ellauri160.html on line 620: Vanhoissa juutalaisissa kirjoituksissa Lilith kuvataan yleensä Aatamin demonisten jälkeläisten äitinä. Lilith on joko Aatamin ensimmäinen vaimo tai puoliso, jonka Aatami otti erottuaan Eevasta. Eeva luotiin Aatamin kylkiluusta, mutta oli Lilith joidenkin käsitysten mukaan Raamatussa mainittu nainen, joka luotiin maan tomusta kuten Aatami (1 Moos. 1:27). Lilith ei kuitenkaan halunnut olla Aatamin alainen ja jätti tämän sekä Eedenin. Joidenkin myyttien mukaan Lilithin demoniset jälkeläiset olivatkin arkkienkeli Samaelin siittämiä, eivät Aatamin. Näitä lapsia kutsutaan nimellä incubi tai succubi.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 326: St. Augustine touched on the topic in De Civitate Dei ("The City of God"); he had too many alleged attacks by incubi to deny them. He stated "There is also a very general rumor. Many friends of mine have verified it by their own experience and trustworthy persons have corroborated the experience others told, that sylvans and fauns, commonly called incubi, have often made wicked assaults upon women, and as succubi are known to suck on certain men as well."
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 332: Being abused in such a way caused women at nunneries to be burned if they were found pregnant. It became generally accepted that incubi and succubi were the same demon, able to switch between male and female forms. A succubus would be able to sleep with a man and collect his sperm, and then transform into an incubus and use that seed on women. Some sources indicate that it may be identified by its unnaturally large or cold penis.