ellauri002.html on line 280: Hark! you shadows that in darkness dwell,
ellauri035.html on line 181: Rich with small lights, and tinted shadows surprised
ellauri035.html on line 427: Their ashes of lapis ultramarine, Their earth of shadows the umber. Laughing at art
ellauri051.html on line 1142: 551 The little light fades the immense and diaphanous shadows, 551 Pieni valo häivyttää valtavat ja läpikuultavat varjot,
ellauri051.html on line 1360: 760 Where sun-down shadows lengthen over the limitless and lonesome prairie, 760 Missä auringonlaskun varjot pitenevät rajattoman ja yksinäisen preerian yli,
ellauri051.html on line 1661: 1053 Putting myself here and now to the ambush'd womb of the shadows. 1053 Laitan itseni tässä ja nyt varjojen väijytyskohtuun.
ellauri052.html on line 95: This falling away of the world then renders the interplay of thought and reflection a sterile joke, as whatever the main character finally decides, there is no outside world for his deliberations to have meaning. Bellow has little choice, in the world of raging shadows he creates, other than to step away from the quest of thought at the climactic moment, and pretend he was only kidding.
ellauri095.html on line 282: I shall not see the shadows, Emmä nää mitään varjoja,
ellauri096.html on line 527: Galgalim Eyes is an enemy-only skill, found on bosses and a few shadows in the later dungeons. It reduces a foe's HP to 1 and causes the Enervation ailment (100% chance).
ellauri160.html on line 401: Sun to his slumber, shadows o’er all the ocean, Päivä mailleen, varjoisaxi koko meri,
ellauri238.html on line 928: yellow shadows that pierce the eyes? varjotkin on keltaisia ja pistää silmiin?
ellauri241.html on line 446: And threw their moving shadows on the walls, ja heittivät liikkuvia varjojaan seinille,
ellauri241.html on line 837: Of beechen green, and shadows numberless, pyökinvihreää ja lukemattomia varjoja,
ellauri270.html on line 300: In “The Daemon Lover,” the second story in The Lottery and Other Stories, Jackson’s collection of 25 tales, the reader sees James Harris only through his fiancée’s eyes as a tall man wearing a blue suit. Neither the reader nor anyone in the story can actually claim to have seen him. Nonetheless, this piece foreshadows the appearance of Harris in such other stories in the collection as “Like Mother Used to Make,” “The Village,” “Of Course,” “Seven Types of Ambiguities,” and “The Tooth.” As James Harris wanders through the book, he sheds the veneer of the ordinary that covers his satanic nature.
ellauri270.html on line 361: The men’s nervousness foreshadows the lottery’s grim outcome. Tessie acts at odds with the pervasive mood, drawing laughs from the crowd. Tessie does not question the lottery at this point, and treats the proceedings lightheartedly—from a position of safety.
ellauri300.html on line 40: shadows_prensa_final.jpg" width="100%" />
ellauri386.html on line 385: Raleigh's poem is a departure from the more idealized and romantic treatments of love that were common in Elizabethan poetry. It reflects the growing skepticism and disillusionment with love that began to emerge during the Renaissance. It also foreshadows the more cynical and satirical treatments of love that would become prevalent in the following century. Lizzy loved it until she found out that Walt was actually thinking of the servant.
ellauri389.html on line 407: Mrs. Coleridge, writing to Poole in April 1819, says that Lloyd visited Greta Hall "last summer," and said "he was lost and his wife and children only shadows.’ His mental condition seems to have borne great affinity to Cowper's. (What? oliko "verilähde sydämen" hullun houreita?) Soon after his interview with De Quincey, however, he temporarily recovered, and moved to London, accompanied by his wife, but not, as would appear, by his children.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1154: Remu was born in Nogent-le-Rotrou. A nobleman (under the tutelage of the Lorraine family), he did his studies under Marc Antoine Muret and George Buchanan. As a student, he became friends with the young poets Jean de La Péruse, Étienne Jodelle, Jean de La Taille and Pierre de Ronsard and the latter incorporated Remy into the "La Pléiade", a group of revolutionary young poets. Belleau´s first published poems were odes, les Petites Inventions (1556), inspired by the ancient lyric Greek collection attributed to Anacreon and featuring poems of praise for such things as butterflies, oysters, cherries, coral, shadows, turtles, and twats. His last work, les Amours et nouveaux Eschanges des Pierres precieuses (1576), is a poetic description of gems and their properties inspired by medieval and renaissance lapidary catalogues. He died impotent in Paris on 6 March 1577, and was buried in Grands Augustins. Remy Belleau was greatly admired by impotent poets in the twentieth century, such as Francis Ponge. Francis Ponge (1899 Montpellier, Ranska – 1988 Le Bar-sur-Loup, Ranska) oli ranskalainen runoilija. Ponge työskenteli kirjailijanuransa ohella toimittajana, kustannustoimittajana ja ranskan kielen opettajana. Hän osallistui toisen maailmansodan aikana vastarintaliikkeeseen ja kuului vuosina 1937–1947 kommunistipuolueeseen. Hän sai vaikutteita eksistentialismista, ja esinerunoissaan hän paljastaa kielen avulla objektin itsenäisenä, omanlakisena maailmana. Francis Ponge was born in Montpellier, France in 1899. He has been called “the poet of things” because simple objects like a plant, a shell, a cigarette, a pebble, or a piece of soap are the subjects of his prose poems. To transmute commonplace objects by a process of replacing inattention with contemplation was Ponge’s way of heeding Ezra Pound’s edict: ‘Make it new.’ Ponge spent the last 30 years of his life as a recluse at his country home, Mas des Vergers. He suffered from frequent bouts with nervous exhaustion and numerous psychosomatic illnesses. He continued to write up until his death on August 6, 1988.
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 313: The shadows of night-time grew dense like a pall,
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 317: The shadows of Night-time grew dense like a pall.
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 395: Numerous as shadows haunting fairily Kokonainen muisteloiden torvisoittokunta
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 556: “Me too.” Nick Adams winked. It wasn't that he winked or what he said, but he looked bad. The shadows on his face looked bad and he smelled bad from all the smoke. Words sounded bad when they fell from his mouth. The band got louder. “An old prizefighter. Ole Anderson. I have to go to Fossalta di Piave tomorrow. He lives there.”
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 200: Fills the shadows and windy places Täyttää varjot ja tuulenpaikat
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2950: When I move among shadows a shadow, and wail by
xxx/ellauri292.html on line 573: shadows_of_the_Temple_of_Theseus%2C_Athens%2C_where_Greek_refugees_make_thier_%28sic%29_homes_LCCN2010650546.jpg/1024px-Tent_village_in_the_shadows_of_the_Temple_of_Theseus%2C_Athens%2C_where_Greek_refugees_make_thier_%28sic%29_homes_LCCN2010650546.jpg" />