ellauri005.html on line 753: Kaikkivoipaisuus ja vapaa tahto ei vaan nyt komputoi.
ellauri011.html on line 792: Paulon jehova huijas Aatua ja Eeppaa tahallaan, se kielsi omput vaan six et ne varmasti söis just niitä. Näin se homma etenee, saadaan raina liikkeelle, kamerat pyörimään. Aika sadisti, kun sitten anto niille siitä hyvästä piiskaa. Ei Paulo, ei tää komputoi näinkään päin. Good try, but no cigar.
ellauri033.html on line 524: Luvussa II on surkeata filosofointia joka on pantu Antero VI:n suuhun, nimittäin että psykologisestä determinismistä seuraisi ettei kukaan enää välittäisi mistään, kaikki olis vaan et nadja nadja soromnoo. Se on ihan höperö ajatus. Ei determinismi muuta mitään, sapajut jatkaa suunnittelemista ihan niinkuin ennenkin. Se on just se tapa, jolla determinismi toteutuu, komputoimalla ja optimoimalla. Palkizemalla ja rankaisemalla. Ei siis (jonkun mielestä) hyvä ja (jonkun toisen mielestä) paha siitä minnekään häviä.
ellauri040.html on line 329: The earliest will vaguely remember the 20th century, little affinity (mental age factor) or no memory of September 11th 2001, and the last golden years of TV animations in the western world, in Asia and elsewhere, Rise in standard of living, exposure to Computer and Internet and grow up in the reduction in moral, traditional values.
ellauri058.html on line 328: Onx '57 syntynyt Hotakainen yhtä feikkiä? Onx Virtanen muka '55 vuosimallia niinkun sen lainalaskelmat antaa ymmärtää? Ei komputoi, heittää 10 vuodella. Ei Pezku kuunnellu Johny Rottenia vaan Boney Ämmää. Sama vika kuin Astrid Lindgrenillä: menee sekasin omat kokemuxet ja lainatut. 80-lukulaisten isät ei olleet sodassa, 50-luvun lopulla syntyneiden isiäkin oli siellä enää hinzusti.
ellauri060.html on line 1060: Google has announced recently so-called BERT update which is about using the latest NLP thing, Transformers, in search results. But BERT is not scalable as it requires short snippets containing answers in advance, as opposed to indexing entire pages. In addition it is computationally prohibitively expensive, even for Google as Transformer models such as BERT are notorious memory hogs, never mind how long it takes to train them.
ellauri072.html on line 505: Rivka Galchen is an award-winning fiction writer and journalist who loves noodles and numbers and modest-sized towns in Oklahoma where her meteorologist dad and computer data entry mom might have worked.
ellauri074.html on line 518: MATHIAS ORTLIEB: Hej Sara! Börja med att se om du online kan hitta information om självhjälp vid ångest, avslappning, mindfulness och information om vad ångest är. Börja med det och testa ett antal övningar under några veckor, blir det sämre så kontakta mig med foto bifogat. Spela massvis computerspel tex Outlast och Manhunt 2. Kolla också dopingtips på mina MKUltra sidor. Pröva True-fit väst.
ellauri074.html on line 649: Wallace was deeply suspicious of the media infrastructure that was, when he died, still largely known as “the Net”—“I allow myself to Webulize only once a week now,” he once told a grad student—and he remarked to his wife, as they were moving computer equipment into their house, “thank God I wasn't raised in this era.” Having written his first big stories on a Smith Corona typewriter, Wallace disliked digital drafts and e-publishing in general. He took particular pleasure in the fact that his house in Indiana, the one recreated in The End of the Tour, had the elegantly atavistic address of “Rural Route 2.” He preferred to file his students’ work not on computers, but in a pink Care Bears folder.
ellauri077.html on line 243: Geoffrey Hinton is the great-great-grandson both of logician George Boole whose work eventually became one of the foundations of modern computer science, and of surgeon and author James Hinton who was the father of Charles Howard Hinton.
