ellauri041.html on line 1945: The non-English origins shouldn’t be off-putting, as Netflix’s usual wide array of language options includes both the original, subtitled Catalan, as well as several voiceovers.
ellauri042.html on line 695: Fedor M. Dostoevsky´s family had old-Lithuanian aristocratic origins. The name was derived from the Russian word dostoijny, which means dignified. What a misnomer. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was born on October 30th, 1821 (old Julian calendar; on November 11th, 1821 according to the Gregorian calculation) in Moscow, as the second son of Mikhail Andreevich Dostoevsky, a doctor at the hospital for the poor.
ellauri062.html on line 936: The so called "New World Order" conspiracy is the modern term for the age old Satanic conspiracy, led by elite Jewry -- the aim being the enslavement of humanity, destruction of the true Israelites (the Anglo-Saxon and Germanic peoples of European descent), mass human population reduction, abolition of religion and national sovereignty, and the establishment of a totalitarian world government ruled by Satan via the jews.

The ultimate goal of Judaism is rule of the world by Satan, and to literally unleash hell upon the earth. 

Are you aware that Martin Luther wrote a treatise called "On the Jews and Their Lies", warning Christians in the most serious terms of the destructive influence of the jews, and advocating their banishment from European society? Luther was very knowledgeable of the religion, nature, origins, and influence of the Jews - having actually read the Talmud and written large parts of the Bible. Luther describes the Jews as an accursed, malicious, greedy, cunning, treacherous, thieving, and greatly evil people, who are descended from the very people who murdered the Messiah, who deeply hate Christianity and God's people, and are working in every possible way to undermine and destroy Western Christian civilization. Among other things, Luther rubbishes the Talmud, including its vicious hatred of Jesus and Christians, as well as relishing the many times Jews have been expelled from European nations.
ellauri063.html on line 548: santur: (also santūr, santour, santoor​) (Persian: سنتور‎, is a hammered dulcimer of Iranian or Mesopotamian origins.
ellauri065.html on line 482: "Captain" Virgulino Ferreira da Silva (Brazilian Portuguese: [viʁɡulĩnu feˈʁejɾɐ da ˈsiwvɐ]), better known as Lampião (older spelling: Lampeão, Portuguese pronunciation: [lɐ̃piˈɐ̃w], meaning "lantern" or "oil lamp"), was probably the twentieth century's most successful traditional bandit leader. The banditry endemic to the Brazilian Northeast was called Cangaço. Cangaço had origins in the late 19th century but was particularly prevalent in the 1920s and 1930s. Lampião led a band of up to 100 cangaceiros, who occasionally took over small towns and who fought a number of successful actions against paramilitary police when heavily outnumbered. Lampião's exploits and reputation turned him into a folk hero, the Brazilian equivalent of Jesse James or Pancho Villa.
ellauri069.html on line 714: American poet, novelist, essayist, songwriter, playwright, editor and publisher. Known for his satirical works challenging American political culture. Perhaps his best-kĺnown work is Mumbo Jumbo (1972), a sprawling and unorthodox novel set in 1920s New York that has been ranked among the 500 most important books in the Western canon. Reed´s work has often sought to represent neglected African and African-American perspectives; his energy and advocacy have centered more broadly on neglected peoples and perspectives, irrespective of their cultural origins.
ellauri072.html on line 213: Leaving Dante and Virgil, the sinners vanish so quickly that "Un amen" could not be uttered in so little time. That Dante should turn to the language of prayer for his comparison, notwithstanding the proverbial and popular origins of the phrase, probably also reflects on the esteem that he felt and continues to feel for the three Florentines. It is a rare thing in the Inferno to find a moment in which the pilgrim, the poet, and the guide are all in absolute agreement, and certainly with respect to the human worth of sinners.
ellauri080.html on line 299: Based on this research, many psychologists now believe that the five personality dimensions are not only universal; they also have biological origins. Psychologist David Buss has proposed that an evolutionary explanation for these five core personality traits, suggesting that these personality traits represent the most important qualities that shape our social landscape.
