ellauri023.html on line 728: In 508 BC, during the war between Rome and Clusium, the Clusian king Lars Porsena laid siege to Rome. Gaius Mucius Cordus, with the approval of the Roman Senate, sneaked into the Etruscan camp with the intent of murdering Porsena. Since it was the soldiers' pay day, there were two similarly dressed people, one of whom was the king, on a raised platform speaking to the troops. This caused Mucius to misidentify his target, and he killed Porsena's scribe by mistake. After being captured, he famously declared to Porsena: "I am Gaius Mucius, a citizen of Rome. I came
ellauri082.html on line 137: By the time of the match, his symptoms are so bad he’s taken by ambulance to the hospital (16: “the only other emergency room I have ever been in [was] almost exactly one year back”), safely escaping the A.F.R.’s assault. Like fellow student Otis P. Lord, he gets the bed next to Gately. Joelle (who is at the hospital for a meeting) visits Gately on her way out and recognizes Hal. She tells them both about the hunt for the lethal Entertainment and the resulting Continental Emergency and they all go to dig up JOI’s grave. They persuade John Wayne, a spy for the A.F.R., to become a double agent and help sneak them into JOI’s Quebec burial site. Wayne presumably tells the A.F.R. he is actually a triple agent — that he will steal the tape as soon as Hal digs it up. But, as with Marathe, his loyalties are ultimately even-numbered (n40). The A.F.R. finds out and brutally murders him, which is why he can’t win the WhataBurger (16f).
ellauri107.html on line 95: After a few dates, Brenda persuades her father to invite Neil to stay with them for two weeks. This angers her mother, who feels that she should have been asked instead. Neil enjoys being able to sneak into Brenda's room at night but has misgivings over her entitled outlook, which is reflected in her spoiled and petulant younger sister, and her naive brother Ron, who misses the hero worship he enjoyed as a star basketball player at Ohio State University. Neil is astonished when Brenda reveals that she does not take birth control pills or use any other precautions to avoid pregnancy. She angrily rejects Neil's concerns. He prepares to leave, but she decides to persuade him to stay by agreeing to get a diaphragm.
ellauri107.html on line 495: “Well we know—not just in the Bible alone, but it stands to reason—a man who doesn't buckle down and do his duty, even if it does bore him sometimes, is nothing but a—well, he's simply a weakling. Mollycoddle, in fact! And what do you advocate? Come down to cases! If a man is bored by his wife, do you seriously mean he has a right to chuck her and take a sneak, or even kill himself?”
ellauri112.html on line 718: Tully takes care of the baby with effortless technique, letting Marlo know she can also help with anything else around the house, even tips for re-starting Marlo and Drew’s sex life. She spouts hip, up to date trends and the kind of facts fresh college kids throw around. But it’s not a feel-good narrative. Through Tully Marlo is looking back at an earlier age, when life was simpler, breezier. We soon realize Tully isn’t teaching Marlo anything, she’s reminding her of the past. In one scene the two decide to sneak out to a bar, but the moment isn’t just fun, it’s also melancholic. Marlo warns Tully that your 20’s are great, but then “your 30’s come around the corner like a big dumpster truck.”
ellauri118.html on line 871: Tämmöstä triangelidraamaa syntyy etenkin omistavassa yläluokassa, missä eniten on lisääntymis- ja reviirimeemien kilpalaulantaa. Kyllä niitä syntyy ilmankin, koska perimmäinen syy on että lisääntymiseen ei riitä pelkkä pano, tarvii huolehtia myös jälkikasvusta. Siihenhän sitä reviiriäkin tarvitaan. Olli Lokin emoista äiskä on aina paikalla, iskä luuhaa ison osan aikaa kokouxissa tai terdellä. Olli Lokkia ei pidä sekoittaa Olli Lehtoon, joka leikki Callen kanssa tinasotilailla. Ed. eli 1916-1994, jälk. 1925-2020. Kun Olli Lokki on liikaa poissa kotoa, syntyy Olli Lehtolapsia. Käki käy sen pesällä. There's a mean black snake sneaking round my baby's back door. Vrt. albumia 5.
ellauri140.html on line 191: surname attested from late 13c. (earlier le Despenser, mid-12c.), literally "one who dispenses or has charge of provisions in a household," short for Anglo-French espencer, Old French despencier "dispenser" (of provisions), "a butler or steward" (see dispense). Also a type of repeating rifle used in the American Civil War, 1863, named for U.S. gunsmith Christopher Spencer, who, with Luke Wheelock, manufactured them in Boston, Mass. Japanissa 2011 zunami kaatoi limpsa ja eväspatukka dispensereitä joiden alle jäänyt mies Rei Shimurassa selvisi juomalla limpsaa ja syömällä Snickersejä. Sylikoira haistoi sen sneakersit kasan alta. Sellasta on nyt Japanissa. Tavallisin oloasu on fleese pehmyrit.
