ellauri096.html on line 110: Unlike the believer in ‘No man is an immortal’, the skeptic has trouble asserting ‘There is no knowledge’. For assertion expresses the belief that one knows. That is why Sextus Empiricus (Outlines of Pyrrhonism, I., 3, 226) condemns the assertion ‘There is no knowledge’ as dogmatic skepticism. Sextus prefers agnosticism about knowledge rather than skepticism (considered as “atheism” about knowledge). Yet it just as inconsistent to assert ‘No one can know whether anything is known’. For that conveys the belief that one knows that no one can know whether anything is known.
ellauri096.html on line 120: Probabilistic skepticism dates back to Arcesilaus who took over the Academy two generations after Plato’s death. This moderate kind of skepticism, recounted by Cicero (Academica 2.74, 1.46) from his days as a student at the Academy, allows for justified belief. Many scientists are attracted to probabilism and dismiss the epistemologist’s preoccupation with knowledge as old-fashioned.
ellauri097.html on line 424: The Protestant parson is the grandfather of German philosophy. The theologians’ instinct in the German scholars divined what Kant had once again made possible. The conception of a “true world,” the conception of morality as the essence of the world … were once again, thanks to a wily and shrewd skepticism, if not provable, at least no longer refutable. Kant’s success is merely a theologian’s success. [The Antichrist §10.]
ellauri115.html on line 1142: Hare's views are recounted with some skepticism in the 2011 bestseller The Psychopath Test by British investigative journalist Jon Ronson, to which Hare has responded. Hare served as a high functioning sociopath for Jacob M. Appel's Mask of Sanity (2017), a novel source of income.
ellauri151.html on line 689: Hein (1983: 42–49; see also Labron 2009: 53–57) also notes that Hamann and Wittgenstein use an epistemology based on faith and trust to reject the Enlightenment’s attempt to find an Archimedean point outside the world (mikäs se nyt on? Kuka sellaista kyselee?). Hamann argues that the modern subject/object split leads to an irresolvable problem of skepticism.
ellauri159.html on line 1295: If they write anything but checks, their writing can have a sense of inevitability, presenting an orderly progression of facts and ideas that can lead to only one possible conclusion. Their authoritative voice can instill a sense of comfort and trust in readers. Make sure that trust is warranted—use your natural skepticism to seek out possible flaws in your reasoning and research. Steer clear of the anti-trust laws, they can cut your earnings.
ellauri222.html on line 819: An intensely intellectual writer who peppers his novels with allusions, Bellow draws on many cultural traditions in his analysis of both the sources of American experience and its present manifestations. His fiction fully documents the decline of Western civilization without conceding its obvious demise, and the ambiguity and tenuousness of even his most positive endings balance sadness and comic skepticism with the steadfast faith that he the artist can effect coherence and order, or failing that a lot of cash, out of the chaos of modern experience. His tip for success: kusettakaa minkä jaxatte! For his achievement in confronting the modern existential dilemma with compassion and humor, Bellow's place in twentieth-century American literary history seems assured by drooling groupies like myself.
ellauri285.html on line 757: Later, but of more critical importance, the Fredrickson and Losada work on modeling the positivity ratio aroused the skepticism of Nick Brown, a graduate student in applied positive psychology, who questioned whether such work could reliably make such broad claims, and perceived that the paper´s mathematical claims underlying the critical positivity ratio were suspect. Brown contacted and ultimately collaborated with physics and maths professor Alan Sokal and psychology professor Harris Friedman on a re-analysis of the paper´s data (hereafter the Brown-Sokal-Friedman rebuttal). They argued that Losada´s earlier work on positive psychology and Fredrickson and Losada´s 2005 critical positivity ratio paper contained "numerous fundamental conceptual and mathematical errors", errors of a magnitude that completely invalidated their claims.
ellauri386.html on line 385: Raleigh's poem is a departure from the more idealized and romantic treatments of love that were common in Elizabethan poetry. It reflects the growing skepticism and disillusionment with love that began to emerge during the Renaissance. It also foreshadows the more cynical and satirical treatments of love that would become prevalent in the following century. Lizzy loved it until she found out that Walt was actually thinking of the servant.
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 80: Russian–American partnership in cooperation toward making the world safe for democracy, making possible the goals of the United Nations for the first time since its inception. Some countered that this was unlikely and that ideological tensions would remain, such that the two superpowers could be partners of convenience for specific and limited goals only. The inability of the Soviet Union to project force abroad was another factor in skepticism toward such a partnership.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 797: Although he originally intended to be ironic when he proclaimed that women were the superior gender, many of the qualities he assigned to them were qualities he deeply admired – realism and skepticism among them, but also manipulative skill and a detached view of mankind.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 337: The judges agreed with Fox News's defense that reasonable viewers would have "skepticism" over statements on dogs Carlson makes on its show, as he often engages in "exaggeration" and "non-literal commentary" and that Carlson is not "stating actual facts" on its show.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 383: But the conspiracy theory that Hitler was Jewish has been dismissed by many historians. And even this most recent study has been met with skepticism. Historian Sir Richard Evans, the author of The Third Reich Trilogy, challenged Sax’s study on what it actually proved.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 277: Several of Le Guin´s works have featured stylistic or structural features that were unusual or even subversive. The heterogeneous structure of The Left Hand of Darkness, described as "distinctly post-modern" (eek!), was unusual for the time of its publication. This was in marked contrast to the structure of (primarily male-authored) traditional science fiction, which was straightforward and linear. The novel was framed as part of a report sent to the Ekumen by the protagonist Genly Ai after his time on the planet Gethen, thus suggesting that Ai was selecting and ordering the material, consisting of personal narration, diary extracts, Gethenian myths, and ethnological reports. Earthsea also employed an outlandishly unconventional narrative form described by scholar Mike Cadden
(Princeton U Senior Lecturer in Theater) as "free indirect discourse", in which the feelings of the protagonist are not directly separated from the narration, making the narrator seem sympathetic to the characters, and removing the skepticism towards a character´s thoughts and emotions that are a feature of more direct narration. Cadden suggests that this method leads to younger readers sympathizing directly with the characters, making it an effective technique for young-adult literature like Flaubert or Zola.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 543: Analysis (ai): This poem satirizes religious rituals and the loss of spiritual meaning. It contrasts sharply with Eliot's earlier work, such as "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," which explored existential angst. The poem reflects the disillusionment and skepticism of the post-World War I era.