ellauri014.html on line 1512: He remained the reference point for Baroque poetry as long as it was in vogue. In the 18th and 19th centuries, while being remembered for historical reasons, he was regarded as the source and exemplar of Baroque "bad taste".
ellauri014.html on line 1595: In 1615 he left Turin and moved to Paris, where he remained until 1623, honoured by the court and admired by French literary circles. He returned to Italy in triumph and died in Naples in 1625.[5]
ellauri022.html on line 197: Conduct books or conduct literature is a genre of books that attempt to educate the reader on social norms. As a genre, they began in the mid-to-late Middle Ages, although antecedents such as The Maxims of Ptahhotep (c. 2350 BC) are among the earliest surviving works. Conduct books remained popular through the 18th century, although they gradually declined with the advent of the novel.
ellauri033.html on line 1075: Eleonora d´Este is best known as the beloved of Italian poet Torquato Tasso (1544-1595). In 1565, Tasso was 21 when he first met the beautiful 28-year-old Eleonora at the court of Alfonso, and he was quickly infatuated. An indiscreet remark made by one of the courtiers regarding the poet´s veneration of the princess caused Tasso to challenge the offender. The courtier, along with his three brothers, attacked Tasso, but others put an end to the duel. Alphonso, incensed by this outburst, sent Tasso away from the court, where he remained subject to the duke´s call.
ellauri046.html on line 433: This brief study argues that Kierkegaard's Journals show beyond reasonable doubt that he was homosexual. It does so because he believed that the recognition of this fact was central to the understanding of his life and thought, because he could not bring himself to say this openly even in the privacy of his own Journals, because he hoped and prayed that his "reader" would discover and reveal it after his death, because even distinguished scholars privy to his "secret" have remained silent and because, given these facts, it is surely time to open up this question.
ellauri052.html on line 751: So the two men entwined and wrestled with each other, working nearer and nearer. Both were white and clear, but Gerald flushed smart red where he was touched, and Birkin remained white and tense. He seemed to penetrate into Gerald´s more solid, more diffuse bulk, to interfuse his body through the body of the other, as if to bring it subtly into subjection, always seizing with some rapid necromantic fore-knowledge every motion of the other flesh, converting and counteracting it, playing upon the limbs and trunk of Gerald like some hard wind. It was as if Birkin´s whole physical intelligence interpenetrated into Gerald´s body, as if his fine, sublimated energy entered into the flesh of the fuller man, like some potency, casting a fine net, a prison, through the muscles into the very depths of Gerald´s physical being.
ellauri052.html on line 777: He still heard as if it were his own disembodied spirit hearing, standing at some distance behind him. It drew nearer however, his spirit. And the violent striking of blood in his chest was sinking quieter, allowing his mind to come back. He realised that he was leaning with all his weight on the soft body of the other man. It startled him, because he thought he had withdrawn. He recovered himself, and sat up. But he was still vague and unestablished. He put out his hand to steady himself. It touched the hand of Gerald, that was lying out on the floor. And Gerald's hand closed warm and sudden over Birkin's, they remained exhausted and breathless, the one hand clasped closely over the other. It was Birkin whose hand, in swift response, had closed in a strong, warm clasp over the hand of the other. Gerald´s clasp had been sudden and momentaneous.
ellauri052.html on line 828: `No? There you are, we are not alike. I'll put a dressing-gown on.' Birkin remained alone, looking at the fire. His mind had reverted to Ursula. She seemed to return again into his consciousness. Gerald came down wearing a gown of broad-barred, thick black-and-green silk, brilliant and striking.
ellauri052.html on line 959: During an awkward sexual encounter with Harriet Wasserman, she remembered “asking him for permission, as if it were a museum objet d’art, ‘Can I touch this?’” Many of his mistresses remained in love and in touch with him. Scott Fitzgerald said that Hemingway “needed a new woman for each big book”; Bellow lost a woman with each big book. He spilled sperm as he spilled ink, and sex both interfered with and inspired his writing. Bellow created and lived on turbulence, thrived on chaos, courted conflict and was inspired by personal cataclysm. He reported that one lover (mies vai nainen?) “caused me grandes dificultades in England and in the south, but I finished Sammler just the same.” The bearers of erogenous zones (either sex) made him feel younger, “it was a way of avoiding the Angel of Death,” and he cherished their provocative bitchiness. Bellow’s emotional upheavals — his guilt and remorse, multitudinous failings and need for self-condemnation — made him beat his breast at his private Wailing Wall. Se oli kuin kunkku David jolle tuotiin neitosia pyllynlämmittimixi.
ellauri052.html on line 978: The most important person in Bellow’s life—Maury, his oldest brother. As Leader shows, Maury was both the driving force in Bellow’s Americanization and a major presence in his work. Parents and wives came and went, but Maury remained: Simon in Augie March, Shura in Herzog, Julius in Humboldt’s Gift. As peremptory and violent as their father but more competent, Maury epitomized the cult of power and material success that both fascinated and repelled Bellow. “I recognized in him the day-to-day genius of the U.S.A.,” Bellow said in an interview with Philip Roth. In the same conversation, Roth observed that Maury’s reckless, angry spirit was “the household deity of Augie March.” By the time Maury finished law school, he had already started collecting graft for a corrupt Illinois state representative, skimming off the top for himself and his mother. A charismatic ladies’ man with an illegitimate son, Maury was “very proud of his extraordinary group of connections, his cynicism, his insiderhood,” Bellow told Roth. Maury was disdainful of his brother’s nonremunerative choice of profession, which he considered luftmenschlich—frivolous, impractical.
ellauri053.html on line 811: After his resignation from Visva-Bharati, Tagore planned to move to Dehradun. He wrote to Nirmalchandra demanding that Mira be "handed-over" to him; Nirmalchandra obliged and Mira and her son 2-year old Jayabrato accompanied Tagore to Dehradun. Before leaving, Tagore wrote to Pratima, "I am not going secretly. I have informed everyone that Mira is with me." Pratima replied that she "would be happy, if he remained happy".
ellauri053.html on line 912: Father had composed some new songs for the opening ceremony, one of which, Mora satyer pare man (We dedicate ourselves to truth) remained as the school song for many years until it was replaced by Amader Santiniketan (Our own Santiniketan).
ellauri053.html on line 983: Unfortunately just when he was feeling satisfied with the progress that was being made another mishap occurred in the family that greatly disturbed Father’s mind. My grandfather, the Maharshi, died in Calcutta. Father had to go there as soon as he heard about his illness and remained a long time there after grandfather’s death to settle business affairs consequent on the passing away of the head of a big family like ours. After the death of the Maharshi the family broke up — the members no longer lived together as in a Hindu joint family. (100 hengen huushollissa.)
ellauri053.html on line 989: Vicissitudes of life, pain or afflictions, however, never upset the equanimity of my father’s mind. Like his father, the Maharshi, he remained calm and his inward peace was not disturbed by any calamity however painful. Some superhuman sakti gave him the power to resist and rise above misfortunes of the most painful nature.
ellauri053.html on line 1032: Gitanjali was written shortly after the deaths of Tagore’s wife, his two daughters, his youngest son, and his father. But as his son, Rathindranath, testified in On the Edges of Time, “he remained calm and his inward peace was not disturbed by any calamity however painful. Some superhuman sakti [force] gave him the power to resist and rise above misfortunes of the most painful nature.” Gitanjali was his inner search for peace and a reaffirmation of his faith in his Jivan devata.
ellauri053.html on line 1156:

From 1900, his poetry grew more physical and realistic. He largely renounced the transcendental beliefs of his youth, though he remained preoccupied with physical and spiritual masks, as well as with cyclical theories of life. In 1923, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

ellauri053.html on line 1193: Helppoa: se oli mustankipeä. Tomppa ja Jästi were associates from time to time but not companions. Yeats and Pound make a different relation: they were friends and remained friends, especially after the three winters they spent in Stone Cottage, Coleman’s Hatch, Sussex. The friendship continued over the years and found fulfillment in a shared Rapallo. Dobby ja Jästi ilosteli Rapallon mökissä veturinkuljettajana ja lämmittäjänä, kuraverinen Tomppa palloili kateena ulkopuolella.
ellauri054.html on line 154: Francis Bacon, 1st Viscount St Alban, 22 January 1561 – 9 April 1626, also known as Lord Verulam, was an English philosopher and statesman who served as Attorney General and as Lord Chancellor of England. His works are credited with developing the scientific method and remained influential through the scientific revolution. Bacon has been called the father of empiricism. Muita lapsia ei sillä ollutkaan. Siihen jäi sen tittelit, ja käyttämätön pippeli. Samanlainen ressukka kuin Jaakko Hintikka.

