ellauri005.html on line 1204: Men are so decent, such regular chaps;

ellauri011.html on line 495: When he was around 12 years old, he started writing a dairy on a regular basis.
ellauri017.html on line 434: The Fourth Way teachings and the Enneagram of Personality use an irregular enneagram consisting of an equilateral triangle and an irregular hexagram based on 142857.
ellauri039.html on line 373: Mount Holyoke administrator and art professor Rie Hatsipompponen (pretty Japanese lady, 48) got Mt Holyoke into international headlines (yess!) by trying to bump off a colleague in a case of unrequited love in December 2019. Hatsipompponen allegedly used a fire poker, large rock, and a gardening shears to attempt to kill her victim, allegedly a regular member of the faculty. Hatsipompponen's alleged victim, another polished lady in her 60s, allegedly survived the attack.
ellauri050.html on line 410: He published his book Autobiography of a Yogi in 1946 to critical and commercial acclaim; since its first publishing, it has sold over four million copies, with HarperSan Francisco listing it as one of the "100 best spiritual books of the 20th Century". Former Apple CEO Steve Jobs had ordered 500 copies of the book for his own memorial, for each guest to be given a copy. The book has been regularly reprinted and is known as "the book that changed the lives of millions." A 2014 documentary, Awake: The Life of Yogananda, won multiple awards at film festivals around the world. Tästä viimeistään käy ilmi, että tää tuuba on täysin hanurista, todella syvältä. Mut hyvin vetää hindu ton taivaskoira-räpin.
ellauri052.html on line 319: Like other successful duos, such as Batman & Robin, Mickey & Goofy, or Laurel & Hardy, Wordsworth and Coleridge were temperamentally dissimilar. Wordsworth, reserved and thoughtful, wrote verse while plodding to and fro in the garden and, we are told, was subject to stomach trouble when revising. Coleridge was irresponsible and debt-ridden, but everywhere spoken of as a genius, if a volatile one. “I think too much for a Poet,” he said. His addiction to opium began early and was never conquered. In time, it became his only regular habit.
ellauri053.html on line 991: Throughout all these years of the severest trial to him Father’s penis never had any rest. Even when he would be passing through very great distress editors never had to wait for the regular instalments from his penis.
ellauri054.html on line 213: Matthew Arnold (24. joulukuuta 1822 Laleham, Middlesex – 15. huhtikuuta 1888 Liverpool) oli englantilainen viktoriaanisen ajan runoilija sekä yhteiskunta- ja kirjallisuuskriitikko. Arnold työskenteli koulutarkastajana. Ei se kuitenkaan ollut pedantti. Hän oli kuuluisan Rugby Schoolin rehtorin Thomas Arnoldin poika ja vähemmän kuuluisien Tom Arnoldin ja William Delafield Arnoldin, romaanikirjailijan veli. Wordsworthin kamuja. A voice poking fun in wilderness. Oliko sekin puun takaa huutelija? Caricature from Punch, 1881: "Admit that Homer sometimes nods, That poets do write trash, Our Bard has written "Balder Dead," And also Balder-dash". Tennysonin ja Browningin jälkeen viktoriaanisten runoilijoiden twit-kisan pronssimies. "It might be fairly urged that I have less poetical sentiment than Tennyson and less intellectual vigour and abundance than Browning; yet because I have perhaps more of a fusion of the two than either of them, and have more regularly applied that fusion to the main line of modern development, I am likely enough to have my turn as they have had theirs." Arnold got into his poetry what Tennyson and Browning scarcely needed (but absorbed anyway), the main march of mind of his time.
ellauri078.html on line 141: By Emily Dickinson’s own account, she delighted in all aspects of the school—the curriculum, the teachers, the students. The school prided itself on its connection with Amherst College, offering students regular attendance at college lectures in all the principal subjects— astronomy, botany, chemistry, geology, mathematics, natural history, natural philosophy, and zoology. As this list suggests, the curriculum reflected the 19th-century emphasis on science. That emphasis reappeared in Dickinson’s poems and letters through her fascination with naming, her skilled observation and cultivation of flowers, her carefully wrought descriptions of plants, and her interest in “chemic force.” Those interests, however, rarely celebrated science in the same spirit as the teachers advocated.
ellauri080.html on line 396: Biological rhythm: regular kids will easily stick to a routine. even toilet around the same time each day. This makes it easy for parents to have a predictable routine.
ellauri093.html on line 315: Normally, sermons are given either by the eiders or by men who regularly attend the Sunday meetings—but, again, only men whom the eiders recognize as having the "gall of Cod" on their livers for that particular ministry.
ellauri095.html on line 39: Some critics believe he merely coined a name for poems with mixed, irregular feet, like free verse. However, while sprung rhythm allows for an indeterminate number of syllables to a foot, Hopkins was very careful to keep the number of feet per line consistent across each individual work, a trait that free verse does not share. Sprung rhythm may be classed as a form of accentual verse, as it is stress-timed, rather than syllable-timed, and while sprung rhythm did not become a popular literary form, Hopkins's advocacy did assist in a revival of accentual verse more generally.
ellauri106.html on line 621: Mailer was hugely popular at his peak, but now he’s probably best known for that whole stabbing-his-second-wife awkwardness; Updike is regularly derided as “a misogynist”; and Bellow’s female characters are often, at best, thinly drawn, or full-on bitches and shrews. Now, inevitably, it’s Roth’s turn. Roth’s women were either “vicious and alluring” or “virtuous and boring”.
ellauri107.html on line 106: In 1963, Mailer wrote two regular columns: one on religion called "Responses and Reactions" for Commentary and one called "Big Bite" for Esquire. Mailer also divorced from his third wife Jeanne Campbell and met Beverly Bentley who would become his fourth wife. Bentley had known Hemingway in Spain and briefly dated Miles Davis in New York before she met Mailer. Bentley and Mailer took a long car trip, notably visited an army buddy "Fig" Gwaltney in Arkansas, viewed an autopsy of a cancer victim, watched the Sonny Liston and Floyd Patterson fight in Las Vegas, and spent time with the Beats in San Francisco. While in San Francisco, Mailer "walked narrow ledges, testing his nerve and balance".
