ellauri008.html on line 2075: meitin puhtaat lehmät putsatuilla puupelloilla.

ellauri012.html on line 223: Aloin kelata koko juttua uudestaan, ja huomasin saman surun painavan kuin sillon kun jutut alko heittää häränpyllyä. Vaikka ajan olisi pitänyt parantaa haavat, riitti nähdä sun kuvaavan niitä kirjeessä, niin ne aukes ja alkoi vuotaa taas. Mikään ei voi pyyhkiä muistista mitä sä (sic) olet kärsinyt sun sepustusten tähden. En voi olla ajattelematta Aberikin ja Lotulfin pirullista kaunaa. Julma setä ja loukattu rakastaja on aina kipeinä mun silmissä. En koskaan unohda mitä vihollisia sun jutut ja mitä kateutta sun kunnia nostatti sua vastaan. En koskaan unohda miten sun maineen, jonka olit kyllä ansainnut, silppus ja räjäytti ilmaan valeuutiset. Eiks sun jumaluusoppi tuomittu poltettavaks? Eiks sua uhattu elinkautisella? Turhaan peruutit noi mielipiteet, mikään ei auttanut, päätettiin et sä olet vääräoppinen! Mistä noi kaks väärää todistajaa syytti sua Sensin kokouksessa? Mitä skandaaleja kaivettiin esiin Parakleteen, sun kappelin nimestä? Mikä myrsky syntyi munkkikoplan joukossa sua vastaan kun kutsuit niitä veljiksi? Tää meidän takaiskujen historia, jonka sä kerrot niin liikuttavasti, sai sydämeni vuotamaan verta. Mun kyynelet, joita en pysty estämään, on tuhrineet puolet kirjeestä; kunpa oiskin putsannet sen kokonaan, ja et mä oisin palauttanut sen sulle siinä kunnossa; sit olisin ollut tyytyväinen et förbin sen; mutta se otettiin multa pois liian pian.
ellauri012.html on line 334: Jotkut jumala pelastaa panemalla ne kärsimään. Rukoileppa siis sinä että minä pelastun, sä joka itket niin paljon ja olet hyvin pyhä. Ja herra, vaikka mun sydän rakastaakin sun luomusta, sun käsi voi putsata sen muusta kuin rakkaudesta suhun. (Siitä ei kyllä tule lapsia, mut mullahan on jo yksi jossakin.) Paras rakkaus Heloiselle on nyt jättää se rauhaan sinne luostariin. Sen mä oon nyt päättänyt: tää kirje on mun laitimmainen erehdys. (Erehdys: niitä tuli vielä lisää.) Moido. Jos mä kuolen täällä, niin mä käsken että mun ruumis viedään Parakleteen. Sittenhän sa näät mut siinä kunnossa; ei siksi, et sä itkisit, koska se on myöhäistä; vollota mieluummin nyt ja sammuta sillä mussa palava roihu. Vaan siksi, et sun pitää nähdä mut jotta sun usko vahvistuu kun näät tän haaskan, ja mun loppu kertoo paljon puhuvasti miten käy kun rakastaa munatonta miestä. Toivon et sä haluisit kuoltuasi tulla haudatuksi jonnee lähelle. Sun tuhka on sit jo suht turvassa, varsinkin kun mun munat meni roskikseen. Ja sun kanssa mun hauta näyttää hienommalta ja meistä tulee julkkikset.
ellauri012.html on line 385: Yksinäisyys on kestämätöntä ahdistuneelle mielelle; sen huoli kasvaa hiljaisuudessa, ja syrjäytyminen vaan lisää sitä. Siitä lähin kun olen ollut suljettuna näihin seiniin, en ole tehnyt muuta kuin itkeskellyt meidän vahinkoa. Tää luostari on kaikunut mun kiljunnasta, ja ikuiseen orjuuteen tuomitun kurjimuksen lailla olen kuluttanut päivät surun parissa. Sen sijaan että olisin toteuttanut loordin armollisen suunnitelman mua kohtaan, olen kapinoinut sitä vastaan, pidin tätä pyhää pakopaikkaa kauheeena vankilana, ja olen kantanut loordin iestä vasten tahtoa. Sen sijaan että olisin putsannut itseäni katumuksen harjoituksilla, olen vaan vahvistanut mun tuomiota. Fataali erehdys! Kardinaalimunaus! Mut Abelard, mä oon nyt repinyt silmiltä siteen joka sokaisi mut, ja jos mä nytkään voin yhtään luottaa omiin tunteisiin, musta on nyt tullut sun arvostuksen arvoinen. Sä et ole mulle enää muuta kuin se rakastava Abelard, joka aina pyrki yksityisiin hetkiin mun kanssa sumuttaen meidän vartijoiden silmät. Meidän onnettomuudet sai sut kammoamaan pahetta (ei ihme, kun et siihen enää itse kyennyt), ja sä heti omistit loput päiväs hyveelle, ja näytit alistuvan siihen pakkoon mielelläsi. Mä taas, joka olin herkempi, ja enemmän nautinnon perään (ja jolla oli paikat vielä kunnosssa) olin vitun kärsimätön tästä, ja olet kuullut miten paljon kannoin kaunaa sun kalttaajille. Oot nähnyt mun kaunan mun viime kirjeistä; tää se oli, varmasti, joka sai mun Abelardin, sut munattoman Hannibalin, mulle äkämystymään. Sä hermostuit mun valituksista, ja jos totta puhutaan, menetit toivon mun sielun pelastuksesta. Et voinut aavistaa että Heloise voisi voittaa noin vahvan tarpeen; mut olit väärässä, Abelard, mun heikkous, armon lihaksilla, ei estänyt mua tavoittamasta voiton seppelettä. Palauta mut siis sun hyviin kirjoihin; sun oma jumalisuus varmaan kehottaa sua siihen.
