ellauri092.html on line 233: In contrast, Methodists are mostly hierarchical. Churches are led by conferences with increasing levels of authority. This begins at the local level, with a Local Church Conference, and progresses upward to a denomination-wide General Conference (or some variation of these categories, depending on the specific Methodist group). Most major Methodist denominations own the property of local churches and have a decisive say in assigning pastors to local churches.
ellauri097.html on line 696: ‘The Tuft of Flowers’ by Robert Frost is a poem about the lives of simple, hardworking people. As it progresses, it takes a more mystical turn.
ellauri156.html on line 578: Fourth, "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" Sin snowballs. Sin has not got a snowball's chance in hell. Sin is not stagnant; it is not static. Sin grows. Look at the progression of sin in our text. David's sin starts when he ceases to act like a soldier and (what is way worse) becomes a late sleeper. David's sin grows from staying up late to adultery to murder. His sin begins very privately, but as the story progresses, more and more people become aware of it, and worse yet, more and more people become participants in it. His sin first acted out by his taking another man's wife, and then taking another man's life, and along with his life, his wife, plus the lives of a number of men who must die with him to make his death credible. David's sin blossoms so that it transforms a true and loyal friend (Uriah) to his enemy, and his enemies (the Ammonites, and his other rival Joab) into his allies.
ellauri182.html on line 84: As the story progresses, Mikage thinks about and confronts major issues in life: death, hope, friendship, loneliness, and love. (Cf. Pilin vastaava lista virsikirjan lisälehdistä edellisessä albumissa. Montako erilaista apinan elettä ja pierua näihin tarvitaan?