ellauri008.html on line 816: Little is known about any intimate relationships that Conrad might have had prior to his marriage, confirming a popular image of the author as an isolated bachelor who preferred the company of close male friends.
ellauri014.html on line 1225: Julkku, joka on aina ollut hyvä syömään, natustaa ferran, joka on genevenjärven kala. (Tää selvis vanhan kirjan alaviittestä, ei netistä. Toinen outo sana oli mali, joka kai on joku lemmikkieläin, mutta mikä? Oisko se belgianpaimenkoira eli malinois, often referred to as mali?)
ellauri017.html on line 611: The origin of the complex plane can be referred as the point where real axis and imaginary axis intersect each other. In other words, it is the complex number zero.
ellauri020.html on line 391: Trump spoke in a hypnotic, unending torrent of words. Often he appeared to free-associate. He referred to himself in the third person: “Trump says. . . Trump believes.” His phrases skibbled around and doubled back on themselves like fireworks in a summer sky. He reminded me of a carnival barker trying to fill his tent. “I’m more popular now than I was two months ago. There are two publics as far as I’m concerned. The real public and then there’s the New York society horseshit. The real public has always liked Donald Trump. The real public feels that Donald Trump is going through Trump-bashing. When I go out now, forget about it. I’m mobbed. It’s bedlam,” Trump told me. Donald is a believer in the big-lie theory,” his lawyer had told me. “If you say something again and again, people will believe you.” “One of my lawyers said that?” Trump said when I asked him about it. “I think if one of my lawyers said that, I’d like to know who it is, because I’d fire his ass. I’d like to find out who the scumbag is!”
ellauri042.html on line 975: The last sestet presents a turn, commonly referred as volta, in the poem. The lyrical voice presents god God as a jealous lover who fears that he/she will be tempted away by someone or something else. The ninth line questions this figure (“But why should I beg more love, whenas thou”). Furthermore, there is a romantic imagery to express how the lyrical voice feels about the figure of God (“whenas thou/Dost woo my soul”). God’s interest in the lyrical voice is referred as a “fear” and as “tender” because of the possibility of the lyrical voice being tempted by the “devil” or by “flesh”.
ellauri046.html on line 192: He was a "very stern man, to all appearances dry and prosaic, but under his 'rustic cloak' demeanor he concealed an active imagination which not even his great age could blunt". He was also interested in philosophy and often hosted intellectuals at his home.The young Kierkegaard read the philosophy of Christian Wolff. He also preferred the comedies of Ludvig Holberg, the writings of Johann Georg Hamann, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Edward Young, and Plato.
ellauri048.html on line 1129: This stanza is to be found in Canto 27. The last two lines are usually taken as offering a meditation on the dissolution of a romantic relationship. However, the lines originally referred to the death of the poet's beloved friend. They are reminiscent of a line from William Congreve's popular 1700 play, The Way of the World: "'tis better to be left than never to have been loved." What the fuck, this is an obvious homoerotic elegy.
ellauri052.html on line 858: Leader (Salen elämäkerturi) is statesmanlike, fair-minded. He acknowledges in the introduction that great artists are not necessarily family men and that Bellow helped himself to his friends’ and relatives’ life stories even when they would have preferred their privacy.
ellauri053.html on line 1175:

In After Strange Gods—the Page-Barbour Lectures that Eliot delivered at the University of Virginia in 1933— Tommy referred to Pound as “probably the most important living poet in our language” and to Yeats as “the other important poet of our time,” while subjecting both poets to rebuke.
ellauri061.html on line 625: Critics have spent a considerable amount of time debating Hamlet's age. Hamlet here is thirty years old, as the First Clown makes clear (lines 133-151). However, "young Hamlet", as he is referred to earlier in the play is still attending university and courting Ophelia. Laertes says that Hamlet's love is like "a violet in the youth of primy nature" (1.3.6). The noted scholar Grant White was so annoyed by this dilemma that he, defying logic, concluded that Hamlet was twenty when the play started and thirty at its close. (See Studies in Shakespeare, p. 79 ff.). How important is Hamlet's age to our understanding or enjoyment of the play? Would Hamlet's age have been an issue for play-goers at Shakespeare's Globe? For more on this topic, please click here.
ellauri063.html on line 430: Its narratives are connected via a film, Infinite Jest, also referred to in the novel as "the Entertainment" or "the samizdat". The film is so entertaining that its viewers lose all interest in anything other than repeatedly viewing it, and thus eventually die.
ellauri065.html on line 528: The meme was born in late 2008 when an administrator of the Finnish gaming forum Jonneweb posted several links redirecting to the Finnish imageboard Kuvalauta. Due to Jonneweb´s reputation as an online hub for (pre)teenagers, some members of Kuvalauta became concerned that the imageboard would be overrun with unoriginal content by an influx of newcomers, a phenomenon commonly known as "newfaggotry" on the English-speaking web. The Jonneweb administrator referred to Kuvalauta as a "forum where you discuss about fish and bears" and thus the world-wide Pedo bear meme was considered to be posted particularly by Jonneweb users. The combination of pre-teenager Jonnes and the Pedo bear meme took a great evolution in 2009 when the users of Kuvalauta started to post ironically as Jonnes by capsing the text, representing as underage school kids and adding typoes on text. On December 6th, 2009, a thread with poorly drawn versions of Pedobear was posted onto Kuvalauta.
ellauri067.html on line 384: What Does the Triskelion Symbol Mean? Derived from the Greek word "Triskeles" meaning "three legs", the Triskele or Triple Spiral is a complex ancient Celtic symbol. Often referred to by many as a Triskelion, its earliest creation dates back to the Neolithic era, as it can be seen at the entrance of Newgrange, Ireland. The Triskele gained popularity in its use within the Celtic culture from 500BC onwards. This archaic symbol is one of the most convoluted to decipher as symbolists believe it is reflective of many areas of culture from the time. Huoh. Vitun symbolistit. Seinän töhrijät. Nuijia. Kirkkovene ja Jallu luuraa on selkeämpiä.
ellauri070.html on line 81: We learn that Cole Porter was notoriously promiscuous and loved giving head to young Marines. Tyrone Power, also an ex-Marine, was bisexual but preferred male sexual partners.
ellauri071.html on line 231: Aplectrum hyemale is the sole species of the genus Aplectrum. The generic name comes from Greek and signifies "spurless". The species is commonly referred to as Adam and Eve or putty root; the latter refers to the mucilaginous fluid which can be removed from the tubers when they are crushed.
ellauri073.html on line 267: The character's debut performance (May 8, 1993) has been called one of the best segments in SNL history. The reception of the audience combined with visible stifled laughter from David Spade and Christina Applegate on stage added to the popularity of the sketch. Notable physical gestures from Farley included what Spade referred to as “the thing with the glasses” when Farley lifted his glasses on and off of his face commenting, “Hey Dad, I can’t see real good, is that Bill Shakespeare over there?” and perhaps the most defining gesture was one that Farley saved for the live performance when he alternated hands adjusting his trousers, grabbing the hilt of his belt with one hand and the back of his pants with the other.
ellauri074.html on line 662: Wallace was deeply suspicious of the media infrastructure that was, when he died, still largely known as “the Net”—“I allow myself to Webulize only once a week now,” he once told a grad student—and he remarked to his wife, as they were moving computer equipment into their house, “thank God I wasn't raised in this era.” Having written his first big stories on a Smith Corona typewriter, Wallace disliked digital drafts and e-publishing in general. He took particular pleasure in the fact that his house in Indiana, the one recreated in The End of the Tour, had the elegantly atavistic address of “Rural Route 2.” He preferred to file his students’ work not on computers, but in a pink Care Bears folder.
ellauri077.html on line 342: Unamuno would have preferred to be a philosophy professor, but was unable to get an academic appointment.
ellauri079.html on line 135: The earliest known document of the lands now comprising Amherst is the deed of purchase dated December 1658 between John Pynchon of Springfield and three native inhabitants, referred to as Umpanchla, Quonquont, and Chickwalopp. According to the deed, "ye Indians of Nolwotogg (Norwottuck) upon ye River of Quinecticott (Connecticut)" sold the entire area in exchange for "two Hundred fatham of Wampam & Twenty fatham, and one large Coate at Eight fatham wch Chickwollop set of, of trusts, besides severall small giftes".
ellauri080.html on line 119: Many contemporary personality psychologists believe that there are five basic dimensions of personality, often referred to as the "Big 5" personality traits. The five broad personality traits described by the theory are extraversion (also often spelled extroversion), agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and positivity (well, neuroticity, just this one expressed negatively, I don't know why).
ellauri080.html on line 413: Mood: Some children naturally have a happier mood, and other children may have a more serious mood. Mood refers to the overall tone of a person’s feelings, interactions and behaviors. Some people are dispositioned to have a happier overall mood, and they generally feel good about things. Others may have more of a negative mood. They may be referred to as more unpleasant, as they may not react in a strong, positive way with the world around them. Children who have a more naturally negative mood may appear to be more subdued than happy. They may have a demeanor that is more calm and may appear gloomy, sad or negative. They may not show their positive feelings externally, but may still feel positive things. I guess.
ellauri083.html on line 159: The "first chapter summons up the days when the world was first settled, in 874 AD—for that is the year when the Norsemen arrived in Iceland, and one of the book's wry conceits is that no other world but Iceland exists. ... The book is set in the early decades of the twentieth century but ... Independent People is a pointedly timeless tale. It reminds us that life on an Icelandic croft had scarcely altered over a millennium". As the story begins, Bjartur ("bright" or "fair") has recently managed to put down the first payment on his own farm, after eighteen years working as a shepherd at Útirauðsmýri, the home of the well-to-do local bailiff, a man he detests. The land that he buys is said to be cursed by Saint Columba, referred to as "the fiend Kolumkilli", and haunted by an evil woman named Gunnvör, who made a pact with Kólumkilli.
ellauri083.html on line 334: When, in turn, this anger proves incapable of restoring the subject to the earlier, wished-for state of things, the characteristic symptoms of clinical depression set in: feelings of helplessness, a tendency to reproach the self for its inadequacy, and, not least of all, the drawing away of cathectic energies from the ego, "emptying [it] until it is totally impoverished." This impoverishment is also referred to by Freud and others as inhibition: "inhibition of all activity," "general inhibition," "complete motor inhibition," or "an inhibition of functions including the interest in the external world." And Bibring has instructively spoken of it as the "exhaustion of ego libido due to an unsolvable conflict" (p. The rhetoric of exhaustion and the exhaustion of rhetoric: Erskine Caldwell in the thirties)
ellauri088.html on line 573: Our first night.—Under canvas.—An appeal for help.—Contrariness of tea-kettles, how to overcome.—Supper.—How to feel virtuous.—Wanted! a comfortably-appointed, well-drained desert island, neighbourhood of South Pacific Ocean preferred.—Funny thing that happened to George’s father.—a restless night.
ellauri090.html on line 165: Pardo (feminine parda) is a term used in the former Portuguese and Spanish colonies in the Americas to refer to the triracial descendants of Europeans, Amerindians, and West Africans. In some places they were defined as neither exclusively mestizo (Amerindian-European descent), nor mulatto (West African-European descent), nor zambo (Amerindian-West African descent). In colonial Mexico, pardo "became virtually synonymous with mulatto, thereby losing much of its indigenous referencing." In the eighteenth century, pardo might have been the preferred label for blackness. Unlike negro, pardo had no association with slavery. Casta paintings from eighteenth-century Mexico use the label negro never pardo to identify Africans paired with Spaniards.
ellauri092.html on line 231: Baptists believe in the autonomy of the local church, and churches are most often governed by a form of congregationalism, or pastor-led congregationalism. In more recent years, however, many Baptist Churches have adopted an elder-led congregationalism as a preferred form of polity. Although there are many denominational alliances among churches, most Baptist local churches are entirely autonomous in governing their own affairs, choosing their pastors, purchasing and owning their own property, etc..
ellauri093.html on line 215: The group called the Raven Brethren (named for prominent Exclusive leader F.E. Raven) seceded from the Raven-Taylor-Hales group and are less strict and isolationist. Exclusive Brethren groups who are not affiliated with PBCC prefer being referred to as Closed rather than Exclusive brethren to avoid any connection with these more strident groups.
ellauri094.html on line 219: Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonian forces returned in 588/586 BCE and rampaged through Judah, leaving clear archaeological evidence of destruction in many towns and settlements there. Clay ostraca from this period, referred to as the Lachish letters, were discovered during excavations; one, which was probably written to the commander at Lachish from an outlying base, describes how the signal fires from nearby towns were disappearing: "And may (my lord) be apprised that we are watching for the fire signals of Lachish according to all the signs which my lord has given, because we cannot see Azeqah." Archaeological finds from Jerusalem testify that virtually the whole city within the walls was burnt to rubble in 587 BCE and utterly destroyed.
ellauri095.html on line 105: Uranian is a 19th-century term that referred to homosexual men. The term was first published by activist Karl Heinrich Ulrichs (1825–95) in a series of five booklets (1864–65) collected under the title Forschungen über das Räthsel der mannmännlichen Liebe (Research into the Riddle of Man–Male Love). Ulrichs derived Uranian (Urning in German) from the Greek goddess Aphrodite Urania, who was created out of the god Uranus' testicles. Therefore, it represents the homosexual gender, while Dionian (Dioning), derived from Aphrodite Dionea, represents the heterosexual gender. Ulrichs developed his terminology before the first public use of the term homosexual, which appeared in 1869 in a pamphlet published anonymously by Karl-Maria Kertbeny (1824–82)
ellauri095.html on line 109: The term also gained currency among a group that studied Classics and dabbled in pederastic poetry from the 1870s to the 1930s. The writings of this group are now known by the phrase Uranian poetry. The art of Henry Scott Tuke and Wilhelm von Gloeden is also sometimes referred to as Uranian.
ellauri096.html on line 423: Né en Allemagne de parents français, il est le fils du sculpteur Jean-Louis-Théodore Chopin (of whom very little is known) et le frère du polygraphe Jean-Marie Chopin. (polygraphe n. Auteur non spécialiste qui écrit sur les sujets les plus diverses; petit scolyte qui vit sous l'écorce des conifères (épicéa)... Mots proches: polygraph popularly referred to as a lie detector). Начал своё обучение живописи в 1816 году в Академии Художеств в Санкт-Петербурге. Карьера Шопена была достаточно успешна. В 1848 году был избран почётным вольным общником Императорской академии художеств в Санкт-Петербурге, после чего преподнёс в дар Академии свою картину «Суд Соломона».
ellauri096.html on line 531: These "wheels" have been associated with Daniel 7:9 (mentioned as galgal, traditionally "the wheels of galgallim", in "fiery flame" and "burning fire") of the four, eye-covered wheels (each composed of two nested wheels), that move next to the winged Cherubim, beneath the throne of God. The four wheels move with the Cherubim because the spirit of the Cherubim is in them. The late Second Book of Enoch (20:1, 21:1) also referred to them as the "many-eyed ones".
ellauri098.html on line 175: According to Propp, based on his analysis of 100 folktales from the corpus of Alexander Fyodorovich Afanasyev, there were 31 basic structural elements (or 'functions') that typically occurred within Russian fairy tales. He identified these 31 functions as typical of all fairy tales, or wonder tales [skazka] in Russian folklore. These functions occurred in a specific, ascending order (1-31, although not inclusive of all functions within any tale) within each story. This type of structural analysis of folklore is referred to as "syntagmatic". This focus on the events of a story and the order in which they occur is in contrast to another form of analysis, the "paradigmatic" which is more typical of Lévi-Strauss's structuralist theory of mythology. Lévi-Strauss sought to uncover a narrative's underlying pattern, regardless of the linear, superficial syntagm, and his structure is usually rendered as a binary oppositional structure. For paradigmatic analysis, the syntagm, or the linear structural arrangement of narratives is irrelevant to their underlying meaning.
ellauri100.html on line 85: Klezmer (Yiddish: קלעזמער ‎) is an instrumental musical tradition of the Ashkenazi Jews of Central and Eastern Europe. The essential elements of the tradition include dance tunes, ritual melodies, and virtuosic improvisations played for listening; these would have been played at weddings and other social functions. After the destruction of Jews in Eastern Europe during the Holocaust, there was a general fall in the popularity of klezmer. The term klezmer comes from a combination of Hebrew words: klei, meaning "tools, utensils or instruments of" and zemer, "melody"; leading to k´lei zemer כְּלֵי זֶמֶר‎, literally "instruments of music" or "musical instruments". Originally, klezmer referred to musical instruments, and was later extended to refer, as a pejorative, to musicians themselves. From the 16th to 18th centuries, it replaced older terms such as leyts (clown). It was not until the late 20th century that the word came to identify a musical genre. Early 20th century recordings and writings most often refer to the style as "Yiddish" music, although it is also sometimes called Freilech music (Yiddish, literally "Happy music").
