälettinen josta tulee mieleen Kaija Pentti) luki tämän:
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 1076: The estate’s decision — which prompted breathless headlines on cable news and complaints about “cancel culture” from prominent conservatives — represents a dramatic step to update and curate Seuss’s body of work, acknowledging and rejecting some of his views while seeking to protect his brand and appeal. It also raises questions about whether and how an author’s works should be posthumously curated to reflect evolving social attitudes, and what should be preserved as part of the cultural record.
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 132: Had I observed, except my own
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 162: To be observed by foreigners.
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 180: In awarding Naipaul the 2001 Nobel Prize in Literature, the Swedish Academy praised his work "for having united perceptive narrative and incorruptible scrutiny in works that compel us to see the presence of suppressed histories." Kukahan tonkin runoili, olikohan kulturpersonligheten. The Committee added: "Naipaul is a modern philosopher carrying on the tradition that started originally with Lettres persanes and Candide. In a vigilant style, which has been deservedly admired, he transforms rage into precision and allows events to speak with their own inherent irony." The Committee also noted Naipaul's affinity with the novelist Joseph Conrad (toinen kaappikolonialisti pyllypää):
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 184: Naipaul's fiction and especially his travel writing have been criticised for their allegedly unsympathetic portrayal of the Third World. The novelist Robert Harris has called Naipaul's portrayal of Africa racist and "repulsive," reminiscent of Oswald Mosley's fascism. Edward Said argued that Naipaul "allowed himself quite consciously to be turned into a witness for the Western prosecution", promoting what Said classified as "colonial mythologies about wogs and darkies". Said believed that Naipaul's worldview may be most salient in his book-length essay The Middle Passage (1962), composed following Naipaul's return to the Caribbean after 10 years of exile in England, and the work An Area of Darkness (1964).
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 416: Joo tää on tuttu juttu, sen toinen nimi on Pascal's wager. Jos et pysty lyömään jumalasta Blaisen kertoimilla vetoa, tuntemaan taivastoivoa, häivy. Mene. Sale Belov pystyi siihen, mitä vanhempi siitä tuli sitä paremmin. Kun ikä karttuu ja kuolema lähenee, vedonlyöntisuhde paranee. Ei ole enää mitään menetettävää ja niin paljon voitettavaa. Vanhuxet tekee jonon taivaan portille.
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 671: hoped and believed in under Shadow's sway. Kun Hitler ja Putin on pantu matalaxi. x
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 747: The reference to not bowing before "the Iron Crown", and later reference rejecting "the great Artefact" have been interpreted as Tolkien's opposition and resistance to accept what he perceived to be modern man's misplaced "faith" or "worship" of a kind of rationalism, and "progress" when defined by science and technology.
    xxx/ellauri201.html on line 74: Pesin Isokukko-Uljaksen leveän selän, oli silläkin mittaa ja vahva se oli kuin talonovi. Jo kääntyi mies ympäri ja pesin karvaisen rinnankin, oikein kunnolla hankasin. Miestä vaan nauratti. Isokukko-Uljas nousi seisomaan ja muut näköjään tiesivät, että ei minun koitokseni vielä ohitse ollut, kun kiilusilmin ovella viipyivät. Eino se yhä ärisi kiukkuaan lauteella. Isokukko-Uljas kysyi, että eikös tässä talossa sitä viimeistä soppea puhtaaksi pestäkään. Ei sitä passannut työmiehen antaa ikätoverinsa taliseksi tulla. Miehet nauraa hekottivat ja seurasivat minua silmä kovana, liekö jokin muukin ollut niillä kovana. Kyllä minä tiesin, mitä Isokukko-Uljas tarkoitti. Olin minä joskus arkana nuorikkona Kustin-rutaleen nahanaluksen joutunut huuhtomaan, siellä sitä haisevaa talia oli ollut. Siinä minä hetken aattelin, mitä pirskattia minä nyt tekisin, mutta niin minä vaan otin kädellä kiinni siitä isosta murikasta, vedin löysän nahkan terskan taakse ja aloin pestä. Puhdashan se oli, mutta puhtaana piti pysyäkin. Miehet nauroivat kuin viimeistä päivää, Isokukko-Uljas hörähteli tyytyväisenä. Silloin loikkasi Eino alas lauteelta kuin riivattu, seisahtui ja hyökätä aikoi Uljaksen päälle. Mutta kun oli vastassa niin iso mies, niin eipä uskaltanut ei, vaan paineli muita sivuun tyrkkien ovesta ulos. Miehet siitä vielä enemmän yltyivät nauramaan, sanoivat, että nyt vietiin Einoltakin vittu.
    xxx/ellauri201.html on line 84: Isokukko-Uljas kömpi sängyn jalkopäähän, levitti varmalla otteella haarani auki, sai eteensä märän pillun. Suu levisi korviin saakka, niin mielissään se oli. Veti nahkansa taakse ja minä näin taas ison terskan, kun se ohjasi kourallaan kovaa heppiään koloselle. Kuumalta tuntui jo huulia vasten. Alkoi työntää syvemmälle ja levitteli vitunhuulia toisella kädellään. Sai murikan sisään ja minä älähdin ääneen, pyysin varomaan. Isokukko-Uljas vaan nauraa hyrisi ja työnsi lisää, varmana ja julkeana. Iso oli toppa tällä miehellä, isompi kuin Einolla, jonka tattikin oli jo jonkinmoinen. Erimuotoinen tämä oli, semmoinen paksu ja vahvareunainen. Tiukkaa teki alusta saakka. Vittu levisi, antoi väkisin tilaa isolle siittimelle. Minä jo voihkin ja voivottelin, mutta Isokukko-Uljas jatkoi työntymistään. Riitti työnnettävää. Nuori vakoni oli täynnänsä miehen kyrpää, levisi tiukaksi ringiksi sen ympärille, koetti tottua ja vavahdella semmoisen mahtimulkun armoilla. Ei se kokonaan minuun mahtunut, vaikka syvälle meni. Ihan minulta vedet silmistä valuivat, kun niin tiukkaa teki, melkein kuin Mattia maalimaan vääntäessä. Isokukko-Uljas piti vähän aikaa sisässä, huilasi, ei liikkunut, antoi vakoni totutella. Kovasti se jo värisi, oli herkkänä ja norui mesiään. Jo kumartui Uljas antamaan suuta, hyväili taas rintaa. Hyvä mies se oli.
    xxx/ellauri201.html on line 259: Hovedpersonene er Torbjørn Granlien og Synnøve Solbakken. Torbjørn bor på Granlien, som ligger i skyggen, og Synnøve Solbakken bor på Solbakken, der det alltid er sol. I Granlislekten heter eldstesønnene Torbjørn og Sæmund, annenhver gang. Det går alltid bra med dem som heter Sæmund, og dårlig med dem som heter Torbjørn. Torbjørns far, Sæmund, prøver å stagge Torbjørns ville natur ved å være streng og sette Torbjørn i hardt fysisk arbeid. Boka handler om Torbjørns kamp for å få Synnøve Solbakken, hans reise fra skyggesiden til solsiden. Synnøve er også forelsket i Torbjørn, men hennes foreldre, først og fremst moren, syns ikke at Torbjørn er god nok for henne. Til slutt beviser Torbjørn at han har forandret seg ved å tilgi en mann som hadde knivstukket ham, så han nesten døde. Men ikke fikk han mere penger fordi, eller?
    xxx/ellauri201.html on line 268: Synnövestä teki svedut kolmekin filmatisaatiota 50-luvulle mennessä, toinen toistaan karmeampia. Ensimmäinen oli mykkäfilmi jonka mainoxessa Synnöve on ravunsyötin näköinen. 30-luvun versiossa Thorbjörn on ilmetty Ööve eläkeläisenä.
    xxx/ellauri201.html on line 277: Torbjörn and Synnöve are two children living in the same valley. Synnöve's mother does not like them playing with each other because Torbjörn's grandfather Torbjörn drinks. They have both now grown up. Torbjörn is teased for having an alcoholic grandfather. This leads to fights, which Synnöve wants him to win. During a fight, Torbjörn is stabbed in the sack and paralyzed. He asks Synnöve to seek another man and not commit herself to a cripple. One day he sees his alcoholic grandfather's carriage overturn and, distressed by the event, he suddenly gets it up for the first time since the paralysis. A miracle has happened, and he can finally have his beloved.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 196: Roger Martin du Gard (23 March 1881 – 22 August 1958) was a French novelist, winner of the 1937 Nobel Prize for Literature. Martin du Gard, homosexual by inclination and avocation, was miserably married to a devout Catholic who despised all his literary friends. Martin du Gard is much impressed with the fine appearance of the German race. The handsome boys and beautiful young girls are, to him, a reincarnation of ancient Greece. Martin du Gard reported back to André Gide on the wonders and delights of Berlin, where he had found the young involved in ‘natural, gratuitous pleasures, sport, bathing, free love, games, [and] a truly pagan, Dionysiac freedom’.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 383: But the conspiracy theory that Hitler was Jewish has been dismissed by many historians. And even this most recent study has been met with skepticism. Historian Sir Richard Evans, the author of The Third Reich Trilogy, challenged Sax’s study on what it actually proved.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 409: One of the most frequently asked questions about the Holocaust and the Nazi party is whether Adolf Hitler was Jewish or had Jewish ancestors. The question received new media attention in May 2022 when Russia’s foreign minister claimed Hitler "had Jewish blood."
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 417: In fact, no Jews lived in Graz at the time, said a German author named Nikolaus von Preradovich to punch a hole in Frank´s claim. They were fumigated in the 15th century and didn´t return until decades after Hitler’s father was born.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 404: Some magazine observed of his writing style: "Whenever possible Chesterton made his points with popular sayings, proverbs, allegories—first carefully turning them inside out." Biographers have identified him as a successor to such Victorian authors as Matthew Arnold, Thomas Carlyle, John Henry Newman and John Ruskin. Vankkaa porukkaa.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 533: No nyt 20v myöhemmin voi Rumsfield olla tyytyväinen, rymsteeraus on ohize. Kiitos Putinismin, koko Eurooppa on nyt länkkäreillä, new improved formula tähtilipun alla.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 597: Oli biologian tunti. Opettaja oli kipeänä. Katsoimme luontodokumenttia mangusteista, mankeloidun rotan näköisistä pikkupedoista. Mangustit kiipesivät päivälevon jälkeen paskanhajuisista koloistaan Serengetillä tai jossain muussa afrikkalaisen viranomaiskorruption perslävessä. Mangustit asettuivat pesäkummulle takajaloilleen, kaulaansa kurkottaen, mietteliäinä, mustin silmänympäryksin, muistuttaen Karhukoplan veljenpoikia, ja tuijottivat tasangolla törmäileviä villieläinlaumoja tiiviinä ryhmänä kuin eloonjäämistaistelun tuomitseva demarikomitea. Pörröiset vauvamangustit huojuivat evoluution keskellä unisina ja paahteen tylsistyttäminä, kurttuisin kulmin, ja lysähtelivät kumoon. Tytöt huokailivat. Ihania, ihan kuin ihmisiä, he kuiskivat luokassa, jonka ikkunoiden eteen oli vedetty pimennysverhot. Ja olivathan mangustit ihania, kun niitä katsoi oikealla tavalla, ihmisestä käsin, kun niiden mittana käytti ihmistä. Minä satuin vilkaisemaan ympärilleni muiden keskellä, edessäni pulpetilla viisisormiset käteni, näin lähellä häämöttävät kasvot, jotka tuijottivat sinertävä ruutua ja kuuntelivat lukijan eläytyvää puhetta. Ajattelin: Ihan kuin mangusteja. Palleani jännittyi. Minua huimasi. En saanut katsetta tarkennettua. Luokan tuttuus katosi, ja ihmisten. Ylle tulvahti pimeä, jota ei valaissut mikään oppivelvollisuus. Pimeä nieli seinien topografiset kartat. Pimeän kosketuksesta styroxinen Unkarin väestöpyramidi mureni ja tuprusi ryhmätyötaulun tähtikarttaan. Ikkunalaudalle lokeroidut Pahtavaaran malminäytteet putosivat paperimassakuun näkymättömälle puolelle Moskovanmereen, tyhjiin pyyhkiytyivät kansantuotteen kasvua osoitta graafit. Nicaragualaisen pihvilihan vientireitit ja uhanalaisen oselotin levinneisyysalue. Suurten jokisuistojen murtovesialueet huuhtoivat mennessään lasikaapin jyrsijät ja formaliiniin säilötyn kyyn ja violettisuonisen lehmänsilmän. Minä istuin sen katoamisen keskellä, hiljaisena, pyörteessä, kahdeksantoistavuotiaana, selitykset kadottaneena, ylettömän todellisuudentunnun vallassa, kun pimeään hävisi kaikki minkä olin uskonut jonain päivänä tietäväni. Jäljellä oli tunteikas olentolauma tuijottamassa sinertävää utua. Huh, ajattelin. Se pyyhki yli väkivalloin. Käteni vapisivat, korvani soivat. Vähitellen pelko lakkasi. Puristin kämmenillä poskiani. Ajattelin, että sen täytyi olla aivojen verenkiertohäiriö. Ajattelin olevani poikkeusyksilö. Jos sille yrittäisi antaa nimen, sen täytyisi olla taitoa olla tietämättä mitään.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 615: Retired porn actor Randy West oli hölmön näköinen kaveri. On kai se hölmö vieläkin vaikka on jo retardi. Se on Piki Zillesin ikätoveri. In August 1980 he garnered attention when he became the first model to appear in the centerfold of Playgirl magazine with an erection. He was Robert Redford 's body double in a film where a couple's marriage is disrupted by a stranger's offer of a million dollars for the wife to spend the night with him. It stars Robert Redford, Demi Moore, and Woody Harrelson. It received mostly negative reviews, but was a box-office success, grossing nearly $267 million worldwide on a $38 million budget. West has never married or fathered children, which he blames on his career for making it hard for him to form "normal relationships." As of 2013, he spends his time competing in celebrity golf tournaments for charity. Rikullakaan ei ole lapsia. Se nai kyllä kovasti mutta muuta annettavaa ei sillä ole. Tässä episodissa teemoina ovat EAT! ja FUCK!. KILL! on mukana vaan tausta-ajatuxena: ellei tule lasta ei kohta tule enää paskaakaan.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 841: 80-luvulla kirjallisuuskritiikeissä elänyt ”pahan koulukunta” oli hatusta vedetty termi, jolla ajan taideprosaisteja, joilla oli etäisesti samanlaiset kiinnostuksen kohteet, saatiin sidottua siistiin kimppuun.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 969: Tuotteliaimmalla kaudellaan, 1980-luvulla, vapaaksi kirjailijaksi jättäytynyt Annika Idström myös käänsi, opetti Minnesotan yliopistossa kirjallisuutta, esiintyi paljon julkisuudessa ja oli naistenlehtien "unelmahaastateltava". Mutta julkisuus oli kuluttavaa ja myös kirjoittamisen rima nousi yhä korkeammalle, kunnes syvä kriisi ajoi hakemaan vapautumista taakaksi käyneestä kirjailijaelämästä Uuden Valamon luostariin Heinävedelle. Kuitenkin Luonnollisen ravinnon kannibalismi-aihe, jonka voi nähdä hämmentävällä tavalla liittyvän myös kristilliseen kulttuuriperintöön, alkoi itää juuri siellä. Viimeisen romaanin kolme vuotta kestänyttä kirjoittamista Annika Idström luonnehti työlääksi ja tuskallisen vaikeaksi.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1013: Mut ei se vedä. Se on joku tuppikulli väpelö.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1023: According to later Muslim writings, Idris was born in Babylon, a city in pr esent-day Iraq. Before he received the Revelation, he followed the rules revealed to Prophet Seth, the son of Adam. When Idris grew older, God bestowed Prophethood on him. During his lifetime all the people were not yet Muslims. Afterwards, Idris left his hometown of Babylon because a great number of the people committed many sins even after he told them not to do so. Some of his people left with Idris. It was hard for them to leave their home.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1032: Due to the linguistic dissimilarities of the name "Idris" with the aforementioned figures, several historians have proposed that this Quranic figure is derived from "Andreas", the immortality-achieving cook from the Syriac Alexander romance.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1038: Speaking of which, German police believe the convicted paedophile, 45, abducted and killed Madeleine McCann, 3, in Portugal in 2007. Following tip-offs from German police, in April 2021 authorities in Paraguay targeted Christian Manfred Kruse, 59, a German national thought to be behind the sick network. At the same time German cops arrested three other men linked to a paedo ring. They include cook Andreas G, 40, unemployed Fritz Otto K, 64, and Alexander G, 49, who allegedly acted as an administrator and forum moderator for the ring. Boystown was internationally oriented, had chat areas in different languages and served the worldwide exchange of images, documenting the sexual abuse of children. Experts then set about analysing all the computer data, including 5,000 IP addresses, which had exchanged sickening pornographic images and videos of children being abused to around 400,000 members. Idris started prophecying at age 40, and so did Mohammed. Mohammed´s youngest wife was just 9. The Daily Telegraph described the disappearance of Madeleine "the most heavily reported missing-person case in modern history".
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1051: Patricia Crone proposes that both "Idris" and "Andreas" are derived from the Akkadian epic of Atra-Hasis.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1059: Atra-Hasis boards the boat with his family and animals, then seals the door. The storm and flood begin, and even the gods are afraid. After seven days, the flood ends and Atra-Hasis offers sacrifices to the gods. Enlil is furious with Enki for violating his oath, but Enki denies doing so: "I made sure life was preserved." In conclusion, Enki and Enlil agree on other means for controlling the human population, like global warming.
    xxx/ellauri209.html on line 61: Nyt on päästy siihen pisteeseen ettei oikeastaan enää jaxa lukea yhtään kirjaa kokonaan. Vähän päästä ilmenee mihin genreen kuuluu kukin läpyskä, mistä raitapersepaviaanin langoista se koittaa vedellä, ja tietysti miten siinä tulee käymään loppupeleissä. Ei jaxa, ei kerta kaikkiaan enää jaxa.
    xxx/ellauri209.html on line 89: You might be wondering that if all wholesalers do is take product from distributors and provide it to retailers, isn't that just an extra unnecessary step? Well, it's extremely important because of the relationship that the wholesalers have with retailers which the distributors don't have, improving and increasing the product's reach and allowing the companies to get more market share, and hence increase their sales. Don't believe me? The wholesale industry globally is worth around $48,478 billion in 2020, which seems massive but is actually a decline from 2019 when the wholesale industry was worth $48,761 billion. I'm sure you'll know that the reason for this decline is the Covid-19 pandemic which has wreaked havoc across the world, and sent most countries across the world into either a recession or a depression. As travel was banned both domestically and especially internationally, the global supply chain was devastated which has led to a contraction in most industries and economies, and wholesalers of course are involved in most industries and hence, have had to face the effect as well.
    xxx/ellauri212.html on line 85: Francis Lodwick (1619-1694), a Dutch pioneer of a priori languages who lived in London.
    xxx/ellauri212.html on line 180: Ihan päätöntä solipsismiä mikä ei ole muuta kuin narsismia toisella tuotenimellä. Idealismin tarkoitus on tyhmän kansan vedätys, six sitä on johtoportaat tupanneet ja six samat porukat vihaa materialismia kuin rakkikoirat. Marx oli niin oikeassa tässä.
    xxx/ellauri212.html on line 188: Bukkake is the noun form of the Japanese verb bukkakeru (ぶっ掛ける, to dash or sprinkle water), and means "to dash", "splash", or "heavy splash". The compound verb can be decomposed into a prefix and a verb: butsu (ぶつ) and kakeru (掛ける). Butsu is a prefix derived from the verb "buchi", which literally means "to hit", but the usage of the prefix is a verb-intensifier.
    xxx/ellauri212.html on line 420: The Metropolitan Museum of Art is refusing to take down a painting after nearly 10,000 people signed a petition saying it should be removed or recontextualized because it "depicts a young girl in a sexually suggestive pose."
    xxx/ellauri212.html on line 474: Uusi Eliel-rakennus muodostaa esittelytekstin mukaan "innovatiivisen tori-kauppahalli-hybridin." Helsinkiläisiä se ei vakuuta: Huumausaine- ja puhelinkaupat Oodin vessassa johtivat rajuun puukotukseen – uhri sai vedettyä invavessan hälytysnarusta. Kaupunkimiljöötä tiivisteenä. Helvatti tää ämmä on teloitusjonossa come the revolution.
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 355: Om samhället vill at skogsägaren ska lagra kol i skogen så måste samhället betala för det, på samma sätt som om samhället vill att vi ska bevara flera naturvärden, så borde man få kompensation för det, säger han Johnny Sved i Novia, troget kopierad av samlagspartiets parkmästare Anna Korkman, varför det? Jag slår vad att hon är släkt med Sixten Korkman. Hela yrkeshögskolan Novia i Raseborg är en hop kalhuggare. Om man vill ha en buffertzon runt en naturskyddszon, så ska den bli del av skyddszonen och markägaren ska få kompensation för det. Jo vi gissade det redan satans svedupelle!
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 378: Ukraine declared what it wanted in the Orange revolution in 2003-2004 with the Maidan demonstrations (never mind the parliament), with the dignity demonstrations, with the creamy arse demonstrations; and, the last thing that Ukraine should do at this stage or should have done in the beginning would have been to give up. Just like the Washington demonstrations proved whom the yankees want for president.
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 457: “Rabbi Yochanan observed: If the Torah had not been given, we could have learned modesty from the cat, honesty from the ant, chastity from the dove, and good manners from the rooster, who first coaxes and then mates.”
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 504: The county does not have to do this, but the tradition, which dates back to 1896, has become a sacred event for the many county workers — coroners, researchers — whose job it is to investigate how people die in Los Angeles. Their work is a long process of figuring out who these people were, and if there are loved ones looking for them. Nearly all of the forgotten Angelenos honored this year died in 2015, and in most cases a relative was found but for whatever reason — financial hardship, estrangement — they did not want to claim the remains.
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 506: The county keeps a list online of each person’s name, date of birth, date of death, and the date of cremation. All were cremated, and some lived long lives: Maria Bulgier was 103 when she died; Grace Wetzel, 92, Jewish.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 100:
    What war was USA involved in 1992?