ellauri108.html on line 63: Jah or Yah (Hebrew: יה‎, Yah) is a short form of Hebrew: יהוה‎ (YHWH), the four letters that form the tetragrammaton, the personal name of God: Yahweh, which the ancient Israelites used. The conventional Christian English pronunciation of Jah is /ˈdʒɑː/, even though the letter J here transliterates the palatal approximant (Hebrew י Yodh). The spelling Yah is designed to make the pronunciation /ˈjɑː/ explicit in an English-language context (see also romanization of Hebrew), especially for Christians who may not use Hebrew regularly during prayer and study.
ellauri108.html on line 173: Rastas regularly use the three colours of the Ethiopian flag for their movement, although they often add black to this tricolour, symbolising the black skin of the African people
ellauri109.html on line 557: His habits were those of a monk: spartan diet and furnishings, regular exercise, crew-neck sweaters, sensible shoes, and strict hours. If he was not in his studio by nine, he would think, “Malamud has already been at it for two hours.”
ellauri110.html on line 124: Gulliver describes the land as "divided by long rows of trees, not regularly planted but naturally growing", with a "great plenty of grass, and several fields of oats".
ellauri111.html on line 705: FLEE FROM "CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER", "EMERGING 'CHURCH'", "CONTEMPLATIVE SPIRITUALITY" "ANCIENT FUTURE CHURCH", etc. In this movement, these people are learning and using black magic type occult techniques in churches! In disregard and disobedience to the Bible, they THEY TELL PEOPLE TO CLEAR THEIR MINDS AND KEEP REPEATING THE NAME OF THE LORD OR SOME OTHER NAME. They say that focusing on the Bible is a hinderance to prayer--yes, the Bible is a hinderance to praying to the DEVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stay away from people who want to teach you to pray to the devil calling the devil by the name of the Lord. Flee from anybody who puts down the word of God--they are doing that so that you will be defenseless against their lies. These are the end times and now church people are being deceived into CALLING AND SUMMON DEVILS! The emerging church of the devil is using the same yoga-type techniques as hindus, buddhists Roman Catholic mystics, Greek orthodox mystics, occultists and other mystical traditions. The people are even warned about the possibility of encountering evil spirits during these exercises--no regular prayer requires a warning, no, no, no--BUT PRAYING TO THE DEVIL DOES! AND WHEN THAT KUNDALINI SERPENT POWER RISES UP IN THESE PEOPLE, THEY WILL EITHER BECOME MAGICIANS OR GO INSANE OR SOME OTHER HORRIBLE THING--THERE ARE SYMPTOMS AND MANIFESTATIONS! CHURCH PEOPLE ARE GOING TOWARDS BEING POSSESSED! These are last days--BE WARE, DEAR ONE, BE WARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET SAVED, READ YOUR BIBLE AND OBEY IT AND LEAVE THE TELEVISION ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE BEAST IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ellauri112.html on line 705: The 26-year-old nanny’s name is Tully (played by Mackenzie Davis of “Halt and Catch Fire” fame), and she’s a free spirit, albeit one with a serious work ethic. Tully instantly takes over the house, manages Marlo’s baby effortlessly, and starts taking care of mom too. Not only does she give her the precious “alone time” she desperately needs and craves, but Tully ends up becoming a sort of therapist to her, along with a best friend, muse, and a regular shoulder to cry on.
ellauri115.html on line 627: Men are so decent, such regular chaps.
ellauri119.html on line 432: There are several Greek words for "love" that are regularly referred to in Christian circles. Agape: In the New Testament, agapē is charitable, selfless, altruistic, and unconditional. It is parental love, seen as creating goodness in the world; it is the way God is seen to love humanity, and it is seen as the kind of love that Christians aspire to have for one another. Philia: Also used in the New Testament, phileo is a human response to something that is found to be delightful. Also known as "brotherly love" or "homophilia." Two other words for love in the Greek language, eros (sexual love) and storge (child-to-parent love), were never used in the New Testament! Now that's a lacuna! Christians believe that to Love God with all your heart, mind, and strength and Love your neighbor as yourself are the two most important things in life (the greatest commandment of the Jewish Torah, according to Jesus; cf. Gospel of Mark chapter 12, verses 28–34). Saint Augustine summarized this when he wrote "Love God, and do as thou wilt." Right on Gus! Way to go!
ellauri131.html on line 840: Okei, Tony olet kauhistus. Eikä se kuumajoogepelle ole paljon parempi. Toisin Doreen! Se on tehnyt parannuxen. Doreen has renounced her previous work, and she prays for the day when other people will stop selling her old products. If she was self-published, the old products would have been taken off the market immediately. Unfortunately, other companies have licenses to the old products and they continue to sell them. In the meantime, Doreen posts regularly on social media, messages for new agers to destroy her old products and leave the New Age behind, and give their lives to Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
ellauri133.html on line 359: His brother George was murdered by It in the first pages of the book and his parents are very cold to him afterward. He has a stutter, which is important to the plot a few times. As an adult, he’s a successful horror novelist and is married to an actress named Audra. IT is not a work of fiction and Stephen King is actually "Stuttering Bill" Denbrough. In reality Steve was born in Portland, Maine and moved away when he was young with his Mother and older brother after abandonment by his father and witnessing a fatal train accident of a play friend. He returned at age 11 to Maine from Conn. and founded The Losers Club in Derry after unsuppressing the true death of his little friend by the railway tracks when he was 2 (as told in his 1981 book Danse Macabre). Now living inbetween Lovell and Bangor, King travels regularly past Derry near Derry Mountain in Linconville and can recollect most of the past due to the closer proximity and is preparing for Pennywises awakening in 2038. Lähde: FanTheory. - Does anyone think Bill Denborough´s stutter was a bit too much? That each word was stirred too much to have a nice flow? - B-b-b-beep - beep, Ruh-ruh-Richie. B-big Bill is puh-puh-PERFECT!