ellauri012.html on line 411: Älä kirjoita mulle enää Heloise, älä kirjoita yhtään kertaa; on aika lopettaa nää viestit, jotka pilaa meidän katumuksen vaikutuksen. Me vetäydyttiin maailmasta putsataksemme itsemme, mut tämmöisellä kristillisen moraalin vastaisella käytöksellä me vaan suututetaan jeesus kristusta. Ei viiti enää petkuttaa itseämme muistellen entisiä herkkuhetkiä, se vaan tekee meidän elämästä levotonta ja pilaa yksinäisyyden siivot namuset. Käytetään hyväksemme näitä ruoskintajuttuja eikä enää muistella rikoksiamme kesken rangaistuksen viuhinaa. Kuoletetaan liha ja kastike, tiukkaa paastoa, jatkuvaa yksinäisyyttä, syvää ja pyhää mietiskelyä, ja lujaa jumalan rutistusta, niin vanhat rikkeet unohtuu.
ellauri019.html on line 614: Aamulla mä putsasin.

ellauri028.html on line 184: This was Twain's most serious, philosophical and private book. He kept it locked in his desk, considered it to be his Bible, and spoke of it as such to friends when he read them passages. He had written it, rewritten it, was finally satisfied with it, but still chose not to release it until after his death. It appears in the form of a dialogue between an old man and a young man who discuss who and what mankind really is and provides a new and different way of looking at who we are and the way we live. Anyone who thinks Twain was not a brilliant philosopher should read this book. We consider ourselves as free and autonomous people, yet this book puts forth the ideas that 1) We are nothing more than machines and originate nothing - not even a single thought; 2) All conduct arises from one motive - self-satisfaction; 3) Our temperament is completely permanent and unchangeable; and 4) Man is of course a product of heredity, and our future, being fixed, is irrevocable -- which makes life completely predetermined. If these points are true, then buying and reading this book is not in your control, but simply must be done because it was meant to be. If these points are not true you might still wish to make an independent decision to enjoy a thought-provoking book by a great and legendary writer.
ellauri028.html on line 202: Now he is on this kick about how man never thinks for himself. He is a chameleon conforming to whatever outside influences he puts himself in. This is pretty interesting stuff here. I apologize that these reviews have become rather flat. The amount of times I have used the word "interesting" to describe things in a vague manner is so blindly obvious and so boring, I can't believe I go on writing these things (and you keep reading them?!) Where is this going to get me, doing these shitty reviews? Does anyone care? Do I really care? I think I need a girlfriend (this is a cry for help)...Anyways, the book is psychological and philosophical or some shit... go read the goddamn thing yourself...I need a drink...
ellauri038.html on line 232: Gesinnungsethik is basically a caricature of Kantian deontological ethics or - which he puts on the same level - religious (here: Christian) fanatism or ethical absolutism. The line between Gesinnungsethik (ethics of conviction) and Verantwortungsethik (ethics of responsibility) are almost exactly corresponding to what is called deontological vs. utilitarian (rather: consequentialist) ethics in contemporary discourse. Eli koordinaatit kohtisuorassa vs. vähän vinossa. Pieni vinous on vain luonnollista.
