Es schaut auf Hakenkreuz voll Hoffnung schon Millionen, die Knechtschaft dauert nur noch kurze Zeit! Die Fahne hoch, die Reihen fest geschlossen!
Browning Arms Company is an American marketer of firearms and fishing gear. The company was founded in Ogden, Utah, in 1878 by brothers John Moses Browning and Matthew Sandefur Browning. The company offers a wide variety of firearms including shotguns, rifles, and pistols. We Support,,,
A relatively small team of perhaps 50 people or fewer was led by a smaller cadre which probably included several lawyers and most definitely included tech experts. The smaller cadre formed some time around the impeachment and carefully recruited point people over the course of the following months. Working like terror cells, they would need to keep point people unaware of who else was in on the conspiracy, to protect plausible deniability as much as possible. They had to have at least one conspirator in the elections offices of key swing states. It wouldn’t need to be a high-profile elected official, and would no doubt be better if it were some nameless person that few people noticed or would suspect.
ellauri095.html on line 71: In his ecstasy! then off, off forth on swing, ihan liekeissä! sit pois, pois keinulaudalla,
ellauri095.html on line 93: Balliolin tähtioppilaasta ja firstistä tuli säälittävä proffa johkin irkku-Kouvolaan.
ellauri095.html on line 174: The homosexual lifestyle results in a shorter life expectancy. This is undoubtedly due to the health risks associated, such as AIDS, Hepatitis, and a variety of other infections and STDs. In addition, homosexuals are more likely to be smokers, which takes the lifespan even lower. In 1993 Paul Cameron published a study which found that homosexuality takes 20-30 years off the lives of its practitioners. Cameron is a Psychologist and founder of the Family Research Institute. Among men with AIDS their lifespan was 39 years, however even without AIDS a male homosexuals lifespan is just a short 42 years. Lesbians had a median age of death of just 44 years. He also found that lesbians were up to 456 times more likely to die in a car crash than heterosexual women. The liberal Southern Poverty Law Centre dubbed Cameron an "anti-gay extremist", and the American Psychological Association expelled him for exposing the truth about the homosexual lifestyle and accused him of scientific data "fraud". Fortunately, Cameron had the support of faith based groups who would not bow down or turn their behinds to the homosexual agenda.
ellauri095.html on line 180: It is essential to note that the life expectancy of any population is a descriptive and not a prescriptive mesaure. Death is a product of the way a person lives and what physical and environmental hazards he or she faces everyday. It cannot be attributed solely to their sexual orientation or any other ethnic or social factor. If estimates of an individual gay and bisexual man´s risk of death is truly needed for "legal or other" purposes, then people making these estimates should use the same actuarial tables that are used for all other males in that population. Gay and bisexual men are included in the construction of official population-based tables and therefore these tables for all males are the appropriate ones to be used. (LOL sorry boys, the cat is out of the bag, there is no way to get it to go back in.)
ellauri095.html on line 238: The decision to convert estranged Hopkins from his family and from a number of acquaintances. After graduating in 1867, he was provided by Newman with a teaching post at the Oratory in Birmingham. While there he began to study the violin. On 5 May 1868 Hopkins firmly "resolved to be a religious." Less than a week later, he made a bonfire of his poetry and gave it up almost entirely for seven years. Fortunately he did not burn his Bridges like Savonarola. He also felt a call to enter the ministry and decided to become a Jesuit. He paused first to visit Switzerland, which officially forbade Jesuits to enter.
ellauri095.html on line 315: when my coffin Kun mun arkkua
ellauri095.html on line 455: Their rivalry began with Hopkins’s response to her poem “The Convent Threshold.” Geoffrey Hartman was clearly on the right track when he suggested in the introduction to Hopkins: A Collection of Critical Essays (1966) that “Hopkins seems to develop his lyric structures out of the Pre-Raphaelite dream vision. In his early ‘A Vision of the Mermaids’; and ‘St. Dorothea’; he may be struggling with such poems as Christina Rossetti’s ‘Convent Threshold’; and Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s ‘The Blessed Damozel,’ poems in which the poet stands at a lower level than the vision, or is irrevocably, pathetically distanced.” Such poems were the essence of medievalism in poetry according to William Morris, who felt that Keats’s “La Belle Dame Sans Merci” was the germ from which all Pre-Raphaelite poetry sprang. Standing beyond Keats, however, the primary source was Dante. Christina Rossetti clearly alludes to Beatrice’s appeal to Dante in “The Convent Threshold”:
ellauri095.html on line 508: This potential for a new sacramental poetry was first realized by Hopkins in The Wreck of the Deutschland. Hopkins recalled that when he read about the wreck of the German ship Deutschland off the coast of England it “made a deep impression on me, more than any other wreck or accident I ever read of,” a statement made all the more impressive when we consider the number of shipwrecks he must have discussed with his father. Hopkins wrote about this particular disaster at the suggestion of Fr. James Jones, Rector of St. Beuno’s College, where Hopkins studied theology from 1874 to 1877. Hopkins recalled that “What I had written I burnt before I became a Jesuit and resolved to write no more, as not belonging to my profession, unless it were by the wish of my superiors; so for seven years I wrote nothing but two or three little presentation pieces which occasion called for [presumably ‘Rosa Mystica’ and ‘Ad Mariam’]. But when in the winter of ’75 the Deutschland was wrecked in the mouth of the Thames and five Franciscan nuns, exiles from Germany by the Falck Laws, aboard of her were drowned I was affected by the account and happening to say so to my rector he said that he wished someone would write a poem on the subject. On this hint I set to work and, though my hand was out at first, produced one. I had long had haunting my ear the echo of a new rhythm which now I realized on paper.”
ellauri095.html on line 572: In a snowstorm on 6 December 1875 the Deutschland emigrant ship, outward-bound from Bremen, in Germany via Southampton for New York, struck the infamous Kentish Knock offshore sandbank at the entrance to the Thames Estuary.
ellauri096.html on line 138: Very elegant! But if joint inconsistency is rationally tolerable, why do these philosophers bother to offer solutions? Why is it not rational to believe each of (1)–(4), despite their joint inconsistency?
ellauri096.html on line 144: The resemblance between the preface paradox and the surprise test paradox becomes more visible through an intermediate case. The preface of Siddhartha Mukherjee’s The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer warns: “In cases where there was no prior public knowledge, or when interviewees requested privacy, I have used a false name, and deliberately confounded identities to make it difficult to track.” Those who refuse consent to be lied to are free to close Doctor Mukherjee’s chronicle. But nearly all readers think the physician’s trade-off between lies and new information is acceptable. They rationally anticipate being rationally misled. Nevertheless, these readers learn much about the history of cancer. Similarly, students who are warned that they will receive a surprise test rationally expect to be rationally misled about the day of the test. The prospect of being misled does not lead them to drop the course.
ellauri096.html on line 161: Suppose a psychologist offers you a red box and a blue box (Skyrms 1982). The psychologist can predict which box you will choose with 90% accuracy. He has put one dollar in the box he predicts you will choose and ten dollars in the other box. Should you choose the red box or the blue box? You cannot decide. For any choice becomes a reason to reverse your decision.
ellauri096.html on line 287: Since the surprise test paradox can also be formulated in terms of rational belief, there will be parallel adjustments for what we ought to believe. We are criticized for failures to believe the logical consequences of what we believe and criticized for believing propositions that conflict with each other. Anyone who meets these ideals of completeness and consistency will be unable to believe a range of consistent propositions that are accessible to other complete and consistent thinkers. In particular, they will not be able to believe propositions attributing specific errors to them, and propositions that entail these off-limit propositions.
ellauri096.html on line 321: Der Legende nach war der 36-jährige Augustin 1679 während der Pestepidemie wieder einmal betrunken und schlief irgendwo in der Gosse seinen Rausch aus. Siech-Knechte, die damals die Opfer der Epidemie einsammeln mussten, fanden ihn, hielten ihn für tot und brachten die Schnapsleiche zusammen mit den Pestleichen auf ihrem Sammelkarren vor die Stadtmauer. Dort warfen sie ihre ganze Ladung in ein offenes Massengrab. Diese Pestgrube soll sich in der Nähe der Kirche St. Ulrich am Neubau (heutiger siebter Wiener Gemeindebezirk) befunden haben, gleich neben dem Platz, an dem heute der Augustinbrunnen steht. Wie in der damaligen Situation üblich, wurde das Grab nicht sofort geschlossen, sondern provisorisch mit Kalk abgedeckt, um später weitere Pestopfer aufzunehmen. Am folgenden Tag habe Augustin inmitten der Leichen so lange krakeelt und auf seinem Dudelsack gespielt, bis Retter ihn aus der Grube zogen.
ellauri097.html on line 107: Like Nietzsche, he also lambasted religious belief and the very concept of Cod, as Mencken was an unflinching atheist, particularly Christian fundamentalism, Christian Science and creationism, and against the "Booboisie," his word for the ignorant middle classes. In the summer of 1925, he attended the famous Scopes "Monkey Trial" in Dayton, Tennessee, and wrote scathing columns for the Baltimore Sun (widely syndicated) and American Mercury mocking the anti-evolution Fundamentalists (especially William Jennings Bryan). The play Inherit the Wind is a fictionalized version of the trial, and as noted above the cynical reporter E.K. Hornbeck is based on Mencken. In 1926, he deliberately had himself arrested for selling an issue of The American Mercury, which was banned in Boston by the Comstock laws. Mencken heaped scorn not only on the public officials he disliked but also on the state of American elective politics itself.
ellauri097.html on line 121: The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart´s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.
ellauri097.html on line 126: Mencken defended the evolutionary views of Charles Darwin, but spoke unfavorably of many prominent physicists and had little regard for pure mathematics. Regarding theoretical physics, he said to longtime editor Charles Angoff, "Imagine measuring infinity! That´s a laugh." Ei se osannut kuin neljä laskutapaa, nekin sinnepäin.
ellauri097.html on line 128: Elsewhere, he dismissed higher mathematics and probability theory as "nonsense", after he read Angoff´s article for Charles S. Peirce in the American Mercury. "So you believe in that garbage, too—theories of knowledge, infinity, laws of probability. I can make no sense of it, and I don´t believe you can either, and I don´t think your god Peirce knew what he was talking about."
ellauri097.html on line 130: Uuskantilainen Vaihinger began to develop a system of philosophy he called the "philosophy of 'als ob' ". In it he offered a system of thought in which God and reality might best be represented as paradigms. This was not to say that either God or reality was any less certain than anything else in the realm of man’s awareness, but only that all matters confronting man might best be regarded in hypothetical ways.
ellauri097.html on line 292: Patrick White (1912–1990) was raised in Sydney’s well-to-do Rushcutter’s Bay, and was sent to England at 13. He attended boarding school, then Cambridge, and during the war was stationed in North Africa. It was there, in 1941, that White met Manoly Lascaris, the Greek officer who he would love for the rest of his life. By the time White and Lascaris returned to Australia. in 1947 White had written three tepidly received novels, and a play. It took coming home to Sydney to transform his writing and elevate it to the level of genius. White produced The Tree of Man, in 1955, his first novel to be written in Sydney. He went on to write a string of masterpieces in quick succession: Voss, Riders in the Chariot, The Vivisector. He received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1973. The Nobel committee credited White “for an epic and psychological narrative art which has introduced a new continent into literature.”
ellauri097.html on line 298: In 2006, the Weekend Australian newspaper conducted an experiment. They submitted chapter three of The Eye of the Storm (1973) to twelve publishers and agents around Australia under an anagram of White’s name, Wraith Picket. Nobody offered to publish the book. One responded, “the sample chapter, while reply (sic) with energy and feeling, does not give evidence that the work is yet of a publishable quality.” Notwithstanding that the chapter was not White’s finest writing, and the unfairness of submitting a chapter out of narrative sequence, the hoax prompted a minor crisis in Australian literature: if the industry couldn’t recognize the greatness of our sole Nobel winner, how unenlightened must the country’s publishing industry be now? Shortly thereafter, the ABC launched an online portal called Why Bother With Patrick White? The portal always struck me as sad. What other major writer would need a website dedicated to convincing his countrymen to give him another go? The link to the website is dead now. It would seem, in the end, that nobody could be bothered with Patrick White.
ellauri097.html on line 438: If you are interested in a unique David Hume Turban for yourself, you can email the Edinburgh University Philosophy Society, who are offering a special promotion of £120 per hat (excl. Shipping&Handling). This offer will be open until August 1st.
ellauri097.html on line 571: Kirjallisuuden ympärille kasvanut kaupallinen, tekninen ja kulttuurinen infrastruktuuri, joka 1900-luvulla säädettiin palvelemaan tehokkuutta ja voimaa, tiedonvälityksen arvokkainta ydinvirtaa – kirjaa – tukee nyt hämärää, epäselvää ideaa, jonka on vaikea uskoa omaan oikeutukseensa. Kirjakaupat, offsetpainot, kirjasyksyt ja suuret arvovaltaiset kustantamot ovat menneisyyden instituutioita. Kuka muistaa ajan, jolloin kirja-ale oli suuri tapaus! Tammikuussa Helsingin Keskuskadulla jonotettiin kirjanhimosta väristen aamukahdeksalta. Nykyään ilmaishyllyistä ja kirjanvaihtopisteistä saa teoksia, oikeita kirjoja, klassikoita, kunnon niteitä, jotka eivät, räikeästi toisin kuin vielä 1990-luvulla, ole Valittujen palojen lyhennelmälukemistoja eivätkä bestsellereiden kirjakerhopainoksia. (Eihän kirjakerhojakaan enää ole. Ne menevät samaa tietä kuin boomerit, joiden ylitäydet lundiat tyhjenevät kirjastojen vaihtopenkille odottamaan turhaan peliaikoja. Buumerit on jättäneet ne tänne alas orvoixi ja liihottaneet ize taivaaseen.)
ellauri097.html on line 661: Niin kuin ei meidän offsetpainoakaan pidä täysin poistaa välinevalikoimistamme, jos saadaan painotalojen kanssa aikaan win-win sopimuxia. Ei pidä polttaa kaikkisa siltoja; hyvällä onnella jos samizdat prujumme käy kaupaxi, seuraavan kustantaa jo Siltala.
ellauri098.html on line 451: Tuomas Akvinolainen, Sergey Brin, Charles Darwin (taas), Death (Pratchett), Rene Descartes, Richard Dawkins, Albert Einstein, Gerald Ford, Milton Friedman, Gandalf (taas), Hermione Granger, Bob Heinlein, Dustin Hoffman, William James, I. Kant, Franz Kafka, Harper Lee, Abraham Lincoln, John Locke, Larry Page, Gregory Peck, Adam Smith, Thucydides, Yoda
ellauri098.html on line 471: ENFPs are extremely creative and versatile people. They love playing with ideas, spinning off new concepts, and discussing them with other people. They are charismatic, sociable, and exciting to be with because they always seem to have something new to explore or talk about.
ellauri098.html on line 502: Aristophanes, Simone de Beauvoir, Osama Bin Laden, Niels Bohr, Geoffrey Chaucer, Noam Chomsky, Alice Cooper, Leonard Cohen, Dante Alighieri, Fedor Dostojevski, Mahatma Gandhi, George Harrison, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Adolf Hitler, Carl Jung, M.L. King (taas), Marilyn Manson, Robert Mugabe, Plato, J.K. Rowling, Arthur Schopenhauer, Alexandr Solchenitsyn, Baruch Spinoza, Shirley Temple, Leo Tolstoi, Leon Trotsky, Garry Trudeau (Doonesbury), Ludi Wittgenstein, Mary Wollstonecraft, Imi Lo
ellauri098.html on line 557: They’re the class clowns, show-offs, and divas. Outgoing, energetic, and impulsive, they are natural performers and entertainers. But if ESPFs can’t grab attention by being funny or fascinating, they will settle for being annoying or outrageous.
ellauri098.html on line 737: The Manual has lots of very useful material, but it costs close to $100 (gasp!). Here are the latest figures based on a random sample using the Form M. 16,000 people were contacted. The forms of 3,009 people u with "best fit" as determined by the client, the results of this survey were not shown to the individuals to see if they indeed did fit. Nevertheless, the survey does give us a good cross section of results to work from. The sample is corrected for the demographics of the USA. (Did some Es not hand in their form because they were talking too much. Did some of the Is get so caught up in their inner world? Did the Ss get so obsessed with details they didn´t hand it in? Did the Ns get so caught up in the big picture? Did the Ts figure it was too airy-fairy people stuff? Did the Fs focus so much on how they felt that they didn't get theirs off? Maybe the Js didn't like the way it was organized? The Ps just may not have found the right moment to get down to doing the inventory.)
ellauri099.html on line 46: The Picture of Dorian Gray is a Gothic and philosophical novel by Oscar Wilde, first published complete in the July 1890 issue of Lippincott's Monthly Magazine. Fearing the story was indecent, prior to publication the magazine's editor deleted roughly five hundred words without Wilde's knowledge. Despite that censorship, The Picture of Dorian Gray offended the moral sensibilities of British book reviewers, some of whom said that Oscar Wilde merited prosecution for violating the laws guarding public morality. In response, Wilde aggressively defended his novel and art in correspondence with the British press, although he personally made excisions of some of the most controversial material when revising and lengthening the story for book publication the following year.
ellauri099.html on line 178: The Academy complex is approximately 130 feet square. It has the typical dimensions of a palaestra, or wrestling school. In my mind’s eye, I saw an elderly Plato sitting watching his academicians wrestle, occasionally offering coaching advice and encouragement.
ellauri099.html on line 226: Very low rope barriers separated off areas that visitors were not meant to visit. I looked around for a guard, saw no one, and stepped onto the green moss and made my way quietly to the location of Aristotle’s library. On my hands and knees, I saw the ground was littered with tiny delicate snail shells, no bigger than a fingernails, scattered like empty scholars’ backpacks. My partner gave me one, and I put it in my pocket. I had it on my desk right in front of me as I was writing this. Inadvertently, I crushed it to pieces under the weight of one of Mr. Staikos’s huge tomes on the history of libraries. There’s probably a moral in this, but it escapes me. The moral is this: fucking Americans, keep your fat butts and greedy fingers off European soil!
ellauri100.html on line 38: Vincent van Gogh was not psychotic or bipolar when he cut off his ear, medical experts decide. A conference of 30 international medical experts has announced a more prosaic explanation for the famously tortured artist's behaviour — stress and alcohol.
ellauri100.html on line 42: The experts divided the artist’s life into two periods – before and after his documented breakdown on December 23 1888 in Arles, southern France, when the artist argued with his friend, Paul Gauguin, and cut off his own ear.
ellauri100.html on line 264: Home stretch: Stayed at the think-tank another 18 years. After three years of reviewing reports, seized an opportunity to establish and run the think-tank’s publications department. Promoted a year later to chief financial and administrative officer, with a portfolio consisting of accounting, computer operations, contracting, facility planning and operations, financial management, human resources (a.k.a. personnel), library and technical information services, physical and information security, programming services, and publications. Basically, I ended up doing everything because there were not many people left in that doomed outfit. Became deeply involved in legal matters, including spin-off of the think-tank from parent company, resolution of affirmative-action claims, and complex contract and lease negotiations. Contrived retirement at age 56. Read: that's when they at long last got rid of me because I had sunk the spin-off.
ellauri100.html on line 283: In my own life, my jobs have ranged from busing tables to serving as a corporate officer. I have spent time in the company of high-ranking government officials, high-priced and expert lawyers, brilliant scientists and academicians, and talented musicians and artisans.
ellauri100.html on line 329: …who may be offended by many of the posts at this blog.
ellauri100.html on line 331: I have noticed that a leftist will accuse you of “hate” just for saying something contrary to the left-wing orthodoxy of the day. If you disagree with what I have to say here, but prefer to spew invective instead of offering a reasoned response, don’t bother to submit a comment — at least not until your rage has passed or your medication has taken effect. (My medication is working fine. It is curious how small the distance is between considered opinion and gobbledygook madness.) As it says in the sidebar, I will not publish incoherent, off-point, offensive, or abusive comments except my own. Nor will I lose any sleep for having denied you an outlet for your incoherence, irrelevance, offensiveness, or abusiveness. You can post it on your own blog or on any of the myriad, hate-filled, left-wing blogs that view murder as “choice,” government dictates as “liberty,” self-defense as a “war crime” (when it’s practiced by the U.S. or Israel), and the Constitution as a vehicle for implementing current left-wing orthodoxy.
ellauri100.html on line 333: The same goes for jejune libertarians, of all ages, whose narrow rationalism often materializes in rank offensiveness and a tendency toward naive absolutism. (See this and this, for example. And take this, and this!)
ellauri100.html on line 387: Persons who choose the impersonal basis of choice are called the thinking types by Jung. Persons who choose the personal basis are called the feeling types…. The more extreme feeling types are a bit put off by rule-governed choice, regarding the act of being impersonal as almost inhuman. The more dedicated thinking types, on the other hand, sometimes look upon the emotion-laden decisions and choices as muddle-headed.
ellauri100.html on line 393: Js tend to establish deadlines and take them seriously, expecting others to do the same. Ps may tend more to look upon deadlines as mere alarm clocks which buzz at a given time, easily turned off or ignored while one catch an extra forty winks, almost as if the deadline were used more as a signal to start than to complete a project.
ellauri100.html on line 397: I have taken many of the tests that are offered at YourMorals.Org. What follows is a selection of results from those tests that are especially revealing of my beliefs and personality.
ellauri100.html on line 453: The scale is a measure of statements describing behaviors relevant to five categories of business ethics: (a) usurpation of company resources (e.g. using company time/products), (b) corporate gamesmanship (politics), (c) cheating customers, (d) concealment of misconduct, and (e) offering kickbacks/gifts.
ellauri100.html on line 513: The scale is a measure of your attitudes toward crime and punishment. Some of the items reflected a “progressive” and less punitive attitude toward criminals (for example agreeing with the statement that “punishment should be designed to rehabilitate offenders,” and being opposed to the death penalty). Other items reflected a more “traditional” attitude, including a willingness to use traditional forms of punishment, such as shaming or flogging. We grouped these two kinds of items together to give you a “progressive” and a “traditional” score in the first graph below. We call this the “comprehensive” justice scale because research on justice and punishment has usually taken either a liberal or conservative approach. We are trying to examine the broadest possible range of ideas and intuitions about what you think should happen to the offender, and the victim. Disagreements about crime and punishment have long been at the heart of the “culture war.” By linking your responses here to the information you gave us when you registered, or when you took other surveys, we hope to shed light on what kinds of people (not just liberals and conservatives) endorse what kinds of responses to crime, and why.
ellauri100.html on line 545: The scale measures the factual knowledge people possess about politics. We used questions about three broad topics: 1) civics and what the government is and does (e.g. who has the final responsibility to decide if a law is constitutional or not?); 2) public officials or leaders (e.g. who is the current Speaker of the House?); and 3) political parties (e.g. which party is more conservative on a national scale?).
ellauri100.html on line 577: Virginiassa kannatetaan Donald Trumppia ja ahdistellaan märkäselkiä. Niille maxetaan hurrikaanivahinkojen korjauxista tosi huonosti jos ollenkaan, ja paperittomia jahdataan öisin pitkin Virginian kaupunkien katuja poliisien voimilla. We don't want any wetbacks latinos blackies and coons hereabouts. Get off my property. Minähän sen oravan myrkytin.
ellauri100.html on line 759: Their offers should not charm us,
ellauri100.html on line 799: Of dish and fruit to offer her:
ellauri100.html on line 1338: Roland Gérard Barthes (/bɑːrt/; French: [ʁɔlɑ̃ baʁt]; 12 November 1915 – 26 March 1980) oli Algirdasta 2v vanhempi ranskalainen kirjallisuusteoreetikko, esseisti, filosofi, kriitikko ja mikä pahinta, semiootikko. Semiotiikka on tollasta oppimattomien taidepellejen semantiikkaa, jossa ei enimmäxeen ole päätä sen enempää kuin häntää. Oireellista on, että Kouvolan ruozin kääntämisen määräaikainen proffa Pirjo Kukkonen on semiootikko. Ja se höhelö Eero Tarasti joka kulki Norssin pihalla kädet ristissä selän takana vielä hömelömmän oloisen baskeripäisen Hannu Riikosen parina. Ei siltä, mukavia miehiä ne oli molemmat, vaikk´eivät kummempia ruudinkexijöitä. Milloinkahan nekin saa postimerkit mieheen?
ellauri100.html on line 1363: Jean-Paul Sartre is sitting at a French cafe, revising his draft of Being and Nothingness. He says to the waitress, “I’d like a cup of coffee, please, with no cream.” The waitress replies, “I’m sorry, Monsieur, but we’re out of cream. How about with no milk?”
ellauri101.html on line 56: In February 2020, Brooklyn native Lawrence V. "Larry" Ray, born Lawrence Grecco, who had resided in his daughter's on-campus apartment at Lawrence College in 2010 after his release from prison, was charged by prosecutors in Manhattan with conspiracy, extortion, sex trafficking, forced labor, and other related offenses, following nearly 10 years of alleged transgressions with students and former students. At a bail hearing held March 2, 2020, an Assistant U.S. Attorney disclosed to the Manhattan federal court that Ray had been arrested while in bed with one of his victims. Bail was denied.
ellauri101.html on line 70: Campbell outlined the stages of the monomyth in his classic book The Hero with a Thousand Faces (audiobook). Read it later when you got time. Judging by the toc, it is a ripoff from the structuralists.
ellauri101.html on line 313: No offense to you, don’t waste your time, here´s why
ellauri101.html on line 534: Schokelmei = Kaffee (coffee)
ellauri102.html on line 129: Rugby player. They start to talk and eventually go back to his place. They start to kiss, and the man takes off his shirt. On his arm, he has a tattoo that says REEBOK.
ellauri102.html on line 131: Then the man takes off his trousers, and on his leg, he has a tattoo that says NIKE.
ellauri102.html on line 425: She has attributed her change in worldview to two catalysts. One was when she was 17 and preparing for the University of Toronto, her mother had a stroke and became severely disabled. Naomi, her father, and her brother took care of Bonnie through the period in hospital and at home, making educational sacrifices to do so. That year off prevented her "from being such a brat". The next year, after beginning her studies at the University of Toronto, the second catalyst occurred: the 1989 École Polytechnique massacre of female engineering students, which proved to be a wake-up call to feminism.
ellauri102.html on line 481: Within 24 hours of releasing the ad, Pepsi faced a lot of criticism from online users over the ad and had to release an official statement while also pulling the ad.
ellauri102.html on line 489: In addition to this, many right-wing groups started to promote the advert with some going as far as saying Nivea was the official alt-right antiperspirant. Eventually, Nivea released a statement about the ad and immediately withdrew it after realising the wording and context caused offence to many viewers.
ellauri102.html on line 501: The Problem: The main issue with this campaign is that it came across as very anti-police to most of the general public. In fact, there were reports of people complaining and becoming very aggressive in the stores, resulting in LUSH having to call the police. Due to the negative reception of the ads, LUSH ended up pulling them and releasing an official statement on their website.
ellauri102.html on line 571: "We have two sons, aged 10 and six, and they were bouncing off the walls of our apartment in Toronto. And our moods were really low and the future seemed quite uncertain for us, especially because I'm immune compromised from cancer treatments," she told Morning North CBC host Markus Schwabe.
ellauri105.html on line 102: It’s early days yet, but this is where Biden’s true genius as a politician may lie: he has turned his likability into a moderating asset, suggesting that an ideological agenda when offered by a relatively non-ideological salesman does not sound all that threatening.
ellauri105.html on line 480: Panihida Rautalammin ortodoksisella hautausmaalla. Pappina Mefodin isä Matti Sidoroff, kanttorina Juhani Hänninen ja panomarina © hänen vaimonsa Helena, kuorona ja kuvaajana Hannu Pyykkönen. (Kuva © Hannu Pyykkönen)
ellauri105.html on line 484: Tuo pappismunkki oli kirkolliselta nimeltään Mefodi ja maalliselta nimeltään Matti Lehmonen. Hänen elämäntarinansa on melkoinen. Selvitin sitä hieman vieraillessani jälleen kerran Heinävedellä Valamon luostarissa. Kerron siitä jotain tässä lyhyesti. Tämä vuonna 1912 Konneveden rantamaisemissa syntynyt rautalampilainen meni jo varsin varhain harjoittelemaan luostarielämää Laatokan Valamon luostariin. Kimmokkeen sinne menoon tämä silloin vielä luterilainen 15-16-vuotias nuori mies sai silloiselta Kotkan ortodoksisen seurakunnan kirkkoherralta, rovasti Mikael Iltonoffilta (Iltola). Niinpä hänet sitten varsin pian liitettiin Smolenskin skiitassa ortodoksiseen kirkkoon ja hän siirtyi Valamon luostariin noviisiksi. Mefodi kuvattuna Petsamon luostarissa 1939. (Kuva pappismunkki Mefodin albumista, © Valamon luostari)
ellauri106.html on line 88: A consistent trademark of Roth's work is rudeness and roughness, which often breaks out in the form of verbose ranting tirades. German meaning: “insult and insult and insult until there is no one left on earth who is not offended.
ellauri106.html on line 339: "I hope the time is coming when not only the artist, but the common, average man, who always ´has the standard of the arts in his power,´ will have also the courage to apply it, and will reject the ideal grasshopper wherever he finds it, in science, in literature, in art, because it is not ´simple, natural, and honest,´ because it is not like a real grasshopper. But I will own that I think the time is yet far off, and that the people who have been brought up on the ideal grasshopper, the heroic grasshopper, the impassioned grasshopper, the self-devoted, adventureful, good old romantic card-board grasshopper, must die out before the simple, honest, and natural grasshopper can have a fair field."
ellauri106.html on line 347: The Weathermen Underground Organization (WUO), commonly known as the Weather Underground, was a radical left militant organization active in the late 1960s and 1970s, founded on the Ann Arbor campus of the University of Michigan. It was originally called the Weathermen. The WUO organized in 1969 as a faction of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) largely composed of the national office leadership of SDS and their supporters. Beginning in 1974, the organization´s express political goal was to create a revolutionary party to overthrow American imperialism.
ellauri106.html on line 403: Religion was a lie that he had recognized early in life, and he found all religions offensive, considered their superstitious folderol meaningless, childish, couldn´t stand the complete unadultness — the baby talk and the righteousness and the sheep, the avid believers. No hocus-pocus about death and God or obsolete fantasies of heaven for him. There was only our bodies, born to live and die on terms decided by the bodies that had lived and died before us. If he could be said to have located a philosophical niche for himself that was it - he'd come upon it early and intuitively, and however elemental, that was the whole of it. Should he ever write an autobiography, he'd call it The Life and Death of a Male Body.
ellauri106.html on line 405: Phil´s childhood love of baseball offered him “membership in a great secular nationalistic church from which nobody had ever seemed to suggest that Jews should be excluded.” Babe Ruth, whose real name was George Herman Ruth, Jr., was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland. He died of pneumonia and complications from throat cancer in New York City in 1948.
ellauri106.html on line 526: Instead of emphasizing the moral and political consequences of modern capitalism, as had the radical social movements before it, postmodernization offers “privacy, diminished expectations, subjectivism, individuality, particularity, and localism” as alternatives to the modern’s stability and universalism.
ellauri106.html on line 529: Without the sure theoretical footing that orthodox Marxism provided those of Benjamin’s generation, Roth, like many who used to kinda identify themselves with the late-20th century left, has been set adrift amid the wreckage of multinational capital, techno-militarism, and the information and cultural revolutions. In his trilogy, Roth offers a complex and beautifully-rendered document of the final decades of the “American Century,” but it is one that, like its narrator, Nathan Zuckerman, ultimately throws up its hands in despair, surrendering the complexities of life and the possibility of positive change en lieu of aesthetic and ascetic remove.
ellauri106.html on line 531: Confident from its victory over Fascism and emboldened by the subsequent economic boom, America jelled behind what social theorist Jeffrey Alexander has called modernization or romantic liberalism. As has been the case throughout much of Roth’s career, the socio-political touchstone of his American Trilogy is the “patriotic war years” and the consensus culture that blossomed immediately afterward. “Everything was in motion,” Zuckerman says in the opening pages of American Pastoral. “The lid was off. Americans were to start over again, en masse, everyone in it together”. Reagan-propagandaa.
ellauri107.html on line 108: Mailer's has similarities with Rojack: They both attended Harvard, served in World War II, had an interest in political office, did violence to wife, walked narrow ledges, and appeared on talk shows. Mailer seems to have drawn on his stabbing his second wife Adele Morales in Rojack's murdering of his wife Deborah. Mailer did not deny these similarities, but stated:
ellauri107.html on line 114: Rojack vomits over the balcony at a party and considers suicide. Rojack has sex with Ruta in her room. Later Rojack sees Cherry again. He is drawn to her. She and Rojack flirt and kiss. They have sex, and after emptying the load Rojack realizes he has fallen in love with her. Rojack goes back to Cherry and they make love. Cherry tells her life story viz her finally having a vaginal orgasm with Rojack. Rojack and nigger Shago fight. He returns to Cherry's only to find out from Roberts she has been killed. No more vaginal orgasms from her. Rojack travels to Las Vegas where he wins big at the tables, paying off all his debts. He imagines speaking with Cherry in Heaven before he heads south to Guatemala and the Yucatán. Y asi finaliza esta historia.
ellauri107.html on line 248: Although British naval mutineers as well as criminals ashore are explicitly shown in Billy Budd’s early chapters to have received forms of amnesty that ultimately contributed to the saving of the nation, Vere offers no such amnesty to Billy Budd. Claggart himself is rumored to have entered the service as an alternative to imprisonment, the navy’s need for manpower leading to frequent waivers of usual punishments; but Billy Budd receives no alternatives, no waivers. At Nelson’s triumphant Trafalgar, the thwarting of Napoleon’s invasion plans meant a “plenary absolution” for all the former offenders who had contributed to the victory. Billy, however, a “peacemaker,” neither a mutineer nor a criminal, makes a single misstep in retaliation against a known liar who seeks to manipulate the system to destroy him, and how is Billy to be absolved? Vere’s “vehemently exclaimed” answer: “the angel must hang!”
ellauri107.html on line 366: Hawthornen tapaisia ihmisiä, viisaita vainajia. Hiljaisuus korkoa korolle kasvavana omaisuutena. Siinä mies joka osasi panna töpinäxi. 3 gallonaa luomumaitoa. Tietämätön hengen syvyyxistä. Kuoleman ahistuxen aikaansaama sexuaalinen kaipaus. Jyrkät jenkkiposkipäät ja leuka ja pitkä ehdottoman naisellinen kaula. Siitä näki kuinka leikkisä hiän osasi olla. Vaikka lukutaidoton ja totaalisen erilainen kuin hiäntä Viagran voimalla bylsivä sivistynyt proffa jonka isoon päähän mahtui kahden kuolleen kielen sanakirjat.
ellauri107.html on line 448: “Lots of news. Terrible big tornado in the South. Hard luck, all right. But this, say, this is corking! Beginning of the end for those fellows! New York Assembly has passed some bills that ought to completely outlaw the socialists! And there's an elevator-runners' strike in New York and a lot of college boys are taking their places. That's the stuff! And a mass-meeting in Birmingham's demanded that this Mick agitator, this fellow De Valera, be deported. Dead right, by golly! All these agitators paid with German gold anyway. And we got no business interfering with the Irish or any other foreign government. Keep our hands strictly off. And there's another well-authenticated rumor from Russia that Lenin is dead. That's fine. It's beyond me why we don't just step in there and kick those Bolshevik cusses out.”
ellauri107.html on line 478: Jovially they whooped back—Vergil Gunch, the coal-dealer, Sidney Finkelstein, the ladies'-ready-to-wear buyer for Parcher & Stein's department-store, and Professor Joseph K. Pumphrey, owner of the Riteway Business College and instructor in Public Speaking, Business English, Scenario Writing, and Commercial Law. Though Babbitt admired this savant, and appreciated Sidney Finkelstein as “a mighty smart buyer and a good liberal spender,” it was to Vergil Gunch that he turned with enthusiasm. Mr. Gunch was president of the Boosters' Club, a weekly lunch-club, local chapter of a national organization which promoted sound business and friendliness among Regular Fellows. He was also no less an official than Esteemed Leading Knight in the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and it was rumored that at the next election he would be a candidate for Exalted Ruler. He was a jolly man, given to oratory and to chumminess with the arts.
ellauri107.html on line 516: Company sends out to China, and you live in a compound and don't have to do any work, and you get to see the world and pagodas and the ocean and everything! And then I could take up correspondence-courses. That's the real stuff! You don't have to recite to some frosty-faced old dame that's trying to show off to the principal, and you can study any subject you want to. Just listen to these! I clipped out the ads of some swell courses.”
ellauri107.html on line 556: Aunt Maud and Kate return to London while Densher remains with Milly. Unfortunately, the dying girl learns from a former suitor of Kate's about the plot to get her money. She withdraws from Densher and her condition deteriorates. Densher sees her one last time before he leaves for London, where he eventually receives news of Milly's death. Milly does leave him a large amount of money despite everything. But Densher does not accept the money, and he will not marry Kate unless she also refuses the bequest. Conversely, if Kate chooses the money instead of him, Densher offers to make the bequest over to her in full. The lovers part on the novel's final page with a cryptic exclamation from Kate: "We shall never be again as we were!"
ellauri108.html on line 158: Rastas typically smoke cannabis in the form of a large, hand-rolled cigarette known as a spliff. This is often rolled together while a prayer is offered to Jah; the spliff is lit and smoked only when the prayer is completed. At other times, cannabis is smoked in a water pipe referred to as a "chalice": styles include kutchies, chillums, and steamers. The pipe is passed in a counter-clockwise direction around the assembled circle of Rastas.
ellauri108.html on line 193: The wearing of dreadlocks has contributed to negative views of Rastafari among non-Rastas, many of whom regard it as wild and unattractive. Dreadlocks remain socially stigmatised in many societies; in Ghana for example, they are often associated with the homeless and mentally ill, with such associations of marginality extending onto Ghanaian Rastas. In Jamaica during the mid-20th century, teachers and police officers used to forcibly cut off the dreads of Rastas. In various countries, Rastas have since won legal battles ensuring their right to wear dreadlocks: in 2020, for instance, the High Court of Malawi ruled that all public schools must allow their students to wear dreadlocks.
ellauri108.html on line 218: At the invitation of Jamaica's government, Haile Selassie visited the island for the first time on 21 April 1966, with thousands of Rastas assembled in the crowd waiting to meet him at the airport. The event was the high point of their discipleship for many of the religion's members. Over the course of the 1960s, Jamaica's Rasta community underwent a process of routinisation, with the late 1960s witnessing the launch of the first official Rastafarian newspaper, the Rastafarian Movement Association's Rasta Voice. The decade also saw Rastafari develop in increasingly complex ways, as it did when some Rastas began to reinterpret the idea that salvation required a physical return to Africa, instead interpreting salvation as coming through a process of mental decolonisation that embraced African approaches to life.
ellauri108.html on line 315: “Has it occurred to you and the rest of the JHM board that I am a human being and I cannot work 24/7 even if I could be adequately compensated for giving all my waking hours to JHM business?” she wrote to Kirshner, the museum’s president, on April 22. “I never thought I would have to say this at work, but it seems necessary to say this to you: Slavery was officially abolished in the USA quite some time ago.”
ellauri109.html on line 92: Hoffnung ist nicht die Überzeugung, dass etwas gut ausgeht,
ellauri109.html on line 96: Nein, Hoffnung ist genauer die Wunsch, dass etwas gut ausgeht.
ellauri109.html on line 276: In March 2017, Searle became the subject of sexual assault allegations. The Los Angeles Times reported: "A new lawsuit alleges that university officials failed to properly respond to complaints that John Searle, an 84-year-old renowned philosophy professor, sexually assaulted his 24-year-old research associate last July and cut her pay when she rejected his advances." The case brought to light several earlier complaints against Searle, on which Berkeley allegedly had failed to act.
ellauri109.html on line 383: Flaubert's dozens of long letters to her, in 1846–1847, then especially between 1851 and 1855, are one of the many joys of his correspondence. Many of them are a precious source of information on the progress of the writing of Madame Bovary. In many others, Flaubert gives lengthy appreciations and critical comments on the poems that Louise Colet sent to him for his judgment before offering them for publication. The most interesting of these comments show the vast differences between her and him on the matter of style and literary expression, she being a gushing Romanticist, he deeply convinced that the writer must abstain from gush and self-indulgence.
ellauri109.html on line 476: Two pigeons (or doves in Elizur Wright's American translation) live together in the closest friendship and 'cherish for each other/The love that brother hath for brother.' One of them yearns for a change of scene and eventually flies off on what he promises will be only a three-day adventure. During this time he is caught in a storm with little shelter, ensnared, attacked by predators and then injured by a boy with a sling, returning with relief to roam no more.
ellauri109.html on line 519: In Roth’s “Exit Ghost” (2007), the last of the Zuckerman books, half a century has elapsed since the visit with Lonoff. Zuckerman, suffering from prostate cancer, has been sapped of his physical and creative vitality. Yet his greatest anxiety does not concern his impotence and incontinence, or his deteriorating short-term memory. He fears, above all, the tyranny of the biographer.
ellauri109.html on line 521: "So you’re going to redeem Lonoff’s reputation as a writer by ruining it as a man. Replace the genius of the genius with the secret of the genius.”
ellauri109.html on line 527: Mid-century Jewish Newark echoes with the sounds of the cafeterias and the butcher shops, women playing mah-jongg at picnics in the park, weary fathers heading off to the shvitz on Mercer Street, where they gossiped and drank amid a “concerto of farts.”
ellauri109.html on line 706: Dryden potkittiin pois Royal Societystä kun sillä oli jäsenmaxut rästissä. Shadwell vei siltä poeta laureatuxen paikan kun Dryden ei pokkuroinut protestanttisia Wilhoa ja Mariaa. Oliko viirikukko ruostunut? Dryden's main goal in the satiric verse: the mock-heroic Mac Flecknoe, was to "satirize Shadwell, ostensibly for his offenses against literature but more immediately we may suppose for his habitual badgering of him on the stage and in print." Thomas Shadwell succeeded him as Poet Laureate, and he was forced to give up his public offices and live by the proceeds of his pig pen.
ellauri109.html on line 709: Dryden's poem, "An Essay upon Satire," contained a number of attacks on King Charles II, his mistresses and courtiers, but most pointedly on the Earl of Rochester, a notorious womaniser. Rochester responded by hiring thugs who attacked Dryden whilst walking back from Will's Coffee House (a popular London coffee house where the Wits gathered to gossip, drink and conduct their business) back to his house on Gerrard Street. Dryden survived the attack, offering £50 for the identity of the thugs placed in the London Gazette, and a Royal Pardon if one of them would confess. No one claimed the reward.
ellauri109.html on line 753: A heroic couplet is a traditional form for English poetry, commonly used in epic and narrative poetry, and consisting of a rhyming pair of lines in iambic pentameter. Use of the heroic couplet was pioneered by Geoffrey Chaucer in the Legend of Good Women and the Canterbury Tales, and generally considered to have been perfected by John Dryden and Alexander Pope in the Restoration Age and early 18th century respectively. A frequently-cited example illustrating the use of heroic couplets is this passage from Cooper's Hill by John Denham, part of his description of the Thames:
ellauri110.html on line 123: The map shows Houyhnhnms Land to be south of Australia; it indicates Edels Land and Lewins Land to the north, and Nuyts Land to the north-east, on the mainland with the islands of St Francis and St Pieter further east, and Sweers, Maatsuyker and De Wit islands to the east. The map is somewhat careless with the scale, however; Edels Land to Lewins Land are shown adjacent, while in reality they are some 1000 km apart, while the sweep of the Great Australian Bight, from Cape Leeuwin, Australia's south-westerly point to the Maatsuyker Islands, off the southern tip of Tasmania, is over 3000 km.
ellauri110.html on line 141: A further example of the lack of humanity and emotion in the Houyhnhnms is that their laws reason that each couple produce two children, one male and one female. In the event that a marriage produced two offspring of the same sex, the parents would take their children to the annual meeting and trade one with a couple who produced two children of the opposite sex. This was viewed as his spoofing and or criticising the notion that the "ideal" family produces children of both sexes. George Orwell viewed the Houyhnhnm society as one whose members try to be as close to dead as possible while alive and matter as little as possible in life and death.
ellauri110.html on line 147: On the other hand, Swift was profoundly mistrustful of attempts at reason that resulted in either hubris (for example, the Projectors satirised in A Tale of a Tub or in Book III of Gulliver's Travels) or immorality (such as the speaker of A Modest Proposal, who offers an entirely logical and wholly immoral proposal for cannibalism). The Houyhnhnms embody both the good and the bad side of reason, for they have the pure language Swift wished for and the amorally rational approach to solving the problems of humanity (Yahoos); the extirpation of the Yahoo population by the horses is very like the speaker of A Modest Proposal.
ellauri110.html on line 763: Wuonna 1575 kun Schlewsig-Holsteinin herttuan fihteeri, Kristoffer Kraufe (Hantta Kraufen esi-ifä) erään toifen oppineen miehen, Jaakko von Holsteinin kansfa, herranfa lähettiläänä oleskeli Espanjan pääkaupungisfa Madridisfa, oliwat he fiellä nähneet faman juutalaifen eli Jerufalemin fuutarin ihan famanlaifena wartaloltaan, famasfa waatetukfesfa ja famanlaifilla elintawoilla, kuin hänestä nyt on kerrottu, ja oli hän filloni puhunut felwää espanjan kieltä.
ellauri110.html on line 997: C´est en 1794 qu´il écrit le Voyage autour de ma chambre, au cours des quarante-deux jours d´arrêts qui lui sont infligés dans sa chambre de la citadelle de Turin pour s´être livré à un duel contre un officier piémontais du nom de Patono de Meïran, dont il est sorti vainqueur. Un premier duel l´avait déjà opposé à un autre camarade, le lieutenant Buonadonna15. Il est nommé capitaine de l´armée sarde le 26 janvier 1797. Sa carrière militaire ne présente pas de perspectives très favorables après 16 ans de service ! Mais le sort va en décider autrement.
ellauri110.html on line 1077: I hope that a revised version of these conversations will eventually appear in book form. This published version will include extensive accompanying notes, indicating the sources of the views ascribed to Dostoevsky and, where relevant, references to secondary literature. This will especially be in cases where, for example, the views spoken by Dostoevsky may involve controversial points of interpretation or where his own documented views may require comment for twenty-first century readers. However, this is primarily a work of fiction and although it is supported by scholarship and, I hope, raises questions that are of interest to scholars, it is to be read in the way we might read any work of fiction, where whatever instruction the work may offer is accompanied by a element of entertainment.
ellauri110.html on line 1083: George Pattison on ilmeisesti uskovainen kirjallisuus tms. proffa ja Dosto-fani joka on tapailevinaan kuolleista hetkexi hereille hätkähtänyttä Dostoa ruokapöydän ääressä. Nää kexustelut on pitkiä kuin Elvixen muna, niitä pitää vähän tiivistää. Ne on siitä hyviä että niistä näkyy hyvin minkäläistä porukkaa Doston kirjat keräävät. Se on kanssa yhden tyypin narsisti, joka haluis ehkä olla vähemmän izekeskeinen ja sosiaalisempi, muttei millään pysty. Sen pitää tehdä siitäkin joku iso numero, pohtia ja vaikeroida, mikä on vaan sitä samaa paskaa toisenvärisessä paperissa. Eikun tikulla pihalle. George onkin teologi, olishan se pitänyt heti arvata:
ellauri110.html on line 1121: Uncle was Prince K, a doddering and decrepit old fop who has come into money and who is paying a visit to the provinces. Maria Alexandrovna decides to try to marry off her beautiful young daughter Zenaida to him, but the whole town has had a snootful of her and tries to buck her plans at every turn. Still, she manages to come out in the end after a series of reverses. Not for nothing does Dosto compare her (too)xo to Napoleon Bonaparte. Dosto bore a grudge to the French and English because they had laughed at his accent. Napoleon and Shakespeare, damn the lot.
ellauri111.html on line 106: Roman Catholics may tell you, "You Protestants are missing part of the Bible. We have the rest of it." These people's leaders (popes, priests, etc.) have led them astray to this wrong belief. This comment about missing books can throw people off, but it no longer has to. These popish additions to the Bible are commonly called the Apocrypha or sometimes the Deuterocanonical books. This is a short treatise on WHY these books are not in the Bible.
ellauri111.html on line 132: 2 Maccabees 12:43-45, 2.000 pieces of silver were sent to Jerusalem for a sin-offering...Whereupon he made reconciliation for the dead, that they might be delivered from sin.
ellauri111.html on line 204: Wow! What an opportunity! He made money by selling pictures of himself, bows and arrows, buttons off his shirt, and even his hat. In 1905, the Indian Office "provided" Geronimo for the inaugural parade for President Theodore Roosevelt. Later that year, the Indian Office "took" him to Texas, where he shot a buffalo in a roundup staged by 101 Ranch Real Wild West for the National Editorial Association. Geronimo was escorted to the event by soldiers, as he was still a prisoner. The teachers who witnessed the staged buffalo hunt were unaware that Geronimo’s people were not buffalo hunters. Aargh!
ellauri111.html on line 235: “I’ve read about it …” I answered, not wanting to risk offending him any more, though sensing that he did in fact know exactly what I had and hadn’t read.
ellauri111.html on line 255: As I’d had to admit, I hadn’t read The Diary of a Writer (actually a kind of journal that Dostoevsky published monthly and that consisted entirely of his own thoughts about issues of the day), but I did know that he had been involved in several criminal cases, some of which were about the kind of cruelty to children that Ivan Karamazov cited as evidence against the existence of God. I couldn’t remember any details, though. I felt rather like a student who hasn’t done his homework hoping that he’s not the one going to be asked the next question. Only there wasn’t anyone else to ask. In the event, Fyodor Mikhailovich let me off fairly gently.
ellauri111.html on line 580: If you are ready to save yourself from this untoward generation, if you are ready to reject what this wicked and perverse world has to offer, if you are ready to be safe and stay safe in God Almighty, if you want Jesus Christ as Lord of your life, if you want to be reconciled to your Creator, if you want to go to heaven, if you want to escape hell -- then put your faith in the only one who can do something about it! Do you believe that Jesus Christ died for you? Do you believe that He rose from the dead? Do you repent of your sins? Do you want to follow Jesus? Join the short line marked LAMBS on the right. Do you want to go to hell? Go to the long line on the left with a goat logo.
ellauri111.html on line 598: Now for some practicalities. You will need to be baptized by us. It´s a service we offer. You need to be baptized in the water like Christians in the Bible. In baptism, we are identifying water with the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ--
ellauri111.html on line 628: Then dry off with the towel (sorry I forgot to mention that) and change garments, take communion with yourself, sing an hymn in unison with yourelf, and go forward in Jesus' name because I am his, and you too.
ellauri111.html on line 640: Seek personal consecration. Our article, Christians Are On the Earth to Serve the Lord is a call to seek personal consecration unto God. We put off the old man and his desperate, wicked deeds (like watching television) and we start putting on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him. This is serving the Lord, living the clean new life.
ellauri111.html on line 660: You do not have to run off to a foreign mission field because you got saved (if God does not call you to the mission field and give you peace and anointing, you will not prosper if you try to go), you can stay at home and minister to your family and follow God´s leading.
ellauri111.html on line 699: "Contemplative" prayer is essentially an old occult technique adjusted to the ignorant church people. It can bring up that yoga kundalini serpent power. With open eyes, one can see this type of technique being magnified in society--I saw a book for magic in a place for shipping goods and for photocopies, office supplies, etc. I looked on the back of the book, it was the same technique as the church people are using. This is spreading like wildfire and not just amongst false (or extremely ignorant) brethren, it is throughout society. Revelation 13:8 teaches us that all people who are not in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world will worship the beast. Revelation 13:4 says that all the world will worship the dragon which gave power unto the beast--we learn from Revelation 12 that THE DRAGON IS SATAN. In the ecumenical movement (all the religions getting together in "peace") and under a "meditative" spirituality, Hindus, Buddhists, Roman Catholics, church people, atheists, Muslims, cabalists, new agers, etc. can get together and have a "meditation" session with no problems. This is not for the future, it is already happening, I picked up a brochure about some sessions while at a library. In Contemplative prayer, church people are calling the devil by the Lord's name. I read that many of them will not listen to the scriptures when confronted with the truth--they do not know the Lord's voice, they are not his sheep. Worldly people are under the devil and they despise holiness and speak against it as "legalism" or even as heresy or false doctrine. I have seen extreme antinomianism in Baptist churches. They derisively call work-out-your-own-salvation-with-fear-and-trembling discipleship "Lordship salvation". If a person does not obey the Lord, they are not saved. The reader may wish to see our article, Lordship Salvation.
ellauri111.html on line 747: Cults like "the Church of Christ" will try to convince you that water baptism saves you and that you have to join their specific "church" and not drink coffee, etc. These cults take certain scriptures out of context and then mix them up in order to deceive people. I'm not minimizing the importance of the ordinance of baptism--you need to be baptized--but cults mix up the doctrines of the Lord to deceive people. YOU NEED TO READ YOUR BIBLE. The Roman Catholic institution is another cult. It is not a Christian church. Her doctrines are the opposite of the Bible. If you are a former Roman Catholic, you need to get rid of all the paraphenalia and graven images and idols that you may have collected through the years (e.g., rosary, St. Anthony, crucifixes, relics, candles, Mary prayers, pictures, etc.). The Seventh Day Adventists will try to get you to follow the teachings of Ellen White, a false prophetess who made prophecies that did not come to pass and put all kinds of requirements on people that are not in the Bible. The Mormons are a another cult. They teach that their males can become gods some day with their own planets. Please don't look up all these cults. Just focus on reading your Bible and obeying it. Then you will be able to discern if a person is speaking according to the word or not.
ellauri111.html on line 761: Seuraava kirjotelma on otettu Dostojevskin kuuluisasta romaanista nimeltä "Veljekset Karamasoff", jonka hän kirjotti viimeiseksi ennen kuolemaansa. Se on välikohtaus ja esiintyy keskusteluna kahden veljeksen Ivanin ja Aljooshan välillä. Näistä on Aljoosha nuorempi, kristillinen mystikko, joka on kasvatettu luostarissa. Ivan taas on uudenaikainen materialisti ja ateisti.
ellauri111.html on line 910: Jöns, Lauri ja Petteri vois esittää näytelmän Karamazoffin veljexet. Jöns olis vale-Dimitri, Lauri Iivana ja Petteri tietty Aljoosha. Calle voisi edustaa poissaolevana niiden ilkeätä isäpappaa Fjodoria. Kristina olis isä Zosima.
ellauri112.html on line 623: It offers an honest portrait of what maternal difficulties are in American society. [Full review in Spanish]
ellauri112.html on line 641: Marlo is a real mother, sister and wife who knows how to put on a polite, sweet face when required, but isn’t afraid to take it off to make a point—something she does with her son’s school principal to great effect.
ellauri112.html on line 647: You´ll love a scene where her child spills a drink, forcing her to take off her shirt. “Mom, what’s wrong with your body?” Theron’s eye daggers are priceless. Marlo looks as lived-in as her home itself.
ellauri112.html on line 684: Marlo, already a mother of two, begins the film heavily, outrageously pregnant: we learn, in rapid succession, that this third pregnancy was unwanted, that her husband does little of the domestic labour, and that her “shitty” upbringing is the reason she’s so committed to her nuclear family unit. Postnatal depression, never named, haunts the narrative: her wealthy brother offers to pay for a night nanny to avoid, in his words, the advent of another “bad time” like the one that followed the birth of her son, Jonah. When the nanny arrives – described by more than one reviewer as a “millennial Mary Poppins” – the panacea seems to be working. Not only does she look after the baby at night but she also operates as a kind of empathy machine, listening to Marlo’s problems, sharing sangria in the garden, and baking the Minions cupcakes that Marlo herself never has the time to make. The postnatal depression, it seems, disperses; Jonah – who has “emotional problems” – finds a place at a school more suited to his needs, family dinners get increasingly wholesome, and Marlo does a passable Stevie Nicks impression at a child’s birthday party. And then comes the twist: after a bender in Brooklyn with Tully, a sleep-deprived Marlo, drunk at the wheel, drives her car off a bridge and ends up in hospital, and we realise there was nobody else in the car. Her maiden name, we learn, was Tully.
ellauri112.html on line 708: Tully seems too good to be true when she quickly organizes the home, cleans it from top to bottom, and finds a place for all the errant toys too. She even makes cupcakes for Marlo to take to Jonah’s school as a peace offering. Ultimately, Tully becomes the ‘spouse’ Marlo really needs, and they even have a simpatico banter together, quipping back and forth in sharp, pithy dialogue, the only way Cody can write for her characters.