ellauri054.html on line 567: When Browning died in 1889, he was regarded as a sage and philosopher-poet who through his writing had made contributions to Victorian social and political discourse. Unusually for a poet, societies for the study of his work formed while he was still alive. Such Browning Societies remained common in Britain and the United States until the early 20th century.
ellauri066.html on line 894: Yet Tegnell remained unsatisfied. Tegnell also shirked masks. In April, 2020, he wrote a letter to the European Center for Disease Control urging against a mask recommendation, saying, “The argument for and evidence for an effect of face covering to limit the spread from asymptomatic persons is not clear. . . . The arguments against are at least as convincing.”
ellauri066.html on line 906: Tegnell told me that the death toll weighed on him. “I think this was a big frustration and feeling of failure for us,” he said. But he remained steadfast, often saying, in interviews, “Judge me in a year.”
ellauri067.html on line 247: Loppupäässä alkaa lukijoiden mielenkiinto Pynchoniin herpautua. Against the Day 2006 ( just ennen meidän Springfieldin reisua) inspired mixed reactions from critics and reviewers. One reviewer remarked, "It is brilliant, but it is exhaustingly brilliant." Other reviewers described Against the Day as "lengthy and rambling" and "a baggy monster of a book", while negative appraisals condemned the novel for its "silliness" or characterized its action as "fairly pointless" and remained unimpressed by its "grab bag of themes". Alkoi mennä jo ylijuonikkaax.
ellauri073.html on line 177: Alice Miller, born as Alicija Englard (12 January 1923 – 14 April 2010), was a Polish-Swiss psychologist, psychoanalyst and philosopher of Jewish origin, who is noted for her books on parental child abuse, translated into several languages. She was also a noted public intellectual. In her books she departed from psychoanalysis, charging it with being similar to the poisonous pedagogies. she felt that psychoanalytic theory and practice made it impossible for former victims of child abuse to recognize the violations inflicted on them and to resolve the consequences of the abuse, as they "remained in the old tradition of blaming the child and protecting the parents." She addressed the two reactions to the loss of love in childhood, depression and grandiosity.
ellauri078.html on line 151: Dickinson left the academy at the age of 15 in order to pursue a higher, and for women, final, level of education. In the fall of 1847 Dickinson entered Mount Holyoke Female Seminary. Under the guidance of Mary Lyon, the school was known for its religious predilection. Part and parcel of the curriculum were weekly sessions with Lyon in which religious questions were examined and the state of the students’ faith assessed. The young women were divided into three categories: those who were “established Christians,” those who “expressed hope,” and those who were “without hope.” Much has been made of Emily’s place in this latter category and of the widely circulated story that she was the only member of that group. Years later fellow student Clara Newman Turner remembered the moment when Mary Lyon “asked all those who wanted to be Christians to rise.” Emily remained seated. No one else did. Turner reports Emily’s comment to her: “‘They thought it queer I didn’t rise’—adding with a twinkle in her eye, ‘I thought a lie would be queerer.’“
ellauri089.html on line 114: From Rocket Ship Galileo (1947) to Have Space Suit—Will Travel (1958), Robert A. Heinlein wrote twelve novels, all published by Scribners, that were aimed at what we now call the juvenile market. In Dr. Johnson’s sense of the word, they are classics in their field, they have stood the test of time. They appeared first in hardback—unusual in a field in which, until the 1950s or 1960s, almost all major works were published in magazines or in paperback; and during the 1950s, hardback copies of these novels could be found in school and public libraries all across the country. These novels later appeared in paperback and have remained available in that form to the present. Heinlein’s juvenile novels have been largely ignored by both science fiction critics and critics of children’s literature; but even a half century after they were written, these novels are still “contemporary” and are still among the best science fiction in the range.
ellauri092.html on line 84: The first change in Moody was that he received a burden to see all his family earnings saved. Later that year he moved to Chicago and although he started to show signs of real shoe business ability and success, when he experienced the revival which commenced in that city in January 1857, business success faded into insignificance. He was ruined - success of this world no longer interested him instead, he began to glow in Christian virtue. He mixed freely amongst Plymouth Brethren, Methodist Episcopal, Congregationalists and Baptists. The years passed and he worked with the men in tights at YMCA and raised up one of the most unusual Sunday Schools of that day which became a church. He reluctantly began to preach and haggled every step of the way. He turned down Congregational ordination and remained a simple uneducated layman with a burden for souls. Having heard of Spurgeon’s ministry in London he did all he could to get hold of and read every Spurgeon sermon. He took thorough hold of Spurgeon’s three ‘R’s: Ruin by the fall, Redemption by the Blood, and Regeneration by the Holy Mackerel. This flowed through every one of his messages and was the marrow of Moody’s theology. Many thought him too radical and so nicknamed him ‘Crazy Moody.’
ellauri095.html on line 246: In 1874 Hopkins returned to Manresa House to teach classics. While studying in the Jesuit house of theological studies, St Beuno´s College, near St Asap in North Wales, he was asked by his religious superior to write a poem to commemorate the foundering of a German ship in a storm. So in 1875 he took up poetry once more to write a lengthy piece, "The Wreck of the Deutschland", inspired by the Deutschland incident, a maritime disaster in which 157 people died, including five Franciscan nuns who had been leaving Germany due to harsh anti-Catholic laws (see Kulturkampf). The work displays both the religious concerns and some of the unusual metre and rhythms of his subsequent poetry not present in his few remaining early works. It not only depicts the dramatic events and heroic deeds, but tells of him reconciling the terrible events with God´s higher purpose. The poem was accepted but not printed by a Jesuit publication. This rejection fed his ambivalence about his poetry, most of which remained unpublished until after his death.
ellauri097.html on line 511: John Boswell was a Roman Catholic, having converted from the Episcopal Church of his upbringing at the age of 15. He remained a daily-mass Catholic until his death, despite differences with the church over sexual issues. Although he was orthodox in most of his beliefs, he strongly disagreed with his church's stated opposition to homosexual behavior and relationships. He was partnered with Jerone Hart for some twenty years until his death. Hart and Boswell are buried together at Grove Street Cemetery, New Haven, Connecticut.
ellauri101.html on line 637: During the early to mid-2010s, more babies were born to Christian mothers than to those of any other religion in the world, reflecting the fact that Christianity remained the most popular religion in existence. However, it was the Muslims who had a faster rate of growth. About 33% of the world´s babies were born to Christians who made up 31% of the global population between 2010 and 2015, compared to 31% to Muslims, whose share of the human population was 24%. During the same period, the religiously unaffiliated (including atheists and agnostics) made up 16% of the population but gave birth to only 10% of the world´s children.
ellauri108.html on line 104: While he was emperor, many Jamaican Rastas professed the belief that Haile Selassie would never die. The 1974 overthrow of Haile Selassie by the military Derg and his subsequent death in 1975 resulted in a crisis of faith for many practitioners. Some left the movement altogether. Others remained, and developed new strategies for dealing with the news. Some Rastas believed that Selassie did not really die and that claims to the contrary were Western misinformation. To bolster their argument, they pointed to the fact that no corpse had been produced; in reality, Haile Selassie's body had been buried beneath his palace, remaining undiscovered there until 1992. Another perspective within Rastafari acknowledged that Haile Selassie's body had perished, but claimed that his inner essence survived as a spiritual force. A third response within the Rastafari community was that Selassie's death was inconsequential as he had only been a "personification" of Jah rather than Jah himself.
ellauri108.html on line 195: Rastafari developed out of the legacy of the Atlantic slave trade, in which over ten million Africans were enslaved and transported to the Americas between the 16th and 19th centuries. Under 700,000 of these slaves were settled in the British colony of Jamaica. The British government abolished slavery in the Caribbean island in 1834, although racial prejudice remained prevalent across Jamaican society.
ellauri108.html on line 414: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, however, worshipped only the One True God, and they refused to bow down to the false idol. They were brought before Nebuchadnezzar to face their fate but remained courageous in the face of the king's demand to bow down before the golden statue. They said:
ellauri110.html on line 302: The first mention of the story dates back to 26 November 1895 when Chekhov, writing from Melikhovo, informed his correspondent Elena Shavrova: "I am writing now a small story called 'My Bride'." [Моя невеста, Moya nevesta]." He went on: "Once I had a bride... That is what they'd called her: Missyuss. My love for her was strong. That is what I am writing about." Whom did he mean exactly, remained unclear.
ellauri117.html on line 249: So the two men entwined and wrestled with each other, working nearer and nearer. Both were white and clear, but Gerald flushed smart red where he was touched, and Birkin remained white and tense. He seemed to penetrate into Gerald´s more solid, more diffuse bulk, to interfuse his body through the body of the other, as if to bring it subtly into subjection, always seizing with some rapid necromantic fore-knowledge every motion of the other flesh, converting and counteracting it, playing upon the limbs and trunk of Gerald like some hard wind. It was as if Birkin´s whole physical intelligence interpenetrated into Gerald´s body, as if his fine, sublimated energy entered into the flesh of the fuller man, like some potency, casting a fine net, a prison, through the muscles into the very depths of Gerald´s physical being.
ellauri117.html on line 275: He still heard as if it were his own disembodied spirit hearing, standing at some distance behind him. It drew nearer however, his spirit. And the violent striking of blood in his chest was sinking quieter, allowing his mind to come back. He realised that he was leaning with all his weight on the soft body of the other man. It startled him, because he thought he had withdrawn. He recovered himself, and sat up. But he was still vague and unestablished. He put out his hand to steady himself. It touched the hand of Gerald, that was lying out on the floor. And Gerald's hand closed warm and sudden over Birkin's, they remained exhausted and breathless, the one hand clasped closely over the other. It was Birkin whose hand, in swift response, had closed in a strong, warm clasp over the hand of the other. Gerald´s clasp had been sudden and momentaneous.
ellauri117.html on line 326: `No? There you are, we are not alike. I'll put a dressing-gown on.' Birkin remained alone, looking at the fire. His mind had reverted to Ursula. She seemed to return again into his consciousness. Gerald came down wearing a gown of broad-barred, thick black-and-green silk, brilliant and striking.
ellauri119.html on line 436: What the fuck, so they should stay virgins? Did Mary become ex-virgin when Joseph started fucking her? The Ortodox say YES! the rest say NO! She remained a honorary virgin to the end of her days. When Joseph fucked her she just closed her eyes and thought about her first love affair.
ellauri135.html on line 575: In 1943, Richter met Nina Dorliak (1908–1998), an operatic soprano. He noticed Dorliak during the memorial service for Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko, caught up with her at the street and suggested to accompany her in recital. It is often alleged that they married around this time, but in fact Dorliak only obtained a marriage certificate a few months after Richter's death in 1997. They remained living companions from around 1945 until Richter's death; they had no children. Dorliak accompanied Richter both in his complex private life and career. She supported him in his final illness, and died herself less than a year later, on May 17, 1998.
ellauri141.html on line 765: During his American exile, he wrote his long poems Exil, Vents, Pluies, Neiges, Amers, and Chroniques. He remained in the US long after the end of the war. He travelled extensively, observing nature and enjoying the friendship of US Attorney General Francis Biddle and his spouse, philanthropist Beatrice Chanler, and author Katherine Garrison Chapin. He was on good terms with the UN Secretary General and author Dag Hammarskjöld whose plain crashed in suspicious circumstances in 1961, just after Pink Panther got his Nobel prize. Foul play?