ellauri101.html on line 48: In 1921, Campbell graduated from the Canterbury School in New Milford, Connecticut. While at Dartmouth College he studied biology and mathematics, but decided that he preferred the humanities. He transferred to Columbia University, where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English literature in 1925 and a Master of Arts degree in medieval literature in 1927. At Dartmouth he had joined Delta Tau Delta. An accomplished athlete, he received awards in track and field events, and, for a time, was among the fastest half-mile runners in the world.
ellauri106.html on line 69: From 1958 onwards, the couple lived in New York on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, and in 1959 they spent seven months in Italy on a Guggenheim grant. Upon their return, they both settled in Iowa City, where Roth led the Writers' Workshop at the University of Iowa. The experiences in small-town Iowa far away from the American metropolises flowed into Roth's second novel Letting Go (Other People's Worries), which was published in 1962, but in contrast to Roth's previously published volume of short stories Goodbye, Columbus caused mixed reactions from critics. Stanley Edgar Hyman, for example, criticized weaknesses in the narrative structure of the novel, the two narrative parts of which are only superficially connected, but praised what he saw as "the keenest eye for the details of American life since Sinclair Lewis". Letting Go is also the first novel in which Roth, as in numerous later works, made the writings of his literary predecessors an integral part of the narrative, and is therefore often referred to as Roth's first "Henry James novel".
ellauri106.html on line 392: "I'm exactly the opposite of religious, I'm anti-religious. I find religious people hideous. I hate the religious lies. It's all a big lie. … I have such a huge dislike. It's not a neurotic thing, but the miserable record of religion. I don't even want to talk about it, it's not interesting to talk about the sheep referred to as believers."
ellauri108.html on line 98: From its origins, Rastafari was intrinsically linked with Haile Selassie, the Emperor of Ethiopia from 1930 to 1974. He remains the central figure in Rastafari ideology, and although all Rastas hold him in esteem, precise interpretations of his identity differ. Understandings of how Haile Selassie relates to Jesus vary among Rastas. Many, although not all, believe that the Ethiopian monarch was the Second Coming of Jesus, legitimising this by reference to their interpretation of the nineteenth chapter of the Book of Revelation. By viewing Haile Selassie as Jesus, these Rastas also regard him as the messiah prophesied in the Old Testament, the manifestation of God in human form, and "the living God". Some perceive him as part of a Trinity, alongside God as Creator and the Holy Spirit, the latter referred to as "the Breath within the temple". Rastas who view Haile Selassie as Jesus argue that both were descendants from the royal line of the Biblical king David, while Rastas also emphasise the fact that the Makonnen dynasty, of which Haile Selassie was a member, claimed descent from the Biblical figures Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.
ellauri108.html on line 158: Rastas typically smoke cannabis in the form of a large, hand-rolled cigarette known as a spliff. This is often rolled together while a prayer is offered to Jah; the spliff is lit and smoked only when the prayer is completed. At other times, cannabis is smoked in a water pipe referred to as a "chalice": styles include kutchies, chillums, and steamers. The pipe is passed in a counter-clockwise direction around the assembled circle of Rastas.
ellauri108.html on line 235: Sub-divisions of Rastafari are often referred to as "houses" or "mansions", in keeping with a passage from the Gospel of John (14:2): as translated in the King James Bible, Jesus states "In my father's house are many mansions". The three most prominent branches are the House of Nyabinghi, the Bobo Ashanti, and the Twelve Tribes of Israel, although other important groups include the Church of Haile Selassie I, Inc., and the Fulfilled Rastafari. By fragmenting into different houses without any single leader, Rastafari became more resilient amid opposition from Jamaica's government during the early decades of the movement.
ellauri109.html on line 745: Auden referred to him as "the master of the middle class". Alexander Pope was heavily influenced by Dryden and often borrowed from him.
ellauri111.html on line 150: No apocryphal book is referred to in the New Testament whereas the Old Testament is referred to hundreds of times.
ellauri115.html on line 936: The ideas of Socinianism date from the wing of the Protestant Reformation known as the Radical Reformation and have their root in the Italian Anabaptist movement of the 1540s, such as the anti-trinitarian Council of Venice in 1550. Lelio Sozzini was the first of the Italian anti-trinitarians to go beyond Arian beliefs in print and deny the pre-existence of Christ in his Brevis explicatio in primum Johannis caput – a commentary on the meaning of the Logos in John 1:1–15 (1562). Lelio Sozzini considered that the "beginning" of John 1:1 was the same as 1 John 1:1 and referred to the new creation,[citation needed] not the Genesis creation. His nephew Fausto Sozzini published his own longer Brevis explicatio later, developing his uncle's arguments. Many years after his death in Switzerland, Sozzini consulted with the Unitarian Church in Transylvania, attempting to mediate in the dispute between Frankenstein and Count Dracula.
ellauri117.html on line 665: John Locke was born on the 29th of August, 1632. He is famous for being a Philosopher. He and Sir Francis Bacon were among the first British empiricists and had a huge impact on social contract theory. John Locke’s age is 388. English philosopher and doctor commonly referred to as “The Father of Liberalism.” He was one of the Enlightenment Age’s most influential thinkers. His ideas heavily influenced the writing of the Declaration of Independence.
ellauri118.html on line 1114: Growing up, Atwood heard stories from her grandmother about Mary Webster, a colonial woman who was half hanged in Hadley, Massachusetts in 1685 for witchcraft, several years before the infamous Salem witch trials began in 1692. Atwood's grandmother often referred to Webster as a relative, though she sometimes denied it, and her ancestry can't be definitively proven one way or the other.
ellauri119.html on line 130: In the season one episode "Ma Parker," Batman and Robin are trapped in electric chairs. Robin shouts out a reference to a device that controls electrical current with variable resistance. However, said device is no longer called a rheostat. It is now referred to as a potentiometer.
ellauri119.html on line 268: The subset of Christianity that accepts this doctrine is collectively known as Trinitarianism, while the subset that does not is referred to as Nontrinitarianism (see also Arianism). Trinitarianism contrasts with positions such as Binitarianism (one deity in two persons) and Monarchianism (no plurality of persons within God), of which Modalistic Monarchianism (one deity revealed in three modes) and Unitarianism (one deity in one person) are subsets.
ellauri119.html on line 304: The Holy Spirit is referred to as "the Lord, the Giver of Life" in the Nicene Creed, which summarises several key beliefs held by many Christian denominations. The participation of the Holy Spirit in the tripartite nature of conversion is apparent in Jesus' final post-resurrection instruction to his disciples at the end of the Gospel of Matthew (28:19), "Make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost."
ellauri119.html on line 336: God, the Cause of all, is one. This does not mean one as in one of a pair, nor one like a species (which encompasses many individuals), nor one as in an object that is made up of many elements, nor as a single simple object that is infinitely divisible. Rather, God is a unity unlike any other possible unity. This is referred to in the Torah (Deuteronomy 6:4): "Hear Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is one."
ellauri119.html on line 432: There are several Greek words for "love" that are regularly referred to in Christian circles. Agape: In the New Testament, agapē is charitable, selfless, altruistic, and unconditional. It is parental love, seen as creating goodness in the world; it is the way God is seen to love humanity, and it is seen as the kind of love that Christians aspire to have for one another. Philia: Also used in the New Testament, phileo is a human response to something that is found to be delightful. Also known as "brotherly love" or "homophilia." Two other words for love in the Greek language, eros (sexual love) and storge (child-to-parent love), were never used in the New Testament! Now that's a lacuna! Christians believe that to Love God with all your heart, mind, and strength and Love your neighbor as yourself are the two most important things in life (the greatest commandment of the Jewish Torah, according to Jesus; cf. Gospel of Mark chapter 12, verses 28–34). Saint Augustine summarized this when he wrote "Love God, and do as thou wilt." Right on Gus! Way to go!
ellauri119.html on line 440: Love encompasses the Islamic view of life as universal brotherhood that applies to all who hold faith. Amongst the 99 names of God (Allah), there is the name Al-Wadud, or "the Loving One," which is found in Surah [Quran 11:90] as well as Surah [Quran 85:14]. God is also referenced at the beginning of every chapter in the Qur'an as Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim, or the "Most Compassionate" and the "Most Merciful", indicating that nobody is more loving, compassionate and benevolent than God. The Qur'an refers to God as being "full of loving kindness." The Qur'an exhorts Muslim believers to treat all people, viz. those who have not persecuted them, with birr or "deep kindness" as stated in Surah [Quran 6:8-9]. Birr is also used by the Qur'an in describing the love and kindness that children must show to their parents. Ishq, or divine love, is the emphasis of Sufism in the Islamic tradition. Practitioners of Sufism believe that love is a projection of the essence of God to the universe. God desires to recognize beauty, and as if one looks at a mirror to see oneself, God "looks" at himself within the dynamics of nature. Since everything is a reflection of God, the school of Sufism practices to see the beauty inside the apparently ugly sufist. Sufism is often referred to as the religion of love. God in Sufism is referred to in three main terms, which are the Lover, Loved, and Beloved, with the last of these terms being often seen in Sufi poetry.
ellauri119.html on line 635: Through her writing, Ayn discussed her philosophy of "Objectivism," which she referred to as "a philosophy for living on earth".
ellauri131.html on line 723: Robbins repeatedly swears by Natural Language Processing (NLP), a controversial, consciousness-based belief system that took root in California in the 1970s. According to the Association for NLP, the practice is commonly referred to as the "users manual for your mind," and studying NLP offers "insights into how our thinking patterns can effect [sic] every aspect of our lives." God's co-creator Vivica Bandler has characterized the process as a veritable fountain of youth, asserting one's "ability for consciousness to influence our DNA evolution." In an interview with NLP Life, Bandler said, "It is obviously related to aging and the more we learn to control our consciousness, the more we will learn to control the quality of the DNA that keeps us young, the DNA that makes us smart...There is literally no limit to what we can do as we begin to harness the great power called consciousness."
ellauri132.html on line 131: "The book struck me as irredeemable poppycock. I was put off by the strained stateliness of Tolle's writing, as well as its nearly indecipherable turgidity ... jargon like "conditioned mind structures', "the one indwelling consciousness". What's more, the guy was stunningly grandiose. He referred to his book as a "transformational" device", and promised that, as you read, "shit takes place within you." I lay there rolling my eyes ..."
ellauri142.html on line 71: Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (/ˈtoʊlstɔɪ/; Russian: Лев Николаевич Толстой, 28 August 1828 – 7 November 1910), usually referred to in English as Leo Tolstoy, was a Russian writer who is regarded as one of the greatest authors of all time. He received nominations for the Nobel Prize in Literature every year from 1902 to 1906 and for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1901, 1902, and 1909. That he never won is a major controversy. Instead, Rudyard Kipling got the medal 1907. What the fuck?
ellauri146.html on line 688: In a review of 1836 Poe referred to the “bigoted lover of abstract Democracy” and appealed to Americans to divert their minds “from that perpetual and unhealthy excitement about the forms and machinery” of government to a greater care of the results of government-“the happiness of a people.”
ellauri147.html on line 868: A University of Toronto student found that the facial proportions of celebrities including Jessica Alba were close to the average of all female profiles. That the preference for the average is biological rather than cultural has been supported by studies on babies, who gaze longer at attractive faces than at unattractive ones. People generally find youthful average faces sexually the most attractive. prototypes are preferred to individual exemplars of the stimuli categories. Thus an average face is probably attractive simply because it is prototypical. An averaged face made of 32 faces looks almost indistinguishable from any other 32-face averaged face even when they are created from a completely different set of individuals. Left-right symmetry is not the issue, presumably because neither are the viewers´ eyes.
ellauri151.html on line 563: Wittgenstein referred to Hamannian themes and to Hamann’s
ellauri152.html on line 585: Yeshiva Boy moves fluidly between referring to the main character as Yentl or Anshel depending on context, which is a great detail. There are times when she’s referred to as Anshel for long stretches of time, and the same for Yentl. The movie, not having third person narration, is a different beast. I take my cue from the story and use both names, depending on the context of what I’m talking about—for example, if Yentl is definitely seen as Yentl by the story in that moment, or as Anshel, or ambiguously as both. That’s a very subjective choice to make each time you write her name! But that question, the fact that you have to ask it of yourself and the fact that it’s not always clear, is to me a crucial part of Yentl’s character.
ellauri152.html on line 619: The ending of Yentl is just supremely disappointing compared to the unapologetic ending of Yeshiva Boy. “I’ll live out my time as I am,” Anshel says in the story—and Anshel is the name she is referred to as in this passage, even while also referred to as a woman and with she/her pronouns. Yentl the Yeshiva Boy often engages in this mixing of gender signifiers—it’s in the very title, which pairs the traditionally feminine name “Yentl” with the clashing term “boy,” letting them jostle each other to create dissonance and ambiguity. The terms not matching is their meaning. This is how Anshel is. A woman with a man’s soul, a man with she/her pronouns, a person with two names. It’s not couched in easily understandable modern terms, but no one who has heard of these modern terms would read Yentl as a cis woman playing dress up. It’s different than that. Queerer than that.
ellauri156.html on line 215: Like my uncle to whom I referred earlier, David is in the wrong place at the wrong time. He is in Jerusalem when he should be at Rabbah. Unlike my uncle, David is in the wrong place at the wrong time because of a wrong decision. David is like the simpleton in Proverbs 7, who was foolishly and yet deliberately in the wrong place at the wrong time. Something almost had to go wrong, and it surely did!
ellauri159.html on line 994: E: Extraversion preferred to introversion