ellauri112.html on line 898: Persistently, honorable men are engaged in a discussion as to what should be the contents of the communion cup. Should the cup contain wine, the fermented juice of grapes? Or should it be unfermented grape juice? Does it matter? What difference does it make, if any? Should church leaders accommodate both Christians who want to use wine, as well as those who prefer unfermented grape juice, by offering what is sometimes called a “split cup” or a “split tray”? In other words, what should be the second “element,” or the contents of the communion cup? Can grape juice change to real blood and no fucking tomato juice? How should such questions—controversial as they are—be answered?
ellauri112.html on line 916: Since the use of unfermented grape juice is so popular, individual lay Christians may be confronted with grape juice instead of wine when they want to observe the sacrament. Therefore, we must briefly examine the Christian´s duty, whenever he or she is offered grape juice in the Lord´s Supper.
ellauri112.html on line 918: Then, we will answer such objections as are commonly offered to the biblical teaching.
ellauri112.html on line 926: Last, but not least, the about page offers a downloadable brochure, suitable for mass distribution and for anyone wanting a very brief summary of the subject of wine in the Lord´s Supper. Some readers may want a few copies for their church´s book table.
ellauri112.html on line 930: A website such as this one may seem unnecessary and needless, because many men and churches have already spoken. Even when official statements are lacking, it might appear that the actual practices of churches and men have already decided the truth of the matter. And, indeed, we ought to give the opinions of men and the practices of the churches all the consideration they deserve.
ellauri115.html on line 392: One night, a drunken mob attacked his house. Rousseau was inside with his mistress, the former scullery maid Thérèse le Vasseur (by whom he had five children that he notoriously abandoned to a foundling hospital), and his beloved dog, Sultan. A shower of stones was thrown at the window. A rock "as big as a head" nearly landed on Rousseau's head, no bed. When a local official finally arrived, he declared, "My God, it's a quarry."
ellauri115.html on line 414: Hume's eyes were on France, in particular, and his reputation as the good David. His first denunciations of Rousseau were made to his friends in Paris; his Concise and Genuine Account of the Dispute between Mr. Hume and Mr. Rousseau would be published there in French, edited by Rousseau's enemies. He studiously avoided communicating with Mme de Boufflers, knowing she would, as she did, urge "generous pity". Hume's descriptions of Rousseau as ferocious, villainous and treacherous ensured joyful coverage in newspapers and discussions in fashionable drawing rooms, clubs and coffee houses. The actor-manager David Garrick wrote to a friend on July 18 that Rousseau had called Hume "noir, black, and a coquin, knave".
ellauri115.html on line 416: In his reply to Rousseau, Hume (unwisely) demanded that Rousseau identify his accuser and supply full details of the plot. To the first, Rousseau's answer was simple and powerful: "That accuser, Sir, is the only man in the world whose testimony I should admit against you: it is yourself." To the second, Rousseau supplied an indictment of 63 lengthy paragraphs containing the incidents on which he relied for evidence of the plot and how Hume had deviously pulled it off. This he mailed to his foe on July 10 1766. The whole document managed to be simultaneously quite mad but resonating with inspired mockery and tragic sentiment.
ellauri115.html on line 422: A cartoon depicting Rousseau as a Savage Man, a Yahoo, caught in the woods was more to Hume's taste. He described it to her with relish. "I am represented as a farmer, who caresses him and offers him some oats to eat, which he refuses in a rage; Voltaire and D'Alembert are whipping him up behind; and Horace Walpole making him horns of papier maché. The idea is not altogether absurd."
ellauri115.html on line 440: Rousseau published Emile, or On Education in 1762. A famous section of Emile, "The Profession of Faith of a Savoyard Vicar", was intended to be a defense of religious belief. Rousseau's choice of a Catholic vicar of humble peasant background (plausibly based on a kindly prelate he had met as a teenager) as a spokesman for the defense of religion was in itself a daring innovation for the time. The vicar's creed was that of Socinianism (or Unitarianism as it is called today). Because it rejected original sin and divine revelation, both Protestant and Catholic authorities took offense. Eikös ne Emersonin porukat olleet unitaareja? Ja se Erasmuxen elämäkerturi Ephraim Emerton Bostonista. Entäs TS Elliotin alaleukapartainen vaari ja Tom ize ennen pyllistymistä? Pyllistivät kolminaisuusopille ja perisynnille.
ellauri115.html on line 640: Would I run off and never tell me where I'm going?
ellauri115.html on line 812: Hiero was reviled by one of his enemies for his offensive breath; so when he went home he said to his wife, "What do you mean? Even you never told me of this." But she being virtuous and innocent said, "I supposed that all men smelt so."
ellauri115.html on line 816: Conversely, Socrates bore with Xanthippe, who was irascible and acrimonious, for he thought that he should have no difficulty in getting along with other people if he accustomed himself to bear patiently with her; but it is much better to secure this training from the scurrilous, angry, scoffing, and abusive attacks of enemies and outsiders, and thus accustom the temper to be unruffled and not even impatient in the midst of reviling.
ellauri115.html on line 1224: Suomen sana uhri on kuormitettu. Se on offer 'eteen kannettu, tarjoomus', victim 'rikoxen kohde', casualty 'kaatunut, miestappio', marttyyri 'sijaiskärsijä, uhriutunut'.
ellauri117.html on line 157: Herrmann Kafka erscheint in den Schriften seines Sohnes als gefühlloses Ungeheuer. Die Art und Weise, in der der Vater seinem Sohn sexuelle Aufklärung zuteil werden ließ, bestätigt zweifellos diese Ansicht. Franz war von seinen heranwachsenden Schulfreunden wegen seiner offensichtlichen Ahnungslosigkeit in sexuellen Fragen geneckt worden. Daher begann er, sich mit Hilfe von Büchern die biologischen Grundlagen der Sexualität anzueignen, und versuchte dann, seinen Vater ganz beiläufig über die
ellauri117.html on line 166: 1912 lernte er in Max Brods Haus Felice Bauer kennen, die die erste große Liebe seine ns werden sollte und mit der er zweimal insgeheim verlobt war, Franz war zu jener Zeit 29 Jahre alt. In den folgenden fünf Jahren bildete Felice das Zentrum seines Lebens, von dem er sich im ständigen Wechsel angezogen und wieder abgestoßen fühlte. Er verwirrte sie mit einer Flut selbstquälerischer Briefe. Diese ambivalente, heftigen Gefühlsschwankungen unterworfene Romanze beflügelte den Schriftsteller in Kafka, doch seine Unentschlossenheit, in welche Richtung sich ihre Beziehung entwickeln sollte, frustrierte Felice. Wie Koalas Onkel, aufzählte der kleine Jude die Vorzüge und Nachteile einer Ehe. Schließlich schickte sie ihre Freundin Grete Bloch, um Kafka nach seinen Absichten zu fragen. Mit der Zeit wurde Grete die Vertraute des Schriftstellers, und Felice hegte den Verdacht, daß dabei sein Fühler tiefer gegangen war, als sie zugeben wollten. Das Verhältnis zwischen Franz und Felice kühlte mehr und mehr ab. Doch 1916 verbrachten sie gemeinsam einen zehntägigen Urlaub. Sie wohnten in zwei neben einanderliegenden Zimmern und spielten offensichtlich Mann und Frau. Wieder beschlossen sie zu heiraten, doch 1917 - ungefähr zur gleichen Zeit, als seine Tuberkulose erkannt wurde - löste Kafka die Verlobung wieder. Was für ein Mistkäfer.
ellauri117.html on line 239: Gerald fastened the door and pushed the furniture aside. The room was large, there was plenty of space, it was thickly carpeted. Then he quickly threw off his clothes, and waited for Birkin. The latter, white and thin, came over to him. Birkin was more a presence than a visible object, Gerald was aware of him completely, but not really visually. Whereas Gerald himself was concrete and noticeable, a piece of pure final substance.
ellauri117.html on line 253: At length Gerald lay back inert on the carpet, his breast rising in great slow panting, whilst Birkin kneeled over him, almost unconscious. Birkin was much more exhausted. He caught little, short breaths, he could scarcely breathe any more. The earth seemed to tilt and sway, and a complete darkness was coming over his mind. He did not know what happened. He slid forward quite unconscious, over Gerald, and Gerald did not notice. Then he was half-conscious again, aware only of the strange tilting and sliding of the world. The world was sliding, everything was sliding off into the darkness. And he was sliding, endlessly, endlessly away.
ellauri118.html on line 587: ELÄMÄ ON KERTOMUS sanoi George Lakoff (1941-) pukkikirjaimin vaikkei uskalla kyllä enää, se ei trendaa enää yhtään. Peter Brooks (1984/1995) tavoittelee Barthesin innoittamana merkityksen tai merkityksellistämisen intohimoa (”passion for meaning”, emt. 48). Sitähän kaikki uskkontohyypät juuri korostaa. Merkitystä tarvitaan, ilman sitä ei ole koko uskoa. On lähes mahdotonta niellä ettei tässä olla mihkään menossa paizi sedimentixi.
ellauri118.html on line 844: The relation was equally sincere on the part of Mme. de La Fayette, though she was by nature more self-contained and reserved. But this reserve gives way to the strength of her feelings when in 1691, tormented by ill-health and knowing that her end is not far off, she writes to Mme. de Sévigné: "Croyez, ma très-chère, que vous êtes la personne du monde que j'ai le plus véritablement aimée."
ellauri118.html on line 1125: This passage is from the beginning of the poem "Half-Hanging Mary" by Margaret Atwood. Poverty and neglect did not improve Mary’s fiery temper, and she spoke harshly when offended, wrote Sylvester Judd in his 1905 History of Hadley. Witches supposedly suckled their ‘imps’ or ‘familiars’ — maybe even the devil — in exchange for help with their magic.
ellauri118.html on line 1151: As for Trump, among his many disgusting offenses are his admission to sexual assault, and his fat-shaming of women in the spotlight.
ellauri118.html on line 1162: Pieixoto´s name suggests Pope Pius IX, a Vatican pope (1854-1878), who, in his first year of office, issued the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Peixoto is a Portuguese surname. It refers to fish. Notable people with the surname include: Alvarenga Peixoto (1743-1793), Brazilian poet, born in Rio de Janeiro; António Augusto de Rocha Peixoto (1866-1909), Portuguese naturalist, ethnologist and archaeologist; César Peixoto (born 1980), Portuguese footballer who plays for Sport Lisboa e Benfica in the Portuguese first division.
ellauri119.html on line 137: In season two's "Hot off the Griddle," Catwoman captures Batman and Robin in a room where the floor is red hot. They hop up and down while trying to figure out a plan and Robin shouts out "holy bunions!" Just the sight of the two of them hopping up and down while Robin is shouting out nonsense is delightful.
ellauri119.html on line 398: Paul Van Buren and William Hamilton both agreed that the concept of transcendence had lost any meaningful place in modern secular thought. According to the norms of contemporary modern secular thought, God is dead. In responding to this denial of transcendence Van Buren and Hamilton offered secular people the option of Jesus as the model human who acted in love. Well technically he is dead as well, but his great ideas (that he "borrowed" from the hindoos and the jews) live on.
ellauri119.html on line 668: But at some point you must provide for yourself. You have to earn a living, get an education, provide for your family. There is a limit to what you can sacrifice for this type of morality. The harder you practice it the worse off your own life becomes. This is the root of the cynicism you feel when you utter “philosophy, who needs it?”
ellauri119.html on line 716: Atlas Shrugged offers several examples that also refute this common misconception. The villains in this novel are businessmen who try to succeed through political pull. While they are businessmen, supposedly Ayn Rand’s ideal person, she does not paint them in a flattering light. She demonstrates how evil they are and how their political maneuvering always leads to their failure.
ellauri119.html on line 718: Her heroes act benevolently towards others. Dagny Taggart saves a bum from being thrown off one of her trains. She even invites him to dinner in her private car. Why would someone who advocates Social Darwinism write this into their novel?
ellauri119.html on line 746: Dagny saved a bum from being thrown off from her OWN train. She is responsible for policies and rules of her own train, which her employees follow word for word. She’s basically saving a bum from herself. Also, if she were to act as her philosophy dictates, then it would be in her self-interest to throw the bum of her train. By saving the bum, she’s a hypocrite of her own philosophy.
ellauri131.html on line 194: Tallinnan kenttäsantarmiupseeri, saksalainen luutnantti Hoffmann selitti Suomen armeijan edustajille, mitä juopuneet olivat kaupungilla saaneet aikaan: tappeluita, puukotuksia ja kuusi miestä oli ”aivan tolkuttomassa humalassa” pidätetty.
ellauri131.html on line 365: There are Chicken Coops for the Adopted Soul, the African American Soul, the African American Woman's Soul, the Soul of America, the American Idol Soul, the Angels Among Us, Angels and Miracles, Answered Prayers, Baseball Fans, the Best You Can Be, The Beach Lovers, Best Mom in Law Ever, Miracles, the Breast Cancer Survivors, Brides, Cancer Victims, Caregivers, Cartoon Dads, Video Moms, Cartoon Teachers, The Cat Did What?? the Cat Lovers, Cat & Dog Lovers, Celeb Cats and the People Who Love Them, Jack Canafield, Celeb Mothers, Jack Canafield, Celeb Sisters, Jack Canafield, Celeb Teachers, Jack Canafield, Celeb Brothers and Sisters, Jack Canafield, Celeb Mothers and Daughters, Jack Canafield, Celeb People Who Make a Difference, Jack Canafield, the Child's Soul, Jack Canafield, Children with Special Needs, Jack Canafield, the Soul in the Classroom – High School Edition, Jack Canafield and Anna Unknown, the Coffee Lovers Chicken Soup for the Soul Cookbook, Includes material by Gibbons.
ellauri131.html on line 461: J.K. 22.03.2022 kazottiin ihan vahinkokaupalla amerikkalainen elokuva nimeltä The Secret: Dare to Dream, joka oli saanut Netflixissä Seijan suositusprosentixi 83%. Se oli samalla myös elokuvan sokeripitoisuus: nelikymppisellä langanlaihalla charity case naisella Louisianassa oli kokonaista 2 kosijaa, joista se pitkään mietittyään valizi jeesusmaisemman, joka oli sen lento-onnettomuudessa kuolleen lasten isän kexijäkaveri. Molemmat lesken kosijoista oli kyllä ihan sika kilttejä, mutta toinen oli vaan kouluja käymätön ravintoloizija ja kaiken kukkuraxi 50% vinkuintiaani. Jeesusmaisempi oli 100% white anglo saxon protestant ja vielä ammattikorkeakoulun professori, joka lisäxi oli ihan wokumaisen näppärä handyman ja hit it off aivan loistavasti lesken lasten kaa. (Vähän huolestuttavankin hyvin 16 vuotta täyttävän sakkolihan kaa, mun mielestä, vatkata nyt yhdessä salt taffyja ja natustella s'moreja!)
ellauri131.html on line 469: Tämä Rhonda Byrne elokuvan vinosuimen nainen ei pysty maxamaan vakuutuxia ja maxaa sixi juurihoidosta $2000 takahampaasta. Toivottavasti juuri oli hoidettu siihen mennessä kun se ankarasti pussaa proffaa filmin loppukuvissa. Kaikkein nolointa köyhyydessä on että nimitellään charity casexi.
ellauri131.html on line 646: In June 2016, CNN reported that 30 people were burned during a "fire walk" at Robbins' "Unleash the Power Within" seminar in Dallas. in 2012, another Robbins "fire walk" in San Jose resulted in 20 people sustaining "second-and third-degree burns." Robbins' camp basically shrugged off the reports, saying, "It's not uncommon to have fewer than 1% of participants experience 'hot spots,' which is similar to a sunburn that can be treated with aloe."
ellauri131.html on line 723: Robbins repeatedly swears by Natural Language Processing (NLP), a controversial, consciousness-based belief system that took root in California in the 1970s. According to the Association for NLP, the practice is commonly referred to as the "users manual for your mind," and studying NLP offers "insights into how our thinking patterns can effect [sic] every aspect of our lives." God's co-creator Vivica Bandler has characterized the process as a veritable fountain of youth, asserting one's "ability for consciousness to influence our DNA evolution." In an interview with NLP Life, Bandler said, "It is obviously related to aging and the more we learn to control our consciousness, the more we will learn to control the quality of the DNA that keeps us young, the DNA that makes us smart...There is literally no limit to what we can do as we begin to harness the great power called consciousness."
ellauri131.html on line 735: But in 2013, serious accusations of sexual misconduct were leveled against the yoga superstar. A total of six women came forward and alleged offenses ranging from sexual harassment to rape,
ellauri131.html on line 744: Canadian prime minister Kevin Trudeau earned untold millions through his "They Don't Want You To Know About" series of infomercials touting his supposed secret knowledge of natural cures, debt relief, and weight loss techniques. And though he earned the allegiance of many followers who believed his claims, a federal jury found him guilty of criminal contempt in 2013, for "lying in several infomercials about the contents of his hit book, The Weight Loss Cure 'They' Don't Want You to Know About," according to The Chicago Tribune. Trudeau repeatedly touted the methods in the book as "easy," except unwitting customers didn't find out until they plunked down cash that it involved "prolonged periods of extreme calorie restriction, off-label skin-syringe injections and high-colonic enemas personally administered by Mr. Trudeau," according to ABC News.
ellauri131.html on line 756: Prince Harry is another royal pain in the ass, and so is Meghan Markle only more so. In a 2021 interview with The Sun, the High Flying Birds frontman eloquently described Prince Harry as a "fucking woke snowflake" in response to his criticisms of the royal family. And referencing his own sibling rivalry with Liam Gallagher, Noel even admitted to sympathizing with Prince William, remarking, "I feel that fucking lad's pain. He's got a fucking younger brother shooting his fucking mouth off with shit that is just so unnecessary. So do I. I'd like to think I was always the William."
ellauri131.html on line 840: Okei, Tony olet kauhistus. Eikä se kuumajoogepelle ole paljon parempi. Toisin Doreen! Se on tehnyt parannuxen. Doreen has renounced her previous work, and she prays for the day when other people will stop selling her old products. If she was self-published, the old products would have been taken off the market immediately. Unfortunately, other companies have licenses to the old products and they continue to sell them. In the meantime, Doreen posts regularly on social media, messages for new agers to destroy her old products and leave the New Age behind, and give their lives to Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
ellauri131.html on line 842: Her video is from a new Christian streaming television, movie, and documentary station, and was filmed at Pastor Alistair Begg’s office. To listen to Pastor Begg’s sermons, please visit You can download the free Truth for Life app and the American Gospel TV (AGTV) app to watch on your mobile devices. Ilmeisesti Begg on vielä Doreenia taitavampi sumuttaja, kun pystyi viemään Doreenilta virtuen.
ellauri131.html on line 933: That kind of enthusiasm is, to some observers of organizational behavior, appalling. The problem, they say, lies in the message that is being subsidized by management: that individual workers are responsible for their own destinies, and that the way to achieve security and serenity is through continual self-improvement. For a big corporation that is mowing down whole suitefuls of middle managers, critics say, this can be a handy way to get employees to start thinking that if they are laid off, the fault lies somewhere in themselves. "If the individual worker is made to feel the responsibility for his or her condition, the social contract is no longer there.
ellauri131.html on line 936: Stephen Covey's Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, briefly, are these: (1) Be proactive. Take the initiative and be responsible. (2) Begin with the end in mind. Start any endeavor -- a meeting, a day at the office, your adult life -- with a mental image of an outcome conforming to values you cherish. (3) Put first things first. Discipline yourself to subordinate feelings, impulses, and moods to your values. (4) Think win/win. Just as it sounds. (5) Seek first to understand, then to be understood. Listen with the intent to empathize, not with the intent to reply. (6) Synergize. Create wholes that are greater than the sum of their parts. (7) Sharpen the saw. Take time to cultivate the four essential dimensions of your character: physical, mental, social/emotional, and spiritual.
ellauri131.html on line 938: Covey, more than most inspirational writers, is able to skate right up close to the border of the divine without alarming anyone. Dr. Stephen R. Covey, author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, has lost his laser pointer once again and is practically jumping up off the stage to point to a giant chart projected on the wall of a conference room at the Westin Hotel in Seattle. He would be an imposing man if he were two inches taller.
ellauri132.html on line 54: Als Jugendlicher trat Eckhart in den Orden der Dominikaner ein, in dem er später hohe Ämter erlangte. Sein Hauptanliegen war die Verbreitung von Grundsätzen für eine konsequent spirituelle Lebenspraxis im Alltag. Aufsehen erregten seine unkonventionellen, teils provozierend formulierten Aussagen und sein schroffer Widerspruch zu damals verbreiteten Überzeugungen. Umstritten war beispielsweise seine Aussage, der „Seelengrund“ sei nicht wie alles Geschöpfliche von Gott erschaffen, sondern göttlich und ungeschaffen. Im Seelengrund sei die Gottheit stets unmittelbar anwesend. Vielfach griff Eckhart Gedankengut der neuplatonischen Tradition auf. Oft wird er als Mystiker charakterisiert, in der Forschung ist die Angemessenheit dieser Bezeichnung allerdings umstritten.
ellauri132.html on line 131: "The book struck me as irredeemable poppycock. I was put off by the strained stateliness of Tolle's writing, as well as its nearly indecipherable turgidity ... jargon like "conditioned mind structures', "the one indwelling consciousness". What's more, the guy was stunningly grandiose. He referred to his book as a "transformational" device", and promised that, as you read, "shit takes place within you." I lay there rolling my eyes ..."
ellauri132.html on line 138: The widespread take on E T. is - as one commentator points out - E.T. offers a "contemporary synthesis of Eastern spiritual teachings" and another reviewer wrote, "Tolle's clear writing and the obvious depth of his experience and insight set it apart" (what, WHAT?!).
ellauri132.html on line 438: Google AdSense is a program run by Google through which website publishers in the Google Network of content sites serve text, images, video, or interactive media advertisements that are targeted to the site content and audience. These advertisements are administered, sorted, and maintained by Google. They can generate revenue on either a per-click or per-impression basis. Google beta-tested a cost-per-action service, but discontinued it in October 2008 in favor of a DoubleClick offering (also owned by Google). In Q1 2014, Google earned US$3.4 billion ($13.6 billion annualized), or 22% of total revenue, through Google AdSense. AdSense is a participant in the AdChoices program, so AdSense ads typically include the triangle-shaped AdChoices icon. This program also operates on HTTP cookies. In 2021, over 38.3 million websites use AdSense.
ellauri132.html on line 448: Google came under fire when the official Google AdSense Blog showcased the French video website This website violated Google's AdSense Program Policies by displaying AdSense alongside sexually explicit material. Typically, websites displaying AdSense have been banned from showing such content. We are not evil. LOL.
ellauri133.html on line 77: Alarm clock. Possibly the worst opening of all: “I groaned as the alarm went off. Oh no, I’m late, I thought to myself. I got up, and put on my blue denims, and my cute pink top...” Never miss an opportunity for random misogyny! Anyway, look at the beginnings of world lit classics. You would have ended up mutilating most of them, turning them to more episodes of Paw Patrol.
ellauri133.html on line 386: "I wasn´t really thinking of the sexual aspect of it," King later mansplained his intentions in writing the controversial scene. "The sexual act connected childhood and adulthood ... Times have changed since I wrote that scene and there is now more sensitivity to those issues. In my days, balling minors was all in a day´s work. Besides, I had a lot of satisfying jerkoffs writing it. As did my colleague Nabokov."
ellauri133.html on line 821: Tomppa oli ize bi ja nai äidin näköisen juutalaisen naisen, Katia Pringsheimin. Katian käskystä ne varmaan muuttikin pois Saxasta. Katia ei ensin perustanut Tompasta, sillä oli kosijoita joka sormelle, ja Tomppa siihen aikaan muistutti vinoilevan veljen mukaan mahakipuista razumestaria. Tomppa ja Katia oli kavereita, mikä Tompan puolesta oli aika höyryävä tunnustus. Päiväkirjoissaan Tomppa kiittää vaimoa kärsivällisyydestä, kun Katia ei herättänyt Tompassa enää Sehnsuchtia, eikä Tompan vällykäärme näinmuodoin pystynyt tarjoilemaan sille juuri huvia. Sechs Kinder Katia teki silti ilmeisesti Tompalle. Tompan sisaruxista teki 2 tyttöä izarin, ja sen omat lapset jatkoi perinnettä. Klaus Mann oli julkihomo ja matkusteli Suomessa kreivi Aminoffin sulhasena. Mulla on joku Klaus Mannin kirjoista.
ellauri133.html on line 845: I had the idea fairly clearly in my mind when I put my daughter in her playpen and the vegetables in the refrigerator, and, writing the story, I found that it went quickly and easily, moving from beginning to end without pause. As a matter of fact, when I read it over later I decided that except for one or two minor corrections, it needed no changes, and the story I finally typed up and sent off to my agent the next day was almost word for word the original draft.
ellauri135.html on line 156: Eikai tää Niklas ole se pahamaineinen kreivi Berg, suomalaisten sortaja? Ei ole, se oli Fjodor Fjodorovits. Lähde: Thomas Garoff, Kenraalikuvernööri Berg. Suomalaisuuden synnyttäjä. Helsinki,, 2015, 327 s.
ellauri135.html on line 157: Kirjan on kirjoittanut yksistään Thomas Garoff, katalyyttikemian professori ja historian harrastaja. Ennakkomainonnassa ilmoitettu Markku Berg on suomalaisen Berg-suvun päämies, jonka mainitaan antaneen kirjoittajan käyttöön suuren määrän ”perhetarinoita”. Kristiina Kalleiselle kirja ei sisällä uutta ja varteenotettavaa tietoa, ja Kriden on vaikea nähdä, miksi se on julkaistu. Kristiina on kirjoittanut ja kirjoittaa aina kansallisen tieteen ja taiteen puolesta.
ellauri135.html on line 163: Friedrich Georg Magnus von Berg (1845–1938), "Rukkikrahv". Auch verdient um Kartoffelzucht u. Obstbau. Züchtete 1890 d. Sagnitzer Roggen".
ellauri135.html on line 225: However, he some time, until 1849, was a teacher at the Moscow school of painting and sculpture, and from there, moved to the Moscow office of the state Bank, where until 1853 he was first Secretary and then as an assistant accountant.
ellauri135.html on line 274: Mutte taaskaan lähdetietoja! Mitä vitun vitun vittua! Mikä Thomas Garoff tääkin on?
ellauri135.html on line 771: Mihail Jurjevitš Lermontov (ven. Михаил Юрьевич Лермонтов, 15. lokakuuta (J: 3. lokakuuta) 1814 Moskova, Venäjä – 27. heinäkuuta (J: 15. heinäkuuta) 1841 Pjatigorsk, Venäjä) oli venäläinen kirjailija, Aleksandr Puškinin rinnalla venäläisen romantiikan ja Venäjän runouden kultakauden merkittävin edustaja. Häntä pidetään kielellisenä uudistajana. Hän oli rumahko. Lermontov syntyi Moskovassa merkittävässä asemassa olleeseen sukuun, jonka sanotaan olevan lähtöisin skotlantilaisesta Learmonth-suvusta, jonka esi-isä Peter Lermontoff olisi 1600-luvulla jäänyt Venäjälle jäätyään sotavangiksi. Tarinaa ei kuitenkaan ole pystytty todentamaan dokumenteilla.
ellauri140.html on line 39: In 1998, Kevorkian was arrested and tried for his direct role in a case of voluntary euthanasia on a man named Thomas Youk who suffered from Lou Gehrig’s disease, or ALS. He was convicted of second-degree murder and served 8 years of a 10-to-25-year prison sentence. He was released on parole on June 1, 2007, on condition he would not offer advice about, participate in, or be present at the act of any type of suicide involving euthanasia to any other person, as well as neither promote nor talk about the procedure of assisted suicide.
ellauri140.html on line 58: Book IV, despite its title "The Legend of Cambell and Telamond or Of Friendship", Cambell's companion in Book IV is actually named Triamond, and the plot does not center on their friendship; the two men appear only briefly in the story. The book is largely a continuation of events begun in Book III. First, Scudamore is convinced by the hag Ate (discord) that Britomart has run off with Amoret and becomes jealous. A three-day tournament is then held by Satyrane, where Britomart beats Arthegal (both in disguise). Scudamore and Arthegal unite against Britomart, but when her helmet comes off in battle Arthegal falls in love with her. He surrenders, removes his helmet, and Britomart recognizes him as the man in the enchanted mirror. Arthegal pledges his love to her but must first leave and complete his quest. Scudamore, upon discovering Britomart's sex, realizes his mistake and asks after his lady, but by this time Britomart has lost Amoret, and she and Scudamore embark together on a search for her. The reader discovers that Amoret was abducted by a savage man and is imprisoned in his cave. One day Amoret darts out past the savage and is rescued from him by the squire Timias and Belphoebe. Arthur then appears, offering his service as a knight to the lost woman. She accepts, and after a couple of trials on the way, Arthur and Amoret finally happen across Scudamore and Britomart. The two lovers are reunited. Wrapping up a different plotline from Book III, the recently recovered Marinel discovers Florimell suffering in Proteus' dungeon. He returns home and becomes sick with love and pity. Eventually he confesses his feelings to his mother, and she pleads with Neptune to have the girl released, which the god grants.
ellauri140.html on line 86: Bellphone F+-, the beautiful sister of Amoret who spends her time in the woods hunting and avoiding the numerous amorous men who chase her. Timias, the squire of Arthur, eventually wins her love after she tends to the injuries he sustained in battle; however, Timias must endure much suffering to prove his love when Belphoebe sees him tending to a wounded woman and, misinterpreting his actions, flies off hastily. She is only drawn back to him after seeing how he has wasted away without her. Tää on niinkö Artemis eli Diana. Osuvasti kolmikulmapuistossa.
ellauri140.html on line 124: Satyriasis M+-, a wild half-satyr man raised in the wild and the epitome of natural human potency. Tamed by Una, he protects her, but ends up locked in a battle against the chaotic Sansloy, which remains unconcluded. Satyrane finds Florimell´s sanitary napkin, which she drops while falling off from a beast. He holds a three-day tournament for the right to possess the girl. His Knights of Maidenhead win the day with Britomart´s help.
ellauri140.html on line 197: In July 1580, Spenser went to Ireland in service of the newly appointed Lord Deputy, Arthur Grey, 14th Baron Grey de Wilton. Spenser served under Lord Grey with Walter Raleigh at the Siege of Smerwick massacre. When Lord Grey was recalled to England, Spenser stayed on in Ireland, having acquired other official posts and lands in the Munster Plantation. Raleigh acquired other nearby Munster estates confiscated in the Second Desmond Rebellion. Sometime between 1587 and 1589, Spenser acquired his main estate at Kilcolman, near Doneraile in North Cork. He later bought a second holding to the south, at Rennie, on a rock overlooking the river Blackwater in North Cork. Its ruins are still visible today. A short distance away grew a tree, locally known as "Spenser's Oak" until it was destroyed in a lightning strike in the 1960s. Local legend claims that he penned some of The Faerie Queene under this tree.
ellauri140.html on line 211: His coffin was carried to his grave in Poets' Corner in Westminster Abbey by other poets, who threw many pens and pieces of poetry into his grave with many tears (all free of charge). His second wife survived him and remarried twice. His sister Sarah, who had accompanied him to Ireland, married into the Travers family, and her descendants were prominent landowners in Cork for centuries. Korkad kille, kaiken kaikkiaan.
ellauri140.html on line 247: Ganz allein in dunkler Nacht Trained to live off nature's land Koulutetut elämään luonnon maasta. töp-tötöppöp-pöp,
ellauri140.html on line 557: He brusheth oft, and oft doth mar their murmurings. Ilman offia, saamatta aikaan juuri paskaakaan.
ellauri140.html on line 873: And as halfe blushing offred him to kis, Puolix punastellen tarjos sitä pusulle,
ellauri140.html on line 1032: The royall virgin shooke off drowsy-hed; Niin neizytprinsessakin nosti päätänsä
ellauri141.html on line 109: Quintus Horatius Flaccus (8th of December, Ab Urbe Condita 689, B. C. 65 - 27th of November, B. C. 8) was born at or near Venusia (Venosa), in the Apennines, on the borders of Lucania and Apulia. His father was a freedman, having, as his name proves, been the slave of some person of the Horatia gens. As Horace implies that he himself was ingenuus, his father must have obtained his freedom before his birth. He afterwards followed the calling of a coactor, a collector of money in some way or other, it is not known in what. He made, in this capacity, enough to purchase an estate, probably a small one, near the above town, where the poet was born. We hear nothing of his mother, except that Horace speaks of both his parents with affection. His father, probably seeing signs of talent in him as a child, was not content to have him educated at a provincial school, but took him (at what age he does not say, but probably about twelve) to Rome, where he became a pupil of Orbilius Pupillus, who had a school of much note, attended by boys of good family, and whom Horace remembered all his life as an irritable teacher, given unnecessarily to the use of the rod. With him he learnt grammar, the earlier Latin authors, and Homer. He attended other masters (of rhetoric, poetry, and music perhaps), as Roman boys were wont, and had the advantage (to which he afterwards looked back with gratitude) of his father’s care and moral training during this part of his education. It was usual for young men of birth and ability to be sent to Athens, to finish their education by the study of Greek literature and philosophy under native teachers; and Horace went there too, at what age is not known, but probably when he was about twenty. Whether his father was alive at that time, or dead, is uncertain. If he went to Athens at twenty, it was in B. C. 45, the year before Julius Cæsar was assassinated. After that event, Brutus and Cassius left Rome and went to Greece. Foreseeing the struggle that was before them, they got round them many of the young men at that time studying at Athens, and Horace was appointed tribune in the army of Brutus, a high command, for which he was not qualified. He went with Brutus into Asia Minor, and finally shared his defeat at Philippi, B. C. 42. He makes humorous allusion to this defeat in his Ode to Pompeius Varus (ii. 7). After the battle he came to Italy, having obtained permission to do so, like many others who were willing to give up a desperate cause and settle quietly at home. His patrimony, however, was forfeited, and he seems to have had no means of subsistence, which induced him to employ himself in writing verses, with the view, perhaps, of bringing himself into notice, rather than for the purpose of making money by their sale. By some means he managed to get a place as scriba in the Quæstor’s office, whether by purchase or interest does not appear. In either case, we must suppose he contrived soon to make friends, though he could not do so by the course he pursued, without also making many enemies. His Satires are full of allusions to the enmity his verses had raised up for him on all hands. He became acquainted, among other literary persons, with Virgil and Varius, who, about three years after his return (B. C. 39), introduced him to Mæcenas, who was careful of receiving into his circle a tribune of Brutus, and one whose writings were of a kind that was new and unpopular. He accordingly saw nothing of Horace for nine months after his introduction to him. He then sent for him (B. C. 38), and from that time continued to be his patron and warmest friend.
ellauri141.html on line 111: At his house, probably, Horace became intimate with Polio, and the many persons of consideration whose friendship he appears to have enjoyed. Through Mæcenas, also, it is probable Horace was introduced to Augustus; but when that happened is uncertain. In B. C. 37, Mæcenas was deputed by Augustus to meet M. Antonius at Brundisium, and he took Horace with him on that journey, of which a detailed account is given in the fifth Satire of the first book. Horace appears to have parted from the rest of the company at Brundisium, and perhaps returned to Rome by Tarentum and Venusia. (See S. i. 5, Introduction.) Between this journey and B. C. 32, Horace received from his friend the present of a small estate in the valley of the Digentia (Licenza), situated about thirty-four miles from Rome, and fourteen from Tibur, in the Sabine country. Of this property he gives a description in his Epistle to Quintius (i. 16), and he appears to have lived there a part of every year, and to have been fond of the place, which was very quiet and retired, being four miles from the nearest town, Varia (Vico Varo), a municipium perhaps, but not a place of any importance. During this interval he continued to write Satires and Epodes, but also, it appears probable, some of the Odes, which some years later he published, and others which he did not publish. These compositions, no doubt, were seen by his friends, and were pretty well known before any of them were collected for publication. The first book of the Satires was published probably in B. C. 35, the Epodes in B. C. 30, and the second book of Satires in the following year, when Horace was about thirty-five years old. When Augustus returned from Asia, in B. C. 29, and closed the gates of Janus, being the acknowledged head of the republic, Horace appeared among his most hearty adherents. He wrote on this occasion one of his best Odes (i. 2), and employed his pen in forwarding those reforms which it was the first object of Augustus to effect. (See Introduction to C. ii. 15.) His most striking Odes appear, for the most part, to have been written after the establishment of peace. Some may have been written before, and probably were. But for some reason it would seem that he gave himself more to lyric poetry after his thirty-fifth year than he had done before. He had most likely studied the Greek poets while he was at Athens, and some of his imitations may have been written early. If so, they were most probably improved and polished, from time to time, (for he must have had them by him, known perhaps only to a few friends, for many years,) till they became the graceful specimens of artificial composition that they are. Horace continued to employ himself in this kind of writing (on a variety of subjects, convivial, amatory, political, moral,—some original, many no doubt suggested by Greek poems) till B. C. 24, when there are reasons for thinking the first three books of the Odes were published. During this period, Horace appears to have passed his time at Rome, among the most distinguished men of the day, or at his house in the country, paying occasional visits to Tibur, Præneste, and Baiæ, with indifferent health, which required change of air. About the year B. C. 26 he was nearly killed by the falling of a tree, on his own estate, which accident he has recorded in one of his Odes (ii. 13), and occasionally refers to; once in the same stanza with a storm in which he was nearly lost off Cape Palinurus, on the western coast of Italy. When this happened, nobody knows. After the publication of the three books of Odes, Horace seems to have ceased from that style of writing, or nearly so; and the only other compositions we know of his having produced in the next few years are metrical Epistles to different friends, of which he published a volume probably in B. C. 20 or 19. He seems to have taken up the study of the Greek philosophical writers, and to have become a good deal interested in them, and also to have been a little tired of the world, and disgusted with the jealousies his reputation created. His health did not improve as he grew older, and he put himself under the care of Antonius Musa, the emperor’s new physician. By his advice he gave up, for a time at least, his favorite Baiæ. But he found it necessary to be a good deal away from Rome, especially in the autumn and winter.
ellauri141.html on line 359: In Satire 1.2, he recites all the troubles men get into chasing married women, freedwomen, even whores and — in a notorious passage — offers a sensible Roman alternative:
ellauri141.html on line 397: His verses have offered a fund of mottoes, such as Integer vitae, Dulce et decorum, Heus puer digitos e vagina, Odi profanum vulgus, Simplex munditiis, Splendide mendax, Sapere aude, Nunc est bibendum, Carpe diem. Bibendum on se Michelinin autonrenkaista tehty ukkeli.
ellauri141.html on line 548: turbinibus rapidoque rhombo. And all its offspring, whose concern
ellauri141.html on line 571: Weapons too faithful offer them using all things mixed with blood and he who loudly brings false charges exhausts the unique hour capable of preserving works.
ellauri141.html on line 757: Alexis Leger was born in Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe. His great-grandfather, a solicitor, had settled in Guadeloupe in 1815. His grandfather and father were also solicitors; his father was also a member of the city council. The Leger family owned two plantations, one of coffee (La Joséphine) and the other of sugar (Bois-Debout).
ellauri141.html on line 759: In 1897, Hégésippe Légitimus, the first native Guadeloupan elected president of the Guadeloupe General Council, took office with a vindictive agenda towards colonists. The Leger family returned to metropolitan France in 1899 and settled in Pau. The young Alexis felt like an expatriate and spent much of his time hiking, fencing, riding horses and sailing in the Atlantic. He passed the baccalauréat with honours and began studying law at the University of Bordeaux. When his father died in 1907, the resulting strain on his family's finances led Leger to temporarily interrupt his studies, but he eventually completed his degree in 1910.
ellauri141.html on line 794: Gordon Wenham, on the other hand, understands the verse to indicate Jabal was the first "dweller with herds." That is, he was the "father of the Bedouin lifestyle." He notes that whereas Abel "merely lived off his flocks," Jabal could "trade with his beasts of burden," and that this "represents cultural advance." Ensimmäinen rättipää.
ellauri142.html on line 63: Markku is an outcast. The awkward, illegitimate son of a dazzlingly wealthy Count, he was educated in France but returns to Russia now that his father’s health is in decline. Polite society shuns him for his hero-worship of Napoleon and enthusiasm for the politics of revolution. But his blundering sincerity charms Andrei, his truest friend; and the blonde air hostess Natacha, who delights in his presence. He is quickly married off by stealth through the manipulation of others around him and is likely to face further heartache given that his wife prefers bedding her brother. It looks like this unlikely hero is smitten with her mother Pirkko Hiekkala but is set for heartache given his kind and gentle nature.
ellauri142.html on line 85: In 1851, after running up heavy gambling debts, he went with his older brother to the Caucasus and joined the army. Tolstoy served as a young artillery officer during the Crimean War and was in Sevastopol during the 11-month-long siege of Sevastopol in 1854–55, including the Battle of the Chernaya. During the war he was recognised for his courage and promoted to lieutenant. He was appalled by the number of tragic deaths involved in warfare, and left the army after the end of the Crimean War.
ellauri142.html on line 138: Members who seek political office and financial control in business seem to earn notoriety and celebrity within the organization and specific lodges
ellauri142.html on line 147: Geometry and architecture are essential themes within Freemasonry, which is why Freemasons often refer to God as either The Supreme Being or The Grand Geometrician. These names help keep the concept of God as generic, and not tied to a specific religion, which removes any chance that a member will be offended.
ellauri142.html on line 266: Alexander sanoo esipuheessa: I have a sad and serious duty to fulfil. Apparently Wilhelm had just joined his ancestors (or theirs). Luckily professor Franz Bopp offered assistance. Wilhelm kävi kirjeenvaihtoa myös A.W.v.Schegelin, Colonel Pickeringin, ja Champollionin kaa (loput nimet oli mulle n.h.). Wilhelmillä oli attraktiivinen Tegel Castle lentokentän lähellä, jossa se herrasteli loppupeleissä perheensä kera.
ellauri143.html on line 59: On a day when Prime Minister Narendra Modi released the Thai translation of Thirukkural during his visit to Thailand, the official Twitter handle of the BJP’s Tamil Nadu unit released a picture of Tamil poet Thiruvalluvar clad in a saffron attire.
ellauri143.html on line 71: The history behind the picture of Valluvar is itself an interesting one. Painter KR Venugopal Sarma picturised him in 1950s and the painting was accepted by then chief minister CN Annadurai as the official picture of the poet.
ellauri143.html on line 86: Its author is praised for his innate nature of selecting the best virtues found in the known literature, like Juan Valdez the choicest coffee beans, and presenting them in a language that is common and acceptable to all (Tamil). The term Tirukkuṟaḷ is a compound word made of two individual terms, tiru and kuṟaḷ. The term tiru has as many as 19 different meanings but it means sacred. Kuṟaḷ means something like "short, concise, and abridged." Vizi näähän on Markku Envall-luokan aforismeja, Vaakku-Turmiola linjan törähdyxiä.
ellauri143.html on line 944: His officers, his friends, his enemies,
ellauri144.html on line 622: off the wall! And I am a pretty good judge of character-
ellauri144.html on line 644: père. Le 22 août 1870, le couple Bernard se sépare officiellement. En 1869, il
ellauri144.html on line 729: Months later, Max is summoned to headquarters by Party officials and learns that he can save his career only if he brings Allura the trophy head of a rare white stag. Interweaving through the human actions, the region’s Silver River and its animals have their say."
ellauri145.html on line 215: Peu fait pour comprendre la vive sensibilité de l´enfant, l´officier Aupick – devenu plus tard ambassadeur – incarne à ses yeux les entraves à tout ce qu´il aime : sa mère, la poésie, le rêve et, plus généralement, la vie sans contingences.
ellauri145.html on line 242: Le 21 septembre 1844, maître Narcisse Ancelle, notaire de la famille, est officiellement désigné comme conseil judiciaire qui lui alloue une pension mensuelle de 200 francs. En outre, Baudelaire doit lui rendre compte de ses faits et gestes. Cette situation infantilisante inflige à Baudelaire une telle humiliation qu´il tente de se suicider d´un coup de couteau dans la poitrine le 30 juin 1845. Outre sa réputation de débauché, Baudelaire passait pour homosexuel auprès de certains de ses amis: « C´est moi-même », écrit-il « qui ai répandu ce bruit, et l´on m´a cru »
ellauri145.html on line 404: Roger Tichborne, heir to the noble and filthy rich Tichborne family´s title and fortunes, was presumed to have died in a shipwreck in 1854 at age 25. His mother clung to a belief that he might have survived, and after hearing rumours that he had made his way to Australia, she advertised extensively in Australian newspapers, offering a reward for information. In 1866, a Wagga Wagga butcher known as Thomas Castro came forward claiming to be Roger Tichborne. Although his manners and bearing were unrefined, he gathered support and travelled to England. He was instantly accepted by Lady Tichborne as her son, although other family members were dismissive and sought to expose him as an impostor. During protracted enquiries before the case went to court in 1871, details emerged suggesting that the claimant might be Arthur Orton, a butcher´s son from Wapping in London, who had gone to sea as a boy and had last been heard of in Australia. After a civil court had rejected the claimant´s case, he was charged with perjury; while awaiting trial he campaigned throughout the country to gain popular support. In 1874, a criminal court jury decided that he was not Roger Tichborne and declared him to be Arthur Orton. Before passing a sentence of 14 years, the judge condemned the behaviour of the claimant´s counsel, Edward Kenealy, who was subsequently disbarred because of his conduct.
ellauri145.html on line 699: Là-bas did strike a serious blow to the public’s conception of Naturalism. The novel, which opens with a two-page invective against Naturalism, was serialized in L’Echo de Paris, beginning on February 16, 1891. Huysmans’s protagonist, Durtal, feebly defends himself against his friend, Des Hermies, who maligns Naturalism as “du cloportisme” (siiramaisuudesta) while accusing it of having sold out: “Il a vanté l’américanisme nouveau des moeurs, abouti à l’éloge de la force brutale, à l’apothéose du coffre-fort. Par un prodige d’humilité, il a révéré le goût nauséeux des foules, et, par cela même, il a répudié le style, rejeté toute pensée altière, tout élan vers le surnaturel et l’au-delà...” (XII, 1, 6-7).
ellauri145.html on line 703: Il faudrait...garder la véracité du document, la précision du détail, la langue étoffée et nerveuse du réalisme, mais il faudrait aussi se faire puisatier d’âme et ne pas vouloir expliquer le mystère par les maladies des sens; le roman, si cela se pouvait, devrait se diviser de lui-même en deux parts, néanmoins soudées ou plutôt confondues, comme elles le sont dans la vie, celle de l’âme, celle du corps, et s’occuper de leurs réactifs, de leurs conflits, de leur entente. Il faudrait, en un mot, suivre la grande voie si profondément creusée par Zola, mais il serait nécessaire aussi de tracer en l’air un chemin parallèle, une autre route, d’atteindre les en deçà et les après, de faire, en un mot, un naturalisme spiritualiste... (XII, 1, 10-11)
ellauri145.html on line 737: Baudelairelainen dandyismi siirtyy tässä täydelliseen moraaliseen yksinäisyyteen Roscoffin (kz alla) luuston varjossa, jota kauhean ruumiillisen muodonmuutoksen vaivaama runoilija, joka on saanut merimiehiltä lempinimeltään Ankou (Kuolema), kummittelee koiransa seurassa, jonka mukaan hän kutsui Tristaniksi myös häntäänsä.
ellauri145.html on line 749: Roscoff (bretoniksi Rosko) on kunta läntisessä Ranskassa Finistèren departementissa Bretagnen alueella. Se sijaitsee Englannin kanaalin rannikolla olevalla niemimaalla.
ellauri145.html on line 1059: This paper offers a detailed reading of Rimbaud´ s "obscure" prose pom "Dévotion" from the Illuminations. The reading is based on the central principle that the text is modelled on the form of devotional prayer, a model that Rimbaud adopts only to parody it and transgress against it. Kaikki lukijat on yhtä mieltä että tää on Rimbaudin sepustuxista sekopäisin. Vaik kyllä se aina varoo olemasta selväsanainen, se on epädekadenttia. R. is extremely fond of mystifying his readers.
ellauri146.html on line 220: ...Da lernte Grabbe Ludwig Robert kennen, den Bruder der schönen, von Heine gefeierten Schwester, einen der geistvollsten Epigonen der Romantik; aber auch Heinrich Heine selbst, der seine Tragödien Almansor und Ratcliff gerade damals erscheinen ließ und von dem einer der ironischen Freunde berichtet, mit welchem Selbstgefallen seine ungefällige Gestalt damals unter den Linden vor Dümmlers Buchladen »vorbei peripatetisierte,« mit Armensünderwänglein, über welche plötzliche Glut sich ergoß, sobald er sein Werk zum Fenster herausgucken sah. Heines Eigentümlichkeit als Mensch und Dichter hatte für Grabbe viel Sympathisches; er berührte eine verwandte Ader in ihm und blieb gewiß auf die Ausbildung eines, dem idealen Schwung nachspottenden Cynismus, der überall bei Grabbe hervortritt, nicht ohne Einfluß. Damals konnte Heine nicht ahnen, als er den Meister eines phantastischen Humors, den Serapionsbruder Amadeus Hoffmann, zu Grabe tragen sah, daß dasselbe schmerzliche Leiden, welches diese gnomenartige Persönlichkeit hinweggerafft hatte, auch ihn einst an ein langjähriges Krankenlager fesseln werde.
ellauri146.html on line 454: Sont chastement pressés d’étoffes syriennes. On siveästi tupattuna syyrialaisiin liiveihin.
ellauri146.html on line 536: Dans son cœur offensé, comme en un sanctuaire Loukatun sydämensä kammiossa
ellauri146.html on line 681: “We have no aristocracy of blood, and having therefore as a natural, and indeed as an inevitable thing, fashioned for ourselves an aristocracy of dollars, the display of wealth has here to take the place and perform the office of the heraldic display in monarchical countries. By a transition readily understood, and which might have been as readily foreseen, we have been brought to merge in simple show our notions of taste itself.”
ellauri146.html on line 832: Paine kasvoi Thetfordissa Norfolkin kreivikunnassa yksinkertaisissa oloissa. Vuoteen 1750 saakka hän kävi viisi vuotta paikkakunnan kansakoulua. 12-vuotiaana hänet erotettiin koulusta ja sen jälkeen hän oppi isänsä luona korsetintekijäksi. Tätä ammattia hän harjoitti kaksitoista vuotta. 30-vuotiaana eli vuonna 1762 Thomas pääsi verovirkailijaksi (excise officer) Granthamiin. Kolmen vuoden virassaolon aikana hänet erotettiin kaksi kertaa väärinkäytösten takia ja lopullisesti vuonna 1765.
ellauri147.html on line 98: In the mid-twentieth century Finnish literature had adopted the free verse of modern poetry. Ale Tyynni however went back to a lyrical style, the ballad. Tyynni’s poems were typical of ballads, offering fateful tales dealing with falling in love and sorrow, and life’s turning points. Balladeja ja romansseja (’Ballads and romances’) appeared in 1967. And Tarinain lähde (‘The source of the tales’, 1974) depicted the death of a loved one, sorrow and solitude. Nobody cared to read such balderdash any more.
ellauri147.html on line 203: Emily's boss Madeline prepares to make the transition from the Chicago based pharmaceutical marketing firm, the Gilbert Group, to a French based fashion firm, Savior, when she discovers that she is pregnant. She offers the job to Emily and she accepts, leaving her boyfriend back in Chicago. Emily moves to Paris despite the fact that she does not speak French. She moves into the 5th floor of an old apartment building without an elevator but with a wonderful Parisian view. Emily creates an Instagram account, @emilyinparis, and begins documenting her time in Paris. Emily starts her first day of work much to her new co-workers chagrin who reveal that she was only hired because of a business deal. She introduces the French to American social media strategies who seem very reluctant about her and her American methods. Emily accidentally tries to enter the wrong apartment and bangs her very attractive neighbor right at the door, Gabriel. As Emily accustoms to life in Paris she makes countless faux-pas and the firm nicknames her "la plouc" or "the hick". Emily meets Mindy Chen, a nanny originally from Shanghai, and they become fast friends. After Emily and her boyfriend attempt to have cybersex but the connection fails, she plugs in her vibrator and accidentally short-circuits the block's power. "Accidentally" is the top frequency word in the script.
ellauri147.html on line 205: Despite struggling to fit in with French office culture Emily convinces her boss, Sylvie, to invite her to a work party where she accidentally irritates Sylvie by conversing with Antoine Lambert, a client who turns out to be Sylvie's married lover. As punishment she is put to work marketing Vaga-Jeune, a lubricant for menopausal women. Annoyed with the gendered nature of the French language Emily writes a post about the product that goes viral causing her to make further inroads at work.
ellauri147.html on line 207: Emily's boyfriend tells her that she should return to Chicago, since he struggles with a long distance relationship, and he does not want to visit Paris, despite a pre-planned trip. She declines returning to Chicago and breaks off the relationship without so much as beg your leave. She turns to Mindy for emotional support. Mindy's slanty eyes have most likely been operated on.
ellauri147.html on line 211: Mindy offers to throw a dinner party to help Emily meet new people but the party instead turns into a rager. Despite meeting a cute French boy Emily ends up going back to Gabriel's restaurant.
ellauri147.html on line 217: At Café de Flore, Emily meets Thomas, a French philosophy professor. They hit it off and she invites him back to her apartment to have sex. Emily and Thomas encounter Gabriel and Camille, and Camille invites them to join them at a tapas restaurant. Thomas and Gabriel do not get along. The next day, Gabriel tells Emily he thinks Thomas is a snob, and not worthy of her. She is clearly more of the tattooed-arm master chef type. Fair enough.
ellauri147.html on line 223: Gabriel surprises Emily by joining them as kitchen staff for the weekend trip which makes Emily uncomfortable. Emily takes a tour of the winery and meets Camille's younger brother Timothée. Gabriel refuses Camille's mother's offer of a business loan. At a club where Mindy's girlfriends are partying, they force her (who? Mindy?) on stage to sing the song she flubbed on Chinese Popstar. (So what?)
ellauri147.html on line 257: Many French critics condemned the show for negatively stereotyping Parisians and the French. Charles Martin wrote in Première that the show unfairly stereotyped and depicted the French as "lazy individuals who never arrive at the office before the end of the morning are flirtatious and not really attached to the concept of loyalty, are sexist and backward, and, have a questionable relationship with showering".
ellauri147.html on line 330: They were so serious about their relationship that they even decided to leave their partners. However, Lavinia backed off from the decision because Phil´s FAX wasn´t working, and för fear of not being able to fax her kids. Hence, this saved the marriage of both of them.
ellauri147.html on line 569: Offensichtlich ein Versager. Ein offenbarer Verlierer. Lächelt durchaus nicht in dem verschommenen Bild auf seiner Heimseite. Sieht allesverloren aus. Ei näitä Martinin suolloxia jaxa jukertaa saxaxi. Pannaan käännöskoneeseen.
ellauri147.html on line 587: Ohne diesen imaginären Anderen kommt der Narzissmus, den Lacan (1936) in seinem legendären Aufsatz über das Spiegelstadium einmal den „Bildner des Ich“ nannte, nicht aus. Er hat – hier ist die Parallele zur dramatischen oder theatralischen Identität, von der Dieter Thomä in seiner Eröffnungsrede gesprochen hat – eine performative Dimension, die in den Kapriolen der zeitgenössischen Medienwelt offenbar reichlich Nahrung findet: Die narzisstische Aufführung hat den Charakter einer Inszenierung, einer in der Regel unbewussten Inszenierung, die allerdings nicht selten die Schwelle zur bewussten, strategisch durchgearbeiteten Aufführung überschreitet.-->
ellauri147.html on line 592: Die Ratings der anonymen Betrachter und Betrachterinnen – sowohl die eigenen als auch die der mitmachenden Freundinnen und Freunde – geben nun nicht nur die begehrte Rückmeldung aus dem virtuellen Raum, sie bilden auch interessanten Gesprächsstoff in der Clique. Die fotographische Selbstpräsentation zielt nämlich auf eine Antwort gleich in doppelter Weise: unmittelbar zielt sie auf ein Echo des Mediums, mittelbar auf das der peers, denen der geheime Seitenblick mit der Frage gilt: Wie attraktiv bin ich wirklich? Ist das nun Narzissmus, Narzissmus „pur“, wie wir vielleicht abschätzig sagen würden? Oder handelt es sich hier um Beziehung, um eine auf die virtuellen Niederungen medialen feedbacks freilich heruntergekommene Verfallsform einer Beziehung?-->
ellauri147.html on line 597: Jedenfalls geht es offensichtlich nicht um Sexualität, wie uns der Titel dieser Web-Seite glauben lassen möchte, sondern um Identität. Das interaktive Medienspiel um das eigene Bild sagt uns etwas Anderes über den Narzissmus, als das, was wir gewohnt sind, wenn wir von der Selbstverliebtheit reden. Ich werde gesehen, also bin ich! Dieses narzisstische Muster der Identitätsfindung scheint sich heute universell etabliert zu haben. Die Spiegelfunktion des Narzissmus, einst eine Domäne von Kleinkindalter, Pubertät und Adoleszenz, ist in einer Welt penetranter Medialisierung derart sozialisiert, dass wir nicht mehr unterscheiden können:
ellauri147.html on line 633: Demgegenüber bilden eine dritte Traditionslinie all jene Ansätze, die den Narzissmus jenseits der Libido mit dem Selbstwertgefühl verbinden und als eine Art von seelischem Regulationsprinzip verstehen – diese Linie beginnt mit Paul Federn und setzt sich über die Konzepte von Joffe und Sandler, Herrmann Argelander bis zu Robert Stolorow fort. Inzwischen ist die ausgeuferte Literatur versandet.
