ellauri002.html on line 263: Down vain lights, shine you no more!

ellauri005.html on line 263: And shines like rotten wood;

ellauri022.html on line 241: Kaikki tytöt sulavat kun Polly laulaa sydämeenkäyvästi Huokausten siltaa. Tuskin kuitenkaan Pave Maijasen versiota siitä. Ei edes Procol Harumin kitaristin Robin Trowerin "where the sun don't shine". Eikä offenbar liioin Offenbachin farssia 1861, jossa on liikaa hahatusta, kastanjetin näpsytystä ja cachucha tanssia. Luultavimmin Thomas Hoodin runo 1844, jossa köyhä misu hukkuu hypättyään London bridgeltä. Hood oli humoristi, joka vakavoitui tultuaan kipeäxi nelikymppisenä. Venezialainen silta tuli kuuluisaxi Byronin matkailumainoxesta Childe Harold. Jennylle kerätään heti kolehti. Kolme kilteintä tyttöä auttaa sitä uudemmankin kerran. Antaa ompelutöitä ainakin. Hinnasta kai voi vähän tinkiä. On niin paljon rahanreikiä.
ellauri028.html on line 110: “It was my duty to keep buttons on his shirts,” recalled Katy Leary, life-long housekeeper and friend in the Clemens menage, “and he'd swear something terrible if I didn't. If he found a shirt in his drawer without a button on, he'd take every single shirt out of that drawer and throw them right out of the window, rain or shine—out of the bathroom window they'd go.
ellauri035.html on line 318: The moon shines on her breasts, and I must die.
ellauri035.html on line 349: That could so shine. And we were each to each
ellauri037.html on line 362: Precious little angel, mommy's sunshine, honeybun,
ellauri048.html on line 1435: That takes the sunshine and the rains, Paljaan taivaan, auringon ja sateen alla,
ellauri051.html on line 569: 27 The play of shine and shade on the trees as the supple boughs wag, Valon ja varjon leikki puissa kun norjat oxat notkuvat,
ellauri051.html on line 903: 321 Torches shine in the dark that hangs on the Chattahooche or Altamahaw, 321 taskulamppua loistaa pimeässä, joka roikkuu Chattahoochessa tai Altamahawssa,
ellauri051.html on line 1030: 442 Earth of shine and dark mottling the tide of the river! 442 Maa kiiltävä ja tumma kirjava joen vuorovesi!
ellauri051.html on line 1594: 987 Flaunt of the sunshine I need not your bask -- lie over! 987 Auringonpaistetta en tarvitse kylpeäsi - makaa!
ellauri067.html on line 363: Foil: In fiction or non-fiction, a foil is a character who contrasts with another character; most of the time it is the protagonist, to highlight qualities of the other character. In some cases, a subplot can be used as a foil to the main plot. This is especially true in the case of metafiction and the story within a story motif. The word foil comes from the old practice of backing gems with foil to make them shine more brightly. Paranoids like Pynchon make foil hats to foil conspiracies.
ellauri097.html on line 165: It is a well known fact that physicists are greatly given to the supernatural. Why this should be I don't know, but the fact is plain. One of the most absurd of all spiritualists is Sir Oliver Lodge. I have the suspicion that the cause may be that physics itself, as currently practised, is largely moonshine. Certainly there is a great deal of highly dubious stuff in the work of such men as Eddington.
ellauri101.html on line 297: Sunshine she´s here, you can take a break
ellauri111.html on line 729: 27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
ellauri143.html on line 420: Save glorious you can shine, 'twere better hide your face
ellauri143.html on line 1259: Are those on whom the light of Fortune shines no more.
ellauri143.html on line 1611: Let her, who my jewels nightly shines, aversion feign,

ellauri144.html on line 425: His best works appeared in print while he was still a teenager. In 1934, the publication of "Light breaks where no sun shines" caught the attention of the literary world. Stick it where no sun shines. While living in London, Thomas met Caitlin Macnamara. They married in 1937. In 1938, they settled in Laugharne, Carmarthenshire, and brought on their three children.
