ellauri052.html on line 744: `Now,' said Birkin, `I will show you what I learned, and what I remember. You let me take you so --' And his hands closed on the naked body of the other man. In another moment, he had Gerald swung over lightly and balanced against his knee, head downwards. Relaxed, Gerald sprang to his feet with eyes glittering.
ellauri095.html on line 455: Their rivalry began with Hopkins’s response to her poem “The Convent Threshold.” Geoffrey Hartman was clearly on the right track when he suggested in the introduction to Hopkins: A Collection of Critical Essays (1966) that “Hopkins seems to develop his lyric structures out of the Pre-Raphaelite dream vision. In his early ‘A Vision of the Mermaids’; and ‘St. Dorothea’; he may be struggling with such poems as Christina Rossetti’s ‘Convent Threshold’; and Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s ‘The Blessed Damozel,’ poems in which the poet stands at a lower level than the vision, or is irrevocably, pathetically distanced.” Such poems were the essence of medievalism in poetry according to William Morris, who felt that Keats’s “La Belle Dame Sans Merci” was the germ from which all Pre-Raphaelite poetry sprang. Standing beyond Keats, however, the primary source was Dante. Christina Rossetti clearly alludes to Beatrice’s appeal to Dante in “The Convent Threshold”:
ellauri117.html on line 241: `Now,' said Birkin, `I will show you what I learned, and what I remember. You let me take you so --' And his hands closed on the naked body of the other man. In another moment, he had Gerald swung over lightly and balanced against his knee, head downwards. Relaxed, Gerald sprang to his feet with eyes glittering.
ellauri147.html on line 90: Ale Tyynni married the historian Kauko Pirinen in 1940. They had three children. Meanwhile her literary work brought her into contact with Martti Haavio, better known as the poet P. Mustapää. A deep affection sprang up between them, although both were already married.
ellauri203.html on line 129: The insights into the human condition in all its complexity and contradiction contained in his work sprang from his own constant struggle to balance the rational and emotional.
ellauri204.html on line 58: Der Frosch, als er die Zusage erhalten hatte, tauchte seinen Kopf unter, sank hinab, und über ein Weilchen kam er wieder heraufgerudert, hatte die Kugel im Maul und warf sie ins Gras. Die Königstochter war voll Freude, als sie ihr schönes Spielwerk wieder erblickte, hob es auf und sprang damit fort. "Warte, warte," rief der Frosch, "nimm mich mit, ich kann nicht so laufen wie du!" Aber was half es ihm, daß er ihr sein Quak, Quak so laut nachschrie, als er konnte! Sie hörte nicht darauf, eilte nach Hause und hatte bald den armen Frosch vergessen, der wieder in seinen Brunnen hinabsteigen mußte.
ellauri204.html on line 83: Noch einmal und noch einmal krachte es auf dem Weg, und der Königssohn meinte immer, der Wagen bräche, und es waren doch nur die Bande, die vom Herzen des treuen Heinrich absprangen, weil sein Herr erlöst und glücklich war.
ellauri210.html on line 518: Ein starker Wind sprang empor. Nousi navakka tai kova tuuli.
ellauri222.html on line 1060: "If we don´t strike hard at this chief Timmendiquas and his men, they will strike hard at us." The savages, seizing their weapons, sprang forth to the conflict. With the Wyandots and the bravest of the Shawnees and Miamis Zimmerman still held the ground where a group of tepees stood, and many men fell dead or wounded before them. Adam Colfax and Major Braithwaite met in the prairie, and in their excitement and joy wrung each other´s hands.
ellauri245.html on line 75: Med raska steg gick Mijailović till rulltrappan som ledde ned till gatuplanet och sprang nedför den. I rulltrappan släppte eller tappade han kniven. Ett vittne tog hand om kniven och med hjälp av en expedit blev den inslagen i silkespapper. Mijailović lämnade NK via utgången mot Regeringsgatan och fortsatte uppför denna gata. I en papperskorg slängde han slidan till kniven och gick in i Salénhuset. Där slängde han den marinblå kepsen i en papperskorg innan han gick till en frisersalong där han bad att få bli klippt. När frisören förklarade att det inte fanns någon ledig tid lämnade han salongen.
ellauri262.html on line 167: During his army training, Lewis shared a room with another cadet, Edward Courtnay Francis "Paddy" Moore (1898–1918). Maureen Moore, Paddy's sister, said that the two made a mutual pact that if either died during the war, the survivor would take care of both of their families. Paddy was killed in action in 1918 and Lewis kept his promise. Paddy had earlier introduced Lewis to his mother, Janie King Moore, and a friendship quickly sprang up between Lewis, who was 18 when they met, and Janie, who was 45. The friendship with Moore was particularly important to Lewis while he was recovering from his wounds in hospital, as his father did not visit him.
ellauri264.html on line 132: Kek", from "kekeke"/"ㅋㅋㅋ", a Korean onomatopoeia of laughter used similarly to "LOL", is the Korean equivalent of the English "haha". Bet it comes from Aristophanes' Frogs' refrain kerekekex koax koax. Or else they both come from Esoteric Kekism, also called "the Cult of Kek", is a parody religion worshipping Pepe the Frog, which sprang from the similarity of the slang term for laughter, "kek", and the name of the ancient Egyptian frog god of darkness, Kek. Kekistan is a fictional country created by 4chan members that has become a political meme and online movement. The flag of Kekistan was carried by supporters of Donald Trump during the 2021 storming of the United States Capitol.
ellauri365.html on line 781: blev han fri, sprang han upp, fick han flickan fatt Hän pääsi irti, ylös hypähti, sai tytön kii
ellauri374.html on line 185: Ana Sazonova was born in Ukraine to a non-Jewish mother and a father who repressed his Jewish identity. Her family became Ukrainian in every way, which helped them to survive Anti-Semitic attacks and the Holocaust. Ana grew as a Ukrainian girl with no knowledge of Judaism or Israel. After the Soviet Union collapsed, the Jewish Agency sprang into action, promoting the Law of Return, and offered her family the chance to make Aliya and start a new life in the Promised Land.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 106: Fearless we sprang, as to a blazoned throne, Pelottomasti hyppäsimme etuistuimelle,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1749: Rang, and sprang inward, and the waterish air
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 3177: I sprang and cleft the closure of thy womb,