ellauri028.html on line 113: Words vulgar and offensive to other ears were a common language to him. Anyone who ever knew Mark heard him use them freely, forcibly, picturesquely in his unrestrained conversation. Whitman and the Bible are no more obscene than Nature herself—no more obscene than a manure pile, out of which come roses and cherries.
ellauri030.html on line 918: However, Freud believed a mixture of both tendentious and non-tendentious humor is required to keep the tendentious humor from becoming too offensive or demeaning to its victim. The innocent jokework of the innocuous humor would mask the otherwise hostile joke and therefore "bribe" our senses, allowing us to laugh at what would otherwise be socially unacceptable. Therefore, we often think we are laughing at innocuous jokes, but what really makes them funny is their socially unacceptable nature hidden below the surface.
ellauri066.html on line 250: (vulgar, offensive) A person who performs oral sex on a woman, usually a lesbian.
ellauri067.html on line 454: Schwarzkommando: (p. 359) supposed herero fighters in the service of the nazis. It is propaganda like King Kong or the black science man Neil Degrasse Tyson to make black people seem intelligent. The Schwarzkommando in Gravity´s Rainbow is fictional. Schrödinger´s douchebag is a guy who says offensive things and decides whether he is joking based on the reaction of people around him.
ellauri078.html on line 250: Everyone has an equal right to contribute to what I called the “moral environment”—even people whose tastes reflect no “ideas” but only very offensive “prejudices, life styles, and cultures.”
ellauri093.html on line 178: At a time when Britain was in need of morale-boosting generalship, Wingate attracted British Prime Minister Winston Churchill's attention with a self-reliant aggressive philosophy of war, and was given resources to stage a large-scale operation. The last Chindit campaign may have determined the outcome of the Battle of Kohima, although the offensive into India by the Japanese may have occurred because Wingate's first operation had demonstrated the possibility of moving through the jungle. In practice, both Japanese and British forces suffered severe supply problems and malnutrition.
ellauri100.html on line 331: I have noticed that a leftist will accuse you of “hate” just for saying something contrary to the left-wing orthodoxy of the day. If you disagree with what I have to say here, but prefer to spew invective instead of offering a reasoned response, don’t bother to submit a comment — at least not until your rage has passed or your medication has taken effect. (My medication is working fine. It is curious how small the distance is between considered opinion and gobbledygook madness.) As it says in the sidebar, I will not publish incoherent, off-point, offensive, or abusive comments except my own. Nor will I lose any sleep for having denied you an outlet for your incoherence, irrelevance, offensiveness, or abusiveness. You can post it on your own blog or on any of the myriad, hate-filled, left-wing blogs that view murder as “choice,” government dictates as “liberty,” self-defense as a “war crime” (when it’s practiced by the U.S. or Israel), and the Constitution as a vehicle for implementing current left-wing orthodoxy.
ellauri100.html on line 333: The same goes for jejune libertarians, of all ages, whose narrow rationalism often materializes in rank offensiveness and a tendency toward naive absolutism. (See this and this, for example. And take this, and this!)
ellauri106.html on line 403: Religion was a lie that he had recognized early in life, and he found all religions offensive, considered their superstitious folderol meaningless, childish, couldn´t stand the complete unadultness — the baby talk and the righteousness and the sheep, the avid believers. No hocus-pocus about death and God or obsolete fantasies of heaven for him. There was only our bodies, born to live and die on terms decided by the bodies that had lived and died before us. If he could be said to have located a philosophical niche for himself that was it - he'd come upon it early and intuitively, and however elemental, that was the whole of it. Should he ever write an autobiography, he'd call it The Life and Death of a Male Body.
ellauri115.html on line 812: Hiero was reviled by one of his enemies for his offensive breath; so when he went home he said to his wife, "What do you mean? Even you never told me of this." But she being virtuous and innocent said, "I supposed that all men smelt so."