ellauri051.html on line 795: 217 The butcher-boy puts off his killing-clothes, or sharpens his knife at the stall 217 Teurastajapoika riisuu tappava vaatteensa tai teroittaa veitsensä torilla,
ellauri051.html on line 1146: 555 Something I cannot see puts upward libidinous prongs, 555 Jokin, jota en näe, asettaa ylöspäin libidin piikkejä,
ellauri051.html on line 1265: 667 And the narrowest hinge in my hand puts to scorn all machinery, 667 Ja kädessäni oleva kapein sarana saa halveksun kaikkia koneita,
ellauri051.html on line 1335: 735 Where the brook puts out of the roots of the old tree and flows to the meadow, 735 Siellä missä puro lähtee vanhan puun juurista ja virtaa niitylle,
ellauri051.html on line 1376: 776 Pleas'd with the quakeress as she puts off her bonnet and talks melodiously, 776 mielissään quakeressistä, kun hän riisuu konepellin ja puhuu melodisesti,
ellauri060.html on line 140: – Hän putsaa kissankarvoja vaatteistani. Myös kärsimättömyys, jos toinen ei heti osaa. Silloin tulee olo, ettei osaa yhtään mitään. Höpö höpö! Kaikilla apinoilla on rytmi veressä. pumptsi-pum, sanoo sydänlihas. Macro Djurström, 50, on tanssinopettaja, ohjaaja ja viestintäkouluttaja. Hän on parisuhteessa.
ellauri080.html on line 691: “Drinking to intoxication is a social activity that is more likely to occur in a group,” said first author Duneesha De Alwis, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Psychiatry. “People with autistic traits can be socially withdrawn, so drinking with peers is less likely. But if they do start drinking, even alone, they tend to repeat that behavior, which puts them at increased risk for alcohol dependence.”
ellauri083.html on line 131: Very different from his novel Hunger, here Hamsun has written a sweeping story of one man's accomplishments as a homesteader in northern Norway near the border with Sweden. Isak, a young and very strong man, with no fear of work, goes looking for a good place to settle. He walks and walks, looking for a place that has everything he needs: water, haying grounds, pasture, areas to farm, timber. When he finally finds it, he settles in. There is a coastal town a full day's walk away (20 miles? 10 miles?). He puts out word that he needs a woman's help--and lo and behold, Inger comes. She too has no fear of work, and she has a harelip--teased for much of her life, she finds a good man in Isak. They work, they have several children, Inger is imprisoned for 6 years. Others come and settle the area between their farm Sellanra and the town. A fascinating story of rural northern Norway in the 2nd half of the 19th century.
ellauri088.html on line 559: Arrangements settled.—Harris’s method of doing work.—How the elderly, family-man puts up a picture.—George makes a sensible, remark.—Delights of early morning bathing.—Provisions for getting upset.
ellauri094.html on line 616: And puts it by, suorille käsille,
ellauri106.html on line 90: The rudeness is not only a source of stylistic energy, but also a fundamental moral position, an attack on the state of inhumanity disguised as niceness, as Nathan Zuckerman puts it in The Anatomy Lesson. Roth is thus directed against the social forces of obedience, prohibition and oppression, essential components of mature adulthood, which is why Posnock recognizes an “art of immaturity” in which Roth disregards cultural barriers and abandons himself completely to aesthetic pleasure, in the style of a Cervantes 'or Nabokovs .
ellauri111.html on line 705: FLEE FROM "CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER", "EMERGING 'CHURCH'", "CONTEMPLATIVE SPIRITUALITY" "ANCIENT FUTURE CHURCH", etc. In this movement, these people are learning and using black magic type occult techniques in churches! In disregard and disobedience to the Bible, they THEY TELL PEOPLE TO CLEAR THEIR MINDS AND KEEP REPEATING THE NAME OF THE LORD OR SOME OTHER NAME. They say that focusing on the Bible is a hinderance to prayer--yes, the Bible is a hinderance to praying to the DEVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stay away from people who want to teach you to pray to the devil calling the devil by the name of the Lord. Flee from anybody who puts down the word of God--they are doing that so that you will be defenseless against their lies. These are the end times and now church people are being deceived into CALLING AND SUMMON DEVILS! The emerging church of the devil is using the same yoga-type techniques as hindus, buddhists Roman Catholic mystics, Greek orthodox mystics, occultists and other mystical traditions. The people are even warned about the possibility of encountering evil spirits during these exercises--no regular prayer requires a warning, no, no, no--BUT PRAYING TO THE DEVIL DOES! AND WHEN THAT KUNDALINI SERPENT POWER RISES UP IN THESE PEOPLE, THEY WILL EITHER BECOME MAGICIANS OR GO INSANE OR SOME OTHER HORRIBLE THING--THERE ARE SYMPTOMS AND MANIFESTATIONS! CHURCH PEOPLE ARE GOING TOWARDS BEING POSSESSED! These are last days--BE WARE, DEAR ONE, BE WARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET SAVED, READ YOUR BIBLE AND OBEY IT AND LEAVE THE TELEVISION ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE BEAST IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ellauri112.html on line 728: The film’s strength – for its first two thirds – is the relationship between the two women at the heart of the narrative. We learn through a clumsy coincidence at the beginning of the film that Marlo is bisexual; as her intimacy with Tully expands to fill the vacuum of her absentee marriage, it becomes a tender eroticism. This is mediated, always, through other bodies: as Tully cradles the baby who has just finished feeding, she talks about how the ‘molecules’ of the child still exist within the mother; later, in a bar toilet, she gently wets a paper towel and uses it to draw the milk out of Marlo’s swollen breasts. In a pivotal scene, Marlo sits behind Tully and instructs her on what to do to arouse her sleep-befuddled husband. This moment can be read as emblematic of the film’s mistreatment of the queer intimacy it establishes. Coming after a discussion of sexual history and sexual fantasy, Marlo reveals to Tully that she has a waitress’s uniform that she’s never used, bought to surprise her husband. As Tully puts the outfit on, which fits her pre-natal body in a way it wouldn’t Marlo, the moment of sexual possibility between the women is subsumed into heteronormative, ageist fantasy: Tully’s young, and therefore fantasy-appropriate, body is used as bait to ‘recharge’ the masculine battery.