ellauri147.html on line 642: Joffe ja Sandler, mutta myös Argelander (kuten kohuttua) vapauttavat narsismin täysin ajavista teoreettisista konnotaatioistaan ja virittävät nautintoperiaatteen lisäksi oman itsesäätelyn turvallisuusperiaatteensa äidin ja lapsen varhaisen sukulaisuuden (kuten Balintin) sisäisenä perintönä. Stolorov kuvailee narsismia eräänlaiseksi henkiseksi termostaatiksi, joka säätelee sisäistä johdonmukaisuutta ja itsetuntoa ulkomaailmaa silmällä pitäen. Ihan höpöhöpöä.
ellauri147.html on line 643:
ellauri147.html on line 651:
ellauri147.html on line 697:
ellauri147.html on line 725:
ellauri147.html on line 807: Unter den ‘Ethischen Grundsätzen’ finden wir „offensichtlichen Enthusiasmus für sozialpolitische Belange“ (sichtbar) und „Uneherbietigkeit gegenüber Autoritäten“ als Merkmale der narzisstischen Persönlichkeit und beim ‘Kognitiven Stil’ sind es die (sichtbare) „Vorliebe für die Sprache“ und die „Vorliebe für jede schnelle Art, Wissen zu erlangen“ sowie die (verdeckte) „Benutzung von Sprache und Sprechen zur Regulation des Selbstwertgefühls“, die den Narzissmus kennzeichnen sollen. (ebd., S. 18f.)-->
ellauri147.html on line 810:
ellauri147.html on line 855: Hot or Not, currently rebranded as Chat & Date, is a rating site that allowed users to rate the attractiveness of photos submitted voluntarily by others. The site offered a matchmaking engine called 'Meet Me' and an extended profile feature called "Hotlists". The domain is currently owned by Hot Or Not Limited, and was previously owned by Avid Life Media. 'Hot or Not' was a significant influence on the people who went on to create the social media sites Facebook and YouTube.
ellauri150.html on line 275: Christophe l’attirait, pour beaucoup de raisons, dont la première était qu’il n’était pas attiré par elle. Il l’attirait encore, parce qu’il était différent de tous les jeunes gens qu’elle connaissait : elle n’avait jamais essayé encore d’une potiche de cette forme et de ces aspérités. Il l’attirait enfin, parce qu’experte, de race, à évaluer du premier coup d’œil le prix exact des potiches et des gens, elle se rendait parfaitement compte qu’à défaut d’élégance, Christophe avait une solidité, qu’aucun de ses bibelots parisiens ne pouvait lui offrir.
ellauri150.html on line 461: Ben-Hurista ei meinannut ensin löytyä kuin filmikäsikirjoitus. Synopsis: Judah Ben-Hur lives as a rich Jewish merchant prince in Jerusalem at the beginning of the 1st century. Together with the new governor Pontius Pilate, his old friend Messiah arrives as commanding officer of the Roman legions. At first they are happy to meet after a long time but their different politic views separate them. During the welcome parade a roof tile falls down from Judah's house and injures the governor. Although Messiah knows they are not guilty as such, he sends Judah to the galleys and throws his mother and sister into prison. What the fuck, their house was a menace! Good old Hammurabi would have had their heads off. But Judah swears to come back and take revenge. Genre: Adventure, Drama, History.
ellauri150.html on line 469: Despite his victory, Ben-Hur is despondent about his family and his former friend One-Leg Messiah. Later, Esther witnesses the arrest of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. Ben-Hur and Esther witness a bruised and beaten Jesus being forced to carry his cross through the streets. Mirroring his first encounter with Jesus, Ben-Hur tries to offer Jesus water but is beaten to it by a Roman soldier. Following Jesus' crucifixion, a rainstorm occurs, thanx to Esther. Naomi and Tirzah are miraculously healed by rainwater containing the pee of Esther, and Sheik Ilderim pays a king's ransom to set them free. Despite his anger, Ben-Hur finds the strength in his heart to forgive One-Leg Messiah and is reconciled with him and his family. Together, Två-Ben-Hur, his mother, sister, Esther, and One-Leg Messiah accompany Sheik Ilderim's Ford Caravan as they leave Jerusalem on to new adventures. Luckily, One-Leg Messias had avoided the fate of Moby "No Dick" Ahasverus.
ellauri150.html on line 480: Eugene Luther Gore Vidal (/vɪˈdɑːl/; born Eugene Louis Vidal, October 3, 1925 – July 31, 2012) was an American writer and public intellectual known for his epigrammatic wit, erudition, and patrician manner. Vidal was bisexual, and in his novels and essays interrogated the social and cultural sexual norms he perceived as driving American life. Beyond literature, Vidal was heavily involved in politics. He twice sought office—unsuccessfully—as a Democratic Party candidate, first in 1960 to the United States House of Representatives (for New York), and later in 1982 to the U.S. Senate (for California). His third novel, The City and the Pillar (1948), offended the literary, political, and moral sensibilities of conservative book reviewers, the plot being about a dispassionately presented male homosexual relationship.
ellauri150.html on line 606: When we return, it's Anno Domini XXVI - A.D. 26. Messala, a Roman who grew up in Judea but spent most of his life in more traditional Roman enclaves, is accepting an important position in Jerusalem under the new governor of Judea; it's a hard job, since the Jews don't want the Romans there, but he feels up to it. He is visited by his childhood friend, and our hero, Judah Ben-Hur, a very important and influential Jew. They try to pick up the friendship where it left off, but there's one big problem: they no longer have anything in common besides their shared past. They are in denial about this for a while, and Judah agrees to try to get people to accept the Romans.
ellauri150.html on line 629: Ben-Hur saves the consul and gets him on a raft of debris. Then he has to knock out the consul to prevent the fella from committing suicide, and chains the mercenary to him. After the consul wakes, still wanting to die, he reminds him that staying alive is the motivation he gives his slaves... Quintus wanted to commit suicide because he thought he'd lost overall. He hadn't, as it turns out he's hailed as a hero, and so there is a triumphant return to Rome. Ben-Hur gets to see the Emperor and then lives with Quintus learning to drive a chariot in races with Arrius' prized horses. Quintus actually tried to get him cleared of wanting to kill that Judean governor, but didn't pull it off...
ellauri150.html on line 633: On the way home, he helps a horse-loving Arab, Sheikh Ilderim, with the fine art of charioteering. Ilderim offers a position. Judah declines for now, though it has appeal, because he is on a mission. Not even being told Messala is racing convinces him. Some talk of Jesus slips in, though the name is not mentioned directly.
ellauri150.html on line 645: After the intermission, Ben-Hur has taken the charioteer job now. and Ilderim visits the bathhouse where the young Roman nobles luxuriate, half-naked.note Messala is there talking about his unbeatable team of horses. Ilderim says his team is even better, and offers a wager with LOTS of money involved. He eventually succeeds...
ellauri150.html on line 677: As the nature of Our Apostolic office required of Us, We have not omitted, from the very outset of Our Pontificate, addressing you, Venerable Brothers, in Encyclical Letters, in order to advert to the deadly plague which is tainting society to its very core and bringing it to a state of extreme peril. At the same time We call attention to certain most effectual remedies, by which society may be renewed unto salvation and enabled to escape the crisis now threatening.
ellauri150.html on line 713: Jesus did not become human to build a earthly paradise; admittedly this IS pure hell, but his Kingdom is in Heaven. The Church warns us about those who promise a Utopia on Earth. The worker's paradise of the Soviet Union turned into a living hell for millions; as did also Mao's promise of earthly bliss. Likewise the French Revolution was heaven only for those who reveled in the sight of blood and heads rolling off the guillotine.
ellauri151.html on line 243: To read a writer is for me not merely to get an idea of what he says, but to go off with him and make a train in his company.
ellauri151.html on line 284: Kuulostaa ihan Freudin kolmisoinnulta: ego, id, ja superego. Hyvän ja pahan tennisottelu, minä kazomossa pää kääntyillen. Mitäs Hegelin poka tästä ize oli mieltä? Vaikea sanoa, sen textit oli käsittämätöntä suoltoa. Argumentaatiosta ei tietoa, premissointi tyystin hukassa. Se oli varsinainen napanöyhdänkaivaja, 7 kääpiötä yhdessä suurmiehessä. Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, and off to work we go, hakut olalla.
ellauri151.html on line 452: Let us assume that we invited an unknown person to a game of cards. If this person answered us, “I don’t play,” we would either interpret this to mean that he did not understand the game, or that he had an aversion to it which arose from economic, ethical, or other reasons. Let us imagine, however, that an honorable man, who was known to possess every possible skill in the game, and who was well versed in its rules and its forbidden tricks, but who could like a game and participate in it only when it was an innocent pastime, were invited into a company of clever swindlers, who were known as good players and to whom he was equal on both scores, to join them in a game. If he said, “I do not play,” we would have to join him in looking the people with whom he was talking straight in the face, and would be able to supplement his words as follows: “I don’t play, that is, with people such as you, who break the rules of the game, and rob it of its pleasure. If you offer to play a game, our mutual agreement, then, is that we recognize the capriciousness of chance as our master; and you call the science of your nimble fingers chance, and I must accept it as such, it I will, or run the risk of insulting you or choose the shame of imitating you.” … The opinion of Socrates can be summarized in these blunt words, when he said to the Sophists, the leaned men of his time, “I know nothing.” Help! TLDR!
ellauri151.html on line 684: Wittgenstein offers the harmony of a wish and its fulfillment in
ellauri151.html on line 941: [9] What then? Are we Jews any better off? No, not at all; for I have already charged that all men, both Jews and Greeks, are under the power of sin,
ellauri151.html on line 973: [2] And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a smelly offering and sacrifice to God.
ellauri152.html on line 555: Haman had 365 counselors, 1/day, but the advice of none was so good as that of his wife, Zeresh. She induced Haman to build a tree for Mordechai, assuring him that this was the only way in which he would be able to prevail over his enemy, for hitherto the just had always been rescued from every other kind of death. As God foresaw that Haman himself would be hanged on some tree, He asked which tree would volunteer to serve as the instrument of death. Each tree, declaring that it was used for some holy purpose, objected to being soiled by the unclean body of Haman. Only the thorn-tree could find no excuse, and therefore offered itself for a tree (Esther Rabbah 9; Midrash Abba Gorion 7 (ed. Buber, Wilna, 1886); in Targum Sheni this is narrated somewhat differently).
ellauri152.html on line 559: Qu'ran contradicts the Bible, but is in line with Persian historical records which do not contain any reference to the biblical story of a Persian official named Haman during that time period nor the person of Esther.
ellauri152.html on line 603: And, oh f-ck, there is so much to talk about in this section. The importance of consent here, when Yentl lets Badass know she doesn’t need to do anything she doesn’t want to, both according to her husband and according to Jewish law—that’s good, that’s meaningful. Then we even get recognition that feminism doesn’t just mean validating women who don’t want sex, but also validating women who do want sex! Badass starts to have feelings for Anshel and proposes sleeping together herself, on her own terms. The movie is not always kind to Badass—in many ways she is a stereotype for Yentl to play off of—but this is a place where Yentl‘s feminism succeeds: Badass wants to have sex, and that’s fine.
ellauri152.html on line 615: Now, here Singer is not mad at Yentl the film for cis-normifying his gender-ambiguous, interestingly queer Yentl, but rather for turning the ending into optimistic kitsch that ignores the harsh reality of what life in America was for Jewish immigrants, especially for Jewish women. And in some ways I feel like rolling my eyes at him for that. Aside from the fact that it offends his artistic vision, why shouldn’t Jewish women get a film where—suspension of disbelief!—a Jew will study Torah, loudly and proudly, as a woman? It’s a musical, not a documentary.
ellauri152.html on line 643: Reb Natan of Breslev, following the teachings of Rebbe Nachem, offers a deep and revealing explanation of Rabbeinu Tam's Tefillin.
ellauri153.html on line 256: During the Iraq War, at least 189,000 people died directly from the war. This does not include the hundreds of thousands who died due to war-related hardships. Morocco offered the United States 2,000 monkeys trained in detonating land mines during the Iraq War. In 2002, the US government estimated that the Iraq War would cost $50-60 billion.
ellauri153.html on line 319: The Book of Job offers a grammar for terms like “the kingdom of God” and “God defeats
ellauri153.html on line 415: offered no rational justification for the manner in which the forces of evil are defeated in the cross
ellauri153.html on line 493: misunderstanding how worldviews offer practical perspectives for coping with the world. The
ellauri155.html on line 183: yxinoikeus, pyhäkkö, arkki, temppeli, privileegio, ius primae noctis, prerogatiivi, get off my property, IPR, bisnis, tekijänoikeus, valtakunta, vaikutusvalta, arvovalta, valta, voima, kunnia, paalupaikka, hillopaalu, omaisuus, pääoma, tase, voitto, liikevaihto, maxuväline, valuutta, tuohi, pätäkkä, massi, lompakko, wälletti, aarre, tili, tuotto, tuotanto, privat område, kauppala, pitäjä, läänitys, kolonialvaruaffär, aluevaltaus
ellauri155.html on line 370: Speaking to the Beacon, an anonymous Department of Homeland Security official commented “CBP doesn’t have the people to properly patrol our nation’s borders but we do have the time to step away from work hours to have a conversation on unconscious bias. It is high time to replace any wimpy inconscious biases with honest-to-God conscious ones.”
ellauri155.html on line 756: Calvin then offers Scriptural support for this definition by tracing the development of this doctrine through the increasing revelation of the Bible in the following steps:
ellauri155.html on line 767: Calvin was far more careful with this doctrine than his critics were and are. Calvin understood men would react strongly against predestination. “The human mind, when it hears this doctrine, cannot restrain its petulance, but boils and rages as if aroused by the sound of a trumpet.” People who hear the teaching of predestination rarely remain unaffected by it. Their hearts too become enflamed, either with these teachings or against them. Calvin offers caution in the wrongful handling of this doctrine.
ellauri155.html on line 804: The ministry of the Word thus required more than the public exposition of Scripture: it also entailed the declaration and application of God’s Word to individual women and men, girls and boys, through the sacraments, corrective discipline, catechetical instruction, household visitations, and spiritual counsel and consolation. As Calvin noted in his liturgy, ‘the office of a true and faithful minister is not only to teach the people in public, which is he appointed to do as a pastor, but also, as much as he is able, to admonish, exhort, warn, and console each person individually.
ellauri155.html on line 1068: Earl Russell, F.R.S. etc } official
ellauri156.html on line 78: In chapter 10, we find David and the men of Israel deliberately insulted by Hanun, the king of the Ammonites. David had become friends with Nahash, the former king. When he died, David sent a delegation of officials to express David's respect for Nahash and his grief over this king's death. The Ammonites do not seem to wish to continue this peaceful relationship with David and Israel, so they humiliate the men whom David sent. This is how it all happened (Bob omitted this):
ellauri156.html on line 80: When David’s men came to the land of the Ammonites, 3 the Ammonite commanders said to Hanun their lord, “Do you think David is honoring your father by sending envoys to you to express sympathy? Hasn’t David sent them to you only to explore the city and spy it out and overthrow it?” 4 So Hanun seized David’s envoys, shaved off half of each man’s beard, cut off their garments at the buttocks, and sent them away.
ellauri156.html on line 88: The author of our text informs us that it is spring, the time when kings go to war (11:1). Weather has always affected warfare. Battles have been won and lost due to the season. Winter time is not favorable to war. Napoleon found this out in Moscow, The Germans in Stalingrad, and the Russians in the Finnish Winter War.) It is cold and wet, and camping out in the open field (as those who are besieging the city of Rabbah have to do -- see 11:11) hardly is feasible. The wheels of chariots get stuck in the mud, among other problems. And so kings usually sit it out for the winter, resuming their warfare in the spring. It is spring, Israel is still at war with the Ammonites, and it is time to finish the task of subduing them. The army assembles, under the command of Joab and his officers, and “all Israel.” They all go off to complete their victory over the Ammonites, who seem to retreat in their capital and fortress city of Rabbah.
ellauri156.html on line 98: Joab urges David not to number the Israelites, and through the prophet Egad, God rebukes David for doing so, giving him a choice of one of three chastenings. It is a grave sin with great consequences for the nation Israel. Out of this sin, God brings about blessing for Israel, because it is on the plot of ground where David offers sacrifices to God that the temple will be built. What chastenings?
ellauri156.html on line 112: The Israelites were wrong in demanding a king, but they were not too far off in expecting that their “king” would lead them in war. The judges God had raised up for them earlier were usually men like Barak or Gideon, who would lead the nation in battle against their enemies. When God designated Saul as Israel's first king, this military role was clearly indicated:
ellauri156.html on line 116: Saul shrunk back from pursuing the enemies of Israel at times, and it was sometimes David who stood in Saul's shoes, leading the nation in battle. This was the case, for example, when David fought Goliath, a battle that should have been fought by Saul, Israel's giant (see 1 Samuel 9:2). Up until now, David has been leading his men in battle, but in chapter 11, David suddenly steps back, sending others to fight for him. In 2 Samuel 12:26-31, the author makes it clear that David may not have been planning to be present for the formal surrender of Rabbah. Joab sends David a message, urging him to come and at least give the appearance of leading his army. If David does not come, Joab warns, David will not receive the glory, and it may go to Joab. Joab knows that David knows this is not the way it was meant to be. And so it is that David makes a formal appearance to be the “official” leader at the time of the surrender of the city of Rabbah.
ellauri156.html on line 151: And one day his woman ran off with another guy
ellauri156.html on line 160: To shoot off the legs of his rival
ellauri156.html on line 307: When we read of this incident, we do so through Western eyes. We live in a day when a woman has the legal right to say “No” at any point in a romantic relationship. If the man refuses to stop, that is regarded as a violation of her rights; it is regarded as rape. It didn't work that way for women in the ancient Near East. Lot could offer his virgin daughters to the wicked men of Sodom, to protect strangers who were his guests, and there was not one word of protest from his daughters when he did so (Genesis 19:7-8). Even less later, when they asked their father Lot to fuck them at will. These virgins were expected to obey their father, who was in authority over them. Michal was first given to David as his wife, and then Saul took her back and gave her to another man. And then David took her back (1 Samuel 25:44; 2 Samuel 3:13-16). Apparently Michal had no say in this whole sequence of events. Oh, those days of innocence!
ellauri156.html on line 331: I must press the point a little further, at the risk of coming off. Of course it is wrong for David to use his power to have sex with another man's wife. But it is not right to abuse power even when sex is permissible. A husband should not abuse his power in order to have sex with his wife. And a wife should not abuse her power (of saying “No,” for example) to punish or put off her husband. (LOL! Bob, you show you true colors here!) Within marriage, sex is simply another area of serving our mate. It is not the opportunity to lord it over our mate. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Jennifer! And you girls as well!
ellauri156.html on line 345: We may weary of taking up our cross and begin to take up ourselves or our same-sex significant other as our highest cause. We may back off in the area of separation, having become weary of being laughed at for our Christian principles. We may keep quiet, rather than bear witness to our faith, lest we be rejected by our peers. We may hold off from rebuking a fellow-believer, who is falling into sin, because the last time we tried it was very messy. We may get fed up with getting whacked every time we admonish fellow non-believers. When we retreat from the battle, a plunge is not far away.
ellauri156.html on line 394: One of the tragic aspects of our story is that the sequence of sin in David's life does not end with his adulterous union with Bathsheba. It leads to a deceptive plot to make her husband Uriah appear to be the father of David's child with Bathsheba and culminates in David's murder of Uriah and his marriage to Uriah's wife, Bathsheba. As we take up where we left off in our last lesson, a few more bits of background information are vital to our understanding of this text.
ellauri156.html on line 451: A. H. Weiler of The New York Times described the film as "a reverential and sometimes majestic treatment of chronicles that have lived three millennia." He praised Dunno's screenplay and Peck's "authoritative performance" but found that Wayward "seems closer to Hollywood than to the arid Jerusalem of his Bible." Variety wrote, "This is a big picture in every respect. It has scope, pageantry, sex (for all its Biblical background), cast names, color—everything. It's a surefire boxoffice entry, one of the really 'big' pictures of the new selling season." Philip K. Scheuer of the Los Angeles Times wrote that the film "leaves little to be desired" from the standpoint of production values with Peck "ingratiating" as David and Wayward "a seductress with flaming tresses, in or out of the bath, and only her final contrition is a little difficult to believe." Richard L. Coe of The Washington Post wrote, "On the whole, the picture suggests a Reader's Digest story expanded into a master's thesis for the Ecole Copacabana."] Harrison's Reports wrote, "The outstanding thing about the production is the magnificent performance of Gregory Peck as David; he makes the characterization real and human, endowing it with all the shortcomings of a man who lusts for another's wife, but who is seriously penitent and prepared to shoulder his guilt. Susan Wayward, as Bathsheba, is beautiful and sexy, but her performance is of no dramatic consequence." The Monty Python Bulletin commented that the film had been made "with restraint and relative simplicity" compared to other historical epics, "and the playing of Gregory Peck in particular is competent. The whole film, however, is emotionally and stylistically quite unworthy of its subject." Philip Hamburger of The New Yorker wrote that "the accessories notwithstanding, something is ponderously wrong with 'David and Bathsheba.' The fault lies, I suppose, in the attempt to make excessive enlargements of an essentially-simple story." Zanuck the Hot Dog agreed.
ellauri156.html on line 457: One notable TV airing of the movie was on the American network NBC during The NBC Monday Movie on September 7, 1964 (which was Labor day that year). During one of the commercial breaks was the one and only official airing of the Daisy political advertisement by the Lyndon B. Johnson presidential campaign in the run-up to the 1964 United States presidential election. The commercial aired at 9:50 p.m. EST. It was a family film though most children living in the EST time-zone were gone to bed by then, leaving the children's parents to watch the commercial. The commercial stars a little girl (played by Monique Luiz) who is shown counting petals of a daisy which was then followed by an ominous male voice counting down to zero. During the countdown, the screen zoomed up the girl's eye in such a way whereby the parents would imagine their children there instead of the girl. The next scene was a nuclear explosion with the voice of Johnson asking for peace.
ellauri156.html on line 465: When Uriah arrives in Jerusalem, he reports to David, who acts out the charade he has planned. He asks Uriah about the “welfare of Joab and the people,” and the “state of the war.” It troubles me that David needs such a report at all. If he were with his men in the field, this would not be necessary. But even worse, David does not really care about Joab, the people, or the war. David's one preoccupation is to cover up his sin, to get Uriah home and to bed with his wife, and thus to get David off the hook. How sad to read of David's hypocrisy. The king who had compassion on the crippled son of Jonathan now lacks compassion for the whole army, and specifically for Bathsheba and her husband Uriah.
ellauri156.html on line 467: David goes through all the right motions with Uriah. He listens to his reports, and then he gives him the night off, some time to go to his house and “wash his feet.” David is not worried about this soldier's personal hygiene; he is worried about his own reputation. When one entered his house, he usually took off his shoes and washed his feet, in preparation for eating and for going to bed. David very delicately encourages this man to go home and go to bed with his wife. Uriah knows it; our author knows it; and we know it.
ellauri156.html on line 493: You may remember that when David first fled from Saul he went to Ahimelech the priest and asked for some provisions and a sword. The priest had nothing but the sacred bread, which he would allow David and his men to eat, if they had only “kept themselves from women” (verse 4). The priest assumes they may have conducted themselves otherwise. David's answer, and especially the tone of it, is very pertinent to our text. He confidently assured the priest that he and his men had kept themselves from women, almost incensed that the priest would think otherwise. And the reason David gives is that he and his men are on a mission for the king. The inference is that this is a military (or at least official) mission.
ellauri156.html on line 495: Now here is a most amazing thing. David, years earlier, was adamant about the fact that those on a mission for the king should keep themselves from sexual intercourse. Now, years later, David is amazed that a man on a mission for the king is willing to abstain from sexual intercourse with his wife. Worse yet, David sets out to convince -- even to compel -- Uriah to go to do so, even though it will cause him to violate his conscience. This is not “causing a weaker brother to stumble;” this is cutting off a stronger brother's "leg" at the knob. Uriah is an example of the commitment expected of every soldier, and of David in particular -- at least the David of the past. Uriah is now acting like the David we knew from earlier days. Uriah is the “David” that David should be. But there is a crucial difference: now David is the king. This makes the case completely different.
ellauri156.html on line 501: David is getting desperate. David has not even entertained the possibility that Uriah will refuse his offer. Uriah speaks with such conviction, David knows that he will never violate his duty as a soldier with all of his mental faculties. David lands upon one last modification to his original plan -- get Uriah drunk and then into bed with his wife. After all, don't people do things when they are drunk that they will not do when sober? This will surely bring about David's intended outcome.
ellauri156.html on line 503: It must be with great apprehension that Uriah joins David for dinner this last night in Jerusalem. David begins to eat and to drink, and he will not take no for an answer when he offers food and drink to Uriah. Eventually, it works, for David makes sure that Uriah has enough alcohol in his system to make him drunk. And in this condition, David sends Uriah home to “sleep it off,” in his own bed, of course. Even drunk, Uriah will not violate his wife! Unheard of! Once again, Uriah spends the night at the doorway of David's house, along with his servants. He does not go to his own house, and thus he does not sleep with his wife. David is in deep shit.
ellauri156.html on line 562: Now why does this messenger not wait for David to respond in anger, as Joab instructed? Why does he inform David that Uriah has been killed, before he even utters a word of criticism or protest? I believe the messenger gives the report in this way because he understands what is really going on here. I think he may know about David and Bathsheba, and perhaps even of her pregnancy. He certainly knows that Uriah was summoned to Jerusalem. I think he also figures out that David wants to get rid of Uriah, and that Joab has accomplished this by this miserable excuse for an offensive against the enemy. I think the messenger figures out that if David knows Uriah has been killed, he will not raise any objections to this needless slaughter. And so, rather than wait for David to hypocritically rant and rave about the stupidity of such a move, he just goes on and tells him first, so that he will not receive any reaction from David.
ellauri156.html on line 641: Bathsheba's response to the death of her husband is as we would expect, as we would also hope. From what the text tells us, she has absolutely no part in David's plot to deceive her husband, let alone to put him to death. Undoubtedly, she learns of Uriah's death in much the same way every war widow does, then or now. When she is officially informed of Uriah's death in battle, she mourns for her husband. We cannot be certain just how long this period of mourning is. We know, for example, that if a virgin of some distant (i.e., not Canaanite) nation was captured by an Israelite during a raid on her town, the Israelite could take her for a wife after she had mourned for her parents (who would have been killed in the raid) for a full month (Deuteronomy 21:10-13). As I will seek to show in a moment, I believe Bathsheba's mourning is genuine, and not hypocritical. I believe she mourns her husband's death because she loves him.
ellauri156.html on line 643: David, on the other hand, does not even bother to go through the pretense of mourning. He does not even try to be hypocritical. When other mighty men of Israel died, David led the nation in mourning their loss. David mourned for Saul and his sons, killed in the battle with the Philistines (2 Samuel 1). David mourned the death of Abner, wickedly put to death by Joab (2 Samuel 3:28ff.). He even sent a delegation to officially mourn the death of Nahash, king of the Ammonites (2 Samuel 10). But when Uriah is killed “in battle,” not a word of mourning comes from David's lips. He is not sorry; he is relieved. Instead of instructing others to mourn for Uriah, he sends word to Joab not to take his death too seriously.
ellauri156.html on line 691: The lawyer knew he was in trouble and tried to dig himself out (bad choice). He (like many lawyers then and now) thought he could get himself off the hook by arguing in terms of technicalities. And so he had a follow-up question for Jesus: “And who is my neighbor?” Jesus did not debate this man on his own terms. He was not willing to get into a word study in the original text. Instead, Jesus told a simple story, the story of the Good Samaritan.
ellauri156.html on line 738: I fear some of us tend to miss the point here. We read Nathan's story and we hear Nathan's rebuke as though David's sin is all about sex. David does commit a sexual sin when he takes Bathsheba and sleeps with her, knowing she is a married woman. But this sexual sin is symptomatic, according to Nathan, and thus according to God. God is not just saying, “Shame on you, David. Look at all the wives and concubines you had to sleep with. And if none of these women pleased you, I could have given you another woman, just one that was not already married.” Wow, this is the same 'gotcha' as with Adam earlier: I give you about anything as long as you keep your fingers off my property.
ellauri156.html on line 782: (4) David's sin was not intended as an excuse for us to sin, but as a warning to all of us how capable we are of sin. I have heard it said more times than I wish to recall, “Well, even David sinned. . . .” What they mean is, “How can you expect me not to sin? If David, as spiritual as he was, sinned as he did, then how can you expect me to do any better?” Fair enough. But Where these guys go wrong is that they are not Gawds petlambs, no preferential treatment is in the offing for them. Gawd will cross them like cockroaches. Or leece.
ellauri156.html on line 800: (5) David's sin, like all sin, is never worth the price. I have actually had people ask me what the penalty for a certain sin would be, planning to do it and then be forgiven. There are those who toy with sin, thinking that if they sin, they may suffer some consequences, but that God is obliged to forgive them, and thus their eternal future is certain and secure, no matter what they do, even if intentionally. I know of one situation in which a church leader left his wife and ran off with the wife of another, planning to later repent, and then expecting to be welcomed back into the fellowship of that church. This is presumptuous sin, sin of the most serious and dangerous kind. Rather than open a “can of worms” at this point in this message, let me simply say this: “No one ever chooses to sin, and then comes out of it with a smile on their face.” My friend Dawg will almost certainly wipe that smug smirk off their face. I still seethe when I think of that colleague of mine, and how he got away with dumping her hag and plucking a dainty dish from Brother ... (better not say). Took just a few months for the brotherhood to relent. Fuck, it shouldn't be that easy! A little more speedy delivery of the retribution would be indicated, don't you think, milord? Not that I criticize you in any way, milord.
ellauri156.html on line 802: I used to teach school. From time to time the principal would call a misbehaving student to his office. I will never forget when one of my students was called to his office, and then returned with a smirk on his face. One of my students protested publicly, “Will you look at that? He went to the principal's office and came back with a smile on his face!” My young student was absolutely right. Being called to the principal's office for correction should produce repentance and respect, not a smile. In those few times when I found it necessary to use the “rod” of correction, I purposed that no student would come back into the room with a smile, and none did (including the principal's own son, I might add, who was not even in my class). Oh how my students loved and respected me! I still think it was unfair to sack me. There was hardly any mark left on their precious skin from my rod. Least of all of the one that I used on my coeds.
ellauri158.html on line 697: Joku tomppeli teologian proffa [Schliesser, Eric: NEWTON AND SPINOZA: ON MOTiON AND MATTER (AND GOD, OF COURSE), The Southern journal of philosophy, 2012-09, Vol.50 (3), p.436-458)] kehtaa vielä tänä päivänäkin väittää ettei Spinozalla ollut mitään ansioita tietellisen maailmankazomuxen synnyssä. Sillä nimenomaan oli, Spinoza veti johtopäätöxet ja sanoi asiat halki kun Newton ja Cambridgen porukat vaan heilutteli käsiä ja pakitti Descartesin perässä dualistiseen teismiin.
ellauri159.html on line 696: Gallantry is a knight word for courage, it does not mean flourishing your hat in front of ladies. (For the latter, see Courtesy.) Ramon Lull said about courage (not gallantry): “A knight who is in battle with his Lord, who for lack of courage flees from battle when he should give aid, because he redoubts or fears the torment or peril more than trusts his courage uses not the office of knighthood.”
ellauri159.html on line 767: Living without the aid of advanced technology requires strong backs and elbow grease. You’ll need strong men to fight off other strong men.
ellauri159.html on line 789: So what are the defining traits of femininity? Oh-hoho, I’m not going to touch that with a ten-foot pole. I´m not THAT brave. It’s taken me years to understand manhood, and I’m still refining my views. I wouldn’t appreciate it if a woman who hadn’t rigorously studied masculinity offered an off-the-cuff definition for it, so I will refrain from doing likewise. Someone should start an awesome Art of Womanliness-type blog and explore the subject. I’ll be a reader.
ellauri159.html on line 894: For those of you who are not familiar with Myers-Briggs or the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), it is a personality profiling system based on Jung’s typological theory that was developed by Katherine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers. In the Myers-Briggs typology system, there are sixteen personality types consisting of four letters: E for extrovert or I for introvert, S for sensor or N for intuitive, T for thinker or F for feeler, and P for perceiver or J for judger. Psychologist David Keirsey later sorted these types into four temperaments. You can read more about Myers-Briggs here and find books about it here. Myers-Briggs typology can offer a lot of insight into how someone thinks, and in the case of an author, how someone writes.
ellauri159.html on line 1031: Don´t state their point too strongly and risk offending their audience. To avoid this, consider the reaction of a loved one who might disagree with you. Revise with that person in mind to soften your tone.
ellauri159.html on line 1095: Prefer writing in an active environment like panoramic office or gym where you can shape your ideas by discussing them with others. You may also want to use a voice recorder so you don’t have to write so much and work shackled to a computer.
ellauri159.html on line 1135: You may feel paralyzed if expectations are too vague or too rigid. Seek clarification where possible, or find a mentor who can offer advice and serve as a ghost writer. Consider how your writing can help people in practical ways, in particular, improve your own financial situation.
ellauri159.html on line 1153: You are free to inject your satirical sense of humor even into a serious subject. This can be engaging if done well. But if you are not careful to consider audience prejudice, you risk not offending the reader! Seek feedback from someone whose prejudices you are familiar with. Ask the person to identify any problems but do not offer money. You can to come up with your own solutions without being constrained by other people’s ideas.
ellauri159.html on line 1159: You work best when they have the freedom to follow your own process and timeline. Estimate how long you’ll need to complete each task, then add 50% and a cushion. Set milestones along the way only to remove them as you go. Incorporate a lot of time for breaks. If your energy wanes, meet with a writer friend for coffee or other libation, and discuss your ideas. If the project permits, consider copulating with a co-writer.
ellauri159.html on line 1169: You may burn bright during the early stages of a project but fade before they reach the end. To avoid this pattern, take periodic breaks. Spend time with friends. Let the subject percolate in your unconscious mind. You’ll come back to the project with new inspiration for that final push toward completion. Basically, be lazy, it pays off.
ellauri159.html on line 1185: You naturally have little interest in subjects that offend your sensibilities, because your thinking and writing is extremely conventional. Seek input from other teachers if you feel stuck. Consider how your audience feels about the subject. Find something to believe in, and advocate your position. Use anecdote and humor to connect to your students, I mean your readers.
ellauri159.html on line 1189: You may find it difficult to create the emotional distance needed to keep your hands off your students. Don’t let a hasty feel-up skew your research. Be sure to include alternate facts and points of view. Also, be careful to avoid a cursory treatment of the subject, like in those wannabe writer guides on the web. Ask a friend or colleague to review the work, making sure you’ve provided sufficient detail.
ellauri159.html on line 1425: Samoilla linjoilla liikkuu nyttemmin Leena Krohn, kuten albumissa 103 on jo kerrottu. Entisessä Nuori, nyttemmin vaan Voima-lehdessä sen uusinta tiedotetta aiheesta Mitä en koskaan oppinut (tästä teemasta riittää kerrottavaa) pasuttaa joku Jaana Kivi, ei tosin yhtä unohtumattomasti kuin kaima Alexis. Leena kertoo et joku oli kirjoittanut vessan seinään filosofian: aika on luonnon keino estää kaikkea tapahtumasta heti. Ammattifilosofi Simo Knuuttila oli lukenut vessan seinästä opiskelijana Kielissä: Warum scheissen die Deutschen soviel? Weil sie soviel Kartoffel essen. Kaikki ovat lopulta uhanalaisia. Ihmisen luoma on katoavaista, kuten totesi jo saarnaaja. Krohnin mielestä ylivertaisuutemme perustuu asioille kuten ajattelu ja izetietoisuus. Enemmän ajattelua ja vähemmän izetietoisuutta olisi kylä parempi. Hupenevat luonnonvarat eivät tunnista luokkarajoja. Vizi kyllä tunnistavat, loppupeleissä rikkaat eeku rikastuvat lisää ja köyhät kurjistuvat. Ihmiskunnan Usherin talo, hei sehän on Edgar Allan Poe-alluusio. Hörhökirjailija sekin. Krohnin varsinainen vihan kohde on virzanhajuinen makkaratalo. Aika betonibrutaali se onkin. Sitä paikkaa ei ole helppo rakastaa. Muurahaiset pitävät meitä tavattoman yxinkertaisina olioina. Emme osaa edes omaxua ei-kuluttavaa elämää. Aika kuluttavaa tää mustakin on ollut.
ellauri160.html on line 62: And I tried to hear the monkeys in your lofty far-off sky. The monkeys make sorrowful noise overhead.
ellauri160.html on line 138: He was dismissed after a few months. Smoking was forbidden, but he would smoke cigarillos in his room in the same corridor as the president's office. He was asked to leave the college in January 1908 when his landladies, Ida and Belle Hall, found a woman in his room. Shocked at having been fired, he left for Europe soon after, sailing from New York in March on the RMS Slavonia.
ellauri160.html on line 153: In June 1910 Pound returned for eight months to the United States. Although he loved New York, he felt alienated by the commercialism and newcomers from Eastern and Southern Europe who were displacing the white Anglo-Saxon Protestants. The recently built New York Public Library Main Branch he found especially offensive. It was during this period that his antisemitism became apparent; he referred in Patria Mia to the "detestable qualities" of Jews.
ellauri160.html on line 160: In The Cantos, Possum is T. S. Eliot: "but the lot of 'em, Yeats, Possum and Wyndham / had no ground beneath 'em." In the New Age office in 1918, he also met C. H. Douglas, a British engineer who was developing his economic theory of social credit, which Pound found attractive. Douglas reportedly believed that Jews were a problem and needed to abandon a Messianic view of themselves as the "dominating race". According to Colin Holmes, the New Age itself published antisemitic material. It was within this environment, not in Italy, according to Tim Redman, that Pound first encountered antisemitic ideas about "usury". In Douglas's program," Pound had found his true muse: a blend of folkloric Celtic twilight with a paranoid hatred of the money economy and a dire suspicion about an ancient tent people's faith."
ellauri160.html on line 174: During the subsequent row, Pound left the table and returned with a tin bathtub on his head, suggesting it as a symbol of what he called Les Nagistes, a school created by Lowell's poem "In a Garden", which ends with "Night, and the water, and you in your whiteness, bathing!" Apparently his behavior helped Lowell win people over to her point of view, as did her offer to fund future work.
ellauri160.html on line 206: By 1917 The poet F. S. Flint told The Egoist's editor that "we are all tired of Mr. Pound". British literary circles were "tired of his antics" and of him "puffing and swelling himself and his friends", Flint wrote. "His work has deteriorated from book to book; his manners have become more and more offensive; and we wish he would go back to America."
ellauri160.html on line 431: I sat to keep off the impetuous impotent dead, Istuin hiekkalaatikkoon hosumaan impotentit zombit loitolle,
ellauri160.html on line 449: And Anticlea came, whom I beat off, and then Tiresias Theban, Sit tuli Antiklea3, se sai kyytiä, ja sit teebalainen Tirso,
ellauri160.html on line 463: In officina Wecheli, 1538, out of Homer. Weczellin painosta 1538, Homer Simpson.
ellauri160.html on line 800: After watching the famous movie, one lingering question hit my brain: why did this film never take off in England or the States the same way it had elsewhere? Although its absurdist humor and physical comedy seem tailor-made for the Monty Python set, Dinner for One has spent much of its life as an obscure oddball among most native English speakers.
ellauri160.html on line 806: It is really sweet that Germans and others have adopted something and that this sketch is special for them. I respect that and don’t doubt for a second the genuine love and admiration some have for Dinner for One. But I am really surprised to see Monty Python compared with Dinner for One. I have to say it was painful to sit through. Painfully, painfully bad and unfunny. That’s why it has never caught on in Britain. I suppose we must have a very different sense of humour to that of Scandinavia and the German-speaking countries. We don’t consider it funny if someone falls over something. There’s nothing subtle or clever or nuanced about it (Rowan Atkinson’s absurdist physical comedy went down so well due to its complexity, think of the sketch where Mr. Bean makes the sandwich on the park bench and it gets progressively more and more absurd, he gets the fish out of water and slaps it against the bench to kill it before eating it, etc. now that is funny, and food fights in general). It’s not funny the first time the butler falls over the tiger-skin rug and it gets progressively more and more irritating each time he does it. You can spot the punchline a mile off and so the end of the sketch falls very flat. It’s nothing whatever to do with the length of the sketch or its obscurity or difficulty finding it: people still seek out all the comic greats on Youtube, like that fat man watsisname, or Charlie Chaplin who bravely made fun of your Hitler.
ellauri160.html on line 808: Again, no offence meant, if you love the sketch and want others to see it, that is a very nice sentiment but if you find British people, and show them the sketch and ask their opinions, you will find no one laughs and complements will be far from forthcoming at the end. Still, it is fascinating, is it not, how humour translates differently across cultures? In short: we are not amused, not at all.
ellauri161.html on line 356: Uskomattomalle tiedemiehelle Kari Enqvistille, joka "uskoo lujasti, että uskovat tuntevat jotakin enemmän (tai vähemmän) kuin normaalit ihmiset" (s. 90), Nyölén vastaa: "Taatusti uskoon liittyykin tunteita, hyviä, pahoja, monenlaisia. [--] Se on elämys ja tunne, mutta ei ainoastaan, sillä silloinkin, kun ei tunnu miltään, on usko yhä olemassa." (s. 90-91) Tässä on nyt puhe siitä Enkvistiltä puuttuvasta antennista, kz. täältä (ja passim). Andyn rivitalossa on tv-kaapeli. Se on aina kytkettynä, vaikka tv olis off.
ellauri161.html on line 466: Kate Dibiasky (Jennifer Lawrence), an astronomy grad student, and her professor Dr. Randall Mindy (Leonardo DiCaprio) make an astounding discovery of a comet orbiting within the solar system. The problem - it's on a direct collision course with Earth. The other problem? No one really seems to care. Turns out warning mankind about a planet-killer the size of Mount Everest is an inconvenient fact to navigate. With the help of Dr. Oglethorpe (Rob Morgan), Kate and Randall embark on a media tour that takes them from the office of an indifferent President Orlean (Meryl Streep) and her sycophantic son and Chief of Staff, Jason (Jonah Hill), to the airwaves of The Daily Rip, an upbeat morning show hosted by Brie (Cate Blanchett) and Jack (Tyler Perry). With only six months until the comet makes impact, managing the 24-hour news cycle and gaining the attention of the social media obsessed public before it's too late proves shockingly comical - what will it take to get the world to just look up?. — Based on truly possible events.
ellauri161.html on line 491: Annoyingly, in these days movies from the U. S. are becoming more and more of "a color". They are not telling a story, but are taking a side. They are either democrat or republican, conservative or liberal, blue or red, flyover or coast. Don't Look Up is not a big offender, but the language and presentation was clearly on the "coast" side. Thus, it will be probably appreciated by people who already saw the world this way and ignored or at best maligned by the people on the other side. And it's a pity, because this film is meant to bring us together as a civilization and not keep us divided. I feel like it could have done a better job in that direction.
ellauri161.html on line 524: McKay proffers up more cheap digs at the right when he has President Orlean send up a caricature of a flag-waving racist and bigot vet in a suicide mission to deflect the comet from its path.
ellauri161.html on line 601: General Buck Turgidson knockoff (played by an unsmiling Ron Perlman) illustrates how far wide he misses the mark. By exaggerating certain aspects of human behavior, Don’t Look Up takes cynicism to a level that is not only excessive but doesn’t make for a story that’s either compelling or entertaining. During the course of watching Don’t Look Up, the only emotion I experienced was frustration – frustration that the movie could waste so much talent in the service of something so underwhelming. In other words, I could not laugh at all because the laugh was on me.
ellauri161.html on line 673: The grim satire is usually pretty tame and ranges anywhere from hilarious to stupid. But the nastiness and negativity here just makes the filmmaker come off like a jerk. At the end of Don’t Look Up, you’re left feeling agitated and angry– not at republicans, but at McKay for making such a dismal affair. If you are a closet republican like me, that is.
ellauri161.html on line 734: Very bland. Jokes were off. Tough watch
ellauri161.html on line 769: Big let down. The humor is so off-putting it doesn´t pull laughs, while the drama is hard to dive into whilst characters scream at the camera. The portrayal is so unrealistic, so cringe, so superficial that none of the characters are true heroes. They all appear as delusional, distracted ego maniacs detached from reality. The end is anti-climactic leaving the viewer with gratitude it looks nothing like the world we actually live in. (True, being 22400 years away. But I bet the immigrant will soon reduce brontauks to extinction.)
ellauri161.html on line 781: I´m over halfway through and I want to turn it off.
ellauri162.html on line 139: After France´s Liberation, De Gaulle invited Bernanos to return to his homeland, offering him a post in the government. Bernanos did return but, disappointed to perceive no signs of spiritual renewal, he declined to play an active role in French political life. Plusieurs fois blessé, il mène une vie matérielle difficile et instable en s´essayant à la littérature.
ellauri162.html on line 204: de la maladresse. Sa bêtise est inoffensive, elle est si
ellauri162.html on line 264: Marcel Aymé, né le 29 mars 1902 à Joigny et mort le 14 octobre 1967 chez lui, rue Norvins dans le 18e arrondissement de Paris, est un écrivain, dramaturge, nouvelliste, scénariste et essayiste français. Écrivain prolifique, il a laissé deux essais, dix-sept romans, plusieurs dizaines de nouvelles, une dizaine de pièces de théâtre, plus de cent soixante articles et des contes. Avec ces écrits il fournit une « étude sociale », avec un vocabulaire précis pour chaque type humain. Son langage mêle les différents registres : argot, patois régional franc-comtois, soutenu et anglais phonétiquement francisé. Très attaqué par la critique, y compris pour ses textes les plus inoffensifs comme Les Contes du chat perché4, il doit l'essentiel de son succès au public. Il a également écrit de nombreux scénarios et traduit des auteurs américains egalement simpletons: Arthur Miller (Les Sorcières de Salem), Tennessee Williams (La Nuit de l'iguane).
ellauri162.html on line 605: Vaihingerin Als Ob filosofia kärsi viimeisen kolauxen kun myyrännäköinen proffa törmäsi luokkahuoneen oveen. Turhaan se koitti olla niinkuin ei vaitiskaan. Kyllä otti päähän ja kuhmu vaikutti ihan aidolta.
ellauri162.html on line 831: PZ Myers' caustic blog post on the death of Robin Williams See: PZ Myers on the death of Robin Williams (n.h.). Myers was angry because he felt that the news of Robins Williams death was crowding out the news story of the African-American Michael Brown who was shot by a police officer (a race riot subsequently ensued).
ellauri163.html on line 48: He wrote the drama Got fun nekome (God of Vengeance) in the winter of 1906 in Cologne, Germany. It is about a Jewish brothel owner who attempts to become respectable by commissioning a Torah scroll and marrying off his daughter to a yeshiva student. Set in a brothel, the play includes Jewish prostitutes and a lesbian scene. I. L. Peretz famously said of the play after reading it: "Burn it, Asch, burn it!" Instead, Asch went to Berlin to pitch it to director Max Reinhardt and actor Rudolph Schildkraut, who produced it at the Deutsches Theater. God of Vengeance opened on March 19, 1907 and ran for six months, and soon was translated and performed in a dozen European languages. It was first brought to New York by David Kessler in 1907. The audience mostly came for Kessler, and they booed the rest of the cast. The New York production sparked a major press war between local Yiddish papers, led by the Orthodox Tageplatt and even the secular Forverts. Orthodox papers referred to God of Vengeance as "filthy," "immoral," and "indecent," while radical papers described it as "moral," "artistic," and "beautiful". Some of the more provocative scenes in the production were changed, but it wasn't enough for the Orthodox papers. Even Yiddish intellectuals and the play's supporters had problems with the play's inauthentic portrayal of Jewish tradition, especially Yankl's use of the Torah, which they said Asch seemed to be using mostly for cheap effects; they also expressed concern over how it might stigmatize Jewish people who already faced much anti-Semitism. The association with Jews and sex work was a popular stereotype at the time. Other intellectuals criticized the writing itself, claiming that the second act was beautifully written but the first and third acts failed to support it.
ellauri163.html on line 482: They believe that Jesus survived the crucifixion almost 2,000 Easters ago, and went to live out his days in Kashmir. And for those who scoff, remember that others have argued, just as implausibly, that Jesus came to Britain. A theory that was much in vogue when the poet William Blake famously asked: "And did those feet in ancient time, walk upon England's mountains green? And was the holy Lamb of God on England's pleasant pastures seen?"
ellauri163.html on line 596: Et mon esprit enfin n´est pas plus offense
ellauri163.html on line 763: Second, descriptions of how participants absorb into “imaginary realities” suggest that such mental states are desirable due to qualities that facilitate social cognition: While the empirical world comes through as fragmented and incoherent, imaginary worlds offer predictability, emotional coherence, and benevolent minds. These results do not conform to popular expectations that autistic minds are less adapted to experience supernatural agents, and it is instead argued that imaginative, autistic individuals may embrace religious and fictive agents in search for socially and emotionally comprehensible interaction.
ellauri164.html on line 204: Time’s noblest offspring is the last. Ajan jaloin jälkeläinen on viimeinen.
ellauri164.html on line 372: I blew through this novel myself, which in retrospect was somewhat of a grave mistake, as the book alternates between compelling and highly engaging dialogues to unrealistically long monologues which to me resemble a Rimbaud poem in translation than anything else, which is to say: hard to parse. That they got more than what they bargained for is what the ordinary reader will be struck by first when they read this. The complexity of each of the conversations cannot be overstated, which I think will inevitably result in readers just mechanically scanning the sentences rather than internalizing the arguments, with the final result being the great part of the novel sliding off like rain, leaving only vague impressions like it did with me unfortunately, but the parts that did affect me left me very humbled. And chiefly this impression will not be helped by another one of the defining features of the novel, which is its vagueness. It deliberately leaves a lot of key details unheard and leaves a lot to the ability to infer events by the reader. Though sometimes frustrating to a reader like me who reads history and biography, I recognize that it should be so for this novel, for the main conflict in it is a psychological one, so I wouldn't have it any other way.
ellauri164.html on line 495: The book of Deuteronomy shows Moses giving several sermon-type speeches to the people, reminding them of God’s saving power and faithfulness. He gives the second reading of the Law (Deuteronomy 5) and prepares this generation of Israelites to receive the promises of God. Moses himself is prohibited from entering the land because of his sin at Meribah (Numbers 20:10-13). At the end of the book of Deuteronomy, Moses’ death is recorded (Deuteronomy 34). He climbed Mount Nebo and is allowed to look upon the Promised Land. Moses was 120 years old when he died, and the Bible records that his “eye was undimmed and his vigor unabated” (Deuteronomy 34:7). The Lord Himself buried Moses (Deuteronomy 34:5–6), and Joshua took over as leader of the people (Deuteronomy 34:9). Deuteronomy 34:10–12 says, " Since then, no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face, who did all those signs and wonders the Lord sent him to do in Egypt—to Pharaoh and to all his officials and to his whole land. For no one has ever shown the mighty power or performed the awesome deeds that Moses did in the sight of all Israel."
ellauri164.html on line 552: Two lessons: 1. The failings of good men may be culpable in God's sight and displeasing to him out of all proportion to the degree of blameworthiness they present to our eye. So far is it from being true (as many seem to think) that believers' sins are no sins at all, and need give no concern, that, on the contrary, the Lord dislikes the stain of sin most when it is seen in his dear children. The case of Moses is not singular. Sins which the Lord overlooks in other men he will occasionally put some mark of special displeasure upon, when they are committed by one who is eminent for holiness and honourable service. It is, no doubt, a just instinct which leads all right-thinking people to be blind to the failings of good men who have been signally useful in their day. But if the good men become indulgent to their own faults they are likely to be rudely awakened to a sense of their error. The better a man is, his sins may be the more dishonouring to God. A spot hardly visible on the coat of a labouring man, may be glaringly offensive on the shining raiment of a throned king.
ellauri164.html on line 583: The sins of good men, whose general deportment has been worthy of imitation, are peculiarly offensive to God. They cause Satan to triumph, and to taunt the angels of God with the failings of God's chosen instruments, and give the unrighteous occasion to lift themselves up against God. The Lord had Himself led Moses in a special manner, and had revealed to him His glory, as to no other upon the earth. He was naturally impatient, but had taken hold firmly of the grace of God and so humbly implored wisdom from heaven that he was strengthened from God and had overcome his impatience so that he was called of God the meekest man upon the face of the whole earth.
ellauri164.html on line 595: Scholarly arguments about the exact action Moses was punished for may be found in any of the general commentaries, but the text of Numbers 20:12 names the underlying offense directly, “You did not trust in me.” Moses’ leadership faltered in the crucial moment when he stopped trusting God and started acting on his own impulses.
ellauri164.html on line 656: God allowed Moses to see the Promised Land afar off, but he would never enter. Moses represented the Law, and the Law cannot take anyone into the Promised Land.
ellauri164.html on line 725: Answer: Psalms 106:32-33 states that the people angered Moses at the waters of strife, that it went ill with Moses, and that he sinned with his mouth. The incident in question occurred in Numbers 20:7-13. Miriam had just passed on. The very next verse states that the people were complaining about the lack of water. This had happened many times during their wilderness experience. And like the other times, the people railed against Moses and Aaron, whining that they would have been better off if they had stayed in Egypt. Moses and Aaron responded by falling face down. They had also done this several times. Maybe they were tired of hearing the same old complaints, or maybe this was their posture of prayer. In any event, God responded quickly, telling Moses to speak to the rock in front of all the people. Water would come gushing out -- enough water for everyone.
ellauri164.html on line 820: So we may see Christ as a staff, offering the grace of God as a carrot.
ellauri164.html on line 869: First, it is important to note that a pattern is established in the story of Israel and Moses. This pattern can be seen at Mt. Sinai when Aaron and Israel create the golden calf idol (Exodus 32). Israel sins, and in response to that the Lord tells Moses to step aside so that He may destroy Israel in His wrath (Exodus 32:9-10). When this occurs, Moses intercedes for Israel and pleads for God to turn away His fierce anger for His own sake (Exodus 32:11-14). This intercession works, and Israel is spared utter destruction. This pattern of sin, wrath, intercession, and relenting occurs twice more in the Book of Numbers: once in Number 14 when Israel rebels and refuses to go into the Promised Land, and again in Numbers 16 when Korah leads his rebellion against Moses and Aaron (the major difference in Numbers 16 being that Aaron is the one to intervene by offering incense for atonement to the Lord).
ellauri164.html on line 877: The reading that makes more sense is to focus on the breaking of the pattern established to this point. Moses’ harsh words toward the Israelites reveal his emotions in this moment; he classifies Israel as “rebels” rather than the chosen people, and his rhetorical question seems to imply that he does not view Israel as worthy of God’s grace any longer. This is the real failure of Moses in this moment: he’s lost his faith in God to fulfill His promises to these people. Israel is a nation of rebels outside of grace, outside of God’s ability to make a great nation, outside of the promises that God has given. It seems nearly forty years of dealing with this people has finally broken Moses, and he is so overwhelmed in this moment that he has lost faith. From God’s perspective, Moses has lost faith in the Lord to overcome Israel’s faithlessness. Moses has not believed in God, and has not treated Yahweh as the Holy God who is able to overcome the weakness of His people. Indeed, this is exactly what Numbers 20:12 says was Moses’ sin! He (and Aaron!) did not believe God and did not treat Yahweh as holy in that moment. God did offer Moses the opportunity to intercede for the people (and thus broke the pattern) because He knew that Moses did not have faith in Him.