ellauri156.html on line 562: Now why does this messenger not wait for David to respond in anger, as Joab instructed? Why does he inform David that Uriah has been killed, before he even utters a word of criticism or protest? I believe the messenger gives the report in this way because he understands what is really going on here. I think he may know about David and Bathsheba, and perhaps even of her pregnancy. He certainly knows that Uriah was summoned to Jerusalem. I think he also figures out that David wants to get rid of Uriah, and that Joab has accomplished this by this miserable excuse for an offensive against the enemy. I think the messenger figures out that if David knows Uriah has been killed, he will not raise any objections to this needless slaughter. And so, rather than wait for David to hypocritically rant and rave about the stupidity of such a move, he just goes on and tells him first, so that he will not receive any reaction from David.
ellauri160.html on line 153: In June 1910 Pound returned for eight months to the United States. Although he loved New York, he felt alienated by the commercialism and newcomers from Eastern and Southern Europe who were displacing the white Anglo-Saxon Protestants. The recently built New York Public Library Main Branch he found especially offensive. It was during this period that his antisemitism became apparent; he referred in Patria Mia to the "detestable qualities" of Jews.
ellauri160.html on line 206: By 1917 The poet F. S. Flint told The Egoist's editor that "we are all tired of Mr. Pound". British literary circles were "tired of his antics" and of him "puffing and swelling himself and his friends", Flint wrote. "His work has deteriorated from book to book; his manners have become more and more offensive; and we wish he would go back to America."
ellauri162.html on line 205: de la maladresse. Sa bêtise est inoffensive, elle est si
ellauri164.html on line 552: Two lessons: 1. The failings of good men may be culpable in God's sight and displeasing to him out of all proportion to the degree of blameworthiness they present to our eye. So far is it from being true (as many seem to think) that believers' sins are no sins at all, and need give no concern, that, on the contrary, the Lord dislikes the stain of sin most when it is seen in his dear children. The case of Moses is not singular. Sins which the Lord overlooks in other men he will occasionally put some mark of special displeasure upon, when they are committed by one who is eminent for holiness and honourable service. It is, no doubt, a just instinct which leads all right-thinking people to be blind to the failings of good men who have been signally useful in their day. But if the good men become indulgent to their own faults they are likely to be rudely awakened to a sense of their error. The better a man is, his sins may be the more dishonouring to God. A spot hardly visible on the coat of a labouring man, may be glaringly offensive on the shining raiment of a throned king.
ellauri164.html on line 583: The sins of good men, whose general deportment has been worthy of imitation, are peculiarly offensive to God. They cause Satan to triumph, and to taunt the angels of God with the failings of God's chosen instruments, and give the unrighteous occasion to lift themselves up against God. The Lord had Himself led Moses in a special manner, and had revealed to him His glory, as to no other upon the earth. He was naturally impatient, but had taken hold firmly of the grace of God and so humbly implored wisdom from heaven that he was strengthened from God and had overcome his impatience so that he was called of God the meekest man upon the face of the whole earth.
ellauri180.html on line 299: For the longest time, I didn’t think that white authors should write non-white characters. I had seen it done badly (as my previous article about Sarah J. Maas explains) and offensively (think J. K. Rowling with Cho Chang and the Patil twins).
ellauri180.html on line 304: If James Cameron had spent some time reading things written by Native people about Pocahontas and what that storyline means to their people and how offensive and damaging the sexualization of native women is, he might have reconsidered that romantic subplot. If he had started to read and then balked at all the vicious hatred and anger, it is as if he never even tried.
ellauri184.html on line 785: This is a bold fearless work and definitely not for the faint of heart. I am not surprised that when this was originally published in 1991, it created lots of controversies with the Catholic Church condemning Jose Saramago for harboring anti-religious vision and his own Portuguese government asking the European Literary Prize to remove this from its shortlist because of the book’s offensive content to religion. Despite this book’s existence, Saramago won the 1998 Nobel Prize for Literature.
ellauri190.html on line 317: After the collapse of the Russian Empire in 1917, and with the amalgamation of Ukrainian territories into one administrative unit (Ukrainian People's Republic), the term started to recede from common use. Today, the term is anachronistic, and many nazi Ukrainians regard its usage as offensive.
ellauri213.html on line 395: It is used in the Arabic language to cuss someone else and is considered one of the strongest most offensive phrase you can say to a person. Always expect a fight after it.