ellauri115.html on line 805: as Simonides​ puts it, and since all human nature bears its crop of contention, jealousy, and envy,
ellauri131.html on line 695: Drinkin' smoothies puts him out like a light
ellauri150.html on line 616: There is a procession for the new Roman governor. Judah and his sister Tirzah watch. They see Messala, and Messala sees them. They see the Roman governor, but Tirzah puts too much of her weight on the roof, and a large section of it falls, knocking out the governor. In an act that is part chivalry and part Idiot Ball, Judah tells Tirzah not to say anything; he'll take responsibility. This gets all the house of Hur arrested. The servants are allowed to go free, though.
ellauri151.html on line 654: Luther puts this clearly: “The spirit consists in the use, not the object”. Luther reached his theological breakthrough when he realized that theological language consists fundamentally of speech acts and linguistic action. Augustinuxen show-and-tell semantiikka ei kata mysteerien pragmatiikkaa: ei kuivassa näkkärissä ole sielua, vaan se pujahtaa siihen joteskin kun näkki pannaan kielelle ja sanotaan oikeat taikasanat. Hizi empä arvannut poikasena kielitieteen kurssilla miten läheltä Luther siinä liippasi, hyvä ettei tukka heilahtanut.
ellauri152.html on line 605: Or it would be fine if the movie didn’t play it for laughs. The movie puts Yentl in multiple awkward situations where she has to perform verbal and physical gymnastics to keep people from seeing her without clothes, that gross classic trope whereby trans characters are outed all the time in fiction. As always, the movie drags this scene out into a whole joke, that Yentl has to scramble to prevent Badass from finding out she’s a woman because Badass wants to have sex with her, a woman, isn’t that just soooooo funny? On multiple levels, I am unamused and unhappy.
ellauri156.html on line 402: It looks as though Bathsheba never enters David's mind after their encounter described in verses 1-4. It certainly does not seem that David wants to continue the relationship, to carry on an affair, or to marry her. David simply puts this sinful event out of his mind, until a messenger is sent by Bathsheba informing the king that his night of passion has produced a child. Bathsheba informs David that she is pregnant, not that she is afraid she might be. This means that she has missed at least one period and probably another. All in all, several weeks or more have passed. It will not be long before her pregnancy will become obvious to anyone who looks at her. This is David's sin and his responsibility, and so she informs him.
ellauri156.html on line 615: Uriah should not be criticized or looked down upon for his loyalty and submission to David. He should be highly commended. In fact, a friend suggested a new thought for my consideration: “Suppose that Uriah was added to the list of war heroes because of his loyalty and courage in this battle which cost him his life? It is a possibility to consider. Uriah is one of those Gentile converts whose faith and obedience puts many Israelites to shame. He is among many of those who have trusted and obeyed God who have not received their just rewards in this life, but who will be rewarded in the coming kingdom of God. Too many Christians today want their blessings “now” and are not willing to suffer, waiting for their reward then. Let them think carefully about the example of Uriah for their own lives. His elevator may have not gone all the way to the top floor, but by Gawd, he will reach it when Jacob lets down the ladder!
ellauri156.html on line 772: (1) Nathan is a propellerhead, but he is also an example of a faithful friend. Proverbs puts it this way.
ellauri161.html on line 526: But in the only interesting plot twist in the film, tech billionaire Isherwood, concludes that his "non-peer-reviewed science" (as Dr. Mindy puts it) will be able to break the comet up in pieces and his company will mine the valuable metals from the comet fragments once they crash into the ocean.
ellauri164.html on line 873: We would expect the pattern to repeat here. The people have rebelled, so the next part would be God’s wrath and threats of destruction. Instead, however, God merely grants their request for water. No mention of sin or possible annihilation, just grace in providing for Israel’s needs. The fact that this cycle we’ve come to expect changes is designed to highlight an important event; the oddity of the text “awakens us from our narrative slumber,” as one commentator puts it, and forces us to pay attention closely to what’s occurring. Why would God not threaten destruction? To answer that, we have to remember a key aspect of God’s character: He does not change. Hebrews 13:8 says He is the same yesterday and today and forever, “without variation or shifting shadow,” (James 1:17). The purpose of the threats of destruction, and Moses/Aaron’s intercession, was not to actually change God’s mind. God knew exactly what was going to happen in all these instances. God’s threats on Israel are spoken to Moses so that Moses will intercede. They are tests of Moses’ (and Aaron’s) character, just as God’s conversation with Abraham over the fates of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18) was about testing Abraham’s character rather than the doomed cities. Yet here, in Numbers 20, God does not follow the pattern. Why?