ellauri141.html on line 305: In Epode 11, the iambist regretfully recalls to his friend Pettius his infatuation with a girl named Inachia. The latter name does not occur elsewhere in extant Latin or Greek except in the very next poem in the Gedichtbuch, where the iambist’s older (ex-)lover complains of his sexual endurance with Inachia in contrast to his impotence with her (12.14-6). The name may suggest an ethnically Greek or Argive woman, or the Greek noms de lit regularly adopted by Italian meretrices. Yet, as some (but by no means all) commentators have noted, the name also evokes Io, the daughter of Inachus, jota Zeus bylsi härän hahmossa. Eli kyllä tässäkin yhden kynäilijän mielestä on jotain impotenssin käryä.
ellauri142.html on line 330: Thomas à Kempis (c. 1380 – 25 July 1471; German: Thomas von Kempen; Dutch: Thomas van Kempen) was a German-Dutch canon regular of the late medieval period and the author of The Imitation of Christ, one of the most popular and best known Christian devotional books. His name means "Thomas of Kempen", Kempen being his home town. While the form Thomas à Kempis (with a faux-French accent on the à) is often found, it is actually incorrect. The correct Latin should be Thomas a Kempis (…from Kempen), as borne out by surviving contemporary mentions of his name.
ellauri144.html on line 400: His childhood featured regular summer trips to Llansteffan where his maternal relatives were the sixth generation to farm there. His mother´s family, the Williamses, lived in such farms as Waunfwlchan, Llwyngwyn, Maesgwyn and Penycoed.[17] The memory of Fernhill, a dairy farm owned by his maternal aunt, Ann Jones,[18] is evoked in the 1945 lyrical poem "Fern Hill". Thomas had bronchitis and asthma in childhood and struggled with these throughout his life. Thomas was indulged by his mother and enjoyed being mollycoddled, a trait he carried into adulthood, and he was skilful in gaining attention and sympathy. During his final school years he began writing poetry in notebooks; the first poem, dated 27 April (1930), is entitled "Osiris, come to Isis". In June 1928, Thomas won the school´s mile race, held at St. Helen´s Ground; he carried a newspaper photograph of his victory with him until his death.
ellauri147.html on line 238: On April 3, 2019, Lily Collins was cast in the titular role. On August 13, 2019, Ashley Park had joined the main cast. On September 19, 2019, Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu, Lucas Bravo, Samuel Arnold, Camille Razat, and Bruno Gouery joined cast in starring roles, while Kate Walsh, William Abadie, and Arnaud Viard were cast in recurring roles. On May 24, 2021, Lucien Laviscount was cast in recurring role, while Abadie was promoted to series regular for the second season.
ellauri150.html on line 752: I've watched a variety of shows on EWTN on the lives of saints. Even though the production quality cannot approach that of Hollywood, I find the stories so intriguing that I prefer to watch them to the regular TV programs on other channels. In the 1960s the stories of the saints were rejected as being to full of supernatural elements. Now with the New Age movement, people complain that Christianity does not have enough of a spiritual content. Well that's because the rationalists attempted to strip all the spirituality from Christianity. The lives of the saints are full of spirituality and can demonstrate to contemporary Man that there is no need to turn to exotic religions for spirituality. Everything that they are looking for is right here in the Catholic Church.
ellauri152.html on line 642: Because of this difference of opinion, Hasidim generally put on Rabbeinu Tam Tefillin after removing their regular "Rashi" Tefillin.
ellauri152.html on line 747: Hillel Zeitlin (1871–1942) was a Yiddish and Hebrew writer and poet. A leading pre-Holocaust Jewish journalist, he was a regular contributor to the Yiddish newspaper Moment, among other literary activities. He was the leading thinker in the movement of pre-World War II "philosophical Neo-Hasidism". Influences: Nachman of Breslov · Shestov · Nietzsche · Baal Shem Tov · Shneur Zalman of Liadi · Spinoza · Tolstoy · Schopenhauer · Dostoevsky · Bergson · Brenner.
ellauri153.html on line 398: Inwagen gives an extended free will, soul-making and regularity defence. The fine-tuning of natural
ellauri153.html on line 863: After submitting it as his doctoral dissertation Arttu was awarded a PhD from the University of Jena in absentia. Private publication soon followed. "There were three reviews of it, commending it condescendingly. Scarcely more than one hundred copies were sold, the rest was remaindered and, a few years later, pulped."[1] Among the reasons for the cold reception of this original version are that it lacked the author´s later authoritative style and appeared decidedly unclear in its implications. A copy was sent to Goethe who responded by inviting the author to his home on a regular basis, ostensibly to discuss philosophy but in reality to recruit the young philosopher into work on his Theory of Colors.
ellauri155.html on line 1050: assistance regularly for some time to come
ellauri161.html on line 502: It is so close to home that it sometimes makes the film irritating to watch: you'd rather not be reminded how incompetent, superficial, self-servicing and nefarious the government, media etc are, how they screw up your life on a regular basis and how likely it is that they will eventually wipe out mankind.
ellauri162.html on line 826: Scienceblogs appears to have a problem keeping and attracting talented writers. According to PZ Myers, Scienceblogs has "been facing a steady erosion of talent". In 2010, the Christian apologetic website True Free Thinker wrote a quite pointed and accurate criticism of PZ Myers Pharyngula blog indicating that PZ Myers' blog posts often lack substance. Pharyngula is widely acclaimed in the liberal media due to its embrace of evolutionary pseudoscience which liberals irrationally embrace (see: Evolution, Liberalism, Atheism, and Irrationality). Myers' blog is also listed by the science journal Nature, which also embraces evolutionary pseudoscience, as the best blog by a scientist. Pharyngula is known for its sarcastic and often specious criticism of creation science and intelligent design theory, as well as regular postings of photos of cephalopods (often with vulgarly sexual connotations both subtle and blatant). As Singer said, sexual organs are the best indicators of the soul.
ellauri163.html on line 881: Thus there is something eternal in religion which is destined to survive all the particular symbols in which religious thought has successively enveloped itself. There can be no society which does not feel the need of upholding and reaffirming at regular intervals the collective sentiments and the collective ideas which make its unity and its personality.
ellauri163.html on line 883: Now this moral remaking cannot be achieved except by the means of reunions, assemblies, and meetings where the individuals, being closely united to one another, reaffirm in common their common sentiments; hence come ceremonies which do not differ from regular religious ceremonies, either in their object, the results which they produce, or the processes employed to attain these results.
