ellauri001.html on line 603: Chrysler, Dodge, Chevrolet, de Soto.

ellauri003.html on line 711: Wokun ajopelinä on Chevrolet.

ellauri005.html on line 724: Nyt tekee proletaareista kevytyrittäjiä.

ellauri009.html on line 136: Rikkaan etuako palvelee myös abortinvastustus? Konservatiivista se on ainakin. Suurin osa ei-toivotuista raskauxista tulee köyhille, jotka siitä köyhtyy lisää. Senkötautta oikeistoäijät vastustaa aborttia että prolet lisääntyis, pysyis proleina, siis köyhinä, ei pääsis joholle? Isot perheet köyhille, niin pysyy naiset kotona, miehet nostoväkenä. Ei ala rotinkaiset kukkoilla. Ei tunnu uskottavalta. Tää ois sukupolvien välistä kilpailua. Voisko itiöemät itiöitä noin paljon vetää nenästä? Lisääntyminen on kuitenkin päävoitto geenilotossa.
ellauri009.html on line 138: Joo nyt Darwinin ennuste näkyykin tilatoissa: rikkailla on enempi lapsia kuin köyhillä. Proleaikoina vaan lisääntymisstrategia erosi: varattomien ja kodittomien on tehtävä paljon poikasia kuten saaliskalojen, jotta edes joku jäisi elämään. Reviirieläimet, pedot tekee vähän pentuja mutta hyviä, jottei reviiri täyty.
ellauri014.html on line 1543: La poesia del Marini è tutta una melodia che, sovente, ha il potere di farci dimenticare i concettini, le immagini, i giochetti di parole e le antitesi così cari a lui. Nei suoi seguaci invece questi artifizi hanno il sopravvento sulla musicalità del verso e superano per audacia e goffaggine quelli del maestro.
ellauri016.html on line 562: Le snob est aussi bien ce pétit jeune homme hirsute qui applaudit avec une frénesie trop manifeste pour être sincère une pièce d'avant-garde boudée par le grand public, que ce monsieur décoré devant qui se multiplient les courbettes qui vient assister à la première d'une piece promise au succès; il est aussi bien ce petit gandin qui qui cherche à placer un mot dans une conversation entre Altesses que ce gentilhomme à monocle qui, d'un air ennuyé et condescendant, consent à lui addresser quelques paroles indifférentes. Mais ce fluidité meme du mot assura son heureuse developpement.
ellauri016.html on line 657: Seija löys tän tiedonmurun Metrolehden ristikosta.
ellauri020.html on line 395: Donald Trump has always viewed his father as a role model. In The Art of the Deal, he wrote, “Fred Trump was born in New Jersey in 1905. His father, who came here from Sweden . . . owned a moderately successful restaurant.” In fact, the Trump family was German and desperately poor. “At one point my mother took in stitching to keep us going,” Trump’s father told me. “For a time, my father owned a restaurant in the Klondike, but he died when I was young.” Donald’s cousin John Walter once wrote out an elaborate family tree. “We shared the same grandfather,” Walter told me, “and he was German. So what?”
ellauri031.html on line 249: Tietyt piirteet fasismissa muistuttavat sosialistista opeista, mutta mitään pitemmälle menevää yhtäläisyyttä tuskini on. Fasistinen hallinto tunnustaa ja suojaa yxityistä omistusoikeutta ja tekee parhaansa rohkaistaxeen yxityisyritteliäisyyttä sikäli kuin se on kansakunnan eduxi. Fasismi tunnustaa myös luokkajaon välttämättömyyden, ja yhteiskunnan jaon johtajiin ja johdettaviin. Mussolini toivoi aina joskus yhdistävänsä näennäiset sovittamattomat vastakohdat, pääoman ja työn, isänmaan ja köyhälistön. (Täh? outo mutta paljastava vastakkainasettelu. Kaikkien maiden proletaarit, älkää yhdistykö keskenänne vaan omiin työnantajiinne. Vähän sellasta paikallista sopimista.) Jo lapsuudessa Mussolinilla oli ajatus luoda uusi luokkajako, ei prolet vs. porvaristo, vaan urkuharmoninen kokonaisuus, joka liittää yhteen yhteiskuntaryhmät ja niiden vastakkaiset edut. Ja näistä eduista ei pidetä uolta minkään luokkataistelun myötä, joka repii kansakuntaa, vaan luokkien yhteistyön kautta.
ellauri031.html on line 468: Genom utnyttjandet av vattenkraft blev Trollhättan ett kluster för elintensiv industri, främst metallurgisk industri från 1910-talet och fram till mitten på 1980-talet. Bland de elintensiva företagen som etablerade sig i Trollhättan fanns Stockholms Superfosfat Fabriks AB senare Fosfatbolaget och Eka Chemicals, Höganäs-Billeholm, Skandinaviska Grafit AB, Ferrolegeringar AB m.fl. mindre och kortlivade företag.
ellauri032.html on line 239: Was T.S. Eliot gay? Questions about Eliot´s sexuality have simmered in Eliot studies for decades, coming to a full boil with the recent publication of Carole Seymour-Jones's biography of Eliot's first wife, Vivienne, which claims that the poet was a closet homosexual. Distinguished critics such as Helen Vendler and Louis Menand have rushed to Eliot´s defense, insisting either that he wasn't gay or that we shouldn't even be discussing his sexuality.
ellauri033.html on line 118: à son inspiration propre, quand les Romances sans paroles et surtout le
ellauri033.html on line 665: Kun Piki sekoo, ei kukaan yritäkkään enää vakuuttaa sitä että kaikki on ize asiassa kunnossa. Se vaan otetaan sisään funnyfarmille ja pumpataan täyteen neurolepteja. Ja kuinka ollakkaan, muutaman viikon kuluttua se on taas raiteillaan kuin Märklinin vinon suistunut sähköveturi. Sitten siihen tehoo taas neuvot, houkutus ja uhkailu.
ellauri033.html on line 667: Pollen argumentaatio menee perseelleen tässä kohtaa: on oletettava, että ihminen on syy, ja vapaa syy, jotta se on pantavissa edesvastuuseen. No ei. Ihmineen on peliteorialla ennustettava pikku veturi, joka yleensä kääntyy oikeaan kääntämällä vaihdevipua ja antamalla kaasua tai jarrua, ei tarvi nostaa savupiipusta eikä käyttää neuroleptejä. Koska se on suhteellisen komplisoitu laite, tää on helpompaakin kuin purkaa se ja eziä perimmäistä syytä sisältä tai ratapihasta. Ne syyt voi olla liian komplisoituja jotta niitä voisi muuttaa yhtä helposti. (Ja niihin voisi liittyä kiusallisia huomioita raiteista, esim termiittiyhteiskunnan valtarakenteista.) Turpiin vaan ja onnea, se on raakaa peliä mut se toimii kuin junan vessa.
ellauri036.html on line 270: Je ne crois pas, ô Christ ! à ta parole sainte :
ellauri036.html on line 306: Et que la moribonde, à sa parole sainte,
ellauri036.html on line 555: Il s'était pris la main et donné sa parole
ellauri036.html on line 685: Ces paroles sans nom, et pourtant éternelles,
ellauri036.html on line 764: air. Vous y faites vibrer de sublimes paroles;
ellauri038.html on line 206: During this time, their roles reversed somewhat; as Max worked toward recovery and rested at home, Marianne attended political meetings, sometimes until late at night, and published her first book in 1900: Fichtes Sozialismus und sein Verhältnis zur Marxschen Doktrin ("Fichte's Socialism and its Relation to Marxist Doctrine"). Marianne vaikuttaa vasemmistolaisemmalta, järki-ihmiseltä Maxiin verrattuna.
ellauri038.html on line 214: In 1918, Marianne Weber became a member of the German Democratic Party and, shortly thereafter, the first woman elected as a delegate in the federal state parliament of Baden. Also in 1919, she assumed the role of chairwoman of the Bund Deutscher Frauenvereine (League of German Women's Associations), an office she would hold until 1923. Also in 1920, Max's sister Lili suddenly committed suicide, and Max and Marianne adopted her four children. Shortly thereafter, Max Weber contracted pneumonia and died suddenly on 14 June 1920, leaving Marianne a widow with four children to raise.
ellauri041.html on line 40: Vuodesta 1916 lähtien Tšukovski töskenteli Maksim Gorkin perustaman Parus-kustantamon lastenkirjallisuuden osaston johtajana ja kirjoitti myös itse lastenrunoja. Kirjailijan runomuotoisista saduista tunnetuimpia ovat Krokodil (1916), Pesujehu (Moidodyr, 1923), Torakka (Tarakaništše, 1923), Nupipäinen kärpäsläinen (Muha-tsokotuha, 1924), Barmalei (1925) ja Tohtori Kivuton (Aibolit, 1929). Venäläisestä ja englantilaisesta perinteestä vaikutteita ammentaneet terävä-älyiset, vitsikkäät ja mielikuvitusrikkaat runot ovat edelleen hyvin suosittuja, vaikka aikanaan ne saivat osakseen jyrkkää kritiikkiä ideologisesti suuntautuneiden proletaarikirjailijoiden ja pedologien taholta. Näkemyksensä lastenkirjallisuudesta Tšukovski on esittänyt kirjassaan Ot dvuh do pjati, joka ensimmäisen kerran ilmestyi nimellä Malenkije deti vuonna 1928.
ellauri042.html on line 628: Tourettehemmo neuroleptillä vietti viikolla tylsää elämää, viikonloppuna ilman haldolia sillä on hauskaa mutta pakkoliikkeitä. Se kadehtii kavereita, joiden neurotransmitterit on normaaleja. Ne on vapaita. Tää vapaan tahdon määritelmä tyydyttäis Aria.
ellauri042.html on line 657: An anecdote in "A Letter from Mr. Cibber, to Mr. Pope", published in 1742, recounts their trip to a brothel organised by Pope's own patron, who apparently intended to stage a cruel joke at the expense of the poet. Since Pope was only about 4' tall, with a hunchback, due to a childhood tubercular infection of the spine, and the prostitute specially chosen as Pope's 'treat' was the fattest and largest on the premises, the tone of the event is fairly self-apparent. Cibber describes his 'heroic' role in snatching Pope off of the prostitute's body, where he was precariously perched like a tom-tit, while Pope's patron looked on, sniggering, thereby saving English poetry. While Cibber's elevation to laureateship in 1730 had further inflamed Pope against him, there is little speculation involved in suggesting that Cibber's anecdote, with particular reference to Pope´s "little-tiny manhood", motivated the revision of hero.
ellauri050.html on line 425: en paroles qui font sanoiksi joista tulee
ellauri052.html on line 66: As in all Bellow's novels, death figures prominently in Henderson the Rain King. Also, the novel manifests a few common character types that run through Bellow's literary works. One type is the Bellovian Hero, often described as a schlemiel. Eugene Henderson, in company with most of Bellow's main characters, can be given this description, in the opinion of some people, and Bellow was another one himself for sure. Another is what Bellow calls the "Reality-Instructor"; in Henderson the Rain King, King Dahfu fills this role. In Seize the Day, the instructor is played by Dr. Tamkin, while in Humboldt's Gift, Humboldt von Fleisher takes the part.
ellauri053.html on line 159: Le bitume (NBk6) est un pigment organique d'origine fossile (un hydrocarbure de la famille du pétrole). Les bitumes se différencient des asphaltes par l'absence de substance minérales et la solubilité dans le sulfure de carbone (PRV1).
ellauri053.html on line 648:
Carolee Schneeman performing her piece Interior Scroll.

ellauri053.html on line 1026: "I felt sure that some Being who comprehended me and my world was seeking his best expression in all my experiences, uniting them into an ever-widening individuality which is a spiritual work of art. To this Being I was responsible; for the creation in me is His as well as mine." He called this Being his Jivan devata (“The Lord of His Life”), a new conception of God as man’s intimate friend, lover, and beloved that was to play an important role in his subsequent work.
ellauri053.html on line 1370: By 1916, Yeats was 51 years old and determined to marry and produce an heir. His rival John MacBride had been executed for his role in the 1916 Easter Rising, so Yeats hoped that his widow might remarry. His final proposal to Maud Gonne took place in mid-1916. Gonne's history of revolutionary political activism, as well as a series of personal catastrophes in the previous few years of her life—including chloroform addiction and her troubled marriage to MacBride—not to mention that she was 50—made her a potentially unsuitable wife; biographer R. F. Foster has observed that Yeats's last offer was motivated more by a sense of duty than by a genuine desire to marry her.
ellauri054.html on line 173: Maalaisherrasmies vs. nousukas kaupunkilaiskauppias. Kokoomus, maalaisliitto ja edistyspuolue. Aateli ja porvarit teki 1700-luvulla briteissä sanomalehden avulla keskinäisen pahan allianssin. Ranskassa niille tuli kärhämä. Ei kuitenkaan briteissä, six että briteissä omistavat kermaperseluokat yhdessä ehti tehdä teollisen vallankumouxen ja saivat proletaareista yhteisen vihollisen.