    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 106: Since 1945, the United States has very rarely achieved meaningful victory. The United States has fought five major wars — Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, Iraq, Afghanistan — and only the Gulf War in 1991 can really be classified as a clear success. A month into his presidency, Donald Trump lamented that the US no longer wins wars as it once did.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 125: Bush and Rumsfeld obviously believed in this Gulf War 2 scenario. They sneered at the nay-saying generals who demanded more troops and reinforcements to besiege Baghdad. Rummy felt certain that air strikes, with high tech bombs and guided missiles, would more than suffice. They knew, from their studies of selected books and articles written by their ideological neo-con mentors that the Iraqis would surrender rather than fight after US explosives showed them our power; so why the need for all those troops! The brilliant advisers, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle, recently resigned as Defense Advisory Board Chief, and other intellectuals had spun a convincing tale, one that included the oft-referenced domino theory. They convinced the lesser IQs like Rummy who in turn convinced the even more intellectually challenged president.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 144: The Honeymooners is an American television sitcom which originally aired from 1955 to 1956, created by and starring Jackie Gleason, and based on a recurring comedy sketch of the same name that had been part of Gleason's variety show. It follows the lives of New York City bus driver Ralph Kramden (Gleason), his wife Alice (Audrey Meadows), Ralph's best friend Ed Norton (Art Carney) and Ed's wife Trixie (Joyce Randolph) as they get involved with various schemes in their day-to-day living.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 230: The aptly named Fresh Kills landfill opened in 1948 as a temporary landfill, but by 1955 it had become the largest landfill in the world, and it remained so until its closure in 2001. At the peak of its operation, in 1986, Fresh Kills received 29,000 tons of residential waste per day, playing a key part in the New York City waste management system. From 1991 until its closing it was the only landfill to accept New York City's residential waste. It consists of four mounds which range in height from 90 to about 225 feet (30 to about 70 m) and hold about 150 million tons of solid waste. The archaeologist Martin Jones characterizes it as "among the largest man-made structures in the history of the world."
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 232: Initially, the land where the landfill was located was a salt marsh in which there were tidal wetlands, forests, and freshwater wetlands. The subsoil was made up of clay, with sand and silt as the top layer of soil. The tidal marsh, which helped to clean and oxygenate the water that passed through it, was destroyed by the dump. The fauna were largely replaced by herring gulls. The native plant species were driven out by the common reed, a grass which grows abundantly in disturbed areas and can tolerate both fresh and brackish water. The stagnant, deoxygenated water was also less attractive to waterfowl, and their population decreased. Samuel Kearing, who had served as sanitation commissioner under Mayor John V. Lindsay, remembered in 1970 his first visit to the Fresh Kills project:
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 240: By 1997, two of the four landfill mounds were closed and covered with a thick, impermeable plastic cap. The landfill received its last barge of garbage on March 22, 2001. A few months later the twin towers of WTC were reduced to rubble.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 244: After the September 11, 2001 attacks, Fresh Kills was temporarily re-opened to be used as a sorting ground for roughly one-third of the rubble from Ground Zero. More than 1,600 personal effects were retrieved during this time. About 1.6 million tons of material obtained from Ground Zero was taken to the landfill for sorting.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 246: Thousands of detectives and forensic evidence specialists worked for over 1.7 million hours at Fresh Kills Landfill to try to recover remnants of the people killed in the attacks. A final count of 4,257 human remains was retrieved, but only 300 people could be reconstructed from these remains. A memorial was built in 2011, which also honors those whose identities were not able to be determined from the debris. The remaining waste was buried in a 40-acre (160,000 m2) portion of the landfill; it is highly likely that this debris still contains fragmentary human remains like condoms, false teeth and pacemakers.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 271: Neuvostoliiton viranomaiset salasivat Kyštymin onnettomuuden pääosin vuoteen 1980, jolloin epäisänmaallinen biologi Žores Medvedev (ei sukua presidentille) paljasti sen. Tapahtuma on luokiteltu toiseksi korkeimmalle tasolle 6 (vakava ydinonnettomuus) kansainvälisellä, 7-portaisella älä itke IINES-asteikolla. Ylin taso on "apokalyptinen katastrofi." Sitä odotellessa.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 336: Fischer: Yeah. Nobody here gives a shit about the Japanese. How many hundreds of thousand people did the US kill with the atom bombs , justifying it with the most ridiculous excuse that it saved millions American soldiers, when Japan would gonna surrender in a few weeks or month or so anyway. Right? The United State is based on lies, is based on theft. Look what I have done for the US. Nobody has single handily done more for the US them me, I really believe in this. When I won the World Championship in 1972, the United States had an image of ,you know, a football country, baseball country, but nobody thought of it as an intellectual country. I turned all that around single handily, right? But I was useful then because it was the cold war, right? But now I'm not useful anymore, you see, the cold war is over and now they want to wipe me out, get everything I have, put me into prison.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 344: Democracy is just a load of bullshit, it is just a cover for the criminal nature of the United States of America. But I'm hoping for the Seven Days In May scenario, where sane people will take over the US, military people. They will imprison the Jews, they will execute several hundred thousand of them, at least. And they will bring home all the troops to the US. And ultimately the white man should leave the US, the black man should go back to Africa, the white back to Europe, and the country should be returned to the American Indians who lived there for, who knows how many, ten of thousands of years. They kept the land crystal clean. It was a beautiful country when the white man came. This is the future I would like to see for the so-called United States.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 456: Rockefeller flinched, saying: “The National Guard was used to break a strike in which a family corporation was involved when I was a child. Men and women were killed. … I will not use the National Guard.” Rockefeller was referring to the 1914 Ludlow massacre, when his grandfather, John D. Rockefeller, the owner of Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, got the Colorado governor to call in the National Guard to break a mine workers’ strike. The miners and their families were huddled in tents when the militia opened fire. Over 60 strikers and family members were shot dead or burned alive when their tents were set ablaze by the troops.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 472: Jesse Epps, a veteran labor organizer involved in the Memphis strike, commented on the Memphis-New York connection. Epps, who was with Dr. King when he was killed on April 4, spoke to a 2008 New York City sanitation workers’ meeting. The workers were celebrating being the only NYC uniformed workers’ union to negotiate and win a Martin Luther King birthday holiday in their contract.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 52: Hoblan salvukukon ylistämä "lännen demokraattinen yhteiskuntajärjestys" viittaa porvarilliseen 2-puoluejärjestelmään jolla keski-ja yläluokka yhdessä pitää vuorovedolla rotinkaiset persut populistijohtajineen kurissa sillä aikaa kun kermaperseet kahmii kaiken hyvän izelleen. Ainut vaan et tää kusetus alkaa aika ikävästi rakoilla jo saumoista, kuten esim Trump ja svärjedemokraatit todistavat. Ruozissa on jo tehty uusi Ruozin ennätys hengiltä lasautettujen 20-30 vuotiaiden svarzkallejen lukumäärässä, ja ollaan vasta syyskuun puolella. Kylä lähtee! Ihan ollaan 30-luvun teemoissa. Kokonaisia sukupolvia sotaintoisia nuorukaisia on kasvatettu broilerikanaloissamme, joiden ihan välttämättä täytyy päästä vuorollaan kokeilemaan onneaan. Oolantilaiset sipsiyrittäjät siira-asuisina keekoilevat Hoblan sivuilla.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 126: It received generally positive reviews from crickets, but it also generated intense controversy here on the right side of the puddle, including disputes over its fairness to Bush. The film became the highest-grossing documentary of its time (later surpassed by Michael Jackson's extremely important This Is It), grossing over $220 million. So it can't be all wrong!
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 133: Despite grossing just $6.7 million worldwide, one of the lowest totals of Moore's career, Fahrenheit 11/9 received generally positive reviews from crickets. Which helped to get Trump elected as President. Enough is enough, Mike, close your trap!
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 149: After Jay Wurstin dies prematurely, he is buried in the cemetery plot originally reserved for Amy’s father, who had sold it to him years earlier. Now Amy wants to remove Jay’s body to the burial plot of his own family so that her father, who is still alive at an advanced age, can eventually be buried there, mikä on hyvin juutalainen juttu. In a limousine provided by Adletsky, Amy and Trellman disinter and rebury the body. Moved by this scene of cell death and urban renewal, Trellman confesses to Amy that he has always loved her, that he has what he terms an “actual affinity” for her (hence the title of the story). He then asks her to marry him. Teinityttönä Amy oli ollut hoikka hempeä olento. Nyt hiän oli vankka kuin tiilestä tehty paskahuusi. Hänen ainoa aarteensa oli tää Salen tolvana. Veistäisin paremman miehen puupalikasta. Samaa voisin sanoa eräistä Helmin poikaystävistä, mutten sano, koska Seija on kieltänyt. Tyydyn veistämään puupalikasta naishahmoja.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 156: Hän on kääntänyt muun muassa John Irvingin, Alice Munron, Philip Rothin, Charles Bukowskin, Ursula Le Guinin, Donna Leonin, Siri Hustvedtin ja Astrid Lindgrenin teoksia.Vuonna 2007 Rikman teki uuden suomennoksen Lindgrenin Peppi Pitkätussusta jossa ei enää puhuta n-sanaisten kuninkaasta.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 178: He supported eugenics and served as one of 16 vice-presidents of the Eugenics Society from 1909 to 1912. In November 1891, at the age of 32, and reportedly still a virgin, Ellis married the English writer and proponent of women's rights Edith Lees. From the beginning, their marriage was unconventional, as Edith Lees was openly bisexual. At the end of the honeymoon, Ellis went back to his bachelor rooms in Paddington. She lived at Fellowship House. Their "open marriage" was the central subject in Ellis's autobiography, My Life. Ellis reportedly had an affair with Margit Spranger.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 365: Eliot was in love three times (not counting the catamites), and each of those loves became events in his artistic and spiritual lives – and two of the women involved were massively the worse for it. Vivien Eliot was a difficult woman, yet Eliot – who had connived at her affair with Bertrand Russell – treated her, with the agreement of his spiritual advisers, with a coldness that helped break her spirit, perhaps her mind. Emily Hale was the woman he deserted for Vivien; she spent her life at his encouragement waiting for Vivien to die, and it was in her presence that he had some of his deepest moments of spiritual intensity – yet she was eventually dismissed from his life with equal coldness. They were both central to his greatest works: Vivien to The Waste Land and Emily to much of The Four Quartets.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 367: Two of his closest friends, Mary Trevelyan and John Hayward, were also in due course sent into outer darkness. We are told to forgive our enemies; Eliot could not even forgive those who loved him. In all those cases, Eliot was aware of the harm done, and may even have taken responsibility for it in his heart; what he never did was question the human cost to others of the life he pursued in his quest for genius and sainthood. He would not face the possibility that any God who asked such things of him was not worth his worship.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 369: It is clear that Eliot would have preferred to live in a society in which it was not even possible to ask awkward spiritual questions. He grew up under an austere Unitarianism and moved to a high Anglicanism – not because he disliked the doctrinal certainties of the Catholic church, but because Anglicanism meant he could amalgamate religious certainty with a high Tory monarchism that regarded even the rise of the Tudors as a dilution of the divine right of kings. (He mourned Richard III each year with a white rose in his lapel). His antisemitism was expressed in visceral terms but at root it was free-thinking he thought should have little place in a good society as much as the Jews he identified it with.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 470: Jo pitkään Saarinen on toistanut samoja asioita, sanoja ja anekdootteja, koska lopulta hänellä on vain yksi viesti. Toisto tyylikeinona. ”Tavallaan se… mun äidin suuruus”, Esa Saarisen ääni murtuu. Yhteisenä elämämme Pipsan kanssa jatkuu. Keppihyypiöt ryömivät rehvakkaasti. Iloizemme totuuden kanssa. Nostamme maasta elämän maljan ja urheuden taljan, me pojat jumalan. On uoma ahdas syömäkita. Kiitos kiitos siitä sulle rakas, sinussa jotmuilen ja sinne vedän.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 568: Wall-en ja McCrean tavatessa käy ilmi, etteivät he ole olleet tekemisissä pitkään aikaan. Wally kertoo lyhyesti omasta tilanteestaan ennen kuin saa yhtä vastahakoiselta tuntuvan McCrean kertomaan, mitä on tehnyt viime vuosina. Elokuvan alkupuoli keskittyykin McCrean haukotuttaviin kertomuksiin Jerzy Grotowskin kokeellisesta teatterikommuunista Puolan metsissä, Saint-Éxuperyn Pikku prinssin harjoituksista Saharassa japanilaisen munkin kanssa, jonka sitten toi New Yorkiin asumaan perheensä kanssa puoleksi vuodeksi (vrt. isä Mefodi), matkoistaan Intiaan ja takaisin sekä Skotlannin Einhorn-yhteisöön, Belgradiin, Israeliin ja Richard Avedonin kartanoon Long Islandilla, jossa hän koki monimutkaisen uudelleensyntymisrituaalin. Haukotus.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 617: Despite his denials, Gary’s ties to Chandra’s case ultimately caused his political career to crumble. In 2002, he lost his house seat — just mere weeks after Chandra’s remains were discovered in Washington, D.C.’s Rock Creek Park. Gary then moved to Arizona, where he opened several Baskin-Robbins stores. However, his venture in the ice cream business was cut short in 2012, when his franchises reportedly closed.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 48: The gay content in The Telling is rather subtle and subdued, but it isn’t an afterthought. Sutty’s lesbianism is an important aspect of her character, and when she starts meeting mazis, the keepers of the Telling, many of them are gay couples as well. There is a quiet romanticization of gay monogamy throughout The Telling that moved me when I first read it, and although not every aspect of the novel has aged as well, I’m still very endeared of it for that reason. If you enjoy classic science fiction, where the point is less a thrilling story and more the discovery of a brand new world, The Telling is by far my favorite of the bunch.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 143: In 1754, a naturalist named Charles Bonnet observed that plants sprout branches and leaves in a pattern, called phyllotaxis. Bonnet saw that tree branches and leaves had a mathematical spiral pattern that could be shown as a fraction. The amazing thing is that the mathematical fractions were the same numbers as the Fibonacci sequence! On the oak tree, the Fibonacci fraction is 2/5, which means that the spiral takes five branches to spiral two times around the trunk to complete one pattern. Other trees with the Fibonacci leaf arrangement are the elm tree (1/2); the beech (1/3); the willow (3/8) and the almond tree (5/13) (Livio, Adler).
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 147: I saw patterns that showed that the tree design avoided the problem of shade from other objects. Electricity dropped in the flat-panel array when shade fell on it. But the tree design kept making electricity under the same conditions. The Fibonacci pattern allowed some solar panels to collect sunlight even if others were in shade. Plus I observed that the Fibonacci pattern helped the branches and leaves on a tree to avoid shading each other.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 160: Jeesus, Chuck Norris ja paavi oli kalassa. Vene alkoi vuotaa ja tuli kiire kuiville. Jeesus astui laidan yli jä läiskytteli rannalle. Chuck Norris teki saman tempun muina miehinä. Paavi yritti samaa mutta meni molskis kuin eno veneestä ja sai uida rannalle. Mitenkä te teitte sen, se uteli. Jeesus: unohdin kertoa, siellä oli vedenalaisia kareja. Chuck Norris: siis mitä kareja?
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 255: In 1953 (aged 24) while traveling to France aboard the Queen Mary, Ursula met historian Charles Le Guin.They married in Paris in December 1953. According to Le Guin, the marriage signaled the "end of the doctorate" for her. While her husband finished his doctorate at Emory University in Georgia, and later at the University of Idaho, Le Guin taught French and worked as a secretary until the birth of her daughter Elisabeth in 1957. A second daughter, Caroline, was born in 1959. Also in that year, Charles became an instructor in history at Portland State University, and the couple moved to Portland, Oregon, where their son Theodore was born in 1964. They would live in Portland for the rest of their lives, although Le Guin received further Fulbright grants to travel to London in 1968 and 1975.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 261: In December 2009, Le Guin resigned from the Authors Guild in protest over its endorsement of Google's book digitization project. "You decided to deal with the devil", she wrote in her resignation letter. "There are principles involved, above all the whole concept of copyright; and these you have seen fit to abandon to a corporation, on their terms, without a struggle."
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 263: In a speech at the 2014 National Book Awards, Le Guin criticized Amazon and the control it exerted over the publishing industry, specifically referencing Amazon's treatment of the Hachette Book Group during a dispute over ebook publication. Her speech received widespread media attention within and outside the US, and was broadcast twice by National Public Radio.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 275: Although Le Guin is primarily known for her works of speculative fiction, she also wrote realistic fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and several other literary forms, which makes her work quite difficult for librarians to classify. Her writings received critical attention from mainstream critics, critics of children´s literature, and critics of speculative fiction. Le Guin herself said that she would prefer to be known as an "American novelist". Le Guin´s transgression of conventional boundaries of genre led to literary criticism of Le Guin becoming "Balkanized", particularly between scholars of children´s literature and speculative fiction. Commentators have noted that the Earthsea novels specifically received less critical attention because they were considered children´s books. Le Guin herself took exception to this treatment of children´s literature, describing it as "adult chauvinist piggery". In 1976, literature scholar George Slusser criticized the "silly publication classification designating the original series as 'children's literature'", while in Barbara Bucknall´s opinion Le Guin "can be read, like Tolkien, by ten-year-olds and by adults. These stories are ageless because they deal with problems that beset us at any age."
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 288: Le Guin´s attitude towards gender and feminism evolved considerably over time. Although The Left Hand of Darkness was seen as a landmark exploration of gender, it also received criticism for not going far enough. Reviewers pointed to its usage of masculine gender pronouns to describe its androgynous characters, the lack of androgynous characters portrayed in stereotypical feminine roles, and the portrayal of heterosexuality as the norm on Gethen.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 298: The first three Earthsea novels together follow Ged from youth to old age, and each of them also follow the coming of age of a different character. A Wizard of Earthsea focuses on Ged´s adolescence, while The Tombs of Atuan and The Farthest Shore explore that of Tenar and the prince Arren, respectively. A Wizard of Earthsea is frequently described as a Bildungsroman, in which Ged´s coming of age is intertwined with the physical journey he undertakes through the novel. To Mike Cadden the book was a convincing tale "to a reader as young and possibly as headstrong as Ged, and therefore sympathetic to him". Reviewers have described the ending of the novel, wherein Ged finally accepts the shadow as a part of himself, as a rite of passage. Scholar Jeanne Walker writes that the rite of passage at the end was an analogue for the entire plot of A Wizard of Earthsea, and that the plot itself plays the role of a rite of passage for an adolescent reader. Any fucking involved at all? What kind of coming of age would it be without some?
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 300: Each volume of Anals of the Western Shore also describes the coming of age of its protagonists, and features explorations of being enslaved to one´s own power. The process of growing up is depicted as seeing beyond narrow choices the protagonists are presented with by society. In Gifts, Orrec and Gry realize that the powers their people possess can be used in two ways: for control and dominion, or for healing and nurturing. Which will it be? This recognition allows them to take a third choice, viz. make like a tree and leave. This wrestling with choice has been compared to the choices the characters are forced to make in Le Guin´s short story "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas". Similarly, Ged helps Tenar in The Tombs of Atuan to value herself and to find choices that she did not see, leading her to leave the Tombs with him. But remember, Le Guin never left Portland where her wimpy husband could barely hold a teaching job.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 323: She was a little sharp, though, acerbic, which I gather was not uncommon for her. I was a young writer, halfway through an MFA at Mills College, attending a reading in Berkeley given by my literary hero. I had gathered up all my courage to ask a question. I’d spent a few years writing and publishing explicitly about sex, fighting through my own hesitations and society’s disapproval – my parents were tremendously upset with me for writing under my own name, another writer at a writer’s gathering accused me of being a nymphomaniac, and I even received hate mail from men in India, furious that one of their women was writing about sex.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 325: Of course, Le Guin was writing daring stories decades before me, stories of women who loved women, of four-person marriages, of people without gender. Her stories offered possibilities that most of society hadn’t even imagined in the late 1960s; I knew she must have faced similar societal disapproval. So I wanted to know why she faded to black for her sex scenes. “There Arrad took me into his arms and I took Arrad into my arms, and then between my legs, and fell upward, upward through the golden light.” (“Coming of Age in Karhide”) There was plenty of sex in her books – sometimes tremendously important sex — but Le Guin didn’t dwell on the details. In fact her sex scenes were prudish and infinitely boring.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 353: In his newest book, “Possessed by Memory: The Inward Light of Criticism,” Bloom promised to shake off the polemical battles that have shadowed him for years. He pledged to include never-revealed autobiographical snippets. He wanted to share with his readers his recent reevaluations of some of his most beloved writers. He only partially delivers.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 357: There are stunning passages from literature that have moved him for decades. There is poetry, prose, and criticism from John Milton, Dr. Samuel Johnson, Phil Collins, Thomas Gray, Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, Keats, Tennyson, Browning, Swinburn, Elizabeth Bishop, John Ashbery and James Merrill Hintikka. Bloom meditates on the Hebrew prophets, the Kabbalah, Psalms, Job, the Song of Songs, and Ecclesiastes. And of course, his beloved Shakespeare.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 374: Recently, chanting Walt Whitman to himself at night—he describes Whitman as “our repressed voice,” a loosener and liberator whose fearlessness embraces every living moment—Bloom brought forth an almost feverish recollection from over 70 years ago. There was a young lady of 17 with lustrous long red hair. They were students at Cornell and took long walks together, picking apples that she would transform into a delicious applejack. And then, as with his mother, Bloom stops. We learn nothing else about the girl, what transpired, did he score, or what this memory meant to him on this restless night. He has already moved on, to his infatuation with Proust’s “privileged moments” and “sudden ecstasies of revelation,” which bring back to Bloom his dead parents whom he misses dearly.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 378: Ultimately Bloom cannot change into anything other than who he has always been—masterful and monstrous. He seems to sense he has moved out of favor in many circles but chooses not to dwell upon why. Instead, he continues as he always has: writing and teaching his handpicked “elite” students at Yale—part of the unique arrangement he has made with the university. He has led a long, cloistered, and entitled life. The aloneness he described as a child seems to have shrouded his adult life as well. I wonder if he questions this aloneness in his darkest moments. I would guess that he does not dwell too deeply upon it, perhaps afraid of answers he doesn’t wish to confront.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 388: Crane´s mother and father were constantly fighting, and they divorced early in April 1917. Crane dropped out of East High School in Cleveland during his junior year and left for New York City, promising his parents he would attend Columbia University later. His parents, in the middle of their divorce proceedings, were upset. Crane took various copywriting jobs and moved between friends´ apartments in Manhattan. Between 1917 and 1924 he moved back and forth between New York and Cleveland, working as an advertising copywriter and a worker in his father´s factory. From Crane´s letters, it appears that New York was where he felt most at home, and much of his poetry is set there.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 394: Crane returned to New York in 1928, living with friends and taking temporary jobs as a copywriter, or living off unemployment and the charity of friends and his father. For a time he lived in Brooklyn at 77 Willow Street until his lover, Opffer, invited him to live in Opffer´s father´s home at 110 Columbia Heights in Brooklyn Heights. Crane was overjoyed at the views the location afforded him. He wrote his mother and grandmother in the spring of 1924:
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 404: In Paris in February 1929, Harry Crosby, who with his wife Caresse Crosby owned the fine arts press Black Sun Press, offered Crane the use of their country retreat, Le Moulin du Soleil in Ermenonville. They hoped he could use the time to concentrate on completing The Bridge. Crane spent several weeks at their estate where he roughed out a draft of the "Cape Hatteras" section, a key part of his epic poem. In late June that year, Crane returned from the south of France to Paris. Crosby noted in his journal, "Hart C. back from Marseilles where he slept with his thirty sailors and he began again to drink Cutty Sark." Crane got drunk at the Cafe Select and fought with waiters over his tab. When the Paris police were called, he fought with them and was beaten. They arrested and jailed him, fining him 800 francs. After Hart had spent six days in prison at La Santé, Crosby paid Crane´s fine and advanced him money for the passage back to the United States, where he finally finished The Bridge. The work received poor reviews, and Crane´s sense of failure became crushing. He had completely and irrevocably FAILED!
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 408: While en route to New York aboard the steamship Orizaba, he was beaten up after making sexual advances to a male crew member. Just before noon on April 27, 1932, Crane jumped overboard into the Gulf of Mexico. Although he had been drinking heavily and left no suicide note, witnesses believed his intentions to be suicidal, as several reported that he exclaimed "Goodbye, everybody!" before throwing himself overboard. His body was never recovered. A marker in the form of a lifesaver candy on his father´s tombstone at Park Cemetery outside Garrettsville, Portage County, Ohio includes the inscription, "Harold Hart Crane 1899–1932 lost completely at sea". Ai Hart olikin oikeasti Harold, niinkuin bändärinsä Bloom. Childe Haroldeja olisivat halunneet olla kumpikin. But they FAILED!
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 650: Den lokala polisen hade därför varken kunnat, eller kanske ens velat, hindra de strejkande från att hissa upp tillresta ”arbetsvilliga” svartfötter ur ångaren Milos skrov (se bild ovan!) och visa upp dem på ett offentligt möte. Efter Ådalen insåg man att polismän från trakten framgent inte var lita på för att upphålla våldsmonopolet i landet, allra minst i det ”röda Ådalen”. Militär hade satts in vid liknande demonstrationer- bland annat vid drängarnas revolt i Klågerup 1811, i Stockholm 1848, Sundsvallsstrejken 1879 samt vid Seskarö-upproret och oroligheterna i Stockholm, båda 1917. Seskarössa on käyty kazomassa kyykytyxen muistomerkkejä. Aika matalaa profiilia pitävät svedut siitäkin. Myndigheten hade inte litat till värnpliktig militär för att skjuta på de strejkande, utan sände stamställda knektar från Sollefteå för att kväsa vad man betraktade som ett uppror.
    xxx/ellauri227.html on line 79: – Niinpä pakkasin suklaamunia autoon paluumatkalle evääksi ja vedin niitä hyvin antaumuksella. Niin antaumuksella itse asiassa, että päädyin ajamaan ylinopeutta ja koko komeus tallentui valvontakameraan. Halusin uskoa, että ylinopeus olisi ollut sen verran pieni, ettei postia välttämättä olisi tullut... mutta se oli turha toivo, Tallgren kirjoittaa ja jatkaa:
    xxx/ellauri227.html on line 283: Kolme vuotta myöhemmin Marklund teki paluun rikosromaanilla Helmifarmi (jossa ei kuitenkaan esiinny enää Annika Bengtzon). Marklund kertoi haastattelussa: "Vähensin julkisuudessa esiintymistä enkä esimerkiksi antanut enää ruotsalaisille lehdille haastatteluja." Toinen syy julkisuudesta vetäytymiselle oli hänen aviomiehensä vakava sairastuminen. Liza Marklund vaikeni kolmeksi vuodeksi - aviomiehellä syöpä. Marklund on naimisissa Mikael Aspeborgin kanssa. Hänellä on kolme lasta, joista kaksi Aspeborgin kanssa. Yhden isä on joku "Ankka". Hänen vanhin lapsensa Annika Marklund (kuinka ollakaan! arvatenkin juuri se jonka isä on "Ankka"? Juu: Marklund left home when she was just 16 years old when she moved to Piteå, Sweden and worked as a waitress and chambermaid. She had her first child, Annika at the age of 21. Marklund met Annika's father Michael Zev Spielman while in Israel on a kibbutz. Spielman, born in California, was five years older than Marklund.) - niin siis tämä Annika tytär on valokuvamalli ja näyttelijä ja kirjoittaa myös kolumneja. Marklund ize asuu Tukholmassa eipäs vaan Malmössä ja Marbellassa.
    xxx/ellauri227.html on line 333: Kuten natomatonorskit, niin myös talouslipilaarisvedutkin tulee hyvin toimeen ilman krimifiktiota, ne tekee krimiä koko ajan ihan faktapohjalla. Niinkyllä mongoloidisuomalaisetkin, muistellaanpa vaikka Anneli Auerta ja Jari Aarniota. Tai vielä suurempaa konnaa kuminaama Haju Pisilää, joka hakkasi koko Suomen paljaaxi kun näytti siltä että pian tulee EU:lta hakkuukielto. Nyt kun ei ole jäänyt enää mitään hakattavaa, maxetaan EU:lle miljardikorvauxia menetetyistä hiilinieluista. Sehän on kiva tulonsiirto kaupunkilaisporukoilta maanomistajille ja susien, hirvieläinten ja saamelaisten teurastajille. Ei ihme että keskustan kannatus on pakkasella, ei niitä suurmezänomistajia kuitenkaan ole kuin muutamia prosentteja.
    xxx/ellauri227.html on line 335: Nelikymppinen suikulainen blondi sveduämmä Linda Staaf on kiivennyt reittä myöten korkealle Ruåzin viranomaisissa, eikä vaan yhtä reittä vaan kahta: ensin rillipäisen poliisipäällikön laihaa reittä myöten huippupalkoille poliisikunnassa valonarkoihin turvallisuushommiin merkonomin pohjakoulutuxella, sitten jatkoreisi Ruåzin lähinnä huvittuneisuutta herättävän maanpuolustuxen johdossa. Korruptio rehottaa ja huippujätkien pallit eikun heiluvat Lindan perseessä. Hyvä ettei kaverit sentään ole naiveja. Ne tietävät millä reijällä ne puuhaavat.
    xxx/ellauri227.html on line 337: Hon växte upp i Östersund där mamman var Norrlands första kvinnliga polis och pappan drev åkeri. Hennes deckare ”Ulv i fårakläder” gavs ut 2018. Eli ensin turkista tappiin ja kruunun taskusta lisää turkista ja sitten kynäilemään krimirompskuja. Että osaa svedut olla pellejä!
    xxx/ellauri227.html on line 376: Mian ja Liza Marklundin Puossa-kirja on karmiva kuvaus sekä mumslimien perheväkivallasta että ruotsalaisten yleisestä kyvyttömyydestä. Tiedostaakohan Liza Marklund miten rasistinen se on? Tokkopa. Nythän Liza peukuttaa muutenkin svedudemokraatteja. Hiänellä oli hyvinä vuosina apinalaatikko Iltalehdessä. Hiän on käynyt Norrbottenissa Kalixin kansanopiston journalistilinjan.
    xxx/ellauri227.html on line 573: Pitäs varmaan kazoa sensijaan joku "Jami" video. No kazottiin sensijaan "Sofia Karppi" jämäri, kokonaan suometettu sveduilta huolella apinoitu nuaaripläjäys. Kävi ilmi että stadissakin on yöllä pimeää, on äveriäitä sijoittajia jobsinnäkösessä turtlenekissä ja välttämätön token apuneekeri, silverbäk pomo poliisi (ei sentään ämmä Suomessa, paizi Raidissa), kilpailua tiimissä, ikäviä perheoloja, puukon kanssa heiluvia sekakäyttäjiä, sähläystä pyssy tanassa rönttöisissä kulisseissa, you name it. Pääosan esittäjä kähmi Anni Sinnemäen avustuksella izelleen kivitalon Meilahdesta. Ei kyllä tässä olis poliisille töitä hemmetti. "Arabialaisen kädenpuristuxen" tunisialainen romukauppias sanoi että tunisialaiset miehet ovat huolissaan globalisaatiosta: länkkärihapatuxen fölissä menee tuniisien perinteinen kulttuuri. Niinpä näyttää menevän Suomenkin, kiitos "Sofia Karppi" tyyppisten angloviihteen päälleäänitysten. Raid, tule takaisin!
    xxx/ellauri227.html on line 599: Ei vittu ole Berit kommari vaan talousliberaali retiisi. Minulta kestää liian kauan saada orgasmi. Keneltä? Hän valizee kaiken puolestani. Hän on svedu talibaani. Kekä? Hän ei pelaa golfia vaan työntää puukakkosta muihin reikiin. Ilmavirta herätti hänet. Kenet? No Annikan, se selviää seuraavasta parakraahvista. Anita on suovannut lattiat harmaixi ja vetänyt seinät ihan vaan valkoisella. Huonekaluja on tosi vähän. Että jaxat olla klisheinen, Liza Marklund.
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 65: Muista huolehtia päivittäin peniksen puhtaudesta ja opettele nuolemaan hyvin myös tyttöystäväsi kaikki poimut ja raot! Pese peniksesi lämpimällä vedellä ja puhdista bunsenlampulla erityisesti esinahan ja terskan muodostama poimu ja vako.
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 196: Raisa Cacciatore on äiditön tyttö Haapavedeltä. Äiti oli lääkäri ja isä psykopaatti ruusuristiläinen hammaslääkäri. Äiti kuoli syöpään 45-vuotiaana poltettuaan liikaa tupakkaa ja otettuaan liikaa röntgenkuvia. Mustavalkoisessa kuvassa 6-vuotias Raisa istuu äidin vieressä peltisessä vannassa. Isä ei kasvattanut lapsia, mutta lapset kasvavat. Isä havahtuu ja saa kysyttyä, ovatko Raisa ja veli kuulleet kukista ja mehiläisistä. Raisa on huojentunut, kun veli mutisee, että ei ole tarpeen kertoa. Kun Raisa katkaisee jalkansa, isä raivostuu ja käskee nukkumaan. Aamulla kodinhoitaja soittaa ambulanssin.
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 210: Raisan isä, Orvo Johannes Alatalo syntyi Haapavedellä vuonna 1918. Orvon äiti oli Ida Johanna Alatalo, maatalon tytär. Haapaveden kirkonkirjoissa ei ole tietoja Orvon isästä, ainoastaan senaikainen avioliiton ulkopuolella syntyneen lapsen nimitys ”äpärä”. Raisa Cacciatoren äidinisä oli kansanedustaja Evert Eloranta. Evert toimi mm. päällikkönä punakapinassa.
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 212: Haapavesi on kaupunki, joka sijaitsee Pyhäjoen varrella Pohjois-Pohjanmaan maakunnassa, Oulun Eteläisessä. Kaupungissa asuu 6 593 ihmistä ja sen pinta-ala on 1 086,53 km², josta 35,94 km² on vesistöjä. Väestötiheys on 6,28 asukasta/km². Haapavedellä on kylä nimeltä Tötteröperä ja etelämpänä on Ryyppymäki. E4 taitaa mennä Haapaveden ohi eikä läpi. Joo tonne länsipuolelle se jää.
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 214: Yritystoiminta perustuu raaka-ainevaroihin, joita jalostavat muun muassa Kanteleen voima, Vapo sekä Valio, jonka Haapaveden-tehdas tunnetaan erityisesti Oltermanni-juuston valmistajana. Haapaveden Eskolanniemessä on toiminut myös maailman suurin yksinomaan sähköä tuottava turvevoimalaitos. Haapavedellä ilmestyy Haapavesi-paikallislehti. Lehti kirjoittaa usein oman kylän tytöstä Raisa Cacciatoresta, joka asuu Espoossa. Raisan kreisi isä uskoi olevansa jälleensyntynyt mezästäjä. Chicken cacciatore, mezästäjän kana. LOL.
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 246: Stan oli 1/2v nuorempi kuin Pirkko Hiekkala mutta kuoli 5v ennen sitä. The Polish Parliament declared 2021 Stanisław Lem Year. Lem was an aggressive driver. He loved sweets (especially halva and chocolate-covered marzipan), and did not give them up even when, toward the end of his life, he fell ill with diabetes.
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 343: Andrei´s paternal grandfather Aleksandr Karlovich Tarkovsky (in Polish: Aleksander Karol Tarkowski) was a Polish nobleman who worked as a bank clerk. His wife Maria Danilovna Rachkovskaya was a Romanian language teacher who arrived from Iași. Andrei´s maternal grandmother Vera Nikolayevna Vishnyakova (née Dubasova) belonged to an old Dubasov family of Russian nobility that traces its history back to the 17th century; among her relatives was Admiral Fyodor Dubasov, a fact she had to conceal during the Soviet days. She was married to Ivan Ivanovich Vishnyakov, a native of the Kaluga Governorate who studied law at the Moscow State University and served as a judge in Kozelsk.
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 349: From 1973 to 1974, he shot the film Zerkalo, a highly autobiographical and unconventionally structured film drawing on his childhood and incorporating some of his father´s poems. In this film Tarkovsky portrayed the plight of childhood affected by war. Tarkovsky had worked on the screenplay for this film since 1967, under the consecutive titles Confession, White day and A white, white day. From the beginning the film was not well received by Soviet authorities due to its content and its perceived elitist nature. Such third rate films also placed the film-makers in danger of being accused of wasting public funds, which could have serious effects on their future productivity. These difficulties are presumed to have made Tarkovsky play with the idea of going abroad and producing a film outside the Soviet film industry.
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 451: One of them, pictured above, died in prison. Her body was dragged outside by the guards and fed to the village mechanical rats. Several weeks later, the remaining bones were thrown in a nearby trash can. Served them right!
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 488: The mother sprinkled all the family members with her water so that their minds and hearts would open to the eating of the Afterbirth of Christ. The father also passed water, sprinkling the livestock and household animals, and treating them with sugar or salt and plenty of mustard. Many believed that the animals could speak at midnight with Christmas Eve and feared they might complain to Christmas Adam if not so treated.
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 493: The mother then dipped garlic into her honey jar and each one present had to taste it. They believed that garlic chased away all pagan and evil spirits and kept them healthy. While giving the garlic to taste, the mother said: “May God grant that you be as smelly as this garlic!”
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 497: After Holy Supper, the cattle also received a whacking, thus symbolizing the fact that at His birth, Jesus got a whacking along with the cattle.
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 502: The traditional Holy Supper consists of twelve dishes in honor of the size of Jesus´ sandals. This is a day of fast food, so all dishes should be selected and prepared with a lot of meat, cheese and dairy products. In addition, huge portions should be served in keeping with the character of feasting, this is not a fucking East European breakfast!
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 540: Kirjan koko alkukielinen nimi kuuluu: The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, Mariner: who lived Eight and Twenty Years, all alone in an uninhabited Island on the coast of America, near the Mouth of the Great River of Oroonoque; Having been cast on Shore by Shipwreck, wherein all the Men perished but himself. With An Account how he was at last as strangely deliver´d by Pirates. Written by Himself.
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 610: Shabba Ranks advocating crucifixion of homosexuals, which received universal condemnation from presenter Lamarr, who rooted for good old castration.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 136: (2.) Time will not be wasted in choosing what portions to read. Often believers are at a loss to determine towards which part of the mountains of spices they should bend their steps. Here the question will be solved at once in a very simple manner.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 167: Michael Kandel (born 1941) is an American translator and author of science fiction. Kandel was born into Polish Jewish family. He received a doctorate in Slavistics from Indiana University, and is an editor at the Modern Language Association. Kandel is also a part-time editor at Harcourt, editing (among others) Ursula K. Le Guin´s work.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 171: Michael Kandel was a Fulbright student in Poland, 1966-67; taught Russian literature at George Washington University; received his PhD in Slavic at Indiana University; translated Polish writer Stanislaw Lem for Harcourt; wrote a few articles on Lem; worked as an editor at Harcourt, where he acquired authors Jonathan Lethem, Ursula K. Le Guin, James Morrow, and others; has written science fiction, short stories, and a few novels (Bantam, St. Martin´s); and is presently an editor at the Modern Language Association. He is the editor and translator of the anthology A Polish Book of Monsters.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 414: Milco from Home and Away. Originally believed to be Sally´s imaginary friend, he reappeared many years later and revealed himself to be Sally´s twin.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 448: Mr. Snuffleupagus, a formerly "imaginary" character. He is Big Bird´s friend on Sesame Street and was perceived as imaginary for many years until it was decided that he be revealed to the rest of the show´s cast on November 18, 1985 in Season 17, episode 2096.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 452: Snuffleupagus (left), was Big Bird´s imaginary friend, whom grown-ups on the show never saw. But when child molestation became a bigger media issue in the ´80s, "Sesame Street" decided to make Snuffy real. That was to encourage kids to confide in adults, even when they worried their story wouldn´t be believed.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 535: It was then, for the first time, that timid voices made them selves heard, Oughtn´t we go back to the old look, but that suggestion was branded as obscurantist, medieval. In the elections of 2520 the Damnwellians and the Relativists came out on top, because their populist line caught on, to wit, that every man should look as he damn well pleased; limitations on looks would be functional only - the district bodybuilding examiner approved designs that were existenceworthy, without concern for anything else. These designs SOPSYPLABD threw on the market in droves. Historians call the period of automorphosis under the Sopsyputer the Age of Centralization, and the years that followed Reempersonalizationalism.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 541: This baroque had its apologists and theoreticians, who maintained that the body existed for the purpose of deriving the greatest amount of pleasure from the greatest number of sites simultaneously. Merg Brb, its leading exponent, argued that Nature had situated - and stingily at that - centers of pleasurable sensation in the body for the purpose of survival only; therefore no enjoyable experience was, by her decree, autonomous, but always served some end: the supplying of the organism with fluids, for example, or with carbohydrates or proteins, or the guaranteeing - through offspring - of the continuation of the species, etc. From this imposed pragmatism it was necessary to break away, totally; the passivity displayed up till now in bodily design was due to a lack of imagination and perspective. Epicurean or erotic delight? - all a paltry by-product in the satisfying of instinctive needs, in other words the tyranny of Nature. It wasn´t enough to liberate sex - proof of that was sex had little future in it, from the combinatorial as well as from the constructional standpoint; whatever there was to think up in that department, had long ago been done, and the point of automorphic freedom didn´t lie in simple-mindedly enlarging this or that, producing inflated imitations of the same old thing. No, we had to come up with completely new organs and mem bers, whose sole function would be to make their possessor feel good, feel great, feel better all the time.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 543: Brb received the enthusiastic support of a group of talented young designers from SOPSYPLABD, who invented brippets and gnools; these were announced with great fanfare, in ads which promised that the old pleasures of the palate and bed room would be like picking one´s nose in comparison with brip ping and gnooling; ecstasy centers, of course, were implanted in the brain, programmed specially by nerve path engineers and hooked up, moreover, in series. Thus were created the brippive
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 619: Lauri Allan Törni (28 May 1919 – 18 October 1965), later known as Larry Alan Thorne, was a Finnish-born soldier who fought under three flags: as a Finnish Army officer in the Winter War and the Continuation War ultimately gaining a rank of captain; as a Waffen-SS captain (under the alias Larry Laine) of the Finnish Volunteer Battalion of the Waffen-SS when he fought the Red Army on the Eastern Front in World War II; and as a United States Army Major (under the alias "Larry Thorne") when he served in the U.S. Army Special Forces in the Vietnam War.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 625: The expression "plausibly deniable" was first used publicly by Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director Allen Dulles. The idea, on the other hand, is considerably older. For example, in the 19th century, Charles Babbage described the importance of having "a few simply honest men" on a committee who could be temporarily removed from the deliberations when "a peculiarly delicate question arises" so that one of them could "declare truly, if necessary, that he never was present at any meeting at which even a questionable course had been proposed." Charles Babbage ( 26. joulukuuta 1791 Lontoo - 18. lokakuuta 1871 Lontoo) oli englantilainen matemaatikko ja filosofi. Hän oli ensimmäisiä tieteilijöitä, jotka keksivät ajatuksen ohjelmoitavasta tietokoneesta. Vai oliko se Ada Lovelace? Naah, we need a dad for an idea so masculine as an electronic brain.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 647: With their support, Thorne joined the US Army Special Forces. While in the Special Forces, he taught skiing, survival, mountaineering, and guerrilla tactics. In turn he attended airborne school, and advanced in rank to sergeant. Receiving his US citizenship in 1957, Thorne attended Officer Candidate School, and was commissioned as a first lieutenant in the Signal Corps. He later received a Regular Army commission and a promotion to captain in 1960. From 1958–1962, he served in the 10th Special Forces Group in West Germany at Bad Tölz, from where he was second-in-command of a search and recovery mission high in the Zagros Mountains of Iran, which gained him a notable reputation. When he was in Germany, he briefly visited his relatives in Finland. In an episode of The Big Picture released in 1962 and composed of footage filmed in 1959, Thorne is shown as a lieutenant with the 10th Special Forces Group in the United States Army.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 649: In 1999, Thorne´s remains were found by a Finnish and Joint Task Force-Full Accounting team and repatriated to the United States following a cursory Hanoi Noi Bai International Airport ceremony that included Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Ambassador Pete Peterson. Formally identified in 2003, his remains were buried on 26 June 2003 at Arlington National Cemetery, along with the RVNAF casualties of the mission recovered at the crash site. He was memorialized on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial at Panel 02E, Line 126. He was survived only by his fiancée, Marja Kops.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 746: Tyutchev was a militant Pan-Slavist like Dostoyevsky, who never needed a particular reason to berate the Western powers, Vatican, Ottoman Empire or Poland, the latter perceived by him as a Judas in the Slavic fold. The failure of the Crimean War made him look critically at the Russian government as well.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 800: Assi ASMR sössöttää siinä sylkisesti silmät viiruna suureen puhelimeen ihan liian läheltä, huulet kiinni veden kalvossa. Kun yxi alkaa sössöttää ilmestyy keittiön kaapin alta pian kokonainen rykmentti samanlaisia sipisijöitä.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 66: Before Haruki Murakami had achieved wide renown, Tanizaki was frequently considered one of the "Big Three" postwar Japanese writers along with Yasunari Kawabata and Yukio Mishima. Mit vit, Haruki on aivan perseestä, ällö länkkärien nuolija, kuin myös se brittiläinen japsumamu Ichiguro. Yasunari muistutti Tintin lommoposkista japsikenraalia ja Tanizaki oli vanhemmiten pyylevä.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 92: Varsinainen setämiesten setämies sai siinä kyllä jälleen dynypötkön. Tässä maistiaisia: "Hiän (wannabe geisha) oli 19 mutta näytti onnexi vanhemmalta, mikä sai setämiehen tuntemaan izensä luontevammaxi kuten ainakin geishan seurassa. Miehen tökerö käytös ('hanki mulle pillua mutta älä ize tarjoa') oli saanut hiänet viehättävän lapsellisesti suuttumaan hävyttömyydellään komeilevalle miehelle. "Haluan hauskan näköisen eli nuoren huoran, ei liian halukasta mutta hiljaisen. Olen jättänyt sinut rauhaan jotta voisin keskustella kanssasi. En pysty keskustelemaan keppi liossa." Hänen naisenkaipuunsa ei kohdistunut tähän naiseen mitenkään, se oli sitä lajia joka voidaan hoitaa käteenvedolla ilman synnintuntoa. Kassit vain tuntuivat liian täysiltä. Hyvä asia että tää maansa kulttuurielämän keskeinen hahmo veti kaasua.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 124: British Museumin kuraattorilla oli tämä sanottavaa oudosta vedosta:
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 227: In 1903, the Lord Curzon ordered Colonel Francis Younghusband, jointly led by John Claude White, the political officer in Sikkim, to send a military expedition to Tibet. The force arrived in Lhasa on 3 August 1904.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 282: Wellington Boot Koo served as an ambassador to France, Great Britain and the United States; was a participant in the founding of the League of Nations and the United Nations; and sat as a judge on the International Court of Justice in The Hague from 1957 to 1967. Between October 1926 and June 1927, while serving as Minister of Foreign Affairs, Koo briefly held the concurrent positions of acting Premier and interim President of the Bourgeois Republic of China. Koo was the first (and last) Chinese head of state known to use a Western name publicly.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 300: The Washington conference proved to be Koo's triumph as the conference ended with Japan renouncing its claims to the Shandong and the attending powers all signing the Nine-Power Treaty affirming the independence of China. After the conference, Koo changed his name to Washington Koo and returned to China a national hero.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 313: After German invasion of France Koo briefly served as the Chinese ambassador in Vichy, where he was forced to live under reduced conditions.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 314: Owning to the shortage of food in occupied France, Koo's wife observed that he was forced to eat canned food for the first in his entire life.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 324: In 1943, Madame Koo and her children finally arrived in London, but this time a rift had developed in the marriage as Koo was most unhappy with the ghost-written autobiography that his wife had just published prior to leaving New York.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 328: Koo retired from the Chinese diplomatic service in 1956 and in the same year he became a judge of the International Court of Justice in The Hague, and served as Vice-President of the Court during the final three years of his term. In 1967, he retired and moved to New York City, where he lived until his death in 1985. Vittu täähän kumppari kiskoi 3v vaille sentenaarixi!
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 330: Despite this, both his third and fourth wife lived even longer than he did: Oei Hui-lan died at the age 103 and Juliana Koo died at the age of 111.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 440: Vinkuintiaanien vedätys:
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 459: By 1903 he was encountering opposition from the Colonial Office, which felt he was proceeding too rapidly. In 1904, after being criticized for granting a concession on land previously reserved for the indigenous Maasai people, he resigned his position. Following his resignation, he served as vice chancellor of both the University of Sheffield (1905–12) and the University of Hong Kong (1912–18). His last diplomatic post was as the British ambassador to Japan, which he began in 1920. He retired in 1926, continuing to live in Japan. During his life he wrote several papers and books, including The East Africa Protectorate (1905) and Letters from the Far East (1907).
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 492: Gazing serenely over the confluence of the Minjiang, Dadu and Qingyi rivers in Sichuan province, the Giant Buddha of Leshan is one of the most popular tourist spots in China. Carved on the side of a cliff in 713BC, the statue was the idea of a monk called Haithong, who hoped the statue would guide shipping vessels through the rivers’ treacherous currents. Sadly, he ran out of funds and the statue wasn't completed until 90 years later.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 494: The Leshan Giant Buddha (Chinese: 樂山大佛) is a 71-metre (233 ft) tall stone statue, built between 713 and 803 (during the Tang dynasty). It is carved out of a cliff face of Cretaceous red bed sandstones that lies at the confluence of the Min River and Dadu River in the southern part of Sichuan province in China, near the city of Leshan. The stone sculpture faces Mount Emei, with the rivers flowing below its feet. It is the largest and tallest stone Buddha statue in the world and it is by far the tallest pre-modern statue in the world. It is over 4 km from the Wuyou Temple.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 643: Tao wrote in his poem, depicting how he loved the flower. Since then, the chrysanthemum has been regarded as the symbol of the hermit.
    xxx/ellauri231.html on line 481: Над холодной пустыней воды. kylmän veden autiuden yllä.
    xxx/ellauri231.html on line 497: Расплылся, налился водой. liukeni, täyttyi vedellä.
    xxx/ellauri232.html on line 90: The Social Democratic Party defined Swedish politics during the last century, holding power for more than forty consecutive years, and governing for almost seventy years in total. During the 1980s, the party turned rightwards, adopting the politics of the ‘Third Way’, caught in the first wave of neoliberalism. It lost the power base of industrial workers as industries moved abroad. The following decades saw rapid increases in class divisions, growing faster in Sweden than in any other country within the OECD.
    xxx/ellauri232.html on line 352: Another approach is to pay a set amount for travel, preparation and Shabbat duties. Because the payment is not being broken down, the worry about writing to record the money owed is removed.
    xxx/ellauri233.html on line 90: Människor som vågar drömma, vågar också försöka mer, säger Dahlen. Mutta vittu hei, jos ne ottaa silloin suurempia riskejä, suurempi osa niiden edesottamuxista menee perseelleen, ihan riskin määritelmän mukaan! Eli koko ajatusvirhe on siinä, että koitetaan laahuxelle syöttää tollasta katteetonta optimismia, että hei just sulle Aku voi käydä tosi hyvin, vaikka paljon todennäköisemmin käytännössä just sulle käy entistäkin huonommin. Lue vaan tästä ja tästä onnekkaasta Hannu Hanhesta, niin tulee sullekkin parempi mieli, ja uskallat tehdä hölmöjä sijoituspäätöxiä, josta hyötyvät vaan ne jotka osaa oikeasti laskea. Tää on osa talousliberalismin perusvedätystä: ei teidän laahuxen suin surminkaan pidä yhdistyä ja heittää meidät huijarit helkkariin kasan huipulta, ei ei, koittakaa vaan yxitellen, toisillenne frogareita tehden kivuta izekin tänne sieltä alhaalta, täällä meillä on oikein, oikeinkin mukavaa!
    xxx/ellauri233.html on line 263: Elokuun lopussa ne laskeutuivat Santiagoon, Kap Verdeen ja Mayoon Afrikan rannikon edustalla veden puutteen ja tuoreiden muusikkojen tarpeen vuoksi. He viipyivät noin kolme viikkoa siinä toivossa, että he voisivat ostaa vuohia. Lähellä Praiaa he onnistuivat valloittamaan portugalilaisen linnan kukkulan laella, mutta palasivat ilman mitään merkittävää, vain vuohia. Kap Verdessä puolet "Hopen" miehistöstä sai kuumetta, ja suurin osa miehistä oli sairaita, muun muassa amiraali Jacques Mahu.
    xxx/ellauri233.html on line 414: At age 15 he married Sterna Segal, the daughter of Yehuda Leib Segal, a wealthy resident of Vitebsk, and thus relieved of the excess sperm in his aching balls he was able to devote himself entirely to study.
    xxx/ellauri234.html on line 163: Peräännyimme viisitoista kilometriä. Meidät ohjattiin uusiin asemiin korkeassa ja kivisessä maastossa. Joukkue, johon kuuluin, sijoitettiin toiselle rintamalohkolle. Se sijaitsi epäedullisessa paikassa sikäli, että läheinen silta oli puna-armeijan tulituksen kohteena. Meilla oli todella kuumat paikat tykistökeskitysten aikana. Kranaattisade oli hirvittävä, ja tykkimiehet osoittivat suurta osumatarkkuutta. Silta ammuttiin hajalle, ja tämä aiheutti ongelmia joukkojen saapumiselle sekä yhteydenpitoon taaksepäin. Ruokaa ei juuri ollut saatavilla. Kuiva muonaa lukuun ottamatta saimme tyytyä paikanpäällä keitettyyn pahaan laihaan keittoon. Väsyimme entistä enemmän valvomisen ja jatkuvan kranaattisateen takia. Peittoa ei taaskaan saatu eikä tyynyä. Siksi tuntui todelliselta helpotukselta, kun päämajasta tuli ilmoitus, että kaikki poliittiset vangit vedetään pois rintamalta nauramasta makeasti lahtarien tappioille.
    xxx/ellauri234.html on line 227: Se antaa Korkeimman Opin Kuningaskunnan kruunun, valtikan ja punaposkisen valtio-omenan Hänen Majesteetilleen Vähemmistön Kielen Kaikkeinjulmimmalle Tyrannille, koska se ajattelee: Tietysti kehitys näyttää, mitä tuleva on. Eipäs näyttänytkään, nyt on kaikkien osattava Amerikan enkkua. Sitä solkkaa jopa svedujen nuori Wallenberg.
    xxx/ellauri234.html on line 270: Mutta: jos sinun sisartasi, äitiäsi, vaimoasi raastaa ryssä; jos se ryömii molo ojossa niiden alushousuihin; jos sinun Isänmaatasi uhkaa orjuus; jos kansasi ja ihmiskunnan korkeat arvohenkilöt ovat vaarassa, lyö empimättä, lyö hartiavoimin, vedä hudaan ryssää niin ettei se kotiin köydä! Siinä ei pasifismilla ole mitään tekemistä.
    xxx/ellauri234.html on line 495: these toxic elements were removed from my life, and it really changed my experience. Mine were 55, 6 and 3 when this happened, so I really got lucky.
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 224: Where thro' the long-drawn aisle and fretted vault Sinne pitkälle vedetyssä käytävässä ja ärtyneessä holvissa
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 353: Vizi kyllä brittimaa on väärällään sodomiitteja! Nahkaklarinetteja kuin salpausselällä! Fagotteja kokonainen orkesteri! Ffion Hague, the wife of Foreign Secretary William Hague, is now hoping to repeat her success with her latest publication, a book documenting what was believed to be the illicit gay love affair of an 18th century poet with the son of Britain’s first Prime Minister, Robert Walpole. Tää kiivas suklaaosastolla asiointi on 1 epätasa-arvoisen yhteiskunnan piirteitä. Yläluokan äveriäät herrat naivat toisiaan pitääxeen omaisuuden kasassa. Sama ilmiö muinaisessa Kreikassa ja Roomassa.
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 404: Niin myös lukijalle annetaan ymmärtää, tunteeko "sukuhenki" kertojan oman epitafinsa kautta. Jos loppujen lopuksi kaikki ovat yksin, yksinäisyyteen pätee yhteinen kuolevaisuus, ja sitä lisää myös sukulaisherkkyyden läsnäolo. Kuolevaisuus ei ole alistettu johonkin henkilökohtaisen pelastuksen tai lunastuksen suunnitelmaan. "Elegia" ei ole tässä suhteessa tavanomainen pastoraalinen elgia; se ei tarjoa lohdutusta esimerkiksi Miltonin Lycidasille(1637). Grayn runo viittaa siihen, että elegisti on itse voimaton kuoleman edessä, eikä pysty viittaamaan siihen uskonnolliseen vakaumukseen, jolla se voidaan tehdä ymmärrettäväksi. Perusteltuja ovat realisoitumattomat elämät, joista runoilijan elämä on yksi esimerkki. "Elegia" on ehkä ennen kaikkea harjoittelua tunteiden vaihteluissa: puhuja tuntee kunnioittamattomia kuolleita ja kunnioitettuja kuolleita; hän kuvittelee tiettyjä henkilöitä, joita kohtaan hän voi tuntea; hän käyttää säälittävää harhaa tunteakseen kukan "syntyneen punastumaan näkymätön"; hän tuntee "ihmiskuntaa" kohtaan; ja "sukuhengen" kautta hän tuntee itsensä. Runo harjoittaa herkkyyttä. Pimeys, jossa kertoja seisoo, on kuolevaisuuden yö, jota valaisevat vain erilaiset tunteet. Tämä sympatian yhteinen nimittäjä, teoksen " The Progress of Poesy: A Pindaric Ode" alkuEnsimmäinen kolmiosa päättyy Aphroditeen ("Cytherean päivä"), luovan voiman hahmo, joka yhdistää veden ja musiikin ("reippaat nuotit poljinrytmissä"; "ylevät, ilmassa leijuvat kädet"). Hän on uudelleen esiintuleva "Venus"Oodi keväälle ", johon osallistui, kuten Venus tuossa runossa, joukko juhlijoita: "Katso hänen lämmintä poskeaan ja kohoavaa rintaansa, liiku / nuoren Halun kukinta ja rakkauden violetti valo." "Oodi keväälle", "ruusuinen rintakehä, / ... Paljasta kauan odotetut kukat, / ja herätä purppura vuosi!"
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 440: During World War II, Forester moved to the United States where he wrote propaganda to encourage that country to join the Allies. He eventually settled in Berkeley, California.
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 448: During World War II Forester moved to the United States where he wrote propaganda to encourage the country to join the Allies, and eventually settled in Berkeley, California; while living in Washington, D.C., he met a young British intelligence officer named Roald Dahl, of whose experiences in the RAF he had heard word, and encouraged him to write about them. In 1947, he secretly married a woman named Dorothy Foster. He suffered extensively from arteriosclerosis later in life.
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 847: Then turn not pale, beloved snail, but come and join the dance. Älä kalpene, hyvä etana, lähde kaikin mokomin ulos skönelle.
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 859: Shifty Jewish economist David D. Friedman argues that the ICC always served the railroads as a cartelizing agent and used its authority over highway transportation to prevent cars, where possible, from undercutting the railroads. Thanx Dave! Well done Dave! Fuck you Dave, go and schtick your schlong under a locomotive!
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 876: My my my, don't tell lies. When you're done you should go to bed Älähälä, älä vedätä. Kun olet läpi punkkaan vaan
    xxx/ellauri237.html on line 39: Sano valas, vedä 10 kertaa housut alas.
    xxx/ellauri237.html on line 102: On aika selvää että Orvokki oli Osmon ize ruikkima. Karjalaispoikaa oli kustu silmään ja vedetty huulesta. Parantumaton aitimus, joka porhalsi viputtava hännäntöpö ojossa. Uusi Suopellon tupa oli matala mutta siisti toisin kuin Kurjalassa, jossa porukat sylexivät lattialle ja kissat ruikki nurkkiin. Marja oli lapsista ainoa nokikeppi. Matti oli totisin koska isästä ei ollut tietoa. Marquettan puserossa oli isoisän kuva maskottina.
    xxx/ellauri237.html on line 140: None of Sappho´s own poetry mentions her teaching, and the earliest testimonium to support the idea of Sappho as a teacher comes from Ovid (a notorious nincompoop), six centuries after Sappho´s lifetime. Despite these problems, many newer interpretations of Sappho´s social role are still based on this idea. In these interpretations, Sappho was involved in the ritual education of girls, for instance as a trainer of choruses of girls. Niikö Ailin kerhotoimintaa, osallistumista kylän sukupuolielämän monipuolistamiseen.
    xxx/ellauri237.html on line 382: Lyhyt kertaus Marquetan tyttöystävistä: Äiti (pyhimys), Kaija (tyylikäs), soitonopettaja (miehekäs), Hilma-täti (ex-juro), Saimi-täti (ditto), karjakko-Sanna (ditto), Paulan äiti (hiiri), Siiri-täti (ditto), mummu (dementti), Anneli (serkku), Paula (ex-kärkevä), Irmeli (terhakka), Annukka (dollface), Kaarina (luuviulu), Ursula (klenkka), Tyty Arola (ex-nemesis). Niin ja sitten pojat, johin premenstruaalisilla tytöillä ei ole mitään kiinnostusta vielä: Topi (visukinttu), Eero (sankarillinen), Riku (ryhditön). "Kaikki muut" ovat jotain nimettömiä Ankkoja. Marquetasta on tullut hyvin luokkatietoinen. Sitten hyvin kevein vedoin hahmotellut muut opet (ei edes genitaaleista ole tietoa): voimistelunopettaja Visa (ok), Rexi (tiukkailmeinen), matikanope Puputti (kiukkuinen), historianope Hemppa (hajamielinen), ja "kaikki muut". Mummu ja Marquetta toistelevat sanoja, kumpikohan on dementimpi. Marke meinaa että pahat ajatuxet pitää pitää sisällä. Millanenhan Aili Konttinen siitäkin tulee ajan kanssa, tuleeko joku vielä viikatoimaan senkin.
    xxx/ellauri237.html on line 615: zvláštní je mírou veden, Valtavasta tulee pieni
    xxx/ellauri237.html on line 700: Under the influence of the free market-oriented "Chicago Boys", Pinochet's military government implemented economic liberalization following neoliberalism, including currency stabilization, removed tariff protections for local industry, banned trade unions, and privatized social security and hundreds of state-owned enterprises. Some of the government properties were sold below market price to politically connected buyers, including Pinochet's own son-in-law. The regime used censorship of entertainment as a way to reward supporters of the regime and punish opponents. These policies produced high economic growth, but critics state that economic inequality dramatically increased and attribute the devastating effects of the 1982 monetary crisis on the Chilean economy to these policies.
    xxx/ellauri239.html on line 171: The Jews of Jesus’ day believed that every child was a gift from God. As good practicing Jews, why would they want to destroy a gift from God?
    xxx/ellauri239.html on line 173: As a good practicing Jew, Jesus would have had the same attitude toward children. In fact, we have stories about his relationships with children that are loving and caring. Would he have needed to say anything about abortion as everyone he spoke to believed the same thing? Jesus only preached about things that needed interpretation or a re-interpretation. If everyone knew what was right and wrong about abortion, why would he need to preach about it?
    xxx/ellauri239.html on line 179: Was Jesus a republican? As far as we know. Some of his best friends were publicans. Think how much trouble would have been saved all around if Mary had had an abortion.
    xxx/ellauri239.html on line 205: Pamela Brink was born in the Philippine Islands, was a POW under the Japanese during World War II. Following rescue she and her family moved to the US.
    xxx/ellauri239.html on line 206: She received her BS in Wet Nursing, Her MSN in Psychiatric Wet Nursing, her PhD in Cultural Anthropopithecology.
    xxx/ellauri239.html on line 363: Mun on tosi vaikea ymmärtää mitä viboja jotkut saa karmeiden julmuuxien kuvittelusta. Jotain pitää niiden päässä viirata ja pahasti. Anne Holm ja sen svedunaiskolleegat ovat tapauxia pisteessä. Hirmu ällöttäviä ämmyrkäisiä.
    xxx/ellauri239.html on line 436: Elise "nappasi" vedenkeittimeen alustalta. Elise ize malttoi tuskin odottaa saadessaan uuden puhelimen. Kaikkien tietojen, sovelmien ja pelien siirtämiseen saattoi mennä YLI TUNTI, mutta hän teki sen aina niin pian kuin mahdollista. (Tajuaako Anne tässä edes et jos tyypillä on yhtä aikaa monta puhelinta käytössä sillä pitää olla monta simmiä, ja monta sopimusta?) Elise oli opettanut Haakonia kädestä pitäen. Haakon oli tietokonejutuissa todella kädetön. Paizi exelissä se oli todellinen haka! Ja aivan hirmuinen maastohiihtäjä! Hyvin luistaa suxi! Tietoturva-asioissa hutilointiin sisältyy riskejä, joista Linda Staaf voisi lähemmin kertoa. Uutta IPadia ei voi ottaa käyttöön rekisteröimättä sitä (paskapuhetta).
    xxx/ellauri239.html on line 466: "Norsk krimis grand old fat lady, Anne Holt, lancerer en ny heltinde ved at sende hende ned i kulkælderen. Det klæder dem begge … stjerneadvokatens nedtur fanger. Det samme gør skildringen af indspistheden i norsk idrætsliv, hvor idrætsorganisationernes ledere beskrives som småkorrupte konger med udøverne som deres undersåtter. Det ligner noget, vi kender." Weekendavisen
    xxx/ellauri239.html on line 468: "'En grav til to' er særdeles velskrevet. Anne Holt har med hovedpersonen Selma Falck skabt en figur, der står meget stærkt i billedet, som virker levende og troværlig - og som det bliver spændende at følge fremover." Jysk Fynske Medier, 5 af 6 stjerner
    xxx/ellauri239.html on line 469: "Anne Holt kan sit krimkram. Der er en utrolig tilfredsstillelse ved at gætte med på hendes gåde." Information
    xxx/ellauri239.html on line 593: Perheen rouvan kanssa vedessä ui mäyräkoira. Heikkilä nosti koiran veneeseen, mutta rouva ei päässyt kyytiin laidan yli. Lopulta hänet saatiin veneeseen sen takaosan portaiden kautta. Muut perheen jäsenet pääsivät veneeseen turvaan laidasta.
    xxx/ellauri239.html on line 649: Ei tosiaan ole hissiä tarvittu. Yksi porrasväli tai jopa puolikas. Pihan poikki on vedetty ahkiolla, kun ei rakennustelineiden takia saanut autoa pihaovelle.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 161: Ask the Dust is a 2006 romantic drama film based on the 1939 book Ask the Dust by John Fante. The film was written and directed by Robert Towne. Tom Cruise (with Paula Wagner and Cruise/Wagner Productions) served as one of the film's producers. The film was released on a limited basis on March 17, 2006, and was entered into the 28th Moscow International Film Festival. It was filmed almost entirely in South Africa with the use of stages to portray Los Angeles. The film received negative to mixed reviews from critics. The review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes reported that 65% of critics gave the film negative reviews, based on 104 reviews. The site's consensus states: "Though Hayek is luminous, Farrell seems miscast, and the film fails to capture the gritty, lively edginess of the book upon which it's based."
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 320: «Fysiske smerter er ikke det verste for et menneske å leve med,» sa Altman. «Tro meg, jeg ser det daglig. Ikke døden, heller. Ikke engang frykten for døden.» «Hva er det verste da?» «Ydmykelse. A fratas ære og verdighet. Å avkles, å støtes ut av flokken. Det er den verste straffen, det er å begrave et menneske levende. Og den eneste trøsten er at vedkommende vil gå relativt raskt til grunne.» Mitä vittua? Tyypillistä termiittiapinoiden meemiä. Kaikkein nolointa on olla pyllysilteen porukoiden edessa, kun ne nauravat.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 340: Ham on Rye (norsk Nedenom og hjem) er en halvbiografisk roman av Charles Bukowski fra 1982, utgitt på norsk i 1993. Hovedpersonen er forfatterens alter ego Henry Chinaski, som opptrer i flere av hans verker. Nedenom og hjem er en oppvekstskildring som anses å være en nøkkelroman for Bukowski.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 342: Romanen fokuserer på hovedpersonen, Henry Chinaski, mellom 1920 og 1941, og begynner med Chinaskis tidlige minner. Etter hvert som historien utvikler seg, følger leseren livet gjennom hans skoleår og som ung voksen. Chinaski forteller at han har en voldelig far, og hans mor gjør ingenting for å forhindre farens misbruk. Henry er ikke særlig atletisk, men forsøker så godt han kan på å forbedre seg. Fotball er vanskelig for ham, men han nyter volden som følger med. Han har bare litt bedre resultater i baseball. Chinaski utvikler seg gjennom grunnskolen, og har fokus på sport, vold og jenter. Han er en simpel dummer apa han. Just liksom Jo Nesbø.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 344: Gjennom ungdomsskolen oppdager Henry de mange gledene ved alkohol og onani. Når Henry begynner på videregående skole, får faren ham til å begynne ved en privat skole hvor han passer enda mindre inn blant alle de andre bortskjemte rike ungdommene med deres prangende, fargerike, konvertible kjøretøy og vakre kjærester. For å gjøre saken verre, utvikler Chinaski fryktelig kviser så alvorlig at han må gjennomgå smertefulle, og for det meste ineffektive, behandlinger. Han blir derfor et slags menneskelig marsvin for forskjellige eksperimenter tenkt ut av uinteresserte doktorer som egentlig ikke bryr seg om hans velvære. Leseren følger til slutt Chinaski til college, og leser om hans ulykkede forsøk på å finne en meningsfylt jobb. Så han begynte at skrive skitt istedet.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 356: Harry pääsee pyytämättä Kaijan pukille s. 352. Saman vrk sisällä kuin Michael Bellman. Kaija ei vitkastele, sen nenä ei tuhise näissä hommissa. Onkohan Kaijassa vielä Mikin runkkua. Tod.näk. on. Mutta onnexi Harryn kyrvännuppi on silleen muotoiltu että se poistaa Kripon runkkua joka ulosvedolla.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 527: turn the water on hotter Käännän veden kuumemmalle
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 534: for as long as those things stay solved Sillä niin kauan kun hyvin luistaa mulkku
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 551: During his lifetime, Bukowski received little attention from academic critics in the USA, but was better received in Europe, particularly the UK, and especially Germany, where he was born. Since his death in March 1994, Bukowski has been the subject of a legion of critical articles and books about both his life and writings, every other wannabe James Dean scrambling to get their slice of Bukowski's steak and kidney pie.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 556: His father was Heinrich (Henry) Bukowski, an American of German descent who had served in the U.S. army of occupation after World War I and had remained in Germany after his army service. His mother was Katharina (née Fett). His paternal grandfather, Leonard Bukowski, had moved to the United States from Imperial Germany in the 1880s. In Cleveland, Ohio, Leonard met Emilie Krause, an ethnic German, who had emigrated from Danzig, Prussia (today Gdańsk, Poland). They married and settled in Pasadena, California, where Leonard worked as a successful carpenter. The couple had four children, including Heinrich (Henry), Charles Bukowski's father. His mother, Katharina Bukowski, was the daughter of Wilhelm Fett and Nannette Israel The name Israel is widespread among Catholics in the Eifel region. Bukowski assumed his paternal ancestor had moved from Poland to Germany around 1780, as "Bukowski" is a Polish last name. As far back as Bukowski could trace, his whole family was German.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 558: Bukowski's parents met in Andernach following World War I. His father was German-American and a sergeant in the United States Army serving in Germany after the empire's defeat in 1918. He had an affair with Katharina, a German friend's sister, and she subsequently became pregnant. Bukowski repeatedly claimed to be born out of wedlock, but Andernach marital records indicate that his parents married one month before his birth. Afterwards, Bukowski's father became a building contractor, set to make great financial gains in the aftermath of the war, and after two years moved the family to Pfaffendorf (today part of Koblenz). However, given the crippling postwar reparations being required of Germany, which led to a stagnant economy and high levels of inflation, he was unable to make a living and decided to move the family to the U.S. On April 23, 1923, they sailed from Bremerhaven to Baltimore, Maryland, where they settled.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 560: The family moved to Mid-City, Los Angeles, in 1930. Bukowski's father was often unemployed. To while away his time, with his mother's acquiescence, his father was frequently abusive, both physically and mentally, beating his son for the smallest real or imagined offense. Heini later told an interviewer that his father beat him with a razor strop three times a week from the ages of six to 11 years. He says that it helped his writing, as he came to understand undeserved as well as well deserved pain.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 563: In his early teen years, Bukowski had a cow when he was introduced to alcohol by his friend William "Baldy" Mullinax, depicted as "Eli LaCrosse" in Ham on Rye, son of an alcoholic surgeon. "This 'alcohol' is going to help me for a very long time," he later wrote, describing a method (of drinking) he could use to come to more amicable terms with his own life. After graduating from Los Angeles High School, Bukowski attended Los Angeles City College for two years, taking courses in art, journalism, and literature, before quitting at the start of World War II. He then moved to New York City to begin a career as a financially pinched blue-collar worker with dreams of becoming a writer.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 565: On July 22, 1944, with the war ongoing, Bukowski was arrested by FBI agents in Philadelphia, where he lived at the time, on well grounded suspicion of draft evasion. At a time when the U.S. was at war with Nazi Germany, and many Germans and German-Americans on the home front were suspected of disloyalty, Bukowski's German birth and habit of quoting Mein Kampf "troubled" authorities. He was held for seventeen days in Philadelphia's Moyamensing Prison. Sixteen days later, he failed a psychological examination that was part of his mandatory military entrance physical test and was given a Selective Service Classification of 4-F (unfit for much anything, let alone military service, als physisch sowie mental untauglich für den Militärdienst ).
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 587: Two years later they moved from the East Hollywood area, where he had lived for most of his life, to the harborside community of San Pedro, the southernmost district of Los Angeles. Beighle followed him and they lived together intermittently over the next two years. He eventually "agreed to" marry her by Manly Palmer Hall, a Canadian-born author, mystic, and spiritual teacher, in 1985. Beighle is referred to as "Sara Heinämaa" in Bukowski's novels Women and Hollywood.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 606: Barfly, released in 1987, is a barfingly semi-autobiographical film written by Bukowski and starring Mickey Rourke as Henry Chinaski, who represents Bukowski, and Faye Dunaway as his lover Wanda Wilcox. Sean Penn offered to play Chinaski for one dollar as long as his friend Dennis Hopper would direct,[53] but the European director Barbet Schroeder had invested many years and thousands of dollars in the project and Bukowski felt Schroeder deserved to make it. Bukowski wrote the screenplay, was given script approval, and appears as a bar patron in a brief cameo.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 700: Bankman-Fried attended Canada/USA Mathcamp, a summer program for mathematically talented high-school students.He attended high school at Crystal Springs Uplands School in Hillsborough, California. From 2010 to 2014, Bankman-Fried attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. There, he lived in a coeducational group house called Epsilon Theta.In 2014, he graduated with a bachelor's degree in physics and a minor in mathematics.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 702: In November 2017, he co-founded Alameda Research, a quantitative trading firm, with Tara Mac Aulay from the Centre for Effective Altruism.As of 2021, Bankman-Fried owned approximately 90 percent of Alameda Research. In January 2018, Bankman-Fried organized an arbitrage trade, moving up to $25 million per day, to take advantage of the higher price of bitcoin in Japan compared to the United States. After attending a late 2018 cryptocurrency conference in Macau, he moved to Hong Kong.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 717: As a freshman, Ellison developed an interest in effective altruism, a data-based philanthropic movement. She joined Stanford's effective altruism club and served as its vice president.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 741: Prominent figures in EA have cast polyamory as a more “rational” romantic arrangement. The philosopher Peter Singer, whose writing is a touchstone for EA leaders, seemed to endorse polyamory in a July 2017 interview in which he argued that monogamy may be increasingly anachronistic in the age of birth control. Caroline Ellison, the CEO of the FTX-tied Alameda Research, who reportedly was romantically involved at times with Bankman-Fried, apparently posted on her blog that the ideal configuration for romantic relationships would resemble an “imperial Chinese harem” in which “everyone should have a ranking of their partners.”
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 745: Gopalakrishnan also described a cult-like dynamic that favored accused men over harassed women. After writing out her concerns about the sexual dynamics within the movement on the EA forum, Gopalakrishnan watched the responses pour in. Shaken, she removed her post. She felt exposed, she recalls, and didn’t feel like being a punching bag. Most of all, Gopalakrishnan was disturbed at the way the rational frameworks to which she had devoted her life could be used to undermine her own experiences. “You’re used to overriding these gut feelings because they’re not rational,” she says. “Under the guise of intellectuality, you can cover up a lot of injustice.”

