ellauri063.html on line 104: Marx thought that capitalism had buried within itself the seeds of its own downfall. However, the latter wouldn’t kick in automatically, but would depend on its grave-diggers (the working class under capitalism, the proletariat) overthrowing it.
ellauri080.html on line 617: The appearance or arrival of strange objects to the island, such as a World War II naval mine, an old silent motion picture camera and costumes, a crate of radioactive vegetable seeds, plastic explosives, a robot, a live lion, a jet pack, or a "Mars Rover" that the scientists back in the United States think is sending them pictures of Mars.
ellauri106.html on line 417: Man is a competitive creature and the seeds of conflict are built deep into our genes. We fought each other on the savannah and only survived against great odds by organising ourselves into groups which would have had a common purpose, giving morale and fortitude. Our aggression is a deep instinct which survives in all kinds of manifestations in modern man.
ellauri107.html on line 187: suggestive panegyric [in his 1850 review of Hawthorne’s Mosses from an Old Manse], [that] Melville writes . . . “already I feel that this Hawthorne has dropped germinous seeds into my soul. He expands and deepens down, the more I contemplate him; and further and further, shoots his strong New England roots in the hot soil of my Southern soul”.
ellauri111.html on line 648: Down here we work for the Master, the Lord Jesus, and sow the seed (us men do, if you get what I mean), sharing his word. Those that hear and receive the word on good ground will be saved (people do not always get saved at the moment they first hear the truth--in time, however they may repent and believe). God sees the work that his people do, and he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Psalm 126:6 He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves* with him. *Sheaves are bundles of wheat or other grain grasses that the harvesters have harvested and bundled. Some seeds fell on good bushes and prospered, some fell on porcelain and did not germinate.
ellauri111.html on line 650: Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness,
ellauri150.html on line 746: I have been thinking that the lives of the saints would be great material for Hollywood. We have the technology now to make supernatural events come to life in a realistic way on the movie screen. I was thinking of St. Bernadette who saw Our Lady at Lourdes. She always complained that the paintings and statues of Our Lady never portrayed her full beauty. But imagine if she had been able to describe her vision to a modern movie director working in 3D Imax format. The image could actually be made to float in space in front of the viewer and emanate a holy glow. A little like princess Leia in the hologram (though I thought the hologram was rather too small.) If the viewer tried to touch this image, his hand would pass through it. (I've experienced this with images in Imax movies. I'm thinking specifically of the floating seeds/"jelly fish" in Avatar.)
ellauri219.html on line 773: Those who have died, entered the paradise between births, are in a condition resembling meditation without an external object. But in the fullness of time, the seeds of desire in them will spring up, and they will be born again into this world. Kuin Jörkan pornokirjassa, han hade blivit pigg igen. Vad bra.
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1065:
  1. Activate the storyteller in you. Activate the stand-up comedian. Activate the internal musician, the conductor and the improviser excited to jam. Activate the nurturer, the caring gardener who celebrates the miracle of growth and wants the seeds to flourish. Activate yourself as a space, rather than a star. Activate yourself as a creature of multiple sensibilities, over and above your intellect. Activate yourself as a trust-builder. Be honestly you yourself, be authentic, be vulnerable, and be true to shared humanity. Use positive examples with the rate of at least 4-to-1.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 169: For this belief in the truth of one religion and the falsity of the others leads to inevitable conflict between the believer and the unbeliever, the chosen and the rejected, the saved and the damned. Here lie the seeds of intolerance and violence. Three gods say they are the only one. At least two of them must be wrong. Maybe all.
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 406: I don't think much of the dandelion explanation. In the case of a dandelion, it isn't the flower that is blown away by the wind but the seeds. –
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 141: Scientists and naturalists have discovered the Fibonacci sequence appearing in many forms in nature, such as the shape of nautilus shells, the seeds of sunflowers, falcon flight patterns and galaxies flying through space. What's more mysterious is that the "divine" number equals your height divided by the height of your torso, and even weirder, the ratio of female bees to male bees in a typical hive! (Livio)