ellauri031.html on line 776: territory.png" width="30%" />
ellauri051.html on line 358: The tendency in savages to imagine that natural objects and agencies are animated by spiritual or living essences, is perhaps illustrated by a little fact which I once noticed: my dog, a full grown and very sensible animal, was lying on the lawn during a hot and still day; but at a little distance a slight breeze occasionally moved an open parasol, which would have been wholly disregarded by the dog, had any one stood near it. As it was, every time that the parasol slightly moved, the dog growled fiercely and barked. He must, I think, have reasoned to himself in a rapid and unconscious manner, that movement without any apparent cause indicated the presence of some strange living agent, and no stranger had a right to be on his territory. (Darwin)
ellauri066.html on line 502: Aggression-based schadenfreude primarily involves group identity. The joy of observing the suffering of others comes from the observer's feeling that the other's failure represents an improvement or validation of their own group's (in-group) status in relation to external (out-groups) groups (see In-group and out-group). This is, essentially, schadenfreude based on group versus group status. Joukkueurheilu on vankka bastioni vahingoniloisuudelle. And the domain of politics is prime territory for feelings of schadenfreude, especially for those who identify strongly with their political party.
ellauri067.html on line 400: Clausewitz, Carl von (1780-1831) 182; Prussian general whose writings, especially On War, advocated the concept of total war, in which all the enemy´s territory, property, and citizens are attacked. Clausewitz oli megaluokan paskiaisia. Siihen liittyen L-5227 164; bomb developed by Spottbilligfilm AG to blind "whole populations".
ellauri069.html on line 399: —the peregrinations of a Soviet agent named Tchitcherine, a man initiated into mysticism while administering a territory in Central Asia and now on vengeful search for his Herero half-brother, who also has his share of juicy fucks;
ellauri093.html on line 174: Major General Orde Charles Wingate, DSO & Two Bars (26 February 1903 – 24 March 1944) was a senior British Army officer, known for his creation of the Chindit deep-penetration missions in Japanese-held territory during the Burma Campaign of the Second World War.
ellauri094.html on line 225: As part of the Persian Empire, the former Kingdom of Judah became the province of Judah (Yehud Medinata) with different borders, covering a smaller territory. The population of the province was greatly reduced from that of the kingdom, archaeological surveys showing a population of around 30,000 people in the 5th to 4th centuries BCE.
ellauri098.html on line 60: The resulting prevalence of personal trauma often stretches suspension of disbelief and is a leading cause of Cerebus Syndrome. If done poorly, this is a one-way ticket to Wangst territory, and as so many attempt to smother the series with dysfunction, Too Bleak, Stopped Caring is a frequent result. If done well, you get a large number of interesting, sympathetic, flawed characters, and their interactions with each other gradually reveal the multiple sides to each of them. More realistic (i.e. not Flanderized) portrayals of this trope can even help the audience understand and cope with their own dysfunctional lives, especially with regards to issues that are typically glossed over in mainstream society.
ellauri109.html on line 274: Shortly after the September 11 attacks, Searle wrote an article arguing that the attacks were a particular event in a long-term struggle against forces that are intractably opposed to the United States, and signaled support for a more aggressive neoconservative interventionist foreign policy. He called for the realization that the United States is in a more-or-less permanent state of war with these forces. Moreover, a probable course of action would be to deny terrorists the use of foreign territory from which to stage their attacks. Finally, he alluded to the long-term nature of the conflict and blamed the attacks on the lack of American resolve to deal forcefully with America's enemies over the past several decades.
ellauri112.html on line 585: Reitman (Thank You for Smoking, Juno, Up in the Air) continues to work the “audacious” and “unique” edges of the most conventional possible territory, in movies that tend to conclude that the characters’ various challenges are all a state of mind.
ellauri115.html on line 1172: A: The answer to this is very simple. Utilitarianism is concerned only with the volume of pleasure and pain, and Nietzsche says in so many words that as soon as you even enter into this kind of thinking, you are already deep into the territory of nihilism. It is passive; concerned with maintenance, not construction; aloof or indifferent to meaning, something to justify the effort in the first place, even when it is successful, let alone when it isn’t. It is the staid, kindly, sober—not to say, the British—version of the same imbecilic nihilism that was prevailing on the continent in the same era. Mill did not understand the difference between pleasure and (actual) happiness, between pain and suffering, between real (spiritual) slavery and freedom.
