ellauri051.html on line 1575: 970 I troop forth replenish'd with supreme power, one of an average unending procession, 970 Minä lähden täydennettynä korkeimmalla voimalla, yhtenä keskimääräisestä loputtomasta kulkueesta,
ellauri051.html on line 1658: 1050 The supernatural of no account, myself waiting my time to be one of the supremes, 1050 Tietämätön yliluonnollinen, itse odotan aikaani ollakseni yksi korkeimmista,
ellauri052.html on line 493: In his novella Death in Venice, Thomas Mann hails the "Sebastian-Figure" as the supreme emblem of Apollonian beauty, that is, the artistry of differentiated forms; beauty as measured by discipline, proportion, and luminous distinctions. Juu tähän Tompan Venezian seikkailuun Sale vinkkaa myös. Hizi mikä sanaristikko on Salella tässä homostelun peittona. Täähän on kuin Proustin Albertine ja Gilbertine. Mafioso törkkää Salen sykkivään punanahkasisuxiseen autoonn takapuolesta. Polly on pelkkää hämäystä, statisti niinkuin Sepen nuolenreijät paikannut leski Irene tai Lemminkäisen äiskä.
ellauri106.html on line 175: Word has come that Philip Roth died on Tuesday in New York City at the age of 85. He was widely considered the last of the Great American Novelists of the late 20th Century the peer of heavy hitters John Updike and Saul Bellow. Roth himself believed that the novel, which had ruled for a century as the supreme and exalted American literary form, is doomed to becoming a cult niche in the Age of the Internet for a diminishing educated elite, “I think always people will be reading them but it will be a small group of people. Maybe more people than now read Latin poetry, but somewhere in that range…” Ever a realist, Roth was sanguine with the prospect.
ellauri112.html on line 933: We should agree with the Westminster Confession of Faith, which teaches us that “The supreme judge by which all controversies of religion are to be determined, and all decrees of councils, opinions of ancient writers, doctrines of men, and private spirits, are to be examined, and in whose sentence we are to rest, can be no other but the Hard Spirit speaking in the Scripture.” As it is with all controversies of religion, so it is with this one. Smell the breath of the Lord.
ellauri115.html on line 410: He was still insistent on his love for Rousseau - at least when writing to his French friends. He told one, "I have never known a man more amiable and more virtuous than he appears to me; he is mild, gentle, modest, affectionate, disinterested; and above all, endowed with a sensibility of heart in a supreme degree ... for my part, I think I could pass all my life in his company without any danger of our quarrelling ..." Indeed, a source of their concord, Hume thought, was that neither one of them was disputatious. When he repeated the sentiments to D'Holbach, the baron was glad that Hume had "not occasion to repent of the kindness you have shown ... I wish some friends, whom I value very much, had not more reasons to complain of his unfair proceedings, printed imputations, ungratefulness &c."
ellauri115.html on line 424: Hume had demolished the arguments purporting to prove the existence of God, including Rousseau's favourite argument from design - the claim that only a supreme and benevolent being could explain the wonder and order in the world. This argument, Hume insisted, was untenable. How could it account for the suffering in the world? How can we infer that there is just one architect of the world, and not a co-operative of two or more?
ellauri119.html on line 385: Define god? In monotheistic thought, God is defined as the supreme being, creator, and principal object of faith. God is usually conceived of as being omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent and omnibenevolent as well as having an eternal and necessary existence. A good definition because it is creative, too bad that's no longer allowed by the modern logicians. Existence and uniqueness must be proven separately. Damn them to hell!
ellauri119.html on line 442: In Hinduism, kāma is pleasurable, sexual love, personified by the god Kamadeva. For many Hindu schools, it is the third end (Kama) in life. Kamadeva is often pictured holding a bow of sugar cane and an arrow of flowers; he may ride upon a great parakeet. The philosophical work Narada Bhakti Sutras, written by an unknown author (presumed to be Narada), distinguishes eleven forms of love. Kama Sutra has more. Gaudiya Vaishnavas who worship Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the cause of all causes consider Love for Godhead (Prema) to act in two ways: sambhoga and vipralambha (union and separation), like Empedocles' love and strife, attraction and repulsion, in and out in ever faster succession. Radha is considered to be the internal potency of Krishna, and is the supreme lover of Godhead. Her example of love is considered to be beyond the understanding of material realm as it surpasses any form of selfish love or lust that is visible in the material world. The reciprocal love between Radha (the supreme lover) and Krishna (God as the Supremely Loved) is the subject of many poetic compositions in India such as the Gita Govinda and Hari Bhakti Shuddhodhaya, and a lot of chanting, tinkling little bells and opening and closing of musical doors.
