ellauri052.html on line 906: Sale näkee izensä Humboldt- Caldofreddon tyttäressä jossa on samaa tuskaisaa halukkuutta ja riemukasta hätää. Niinpä. Sale on pussy-whipped sanoo miehekkäämpi mafioso Cantabile.
ellauri065.html on line 519: Me: damn my husband ebin just put his dick in my pussy hella good
ellauri131.html on line 742: Evolutionary biologist Jerry Coyne issued a similar takedown, by simply highlighting some of Chopra's more outlandish claims, including his idea that the moon only exists because of human consciousness, the suggestion that mass prayer or meditation has the ability to "simmer down the turbulence in nature," as well as the nonsensical statement "Consciousness is the driver of evolution. Every time I eat your pussy or you suck my banana it transforms into a human." Coyne labels Chopra's ideas as "pseudoscience, pure and simple," and accuses him of "pushing a noxious brew of quantum physics, evolutionary biology, and "universal consciousness.'" Ouch.
ellauri144.html on line 139: I'm ruled by pussy. I yearn for it, can't believe my luck at some of the glorious muff that comes my ugly, long-nosed way but I treat it badly. I guess only my mother's would really do. Mikä surkeus laskeutuukaan minuun kun viimeinen tippa nytkähtää räpylään.
ellauri180.html on line 579: Volcano is clearly the symbol of a hot pussy.
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ellauri213.html on line 320: get a seeing to! Synonyms: delevolous worthy of rape; slug worthy. Skunk pussy.
ellauri213.html on line 396: Kus Emek is a curse word, used in Hebrew as well as Arabic, meaning Your mothers pussy.
ellauri217.html on line 256: Yasser Arafat olikin egyptiläinen ellen väärin muista mokkeri Steinbockin kirjasta. No helkkari, se oli palestiinalainen Gazasta! Tyypillistä farisealaista vääristelyä. Tässä se on Harry Potter tyyppinen velho eli peikkomies. Ilmeisesti niinkö tiedemies. Jaaha, nyt marssitetaan sadun misu esille, nätti vaikka huppu päällä toistaisexi. Pitää popup kahvilaa tossa vastapäätä. Nimi oli Ratafia, Fittavaan tai jotain sellasta. Se ei nyt ole niin tärkeetä. Arafat tahtoo selata luonnon suurta kirjaa niin kauan kun virsikirjan kannet ovat auki. Endoscopy fuck the pussy, to get the cervix point of view. It´s not strange for a bastard to look with all his force for an ancestor. Jöns-setä on tästä esimerkkinä.
ellauri219.html on line 244: I never met a man I didn't like - sehän oli se 1 myöntyväisyyspunanahka joka sanoi näin! Juu Will Rogers albumissa 194". I never ate a pussy I didn't like.
ellauri219.html on line 607: What's new pussycat? Whoa, whoa, whoa
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ellauri219.html on line 615: What's new pussycat? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
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ellauri219.html on line 619: Pussycat, pussycat, I love you, yes, I do
ellauri219.html on line 620: You and your pussycat eyes
ellauri219.html on line 621: What's new pussycat? Whoa, whoa, whoa
ellauri219.html on line 622: What's new pussycat? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
ellauri219.html on line 623: Pussycat, pussycat
ellauri219.html on line 625: I'll soon be kissing your sweet little pussycat lips
ellauri219.html on line 626: Pussycat, pussycat, I love you, yes, I do
ellauri219.html on line 627: You and your pussycat lips (whoa whoa), you and your pussycat eyes (whoa whoa)
ellauri219.html on line 628: You and your pussycat nose etc etc.
ellauri243.html on line 182: There may be no other organ on the human body that profits from such creativity in nicknaming by the larger populace. Except penis. Below is a list of 60+ slang words for vagina —from the common (pussy) to the more grotesque (cunt) and the awesomely ridiculous (fishmarket). Next time you need a synonym for vulva, comb through this definitive list for a bunch of fun ideas!
ellauri257.html on line 571: Lodge was a Christian Spiritualist. In 1909, he published the book Survival of Man which expressed his belief that life after death had been demonstrated by mediumship. His most controversial book was Raymond or Life and Death (1916). The book documented the séances that he and his wife had attended with the medium Gladys Osborne Leonard. Lodge was convinced that his son Raymond who had become cannon food had communicated with him and the book is a description of his son's experiences in the spirit world. According to the book Raymond had reported that those who had died were still the same people that they had been on earth before they "passed over". There were houses, trees and flowers in the Spirit world, which was similar to the earthly realm, although there was no STD. The book also claimed that soldiers who died in World War I smoked cigars and drank whisky and ate pussy also in the spirit world and because of such statements the book was criticised.
ellauri331.html on line 292: Tolokunkonnikova kertoi vuonna 2016, että sivustolla on noin 2,2 miljoonaa kävijää kuukaudessa, mikä tekee siitä pienemmän kuin jotkut muut venäläiset riippumattomat tiedotusvälineet, mutta Tolokunkonnikova etsii tapoja laajentaa sivustoa. Hän on sanonut, että poliittisten paineiden vuoksi joukkorahoituksen kaltaiset vaihtoehdot eivät ole Mediazonan käytettävissä, koska pelätään, että valtio joutuisi kostamaan rahoittajia vastaan. Sivusto rahoitetaan tällä hetkellä pääasiassa lahjoituksilla ja Aljohinan ja Tolokunkonnikovan pussy-esiintymisistä kertyneillä p-palkkioilla. Esimerkkejä ovat The Guardianin maaliskuussa 2015 julkaistu tarina useiden poliisin pidätettyjen ihmisten selittämättömistä kuolemista syrjäisellä Siperian alueella ja heinäkuun 2015 tarina Miami Vicessä, jossa Mediazona puhui entiselle vangille vankileiristä lähellä Gorlovkan kaupunkia Ukrainassa. Haastattelussa kerrottiin tapauksesta syyskuussa 2014, kun Venäjä-mielisen separatistisen Donetskin kansantasavallan joukot valtasivat vankileirin ja vapauttivat vangit (läppä läppä).