ellauri164.html on line 898: The first instance therefore quoted above (Exodus 17: 5–6), symbolized that Christ Jesus was to be smitten or die once. “So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for Him shall He appear the second time without sin unto salvation.” Hebrews 9:28
ellauri164.html on line 900: “The smitten rock was a figure of Christ, and through this symbol the most precious spiritual truths are taught. As the life-giving waters flowed from the smitten rock, so from Christ, ‘smitten of God,’ ‘wounded for our transgressions,’ ‘bruised for our iniquities’ (Isaiah 53:4–5), the stream of salvation flows for a lost race. As the rock had been once smitten, so Christ was to be ‘once offered to bear the sins of many.’ Hebrews 9:28.” –Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 411
ellauri164.html on line 908: “By his rash act Moses took away the force of the lesson that God purposed to teach. The rock, being a symbol of Christ, had been once smitten, as Christ was to be once offered. The second time it was needful only to speak to the rock, as we have only to ask for blessings in the name of Jesus. By the second smiting of the rock the significance of this beautiful figure of Christ was destroyed.” –Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 418
ellauri164.html on line 935: When God said Moses “failed to sanctify me in the eyes of the people,” He did not specify exactly what this failure was. God had told Moses to “speak to the rock,” but the account stated that “Moses lifted up his hand, and smote the rock with his rod twice.” Clearly, in that act, Moses went beyond what God had commanded him to do. God had told Moses to take the staff, but not use it. He was directly commanded only to speak to the rock. He went beyond what was written when struck that rock. It was similar to Nadab and Abihu who offered “strange fire which He had not commanded them.” At that time Moses saw that such behavior did not “treat God as holy or glorify him among the people” (Lev. 10:1-3). Yet Moses, in anger, failed to hallow God when he struck that rock instead of speaking to it. He had failed to learn “not to go beyond what is written,” (1Cor. 4:6). He was told to speak to the rock (and he did not do that), but struck the rock (which he had no authority to do). God later charged Moses with this sin: “you rebelled against my word at the waters of Meribah” (Num 20:24; 27:13).
ellauri164.html on line 959: This story takes place during the fortieth and final year of the Israelites’ consignment to the wilderness before entering the Land of Promise. The generation of those who, by their own admission, were not prepared to enter the Land has died off, and only those men who were nineteen years old or younger at the Exodus (and the tribe of Levi) will enter. The only named survivors of the previous generation are the leaders: Miriam, Aaron, Moses, Joshua, and Caleb. Early in this parashah, Miriam dies without explanation, successor, or national mourning.
ellauri171.html on line 398: The story continues the Bible’s exploration of the origin of evil in a world created by a God who is all goodness. (Remember the old word game: write down ‘God’ and ‘Devil’; then put an extra ‘o’ in the middle of ‘God’ and take the ‘d’ off ‘devil’; what do you have?) Another one: write the words backwards, what do you get? Dog lived. Okay never mind let's move on.
ellauri171.html on line 427: The problem was made worse by the fact that the Israelites occupied border territory. If there was an invasion, they might defect to the enemy. This could mean the collapse of the Egyptian Empire. Just like the Ukrainians. So off with them. Wait! Pharaoh did not want to eject them from Egypt – they were too valuable as workers. So he sought to control their numbers by forced labour and by child slaughter. Hmm. Mitähän opetuxia tästäkin tarinasta voisi ottaa?
ellauri171.html on line 429: He told the midwives that every male baby must be killed as soon as it was born. He knew that in Jewish families, women did all the work and the men just sat in jeshivas and thumbed the holy books. So off with them!
ellauri171.html on line 444: This was when Judith went into action. She went into the enemy camp and offered Holofernes information that would help him defeat her own people.
ellauri171.html on line 445: He may or may not have believed her, but her beauty made her a sexual fly-trap, and he allowed her to stay. In the ensuring battle of tits, Judith managed to outwit her prey. While he was drunk and had emptied his bollocks into her, she pulled his sword out of its scabbard, prayed to God for strength, hacked Holofernes’ head off, then escaped back to her people.
ellauri171.html on line 450: She went to the bedpost near Holofernes’ head, and took down his sword that hung there. She came close to his bed, took hold of the hair of his head, and said “Give me strength today, O Lord God of Israel!” Then she struck his neck twice with all her might, and cut off his head.
ellauri171.html on line 451: Next she rolled his body off the bed and pulled down the canopy from the posts. Soon afterward she went out and gave Holofernes’ head to her maid, who placed it in her food bag.’ Judith 13:6-10
ellauri171.html on line 454: Bible Murders: Judith and Holofernes. Caravaggio's graphic painting of the moment when Judith hacks off the head of Holofernes; notice her maidservant waiting grimly in the background!
ellauri171.html on line 471: We forgot to mention that Jezebel was the New Testament's N:o 2 whore after Magdalen. In Revelation 2 Jesus Christ rebukes the church of Thyatira saying, “You allow that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols”. Christ also says of this Jezebel, “I gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality, and she did not repent. I will kill her children with death.” Battle of the sexes. In Handmaid's Tale, a Jezebel is a woman forced to become prostitute and entertainer. They are available only to the Commanders and to their guests. Offred portrays Jezebels as attractive and educated; they may be unsuitable as handmaids due to temperament. They have been sterilized, a surgery that is forbidden to other women. They operate in unofficial but state-sanctioned brothels, unknown to most women. Jezebels, whose title also comes from the Bible (note Queen Jezebel in the Books of Kings), dress in the remnants of sexualized costumes from "the time before", such as cheerleaders' costumes, school uniforms, and Playboy Bunny costumes. Jezebels can wear make-up, drink alcohol, and socialize with men, but are tightly controlled by the Aunts. When they pass their sexual prime and/or their looks fade, they are discarded, without any precision as to whether they are killed or sent to "the Colonies" (XII Jezebels).
ellauri171.html on line 504: The young girl Dinah is seized and raped by Shechem. Shechem tries to atone. He falls in love with Dinah and offers to marry her. He also offers compensation to her family. Jacob accepts the young man’s attempt at reconciliation, but his sons do not. They plan to murder Shechem and all the men of the city. Dinah’s brothers massacre the men of the city, including Shechem, and enslave the women and children. Dinah’s fate is unknown.
ellauri171.html on line 536: Hamor tries to placate them by telling them his son loves Dinah, and wants to marry her. Their relationship will be based on loyalty and trust, he implies. He speaks respectfully, and carefully includes the brothers in his discussion, making them a generous offer:
ellauri171.html on line 546: Shechem makes a further offer.
ellauri171.html on line 547: After his father has finished speaking, Shechem makes another offer: to give any marriage present they want, if he can marry Dinah. Stacks of Gold Coins! Referring to her, he uses the word ‘maiden’.
ellauri171.html on line 553: But worse than this in their eyes is the fact that he now seems to be offering to give them financial gain through the rape of their sister.
ellauri171.html on line 613: The old man who was the Levite’s host offered the men his own daughter instead, as well as the concubine, but the men outside would not listen.
ellauri171.html on line 647: The worthless fellows wanted the old man to send out the Levite so that they could engage in sexual activity with him. But the old man refused and offered the crowd of men his virgin daughter and the Levite’s concubine. The old man said, “you may ravish them” and do “whatever you wish.” He granted them permission to engage in sexual relations with the two women. Now it is obvious the men surrounding the old man’s house wanted to engage in sexual activity when the two women were offered. It is also obvious the men described as “worthless fellows” were homosexuals since they wanted sex with the Levite and two women were offered.[1, 2]
ellauri171.html on line 649: But the men surrounding the house refused the offer of the women. So the Levite brought his concubine outside and the men raped her all night (Judges 19:25). The Hebrew translated as “raped” is yada. It was commonly used to refer to sexual intercourse. That is, the men raped her all night. At sunrise the concubine lay at the door of the house.
ellauri171.html on line 710: She offered the exhausted soldier some milk to drink, then waited for him to fall into exhausted sleep. Then she took a tent peg and a mallet, stepped quietly to his side, knelt down, then swiftly drove the peg through the side of his skull. He died instantly – an ignominious death at the hands of a woman.
ellauri171.html on line 729: The enemy had hundreds of iron-wheeled chariots that could crush the Israelites into the ground. But Deborah tricked them into driving these chariots onto marshy land where they were bogged down. The Israelite slingmen and archers picked them off one by one, like ducks in a pond. Sisera, the enemy general, fled from the battlefield towards the encampment of a woman called Jael the Kenite.
ellauri171.html on line 761: Their dead bodies, it seems, were too cumbersome to tranport. Instead, the boy’s heads were hacked off, collected in baskets, and displayed for the gawking crowd the the city gate.
ellauri171.html on line 795: At this point, Jesus said to His disciples, “it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:23). Hard but not impossible. A camel can be diluted in acid and injected thru a needle. Anyway it was just the name of a gate in Jerusalem. This is because the care of riches in this life can be a snare for a Christian. A Christian’s heart cannot be set on riches and cares of this world above the Kingdom of God. In another example, the parable of the sower, Jesus warned that some who receive the word of God will allow their spiritual growth to be choked off by “the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches” (Matthew 13:22). These things show us that being poor can help a Christian not to be ensnared by such things. No cause to complain then.
ellauri171.html on line 888: Mot or Mawat, god of death (not worshiped or given offerings)
ellauri171.html on line 920: Canaanites believed that following physical death, the npš (usually translated as "soul") departed from the body to the land of Mot (Death). Bodies were buried with grave goods, and offerings of food and drink were made to the dead to ensure that they would not trouble the living. Dead relatives were venerated and sometimes asked for help. Seijakin huutaa aina Leaa avuxi.
ellauri171.html on line 995: As she regally awaits Jehu in the Jezreel palace, some palace officials squeeze her through the lattice window, most likely piece by piece. By the time Jehu has finished eating, he orders that she be buried “for she is a king’s daughter” (2 Kings 9:34), but the dogs supplied by Elijah's goons have already eaten most of her carcass—in keeping with Elijah’s prophecy.
ellauri171.html on line 1021: It is not incomprehensible that, whereas Ahab devoted himself to military and foreign affairs, Jezebel acted as his deputy for internal affairs: the Naboth report comes back to her, as if the king’s seal was hers; she has her own “table,” that is her own economic establishment and budget; she has her own “prophets,” probably a religious establishment that she controls. All these point toward an official or semiofficial position that Jezebel held by virtue of her character, her royal origin and connections, her husband’s and later her children’s esteem, and her religious affiliation to the Baal (possibly also Asherah) cult.
ellauri171.html on line 1057: Tamar’s plan is as simple as it is clever: she covers herself with a veil so that Judah won’t recognize her, and then she sits in the roadway at the “entrance to Enaim” (Hebrew petah enayim; literally, “eye-opener”). She has chosen her spot well. Judah will pass as he comes back happy and horny (and maybe tipsy) from a sheep-shearing festival. The veil is not the mark of a prostitute (haha); rather, it simply will prevent Judah from seeing Tamar’s face, and women sitting by the roadway are apparently fair game. So, Judah propositions her, offering to give her a kid (well he did) for her services and giving her his pet seal and staff id (the ancient equivalent of a credit card) in pledge.
ellauri171.html on line 1059: Judah, a man of honor (buahahaha) tries to pay. His friend Hirah goes looking for her, asking around for the kedeshah in the road (Gen 38:21.). The NRSV translates this as “temple prostitute,” but a kedeshah was not a sacred prostitute; she was a public woman, who might be found along the roadway (as virgins and married women should not be). She could engage in sex, but might also be sought out for lactation, midwifery, and other female concerns. By looking for a kedeshah, Hirah can look for a public woman without revealing Judah’s private life. The woman, of course, is nowhere to be found. Judah, mindful of his public image, calls off the search rather than became a laughingstock. BRUAAHAHAHA!
ellauri171.html on line 1072: A really dumb, derivative rip-off, slovenly constructed and played with the sort of ludicrous earnestness that just misses being bad enough to qualify as high camp.
ellauri171.html on line 1086: After a sly middle, the third act is just slasher-flick cliches; worse, it largely keeps Tamara offscreen. Villainy shouldn't be outsourced.
ellauri171.html on line 1100: He lured her to his room and raped her, then refused to marry her. Niin aina. She was disgraced, and never married. Her embittered brother Absalom rebelled against David, but was defeated and killed. Tamar lived out her days in the royal harem getting fucked on and off by the great King.
ellauri171.html on line 1107: The catch was that he was not prepared to offer her marriage.
ellauri171.html on line 1128: When she did this, leaning forward with the food, he took hold of her and pulled her to him, molesting her. Alone and unguarded, she had no chance of fending him off. She resisted him as best she could, she argued and pleaded, pointed out that what he was doing was wrong, that they could marry if he wished, that rape would bring ruin to them both.
ellauri172.html on line 175: Come scrive nell'autobiografia, era un bambino molto sensibile, a tratti vivace, solitario, insofferente alle regole, descritto dai biografi moderni come tendente alla nevrosi, una condizione che si protrarrà per tutta la vita, causandogli spesso anche disturbi psicosomatici. Soffrirà di frequenti disturbi gastrici per la sua intera esistenza.
ellauri172.html on line 219: In settembre Alfieri viene colpito da un nuovo attacco di gotta, un male che lo tormenta da tempo, nonché da erisipela, a cui seguirà una grave malattia di stomaco. La salute dello scrittore peggiora; è stato ipotizzato che nella parte finale della sua vita Alfieri soffrisse di malattia cardiovascolare, oppure di un tumore gastrointestinale o di uremia, stadio finale della malattia renale cronica.
ellauri172.html on line 281: 21 Balaam got up in the morning, saddled his donkey and went with the Moabite officials. 22 But God was very angry(A) when he went, and the angel of the Lord(B) stood in the road to oppose him. Balaam was riding on his donkey, and his two servants were with him. 23 When the donkey saw the angel of the Lord standing in the road with a drawn sword(C) in his hand, it turned off the road into a field. Balaam beat it(D) to get it back on the road.
ellauri172.html on line 299: 35 The angel of the Lord said to Balaam, “Go with the men, but speak only what I tell you.” So Balaam went with Balak’s officials.
ellauri172.html on line 346: Einen Bürger hofft' er sich gewogen; Yhden porvarin luo kiinaamaan;
ellauri172.html on line 371: Sich zur offnen Tür herein bewegt. Ilmestyy avoimelle ovelle.
ellauri172.html on line 458: "Hoffe doch, bei Uskoisin että saan sut
ellauri172.html on line 579: — Brutalité de soldats ! — fit Mesnilgrand froidement, who cares; — mais voici du raffinement d’officier.
ellauri172.html on line 676: « — Tu ne le sauras pas ! — dit-elle, en le narguant. Et elle le cingla de ce tu ne le sauras pas ! mille fois répété, mille fois infligé à ses oreilles ; et quand elle fut lasse de le dire, — le croiriez-vous ? — elle le lui chanta comme une fanfare ! Puis, quand elle l’eut assez fouetté avec ce mot, assez fait tourner comme une toupie sous le fouet de ce mot, assez roulé avec ce mot dans les spirales de l’anxiété et de l’incertitude, cet homme, hors de lui, et qui n’était plus entre ses mains qu’une marionnette qu’elle allait casser ; quand, cynique à force de haine, elle lui eut dit, en les nommant par tous leurs noms, les amants qu’elle avait eus, et qu’elle eut fait le tour du corps d’officiers tout entier : « Je les ai eus tous, — cria-t-elle, — mais ils ne m’ont pas eue, eux ! Et cet enfant que tu es assez bête pour croire le tien, a été fait par le seul homme que j’aie jamais aimé ! que j’aie jamais idolâtré ! Et tu ne l’as pas deviné ! Et tu ne le devines pas encore ? »
ellauri172.html on line 714: Well, j’ai porté plusieurs années, ce cœur d’enfant dont je doutais ; mais quand, après la catastrophe de Waterloo, il m’a fallu ôter cette ceinture d’officier dans laquelle j’avais espéré de mourir, et que je l’eus porté encore quelques années, ce cœur, — et je t’assure, Mautravers, que c’est lourd, quoique cela paraisse bien léger, — la réflexion venant avec l’âge, j’ai craint de profaner un peu plus ce cœur si profané déjà, et je me suis décidé à le déposer en terre chrétienne. Sans entrer dans les détails que je vous donne aujourd’hui, j’en ai parlé à un des prêtres de cette ville, de ce cœur qui pesait depuis si longtemps sur le mien, et je venais de le remettre à lui-même, dans le confessionnal de la chapelle.
ellauri172.html on line 964: Abraham Lévy, curé de campagne, roman de Joseph Joffo, 1988
ellauri172.html on line 972: Doggy Bag, de Philippe Djian, 2005-2008, avec le père Joffrey.
ellauri180.html on line 189: There are many other reasons why circumcision may have evolved. Some have suggested that it is a mark of cultural identity, akin to a tattoo or a body piercing. Alternatively, there are reasons to believe that the ritual evolved as a fertility rite. For example, that some tribal cultures apportion seasons' for both the male and female operation, supports the view that circumcision developed as a sacrifice to the gods, an offering in exchange for a good harvest, etc. This would seem reasonable as the penis is clearly inhabited by powers that produce life. Indeed, evidence of a connection with darvests is also found in Nicaragua, where blood from the operations is mixed with maize to be eaten during the ceremony. (Fig. 3). Although the true origins of circumcision will never be known, it is likely that the truth lies in part with all of the theories described.
ellauri180.html on line 204: More than 2000 years of Jewish persecution has led to the development of alternative surgical procedures. Indeed, `uncircumcision as a measure to offset the oppression of Jews is cited in the Old Testament (I Maccabees 1:14-15) and surgical attempts to restore the prepuce have been well documented throughout history
ellauri180.html on line 299: For the longest time, I didn’t think that white authors should write non-white characters. I had seen it done badly (as my previous article about Sarah J. Maas explains) and offensively (think J. K. Rowling with Cho Chang and the Patil twins).
ellauri180.html on line 304: If James Cameron had spent some time reading things written by Native people about Pocahontas and what that storyline means to their people and how offensive and damaging the sexualization of native women is, he might have reconsidered that romantic subplot. If he had started to read and then balked at all the vicious hatred and anger, it is as if he never even tried.
ellauri180.html on line 314: So, here we have it: How to write PO without pissing everyone off and doing a horrible job...
ellauri180.html on line 341: Don't write off “minor” characters. ...
ellauri180.html on line 568: This dream can either be brushed off as only that, or considered as a premonition due to the fact that it has a poignant message to share about the state of the human race.
ellauri180.html on line 580: Those that survived here represented those that survive in sin, off of pain, and with an attitude of “making it” at all costs. Instead of coming together to find a new way to live like naked mole-rats, they only want to return to the past.
ellauri181.html on line 63: recommended by Mgid Mgid Green Coffee 1 kuppi ennen nukkumaanmenoa ja laihdut 20 kg ilman laihduttamist Opi lisää tausta
ellauri181.html on line 170: “The relative importance of multiple values guides action. Any attitude or behaviour typically has implications for more than one value. … The tradeoff among relevant, competing values guides attitudes and behaviors… Values influence action when they are relevant in the context (hence likely to be activated) and important to the actor.”
ellauri181.html on line 586: . Industry - Lose no time; be always employed in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions.
ellauri181.html on line 592: . Chastity - Rarely use venery but for health or offspring, never to dullness, weakness, or the injury of your own or another´s peace or reputation.
ellauri182.html on line 111: Mikage discovers, “a delightful German-made vegetable peeler—a peeler to make even the laziest grandmother enjoy slip, slipping those skins off.”
ellauri182.html on line 121: A Japanese lunch invitation cannot be likened to the statement, “let’s grab a burger.” Ashburne offers the opinion that “it’s an invitation to commune over food, to bond in a primal act of mutual celebration, to reinforce group identities, or welcome outsiders into the fold.”
ellauri182.html on line 248: Talking about one’s problems can be a great way to get something off your chest. While it is okay to admit that you’re having a hard time, as with other “negative” topics, try to not come across as someone who’s just complaining all the time without actually trying to change anything. Girls don't spread legs for whiners.
ellauri183.html on line 180: When Abraham raises his knife over Isaac's body, this symbolises the fact that every human relationship is haunted by the prospect of death. Love always ends in loss, at least within this life. One response to this existential fact – perhaps the most common response – is to avoid the issue of mortality as much as possible. An alternative response is to face up to the inevitable pain of loss and to relinquish the beloved in advance, so to speak, by giving up hope of enjoying a happy relationship within this lifetime. (This "movement of resignation" is described as "monastic", although it does not literally entail becoming a recluse. It is an internal movement, an adjustment of expectations.) In Kierkegaard's view, this is more noble than the first option, but it is very far from the courage of Abraham, who continues to love Isaac and enjoy his relationship to him in full awareness of the suffering that his death would bring. This aspect of the interpretation of Abraham offered in Fear and Trembling suggesz that, far from being an individualist, Kierkegaard regards human relationships as essential to life.
ellauri183.html on line 194: Moral absolutism is certainly compatible with an acknowledgement that monetary value depends on circumstance. Jesus, for example, reinforced the 10 commandmenz, which unconditionally prohibit murder, adultery, theft and so on. But one day, when he was teaching in the temple, Jesus watched a poor widow put two small coins in the donation box, while rich people made much larger offerings. “This poor widow has put in more than all of them,” says Jesus, “because she, out of her poverty, has put in all she had to live on.” But by the criterion of moral absolutism they were just the same.
ellauri183.html on line 315: Sylvain Bromberger oli väpelöhkö filosofian proffa MITssä. 1924-2018. His research in the philosophy of linguistics, carried out in part with the late Institute Professor Morris Halle of the linguistics section, included investigations into the foundations of phonology and of morphology.
ellauri184.html on line 92: Critical response to Mailer's Jesus novel was mixed. Jack Miles, writing for Commonweal, found the book "a quiet, sweet, almost wan little book, a kindly offering from a New York Jew to his wife's Bible Belt family." He noted that there was "something undeniably impressive about the restraint" of the style that Mailer undertook in composing the novel. He concluded that the novel was neither one of Mailer's best works, nor would it stand out amongst the bibliography of books inspired by the life of Christ, but that it had received unfairly harsh reviews from other critics.
ellauri184.html on line 230: Economically Galilee offered better agricultural and fishing resources than the Dead Sea and the Negev, making the wealth of some Galileans the envy of their southern neighbors.
ellauri184.html on line 269: There were important defeats along the way but it is interesting to observe that commanders often escaped repercussions for their militawy incompetence and it was usually the soldiers who bore the blame for defeat. Though a legionawy could theoretically come from any province within the Empire, the requirement of Woman citizenship had consequences for demographics: legionawies were more likely to speak Latin than non-citizen soldiers, they were usually wecwuited from the most heavily Womanized cities and provinces, their citizenship held inherent prestige that afforded them privilege over both civilians and other soldiers, etc. Legions primarily garrisoned in major imperial provinces, such as Syria, Pannonia, and post-War Judaea. With the exception of Egypt, all provinces with at least one legion were required to have a governor with Senator status. Legions primarily consisted of infantry soldiers, with a few cavalry or archers present among their ranks. Roughly 30 legions were active at any given time within the Empire and each consisted of approximately 5400 soldiers and officers, a standing army of ca. 150-300K total, though not all with a weceived Latin pwonunciation.
ellauri184.html on line 277: There were also royal forces that did not directly serve Wome, but were under the authority of a client king. The periphery of the Woman Empire was peppered with kingdoms allied with Wome that maintained their own militawies independent of the Empire proper (e.g., Herod the Great’s Judaea, Antipas’ Galilee, Cleopatra’s Egypt). These armies differed from kingdom to kingdom with respect to their hierarchies, pay scale, wecwuitment strategies, and so on. Wome occasionally expected kings to contribute soldiers to militawy campaigns as part of their reciprocal loyalty. Because kings could not offer their veterans Woman citizenship, the matter was irrelevant. With little invested in Womanness, royal soldiers spoke the local lingua franca and rarely had knowledge of Latin or other aspects of Woman culture.
ellauri184.html on line 283: Afterwards, some noteworthy changes occurred. Since Judaea was now officially part of Wome, royal Herodian soldiers were subsumed into the Woman army as auxiliaries.
ellauri184.html on line 289: Thus, while Wome did not conscript Jews into militawy service against their will, there is no indication that this pwevented them from serving on their own accord. Several tax receipts of Jewish decurions named Jesus, Hananiah, Benjamin and a diploma to Aggaeus Bar-Callippus, a Jewish veteran who retired to the Syrian city of Samosata. We should not forget the famous example of Tiberius Julius Alexander, governor of Judaea and Egypt, a Jewish officer who led the assault on the Jerusalem temple in the Jewish War.
ellauri184.html on line 653: In the end, Jesus represented several different images of a bogeyman and became an outsider par excellence. He put off many of his adherents through his negligence of politics (i.e. he did not yield to their pressure to exert violence for political reasons), and he drew the attention of the authorities upon himself and made them suspicious through his eccentric speeches. Finally, Jesus was between the stools: There was no one left to speak in his favor. In the end, perceptions prevailed beyond all else.
ellauri184.html on line 662: 2011 - Professor of Ancient History at the University of Hamburg 2008 Habilitation at the University of Augsburg 2007 - 2011 Associate Professor (with tenure) at UNC-Chapel Hill, Department of Classics 2004-2007 Assistant Professor at UNC-Chap ... more ▾ Varmaan hihhuli kerta pääsi Pohjois-Carolinaan proffaxi.
ellauri184.html on line 700: 3 Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended at him. (Mark 6:3 KJV)
ellauri184.html on line 781: The characters in the book are fascinating; my Jesuits friends and I laughed and enjoy this book. There were no doubts in our head by the end of the book. We did not feel like it shook our religion or affected the way we perceived God. This book was after all under fiction so everyone that is easily offended stay away from this book and stop complaining about blasphemy and crying around like little kids. Saramago is a Nobel price winner and foremost a grown man that is entitled to his own opinions. This one of his finest, if not the best, of his book in my opinion, a must read. Of course he is dead by now.
ellauri184.html on line 785: This is a bold fearless work and definitely not for the faint of heart. I am not surprised that when this was originally published in 1991, it created lots of controversies with the Catholic Church condemning Jose Saramago for harboring anti-religious vision and his own Portuguese government asking the European Literary Prize to remove this from its shortlist because of the book’s offensive content to religion. Despite this book’s existence, Saramago won the 1998 Nobel Prize for Literature.
ellauri185.html on line 79: The Book of Jeremiah lists Tyre among many other nations that would drink from the "cup of the wine of wrath" of God. It also predicted a time when God would destroy the Philistines and every helper from Tyre and Sidon would be cut off.
ellauri185.html on line 123: At this point, David offers a majestic eulogy, where he praises the bravery and magnificence of both his friend Jonathan and King Saul.
ellauri185.html on line 141: 2 Samuel concludes with four chapters (chapters 21 to 24) that lie outside the chronological succession narrative of Saul and David, a narrative that will continue in The Book of Kings. These four supplementary chapters cover a great famine during David's reign; the execution of seven of Saul's remaining descendants, only Mephibosheth being saved (kannattiko mainita), David's song of thanksgiving, which is almost identical to Psalm 18; David's last words; a list of David's "mighty warriors"; an offering made by David using water from the well of Bethlehem; David's sinful census; a plague over Israel which David opted for as preferable to either famine or oppression; and the construction of an altar on land David purchased from Araunah the Jebusite.
ellauri185.html on line 410: Pinker married Nancy Etcoff in 1980 and they divorced in 1992; he married again in 1995 and again divorced. His third wife, whom he married in 2007, is the novelist and philosopher Rebecca Goldstein. He has two stepdaughters: the novelist Yael Goldstein Love and the poet Danielle Blau.
ellauri185.html on line 418: Kovasti hapuillen pääsevät neurologit ja filosofit kiinni asian syrjästä. Ettei ole mitään on-off nappulaa josta tietoisuuden valo napsahtaa. Vain Daniel Dennettillä on kyky ajatella ajattelemista, tai ajattelemisen ajattelemista, ja se tekee siitä etevämmän muita eläimiä. Valitettavasti.
ellauri185.html on line 707: Heigh ho, off to work we go. To dig dig dig dig dig dig dig is what we really like to do
ellauri185.html on line 824: Inbreeding is the production of offspring from the mating or breeding of individuals or organisms that are closely related genetically. By analogy, the term is used in human reproduction, but more commonly refers to the genetic disorders and other consequences that may arise from expression of deleterious or recessive traits resulting from incestuous sexual relationships and consanguinity in lower animals. It is not nice to use such terms of humans.
ellauri185.html on line 834: One passage that offers some insight regarding birth defects can be found in John 9:2-3: "And his disciples asked him, 'Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?' Jesus answered, 'It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him.'" It is clear from these words of Jesus that birth defects are ultimately not due to the sin of the parents or child, but serve as part of God's plan for our lives. If not for the defective person as such, then at least for the greater common good. Defective persons are prohibited from entering the holiest of the holy.
ellauri185.html on line 846: Instead, certain body odours are connected to human sexual attraction. Humans can make use of body odour subconsciously to identify whether a potential mate will pass on favourable traits to their offspring. Body odour may provide significant cues about the genetic quality, health and reproductive success of a potential mate. Body odour affects sexual attraction in a number of ways including through human biology, the menstrual cycle and fluctuating asymmetry. The olfactory membrane plays a role in smelling and subconsciously assessing another human's pheromones. It also affects the sexual attraction of insects and mammals. The major histocompatibility complex genes are important for the immune system, and appear to play a role in sexual attraction via body odour. Studies have shown that body odor is strongly connected with attraction in heterosexual females. The women in one study ranked body odor as more important for attraction than “looks”. Humans may not simply depend on visual and verbal senses to be attracted to a possible partner/mate. That's hard science, no pseudo, mate!
ellauri188.html on line 124: The present population of all the six inhabited islands of that group of eleven, numbers, according to Mr. Frank Varney, a long-time resident on Hivaon, about 1,000 or 1,200. Only a small proportion of these are pure bloods, most of that number being natives from the Tuamotus or the Society Islands, and many of them are half-bloods or quarter-bloods, Chinese features being very common. But I met many middle-aged, elderly and old, pure-blooded Mar quesans, a fine, self-respecting race, commanding our admiration and pity. I can not believe that all these people, whom I saw in 1922 and 1923, will have vanished in 1930. It will take a longer time than that, perhaps only a few years longer, before the last pure blooded Marquesan steps off the stage. I am quite sure that Dr. Linton, of the Field Museum, and Dr. Handy, of Bishop Museum, Honolulu, both of whom have made special study of the Marquesans, will agree with me in this.
ellauri188.html on line 415: Josh's other projects included the horror-thriller Child of Darkness, Child of Light, an adaptation of Paterson's novel Virgin, a tale of two Catholic virgin schoolgirls, that folded when they were both found pregnant under mysterious and supernatural circumstances. To avoid being caught red "handed" Lucas relocated to Australia to play the hot "headed" American cousin Luke McGregor opposite Andrew Clarke and Guy Pearce in the first season of the family western Snowy River: The McGregor Saga. Lucas appeared in all 13 episodes of the first season, but claimed in a later interview that despite the friendly reception by Rhonda Byrne, he was homesick for the United States, and his character was killed off in the second episode of season 2.
ellauri188.html on line 418: He also appeared in an off-Broadway production of Terrence McNally's slightly controversial Corpus Christi killers, a retelling of the Passion Fruit, with the Jesus character (named Joshua) and his disciples ALL being gay. Lucas played the role of Judas as a gay predator.
ellauri189.html on line 88: rusza”, "And through the empty corners the king of the desert sets off") aspired themselves to a privileged position, and when it was refused
ellauri189.html on line 408: SEACRET is a globally notorious cosmetic company that offers a wide range of products for men and women. The unique combination of innovative technology and healing Dead Sca and natural ingredients transforms SEACRET into an exclusive, sought after and high quality brand:
ellauri189.html on line 438: The Jordan River is a shadow of what it once was. The river acts as the main water source for Jordan, Israel, and the West Bank. As a result, 90% of the fresh water that replenishes it is diverted to agriculture. Another problem facing it is pollution from agricultural and wastewater run-offs. About 50% of the agricultural run-offs from the surrounding areas are dumped into the river which has caused its water levels to drop dramatically.
ellauri189.html on line 469: To join Seacret as an affiliate, you are required to pay a registration fee of $49. By paying this fee, you gain access to a business calendar, a back office, a replicated website, and a guide to the compensation plan. However, this fee is not inclusive of the products, and it also does not qualify you as an active member.
ellauri189.html on line 470: To qualify as an active member, you are required to generate a minimum of 200 personal volume (PV) every week, 35 business volume (BV) every month, and have at least four active customers. You can upgrade to the 5-in-5 agent kit by paying an extra $50. There are no specific details given on the benefits of upgrading. Keep in mind that after paying the initial $49, you are expected to pay the same amount annually to continue accessing your website and back office.
ellauri189.html on line 474: Retail commissions are paid out Seacret agents weekly and reflect both your offline product order dorms and your website orders. You don’t have to be qualified or active to be eligible for this commission. Orders placed by customers have to be through your replicated website or via order forms that you submit. This type of commission is obtained from the difference between the wholesale price and retail price of the product.
ellauri189.html on line 545: I hope you take me up on my offer and check out my top recommendation above. You can take your time and see all of the training and tools available to you. You don’t need to even provide a credit card number! Don’t miss out on this opportunity! I’ll see you on the other side!
ellauri189.html on line 562: Some of the first recorded incidents to meet the modern definition of the Ponzi scheme were carried out from 1869 to 1872 by Adele Spitzeder in Germany and by Sarah Howe in the United States in the 1880s through the "Ladies' Deposit". Howe offered a solely female clientele an 8% monthly interest rate and then stole the money that the women had invested. She was eventually discovered and served three years in prison. The Ponzi scheme was also previously described in novels; Charles Dickens' 1844 novel Martin Chuzzlewit and his 1857 novel Little Dorrit both feature such a scheme.
ellauri189.html on line 568: In a Ponzi scheme, a con artist offers investments that promise very high returns with little or no risk to his victims. The returns are said to originate from a business or a secret idea run by the con artist. In reality, the business does not exist or the idea does not work. The con artist actually pays the high returns promised to his earlier investors by using the money obtained from later investors. In other words, instead of engaging in a legitimate business activity, the con artist attempts to attract new investors in order to make the payments that were promised to earlier investors. The operator of the scheme also diverts his clients' funds for his personal use.
ellauri189.html on line 708: Biden says off the script Putin "cannot remain in power".
ellauri189.html on line 709: White House official quickly corrects: remarks were not about regime change. HAHA LOL. The American president is like the old Pope just a puppet propped up by a board who tends to forget his lines. "By God that man cannot remain in power." This man Biden can, he is powered by Western Electric.
ellauri189.html on line 779: Here it is said that almost half of Indian Afridi Pathans are very close genetically to Jews. I heard from some Pashtuns that Pathans are actually Pashtuns that mixed with other nations, so I was set to try to do a DNA test myself on friends of mine who are pure-blood Pashtuns. I already got an offer from a commercial company, when I suddenly remembered something I read not long ago – a Wikipedia article about Jewish genetics. They didn´t prove a thing, so I spend the rest of this section by hand-waving them away.
ellauri190.html on line 57: In the 17th century, Russian convention seeking to distinguish the Qazaqs of the steppes from the Cossacks of the Imperial Russian Army suggested spelling the final consonant with "kh" instead of "q" or "k", which was officially adopted by the USSR in 1936.
ellauri190.html on line 245: On Easter Sunday of the year 1168, a savage warlord from the Volga region, called Andrei (cynically nicknamed Bogolubsky, i.e. “God-lover”) and his horde of Finno-Ugric tribesmen (damn those Finns!) sacked and burned Kyiv to the ground. Most Kyivites were massacred. The barbarians robbed churches, even ripping off slices of gold from their domes (something that Genghiside Mongolians later never did, they were gentlemen). They stole, among others, one most precious and revered icon of the Most Holy Mother of God from a church in the Berestovo village just south of Kyiv, taking it to their land and pretending, for centuries to follow, that it was theirs. This icon to this day is known as Матерь Божья Владимирская, “the Mother of God of Vladimir-on-Klyazyma,” as if it was painted in that savage place. The 1168 massacre marked the beginning of the “brotherly” relationship between the Ukrainian people and what is now known as “Russians” (русские, not to be confused with Rusyns-Rusychi-Ukrainians). Kyiv was hit so hard that it did not fully recover for the next ~200 years. When the Mongols under Khan Batu came in 1240, Kyiv was still not fully repopulated or rebuilt, and fell a relatively easy prey to the Asian conquerors.
ellauri190.html on line 267: In the 15th-16th centuries, most of what is now Ukraine belonged to the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth (“The Republic”), but the life of the people depended to a very large extent on their local feudal lords, the Knyazi (“Princes”). Most of these lords were related to the house of Gedimin, spoke a language close to modern Belarusian and Ukrainian, and were Eastern Orthodox Christians. Yet, beginning from ~1569 (the year of the so-called Lublin Unia), these princes also swore allegiance to the Polish king, and were his vassals and courtiers. They corresponded in Latin, Polish, or their native “Old Ukrainian / Old Belarusian” Slavic language. Among them, perhaps the mightiest ruler was Prince Konstayntyn Vasyl Ostrozky. He was nicknamed “the un-crowned King of Rus,” and was, actually, offered the Polish crown several times, but refused because the kings of Poland were, traditionally, Catholics – and Prince Ostrozky wanted to remain Orthodox. He is famous for printing the first Gospels in his native language, and founding the Academy of Ostroh, a university that functions to this day.
ellauri190.html on line 269: In 1596, the so-called Union of Brest (Brestin jyräys) was signed, officially starting the Eastern Rite Catholic Church in Ukraine (a.k.a. the Greek Catholic Church). It was meant to reconcile the Orthodox Ukrainians with Rome, which was, of course, a step in the direction of more peace and prosperity. Unfortunately, at the beginning of the next, 17th, century, the secular powers began to close the traditional Orthodox parishes by force, which, of course, caused huge tensions and sparks of violence.
ellauri190.html on line 285: After Ottoman-Polish and Polish-Muscovite warfare ceased, the official Cossack register was again decreased. The registered Cossacks (reiestrovi kozaky) were isolated from those who were excluded from the register, and from the Zaporizhian Host. (Compare legal and paperless immigrants of today.) This, together with intensified socioeconomic and national-religious oppression of the other classes in Ukrainian society, led to a number of Cossack uprisings in the 1630s. These eventually culminated in the Khmelnytsky Uprising, led by the hetman of the Zaporizhian Sich, Bohdan Khmelnytsky.
ellauri190.html on line 299: Cossack numbers increased when the warriors were joined by peasants escaping serfdom in Russia and dependence in the Commonwealth. Attempts by the szlachta to turn the Zaporozhian Cossacks into peasants eroded the formerly strong Cossack loyalty towards the Commonwealth. The government constantly rebuffed Cossack ambitions for recognition as equal to the szlachta. Plans for transforming the Polish–Lithuanian two-nation Commonwealth into a Polish–Lithuanian–Ruthenian Commonwealth made little progress, due to the unpopularity among the Ruthenian szlachta of the idea of Ruthenian Cossacks being equal to them and their elite becoming members of the szlachta. The Cossacks' strong historic allegiance to the Eastern Orthodox Church also put them at odds with officials of the Roman Catholic-dominated Commonwealth. Tensions increased when Commonwealth policies turned from relative tolerance to suppression of the Eastern Orthodox Church after the Union of Brest. The Cossacks became strongly anti-Roman Catholic, an attitude that became synonymous with anti-Polish. Did that make them any more pro-Russian? Naah.
ellauri190.html on line 317: After the collapse of the Russian Empire in 1917, and with the amalgamation of Ukrainian territories into one administrative unit (Ukrainian People's Republic), the term started to recede from common use. Today, the term is anachronistic, and many nazi Ukrainians regard its usage as offensive.
ellauri190.html on line 324: Balladen inleds med att Herr Peder frågar sin fostermor om hur han kommer att dö. Hon svarar att han bör akta sig för "böljorna de blå." Trots denna varning bygger Peder sig ett skepp och ger sig ut på havet.[2] Väl ute på havet drabbas man av stiltje (i andra varianter håller böljorna på att slå skeppet i stycken). Enligt folktron till sjöss så beror det på att det finns en syndare ombord. Man drar lott, och lotten faller på Peder själv. För att blidka makterna offras Peder till vågorna. Innan det sker så får vi dock höra Peder erkänna alla de synder han har på sitt samvete: klosterbränningar, våldtäkter, med mera.
ellauri192.html on line 71:
ellauri192.html on line 83: In his last decade, Jakobson maintained an office at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he was an honorary Professor Emeritus. Jakobson died in Cambridge, Massachusetts on 18 July 1982. Näinköhän mä sen vanhana ukkelina 70-luvun lopulla? Voi olla, en muista nyt.
ellauri192.html on line 265: The very first selection was ominous. Both the name and the verse of Sully Prudhomme seem to herald those grounds of unctuous competence, of the official middle ground, so frequently adopted by the Nobel judges. But Prudhomme is by no means the pits. Take Bob Dylan for instance.
ellauri192.html on line 297: While Tokarczuk’s win has been widely lauded — The Guardian declared her “the dreadlocked feminist winner the Nobel needed” (aargh! will some future prize go to Estonia's own bluewig girl Sofi Oxanen?) — Handke’s provoked immediate and widespread displeasure. PEN America, an organization that advocates for writers’ liberty, wrote that it was “dumbfounded by the selection of a writer who has used his public voice to undercut historical truth and offer public succor to perpetrators of genocide.” The Slovenian public intellectual Slavoj Žižek told the Guardian that “In 2014, Handke called for the Nobel to be abolished, saying it was a ‘false canonisation’ of literature. The fact that he got it now proves that he was right.”
ellauri192.html on line 301: 2014 also marked the release of Tokarczuk’s most ambitious work, “The Books of Jacob,” the novel that set off much of the rancor directed at her by Polish nationalists. The book, which has yet to appear in English, is centered on the historical figure of Jakub Frank, a Jewish-born 18th-century religious leader. Frank, believed to have been born with the name Jakub Leibowicz, oversaw a messianic sect that incorporated significant portions of Christian practice into Judaism; he led mass baptisms of his followers. As Ruth Franklin reported in a New Yorker profile this past summer, Tokarczuk spent almost a decade researching Frank and the Poland in which he lived. The result is a book that, by the account of those who have read it, delivers a picture of the many intricate and unpredictable ways in which the story of Poland is tied to the story of its Jews. “There’s no Polish culture without Jewish culture,” Tokarczuk told Franklin. What else is new, asks Isaac Singer. Tokarczuk is not a Jewess, Tokarczuk considers herself a disciple of Carl Jung and cites his psychology as an inspiration for her literary work.
ellauri192.html on line 303: The novel’s release shortly predated an escalation in Polish nationalism tied to the Law and Justice party’s ascent to power in 2015. But the forces that fueled that escalation were already prevalent. When Tokarczuk accepted the Nike Prize, the country’s highest literary honor, for “The Books of Jacob,” she said in a speech that the country had “committed horrendous acts as colonizers, as a national majority that suppressed the minority, as slaveowners, and as the murderers of Jews.” She was quickly inundated by threats so alarming that her publishers briefly hired bodyguards. In the five years since, she has witnessed the Law and Justice party take an increasingly hard line on censoring certain conversations about Poland’s relationship with Jews. In 2016, the government began a campaign against the Princeton historian Jan Gross, known for his groundbreaking work on the massacre at Jedwabne, in which Poles murdered 1,600 of their Jewish neighbors. In 2018, the Law and Justice party’s government made it illegal to blame Poland or Polish nationals for Nazi crimes. POLIN, a groundbreaking Polish museum of Jewish history, has been leader-less for five months, as its director, who oversaw a number of exhibits highly critical of Poland’s policy toward Jews, awaits official reappointment — despite having been re-approved for the job.
ellauri192.html on line 577: as they dragged off the Jews, kun nazit raahas pois jutkuja
ellauri192.html on line 639: In 1949 Seifert left journalism and began to devote himself exclusively to literature. His poetry was awarded important state prizes in 1936, 1955, and 1968, and in 1967 he was designated National Artist. He was the official Chairman of the Czechoslovak Writer's Union for several years (1968–70). In 1977 he was one of the signatories of Charter 77 in opposition to the government of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic.
ellauri192.html on line 661: One is a bilingual edition of "The Plague Monument," published in 1980 by the Czechoslovak Society of Art and Sciences. It is translated by Lyn Coffin with a preface by William E. Harkins, professor of Slavic languages at Columbia University. It is available for $6 from the society at 75- 70 199th Street, Flushing, Queens 11366.
ellauri192.html on line 826: With the Lapis band Mikhalok performed at Euromaidan in support of the revolution, and his song Voiny Svetu became the unofficial anthem of Euromaidan. This led to Mikhalok having problems in Russia - MiKhalok was accused of supporting nationalists.
ellauri194.html on line 255: After the Khazars came the Mongols, seen as a mysterious and invincible horde from the east who destroyed Muslim empires and kingdoms in the early 13th century; kings and popes took them for the legendary Prester John, marching to save Christians from the Muslim Saracens, but when they entered Poland and Hungary and annihilated Christian armies a terrified Europe concluded that they were "Magogoli", the offspring of Gog and Magog, released from the prison Alexander had constructed for them and heralding Armageddon.
ellauri194.html on line 257: Europeans in Medieval China reported findings from their travels to the Mongol Empire. Some accounts and maps began to place the "Caspian Mountains", and Gog and Magog, just outside the Great Wall of China. The Tartar Relation, an obscure account of Friar Carpini's 1240s journey to Mongolia, is unique in alleging that these Caspian Mountains in Mongolia, "where the Jews called Gog and Magog by their fellow countrymen are said to have been shut in by Alexander", were moreover purported by the Tartars to be magnetic, causing all iron equipment and weapons to fly off toward the mountains on approach. In 1251, the French friar André de Longjumeau informed his king that the Mongols originated from a desert further east, and an apocalyptic Gog and Magog ("Got and Margoth") people dwelled further beyond, confined by the mountains. In the map of Sharif Idrisi, the land of Gog and Magog is drawn in the northeast corner (beyond Northeast Asia) and enclosed. Some medieval European world maps also show the location of the lands of Gog and Magog in the far northeast of Asia (and the northeast corner of the world).
ellauri194.html on line 263: An explanation offered by Orientalist Henry Yule was that Marco Polo was only referring to the "Rampart of Gog and Magog", a name for the Great Wall of China. Friar André's placement of Gog and Magog far east of Mongolia has been similarly explained.
ellauri194.html on line 271: The Flemish Franciscan friar William of Rubruck, who was first-hand witness to Alexander's supposed wall in Derbent on the shores of the Caspian Sea in 1254, identified the people the walls were meant to fend off only vaguely as "wild tribes" or "desert nomads", but one researcher made the inference Rubruck must have meant Jews, and that he was speaking in the context of "Gog and Magog". Confined Jews were later to be referred to as "Red Jews" (die roten Juden) in German-speaking areas; a term first used in a Holy Grail epic dating to the 1270s, in which Gog and Magog were two mountains enclosing these people.
ellauri194.html on line 289: Some post-Cold War millenarians still identify Gog with Russia, but they now tend to stress its allies among Islamic nations, especially Iran. For the most fervent, the countdown to Armageddon began with the return of the Jews to Israel, followed quickly by further signs pointing to the nearness of the final battle – nuclear weapons, European integration, Israel's reunification of Jerusalem in the Six Day War in 1967, and America's wars in Afghanistan and the Persian Gulf. According to an unconfirmed report, US President George W. Bush, in the prelude to the 2003 Invasion of Iraq, told French President Jacques Chirac, "Gog and Magog are at work in the Middle East." Bush is said to have continued, "This confrontation is willed by God, who wants to use this conflict to erase His people's enemies before a new age begins." Officials from the Bush Administration claim there is no record of this conversation and that making such references, "doesn't sound at all like Bush", and French officials on the call have similarly claimed to have not heard any such remarks.
ellauri194.html on line 302: Those behind the most recent Facebook networks could have been people in Mali who were genuinely supportive of Russia and anti-French, or else members of a “franchising operation using locals who know the slang, the vernacular”. The recent attackers of The University of Helsinki could have been pissed off Ukrainians students or else members of a franchising operation using Little Russian dropouts.
ellauri194.html on line 605: Atul Chandra Chatterjee – Indian diplomat and government official. Served as the Indian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom from 1925–1931.
ellauri194.html on line 626: Neil Chatterjee – American lawyer, political advisor, and government official, chair of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission twice between 2017 and 2020
ellauri194.html on line 762: In June, the Cairo Criminal Court found them both guilty of the offence. Hossam was sentenced in absentia to 10 years in jail and Adham, who was present, was given a six-year sentence.
ellauri194.html on line 769: Adham, who once had three million followers on TikTok and has 1.4 million followers on Instagram, was accused of the same offence the following month after posting what prosecutors said were "indecent" videos in which she lip-synced to famous songs and danced in fashionable clothes.
ellauri194.html on line 977: Sorry... now back to the war: Boris offers MPs an apology but STILL refuses to call rule-breaking No10 gathering a party before moving swiftly onto Ukraine - as rebel Tory Mark Harper says he is 'no longer worthy of the great office that he holds'.
ellauri194.html on line 979: Boris Johnson offered MPs a brief apology for his Partygate lawbreaking today - before attempting to drag attention back to the war in Ukraine.
ellauri194.html on line 984: He has used the war as a justification for not resigning after becoming the first serving prime minister to break the law while in office.
ellauri194.html on line 994: 'I'm very sorry to have to say this, but I no longer think he is worthy of the great office that he holds.'
ellauri194.html on line 1033: Jim and/or Kevin are available as a dynamic duo, interactive speakers for your company events or off-site topics such as:
ellauri196.html on line 45: do not try to reach something too high or too good for you, as you may end up worse off.
ellauri196.html on line 212: Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone! Pysäyttäkää kellot, hiljentäkää kännykät!
ellauri196.html on line 213: Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone, Pysäyttäkää kellot, hiljentäkää kännykät,
ellauri196.html on line 216: Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come. Tuokaa arkku ulos, tulkoot surijat.
ellauri196.html on line 284: off the coast rannasta ulompana
ellauri196.html on line 638: The Taft–Hartley Act amended the 1935 National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), prohibiting unions from engaging in several unfair labor practices. Among the practices prohibited by the Taft–Hartley act are jurisdictional strikes, wildcat strikes, solidarity or political strikes, secondary boycotts, secondary and mass picketing, closed shops, and monetary donations by unions to federal political campaigns. The NLRA also allowed states to enact right-to-work laws banning union shops. Enacted during the early stages of the Cold War, the law required union officers to sign non-communist affidavits with the government.
ellauri196.html on line 729: According to the Bible, Ezekiel and his wife lived during the Babylonian captivity on the banks of the Chebar River, in Tel Aviv, with other exiles from Judah. There is no mention of him having any offspring. Josephus claims that Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia's armies exiled three thousand Jews from Judah, after deposing King Jehoiakim in 598 BCE. Ärsyttävimmät kiljukaulat johtoportaasta vietiin jäähylle. Jesaja kuului Jahven hoviin, Hese oli bloody peasant.
ellauri197.html on line 135: But when this soul, its body off, Mut kun sielu ruumiista riisuttuna
ellauri197.html on line 166: After leaving Oxford Clifton travelled in the Far East and the United States of America. During the 1930s Clifton was a racehorse owner and amateur jockey. He was an art collector and owned paintings by Renoir, Gauguin and Tissot all of which he later sold to pay off his debts.
ellauri197.html on line 305: An interesting thing to note, however, is that the “adversity” is treated in a beautiful way by being addressed as a “Bloom.” The capitalization can be written off with the notion that even a bad memory could be important enough to merit capitalization, but a “Bloom” has a connotation of natural beauty and livelihood. This could simply mean the negativity from the circumstance grows with time, but the choice of such a soft verb gives the feeling that the narrator has warm feelings about whatever happened to cause this bad memory—maybe a relationship she loved but lost or a friend who was dear but forsaken. This would again give a reason for the grammatical chaos of the lack of subject and mismatched verb tenses since, it seems, the narrator does not know how she feels about the memory.
ellauri197.html on line 534: Gilles Saint-Paul (2008) argued, based on mathematical models, that human female hypergamy occurs because women have greater lost mating opportunity costs from monogamous mating (given their slower reproductive rate and limited window of fertility),[clarification needed] and thus must be compensated for this cost of marriage. Marriage reduces the overall genetic quality of her offspring by precluding the possibility of impregnation by a genetically higher quality male, with or without his parental investment. However, this reduction may be compensated by greater levels of parental investment by her genetically lower quality husband.
ellauri197.html on line 585: ”Den geopolitiska situationen” är i Ryssland ett kodord för kriget i Ukraina. Många personer underviker att ta ordet i sin mun offentligt av rädsla för att grisas.
ellauri198.html on line 118: Academy Award-winner Mahershala Ali plays the lead role of state police detective Wayne Hays. In an interview with Variety, Ali revealed that he was originally offered a supporting role, as the main character was supposed to be white. However, pursuing a better choice for his career, he convinced Pizzolatto that he was suited for the lead despite the pigmentation handicap. Saatiinhan värivirhe sentään korjatuxi Alin ja Rolandin urakehityxen myöhemmissä vaiheissa.
ellauri198.html on line 237: Although the strike lasted nearly six months, the tide quickly turned. Union leaders had recently initiated a policy of supporting President Franklin Roosevelt and the Democratic Party. They told their workers that they could trust the Democrats and count on them to defend their interests. But Democratic governors, all allied with Roosevelt and all good friends of big business, used their power to beat strikers into submission. In Johnstown, Pennsylvania, the governor declared martial law and police reopened a closed plant and herded scabs into the factory to restart production, breaking the strike. In Ohio, the governor ordered National Guard troops from town to town to smash picket lines, beat and arrest strikers, raid union offices, and escort scabs into the factories. In Youngstown, two workers were shot dead, two more in Massillon, and another was beaten to death in Canton. Thousands more were beaten and arrested throughout the state at those and other locations.
ellauri198.html on line 239: The most terrible day, preceding those described above, was May 30th, Memorial Day. On the south side of Chicago 1,500 workers, including some of their families, marched to the Republic Steel plant for a picket line and to hold a meeting. They were met by 200 police and dozens of paddy wagons. A group of 300 workers advanced to confront the police. After debate, then heated argument, the police opened fire on the workers, first shooting dozens, then clubbing those still fleeing and many they had already shot. Ten were killed and forty others were shot, almost all in the back. One was paralyzed from the waist down. One hundred were beaten with clubs, including an eight-year-old child. After Memorial Day, workers were fearful that any wrong move could sudden death. And their union leaders offered no larger strategy to answer the violence.
ellauri198.html on line 556: Changes and off he goes!) within a rood— Ja lähtis vetään viizimättä lakaista),
ellauri198.html on line 635: Most scholars agree that the ritual performed at the tophet was child sacrifice, and they connect it to similar episodes throughout the Bible and recorded in Phoenicia (whose inhabitants were referred to as Canaanites in the Bible) and Carthage by Hellenistic sources. There is disagreement about whether the sacrifices were offered to a god named "Moloch". Based on Phoenician and Carthaginian inscriptions, a growing number of scholars believe that the word moloch refers to the type of sacrifice rather than a deity. There is currently a dispute as to whether these sacrifices were dedicated to Yahweh rather than a foreign deity.
ellauri198.html on line 720: Beginning where book six left off, Jake Chambers and Father Callahan battle the evil infestation within the Dixie Pig, a vampire lounge in New York City featuring roast human flesh and doors to other worlds. After fighting off and destroying numerous "Low-Men" and Type One Vampires, Callahan sacrifices himself to let Jake survive. In the other world—Fedic—Mia, her body now physically separated from Susannah Dean, gives birth to Mordred Deschain, the biological son of Roland Deschain and Susannah. The Crimson King is also a "co-father" of this prophetic child, so it is not surprising when "baby" Mordred's first act is to shapeshift into a spider-creature and feast on his birth-mother. Susannah shoots but fails to kill Mordred, eliminates other agents of the Crimson King, and escapes to meet up with Jake at the cross-dimensional door beneath the Dixie Pig which connects to Fedic. Maturing at an accelerated rate, Mordred later stalks Roland and the other gunslingers throughout this adventure, shifting from human to spider as the need arises, seething with an instinctive rage toward Roland, his "white daddy."
ellauri198.html on line 728: Along the way they find Patrick Danville, a young man imprisoned by someone who calls himself Joe Collins but is really a psychic vampire named Dandelo. Dandelo feeds off the emotions of his victims, and starts to feed off of Roland and Susannah by telling them jokes. Roland and Susannah are alerted to the danger by Stephen King, who drops clues directly into the book, enabling them to defeat the vampire. They discover Patrick in the basement, and find that Dandelo had removed his tongue. Patrick is freed and soon his special talent becomes evident: his drawings and paintings become reality. As their travels bring them nearer to the Dark Tower, Susannah comes to the conclusion that Roland needs to complete his journey without her. Susannah asks Patrick to draw a door she has seen in her dreams to lead her out of this world. He does so and once it appears, Susannah says goodbye to Roland and crosses over to another world.
