ellauri022.html on line 496: and how they resolve the problem confronting them optimistically.

ellauri022.html on line 509: how thinking optimistically makes life better.

ellauri206.html on line 95: Sleazy Capital News (Hufvudstadsbladet) in its optimistically titled two-column report "This is how we avoid global warming" left out 2/5 of Gutierres energy recommendations. Only increases in investmets got a mention. What was left out? Well these:
ellauri346.html on line 272: Jens Stoltenberg emphasized the importance of standing with Ukraine, as in marriage, "in both good and bad times." When asked about the situation on the front line and the strategy of Ukraine's Armed Forces, he refrained from sharing specifics. However, he did reveal that the commanders were deliberating on the current battle strategies. Might this indicate a shift toward a defense-only operation for the Ukrainians? The more we support Ukraine, the sooner the war will conclude - Jens Stoltenberg optimistically ended.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 75: Pro-Israeli people in 179 countries have celebrated the holiday, and McCormack has received written support from almost 100 authors, entertainers, Nobel Prize winners and world leaders. But it is proved hard to find people who are authors, entertaineers, Nobel Prize winners and world leaders all at once. So far, only Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump have qualified. 98 to go, says Michael optimistically.