ellauri077.html on line 411: Katolisuus ei kelpaa enää munalle, se tuntuu kyllä kivalta muttei komputoi. Materialismi vielä vähemmän, kerta siinä stoorissa pikku munasta ei jää mitään jäljelle:
ellauri078.html on line 143: In an early poem, she chastised science for its prying interests. Its system interfered with the observer’s preferences; its study took the life out of living things. In “‘Arcturus’ is his other name” she writes, “I pull a flower from the woods - / A monster with a glass / Computes the stamens in a breath - / And has her in a ‘class!’” At the same time, Dickinson’s study of botany was clearly a source of delight. She encouraged her friend Abiah Root to join her in a school assignment: “Have you made an herbarium yet? I hope you will, if you have not, it would be such a treasure to you.” She herself took that assignment seriously, keeping the herbarium generated by her botany textbook for the rest of her life.
ellauri082.html on line 525: Huumeita voi ostaa pikkulapsilta, mummoilta sekä homoilta. Suosituimmat huumeet ovat omput, subu, piri, essot, sienet, kouluruoka, telaketjut, sekä perunat. Huumeita käyttävät niin rocktähdet kuin myös äitisi. Ritva Santavuori on toiminut aktiivisena kannabiksen puolustajana.
ellauri083.html on line 428:
Have NASA Computers Proved Joshua’s Long Day?

ellauri083.html on line 430: From time to time, one hears that NASA computers have proved the account of the unusual day that accompanied the Battle of Gibeon found in Joshua 10:12–14. This marvelous little story about NASA computers began circulating in the late 1960s and early 1970s, during the heyday of the Apollo program. According to the story, in preparation for the Apollo moon landings, a computer at NASA calculated the positions of the earth, moon, and other solar system bodies with great precision far into the past and future.
ellauri083.html on line 432: This computer program produced a glitch in the fifteenth century BC, a glitch caused by solar system bodies not being in their correct positions, indicating that nearly a day was missing from time. An additional 40 minutes also was missing several centuries later, so that the total missing time was one full day.
ellauri083.html on line 436: This story is not new, but rather it is a modern retelling of an even older story. In the 1930s, Harry Rimmer made reference to how science had proved the missing day of Joshua, and this story continued to circulate within Christian circles for decades. Rimmer’s mention of this may have been the origin of Hill’s story. Rimmer based his statement upon an 1890 book by C. A. L. Totten, Joshua’s Long Day and the Dial of Ahaz, a Scientific Vindication and “a Midnight Cry.” Totten did a very elaborate computation of the date of the battle of Gibeon since the creation.
ellauri083.html on line 438: He reasoned that the battle was on the twenty-fourth day of the fourth month of the Hebrew civil calendar in the 2,555th year after the creation. This was the 933,285th day since creation. From this, Totten determined that this day was a Tuesday. Next, Totten calculated backward in time from June 17, 1890 to the battle of Gibeon. He concluded that the battle was 1,217,530 days previously, which was a Wednesday. Hence, there was a day missing. Of course, Totten’s computation required very precise dates, something that most people today would find ludicrous. However, Totten managed to obtain some audience in the late 19th century. While most people today are not impressed with such an approach, apparently invoking a computer, as in the Hill story, is sufficient to convince some people today. This story has been debunked many times, so it is a shame that it keeps being repeated.
ellauri083.html on line 440: The fact that NASA computers have not proved the account of Joshua’s long day does not mean that there was no miracle at the battle of Gibeon as recorded in the book of Joshua. We know that God’s word is inspired. Therefore, we know that the Bible is authoritative in all things, including history. Since Joshua 10:12–14 tells us that God performed this miracle, we can be assured that indeed He did perform this miracle. As Joshua 10:14 described it, “There has been no day like it before or since” (ESV).
ellauri089.html on line 153: Most of what Heinlein wrote after 1958 explores ideas that are more interesting, more profound, in certain senses, than any of his early work, like quirky sex. But at some point, even his most fervent fans want to return to books where the hero doesn't use time travel and advanced technology to have sex with his mother, his granddaughter, and his own clone. Or his computer made flesh.
ellauri096.html on line 195: J. R. Lucas (1964) claims that this reveals human beings are not machines. A computer is a concrete instantiation of a formal system. Hence, its “knowledge” is restricted to what it can prove. By Gödel’s theorem, the computer will be either inconsistent or incomplete. However, a human being with a full command of arithmetic can be consistent (even if he is actually inconsistent due to inattention or wishful thinking).