ellauri198.html on line 818: Make a note to buy citronella. Älä huido, osta offia.
ellauri198.html on line 889: The poem as usually printed breaks off at this point, in mid-line, with the word "celestial". Keats's friend Richard Woodhouse, transcribing this poem, completed this line as "Celestial Glory dawn'd: he was a god!" Ox, nyet! nyet! The language of Hyperion is very similar to Milton's, in metre and style. However, his characters are quite different. Although Apollo falls into the image of the "Son" from Paradise Lost and of "Jesus" from Paradise Regained, he does not directly confront Hyperion as Satan is confronted. Also, the roles are reversed, and Apollo is deemed as the "challenger" to the throne, who wins it by being more "true" and thus, more "beautiful." Double yawn.
ellauri203.html on line 119: Another problem, which could make matters worse, was the intrusion of the socialist (atheist) teaching mentioned above. From his own experience, Dostoevsky knew the danger and destructiveness of this socialist way, offered by many as the way to reform society. In his letter to M. Pogodin, Dostoevsky writes that ‘socialism and Christianity are antonyms’. Christianity and private enterprise are synonyms. The danger of this way, in Dostoevsky’s opinion, was its negation of God and establishment of a new atheistic society.
ellauri203.html on line 154: But the main reason for the quarrels was ideology. "All these wretched liberals find their principal pleasure in abusing Russia," Dostoyevsky wrote in a letter to a friend in 1867, referring to Turgenev´s new novel Smoke. Turgenev by that time was living in France and Dostoyevsky, sarcastically, advised him to buy a telescope as, "otherwise, you can´t really see [Russia] at all". Turgenev was offended.
ellauri203.html on line 210: Zaarin mielitytär ahmi mieluummin stroganoffia kuin vilttynyttä patonkia. Maximilien kuoli tubiin pian näiden tapausten jälkeen.
ellauri203.html on line 217: Dostoevsky was the only 19th-century Russian writer to be sentenced to hard labor, spending four years in a Siberian camp. As fortune – or misfortune – would have it, when the exhausted novelist was finally released, he encountered the writer Maria Isaeva. The relationship was complicated from the very outset: when they met, Isaeva was married with a young son, and Dostoevsky was forced to wait until her husband passed away before he could publically offer her his wand.
ellauri203.html on line 219: However, this belated first love was not as simple as Dostoevsky had hoped. Isaeva began taunting the writer with letters telling him of her intention to marry one or other wealthy official. Although the pair did ultimately marry, their troubles continued, and the two never settled into a harmonious marriage, with Dostoevsky taking on a role more like a friend or brother to Isaeva, rather than a husband. Mark Slonim, an important Russian scholar, writes in his book The Three Loves of Dostoevsky: “He loved her for all these feelings that she excited in him. For everything that he gave her, for everything that was connected with her. And for all the pains from her.”
ellauri203.html on line 458: cruel: 'None doth offend,' which in other words means: 'None is without
ellauri203.html on line 459: offence.' and he too would say 'enough!' he too would turn away. One
ellauri203.html on line 648: Martin, a respected doctor (huoh), his wife Karin, Karin's seventeen year old brother Minus, and widowed father David of Karin and Minus' have convened at the family's summer home on an island off the coast of Sweden to celebrate David's return from the Swiss Alps, where he was substantially completing his latest novel (huoh). The family has long lived a fantasy of they being a loving one, David's extended absences which are the cause of many of the family's problems. Without that parental guidance, Minus is at a confused and vulnerable stage of his life where he is a bundle of repressed emotions, most specifically concerning not feeling loved by his father and concerning the opposite sex (huoh). He is attracted to females as a collective but does not know how to handle blatant female sexuality, especially if it is directed his way. A month earlier Karin was released from a mental institution (huoh). Her doctor has told Martin that the likelihood that she will fully recover from her illness is low, her ultimate fate being that her mental state will disintegrate totally, although she has functioned well since her release. In his love for her, Martin has vowed to himself to see her through whatever she faces. As Karin begins to lose grip on reality, Minus is the one most directly affected, although it does bring out the issues all the men are facing with regard to their interrelationships.
ellauri204.html on line 300: Während al-Ḫiḍr, das auf Arabisch „der Grüne“ bedeutet, immer nur als ein laqab-Beiname verstanden wurde, gab und gibt es über den wirklichen Namen al-Chidrs und seine Abstammung sehr unterschiedliche Lehrmeinungen. Im mittelalterlichen Maghreb war die Auffassung verbreitet, dass al-Chidr eigentlich Ahmad hieß. Der ägyptische Gelehrte Ibn Hadschar al-ʿAsqalānī (gest. 1449), der eine eigene Abhandlung über al-Chidr verfasst hat, führt dort insgesamt zehn unterschiedliche Auffassungen zur Frage von al-Chidrs Namen auf. Einige muslimische Gelehrte setzten al-Chidr auch mit verschiedenen alttestamentlichen Gestalten gleich, darunter Melchisedek, Jeremia, Elija und Elischa. Hintergrund für diese Gleichsetzungen bildeten verschiedene christliche und jüdische Erzählstoffe, zu denen al-Chidr in der islamischen Tradition in Verbindung gebracht wurde. Diejenige Lehrmeinung, die im Laufe der Zeit am meisten Verbreitung gefunden hat, besagt, dass al-Chidr über seinen Vater Malkān ein Urenkel des biblischen Eber sei und eigentlich Balyā heiße. Sie wird auch an dem Heiligtum von al-Chidr in Kataragama in Sri Lanka propagiert.
ellauri204.html on line 389: In The Odyssey, Odysseus and his crew land on Aeaea, and a team of scouts discover the palace of Circe, a witch goddess. Circe invites Odysseus’s men inside for a drink and then magically turns them into pigs. One man escapes to tell Odysseus about their comrades’ fate and Circe’s trickery. Odysseus bravely hopes to rescue his men from Circe’s enchantment; on the way to her house, Odysseus receives help from Hermes, who offers him a plan and equips him with moly, a magical herb that will protect him from Circe’s witchcraft. The plan works: the moly counters Circe’s magic, she swoons for Odysseus and transforms his crew from pigs back into men. Odysseus and Circe then make love. For a year. Finally, some of Odysseus’s crew shake him from the madness of his long Circean interlude and compel him to resume the journey home to Ithaca.
ellauri204.html on line 391: “So saying, Argeiphontes gave me the herb, drawing it from the ground, and showed me its nature. At the root it was black, but its flower was like milk. [305] Moly the gods call it, and it is hard for mortal men to dig; but with the gods all things are possible. Hermes then departed to high Olympus through the wooded isle, and I went my way to the house of Circe, and many things did my heart darkly ponder as I went. [310] So I stood at the gates of the fair-tressed goddess. There I stood and called, and the goddess heard my voice. Straightway then she came forth, and opened the bright doors, and bade me in; and I went with her, my heart sore troubled. She brought me in and made me sit on a silver-studded chair, [315] a beautiful chair, richly wrought, and beneath was a foot-stool for the feet. And she prepared me a potion in a golden cup, that I might drink, and put therein a drug, with evil purpose in her heart. But when she had given it me, and I had drunk it off, yet was not bewitched, she smote me with her wand, and spoke, and addressed me: [320] ‘Begone now to the sty, and lie with the rest of thy comrades.’ “So she spoke, but I, drawing my sharp sword from between my thighs, rushed upon Circe, as though I would slay her. But she, with a loud cry, ran beneath, and clasped my knees, and with wailing she spoke to me winged words: [325] “‘Who art thou among men, and from whence? Where is thy city, and where thy parents? Amazement holds me that thou hast drunk this charm and wast in no wise bewitched. For no man else soever hath withstood this charm, when once he has drunk it, and it has passed the barrier of his teeth. Nay, but the mind in thy breast is one not to be beguiled. [330] Surely thou art Odysseus, the man of ready device, who Argeiphontes of the golden wand ever said to me would come hither on his way home from Troy with his swift, black ship. Nay, come, put up thy sword in this here sheath, and let us two then go up into my bed, that couched together [335] in love we may put trust in each other.’ “So she spoke, but I answered her, and said:‘Circe, how canst thou bid me be gentle to thee, who hast turned my comrades into swine in thy halls, and now keepest me here, and with guileful purpose biddest me [340] go to thy chamber, and go up into thy bed, that when thou hast me stripped thou mayest render me a weakling and unmanned? Nay, verily, it is not I that shall be fain to go up into thy bed, unless thou, goddess, wilt consent to swear a mighty oath that thou wilt not plot against me any fresh mischief to my hurt.’
ellauri204.html on line 407: Such a potential often comes at a time of cultural chaos, and we are focussed on the new wave of the mythopoetic – one which considers gender diversity and inclusivity, soul ecology and a story beyond the ‘hero myth’ to which our culture has become so rigidly affixed. This allows for the ancient and deeper archetypes such as the ecologically-focussed Antihero, Green Man and the Shaman-Trickster to arise, offering a less rigid :D , more nuanced and yet expansive approach to whole humanhood.
ellauri204.html on line 436: Die Königstochter gibt den Hinweis, beim Gärtner nach dem Ritter zu suchen. Der weiß zwar nichts von einem Ritter mit goldenen Haaren, jedoch habe sein Gehilfe seinen Kindern drei goldene Äpfel gezeigt, die er angeblich bei einem Turnier gewonnen hat. Zur Rede gestellt offenbart der Gärtnerbursche schließlich, dass er der Sohn eines Königs ist. Er bittet um die Hand der Königstochter, was diese selbst und der ebenso der Vater ohne Umschweife gewähren. Zur Hochzeitsfeier erscheinen die Eltern des Goldjungen, die ihren Sohn längst tot glaubten, sowie auch ein fremder König mit großem Gefolge. Dies ist der Eisenhans, der durch die Tapferkeit des Goldjungen von einem bösen Zauber erlöst wurde.
ellauri204.html on line 682: Lord of the Flies is a 1954 novel by Nobel Prize-winning English author William Golding. The book’s premise focuses on a group of British boys stranded on an uninhabited island and their attempt to govern themselves, with disastrous results. Golding wrote his book as a counterpoint to R.M. Ballantyne’s youth novel The Coral Island, and included specific references to it, such as the rescuing naval officer’s description of the children’s pursuit of Ralph as “a jolly good show, like the Coral Island”.
ellauri206.html on line 107: He spoke of the need to both expand internet access to the nearly three billion people still offline, and to address risks such as data misuse, misinformation and cyber-crime.
ellauri206.html on line 267: Gérard de Nerval (oik.Gérard Labrunie; 22. toukokuuta 1808 Pariisi, Ranska - 26. tammikuuta 1855 Pariisi, Ranska) oli ranskalainen kirjailija ja toimittaja. Nerval kuului Théophile Gautier'n ystäviin, ja hän liikkui 1830-luvulta alkaen romantikkojen piirissä. Nerval esitteli saksankielistä kirjallisuutta Ranskassa, muun muassa esikuvaansa E. T. A. Hoffmannia sekä J. W. von Goetheä. Ei ihmekään että heput ignoreerasi. Théophile Gautier rappellera dans La Presse du 30 janvier 1853 les mots de Goethe écrits au jeune traducteur : "je ne me suis jamais si bien compris qu'en vous lisant". Nervalin haudalla seisoo Obelix.
ellauri206.html on line 533: Käyttäjiä liian vähän, puolet feikkejä: maisemakuvia, eläimiä, sarjakuvahahmoja sekä uskonnollisia iskulauseita, niitä ehkä poistetaan mutta koko ajan tulee lisää spämmi proffuja. Algoritmi näyttää 20 samaa profiilia jatkuvasti vaikka googlen mukaan käyttäjiä 10.000. Kadun että maksoin premiumtilin. Valo tiimi vois vähän tehdä jotain asialle? Liikaa pyydetty?
ellauri207.html on line 89: Like no work since the Arithmetica of Diophantus two millennia before, L. C. Parnault’s Dimensions in Mathematics presents the fullness of mathematical knowledge attained by man. From Thales to Turing, Pythagoras to Euclid, Archimedes to Newton, the Riemann Hypothesis to Fermat’s Last Theorem, Parnault escorts both serious mathematicians and the non-mathematical mind through the deepest mysteries of mathematics. Along the way he offers the greatest expositions yet of number theory, combinatorial topology, the analytics of complexity, and his own groundbreaking work on spherical astronomy. Dimensions equips even elementary readers with the tools to solve the logical puzzles of the perfect universe that can exist only in the mind of a mathematician.
ellauri207.html on line 321: Gunman at Robb elementary school, Uvalde, Texas kills 19 students and two adults before being fatally shot, officials say. Isonenäreikäinen latino meni 18vee syntymäpäivänä viime tiistaina ostamaan 2 kalashnikovia, ampui aluxi isoäitinsä ja törmäili sitten autolla aseita laukoen sisään koulun avoimesta takaovesta ja ammuskeli siellä alakouluikäisiä kaikessa rauhassa tunnin ennenkuin poliisit vaivautui hinaamaan laiskat perseensä paikalle. Eihän se ollut kuin köyhien latinojen keskinäistä kähinää.
ellauri207.html on line 327: Turning the sad incident unfairly into an issue of gun control legislation, Biden implored law enforcement officers to "turn this pain in the ass into pump action" as he ticked through some of the mass shootings since the 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, when he was vice president.
ellauri207.html on line 349: Oh, come off it.
ellauri207.html on line 351: Oh, come off it. That surly cunt of yours is squirming like a snake. Zalachenko about Lisbeth Salander, his own daughter. He was portrayed by Georgi Staykov. Sanokaas, onko tällänen sievää puhetta? Kysyn taas: mix niin monet tykkää just tälläsestä? Koska ne on apinoita.
ellauri210.html on line 505: Lotte Pritzel war weder geschäftstüchtig noch ehrgeizig. Auch zeigte sie keinerlei Ambitionen, das Wesen ihrer Puppen näher zu erläutern. Die „gern im Morphiumrausch schaffende Künstlerin“ erklärte allenfalls, ihre so graziös wie verzweifelt wirkenden Gestalten seien "Geschöpfe ihrer selbst" bzw. "Material gewordene innere Visionen". Zarte Wachs- und Stoffgebilde von raffinierter Eleganz, denen immer ein kindlich-verderbter Zug anhaftete, wie manchen Gestalten von Beardsley – fern vom Obszönen und dadurch umso reizvoller, sogar für solide Käufer. In den 1930er Jahren zog sich Lotte Pritzel, die vermutlich ein Elternteil jüdischen Glaubens hatte, aus der Öffentlichkeit zurück. Sie hatte einen Arzt geheiratet und die hatten eine Tochter Irmelin Rose. Sie starb 1952.
ellauri210.html on line 542: (Orladoffa doschkoff
ellauri210.html on line 543: orladoffa doschkoff:)
ellauri210.html on line 549: drivremmar (doschkoff) –
ellauri210.html on line 570: orlodoffa doschkoff –
ellauri210.html on line 629: Valmistuttuaan Strasbourgin École des Arts et Métiersista Arp lähti 1904 Pariisiin, jossa hän julkaisi ensimmäiset runonsa. Vuosina 1905–1907 hän opiskeli Saksassa weimarilaisessa taidekoulussa Ludwig Hoffmannin ateljeessa, mutta palasi 1908 Pariisiin, jossa hän aloitti opinnot Académie Julianissa. Hän muutti 1915 Sveitsiin maan puolueettomuuden vuoksi.
ellauri210.html on line 780: The novel starts in Spain in 1939, during the Spanish civil war, when Tanguy is forced to flee the country with his mother because of her left wing political affiliations. They find themselves in France, which is no less hostile. Forsaken by his father, Tanguy and his mother are arrested by the police and sent off to a camp for political refugees where life is difficult and they face many a hardship and insult. Finally able to escape, Tanguy's mother now decides to flee to London. In order to escape unnoticed from France, they must travel separately and Tanguy is thus separated from his mother. Discovered by the German troops he is packed off to another concentration camp where he endures a life of hunger, cold and forced physical labour that break his body and spirit, the only respite being in a young German pianist who befriends him and reminds him time and again not to hate for hatred breeds nothing but hatred. LOL.
ellauri210.html on line 782: After the war, Tanguy is sent back to Spain, Barcelona where he learns that his grandmother has recently passed away and there is no one else to take care of him. He is sent to a reformation school for juvenile delinquents and orphans, run by priests who are no less cruel and sadist than the Nazi "kapos." Bitter, Tanguy believes they are worse than the Nazis because these priests hide their sadism behind the facade of religion and confession, but that makes their sin no less. He succeeds in escaping along with a "companion," but is forced to separate from his as well. This time around, he finds himself in a school run by a group of priests but unlike the reformation school, here, Tanguy is able to grow, learn and live comfortably. It is here, that he truly flourishes and finds friends and solace. But he is still not completely at peace and sets off again in search of the parents who had abandoned and forsaken him to such a bitter destiny. He does find them eventually, but only to realise that the years of hardship and horror experienced by him have built an impenetrable barrier between them. He is no longer a left wing radical like them. He has learned not to hate the capos. Don't get mad get even. LOL.
ellauri210.html on line 837: “M. Gide,” Cravan began, “I have taken leave to call on you, though I feel myself duty bound to inform you straight off that I far prefer, for example, boxing to literature.” “Literature, however, is the only terrain on which we may profitably encounter one another,” he replied rather dryly. Cravan thought: “He certainly lives life to the full.” We spoke about literature therefore, and he asked me the following question which must be particularly dear to him: “Which of my works have you read?" "Which of my matches have you seen?"
ellauri210.html on line 895: A coffee dessert, yes, you know it's good news
ellauri210.html on line 1173: Three days before his death, he said calmly to a friend: "I am allergic to this planet". He wrote his final book in 1959 and upon completion, he asked his wife to send the manuscript to Breton. When she returned from the post office, she found him dead; he had hanged himself on the main beam of his studio. Another exit in the style of David Foster Wallace. Did he give a damn to how his wife might have taken it? Well maybe she was relieved. Asta is allergic to Miryam's kitty Chico but bears it, taking antihistamines. When she has had a bad day, she curls up in her room with Kitty in her lap.
ellauri210.html on line 1318: In the remaining quarter of the text, André distances himself from her corporeal form and descends into a meandering rumination on her absence, so much so that one wonders if her absence offers him greater inspiration than does her presence. It is, after all, the reification and materialization of Nadja as an ordinary person that André ultimately despises and cannot tolerate to the point of inducing tears. There is something about the closeness once felt between the narrator and Nadja that indicated a depth beyond the limits of conscious rationality, waking logic, and sane operations of the everyday. There is something essentially “mysterious, improbable, unique, bewildering” about her; this reinforces the notion that their propinquity serves only to remind André of Nadja's impenetrability. Her eventual recession into absence is the fundamental concern of this text, an absence that permits Nadja to live freely in André's conscious and unconscious, seemingly unbridled, maintaining her paradoxical role as both present and absent. With Nadja's past fixed within his own memory and consciousness, the narrator is awakened to the impenetrability of reality and perceives a particularly ghostly residue peeking from under its thin veil. Thus, he might better put into practice his theory of Surrealism, predicated on the dreaminess of the experience of reality within reality itself. Nadja Nadja soromnoo.
ellauri211.html on line 74: A hard-nosed hit man Raid returns to Finland and is unofficially asked to investigate the arson case involving his old flame Tarja. 10-varpainen palkkamurhaaja häviää 6-varpaiselle.
ellauri211.html on line 299: Katri Helena ja Panu Rajala olivat naimisissa vuodesta 1997 vuoteen 2004. Toissavuotisessa Katri Helena -musikaalissa Panu Rajala tuotiin kirjailijan mukaan esiin varsin kyseenalaisessa valossa. Panu Rajalaa ei musikaalissa kutsuttu hänen oikealla sukunimellään, vaan miehestä käytettiin leikkisää nimitystä Proffa. Musikaalissa Proffa liehitteli muita naisia eikä ollut vaimonsa tukena, mikä teki laulajan surulliseksi. Rakkaus rakoili nopeasti. Musikaalista kiukustuneena kirjoittamassaan paljastuskirjassa Rajala sanoo tuovansa kostoxi Katri Helenasta esiin arkisemman puolen. - Tässä tulee ehkä hieman inhimillisiä kosketuksia ja yksityiskohtia, jotka liittyvät tarinan kulkuun ja tähän draaman kaareen. Halusin tuoda joitakin inhimillisiä, arkisempia ja tavallisempia piirteitä tähän hyvin kiillotettuun tähtikuvaan. Koska hän on ollut suuren ihailun vallassa (sic) vuosikymmeniä, niin kyllä siihen liittyy vähän muutakin. Ajattelin, että teen palveluksen tuleville elämäkerran kirjoittajille antamalla tällaista läheltä nähtyä aineistoa, Rajala kertoi. Lavalla nähtiin rajuja riitoja, joissa kummatkin käyttivät kovaa kieltä toisistaan. Katri syytti Proffaa julkisuudenkipeäksi ja kaksinaamaiseksi liehittelijäksi, Proffa puolestaan haukkui Katria henkien kanssa seurustelevaksi haahuilijaksi. Kaikki repliikit oli poimittu naistenlehdistä. Ranua esittänyt hemmo tuntee esittämänsä henkilön myös todellisuudessa, he ovat tehneet yhteistyötä. Toivon, että Panu Rajala suhtautuu tähän huumorilla, Katri sanoi. Ranu on tollanen Suomen Bellow, Roth tai Knasu, kaunainen narsisti. Panu Rajala harmistui syksyllä 2010 ensi-iltansa saaneesta Katri Helena -musikaalista, koska hänet esitettiin siinä epämieluisassa valossa. Rajala oli musikaalissa Proffa, joka esitettiin suorastaan pellenä, lukeneisuudellaan pröystäilevänä hienostelijana. Panu alkoi panna Marjaa Katrin selän takana. Panu Rajala ja Marja Norha vihittiin Sastamalan vanhassa kirkossa 2007. Panu Rajalan ei tarvitse piilotella sivistyneisyyttään nykyisen vaimovainajansa kanssa. Hän on opettaja! Tai siis oli, ei sekään kestänyt kovaa käyttöä.
ellauri213.html on line 244: The Suicide Act 1961 (9 & 10 Eliz 2 c 60) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. It decriminalised the act of suicide in England and Wales so that those who kill themselves would no longer be prosecuted. The Act did not apply to Scotland, as suicide was never an offence under Scots Law.
ellauri213.html on line 254: In 1908, Baden-Powell's book Scouting for Boys came out in Russia by the order of Tsar Nicholas II. It was called Young Scout (Юный Разведчик, Yuny Razvedchik). On April 30 [O.S. April 17] 1909, a young officer, Colonel Oleg Pantyukhov, organized the first Russian Scout troop Beaver (Бобр, Bobr) in Pavlovsk, a town near Tsarskoye Selo, St. Petersburg region. In 1910, Baden-Powell visited Nicholas II in Tsarskoye Selo and they had a very pleasant conversation, as the Tsar remembered it. In 1914, Pantyukhov established a society called Russian Scout (Русский Скаут, Russkiy Skaut). The first Russian Scout campfire was lit in the woods of Pavlovsk Park in Tsarskoye Selo. A Russian Scout song exists to remember this event. Scouting spread rapidly across Russia and into Siberia, and by 1916, there were about 50,000 Scouts in Russia. Nicholas' son Tsarevich Aleksei was a Scout himself.
ellauri213.html on line 300: Samantha Karen Fox (born 15 April 1966) is an English pop singer and former glamour model from East London. She rose to public attention aged 16, when her mother entered her photographs in an amateur modelling contest run by The Sunday People tabloid newspaper. After she placed second in the contest, she received an offer from The Sun to model topless on Page 3, where she made her first appearance on 22 February 1983, at the tender age of 17, sporting huge balloons already then. She continued to appear on Page 3 until 1986, becoming the most popular pin-up girl of her era, as well as one of the most photographed British women of the 1980s. She looked like a fox with balloons glued up front. Never liked her face anyway.
ellauri213.html on line 311: The Sun ceased publishing topless Page 3 images in its Republic of Ireland edition in 2013, in its UK editions in 2015, and on its website in 2017. The Daily Star also ceased publishing images of topless glamour models in 2019. However, these decisions were not necessarily a direct result of the No More Page 3 campaign. The then official photographer for Page 3, Alison Webster, also criticised the campaign, saying "people should be able to make their own choices". Prime Minister David Cameron replied, "I think on this one I think it is probably better to leave it to the consumer."
ellauri213.html on line 350: Over the years, Iraq has provided safe haven to terrorists such as Abu Nidal, whose terror organization carried out more than 90 terrorist attacks in 20 countries that killed or injured nearly 900 people, including 12 Americans. Iraq has also provided safe haven to Abu Abbas, who was responsible for seizing the Egyptian ship Achille Lauro and killing an American passenger. Following the murder of Leon Klinghoffer, the Klinghoffer family founded the Leon and Marilyn Klinghoffer Memorial Foundation, in cooperation with the Anti-Defamation League.
ellauri213.html on line 352: Achille Lauron kaappaus tapahtui 7. lokakuuta 1985, kun neljä Palestiinan vapautusrintamaa (PLF) edustavaa miestä kaappasi Egyptin rannikon edustalla italialaisen valtamerilaivan MS Achille Lauron hänen purjehtiessaan Aleksandriasta Ashdodiin , Israeliin . Kaappaajat murhasivat 69-vuotiaan amerikkalaisen juutalaisen miehen pyörätuolissa, Leon Klinghofferin, ja hänet heitettiin yli laidan. Kaappaus aiheutti "Sigonella-kriisin". Abbasin mukaan Arafat oli lähettänyt hänet vakuuttavan argumentointityylinsä vuoksi, että neljä palestiinalaista oli saanut paniikkikohtauksen käynnistämään kaappauksen ja että hänen yksinään oli ratkaiseva rooli matkustajien vapauttamisessa. Seuraavana päivänä, 13. lokakuuta, Yhdysvallat esitti protestin Italian salliessa Abbasin lähteä ja pyysi myös hänen luovuttamistaan Jugoslaviasta (joka tunnusti diplomaattisesti PLO:n). Lokakuun 14. päivään mennessä Tanyug, Jugoslavian lehdistötoimisto ja PLO:n virkamiehet Jugoslaviassa ilmoittivat, että Abbas oli lähtenyt Jugoslaviasta. Yhdysvaltain ulkoministeriö julkaisi lausunnon, jossa se julisti "äärimmäisen pettymyksen" siitä, että Jugoslavian viranomaiset olivat evänneet heidän pyyntönsä. Vaikka Youssef Majed Molqi (kaappaaja, joka ampui Klinghofferin) sai yhden ryhmän pisimmistä tuomioista, tuomioistuin mainitsi lieventävänä seikkana hänen lapsuutensa olosuhteet väkivallan ympäröimänä palestiinalaispakolaisleirillä. Vuoden 1988 lehdistötilaisuudessa Algeriassa Abbas tarjosi toisenlaisen selityksen Klinghofferin kuolemalle "Ehkä hän yritti uida kotiin." Vuonna 1994 Saddam Hussein antoi Abbasille turvapaikan Irakissa. Abbas (syntynyt Syyrian pakolaisleirillä) sai uuden kotinsa Gazaan (sen jälkeen, kun hänelle myönnettiin armahdus vuonna 1996 Oslon rauhansopimusten vuonna 1993 allekirjoittamisen mukaisesti). Hänestä tuli Palestiinan kansallisneuvoston edustaja. Maanantaina 14. huhtikuuta 2003 Irakin sodan aikana Yhdysvaltain erikoisjoukot vangitsivat Abbasin Bagdadin laitamilla Yhdysvaltain tiedustelupalvelun tietojen perusteella. Lokakuussa 2002 presidentti George W. Bush oli syyttänyt Irakia siitä, että se oli "tarjonnut turvasataman" Abbasille ja esitti tämän toisena perusteena sotilaalliselle toimille. (Toinenhan oli se asepiilovedätys.) Maanantaina 8. maaliskuuta 2004 Abbas, 55, kuoli "luonnollisiin syihin" (hapenpuute tai verenkiertohäiriö) ollessaan amerikkalainen vanki irakilaisvankilassa Bagdadin ulkopuolella.
ellauri213.html on line 354: The Achille Lauro hijacking has inspired a number of dramatic retellings, including The Death of Klinghoffer (1991), an opera by John Adams and Alice Goodman after a concept of theatre director Peter Sellars. Its depiction of the hijacking has proved controversial. Controversy surrounded the American premiere and other productions in the years which followed. Some critics and audience members condemned the production as antisemitic and appearing to be sympathetic to the hijackers. Adams, Goodman, and Sellars repeatedly claimed that they were trying to give equal voice to both Israelis and Palestinians with respect to the political background. That kind of unpatriotic talk was effectively silenced with the Iraqi wars and the 9/11 incident. It is unpatriotic to be impartial.
ellauri213.html on line 395: It is used in the Arabic language to cuss someone else and is considered one of the strongest most offensive phrase you can say to a person. Always expect a fight after it.
ellauri213.html on line 434: Seuraavassa on listattuna pahoja naisia rikkomuxineen (kuvissa söpöset alleviivattu): Irma Grese (Naziwächterin), Myra Hindley (serial pedocide), Isabela of Castile (born in the year 1451 and died in 1504, Isabella the Catholic, was queen of Castile and León. She and her husband, Ferdinand II of Aragon, brought stability to the kingdoms that became the basis for the unification of Spain. Isabella and Ferdinand are known for completing the Reconquista, ordering conversion or exile of their Muslim and Jewish subjects and financing Christopher Columbus’ 1492 voyage that led to the opening of the “New World”. Isabella was granted the title Servant of God by the Catholic Church in 1974), Beverly Allitt (pedocide, Angel of Death), Queen Mary of England (catholic), Belle Gunness (norwegian-american serial killer), Mary Ann Cotton (serial killer), Ilse Koch (Lagerfrau), Katherine Knight (very bad Aussie), Elizabeth Bathory (hungarian noblewoman and serial killer), Sandra Avila Beltran (drugs), Patty Hearst (hänen isoisänsä oli lehtikeisari William Randolph Hearst. Hiän joutui kidnappauksen uhriksi, mutta pian tämän jälkeen hiän teki pankkiryöstön ja joutui vankilaan), Genene Jones (infanticide nurse), Karla Homolka (Canadian serial killer), Diane Downs (infanticide), Aileen Wuornos (serial killer), Griselda Blanco (drug lady), Lizzie Borden (kirvesmurhaaja), Bonnie Parker (bank robber), Anne Bonny (pirate), Mary Bell (pedocide), Delphine LaLaurie (serial slavekiller), Patricia Krenwinkel (Manson family member), Leslie van Houten (Manson family member), Darlie Routier (infanticide), Susan Smith (infanticide), Susan Atkins (Manson family member), Ching Shih (pirate), Anna Sorokin Delvey (con woman), Amelia Dyer (serial killer), Assata Shakur (black terrorist), Belle Gunness (serial killer), Gypsy Rose Blanchard (matricide), Pamela Smart (mariticide), Ruth Ellis (nightclub hostess, last woman hanged in UK), Phoolan Devi (bandit), Ma Barker (matriarch), Jennifer Pan (parenticide), Virginia Hill (gangster), Karla Faye Tucker (burglar, first woman injected in US), Leonarda Cianciully (serial murderer, soapmaker), Mary Read, Carill Ann Fugate (murder spree), Grace Marks (maid), Belle Starr (outlaw, friend of Lucky Luke), Zerelda Mimms (Mrs. Jesse James), Jane Toppan (serial killer), Sara Jane Moore (wannabe assassin of Gerald Ford), Martha Beck (serial killer), Doris Payne (jewel thief), Mary Brunner (Manson family member), Barbara Graham (executed by gas), Grace O'Malley (pirate), Sada Abe (jealous geisha. When they asked why she had killed Ishida, “Immediately she became excited and her eyes sparkled in a strange way: ‘I loved him so much, I wanted him all to myself. But since we were not husband and wife, as long as he lived he could be embraced by other women. I knew that if I killed him no other woman could ever touch him again, so I killed him…..’ ), Samantha Lewthwaite (white somali terrorist), Theresa Knorr (murderess), Lynette Fromme (Manson family, wannabe assassin of Gerald Ford), The Freeway Phantom (serial killer), Carol M. Bundy (serial killer), Fanny Kaplan (bolshevik revolutionary), Marguerite Alibert (Ed VII courtesan), Jean Harris (author), Linda Hazzard (physician, serial killer), Mary Jane Kelly (1st victim of Jack the Ripper), Kim Hyon-hui (North-Korean spy), Vera Renczi (serial killer), Clare Bronfman (filthy rich criminal), Kirsten Gilbert (serial killer nurse), Gerda Steinhoff (Lagerwächterin), Linda Carty (baby robber), Estella Marie Thompson (black prostitute, blowjobbed Hugh Grant), Elizabeth Becker (Lagerwächterin), Juana Barraza (asesina en serie), Olivera Circovic (baseball player, writer, jewel thief), Olga Hepnarova (mental serial killer), Sabina Eriksson (knäpp tvilling), Minnie Dean (serial killer), Madame de Brinvilliers (aristocrat parri- and fratricide), Martha Rendell (familicide, last woman hanged in Western Australia), Violet Gibson (wannabe assassin of Mussolini), Idoia López Riaño (terrorist), Styllou Christofi (murdered her daughter in law), Mary Eastley (convicted of witchcraft), Wanda Klaff (Lagerwächterin), Giulia Tofana (avvelenatrice), Tisiphone (1/3 raivottaresta), Jean Lee (murderer for money), Brigitte Mohnhaupt (RAF terrorist), Marcia (mistress of Commodus), Beate Zschäpe (far-right terrorist), Evelyn Frechette (singer, Dillingerin heila), Francoise Dior (naziaktivisti), Linda Mulhall (nirhasi äidin poikaystävän saxilla), Brigit Hogefeld (RAF terrorist), Martha Corey (Salem witchhunt victim), Marie Lafarge (arsenikkimurha), Debra Lafave (teacher, gave blow job to student), Enriqueta Marti (asasina en serie), Alse Young (witch hanging victim), Elizabeth Michael (actress, involuntary manslaughter: nasty boyfriend hit his head and died while beating her), Susannah Martin (witchcraft), Maria Mandl (Gefängnisoffizerin), Mary Frith (pickpocket and fence), Hanadi Jaradat (suicide bomber), Marie-Josephte Carrivau (mariticide), Gudrun Ensslin (RAF founder), Anna Anderson (vale-Anastasia), Ans van Dijk (jutku nazikollaboraattori), Elizabeth Holmes (bisneshuijari), Ghislaine Maxwell (Epsteinin haahka), Julianna Farrait (drugs), Yolanda Saldivar (embezzler, killer), Jodi Arias (convicted killer Jodi Ann Arias was born on July 9, 1980, in Salinas, California. In the summer of 2008, Arias made national headlines when she was charged with murdering her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander, a 30-year-old member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who was working as a motivational speaker and insurance salesman. Aargh. Justifiable homicide.) Alyssa Bustamante (kid murder), Mary Kay Letourneau (kid abuser), Mirtha Young (drugs), Catherine Nevin (mariticide), Pilar Prades (maid), Irmgard Möller (terrorist), Christine Schürrer (krimi), Reem Riyashi (suicide bomber), Amy Fisher (jealous), Wafa Idris (suicide bomber), Jeanne de Clisson (ex-noblewoman), Christine Papin (maid murderer), Sally McNeil (body builder), Mariette Bosch (murderer), Sandra Ávila Beltrán (drugs), Alice Schwarzer (journalist), Andrea Yates (litter murderer), Mimi Wong (bar hostess), Pauline Nyiramasuhuko (criminal politician), Josefa Segovia (murderer), Martha Needle (serial killer), Antonina Makarova (war criminal), Mary Surratt (criminal businessperson), Dorothea Binz (officer), Leona Helmsley (tax evasion), Angela Rayola (reality tv personality), Léa Papin (maid murderer), Ursula Erikssson (kriminell mördare), Maria Petrovna (spree killer), Aafia Siddiqui (criminal), Fatima Bernawi (palestinian militant), La Voisin (fortune teller), Deniz Seki (singer), Rasmea Odeh (Arab activist), Hildegard Lächert (nurse), Sajida al-Rishawi (suicide bomber), Hayat Boumeddiene (ISIS groupie, nähty viimexi Al Holissa), Herta Ehlert (Lagerwächterin), Elizabeth Stride (seriös mördare), Adelheid Schulz (krimi), Jenny-Wanda Barkman (Wächter), Shi Jianqiao (pardoned assassin. The assassination of Sun Chuanfang was ethically justified as an act of filial piety and turned into a political symbol of the legitimate vengeance against the Japanese invaders.), Rosemary West (serial killer), Juana Bormann (Lagerwächterin), Kathy Boudin (criminal), Kate Webster (assassin), Teresa Lewis (murderer), Hermine Braunsteiner (Lagerwächterin), Flor Contemplacion (assassina), Constance Kent (fratricide), Tamara Samsonova (serial killer), Herta Bothe (Lagerwächterin), Maria Gruber (Mörderin), Irene Leidolf (möderin), Waltraud Wagner (Mörderin), Elaine Campione (criminelle), Greta Bösel (Pflegerin), Marie Manning (Mörderin), Darya Nikolayevna Saltykova (sadist), Nora Parham (executed), Maria Barbella (assassina), Linda Wenzel (ISIS activist), Anna Marie Hahn (Mörderin), Suzane von Richthofen (parenticide), Charlotte Mulhall (murderer), Khioniya Guseva (kriminal), Daisy de Melker (serial killer nurse), Stephanija Meyer (Mörderin), Sinedu Tadesse (murderer), Ayat al-Akhras (suicide bomber), Akosita Lavulavu (minister of infrastructure and tourism), Sabrina de Sousa (criminal diplomat), Sally Basset (poisoner), Emma Zimmer (Aufseher), Mary Clement (serial killer), Irina Gaidamachuk (serial killer), Dagmar Overbye (serialmorder), Gesche Gottfried (Mörderin), Frances Knorr (serial killer), Beate Schmidt (Serienmörderin), Elizabeth Clarke (accused victim of witchcraft), Kim Sun-ja (serial killer), Olga Konstantinovana Briscorn (serial killer), Roxana Baldetti (politico), Rizana Nafeek (house maid), Margaret Scott (accused of witchcraft), Jacqueline Sauvage (meurtrier), Veronique Courjault (tueur en série), Barbara Erni (thief), Hilde Lesewitz (Schutzstaffel Wächterin), Thenmoli Rajaratnam (suicide bomber), etc. etc..
ellauri214.html on line 70: In response to a Twitter post about how COVID-19 has been affecting people who menstruate, Rowling wrote, “‘People who menstruate.’ I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?”. In this post, Rowling mocks trans people by insinuating that women who do not have a period are not real women. This tweet not only offended trans women who do not have periods, but also cisgender women born with medical conditions that prevent them from having a period, older women who have gone through menapause, and transgender men who still menstrate. Rowling has continued to bash transgender people by comparing hormone therapy to gay conversion therapy and tweeting articles arguing that transitioning is a medical experiment. Many have called Rowling out on her transphobia, and some have attempted to educate her on transgender issues and the difference between sex and gender. However, the author has not been receptive to these comments, and continues to deny that she is transphobic. Rowling’s transphobia has prompted Harry Potter actors Daniel Radcliff (Harry Potter), Emma Watson (Hermionie Granger), Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley), Bonnie Wright (Ginny Weasley), and Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood) to show their support for the transgender community. The only actor staunchly standing on her side is Tom Veladro (Voldemort). Oops, I shouldn't have said the name.
ellauri214.html on line 224: The phrase "said the actress to the bishop" is a colloquial and vulgar British exclamation, offering humor by serving as a punch line that exposes an unintended double entendre. An equivalent phrase in North America is " that's what she said ".
ellauri214.html on line 230: Matthew R. Meier of West Chester University of Pennsylvania and Christopher A. Medjesky of the University of Findlay have argued that such off-hand, common remarks such as 'that's what she said' jokes are deeply entrenched in modern society, and contribute to humorizing and legitimizing sexual misconduct.
ellauri214.html on line 243: It was during the reign of Myrina that the Amazons encountered another race of female warriors known as the Gorgons. The Amazons and their defeated neighbors, the Atlanteans, were at peace with each other, but Atlantis was raided repeatedly by the Gorgons, who lived nearby. In Greek myth, the Gorgons were monsters with snakes instead of hair and faces so fearsome that looking directly at them could turn a mortal into stone. Diodorus scoffed at these stories of monsters and claimed that, like the Amazons, the Gorgons were nothing more than fierce tribal women who were skilled in warfare. Myrina’s large army went to the aid of Atlantis and defeated the Gorgons, capturing more than 3,000 Gorgon warriors. The captive Gorgons began a rebellion but were put down by the Amazons, who killed every remaining prisoner.
ellauri214.html on line 703: Mutta mitä enemmän hän luki, sitä enemmän hän kaipasi seuraavia aakkosten alkupään kirjailijoita: Augustinusta, Andersenia. Aristotelesta, Avicennaa, Blakea, Chestertonia, Dantea, Darwinia, Diogenes Laertiosta, Eckhartia, Eriugenaa. Eukleidesta, Freudia, Goethea, Grimmin veljeksiä, Heinea, Hegeliä, Hoffmannia, Homerosta, Hölderliniä, Hugota,
ellauri216.html on line 212: Doch fällt mein Herz und Hoffen nicht. Ei säry sydän sentään eikä toiveikkuus.
ellauri217.html on line 641: Confucius´ li consists of the norms of proper social behavior as taught to others by fathers, village elders and government officials. The teachings of li promoted ideals such as filial piety, brotherliness, righteousness, good faith and loyalty.
ellauri217.html on line 711: At the council, following advice offered by Simon Peter (Acts 15:7–11 and Acts 15:14), Barnabas and Paul gave an account of their ministry among the gentiles (Acts 15:12), and the apostle James quoted from the words of the prophet Amos (Acts 15:16–17, quoting Amos 9:11–12). James added his own words to the quotation: "Known to God from eternity are all His works" and then submitted a proposal, which was accepted by the Church and became known as the Apostolic Decree:
ellauri217.html on line 723: In conclusion, therefore, it appears that the least unsatisfactory solution of the complicated textual and exegetical problems of the Apostolic Decree is to regard the fourfold decree as original (foods offered to idols, strangled meat, eating blood, and unchastity—whether ritual or moral), and to explain the two forms of the threefold decree in some such way as those suggested above. An extensive literature exists on the text and exegesis of the Apostolic Decree. According to Jacques Dupont, "Present day scholarship is practically unanimous in considering the 'Eastern' text of the decree as the only authentic text (in four items) and in interpreting its prescriptions in a sense not ethical but ritual (whatever that means)".
ellauri219.html on line 196: His parents divorced before he was 10, and he lived with various relatives over the next decade. His British-born father, Myron (Mickey) Schneider, was a shoe clerk; they saw each other very infrequently. His mother, Sally Marr (legal name Sadie Schneider, born Sadie Kitchenberg), was a stage performer and dancer and had an enormous influence on Bruce's career. He defiantly convinced his ship's medical officer that he was experiencing homosexual urges toward him, leading to his dishonorable discharge in July 1945. However, he had not admitted to or been found guilty of any breach of naval regulations, and successfully applied to change his discharge to "Under Honorable Conditions ... by reason of unsuitability for the naval service". At Hanson's diner Bruce met Joe Anjovis (named by his taste) who had a profound influence on Bruce's approach to comedy.
ellauri219.html on line 198: Branded a "sick comic", Bruce was essentially blacklisted from television, and when he did appear, thanks to sympathetic fans like Hefner and Steve Allen, it was with great concessions to Broadcast Standards and Practices. Jokes that might offend, like an extremely boring routine on airplane-glue-sniffing teenagers that was done live for The Steve Allen Show in 1959, had to be typed out and pre-approved by network officials. On his debut on Allen's show, Bruce made an unscripted comment on the recent marriage of Elizabeth Taylor to Eddie Fisher, wondering, "Will Elizabeth Taylor become bat mitzvahed?"
ellauri219.html on line 211: Bruce paved the way for kitchen counter culture-era comedians. His trial for obscenity was a landmark of freedom of speech in the United States. Vittu mikä vapaan puheen edustaja, helvetti. In 2017, Rolling Stone magazine ranked him third (behind Richard Pryor and George Carlin) on its list of the 50 best stand-up comics of all time. "Olen offensiivinen", kalansilmä narsisti. Virnuilee koko ajan omille vizeilleen. Good riddance of bad rubbish.
ellauri219.html on line 319: Something of a Mae West (No.3) for her generation, Marilyn Monroe starred alongside Tony Curtis (No.22) in Some Like It Hot, and became the Hollywood pin-up of the 50s. Her shock death still attracts conspiracy theories; Sgt. Pepper was officially released on what would have been her 41st birthday ( June 1, 1967).
ellauri219.html on line 459: Immortalized in the 1962 film Lawrence Of Arabia, in which he was played by Peter O’Toole, TE Lawrence was a British archaeologist and military officer who became a liaison to the Arab forces during the Arab Revolt of 1916 to 1918. His 1922 book, Seven Pillars Of Wisdom, recounted his experiences during the war and laid the foundations for much of his legend.
ellauri219.html on line 475: The very definition of a “triple threat,” Shirley Temple was an actress, singer, and dancer who became a child star in the 30s. She also appears on the Sgt. Pepper album cover three times over, her hair poking out from between the wax figures of John Lennon (No.62) and Ringo Starr (No.63), and also standing in front of the model of Diana Dors (No.70). There’s also a cloth figure of the star off to the far right, wearing a jumper emblazoned with the slogan “Welcome The Rolling Stones.”
ellauri219.html on line 498: Famed for his non-violent protests and for leading the movement for Indian independence from British rule, Mahatma Gandhi was ultimately removed from the Sgt. Pepper album cover due to concerns that the use of his image would cause offense to the people of India.
ellauri219.html on line 794: I am utterly, completely, over-the-top astonished that the answers offered to date are missing the point. Including from people whose judgement I respect.
ellauri219.html on line 796: No it is not because of Trump. People outside of America slagged off the US in the Clinton years, and the Nixon years, and the Eisenhower years. The negative perception was cemented in the 60s, and everything since has been confirmation bias. So what had happened? Two obviously invasive lost wars in Indochina and nasty machinations here and there, Middle East and South America in particular. Pretty obvious what the fuckheads were (and are) up to: world conquest for the cause of American capitalism, nothing less.
ellauri219.html on line 832: And there is something… “gee willywickers” about the way Truth Justice and The American Way have been inflated in American mass culture, quite plausibly rooted in that class insecurity, that makes outside cultural elites (and the people that follow after them) reflexively sneer, once they realise the foundations are rotten. Add to this the ludicrous fact that America has no high culture. These are disappointed suitors: they’re not going to console themselves over the emptiness of Scrooge McDuck by turning to Wilt Whatman. Who was no better off than Scrooge by way of civility.
ellauri219.html on line 956: Joyce Yeaw will likely never forget the day in April 2010 she tried to return some borrowed cheese to Jordan Peterson’s roommate. Once she arrived, she saw Peterson having sex with his pit bull on his bed. Understandably horrified, Yeaw called the cops, but Peterson convinced the officers that he was “just hugging his dog” and he escaped arrest. Two months later, Yeaw again entered the residence, and saw Peterson having sex with the pit bull a second time—on the living room floor. Yeaw called the cops again, and this time, he was arrested.
ellauri220.html on line 104: The major image in the poem is the ferry. It symbolizes continual movement, backward and forward, a universal piston like motion in space and time. The ferry moves on, from a point of land, through water, to another point of land. Land and water thus form part of the symbolistic pattern of the poem. Land symbolizes the physical; water symbolizes the spiritual. The circular flow from the physical to the spiritual connotes the dual nature of the universe. Dualism, in philosophy, means that the world is ultimately composed of, or explicable in terms of, two basic entities, such as mind and matter, yin and yang. From a moral point of view, it means that there are two mutually antagonistic principles in the universe — dick and cunt, good and evil. In Whitman's view, both the mind and the spirit are realities and matter is only a means which enables man to realize this truth. His world is dominated by a sense of good, and evil has a very subservient place in it. Man, in Whitman's world, while overcoming the duality of the universe, desires fusion with the sheboy. In this attempt, man tries to transcend the boundaries of space and time, never letting off that dear piston like movement, in and out, in and out.
ellauri220.html on line 271:
Father Paulus Father Paulus offers Nick advice while he's in prison for murder, helping him understand the importance of "naming" the world.
ellauri220.html on line 300: (The Americas) Non-Hispanic U.S. national. Hence Gringolandia, the United States; not always a pejorative term, unless used with intent to offend.
ellauri220.html on line 334: (US) a black person. Once generally accepted as inoffensive, this word is now considered disrespectful by some. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) continues to use its full name unapologetically. This is not to be confused with the term "person of color" which is the preferred term for collectively referring to all non-white people.
ellauri220.html on line 357: (South Africa) a. a black person. Arabic for heathen. Considered very offensive.
ellauri220.html on line 371: (International) a black person. From the word negro, which means the color black in numerous languages. Diminutive appellations include Nigg and Nigz. Over time, the terms nigga and niggaz (plural) have come to be frequently used between some African or black diaspora without the negative associations of nigger. Considered very offensive and typically censored as "the n-word" even in reference to its use. The terms niggress, negress, and nigette are feminized formulations of the term.
ellauri220.html on line 475: "Oh, you speak English! Good! [in German] You can turn off the subtitles now."
ellauri220.html on line 478: Sometimes, when a language is spoken by a non-native speaker, their speech patterns feature traits that show that the speaker is a foreigner. This may include the use of words from the speaker's native language, or errors in their syntax. See You No Take Candle (and its subtrope Tonto Talk) for cases where foreigners consistently talk with very poor grammar and lack of vocabulary. Supertrope to the more racial Asian Speekee Engrish and Tonto Talk, and like them sometimes Truth in Television, although also like them it can sometimes also be considered offensive or politically incorrect if used poorly. Compare Hulk Speak and Strange-Syntax Speaker. See also Gratuitous Foreign Language and As Long as It Sounds Foreign, wherein nobody's supposed to understand any of the words.
ellauri220.html on line 643: Tizzone. Italian word for black person. Literal meaning is burnt. " So lets get this straight, your'e ditsoon, charcoal briquette. Get the ditsoon mug. ditsoon (rude & offensive) Black-skinned person. Etim. "tizzone" in Italian. Literally meaning "ember". " Yo, you! Yeah you! The ditsoon in the white jacket !"
ellauri221.html on line 99: Le 9 avril 1946, le député Marcel Roclore présente le rapport de la Commission de la famille, de la population et de la santé publique, et conclut à la nécessité de la fermeture. Le député Pierre Dominjon dépose une proposition de loi dans ce sens qui est votée le 13 avril 1946 à la chambre des députés. La fermeture des maisons closes est appliquée à partir du 6 novembre 1946. Le fichier national de la prostitution est détruit et remplacé par un fichier sanitaire et social de la prostitution (loi du 24 avril 1946). Environ 1 400 établissements sont fermés, dont 195 à Paris (177 établissements officiels) : les plus connus comme le Chabanais, le Sphinx, La Rue des Moulins, le One-Two-Two mais aussi les sinistres maisons d’abattage comme le Fourcy et le Charbo… Beaucoup de tenanciers de maisons closes se reconvertirent en propriétaires d'hôtels de passe. La prostitution est alors une activité libre ; seules sont interdites son organisation et son exploitation — le proxénétisme — et ses manifestations visibles.
ellauri221.html on line 302: Bond meets Goodhead again once Drax puts them under ´Moonraker 5´ to be incinerated by the lift-off. They escape and are able to pilot ´Moonraker 6´. After following Drax to his space station, Goodhead and Bond listen to Drax´s speech and leave. Jaws later captures them after the first globe is launched. Drax tells Bond about his plan about having perfect human beings on his earth, with no physical peculiarity or ugliness, but this is overheard by Jaws. He sees that because of his ugly steel teeth, he will be destroyed alongside his ugly girlfriend, Dolly, so turns on Drax and helps Bond and Goodhead to fight Drax´s men. After Bond goes to defeat Drax, Goodhead helps him, and Dolly and Jaws get off on the self-destructing space station, escaping on a pod of their own into Earth´s atmosphere. Bond and Goodhead go after the globe, nearly destroying its inhabitants, but not quite. Bugger it.
ellauri221.html on line 307: James Bond is back for another mission and this time, he is blasting off into space. A spaceship travelling through space is mysteriously hijacked and Bond must work quickly to find out who was behind it all. He starts with the rockets creators, Drax Industries and the man behind the organization, Hugo Drax. On his journey he ends up meeting Dr. Holly Goodhead and encounters the metal-toothed Jaws once again.
ellauri222.html on line 117: “I am an American, Chicago born” begins the famous first sentence of “The Adventures of Augie March.” The author of that sentence was actually an illegal immigrant, Canada born, and the words were written in Paris. Bellow’s father, Abraham Belo, was born in a shtetl inside the Pale of Settlement. He began his career in St. Petersburg as a produce broker, specializing in Egyptian onions and Spanish fruit. The family seems to have been quite well off. Abraham had used a forged document to work in St. Petersburg, and, when this was discovered, he was arrested and convicted. He may have gone to prison. But he managed to escape and, in 1913, to get his family to Canada.
ellauri222.html on line 123: But Chicago was a city of immigrants. It also had a large Jewish population—by 1931, according to Leader, nearly three hundred thousand in a city of 3.3 million. All the Bellow children assimilated happily and all became well off. Saul is often associated with the University of Chicago, where he taught for many years as a member of the legendary Committee on Social Thought. He was a student there, but for less than two years. He had to withdraw for financial reasons (a truck driver was killed in an accident at his father’s coal yard and the insurance had lapsed), and he transferred to Northwestern, from which he graduated in 1937.
ellauri222.html on line 169: At Bard, Bellow became close friends with a literature professor named Jack Ludwig. As Leader describes him, Ludwig was an oversized personality, a big man, extravagant, a shameless purveyor of bad Yiddish, and an operator. Ludwig idolized Bellow; people who knew them said that Ludwig wanted to be Bellow. He flattered Bellow, went for long walks with him, started up a literary journal with him, and generally insinuated himself into Bellow’s life. Bellow accepted the proffer of adulatory attentiveness. The couples (Ludwig was married) socialized together. This was the period when Bellow wrote “Seize the Day,” which Partisan Review published in a single issue, in 1956, after The New Yorker turned it down, and “Henderson the Rain King,” published in 1959, a novel whose hero was based on a neighbor of the Bellows in upstate New York.
ellauri222.html on line 171: Saul and Sasha got married in 1956, after Bellow had obtained a Nevada divorce. Sasha accepted the domestic role that Bellow insisted on without demur. She says that when they had a son, Adam, Bellow told her that the baby was her responsibility—he was too old to raise another kid. In 1958, Bellow was offered a one-year position at the University of Minnesota. He insisted that Ludwig receive an appointment as well; the university obliged, and the families moved to Minneapolis together.
ellauri222.html on line 187: Howe wrote that “Herzog” was a novel “driven by an idea”—the idea that modern man can overcome alienation and despair. Howe could see the appeal of this idea, but he was worried that it might not have been “worked out with sufficient care.” The reviewer in the Times Book Review thought that the novel offered “a credo for the times.” “The age is full of fearful abysses,” the reviewer explained. “If people are to go ahead, they must move into and through these abysses,” and so on.
ellauri222.html on line 205: Horrified that Madeleine and Gersbach might be abusing his child (in the novel, a girl), Herzog rushes off to his deceased father’s house, finds a gun his father owned, and goes to Madeleine’s. It is evening. He creeps into the yard and watches Madeleine and Gersbach through the window, loaded pistol in hand. What he sees is an ordinary domestic scene. Gersbach is giving the little girl a bath. Herzog creeps away.
ellauri222.html on line 279: There aren't many people to whom I can be so open. We've always been candid with each other and I hope we will continue, both of us, to say what we think. You'll be sore at me, but I believe you won't cast me off for ever. Love, Shlomo.
ellauri222.html on line 499: The Kinsmans are undertakers. Their son Joe Kinsman ran off with Howard Coblin to join the Marines and went to war in Nicaragua.
ellauri222.html on line 543: Uncle Charlie Magnus is Lucy’s father. He gets Simon started in the coal business and pushes Lucy to break off her relationship with Augie.