Ähtävä on nähtävä

Ähtävä on ruoziksi Esse. Elimäki on ruozixi Elimäe. Mikä on Elimäen tarkoitus? Älä edes kysy. Elimäen moisiolta oli peräisin Johan Wrede, knebelpartainen pikku aatelismies. Aatelismiehet pienenee kuin pyyt maailmanlopun edellä, kato vaikka herrasmiesmaanviljelijää Matias Creutzia. Must essentialismi on kivempää kuin existentialismi. Jälkimmäinen on jotain henkilökohtaista räjähtänyttä kasvua ja talousliberalismia. Parempi jäädä suutarix ja ottaa lestiä kuin räjähtää omille ja toisten silmille.
ellauri055.html on line 802: Taata Kyrvänpää on aivan vitun toxinen. Ja size on myös tavattoman talonpoikasäätytietoinen. Maalaisliittolainen. Kulkusällit ja muut roletäärit on "sen laatuisia ihmisiä" että kaikenlainen vakavuus on niiden mielestä häpeällistä. Ainakin näillä tuntipalkoilla. Omistaminen se vasta poikaa on.
ellauri055.html on line 984: Ja koska nyt kerran Forsmanit, joista sittemmin tuli hyviä ystäviäni, näin puheeksi tulivat, niin on minun elämäni kohtalossa kahdella sen suvun jäsenellä ollut erinomaisen tärkeä merkitys. Kun vanhempieni varat olivat minun viisi luokkaa lyseota käytyäni ehtyneet ja minä silti lähdin vielä kuudennelle, niin satuin tällöin jostakin syystä olemaan jonakin päivänä poissa koulusta, ja kerran saksan ja ranskan kielen opettajani Eino Sakari Yrjö-Koskinen eli Pekka pistäytyi katsomaan, mikä nuorta herra Sillanpäätä vaivasi. Ja vaikka vapaaherra kääntyikin sieltä (kortteeri-isäntäni) Davidssonin ja kolmen muun huushollin yhteiskeittiöstä takaisin luokseni tulematta, niin, ehkä asuntoni hukan proletaariset piirteet olivat häntä hämmentäneet, hän hankki minulle paikan silloiseen mahtavaan Liljeroosin perheeseen sen kuopuksen eräänlaiseksi henkiseksi imettäjäksi.
ellauri061.html on line 199: Edmond Malone, a Shakespearean scholar and critic of the late 18th century, found another flaw in this particular play, its lack of a proper decorum. He found that the "more exalted characters" (the aristocrats of Athens) are subservient to the interests of those beneath them. In other words, the lower-class characters play larger roles than their betters and overshadow them. He found this to be a grave error of the writer. Tääkin muistuttaa Nuorgamin runoilijasta (ks alempana).
ellauri061.html on line 801: Judges chapter 5 then records the song of Deborah and Barak, written to rejoice in God’s victory over the Canaanites. The lyrics encourage the actions of Deborah and Barak, saying, “Wake up, wake up, Deborah! / Wake up, wake up, break out in song! / Arise, Barak! / Take captive your captives, son of Abinoam” (Judges 5:12). Jael’s role is also heralded: “Most blessed of women be Jael, / the wife of Heber the Kenite, / most blessed of tent-dwelling women” (verse 24).
ellauri063.html on line 33: History is the only true teacher, the revolution the best school for the proletariat. Rosa Luxemburg
ellauri063.html on line 100: However, this version of socialism has to spread and take over the core economies of capitalism so that it can't be strangled in the above manner — as the proletariat of each country rebel against their own ruling-class. Each strike, for example, is a mini-rehearsal for this (whether the strikers appreciate this or not), where workers are forced by circumstances to organise in their own communities, sharing money, clothing, food, shelter, etc. In effect, they have to run a mini-socialist society of their own for a few weeks or months.
ellauri063.html on line 104: Marx thought that capitalism had buried within itself the seeds of its own downfall. However, the latter wouldn’t kick in automatically, but would depend on its grave-diggers (the working class under capitalism, the proletariat) overthrowing it.
ellauri063.html on line 139: Social democracy... is only the advance guard of the proletariat, a small piece of the total working masses; blood from their blood, and flesh from their flesh.
ellauri063.html on line 262: The role was retired in official contexts and replaced with Marksman icon.png Marksman, to distinguish between Ranged role.png ranged basic attackers (including those that do not build AD, e.g. Azir Azir) and the ability to carry , with Melee role.png melee ADCs being distributed between the Slayer icon.png Slayer and Fighter icon.png Fighter roles.
ellauri063.html on line 268: Golems appear in the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons (first published in the 1970s), and the influence of Dungeons & Dragons has led to the inclusion of golems in other tabletop role-playing games, as well as in video games.
ellauri063.html on line 295: Screenwriter Deborah Moggach initially attempted to make her script as faithful to the novel as possible, writing from Elizabeth's perspective while preserving much of the original dialogue. Joe Wright, who was directing his first feature film, encouraged greater deviation from the text, including changing the dynamics within the Bennet family. Wright and Moggach set the film in an earlier period and avoided depicting a "perfectly clean Regency world", presenting instead a "muddy hem version" of the time. Chickenbutt Knightley was well-known in part from her role in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series. It was marketed to a younger, mainstream audience; promotional items noted that it came from the producers of 2001's romantic comedy Bridget Jones's Diary before acknowledging its provenance as an Austen novel.
ellauri064.html on line 262: Robert James Zdarsky (June 3, 1950 – March 30, 2015), better known by his stage name Robert Z´Dar, was an American character actor and film producer, best known for his role as officer Matt Cordell in the cult horror film Maniac Cop and its two sequels. Never heard. Kärsi kerubismista (leukavuudesta). Rokonarpiset ihmiset on nykyään yleensä kärsineet pahasta aknesta.
ellauri064.html on line 291: "It tells an important story of Montana," said Whittenberg. "And it's not a story we're necessarily proud of, or that we like to relive. But it was a big story in Montana, big story nationally and internationally. And that´s an artifact that represents that story and so part of our role here is to make sure those things are preserved for future generations. It can still bring in megabucks."
ellauri069.html on line 172: Gene Krupa: Eugene Bertram Krupa, Born:January 15, 1909, Chicago, Illinois, U.S., Died:October 16, 1973, Yonkers, New York, U.S. was an American jazz drummer, band leader and composer known for his energetic style and showmanship. His drum solo on "Sing, Sing, Sing" elevated the role of the drummer from an accompanying line to an important solo voice in the band.
ellauri069.html on line 201: Béla Ferenc Dezső Blaskó (Hungarian: [ˈbeːlɒ ˈfɛrɛnt͡s ˈdɛʒøː ˈblɒʃkoː]; 20 October 1882 – 16 August 1956), known professionally as Bela Lugosi (/ləˈɡoʊsi/; Hungarian: [ˈluɡoʃi]), was a Hungarian-American actor best remembered for portraying Count Dracula in the 1931 film and for his roles in other horror films. Belasta tuli morfiiniaddikti ja se vajosi B-filmeistä Ö-mappiin. 5x naimisissa, tulos 1 poika.
ellauri069.html on line 577: The storyline revolved around a 35-year-old dressmaker who fascinates men as she works her way up to become the chief Hollywood costumer designer. Virginia Clark did the role for 11 years, and Julie Stevens portrayed Helen for 16 years. Piki olis tykännyt.
ellauri072.html on line 206: What has gone mainly unnoticed in the various discussions of the problem is something that has puzzled me for some time. Why does Dante treat the homosexual Florentines in Inf. 16 with greater respect than any other infernal figures except those in Limbo? I do not have an answer to that question, but would like to bring it forward. Let me begin with Purg. 26. We have probably not been surprised enough at Dante's insistence that roughly half of those who sinned in lust, repented, and were saved (and are now on their way to that salvation) were homosexual. It would have been easy for him to have left the homosexuals out of Purgatory, and it is hard to imagine an early (or a later) commentator who would have objected to the omission, especially since, in Hell, homosexuality is treated, not as a sin of the flesh, but as one of violence against nature. However, for a unique instance of a commentator who is aware of Dante's unusual gesture see Trifon Gabriele on Inf. 15.46: "Non e' dubbio che 'l Poeta vuol applaudere a questo vitio quanto egli puo'. Puopa hyvinkin. Ecco, gli fa parlare di belle cose e gli fa tutti grand'uomini nelle lettere e nell'arme e nella religione, e finalmente non e' peccato ne l'Inferno o Purgatorio che egli men danni con le parole sue che questo; anzi lo polisce quanto puo' con suoi versi".
ellauri073.html on line 182: This child had an amazing ability to perceive and respond intuitively, that is, unconsciously, to this need of the mother or of both parents, for him to take on the role that had unconsciously been assigned to him.
ellauri073.html on line 183: This role secured "love" for the child—that is, his parents' exploitation. He could sense that he was needed, and this need, guaranteed him a measure of existential security.
ellauri073.html on line 260: Matt Foley is a fictional character from the sketch comedy program Saturday Night Live performed by Chris Farley (1964-1997). Foley is a motivational speaker who exhibits characteristics atypical of someone in that position: whereas motivational speakers are usually successful and charismatic, Foley is abrasive, clumsy, and down on his luck. The character was popular in its original run and went on to become one of Farley's best-known characters. Farley named the character after one of his Marquette University rugby union teammates, who is now a Roman Catholic priest in the Chicago suburb of Arlington Heights. Plans for a film version with Spade in a supporting role were shelved after Farley's death in 1997.
ellauri074.html on line 253: Hugh Michael Jackman is an Australian actor, singer, multi-instrumentalist, dancer and producer. Jackman has won international recognition for his roles in major films, notably as superhero, period, and romance characters. He is best known for his long-running role as Wolverine in the X-Men film series, as well as for his lead roles in the...
ellauri077.html on line 255: Death system, a concept introduced by Robert Kastenbaum in 1977, is defined as "the interpersonal, sociocultural, and symbolic network through which an individual's relationship to mortality is mediated by his or her society" (Kastenbaum 2001, p. 66). Through this concept, Kastenbaum seeks to move death from a purely individual concern to a larger context, understanding the role of death and dying in the maintenance and change of the social order.
ellauri077.html on line 803: the "best people" from the gentlemen´s clubs, and all the frantic fascist captains, united in common hatred of Socialism and bestial horror at the rising tide of the mass revolutionary movement, have turned to acts of provocation, to foul incendiarism, to medieval legends of poisoned wells, to legalize their own destruction of proletarian organizations, and rouse the agitated petty-bourgeoise to chauvinistic fervor on behalf of the fight against the revolutionary way out of the crisis.
ellauri079.html on line 113: If Jed Clampett hadn’t done another role in his life he would have still been remembered as Jed Clampett more likely than not. After his time on the show he went on to continue acting here and there but nothing ever really brought him the same kind of fame as he experienced while being Jed. He did manage to get a cameo in the film version of the Beverly Hillbillies but apart from that he was retired at that time and wasn’t doing much at all. He passed away due to respiratory failure in 2003.
ellauri079.html on line 254: Interest in third sector organisations (TSOs) is growing as their role in addressing social regeneration, especially in urban environments, is regarded as crucial by governmental and supra-governmental organisations. The challenge is increased in multicultural environments, where those from ethnic minorities may struggle to participate in the mainstream economy and society more broadly. There is an assumption that TSOs make a positive contribution to the social good of the diverse communities and client groups that they serve. However, although there have been (...)
ellauri079.html on line 277: In Quandaries and Virtues, Edmund Pincoffs maintains that we observe a multiplicity of moral norms. A common life in which we participate supplies a context in which many virtues play diverse functional roles. He suggests, without developing the idea, that such a common life provides us with a structure for organizing and harmonizing the many moral norms we attempt to pursue. This essay explores that idea. Bodies of shared practical knowledge, such as medicine and scientific research, provide examples of empirically (...)
ellauri080.html on line 304: Research suggests that both biological and environmental influences play a role in shaping our personalities. Twin studies suggest that both nature and nurture play a role in the development of each of the five personality factors.
ellauri080.html on line 321: Always remember that behavior involves an interaction between a person's underlying personality and situational variables. The situation that a person finds himself or herself plays a major role in how the person reacts. However, in most cases, people offer responses that are consistent with their underlying personality traits.
ellauri082.html on line 527: Kotimainen huumausaineiden käyttäjien vuotuinen kisatapahtuma on nimeltään Konemetsä. Vaikka itseopiskelu luotettavaksi narkkariksi on mahdollista, nistioppilaitos tarjoaa akateemiset eväät kuosien tutkimukseen. Huumeolympialaiset on antiikin sloveeneilta saakka periytyvä, kunnioitettu atleettinen tapahtuma, jota tosin varjostavat ammattitrippaajien doping-, MAOI- ja neuroleptiepäilyt. Huumeolympialaiskomitea on aina ollut avoimesti täydellisen sekaantunut prostituutioon ja ihmiskauppaan, mutta niin on Kansainvälinen olympiakomitea IOC:kin.
ellauri083.html on line 221: Some historians have suggested that Dickens based Defarge on Anne-Josèphe Théroigne de Mericourt, a revolutionary who played a key role in street demonstrations.
ellauri083.html on line 348: Early seasons aired on network prime time while the Vietnam War was still going on; the show was forced to walk the fine line of commenting on that war while at the same time not seeming to protest against it. For this reason, the show's discourse, under the cover of comedy, often questioned, mocked, and grappled with America's role in the Cold War.
ellauri088.html on line 51: Tulokas vie apainaköörin mystiselle, ja aika ajoin pelottavalle matkalle, mutta loppuu sentään optimistisella nuotilla (eihän se muuten Hollywood-raina olisikaan). Filmin lopussa (siis sen toisessa päässä, voishan sen kelata lopusta alkuunkin), kaikki maailman proletaarlaset yhinöivät yhteen, huomattuaan että ne ja niiden seizenjalkaiset kaverit on kaikki humanisteja ja osa paljon suurempaa universumia. (Eikö ne muka tienneet sitä ennestään?) Mikä tärkeintä, apinarotu - Louisa Banx etunenässä - on ottanut naisen askeleen joka olisi ollut liian iso miehelle, se on evolvoinut pitemmälle kuin kukaan, sillä se on ratkaissut matukielen arvoituxen, ja pystyy kelaaman ajan videota eteen ja takaisin ihan vapaasti, hitaasti ja nopeasti ja vaikka pysäytyskuvalla. Se on kyllä katastrofaalinen ajatus peliteoriaan perustuvalle yritteliäisyydelle. Mitä kanzii jännätä ja pinnistää jos voi etukäteen kelata filmin The Endin kohdalle? Kamala spoileri.
ellauri092.html on line 180: The First Great Awakening was a religious movement among colonials in the 1730s and 1740s. The English Calvinist Methodist preacher George Whitefield played a major role, traveling up and down the colonies and preaching in a dramatic and emotional style, accepting everyone as his audience. It was the largest denomination in 1820.
ellauri092.html on line 295: …the problems in the Keswick theology are severe. Because of its corrupt roots, Keswick errs seriously in its ecumenical tendencies, theological shallowness or even incomprehensibility, neglect of the role of the Word of God in sanctification, shallow views of sin and perfectionism, support of some tenants of Pelagianism and semi-Pelagianism, improper divorce of justification and sanctification, confusion about the nature of saving repentance, denial that God’s sanctifying grace always frees Christians from bondage to sin and changes them, failure to warn strongly about the possibility of those who are professedly Christians being unregenerate, support for an unbiblical pneumatology, belief in the continuation of the sign gifts, maintenance of significant exegetical errors, distortion of the positions and critiques of opponents of the errors of Keswick, misrepresentation of the nature of faith in sanctification, support for a kind of Quietism, and denial that God actually renews the nature of the believer to make him more personally holy. Keswick theology differs in important ways from the Biblical doctrine of sanctification. It should be rejected.
ellauri094.html on line 233: This period saw the last high point of biblical prophecy in the person of Ezekiel, followed by the emergence of the central role of the Torah in Jewish life. According to many historical-critical scholars, the Torah was redacted during this time, and began to be regarded as the authoritative text for Jews. This period saw their transformation into an ethno-religious group who could survive without a central Temple. Israeli philosopher and Biblical scholar Yehezkel Kaufmann said “The exile is the watershed. With the exile, the religion of Israel comes to an end and Judaism begins.”
ellauri094.html on line 235: This process coincided with the emergence of scribes and sages as Jewish leaders (see Ezra). Prior to exile, the people of Israel had been organized according to tribe. Afterwards, they were organized by smaller family groups. Only the tribe of Levi continued in its temple role after the return. After this time, there were always sizable numbers of Jews living outside Eretz Israel; thus, it also marks the beginning of the "Jewish diaspora", unless this is considered to have begun with the Assyrian captivity of Israel.
ellauri100.html on line 483: Randomness: the belief that some events are truly random, that chance plays a role in human affairs
ellauri100.html on line 1397: The (awesome but not painful) idea that she had not been everything to me. Otherwise I would never have written a work. Since my taking care of her for six months long, she actually had become everything for me, and I totally forgot of ever have written anything at all. I was nothing more than hopelessly hers. Before that she had made herself transparent so that I could write.... Mixing-up of roles. For months long I had been her mother. I felt like I had lost a daughter.
ellauri101.html on line 155: Joseph Campbell, arguably the greatest mythologist of the twentieth century, was certainly one of our greatest storytellers. This masterfully crafted book interweaves conversations between Campbell and some of the people he inspired, including poet Robert Bly, anthropologist Angeles Arrien, filmmaker David Kennard, Doors drummer John Densmore, psychiatric pioneer Stanislov Grof, Nobel laureate Roger Guillemen, and others. Campbell reflects on subjects ranging from the origins and functions of myth, the role of the artist, and the need for ritual to the ordeals of love and romance. With poetry and humor, Campbell recounts his own quest and conveys the excitement of his lifelong exploration of our mythic traditions, what he called “the one great story of mankind.” Hemmetti nää sen sankarit on lähes yhtä tuntemattomia kuin se ize.
ellauri101.html on line 517: Philip Teeri ei osaa päättää pitäiskö pahastua Biitlesin "I'd rather see your dead little girl than be with another man" värsystä vai erottaako teos elämästä kokonaan, niin että Woody Allenin leffojakin saisi kazoa. Mun kanta lienee selvä, ja yhtä selvä kanta on Kristina-tädillä. Philip Teeri jää heilumaan siinä välillä, koska se välittää niin vitusti siitä mitä muut siitä ajattelevat. Se hyräilee tiskatessa Carole Kingin laulua "Where you lead I will follow", joka on Gilmore Girlsin tunnari, aivan ällöttävä ajatus, toi Lorelei on just yhtä liimamainen päällepäsmäri kuin sen äitikin. Rory parka. Aina kii sen ihossa kuin Tintissä Kapteeni Capun laastari. Philip parka, sen 2-vaimo on varmaan just samanlainen päsmäri. No se sai vaan mitä pyysikin. Sitä saa mitä tilaa.
ellauri101.html on line 532: Rotwelsch was formerly common among travelling craftspeople and vagrants. The language is built on a strong substratum of German, but contains numerous words from other languages, notably from various German dialects, including Yiddish, as well as from Romany languages, notably Sintitikes. There are also significant influences from Judæo-Latin, the ancient Jewish language spoken in the Roman Empire. Rotwelsch has also played a great role in the development of the Yeniche language. In form and development it closely parallels the commercial speech ("shopkeeper language") of German-speaking regions. During the 19th and 20th century, Rotwelsch was the object of linguistic repression, with systematic investigation by the German police. Fucking Nazis! Examples:
ellauri106.html on line 52: It was not Bailey’s role as a biographer to pass judgment on his subject. He needed only try to understand him, and to make us understand him, too. “Why shouldn’t I be treated as seriously as Colette on this?” Roth had asked Miller, of the sex question. “She gave a blow job to this guy in the railway station. Who gives a fuck about that? . . . That doesn’t tell me anything. What did hand jobs mean to her?”
ellauri106.html on line 146: Sanford Roth, more affectionately known as "Sandy," lived with flair and boldness in his roles as an accomplished artist, a successful advertising executive spanning three decades, and a smooth dancer some likened to Fred Astaire.
ellauri106.html on line 184: “The comedy is that the real haters of the bourgeois Jews, with the real contempt for their everyday lives, are these complex intellectual giants,” Zuckerman snorts. “They loathe them, and don’t particularly care for the smell of the Jewish proletariat either. All of them full of sympathy suddenly for the ghetto world of their traditional fathers now that the traditional fathers are filed for safekeeping in Beth Moses Memorial Park. When they were alive they wanted to strangle the immigrant bastards to death because they dared to think they could actually be of consequence without ever having read Proust past Swann’s Way. And the ghetto—what the ghetto saw of these guys was their heels: out, out, screaming for air, to write about great Jews like Ralph Waldo Emerson and William Dean Howells. But now that the Weathermen are around, and me and my friends Jerry Rubin and Herbert Marcuse and H. Rap Brown, it’s where oh where’s the inspired orderliness of those good old Hebrew school days? Where’s the linoleum? Where’s Aunt Rose? Where is all the wonderful inflexible patriarchal authority into which they wanted to stick a knife?”
ellauri106.html on line 548: The fundamental problem of history for those on the far left is, of course, its failure to unravel as Marx had predicted it would. The Great Depression did not incite proletarian revolution; the Soviet experiment did not result in a model of Socialist Utopia; America’s social, political, and economic structures did not collapse under the weight of late capitalism. Far from it, in fact.
ellauri107.html on line 242: In surveying Billy, “sometimes [Claggart’s] melancholy expression would have in it a touch of soft yearning, as if [he] could even have loved Billy but for fate and ban.” Evidently, Claggart has not fully disguised his private appreciation of Billy; but, because he believes something forbids any future for such feelings, he hardens his heart more and more fiercely toward the object of his desire. What “fate” and what “ban” does his misguided imagination perceive? Do their roles on the ship or elsewhere in society somehow doom any intimacy between them? Or does Claggart just presume Billy could never reciprocate his feelings? Might the Master at Arms simply despise sexuality in general and homosexuality in particular and, as a result, find himself driven all the more mad by his uncontrollable “yearning”? Whatever the accurate diagnosis, it is clear that Claggart distorts any positive feelings he possesses for Billy into negative ones with terrible consequences.
ellauri108.html on line 135: Rastafari promotes what it regards as the restoration of black manhood, believing that men in the African diaspora have been emasculated by Babylon. It espouses patriarchal principles, including the idea that women should submit to male leadership. External observers—including scholars such as Cashmore and Edmonds—have claimed that Rastafari accords women an inferior position to men. Rastafari women usually accept this subordinate position and regard it as their duty to obey their men; the academic Maureen Rowe suggested that women were willing to join the religion despite its restrictions because they valued the life of structure and discipline it provided. Rasta discourse often presents women as morally weak and susceptible to deception by evil, and claims that they are impure while menstruating. Rastas legitimise these gender roles by citing Biblical passages, particularly those in the Book of Leviticus and in the writings of Paul the Apostle. The Rasta Shop is a store selling items associated with Rastafari in the U.S. state of Oregon.
ellauri108.html on line 152: Nyabinghi Issemblies typically take place in rural areas, being situated in the open air or in temporary structures—known as "temples" or "tabernacles"—specifically constructed for the purpose. Any elder seeking to sponsor a Nyabinghi Issembly must have approval from other elders and requires the adequate resources to organise such an event. The assembly usually lasts between three and seven days. During the daytime, attendees engage in food preparation, ganja smoking, and reasoning, while at night they focus on drumming and dancing around bonfires. Nyabinghi Issemblies often attract Rastas from a wide area, including from different countries. They establish and maintain a sense of solidarity among the Rasta community and cultivate a feeling of collective belonging. Unlike in many other religions, rites of passage play no role in Rastafari; on death, various Rastas have been given Christian funerals by their relatives, as there are no established Rasta funeral rites.
ellauri108.html on line 237: Probably the largest Rastafari group, the House of Nyabinghi is an aggregate of more traditional and militant Rastas who seek to retain the movement close to the way in which it existed during the 1940s. They stress the idea that Haile Selassie was Jah and the reincarnation of Jesus. The wearing of dreadlocks is regarded as indispensable and patriarchal gender roles are strongly emphasised, while, according to Cashmore, they are "vehemently anti-white". Nyabinghi Rastas refuse to compromise with Babylon and are often critical of reggae musicians like Marley, whom they regard as having collaborated with the commercial music industry.
ellauri110.html on line 135: It is possible to interpret the Houyhnhnms in a number of different ways. One interpretation could be a sign of Swift's liberal views on race, or one could regard Gulliver's preference (and his immediate division of Houyhnhnms into color-based hierarchies) as absurd and the sign of his self-deception. It is now generally accepted that the story involving the Houyhnhnms embody a wholly pessimistic view of the place of man and the meaning of his existence in the universe. In a modern context the story might be seen as presenting an early example of animal rights concerns, especially in Gulliver's account of how horses are cruelly treated in his society and the reversal of roles. The story is a possible inspiration for Pierre Boulle's novel Planet of the Apes.
ellauri112.html on line 692: Theron is more than capable and proves she’s up to the challenge of the role and its physical demands, but this isn’t as Oscar worthy as some are crowing. How gutsy and brave her performance is! they’ll surely shout, all because she dons a partial fat suit (the actress also gained a very real 50 pounds for the role), doesn’t wear makeup, has unkempt hair and bags under her eyes. Interestingly enough, it seems to be those same critics who ripped Amy Schumer and her “I Feel Pretty” to shreds for ‘fat shaming’ or poking fun at the way women look. Candid and authentic simply because she doesn’t look like the gorgeous movie star that she is? I don’t think so.
ellauri115.html on line 294: But then, slowly but surely, the tides started to turn. Renaissance swept through Europe. Artists, writers, educators, thinkers began to thrive. A millennium of backwards behavior was turned over to a new way of thinking. (Alonzo and Ken Church had a role to play, of course. What can you do, old habits die hard.)
ellauri115.html on line 389: In the year 1766 Rousseau had just cause to fear for his life. For more than three years he had been a refugee, forced to move on several times. His radical tract, The Social Contract, with its famous opening salvo, "Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains", had been violently condemned. Even more threatening to the French Catholic church was Émile, in which Rousseau advocated denying the clergy a role in the education of the young. An arrest warrant was issued in Paris and his books were publicly burned. "A cry of unparalleled fury" went up across Europe. "I was an infidel, an atheist, a lunatic, a madman, a wild beast, a wolf ..."
ellauri115.html on line 1081: In Israel in 1995 he was found guilty on three counts of securities fraud along with two other men, Nissim Avioz and Dov Landau. He was sentenced to 18 months' imprisonment and fined 50,000 shekels (about $14,000), while the company was fined 100,000 shekels. In 1996, as a condition of parole, he agreed to a mental health evaluation, which noted various personality disorders. According to Vaknin, "I was borderline schizoid, but the most dominant was NPD," and on this occasion he accepted the diagnosis, because, he wrote, "it was a relief to know what I had, besides the loot."
ellauri115.html on line 1132: His research led him to don The Mask of Sanity along with American psychiatrist Hervey M. Cleckley, who played a pivotal role in the sort of psychopathy he developed.
ellauri118.html on line 589: George kannattaa nykyään tämmöstä kuin embodied mind ajatusta: Many features of cognition are embodied in that they are deeply dependent upon characteristics of the physical body of an agent, such that the agent's beyond-the-brain body plays a significant causal role, or a physically constitutive role, in that agent's cognitive processing. No tottahan se on, ainakin miesten ajatteluun osallistuu voimakkaasti pikkuveli.
ellauri118.html on line 948: "I felt like in the novel there's only so much of the dynamic between Serena Joy and Offred that you're going to see, but in a TV show it's going to go on and on and on hopefully for years. The element that was missing for me was the direct competition between the two women," Miller said. I felt that it was a more active dynamic if Serena Joy felt like this person was usurping her role not only as the reproductive object of the house but gradually taking away the wifely duties, the intimate duties, the romantic, sexual duties." Mitä romanttista on panossa? Se on romanttista ettei paääse pukille vaikka mieli tekisi.
ellauri118.html on line 986: Ofglen has a much larger role on the show.
ellauri119.html on line 446: The term "free love" has been used to describe a social movement that rejects marriage, which is seen as a form of social bondage. The Free Love movement's initial goal was to separate the state from sexual matters such as marriage, birth control, and adultery. It claimed that such issues were the concern of the people involved, and no one else. Many people in the early 19th century believed that marriage was an important aspect of life to "fulfill earthly human happiness." Middle-class Americans wanted the home to be a place of stability in an uncertain world. This mentality created a vision of strongly defined gender roles, which provoked the advancement of the free love movement as a contrast. The term "sex radical" has been used interchangeably with the term "free lover". By whatever name, advocates had two strong beliefs: opposition to the idea of forceful sexual activity in a relationship and advocacy for a woman to use her body in any way that she pleases. These are also beliefs of Feminism. As St. Augustine put it: love God and then do as you please.
ellauri119.html on line 458: Aristotle by contrast placed more emphasis on philia (friendship, affection) than on eros (love); and the dialectic of friendship and love would continue to be played out into and through the Renaissance, with Cicero for the Latins pointing out that "it is love (amor) from which the word 'friendship' (amicitia) is derived" Meanwhile, Lucretius, building on the work of Epicurus, had both praised the role of Venus as "the guiding power of the universe", and criticised those who become "love-sick...life's best years squandered in sloth and debauchery".
ellauri131.html on line 904: By Hay's account, in the early 1970s she became a religious science practitioner. In this role she led people in spoken affirmations, which she believes would cure their illnesses, and became popular as a workshop leader. She also recalled how she had studied Transcendental Meditation with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi at the Maharishi International University in Fairfield, Iowa.
ellauri135.html on line 253: Nikke Bergin onlajn-runoista löytyi venäjännös runosta "Herra Melperi", mironton-mironton, milutam-milutam-milutaalialei. Теперь мы всё пропели, Миронтон, миронтон, миронтень, Теперь мы всё пропели. Nyt on laulut laulettunna, kiigi kaagi koogo. Вы прочитали книгу до конца! Что ещё почитать? Muttei löytynyt tota kukkosäettä. Hemmetti. Maksim Gorki kirjotti jostain Korolenkosta, suuresta gumanistista, joka siteeraa noi kukkosäkeet Nikke Bergiltä. Muttei vielläkään sano mistä! Vittua! Alkaa ottaa päähän! No ehkä toi distikhonkin oli tuherrettu jonnee pesulapulle.
ellauri135.html on line 255: В 1908 году он (siis Korolenko) писал: "Все, что делают сейчас, через несколько лет отзовется вулканическим взрывом, страшные это будут дни. Но он будет, если жива душа народа, а душа его жива". В 87 году он закончил свой рассказ "На затмении" стихами Н.Берга:
ellauri135.html on line 260: rolenko">Vladimir Galaktinovitš Korolenko (1853 Žitomir, Ukraina – 1921 Pultava) oli venäläinen kirjailija. Hän oli kotoisin Lounais-Venäjältä Žitomiristä. Isä oli vanhaa kasakkasukua, äiti puolalainen. Korolenko valmistui ensin käytännölliselle alalle, kävi Pietarin teknologista opistoa sekä Moskovan maanviljelysakatemiaa, josta hänet erotettiin 1874 vallankumoushankkeisiin liittyvien epäilyjen vuoksi ja 1879 karkotettiin Pietarista, ensin Vjatkan kuvernementtiin, sitten Itä-Siperiaan, josta hän sai 1885 siirtyä Nižni Novgorodiin.
ellauri135.html on line 262: Korolenko oli vuodesta 1895 narodnikkien aikakauskirjan Russkoje Bogatstvon toimittaja. Hänen ensimmäinen huomattava teoksensa oli Makarin uni (1885), joka on erinomainen kertomus puolipakanallisesta jakuuttilaistuneesta Itä-Siperian venäläisestä. Karkotusajalta saatuja aiheita käsittelee kirja Siperialaisen matkamiehen muistelmia (1885). Lounais-Venäjällä liikkuvat kertomus Huonossa seurassa (1885), Metsä humisee (suom.), Sokea soittaja (1886; suom.) ja Yöllä (1888).
ellauri135.html on line 264: Korolenko ei ole syvälle tunkeutuva psykologinen erittelijä, mutta hänen kaunis, värikäs tyylinsä, hieno ja herkkä tunne, tarkka todellisuuden havainto ja luja luottamus parempaan tulevaisuuteen tekevät hänen kertomuksensa erittäin miellyttäviksi. Suuren nälänhädän vallitessa vuonna 1892 hän kulki Itä-Venäjällä puutetta kärsivillä seuduilla järjestämässä avustusta ja lievensi näin toiminnallaan paljon hätää. Havaintonsa hän julkaisi kirjassa Nälkävuonna (1893). Niinikään hänen sanomalehtikirjoitustensa ansioksi on luettava, että joukko votjakkeja, jotka oli jo tuomittu kuolemaan ihmisuhrien toimittamisesta, joutuivat uudestaan tutkittaviksi ja syyttömiksi havaittuina vapautettiin. Votjakit lähtivät iloisina takaisin Volgan mutkaan keittelemään kylkiluita. Votjakkien autonominen alue (ven. Вотская автономная область, Votskaja avtonomnaja oblast) oli vuosina 1920-1934 Neuvostoliitossa Venäjän neuvostotasavallassa ollut itsehallinnollinen alue, joka käsitti nykyisen Udmurtian tasavallan alueen. Alue perustettiin 4. marraskuuta 1920. Udmurteista käytettiin tuolloin nimeä votjakit.
ellauri135.html on line 266: Joku Aldanov vielä tarkentaa ettei Korolenko nyt oikeen tosta vallankumouxesta kuumunut, mutta siteerasi silti yhä Niken kukkoja. Ellei se sitten vaan kexinyt koko juttua, jäljet näyttävät päättyvän tähän Korolenkoon. Стихами забытого поэта, joopajoo. Nää on nyt tosiaan näitä sitaatteja siipikarjalta, цитаты и выражения крылатых.
ellauri135.html on line 268: Этот человек (Korolenko) , так справедливо считавшийся символом гражданской чести и литературного достоинства, не был, разумеется, политическим деятелем. Он не состоял ни в какой партии, хотя приближался по взглядам к народным социалистам. В 1917 году некоторые круги Петербурга выдвигали его кандидатуру на пост президента Российской Республики, -- ведь и передовая Германия еще совсем недавно лелеяла мысль об аналогичной кандидатуре Герхарда Гауптмана. Может быть, в другой исторической обстановке, "через 200-300 лет", будут возможны такие президенты республик. В наш век Людендорфов, Ллойд Джорджей и Лениных мысль о государстве Короленко способна вызвать усмешку. Так далек был внутренне Владимир Галактионович от всего того, что произошло в мире за последние восемь лет. Великая война с двойной перспективой -- Дарданелл и солдатского бунта -- его совершенно оглушила; из двух возможностей знаменитой столыпинской дилеммы его нисколько не привлекала ни одна: ему не нужны были ни "великие потрясения" в духе 1918 года, ни "великая Россия" в духе 1914-го. Но, оглушенный событиями, он все-таки повторял -- без прежней, впрочем, уверенности -- свое страстно любимое "чудесное двустишие":
ellauri140.html on line 39: In 1998, Kevorkian was arrested and tried for his direct role in a case of voluntary euthanasia on a man named Thomas Youk who suffered from Lou Gehrig’s disease, or ALS. He was convicted of second-degree murder and served 8 years of a 10-to-25-year prison sentence. He was released on parole on June 1, 2007, on condition he would not offer advice about, participate in, or be present at the act of any type of suicide involving euthanasia to any other person, as well as neither promote nor talk about the procedure of assisted suicide.
ellauri140.html on line 82: Arttu M+ perkele, nuorin Puukon veljexistä, of the Round Table, but playing a different role here. He is madly in love with the Faerie Queene and spends his time in pursuit of her when not helping the other knights out of their sundry predicaments. Prince Arthur is the Knight of Magnificence, the perfection of all virtues. Kyllä kai. Puukon veljexet sitoi dynamiittipötkyn koiran selkään. Koira juoxi taloon sisälle. Arttu perässä. Eipä tarvinnut enää suursiivota.
ellauri140.html on line 97: Gambrina F+, Gambrina, la reine des bières! daughter of Agape and sister to Priamond, Diamond, and Triamond. Cambina is depicted holding a caduceus and a cup of nepenthe, signifying her role as a figure of concord. She marries Cambell after bringing an end to his fight with Triamond.
ellauri142.html on line 1041: Niin ikään Britanniassa (kuinkas muuten, puhutaanhan The Witchin ja kloorikanan isänmaasta) on lanseerattu tähän läheisesti liittyvä termi "shit life syndrome": köyhyyden aiheuttama noidankehä, missä pätkätyöläisyys, koulutuxen puute, matalapalkkaisuus, slummiutuminen, epäterveelliset elintavat ja terveydenhuollon puute aiheuttavat psyykkistä taakkaa ja arvottomuuden tunnetta, ja yhdessä pudottavaet eliniän odotetta jopa parilla kymmenellä vuodella. (No sehän hienoa, sanoo kasan päällimmäiset ja taputtavat tuskin kuuluvasti karvaisia, hyvin kammattuja käsiään. Sittenhän neuroleptit menee hyvin kaupaxi, ja hoitovaje pienenee kiitos Jumalan ja luonnollisen poistuman.)
ellauri145.html on line 819: Riches, rappelez-vous les paroles divines ;
ellauri145.html on line 920: Je veux dire... au Ciel ;... ma parole ! Mä tarkoitan... taivaaseen; ... Walla walla!
ellauri146.html on line 462: Elle ne comprend pas la parole étrangère, Se ei tajua siitä kyllä sanaakaan,
ellauri146.html on line 480: Le prendront dans leurs lacs aux premières paroles. Ottaa sen sisäänsä muitta mutkitta.
ellauri147.html on line 238: On April 3, 2019, Lily Collins was cast in the titular role. On August 13, 2019, Ashley Park had joined the main cast. On September 19, 2019, Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu, Lucas Bravo, Samuel Arnold, Camille Razat, and Bruno Gouery joined cast in starring roles, while Kate Walsh, William Abadie, and Arnaud Viard were cast in recurring roles. On May 24, 2021, Lucien Laviscount was cast in recurring role, while Abadie was promoted to series regular for the second season.
ellauri147.html on line 413: She has appeared in other roles such as Priest (Mr. Collins), Rabbetzin, Plouc in a Hole, and The French Teacher.
ellauri147.html on line 426: Yes, many Jewish women have felt the curse of the eyebrow. Must be in the genes. That being said, perhaps you should embrace them? Look at Lily Collins! (Yes, we know, she is only a quarter Jewish: dad Phil clearly isn´t.) She OWNS those eyebrows. Those eyebrows are her calling card. You think she is getting Hollywood roles without those eyebrows? (Alright, dad Phil clearly helps.)
ellauri147.html on line 452: She was originally cast for the movie Evil Dead in 2013. But, due to their religious conflicts, the role went onto Jane Levy, joka ei ole kristitty luopuri.
ellauri150.html on line 343: Autour de Colette Steve grouillent d'écœurants petits snobs, riches pour la plupart, en tout cas oisifs et qui, tous, prétendent écrire. C'était une névre sous la Troisième République. C'était surtout une forme de paresse vaniteuse le travail intellectuel étant de tous le plus difficile contrôler et celui qui prête le plus au bluff. Ces gens parlent sans cesse de pensée, tout en ne ressemblant attacher d'importance qu'a l'agencement des mots, n'ont d'autre culte que le culte du moi, griment leur esprit, suivent deux ou trois modèles ou miment une idee. La force, la joie, la pitié, la solidarité, le socialisme, l'anarchisme, la foi, la liberté c'étaient des rôles pour eux. Ils avaient le talent de faire des plus chères pensées une affaire de littérature et ramener les plus heroiques elans de l'ame humaine au role d'articles du salon, de cravates a la mode.
ellauri150.html on line 537: Esther bat Simonides was a Judean freedwoman and the wife of Prince Judah Ben-Hur during the 1st century AD. She played a major role in her husband's conversion to Christianity after teaching him of Jesus' message, having personally witnessed his Sermon on the Mount.
ellauri150.html on line 744: Finally, I have a question for you. What do you think about the Eye of Providence in Christianity, can it be a graphic representation Holy Spirit? Today my mother noticed and asked me for it, I wonder what role has had Freemasonry in Catholic church.
ellauri151.html on line 108: Car d’après ce que j’entendis les premiers temps dans celle de Jupien et qui ne furent que des sons inarticulés, je suppose que peu de paroles furent prononcées. Il est vrai que ces sons étaient si violents que, s’ils n’avaient pas été toujours repris un octave plus haut par une plainte parallèle, j’aurais pu croire qu’une personne en égorgeait une autre à côté de moi et qu’ensuite le meurtrier et sa victime ressuscitée prenaient un bain pour effacer les traces du crime. J’en conclus plus tard qu’il y a une chose aussi bruyante que la souffrance, c’est le plaisir, surtout quand s’y ajoutent—à défaut de la peur d’avoir des enfants, ce qui ne pouvait être le cas ici, malgré l’exemple peu probant de la Légende dorée—des soucis immédiats de propreté. Enfin au bout d’une demi-heure environ (pendant laquelle je m’étais hissé à pas de loup sur mon échelle afin de voir par le vasistas que je n’ouvris pas), une conversation s’engagea. Jupien refusait avec force l’argent que M. de Charlus voulait lui donner. (SG 609/11).
ellauri155.html on line 886: Young Santayana spent a lot of time in Harvard under William James. He was involved in 11 clubs as an alternative to athletics. He did not like athletics. He was founder and president of the Philosophical Club, a member of the literary society known as the O.K., an editor and cartoonist for The Harvard Lampoon, and co-founder of the literary journal The Harvard Monthly, to name a few. In December, 1885, he played the role of Lady Elfrida in the Hasty Pudding theatrical Robin Hood, followed by the production Papillonetta in the spring of his senior year. Would have been less hassle to take part in athletics. But maybe he was a little like that, sissy-missy, you know. Yep yep:
ellauri156.html on line 112: The Israelites were wrong in demanding a king, but they were not too far off in expecting that their “king” would lead them in war. The judges God had raised up for them earlier were usually men like Barak or Gideon, who would lead the nation in battle against their enemies. When God designated Saul as Israel's first king, this military role was clearly indicated:
ellauri156.html on line 120: What the fuck? Jesus was a wimp par excellence, so precisely by NOT taking part in a war David was a perfect role model for this pacifist.
ellauri156.html on line 463: However, in giving Bathsheba a more active role, Adele Reinhartz found that "it reflects tensions and questions about gender identity in America in the aftermath of World War II, when women had entered the work force in large numbers and experienced a greater degree of independence and economic self-sufficiency. ...[Bathsheba] is not satisfied in the role of neglected wife and decides for herself what to do about it." Susan Wayward was later quoted as having asked why the film was not called Bathsheba and David. I guess it has something to do with the fact that Dog is called Dog in the bible instead of Bitch.
ellauri156.html on line 479: He (David, not Dog this time) plays the role of a benevolent master. Uriah, his servant, has “come home from a journey” (verse 10). Is this not the time for him to concern himself with his needs and desires? Is this not the time to concern himself with his wife's needs? How insensitive of Uriah not to go home to be with his wife and to sleep with her. “Shame on you, Uriah!” Uriah has a lot of explaining to do, and so it seems has David.
ellauri159.html on line 753: Second, males’ greater amounts of testosterone make them well-suited for the warrior role for a couple of reasons. First, testosterone is linked with a greater desire to compete and take risks. Studies show that when a man “wins” in a contest, he is hit with a boost of dopamine and a surge of testosterone that makes him want to keep on competing. So while testosterone doesn’t directly make men more aggressive (that’s a myth — it’s more complicated than that), it does fuel a drive to keep pushing when someone else is pushing back.
ellauri159.html on line 755: “When men evaluate each other as men, they still look for the same virtues that they’d need to keep the perimeter. Men respond to and admire the qualities that would make men useful and dependable in an emergency. Men have always had a role apart, and they still judge one another according to the demands of that role as a guardian in a gang struggling for survival against encroaching doom. Everything that is specifically about being a man—not merely a person—has to do with that role.” –Jack Donovan, The Way of Men
ellauri159.html on line 1177: You draw inspiration from being a know-it-all and educating people. You tend to read extensively and to collect words they consider particularly apt, like David Wallace. If their writing project involves others, you often take a leadership role, and repeat the word 'actually' in everybody´s face. You may also beep like a truck on reverse. You thrive in a harmonious atmosphere where everyone respects your opinion. Having a strong need to feel in control of your projects, you want to work in a cooperative environment conducive to driving a project to completion.
ellauri159.html on line 1337: Googol-koneesta alkaa nousta isompia pökäleitä. British Petroleum suorastaan huutaa huuhaanimiä:
ellauri160.html on line 219: Pound's contribution to poetry began in the early 20th century with his role in developing Imagism, a movement stressing precision and economy of language. Working in London as foreign editor of several American literary magazines, he helped discover and shape the work of contemporaries such as T. S. Eliot, Ernest Hemingway, and James Joyce. He was responsible for the 1914 serialization of Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, the 1915 publication of Eliot's "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock", and the serialization from 1918 of Joyce's Ulysses. Hemingway wrote in 1932 that, for poets born in the late 19th or early 20th century, not to be influenced by Pound would be "like passing through a great blizzard and not feeling it's cold."
ellauri161.html on line 619: Among the baddies are vacuous United States President Janie Orlean (Streep, bad), douchebro Chief of Staff and President’s son Jason Orlean (Hill, worse), perpetually cheery and vapid morning TV show hosts Brie Evantee (Blanchett) and Jack Bremmer (Perry), and creepy tech-billionaire Peter Isherwell (Rylance, who really should know better than the strange attempts at possibly neurodivergent caricature that this role seems to consist of? How so better pray tell cowboy?), as well as the truth-hostile environment of mainstream and social media.
ellauri161.html on line 825: Outre ses traductions qui ont fait connaître en France les mystiques rhénans, ses œuvres majeures sont L'Homme, Physionomies de saints et Paroles de Dieu.
ellauri161.html on line 851:

Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet

ellauri162.html on line 139: After France´s Liberation, De Gaulle invited Bernanos to return to his homeland, offering him a post in the government. Bernanos did return but, disappointed to perceive no signs of spiritual renewal, he declined to play an active role in French political life. Plusieurs fois blessé, il mène une vie matérielle difficile et instable en s´essayant à la littérature.
ellauri162.html on line 685: Prole maalaispappi tykkää maalaisaatelista, ne on mukavia ja vaatimattomia. Ihan toista maata kuin porvarisnousukkaat. Tässä ilmenee deWaalsin apinoiden 3 säätyä. No se saa muuttaa kyllä mielensä (spoileri).
ellauri162.html on line 704: The relationship between worker and employer ought to be shaped by the bonds of friendship and brotherly love. Both are children of God and created in His image. The Church desires that the poor better their situation and has a role to speak out on their behalf and to seek relief of poverty.
ellauri163.html on line 402: All of the Jewish translations (and commentaries) deal with a future time, the messianic era, during which there will be a king, a direct descendant from King David, sitting on the Davidic throne. The closing phrase of the blessing given to Judah defines the role of the expected future Jewish king, Messiah, in the world. Ultimately, his job will be to gather the nations under the banner of the One G-d of peace. If a gathering of the nations for the sake of peace is the first explicit description of the messianic era, it clearly suggests something that is natural, recognizable, and human.
ellauri164.html on line 455: The film was produced solely by Mosfilm, without a direct participation of DEFA, and yet several East German actors were invited to play the German historical figures. Fritz Diez, who appeared as Hitler on screen for the sixth time in his career, was given also the role of Otto Hahn.
ellauri164.html on line 483: Moses is one of the most prominent figures in the Old Testament. While Abraham is called the “Father of the Faithful” and the recipient of God’s unconditional covenant of grace to His people, Moses was the man chosen to bring redemption to His people. God specifically chose Moses to lead the Israelites from captivity in Egypt to salvation in the Promised Land. Moses is also recognized as the mediator of the Old Covenant and is commonly referred to as the giver of the Law. Finally, Moses is the principal author of the Pentateuch, the foundational books of the entire Bible. Moses’ role in the Old Testament is a type and shadow of the role Jesus plays in the New Testament. As such, his life is definitely worth examining.
ellauri164.html on line 498: So, now, what can we learn from Moses’ life? Moses’ life is generally broken down into three 40-year periods. The first is his life in the court of Pharaoh. As the adopted son of Pharaoh’s daughter, Moses would have had all the perks and privileges of a prince of Egypt. He was instructed “in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and he was mighty in his words and deeds” (Acts 7:22). As the plight of the Hebrews began to disturb his soul, Moses took it upon himself to be the savior of his people. As Stephen says before the Jewish ruling council, “[Moses] supposed that his brothers would understand that God was giving them salvation by his hand” (Acts 7:25). From this incident, we learn that Moses was a man of action as well as a man possessed of a hot temper and prone to rash actions. Did God want to save His people? Yes. Did God want to use Moses as His chosen instrument of salvation? Yes. But Moses, whether or not he was truly cognizant of his role in the salvation of the Hebrew people, acted rashly and impetuously. He tried to do in his timing what God wanted done in His timing. The lesson for us is obvious: we must be acutely aware of not only doing God’s will, but doing God’s will in His timing, not ours. As is the case with so many other biblical examples, when we attempt to do God’s will in our timing, we make a bigger mess than originally existed.
ellauri164.html on line 504: The third and final chapter in Moses’ life is the chapter that Scripture spends the most time chronicling, namely, his role in the redemption of Israel. Several lessons can be gleaned from this chapter of Moses’ life as well. First is how to be an effective leader of people. Moses essentially had responsibility over two million Hebrew refugees. When things began to wear on him, his father-in-law, Jethro Tull, suggested that he delegate responsibility to other faithful men, a lesson that many people in authority over others need to learn (Exodus 18). We also see a man who was dependent on the grace of God to help with his task. Moses was continually pleading on behalf of the people before God. If only all people in authority would petition God on behalf of those over whom they are in charge! Moses was keenly aware of the necessity of God’s presence and even requested to see God’s glory (Exodus 33). Moses knew that, apart from God, the exodus would be meaningless. It was God who made the Israelites distinct, and they needed Him most. Moses’ life also teaches us the lesson that there are certain sins that will continue to haunt us throughout our lives. The same hot temper that got Moses into trouble in Egypt also got him into trouble during the wilderness wanderings. In the aforementioned incident at Meribah, Moses struck the rock in anger in order to provide water for the people. However, he didn’t give God the glory, nor did he follow God’s precise commands. Because of this, God forbade him from entering the Promised Land. In a similar manner, we all succumb to certain besetting sins which plague us all our days, sins that require us to be on constant alert.
ellauri164.html on line 828: The water from the rock is relatively easy to interpret, for we know the role of water in the faith.
ellauri172.html on line 825: Émile de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1762, dans la partie Profession de foi du Vicaire savoyard, le personnage du Vicaire savoyard, porte-parole des idées de Rousseau CHECK
ellauri180.html on line 212: Gairdner made the astute observations that the slow period of preputial development corresponded with the age of incontinence. He felt that the prepuce had a protective role and noted that meatal ulceration only occurred in circumcised boys. Recently, a doctor writing anonymously in the BMJ provided an analogy suggesting that the prepuce is to the glans what the eyelid is to the eye.
ellauri182.html on line 104: Symbolism appears throughout Yoshimoto’s story. For the protagonist, kitchens symbolize places of contentment, safety, and healing. Mikage claims, “to me a kitchen represents some distant longing engraved on my soul.” When she is despondent, her dreams of kitchens keep her going. She takes to the kitchen and learns cooking as a way of overcoming feelings of meaninglessness and despair; cooking represents her new attitude toward life. Like kitchens and cooking, food also plays a symbolic role in the story. Mikage is constantly presenting her friends with food; her life changes when she takes a job at a cooking school; and the climax of the story occurs when Mikage brings a dish of special food to Yuichi in his secluded hotel room. Eat my shorz.
ellauri183.html on line 134: Venezia kauppiaassa on joku Jessica. Niin se oli se juutalainen misu, Shylockin tytär. In the play, she elopes with Lorenzo, a penniless Christian, and a chest of her father's money, eventually ending up in Portia and Bassanio's household. In the play's dramatic structure, Jessica is a minor but pivotal role. Her actions motivate Shylock's vengeful insistence on his "pound of flesh" from Antonio; her relationships with Lorenzo and Shylock serves as a mirror and contrast to Portia's with Bassanio and with her father; her conversion to Christianity is the end of Shylock's line's adherence to the Jewish faith.
ellauri184.html on line 70: Over the course of his life, Mailer was connected with several women other than his wives, including Carole Mallory, who wrote a "tell all" biography, Loving Mailer, after his death.
ellauri184.html on line 357: Second, the fact that it is a theological issue does not prevent it from being a moral one as well. The behavior is sin. “Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not deceived. Neither formicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Cor. 6:9-10 ). The word translated “homosexuals” here strictly refers to catamites — the word has the connotation of soft. We would say swish. The other word sodomite refers to the “male” homosexual, the one playing the role of the male. All the ingenuity in the world cannot change what the Bible bluntly states here. As well, consider 1 Tim. 1:10 . “. . . for fornicators, for sodomites . . . and if there is any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine.” The Old Testament speaks to this as well. See Deut. 23:17-18 , Job 36:14 , Lev. 18:22 . Those guilty of such things are living in a contemptible way, and the Scripture calls them dogs. Poor dogs.
ellauri184.html on line 742: There is no contextual proof within Scripture itself that would point to Jesus broadening Mary’s role as “mother” of all Christians. In fact, Catholic teaching can only point to early church leaders as proof that Jesus meant to establish Mary’s “motherhood” to all believers in Christ or that Mary was a cooperative participant in salvation. John just took Mary into his home to care for her. The Bible does not say “from that time on Mary became the stepmother of all believers.”
ellauri185.html on line 394: A 2007 opinion piece "Taking Science on Faith" in The New York Times, generated controversy over its exploration of the role of faith in scientific inquiry. Davies argued that the faith scientists have in the immutability of physical laws has origins in Christian theology, and that the claim that science is "free of faith" is "manifestly bogus."
ellauri185.html on line 499: Ei kyllä tässä Lexa lipsahtaa pahasti marxisti-leninistien linjoille, niin aatelismies kuin onkin. Nehän koittivat houkutella köige maade proletaarlase yhinöimään siskonpetissä. Vaan pieleen meni, hahaa! Kapitaalilla yhdistyminen sensijaan on mennyt mainiosti: pääoma purjehtii sujuvasti liputtomilla laivoilla, eikä rahalla ole passin tarvetta. Isänmaita puretaan uutterasti vapaakauppasopimuxilla, ja kohta kaikki solkkaavat huonoa englantia. End of history, Fukuyama, Pinker ja Harari lyövät kättä Tolstoin ja Leninin luiden yli.
ellauri185.html on line 846: Instead, certain body odours are connected to human sexual attraction. Humans can make use of body odour subconsciously to identify whether a potential mate will pass on favourable traits to their offspring. Body odour may provide significant cues about the genetic quality, health and reproductive success of a potential mate. Body odour affects sexual attraction in a number of ways including through human biology, the menstrual cycle and fluctuating asymmetry. The olfactory membrane plays a role in smelling and subconsciously assessing another human's pheromones. It also affects the sexual attraction of insects and mammals. The major histocompatibility complex genes are important for the immune system, and appear to play a role in sexual attraction via body odour. Studies have shown that body odor is strongly connected with attraction in heterosexual females. The women in one study ranked body odor as more important for attraction than “looks”. Humans may not simply depend on visual and verbal senses to be attracted to a possible partner/mate. That's hard science, no pseudo, mate!
ellauri188.html on line 417: The second part of his career began with a lead role in the British rowing film Big Blue (released in the US as Miracle and as Debacle at Oxford), in which he played a hotshot Navy rower who recruited another American, "Toby", to help US win our annual round Nuku Hiva boat race with the Frenchies.
ellauri188.html on line 418: He also appeared in an off-Broadway production of Terrence McNally's slightly controversial Corpus Christi killers, a retelling of the Passion Fruit, with the Jesus character (named Joshua) and his disciples ALL being gay. Lucas played the role of Judas as a gay predator.
ellauri188.html on line 420: Right before the play was to open, Lucas was mugged and beaten "on his way to the theater" for "dress rehearsal". He played the role of Judas with bloody bandages across his broken nose and black eyes. The audience thought the bandages were part of the play.
ellauri188.html on line 422: Following a series of half hearted operations to reset his nose, he began gathering larger roles in films like American Psycho, The Weight of Water, Session 9, The Dancer, and When Strangers Appear You Can Count on Me.
ellauri188.html on line 424: In 2011, Lucas co-starred with Elizabeth Taylor in the film Red Dog, based on the true story of an Australian kelpie. Lucas won an Inside Animal Award for his role as the dog. For this part, he gainede more than 100 lbs in weight.
ellauri190.html on line 103: Many eventually settled to the west of the Black Sea, influencing the politics of Kievan Rus', the Galicia–Volhynia Principality, the Golden Horde Khanate, the Second Bulgarian Empire, the Kingdom of Serbia, the Kingdom of Hungary, Moldavia, the Kingdom of Georgia, the Byzantine Empire, the Empire of Nicaea, the Latin Empire and Wallachia, with Cuman immigrants becoming integrated into each country's elite. The Cumans also played a prominent role in the Fourth Crusade and in the creation of the Second Bulgarian Empire. Cuman and Kipchak tribes joined politically to create the Cuman–Kipchak confederation.
ellauri190.html on line 222: The Zaporozhian Cossacks lived on the Pontic–Caspian steppe below the Dnieper Rapids (Ukrainian: za porohamy), also known as the Wild Fields. The group became well known, and its numbers increased greatly between the 15th and 17th centuries. The Zaporozhian Cossacks played an important role in European geopolitics, participating in a series of conflicts and alliances with the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, Russia, and the Ottoman Empire.
ellauri190.html on line 226: They inhabited sparsely populated areas in the Dnieper, Don, Terek, and Ural river basins, and played an important role in the historical and cultural development of both Ukraine and Russia. The various Cossack groups were organized along military lines, with large autonomous groups called hosts. Each host had a territory consisting of affiliated villages called stanitsa. The Cossack way of life persisted into the twentieth century, though the sweeping societal changes of the Russian Revolution disrupted Cossack society as much as any other part of Russia; many Cossacks migrated to other parts of Europe following the establishment of the Soviet Union, while others remained and assimilated into the Communist state. Cohesive Cossack-based units were organized and fought for both Germany and the Soviet Union during World War II.
ellauri191.html on line 2148: From 1901 to 1912, the committee, headed by the conservative Carl David af Wirsén, weighed the literary quality of a work against its contribution towards humanity's struggle 'toward the ideal'. Leo Tolstoy, Henrik Ibsen, Émile Zola, and Mark Twain were rejected in favour of authors little read today. The choice of philosopher Rudolf Eucken as Nobel laureate in 1908 is widely considered to be one of the worst mistakes in the history of the Nobel Prize in Literature. The main candidates for the prize that year were poet Algernon Swinburne and author Selma Lagerlöf, but the Academy were divided between the candidates and, as a compromise, Eucken, representative of the Academy's interpretation of Nobel's "ideal direction", was launched as an alternative candidate that could be agreed upon. Solzhenitsyn did not accept the award and prize money until 10 December 1974, after he was deported from the Soviet Union. Swedish Academy member Artur Lundkvist had argued that the Nobel Prize in Literature should not become a political prize and questioned the artistic value of Solzhenitsyn's work. The award to Camilo José Cela was controversial as he had moved voluntarily from Madrid to Galicia during the Spanish Civil War in order to join Franco's rebel forces there as a volunteer.A member of the Swedish Academy, Knut Ahnlund, who had not played an important role in the Academy since 1996, protested against the choice of the 2004 laureate, Elfriede Jelinek; Ahnlund resigned, alleging that selecting Jelinek had caused "irreparable damage" to the reputation of the award.
ellauri192.html on line 221: Et Christ, épouvanté des fruits de sa parole, Ja Kristus sanansa seurauxista pöllämystyneenä
ellauri192.html on line 313: “In such a time as we live in now in Poland the role of the writer is very special,” she said. “We have to be honest and decent people, to write about the world in the right way.”
ellauri192.html on line 621: Rhoda (whose name means “Rose” in Greek) is only mentioned one time in the Bible, in Acts 12, but she played an important role and gave modern believers a powerful example.
ellauri192.html on line 791: Бриллиантовый десерт, нефтяные сливки A diamond dessert, petroleum cream
ellauri194.html on line 287: In the early 19th century, some Hasidic rabbis identified the French invasion of Russia under Napoleon as "The War of Gog and Magog". But as the century progressed, apocalyptic expectations receded as the populace in Europe began to adopt an increasingly secular worldview. This has not been the case in the United States, where a 2002 poll indicated that 59% of Americans believed the events predicted in the Book of Revelation would come to pass. During the Cold War the idea that Soviet Russia had the role of Gog gained popularity, since Ezekiel's words describing him as "prince of Meshek" – rosh meshek in Hebrew – sounded suspiciously like Russia and Moscow. Even some Russians took up the idea, apparently unconcerned by the implications ("Ancestors were found in the Bible, and that was enough"), as did Ronald Reagan.
ellauri194.html on line 514: The noteworthy position(s) or role(s) the person held should usually be stated in the opening paragraph. However, avoid overloading the lead paragraph with various and sundry roles; instead, emphasize what made the person notable. Incidental and non-noteworthy roles (i.e. activities that are not integral to the person's notability) should usually not be mentioned in the lead paragraph.
ellauri196.html on line 911: Since being singled out by the Swedish Academy, Jelinek, who turns 70 on Thursday, has noticeably withdrawn from public view. In the 1980s and 1990s, she often played the role of the sharp-tongued moralist. Today, she only rarely gives interviews.
ellauri198.html on line 118: Academy Award-winner Mahershala Ali plays the lead role of state police detective Wayne Hays. In an interview with Variety, Ali revealed that he was originally offered a supporting role, as the main character was supposed to be white. However, pursuing a better choice for his career, he convinced Pizzolatto that he was suited for the lead despite the pigmentation handicap. Saatiinhan värivirhe sentään korjatuxi Alin ja Rolandin urakehityxen myöhemmissä vaiheissa.
ellauri198.html on line 753: Nyt on Harold nähtävästi pudonnut pahan kerran kärryiltä, ilma on sakeanaan savuverhotermejä: proleptic delusion transumptively troping on a trope, retoriikkaa lentää kuin Nietzschen Zarathustrassa. Kumpuilevat pakarat seuraavat Childe Haroldin sanasotaa kädet poskella. (Mitä oli Yeazin Condition of Fire? Se selviää alempana.) Haroldin mielestä Browning imuttaa Chattertonin etanansarvea. Muttei kai 1800-luvun Browning voinut oikeasti lutkuttaa 1700-luvun Chattertonin pipua, ikäeron takia? Ehei, tää on vaan symbolismia.
ellauri198.html on line 889: The poem as usually printed breaks off at this point, in mid-line, with the word "celestial". Keats's friend Richard Woodhouse, transcribing this poem, completed this line as "Celestial Glory dawn'd: he was a god!" Ox, nyet! nyet! The language of Hyperion is very similar to Milton's, in metre and style. However, his characters are quite different. Although Apollo falls into the image of the "Son" from Paradise Lost and of "Jesus" from Paradise Regained, he does not directly confront Hyperion as Satan is confronted. Also, the roles are reversed, and Apollo is deemed as the "challenger" to the throne, who wins it by being more "true" and thus, more "beautiful." Double yawn.
ellauri203.html on line 219: However, this belated first love was not as simple as Dostoevsky had hoped. Isaeva began taunting the writer with letters telling him of her intention to marry one or other wealthy official. Although the pair did ultimately marry, their troubles continued, and the two never settled into a harmonious marriage, with Dostoevsky taking on a role more like a friend or brother to Isaeva, rather than a husband. Mark Slonim, an important Russian scholar, writes in his book The Three Loves of Dostoevsky: “He loved her for all these feelings that she excited in him. For everything that he gave her, for everything that was connected with her. And for all the pains from her.”
ellauri204.html on line 382: The most well-known mythopoetic text is Bly’s Iron John: A Book About Men which was published in 1990. Bly suggests that masculine energy has been diluted through modern social institutions, industrialisation, and the resulting separation of fathers from family life. He introduced the ‘wild man’ and urged men to recover a pre-industrial conception of masculinity through brotherhood with other men. The purpose was to foster a greater understanding of the forces influencing the roles of men in modern society and how these changes affect behaviour, self-awareness and identity.
ellauri205.html on line 168: Ce n'est pas par insensibilité qu’Achille a d'un geste poussé à terre le vieillard collé contre ses genoux comme un escargot thebeen; les paroles de Priam évoquant son propre vieux père a soi l'ont ému jusqu'aux larmes.
ellauri205.html on line 184: Hei Simone, charityä löytyy vain kermaperseiltä joilla on varaa antaa kiitollisille kerjäläisille vähän paljostaan. Prolet on solidaarisia, eli suovat toisilleen enintään samaa kuin ize saavat.
ellauri205.html on line 201: Qui regardait son beau visage et qui écoutait sa parole.

ellauri207.html on line 174: Michael Douglas, son of Kirk Douglas, was accused of masturbating in front of an employee. To the claim that he masturbated in front of her, Douglas said, "This is a complete lie, fabrication, no truth to it whatsoever." He will again reprise his role in the upcoming film Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023).
ellauri210.html on line 375: John Sholto Douglas, 9th Marquess of Queensberry (20 July 1844 – 31 January 1900), was a British nobleman, remembered for his atheism, his outspoken views, his brutish manner, for lending his name to the "Queensberry Rules" that form the basis of modern boxing, and for his role in the downfall of the Irish author and playwright Oscar Wilde.
ellauri210.html on line 880: French poet Jacques Rigaut said, "Don't forget that I cannot see myself. That my role is limited to being the one who looks in the mirror." Rate it: (3.00 / 2 votes) Silti vitun monet kynäilijät sitä yrittävät. Näytin siltä ja tältä, ne sanovat. Carl Erik Carlson ei koskaan kazonut izeänsä peiliin, paizi kammatessaan tukkaansa.
ellauri210.html on line 913: Auteur de recueils de poèmes, parmi lesquels Paroles (1946), il devint un poète populaire grâce à son langage familier et à ses jeux sur les mots. Ses poèmes sont depuis lors célèbres dans le monde francophone et massivement appris dans les écoles françaises.
ellauri210.html on line 1318: In the remaining quarter of the text, André distances himself from her corporeal form and descends into a meandering rumination on her absence, so much so that one wonders if her absence offers him greater inspiration than does her presence. It is, after all, the reification and materialization of Nadja as an ordinary person that André ultimately despises and cannot tolerate to the point of inducing tears. There is something about the closeness once felt between the narrator and Nadja that indicated a depth beyond the limits of conscious rationality, waking logic, and sane operations of the everyday. There is something essentially “mysterious, improbable, unique, bewildering” about her; this reinforces the notion that their propinquity serves only to remind André of Nadja's impenetrability. Her eventual recession into absence is the fundamental concern of this text, an absence that permits Nadja to live freely in André's conscious and unconscious, seemingly unbridled, maintaining her paradoxical role as both present and absent. With Nadja's past fixed within his own memory and consciousness, the narrator is awakened to the impenetrability of reality and perceives a particularly ghostly residue peeking from under its thin veil. Thus, he might better put into practice his theory of Surrealism, predicated on the dreaminess of the experience of reality within reality itself. Nadja Nadja soromnoo.
ellauri213.html on line 190: reality. Often, puppets or roles may be used to get
ellauri213.html on line 331: Had Khaled ever apologized for her role in the hijackings or taken steps to show that she is committed to nonviolent efforts to achieve her desired end of driving the invasive Israeli species from her land, I would not object to her speaking at San Francisco State. People who genuinely learn often make the best teachers. But even after 50 years, Khaled has never expressed remorse or disavowed her actions or those of her comrades. Neither have I for 3000 years of Israeli mass murder of poor Philistines, so there! Never forget, never learn!
ellauri219.html on line 300: Striking and versatile, Tony Curtis was a Hollywood idol who made a dizzying amount of movies (over 100) between 1949 and 2008. He will always be remembered for his role alongside Jack Lemmon and Marilyn Monroe (No.25) in the 1959 cross-dressing caper Some Like It Hot, but another stand-out remains his performance alongside Burt Lancaster as fast-talking press agent Sidney Falco in the 1957 film noir The Sweet Smell Of Success. Tässä jää nyt mainizematta Veijareita ja pyhimyksiä (The Persuaders!), ITC Entertainmentin 1970–1971 tuottama televisiosarja. Sen pääosissa esiintyivät Tony Curtis (Danny Wilde) ja Roger Moore (lordi Brett Sinclair; koko nimi Brett Rupert George Robert Andrew Sinclair, Marnockin 15. jaarli). Sitä tehtiin 24 jaksoa. Tony ja Roger eivät voineet sietää toisiaan. Läskiintynyt Tony kuoli kasarina sydämen pysähdyxeen. Rooger aateloitiin, vaikkei käynyt loppuun edes teatterikoulua. “But because of the war there were 16 girls in every class to four boys so while I didn’t learn that much about acting, I learned a hell of a lot about sex.”
ellauri219.html on line 389: In his iconic role of Johnny Strabler in the 1953 movie The Wild One, Marlon Brando captured the growing frustrations of the generation that gave birth rock’n’roll. Hailed as one of the greatest actors of all time, it’s also notable that Brando’s rivals in The Wild One, The Beetles, were almost-namesakes of The Beatles.
ellauri219.html on line 404: A Hollywood heartthrob of the 30s, 40s, and 50s, Tyrone Power was known for starring as the titular hero in the swashbuckling adventure film The Mark Of Zorro, though he also played the role of outlaw cowboy Jesse James, and starred in musicals, romantic comedies, and war movies.
ellauri219.html on line 419: An Olympic gold-medallist of the 20s, Johnny Weissmuller first made a name for himself as a swimmer before turning his eye to Hollywood. It was as Tarzan that he made his biggest mark on popular culture, returning to the role in a series of films and devising an iconic yell forever associated with the jungle hero.
ellauri219.html on line 633: Notorious womanizer Michael James wants to be faithful to his fiancée Carole Werner, but every woman he meets seems to fall in love with him, including neurotic exotic dancer Liz Bien and parachutist Rita, who accidentally lands in his car. His psychoanalyst, Dr. Rainer Fassbinder, cannot help, since he is stalking patient Renée Lefebvre, who in turn longs for Michael. Carole, meanwhile, decides to make Michael jealous by flirting with his nervous wreck of a friend, Victor Shakapopulis. Victor struggles to be romantic but Carole nevertheless feigns interest.
ellauri219.html on line 639: Meanwhile Carole's plan seems to work and Michael asks to marry her. She agrees and they settle on marrying within the week. She moves in but Michael finds fidelity impossible. When a second "fiancee" arrives, she knows the worst. Simultaneously, a woman parachutes into Michael's open-top sports car and he ends up sleeping with her, also meeting other conquests at the bar. This takes place at a small country hotel, where all parties materialise in the format of a typical French farce. Some are checked in, but most just appear. This includes Carole's parents who wander the corridors, causing Michael to jump from room to room. A rumour has also started locally that an orgy is taking place so side characters such as the petrol station attendant also start to appear. Carole appears and wishes to see Michael's room. As they speak, all the other participants chase each other around in the background. Fassbinder's wife tracks him down.
ellauri219.html on line 643: After a mayor marries Michael and Carole in a civil marriage ceremony, the couple are signing the marriage certificate when Michael calls the young female registrar "Pussycat", infuriating Carole. They leave and Fassbinder attempts to court her instead. End of story. Fun, or what?
ellauri220.html on line 102: He admits that sometimes, evil thoughts cross his mind. The "old knot of contrariety" the poet has experienced refers to Satan and his evil influence on man, which creates the condition of contraries, of moral evil and good in human life. The poet suffered from these evil influences, as have all men. So, the poet implies, do not feel alone because you have been this way — one must accept both the pure and the impure elements of life. A young man's penis in your arse is just one of those eternal things. They come and go just like the Brooklyn ferry. The reference to fusion ("which fuses me into you now") is the basic ideal the poet sought in the beginning. He reiterates the eternal connection between all human beings. Fuck the rest. We must revel in our man-made surroundings, for our relationship with our environment is the ticket to achieving spirituality and fulfillment. He also uses the theater as a metaphor to represent the difference between public life and private life. He acknowledges that he has a sinful streak - but in society, everyone plays a role. The speaker's tone in the poem is honest but also grateful. By appreciating the small things in his life, he feels like a part of something bigger. Wiltin pikku veitikka oli ehkä ammoin wilttaantunut, mutta sen mustalla ystävällä oli something bigger. Veijarilla oli varsin vaikuttava heijari.
ellauri220.html on line 517: roles4.png" />
ellauri221.html on line 267: The Adventures of Dunno in Flower Town presents a socialist anarchist utopia of Flower town. This society is self sufficient and enjoys a variety of personalities. It raises questions of the role of science and medicine, travel and knowledge, self-subsistence and hierarchy in a simple, humorous and concomitantly lovely style. Margaret Wetlin, an American who had immigrated to Russia during Stalinism, made an excellent translation of this book into English.
ellauri222.html on line 171: Saul and Sasha got married in 1956, after Bellow had obtained a Nevada divorce. Sasha accepted the domestic role that Bellow insisted on without demur. She says that when they had a son, Adam, Bellow told her that the baby was her responsibility—he was too old to raise another kid. In 1958, Bellow was offered a one-year position at the University of Minnesota. He insisted that Ludwig receive an appointment as well; the university obliged, and the families moved to Minneapolis together.
ellauri222.html on line 797: Except for Clara Velde in A Theft, the protagonists in Bellow's novels and novellas are all male. The Bellovian hero typically seeks erotic pleasure, emotional security, and egoistic confirmation from the women in his life. In marriage, his relationships with women are conflicted, and he often retreats from his role as husband to a sensuous but selfish and demanding wife who paradoxically represents both his yearning for freewheeling sex happiness and society's pressure to relinquish the freedom so essential to his self-realization. Like his male characters who all are Saul lookalikes, Bellow's females are often interchangeable and serve roles of little dramatic import. However, although the author has come under increasing criticism for his superficial treatment of women, his depiction of women and male-female relationships serves to reinforce the psychological crisis that each male protagonist must negotiate to empty their scrotums so as to achieve peace and fulfillment.
ellauri222.html on line 1003: Ellsworth Huntington travelled continental Europe in hopes of better understanding the connection between climate and state success, publishing his findings in The Pulse of Asia, and further elaborating in Civilization and Climate. Like the political geographers, a crucial component of his work was the belief that the climate of North-western Europe was ideal, with areas further north being too cold, and areas further south being too hot, resulting in lazy, laid-back populations. These ideas have powerful connections to colonialism, and may have played a role in the creation of the 'other' and the literature that many used to justify taking advantage of less advanced nations. Who needs Proust or Tolstoy when it suffices to reach up to get a banana.
ellauri236.html on line 522: In many of his novels, treacherous women play a significant role. The protagonist falls in love with one and is prepared to kill someone at her behest. Only when he is killed, does he realise that the woman was manipulating him for her own ends. He never got it into her backend well and good, despite all the promises.
ellauri243.html on line 714: Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield, KG, PC, DL, JP, FRS, SOB (21 December 1804 – 19 April 1881) was a British statesman and Conservative politician who twice served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He played a central role in the creation of the modern Conservative Party, defining its policies and its broad outreach. He is the only British prime minister to have been of Jewish origin.
ellauri245.html on line 493: Lake Lyseren has a key role in the murder mystery unfolding in the Norwegian detective thriller "The Leopard". Some episodes in the book feature police detectives from cosmopolitan Oslo coming to conduct investigations in the rural environment of Lyseren.