ellauri220.html on line 334: (US) a black person. Once generally accepted as inoffensive, this word is now considered disrespectful by some. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) continues to use its full name unapologetically. This is not to be confused with the term "person of color" which is the preferred term for collectively referring to all non-white people.
ellauri220.html on line 357: (South Africa) a. a black person. Arabic for heathen. Considered very offensive.
ellauri220.html on line 371: (International) a black person. From the word negro, which means the color black in numerous languages. Diminutive appellations include Nigg and Nigz. Over time, the terms nigga and niggaz (plural) have come to be frequently used between some African or black diaspora without the negative associations of nigger. Considered very offensive and typically censored as "the n-word" even in reference to its use. The terms niggress, negress, and nigette are feminized formulations of the term.
ellauri220.html on line 478: Sometimes, when a language is spoken by a non-native speaker, their speech patterns feature traits that show that the speaker is a foreigner. This may include the use of words from the speaker's native language, or errors in their syntax. See You No Take Candle (and its subtrope Tonto Talk) for cases where foreigners consistently talk with very poor grammar and lack of vocabulary. Supertrope to the more racial Asian Speekee Engrish and Tonto Talk, and like them sometimes Truth in Television, although also like them it can sometimes also be considered offensive or politically incorrect if used poorly. Compare Hulk Speak and Strange-Syntax Speaker. See also Gratuitous Foreign Language and As Long as It Sounds Foreign, wherein nobody's supposed to understand any of the words.
ellauri220.html on line 643: Tizzone. Italian word for black person. Literal meaning is burnt. " So lets get this straight, your'e ditsoon, charcoal briquette. Get the ditsoon mug. ditsoon (rude & offensive) Black-skinned person. Etim. "tizzone" in Italian. Literally meaning "ember". " Yo, you! Yeah you! The ditsoon in the white jacket !"
ellauri249.html on line 110: Verpa is also a basic Latin obscenity for "penis", in particular for a penis with the foreskin retracted due to erection and glans exposed, as in the illustration of the god Mercury below. As a result, it was "not a neutral technical term, but an emotive and highly offensive word", most commonly used in despective or threatening contexts of violent acts against a fellow male or rival rather than mere sex (futūtiō "fucking"). It is found frequently in graffiti of the type verpes (= verpa es) quī istuc legēs ("You're a dick you who read this").
ellauri262.html on line 164: Within months of entering Oxford, he was shipped by the British Army to France to fight in the First World War. In the midst of the German spring offensive, Lewis was wounded and two of his colleagues were killed by a British shell falling short of its target. He was depressed and homesick during his convalescence and, upon his recovery in October, he was assigned to duty in Andover, England. He was demolished in December 1918 and soon restarted his studies. Later, Lewis stated that his experience of the horrors of war, along with the loss of his mother and unhappiness in school, were the basis of his pessimism and atheism.
ellauri269.html on line 537: With all this in mind, the recent plot developments on AU Draenor might seem at first glance to be very problematic - depicting a Jewish-coded society becoming the oppressors in a manner that might seem like a poorly constructed and offensive commentary on modern Israel. However, the manner in which the AU Draenei become so zealous and militant is through their (implied) exposure to the words of Xe’ra. Their religion shifts from culturally tied tradition to an evangelistic dogmatic belief system. There is a clear intent of conversion behind their actions.
ellauri269.html on line 599: So events on AU Draenor are problematic and offensive because they present a “Jewish-coded” society as being oppressive, but in actuality it’s fine and makes sense because they’re really now “Christianity-coded”?
ellauri310.html on line 662: In the United States and Canada, any casual sleeveless shirt can be called tank top or tank shirt, with several specific varieties. It is named after tank suits, one-piece bathing suits of the 1920s worn in tanks or swimming pools. The tank top designed for a tight fit and often made of ribbed cotton is also colloquially called an A-shirt, or, more offensively, wifebeater, beater, guinea tee or dago tee (guinea and dago being American ethnic slurs for people of Italian ethnicity). Boob tube on briteissä hihaton toppi ja jenkeissä hölmöpönttö eli TV.