ellauri171.html on line 994: The final time we hear of Jezebel (an entire chapter later) is just before her demise. Having just killed the sitting king and son of Jezebel, Jehu enters town to do the same to her. As she sees Jehu, Jezebel stands at the window, issues one last zinger insult, and then puts on makeup. Jehu commands the eunuchs to throw her down, they do so, and Jezebel is trampled. The donning of makeup is the final impetus for her conception as a whore. The most popular interpretation is that Jezebel puts on makeup in effort to seduce Jehu, but this interpretation is not bolstered by the text. Jezebel is the sitting Queen, presumably old in age by now, and has performed in a political function her entire life. She very likely understands that she is about to die and even issues one last insult as Jehu approaches. A more compassionate reading of the text would indicate that Jezebel, for lack of a better term, “goes out with a bang.” Except Jehu hardly banged her If she was an old hag by then.
ellauri172.html on line 303: 38 “Well, I have come to you now,” Balaam replied. “But I can’t say whatever I please. I must speak only what God puts in my mouth.”(N)
ellauri180.html on line 447: In summary: a man speaks to some unidentified (and possibly imaginary) auditor, telling us how, on a dark and stormy (or rainy and windy) night, he waited in his cottage for his lover, Porphyria, to arrive. When she turns up, it’s clear Porphyria is of a higher social class than the male speaker: he’s punching above his weight, as they say. Note how she glides in as if she owns the place, and as if she walks on air rather than on the ground like us mere mortals. She wears a hat, cloak, and shawl, and her gloves are soiled, suggesting that they are not used to slumming it in a common man’s cottage and attending to his fire and grate. The fact that she also takes the lead – suggesting she is perhaps used to ordering servants to do her bidding – further hints at her highborn status: she calls to the speaker, and she takes his arm and puts it around her waist. Then, the clincher (in more ways than one): we are told "she Too weak, for all her heart’s endeavour,
ellauri184.html on line 692: Among the 52 early Christian and Gnostic texts discovered at Nag Hammadi in 1945, one of the most enigmatic is a Valentinian text called the Gospel of Philip. This is one of several “Gnostic” texts which puts a special emphasis on the relationship between Mary Magdalene and Jesus. One of the more obscure sections concerns three Marys who were always with Jesus.
ellauri197.html on line 176: Clifton's three books of poetry were published by Duckworth. The first was Dielma and Other Poems in 1932 and then followed Flight in 1934. One commentator has said that “Clifton was particularly adroit at poems honouring – and marvelling at – women” and the Times Literary Supplement stated that “His lyrics are a gracious tribute to the beauty of women”. These were fairly conventional poems unlike his final work Gleams Britain's Day published in 1942. The Spectator described it as “expressing in a sort of prophetic certitude opinions upon religion, patriotism, love, art, war and peace, which he puts in unconventional verse”. The reviewer stated that the book was “the product of a curious, whimsical mind, full of energy, squandering it on half-digested ideas”. W B Yates dedicated his poem, Lapis Lazuli, to Clifton who had given him a valuable Chinese lapis lazuli carving.
ellauri210.html on line 551: släggat och putsat och hamrat och filat
ellauri219.html on line 962: While those who never had sex with animals or done drugs may criticize Kara’s, Jordan's and their dogs' lewd behaviors as if they were evil — and this, perhaps, according to Christian morality as they interpret it — anybody who has actually suffered from lewdness puts this to the lie and knows that such behavior is not a moral issue, but a chemical imbalance. Evidently the words of Jesus to “Judge not lest you be judged,” make little impression on such folk, who pretend to themselves that if their worst, most embarrassing moments were made into headlines in the papers, they would do just fine. Even if they themselves had nothing to be embarrassed about in all their life of adventures and misadventures, they ought to have compassion for those who struggle with greater problems than their own. “Let Judge Hicks who is without sin cast the first stone,” is another saying of Jesus that applies to those who would judge and condemn an easy target.
ellauri221.html on line 302: Bond meets Goodhead again once Drax puts them under ´Moonraker 5´ to be incinerated by the lift-off. They escape and are able to pilot ´Moonraker 6´. After following Drax to his space station, Goodhead and Bond listen to Drax´s speech and leave. Jaws later captures them after the first globe is launched. Drax tells Bond about his plan about having perfect human beings on his earth, with no physical peculiarity or ugliness, but this is overheard by Jaws. He sees that because of his ugly steel teeth, he will be destroyed alongside his ugly girlfriend, Dolly, so turns on Drax and helps Bond and Goodhead to fight Drax´s men. After Bond goes to defeat Drax, Goodhead helps him, and Dolly and Jaws get off on the self-destructing space station, escaping on a pod of their own into Earth´s atmosphere. Bond and Goodhead go after the globe, nearly destroying its inhabitants, but not quite. Bugger it.
