ellauri002.html on line 1880: Art. Die Äussere geht stockend ihren

ellauri011.html on line 566: In his central figure, not-quite-Paulo, he has created (I imagine by mistake) a devastating portrait of a man whose stock in trade is spirituality but who is worldly to his very toenails, exquisitely attuned to his own status. He is constantly reminding himself how many books he has sold, how many languages they have been translated into, and that he is 'despite all the adverse reviews, a possible candidate for a major literary prize'. When he takes up with another woman (strictly to dispel the Zahir, of course), he chooses a successful French actress of 35, on the grounds that she was the only candidate to enjoy his status, 'because she too was famous and knew that celebrity counts'. Celebrity is an aphrodisiac. 'It was good for a woman's ego to be with a man and know that he had chosen her even though he had had the pick of many others.' And the man's ego, does that come into it? Not-quite-Paulo is too gallant to reveal his own age, but if he is indeed a refraction of the author then he is 20 years Marie's senior. It's adorable that he should regard himself so solemnly as the trophy in this pairing.
ellauri015.html on line 445: Stockmann julkistaa kuusi säätyä kangaskasseja, jotka korvaavat luottokorttien kolmen värin nokintajärjestyxen. Tää on selkee parannus, nyt näkee kaikki, muut asiakkaat ja myyjät jo ennen kassajonoa, ootko ostellut neljännessadantuhannen arvosta (violetti viiden euron kassi), kymppitonnilla (musta) vai vaan jollain hiluilla (alemmat säädyt). Osaavat kohdella sua arvosi mukaisesti, mitattuna ostovoimalla. Olla höveleitä kattokassisille, ja ylenkazoa kassittomia.
ellauri015.html on line 453: Klikkiuutinen: Jo tuhannet on käyneet noutamassa kassinsa. Eija ja Aili Järvenperästä jonotti hakemaan violetteja kassejaan. En väitä että olen rikas, sanoo Eija, mutta käynhän mä ostoxilla Stockmannilla joka viikko. Enkä yhtään halveksi mustan kassin kantajia, mitä pötyä. Violetissa vaan kulkee ostoxemme paremmin.
ellauri020.html on line 280: Matti serkun vaimo Tinna, anorektikko, oli Stockmannilla sisäänostaja. Kuoli syöpään nelikymppisenä. Poltti ketjussa. Kai ne silloin jo oli eronneet. Rankkaa on elon taistelu seurapiireissä. Matti oli Kymi OY:llä New Yorkissa markkinoijana. Joutui lopettamaan sen, kun ei maxa kestänyt. Mä olin niillä yötä kerran niiden luksuskämpässä jossain Nykin pilvenpiirtäjässä. Greta Garbo asui siinä vastapäätä. Matti oli matkoilla, Tinna paistoi mulle herkkusieniä kokonaisina. Outoa. Mulla ei ollut yöpukua ja kuljin ympäriinsä suihkun jälkeen ihan nakkena. Kuulin jälkeenpäin, että sitä oli päivitelty Hiekkaloiden naisten piirissä. Tiinakin oli ollut järkyttynyt, muttei langennut kiusauxeen kuitenkaan.
ellauri020.html on line 305: Touche. Näyttää siltä että Iivana kazoo ensin tyypin hintalappua, ja sanoo sitten kuin yhdet naiset Seijan kuullen Stockmannin yxityisessä myynnissä Vero Modan kojulla: nää on kivoja (silmäys hintalappuun) mitä! näin halpoja! ja kääntyivät koroillaan.
ellauri020.html on line 520: Hannun omistuxista sais yhtä pitkän luettelon, ja sillä on lähes yhtä iso kerä säästettyjä narunpätkiä. Mainittakoon vaan et sillon Stockmannin herkkuja monessa maassa ja kolme siitostallia, joissa se käy vuoron perään naisten seurassa, joskus jopa vaimonsakin kaa. Se on eto razastaja, aina satulassa kuin liimattuna.
ellauri031.html on line 464: På 6 år, fram till år 1800, färdigställde Baltzar von Platen slussarna. Bygget av Göta kanal möjliggjorde större båtar och för att dessa skulle komma förbi Trollhättan byggdes större slussar under Nils Ericson. Dessa stod klara 1844, längre ned i fallområdet, vid Åkerström. Von Platens och Ericssons slussleder användes parallellt fram till år 1916, då de nuvarande slussarna stod klara. Dessa finns strax öster om Ericssons slussar. När dessa invigts togs de båda äldre slussystemen ur bruk. Och nu ska slussen i Stockholm också tas ur bruk. Stackars sluss, skulle Charlotte säga. Finska fyllon samtycker med henne.
ellauri031.html on line 468: Genom utnyttjandet av vattenkraft blev Trollhättan ett kluster för elintensiv industri, främst metallurgisk industri från 1910-talet och fram till mitten på 1980-talet. Bland de elintensiva företagen som etablerade sig i Trollhättan fanns Stockholms Superfosfat Fabriks AB senare Fosfatbolaget och Eka Chemicals, Höganäs-Billeholm, Skandinaviska Grafit AB, Ferrolegeringar AB m.fl. mindre och kortlivade företag.
ellauri037.html on line 717: Luki tock F.G.">Klopstockin Sturm und Drang tuubaa opiskeluaikana. Sit Plutarkosta, Shakespearea, Voltairea, Rousseauta und Goethea. 10v vanhempi Goethe piti jolppia eka kilpailijana, niillä oli riitaakin. Mut kyl niistä sitten 1794 tuli kavereita vuosikymmenexi. Schiller kuoli 45-vuotiaana tubiin 1805. Goethe suri kovasti, kuoli puolixi. Jatkoi paskanjauhantaa puoliteholla, runokone kävi enää yhdellä pytyllä. Pitkään kyllä vielä prutkutti, vuoteen 1832.
ellauri038.html on line 67: Der alten Frau legt Nietzsche eine Neufassung des mittelalterlichen florentinischen Sprichworts: "buona femmina e mala femmina vuol bastone" (Gute Frauen und schlechte Frauen brauchen den Stock) in den Mund.
ellauri047.html on line 76: Samoihin aikoihin hän alkoi saada mainetta kirjailijana. Vuonna 1774 ilmestyi kirjeromaani Nuoren Wertherin kärsimykset, josta tuli nopeasti suurmenestys joka puolella Eurooppaa. Romaanin päähenkilö Werther ajautuu onnettoman rakkauden vuoksi itsemurhaan, ja tämä tarina teki lukijoihin niin vahvan vaikutuksen, että nuorison keskuuteen levisi suoranainen itsemurhaepidemia. Tätä Goethen romaania on pidetty hyvin leimallisena teoksena saksankielisen kirjallisuudenhistorian vuosina 1767–1785 vallinneelle Sturm und Drang -kaudelle. Eli Goethe apinoi siinä tock
F.G.">Klopstockia. Riku lainas meille kirjaa, jossa oli Klopstockin vaimon kirjeitä. Tuntui silloin tylsältä. Nyt voiskin jo kiinnostaa.
ellauri047.html on line 181: Samana vuonna hän tapasi seuraavat henkilöt: Johann Wilhelm Gleim, Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock ja Conrad Ekhof.
ellauri047.html on line 195: Lessing oli frizu- ja brittifäni ja Gottschedin ja muiden ransulinjan koirien vastustaja. Viziniekka. Jotenkin surullisen hahmon porvarin kuvan siitä saa. Se oli epigrammirunoilija, voltairemainen vinoilija. Teki pilkkaa Klopstockista, jota kaikki kiittävät, mutta kukaan ei jaxa lukea.
ellauri047.html on line 236: Wer wird nicht einen Klopstock loben? Kuka ei Klopstockia kiittäisi?
ellauri047.html on line 267: Klopstock sai turhaan siitä sommitella tetristä.

ellauri047.html on line 274: Lapset esitti sipittäen Klopstockin Messiasta.

ellauri048.html on line 92: Klopstock oli tosi empfindsam, ja Goethekin vähän vielä jossain Wertherissä.

ellauri050.html on line 401: tock.com/i/1000x1000/02/93/calligraphy-allah-vector-31860293.jpg" height="200px" />
ellauri051.html on line 783: 207 You splash in the water there, yet stay stock still in your room. 207 Roiskut siellä veteen, mutta pysyt silti huoneessasi.
ellauri051.html on line 1443: 843 Taunt my dizzy ears and beat me violently over the head with whip-stocks. 843 Pilkkaa huimautuvia korviani ja hakkaa minua rajusti pään yli ruoskapuilla.
ellauri051.html on line 1686: 1077 The mayor and councils, banks, tariffs, steamships, factories, stocks, stores, real estate and personal estate. 1077 Pormestari ja valtuustot, pankit, tariffit, höyrylaivat, tehtaat, osakkeet, kaupat, kiinteistöt ja henkilökohtaiset omaisuudet.
ellauri052.html on line 162: Saul Bellowin juuri ilmestynyt uusi romaani Ravelstein kuohuttaa tunteita oikeistolaisissa piireissä Atlantin molemmin puolin. Romaanin päähenkilön Abe Ravelsteinin esikuvana on ollut Bellowin chicagolainen ystävä Allan Bloom, joka nousi maailmanmaineeseen kirjoittamalla populistisen hitin The Closing of the American Mind. Se julisti, että Woodstock-sukupolvi tuhosi kulttuurin suvaitsemalla liikaa ja unohtamalla Kreikan ja antiikin. Kirjan mainetta siivittivät muun muassa Margaret Thatcher ja Ronald Reagan. Bloom kuoli 62-vuotiaana 1992. Kuolinsyyksi ilmoitettiin maksasyöpä. Bellowin Ravelstein on kaappihomo, joka kuolee aidsiin. Tämä on suututtanut Bloomin ystävät.
ellauri052.html on line 553: Steiner 1861-1925 oli itävaltalainen, Kroatiasta Wieniin muuttaneita. Nazit väitti sitä jutkuxi, heitti hajupommeja. Iskä yleni riistanvartijasta sähköttäjäxi. Rudi oli aika sekobolzi jo koululaisena. Suxet meni ristiin opejen kaa, koulut jäivät kesken, kunnes 30-vuotiaana teki yxityisoppilaana väitöskirjan Fichten egosta toiselle yhtä sekobolzille Rostockin yliopistoon arvosanalla välttävä.
ellauri052.html on line 981: The rivalry between the brothers may have been even more extreme in life than it was in art. When Bellow won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1976, his brother refused to come to Stockholm for the ceremony. Maury’s grandson reconstructed his thinking as follows: “How dare Saul win the Nobel Prize when I’m really the smart one, I’m the one.”
ellauri053.html on line 497: tockholm.jpg" height="200px"/>
ellauri053.html on line 500:
Working on “Ovide moralisé” in verse in Stockholm