ellauri141.html on line 354: And by way of further warning, I’d better say up front that my reading of this poem differs radically from every other that I’ve seen. What follows is, I think, pretty well uncharted territory in the Persicos Odi canon. I’m going to try to make the case for and translate Pericos odi as a sex poem!
ellauri145.html on line 545: The answer to this is very simple. Utilitarianism is concerned only with the volume of pleasure and pain, and Nietzsche says in so many words that as soon as you even enter into this kind of thinking, you are already deep into the territory of nihilism. It is passive; concerned with high maintenance, not constructivism; aloof or indifferent to meaning, something to justify the effort in the first place, even when it is successful, let alone when it isn’t. It is the staid, kindly, sober—not to say, the British—version of the same imbecilic nihilism that was prevailing on the continent in the same era. Mill did not understand the difference between pleasure and (counterfactual) happiness, between pain and suffering, between real (spiritual) slavery and freedom. Eli koska se oli säälittävä mursuwiixinen luuseri.
ellauri155.html on line 521: Today’s passage certainly qualifies as one of the more difficult passages of Scripture. It is easy enough to understand what is going on; however, it is difficult to know how to evaluate it. We see in 1 Samuel 27:1–4 that David decided the best way to escape Saul was to flee to Philistine territory and take up residence in the city of Gath. David had been there before, and he deceived the city’s king, Achish, by pretending to be insane, thereby keeping the Philistines from killing him (21:10–15). This time, David did not have to feign insanity. Achish would have heard of Saul’s war with David, so he probably felt secure in allowing him into the city. This enemy of his enemy—Israel’s King Saul—could be counted on as a friend. Achish gave the country town of Ziklag to David, and it became a royal possession after David ascended the throne (27:5–7).
ellauri171.html on line 427: The problem was made worse by the fact that the Israelites occupied border territory. If there was an invasion, they might defect to the enemy. This could mean the collapse of the Egyptian Empire. Just like the Ukrainians. So off with them. Wait! Pharaoh did not want to eject them from Egypt – they were too valuable as workers. So he sought to control their numbers by forced labour and by child slaughter. Hmm. Mitähän opetuxia tästäkin tarinasta voisi ottaa?
ellauri171.html on line 560: They ask that Shechem and all the able-bodied men of in his territory, all the men capable of going out to fight in an emergency, be circumcised.
ellauri171.html on line 659: . . . Then he placed her on the donkey; and the man arose and went to his home. When he entered his house, he took a knife and laid hold of his concubine and cut her in twelve pieces, limb by limb, and sent her throughout the territory of Israel. All who saw it said, “Nothing like this has ever happened or been seen from the day when the sons of Israel came up from the land of Egypt to this day. Consider it, take counsel and speak up!” Judges 19:28b-30 (NASB)
ellauri171.html on line 1160: Absalom waited, biding his time. For two years he said nothing, did nothing, but then he set his trap. He gave a feast for all David’s sons. At the height of the festivities when Amnon was half-drunk, Absalom had his half-brother killed, stabbed to death in a scene reminiscent of a Mafia killing. In the ensuring turmoil Absalom escaped, fleeing for sanctuary to Geshur, his grandfather’s territory.
ellauri172.html on line 301: 36 When Balak(L) heard that Balaam was coming, he went out to meet him at the Moabite town on the Arnon(M) border, at the edge of his territory. 37 Balak said to Balaam, “Did I not send you an urgent summons? Why didn’t you come to me? Am I really not able to reward you?”
ellauri184.html on line 48: During his time in the Philippines, Mailer was first assigned to regimental headquarters as a typist, then assigned as a wire lineman. In early 1945, after volunteering for a reconnaissance platoon, he completed more than two dozen patrols in contested territory, and engaged in a few firefights and skirmishes. After the Japanese surrender, he was sent to Japan as part of the army of occupation, was promoted to sergeant, and became a first cook and argued about his girth.