ellauri142.html on line 611: Starting either from religious belief or from science, Spencer argued, we are ultimately driven to accept certain indispensable but literally inconceivable notions. Whether we are concerned with a Creator or the substratum which underlies our experience of phenomena, we can frame no conception of it. Therefore, Spencer concluded, religion and science agree in the supreme truth that the human understanding is only capable of 'relative' knowledge. This is the case since, owing to the inherent limitations of the human mind, it is only possible to obtain knowledge of phenomena, not of the reality ('the absolute') underlying phenomena. Hence both science and religion must come to recognise as the 'most certain of all facts that the Power which the Universe manifests to us is utterly inscrutable.' He called this awareness of 'the Unknowable' and he presented worship of the Unknowable as capable of being a positive faith which could substitute for conventional religion. Indeed, he thought that the Unknowable represented the ultimate stage in the evolution of religion, the final elimination of its last anthropomorphic vestiges.
ellauri143.html on line 701: Wealth mid all wealth supremely excellent.
ellauri143.html on line 1472: Is more than half of love's supreme delight.
ellauri145.html on line 512: Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Marx and Charles Darwin are the great triumvirate of 19th-century thinkers whose ideas still have huge impact today. Nietzsche was philosophy’s supreme iconoclast; his sayings include “God is dead” and “There are no facts, only interpretations”. Highly relevant, yet his association with concepts such as the Übermensch, master morality, slave morality and, possibly most dangerous, the will to power, have also contributed to him being widely misinterpreted. There are three myths in particular that need dynamiting: that his politics were on the far right, he was a misogynist and he lacked a sense of humour. Of a sort.
ellauri152.html on line 619: The ending of Yentl is just supremely disappointing compared to the unapologetic ending of Yeshiva Boy. “I’ll live out my time as I am,” Anshel says in the story—and Anshel is the name she is referred to as in this passage, even while also referred to as a woman and with she/her pronouns. Yentl the Yeshiva Boy often engages in this mixing of gender signifiers—it’s in the very title, which pairs the traditionally feminine name “Yentl” with the clashing term “boy,” letting them jostle each other to create dissonance and ambiguity. The terms not matching is their meaning. This is how Anshel is. A woman with a man’s soul, a man with she/her pronouns, a person with two names. It’s not couched in easily understandable modern terms, but no one who has heard of these modern terms would read Yentl as a cis woman playing dress up. It’s different than that. Queerer than that.
ellauri155.html on line 767: The will of God is the supreme rule of righteousness, so that everything which he wills must be held to be righteous by the mere fact of his willing it. Therefore, when it is asked why the Lord did so, we must answer, ‘Because he pleased.’ But if you proceed farther to ask why he pleased, you ask for something greater and more sublime than the will of God, and nothing such can be found.
ellauri171.html on line 843: Baalshamin also called Baal Shamem and Baal Shamaim, supreme sky god of Palmyra, Syria whose temple was destroyed on August 23, 2015 by ISIL. His attributes were the eagle and the lightning bolt. Part of trinity of deities along with Aglibol and Malakbel.
ellauri171.html on line 911: Yarhibol, solar god and "lord of the spring". Part of a trinity of co-supreme gods of Palmyra, Syria along with Aglibol and Bel.
ellauri171.html on line 989: The next time we hear of Jezebel is during the ploy to obtain Naboth’s vineyard for her husband, who is unable to secure the transaction. She sends letters, with the stamp of the king, to the elders in Naboth’s town, commanding them to lie against Naboth, and then stone him. The elders do so, and after Naboth’s death, the vineyard is claimed for Ahab. Few bible commentators acknowledge the bizarre betrayal of Naboth by his neighbors. If, as is suggested, Naboth’s neighbors had known him since birth and patronized him, how could they turn so quickly? Some scholars argue that this incident highlights Jezebel’s keen understanding of Israelite men. It is perhaps, also, one of the impetus for her modern connotation as manipulator-supreme.