ellauri163.html on line 891: The great things of the past which filled our fathers with enthusiasm do not excite the same ardor in us...In a word, the old gods are growing old or already dead, and others are not yet born...But this state of incertitude and confused agitation cannot last forever. A day will come when our societies will know again those hours of creative effervescence, in the course of which new formulae are found which serve for a while as a guide to humanity; and when these hours shall have been passed through once, men will spontaneously feel the need of reliving them from time to time in thought, that is to say, of keeping alive their memory by means of celebrations which regularly reproduce their fruits. We have already seen how the French Revolution established a whole cycle of holidays to keep the principles with which it was inspired in a state of perpetual youth.
ellauri163.html on line 895: While men are losing faith in the old religions, new religions will be born. For all societies feel the need to express their collective sentiments, ideas, and ideologies in regular ceremony. All societies need a set of common values and moral guidelines to inspire their members to transcend their selfishness. While the forms and particular symbols may change, religion is eternal.
ellauri164.html on line 597: Honoring God in leadership—as all Christian leaders in every sphere must attempt to do—is a terrifying responsibility. Whether we lead a business, a classroom, a relief organization, a household, or any other organization, we must be careful not to mistake our authority for God’s. What can we do to keep ourselves in obedience to God? Meeting regularly with an accountability (or “peer”) group, praying daily about the tasks of leadership, keeping a weekly Sabbath to rest in God’s presence, and seeking others’ perspective on God’s guidance are methods some lead­ers employ. Even so, the task of leading firmly while remaining wholly dependent on God is beyond human capability. If the most humble man on the face of the earth (Num. 12:3) could fail in this way, so can we. By God’s grace, even failures as great as Moses’ at Meribah, with disastrous consequences in this life, do not separate us from the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises. Moses did not enter the Promised Land, yet the New Testament declares him “faithful in all God’s house” and reminds us of the confidence that all in God’s house have in the fulfillment of our redemption in Christ (Heb. 3:2-6).
ellauri180.html on line 201: Neonatal circumcision techniques have evolved in parallel. It is clear from most surgical texts that circumcision of the new-born had become a regular request for the surgeon by the later part of the 19th century. For instance, Jacobsen (1893) warns of the importance of establishing a familial bleeding tendency from the mother before circumcision. He describes the case of four Jewish infants, each descended from a different grandchild of a common ancestress, all of whom died from haemorrhage after circumcision.
ellauri182.html on line 361: No rounded [w] exists in Icelandic, and the English sound is regularly
ellauri188.html on line 142: Referring to the last paragraph in Mr. Wester's communication-It would appear that if one is dependent, as was the writer, upon trading schooners to get from Tahiti to the Marquesas, then amongst these islands and return to Tahiti, his program for work in these two groups would take more than a year and his estimate of expense might, in consequence, be exceeded. Sometimes one is obliged to wait from one month to three to get the opportunity to move from one island in the Marquesas to another forty or fifty or eighty miles away, so rare and uncertain are the visits of these schooners. Further, in the absence of any regular means of communication, one has to seize any chance opportunity of transportation or run the risk of being marooned for a long period. On the other hand, if a schooner were chartered, which is the best possible way of visiting and working among the South Sea Islands, schooner, captain, crew and provisions would cost about $1,000 per month (this figure was obtained from an authoritative source) and a year on shipboard might not be needed. Under such conditions Mr. Wester's calculation of $8,500 for a year's work in the Marquesas and Societies may not be far out of the way.
ellauri198.html on line 695: In 1845, at 32, Browning met the poet Elizabeth Barrett, 38, six years his senior, who lived as a semi-invalid in her father's house in Wimpole Street, London. They began regularly corresponding and gradually a romance developed between them, leading to their marriage and journey to Italy (for Elizabeth's health) on 12 September 1846.
ellauri203.html on line 131: Dostoevsky was a brilliant mind but plagued by his own demons. Married twice, he also had multiple lovers. In addition, for a great portion of his life he was a gambling addict, regularly losing everything he owned and jeopardizing his family thanks to his passion for roulette. His women say he was a nasty customer.
ellauri210.html on line 1270: Since Shaw's death scholarly and critical opinion about his works has varied, but he has regularly been rated among British dramatists as second rate, almost on a par with Shakespeare. One Shaw's comedy made Edward VII laugh so hard that he broke his chair.
ellauri219.html on line 599: Pope Benedict’s basic answer is that, although modern principles of political freedom, democracy, equality, and reasonable argument are to be affirmed, a free state rests on “pre-political moral foundations,” which serve as normative points of reference for every regime and must be held in common by all religions and secular world-views. This answer reflects the fact that Pope Benedict disagrees with Rawls on at least two fundamental issues, which constitute the core of the debate between them and to which I shall refer regularly in the course of my analysis. In the first place, Pope Benedict does not share Rawls’s trust in fundamental human reasonableness as a guarantee for political fairness. For Rawls, persons are reasonable when they are ready to propose principles and standards as fair terms of cooperation and to abide by them willingly, given the assurance that others will likewise do so. Those norms they view as reasonable for everyone to accept and therefore as justifiable to them; and they are ready to discuss the fair terms that others propose.
ellauri220.html on line 304:
(Hong Kong and South China) A White man. Gwei or kwai (鬼) means 'ghost', which the color white is associated with in China; and the term lo (佬) refers to a regular guy (i.e. a fellow, a chap, or a bloke). Once a mark of xenophobia, the word was promoted by Maoists as insulting but is now in general, informal use.