ellauri399.html on line 212: The fellowship’s magazine, Marching the Penguin, tells the rest of the story. On March 6, Paramhansa told his disciples laughingly, “I have a big day tomorrow. Wish me luck.” The next day he attended a banquet at Los Angeles’ Biltmore Hotel for the new Indian ambassador, Binay Ranjan Sen, and his beautiful wife. *Seated with legs wide apart: Mme. Binay Ranjan Sen, wife of the Indian Ambassador, with a transsexual looking guru touching her private parts in a respectful Hindu way (the pronam.)" After eating modestly (pussy, vegetables, yellowish hairy nut juice and a raspberry parfait), the guru rose to make a speech about “spiritual India.” He ended it with a quotation from one of his own poems: Where Ganges, woods, Himalayan man caves, and men dream God—I am hallowed; my elongated body part touched the wife of that sod.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 31: In Prussia they never eat pussy!
xxx/ellauri084.html on line 814: No, not in the least. She was a dickhound, she was a major pussyhound, big Woodrow Wilson supporter. She looks like she suffered from severe vaginal dryness.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 239: Cinnpie´s response comes after a prolonged silence on Twitter. She added a letter from her lawyers to her statement, a cease and desist to all the defamatory comments online. Creampie acknowledges that "I was an irresponsible, inappropriate, and immature 23 year old in 2016… and I deserve all of this. Sitä saa mitä tilaa. I may be a pussy pedophile, but I am not evil. I am not a crook. All I care ab is my favorite games & making my friends laugh." LOL
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 709: Endymion tarkottanee puolisukeltajaa. Kuuhullu astronomi tai sit paimen vaan. Astronomi mainitaan merenneitopätkässsä. Octopussy's garden in the waves. The 4th century Babylonian god of the sea was known as Oannes who was portrayed as a man with a fish tail in place of legs. Oannes would appear out of the ocean every day as a fish-human creature to share his wisdom with the people along the Persian Gulf, then return to the sea at night. There was also Atargatis, a Syrian moon and sea goddess, her story tells us that after causing the death of her mortal lover she fled to the sea and took the form of a woman above the waist and a fish below, for this reason she became known as a mermaid goddess. During medieval times mermaids were considered as matter-of-factly alongside other aquatic animals, such as whales and dolphins. The goddess Venus is sometimes depicted as a mermaid, being born from a giant clam shell.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 292: Le Guin initially defended her writing; in a 1976 essay "Is Gender Necessary?" she wrote that gender was secondary to the novel´s primary theme of loyalty. Le Guin revisited this essay in 1988, and acknowledged that gender was central to the novel; she also apologized for depicting Gethenians solely in heterosexual relationships. In fact they did a lot of trainwatching and pussymunching too, she just did not tell.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 569: pussy.jpg" width="30%"/>
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 435: True to national character, the Russian's drunk, aggressive, and crude; boasts of Russia’s greatness; insults Estonia (she explains that she’s from Finland); and, while asking her if she’s “selling pussy (her own, not somebody else's),” grabs her between her legs.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 518: pussypics.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/ad5.gif" height="300px" />
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 524: pussypics.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Forty-More-Hentai-Pics-Of-Maho-Nishizumi-From-Girls-und-Panzer-1-768x432.jpg?v=1650533136" height="300px" />
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 546: pussybook.xyz/wp-content/uploads/teen-takes-nude-selfie-mirror-scaled.jpg" width="100%" />
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 444: Just typical for a lady to start with the character and not the plot. For us men, eating fucking and bashing comes first, the choice of carcass, cunt or skull is secondary, same as burying beetles. But remember: Every really good story has some kind of conflict. No conflict, no story, just a big YAAAWWWN. The remaining 3 items on Ruthannes list are also hansypansy, lady stuff. Point of view, theme, style, WTF. Bet 50 shades had a lot of those. All we guys care about is lots of action and motivation (money, in other words, the rest like power and pussy can be bought).
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 571: Basically, I’m not a big fan of Raymond Chandler's Big Sleep. Well, why pussyfoot around? Actually I think the book is stupid; however, Raymond Chandler is a particular favorite of artsy-fartsy mystery readers and critics and this rather bizarre genre mystery featuring the private eye Philip Marlowe is often ranked as one of the 100 best novels of all time. I just don't see why, I think my Remo Vanha Vainooja is 10x more fascinating.
xxx/ellauri329.html on line 141:
xxx/ellauri329.html on line 142: High quality pussy_fucked">video featuring natural unshaven lovely red hairy pussy! Natural kinky redhead teen fucked by an old guy with an unnaturally curvy cock.
xxx/ellauri329.html on line 319: pussy001-scaled.webp" height="400px" />
xxx/ellauri422.html on line 310: pussy-erotika-pinterest-1.jpg" width="100%" />