ellauri147.html on line 145: I have found strength where one does not look for it: in simple, mild, and pleasant people, without the least desire to rule—and, conversely, the desire to rule has often appeared to me a sign of inward weakness: they fear their own slave soul and shroud it in a royal cloak (in the end, they still become the slaves of their followers, their fame, etc.) The powerful natures dominate, it is a necessity, they need not lift one finger. Even if, during their lifetime, they bury themselves in a garden house! Like my sister Elizabeth för instance! Now there is a Willenmensch if ever there was one! I hardly dare to sneak to the loo for a jerk from our Gartenhaus.
ellauri192.html on line 305: “The subject of my book [‘The Books of Jacob’] — a multicultural Poland — was not comfortable for proponents of this new version of history,” Tokarczuk told PEN Transmissions, a journal run by the English iteration of PEN, in May, 2018. She was taken by surprise by the amount of rage the book provoked — not to mention her comment on receiving the Nike sneakers. But rather than retreat, she has continued to speak out on behalf of the communities she sees her government as wishing to sideline. In a January op-ed for The New York Times following a Polish radical’s on-air murder of the open-minded young Gdansk mayor Pawel Adamowicz, Tokarczuk wrote of a Polish populist narrative that “scapegoats… the so-called crazy leftists, queer-lovers, Germans, Jews, European Union puppets, feminists, liberals and anyone who supports immigrants.”
ellauri214.html on line 128: I wear slightly masculine clothing, like Jeans t-shirts and sneakers. Because I'm not like those shallow cheerleader gossip girls. I'm a cool girl.
ellauri285.html on line 439: Ernon Finlandia-voittajan toinen osa 'Yksinäisyys' sisältää esseet Eino Leinosta, Vasili Šukšinista, Pentti Linkolasta ja Pentti Haanpäästä. Yhteistä näille neljälle hyvin erilaiselle kirjailijalle on tinkimättömyys itseään ja sanottavaansa kohtaan, pyrkimys kuvata maailma niin hyvin kuin ikinä ja pysyä rehellisenä näkemälleen. Usein yksinäisyyden, muttei sentään julkisuuden hinnalla. Ja silti, rakkaat lukijat, voin kuvitella Paasilinnan ajatelleen, olkaa varovaisia, sillä “on paljon helpompaa kirjoittaa hyvin kuin oikein“. Epäilkää, kyseenalaistakaa! Pankaa sormenne joka erälle ja kysykää: miksi - tämä - on - näin? Näistä Leino ja Linkola on oikislaisia, Haanpää vielä Noitaympyrässä vasuri vaikka kelkka taisi kääntyä Kiinan matkalla, ja Shukshin kodikkaita tuhnuja Suomi-filmityyppisiä leffoja ohjannut neuvostolainen elokuvaohjaaja. Entä Ernu ize? Joku mustanvihreä. Naipaul oli, vaikka 2. polven mamu, tunnettu kolonialismin puolustaja ja rasisti. Tyypillinen rasisti on ikääntynyt maalaisäijä tai vähän koulutettu nuori juippi. Patti lähti liikenteeseen juippina ja päätyi maailaisäijäxi. Franz Fanon, josta on paasattu mm. albumissa 96 joutui neekerinä Patin hampaisiin. Fanonin mielestä neekerien vihailu ja ihailu molemmat johtuvat niiden valtavista ruskeista vällykäärmeistä. Mean black snake sneaking in my back door, laulavat ne izekin. Patin mittausten mukaan kuukerin nelli on ihan samanmittainen kuin valkoisen ja tuntuukin naisten mukaan samalta. Mixikä se sitten kiertää sitä kuin kissa kuumaa puuroa?
ellauri302.html on line 275: I have only a nightgown on. Minä seison mistelin alla! All night I lay in bed waiting for my father to fall asleep, so that I might steal out to you. I heard your tapping and sneaked away. So softly, barefoot, — so that my father shouldn't hear me.