ellauri147.html on line 137: ei mikään kimalla kauniimmin kuin puhtaat kyyneleet." Nothing shines brighter than faked crocodile tears.
ellauri150.html on line 602: We start with the filmmaker's take on the birth of Christ. We see, after a bit of Roman Empire background, Joseph and Mary arrive at the census point; we see the Star of Bethlehem shine, the shepherds see it, the wise men see it; we see the Star of Bethlehem shine down; we see the filmmaker's vision of a nativity scene. Finally, we see the Star of Bethlehem dim back down, as somebody blows a shofar horn. It's very tastefully done, but still effective.
ellauri159.html on line 1055: View writing as a form of personal expression. Often write about topics you care about, although you may not let their own beliefs shine through. Prefer to present the facts, which you may do in great detail, then let readers make up their own mind!
ellauri159.html on line 1131: Make sure you don´t gather too much information in the exploration stage or you don’t have a clear sense of direction left. If you feel overwhelmed, ask for help or talk to a trusted friend. Connect the topic to your values, like the value of money. Write without inhibition and let your voice shine. Remember, your drafts are for your eyes only. They’re the rough stone from which you sculpt the finished product. Your teacher will be happy to cross out the stuff that can´t be printed.
ellauri164.html on line 581: For this single instance, Moses had allowed the impression to be entertained that he had brought them water out of the rock, when he should have magnified the name of the Lord among His people. The Lord would now settle the matter with His people, that Moses was merely a man, following the guidance and direction of a mightier than he, even the Son of God. In this He would leave them without doubt. Where much is given, much is required. Moses had been highly favored with special views of God's majesty. The light and glory of God had been imparted to him in rich abundance. His face had reflected upon the people the glory that the Lord had let shine upon him. All will be judged according to the privileges they have had, and the light and benefits bestowed.
ellauri185.html on line 712: Where a million diamonds shine!
ellauri189.html on line 158: Their horns were black and shiney and their hot breath he could feel

ellauri194.html on line 617:
  • Gadadhar Chattopadhyay – Sri Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa, devotee of Dakshina Kali and Priest of Dakshineswar Kali Temple.
    ellauri197.html on line 455: I saw his glory shine; Se on aivan loistava,
    ellauri241.html on line 353: Thy spheres, and as thy silver proxy shine? sinun pallejasi ja nuppiasi, välityspalvelin loistava?
    ellauri241.html on line 682: Come from the gloomy tun with merry shine. Tullen synkästä tynnöristä iloisena loisteena.
    ellauri243.html on line 135: Nevada is home to a number of federal reservations and colonies. The major tribes are the Washouts, Northern Paiute, Southern Paiute, and Western Shoeshines. Many have been hit disproportionately hard by the coronavirus and may have pre-existing health conditions or live in remote areas with limited access to medical care. In the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony, a clever color-coded card system was set up for people to signal from their windows for help with a health issue, food shortage, or other problem.
    ellauri245.html on line 686: I've never seen you shine so bright, mhm hm Ihan silmät sädehtivät, mhmhm
    ellauri245.html on line 704: I've never seen you shine so bright Iho kiiltää kuin kahvipannun kylki
    ellauri264.html on line 191: with the dove, the symbol of peace, and continues to shine until the Messiah comes.
    ellauri270.html on line 265: Yer sel ye had to blame; That the sun shines sweetly on?'