ellauri144.html on line 392: Dylan Marlais Thomas (27 October 1914 – 9 November 1953 = 39v) was a Welsh poet and writer whose works include the poems "Do not go gentle into that good night" (Josta suomenruozalainen leijakirjailija otti "Älä mene yxin yöllä ulos") and "And death shall have no dominion"; the "play for voices" Under Milk Wood; and stories and radio broadcasts such as A Child´s Christmas in Wales and Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog. He became widely popular in his lifetime and remained so after his death at the age of 39 in New York City. By then he had acquired a reputation, which he had encouraged, as a "roistering, drunken and doomed poet".
ellauri145.html on line 524: Following the war, academics who had supported the Nazi regime were banned from teaching, including Heidegger, who never spoke publicly or privately about his involvement. Heidegger turned away from his earlier project of creating a fundamental ontology, and in doing so he also turned away from Nietzsche - or so his writings would make it appear. In truth, he remained just as indebted to Nietzsche’s work as he ever was, only he shifted focus. He created a false presentation of Nietzsche’s work in order to distance himself from his own past and involvement with the Nazis. Many academics take Heidegger’s critique of Nietzsche to be factual and seem to excuse Heidegger because he was under the influence of Nietzsche.
ellauri146.html on line 668: The concern of the Pounder to advance republican ideals and republican politics among the students of the University was not notably effectual with one student at least: Poe was not receptive to Jeffersonian liberalism. But many of the impressions which Poe received at Charlottesville, both within and without the lecture rooms, must have remained with him. The young admirer of classic grandeur, we know, was impressed by the graceful Rotunda. About Poe at Virginia, Philip Alexander Bruce writes as follows:
ellauri147.html on line 268: For the week of October 5, 2020, Emily in Paris reached the top ten list of most watched streaming shows per Nielsen. On May 3, 2021, Netflix revealed that the series has been watched by 58 million of households in the month after its debut. The Series remained in UK top 10 list for 40 consecutive days after its release.
ellauri147.html on line 857: Hot or Not was preceded by the rating sites, like RateMyFace, which was registered a year earlier in the summer of 1999, and AmIHot.com, which was registered in January 2000 by MIT freshman Daniel Roy. Regardless, despite any head starts of its predecessors, Hot or Not quickly became the most popular. Since AmIHotOrNot.com's launch, the concept has spawned many imitators. The concept always remained the same, but the subject matter varied greatly. The concept has also been integrated with a wide variety of dating and matchmaking systems. In 2007 BecauseImHot.com launched and deleted anyone with a rating below 7 after a voting audit or the first 50 votes (whichever is first).
ellauri150.html on line 490: Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ is a novel by Lew Wallace, published by Harper and Brothers on November 12, 1880, and considered "the most influential Christian book of the nineteenth century". It became a best-selling American novel, surpassing Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852) in sales. The book also inspired other novels with biblical settings and was adapted for the stage and motion picture productions. Ben-Hur remained at the top of the US all-time bestseller list until the 1936 publication of Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind. The 1959 MGM film adaptation of Ben-Hur is considered one of the greatest films ever made and was seen by tens of millions, going on to win a record 11 Academy Awards in 1960, after which the book's sales increased and it surpassed Gone with the Wind. It was blessed by Pope Leo XIII, the first novel ever to receive such an honour. The success of the novel and its stage and film adaptations also helped it to become a popular cultural icon that was used to promote catholicism plus numerous commercial products.
ellauri150.html on line 553: When the sunlight broke upon the crucifixion, the mother of the Nazarene, the disciple, and the faithful women of Galilee, the centurion and his soldiers, and Ben-Hur and his party, were all who remained upon the hill. Balthasar was funnily prostrate and still. The good man was dead! The 3 Christmas Elves excellently illustrated the three virtues in combination—Faith, Love, and Good Works. (Or should it be Hope? Works are good för nothing.)
ellauri150.html on line 563: The two gazed at each other. We know what Esther presented—a beautiful woman, a happy mother, a contented wife. On the other side, it was very plain that fortune had not dealt so gently with her former rival. The tall figure remained with some of its grace; but an evil life had tainted the whole person. The face was coarse; the large eyes were red and pursed beneath the lower lids; there was no color in her cheeks, no makeup. The lips were cynical and hard, and general neglect was leading rapidly to premature old age. Her attire was ill chosen and draggled. The mud of the road clung to her sandals. Iras broke the painful silence.

ellauri151.html on line 137: Wilde took a key out of his pocket and showed me into a tiny apartment of two rooms… The youths followed him, each of them wrapped in a burnous that hid his face. Then the guide left us and Wilde sent me into the further room with little Mohammed and shut himself up in the other with the [other boy]. Every time since then that I have sought after pleasure, it is the memory of that night I have pursued. […] My joy was unbounded, and I cannot imagine it greater, even if love had been added. How should there have been any question of love? How should I have allowed desire to dispose of my heart? No scruple clouded my pleasure and no remorse followed it. But what name then am I to give the rapture I felt as I clasped in my naked arms that perfect little body, so wild, so ardent, so sombrely lascivious? For a long time after Mohammed had left me, I remained in a state of passionate jubilation, and though I had already achieved pleasure five times with him, I renewed my ecstasy again and again, and when I got back to my room in the hotel, I prolonged its echoes by hand until morning. What´s love got to do with it?
ellauri155.html on line 880: Santayana is mostly known for aphorisms, such as "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it", "Only the dead have seen the end of war", and the definition of beauty as "pleasure objectified". Although an atheist, he treasured the Spanish Catholic values, practices, and worldview in which he was raised.] Santayana was a broad-ranging cultural critic spanning many disciplines. He was profoundly influenced by Spinoza´s life and thought; and, in many respects, was another Spinoza. Was he too a jew? I guess not. His father was a minor intellectual. His mother married a Bostonian merchant Sturgis who died. In Madrid, he married the Santayana guy. In 1869, Josefina Borrás de Santayana returned to Boston with her three Sturgis children, because she had promised her first husband to raise the children in the US. She left the six-year-old Jorge with his father in Spain. Jorge and his father followed her to Boston in 1872. His father, finding neither Boston nor his wife´s attitude to his liking, soon returned alone to Ávila, and remained there the rest of his life as a minor intellectual.
ellauri155.html on line 974: and less embarrassing all round if “the source” remained anonymous; and that
ellauri160.html on line 126: Both sides of Pound's family emigrated from England in the 17th century. On his father's side, the immigrant ancestor was John Pound, a Quaker who arrived from England around 1650. Ezra's paternal grandmother, Susan Angevine Loomis, married Thaddeus Coleman Pound. On his mother's side, Pound was descended from William Wadsworth, a Puritan who emigrated to Boston on the Lion in 1632. Captain Joseph Wadsworth helped to write the Connecticut constitution. The Wadsworths married into the Westons of New York; Harding Weston and Mary Parker were Pound's maternal grandparents. After serving in the military, Harding remained unemployed, so his brother Ezra Weston and Ezra's wife, Frances Amelia Wessells Freer (Aunt Frank), helped to look after Isabel, Pound's mother. No oliko Pound sitten sukua myös Henry "setelitukun väärti" Longfellowille? Varmaan niin.
ellauri162.html on line 137: With political tensions rising in Europe, Bernanos emigrated to South America with his family in 1938, settling in Brazil. He remained until 1945 in Barbacena, State of Minas Gerais, where he tried his hand at managing a farm.
ellauri162.html on line 691: Pope Leo XIII, 1891, wrote the encyclical Rerum Novarum as the industrial revolution and political change swept across Europe. The relationship between employers and employees was changing dramatically. Individuals had become wealthy, but most remained poor even though they worked hard. Pope Leo XIII´s encyclical spoke of the condition of the working classes during a time when many advocated revolution.
ellauri171.html on line 632: Then her husband arose and went after her to speak tenderly to her in order to bring her back, taking with him his servant and a pair of donkeys. So she brought him into her father’s house, and when the girl’s father saw him, he was glad to meet him. His father-in-law, the girl’s father, detained him; and he remained with him three days. So they ate and drank and lodged there. Judges 19:3-4 (NASB)
ellauri171.html on line 637: Verses 4-8 tell us that the Levite remained in the home of the father-in-law for five days. Judges 19:9-15 tells us the Levite and his concubine left the house. They passed by Jebus (Judges 19:11), the ancient name for Jerusalem, and stopped at Gibeah or Ramah to spend the night (Judges 19:13).
ellauri171.html on line 664: Thus the tribes of Israel (minus Benjamin) invoked capital punishment on the men who raped and murdered the Levite’s concubine and the tribe. In time, a total of forty thousand Israelites died as a result of God’s punishment on the tribe of Benjamin (Judges 20:21, 25). Six hundred men of Benjamin remained alive (Judges 20:47). Judges 20:48 states that Israel destroyed the cities of the tribe of Benjamin that they could find, including the cattle. Later Judges 21:16 states all the women were killed too!
ellauri171.html on line 1048: Judah, who has bought her for his firstborn son, Er, loses it, er, I mean loses Er. When he, er, I mean Er dies, Judah gives Tamar to his second son, Onan, who is to act as levir, a surrogate for his dead brother who would beget a son to continue Er’s lineage. (Onan you must be familiar with first hand!) In this way, Tamar too would be assured a place in the family. Onan, however, would make a considerable economic sacrifice. According to inheritance customs, the estate of Judah, who had three sons, would be divided into four equal parts, with the eldest son acquiring one half and the others one fourth each. A child engendered for Er would inherit at least one fourth and possibly one half (as the son of the firstborn). If Er remained childless, then Judah’s estate would be divided into three, with the eldest, most probably Onan, inheriting two thirds. Onan opts to preserve his financial advantage and does coitus interruptus with Tamar, spilling his semen on the ground. For this, God punishes Onan with death, as God had previously punished Er for doing something equally wicked (unfortunately we are not told what, maybe sodomy in the flock).