ellauri101.html on line 155: Joseph Campbell, arguably the greatest mythologist of the twentieth century, was certainly one of our greatest storytellers. This masterfully crafted book interweaves conversations between Campbell and some of the people he inspired, including poet Robert Bly, anthropologist Angeles Arrien, filmmaker David Kennard, Doors drummer John Densmore, psychiatric pioneer Stanislov Grof, Nobel laureate Roger Guillemen, and others. Campbell reflects on subjects ranging from the origins and functions of myth, the role of the artist, and the need for ritual to the ordeals of love and romance. With poetry and humor, Campbell recounts his own quest and conveys the excitement of his lifelong exploration of our mythic traditions, what he called “the one great story of mankind.” Hemmetti nää sen sankarit on lähes yhtä tuntemattomia kuin se ize.
ellauri106.html on line 67: In October 1956, Philip Roth met the secretary Margaret Martinson Williams in Chicago, whom he married in February 1959. The divorced mother of two children of completely different social origins, who was four years older than him, initially gave Roth the feeling of both a challenge and a liberation. Later, however, the problems and arguments in their relationship increased, which the writer dealt with in retrospect in works such as When She Was Good ( Lucy Nelson or Die Moral, 1967) or My Life As a Man (Mein Leben als Mann, 1974). In his autobiography The Facts (The Facts, 1988) Margaret even advanced as Josie Jensen to the “counter-self”, to the “arch enemy and nemesis ” of the author. The couple separated in 1963, but Margaret Roth refused to consent to a divorce. Five years later she died in a car accident.
ellauri108.html on line 98: From its origins, Rastafari was intrinsically linked with Haile Selassie, the Emperor of Ethiopia from 1930 to 1974. He remains the central figure in Rastafari ideology, and although all Rastas hold him in esteem, precise interpretations of his identity differ. Understandings of how Haile Selassie relates to Jesus vary among Rastas. Many, although not all, believe that the Ethiopian monarch was the Second Coming of Jesus, legitimising this by reference to their interpretation of the nineteenth chapter of the Book of Revelation. By viewing Haile Selassie as Jesus, these Rastas also regard him as the messiah prophesied in the Old Testament, the manifestation of God in human form, and "the living God". Some perceive him as part of a Trinity, alongside God as Creator and the Holy Spirit, the latter referred to as "the Breath within the temple". Rastas who view Haile Selassie as Jesus argue that both were descendants from the royal line of the Biblical king David, while Rastas also emphasise the fact that the Makonnen dynasty, of which Haile Selassie was a member, claimed descent from the Biblical figures Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.
ellauri142.html on line 176: Some say that Maha was taken from Hebrew, meaning, “What a boner.” Some say its origins are from the Sanskrit “Möhömaha,” meaning potbelly, or lord.
ellauri144.html on line 687: The term "metaverse" has its origins in the 1992 science fiction novel Snow Crash as a portmanteau of "meta" and "universe." It has since gained notoriety as a buzzword for promotion, and as a way to generate hype for public relations purposes by making vague claims for future projects. Information privacy and user addiction are concerns within the metaverse, stemming from challenges facing the social media and video game industries as a whole.
ellauri146.html on line 648: But it is dangerous to attempt to separate any historical figure from his setting. No individual can ever be understood fully until the subtle influences of his formal education, his reading, his associates, and his time and country (with his heredity) are traced and synthesized. Too much has been said, perhaps, about Poe’s “detachment” from his environment and too little about his background—his heritage from Europe and the influences of his early life in Virginia. Elizabeth Arnold, Poe’s mother, was born in England in 1787 and was brought to this country when she was a girl of nine. “In speaking of my mother,” Poe wrote years later to Beverley Tucker of Virginia, “you have touched a string to which my heart fully responds.” Judging from his spirited defense of Elizabeth Poe, it appears that Poe never became unmindful of his immediate English origins on the maternal side.
ellauri156.html on line 289: My fear is that David chose to ignore Uriah's military record and to fix his attention upon his racial origins. It is obvious and noteworthy that David refers to Uriah as “Uriah the Hittite,” while the author of Samuel refers to him only as “Uriah.” The expression, “Uriah the Hittite” is a term of derision, I believe, based solely upon the fact that he is of Hittite stock. Never mind that David has Moabite blood in his veins.