    ellauri276.html on line 376: With the lark in the shine of the air, Kiikun kanssa ilman loistossa,
    ellauri339.html on line 492: "Hullu Euroopan komissio, jota johtaa kiihkeä gynekologi, vaatii Banderakrainan hyväksymistä säilytettäväksi ja tätä tarkoitusta varten muille heikoille liittolaisille tehdään kollektiivinen abortti. Leikataan ne kaikista EU-tuista ja jaetaan ne Kiovan hyväksi." Medvedevin mukaan "Euroopan unionin uudet mikrojäsenet siirtyvät vuosikymmeniksi välittävän saksalaisten, ranskalaisten ja muiden eurolihavien äitien ruokintaan". "Nuoret mutta ahneet Kiovan-Kishinevin riisitautiset vuotavat nopeasti verta ja poistavat rasvan vanhasta Euroopasta. Sen hoitamiseen liittyy Euroopan unionin täydellinen heikkeneminen, euron ja muiden ilkeiden sairauksien halveksuminen."
    ellauri348.html on line 344: Rakentava meedia ei kertoisi rumista konflikteista tai toivottomista yrityxistä pysäyttää luontokatastrofia, vaan välittäisi liikuttavia menestystarinoita ihmisistä jotka jakavat hyväntekeväisyyttä toisille. Suosituimmat elokuvat olisivat Remember the Titans, Forrest Gump ja Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Kyseiset elokuvat koettiin merkittävixi, koska ne sivuavat FUCK! teemoja. Ne auttavat iloizemaan ihmisistä, jotka ovat olleet vähemmän onnekkaita kuin me ize. Elokuvat lisäsivät yleisesti halua hymyillä ihmisille, jopa tuntemattomille. Ontto Eskolakin hymyili mustalaisille. Iloinen ukko! romanit sanoivat.
    ellauri348.html on line 369: Vuoden 2017 Netflix -dokumentissa Carrey mainitsee keskustelun Gondryn kanssa vuotta ennen kuin Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind -elokuvan kuvaukset alkoivat, pian sen jälkeen, kun Carrey oli eronnut määrittelemättömästä naisesta. Gondry näki, että Carreyn emotionaalinen tila tuolloin oli "niin kaunis, niin rikki", että hän pyysi häntä pysymään rikkinäisenä vuoden ajan sopiaxeen hahmoon. Dokumentissa Carrey kommentoi: "Niin perseestä tämä bisnes on." Clementine varoittaa Joelia, että hiän on virheellinen: "Liian monet kaverit ajattelevat, että olen konsepti, tai minä täytän ne tai teen ne eläviksi. Mutta minä olen vain perseestä tyttö, joka etsii omaa mielenrauhaani. Älä anna minulle omaasi." Impulsiivisuuden, emotionaalisen intensiteetin (äärimmäiset mielialan vaihtelut), alkoholiriippuvuuden, myrskyisät suhteet, holtiton käytös ja Joelin hätäisen idealisoinnin tai devalvoinnin vuoksi Clementine näyttää osoittavan rajatilapersoonallisuushäiriön piirteitä, vaikka se ei ole selvää kirjoittiko Kaufman hahmonsa juuri tämä diagnoosi mielessä. Ainaskin wimpy Charlie Kaufman kuvasi Joelia joidenkin omaelämäkerrallisten narsististen persoonallisuuspiirteidensä kanssa.
    ellauri348.html on line 382: Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! Tahrattoman mielen ikuinen auringonpaiste!
    ellauri348.html on line 385: Tää on pätkä pituushaasteisen Popen (1717) pitkänläntää shine-of-the-spotless-mine/">arkkiveisua munattomasta Abelardista ja sen Eloisasta bändäristä. Eli it's from a poem about a woman named Eloisa who falls in love with her much older tutor Abelard, but her family forces them apart. Eloisa is forced to become a nun and writes about the grief of being without her star-crossed lover. She tries to forget Abelard, but she cannot and she comes to the conclusion that God cannot heal all wounds (such as the loss of Abelard's balls). She wishes she hated Abelard, but concludes her love for him remains. Despite her knowing about her doom with her love, she still longs for it. Just like Joel and Clem. They have knowledge about their destruction and loathing for each other if they continue with the relationship, but it doesn’t matter to them. It’s "Okay," “ignorance is bliss” by another name!
