ellauri014.html on line 1772: It seems to me that Montgomery selects out the best bit of the poem, but again you see my bias. I am that “blossom,” I hope–but if all four verses are included it becomes rather silly to press the metaphor. Still, I think Montgomery was on the right track with her idea of “The Alpine Path.” It is a peculiar provenance that brings us this poem, but it has been an interesting journey. Once I found the names of Ella Rodman Church and August De Bubna I found that others have followed my path of curiosity. The Confederation Centre of the Arts in Charlottetown has some of L.M. Montgomery’s scrapbooks, including her copy of the poem. But the search has been interesting, nonetheless.
ellauri054.html on line 195: Riikonen takes a walk back home around noon, for a half-hour nap. He is puzzled by people who disapprove of naps as a mark of laziness. After all, it has been proven that they boost efficiency. Pikku Kunkin otti nokkaunet päivällä. Sekin oli keskitien kulkija, konfuzelainen.
ellauri063.html on line 295: Screenwriter Deborah Moggach initially attempted to make her script as faithful to the novel as possible, writing from Elizabeth's perspective while preserving much of the original dialogue. Joe Wright, who was directing his first feature film, encouraged greater deviation from the text, including changing the dynamics within the Bennet family. Wright and Moggach set the film in an earlier period and avoided depicting a "perfectly clean Regency world", presenting instead a "muddy hem version" of the time. Chickenbutt Knightley was well-known in part from her role in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series. It was marketed to a younger, mainstream audience; promotional items noted that it came from the producers of 2001's romantic comedy Bridget Jones's Diary before acknowledging its provenance as an Austen novel.
ellauri096.html on line 175: If (K-0) is true then it known to be false. Whatever is known to be false, is false. Since no proposition can be both true and false, we have proven that (K-0) is false. Given that proof produces knowledge, (K-0) is known to be false. But wait! That is exactly what (K-0) says – so (K-0) must be true.
ellauri100.html on line 47: Although not proven, the relationship between Van Gogh and Gauguin was definitely different that your average straight male friendship. Scholars from Harvard having analyzed Van Gogh’s life in depth concluded that Van Gogh very well have been bisexual (accounting for his other relationships with women). You can find evidence of a possible love connection between the two in his writings.
ellauri118.html on line 1114: Growing up, Atwood heard stories from her grandmother about Mary Webster, a colonial woman who was half hanged in Hadley, Massachusetts in 1685 for witchcraft, several years before the infamous Salem witch trials began in 1692. Atwood's grandmother often referred to Webster as a relative, though she sometimes denied it, and her ancestry can't be definitively proven one way or the other.
ellauri119.html on line 385: Define god? In monotheistic thought, God is defined as the supreme being, creator, and principal object of faith. God is usually conceived of as being omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent and omnibenevolent as well as having an eternal and necessary existence. A good definition because it is creative, too bad that's no longer allowed by the modern logicians. Existence and uniqueness must be proven separately. Damn them to hell!
ellauri145.html on line 436: Charles Cros Émile-Hortensius-Charles Cros (October 1, 1842 – August 9, 1888) was a French poet and inventor. He was born in Fabrezan, Aude, France, 35 km to the East of Carcassonne. Cros was a well-regarded poet and humorous writer. He developed various improved methods of photography including an early color photo process. He also invented improvements in telegraph technology. In the early 1870s Cros had published with Mallarmé, Villiers and Verlaine in the short-lived weekly Renaissance littéraire et artistique, edited by Emile Blémont. His poem The Kippered Herring inspired Ernest Coquelin to create what he called monologues, short theatrical pieces whose format was copied by numerous imitators. The piece, translated as The Salt Herring, was translated and illustrated by Edward Gorey. He spent years petitioning the French government to build a giant mirror that could be used to communicate with the Martians and Venusians by burning giant lines on the deserts of those planets. He was never convinced that the Martians were not a proven fact, nor that the mirror he wanted was technically impossible to build. Tästä hepusta tulee mieleen Spede Pasanen ja sen hiihtolinko.