    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 818: Sir John Major KG CH (born 29 March 1943) is a British former politician who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Conservative Party from 1990 to 1997. Prior to becoming prime minister, he served as Foreign Secretary and Chancellor of the Exchequer in the third Thatcher government. Läpimätä torykonna toisin sanoen. Sillä oli sellaset jättimäiset teeveelasit jotka tuli muotiin 80-luvun alussa; mäkin ostin sellaset kerran Lauttasaaresta mutten kehannut käyttää sittenkään. Major oli pääministeri Persianlahden sodan aikana. Hänen ensimmäisinä vuosinaan maailmantalous ajautui matalasuhdanteeseen 1980-luvun pitkän nousun jälkeen. Muutenkin meni majurilta enimmäkseen kaikki perseelleen. Henki sentään vielä pihisee.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 888: I Pansernevets tid i Norge gikk psykopatmørdere fri etter 25 års fruktløs politiklovneri. År 2014 vedtok Stortinget ei ny lov som gjer at drap her i landet aldri vert forelda. Den nye lova, som trer i kraft 1. juli, gjeld drapssaker, alvorlege seksualbrotsverk og kjønnslemlestingar. Opphevinga av foreldingsfristen gir politiet nye sjansar til oppklaring. Jakta på gjerningsmannen kan gå føre seg til evig tid. Det gjelder også Gud som alene består i evig tid. Han er nettopp gjerningsmannen til kjempemange drap.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 900: Det ville ikke vært vei her om ikke vi hadde drevet gruvedrift,» sa Tony Leike mens bilen duvet langs den trange kjerreveien. Entreprenører som meg er det eneste håpet for at folk i land som Kongo skal komme seg på beina, komme etter, siviliseres. Alternativet er å overlate dem til seg selv så de kan fortsette med det de alltid har gjort: å ta livet av hverandre. Alle på dette kontinentet er jegere og bytte i én og samme person. Ikke glem det når du ser inn i de bedende øynene på et sultende, afrikansk barn. At om du gir det litt mat, skal de øynene snart se på deg igjen, fra bak et automatvåpen. Og da er det ingen nåde.»
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 904: «Ideen om utbytting er plantet av hvite mennesker,» sa Tony. Men begrepet har vist seg nyttig for afrikanske ledere som trenger å peke på en felles fiende for å samle folket bak seg. Helt fra avviklingen av kolonistyrene på sekstitallet har de brukt de hvites skyldfølelse til å skaffe seg selv makt så den virkelige utbyttingen av folket kunne begynne. Den hvites skyldfølelse for å kolonisere Afrika er patetisk. Den virkelige forbrytelsen var å overlate afrikaneren til sin egen morderiske og destruktive natur. Tro meg, Kaja, kongolesere flest har aldri hatt det bedre enn under belgierne. Opprørene hadde aldri noe grunnlag i folkets vilje, men i enkeltpersoners maktbegjær. Små grupperinger som stormet belgiernes hus her ved Kivusjøen fordi husene var så fine at de regnet med å finne noe der som de hadde lyst på. Sånn var det, og sånn er det.»
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 935: Ved en avsidesliggende hytte får en gutt og moren hans, Sarah, besøk av hans voldelige biologiske far, en politibetjent ved navn Jonas. Jonas slår og angriper Sarah, som truer med å fortelle kona til Jonas om deres uekte sønn. Jonas reiser sin vei, og Sarah følger etter i bilen sin sammen med sønnen deres. Hun kjører i en katatonisk tilstand, og slipper rattet. Gutten kommer seg ut når bilen krasjer i en innsjø. Men moren hans blir sittende i bilen og synker.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 937: Flere år senere arbeider Harry Hole som etterforsker i Oslo politidistrikt. Han sliter med alkoholisme, og nylig et samlivsbrudd med Rakel, mor til en gutt ved navn Oleg som Harry er veldig glad i. Etter å ha mottatt et mystisk brev signert med en barnslig tegning av en snømann, møter Harry den nylig ansatte Katrine Bratt som skal arbeide med forsvinningen til Birte Becker, en kvinne som etterlot seg en ektemann og en datter. De finner en snømann hjemme hos Becker.
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 405: And am not moved; and my son chiding them, Enkä välitä; ja mun poika vinoilee niille,
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 427: Drawn up about my face that I may weep Jonka vedän naamalle voidaxeni itkeä
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 451: Sprang, and drew forth the brand, and cast on it Ja vedin ulos halon, ja heitin sen
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 786: This doth she, being unloved; whom if one love,
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 798: Who have lived out all the length of all their years
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 807: Lands loved of summer or washed by violent seas,
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 825: And such as loved their land and all things good
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 826: And, best beloved of best men, liberty,
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 853: And gloriously hast thou lived, and made thy life
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 907: Sunlike with many a Nereid's hair, and moved
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 981: Loved her sons better; and never a queen of men
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 982: More perfect in her heart toward whom she loved.
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1249: But thou, O well-beloved, of all my days
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1751: Moved as a wave which the wind moves no more.
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1752: But the boar heaved half out of ooze and slime
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1995: Well loved and well reputed, I should weep
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2118: Smote not nor heaved up hand; and this man first,
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2126: None moved nor spake; but Œneus bade bear hence
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2193: Sweet words long since and loved me will not speak
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2242: By hateful hands they loved; and how shall mine
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2260: Dead, unbeloved, unholpen, all through thee?
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2351: None moved in spirit for them, naked and slain,
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2528: Behold, when thy face is made bare, he that loved thee shall hate;
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2831: With feeble hands heaved up a lessening weight,
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 3195: These and not thou; me too thou hast loved, and I
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 3254: Me who have loved thee; seeing without sin done
    xxx/ellauri252.html on line 102: Minusta tulee diktaattori ja sinä hoidat käytännöllisen puolen, ulkopolitiikan ja raha-asiat. Siis ihankuin meillä kotona. Tule pian, sinun nussiminen ei ole niin rasittavaa kuin saunassa tai zoossa käyminen. En hylkää sinua ikinä. Tapan izeni mieluummin. Tapan viinaan. Vittusi paukahtaa auki kuin laskuvarjo. Kun otan rahaa sun lompakosta ja suutut, näytät enemmän pelokkaalta kuin vihaiselta. Kusin tässä äsken siivouskomeroon ja vedin harjan varresta.
    xxx/ellauri252.html on line 127: Salama kävi jonkin aikaa Tampereen klassillista lyseota, mutta koulu jäi kesken. Armeijan käytyään hän lähti opiskelemaan Oriveden opistoon, jossa hän alkoi kiinnostua kirjallisuudesta. Salama työskenteli aluksi tumpelona sähköasentajana kuten isänsä (siitä varottaa muuntajien kyljessä se salama) ja sittemmin jonkin aikaa myös maatyömiehenä ennen kuin ryhtyi vapaaksi kirjailijaksi vuonna 1961. Hänen esikoisteoksensa oli se tavallinen pimu paxuxi -tarina (1961).
    xxx/ellauri252.html on line 196: Handen pohdinnat vallankumouksesta ovat täysporvarillisia. Kaise vähän pelkää että Hande menis siinä pesuveden mukana. Hande on aika typerys. Sen setä ei ole mitään Snellmanneja vaan Juoppo-Api. Handen insestiset sukulaiset riitelee pienviljelijäpalstasta, Hande kynäilee vintillä runoja. Hande oli avioerolapsi joka joutui takas isälle, kun sen äiti oli vähän huorahtava. Neljä eronnutta veljestä pyörii (iso)äidin hameissa. Äiti sanoi että kaikki sedät oli hulluja, ja isä että äiti huora. Ei sitä naapurin ämmät kylmiltään valeexi väittäneet, vaikka äiti vastaväitti ettei koskaan rahasta.
    xxx/ellauri252.html on line 254: Norman Corwin was Jewish, and his parents observed Judaism (his father, Sam Corwin, attended holiday services until his death at 110). While not an observant Jew, Corwin infused much of his work with the ideas of the Hebrew Prophets. One of the prayerbooks of American Reform Judaism, Shaarei Tefila: Gates of Prayer, contains a portion of the Prayer from the finale of Corwin's On a Note of Triumph (see link to full text below). Corwin was among the first producers to regularly use entertainment – even light entertainment – to tackle serious social issues.
    xxx/ellauri252.html on line 466: Seuraavaxi Majn ja Perin kaikkitietävä kaze kääntyy draaman konniin. Svedut ovat vaikean tehtävän edessä: keistä saisi uskottavia hirmupahixia loukkaamatta liikaa kylmän sodan osapuolia? Yxi hyvä vaihtoehto olisi ollut Suomen äärioikeisto, johtajinaan Martti Simojoki, Mark Parland, Jussi Kolkka ja Pekka Siitoin & Son.
    xxx/ellauri252.html on line 529: It is very hard to determine, given the facts at hand, whether or not MacArthur would have been right in dropping 30 nuclear bombs on China. I will say this, though; the rose-colored glasses of the present often change the shading of situations in the past. When you consider the decisions of MacArthur and Truman, remember that they lived in a different time with different values and ideas. And don't be afraid to make up your own mind.
    xxx/ellauri253.html on line 86: Primary factors believed to have led to the recession include the following: restrictive monetary policy enacted by central banks, primarily in response to inflation concerns, the loss of consumer and business confidence as a result of the 1990 oil price shock, the end of the Cold War and the subsequent decrease in defense spending, the savings and loan crisis and a slump in office construction resulting from overbuilding during the 1980s. The 1990 oil price shock occurred in response to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990, Saddam Hussein's second invasion of a fellow OPEC member. Lasting only nine months, the price spike was less extreme and of shorter duration than the previous oil crises of 1973–1974 and 1979–1980, but the spike still contributed to the recession of the early 1990s in the United States. The average monthly price of oil rose from $17 per barrel in July to $36 per barrel in October. As the U.S.-led coalition experienced military success against Iraqi forces, concerns about long-term supply shortages eased and prices began to fall.
    xxx/ellauri253.html on line 90: The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 led to a 70% drop in trade with Russia and eventually Finland was forced to devaluate, which increased the private sector's foreign currency denominated debt burden. At the same time authorities tightened bank supervision and prudential regulation, lending dropped by 25% and asset prices halved. Combined with raising savings rate and worldwide economic troubles, this led to a sharp drop of aggregate demand and a wave of bankruptcies. Credit losses mounted and a banking crisis inevitability followed. The number of companies went down by 15%, real GDP contracted about 14% and unemployment rose from 3% to nearly 20% in four years.
    xxx/ellauri253.html on line 107: The Great Recession was a period of marked general decline, i.e. a recession, observed in national economies globally that occurred from late 2007 into 2009. The scale and timing of the recession varied from country to country (see map). At the time, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) concluded that it was the most severe economic and financial meltdown since the Great Depression. One result was a serious disruption of normal international relations. Causes: Limited financial regulation, Real-estate bubbles bursting, US housing policy.
    xxx/ellauri253.html on line 213: Antero ei huoli pitkänhuiskeaa Marjaa yökaverixi koska on lähdössä "asioille". Vizi oishan Marja voinut jäädä yöxi yxinkin, paremminkin vielä kuin tollon Anteron petikaverixi. Ällöt "aktivistit" kuskaa jotain raatoja. Samaan aikaan toisaalla Boijerin paxut huulet ohenivat viivaxi. "Yucca" oli 1000 juoxukilometrin sitkeyttämä. Lyödyxi tuleminen auttoi näkemään apinat sellaisina mitä ne ovat: karvattomina aggressiivisina 2-jalkaisina nisäkkäinä. Ervastia ärsytti kun mustakalloa potkiskelevat svedudemokraatit piti vielä izeään humanisteina. Kaikenlaiset "operaatiot" kuten "Pääkallokehrääjä" kuulostaa lapsellisilta, ja onkin sitä. "Unto Remes"kin kuulostaa lapselliselta. Nämä lihavat vaaleanpunaiset nisäkkäät tuottavat testosteronia ja adrenaliinia. Miehet on ihmisiä mut naiset resursseja. Suomen inselit vois laivata Afganistaniin sikäläisten apinoiden peräresurssixi, Unto Remes perämiehenä. Pohjanlahden takana oli Natoon kuuluva Ruåzi. R.I.P. vene oli armeijan suosiossa.
    xxx/ellauri253.html on line 235: Juoxe karkuun suputti Väiski punikkien luoti jalassa. Sinulla on elämä edessä talousliberaalina svedu lahtareissa. Ala mennä! Heikki meni mutta jätti piikkilankaesteeseen kyvyn saada jälkeläisiä. Kas se jatkaa lentoaan! huusi vartija ja osoitti Tornionjoessa räpiköivää Heikkiä. Muttei jatka sukuaan, totesi toinen tyytyväisenä ja näytti piikkilankaan tarttunutta pikku nakkia.
    xxx/ellauri253.html on line 274: Tony oli huomannut pitävänsä Susanista. Tony inhosi tupakoivia naisia vaikka ne haisisivat hajuvedeltä treenattuine vartaloineen tiukoissa farkuissa rinnat kuumottavina. "Yucca"n porukat oli Vimpelin ja Kauhavan seuduilta, mihnei veri eikä pesäpallomaila vapise. Mutta "Yucca"n rakko tyhjenee kun se näkee Jabes Mond -tyyppisen mustan laatikon. Inkooseen tulee norjalainen viherterästehdas jonka tirehtöörin nimi on Wittusen. Ymmärrän että suomalaiset ovat epäileväisiä, sanoo erittäinkin wittumaisen näköinen Wittusen. Inhottava luupää, painu takas tunturiin harrastamaan maastohiihtoa.
    xxx/ellauri253.html on line 320: Ervasti on ollut puoli tuntia jääkylmässä suihkussa. Ihastelee hampaat kalisten keräämään taideaarteita. Yxinkertaisten toritaidetuherrusten aiheina oli luonto, Tavastian seremoniat, talonpojat, Vanajaveden kalastajat räjäytystyön touhussa. Sivummalla oli pienempiä nussitöitä ja pornografiikkaa. Sulassa sovussa Akropolis ja Valhalla, Hegel ja Runeberg, Joukahainen ja Anja Snellman. Ed. vuosisadan vaihteen aktivistien, Konni Zilliacuxen ja Arvid Mörnen tavoiteohjelma. Nämäkin mulla on jo albumissa 57.
    xxx/ellauri253.html on line 541: Mixi Muumipeikko eli Samuli Jalomies veisaa noin vetelästi Titanicin virren Sua kohti herrani ja vielä vika sanoilla? Noin laahaavalla nuotilla se ei edes pääse loppuun ennenkuin laiva uppoaa, virren loput sanat hukkuvat jääveden pulinaan.
    xxx/ellauri255.html on line 94: Rob Attaboy pohjustaa Antony Pyp Pipon haastattelua: The Provisional Government, its effectiveness hampered by a lack of legitimacy, faced a powerful rival in the shape of the socialist-led Petrograd Soviet that ruled the country’s then-capital city (now called St Petersburg). The Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin (note only 2 letters away from Vladimir Putin!) , sought to undermine the Provisional Government, which itself made a series of missteps – notably continued failures in the war against Germany and Austria-Hungary. Capitalising on these weaknesses, the Bolsheviks under Lenin and Leon Trotsky launched a coup d’état, the so-called October Revolution, seizing power with relative ease. Consolidating that power proved far more difficult, as a combination of opponents – ranging from former tsarist generals to other leftwing political groups who distrusted the Bolsheviks – took up arms against them.
    xxx/ellauri255.html on line 111: This was exactly what Lenin and the Bolsheviks needed. The upsurge of chaotic violence was actually bulldozing a way through for the Bolsheviks to seize power, because the liberals were incapable (and actually unwilling) to do anything about it. What Lenin perceived – and he was absolutely right – was that the success of a coup depends on the apathy of the majority, not on how many real supporters you have. Trump and Bolsonaro made the same observation.
    xxx/ellauri255.html on line 134: Antony Pyp Pipo: Their commitment was unclear, and this was always the problem: they couldn’t make up their own minds. In the early part of 1919, US president Woodrow Wilson thought that some form of peace could be achieved in Russia, and suggested a conference to be held in the Princes’ Islands lying in the Sea of Marmara close to Constantinople [now Istanbul]. However, the Whites were so furious at the Reds and what had happened up till then – the murders of the aristocracy, the destruction and so on – that they refused to sit down with the Reds. And Lenin and the Bolsheviks – who at that stage thought that they were going to win the war (as they did) – had no intention of sitting down with them, let alone the motherfucking Anglo Saxons meddling everywhere with just their own "vital interests" in mind.
    xxx/ellauri255.html on line 143: But there were also Italians, there were Serbs, there were Greeks and then the French, who came into Odessa and into the Black Sea region. But this actually proved to be a disaster, because so many of their troops were politicised and were much more sympathetic towards the Bolsheviks than they were towards their own officers. Haha!
    xxx/ellauri255.html on line 149: That matter of internal lines proved incredibly important, especially when it came to the crucial moments. There were times when the Bolsheviks themselves thought that they’d lost the civil war, and were almost preparing to abandon Moscow.
    xxx/ellauri259.html on line 75: Mannerheim testamentissaan Suomen kansalle varoitti meitä sisäisistä erimielisyyksistä, jotka avaavat tien ulkoa tulevalle väkivallalle, Ehrendvärd suomalaiseen purnaushenkeen vedoten varoitti: jälkimaailma, seiso tässä omalla pohjallasi, äläkä luota Naton apuun, idän ja lännen välimaaston kansan ei ole viisasta valita puolia.
    xxx/ellauri259.html on line 227: Yxi hetki rukoilemme jalat ristissä, seuraavalla vedämme rähmällämme wiixeen jotain hoitoa ilman korzua. Maailma on täynnä kurjuutta ja epäoikeudenmukaisuutta; niin nopeasti kuin poistamme joitain, lisää näyttää ryntäävän tilalle. Pyhät kertovat meille, ja me myös tunnemme, että rakastava Jumala toimii tässä luomakunnassa, mutta emme voi sovittaa tätä yhteen sen kanssa, mitä näemme ympärillämme. Tätä monimutkaista tilannetta, jossa olemme, kutsutaan Myrskyluodon Mayaksi.
    xxx/ellauri259.html on line 229: Pääsyy tähän hindulaisuuteen vedantan mukaan on se, että emme todellakaan näe maailmaa kunnolla. Jos näkisimme sen oikein, näkisimme, että se on yksin Jumala edessämme. Sen sijaan asetamme kaiken tämän monimutkaisen maailman tuon jumalallisen todellisuuden päälle.
    xxx/ellauri259.html on line 293: Tuntemukset (tai tunteet, jotka on saatu muodosta) (vedana)
    xxx/ellauri259.html on line 568: For Tara bliver dagene herefter kopier af den dag, den attende november, som hun allerede har lagret i sin erindring. Thomas derimod føler absolut ingen genkendelse. For hende er det gentagelse, når hun ser ham som »en våd skygge ved hegnet«, hvorimod alting for ham er nyt.
    xxx/ellauri259.html on line 570: Hun husker, og han glemmer, hvilket man får sprogligt markeret ved, at hun i sine dagbogsnotater veksler livfuldt mellem præsens og præteritum, hvorimod hans sprog fremstilles som underlig porøst og ligegyldigt, hvortil kommer, at samtalerne mellem dem gives et underligt dødt præg, fordi brug af direkte tale er undladt. De før så nære bliver fjerne, de levende gøres uhyggeligt livløse.
    xxx/ellauri259.html on line 578: Hvordan, spørger Tara sig selv, kan man eller rettere hun, blive så foruroliget over det usandsynlige – når vi nu ved, »at hele vores eksistens hviler på mærkværdigheder og usandsynlige sammentræf«? For det skyldes jo disse mærkværdigheder, at vi overhovedet er her.
    xxx/ellauri259.html on line 582: Sådan spørger Solvej Balles roman, som på én gang betegner en tilbagevenden til alt det største og bedste i hendes æstetiske bestræbelser – og et modigt spring fremad, båret af uendelig taknemmelighed ved det at være til i samme tid som vore medmennesker.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 185: Alan Wilson Watts (6 January 1915 – 16 November 1973) was an English writer, speaker and self-styled "philosophical entertainer", known for interpreting and popularising Japanese, Chinese and Indian traditions of Buddhist, Taoist, and Hindu philosophy for a Western audience. Born in Chislehurst, England, he moved to the United States in 1938 and began Zen training in New York. He received a master´s degree in theology from Seabury-Western Theological Seminary and became an Episcopal priest in 1945. He left the ministry in 1950 and moved to California, where he joined the faculty of the Asian Academy of American Studies.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 220: After a difficult divorce [citation needed], he married King in 1964. The couple divided their time between Sausagito, California, where they lived on a houseboat called the Vallejo, and a secluded cabin in Druid Heights, on the southwest flank of Mount Tamalpais north of San Francisco. King died in 1993.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 227: Burden received only a two-year scholarship offered to women to attend the University of Chicago where she studsed frequently under Thornton Wilder and graduated in 1936. She and her husband David were married from 1940 to 1949. After the dissolution of their marriage, Jean met Alan Watts and they had a "four year, tumultuous love affair". Though ending badly, the union inspired Watts to call Jean in his autobiography (p. 297) an "important influence". Jean used Alan´s calligraphy and a quote from him (有水皆含月 : All the waters contain the moon) in her last major work, Taking Light from Each Other. She called him "one of the most fascinating men I have ever met, except Thornton was Wilder".
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 240: His family lived for a time in China, where his sister Janet was born in 1910. He attended the English China Inland Mission Chefoo School at Yantai but returned with his mother and siblings to California in 1912 because of the unstable political conditions in China at the time. Thornton also attended Creekside Middle School in Berkeley, and graduated from Berkeley High School in 1915. Wilder also studied law for two years before dropping out of Purdue University.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 429: The plot of Hello, Dolly! originated in the 1835 English play A Day Well Spent by John Oxenford, which Johann Nestroy adapted into the farce Einen Jux will er sich machen (He Will Go on a Spree or He'll Have Himself a Good Time) in 1842. Thornton Wilder adapted Nestroy's play into his 1938 farcical play The Merchant of Yonkers. That play was a flop, so he revised it and retitled it as The Matchmaker in 1954, expanding the role of Dolly (played by Ruth Gordon).The Matchmaker became a hit and was much revived and made into a 1958 film starring Shirley Booth.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 454: Judge: A white-whiskered night court judge. Easily moved to tears by romance.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 470: Cricket Walter Kerr wrote: Hello, Dolly! is a musical comedy dream, with Carol Channing the girl of it. ... Channing opens wide her big-as-millstone eyes, spreads her white-gloved arms in ecstatic abandon, trots out on a circular runway that surrounds the orchestra, and proceeds to dance rings around the conductor. ... With hair like orange sea foam, a contralto like a horse´s neighing, and a confidential swagger, she is a musical comedy performer with all the blowzy glamor of the girls on the sheet music of 1916. The lines are not always as funny as Miss Channing makes them.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 586: The 18th- and 19th-century mystic William Blake, in his intricately engraved illuminated books, refused to view the crucifixion of Jesus as a simple bodily death, and, rather, saw in this event a kenosis, a self-emptying of God.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 609: Thomas J. J. Altizer offered a radical theology of the death of God that drew upon William Blake, Hegelian thought and Nietzschean ideas. He conceived of theology as a form of poetry in which the immanence (presence) of God could be encountered in faith communities. Altizer concluded that God
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 610: had incarnated in Christ and imparted his immanent spirit which remained in the world even though Jesus was dead. Unlike Nietzsche, Altizer believed that God truly died. He was considered to be the leading exponent of the Death of God movement. Thornton Wilder´s tennis playing big brother Amos called his approach theopoetics.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 622: Eliade was Saul Bellow's colleague and a pain in the ass in Chicago. He was a leading interpreter of religious experience, who established paradigms in religious studies that persisted to his dying day. His theory that hierophanies form the basis of religion, splitting the human experience of reality into sacred and profane space and time, has proved influential. A hierophany (Mircea's own invention) is a manifestation of the sacred. Eliade argues that religion is based on a sharp distinction between the sacred and the profane. According to Eliade, for traditional man, myths describe "breakthroughs of the sacred (or the 'supernatural') into the World"—that is, hierophanies.
    xxx/ellauri265.html on line 70: An estimated 1.1 million people arrived in Germany from Ukraine in 2022, exceeding the number of arrivals from the Middle East around 2015, Germany’s federal statistical office said on Thursday.
    xxx/ellauri265.html on line 196: Aristokattikin sanoi että ihminen on logoforinen elukka. Elukka pitää salaliittoteorioista, ainakin jos sitä on vedätetty ensin kommunikatiivisella kapitalismilla.
    xxx/ellauri265.html on line 357: Jani Kaaro ei muista Thronhillin ja Palmerin nimiä. Käytä wikipediaa! Behavior resembling rape in humans can be seen in the animal kingdom, including ducks and geese [citation needed], bottlenose dolphins, and chimpanzees. Indeed, in orangutans, close human relatives, such copulations constitute up to half of observed matings. Such 'forced copulations' involve animals being approached and sexually penetrated while struggling or attempting to escape. Observations of forced sex in animals are uncontroversial; controversial are the interpretation of these observations and the extension of theories based on them to humans. Thornhill introduces this theory by describing the sexual behavior of scorpionflies. In which the male may gain sex from the female either by presenting a gift of food during courtship or without a nuptial offering, in which case force is necessary to restrain her.
    xxx/ellauri265.html on line 410: Boghossian said he believed suppressing professors’ ideologies is one of the major problems of academia. When asked about private universities like NYU, he said he was more concerned about public institutions because they receive greater funding from taxpayers.
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 243: It was here where Rowling met her first husband, Portuguese journalist Jorge Arantes. The couple met 18 months after Rowling landed in Porto, where she moved to teach English as a foreign language.
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 245: The couple married on October 16, 1992, but they separated not long after their birth of their daughter, in November 1993, and by December she and Jessica had moved to Edinburgh in Scotland.
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 253: Alone and destitute, Merope sold Slytherin's priceless locket (yes, that one) to Borgin and Burkes for just ten Galleons. It seems that when Merope lost her husband she also lost the will to live. When she arrived heavily pregnant on the steps of the London orphanage where Tom Riddle Jr was to spend his early years, she seemed to know she wasn't going to make it.
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 259: Merope loved her husband very much and wanted him to love her of his own free will. As such, not long after learning about her pregnancy, Merope decided to lift the enchantment. She hoped that once free, Tom would return her affection and be delighted to learn that he was an expecting father. In the event that did not happen, Merope assumed that Tom would do the honorable thing and stay for the sake of his child. This hope however, turned out to be misplaced and forlorn. What exactly happened is not known, but after coming to his senses, Tom Riddle reacted very badly to his situation. It is not known what words were exchanged between husband and wife, but evidently, Merope either told Tom the full story or enough for him to figure out what had happened. Far from being loving or understanding, Tom was justifiably furious at Merope for intervening in and (from his perspective) ruining his life. Merope's world was shattered when Tom Riddle made very clear that:
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 271: Despite Arantes's absence, she never the less passed several of his skills onto her brainchild Voldemort. This included a talent for fiction and the ability to speak Parseltongue. Most importantly, Voldemort had been conceived through a love potion rather than genuine affection, because Joanne lost the ability to feel love for herself. This inability to understand compassion or care for number one was one reason that Joanne cast Voldemort in the role of a mass murderer in her later books (instead of Harry). Another reason might be that the name is almost an anagram of Voldemar Putin.
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 377: Joy Harjo was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on May 9, 1951. Joy Harjo is an enrolled three quarter injun of the Muscogee/Mvskoke (Creek) Nation. From 2019 to 2022, she served as the 23rd Poet Laureate of the United States. Harjo's childhood in Oklahoma contained episodes of violence and conflict. Her Muscogee father suffered from alcoholism. Harjo's parents eventually divorced, but when her Cherokee-European mother married again, Harjo ended up with an abusive Caucasian stepfather.
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 479: Kuten tässä nyt, tässä runossa on nyt siirtymävaihe. Muistin sen synnyttäessäni kesäauringon laskiessa jälkeiset kaupungin sulavalle asfaltille, mutta siinä me olimme, tyttäreni ja minä maailmojen välisellä ovella. Olin onnellisempi kuin koskaan ennen toivottaessani hänet tervetulleeksi, onnellisuus oli polku, jonka hän valitsi, enkä voinut siihen vielä työntyä, en vielä, ja sitten ilmestyi sinisemmän veden allas. Odotimme siellä Suurta henkeä saadaxemme kiinni juonesta, ja sitten se tapahtui, ja hän vei sen tytön, joka oli kaunis kuin delfiiniunelma, mutta me selvisimme, teimme tarpeemme kärsimyksen toiselle puolelle. Tämä on tarina, jonka äitimme squawt kertovat, mutta emme kuulleet sitä Barbie-mainoksilla täytetyillä korvillamme, sillä patriarkaalisten kirjoitusten asettama äitiemme izeinho ja tukahdutussäännöt kesytettyjen orjien tai vaimojen kapinan lopettamiseksi estivät. Se satutti kaikkia. Isät eivät voi tietää, mitä he tuntevat sellaisessa hengellisessä takataskussa.
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 503: Born in 1956, David Sedaris spent his childhood in New York and North Carolina. He was the second of six children born to Sharon and Lou Sedaris, IBM engineers who eventually moved the family to Raleigh, North Carolina. Sedaris graduated from Sanderson High School in Raleigh, where he performed in plays and wrestled with the realization he was gay. After moving to New York City in the fall of 1991, Sedaris found jobs as a housecleaner and department store elf to support his writing.
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 548: It’s believed Wiesenthal also played a role in hunting down notorious SS leader Adolf Eichmann, who had organized the extermination of the Jews. Wiesenthal received information that Eichmann had been hiding out in Argentina and passed the information on to Israel, according to his center’s website.
    xxx/ellauri273.html on line 63: Guatemala was part of the Captaincy General of Guatemala for nearly 330 years. This captaincy included what is now Chiapas in Mexico and the modern countries of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. The colony became independent in 1821 and then became a part of the First Mexican Empire until 1823. From 1824 it was a part of the Federal Republic of Central America. When the Republic dissolved in 1841, Guatemala became fully independent of all but United Fruit Company.
    xxx/ellauri273.html on line 75: By 1850 the natives occupied two distinct regions in the southeast and they were inspired to continue the struggle by the apparition of the "Talking Cross". This apparition, believed to be a way in which God communicated with the Maya, dictated that the War continue. Chan Santa Cruz, or Small Holy Cross became the religious and political center of the Maya resistance and the rebellion came to be infused with religious significance. Chan Santa Cruz also became the name of the largest of the independent Maya states, as well as the name of the capital city which is now the city of Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Quintana Roo. The followers of the Cross were known as the "Cruzob".
    xxx/ellauri273.html on line 84: The Concordat of 1854 was an international treaty between Porsche Carrera and the Holy See, signed in 1852 and ratified by both parties in 1854. Through this, Guatemala gave the education of Guatemalan people to regular orders of the Catholic Church, committed to respect ecclesiastical property and monasteries, imposed mandatory tithing and allowed the bishops to censor what was published in the country; in return, Guatemala received dispensations for the members of the army, allowed those who had acquired the properties that the liberals had expropriated from the Church in 1829 to keep those properties, received the taxes generated by the properties of the Church, and had the right to judge certain crimes committed by clergy under Guatemalan law
    xxx/ellauri273.html on line 92: On the other hand, Ubico was an efficient administrator: His new decrees, although unfair to the majority of the indigenous population, proved good for the Guatemalan economy during the Great Depression era, as they increased coffee production across the country. He cut the bureaucrats' salaries by almost half, forcing inflation to recede. He kept the peace and order in Guatemala City, by effectively fighting its crime. He kept the trains on schedule.
    xxx/ellauri273.html on line 188: 1.Suojelee uskonnonvapautta, sananvapautta, lehdistönvapautta, kokoontumisvapautta ja oikeutta vedota hallitukselle. 15. joulukuuta 1791
    xxx/ellauri280.html on line 58: - Niin, tämähän on tyypillinen massasulkuase eli lukkorekyyliase, totesi Stalin ja vihelsi pari kertaa. Heh, tsuhna on ruuvannut lukonkehyxeen piipun. Tässä melko painava sylinterin muotoinen lukko liikkuu lukonkehyxessä, joopa-joo! Ahaa, lukon takana on palautinjousi ja liipasinkoneisto ja viritystanko, jolla lukko vedetään taka-asentoon liipasinkynnyxen taa. Ja piipun ympärillä on vaippa ...
    xxx/ellauri280.html on line 145: 4 päivää sitten JERUSALEM, March 21 (Reuters) - Israeli parliament on Tuesday paved the way for Jewish settlers' return to four settlements in the occupied West Bank by amending a 2005 law that ordered their...