ellauri184.html on line 250: According to the biblical chronicle, the Tribe of Manasseh was a part of a loose confederation of Israelite tribes from after the conquest of the land by Joshua until the formation of the first Kingdom of Israel in c. 1050 BC. No central government existed, and in times of crisis the people were led by ad hoc leaders known as Judges (see Book of Judges). With the growth of the threat from Palestinian (sorry) Philistine incursions, the Israelite tribes decided to form a strong centralised monarchy to meet the challenge, and the Tribe of Manasseh joined the new kingdom with Saul as the first king. After the death of Saul, all the tribes other than Judah remained loyal to the House of Saul, but after the death of Ish-bosheth, Saul's son who succeeded him to the throne of Israel, the Tribe of Manasseh joined the other northern Israelite tribes in making Judah's king David the king of a re-united Kingdom of Israel. However, on the accession of David's grandson Rehoboam, in c. 930 BC the northern tribes split from the House of David and from Saul's tribe Benjamin to reform Israel as the Northern Kingdom. Manasseh was a member of the Northern Kingdom until the kingdom was conquered by Assyria in c. 723 BC and the population deported. From that time, the Tribe of Manasseh has been counted as one of the ten lost tribes of Israel.
ellauri184.html on line 352: And you, Capernaum, will you be lifted to the heavens? No, you will go down into the pit. For if the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Sodom, it would have remained to this day! Fuck you guys! You will regret it!
ellauri184.html on line 644: The fact that Jesus had been preaching God’s word was irrelevant to Pilate. Sitähän ne liuhuparrat myötäänsä tekevät. The term “Messiah” which Jesus had been using, was more threatening to Pilate as it was laden with political connotations. The term presupposed that the “big king" (God) would make his reign prevail via a small king (Messiah), who had yet to appear. The only thing that remained unclear was exactly who this “small king" would be (a descendant of David’s?) and under what circumstances he would appear.
ellauri188.html on line 92: There does not appear to be any big success stories of missionary work in the Marquesas Islands. The first missionaries to arrive in the Marquesas from 1797, coming from England via Tahiti, were William Pascoe Crook (1775-1846) and John Harris (1754-1819) of the London Missionary Society. Harris could not endure the conditions at all and returned to Tahiti only a few months later. A contemporary report says that he was picked up on the beach, utterly desperate, naked and looted. Crook remained until 1799.
ellauri188.html on line 96: Protestants went to Hiva Oa, but even there they had little success. There were few converts, tribal warfare and human sacrifice continued. Protestant missionaries gradually left Hiva Oa and returned to Hawaii, only James Kekkilä remained. In 1899 he also returned to Hawaii and died in Honolulu on November 29, 1904. Hawaiian-born missionary James Bicknell translated the Gospel of John into the Marquesan language in 1857.
ellauri189.html on line 72: Malczewski was born to a wealthy family in either Volhynia or Warsaw, and attended school in Krzemieniec (modern-day Kremenets, Ukraine), but did not graduate. He joined the army of the short-lived Duchy of Warsaw during the Napoleonic Wars in 1811, and remained in the army of Congress Poland under Emperor Alexander from 1815. He was wounded in the foot in a duel in 1816 and so had to leave the army.
ellauri190.html on line 226: They inhabited sparsely populated areas in the Dnieper, Don, Terek, and Ural river basins, and played an important role in the historical and cultural development of both Ukraine and Russia. The various Cossack groups were organized along military lines, with large autonomous groups called hosts. Each host had a territory consisting of affiliated villages called stanitsa. The Cossack way of life persisted into the twentieth century, though the sweeping societal changes of the Russian Revolution disrupted Cossack society as much as any other part of Russia; many Cossacks migrated to other parts of Europe following the establishment of the Soviet Union, while others remained and assimilated into the Communist state. Cohesive Cossack-based units were organized and fought for both Germany and the Soviet Union during World War II.
ellauri190.html on line 263: In any case, Ukraine (unlike Muscovy) remained in Europe. In the 15th century, the Great Duke of Lithuania, Yahailo, married a Polish queen Yadviga. Thus, the Great Duchy of Lithuania (which included Ukraine) and the Kingdom of Poland became one state. In the 16th century, it became known as Rzeczpospolita, from Latin Res Publica – literally, “the common affair,” or Republic. (Kozaks, inveterate democrats, did not like it.) It was a monarchy, but the monarchs were elected by a parliament, called Sejm. The country maintained close ties with Western Europe, and, unlike wimpy Muscovy, was completely independent of the Mongol autocracies like the Golden Horde.
ellauri192.html on line 309: So on the one hand is Tokarczuk, a proponent of multiculturalism who has remained vocal despite facing profound antagonism for her stance — and grown more so since her first major encounter with that antagonism in 2014. And on the other is Handke, eulogizer of Milsoevic, who dictated the Bosnian genocide during the Balkan wars of the 1990s and died while on trial for war crimes against the Hague. He too has remained committed to his position; the “go to hell” of 2014, one of his last known public comments on the matter, speaks volumes. But has it worked? No here we are as before, giving hell to him.
ellauri194.html on line 269: While the confounding Gog and Magog as confined Jews was becoming commonplace, some, like Riccoldo or Vincent de Beauvais remained skeptics, and distinguished the Lost Tribes from Gog and Magog. As noted, Riccoldo had reported a Mongol folk-tradition that they were descended from Gog and Magog. He also addressed many minds (Westerners or otherwise) being credulous of the notion that Mongols might be Captive Jews, but after weighing the pros and cons, he concluded this was an open question.
ellauri198.html on line 429: I might go on; nought else remained to do. Siis eteenpäin, ei tuuleen pidä kusta.
ellauri198.html on line 826: Gonne shared Yeats’s interest in occultism and spiritualism. Yeats had been a theosophist, but in 1890 he turned from its sweeping mystical insights and joined the Golden Dawn, a secret society that actually practiced ritual magic. Yeats remained an active member of the Golden Dawn for 32 years, becoming involved in its direction at the turn of the century and achieving the coveted sixth grade of membership in 1914, the same year that his surrogate wife, Georgiana Hyde-Lees, also joined the society.
ellauri203.html on line 231: To begin with, Dostoevsky only saw practicality in his marriage to Snitkina: he was in need of stability and confidence in the future. As a result, the union began down to head along the same route as his previous relationships. However, the couple’s extended “honeymoon” abroad, which ended up lasting four years, allowed them to escape Russia’s oppressive atmosphere and try to build a family. It began well: Sonya, a little girl, was born a year after their marriage. Tragedy soon struck, however, when Sonya passed away. The pair went on to have three more children, one of whom also died. They were married for 14 years until Dostoevsky’s death, in which time Snitkina experienced a great deal of anguish brought on by Dostoevsky’s difficult character and lifestyle, namely his jealousy and gambling addiction. However, she remained stoically committed to him and did not remarry after his death, when she was just 35.
ellauri210.html on line 1382: Jean Benoît (1922-2010) was a Canadian artist known as "The Enchanter of Serpents", most famous for his surrealist sculptures. One sculpture called "Book Cover for Magnetic Fields" features demonic figures ripping an egg from a book. Magnetic Fields was the name of the book Breton wrote with Philippe Soupault, which Breton called the first surrealist book. Many of his works include demonic figures, brutal sexual images, exaggerated phalluses, and so on. Benoît was active and remained productive, working every day on his art until he died on August 20, 2010, in Paris. He was 88.
ellauri213.html on line 260: However, some features of Scouting remained in the modified form. The Scout motto "Bud' Gotov" ("Be Prepared") was modified into the Pioneer motto "Vsegda Gotov" ("Always Prepared"). Mention of God was removed, replaced by Lenin and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. There were no separate organizations for girls and boys, and many new features were introduced, like Young Pioneer Palaces.
ellauri213.html on line 375: The settlement of modern-day Kaliningrad was founded in 1255 on the site of the ancient Old Prussian settlement Twangste by the Teutonic Knights during the Northern Crusades, and was named Königsberg in honor of King Ottokar II of Bohemia. A Baltic port city, it successively became the capital of the State of the Teutonic Order, the Duchy of Prussia (1525–1701) and East Prussia. Königsberg remained the coronation city of the Prussian monarchy, though the capital was moved to Berlin in 1701. From 1454 to 1455 the city under the name of Królewiec belonged to the Kingdom of Poland, and from 1466 to 1657 it was a Polish fief.
ellauri213.html on line 377: Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin, known familiarly by Soviet citizens as "Kalinych", was a Soviet politician and Old Bolshevik revolutionary. He served as head of state of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and later of the Soviet Union from 1919 to 1946. From 1926, he was a member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Born to a peasant family, Kalinin worked as a metal worker in Saint Petersburg and took part in the 1905 Russian Revolution as an early member of the Bolsheviks. During and after the October Revolution, he served as mayor of Petrograd. After the revolution, Kalinin became the head of the new Soviet state, as well as a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and the Politburo. Kalinin remained the titular head of state of the Soviet Union after the rise of Joseph Stalin, but held little real power or influence. He retired in 1946 and died in the same year.
ellauri219.html on line 183: Crowley gained widespread notoriety during his lifetime, being a recreational drug user, bisexual, and an individualist social critic. Crowley has remained a highly influential figure over Western esotericism and the counterculture of the 1960s, and continues to be considered a prophet in Thelema. He is the subject of various biographies and academic studies.
ellauri222.html on line 235: Now there is real mystery about communists in the west, to limit myself to those. How were they able to accept Stalin – one of the most monstrous tyrants ever? You would have thought that the Stalin-Hitler division of Poland, the defeat of the French which opened the way to Hitler's invasion of Russia, would have led CP members to reconsider their loyalties. But no. When I landed in Paris in 1948 I found that the intellectual leaders (Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, etc) remained loyal despite the Stalin sea of blood. Well, every country, every government has its sea, or lake, or pond. Still Stalin remained "the hope" – despite the clear parallel with Hitler.
ellauri222.html on line 1013: "The Dove runs well," murmured Timmendiquas in English. Timmendiquas, with Henry at his side, was among the first to give approval, but the crestfallen renegades remained in their little group at the edge of the field. Hei täähän on amerikkalaista jalkapalloa!
ellauri226.html on line 367: Even with paralyzing injuries, these teenage boys remained focused on hurting
ellauri238.html on line 874: And he remained with his great, empty worry. Ja se jäi ison, tyhjän huolensa kanssa kaksisteen.