ellauri096.html on line 197: Critics of Lucas defend the parity between people and computers. They think we have our own Gödel sentences (Lewis 1999, 166–173). In this egalitarian spirit, G. C. Nerlich (1961) models the student’s beliefs in the surprise test example as a logical system. The teacher’s announcement is then a Gödel sentence about the student: There will be a test next week but you will not be able to prove which day it will occur on the basis of this announcement and memory of what has happened on previous exam days. When the number of exam days equals zero the announcement is equivalent to sentence K.
ellauri100.html on line 264: Home stretch: Stayed at the think-tank another 18 years. After three years of reviewing reports, seized an opportunity to establish and run the think-tank’s publications department. Promoted a year later to chief financial and administrative officer, with a portfolio consisting of accounting, computer operations, contracting, facility planning and operations, financial management, human resources (a.k.a. personnel), library and technical information services, physical and information security, programming services, and publications. Basically, I ended up doing everything because there were not many people left in that doomed outfit. Became deeply involved in legal matters, including spin-off of the think-tank from parent company, resolution of affirmative-action claims, and complex contract and lease negotiations. Contrived retirement at age 56. Read: that's when they at long last got rid of me because I had sunk the spin-off.
ellauri107.html on line 140: Pepun paskanjauhanta muka-uskollisuudesta shixavaimolle on läpinäkyvää valetta. Ize se on seemiläisheimonsa pahin semiitti. On olevinaan sankaria paxujalkaiselle ämmälle joka ei merkitse sille vähääkään. Tääkö pitäis uskoa? Uskokoon ken jaxaa. Ja samalla kuxii jotain "herttaista ja huomaavaista ja sievää opiskelijatyttöä" Karen Oakesia siinä sivussa. Ei tää nyt yhtään komputoi. Ainoa yhteinen nimittäjä sen toimille on ihan silmitön loukattu narsismi ja naisviha. Hei mutta olikohan Peppu Uranuxen poikia? Seuraava mietelmä esiintyi filmin American pastoral loppuvizinä:
ellauri132.html on line 627: omputerhope.com/cdn/dos/prompt-command.gif" />
ellauri144.html on line 682: The metaverse is a hypothesized iteration of the Internet, supporting persistent online 3-D virtual environments through conventional personal computing, as well as virtual and augmented reality headsets.
ellauri152.html on line 563: American children's television animations in which the biblical story of Haman is told include the "Queen Esther" episode of the series The Greatest Adventure: Stories from the Bible (1985-1992), where he is voiced by Werner Klemperer, and the computer-generated series VeggieTales (2000), in which he is portrayed by "Mr. Lunt" during the episode "Esther, the Girl who Became Queen".
ellauri155.html on line 709: Ize asiassa Hume on näkevinään apinoiden pesäpuuhissa samaa necessityä kuin kivikunnassa, ja se onkin tarpeellista jotta hommat hoituisivat, ja erityisen tarpeellista se on jotta tyypit uskoisivat jumalaan. Hume toistaa enimmäkseen monissa muissa compatibilist-tileissä esiintyvän väitteen, jonka mukaan välttämättömyyttä (determinismiä) tarvitaan tukemaan yleisesti tulevaisuuteen suuntautuvaa, utilitaristista teoriaa moraalisesta vastuusta ja rangaistuksesta. Höh, entäs teodikea, Mr. Hume? Ei tää nyt kyllä täysin komputoi. Hume luuli että poistamalla kausaatiosta salaisen energian se selvittäisi jotenkin myös vapaan tahdon ongelman. Paskat se mitään siinä muuttaa. Olikohan tää Hume nyt mistään kotoisin. Pääasiahan oli vapauden määrittely pakotuxen puutteexi, ja sen hoiteli jo vanha kunnon Ari.
ellauri159.html on line 1095: Prefer writing in an active environment like panoramic office or gym where you can shape your ideas by discussing them with others. You may also want to use a voice recorder so you don’t have to write so much and work shackled to a computer.
ellauri161.html on line 522: How ironic that the giant killer comet would now be reduced to millions of sub-microscopic particles. But the analogy is lame: the decimation of earth by a comet crashing into earth is quantifiable-the conclusion that viruses can cause widespread death is purely speculative based on computer simulations. Where of course is all the widespread death? Unless of course you believe in unsubstantiated propagandistic reports promulgated by fear-mongering mainstream media and social media platforms.