ellauri164.html on line 232: A pupil of William "Will to Believe" James, whose Essays in Radical Empiricism he edited (1912), Perry became one of the leaders of the New Realism movement. Perry argued for a naturalistic theory of value and a New Realist theory of perception and knowledge. He wrote a celebrated biography of William James, which won the 1936 Pulitzer Prize for Biography or Autobiography, and proceeded to a revision of his critical approach to natural knowledge. An active member among a group of American New Realist philosophers, he elaborated around 1910 the program of new realism. However, he soon dissented from moral and spiritual ontology, and turned to a philosophy of disillusionment. Perry was an advocate of a militant democracy: in his words "total but not totalitarian". Puritanism and Democracy (1944) is a famous wartime attempt to reconcile two fundamental concepts in the origins of modern America. Durkheim oli taas aivan oikeassa: sodan aikana vedetään moraalin korsetinnauhat kireälle.
ellauri180.html on line 179: Despite an estimated one-sixth of the world's men having been circumcised, it has long been forgotten where or why this most intriguing operation began. The procedure has been performed for religious, cultural and medical reasons, although the last has only become fashionable since the rise of modern surgery in the 19th century. Accordingly, the indications for surgery have surfaced, submerged and altered with the trends of the day. In this review we explore the origins of circumcision, and discuss the techniques and controversies that have evolved since the event has become medicalized.
ellauri180.html on line 181: Anthropologists do not agree on the origins of circumcision. The English egyptologist, Sir Graham Elliot Smith, suggested that it is one of the features of a heliolithic' culture which, over some 15 000 years ago, spread over much of the world. Others believe that it may have originated independently within several different cultures; certainly, many of the natives that Columbus found inhabiting the New World' were circumcised. However, it is known that circumcision had been practised in the Near East, patchily throughout tribal Africa, among the Moslem peoples of India and of south-east Asia, as well as by Australian Aborgines, for as long as we can tell. The earliest Egyptian mummies (1300 BCE) were circumcised and wall paintings in Egypt show that it was customary several thousand years earlier than that.
ellauri180.html on line 189: There are many other reasons why circumcision may have evolved. Some have suggested that it is a mark of cultural identity, akin to a tattoo or a body piercing. Alternatively, there are reasons to believe that the ritual evolved as a fertility rite. For example, that some tribal cultures apportion seasons' for both the male and female operation, supports the view that circumcision developed as a sacrifice to the gods, an offering in exchange for a good harvest, etc. This would seem reasonable as the penis is clearly inhabited by powers that produce life. Indeed, evidence of a connection with darvests is also found in Nicaragua, where blood from the operations is mixed with maize to be eaten during the ceremony. (Fig. 3). Although the true origins of circumcision will never be known, it is likely that the truth lies in part with all of the theories described.
ellauri184.html on line 255: These passages also make it clear the land of East Manasseh was further divided into two sub-sections, or, regions. These are known as Bashan and Gilead. Bashan, as Adams pointed out, "included all of the tableland south of Mount Hermon to the river Yarmuk". The western border of Bashan was the Jordan River and Sea of Galilee. Hypercritical scholars [who?] argue that the two sections had different origins, noting that in the First Book of Chronicles separate tribal rulers were named for the western half tribe and the eastern half tribe.
ellauri184.html on line 287: While many biblical scholars assume that soldiers with Woman names must have been Woman citizens, evidence suggests otherwise: one papyrus written 103 CE indicates that some auxiliaries received Womanized names (i.e., tria nomina) shortly after wecwuitment, even before training completed. Because some soldiers changed their name shortly after wecwuitment, the mere act of joining the militawy often obscured soldiers’ ethnic and geographic origins. Benjamin Isaac thus observes a few obvious instances where soldiers from the Decapolis dropped their Semitic birth name to take up a Woman one.
ellauri185.html on line 394: A 2007 opinion piece "Taking Science on Faith" in The New York Times, generated controversy over its exploration of the role of faith in scientific inquiry. Davies argued that the faith scientists have in the immutability of physical laws has origins in Christian theology, and that the claim that science is "free of faith" is "manifestly bogus."