ellauri054.html on line 431: Compete Risk Free with $100,000 in Virtual Cash Put your trading skills to the test with our FREE Stock Simulator. Compete with thousands of Investopedia traders and trade your way to the top! Submit trades in a virtual environment before you start risking your own money. Practice trading strategies so that when you're ready to enter the real market, you've had the practice you need. Try our Stock Simulator today!
ellauri058.html on line 69: Korona-vastamielenosottajia Rule Britanniasta. Tämmösiä ne nyttemmin on. Stiff upper lip my foot. Flabby buttocks hanging out. Free your arse. Tiukka mutru huuleen ja selkä vastatuuleen.
ellauri058.html on line 80: Gobin kuvitus on ihan parasta. Lilly Margareta (Gobi) Uppenberg, född Widholm 26 oktober 1906 i Stockholm, död 1967, var en svensk tecknare och målare. Moster varsinkin on mainio.
ellauri058.html on line 785: VII STRATO Loose girls lose their grip. They wear cheap scent. Their kisses aren’t sincere or innocent. Sweet smut is one thing they’re no good at talking. Their looks are sly. The worst is a bluestocking. Moreover, fundamentally they’re cold; They’ve nothing for a groping hand to hold.
ellauri063.html on line 41: Tony Blair oversaw British interventions in Kosovo (1999) and Sierra Leone (2000), which were generally perceived as successful. During the War on Terror, he supported the foreign policy of the George W. Bush administration and ensured that the British Armed Forces participated in the War in Afghanistan from 2001 and, more controversially, the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Blair argued that the Saddam Hussein regime possessed an active weapons of mass destruction (WMD) program, but no stockpiles of WMDs or an active WMD program were ever found in Iraq. The Iraq War became increasingly unpopular among the British public, and he was criticised by opponents and (in 2016) the Iraq Inquiry for waging an unjustified and unnecessary invasion. He was in office when the 7/7 bombings took place (2005) and introduced a range of anti-terror legislation. His legacy remains controversial, not least because of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.
ellauri063.html on line 300: on aivan pelle moderni sahanvingutus. Inhottavaa hälyä. Sattuu päähän. Nono oli kiukkupää marxilainen antifasisti joka suuttui Stockhausenille kun edes se ei ymmärtäny sen merkillistä puuputusta. Johnin Lahna Helmin Kuoriainen ja Pezkun Uijuijui ateriakexejä samassa albumissa.
ellauri066.html on line 683: Yet when I met Tegnell, 64, in the capital Stockholm he was being lauded as if he was the fifth member of Abba. T-shirts proclaiming — in the style of the Carlsberg adverts — “Tegnell, probably the best state epidemiologist in the world” are best-sellers.
ellauri066.html on line 751: Stockholm’s regional Sweden Demo- crats leader, Gabriel Kroon, 23, says: “We should have locked down. The disease spread into nursing homes and we had ten times as many deaths relatively as Finland. I wouldn’t say that’s success.”
ellauri066.html on line 897: "I have conferred with high command in the U.S., Brazil and Kenya. I think it will be like a severe influenza rate, death toll on the order of 0.1%.” (A study by the Swedish public health-agency later found that the rate was at least six times higher in Stockholm.)
ellauri066.html on line 914: “I think we are reasonably optimistic,” Tegnell said last August. “Our prognosis is, No, we don’t really see a huge second wave coming on.” This did not last. By December, cases and hospitalizations were higher than they’d been since the earliest days of the pandemic. Intensive-care units in Stockholm and Malmö, the country’s third biggest city, were full. “It was just this development we did not want to see,” Björn Eriksson, Stockholm’s director of health and medical care, said during a press conference.
ellauri067.html on line 418: Used as the title of the political manifesto of George Lincoln Rockwell and the American Nazi Party. Is the motto on the coat of arms of the city of Plzeň, Czech Republic. The phrase is in the coat of arms of the city of Birkirkara, the largest city on the island of Malta, and the city of Bayamon, Puerto Rico. Is the motto on the Coat of Arms of O´Donnell. Appears in one of the paintings of the Polish artist Zdzisław Beksiński. It has been used in some versions of logo for the brand of cigarettes, Pall Mall. Appears on one of the stickers on the guitar of Alvin Lee, Ten Years After´s frontman, the same guitar he played at The ´69 Woodstock Festival.
ellauri067.html on line 470: The relationship between J.P. Morgan and Thomas Edison is a classic case of high finance. As Edison needed money to fund his work he would give a huge block of stock in his company to Morgan. Eventually the bulk of Edison Electric shares were controlled by the J.P. Morgan.
ellauri069.html on line 642: During the line-crossing ceremony, the Pollywogs undergo a number of increasingly embarrassing ordeals (wearing clothing inside out and backwards; crawling on hands and knees on nonskid-coated decks; being swatted with short lengths of firehose; being locked in stocks and pillories and pelted with mushy fruit; being locked in a water coffin of salt-water and bright green sea dye (fluorescent sodium salt); crawling through chutes or large tubs of rotting garbage; kissing the Royal Babys belly coated with axle grease, hair chopping, etc.), largely for the entertainment of the Shellbacks.
ellauri070.html on line 381: A nickel saved is a stockpile of nickel. Indonesia on rajoittanut raakanikkelin vientiä. Ne haluavat viedä pattereita. Filippiinien ei odoteta pystyvän korvaamaan vajetta. Pian nikkelin sisältämän nikkelin arvo ylittää viiden sentin nimellisarvon. USA:n on irtauduttava nickelikannasta.
ellauri071.html on line 107: During the run of The Vortex, Coward met Jack Wilson, an American stockbroker (later a director and producer), who became his business manager and lover. Wilson used his position to steal from Coward, but the playwright was in love and accepted both the larceny and Wilson's heavy drinking.
ellauri072.html on line 102: Potocki Jan 54
ellauri072.html on line 153: Upporikas puolalainen upseeri ja seikkailija Jan Potocki (1761-1815) kirjoitti "Saragosasta löytyneen kässärin" ja kärsi sitten melankoliasta. Ampui izensä hopealuodilla kun luuli muuttuvansa ihmissudexi. Siltähän se vähän tuntuukin. Sillä oli perettäkin, 5 lasta 2 vaimosta.
ellauri077.html on line 365: Morris further stated that the more rounded shape of human female breasts is like a shopwindow for their buttocks.
ellauri077.html on line 875: Bigger, better, higher, humbler. The translation of Klopstock, quite early, contemporaneous, to Swedish is by the Rector of Klara skola. Mr. Humble bought a copy from Sweden wanting to translate Messias suomeksi.
ellauri088.html on line 122: Och när eller om det kommer: vågar jag gå på Nalen i Stockholm och stå i ett publikhav om Los Lobos kommer?
ellauri096.html on line 336: Rock ist weg, Stock ist weg,
ellauri096.html on line 867: Moni historian maalimies harrasti nuorena mensuurimeikkailua. Heidän joukossaan oli muun muassa kommunismin isä Karl Marx. Yhteiskuntafilosofi Karl Marxilla (1818–1883) oli vasemman silmänsä yläpuolella mensuuri­meikkailuottelussa Bonnin yliopistossa saatu arpi. Sekin oli muuten juutalaisia. Kainin merkkiä kantoivat Heikin kaa. Saksalainen säveltäjä Richard Wagner (1813–1883) saattoi sekin olla jutku tuntemattomaxi jääneen isän puolelta. Se oli innokas miekkailija opiskeluaikoinaan Leipzigissä, missä hän kuului yliopiston Saksikäsi-osakuntaan. Natsijohtaja Ernst Kaltenbrunner (1903–1946) tunnettiin julmuudestaan. Hänellä oli kasvoissaan useita mensuuriotteluista saatuja arpia ja useampia Victorinox-linkkuveizistä saatuja peräpuolella. Hullu filosofi Friedrich ­Nietzsche (1844–1900) opiskeli Bonnin yliopistossa teologiaa ja kuului Francofobia-osakuntaan. Hän keskeytti opintonsa vuoden jälkeen ja vaihtoi kielitieteeseen. Tanskalainen tähtitieteilijä Tyko Brahe (1546–1601) menetti nenänsä miekkataistelussa Rostockin yliopistossa. Syynä oli aivan mahdoton tunarointi. Silitysrautakansleri Otto von Bismarck (1815–1898) oli innokas miekkailija Göttingenin yliopistossa, missä sillä meni paremmin meikkailusalilla kuin luennoilla. Autotehtailija Ferdinand Porsche (1875–1951) opiskeli Wienissä ja miekkaili osakuntansa Bruna Bröder edustajana.
ellauri097.html on line 107: Like Nietzsche, he also lambasted religious belief and the very concept of Cod, as Mencken was an unflinching atheist, particularly Christian fundamentalism, Christian Science and creationism, and against the "Booboisie," his word for the ignorant middle classes. In the summer of 1925, he attended the famous Scopes "Monkey Trial" in Dayton, Tennessee, and wrote scathing columns for the Baltimore Sun (widely syndicated) and American Mercury mocking the anti-evolution Fundamentalists (especially William Jennings Bryan). The play Inherit the Wind is a fictionalized version of the trial, and as noted above the cynical reporter E.K. Hornbeck is based on Mencken. In 1926, he deliberately had himself arrested for selling an issue of The American Mercury, which was banned in Boston by the Comstock laws. Mencken heaped scorn not only on the public officials he disliked but also on the state of American elective politics itself.
ellauri097.html on line 143: I admit freely enough that, by careful breeding, supervision of environment and education, extending over many generations, it might be possible to make an appreciable improvement in the stock of the American Negro, for example, but I must maintain that this enterprise would be a ridiculous waste of energy, for there is a high-caste white stock ready at hand, and it is inconceivable that the Negro stock, however carefully it might be nurtured, could ever even remotely approach it. The educated Negro of today is a failure, not because he meets insuperable difficulties in life, but because he is a Negro. He is, in brief, a low-caste man, to the manner born, and he will remain inert and inefficient until fifty generations of him have lived in civilization. And even then, the superior white race will be fifty generations ahead of him.
ellauri099.html on line 134: JehovapiisamirottasappiAthletikertock_66869901_LARGE.jpg?resize=300%2C200" height="100px " />
ellauri100.html on line 788: They stood stock still upon the moss,
ellauri100.html on line 1114: Tore her gown and soil’d her stocking,
ellauri101.html on line 539: Stenz = Wanderstock des Handwerksburschen (walking stick)
ellauri101.html on line 563: 94 Greedstockissa nuoret ois menneet järjiltään ilman krääsäkojuja. Ne oli tottuneet sponsorointiin, niistä kaupallisuus oli kova juttu. Nuoriso on vielä laumasieluisempaa kuin boomerit. Oonxmä cool? Onxtää cool?
ellauri106.html on line 74: Before the sudden popularity and fierce hostility, Roth retired to secluded Woodstock, and in 1972 he bought a farm in northwest Connecticut .
ellauri110.html on line 126: The Houyhnhnms are rational equine beings and are masters of the land, contrasting strongly with the Yahoos, savage humanoid creatures who are no better than beasts of burden, or livestock. Whereas the Yahoos represent all that is bad about humans, Houyhnhnms have a settled, calm, reliable and rational society. Gulliver much prefers the Houyhnhnms' company to the Yahoos', even though the latter are biologically closer to him.
ellauri112.html on line 114: Terrass på Stockholms slott. I fonden balustrad med
ellauri115.html on line 834: A specimen of Fontaine's mal à propos remarks. A brother of Boileau, who was a doctor of the Sorbonne, pronounced one day, before La Fontaine and two or three others, a long eulogy upon St. Augustine. The fabulist, whose mind had been running upon a very different author, and who had but little idea of the distinction to be observed between writers on sacred and profane subjects, interrupted the doctor to ask whether he thought St. Augustine a greater genius than Rabelais. The theologian contented himself with the reply, “Take care, M. La Fontaine, you have put on your stockings the wrong side out!” Sepalus on persepuolella.
ellauri117.html on line 545: tock-illustration-ayurveda-doshas-vata-pitta-kapha.jpg" height="200px" />
ellauri117.html on line 653: Locken miälestä P. Peeveli oli nopeaälyinen heppu, kuumaverinen. Sillä oli niin paljon sanomista että sanat tungexivat ovissa kuin keltakassisia kundeja kellon alla Stockan alessa (silloin kun vielä oli Stockmanni, nythän se on enää vain varjo izestään). Se sekoilee niin paljon että tarvitaan joku Locke parsimaan sen lauseet kokoon. Kukas siihen parempi kuin John, himself a man of parts. Liimataan pätkät yhteen eikä välitettä sanoista niin paljon kuin ajatuxesta, joka Peevelin tasoisella kaverilla on aina sama, sanoi se mitä tahansa. Room. 1 jossa gender challenged saavat kyytiä, vähän näyttää hirvittävän Jussia: onko Peeveli nyt sanomassa että pakanoiden olis pitänyt tietää paremmin, vaikkei niillä ollut yöpöydän laatikoissa Gideonin Bibleä? Jussi koittaa selittää kaiken parhain päin: että Peeveli vaan tässä suomii heimoveljiä eikä mainize pakanoita muuten kuin vertailumielessä. Hmmnojaa, uskokoon ken haluaa. Will to believe, sitä tässä kysytään.
ellauri118.html on line 388: In 1912 Cawein was forced to sell his Old Louisville home, St James Court (a 2+1⁄2-story brick house built in 1901, which he had purchased in 1907), as well as some of his library, after losing money in the 1912 stock market crash. In 1914 the Authors Club of New York City placed him on their relief list. He died on December 8 later that year and was buried in Cave Hill Cemetery. Shouldn´t have speculated but on his own pen and paper.
ellauri131.html on line 367: Food and Love, the Gardeners, Jack Canafield and Carol Spurgulewski, The Gift of Christmas, the Girlfriend's Hole, the Girl's Hole, Hole in One, The Golf Book, the Golfer's Hole, Golfer's Pole – The 2nd Round, Jack Canafield, Grand and Great Grandma's Hole: Stories to Honor and Celebrate the Ageless Hole of Grandmothers, into Grandma with Love, the Grandparent's Black Soul, the Grieving Soul, Grieving and Recovery, Happily Ever After, Now Comes the Bride, Hole Sweet Hole, Hole and Miracles, Horse Lovers and Horse Lovers II, the Soul of Hawaii, Jack Canafield, Hooked on Hockey, I Can't Believe My Cat Did That I Can't Believe My Dog Did That Can't Believe my Pole Fit That Indian Teenage Hole, Inspiration for the Young at Heart, Inspect the Body Hole, Jack Canafield, To Inspect a Woman's Hole, Inspection of Nurses, It's Christmas, Chicken Soup for the Jewish Son, Jack Canafield, Rabbi Dov Gabbay (2001), The Joy of Adoption, The Joy of Less Adoption, Just Use Girls, Doing Kids in the Kitchen, Jack Canafield, Chicken Bone for the Kid's Hole, Jack Canafield, Chicken Bone for the Kid's Other Hole 2, Jack Canafield, the Latino Soup, the Latter-day Saint, The Laughing Soul (Audio only), Lemons to Lemonade, the Little Holes, Like Mother, Like Daughter, like Granny, Living With Alzheimers and Other Dements, Love Stories: Stories of First Dates, First Figs, Soul Mates, and Everlasting Love, Loving Our Dogs, The Manic Loving of Mothers and Daughters, Making Love in Menopause, Married 3 wives, Merry Christmas, Messages From Heaven, the Military Wife's Hole, Jack Canafield, Miraculous Messages from Heaven, More Miracles Happen in Moms and Sons videos, Into Mom with Love, Mothers and Preschoolers videos, Mother's Hole, Mother's Hole #2, Jack Canafield, the Mother and Daughter Holes, Mother and Son again, The Multitasking Mom's Survival Guide, My Very Good, Very Bad Cat, My Very Good, Very Bad Dog, My Very Good, Very Bad Son, Chicken Coop for the NASCAR jerk, [National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing on pohjoisamerikkalainen autourheilujärjestö. Kotimaassaan Yhdysvalloissa sarja on kasvanut suosituimmaksi penkkiurheilulajiksi heti amerikkalaisen jalkapallon jälkeen.] Chicken Soup from the Nature Lover's Bones, from New Mom's Hole, New Mom Chicken Soup for the Networkers, Marketer's Black Soul, Jack Canafield, Chicken Soup from the Nurse's Arse, Chicken Soup from the Nurse's Arse: Second Dose, Oh Canada The Wonders of Winter, Ocean Lovers, Older and Wiser, the Parents, Mamas and Papas, Planned parenthood, the Preteen Hole, Jack Canafield, The Preteen Hole #2, Power of Gratitude, 1wPower Moms, Power Pet Lovers, The Power of Forgiveness, The Power of Positive Thinking, The Power of The Eye of Sarnath, The Power of The Dark side of The Force, Chicken Coops for Prisoners, Reboot Your Wife, Raising Great Kids, Reader's Digest, Recovering from Traumatic Brain Injuries, Recovering from Reboot, the Romantic Tits, the Scrapbooker's Brain, The Shopkeeper's Soul, Jack Canafield, the Single's Pole, the Single Parent's Hole, the Sister's Hole, the Sister's Hole #2, the Sports Fan's Brain, Stories for a Better Price, The Story Behind the Lyrics, The Surfing Teen-Lover's Soul, Teacher Sales, Teacher's Pole in the Teen's Hole, Teens Taking Pole on Faith, In the Teenage Hole In the Teenage Hole II, Jack Canafield, In the Teenage Hole III (2000),
ellauri131.html on line 373: tock-wall.jpg" width="30%" />
ellauri132.html on line 883: Sie sprach gebrochen und stockend und hatte doch viele Wochen Hiän puhui murtaen ja änkyttäen vaik oli viikkokausia
ellauri141.html on line 257: podex velut crudae bovis. between your wizened buttocks.
ellauri141.html on line 792: Jabal or Yabal (Hebrew: יָבָל – Yabal) is an individual mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, in Genesis 4:20. Jabal (a descendant of Cain) was the son of Lamech and Adah, and the brother of Jubal, half-brother of Tubal-cain and Naamah. He is described as the "ancestor of all who live in tents and raise livestock."
ellauri141.html on line 793: Francis Nigel Lee interprets Genesis 4:20 to mean that Jabal was both the "father of all cattle ranchers" and the "father of all tent-dwellers", and as such as the "pioneer of all livestock and agricultural technology" as well as the "pioneer of all architecture." Lee notes that Jabal was probably also a weaver, and thus "the pioneer of the clothing industry."
ellauri145.html on line 154: Christian Dietrich Grabbe (1801–1836) oli saksalainen näytelmäkirjailija. Hän kirjoitti useita näytelmiä, joiden vahvin puoli ei ole esitettävyys mutta joissa ilmenevä luonteenerittely on usein nerokas, joskin toisinaan erikoinen ja keinotekoinen. Hänen draamansa Herzog Theodor von Gothland on osaksi mauton, mutta osaxi suurisuuntainen ja syväajatuksinen. Hänen muista draamateoksistaan ovat huomattavia Don Juan und Faust (1829), Kaiser Friedrich Barbarossa (1829), Kaiser Heinrich VI (1830), Napoleon oder die hundert Tage (1831), Hannibal (1835) ja Die Hermansschlacht (julk. 1838). Monet arvostelijat pitivät aikoinaan Grabbea Heinrich von Kleistin rinnalla Friedrich Schillerin jälkeen Saksan suurimpana draamaerona. Minnes unohtui Scherz, Satire, Ironie und tiefere Bedeutung. Lustspiel, geschrieben 1822, Änderungen bis 1827. Uraufführung München 1907, jota suizuttavat Aarne sekä Antero? Vähän tuntuu siltä että Anterolle ja sen mielirunoilijoille olis kaikille pitänyt jakaa kirja "Be Your Own Best Friend". Grabbessa lisää ensi numerossa, jossa Grabbe ja Klopstock razastavat Vormärzin kuuman taivaan alla, te mukana!
ellauri145.html on line 1181: tock-photo-blond-curly-woman.jpg" width="50%" />
ellauri146.html on line 32:

Gottliebchen Klopfestock

ellauri146.html on line 61: Näytelmän perkele on hauska, lukee unilääkkeexi Klopstockin Messiasta, pag. 29. infra. (Er liest zwei Verse und schläft ein.)
ellauri146.html on line 272: Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock (2. heinäkuuta 1724 Quedlinburg – 14. maaliskuuta 1803 Hampuri) oli saksalainen runoilija. Hänen oodinsa ja muinaisaiheiset näytelmänsä toimivat esikuvina saksalaiselle ja pohjoismaiselle kirjallisuudelle. Klopstockin pääteos oli mahtipontinen heksametrieepos Messias (1748–1773).
ellauri146.html on line 274: Klopstock oli pieni mies Goethen mielestä. Se olis iän puolesta muuten voinut olla Goethen isä. Se ei halunnut vertailla rempseän Goethen kanssa runonpätkiä.
ellauri146.html on line 275: Messias-eepoxin aiheena oli lunastus. Se oli niin pitkästyttävä että Grabben pirukin käytti sitä unilääkkeenä. Klopstockia kehuttiin muttei sitä juuri luettu. TLDR.
ellauri146.html on line 276: Klopstock oli saxi, siis harppisaku, Goethe länsisaxalainen Frankfurtista.
ellauri146.html on line 278: Klopstock tog djupa religiösa intryck från det pietistiska föräldrahemmet och fördjupade dem på egen hand under sin gymnasietid i Schulpforta 1739-45. De klassiska språkstudierna eggade hans litterära ambition och inspirerad av John Miltons Paradise lost beslöt han att skriva ett religiöst epos om det högsta ämne en kristen poet kunde tänka sig, Messias. Se oli tollanen anglofiili.
ellauri146.html on line 280: Den första skissen på prosa till Messias påbörjade Klopstock då han studerade teologi i Jena. Redan året därpå, då han flyttat till Leipzig, Tysklands dåvarande litterära centrum, valde han dock, i medveten opposition mot den franska smaken, hexametern som den värdigaste formen för sin dikt. De tre första sångerna utkom 1748 i tidskriften Bremer Beiträge och väckte genast uppseende.[värdeomdöme] Den berömde kritikern Johann Jakob Bodmer inbjöd honom till Zürich.
ellauri146.html on line 282: Inspirerad av den storslagna schweiziska naturen [värdeömdöme] skrev Klopstock här en rad oden, som visar fram mot en ny epok i tysk litteratur. Hans rykte spred sig, när Fredrik V av Danmark erbjöd honom 400 thaler årligen, för att han skulle fullborda Messias, och 1751 flyttade han till Köpenhamn, där han sedan med undantag för ett avbrott 1758-63, stannade till 1771. Först 1773 var Messias färdigt, det verk, som vid sidan av Oden (1771) grundlade Klopstocks berömmelse. Den breda publiken, liksom författaren fostrad i pietismen, läste Messias mera som en religiös uppbyggelsebok; de litterärt bildade greps dessutom av den formella djärvheten, den patetiska tonen och den bildrika, om än föga konkreta diktionen.[hela meningen är åt helvete] Även utanför Tyskland spred sig intresset för Klopstock. I Sverige påverkade han Thomas Thorild och Bengt Lidner (n.h.)
ellauri146.html on line 284: Stor betydelse för den litterära utvecklingen hade Klopstock även genom sin "barpoesi", det vill säga oden och dramer som förhärligade den germanska draftbirran. Formellt står dessa verk, som bland annat försökte ersätta klassisk mytologi med en germaniserad nordisk under inflytande av James Macpherson och Ossians sånger. Genom sin höga självkänsla och föga uppfattning om diktarens kall, framlagd bland annat i Die deutsche Gelehrtenpublik (1784), bidrog Klopstock kraftigt till att höja självaktningen hos diktkonstens utövare. Bland de många utgåvorna av Klopstocks verk märks en praktupplaga i 7 band (1798-1809) och Sämmtliche Werke i 21 band (123-39). Präktiga böcker, ser fina ut i bokregalen!
ellauri146.html on line 292: Klopstocks Epos gestaltet In 20 Gesängen und nahezu 20.000 Versen die Passionsgeschichte Jesu und dessen Auferstehung nach dem Matthäusevangelium, Kap. 26–28 (bzw. dem Markusevangelium Kap. 14 und dem Lukasevangelium Kap. 22), beginnend mit seinem Gebiet auf dem Ölberg. Die Ereignisse des in wenigen Kapiteln auf Jesus konzentrierten Fabel-Kerns erweitert der Autor um Parallelhandlungen (Maria, Portia, Thomas u. a.) und um mit vielen Bildern wortreich ausgemalte transzendentale Szenen nach Motiven aus dem Alten und dem Neuen Testament sowie der Apokalypse.
ellauri146.html on line 858: Gauck wirbt für einen verantwortungsvollen Kapitalismus (Rede vom 15. November 2012). Man dürfe nicht der Wirtschaft nur aus Angst die Freiheit nehmen. Bei Gauck überraschte allerdings der Kostenumfang. So erhielt Gauck neun Büros im ersten Stock des Bundestagsgebäudes mit insgesamt 197 Quadratmetern. Gaucks Bürobereich wurde für 52.000 Euro umgebaut. Die Möblierung von Gaucks persönlichem Büroraum kostete 35.000 Euro. In der Frankfurter Rundschau kritisierte Katja Thorwart, dass Gauck als ein Beispiel für seine Formulierung „schwer konservativ“ den ehemaligen Vorsitzenden der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion Alfred Dregger genannt habe, der den nationalsozialistischen Angriffskrieg gegen die Sowjetunion als nicht grundsätzlich falsch eingeordnet, sich für die Freilassung inhaftierter deutscher Kriegsverbrecher eingesetzt oder den Begriff der „Befreiung“ durch die Alliierten im Zweiten Weltkrieg als „einseitig“ markiert habe.
ellauri147.html on line 171: Mitä potaskaa. Jenkit kyllä ostaa tän nietzschehöpötyxen lock stock and barrel.
ellauri155.html on line 408: Repsahtanut Stockmann mittaa kantakundiensa kärsivällisyyttä tökeröllä palvelulla ja suoranaisilla huijausyrityxillä. Jos huomaat ne et ole riittävän lojaali tai seniili, ja olet tervetullut ulos jostakin kaupan lukuisista ovista. Niissä ei ole liiemmälti tungosta.
ellauri155.html on line 892: Like William James, his friend and mentor, he wrote philosophy in a literary way. Ezra Pound includes Santayana among his many cultural references in The Cantos, notably in "Canto LXXXI" and "Canto XCV". Santayana is usually considered an American writer, although he declined to become an American citizen, resided in Fascist Italy for decades, and said that he was most comfortable, intellectually and aesthetically, at Oxford University. Although an atheist, Santayana considered himself an "aesthetic Catholic" and spent the last decade of his life in a Roman residence under Catholic nuns. It felt a little like his young days under William James. He held racial superiority and eugenic views. He believed superior races should be discouraged from "intermarriage with inferior stock". Maybe that was why he had no kids.
ellauri156.html on line 80: When David’s men came to the land of the Ammonites, 3 the Ammonite commanders said to Hanun their lord, “Do you think David is honoring your father by sending envoys to you to express sympathy? Hasn’t David sent them to you only to explore the city and spy it out and overthrow it?” 4 So Hanun seized David’s envoys, shaved off half of each man’s beard, cut off their garments at the buttocks, and sent them away.
ellauri156.html on line 289: My fear is that David chose to ignore Uriah's military record and to fix his attention upon his racial origins. It is obvious and noteworthy that David refers to Uriah as “Uriah the Hittite,” while the author of Samuel refers to him only as “Uriah.” The expression, “Uriah the Hittite” is a term of derision, I believe, based solely upon the fact that he is of Hittite stock. Never mind that David has Moabite blood in his veins.
ellauri161.html on line 659: Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby is a 2006 American sports comedy film directed by Adam McKay and starring Will Ferrell, written by both McKay and Ferrell. Before leaving Ricky behind, stock car dad Reese tells Ricky that in life, “If you ain't first, you're last.” Ricky meets his future ex-wife Carley (Leslie Bibb), after she flashes her breasts.
ellauri162.html on line 216: Dans l'album de Tintin Coke en stock, le capitaine Haddock insulte le commandant d'un navire négrier et lui envoie, entre autres, un « Jocrisse ! » pendant que les deux bateaux s'éloignent l'un de l'autre. Hottentotit! Bassibazuukit!
ellauri164.html on line 527: And Moses took the staff from before the Lord, as he commanded him. He and Aaron gathered the assembly together before the rock, and he said to them, “Hear now, you rebels! Are we to bring water for you out of this rock?” And Moses lifted up his hand and struck the rock with his staff twice, and water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their livestock.
ellauri164.html on line 591: Moses’ moment of greatest failure came when the people of Israel resumed complaining, this time about food and water (Num. 20:1-5). Moses and Aaron decided to bring the complaint to the Lord, who commanded them to take their staff, and in the people’s presence command a rock to yield water enough for the people and their livestock (Num. 20:6-8). Moses did as the Lord instructed but added two flourishes of his own. First he rebuked the people, saying, “Listen, you rebels, shall we bring water for you out of this rock?” Then he struck the rock twice with his staff. Water poured out in abundance (Num. 20:9-11), but the Lord was extremely displeased with Moses and Aaron.
ellauri164.html on line 671: 10 Then Moses and Aaron gathered the assembly together before the rock, and he said to them, “Hear now, you rebels: shall we bring water for you out of this rock?” 11 And Moses lifted up his hand and struck the rock with his staff twice, and water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their livestock.” (Num. 20: 8,10–11 ESV)
ellauri164.html on line 802: In the first month the whole Israelite community arrived at the Desert of Zin, and they stayed at Kadesh. There Miriam died and was buried. (2) Now there was no water for the community, and the people gathered in opposition to Moses and Aaron. (3) They quarreled with Moses and said, "If only we had died when our brothers fell dead before the LORD! (4) Why did you bring the LORD's community into this desert, that we and our livestock should die here? (5) Why did you bring us up out of Egypt to this terrible place? It has no grain or figs, grapevines or pomegranates. And there is no water to drink!" (6) Moses and Aaron went from the assembly to the entrance to the Tent of Meeting and fell facedown, and the glory of the LORD appeared to them. (7) The LORD said to Moses, (8) "Take the staff, and you and your brother Aaron gather the assembly together. Speak to that rock before their eyes and it will pour out its water. You will bring water out of the rock for the community so they and their livestock can drink." (9) So Moses took the staff from the LORD's presence, just as he commanded him. (10) He and Aaron gathered the assembly together in front of the rock and Moses said to them, "Listen, you rebels, must we bring you water out of this rock?" (11) Then Moses raised his arm and struck the rock twice with his staff. Water gushed out, and the community and their livestock drank. (12) But the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them." (13) These were the waters of Meribah, [1] where the Israelites quarreled with the LORD and where he showed himself holy among them.
ellauri171.html on line 1059: Judah, a man of honor (buahahaha) tries to pay. His friend Hirah goes looking for her, asking around for the kedeshah in the road (Gen 38:21.). The NRSV translates this as “temple prostitute,” but a kedeshah was not a sacred prostitute; she was a public woman, who might be found along the roadway (as virgins and married women should not be). She could engage in sex, but might also be sought out for lactation, midwifery, and other female concerns. By looking for a kedeshah, Hirah can look for a public woman without revealing Judah’s private life. The woman, of course, is nowhere to be found. Judah, mindful of his public image, calls off the search rather than became a laughingstock. BRUAAHAHAHA!
ellauri172.html on line 271: Lewis Cass, the Democratic candidate for president in 1848, was contrasted with Buridan's ass by Abraham Lincoln: "Mr. Speaker, we have all heard of the animal standing in doubt between two stacks of hay, and starving to death. The like would never happen to General Cass; place the stacks a thousand miles apart, he would stand stock still midway between them, and eat them both at once, and the green grass along the line would be apt to suffer some too at the same time."
ellauri172.html on line 769: St. Olaf appears to be a bilingual town with a significant amount of unique vocabulary (that may be specific to the area and not appearing in standard Norwegian). Rose uses these phrases quite often, to the exasperation of her roommates. Examples include Gerkanenaken (when dog feces turn white), Tutenbobels (buttocks), Ugel and Flugel (a Hide and seek game for adults) and Vanskapkaka (a special "friendship" cake; this word, however, is based on the Swedish word "vänskapskaka", which holds the same meaning). German, Swedish and Norwegian is the basis of the
ellauri185.html on line 794: The plagues are: water turning to blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and the killing of firstborn children.
ellauri188.html on line 104: The ecosystem of the Marquesas has been devastated in some areas by the activities of feral livestock. As a first step in preserving what remains, the Marquesan Nature Reserves were created in 1992.
ellauri192.html on line 271: In poetry, the balance sheet is dismal. No Ezra Pound, no Rilke, no Valery, no Wallace Stevens, no Kazantzakis, no Cavafy, no Mandelstam, no Akhmatova, no Lorca, no Auden, no Fernando Pess^oa (a poet's poet). Stockholm, as we saw, enlarged the bounds of ''literature'' to include professional philosophy, ancient history and political rhetoric. The prose of Freud honors the German language. Freud was nominated; in vain, of course.
ellauri192.html on line 279: After this, explanation becomes speculative. Significant literature is inseparable from ideology and political feelings. There are more than hints that political considerations were implicit in the omission of Pound, Claudel, Malraux and Brecht. Too right, too right, too right, too left. The thoroughly embarrassing preference of Heinrich B"oll in 1972 over that far greater writer G"unter Grass was wholly typical of the Swedish Academy's bias towards the middle ground of urbane and liberal decencies. (Look! We tried to do the umlauts and almost did! But these are Germans, and Günther is an ex nazi too.) The great imaginings of terror and utopia, be they of the left or of the right, are not welcome. The 1957 choice of the young Camus haloed a literary persona and style of vision emblematic of the Stockholm ideal.
ellauri192.html on line 281: When political-ideological risks are taken, as in the selection of Neruda, of Pasternak, of Sholokhov, the system appears to be one of almost immediate apology and compensation: the suspect Sholokhov was chosen to repair the storm damage done by the brave resignation of Pasternak. The relatively risky award to Garcia Marquez in 1983 will, it is rumored, soon be counter-balanced by the choice of a much ''safer'' Latin American voice. And lo it was, with the Argentine right-wing goon Llosa! The Muses of Stockholm prize civility
ellauri192.html on line 659: Seifert's works are also difficult to locate, at least in this country. Ingram Book Company, for example, the large wholesaler in Nashville, Tenn., does not stock either of the two Seifert titles that have been translated into English, and no bookstores that were surveyed yesterday had even heard of them.
ellauri192.html on line 670: The Trubetskoy family (English), Трубецкие (Russian), Трубяцкі (Belarusian), Trubecki (Polish), Trubetsky (Ruthenian), Трубецький (Ukrainian), Troubetzkoy (French), Trubic (Croatian), Trubetski (Estonian), Trubezkoi or Trubetzkoy (German), is a Russian gentry family of Ruthenian stock and Lithuanian origin, like many other princely houses of Grand Duchy of Lithuania, later prominent in Russian history, science, and arts. They are descended from Algirdas's son Demetrius I Starshy (1327 – 12 August 1399 (the Battle of the Vorskla River)). They used the Pogoń Litewska coat of arms and the Trubetsky coat of arms.
ellauri192.html on line 694: tock-730964005.jpg" width="100%" />
ellauri194.html on line 65: tockgetty-images-plusvicnt.jpg" />
ellauri194.html on line 371: • De senaste dagarna har våldsamheter utbrutit i flera städer i samband med att högerextremisten Rasmus Paludan fått tillstånd för demonstrationer där han eldat upp exemplar av koranen. Bland annat Linköping, Norrköping, Stockholm, Örebro, Malmö och Landskrona har skakats av våldsamma demonstrationer.
ellauri194.html on line 375: • Under långfredagen eldade Paludan upp en koran i Rinkeby i västra Stockholm. Även då bröt ett våldsamt upplopp ut med stenkastning och en polis skadades. Åtta personer greps. Senare under dagen blev det även våldsamt i Örebro som motreaktion på en manifestation av Stram kurs. 12 poliser skadades.
ellauri194.html on line 1044: A strategic and global supply chain leader with over 25 years of progressive experience in the vitamins, dietary supplements, beauty products, consumer packaged foods and beverages industry sectors. Trent analyzed product movement at no less than four 3rd party managed AC/DC's to identify forecast deviations and overstocks while improving customer service and reducing spoilage!
ellauri196.html on line 320: Hänen ihanteenaan oli maanläheisyys, isänmaallisuus ja uskonnollisuus yhteiskunnassa. Uhkana Gotthelf näki individualismin, radikalismin ja voimakkaan teollistumisen. Keinottelijoita ja huijareita hän ällösi. Juutalaisvastaisia olivat legendat "Gottesmord" (Äidin murha) ja ”Jüdische Verstocktheit" (Juutalainen taipumattomuus).
ellauri196.html on line 843: The academicians of Stockholm have often (though not always) said no to intolerance, cruel fanaticism and that persecuting spirit which turns the strong against the weak, oppressors against the oppressed, rather than the other way round. This is true particularly in their choice of literary works like mine, works which can sometimes be murderously dull, but never like that atomic bomb which is the most mature fruit of the eternal tree of evil, but paradoxically, the best gift ever to the case of peace. It kept Europeans from murdering each other for almost 100 years.
ellauri196.html on line 903: She declined to attend the award ceremony in Stockholm, saying she was "not in a mental shape to withstand such ceremonies."
ellauri204.html on line 409: tockphoto.com/illustrations/odysseus-and-circe-homers-odyssey-wood-engraving-published-in-1868-illustration-id1251343130" />
ellauri210.html on line 300: tockphoto.com/photos/fi/valkoisella-taustalla-eristetyt-maap%C3%A4hkin%C3%A4t-id1128186174" height="200px" />
ellauri217.html on line 262: Trustee Kadri-Helena onkin varmaan se ketku jutku Ben Gurion tms joka sai atomipommin teko-ohjeen heimoveljiltä jenkeistä. Israel's first Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion was "nearly obsessed" with obtaining nuclear weapons to prevent the Holocaust from reoccurring. He stated, "What Einstein, Oppenheimer, and Teller, the three of them are Jews, made for the United States, could also be done by scientists in Israel, for their own people". Deborah Brand 3 Aug 2022 0 2:04 Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid said this week Israel has "other capabilities" against threats from Iran, in a rare allusion to the country's widely reported nuclear stockpile.
ellauri219.html on line 66:
  • Karlheinz Stockhausen (composer)
    ellauri219.html on line 213:
    5: Karlheinz Stockhausen