ellauri172.html on line 265: The situation of Buridan's ass was given a mathematical basis in a 1984 paper by American computer scientist Leslie Lamport (LaTex -ladontaskriptikielen kexijä, LOL), in which Lamport presents an argument that, given certain assumptions about continuity in a simple mathematical model of the Buridan's ass problem, there is always some starting condition under which the ass starves to death, no matter what strategy it takes. He points out that just because we do not see people's asses starving to death through indecision, this does not disprove the principle. The persistence of a Buridan's undecided state for the required length of time may just be sufficiently improbable that it has not been observed.
ellauri182.html on line 69: Yoshimoto keeps her personal life guarded and reveals little about her certified husband, Hiroyoshi Tahata, or son (born in 2003). The certified husband has also taken up rolfing. Each day she takes half an hour to sit at her computer, and she says, "I tend to feel guilty because I write these stories almost for fun." After work she goes out rolfing with her husband.
ellauri183.html on line 329: Early research in linguistic formal semantics used Partee's system to achieve a wealth of empirical and conceptual results. Later work by Irene Heim, Angelika Kratzer, Tanya Reinhart, Robert May and others built on Partee's work to further reconcile it with the generative approach to syntax. The resulting framework is known as the Heim and Kratzer system, after the authors of the textbook Semantics in Generative Grammar which first codified and popularized it. The Heim and Kratzer system differs from earlier approaches in that it incorporates a level of syntactic representation called logical form which undergoes semantic interpretation. Thus, this system often includes syntactic representations and operations which were introduced by translation rules in Montague's system. However, work by others such as Gerald Gazdar proposed models of the syntax-semantics interface which stayed closer to Montague's, providing a system of interpretation in which denotations could be computed on the basis of surface structures. These approaches live on in frameworks such as categorial grammar and combinatory categorial grammar.
ellauri185.html on line 406: Steven Arthur Pinker (born September 18, 1954) is a Canadian-American cognitive psychologist, psycholinguist, popular science author and public intellectual. He is an advocate of evolutionary psychology and the computational theory of mind. Enlightenment Now (2018) uses social science data to show a general improvement of the human condition over recent history brought by Western reason, science and humanism plus colonialism. Pinker on Hararin sielunveli, ne siteeraavat toisiaan. Pahuus on sitä mukaa vähentynyt kun jenkkihegemonia on vahvistunut. Vitun fariseuxet.
ellauri194.html on line 487: Dr. Ernest Adams is a consultant and a senior lecturer at the Department of Game Design, Uppsala University. He holds a bachelor's degree in philosophy from Stanford University, and a Ph.D. in interactive storytelling. He has served in the game industry since 1989 as a programmer, producer, writer, and game designer, and is the author of six books. Dr. Adams has developed online, computer, and console games for machines from the IBM 360 mainframe to the present day. He is also the founder and first chairman of the International Game Developers' Association.
ellauri194.html on line 1039: Company Description: Cooler Technologies, Inc. is located in Venice, CA, United States and is part of the Computer Systems Design and Related Services Industry. Cooler Technologies, Inc. has 4 total employees across all of its locations and generates $269,745 in sales (USD). (Sales figure is modelled).
ellauri197.html on line 536: An empirical study examining the mate preferences of subscribers to a computer dating service in Israel had a highly skewed sex ratio (646 men for 1,000 women).
ellauri243.html on line 506: Brown’s books have never made it into movies. The closest they have come is with some of the characters appearing in computer games. When asked the question on his website, he said it would be cool if his books could be made into movies, however he doesn’t have an agent in Hollywood so the chances are low.
ellauri245.html on line 447: The eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has a history of conflict, where various armies, rebel groups, and outside actors have profited from mining while contributing to violence and exploitation during wars in the region. The four main end products of mining in the eastern DRC are tin, tungsten, tantalum, and gold, which are extracted and passed through a variety of intermediaries before being sold to international markets. These four products, (known as the 3TGs) are essential in the manufacture of a variety of devices, including consumer electronics such as smartphones, tablets, and computers. Tantaliittikapasiittorissa on enemmän kapassiteettia kuin alumiinisissa, mutta ne ovat kalliita, koska ne on tehty konfliktimineraalista.