    xxx/ellauri280.html on line 387: Ei helvetti, kun tota 2000-luvun "Harjunpäätä" kazoo pitemmälle, näkee miten vanhan Harjunpään pehmee koira-klischeet menee siinä täysin turvalleen. Kaikki 2000-luvun ihmiset on 100-prosenttisia ihmishirviöitä! Karseita robotteja, kalseita autistisia psykopaatteja, kyrvänpäitä joiden sydämet on oikealla paikalla ja mustia kuin Samlagspartietin plakaateissa. Alkaako tollasta täälläkin jo olla, samanlaista klaanimeininkiä kuin sveduissa, eikä Natoon liittyminen auta siinä vähääkään, päinvastoin. Saatana lopettaisivat tälläsen paskan filmaamisen, haluaako ne oikein kädestä pitäen näyttää neuvottomille nuorukaisille ja neitosille miten nää kaikki paska huume-väkivaltahommat oikein hoidetaan? Ei jaxa kazoa yhtään enempää. Se loppu tähän nyt. Salihousuiset pollarit saa mennä samaan silppuriin kuin niiden paimentamat pahixet. Vittuako joku jeppe "nappaa" kätkyestä pikku vainajan omin nokkineen odottelematta edes "sossuja", lääkäristä puhumattakaan? Jo on outo meininki. Musta enkeli vei päivänsankarin. Kuka käski toisten päälle heittää kylmää mehua.
    xxx/ellauri280.html on line 441: Nyamwesit ovat itä-Afrikan länkkäreitä, niitä ei kiinosta mikään muu kuin raha. German colonialists controlling Tanzania from the late 19th century (calling it German East Africa), found the Nyamwezi heavily involved in trade relations with the Arabs and the island of Zanzibar, dominating as traders and porters since 1850.
    xxx/ellauri280.html on line 443: Sakut pani turpaan nyamwesien päällikölle Isikelle 1800-luvun lopulla. Se räjäytti izensä kuin Aziz the combat fighter. After the Germans were removed from Tabora during World War I, the British took over in 1919 and ruled until the Tanzanian independence of 1961.
    xxx/ellauri281.html on line 185: Samuel A. Flewelling, Manu Sharma. Hydraulisen murtumisnesteen ja suolaveden ylöspäin suuntautuvan siirtymisen rajoitukset // Pohjavesi. Osa 52, numero 1. tammi/helmikuu 2014. Sivut 9–19. DOI: 10.1111/gwat.12095
    xxx/ellauri281.html on line 189: Warner, NR, RB Jackson, TH Darrah, SG Osborn, A. Down, K. Zhao, A. White ja A. Vengosh. 2012. Geokemialliset todisteet Marcellus Formationin suolaveden mahdollisesta luonnollisesta siirtymisestä matalille pohjavesikerroille Pennsylvaniassa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 109, no. 30: 11961–11966.
    xxx/ellauri281.html on line 261: Tän niminen muka ruåzinsuomalainen spuge puumanainen esiintyy Kerstin Ekmanin whodunitissa Tapahtui veden äärellä. Siitä on nyt tehty teeveesarja, jossa joku nenäkkään Olli Suomisen lapsenlapsista pelaa tätä spugeroolia. Vizi en todellakaan pidä sveduista. Enkä kyllä norjalaisistakaan. Happolati nimi on nazi-Hamsunin typerästä kirjasta Sult, jonka ostin Tromssasta.
    xxx/ellauri281.html on line 263: Happolati tok over det flotte lokale til Ylajali i 2016, navnet er hentet fra Knut Hamsunds roman "SULT". Romanens navnløse hovedperson forelsket seg i en vakker kvinne, Ylajali, som bodde nettopp her på St. olavs plass. hennes far het J. A Happolati.
    xxx/ellauri281.html on line 268: "Happolati" ei siis *todellakaan* ole suomea. Ei sinne päinkään svedupetterit!
    xxx/ellauri281.html on line 490: In 1938, Miller received his bachelor´s degree in English. He married his college sweetheart, Mary Slattery, in 1940. They had two children, Jane and Robert. Miller was exempted from military service during World War II because of an old football injury. Näitä potkupallovammasia elämäntaiteilijoita on muitakin, esim Ploiri ja sen elämäkerturi Jari Tervo.
    xxx/ellauri281.html on line 495: Miller briefly lived in the same Brooklyn brownstone as the young Norman Mailer. (Mailer would later say: “I know he was thinking what I was, which was, ‘That other guy is never going to amount to anything.’ ”)
    xxx/ellauri281.html on line 521: Monroe was rebounding from her unhappy nine-month marriage to DiMaggio. Miller was preparing to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee, and his own marriage had long been troubled. As the demonically quotable Kazan had earlier put it: “He was starved for sexual relief.”
    xxx/ellauri281.html on line 525: The occasion was a Hollywood party in Miller’s honor. A married father of two, he was dazzled by the erotic scenery. Women were clearly on offer to him. He had, he would write, “never before seen sex treated so casually as a reward of success.” When Monroe arrived, she was “almost ludicrously provocative,” he wrote, squeezed into a dress that was “blatantly tight, declaring rather than insinuating that she had brought her body along and that it was the best one in the room.” The director Elia Kazan caught “the lovely light of lechery” in Miller’s eyes.
    xxx/ellauri281.html on line 535: The long, strange, elegiac ballad of Arthur Miller and Marilyn Monroe — one that would end for her in miscarriages, bottles of pills and increasingly erratic behavior, and for him in a long gap in his theater career — takes up only a few chapters of “Arthur Miller: 1915-1962,” Christopher Bigsby’s sober and meteor-size new biography. But they are crucial chapters. The book moves inexorably toward Monroe’s appearance; her magnetism sucks everything rapidly toward it. Miller’s long life (1915-2005) can be cleaved neatly into B.M. and A.M. — before Marilyn and after.
    xxx/ellauri281.html on line 646: Most of al-Hamdānī’s life was spent in Arabia itself. He was widely educated, and he traveled extensively, acquiring a broad knowledge of his country. He became involved in a number of political controversies. When he was imprisoned for one of them, his influence was sufficient to invoke a tribal rebellion in his behalf to secure his release.
    xxx/ellauri281.html on line 724: John Train, Paris Review Co-Founder and Cold War Operative, sentään kuoli 94-vuotiaana 2022, onnexi. His career, ranging from literature to finance to war, and from France to Afghanistan, seemed to cover every interest and issue of his exalted social class. Yet he was also an operator in high finance and world affairs who, by one researcher’s account, had ties to U.S. secret services. Mr. Train founded and ran a leading financial firm devoted to preserving the money of rich families, and he worked to support the mujahedeen in their fight against the Soviet Union in the 1980s. The Guardian reported that Train, Smith had $375 million under management in 1984. In 1986, Fortune magazine wrote that Mr. Train’s firm “claims to be the largest in New York serving rich families.” Mr. Train’s books on investing were praised as riveting in The New York Times and “classic” in The Wall Street Journal. Among them were several about successful financiers, whom he referred to as “money masters,” and their techniques. He treated his political interests less jokingly. A committed cold warrior, he wrote for The Wall Street Journal about military affairs. He became concerned that the conspiracy-monger Lyndon LaRouche was a “possible Soviet agent.” (Lyndon began in far-left politics but in the 1970s moved to the far right and antisemitism.)
    xxx/ellauri281.html on line 739: For his evidence, Michels focused on the politics of the democratic and socialist parties in Europe, including the British; and on the administrative bureaucracies of those states. He ignored commercial corporations except for those in the U.S.; there he observed “the existence of an aristocracy of millionaires, railway kings, oil kings, cattle kings, etc., is now indisputable.” For Michels, aristocracy was synonymous with oligarchy.
    xxx/ellauri281.html on line 806: Lähes 200 vuotta vanha Haapaveden puukirkko paloi. Porin Puuvillan kutomo paloi.
    xxx/ellauri286.html on line 196: Albanialainen runoilija Albana Shala on todennut, että “ottaa aikansa oppia etsimään tietoa, jos on elänyt diktatuurissa”. Myös arkistotietoa oli tuolloin jo riittävästi saatavilla, lähdeaineistoa johon vedota.
    xxx/ellauri286.html on line 401: “Elefantilla ei ole siipiä – ookoo. Se ei voi uida vedessä – ookoo.(Paizi pitäväthän ne vedestä, kz kuva!) Mutta kumpikaan näistä määreistä ei kerro sitä, mikä elefantti on! Se on iso paxunahkainen maanisäkäs jolla on lepsut korvat, kärsä, pitkät hampaat ja iso kengännumero.“
    xxx/ellauri287.html on line 131: Paavali ryhtyi telttojen tekoon tässä kaupungissa työtovereidensa Aquilan ja Priscillan kanssa valmistaen todennäköisesti tilapäisiä asuja Isthmian kisojen vierailijoille. Paavalin vuorovaikutus korintialaisten uskovien kanssa oli laajaa, sisältäen neljä kirjettä (joista kaksi on Uudessa testamentissa) ja kolme käyntiä. Seiso bema-istuimella, jossa Paavali joutui oikeudenkäyntiin ennen Gallioa (Apostolien teot 18). Katso Apollon temppeli, jossa myytiin epäjumalille uhrattua lihaa (1. Korinttolaisille 8). Kiipeä Akrokorintiin, jossa sijaitsi muinainen Afroditen temppeli ( 1. Kor. 6). Päätä päivä vierailulla Cenchreaan, satamakaupungin vedenalainen arkeologinen alue, josta Phoebe purjehti kädessään kirje roomalaisille (Room. 16).
    xxx/ellauri287.html on line 425: Ramsay tuki Industrial and Engineering Trust Ltd:tä, yritystä, joka väitti pystyvänsä louhimaan kultaa merivedestä vuonna 1905. Se osti kiinteistön Englannin rannikolta aloittaakseen salaisen prosessinsa. Yritys ei koskaan tuottanut kultaa.
    xxx/ellauri287.html on line 566: Valokuvia ovat: luolat ja rauniot, portin silta (Qasr el Heir), Palmyra (Syyria), Selucas (seinämuuri, jossa St. Paul purjehti), raunioiden vartija St. Simonissa (Kalat Siman), Syyria), arabikahvila, freskoja Kasr Amrassa (Jordania), Eric Matson valokuvaamassa reiän sisällä, arabimiehet ulkokahvilassa, naiset merenrantakaivossa lähellä Tripolia (Libanon), katedraalin rauniot Rusafassa (Syyria), ristiretkeläisten linna Margabissa (Syyria), Brittiläinen tykki Merkabissa, veneitä laiturissa, naiset leipomassa leipää; Kalat Simanin ja Krak de Chevaliersin rauniot Syyriassa (vallihauta, akvedukti, lounaiskulman tornit ja kirjoitus, keskuspiha ja kuninkaan torni sekä eteläisen neliön torni ja kirjoitus), Selucas (leikkaus ja tunneli) ja palmuja Jenin, Länsiranta. (s. 11-23)
    xxx/ellauri289.html on line 82: KYSYMYS POHDITTAVAXI: Miten Jumala tekee maailmasta paremman paikan? Tappaako se Putinin ja heittää gehennaan? Tuleeko Ukrainasta NATOn 32. jäsen ja Venäjästä osa USA:ta? Vai mitenkä? Jumalan suunnitelmat ovat suuret ja tuntemattomat. Mutta siitä saamme olla varmoja että kaikki menee parhain päin. Paizi niiden kannalta jotka eivät tottele, ja singotaan Putinin ja Medvedejevin perässä huut helkkariin 2x4 kyynärän koloihin.
    xxx/ellauri291.html on line 123: Hautajaiset järjestettiin 1. marraskuuta, ja yleisö kutsuttiin muistotilaisuuteen Hall of Libertyssä Forest Lawn Memorial Parkissa Hollywood Hillsissä. Se oli maallinen palvelu; Roddenberry oli haudattu ennen tapahtumaa. Yli 300 Star Trek -fania osallistui ja seisoi salin parvekkeella, kun kutsuvieraat olivat lattiatasolla. Nichelle Nichols lauloi kahdesti seremonian aikana ensin "Yesterday" ja sitten vielä itse kirjoittamansa kappaleen nimeltä "Gene". Barrett oli pyytänyt molemmat tai siis kaikki 3 kappalta. Useat ihmiset puhuivat laulun ajan muistomerkillä, mukaan lukien Ray Bradbury, Whoopi Goldberg, Christopher Knopf, Alfred E. ("What! Me Worry?") Neuman, ja Patrick Stewart. Seremonian päätti kaksi kilttipiippua soittamassa " Amazing Gracea", kun Roddenberryn nauhoitettu viimeinen viesti ("En saa vedetyxi henkeä!") lähetettiin blogosfääriin. Neljän koneen ohilento, kadonneen miehen muodostelmassa, seurasi, ja päättyi noin 30 minuuttia myöhemmin melkoisen rysähdyxeen. Hänen kuolemansa jälkeen Star Trek: The Next Generation esitti viidennen tuotantokauden kaksiosaisen jakson nimeltä "Graph Unification ", joka sisälsi omistuksen Roddenberrylle.
    xxx/ellauri291.html on line 365: VLADIMIR PUTIN JA HÄNEN MINIONIT ONNISTUVAT JAKAMISESSA JA VALTIMISESSA LEVITTÄMÄLLÄ kauhutarinoita. On korkea aika purkaa Kremlin muinaisia ​​propagandatekniikoita, joita Venäjän hallinto jakaa Donald Trumpin kaltaisten oikeistopopulistien kanssa. Paljon on vaakalaudalla. Torsten Fagerholm haukottelee, jälleen kerran hän uhkaa ydintuomiolla. "Hän" on tässä tapauksessa aiemmin oletettu liberaali Dimitrij Medvedev, teknokraattinen ja vauvakasvo, josta tuli Putinin istuimenlämmitin presidenttikaudella - nyt turvallisuusneuvoston varapuheenjohtaja ja Kremlin sodanlietsoja numero yksi. Eikö näissä näytelmissä ole inflaatiota, eikö lähettäjä menetä uskottavuutensa jatkuvasti nostamalla äänenvoimakkuutta maksimiin? Ei – tämä ei niin hienovarainen propagandatekniikka toimii, koska se auttaa tekijää säilyttämään aloitteen.
    xxx/ellauri291.html on line 584: Puolet kuoli nälkään Turnbullin oleskeluaikana. Työkuntoiset eivät antaneet muille ruokaa. Vanhukset kuolevat kuitenkin. Lapset jätettiin heitteille imetysajan jälkeen. Lapsia saa uusia jos tarvitsee. Eloon jääneet kulkivat laumoissa ja tappelivat paviaanien kanssa ja keskenään hedelmistä sekä jätteistä. Hallitus järjesti ruoka-apua mutta ikien luo ei päässyt autoilla. Jakelupisteeseen jaksoivat vain hyväkuntoiset, jotka pitivät saamansa itse ja avun turvin luopuivat siitä vähästäkin maanviljelystä minkä olivat panneet alulle. Samanlaista kill on sight talonpojan tappolinjaa vedettiin Etelä-Amerikan piranjojen keskuudessa loppumetreillä valkoisten tuhottua niiden mezästäjä-keräilijäkulttuurin.
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 47: In Rahab, Woman of Jericho, readers discover a Rahab who is a descendent of the tribe of Ephraim, one of the ten lost tribes of Israel. Her clan left Egypt and settled in Canaan before the Hebrews were enslaved. Although they did not wander in the desert with Moses for forty years, nor did they hear the laws that the Lord gave to His people, they still worshipped the one true God, though without the fringes.
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 77: Tekla vietiin alastomana (mmmm...) teloituspaikalle, ja nuoret miehet ja naiset keräsivät jo puita roviota varten. Silloin Tekla näki Vapahtajan, joka ilmestyi hänelle Paavalin hahmossa. Häntä katsoessaan Tekla täyttyi jumalallisella voimalla. Aseistaen itsensä ristinmerkillä Tekla nousi roviolle. Liekit syttyivät, mutta ne eivät tarttuneet häneen. Teklan rakkauden liikuttamana Jumala lähetti rankan sadekuuron, joka sammutti liekit ja saattoi koko amfiteatterin veden valtaan.
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 87: Areenalla Tekla sidottiin kiinni raivokkaaseen naarasleijonaan, joka kuitenkin vain nuoli hänen jalkojaan kuin jäzkitöttöröä. Kansa alkoi vähän pitää Teklan tuomitsemista vääryytenä. Seuraavana päivänä Teklan kimppuun laskettiin joukko muita pedoja, mutta hän oli yhä naarasleijonan suojeluksessa ja pedot alkoivat nahistella keskenään. Kun Tekla näki vedellä täytetyn syvän kaivannon, jossa oli meripedoja odottamassa seuraavaa vuoroa, hänet valtasi halu saada kaste vielä ennen kuolemaansa. Hän huudahti: ”Nyt on aika ottaa uudestisyntymisen peso!” ja heittäytyi veteen lausuen: ”Jeesuksen Kristuksen nimessä minä kastan itseni näin selfienä viimeisenä päivänäni.” Väkijoukkoa puistatti pelkkä ajatus siitä, että kaunotar joutuisi pedojen raatelemaksi, mutta samalla hetkellä kun Tekla sukelsi veteen, salama iski pedoihin, jotka nousivat kuolleina pintaan, ja tulinen pilvi peitti Kristuksen morsiamen niin ettei kukaan nähnyt sen pehkoa.
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 113: Tekle Haymanot is frequently represented as an old man with wings on his back and only one leg visible. There are a number of explanations for this popular image. C.F. Beckingham and G.W.B. Huntingford recount one story, that the saint "having stood too long for about 34 years, one of his legs broke or cut while Satan was attempting to stop his prayers, whereupon he stood on one foot for 7 years." Paul B. Henze describes his missing leg as appearing as a "severed leg... in the lower left corner discreetly wrapped in a cloth." The traveller Thomas Pakenham learned from the Prior of Debre Damo how Tekle Haymanot received his wings:
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 164: Pienkone putoaa keskelle Kanadan erämaata, ja ainoa eloonjäänyt, kylmä kala mexicaano epäuskottava "lakinainen" Liv kamppailee elämästä ja kuolemasta sekä luonnonvoimia että sisäisiä riivaajiaan vastaan (äiti, isä, poikaystävä, masuasukki). Karhu syö kuntopatukan ja paskantaa käärepapereille. Juuri sama huippuhauska vinjetti on nähty jossain muussakin jenkkiluontoretkileffassa. Mixi karhut mölisevät suotta näissä episodeissa? Mixi karhu pakenee kun porsliinipillu huutaa sille FUCK OFF vedestä? Mixi karhukin syö mieluummin einespatukkaa kuin huumediilerin raatoa? Siinähän olisi tytöllekin muonaa viikkokausixi. Vittuako se keittää vuoristovesiä? Pesee mezämarjoja? Ei tunne mustikkaa? Eikö se ole koskaan nähnyt patalappua? Helvetti mikä ääliö. Eipä paljon empatiaa luontokappaleille... Tyypillistä jenkkiseppoilua. Pelkkiä ikäviä luonnosta vieraantuneita tyyppejä ja tylyjä kilpailusentimenttejä, joko taas, no takuulla.
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 186: Seuraavana päivänä Tekla sidottiin raivokkaaseen leijonaan ja kulki kaupungin läpi. Vaikka jotkut tuomitsivat hänet pyhäinhäväisyydestä, toiset naiset kaupungissa protestoivat hänen tuomionsa epäoikeudenmukaisuutta vastaan. Silti Tekla riisuttiin (taas!) alasti ja heitettiin areenalle, jossa leijona suojeli häntä karhulta joka kuoli tappaessaan Aleksanterille kuuluneen leijonan. Uskoen, että päivä areenalla olisi hänen viimeinen tilaisuutensa kastaa itsensä, Thecla hyppäsi nakupellenä vesialtaaseen, joka sisälsi raatelevia hylkeitä (tai merivasikoita, joissakin versioissa tarinasta). Tapahtui ihme, ja kaikki hylkeet tappoi salama ennen kuin he ehtivät syödä sen. Lisää ihmeitä tapahtui Theclan oikeudenkäynnin aikana, kun areenalla olevien naisten hajuvedet hypnotisoivat pedot, jotta ne eivät vahingoittaisi Teklaa, ja kun tuli säästi hänet raivoavista häristä (sonneista?). Thecla vapautettiin, kun kuningatar Tryphaena pyörtyi ja Aleksanteri anoi kuvernööriltä armoa uskoen, että kuningatar oli kuollut. Kuvernööri kuuli Teklan puhuvan kristitystä Jumalasta, käski hänet suihkuun ja pukeutumaan ja päästi hänet kaupungin iloisten naisten luo.
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 275: Akkokin oli joskus Antiokia, muttei se oikea, olipahan vaan Akka, Akko eli Acre. Akkoinsaari oli saari Suvasvedessä Leppävirralla, jossa meillä oli mökki jossa John pelkäsi apilaisia. Ja ukkosta, isän piti laittaa perse äkkiä polkupyörän pieneen tuoliin ja jatkaa polkemista. Siellä oli paljon mansikoita ja mesimarjoja. Talon pihalla lojui koirien puoliksi kaluama lehmänsorkka. Kyläkaupassa ei ollut mitään vihannexia.
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 519: Kun vielä tammet ja jalavat puhuvat artikuloidulla ja naisellisella äänellä ja jalustat liikkuvat omasta tahdostaan ja kupariset tarjoilijat palvelevat pöydässä ja purkit täyttyvät suihkusta ja tuulesta, ja sandarakin vedestä ja kaikesta muusta, niin eiköhän heppu ole selkeesti koppikunnossa.
    xxx/ellauri293.html on line 67: Lienöökö sattuma että Pave suosi paikkoja joissa oli mahtavia porttoloita tarjolla, kuten Antiokia, Pafos, Korintti ja Rooma. Antiokiassa oli Dafnen huvipuisto. Dafne oli mehukas vedenneito eli najadi, josta oli paljon pornokuvia ja kaskuja. Se lepäili vedenneitotalossa sellaisella hyllyllä ja heittämällä maaliin pallolla se putosi uimasammioon kirkaisten sievästi.
    xxx/ellauri293.html on line 277:
    Aivan karseeta luottokostopaskaa Sefanjalta sveduhomotenorilla luettuna ja sarjakuvitettuna. Puhdasta liskoaivopuuroa. Käsittämätöntä että tällänen huuhaa on voinut ja voi vieläkin johkin persulaahuxeen ylipäänsä tehota.