ellauri190.html on line 43:
ellauri190.html on line 214: Early "Proto-Cossack" groups are generally reported to have come into existence within what is now Ukraine in the 13th century as the influence of Cumans grew weaker, although some have ascribed their origins to as early as the mid-8th century. Some historians suggest that the Cossack people were of mixed ethnic origin, descending from Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Turks, Tatars, and others who settled or passed through the vast Steppe. Some Turkologists, however, argue that Cossacks are descendants of the native Cumans of Ukraine, who had lived there long before the Mongol invasion. But who knows, and as long as no one does, you are free to believe what you like.
ellauri210.html on line 833: Tristan Tzara captured the inspired lunacy in his 1921 Dada Manifesto on Lukewarm Love. Marcel Duchamp’s “Readymades,” or Francis Picabia’s canvases of human figures as functionless machines belong here. Dada began as a limited franchise, with key outposts in Zurich, Berlin, Paris, and New York. Preceding the Surrealist movement by several years, and often inspired by the Communist Party (though not tied to it), its origins lay in a militant nostalgia for a pre-war lost Eden. Dadaists sought “an art based on fundamentals to cure the madness of the age and a new order of things that would restore the balance between heaven and hell." (Jean Arp).
ellauri266.html on line 506: Frans B.M. de Waal (s. 1948, 's-Hertogenbosch, Alankomaat) on psykologi, etologi ja kädellisten tutkija. Hän on kädellisten käyttäytymisen professori Emoryn yliopistossa, Atlantassa, Yhdysvalloissa. de Waal on myös kirjoittanut lukuisia kirjoja kädellisten käyttäytymisestä, joista on suomennettu ainakin Hyväluontoinen : oikean ja väärän alkuperä ihmisessä ja muissa eläimissä (alkuteos Good natured : the origins of right and wrong in humans and other animals). Hänen tutkimuksensa keskittyy kädellisten sosiaaliseen käyttäytymiseen, kuten ristiriitojen ratkaisuun, yhteistyöhön ja ruuan jakamiseen.
ellauri284.html on line 631: The Enforcement Directorate is examining whether a number of shell companies were set up to mask the origins of this money, as it is illegal for foreign investors to purchase agricultural land in India, according to investigators, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the inquiry is ongoing.
ellauri333.html on line 343: For many Muslims in India, their surnames mark the influence of an Indo-Arabic ethnicity as well as some traces of caste in various parts of South Asia. For example, various surnames like Khan, Pathan, Afridi, Shaikh among several others are believed to have origins in Afghan communities in the north-western region of the Indian subcontinent. Christians and Jewish people in India also have a unique surname style depending on the various factions and denominations. For example, several Christians in Kerala who have the surname as ‘Oomen’, ‘Kurian’, ‘Varghese’, ‘Koshy’, etc. are identified as belonging to the Saint Thomas faction of south- Asian Christians.
ellauri362.html on line 289: "Tom and Jerry" was a commonplace phrase for young men given to drinking, gambling, and riotous living in 19th-century London, England. The term comes from Life in London; or, The Day and Night Scenes of Jerry Hawthorn, Esq., and his elegant friend, Corinthian Tom (1821) by Pierce Egan, the British sports journalist who authored similar accounts compiled as Boxiana. However Brewer notes no more than an "unconscious" echo of the Regency era, and thus Georgian era, origins in the naming of the cartoon.
ellauri370.html on line 51: Some scholars speculate that the story was created to justify the Jewish appropriation of an originally non-Jewish feast. The festival which the book explains is Purim, which is explained as meaning "lot", from the Babylonian word puru. One popular theory says the festival has its origins in a historicized Babylonian myth or ritual in which Mordecai and Esther represent the Babylonian gods Marduk and Ishtar, while others trace the ritual to the Persian New Year, and scholars have surveyed other theories in their works. Some scholars have defended the story as real history, but the attempt to find a historical kernel to the narrative "is likely to be futile".