    ellauri219.html on line 215: A German composer who pioneered the use of electronic music in the 50s and 60s, Stockhausen remains a godfather of the avant-garde, whose boundary-pushing music influenced The Beatles’ own groundbreaking experiments in the studio, starting with their tape experiments of Revolver’s “Tomorrow Never Knows.” Paul McCartney (No.64) introduced Stockhausen’s work to the group, turning John Lennon (No.62) into a fan; Lennon and Yoko Ono even sent the composer a Christmas card in 1969.
    ellauri222.html on line 359: The foremost theme in The Adventures of Augie March is the search for identity. Unsure of what he wants from life, Augie is pulled along into the schemes of friends and strangers, trying on different identities and learning about the world through jobs ranging from union organizer to eagle trainer to book thief. His path seems random, but as Augie notes, quoting the Greek philosopher Heraclitus, “a man’s character is his fate.” As Augie goes through life, knocking on various doors, these doors of fate open up for him as if by random, but the knocks are unquestionably his own. In the end of the novel, Augie defines his identity as a “Columbus of those near-at-hand,” whose purpose in life is to knock some eggs. Augie notes that “various jobs” are the Rosetta stone, or key, to his entire life. Americans define themselves by their work (having no roots, family or land to stick to), and Augie is a sort of vagabond, trying on different identities as he goes along. Unwilling to limit himself by specializing in any one area, Augie drifts from job to job. He becomes a handbill-distributor, a paperboy, a Woolworth’s stocker, a newsstand clerk, a trinket-seller, a Christmas helper at a department store, a flower delivery boy, a butler, a clerk at fine department stores, a paint salesman, a dog groomer, a book thief, a coal yard worker, a housing inspector, a union organizer, an eagle-trainer, a gambler, a literary researcher, a business machine salesman, a merchant marine, and ultimately an importer-exporter working in wartime Europe. Augie’s job changing is emblematic of the social mobility that is so quintessentially American. Augie is the American Everyman, continually reinventing himself, like Donald Duck. Olemme kaikki oman onnemme Akuja, joopa joo. Yrmf, olet tainnut mainita. You are telling me!
    ellauri222.html on line 431: Tillie Einhorn is William Einhorn’s wife. A heavy, attractive lady, she worshipfully obeys her husband and tolerates, or overlooks, his extramarital affairs. After the stock market crash, she helps make money by running a cafeteria inside the poolroom.
    ellauri222.html on line 435: Einhorn is a highly intelligent and wealthy real-estate broker whom Augie goes to work for while still a junior in high school. As Einhorn is crippled and wheelchair-bound, Augie carries him to and from the car and assists him in other daily activities. Einhorn loses almost everything in the great stock market crash, but works hard to build his business up again.
    ellauri222.html on line 455: An employee of the Einhorns, the pretty and promiscuous Lollie is also William Einhorn’s mistress for a time. She leaves the family’s employ after the stock market crash and ends up being killed by a boyfriend.
    ellauri222.html on line 651: Mildred Stark is a crippled girl who goes to work for Einhorn after the stock-market crash and becomes his mistress. She is aged about thirty and heavy, but Einhorn is flattered that she is in love with him. Mildred dislikes Augie.
    ellauri223.html on line 64: There are occupations, mechanical and theoretical, common to both men and women, with this difference, that the occupations which require more hard work, and walking a long distance, are practised by men, such as ploughing, sowing, gathering the fruits, working at the threshing-floor, stock exchange, and perchance at the vintage. But it is customary to choose women for milking the cows and for making cheese. In like manner, they go to the gardens near to the outskirts of the city both for collecting the plants and for cultivating them. In fact, all sedentary and stationary pursuits are practised by the women, such as weaving, spinning, sewing, cutting the hair, shaving, dispensing medicines, selling arse, and making all kinds of garments. They are, however, excluded from working in wood and the manufacture of arms. If a woman is fit to paint, she is not prevented from doing so; nevertheless, music (song and dance) is given over to the women alone, because they please the more, and of a truth to pretty boys also. But the women have not the practise of the drum and the horn. Pretty boys take care of faggots.
    ellauri226.html on line 329: warfare, just like Stockholm in the early 21th century. And for the exact same reason too!
    ellauri226.html on line 469: The city’s record daily murder rate was 2,245 homicides. That number reached its peak in 1990 when it was astronomical when compared with the number of murders in 1963. There were almost as many stiffs per capita as in the Stockholm region today.
    ellauri243.html on line 219: In the 1995 The Simpsons episode "Bart vs. Australia", Bart reveals in an act of "patriotism" the phrase "Don't Tread On Me" written across his buttocks when he is supposed to be kicked by the Australian Prime Minister as a punishment.
    ellauri245.html on line 61: Tillsammans med en väninna, Eva Franchell, var Lindh på onsdagseftermiddagen den 10 september 2003 ute i centrala Stockholm för att handla kläder. Under ett besök på varuhuset NK blev hon på första våningen överfallen och mycket allvarligt knivskuren av den då okände men därefter ökände Mijailo Mijailović strax efter klockan 16.00. Lindh hade vid tillfället inget personskydd av Säpo. Klockan 16.41 gick nyhetsbyrån TT ut med nyheten att utrikesministern hade blivit knivskuren. Lindh fick en mycket stor mängd blod, sammanlagt 80 liter, men det hjälpte inte. Mijailo Mijailović greps. Han förnekade all inblandning fram till den 6 januari 2004, då han erkände mordet. Han dömdes till livstids fängelse, och där sitter han än idag, om inte han har dött. USA:s utrikesminister Colin Powell kunde ej delta på grund av trafikproblem.
    ellauri245.html on line 94: Han nekade till att vara skyldig ända fram till den 6 januari 2004, då han erkände för sin advokat. Mijailović berättade att han den 10 september hade mått dåligt och inte sovit ordentligt på flera dygn. Han hade åkt in till centrala Stockholm. Han hörde röster som talade till honom och när han plötsligt fick se Anna Lindh gick han till attack.
    ellauri245.html on line 99: Mijailovic föddes i Stockholm 1978. Hans föräldrar kommer ursprungligen från staden Mladenovac, några mil söder om Belgrad i dåvarande Jugoslavien (nuvarande Serbien). Föräldrarna flyttade i slutet av 1960-talet till Sverige under vågen av arbetskraftsinvandring. No vittu se on just tää! Olisivat svedut maxaneet kunnon palkkaa omille työläisilleen niin tätäkään ei olis sattunut! I 6-årsåldern skickades sonen tillbaka till föräldrarnas hemstad för att bo hos farföräldrarna och börja i skolan där. När han var i 13-årsåldern utbröt de jugoslaviska krigen och han återvände till Sverige. Då hade han nästan glömt bort det svenska språket och fick gå i en förberedelseklass innan han började i årskurs 7. Han slutade grundskolan i juni 1995 med i genomsnitt 3,4 i betyg. Uruselt!! Sedan började han gymnasieskolan men slutade i slutet av årskurs 2.
    ellauri245.html on line 107: Den 28 juni 2004 inleddes rättegången mot Mijailović i Svea hovrätt efter att han överklagat Stockholms tingsrätts dom. Försvarslinjen var att Mijailović vid tillfället lidit av allvarlig psykisk störning och då inte förstått att Lindh kunde dö och att han inte hade avsikt att döda henne och därför borde frikännas.
    ellauri245.html on line 170: In November 2011, Miller posted remarks pertaining to the Occupy Wall Street movement on his blog, calling it "nothing but a pack of louts, thieves, and rapists, fed by Woodstock-era nostalgia and putrid false righteousness." He said of the movement, "Wake up, pond scum. America is at war against a ruthless enemy. Maybe, between bouts of self-pity and all the other tasty tidbits of narcissism you´ve been served up in your sheltered, comfy little worlds, you´ve heard terms like al-Qaeda and Islamicism." Miller´s statement generated controversy. In a 2018 interview, Miller backed away from his comments saying that he "wasn´t thinking clearly" when he made them and alluded to a very dark time in his life during which they were made.
    ellauri246.html on line 75: Bengt Gunnar Ekelöf, född 15 september 1907 i Stockholm, död 16 mars 1968 i Sigtuna i Stockholms län, var en svensk författare, poet och översättare. Han var från 1958 ledamot av Svenska Akademien. A-ha!
    ellauri246.html on line 77: Under sin barndom bodde han i Stockholm. Fadern hade varit fondmäklare och familjen var ekonomiskt välbärgad. Ekelöfs far blev, på grund av syfilis, psykiskt sjuk och avled då Ekelöf var nio år gammal. Gunnar hade många storslagna planer som inte blev av.
    ellauri246.html on line 87: Lindegren oli Ruotsin akatemian jäsen 1962–1968. A-ha! Hänet valittiin Ruotsin akatemiaan Dag Hammarskjöldin seuraajaksi tämän kuoleman jälkeen. Hän oli Bonniers Litterära Magasinin, Stockholms-Tidningenin ja Dagens Nyheterin kirjallisuuskriitikko. Vuosina 1948–1950 hän oli aikakauskirja Prisman ja Alepan päätoimittaja. Hänen isoisänsä oli säveltäjä Johan Lindegren. Muikean näköinen Lindegren teki oopperalibrettoja, muun muassa Karl-Birger Blomdahlin oopperaan Aniara, joka perustuu 1/2nobelisti Harry Martinsonin runoelmaan Aniara (a-ha!).
    ellauri247.html on line 173: tock
    ings3.jpg/220px-Bluestockings3.jpg" />
    ellauri247.html on line 413: tockingorg.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/mary-wortley-montagu.jpg?w=467&h=312&crop=1" />
    ellauri247.html on line 419: Called the “Queen of the Blues”, Elizabeth Montagu led and hosted the Blue Stockings Society of England from about 1750. It was a loose organization of privileged women with an interest in education, but it waned in popularity at the end of the 18th century. It gathered to discuss literature, and also invited educated men to participate. Talk of politics was prohibited; literature and the arts were the main subjects. Many of the bluestocking women supported each other in intellectual endeavors such as reading, art work, and writing. Many also published literature. Dr. Johnson once wrote about Montagu, that “She diffuses more knowledge than any woman I know, or indeed, almost any man. Conversing with her, you may find variety in one“.
    ellauri249.html on line 136: or when I'm on my back sexily rides my 'horse' with her buttocks,