    ellauri374.html on line 252: Kishinevin (nykyaikainen Chișinău, Moldova) pogrom 1903 nosti Yhdysvalloissa ison äläkän. Kohde Bessarabian juutalaiset. Hyökkäystyyppi Joukkovaino, verilöyly. Kuolemat 49, Loukkaantumat 92 (loukkaantui vakavasti), yli 500 (loukkaantui lievästi), kaikki pelästyivät, monet pahastuivat. Tekijät Venäläiset pogromistit. Pääsiäispäivänä alkaneen pogromin aikana 49 juutalaista tapettiin, 92 loukkaantui vakavasti, useita juutalaisnaisia ​​raiskattiin, yli 500 loukkaantui lievästi ja 1 500 kotia vaurioitui.
    ellauri374.html on line 255:
    Vaurioituneiden Tooran kääröjen hautaaminen Kishinevin pogromin jälkeen.

    ellauri374.html on line 257: Amerikan juutalaiset aloittivat laajamittaisen järjestäytyneen taloudellisen avun ja auttoivat maastamuutossa. Tapaus kiinnitti maailmanlaajuisen huomion juutalaisten vainoon Venäjän valtakunnassa ja sai Theodor Herzlin ehdottamaan Uganda-ohjelmaa väliaikaiseksi turvapaikaksi maahanmuuttajille. Hyvä idea! Nyttemmin britit maahanmuuttajat laivataan Ugandan naapuriin Ruandaan. Ei kuitenkaan putinistiseen Transnistriaan, jonka hymni on "Мы славим тебя, Приднестровье My slavim tebya, Pridnestrovie" eli "Laulamme Cisnistrian ylistystä". Sen EU-ystävällisen länsinaapurin Moldavian kapitaali Dnestrin länsirannalla on Kishinev.
    ellauri374.html on line 259: Vuoden 1903 Kishinevin pogromi kiinnitti kansainvälisen yleisön huomion, ja se mainittiin Rooseveltin Monroe-doktriinin johdannossa esimerkkinä ihmisoikeusloukkauksista, jotka oikeuttaisivat Yhdysvaltojen osallistumisen vastaaviin toimiin Latinalaiseen Amerikkaan. Buahahaa.
    ellauri384.html on line 387: Jews have criticized the show’s casting: Its titular heroine, her parents Abe and Rose Weissman (Tony Shalhoub and Marin Hinkle) and Lenny Bruce (Luke Kirby) are all played by non-Jews. A debate over the casting of non-Jewish actors in Jewish roles has heated up in recent years, Comedian Sarah Silverman popularized the term “Jewface” to criticize the trend. Watching a gentile actor portraying, like, a Jew-y Jew is just — agh — feels, like, embarrassing and cringey, like a paleface blackened with shoeshine to play a coon,” Silverman said on her podcast in 2021.
    ellauri389.html on line 157: Kuin vaeltavat virvatulet, jotka maalla Or where afar, the ship-lights faintly shine
    ellauri393.html on line 124: "Project Sunshineen” liittyvä salaliitto oli sellainen että Hiroshiman ja Nagasakin jälkeen Yhdysvaltain hallitus aloitti suuren tutkimuksen mitatakseen ydinlaskeuman vaikutusta ihmiskehoon.
    ellauri408.html on line 666: Charlotte Stein is a writer of steamy and emotional romances, including the bestselling When Grumpy Met Sunshine.
    ellauri408.html on line 668: A steamy, opposites-attract romance with undeniable chemistry between a grumpy retired footballer and his fabulous and very sunshine-y ghostwriter.