ellauri159.html on line 997: I: Introversion preferred to extraversion

ellauri159.html on line 1000: S: Sensation preferred to intuition

ellauri159.html on line 1003: N: Intuition preferred to sensation

ellauri159.html on line 1006: F: Feeling preferred to thinking

ellauri159.html on line 1009: T: Thinking preferred to feeling

ellauri159.html on line 1012: P: Perception preferred to judgment

ellauri159.html on line 1015: J: Judgment preferred to perception

ellauri160.html on line 153: In June 1910 Pound returned for eight months to the United States. Although he loved New York, he felt alienated by the commercialism and newcomers from Eastern and Southern Europe who were displacing the white Anglo-Saxon Protestants. The recently built New York Public Library Main Branch he found especially offensive. It was during this period that his antisemitism became apparent; he referred in Patria Mia to the "detestable qualities" of Jews.
ellauri161.html on line 511: Before Covid, former Saturday Night live head writer Adam McKay had already written his smug doomsday satire Don't Look Up based on the usual liberal tropes. Chief among them was the old progressive rant linking those on the right to a predatory elite consisting of a group who were referred to as, in the parlance of days gone by, "robber barons."
ellauri163.html on line 48: He wrote the drama Got fun nekome (God of Vengeance) in the winter of 1906 in Cologne, Germany. It is about a Jewish brothel owner who attempts to become respectable by commissioning a Torah scroll and marrying off his daughter to a yeshiva student. Set in a brothel, the play includes Jewish prostitutes and a lesbian scene. I. L. Peretz famously said of the play after reading it: "Burn it, Asch, burn it!" Instead, Asch went to Berlin to pitch it to director Max Reinhardt and actor Rudolph Schildkraut, who produced it at the Deutsches Theater. God of Vengeance opened on March 19, 1907 and ran for six months, and soon was translated and performed in a dozen European languages. It was first brought to New York by David Kessler in 1907. The audience mostly came for Kessler, and they booed the rest of the cast. The New York production sparked a major press war between local Yiddish papers, led by the Orthodox Tageplatt and even the secular Forverts. Orthodox papers referred to God of Vengeance as "filthy," "immoral," and "indecent," while radical papers described it as "moral," "artistic," and "beautiful". Some of the more provocative scenes in the production were changed, but it wasn't enough for the Orthodox papers. Even Yiddish intellectuals and the play's supporters had problems with the play's inauthentic portrayal of Jewish tradition, especially Yankl's use of the Torah, which they said Asch seemed to be using mostly for cheap effects; they also expressed concern over how it might stigmatize Jewish people who already faced much anti-Semitism. The association with Jews and sex work was a popular stereotype at the time. Other intellectuals criticized the writing itself, claiming that the second act was beautifully written but the first and third acts failed to support it.
ellauri163.html on line 721: Vox Day has written about atheists being "socially autistic". Asperger´s syndrome (sometimes referred to as "High-Functioning Autism" or "HFA") is an umbrella term used to classify problematic behaviours similar to, but less severe than, those within the lower reaches of the autistic spectrum.
ellauri164.html on line 483: Moses is one of the most prominent figures in the Old Testament. While Abraham is called the “Father of the Faithful” and the recipient of God’s unconditional covenant of grace to His people, Moses was the man chosen to bring redemption to His people. God specifically chose Moses to lead the Israelites from captivity in Egypt to salvation in the Promised Land. Moses is also recognized as the mediator of the Old Covenant and is commonly referred to as the giver of the Law. Finally, Moses is the principal author of the Pentateuch, the foundational books of the entire Bible. Moses’ role in the Old Testament is a type and shadow of the role Jesus plays in the New Testament. As such, his life is definitely worth examining.
ellauri164.html on line 523: Moses was so dispirited that he preferred to die rather than continue on in this way. In his weariness, he spoke rashly, and God excluded him from leading the people into the Promised Land.
ellauri164.html on line 812: It is specifically referred to as a “sign to the rebellious.”
ellauri171.html on line 506: Dinah was the daughter of Leah, the unloved wife of the tribal leader Jacob. Jacob had always preferred his other wife Rachel, even though Leah seems to have been a loving wife and gave her husband many children.
ellauri171.html on line 701: Daniel Block writes these words, “The Levite had preferred Gibeah over Jebus to avoid the dangers of Canaanism, only to discover that Canaan had invaded his own world.” Sadly, Canaanism is invading our world and some western countries appear to be far worse than the tribe of Benjamin. They do not even seek the Lord for direction. At least the other eleven tribes sought the Lord and killed tens of thousands more. Jehovah was appeased.
ellauri171.html on line 840: Ba'al Hadad (lit. master of thunder), god of storms, thunder, lightning and air. King of the gods. Uses the weapons Driver and Chaser in battle. Often referred to as Baalshamin.
ellauri171.html on line 1108: Why not? At that time it would have been a possibility, though not a preferred one. Perhaps the marriage that had been arranged for Tamar was too politically sensitive to upset, or maybe Amnon thought that David would disapprove of his obsession, seeing it as a weakness. After all, a king could not afford to let emotions interfere with politics. Remember Batsheba, haha.
ellauri172.html on line 806: Paha ateisti Roth tapatti ainoan sikiönsä Margaretilla eikä saanut Bloomin kanssa aikaan muuta kuin lihavia riitoja. Antiteistikin se oli, "I'm exactly the opposite of religious, I'm anti-religious. I find religious people hideous. I hate the religious lies. It's all a big lie. I give a shit about the sheep referred to as believers. When I write, I'm alone. It's filled with fear and loneliness and anxiety—and I never needed religion to save me." Jumala kosti sille, ei tullut Noobelia. Kikkailevaa Philippiä sattui leukaan.
ellauri184.html on line 348: In Matthew 9:1 the town is referred to only as "his own city", and the narrative in Matthew 9:2–7 does not mention the paralytic being lowered through the roof. Most traditional biblical commentators (e.g. Bengel, Benson and the Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary) assume that in Matthew 9:1–7 "his own city" means Capernaum, because of the details that are common to the three synoptic gospels.
ellauri184.html on line 534: The Apostle Paul referred to these practices in his letters, saying: "Was a man already circumcised when he was called? He should not become uncircumcised."[1Cor 7:18] But he also explicitly denounced the forcing of circumcision upon non-Jews, rejecting and condemning those Judaizers who stipulated the ritual to Gentile Christians, labelling such advocates as "false brothers"[Gal 2:4] (see below). In the mid-2nd century Rabbinical Jewish leaders, due to increasing cases of foreskin restorations in Roman Empire, introduced a radical method of circumcision, the periah, that left the glans totally uncovered and sew the remaining skin. The new method became immediately the only valid circumcision procedure, to ensure that a born Jew will remain circumcised and avoiding risk of restoring the foreskin. Operations became mostly irreversible.
ellauri185.html on line 798: The firstborn of a mother is referred to in the Bible (Exodus 13:2) as one who “opens the womb” of his mother. Jacob and Esau vied for right of way through Rebecca's birth canal. Esau won that set, but the game went to Jacob.
ellauri189.html on line 472: Only active members, who are referred to as Seacret agents, can earn all the commissions provided in the compensation plan. There are several types of commissions that you can earn:
ellauri189.html on line 478: Team commissions are earned by agents based on the performance of the teams that they form. Each Seacret agent has a team that is separated into two teams – a right group leg and a left group leg. Usually, one leg tends to perform better than the other and is therefore referred to as your greater volume leg, while the other is called your lesser volume leg. These groups comprise your binary tree. You earn commissions on your team of up to $25,000 every week. Your team commission wholly depends on the volume of the lesser leg. From the star rank through to the executive rank, the commission is 10%, whereas bronze and higher ranked agents earn 15% of the lesser group’s volume.
ellauri190.html on line 191: At the start of the 15th century, the Golden Horde began to fall apart. By 1466, it was being referred to simply as the "Great Horde", after that, just "That Horde". The Crimean Khanate and the Kazakh Khanate, the last remnants of the Golden Horde, survived until 1783 and 1847 respectively.
ellauri192.html on line 680: The Trubetsk (Troubchevsk) town was referred to in the Old East Slavic poem The Tale of Igor's Campaign where, among others, Vsevolod Svyatoslavich, the Prince of Trubetsk and of Kursk, was glorified. In 1185 the Trubetsk army fought against Cumans. Trubetsk on Bryanskin oblastissa, jossain Ison ja Valko-Venäjän rajalla.
ellauri192.html on line 682: The town is referred to in the great Old Russian poem, The Tale of Igor's Campaign. This poem calls for the princes of the various Slavic lands to join forces in resisting the invasions of the nomadic Cuman people. The poem also glorified the courage of the army of Vsevolod Svyatoslavich, the ruler of Kursk and Trubchevsk.

ellauri192.html on line 886: Ilya Ilf (Ilya Arnoldovich Feinsilberg) (Russian: Илья Арнольдович Файнзильберг, 1897-1937) and Yevgeny Petrov (Yevgeniy Petrovich Katayev or Russian: Евгений Петрович Катаев, 1902-1942) were two Ukrainian prose authors of the 1920s and 1930s.They did much of their writing together, and are almost always referred to as "Ilf and Petrov". Bet Ilf was Jewish. Ilya Arnoldovich Ilf (born Iehiel-Leyb Aryevich Faynzilberg, Russian: Иехи́ел-Лейб Арьевич Фа́йнзильберг[1]) (15 October [O.S. 3 October] 1897 in Odessa – 13 April 1937, Moscow), was a popular Soviet journalist and writer of Jewish origin who usually worked in collaboration with Yevgeni Petrov during the 1920s and 1930s. Their duo was known simply as Ilf and Petrov. Together they published two popular comedy novels The Twelve Chairs (1928) and The Little Golden Calf (1931), as well as a satirical book Odnoetazhnaya Amerika (often translated as Little Golden America) that documented their journey through the United States between 1935 and 1936.
ellauri194.html on line 252: As one nomadic people followed another on the Eurasian steppes, so the identification of Gog and Magog shifted. In the 9th and 10th centuries these kingdoms were identified by some with the lands of the Khazars, a Turkic people whose leaders had converted to Judaism and whose empire dominated Central Asia–the 9th-century monk Christian of Stavelot referred to Gazari, said of the Khazars that they were "living in the lands of Gog and Magog" and noted that they were "circumcised and observing all [the laws of] Judaism". Arab traveler ibn Fadlan also reported of this belief, writing around 921 he recorded that "Some hold the opinion that Gog and Magog are the Khazars".
ellauri194.html on line 271: The Flemish Franciscan friar William of Rubruck, who was first-hand witness to Alexander's supposed wall in Derbent on the shores of the Caspian Sea in 1254, identified the people the walls were meant to fend off only vaguely as "wild tribes" or "desert nomads", but one researcher made the inference Rubruck must have meant Jews, and that he was speaking in the context of "Gog and Magog". Confined Jews were later to be referred to as "Red Jews" (die roten Juden) in German-speaking areas; a term first used in a Holy Grail epic dating to the 1270s, in which Gog and Magog were two mountains enclosing these people.
ellauri196.html on line 679: Brando was raised a Christian scientist from Pfalz. Kasvoi kompostista kuin krispaattorissa wilttaantunut Pak Choi. His mother, known as Dodi Rypäleitä Perseessä, was unconventional for her time; she smoked, wore pants, and drove cars. She helped Henry Ford begin his acting career. However, she was an alcoholic and often had to be brought home from bars in Chicago by her alcoholic husband. Brando expressed sadness when writing about his mother: she preferred getting drunk to caring for us. No wonder Buddy.
ellauri197.html on line 493: Hypergamy (colloquially referred to as "marrying up") is a term used in social science for the act or practice of a person marrying a spouse of higher caste or social status than themselves. It is mostly practiced by women.
ellauri198.html on line 635: Most scholars agree that the ritual performed at the tophet was child sacrifice, and they connect it to similar episodes throughout the Bible and recorded in Phoenicia (whose inhabitants were referred to as Canaanites in the Bible) and Carthage by Hellenistic sources. There is disagreement about whether the sacrifices were offered to a god named "Moloch". Based on Phoenician and Carthaginian inscriptions, a growing number of scholars believe that the word moloch refers to the type of sacrifice rather than a deity. There is currently a dispute as to whether these sacrifices were dedicated to Yahweh rather than a foreign deity.
ellauri198.html on line 650: In turn this influenced the pseudo-Medieval poetry of Thomas Chatterton. For example, in a poem about the Battle of Hastings he writes "some caught a slughorne and an onsett wounde" (Battle of Hastings ii.99), meaning "some picked up a slughorn and sounded a charge". A slughorn in this context appears to be some kind of trumpet. However, in a footnote to another usage of the word, Chatterton defines it as "not unlike a hautboy". The Medieval English word hautboy is the origin of the modern word oboe and has never referred to any instrument comparable to a trumpet. It is more like a faggot. Oh boy, haut-bois, puu pystyssä. Vitun pultti-bois.
ellauri198.html on line 710: The series was chiefly inspired by the poem "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came" by Robert Browning, whose full text was included in the final volume's appendix. In the preface to the revised 2003 edition of The Gunslinger, King also identifies The Lord of the Rings, Arthurian legend, and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly as inspirations. He identifies Clint Eastwood's "Man with No Name" character as one of the major inspirations for the protagonist, Roland Deschain. King's style of location names in the series, such as Mid-World, and his development of a unique language abstract to our own [clarification needed] (High Speech), are also influenced by J. R. R. Tolkien's work. The series is referred to on King's website as his magnum opus.
ellauri198.html on line 831: His several boring plays featured fictional heroic ancient Irish warrior Cuchulain. A later poem concludes with a brash announcement: “There’s more enterprise in walking naked.” This indecent departure from a conventional 19th-century manner disappointed his contemporary readers, who preferred the pleasant musicality of such familiar poems as “The Lake Isle of Innisfree,” which he wrote in 1890. "I think all happiness depends on the energy to assume the mask of some other person, on strutting as somebody else but yourself", he said. Yeats and his lamentable wife held more than 400 sessions of automatic writing, producing nearly 4,000 pages that Yeats avidly and patiently studied and organized. What an idiot.
ellauri210.html on line 365: One of them was the Swiss enema Arthur Cravan. Described by one critic as “a world tramp … a traverser of borders and resister of orders,” Cravan traveled the globe in the early 1900s by forging documents and assuming false identities, preening, harassing, and haranguing, as he went. He was hailed by André Breton as a pivotal precursor of Dadaism, and belonged to that category of floating prewar avant-gardists whose legacy resides more in their mode of living than their artistic creations. Indeed, he declared himself anti-art and avowed boxing to be the ultimate creative expression of the modern, American-tinged age. He’s often referred to as a “poet-boxer,” though he wasn’t especially accomplished as either; his real talent appears to have been making a spectacle of himself, in every sense. Publicist rather than a pugilist.
ellauri210.html on line 387: Loy referred to Cravan as “Colossus.” It was a reference to the size of his ego as much as that of his "physicality". In her autobiography, she recalled that friends thought her mad to get mixed up with such a conceited, obnoxious prig.
ellauri210.html on line 1275: He had been celibate until his twenty-ninth birthday, when his shyness was overcome by Jane (Jenny) Patterson, a widow some years his senior. All things considered, he preferred men's company as much as Michael Montaigne. Why can't a woman be more like a man?
ellauri214.html on line 76: J.K. Rowling has also included plenty of sexism in her writing, indicative of her internalised misogyny. Cho Chang was Harry Potter’s love interest throughout books 4 and 5. However, Cho was in a relationship with another student in the fourth book, and unfortunately this student was killed by Lord Voldemort at the end of the book. This leaves Cho rightfully distraught. Though still in emotional turmoil, she develops a crush on Harry and they begin dating. During their first kiss, Cho is crying because she is thinking of her dead boyfriend. Harry and Cho break up after multiple arguments later in the book. Later on in the series, Harry develops feelings for his best friend’s sister, Ginny Weasley. Rowling periodically writes how Harry prefers Ginny to Cho because Cho was too emotional after the death of her boyfriend. Harry preferred Ginny, who was stronger and could contain her emotions, supposedly because she had grown up with 6 brothers (no, 5, Ronny is a sissy). This comparison of the two girls demonstrates Rowling’s internalized feelings that women exist for the purpose of pleasing men. The thinly veiled idea that women who are too emotional or too much drama queens are not desirable is evident in Rowling’s writing. Fleur Delcore is another example of this feeling. Fleur is a student at a French wizarding school who competes against Harry in a difficult tournament in the fourth book. Fleur is part veela, who are magical beings of extreme beauty but can turn monstrous when angered. Fleur eventually marries Ron Weasley’s older brother, Bill. Hermionie, Harry’s other best friend, and Ginny constantly complain about Fleur. However, the only thing their animosity can be traced back to is that Fleur is a beautiful Frenchy woman and she is confident in that, whilst they are just snubnosed Brits. This further develops Rowling’s internalized misogyny. She views women who are confident in their beauty as annoying, and has the idea that women should seek male validation. Though these portions of the book were likely unintentional, speaking from personal experience, it has to be said that Rowling’s writing of women in her book have had a lasting effect on her female readers.
ellauri217.html on line 700: The Council of Jerusalem or Apostolic Council was held in Jerusalem around AD 50. It is unique among the ancient pre-ecumenical councils in that it is considered by Catholics and Eastern Orthodox to be a prototype and forerunner of the later ecumenical councils and a key part of Christian ethics. The council decided that Gentile converts to Christianity were not obligated to keep most of the fasts, and other specific rituals, including the rules concerning circumcision of males. The Council did, however, retain the prohibitions on eating blood, meat containing blood, and meat of animals that were strangled, and on fornication and idolatry, sometimes referred to as the Apostolic Decree or Jerusalem Quadrilateral. The purpose and origin of these four prohibitions is debated.
ellauri220.html on line 334:

(US) a black person. Once generally accepted as inoffensive, this word is now considered disrespectful by some. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) continues to use its full name unapologetically. This is not to be confused with the term "person of color" which is the preferred term for collectively referring to all non-white people.

ellauri222.html on line 888: The book Les Ruines, ou méditations sur les révolutions des empires (1791) by Constantin François de Chassebœuf, comte de Volney (1757–1820), first published in an English translation as The Ruins, or a Survey of the Revolutions of Empires (London: Joseph Johnson, 1792) by James Marshall, was an influence on Shelley. helley had explored similar themes in his 1813 work Queen Mab. Typically, Shelley published his literary works either anonymously or pseudonymously, under the name "Glirastes", a Graeco-Latin name created by combining the Latin glīs ("dormouse") with the Greek suffix ἐραστής (erastēs, "lover", vitut se on mikään suffixi!); the Glirastes name referred to his wife, Mary Shelley, whom he nicknamed "dormouse". Unikeon köyrijä. Mäuschen, sanoi Percy Marylle niikö Pikin kreikkalainen poikaystävä, setämäinen Kleomenis.
ellauri223.html on line 212: The Viscountess St Albans, as she still preferred to be called, spent much of her marriage in Chancery proceedings, lawsuits over property. The first year was over her former husband's estate, trying to get what was left of Bacon's property, without his much greater debts. She was opposed in this by Sir John Constable, her brother in law, who had held some of the estate in trust. In 1628 she filed suits for property owned by her late father. In 1631, she and her husband both filed suit against Nicholas Bacon, of Gray's Inn, their former friend, who had married Sir John Underhill's niece, and gotten Underhill to sign an agreement for a large dowry and extensive property, including some property of Alice that Sir John did not have rights to, and could only inherit after her death. Their petition to court stated that Bacon had tricked Underhill "who was an almost totally deaf man, and by reason of the weakness of his eyes and the infirmity in his head, could not read writings of that nature without much pain," to sign a paper not knowing what it contained.
ellauri240.html on line 207: After graduation George was offered a position as a principal at a school in Gilmanton, New Hampshire. By now the family had three children, all dependent upon his meager salary. It was while she was living in Gilmanton that Julian Messner, a New York publisher, agreed to publish Peyton Place. The book was a best seller by the fall of 1956, and Metalious became a wealthy woman overnight. Eventually, 20 million copies were sold in hardcover, along with another 12 million Dell paperbacks. Metalious became famous as the housewife who wrote a bestseller; she was referred to as "Pandora in Blue Jeans," the simple small-town woman who opened the box of sins.
ellauri249.html on line 111: By extension, verpus as a masculine adjective or noun, referred to a man whose glans was exposed by erection or by circumcision; thus Juvenal (14.100) has
ellauri254.html on line 383: This pessimistic Russian symbolist writer, who referred to himself as the lard of death, was (as I already said) the first writer to introduce the morbid, pessimistic elements characteristic of fin de siècle literature and philosophy into Russian prose. His most famous novel, The Petty Cash Demon (1905), was an attempt to create a living portrait of the concept known in Russian as poshlost' (an idea whose meaning lies somewhere between evil, trashy and banality or kitsch). His next large prose work, A Created Legend (a trilogy consisting of Drops of Blood, Queen Ortruda, and Smoke and Ash), contained many of the same characteristics but presented a considerably more positive and hopeful view of the world. It sold much worse than Petty Cash.
ellauri256.html on line 46: Rozanov frequently referred to himself as Fyodor Dostoyevsky's "Underground Man" and proclaimed his right to espouse contrary opinions at the same time. He first attracted attention in the 1890s when he published political sketches in the conservative newspaper Novoye Vremya ("New Time"), owned and run by Aleksey Suvorin. Rozanov's comments, always paradoxical and sparking controversy, led him into clashes with the Tsarist government and with radicals such as Lenin. For example, Rozanov readily passed from criticism of Russian Orthodoxy, and even of what he saw as the Christian preoccupation with death, to fervent praise of Christian faith, from praise of Judaism to unabashed anti-Semitism, and from acceptance of homosexuality as yet another side of human nature to vitriolic accusations that Gogol and some other writers had been latent homosexuals.[citation needed] He proclaimed that politics was "obsolete" because "God doesn't want politics any more," constructed an "apocalypse of our times," and recommended the "healthy instincts" of the Russian people, their longing for authority, and their hostility to modernism.
ellauri260.html on line 207: Gustav Teichmüller (November 19, 1832 – May 22, 1888) is considered a philosopher of the idealist school and a founder of Russian personalism. His ideas were shaped by his teachers Lotze and J. F. Herbart, who in turn were influenced by G. W. von Leibniz. Some scholars describe Teichmüller's personalism as a version of neo-Leibnizianism. His doctrines have also been referred to as constituting a variant of Christian personalism that is in opposition to both positivism and evolutionism as well as traditional Platonism. Teichmüller's philosophy has influenced Nietzsche and this link has been explored by scholars such as Hermann Nohl, who traced Teichmüller's Die wirkliche und die scheinbare Welt, 1882, as the source of the latter's perspectivism. Teichmüller also influenced the Russian thinkers A. A. Kozlov, I.F. Oze, and E. A. Bobrov. Teichmüller nai virolaisen maanomistajan tyttären ja tapettuaan sen 20-vuotiaana lapsivuoteeseen, sen siskon, ja kuoli lopulta ize Tartossa pyylevänä patruunana.
ellauri262.html on line 156: He was then sent back to England to the health-resort town of Malvern, Worcestershire, where he attended the preparatory school Cherbourg House, which Lewis referred to as "Chartres" in his autobiography. It was during this time that he abandoned the Christianity he was taught as a child and became an atheist. During this time he also developed a fascination with European mythology and the occult.
ellauri262.html on line 171: Lewis lived with and cared for Moore until she was hospitalized in the late 1940s. He routinely introduced her as his mother, referred to her as such in letters, and developed a deeply affectionate friendship with her. Lewis's own mother had died when he was a child, while his father was distant, demanding, and eccentric.
ellauri262.html on line 193: Dyson preferred talk at Inklings meetings to readings. He had a distaste for J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings and complained loudly at its readings. Eventually Tolkien gave up reading to the group altogether. He wrote a survey of contemporary English literature with a bibliography by Professor John Butt.
ellauri262.html on line 202: Alistair Cooke KBE (born Alfred Cooke; 20 November 1908 – 30 March 2004) was a British-American writer whose work as a journalist, television personality and radio broadcaster was done primarily in the United States. In reporting on the Montgomery bus boycott, begun by Rosa Parks and led by Martin Luther King, Cooke expressed sympathy for the economic costs imposed on the city bus company and referred to Mrs. Parks as "the stubborn woman who started it all ... to become the Paul Revere of the boycott." He achieved his greatest popularity in the United States in this role, becoming the subject of many parodies, including "Alistair Cookie" in Sesame Street ("Alistair Cookie" was also the name of a clay animated cookie-headed spoof character created by Will Vinton as the host of a video trailer for The Little Prince and Friends).
ellauri263.html on line 675: Col. Olcott ei ollut vakuuttunut vaan alkoi vehkeillä ennenkuin HPB oli ehtinyt kylmetä. In the April Theosophist Col. Olcott makes public what we have long known to be his private opinion – a private opinion hinted at through the pages of Old Diary Leaves – that H.P.B. was a fraud, a medium, and a forger of bogus messages from the Masters. This final ingrate’s blow is delivered in a Postscript to the magazine for which the presses were stopped. The hurry was so great that he could not wait another month before hurling the last handful of mud at his spiritual and material benefactor, our departed H.P.B. The next prominent person for whom we wait to make a similar public statement, has long made it privately. [Note: This sentence referred to Annie Besant.]
ellauri264.html on line 509: The halachic rulings in the Shulchan Aruch generally follow Sephardic law and customs, whereas Ashkenazi Jews generally follow the halachic rulings of Moses Isserles, whose glosses to the Shulchan Aruch note where the Sephardic and Ashkenazi customs differ. These glosses are widely referred to as the mappah (literally: the "tablecloth") to the Shulchan Aruch´s "Set Table". Almost all published editions of the Shulchan Aruch include this gloss, and the term "Shulchan Aruch" has come to denote both Karo's work as well as Isserles', with Karo usually referred to as "the mechaber" ("author") and Isserles as "the Rema" (an acronym of Rabbi Moshe Isserles).
ellauri264.html on line 538: The halachic rulings in the Shulchan Aruch generally follow the Sephardic custom. The Rema added his glosses and published them as a commentary on the Shulchan Aruch, specifying whenever the Sephardic and Ashkenazic customs differ. These glosses are sometimes referred to as the mappah, literally, the 'tablecloth,' to the Shulchan Aruch´s 'Set Table.' Almost all published editions of the Shulchan Aruch include this gloss.
ellauri270.html on line 349: Jack Watson’s role continues the examination of family structures and gender roles. Jack earns respect and identity as a man among the villagers by drawing in the lottery. He is referred to as a “good fellow” and “a man” who is looking after his “helpless” mother.
ellauri270.html on line 565: Schwarzkopf developed a reputation as a commander who preferred to lead from the front, even willing to risk his own life and his subordinates. But his most lasting and important legacies are the tremendous soldiers he failed to kill.
ellauri272.html on line 742: Whether you give a little or a lot (preferred option), your funding is vital in powering our reporting for years to come. If you can, please support us on a monthly basis from just €2. It takes less than a minute to set up, and you can rest assured that you’re making a big impact every single month in support of open, independent journalism. Thank you. Kiitos. Anteexi. Ole hyvä.
ellauri278.html on line 238: Litvinov myönsi että Molotov-Ribbentrop sopimus oli ryssiltä hyvä ratkaisu siinä tapauksessa, vaikka aina hyvä ratkaisu on Kaleva-puku. The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact was a non-aggression pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union that enabled those powers to partition Eastern Europe between them. The pact was signed in Moscow on 23 August 1939 by German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop and Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov and was officially known as the Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Unofficially, it has also been referred to as the Hitler–Stalin Pact, Nazi–Soviet Pact or Nazi–Soviet Alliance.