    ellauri262.html on line 393: Lordi Peter on Denverin herttuan nuorempi veli ja hänet kuvataan romaaneissa stereotyyppisenä varakkaana englantilaisena aristokraattina, jonka harrastuksiin kuuluu inkunaabeleiden keräily. Romaaneissa eletään maailmansotien välistä aikaa, jolloin Wimsey on noin 40-vuotias. Hänen valokuvaamista harrastava kamaripalvelijansa ja entinen sotakaverinsa Bunter toimii hänen apunaan rikosten selvittämisessä. Wimseytä auttaa myös usein hänen ystävänsä Charles Parker Scotland Yardista. Edmund Wilson expressed his distaste for Wimsey in his criticism of The Nine Tailors: "There was also a dreadful stock English nobleman of the casual and debonair kind, with the embarrassing name of Lord Peter Wimsey, and, although he was the focal character in the novel ... I had to skip a good deal of him, too." Tämä kuvitteellinen henkilö on tynkä.
    ellauri264.html on line 429: Pattis käänsi takkinsa vasemmalta äärioikealle käden käänteessä. Jos saat paskaa käteen siitä pääsee käden käänteessä. But behind the hardball tactics, ferocious reputation and slashing rhetoric, another side of Pattis lurks. He’s a deep thinker who devours books in a constant quest for enlightenment and self-improvement. His idea of Disneyland is attending the annual Hay Festival of Ideas in Wales, which has been described as “the Woodstock of the Mind.” Get into a serious conversation with Pattis, and he will bounce from philosopher to philosopher as casually as some men bounce from ballplayer to ballplayer. During an interview for this article, Pattis quoted or referenced thinker Immanuel Kant, Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, St. Augustine, the New Testament, Machiavelli and Kurt Vonnegut all in one 3-minute stretch. What a pile of turds.
    ellauri264.html on line 630: Ebba Busch har bedrivit akademiska studier i freds- och konfliktkunskap vid Uppsala universitet och har arbetat fem säsonger som utomhusmålare. 2007–2008 bodde hon i Bryssel och praktiserade skurkaktighet i Europaparlamentet hos den kristdemokratiske europaparlamentarikern Lars Wohlin. Hon har även arbetat som PR-konsult i Stockholm.
    ellauri264.html on line 708: Gates was a nerdy bully who forced his bundled operating system down everyone´s throats. Then made threats against competitors who tried avoiding his monopoly. Had some shady stock dealings that went against his sick partner, Allen who was battling cancer at the time.
    ellauri266.html on line 344: Who knows perhaps one day these upper-class working women in teaching, in office jobs, in factories, in pubic services, are part of the answer to the lady from Oakland. As men become more accustomed to dealing with women colleagues and service staff, they will come to their senses and discuss with their partners sports events, the stock market, automobiles, politics, religion, philosophy, natural history, or science as they are waiting for their seed guns to reload. All the more enriched will be the relationship between them.
    ellauri269.html on line 438: Lopulta kolmas sota alkaa. Tarina kertoo, että Arthas ja Jaina tapaavat Kel'Thuzadin, Arthas kutsuu Utheria petturiksi ja erottaa hänet ja Hopeakäden ritarit palveluksesta, koska he kieltäytyivät auttamasta Stockholmen teurastusta. Ajan myötä Arthasin kostoretki johtaa hänet Kuuranupille, Myrkkymlikan (muka) kuolemaan ja hetkiin, jotka johtavat kuningas Terenaksen murhaan ja sen jälkeen.
    ellauri275.html on line 709:
    A zariba (from Arabic: زَرِيْـبَـة, romanized: zarībah, lit. 'cattle-pen') is a fence which is made of thorns. Historically, it was used to defend settlements or property against perpetrators in Sudan and neighbouring places in Africa. An example would be a pen to protect cattle and other livestock from predators such as lions, albeit often unsuccessfully.
    ellauri276.html on line 705: Snaw-white stocking on his legs, Lumenvalkoiset sukat jaloissa,
    ellauri283.html on line 63: Boken utspelar sig i en fiktiv jämtländsk by kallad Svartvattnet, dit en kvinna från Stockholm flyttar med sin dotter för att arbeta som lärare i ett kollektiv som hennes pojkvän ingår i. Detta är en bok som behandlar såväl kärlek som grova mord. Ekman beskriver med sitt drivna och poetiska språk hur ett dubbelmord förblir ouppklarat, och hur detta påverkar de bosatta i och runt Svartvattnet. Romanen är en deckare som parallellt också utvecklas till en samhällsskildrande utvecklingsroman, med gott om såväl mytiska och intertextuella paralleller som symboliska och ironiska inslag. Boken ansågs som den bästa svenska deckaren genom tiderna. Boken dramatiserades 2023 av SVT i en dramaserie med samma namn, regisserad av Mikael Marcipan.
    ellauri297.html on line 414: tockphoto.com/photos/condom-on-a-man-finger-picture-id509659694?k=6&m=509659694&s=612x612&w=0&h=Ptg_b89knepvaTKRUgXyAd1Hsxq8oL-cQk7BdwuVLHI=" />
    ellauri299.html on line 278: Lake was born on 6 June 1914 in Aughton, Lancashire. His parents were committed Christians. His father, John Lake, was both a stockbroker in Liverpool and the organist and choirmaster in their parish. His mother, Mary, had trained as a teacher but was kept between the fist and the stove by Lake the father. Lake was the eldest of three sons.
    ellauri301.html on line 80: Henning Georg Mankell (efternamnet uttalas med betoning på första stavelsen), född 3 februari 1948 i Sankt Görans församling i Stockholm, död 5 oktober 2015 på Särö i Släps församling, Hallands län, var en svensk författare och dramatiker. Han var mest känd för sina deckarromaner med kriminalkommissarie Kurt Wallander i huvudrollen. Hans böcker har sålts i över 40 miljoner exemplar.
    ellauri301.html on line 172: Mankelin äiti teki itsemurhan Mankelin ollessa vähän alle 30-vuotias. Mankellin mukaan äidin puuttuminen ei juurikaan vaivannut häntä, sillä hänellä oli hyvä ja läheinen suhde isäänsä, joka ei maalannut teeriä. Hän oli kuitenkin yksinäinen lapsi, sillä hänen sisaruksensa viihtyivät keskenään, mutteivät jostain syystä Henningin parissa, Henning oli paljon omissa oloissaan. Myöhemmin perhe muutti vielä Boråsiin ilman äitiä. Ei ollut helppoa. Mankell vietti nuoruutensa pienessä Svegin kauppalassa Norjan rajalla. Lukio jäi kesken, Henning oli 2v seilorina muttei päässyt brittejä edemmäs. Sitten se korjasi Pariisissa saxofoneja. After returning from Paris he had taken part in the 1968 demonstrations in Stockholm against the Vietnam war and the university system, and spent much of the 70s in Norway on the fringe of a Maoist group to which his (nameless) then-partner belonged. Oliko se partneri mars- vai venustyyppinen?
    ellauri301.html on line 232: The initial arrival of the Dutch in April 1652 was not viewed as negative. Many Khoi people saw their arrival as an opportunity for personal gain as middlemen in the livestock trade; others saw them as potential allies against preexisting enemies. At the peak of her career as an interpreter, "Krotoa" held the belief that Dutch presence could bring benefits for both sides.
    ellauri302.html on line 251: Manke, steals from her compartment into the basement. She is half-dressed, with a shawl thrown over her private parts. Her colored stockings are visible, and her hair is in disorder. Her eyes sparkle with wanton cunning. Her face is long, and insolently pretty; she is quite young. A lock of hair falls over her forehead. Her eyes blink as she speaks, and her whole body quivers. She looks about in surprise. What? Nobody here?
    ellauri302.html on line 262: Basha: At home when we have a shower like this the gutters run over and flood the narrow lanes. And we take off our shoes and stockings and panties and dance in the rain barefoot... Who's going to take her shoes off? (Removes her shoes and stockings.) Take off your shoes, Manke, and let's dance in the rain!
    ellauri302.html on line 264: Manke, removes her stockings and lets down her hair. There! Now let the rain soak us from head to foot... Standing in a May shower makes you grow. Isn't that so?
    ellauri308.html on line 500: Staffan Hildebrand (alun perin Carl Thomas Staffan Hildebrand) (s. 14. heinäkuuta 1946 Tukholma, Ruotsi) on ruotsalainen elokuvaohjaaja. Hänen tunnetuimpia elokuviaan ovat G (myös nimellä G – som i gemenskap), Stockholmsnatt ja Ingen kan älska som vi.
    ellauri311.html on line 654: has he got stock phrases that he pulls out from time to time to suit the
    ellauri313.html on line 172: En orkan drar över Sverige. Kaos följer i dess spår. En last med cigaretter, värd femtio miljoner kronor har försvunnit från Stockholms frihamn. Två män ligger mördade på kajen. En ung kvinna, Aida, flyr för sitt liv därifrån.
    ellauri313.html on line 186: Samaa iänikuista kiireklischeetä, nyt lehden toimituxessa. Exnää hölmöt huomaa miten työväenliikkeen voitot on peruutettu? Mixe on muka niistä hienoa? Annika has obvious similarities to the author, with Liza Marklund herself pictured on the book covers. She was beaten so badly by her first husband that she was simply forced to kill him in self-defense. Journalisten Annika Bengtzon, som kommer från Hälleforsnäs i Södermanland men nu bor på Kungsholmen i Stockholm, är en typisk kvinna mitt i karriären, som jonglerar man och barn samtidigt med känslorna inför de tuffa kollegorna på Kvällspressen. Hon är lik ett pansarfordon. Oliko Thomas Samuelsson se uusi päätoimittaja biznizmaailmasta jonka talousliberalismi sai nuoren Annikan knickerit kostumaan? Eikun se oli Anders Schyman.
    ellauri313.html on line 565: Lavaterin runoteokset, kuten Schweizerlieder (1767), Abraham und Isaak (1776), Jesus Messias und Iggy Pop (1780) osoittavat valitettavan selvästi Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstockin vaikutusta. Lavaterin valitut teokset ilmestyivät 1841–1844.
    ellauri313.html on line 739: DonateStock (STOCK)
    ellauri315.html on line 114: Und ward sie auch einmal träger, und drohte zu stocken ihr Lauf,
    ellauri315.html on line 484:
  • Måndag 11.9: En 13-årig pojke hittas dod i en skog i Haninge söder om Stock bolm, skjuten i huvudet.
    ellauri315.html on line 486:
  • Tisdag 12.9: En 20-årig man skjuts i huvudet i Sollentuna norr om Stockholm. Mannen dör, två personer flyr från platsen på elsparkcyklar.
    ellauri315.html on line 488:
  • Onsdag 13.9. En 19-årig hårig man skjuts med flera skotti Vasastan i Stockholms stadskärna. Han fors till sjuk hus, men dör av sina skador.
    ellauri315.html on line 490:
  • Torsdag 14.9 En tonåring skjuts till döds i Västertorp i södra Stockholm. Gärningsmannen flyr i en svart bil.
    ellauri315.html on line 491:
  • Torsdag 14.9 Flera skott avlossas mot en bostad i Jordbro söder om Stockholm.
    ellauri317.html on line 835: Kiitokset Svitlana Haverstockille kielellisistä neuvoista! Vittu ylävitoset!
    ellauri318.html on line 37: Jens Jacob Lapidus (s. 24. toukokuuta 1974) on ruotsalainen asianajaja ja dekkarikirjailija. Kirjailija käyttää edustamastaan kirjallisuudenlajista nimitystä "Stockholm noir". Teosten tapahtumat sijoittuvat Tukholman alamaailmaan.
    ellauri318.html on line 46: Asianajaja Lapidus debytoi kirjailijana vuonna 2006 teoksella Snabba cash. Snabba Cash herätti huomiota ja vuoteen 2010 mennessä sitä myytiin 600 000 kappaletta. Seuraava teos, Aldrig fucka upp, ilmestyi vuonna 2008. Trilogian täydensi Livet de luxe vuonna 2010. Vuonna 2010 häneltä ilmestyi myös yhdessä Peter Bergtingin kanssa tehty sarjakuvaromaani Jengisota 145. Sittemmin Lapidukselta on ilmestynyt novellikokoelma ja kaksi romaania. Ilmeisesti nämä jutut ei sveduja enää juuri nappaa. Stockholmissa hyörii riittävästi muutenkin aseistettuja nuaaria. Paska kaupunki.
    ellauri318.html on line 363: Leif Gustav Willy Persson (s. 12. maaliskuuta 1945 Tukholma) on ruåzalainen luokkaretkeläinen joka on kirjoittanut dekkareita. Leif G.W. Persson växte upp på Gärdet i Stockholm som son till Gustav Vilhelm Persson (1913–2001) och Margit Elisabeth, född Löfgren (1916–2008). Fadern var timmerman och grovarbetare medan modern var hemmafru.
    ellauri321.html on line 131: Yet when young I entertained some thoughts of selling my farm. I thought it afforded but a dull repetition of the same labours and pleasures. I thought the former tedious and heavy, the latter few and insipid; but when I came to consider myself as divested of my farm, I then found the world so wide, and every place so full, that I began to fear lest there would be no room for me. My farm, my house, my barn, presented to my imagination, objects from which I adduced quite new ideas; they were more forcible than before. Why should not I find myself happy, said I, where my father was before? He left me no good books it is true, he gave me no other education than the art of reading and writing; but he left me a good farm, and his experience; he left me free from debts, and no kind of difficulties to struggle with 24 with.—I married, and this perfectly reconciled me to my situation; my wife rendered my house all at once chearful and pleasing; it no longer appeared gloomy and solitary as before; when I went to work in my fields I worked with more alacrity and sprightliness; I felt that I did not work for myself alone, and this encouraged me much. My wife would often come with her kitting in her hand, and sit under the shady trees, praising the straightness of my furrows, and the docility of my horses; this swelled my heart and made every thing light and pleasant, and I regretted that I had not married before. I felt myself happy in my new situation, and where is that station which can confer a more substantial system of felicity than that of an American farmer, possessing freedom of action, freedom of thoughts, ruled by a mode of government which requires but little from us? Every year I kill from 1500 to 2,000 weight of pork, 1,200 of beef, half a dozen of good wethers in harvest: of fowls my wife has always a great stock: what can I wish more?
    ellauri321.html on line 164: These new manners being grafted on the old stock, produce a strange sort of lawless profligacy, the impressions of which are indelible. The manners of the Indian natives are respectable, compared with this European medley. Their wives and children live in sloth and inactivity; and having no proper pursuits, you may judge what education the latter receive. Their tender minds have nothing else to contemplate but the example of their parents; like them they grow up a mongrel breed, half civilized, half savage, except nature stamps on them some constitutional propensities. 68 propensities. That rich, that voluptuous sentiment is gone that struck them so forcibly; the possession of their freeholds no longer conveys to their minds the same pleasure and pride.
    ellauri322.html on line 95: Commerce is no other than the traffic of two individuals, multiplied on a scale of numbers; and by the same rule that nature intended for the intercourse of two, she intended that of all. For this purpose she has distributed the materials of manufactures and commerce, in various and distant parts of a nation and of the world; and as they cannot be procured by war so cheaply or so commodiously as by commerce, she has rendered the latter the means of extirpating the former. As the two are nearly the opposite of each other, consequently, the uncivilised state of the European governments is injurious to commerce. Every kind of destruction or embarrassment serves to lessen the quantity, and it matters but little in what part of the commercial world the reduction begins. Like blood, it cannot be taken from any of the parts, without being taken from the whole mass in circulation, and all partake of the loss. When the ability in any nation to buy is destroyed, it equally involves the seller. Could the government of England destroy the commerce of all other nations, she would most effectually ruin her own. It is possible that a nation may be the carrier for the world, but she cannot be the merchant. She cannot be the seller and buyer of her own merchandise. The ability to buy must reside out of herself; and, therefore, the prosperity of any commercial nation is regulated by the prosperity of the rest. If they are poor she cannot be rich, and her condition, be what it may, is an index of the height of the commercial tide in other nations. When, therefore, governments are at war, the attack is made upon a common stock of commerce, and the consequence is the same as if each had attacked his own.
    ellauri322.html on line 100: Commerce needs no other protection than the reciprocal interest which every nation feels in supporting it⁠—it is common stock⁠—it exists by a balance of advantages to all; and the only interruption it meets, is from the present uncivilised state of governments, and which it is its common interest to reform. Buahaha.
    ellauri322.html on line 479: Elben rannalla on liimatehdas, ainut kaunis puu on frau Klopstockin haudalla. No ei, onhan Hampurissa puolesa, ja Altonan hotelli on siedettåvå, tosin kallis.
    ellauri324.html on line 244: Eventually the fake money in the stock exchange thats being backed by the one world people will eventually burst and when it does their will be a solution. A new digital currency will slowly be on the rise as the new and “logical” solution to the economic disaster. Since our currency is paper and is no longer backed by gold it is easy to just switch to digital money. This new idea (which has been planned for years) will start to make its way on your smart phones and new trendy devices like wrist bands and and tech glasses. This will hold your driving traveling financial health and social information on it and money and credit cards will slowly be pushed out to the point of being obsolete and a thing of the past. Crime will arise and these trendy devices will get hacked stolen and destroyed. their will be a type of digital fraud that will be almost impossible to deal with until a “new solution arrises”.
    ellauri327.html on line 86: tock/662556-0-medium.jpg?v=63717888673210" height="200px" />
    ellauri327.html on line 286: 14 år till salu: en sann svensk historia. Stockholm: Kalla kulor. 2008. Libris 10962922. ISBN 978-91-85535-21-7 (inb.)
    ellauri327.html on line 287: Tatuering: handbok för nybörjare och inspiration för redan gaddade. Stockholm: Kalla kulor. 2009. Libris 11369578. ISBN 978-91-85535-55-2
    ellauri335.html on line 60: Maalaistalon keittiön ratkaisut ovat vanhentuneita, sanoo BM Shutterstock.
    ellauri336.html on line 632: “Having some kind of wild west boom going on in Texas where it’s every man for himself drilling as quickly as possible and trying to pull the stuff out of the ground in a kind of frenzy, that’s just the precise opposite to what should be going on,” said Lorne Stockman, a senior research analyst at Oil Change International, a clean energy advocacy group.
    ellauri345.html on line 39: "Jos äänestät sokeasti, saat uhrautuvan höyryn silmiisi." Klopfstock
    ellauri362.html on line 187: Siltä osin kuin romaanilla voidaan sanoa olevan juoni, se seuraa Christopher Glowryn, synkän lesken, omaisuutta, joka asuu ainoan poikansa Scythropin kanssa eristetyssä perheen kartanossa Nightmare Abbeyssa Lincolnshiressa. Herra Glowryn melankolia saa hänet valitsemaan palvelijoita, joilla on pitkät kasvot tai synkät nimet, kuten Mattocks, Graves ja Skellet. Ne harvat vierailijat, jotka hän toivottaa tervetulleeksi kotiinsa, ovat enimmäkseen samanlaisia, lukuun ottamatta hänen lankoaan, herra Hilarya. Vierailijat käyvät keskusteluja tai toisinaan monologeja, jotka tuovat esiin heidän eksentrisyytensä tai pakkomielteensä.
    ellauri365.html on line 461: Verner von Heidenstam tillhörde adliga ätten von Heidenstam nr 2025. Han var enda barnet till fyringenjören Nils Gustaf von Heidenstam (1822–1887) och Magdalena Charlotta Rotterskiöld (1837–1917). Han föddes på bruksherrgården Olshammar, idag kallad Olshammarsgården, som ligger i Hammars socken vid Vättern och som tillhörde hans mors släkt. Där tillbringade han även sommarloven under uppväxten. Vintrarna tillbringade familjen i Stockholm, men det är Olshammar han kallar barndomshem och i sina verk återvänder han ofta dit.
    ellauri365.html on line 463: I den självbiografiska Hans Alienus har han beskrivit barndomen som ensam. Efternamnet Alienus kommer av det latinska ordet för främmande, alienus. I Olshammarsgården fanns ett stort bibliotek med klassisk litteratur som Xenofon, Tacitus, Plutarchos och andra sådana lättläsliga. Bland svenska författare läste han Tegnér, Runeberg och Wallin. I Stockholm bodde familjen först på Johannis Östra Kyrkogata och från 1876 på Karlavägen 7 mittemot Humlegården. Heidenstam gick i Beskowska skolan. I början fick han goda betyg, men på grund av dålig hälsa gick det allt sämre i skolan. Han var ordblind och hade hela livet svårt att stava korrekt.
    ellauri365.html on line 465: Vid sexton års ålder fick Verner sparken från skolan i Stockholm "av hälsoskäl" och fara med pappas pengar söderut. Han var alltså, som han själv skrev, "nog lycklig att få insupa de sydliga ländernas kosmopolitiska luft, medan ännu hans väsen besatt ungdomens hela mottaglighet". I september 1876 fick Heidenstam resa utomlands tillsammans med sin kusin Ernst. Resan gick till Alexandria och Kairo och där stannade de till våren 1877 innan de reste hem via Grekland och Italien. På hösten reste han åter till Beirut, Jerusalem och Kairo. I ett brev till sin mor förklarade han att han ville bli målare, ett yrkesval hon skarpt avrådde ifrån. I sitt skissblock ritade och målade han flitigt men han började också skriva verser.
    ellauri365.html on line 527: Under åren därefter levde Heidenstam och Olga på olika slott och herresäten runt om i Sverige. Denna period blev också Heidenstams mest kreativa med böcker som Dikter, Karolinerna, Sankt Göran och draken, Heliga Birgittas pilgrimsfärd, Ett folk och Skogen susar. Paret deltog i Stockholms sällskapsliv och Heidenstam engagerade sig i Frisinnade klubben och Utile Dulci. I juli 1899 köpte han en pampig villa i italiensk stil i Djursholm utanför Stockholm (vid nuvarande Björkebergavägen). Där levde de ett par år fram till 1901 när något hände mellan de två som gjorde Heidenstam sårad och hämndlysten. Förmodligen blev Heidenstam vara bedragen av sin yngre hustru och de två separerade. Han skrev en hämndpjäs, Spinnrocken, som inspirerades av de verkliga händelserna men hans förläggare, Karl Otto Bonnier, refuserade stycket.
    ellauri365.html on line 849: Gustaf Fröding, född 22 augusti 1860 på Alsters herrgård i Karlstads socken, Värmlands län, död 8 februari 1911 i Stockholm, var en svensk författare, journalist och poet. En av hans mest välkända diktsamlingar är Stänk och flikar från 1896 som bland annat innehåller dikten En morgondröm ledde till ett uppmärksammat åtal, men han är även känd för att ha publicerat andra dikter, tom på värmländsk dialekt. Som sagt, Gustaf Fröding föddes den 22 augusti 1860 på Alsters bruk i Värmland. I hemmet förekom musik och humanistisk bildning men även mycket sinnessjukdom. Fadern Ferdinand Gustaf Fröding (1826–1881), som var löjtnant, led av depression och lungsjukdom. När Gustaf föddes hade modern Anna Emilia Agardh (1827–1887), dotter till Carl Adolph Agardh, redan angripits av psykisk sjukdom, så svår att hon måste söka vård.
    ellauri365.html on line 867: Vid tiden läste Fröding Leibniz, Nietzsches filosofi och översatte dikter av bland andra Goethe. Även Tolstoj, Spinoza, Blavatsky, Platon och Buddha bidrog till hans nya världsbild. Fröding uttryckte allt mer tankar kring altruism och kärlek till allt levande. Han jordfästes i Klara kyrka, förrättad av Nathan Söderblom och kortegen genom Stockholm kantades av 200 000 sörjande.
    ellauri367.html on line 324: Sture Svensson är en fiktiv svensk privatdetektiv och huvudperson i Åke Holmbergs nio böcker utgivna 1948–1973. Thvenththon har sitt kontor på Drottninggatan i Stockholm. Han älskar themlor, har problem med att uttala TH, och hans trognaste kompanjon är den mycket artige Herr Omar, av vilken han köpt två kameler och en flygande matta.
    ellauri369.html on line 338: Vuonna 1827 Carlyle yritti saada moraalifilosofian katedraalin St. Andrewsissa menestymättä huolimatta useiden merkittävien intellektuellien, kuten Goethen, tuesta. Hän teki myös epäonnistuneen yrityksen professuuriksi Lontoon yliopistossa. Toukokuussa 1828 Carlylet muuttivat Craigenbuttockiin, Janen vaatimattoman maataloustilan piharakennukseen Dumfriesshiressä, jossa he asuivat toukokuuhun 1834 asti. Hän kirjoitti siellä useita esseitä, jotka ansaitsivat hänelle rahaa ja lisäsivät hänen mainettaan, mukaan lukien "Elämäni" ja "Wernerin kirjoitukset ", "Goethen Helena", "Goethe", " Palovammat ", " Heynen elämä " (jokainen 1828), "Saksalaiset näytelmäkirjailijat", " Voltaire ", "Novalis " (kukin 1829), "Jean Paul Friedrich Richter Again" (1830), "Cruthers ja Jonson eli Elämän reunat: tositarina", " Lutherin psalmi " ja "Schiller" (kukin 1831). Hän aloitti, mutta ei suorittanut loppuun saksalaisen kirjallisuuden historiaa, josta hän ammentaa materiaalia esseitä " Nibelungit valehtelee ", "Varhainen saksalainen kirjallisuus" ja osia "Historial Survey of German Poetry" -kirjoituksesta (kukin 1831). Ihme tunari.
    ellauri369.html on line 343: Carlylen isän kuolema tammikuussa 1832 ja hänen kyvyttömyytensä osallistua omiin hautajaisiinsa sai hänet kirjoittamaan ensimmäisen teoksen, josta tuli muistio, joka julkaistiin postuumisti vuonna 1881. Carlyle ei ollut löytänyt kustantaja, kun hän palasi Craigenbuttockiin maaliskuussa, mutta hän oli aloittanut tärkeitä ystävyyssuhteita Leigh Huntin ja John Stuart Millin kanssa . Sinä vuonna Carlyle kirjoitti esseet "Goethen muotokuva", "Goethen kuolema", "Goethen teokset", "Biografia", " Boswellin Johnsonin elämä " ja humoristisen "Corn-Law Rhymes".
    ellauri369.html on line 345: 1833 Ralph Waldo Emerson vieraili Carlyleilla Craigenbuttockissa. Emerson ja muut samanmieliset amerikkalaiset olivat vaikuttaneet syvästi Carlylen oikeistohenkisistä esseistä ja päättäneet tavata hänet kirjallisen pyhiinvaelluksen pohjoisen päätepisteen aikana; sen piti olla alku elinikäiselle ystävyydelle ja kuuluisalle kirjeenvaihdolle . Vuonna 1833 julkaistiin esseet "Diderot" ja "Laske Cagliostro"; jälkimmäisessä Carlyle esitteli ajatuksen "teollisuuden kapteeneista".
    ellauri370.html on line 92: In Deuteronomy 25:17–19, The Israelites are specifically commanded to "blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven" once they have taken possession of the Promised Land in retribution for "what Amalek did to [them] on the way as [they] were coming out of Egypt", a reference to the Amalekite ambush on the Israelites at Rephidim. Earlier, in Deuteronomy 7:1–16 and Deuteronomy 25:16–18, they are commanded to utterly destroy all the inhabitants of the idolatrous cities in the promised land and their livestock; scripture purports that King Saul ultimately loses favor with Yahweh for failing to kill King Agag and the best livestock of the Amalekites in 1 Samuel 15 in defiance of these commandments.
    ellauri378.html on line 338: Valokuva: ©Thinkstock/ den-belitsky
    ellauri382.html on line 357: tocktradestar.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/goggins2-1.jpg" width="50%" />
    ellauri390.html on line 50: Mohegaanit ovat Pohjois-Amerikan alkuperäiskansa, joka asuu Connecticutissa, Thamesjoen (no voi helkkari) itäisen yläjuoksun varren laaksossa. Heidän kielensä kuuluu algonkin-ryhmään. Samantapaisesta nimestä huolimatta he ovat eri kansa kuin mahicanit. Mahicanit ovat Pohjois-Amerikan alkuperäiskansa, joka asui Hudsonin jokilaaksossa New Yorkissa ja New Jerseyssä ensimmäisten eurooppalaisten saapuessa alueelle vuonna 1609. Seuraavien sadan vuoden aikana mahicanit siirtyivät asumaan idemmäs mohawkien ja eurooppalaisten kanssa syntyneen jännitteen seurauksena. Samalla mahicaneja alettiin kutsua ”Stockbridgen intiaaneiksi”, koska useat heistä asettuivat asumaan Stockbridgen kaupungin lähetysasemien läheisyyteen. Mahicanit pitivät 1600-luvun alussa hallussaan keltaisella merkittyä osaa Hudsonjoen laaksoista.
    ellauri390.html on line 60: Wisconsinin alueilla elää nykyään yli 3 000 mahicania, joista puolet asuu hajallaan reservaatin ulkopuolella. Pieni osa mahicaneista asuu Connecticutissa. Wisconsinin Reservaatin sisällä saijaitsevat Red Springsin ja Bartelmen pikkukaupungit. Kertaalleen tyhjiksi hakatut metsät ja niiden eläinkanta ovat elpyneet. Mahicanien kieli on kuitenkin hävinnyt kokonaan 1900-luvun aikana, ja kansan joukkoon on sulautunut munsee-heimon jäseniä. Vaikka mahicaneja on kutsuttu kolmella eri vuosisadalla Stockbridgen intiaaneiksi tai stockbridge-munsee-ryhmäksi, he käyttävät itsestään myös nimeä mohicanit. Wisconsinin mahicanit isännöivät Mohican North Star Casinoa, bingohallia ja Pine Hillsin golfrataa.
    ellauri390.html on line 66: The Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohican Indians is descended from a group of Mohicans (variously known as Mahikan, Housatonic and River Indians; the ancestral name Muh-he-con-ne-ok means “people of the waters that are never still”) and a band of the Delaware Indians known as the Munsee. The Mohicans and the Delaware, closely related in customs and traditions, originally inhabited large portions of what is now the northeastern United States. In 1734, a small group of Mohicans established a village near Stockbridge, Massachusetts, where they began to assimilate with the palefaces, but were nonetheless driven out by Euro-Americans. In 1785 they founded “New Stockbridge” in upper New York State at the invitation of the Oneida Indians. Their new home, however, was on timber land sought after by non-Indian settlers.
    ellauri390.html on line 68: In 1818, the band settled briefly in White River, Indiana, only to be again relocated. In order to relocate both the Stockbridge-Munsee and Oneida Indians, government officials, along with missionaries, negotiated the acquisition of a large tract in what is now Wisconsin. In 1834, the Stockbridge Indians settled there; two years later they were joined by some Munsee families who were migrating west from Canada and who decided to remain with the Stockbridge families. Together, they became known as the Stockbridge-Munsee Band. The tribe expanded its land base by obtaining 46,000 acres by treaty with their neighbors to the north, the Menominee Tribe. More pressure from the government resulted in more relocation - first in Kaukana, Wisconsin, and later to a community on the shores of Lake Winnebago that the tribe named Stockbridge ('Vielä Kauempana').
    ellauri390.html on line 70: By the terms of a new treaty with the federal government in 1856, the band moved to its present site in Shawano County. The General Allotment Act of 1887 resulted in the loss of a great deal of land by the Stockbridge-Munsee. In the Great Depression, the tribe lost yet more land. However, in the early 1930’s the Stockbridge-Munsee experienced a reawakening of their identity and began reorganizing. In 1932 they even took over the town council of Red Springs under the provisions of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, created an activist Business Committee and started to regain some of their land. The Secretary of the Interior affirmed the reservation in 1937, for which the tribe is to him forever grateful.
    ellauri390.html on line 737: tock_289448738-1024x683.jpeg" width="100%" />
    ellauri391.html on line 69:
    We tend to think of Hoover as a stiff and unresourceful man who failed to respond adequately to the coming of the stock market crash of 1929 and the Great Depression. True enough, but he was also much more than that. Hoover and his wife Lou both spoke fluent Mandarin.