ellauri247.html on line 133: Cook and his crew remained for almost seven weeks and made contact with the local Guugu Yimithirr Aborigines, while the naturalists Joseph Banks and Daniel Solander made extensive collections of native flora, while Sydney Parkinson illustrated much of the flora and fauna of the region. Botanical specimens were also collected by Alan Cunningham after he arrived on HMS Mermaid, captained by Philip Parker King on 28 June 1819.
ellauri247.html on line 331: Johnson remained with his close friend Harry Porter during a terminal illness, which ended in Porter's death on 3 September 1734. Porter's wife Elizabeth (née Jervis) (otherwise known as "Tetty") was now a widow at the age of 45, with three children. Some months later, Johnson began to court her. William Shaw, a friend and biographer of Johnson, claims that "the first advances probably proceeded from her, as her attachment to Johnson was in opposition to the advice and desire of all her relations," Johnson was inexperienced in such relationships, but the well-to-do widow encouraged him and promised to provide for him with her substantial savings.
ellauri254.html on line 506: When Klages (at 23) moved into a new Schwabing flat in 1895, he entered into an intense sexual relationship with his landlady's daughter, with the mother's approval; the daughter, whom Klages called 'Putti', was eleven years younger than him (12 yrs), and their relationship continued for almost two decades though remained only sexual in nature, and squeaky clean. During his years in Schwabing, Klages also became romantically involved with novelist Franziska zu Reventlow, which was further alluded to in her 1913 roman à clef Herrn Dames Aufzeichnungen. Both Stefan George and Alfred Schuler, with whom Klages closely associated, were openly homosexual men. Whilst some of Klages' outward statements on homosexuality may be seen as harsh, he maintained an intimate personal and not just academic admiration for Schuler all throughout his life. Kaikki käy, kuhan paikat pysyy kemiallisen puhtaana. Kemia ei tunne likaa.
ellauri260.html on line 316: During early Christians, the teaching of Aristotle remained the chief guide, and his attack upon usury was transplanted into Christian soil by Lactantius. The chief concern was now the soul ; material possessions were deemed to be of much inferior value. There was much in this (the ban on usury) that restricted and caused a decay of economic life. It was divided into particular transactions which had no common aim. Labour was confined within narrow channels, and had very limited aims, so that production on a large scale ceased, and great wealth became impossible. Oh fuck. The mainspring of trade was individual covetousness, and this was enough of itself to restrict the full recognition of economic activity all through the middle ages.
ellauri260.html on line 390: Sir James George Frazer OMG FRS FRSE FBA WTF (/ˈfreɪzər/; 1 January 1854 – 7 May 1941) was a Scottish social anthropologist and folklorist influential in the early stages of the modern studies of mythology and comparative religion. His lousy reputation improved after his new wife in 1896, Lilly Frazer, decided that he was undervalued because of atheism and that she could improve his impact by leaving out some of it. His dissertation was published years later as The Growth of Plato's Ideal Theory. He remained a classical fellow all his life, not unlike Kari Hotakainen.
ellauri262.html on line 147: In September 1913, Lewis enrolled at Malvern College, where he remained until the following June. He found the school "socially competitive." After leaving Malvern, he studied privately with William T. Kirkpatrick, "The Great Knock", his father's old tutor and former headmaster of Lurgan College.
ellauri263.html on line 663: The Theosophical Movement was founded in New York in 1875 with three main founders – Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Colonel Henry Steel Olcott, and William Quan Judge. From that moment and up until his death in 1907, Olcott remained the organisational leader and international president of the Society, which eventually moved its headquarters from the USA to Adyar in India.
ellauri266.html on line 366: As part of peace accords, NATO agreed to provide 60,000 troops to deploy to the region, as part of the Liquidation Force, U.S. designation: Operation Knee Joint Fracture. These forces remained deployed until December 1996, when those remaining in the region were transferred to the Subjugation Force. Subjugation peacemakers remained in Bosnia until 2004, when they were needed more urgently in Iraq.
ellauri275.html on line 460: In his Romantic poems, Chavchavadze dreamed of Georgia's glorious past, when "the breeze of life past" would "breathe sweetness" into his "dry soul." In poems Woe, time, time (ვაჰ, დრონი, დრონი), Listen, listener (ისმინეთ მსმენნო), and Caucasia (კავკასია), the "Golden Age" of medieval Georgia was contrasted with its unremarkable present. As a social activist, however, he remained mostly a "cultural nationalist," defender of the native language, and an advocate of the interest of Georgian aristocratic and intellectual elites. In his letters, Alexander heavily criticized Russian treatment of Georgian national culture and even compared it with the pillaging by Ottomans and Persians who had invaded Georgia in the past. In one of the letters he states: The damage which Russia has inflicted on our nation is disastrous. Even Persians and Turks could not abolish our Monarchy and deprive us of our statehood. We have exchanged one serpent for another.
ellauri275.html on line 462: After 1832, his perception of the national problems became different. The poet unambiguously pointed out those positive results which had been brought about by the Russian annexation, though the liberation of his native land remained to be his most cherished dream. Later, his poetry became less romantic, even sentimental, but he never abandoned his optimistic streak that makes his writings so different from those of his predecessors. Some of the most original of his late poems are, Oh, my dream, why have you appealed to me again (ეჰა, ჩემო ოცნებავ, კვლავ რად წარმომედგინე), and The Ploughman (გუთნის დედა) written in the 1840s. The former, a rather sad poem, surprisingly ends with hope for the future in contemplation of the poet. The latter combines Chavchavadze's elegy for his past years of youth with calm humorous farewell to lost sex-life and potency. Composer Tamara Antonovna Shaverzashvili used Chavchavadze’s text for her song “My Sadness.”
ellauri277.html on line 240: In the spring of 1913 he visited the International Exhibition of Modern Art—the “Armory Show”—which introduced European modern art to America. He approved of the show as a “declaration of independence” from tradition, but he did not think most of the paintings were beautiful and did not care for the artistic ideologies behind movements such as cubism. The reviews of an exhibition of his own work in December 1914 were mixed. Hedevoted most of his time to painting for the next eighteen years but remained loyal to the symbolism of his youth and became an isolated figure on the New York art scene.
ellauri277.html on line 254: In 1925 the poet Barbara Young (pseudonym of Henrietta Breckenridge (!!!) Boughton) became Gibran’s secretary. She remained with Gibran for the rest of his life and played a major role in events after his death.
ellauri277.html on line 256: In 1926 and 1927, respectively, Gibran published Sand and Foam in English (Donovan!). Sand and Foam is decorated with Gibran’s drawings, and the aphorisms are separated by floral dingbats also drawn by Gibran. Most critics did not like the book, but, like all of his English works (except the flop Twenty Drawings), it has remained in print since its publication.
ellauri277.html on line 258: In 1928 Gibran published his longest book, Jesus, the Son of Man: His Words and His Deeds as Told and Recorded by Those Who Knew Him. It was the most lavishly produced of Gibran’s books, with some of the illustrations in color. For once, the reviews were strongly and uniformly favorable, and the book has remained the most popular of his works next to The Prophet.
ellauri278.html on line 196: Chicherin followed a pro-German foreign policy in line with his anti-British attitudes, which he had developed during his time in the Foreign Ministry, when Britain was blocking Russian expansion in Asia. Chicherin is thought to have had more phone conversations with Lenin than anyone else. When Joseph Stalin replaced Lenin in 1924, Chicherin remained foreign minister, and Stalin valued his opinions.
ellauri278.html on line 262: Maxim Litvinov died on on 31 December 1951. After his death, rumours he was murdered on Stalin´s instructions to the Ministry of Internal Affairs circulated. According to Anastas Mikoyan, alorry deliberately collided with Litvinov´s car as it rounded a bend near the Litvinov dacha on 31 December 1951, and he later died of his injuries. British television journalist Tim Tzouliadis stated; "The assassination of Litvinov marked an intensification of Stalin´s anti-Semitic campaign". According to Litvinov´s wife and daughter, however, Stalin was still on good terms with Litvinov at the time of his death. They said he had serious heart problems and was given the best treatment available during the final weeks of his life, and that he died from a heart attack on 31 December 1951. After Litvinov´s death, his widow Ivy remained in the Soviet Union until she returned to live in Britain in 1972.
ellauri278.html on line 264: In his reminiscences dictated to a supporter later in life, Vyacheslav Molotov—Litvinov´s replacement as chief of foreign affairs and right-hand man of Joseph Stalin—said Litvinov was "intelligent" and "first rate" but said he and Stalin "didn´t trust him" and consequently "left him out of negotiations" with the United States during the war. Molotov called Litvinov "not a bad diplomat—a good one" but also called him quite an opportunist who greatly sympathized with Leon Trotsky, Grigory Zinoviev, and Lev Kamenev. According to Molotov; Litvinov remained among the living in the Great Purge only by chance.
ellauri281.html on line 195: Chicherin followed a pro-German foreign policy in line with his anti-British attitudes, which he had developed during his time in the Foreign Ministry, when Britain was blocking Russian expansion in Asia. Chicherin is thought to have had more phone conversations with Lenin than anyone else. When Joseph Stalin replaced Lenin in 1924, Chicherin remained foreign minister, and Stalin valued his opinions.
ellauri281.html on line 261: Maxim Litvinov died on on 31 December 1951. After his death, rumours he was murdered on Stalin´s instructions to the Ministry of Internal Affairs circulated. According to Anastas Mikoyan, alorry deliberately collided with Litvinov´s car as it rounded a bend near the Litvinov dacha on 31 December 1951, and he later died of his injuries. British television journalist Tim Tzouliadis stated; "The assassination of Litvinov marked an intensification of Stalin´s anti-Semitic campaign". According to Litvinov´s wife and daughter, however, Stalin was still on good terms with Litvinov at the time of his death. They said he had serious heart problems and was given the best treatment available during the final weeks of his life, and that he died from a heart attack on 31 December 1951. After Litvinov´s death, his widow Ivy remained in the Soviet Union until she returned to live in Britain in 1972.
