ellauri051.html on line 1327: 727 Over the sharp-peak'd farm house, with its scallop'd scum and slender shoots from the gutters, 727 Yli terävähuippuisen maalaistalon, jossa on kampasimpukoita ja ohuita versoja kouruista,
ellauri096.html on line 245: The common explanation of Moore’s absurdity is that the speaker has managed to contradict himself without uttering a contradiction. So the sentence is odd because it is a counterexample to the generalization that anyone who contradicts himself utters a contradiction.
ellauri118.html on line 1166: Shakespeare´s Hamlet, the title character disparages his mother, Gertrude, a widow newly married to her husband´s brother. In disgust at her haste to remarry, Hamlet mutters: "Frailty, thy name is woman".
ellauri132.html on line 62: Nach Eckharts Tod wurde das Verfahren fortgesetzt. Es endete mit der Verurteilung der 28 Sätze, die teils als häretisch, teils als häresieverdächtig eingestuft wurden. Wichtiger als die Berufung auf Autoritäten (Neuplatonismus, Augustinus, Moses Maimonides) ist für ihn (wie für seinen Namensvetter!) die auf Vernunft und Erfahrung gestützte Einsicht. Er hält seine Einsichten für universal gültig und will seinem Publikum den Nachvollzug auch anspruchsvoller Inhalte ermöglichen. (wie auch sein schwerverständlicher Namensvetter! "Solange der Mensch dieser Wahrheit nicht gleicht, solange wird er diese Rede nicht verstehen.") Als Prediger wendet er sich statt Latein in deutscher Sprache auch an Hörer oder Leser, die über wenig philosophische oder theologische Vorkenntnisse verfügen. (Wie sein Namensvetter, der seine Muttersprache verlässt und auf English prädiziert). Tervettä markkina-ajattelua: enemmän tyhmempiä ja rikkaampia kusetettavia.
ellauri143.html on line 576: Who kills conceit that utters 'I' and 'mine',
ellauri151.html on line 428: Poesie ist die Muttersprache des menschlichen Geschlechts; Sinne und Leidenschaften reden und verstehen nichts als Bilder. In Bildern besteht der ganze Schatz menschlicher Erkenntniß und Glückseeligkeit.
ellauri156.html on line 562: Now why does this messenger not wait for David to respond in anger, as Joab instructed? Why does he inform David that Uriah has been killed, before he even utters a word of criticism or protest? I believe the messenger gives the report in this way because he understands what is really going on here. I think he may know about David and Bathsheba, and perhaps even of her pregnancy. He certainly knows that Uriah was summoned to Jerusalem. I think he also figures out that David wants to get rid of Uriah, and that Joab has accomplished this by this miserable excuse for an offensive against the enemy. I think the messenger figures out that if David knows Uriah has been killed, he will not raise any objections to this needless slaughter. And so, rather than wait for David to hypocritically rant and rave about the stupidity of such a move, he just goes on and tells him first, so that he will not receive any reaction from David.
ellauri182.html on line 187: As in other Pure Land Buddhist schools, Amitābha is a central focus of the Buddhist practice, and Jōdo Shinshū expresses this devotion through a chanting practice called nembutsu, or "Mindfulness of the Buddha [Amida]". The nembutsu is simply reciting the phrase Namu Amida Butsu ("I take refuge in Amitābha Buddha"). Jōdo Shinshū is not the first school of Buddhism to practice the nembutsu but it is interpreted in a new way according to Shinran. The nembutsu becomes understood as an act that expresses gratitude to Amitābha; furthermore, it is evoked in the practitioner through the power of Amida's unobstructed compassion. Therefore, in Shin Buddhism, the nembutsu is not considered a practice, nor does it generate karmic merit. It is simply an affirmation of one's gratitude. Indeed, given that the nembutsu is the Name, when one utters the Name, that is Amitābha calling to the devotee. This is the essence of the Name-that-calls.[7]
ellauri192.html on line 694: utterstock-730964005.jpg" width="100%" />
ellauri213.html on line 319: Gutterslug - Urban Dictionary. A girl that is drunk and ugly, but still worth the sex. Them two gutterslugs outside of that club are dusty, but would still
ellauri222.html on line 143: As everyone has said, Bellow not least, “Augie March” was the breakthrough book. Bellow ascribed its origin to a visionary moment. In 1948, he had gone with Anita to Paris for two years, supported by a Guggenheim fellowship. (Bellow hated Paris.) He was at work on a novel called “The Crab and the Butterfly,” which apparently concerned two men arguing in a hospital room. In the version of the epiphany he told to Roth, he was walking to his writing studio one morning when he was distracted by the routine Parisian sight of the street gutters being flushed:
ellauri302.html on line 262: Basha: At home when we have a shower like this the gutters run over and flood the narrow lanes. And we take off our shoes and stockings and panties and dance in the rain barefoot... Who's going to take her shoes off? (Removes her shoes and stockings.) Take off your shoes, Manke, and let's dance in the rain!
