ellauri014.html on line 622: Chaque fois que deux époux s’unissent par un nœud solennel, il intervient un engagement tacite de tout le genre humain de respecter ce lien sacré, d’honorer en eux l’union conjugale ; et c’est, ce me semble, une raison très forte contre les mariages clandestins, qui, n’offrant nul signe de cette union, exposent des cœurs innocents à brûler d’une flamme adultère. Le public est en quelque sorte garant d’une convention passée en sa présence, et l’on peut dire que l’honneur d’une femme pudique est sous la protection spéciale de tous les gens de bien. Ainsi, quiconque ose la corrompre pèche, premièrement parce qu’il la fait pécher, et qu’on partage toujours les crimes qu’on fait commettre ; il pèche encore directement lui-même, parce qu’il viole la foi publique et sacrée du mariage, sans lequel rien ne peut subsister dans l’ordre légitime des choses humaines.
ellauri072.html on line 508: Infinite Jest is not the only thing that made Wallu famous, though. There was also his bandanna, which was as misinterpreted as so much else about him. As the Max biography explains, Wallace started wearing the bandanna as the least embarrassing solution he could think of to obscure the intense sweating attacks that overcame him without warning. (In high school, he had taken to carrying around a tennis racket and a towel as a tacit cover story for the sweating.) The acutely self-conscious, anxious, addicted and at times showy characters in Wallace’s fiction were not, Max helps us recognize, wildly difficult for Wallace to imagine — the characters were iterations of himself.
ellauri072.html on line 540: Another thing, perhaps more powerful, that detains people at the niceness question has to do, I think, with competitiveness. Readers are correct to sense, in Wallace’s elaborate grammars and data fields, not only a generous show but also a tacit petition for our recognition of his intellect. This really annoys some people.
ellauri078.html on line 157: Particularly annoying were the number of calls expected of the women in the Homestead. Edward Dickinson’s prominence meant a tacit support within the private sphere. The daily rounds of receiving and paying visits were deemed essential to social standing. Not only were visitors to the college welcome at all times in the home, but also members of the Whig Party or the legislators with whom Edward Dickinson worked. Emily Norcross Dickinson’s retreat into poor health in the 1850s may well be understood as one response to such a routine.
ellauri144.html on line 60: Nimirum sapere est abiectis utile nugis, et tempestivum pueris concedere ludum, ac non verba sequi fidibus modulanda Latinis, sed verae numerosque modosque ediscere vitae. Quocirca mecum loquor haec tacitusque recordor: Si tibi nulla sitim finiret copia lymphae, narrares medicis: quod, quanto plura parasti, tanto plura cupis, nulline faterier audes? si volnus tibi monstrata radice ...
ellauri247.html on line 295: "If a Frenchman is capable of real friendship, it must certainly be the most disagreeable present he can possibly make to a man of a true English character. You know, madam, we are naturally taciturn, soon tired of impertinence, and much subject to fits of disgust. Your French friend intrudes upon you at all hours; he stuns you with his loquacity; he teases you with impertinent questions about your domestic and private affairs; he attempts to meddle in all your concerns, and forces his advice upon you with the most unwearied importunity; he asks the price of everything you wear, and, so sure as you tell him, undervalues it without hesitation; he affirms it is in a bad taste, ill contrived, ill made; that you have been imposed upon both with respect to the fashion and the price; that the marquis of this, or the countess of that, has one that is perfectly elegant, quite in the bon ton, and yet it cost her little more than you gave for a thing that nobody would wear.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 207: Giovanni e Paolo Malatrasi sono due giovani rimasti orfani in tenera età ed eredi di solida industria. Mentre Giovanni, il fratello maggiore, ha un carattere introverso e tormentato, Paolo è tutto l'opposto: allegro e spensierato, ama circondarsi di compagnie spregiudicate e prive di remore morali. Durante un periodo di assenza da casa di Paolo, Giovanni ha modo di frequentare la ragazza del fratello, Francesca Podesti, e di innamorarsene, pienamente corrisposto. Sposatala quasi clandestinamente, Giovanni impone alla giovane di troncare con le vecchie amicizie, senza, con questo riuscire a tacitare l'esasperata gelosia che egli nutre verso il passato della moglie. Allorché Paolo fa ritorno a casa, superata la sorpresa per l'imprevisto matrimonio, organizza una festa alla quale invita i vecchi amici. In questa circostanza, il contegno assurdamente geloso di Giovanni finisce col gettare Francesca tra le braccia di Paolo e col convincerla ad abbandonare il tetto coniugale. Sconvolto da questa decisione, Giovanni uccide la moglie e il fratello.
xxx/ellauri178.html on line 288: L'enfant y est heureux, bon élève et enfant de chœur, mais réservé et taciturne. De cette époque remontent les premiers émois masculins de Genet, en la personne du petit Lou Culafroy — qui deviendra plus tard « Divine », héros et ensuite héroïne de Notre-Dame-des-Fleurs — ainsi que d’hommes plus âgés, braconniers de passage ou marginaux égarés. Il obtient la meilleure note de sa commune au certificat d'études primaires.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 734: He dicho que cantabas en el viento como los pinos y como los mástiles. Como ellos eres alta y taciturna. Y entristeces de pronto, como un viaje. Acogedora como un viejo camino.