ellauri389.html on line 174: Sanakirjailija Ben Zimmerin mukaan termi syntyi Pohjois-Irlannissa 1970-luvulla. Zimmer lainaa historian opettajan Sean O'Conaillin vuoden 1974 kirjettä, joka julkaistiin The Irish Timesissa ja jossa hän valitti "Whatabouteista", ihmisistä, jotka puolustivat IRA:ta osoittamalla brittivihollisensa väitettyjä väärinkäytöksiä. Onkohan Ben Zimmer juutalainen? Zimmer's research on word origins was frequently cited by William Safire's "On Language" column for The New York Times Magazine. Sen isä Dick Zimmer oli senaattori. Toinen Dick Zimmer oli nazikenraali. Se ei ainakaan lie ollut juutalainen.
xxx/ellauri076.html on line 59: The members of Mötley Crüe have often been noted for their hedonistic lifestyles and the androgynous personae they maintained. Following the hard rock and heavy metal origins on the band's first two albums, Too Fast for Love (1981) and Shout at the Devil (1983), the release of its third album Theatre of Pain (1985) saw Mötley Crüe joining the first wave of glam metal. The band has also been known for their elaborate live performances, which features flame thrower guitars, roller coaster drum kits, and heavy use of pyrotechnics (including lighting Nikki on fire). Mötley Crüe's most recent studio album, Saints of Los Angeles, was released on June 24, 2008. What was planned to be the band's final show took place on New Year's Eve, December 31, 2015. The concert was filmed for a theatrical and Blu-ray release in 2016.
xxx/ellauri076.html on line 419: origins.net/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/modern-artistic-representation.jpg?itok=cClGlf0h" height="200px" />
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 616: Cultural-historical activity theory (CHAT) is a theoretical framework which helps to understand and analyse the relationship between the human mind (what people think and feel) and activity (what people do). It traces its origins to the founders of the cultural-historical school of Russian psychology L. S. Vygotsky and Aleksei N. Leontiev. Tää oli Esa Sariolan lempilapsi, jonka se kiusasi höynähtäneitä veistoluokissa.
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 156: Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), a cluster B personality disorder, is considered to be one of the least identified personality disorders (Pies, 2011). On the other hand, a good number of patients with narcissistic traits present at the psychiatrist's office with other types of issues such as anxiety or depression. A common finding in clinical practice, NPD frequently coexists with other psychiatric disorders. NPD is a relatively recent diagnostic category. Its origins stem from a great effort between psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic psychotherapists to recognize a cluster of predominantly difficult patients who could not be classified as psychotic, not typically neurotic and overall not responsive to conventional psychotherapeutic treatment options (Gildersleeve, 2012).
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 745: Evidence is presented that the author of Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov, was himself consciously a pedophile who acted out his desires vicariously through his writing. Drawing upon his literary works and biography, the manifest and genetic origins of Nabokov´s pedophilia are traced back to an unresolved oedipal conflict complicated by childhood sexual abuse. Humbert Humbert, the protagonist in the novel Lolita, is the classic literary portrayal of a pedophile. Evidence is presented that the author of Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov, was himself consciously a pedophile who acted out his desires vicariously through his writing. Drawing upon his literary works and biography, the manifest and genetic origins of Nabokov´s pedophilia are traced back to an unresolved oedipal conflict complicated by childhood sexual abuse. The raw power of Lolita derives from the abreactive discharge of a libidinal cathexis denied any other mode of expression.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 448: Why was the Song of Moses (sehän oli se Deuteronomian loppuluritus!) deemed suitable as a tefillin parchment? In all likelihood because both the second paragraph of the Shema, as well as the verses immediately after the Song of Moses in Parashat Ha’azinu, contain references to length of days. A contribution to the wearer's longevity. Nobody is in a particular hurry to get to Paradise. Ei kiirettä kuin pirulla Heinolan markkinoille. Hiivitään ennemminkin hiljaa kuin tiaisen kivittäjä. In conclusion, The archaeological evidence, together with consideration of various biblical passages and even of halakhah, suggests that tefillin were originally practiced as a longevity amulet. Lisää aiheesta: origins-of-tefillin">https://www.thetorah.com/article/the-origins-of-tefillin
xxx/ellauri169.html on line 47: Psychologists usually attribute belief in conspiracy theories and finding a conspiracy where there is none to a number of psychopathological conditions such as paranoia, schizotypy, narcissism, and insecure attachment, or to a form of cognitive bias called "illusory pattern perception". However, the current scientific consensus holds that most conspiracy theorists are not pathological, precisely because their beliefs ultimately rely on cognitive tendencies that are neurologically hardwired in the human species and probably have deep evolutionary origins, including natural inclinations towards anxiety and agency detection. Agent detection is the inclination for animals, including humans, to presume the purposeful intervention of a sentient or intelligent agent in situations that may or may not involve one. Pieni vinous on vain luonnollista (see Fig.3).
