ellauri069.html on line 676: The most valuable of all Cracker Jack prizes are two sets of baseball cards together worth more than $125,000. Cracker Jack became part of the baseball pastime when the song "Take me out to the Ballgame" was written with the words "buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack."
ellauri089.html on line 652: § 116. But (3) granted that the appropriate combination of these two elements is always a considerable good and may be a very great one, we may ask whether, where there is added to this a true belief in the existence of the object of cognition, the whole thus formed is not much more valuable still. …
ellauri089.html on line 656: § 118. from the two judgments (a) that knowledge is valuable as a means, (b) that, where the object of the cognition is itself a good thing, its existence, of course, adds to the value of the whole state of things: …
ellauri089.html on line 660: § 120. We thus get a third essential constituent of many great goods; and in this way we are able to justify (1) the attribution of value to knowledge, over and above its value as a means, and (2) the intrinsic superiority of the proper appreciation of a real object over the appreciation of an equally valuable object of mere imagination: emotions directed towards real objects may thus, even if the object be inferior, claim equality with the highest imaginative pleasures. …
ellauri095.html on line 209: The typical Hopkins drawing is what Ruskin called the “outline drawing”; as Ruskin put it, “without any wash of colour, such an outline is the most valuable of all means for obtaining such memoranda of any scene as may explain to another person, or record for yourself, what is most important in its features.” Many such practical purposes for drawing were advanced by Ruskin, but his ultimate purpose was to unite science, art, and religion.
ellauri106.html on line 425: As well as the social cohesion that spirituality and early religious beliefs must have brought to threatened groups of humans, they must also have been a valuable mechanism to persuade humans to struggle against the odds. Surely, human spirituality is deeply embedded in our genes. Victor Frankl, in his observations about survival in Auschwitz, argued that in his view, only those inmates who had some spiritual sense, some idea that there was a power above that could see their suffering, found the strength and resolution to survive the terrible dehumanisation and deprivation of the concentration camps.
ellauri111.html on line 152: Because of these and other reasons, the apocryphal books are only valuable as ancient documents illustrative of the manners, language, opinions and history of the East.
ellauri141.html on line 518: I got the ordinary allowance of Latin, ending with Virgil and Horace – specially Horace. I don’t pretend that I liked it, any more than I should have liked anything else that purported to be education, but looking back at it now, it strikes me as valuable.
ellauri147.html on line 380: The mother and daughter share a fantastic bond. In fact, a sheaf of fantastically valuable bonds.
ellauri150.html on line 255: Colette Stevens. HR Director. "Regardless of the working relationship, Colette always displays the same valuable characteristics - she is very bright, totally commercial, able to build strong and lasting relationships and is great fun to be around.
ellauri159.html on line 581:
Sharing what’s valuable in life means not just giving away material goods, but also time, attention, wisdom and energy — the things that create a strong, rich and diverse community.
ellauri161.html on line 526: But in the only interesting plot twist in the film, tech billionaire Isherwood, concludes that his "non-peer-reviewed science" (as Dr. Mindy puts it) will be able to break the comet up in pieces and his company will mine the valuable metals from the comet fragments once they crash into the ocean.
ellauri171.html on line 424: The problem was made worse by the fact that the Israelites occupied border territory. If there was an invasion, they might defect to the enemy. This could mean the collapse of the Egyptian Empire. Just like the Ukrainians. So off with them. Wait! Pharaoh did not want to eject them from Egypt – they were too valuable as workers. So he sought to control their numbers by forced labour and by child slaughter. Hmm. Mitähän opetuxia tästäkin tarinasta voisi ottaa?
ellauri171.html on line 973: Jezebel’s marriage to Ahab was a political alliance. The union provided both peoples with military protection from powerful enemies as well as valuable trade routes: Israel gained access to the Phoenician ports; Phoenicia gained passage through Israel’s central hill country to Transjordan and especially to the King’s Highway, the heavily traveled inland route connecting the Gulf of Aqaba in the south with Damascus in the north. But although the marriage is sound foreign policy, it is intolerable to the Deuteronomist because of Jezebel’s competing gods.
ellauri192.html on line 861: In the Soviet Union in 1927, a former Marshal of Nobility, Ippolit Matveyevich "Kisa" Vorobyaninov, works as the registrar of marriages and deaths in a sleepy provincial town. His mother-in-law reveals on her deathbed that her family jewry was hidden from the Bolsheviks in one of the twelve chairs from the family’s dining room set. Those chairs, along with all other personal property, were taken away by the Communists after the Russian Revolution. Vorobyaninov wants to find the treasure. The “smooth operator” and con-man Ostap Bender forces Kisa to become his partner, as they set out to find the chairs. Bender's street smarts and charm are invaluable to the reticent Kisa, and Bender comes to dominate the enterprise. Father Fyodor (who had known of the treasure from the confession of Vorobyaninov's mother-in-law), their obsessed rival in the hunt for the treasure, follows a bad lead, runs out of money, ends up trapped on a mountain-top, and loses his sanitary pad. Ostap remains unflappable, and his mastery of human nature eliminates all obstacles, but Vorobyaninov steadily deteriorates.