ellauri184.html on line 226: Geographically Galilee was separated from Judea by the non-Jewish territory of Samaria, and from Perea in the southeast by the Hellenistic settlements of Decapolis.
ellauri185.html on line 102: The Philistines capture the Ark of the Covenant from Shiloh and take it to the temple of their god Dagon, who recognizes the supremacy of Yahweh. The Philistines are afflicted with plagues and return the ark to the Israelites, but to the territory of the tribe of Benjamin rather than to Shiloh. The Philistines attack the Israelites gathered at Mizpah in Benjamin. Samuel appeals to Yahweh, the Philistines are decisively beaten, and the Israelites reclaim their lost territory.
ellauri189.html on line 791: It is true that the Pashtuns do not speak Hebrew, but I think it is highly probable that Pashto is the Yidish of Pashtuns. It is also possible that Pashtuns didn’t need another foreign language (like Jews needed to know German or Spanish) because unlike Jews, Pashtuns had their own territory. It might be just a wild theory, but it might have been used, like Yidish, so that Pashtuns won’t mix with other nations.
ellauri190.html on line 76: It is unclear when people other than the Brodnici and Berladnici (which had a Romanian origin with large slavic influences) began to settle in the lower reaches of major rivers such as the Don and the Dnieper after the demise of the Khazar state. Their arrival is unlikely before the 13th century, when the Mongols broke the power of the Cumans, who had assimilated the previous population on that territory. It is known that new settlers inherited a lifestyle that long pre-dated their presence, including that of the Turkic Cumans and the Circassian Kassaks.
ellauri190.html on line 218: The Cossacks of Zaporizhzhia, centered on the lower bends of the Dnieper, in the territory of modern Ukraine, with the fortified capital of Zaporozhian Sich. They were formally recognized as an independent state, the Zaporozhian Host, by a treaty with Poland in 1649.
ellauri190.html on line 226: They inhabited sparsely populated areas in the Dnieper, Don, Terek, and Ural river basins, and played an important role in the historical and cultural development of both Ukraine and Russia. The various Cossack groups were organized along military lines, with large autonomous groups called hosts. Each host had a territory consisting of affiliated villages called stanitsa. The Cossack way of life persisted into the twentieth century, though the sweeping societal changes of the Russian Revolution disrupted Cossack society as much as any other part of Russia; many Cossacks migrated to other parts of Europe following the establishment of the Soviet Union, while others remained and assimilated into the Communist state. Cohesive Cossack-based units were organized and fought for both Germany and the Soviet Union during World War II.
ellauri190.html on line 261: In the first half of the 14th century, most of what is now Ukraine was cleared of the Mongols by the troops of a powerful ruler of Lithuania, Gedimin, and Ukraine became a part of the Great Duchy of Lithuania. The latter was a peculiar country. The bulk of its territory and population was what now is the Slavic country of Belarus. Only a small minority of its people traced their origin from the Baltic tribes, while the majority were Slavs. Gedimin’s name in modern Lithuanian is Gyadiminas, but in the chronicles he is named Kgindimin or Kindimin, which might have a Slavic root. The language of Gedimin’s court, and the court of his sons and grandsons was very Slavic, much like a mixture of somewhat archaic Ukrainian and Belarusian. The laws of the entire Duchy, the so-called Lithuanian Statutes, were written in the Cyrillic alphabet and read very much like the Belarusian (definitely Slavic) language. So they were bad guys in anyone's book already then.
ellauri190.html on line 303: Novorossiya (Russian: Новороссия, tr. Novorossija, IPA: [nəvɐˈrosːʲɪjə] (audio speaker iconlisten); Ukrainian: Новоросія, romanized: Novorosija; Romanian: Noua Rusie, Polish: Noworosja), literally New Russia, is a historical term of the Russian Empire denoting a region north of the Black Sea. In Ukraine the territory was better known as Stepovyna (Steppeland) or Nyz (Lower land). It was formed as a new imperial province of Russia (Novorossiya Governorate) in 1764 from military frontier regions along with parts of the southern Hetmanate in preparation for war with the Ottomans. Bessarabit kazoivat sivusta ja soittelivat Klezmeriä.
