ellauri080.html on line 717: Rogers swam daily at the Pittsburgh Athletic Association, after waking every morning between 4:30 and 5:30 A.M. to pray and to "read the Bible and prepare himself for the day". He did not smoke or drink. He was a skinny shrimp who weighed 143lb (65kg) most of his adult life.
ellauri080.html on line 747: When Gandhi left South Africa in 1914, the South African leader Jan Smuts wrote to a friend “The shrimp has left our shores,… I hope forever.”
ellauri080.html on line 811: George Orwell, in his 1949 essay Reflections on Gandhi, said that "saints should always be judged guilty until they are proved innocent". Remember, there's no such thing as a saint. But there are heaps of shrimps. Used to be, anyway.
ellauri189.html on line 751: Not eating sea-creatures such as lobsters, shrimps, and crabs, and animals like camels and horses, and meat with cheese. These are, in fact, not Kosher (cannot be eaten) according to the Torah given to the people of Israel by God through Moses.
ellauri244.html on line 116: Sinä sentään kirjoitat, vaikka kaurasesti, Harri huokasi. Harry on varapyörä, niin kauan kuin Walesin prinssi on William. Minulle on käynyt ohrasesti, juon vain ohramehua. Vaistosin että mies pelkäsi minua, eikä ihme, olinhan jo ainakin 2x painavampi. Pelätkööt kuha ihailevat. Mutta se on kyllä loukkoovoo että sähköshokeerattu shrimp ei muista Anjan visiittiä! Mutta ihanasti se jankuttaa. Äitiäni en enää käynyt tapaamassa sairaalassa, sillä hän oli kuollut. Haju oli liian äkeä. Harrinkin tunnistin enää tutusta tuoxusta. Olimme kuin hilpeä vanhusten perhe lähtemässä samoilemaan tunturiin.
ellauri336.html on line 654: “We’re facing a massive wave of fossil fuel facilities that we’ve never seen before,” said Rebekah Hinojosa, a local organiser with the Sierra Club, a national environmental group. “The lifeblood of those communities is nature, ecotourism, shrimping, fishing, dolphin watch tours. Having a massive fossil fuel industry is not compatible.”
xxx/ellauri154.html on line 361: Ecological factors were also probably a precursor to eusociality. For example, the sponge-dwelling shrimp depend upon the sponge´s feeding current for food, termites depend upon dead, decaying wood, and naked mole rats depend upon tubers in the ground. These resources have patchy distributions in the environments of these animals. In places there is a surplus, in others next to nothing. This means that resources must be defended for the group to survive. These requirements make it a necessity to have high social order for the survival of the group.