ellauri222.html on line 551: A cousin of Simon’s wife Charlotte, Lucy becomes Augie’s steady girlfriend. A pretty, rich, shallow girl who likes to have fun, she doesn’t seem to have deep feelings for Augie. She breaks off the relationship when she hears that Augie has taken Mimi for an abortion.
ellauri222.html on line 623: Renée is the young, beautiful, blond mistress of Simon. Simon spends his days with Renée, but goes home each night to Charlotte. Renée becomes angry and jealous because Simon never intends to leave his wife. When Charlotte finds out about the affair and demands a stop to it, Renée attempts suicide by swallowing pills (apparently an attention-getting gesture), and claims (falsely) that she is pregnant with Simon’s baby. She causes a scandal, opening a lawsuit against Simon. Charlotte and Simon have to go to court to fend her off.
ellauri222.html on line 627: The Renlings hire Augie to sell horse-riding gear at their sporting goods store in Evanston, Illinois. Mrs. Renling wishes to make Augie the perfect gentleman by giving him a distinguished wardrobe and sending him to college. Since the Renlings have no children of their own, they even offer to adopt Augie, but he declines.
ellauri222.html on line 671: Clem, the younger of Tambow’s two sons, and the cousin of Jimmy Klein, is a good friend to Augie. He is an easy spender and refuses to work, preferring to beg money off his father. When his father dies, he inherits his money. He has a crush on Mimi. Clem eventually goes to the University of Chicago, earning a degree in psychology, and invites Augie to join him in a counseling practice. Augie has a great deal of affection for Clem. Clem is the audience for Augie’s speech about “axial lines.”
ellauri222.html on line 707: Marston's character was a native of an all-female utopia of Amazons who became a crime-fighting U.S. government agent, using her superhuman strength and agility, and her ability to force villains to submit and tell the truth by binding them with her magic "lasso". Wonder Woman's golden "lasso" and Venus Girdle in particular were the focus of many of the early stories and have the same capability to reform people for good in the short term that Transformation Island and prolonged wearing of Venus Girdles offered in the longer term. The Venus Girdle was an allegory for Marston's theory of "sex love" training, where people can be "trained" to embrace submission through eroticism.
ellauri222.html on line 757: Saul Bellow is widely recognized as America's preeminent living novelist. His fiction, which is as intellectually demanding as it is imaginatively appealing, steadfastly affirms the value of the human soul while simultaneously recognizing the claims of community and the demoralizing inauthenticity of daily life. Refusing to give in to the pessimism and despair that threaten to overwhelm American experience, Bellow offers a persistently optimistic, though often tentative and ambiguous, alternative to postmodern alienation. In their struggle to understand their past and reorder their present, his protagonists chart a course of possibility for all who would live meaningfully in urban American society and make loads of money.
ellauri222.html on line 767: In their quest to find the beaver that gives meaning to life, Bellow's protagonists must also come to terms with death. The message Bellow conveys in almost all of his novels is that one must fear death to know the meaning of life and what it means to be human. Henderson overcomes his fear of death when he is buried and symbolically resurrected in the African king Dahfu's experiment. Similarly, in Seize the Day, Tommy Wilhelm confronts death in a symbolic drowning. Charlie Citrine in Humboldt's Gift echoes Whitman in viewing death as the essential question, pointing out that it is only through death that Sauls can complete the cycle of life by liberating self from the body. Bellow's meditations on death darken in Mr. Sammler's Planet and The Dean's December. While the title character in Mr. Sammler's Planet eagerly awaits the death of the person he most values in the world, Bellow contemplates the approaching death of Western culture at the hands of those who have abandoned humanistic values. The Dean's December presents an apocalyptic vision of urban decay in a Chicago totally lacking the comic touches that soften Charlie Citrone's portrait of this same city as a "moronic inferno" in Humboldt's Gift. An uncharacteristically bleak yarn from he old standup comic. With More Die of Heartbreak and the recent novellas, however, Bellow returns to his more characteristic blend of pathos and farce in contemplating the relationship between life and death. In the recent Ravelstein, Bellow once again charts this essential confrontation when Saul recounts not only his best friend's death from AIDS but also his own near-death experience from food poisoning. Through this foreground, in a fictionalized memoir to his own gay friend Allan Bloom, Bellow reveals the resilient love and tenderness that offer the modern world its saving grace.
ellauri222.html on line 921: Sillä oli tekeillä avainromaani sen pelehdinnästä Fredin ja muiden aiempien hopeaselkien konttoreissa. Mun piti olla seuraava helmi nauhassa, ehkä kuhmuinen ja himmeä mutta sentään proffan titteli, olkoonkin että pieni pippeli. Niinkuin jonoteoriasta kiinnostunut isäukko Virtamo. Mistähän se tiesi että meidän aviovuoteen päällispeitto on sammalen vihreä? (Senkin sanan opin tästä selkkauxesta.) Sama peitto meillä on sängyn päällä vieläkin.
ellauri222.html on line 963: For n≤4 and any bounded smooth domain Ω⊂ℝ n , we establish the existence of a global weak solution for the Landau-Lifshitz equation on Ω with respect to smooth initial-boundary data, which is smooth off a closed set with locally finite n-dimensional parabolic Hausdorff measure. The approach is based on the Ginzburg-Landau approximation, a time slice energy monotonicity inequality, and an energy decay estimate under the smallness of renormalized Ginzburg-Landau energies.
ellauri222.html on line 1033: 7-year-old Megan Kanka is abducted, raped, and murdered by twice-convicted sex offender Jesse Timmendequas. Timmendequas had previously pleaded guilty to the attempted sexual assault of a 5-year-old girl in 1979 and the sexual assault of a 7-year-old girl in 1981; the second victim was choked until she was unconscious. He served a 9-month sentence in a correctional facility for the attempted assault. For the second offense, he served 6 years of a 10-year term in a correctional center meant specifically to treat male sex offenders.
ellauri222.html on line 1036: Megan’s parents lobbied for a new law, stating that, had they known a convicted sex offender had been living in their neighborhood, they would have been better prepared to protect her. The law, dubbed Megan’s Law, requires public access to the names and locations of those convicted of any sexual offense.
ellauri223.html on line 56: Mr. Strangelove is the foremost magistrate in attending to the charge of the race. He sees that men and women are so joined together, that they bring forth the best offspring. Indeed, they laugh at us who exhibit a studious care for our breed of horses and dogs, but neglect the breeding of human beings. Thus the education of the children is under his rule, and whatever has any reference to food, clothing, and the intercourse of the sexes. Love himself is ruler, but there are many male and female magistrates dedicated to these arts.
ellauri223.html on line 66: Capt. Moreover, the race is managed for the good of the commonwealth, and not of private individuals, and the magistrates must be obeyed. They deny what we hold—viz., that it is natural to man to recognize his offspring and to educate them, and to use his wife and house and children as his own. For they say that children are bred for the preservation of the species and not for individual pleasure, as St. Thomas also asserts. Therefore the breeding of children has reference to the commonwealth, and not to individuals, except in so far as they are constituents of the commonwealth. And since individuals for the most part bring forth children wrongly and educate them wrongly, they consider that they remove destruction from the State, and therefore for this reason, with most sacred fear, they commit the education of the children, who, as it were, are the element of the republic, to the care of magistrates; for the safety of the community is not that of a few. And thus they distribute male and female breeders of the best natures according to philosophical rules. Plato thinks that this distribution ought to be made by lot, lest some incel men seeing that they are kept away from the beautiful women, should rise up with anger and hatred against the magistrates; and he thinks further that those who do not deserve cohabitation with the more beautiful women, should be deceived while the lots are drawn by the magistrates, so that at all times the women who are suitably second rate should fall to their lot, not those whom they desire. Stop the steal!
ellauri223.html on line 68: This shrewdness, however, is not necessary among the inhabitants of the City of the Sun. For with them deformity is unknown. When the women are exercised they get a clear complexion, and become strong of limb, tall and agile, and with them beauty consists in tallness and strength. Tanakka, punakka ja rivakka, täst mie piän! Therefore, if any woman dyes her face, so that it may become beautiful, or uses high-heeled boots so that she may appear tall, or garments with trains to cover her wooden shoes, she is condemned to capital punishment. But if the women should even desire them they have no facility for doing these things. For who indeed would give them this facility? Further, they assert that among us abuses of this kind arise from the leisure and sloth of women. By these means they lose their color and have pale complexions, and become feeble and small. For this reason they are without proper complexions, use high sandals, and become beautiful not from strength, but from slothful tenderness. And thus they ruin their own tempers and natures, and consequently those of their offspring. Furthermore, if at any time a man is taken captive with ardent love for a certain woman, the two are allowed to converse and joke together and to give one another garlands of flowers or leaves, and to make verses. But if the race is endangered, by no means is further union between them permitted. Her fanny must be locked in a love girdle, and his pecker lassoed and bound behind his butt. Moreover, the love born of eager desire is not known among them; only that born of friendship. LOL
ellauri223.html on line 70: Domestic affairs and partnerships are of little account, because, excepting the sign of honor, each one receives what he is in need of. To the heroes and heroines of the republic, it is customary to give the pleasing gifts of honor, beautiful wreaths, sweet food, heroine, or splendid clothes, while they are feasting. In the daytime all use white garments within the city, but at night or outside the city they use red garments either of wool or silk. They hate black as they do dung, and therefore they dislike the Japanese, who are fond of black, and Africans, for obvious reasons. Pride they consider the most execrable vice, and one who acts proudly is chastised with the most ruthless correction. Wherefore no one thinks it lowering to wait at table or to work in the kitchen or fields or clean the toilets. All work they call discipline, and thus they say that it is honorable to go on foot, to do any act of nature, to see with the eye, and to speak with the tongue, and waft with the tail; and when there is need, they distinguish philosophically between tears and spittle. Every man who, when he is told off to work, does his duty, is considered very honorable.
ellauri223.html on line 78: They do not use dung and filth for manuring the fields, thinking that the fruit contracts something of their rottenness, and when eaten gives a short and poor subsistence, as women who are beautiful with rouge and from want of exercise bring forth feeble offspring.
ellauri223.html on line 98: No one is killed or stoned unless by the hands of the people, the accuser and the witnesses beginning first. For they have no executioners and lictors, lest the State should sink into ruin. The choice of death is given to the rest of the people, who enclose the lifeless remains in little bags and burn them by the application of fire, while exhorters are present for the purpose of advising concerning a good death. Nevertheless, the whole nation laments and beseeches God that his anger may be appeased, being in grief that it should, as it were, have to cut off a rotten member of the State. Certain officers talk to and convince the accused man by means of arguments until he himself acquiesces in the sentence of death passed upon him, or else... But if a crime has been committed against the liberty of the republic, or against God, or against the supreme magistrates, there is immediate censure without pity. These motherfuckers are punished with death.
ellauri223.html on line 105: Each one takes the woman he loves most, and they dance for exercise with propriety and stateliness under the peristyles. The women wear their long hair all twisted together and collected into one knot on the crown of the head, but in rolling it they leave one curl. The men, however, have one curl only and the rest of their hair around the head is shaven off. Further, they wear a slight covering, and above this a round hat a little larger than the size of their head. In the fields they use caps, but at home each one wears a biretta, white, red, or another color according to his trade or occupation. Moreover, the magistrates use grander and more imposing-looking coverings for the head. Vizi että apinat rakastavat hattuja!
ellauri223.html on line 162: The inhabitants of Bensalem are described as having a high moral character and honesty, as no official accepts any payment from individuals. The people are also described as chaste and pious, as said by an inhabitant of the island:
ellauri223.html on line 184: About this time, he again approached his powerful uncle for help; this move was followed by his rapid progress at the bar. Despite his assignations, he was unable to gain the status and notoriety of others. In a plan to revive his position he unsuccessfully courted the wealthy young widow Lady Elizabeth Hatton. His courtship failed after she broke off their relationship upon accepting marriage to Sir Edward Coke, a further spark of enmity between the men. Things went better with Coke than with a BLT.
ellauri223.html on line 188: When he was 36, Bacon courted Elizabeth Hatton, a young widow of 20. Reportedly, she broke off their relationship upon accepting marriage to a wealthier man, Bacon's rival, Sir Edward Coke. Years later, Bacon still wrote of his regret that the marriage to Hatton had not taken place.
ellauri223.html on line 200: In 1621, Bacon, by now styled as Viscount St Albans, was accused of taking bribes, heavily fined, and removed from Parliament and all offices. Lady Bacon personally pleaded with the Marquis of Buckingham for the restoration of some of Bacon's salary and pensions, to no effect. They lost York House and left the city in 1622.
ellauri226.html on line 298: The off-color residents in The Bronx created a very segregated community,
ellauri226.html on line 410: A decline of drug use exacerbated the position of the officers of the law.
ellauri226.html on line 489: prime motivating factor for their departure. What they really meant were the fucking 2nd wave immigrants. Brian Werner, Elvira Werner, and Kathleen Roby all moved out of The Bronx during the 1960s and 1970s, and describe crime and the changing neighborhood as the major influence in their decision. My mom herself, she began running red lights because she was afraid of being raped if stopping too long in certain intersections. After her tires were stolen repeatedly while waiting for the traffic lights to change Mrs. Roby moved to Long Island in 1980, where her better-off sister already resided.
ellauri236.html on line 63: The research is the latest in a growing body of evidence that social platforms are failing to prevent a flood of disinformation — some of it tinged with violence — on their services ahead of the runoff election Sunday between President Jair Bolsonaro and former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Brazilian lawmakers last week granted the nation’s elections chief unilateral power to force tech companies to remove misinformation within two hours of the content being posted — one of the most aggressive legal measures against North American social media giants that any country has taken.
ellauri236.html on line 102: “I look at the things I want to see, and I avoid looking at what they want to show me,” said José Luiz Chaves Fonseca, a turbine engineer for offshore oil platforms who was attending the rally this month north of Rio de Janeiro as a Bolsonaro impersonator. “If everyone dressed like this, they wouldn’t be tricked.”
ellauri236.html on line 184: Miss Blandish, the daughter of a millionaire, is kidnapped by some gangsters who are almost immediately surprised and killed off by a larger and better organized gang. They hold her to ransom and extract half a million dollars from her father. Their original plan had been to kill her as soon as the ransom-money was received, but a chance keeps her alive. One of the gang is a young man named Slim, whose sole pleasure in life consists in driving knives (well, his prick as well, got to give that much to him) into other people's bellies. In childhood he has graduated by cutting up living animals with a pair of rusty scissors. Slim is sexually impotent, but takes a kind of fancy to Miss Blandish. Slim's mother, who is the real brains of the gang, sees in this the chance of curing Slim's impotence, and decides to keep Miss Blandish in custody till Slim shall have succeeded in raping her. After many efforts and much persuasion, including the flogging of Miss Blandish with a length of rubber hosepipe, the rape is achieved. (Ei se ihan näin mennyt, George!) Meanwhile Miss Blandish's father has hired a private detective, and by means of bribery and torture the detective and the police manage to round up and exterminate the whole gang. Slim escapes with Miss Blandish and is killed after a final juicy rape, and the detective prepares to restore Miss Blandish to her pristine shape. By this time, however, she has developed such a taste for Slim's caresses(3) that she feels unable to live without him, and she jumps, out of the window of a sky-scraper. Footnote 1945. Another reading of the final episode is possible. It may mean merely that Miss Blandish is pregnant, i.e. she is damaged goods. Maybe she is sad that the baby's dad is dead. But the "interpretation" I have given above seems more in keeping with the general brutality of the book.
ellauri236.html on line 192: In another of Mr. Chase's books, He Won't Need It Now, the hero, who is intended to be a sympathetic and perhaps even noble character, is described as stamping on somebody's face, and then, having crushed the man's mouth in, grinding his heel round and round in it. Even when physical incidents of this kind are not occurring, the mental atmosphere of these books is always the same. Their whole theme is the struggle for power and the triumph of the strong over the weak. The big gangsters wipe out the little ones as mercilessly as a pike gobbling up the little fish in a pond; the police kill off the criminals as cruelly as the angler kills the pike. If ultimately one sides with the police against the gangsters, it is merely because they are better organized and more powerful, because, in fact, the law is a bigger racket than crime. Might is right: vae victis. But think of it, what is new? All undying epic heroes are described as stamping on one anothers faces.
ellauri236.html on line 202: In a book like No Orchids one is not, as in the old-style crime story, simply escaping from dull reality into an imaginary world of action. One's escape is essentially into cruelty and sexual perversion. No Orchids is aimed at the power-instinct, which Raffles or the Sherlock Holmes stories are not. At the same time the English attitude towards crime is not so superior to the American as I may have seemed to imply. It too is mixed up with power-worship, and has become more noticeably so in the last twenty years. A writer who is worth examining is Edgar Wallace, especially in such typical books as The Orator and the Mr. J. G. Reeder stories. Wallace was one of the first crime-story writers to break away from the old tradition of the private detective and make his central figure a Scotland Yard official. Sherlock Holmes is an amateur, solving his problems without the help and even, in the earlier stories, against the opposition of the police. Moreover, like Lupin, he is essentially an intellectual, even a scientist. He reasons logically from observed fact, and his intellectuality is constantly contrasted with the routine methods of the police. Wallace objected strongly to this slur, as he considered it, on Scotland Yard, and in several newspaper articles he went out of his way to denounce Holmes by name. His own ideal was the detective-inspector who catches criminals not because he is intellectually brilliant but because he is part of an all-powerful organization. Hence the curious fact that in Wallace's most characteristic stories the ‘clue’ and the ‘deduction’ play no part. The criminal is always defeated by an incredible coincidence, or because in some unexplained manner the police know all about the crime beforehand. The tone of the stories makes it quite clear that Wallace's admiration for the police is pure bully-worship. A Scotland Yard detective is the most powerful kind of being that he can imagine, while the criminal figures in his mind as an outlaw against whom anything is permissible, like the condemned slaves in the Roman arena. His policemen behave much more brutally than British policemen do in real life — they hit people with out provocation, fire revolvers past their ears to terrify them and so on — and some of the stories exhibit a fearful intellectual sadism. (For instance, Wallace likes to arrange things so that the villain is hanged on the same day as the heroine is married.) But it is sadism after the English fashion: that is to say, it is unconscious, there is not overtly any sex in it, and it keeps within the bounds of the law. The British public tolerates a harsh criminal law and gets a kick out of monstrously unfair murder trials: but still that is better, on any account, than tolerating or admiring crime. If one must worship a bully, it is better that he should be a policeman than a gangster. Wallace is still governed to some extent by the concept of ‘not done’. In No Orchids anything is ‘done’ so long as it leads on to power. All the barriers are down, all the motives are out in the open. Chase is a worse symptom than Wallace, to the extent that all-in wrestling is worse than boxing, or Fascism is worse than capitalist democracy.
ellauri236.html on line 403: She was a kid, 18 at the most. She was horny as hell. After some minutes of frantic handiwork, Eddie found his cock getting hard. It got up and he sat on the end of the bed. “I’m getting a hard on,” he said, grinning. “You get off to sleep if you want to.” “I don’t want to sleep,” the girl said. “You scared the life out of me, but looking at what you got, I’m not so scared now.” He came over to the bed and smiled at the girl. “Thanks a lot, baby. You were swell. I wish I could swell s'm more as well." She half sat on it in the bed, but it wouldn't go in.
ellauri236.html on line 436: He took out a pack of condoms, got it up and offered her one. She took it and tried to put it on. “Not swollen enough, baby. You and me could get it on together,” she said. “That Blandish girl’s a beauty,” he went on. "But I like you too, baby. How much time do you need?”
ellauri236.html on line 473: “Remind me to consult my ouija board sometime,” Fenner said hurriedly. “Why don’t you go home? You’re getting unhealthy ideas sticking around here with nothing to do. Take the afternoon off. Go shampoo your hair or something. It looks a mess.”
ellauri236.html on line 497: “Thanks, sweetheart, now you trot off home. I’ve got work to do. How would you like to have dinner with me tonight to celebrate our riches?”
ellauri238.html on line 44: It was brillig, and sleep, gently flowing, Was trickling through my dreaming soul, When the vague form of a vibrant ghost. Arrived to disturb my dreaming, softly. Leaning down to me, pure ivory teeth, And offering me her flickering tongue, Her lips were kissing me, sweet and long, Mouth on mouth, thigh on thigh beneath...
ellauri238.html on line 426: So gottgeborgen, so offenbar. Niin jumalkätkettynä, niin nähtävillä!
ellauri238.html on line 445: Das neue Buch von Hajoo Hahn über Else Lasker-Schüler*in ist nun offiziell auf dem Markt! Es ist ein Blätterbuch mit 20 "Kapiteln", Bildern und Gedichten. In jedem Beitrag wird Else in Ihrem Facettenreichtum als "Die Berliner*in", "Die Araber*in", "Die Jüd*in" "Die Zeichner*in" etc. vorstellt.
ellauri238.html on line 493: Sarah Kirschs Lyrik ist von hinten offen, meist ohne Reim und in freiem Versmaß. Dennoch spielt der Rhythmus im Sinne des Atemtempos eine große Rolle, ebenso Zeilenumbrüche und Zeilensprünge, durch die ein Strömen oder eine Atemlosigkeit erzeugt wird. Kirsch kombiniert häufig fachsprachliche oder altmodische Ausdrücke mit einem saloppen Ton. Als literarisches Vorbild nannte Kirsch Annette von Droste-Hülshoff, daneben ist ihr Werk durch Johannes Bobrowski und Wladimir Majakowski beeinflusst.
ellauri238.html on line 650: Born in Leningrad, Soviet Union (USSR), Korchnoi defected to the Netherlands in 1976, and resided in Switzerland from 1978, becoming a Swiss citizen. Korchnoi played four matches, three of which were official, against GM Anatoly Karpov. In 1974, Korchnoi lost the Candidates Tournament final to Karpov. Karpov was declared World Champion in 1975 when GM Bobby Fischer declined to defend his title. Korchnoi then won two consecutive Candidates cycles to qualify for World Chess Championship matches with Karpov in 1978 and 1981 but lost both.
ellauri238.html on line 781: she´d go off hiän lähti menee
ellauri240.html on line 84: A truly astonishing and original work of fiction indeed. It is a story of one man, a writer, who is born, who grows, who loves, who stops loving; who eats, sleeps, smokes, lies, boozes, cheats, regrets, has sex, has dreams, and lives. In short yet intimately detailed chapters, each covering a single aspect of his life from youth through old age, we get to know this person fully through the small yet telling incidents that make him who he is. He remembers the butt of a cigarette, the feel of his army uniform, the taste of a lover, the strange and unexpected touch of a college professor’s hand, and so many more small experiences that can never be shaken off more than a recalcitrant band-aid.
ellauri240.html on line 128: In 2007, he was arrested and charged with other Hmong leaders in federal court with conspiracy in a plot to kill communist officials in his native country. Federal prosecutors alleged the Lao liberation movement known as Neo Hom raised millions of dollars to recruit a mercenary force and conspired to obtain weapons.
ellauri240.html on line 138: January 6, 2011. China's stealth jet is no cause for alarm: US. The day after a Chinese newspaper published photos of what is supposedly a prototype of China's first stealth jet, US officials said they are not worried about the development.
ellauri240.html on line 145: US defense officials don't appear worried about these ads.
ellauri240.html on line 207: After graduation George was offered a position as a principal at a school in Gilmanton, New Hampshire. By now the family had three children, all dependent upon his meager salary. It was while she was living in Gilmanton that Julian Messner, a New York publisher, agreed to publish Peyton Place. The book was a best seller by the fall of 1956, and Metalious became a wealthy woman overnight. Eventually, 20 million copies were sold in hardcover, along with another 12 million Dell paperbacks. Metalious became famous as the housewife who wrote a bestseller; she was referred to as "Pandora in Blue Jeans," the simple small-town woman who opened the box of sins.
ellauri240.html on line 217: After she died, George wrote his own book called The Girl from "Peyton Place." The book offers a husband's view of how Metalious was exploited after the publication of the book, but also of how she was responsible for bringing unhappiness to herself and to others. A whole series of other "Peyton Place" books were produced after Grace Metalious's death, with titles like The Evils of Peyton Place and Temptations of Peyton Place. None of these were a commercial success.
ellauri240.html on line 258: P.S. Äskön nähtiin amer. elokuva, nimittäin Winters Bone, jossa tähtenä oli (vielä nuorempana) se pienisuinen riitakäki tyttö (Jennifer Lawrence) joka ampui nuolipyssyllä muita alaikäisiä täysin tyhjänpäiväisessä dystooppisessa tositeeveepätkässä (Nälkäpelit). Tämä filmi oli hyvä siitä ettei kukaan huutanut. Ihan tyynenä vaan sahattin isävainaan kädet irti ketjusahalla ja opetettin eskaria ampumaan nylkemään ja syömään oravat. Minähän ne oravat myrkytin. Nää on mun maita ei tarvi tulla oravien mesomaan. Vähän kyllä vitutti että noi ex-hippihappodiilerit oli nähtävästi vajonneet ihan johkin klaanimeininkiin kuin tukholman lähiöiden somalit, ja että siinä oli filmitekijöiden mielestä ilmeisesti jotain hienoa. Mikä ihme siinä on ettei jenkit pääse eroon seppoilusta edes white trash-leffoissa. Get off my property! ne sanoo kuin diasteemainen ukrainalainen jutku viulunsoittaja putinistille musikaalissa. Rräyh räyh haukkuu rakit tontinrajalla.
ellauri240.html on line 491: This podcast is brought to you by MeUndies. If I’m not going commando, then I’m wearing MeUndies. I’ve been testing out a pair for about 3 or 4 months now, and, as a result, I’ve thrown out my other underwear. They look good, feel good, have different hole options for men and women, and their materials are 2x softer than cotton, as evaluated using the Kawabata method. Not only does MeUndies offer underwear, but they also have incredible lounge pants. I wear them when I record the podcast, and when I’m lounging out and about grabbing coffee.
ellauri241.html on line 422: So threw the goddess off, and won his heart niin heitti hiän jumalattaren tittelit pois ja voitti hänen sydämensä
ellauri241.html on line 782: Of conscience, for their long offended might, heidän pitkään loukattujen voimiensa tähden,
ellauri241.html on line 1223: To doff thy shepherd vest, and woo thy midriff fresh leaves!
ellauri241.html on line 1331: "Doff all sad fears, thou white deliciousness,
ellauri242.html on line 109: Efter at have gjort tjeneste som ridder i Tyskland vender Axel tilbage til hoffet i Nidaros, hvor han vil fri til sin elskede Valborg og blive væbner for kongen. Imidlertid begærer kongen selv Valborg, og desuden går kirken imod en forbindelse mellem Axel og Valborg, da de er nære beslægtede (søskende). Imidlertid har Axel et pavebrev, der tilsyneladende rydder problemerne af vejen, og der sættes gang i forberedelserne af brylluppet. Under selve vielsen sår munken Knud tvivl om pavebrevets gyldighed, og parret skilles uden stor patos, inden Valborg tvinges i kloster. Det lykkes Axel og Valborg at flygte, men Axel må gå i kamp for kongen, og i denne såres han dødeligt, hvorpå Valborgs hjerte brister, da hun sidder med Axels døde krop.
ellauri243.html on line 149: Battle Mountain emerged from the horrific tragedy of the American Holocaust to become the center of American air-breathing strategic combat operations. All of America's surviving heavy bombers, intelligence-gathering planes, and airborne command posts wre relocated to Battle Mountain, and a fleet of long-range unmanned combat aircraft began to grow there. The base even a staging area for America's fleet of manned and unmanned spaceplanes-aircraft that could take off became and land like conventional aircraft but boost themselves into low Earth orbit.
ellauri243.html on line 177: 1. Addressing the court 2. BJ 3. Bagpiping 4. Basket lunch 5. Beej 6. Blowie 7. Blowing the love whistle 8. Bobbing for apples 9. Bone-lipping 10. Buccal onanism 11. Brentwood hello 12. Charming the snake 13. Climbing the corporate ladder 14. Cock-gobbling 15. Copping a doodle 16. Courting the gay vote 17. Drinking a slurpee 18. Dropping on it 19. Earning your keep 20. Essin’ the dee 21. Face-frosting 22. Fellatio 23. Fluting 24. French abortion 25. Gator mouth 26. Getting a facial 27. Getting a lewinsky 28. Getting a throat culture 29. Getting to the cream filling 30. Giving cone 31. Giving face 32. Giving head 33. Gobbling pork 34. Going down 35. Gumming the root 36. Punching 37. Giving Big Jim and the twins a bath 38. Giving brain 39. Giving head 40. Gum-rooting 41. Gumming the green bean 42. Head job 43. Honkin’ bobo 44. Huffing bone 45. Hummer 46. Interrogating the prisoner 47. Kneeling at the altar 48. Knob job 49. Larking 50. Laying some lip 51. Licking the lollipop 52. Making mouth music 53. Making the blind see 54. Meeting with Mr. One-Eye 55. Mouth-fucking 56. Mouth-holstering the nightstick 57. Mouth-milking 58. Mouth-to-junk resuscitation 59. Opening wide for Dr. Chunky 60. Oral sodomy 61. Peeling the banana 62. Penilingus 63. Piston job 64. Playing pan’s pipes 65. Playing the pink oboe 66. Playing the skin flute 67. Pole-smoking 68. Polishing the trailer hitch 69. Pricknicking 70. Protein milkshake 71. Receiving holy communion 72. Respecting your superiors 73. Sampling the sausage 74. Scooby-snacking 75. Secretarial duties 76. Singing to the choir 77. Skull-buggery 78. Skull-fucking 79. Slobbin’ the knob 80. Smiling at Mr. Winky 81. Smoking the pink pipe 82. Smoking pole 83. Southern France 84. Speaking into the bonophone 85. Speaking low genitals 86. Spit-shining a baseball bat 87. Spraying the tonsils 88. Sucking off 89. Sucky-ducky 90. Suck-starting the Harley 91. Swallowing the baloney pony 92. Sword-wwallowing 93. Taking one’s temp with a meat thermometer 94. Talking into the mic 95. Telling it to the judge 96. Waxing the carrot 97. Worshiping at the altar 98. Wringing it dry 99. Yaffling the yogurt cannon 100. Zipper dinner
ellauri243.html on line 323: back together the day before we went off and eloped. Yeah, we eloped. We
ellauri243.html on line 328: hasn't let him off the hook: "I still always remind him of when he broke up
ellauri243.html on line 486: It is clear that Dale Brown never expected to be as successful as he has been. This is clear by his killing off of some characters, only to be resurrected in subsequent novels. He originally only intended to write 3 novels for his publisher. Now, 24 books later, he is an accomplished author and his fans are eagerly awaiting his next novel teeming with revenants.
ellauri243.html on line 492: Many of his works — including Flight of the Old Dog, The Tin Man, and Air Battle Force — focus on the adventures of a United States Air Force officer protagonist named Patrick McLanahan.
ellauri243.html on line 504: Some people call this series the Paul McLanahan series and others call them the Dreamland series, based on the base in which the books are set. He has been writing this series for over 25 years now. This series is not to be confused with his other series, which is officially titled the Dreamland series and is a collaboration with another author who shall remain nameless.
ellauri243.html on line 624: Because where success is concerned, a great plan is essential--but so is making smart course corrections. That´s why pilots are taught the 1 in 60 rule, which states that after 60 miles a one degree error in heading will result in straying off course by one mile. Never mind the math, it´s quite complicated. The point is, the farther you go, the more off course you end up.
ellauri243.html on line 630: The smaller goal you set, the further off course you´ll wind up. That´s why setting a specific goal is so important.
ellauri243.html on line 647: Pilots use the 1 in 60 rule to remind themselves to constantly monitor their progress and make quick course corrections. You also know where you want to go. But you´ll never get there if you don´t regularly monitor and revise your goal based on your progress. And if you don´t start out on the right path. Remember, the 1 in 60 rule states that starting out, one degree off means winding up one mile off 60 miles later. Or so. So don´t just correct your course along the way. Create and follow a process that is proved to work. Pick someone who has achieved something you want to achieve. Like a Brad, if you happen to be a Ralph. Deconstruct his or her process. Then follow it, and along the way make small corrections as you learn what works best for you. That way, when you travel your own version of 60 miles, you´ll arrive precisely where you hoped to be. Up a shit creek without a paddle, with Brad 60 miles ahead of you. Forgot to warn: don´t pick a moving target!
ellauri243.html on line 701: Whoever tales most chesspieces off the board wins a Baskin Robbins certificate. This is not war its a game. Roxanne was already ignoring the senior beside her. Grabbing the wrong trackball, she won´t win the certificate!
ellauri244.html on line 449: Horror Faye L. Ryan is a successful personal growth author mourning the loss of her husband. She retreats to a cabin on the bayou to finish her next book only to find that more than just her past will haunt her. Director Kd Amond Writers Kd Amond Sarah Zanotti Star Sarah Zanotti See production, box office & company info Watch on Prime Video
ellauri244.html on line 573: "Oh, some fun-flying, I guess. A dive and pullup to a slow roll with a rolling loop off the top. Just messing around. If you really want to do it well it takes a bit of practice, but it's a nice-looking thing, don't you think?"
ellauri245.html on line 96: Mijailović erkände senare att hans "politikerhat" hade varit den utlösande faktorn till dådet. Att just Lindh blev hans offer berodde enligt honom själv bara på tillfälligheter, att han råkade få syn på henne vid ingången till ett varuhus.
ellauri245.html on line 277: Auf Anweisung von Harrys ehemaligem Master-Chef Gunnar Hagen, dem Leiter des Internats für Gewaltverbrecher, holt Kaja Solness Harry mit Hinweis auf dessen sterbenden Vater nach Norwegen zurück, um zwei weitere Morde an jungen Frauen zu begehen. Doch die Ermittlungen zu dem Fall werden der Abteilung entzogen und das Kriminalamt unter der Führung von Carl Michael Bellmann übernimmt, wodurch Harry nur inoffiziell aus Liebe zur Kunst Nachforschungen betreiben kann.
ellauri245.html on line 296: Something about Scandinavia — its snowbound civility, its usually peaceable blend of the cosmopolitan and the isolated — makes the crime novels set there seem automatically more interesting, the way a red spray of blood stands out more starkly against fresh white powder than on a dirt road. By now many of these imports seem to share the same atmospherics: the Nordic good looks, the corruptible officials, the endless pots of coffee.
ellauri245.html on line 317: One year ago, a heavily armed man dressed as a police officer appeared on the beach of a youth summer camp in Norway. The kids had no way of knowing he was targeting them for the ills of Europe. Then he started shooting. And shooting. Where were the real cops? By the end of the day, seventy-seven people had been killed, the deadliest attack in that country since World War II. As told by the survivors, these are the beat-by-beat horrors of those terrifying 198 minutes. the Utoya Massacre On July 22, 2011. Lue ja kauhistu, tää on hurja jännäri!
ellauri245.html on line 372: Vizetellere i norske bröllupsdager. Olis Jussi ampunut tän norskijonnen enste ja kysellyt papereita vasta sitten. Nazinatomato helkkari. Nää norskit on sairaan sairasmielisiä kuikkia. Onnettomia pillipiipareita. Turskat kainalossa kuin Kansallisoopperassa, luttamunat ulkona. Viseret stoppet på ti over fem. Piipunrassijonnella on selkeästi jotain hampaankolossa läskeille vasemmistopoliitikkonaisille. Se on varmaan se feministikriminologiproffa Liv Finstad joka lyttäsi tän ongenkohon jossain käänteessä.
ellauri246.html on line 195: Neljä Brodskyn runoa julkaistiin antologioissa Leningradissa vuosina 1966 ja 1967, mutta suurin osa hänen tuotannostaan ilmestyi vain lännessä. Hän käänsi runoja englannista ja puolasta (muun muassa mitättömän lännen hännystelijän Czesław Miłoszin tuotantoa) venäjäksi. Brodsky karkotettiin Neuvostoliitosta vuonna 1972 ja hän muutti ensin Wieniin, mistä runoilija W. H. Auden ja Michiganin yliopiston slaavilaisten kielten professori Carl Ray Proffer auttoivat hänet Yhdysvaltoihin, vaikka hän oli saanut muuttoluvan Israeliin. Jooseppi ei halunnut 100% juutalaisexi pölyiseen autiomaahan, vaan lähti mieluummin Egyptin lihafondyyn äärelle. Brodsky asui Brooklynissä ja Massachusettsissa. Hänen teoksensa ensimmäinen englanninkielinen käännös ilmestyi vuonna 1973. Brodsky opetti muun muassa Columbian yliopistossa ja Mount Holyoke Collegessa. Hän sai Yhdysvaltain kansalaisuuden vuonna 1977.
ellauri246.html on line 301: respected police officer, herra komisario,
ellauri246.html on line 508: Ulkomailla, Charles Profoffer, Brodsky asettuu Ann-Arboriin, paranee englanniksi ja toimii Michiganin yliopiston runoina. Vain maailman rikkaimmat yliopistot voisivat pystyä ylläpitämään tätä asemaa ("Mikään maa ei ole niin tyhmä, jotta ei kasvata omaa kulttuurillistä eliittiäsi, ja joissakin yliopistoissa on tällainen asema"). Runoilija kerran viikossa tapaa opiskelijoiden kanssa ja kommunikoi heidän kanssaan kökköenkulla hyvin vapaassa muodossa. Hän lukee heille runonsa, vanhoja ja uusia, muiden runoilijoiden runoja, joita opiskelijat eivät tiedä tarpeeksi, lue luennot kirjallisuudesta, venäläisestä tai amerikkalaisesta tai vain kommunikoida. Sitä kutsutaan tavallisesti tällaiseen asemaan erittäin merkittäviä lukuja, jotka mahdollistavat opiskelijan persoonallisuuden. Venäläinen kieli on edelleen jäänyt Brodskin tärkeimmäksi, mutta ajan myötä hän on parantanut englantia, jotta pystyisi kirjoittamaan englanniksi. Hänestä tuli Venäjän amerikkalainen kirjailija. Englanti, proosa, esseenit, artikkelit hallitsevat englanniksi. Venäläisenä hän säilyttää runoutta. Tämä on nyt tärkeimmät itsenäisen tunnistamisen keinot, ja nyt Venäjän kieli englanninkielisessä yhteisössä pelaavat OESTROINTY Agentin Brodskin roolin.
ellauri247.html on line 95: Marking the tree with his combo (stone tomahawk) that he might know it again, he returned to hurry on his wives who were some way behind. He wanted them to come on, climb the tree, and chop out the honey. When they reached the marked tree one of the women climbed up. She called out to Narahdarn that the honey was in a split in the tree. He called back to her to put her hand in and get it out. She put her arm in, but found she could not get it out again. Narahdarn climbed up to help her, but found when he reached her that the only way to free her was to cut off her arm. This he did before she had time to realise what he was going to do, and protest. So great was the shock to her that she died instantly. Narahdarn carried down her lifeless body and commanded her sister, his other wife, to go up, chop out the arm, and get the honey. She protested, declaring the bees would have taken the honey away by now. "Not so," he said; "go at once."
ellauri247.html on line 97: Every excuse she could think of, to save herself, she made. But her excuses were in vain, and Narahdarn only became furious with her for making them, and, brandishing his boondi, drove her up the tree. She managed to get her arm in beside her sister's, but there it stuck and she could not move it. Narahdarn, who was watching her, saw what had happened and followed her up the tree. Finding he could not pull her arm out, in spite of her cries, he chopped it off, as he had done her sister's. After one shriek, as he drove his combo through her arm, she was silent. He said, "Come down, and I will chop out the bees' nest." But she did not answer him, and he saw that she too was dead. Then he was frightened, and climbed quickly down the gunnyanny tree; taking her body to the ground with him, he laid it beside her sister's, and quickly he hurried from the spot, taking no further thought of the honey. What a piece of shit.
ellauri247.html on line 290: The cicisbeo was better tolerated if he was known to be homosexual. Regardless of its roots and technicalities, the custom was firmly entrenched. Typically, husbands tolerated or even welcomed the arrangement: Lord Byron, for example, was cicisbeo to Teresa, Contessa Guiccioli. Attempts by the husband to ward off prospective cicisbei or disapproval of the practice in general was likely to be met with ridicule and scorn.
ellauri247.html on line 292: Cicisbei played by set rules, generally avoiding public displays of affection. At public entertainments, they would typically stand behind their seated mistress and whisper in her ear. Customs of the time did not permit them to engage in relationships with any other women during their free time, making the arrangement rather demanding. Either party could decide to end the relationship at any time. A woman's former cicisbei were called spiantati (literally penniless, destroyed), or cast-offs.
ellauri247.html on line 530: Baboons leave their lairs at dawn and congregate to chatter and howl, while jumping in the warmth of the early morning sun, as if singing and dancing. The belief that they greet the rising sun gave rise to a favorite theme in art – baboon in attitude of adoration, facing the sun with raised arms as if ‘offering prayers and salutation to the first rays of dawn’.
ellauri248.html on line 83: Matt rated it shit: If I could, I'd probably rate this at 1.5 stars-- it ultimately pissed me off, and annoyed me throughout, but it was good enough to keep me reading and I suppose that should count for something. Maybe my opinion has been influenced by reading Stieg Larsson's masterful THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO FOR BOYS immediately prior to this one. That book wasn't perfect, but it had characters you rooted for, didn't wallow too much in pop culture references, and most importantly IT SOLVED THE FRIGGING MYSTERY.
ellauri248.html on line 85: Let's go through a few of these points. First, I don't think I've ever read a mystery novel with a less likable main character/narrator. Rob (Adam) Ryan is an asshole, plain and simple. Sure, he's been warped by his childhood and circumstances, but he does just about every annoying thing you could possibly imagine-- he constantly navel-gazes and feels self pity, he sleeps with then immediately plays the stereotypical male "I don't want anything to do with you now" role with his female partner (the person we were told was his best friend, and whom he would never ever sleep with), he acts like an idiot over the 17 year old villain/ temptress/ psychopath/ whatever betraying his partner, and by the end of the book he is worse off than ever. I know that lots of detectives (esp. in hard-boild stories) are unlikable, and have many personal issues, but this guy just took the cake. I wanted to take a baseball bat to his head [hear, hear!]. To make matters worse, French throws in this little gem towards the end of the novel:
ellauri248.html on line 87: "I am intensely aware, by the way, that this story does not show me in a particularly flattering light. I am aware that, within an impressively short time of meeting me, Rosalind had me coming to heel like a well-trained dog: running up and down stairs to bring her coffee, nodding along while she bitched about my partner, imagining like some starstruck teenager that she was a kindred soul. But before you decide to despise me too thoroughly, consider this: she fooled you, too. You had as good a chance as I did. I told you everything I saw, as I saw it at the time. And if that was in itself deceptive, remember, I told you that, too: I warned you, right from the beginning, that I lie." As if that excused anything... and NO, she didn't "fool" me, because YOU'RE the narrator and YOU'RE the one telling the story. This paragraph probably ticked me off more than anything else in the book.
ellauri248.html on line 108: Rob: Yeah, Cassie was like that. She was always finding connections to things and blah blah blah. She made a great partner because hey remember that time 20 years ago when my friends and I were in the woods and blah blah blah I want to tell you about all the people I work with and give you a brief description of each one of them and also explain in detail how my boss is and blah blah blah. My mind is trying to remember what happened 20 years ago and you know Cassie and I are great partners and we're best friends and people think we're dating but blah blah blah. Hey, time flies, man. Did I tell you what happened to me as a child? Did I remind you about Katy? Also, her family sure is weird. The people at the dig site are weird. Everyone is a suspect blah blah blah. Let me pause here to tell you how I deal with my roommate and also O'Kelly and my childhood and my current job and Katy and her weird family and interrogation and coffee and vodka and this dream I had and looking for clues and in the woods and we keep hitting dead ends and and and and and blahhhhhhhhhhhh.
ellauri248.html on line 115: Rob and Cassie start off enjoying that incredible, intense and yet easy, all-forgiving and natural closeness of a friendship I think every person in the world (non-sociopathic, to be exact) longs for.
ellauri248.html on line 118: I loved this book to pieces, even though I could not shake off the overwhelming feeling of sadness and hollowness after finishing it. I loved it despite (or maybe because?) of the frustrating incompleteness of some plot lines, the frequent lack of resolution, and the unfulfillment of my wishes for the characters and events. [noir romance]
ellauri248.html on line 244: In Daniel 6, Daniel is raised to high office by his royal master Darius the Mede. Daniel's jealous rivals trick Darius into issuing a decree that for thirty days no prayers should be addressed to any god or man but Darius himself; anyone who disobeys this edict is to be thrown to the lions. Pious Daniel continues to pray daily to the God of Israel; and the king, although deeply distressed, must condemn Daniel to death, for the edicts of the Medes and Persians cannot be altered. Hoping for Daniel's deliverance, Darius has him cast into the pit. At daybreak the king hurries to the place and cries out anxiously, asking if God had saved his friend. Daniel replies that his God had sent an angel to the jaws of the lions, "because I was found tasteless before them". The king commands that those who had conspired against Daniel be thrown to the poor overfed lions in his place with their tasty wives and children, and that the whole world should tremble and fear before the God of Daniel. Although Daniel is sometimes depicted as a young man in illustrations of the incident, James Montgomery Boice points out that he would have been over eighty years old at the time. No wonder perhaps that he did not entice the lions.
ellauri249.html on line 110: Verpa is also a basic Latin obscenity for "penis", in particular for a penis with the foreskin retracted due to erection and glans exposed, as in the illustration of the god Mercury below. As a result, it was "not a neutral technical term, but an emotive and highly offensive word", most commonly used in despective or threatening contexts of violent acts against a fellow male or rival rather than mere sex (futūtiō "fucking"). It is found frequently in graffiti of the type verpes (= verpa es) quī istuc legēs ("You're a dick you who read this").
ellauri249.html on line 303: Paitsi kansandemokratioiden ja Kiinan kanssa, oli ongelmia myös kotimaassa. Moskovassa opiskelijat osoittivat kunnioitustaan Unkarille ja toivoivat ”Venäjän uutta vallankumousta”. Leningradissa kierteli hallituksen vastaisia lehtisiä ja Serpuhovissa työläiset tuhosivat Hruštšovin kuvan. Hruštšov päätti ryhtyä vastaoffensiiviin. Hän päätti tehdä pitkän kiertueen Neuvostoliitossa ja antaa itsestään kuvan tarmokkaana johtajana. Hän ryhtyi voimakkaasti propagoimaan ajatusta, että Neuvostoliiton maatalous saavuttaa nopeasti Yhdysvallat. Hruštšov piti Leningradissa puheen, että Yhdysvallat saavutetaan kahdessa vuodessa ja tämä tarkoittaisi vuoden 1956 tuotannon kasvattamista 3,2-kertaiseksi. Hän toisti väitteensä myös yhdysvaltalaiselle CBS-televisiokanavalle antamassaan haastattelussa. Kun Neuvostoliitto hajosi vuonna 1991, se oli vielä erittäin kaukana Hruštšovin kaavailuista. Kampanjan lopputulos oli lopulta päinvastainen, se heikensi hänen asemaansa niin tavallisen kansan kuin puolueen johdon mielissä.
ellauri249.html on line 409: Kyseenalaisia sankareita kaiken kaikkiaan, esimtää "bloody eye" Skobelev edellisessä Krimin sodassa. Skobelev returned to Turkestan after the war, and in 1880 and 1881 further distinguished himself by retrieving the disasters inflicted by the Tekke Turkomans: following the Siege of Geoktepe, it was stormed, the general captured the fort. Around 8,000 Turkmen soldiers and civilians, including women and children were slaughtered in a bloodbath in their flight, along with an additional 6,500 who died inside the fortress. The Russians massacre included all Turkmen males in the fortress who had not escaped, but they spared some 5,000 women and children and freed 600 Persian slaves. The defeat at Geok Tepe and the following slaughter broke the Turkmen resistance and decided the fate of Transcaspia, which was annexed to the Russian Empire. The great slaughter proved too much to stomach reducing the Akhal-Tekke country to submission. Skobelev was removed from his command because of the massacre. He was advancing on Ashkhabad and Kalat i-Nadiri when he was disavowed and recalled to Moscow. He was given the command at Minsk. The official reason for his transfer to Europe was to appease European public opinion over the slaughter at Geok Tepe. British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery assessed Skobelev as the world's "best single commander" between 1870 and 1914 and wrote of his "skilful and inspiring" leadership. Francis Vinton Greene also rated Skobelev highly.
ellauri254.html on line 58: offmann ETA">Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann (24. tammikuuta 1776 Königsberg, Itä-Preussi – 25. kesäkuuta 1822 Berliini) oli saksalainen kirjailija, juristi, säveltäjä, musiikkikriitikko, piirtäjä ja karikatyristi. Hoffmann oli Saksan romantiikan huomattavin kertoja ja uudenaikaisen kauhukertomuksen aloittaja. Hoffmann on jäänyt kirjallisuushistoriaan lyhennetyssä muodossaan E. T. A. Hoffmann. Parhaiten Hoffmann tunnetaan teoksestaan Pähkinänsärkijä ja hiirikuningas (Nussknacker und Mausekönig, 1816). Pjotr Tšaikovski sävelsi teoksesta vuonna 1892 tunnetun baletin, joka perustui Alexander Dumas'n versioon Hoffmannin tarinasta. Hoffmannista itsestäänkin on tehty ooppera, Jacques Offenbachin Hoffmanin kertomukset (1879). Jules Barbierin libretto perustuu hänen ja Michel Carrén näytelmään (1851), joka taas perustuu Hoffmanin kertomuksiin, joiden päähenkilönä hän itse seikkailee.
ellauri254.html on line 60: ETA Hoffmanista on mulla jo nippu linkkejä. German storywriter E.T.A. Hoffmann appears to have suffered and died from tabes dorsalis. Eli kuppaan kuoli tämä kaveri. Se väsäsi sen Nussknackerin, joulukuusen koristeen jonka sain Berliinistä Shanshanilta, johon "siitä vaan sano" Zhaikovski teki musiikin. Varsin mitätön Gerard de Nerval (salanimi) esitteli saksankielistä kirjallisuutta Ranskassa, muun muassa esikuvaansa E. T. A. Hoffmannia sekä J. W. von Goetheä. Nobel-Olga Tokarczukin Izidorkin kaipasi aakkosten alkupäästä Hoffmannia.
ellauri254.html on line 61: Offenbach sävelsi jotain Hoffmannin Antonian lauluja, kuten Aku Aataminsaari laittoi Edisonin sanomaan. Ei pie sekoittaa Hugo von Hoffmansthaliin joka oli aatelisnimestään huolimatta jutku.
ellauri254.html on line 63: Die Serapionsbrüder ist eine 1819 bis 1821 veröffentlichte Sammlung von Erzählungen und Aufsätzen von E.T.A. Hoffmann. Hoffmann stellte die vier Bände zu großen Teilen aus bereits vorher veröffentlichtem Material zusammen, fügte aber einige neue Erzählungen sowie eine Rahmenhandlung hinzu, in der einige literarisch gebildete Freunde über Probleme der Kunst diskutieren und als fiktive Autoren der Erzählungen auftreten. Vorbild für diesen Freundeskreis waren die Treffen der Serapionsbrüder, eines literarischen Kreises um Hoffmann, dem neben weiteren Schriftstellern auch Adelbert von Chamisso und Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué angehörten. Der Name leitete sich ursprünglich vom Heiligen Serapion her, an dessen Gedenktag – dem 14. November – der Freundeskreis sich zum ersten Mal nach längerer Trennung im Jahr 1818 wieder zusammenfand. Wichtiger als dieser äußere Anlass wird aber das sogenannte serapiontische Prinzip, dem sich die Mitglieder des Kreises verpflichtet fühlen.
ellauri254.html on line 66: „Die Grundpfeiler dieses Vereins bildeten nächst Hoffmann, Contessa, Koreff (ein ausgezeichneter Arsch*) und Hitzig. Ein vortrefflicher ineinandergreifendes Quatuor mochte nicht leicht zu finden sein. Koreff war der einzige Mensch, dem Hoffmann geduldig zuhörte, weil er ihn in der Unterhaltung an sprudelndem lebendigem Witze oft und an Kenntnissen immer überbot, auch dabei gutmütig genug war, ihn reden zu lassen, so oft er wollte; Contessa, selbst wenig redend, horchte auf alles, was die Freunde an Witz ausgehen ließen, mit dem beredtesten Beifallslächeln, das ihm unaufhörlich um die Mundwinkel spielte, von Zeit zu Zeit ein kleines, aber entscheidendes Wörtchen zugebend, und Hitzig, der mit Contessa das Publikum bildete und alle drei übrigen länger und besser als sie sich untereinander kannte, verstand darum die Kunst, Lücken im Gespräch auszufüllen, und wo es matt wurde, es wieder anzuregen, sich willig jedes Anspruchs auf Solopartien begebend.“ Hoffman oli takuulla sehr narzissistisch.
ellauri254.html on line 67: In den Rahmengesprächen der „Serapionsbrüder“ treten insgesamt sechs Figuren auf. Ihre Identifikation mit den historischen Teilnehmern des Serapions-Kreises ist zum einen Teil spekulativ, zum anderen Teil hat Hoffmann die realen Figuren nur als Anregung für die literarische Charakterisierung genommen.
ellauri254.html on line 70: Theodor: E.T.A. Hoffmann;
ellauri254.html on line 83: Programmatisch für das serapiontische Prinzip, das „wie Theodor sehr richtig bemerkte, eben nichts weiter heißen wollte, als daß die Serapionsbrüder übereingekommen, sich durchaus niemals mit schlechtem Machwerk zu quälen“, ist die Absage an jede Art von Nachahmungspoetik und jeden sogenannten Realismus. Nicht die Außenwelt soll durch die Dichtung abgebildet werden, sondern es gilt, „das Bild, das dem wahren Künstler im Innern aufgegangen“, durch „poetische Darstellung ins äußere Leben zu tragen“. Wie Serapion, der als weltfremder Eremit nur seinen Visionen folgte, soll auch der Dichter sich von der Einsamkeit als idealer Sphäre seines schöpferischen Geistes inspirieren lassen. Je mehr ihm die Welt zum bloßen Störfaktor wird, desto autonomer, genialer und serapiontischer sein Werk. Indem die fiktiven Erzähler der Novellensammlung über die serapiontische Qualität ihrer Texte diskutieren, wird die ästhetische Reflexion – ganz im Sinne romantischer Poetologie – selbst zum Bestandteil der Poesie. Verwirrend für die Interpreten E.T.A. Hoffmanns sind dabei die für ihn so charakteristischen visionär-phantastischen Projektionen, mit denen er die künstlerische Innenschau mit der alltäglichen Wirklichkeit verbindet und dabei eine typisch serapiontische Mischung aus Phantasie und Realität schafft, die für den Leser nur noch schwer zu entwirren ist.
ellauri254.html on line 107: Saksalaisen romantikon E. T. A. Hoffmannin teoksen mukaan nimetty ryhmä sai alkunsa Vsemirnaja literatura -kustantamon ja Pietarin Taiteiden talon yhteyteen vuonna 1919 perustetusta kääntäjäkurssista ja kirjallisuusstudiosta. Ensimmäinen kokoontuminen pidettiin vuoden 1921 alussa. Serapion-veljiin kuuluivat Lev Lunts, Nikolai Nikitin, Mihail Slonimski, Ilja Gruzdev, Konstantin Fedin, Vsevolod Ivanov, Mihail Zoštšenko, Veniamin Kaverin, Jelizaveta Polonskaja ja Nikolai Tihonov sekä joukko ”ulkojäseniä”. Toimintaa ohjasivat muun muassa Maksim Gorki ja Viktor Šklovski.
ellauri254.html on line 395: ‘reshaped his daily life in a new and unnecessary way. A big new apartment was rented, small gilt chairs were bought. The walls of the large cold office for some reason were decorated with paintings of Leda by various painters. The quiet talks were replaced by noisy gatherings with dances and masks. Sologub shaved his mustache and beard, and everyone started to say that he resembled a Roman of the period of decline.’
ellauri254.html on line 401: ‘To my great dismay, today I discovered that your tail came from my perineum (actually not mine, someone else’s – that’s the problem!). Moreover, I cannot find the rear paws. Have they really been cut off? Where shall I look for them? I await your reply. I’ve taken the skin to be fixed – but how ever can I return it with patches?’
ellauri254.html on line 417: Von Hoffmanstahlin näytelmän suomensi Huugo Jalkanen vuonna 1916, ja musiikin siihen teki Jean Sibelius. Sitä esitettiin paljon suomalaisissa teattereissa erityisesti 1940–1960-luvuilla. Pelkästään 1950-luvun aikana sitä esitettiin seitsemässä suomalaisessa ammattiteatterissa.