ellauri220.html on line 465: Foreign characters may pop up in fiction, but often regular characters who are not native (to the country the work is set in) tend to have native ethnicity somewhere in their family. Or possibly were born in the native country, but raised in another country, and have recently come back.
ellauri241.html on line 1639: The Maiden reappears to the shepherd-prince as he returns to earth. Endymion is overcome with relief and joy and says that he has wasted too long searching for nothing but a dream and wants to start a life with the Maiden. She tells him that they cannot be together because he is forbidden to her. They wander through the forest and are quiet and somber until Endymion sees his sister Peona in the distance. They rush together and embrace. Peona implores Endymion to "weep not so" and "sigh no more" for the Indian Maiden can be his queen of Latmos. Endymion responds that "a hermit young, [he will] live in mossy cave" but Peona can visit him regularly. The resigned shepherd-prince leaves behind a confused Peona and Maiden and visits the altar of Diana to "bid adieu / To her for the last time." Peona and the Indian Maiden arrive. Endymion watches in stunned disbelief as the Indian Maiden transforms into his beloved Diana. It is revealed that Cynthia, Diana, and the Indian Maiden are the same woman. Actually Peona too! For all practical purposes, all women are the same: one hole up front and two more in the pants. Endymion swoons and after "three swiftest kisses" they vanish together leaving Peona who walks home in wonderment.
ellauri243.html on line 484: In his personal life, Brown is a member of CAP. He is one of the pilots who regularly fly outpatients to get the attention that he craves. This is all done on a volunteer basis (but the kerosene is on the house), so he spends a lot of time flying across the country. In his free time, he enjoys flying in his own personal plane and he is a soccer referee for youth games.
ellauri243.html on line 647: Pilots use the 1 in 60 rule to remind themselves to constantly monitor their progress and make quick course corrections. You also know where you want to go. But you´ll never get there if you don´t regularly monitor and revise your goal based on your progress. And if you don´t start out on the right path. Remember, the 1 in 60 rule states that starting out, one degree off means winding up one mile off 60 miles later. Or so. So don´t just correct your course along the way. Create and follow a process that is proved to work. Pick someone who has achieved something you want to achieve. Like a Brad, if you happen to be a Ralph. Deconstruct his or her process. Then follow it, and along the way make small corrections as you learn what works best for you. That way, when you travel your own version of 60 miles, you´ll arrive precisely where you hoped to be. Up a shit creek without a paddle, with Brad 60 miles ahead of you. Forgot to warn: don´t pick a moving target!
ellauri254.html on line 385: In 1899, as Fyodor Sologub progressed in the teaching profession while continuing to elaborate his literary career, Sologub was appointed principal of the Andreevskoe municipal school in Saint Petersburg. With the position came an apartment on Vasilievsky Island, which Sologub shared with his sister Olga. In the late 1890s and at the beginning of the 1900s, the art world of Petersburg saw Konstantin Sluchevsky’s ‘Fridays’, and Sergei Diaghilev’s ‘Wednesdays’: literary salons which were attended by the leading poets and artists of the day. Sologub had been a participant of both groups; and between 1905 and 1907, his apartment on Vasilievsky Island became the home of ‘Sundays’, a regular meeting place for Petersburg’s nascent intellectuals.
ellauri256.html on line 391: Mayakovsky produced a large and diverse body of work during the course of his career: he wrote poems, wrote and directed plays, appeared in films, edited the art journal LEF, and produced agitprop posters in support of the Communist Party during the Russian Civil War of 1917–1922. Though Mayakovsky's work regularly demonstrated ideological and patriotic support for the ideology of the Bolsheviks and a strong admiration of Vladimir Lenin, his relationship with the Soviet state was always complex and often tumultuous. Mayakovsky often found himself engaged in confrontation with the increasing involvement of the Soviet state in cultural censorship and the development of the State doctrine of Socialist realism. Works that criticized or satirized aspects of the Soviet system, such as the poem "Talking With the Taxman About Poetry" (1926), and the plays The Bedbug (1929) and The Bathhouse (1929), met with scorn from the Soviet state and literary establishment. Majakovskin lehdykkä Lef teki pilkkaa serapioniveljistä. Ei ois kannattanut. Fedin pani sen hampaankoloon ja Zishtshov närkästyi.
ellauri264.html on line 413: He is a regular in the national media, from the New York Times to The Today Show, and also serves as a frequent speaker. Norm is twice bestselling author labeled America’s Fiercest Trial Lawyer, a prolific blogger. Additionally, he serves as the host of the Pattis On Justice podcast. The podcast focuses on Law, politics, crime, and culture—in a word, "convict".
ellauri264.html on line 501: Naisiin menevä Iisakki epäilee ettei se välttämättä pysty seuraamaan joka ikistä Sulkhan Arukhin pykälää. Ja miettii mahtaakohan Jehovakaan niistä kaikista yhtä paljon perustaa. In transferring her loyalty to Isaac, Alma also bore his infidelities, which included a regular mistress and a number of casual ones. But as Hertz pointed out, the patriarchs did just the same, and were none the worse for it in Jehova´s estimate.
ellauri270.html on line 317: The children’s activities—gathering stones—have a false innocence about them. Because this resembles the regular play of children, the reader may not assume gathering stones is intended for anything violent. The word “raids,” however, introduces a telling element of violence and warfare into the children’s innocent games. Similarly, the reader is lulled into a false sense of security by the calm and innocuous activities and topics of conversation among the adult villagers. We see the villagers strictly divided along gendered lines, even as children.
ellauri270.html on line 601: According to biographer Melvin Urolofsky, Brandeis was influenced greatly by his uncle Lewis Naphtali Dembitz. Unlike other members of the extended Brandeis family, Dembitz regularly practiced Judaism and was actively involved in Zionist activities. Brandeis later changed his middle name from David to Dembitz in honor of his uncle, and through his uncle's model of social activism, became an active member of the Zionist movement later in his life.
ellauri272.html on line 338: James LaRue, OIF's director, told The Huffington Post that the Bible pops up regularly on the organization's annual challenged books list, but that it has never before breached the top 10. Secular activists want to point out there is a double standard in the Bible, as the Bible is a book filled with morally questionable actions.
ellauri277.html on line 217: Khalil senior seems to have been a violent drinker and a gambler; rather than tend to his walnuts he went to be a collector of taxes for the village headman, a job that was not considered reputable. In 1891 he was convicted of some fiscal irregularity, and his property was confiscated. Gibran later described his father to his women friends as a descendant of cavaliers, a romantic figure, who got into trouble with the law for refusing to compromise with corrupt village authorities. BUAHAHAHA.