ellauri281.html on line 263: In his reminiscences dictated to a supporter later in life, Vyacheslav Molotov—Litvinov´s replacement as chief of foreign affairs and right-hand man of Joseph Stalin—said Litvinov was "intelligent" and "first rate" but said he and Stalin "didn´t trust him" and consequently "left him out of negotiations" with the United States during the war. Molotov called Litvinov "not a bad diplomat—a good one" but also called him quite an opportunist who greatly sympathized with Leon Trotsky, Grigory Zinoviev, and Lev Kamenev. According to Molotov; Litvinov remained among the living in the Great Purge only by chance.
ellauri285.html on line 152: While most scholars and academics have determined that Scotford was the craftsman and Soper was the salesman, and the men joined forces for personal financial gain, neither man ever confessed and remained active in the business until their respective deaths in the 1920s.
ellauri285.html on line 656: During the course of the tribunal, the U.S. government revoked Schoenman's passport because of unauthorized visits to North Vietnam. In November 1967, he was deported back to the U.S. by Bolivian authorities when he traveled there to attend the trial of Régis Debray. As a result, he was prevented from attending the tribunal's proceedings in Copenhagen later that month because Danish authorities refused to allow him to enter without a passport. This led to a sequence in which Schoenman shuttled between several European countries, none of which would admit him, before illegally entering Britain, where he remained for 10 days until being deported in June 1968.
ellauri321.html on line 105: For many years after Hazlitt had sounded his note of praise, Crèvecoeur and his work remained practically unknown. The ideas for which he stood, the literary atmosphere that he created, were both old-fashioned. Few people took Rousseau from their upper shelves, and the dust gathered on the tomes of Chateaubriand. Even Werther was more talked about than read. And so no one cared for this Earthly Paradise of the Age of Reason dashed with Rousseau's sentimentality, filled with his love of Nature, and prophetic of the whole Emigrant literature of France.
ellauri321.html on line 112: Here sorrow and desolation awaited him. His wife had died a few weeks before his arrival, his farm had been ravaged, his children were in the care of strangers. But as he had been appointed French Consul in New York with the especially expressed approbation of Washington, he remained in America six years longer, with only one brief interval spent in France. Notwithstanding the disastrous practical influence of his book, through which five hundred Norman families are said to have perished in the forests of Ohio, he was now an honored citizen in his adopted country, distinguished by Washington, and the friend of Franklin. In these later years he accompanied Franklin on various journeys, one of which is recorded in the “Voyage Dans La Haute Pennsylvanie.” In 1790 he returned to France, living now at Rouen, now at Sarcelles, where he died on November 12, 1813. He was a man of “serene temper and pure benevolence,” of good sense and sound judgment; something also of a dreamer, yet of a rhetorical rather than a poetical temperament; typically French, since there were in him no extremes of opinion or emotion. He followed the dictates of his reason tempered by the warmth of his heart, and treated life justly and sanely.
ellauri322.html on line 232: MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT was born on the 27th of April, 1759. Her father, a quick-tempered and unsettled man, capable of beating wife, child, and dog was the son of a manufacturer who made money in Spitalfields, when Spitalfields was prosperous. Her mother was a rigorous Irishwoman, of the Dixons of Sally Shannon. Edward John Wollstonecraft of whose childpen, besides Mary, the second child, three sons and two daughters lived to be sort of men and women in course of time, got rid of about ten thousand pounds which had been left him by his father. He began to get rid of it by farming. Mary Wollstonecraft's firstremembered home was in a farm at Epping. When she was five years old, the family moved to another farm, by the Chelmsford Toad. When she was between six and seven years old they moved again, to the neighbourhood of Barking. There they remained three years before the next move, which was to a farm near Beverley, in Yorkshire. In Yorkshire they remained six years, and Mary Wollstonecraft had there what education fell to her lot between the ages of ten and sixteen.
ellauri351.html on line 700: Hobsbawmin sanotaan sanoneen, että seksin lisäksi ei ole mitään niin fyysisesti intensiivistä kuin "osallistuminen joukkomielenosoitukseen suuren julkisen korotuksen aikana". Aika intensiivinen hörökorva olikin. Hänen ensimmäinen avioliittonsa oli Muriel Seamanin kanssa vuonna 1943. He erosivat vuonna 1951. Hänen toinen avioliittonsa oli Marlene Schwarzin (vuonna 1962), jonka kanssa hänellä oli kaksi lasta, Julia Hobsbawm ja Andy Hobsbawm. Hänellä oli väh. 1 avioton poika Joshua Bennathan, joka syntyi vuonna 1958 ja kuoli marraskuussa 2014. "Joss" kuoli syöpään viisikymppisenä. Born in Birmingham, Joss was the son of the historian Eric Hobsbawm and the educational psychologist Marion Bennathan. He was raised by his mother and her husband, the economist Esra Bennathan, and went to Newnham Croft primary school, Cambridge, and Bristol grammar school. At the age of 17, Joss married Jenny Corrick and had two children by the age of 20. The couple divorced but remained friends.
ellauri353.html on line 289: I grew up before the appearance of the street. I even finished my graduate work. For a doctorate in economics before the feminist movement. Really got going. As a result. I was free to choose. Just how I wanted to live my life whether I wanted a full time career in the market place or a part time. Career. Combined with being a homemaker and bringing up a family. I knew I was going to get married. I'd already chosen my husband. I also wanted to have a family. Even after getting used to being married. And I wanted to bring up my children. Myself. I did not want them to be brought up. Either in a child care center. Or by a maid. Naturally by like most people I also wanted to have my cake and even when they left. University Milton and I both went to work in Washington for jobs where economists were there only let it cool. However before we were married. His career took him to New York City. While mine remained in Washington where I live where I like to work and the people I was working with. However we did not look forward to living apart.
ellauri370.html on line 129: I) It's hard to estimate exactly how many Jews have remained behind. At least 100,000 in Russia; at least 100,000 in Ukraine. Just a tiny remnant compared to 1880.
ellauri372.html on line 85: After the Spartakiads, the six thousand captured slaves were crucified along the Via Appia by Crassus' orders. Jahve oli kateudesta vihreä. Mutta Jeesus ei ollutkaan pelkkä ihminen, eikä mikään orja vaan taivaan prince of Wales. At his command, their bodies were not taken down afterwards, but remained rotting along Rome's principal route to the south. This was intended as an abject lesson to anyone who might think of rebelling against Rome in the future, particularly of slave insurrections against their owners and masters, the Roman citizens. Vizi roomalaiset oli kusipäitä.
ellauri378.html on line 310: But the bony sodden hulk remained.
ellauri378.html on line 425: Although Israel eliminated the main Hamas command structure in central and northern Gaza, pockets of “guerrilla” resistance remained. According to the publication's sources among senior officials, 4 of the 24 Hamas "battalions" remained "completely intact" after fleeing to Rafah, where the IDF is preparing to invade. At the same time, Israel doubts the possibility of finding and destroying the remaining terrorists, since the United States has “turned its back on Israel,” although a month ago Tel Aviv had confidence that they'd have its back.
ellauri381.html on line 145: However, Bandera’s idea of an independent Ukraine was not shared by the Third Reich, and as a result Bandera was imprisoned in a concentration camp, where he remained until 1944, albeit in significantly more comfort than other prisoners.
ellauri381.html on line 449: As a result of the Khrushchev Thaw, Solzhenitsyn was released and exonerated. He pursued writing novels about repression in the Soviet Union and his experiences. He published his first novel, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich in 1962, with approval from Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, which was an account of Stalinist repressions. Actually, it was about a normal day in a labor camp. Following the removal of Khrushchev from power, the Soviet authorities attempted to discourage Solzhenitsyn from writing any more anticommunist crap. He went on anyway, sending the crap to the west. In 1974, Solzhenitsyn was stripped of his Soviet citizenship and flown to West Germany. In 1976, he moved with his family to the United States, where he continued to write. In 1990, shortly before the dissolution of the Soviet Union, his citizenship was restored, and four years later he returned to Russia, where he remained until his death in 2008.
ellauri384.html on line 381: Kettunarttumainen Sharona eli Bitty Schram was fired during the third season of the Adrian Monk TV show owing to contract disagreements; apparently, she sought a bigger wage and the creators felt she was replaceable. In the episode “Mr. Monk and the Red Herring,” she was replaced by pregnant Natalie Teenager, who remained Monk’s assistant for the rest of the series. Dr. Stanley Kamel, who played Monk’s therapist Dr. Charles Kroger to Tony Shalhoub‘s neurotic Adrian Monk, died April 8, 2008, after suffering a heart attack at age 65.
ellauri389.html on line 303: William and Dorothy's mother died when he was only seven years old and she was six, and he was orphaned at 13 and she at 12.Though he did not excel, he would eventually study at and graduate from Cambridge University in 1791. Bill fell in love with a young French woman, Annette Vallon while visiting France and she somehow became pregnant. Dorothy was taught by just a bunch of uncles. She remained particularly close to her brother, the more famous poet William Wordsworth, and the siblings lived together in Dorset and Alfoxden before William married her best friend, Mary Hutchinson, in 1802. Thereafter Dorothy Wordsworth made her home with the couple.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 188: "He was the philosopher of my generation, which didn't succeed in realizing itself spiritually, but remained nostalgic about such a realization. Shestov [...] has played an important role in my life. [...] He thought rightly that the true problems escape the philosophers. What else do they do but obscuring the real torments of life?" (Emil Cioran: Oeuvres, Gallimard, Paris 1995, p. 1740, my translation (kuka oon tää 'mä?')]