ellauri190.html on line 305: territory_of_Ukraine.png/300px-New_Russia_on_territory_of_Ukraine.png" width="50%" />
ellauri190.html on line 307: The region was part of the Russian Empire until its collapse following the Russian February Revolution in early March 1917, after which it became part of the short-lived Russian Republic. In 1918, it was largely included in the Ukrainian State and in the Ukrainian Soviet Republic at the same time. In 1918–1920, it was, to varying extents, under the control of the anti-Bolshevik White movement governments of South Russia whose defeat signified the Soviet control over the territory, which became part of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, within the Soviet Union from 1922.
ellauri190.html on line 438: Rajaraja I was a Chola emperor from present day south India who ruled over the Chola kingdom of medieval Tamil Nadu (parts of southern India), parts of northern India, two thirds of Sri Lankan territory, Maldives and parts of East Asia, bet...
ellauri192.html on line 683: In 1239, after the Mongol invasion of Rus, the Principality of Trubetsk passed to the Princes of Bryansk, and then to the Princes of Trubetsk. In 1566 Ivan IV the Terrible took the principality during the Livonian War. In 1609 Vasili IV of Russia relinquished it to the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth during the Polish–Muscovite War (1605–1618). In 1654 Prince Aleksey Trubetskoy on the side of Alexis I of Russia led the southern flank of the Muscovian army from Bryansk to Ukraine. The territory between the Dniepr and Berezyna was overrun, with Aleksey Trubetskoy taking Mstsislaw (Mstislavl) and Roslavl. In 1654 The Principality of Trubetsk was finally conquered by Aleksey Trubetskoy, Prince of Trubetsk himself, as a result of the Russo-Polish War (1654-1667).
ellauri194.html on line 324:
ellauri213.html on line 381: The original German population fled or was expelled towards the end of World War II, when the territory was annexed by the Soviet Union, and in the following few years. In October 1945, only about 5,000 Soviet civilians lived in the territory. Between October 1947 and October 1948 approximately 100,000 Germans were forcibly moved to Germany [clarification needed], and by 1948 about 400,000 Soviet civilians had arrived in the Oblast.
ellauri214.html on line 68: The Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (abbr. SGPC; "Supreme Gurdwara Management Committee") is an organization in India responsible for the management of gurdwaras, Sikh places of worship in three states of Punjab, Haryana, and Himachal Pradesh and union territory of Chandigarh. SGPC also administers Darbar Sahib in Amritsar.
ellauri245.html on line 633: In the 20th century Burundi had three main indigenous ethnic groups: Hutu, Tutsi, and Twa. The area was colonised by the German Empire in the late 1800s and administered as a portion of German East Africa. In Burundi and neighboring Rwanda to the north, the Germans maintained indirect rule, leaving local social structures intact. Under this system, the Tutsi minority generally enjoyed its historically high status as aristocrats, whereas the Hutus occupied the bottom of the social structure. Princely and monarchal rulers belonged to a unique ethnic group, Ganwa, though over time the political salience of this distinction declined and the category was subsumed by the Tutsi grouping. During World War I, Belgian troops from the Belgian Congo occupied Burundi and Rwanda. In 1919, under the auspices of the nascent League of Nations, Belgium was given the "responsibility" of administering "Ruanda-Urundi" as a mandated territory. Though obligated to promote social progress in the territory, the Belgians did not alter the local power structures. Following World War II, the United Nations was formed and Ruanda-Urundi became a trust territory under Belgian administration, which required the Belgians to politically "edducate the locals and make them really fit", to prepare them for independence.
ellauri245.html on line 648: The term Mai-Mai or Mayi-Mayi refers to community-based militia groups active in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) that is formed to defend local communities and territory against Western funded armed groups. Most were formed to resist the invasion of Rwandan forces and Rwanda-affiliated Congolese industrial "rebel" groups.