ellauri222.html on line 365: One of the major themes of the novel is the human tendency toward dishonesty. Augie is not a particularly honest character. He cheats, he steals, and lies quite frequently. Dishonesty characterizes many of the other characters in the novel, including Grandma, Einhorn, Mimi (who lies to doctors that she thinks her pregnancy abnormal), Stella, Agnes, and Mintouchian. The only characters who do not lie or cheat are the simple-minded Mama and Georgie. Lying appears necessary for people to survive in a Machiavellian world. As Mintouchian puts it: “I’m a great admirer of our species. I stand in awe of the genius of the race. But a large part of this genius is devoted to lying and seeming what you are not.” The ethics of the American Jew. The book starts with a lie: I am an American, Chicago born."
ellauri256.html on line 387: Lilya herself soon divorced Osip and moved from one subsequent husband to another. In the 1970s, she wrote in her journal: “I had a dream - I am angry at Volodya for shooting himself, and he so gently puts a tiny pistol in my hand and says: 'Anyway, you will do the same.'”
ellauri260.html on line 266: We have an experiment on the grandest possible lines in humanity and conducted by it. It puts a decisive question, and it demands either Yes or No. It is only the experience of the collective life that can show whether the answer which Socialism gives meets the whole reality of human nature ; for here it is not simply a question of mere theories and types of life, however well they may be constructed, but of actual vital developments.
ellauri260.html on line 351: Socialism wants to create a structure which is superior to the individuals, and all its wishes and hopes are centred in this, but what it constructs can never be more than a bringing together of separate elements without any inner connection. It thus comes to be divided in its own body. Its ideal of the whole demands a world of action, and puts in on the lines of self-direction and spirit ; but in its actual development it imitates the mere contiguity of the material world and is bound up with it. The consequence is that it contains several different ideals of life which are not reconciled with each other. Even the happiness it offers is marred by this division. The whole body is to be as happy as possible ; but what is the nature of the happiness if in the end it means merely the welfare of individuals, if it does not evolve a realm of goodness and truth out of the turmoil of interests and enable human nature to participate in it ? Quantity, it seems, is to replace quality ; but is that done so easily ? Do we not find ourselves in entirely different worlds ? Socialism wants a community, but can only attain a comradeship. It can find stones for the building and stimulate people to work ; but it cannot either design or create the entire structure.
ellauri270.html on line 379: Bill Hutchinson regretfully agrees with Mr. Summers, and says that his only other family is “the kids.” Mr. Summers formally asks how many kids there are, and Bill responds that there are three: Bill Jr., Nancy, and little Davy. Mr. Graves takes the slips of paper back and puts five, including the marked slip of paper, in the black box. The others he drops on the ground, where a breeze catches them. Mrs. Hutchinson says that she thinks the ritual should be started over—it wasn’t fair, as Bill didn’t have enough time to choose his slip.
ellauri302.html on line 490: Sarah, brings in Yekel's coat and funny hats and places them upon him. He offers no resistance. What a misfortune! What a misfortune! Who could have foreseen such a thing? (She straightens YekeVs coat, then puts the room in order. Runs into Rifkele's room. She is heard hiding something there, and soon returns.) I'll have a reckoning with you later. (Putting the finishing touches to the room.) Terrible days, these. Bring up children with so much care and anxiety, and... Ah! (Footsteps are heard outside. Sarah runs over to Yekel and pulls his sleeve.) They're here! For the love of God, Yekel, remember! Everything can be fixed yet. (Enter Reh Ali arid a stranger. Sarah hastily thrusts her hair under her wig and goes to the door to ivelcome the visitors.)