ellauri267.html on line 97: Based on the novel by Walter Wager, "Telefon" has not aged well because it'(TM)s so dependent on the cold war tension that existed between the USSR and the US in the Seventies. The film is basically a cat-and-mouse game with Soviet agent Major Grigori Borzov (Charles Bronson, that's right Bronson is a commie) tracking rogue Russian scientist Nicolai Dalmchimsky (Donald Pleasence) across America to prevent him from activating sleeper agents. Borzov is assisted by Barbara (Lee Remick. fresh from "The Omen") who asks more annoying questions than necessary, leading the audience to believe she may not be completely true to the motherland. The film's middle section is dragged down by repetitive bomb scares. Dalmichimsky is working from outdated intelligence so his targets are all de-classified U.S. Military installations. Once Borzov realizes the pattern and hones in the next target the action shifts to a more linear chase that'(TM)s further heightened by Barbara'(TM)s loyalties. But the ultimate showdown is deflating because beyond some silly disguises Pleasence's Dalmichimsky is never built up to be a threat. Director Don Siegel uses his flair for montage to craft a his action sequences without dialogue. "Telefon" is a road movie, much like Alfred Hitchcock's "Saboteur" and "North by Northwest" had their leads criss-crossing America here we see plenty of seventies architecture including San Francisco's Hyatt Regency Hotel (used in "The Towering Inferno") and a modernist house resting on top of a barren rock outcropping. The supporting cast is uniformly good (but trapped in underwritten roles), and it'(TM)s nice to see veteran character actors Alan Badel and Patrick Magee playing snotty KGB strategists, and Tyne Daly in a small (and ultimately irrelevant role) as a computer geek. Trivia note: The poem that activates the Russian sleeper agents was used by Quentin Tarantino in "Death Proof" as the lines Jungle Julia has her listeners recite to Butterfly. The lines are an excerpt of the poem "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost. "The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep."
ellauri279.html on line 208: Dmitri Mikhailovich Alperovitch (born 1980) is a Russian American think-tank founder, investor, philanthropist, podcast host and former computer security industry executive. He is the chairman of Silverado Policy Accelerator, a geopolitics think-tank in Washington, D.C. and a co-founder and former chief technology officer of CrowdStrike. Alperovitch is a naturalized U.S. citizen born in Russia who came to the United States in 1994 with his family. Following Russian invasion of Ukraine, Alperovitch became the host of Geopolitics Decanted podcast, where he discusses current geopolitical events with militarily experts, historians, economists and political scientists. He is one of the 100 leading global thinkers in foreign policy 2013. Alperovitch even got a nod from President Trump when the leader (erroneously) called out CrowdStrike as “owned by a very rich Ukrainian.” (It’s assumed he was talking about Alperovitch, who is a cofounder and was born in Moscow to Russian parents.)
ellauri285.html on line 772: the butterfly-like first figure provided by Fredrickson and Losada is not a model of the data taken from their human participants, but "the results of computer simulations of the Lorenz equations, nothing more"; and based on the maths, even if precise positivity/negativity ratios could be derived, several "windows" of desirable and undesirable positivity/negativity ratios above a certain value should exist, rather than a simple range of ratios in which "flourishing" should occur.
ellauri309.html on line 435: omputer/1608/mfx0wr2oum.jpg" />
ellauri318.html on line 74: Meaning you also have a knack for organization and down to earth solutions. Mrado has a very alert mind that kind of operates like a computer(efficiently).
ellauri324.html on line 152: - Tai että meillä on vapaa tahto eikä jumala mahda sille mitään? Se voi vaan levitellä käsiään. Ja niin edespäin ja edespäin. Eikö olisi paras antaa olla, ei tää homma kuitenkaan näytä lähtevän komputoimaan, vaikka ize Quora tuli apuun.
ellauri351.html on line 461: Sodat eivät ehkä ole aina välttämättömiä, mutta todennäköisiä ne ovat. Apinoiden ei tarvi aina sotia, mutta sotivat ne silti aina joskus, vähän väliä. Sekin voi olla eräänlainen välttämättömyys.Vahvin terroristimotiivi on yhteenkuuluvuuden tarve ja tarkoituxen saaminen elämälle. Siis juuri niitä juttuja mitä motivaattorit pitävät onnen eväinä. Jotain mätää tässä täytyy olla. Paavosta pahoja terroristitekoja kuten kaxoistornin kaato tehdään näennäisen epäizekkäästi oma taivasosa mieleesä, kuntaas isänmaallis-agressiivista oman pesän puolustusta aidon epäizekkäästi toisten hyvä mielessä. Ei tääkään ihan komputoi. Taitaa olla mahdotonta leikata hyvää pyhää vihaa pahan kyljestä jollain jesuiitan partaveizellä. Se jää lopultakin siihen että meidän tiimin viha on muita parempaa. Syy löytyy kun jaxaa pöyhiä.