ellauri153.html on line 451: We have now proven that the claims “God is pretty good” and “God is kinda omnipotent” are true in all of the
ellauri156.html on line 303: The inference is often drawn that Bathsheba should not have been exposing herself as she did, and that it was her indiscretion which started this whole sequence of events. Some think her actions may have been deliberate (She knew David was there and could see. . . .), while others would be more gracious and assume it was simply poor judgment. Let me point out several things from the text. First and foremost, when Nathan pronounces divine judgment upon David for his sin, Bathsheba and Uriah are depicted as the victims, not the villains. When Adam and Eve sinned, God specifically indicted Adam, Eve, and the serpent, and each received their just curse. This is simply not the case with Bathsheba. Nowhere in the Bible is she indicted for this sin. It may be that the author did not choose to focus upon Bathsheba, but even in this case, the Law would clearly require us to consider her innocent until proven guilty. (Which law? Not biblical law for sure, take for instance Susan's case, where Daniel had to called upon to prove her innocence.)
ellauri171.html on line 1004: Jezebel pursued Elijah the Prophet as well. Elijah had challenged the false prophets of Baal to produce a tangible response from their deity, during an epic showdown on Mount Carmel. When they failed to do so, the prophets of the Baal were proven false and Elijah had them all killed. Haha! When Jezebel threatened to kill Elijah in retribution, he fled for his life. Fucking murderer and a wimp to boot!
ellauri180.html on line 226: Almost as an extension to the lack of penile cancer in Jews, Handley reported on the infrequency of carcinoma of the cervix in Jewish women. He suggested that this related to the fact that Jewish men were circumcised. Not surprisingly, this spawned a mass of contradictory studies and over the next 50 years the champions of both camps have sought to establish the importance or irrelevance of circumcision in relation to penile cancer. The pendulum has swung both ways and the current evidence suggests that other factors are probably more important. A similar debate has raged for 50 years over concerns for the risks of urinary tract infections in young boys and currently, any decreased risk associated with circumcision remains tentative but not proven.
ellauri184.html on line 622: In summary, the following understanding of biblical history seems plausible: 1. Although the Sanhedrin had the right to condemn Jesus to death and execute the sentence, it seemed opportune for various reasons to have the governor render this verdict. Moreover, although the Sanhedrin and the Roman governor had very diverse perspectives on Jesus, their interests finally converged, which led to Pilate’s condemnation of Jesus on grounds of unproven political charges.
ellauri236.html on line 91: “There’s a lot of fraud,” said Kátia de Lima, 47, a store clerk at a rally for Mr. Bolsonaro this month. “It’s proven.”
ellauri240.html on line 286: Some Frank refers to Timon of Athens as "a poor relation of the major tragedies." This is the majority view, but the play has many scholarly defenders as well. Nevertheless, and perhaps unsurprisingly due to its subject matter, it has not proven to be among Shakespeare's popular works.
ellauri241.html on line 843: Dance, and Provençal song, and sunburnt mirth! Tanssia, provencelaista laulua ja auringonpaahteista iloa!
ellauri310.html on line 673: In asymmetric warfare, threats such as improvised explosive devices and mines have proven effective against MBTs. Asymmetric warfare (or asymmetric engagement) is a type of war between belligerents whose relative military power, strategy, or tactics differ significantly. This type of warfare often, but not necessarily, involves insurgents or resistance movement militias who may have the status of unlawful combatants against a standing army. In response, nations that face asymmetric warfare, such as Israel, are reducing the size of their tank fleet and procuring more advanced models. Conversely, some insurgent groups like Hezbollah themselves operate main battle tanks, such as the T-72.
ellauri342.html on line 61: Kun provencelaiset puhuivat aggressiivisesta miehestä kaunalla, heillä oli tapana sanoa: "Varo sitä miestä!... hän on kuin paavin muuli, joka säästi potkuaan seitsemän vuotta.

ellauri342.html on line 65: Etsin pitkään, mistä tämä sananlasku voisi olla peräisin, mikä tämä paavin muuli oli ja tämä potku säilyi seitsemän vuotta. Kukaan täällä ei ole voinut kertoa minulle tästä, ei edes Francet Mamaï, fife-pelaajani, joka tuntee legendaarisen provencelaisen soundinsa kuin taskunsa. Francet ajattelee minun tavoin, että alla on jokin muinainen kronikka Avignonin alueesta; mutta hän ei ole koskaan kuullut siitä muuten kuin sananlaskun kautta.