    ellauri391.html on line 229: After capably serving as Secretary of Commerce under Presidents Harding and Coolidge, Hoover became the Republican Presidential nominee in 1928. He said then: “We in America today are nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of any land.” His election seemed to ensure prosperity. Yet within months the stock market crashed, and the Nation spiraled downward into depression.
    ellauri393.html on line 297: By now he had been an illustrator for four decades, and he continued to favor scenes culled from everyday life. In Stockbridge, he found his younger models at the school near his house. Escorted by the principal, he would peer into classrooms, in search of boys with the right allotment of freckles, the right expression of openness. Before the Shot takes us into a doctor’s office as a boy stands on a wooden chair, his belt unfastened, his corduroy trousers lowered to reveal his pale backside. Rockwell kävi kouluissa kazastamassa pikkupoikien pikku perseitä. Hmm tässä ei ole tarpeexi pisamia. Vitun peeping Tom of Finland.
    ellauri395.html on line 563: Houston ei ilmoittanut isäänsä poliisille sen jälkeen, kun Frank Houston myönsi vuonna 1999 käyttäneensä muuatta Sengstockia hyväksi Sengstockin ollessa lapsi.
    ellauri395.html on line 564: Kansainvälisen megakirkon entinen johtaja on aiemmin sanonut tuntevansa aitoa surua vanhemman Houstonin Sengstockille ja muille tekemisistä, ja kuvaili isäänsä lasten sarjahyväksikäyttäjäksi. "Emme luultavasti koskaan tiedä hänen pedofiliansa laajuutta", Houston sanoi aiemmin. "Mutta en ole isäni, en tehnyt tätä rikosta. Pimitin vain isän haarustelut." Pirkon ikäinen Frank Houston kuoli vuonna 2004.
    ellauri408.html on line 545: Carl Jonas Love Almqvist (även Carl Jonas Lovis Almquist; på gravstenen Carl Jonas Ludvig Almquist och kallade sig under en period för Carl Westermann, född 28 november 1793 i Stockholm, död 26 september 1866 i Bremen, var en svensk författare, lärare, präst, romantisk ekonomikritiker, och tonsättare. Almqvist skrev i en rad olika genrer; såväl prosa, dramatik och lyrik, som andra, till exempel journalistik och läroböcker. En stor del av hans skönlitterära produktion samlades inom ramberättelsen Törnrosens bok. Han hade inga som helst avelhämningar, tom två fruar på samma tid.
    ellauri408.html on line 560: Utgivningen av Det går an bidrog starkt till att Almqvist tvingades lämna sin tjänst som rektor för Nya Elementarskolan i Stockholm. Boken låg honom till last också i hans tilltänkta karriär som präst. Ännu vid landsflykten 1851 gick Almqvist under benämningen "Det-går-an-prästen" bland sina belackare. Almqvist brännmärktes i den allmänna opinionen som osedlighetsförfattare. Hans uttalanden och syften förvrängdes och misstänkliggjordes.
    ellauri421.html on line 1105: tock.com/shutterstock/photos/27212419/display_1500/stock-photo-losevo-leningrad-oblast-august-participants-in-action-at-rafting-on-inflatable-dolls-bubble-27212419.jpg" width="90%" />
    xxx/ellauri013.html on line 841: Stockmannin sinisen kassin saisi sentään

    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 880: Petrus Lewi Pethrus, ursprungligen Petrus Lewi Johansson, född 11 mars 1884 i Vargön i Västra Tunhems församling, Älvsborgs län (i nuvarande Västra Götalands län), död 4 september 1974 i Stockholm, var en svensk förgrundsgestalt och ledare inom Pingströrelsen. Han var pastor och föreståndare för Filadelfiaförsamlingen i Stockholm (7:e baptistförsamlingen) från 9 januari 1911 till 7 september 1958. Han tog initiativ till bildandet av partiet Kristen Demokratisk Samling (KDS) och startandet av dagstidningen Dagen. Lewi Pethrus är begravd på Solna kyrkogård.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 933: No sit on jälellä tää uutuus, elevaatio. Ensimmäinen assosiaatio on Viron korkein vuori, pikku kohouma, korkeudeltaan samaa luokkaa kuin Taivaskallio. Toinen on elevaattori, sellainen nosturi kun on viljasiiloissa, ja kolmas Stockmannin liukuportaikko. Amerikkalaiset kuzuu kaikkia hissejä elevaattoreix. Siellähän niitä piisaa herrahissejä. Kone Oy muuten on yx Eskin asiakkaita. Ei mennyt koneelta ihan putkeen saxalaisen hissifirman osto, loppui käteiset. Koneelta tuli myös se ruokalähettien mamupiiskuri. Ylöspäin ne kaikki yrittää, Eskin opeilla ja ilmankin.
    xxx/ellauri056.html on line 180: "Ajatus että rupeaisin samaan ammattiin kuin äiti, oli mulle hyvin vastenmielinen. Pyrin lukemaan psykologiaa, filosofiaa, germaanista filologiaa. Menin töihin kaupparekisteriin ja olin Stockmannillakin, hain oikeustieteelliseen ja pääsin sihteeriopistoon ja tein töitä sihteerinä."

    "Eräänlaista kapinaa oli sekin, että mä menin itseäni huomattavasti vanhemman virkamiehen kanssa naimisiin."
    xxx/ellauri056.html on line 569: In dieser aussichtslosen Lage bekam er 1788 in Zürich eine Stelle als Hauslehrer, die er aber nur zwei Jahre innehatte, da er der Auffassung war, dass man, bevor man Kinder erzieht, zuallererst die Eltern erziehen müsse. Dort verlobte er sich mit Johanna Marie Rahn (1755–1819), Tochter des Kaufmanns und Waagmeisters Johann Hartmut Rahn und Nichte des Dichters Klopstock.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 155: Borat is shocked to find he will not be executed as he had instead been used as retaliation by Nazarbayev for making Kazakhstan a laughingstock. Before departing for the United States, Kazakhstan officials infected Borat with SARS-CoV-2 via an injection of "gypsy tears", making him patient zero of the COVID-19 pandemic. As he was sent around the world, he continued to spread the virus. Borat records Nazarbayev's admission and sends it to Brian, the man who sold him his phone.
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 209: According to Allan Bloom's 1974 obituary in Political Theory, Strauss "was raised as an Orthodox Jew", but the family does not appear to have completely embraced Orthodox practice.[35] Strauss himself noted that he came from a "conservative, even orthodox Jewish home", but one which knew little about Judaism except strict adherence to ceremonial laws. His father and uncle operated a farm supply and livestock business that they inherited from their father, Meyer (1835–1919), a leading member of the local Jewish community.
    xxx/ellauri076.html on line 409: tock_000083936849_Medium.jpg" height="200px" />
    xxx/ellauri084.html on line 577: tockreview.net/images/hotdog-clipart-walking-14.gif" width="20%" />
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 359: What happens is this.. Give a blue collar worker $2000 and he will buy new furniture, or clothing, ir maybe put a down payment on a new car. He will definitely take his family out to dinner and a movie, therefore stimulating the economy. However, those in charge of the companies will not do this. They already have their purchases, parties, dinners, and vacations planned and payed for. When they get an extra $2000 or $200,000 they keep it. They purchase more stock ir perhaps an insurance policy. Maybe they just stick it into a CD. In any case they are NOT helping the economy or even interested in doing so.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 831: “Doubtless,” said I, “what it utters is its only stock and store Mut siinähän se kaikki on mitä osaa taidoton.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 340: The New Yorker is published by Condé Nasty Inc. and is a subsidiary of Advance Publications. S.I. Newhouse acquired The New Yorker in 1985 for “$200 a share for the magazine’s common stock, an investment of about $142 million.” The Newhouse family owns Advance Publications and currently, the third and fourth generations of the Newhouse family is involved in the management. For details about the Newhouse family click here. The New Yorker, Vogue, Vanity Fair, Gentlemen’s Quarterly (GQ), Architectural Digest (AD), Condé Nast Traveler, and Wired are all published by Conde Nasty.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 612: George Louis Costanza is a character in the American television sitcom Seinfeld, played by Jason Alexander. He has variously been described as a "short, stocky, slow-witted, bald man", "weak, spineless, man of temptations", and "Lord of the Idiots".