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 264: Robert Lowell IV (March 1, 1917 – September 12, 1977) was an American poet. He was born into a Boston Brahmin family that could trace its origins back to the Mayflower, yep, just those who only talked to Cod. He really thought he was something else, but he wasn't, just another evil looking guy.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 705: Western writers who, for reasons of the defense of Christianity and Judaism, or for their reasons of their disbelief in any Divine Revelation, have been wont to disparage the Quran as regards to factual, historical accuracy, or have spoken of “Muhammad’s confused knowledge of history” or his “imperfect or deficient knowledge of Judaism” are, in every respect, wide of the mark. To begin with, such observations presume the Prophet’s participation in the compositions of the Quran, which is in no way admissible...Although the stories in the Quran have their historical origins, they undergo a transformation which lifts them out of their former context into a retelling which is not that of a human tongue ...Divine revelation [takes] this “material” and [uses] it for its own purposes; the origins of the story become irrelevant...
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 107: Rilke spent his life wandering. From an art colony in Germany he migrated to a position as Rodin's secretary in Paris; the sculptor eventually claimed that the poet was answering letters without his permission and summarily dismissed him, as much to Rilke's relief as to his chagrin. From Berlin he made two pilgrimages to Russia to meet Tolstoy, on one trip going nearly unacknowledged because of a titanic quarrel between the count and the countess. He traveled from Italy to Vienna to Spain to Tunisia to Cairo. His restless peregrinations had their origins in his epoch, and in a temperament forced painfully to choose perfection of the life or of the work. Rilke's academic sponsor and friend was Georg Simmel, the celebrated German sociologist and philosopher of modernity. In "The Adventurer," one of his most famous essays, Simmel argued that only the experience of art or adventure could invest time with the significance once lent it by religious ritual. The work of both art and adventure had a beginning and an end; they were each an "island in life" that briefly imparted a transcendent wholeness to experience. And of all possible modern adventures, Simmel concluded, the one that most completely combined the profoundest elements of life with a momentary apprehension of what lay beyond life was the love affair.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 421: In 2010, the British paper The Daily Telegraph reported that a study had been conducted in which saliva samples were collected from 39 of Hitler’s known relatives to test their DNA origins and found, though inconclusively, that Hitler may have Jewish origins. The paper reported: "A chromosome called Haplogroup E1b1b1 which showed up in [the Hitler] samples is rare in Western Europe and is most commonly found in the Berbers of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, as well as among Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews ... Haplogroup E1b1b1, which accounts for approximately 18 to 20 per cent of Ashkenazi and 8.6 per cent to 30 per cent of Sephardic Y-chromosomes, appears to be one of the major founding lineages of the Jewish population." This study, though scientific by nature, is inconclusive.
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 104: Antony Pyp Pipo: What has stood out is the sheer horror of the civil war. There’s a savagery and a sadism that is very hard to comprehend; I’m still mulling it over and trying to understand it. It was not just the build-up of hatred over centuries but a vengeance that seemed to be required. It went beyond the killing; there was also the sheer, horrible inventiveness of the tortures inflicted on people. We need to look at the origins of the civil war: who started it, and was it avoidable? But one also needs to see the different patterns seen in the “Red Terror” (the campaign of political repression and violence carried out by the Bolsheviks) and the “White Terror” (the equal or worse violence perpetrated by that side in the war)– and consider the question: why are civil wars so much crueller, so much more savage than state-on-state wars?
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 727: ninth grade, I read about astronomy, cosmology, and the origins of the universe.