ellauri321.html on line 161: By living in or near the woods, their actions are regulated by the wildness of the neighbourhood. The deer often come to eat their grain, the wolves to destroy their sheep, the bears to kill their hogs, the foxes to catch their poultry. This surrounding hostility, immediately puts the gun into their hands; they watch 67 watch these animals, they kill some; and thus by defending their property, they soon become professed hunters; this is the progress; once hunters, farewell to the plough. The chase renders them ferocious, gloomy, and unsociable; a hunter wants no neighbour, he rather hates them, because he dreads the competition. In a little time their success in the woods makes them neglect their tillage. They trust to the natural fecundity of the earth, and therefore do little; carelessness in fencing, often exposes what little they sow to destruction; they are not at home to watch;
ellauri321.html on line 220: Set in the year before the Wall Street crash, Juan in America is a classic evocation of the final mania of prohibition, as seen through equally maniacal British eyes. The character Eric Linklater devised to be his unreliable explorer was one capable of absorbing the enormity of the American experience without being overwhelmed by its incongruities. A blithe, bastard descendent of Byron(tm)s Don Juan, Linklater´s Juan is an anti-hero with a taste for the grotesque and the ridiculous, at once both dirty and deity whose response when faced either with sudden catastrophe or miraculous survival is simply to laugh. A novel in the mode of the picaresque, this is a story of erotic discovery in the sense, as Juan puts it, that, eh, your trousers hide not only your willy but your kinship to the clown. A nation emerging as a great power is exalting in absurdist energies. In its last spasms before the great depression, America is revealed through a series of unlikely accidents as Juan stumbles from state to state, somehow evading consequences as he goes. On his first day, he falls for the daughter of a gangster, witnesses a murder in a speakeasy and watches a woman leap to her death in a New York street. He thrills to the bizarreness of each spectacle and moves on to the next in a galloping mood that is part medieval romance, part running commentary on what was still, in the 1920s, the new world.
ellauri331.html on line 202: Vuoteen 1990 mennessä Interfaxilla oli 100 tilaajaa, ja virasto alkoi nopeasti herättää hallituksen konservatiivien huomion, jotka yrittivät sulkea viraston. Tämän seurauksena virasto sai aseman suurimmissa länsimaisissa tiedotusvälineissä, ja asemaa vahvisti sen uutisointi vuoden 1991 elokuuputschista ja Neuvostoliiton romahtamisesta. Ei silti ole mikään Putin-kriitikko, pikemminkin oligarkkipulju.
ellauri336.html on line 640: “It has not been a gradual growth. It’s been the type of growth that puts such a strain on the community that we’re unable to keep up with what we need to handle the crowds, the influx. Our housing shortage is really epidemic. It puts a burden on our school districts. We need teachers but we can’t bring teachers in because we have no place for them to stay,” Collins said.
ellauri340.html on line 411: 19. elokuuta 2001 oli elokuun putschin kymmenvuotispäivä Olin Irkutskissa, Siperian pääkaupungissa. Tein kaupungin kaduilla useita pikahaastatteluja.
ellauri342.html on line 398: International Moment of Laughter Day is celebrated on April 14 every year. This is the day to let your inner child come out and laugh away all your worries. You can laugh out loud or giggle, in fact, you can do whatever you want but make sure you’re laughing at the same time. This day reminds us to look beyond our anxious lives and find something that puts a big smile on our faces.
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 434: Yrityxet, jotka ovat jo ottaneet haltuunsa aineellisen pääoman ja panneet työn orjat viihtymään maisemakonttoreihin, monitoimitiloihin ja muihin pihattoihin, ovat huomanneet, että ihmisissä on vielä paljon ryövättävää jäljellä. Vapaa-aika, persoonallisuus ja sielu on vielä putsaamatta. Työ on kesken, eloa paljon, työmiehiä vähän. Tähän ei riitä enää kellokallet, tarvitaan työelämän joustoa saarnaavia posetiivarijouskeja.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 214: This same sensibility is coming to a bookstore near you. Because who is the appropriator par excellence, really? Who assumes other people’s voices, accents, patois, and distinctive idioms? Who literally puts words into the mouths of people different from themselves? Who dares to get inside the very heads of strangers, who has the chutzpah to project thoughts and feelings into the minds of others, who steals their very souls? Who is a professional kidnapper? Who swipes every sight, smell, sensation, or overheard conversation like a kid in a candy store, and sometimes take notes the better to purloin whole worlds? Who is the premier pickpocket of the arts? The fiction writer, that’s who. Yes, she is a real piece of shit more often than not. I know, I've been there.
xxx/ellauri113.html on line 210: Although I did not know Prof. Hawking, I do have ALS, which puts me in a similar situation. He has to have someone to help him. As simple as that. Although they may use a Hoyer lift, and if he still values his privacy, he may also use a bidet rather than being wiped. This is a terribly debilitating illness, that presents new challenges at every turn.
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 133: Just over 5ft tall, she looks to be in her early 20s but James' wife of 36 years is astonishingly understanding and puts up with her presence in their home, even when her husband takes April out or to the marital bed.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 485: Also, something of note is that, as much as he dislikes it, the mob is technically just calling him to do his job, which puts them mostly on the side of Rome ("We have no king but Caesar")...sort of. So by appeasing them THEN, he establishes himself as being both pro-Rome and pro-Jews.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 35: This "expressionist" model claims she doesn't pay heed to her critics, especially those who "call me an attention seeker." According to her, the photos she puts out have an underlying message about "change" and not meant for popularity on social media. "If being popular was my goal, I don't think it would be such a wise decision to upset two-thirds of the world," she said.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 111:
Full Nelson
a guy lying on his back. The girl is on top, on her back. The guy takes his arms and puts them under her arms and behind her neck. She's holding her legs back behind her head, and he's pushing her face down to the action, making her watch. (Kama sutra asana n:o 792.)