ellauri197.html on line 176: Clifton's three books of poetry were published by Duckworth. The first was Dielma and Other Poems in 1932 and then followed Flight in 1934. One commentator has said that “Clifton was particularly adroit at poems honouring – and marvelling at – women” and the Times Literary Supplement stated that “His lyrics are a gracious tribute to the beauty of women”. These were fairly conventional poems unlike his final work Gleams Britain's Day published in 1942. The Spectator described it as “expressing in a sort of prophetic certitude opinions upon religion, patriotism, love, art, war and peace, which he puts in unconventional verse”. The reviewer stated that the book was “the product of a curious, whimsical mind, full of energy, squandering it on half-digested ideas”. W B Yates dedicated his poem, Lapis Lazuli, to Clifton who had given him a valuable Chinese lapis lazuli carving.
ellauri243.html on line 554: Bob´s book is about Perpetual Potential. Inside these pages, you will discover three invaluable lessons that will propel you closer to your true potential. The lessons will serve you well on either of two different, but parallel roads you may travel: The roads towards triumph or tragedy, as well as the roads in between. In 2003 the author, Bob Stearns was on top of the world. He led his company to win the most prestigious business award in the country, the Malcolm Baldrige award. Just five short years later, tragedy struck. Bob´s oldest son Eric was killed while on a study trip abroad in Athens, Greece. Eric was 21 years old at the time and was a junior at Penn State University. Although Eric lost his precious life in Greece, he found something sprawled under the pillars of the Acropolis that many people search for their entire lifetimes. He found inner peace in the knowledge that he could truly be anything he wanted to be, he could do anything he wanted to with his life. In his book "Perhaps a Man Can Change the Stars - Eric's Pursuit of Perpetual Potential", Bob shares with you three life lessons that allowed Eric to understand his true potential. Those same lessons helped Bob and his family deal with Eric´s death. The same lessons had enabled Bob to lead his company to triumph five years earlier. A key take away from the book is that no matter what stage of life you find yourself, you have the potential to explore. You have the potential to utilize and grow the talents and aspirations that you currently have. You have the potential to rekindle old talents that lie dormant, and to allow new talents to blossom. This is true regardless of age, circumstances, and what other people may be telling us. So read, explore and think deeply about how you can apply the three lessons that Bob learned from Eric. Decide for yourself how you can best use them. Indeed, our Potential is Perpetual!
ellauri260.html on line 318: With the huge influx of gold and other valuable loot from the colonies (called the Renaissance), they ceased to be regarded as mere means and incidental things, and getting filth rich became again the goal (as it had been during the Roman empire as well, and the Greeks, by the way, whatever Aristotle may have said.)
ellauri263.html on line 669: “One of the most valuable effects of Upasika’s mission [Note: “Upasika” is a Buddhist term meaning “femakko” and was used by the Masters for HPB] is that it drives men to self-study and destroys in them blind servility for persons, sanoi 1 setämies. … Imperfect and very troublesome, no doubt, she proves to some, nevertheless, there is no likelihood of our finding a better one for years to come – and your theosophists should be made to understand it. … HPB has next to no concern with administrative details, and should be kept clear of them, so far as her strong nature can be controlled. But this you must tell to all: – With occult matters she has everything to do. We have not abandoned her; she is not ‘given over to chelas’. She is our direct agent. I warn you against permitting your suspicions and resentment against ‘her many follies’ to bias your intuitive loyalty to her. … Be assured that what she has not annotated from scientific and other works, we have given or suggested to her.
ellauri264.html on line 691: So this is what´s common between Graham Bell, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs , Mark Zuckerberg and Ray Kroc: All of them have managed to steal something very valuable from somebody and make it work for them. Steve Jobs brought the idea of mouse from Xerox and Bill Gates copied the entire idea from Steve Jobs Mark Zuckerberg stole the idea from Winklewoss brothers and published as his own.
ellauri285.html on line 226: I have also argued (Lasonen-Aarnio 2010, 2021) that there is such a thing as “unreasonable knowledge”: there are also cases in which a subject is negatively evaluable, even to be blamed for believing a proposition p, even if she knows p. Jos voittaa zägällä ei voi saada kiitosta, väittää Mirja. Paskanmarjat, voittaja saa kiitoxet vaikka olisikin tehnyt virheitä (Stalin), häviäjä saa turpiin ettei kotiin löydä (Hitler).