ellauri278.html on line 229: On 30 September, Czechoslovakia yielded to the combination of military pressure by Germany, Poland, and Hungary, and diplomatic pressure by the United Kingdom and France, and agreed to give up territory to Germany on Munich terms. Then, on 1 October, Czechoslovakia also accepted Polish territorial demands. Much of Europe celebrated the Munich Agreement, as they considered it a way to prevent a major war on the continent. Adolf Hitler announced that it was his last territorial claim in Northern Europe. Today, the Munich Agreement is widely regarded as a failed act of appeasement, and the term has become a byword for the futility of appeasing expansionist totalitarian states.
ellauri281.html on line 228: On 30 September, Czechoslovakia yielded to the combination of military pressure by Germany, Poland, and Hungary, and diplomatic pressure by the United Kingdom and France, and agreed to give up territory to Germany on Munich terms. Then, on 1 October, Czechoslovakia also accepted Polish territorial demands. Much of Europe celebrated the Munich Agreement, as they considered it a way to prevent a major war on the continent. Adolf Hitler announced that it was his last territorial claim in Northern Europe. Today, the Munich Agreement is widely regarded as a failed act of appeasement, and the term has become a byword for the futility of appeasing expansionist totalitarian states.
ellauri290.html on line 385:
Israeli-occupied territory
ellauri294.html on line 47: There's my territory ellauri339.html on line 608: in the field and reach deep into its vast territory to find ever more conscripts to wait out the enemy. It didn’t hurt that Russia’s capability versus NATO equipment was surprisingly good, or perhaps the Ukrainians’ handling of sophisticated Western arms was surprisingly bad.
ellauri339.html on line 620: Ukraine, like Israel, owes most of its continued existence to American weaponry. However, despite the blue and yellow splattered on social media at present, Ukraine does not have anywhere near the base of support Israel does among the American public and especially within the American Congress. The terms for resolving the war will be dictated to Kiev as much by Washington as they will be by Moscow, as with Crimea a few years ago. The end will be quite sad; Russia will very likely solidify its hold on Donbas and the Crimea, and achieve new territory to the west approaching Kiev, roughly 20 percent of Ukraine. Ukraine will be forced to set aside its goal of joining NATO even as the U.S. takes a new stand on its western border with Poland.
ellauri382.html on line 321: With the help of three other men, including two to give him a boost and one to stand as a lookout, the young man leaped over the barrier and ran further into American territory.
ellauri382.html on line 324: houses just visible on the horizon. Underneath your clothes / you are my territory.
ellauri383.html on line 55: This 98-year-old woman walked 10 km with a cane to bring this splinter of wood to the Ukrainian-controlled territory from the settlement of Ocheretyne in Donetsk region, captured by Russia last week. Because she didn’t want to leave a perfectly good splinter to the Russian occupiers.
ellauri383.html on line 241: And pointing to the scenario for the war next year, Sullivan said Ukraine intends "to move forward to recapture the territory that the Russians will have taken from them by then."
ellauri383.html on line 268: What happened was that "the real circumstances" introduced some "revisions". Due to the war in Donbas, all the anthracite mines supplying coal to a number of thermal power plants were in the occupied territory of Ukraine. The need to look for new thermal power supply sources became more acute.
ellauri383.html on line 269: Why was the country left unprepared to the energy crisis? Why was there no alternative option other than coal supply from the occupied territory of Ukraine? Only Renat and the other two oligarchs know, but they won't tell.
ellauri406.html on line 360: It includes the security guarantee of NATO membership, according to Zelenskyy’s chief of staff Andrii Yermak — a principal demand of Kyiv and Moscow’s key point of contention. Western allies, including the U.S., have been skeptical about this option. Zelenskyy has said he will also seek permission to use long-range weapons to strike deep inside Russian territory, another red line for some of Ukraine’s supporters.
ellauri406.html on line 364: The victory plan is Kyiv’s response to rising pressure from Western allies and war-weary Ukrainians to negotiate a cease-fire. A deal with Russia would almost certainly be unfavorable for Ukraine, which has lost a fifth of its territory and tens of thousands of lives in the conflict.
ellauri406.html on line 374: Why don't the malorussians just kick out the current nazi cabinet and agree not to join NATO or EU but rather the good old Warsaw pact and SEV? That could end the war without territory loss.