xxx/ellauri187.html on line 127: Freedman's Rilke is an almost wholly psychologized being. He has little existence outside his leaden states of mind. We rarely hear about the rich medley of artistic and intellectual influences on him--amazingly, Simmel's "The Adventurer" never comes up. This is an extreme approach to the telling of a poet's life, but Freedman has a method to his extremism. As in a rash of recent despoiling biographies--John Fuegi's life of Brecht, Michael Shelden's of Graham Greene, Ronald Hayman's of Thomas Mann, to name just three--the author shortly puts his cards on the table: in this case we are going to meet Rilke the anti-Semite, Rilke the secret homosexual, Rilke the sexist.
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 238: High school can be everything you want it to be or your worst nightmare. For me — it’s okay other than the fact that just about everything I’m surrounded by goes completely against my beliefs as a Christian. Whether it be walking in the hallway hearing terribly vulgar words, common gossiping, or young kids praising the loss of their virginity. You also have your popular “in” music that blatantly puts pre-marital sex, illegal drugs, and the love of money on a pedestal. These are just some of the worldly things we have to deal with on a daily basis that can oh-so easily sweep somebody in. At this point, the options must be weighed: choose God or choose the world? Which god to choose? Which one has the biggest dick?
xxx/ellauri212.html on line 267: Ve, mitt ståtliga skägg, som så förgäfves jag putsat!
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 136: Today, it is generally accepted that Sappho´s poetry portrays homoerotic feelings: as Sandra Boehringer puts it, her works "clearly celebrate eros between women". Toward the end of the twentieth century, though, some scholars began to reject the question of whether or not Sappho was a lesbian – Glenn Most wrote that Sappho herself "would have had no idea what people mean when they call her nowadays a homosexual", André Lardinois stated that it is "nonsensical" to ask whether Sappho was a lesbian, and Page duBois calls the question a "particularly obfuscating debate". WTF? Pelottaako äijiä ajatus pillua lipsuvasta Psapfasta? Vai onko ne vaan mustasukkiaisia?
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 620: Altizer combined Kierkegaard and Mircea Eliade to concoct a mystical rather than ethical language for solving the problem of the death of God, or, as he puts it, in mapping out the way from the profane to the sacred. Which makes a rather rough reading, admits William Hughes Hamilton III (March 9, 1924 – February 28, 2012) who was a prominent theologian and proponent of the Death of God movement.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 359: Embodying greed in Jewish caricatures puts Jews at risk. But it also makes it harder to address the actual evils of greed and inequity. When people imagine they are being oppressed by these ugly aliens over here, it becomes hard to see actual injustice and exploitation committed by supposedly good, upstanding co-nationalists and co-religionists. It’s not an accident that former President Donald Trump has signed on to Soros conspiracy theories.
xxx/ellauri281.html on line 527: The public didn’t exactly applaud this match. Gossip columnists fixated on, as Mr. Bigsby puts it, “a red in bed with America’s snow queen.” Mailer famously snarked that “the Great American Brain” had met “the Great American Body.”
xxx/ellauri286.html on line 461: Kurat tarkoittaa piru piru piru. Vittu viroxi on puts (Putz), vitt, tuss, türa, persse.
xxx/ellauri295.html on line 242: Sivukaupalla aforismeja. Hyviä tai huonoja, silti pelkkiä ranskalaisia pastilleja, kuten Juha Tantulta. Sanaleikkejä. Tee kieli oudoxi. Patti on omiin sanaristikoihinsa yhtä jumiutunut kuin tämä paasaaja. Sillä vaan on likaisemmat. Kemia ei tunne likaa eikä farmaseutti säiky fläkkiä, naturalia non sunt turpia vaikka rivonnäköisesti turpoovat. Liha liikkuu vulvansuulla pilallisena. Likainen kieli voi aiheuttaa pahanhajuista hengitystä sekä monia muita ongelmia suuhun - näin putsaat kielesi tehokkaasti ja oikein. Tiesitkö, että kielen pinnalle kertyy samaa katetta kuin hampaisiin? Kielen puhdistus onkin tärkeä osa hyvää suuhygieniaa. ... Tee edestakaista liikettä 2-5 pistoa. Huuhtele häpykielen puhdistin raaputusten välissä. [Anna-lehti]
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 466: Tätä on noudatettava, koska se toimii - se on toiminut maailman sivu, samalla konstilla on meidät kaikki nussittu. The structure itself puts tension and action and drama into everything it touches — and that’s what you want your book to do. And that’s what your readers will also want your book to do. Readers have a comfort zone and this structure will put them in it.
xxx/ellauri306.html on line 663: He puts hands to his ears and blows a raspberry