    ellauri408.html on line 670: And so in walks curvy, cheery, cute as heck ghostwriter Mabel Willicker, who knows just how to sunshine and sass her way into getting every little detail out of Alfie. They banter and bicker their way to writing his life story, both of them sure they’ll never be anything other than at odds.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1015: Toinen todistus hehkuttaa osanottajien tuntemaa keskinäistä sääliä (compassion). Me ollaan kaikki samassa veneessä, up the shit creek without a paddle. I realized that one need not expect all the goodness to come from outside. One can change one’s own attitude and make the sun shine, at least from among the clouds. Jos ei päivä muuten paista, sen voi panna paistamaan omasta pyllystä. Opi painelemaan lähimmäisten On-nappuloita Off-nappuloiden sijasta. Yhessä seppoilu on parhautta.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1027: The Paphos seminar is not statement-based. The seminar does not seek to provide the ”right” answers. It does not even identify ”fundamental themes”. No particular beliefs are targeted as objects of criticism or veneration. Instead, the content is expected to shine through as if behind a veil. Generic themes such as ”choice”, ”respect”, ”love”, ”temporality” serve like melodies in the background.
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 297: Rakastettu vaikka harvoin nähty vieras Pohjois-Carolinan yliopistossa, Texasin A&M -yliopistossa, Tokion teknologisessa instituutissa ja Australian Sunshine Coastin yliopistossa.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 774: Balch converted from Unitarianism and became a Quaker in 1921. She stated, "Religion seems to me one of the most interesting things in life, one of the most puzzling, richest and thrilling fields of human thought and speculation... religious experience and thought need also a light a day and sunshine and a companionable sharing with others of which it seems to me there is generally too little... The Quaker worship at its best seems to me give opportunities for this sort of sharing without profanation."
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 122: What more than anything is missing in recent films, and shines splendidly in Maxwell’s films, is the sense of glory, the feeling that some have lived on an elevated plane according to the dictates of the highest sense of duty and honor. It’s an unfashionable feeling today, and mocked by those who conspicuously lack it, who love weakly, who think solely in quotidian, political terms. It cannot be understood by those without religious faith, for Heaven is a City of Glory and glory is the special attribute of a God who, if hidden, nevertheless offers us a glimpse of the special virtue of his glory in the lives of those who in moments of danger are willing to sacrifice themselves for a cause they think greater than themselves; and that, above the messiness of political squabbles, is the message behind Maxwell’s films. (The American Spectator 2015)
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1029: Barbie today is close to fifty years old, but she doesn’t look a day over seventeen. Not only does her image take up entire ailses in toy stores, but she also has a boyfriend, cousins, sisters, and even a punk rock groupie band. She’s found in every little girls toy chest, and her smile still shines brightly off her her glowing rosy plastic face.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 638: If not, it’s not fuel or oxygen that’s missing. Only you can refill that fire hose because it rests limp inside your Calvin Kleins. Choose to fondle that lame thing. Erect it. Hold it tight. And let it shine for everyone to see.
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 555: My eyes could see the black of yours still shine,
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 592: Its little smoke, in pallid moonshine, died: elämänsä sauhut siellä veteli.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 642: Blinded alike from sunshine and from rain, Lehet suppuun niinkuin puristaisi tulppaani,
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 956:    An’ the sunshine an’ the palm-trees an’ the tinkly temple-bells; ja palmuja ja päivänpaistetta ja niitä temppelikelloja.