ellauri335.html on line 60: Maalaistalon keittiön ratkaisut ovat vanhentuneita, sanoo BM Shutterstock.
ellauri390.html on line 737: utterstock_289448738-1024x683.jpeg" width="100%" />
ellauri412.html on line 627: In A Pnutters -
ellauri421.html on line 1105: utterstock.com/shutterstock/photos/27212419/display_1500/stock-photo-losevo-leningrad-oblast-august-participants-in-action-at-rafting-on-inflatable-dolls-bubble-27212419.jpg" width="90%" />
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 383: Even my barber, which is a self employed hair cutter. Would his business exist without rich people? Would it? Where would he get to rent a building to run his barber show out of? Where did the power come from? Where did his trimmers and hair cutters come from? Where did he buy that barber chair from?
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 831: “Doubtless,” said I, “what it utters is its only stock and store Mut siinähän se kaikki on mitä osaa taidoton.
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 196: At its presentation at the 1869 Salon, this enigmatic group portrait was overwhelmingly misunderstood despite the obvious reference to Majas at the Balcony of Francisco Goya. "Close the shutters!" was the sarcastic reaction of the caricaturist Cham while another critic attacked "this gross art" and Manet who "lowered himself to the point of being in competition with the painters of the building trade".
xxx/ellauri200.html on line 541: utterstock_104448647.jpeg" />
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 313: utterstock_715481152-1024x892.jpg" height="200" />
xxx/ellauri287.html on line 141: utterstock_630224219_athens-airport.jpg" width="40%" />
xxx/ellauri379.html on line 216: Fluttershy (ujo lepatus)
xxx/ellauri379.html on line 217: Fluttershyn söpöysmerkki: Kolme vaaleanpunaista perhosta sinisillä tuntosarvilla ja keholla.
xxx/ellauri379.html on line 239: Noh. En mitenkään pysty uskomaan että pelkkä älykäs keskustelu kirjallisuudesta ja filosofiasta Twilightin kanssa riittäisi pidemmän päälle parikymppiselle jannulle joka runkkaa lastenanimaation ääressä. Monilla tulppa on suunnilleen samankokoinen kuin mitä tyyppi ize. Pienet ponit sopivat anustapeixi. Persetulppia, hehe (Nigella). Pegasuxen sarvi on paxulti vaseliinilla liukastettu kyrpä. Syötämme heille muovia. Hyvällä ruokahalulla pojat syövät mikromuovia ja tulevat lisääntymiskelvottomixi. (Fluttershy)
xxx/ellauri388.html on line 278: Kuten myös Adele Schreiber huomauttaa (Mutterschutz , tammikuu, 1907, s. 30), se ei riitä todistamaan, ettei pidättyminen ole vaarallista; meidän on muistettava, että tämän mahtavan vaiston tukahduttamiseen käytetty henkinen ja fyysinen energia vähentää usein iloisen ja energisen luonteen väsyneeksi ja haalistuneeksi varjoksi. Vastaavasti Helene Stöcker (Die Liebe und die Frauen , s. 105) sanoo: "Kysymys siitä, onko pidättyminen haitallista, on totta puhuen naurettava kysymys. Ei tarvitse olla hermostunut asiantuntija tietääkseen, kuten itsestäänselvyys, että onnellisen rakkauden ja avioliiton elämä on tervettä elämää, ja sen täydellinen puuttuminen ei voi olla johtaa vakavaan psyykkiseen masennukseen, vaikka suoria fysiologisia häiriöitä ei voida osoittaa."
xxx/ellauri407.html on line 93: utterstock.com/preview-440/8107038a/cad50297/Shutterstock_8107038a.jpg" alt="xxx" />
xxx/ellauri416.html on line 588: utterstock_1729426924.jpg" />
xxx/ellauri420.html on line 215: uttersworld.com/civilisations-that-collapsed/bronze-age-diplomacy-in-the-middle-east/Moyen_Orient_Amarna_1-sm.webp" width="100%" />