ellauri254.html on line 471: Der reinen wolken unverhofftes blau Puhtaiden pilvien odotuxenvastainen sininen
ellauri254.html on line 501: Klages was born on 10 December 1872, in Hannover, Germany, the son of Friedrich Ferdinand Louis Klages, a businessman and former military officer, and wife Marie Helene née Kolster. In 1878, his sister Helene Klages was born and the two shared a strong bond throughout their lives. In 1882, when Klages was nine years old, his mother died. The death is thought to have been the result of pneumonia. He quickly developed a strong interest in both prose and poetry writing, as well as in Greek and Germanic antiquity. His relationship with his father was strained by the latter's strictness and will to discipline him. Nevertheless, attempts to forbid Klages from writing poetry were unsuccessful by both his teachers and parents.
ellauri254.html on line 521: In Schulers antisemitisch-esoterischer Vorstellungswelt strömten im Blut „kosmische Energien“ des Menschen zusammen, ein kostbarer Besitz, der „Quell aller schöpferischen Mächte“ sei. Dieser Schatz sei von einem besonderen Leuchtstoff durchdrungen, der von der kosmischen Kraft des Trägers künde, allerdings nur im Blut auserwählter Personen zu finden sei. Von ihnen erwartete man in den Zeiten des Niederganges die allgemeine Wiedergeburt in den Sonnenkindern oder Wiener Sängerknaben. Nun gab es nach Auffassung Klages’ einen mächtigen Feind des Blutes, den Geist, und die kosmischen Anstrengungen sollten darauf hinauslaufen, die Seele aus der „Knechtschaft“ dieses Geistes zu befreien, jener Kraft, die mit Fortschritt und Vernunft, Kapitalismus, Zivilisation und dem Judentum gleichzusetzen war und den Sieg Jahwes über das Leben bedeuten würde. Die Tiraden Schulers gegen den „Molochismus“, wie er seine Anspielung auf den kinderverschlingenden Moloch nannte, unterschieden sich kaum von antisemitischen Wendungen, die um diese Zeit in Wien gestreut wurden. Klages ging über diese noch hinaus, indem er vom Scheinleben einer Larve sprach, die Jahwe nutze, „um auf dem Wege der Täuschung die Menschheit zu vernichten“.
ellauri254.html on line 534: Der Engels ist Führer des Dichters, der seinerseits Jünger um sich schart, ein Paradigmenwechsel, der den Beginn des Werkes charakterisiert und sich kritisch-rückblickend auf das epigonale weibliche Paradigma im Jahr der Seele bezieht. Die nichtdomestizierte weibliche Sexualität stelle für George eine Bedrohung dar: Er verbinde den erfüllten (heterosexuellen) Geschlechtsakt mit Zersetzung und Dekadenz, im übertragenen Sinne mit Epigonalität oder Ästhetizismus. In Die Fremde etwa, einem Gedicht aus dem Teppich des Lebens, versinkt die Frau als dämonische, im Mondlicht mit „offenem haar“ singende Hexe im Torf, ein „knäblein“, „schwarz wie nacht und bleich wie lein“ als Pfand zurücklassend, während in den als sprachlich verunglückt eingestuften Gewittern die „falsche Gattin“, die sich „in den wettern tummelt“ und „zügellosen rettern“ preisgegeben ist, am Ende verhaftet wird.
ellauri254.html on line 844: Zoštšenkon ensimmäinen kertomuskokoelma Rasskazy Nazara Iljitša, gospodina Sinebrjuhova (”Herra Nazar Sinebrykoffin kertomuksia”) ilmestyi vuonna 1922. Hänen satiiriset kertomuksensa saivat pian valtavan suosion. Niiden kertojasankari on puoliksi sivistynyt pieni ihminen, joka yrittäessään sopeutua uusiin olosuhteisiin törmää erilaisiin absurdeihin epäkohtiin. Kirjailijan alatyylistä puhetapaa ja uutta neuvostosanastoa humoristisesti sekoittava kerrontatekniikka kuuluu Nikolai Gogolista juontuvaan skaz-perinteeseen.
ellauri256.html on line 370: The well-off Osip even offered to finance the publication of the poem - he became a kind of a promoter for Mayakovsky. In the meantime, Lilya started working on the poet's image like Pipsa on E. Saarinen: she made him change his brightly-coloured cubo-futuristic robes for a coat and formal suit and have his teeth done. In other words, there were three of them in that relationship.
ellauri257.html on line 47: Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol (1 April [O.S. 20 March] 1809 – 4 March [O.S. 21 February] 1852) was a very short story writer and playwright of Ukrainian origin. Gogol was born in the Ukrainian Cossack town of Sorochyntsi, in the Poltava Governorate of the Russian Empire. His mother was descended from Leonty Kosyarovsky, an officer of the Lubny Regiment in 1710. His father was supposedly Vasily Gogol-Yanovsky, who died when Gogol was 15 years old, was descendant of Ukrainian Cossacks (see Lyzohub family) and belonged to the 'petty gentry'. His father wrote poetry in Ukrainian almost as well as in Russian, and was an amateur playwright in his brother's home theatre. As was typical of the left-bank Ukrainian gentry of the early nineteenth century, the family spoke Ukrainian nearly as well as Russian. As a child, Gogol helped stage plays in his uncle's home theatre.
ellauri257.html on line 367: Er galt schon zu Lebzeiten als homosexuell, allerdings war dies eine Vermutung seiner Zeitgenossen. Seine wichtigste heteroerotische Erfahrung war offenbar seine letzte Lebensgefährtin, die junge Kanadierin Rita, die er ein halbes Jahr vor seinem Tod heiratete. Sie hat mit ihm durchgehalten, trotz kleinen Bosheiten, mit denen er sie oder ihr Zusammenleben bedenkt. Danach war es nur Fernsehen, Zweispänner, Grammophon, Frigidaire, Ofen, Hund, Katze.
ellauri257.html on line 382: But guenons aren't the only amorous apes that have shrugged off sexual norms. There's also the japanese macaque, which have been spotted having sex with deer numerous times. But it now appears it's the female monkeys performing sex acts with the deer by mounting them and thrusting, raportoi brittilehti The Sun.
ellauri257.html on line 423: Pornography is D.H. Lawrence without the penetration, Diary of a Chambermaid with none of the bite and philosophical imagination. A group of Germans inexplicably fuck around in the near distance. Frederic curiously precedes a murderous request by squeezing a young blonde’s breasts like melons. A Jewish family hides under the kitchen’s floorboards, but no explanation is offered for how they got there.
ellauri257.html on line 438: Dygd, förnuft, uppoffrande sinnelag, hjältemod, ädelmod, våld! våld! våld! Etanoita, sammakoita, koiranhäntätupsukoita.Våldtäkt! Tafsande! Varför var vi annars män? En man är bara till för sig själv, inte någon annan! Witold vill helst föröka sig med Waclav man to man, på tumanhand. Tukuittain ällösanoja ja latenttia ellei patenttia homostelua.
ellauri258.html on line 91:
ellauri258.html on line 92: US Pilots Rush for Their Massive Stealth Bombers and Takeoff at Full Throttle. Ukraina ei voi voittaa Venäjää ilman häivepommittajia!
ellauri260.html on line 351: Socialism wants to create a structure which is superior to the individuals, and all its wishes and hopes are centred in this, but what it constructs can never be more than a bringing together of separate elements without any inner connection. It thus comes to be divided in its own body. Its ideal of the whole demands a world of action, and puts in on the lines of self-direction and spirit ; but in its actual development it imitates the mere contiguity of the material world and is bound up with it. The consequence is that it contains several different ideals of life which are not reconciled with each other. Even the happiness it offers is marred by this division. The whole body is to be as happy as possible ; but what is the nature of the happiness if in the end it means merely the welfare of individuals, if it does not evolve a realm of goodness and truth out of the turmoil of interests and enable human nature to participate in it ? Quantity, it seems, is to replace quality ; but is that done so easily ? Do we not find ourselves in entirely different worlds ? Socialism wants a community, but can only attain a comradeship. It can find stones for the building and stimulate people to work ; but it cannot either design or create the entire structure.
ellauri260.html on line 355: It wishes to bind men together more closely and make an end of all gulfs between them, but as it builds only from without, not from within, and has no higher life to offer, the individuals will inevitably diverge more and more from each other. Any one of them may impose his conception of life upon the others. There will be an increasing dispersion until in the end some force brings the situation to a close. What is the use of a dictatorship when there is no supreme dictator ?
ellauri260.html on line 393: In 1896 Frazer married Elizabeth "Lilly" Grove, a writer whose father was from Alsace. She would later adapt Frazer's Golden Bough as a book of children's stories, The Leaves from the Golden Bough. Frazer was not widely travelled. His prime sources of data were ancient histories and questionnaires mailed to missionaries and imperial officials all over the globe. His vision of the annual sacrifice of the Year-King has not been borne out by field studies. His wife Lady Frazer published a single-volume abridged version, largely compiled by her, in 1922, with some controversial material on Christianity excluded from the text. Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, cited Totemism and Exogamy frequently in his own Totem and Taboo:
ellauri262.html on line 164: Within months of entering Oxford, he was shipped by the British Army to France to fight in the First World War. In the midst of the German spring offensive, Lewis was wounded and two of his colleagues were killed by a British shell falling short of its target. He was depressed and homesick during his convalescence and, upon his recovery in October, he was assigned to duty in Andover, England. He was demolished in December 1918 and soon restarted his studies. Later, Lewis stated that his experience of the horrors of war, along with the loss of his mother and unhappiness in school, were the basis of his pessimism and atheism.
ellauri262.html on line 195: Lewis was only 40 when the war began, and he tried to re-enter military service, offering to instruct cadets; however, his offer was not accepted, as he did not want to write lies to deceive the enemy. Instead, From 1941 to 1943, Lewis spoke on religious programmes broadcast by the BBC from London while the city was under periodic air raids. These broadcasts were appreciated by civilians and servicemen at that stage. For as Air Chief Marshal Sir Donald Hardman wrote:
ellauri262.html on line 311: The presence of sexuality in The Lord of the Rings, a bestselling fantasy novel by J. R. R. Tolkien, has been debated, as it is somewhat unobtrusive. However, love and marriage appear in the form of the warm relationship between the hobbits Sam Gamgee and Rosie Cotton; the unreturned feelings of Éowyn for Aragorn, followed by her falling in love with Faramir, and marrying him; and Aragorn's love for Arwen, described in an appendix rather than in the main text, as "The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen". Multiple scholars have noted the symbolism of the monstrous female spider Shelob. Interest has been concentrated, too, on the officer-batman-inspired same-sex relationship of Frodo and his gardener Sam as they travel together on the dangerous quest to destroy the Ring. Scholars and commentators have interpreted the relationship in different ways, from close but not necessarily homosexual to plainly homoerotic, or as an idealised heroic friendship.
ellauri262.html on line 313: The author of the bestselling fantasy novel The Lord of the Rings, J. R. R. Tolkien, was orphaned as a boy, his father dying in South Africa and his mother in England a few years later. He was brought up by his guardian, a Catholic priest, Father Francis Xavier Morgan, and educated at male-only grammar schools and then Exeter College, Oxford, which at that time had only male students. He joined the British Army's Lancashire Fusiliers and saw the horror of trench warfare, with life as an officer made more bearable by the support of a male batman or servant. After the war he became a professor of English Language at the University of Leeds, and then at the University of Oxford, where he taught at Pembroke College. At Oxford, he created an all-male literary group with another Oxford professor of English, C. S. Lewis, called the Inklings.
ellauri262.html on line 321: The scholar David Craig writes that Shelob is sometimes just called "she", drawing the reader's attention to her gender. Her "hate and depravity" are "strongly sexualised"; Tolkien wrote that "Far and wide her lesser broods, bastards of the miserable mates, her own offspring, that she slew, spread from glen to glen". Craig comments that "her crimes are abominable and include incest, illegitimacy and infanticide, all crimes pertaining to sex".
ellauri262.html on line 323: The Anglican priest and scholar of literature Alison Milbank writes that Shelob is undeniably sexual: "Tolkien offers a most convincing Freudian vagina dentata (toothed vagina) in the ancient and disgustingly gustatory spider Shelob." Milbank states that Shelob symbolises "an ancient maternal power that swallows up masculine identity and autonomy", threatening a "castrating hold [which] is precisely what the sexual fetishist fears, and seeks to control". The Tolkien scholar and medievalist Jane Chance mentions "Sam's penetration of her belly with his sword", noting that this may be an appropriate and symbolic way of ending her production of "bastards".
ellauri262.html on line 429: On 3 January 1924, at the age of 30, Sayers secretly gave birth to an illegitimate son, John Anthony (later surnamed Fleming). John Anthony, "Tony", was given into care with her aunt and cousin, Amy and Ivy Amy Shrimpton, and passed off as her nephew to family and friends. Details of these circumstances were revealed in a letter from Mrs White to her daughter Valerie, Tony's half-sister, in 1958 after Sayers's death. Tony was raised by the Shrimptons and was sent to a good boarding school. In 1935 he was legally adopted by Sayers and her then husband "Mac" Fleming.
ellauri262.html on line 440: Sayers was greatly influenced by G. K. Chesterton, fellow detective fiction novelist, essayist, critic, among other things, commenting that, "I think, in some ways, G.K.’s books have become more a part of my mental make-up than those of any writer you could name.” n 2022, Sayers was officially added to the Episcopal Church liturgical calendar with a feast day on 17 December.
ellauri262.html on line 486: Lewis starts off by asking why humans need so much castigation. Immediately he shares the Christian answer that humans have used free will to become very bad. Remember the clandestine fucking behind the apple tree! Though it wasn't the fucking as such but disobedience. The only guy that is allowed to be proud in Eden is its owner. Fucking with the snake was just a test. You FAILED! Put your pants on! Free will was not meant for you to do what you want, but to obey so it hurts! Misguided fucking made man an animal, the rest is biology. Man, as a species, spoiled his pants.
ellauri262.html on line 523: When Clives second wife dies 1960, Clive is at first very angry at his God: why did you have to do this too to me? When he cools off he thanks God that he did not kill her off earlier. That's thing, be grateful for what you got. In the end, like in JK Rowlings last testament, 'all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well'".
ellauri263.html on line 316: The First Crusade officially commenced on 15 August 1096 (Av 24, AM 4856), killing 10,000 Jews in its first month and destroying Jewish communities in France and the Rhineland.
ellauri263.html on line 373: It’s mostly in Arabic and Hebrew, but that hasn’t limited the appeal. Netflix, which has 109 million members across 190 countries, describes it as a global phenomenon – one of a string of Israeli successes, besides Yom Kippur war and the occupation of Palestine. Netflix has already commissioned a third series along with other shows from Fauda’s creators, journalist Avi Issacharoff and Lior Raz, who served in the undercover unit on which the series is based and plays its predictably gruff Israeli lead Doron Kavillio.
ellauri263.html on line 395: Small wonder, then, that all eyes are on finding the new Homeland Security, itself based on an Israeli TV series, Hatufim. And it’s not surprising that the quest is focused on Israel, which has spawned a string of international hits, starting with In Treatment, a 2008 HBO adaptation of the Hebrew-language Be Tipul. In 2016 Neflix started airing Mossad 101, about Israel’s intelligence service, while earlier this year Hulu nabbed False Flag, a conspiracy thriller loosely premised on the 2010 assassination of Hamas official Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, widely thought to be the work of the Mossad, by a hit squad carrying foreign passports.
ellauri263.html on line 423: As in most contracts made between two parties, there are mutual obligations, conditions and terms of reciprocity for such a contract to hold up as good. Thus said R. Yannai: "The conditions written in a ketubah, [when breached], are tantamount to [forfeiture of] the ketubah." A woman who denies coitus unto her husband, a condition of the ketubah, was considered legal grounds for forfeiture of her marriage contract, with the principal and additional jointure being written off.
ellauri263.html on line 607: Four factors characterize marginal religious groups which offer leadership roles for women:
ellauri263.html on line 682: Albumissa 250 Peter "luipero" Singer peukuttaa polyamoriaa, josta eräs uptight britti Louis on tehnyt tv-dokkarin. Ällöjä läskejä ja enimmäxeen muotopuolia amerikkalaisia Oregonista, jotka istuu teeveesoffissa hymistellen polyamorian iskulauseita "jokainen on ize vastuussa omasta onnellisuudestaan, hän valizi näin, hän olisi voinut valita toisinkin". Silti nää kuviot näytti aika helposti lipsahtavan jonkinlaisen heikosti naamioidun sorron puolelle. Porukoissa näytti olevan aina joku narsisti tai suorastaan psykopaatti tyyppi jonka ympärillä pyörii koko kuvio, ja yxi tai useampia tappiolle jääviä osapuolia, kuhmuisia juurexia joiden ei kuitenkaan auttanut muuta kuin vakuttaa että vastedes ne ovat kiltisti. Oletko kunnossa? Tunnetko compursionia kun polymurusi saa munaa alakerrassa? Totta kai, olen iloinen kun hiän on iloinen, ja multa tulee käteen täällä yläkerrassa kun kuulen miten kaveri laskee kamat pussiin tuolla alhaalla. Vaikka olishan sitä kiva edes kazella kandaulistisesti vierestä kuin J-J Rousseaun impotentti äijä Julkussa. Mut ei taida Mamma siihen suostua.
ellauri263.html on line 729: The evolutionary purpose of jealousy isn't relevant anymore: who wants to have children anyway, and by the golden rule of America "look out for N:o 1" everybody is responsible for their own welfare and happiness. We are no fucking communists, after all. Unfortunately, the emotion does still play a role in our lives. Blue compares feeling jealous to having an alarm bell going off in your head.
ellauri263.html on line 731: "It's very similar to a fire alarm in your house, right? It goes off, it's loud, it's obnoxious, it's alerting to something, it has a function. And you know in a similar way, it's very disorienting," she explains. "In the same way, when you're triggered into feeling jealousy, it's very disorienting, and it can be very overwhelming. But ultimately, it's alerting you to something. Once you quiet the alarm, once you turn off the fire alarm, what you would normally do is sort of go around your house and figure out what's going on. … Is something actually on fire, or is it a false alarm? Same with jealousy—it's alerting you to some sort of discomfort."
ellauri263.html on line 733: Sometimes the emotional alarm is going off because something's actually wrong—your partner isn't giving you the attention or affection you need, for example, or perhaps they're betraying a promise or agreement you have about your relationship, which of course makes you feel unstable or upset. Other times the alarm goes off over misperceptions or just our own insecurities. We're worried a lively conversation between our partner and an attractive stranger means that they're no longer as interested in us, that there's a chance they might be more interested in someone else, that there's a threat to the relationship. Even if none of that is true, our anxieties can get the best of us, and so jealousy is how it manifests as an emotion.
ellauri263.html on line 773: My partner and I made compersion an active practice, a skill that we both worked on together. It didn't really come naturally to either of us, but we supported each other as we tried to do it. Initially, it was basically a lot of mental gymnastics trying to reason out why we should be happy when the other person scored a hot date. Once you fully get why it doesn't make sense to feel jealous—i.e., your relationship is totally secure, and the presence of another person in your partner's life is not a threat to your relationship whatsoever—then you can start to disarm that alarm more easily whenever it goes off in your head.
ellauri264.html on line 85: L’action du drame se passe à Mayence, au quartier général des armées françaises en 1793. Les officiers soupçonnent de trahison d’Oyron, un de leurs camarades, d’origine aristocratique. Une lettre saisie sur un paysan rhénanien semble prouver la trahison de d’Oyron. Rolland avait l’intention de démontrer son impartialité. Pour atteindre ce but, il voulait que l’innocence de d’Oyron ne pût être établie de manière définitive.
ellauri264.html on line 90: Les Loups firent une apparition inattendue aux États-Unis en décembre 1924, grâce au Yiddish Art Theater de New York fondé et dirigé par Maurice Schwartz. Ce fut la première pièce de Rolland jouée aux États-Unis. Vingt ans auparavant, Rolland avait offert son drame aux théâtres de New York, qui l’avaient refusé, en lui répondant : « Impossible ! Il n’y a pas de femmes. Ce n’est pas une pièce de théâtre."
ellauri264.html on line 100: The film received a negative critical response. Partly because the date-rape interest prevented teenagers from just having some clean gory fun. (The IMDB Parent guide says: A female character is tied up and it is implied that she is about to be raped. She is cut free before this can happen however, and no nudity is shown. Violence & Gore Moderate. 9 of 19 found this moderate. A pack of werewolves are shown feasting on human body parts. Profanity Moderate. 7 of 16 found this moderate. Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking. Female nudity female rear nudity murder clothes torn off female topless nudity 136 more.)
ellauri264.html on line 116: Louis Theroux koitti haastatella 3 amerikan alt-right someinfluensseria: Nick Fuentes, Baked Alaska ja Beardson Beardy huonolla ratamenestyxellä. Haastattelu kääntyi loppupeleissä yleensä haistatteluxi. Niiden ansaintalogiikka oli kerätä inseleiltä klikkejä ja taaloja vizeixi naamioidulla äärioikispropagandalla: white supremacy, racism, antisemitism, misogyny, and homophobia. Mikä näitä kaikkia asenteita yhdistää? No se että white trash incel miekkonen jää keskiöön. Beardylla oli Louis paita päällä mutta poltti hihat kun Louis japitti sen tekemästä nazitervehdyxestä. Get off my property se huusi kuin katolinen viulunsoittaja. Brittany joka oli ensin mukana sai hampaattomalta parrattomalta Beardyltä anaaliraiskausuhkauxen, ilmeisesti leikillisen kuitenkin koska Beardy nauroi uhkauxen jälkeen pitkään ahdistunutta huutonaurua. Nick Fuentes oli 22-vuotias wannabe pikkuhitleri, joka puhui fyyrerinä kansalle vanhempien kellariin rakentamastaan studiosta. Se kehui olevansa jo miljonääri kiitos jokailtaisten kolmituntisten palopuheiden. Peilisilmälasinen Baked koitti nauraa yhtä kovasti, mutta viimeinen tapaaminen päättyi silti suht vihamieliseen vittuiluun. Bakedin puhelimeen sai muutaman taalan hinnasta soittaa rasistisia ja antisemiittisiä haukkuja. Äänet oli muunnettu niin että inselit kuulostivat alaikäisiltä tytöiltä. Baked Alaska on venäläinen uunijäätelö. Sitä sai ravintola Kasakasta Neizytpolulta. .
ellauri264.html on line 222: These commodities and services must be offered to the consumer with a special urgency. We require not only “forced draft” consumption, but “expensive” consumption as well. We need things consumed, burned up, worn out, replaced, and discarded at an ever increasing pace. We need to have people eat, drink, dress, ride, live, with ever more complicated and, therefore, constantly more expensive consumption. The home power tools and the whole “do-it-yourself” movement are excellent examples of “expensive” consumption.“
ellauri264.html on line 409: Extreme right radio station WICC programme director Adam Lambetti told The Independent in a statement: “Norm Pattis is no longer with WICC, but we wish him well in the future.” On Wednesday, a jury reached a staggering $965m damages award against Mr Jones for the emotional and financial harm he had caused to 15 Sandy Hook family members and an FBI officer who attended the shooting in 2012. Afterwards, Mr Pattis admitted he got his “arse kicked”. “It was great fun while it lasted,” Mr Pattis said, who describes himself in an online bio as a “lawyer, writer, contrarian, stand-up comedian”.
ellauri264.html on line 422: Norm founded and leads The Law Firm in 2005, Connecticut-based criminal defense and civil rights. It focuses on serious felonies including violent felonies, white-collar crimes, sex offenses, drug crimes, and misconduct by lawyers, doctors, and government officials. Norm has defended capital murder cases and won federal civil rights verdicts for police brutality, discrimination, false arrest, malicious prosecution, and violations of rights, always on the side of the criminal. Norm Pattis is veteran of more than 100 successful jury trials, many resulting in acquittals for people charged with serious crimes, multi million dollar civil rights and discrimination verdicts, and successful criminal appeals. The Hartford Courant describes his work as “Brilliant” and “Audacious”.
ellauri264.html on line 427: “I’m 64 (no 68) years old and I have a ponytail. I have issues with authority. If I take a crooked case and it pisses off the other 7 (no 8 billion) people on the face of the Earth, that’s their problem, not mine.”
ellauri264.html on line 576: Eli’s sons were scoundrels; they had no regard for the Lord. Now it was the practice of the priests that, whenever any of the people offered a sacrifice, the priest’s servant would come with a three-pronged fork in his hand while the meat was being boiled and would plunge the fork into the pan or kettle or caldron or pot. Whatever the fork brought up the priest would take for himself. This is how they treated all the Israelites who came to Shiloh. But even before the fat was burned, the priest’s servant would come and say to the person who was sacrificing, “Give the priest some meat to roast; he won’t accept boiled meat from you, but only raw.”
ellauri264.html on line 579: 17 This sin of the young men was very great in the Lord’s sight, for they were treating the Lord’s offering with contempt.
ellauri264.html on line 581: Now Eli, who was very old, heard about everything his sons were doing to all Israel and how they slept with the women who served at the entrance to the tent of meeting. 23 So he said to them, “Why the fuck do you do such things? I hear from all the people about these wicked deeds of yours. 24 No, my sons; the report I hear spreading among the Lord’s people is not good. 25 If one person sins against another, God may mediate for the offender; but if anyone sins against the Lord, who will intercede for them? Oh Jesus.” His sons, however, did not listen to their father’s rebuke, for it was the Lord’s will to put them to death, willy nilly.
ellauri264.html on line 586: 18 When he mentioned the ark of God, Eli fell backward off his chair by the side of the gate. His neck was broken and he died, for he was an old man, and he was heavy. He had led Israel forty years and here was the thanks.
ellauri264.html on line 628: Hennes politiska engagemang väcktes av den negativa erfarenhet som hennes mormor haft med hemtjänsten. Hemtjänsten var sen med falukorven som mommo hade beställt. Busch beskriver även att hennes politiska engagemang har påverkats av hennes mammas upplevelser vid möten med Försäkringskassan och den offentliga sektorn när mamman varit sjukskriven för stress.
ellauri264.html on line 650: Nej, det hela handlar om att vänja folket vid att det ska gå att betala för snabbare, mer tillgänglig vård utanför det offentliga systemet. Och delvis är vi redan där, i ett uppdelat vårdsystem.
ellauri264.html on line 651: I ett nästa steg ska incitamenten öka för att betala ännu mer ur egen plånbok, något som blir allt enklare när den offentliga vården urholkas och kötiderna eskalerar.
ellauri264.html on line 677: Steve Jobs did a phone prank to an Apple fan boy who applied for the Apple CEO position and told him that he had been chosen, later to tell him if he showed up at Cupertino that the cops would arrest him. Steve Jobs refused child support for his daughter Lisa. But he was 20 years old by then, not excusing what he did though. He later made good and Lisa choose to live with him instead of her mother. Steve did many things wrong as a 20 something. But The Original Macintosh (folklore . org) has a lot of stories that show him as a Crusty the Clown, playing pranks with the team, breaking into his own office as he locked his keys inside. Putting a pirate flag on a building. How funny. A real barrel of laughs.
ellauri264.html on line 679: Definitely one of the darkest stories about Steve Jobs has to be the Breakout story. In the 1970’s, Steve Jobs was working for Atari, designing the game Breakout. Overwhelmed with work with a deadline quickly approaching, he approached Steve Wozniak for help in finishing his project within the next four days. In exchange for his help, Jobs offered Woz half of what he was earning, which he said was $700. For four days, Jobs and Wozniak worked day and night without sleep. When they were done, they were sick with mono and exhausted, but they finished the project before the deadline. Wozniak sai 350 dollarin osuuden luvatusti, ja he jatkoivat elämäänsä. Mutta varsinainen kusetus oli, että Jobs sai työstä 5000 dollaria, ei 700 dollaria. Tämä todella särki Wozniakin sydämen, eikä hän voi uskoa, että Jobsilla voisi olla jotain niin alhaista. Steve oli yksi vuosisadan töykeimmistä pomoista, hän ei välittänyt työntekijöistään paskan vertaa. Hän oli haimasyöpänsä ansainnut.
ellauri264.html on line 683: Elon Musk had a secretary who worked relentlessly for him, one day she asked for a raise, he told her to take a few days off, I will see if I can live without you. Then a few days later he called her and told her she was fired. Elon’s ex-wife Justine musk wrote an answer about the actual story. Read it here - Justine Musk's answer to What is known about Elon Musk's long-time assistant Mary Beth Brown?
ellauri264.html on line 706: Jobs We all know was a dick. From refusing to acknowledge Lisa was his daughter to refusing her mother child support. We all know he ripped off Wozniak many times. Including early in their career.
ellauri266.html on line 123: Seuraavaan kuvaan. Epileptinen opiskelijatyttö kuuntelee hikisenä kun ranskanproffa nuuskuttelee Baudelairea, fin de sièclen pepun hajuja.
ellauri266.html on line 344: Who knows perhaps one day these upper-class working women in teaching, in office jobs, in factories, in pubic services, are part of the answer to the lady from Oakland. As men become more accustomed to dealing with women colleagues and service staff, they will come to their senses and discuss with their partners sports events, the stock market, automobiles, politics, religion, philosophy, natural history, or science as they are waiting for their seed guns to reload. All the more enriched will be the relationship between them.
ellauri266.html on line 364: On August 28, 1995, Serb forces launched a mortar shell at the Sarajevo marketplace killing 37 people. Admiral Leighton Smith, the NATO commander recommended that NATO launch retaliatory air strikes under Operation Deliberate Massacre. On August 30, 1995, NATO officially launched Operation Deliberate Massacre with large-scale bombing of Serb targets. The airstrikes lasted until September 20, 1995 and involved attacks on 338 individual targets.
ellauri267.html on line 1292: I am off again; I will not prostitute
ellauri269.html on line 318: Upon reaching level 10, you will be able to select what is called your specialization or spec. Each class in World of Warcraft has its own set of different specs that further diversifies the class by adding unique abilities only that spec can use as well as potentially changing the role that class plays in content. For example: As a Demon Hunter you have two specs: Havoc and Vengeance. While both specs share abilities that are common to the class such as Double Jump and Spectral Sight, both specs have unique abilities that differentiates one spec from another. As a Havoc demon hunter, you have spells like Blade Dance to deal out more damage, or as a Vengeance demon hunter, you have spells like Demon Spikes and Fiery Brand which allows you to take less damage and keep enemies off of your allies.
ellauri269.html on line 345: The Wagner Group (Russian: Группа Вагнера, romanized: Gruppa Vagnera), also known as PMC Wagner (Russian: ЧВК[a] «Вагнер», romanized: ChVK «Vagner»; lit. 'Wagner Private Military Company'), is a Russian privately owned paramilitary organization. It is variously described as a private military company (PMC), a network of mercenaries, or a de facto private army of Russian President Vladimir Putin, depending how hawkish you are. The group operates beyond the law in Russia, where private military contractors are officially forbidden. While the Wagner Group itself is not ideologically driven, various elements of Wagner have been linked to neo-Nazis and far-right extremists, now fighting the Ukrainian neo-Nazis and far-right extremists in a war which is just unjust.
ellauri269.html on line 536: With all this in mind, the recent plot developments on AU Draenor might seem at first glance to be very problematic - depicting a Jewish-coded society becoming the oppressors in a manner that might seem like a poorly constructed and offensive commentary on modern Israel. However, the manner in which the AU Draenei become so zealous and militant is through their (implied) exposure to the words of Xe’ra. Their religion shifts from culturally tied tradition to an evangelistic dogmatic belief system. There is a clear intent of conversion behind their actions.
ellauri269.html on line 554: I always considered the Draenei based off of the Roma people of central/eastern Europe. It does have a large mixture of Hebraic culture infused with Hindi, Islamic, and other cultures. They are sort of wandering exiles who formed their own culture as they traveled, and adapted to new lands. Just like the Draenei.
ellauri269.html on line 598: So events on AU Draenor are problematic and offensive because they present a “Jewish-coded” society as being oppressive, but in actuality it’s fine and makes sense because they’re really now “Christianity-coded”?
ellauri269.html on line 711: It was a good couple of months in Dorian. Adolf learned things it was good for a king to know. He loved riding Jaina. Mutta Jaina muisti maagitarten Las Normas: älä koskaan ota aloitetta. Älä anna hilloa vielä toisellakaan kerralla. Posketus on pidettävä harvinaisena herkkuna. Haltiatenori yllättää lempiväiset siivouskomerosta. Aioitko Aadolf penkoa Evan Geschlechtsverkehrskofferia ilmatteexi siellä, kysyy kateellinen haltija. Aika reilua. Haltijalla saattaa olla kohta siellä, vai mitä? Siitä se ainaskin haaveilee. Adolf swore he would never more be caught impotent.
ellauri270.html on line 214: Professori Geoffrey Leech (1936-2014), laitoksemme perustajaprofessori ja vaikutusvaltainen tutkija, joka on muokannut useita kielitieteen aloja, kuoli yllättäen 19. elokuuta 2014. Lancasterin yliopiston Kielitieteen ja englannin kielen laitos järjesti professori Geoffrey Leechin muistotilaisuuden 22.11.2014. Katso kuvat muistotilaisuudesta jos kiinnostaa.
ellauri270.html on line 218: Geoff oli lahjakas pianisti ja urkuri, ja hän oli erityisen aktiivinen musiikin tekemisessä paikallisissa kirkoissa. Mutta tulemme myös kaipaamaan sitä niin tuttua näkemystä hänen kävelemässä käytävillämme lämpimästi hymyillen tervehtien kaikkia, vakiintuneista professoreista uusiin opiskelijoihin.
ellauri270.html on line 327: Much of the original ritual of the lottery has been forgotten, and one change that was made was Mr. Summers’s choice to replace the original pieces of wood with slips of paper, which fit more easily in the black box now that the population of the village has grown to three hundred. The night before the lottery, Mr. Summers and Mr. Graves always prepare the slips of paper, and then the box is kept overnight in the safe of the coal company. For the rest of the year, the box is stored in Mr. Graves’s barn, the post office, or the Martins’ grocery store.
ellauri270.html on line 331: In preparation for the lottery, Mr. Summers creates lists of the heads of families, heads of households in each family, and members of each household in each family. Mr. Graves properly swears in Mr. Summers as the officiator of the lottery. Some villagers recall that there used to be a recital to accompany the swearing in, complete with a chant by the officiator. Others remembered that the officiator was required to stand in a certain way when he performed the chant, or that he was required to walk among the crowd. A ritual salute had also been used, but now Mr. Summers is only required to address each person as he comes forward to draw from the black box. Mr. Summers is dressed cleanly and seems proper and important as he chats with Mr. Graves and the Martins.
ellauri270.html on line 448: Harris is the all-time winningest head coach in Mariner basketball history and has led his team to eight consecutive FHSAA state playoff appearances. His evaluations describe him as a teacher who worked well with students and was always willing to help out. However, he had trouble "demonstrating knowledge of content", according to an evaluation for the 2013-2014 school year. His "lesson plans are lacking basic elements and are difficult for others to follow," the evaluation states. But his lechery plan was straightforward and clear enough to follow.
ellauri270.html on line 500: The Albatross fell off, and sank Albatrossi putosi, osui ja upposi
ellauri270.html on line 574: Brandeis wurde 1948 als nicht konfessionsgebundene Universität unter der Förderung der amerikanisch-jüdischen Gemeinschaft gegründet. Benannt wurde die Universität nach Louis Brandeis (1856–1941), dem ersten jüdischen Richter am Obersten Gerichtshof der Vereinigten Staaten. Sie steht Studenten aller Nationalitäten, Religionen und politischer Orientierung offen. Noch 2006 waren etwa 50 % der Studenten jüdisch. Die Sportteams der Brandeis University nennen sich die Juden. nein, die Judges. Die Universität ist Mitglied der University Athletic Association.
ellauri272.html on line 86: Operation Iraqui Freedom (OIF) offers direct support against communists so as to leur defendre le droit to access smutty information. If you’re able, please consider a donation to OIF to ensure this important work continues. But anyway, here's The 101 most banned and burned books in the U.S. of A! Näissä kaikissa on kyse nuorison korruptoinnista, samasta mistä Sokrates sai sen myrkkytuomion. Näiden kirjojen vika on erilaiset poikkeamat 7th heaven perhekomedian malliperheestä. Isiä ja äitejä tai sukupuolia on liikaa tai liian vähän, kaikki eivät tule ajoissa päivälliselle tai korvaavat terveellisen kotiruuan nestemäisellä ravinnolla tai tabuilla ja nousevat ylös tai menevät sänkyyn liian myöhään tai liian aikaisin tai ovat seisaaltaan, keittiosaarekkeella tai muuten sopimattomilla tavoilla. Juuri niitä aiheita jotka elähdyttävät Netflixin ja muiden suorasoittopalvelinten tarjontaa.
ellauri272.html on line 230: Jacob's New Dress by Sarah Hoffman
ellauri272.html on line 408: Ammons wrote about humanity's relationship to nature in alternately comic and solemn tones. His poetry often addresses religious and philosophical matters and scenes involving nature, almost in a Transcendental fashion. According to reviewer Daniel Hoffman, his work "is founded on an implied Emersonian division of experience into Nature and the Soul," adding that it "sometimes consciously echoes familiar lines from Emerson, Whitman and Dickinson."[citation needed]
ellauri272.html on line 737: SAS on brittien pahimpia roistojoukkioita kaikissa länkkärien sodissa sitten 2. maailmankisojen. Poistanut "shakkinappuloita laudalta" enemmän kuin prinssi Harry. More than 3,500 "terrorists" were "taken off the streets" of Baghdad by 22 SAS. Voi vittu mitä jälkikolonialismia.
ellauri274.html on line 45: “Put me down! You are hurting me,” Adolf Hitler protests to the man of steel. But Superman has other ideas. Seizing the Nazi dictator, Superman shoots into the air, faster than any plane, to pick up Josef Stalin in Moscow. Next stop Geneva to drop off the “power mad scoundrels” at the League of Nations, where they are found guilty of “unprovoked aggression against defenseless countries”.
ellauri276.html on line 584: When our shears are shod, to the blacksmith off we wad, Kun saksillamme on kenkiä, lankeamme sepän luo,
ellauri276.html on line 608: Turning over frozen earth in dark January days behind a horse drawn or an ox drawn plough, must have been back breaking labour. The hours were long, pay was poor. A ploughman at the Alnwick Hiring Fair of spring 1819 for instance, was offered merely bed and food as payment for his fee for six months work. In the depression of that year, the ploughman had no choice, yet, these ploughmen appeared to enjoy their job and approached life with a sense of honest reality and humour. Their songs are nearly always cheerful. Cyril Tawney sang The Ploughman in 1974 on the Argo anthology The World of the Countryside. Jon Loomes sang The Ploughman in 2005 on his Fellside CD Fearful Symmetry. He noted:
ellauri276.html on line 692: Cast off the wat, put on the dry, Riisu märkä, pue kuiva
ellauri276.html on line 809: Go creeping up the far-off hill: hiipimään kaukaiselle kukkulalle:
ellauri276.html on line 1308: official_portrait.jpg/497px-Amy_Coney_Barrett_official_portrait.jpg" height="300px" />
ellauri277.html on line 260: Gibran died on 10 April 1931 of cirrhosis of the liver. He was an alcoholic and had been in poor health since the early 1920s. Gibran’s death set off a series of sordid conflicts that have clouded his reputation. His will left money and real estate to his sister (Marianna Jubran never married and died in Boston in 1972). Breckenridge ja Haskell piippasivat äkäsesti toisilleen mustankipeinä Gibranin kirjallisesta jäämistöstä. Breckenridge´s 1945 biography of Gibran, an adulatory work full of misinformation—much of which may have come from Gibran himself—continues to create confusion even after the publication of several excellent biographies.
ellauri278.html on line 167: He spoke good French, was quick, clever and efficient, and always knew his dossier well, but whereas I had a certain unwilling respect for Molotov, I had none at all for Vyshinsky. All Soviet officials at that time had no choice but to carry out Stalin's policies without asking too many questions, but Vyshinsky above all gave me the impression of a cringing toadie only too anxious to obey His Master's Voice even before it had expressed his wishes. ... I always had the feeling with Vyshinsky that his past as a Menshevik together with his Polish and bourgeois background made him particularly servile and obsequious in his dealings with Stalin and to a lesser extent with Molotov.
ellauri278.html on line 227: An emergency meeting of the main European powers – not including Czechoslovakia, although their representatives were present in the town, or the Soviet Union, an ally to both France and Czechoslovakia – took place in Munich, Germany, on 29–30 September 1938. An agreement was quickly reached on Hitler´s terms, and signed by the leaders of Germany, France, Britain, and Italy. The Czechoslovak mountainous borderland that the powers offered to appease Germany had not only marked the natural border between the Czech state and the Germanic states since the early Middle Ages, but it also presented a major natural obstacle to any possible German attack. Having been strengthened by significant border fortifications, the Sudetenland was of absolute strategic importance to Czechoslovakia.
ellauri278.html on line 231: On 3 May 1939, Stalin replaced Litvinov, who was closely identified with the anti-German position, with Vyacheslav Molotov. At a prearranged meeting, Stalin said: "The Soviet Government intended to improve its relations with Hitler and if possible sign a pact with Nazi Germany. As a Jew and an avowed opponent of such a policy, Litvinov stood in the way." Litvinov argued and banged on the table. Stalin then demanded Litvinov to sign a letter of resignation. On the night of Litvinov´s dismissal, NKVD troops surrounded the offices of the Commissariat of Foreign Affairs. The telephone at Litvinov´s dacha was disconnected and the following morning, Molotov, Georgy Malenkov, and Lavrenty Beria arrived at the commissariat to inform Litvinov of his dismissal. Many of Litvinov´s aides were arrested and beaten, possibly to extract compromising information.
ellauri278.html on line 238: Litvinov myönsi että Molotov-Ribbentrop sopimus oli ryssiltä hyvä ratkaisu siinä tapauksessa, vaikka aina hyvä ratkaisu on Kaleva-puku. The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact was a non-aggression pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union that enabled those powers to partition Eastern Europe between them. The pact was signed in Moscow on 23 August 1939 by German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop and Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov and was officially known as the Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Unofficially, it has also been referred to as the Hitler–Stalin Pact, Nazi–Soviet Pact or Nazi–Soviet Alliance.
ellauri278.html on line 244: Given Litvinov´s prior attempts to create an anti-fascist coalition, association with the doctrine of collective security with France and Britain, and pro-Western orientation by Kremlin standards, his dismissal indicated the existence of a Soviet option of rapprochement with Germany. Molotov´s appointment was a signal to Germany the USSR would negotiate. The dismissal also signaled to France and Britain the existence of a potential negotiation option with Germany. One British official wrote Litvinov´s disappearance meant the loss of an admirable technician or shock-absorber, while Molotov´s modus operandi was "more truly Bolshevik than diplomatic or cosmopolitan".
ellauri278.html on line 246: With regard to the signing of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact with secret protocols dividing Eastern Europe three months later, Hitler told military commanders; "Litvinov´s replacement was decisive". A German official told the Soviet Ambassador Hitler was pleased Litvinov´s replacement Molotov was not Jewish.
ellauri279.html on line 199: In his sensational exposé, Informer 001 or the Myth of Pavlik Morozov, a product of research carried out clandestinely in the Soviet Union between 1980 and 1984, he demolished the long-standing, “official” Soviet version of the young, thirteen-year old “pioneer” (who never was) and communist martyr – designated, in 1934, a Soviet literary hero at the First Congress of Soviet Writers – who had turned in his father to the authorities for treasonable activity. The boy was subsequently murdered, according to the authorities, by members of his own family. The young Pavlik did, in fact, denounce his father, but, as Yuri demonstrates, he appears to have been put up to it by his mother, seeking revenge for her husband’s infidelity. As to who actually killed Pavlik, Yuri establishes that it was certainly not family members who were hauled before a Soviet court and subsequently executed. No less a literary figure than Alexander Solzhenitsyn hailed the publication of the book in 1987, claiming that it was “through books such as this that as many Soviet lies will eventually be told as revealed.”
ellauri279.html on line 208: Dmitri Mikhailovich Alperovitch (born 1980) is a Russian American think-tank founder, investor, philanthropist, podcast host and former computer security industry executive. He is the chairman of Silverado Policy Accelerator, a geopolitics think-tank in Washington, D.C. and a co-founder and former chief technology officer of CrowdStrike. Alperovitch is a naturalized U.S. citizen born in Russia who came to the United States in 1994 with his family. Following Russian invasion of Ukraine, Alperovitch became the host of Geopolitics Decanted podcast, where he discusses current geopolitical events with militarily experts, historians, economists and political scientists. He is one of the 100 leading global thinkers in foreign policy 2013. Alperovitch even got a nod from President Trump when the leader (erroneously) called out CrowdStrike as “owned by a very rich Ukrainian.” (It’s assumed he was talking about Alperovitch, who is a cofounder and was born in Moscow to Russian parents.)
ellauri281.html on line 166: He spoke good French, was quick, clever and efficient, and always knew his dossier well, but whereas I had a certain unwilling respect for Molotov, I had none at all for Vyshinsky. All Soviet officials at that time had no choice but to carry out Stalin's policies without asking too many questions, but Vyshinsky above all gave me the impression of a cringing toadie only too anxious to obey His Master's Voice even before it had expressed his wishes. ... I always had the feeling with Vyshinsky that his past as a Menshevik together with his Polish and bourgeois background made him particularly servile and obsequious in his dealings with Stalin and to a lesser extent with Molotov.
ellauri281.html on line 226: An emergency meeting of the main European powers – not including Czechoslovakia, although their representatives were present in the town, or the Soviet Union, an ally to both France and Czechoslovakia – took place in Munich, Germany, on 29–30 September 1938. An agreement was quickly reached on Hitler´s terms, and signed by the leaders of Germany, France, Britain, and Italy. The Czechoslovak mountainous borderland that the powers offered to appease Germany had not only marked the natural border between the Czech state and the Germanic states since the early Middle Ages, but it also presented a major natural obstacle to any possible German attack. Having been strengthened by significant border fortifications, the Sudetenland was of absolute strategic importance to Czechoslovakia.
ellauri281.html on line 230: On 3 May 1939, Stalin replaced Litvinov, who was closely identified with the anti-German position, with Vyacheslav Molotov. At a prearranged meeting, Stalin said: "The Soviet Government intended to improve its relations with Hitler and if possible sign a pact with Nazi Germany. As a Jew and an avowed opponent of such a policy, Litvinov stood in the way." Litvinov argued and banged on the table. Stalin then demanded Litvinov to sign a letter of resignation. On the night of Litvinov´s dismissal, NKVD troops surrounded the offices of the Commissariat of Foreign Affairs. The telephone at Litvinov´s dacha was disconnected and the following morning, Molotov, Georgy Malenkov, and Lavrenty Beria arrived at the commissariat to inform Litvinov of his dismissal. Many of Litvinov´s aides were arrested and beaten, possibly to extract compromising information.
ellauri281.html on line 237: Litvinov myönsi että Molotov-Ribbentrop sopimus oli ryssiltä hyvä ratkaisu siinä tapauksessa, vaikka aina hyvä ratkaisu on Kaleva-puku. The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact was a non-aggression pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union that enabled those powers to partition Eastern Europe between them. The pact was signed in Moscow on 23 August 1939 by German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop and Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov and was officially known as the Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Unofficially, it has also been referred to as the Hitler–Stalin Pact, Nazi–Soviet Pact or Nazi–Soviet Alliance.
ellauri281.html on line 243: Given Litvinov´s prior attempts to create an anti-fascist coalition, association with the doctrine of collective security with France and Britain, and pro-Western orientation by Kremlin standards, his dismissal indicated the existence of a Soviet option of rapprochement with Germany. Molotov´s appointment was a signal to Germany the USSR would negotiate. The dismissal also signaled to France and Britain the existence of a potential negotiation option with Germany. One British official wrote Litvinov´s disappearance meant the loss of an admirable technician or shock-absorber, while Molotov´s modus operandi was "more truly Bolshevik than diplomatic or cosmopolitan".
ellauri281.html on line 245: With regard to the signing of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact with secret protocols dividing Eastern Europe three months later, Hitler told military commanders; "Litvinov´s replacement was decisive". A German official told the Soviet Ambassador Hitler was pleased Litvinov´s replacement Molotov was not Jewish.
ellauri282.html on line 102: If you are interested in a unique David Hume Turban for yourself, you can email the Edinburgh University Philosophy Society, who are offering a special promotion of £120 per hat (excl. Shipping&Handling). This offer will be open until August 1st.
ellauri282.html on line 520: Keating tekee tahattomasti offensiivisen eleen
ellauri282.html on line 595: Kerrontarunoa, Reynard The Fox (1920), on verrattu kriittisesti Geoffrey Chaucerin teoksiin, ei välttämättä Masefieldin ansioksi.
ellauri283.html on line 101: Aki Kaurismäen 2017 elokuva Jenseits von der Hoffnung oli esimerkillinen. Mamut olivat kauniita ja rauhallisia, saivat puhua edes keskenään arabiaa ilman tulkkausta, suomalaiset olivat rumempia, silti suht kohteliaita (jopa mamuille, vaikka kyllä muuten tavanomaisen pöyhkeitä hyväxikäyttäjiä), vähäeleisiä, kaikki saivat rauhassa puhua loppuun puheenvuoronsa. Tästä leffasta ovat kaikki tykänneet, jopa mädät tomaatit. Söpö Khaled sai parhaan näyttelijän palkinnon. Finnish Liberation Armyn tyypit olivat oikeastaan täysin turhia.
ellauri283.html on line 108: Äußerlich scheint die Familie noch völlig intakt zu sein, aber seit sein älterer Bruder vor einigen Jahren verschwunden ist, sind die Eltern des zwölfjährigen Oliver (Nathan Gamble) völlig auf den verlorenen Sohn fixiert. Seine Mutter Joan (Dendrie Taylor) verfiel in Depressionen und sein Vater Gus (Corbin Bernsen) war nur noch am arbeiten. Jetzt zweifelt Oliver an dem Sinn seines Lebens. Die Frage, ob der Glaube an Gott oder der Glaube an die Wissenschaft richtig ist, oder beide, oder keiner von den beiden, beschäftigt ihn. Da seine Eltern ihm auf seine Fragen keine Antwort geben können, sucht er Rat bei seinem Biologie-Lehrer, in Fachbüchern und in der Kirche. Doch niemand scheint ihm seine ersehnte Erkenntnis liefern zu können. Als Oliver schon die Hoffnung aufgeben will, naht eine unerwartete Erlösung. Als auch ihr zweiter Sohn verschwindet, verstehen seine Eltern endlich, was ihn beschäftigt: ein schwarzer Engel, der auf einer Rakete reitet.
ellauri283.html on line 116: And what is to be made of Corbin Bernsen? What is his place in Christian film? Is he trolling? Is he a great mind misunderstood? Whether it’s abstract musings like Beyond the Heavens or half-hearted satire like Christian Mingle or In-Lawfully Yours, Bernsen’s motivations for making Christian films are very unclear. It’s possible that he’s smarter than us all and doesn’t know how to show it. But it’s also possible that he’s just trying to make a quick buck off of Christian audiences. Reality is probably somewhere in between. Regardless, Beyond the Heavens really needed to be rethought before anyone spent money on it, because it falls flat and is unable to properly convey whatever message it is trying to present.
ellauri284.html on line 595: Tää juonihan on suoraan kanadalaissarjasta The Indian Detective. It is a Canadian crime comedy-drama series which debuted on CTV and Netflix in 2017. The show stars Russell Peters as Doug D'Mello, a police officer from Toronto who becomes embroiled in a murder investigation while visiting his father (Anupam Kher) in Mumbai during a one-month suspension for incompetence. The fourth episode ended in a cliffhanger, hinting at a possible second season; while Peters has stated at various times that a second season was in the works, none has been officially announced as of September 2019. A relatively new show, Season 1 of ‘The Indian Detective’, consisting of four episodes, premiered on November 23, 2017, and it received mixed reviews from television critics and audiences alike. The show has no chance of being renewed for a second season.
ellauri284.html on line 599: A man stands in front of a small, ramshackle store near the apartment blocks of Gurgaon, India, where a firm is building a Trump-branded tower. The agreement gives the Trump Organization a portion of its office rentals. (Enrico Fabian/for The Washington Post). GURGAON, India — The Trump Organization is about to double its real estate empire in India with two new projects in this suburb of New Delhi known for rapacious development and poor planning.
ellauri284.html on line 600: In two deals signed before Donald Trump was elected president, the company aligned itself with Indian partners who were already attracting the attention of law enforcement authorities. One, called IREO, is under investigation by India’s Enforcement Directorate over the source of its funding, suspected violations in its land purchasing and the possibility of money laundering. The other, M3M India, has been the target of sweeping tax raids; on a different project, the company was recently accused in a criminal complaint of bribing officials to clear-cut land.
ellauri284.html on line 624: A convoluted trail of funds Lalit Goyal, managing director of IREO, said his firm has a licensing agreement for the Trump name and other considerations for the office tower it is building. (Enrico Fabian/for The Washington Post)
ellauri284.html on line 626: In April 2016, the Trump Organization announced that it was expanding its brand in India, lending its name to an IREO Private Ltd. office tower in Gurgaon designed by Foster + Partners, the architects of Apple’s new campus. The Trump company signed a licensing agreement with IREO that includes use of the name, technical assistance and a portion of office rental income, according to Lalit Goyal, IREO’s managing director.
ellauri284.html on line 630: India’s Enforcement Directorate, which tracks financial crimes, has long been investigating the source of IREO’s funding, officials there said. Money from abroad was routed through entities in Mauritius and Cyprus, and investigators believe it was used to finance land purchases in Gurgaon, documents show.
ellauri284.html on line 633: According to an internal case memo shared with The Washington Post, tax-fraud investigators found that IREO used seven holding companies and dozens of subsidiaries to bypass restrictions on foreign direct investment in agricultural land to purchase $443 million of property in Gurgaon from 2006 to 2007, including the subsidiaries that purchased land now slated for the Trump office tower.
ellauri284.html on line 643: Dinesh Dayma, a land agent for the Bansals, persuaded the surgeon to sell his land to the developer rather than risk having his land appropriated by the government at below-market rates. Dayma works out of an office in a low-slung concrete building not far from luxury hotels and a Porsche dealership. It sits snugly inside the walled office compound of his brother, Mahesh, a local politician from the BJP. A saffron-and-green banner with the politician’s photo — common in India — hangs prominently outside the property office.
ellauri284.html on line 645: Inside, Dayma sat in his darkened office — the electricity was out — and denied that he had used his brother’s position to glean information about the doctor’s land. He came by the information fairly, he said.
ellauri284.html on line 649: One state official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of jeopardizing his employment, recalled the heady days of growth when developers routinely showed up at the home of a former chief minister in sport-utility vehicles laden with suitcases full of cash.
ellauri284.html on line 657: Basant Bansal caught the attention of tax investigators twice, records show, once in 2008 and again in 2011, when he threw a lavish wedding for his daughter in Turkey, according to a report in the Hindustan Times. Investigators seized cash worth $48 million in a raid on the company’s offices. A tax investigator said that Bansal ultimately paid the taxes he owed.
ellauri284.html on line 666: Alexandra Wrage, the president of Trace International, a firm that advises businesses on assessing foreign partners, says that American companies need to carefully vet foreign partners to avoid violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, a law that prohibits bribery of foreign officials.
ellauri284.html on line 668: Speaking generally, Wrage said that an Indian citizen bribing an Indian official does not violate the U.S. act but does indicate “shoddy business ethics and a willingness to violate the law. This is the clearest sort of red flag. If a company will bribe in one situation, you’re on notice that they’re likely to bribe again.”
ellauri285.html on line 342: Yalen lakikoulun professori Myres S. McDougal, entinen klassisti, myöhemmin omaisuusoikeuden tutkija, esitti kysymyksen: "Suojelemmeko sitä, koska se on omistusoikeus, vai onko se omistusoikeus, koska suojelemme sitä?" Myös Geoffrey Hodgson on ilmaissut ongelman oikeudellisesti uudelleen, kun hän kysyi: "Tekeekö osavaltio aborttilain, koska se on käytäntö, vai tuleeko aborttilaista käytäntö, koska osavaltio hyväksyy sen?"
ellauri285.html on line 437: Suoraselkäisiä keskustaoikeistolaisia, jotka istuivat 85 syytettyjen penkillä Patin julkaistua oman epäihmisen äänensä. Paizi E. Saarinen, joka ei jäänyt kiinni. Kuusi sanoo kiittävästi Eskistä: playboy ei lukisi Eino Kailan persoonallisuutta, mutta Eino Kailan tutkija voi leikkiä playboyta. Kuusi tykkäsi kun Eski haukkui Kailan loogista empiriokritisismiä. Eski ajoi ensimmäissen Finlandia-palkinnon lautakunnassa 1984 Eerno Paasilinnan esseekokoelman Yxinäisyys ja uhma Pimenoffin kauniin Helenan ohize. Miespaneeli vei voiton taas, Kuusi käänsi kelkkansa keskustaoikeistoveljien ja nazikaverin, lestadiolaisen Niels Nielsenin viitoittamalle ladulle. Eski ei ollutkaan meediajulkisuuden vuoxi älyllisesti epärehellinen etuvasemmalle, vaan juurikin päinvastoin, takaoikealle. Kuusi ei pitänyt AKS-läisenä ylioppilaana Eino Kailasta, koska se oli lipilaari ja sai silti kaikki kauniit filosofityttöset. Mutta kukahan maailman 100K korhosesta oli juuri Pulkin mainizema Korhonen? Patin äitikin oli os. Korhonen.