ellauri406.html on line 449: Vuhledar’s fall is a microcosm of Ukraine’s predicament in this chapter of the nearly three-year war. It reflects the U.S.'s refusal to grant Ukraine permission to strike targets deep inside Russian territory with missiles made in the U.S. of A, preventing Kyiv from annihilating Moscow’s inhabitants. Meanwhile, Russia’s dominance of the skies allows it to develop and advance devastating aerial glide bombs for which Ukraine has no effective response, while a controversial mobilization drive has failed to produce a new class of Ukrainian fighters capable of holding the stick.
ellauri420.html on line 326: So you can be confident, dear brother, that there’s nothing in all creation that can ever separate you from your Father’s love for you. Stand your ground, then, in the evil day. Some days are sure to be worse than others spiritually speaking. That goes with the territory in ministry. Temptations are sure to come; if not for you, then certainly for those you love.
ellauri425.html on line 547: But it need not have been like this. In the first days and weeks after Russia invaded Ukraine, there was a window of opportunity for a negotiated settlement in which Ukraine could have lost no further territory and few lives.
ellauri426.html on line 486: In February 2013, Israeli authorities awarded Afek Oil and Gas an exclusive 36-month petroleum exploration license to a 153-square-mile (400 km2) plot in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, which the UN recognizes to be Syrian territory.
ellauri430.html on line 226: Pete Hegseth laid out in crystal clear terms where the US stands on peace for Ukraine, in words that will no doubt be welcomed by Moscow. No US troops for Ukraine in any future security arrangement. No likelihood of Ukraine joining NATO. No realistic possibility of returning to its pre-2014 borders, when Russia occupied and annexed Crimea and backed insurgents in the Donbas. These were all clearly stated goals made by President Volodymyr Zelensky and his government and they come on top of a dire situation on the battlefield, where Russia's superior numbers are enabling it to slowly push deeper into Ukrainian territory. This is all in stark contrast to the oft-repeated and now rather hollow sounding Western mantra of sustaining Nato support for Ukraine "for as long as it takes". What a laugh.
ellauri430.html on line 660: Are you willing in principle, the BBC's Laura Kuenssberg asks, to talk about conceding territory as well as in principle expressing some regret to President Trump after your heated confrontation at the White House on Friday?
ellauri435.html on line 413: Contrary to the betrayal narrative cultivated by Russia today, the USSR was never offered a formal guarantee on the limits of NATO expansion post-1990. Moscow merely distorts history to help preserve an anti-Western consensus at home. In 1990, when Mikhail Gorbachev agreed to a united Germany’s incorporation into NATO, he neither asked for nor received any formal guarantees that there would be no further expansion of NATO beyond the territory of a united Germany. It was all quite informal, oral chum to chum. Put against the wall, the traitors who sold USSR short did not question the fact that NATO had won without a fight.
ellauri435.html on line 427: Myth 07: ‘Russia is entitled to a defensive perimeter – a sphere of “privileged interests” including the territory of other states’
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 695: Elmer Kennedy-Andrews remarks that Hawthorne in "The Custom-house" sets the context for his story and "tells us about ´romance´, which is his preferred generic term to describe The Scarlet Letter, as his subtitle for the book – ´A Romance´ – would indicate." In this introduction, Hawthorne describes a space between materialism and "dreaminess" that he calls "a neutral territory, somewhere between the real world and fairy-land, where the Actual and the Imaginary may meet, and each imbues itself with nature of the other". This combination of "dreaminess" and realism gave the author space to explore major themes.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 312: Some researchers have noted that in certain species, such as the termite ape, males are most successful at mating when they are able to practice scramble competition polygyny where they do not defend their territory but rather mate and move on, thus providing the highest likelihood of species survival and reproductive prowess.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 303: The Biblical people called by the names above once occupied the territory we know today as Jordan, the nation due east of Israel. Not many people realize that Edom, Moab, and Ammon were given their homelands by God himself (Deut. 2:5, 9, 19) just like Israel was. And just like Israel was told to clear the land west of the Jordan River of the people who lived there at the time, Edom, Moab, and Ammon were told to perform the same service for God on the Eastern side (Deut. 2:10-12, 20-22).