ellauri185.html on line 813: The supreme archangel Michael. Therefore, the first creation by God was the supreme archangel followed by other archangels, who are identified with lower intellects, IQ in the range 80-100. Gabriel is rumored to have been the biological father of both Virgin Mary and her son. He was not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but a looker, and a slick customer, like his mate, who humped Lysia while Gabriel was talking up her mother.
ellauri192.html on line 283: THIS same bias extends to literary forms. We look in vain on the Nobel register for the experimental, formally subversive, controversial movements and texts that distinguish modernism. No Surrealist has been rewarded, no major Expressionist, no poet or playwright out of the seminal world of Dada or absurdism (Andre Breton, Hugo Ball, Gertrude Stein). The boat is not to be rocked. On august occasion, lyric eroticism and even sorrowful homosexuality are admitted to Parnassus. Radical sexual play in style, in ''amoral'' revaluation, are vetoed. The liberating sensualists, such as John Cowper Powys, supreme in English fiction after Hardy, are left out. Colette is nowhere to be found. Her heir in sensuous contrivance, Nabokov, was blackballed.
ellauri223.html on line 98: No one is killed or stoned unless by the hands of the people, the accuser and the witnesses beginning first. For they have no executioners and lictors, lest the State should sink into ruin. The choice of death is given to the rest of the people, who enclose the lifeless remains in little bags and burn them by the application of fire, while exhorters are present for the purpose of advising concerning a good death. Nevertheless, the whole nation laments and beseeches God that his anger may be appeased, being in grief that it should, as it were, have to cut off a rotten member of the State. Certain officers talk to and convince the accused man by means of arguments until he himself acquiesces in the sentence of death passed upon him, or else... But if a crime has been committed against the liberty of the republic, or against God, or against the supreme magistrates, there is immediate censure without pity. These motherfuckers are punished with death.
ellauri243.html on line 753: I find only Necessity supreme.
ellauri260.html on line 355: It wishes to bind men together more closely and make an end of all gulfs between them, but as it builds only from without, not from within, and has no higher life to offer, the individuals will inevitably diverge more and more from each other. Any one of them may impose his conception of life upon the others. There will be an increasing dispersion until in the end some force brings the situation to a close. What is the use of a dictatorship when there is no supreme dictator ?
ellauri300.html on line 819: Remember Jeroboam founded Dan (in the north) and Bethel (in the south) as his kingdom’s two alternatives to Jerusalem (1 Kings 12:25-33). He set up golden calves at these sites, ordained non-Aaronic priests, changed the time of the festivals, and Ba'al worship soon reigned supreme.
ellauri321.html on line 270: I believe that if Putin is allowed to take Ukraine it will embolden him to continue the war and take other countries that have something that he wants. I think the free world must continue to support Ukraine and other countries in precarious situations like South Korea and Taiwan. If the free world doesn’t support them, it will just be a matter of time before they are attacked. If you don’t believe in freedom, move to North Korea, Russia, China or any of the other countries with dictators, kings or a supreme being. Our children´s and grandchildren’s options and futures are at stake.
ellauri333.html on line 221: During a period of religious turmoil and Islamic rule of the Indian subcontinent, the Bhakti movement (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhakti_movement) and devotionalism-oriented Bhakti yoga (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhakti_yoga) had emerged as a major trend in Hindu culture by the 16th-century, and the Ramcharitmanas presented Rama (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rama) as a Vishnu avatar, supreme being and a personal god worthy of devotion, with Hanuman as the ideal loving devotee with legendary courage, strength and powers.
ellauri346.html on line 275: General David Petraeus, former CIA Director and supreme commander of the coalition forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, has expressed disappointment with the West's response to the conflict in Ukraine. He believes that Vladimir Putin might escape accountability for the invasion, and could even win the war, due to the hesitant actions of allies in Kyiv. General David Petraeus, a prominent U.S. Army commander for many years, made significant decision points with Bad Bush in Iraq and Afghanistan. He later led the CIA (from 2011 to 2012), and currently works as a military commentator.
ellauri362.html on line 237: Ei olis ollut haittaa ajasta eikä poissaolosta Nor absence, nor time, though supreme their controul,
ellauri384.html on line 224: he has imagined a heaven, and has left entirely out of it the supremest of all his delights, the one ecstasy that stands first and foremost in the heart of every individual of his race -- and of ours -- sexual intercourse!