ellauri281.html on line 237: Litvinov myönsi että Molotov-Ribbentrop sopimus oli ryssiltä hyvä ratkaisu siinä tapauksessa, vaikka aina hyvä ratkaisu on Kaleva-puku. The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact was a non-aggression pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union that enabled those powers to partition Eastern Europe between them. The pact was signed in Moscow on 23 August 1939 by German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop and Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov and was officially known as the Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Unofficially, it has also been referred to as the Hitler–Stalin Pact, Nazi–Soviet Pact or Nazi–Soviet Alliance.
ellauri300.html on line 642: According to Titus 1:5, Paul had left Titus at Crete to appoint elders for the church there. Paul mentions that Titus must appoint elders “in each town,” which means there were multiple Christian groups (what we would think of as house churches), although they might collectively be referred to as the “church in Crete. As the letter goes on, it transitions through several subjects:
ellauri302.html on line 68: Regrettably, however, 'The God of Vengeance," despite conclusions too easily drawn, is not a sex play. When Ash wishes to deal with sex as sex he is not afraid to handle the subject with all the poetry and power at his command. Such a play as his "Jephthah's Daughter" treats the elemental urge of sex with daring, beauty and Dionysiac abandon. A lurid reader is referred to this other play. This one is bound to be a disappointment.
ellauri323.html on line 133: Yet Zuleika WAS very innocent, really. She was as pure as that young shepherdess Marcella, who, all unguarded, roved the mountains and was by all the shepherds adored. Like Marcella, she had given her heart to no man, had preferred none. Youths were reputed to have died for love of her, as Chrysostom died for love of the shepherdess; and she, like the shepherdess, had shed no tear. When Chrysostom was lying on his bier in the valley, and Marcella looked down from the high rock, Ambrosio, the dead man’s comrade, cried out on her, upbraiding her with bitter words—“Oh basilisk of our mountains!” Nor do I think Ambrosio spoke too strongly. Er. epm. homopetteri Horace Walpole (josta on paasattu albumeissa 14, 52, 75, 115, 235 ja 247) nimitteli Woolworthin Marya “a hyena in petticoats” or “a philosophising serpent” .
ellauri334.html on line 318: The first “Christians” were the converted Gentiles in Antioch, the original disciples and followers of Jesus (including Judas) were referred to as Nazarenes. It is significant that the original Nazarenes were persecuted into extinction (or “fled into the wilderness,” as John the Revelator seen in a vision). The Gentile, or Christian church, systematically eliminated any Jewish belief or practice originating with the Nazarenes and created an orthodox theology based on Greek philosophy by the third century. It was beginning of the Times of the Gentiles.
ellauri334.html on line 327: Second, one of the other apostles was also named “Judas”. To differentiate the 2, “Judas Iscariot” was because his father was called “Iscariot”. Why? It is understood that they were from the Judean town of Kerioth-hezon. The other “Judas” was referred to as “son of James”. He was also known as Thaddaeus. The name was changed because nobody liked to be called Jew anymore.
ellauri353.html on line 281: Mrs. FRIEDMAN attended Reed College and studied economics at the University of Chicago. She was on the staff of the National Research and the bureau. A few. Home Economics. She next joined the staff of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation where she worked until she married Milton and moved to New York. Since then she has continued home economic research on her own publishing. Individually and coauthoring the three works referred to a few moments ago. She was mostly a producer of the P.B.S. T.V. series free to choose. And in one thousand nine hundred six she received an honorary doctorate from Pepperdine University. The Milton. And Rose de Friedman Foundation which the Freedman's us. Promotes parental choice. Of the schools. Attend. As I mentioned the title of their most recent book is Two lucky people. I'm being told by my parents. That the harder you work the luckier you get. It is no wonder the Friedan consider themselves lucky. They have worked long hard to make the contributions they have made to each other and to our society. We the members and listen. Well are the lucky ones today. To have them share themselves and their insights with us once again. We welcome. (Milton claps his hands to them.)
ellauri369.html on line 354: The novel purports to be a commentary on the thought and early life of a German philosopher called Diogenes Teufelsdröckh (which translates as 'God-born Devil's-dung'. He is author of a tome entitled Clothes: Their Origin and Influence. Teufelsdröckh's Transcendentalist musings are mulled over by a sceptical English Reviewer (referred to as Editor) who also provides fragmentary biographical material on the philosopher. The work is, in part, a parody of Hegel, and of German Idealism more generally. Har har har olipa humoristista.
ellauri373.html on line 47: The battle of Jolo, also referred to as the burning of Jolo or the siege of Jolo, was a military confrontation 50 years ago between the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) and the government of the Philippines in February 1974 in the municipality of Jolo, in the southern Philippines. It is considered one of the key early incidents of the Moro insurgency in the Philippines, and led numerous Moro leaders to resist martial law under Ferdinand Marcos, whose wife Imelda had over 3,000 pairs of shoes.
ellauri377.html on line 293: It has been said that all our sinfulness may be resolved "into two elementary instincts: the instinct of self-preservation and the reproductive instinct." The third class of sins--sins of temper--would be referred to the first of the heads; sins of sensuality and excess--the one immediately, the other more remotely--to the second. The sins of superstition mentioned are of a more secondary character, and arise out of intellectual errors.
ellauri389.html on line 131: 1Suspension of disbelief is the avoidance — often described as willing — of critical thinking and logic in understanding something that is unreal or impossible in reality, such as something in a work of speculative fiction, in order to believe it for the sake of enjoying its narrative. Vähän sama asia kuin Jamesin "will to believe". Coleridge also referred to this concept as "poetic faith", citing the concept as a feeling analogous to the supernatural, which stimulates the mind's faculties regardless of the irrationality of what is being understood. With a film, for instance, the viewer has to ignore the reality that they are viewing a staged performance and temporarily accept it as their reality in order to be entertained. Early black-and-white films are an example of visual media that require the audience to suspend their disbelief that everything is black and white. Not to mention mute films! Tolkien ei uskonut tollaseen, ei kukaan normaalijärkinen oikeasti edes väliaikaisesti usko örkkeihin ja haltioihin. Sehän on vaan satua!
ellauri393.html on line 292: Although he married three times and raised a family, Rockwell acknowledged that he didn’t pine for women. They made him feel imperiled. He preferred the nearly constant companionship of men whom he perceived as physically strong. It may have represented Rockwell’s solution to the problem of feeling wimpish and small. Rockwell, who was born in New York City in 1894, the son of a textile salesman, attributed much about his life and his work to his underwhelming physique. As a child he felt overshadowed by his older brother, Jarvis, a first-rate student and athlete. Norman, by contrast, was slight and pigeon-toed and squinted at the world through owlish glasses. His grades were barely passing and he struggled with reading and writing—today, he surely would be labeled dyslexic. Growing up in an era when boys were still judged largely by their body type and athletic prowess, he felt, he once wrote, like “a lump, a long skinny nothing, a bean pole without beans.” Assistants looked better than the missus. “Fred is most fetching in his long flannels,” he notes appreciatively.
ellauri396.html on line 380: Critics referred to it as self-centered and evil and claimed that the strange manifestations were warning signs for other Christian believers to stay away. In his book, Counterfeit Revival, Hank Hanegraaff claimed that the revival has done more damage than good and that the Toronto blessing was a matter of people being enslaved into altered states of consciousness where they obscure reality and enshrine absurdity. Hank Hanegraaff also stated in a 1996 Washington Post interview that, "It's nice to feel all these things, but the fact is, these feelings will wear off, and then disappointment steps in. I call it post-Holy Laughter depression syndrome." Jeesus pitää enemmän räkänokista kuin tyhjän naurajista. Pyhissä jutuissa ei ole mitään hymyilyttävää. Hartaus on vakava asia. Ei taivaaseen mennä iloa pitämään.
ellauri406.html on line 265: In the Chinese province of Xinjiang, a police road sign informs drivers that driving on this side of the road is prohibited and violators will be fined. Chinese and Uyghur characters are used simultaneously. This is referred to in the West as “cultural genocide”. The real cultural genocide in Ukraine is being covered up, concealed, justified or glossed over by the morally bankrupt Western politicians and media, as is the biggest physical genocide of recent times on occupied Palestinian land.
ellauri408.html on line 210: This week I have mostly eaten acorns. Unelias unexii David Copperfieldin Agnexesta, joka seuraa uskollisesti Davidin joka oikkua ja pääse lopulta palkinnoxi sen kanssa mimmoisiin. While living in Switzerland, David realizes that he loves Agnes. After returning to England he tries hard to conceal his feelings, but realizing Agnes loves him as well, he proposes to her; she accepts. They marry quickly and take residence in London. Agnes bears David at least five children. Like typical Dickensian heroines, Agnes is mainly a passive character, an ideal Victorian lady. Her characterization is often criticized as "too perfect". David often describes her as an angel. She shows the effects of parentification. David often compares Agnes with a church-window. Kuin heiluttaisi patonkia porttikonkissa. Her character was based on Dickens' sisters-in-law Mary and Georgina Hogarth, both of whom were very close to Dickens. Mary died in 1837 at the age of 17, and Georgina, from 1842, lived with the Dickens family. Dickens referred to her affectionately as his "little housekeeper". After Dickens' separation from his wife Catherine, Georgina stayed with him for the rest of his life and took complete responsibility for managing his household. Pukille pääsi takuulla muttei mimmoisiin.