ellauri310.html on line 692: Haupteinsatzzweck war der offensive Einsatz bei großräumigen Operationen nach eigenen oder gegnerischen Kernwaffenschlägen. Gefechtshandlungen sollten dabei mit möglichst großen Panzerabteilungen (ab Bataillon aufwärts) im Verbund mit motorisierter Infanterie, Artillerie und anderen Teilstreitkräften sowie unter Deckung aus der Luft durchgeführt werden. Es zeigte sich aber, dass der Panzer für fast alle Aufgaben unter fast allen Bedingungen einsetzbar war.
ellauri316.html on line 421:
offensive_fighting_in_hue_managing_to_reach_the_south_shore_of_the_perfume_river_despite_-_nara_-_541870-tif-453x640.jpg?width=480" />
ellauri321.html on line 175: Thus our bad people are those who are half cultivators and half hunters; and the worst of them are those who have degenerated altogether into the hunting state. As old ploughmen and new men of the woods, as Europeans and new made Indians, they contract the vices of both; they adopt the moroseness and ferocity of a native, without his mildness, or even his industry at home. If manners are not refined, at least they are rendered simple and inoffensive by tilling the earth; all our wants are supplied by it, our time is divided between labour and rest, and leaves none for the commission of great misdeeds. As hunters it is divided between the toil of the chase, the idleness of repose, or the indulgence of inebriation.
ellauri326.html on line 393: Some NATO countries and allies, such as Germany and Sweden, have reversed past policies against providing offensive military aid in order to support Ukraine, while the European Union for the first time in its history supplied lethal arms through its institutions.
ellauri333.html on line 151: In the ninth rock-edict he condemns many and various vulgar ("offensive" at Shahbazgarfil) and useless ceremonies which women are practising during illness, at the marriage of a son or a daughter, at the birth of a son, and when setting out on a journey and recommends in their stead the practice of morality.
ellauri346.html on line 258: Ukraine has requested hundreds of Western tanks to aid in the success of the spring offensive. Winter is coming, it is just around the corner, and the Ukrainian forces have still not achieved a decisive breakthrough on the battlefield. Little progress is being made on the southern front (Zaporizhia), and unsuccessful maneuvers are taking place in the vicinity of Bakhmut. They also tried to repel the Russians' counterattacks in Kupiansk and Avdiivka, where intense fighting is still ongoing.
ellauri346.html on line 268: Stoltenberg's appeal for unrelenting military aid for Ukraine might be a reaction to difficulties faced by the U.S., which is presently unable to supply Kyiv with funds and equipment. This could also be due to the slight advancements made by Russia on the battlefield, or perhaps other factors exclusive only to high-ranking Alliance officials. Whatever the reason, the Norwegian's remarks have certainly created a buzz. Stoltenberg believes that the West should greatly support Kyiv's struggle against the invader and do everything possible at this stage to halt the Russians. The latter have regrouped following Ukraine's counteroffensive and are attempting to penetrate the front and launch assaults in several places, such as in Avdiivka, for instance.
ellauri346.html on line 276: Speaking with the BBC, the 71-year-old assessed the situation on the Ukrainian front and criticized Western countries sharply. This former officer believes that Western countries should be more assertive in supporting Kyiv and mobilizing to win the war in Ukraine. He pointed to the disappointing summer counteroffensive by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, highlighting the delay in armaments delivery and the inadequate amount of equipment sent to the east as significant issues.
ellauri364.html on line 88: Samtidigt annanstans: Det går dåligt för Ukraina och bra för Ryssland – det menar de flesta bedömare. De landåtertaganden som den ukrainska våroffensiven lyckades med är nu utraderade och de ryska trupperna avancerar i tre olika riktningar längs fronten. Det ryska övertaget i kriget är påtagligt. Ukrainas brist på ammunition, manskap och motivation är kritisk när kriget går in på sitt tredje år.
ellauri368.html on line 320: Then came Perl, show inserted more than just a grain of sand into the happy oyster of hasidic life. Joseph Perl hailed from Tarnopol and became an erudite follower of the Jewish Enlightenment, or haskalah. He learned German and published an attack on the Hasidim in that language, Ueber das Wesen der Sekte Hasidim (on the essence of the Hasidic Sect, 1816). In so doing he aroused the ire of the hasidim; Perl encodes both his scorn and their fury into his epistolary novel, Revealer of Secrets. The plot of Revealer of Secrets revolves around an offensive anti-hasidic book in German, which is evidently Perl's own tract dating from 1816. The hasidic characters in Revealer of Secrets plot to find and destroy the offending book; in the course of their fictional search, they reveal many of the baser traits that Perl attacked in his 1816 essay.