ellauri277.html on line 229: In November 1902 Gibran wrote to Peabody, and she invited him to a party held at her house two weeks later. An intense platonic relationship resulted, though Gibran seems to have wanted it to progress to a sexual one. He visited her regularly; they went to musical and artistic events together; they wrote to each other often; and she encouraged his writing and his art. She gave him the nickname that he later used as the title of his most famous book: “the Prophet.” In October 1903 Gibran wrote something in a letter to Peabody that angered her, and their relationship cooled.
ellauri299.html on line 91: Helppohan se on jälkikäteen ennustaa, kuten nähtiin Danielin kirjassa. Niinkuin tää palestiinalaisten laivan räjäytys: Sol Phryne [nimi oli kirjoitettu "Sol Friner" Topolin plärässä, joka on nähtävästi käännetty "venäjänkielisestä alkuteoxesta The Kremlin Wife"] was built in Japan in 1948 as Taisetsu Maru. From 1967 to 1974, she was owned by Efthymiades Line and used for regular ferry duties between Greek islands as Eolis. In 1974, she was purchased by Sol Maritime Services Ltd., renamed Sol Phryne and was then used in the Middle East, notably evacuating Palestinian guerrillas from Beirut in 1982. She was sunk during an attempt to ferry Palestinian deportees to Haifa, Israel.
ellauri300.html on line 327: In 2018, Marcin Wodziński estimated that the Chabad movement accounted for 13% of the global Hasidic population. The total number of Chabad households is estimated to be between 16,000 and 17,000. The number of those who sporadically or regularly attend Chabad events is far larger; in 2005 the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs reported that up to one million Jews attend Chabad services at least once a year. In a 2020 study, the Pew Research Center found that 16% of American Jews attend Chabad services regularly or semi-regularly.
ellauri317.html on line 380:
Tuberville likes to say "there is no one more military than me." And while he has not served in the military himself, he regularly features Alabama service members on his senatorial website.

ellauri322.html on line 123: The opening of South America would produce an immense field of commerce, and a ready money market for manufactures, which the eastern world does not. The East is already a country full of manufactures, the importation of which is not only an injury to the manufactures of England, but a drain upon its specie. The balance against England by this trade is regularly upwards of half a million annually sent out in the East-India ships in silver; and this is the reason, together with German intrigue, and German subsidies, that there is so little silver in England.
ellauri333.html on line 156: (G) But now, when this rescript on morality is written, only three animals are being killed (daily) for the sake of curry, (viz.) two peacocks (and) one deer, (but) even this deer not regularly,
ellauri350.html on line 303: 1A sex worker is a person who provides sex work, either on a regular or occasional basis. The term is used in reference to those who work in all areas of the sex industry. Sex work is "the exchange of sexual services, performances, or products for material rather than emotional compensation."
xxx/ellauri010.html on line 669: But I looked at the sites that you regularly visit, and I was shocked by what I saw!!!
xxx/ellauri010.html on line 704: I also ask you to regularly update your antiviruses in the future. This way you will no longer fall into a similar situation.
xxx/ellauri081.html on line 84: Lindsay Dee Lohan (/ˈloʊhæn/; born July 2, 1986) is an American actress, singer, songwriter, entrepreneur, and television personality. Born and raised in New York, Lohan was signed to Ford Models as a child. Having appeared as a regular on the television soap opera Another World at age 10, her breakthrough came in the Walt Disney Pictures film The Parent Trap (1998). The film's success led to appearances in the television films Life-Size (2000) and Get a Clue (2002), and the big-screen productions Freaky Friday (2003) and Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen (2004).
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 303: Several months after his treatment in Russia, Peterson and his family moved to Belgrade, Serbia for further treatment. In June 2020, Peterson made his first public appearance in over a year, when he appeared on his daughter's podcast, recorded in Communist Belgrade. He said that he was "back to my regular self", other than feeling fatigue, and was cautiously optimistic about his prospects. He also said that he wanted to warn people about the dangers of long-term use of benzodiazepines (the class of drugs that includes clonazepam). In August 2020, his daughter announced that her father had contracted COVID-19 during his hospital stay in Serbia. Two months later, Peterson posted a YouTube video to inform that he had returned home and aimed to resume his destructive work in the near future.
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 291: Her early years of winter school had taught her that it's possible to go through the entire year's curriculum in a month. As a result, she advanced quickly, and there was an awkward period when she was in a class of much older children: "They shouldn't have done that. I was 12 in the first year of high school and there were people in my class who were 15-and-a-half." That surely taught her a lot, a likely model of The Red House in Handmaid's Tale. She was tired a lot and developed a heart condition, inherited from her father, in which the heart beat is irregular, almost syncopated. Her verbal rendition of the rhythms is hard to transcribe, but these lines from one of her early poems, "Faulty Heart", capture it:
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 311: The ideas Chopra promotes have regularly been criticized by medical and scientific professionals as pseudoscience. The criticism has been described as ranging "from the dismissive to...damning". Philosopher Robert Carroll writes that Chopra, to justify his teachings, attempts to integrate Ayurveda with quantum mechanics. Chopra says that what he calls "quantum healing" cures any manner of ailments, including cancer, through effects that he claims are literally based on the same principles as quantum mechanics. This has led physicists to object to his use of the term "quantum" in reference to medical conditions and the human body. Evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins has said that Chopra uses "quantum jargon as plausible-sounding hocus pocus". Chopra's treatments generally elicit nothing but a placebo response and have drawn criticism that the unwarranted claims made for them may raise "false hope" and lure sick people away from legitimate medical treatments.