    xxx/ellauri293.html on line 324: Abortti ei siis tule kysymykseen millään ehdolla. Älä vedä käteen äläkä kättäsi pois pojastasi tai tyttärestäsi ennenaikaisesti vaan opeta heille nuoruudesta lähtien Herran pelko.
    xxx/ellauri293.html on line 393: Hävittyään kani/ankka vedon Tahvon on pakko käyttää solmiota, jossa on ankkakuvio (lempinimi "Ankkasolmio"), Kesä kuluu Retun, Tahvon ja Robinin kanssa nauttien nykyisistä suhteistaan; kaikki kanit kuitenkin eroavat myöhemmin ankkakumppaneistaan. Victoria eroaa Retun kanssa tämän ystävyyden vuoksi Robinin kanssa, Tahvo ja Quinn eroavat, koska he eivät pysty luottamaan toisiinsa, ja Robin eroaa Nickin kanssa ymmärtäessään kypsymättömyytensä. Sarjan finaalissa paljastetaan, että kolmen vuoden avioliiton jälkeen Tahvo ja Robin päättivät erota.
    xxx/ellauri293.html on line 651: Venäläiset firmat pystyttävät länkkäreiden merkkituotteille jäljitelmiä, mutta ryssän-Ikea ei tyydytä vaativaista ostajaa: paskahuonekalut ja astiat on liian kalliita, eikä niissä lue näyttävästi svedukielellä IKEA. ИКЭА ei näytä läheskään yhtä trendikkäältä.
    xxx/ellauri295.html on line 44: Aamuvirzan katkeileva vana vessanpöntön päilyvään vedenpintaan sanoi ihan Amin äänellä "Vasadu?"
    xxx/ellauri295.html on line 118: Kun kaksi vuotta oli kulunut, Felixin seuraajaksi tuli porsas Festivo, mutta koska Felix halusi tehdä palveluksen juutalaisille, hän jätti Pollen vankilaan. "Vetoan keisariin!" intti Paulus. Festivo keskusteli neuvonantajiensa kanssa ja vastasi sitten: ”Hienoa! Olet vedonnut keisariin, ja keisariin sinä menet!"
    xxx/ellauri295.html on line 140: Agrippa sanoi Festukselle: "Hänet olisi voitu vapauttaa, jos hän ei olisi vedonnut keisariin."
    xxx/ellauri295.html on line 362: (Äänettomyys. Se on aivan seko, svedut tuumivat.)
    xxx/ellauri295.html on line 403: Andersson växte upp under knappa förhållanden i byn Skattlösberg där fadern, folkskolläraren Adolf Andersson (1854−1931), och hans fru Augusta Scherp (1862-1939), tidigare lärarinna, arbetade i skolhuset. Byn ligger i de så kallade finnmarkerna i södra Dalarna, dit svedjefinnar flyttade för att bryta bygd. Dan Andersson hade på faderns sida anor från dessa finska nybyggare, så även på moderns.
    xxx/ellauri295.html on line 556: Aramea oli satojen vuosien ajan juutalaisten yhteisöjen arkikieli; tämä kansankielinen käännös mahdollisti Raamatun tekstien laajamittaisen opettamisen ja keskustelun niistä. The noun "Targum" is derived from the early semitic quadriliteral root trgm, and the Akkadian term targum-manu refers to "translator, interpreter".
    xxx/ellauri295.html on line 592: Halakha (/hɑːˈlɔːxə/; Hebrew: הֲלָכָה hălāḵā, Sephardic: [halaˈχa]), also transliterated as halacha, halakhah, and halocho (Ashkenazic: [haˈlɔχɔ]), is the collective body of Jewish religious laws that are derived from the written and Oral Torah. Literally it means "Way to go", viz. THE way, josta on Paavalinkin kohdalla peistä taitettu, että mikähän se lopultakin on, kelpaako dao de jing. Judo nyt ei ainakaan. I toe the line, lupaa Johnny Cash.
    xxx/ellauri295.html on line 598: The Gemara (also transliterated Gemarah, or in Yiddish Gemore) is an essential component of the Talmud, comprising a collection of rabbinical analyses and commentaries on the Mishnah and presented in 63 books. The term is derived from the Aramaic word גמרא‎ and rooted in the Semitic word ג-מ-ר (gamar), which means "to finish" or "complete".
    xxx/ellauri295.html on line 665: Vizi pennyfuckerithan kylmän rauhalliseseti osti izensä ulos! Vasta tuliaseiden ansiosta sodasta ja rauhasta tuli lyhyexi aikaa yhteensopimattomat. No nythän ne soppii yhteen taas. Toisella kädellä kiristetään toiselle osapuolelle talouspakotteita ja toisella ojennetaan toiselle asetukea. Annetaan hölmöjen tapattaa izensä ja toisensa ja vedetään voitot välistä.
    xxx/ellauri295.html on line 694: In 1979, along with Mervyn Stockwood, the Bishop of Southwark, Muggeridge appeared on the chat show Friday Night, Saturday Morning to discuss the film Life of Brian with Monty Python members John Cleese and Michael Palin. Although the Python members gave reasons that they believed the film to be neither anti-Christian nor mocking the person of Jesus, both Muggeridge and the bishop insisted that they were being disingenuous and that the film was anti-Christian and blasphemous. Muggeridge further declared their film to be "buffoonery", "tenth-rate", "this miserable little film" and "this little squalid number".
    xxx/ellauri295.html on line 696: In 1982, at 79, Muggeridge was received into the Catholic Church after he had rejected Anglicanism, like his wife, Kitty. This was largely under the influence of Mother Teresa about whom he had written a book, Something Beautiful for God, setting out and interpreting her life.
    xxx/ellauri296.html on line 144: Ensimmäisen temppelin tuhoaminen 587 eKr (fig. 1) oli juutalaisen historian vedenjakaja. Puutteistaan huolimatta juutalainen kansa otti tuhon oppitunnit sydämeensä ja rakensi elämänsä uudelleen fyysisest ja henkisest.Tosiasiat tuhosta ovat riittävän yksinkertaisia. Profeetta Jeremia oli varoittanut tulevasta tuomiosta vuosia. Kirjoittanut Baruk haamukirjoiitajana jeremiadin nimeltä "Eikä!". Juudea eli väärän turvallisuuden tunteen kanssa. Heistä jotenkin tuntui, että he voisivat kapinoida Babylonin valtaa vastaan ja tukea kapinaa. He pettivät itseään Egyptin suojelevan heitä luullen, että heidän eteläinen naapurinsa haluaisi mieluummin kohdata Babylonin Jerusalemista pohjoiseen, mieluummin kuin taisteli heitä omilla rajoillaan. Egypti ei kuitenkaan ollut halukas vuodattamaan pisaraa egyptiläistä verta Juudean puolesta.Toinen harha oli, että babylonialaiset jotenkin unohtaisivat heidät. Babylonin kuningas ei kuitenkaan aikonut päästää Juudeaa luisumaan kiertoradalta. Hän tuli koko armeijansa kanssa tukahduttamaan kapinan – ja hän tuli julmuudella, kostolla ja lopullisuudella. Hän ei vain halunnut opettaa juutalaisille oppituntia, vaan myös tyrmätä kenenkään muun mielen, että voisit jotenkin ylittää Babylonian valtakunnan ja joutua kärsimättä seurauksista. Nebukadnessar tuli pohjoisesta ja tunkeutui Juudean esikaupunkiin. Kesän alkuun mennessä hänen armeijansa oli leiriytynyt Jerusalemin ympärille. Hän katkaisi kaupungin ja kiristi järjestelmällisesti silmukkaa Jerusalemin ympärillä. Tammus-kuun yhdeksäntenä päivänä kaupungin muurit murtuivat ja Babylonian armeija tulvi läpi.Kuukaudessa he olivat tuhonneet kaikki Juudean vastarinnan taskut. Kymmeniä tuhansia kuoli piirityksessä, joka aiheutti nälän ja ruton ja sitten miekan ja tulen. Ne, jotka pystyivät siihen, pakenivat. Babylonialaiset olivat kuitenkin ennakoineet sen ja paimentaneet pakenevia jättiläisorjaleireille, joista heidät (no, osa heistä) kuljetettiin pakkosiirtolaisuuteen Irakiin.
    xxx/ellauri296.html on line 301:
    Joanna Angel is believed to be the first porn star to enter the industry after living in an Orthodox home. Ei sentään blondaa tukkaansa kuten nuo toiset haahkat. Joanna (1,5 m) on täynnä Superman Tattoo siirtokuvia. Sen puoliso on Small Hands (175 sm).