ellauri353.html on line 301: Because while children are growing up you have a pool of time God wants to kill bin Laden even less you have something to fall back on. There isn't much left. However I think that the green movement towards the computer and that is really going to solve the woman's problem. Because then women can. Will be able to stay at home and bring up their children. And at the same time not drop out of everything that they would go for and I think it's happening more and more women are staying home just take care of their tour. And at the same time. Are continue. Either their education or there are few that we think of when I am asked about. Or book in advance. When the list...
ellauri370.html on line 135: Has Ukraine's army built substantial defensive positions in front of Russia fortified lines? What are some of the most interesting unknown events/facts (mysteries) of history? Why do Finnish people seem to resist the Swedish language, but are happy to learn and speak English? Why is China’s communism so different than Russia´s? What is the most fascinating historical photo? How do I access a phone with a broken touch screen through a computer? Who is the mother of the President of Ukraine? Why did she fail to teach him Ukrainian? Did she teach her Hebrew or Jiddish? Doesn’t Putin realize he will be VAPORIZED 15 to 20 minutes after he launches his first missile? Why don't elite soldiers and Navy SEALs have physiques like Dwayne Johnson or Vin Diesel? Do you trust Ukraine to use the M1 Abrams tanks responsibly? Why not?
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 879: Rikastamon toimintaa Mätäsvaarassa. Jätevesi johdettiin rikastamolta 7 km pituista jäteojaa pitkin Viekijärveen. Nilkki jäteoja plokissaan osoittaa jälleen kerran fasistisen perusluonteensa halutessaan kriisiviestintään ylhäältäpäin ohjausta. Usein kirjoittaja ei yksinkertaisesti tajua, että lukija voi ymmärtää tekstin eri tavalla kuin oli tarkoitus. Sotasensuurilla saisi somettajat kuriin. Loppus tollaset jakarit ja omput. Tätä(kin) asiaa käsitellään kirjassani Väärinymmärryksiä. Ostakaa! Edistätte nilkin rikastamon toimintaa.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 133: Borat visits Luenell and they return to Kazakhstan together. They bring several American customs and traditions back to his village, including the apparent conversion of the people to Christianity (the Kazakh version of which includes crucifixion and torturing of Jews) and the introduction of computer-based technology, such as iPods, laptop computers and a high-definition television.
xxx/ellauri084.html on line 627: Dowtyn, Wallin ja Petersin Introduction to Montague Semantics, jolla Wallu doppailee, oli jo ilmestyessään kuolleena syntynyt alkeisoppikirja Richard Montaguen, 1971 jossain hämärissä kotibailuissa nirhatun homopetterin hankalammista alkuperäisistä artikkeleista 60/70 lukujen vaihteesta, joita me Eskin kanssa opiskeltiin Jaakon apulaisten huoneessa lukutikku kädessä. Dowty et al. ilmestyi 1981, jolloin John oli justiinsa syntynyt ja mä valmistunut ja masentuneen Stan Petersin sitä paljon pätevämpi rouva pyysi mua Amherstiin sijaisexi, mutta me ei menty. Montague-semantiikka kuoli sitten omaan mahdottomuuteensa, tai paremminkin koska siitä ei saanut helppoja tietokonesovelluxia. Just tohon aikaan mikrot tuli joka humanistin pöydälle ja kaikki halus tehdä jotain jota niillä saattoi tehdä, ja Montaguen joukko-opillinen semantiikka ei siltä näyttänyt. Se oli pelkkää määrittelyä, siitä puuttui komputoitavuus. Onnexi ei menty.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 144: I made a lot of mistakes in life. I am 49 and I am studying computer science now. Can I get a job?
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 150: When I was teaching computer science, I had a student who was — I think — older than you are. I suspect he’d made some mistakes in life too. But he studied hard, got good g... Read More »
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 312: Joshua Gross, Assistant Professor of Computer Science at CSUMB

xxx/ellauri085.html on line 377: The software you are using right now… came from wealthy people. The monitor, or laptop screen, the computer, the cables or wifi, the router, modem, the internet service provider…. the chair you are sitting on, the desk your are sitting at, the clothes you are wearing….