Jean Paul ja Emerson Fittipaldi on sen sanoneet: Suuri kirjailija on se joka osaa tehostaa izeänsä. No noi ei kai sitten osanneet. Yxin jumalaa on mahdoton pitää naurettavana, vai onko? onhan siinä paljon Niilo Visapään piirteitä. Minä tunsin maan uivan aluxena avaruuden sinistä valtamerta. Minä purjehdin keltaisella merellä. Onnettomuutesi, vanha veikko, on että olet akkamainen.
ellauri419.html on line 426: Chinese consumers who once preferred Western brands now feel Chinese brands are a better value. That new preference is driven in large part by Chinese government policy and incentives to encourage a shift from traditional gasoline-powered cars to electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids. Most Western automakers will be forced to exit the market in next five years if not sooner. It was a massive miscalculation by Western automakers. Never underestimate a corporation’s ability to prioritize short-term profitability over long-term viability.
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 852: Much has changed since the publication of Markens grøde. The planet’s human population has almost quadrupled, from fewer than two billion in 1917 to more than seven billion now, and is estimated to reach ten to eleven billion before the end of this century.10 Simultaneously, human-made changes to the Earth’s ecosystems and climate have reached an unprecedented scale. While levels of consumption vary greatly from one country to another and between different social classes, there can be no doubt that globally, the use of both renewable and non-renewable resources has risen immensely during the last hundred years. This development began, of course, long before 1917, with the Industrial Revolution constituting an important premise. However, it was not until after the end of the Second World War that the human transformation of the planet began to advance with such enormous speed that the time since then is now often referred to as the Great Acceleration.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 272: In the 1920s, Borges and other avant-garde Argentine writers embracing "art for art's sake" published a magazine called Martín Fierro; they are often referred to collectively as the grupo Martín Fierro ("Rautas-Martin ryhmä"),
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 190: Shestov also appears in the work of Gilles Deleuze; he is referred to sporadically in Nietzsche and Philosophy and also appears in Difference and Repetition.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 291: When asked in September 2016 if he would comply with the request of a student to use a preferred pronoun, Peterson said "it would depend on how they asked me.… If I could detect that there was a chip on their shoulder, or that they were [asking me] with political motives, then I would probably say no.…
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 292: In response to the controversy, academic administrators at the University of Toronto sent Peterson two letters of warning, one noting that free speech had to be made in accordance with human rights legislation, and the other adding that his refusal to use the preferred personal pronouns of students and faculty upon request could constitute discrimination. Peterson speculated that these warning letters were leading up to formal disciplinary action against him, but in December the university assured him he would retain his professorship, and in January 2017 he returned to teach his psychology class at the University of Toronto.
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 695: Elmer Kennedy-Andrews remarks that Hawthorne in "The Custom-house" sets the context for his story and "tells us about ´romance´, which is his preferred generic term to describe The Scarlet Letter, as his subtitle for the book – ´A Romance´ – would indicate." In this introduction, Hawthorne describes a space between materialism and "dreaminess" that he calls "a neutral territory, somewhere between the real world and fairy-land, where the Actual and the Imaginary may meet, and each imbues itself with nature of the other". This combination of "dreaminess" and realism gave the author space to explore major themes.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 327: In politics, left refers to people and groups that have liberal views. That generally means they support progressive reforms, especially those seeking greater social and economic equality. The far left is often used for what is considered more extreme, revolutionary views, such as communism and socialism. Collectively, people and groups, as well as the positions they hold, are referred to as the Left or the left wing. What does right mean?
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 330: The far right is often used for more extreme, nationalistic viewpoints, including fascism and some oppressive ideologies. People and groups, as well as their positions, are collectively referred to as the Right or the right wing.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 333: Left and right originally referred seating positions in the 1789 French National Assembly, the parliament France formed after the French Revolution.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 348: A 2014 Pew Research Survey found that 77% of the New Yorker’s audience is consistently or mostly liberal, 16% Mixed and 6% consistently or mostly conservative. This indicates that the New Yorker is strongly preferred by a more liberal audience.
xxx/ellauri116.html on line 385: Simone de Beauvoir, who Sartre playfully referred to as “The Beaver,” never published a piece of writing without her partner’s input until after his death. Likewise, he referred to her as a “filter” for his books, and some scholars have even made the case that she wrote some of them for him.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1196: Throughout her career, she has received various nicknames referring to her Barbie-like appearance. She has most commonly been referred to as "The Human Barbie".
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1197: In Russian-speaking media, she's often been referred to as "The Russian Barbie," "The Ukrainian Barbie," "The Odessa Barbie", and "Klaus Barbie'".
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 476: 6referred to as the prayer or praise hands emoji. It is also known as the "high
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 386:

  • Men preferred women who had positive personality traits like openness, kindness, and forwardness.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 645: Klein’s insistence on viewing aggression as an important force in its own right when analyzing children led her into conflict with Freud’s own daughter, Anna Freud, who was one of the other prominent child psychotherapists in continental Europe but who became moved to London in 1938 where Klein had been working for several years. Many controversies arose out of this conflict, and these are often referred to as controversial debates. In reality, the semitic hags were in one another's hairs. Lähde:
    xxx/ellauri154.html on line 101: Honoré de Balzac, who knew Sand personally, once said that if someone like himself thought that she wrote badly, it was because his own standards of criticism were inadequate. He also noted that her treatment of imagery in her works showed that her writing had an exceptional subtlety, having the ability to "virtually put the image in the word, and the lyre you know where." Alfred de Vigny referred to her as "Sappho".
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 210: Baal Shem Tov was the stage name of Rabbi Israel ben Eliezer, a Polish rabbi and mystical healer known as the . His teachings imbued the esoteric usage of practical Kabbalah of Baalei Shem into a spiritual movement, Hasidic Judaism. While a few other people received the title of Baal Shem among Eastern and Central European Ashkenazi Jewry, the designation is most well known in reference to the founder of Hasidic Judaism. Baal Shem Tov, born in the 17th century Kingdom of Poland, started public life as a traditional Baal Shem, but introduced new interpretations of mystical thought and practice that eventually became the core teachings of Hasidism. In his time, he was given the title of Baal Shem Tov, and later, by followers of Hasidism, referred to by the acronym BeShiT. He disavowed traditional Jewish practice and theology by encouraging mixing with non-Jews and asserting the sacredness of everyday corporal existence.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 328: The newly married couple returned to Naples after two days. After the marriage, Greville transferred the cost of Emma Carew's upkeep to Sir William, and suggested that he might move her to an establishment befitting the stepdaughter of an envoy. However, Sir William preferred to forget about her for a while.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 360: Emma received several marriage proposals during 1804, all wealthy men, but she was still in love with Nelson and believed that he would become wealthy with prize money and leave her rich in his will, and she refused them all. She continued to entertain and help Nelson's relatives, especially William and Sarah's "obstreperous son Horace" and their daughter Charlotte, who was referred to as Emma's "foster daughter" in a letter. Nelson urged her to keep Horatia at Merton, and when his return seemed imminent in 1804, Emma ran up bills on furnishing and decorating Merton. Five-year-old Horatia came to live at Merton in May 1805. There were also reports that she holidayed with Emma Carew.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 50: The staff is miraculously transformed into a snake and then back into a staff. The staff is thereafter referred to as the "rod of God" or "staff of God" (depending on the translation). And thou shalt take this rod in thine hand, wherewith thou shalt do signs".
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 379: "In the imagery of the Kabbalah the shekhinah is the most overtly female sefirah, the last of the ten sefirot, referred to imaginatively as 'the daughter of Cod'. ... The harmonious relationship between the female shekhinah and the six sefirot which precede her causes the world itself to be sustained by the flow of divine energy. She is like the moon reflecting the divine light into the world." Juppajju, tässä on sitten neizyt Maaria. Se oli niinkö Monsieur Mossen äisky, uusikuu.
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 261: There is also compelling clinical data showing that different alters can be concurrently conscious and see themselves as distinct identities. One of us has written an extensive treatment of evidence for this distinctness of identity and the complex forms of interactive memory that accompany it, particularly in those extreme cases of DID that are usually referred to as multiple personality disorder.
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 274: The obvious way around the combination problem is to posit that, although consciousness is indeed fundamental in nature, it isn’t fragmented like matter. The idea is to extend consciousness to the entire fabric of spacetime, as opposed to limiting it to the boundaries of individual subatomic particles. This view—called “cosmopsychism” in modern philosophy, although our preferred formulation of it boils down to what has classically been called “idealism”—is that there is only one, universal, consciousness. The physical universe as a whole is the extrinsic appearance of universal inner life, just as a living brain and body are the extrinsic appearance of a person’s inner life.
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 624: Max Schultze in 1861 proposed the "Protoplasm Doctrine" which states that all living cells are made of a living substance called Protoplasm. Thomas Huxley (1869) later referred to it as the "physical basis of life" and considered that the property of life resulted from the distribution of molecules within this substance. The protoplasm became an "epistemic thing". Its composition, however, was mysterious and there was much controversy over what sort of substance it was.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 109:
    Abbreviation for "Female Dominance," describes sexual activities in which a female is dominant over partners that may be male or female, also referred to in the non-porn, mainstream world as marriage. This one is really sick.

