ellauri042.html on line 939: Donne was born in London in 1571 or 1572, into a recusant Roman Catholic family when practice of that religion was illegal in England.[7] Donne was the third of six children. His father, also named John Donne, married to one Elizabeth Heywood, was of Welsh descent and a warden of the Ironmongers Company in the City of London. However, he avoided unwelcome government attention out of fear of persecution.
ellauri119.html on line 412: Hamilton had tenure and held an endowed chair, but his reputation for radical theology rendered him and his family unwelcome at a local Presbyterian church and eventually at Colgate Rochester.
ellauri151.html on line 245: In other people's company I felt I was dull, gloomy, unwelcome, at once bored and boring… (Sure enough...)
ellauri264.html on line 438: suddenly found himself unwelcome in his own home and would only return
ellauri264.html on line 440: in the woods, only to get extremely sick. It is those two traumatizing experiences — abandonment and being unwelcome and loathed in his own home — that drive him, Pattis says.
ellauri430.html on line 232: But for now, 12 February will go down in Ukraine's calendar as a tough day when a new and unwelcome reality took hold. BBC:n puolustusalan kirjeenvaihtaja, kaljupäisen gangsterin näköinen Jonathan Beale tarkastelee irvistellen Pete Hegsethin Brysselissä järjestetyssä puolustushuippukokouksessa esittämiä kommentteja Ukrainan turvallisuuden rahoituksesta. Se on uusi todellisuus" - Yhdysvaltain asenne Ukrainaan katkera isku Zelenskille. Euroopan kansakuntien on tarjottava "ylivoimainen" osuus Ukrainan rahoituksesta, Yhdysvaltain uusi puolustusministeri on sanonut, kun hän merkitsi jyrkkää muutosta Washingtonin kannassa sodan suhteen. Bugger it!
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 618: A person from Porlock was an unwelcome visitor to Samuel Taylor Coleridge during his composition of the poem Kubla Khan in 1797. Coleridge claimed to have perceived the entire course of the poem in an opiatic dream, but was interrupted by this visitor from Porlock while in the process of writing it. Kubla Khan, only 54 lines long, was never completed. Thus "person from Porlock", "man from Porlock", or just "Porlock" are literary allusions to unwanted intruders who disrupt inspired creativity.