ellauri246.html on line 355: Palattuaan puolivalssattuna, synkkänä, joka ei ole vielä naamioitu kaupungin saarron jälkeen, hän alkoi etsiä heidän paikkansa elämässä. Ne olivat lyhyitä aikoja, mutta voimakkaita. Joseph Brodskin lyhyt elämäkerta ehdottaa, että hän olisi muuttanut neljä koulua vuodesta 1944 lähtien. Viimeisimmässä niistä sijaitsevat Salon-kaistalla, missä hän pysyi toisen vuoden aikana seitsemännellä luokalla. Hänet lähetettiin merenkulkukouluun, mutta sitä ei hyväksytty. Sitten lyhyen aikavälin proletaarisen episodi seurasi hänen biografiassa: Joseph toimii Arsenal tehtaalla jyrsintäkoneen oppilaana. Epäonnistuminen siinäkin ilmestyi pyrkimyksensä mennä sukellusakvaarioiden kouluun ilmeisesti, Isän laivastotausta vaikutti. Sitten ajatus lääkäri tulee näkyviin. Saadaxeen käytäntöä, hän saapuu avustavan persistorin morgueen. Anatomian kuolleet ilmeisesti osoittautuivat helpoxi nakixi, joten se kestää vain kuukauden. Seuraavaxi Kochegar, merimiehen majakka ... Lady Stabiilius tuli vasta kun Joseph alkoi ratsastaa Neuvostoliiton geologisilla retkillä, työntekijänä. Kaksi vuodenaikaa se oli valkoinen meri, sitten Pohjois-Yakutia, Itä-Siperia, muut Polarin alueen alueet. Yakutian hermostunut jakautuminen valmistui eeppisen.
ellauri248.html on line 85: Let's go through a few of these points. First, I don't think I've ever read a mystery novel with a less likable main character/narrator. Rob (Adam) Ryan is an asshole, plain and simple. Sure, he's been warped by his childhood and circumstances, but he does just about every annoying thing you could possibly imagine-- he constantly navel-gazes and feels self pity, he sleeps with then immediately plays the stereotypical male "I don't want anything to do with you now" role with his female partner (the person we were told was his best friend, and whom he would never ever sleep with), he acts like an idiot over the 17 year old villain/ temptress/ psychopath/ whatever betraying his partner, and by the end of the book he is worse off than ever. I know that lots of detectives (esp. in hard-boild stories) are unlikable, and have many personal issues, but this guy just took the cake. I wanted to take a baseball bat to his head [hear, hear!]. To make matters worse, French throws in this little gem towards the end of the novel:
ellauri249.html on line 214: Sisällissodan jälkeen Ukraina oli raunioina. Puutetta oli asunnoista, hiilestä ja elintarvikkeista. Elintarvikepulan johdosta Hruštšovin ensimmäinen vaimo Galina kuoli nälkään. Lapset Leonid ja Julina jäivät isän yksinhuollettaviksi, kunnes hän 1924 meni naimisiin Nina Petrovnan kanssa. Leninin hallinto ei luottanut Donbassin alueen työläisiin, sanottiin että ”heidän proletaarinen tietoisuutensa oli hukassa”. Työläiset lakkoilivat, ja heitä teloitettiin summittaisesti. Hruštšov nimitettiin vuonna 1922 johtamaan Rutšenkovon kaivosta ja hän paneutui tehtävään tarmokkaasti. Hän olisi puoluetoimitsijan työn sijasta opiskellut kaivosteknikoksi. Puolueen linjariidoissa hän päätyi kannattamaan Trotskia, mitä hän joutui myöhemmin selittelemään ja varomaan.
ellauri254.html on line 130: 1920-luvulla Ivanov kirjoitti aiheiltaan ja kieleltään erikoista ”ornamentaalista” proosaa, joka herätti voimakasta arvostelua proletaarikirjailijoiden taholta. 1930-luvun alussa hän ymmärsi siirtyä sosialistisen realismin mukaisiin teemoihin. Vuosina 1934–1935 kirjailija julkaisi omaelämäkerrallisen romaanin Pohoždenija fakira (”Fakiirin seikkailut”) ja vuonna 1939 kansalaissotaa virallisen idologian valossa käsittelevän romaanin Parhomenko. Toisen maailmansodan aikana hän toimi sotakirjeenvaihtajana ja kirjoitti tyyliltään pateettisen romaanin Pri vzjatii Berlina (”Berliiniä vallatessa”, 1946). Myöhemmin Ivanov julkaisi lähinnä muistelmia ja muokkasi uudelleen aikaisempia teoksiaan. Monet niistä ilmestyivät vasta kirjailijan kuoltua.
ellauri254.html on line 250: Товарищи! Мы станем — братья! Liittykää meihin kuin proletaarlased!
ellauri254.html on line 554: Gorki ystävystyi Vladimir Uljanovin (tunnettu myöhemmin nimellä Vladimir Lenin) kanssa 1902. Hänet valittiin 1902 kunniajäseneksi kirjallisuusakatemiaan, mutta Nikolai II perui päätöksen. Protestina Anton Tšehov ja Vladimir Korolenko erosivat akatemiasta.
ellauri254.html on line 558: Caprilla Gorki pyrki perustamaan Caprin proletaarinen kasvatus -koulun, mitä Lenin vastusti, koska hän epäili Gorkin keskittyvän kulttuuriin vallankumouksen sijaan. Tämän seurauksena Leninin ja Gorkin suhteet viilenivät.
ellauri254.html on line 813: True, until death us part, that is. Cough cough. He argued that too many Russian writers were lazy and self-satisfied; they were barbarians who needed to study plot and structure from Western masters. Again, he asserted that plot, action and good composition would win the approval of proletarian readers and theatergoers sooner than would a proper political message. He provided a survey of Russian literature from the point of view of the development of plot. No bestsellers without spoilers, that is what the rubbernecks expect.
ellauri254.html on line 1081: Tänään pidetään klubissa avoin työtätekevän nuorison kokous. Selostuksen pitää toimeenpanevan komitean puheenjohtaja Korolev ja nuorisoliiton piirikomitean väliaikainen sihteeri toveri Kortshagin. Kokouksen jälkeen on yhdeksänvuotisen koulun oppilaiden konsertti.
ellauri256.html on line 211: Gorki ystävystyi Vladimir Uljanovin (tunnettu myöhemmin nimellä Vladimir Lenin) kanssa 1902. Hänet valittiin 1902 kunniajäseneksi kirjallisuusakatemiaan, mutta Nikolai II perui päätöksen. Protestina Anton Tšehov ja Vladimir Korolenko erosivat akatemiasta.
ellauri256.html on line 217: Caprilla Gorki pyrki perustamaan Caprin proletaarinen kasvatus -koulun, mitä Lenin vastusti, koska hän epäili Gorkin keskittyvän kulttuuriin vallankumouksen sijaan. Tämän seurauksena Leninin ja Gorkin suhteet viilenivät.
ellauri256.html on line 348: Futuristinen taideryhmä hajosi vähitellen. Vielä vuonna 1928 Majakovski kokosi uuden ryhmän, mutta huonolla menestyksellä. Majakovski joutui 1920-luvun lopussa ristiriitoihin myös proletaarikirjailijoiden kanssa. Majakovskin särmikäs persoona oli liikaa monille muille. Sekä henkilökohtaisen elämän, että politiikan ristiriidat olivat ilmeisesti syynä Majakovskin itsemurhaan huhtikuussa 1930. Taisi olla sekin salaporvari.
ellauri256.html on line 455: Kaavakkeessanne on paljon kysymyksiä: - Oliko matkoja? Vai eikö ollut matkoja?- Ja mitä, jos minä sain kiinni lauman pegasoxia seuraavixi 15 vuodexi?! Teillä on - asettukaa asemaani — tietoja palvelusväestä ja omaisuudesta näiltä kulmilta. Ja mitä jos minä olen kansan fyyreri ja samalla — kansan palvelija? Luokka ehkä kuuluu meidän sanastamme, mutta me olemme proletaareja, kynän moottoreita. Sielun autoa kulutamme vuosien varrella. Sanovat: — arkistoon, loppuun kynäilty, on aika!- Yhä vähemmän pidetty, yhä vähemmän uskalias, ja otsani on valmis runner-up-murskauksille. Tulee pahin poistoista - sydämen ja sielun arvonalennus. Ja kun isä aurinkoinen ihroittunena karjuna nousee tulevaisuuden yli ilman kerjäläisiä ja raajarikkoja, - minä jo olen mädäntyneenä kuollut aidan alle, tusinan kollegani kanssa. Siirtäkää tilille minun postuumi taseeni!
ellauri257.html on line 398: I don’t like Jordan Peterson, or, more accurately, I don’t like the role Peterson is playing in the culture war because I find it intellectually impoverished, uninformed, and feeding into a repugnant far-right cultural revolution that Peterson himself does not necessarily endorse but which he nonetheless gives aid to.
ellauri258.html on line 465: Stepanov, joka luottaa A. A. Korolevin työhön, ehdottaa yhteyttä
ellauri260.html on line 161: Esimerkiksi vuonna 1625 Grotius kirjoitti: "Ihminen on varmasti eläin, mutta ylivoimainen eläin, paljon kauempana kaikista muista eläimistä kuin erilaiset eläimet ovat toisistaan" (De iure belli ac pacis, Prolegomena, 11).
ellauri260.html on line 203: Der Erfurter Parteitag wurde vom 14. Oktober bis 20. Oktober 1891 von der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Deutschlands (SPD) im Erfurter Kaisersaal abgehalten. Das hier verabschiedete Programm wird Erfurter Programm genannt. Das als Erfurter Programm bekannt gewordene Parteiprogramm fand nach den reformistischen Ansätzen des Gothaer Programms (1875) in Teilen wieder zur marxistischen Theorie und Lehre zurück und kehrte von den Lasalle'schen Inhalten des Gothaer Programms vollständig ab. So erklärte Karl Kautsky selbst, er habe für den theoretischen Part Teile von Marx' Kapital zusammengefasst. Die von ihm erwähnten Teile beziehen sich höchstwahrscheinlich auf den Abschnitt Geschichtliche Tendenzen der kapitalistischen Akkumulation. Im krassen Gegensatz zu Marx enthielt das Programm jedoch keine expliziten Forderungen nach einer proletarischen Revolution.
ellauri260.html on line 249: Lenin kuvasi Karl Kautskyä luopioksi ja tämä puolestaan totesi Leninin johtamien bolševikkien korvanneen tsaarin ajan yksinvallan omalla diktatuurillaan. Periaatteessa Kautsky kuitenkin hyväksyi vallankumouksen ja diktatoriset menettelytavat tietyissä olosuhteissa taktisesti edullisina. Kiisteltäessä proletariaatin elintasosta hän korosti sen suhteellista huonontumista muihin luokkiin verraten, kun muruset lakkasivat rapisemasta rikkaan pöydästä. Lokakuun vallankumouksen jälkeen Kautsky tuki Gruusian menševikkejä. Hänen asenteellaan oli vaikutusta myös Suomen sosiaalidemokraattien suhtautumiseen Neuvostoliittoa kohtaan, puhumattkaan ruåzalaisista.
ellauri260.html on line 357: Sitähän se Stalinkin varmaan alkoi tuumia. No niinhän siinä sitten kävikin että Neuvostola purkautui saumoista, ja syynä oli varmaankin juurikin se, ettei uutta sosialistista termiittiapinaa saatu ohjelmoiduxi huolimatta Maxim Gorkin ponnistuxista, vaan proletaarikasan päälle pääsi kammertautumaan ennen pitkää aito diktaattori. Jee-suxen juoni oli koittaa vakuuttaa ize kukin siitä että jos se on kiltti muille niin jälkipeleissä on johtoporras superkiltti sille. Eli altruismikin on egoistisesti kannattavaa viimeistään palkinnonjakotilaisuudessa. Tätä korttia materialistisilla kommareilla ei tietystikään ollut lyödä pöytään. Paizi ehkä jotain työn sankarin prenikkaa josta voi jälkeläisillekin olla jotain hyötyä.
ellauri260.html on line 423: Lopuksi emme saa unohtaa huomata tiettyä ristiriitaa, joka seuraa tasa-arvon ajatukseen liittyvistä sisäisistä tunteista. Ihmiset puhuvat aina tasa-arvosta, mutta todellisuudessa kukaan ei tarkoita pelkkää tasa-arvoa. Hän haluaa enemmän, erityisesti enemmän valtaa. Tasa-arvon vaatimus perustuu yleensä haluun nousta alemmalta tasolta korkeammalle tasolle. Ne, joilla on jotain voitettavaa, ovat innokkaimpia sen puolesta. Kun he saavuttavat halutun vaiheen, he haluavat kuitenkin työntää munansa vielä pidemmälle. Työntekijät asettivat aluksi tavoitteekseen tasa-arvon saavuttamisen muiden valtion kansalaisten kanssa. Tämä ei enää koske niitä ; he haluavat hallita keskiluokkaa ja jopa pitävät kohtuuttomana, että kukaan japittaa siitä. Lopulta saamme proletariaatin diktatuurin, helvetti. Entäs me, entinen herrasväki?
ellauri260.html on line 431: Sit sosialismi unohtaa nää reviirit. Ne motivoivat apinoita suuresti. Goethe oli oikeassa sanoessaan (runomuodossa): "Jokainen elävä olento tekee oman pikku territorion." "Ole izellesi kaikki tai et ole paljon paskaakaan", sanoi Fichtekin. Tuo kyvykäs ihmisluonnon opiskelija, Tocqueville, sanoi aivan oikein, että intohimot yleensä lisääntyvät niiden yksilöiden lukumäärän myötä, jotka jakavat ne. Eli joukossa tyhmyys tiivistyy, se on lyhyempi lause. Bolshevikit ovat väärässä vaikka ovat vähemmistönä. Proletariaatin diktatuuri on syvältä, mutta niin on myös demokratia, sanokaa mun sanoneen. Hegel oli oikeassa sanoessaan että kaikki mitä opimme historiasta on että kukaan ei ole siitä mitään oppinut. (No tää meemi kyllä lähti viraalixi.)
ellauri260.html on line 433: Jos nyt koittaa tiivistää mitä Eucken ajaa takaa, se on että termiittipesään ei riitä pelkät termiitit, tarvitaan myös se syljestä ja hiekasta rakennettu kirkko jossa ne asuvat. Euckenin mielestä sosialisteilta puuttuu se, koska ne heittävät Jeesuslapsen pois pesuveden mukana. No kyllä Neuvostola rakensi ihan vastaavia termiittikirkkoja, kato vaikka Kremliä. Se että ne ei kestäneet johtui kökkäröitymisen paineesta, jota tuli niin ulkoa kuin sisältä. Stalin teki virheen siinäkin, että se tappoi Trotskin eikä rahoittanut Kominterniä. Köige maade proletaarlased ei yhtyneet näpeimpänä aikana, sensijaan köige maade kapitaali kasautui ja nitisti kaikki nationalistiset rakenteet, Neuvostolan siinä joukossa.
ellauri262.html on line 202: Alistair Cooke KBE (born Alfred Cooke; 20 November 1908 – 30 March 2004) was a British-American writer whose work as a journalist, television personality and radio broadcaster was done primarily in the United States. In reporting on the Montgomery bus boycott, begun by Rosa Parks and led by Martin Luther King, Cooke expressed sympathy for the economic costs imposed on the city bus company and referred to Mrs. Parks as "the stubborn woman who started it all ... to become the Paul Revere of the boycott." He achieved his greatest popularity in the United States in this role, becoming the subject of many parodies, including "Alistair Cookie" in Sesame Street ("Alistair Cookie" was also the name of a clay animated cookie-headed spoof character created by Will Vinton as the host of a video trailer for The Little Prince and Friends).
ellauri262.html on line 315: Tolkien held conservative views about women, stating that men were active in their professions while women were inclined to domestic life. While defending the role of women in The Lord of the Rings, the scholar of children's literature Melissa Hatcher wrote that "Tolkien himself, in reality, probably was the stodgy sexist Oxford professor that feminist scholars paint him out to be".
ellauri262.html on line 405: The critic Sean Latham has defended Sayers, arguing that Wilson and Leavis simply objected to a detective story writer having pretensions beyond what they saw as her role of popular culture "hack". Latham says that, in their eyes, "Sayers' primary crime lay in her attempt to transform the detective novel into something other than an ephemeral bit of popular culture".
ellauri262.html on line 611: The 71-year-old actor, best known for his roles in Monty Python and Fawlty Towers, said: “I don’t think Christ said a lot about abortion or even about single sex marriage.
ellauri263.html on line 607: Four factors characterize marginal religious groups which offer leadership roles for women:
ellauri263.html on line 608: (1) a perception of the divine that deemphasizes the masculine, (2) a tempering or denial of the doctrine of the Fall, (3) a denial of the need for a traditional ordained clergy, and (4) a view of marriage which does not hold that marriage and motherhood are the only acceptable roles for women.
ellauri263.html on line 729: The evolutionary purpose of jealousy isn't relevant anymore: who wants to have children anyway, and by the golden rule of America "look out for N:o 1" everybody is responsible for their own welfare and happiness. We are no fucking communists, after all. Unfortunately, the emotion does still play a role in our lives. Blue compares feeling jealous to having an alarm bell going off in your head.
ellauri264.html on line 378: Public interest in the song was renewed after the release of the 2000 film O Brother, Where Art Thou?, where it plays a central role in the plot, earning the three runaway protagonists public recognition as the Soggy Bottom Boys. Soggy Bottom boys´ version is from a sorry butt.
ellauri266.html on line 69: Morris is also criticized for stating that gender roles have a deep evolutionary rather than cultural background. True or false, it is completely non-woke currently. Uncle Sam is not a fan of woke, he thinks it narrows his freedom of speech. Koiraiden ja naaraiden tasa-arvoa edistänee tällä haavaa se, että miehet kasvattavat wiixiä ja naiset ajavat ne pois.
ellauri266.html on line 129: Laissent parfois sortir de confuses paroles; Saattaa joskus tulla häslääntyneitä sanoja;
ellauri266.html on line 360: Throughout 1993, the role of NATO forces in Bosnia gradually grew. On February 28, 1994, the scope of NATO involvement in Bosnia increased dramatically. In an incident near Banja Luka, NATO fighters operating under Deny Flight shot down four Serb jets. This was the first combat operation in the history of NATO and opened the door for a steadily growing NATO presence in Bosnia. In April, the presence of NATO airpower continued to grow during a Serb attack on Goražde. In response, NATO launched its first close air support mission on April 10, 1994, bombing several Serb targets at the request of UN commanders.
ellauri266.html on line 480: Cornélius présente Ulysse à Hélius, le directeur de la division encéphalique, qui lui fait visiter son service dont le « clou » est une salle où, par des stimulations électriques infligées à même le cerveau, il fait remonter la « mémoire de l´espèce» à des cobayes humains qui retrouvent ainsi l´usage de la parole et racontent comment les singes ont pris le pouvoir sur la planète et comment ils ont réussi à domestiquer les humains.
ellauri267.html on line 97: Based on the novel by Walter Wager, "Telefon" has not aged well because it'(TM)s so dependent on the cold war tension that existed between the USSR and the US in the Seventies. The film is basically a cat-and-mouse game with Soviet agent Major Grigori Borzov (Charles Bronson, that's right Bronson is a commie) tracking rogue Russian scientist Nicolai Dalmchimsky (Donald Pleasence) across America to prevent him from activating sleeper agents. Borzov is assisted by Barbara (Lee Remick. fresh from "The Omen") who asks more annoying questions than necessary, leading the audience to believe she may not be completely true to the motherland. The film's middle section is dragged down by repetitive bomb scares. Dalmichimsky is working from outdated intelligence so his targets are all de-classified U.S. Military installations. Once Borzov realizes the pattern and hones in the next target the action shifts to a more linear chase that'(TM)s further heightened by Barbara'(TM)s loyalties. But the ultimate showdown is deflating because beyond some silly disguises Pleasence's Dalmichimsky is never built up to be a threat. Director Don Siegel uses his flair for montage to craft a his action sequences without dialogue. "Telefon" is a road movie, much like Alfred Hitchcock's "Saboteur" and "North by Northwest" had their leads criss-crossing America here we see plenty of seventies architecture including San Francisco's Hyatt Regency Hotel (used in "The Towering Inferno") and a modernist house resting on top of a barren rock outcropping. The supporting cast is uniformly good (but trapped in underwritten roles), and it'(TM)s nice to see veteran character actors Alan Badel and Patrick Magee playing snotty KGB strategists, and Tyne Daly in a small (and ultimately irrelevant role) as a computer geek. Trivia note: The poem that activates the Russian sleeper agents was used by Quentin Tarantino in "Death Proof" as the lines Jungle Julia has her listeners recite to Butterfly. The lines are an excerpt of the poem "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost. "The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep."
ellauri269.html on line 318: Upon reaching level 10, you will be able to select what is called your specialization or spec. Each class in World of Warcraft has its own set of different specs that further diversifies the class by adding unique abilities only that spec can use as well as potentially changing the role that class plays in content. For example: As a Demon Hunter you have two specs: Havoc and Vengeance. While both specs share abilities that are common to the class such as Double Jump and Spectral Sight, both specs have unique abilities that differentiates one spec from another. As a Havoc demon hunter, you have spells like Blade Dance to deal out more damage, or as a Vengeance demon hunter, you have spells like Demon Spikes and Fiery Brand which allows you to take less damage and keep enemies off of your allies.
ellauri269.html on line 349: Because it operates in support of Russian interests, receives military equipment from the Russian Ministry of Defence (MoD) and uses installations of MoD for training, Wagner Group is frequently considered a de facto unit of the MoD or Russia's military intelligence agency, the GRU. It is widely speculated that the Wagner Group is used by the Russian government to allow for plausible deniability in certain conflicts, and to obscure from public the number of casualties and financial costs of Russia's foreign interventions. It has played a significant role in the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, where, among other activities, it has been reportedly deployed to assassinate Ukrainian leaders, and has widely recruited prisoners and convicts for frontline combat. In December 2022, Pentagon's John Kirby claimed Wagner group has 50,000 fighters in Ukraine, including 10,000 contractors and 40,000 convicts. Others put the number of recruited prisoners at more like 20,000, with the overall number of PMCs present in Ukraine estimated at 20,000. After years of denying links to the Wagner group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, a businessman with close links to Putin, admitted in September 2022 that he "founded" the paramilitary group. Now (Feb 2023) he is angry because he is not getting all the attention and financial support he wants. He says that the Kreml nomenclature are thereby guilty of high treason. *This article may be too long to read and navigate comfortably, so I stop here.
ellauri269.html on line 425: However, there is a gameplay style called Erotic Role-Play (ERP) where players can role-play sexual acts. The Moon Guard realm is notorious for this, but it's frowned upon - World of Warcraft is a game that is rated suitable for teenagers. Whilst I personally have no issue with what consenting players do in private or guild channels, ERP can be problematic when it takes place in public chat channels. But it's all textual. No actual humping with huge green orc penises in magenta arses is countenanced.
ellauri270.html on line 333: The lottery involves organizing the village by household, which reinforces the importance of family structures here. This structure relies heavily on gender roles for men and women, where men are the heads of households, and women are delegated to a secondary role and considered incapable of assuming responsibility or leadership roles. Horrible! Even though the setting of this story is a single town, it is generic enough that it might be almost anywhere. In doing this, Jackson essentially makes the story a fable—the ideas explored here are universal.
ellauri270.html on line 345: Mrs. Dunbar is the only woman to draw in the lottery, and the discussion of her role in the ritual proceedings emphasizes the theme of family structure and gender roles. Women are considered so inferior that even a teenaged son would replace a mother as the “head of household.” Wow this is going back to last century, or to Afghanistan! The formality surrounding these proceedings shows Mrs. Dunbar’s involvement to be an anomaly for the village.
ellauri270.html on line 349: Jack Watson’s role continues the examination of family structures and gender roles. Jack earns respect and identity as a man among the villagers by drawing in the lottery. He is referred to as a “good fellow” and “a man” who is looking after his “helpless” mother.
ellauri270.html on line 357: Snap shots of village life, like the conversation between Mrs. Delacroix and Mrs. Graves, develop the humanity of the characters and makes this seem just like any other small town where everyone knows each other. The small talk juxtaposed against murder (oops now I let the cat out of the bag, sorry) is what makes the story so powerful. Janey is taking on a “man’s role,” so she is assumed to need encouragement and support.
ellauri271.html on line 180: Palsternakat oli ex-kermaperseitä. Ei ihme eze hammasteli proletaareja. Se ei triivastunut neukuissa kun ei saanut konehtia. Hän oli sivuhevonen, parantumaton vetelehtijä. Kansa mellastaa paliskunnassa. Ei olis kannattanut olla löysäkätinen. Eno Nikolai oli talousliberaali. Yhtä pehmeä sieltä kuin äitivainaja. Myös Nikaa oli tyydyttävää hyväillä. Köyhtymisen ongelma ydinkysymyxenä. Jos kaikki rikastuisivat ei tarvittaisi kommunisteja. Vilpolassa veti tuntuvasti, mutta kuka ketä kuhunka? Jyrki, Jyrki, älä tyrki, hoki eno tyytyväisenä.
ellauri272.html on line 330: Indian. Never mind the practically extinct aborigines, but he is a dangerous role model for the millions of immigrant more colorful hopefuls.
ellauri275.html on line 95: The role of Ilia Chavchavadze as one of the first civil activists and propagator of the idea of civil activism mustn’t be forgotten in modern day Georgia, where nihilism and indifference, especially among youth, is quite common. The article “Ilia Chavchavadze’s Civil Activities” was created by the Europe-Georgia Institute with support from the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom South Caucasus. Ideas and opinions expressed in the article belong to the Author – Rati Kobakhidze – and might not represent positions of the EGI or FNF.
ellauri276.html on line 124: - Anteeksi, säteilevä hallitsija, mutta en tarvitse chevroletteja.