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 211: He attended courses at the Universities of Freiburg and Marburg, including some taught by Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger. Strauss joined a Jewish fraternity and worked for the German Zionist movement, which introduced him to various German Jewish intellectuals, such as Norbert Elias, Leo Löwenthal, Hannah Arendt and Walter Benjamin. Walter Benjamin was and remained an admirer of Strauss and his work throughout his mournful life.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 309: Unlike his Seelenbrüder Stefan George and Alfred Schwuler, he was not gay, but rather serious. When Klages moved into a new Schwabing flat in 1895, he entered into an intense sexual relationship with his landlady's daughter, with the mother's approval; the daughter, whom Klages called 'Putti', was eleven years younger than him, and their relationship continued for almost two decades though remained only sexual in nature. Klages, like Friedrich Nietzsche, was critical of Christianity as well as what they both saw as its roots in Judaism. His attacks on judaism were veiled criticism of christianity, rather like Seija's attacks on the rest of the Carlson family.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 92: Philip Morris sold the Burma-Shave brand name to American Safety Razor Company in 1968, but the name remained dormant until 1997 when it was reintroduced for a line of shaving cream, razors, and accessories. Although the original Burma-Shave was a brushless shaving cream, the name currently is used to market a soap and shaving brush set.
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 412: In October 2016, investigative reporter Claudio Gatti published an article jointly in Il Sole 24 Ore and Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, that relied on financial records related to real estate transactions and royalties payments to draw the conclusion that Anita Raja, a Rome-based translator, is the real author behind the Ferrante pseudonym. Gatti's article was criticized by many in the literary world as a violation of privacy, though Gatti contends that "by announcing that she would lie on occasion, Ferrante has in a way relinquished her right to disappear behind her books and let them live and grow while their author remained unknown. Indeed, she and her publisher seemed to have fed public interest in her true identity." British novelist Matt Haig tweeted, "Think the pursuit to discover the 'real' Elena Ferrante is a disgrace and also pointless. A writer's truest self is the books they write." The writer Jeanette Winterson, in a Guardian article, denounced Gatti's investigations as malicious and sexist, saying "At the bottom of this so-called investigation into Ferrante's identity is an obsessional outrage at the success of a writer – female – who decided to write, publish and promote her books on her own terms." She went on to say that the desire to uncover Ferrante's identity constitutes an act of sexism in itself, and that "Italy is still a Catholic country with strong patriarchial attitudes towards women." Others responding to Gatti's article suggested that knowledge of Ferrante's biography is indeed relevant.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 567: He had been in failing health for many years before his death, suffering two strokes, diabetes and the incurable lung disease pulmonary fibrosis. In 1999 he had a liver transplant. As he neared death, Knievel hinted at the dark secrets which remained locked in his heart.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 302: Throughout the Nazi regime, Hauptmann remained in Germany, which Goebbels used as a propaganda tool, claiming that he had made his peace with the Nazis. The Third Reich refused to allow him to receive the Schiller Prize, for which he was almost continuously recommended. A complete seventeen- volume edition of his works came out in 1942. Hauptmann died on June 6 1946 of pneumonia, at his home in Agnetendorf. His last work, the unfinished Der neue Christophorus, was again a story of suffering humanity.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 272: Elam’s capital city, Susa, was one of the world’s first post flood cities, and was a regional center off and on for many centuries before being destroyed by Ashurbanipal, the last of the great Assyrian Kings, in 647 BC. As was the custom of Assyrian kings, he removed many of the surviving Elamites from their homeland. He took them to the former Northern Kingdom of Israel, which had been conquered by Assyria 74 years earlier, where they were resettled among the Israelites who remained there.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 613: The sparsity of sayings recorded in the biblical accounts suggests that Jesus remained relatively silent for the hours he hung there. Eli Eli Lama Sabachthani? may refer to:
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 722: Aram oli myös suomalaisten rakastama Aram Hatshipompponen. Khachaturian always remained enthusiastic about communism, and was an atheist. When asked about his visit to the Vatican, Khachaturian responded: "I'm an atheist, but I'm a son of the [Armenian] people who were the first to officially adopt Christianity and thus visiting the Vatican was my duty."
xxx/ellauri120.html on line 78: After World War II, Bernays rebranded “propaganda”, calling it “public relations”, giving it a more favorable spin. However labeled, his intent remained the same:
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 924: Alongside works by Kurt Vonnegut and Thomas Pynchon, Catch-22 opened the floodgates for a wave of crazy American fiction. The reviews of the book range from very positive to very negative. Although the novel won no awards upon release, it has remained in print and is seen as one of the most significant American novels of the 20th century. The novel examines the absurdity of war and military life through the experiences of Yossarian and his cohorts, who attempt to maintain their sanity while fulfilling their service requirements so that they may return home.
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 756: She was intermittently placed in foster care throughout late 1979 until becoming legally emancipated in 1980, after which she remained staunchly estranged from her mother.
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 761: In July 1982, Love returned to the United States. In late 1982, she attended a Faith No More concert in San Francisco and convinced the members to let her join as a singer. The group recorded material with Love as a vocalist, but fired her; according to keyboardist Roddy Bottum, who remained Love's friend in the years after, the band wanted a "male energy". Love returned to working abroad as an erotic dancer, briefly in Taiwan, and then at a taxi dance hall in Hong Kong. By Love's account, she first used heroin while working at the Hong Kong dance hall, having mistaken it for cocaine. While still inebriated from the drug, Love was pursued by a wealthy male client who requested that she return with him to the Philippines, and gave her money to purchase new clothes. She used the money to purchase airfare back to the United States.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 660: With that, she did not go back to her former life, but became a national celebrity of sorts, publishing "an armload of books and criss-crossing the United States on a decades-long reform campaign", not only fighting for married women's rights and freedom of speech, but calling out against "the power of insane asylums". She became what some scholars call "a publicist and lobbyist for better insanity laws". As scholar Kathryn Burns-Howard has argued, Packard reinvented herself in this rôle, earning enough to support her children and even her estranged husband, from whom she remained separated for the rest of her life. Ultimately, moderate supporters of women's rights in the northern U.S. embraced her, weaving her story into arguments about slavery, framing her experience as a type of enslavement and even arguing in the midst of the Civil War that a county in the midst of freeing African-American slaves should do the same for others who suffered from abusive husbands. Some argue that she seemed oblivious to her racial prejudice in arguing that white women had a "moral and spiritual nature" and suffered more "spiritual agony" than formerly enslaved African-Americans. Even so, others say that her story provided "a stirring example of oppressed womanhood" that others did not.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 240: Two men remained in the camp. The name of one of them was Eldad, and then name of the other Medad. And the Holy Spirit descended upon them…and both prophesied as one and said: “In the End of Days, Gog and Magog and their armies will fall into the hands of King Messiah, and for seven years the Children of Israel will light fire form the shares of their weapons; they will not go out to the forest and will not cut down a [single] tree.. (Targum. Yer. To Num. 11;26)[18]
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 98: Jacob (Jacques) Jordaens was a Flemish painter, draughtsman and tapestry designer known for his history paintings, genre scenes and portraits. After Peter Paul Rubens and Anthony van Dyck, he was the leading Flemish Baroque painter of his day. Unlike those contemporaries he never travelled abroad to study Italian painting, and his career is marked by an indifference to their intellectual and courtly aspirations. In fact, except for a few short trips to locations in the Low Countries, he remained in Antwerp his entire life. As well as being a successful painter, he was a prominent designer of tapestries.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 263: Once, when the Baal Shem Tov was on a journey, Sabbath overtook him on the highway. He stopped the wagon, and went out into the field to perform the services that welcome the coming of Sabbath, and to remain there until the Sabbath was ended. On the field, a flock of sheep were grazing. When Baal Shem Tov raised his voice a tad and spoke the prayers that welcome the Sabbath as the coming of a Bride, the sheep rose upon their hind legs, and lifted their heads in the air, and stood like people listening. And so they remained in wrapt attention for two hours, all the while that the Baal Shem spoke.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 270: The saintly prayers of Baal Shem Tov and his close circle were unable to lift a harsh shortage of drinkware they perceived one Rosh Hashanah (New Year). After extending the prayers beyond their time, the drought remained. An unfettered shepherd boy entered and was deeply envious of those who could read the holy day's prayers. He said to God "I don't know how to pray, but I can make the noises of the animals of the field. With great feeling, he cried out, "Cock-a-doodle-do. God have mercy!" Immediately, joy overcame the Baal Shem Tov, and he hurried to fetch the cellar key. Afterwards, he explained that the heartfelt prayer of the shepherd boy reminded him where he had mislaid the key, and the drought was lifted.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 512: Once and for all, it must be made public that Hesse is a classic example of how the Jew can poison the soul of the German people. For if at that time, when he took no delight in the war…he had not fallen into the clutches of the Jew Freud and his psychoanalysis, he would have remained the German writer we all loved so well. The warping of his soul can only be ascribed to this Jewish influence.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 139: Within early Christian doctrine, Mary remained a virgin during and after the birth of Jesus. This was perhaps only fitting for someone deemed “the mother of God” or “God-bearer”.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 380: Within three years, Emma was more than £15,000 in debt. In June 1808, Merton failed to sell at auction. She was not completely without friends; her neighbours had rallied, and Sir John Perring hosted a group of influential financiers to help organise her finances and sell Merton. It was eventually sold in April 1809. However, her lavish spending continued, and a combination of this and the steady depletion of funds due to people fleecing her meant that she remained in debt, although unbeknownst to most people. Her mother, Mrs Cadogan, died in January 1810. For most of 1811 and 1812 she was in a virtual debtors' prison, and in December 1812 either chose to commit herself (her name does not appear in the record books) or was sentenced to a prison sentence at the King's Bench Prison in Southwark, although she was not kept in a cell but allowed to live in rooms nearby with Horatia, as per the system whereby genteel prisoners could buy the rights to live "within the Rules", a three-square-mile area around the prison.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 318: It is probable that after the entrance into Canaan this glory-cloud settled in the tabernacle upon the ark of the covenant in the most holy place. We have, however, no special reference to it till the consecration of the temple by Solomon, when it filled the whole house with its glory, so that the priests could not stand to minister ( 1 Kings 8:10-13 ; 2 Chr. 1 Kings 5:13 1 Kings 5:14 ; 7:1-3 ). Probably it remained in the first temple in the holy of holies as the symbol of Jehovah's presence so long as that temple stood. It afterwards disappeared. (See CLOUD .)