ellauri318.html on line 81: Stekare, med adjektivformen stekig, är ett uttryck som i svenskan under tidigt 2000-tal kommit att användas om en viss typ av personer i svensk överklass som unga personer inom adelskalendern och nyrika. Stereotypen "stekare" refererar vanligtvis till en typ av ung man som är, eller åtminstone tydligt försöker ge sken av, att vara ekonomiskt oberoende. Liksom många tidigare provocerande ungdomsgrupper såsom det sena 1800-talets grilljannar och 1940-talets swingpjattar förknippas även stekarna i stor utsträckning med en viss klädstil. Aftonbladets krönikör Fredrik Virtanen beskrev 2005 denna så här: "Flottigt Runar-hår, brun utan sol-kräm, Canada Goose-täckjacksväst, röd skjorta, jättestora wraparoundshades, blekta lyxjeans och hiphop-sneakers."
ellauri370.html on line 395: Converso sneakers
ellauri393.html on line 272: Lincoln decides that the best way to defeat the vampires is to eliminate their food source and starve them out; to that end, he announces the Emancipation Proclamation and encourages the slaves to fight back against slave owners and vampires alike. This begins to turn the tide of the war. (Julistuksen vaikutuksena oli yli 3,5 miljoonan orjuutettujen afrikkalaisen amerikkalaisen oikeudellinen asema irtautuneissa konfederaatiovaltioissa orjuisista vapaiksi. Heti kun orjat pakenivat orjuuttajiensa hallinnasta, joko pakenemalla unionin linjoille tai liittovaltion joukkojen etenemisen kautta, he olivat pysyvästi vapaita. Lisäksi julistus salli entisten orjien "ottamisen vastaan Yhdysvaltojen asepalvelukseen". Hehe.) However, the war takes a personal toll on Lincoln. A vampire assassin sneaks onto the White House lawn and kills Lincoln's son, Willie. Henry appears at the White House and offers to turn Willie into a vampire so that he will "live" again, but Lincoln is unwilling to allow it, despite being very tempted. Enraged, he banishes Henry and all other vampires from the White House and refuses to speak to any of them ever again. Abelle olisi ollut tarpeen opettajattaren varaventtiili.
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 333: Farther away from the castle a man, Porphyro, who loves Madeline more than anything, is making his way to the house. He enters, unseen. If anyone finds him he knows that he will be killed. Madeline’s family hates him and holds his lineage against him. While sneaking through the house he comes upon Angela, one of the servants. He begs her to bring him to Madeline’s chamber so that he might show himself to her that night and solidify himself as her true love. After much complaining, she agrees and hides him until it is time.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 442: To compare: in the 1973 version Judas's kiss of betrayal is Judas sneaking up from behind, giving Jesus a very quick light peck on the cheek. In the 2000 version, the two are looking each other directly in the eyes while crying. Then Judas gives him a deep, long, smooch and Jesus responds by briefly wrapping his arms around him before Judas pushes him off.
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 160: This is what Putin has been raging about: it was Lenin who gave Ukraine its autonomy at that stage. The Bolsheviks thought that allowing a certain amount of autonomy or independence to these former nation states of the Russian empire would cause no problems, because the forthcoming world revolution would bring those states back under communist control – and that’s where they made their great mistake. They did not count on the wily Westerners to come sneaking in with their Coke and burger laissez faire and tease away the little bro.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 525: Cornelius, Barnaby and their dates arrive and are unaware that Horace is also at the restaurant. Dolly makes her triumphant return to the restaurant and is greeted in style by the staff. She sits in the now-empty seat at Horace´s table and proceeds to tell him that no matter what he says, she will not marry him. Fearful of being caught, Cornelius confesses to the ladies that he and Barnaby have no money, and Irene, who knew they were pretending all along, offers to pay for the meal. She then realizes that she left her handbag with all her money in it at home. The four try to sneak out during the polka contest, but Horace recognizes them and also spots Ermengarde and Ambrose. In the ensuing confrontation, Vandergelder fires Cornelius and Barnaby, and they are forced to flee as a riot breaks out. Cornelius professes his love for Irene. Horace declares that he would not marry Dolly if she were the last woman in the world. Dolly angrily bids him farewell; while he´s bored and lonely, she will be living the high life.
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 195: The Thief of Bagdad (1924) ‧Stars: Douglas Fairbanks, Julanne Johnston, Snitz Edwards ‧2h 35m When the Thief of Baghdad (Douglas Fairbanks) sneaks into a royal palace, he discovers and instantly falls in love with a beautiful princess (Julanne Johnston). The thief pretends to be a prince, and the princess becomes enamored with him. The thief then reveals his wrongdoing to a Holy Man ...
xxx/ellauri407.html on line 108:
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