    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 378: Having a fetish doesn’t necessarily mean wanting to wear adult diapers or a furry costume. (Turrit on rivoja sexifetishistejä.) You just have to find a normally non-sexual object or action arousing—an association you probably formed in childhood, says Samantha Leigh Allen, professor of sexual fetishism at Emory University. Maybe your mother had platform shoes, ankle shackles, net stockings, cat spectacles, bikini, and a print hat. Maybe she talked like a slut and moaned all the time.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 83: Mellan 1926 och 1928 lät han uppföra Tändstickspalatset i Stockholm efter ritningar av Ivar Tengbom. Huset blev platsen för koncernens huvudkontor och ett påkostat byggnadsverk i svensk tjugotalsklassicism, skapat av en lång rad av Sveriges främsta formgivare, konstnärer och hantverkare.
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 629: 2000 ja työskenteli muun muassa Joe Blasco -konsulenttina Stockmannin Helsingin
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 620: In 1797, Coleridge was living at Nether Stowey, a village in the foothills of the Quantocks. However, due to ill health, he had "retired to a lonely farm house between Porlock and Lynton, on the Exmoor confines of Somerset and Devonshire". It is unclear whether the interruption took place at Culbone Parsonage (Culbone, penisluu, hehe) or at Ash Farm. (Ass farm, puofarmi, hehe.) Jossain sillä välillä takuulla. He described the incident in his first publication of the poem, writing about himself in the third person:
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 418: Lissi Sofia Alandh Söderqvist, född Holmqvist den 29 december 1930 i Skön i Medelpad, död 3 augusti 2008 i Stockholm, var en svensk skådespelare, sångare och revyaktris.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 459: Eva Anna Maria Ralf, född 22 augusti 1923 i Stockholm, död 16 november 2007 i Djursholm, Danderyds församling, var en svensk inredningsarkitekt. Hon inredde fartyg för Silja Line, Svea-rederiet, Scand Ferry Line, residenset i Lissabon, Byggnadsstyrelsen och Det svenska rummet för kungaparet på Solliden. Hon utbildade Ikea-personal.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 632: Axel Martin Fredrik Munthe, född 31 oktober 1857 i Oskarshamn, död 11 februari 1949 på Stockholms slott, var en svensk läkare och författare. Han var kronprinsessan, sedermera drottning, Victorias livläkare från 1893 och fram till hennes död 1930. Han är känd som skaparen av Villa San Michele på Capri. Axel Munthe var son till apotekaren Fredrik Munthe och Lovisa Ugarph. Enligt familjetraditionen tillhörde han en adelsätt från Flandern och senare Tyskland, först invandrad till Skåne. Tro om du vill.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 232: 2 "Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, and prophesy against him, 3 "and say, 'Thus says the Lord God: "Behold, I am against you, O Gog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal.11 to take plunder and to take booty, to stretch out your hand against the waste places that are again inhabited, and against a people gathered from the nations, who have acquired livestock and goods, who dwell in the midst of the land. 23 "Thus I will magnify Myself and sanctify Myself, and I will be known in the eyes of many nations. Then they shall know that I am the Lord." ' Ezekiel 38:2,3,11,23
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 104: Jordaens’s large painting of The Wife of King Candaules displaying herself to Gyges is in the Nationalmuseum, in Stockholmii. In the large painting, the Queen is depicted lifesize, seen from behind, standing before a canopied bed. She is virtually naked, but for a string of pearls and a lace-trimmed cap. Just as she is about to step into her bed, she pauses and casts a backward glance, apparently addressing the viewer with a conspiratorial smile. On the far right of the picture, Gyges can be glimpsed craning his head through a gap in the curtain, with the King close behind him.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 472: He dressed beautifully with hand-made shirts and hand-stitched brogues. These days, he is a fan of the less elegant Birkenstock sandals.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 685: Millbrookista muodostui vapaamuotoinen kommuuni, josta käsin Leary ja kumppanit alkoivat levittää LSD:n ilosanomaa, jonka käyttö yleistyikin huomattavasti amerikkalaisen vaihtoehtoväen keskuudessa 1960-luvun puolivälissä ja saavutti lopulta huippunsa vuosikymmenen lopun suurissa massatapahtumissa (mm. Woodstock 1969) kun ”hippeydestä” oli tullut nuorison muoti-ilmiö. LSD:n käytön kasvaessa Leary ja Millbrook joutuivat viranomaisten silmätikuiksi, mutta tämä ja uhkaava pitkä vankilatuomio marihuanan hallussapidosta ei Learya vaikuttanut huolestuttavan.
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 725:
    Jonathan McClintock: Helping people find peace with God, themselves, and others.

    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 236: Im pietistischen Internat zu Kloster Berge bei Magdeburg, das Christoph Wieland ab 1747 besuchte, wurde der junge Wieland zu einem großen Verehrer Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstocks. Peit klop. Tästä kaverista on kyllä ennestään jo paasaus.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 242: Seine Erstlingswerke kennzeichnen ihn als leidenschaftlichen Klopstockianer, der eine spezifisch christliche Dichtung anstrebt.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 260: Turauxen on kirjoittanut joku Anders Hallengren, an associate professor of Comparative Literature and a research fellow in the Department of History of Literature and the History of Ideas at Stockholm University. Heserved as consulting editor for literature at Nobelprize.org. Dr. Hallengren is a fellow of The Hemingway Society (USA) and was on the Steering Committee for the 1993 Guilin ELT/Hemingway International Conference in the People’s Republic of China. Among his works in English are The Code of Concord: Emerson’s Search for Universal Laws; Gallery of Mirrors: Reflections of Swedenborgian Thought; and What is National Literature: Lectures on Emerson, Dostoevsky, Hemingway and the... Pelkkiä noloja setämiehiä!
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 179:
    Seneca's stock quotes

    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 181: Seneca used to read his stock quotes frequently, like Scrooge McDuck. Seneca's optimistic quotes inspire you to use your time in a wise manner and live the life of your dreams.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 182:
    1. True happiness is to avoid duties from gods and men; to enjoy the present with optimistic expectations on stocks and futures; to amuse ourselves with conjunctures, and never to rest satisfied with what we have, which is abundantly sufficient only if sufficiently abundant (viz never).
      xxx/ellauri186.html on line 201:
    2. Man is affected not by stock events but by the profit he makes of them.
      xxx/ellauri186.html on line 230: The general of Tomyris's army, Spargapises, who was also her son, and a third of the Massagetian troops, killed the group Cyrus had left there and, finding the camp well stocked with food and the wine, unwittingly drank themselves into inebriation, diminishing their capability to defend themselves when they were then overtaken by a surprise attack. They were successfully defeated, and, although he was taken prisoner, Spargapises committed suicide once he regained sobriety. Upon learning of what had transpired, Tomyris denounced Cyrus's tactics as underhanded and swore vengeance, leading a second wave of troops into battle herself. Cyrus the Great was ultimately killed, and his forces suffered massive casualties in what Herodotus referred to as the fiercest battle of his career and the ancient world. When it was over, Tomyris ordered the body of Cyrus brought to her, then decapitated him and dipped his head in a vessel of blood in a symbolic gesture of revenge for his bloodlust and the death of her son. However, some scholars question this version, mostly because even Herodotus admits this event was one of many versions of Cyrus's death that he heard from a supposedly reliable source who told him no one was there to see the aftermath.
      xxx/ellauri186.html on line 297: Prewitt and Maggio join a social club where Prewitt becomes attracted to Lorene. At the club, Maggio gets into an argument with stockade Sergeant "Fatso" Judson. Later, at a local bar, Judson provokes Maggio and the two nearly come to blows before Warden intervenes.
      xxx/ellauri186.html on line 301: Maggio is sentenced to the stockade after walking off guard duty and getting drunk, subjecting him to Judson's unqualified (and unauthorized) wrath. Prewitt discovers Lorene's name is really Alma and her goal is to make enough money at the club to go back to the mainland. Prewitt tells her his career is in the military, and the two wonder whether they have a future together.
      xxx/ellauri186.html on line 305: Maggio escapes from the stockade after a brutal beating from Judson and dies in Prewitt's arms. Seeking revenge, Prewitt finds Judson in a back alley and the two fight with knives. Prewitt kills Judson, but not before being badly wounded himself; Prewitt goes AWOL and stays with Lorene while Warden covers for his absence.
      xxx/ellauri193.html on line 340: Following the 2020 election, Carlson reportedly told people he had voted for independent candidate Kanye West, because he was in awe of Kardashian's mammoth buttocks.
      xxx/ellauri200.html on line 541: tock_104448647.jpeg" />
      xxx/ellauri200.html on line 692: and kindled hearts with legendary fire, Ja sytkäröivät sydämet kuin Woodstockissa.
      xxx/ellauri201.html on line 123: Karl Stig-Erland Larsson, inofficiellt Stieg Larsson, född 15 augusti 1954 i Skelleftehamn, Västerbotten, död 9 november 2004 i Stockholm, var en svensk journalist och författare. Stig-Erland är känd för sin romansvit Millennium (Män som hatar kvinnor (2005), Flickan som lekte med elden (2006) och Luftslottet som sprängdes (2007)), som filmatiserats i både Sverige och USA. Romansviten utgavs efter Stigs död i hjärtinfarkt 2004.
      xxx/ellauri208.html on line 646: Att kissa sig i öga. Stockholm: Wahlström & Widstrand. 1954.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 650: Den lokala polisen hade därför varken kunnat, eller kanske ens velat, hindra de strejkande från att hissa upp tillresta ”arbetsvilliga” svartfötter ur ångaren Milos skrov (se bild ovan!) och visa upp dem på ett offentligt möte. Efter Ådalen insåg man att polismän från trakten framgent inte var lita på för att upphålla våldsmonopolet i landet, allra minst i det ”röda Ådalen”. Militär hade satts in vid liknande demonstrationer- bland annat vid drängarnas revolt i Klågerup 1811, i Stockholm 1848, Sundsvallsstrejken 1879 samt vid Seskarö-upproret och oroligheterna i Stockholm, båda 1917. Seskarössa on käyty kazomassa kyykytyxen muistomerkkejä. Aika matalaa profiilia pitävät svedut siitäkin. Myndigheten hade inte litat till värnpliktig militär för att skjuta på de strejkande, utan sände stamställda knektar från Sollefteå för att kväsa vad man betraktade som ett uppror.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 656: Den 19 maj skedde i Stockholm sammanstötningar mellan demonstranter och militär i samband med en kommunistisk manifestation under paroller som ”Ned med mördarregeringen”. Det slutade med fjorton anhållanden, För ”olydigt skriveri” om ådalshändelserna i vänsterpress dömdes sex personer. Inalles utdömdes 3 451 dagars straffarbete eller husarrest. 21 av dem gällde militären, 3 430 av dem gällde arbetarsidan.
      xxx/ellauri227.html on line 140: Alice Ingegärd Marianne Timander, född Müller den 6 oktober 1915 i Stockholm, död 3 juli 2007 i Stockholm, var en svensk tandläkare, skådespelerska och underhållare. Hon är framförallt känd för sin närvaro på otaliga premiärer.
      xxx/ellauri227.html on line 339: Liza is also a popular columnist since 20 years. Her columns have appeared in various Swedish and international newspapers and magazines, including Financial Times in the UK, Welt am Sonntag in Germany, Dagbladet Information in Denmark, and Ilta-Lehti in Finland. She is a regular columnist in Swedish tabloid Expressen and Norwegian daily Verdens Gang. Today, Liza and her family divide their time and money between Stockholm in Sweden and Marbella in southern Spain.
      xxx/ellauri227.html on line 344: Despite the titillating title, there's no sex to speak of in Marklund's second thriller featuring Swedish reporter Annika Bengtzon. The events in this book precede those in The Bomber, which introduced Annika as a successful newspaper editor. Here we see her eight years earlier, working as a summer intern at the same Stockholm paper. A young stripper's body is found in a city park, and as Annika and her colleagues investigate, they discover some strange links between the murder, high-ranking Swedish officials, and an illegal espionage operation long since disbanded. Meanwhile, Annika is struggling with a clingy boyfriend and learning the ins and outs of reporting in a competitive environment. These struggles are more compelling than the crimes she is investigating, and the action tends to move at a snail's pace until the rushed climax. However, fans of The Bomber will enjoy a second dose of spunky Annika and the realistic newsroom scenes. An author's note gives helpful background information on Swedish politics and the real-life inspiration for the story.
      xxx/ellauri227.html on line 353: Selma Lagerlöf är en av Sveriges mest kända författare. Hon är översatt och bearbetad över hela världen. I och med detta måste en viss “respekt” hållas. Att outa Lagerlöf som lesbisk skulle, enligt dagens normer, inte se bra ut för den svenska delen av världshistorien. Samtidigt som det skulle se så bra ut för den svenska lesbiskheten. Breven mellan Elkan och Lagerlöf hölls i det dolda i femtio år, innan de tilläts öppna på KB i Stockholm. Kanske fanns en tro att deras kärlek, Lagerlöfs begär och åtrå, skulle få komma upp i ljuset. Kanske hade de båda hoppats på att den obligatoriska heterosexualiteten skulle göra deras brev mer orättvisa, än att det på håll sagts, “människor skrev ju sådär till varandra på den tiden.”
      xxx/ellauri227.html on line 372: Han avtjänade sitt välbetjänta straff i fängelset i Österåker och i det nu nedlagda fängelset på Långholmen i Stockholm.
      xxx/ellauri228.html on line 488: The mother sprinkled all the family members with her water so that their minds and hearts would open to the eating of the Afterbirth of Christ. The father also passed water, sprinkling the livestock and household animals, and treating them with sugar or salt and plenty of mustard. Many believed that the animals could speak at midnight with Christmas Eve and feared they might complain to Christmas Adam if not so treated.
      xxx/ellauri229.html on line 639: In 1949, Törni, accompanied by his wartime executive officer Holger Pitkänen, traveled to Sweden, crossing the border from Tornio to Haparanda (Haaparanta), where many inhabitants are ethnic Finns. From Haparanda, Törni traveled by railroad to Stockholm where he stayed with Baroness von Essen, who harbored many fugitive Finnish officers following the war. Pitkänen was arrested and repatriated to Finland. Remaining in Sweden, Törni fell in love with a Swedish Finn, Marja Kops, and was soon engaged to be married. Hoping to establish a career before the marriage, Törni traveled under an alias as a Swedish seaman aboard the SS Bolivia, destined for Caracas, Venezuela, where he met one of his Winter War commanders, Finnish colonel Matti Aarnio, who was in exile[citation needed] having settled in Venezuela after the war. From Caracas, Törni hired on to a Swedish cargo ship, the MS Skagen, destined for the United States in 1950.
      xxx/ellauri230.html on line 41: tockphoto.com/photos/penis-elephant-picture-id181400781" width="30%" />
      xxx/ellauri230.html on line 461: Pyllykielitieteilijänä se ei ollut vaan kirjoittanut parasta englanninkielistä suomen kielioppia (Kustun mielestä, Fred Karlsson voi olla eri mieltä), vaan "erään neekerikielen kieliopin". Ei kai se sunkaan ollut kikuju? Tai size oli maasai. Arvi Hurskainen osaisi sanoa. "Regarding the origin of the Gikuyu, Sir Charles Eliot, in "The East Africa Protectorate," says that they are almost certainly a comparatively recent hybrid between the Masai and Bantu stock."
      xxx/ellauri230.html on line 528: tockphoto.com/photos/seoul-south-korea-bongeunsa-temple-summer-cityscape-picture-id638384590" />
      xxx/ellauri231.html on line 82: *October 21st, 1833, Stockholm †December 10th, 1896, Sanremo