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 513: This letter was the last in the Snyder-Washington exchange. Washington remained a lifelong Freemason and received a Masonic burial at his death.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 618: He and Wilson remained good friends in later years.
xxx/ellauri174.html on line 140: Alboni was born at Città di Castello, in Umbria. She became a pupil of Antonio Bagioli [it] of Cesena, Emilia–Romagna, and later of the composer Gioachino Rossini, who became her 'perpetual honorary adviser' in (and then the principal of) the Liceo Musicale, now Conservatorio Giovanni Battista Martini, in Bologna. Rossini tested the humble thirteen-year-old girl himself, had her admitted to the school with special treatment, and even procured her an early engagement to tour his Stabat Mater around Northern Italy, so that she could pay for her studies. Hmm... A favourable contract was signed by Rossini himself, "on behalf of Eustachio Alboni", Mariettas father, who was still a minor. The singer remained, throughout her life, deeply grateful to her ancient "maestro", nearly a second father to her. Hmm hmm... Marietta oli aika pulska emäntä. Se lahjoitti köyhille koko omaisuutensa, sanoen että mikä laulaen tulee se viheltäen menee.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 338: The voice of Hemingway’s father is heard, challenging his son, as did the Father in the Biblical Garden. Slightly disguised, Hemingway’s dear father, who haunted his son’s life and work even after he had shot himself in 1961, sorry, after Dad had shot himself in 1928, remained an internalized critic until Ernest also took his life in 1961. No wonder, dad had had a cow.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 623: What evidence does Novick offer for the James-Holmes “affair”? Just two French words James uses in his long and vivid notebook entry recalling his early days in Boston, where his family settled in a brick house in Ashburton Place near the State House. The words are l’initiation première–“first initiation.” In the entry, James is writing generally of the “rite of passage” that inaugurated his literary career. He describes the strong emotions he felt at the assassination of Lincoln (on James’$2 22nd birthday); how he wept when Hawthorne died; and the dawning sense of freedom experienced after the war’s end. He mentions also his first book review on English novel-writing, published in the North American Review, whose editors paid him $12, praised his writing, and asked for more. He does mention Holmes, but only to describe a brief visit he made to Holmes’ mother to ask how her son was faring in England, and his own fierce envy of Holmes for traveling abroad while James remained at home.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 793: In general, biographers describe Defense as "ironic": it was not so much a defense of women as a critique of the relationship between the sexes. Topics covered by the book included "Woman's Equipment," "Compulsory Marriage," "The Emancipated Housewife," and "Women as Martyrs." Women were gaining rights, according to Mencken—the ability to partake in adultery without lasting public disgrace, the ability to divorce men, and even some escape from the notion of virginity as sacred, which remained as "one of the hollow conventions of Christianity." Women nonetheless remained restrained by social conventions in many capacities.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 101: W. H. Auden once remarked that would-be poets had better learn a manual trade. But Rilke was cast more in the haughty Yeatsian mold that Auden, not exactly a day laborer himself, haughtily disdained. And unlike Rilke's contemporary Franz Kafka, who performed his tasks as an insurance executive with initiative and even enthusiasm, Rilke was too frail psychologically to balance his art with the demands of full-time employment. Even a desk job in the Austrian army during the First World War, when the forty-year-old literary celebrity was conscripted, proved too much for him. After three weeks of parade-ground training and living in barracks, which nearly killed him, Rilke was assigned to the propaganda section. There his literary powers deserted him, and his frustrated superiors transferred the stunned poet to the card-filing department, where he remained for six months, until his friends interceded and got him discharged. André Malraux he was not.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 131: One ugly phrase in a personal letter, for instance (out of a vast personal correspondence), referring to Franz Werfel as a "Jew-boy," and some murky generalities about Werfel's "Jewish attitude toward his work," do not an anti-Semite make. Rilke cherished the many Jews he knew, including Simmel; he enjoyed reading the Hasidic philosopher Martin Buber and steeped himself in Jewish Scripture, claiming that Judaism was closer than Christianity to God. He also remained a lifelong champion of Werfel's work. And a reader discovers buried deep in Freedman's footnotes that Rilke wrote the offending letter to the poet Hugo von Hoffmannsthal, a good friend and an important patron. Hoffmannsthal was also Jewish, and he shared Rilke's negative views on the superambitious Werfel, who emigrated to America and, in 1941, published The Song of Bernadette, a novel about a miracle at Lourdes. Freedman doesn't mention that about five months after Rilke wrote the letter to Hoffmannsthal, along with a nearly identical letter to his patron Princess Marie von Thurn und Taxis, Rilke again wrote similar letters to the two of them praising Werfel's poetry so exuberantly that they almost sound like retractions of his first letters.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 319: In 1979, Carlson got depressed in Boston and married divorcée Seija P., an heiress to P. Bread Enterprises, daughter of Lea L. and niece of reporter Olavi P. Though Seija remained a beneficiary of the family fortune, the P's had sold the P. brand to Sysmä Bread, a subsidiary of The Campbell Soup Company in 1955 and did not own it by the time of Carlson's marriage.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 749: The few really tiny countries with low numbers of people in prison showed that it was possible to prevent crime without using custodial sentences as a primary tool. But the countries remained an exception with many nations reporting incredibly high rates of prison overcrowding. Chicken coops is what is really called for, and chicken packaging machines.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 286: The rotten Soviet regime has been replaced by a rotten capitalist enterprise. Socialism had collapsed, and the Russian nation, just like the West, increasingly owes any stability it has to a class of organized crime assembled to steal what riches remained.
xxx/ellauri212.html on line 425: "Thérèse Dreaming," which was finished in 1938, was Balthus's first painting of an underage model, according to the Village Voice. Balthus toned down the eroticism in his paintings later in his career, but he remained defensive of it: ''I really don't understand why people see the paintings of girls as Lolitas,'' he told the New York Times in 1996. ''My little model is absolutely untouchable to me." For all his artwork, Balthus's biographies and obituaries haven't published evidence of pedophilia in his personal life. Maybe his wee pencil was too shy to actually intrude inside his underage models. I bet he went afterward into the toilet with the canvas. Tai size taas vaan valehteli raukka nälissään, se oli ashkenazi jutku äiskän puolelta ja valehteli siitäkin. Toi kitaraa soittava ämmäoletettu on äijän izensä näköinen, mahtaisiko olla se Dorotea Spiro äitykkä. Sen veli oli jonkin sortin filosofi ja markiisi de Sade fänittäjä. Varmaan äiskä piti niitä pahoin ja niistä tuli jotain pervoja. Niljakasta porukkaa.
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 230: The aptly named Fresh Kills landfill opened in 1948 as a temporary landfill, but by 1955 it had become the largest landfill in the world, and it remained so until its closure in 2001. At the peak of its operation, in 1986, Fresh Kills received 29,000 tons of residential waste per day, playing a key part in the New York City waste management system. From 1991 until its closing it was the only landfill to accept New York City's residential waste. It consists of four mounds which range in height from 90 to about 225 feet (30 to about 70 m) and hold about 150 million tons of solid waste. The archaeologist Martin Jones characterizes it as "among the largest man-made structures in the history of the world."
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 351: Although God was out of the picture, a spiritual hunger remained. For a time, when he was friends for a brief stint with an elderly Gershom Scholem, he was intrigued by mysticism, hopeful it might offer him something the Jewish God did not. He often said he was appalled by the very notion of Yahweh, whom he described as an “uncanny, dangerous, altogether outrageous God,” who seemed to take a perverse pleasure in appearing when he was least needed and disappearing when he was needed most.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 554: His father was Heinrich (Henry) Bukowski, an American of German descent who had served in the U.S. army of occupation after World War I and had remained in Germany after his army service. His mother was Katharina (née Fett). His paternal grandfather, Leonard Bukowski, had moved to the United States from Imperial Germany in the 1880s. In Cleveland, Ohio, Leonard met Emilie Krause, an ethnic German, who had emigrated from Danzig, Prussia (today Gdańsk, Poland). They married and settled in Pasadena, California, where Leonard worked as a successful carpenter. The couple had four children, including Heinrich (Henry), Charles Bukowski's father. His mother, Katharina Bukowski, was the daughter of Wilhelm Fett and Nannette Israel The name Israel is widespread among Catholics in the Eifel region. Bukowski assumed his paternal ancestor had moved from Poland to Germany around 1780, as "Bukowski" is a Polish last name. As far back as Bukowski could trace, his whole family was German.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 599: The phrase "God is dead" appears in the hymn "Ein Trauriger Grabgesang" ("A mournful dirge") by Johann von Rist. Johann Rist (8 March 1607 - 31 August 1667) was a German poet and dramatist best known for his hymns, which inspired musical settings and have remained in hymnals. Rist was born at Ottensen in Holstein-Pinneberg (today Hamburg) on 8 March 1607; the son of the Lutheran pastor of that place, Caspar Rist. Rist´s 1641/1642 hymn "Ein trauriger Grabgesang" is notable for being an early occurrence of the phrase "God is dead" in German culture, this time in an explicitly theistic, Protestant Christian context. The text goes:
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 610: had incarnated in Christ and imparted his immanent spirit which remained in the world even though Jesus was dead. Unlike Nietzsche, Altizer believed that God truly died. He was considered to be the leading exponent of the Death of God movement. Thornton Wilder´s tennis playing big brother Amos called his approach theopoetics.
xxx/ellauri287.html on line 369:

  • Most, well, many, angels remained faithful to God. (See 14)
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 643: The basic structure, however, of all the boring "quest" type stories has remained relatively unchanged and can be classified using the various stages of a hero's adventure through the story, stages such as the Call to Adventure, Receiving Supernatural Aids, Meeting with the Goddess/Atonement with the Father and Return. (This part Joe took from Propp.) He thinks of a meme such as in the sentence "Jesus is the Son of God" rather as "the relationship of man to God is like that of a son to a father". A clear case of an arianist
    xxx/ellauri320.html on line 173: Cartland said nothing - but, in truth, remained doubtful. 'The Duke was supposed not to be able to have children, and never had a child by anyone else, so I think it's rather unlikely,' she concluded.
    xxx/ellauri320.html on line 189: Four years later she married her husband's first cousin and best friend, Hugh McCorquodale. They had two sons, Ian and Glen, and remained happy together for 28 years, until Hugh's death in 1963.