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 173: Acrostic • Africa • Alone • America • Angel • Anger • Animal • Anniversary • April • August • Autumn • Baby • Ballad • Beach • Beautiful • Beauty • Believe • Bipolar • Birth • Brother • Butterfly • Candy • Car • Cat • Change • Chicago • Child • Childhood • Christian • Children • Chocolate • Christmas • Cinderella • City • Concrete • Couplet • Courage • Crazy • Culture • Dance • Dark • Dark humor • Daughter • Death • Depression • Despair • Destiny • Discrimination • Dog • Dream • Education • Elegy • Epic • Evil • Fairy • Faith • Family • Farewell • Fate • Father • Fear • Fire • Fish • Fishing • Flower • Fog • Food • Football • Freedom • Friend • Frog • Fun • Funeral • Funny • Future • Girl • LGBTQ • God • Golf • Graduate • Graduation • Greed • Green • Grief • Guitar • Haiku • Hair • Happiness • Happy • Hate • Heart • Heaven • Hero • History • Holocaust • Home • Homework • Honesty • Hope • Horse • House • Howl • Humor • Hunting • Husband • Identity • Innocence • Inspiration • Irony • Isolation • January • Journey • Joy • July • June • Justice • Kiss • Laughter • Life • Light • Limerick • London • Lonely • Loss • Lost • Love • Lust • Lyric • Magic • Marriage • Memory • Mentor • Metaphor • Mirror • Mom • Money • Moon • Mother • Murder • Music • Narrative • Nature • Night • Ocean • October • Ode • Pain • Paris • Passion • Peace • People • Pink • Poem • Poetry • Poverty • Power • Prejudice • Pride • Purple • Lgbtq • Racism • Rain • Rainbow • Rape • Raven • Red • Remember • Respect • Retirement • River • Romance • Romantic • Rose • Running • Sad • School • Sea • September • Shopping • Sick • Silence • Silver • Simile • Sister • Sky • Sleep • Smart • Smile • Snake • Snow • Soccer • Soldier • Solitude • Sometimes • Son • Song • Sonnet • Sorrow • Sorry • Spring • Star • Strength • Success • Suicide • Summer • Sun • Sunset • Sunshine • Swimming • Sympathy • Teacher • Television • Thanks • Tiger • Time • Today • Together • Travel • Tree • Trust • Truth • Valentine • War • Warning • Water • Weather • Wedding • Wind • Winter • Woman • Women • Work • World
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 719: Ulkomaalaisten puheesta kuuluu tämän tästä: Go to hell! Don't be a fool! taikka Die verdammten Schweine! Zum Teufel! ynnä muita donnerwettereitä, mutta japanilaiset keskustelevat keskenään sävyisästi: 1. バカ (baka) – Stupid, Idiot. 2. ばかやろう(bakayarou) – Asshole, Idiot. 3. あほ (aho) – Moron. 4. くそ (kuso) – Shit, Crap. 5. ちくしょう (chikushou) – Shit, Son of a Bitch. 6. わるがき(warugaki) – Brat. 7. ふざけるな (fuzakeruna) – “Fuck Off”. 8. どけ(doke) – “Get out of the way!”. 9. しね (shine) – Die! 10. ブス(busu) – Extremely Ugly Woman. 11. ウルサイ (urusai) – Shut up! 12. だまれ(damare) – Shut up! 13. やかましい (yakamashii) - Turpa rullalle!
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 149: Rise up, shine, stretch thine hand out, with thy bow Nöyse, paista, anna tassua, ja jousella
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 498: There shines one sun and one wind blows till night.
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 612: That shine and shift as the edge of wild beasts’ eyes,
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1487: Be shed and shine before the starriest hours,
    xxx/ellauri259.html on line 703: Today, some aspects, such as the increasingly important role given to the (now retired) news anchor Arvi Lind are a bit old-fashioned. Likewise the ending isn't as sharp nor farcical as it attempts to be. Yet the film does uncover some universal truths from the behavior of Finnish men, particularly when automobiles are concerned. The men are all alcoholic sad sacks, failures in every aspect, yet they wish to have one field in which they shine and that is with cars.
    xxx/ellauri280.html on line 252: In Nur-Sultan, the sun does not shine often from November to January, while in summer, apart from afternoon thunderstorms, it shines regularly.
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 260:        The sunshine is a glorious birth;        Sarastus on hurjan upea;
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 294: Fresh flowers; while the sun shines warm, defloroivat mättäitä, ja aurinko riätää kuumasti,
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 505: Still shine the unoffending feet