ellauri065.html on line 492: Its white supremacist trash. In the plot summary of the wikipedia article you linked for the novel, The Day of the Rope is what the fictional characters call the day that they raided all the homes of "race traitors" ("gender traitors" in Ruby script), dragged them into the streets and hung them from lamp posts. Its a defining moment for a white supremacists dream of a perfect race war where all non-whites eventually get eliminated.
ellauri079.html on line 324: Tässä ei nyt kerkiä kertoa pitkästi miten Plaatto asiasta selviää, riittäköön lyhyt summary. Ensin se kazoo miten oik.mukaisuus toimii valtiossa, ja sitten vasta sielussa. Juttu on se ikivanha rebublikaaninen tarina ihmisruumiin osista ja erittäin tärkeästä mahalaukusta. Eli syntyy työnjakoa, ja porukka jakautuu luonnostaan farmareihin ja käsityöläisiin, mutta sit tarvitaan myös näitä mahalaukkuja, suolia ja perseitä, ja niiden turvaxi armeija ja johtoon filosofikuningas. Tää on taloudellsta, väittää Plaatto, muuta perustelua ei anneta. Eliskä toi sääntö ‘yxi henkilö - yxi jopi’ (R. 370a–c; 423d). Ei vitussa, sanoo uusliberaali, paljon parempi tää järjestys missä huipulla on vähän ihmisiä ei mitään jopia, ja pohjalla vitusti ihmisiä jokaisella kolme neljä jopia.
ellauri080.html on line 69:
Four Temperaments and Humors: A Summary

ellauri089.html on line 449: § 23. Summary of chapter.
ellauri089.html on line 475: § 35. Summary of chapter. Tulihan se sieltä. Tää on tää iänikuinen talousliberaali silmäänkuseskelu. Että me sielukkaat apinaolennot ollaan jotain luonnon yläpuolella kun me osataan näitä pelejä. Ilkka Niiniluoto 70-luvulla ivaili Ahmavaaran korkkiruuvia, että tosiasioista voitas muka päättää miten asioiden oisi paras olla. Senhän hydran pään katkaisi jo Hume sillä giljotiinilla. Ja eihän maailma ole satunnainen eikä deterministinen, eihän? Kai me ollaan muumipelin pelaajia jotka voi vaikka arvaamalla valkata jonkun parhaan reitin, jonka varrella on 2 näkinkenkiä ja muumitalon avain?
ellauri089.html on line 495: § 44. Summary of Mill's argument and of my criticism.
ellauri089.html on line 537: § 65. Summary of chapter. Tää luku on aivan joutava. Pelkkää olkimiehen mätkintää. Ei edes Epikuros ollut kiinnostunut noin paljon pyllynreijän kutkuttelusta.
ellauri089.html on line 580: § 85. Summary of chapter.
ellauri089.html on line 633: § 109. Summary of chapter.
ellauri089.html on line 691: § 135. Summary of chapter.
ellauri092.html on line 106: This however, is a mere summary of a man who showed the world what could be done when a man was fully constipated due to Cod and as practiced as a Late Night Host.
ellauri094.html on line 700: summary of Super Flumina Babylonis;
ellauri096.html on line 271: If the students know that they will not forget and know there will be no undermining by outside evidence, then we may be inclined to agree with Binkley’s summary that his idealized student never loses the knowledge he accumulates. As we shall see, however, this overlooks other ways in which rational agents may lose knowledge.
ellauri099.html on line 53:

ellauri099.html on line 98: GoethemerinorsuveriAthletikerENFJ - Opeummary.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/xir85736_1024x1024.jpeg" height="100px" />
ellauri100.html on line 319: However, it was not momentous events but a bit of seemingly irrelevant analysis that administered the coup de grâce to my naïve “liberalism”. It happened in the early 1970s, when my boss asked me to concoct grand measures of effectiveness for the armed forces (i.e., summary measures of antisubmarine warfare capabilities, of tactical strike capabilities, and so on). I struggled with the problem, and made a good-faith effort to provide the measures. But in the end I had to report to my boss that he had given me “mission impossible”. Why? Because, no summary measure could capture the effects of the many factors that would determine the effectiveness of the armed forces: the enemy, the characteristics of his forces, the timing and geographic particulars of any engagement, and so on. (See “Hemibel Thinking” in this post for a précis of my argument.) That was the first time I got sacked. But I returned as soon as my boss got fired.
ellauri106.html on line 126: A committed atheist, Philip Roth feared only one form of posthumous punishment: being trapped for all eternity in a hostile biography. In 2007, Roth, echoing a similar quip from Oscar Wilde, said, “Biography gives a new dimension of terror to dying.” Roth’s had already been the subject of a harsh and unforgiving portrait in Leaving a Doll’s House (1996), the memoirs of his former wife, the actor Claire Bloom. As John Updike noted in The New York Review of Books, “Claire Bloom, as the wronged ex-wife of Philip Roth, shows him to have been, as their marriage rapidly unraveled, neurasthenic to the point of hospitalization, adulterous, callously selfish, and financially vindictive.” This crisp summary ended Roth’s friendship with Updike, even after Updike made clear he was recapping Bloom’s book and not affirming its accuracy.
ellauri106.html on line 386: A committed atheist, Philip Roth feared only one form of posthumous punishment: being trapped for all eternity in a hostile biography. In 2007, Roth, echoing a similar quip from Oscar Wilde, said, “Biography gives a new dimension of terror to dying.” Roth’s had already been the subject of a harsh and unforgiving portrait in Leaving a Doll’s House (1996), the memoirs of his former wife, the actor Claire Bloom. As John Updike noted in The New York Review of Books, “Claire Bloom, as the wronged ex-wife of Philip Roth, shows him to have been, as their marriage rapidly unraveled, neurasthenic to the point of hospitalization, adulterous, callously selfish, and financially vindictive.” This crisp summary ended Roth’s friendship with Updike, even after Updike made clear he was recapping Bloom’s book and not affirming its accuracy.
ellauri112.html on line 926: Last, but not least, the about page offers a downloadable brochure, suitable for mass distribution and for anyone wanting a very brief summary of the subject of wine in the Lord´s Supper. Some readers may want a few copies for their church´s book table.
ellauri115.html on line 1136: Hare wrote a popular science bestseller published in 1993 without conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us (reissued 1999). He describes psychopaths as 'social predators', while pointing out that regrettably, most don't kill their prey. One philosophical review described it as having a high moral tone yet tending towards sensationalism and graphic anecdotes, and as providing a useful summary of the assessment of psychopathy but ultimately avoiding the difficult questions regarding internal contradictions in the concept or how it should be classified.
ellauri117.html on line 383: At some point, idly add up total word count for every story summary, character description, cinematic scene, level script, multiplayer script, and collectible script you have written over previous two and half years. Plunge face into hands when word-count total surpasses that of every book you’ve published combined.
ellauri142.html on line 609: Spencer's reputation among the Victorians owed a great deal to his agnosticism. He rejected theology as representing the 'impiety of the pious.' He was to gain much notoriety from his repudiation of traditional religion, and was frequently condemned by religious thinkers for allegedly advocating atheism and materialism. Nonetheless, unlike Thomas Henry Huxley, whose agnosticism was a militant creed directed at 'the unpardonable sin of faith' (in Adrian Desmond's phrase), Spencer insisted that he was not concerned to undermine religion in the name of science, but to bring about a reconciliation of the two. The following argument is a summary of Part 1 of his First Principles (2nd ed 1867).
ellauri150.html on line 600: Plot summary for the 1959 film Ben Hur directed by William Wyler and starring Charlton Heston as Judah Ben-Hur and Stephen Boyd as Messala.
ellauri156.html on line 631: But now a speedy recap of my previous zillion-word summary of Dog's twenty-line storyline thus far. (Thanx to Netflix for this genial method of stretching a watered-down story to a multiple of its length. Thanx to BERBER for paying me per word and not per idea.)
ellauri180.html on line 447: In summary: a man speaks to some unidentified (and possibly imaginary) auditor, telling us how, on a dark and stormy (or rainy and windy) night, he waited in his cottage for his lover, Porphyria, to arrive. When she turns up, it’s clear Porphyria is of a higher social class than the male speaker: he’s punching above his weight, as they say. Note how she glides in as if she owns the place, and as if she walks on air rather than on the ground like us mere mortals. She wears a hat, cloak, and shawl, and her gloves are soiled, suggesting that they are not used to slumming it in a common man’s cottage and attending to his fire and grate. The fact that she also takes the lead – suggesting she is perhaps used to ordering servants to do her bidding – further hints at her highborn status: she calls to the speaker, and she takes his arm and puts it around her waist. Then, the clincher (in more ways than one): we are told "she Too weak, for all her heart’s endeavour,
ellauri184.html on line 622: In summary, the following understanding of biblical history seems plausible: 1. Although the Sanhedrin had the right to condemn Jesus to death and execute the sentence, it seemed opportune for various reasons to have the governor render this verdict. Moreover, although the Sanhedrin and the Roman governor had very diverse perspectives on Jesus, their interests finally converged, which led to Pilate’s condemnation of Jesus on grounds of unproven political charges.
ellauri190.html on line 43:
ellauri190.html on line 44:
ellauri190.html on line 45:
ellauri197.html on line 75:

ellauri198.html on line 718:
Dark Tower: Plot summary

ellauri217.html on line 723: Bruce der Metzger´s Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament includes a summary of current research on the topic as of about 1994:
ellauri223.html on line 155:
Plot summary

ellauri240.html on line 124: Vang Pao has been widely portrayed by his Hmong supporters and the US media as an American war hero and venerated leader of the Hmong people. The former CIA chief William Colby once called him "the biggest hero of the Vietnam war". He came very close to having a park in Madison City, Wisconsin, named after him in 2002. But McCoy objected to the honouring of a man who had ordered the summary executions of prisoners and soldiers who crossed him, and accused Vang Pao of war crimes and heroin-trafficking. Five years later, Vang Pao's name was removed from a new school in Madison after opponents said it should not bear the name of a man with such a blood-stained history.
ellauri270.html on line 309:
ellauri277.html on line 64:
ellauri346.html on line 56: Why is terrorism harmful? Executive Summary. Terrorism does more than kill the innocent: It undermines democratic governments, even in mature democracies like those in the United States and much of Europe. The fear terrorism generates can distort public debates, discredit moderates, empower political extremes, and polarize societies.
ellauri389.html on line 296:

ellauri434.html on line 154: If we still haven’t convinced you to read it, then check out our short summary of the novel here!
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 118: Plot Summary: A soundless mix of story fragments and images. Initially, images of death, a man with a guitar, a soirée. Some images are surreal: an older woman eats a leaf; a headless man pours a cocktail into his body. A woman in white walks toward a building, isolated and in ruins, where a man waits. Then more images, some in reflections, some distorted, many in close-ups: women's feet in high heels, two bare feet at play, a snail, a knife, a mask, a woman mugging next to it. Women provocatively dance. A woman's face, staring without affect, rises partially out of water. Now wearing a dark jacket, the woman in white runs as if for her life. Is death at hand, or just images?
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 596:

Plot summary

xxx/ellauri086.html on line 657:
Plot summary

xxx/ellauri103.html on line 329: On and on it went. Rather than focus on the ultimate question around how we can know an experience we have not had, the argument became a tirade. It became about the fact that a white man should be able to write the experience of a young Nigerian woman and if he sells millions and does a “decent” job — in the eyes of a white woman — he should not be questioned or pilloried in any way. It became about mocking those who ask people to seek permission to use their stories. It became a celebration of the unfettered exploitation of the experiences of others, under the guise of fiction. (For more, Yen-Rong, a volunteer at the festival, wrote a summary on her personal blog about it.)
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 302: EDOM, MOAB, AND AMMON. Here’s a brief summary of the history and prophecy concerning these three neighbors of Israel who always seem to wind upon the wrong side of things where the Lord is concerned.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 148:
Plot summary

xxx/ellauri179.html on line 298: An unmatched introduction to Hemingway’s particular skill as a writer is the beginning of A Farewell to Arms, certainly one of the most pregnant opening paragraphs in the history of the modern American novel. In that passage the power of concentration reaches a peak, forming a vivid and charged sequence, as if it were a 10-second video summary. It is packed with events and excitement, yet significantly frosty, as if unresponsive and numb, like a silent flashback dream sequence in which bygone images return, pass in review and fade away, leaving emptiness and quietude behind them. The lapidary writing approaches the highest style of poetry, vibrant with meaning and emotion, while the pace is maintained by the exclusion of any descriptive redundancy, of obtrusive punctuation, and of superfluous or narrowing emotive signs:
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 302: Tältä varmaan näyttää paraikaa taas itä-Ukrainassa. Ernesto olis into piukeena. Eli Hard boiled meinaa noin 5-vuotiaan tasoa läsbarhet asteikolla. Tääkin paskiainen jaxaa puhua jostain "ylevästä" ja vielä Erneston kohdalla. "In that passage the power of concentration reaches a peak, forming a vivid and charged sequence, as if it were a 10-second video summary." Aaarrgghh! No niin just, TLDR tyyliä. Ei ehdi tulla jano eikä mieli munaa ennen seuraavaa pistettä. Ei tarvi painaa pause nappia.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 755:

xxx/ellauri255.html on line 122: There was always going to be tension right from the start, because most of these White officers were anti-Semitic – and there were many Jews in the Socialist Revolutionaries and other socialist parties. White officers also wanted to bring back the punishments used by the tsarist army, which meant that they would be allowed to punch soldiers in the face on a summary charge, whip them using rifle-cleaning rods, things like that. Of course, this created a terrible tension the whole time.
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 541: Liberals are always writing searing indictments. Warren is no ass-kissing liberal. Or was. For now he is just a carcass for burying beetles, or a heap of bones, or a matchbox full of ash. This is a one-sentence summary of his masterpiece, Temple Dogs:
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 234: Njaa. Lue mieluummin tontin yhteenveto Super Summarystä:
xxx/ellauri404.html on line 458: Summary: Michael Alter remarkably claimed that “not once” did Jesus ever claim to be the savior of the world, or its redeemer, by means of His sacrificial death. Veny Käsivahva löysi 2 lupaavaa vastaesimerkkiä, mutta argumentti jäi niissäkin vähän kesken: mitä vitun hyötyä oli kellekään Jee-suxen naulizemisesta? 2 wrongs do not make 1 right.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 553: Summary: In the centre of the poem is the fundamental Christian concept - "In the beginning was the World". Then a second and superinduced conception produced Origen's view. He thus became the casual link in this change of "the One" into the many (3, to be exact). The first word of the poem is a learned word, and mocks at the quality that unites the modern church functionary with the world of caterpillars (love of frequent fornication of choirboys).
xxx/ellauri427.html on line 296: The tallest U.S. president was Abraham Lincoln at 6 feet 4 inches (193 centimeters), while the shortest was James Madison at 5 feet 4 inches (163 centimeters). Donald Trump, the current president, is 6 feet 3 inches (190 centimeters) according to a physical examination summary from February 2019.