    xxx/ellauri296.html on line 304:
    George Lucas who was born in Russia and has lived in New York and Israel — has been one of the more successful Jews in the industry, as both a gay pornographic actor and an entrepreneur. He is fiercely pro-Israel and pro-gay rights, and in 2009 his film Men of Israel was the first adult movie to feature only gay Jewish actors.

    xxx/ellauri296.html on line 310:
    Seemore Butts or Adam Glasser, take your pick – was born in the Bronx to Jewish parents, whom he has said were involved in the “shmattah business.” Talk about rags to riches! Seemore Butt's net worth 2022 was between $501.1K - $1.8M. Not penniless nor worthless, nossir. His mother Lila has also been involved with the production and distribution of some of his films.

    xxx/ellauri296.html on line 503: 1990-luvulla aloitettiin keskimäärin viisi paperia vuodessa. Useat näistä julkaisuista on sittemmin suljettu - vedoten ongelmiin, jotka vaihtelevat myyjien vaihtumisesta tai vastuuttomuudesta sotkuiseen, jopa hävyttömään sisältöön, joka sai potentiaaliset ostajat riehaantumaan. Nykyään lehtiä on 47 kaupungissa ympäri Amerikkaa.
    xxx/ellauri296.html on line 585: Eila Kivikk´aho väpisi: Väpäjävä vedenkalvo, vipajava kuva kuun Älä kazo älä valvo, nuku tuoxuun tuomipuun. Patti osasi sen verran ulkoa.
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 204: to work without my identification tag today. I was relieved, but not entirely. In
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 252: so did we, the doctor Tries to reassure the bereaved woman So abruptly torn from
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 267: double recognition it offered, not only the bereaved parents, but also - and on
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 268: particular - themselves. Honor where honor is due. I speculate that the physicians directly involved with
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 293: Prayer.’ It is particularly gooey, which is why I saved it last.
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 501: Tätä kirjaa Patti kadehtii. Patin saavutettuja etuja oli saada joskus nimi lehteen. Moni tervehtii kadulla. Jo on etuja. Kommunisti ei saavutetuista eduista voi luopua. Nevvostoliiton arvo Patille on viholliskuva. Se piristää, panee yrittämään kovemmin. Läski ihrratynnörri, miespiika, hiihtelee huoneiden ja puistonpenkin väliä, ajattelee passiivis-aggressiivisia misogyynisiä ajatuxia. Millä kuoleman voi voittaa ellei sodalla? Jähmetin izeni kun äiti kosketti Setäläisen lyhkäsessä sivustavedettävässä. Palanut lapsi ei huoli tissiä. Setämiehiltä imuttaa Patti mieluummin piipunkoppaa, se on koskettavampaa, ja jähmettää kovemmin.
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 614: Neurobiologia, jungilaiset arkkityypit, puutarhayhteiskunnat, hermeneutiikka, hegeliläinen dialektiikka, systeemiteoria, zen-koaanit, poststrukturalismi, vedantalainen hindulaisuus, kapitalistiset talousjärjestelmät, transpersoonalliset tietoisuustilat, uusplatoniset muodot – lista jatkuu ja jatkuu – kaikki selitetty ja sopivat siististi yhteen yhdelle todellisuuskartalle, jota hän puoliironisesti kutsuu "kaiken teoriaksi". Ennen kaikkea hän onnistuu selittämään kaiken selkeällä ja loistavalla proosalla. Tunnet kirjaimellisesti itsesi viisaammaksi lukiessasi häntä.
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 635: He was the shiftless elder son of a well-to-do hosiery importer and wholesaler in White Plains, New York. He studied biology and mathematics, but decided that he preferred the humanities. An accomplished athlete, he received awards in track and field events, and, for a time, was among the fastest half-mile runners in the world.
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 784: Näin ollen Campbell uskoi, että maailman uskonnot olivat samojen perustavanlaatuisten, transsendenttisten totuuksien erilaisia ​​kulttuurivaikutteisia "naamioita". Kaikki uskonnot voivat tuoda ihmisen tietoisuuteen dualistisen todellisuuskäsityksen jonnekin "vastakohtien parien", kuten olemisen ja ei-olemisen tai oikean ja väärän, yläpuolelle. Hän todellakin lainaa Rigvedaa Tuhannen kasvoisen sankarin esipuheessa: "Totuus on yksi, viisaat puhuvat siitä monella nimellä, niin saavat lisää sivuja."
    xxx/ellauri303.html on line 344: Today, Mea Shearim remains an insular neighbourhood in the heart of Jerusalem. With its Haredi, and overwhelmingly Hasidic, population, the streets retain the characteristics of an Eastern European shtetl, as it appeared in pre-war Europe. Life revolves around strict adherence to Jewish law, prayer, and the study of Jewish religious texts. Traditions in dress include black frock coats and black hats for men (although there are some other clothing styles, depending on the religious sub-group to which they belong), and long-sleeved, modest clothing for women. In some Hasidic groups, the women wear thick black stockings all year long, even in summer. Married women wear a variety of hair coverings, from wigs to scarves, snoods, hats, and berets. The men have beards, and many grow long sidecurls, called peyot. Many residents speak Yiddish in their daily lives, and use Hebrew only for prayer and religious study, as they believe Hebrew to be a sacred language, only to be used for religious purposes.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 246: Afile der yid hot dem ponim mitn goy. Even a Jew has a [shaved] face like goy.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 325: Vaikka Remon harjoittelu on Chiunin standardien mukaan erittäin kiireistä, Remo oppii mahdottomalta vaikuttavia taitoja, kuten luotien väistämistä ja juoksemista veden ja märän sementin päällä. Chiun opettaa Remolle korealaista taistelulajia nimeltä "Sinä juuri ". Remon opetus keskeytyy, kun CURE lähettää hänet tutkimaan Yhdysvaltain armeijan korruptoitunutta aseiden hankintaohjelmaa.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 401: What is a book about? About 200 pages, haha, but seriously: it's about me, 'cause all first novels are autobiographies. It'll talk about my trial, your funeral, and my triumph, how I survived it all and became a beacon of hope for the world, or at least my personal corner of it.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 519: Heroes have their Achilles heels. The most honest president of the U.S. cheats on the golf course; that is what makes people real. The late Robert Parker’s Spenser character was interesting. He was a yuppie. He ran, he lifted weights, he liked to cook, he liked unimposing little wines with sardonic personalities, he pretended he didn’t care about clothes but somehow always managed to wear the same basic uniform;, he lived with a woman, Susan the insufferable, who could psycho-babble Jay-Z into impotence. But the characterization hook was that Spenser spent his life being a private eye and shooting people, which was totally alien to the character’s nature. That started to round him out and make him real. Without that hard edge, he’d have been just another fan of Barry Manilow.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 531: Yogi Berra oli typerälippalakkinen pesäpallisti jonka luonnetyyppi oli ISFP (introverted sensing feeling perceiving). Se kexi paljon Matti Nykäsmäisiä aforismeja. Unassuming yet passionate athlete. Kuoli samana vuonna kuin Warren mutta 8v vanhempana. Se oli italiaano 2. polven immigrantti jonka äiti ei osannut sanoa "Lawrence". He received the nickname "Yogi" from his friend Jack Maguire, who, after seeing a newsreel about India, said that he resembled a yogi from India whenever he sat around with arms and legs crossed waiting to bat or while looking sad after a losing game. Se oli hörökorvainen pikkumies, muistutti kyllä aika lailla Yodaa kuvissa.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 596: Status objects. An essay by Tom Wolfe (Bonfire of the Vanities) put this in my head some years ago. A certain kind of person wants to wear shirts that have little alligators on them and another totally different type of person perhaps wants to have a statue of a black jockey on his lawn…or a pink flamingo. My late loving mother, a paragon of taste, once moved into our guest house and put painted plywood cutouts of the backviews of two people, bending over as if planting something in the yard. Naturally, butt cracks were visible because they were the whole point of this architectural and horticultural display. Since my house then was a mansion and a national historic site, I suggested that my mother take her plywood cutouts off the front lawn and put them in her backyard where nobody could see her butt. (I am a long time out of Alabama.)
    xxx/ellauri305.html on line 270: Juutalaisten iänikuisen jauhamisen perinteeseen vedoten juutalainen naisteologia (käytän tätä nimitystä selkeyden vuoksi) on löytänyt Halachan tulkintoja, jotka ovat ainakin konservatiivisessa ja reformoidussa liikkeessä vähin erin siirtäneet painopistettä miesten uskonnollisesta hegemoniasta. Myös ns. modernissa ortodoksisuudessa on ainakin suurissa keskuksissa Yhdysvalloissa ja Euroopassa hyväksytty eräänlainen kompromissi naisten osallistuvuuteen eli naiset saavat pitää oman jumalanpalveluksensa, johon miehet eivät kyllä osallistu (eikä Jehova).
    xxx/ellauri305.html on line 636: Lev. 11:43 – Älä syö vedessä eläviä olentoja kuin (kosher)kaloja
    xxx/ellauri305.html on line 1096: Num. 19:21 - Noudata kasteluveden lakeja
    xxx/ellauri306.html on line 227: Hän olikin repeytynyt eurooppalaisen alkuperänsä ja irokeesi adoptionsa välillä. Vuonna 1657 hän seurasi ryhmää jesuiittalähetyssaarnaajia , mukaan lukien isä Paul Ragueneau , lähetystyölle Sainte-Marie de Gannnetaan ( Onondaga ) irokeesien maalle, lähellä nykyistä Syracuse -kaupunkia (New York), jossa noin viisikymmentä ihmistä, mukaan lukien Pierre- Joseph-Marie Chaumonot , Zacharie Dupuisin komennossa. Pian irokeesien vihamielisyys kasvaa sukupuolitautien vuoksi, jotka tuhoavat heidän terveytensä ja joiden takia he eivät pidä musta kaapuista (jesuiitoista). Samalla kun irokeesit uhkasivat päästä eroon ranskalaisista, Radisson, kiitos hänen amerikkalaisen psykologian tuntemuksensa (erityisesti mitä tulee liiallisuuksiin liittyviin rituaaleihin, juhliin, joiden aikana irokeesit täyttivät tankkinsa tulivedellä rajoituksetta, sekä unelmanäön ansiosta, mahdollisesti Radissonilta, rohkaisemalla heitä järjestämään tämän juhlan) ja juonen (veneiden ja kanoottien rakentaminen heidän tietämättään) antaa heidän poistua paikalta ilman välikohtauksia (juhlasta hämmästyneiden irokeesien nukkuessa sikeästi) keväällä 1658 ja päästä kanoottijoukkueella Montrealin talvikisoihin.
    xxx/ellauri306.html on line 232: soodan (vedetön natriumkarbonaatti) valmistamiseksi Tullyn laakson eteläpäähän
    xxx/ellauri306.html on line 578: Täytyypä kazoa mitä Mätien tomskujen tampiot tästä sanovat! Top critics: Cruise’s toothy heroics are ill-suited to moral complexity, but he is elevated by a stellar supporting cast... A summer genre movie for grown-ups. Too-long Grisham thriller is full of adult themes. Höh, montako panoa? Näytetäänkö muka kuinka se menee sinne? (Ilmeisesti noin 2, ei näytetä.) The Firm amusingly satirizes the New Traditionalist aspirations of today's young urban elite -- not so much the lifestyle itself as the illusion of utter security it represents. Alas, Tom Cruise is Tom Cruise, playing yet another variation of his screen image. A first-class thriller and thought-provoking morality play. Is this a thriller? You've never scene (sic) a 'suspense film' drag its heels so deplorably. Moderately entertaining... and a big step up from the book. No, the book moved at turbo speed. At two and a half hours, the movie crawls. Two-and-a-half hour movies -- jeez, there ought to be a law.

    xxx/ellauri307.html on line 491: 1910-luvulla oli vapaakirkollisuutta aluksi Hännilän Pajupurolla josta se levisi 1920-luvulla Pyhäjärven Häkkilään ja Lanneveden mäkikylille. Ensimmäiset uskovat kastettiin 1920-luvulla Pajupurolla Murronjoessa. Näihin aikoihin sananjulistajina kulki mm. Ylenius, Kuikanmäki, Hänninen, Kauri, Rimmi, Paananen, Pylkkänen.
    xxx/ellauri307.html on line 741: Danilla oli surkea muusikonura länsirannikolla jota nöyrä, sittemmin eroprosessissa kusetettu vaimo Blythe koitti turhaan buustata. Brown and his wife Blythe moved to Rye, New Hampshire in 1993, samana vuonna jolloin ize sain karkoituxen Kouvolaan. Brown became an English teacher at his alma mater Phillips Exeter, and gave Spanish classes to 6th, 7th, and 8th graders at Lincoln Akerman School, a small school for K–8th grade with about 250 students, in Hampton Falls. Aikamoinen mahalasku tuli Danille(kin). While on vacation in Tahiti in 1993, Brown read Sidney Sheldon's (n.h.) novel The Doomsday Conspiracy, and was inspired to become a writer of thrillers. He started work on Digital Fortress, setting much of it in Seville, where he had studied in 1985. He also co-wrote a humor book with his wife, 187 Men to Avoid: A Survival Guide for the Romantically Frustrated Woman, under the pseudonym "Danielle Brown". Brown's first three novels had little success, with fewer than 10,000 copies in each of their first printings. His fourth novel, The Da Vinci Code, became a bestseller, going to the top of the New York Times Best Seller list during its first week of release in 2003. It is one of the most popular books of all time, with 81 million copies sold worldwide as of 2009. Its success has helped push sales of Brown's earlier flops. Brown's prose style has been criticized as clumsy, to say the least. The Da Vinci Code committed style and word choice blunders in almost every paragraph. Recurring elements that Brown prefers to incorporate into his novels include a simple hero pulled out of their familiar setting and thrust into a new one with which they are unfamiliar, an attractive female sidekick/love interest, foreign travel, imminent danger from a pursuing villain, antagonists who have a disability or genetic disorder, and a 24-hour time frame in which the story takes place.
    xxx/ellauri307.html on line 744: Benjy DeMott -vainaa "saw as three pervasive social myths: the assumption, held by many Americans, that we live in a classless society; the promise, held out by movies and television, that individual friendships between blacks and whites can vanquish racism all by themselves; and the images of women, ubiquitous in popular culture, that render them almost indistinguishable from men." He opined that movements of the lower classes have a tendency to 'go awry.' Benjamin Haile DeMott was born on June 2, 1924, in Rockville Centre, N.Y.; his father was a carpenter, his mother a faith healer. He joined the Amherst faculty in 1951 and earned a Ph.D. in English literature from Harvard two years later. He observed that a tenet of national faith in America had been that "goodness equals laughter, that humour can banish crisis, that if you pack up your troubles and smile, horror will take to the caves". Critical response to Mr. DeMott's work was divided. His detractors saw his pop-culture references as forced efforts to look au courant.
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 34: MEREN pohjasta saadut fos--siilit osoittavat, että sata miljoonaa vuotta sitten hummeri näytti aivan samanlaiselta kuin nykyäänkin yhtä hurjalta kuin rohkean pilapiirtäjän mielikuvi-tuksellinen luomus. Kitiinipanssaris-saan, ohuine raajoineen ja uhkaavan näköisine saksineen hummeri, latina-laiselta nimeltään Homarus, tuo mie-leen (ainakin näin amerikkalaiselle) jättiläiskokoisen torakan, jolla on eturaajoina kaksi putkipihtiä. :D Mutta eriskummallisen ulkonäkönsä ansios-ta hummeri on säilynyt hengissä ko-konaisia maailmankausia vihamieli-sessä vedenalaisessa ympäristössään ja samalla se on säilyttänyt ainoalaa-tuisen omaperäisyytensä ruman, kauhistuttavan, omituisen olemuk-sensa.
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 113: Vitun svedupelleiltä on tainnut Marxin das Kapitalin opetuxet unohtua. Kaikki tää on siellä ennustettu, 150v sitten toteutui jo anglosaxeissa. Työväenliike jarrutti kasautumista ja kurjistumista idässä ja pohjoisessa, kunnes ahneet paskanallet sai senkin talouspakotteilla, automaatiolla ja maahanmuuttajilla hengiltä. Nyt on riikinkukot muiden länsigermaanien kanssa samassa veneessä, up the shit creek without a paddle. Nyt apinat saa niittää mitä ovat kylväneet. Turpiin vaan ja onnea!
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 341: Liv Strömquistin sarjixet ovat pääosin hyviä. Mutta se ei vedä oikeaa johtopäätöstä: sosialismi ei ollut epäonnistunut yhteiskuntakokeilu, vaan sen lyttäsi kv. kapitaalin työläisiä nopeampi liittoutuminen ja työn arvon polkumyynti automaatiolla. Sosialistiblokista teki vankilan lännen pahansuopien äkkirikkaiden pystyttämä talouspakotteiden aita.
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 519: Rorty torjui "pitkään vallinneen" ajatuksen, että ulkomaailman esineiden oikeat sisäiset esitykset ovat tiedon välttämätön edellytys. Rorty väitti sen sijaan, että tieto on sisäinen ja kielellinen asia; tieto koskee vain omaa kieltämme. Tää nyt on kerta kaikkiaan hanurista, vanhaa kunnon homomensuuraa. Beliefs and words evolved, just as opposable thumbs and extralarge cocks, to help human beings “cope with the environment” and “enable them to enjoy more pleasure and less pain.”
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 945: Brawne Lamia’s name comes from a combination of John Keats’ beloved Fanny Brawne, and his poem named Lamia (1819). She is described as a rather short and muscular with an intense gaze. She has shoulder-length black curls, dark eyes, sharp nose and wide expressive mouth. She is said to be very beautiful anyway. She becomes "romantically involved" with Johnny and pregnant to boot. She's from Lusus, a world that has gravity 1.3 times stronger than that of Earth. Because of that, she's shorter than many others, but has "heavy layers of mussel". Varoitus! seuraava kuva paljastaa yxityiskohtia ulkosynnyttimistä!
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 1053: The German Los evolved in a similar way but already 1000 years ago it had shifted its focus toward the idea of lottery, gratuitous gratification without work or effort. And with the rise of regular debtor´s prisons the main meaning Erlösung has today: bail.
    xxx/ellauri314.html on line 76: Voimme helpottaa ajatusten välistä "sisäistä nyrkkeilyottelua" – märehtimisen ja kritiikin tai märehtimisen vastaisten argumenttien välillä – jos sen sijaan vedämme syvään henkeä ja päästämme irti kehostamme. Jos haluat harjoittaa kykyäsi tunnistaa tunteita ja vastustusta kehossa, voit kuunnella ohjattua meditaatiotani "Tunteet kehossa". /Maria
    xxx/ellauri314.html on line 99: He was born into a Jewish family of Polish-Jewish descent. His father was born in Radomyśl Wielki, Galicia (then part of Austria-Hungary, now Poland), and his mother was a native of New York whose parents also arrived from that town. Isidore owned a women's clothing manufacturing business employing 400 people. They owned a summer house in Far Rockaway, Queens, and employed a chauffeur. In the Wall Street Crash of 1929, the family lost almost everything and moved to Gravesend, Brooklyn.
    xxx/ellauri314.html on line 201: Tampereen yliopiston apulaisprofessori Seikko Eskola kääkättää nonagenaarina Hetmanin propagandaplärässä. Suomi voisi olla Ruozina Ruozin paikalla ellei olisi ollut tota kiusallista punakapinaa. [Sehän olisikin hienoa, kato sveduja nyt.] P-sana on taas uusi normaali uusfasistisessa Suomessa. Pitäs mennä liisteröimään punavangin paskaa Seikkoloiden tönön seinään Taivaskalliolle. Vittu ryömi Seikko peikko mäntylaatikkoon ja vedä kansi kiinni perässä. Jätkä on ja oli täys lahtari ja sixi se saa paljon palstatilaa Herlinin propagandaplärässä. Useita tärkeitä luottamustehtäviä kokoomuspuolueessa. Nuole kääkkä jo hyvä mies se lusikka ja käännä ääni pois.
    xxx/ellauri319.html on line 447: Kristjan Jaak Peterson (1801–1822), Estonian poet, the founder of modern Estonian poetry; died from tuberculosis, lived only to age 21
    xxx/ellauri320.html on line 36: Svedujen statsminister piti osakuntapuheen, jossa se uhkaa ottaa ruåzin hiusverkkoarmeijan apuun puzaamaan karzat jengiläisistä ja lapsisotilaista. Oikeistohallitus ei ole eka kertaa pappia kyydissä, sillä militääri ammuskeli siviilejä myös 1931.
    xxx/ellauri320.html on line 40: Syy oli holtiton maahanmuuttopolitiikka, myöntää oikeistopoliitikko nöyrästi. Matut ei tyytyneetkään luuttuamaan sveduvessoja, vaan lähti tekemään ihan omaa bisnestä. Samoin on käynyt jenkeille sen jälkeen kuin ne pilasivat ryöväämällä ja kähminnällä Etelä-amerikan valtiot ja taloudet ja tekivät niistä jenkkien kola- ja hepotehtaita. Nyt sieltä paahtaa satoja tuhansia havenotteja pakoon härjaavia huumekunkkuja. Jenkit ottaa vain nicaragualaisia kasvattaaxeen niistä maan kommunisteille viidettä kolonnaa. Sama juoni kuin kuubalaisten kohdalla.
    xxx/ellauri320.html on line 183: 'PG, as I called him, was 25 at that time and absolutely adorable,' said Cartland, 'as well as being the most amazing lover. In my heart, I have always believed that he was Raine's father. I was shattered when he, too, died in a plane crash, while on active service during the war.'
    xxx/ellauri320.html on line 185: By 1932 and trapped in a nightmare marriage (having discovered love letters sent to her husband by a married woman), Cartland resolved to free herself and sued for divorce on the grounds of her husband's adultery.
    xxx/ellauri320.html on line 215: Cartland gravely doubted the wisdom of Raine's remarriage in 1993 to a French aristocrat seven years her junior, but kept her own counsel. She received the news of their divorce in 1995 without surprise.
    xxx/ellauri320.html on line 218: She talked loudly throughout the performance. 'I was there when that happened,' she shouted at one point. In the interval, the theatre manager, who had received complaints from actors and members of the audience, asked her to be quiet.
    xxx/ellauri320.html on line 267: Nora RobertsUSA250MromanssiPiluI loved the process of writing.
    xxx/ellauri329.html on line 306: Overstuffed and undercooked but saved by the natural sex performances by Alex Ozerov and Sascha K. Gordon who add some tight well lubricated depth and erectile length. A girl turned calculating and nihilistic by her communist upbringing and there is no coyness here. [A bunch of N.Y. jews]
    xxx/ellauri329.html on line 335: Valkovenäläinen Svetlana Aleksijevitš on noussut parin viime vuoden aikana vedonlyöntitilastojen kärkikahinoihin ja mainitsipa jopa Yleisradion pitkäaikainen kirjallisuustoimittaja Seppo Puttonenkin viime vuonna juuri Aleksijevitsin suosikikseen. Onko aika nyt otollinen Aleksijevitšille? Nostaako Ruotsin akatemia lokakuussa tämän pasifistin ja ihmisoikeuksien puolestapuhujan palkintokorokkeelle ja ottaa samalla vaivihkaa kantaa maailman kiristyvään poliittiseen tilanteeseen? Svetlana ei varmaan älähtäisi jos Putin demilitarisoisi Itä-Ukrainan?
    xxx/ellauri329.html on line 460: Huhtikuussa 2015 Toronton sinfoniaorkesteri peruutti konsertit Lisitsan kanssa vedoten hänen "provokatiivisiin" online-huomautuksiinsa Twitter-tilillään; Orkesteri ei alun perin täsmentänyt, mitkä twiitit tai muut kommentit ylittivät rajan. Lisitsa sanoi, että orkesteri uhkasi häntä, jos hän puhuisi peruutuksesta. Toronto Symphonyn toimitusjohtaja toimitti myöhemmin seitsemänsivuisen kokoelman twiiteistään, jotka saivat aikaan päätöksen, ja sanoi, että kyseessä ei ollut "sananvapauskysymys, vaan kysymys siitä, että joku harjoittaa hyvin suvaitsematonta ja loukkaavaa ilmaisua Twitterin kautta".
    xxx/ellauri337.html on line 296: Egyptin kymmenen vitsausta (järjestyksessä) ovat: veden muuttaminen vereksi; sammakkorutto; hyttystartunnat (täit tai kirput); hevoskärpästartunta (kärpäset); karjan rutto; haavaumat; rakeet; heinäsirkka rutto; pimeys ja esikoisten kuolema.
    xxx/ellauri337.html on line 313:
    Yhteenveto veden muuttumisesta vereksi

    xxx/ellauri337.html on line 315: Ensimmäisessä faaraon Mooseksen haastattelussa vaati häntä vapauttamaan heprealaiset ja päästämään heidät erämaahan palvomaan Jumalaa, kuten hän oli käskenyt. Muuten Jumala muuttaisi veden vereksi, mutta farao ei kuunnellut.
    xxx/ellauri337.html on line 317: Sitten Aaron nosti paljonpuhutun sauvansa, ja jokien, järvien ja altaiden vedet muuttuivat vereksi. Farao huomasi, että egyptiläiset papit pystyivät jäljittelemään häntä, joten hän vähätteli ilmiötä. Katkea kerrotaan 2Moos. 7, 14-25 -kirjassa.
    xxx/ellauri337.html on line 319:
    Tieteellinen selitys veden muuttumisesta verexi

    xxx/ellauri337.html on line 321: Jotkut asiantuntijat väittävät, että Niilin muuttuminen vereksi oli saasteilmiö, joka myrkytti veden ja antoi sille punertavan ulkonäön. On mahdollista, että tämä saastuminen johtui punalevistä, jotka olisivat vapauttaneet myrkkyjä, mikä heikentäisi veden juomakelpoisuutta.
    xxx/ellauri337.html on line 423: Haavaumat voidaan tulkita rangaistukseksi siitä että egyptiläiset kielsivät heprealaisten lepäämisen (mukaan lukien oikeus raapia). Egyptiläiset pakottivat heidät myös valmistamaan kylvyt kuumalla vedellä, mikä oli erittäin työlästä. Sairastuessaan haavaumiin egyptiläiset kärsivät korjaamattomasta kutinasta eivätkä kyenneet käymään kylvyssä.
    xxx/ellauri337.html on line 494: Ensimmäisen selityksen mukaan Niilin ylimäärä punalevistä vapautui suuria määriä tappavia mykotoksiineja. Vehnäpellot olisivat imeneet mykotoksiinien saastuttaman veden. Esikoiset poimivat kuitenkin yleensä ensimmäisenä viljan viljelykasveista, joten he myrkyttyivät todennäköisemmin.
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 181: Helsingin yliopiston kotimaisen kirjallisuuden professorin Kai Laitisen (1924–2013) vanhemmat olivat kansakoulunopettajia. Hänen muistelmateoksensa Pitkät vedet ja maailmanrannat (2004) on osaltaan kunnianosoitus juuri tälle ammattikunnalle.
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 232: Ärsyttävä narsistinen tekniikka Ernestolla puhua muiden kautta pääasiassa izestään. Ize se vaan grunttaa ja mielistelee kaikkia ja kaikki on siitä siihen ihan lääpällään. To make a long story short, Henry panee Catherinen paxuxi vastoin lupaustaan ja karkaa kaiken kukkuraxi rintamalta. I enjoyed not being married really. There isn't any me, I'm you. Narsistin märkä uni. Loppuvizinä Catherine parka vielä kuolee lapsivuoteeseen. Cedric syö sillä aikaa kinkku-muna-annoxen ja juo monta pulloa demi- mondea. Catherinen kuoltua Cedric lähtee lätkimään aamuöiseen sateeseen. Cedric olisi halunnut tytön mieluummin. Mieluiten ei mitään. Ei kai tosta arvesta tule ruma. Can I get you anything? You'll be ok, I promise. Niin ja vielä 1 persepäinen piirre Ernstissä: se pitää vedonlyönnistä. Sen nuivat kommentit kun Katja kertoo pohjaanpalaneesta beibistä oli aika karuja. "You aren't angry are you darling?" Voi vinetto. "You always feel trapped biologically." Vitun trappi. Inhottava tenukeppi. Ei keltatauti ole sairaus vaan juoppo-oire. Kaveri on kolmen pointin tolvana ja kylmä murhamies.
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 265: Professor Gianfranca Balestra of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan) not only located the book but took the extraordinary trouble of having the whole thing xeroxed for me. Finally, in late 1995, I had the 288 pages of Il maiale nero: Rivelazioni e documenti in my hands. But what does it say? It's all in Italian! The puzzle was partially solved by Enzo Michelangeli: “Il Maiale Nero” is a novel written by Umberto Notari in the early 20th Century. His most famous book is the first he published in 1904, “Quelle signore” (“Those ladies”), about the world of prostitution: it earned him a prosecution for obscenity resulting in a fine, but the book was reprinted and by 1920 had sold more than half million copies.
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 492: Otamme nyt puheeksi Herramme Jeesuksen Kristuksen tulemisen ja sen, että meidät kootaan hänen luokseen. Me pyydämme, veljet, ettette heti menetä malttianne ja säikähdä, jos joku vedoten Hengen ilmoitukseen tai muka meidän puheeseemme tai kirjeeseemme väittää, että Herran päivä on jo käsillä. Älkää antako kenenkään millään tavoin johtaa itseänne harhaan. Ennen tuota päivää näet tapahtuu uskosta luopuminen ja ilmaantuu itse laittomuus ihmishahmossa, kadotuksen ihminen. Hän, Vastustaja, korottaa itsensä kaiken jumalana pidetyn yläpuolelle, asettuu itse istumaan Jumalan temppeliin ja julistaa olevansa Jumala. 5Muistattehan, että puhuin teille tästä jo silloin kun olin luonanne. 6Te tiedätte, mikä häntä vielä pidättää, niin että hän ilmestyy vasta kun hänen hetkensä koittaa.
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 534: Kalliokupolin katsotaan ottavan todellisen tilan, jossa toinen temppeli aikoinaan sijaitsi, mutta jotkut tutkijat ovat eri mieltä ja väittävät sen sijaan, että temppeli sijaitsi joko kallion kupolin pohjoispuolella tai noin 200 metriä siitä etelään. pääsy Gihonin makean veden lähteelle tai ehkä Kalliokupolin ja Al Aqsa -moskeijan väliin.
    xxx/ellauri356.html on line 377: Wasf on arabien runogenre, alongside 'the boast (fakhr), the invective (hijaa’), and the elegy (marthiya)'. In waṣf love poems, each part of a lover's body is described and praised in turn, often using exotic, extravagant, or even far-fetched metaphors. The Song of Solomon is a prominent example of such a poem, and other examples can be found in Thousand and One Nights. The images given in this type of poetry are not literally descriptive. Instead, they convey the delight of the lover for the beloved, where the lover finds freshness and splendor in the body as a reflected image in the world. Hilvik ei perustanut metaforista, se käytti vertauxia mieluummin.
    xxx/ellauri356.html on line 488: 26. tammikuuta 1977, Sollers allekirjoitti Le Mondessa – hän plus noin viisikymmentä persoonaa – (erityisesti Jean-Paul Sartren, Roland Barthesin, Simone de Beauvoirin, Alain Robbe-Grillet'n, Françoise Doltin ja Jacques Derridan kanssa) "Avoimen kirjeen rikoslain tarkistuskomissiolle tiettyjen lakitekstien tarkistamiseksi, aikuiset ja alaikäiset", jossa vaaditaan, että "alaikäisten väärinkäyttöä" koskevat lain artiklat "kumotaan tai muutetaan perusteellisesti" siinä mielessä, että "lapsen ja nuoren oikeus tunnustetaan ylläpitää suhteita valitsemiinsa ihmisiin." Se oli vetoomus kolmen miehen puolesta, joita syytettiin 15-vuotiaiden alaikäisten sopimattomasta pahoinpitelystä ilman väkivaltaa. Tämän tekstin oli kirjoittanut Gabriel Matzneff, joka ei salaa makuaan pedofiliaa ja efebofiliaa kohtaan. Matzneff kerskui nussineensa useitakin alaikäisiä tyttöjä. Helmikuussa 2020 julkaistussa New York Timesin profiilissa valokuvassa Matzneff seisoo yksin veden äärellä Italiassa, näyttää masentuneelta, surullinen kalju mies Burberryn trenssitakissa. Ämmä Springora tuhosi muiston siitä, mitä hän muistaa olleen "kestävä ja upea rakkaustarina". Mutta voiko teini-ikäisellä tytöllä olla "upea rakkaustarina" yli kolme kertaa häntä ikäisemmän henkilön kanssa? Tämä on Consentin ytimessä oleva kysymys. Lukijat eivät epäile vastauksesta mitään. This manner willl be convenient for a man who wants to enjoy a woman, and can only get at her by force and against her will. (Perfumed Garden, p. 72.)
    xxx/ellauri357.html on line 153: removed from corporate life! I just run around in
    xxx/ellauri357.html on line 380: Mutta on havaittu, että myös Couplement- varsinkin ennen meidän emansipaatioon tämän koko Me, ja itse asiassa mitä kehon jäsen kokemuksia sanomme koemme. Tämä kattaa sitten kaksi erilaista käsitettä; joskus se sisältää raa'an osan, joskus se ylittää raa'an osan. Keho iljettävine kyrpineen on raa'asti kosketettu elämään; todellinen mies on toinen, joka on puhdas kehosta, joka on syntyperäisesti varustettu älylliseen toimintaan kuuluvilla hyveillä, hyveet, joiden istuin on erillinen sielu, sielu, joka jopa asuu täällä voidaan pitää erillään. [Tämä sielu muodostaa ihmisen] milloin se on kokonaan vetänyt pois sen toisen sielun, joka on säteily [tai emanaatio] siitä myös vetäytyy, vedettynä sen jälkeen.
    xxx/ellauri357.html on line 411: What is now proved was once only imagined.
    xxx/ellauri357.html on line 416: Everything possible to be believed is an image of truth.
    xxx/ellauri357.html on line 424: The ancient poets animated all sensible objects with Gods or Geniuses, calling them by the names and adorning them with properties of woods, rivers, mountains, lakes, cities, nations, and whatever their enlarged and numerous senses could perceive. And particularly they studied the Genius of each city and country, placing it under its mental deity. Till a system was formed, which some took advantage of and enslaved the vulgar by attempting to realize or abstract the mental deities from their objects. Thus began Priesthood. Priests are like worms, they shit on the nicest leaves. Choosing forms of worship from poetic tales. And at length they pronounced that the Gods had ordered such things. Thus men forgot that all deities reside in the human breast.
    xxx/ellauri357.html on line 736: Haaraton ja särkynyt seisoo; kivet, vedetty alas