ellauri342.html on line 83: Siellä oli yksi paavi nimeltä Boniface, joka oli erityisen hyvä vanha keppi. Voi kuinka kyyneleet valuivatkaan Avignonissa hänen kuollessaan. Hän oli sellainen ihana, niin miellyttävä prinssi. Hän nauraisi kanssasi sellaisena kuin hän istui muuliinsa. Ja kun tulit hänen luokseen, olit nöyrä hullu kasvien keräilijä tai suuri kaupungintuomari -- hän siunasi sinua aivan samoin harkiten. Todellakin, paavi Yvetotista, mutta provencelainen Yvetot, jossa jotain iloista hänen naurussaan, ripaus meiramia hänen birettassaan ja ei merkkiäkään naisen rakkaudesta... Ainoa romanttinen ilo, jonka hän on koskaan tuntenut hyvä isä, oli hänen viinitarhansa - pieni, jonka hän oli istuttanut itse Chateau-Neufin myrttien keskuudessa muutaman kilometrin päässä Avignonista.
ellauri342.html on line 122: Eikö hänelle tullut eräänä päivänä mieleen viedä hänet mukanaan mestarin toimiston kellotorniin, sinne ylhäältä, aivan tuonne ylhäältä, palatsin kärkeen!... Ja mitä kerron sinulle tässä ei tarina, kaksisataa tuhatta provencelaista on nähnyt sen. Voitteko kuvitella tämän onnettoman muulin kauhua, kun hän kääntyi sokeasti kierreportaita ylös tunnin ajan ja kiipesi en tiedä kuinka monta askelta, hän yhtäkkiä huomasi olevansa häikäisevällä valotasolla ja tuhat jalkaa hänen alapuolellaan. hän näki koko fantastisen Avignonin, torimajat, jotka eivät olleet suurempia kuin hasselpähkinät, paavin sotilaat kasarmiensa edessä kuin punaiset muurahaiset ja siellä, A:lla hopealanka, pieni mikroskooppinen silta, jossa ihmiset tanssivat, missä he tanssivat... Ah! köyhä eläin! mikä paniikki! Hänen huudostansa kaikki palatsin ikkunat tärisivät.

ellauri342.html on line 123: Eräänä päivänä hän päätti ajaa hänet ylös kuorokoulun kellotorniin; palatsin huipulle. Tämä todella tapahtui - kaksisataa tuhannet provencelaiset kertovat sinulle nähneensä sen! Kuvittele onnettoman muulin kauhu, kun sen jälkeen, kun hänet työnnettiin sokeasti ylös a kierreportaat ja kiipeily kuka tietää kuinka monta askelmaa, hän löysi itse häikäisi yhtäkkiä loistavasti valaistulle tasolle, josta hän pystyi näkemään koko upean Avignonin kauas hänen alapuoleltaan, markkinat ei isompi kuin hasselpähkinöitä, paavin sotilaat heidän edessään kasarmi, joka näyttää punaisilta muurahaisilta, ja siellä hopeisella langalla, pieni, mikroskooppinen silta, jossa _l'on y dansait, l'on y dansait_. Voi köyhää peto! Hän meni todella paniikkiin. Hän huusi tarpeeksi kovalla äänellä räjäyttääkseen sitä palatsin ikkunat.
ellauri342.html on line 204: Kun Védène ilmestyi keskelle konventtia, hänen läsnäolonsa ja hänen kaunis ulkonäkönsä saivat heidän keskuuteensa leviämään ihailun huminaa. Hän oli upea provencelainen, mutta vaalea, pitkät kiharat hiukset päistään ja pieni villiparta, joka näytti juuttuneen hienon metallin lastuihin, jotka olivat pudonneet hänen isänsä, kultakuvanveistäjänsä taltasta. Huhuttiin, että kuningatar Jeannen sormet olivat joskus leikkineet tässä vaaleassa parrassa; ja Védènen herralla oli itse asiassa niiden miesten loistava ilma ja hajamielinen ilme, joita kuningattaret rakastivat... Sinä päivänä tehdäkseen kunniaa kansalleen hän oli korvannut napolilaiset vaatteensa provencelaisella ruusulla vuoratulla takilla , ja sen hupussa tärisi suuri Camargue ibis -sulka.

ellauri346.html on line 271: No breakthrough at the front line yields advantages for Moscow. The NATO leader predicts that a new stage of the war is dawning, one that won't be easy for Ukraine. While he didn't elaborate, it's clear that the upcoming winter will prove to be challenging for Kyiv. Similar to previous winters, Ukrainians will wrestle with supply and equipment shortages. Yet, they've proven to be resilient in the past.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 436: Rowling had barfed harmful and disproven beliefs about what it means to be a transgender person.” Her views on “marginalised people are out of step with the Harry Potter community, and more in line with the Voldemort community.