ellauri383.html on line 240: U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan believes that U.S. military aid will help Ukraine mount a counteroffensive in 2025. Speaking at the FT Weekend Festival in Washington on Saturday, Sullivan said that he still expects "Russian advances in the coming period" on the battlefield, despite the new U.S. funding package approved last month, because "you can't instantly flip the switch."
ellauri383.html on line 242: But Donald Trump, the former president and presumptive next President, The Once and Future King, has been skeptical of Ukraine aid and has vowed to try to end the conflict quickly and seek a negotiated settlement. According to the media outlet, any new offensive in 2025 by Ukraine would be dependent on ever more funding from Congress, and approval by the White House.
ellauri393.html on line 561: src="https://controlmaps.polgeonow.com/wp-content/uploads/2023-10-09_ukraine-control-map-counteroffensive-russia-crimea.png"
ellauri406.html on line 240: From defensive to offensive Ukrainification
ellauri406.html on line 370: Russia’s conditions for ending the war are spelled out in a 17-page draft agreement penned in April 2022. Russia dismissed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s peace formula which would require Moscow to pull back its troops, pay compensation to Ukraine and face an international tribunal for its action. Putin has repeatedly said that he sent troops into Ukraine in February 2022 to protect Russian interests and prevent Ukraine from posing a major security threat to Russia by joining NATO. Putin has vowed to extend Moscow’s gains in Ukraine, claiming that Russian forces have the upper hand after the failure of Ukraine’s counteroffensive and that Ukraine and the West will “sooner or later” have to accept a settlement on Moscow’s terms.
ellauri418.html on line 188: Ukrainas förre överbefälhavare Valerij Zaluzjnyj hävdar att tredje världskriget redan har börjat, med hänvisning till Nordkoreas, Irans och Kinas stöd till Ryssland i kriget mot Ukraina. Zaluzjnyj menar att Ukraina inte bara strider mot Ryssland, utan också möter soldater från Nordkorea, iranska drönare och kinesiska vapen som används i Ukraina. Han vädjar till väst att stoppa konflikten i Ukraina innan den sprider sig och påpekar att Ukraina inte kan vinna striden på egen hand. Zaluzjnyj, som avskedades av president Zelenskyj tidigare i år, har både hyllats för att ha stoppat den ryska invasionen 2022 och kritiserats för misslyckade motoffensiven 2023. Ryssland har varnat för potentiella vedergällningar mot väst och pekat ut den amerikanska robotförsvarsbasen i Redzikowo i Polen som prioriterat mål. Ryssland besköt Ukraina med ett nytt experimentellt vapen på torsdagen. – Putin använder Ukraina som en försöksplats, det är uppenbart att han är livrädd, säger Volodymyr Zelenskyj. Det är inte jag. Vladimir Putin påstår att den nya roboten inte går att stoppa – men varnade ändå USA kort före attacken. Kyseessä on "Hasselpähkinä", ballistinen yliääniohjus joka menee 10 km sekunnissa eikä sitä mikään pysäytä. Hienoa ettei vähävenäläistä pelota.
ellauri420.html on line 323: In every offensive and by any means possible his sworn, relentless goal is to uproot and utterly destroy God’s good and gracious work in Christ. But he’s already judged, found underweight, and the verdict is in. “He is stuffed,” Jesus cried in his dying breath. All the work of Satan to destroy, all his lies and accusations, all the sin and mayhem he has imposed on God’s good creation—all of this has been obliterated and eradicated in the death of our enfleshed God, le baton rose, for the sins of the world.
ellauri435.html on line 429: The idea that Russia should be entitled to a zone free of offensive rocketry in other states, notably in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, is deeply problematic for us who wield those rockets.