    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 109: Snorrin mielestä niissä mentiin liian pitkälle. Snorri draws the line at mixed metaphor, which he terms nykrat "nykrätty, made monstrous" (Snorri Sturluson: Háttatal 6), and his nephew called the practice löstr "a fault" (Óláfr hvítaskáld: Third Grammatical Treatise 80). In spite of this, it seems that "many poets did not object to and some must have preferred baroque juxtapositions of unlike kennings and neutral or incongruous verbs in their verses" (Foote & Wilson (1970), p. 332). E.g. heyr jarl Kvasis dreyra "listen, earl, to Kvasir's blood (=poetry)" (Einarr skálaglamm: Vellekla 1). Niin aina.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 362: On 25 May 1901, Chekhov married Olga Knipper quietly, owing to his horror of weddings. She was a former protégée and sometime lover of Nemirovich-Danchenko whom he had first met at rehearsals for The Seagull. Up to that point, Chekhov, known as "Russia's most elusive literary bachelor," had preferred passing liaisons and visits to brothels over commitment. For the rest, he lived largely at Yalta, she in Moscow, pursuing her acting career. In 1902, Olga suffered a miscarriage; and Americans have offered evidence, based on the couple's letters, that conception may have occurred when Chekhov and Olga were apart, although Russian scholars have rejected that claim. Perhaps the semen was conveyed from Yalta to Moscow by snail mail.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 230: The general of Tomyris's army, Spargapises, who was also her son, and a third of the Massagetian troops, killed the group Cyrus had left there and, finding the camp well stocked with food and the wine, unwittingly drank themselves into inebriation, diminishing their capability to defend themselves when they were then overtaken by a surprise attack. They were successfully defeated, and, although he was taken prisoner, Spargapises committed suicide once he regained sobriety. Upon learning of what had transpired, Tomyris denounced Cyrus's tactics as underhanded and swore vengeance, leading a second wave of troops into battle herself. Cyrus the Great was ultimately killed, and his forces suffered massive casualties in what Herodotus referred to as the fiercest battle of his career and the ancient world. When it was over, Tomyris ordered the body of Cyrus brought to her, then decapitated him and dipped his head in a vessel of blood in a symbolic gesture of revenge for his bloodlust and the death of her son. However, some scholars question this version, mostly because even Herodotus admits this event was one of many versions of Cyrus's death that he heard from a supposedly reliable source who told him no one was there to see the aftermath.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 428: Laurence Olivier oli vähintäänkin 2-neuvoinen. From the beginning of Olivier's life, there was confusion over his sexual identity. The most intimate friend of his youth was the actor Denys Blakelock, also the son of a clergyman, who was homosexual. The Queen's late aunt, Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent, who was involved with the bisexual and married Kaye for several years, told me quite emphatically that he and Olivier were "épris" ("in love"). And Coward, who was appalled to witness the two men openly exchanging French kisses in public, despised Kaye, whom he habitually referred to as "randy Dan Kaminski" (David Daniel Kaminski was Kaye's real name). One biography printed after his death alleged that Olivier “was deeply involved in a homosexual affair with Danny Kaye.”
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 188: James Francis Durante (/dəˈrænti/ də-RAN-tee, Italian: [duˈrante]; February 10, 1893 – January 29, 1980) was an American actor, comedian, singer, vaudevillian, and pianist. His distinctive gravelly speech, Lower East Side accent, comic language-butchery, jazz-influenced songs, and prominent nose helped make him one of America's most familiar and popular personalities of the 1920s through the 1970s. He often referred to his nose as the schnozzola (Italianization of the American Yiddish slang word schnoz, meaning "big nose"), and the word became his nickname.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 369: It is clear that Eliot would have preferred to live in a society in which it was not even possible to ask awkward spiritual questions. He grew up under an austere Unitarianism and moved to a high Anglicanism – not because he disliked the doctrinal certainties of the Catholic church, but because Anglicanism meant he could amalgamate religious certainty with a high Tory monarchism that regarded even the rise of the Tudors as a dilution of the divine right of kings. (He mourned Richard III each year with a white rose in his lapel). His antisemitism was expressed in visceral terms but at root it was free-thinking he thought should have little place in a good society as much as the Jews he identified it with.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 267: Le Guin read both classic and speculative fiction widely in her youth. She later said that science fiction did not have much impact on her until she read the works of Theodore Sturgeon and Cordwainer Smith, and that she had sneered at the genre as a child. Authors Le Guin describes as influential include Victor Hugo, William Wordsworth, Charles Dickens, Boris Pasternak, and Philip K. Dick. Le Guin and Dick attended the same high-school, but did not know each other. She also considered J. R. R. Tolkien and Leo Tolstoy to be stylistic influences, and preferred reading Virginia Woolf and Jorge Luis Borges to well-known science-fiction authors such as Robert Heinlein, whose writing she described as being of the "white man conquers the universe" tradition. Several scholars state that the influence of mythology, which Le Guin enjoyed reading as a child, is also visible in much of her work: for example, the short story "The Dowry of Angyar" is described as a retelling of a Norse myth.
    xxx/ellauri233.html on line 386: Elijah ben Solomon Zalman, (Hebrew: ר' אליהו בן שלמה זלמן Rabbi Eliyahu ben Shlomo Zalman) known as the Vilna Gaon (Yiddish: דער װילנער גאון, Polish: Gaon z Wilna, Lithuanian: Vilniaus Gaonas) or Elijah of Vilna, or by his Hebrew acronym HaGra ("HaGaon Rabbenu Eliyahu": "The sage, our teacher, Elijah"; Sialiec, April 23, 1720 – Vilnius October 9, 1797), was a Talmudist, halakhist, kabbalist, tobacconist, and the foremost leader of misnagdic (anti-hasidic) Jewry of the past few centuries. He is commonly referred to in Hebrew as ha-Gaon he-Chasid mi-Vilna, "the pious hasid from Vilnius".
    xxx/ellauri239.html on line 379: Tuotantokausia oli kokonaista 11 vuosina 2010-2022. The Walking Dead takes place after the onset of a worldwide zombie apocalypse. The zombies, referred to as "walkers", shamble towards living humans and other creatures to eat them, saying "brains... brains... " They are attracted to noise, such as gunshots, and to bad smells, such as humans. Sankari on seriffi, jonka vaimo on lori. Lori on hässinyt Shanea jonka seriffi joutuu sixi tappamaan izepuolustuxexi. Non-zombieista tulee myös kannibaaleja. Jeesus käy kauppaa Hilltop Marketissa. Seriffin porukat kuitenkin listii vapahtajat ja raadonsyöjät. Paha nainen Alfasusi tekee pahoja. Paha kuvernööri Pamela koittaa uhrata rotinkaiset. Joku Daryl lähtee ezimään seriffiä ja sen uutta panopuuta Michonnea, joka on nykerönenäinen neekerinaaras jolla on katana. Siihen sarja päättyy. Selmalla on työpöydällä arvokas (lue kallis) Michonnefiguuri.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 567: Failing to break into the military world, Bukowski grew disillusioned with the publication process and quit writing for almost a decade, a time that he referred to as a "ten-year drunk". These "lost years" formed the basis for his later semiautobiographical chronicles, fictionalized versions of Bukowski's life through his highly stylized alter-ego, Henry Chinaski.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 587: Two years later they moved from the East Hollywood area, where he had lived for most of his life, to the harborside community of San Pedro, the southernmost district of Los Angeles. Beighle followed him and they lived together intermittently over the next two years. He eventually "agreed to" marry her by Manly Palmer Hall, a Canadian-born author, mystic, and spiritual teacher, in 1985. Beighle is referred to as "Sara Heinämaa" in Bukowski's novels Women and Hollywood.
    xxx/ellauri281.html on line 724: John Train, Paris Review Co-Founder and Cold War Operative, sentään kuoli 94-vuotiaana 2022, onnexi. His career, ranging from literature to finance to war, and from France to Afghanistan, seemed to cover every interest and issue of his exalted social class. Yet he was also an operator in high finance and world affairs who, by one researcher’s account, had ties to U.S. secret services. Mr. Train founded and ran a leading financial firm devoted to preserving the money of rich families, and he worked to support the mujahedeen in their fight against the Soviet Union in the 1980s. The Guardian reported that Train, Smith had $375 million under management in 1984. In 1986, Fortune magazine wrote that Mr. Train’s firm “claims to be the largest in New York serving rich families.” Mr. Train’s books on investing were praised as riveting in The New York Times and “classic” in The Wall Street Journal. Among them were several about successful financiers, whom he referred to as “money masters,” and their techniques. He treated his political interests less jokingly. A committed cold warrior, he wrote for The Wall Street Journal about military affairs. He became concerned that the conspiracy-monger Lyndon LaRouche was a “possible Soviet agent.” (Lyndon began in far-left politics but in the 1970s moved to the far right and antisemitism.)
    xxx/ellauri296.html on line 126: The Achaeans were a proto-Greek component of the Sea Peoples from Crete, and the Cretans were allied for centuries with the Pelishtim, to the point where “Creti and Pleti” was a common phrase for King David’s bodyguard. The Pelishtim (pelasgit?) are commonly referred to as “uncircumcised” in the Bible. At least one archaeologist has no problem with calling the Pelishtim “Greeks.”
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 635: He was the shiftless elder son of a well-to-do hosiery importer and wholesaler in White Plains, New York. He studied biology and mathematics, but decided that he preferred the humanities. An accomplished athlete, he received awards in track and field events, and, for a time, was among the fastest half-mile runners in the world.
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 641: Stretching. Stretching involves attaching a stretcher or extender device — also referred to as a penile traction device — to the penis for gentle tension.
    xxx/ellauri319.html on line 115: Houston Stewart Chamberlain (/ˈtʃeɪmbərlɪn/; 9 September 1855 – 9 January 1927) was a British-German philosopher who wrote works about political philosophy and natural science. His writing promoted German ethnonationalism, antisemitism, and scientific racism; and he has been described as a "racialist writer". His best-known book, the two-volume Die Grundlagen des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts (The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century), published 1899, became highly influential in the pan-Germanic Völkisch movements of the early 20th century, and later influenced the antisemitism of Nazi racial policy. Indeed, Chamberlain has been referred to as "Hitler's John the Baptist".
    xxx/ellauri319.html on line 666: When diagnosed and treated in its early stages, syphilis is easy to cure. The preferred treatment at all stages is penicillin, an antibiotic medication that can kill the organism that causes syphilis. What penis sows, penicillin reaps. If you're allergic to penicillin, worse luck.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 124: Her family were of the aliʻi class of the Hawaiian nobility and were collateral relations of the reigning House of Kamehameha, sharing common descent from the 18th-century aliʻi nui (supreme monarch) Keaweʻīkekahialiʻiokamoku. From her biological parents, she descended from Keaweaheulu and Kameʻeiamoku, two of the five royal counselors of Kamehameha I during his conquest of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Kameʻeiamoku, the grandfather of both her mother and father, was depicted, along with his royal twin Kamanawa, on the Hawaiian coat of arms. Liliʻuokalani referred to her family line as the "Keawe-a-Heulu line" after her mother's line. The third surviving child of a large family, her biological siblings included: James Kaliokalani, David Kalākaua, Anna Kaʻiulani, Kaʻiminaʻauao, Miriam Likelike and William Pitt Leleiohoku II. She and her siblings were hānai (informally adopted) to other family members. The Hawaiian custom of hānai is an informal form of adoption between extended families practiced by Hawaiian royals and commoners alike.She was given at birth to Abner Pākī and his wife Laura Kōnia and raised with their daughter Bernice Pauahi.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 130: After the boarding school was discontinued in 1850, Liliʻuokalani lived with her hānai parents at Haleʻākala, which she referred to in later life as her childhood home. Around this time, her hānai sister Pauahi married the American Charles Reed Bishop against the wishes of their parents but reconciled with them shortly before Pākī's death in 1855. Kōnia died two years afterward and Liliʻuokalani came under the Bishops' guardianship. During this period, Liliʻuokalani became a part of the young social elite under the reign of Kamehameha IV who ascended to the throne in 1855. In 1856, Kamehameha IV announced his intent to marry Emma Rooke, one of their classmates. However, according to Liliʻuokalani, certain elements of the court argued "there is no other chief equal to you in birth and rank but the adopted daughter of Paki," which infuriated the King and brought the Queen to tears. Despite this upset, Liliʻuokalani was regarded as a close friend of the new Queen, and she served as a maid of honor during the royal wedding alongside Princess Victoria Kamāmalu and Mary Pitman. At official state occasions, she served as an attendant and lady-in-waiting in Queen Emma's retinue. Visiting British dignitaries Lady Franklin and her niece Sophia Cracroft noted in 1861 that the "Honble. Lydia Paki" was "the highest unmarried woman in the Kingdom".
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 226: During a 1900 Congressional deadlock, she departed for Honolulu with her Washington, D.C., physician Charles H. English (sometimes referred to as John H. English). Newspapers speculated that the Queen, having been diagnosed with cancer, was going home to die. Historian Helena G. Allen made the case that English intended to gain title to crown lands for himself. According to Allen, the Queen balked at his draft of a settlement letter to Senator George Frisbie Hoar that he wanted her to copy in her handwriting and sign. The doctor was terminated "without cause" a month after her return and sued her.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 306: Eliot oli poikasena naisille hirmu kauhuinen ja kauhu kaunanen. Hart Crane was so certain that Eliot was a homosexual like himself that he referred to him, according to Allen Tate, as the “prime ram of our flock.” Ezra kirjoitti tämmöisen saatteen Eliotin homorunoille:
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1249: As for the Trinity being a form of pagan lunch meat - again it's just something you made up. If God is both masculine and feminine why is He only referred to in the masculine in holy scripture? If you really put some brain power behind your imaginary rants you would have considered John 4:24 when God's own son declared God to be Spirit, so he could easily be neither. Of course you didn't bother to consider John 10:30 when you made up your concept about Jesus lack of deity.
    xxx/ellauri416.html on line 546: referred to as the “Pentapolis," were first
    xxx/ellauri416.html on line 602: The Philistines were first recorded by others between 1185-1152 BCE. The Peleset, as they were called by the Egyptians, were first depicted as captives on a wall relief at Medinet Habu during the reign of Ramesses III. The Peleset were one of the several groups commonly referred to as the Sea People that were part of a serious of events that lead to the Bronze Age Collapse. The Egyptians identified ten ethnic groups as raiders and pirates that came ashore to plunder during this tumultuous time. The Peleset were one of those people. There were opportunistic mercenaries and desperate people willing to take on the greatness of Egypt, but it was probably more complex. There were certainly also refugees looking for safety.
    xxx/ellauri417.html on line 176: was referred to with respect and admiration by Leo