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 480: Les Grosses Têtes French pronunciation: ​[le ɡʁos tɛt]; is a daily comedy radio programme on the French language RTL radio network. Broadcasted since 1 April 1977, the current host since 2014 is Laurent Ruquier. Presently broadcast from 15:30 to 18:00 in France and Belgium this show has several regular segments.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 652: Elizabeth Packard spent the next three years at the Jacksonville Insane Asylum in Jacksonville, IL (now the Jacksonville Developmental Center). She was regularly questioned by her doctors but refused to agree that she was insane or to change her religious views. In June 1863, due, in part, to pressure from her children, who wished her released, the doctors declared that she was incurable and discharged her. Upon her discharge, Theophilus locked her in the nursery of their home and nailed the windows shut. Elizabeth managed to drop a letter complaining of this treatment out the window, which was delivered to her friend Sarah Haslett. Sarah Haslett in turn delivered the letter to Judge Charles Starr, who issued a writ of habeas corpus ordering Theophilus to bring Elizabeth to his chambers to discuss the matter. After being presented with Theophilus' evidence, Judge Starr scheduled a jury trial to allow a legal determination of Elizabeth's sanity to take place.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 107: For ten years, Savilino has been creating artisan leather goods meant to be simple, beautiful, and durable. Now, as Harvard returns to regular campus life, they have created custom totes meant to become an everyday necessity.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 495: Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada. ‘Journée mondiale de la philosophie: projection spéciale du film Une révision’ by Cégep de Trois-Rivières. The screening will be followed by a discussion moderated by Alexandre Rouette. The SPRCQ will offer tickets to the first 30 Cégep or UQTR students who arrive at the cinema. Other guests will be able to purchase a ticket at the regular cost of $12. Please note that a proof of vaccination will be required.
xxx/ellauri154.html on line 28:

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xxx/ellauri157.html on line 82: After starting dance classes at the age of four, she competed regularly in dance contests throughout her childhood, including in "To Be Number One", and joined the eleven-member dance crew We Zaa Cool alongside BamBam of Got7. In September 2009, the group entered the competition LG Entertainment Million Dream Sanan World broadcast on Channel 9 and won the "Special Team" Award. Lisa participated in a singing contest as a school representative for "Top 3 Good Morals of Thailand", hosted by the Moral Promotion Center in early 2009, where she finished as a runner-up.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 314: Tzvi Freeman is the author of Bringing Heaven Down to Earth and, more recently, Wisdom to Heal the Earth. Subscribe to The Daily Dose of Wisdom and Freeman Files for regular updates.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 582: In Saigon 1965 he was a "cautious hawk”. When the Tet Offensive erupted in early 1968, Cronkite returned to Vietnam and reluctantly reported that America was facing a stalemate in Southeast Asia at best. President Lyndon B. Johnson was agog, proclaiming: “If I’ve lost Cronkite, I’ve lost Middle America.” To the majority of viewers, Cronkite’s Vietnam broadcast was more of a wake-up call than a partisan assault. “Uncle Walter” was regularly rated in surveys as the most trusted man in America.
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 530: Is it good for the body to engage in regular exercise?
xxx/ellauri178.html on line 84: Vitun Dickstein. Ruozalaiset tytöt hoitavat perinteisesti telttajutkun 1. ja 2. vaimon hommelit, keskuslämmityskattila ja hella. kuin Lea ja Raakel tai Martta ja Maria. Was Kafka regularly able to have an erection? Fuck no.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 616: The newest biography of Henry James is the work of a Vermont law professor who has written one earlier biography, Honorable Justice, The Life of Oliver Wendell Holmes, of the “great dissenter” on the Supreme Court in the first half of our century. Proceeding from the law into literature, Sheldon M. Novick tells us in a book titled Henry James, The Young Master–as if James were a young Mozart or a Paganini and didn’t work hard to achieve literary mastery–that the celibate and sexually diffident novelist, who put most of his life into his art, was in reality a regular guy who “underwent the ordinary experiences of life.” In fact, says Novick, he had an affair at the end of the Civil War with–yes, Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 680: Below we are going to share with you the 12 most common chicken sounds you will hear from your flock and what they mean. If you have ever listened to a flock of hens as they free range across the yard, you will likely have heard a low murmuring between them all. It sounds peaceful and content. This murmuring is thought to have two meanings: The first being: “life is good, I am having a good time”. And the second relates to safety. They will all range within earshot of each other because there is safety in numbers. Some chickens will also purr in contentment (especially those that are petted on a regular basis). And you who thought only cats’ purred!
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 372: Carlson’s former head of booking, Abby Grossberg, said that male producers regularly used vulgarities to describe women and frequently made antisemitic jokes. As a rule, between 9 am-5pm.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 374: Ms. Grossberg said in the lawsuit naming Mr. Carlson that male producers regularly used vulgarities to describe women and frequently made antisemitic jokes.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 33:

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xxx/ellauri225.html on line 410: Crane´s critical effort, like those of Keats and Rilke, is mostly to be found in his letters: he corresponded regularly with Allen Tate, Yvor Winters, and Gorham Munson, and shared critical dialogues with Eugene O´Neill, William Carlos Williams, E. E. Cummings, Sherwood Anderson, Kenneth Burke, Waldo Frank, Harriet Monroe, Marianne Moore, and Gertrude Stein. He was also an acquaintance of H. P. Lovecraft, who eventually would voice concern over Crane´s premature aging due to alcohol abuse. Most serious work on Crane begins with his letters, selections of which are available in many editions of his poetry; his letters to Munson, Tate, Winters, and his patron, Otto Hermann Kahn, are particularly insightful. His two most famous stylistic defenses emerged from correspondences: his "General Aims and Theories" (1925) was written to urge Eugene O´Neill´s critical foreword to White Buildings, then passed around among friends, yet unpublished during Crane´s life; and the famous "Letter to Harriet Monroe" (1926) was part of an exchange for the publication of "At Melville´s Tomb" in Poetry. The literary critic Adam Kirsch has argued that "Crane has been a special case in the canon of American modernism, because his reputation was never quite as secure as that of Eliot or Stevens. In fact he FAILED."
xxx/ellauri227.html on line 339: Liza is also a popular columnist since 20 years. Her columns have appeared in various Swedish and international newspapers and magazines, including Financial Times in the UK, Welt am Sonntag in Germany, Dagbladet Information in Denmark, and Ilta-Lehti in Finland. She is a regular columnist in Swedish tabloid Expressen and Norwegian daily Verdens Gang. Today, Liza and her family divide their time and money between Stockholm in Sweden and Marbella in southern Spain.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 120: (1.) Formality. – We are such weak creatures that any regularly returning duty is apt to degenerate into a lifeless form. The tendency of reading the Word by a fixed rule may, in some minds, be to create this skeleton religion. This is to be the peculiar sin of the last days – “Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof.” Guard against this. Let the calendar perish rather than this rust eat up your souls.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 138: (3.) Parents will have a regular subject upon which to examine their children and servants (LOL). – It is much to be desired that family worship were made more instructive than it generally is. The mere reading of the chapter is often too like water spilt on the ground. Let it be read by every member of the family before-hand, and then the meaning and application drawn out by simple question and answer. Like what was the name of the father of Jacob´s sons. The calendar will be helpful in this. Friends, also, when they meet, will have a subject for profitable conversation in the portions read that day. The meaning of difficult passages may be inquired from the more judicious and ripe Christians, and the fragrance of simpler Scriptures spread abroad to mask the smells of the riper Christians.