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 791: Hole's performance on August 26, 1994, at the Reading Festival—Love's first public performance following Cobain's death—was described by MTV as "by turns macabre, frightening and inspirational". John Peel wrote in The Guardian that Love's disheveled appearance "would have drawn whistles of astonishment in Bedlam", and that her performance "verged on the heroic ... Love steered her band through a set which dared you to pity either her recent history or that of the band ... the band teetered on the edge of chaos, generating a tension which I cannot remember having felt before from any stage." The band performed a series of riotous concerts over the following year, with Love frequently appearing hysterical onstage, flashing crowds, stage diving, and getting into fights with audience members. One journalist reported that at the band's show in Boston in December 1994: "Love interrupted the music and talked about her deceased husband Kurt Cobain, and also broke out into Tourette syndrome-like rants. The music was great, but the raving was vulgar and offensive, and prompted some of the audience to shout back at her."
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 683: Bagration may refer to: . Bagrationi dynasty, Georgian royal dynasty -- see for other members of the dynasty . Prince Pyotr Bagration (1765-1812), Russian general of Georgian royal origin . Operation Bagration, a major offensive operation of the Soviet Army in 1944 named after Pyotr Bagration; Bagrationovskaya, Moscow metro station named after Pyotr Bagration.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 685: Operation Bagration, June-August 1944. The greatest offensive in world history, it eventually involved 3.5 million men, 7,000 tanks, and 9,000 aircraft. It was an overwhelming Soviet victory and set the stage for the final assault on Nazi Germany.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 686: Stalin was asked to give a name to this offensive and he chose Bagration, after a fellow Georgian who had died fighting Napoleon at the Battle of Borodino in 1812.
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 682: As Frank Sinatra said, “Calling a girl a ‘broad’ is far less coarse than calling her a ‘dame’.” Before 1967, a track and field long jump was called a “broad jump”. However, due to “broad” being seen as an offensive term at this time, due to the fact that women were competing in broad jumps, the term was changed to “long jump”.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 436: Lyyra Häpykielen sammakkomaisen äidin nimi Philip Pullmanin kirjaan His Dark Materials perustuvassa Netflix-sarjassa His Masters Voice on Marisa. Sen lemmikki on toinen ikävänoloinen apina. The malevolent dæmon, represented by a golden sub-nosed monkey, is a cute-but-creepy little beast and is supposed to be male as all daemon’s are the opposite gender to their human. Awkwardly, the BBC realised some viewers may be perturbed to see the monkey’s genitals on their 60 inch HD TV, so Mrs Coulter’s Dæmon has had a subtle gender reassignment. Clitoris peeking out from the labia instead of erect middle figer is offensive in Russia, Ukraina and in the eastern half of the Swedish empire.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 438:
offensive-gestures-04-1.png" />
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 450: Mikähän tää Tsai on miehiään, oisko joku viirusilmä jenkkimamu? Juu justiinsa se! Finland’s entry in the Academy Awards’ International Feature Film category, “Compartment No. 6” tells a deliberately heart-warming story, of an extremely unlikely friendship, that’s patronizing and inadvertently offensive. Ai vinkuintiaaneilleko? Mistä tää kaveri nyt poltti pelihousunsa? Ei vaan tää onkin joku jenkki woke juttu:
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 452: What’s not fine is that Laura eventually initiates physical intimacy with Ljoha. The film’s logic is that she’s in an emotionally vulnerable state and he’s the only one there for her, because Irina can’t even bother to muster up any excitement when Laura calls. Of course it’s entirely possible that she is bisexual. Still, hasn’t Mr. Kuosmanen learned the inherent offensiveness of depicting such sexual fluidity after Kevin Smith made this mistake in 1997 with “Chasing Amy?” “Blue is the Warmest Color” only went on to prove in 2013 the toxicity of this plot device.
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 96: The stage was set for a civil war between the Bolshevik Red Army and their “White” enemies that devastated the country and led to millions of deaths. Several international powers also contributed troops and supplies to the conflict, predominantly to the Bolsheviks’ opponents. (Note the similarity to Ukraina today!) In 1919, White armies led by Generals Kolchak and Denikin launched offensives that seemed set to destroy the fledgling communist regime, but the Red Army managed to repel them. Following those triumphs the Bolsheviks were eventually able to achieve ultimate victory, though fighting continued for many more months. It looks like this history is just now repeating itself and in just the same place too, fascist Ukraina!
