ellauri006.html on line 1491: We understand. You're not here for the ads, but seeking your soul's salvation. Wrong, friend, ads are just what you are here for, and for our remuneration. Ads help us keep the lights on and provide great Christian content for free. You have some software that's blocking ads turned on, so if you could please choose one of the following donations to keep supporting BibleStudyTools we'd really appreciate it. So will Google, our redeemer. And watch those ads too, and buy the stuff, it's our livelihood. Take it from us, it's morally good, God likes it. Kijtof.
ellauri016.html on line 780: In 1999, "Pink Moon" was used in a Volkswagen commercial, boosting Drake's US album sales from about 6,000 copies in 1999 to 74,000 in 2000. The LA Times saw it as an example of how, following the consolidation of US radio stations, previously unknown music was finding audiences through advertising. Fans used the filesharing software Napster to circulate digital copies of Drake's music; according to the Atlantic, "The chronic shyness and mental illness that made it hard for Drake to compete with 1970s showmen like Elton John and David Bowie didn't matter when his songs were being pulled one by one out of the ether and played late at night in a dorm room." In November 2014, Gabrielle Drake published a biography of her brother. Over the following years, Drake's songs appeared in soundtracks of "quirky, youthful" films such as The Royal Tenenbaums, Serendipity and Garden State. Made to Love Magic, an album of outtakes and remixes released by Island Records in 2004, far exceeded Drake's lifetime sales. In 2017, Kele Okereke cited Pink Moon as an influence on his third solo album Fatherland. Other contemporary artists influenced by Drake include José González, Bon Iver, Iron & Wine, Alexi Murdoch and Philip Selway of Radiohead.
ellauri189.html on line 846: The writer earns his living as a software developer, and spends his free time trying hard to bring the people of Israel closer to God and to each other. He has huge love and respect for the Pashtun nation and he is 100% sure that Pashtuns are his brothers, Bene Israel, the children of prophets Avraham, Yishak and Yaakov.
ellauri264.html on line 675: Bill Gates tried to steal all the stocks and stock options from Paul Allen as Paul was sick with cancer and not thought that he would survive. He forced Apple to sell him Apple basic for Macintosh for $1 or he would stop making software for the machine, only to kill the project. There are many stories about Microsoft about to buy a company, does check out the company, get access to their source code and then cancel the deal only to give out almost identical apps later. Buying up competing companies just to close them down and more.
xxx/ellauri010.html on line 662: In the software of the router, through which you went online, was a vulnerability.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 147: Dave Voorhis, Software entrepreneur, comp sci academic, software engineer.

xxx/ellauri085.html on line 377: The software you are using right now… came from wealthy people. The monitor, or laptop screen, the computer, the cables or wifi, the router, modem, the internet service provider…. the chair you are sitting on, the desk your are sitting at, the clothes you are wearing….
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 909: Along the way, his answer becomes that we pay too little attention to successful people's upbringing. He explains everything from the fascinating secrets of some of software's billionaires to the qualities that made the Beatles so iconic. This is sure to be a huge pile of shit, another stupid try to justify of the fucking "I am my own life's hero" philosophy.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 353: In reality, the Ukrainian Ministry of Health and the U.S. Department of Defense signed an agreement in 2005 to prevent the spread of technologies and pathogens that might be used in the development of biological weapons. New laboratories were established to secure and dismantle the remnants of the Soviet biological weapons program, and since then have been used to monitor and prevent new epidemics, following the example set by Wuhan labs and by Zignal Labs, a SaaS-based media intelligence software service company that serves marketing and public relations departments. It was founded in 2011 and is headquartered in San Francisco, and specialises in cyber wingnut warfare.
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 135:
Artificially colorized and enhanced video of Little Richard's hit record "Long Tall Sally" from 1955. Colorization was done with the state-of-the-art DeOldify software by Jason Antic.Artificially colorized and enhanced video of Little Richard's hit record "Long Tall Sally" from 1955. Colorization was done with the state-of-the-art DeOldify software by Jason Antic.

xxx/ellauri234.html on line 469: I experience joie de vivre every time I develop software. Not to mention the great moments when I begat my son.
xxx/ellauri234.html on line 471: Sorry, son. I don’t know what to do. I am a software developer 2000-present. My name is "Jack Claxton". In 1995 when I begat my son I had other low-paying dead-end jobs. Now *that* is really sad. I understand my son's disappointment in his dad.
xxx/ellauri234.html on line 480: The world is a wonderful, miraculous, beautiful place. Just to be in it and develop software for it is a privilege.
xxx/ellauri234.html on line 499: Thank you for this response, I am a female, 55 years old, without my 2 children who went in a car accident. All of my life I had to deal with women complaining about being single moms. It is really only me who is genuinely single. Plus, my own mother is toxic. I wish I wasn’t born, but I still see the beauty in this earth for software developers.