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 261: This is easily proven if you can conduct human trials the correct way. This requires a deep understanding of how the body works first… including how neurotransmitters work in an overall POV, which includes knowledge of the brain, the body, the nervous system, the neurons and finally why Homeostasis is always correct. The way your education system works limits your view because you only study within your specialization. You need to become a overall learner across various disciplines to find Truths. Because the Creator is someone who knows literally EVERYTHING!
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 353: All these will be discovered by your scientists one day if your kind is open to new information. These new information are just facts waiting to be proven and to be accepted by your mainstream. Proving is easy, spreading them to the rigid minds of people is hard! This message is for an intended audience only.
xxx/ellauri116.html on line 341: Berättad i den första personen av en av dess huvudpersoner, en 1: a års student i San Miguel de Piura-skolan, är det ett studentuppror mot direktörens beslut att inte sätta ordning på slutproven. Det handlar också om huvudpersonens rivalitet med Lu, en partner som har avsatt honom i ledarskapet för bandet "Los Coyotes". Båda pojkarna tvingas glömma sina meningsskiljaktigheter för att möta den gemensamma fienden, personifierad i skolans chef. Marschen upplöses inför vägran att fortsätta den från grundskole- och gymnasieeleverna, rädda för repressalier från skolmyndigheterna.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 491: In 1959, Ciardi published a book on how to read, write, and teach poetry, How Does a Poem Mean?, which has proven to be among the most-used books of its kind.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 52: Francesca è presentata come una donna colta, esperta di letteratura amorosa (cita indirettamente lo Stilnovo e Andrea Cappellano, quindi conosce i dettami dell'amor cortese). Attraverso il suo personaggio Dante compie una parziale ritrattazione della sua precedente produzione poetica (stilnovistica e, soprattutto, delle Petrose), che avendo l'amore come argomento poteva spingere il lettore a mettere in pratica gli esempi letterari e cadere nel peccato di lussuria. Francesca è il primo dannato che pronuncia un discorso nell'Inferno dantesco, mentre Guido Guinizelli (citato indirettamente dalla donna) e il trovatore provenzale Arnaut Daniel saranno gli ultimi penitenti a dialogare con Dante nel Purgatorio (Canto XXVI), colpevoli anche loro di lussuria e produttori di quella letteratura amorosa di cui Francesca era stata appassionata lettrice.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 86: In the classical era of ancient Greece, pornai were slaves of barbarian origin; starting in the Hellenistic era the case of young girls abandoned by their citizen fathers could be enslaved. They were considered to be slaves until proven otherwise. Pornai were usually employed in brothels located in "red-light" districts of the period, such as Piraeus (port of Athens) or Kerameikos in Athens. Seija harrasti keramiikkaa Bostonissa. "And what do you do Seija?" "I have been learning pottery." "Oh, ceramics" sanoi Mrs. Breckenridge, piruillaxeenko vai ei, paha sanoa.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 637: Which one is true? We simply do not know for sure. The facts about his death have not been historically proven, beyond a reasonable doubt. In fact, there is no historical consensus on the person of Matthew. There are several conflicting accounts, and the Greek text does not state anywhere he was an eyewitness (and therefore a disciple). Maybe he was a fake. The problem is the gospel of Matthew is anonymous: the author is not named within the oldest surviving text, and the superscription "according to Matthew" was added some time in the second century, although the gospel doesn't state it's an eyewitness account. The historically very likely incorrect tradition that the author was the disciple Matthew begins with the early Christian bishop Papias of Hierapolis.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 707: Bankman-Fried has publicly stated he supports effective altruism, contending that he was pursuing "earning to give" as an "altruistic career." He is a member of Giving What We Can and has claimed he plans to make donations "not based on personal interest but on the projects that are proven by data to be the most effective at helping people."
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 722: That money was sent in the form of crypto from Ukraine, through FTX, and then cashed out by FTX and sent to the DNC, i.e. US taxpayer money was taken by Congress, signed off by Biden and shipped to Ukraine as an aid package. Ukraine using FTX sent it back (they didn’t need it but probably kept a part) as a way of laundering it to the Democratic National Committee for their election campaigns (and commit election fraud, as has been proven). Taxpayer money was used to finance the midterm elections, which is no less than money laundering.
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 292: If Jews had any right to a have state of their own, then that state should have have been created in Europe, say in Ukraina. What is the legal justification of creating a Jewish state on occupied Islamic land, when these Jews were persecuted and slaughtered by the Europeans?

Israel has proven itself to be genocidal entity by imprisoning, bombing and starving 2.3 million men, women and children of Gaza. This has become the best recorded genocide in the history of the world.