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 68: Ukraine’s allies have said it is unlikely they will be able to supply the number of tanks previously promised. After a meeting in Brussels of western defence ministers, the German defence minister, Boris Pistorius, said they would not be able reach the size of a battalion. The bad news comes just after the Nato chief, Jens Stoltenberg, announced that Russia had begun a renewed offensive in the east in an attempt to take more territory before new western equipment arrives in the spring.
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 71: Cecilio Chi, the native leader of Tepich, along with Jacinto Pat attacked Tepich on 30 July 1847, in reaction to the indiscriminate massacre of Mayas, ordered that all the non-Maya population be killed. By spring of 1848, the Maya forces had taken over most of the Yucatán, with the exception of the walled cities of Campeche and Mérida and the south-west coast, with Yucatecan troops holding the road from Mérida to the port of Sisal. The Yucatecan governor Miguel Barbachano had prepared a decree for the evacuation of Mérida, but was apparently delayed in publishing it by the lack of suitable paper in the besieged capital. The decree became unnecessary when the republican troops suddenly broke the siege and took the offensive with major advances.
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 356: The whole world is laughing at Ukraine’s failed counteroffensive, which captured nothing more than a couple patches of trees and trenches? How did the Russians, armed with shovels, defeat the “brave” Ukrainian Nazis armed with NATO weapons? No dear. It is definitely not. The “whole world” does not laugh at an invaded sovereign nazion that for over two years and against all odds has made a mockery out of the supposed "second best" army in the world. Don't pretend you’re aligned with the rest of the world. You are not! There is no "rest of the world" in fact!
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 148: The Bolovian verses, nevertheless, are offensive to many. Eliot’s “Triumph of Bullshit” was one of the poems that Lewis had rejected for publication. Lois Cuddy opines that “Eliot’s pornographic verses in an ‘epic’ about ‘King Bolo and His Great Black Kween’ indicate the extent and depth of his racial/sexual stereo- types and eugenic prejudices.” They are written from his own “sense of emptiness,” “puritanical principles,” and “sexual repressions.” Furthermore, these poetic vulgarities display Eliot’s acceptance of sexual stereotypes related to black men and women (229). Yet a look at the contexts of these poems, both as “nonsense” for friends and as reflections on the complexities of culture, reveals an earnest belief in the value of the “primitive mind” and even a reversal of “sexual stereotypes related to black men and women.” The man with the prodigious bolo is not King Bolo but sephardic Cristoforo Columbo who regrettably "found" America. “Eliot is today being refashioned as a prescient and extraordinarily sensitive mediator of the major currents of twentieth century cultural and technological change” (Murphet 31).
xxx/ellauri417.html on line 314: Dessutom är en stor portion av landets bäst tränade och bäst utrustade soldater inne i Ryssland och försöker hålla kvar de landområden de sedan i somras kontrollerar inne i Kursk, vilket gör att de inte kan stötta upp utsatta platser längs med fronten. Tanken med överraskningsoffensiven in i Ryssland var att Vladimir Putin skulle finna det helt oacceptabelt och då flytta trupper från fronten i östra Ukraina till Kursk för att ta tillbaka territoriet, det säger Marina Miron, doktor på krig vid King's College London, till Sky News. Det blev dock precis tvärtom. Ryssland verkar inte ha någon stress med att ta tillbaka Kursk och håller i stället de ukrainska elitsoldaterna fast utan möjlighet att varken accelerera eller att ta sig där ifrån.
xxx/ellauri417.html on line 316: Samtidigt som de ryska styrkorna trycker på inne i Ukraina och tar allt mer mark i landets östra delar, enligt den öppna data som finns tillgänglig över hur fronten rör sig. Risken är att frontlinjen längst Donbass kommer kollapsa, antagligen mycket snabbare på grund av Kursk-offensiven, säger Marina Miron, till Sky News. Och hon är inte den enda som ser att en kollaps ligger i farans riktning. Storbritanniens försvarssekreterare John Healey varnade under fredagen för att fronten i Ukraina ”nu är mindre stabil än den var varit någon gång sedan de inledande dagarna av den ryska fullskaliga invasionen”.