ellauri107.html on line 402: In crisis over whether he’s a man or nuts. I'd say nuts. He is a sexual extremist and erotomaniac, a sociopath and wannabe paedophile, rummaging in the knicker drawer of his best friend’s teenage daughter. A habitual liar, a graveyard onanist, a childless despiser of families and couples; a joyous micturator over all laughter, hope, goodness and wholesomeness (a peculiarly American obsession: see also David Lynch), Sabbath entertains us with his negativity.
ellauri115.html on line 1140: Hare's views are recounted with some skepticism in the 2011 bestseller The Psychopath Test by British investigative journalist Jon Ronson, to which Hare has responded. Hare served as a high functioning sociopath for Jacob M. Appel's Mask of Sanity (2017), a novel source of income.
ellauri119.html on line 680: From a literary point of view her novels have little character development and are cast in black and white terms. The important things in this world are just not that easy to discern, so she is painting a child´s simple view of the world, perhaps even an autistic child´s view, who doesn´t have the capability of caring for others. Ayn Rand found early inspiration for her protagonists in a 1920´s serial killer, William Hickman and used that sociopath as the model for the heros of her novels. See: Ayn Rand, Hugely Popular Author and Inspiration to Right-Wing Leaders, Was a Big Admirer of Serial Killer
ellauri119.html on line 682: The "good" guys in her novels are basically paranoid sociopaths but her book´s view the world through their eyes and, of course, they don´t notice anything wrong with their distorted worldview. Humans are social animals and having interdependencies is the norm. Ayn Rand takes the normal and using the views of a sociopath portrays those interdependencies as being corrupt, evil, and self defeating. This is consistent in all of her writings. I´ve read everything Any Rand wrote and some of what has been written by her direction.
ellauri119.html on line 692: In terms of economics, if you ran a country on the economics that Rand demanded, you would have the population in arms with a revolution at your door in less than a year. Her system would parallel that of the mangagement of the West Virginia Coal Mine that just had the worst mining accident and deaths since the 1970s. Rand´s system was what some people call an oligarchy, to which I would add a very paranoid sociopathic oligarchy.
ellauri150.html on line 448: Kubrick's film is relatively faithful to the Burgess novel, omitting only the final, positive chapter, in which Alex matures and outgrows sociopathy. Sehän on tiettävästi lähestulkoon mahdotonta. In the novel, Alex drugs and rapes two 10-year-old girls. In the film, the girls are young adults who seem to have consensual, playful sex with him, with no suggestion of using any drugs and without any violence. The film portrays Dr. Branom as female, despite being described as male in the novel. Kubrick oli lälläri.
ellauri248.html on line 115: Rob and Cassie start off enjoying that incredible, intense and yet easy, all-forgiving and natural closeness of a friendship I think every person in the world (non-sociopathic, to be exact) longs for.
ellauri378.html on line 662: Expatriate Cubans condemned the game for its depiction of American special forces trying but failing to kill a young Fidel Castro, regrettably killing instead only a body-double. The Cuba-based pro-Fidel Castro website Cubadebate said the game "empowers sociopathic attitudes of American children and adolescents, the main consumers of these virtual games." 25M copies had been sold by 2013.
xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1205: I am telling you: he is a narcissistic sociopath.
xxx/ellauri044.html on line 316: Dr. Eeks: A lot of my female friends will refer to an ex as a “sociopath.” So, I ask, can a sociopath really fall in love?
xxx/ellauri044.html on line 318: Dr. Burgo: That term gets thrown about too loosely, and sometimes it’s just a kind of name-calling. If you look at the DSM, Anti-Social Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder share many of the same features, which says to me that narcissism/sociopathy is actually a spectrum. A true sociopath is incapable of love but that doesn’t apply to everyone with narcissistic features.
xxx/ellauri306.html on line 68: Why is Rand a bad writer? Her writing is simply illogical, incomprehensible and blabbering. Her heroes and heroines are but pastiches, cliché-like cardboard figurines. Her world is black and white; either the character is a hero or a crook, but never anything in-between. Moreover, they fail the reality check; Howard Roark of The Fountainhead would not be the heroic creative mind he is represented; the reality check would be a similar megalomaniac sociopath as Le Corbusier.