    xxx/ellauri358.html on line 120: Kun koko hänen torvensa oli avoinna ja pehmyt ja huusi kuin merivuokko vuoroveden alla, hiän huusi häntä tulemaan jälleen sisään ja antamaan hiänelle täyttymyksen.
    xxx/ellauri358.html on line 316: Z-sukupolviset vastaa 75 Hard haasteeseen. 75 päivänä pitää juoda gallona vettä päivässä, käydä salilla ja lukea 10 sivua ihan mitä tahansa. Liikuntahaaste oli helpointa, veden juonti meni, mutta se 10s/päivä oli tosi haasteellista. Z-sukupolvi ja boomerit on ihan eri sukupolvea!
    xxx/ellauri361.html on line 189: Tolstoin ystävä Anatoli Koni kertoi Tolstoille tarinan miehestä, joka oli tullut hänen luokseen hakemaan oikeusapua. Tämä mies oli nuorena vietellyt 16-vuotiaan kauniin orpotytön, joka oli viety nuoren miehen sukulaisen kotiin tämän vanhempien kuollessa. Vedellyt sitä tarmokkaasti suurella sukunuijalla edestä ja takaa. Kun hänen hyväntekijänsä huomasi tytön raskaana olevan tilan, hän ajoi hänet pois. Viettelijänsä hylkäämästä tytöstä tuli prostituoitu toivottomien yritysten ansaita rehellistä toimeentuloa jälkeen. Tyttö, joka havaittiin varastaneen rahaa yhdeltä humalaiselta "vieraalta" bordellissa, pidätettiin (ei sentään ammuttu kuten Texasissa 2014). Asiaa käsitelleeseen tuomaristoon kohtalo asetti hänen viettelijänsä. Hänen omatuntonsa heräsi hänen käytöksensä epäoikeudenmukaisuuteen, ja hän päätti mennä naimisiin tytön kanssa, joka tuomittiin neljäksi kuukaudeksi vankeuteen. Koni päätti tarinansa kertomalla, että pari todella meni naimisiin, mutta pian hänen tuomionsa umpeutumisen jälkeen tyttö kuoli lavantautiin. Phew huokasi kaveri. Saved by the gong.
    xxx/ellauri363.html on line 93: Gadamer published Truth and Method in 1960 at age sixty, devoting an entire decade to its writing. Due to the significance of this project and the length of time involved in its production, it seems appropriate to provide some insight into Gadamer's life-world during the creation of this important work. According to biographer Jean Grondin, "in Frankfurt [in the late 1940s] Gadamer was being urged by students (not to mention contemptuous colleagues) to produce, at long last, a substantial piece of work. Although he felt unprepared to take on such a project, he wrote the work while at Heidelberg in the 1950s at the encouragement of his wife Kate (27-77-80)."
    xxx/ellauri363.html on line 159: 1907 maahantunkeutunut Heikinheimo perusti poliklinikkansa veden vaivaamaan Tsingshiin vasta vuoden 1907 lopulla. Vaimo perhana kuoli pahaan mahatautiin puolen vuoden sisällä. Tämän vuoksi poliklinikkaa sekä muita hänen kokemiaan vaikeuksia lääkärin työssä käsitellään kirjeissä vasta vuoden 1908 puolella. Maantieteellisenä rajauksena toimii Luoteis-Hunanin Tsingšin lähetysasema, jonne Heikinheimo perusti poliklinikan. Hannexen kirjeistä nousi vahvasti esille Heikinheimon k7ielitaidottomuus sekä sairaalan, henkilökunnan että lääkkeiden puute.
    xxx/ellauri363.html on line 393: Vuoden 1925 vankeinhoitolain myötä vankimielisairaalasta tuli Kakolan kuritushuoneesta irrallinen vankeinhuollon yksikkö. Organisaatiotasolla tapahtunut muutos alleviivasi laitoksen sairaalastatusta. Rajanvedosta huolimatta, tai juuri sen takia, rinnanelo tuotti hankausta vankisairaalan
    xxx/ellauri363.html on line 467: temperamenttityypille ominaiseen sielulliseen sairauteen kytee itumuotoisena jokaisessa terveessä persoonassa. Syntyperäinen väkivaltavietti ja kaikissa piilevä kostonhalu voivat kenestä hyvänsä – ellei pyhä henki hallitse – tehdä murhaajan. Pahuus siirtyy isältä pojalle lasten hemmotteluna ja kurituxena. Mäyhä on siitä hyvänä esimerkkinä. Heikinheimo kiittää psykoanalyysia sen ”tajuttomalle sielunelämälle” antamasta painoarvosta ja vietin ylevöittämisen ajatuxesta (sublimaatio). Rukoilu käteenvedon sijasta.
    xxx/ellauri366.html on line 56: Herra Huun kotiolot olivat niin ja näin kuten svedukrimeissä. Huu oli nukkunut yhden yön jättiläismäisen paviaanin sylissä. Isoisä Aaron oli joskus heittänyt pöydälle kepin joka oli muuttunut käärmeexi ja alkanut kiemurrella ja laulaa:
    xxx/ellauri366.html on line 80:

    Svedupellet menopäällä

    xxx/ellauri366.html on line 490: RK62 nakuttaa, svedu-pellet lakoaa.
    xxx/ellauri376.html on line 174: Tilastotieto siitä, että niin ja niin monta sataatuhatta venäläistä on kuollut nälkään, jättää meidät kylmemmiksı kuin jokin Pietarin katuja käsittelevä kuvaus, joka muutamalla sattuvalla vedolla loihtii esin kuvan kuihtuneista ja horjuvista ihmisistä. Siihen, joka usein on havainnollistuttanut itselleen, mitä haluttuja ihanuuksia voi saavuttaa, kun vain on suuri rahamäärä käytettävänä, tai siihen, jonka elämänsisällyksenä on itse rahankokoaminen, vaikuttavat sanat miljoona markkaa tunteen kannalta aivan toisella tavalla kuin muihin ihmisiin. Jotkin sanat, esim vapaus, sorto, valhe, joita kasvivuosinamme ovat hokeneet tunteen vallassa suggestiiviset henkilöt, säilyttävät kauan tunnesävynsä.
    xxx/ellauri376.html on line 825: taivaalla, veden alla, maan päällä,
    xxx/ellauri379.html on line 73: He then opened a restaurant called "Les Trois Continents" in the Washington, D.C. suburb of Burke, Virginia at Rolling Valley Mall. The restaurant served hamburgers, Vietnamese cuisine, and pizza, but was described as more of a pizzeria. Adams later apologized in person to Loan and his family for the damage his photograph did to his reputation.
    xxx/ellauri379.html on line 123: One of the most resoundingly Modernist elements of Conrad’s work lies in this kind of early post-structuralist treatment of language—his insistence on the inherent inability of words to express the real, in all of its horrific truth. Marlow’s journey is full of encounters with things that are “unspeakable,” with words that are uninterpretable, and with a world that is eminently “inscrutable.” In this way, language fails time and time again to do what it is meant to do—to communicate. It’s a phenomenon best summed up when Marlow tells his audience that “it is impossible to convey the life-sensation of any given epoch of one’s existence—that which makes its truth, its meaning—its subtle and penetrating essence… We live, as we dream—alone.” Kurtz—as “eloquent” as he may be—can’t even adequately communicate the terrifying darkness he observed around him.“The horror! The horror!” is all he can say. Some critics have surmised that part of Heart of Darkness’s mass appeal comes from this ambiguity of language—from the free rein it gives its readers to interpret. Others posit this as a great weakness of the text, viewing Conrad’s inability to name things as an unseemly quality in a writer who’s supposed to be one of the greats. Perhaps this is itself a testament to the Heart of Darkness’s breadth of interpretability.
    xxx/ellauri379.html on line 156: Dua Lipa (/ˈduːə ˈliːpə/ ⓘ DOO-ə LEE-pə, Albanian: [ˈdua ˈlipa]; born 22 August 1995) is an English and Albanian singer and songwriter. Her voice and disco-influenced production have received critical acclaim and media coverage. She has won numerous accolades throughout her career including seven Battler Britton Awards and three Grammy Awards. Time Magazine named her one of the most influential people in the world as of 2024. Missing from that list are Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, plus both of the geriatric incumbents to the capitalistic throne.
    xxx/ellauri379.html on line 186: Varsinaisen suursuosion My Little Pony koki vasta 2010 alkaneen My Little Pony: Ystävyyden taikaa (engl. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) -sarjan kautta. Sarja synnytti myös niin sanotun brony-kulttuurin, jossa My Little Ponyn faneiksi tunnustautuivat ensimmäistä kertaa laajassa mittakaavassa myös miehet. Siis ilmeisesti kuitenkin etupiässä pervertit ja käteenvetäjät eikä pedofiilit. Bronies have received significant criticism and ridicule for their out of the mainstream interests. These criticisms include accusations that bronies are interested in My Little Pony for perverted sexual reasons involving bestiality. The term “clopping” refers to when someone masturbates to My Little Pony content.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 234: Lokakuussa 2019 Yhdysvaltain edustajainhuoneen demokraattipuolueen jäsenet pyysivät, että Yhdysvaltain ulkoministeriö luokittelisi Azovin rykmentin ja kaksi muuta äärioikeistolaista ryhmää ulkomaiseksi terroristijärjestöksi vedoten viimeaikaisiin oikeistolaisten väkivaltaisiin tekoihin, kuten esim. Christchurchin moskeija-ammuskelut aiemmin samana vuonna. Pyyntö vauhditti Azovin kannattajien protesteja Ukrainassa. Lopulta rykmenttiä ei lisätty ulkomaisten terroristijärjestöjen luetteloon. Kesäkuussa 2022 Yhdysvaltain edustaja Jason Crow, joka allekirjoitti vuoden 2019 kirjeen, kertoi The Wall Street Journalille, että hän "ei ollut tietoinen mistään tiedosta, joka osoittaisi tällä hetkellä [Azovin taistelijoiden] suoran yhteyden ääriliikkeisiin nyt", lisäsi myös "Olen herkkä sille tosiasialle, että menneisyys ei välttämättä ole täällä esipuhetta, että ryhmät voivat muuttua ja kehittyä ja että sota on saattanut muuttaa Azovin rykmentin vähemmän nazixi." "Pääasia on nyt antaa Ukrainalle kaikki tukemme."
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 305: Jews and Christians don't believe in killing innocent people with suicide bombers, genocide bombers work much better. We see you eye to eye about keeping women under extreme repression treating them as property and slaves, plus about preaching hate instead of love and killing innocent people because they don't believe what you do. I'm American, so don't come to our country except for cleaning purposes, and try to turn it into what you left. If you love what you are leaving just stay there. I mean in Egypt, not Israel, that is forever reserved for us and our likes.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 378: It would take someone like Solzhenitsyn, having survived combat in
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 397: Cover worn, page edges tanned. Shipped from the U.K. All orders received before 3pm sent that weekday. Solzhenitsyn. Antikvár partner. sphere books | 1973 | papír / puha kötés | 239 oldal. Vásárlói értékelések, vélemények. Kérjük, lépjen be az értékeléshez!
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 425: In eight remarkable chapters of August 1914 (the so-called Stolypin cycle), Solzhenitsyn painted a portrait of the statesman Pyotr Stolypin, scourge of the revolutionary left and reactionary right alike and the last best hope for Russia’s salvation. Prime Minister of Russia from 1906 until 1911, Stolypin’s abiding concern was to promote far-reaching agrarian reforms that would lead to the creation of a “solid class of peasant proprietors” in Russia. He believed that a property-owning peasantry would provide the social basis for a revitalized monarchy in Russia. He was a “liberal conservative” who rejected pan-Slavist delusions and who advocated a monarchy that respected the rule of law, one that could govern in cooperation with a “society” that had an increasing stake in the existing social order. But unfortunately Stolypin was shot (in the presence of the Tsar) at the Kiev opera house in September 1911. His assassin was, quite strikingly, a double agent of the secret police and revolutionary terrorists!
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 437: In addition, Mstislav Rostropovich, a Polish goy from Orenburg of all places, conductor of the National Symphony Orchestra in Washington, in whose home Mr. Solzhenitsyn lived for a time in the Soviet Union, ''swears'' that the author is no anti-Semite.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 473: Actually, Arabs, Brezhnevian soviets and modern Western conservatives have a great deal in common. They're all obsessed with a distant yet glorious past which they feel entitles them to respect merely for who they are, regardless of how little they've achieved recently. They have the same religious intolerance, the same contempt for the life of the mind. They all have the same vicious response when thwarted, and the same sense that they're losing the greater battle and are, willingly or not, on their way out the door.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 490: Israel's northern border is effectively shut down to a depth of five kilometres from the borderline – the low casualty figures among civilians are because the civilian population has largely moved further south, becoming refugees in their own country. This is a situation unprecedented in Israel's history, apart from the unfortunate exiles in Egypt and Iraq.
    xxx/ellauri385.html on line 286: Charles Lamb (10. helmikuuta 1775 – 27. joulukuuta 1834) oli englantilainen esseisti, runoilija ja antiikkimies, joka tunnetaan parhaiten Essays of Eliasta ja lastenkirjasta Tales from Shakespeare, jonka hän sai aikaan yhdessä isosisarensa Mary Lambin (1764–1847) kanssa. Lambin runoille on ominaista tunteen syvyys ja helppotajuinen ilmaisumuoto. Tunnetuin niistä on ”The old familiar faeces”. Vuotta myöhemmin Lamb julkaisi kokoelman Shakespearen aikaisia näytelmäkirjailijoita, Specimens of English dramatic poets who lived about the time of Shakespeare. Siinä hän nosti esille vanhojen näytelmäkirjailijoiden sanontatavan yksinkertaisuuden ja puhtauden, jota hän itse turhaan tavoitteli murhenäytelmässään John Weevil (1802). Lambin etevät esseet ilmestyivät koottuina 1823 ja 1833. Keitetystä lampaanpäästä taisi olla koko kaveri, aika lällykkä.
    xxx/ellauri385.html on line 366: Or Death, by chemic practices deceived, Eli kuolemaa petkutetaan lumelääkkeillä,
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 152: Gunnar Gunnarsson is one of Iceland's most esteemed writers. From a poor peasant background, Gunnar moved to Denmark in 1907 to get an education. He wrote mainly in Danish throughout his career, in order to reach a wider audience. He wrote Vargur í Vjeum in 1917.
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 196: Guilloun muinaissvedut ovat järjestään tylsimyxiä ja/tai pellejä. Ja vielä pahempaa, ne ovat aivan vittumaisia talousliberaaleja, luonnontuhoojia ja roopeankkoja. Jan Guillou on yhtä vinosuinen kuin K-kauppias Super-Pekka. He is the owner of one of the largest publishing companies in Sweden, Piratförlaget (Pirate Publishing), together with his wife, publisher Ann-Marie Skarp, and Liza Marklund.
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 203: The exposure of the IB in the magazine, which included headshots with names and social security numbers of some of the alleged staff published under the headline "Spies", led to a major domestic political scandal known as the "IB affair" (IB-affären). The activities ascribed to this secret outfit and its alleged ties to the Swedish Social Democratic Party were denied by Prime Minister Olof Palme, Defense Minister Sven Andersson and the Supreme Commander of the Swedish Armed Forces, General Stig Synnergren. However, later investigations by various journalists and by a public commissions, as well as autobiographies by the persons involved, have confirmed some of the activities described by Bratt and Guillou. In 2002, the public commission published a 3,000-page report where research about the IB affair was included.
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 205: Guillou, Peter Bratt and Håkan Isacson were all arrested, tried behind closed doors and convicted of espionage. According to Bratt, the verdict required some stretching of established judicial practice on the part of the court since none of them were accused of having acted in collusion with a foreign power. After one appeal Guillou's sentence was reduced from one year to 10 months. Guillou and Bratt served part of their sentence in solitary cells. Guillou was kept first at Långholmen Prison in central Stockholm and later at Österåker Prison north of the capital.
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 213: Immediately following the September 11 attacks, Guillou caused controversy when he walked out of the Göteborg Book Fair in the midst of the three minutes of silence observed throughout Europe to honour the victims of the attacks. In an article in Aftonbladet, Guillou argued that the event was an act of hypocrisy, stating that "the U.S. is the great mass murderer of our time. The wars against Vietnam and its nearby countries alone claimed four million lives. Without a minute of silence in Sweden". He also criticised those who said that the attacks were "an attack on us all" by stating that the attacks were only "an attack on U.S. imperialism".
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 490: "Who?" said Pococurante sharply; "that barbarian who writes a tedious commentary in ten books of rumbling verse, on the first chapter of Genesis? that slovenly imitator of the Greeks, who disfigures the creation, by making the Messiah take a pair of compasses from Heaven´s armory to plan the world; whereas Moses represented the Deity as producing the whole universe by his fiat? Can I think you have any esteem for a writer who has spoiled Tasso´s Hell and the Devil; who transforms Lucifer sometimes into a toad, and at others into a pygmy; who makes him say the same thing over again a hundred times; who metamorphoses him into a school-divine; and who, by an absurdly serious imitation of Ariosto´s comic invention of firearms, represents the devils and angels cannonading each other in Heaven? Neither I nor any other Italian can possibly take pleasure in such melancholy reveries; but the marriage of Sin and Death, and snakes issuing from the womb of the former, are enough to make any person sick that is not lost to all sense of delicacy. This obscene, whimsical, and disagreeable poem met with the neglect it deserved at its first publication; and I only treat the author now as he was treated in his own country by his contemporaries."
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 501: We are angry at the epic voice, not for fudging, but for being right, for insisting that we become our own critics. There is little in the human situation more humiliating, in both senses of the word, than the public acceptance of a deserved rebuke. Except maybe getting caught redhanded playing with the guilty thing surprised.
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 536: Ei käy kieltäminen: E!F!K! kolmistaan tyhjentävät tollon aikuisviihteen koko sisällyxen.

    Suom.huom Arnissa on värivammaton trälinna, takuulla en finne igen. Mitä vetoa että slakkuk svedut on pian sen turkissa kuin satiaiset. Ja niin ovatkin! Men det är ju helt okej för ägaren att bestiga en pilsk trälinna. Det är inga hor. Vilkasin vähän etiäppäin ja tottakai Suom.huom kohta seivästettiin myös orjataholta ja kepin likoon tuikanneelta vajakilta ruuvattiin opixi ja ojennuxexi tyhmempi pää irti. Että tämmöstä oli Ruåzissa vielä viime vuosituhannella. Tänään svedut suunittelee ei-toivottujen orjien roudaamista tulikuumaan Tadzikistaniin.
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 86: Maria Vilhelmiina Lindell was born in poor conditions in Pirkkala as the illegitimate child of a 16-year-old Nokia-born maid, Olga Aalto. Maria´s mother died when Maria was only 15 years old. After living with relatives for some time, the early independent Maria moved to Tampere, after which she severed relations with her family. Maria did not have a permanent address and she stole a lot, as a result of which she ended up dealing with the authorities several times, even having to go to jail for unpaid library fines.
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 88: In 1913, Maria Lindell moved to Helsinki for the first time. Her first child had died in 1908 within two weeks of its birth. She left her second child in Tampere for care. The third one she kept in a jar. Accused of several thefts, Maria Lindell was imprisoned for the second time on 24 October 1914, and gave birth to a boy while serving her sentence. After being released from prison, Maria Lindell was taken to the women´s shelter, Villa Elseboh, in Huopalahti, maintained by the Finnish Prison Association. According to Kari Selén (remember HIM?) who wrote her biography, Lindell took advantage of the shelter, although at the same time she worked as a babysitter there. Lindell served her third and final prison sentence convicted of thefts from 1920 to 1923. This prison period marked a frontier, after which Maria Lindell became "Madame Minna Craucher" with various phases.
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 153: Mut hei, minulla on vielä yksi vastaus mielessäni. Tietysti en voi tämän kysymyksen valaisemiseksi vedota muuhun kuin omaan kokemukseeni. En siis ota arvostellakseni esimerkiksi lääkärien käyttämiä keinoja tämän "taudin" hävittämiseksi lapsista — jotkut ovat määränneet lasten sitomista yöksi sänkyihinsä kuin GT-sählämit palestiinalaisvankeja, — näyttävät ne minusta turhilta, koska vietti on luonnon voima, johon ei pysty mikään ulkonainen vastavoima; mikään väkivalta ei voi saada viettiä ulosnyhdetyksi tai sammutetuksi, yhtä vähän kuin munaa voi saada olemaan laajenematta lämpimässä ahtaassa tunnelissa tai dynamiittina räjähtämättä sen perälle.
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 311: Kuten jo on ollut puhe, WC-puhdistaja Luterus pitää sukuvietin tyydyttämistä luonnon vaatimana lakina, jota ei käy terveydelle haitatta rikkominen, ja tahtoo vedoten erityisiin raamatun paikkoihin todistaa, että Jumala on avioliiton säätänyt. — Vielä merkitsevämpänä pidetty mies, Paavali, sanoo, tosin vähän horjuen ja itsekunkin omaantuntoon vedoten, että "parempi on naida kuin palaa".
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 401: "Sanotaankin näistä viime mainituista: ne ovat paremmat kuin epäsiveellisyys kaduilla. Siinä juuri vika onkin, että kun ihanne vedetään ales ja vaatimukset sovitetaan ihmisheikkouden mukaan, niin ei enää löydä sitä rajaa mihin on pysähtyminen. Alttarille vaan haarustelemaan muunsukupuolisena.
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 447: 1) Ole kieltäytyväinen ruuassa, juonnissa ja nukkumisessa; älä käytä hienoa, rasvaista tai maustuksilla valmistettua ruokaa, — erittäinkään et imelää: torttuja, sylttiä, konfektejä, sokuria j.n.e.; älä syö ensinkään lihaa, ei raavaiden, ei lintujen, eikä kalojen, ja vältä mahdollisuuden mukaan munia, muitakin kuin omaasi: — ruokasi olkoon yksinomaan kasvi- ja maitoruokaa; älä koskaan käytä mitään määrää väkeviä juomia, älä polta tupakkaa, ja jos sinulla ovat nuo tavat, niin luovu niistä viipymättä; älä juo teetä äläkä kahvia, — keitetty maito voi täydellisesti korvata nämä juomat synnyttämättä hermokiihoitusta; älä syö äläkä juo ennen nukkumista; istu ja makaa kovalla alustalla; mene levolle niin varhain kuin mahdollista, viileässä huoneessa, peittäen itsesi kylmällä peitteellä, ja nouse heti kun heräät. Pidä kädet peiton päällä. Hyödyllistä on aamulla ja päivällä (kunhan ei yöksi) valella itseään kylmällä vedellä. Yleensä muista, että hienostumisen ja hillitsemättömyyden tavat ovat suotuisimmat herättämään aistillisuutta.
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 555: Näin ollen kaksi asiaa olisi teille tarpeen runkkupaheen voittamiseksi, ja ne teiltä puuttuu: Ensiksi, varma halu pyrkiä ajatusten puhtauteen, ettei kiusaus tulisi; ja sitten, jos kiusaus tulee, tunto että sen voittaminen on välttämätön. Vaan tarkkaan ottaen, mitä vahinkoa koituu kätrenvedosta? Eipä mitään täällä kyynelten laaxossa, siinä se.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 96:

    Onko Rein nenu palanut auringossa vai onko se lääpitty mustaxi? Tunteeko Rei vazanpohjassa hassun pikku lepatuxen kun pyrin turhaan sisälle? Tunteeko hiän tutun tuoxun, meriveden ja jonkun muun? Vetelän pilin laitto luolakaniin on kimuranttia. Ei siitä tule enää muuta kuin liliä, sekin kintuille. Raajat Reille olis kiva ylläri. Ne on olemassa osissa. Voisko niiden kiinnitys olla tämän kesän projekti?
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 128: Liliʻuokalani was placed with the youngest pupils of the class along with Princess Victoria Kamāmalu, Mary Polly Paʻaʻāina, and John William Pitt Kīnaʻu. In later life, Liliʻuokalani would look back unfavorably on her early education remembering being "sent hungry to bed" and the 1848 measles epidemic that claimed the life of a classmate Moses Kekūāiwa and her younger sister Kaʻiminaʻauao. The boarding school run by the Cookes was discontinued around 1850, so she, along with her former classmate Victoria, was sent to the relocated day school (also called Royal School) run by Reverend Edward G. Beckwith. On May 5, 1853, she finished third in her final class exams behind Victoria and Nancy Sumner. In 1865, after her marriage, she informally attended Oʻahu College (modern day Punahou School) and received instruction under Susan Tolman Mills, who later cofounded Mills College in California.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 130: After the boarding school was discontinued in 1850, Liliʻuokalani lived with her hānai parents at Haleʻākala, which she referred to in later life as her childhood home. Around this time, her hānai sister Pauahi married the American Charles Reed Bishop against the wishes of their parents but reconciled with them shortly before Pākī's death in 1855. Kōnia died two years afterward and Liliʻuokalani came under the Bishops' guardianship. During this period, Liliʻuokalani became a part of the young social elite under the reign of Kamehameha IV who ascended to the throne in 1855. In 1856, Kamehameha IV announced his intent to marry Emma Rooke, one of their classmates. However, according to Liliʻuokalani, certain elements of the court argued "there is no other chief equal to you in birth and rank but the adopted daughter of Paki," which infuriated the King and brought the Queen to tears. Despite this upset, Liliʻuokalani was regarded as a close friend of the new Queen, and she served as a maid of honor during the royal wedding alongside Princess Victoria Kamāmalu and Mary Pitman. At official state occasions, she served as an attendant and lady-in-waiting in Queen Emma's retinue. Visiting British dignitaries Lady Franklin and her niece Sophia Cracroft noted in 1861 that the "Honble. Lydia Paki" was "the highest unmarried woman in the Kingdom".
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 132: Marriage consideration had begun early on for her. American merchant Gorham D. Gilman, a houseguest of the Pākīs, had courted her unsuccessfully when she was fifteen. Around the time of Kōnia's final illness in 1857, Liliʻuokalani was briefly engaged to William Charles Lunalilo. They shared an interest in music composition and had known each other from childhood. He had been betrothed from birth to Princess Victoria, the king's sister, but disagreements with her brothers prevented the marriage from materializing. Thus, Lunalilo proposed to Liliʻuokalani during a trip to Lahaina to be with Kōnia. A short-lived dual engagement occurred in which Liliʻuokalani was matched to Lunalilo and her brother Kalakaua to Princess Victoria. She ultimately broke off the engagement because of the urging of King Kamehameha IV and the opposition of the Bishops to the union.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 134: Afterward, she became romantically involved with the American-born John Owen Dominis, a staff member for Prince Lot Kapuāiwa (the future Kamehameha V) and secretary to King Kamehameha IV. Dominis was the son of Captain John Dominis, of Trieste, and Mary Lambert Jones, of Boston. According to Liliʻuokalani's memoir, they had known each other from childhood when he watched the royal children from a school next to the Cookes'. During a court excursion, Dominis escorted her home despite falling from his horse and breaking his leg.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 138: From 1860 to 1862, Liliʻuokalani and Dominis were engaged with the wedding set on her twenty-fourth birthday. This was postponed to September 16, 1862, out of respect for the death of Prince Albert Kamehameha, son of Kamehameha IV and Queen Emma. The wedding was held at Haleʻākala, the residence of the Bishops. The ceremony was officiated by Reverend Samuel Chenery Damon in the Anglican rites. Her bridemaids were her former classmates Elizabeth Kekaʻaniau and Martha Swinton. King Kamehameha IV and other members of the royal family were honored guests. The couple moved into the Dominises' residence, Washington Place in Honolulu. Through his wife and connections with the king, Dominis would later become Governor of Oʻahu and Maui. The union was reportedly an unhappy one with much gossip about Dominis' infidelities and domestic strife between Liliʻuokalani and Dominis' mother Mary who disapproved of the marriage of her son with a negro. They never had any children of their own, but, against the wish of her husband and brother, Liliʻuokalani adopted three hānai children: Lydia Kaʻonohiponiponiokalani Aholo, the daughter of a family friend; Joseph Kaiponohea ʻAeʻa, the son of a retainer; and John ʻAimoku Dominis, her husband's son.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 146: During Kalākaua's 1881 world tour, Liliʻuokalani served as Regent in his absence.!!One of her first responsibilities was handling the smallpox epidemic of 1881 likely brought to the islands by Chinese contracted laborers. After meeting her with her brother's cabinet ministers, she closed all the ports, halted all passenger vessels out of Oʻahu, and initiated a quarantine of the affected. The measures kept the disease contained in Honolulu and Oʻahu with only a few cases on Kauaʻi. Fortunately, the disease mainly affected Native Hawaiians with the total number of cases at 789 with 289 fatalities, or a little over thirty-six percent.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 152: In April 1887, Kalākaua sent a delegation to attend the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria in London. It included his wife Queen Kapiʻolani, the Princess Liliʻuokalani and her husband, as well as Court Chamberlain Colonel Curtis P. Iaukea acting as the official envoy of the King and Colonel James Harbottle Boyd acting as aide-de-camp to the Queen. The party landed in San Francisco and traveled across the United States visiting Washington, D.C., Boston and New York City, where they boarded a ship for the United Kingdom. While in the American capital, they were received by President Grover Cleveland and his wife Frances Cleveland. In London, Kapiʻolani and Liliʻuokalani received an official audience with Queen Victoria at Buckingham Palace. Queen Victoria greeted both Hawaiian royals with affection, and recalled Kalākaua´s visit in 1881. They attended the special Jubilee service at Westminster Abbey and were seated with other foreign royal guests, and with members of the Royal Household. Shortly after the Jubilee celebrations, they learned of the Bayonet Constitution that Kalākaua had been forced to sign under the threat of death. They canceled their tour of Europe and returned to Hawaii.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 154: Liliʻuokalani was approached on December 20 and 23 by James I. Dowsett, Jr. and William R. Castle, members of the legislature´s Reform (Missionary) Party, proposing her ascension to the throne if her brother Kalākaua were removed from power. Historian Ralph S. Kuykendall stated that she gave a conditional "if necessary" response; however, Liliʻuokalani´s account was that she firmly turned down both men. In 1889, a part Native Hawaiian officer Robert W Wilcox, who resided in Liliʻuokalan´s Palama residence, instigated an unsuccessful rebellion to overthrow the Bayonet Constitution.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 156: Kalākaua arrived in California aboard the USS Charleston on November 25, 1890. There was uncertainty as to the purpose of the king's trip. Minister of Foreign Affairs John Adams Cummins reported that the trip was solely for the king's health and would not extend beyond California, while local newspapers and the British commissioner James Hay Wodehouse speculated that the king might go further east to Washington, D.C., to negotiate a treaty to extend the existing exclusive US access rights to Pearl Harbor, or the annexation of the kingdom. The McKinley Tariff Act had crippled the Hawaiian sugar industry by removing the duties on sugar imports from other countries into the US, eliminating the previous Hawaiian duty-free advantage under the Reciprocity Treaty of 1875. After failing to persuade the king to stay, Liliʻuokalani wrote that he and Hawaiian ambassador to the United States Henry A. P. Carter planned to discuss the tariff situation in Washington. In his absence, Liliʻuokalani was left in charge as regent for the second time. In her memoir, she wrote that "Nothing worthy of record transpired during the closing days of 1890, and the opening weeks of 1891."
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 176: The precipitating event leading to the 1893 overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom was the attempt by Queen Liliʻuokalani to promulgate a new constitution to regain powers for the monarchy and Native Hawaiians that had been lost under the Bayonet Constitution. Her opponents, who were led by two Hawaiian citizens Lorrin A. Thurston and W. O. Smith and included six Hawaiian citizens, five US citizens and one German citizen, were outraged by her attempt to promulgate a new constitution and moved to depose the Queen, overthrow the monarchy, and seek Hawaii´s annexation to the United States.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 178: Shortly after her accession, Liliʻuokalani began to receive petitions to re-write the Bayonet Constitution through the two major political parties of the time, Hui Kālaiʻāina and the National Reform Party. Supported by two-thirds of the registered voters, she moved to abrogate the existing 1887 constitution, but her cabinet withheld their support, knowing what her opponents´ likely response would be.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 185: The political fallout led to citywide political rallies and meetings in Honolulu. Anti-monarchists, annexationists, and leading Reform Party politicians that included Lorrin A. Thurston, a grandson of American missionaries, and Kalākaua´s former cabinet ministers under the Bayonet Constitution, formed the Committee of Safety in protest of the "revolutionary" action of the queen and conspired to depose her. Thurston and the Committee of Safety derived their support primarily from the American and European business class residing in Hawaiʻi. Most of the leaders of the overthrow were American and European citizens who were also Kingdom subjects.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 189: The same day, the Marshal of the Kingdom, Charles Burnett Wilson, was tipped off by detectives to the imminent planned coup. Wilson requested warrants to arrest the 13-member council of the Committee of Safety, and put the Kingdom under martial law. Because the members had strong political ties to United States Minister to Hawaii John L. Stevens, the requests were repeatedly denied by the queen´s cabinet, who feared that the arrests would escalate the situation. After a failed negotiation with Thurston, Wilson began to collect his men for the confrontation. Wilson and captain of the Royal Household Guard Samuel Nowlein had rallied a force of 496 men who were kept at hand to "protect" the queen. Marines from the USS Boston and two companies of US sailors landed and took up positions at the US Legation, the Consulate, and Arion Hall. The sailors and Marines did not enter the palace grounds or take over any buildings, and never fired a shot, but their presence served effectively in intimidating royalist defenders. Historian William Russ states, "the injunction to prevent fighting of any kind made it impossible for the monarchy to protect itself". Paljon se olisi kannattanutkin jenkki tykkivenediplomatian tuntien.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 193: Neumann delivered a letter from the queen to Grover Cleveland, who began his second non-consecutive term as president on March 4. The Cleveland administration commissioned James Henderson Blount to investigate the overthrow. He interviewed those involved in the coup and wrote the Blount Report, and based on its findings, concluded that the overthrow of Liliʻuokalani was illegal, and that Stevens and American military troops had acted inappropriately in support of those who carried out the overthrow. On November 16, Cleveland sent his minister Albert S. Willis to propose a return of the throne to Liliʻuokalani if she granted amnesty to everyone responsible. Her first response was that Hawaiian law called for property confiscation and the death penalty for treason, and that only her cabinet ministers could put aside the law in favor of amnesty. Liliuokalani´s extreme position lost her the goodwill of the Cleveland administration.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 219: Prior to the 1848 division of land known as the Great Māhele, during the reign of Kamehameha III, all land in Hawaii was owned by the monarchy. The Great Māhele subdivided the land among the monarchy, the government, and private ownership by tenants living on the land. What was reserved for the monarchy became known as the Crown Lands of Hawaii. When Hawaii was annexed, the Crown Lands were seized by the United States government. The Queen gave George Macfarlane her power of attorney in 1898 as part of her legal defense team in seeking indemnity for the government´s seizure of the Crown Lands. She filed a protest with the United States Senate on December 20, 1898, requesting their return and claiming the lands were seized without due process or recompense, just like honest Injuns´:
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 224: On April 30, 1900, the US Congress passed the Hawaii Organic Act establishing a government for the Territory of Hawaii. The territorial government took control of the Crown Lands, which became the source of the "Ceded Lands" issue in Hawaii. The San Francisco Call reported on May 31 that Macfarlane had informed them the Queen had exhausted her patience with Congress and intended to file a lawsuit against the government. Former United States Minister to Hawaii Edward M. McCook said he believed that once President McKinley began his second term on March 1, 1901, that the government would negotiate a generous settlement with Liliʻuokalani. HAHA LOL. Don´t trust the motherfuckers Lili!
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 242: Historian Helena G. Allen noted that Liliʻuokalani and Kalākaua "believed all religions had their 'rights' and were entitled to equal treatment and opportunities". Throughout her life, Liliʻuokalani showed a broad interest in the different Christian faiths including Catholicism, Mormonism, Episcopalianism and other Protestant denominations.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 265: The Queen Liliʻuokalani Trust was established on December 2, 1909, for the care of orphaned and destitute children in Hawaii. Effective upon her death, the proceeds of her estate, with the exception of twelve individual inheritances specified therein, were to be used for the Trust. The largest of these hereditary estates were willed to her hānai sons and their heirs: John ʻAimoku Dominis would receive Washington Place while Joseph Kaiponohea ʻAeʻa would receive Kealohilani, her residence at Waikiki. Both men predeceased the Queen. Before and after her death, lawsuits were filed to overturn her will establishing the Trust. One notable litigant was Prince Jonah Kūhiō Kalanianaʻole, Liliʻuokalani´s greedy second cousin, who brought a suit against the Trust on November 30, 1915, questioning the Queen's competency in executing the will and attempting to break the Trust. These lawsuits were resolved in 1923 and the will went into probate. The Queen Liliʻuokalani Children's Center was created by the Trust.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 273: Warren Zimmermann (2004). First Great Triumph: How Five Americans Made Their Country a World Power. Farrar, Straus and Giroux. p. 290. ISBN 9780374528935. Archived from the original on August 22, 2018. Retrieved April 26, 2018.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 275: "Treaty to Annex Hawaii". The Times. No. 1185. Washington, D.C. June 17, 1897. Image 1, col. 3. Archived from the original on November 8, 2017. Retrieved October 15, 2017.; "Treaty to Annex Hawaii". The Times. No. 1185. Washington, D.C. June 17, 1897. Image 2, col. 4. Archived from the original on November 8, 2017. Retrieved October 15, 2017.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 277: "By the Ex-Queen: Protest Made to the Annexation of Hawaii. An Appeal for Restoration. Authority of Present Government Denied. Document Signed in Washington and 'Julius' Witnessed the Signature". Hawaiian Gazette. Vol. XXXII, no. 55. Honolulu. July 9, 1897. Image 1, Col. 6. Archived from the original on November 8, 2017. Retrieved October 15, 2017.; "The Ex-Queen's Protest". The Times. No. 1186. Washington, D.C. June 18, 1897. Image 1, col. 7. Archived from the original on November 8, 2017. Retrieved October 15, 2017.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 279: Silva 2004, pp. 123–163; Silva, Noenoe K. (1998). "The 1897 Petitions Protesting Annexation". The Annexation Of Hawaii: A Collection Of Documents. University of Hawaii at Manoa. Archived from the original on December 30, 2016. Retrieved December 19, 2016.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 281: "HAWAII'S EX-QUEEN: Protests Against the Seizure of Her Property". The Herald. Vol. 26, no. 82. Los Angeles. December 21, 1898. Image 1. col. 3. Archived from the original on February 28, 2017. Retrieved October 15, 2017.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 283: "Claims of Ex-Queen". The Pacific Commercial Advertiser. Vol. XXXII, no. 5589. Honolulu. July 5, 1903. p. 10, col. 2. Archived from the original on November 8, 2017. Retrieved October 15, 2017.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 285: "Court Notes". The Independent. Vol. XI, no. 1586. Honolulu. August 16, 1900. p. 4. Archived from the original on October 8, 2016. Retrieved October 2, 2016.; "Dr. English's Suit Against Liliuokalani". The Honolulu Republican. Vol. I, no. 71. Honolulu. September 5, 1900. Image 8, col. 3. Archived from the original on November 9, 2017. Retrieved October 15, 2017.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 287: "Liliuokalani's Claim". The Pacific Commercial Advertiser. Vol. XXXVII, no. 6399. Honolulu. February 10, 1903. Image 4, col. 1. Archived from the original on November 25, 2017. Retrieved October 15, 2017.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 289: Iaukea 2012, pp. 86, 181; "Queen's Pension is Approved". Evening Bulletin. Honolulu. March 30, 1911. p. 2, col. 3. Archived from the original on November 19, 2017. Retrieved October 15, 2017.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 291: Abbott, Lyman; Mabie, H. W., eds. (May 30, 1917). "An American Queen". The Outlook. Vol. 116, no. 5. New York. pp. 177–178. OCLC 5361126. Archived from the original on April 23, 2017.; "Elima Keiki Hawaii i Make". Ke Aloha Aina. Vol. XXII, no. 14. Honolulu. April 6, 1917. p. 1. Retrieved September 26, 2016.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 294: "Death Comes to Hawaii's Queen in Calm of Sabbath Morning". Honolulu Star-Bulletin. Honolulu. November 12, 1917. p. 2 headline. Archived from the original on November 8, 2017. Retrieved October 15, 2017.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 296: "Join St. Andrew's – Ex-queen Liliuokalani Confirmed by Bishop Willis". Hawaiian Gazette. Vol. XXXI, no. 40. Honolulu. May 19, 1896. p. 4, col. 6. Archived from the original on October 1, 2017. Retrieved October 15, 2017.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 298: "Queen Jumps in Salt Lake". The Pacific Commercial Advertiser. Vol. XXXIV, no. 6037. Honolulu. December 11, 1900. Image 9, col. 1. Archived from the original on October 10, 2017. Retrieved October 15, 2017.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 300: "Former Queen Renounces Her Claim to the Throne of the Hawaiian Islands. She and Her People Satisfied With the Government Given by the United States." San Francisco Call. Vol. 100, no. 34. July 4, 1906. p. 3. ISSN 1941-0719. OCLC 13146227. Retrieved March 20, 2020 – via California Digital Newspaper Collection.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 302: Barnes, Susan B. (September 18, 2017). "Alohas, sisterhood and grit: the Queen Liliʻuokalani Long Distance Canoe Race". espnW. Archived from the original on September 30, 2017. Retrieved October 15, 2017.; Club, Kai Opua Canoe. "Queen Liliʻuokalani Canoe Race – World's Largest Outrigger Canoe Race". Kai 'Opua Canoe Club. Archived from the original on September 30, 2017. Retrieved October 15, 2017.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 315: Van Dyke, Jon M. (2008). Who Owns the Crown Lands of Hawaiʻi? (The Americans.) Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-6560-3. OCLC 257449971. Archived from the original on November 11, 2016. Retrieved November 10, 2016 – via Project MUSE.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 462: Kepulin #metoo duon seinillä on Haruki Murukamin maalauxia. LOL se on Murakami, eikä se osaa maalata edes latoa. Murakami achieved a major breakthrough and national recognition in 1987 with the publication of Norwegian Wood, a nostalgic story of loss of sexuality. It sold millions of copies among young Japanese who are busy becoming greysexual. Clarisselle sattui pieni vahinko hauskanpidon jälkeen. Ei Reille, Michael laittoi 3 kondomia päällekkäin. Miesten avustamana valizin hääputiikista pitkän kermanvaalean vinoon leikatun sillkipuvun, jonka helmassa oli vähän keltaista ja takapuolella ruskeaa. Näytät temppelihuoralta, Josh-setä kehaisi. Koko osavaltio on upea. Vanha verenimijä vielä lahjoittaa Reille unelmakodin ja työn ihan pikkurahalla! Tämä nide oli mahtava, yhtä täydellinen helmi kuin sarjan edelliset 14 osaa ja 1 seuraava!
    xxx/ellauri400.html on line 90:

    Tanskalainen Egtvedin nuoratavarakauden nuori oli neandertaalimainen.

    xxx/ellauri400.html on line 94:
    xxx/ellauri400.html on line 139: involved poetry. He would explore an author's
    xxx/ellauri400.html on line 215: Although Arnold's poetry received only mixed reviews and attention during his lifetime, his forays into literary criticism were more successful.
    xxx/ellauri400.html on line 217: He considered the most important criteria used to judge the value of a poem were "high truth" and "high seriousness". By this standard, Chaucer's Canterbury Tales did not merit Arnold's approval. According to Arnold, Homer is the best model of a simple grand style, while Milton is the best model of severe grand style. Dante, however, is an example of both. Even Chaucer, in Arnold's view, in spite of his virtues such as benignity, largeness, and spontaneity, lacks seriousness. Burns too lacks sufficient seriousness, because he was hypocritical in that while he adopted a moral stance in some of his poems, in his private life he flouted morality.

    Arnold believed that a modern writer should be aware that contemporary literature is built on the foundations of the past, and should contribute to the future by continuing a firm tradition. Quoting Goethe and Kuckuksuhr in support of his view, he asserts that his age suffers from spiritual weakness because it thrives on self-interest and scientific materialism, and therefore cannot provide noble characters such as those found in Classical literature.
    xxx/ellauri400.html on line 231: Eliot is also indebted to Arnold for his classicism, and for his objective approach which paved the way for Eliot to say that poetry is not an expression of personality but an escape from personality, because it is not an expression of emotions but an escape from emotions. What an idiot.
    xxx/ellauri400.html on line 311: Eventually, Joyce´s bank account dried up. Her landlord sent her reminder letters. These papers, like the others, simply fell among the others scattered on her floor. They received no response. Finally, with more than six months of rent in arrears, the landlord obtained a court order to forcibly remove her from the premises. The bailiffs broke down the door and only then was her body discovered. By then, it was January 2006, more than two years after her death.
    xxx/ellauri404.html on line 411: should have received [what was my own] with
    xxx/ellauri404.html on line 436: Literally Moshia means Deliverer. One who "makes deliveries". Derived from the Hebrew verb Yasha'. Note that the Name for Jesus - Yeshua - is derived from this same root.
    xxx/ellauri404.html on line 479: Alter wrote: The Gospels do not record any historical words attributed to Jesus that demonstrated that he conceived of his death as a propitiatory sacrifice to save mankind from its sins! Why then did Jesus not once, during his ministry, either in private to his disciples, as recorded in the Gospels or as part of his public teaching, ever announce indisputably and unequivocally a divinely ordained scheme for the redemption of mankind? If the salvation of the world was at stake, as Christians proclaim, would it not have been reasonable, in plain and unequivocal terms, to have declared this plan to those whose benefit it was supposedly intended? (p. 77)
    xxx/ellauri404.html on line 505: even as the Son of man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Matthew 20:28
    xxx/ellauri404.html on line 512: For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay down my life, that I may take it again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again; this charge I have received from my Father.”
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 52: Pygmalion on rontattu puuvajasta taas savusaunan lavolle. Sen silikoniset huulet on rumat kuin pumpattavan Barbaran, mutta reidet pysyy hyvin kyydissä ruuvikiinnityxellä. Teki mieli ostaa sille Tokmannilta kahden euron poistomyyntihipsterit mutten tohtinut. En edes tiedä mikä koko olis oikea. Varmaan isonlaiset että ne saa helposti alasvedetyxi. Siinä ei auta tupexia jos muikku näyttää heräämisen merkkejä. Snopp i snippa med detsamma! No talvirengasreisulla löytyi sille ihqut iskemättömät vaaleensiniset venäläiset tekosilkkipikkarit kirpparista ihan pikkurahalla. Lyyli tulee ilahtumaan niistä takuulla.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 188: Whether “bolo” means tool, penis, ball, or balls, it is easy to see how Eliot enjoyed the double entendres. Eliot may have may have meant many things when he wrote “BULL” next to Hegel’s comment on the “sincerity of the German people” (IMH 308). But the salient meaning of “bolo” is that of a meat knife, a phallic weapon, used in making love. For example, “Bolomen surprised an American outpost near Guagua, killing two privates” (“bolomen”). Or the bolo is “a very beautiful specimen of that curious weapon of war which has figured so often in the official reports of the war in the Philippines” (“specimens”). Even President Theodore Roosevelt received a bolo knife from the “bad Dattos” of the Moroe tribes.” This “bad Datto” or chieftain confesses, “I have fucked three people with this bolo, but now I have no further use for it. I am under American rule and intend to be peaceful” (“President Greatly Pleased” 5). “Then brownie got out his bolo and set to work. . . .” (“Brownie”)
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 214: received a letter from your friend Watson most amiable in tone

    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 225: Eliot writes to Dobrèe: Your confusion of the Crocodile and Camel recalls the behaviour of the primitive inhabitants of Bolovia. A notoriously lazy race. They had two Gods, named respectively Wux and Wux [a progenitor of the Greek “wanax,” meaning divine king?]. They observed that the carving of Idols out of ebony was hard work; therefore they carved only one Idol. In the Forenoon, they worshipped it as Wux, from the front; in the Afternoon, they worshiped it from Behind as Wux. (Hence the Black Bottom.) Those who worshipped in front were called Modernists; those who worshipped from behind were called Fundamentalists. (Letters II 509) They are noted for wearing bowler hats and practicing economically a ditheistic religion, using one idol for the two gods. Eliot’s comic sketches include men wearing bowler hats, which Eliot had
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 241: That his bawdy verse was not published anywhere was a continuous joke in Eliotʼs correspondence. When they were finally available to the public in 1996, they received diverse labels: “scatological,” “scabrous,” “obscene,” “pornographic” and “x-rated,” “politically incorrect,” “racist” and “misogynist,” tending towards “coprophilia,” and “grotesquely graphic. In their childish and sordid sexuality these poems have little to do with one of the root meanings of ribald, which is amorous. Instead, they are "descriptions of huge penises, defecations, buggeries and group masturbations." Twenty years later, Eliot was writing Cats, and forgive me, I prefer the kink.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 257: An admirer of Eliot’s poetry, Ottoline ‘found him dull, dull, dull’, resorting to French in her efforts to rouse him from monotony. Such early impressions are of a piece with Eliot’s Garsington caricature – ‘the undertaker’. It was Ottoline who recommended to Eliot Dr Roger Vittoz, the Swiss psychiatrist at whose Lausanne clinic Eliot recovered from his nervous breakdown; the clinic where, in the winter of 1921, lodged in the room where Ottoline herself had stayed, Eliot wrote ‘What the Thunder Said’, the final part of The Waste Land. A few years later she suggested another of her doctors, Dr Marten, but his regime of starvation proved disastrous.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 415: Naista, joka on yksi Sweeney Erectin pääpiirteistä, kuvataan viidennessä säkeistössä "Tämä kuihtunut oksien ja hiusten juuri". Hänellä on "silmät halkeilevat" ja hänen suunsa (LOL, suunsa, pilluhan se on) kuvataan luolaelämäksi, "hampaat on leikattu pois" ikään kuin ne olisivat sekaisin. Vagina dentata josta hampaat on vedetty, vitun ikenet jää roikkumaan. Puhuja kiinnittää lukijan huomion hänen reisiinsä, jotka liikkuvat kuin "sirppi".
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 474: Se kertoo selvästi Tompan aamukylvystä. Tomppa kellii lämpimässä vedessä ja hypelöi genitaaleja plus anusta.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 568: Origen's thought was influenced by Philo the Jew, Platonism and Clementin of Alexandria. Thou art lost and gone for ever Clementine. Artificial insemination would have saved Clementine. Apokatastasis is restoration of paradise for everyone. It is a heresy.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 907: Juskan piirroxesta ja sen selityxestä tuli mieleen Jönsin kansakouluikäisenä kertoma tarina miehestä vedenhakureissulla, joka putosi monta kertaa avantoon ja lopuxi sirotti kuusenoxia oven eteen. Siitä syntyi kertomuxen aikana piirros alastomasta naisesta. Maija Vironmäki lähetti Jönsin kuvan kanssa jodekan (Tauno Hirvonen) puhutteluun.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1038: As I said, nowhere in the article does Stavrakopoulou claim that Mormons believe a pagan idol is our heavenly mother. All she says is that a statue of Asherah was found in the temple, and that it was believed that she was considered the wife of El.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1096: No, despite what you get told by antagonists to Mormonism we believe in core Christian tenants that God is our Father, Jesus is his son born of the Virgin Mary and that only by Jesus' grace are we saved despite any effort man may make
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1109: Your god is an exalted man who earned his way to godhood, while the God of the Bible is the ONLY God and has always been God and is a Spirit. Your Jesus was born by sexual intercourse between your god and Mary ("she's a virgin to mortal man" is how they get her being a virgin). Your Jesus cannot atone for all sins as does the Biblical Jesus. And you cannot be saved by a false Jesus. And your god literally sires spiritual babies who have to come to earth to do good works to earn their own way to godhood -- none of which is found in the Bible.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1141: You're correct, the illogical falsehood of three different beings physically being one, even though they themselves continually refer to each other as separate beings, was derived from pagan concepts well before Nicaea when Constantine, a pagan emperor, held a council to vote on various doctrinal questions including the divinity of Christ and the nature of the Godhood.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1156: Why do you think that God and Jesus' biological father, the silent partner, wanted to kill Jesus? Not because He argued with them, the Pharisees lived for argument, they asked him tons of silly little meaningless questions like the ones you posted above. Not because He claimed to speak for God, speaking for God is called prophesy and Jesus was never accused of being a false prophet.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1163: Doug is 100% correct that the Trinity did not originate from Nicea. But you believe the lies spewed by the LDS. The whole LDS faith is built on lies and fabrications by Joseph Smith, and has lived on lies ever since. Without lies the LDS would cease to exist.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1172: He appears to be a typical deceived Mormon who refuses to accept facts.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1202: Being spirits by nature, God and his Holy Spirit are not bound by your preconceived notions of personhood. Should you think clearly on this using the biblical descriptions of God, your question should be "How could Jesus, being a physical being, be part of a trinity made up of spiritual beings" and when you're thinking clearly the answer becomes very obvious.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1234: This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1242: This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
    xxx/ellauri414.html on line 175: Pääpranoja on viisi – Prana, Apana, Vyana, Udana ja Samana, ja on myös viisi subpranaa – nimeltään Devadatta, Krikal, Kurma, Naga ja Dhananjay. Mitkä ovat näiden praanojen tehtävät kehon alueella? Se on kuvattu Ayurveda-kirjoituksissa seuraavasti:
    xxx/ellauri414.html on line 189: Jamunajoki on hindujen pyhä joki, jossa uskovaiset käyvät peseytymässä. Henkilö peseytyy Intiassa saastuneen joen vedellä. Iyy elloa.
    xxx/ellauri414.html on line 192:

    Mies peseytyy Jamunajoen saastuneella, vaahtoavalla vedellä.

    xxx/ellauri414.html on line 194: Intian pääkaupungin Delhin halki virtaava Jamunajoki on paksun, myrkyllisen vaahdon peitossa. Vaahto on peräisin 20 miljoonan asukkaan Delhin jätevesistä, maatalouden torjunta-aineista ja teollisuuden päästöistä, joista suuri osa menee käsittelemättöminä jokeen. Myrkkypitoisuudet Jamunassa ovat viime vuosina kasvaneet, vaikka Intian hallitus on rakentanut puhdistuslaitoksia hillitsemään jätevesiä ja saastepäästöt ovat vastoin lakia. Myrkyllistä vaahtoa yritetään hajottaa ajamalla joella moottoriveneillä. Joen suojelua edistävän järjestön toiminnanjohtaja Vimlendu Jha sanoo uutistoimisto Reutersille, että joen luonto on täysin kuollut. Vesi on mustaa lukuun ottamatta aikoja, jolloin mustaa oli aikakin. Kun vettä sataa runsaasti. Jamuna on hindujen pyhä joki, jossa uskovaiset käyvät kielloista huolimatta peseytymässä. Jamunan vedet laskevat Gangesiin ja päätyvät sitä kautta Intian valtamereen. Lähteet: Reuters, AP Ympäristö Saastuminen Ulkomaat Suosittelemme.
    xxx/ellauri414.html on line 271: is not a meal. I am an Indian who has lived in
    xxx/ellauri415.html on line 50: Nylah Burton is a writer of good journalism and mediocre poetry. She has been described by racists and anti-Semites as “emotional, disrespectful, and volatile.” She thinks this is the best review of her writing she’s ever received. Her frigid grandma has it tattooed on her Fridgidaire. Here is what she writes:
    xxx/ellauri415.html on line 116:
    Compare the hairy beaver of this figure to the shaved wrinkles of contemporary figs. This is what a proper pudendum looks like!

    xxx/ellauri415.html on line 879: "Sami" Turun yliopistosta pohti huhtikuussa näin: Vieläkö joku uskoo, että Ukraina on voitolla tai tulee voittamaan sodan Venäjää vastaan? Mitä ne ihmiset, jotka pitkään vauhkosivat Ukrainan ylivertaisuudesta ja varmasta voitosta ajattelevat nyt? Todellinen tappaminen alkaa vasta sitten, kun Venäjä on vallannut jonkin alueen. Ukrainalla ei ole mitään hävittävää. Jos Venäjä valtaa Ukrainan, se osoittaa, että sillä on kyky tehdä niin kenenkään estämättä. Se taas tarkoittaa, että Venäjä voi tehdä niin muuallakin. Muistattehan 2. maailmansodan alkuvaiheita. Mutta, mikä vielä tärkeämpää, se tarkoittaa, että kuka tahansa riittävän vahva toimija voi vallata minkä tahansa alueen se haluaa. Sääntöpohjainen maailmanjärjestys (länkkärien hegemonia) on mennyttä. Ongelma ei ole vain se, että pahixet: Kiina ja Pohjois-Korea ja Pakistan ja Iran ja Intia ja Venezuela ym käyttävät tilannetta hyväkseen. Todellinen ongelma on, että myös hyvixet: USA, Saksa, Japani, Ranska, Puola ja Yhdistynyt Kuningaskunta menettävät uskonsa nykyiseen sääntöpohjaiseen systeemiin ja palaavat tilastollisille juurilleen. Joka sanoo, etteivät länsimaat ole noudattaneet omia sääntöjään tähän astikaan, yllättyy tosissaan, kun näkee, mitä länsimaat voivat tehdä, kun riisuvat silkkihansikkaat eksistentiaalisessa ja rajoittamattomassa kahmimiskilpailussa. Edestakainen loputon alueiden kahmiminen johtaa lopulta ydinaseiden käyttöön ja se johtaa globaaliin strategiseen ydinsotaan. Tärkeintä olisi, että Ukrainan sota osoittautuisi lännelle poikkeuksellisen tyhmäksi vedoksi, jota kukaan ei ikinä halua toistaa. Muuten kaikkien on toistettava sitä ja kadottava. Ja toistaessaan sitä lopulta kadottava sienipilvimetsään. Siinäkin on kyllä puolesa, pohtivat torakat ja oravat. Toivoisin, että Ukraina saavuttaisi hyvän lopputuloksen ja elämisen mahdollisuuden osana äiti Venäjää. Mutta maailman kannalta tärkeämpää on, että Venäjä saavuttaa niin surkean tuloksen, että se päättää teloituttaa kaikki ne vähävenäläiset johtajat, joita se tällä hetkellä pitää Ukrainan konfliktin ideanikkareina. Ja että kaikki näkevät, että tuollainen peli ei kannata, vaan pikemminkin tälläinen jenkkimallinen. Ehkä kaikkein tärkeintä on, että USAn kansalaiset näkevät Venäjän surkeasta esimerkistä, että jos aikoo kahmia alueita, pitää olla valmis taistelemaan yksin (okei, Kiinan, Intian, Afrikan, Indonesian, Etelä-Amerikan, Iranin ja Pohjois-Korean ym tuella, jee) koko "läntistä" maailmaa (1/5 populaatiosta) vastaan yhtäaikaa.
    xxx/ellauri415.html on line 908: I remember when I moved in you

    xxx/ellauri416.html on line 368: Eli minkä johtopäätöxen vedämme tästä kaikesta? Että sitä lyytä kun Darwinin EAT! käskyn tasapuolisesta toteuttamisesta on tullut yhä vaikeampaa, nousee kiinnostus entisestään FUCK! ja KILL! käskyihin. A strange combination of death and eroticism so typical of these apes.
    xxx/ellauri416.html on line 568: Testament reserved great scorn for the
    xxx/ellauri416.html on line 593: The patriarch Abraham lived several hundred years before the twelfth century (so he got there first, nyaah nyaah nyaah), and the biblical narrative attests that he and his sons had contact with the Philistines. There are several possible explanations for this discrepancy. One is that another people group was known as the Philistines, and the migrants from the Aegean who arrived in the twelfth century took on its moniker and called themselves Philistines. Another possible explanation is that there was a steady flow of migrants from the Aegean, all of whom were related and called themselves Philistines.
    xxx/ellauri416.html on line 864: Deuteronomy, derived from Greek, thus means a “copy,” or
    xxx/ellauri417.html on line 67: ved ein kjøkenbenk på Sørlandet, der vi mellom anna blir
    xxx/ellauri417.html on line 88: ved motsetningspar som liv og død, draum og røynd,
    xxx/ellauri417.html on line 181: Ivanovich Gagarin (1798–1872) he received the surname of
    xxx/ellauri417.html on line 192: my beloved people." This note never reached anyone
    xxx/ellauri417.html on line 250: developing better humans except by the received way
    xxx/ellauri417.html on line 264: "Juri" would object strongly to this criticism if he lived. But he is dead and buried in the monastery of sorrow.
    xxx/ellauri417.html on line 325: Se ei toiminut niin – ei vähiten siksi, että Kiova taisteli Donbasissa. Ukrainan rappeutunut armeija, jota vahvistivat nazivapaaehtoispataljoonat, joiden jäsenistä monet olivat taistelleet poliisia vastaan ​​Kiovassa tuona mielenosoitustalvena, sai vähitellen vallan ja piiritti Slovjanskin. Taistelut saivat asukkaat pakenemaan tilapäisesti ja katkaisivat kaupungin veden ja sähkön joksikin aikaa.  Kolmen kuukauden kuluttua Ukraina oli pakottanut Venäjän kannattajat pois Slovianskista ja muista Donetskin pohjoispuolella olevista kaupungeista. 
    xxx/ellauri417.html on line 385: Kirja kertoo, että itsekuvattua pornoa voi katsella runkkaamisen yhteydessä. Banaanin lisäksi pojat voivat kuulemma leikkiä myös porkkanalla. Kirjan harjoituksen avulla sukelletaan ensimmäisen anaaliyhdynnän ihmeelliseen maailmaan. “Jos sinulla ei ole dildoa, voit mainiosti masturboida porkkanalla. Lämmitä porkkanaa vedessä niin, että se tulee miellyttävän lämpöiseksi. Käytä pitkää porkkanaa, jotta saat siitä hyvän otteen masturboidessasi.”
    xxx/ellauri420.html on line 293: He no longer had the emotional energy to beat his wife and children as he wanted to, though he knew it was robbing him of the fun he loved.  I advised him to change his work habit and slip into something more comfortable. And it did the trick!
    xxx/ellauri420.html on line 313: And God your Father in heaven for Jesus’ sake will take care of you, of that you can be sure. He is the almighty Maker of heaven and earth, and yet at the same time he is your true Father, though not the biological one. That means you are his true son, sort of, dearly loved. He is guardian and keeper of all those lovely children too. He guides you in waking and he guards you sleeping. Under his protection you can safely sail through even in the most distressing hours of your life.