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 676: The modern use derives from an account in the Hebrew Bible, in which pronunciation of this word was used to distinguish Ephraimites, whose dialect used a differently sounding first consonant. The difference concerns the Hebrew letter shin, which is now pronounced as [ʃ] (as in shoe). In the Book of Judges, chapter 12, after the inhabitants of Gilead under the command of Jephthah inflicted a military defeat upon the invading tribe of Ephraim (around 1370–1070 BC), the surviving Ephraimites tried to cross the River Jordan back into their home territory, but the Gileadites secured the river's fords to stop them. To identify and kill these Ephraimites, the Gileadites told each suspected survivor to say the word shibboleth. The Ephraimite dialect resulted in a pronunciation that, to Gileadites, sounded like sibboleth. In the King James Bible the anecdote appears thus (with the word already in its current English spelling):
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 732: According to the Table of Nations in Genesis 10 (verses 15-19), Canaan was the ancestor of the tribes who originally occupied the ancient Land of Canaan: all the territory from Sidon or Hamath in the north to Gaza in the southwest and Lasha in the southeast. This territory, known as the Levant, is roughly the areas of modern-day Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, western Jordan, and western Syria. Canaan's firstborn son was Sidon, who shares his name with the Phoenician city of Sidon in present-day Lebanon. His second son was Heth. Canaan's descendants, according to the Hebrew Bible, include:
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 787: Left tormented and in isolation, the innocent creature turns on his creator in this eloquent Gothic thriller, which touches the hearts of readers with its messages of the dangers of science and human judgment. This helps appreciate pro life ideas: do not meddle with what belongs to Mighty Mouse territory.
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 745: Answer to What does "onna" mean in Japanese? How is the word used? 女 “onna” means female as an antonym of 男 “otoko” (male). The female has a protruding belly. The male has two feet, a tail in front, and a territory in place of head. If you go to a public bath in Japan, this Kanji character 女 shows you which bath room women should go in. Onna means 'bitch' ergo otoko means 'dog'.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 723: This wake up alarm means it is time to get up and hunt up some bugs. He crows to let everyone know this is his territory and his ladies.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 226: The details of Cyrus's death vary by account. The account of Herodotus from his Histories provides the second-longest detail, in which Cyrus met his fate in a fierce battle with the Massagetae, a tribe from the southern deserts of Khwarezm and Kyzyl Kum in the southernmost portion of the Eurasian Steppe regions of modern-day Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, following the advice of Croesus to attack them in their own territory. The Massagetae were related to the Scythians in their dress and mode of living; they fought on horseback and on foot. In order to acquire her realm, Cyrus first sent an offer of marriage to their ruler, the empress Tomyris, a proposal she rejected.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 228: He then commenced his attempt to take Massagetae territory by force (c. 529), beginning by building bridges and towered war boats along his side of the river Oxus, or Amu Darya, which separated them. Sending him a warning to cease his encroachment (a warning which she stated she expected he would disregard anyway), Tomyris challenged him to meet her forces in honorable warfare, inviting him to a location in her country a day's march from the river, where their two armies would formally engage each other. He accepted her offer, but, learning that the Massagetae were unfamiliar with wine and its intoxicating effects, he set up and then left camp with plenty of it behind, taking his best soldiers with him and leaving the least capable ones.
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 423: Only three months after being crowned queen, Amina waged a 34-year campaign against her neighbors, to expand Zazzau territory. Her army, consisting of 20,000 foot soldiers and 1,000 cavalry troops, was well trained and fearsome. In fact, one of her first announcements to her people was a call for them to "resharpen their weapons." Zhenshchiny berite vintovki. She conquered large tracts of land as far as Kwararafa and Nupe.