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 418: In September 2017, a team of scholars, computer scientists, philologists and linguists at the University of Padua analyzed 150 novels written in Italian by 40 different authors, including seven books by Elena Ferrante, but none by Raja. Based on analysis using several authorship attribution models, they concluded that Anita Raja's husband, author and journalist Domenico Starnone, is the probable author of the Ferrante novels. Raja has worked for E/O Publishing as copy editor and has been editing Starnone's books for years.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 292: Hauptmann's early dramas reflect the influence of Henrik Ibsen, but the production of Die Weber, a dramatization of the Silesian weavers' revolt of 1844, brought him fame as the leading playwright of his generation. Hauptmann did not only want to give realistic details, but he paid a great deal of attention to historical accuracy, and studied various dialects. His weavers are "flat-chested, coughing creatures of the looms, whose knees are bent with much sitting." The women's clothes are ragged, but some of the young girls are not without charm � they have "delicate figures, large protruding melancholy eyes." Structurally the play, which was at first banned, was innovative � there is no single, individual hero in the cast of more than 70 characters. (Didn't exceed the 80 character limit of first generation mainframe computers.)
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 280: POV Promise of Value (IBM computer security chip)
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1053: mom Ma Roberts (computer specialist, what else)
xxx/ellauri154.html on line 278: Eheiden ruukkujen välinen keskustelu piinasi särkynyttä ruukkua. Se katui sitä että se oli niin hyödytön (mitä vittua? Katui sitä että juippi oli kompastunut? Nää hengelliset tarinat ei kylä komputoi!) ja että se aiheutti harmia miehelle joka sen oli ostanut ja pitänyt siitä niin paljon huolta. Joten ajattelematta yhtään nenäänsä pidemmälle, särkynyt ruukku päätti pyytää miestä heittämään sen pois.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 133: PC ja sen tyttäret (enkä tällä tarkoita personal computer saati politically correct).
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 182: Ja sit vielä tää et Roope kexi meille paskat oltavat vaan sixi että saimme siltä sen rahasäiliön aarteista muka suurimman - vapaan tahdon. Enkeleillä ei ole valinnanvaraa, niiden pitää lusia koko ajan autuaina vaan siellä taivaassa, kun taas meillä onnekkailla on valta valita joko totella sokeasti Roopea tai sitten saada pelkkää pahaa, eli parhaimmassakin tapauxessa hikisesti päästään samaan kuin noi kermaperse enkelit mitään vaivaa näkemättä. Mitä vittua sellaisella tahdonrääpäleellä tekee? Tahto on vapaa jos on voimia tehdä mitä tahtoo - ja sitäpä ei se spede meille suonut. Ei tää ei kyllä kerta kaikkiaan komputoi. Kyltää on vaan jotain tunkion päällyskukkojen salaliittoa.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 122: Objects believed to protect from evil‎ (2 C, 38 P) Fictional computers‎ (46 P)
xxx/ellauri169.html on line 319: Siis vanha menetelmä oli psyykkinen (demoninen) menetelmä jossa ihmisen "luontaisia" henkisiä kykyjä harjoitetaan. Uusi reitti on tämä "korkean teknologian" tie. Silminnäkijöiden mukaan, molemmat menetelmät ovat antaneet hyviä tuloksia, vaikkakin se kulostaa siltä että he edelleenkin hiovat kynsiään. Yhdysvalloissa, National Center for Supercomputer Applications tekee työtä sulkeaxeen ihmiset virtuaalitodellisuuteen. Ranska ja Britannia tulee perässä, ratakierroxella jälessä. Tämä on yksi syy miksi mielialanhallinan uhreilla on erilaisia oireita ja pakkoliikkeitä.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 447: Amerikkalaisten näkökulmasta she was an American computer scientist and manager, who emigrated to the US from Germany after the Second World War. She was also notable as the fiancée of the German Protestant theologian and Resistance worker Dietrich Bonhoeffer, eighteen years her senior.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1038: Speaking of which, German police believe the convicted paedophile, 45, abducted and killed Madeleine McCann, 3, in Portugal in 2007. Following tip-offs from German police, in April 2021 authorities in Paraguay targeted Christian Manfred Kruse, 59, a German national thought to be behind the sick network. At the same time German cops arrested three other men linked to a paedo ring. They include cook Andreas G, 40, unemployed Fritz Otto K, 64, and Alexander G, 49, who allegedly acted as an administrator and forum moderator for the ring. Boystown was internationally oriented, had chat areas in different languages and served the worldwide exchange of images, documenting the sexual abuse of children. Experts then set about analysing all the computer data, including 5,000 IP addresses, which had exchanged sickening pornographic images and videos of children being abused to around 400,000 members. Idris started prophecying at age 40, and so did Mohammed. Mohammed´s youngest wife was just 9. The Daily Telegraph described the disappearance of Madeleine "the most heavily reported missing-person case in modern history".