ellauri277.html on line 254: In 1925 the poet Barbara Young (pseudonym of Henrietta Breckenridge (!!!) Boughton) became Gibran’s secretary. She remained with Gibran for the rest of his life and played a major role in events after his death.
ellauri277.html on line 274: Тhe article discusses the role of religious values in the context of spiritual safety of society. The value content of the concept of spiritual security is substantiated. It is proved that the system of spiritual values and moral norms is one of the important conditions for ensuring the spiritual security of society. The basic principles of providing spiritual security and suggested of definition the relevant concepts.
ellauri277.html on line 277: role and significance of religious values in the public consciousness and self-consciousness, which became the object of research of philosophers, historians, political scientists, specialists of state administration. At the same time, actual issues of religious values in ensuring the spiritual security of society remain insufficiently studied. There is no detailed scientific substantiation and comprehensive study of spiritual security in the structure of national security.
ellauri278.html on line 198: Chicherin played a major role in establishing formal relations with China and in designing the Kremlin´s policy on China. He focused on the Chinese Eastern Railway, Manchuria, and the Mongolian issue.
ellauri278.html on line 326: Limp Bizkit is an American rap rock band from Jacksonville, Florida. Its lineup consists of lead vocalist Fred Durst, drummer John Otto, guitarist Wes Borland, turntablist DJ Lethal and bassist Sam Rivers. The band's music is marked by Durst's angry vocal delivery and Borland's sonic experimentation. Borland's elaborate visual appearance, which includes face and body paint, masks, and uniforms, also plays a large role in Limp Bizkit´s live shows. The band has been nominated for three Grammy Awards, sold 40 million records worldwide, and won several other awards. The band has released 26 singles, the most notable of which include "Nookie", "Re-Arranged", "Break Stuff", "Take a Look Around", "Rollin' (Air Raid Vehicle)." Formed in 1994, Limp Bizkit became popular playing in the Jacksonville underground music scene in the late 1990s. n October 28, 2021, Durst confirmed via Instagram that the band's sixth album – now titled Still Sucks – would be released on October 31, 2021. Durst's lyrics are often profane, scatological or angry. Much of Durst´s lyrical inspiration came from growing up and his personal life. I did it all for the nookie [slang for sexual intercourse].
ellauri279.html on line 355: Solženitsyn palasi Venäjälle vuonna 1994. Hänellä oli televisiossa oma puheohjelma, joka usein päätyi kirjailijan pitkiin yksinpuheluihin. Ohjelma lopetettiin myöhemmin pienten katsojalukujen takia. Venäjän virallisen tietotoimiston Ria Novostin edustajan Anatoli Korolevin mukaan hänellä ei paluunsa jälkeen ollut merkittävää roolia Venäjän poliittisessa dialogissa.
ellauri281.html on line 197: Chicherin played a major role in establishing formal relations with China and in designing the Kremlin´s policy on China. He focused on the Chinese Eastern Railway, Manchuria, and the Mongolian issue.
ellauri281.html on line 325: Limp Bizkit is an American rap rock band from Jacksonville, Florida. Its lineup consists of lead vocalist Fred Durst, drummer John Otto, guitarist Wes Borland, turntablist DJ Lethal and bassist Sam Rivers. The band's music is marked by Durst's angry vocal delivery and Borland's sonic experimentation. Borland's elaborate visual appearance, which includes face and body paint, masks, and uniforms, also plays a large role in Limp Bizkit´s live shows. The band has been nominated for three Grammy Awards, sold 40 million records worldwide, and won several other awards. The band has released 26 singles, the most notable of which include "Nookie", "Re-Arranged", "Break Stuff", "Take a Look Around", "Rollin' (Air Raid Vehicle)." Formed in 1994, Limp Bizkit became popular playing in the Jacksonville underground music scene in the late 1990s. n October 28, 2021, Durst confirmed via Instagram that the band's sixth album – now titled Still Sucks – would be released on October 31, 2021. Durst's lyrics are often profane, scatological or angry. Much of Durst´s lyrical inspiration came from growing up and his personal life. I did it all for the nookie [slang for sexual intercourse].
ellauri283.html on line 249: Greater Nile Petroleum Operating Company (GNPOC) on Sudanissa toimiva öljyn etsintä- ja tuotantoyhtiö. Se perustettiin 18. kesäkuuta 1997, ja se aloitti Suur-Niilin öljyputken rakentamisen, joka yhdistää Sudanin sisämaan öljykentät Khartumin ja Port Sudanin jalostamoihin.
ellauri283.html on line 252: China National Petroleum Corporation : 40 %
ellauri283.html on line 258: Sudapet (Sudan National Petroleum Corporation, Sudanin kansallinen öljy-yhtiö): kokonaista 5 %
ellauri283.html on line 261: Sekä Gulf Petroleum että Al Thani Corporation omistivat aiemmin kumpikin 5 prosentin osuuden. Kanadalainen Talisman Energy (aiemmin Arakis) oli alkuperäinen sidosryhmä. Sen osuus myytiin ONGC Videshille vuonna 2003.
ellauri285.html on line 347: Mary Robinson (née Darby; 27 November 1757 – 26 December 1800) was an English actress, poet, dramatist, novelist, and celebrity figure. She lived in England, in the cities of Bristol and London; she also lived in France and Germany for a time. She enjoyed poetry from the age of seven and started working, first as a teacher and then as actress, from the age of fourteen. She wrote many plays, poems and novels. She was a celebrity, gossiped about in newspapers, famous for her acting and writing. During her lifetime she was known as "the English Sappho". She earned her nickname "Perdita" for her role as Perdita (heroine of Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale) in 1779. She was the first public mistress of King George IV while he was still Prince of Wales.
ellauri285.html on line 399: “A woman of undoubted Genius,” according to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Mary Robinson was an English actress, author, celebrity, and ardent supporter of the rights of women who gained considerable fame during her lifetime. Known by the nickname “Perdita,” after her role in Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale, peddled to The Prince of Wales her tail.
ellauri288.html on line 194: Länsimainen vaihtoehtoinen käsitys totuudesta (amerikkalaisten kehittämä pragmaattinen totuusmääritelmä) ei ole itsestäänselvyys maassa, jossa valtio on adoptoinut neuvostokäsitykset faktoista. Marxismi-leninismin opit eivät tunnustaneet objektiivista tai absoluuttista totuutta. Roskaa, kylläpäs tunnustivat, nimittäin historiallisen materialismin totuuden. Kirjaimellisesti kaikki tiesivät, etteivät Neuvostoliiton vaalit olleet vapaita. Siitä huolimatta vaalituloksiin suhtauduttiin kuin ne olisivat faktoja. Faktoja ne olivatkin. Ehdokasasettelu jo takasi että proletariaatin diktatuuri säilyisi. Ei siitä ollut mitään väärinkäsityxiä.
ellauri300.html on line 314: Mishna listaa viisi yrttiä , jotka sopivat laskuun. 8 Mišnan heprea/arameankielisten sanojen kääntämisestä keskustellaan jonkin verran, 9 mutta yleisesti hyväksytään, että roomalainen salaatti, piparjuuri ja endiivit (escarole) sisältyvät luetteloon. 10 Pinselsabadin tapana on käyttää rooma-salaattia ja piparjuurta yhdessä. 11 Mishna jatkaa, että sekä vartta että lehtiä (jos käytetään yrttiä, jossa on lehtiä) voidaan käyttää, ja ne voivat olla tuoreita tai kuivia. Talmud huomauttaa kuitenkin, että tämä kuivien yrttien korvaus koskee vain vartta; lehtien tulee olla tuoreita. 12 Yrttejä ei saa keittää tai edes liottaa 24 tuntia, 13 koska silloin ne menettäisivät kitkerän makunsa.
ellauri300.html on line 622: Kapitalisterna har bättre kunskap on Gud än proletärerna. Huumeista, sodista ja mezästyxestä on siinä apua, argumentoi Halperin.
ellauri300.html on line 824: Bears may play a significant role here, but the real animal in this overarching story is a serpent. His slithering and slandering tongue was inside the mouths of these mockers. The god whom they served, Baal, was just a mask for Satan. Good riddance, in a word, for bad rubbish.
ellauri308.html on line 296: Kuusinen kritisoi Stalinin henkilöpalvontaa ja halusi uudistaa kommunismin oppeja. Vanhoillisten kauhuksi, ja Hruštšovin mielixi, Kuusinen esitti Stalinista päästyä esimerkiksi proletariaatin diktatuurista luopumista, mikä ei kuitenkaan toteutunut. Viimeisinä vuosinaan hän kritisoi etenkin ”maolaista harhaoppia” ja häneltä jäi kesken järkälemäinen käsikirjoitus aiheesta. Teoksessa Mao Zedongia syytetään muun muassa opportunismista ja valemarxilaisesta fraseologiasta.
ellauri309.html on line 521: In 2011, when asked if he would have done things differently, Billy said he would have spent more time at home with his family, studied more, fucked more, and preached less. Additionally, he said he would have participated in fewer conferences. Graham had a steamy relationship with Queen Elizabeth II. Graham was outspoken against communism and supported the American Cold War policy, including the Vietnam War. In 2009, more Nixon tapes were released, in which Graham is heard in a 1973 conversation with Nixon referring to Jewish journalists as "the synagogue of Satan". He further stated that the role of wife, mother, and homemaker was the destiny of "real womanhood" according to the Judeo-Christian ethic. Graham's daughter Bunny recounted her father denying her and her sisters higher education. Graham regarded homosexuality as a sin, and in 1974 described it as "a sinister form of perversion". AIDS oli ehkä jumalan designoima rangaistus pyllyhommista.
ellauri310.html on line 669: The Soviet Union's war doctrine depended heavily on the main battle tank. Any weapon advancement making the MBT obsolete could have devastated the Soviet Union's fighting capability. The United States's experience in the Vietnam War contributed to the idea among army leadership that the role of the main battle tank could be fulfilled by attack helicopters. During the Vietnam War, helicopters and missiles competed with MBTs for research money.
ellauri310.html on line 671: Though the Persian Gulf War reaffirmed the role of main battle tanks [wtf? clarification needed] MBTs were outperformed by the attack helicopter. Other strategists considered that the MBT was entirely obsolete in light of the efficacy and speed with which coalition forces neutralized Iraqi armour.
ellauri313.html on line 173: That being said, at 500 pages, the book takes on a lot and doesn't adequately address it all. There's the nominal plot, which concerns the Yugoslav mafia in Sweden; but there's also a new relationship for Annika, which is complicated; the politics of the newspaper she works for; fundamental questions about the role of the welfare state; and questions about the role of a newspaper vis a vis law enforcement. This all kind of dropped off toward the end of the book, and I didn't find the conclusion to be particularly satisfying. I felt impatient with Annika's (main character), histrionics and irrationality.
ellauri313.html on line 473: Most Americans are not entirely comfortable with the concept of "cool," or businesslike, negotiations in an atmosphere of some degree of physical threat or coercion. For the most part, they do not consciously assign to force any rational or reasonable role in "ordinary" negotiations. In the recent past (except in the case of "just" revolutions), we have tended to the view that only a criminal or a sick or insane person initiates the use of force. Therefore, we are inclined to believe that someone who uses force is not only our enemy, but an enemy of humanity—an outlaw who deserves extermination, imprisonment, or medical constraint and treatment. The "crusade," and even an initial pacifism as well, comes more naturally to Americans than the kind of cool, restrained, and moderate willingness to threaten or use force that will be suggested in this book.
ellauri317.html on line 364: Das kommunistische Regime der Tschechoslowakei nach 1948 tat sich Karel Čapek zwar schwer anzuerkennen, da er nie von der Überlegenheit einer Diktatur des Proletariats gegenüber anderen Gesellschaftsformen überzeugt gewesen war. Zudem war er eine Symbolfigur der „bourgeoisen“ ersten Republik.
ellauri317.html on line 462: Felix Dzeržinski perusti erityisen disinformaatiotoimiston, uudelleenorganisoituun Chekaan 1923 Josef Stalinin käskystä. Dzeržinski kuoli sydänkohtaukseen 49-vuotiaana 20. heinäkuuta 1926 Moskovassa heti pidettyään kahden tunnin puheen bolshevikkien keskuskomitealle, jonka aikana hän ilmeisesti melko sairaana tuomitsi väkivaltaisesti Leon Trotski, Grigori Zinovjevin ja Lev Kamenevin johtaman yhdistyneen opposition. Kuultuaan hänen kuolemastaan Josif Stalin ylisti Dzeržinskiä "proletariaatin köyhänä ritarina".
ellauri321.html on line 45: After a brief legal career he was employed by the Earl of Essex in a foreign diplomatic capacity, the main purpose of which was to gain intelligence on the activities of England's European neighbours. Wotton became ambassador to Venice and his eternal lines, "An Ambassador is an honest man, sent to lie abroad for the good of his country" no doubt reflects his disillusionment with the duplicity of the role. When on a mission to Augsburg, in 1604, he actually said, "An ambassador is an honest gentleman sent to lie abroad for the good of his country". King Jim siitä vähän pahentui.
ellauri321.html on line 324: Vivian Schiller joined the Scott Trust in 2015. She is Executive Director of Aspen Digital, a program of the Aspen Institute. Previously she has held multiple high-profile media roles including head of news at Twitter, general manager of NYTimes.com and president and CEO of National Public Radio.
ellauri321.html on line 326: Russell "Beam me up" Scott joined the Scott Trust in 2015, and is the Scott Trust’s only senior independent director AKA owner. He runs a consultancy business specialising in strategy and execution for digital audience growth and monetisation. He is also co-founder of Grazer Learning, a start-up digital education platform and provides commercial support to a number of other tech start-ups. Previously he held multiple senior roles in consumer publishing, digital and broadcast sectors including Content Director of The Football League, Commercial Director of Northcliffe media and MD of fish4, a digital classified JV between 5 major UK regional senior pressure groups.
ellauri324.html on line 240: If the author of the question long one is wealthy and well traveled he would know that Europe and Asia had many technological advances long before USA did or will ever have such as TGV or bullet trains for example. After spending time in Europe and Asia it was decades later I saw many of these advances here to buy or experience. Japanese cars nearly sunk USA automakers. Why didn’t the corp heads heed anything. TGV in France and Japan and other nations is unrivaled and we have not even one such train here. Tankless water heaters, available in Asia and Europe decades before here. Roads and other infrastructure also superior. My research shows that Americans were so busy creating totalitarian policies like redlining and private cars and pools and expressways removed entire neighborhoods of blacks to create all white suburbs that they were unconcerned with advances that would unite people. Sure everywhere are class societies but it’s a whole different level here. The homeless situation is opening eyes in this country and many things are borne out of a highly segregated society where it’s expensive to live in certain cities and suburbs and the rest be damned. Obviously California has destroyed itself from within. The liberals there and other states are the most class and race conscious than any other people on earth. This blind spot is like a beacon. A prism that breaks down social order. The wealthy libs have to accept their roles in American destruction. It will get worse long before it improves. [Redlining is an illegal practice in which lenders avoid providing credit services to individuals living in or seeking to live in, communities of color because of the race, color, or national origin of the residents in those communities.]
ellauri325.html on line 377: Mitä sinä olit kirjoittanut noskelehteen? Että nyt tarvittaisiin proletariaatin vallankumousta? Se nyt tästä vielä puuttuisi!
ellauri328.html on line 63: Och sedan, när historien om diktaturen tar slut för deras del, börjar genast historien om igen. Liksom i Ryssland. Fast proletariatets diktatur hör egentligen inte hit, inte heller plutokraternas oligarki.
ellauri328.html on line 520: Marjorie Taylor Greene is the U.S. representative from Georgia's 14th district. A Republican, her 2020 win is her first elective office. A controversial figure in the Republican Party and a vocal supporter of former President Donald Trump, Greene was removed from all House committee roles in 2021 for incendiary statements she previously made. She has since been added to the House Homeless Security Committee. LOL HAHA
ellauri330.html on line 446: "Kaikki sosialistit ymmärtävät "anarkialla" tämän: proletaariliikkeen päämäärä, luokkien poistaminen, kun se saavutetaan, niin sitten valtion valta, jonka tehtävänä nyt on pitää suuri tuottajaenemmistö pienen riistovähemmistön ikeessä, katoas ja hallinnon tehtävät muuttuvat yksinkertaiseksi 'small governmentixi'."
ellauri333.html on line 219: According to Philip Ludendorf, an American Indologist, the theological significance of Hanuman and devotional dedication to him emerged about 1,000 years after the composition of the Ramayana, in the 2nd millennium CE, with the arrival of Islamic rule in the Indian subcontinent. Ludendorf also writes that the skills in Hanuman's resume also seem to derive in part from his windy patrimony, reflecting Vayu's role in both body and cosmos. Vayu is an important deity and is closely associated with Indra, the king of gods. He is mentioned to be born from the breath of Supreme Being Vishvapurusha and also the first one to drink Soma. Soma oli todnäk piriä. Zarathustra joi haumaa, efedriiniä ja opetti sen itäintiaaneille. Ephedra is the origin of the name of the stimulant ephedrine, which the plants contain in significant concentration. It can cause cardiovascular events.
ellauri333.html on line 350: Surnames are an important detail to know about people and they do highlight the uniqueness of not only each individual, but also each community in the world. However, upon critical interrogation of the nature of surnames, one can also understand that they play a huge role in segregationist and exclusionary politics. Indiands are a huge pile of assholes. It is a pity there are so many of them.
ellauri336.html on line 429: Perhaps if one looks at it in the light of all the responsibilities a woman…a wife…a mother (the whole concept of conceiving, baring and raising the chikdren) has….the man is joyful in not having to be a woman. Be grateful to God how we are wonderfully made and to what responsibilities He has given us …if you want to say “role”…His perfect plan.
ellauri339.html on line 290: Debout ! l'âme du prolétaire Seisomaan! proletaarien sielu
ellauri339.html on line 669: Tapaan Julia Paevskan, vapaaehtoisen ambulanssijoukon perustajan ja johtavan ultranationalistisen ryhmän Right Sectorin entisen jäsenen, ravintolassa Mariupolissa, satamakaupungissa, joka sijaitsee vain 12 mailin päässä etulinjasta. Kaikki, joiden kanssa puhun, kuvailevat Paevskaa, joka on täynnä buddhalaisia tatuointeja ja urheilullisesti värjättyjä sinisiä hiuksia, puhtaasti isänmaallisuuden motiivina. Hänen organisaationsa, jonka varustukseen kuuluu vanha Chevrolet Suburban, jonka säleikkössä on pimeänäkökamera, on pelastanut 450 sotilasta vakavista tai vakavista vammoista viimeisen neljän vuoden aikana. Hän käy läpi noin 20 000 dollaria, josta puolet ulkomailta, käteisenä, polttoaineena ja lääkintätarvikkeina kuukausittain.
ellauri342.html on line 329:

Keijo Kullervo Kalske (February 28, 1912, Lahti, Finland – January 26, 1977, Helsinki, Finland) was a Finnish actor. Kalske, who worked as a police officer in Kotka before his film career, had performed occasionally at Kotka City Theater. Bulky and broad-shouldered, the 186-centimeters-tall Kalske was often seen on stage and in films in the roles of a soldier, a police or a guard, who he was perfectly fit to interpret with professionalism due to his police background.

ellauri342.html on line 402: 1914 Laughter and Patriotism: The role of laughter in wartime is acknowledged in a weekly Russian journal.
ellauri344.html on line 138: Chevrolet Tahoeen ja Suburbaniin esiteltiin jo vuoden 2025 mallit
ellauri344.html on line 169: Suomessa, tuossa porvarillisen demokratian maassa, ovat ne auttaneet maan porvaristoa murhaamaan kymmeniätuhansia proletaareja. Helsingissä ajoivat he konekivääritulen edessä naisia ja lapsia. Heidän avullaan kävi Suomen valkokaartilaisille ja ruotsalaisille brigadisteille mahdolliseksi toimeenpanna verilöylynsä voitettua Suomen proletariaattia vastaan. Tampereella pakotettiin kuolemaan tuomitut naiset itse kaivamaan hautansa; Viipurissa niitettiin tuhansia suomalaisia ja venäläisiä miehiä, naisia ja lapsia j.n.e.
ellauri344.html on line 189: Valtiovallan tuhoaminen on maali, jonka kaikki sosialistit ovat asettaneet itselleen, niiden joukossa ja ennen kaikkia Marx. Toteuttamatta tätä maalia on oikea demokratismi, s.t.s. tasa-arvoisuus ja vapaus, jotakin saavuttamatonta. Tähän maaliin johtaa käytännöllisesti kuitenkin ainoastaan neuvosto- ja proletaarinen demokratia, sillä se ryhtyy heti vallitsevan valtion täydelliseen hävittämiseen, vetämällä työtätekevän kansan joukkojärjestöt ottamaan jatkuvasti ja ehdottomasti osaa valtiohallintaan.
ellauri344.html on line 259: Jews without Money was an immediate success and was reprinted 25 times by 1950. It was translated into 16 languages. It became a prototype for the American proletarian novel.
ellauri344.html on line 263: The novel depicts a Zionist entrepreneur's fatal extortion of a poor Jew, which has been read as a proletarian critique of both American capitalism and of Zionism as a "bourgeois" movement that does not serve the interests of working-class American Jews.
ellauri353.html on line 535: Ei ole enää yhtä, keskitettyä yhtenäistä Fourth Internationalia. Eiole enää eukkoa on nuori neito vain... Suurimman osan olemassaolostaan ja historiastaan NKVD:n agentit jahtivat Neljättä Internationaalia, ja se joutui poliittisen sorron kohteeksi sellaisissa maissa kuin Ranska ja Yhdysvallat sekä Neuvostoliiton kannattajat. Neljäs internationaali kamppaili ylläpitääkseen yhteyttä näissä tukahduttamis- ja sorron olosuhteissa toisen maailmansodan aikana, koska myöhemmät proletaarikapinat olivat usein neuvostoliittolaisten stalinistien ja militanttien nationalististen ryhmien vaikutuksen alaisia, mikä johti tappioihin neljännelle internationaalille ja nujersi trotskilaiset, jotka eivät sittemmin onnistuneet saamaan merkityksellistä vaikutusvaltaa.
ellauri359.html on line 67: For a female reader from the proletarian classes, many of Gauger’s revelations have been particularly painful. Apparently, Grahame did not like women. He did not give any of his furry heroes wives, saying that he wished his book to be “clean of the clash of sex”. The few who do appear – foremost among them the fabulously feisty washerwoman – are ridiculed, in her case mocked as vulgar, ugly and stupid. Nor did Grahame like fat people; the washerwoman thus combines two pet hates.
ellauri360.html on line 468: Voittosanoma Wilholle! The unmistakable first observation about the churches below the equator is that they are charismatic. “The gifts” play a prominent role in public worship and private devotion. Grasping the history of this movement will prepare the reader for encountering the Global South. Several movements prepare and anticipate the emergence of contemporary Pentecostalism. The Methodist Holiness movements were perfectly suited for the North American frontier with an egalitarian character that could cross economic, racial, and gender barriers. Culminating 150 years of Holiness theology, by 1900 Pentecostals embraced and amended a Holiness tradition incorporating several emphases. The “mixed blessing” approach acknowledged the first blessing of conversion and a second blessing whereby the believers were stirred and moved to sanctification or holiness (the emphasis that evolved from Wesley).
ellauri364.html on line 34:



ellauri365.html on line 547: I sitt svar på Strindbergs angrepp hade Heidenstam stämplat både Strindberg och arbetarrörelsen som "proletärfilosofiska" krafter som byggde på avund och lumpet förakt för kulturen, förnuftet och rättvisan. 1911 kom skriften Proletärfilosofiens upplösning och fall, en bitter och ironisk uppgörelse med Strindberg. Förargerligt nog gick Strindberg segrande ur striden.
ellauri367.html on line 193: Rakovski toimi köigi maide proletaarlased liikkeissä joutuen karkotetuksi maasta toisensa jälkeen. Mentyään ensi kerran Venäjälle vuonna 1900 hänet karkotettiin nopeasti, minkä jälkeen hän tuki Venäjän sosialisteja rahoittamalla perinnöstään Iskra- ja Pravda-lehtiä. Vuosina 1904–1907 Rakovski vaikutti jälleen Romaniassa, jossa hän perusti sosialistisen puolueen. Vuoden 1907 talonpoikaiskapinan jälkeen hänet julistettiin iäksi karkotetuksi Romaniasta ja häneltä poistettiin siellä kaikki kansalaisoikeudet. Päätös johti hänen kannattajiensa väkivaltaisiin mellakoihin, joten se kumottiin vuonna 1912. Rakovski vastusti Balkanin maiden osallistumista ensimmäiseen maailmansotaan, ja kuului vuonna 1915 perustetun sodanvastaisen Balkanin vallankumouksellisen sosiaalidemokraattisen työväenliiton keskusjohtoon. Hän osallistui samana vuonna Zimmerwaldin konferenssiin tämän järjestön edustajana. Romanian liityttyä sotaan Rakovski pidätettiin vuonna 1916. Hän oli vankina Iașissa toukokuuhun 1917, jolloin venäläiset sotilaat vapauttivat hänet. Hän meni sen jälkeen Venäjälle, jossa sortui yhteistyöhön bolševikkien kanssa. Vladimir Burtsev vaati Venäjän väliaikaista hallitusta pidättämään hänet vaarallisena henkilönä, joten hän pakeni syksyllä 1917 Ruotsiin ja oli siellä lokakuun vallankumouksen puhjetessa.
ellauri367.html on line 226: Rakovsky viedään mukavaan huoneeseen, jossa on erilaisia ​​ruokia, ja Duval kuulustelee sitä sen jälkeen, kun Landowsky sujauttaa juomaansa korkealaatuista huumetta. Rakovsky aloittaa väittämällä, että jos Karl Marx tiesi kapitalismin ristiriidat, se johtuu siitä, että hän tunsi ne, jotka tuottivat ne siinä. Sitten hän teoristi liiton kansainvälisen rahoituksen (jota hän kutsuu "kansainväliseksi kapitalismiksi" tai "kapinterniksi") ja kommunistisen internationaalin (Comintern) välillä. Hän lisää, että Marx jätti kirjoituksissaan selvästi huomaamatta taloudellisen ilmiön, joka kuitenkin kiehtoi hänen aikansa ihmisiä: Rothschildin perheen viiden veljeksen valtavan pääoman keräämisen. Se täsmentää, että niitä on 5, aivan kuten Neuvostoliiton punaisen tähden 5 haaraa. Tuskin sattumaa! (Amschel Mayer Rothschild, Salomon Mayer Rothschild, Nathan Mayer Rothschild, Carl Mayer von Rothschild, James de Rothschild). Rakovskylle näiden kahden entiteetin yhteinen vihollinen, toinen, joka kannattaa kosmopolitismia (koska pääomalla ei ole rajoja) ja toinen kansainvälisyyttä (koska proletariaatilla ei ole rajoja), on kansallisvaltio ja sen tavoitteena on sen tuhoaminen.
ellauri367.html on line 230: Hän teoretisoi, että nämä kansainväliset rahoittajat käyttävät luotettavia ihmisiä valtaakseen heihinsä. Hän mainitsee Walther Rathenaun tässä roolissa. Muistuttaa Adam Weishauptin luomasta First Internationalin vastineesta salaisuus Baijerin Illuminatin muodossa ja tavoittelee samaa päämäärää kuin kommunismi, joka olisi muodostanut aikakautemme kolmannen antikristillisen ja kommunistisen salaliiton gnostilaisuuden jälkeen (toinen on protestantismi). Nykyinen salaliitto koostuu tästä: luo mahdollisimman suuri pääoman kertymä proletariaatin työntämiseksi työttömyyteen, epätoivoiseksi ja samalla järjestön luomiseksi proletaarien yhdistämiseksi ja vallankumouksen käynnistämiseksi.
ellauri367.html on line 243: Juutalainen työväenliike, erityisesti "pre-Bund" ja Bund-sosialismi, saivat tukensa kolmelta juutalaisen yhteiskunnan sektorilta. Ensimmäinen, palkkatyöläisten luokka, omaksui juuri silloin yritystietoisuuden ja yhteenkuuluvuuden käsitöiden kapitalisoitumisen ja perinteisten käsityöyhdistysten (ḥevrot) hajoamisen seurauksena, mikä johti oppisopimusoppilaiden erillisen järjestäytymisen (keskivälistä lähtien -1800 - luvulla erityisesti vaateteollisuudessa. Tekstiili- ja tupakkatyöntekijöiden keskuudessa oli satunnaisia lakkoja 1870-luvulla. Toiseksi, siellä olivat radikaalin älymystön piirit, jotka tällä alueella yhdistivät vallankumouksellisia ideoita ja marxilaista ideologiaa juutalaiseen identiteettiinsä ja vastuuseen juutalaista proletariaattia kohtaan. Lopuksi oli puoliälykkyys, joka, vaikka heillä ei ollut muodollista yleissivistystä, juurtui syvästi juutalaiseen kulttuuriin.
ellauri367.html on line 249: Kuitenkin neljännessä vuosikongressissa esitettiin ehdotus, että Venäjä olisi muutettava kansakuntien liittovaltioksi ilman viittausta kotialueeseen sillä ehdolla, että kansalaisuuden käsitettä tulisi soveltaa juutalaisiin. Kuitenkin kompromissina tämän ehdotuksen vastustajien kanssa päätettiin olla kampanjoimatta juutalaisten autonomian puolesta konkreettisena vaatimuksena "kansallisen tunteen paisuttamisen" pelosta, joka oli omiaan "hämentämään proletariaatin luokkatietoisuutta ja johtamaan šovinismiin".
ellauri370.html on line 123: Midian's role in Israel's apostate behavior during
ellauri370.html on line 185: In addition, contrary to claims that he was an environmentalist, Jackson was almost as much a "whore for logging companies" as for Boeing, according Carsten Lien's book Olympic Battleground. After his death, critics pointed to Jackson's support for Japanese American internment camps during World War II as a reason to protest the placement of his bust at the University of Washington. Jackson was both an enthusiastic defender of the evacuation and a staunch proponent of the campaign to keep the Japanese-Americans from returning to the Pacific Coast after the war. Jackson died at 71. Jackson's death was greatly mourned. Jackson was proof of the old belief in the Judaic tradition that at any moment in history goodness in the world (olam) is preserved (tikkum) by the deeds of 36 just men who do not know that this is the role the Lord has given them. Scoop Jackson was one of those men.
ellauri370.html on line 605: Gobineaun kuvailema materialistinen itä­maalainen kuvasti todellisuudessa aristokatin käsitystä Ranskan rahan­himoisesta keski­luokasta, kun taas hänen kuvittelemansa "aistillinen, älytön ja väki­valtainen neekeri" oli irvikuva Ranskan proletariaatista. Gobineaun halveksunta alempia yhteis­kunta­luokkia kohtaan käy ilmi hänen kirjeistään, joissa hän käytti suurista kansan­joukoista nimitystä la boue ("muta, lieju, rupusakki"). Ranskalaiset lanzarit kuten Asterix ja Obelix olivat karkeaa, raakaa kelttiväkeä, joka ei kyennyt oppimaan eikä ajattelemaan muutoin kuin kaikkein alkeellisimmalla tasolla. Gobineau itse uskoi polveutuvansa viikingeistä. Kermaa kermakastikkeessa. Hänen sivuillaan on siinä määrin narsismia, että iljettää. Hän vihasi kotikaupunkiaan Pariisia, jota hän sanoi "lika­kaivoksi täynnä juurettomia ex-nakkeja."
ellauri371.html on line 123: Taloudellinen orjuus, "ihmisten oikeudet". Kansat Köyhyyden kahlitsema kovaan työhön enemmän kuin orjuus ja maaorjuus kahlitsi heidät. From heidät olisi voitu vapauttaa tavalla tai toisella, he olisivat voineet harkita, mutta he eivät repi itseään pois tarpeesta. Me sisällytämme Chilen perustuslaissa on sellaiset oikeudet, että massoilla ovat kuvitteellisia eivätkä todellisia oikeuksia. Kaikki nämä niin sanotut "ihmisten oikeudet" voivat olla olemassa vain ideana, ei koskaan toteutunut käytännössä suojattu. Mikä on proletaarityöläiselle, taipunut kaaressa raskaan työn päällä, sen murskattuna kohtalo, puhujien hankkima halu chattailla, päiväkirja- luvat kirjoittaa kaikenlaista hölynpölyä tapauksen mukana, koska proletariaatilla ei ole muuta hyötyä perustuslaista tѣtsіi, paitsi ne säälittävät murut, jotka annamme heille heitämme ne pöydästämme äänestämistä varten ohjeemme, mentorimme hyödyt, shih agentit?
ellauri371.html on line 200: Kauppa, teollisuus ja keinottelu. Sama asia, aikaa tarvitaan intensiivisen kaupan holhoamiseen ja teollisuus, ja mikä tärkeintä, keinottelu, jonka rooli on teollisuuden vastapainossa: ilman keinotteluteollisuus moninkertaistaa yksityisen pääoman. Talsi ja ala palvella, nostaa maataloutta, vapauttaa maata maalainoilla perustetusta velasta pienet pankit. Se on teollisuuden kannalta välttämätöntä. Ime molemmin käsin pääoma maasta ja spekulaatio siirtäisi kaikki maailman rahat käsiimme ja siten heittäisi kaikki goyit riveihin proletaarien. Silloin goyit kumartavat meidän edessämme vain saadakseen oikeuden olemassaoloon.
ellauri371.html on line 210: Käsien jännityksen tarkoitus. Sotilaallinen jännitys, vaimot, poliisihenkilöstön lisääminen - tässä on kaikki ydin tarvittavat lisäykset yllä oleviin suunnitelmiin. Ei - se on välttämätöntä meidän lisäksi kaikessa valtioissa oli vain proletariaatin massat, ei kuinka monta miljonääriä on meille, poliiseille, uskollisia ja sotilaita.
ellauri375.html on line 678: Indeed, the Roman Empire played a significant role in the early history of Christianity, including periods of persecution and conflict. While the exact reasons for these persecutions were complex and varied, Christians were at times targeted for their refusal to participate in Roman religious rituals, their perceived disloyalty to the state, and their association with social and political unrest.
ellauri377.html on line 181: Se on ristiriidassa lunastuksen käsitteen kanssa, joka saavutetaan sovittamalla ihmiskunta jumalallisen kanssa jollain välirahalla. Marxilaisuus on siis "gnostinen", koska se väittää, että täydellinen yhteiskunta maan päälle voidaan perustaa, kun proletariaatti on kukistanut kapitalismin. Samoin natsismia pidetään "gnostisena", koska se väittää, että utopia voidaan saavuttaa saavuttamalla rodullinen puhtaus, kun mestarirotu on vapauttanut itsensä rodullisesti alempiarvoisista ja rappeutuneista.
ellauri378.html on line 86: Lopuxi tarkastellaan Leon Trotskia. Tuottaja Konstantin Ernst kertoi Guardianille : "Luulen, että hän yhdistää kaiken, hyvän ja pahan, epäoikeudenmukaisuuden ja rohkeuden. Hän on arkkityyppinen 1900-luvun vallankumouksellinen. Mutta ihmisten ei pitäisi ajatella, että jos Trotski olisi voittanut eikä Stalin, asiat olisivat olleet paremmin, koska ne eivät olisi olleet. Vielä pahemmin voisi olla asiat, jos köige maade proletaarlased olis oikeasti ehtineet yhynege ennenkuin köige maade kapitaalilased ehti tehdä niin.
ellauri378.html on line 604: Paroles et musique: N. Gay, D. Furber, N. Newell, 1979
ellauri381.html on line 162: In April 2014, more information about the activity of the Banderovites was revealed in documents declassified by the Russian Ministry of Defense. These documents shed new light on the activities of the Banderovites and their logistical support of the German occupying forces, as well as their role in carrying out ethnic cleansing.
ellauri382.html on line 575: Imi Lo has held roles as mental health supervisor, suicide crisis counselor, psychotherapist, art therapist, and trainer to therapists and coaches. While living in various countries, she worked for National Health Service (UK), Médecins Sans Frontières/ Doctors Without Borders, Samaritan Befrienders, and Mind.
ellauri384.html on line 366: Demokratia riitelee tyrannian kanssa samalla tavalla kuin, sanoo Hesiodos, 'savenvalaja riitelee savenvalajan kanssa', sillä äärimmäinen demokratia on tietysti tyrannian muoto. Proletariaatin diktatuuria.
ellauri384.html on line 387: Jews have criticized the show’s casting: Its titular heroine, her parents Abe and Rose Weissman (Tony Shalhoub and Marin Hinkle) and Lenny Bruce (Luke Kirby) are all played by non-Jews. A debate over the casting of non-Jewish actors in Jewish roles has heated up in recent years, Comedian Sarah Silverman popularized the term “Jewface” to criticize the trend. Watching a gentile actor portraying, like, a Jew-y Jew is just — agh — feels, like, embarrassing and cringey, like a paleface blackened with shoeshine to play a coon,” Silverman said on her podcast in 2021.
ellauri384.html on line 417: Kaikki hallitustavat ovat diktatorisia, vähintäänkin enemmistön, koska kaikki eivät kuitenkaan ole asioista samaa mieltä. Sevverran nollasummapeliä tässä ollaan pelaamassa. Demokratia on yläluokkan ja siihen pyrkivän keskiluokan diktatuuria, jossa yhteisvoimin kyykytetään keskiluokkaan pyrkivää proletaaria. Parasta mitä siitä voidaan sanoa, sanoi Sokrates, on että se ei ole jotain vielä pahempaa. Se mitä jenkit sanovat demokratiaxi on roomalaistyyppistä republikanismia. Pääasia siinä on pursuit of happiness, eli tolkuttoman rikastumisen tilaisuus.
ellauri389.html on line 61: Indeed, the essay not only represents the sales flows that Lamb, in his role as a clerk, tabulated daily, but also it evokes a burgeoning domestic industry that significantly nurtured Coleridge's literary career as well: as is widely known, Coleridge's career as a poet was supported by an annuity he received from the porcelain manufacturers Thomas and Josiah Wedgwood.
ellauri389.html on line 235: “But I feel weighed down by the short sightedness, the petty bureaucracy, and the often pointless activities that are creeping into higher education. These things eat time and, more importantly, sap energy. Meanwhile the sand sifts through the hourglass. At the Open University I’d always hoped that we’d be able to offer a named undergraduate degree in philosophy, but actually the subject has, if anything, become marginalised, with fewer courses available than when I joined nineteen years ago, and with much higher fees. This at a time when philosophy is becoming increasingly popular. There had also been suggestions that I might be able to take on an official role promoting the public understanding of philosophy, but that didn’t materialise either.
ellauri390.html on line 82: Keitä olivat aseistetut parrakkaat miehet ylhäällä Kuuban vaikeapääsyisillä vuorilla? Heistä puhuttiin kuiskaten, ja vain silloin kun poliisi ei ollut lähellä. Jotkut nimet olivat kaikkien huulilla: Fidel Castro, Che Guevara. Diktaattori nimitti heitä rosvoiksi, köyhä kansa vapauttajiksi. Tekisivätkö nämä miehet lopun nälästä ja kurjuudesta, sotilaiden ja tilanomistajien mielivallasta? Vai lysähtäisikö diktaattori Castron uusi diktatuuri 3. vuosituhannella muiden prolediktatuurien mukana? Olisko kuubalaisilla siitä jälellä vain ikivanhoja amerikanrautoja, maailman paras julkinen terveydenhoito ja Florida täynnä amerikan raittia tallaavia venepakolaisia?
ellauri399.html on line 153: [Steve] wanted his buddy Daniel to live with them because he believed it would break up the intensity of what wasn’t working between us. He said he didn’t want us to play assumed roles and that he wanted to choose when we would be together. Daniel, who was sort of charmingly odd, slept in the living room on the floor next to his piano. But after a month [Steve] literally picked me up and moved everything I owned and took over the master bedroom. He’d finally realized that I had the better deal: a larger room with an en suite bath and the privacy of the backyard. [Steve] had paid the security deposit for the rental so was, in fact, entitled to the room he wanted. But he was so graceless that I felt humiliated and outraged.
ellauri403.html on line 470: Greta hokee aina samaa ilmastoskriptiä. Lefties are losing it, inttää aussi oikeistoherhiläinen Rita Panahi. Ne ovat intolerantteja. Kukapa ei kaipaisi takas marsilaisia. Paizi AK Päkkilä, jonka mielestä ne eivät olleet demokraatteja. No ei tietysti, ne kannustivat proletariaatin diktatuuria.
ellauri406.html on line 315: Two years later, Kukko Koppava (aka Anton Borkovskyi) interviewed Colonel Grant. "Ukraine's army chief must reform strategy, tactics to secure victory - Colonel Grant." Glen Grant, tired British colonel and military expert, spoke about the need for reforms in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the weaknesses of the Russian army. Royal United Services Institute which is the think tank for the British government on defence. So it's got the same role in Great Britain as R an' D Corporation has for the American government and the Pentagon. Quite a chicken then. But grant Grant the floor:
ellauri408.html on line 622: Heti kun hän tulee sisään, hän vie hänet huoneen herran luo. Päätelty on siellä kuka karole ystävällisen seuransa kanssa. Tämä valittu joukko koostuu Liessestä, rakkauden jumalasta ja hänen palvelijastaan ​​Gentle-Regardista, kauneudesta, rikkaudesta, Largessesta, franchising-sopimuksesta, kohteliaisuudesta, Oyseusesta ja nuorista. Kohteliaasti nähdessään rakastajamme, hän tulee hakemaan hänet ja esittelee hänet konventille. Hän osallistuu karoleen ja tanssien päätyttyä kiirehtii vierailemaan lumotussa puutarhassa. Hän pysähtyy suihkulähteen reunalle, joka ei ole kukaan muu kuin Narkissuksen lähde, ja haluaa hänen tavoin ihailla itseään kirkkaissa vesissä. Alareunassa on maaginen peili, jolla on ainutlaatuinen hyve. Kaikki ne, jotka katsovat sinne, ovat yhtäkkiä niin ihastuneet näkemäänsä, että voittamaton intohimo valtaa heidän sydämensä. Rakastaja ihailee upeaa ruusupensasta, josta hän valitsee yhden, kauneimman kaikista, ja hänen sydämensä palaa välittömästi halusta poimia jumalallinen kukka. Kun hän pohtii häntä, rakkauden Jumala ampuu nuolensa häntä kohti. Haavoistaan ​​uupunut rakastaja putoaa tajuttomaksi. Rakkaiden Jumala ryntää hänen kimppuunsa, ottaa hänet vangiksi, tarttuu hänen [s. XXIX] siittimeen sulkemalla sen kultaisella avaimella, sanelee sille käskynsä ja katoaa.
ellauri412.html on line 688: Scripture reveals that our suffering is not without purpose. It can produce character and hope (Rom 5:3-4; Jas 1:2-4), draw us to God (2 Cor 1:9), teach us to love (2 Cor 1:4-5), and play an important role in our sanctification (Heb 12:6-10; Eph 5:26-27). Suffering also plays a critical role in our salvation (1 Pet 4:12-16). In fact, I think our salvation is the reason Heaven cannot contain love and free will without the existence of evil. It is like putting your foot out of the bed: it won´t feel good before you have felt what bad is like.
ellauri412.html on line 828: Throughout much of Christendom, the church prohibited Christians from charging interest. This is why banking became a heavily Jewish enterprise. They were allowed to charge interest on loans (Deut. 23:20). As result, the Jews were often reviled for being “moneylenders,” their unique role in the financial industry being a contributing factor to centuries of antisemitism.
xxx/ellauri010.html on line 911: Mielialan heilahtelua on piisannut, epäkunnioitusta auktoriteeteille, arroganssia ja varsinkin kyynisyyttä kiitettävästi. Itsetuhoisuuttakin, ja ihan samasta syystä: olen niin hyvä etten edes kelpaa itselleni. I am my worst enemy, and my own best friend, my Frankenstein, and my lord. My game of solitary, with two roles. Viettelyt on vanhemmiten jääneet mielikuvaharjoittelun asteelle. Onneksi oireet on lieventyneet iän mukana, kun muistaa äidin läksyn: naura sinäkin.

xxx/ellauri027.html on line 976: Think of the philosopher as the conductor, he goes round and sells tickets and tells people where to get off. The Paphos seminar turns the role of the lecturer into one of a conductor in an elevated bus titillating the customers. the Paphos seminar is a big one man show, it becomes one of the performing arts.
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 518: Kant käytti hiljaisen vuosikymmenensä pohtien ratkaisua esitettyyn ongelmaan. Kun hän lopetti hiljaisuuden toukokuussa 1781, hänen vastauksensa oli Puhtaan järjen kritiikki. Vaikka Kritiikki on nykyään eräs filosofian historian kuuluisimmista teoksista, siitä ei välitetty juuri lainkaan sen ensimmäisellä julkaisukerralla. Kirja oli pitkä, alkuperäisenä saksankielisenä painoksena yli 800 sivua, ja se oli kirjoitettu kuivalla koulufilosofisella tyylillä. Se sai vain muutamia arvosteluja, ensimmäisen ilmestyessä vasta tammikuussa 1782, eivätkä arvostelijat ymmärtäneet Kritiikin vallankumouksellista luonnetta. Kant pettyi teoksen saamaan vastaanottoon. Hän kuitenkin ymmärsi teoksen epäselvyyden ja kirjoitti teoksen Prolegomena, joka teki yhteenvedon Kritiikin pääkohdista.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 62: Kirgiisit ja kasakat ymmärtävät toisiaan aika kivasti. By the way, kasakoita sanottiin kirgiiseixi ryssissä 1925 saakka. Kirgiiseillä ei tosiaan ollut kirjoitusta ennen neuvostojen tuloa 20-luvulla. Mladopismennyie yazyki..., 1959. Latinalaisella aakkostolla ajateltiin ajettavan köikkien maiden proletaarlasten yhinemisen asiaa, jonka piti olla ihan huulilla.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 68: The events in Germany since January 30, 1933, when Nazis came to power and declared as their aim the march to the east to capture resourcesand "living space" greatly contributed to it. The USSR realized the enormous importance of the national question and recognized the great role of the country´s history and patriotism in the consolidation of the society. There was mounting criticism of romanization. It was admitted that, in some cases, there had been overreliance on the alphabetical creativity of the linguists,engaged in language construction, which manifested itself in the creation of individual alphabets for numerically very small dialects, as well as in the overly largenumber of letters for some alphabets, in frequent disregard for the practical problemsof language construction and in the exclusive use of the Latin as a possible basis forthe creation of writing for the illiterate peoples, as well as in the insufficient attentionto the use of other alphabets (Novyi alfavit (The New Alphabet), 1934).
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 269: Martti (Martin) Rautanen, also known as El Gaucho Martín Fierro, is a 2,316-line epic poem by the Argentine writer José Hernández. The poem was originally published in two parts, El Gaucho Martín Fierro (1872) and La Vuelta de Martín Fierro (1879). The poem supplied a historical link to the gauchos' contribution to the national development of Argentina, for the gaucho had played a major role in Argentina's independence from Spain.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 188: "He was the philosopher of my generation, which didn't succeed in realizing itself spiritually, but remained nostalgic about such a realization. Shestov [...] has played an important role in my life. [...] He thought rightly that the true problems escape the philosophers. What else do they do but obscuring the real torments of life?" (Emil Cioran: Oeuvres, Gallimard, Paris 1995, p. 1740, my translation (kuka oon tää 'mä?')]
xxx/ellauri081.html on line 86: Lohan's early work won her childhood stardom, while the sleeper hit Mean Girls (2004) affirmed her status as a teen idol. After starring in Herbie: Fully Loaded (2005), Lohan quickly became the subject of intense media coverage due to a series of personal struggles and legal troubles, as well as a number of stints in rehabilitation facilities due to substance abuse. This period saw her lose several roles and had significantly impacted her career and public image negatively.
xxx/ellauri084.html on line 772: The candid approach of The Sorrow and the Pity shone a spotlight on antisemitism in France and disputed the idealized collective memory of the nation at large. In 2001, Richard Trank, a documentarian of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, described it as "a film about morality that explores the role of ordinary people".
xxx/ellauri084.html on line 830: Susan Alexandra "Sigourney" Weaver (/ s ɪ ˈ ɡ ɔːr n i /; born October 8, 1949) is an American actress. Weaver is considered to be a pioneer of action heroines in science fiction films. She is known for her role as Ellen Ripley which earned her an Academy Award nomination in 1986 and is often regarded as one of the most significant female protagonists in cinema history. Her most famous co-star was the Alien.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 454: Many authors have borrowed the phrase "World enough and time" from the poem's opening line to use in their book title or inside. The most famous is Robert Penn Warren's 1950 novel World Enough and Time: A Romantic Novel, about murder in early-19th-century Kentucky. (WTF,? bet Ernest Heminway's booklet Farewell for Arms (p. 129) is famouser.) With variations, it has also been used for books on the philosophy of physics (World Enough and Space-Time: Absolute versus Relational Theories of Space and Time), geopolitics (World Enough and Time: Successful Strategies for Resource Management), a science-fiction collection (Worlds Enough & Time: Five Tales of Speculative Fiction), and a biography of the poet (World Enough and Time: The Life of Andrew Marvell). The phrase is used as a title chapter in Andreas Wagner's pop science book on the origin of variation in organisms, "Arrival of the Fittest". The verse serves as an epigraph to Mimesis, literary critic Erich Auerbach's most famous book. It is also the title of an episode of Big Finnish Productions's The Diary of River Song series 2, and of part 1 of Doctor Who's Series 10 finale. It is the title of a Star Trek New Voyages fan episode where George Takei reprises his role as Sulu after being lost in a rift in time. The title of Robert A. Heinlein's 1973 novel Time Enough for Love also echoes this line.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 627: The central role of contradictions as sources of change and development.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 308: In scramble competition resources are limited, which may lead to group member starvation. Contest competition is often the result of aggressive social domains, including hierarchies or social chains. Conversely, scramble competition is what occurs by accident when competitors naturally want the same resources. These two forms of competition can be interwoven into one another. Some researchers have noted parallels between intraspecific behaviors of competition and cooperation. These two processes can be evolutionarily adopted and they can also be accidental, which makes sense given the aggressive competition and collaborative cooperation aspects of social behavior in humans and animals. To date, few studies have looked at the interplay between contest and scramble competition, despite the fact that they do not occur in isolation. There appears to be little understanding of the interface between contest competition and scramble competition in insects. Much research still needs to be conducted concerning the overlap of contest and scramble competition systems. Contests can arise within a scramble competition system and conversely, scramble competition "may play a role in a system characterized by interference".
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 402: Right: Personal responsibility and it is the government’s role to hold them accountable. Fair competition over safety nets.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 474: we find that the most prominent explanations include factors related to the quality of institutions, such as reliable and extensive welfare benefits, low corruption, and well-functioning democracy and state institutions. Furthermore, Nordic citizens experience a high sense of autonomy and freedom, as well as high levels of social trust towards each other, which play an important role in determining life satisfaction. On the other hand, we show that a few popular explanations for Nordic happiness such as the small population and homogeneity of the Nordic countries, and a few counterarguments against Nordic happiness such as the cold weather and the suicide rates, actually don't seem to have much to do with Nordic happiness.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 158: We Need to Talk About Kevin was awarded the 2005 Agent Orange Prize. The novel is a study of maternal ambivalence, and the role it might have played in the title character's decision to murder only nine people at his high school. Gharbi got a significantly higher body count, but then his mother was more supportive. It provoked much controversy and achieved success through word of mouth. She said this about We Need To Talk About Kevin becoming a success:
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 190: Now, I am a little at a loss to explain what’s so insulting about a sombrero – a practical piece of headgear for a hot climate that keeps out the sun with a wide brim. And what's so insulting about shackles - a practical way to keep a cotton worker focused on his work. My parents went to Mexico when I was small, and brought a sombrero back from their travels, the better for my brothers and I to unashamedly appropriate the souvenir to play dress-up. For my part, as a German-American on both sides, I’m more than happy for anyone who doesn’t share my genetic pedigree to don a Tyrolean hat, pull on some leiderhosen, pour themselves a weisbier, and belt out the Hoffbrauhaus Song. (Leiderhosen? weisbier? Damn what ignoramus. But she is American, remember. Donald Trump is an expatriate German too. Hitler was an expatriate Austrian. Bet he had a Tirolean hat, a green one like aunt Inkeri.)
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 435: Two big Harry Potter fan sites, unhappy over author J.K. Rowling’s views on transgender people, said today they will no longer provide links to her personal website, use photos of her, or write about her outside of her role in creating the fantasy world they love.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 522: Kathryn Lee Gifford (née Epstein; born August 16, 1953) is an American television presenter, singer, songwriter, occasional actress and author. She is best known for her 15-year run (1985–2000) on the talk show Live! with Regis and Kathie Lee, which she co-hosted with Regis Philbin. She is also known for her 11-year run with Hoda Kotb, on the fourth hour of NBC's Today show (2008–2019). She has received 11 Daytime Emmy nominations and won her first Daytime Emmy in 2010 as part of the Today team. Gifford's first television role had been as Tom Kennedy's singer/sidekick on the syndicated version of Name That Tune only in the 1977–1978 season. She also occasionally appeared on the first three hours of Today and was a contributing NBC News correspondent.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 531: Gifford left Today in order to pursue a movie career both as an actress, and as a director and producer. She did a number of voice overs most notably as a spiny anteater in the 1998 TV series Hercules and in Higglytown Heroes as the Mail Carrier Hero in 2004. In 2018 she filmed a Hallmark Christmas movie for Hallmark Movies & Mysteries called A Godwink Christmas. Gifford intends to make movies about the experiences of losing a loved one and being a widow, as she now has first-hand experience of the role.
xxx/ellauri113.html on line 562: As lord of the underworld, Osiris’s was responsible for judging the souls of the dead. In that role, he earned the name Khentiamenti or “the Foremost of the Westerners”. If the dead person was deemed to have lived an upright life, the soul of the dead would be ushered into the bosoms of Osiris, i.e. into eternal paradise. However, if the person was found guilty by the panel, the soul of dead was instantly consumed by the demon Ammit. Thus, the soul vanished into eternal nothingness.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 667: Right and left play an important role in Jacob's final blessing to his grandsons, Ephraim and Manasseh (Gen. 48: 12–20), whom Joseph places at the left and right sides of Jacob, respectively (verse 13), expecting his father to place his right hand on Manasseh (the firstborn) and his left on Ephraim, and then bless them. But Jacob crosses his hands, placing his right hand on Ephraim (verse 14) and his left on Manasseh, despite Joseph's objections (verse 18). Jacob explains his actions by stating that Ephraim will be greater than Manasseh (verse 19).
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 688: he Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teaches that a significant portion of its members are descended from or adopted into the tribe of Ephraim, believing that they are charged with restoring the lost tribes in the latter days, as prophesied by Isaiah. Along with members of the tribe of Judah, members of the tribe of Ephraim are believed to be playing an important leadership roles for covenant Israel in the last days. Members' lineage is declared through patriarchal blessings.
xxx/ellauri116.html on line 182: She is best known for her philosophical treatises on feminism and women's role in society. She is an advocate of liberal feminism and women migrant workers' rights in France. Except wearing scarfs, that is not a right but a left. Badinter is described as having a commitment to Enlightenment rationalism and universalism. She advocates for a "moderate feminism". A 2010 Marianne news magazine poll named her France's "most influential intellectual", primarily on the basis of her bestselling books on women's rights and motherhood.
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 358: Peg on muistavinaan että jonkun nazin morsian olisi ollut keskitysleirin pihalla bikineissä kissalasit päässä. Hmm. Although two-piece bathing suits were being used by women as early as the 1930s, the bikini is commonly dated to July 5, 1946 when, partly due to material rationing after World War II. Cat eye glasses first became popular in the 1950s with their feline inspired style. A huge contrast to the frames that had been in fashion previously, cat eye glasses marked a new era of chic style for women. The glasses were originally created to be worn only with optical lenses, but it was the hugely famous actress Audrey Hepburn that kicked off the trend for cat eye sunglasses after her starring role in 1961 hit film Breakfast at Tiffanys. Eli selkeästi joku anakronismi, sodanjälkeisiä muoteja. Platform shoes oli kyllä muotia 30-40-luvuilla. Mitä vittua on "sen ajan painokuvahatut?" Ei takuulla ollut 40-luvun muotia, mitä sitten ovatkaan. Ja sit toi älytön Nolite te bastardes carborundorum josta on ollut useaankin otteeseen syytä marista.
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 367: Komentaja on Junesta siitä mukava että se ei ole naisvihamielinen kuten jopa Luke. Se on pikemminkin niinkuin iskä hyönteishemuli. Kun Peggy kunnostautuu ritiratissa sanalla zeugiitti eli ateenalainen iesmies komentaja on suorastaan iloinen, ja Peggy on läpeensä tyytyväinen. Peg pitää vanhemmista miehistä. Leffan luikero Fred (1970) ei oikein täytä roolia, parrasta huolimatta se näyttää melkein nuoremmalta kuin June (1982). Jatko-osien Joosepin näyttelijä on enempi kuin kirjan Fred. Hassua että Fredin nimi on oikeasti Jooseppi! Joseph is the younger brother of Harry Potter. Speaking to The Guardian about becoming a parent in 2016, Joseph said: "Becoming a parent has made me more aware of the role my parents played in my life, in all our lives." Jäätävää. Onko Peggy lapsivihamielinen, välillä se kuulostaa aika kylmältä.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 172: Scientific interest in the effects of MBI on the immune system is also growing since accumulating evidence indicates that inflammation may trigger changes that contribute to the pathophysiology of depression and stress-related disorders [17,18,19]. Also, inflammation is one of the aspects of immunity that is regulated by the stress response [20]. Inflammation is a complex process that includes a number of biological markers, many of them classified as cytokines and chemokines, key regulators of immune function with different roles in the inflammatory processes (for example, some of these mediators are predominantly pro-inflammatory, whereas others are mainly anti-inflammatory) [21,22]). Some of the inflammatory markers are considered as to be (potentially) significant for depression, e.g., the pro-inflammatory cytokines as interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-1 (IL-1), and tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α), as well as the acute phase reactant protein C-reactive protein (CRP) [23,24,25].
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1031: But is Barbie really that great of a role model? Was she really portraying true feminism or displaying the “right” way to look? Were these impressionable young girls learning an independent way of life or a body figure which should be modeled? If Barbie was paving the “new” way of life, then why was she so goddamn skinny? We liberated U.S. women weigh 3x more in our 10 gallon panties.
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 59: Melampus sai ennustajan lahjan ja kyvyn ymmärtää eläinten puhetta pelastettuaan 2 käärmeorpoa. Melampus juorusi kaikelle kansalle että Midas-kuningas sai aasinkorvat. San Francisco on Melampuxen copycat. Melampus on myös Impala ja eräs gastropodi. Impala on myös Chevrolet. Niillä Impalan siivekkeillä oli joku Nabokoviin liittyvä nimi joka on karannut mielestä.
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 166: Suellyn Lyon (July 10, 1946 – December 26, 2019) was an American actress. She joined the entertainment industry as a model at the age of 13, and later rose to prominence and won a Golden Globe for playing the title role in the film Lolita (1962). Her other film appearances included The Night of the Iguana (1964), 7 Women (1966), Tony Rome (1967), and Evel Knievel (1971).
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 168: When she was 14 years old, she was cast in the role of Dolores "Lolita" Haze in Stanley Kubrick's film Lolita (1962), against James Mason, then aged 53. Nabokov, the book's author, described her as the "perfect nymphet". She was chosen for the role partly because the film makers had to alter the age of the character to an older adolescent rather than the 12-year-old child Lolita in Vladimir Nabokov's novel Lolita. Although Kubrick's film altered the story so as not to be in violation of the Hollywood Production Code, it was still one of the more controversial films of the day.
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 763: She appeared in supporting roles in the Alex Cox films Sid and Nancy (1986) and Straight to Hell (1987) before forming the band Hole in Los Angeles with guitarist Eric Erlandson. The group received critical acclaim from underground rock press for their 1991 debut album, produced by Kim Gordon, while their second release, Live Through This (1994), was met with critical accolades and multi-platinum sales. In 1995, Love returned to acting, earning a Golden Globe Award nomination for her performance as Althea Leasure in Miloš Forman's The People vs. Larry Flynt (1996), which established her as a mainstream actress. The following year, Hole's third album, Celebrity Skin (1998), was nominated for three Grammy Awards.
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 768: After filming Sid and Nancy in New York City, she worked at a peep show in Times Square and squatted at the ABC No Rio social center and Pyramid Club in the East Village.The same year, Cox cast her in a leading role in his film Straight to Hell (1987), a Spaghetti Western starring Joe Strummer and Grace Jones filmed in Spain in 1986. The film caught the attention of Andy Warhol, who featured Love in an episode of Andy Warhol's Fifteen Minutes.
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 795: After Hole's world tour concluded in 1996, Love made a return to acting, first in small roles in the Jean-Michel Basquiat biopic Basquiat and the drama Feeling Minnesota (1996), and then a starring role as Larry Flynt's wife Althea in Miloš Forman's critically acclaimed 1996 film The People vs. Larry Flynt. Love went through rehabilitation and quit using heroin at the insistence of Forman; she was ordered to take multiple urine tests under the supervision of Columbia Pictures while filming, and passed all of them. Despite Columbia Pictures' initial reluctance to hire Love due to her troubled past, her performance received acclaim, earning a Golden Globe nomination for Best Actress, and a New York Film Critics Circle Award for Best Supporting Actress. Critic Roger Ebert called her work in the film "quite a performance; Love proves she is not a rock star pretending to act, but a true actress."
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 803: In 1999, Love was awarded an Orville H. Gibson award for Best Female Rock Guitarist. During this time, she starred opposite Jim Carrey as his partner Lynne Margulies in the Andy Kaufman biopic Man on the Moon (1999), followed by a role as William S. Burroughs's wife Joan Vollmer in Beat (2000) alongside Kiefer Sutherland. Love was cast as the lead in John Carpenter's sci-fi horror film Ghosts of Mars, but backed out after injuring her foot. She sued the ex-wife of her then-boyfriend, James Barber, whom Love alleged had caused the injury by running over her foot with her Volvo.
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 481: The Mind & Life Institute is a US-registered, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization founded in 1991 to establish the field of contemplative sciences. Based in Charlottesville, Va., the institute “brings science and contemplative wisdom together to better understand the mind and create positive change in the world." Over three decades, Mind & Life has played a key role in the mindfulness meditation movement by funding research projects and think tanks, and by convening conferences and dialogues with the Dalai Lama. Since 2020, Mind & Life's grant-making events and digital programs have sought to nurture personal wellbeing, build more compassionate communities, and strengthen the human-earth connection. And fatten the monks' bank accounts. 1 to lama, 2 to me.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 713: Chatterton soon conceived the romance of Thomas Rowley, an imaginary monk of the 15th century, and adopted for himself the pseudonym Thomas Rowley for poetry and history. According to psychoanalyst Louise J. Kaplan, his being fatherless played a great role in his imposturous creation of Rowley. The development of his masculine identity was held back by the fact that he was raised by two women: his mother Sarah and his sister Mary.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 125: Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield KG PC FRS (21 December 1804 – 19 April 1881) was a British statesman and Conservative politician who twice served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He played a central role in the creation of the modern Conservative Party, defining its policies and its broad outreach. Disraeli is remembered for his influential voice in world affairs, his political battles with the Liberal Party leader William Ewart Gladstone, and his one-nation conservatism or "Tory democracy". He made the Conservatives the party most identified with the glory and power of the British Empire. He is the only British prime minister to have been of Jewish birth. He was also a novelist, publishing works of fiction even as prime minister.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 135: C’était, dit Jean-Jacques Rousseau, « un homme droit et adroit ». « Il faisait profession, écrit La Harpe, d’une franchise brusque qui ne déplaisait point […] Soit habitude, soit dessein, il gardait ce ton même dans la louange et l’on peut juger qu’elle n’y perdait pas. Il avait d’ailleurs un fonds de droiture qui le rendait incapable de plier son opinion ni sa liberté à aucun intérêt ni aucune politique ; et cependant ce ne fut point un obstacle à son avancement, parce qu’il n’offensa jamais l’amour-propre des gens de lettres, et qu’il sut intéresser en sa faveur celui des gens en place. » Duclos avait beaucoup d’esprit et une grande liberté de parole ; on cite de lui nombre de mots heureux.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 442: Jennie Lee (born Virginia Lee Hicks, October 23, 1928 – March 24, 1990) was an American stripper, burlesque entertainer, pin-up model, Union activist, and a minor role movie actress, who performed several striptease acts in nightclubs during the 1950s and 1960s. She was also known as "the Bazoom Girl", "the Burlesque Version of Jayne Mansfield", and "Miss 44 and Plenty More".
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 524: Robert von Ranke Graves (24 July 1895 – 7 December 1985) was a British poet, historical novelist, critic, and classicist. His father was Alfred Perceval Graves, a celebrated Irish poet and figure in the Gaelic revival; they were both Celticists and students of Irish mythology. Graves produced more than 140 works in his lifetime. His poems, his translations and innovative analysis of the Greek myths, his memoir of his early life—including his role in World War I—Good-Bye to All That, and his speculative study of poetic inspiration, The White Goddess, have never been out of print.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 563: Ab 1903 war er literarischer Lektor im Verlag von Bruno Cassirer, mit dem er freundschaftlich verbunden war. Er betreute und förderte dort u. a. Robert Walser. Zuvor war er Dramaturg bei Felix Bloch Erben. 1905 reiste er nach Wyk und hatte einen Sanatoriumsaufenthalt in Birkenwerder, der nicht zum gewünschten Erfolg führte. Zudem erschienen in diesem Jahr seine Galgenlieder und er las Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski. Ein Jahr später reiste er aus gesundheitlichen Gründen in Kurorte in bayerischer, Tiroler und Schweizer Alpenlandschaft, nach Bad Tölz, Längenfeld, Obergurgl, Meran, Obermais, St. Vigil und Tenigerbad und beschäftigte sich mit Jakob Böhme, Fechner, Fichte, Hegel, Eckhart von Hochheim, Fritz Mauthner, Spinoza und Tolstoi.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 603: The teachings of George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff played an important role in Anderson's life. Anderson met Gurdjieff in Paris and, together with Leblanc, began studies with him, focusing on his original teaching called The Fourth Way. Along with Katherine Mansfield and Jane Heap, she remains one of the most noted institutees of Gurdjieff´s, Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man, at Fontainebleau, near Paris, from October 1922 to 1924. Anderson studied with Gurdjieff in France until his death in October 1949, writing about him and his teachings in most of her books, most extensively in her memoir, The Unknowable Gurdjieff. By 1942 her relationship with Heap had cooled. Anderson sailed for the United States. Jane Heap had moved to London in 1935, where she led Gurdjieff study groups until her death in 1964. With her passage paid by Ernest Hemingway, Anderson met on the voyage Dorothy Caruso, widow of the singer and famous tenor Enrico Caruso. The two began a romantic relationship, and lived together until Dorothy´s death in 1955. Anderson returned to Le Cannet, and there she died of emphysema on October 19, 1973.
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 109: Other theories attributed to Eker include the concept that people unwilling to make major sacrifices in order to succeed "play the role" of the victim and deny that they have control of their own situations. Instead they should play the role of the perpetrator and take control of the victim. Another concept is that guilt prevents seeking wealth and that "thinking about wealth as a means to help others" relieves this guilt and enables wealth accumulation.[citation needed]. LOL.
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 219: Gloria Grey was born Maria Dragomanovich in Portland, Oregon in 1909. She was educated in San Francisco, California. Her career was spent chiefly during the 1920s in Hollywood, and the 1940s in Argentina. She was given praise for her starring role in the 1924 adaptation of Gene Stratton-Porter's A Girl of the Limberlost, which garnered her the honor of being selected as one of the WAMPAS Baby Stars in 1924. She also sang Jingo etc kneeling beside two black-and-white kids in a tub, (but not the juicy parts), and alleged got arrested because of indecency. Grey was found deceased in bed at her mother's home in Hollywood, California on November 22, 1947, having succumbed to a two-month bout of influenza. She was survived by her husband, Argentine magazine editor Ramón Romero, and their daughter, whose name is unmentionable. 'Oh By Jingo' sung by Gloria Grey (colorized) Shortly Before Her Arrest...(Allegedly). "I din't know there were nude kids in the tub, a black male and a white female in fact." The little pickaninny boy looks slightly shocked.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 161: Tää oli Moshelta hyvä veto sikäli että nää lisäyxet päihittää kristinuskon tärkeimmät vetolaastarit, lunastuskaupan luottokortin ja taivastoivon. Maimonides further explains in his work on the Halakhic code, the Yad haHazaqa (“The Strong Hand”), also known as the Mishne Torah (Second Torah) the view of redemption and the role Messiah will play. Maimonides summarizes the Jewish expectation of the Messiah. But the expectation of Messiah, is not limited to Maimonides comments, quotes from the Talmud, Targum, Midrash, Zohar and other writings give us a vivid picture of the expectation in the Jewish world of the times of Messiah. Messianic expectation in Rabbinic times (A.D.135-1750) and in the time of Yeshua may have changed over the years. For example in the time of Yeshua, The Temple existed and Israel was not scattered abroad as is the case today. In the days of Maimonides, there was no Israel and no Temple, and Jews were persecuted in Europe. Here we quote from Raphael Patai’s work, The Messiah Texts on pages 322-327, his translation of the Mishne Torah, Maimonides writes the following.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 213: The Jewish Bible and rabbinical writers clearly teach the role of Elijah as forerunner of the Messiah. The final last prophet, Malachi foretells the coming of Elijah, who caught up into heaven, awaits the great terrible day of the Lord, when he will be revealed to Israel.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 454: El Heraldo Chihuahua (Mexico) contributed this: “Every third Thursday of November, World Philosophy Day is celebrated, with the main purpose of revaluing the role of philosophical reflection in all aspects of our lives, in a world that seems to need more and more of this intellectual resource. The need to understand is imperative. The concern for thought, and especially for philosophical thought, appears worldwide when we face a global wave of irrational attitudes and resources that complicate our usual coexistence, generating problems of various kinds. But it is a concern that indicates that we still have conscience."
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 460: The Brussels team notes that Philosophy is often considered to be an intellectual activity and not very practical. However, a basic training in philosophy used to be considered essential before embarking on further study in a whole range of subjects. Over thousands of years, philosophy has been the mother of all sciences and a key driving force in human progress. This year we will be looking at how ‘philosophy in the classical tradition’ can actively contribute to finding solutions to our many crises, help us find more sustainable ways of living and develop the inner potential of the human being. The event will consist of five talks of about 20 minutes each, with a break after the third speaker. Topics covered will include philosophy as the art of living, learning how to think, inner development and transformation, the role of philosophy in promoting active citizenship and the universal laws and timeless principles of the perennial and hermetic philosophy. For those you can, the suggested donation for the live stream is £8 (£5cons), this will help to support our activities, thank you!
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 474: Rome, Italy. ‘World Philosophy Day –Philosophy for the Futures’ bythe Italian Ministry of Education, TheDirectorate General for School Regulations, Evaluation andthe internationalization of the national education system of the Ministry of Education in collaboration with the Italian National Commission Italian National Commission for UNESCO.The Italian Ministry of Education, Professor Patrizio Bianchi, will open the celebration.the Secretary General of the National ItalianCommission UNESCO and The National Coordiator of Italy UNESCO ASPnet, will discuss the role of philosophy for next generation in the global contest.In the First Session, Luciano Floridi, philosopher, and Cristina Becchio, scientist, will speak about the importance of philosophy for reimaging the future and education.Inthe Second Session, experts,teachers,researchers,and students will discuss about new philosophical practices to make philosophy accessible to all. Ils sont fous, les Romains.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 491: Bamberg, Germany. Unesco-Welltag der Philosophie by Bamberg Universität. Man is only fully human where he plays (Friedrich Schiller). Play is still a largely unexamined phenomenon in ethics education. Despite the numerous possibilities of using it (e.g. as a role play), the traditional text discussion is still the standard. In interaction, the participants and the lecturer will discuss and test different possibilities of a game-centered ethics education. The central question is: Which competencies can be opened up through the use of playful methods? To make sure that it does not just remain theoretical, we offer all participating students a city tour of a different kind: By means of a rally on the app Action-Bound, the participants get to know Bamberg not only with its well-known sights, but also from a philosophical point of view. In addition to answering questions about the content, there are also smaller but philosphically no less important tasks to complete.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 45: Anne Morrow Lindbergh, wife of ace aviator, Charles Lindberg was a renowned author. As an aviator she flew with Charles, assisting him as a navigator and radio operator, in many notable aviation milestones that he achieved. She was also the first American woman to obtain a glider pilots license in 1930. Her works included genres of poetry to non-fiction. She expressed her thoughts on distinct topics varying from solitude and contentment to youth and age, from the role of women in 20th century to love, marriage and peace.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 491: Relative to similar concepts of such beings, Azrael holds a rather benevolent role as God´s angel of death; he acts as a psychopomp, responsible for transporting the souls of the deceased after their death. Both in Islam and in Judaism, he is said to hold a scroll concerning the fate of mortals, recording and erasing their names at their birth and death, respectively.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 553: Nicole Kidman played Mrs Coulter in the film adaptation, The Golden Compass. Pullman had previously indicated that he would like to see Kidman play the role. ... Her dæmon was changed from a Golden Monkey to a Golden snub-nosed monkey in order to better reflect the two sides of Coulter´s character.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 580:

Yes, the virgin fixation is puzzling. I expect it has something to do with women as property and the importance of verifying lineage. Yes I have a pet theory (hypothesis) that in civilizations where we lived in large numbers and with animals diseases could bounce from people to animals and back again hence all the plagues. In cultures where people were relatively isolated then virginity doesn’t seem to play as big a role. Mind you if you are paying for a wife to raise your children who you see as the primary reason for your existence then not raising someone else’s children may be a prime issue.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 586: One of the roles of Satan, in the story, is to force the human race to mature faster than we would otherwise. Whether an individual believes the story or not is up to them of course. Other roles include identifying the wicked and disposing of them. The role of Satan was very much to create fear and obedience as a means of the Church maintaining its control over the flock so to speak.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 93: He is today best remembered as the author of A Dictionary of Angels, Including the Fallen Angels (1967), a populist work detailing the types of angel classes and their roles. This was a popularised compendium of angelology from Talmud, kabbalah, medieval occult writers, gothic grimoires and other sources.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 162: Queste parole da lor ci fuor porte. Nää sanat siltä siinä kantautui.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 612: Illuminati, a card game from Steve Jackson Games, was inspired by the books. A trading card game, Illuminati: New World Order, and a role-playing game, GURPS Illuminati, followed.
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 91: A very few could really believe in a bi-polar new order of U.S. power and United Nations moral authority, the first as global policeman, the second as global judge and jury. The order would be collectivist in which decisions and responsibility would be shared. LOL. Pat Buchanan predicted that the Persian Gulf War would in fact be the demise of the new world order, the concept of United Nations peacekeeping and the U.S.´s role as global policeman. How ridiculous! U.S. can perfectly well server as policeman, judge, jury, and henchman in one person. In fact, the deeper reality of the new world order was the U.S. emergence "as the single greatest power in a multipolar world".
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 98: The aim of these assaults is to establish the role of the major imperialist powers—above all, the United States—as the unchallengeable arbiters of world affairs. The "New World Order" is precisely this: an international regime of unrelenting pressure and intimidation by the most powerful capitalist states against the weakest.
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 552: What is role of the Actual Freedom Trust?
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 343: La secrète occupation du jeune lord, même au cours de ces affectueuses paroles, transparaissait.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 553: De paroles vacante et ce corps allourdi