xxx/ellauri252.html on line 254: Norman Corwin was Jewish, and his parents observed Judaism (his father, Sam Corwin, attended holiday services until his death at 110). While not an observant Jew, Corwin infused much of his work with the ideas of the Hebrew Prophets. One of the prayerbooks of American Reform Judaism, Shaarei Tefila: Gates of Prayer, contains a portion of the Prayer from the finale of Corwin's On a Note of Triumph (see link to full text below). Corwin was among the first producers to regularly use entertainment – even light entertainment – to tackle serious social issues.
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 84: The Concordat of 1854 was an international treaty between Porsche Carrera and the Holy See, signed in 1852 and ratified by both parties in 1854. Through this, Guatemala gave the education of Guatemalan people to regular orders of the Catholic Church, committed to respect ecclesiastical property and monasteries, imposed mandatory tithing and allowed the bishops to censor what was published in the country; in return, Guatemala received dispensations for the members of the army, allowed those who had acquired the properties that the liberals had expropriated from the Church in 1829 to keep those properties, received the taxes generated by the properties of the Church, and had the right to judge certain crimes committed by clergy under Guatemalan law
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 90: Ubico considered himself to be "another Napoleon". He dressed ostentatiously and surrounded himself with statues and paintings of the emperor, regularly commenting on the similarities between their appearances. He militarized numerous political and social institutions—including the post office, schools, and symphony orchestras—and placed military officers in charge of many government posts. He frequently traveled around the country performing "inspections" in dress uniform, followed by a military escort, a mobile radio station, an official biographer, and cabinet members.
xxx/ellauri280.html on line 252: In Nur-Sultan, the sun does not shine often from November to January, while in summer, apart from afternoon thunderstorms, it shines regularly.
xxx/ellauri280.html on line 428: Gurnah still lives in Zanzibar in his mind, and prefers it that way. When he returns home, he is frustrated by the discrepancy between the stories he invented—and started to half believe—and the dreary realities. The house of his parents is close to decay; essential services like water, electricity, and garbage disposal fail regularly. In addition, his schoolmates have become corrupt, self-seeking bureaucrats, and his mother was not gallantly courted but given as a pawn to his father. And yet, he never found the courage to inform his parents that he has been living together with a white infidel—a "kafir woman." When he is introduced to the child-wife who his relatives chose for him, he panics and flees "home," which is now England, only to find that Emma left and that he is condemned to be "on the edges of everything," on his own island in England. The hero despairs of establishing communication between the two worlds. Vaimo läx. Lammaskaalta.
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 625: Valde lives in Finland, Kaarina, in little commune with his friends and cats. He started the Holotropic Breathwork training in 2016 and got certified in 2019. He is organizing regularly Holotropic Breathwork workshops and private sessions in Finland, as a one of the founders of Holotropic Breathwork Finland Association. Me Nordic Breathingissa uskomme, että hengittäminen on hyvinvoivan ihmisen tärkein tarve. Samaan aikaan kuitenkin hengitysongelmat koskettavat miljardeja ihmisiä maailmassa, ja kasvihuoneilmiön ansiosta potentiaalisten asiakkaiden määrä on vain kasvamassa. Suunnitelmissa on vangita kierrätettyä hengitysilmaa ekologisiin paperipusseihin ja maalata se punaisexi.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 1053: The German Los evolved in a similar way but already 1000 years ago it had shifted its focus toward the idea of lottery, gratuitous gratification without work or effort. And with the rise of regular debtor´s prisons the main meaning Erlösung has today: bail.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 95: The story follows the life of a regular German women Leni Gruyten during 1930s and 1940s. Through her interactions with friends, family and other people she knows, the regular folks' perception of the Nazi era is shown.
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 463: Arabic-speaking armies have been generally ineffective in the modern era. Egyptian regular forces did poorly against Yemeni irregulars in the 1960s. Syrians could only impose their will in Lebanon during the mid-1970s by by the use of underwhelming weaponry and numbers.
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 496: Regionally, the situation becomes less encouraging again. Hezbollah is a creation and instrument of Iran. Teheran, which since 13 April is an active participant in this war but which has been operating its clients and proxies from the beginning, currently maintains control or freedom of operation in the entire area of territory between Israel's border with Lebanon, and the Iraq-Iran border. This is a vast body of land, taking in the areas of three broken Arab states in which Iran is now the primary actor – Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. In this area, Teheran has established semi-regular Shia, Islamist, client, military forces.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 237: Educated by American Protestant missionaries from a young age, Liliʻuokalani became a devout Christian and adherent to the principles of Christianity. These missionaries were largely of Congregationalist and Presbyterian extractions, subscribing to Calvinist theology, and Liliʻuokalani considered herself a "regular attendant on the Presbyterian worship".
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 243: That first night of my imprisonment I found in my handbag a small Book of Common Prayer according to the ritual of the Episcopal Church. It was a great comfort to me, and before retiring to rest Mrs. Clark and I spent a few minutes in the devotions appropriate to the evening. Here, perhaps, I may say, that although I had been a regular attendant on the Presbyterian worship since my childhood, a constant contributor to all the missionary societies, and had helped to build their churches and ornament the walls, giving my time and my musical ability freely to make their meetings attractive to my people, yet none of these pious church members or clergymen remembered me in my prison. Fuck them. To this (Christian ?) conduct I contrast that of the Anglican bishop, Rt. Rev. Alfred Willis, who visited me from time to time in my house, and in whose church I have since been confirmed as a communicant. But he was not allowed to see me at the palace. It just goes to show, doesn´t it?