      xxx/ellauri233.html on line 56: Har du en bucket list, det vill säga något som du drömmer om att göra innan du dör? Om inte kan det vara läge att göra en. Det tycker Micael Dahlen, ekonomiprofessor vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm. Hans påstående backas upp av en del forskning.
      xxx/ellauri233.html on line 102: Micael Dahlén, född 1973, är professor i ekonomi vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm. Han har skrivit sex tramsiga böcker om t.ex. marknadsföring i nya media, varav Nextopia från 2008, med teorier om förväntningssamhället, är den mest kända. Dahlén har också fått mycket uppmärksamhet för att ha hunnit bli professor vid 34 års ålder och för sin okonventionella stil, a la övervintrad hippie med svarta naglar. I början av år 2009 framröstades han som näringslivets populäraste föredragshållare, hur fan nu det kunde gå till. Antagligen får han mellancheferna att tro att de fattar vad kidsen håller på med.
      xxx/ellauri233.html on line 177: Micael Dahlén (born 18 June 1973) is a Swedish author, public speaker and Professor of marketing and consumer behavior at the Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden. His award-winning research within marketing, creativity and consumer behavior has been published in four books and numerous journal articles. Dahlén's books have reached a global audience, rights being sold to countries such as the U.S, U.K, Germany, South Korea, Russia and Brazil. In 2013 Dahlén stated in an interview that he was writing a novel. Only 34 years old he was made Professor. In the same year, 2008, Journal of Advertising ranked Dahlén as number 10 in the world among researchers within the field of advertising.
      xxx/ellauri233.html on line 181: Micael Dahléns arbetsrum på Handelshögskolan i Stockholm är till bredden fyllt med prylar. Det är så stökigt att hans kollegor kan lämna kvar saker utan att det märks. Hans kontor är ett exempel på hur privatliv och arbete flyter ihop; här skriver han på avhandlingar, äter middag med sin fru eller utövar yoga medan barnen gör sina läxor. Han ser det som ett sätt att skapa balans i en värld där arbetet får allt fler att må dåligt. Micael sparar en hel del pengar genom att bo i sitt arbetsrum med familj. Det är så stökigt faktiskt att ingen har lagt märke till att det finns en bajamaja i ena hörnet där barnen leker hem medan Micael med hustru knullar på en bokhög i det andra.
      xxx/ellauri233.html on line 199: Micael har i intervjuer berättat om det utanförskap han upplevde när han växte upp och blev mobbad. Året efter att han gått in i väggen tog han tjänstledigt från sin professur på Handelshögskolan i Stockholm och gav bland annat ut romanen ”Livet på Mars” som handlar om en utomjording som känner sig främmande på jorden. Just som Liza "Annika Bengzon" Marklund i Piitime, va?
      xxx/ellauri233.html on line 438: Mary Temple Grandin (born August 29, 1947) is an American scientist, academic and animal behaviorist. She is a prominent proponent for the humane treatment of livestock for slaughter and the author of more than 60 scientific papers on animal behavior. Grandin is a consultant to the livestock industry, where she offers advice on animal behavior, and is also an autism spokesperson.
      xxx/ellauri250.html on line 604: A 2006 musical comedy, Bukowsical!, by Spencer Green and Gary Stockdale, pokes fun at Bukowski's life and hipster image.
      xxx/ellauri253.html on line 94: Johtotähtenä 1990-luvun alun lamasta nousemisessa oli matkapuhelinjätti Nokia, joka veti mukanaan muutakin taloutta ylöspäin. Hyi helvetti. At its peak in 2000, during the telecoms bubble, Nokia accounted for 4% of the country's GDP, 21% of total exports, and 70% of the Helsinki Stock Exchange market capital. position, becoming the first non-Finnish director in Nokia's history.
      xxx/ellauri253.html on line 98: The dot-com bubble (dot-com boom, tech bubble, or the Internet bubble) was a stock market bubble in the late 1990s, a period of massive growth in the use and adoption of the Internet. Without question September 11 attacks later accelerated the stock-market drop.
      xxx/ellauri259.html on line 644: No ei, Kari taitaa ihan oikeasti vähän vittuilla julkisuudelle, vaikka myöntää siitä olevan myös paljon hyötyä. Hantta Krause sai tahtonsa läpi, panimme Stockmannin vessassa. Aira Samulinia tafsasin herkkuosastolla, joka ei tässä vaiheessa vielä ollut Prisma. Jorma Uotila kiljahti ihastuksesta hyllyvälissä käsi jonkun asiakkaan pyllyvälissä. Vaatimattomuus estää sanomasta kenen. Puristelin Helena Lindgreniä Stockmannin herkkuosastolla, kexi- ja marmeladihyllyjen välissä. Tukalaa, joskin antoisaa. Katkaisin välini Helena Lindgrenin kanssa. Monet ihmiset haluavat vain panna minua. Surullista. Lähetin terveisiä Kuopioon.
      xxx/ellauri273.html on line 86: In 1931, the dictator general Jorge Ubico came to power, backed by the United States, and initiated one of the most brutally repressive governments in Central American history. Just as Estrada Cabrera had done during his government, Ubico created a widespread network of spies and informants and had large numbers of political opponents tortured and put to death. A wealthy aristocrat (with an estimated income of $215,000 per year in 1930s dollars) and a staunch anti-communist, he consistently sided with the United Fruit Company, Guatemalan landowners and urban elites in disputes with peasants. After the crash of the New York Stock Exchange in 1929, the peasant system established by Barrios in 1875 to jump start coffee production in the country was not good enough anymore, and Ubico was forced to implement a system of debt slavery and forced labor to make sure that there was enough labor available for the coffee plantations and that the UFCO workers were readily available.
      xxx/ellauri273.html on line 313: tock_715481152-1024x892.jpg" height="200" />
      xxx/ellauri287.html on line 141: tock_630224219_athens-airport.jpg" width="40%" />
      xxx/ellauri293.html on line 405: Newsner is a modern news and entertainment brand and one of the world's biggest publishers on Facebook. Our offices are located in Stockholm, Berlin, New York, Copenhagen, Oslo and Helsinki but our content is published in 11 different languages daily.
      xxx/ellauri295.html on line 415: Dan Andersson omkom i rum 11 på Hotell Hellman, beläget vid dåvarande Bryggargatan 5 i kvarteret Blåmannen i Stockholm, den 16 september 1920, där han befann sig för att söka arbete på tidningen Social-Demokraten. Firman Desinfektionsanstalten Cyan hade rökt med vätecyanid mot vägglöss. Firman åtalades senare för försumlighet och bristande instruktioner till personalen, men ägaren Robert Hedlund friades. Klockan 15 på eftermiddagen hittades Andersson död. Vid samma tillfälle omkom även försäkringsinspektören Elliot Eriksson från Bollnäs.
      xxx/ellauri295.html on line 694: In 1979, along with Mervyn Stockwood, the Bishop of Southwark, Muggeridge appeared on the chat show Friday Night, Saturday Morning to discuss the film Life of Brian with Monty Python members John Cleese and Michael Palin. Although the Python members gave reasons that they believed the film to be neither anti-Christian nor mocking the person of Jesus, both Muggeridge and the bishop insisted that they were being disingenuous and that the film was anti-Christian and blasphemous. Muggeridge further declared their film to be "buffoonery", "tenth-rate", "this miserable little film" and "this little squalid number".
      xxx/ellauri296.html on line 146: tock.com/previewimage/medibigoff/930db9cf6c1c02159f13b0424f88da21/dae-98020266.jpg" width="50%" />
      xxx/ellauri303.html on line 344: Today, Mea Shearim remains an insular neighbourhood in the heart of Jerusalem. With its Haredi, and overwhelmingly Hasidic, population, the streets retain the characteristics of an Eastern European shtetl, as it appeared in pre-war Europe. Life revolves around strict adherence to Jewish law, prayer, and the study of Jewish religious texts. Traditions in dress include black frock coats and black hats for men (although there are some other clothing styles, depending on the religious sub-group to which they belong), and long-sleeved, modest clothing for women. In some Hasidic groups, the women wear thick black stockings all year long, even in summer. Married women wear a variety of hair coverings, from wigs to scarves, snoods, hats, and berets. The men have beards, and many grow long sidecurls, called peyot. Many residents speak Yiddish in their daily lives, and use Hebrew only for prayer and religious study, as they believe Hebrew to be a sacred language, only to be used for religious purposes.
      xxx/ellauri307.html on line 372: Berdjajev ja Whitehead ovat personalismin kovia ydinkärkiä. Vuonna 1957 Journal of Religion Charles Hartshorne julkaisi tärkeän artikkelin "Whitehead and Berdyaev: Is There Tragedy in God?" Kolmastoista personalistiseminaari keskittyy Alfred N. Whiteheadin ja Nicolas Berdyaevin ympärille, ja heidän työnsä eri puolille on omistettu erilliset päivät. Ensimmäinen päivä esittelee ryhmän Whiteheadin ja Berdyaevin kontekstissaan. Näitä keskusteluja johtaa George Lucas, varaamiraali James B. Stockdalen eettisen johtajuuden ansioitunut johtaja US Naval Academyssa, emeritus, nykyinen etiikan ja julkisen politiikan professori Graduate School of Public Policy at the Navalissa. Jatkokoulu, ja Daniel Dombrowski, Seattlen yliopiston filosofian professori, toimittaja, Prosessitutkimukset. Jäljellä olevat päivät jokainen osallistuja on vastuussa tietystä tekstistä ja/tai näkökulmasta tai esittelee paperin Whiteheadista tai Berdyaevista ja auttaa johtamaan tätä keskustelun osaa.
      xxx/ellauri307.html on line 834: tock.com/i/1000x1000/75/61/kawaii-mustache-avocado-cartoon-vector-33167561.jpg" height="300px" />
      xxx/ellauri312.html on line 71: Vid hemkomsten till Folkhems­sverige väntade sig Cervenka en stor kontrast. I stället kände han igen sig. ”I Stockholms innerstad trängdes Teslor, Maseratis och Land Rovers med stressade ynglingar i för korta kostymer, mockaskor utan strumpor och klockor för ett par årslöner på handleden. Nya miljardärer jag aldrig hört talas om tidigare tycktes poppa fram på daglig basis. Överallt pratades det aktier, kryptovalutor och startups”, skriver Cervenka i boken.
      xxx/ellauri312.html on line 81: Mellan 1996 och 2021 ökade svenska bostadsrätter i pris med i genomsnitt 800 procent. I delar av Stockholm är ökningen ännu brantare.
      xxx/ellauri312.html on line 85: Säg att du flyttar från Finland till Stockholm med en jämförelsevis hög lön på 5 000 euro och besparingar på 50 000 euro. Hurdana möjligheter har du att köpa en bostadsrätt någorlunda centralt?
      xxx/ellauri312.html on line 109: Samtidigt upprätthåller bostadsbyggandets inbromsning bostadsbristen, i synnerhet i Stockholmsområdet, vilket dämpar prisnedgången. Trots de dystrare konjunkturerna bedömer bland andra Nordea alltjämt de svenska hushållens räntebetalningsförmåga som god.
      xxx/ellauri312.html on line 347: På tal om kul, Sarah Sjöström är också bra om att leva i nuet. Hon planerar inte framtiden. När det går dåligt blir hon arg. Jag planerar inte särskilt mycket. Mina vänner säger att jag är bra på att leva i nuet. Vad säger din armhåla om dig? Kvinnorna i Andningsrummet är privilegierade. De har fina lägenheter i Stockholms innerstad och framgångsrika karriärer. Nähä, vi är vanliga medelklass-vänstermänniskor.
      xxx/ellauri312.html on line 757: Da, beim Geheimnisse des Weinstocks, sie Siellä viinin tyrmistyttäminä, ne
      xxx/ellauri314.html on line 129: Näytelmästä ohjasi Sidney Lumet vuonna 1962 samannimisen elokuvan, jonka osia näyttelivät Katharine Hepburn (Mary), Ralph Richardson (James), Jason Robards (Jamie), Dean Stockwell (Edmund) ja Jeanne Barr (Cathleen). Robards, Stockwell ja Hepburn palkittiin rooleistaan Cannesin elokuvajuhlilla, ja Hepburn sai myös parhaan naisnäyttelijän Oscar-ehdokkuuden.
      xxx/ellauri314.html on line 324: Välkommen till ett djupt och utforskande samtal om anknytning med professor Pehr Granqvist vid Stockholm Universitet. I samtalet utforskar hur religion och andlighet kan bidra till personlig utveckling och att läka anknytningstrauma.
      xxx/ellauri314.html on line 351: Det ska bli så otroligt spännande att prata med Pehr. Han är en av lärarna på den Internationelle Master i psykologi som jag läser på Stockholms Universitet.
      xxx/ellauri337.html on line 161: Auf den Spuren von Schwester Rahel und einem Rosenwunder (ein unverwüstlicher Rosenstrauch blüht dauerhaft auf ihrem Grab) reist der Verfasser bis nach Rom in die Ordenszentrale. Dort begegnet er Schwester Klementina, die hochgebildet und außerdem höchst attraktiv ist. Sowohl was Lenis möglicherweise erotische Beziehung zu Schwester Rahel als auch was das Rosenwunder anbelangt, hält sich die Nonne bedeckt. Man raucht Virginia-Zigaretten zusammen, und zum Abschied küsst der Verfasser die Nonne ganz unkeusch, worauf diese ihn zur Wiederkehr einlädt. In Deutschland hat sich das Rosenwunder derweil zum Rosenthermalwunder gemausert: Rund um den Rosenstock im Klostergarten sollen heiße Quellen sprudeln, die Presse ist elektrisiert, doch der Orden wiegelt weiter ab.
      xxx/ellauri337.html on line 165: Die Hoysers haben Lev wegen Scheckbetrugs ins Gefängnis gebracht. Sie sehen das als Liebesakt: Er müsse zur Vernunft gebracht und sein Stolz müsse – zu seinem eigenen Wohl – gebrochen werden. Der Verfasser sucht die Hoysers auf, die inzwischen das mächtigste Immobilienunternehmen der Stadt besitzen. Der alte Hoyser knöpft sich mit seinem Stock in Enterhakenmanier den Verfasser vor, was dessen uraltes Tweedsakko nicht verkraftet. Es entspinnt sich eine hitzige Debatte um die Unersetzbarkeit der Lieblingsjacke, um materielle und immaterielle Werte. Lottes Söhne Kurt und Werner Hoyser, früher als kriminell und schwer erziehbar verrufen, haben Jura und Volkswirtschaft studiert, sind gesellschaftstauglich geworden und würdige Erben ihres Großvaters. Für Leni wollen die Hoysers nur das Beste. Dennoch wollen sie sie und ihre zahlreichen Untermieter – darunter eine portugiesische Familie und türkische Müllmänner – aus ihrer Wohnung werfen. Das sei aber, so die Hoysers, eine „liebevolle Dirigierung“ – das sagen sie auch aus der Überzeugung heraus, dass in Altbauwohnungen gerne mal subversive Zellen gediehen und es außerdem nicht angehen könne, dass Fremdarbeiter so billig wohnen. Deren gute Entlohnung kalkuliere doch ein, dass ein erheblicher Teil als Miete im Land verbleibe. Solchen „Paradiesismus“ wollen Hoysers verhindern.
      xxx/ellauri354.html on line 415: 1S-Town was an American investigative journalism podcast hosted by Brian Reed and created by the producers of Serial and This American Life. In 2012, horologist John B. McLemore sent an email to the staff of the show This American Life asking them to investigate an alleged murder in his hometown of Woodstock, Alabama, a place he claimed to despise. There wasn't any.
      xxx/ellauri354.html on line 417: Though the podcast was promoted under the name S-Town, Reed reveals in the first episode that this is a euphemism for "Shit-Town", McLemore's derogatory term for Woodstock. McLemore killed himself by drinking potassium cyanide on June 22, 2015, while the podcast was still in production.
      xxx/ellauri387.html on line 205: Guillou, Peter Bratt and Håkan Isacson were all arrested, tried behind closed doors and convicted of espionage. According to Bratt, the verdict required some stretching of established judicial practice on the part of the court since none of them were accused of having acted in collusion with a foreign power. After one appeal Guillou's sentence was reduced from one year to 10 months. Guillou and Bratt served part of their sentence in solitary cells. Guillou was kept first at Långholmen Prison in central Stockholm and later at Österåker Prison north of the capital.
      xxx/ellauri388.html on line 149: Tahdon tähän ottaa kuuluisan amerikalaisen lääketieteentohtorin, Alice Stockhamin jo julkisuudessa ilmestyneen lausunnon asiassa: "Pariutuminen raskauden aikana näännyttää äitiä ja vahingoittaa kohdussa olevan sikiön elämää vaikuttaen sen elimistössä ennenaikaista siittimellistä kehitystä. Täytyy koettaa torjua ajatuksia näistä asioista, huolellisesti välttäen jokaista seikkaa, mikä voi edistää aistillisen halun syntymistä. Näin ollen olisi tarpeen eri vuoteet jopa eri makuuhuoneetkin miehelle ja naiselle." Mitä hyötyä voi olla opettamisesta lapsille puhtauden ja hyvän siveyden sääntöjä, kun kohdussa tapahtuvan kasvatuksen kautta on itse heidän elämäänsä istuteltu prostitutsioonin opetus? Se on nöyryyttävä, masentava totuus niille, jotka sen tietävät omantuntonsa kautta.
      xxx/ellauri397.html on line 48: Motsvarande drygt 26 fyllda 50-metersbassänger med bajsvatten släpptes ut i Mälaren i Stockholm under förra året, rapporterar Svenska Dagbladet.
      xxx/ellauri397.html on line 49: – Det är inte önskvärt, säger Joakim Pramsten vid Stockholm vatten och avfall, till tidningen.
      xxx/ellauri404.html on line 170:
      Currently unavailable. We don´t know when or if this item will be back in stock.

      xxx/ellauri404.html on line 185:
      Back in stock! Näpein paikka on musta piste taulun yläreunassa.

      xxx/ellauri407.html on line 93: tock.com/preview-440/8107038a/cad50297/Shutterstock_8107038a.jpg" alt="xxx" />
      xxx/ellauri415.html on line 153: Prayer/The buttocks.
      xxx/ellauri415.html on line 383: Her belly, buttocks, and her waist Hänen vatsansa, pakaransa ja vyötärönsä
      xxx/ellauri415.html on line 399: More like a stock than like a vine. Enemmänkin patukka kuin lonkero.
      xxx/ellauri416.html on line 588: tock_1729426924.jpg" />
      xxx/ellauri417.html on line 556: Iman Aldebe, egentligen Iman Mahmoud Al Debe, född 24 oktober 1984 i Uppsala, är en svensk klåpare, samt utbildad journalist och jurist. Iman Aldebes kreationer har både rönt positiv och negativ uppmärksamhet. De har bland annat fått kritk för att normalisera bärandet av muslimsk slöja och i förlängningen av förtrycket mot kvinnor. Hennes pappa Mahmoud (1954) flyttade till Sverige från Jordanien på 70-talet. Aldebe vill ha en moské i varje stad eller kommun. I namn på religionsfriheten vill han bland annat att riksdagen stiftar en lag som ger muslimer rätt att vara lediga under de islamiska högtiderna samt att få vara lediga ett par timmar mitt på dagen på fredagar för att kunna deltaga i fredagsbönen. Imans mamma (1963) är ännu värre. År 2018 kritiserades hon för att som nämndeman i Solna tingsrätt ha bidragit till ovanliga domskäl i en dom gällande en man som anklagats för att misshandla en kvinna friats bland annat med motiveringen att han kom från "en god familj" i motsats till det kvinnliga offret. Hon fick sparken från Centerpartiet. Den 10 juni 2019 åtalades fru Aldebe för grovt bedrägeri. Hon misstänktes för att oriktigt ha uppgett förlorad inkomst för Solna tingsrätt vid 138 tillfällen, detta från en stiftelse som drevs av hennes make. Brottet innebar att hon felaktigt fått ut 150 000 kr i ersättning för inkomstbortfall. Eftersom stiftelsens räkenskaper inte uppvisade någon utbetalad lön uppstod misstanke om grovt bedrägeri. I oktober 2019 dömdes hon mot sitt nekande till villkorlig dom, dagsböter och skadestånd. Porsaita äidin oomme kaikki, eri tavoilla. Imanilla on pieni rättiliike Söderissä. Se on mommy to Yoe. Klåpande kläddesigner vars haute couture-turbaner säljs i Paris, Dubai, Stockholm och New York.