xxx/ellauri174.html on line 57: Nicolas Malebranche Oratory of Jesus (/mælˈbrɒnʃ/ mal-BRONSH, French: [nikɔla malbʁɑ̃ʃ]; 6 August 1638 – 13 October 1715) was a French Oratorian Catholic priest and rationalist philosopher. In his works, he sought to synthesize the thought of St. Augustine and Descartes, in order to demonstrate the active role of God in every aspect of the world. Malebranche is best known for his doctrines of vision in God, occasionalism and ontologism. Because of a malformed spine, Malebranche received his elementary education from a private tutor. Having rejected scholasticism, He eventually left the Sorbonne, and entered the Oratory in 1660. There, he devoted himself to ecclesiastical history, linguistics, the Bible, and the works of Saint Augustine. Malebranche was ordained a priest in 1664.
xxx/ellauri174.html on line 130: Malibran was born in Paris as María Felicitas García Sitches into a famous Spanish musical family. Her mother was Joaquina Sitches, an actress and operatic singer. Her father Manuel García was a celebrated tenor much admired by Rossini, having created the role of Count Almaviva in his The Barber of Seville. García was also a composer and an influential vocal instructor, and he was her first voice teacher. He was described as inflexible and tyrannical; the lessons he gave his daughter became constant quarrels between two powerful egos.
xxx/ellauri174.html on line 132: When the season closed, García immediately took his operatic troupe to New York. This was the first time that Italian opera was performed in New York. Over a period of nine months, Maria sang the lead roles in eight operas, two of which were written by her father. In New York, she met and hastily married a banker, Francois Eugene Malibran, who was 28 years her senior. It is thought that her father forced Maria to marry him in return for the banker's promise to give Manuel García 100,000 francs. However, according to other accounts, she married simply to escape her tyrannical father. A few months after the wedding, her husband declared bankruptcy, and Maria was forced to support him through her performances. After a year, she left Malibran and returned to Europe. Malibran is most closely associated with the operas of Rossini. Norma kyllä oli Bellinin. Yhtään Malibranin levytystä ei ole säilynyt.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 878: While Tyndall was inside Jordan hastily married his fiancee Miss Dior. Tyndall got sore and founded his own, even greater Britain movement. Make Britain Great Again. Bugger. Jordan's first wife was French socialite Françoise Dior, the niece of fashion designer Christian Dior. She, too, was a Nazi and helped fund various right-wing causes after the war. Dior had an incestuous relationship with her own daughter Christiane, before playing an active role in her child's suicide. Soon Dior found Jordan bourgeois and divorced him. Jordan's second partner Joanna Saffrany was probably a --- Hungarian!
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 915: "It is not just another dumb thriller. It's almost peerlessly self-important, weirdly incoherent and eerily smarmy. It's also mysteriously inept, considering that Tom Cruise plays the title role."
xxx/ellauri177.html on line 258: Ils restèrent longtemps silencieux, toujours très graves. Ils avaient roulé leurs têtes, les éloignant insensiblement, comme si la chaleur de leurs haleines les eût gênés. Puis, au milieu du grand silence, Serge ajouta cette seule parole:
xxx/ellauri178.html on line 111: Tästä aiheesta piti Pilin tehdä term paper mutta se bylsikin vaan Lontoossa kahta (2) ruozalaista tyttöä jotka tiesivät että WW2 oli kaikkien syytä. Pili jenkkijutkuna meinas saada hepulin. Bettan koitti tehdä izarin ja Pili syytti siitä Gittania. Vitun Raskolnikov, tai Puddinhead Wilson. Pudd'nhead Wilson (1894) is a novel by American writer Mark Twain. Its central intrigue revolves around two boys—one, born into slavery, with 1/32 black ancestry; the other, white, born to be the master of the house. The two boys, who look similar, are switched at infancy. Each grows into the other's social role.
xxx/ellauri178.html on line 351: Tarpeettomana mihin tarkoituxeen? Hölmö. Tottakai koroillaan elävät porvarit on tarpeettomia niiden toimettomuuden eteen raatavien proletaarlasten mielestä. Millanens perhe-elämä Antonilla oli?
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 169: Wayne Bidwell Wheeler (November 10, 1869 – September 5, 1927) was an American attorney and longtime leader of the Anti-Saloon League. The leading advocate of the prohibitionist movement in the late 1800s and early 1900s, he played a major role in the passage of the 18th amendment to the United States Constitution, which outlawed the manufacture, distribution, and sale of alcoholic beverages.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 201: Still, the fact that they bring up Hemingway’s Catholicism at all confirmed my own suspicions of a deeper, clear-eyed spiritual sensibility lurking behind all of Hemingway’s naturalistic plots — forcing me to reconsider everything I had previously thought about the man. I see Catholicism as playing a central role in Hemingway’s literary vision and moral landscape. Non-catholics just turn away from the religious clues in his work to focus on his public image, war exploits, and psychological instability — all the while missing that singularly under-reported and significant aspect of Hemingway’s life as a writer: his Catholicism.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 281: By the time he was on to his most open-minded wife, Mary, his final spouse, they were exchanging letters about hair that were, Dearborn says, ‘frankly pornographic’, while indulging in sexual role-swapping in bed. Of course, Hemingway — who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954 — wouldn’t be the first genius to have a somewhat less impressive private life. The real Hemingway was self-pitying, self-glorifying and thin-skinned, ready to turn viciously on friends on the slightest provocation. Kake kavereineen tossa Ford Fiesta kirjassa vaikutti täys paskiaisilta ihan miehissä. Mitääntekemättömiä renttuja.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 334: Voiko tän selvemmin enää sanoa? "Women" with a gamin hairstyle, lovers who cut and dye their hair and change sexual roles, are themes that, with variations, occur in all of his novels!
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 820: Bishop Manning was a Bishop in New York City, who played a prominent role in World War I. Kake refers to him, when discussing his school life, and showing who he was surrounded by. In 1939-40, Manning took a leadership role in the successful effort to force the City University of New York to rescind their offer of a professorship to the philosopher Bertrand Russell.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 235: The Edict of Restoration, a proclamation attested by a cylinder seal in which Cyrus authorized and encouraged the return of the Israelites to the Land of Israel following his conquest of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, is described in the Bible and likewise left a lasting legacy on the Jewish religion due to his role in ending the Babylonian captivity and facilitating the Jewish return to Zion. According to Isaiah 45:1 of the Hebrew Bible, God anointed Cyrus for this task, even referring to him as a messiah (lit. 'anointed one'); Cyrus is the only non-Jewish figure in the Bible to be revered in this capacity.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 237: Having originated from Persis, roughly corresponding to the modern-day Fars Province of Iran, Cyrus has played a crucial role in defining the national identity of modern Iran. He remains a cult figure amongst modern Iranians, with his tomb serving as a spot of reverence for millions of people. In the 1970s, the last Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, identified Cyrus' famous proclamation inscribed onto the Cyrus Cylinder as the oldest-known declaration of human rights, and the Cylinder has since been popularized as such. This view has been criticized by some Western historians as a misunderstanding of the Cylinder's generic nature as a traditional statement that new monarchs make at the beginning of their reign. Fucking Westerners, always belittling other people's achievements.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 792: c) The objection might also imply something about the character of Allah and his ability to use inaccuracies or falsities within his revealed truth. What makes matters worse for the objector is the pivotal role the Quran plays within Muslim thought concerning inspiration. Islamic scholar Stefan Wild asserts
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 298: With the growth of Mariology, the theological study of Joseph also began to grow to discuss his role in the Economy of Salvation. Three centers for Josephology were formed in the 1950s, the first in Valladolid, Spain, the second at Saint Joseph's Oratory in Montreal, and the third in the theologate of Viterbo, Italy.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 300: During the centenary of Quamquam pluries in 1989, Pope John Paul II delivered the Apostolic exhortation Redemptoris custos ("Guardian of the Redeemer"). This exhortation is part of the "redemption documents" issued by the pope, and refers to the Marian encyclical Redemptoris Mater. It discusses the importance of Saint Joseph in the Holy Family, and presents the pope's view of Saint Joseph's role in the plan of redemption. John Paul II positions Saint Joseph as breaking the old vice of paternal familial domination, and suggests him as the model of a loving father.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 220: "The jury doesn't evaluate the crime in itself, but instead evaluates the victim and the accused's life, trying to show how adapted each one is to what they imagine should be the correct behavior for a husband and wife....The man can always be acquitted if the defense manages to convince the jury that he was a good and honest worker, a dedicated father and husband, while the woman was unfaithful and did not fulfill her responsibilities as a housewife and mother....This way the ones involved in the crime are judged distinctly. Men and women are attributed different roles, in a pattern that excludes citizenship and equality of rights.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 247: In an understandable effort to free Mr. Seib, the reporter's family, according to a UPI report in The Post Feb. 4, announced: "We want to stress his Catholic background, his German Volga background, his ethnic background." Further, "His upbringing did not have anything to do with the type of person who would spy for anybody." The Iranians chimed in to the effect that "mistakes and misunderstandings" played a major role in Mr. Seib's detention.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 347: Carlson is skeptical of foreign intervention, like Iraqi war and Ukrainan demilitarization. Carlson played an influential role in dissuading Trump from launching military strikes against Iran in response to the shooting down of an American drone in June 2019.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 598: The Swedes feel differently, though. The presentation speech lays out a “cut-out silhouette of two remarkable literary profiles,” drawing parallels between two writers whose work is not very similar, but whose lives curiously are. Both ­Eyvind Johnson and Harry Martinson come from hardscrabble backgrounds and emerged as unlikely, startling literary figures. “They are representative,” the speech tells us, “of the many proletarian writers or working-class poets who, on a wide front, broke into our literature, not to ravage and plunder, but to enrich it with their fortunes. Their arrival meant an influx of experience and creative energy, the value of which can hardly be exaggerated.”
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 722: A member of the public Waseela Jardine, who asked the committee review section 11 of the Constitution in order to provide for the death penalty, said a return of capital punishment would reduce the number of senseless murders and rapes, and added that it was unfair for murderers and rapists to relax in jail and secure parole for good behaviour, when considering the bizarre number of women and children that are being sexually molested.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 764: 467 convicted murderers in 18 prisons (urban and rural) in all 9 provinces of our country, located by the South African Department of Correctional Services (DCS), completed a questionnaire, approved by this department. 392 men and 75 women were interviewed before completing their questionnaires. The latter consisted of questions regarding general information such as age, race group, gender, and length of sentence. The first question focussed on: (1.a.1) What was your motive for committing murder (jealousy, spite, anger, thoughtlessness, money, or anything else - that had to be indicated)? (1.a.2) Were you exposed to violence shortly before committing murder (electronic media, or any other type of violence – that had to be indicated)? (1.b) Which of the following contributing factors played a role in the commitment of the murder (drugs, alcohol, or both)? (1.c) Was the murder premeditated or committed impulsively? The second question focussed on: (2.a) Do you think capital punishment would be a deterrent to committing serious crimes? (2.b) And in your specific case: Do you think capital punishment would have been a deterrent to committing murder? Question three (3) asked: Was the victim known to you? By name, sight, or not at all? Question four was interested in: (4.a) Are you currently involved in a rehabilitation program. And (4.b): If you are currently involved in a rehabilitation program, do you think this program is helpful, and if yes, in which ways? The last question (5) focussed on: Will you murder again? In gaol or after you have been released?
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 775: The following contributing factors played a role in the murders: 8.9% of people were under the influence of drugs; 41.6% under the influence of alcohol and 20.1% under the influence of both. 29.3% were sober.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 788: 5.3% indicated that they committed the murder under the influence of drugs; 37.3% under the influence of alcohol and in 10.7% of women both these drugs played a role as contributing factors to the murder. 46.7% were not under the “influence” at all.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 802: The role of faith communities in rebuilding prisoners’ lives should not be underestimated. The late South African cardiac surgeon Prof. Chris Barnard described execution as follows:
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 826: From the practice of slavery, when black people were considered the property of others and put to sleep like dogs at will, to this day, racial discrimination undoubtedly plays a role in the application of the death penalty. Race is more likely to affect death sentencing than smoking affects the likelihood of dying from heart disease. Jurors in Washington state they are three times more likely to recommend a death sentence for a black defendant than for a white defendant in a similar case. Such jurors are also likely to be heavy smokers and white.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 151: Antoine tutustuu isänsä kirjeenvaihtoon ja muistiinpanoihin. Isä on saanut vangeilta ja kasvateilta ylistäviä kirjeitä. Oscar Thibault on oivaltanut, että proletariaatti taistelee Jumalan luomaa vaihtelevaisuutta vastaan. Herra Kunnianarvoisuus on minusta tekopyhä ja epäilen, että ylistävät kirjeet on kirjoitettu vilpillisessä mielessä tai jonkun pakottamana. Jacques kohtaa isän kasvatuslaitoksen ja mielessään polttaa sen. Hän kuitenkin karkaa Pariisiin. Pariisiin tulee junalla myös Antoine, joka puhuu abbe Vecardin kanssa uskosta. Pitkän keskustelun lopussa abbe uskoo Antoinessa oleva uskon siemenen, joka joskus vielä kasvaa ja kannustaa Antoinea rukoilemaan.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 398: “Hitler’s grandmother [from his father’s side] was not married, and thus, considering his destructive role and hideous actions, rumors and claims like that are almost natural,” said Havi Dreifuss, a historian of the Holocaust in Eastern Europe at Tel Aviv University.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 504: Veikkaan ettei enää synny uutta proletaariliikettä. Kilpailuajattelu pitää rotinkaiset pohjalla polkemassa toisiaan. Jokainen volttilaatikkoa kuskaava yxinyrittäjä koittaa vaan päästä pyörärutkullaan toisten samanlaisten edelle. Luottamuxesta on nyt paljon puhetta ja siitä on vastaavasti hurja puute.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 539: Habermas identified five attributes he said Europeans share: the neutrality of authority, embodied in the separation of church and state, trust in politics rather than the capitalist market, an ethos of solidarity in the fight for social justice, high esteem for international law and the rights of the individual and support for the organizational and leading role of the state.
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 516: Best friends Fred and Barney awaken with hangovers and no memory of the previous night. Their television is on, showing a program about animals using rubble and flintstones as currency to get food. In the program is a monkey nicknamed Andrew. It's the best actor of the film. Pity it only has a cameo role. Their refrigerator is filled with containers of chocolate pudding, and the answering machine contains an angry message from their twin girlfriends Wilma and Betty as to their whereabouts. The two also learn they have almost been fired from their jobs at the quarry. They emerge from their home to find Fred's car missing, and with it their baby girlfriends' first-anniversary presents. This prompts Fred to ask the film's titular question: "Dude, where's my car?"
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 273: Philosophical Taoism had a large role in Le Guin´s world view, and the influence of Taoist thought can be seen in many of her stories. Many of Le Guin´s protagonists, including in The Lathe of Heaven, embody the Taoist ideal of leaving things alone. The anthropologists of the Hainish universe try not to meddle with the cultures they encounter, while one of the earliest lessons Ged learns in A Wizard of Earthsea is not to use magic unless it is absolutely necessary. Taoist influence is evident in Le Guin´s depiction of equilibrium in the world of Earthsea: the archipelago is depicted as being based on a delicate balance, which is disrupted by somebody in each of the first three novels. This includes an equilibrium between land and sea, implicit in the name "Earthsea", between people and their natural environment, and a larger cosmic equilibrium, which wizards are tasked with maintaining. Another prominent Taoist idea is the reconciliation of opposites such as light and dark, or good and evil. A number of Hainish novels, The Dispossessed prominent among them, explored such a process of reconciliation. In the Earthsea universe, it is not the dark powers, but the characters´ misunderstanding of the balance of life, that is depicted as evil, in contrast to conventional Western stories in which good and evil are in constant conflict, wearing white and black stezons, respectively. The idea of leaving good enough alone, in particular, is deeply un-American.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 279: Cette construction littéraire a été décrite pour la première fois par le linguiste Adolf Tobler, en 1887. Il l´a découverte en étudiant les écrits de Zola et Flaubert. Un autre linguiste, Charles Bally, lui donna en 1912 un nom et l´appela « style indirect libre », et ce n´est que plus tard, que peu à peu, style devint discours, car cette forme vise à restituer une parole, et est donc plus proche du discours que du style.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 281: A number of Le Guin´s writings, including the Earthsea series, challenged the conventions of epic fantasies and myths. Many of the protagonists in Earthsea were dark-skinned individuals, in comparison to the white-skinned heroes more traditionally used; some of the antagonists, in contrast, were white-skinned, a switching of race roles that has been critically remarked upon by multiple critics. In a 2001 interview, Le Guin attributed the frequent lack of character illustrations on her book covers to her choice of non-white protagonists. LOL haha! She explained this choice, saying: "most people in the world aren't white. Why in the future would we assume they are?" Her 1985 book Always Coming Home, described as "her great experiment", included a story told from the perspective of a young protagonist, but also included poems, rough drawings of plants and animals, myths, and anthropological reports from the matriarchal society of the Kesh, a fictional people living in the Napa valley after a catastrophic global flood.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 288: Le Guin´s attitude towards gender and feminism evolved considerably over time. Although The Left Hand of Darkness was seen as a landmark exploration of gender, it also received criticism for not going far enough. Reviewers pointed to its usage of masculine gender pronouns to describe its androgynous characters, the lack of androgynous characters portrayed in stereotypical feminine roles, and the portrayal of heterosexuality as the norm on Gethen.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 298: The first three Earthsea novels together follow Ged from youth to old age, and each of them also follow the coming of age of a different character. A Wizard of Earthsea focuses on Ged´s adolescence, while The Tombs of Atuan and The Farthest Shore explore that of Tenar and the prince Arren, respectively. A Wizard of Earthsea is frequently described as a Bildungsroman, in which Ged´s coming of age is intertwined with the physical journey he undertakes through the novel. To Mike Cadden the book was a convincing tale "to a reader as young and possibly as headstrong as Ged, and therefore sympathetic to him". Reviewers have described the ending of the novel, wherein Ged finally accepts the shadow as a part of himself, as a rite of passage. Scholar Jeanne Walker writes that the rite of passage at the end was an analogue for the entire plot of A Wizard of Earthsea, and that the plot itself plays the role of a rite of passage for an adolescent reader. Any fucking involved at all? What kind of coming of age would it be without some?
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 306: Always Coming Home, set in California in the distant future, examines a warlike society, resembling contemporary American society, from the perspective of the Kesh, its pacifist neighbors. The society of the Kesh has been identified by scholars as a feminist utopia, which Le Guin uses to explore the role of technology. Scholar Warren Rochelle stated that it was "neither a matriarchy nor a patriarchy: men and women just are". Ich bin nur. "The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas", a parable depicting a society in which widespread wealth, happiness, and security, comes at the cost of the continued misery of a single child, has also been read as a critique of contemporary American society. The Word for World is Forest explored the manner in which the structure of society affects the natural environment; in the novel, the natives of the planet of Athshe have adapted their way of life to the ecology of the planet. The colonizing human society, in contrast, is depicted as destructive and uncaring; in depicting it, Le Guin also critiqued colonialism and imperialism, driven partly by her disapproval for U.S. intervention in the Vietnam War.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 310: Other social structures are examined in works such as the story cycle Four Ways to Forgiveness, and the short story "Old Music and the Slave Women", occasionally described as a "fifth way to forgiveness". Set in the Hainish universe, the five stories together examine revolution and reconstruction in a slave-owning society. According to above mentioned Rochelle, the stories examine a society that has the potential to build a "truly human community", made possible by the Ekumen´s recognition of the slaves as human beings, thus offering them the prospect of freedom and the possibility of utopia, brought about through revolution. Slavery, justice, and the role of women in society are also explored in Anals of the Western Shore.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 618: Voi luoja, antakaa minulle anteeksi että olen saattanut koko maan perikatoon - tämän hienon sekopäisen maan täynnä idealisteja ja kirjanpitäjiä, jotka haluavat vain ajaa Chevrolet Blazereillaan vehmaassa maastossa, joiden ainoa toive on, että heille kerrotaan jonain päivänä, mitä eroa on "puolipilvisellä" ja "ajoittain aurinkoisella", jotka eivät halua mitään muuta kuin luotettavan matkapuhelinoperaattorin niin että he ovat aina tavoitettavissa jos heidän lapsensa sattuu soittamaan, koska hänen koulussaan ammuskellaan ja koska isin tai äidin täytyy soittaa heti paikalla CNN:lle ja aloittaa neuvottelut oikeuksista tähän todella hienoon materiaaliin koulun kahvilan verilöylystä.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 606: Lynne Perrie, best known for her role as Ivy Tilsley in soap opera Coronation Street, performing a tuneless rendition of the Gloria Gaynor song "I Will Survive".
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 444: Of course, most readers will want to learn about Hornblower (one of the few fictional characters with a biography), where that name came from, and what mechanism the father used to develop the many characters in his novels. But who would be startled to learn that Forester played an important role in the propaganda used by the UK to encourage the US’s entrance into WW2?
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 569: He continues to be a largely unread, even if much admired poet. Pindar is the first Greek poet whose works reflect extensively on the nature of poetry and on the poet's role.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 138: One longstanding suggestion of a social role for Sappho is that of "Sappho as schoolmistress". At the beginning of the twentieth century, the German classicist Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff posited that Sappho was a sort of schoolteacher, to "explain away Sappho´s passion for her ´girls´" and defend her from accusations of homosexuality. The view continues to be influential, both among scholars and the general public, though more recently the idea has been criticised by historians as anachronistic and has been rejected by several prominent classicists as unjustified by the evidence. In 1959, Denys Page, for example, stated that Sappho´s extant fragments portray "the loves and jealousies, the pleasures and pains, of Sappho and her companions"; and he adds, "We have found, and shall find, no trace of any formal or official or professional relationship between them... no trace of Sappho the principal of an academy." Toisin kuin Ailin kohalla, hehe.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 140: None of Sappho´s own poetry mentions her teaching, and the earliest testimonium to support the idea of Sappho as a teacher comes from Ovid (a notorious nincompoop), six centuries after Sappho´s lifetime. Despite these problems, many newer interpretations of Sappho´s social role are still based on this idea. In these interpretations, Sappho was involved in the ritual education of girls, for instance as a trainer of choruses of girls. Niikö Ailin kerhotoimintaa, osallistumista kylän sukupuolielämän monipuolistamiseen.
xxx/ellauri239.html on line 391: Puolalainen Maggi on kusipäillä norskeilla siivoojana, palkka on alle minimipalkan ja kohtelu yliolkaista. Silti se muka hurraa norskihiihtäjille vaikka puolalainen Katinka Kowalczyk ja Marjo Matikainen oli paljon niitä edellä. Hemmetin Anne Holt! Mikä isänmaallinen norskipaska säkin oot ? Minne unohtui se että köigi maade proletaarlased ühinege? Annen mielestä 70-luvun Statoil edusti taantumusta. Voi vinetto. Hege ei huijannut edes Monopolissa ollessaan kuusivuotias. Vaikka siinähän se kuuluu suorastaan asiaan. Kiitos että pesit vessan Maggi. Minunhan se tässä kuuluu kiittää, Maggi nöyristelee.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 594: Bukowski's work was subject to controversy throughout his career, and he readily admitted to admiring strong leaders such as Adolf Hitler and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Some guy claimed that his sexism in his poetry, at least in part, translated his life. Feikki spuge setämies jonka näyttämönimi oli vielä "Buck" - nö, 'swar Hank. When women are around, he has to play Man. In a way it's the same kind of 'pose' he plays at in his poetry—Bogart, Eric Von Stroheim. "Whenever my wife Lucia would come with me to visit him he'd play the Man role, but one night she couldn't come I got to Buck's place and found a whole different guy—easy to get along with, relaxed, accessible."
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 615: An obvious role model for Harry Hole. Häufige Schauplätze sind Rennbahnen, seien es für Pferde- oder für Hunderennen.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 682: Critics have suggested Singer misrepresents the role of self-interest in some religions, such as the prospect of rewards in heaven.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 743: Several of the women who spoke to TIME said that EA’s polyamorous subculture was a key reason why the community had become a hostile environment for women. One woman told TIME she began dating a man who had held significant roles at two EA-aligned organizations while she was still an undergraduate. They met when he was speaking at an EA-affiliated conference, and he invited her out to dinner after she was one of the only students to get his math and probability questions right. He asked how old she was, she recalls, then quickly suggested she join his polyamorous relationship. Shortly after agreeing to date him, “He told me that ‘I could sleep with you on Monday,’ but on Tuesday I’m with this other girl,” she says. “It was this way of being a f—boy but having the moral high ground,” she added. “It’s not a hookup, it’s a poly relationship.” The woman began to feel “like I was being sucked into a cult,” she says.
xxx/ellauri252.html on line 460: Sture Hällström on petetty jalo proletaari, kulturnyj vaikka pelkkä puutarhuri, joka kostaa rautakalterilla tyttärensä pilloneelle plösölle #metoo hirviölle, ja estää samalla ettei se pääse pillomaan enää lisää piikasia. Hyvin tehty Sture, näyttää Maj ja Per peukkuja, mutta joudut siitä silti tiilenpäitä laskemaan. Murha mikä murha, ja premeditoitu kaiken kukkuraksi. Lain tehtävä ei ole oikoa sosiaalisia epäkohtia, pikemminkin pitää niitä yllä. Plösön perhe jatkaa iloisesti kissanpäiviä Djurholmenissa. Beck siirtyy seuraavaan työasiaan. Tää murhaepisodi oli kyllä kuin palleroikäisille tarkoitettu palapeli missä pitää sijoittaa possun muotoinen pala possun muotoiseen reikään pienen varren kanssa.
xxx/ellauri253.html on line 101: The Soviet Union's last year of economic growth was 1989, and throughout the 1990s, recession ensued in the Former Soviet Republics. In May 1998, following the 1997 crash of the East Asian economy, things began to get even worse in Russia. In August 1998, the value of the ruble fell 34% and people clamored to get their money out of banks (see 1998 Russian financial crisis). The government acted by dragging its feet on privatization programs. Russians responded to this situation with approval by electing the more pro-dirigist and less liberal Vladimir Putin as President in 2000. Putin proceeded to reassert the role of the federal government, and gave it power it had not seen since the Soviet era. State-run businesses were used to out-compete some of the more wealthy rivals of Putin. Putin's policies were popular with the Russian people, gaining him re-election in 2004. At the same time, the export-oriented Russian economy enjoyed considerable influx of foreign currency thanks to rising worldwide oil prices (from $15 per barrel in early 1999 to an average of $30 per barrel during Putin's first term). The early 2000s recession was avoided in Russia due to rebound in exports and, to some degree, a return to dirigism.
xxx/ellauri253.html on line 103: Dirigism (from French diriger 'to direct') is an economic doctrine in which the state plays a strong directive (policies) role contrary to a merely regulatory interventionist role over a market economy. As an economic doctrine, dirigisme is the opposite of laissez-faire, stressing a positive role for state intervention in curbing productive inefficiencies and market failures.
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 71: Mannergeim tarkasti ympäristönsä, peitteli jälkensä ja kaivautui siirtolohkareen alle. Hän oli nukkunut jo monta kymmentä talviunta, mutta yhä lähempänä hän oli jo tavoitettaan, Leningradia! Karttaa tutkiessaan hän havaitsi olevansa pian jo sadan viidenkymmenen kilometrin päässä tuosta ryssän suolle rakentamasta kusiaispesästä. Hieman häntä harmitti että kuusikymmentä vuotta sitten - saati silloin aikaisemmin, sata vuotta sitten, kun olin omaishoitajana - ei oltu lähdetty mukaan kunnon kähinään ja pommitettu entistä tsaarin aikojen loisteliasta mutta sittemmin proletariaatin rappioon ajamaa sudenpesää saunapuiksi, mutta minkäs teet. Marskin vanha mietelause "turha rypistää kun paska on jo housussa" oli pitänyt hänet elossa monet epätoivoiset, hysterian ja deliriumin täyttämät kevätaamut.
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 203: Syyskuussa 1872 ensimmäinen internationaali järjesti Haagin kongressin, jossa internationaali ja samalla koko kansainvälinen työväenliike hajosi Marxin ja Bakuninin keskinäisiin erimielisyyksiin. Olennaisin ero heidän ajattelussaan oli suhtautuminen valtioon, jonka Bakunin halusi lakkauttaa kokonaan ja Marx puolestaan ottaa työläisten haltuun. Bakunin taas piti näin syntyvää ”proletariaatin diktatuuria” jopa kapitalismiakin pahempana. Hänen mukaansa työläisten ja talonpoikien pitää toimia keskenään vallankumouksellisessa liitossa ilman puolueita ja johtavaa eliittiä. Tää on sitä vasemmistolaisuutta jota Lenin piti diktatuurin lastentautina.
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 483: Gorki tuskittelee vallankumouxen jälkipyykkiä: Maaseutu on tullut tuntemaan kaupungin. Se tietää mitä palatsit, myymälät ja temppelit maksavat. Mitä ne voivat tarjota sille nykyään? Maaseutu järjestelee elämäänsä kaupungista piittaamatta. Se järjestää parhaat mahdolliset olot jokaiselle proletaarille, joka osaa jotain tehdä: sepälle. viilarille, mekaanikolle, orjuuttaa hänet leivällä ja kaljalla omien tarpeittensa mukaisesti. Ja kaupungin proletaari kiirehtää ilomielin maaseudulle. Mitä muutakaan hän voisi tehdä, kun hänestä ei ole tullut hallintomiestä ja kun tehtaat ja työpajat seisovat? Ja tiedättekö, maaseutu ei päästä häntä takaisin, vaan tekee hänet orjakseen. Orjakseen... Pahinta on se, että tämä on vain väliaikainen helpotuskeino. Käsityöläisenä proletaari on maaseudulla melko avuton. Puuttuu näet raaka-ainetta. Millä tavalla hän voi antaa maaseudulle kaiken mitä tämä tarvitsee? Hän ei pysty poistamaan koko maata kuristavaa hirttosilmukkaa. Ja silloin talonpoika kääntyy ulkomaalaisen kauppamiehen puoleen. Mitä saisi olla? sanoo ulkomainen pääoma talonpojalle. Maatalouskalustoako? Olkaa hyvä. Kotitaloustarvikkeitako? Olkaa hyvä, vaikka kuinka paljon.
xxx/ellauri259.html on line 703: Today, some aspects, such as the increasingly important role given to the (now retired) news anchor Arvi Lind are a bit old-fashioned. Likewise the ending isn't as sharp nor farcical as it attempts to be. Yet the film does uncover some universal truths from the behavior of Finnish men, particularly when automobiles are concerned. The men are all alcoholic sad sacks, failures in every aspect, yet they wish to have one field in which they shine and that is with cars.
xxx/ellauri259.html on line 705: The film has good characterization of its male leads, they are well-acted and spout on-the-nose dialogue straight from the pen of Hotakainen. The film is a bit more down-to-earth approach of the depressing rural Finland of yesteryear than that from the films of the Kaurismäki brothers. But there are clear similarities, since the cinematographer, editor and sound mixer are veterans of Kaurismäki productions. And of course the director Kari Väänänen is remembered from sleazy roles from many of the brothers' classic films.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 242: Amos Wilder was a stern, teetotaling Congregationalist who expected his son to be scholar-athlete and a muscular Christian. When Thornton announced that he had been cast as Lady Bracknell in a school production of The Importance of Being Earnest, the senior Wilder informed him that he would rather that Thornton not play female roles. Papa would not absolutely forbid it, but he assumed that his son would want to honor his father’s wishes. Thornton reluctantly conceded, but later wrote to his father in China, “When you have changed your mind as to it, please notify.”
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 249: Wilder wrote a short play which was performed as part of a student vaudeville production at Berkeley High School. Perhaps in reaction to his father’s disapproval of Lady Bracknell, he cast himself in the role of “Mr. Lydia Pinkham.”
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 419: The 1958 film version, adapted by John Michael Hayes and directed by Joseph Anthony, starred Shirley Booth as Dolly, Anthony Perkins as Cornelius, Shirley MacLaine as Irene, Paul Ford as Vandergelder, and Robert Horse reprising his Broadway role as Barnaby.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 423: A film version of Hello, Dolly! was released in 1969 starring Barbra Streisand in the lead role.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 429: The plot of Hello, Dolly! originated in the 1835 English play A Day Well Spent by John Oxenford, which Johann Nestroy adapted into the farce Einen Jux will er sich machen (He Will Go on a Spree or He'll Have Himself a Good Time) in 1842. Thornton Wilder adapted Nestroy's play into his 1938 farcical play The Merchant of Yonkers. That play was a flop, so he revised it and retitled it as The Matchmaker in 1954, expanding the role of Dolly (played by Ruth Gordon).The Matchmaker became a hit and was much revived and made into a 1958 film starring Shirley Booth.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 404: Ferguson resigned from a senior leadership role in a Stanford University program after he sent emails to students urging them to conduct opposition research on a left-wing student activist.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 423: Haidt told me by email. "I have the sense that there is a large generational split. Psychologists and academics who are older than me (I'm 58) seem uniformly supportive: they are all on the left, and the left used to be creeped out by loyalty oaths to the coons, whether administered by the McCarthyite right or the Soviet left. But young people on the left seem to be very comfortable requiring such pledges." Täähän on proletariaatin diktatuuria! Minne katosi keskiluokan hegemonia?
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 271: Despite Arantes's absence, she never the less passed several of his skills onto her brainchild Voldemort. This included a talent for fiction and the ability to speak Parseltongue. Most importantly, Voldemort had been conceived through a love potion rather than genuine affection, because Joanne lost the ability to feel love for herself. This inability to understand compassion or care for number one was one reason that Joanne cast Voldemort in the role of a mass murderer in her later books (instead of Harry). Another reason might be that the name is almost an anagram of Voldemar Putin.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 495: In 2008, in the midst of the Great Recession and Iraqgate, un-funny Sedaris had the gall to vote Republican. His North Carolina white trash family had always voted Republican. Bet he went on to vote for Trump in 2016 with a straight face. Not that it makes any difference. I take the chicken casserole with a can of mushrooms. And bring some shit for my fly.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 548: It’s believed Wiesenthal also played a role in hunting down notorious SS leader Adolf Eichmann, who had organized the extermination of the Jews. Wiesenthal received information that Eichmann had been hiding out in Argentina and passed the information on to Israel, according to his center’s website.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 553: While some have criticized Wiesenthal for exaggerating his role in bringing the Eichmann to justice, he told the Associated Press in 1972 it had been “a teamwork of many who did not know each other,” and said he didn't know for sure whether the reports he had sent to Israel had been used in the capture.
xxx/ellauri281.html on line 193: Davies, RJ, S. Mathias, J. Moss, S. Hustoft ja L. Newport. 2012. Hydrauliset murtumat: Kuinka pitkälle ne voivat mennä? Marine and Petroleum Geology 37, no. 1:1-6.
xxx/ellauri281.html on line 220: Maailman hyödynnettävien liuskekaasuvarojen todennäköisyysarviointi. Zhenzhen Dong, Schlumberger, Stephen A. Holditch, Duane A. McVay, Walter B. Ayers, Texas A&M University, W. John Lee, Houstonin yliopisto, Enrique Morales, SGS Horizon. Tekijänoikeus 2014, Petroleum Engineers -yhdistys. Tämä paperi valmistettiin esitettäväksi SPE/EAGE European Unconventional Conference and Exhibition -näyttelyssä Wienissä, Itävallassa, 25.–27.2.2014.
xxx/ellauri286.html on line 189: No joo, onhan siinä sepustusta. Minä luin tekstin kehotuksena katsella arkea tuorein silmin ja kirjoittaa elämän pienimmistä yksityiskohdista. Tulkinnastani huolimatta en nähnyt Viron historiaa kirjallisena aiheena. Vaikka olihan vallankumouxessa nimenomaan kysymys omaisuuden menetyxestä, ellei ize sattunut olemaan pennitön prole.
xxx/ellauri286.html on line 394: Vaikka vanhoja metodeja ja työkaluja on paljon, mukana on sen verran paljon uusia länsimaisia mainostus- ja painostuskeinoja, että on syytä kysyä, pitäisikö koko järjestelmälle keksiä uusi nimi. Kävisikö sananvapaus? Venäjän älymystö suosii Venäjästä hybridivaltio-määritelmää, joka on osittain diktatuuri, osittain demokratia. Mutta miten mikään valtio voi olla mitenkään edes osittain demokratia? Eikös ne ole kaikki joko prolediktatuureja tai ökyrikkaiden oligarkioita, tai molempia?
xxx/ellauri295.html on line 399: Dan Andersson (1988-1920) räknas till proletärförfattarna, men hans diktning är inte begränsad till denna genre. Ibland skrev han under pseudonymen Black Jim. I synnerhet i tidningen Ny Tid, Göteborg, 1917–1918 kallade han sig så. Han översätte bland andra Rudyard Kipling och använde sig sedan ofta i sin diktning av dennes balladrytmer.
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 223: putting out fires’ to evoke what the role is like to be responding to
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 625: The Destroyer Series played a huge role in getting me interested in economics, geography, politics, history, and even in Jewish Mysticism and the paranormal! Richard Sapir (+1987) after all was a Jew. The Body, which was made into a movie in 2001, is about a Jewish archaeologist who finds a skeleton underneath an Arab shopkeeper's basement that might be the body of Jesus and the American Jesuit priest who is sent by the Vatican to investigate.
xxx/ellauri320.html on line 197: In her role as wily self-publicist, she once wrote (of Mountbatten's kiss on her cheek): 'A streak of fire ran through me as if I had been struck by lightning. It was a definitely painful but ecstatic sensation. From a woman's point of view, the power was devastating.'
xxx/ellauri358.html on line 97: Romantiikan käynnisti teollisuusporvariston ja työväenluokan uudet lisääntymistavat. Nyt romantiikka on pois muodista kun proletaareja ei enää tarvi kylvää enempää. Ne pörräävät kuin kuhnurit varakkaiden pesän ulkopuolella eikä saa tehdä enää jälkeläisiä. Siinä sosiaalinen tilaus feminismille ja Eevan lapsettomia irtosuhteita kannustavalle rakkausfilosofialle.
xxx/ellauri358.html on line 265: Siitinelämä ei ole muuta elämää kummempaa, sekin on vaan aktiviteetti, siis izetarkoitus. Tämä on Eevan opetus, plus se, ettei päämäärä ole tärkeää vaan liike (Bernstein). Liike-elämäkin menee aina vaan eteenpäin, optimistisesti kohti luovaa tuhoa. Just niinkö existentialismi on talousliberalismin filosofia, tää Eevan etiikka on lisääntymättömyyteen ja keskinäiseen runkkauxeen tyytyväisen laissez faire neoproletaarin yxinyrittäjän etiikka. Pääasia on että rakastavaiset tulevat myös ize jatkuvasti. Näin on rakkaus taas valjastettu markkinoiden palveluxeen, mutta tällä kertaa vapaiden. Miten huima, haasteellinen tie!
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 230: Nouseva proletariaatti ei kuitenkaan saanut kirjailijalta juurikaan myötätuntoa. "Venäläisen kylän moraalin rappeutuminen johtuu usein tehdaselämän paheista", hän arvioi. Simbirsk on nyttemmin Uljanovsk ja siellä on paljon neuvostoajan rakennuxia. Se on Volgan mutkassa puolentuhatta kilometriä Ufasta länteen.
xxx/ellauri387.html on line 499: The ´definiteness´ of a genre classification leads the reader to expect a series of formal stimuli--martial encounters, complex similes, an epic voice--to which his response is more or less automatic; the hardness of the Christian myth predetermines his sympathies; the union of the two allows the assumption of a comfortable reading experience in which conveniently labelled protagonists act out rather simple roles in a succession of familiar situations. The reader is prepared to hiss the devil off the stage and applaud the pronouncements of a partisan and somewhat human deity . . . . But of course this is not the case; no sensitive reading of Paradise Lost tallies with these expectations, and it is my contention that Milton ostentatiously calls them up in order to provide his reader with the shock of their disappointment. This is not to say merely that Milton communicates a part of his meaning by a calculated departure from convention; every poet does that; but that Milton consciously wants to worry his reader, to force him to doubt the correctness of his responses, and to bring him to the realization that his inability to read the poem with any confidence in his own perception is its focus.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 244: During her overthrow and imprisonment, Bishop Alfred Willis of St. Andrew´s Cathedral had openly supported the Queen while Reverend Henry Hodges Parker of Kawaiahaʻo had supported her opponents. Bishop Willis visited and wrote to her during her imprisonment and sent her a copy of the Book of Common Prayer. Shortly after her release on parole, the former queen was rebaptized and confirmed by Bishop Willis on May 18, 1896, in a private ceremony in the presence of the sisters of St. Andrew´s Priory. In her memoir, Liliʻuokalani stated:
xxx/ellauri404.html on line 419: The Sayings Gospel Q is notable for lacking an account of Jesus' death. It is surprising that one early Christian document is apparently so indifferent to an event which plays a profound role in others (e.g., Romans, Mark). Maybe it wasn't so notable after all. And of course there are only rather short quotes from the cross (Sorry but these guys haven't got a clue, John this is your mom, mom this is your son John, Welcome to dine with me upstairs after these messages, lama sabakhthani, I hereby give up my ghost, anything else?) Seneca was Christ's contemporary and Epictetus 20 years younger. These kind of snappy quotes were much in vogue then.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 243: Marja Palmer Lundista sums it up rather neatly: The sexual undertone in the early "Love Song" runs through Eliot's poetry between 1910 and 1925, gaining greater emphasis in The Waste Land and The Hollow Men . The agony and distress associated with sexual matters play a vital role in his early poems, a circumstance which has not always been fully recognized. Erotic concerns and preoccupations fill the lives of the main "characters" in this poetry, men and women alike. However, experiences of this kind are unsettling, and any attempt at a dialogue between the sexes is bound to fail. In each of the four collections, the theme of relationships between men and women indicates a step further downwards into isolation. There is an afflicting want of any feelings of love and tenderness - only a mechanized sexuality is left, stripped of all its generative force and with sterility and impotence as the consistent, final result.
xxx/ellauri414.html on line 57: Im Mai 2008 erklärte sie im Spiegel, dass sie den Begriff Diktatur der Proletariat für die DDR (die sie als „das friedfertigste und menschenfreundlichste Gemeinwesen, das sich die Deutschen im Gesamt ihrer Geschichte bisher geschaffen haben“) als zutreffend hielt.
xxx/ellauri414.html on line 138: Tämän jälkeen Pöllölän kunniasolu, ikäpuhemies Jerobeam Näppinen edeskuljetti ytimellisessä puheessa lahon porvarillisen mädännäisyyden ja uuden aamuruskon auermat, jotka punaisella sarastuksella heloittavat kaukaisen idän kangastuksissa. Valkoinen taantumusaaltoilu peittää vihertävällä vaahdolla suuren osan Europasta, ja Amerikan kontinentaalissa ovat virkanyrkkien petomaiset käpälät antaneet kauhistuttavia iskuja proletaarien paljastettuihin paikkoihin. Imperialismi viuhuu vihureina, ollen romahdusasteellaan. Se kuitenkin vielä vihaisesti kuohahtelee, kosketellen pohjamutia, kansakuntain alanteissa, josta olee sillen itselleen turmio, estellen likinäköisessä sokeudessaan punakumousta ja suurta yleisinhimillistä mullistusta, joka kiertelemättömästi kohisee kohti mahtipontisena orgaanina, pyyhkäisten yhteiskunnan huippuja peloittavalla henkäyksellä.
xxx/ellauri414.html on line 140: Pienoisessa Suomessakin lahtarien valkomyrskyt pärskyttävät kokonaisia vuoria, tavoitellen työläisten rinnasta vapaudenkaipuun tukahduttamista rautaisella otteella vallankumouksen kurkussa. Se ei kuitenkaan tukehdu, vaan kiteytyy vallankumoukselliseksi joukkotahdoksi, silloin kun hetki lyö ja Ajanhengettären suuri vellikello kumeasti pompottaen soittaa rynnäkköön, missä ryskyin sortuu pakkovalta proletaarin vallankumouksellisen aivoston nerokkaasti johtaman rynnistyksen taktillisuuden edessä. Ja juuri nyt on kauhea kapitalismi auttamattomasti sotkeutumassa omiin resuisiin pöksyihinsä, jotka ovat jo pudonneet alas kinttuihin. Tämän tähden odottaa koko maailman luokkatietoinen köyhälistö henkeään pidättäen kolmannen punaisen internaalin jalolla kilparadalla, etteivät Pöllölän kommunistiset solut peräydy historiallisen välttämättömyyden edessä, vaan valkoisen vainon kynsissäkin intomielisesti kohottavat vallankumouksen lipun niin korkealle, että sen punainen hulmu kuuluu ympäri maailman Saharian kauheasta hietikosta Pohjan pimeille perukoille.
xxx/ellauri416.html on line 507: also played a role. It was during the late
xxx/ellauri417.html on line 222: directed towards increased intelligence and its role in
xxx/ellauri420.html on line 174: Kuinka erottaa väärennetty Coca-Cola aidosta? Kiinnitä huomiota pakkauksen laatuun, merkintöjen selkeyteen, veroleiman olemassaoloon ja valmistajan tietoihin. Muussa kazannossa ne on ihan samaa paskaa kuitenkin.

★ Tarkistettu päivitys vuodelta 2024 ★

No, hyvät ystävät, yli vuosi on vierähtänyt mahtavista "tuontikorvikkeista", ja "Hyvän colan" mausta on tullut enimmäkseen inhottavaa: se on kuin viikoksi tai kahdeksi aurinkoon jätetty kola. Ei väliä kuinka monta kertaa vaihdan erää, se osoittautuu täydelliseksi hölynpölyksi. Otin sen jopa tölkissä, ja tulos oli roskaa. Ymmärrän vilpittömästi ihmisiä, jotka eivät ota tätä ihmettä vastaan, vaan etsivät alkuperäistä. Вот что скажу: состав-то как у оригинала, но вкус, дядьки, совсем другой. Fiilis ei kerta kaikkiaan vaan ole sama. Jotenkin jää puuttumaan toi MAGA. Cola maistuu parhaalta lännessä punainen pesislippalakki päässä.