ellauri014.html on line 36: Lainasin Pamela piukkapepun kirjastosta. Sen esipuhe oli paksulti alleviivattu ja merkitty huutomerkein. Joku on kai lukenut tän tenttiin - vittuako typeryxet alleviivaa kirjaston kirjoja? ei siitä ole mitään apua! Wäinö mainitsee siinä kiittävään sävyyn Paul Bourgetin. Ai kenet, kysyt ehkä, niin minäkin. Katsoin Wikipediasta. Wannabe-julkkistyrkky viisinkertainen melkein-nobelisti, agnostikko, joka palasi katoliseen uskoon romaanissa Le Disciple. Se oli Gladstonen mielikirjoja. Russell pelkäsi Gladstonea pikkupoikana. Ei varmaan ollut Russellin mieleinen kirja. Bourget oli ollut sielun hienoudessa edellä ihailijattariansa, Wäiskin mielestä. Samaa ei voinut sanoa Richardsonista, joka ainakin Fieldingin leirissä kuvattiin pieneksi, punakaksi, turhamaiseksi, arkipuheiseksi pikku mieheksi. Tuntuuko jo pientä narsistisen setämiehen hajua? - Asiasta 3:nteen, kuppainen Kasimir Leino kirjoitti shelf/ksrhistoria2.htm#runo260">kalikkarunon Gladstonen kunniaxi, verraten sen Irlannin kohtelua suomen sortoaikaan.Sellainen HINOA JOHN -vittuilu Paulille tussilla Johnin oveen. No Pohjois-Irlannin Karjalaa ei sentään antanut Gladstone takaisin. Sattui silmiin, kun koitin löytää tietoa Kasimirin kupasta.
ellauri014.html on line 1391: Love is like candy on a shelf

ellauri028.html on line 248: Maybe I'm just impatient, but I found this book tedious and more than a little depressing. Back on the virtual shelf it goes, for the time being.
ellauri048.html on line 1590: That strikes by night a craggy shelf,
ellauri100.html on line 645: OK good enough, find a seat somewhere on the bottom shelf.
ellauri156.html on line 689: As I understand the Bible, there is more to the story than this, however. Our lord (meaning Jeshua) frequently told stories. Why was this? Was it because he was trying to “put the cookies on the lowest shelf”? Was he accommodating his teaching to those who might have difficulty understanding it? Sometimes our lord told stories to the religious experts, who should have been able to follow a more technical argument. No, I think his own elevator did not quite reach the upper floors. I am thinking in particular of the story of the Good Samaritan, as recorded in Luke 10. A religious lawyer stood up and asked Jesus a question, not to sincerely learn, but with the hope of making our Lord look bad before the people. He asked, “What shall I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus turned the question around. This man was the expert in the Law of Moses, what did it teach? The man answered, “YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND; AND YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF, THAT IS, EVEN MORE.” (Luke 10:27). In effect, Jesus responded, “Right. Now do it.” That was the problem with the law, no one could do it without failing, and so no one could earn their way to heaven by good works. Well, how high can we get with mediocre works? Someplace between heaven and hell would actually be most preferable.
ellauri159.html on line 1373: Thankless, tho´ hoarding on thy mental shelf
ellauri164.html on line 395: I am not getting from this book what I expected based on other reviews, and not what I wanted from it either. I tried, read almost half of it. There was not as much about the interaction with his parishioners as about the lectures he gets from older priests and his superiors. And here was not much spiritual inspiration for this reader. A bit ponderous. This goes on my "life is too short" shelf. (less)
ellauri171.html on line 1088: A mediocre little thriller that might have promised cheap fun on apocrypha shelf but destined to die a quick death on the big screen.
ellauri194.html on line 1004: An engaging read, and a book that should be on every corporate trainer’s bookshelf around the world! Less
ellauri198.html on line 604: Points to the shipman thus the unseen shelf Etenee Tero edellä, sitten Esa perämiehenä,
ellauri222.html on line 257: For a man for such small balls, he had huge needs. The writing life needed to be supported. He failed his children; he left them, and it was a wound he carried around like a medal. He knew the cruelty of this. At the very end, though he was not Rosie's father (oops), he was in the house. He and Rosie would watch The Lion King together: in the final, unpleasant stages of his last illness, he was at the point where he didn't mind watching that same film over and over. I was somehow managing Rosie and Saul in the same way." Do they have a relationship with Saul's sons? Not really. Rosie has special needs, and Jänis is focused very much on her. Their house is cozy, not grand, there just happen to be photographs of a Nobel laureate on almost every shelf. Guess which one?
ellauri324.html on line 468: prices in shops are strange. The price on the shelf isn’t
ellauri324.html on line 665: price on the shelf is the price you pay. You have to pay
ellauri324.html on line 667: exclude them from the price on the shelf.
ellauri370.html on line 556: January 1927, Hitler, along with several highly ranked members of the Nazi Party, attended Chamberlain´s funeral. In 1909, some months before his 17th birthday, Rosenberg went with an aunt to visit his guardian where several other relatives were gathered. Bored, he went to a book shelf, picked up a copy of Chamberlain´s The Foundations and wrote of the moment: "I felt electrified; I wrote down the title and went straight to the bookshop." In 1930 Rosenberg published The Myth of the Twentieth Century, a homage to and continuation of Chamberlain´s work. Hitler told the ailing Chamberlain that he´d write a sequel to it. The French Germanic scholar Edmond Vermeil considered Chamberlain´s ideas "essentially shoddy".
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 79: On a shelf
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1021: Ask any five year old American girl who Barbie is and she will most likely run into her bedroom and grab Barbie off the shelf. She will frill up her mini skirt and try to make her walk in her tiny plastic heels. Excitedly, she will hold her up for you to admire.
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 345: Ok, I tried. This novella is only about 100 pages long, but I got 10 pages in and I'm just not in any way interested. He's not Chinese, but he sort of looks like he's Chinese, so he goes to China for five years, but returns to Chicago to be near a woman he hasn't seen in 15 years because he's never been able to stop thinking about her, but then he's told he looks like he's Japanese, and gosh that's true! so he cuts his hair to look more Japanese, and he goes to a dinner party with rich people, then runs into the woman he's been pining over for 15 years and doesn't recognize her, and I just couldn't go any further. Another one off my shelf!
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 766: I have a little looking-glass upon my parlour shelf, Mulla on makkarissa peili koko vartalolle,
xxx/ellauri253.html on line 493: shelf-behind-there-is-among-others-a-work-by-humbert-fink-land-der-deutschen-reportagen-aus-einem-sonderbaren-land-RMGMM0.jpg" width="30%" />
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 277: shelf.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/PinPep_Harry_Potter_003.jpg?fit=4410%2C3516&ssl=1" width="70%" />