ellauri285.html on line 301: Mutta tämäkään ei kelpaa Kuappiselle. Teleologin mielestä on pääasia että kaverin elämä näyttää muista merkityxelliseltä vaikka se sille izelleen olis kuinka ikävää. Ehkä Mahatmakin mieluummin virui alastonna nubiilien neitosten viekossa, ja oli täysin kylästynyt ahimsaan, silti vittu, sen elämä oli merkizevää, sanoi se ize mitä tahansa. Sitävastoin kotirouvan tai sotamiehen elämä on merkityxetöntä, ei koska niillä oli tylsää, vaan koska ne eivät yrittäneet riittävästi, "rather their half-hearted and lackluster pursuit of valuable goals."
ellauri321.html on line 204: I will lease them an hundred acres for any term of years you please, and make it more valuable to your Scotchman than if he was possessed of the fee simple.
ellauri324.html on line 273: Why is America in such poor shape, with its crumbling roads, crappy power distribution, and pitiful public transport systems? It is because Americans have been propagandized for decades into believing that “liberty” is the ultimate virtue, and this “liberty” is so valuable that it justifies the cost of living as a selfish asshole under a dysfunctional government. “Raise taxes to pay for public infrastructure?” “Jeez Louise; over my dead body! Taxation is theft, government is bad!” For much of the 20th century, America defined itself against the collectivist USSR, and the fatuous argument was made that since everything was under the control of the state in the USSR, the US government should do as little as possible, apart from outspending the evil Commies in national defense.
ellauri331.html on line 645: valuable.com/housePhotos/clar/41/425141/H0054-L46361837.jpg" height="300px" />
ellauri372.html on line 83: Crassus befriended Licinia, a Vestal Virgin, whose valuable property he coveted. Plutarch says "And yet, when he was further on in years, he was accused of criminal intimacy with Licinia, one of the vestal virgins, and Licinia was formally prosecuted by a certain Plotius. Now, Licinia was the owner of a pleasant villa in the suburbs, which Crassus wished to get at a low price, and it was for this reason that he was forever hovering about the woman and paying his court to her, until he fell under the abominable suspicion. And, in a way, it was his avarice that absolved him from the charge of corrupting the vestal, and he was acquitted by the judges. But he did not let Licinia go until he had acquired her property."
ellauri375.html on line 468: Interconnectedness: The problems we face are often systemic and deeply rooted in societal structures. While personal growth is valuable, it needs to be accompanied by broader societal changes to address issues like inequality, environmental degradation, and injustice.
ellauri375.html on line 472: In essence, personal growth is part of a larger tapestry of human existence, and it's interconnected with broader societal dynamics and the complexities of life. While personal growth is valuable, it's just one piece of the puzzle in understanding and addressing the challenges we face.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 835: All races have a valuable contribution to bring to the great spiritual community, he said, and all races and nations are needed for Christ to reveal Himself in all His power and glory.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 780: 315 of these men were engaged in a rehabilitation program of which 96.8% testified that it was valuable to them at that time. 5.3% of these murderers did not undergo any schooling; 80.7% did not complete their schooling; and 14% passed matric.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 794: 58 of these women were engaged in a rehabilitation program and it was valuable to 89.7% at that time. 7.6% of these women had no schooling; 78.8% did not complete their schooling, while 13.6% passed matric.
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 497: During the Seven Years' War (1756-1763), Britain's ruinously expensive naval sorties against France were actually inflicting very little damage. In the specific case of the Sept 1757 Raid on Rochefort, British MP Henry Fox said it was like breaking their windows with guineas (i.e. - using and thus losing our most valuable coins as missiles, simply to break their glass windows).
xxx/ellauri281.html on line 648: His encyclopaedia Al-Iklīl (“The Crown”; Eng. trans. of vol. 8 by N.A. Faris as The Antiquities of South Arabia) and his other writings are a major source of information on Arabia, providing a valuable anthology of South Arabian poetry as well as much genealogical, topographical, and historical information. “Al-Dāmighah” (“The Cleaving”), a qaṣīdah, is perhaps his most famous poem; in it he defends his own southern tribe, the Hamdān. It has been said that al-Hamdānī died in prison in Sanaa in 945, but this is now in question.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 546: Kierkegaard’s view was that one’s relation to a deity is irreducible to a creed (TRR, pp. 391–392). Instead of belief, what is vital is the religious romance. Willy to believe. The intimacy between a lesser being and a greater being is something we find in Keats' Endymion. Rorty analogizes religious faith with the experience of lovemaking. Unfair relations are valuable if they are able to deepen an individual’s unique life experience. They redeem the believer and the lover by helping them grow meaningfully, not by stretching uncomfortably. Religious connections range from "one of adoring obedience, or ecstatic communion, or quiet confidence, or some combination of these". Sounds a lot like Al Bundy's Love And Marrage.
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 906: valuable.com/housePhotos/sothebys/13/105313/H0046-L00660131.jpg" height="100%" />