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 425: Legends cited by Sidney John Hogben say that she took a new lover in every town she went through, each of whom was said to meet the same unfortunate fate in the morning: "her brief bridegroom was beheaded so that none should live to tell the tale." Under Amina, Zazzau controlled more territory than ever before. To mark and protect her new lands, Amina had her cities surrounded by earthen walls. These walls became commonplace across the nation until the British conquest of Zazzau in 1904, and many of them survive today, known as ganuwar Amina (Amina's walls)
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 495: Wetzel seems to be a pet form (affectionate variant) of Wenzel.This unusual surname was developed from the German (male) personal name 'Wenzel', a diminutive form of the German given name 'Wenze', with the diminutive suffix '-el'. The origin of the personal name is Czechoslovakian, 'Wenze' being a borrowed form of the Old Czech personal name 'Veceslav', in modern Czech 'Vaclav', which in its Anglicized form is 'Wenceslas'. The name is composed of the elements 'vece', greater, and 'slav', glory, and was borne by a 10th Century duke of bohemia who fought against a revival of paganism in this territory, and after his death became patron saint of Bohemia.
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 444: There important historical antecedents that may help us figure out the true reasons of the charming beauty of Ukranian women. Ukraine is a very special country which is located nearly in the centre of Europe. Therefore, it has always been the point of intersection between different cultures and nations. It has been largely affected by both, the West and the East. The trade routes that were used by the ancient and middle ages merchants ran through the territory of the modern-day Ukraine. Thus, nations such as the Nordic Vikings and Southern Greeks met each other en route to their destinations towns and ports. They made their way through Ukraine. Eastern tribes of the Pechenegs, Kipchaks and even Mongols have all contributed to the modern beauty of the Ukranian women. Afterwards, it was largely affected by Russia which also has very beautiful women. During the past century, lots of European nations managed to leave their scumbags in the Ukraine. So, this is the historical background which helps us realise that the current beauty of the Ukranian women is attributed to the mixture of very different nations from two different parts of the world.
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 106: Ah come to think of it, could it be because the guys know each other personally and are old competitors in the same territory? Hmm. Members of the police, the most hated of all of the tsarist institutions, had to flee for their lives. In the countryside, particularly, peasants and soldiers returning from the front would loot every alcohol store and every distillery they could find. They would then would start burning and smashing up the estates and the landowners’ manor houses.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 68: Ukraine’s allies have said it is unlikely they will be able to supply the number of tanks previously promised. After a meeting in Brussels of western defence ministers, the German defence minister, Boris Pistorius, said they would not be able reach the size of a battalion. The bad news comes just after the Nato chief, Jens Stoltenberg, announced that Russia had begun a renewed offensive in the east in an attempt to take more territory before new western equipment arrives in the spring.
xxx/ellauri280.html on line 158: 28. lokak. 2021 Under international law, both the West Bank and East Jerusalem are considered occupied territory and settlements there illegal, which Israel disputes. On Thursday, twelve European countries...
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 496: Regionally, the situation becomes less encouraging again. Hezbollah is a creation and instrument of Iran. Teheran, which since 13 April is an active participant in this war but which has been operating its clients and proxies from the beginning, currently maintains control or freedom of operation in the entire area of territory between Israel's border with Lebanon, and the Iraq-Iran border. This is a vast body of land, taking in the areas of three broken Arab states in which Iran is now the primary actor – Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. In this area, Teheran has established semi-regular Shia, Islamist, client, military forces.
xxx/ellauri416.html on line 446: By the middle of the eleventh century BC, the Philistine confederation had become powerful enough that they began to expand their influence from the coast to the east and north, which encroached on Israelite territory. So yes: we were there first!
xxx/ellauri416.html on line 448: The first contact between the Philistines and Israelites were violent with the Philistines quickly gaining the upper hand. In the book of Judges, the Philistines are ascendant with the men of Judah even offering to bind the hero Samson, asking him: “Knowest thou not that the Philistines are rulers over us?" Philistine dominance continued for over fifty years until King David unified Israel and Judah and finally drove the Philistines from Israelite territory in 980 BC. Get off my property! they said like the fiddler on the roof.
xxx/ellauri417.html on line 419: Why is Ukraine losing? Don’t worry, my friend, nobody is losing. The frontlines in Ukraine have remained remarkably stable for almost a year. It’s true that Russia has gained some territory, but they’ve paid a higher price than ever for it. Russian casualty numbers have