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 144: Ympyräsuun mielisana oli actually, jolla se oikaisi keskustelukumppanin vääriä käsityxiä. Niinkuin sitä vitalismia, jolla koitin vastustaa sen puhtaasti komputationaalista näkemystä sielusta. Vieläkin hävettää oma tyhmyyteni. Olinko mä joku Henri Bergson silloin vielä, tai lyttänenä Plato? Ympyräsuu oli ehkä lukenut Raumpilot Ijon Tichyn XIV avaruusseikkailun, jossa siitä otettiin jollain IT-kuplaplaneetalla varmuuskopio.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 129: Kalanick was born on August 6, 1976, and grew up in the Northridge neighborhood of Los Angeles. Kalanick's parents are Bonnie Renée Horowitz Kalanick (née Bloom) and Donald Edward Kalanick. Bonnie, whose family were Viennese Jews who immigrated to the U.S. in the early 20th century, worked in retail advertising for the Los Angeles Daily News. Kalanick studied computer engineering and business economics at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) until he dropped out to make MMMMONEY! Inhottava viurusilmä. Uuber ajoi alas Suomen taxilainsäädännön kauko-ohjaamalla limaista näppyläistä kumikana Berneriä.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 283: Aivan poikkeuxellisenkin törtelössä Body of Proof jaxossa vlta 2013 Katella ("Katja") on ukrainalainen murhamies-rakastaja joka kääntyykin loppua kohti hyvixexi, ei se ollutkaan tappanut ukrainalaista ostovaimoa vaan pikemminkin pelastanut sen lapsen rumalla keisarinleikkauxella vainajatytön vazan läpi ja sukkelasti nimennyt sikiön omatoimisesti "Katjaxi". Vixikästä tässä on että vaikka kaikkea venäläiselta haiskahtavaakin vielä kavahdetaan Philadelphiassa, tässä jaxossa alkaa Ukrainan torakanhaju vähin erin hälvetä. Vuosi 2013 taisi olla toisen Krimin sodan vuosi. Jenkkipoliisitkin ihmettelevät kuinka tämmönen hyväsydäminen ammattitappaja on voinut ryhtyä nirhaamaan hyvixiä, vaikka 80-luvulla osallistui afganistanin sotaan ryssän puolella. Täh? Nyt ei oikein komputoi. Ketkä siis oli hyvixiä ja ketkä pahixia milloinkin? Taino, mitä vitun väliä oikeastaan. Viirusilmällä Meganilla ei tässä jaxossa ollut muuta tehtävää kuin vittuilla nenäkkäästi ukrainalaisen pääkonna naisen pojalle. So there! Hetkonen, jos veikko huitoi pyssyä jo 80-luvulla, sen piti olla vähintään viisikymppinen tässä jaxossa. Kaise olikin, tää sarja taitaa olla eräänlaista keski-iän sexiä. Megan ja Kate pinnistää näyttäxeen ihan samoilta kuin ukrainalaiset ostovaimokkeet, mutta näillä on auttamatta vähempi ryppyjä, vain 1 joka jalkovälissä.
xxx/ellauri361.html on line 255: Mene rauhallisin mielin vaikeitten ja outojen kohtien ohi kulmakarvojasi nostaen ja samalla ihmetellen, miten monella tavalla eri kulttuureissa sanaa kristillisyys eletään ja ilmaistaan. Jumala näyttää totisesti luoneen meidät vajavaiset ja heikosti komputoivat ihmiset tässäkin suhteessa erilaisiksi! Eli Paavalia lainaten: Kokeilkaa kaikkea ja tarratkaa sitten siihen, mikä tuntuu hyvältä.