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 686: Considered less plausible by academic and Jewish authorities are the claims of several western Christian and related groups, in particular those of the Church of God in Christ. It claims that the whole UK is the direct descendant of Ephraim, and that the whole United States is the direct descendant of Manasseh, based on the interpretation that Jacob had said these two tribes would become the most supreme nations in the world. Some adherents of Messianic Judaism also identify as part of Joseph on the basis that, regardless of any genetic connection which may or may not exist, they observe the Torah and interpret parts of the Tanakh in certain ways.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1051: don't know what is. Arresting, as well as disgusting, to suddenly notice that Lolita (who died giving birth to a stillborn girl, for Christ's sake) would have been 86 this year. … the thought that with patience and luck I might have her produce eventually a nymphet with my blood in her exquisite veins, a Lolita the Second, who would be eight or nine around 1960, when I would still be dans la force d'age; indeed, the telescopy of my mind, or un-mind, was strong enough to distinguish in the remoteness of time a vieillard encore vert—or was it green rot?—bizarre, tender, salivating Dr. Humbert, practicing on supremely lovely Lolita the Third the art of being a granddad.
xxx/ellauri130.html on line 587: But recently that position has shifted a little. Last year he published A Comedian’s Prayer Book, which features him talking to the supreme being in his typically down-to-earth way (“I always liked thinking Jesus' knob hung out from women's clothes with sinners. It made me feel potentially understood”). “One of the things religion has suffered from is being spoken of in grave terms constantly. I seriously think it is a joke." Another boring thing about Skinner: he’s been a teetotaller since he reached his 60s. He got a kid at 55, who must now be, wait, 35? No, Buzz is just 10. I have only recently realized I'm not the main character here, but just an extra in a bigger scene. “Hitting kids … that’s another of those things that have stopped,” Evolution is what Skinner is all about – animals can change and they can grow, it just takes millions of years. When he made his jokes about racism and homophobia, he says, there was a slight backlash from the left. They hadn't stopped hitting lads, the sods. Frank Skinner’s 30 Years of Dirt is at the Assembly Roxy, Edinburgh, from 4 to 28 August. For more information and tickets go to frankskinnerlive.com.
xxx/ellauri169.html on line 211: Liisa perusti Summit Universityn ja kirkon päämajan Colorado Springsiin, talon Santa Barbaraan sekä maanalaisen linnoituksen Lopun aikoja varten laaksoon Montanassa. On vaikea löytää yksityiskohtia Liisasta ja hänen organisaatiostaan. Jos henkilö haluaa vakavissaan liittyä hänen organisaatioonsa, hänen odotetaan kerran elämässään lahjoittavan kaiken omaisuutensa kirkolle ja sen johtajalle, Liisalle. Vastineeksi heidät vihitään sellaiseen Supreme Grand Flatteryyn että "Sinusta tulee valaistunut Jumala." The supreme form of flattery is imitation. Kirstuxen imitointia. Tällä heresialla oli joku nimi jonka oon jo unohtanut. Ekkehart kuoli siitä syytettynä johkin vankikoppiin.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 90: Few of these bullshit artists and temporary thinkers were as staunchly individualist as Rodin and Rilke. Their kinship, for better and worse, relied on a shared belief about the vocation of the artist—that it was supreme: no relationship, duty, or family obligation should get in the way of his work.
xxx/ellauri195.html on line 213: world: What is the summum bonum—the supreme good? You have life before
xxx/ellauri195.html on line 214: you. Once only you can live it. What is the noblest object of desire, the supreme gift to covet? We have been accustomed to be told that the greatest thing in the religious world is Faith. That great word has been the key-note for centuries of the popular religion; and we have easily learned to look upon it as the greatest thing in the world. Well, we are wrong. It is love! all you need is love; love, love, love is all you need. Näitä merkkejä on alkanut taas näkyä viestimissä Ukraina-miekkareissa. Niitä vilahteli myös Gently-sarjassa brittein ydinasevastustajien miekkarissa 1967. Ne näyttää erehdyttävästi ylösalaisilta pilluilta. Kristina täti ärähti kun huomautin sille siitä.
xxx/ellauri195.html on line 229: Patience; kindness; generosity; humility; courtesy; unselfishness; good temper; guilelessness; sincerity—these make up the supreme gift, the stature of the perfect man. Just like a woman in fact, eating humble pie. Thank God the Christianity of to-day is coming nearer the world’s end.
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 714: Sailing with supreme dominion Purjehtia nyt ylivallalla
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1482: For extreme loathing and supreme desire.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1568: ⁠The supreme evil, God.