ellauri285.html on line 633: Ralph Schoenman (born 1935) is an American left-wing activist who was a personal secretary to Bertrand Russell and became general secretary of the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation. He was involved in a number of projects supported by Russell, including the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), the Committee of 100 and an unofficial war crimes tribunal to try American leaders for their conduct in the Vietnam War. Shortly before his death in 1970, Russell publicly broke with Schoenman. Sen jälkeen Schoenman (jutku kylläkin) kirjoitti tämän vahvasti anti-sionistisen läpyskän:
ellauri285.html on line 763: Building on research by Barbara Fredrickson suggesting that individuals with a higher ratio of positive to negative emotions tend to have more successful life outcomes, and on studies by Marcial Losada applying differential equations from fluid dynamics to human emotions,[citation needed] Fredrickson and Losada proposed as informative a ratio of positive to negative affect derived from nonlinear dynamics modelling (based on Lorenz systems), which appeared in 2005 in a paper in American Psychologist. The derived combination of expressions and default parameters led them to conclude that a critical ratio of positive to negative affect of exactly 2.9013 separated flourishing from languishing individuals, and to argue that the ideal positivity/negativity ratio lies between 2.9013 and an upper limit ratio of 11.6346. Hence, they claimed that their model predicted cut-off points for the minimum and maximum positivity ratios within which one should observe qualitative changes in an individual´s level of flourishing, specifically, that those within this range of ratios would "flourish", and those outside would "languish".[non-primary source needed] As of January 2014, the 2005 Fredrickson and Losada´s paper had been cited more than 320 times in the psychology literature.
ellauri285.html on line 790: Losada claimed the dynamical patterns related to team performance appear in coordinate spaces of "positivity-negativity," "inquiry-advocacy" and "other-self," and are controlled by connectivity, which is supposed to reflect interpersonal attunement of a team. [third-party source needed] Losada, along with Barbara Fredrickson, developed the concept of the critical positivity ratio (also known as the Losada line), which states that there exist precise cut-off points for an individual´s ratio of positive to negative emotions, above and below which the individual will fail to flourish.
ellauri294.html on line 584: Alunperin julkaistussa Virkistys-lehden novellissa, vaikka Boston selvisi, hän ei koskaan toipunut täysin ja kuoli ollessaan vain kolmevuotias. Sen sydän särkyi kai. Copper itse perustui Bee Dee Adkinsin, kansallisesti tunnetun metsästyskoirien kouluttajan, suosikkimetsästyskoiraan, jonka kanssa Mannix metsästi. Jotkut romaanin ihmishahmoista perustuivat Arizonan Tucsonin esikaupunkialueella Oro Valleyssa asuvien paikallisten elämään ja tapoihin. Romaani on julkaistu kahdessatoista muussa maassa, mukaan lukien Suomessa vuonna 1968 Otava ja Saksassa Hoffmann und Campe.
ellauri297.html on line 401: Check the condom periodically during use for breaks. If a condom breaks or comes off during sex, replace it immediately and consider using emergency contraception such as the emergency contraception pill if your partner can get pregnant An emergency contraception pill (sometimes called the morning-after pill) prevents pregnancy before it happens by delaying ovulation or blocking fertilization; it is not an "abortion pill."
ellauri299.html on line 339: Toinen mediatemppu, joka antoi Yippiesille ilmaista julkisuutta, ei vain Yhdysvalloissa, vaan kaikkialla maailmassa, oli se, kun Rubin, Hoffman ja muut pysäyttivät New Yorkin pörssin heittämällä rahaa ilmaan ja katselivat iloisena pörssivälittäjien hyökätessä keräämään seteleitä.
ellauri299.html on line 350: Sieltä ryhmä marssi kohti Pentagonia. Mielenosoittajien lähestyessä Pentagonia 82. ilmadivisioonan sotilaat kohtasivat heidät, jotka muodostivat ihmisbarrikadin, joka esti Pentagonin portaat. Ei lannistuta, Abbie Hoffman, yksi Yippiesin perustajista, vannoi levitoivansa kohti Pentagonia samalla kun Allen Ginsberg johti tiibetiläisiä lauluja auttamaan. Lopulta asiat muuttuivat rumaksi. Siihen mennessä, kun ryhmän 48 tunnin lupa päättyi, noin 680 mielenosoittajaa oli vangittu ja 50 sairaalahoidossa:
ellauri299.html on line 360: Chicagon poliisimellakassa 1968 mätkittiin jo 1500 tyyppiä. Chicagon seizikon oikeudenkäynnistä tuli puhdasta puskafarssia. Huolimatta kaatumisvaarasta Rubin poltti marihuanaa ennen oikeudenkäyntiä. "Minua kivitettiin paljon oikeudenkäynnissä, koska se oli niin täydellistä teatteria – historian eturivin istuin – ja marihuana tehostaa jokaista kokemusta." Hölmö tuomari Hoffman lisäsi vauhtia spektaakkeliin. Tuomari Hoffman määräsi muun muassa, että Black Panther -johtaja Bobby Seale sidotaan, sidotaan ja ketjutetaan tuoliinsa huomattavan osan oikeudenkäynnistä. Olihan se hauskaa aikansa, mutta pitkässä juoxussa yrittäjyys tuo parempaa katetta, tuumi Jerry viisastuttuaan ja rupesi juppiexi. Teit'isäin astumaan.
ellauri299.html on line 523: The official poverty rate in 2021 was 11.6 percent, with 37.9 million people in poverty. Neither the rate nor the number in poverty was significantly different from 2020 (Figure 1 and Table A-1).
ellauri299.html on line 524: The official poverty rate in 2020 was 11.4 percent, up 1.0 percentage point from 10.5 percent in 2019.
ellauri299.html on line 526: 27 percent of households – nearly double the percentage that are income poor – are living in "asset poverty." These families do not have the savings or other assets to cover basic expenses (equivalent to what could be purchased with a poverty level income) for three months if a layoff or other emergency leads to loss of income. The U.S. has the weakest social safety net of all developed nations. Sociologist Monica Prasad of Northwestern University argues that this developed because of government intervention rather than lack of it, which pushed consumer credit for meeting citizens´ needs rather than applying social welfare policies as in Europe.
ellauri299.html on line 528: Labor market polarization has been the most severe in liberal market economies like the US, Britain, and Australia. Countries like Denmark and France have been subject to the same economic pressures, but due to their more "inclusive" (or "egalitarian") labor market institutions, such as centralized and solidaristic collective bargaining and strong minimum wage laws, they have experienced less polarization. Cross-national studies have found that European countries´ working poverty rates are much lower than the US´s. Most of this difference can be explained by the fact that European countries´ welfare states are more generous. Grisham's folks gave offerings to the church because the Bible strongly suggested it.
ellauri300.html on line 459: You both kicked off your shoes
ellauri300.html on line 500: The birds flew off with a fallout shelter
ellauri300.html on line 589: In October 2022, McLean called Kanye West an 'attention-seeking fool' over his antisemitic rants. The "American Pie" singer who briefly lived in Israel said he stands with his Jewish friends. McLean lived in Israel on-and-off from 1978-1982 and he “grew to love the country and the people. Living there changed my life forever.”
ellauri300.html on line 603: tidigt har de alla satt upp ett mål för sig som de har velat uppnå." Luria slog genast ihop boken. Vad ville jag uppnå? Jag studerade juridik utan att ha begåvning för det-varför studerade jag inte något som verkligen intresserade mig? Men vad då? Jag läste gärna om forskningsexpeditioner men jag kunde sannerligen inte ha blivit någon Roald Amundsen eller Sven Hedin. Min sanna längtan stod till sinnesro: en bra hustru, nöjda barn, en mjuk stol, en bekväm soffa. Jag har varit sjukligt slö sedan barndomen, det är nästan som om jag inte hade vilat tillräckligt i en tidigare inkarnation. Kanske det är därför jag vill göra slut pä allt - sä att jag äntligen får sova.
ellauri300.html on line 741: Denna händelse skildras i Esters bok i kristendomens Gamla testamente, vilket är det samma som judarnas heliga skrift Torah. I korthet handlar berättelsen om hur den depraverade (men ariske) persiske kungen ”Ahasverus” (Artaxerxes), efter att ha låtit avrätta sin drottning för att hon vägrat visa sig naken offentligt, beslutar sig för att välja en ny drottning. Efter att grundligen ha utprövat ett större antal jungfruliga kandidater fastnar kungen till slut för Ester, en föräldralös judinna som uppfostrats av sin "kusin" Mordokai, en judisk palatsingenjör.
ellauri300.html on line 847: At noon Elijah started making fun of them: “Pray louder! He is a god! Maybe he is day-dreaming or relieving himself, or perhaps he's gone off on a trip! Or maybe he's sleeping, and you've got to wake him up!” 28 So the prophets prayed louder and cut themselves with knives and daggers, according to their ritual, until blood flowed. 29 They kept on ranting and raving until the middle of the afternoon; but no answer came, not a sound was heard.
ellauri301.html on line 144: Young Wallander is a young, edgy, and modern series that sees Henning Mankell's iconic detective Kurt Wallander investigate his gripping first case. The story focuses on the formative experiences – professional and personal – faced by Kurt as a recently graduated police officer in his early twenties. Including frequent fornication with an unrealistically pretty immigrant charity worker.
ellauri301.html on line 157: Wallander was once married, but his wife Mona (remember? the immigrant charity dish) left him and he has since had a difficult relationship with his rebellious only child, Linda, who barely survived a suicide attempt when she was fifteen. He also had issues with his late father, an artist who painted the same landscape 7,000 times for a living; the elder Wallander strongly disapproved of his son´s decision to join the police force and frequently derided him for it. Fair enough: painting sunsets with/without a black grouse pays off better than finding random middle fingers of color. Kurt Wallander sr is a great fan of the opera. Kurt Wallander jr says he actually hates opera. I bet that was a joke.
ellauri301.html on line 226: The "!Oroǀõas" ("Ward-girl"), spelled in Dutch as Krotoa, otherwise known by her Christian name Eva (c. 1643 – 29 July 1674), was a !Uriǁ´aeǀona translator working for the officials of the Vereenigde Oostindische Compangie (VOC) during the founding of the Cape Colony.
ellauri301.html on line 259: De Klerk was a controversial figure among many sections of South African society, all for different reasons. He received many awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize for dismantling apartheid and bringing universal suffrage to South Africa. Conversely, he received criticism from anti-apartheid activists for offering only a qualified apology for apartheid, and for ignoring the human rights abuses by state security forces. He was also condemned by South Africa´s Afrikaner nationalists, who contended that by abandoning apartheid, he betrayed the interests of the country´s Afrikaner minority. South Africa´s Conservative Party came to regard him as its most hated adversary.
ellauri301.html on line 290: Eugène Ney Terrace Blanche ([ɪəˈʒɛn ˈnɛj tərˈblɑːʃ], 31 January 1941– 3 April 2010) was an Afrikaner nationalist and white supremacist who founded and led the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB; Afrikaner Resistance Movement in English). Prior to founding the AWB, Terrace Blanche served as a South African Police officer, was unsuccessful as a farmer, and an unsuccessful Herstigte Nasionale Party (Reconstituted National Party) candidate for local office in the Transvaal. He was a major figure in the right-wing backlash against the collapse of apartheid. His beliefs and philosophy have continued to be influential amongst White supremacists in South Africa and across the world.
ellauri301.html on line 301: 10 other official names:
ellauri301.html on line 343: TIDBIT: There are many initiatives surrounding this day that have received endorsement. There is even an official song “Our Heritage” recorded by The Soweto Gospel Choir.
ellauri301.html on line 348: September 24 was previously known in South Africa as Shaka Day, a day commemorating the Zulu King of Shaka. He was known for uniting the Zulu clan together and forming the Zulu nation. Every year, South Africans would gather at his grave to honor him. In 1995 a request for the day to be confirmed as an official braai holiday was rejected. After receiving some pushback from the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP), a majority Zulu party, it was decided that the day was needed and would be known as ‘‘Heritage Day.’’
ellauri301.html on line 352: There was a media campaign in 2005 that sought to have the day recognized as National Braai Day, to acknowledge the backyard barbeque tradition, but the holiday is still officially recognized as Heritage Day. Fair enough, Braai is a word in one of the tribal languages (N:o 3 above), while Heritage is a global word.
ellauri301.html on line 427: No truth to it. Doesn't exist. There's no "there" there. A complete fiction. SOURCE: Stutchkoff, Der Oytser fun der Yidisher Shprakh. The first phrase is in Hebrew and usually stands alone. It is followed by a tongue-in-cheek paraphrase in Yiddish. Refers to a commentary on the story in 2 Kings 2:23-24, in which Elisha's curse called two bears out of a forest to attack youths who had mocked him. According to Rashi, this was a double miracle because there existed in the area neither forest nor bears. Variation:
ellauri302.html on line 66: Mrs. Warren cherishes no delusions about her dubious profession, — If Yekel and his wife (in Ash's play) are not so enlightened as Mrs. Warren in their views upon the traffic off which they live, they are in their own crude way equally sincere in beholding in it a business quite as legitimate as any other. With the same inconsistency with which Hindel implores Heaven for aid in achieving her nefarious aims, after which she promises to be a model wife and mother (See Act Two), Mrs. Warren at the end of Shaw's play swears by Heaven that henceforth she will lead a life of evil fornication.
ellauri302.html on line 152: The Scribe (proffering his hand to Yekel, at the same time surveying him suspiciously): Greetings. Peace be to you, fellow Jew.
ellauri302.html on line 171: The Scribe: Who can tell? Our Lord is a God of mercy and forgiveness, but He is also a God of retribution and vengeance. (Leaving.) Well, it's getting late. Let's be off to the synagogue. (Leaves)
ellauri302.html on line 223: What a sweet odor the rain has!... (Shaking raindrops off her clothes.) Just like the apples at home drying, in the lofts. This is the first May rain.
ellauri302.html on line 225: Reizel, shaking off raindrops. To the deuce with the whole lot of them.
ellauri302.html on line 226: The God Of Vengeance paid my account the day before yesterday... We were standing under the eaves, the rain is so fragrant,.. It washes the whole winter off your head. (Goes over to Hindel.) Just look... (Showing her wet pubic hair.) How fresh it is... how sweet it smells...
ellauri302.html on line 233: Each of three “solemn feasts”—Passover, the Feast of Weeks, and the Feast of Tabernacles—required that all able-bodied Jewish males travel to Jerusalem to attend the feast and offer sacrifices. All three of these feasts required that “firstfruit” offerings be made at the temple as a way of expressing thanksgiving for God’s provision. The Feast of Firstfruits celebrated at the time of the Passover included the first fruits of the barley harvest. The Feast of Weeks was in celebration of the first fruits of the wheat harvest, and the Feast of Tabernacles involved offerings of the first fruits of the olive and grape harvests.
ellauri302.html on line 235: Since the Feast of Weeks was one of the “harvest feasts,” the Jews were commanded to “present an offering of new grain to the Lord” (Leviticus 23:16). This offering was to be “two wave loaves of two-tenths of an ephah” which were made “of fine flour... baked with leaven.” The offerings were to be made of the first fruits of that harvest (Leviticus 23:17). Along with the “wave offerings” they were also to offer seven first-year lambs that were without blemish along with one young bull and two rams. Additional offerings are also prescribed in Leviticus and the other passages that outline how this feast was to be observed. Another important requirement of this feast is that, when the Jews harvested their fields, they were required to leave the corners of the field untouched and not gather “any gleanings” from the harvest as a way of providing for the poor and strangers (Leviticus 23:22).
ellauri302.html on line 262: Basha: At home when we have a shower like this the gutters run over and flood the narrow lanes. And we take off our shoes and stockings and panties and dance in the rain barefoot... Who's going to take her shoes off? (Removes her shoes and stockings.) Take off your shoes, Manke, and let's dance in the rain!
ellauri302.html on line 322: Manke No. We'll run away this very night, — with Hindel, to her house... She has a house with Shloyme, she told me. You'll see how nice everything will be... Young folks will be there aplenty, — army officers... and we'll be together, all by ourselves, all day long. We'll dress just like the officers and go horseback-riding. Come, Rifkele, — do you want to?
ellauri302.html on line 372: Yekel! (Dragging him away from the window.) What's come over you? Act 3 while there is yet time! He might take her off somewhere while we're wasting time here. Let's be off to him at once. Hindel must surely have taken her to him. What are you standing there for? (Abruptly.) I've sent for Reb Ali. We'll hear what he has to say. (Pause. Yekel still peers through the shutter spaces.) What are you staring at there? (Pause.) WTiy don't you say something? Good heavens, its enough to drive a woman insane! (Turns away and hursts into tears.)
ellauri302.html on line 376: Sarah: So you want to go back to the basement? — Into the basement, then! Much I care! (Resumes her packing.) He wants to ruin us completely. What has come over the man? (For a moment she is absorbed in reflection.) If you're going to stand there like a lunatic, I'll get busy myself! (Takes off her diamond ear-rings.) I'll go over to Shloyme's and give him my diamond ear-rings. (From her bundle she draws out a golden chain.) And if he holds back, I'll add a hundred rouble note. (She searches YeheVs trousers pocket for his pockethook. He offers no resistance.) Within fifteen minutes (Throwing a shawl over her shoulders.) Rifkele will be here. (As she leaves.) Shloyme will do that for me. (Slams the door behind her.)
ellauri302.html on line 451: lies your child. Even if you yourself are a sinner, here lies a pure daughter of yours, a virtuous child. ' ' But as it is, what is left me on earth? I myself am a sinner. I leave behind me sinful offspring. And so passes sin from generation to generation.
ellauri302.html on line 490: Sarah, brings in Yekel's coat and funny hats and places them upon him. He offers no resistance. What a misfortune! What a misfortune! Who could have foreseen such a thing? (She straightens YekeVs coat, then puts the room in order. Runs into Rifkele's room. She is heard hiding something there, and soon returns.) I'll have a reckoning with you later. (Putting the finishing touches to the room.) Terrible days, these. Bring up children with so much care and anxiety, and... Ah! (Footsteps are heard outside. Sarah runs over to Yekel and pulls his sleeve.) They're here! For the love of God, Yekel, remember! Everything can be fixed yet. (Enter Reh Ali arid a stranger. Sarah hastily thrusts her hair under her wig and goes to the door to ivelcome the visitors.)
ellauri309.html on line 57: Erfüllung des kostbarsten aller Träume finden kann. Ich hoffe, Sie haben an
ellauri309.html on line 515: Hoover and Sullivan considered King “the most dangerous Negro of the future in this nation”. Armed with salacious archival material from a recent FBI documents release, Garrow has reported about the iconic civil rights leader’s sexual misconduct, ranging from numerous extramarital affairs and solicitation of prostitutes to the allegation that he was present during the violent rape of a Maryland churchgoer. Garrow insists that a fundamental reconsideration of King's reputation is imminent. He describes how King and a handful of Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) officials checked into Washington DC’s Willard hotel along with “several women ‘parishioners’”. The group met in his room and discussed which women among the parishioners would be suitable for natural and unnatural sex acts, meaning anal and oral, genital being natural. The alleged rapist was Reverend Logan Kearse, a Baptist minister from Baltimore. Reportedly, "Mike" King just stood by with erect cock in hand overseeing the action, like another Kim Yung Il.
ellauri309.html on line 767: Im Smoking sah ihr Bruder Josh wirklich phantastisch aus! Altmodisch und romantisch. Die schwungvolle Musik lockte Tänzer zum Paaren. Auch Nicht -Alkoholisches wurde serviert. Lauras Verpflichtung als eine Templeton war es, mit alten Ziegen zu tanzen und plaudern. Sie duftete wie eine Frau. Ein Teil ihres Vaters (guess which) hoffte das sie noch schön brav auf Knien vor ihm wäre. Alle Lauras Freunde werden da sein, wenn dasselbe mit diesem Ridgeway nicht klappt.
ellauri310.html on line 607: On one occasion, he was caught and chased off by a couple returning home as he pilfered their belongings; he had also urinated and defecated on their infant child's bed and clothing.
ellauri310.html on line 609: On January 23, 1978, Chase broke into a house and shot Teresa Wallin (three months pregnant at the time) three times. He then had sexual intercourse with her corpse while stabbing her with a butcher's knife. He then removed multiple organs, cut off one of her nipples and drank her blood. He stuffed dog feces from Wallin's yard down her throat before leaving.
ellauri310.html on line 662: In the United States and Canada, any casual sleeveless shirt can be called tank top or tank shirt, with several specific varieties. It is named after tank suits, one-piece bathing suits of the 1920s worn in tanks or swimming pools. The tank top designed for a tight fit and often made of ribbed cotton is also colloquially called an A-shirt, or, more offensively, wifebeater, beater, guinea tee or dago tee (guinea and dago being American ethnic slurs for people of Italian ethnicity). Boob tube on briteissä hihaton toppi ja jenkeissä hölmöpönttö eli TV.
ellauri310.html on line 690: Der Panzer wurde am 9. Mai 1958 der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt und offiziell in den Truppendienst aufgenommen. Die Serienproduktion begann im Juni 1958. Er wurde aus dem T-54 entwickelt und den Bedingungen des Gefechts beim Einsatz von Massenvernichtungswaffen in Europa angepasst.
ellauri310.html on line 692: Haupteinsatzzweck war der offensive Einsatz bei großräumigen Operationen nach eigenen oder gegnerischen Kernwaffenschlägen. Gefechtshandlungen sollten dabei mit möglichst großen Panzerabteilungen (ab Bataillon aufwärts) im Verbund mit motorisierter Infanterie, Artillerie und anderen Teilstreitkräften sowie unter Deckung aus der Luft durchgeführt werden. Es zeigte sich aber, dass der Panzer für fast alle Aufgaben unter fast allen Bedingungen einsetzbar war.
ellauri311.html on line 345: Sieltä hän ajautui puolivahingossa töihin media-alalle. Ei sentään ajautunut proffaxi kuten David Becker!
ellauri311.html on line 399: Camilla: And those people, not rarely far-right on the political scale, are more than welcome to piss off.
ellauri311.html on line 648: Translated, it means that this really pisses Russia off but there
ellauri311.html on line 666: so called man!
Riding around with his shirt off on a curly bashkir horse doing
ellauri313.html on line 173: That being said, at 500 pages, the book takes on a lot and doesn't adequately address it all. There's the nominal plot, which concerns the Yugoslav mafia in Sweden; but there's also a new relationship for Annika, which is complicated; the politics of the newspaper she works for; fundamental questions about the role of the welfare state; and questions about the role of a newspaper vis a vis law enforcement. This all kind of dropped off toward the end of the book, and I didn't find the conclusion to be particularly satisfying. I felt impatient with Annika's (main character), histrionics and irrationality.
ellauri315.html on line 112: Wenn bessere Tage kommen, wie meine Seele es hofft.
ellauri316.html on line 208: Kiryat Wolfson (Hebrew: קריית וולפסון), also known as Wolfson Towers, is a high-rise apartment complex in western Jerusalem. Comprising five towers ranging from 14 to 17 stories above-ground, the project was Jerusalem's first high-rise development. The project encountered opposition from both municipal officials and the public at each stage of its design and construction. The complex includes 10,000 square feet (930 m2) of commercial space and a medical center. The project was financed by the Edith and Isaac Wolfson Trust.
ellauri316.html on line 421: offensive_fighting_in_hue_managing_to_reach_the_south_shore_of_the_perfume_river_despite_-_nara_-_541870-tif-453x640.jpg?width=480" />
ellauri317.html on line 615: Volhynia (kirjoitetaan myös Volynia) (/ v oʊ ˈ l ɪ n i ə / voh- LIN -ee - ə ; ukraina : Воли́нь , romanisoitu: Volýnʹ , puola: Wołyń , Yhýʽd̒: ннnn. : װאָלין, romantisoitu: Volin), on historiallinen alue Keski- ja Itä-EuroopassaKaakkois - Puolan , Lounais - Valko - Venäjän ja Länsi - Ukrainan välillä. Alueen rajoja ei ole määritelty selkeästi, mutta alue, joka edelleen kantaa nimeä, on Volynin alue Länsi-Ukrainassa. Volhynia on vaihtanut omistajaa useita kertoja historian aikana ja jaettu kilpailevien valtojen kesken. Se oli vuosisatojen ajan osa Puolan ja Liettuan kansainyhteisöä. Puolan jakamisen yhteydessä tapahtuneen Venäjän liittämisen jälkeen koko Volhyniasta tuli osa Pale of Settlement -aluetta Venäjän valtakunnan lounaisrajalla, juutalaisten pihattoa. Tärkeitä kaupunkeja ovat Zhytomyr, Rivne, Lutsk, Zviahel ja Volodymyr. Eli ukrainanjuutalainen oli tämäkin sähläri, kuten diasteemainen viulunsoittaja katolla. Get off my property!
ellauri318.html on line 375: En rapport från regeringen från 2012 visar att sysselsättningen skiljer sig kraftigt åt mellan män och kvinnor och också mellan olika delar av landet. Samma rapport fastslog att det var, år 2010, 21 procent av somalier (16–64 år) i sysselsättning (jämfört med 73 procent för hela befolkningen). Rapporten fastslog också att det somaliska egenföretagandet var mycket svagt och att år 2010 var 0,6 procent av somalierna egenföretagare (jämfört med 4,9 procent för hela befolkningen). Rapporten kom till förklaringen att situationen såg ut som den gjorde eftersom 70 procent av somalierna hade låg eller okänd utbildning och att 60 procent kommit till Sverige sedan 2006. Man skrev även: "Det finns skäl att tro att snabb individuell inslussning via offentliga system är svår att hantera för människor som likt somalierna kommer från miljöer där sociala behov tillgodoses och ekonomiska aktiviteter ofta bedrivs på ett klan- eller släktbaserat sätt och där misstänksamheten mot myndigheter är utbredd... det är emellertid knappast möjligt eller önskvärt att radikalt montera ner lösningar utformade för och av en majoritet av svenska folket för att underlätta för en minoritet att anpassa sig."
ellauri321.html on line 123: But Crèvecoeur was after all a Frenchman, with the strong social instinct of his race. And so he proceeds to analyze and define the political conditions of America. It fills him with a quiet but deep satisfaction to be one of a community of “freeholders, the possessors of the soil they cultivate, members of the government they obey, and the framers of their own laws by means of their representatives.” Thus he rises to a consideration of this new type of social man and seeks to answer the question: What xx What is an American? His answer is delightful literature, but fanciful sociology. Had the colonial farmers all been Crèvecoeurs, had they all possessed his ideality, his power of raising simple things into true human dignity, of connecting the homeliest activity with the ultimate social purpose which it furthers in its own small way, his description of the American would have been fair enough. As a matter of fact, the hard-working colonial farmer, cut off from the refining and subduing influences of an older civilization, was probably no very delectable type, however worthy, and one fears that Professor Wendell is right in declaring that Crèvecoeur's American is no more human than some ideal savage of Voltaire. But in this fact lies much of the literary charm of his work, and of its value as a human document of the age of the Revolution.
ellauri321.html on line 168: So he who would wish to see America in its proper light, and have a true idea of its feeble beginnings and barbarous rudiments, must visit our extended line of frontiers where the last settlers dwell, and where he may see the first labours of settlement, the mode of clearing the earth, in all their different appearances; where men are wholly left dependent on their native tempers, and on the spur of uncertain industry, which often fails when not sanctified by the efficacy of a few moral rules. There, remote from the power of example, and check of shame, many families exhibit the most hideous parts of our society. They are a kind of forlorn hope, preceding by ten or twelve years the most respectable army of veterans which come after them. In that space, prosperity will polish some, vice and the law will drive off the rest, who uniting again with others like themselves will recede still farther; making room for more industrious people, who will finish their improvements, convert the loghouse into a convenient habitation, and rejoicing that the first heavy labours are finished, will change in a few years that hitherto barbarous country into a fine fertile, well regulated district. Such is our progress, such is the march of the Europeans toward the interior parts of this continent. In all societies there are off-casts; this impure part serves as our precursors or pioneers; my father himself was one of that class, but he came upon honest principles, and was therefore one of the few who held fast; by good conduct and temperance, he transmitted to me his fair inheritance, when not above one in fourteen of his contemporaries had the same good fortune.
ellauri321.html on line 175: Thus our bad people are those who are half cultivators and half hunters; and the worst of them are those who have degenerated altogether into the hunting state. As old ploughmen and new men of the woods, as Europeans and new made Indians, they contract the vices of both; they adopt the moroseness and ferocity of a native, without his mildness, or even his industry at home. If manners are not refined, at least they are rendered simple and inoffensive by tilling the earth; all our wants are supplied by it, our time is divided between labour and rest, and leaves none for the commission of great misdeeds. As hunters it is divided between the toil of the chase, the idleness of repose, or the indulgence of inebriation.
ellauri321.html on line 205: The term of the lease shall be thirty years; how do you like it, Andrew? Oh, Sir, it is very good, but I am afraid, that the king or his ministers, or the governor, or some of our great men, I don't mean you Sir, will come and take the land from me; your son may say to me, by and by, this is my father's land, Andrew, you must quit it. No, no, said Mr. Lessor, there is no such danger; I am here just to take the labour of a poor settler; here we have no great men, but what are subordinate to our laws; so calm all your fears, I will give you a lease, so that none can can make you afraid. Andrew did not understand a word; we therefore can easily forgive him a few spontaneous ejaculations on the rug, which would be useless to wipe off.
ellauri321.html on line 316: Tracy Corrigan was previously chief strategy officer of Dow Jones and has held a range of senior editorial positions including editor in chief of the Wall Street Journal Europe, editor of the Financial Times’ Lex column and editor of Tracy is currently a non-executive director of Barclays Bank UK PLC, Direct Line Insurance Group PLC, and Domino’s Pizza Group PLC.
ellauri322.html on line 125: Never did so great an opportunity offer itself to England, and to all Europe, as is produced by the two Revolutions of America and France. By the former, freedom has a national champion in the western world; and by the latter, in Europe. When another nation shall join France, despotism and bad government will scarcely dare to appear. To use a trite expression, the iron is becoming hot all over Europe. The insulted German and the enslaved Spaniard, the Russ and the Pole, are beginning to think. The present age will hereafter merit to be called the Age of Reason,61 and the present generation will appear to the future as the Adam of a new world.
ellauri322.html on line 440: A story is told here of the King’s formerly making a dog counsellor of state, because when the dog, accustomed to eat at the royal table, snatched a piece of meat off an old officer’s plate, the geezer reproved him jocosely, saying that he, monsieur le chien, had not the privilege of dining with his majesty, a privilege annexed to this distinction.
ellauri323.html on line 127: In Berlin, every night, the students escorted her home with torches. Prince Vierfuenfsechs-Siebenachtneun offered her his hand, and was condemned by the Kaiser to six months’ confinement in his little castle. In Yildiz Kiosk, the tyrant who still throve there conferred on her the Order of Chastity, and offered her the central couch in his seraglio. In Petersburg, the Grand Duke Salamander Salamandrovitch fell enamoured of her. The Grand Duchess appealed to the Tzar. Zuleika was conducted across the frontier, by an escort of love-sick Cossacks. On the Sunday before she left Madrid, a great bull-fight was held in her honour. Fifteen bulls received the coup-de-grace, and Alvarez, the matador of matadors, died in the arena with her name on his lips. He had tried to kill the last bull without taking his eyes off la divina senorita. From the Vatican, the Pope launched against her a bull which fell utterly flat.
ellauri323.html on line 176: Filistealaisten Jom Kippurin 50-vuotisjuhla-atakki oli "brazen", koska siinä kuoli 200 moosexenuskoista. Kostopommituxissa on kuollut tähän mennessä 232 santanekrua. Biden on antanut univocal supporttia Israelille. "Israel has the right to defend itself and its people, full stop.” "Israel ‘will act in any way necessary’ to protect citizens," ambassador tells UN Security Council. Like turn off power from Gaza. Nighty night carpet pilots! Diaper heads! Camel cowboys! Dune niggers! (Lähde)
ellauri324.html on line 422: get off the plane, you feel like something’s off. There’s
ellauri324.html on line 481: way police officers and other other uniformed people
ellauri324.html on line 487: officers would behave like that, they would be considered
ellauri324.html on line 598: The way police officers and other other uniformed people behaved. It already started on the airport at border security, all of the guys in uniform acted like they were the most important person in the world and we were just measly worms. Come on, I know you have a job to do, but why can’t you just try to be polite? If Dutch police officers would behave like that, they would be considered unfit for the job.
ellauri324.html on line 610: (showing off) I simply was not used to ;-)
ellauri324.html on line 706: No paid time off for new parents with a newborn at home -
ellauri324.html on line 756: competent. But the U.S. officers! Most of them
ellauri325.html on line 774: Hei mutta nythän Masa kertoo Veronica Pimenoffin syrjäyttämisestä Finlandia-pallilta! Hän ei halua valehdella enempää kuin Norjan lestadiolaiset, jotka tunnustavat tykänneensä saxalaismiehityxestä. Saarinen ja Tyyri kiistelivät Erno Paasilinnasta. Erno halvexi Steinbockin ja Saarisen kaltaisia epärehellisiä markkinamiehiä. Masa oivaltaa: Eski on sydämessään yhtä oikealla kuin Pentti Linkola. Siitä ilahtuneena Masa siirtyy vastapuolelle. Ei kai tässä nyt kirjoja palkita, vaan kirjoittajia, tai oikeastaan meitä lautakuntalaisia.
ellauri326.html on line 265: Mutta näiden sadan vuoden aikana olemme kehittäneet huipputeknologiaa, mikä erottaa meidät ensimmäisestä siirtolaisuudesta! Jos heillä oli silloin kirjallisuuspiiri Harbinissa, ja he tunsivat olevansa eksyksissä, koska venäläisen kulttuurin pääkaupunki Berliini ja Pariisi olivat toisella planeetalla, nyt jos olet junassa jossain Afrikassa ja sinulla on Wi-Fi, olet venäläisen kulttuurin keskus. On venäläisen kulttuurin kantajia, kuluttajia ja luojia. Yhtäkkiä tämä venäläisen kulttuurin maa ilmestyi. Tuli tunne, että haluan olla tämän maan, venäläisen kulttuurin kansalainen, jossa ei ole Putinia eikä Malyuta Skuratovia, mutta tulee olemaan Tšaikovski ja Rahmaninov. Ja yhtäkkiä oli mahdollisuus elää tässä maassa, joka ei riipu alueen kirouksesta. Se on virtuaalinen, mutta ei virtuaalinen; se ei todennäköisesti koskaan ole offline-tilassa.
ellauri326.html on line 393: Some NATO countries and allies, such as Germany and Sweden, have reversed past policies against providing offensive military aid in order to support Ukraine, while the European Union for the first time in its history supplied lethal arms through its institutions.
ellauri326.html on line 447: Reino Vilho (Wilhelm) Silvanto (sukunimi vuoteen 1929 saakka Sylvander; 21. heinäkuuta 1883 Helsinki – 29. tammikuuta 1943 Helsinki) oli suomalainen diplomaatti ja kirjailija. Hän käytti suomentajana myös nimimerkkejä R.W.S, Reino Silva ja Reino Silvala. Silvannon vanhemmat olivat puuseppä Karl Kristoffer Sylvander ja Elviira Kallentytär. Hän pääsi ylioppilaaksi 1903 Helsingin reaalilyseosta ja valmistui Helsingin yliopistosta filosofian kandidaatiksi 1908 ja maisteriksi 1910. Silvanto oli aluksi opettajana eri oppilaitoksissa Helsingissä, Forssassa ja Kotkassa. Hän oli Suomen tietotoimiston palveluksessa 1918 ja toimi sitten asianajotoimisto Sarkanen & Helmeen liikeosaston osastopäällikkönä 1918-1920.
ellauri327.html on line 100: Curtis Morgan: No offence, honest!, but are you for real? A Ukrainian citizen living in New York, that is possible. But a Ukrainian citizen named 'Yipei Feng'? If what I have heard and read on the news is anything to go by, Ukranians just do not have names like 'Yipei Feng'. Yipei Feng? Ukranian? I think not! Chinese softly pushing the CCP party line (China and Taiwan getting back together …even if China uses force), that I can believe. Maybe Feng Yipei has since changed her name to “Curtis Morgan”, but the original was obviously a Chinese name. And her history of questions has her claiming she is British as well. In addition, a general obvious pro-China, pro-Russia, ant-West and anti-Ukraine slant in her questions.
ellauri327.html on line 150: Dialogen udløste vrede fra Rusland i 2008 korrekt.. Og de brugte de efterfølgende år på at gøre en stor sag ud af hvorfor de ikke skulle ind, blandt andet forsøgte de at bruge EUs relglement at intet land i Europa kan lave en politik eller ændring i deres system og alliancer, som vil bringe et andet lands sikkerhed i fare (hvilket Rusland af gode grunde mener Ukraine vil gøre, hvis de invitere amerikanske misilforsvar tættere på Moskva), det blev self. Bare ignoreret som vi altid gør.. 2014 var første gang det blev officielt at de var på vej ind, 6 måneder senere tog Rusland handling.. Det samme skete igen i 2021, og 6 måneder senere tog de igen handling.. Hvergang har USA prikket til dem.. Ukraine har intet at gøre i NATO og endnu mindre at gøre i EU, vi har allerede rigeligt problemer med de andre østlige lande, at tage den mest korrupte og voldelige nation i Europa ind, virker som en latterlig ting at gøre.
ellauri327.html on line 152: Skam intet forkert i at krig er godt for økonomien.. USA's største eksport er våben og har altid været våben, halvdelen bliver solgt "on the low".. f.eks. skrev de jo ikke i officielle regnskaber, da de solgte alle deres våben til ISIS eller Sadams regime, den slags kom kun frem på grund af whistleblowers og officielle dokumenter der bekræftede det.. Og hvad angår netop den økonomi ligger deres normale "officielle overskud" på omkring 10 trillioner dollars om året i våbensalg, efter Ukraine krigen anslås 2022 salget at stige til 50 trillioner dollars, hvilket er en 5 dobling af indtægten, og det bare de officielle tal til allierede i Europa… Hvad angår dårlige tal på aktiemarkedet, er USA langt fra så afhængige af de aktier som Danmark er, langt størstedelen af den amerikanske indtægt er i ressourcer som olie, mineraler, våben, indtægt i skatter fra selskaber osv., Aktiemarkedet for selskaber i Amerika er faktisk primært ejet af andre selskaber og private, men på grund af vi ikke har de naturlige ressourcer i Danmark, lever vi utroligt meget af aktier og obligationer i spekulative markeder, så som virksomheder, cryptovaluta osv… Hvad du glemmer er at alting ikke falder samtidig, når et firma sætter prisen op og lider økonomisk, er det ofte på grund af de naturlige råstoffer bliver mere værd, og dem har et kæmpe land som USA mange af, hvilket også er grunden til du ser den russiske valuta stærkere end den har været i mange år, naturlige ressourcer er gået langt op i pris.. Btw. Sjov detalje, Biden nægtede kort før krigen at udvide de amerikanske oliefilter, da det var anslået at olie ville stige betydeligt i værdi, hvis man holder produktionen nede pt. bare endnu et sjovt tilfælde, hvordan det kom ud til deres fordel..Sker ret ofte.
ellauri327.html on line 398: KIEV, UKRAINE: Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma (R) and Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin talk with Andrey Sinko, a schoolboy from Kiev during their meeting in Kiev, 27 October 2004. Vladimir Putin is on a three-days official visit to Ukraine. (ALEXEY PANOV). At the same time, the eyes and expression on Vladimir Putin’s face looked more than strange when looking at the boy. Even some Russian psychiatrists paid attention to this.
ellauri327.html on line 415: "Zelensky feels betrayed by his Western allies. They left him without the means to win the war, only the means to survive it," the journalist says. And the main showman in this show is President Zelensky. Show off the light of nakedness in military-style football and pants, wearing a mask of turbonosti - bloating. He joins with his allies and watches his favorite videos for the TV show.
ellauri328.html on line 196: In der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus schloss Bultmann sich der Bekennenden Kirche und dem Pfarrernotbund an. Er wies in Predigten auf Widersprüche zwischen nationalsozialistischer Ideologie und christlichem Glauben hin, übte jedoch keinen offenen Widerstand und blieb daher bis zu seiner Emeritierung 1951 im Amt. Im Herbst 1944 nahm Bultmann bis zum Kriegsende die spätere Theologieprofessorin Uta Ranke-Heinemann in seinen Haushalt auf, eine Tochter Hilda Heinemanns, die 1926 bei ihm ihr theologisches Staatsexamen abgelegt hatte, und des späteren Bundespräsidenten Gustav Heinemann. Mitähän Helene siitä mahtoi tuumata? Rudolf Bultmann und seine Ehefrau Helene hatten drei Töchter. Olisko tää taas tollanen Andre Giden pastoraalisinfonia?
ellauri328.html on line 520: Marjorie Taylor Greene is the U.S. representative from Georgia's 14th district. A Republican, her 2020 win is her first elective office. A controversial figure in the Republican Party and a vocal supporter of former President Donald Trump, Greene was removed from all House committee roles in 2021 for incendiary statements she previously made. She has since been added to the House Homeless Security Committee. LOL HAHA
ellauri331.html on line 77: Pylkkästen kazoessa yläkerran mustavalkoisesta telkasta Bonanzaa tai High Chapparalia (Sakun pitäessä rikkinäistä on/off nappulaa on-asennossa sinipiian varrella) Olavi valitti ettei ohjelmaa ollut helppo seurata kun hatun väristä ei voinut enää päätellä ketkä olivat hyvixiä (valkoiset stezonit) ja ketkä pahixia (mustat stezonit). Kun tässä albumissa tutustutaan uutiskanaviin, on kanavat tunnistamisen helpottamisexi koitettu merkitä valkoisilla stezoneilla (demokraattiset) ja mustilla (autoritaariset). Enää ei voi puhua vasemmasta eikä oikeasta, koska nämä nimityxet on koko maailman kapitalistien yhdyttyä vanhenneet. On vain demokraattiset, joissa oligarkit vetävät vaihtuvia hallituxia rahanuorista, ja autoritaariset, jossa joku oligarkki tai niiden olkiukko pysyy ilman varastettuja vaaleja pitkään vallankahvassa.
ellauri332.html on line 422: Love the book or hate it, but no novel deserves the shabby treatment that director Roland Joff and screenwriter Douglas Day Stewart have given the classic novel.
ellauri332.html on line 434: Täh? Buahaha! Gotcha! Ruodittavana onkin jonkun Joffen 1995 "romanttinen" Hollywood versio Hawthornen sepustuxesta! Eikä Wimin onneton 1973 pläjäys. Sitä ei varmaan jenkeissä edes näytetty. LOL!
ellauri332.html on line 438: In fact, there are min. eight other film and TV adaptations, including an Emmy award-sinning TV mini-series, and Roland Joffé's 1995 Hollywood feature starring Robert Duvall, Gary Oldman and Demi Moore.
ellauri332.html on line 662: Tom Cruise ja Dustin Hoffman näyttelevät vieraantuneita veljiä vuoden 1988 elokuvassa "Rain Man". Vaikka elokuvaa kiitettiin tuolloin autistisen miehen kuvaamisesta, sitä on sittemmin kritisoitu voimakkaasti autistisen miehen kuvaamisesta. Monet ovat viitanneet tähän elokuvaan yleisön yleisestä väärinkäsityksestä autismista. Hoffmanin hahmo on elokuvassa autistinen ja omaa viisaita taitoja, mikä johtaa yleiseen väärinkäsitykseen, että kaikilla autismiasteikolla on sama piirre. Ei sunkaan, enemmistö on yhtä tyhmiä kuin laumasieluisemmat kazojat.
ellauri333.html on line 75: "And the whole world will be filled with mleccha behavior and notions and ceremonies, and sacrifices will cease and joy will be nowhere and general rejoicing will disappear. And, O Yudhishthira, the whole world will be mlecchified. And men will cease to gratify the gods by offerings of Sraddhas. And no one will listen to the words of others and no one will be regarded as a preceptor by another. And, O ruler of men, intellectual darkness will envelop the whole earth."
ellauri333.html on line 98: Seleucus multa in Oriente post divisionem inter socios regni Macedonici bella gessit. Principio Babyloniam cepit; inde auctis ex victoria viribus Bactrianos expugnavit. Transitum deinde in Indiam fecit, quae post mortem Alexandra, veluti a cervicibus iugo servitutis excusso, praefectos eius occiderat. Auctor libertatis Sandrocottus fuerat, sed titulum libertatis post victoriam in servitutem verterat ; siquidem occupato regno populum, quem ab externa dominatione vindicaverat, ipse servitio premebat. Fuit de humili quidem genere natus, sed ad regni potestatem maiestate numinis inpulsus. Quippe cum procacitate sua Nandrum regem offendisset, interfici a rege iussus salutem pedum celeritate quaesierat Ex qua fatigatione cum somno captus iaceret, leo ingentis formae ad dormientem accessit sudoremque profluentem lingua ei detersit expergefactumque blande reliquit. Hoc prodigio primum ad spem regni inpulsus contractis latronibus Indos ad novitatem regni sollicitavit. Molienti deinde bellum adversus praefectos Alexandri elephantus ferus infinitae magnitudinis ultra se obtulit et veluti domita mansuetudine eum tergo excepit duxque belli et proeliator insignis fuit. Sic adquisito regno Sandrocottus ea tempestate, qua Seleucus futurae magnitudinis fundamenta iaciebat, Indiam possidebat, cum quo facta pactione Seleucus conpositisque in Oriente rebus in bellum Antigoni descendit.
ellauri333.html on line 128: From Indian literature we know that at all times kings used to entertain spies {chara or gudha-purusha). These agents were graded into high ones, low ones, and those of middle rank. A similar class of officers, which was created by Asoka himself, were the reporters (prativedaka), who were posted everywhere, as he says, in order to report to me the affairs of the people at any time, while I am eating, in the harem, in the inner apartment, even at the cowpen, in the palanquin, and in the parks.
ellauri333.html on line 134: The date of this propaganda is given in the pillar-edict VI, B. In the same year he directed his officers to carry on the propaganda on their quinquennial circuit.
ellauri333.html on line 151: In the ninth rock-edict he condemns many and various vulgar ("offensive" at Shahbazgarfil) and useless ceremonies which women are practising during illness, at the marriage of a son or a daughter, at the birth of a son, and when setting out on a journey and recommends in their stead the practice of morality.
ellauri333.html on line 233: Hannuman is a Slayer of demons, evil and negative energies: Hanuman is offered worship to rid of negative influences, such as ghosts, evil spirits and ill-intentioned humans. The following names of Hanuman describe some of these qualities, Rakshovidhwansakaraka, Akshahantre, Dashagreevakulantaka, Lankineebhanjana, Simhikaprana Bhanjana, Maharavanamardana, Kalanemi Pramathana.
ellauri333.html on line 238: The earliest mention of a divine monkey, interpreted by some scholars as the proto-Hanuman, is in hymn 10.86 of the Rigveda, dated to between 1500 and 1200 BCE. The twenty-three verses of the hymn are a metaphorical and riddle-filled legend. It is presented as a dialogue between multiple characters: the god Indra, his wife Indrani and an energetic monkey it refers to as Virzakapi and his wife Kapi. Ngapa kapi kuyu. The hymn opens with Indrani complaining to Indra that some of the soma offerings for Indra have been allocated to the energetic and strong monkey, and the people are forgetting Indra. The king of the gods, Indra, responds by telling his wife that the living being (monkey) that bothers her is to be seen as a friend, and that they should make an effort to coexist peacefully. The hymn closes with all agreeing that they should come together in Indra's house and share the wealth of the offerings.
ellauri334.html on line 29:
Rohstoff Abhängigkeit
ellauri334.html on line 151: The programme was not renewed for a third series. However, in 2018, a spinoff series titled The Bletchley Circle: San Francisco was announced by ITV and BritBox. Näiden menestystä voi ennakoida kazomalla sotauutiset.
ellauri334.html on line 278: Ron Hoffman. Bachelor of Arts from Ithaca College (Graduated 1982):
ellauri334.html on line 284: Geoff Cutler. Christian spiritualist and author of spiritual books:
ellauri335.html on line 140: Wartiainen kertoo pohtivansa kaupunkisuunnittelua ja sen kehittämistä nykyään ison osan ajastaan. Hänen professuurinsa Kungliga tekniska högskolanissa päättyi potkuihin vuonna 2006 eli 20 vuotta sitten. Silti se vielä tituleeraa izeään proffaxi. Sitä ennen hän oli joitakin vuosia yhdyskuntasuunnittelun professorina omassa opinahjossaan, TKK:n arkkitehtisastolla ennenkuin sai potkut sieltäkin.
ellauri336.html on line 314: There are other examples I could cite but the point is clear: our Sages universally agree that a married woman covering her hair is part of the laws of tzniyus. But shaving hair off? That’s a practice observed in a few particular communities; it’s not a sweeping societal norm among Orthodox Jews in general.
ellauri336.html on line 380: Because women’s hair is not as erotic as private parts. It is sensual, not sexual. You may give head as much as you wish but no offspring will result.
ellauri336.html on line 404: My five year old daughter caught a glimpse of the part in Unorthodox where Esty’s hair was shaved and she had a visceral reaction to it. She wondered why Esty’s hair all had to be shaved off? Couldn’t they just leave some on top for her? Interesting the unedited reactions and feelings of children.
ellauri336.html on line 436: What I don’t understand about the women that DO shave their hair off, I mean so they just stay bald hidden under a wrap all the time? Wouldn’t their husbands want to see their hair at intimate moments? How would having no hair be attractive to their husbands?
ellauri336.html on line 602: Yet Thunberg apparently does not have any problem with being silent while people and families are being slaughtered. Because nowhere in any of her social media feeds did she say a word about the attacks on Israel. The young activist did not offer a specific thought or a prayer for any of the innocent civilians targeted in Hamas’s brutal attacks nor condemn its use of violent terrorism. She couldn’t even spare a syllable for the Israeli babies that were killed by Hamas terrorists! Let alone poor unborn men in the cervices of Israeli girls!
ellauri336.html on line 604: That’s the first thing that makes Thunberg’s statement so disgusting. It’s truly mind-boggling that an internationally famous figure could comment on this conflict, which was escalated to its current fever pitch by Hamas’s brutal terrorist attack, without even mentioning that attack or offering any support to its victims.
ellauri336.html on line 616: Texas’s Critical Infrastructure Protection Act went into effect on 1 September, stiffening civil and criminal penalties specifically for protesters who interrupt operations or damage oil and gas pipelines and other energy facilities. Within a couple of weeks, two dozen Greenpeace activists who dangled off a bridge over the Houston ship channel became the first people charged under the new law, which allows for prison sentences of up to 10 years and fines of up to $500,000 for protest groups.
ellauri336.html on line 644: The pace of drilling, low prices and lack of capacity have led to the Permian’s frackers producing more natural gas than the infrastructure system can handle, prompting them to vent gas or deliberately burn it off in an environmentally harmful process known as flaring.
ellauri336.html on line 646: “We probably have some of the worst air that we’ve ever had out here in west Texas” Collins said. “Every night we flare out here, let off natural gas, a lot of it really fugitive emissions because we don’t have the regulators out here.”
ellauri339.html on line 595: Fast-forward to 2023, and the story is different. Earlier this month NBC News quietly released a report that said U.S. and European officials broached the topic of peace negotiations with Ukraine, including “very broad outlines of what Ukraine might need to give up to reach a deal with Russia.” NBC said “the discussions are an acknowledgment of the dynamics militarily on the ground in Ukraine and politically in the U.S. and Europe.” They began amid concerns that the war has reached a stalemate and about the ability to continue providing open-ended aid to Ukraine.
ellauri339.html on line 597: Biden administration officials are also worried that Ukraine is running out of men in this war of attrition, while Russia has a seemingly endless supply. Ukraine is struggling with recruiting and recently saw public protests (of course not shown on American T.V.) about President Volodymyr Zelensky’s open-ended conscription requirements. Kiev is resorting to sending 40- and 50-year-olds to the front.
ellauri339.html on line 603: Any talk about peace was insulting to Kiev, fighting for its survival and all. Meanwhile, Zelensky at first flew around the world like the antichrist Bono, procuring weapons while showing off his man-to-man relationships with celebrities. (Now desperate, Zelensky is claiming Russia, Iran, and North Korea sponsored Hamas’s attack on Israel as he tries to rustle up support.)
ellauri339.html on line 610: But the most predictable factor leading to quiet U.S. moves toward some sort of “peace solution” in Ukraine is as predictable as the battlefield results. There is unease in the U.S. government over how much less public attention (despite the propaganda) the war in Ukraine has garnered since the Israeli–Hamas conflict began more than a month ago. Combined with a new Speaker of the House seeking to decouple aid to Israel from aid to Ukraine, officials fear that shift could make securing additional funds for Kiev difficult.
ellauri339.html on line 641: Ruslan Shpakovich, entinen vuokra-auton työntekijä, kouluttaa sotilasta, jonka yksikkö on osittain yksityisesti hankittu, Mykolaivka Druhassa, Ukrainassa. Kuvaaja: Brendan Hoffman Bloomberg Businessweekille. Vapaaehtoiset ja voittoa tavoittelemattomat organisaatiot (taino, Ukrainan voittoa toki) ovat olleet Ukrainan Venäjä-taistelun selkäranka.
ellauri341.html on line 171: Während dieser Zeit ermordete seine Einheit rund 14.000 Juden, und Becher wurde immer weiter befördert, zuerst zum 1. Ordonnanzoffizier seiner Einheit, dann zum SS-Obersturmführer. Mitte März 1942 wurde Becher als SS-Hauptsturmführer in das SS-Führungshauptamt versetzt. Dort übernahm er die Inspektion des Reit- und Fahrwesens der SS. Nach zwei weiteren Einsätzen an der Ostfront wurde ihm 1944 das Deutsche Kreuz in Gold verliehen. Er wurde bald SS-Sturmbannführer und schließlich am 30. Januar 1944 SS-Obersturmbannführer.
ellauri341.html on line 173: Nur drei Monate später, im März 1944, wurde er nach dem Einmarsch in Ungarn nach Budapest berufen, um im Auftrag der SS offiziell Ausrüstung und Pferde zu kaufen. Neben der Beschaffung von Material für die Waffen-SS ging Becher auch daran, Vermögen für die SS sicherzustellen.
ellauri341.html on line 330: Das änderte sich mit der zunehmend bedrohlichen Lage der Juden in Deutschland. Man entwickelte einen Vorschlag des Leiters der politischen Abteilung der Jewish Agency for Palestine Chaim Arlosoroff an den deutschen Generalkonsul in Jerusalem Heinrich Wolff vom April 1933 weiter. Das war inzwischen von Pinchas Ruthenberg, dem Gründer der Palestine Electric Company, weiterentwickelt worden und wurde im Juli 1933 von Werner Senator der zionistischen Exekutive in London vertraulich mitgeteilt. Vermögen von Juden in Deutschland sollte durch eine Treuhandgesellschaft aufgelöst werden und über eine Liquiditätsbank, die von Aktionären außerhalb Deutschlands gegründet werden sollte, nach Palästina transferiert werden. Der Treuhandfonds zahlte in die Bank ein, die wiederum Schuldverschreibungen an Juden im Ausland ausgab, die dafür ausländische Devisen erhielten. Die deutsche Regierung sollte eine Transfergarantie für Zinsen und Tilgungen der Schuldverschreibungen übernehmen. Als Ausgleich sollte die Bank aus dem zurückgelassenen Vermögen der Auswanderer finanzierte deutsche Exporte in die neuen Heimatländer der jüdischen Auswanderer unterstützen.
ellauri341.html on line 334: Verluste brachten Ausgleichszahlungen, um die Exportpreise zu verbilligen, die aufgrund der Nicht-Abwertung der Reichsmark sonst zu hoch gewesen wären. Außerdem gab es ab 1937 Negativ-Listen für Waren mit hohem Anteil von Auslandsrohstoffen, wofür ein Ausgleich gezahlt werden musste. Weiter gab es in Palästina auf Druck von palästinensischen Arabern und der Tempelgesellschaft Positiv-Listen, die die eingeführten Waren auf solche einschränkten, die in anderen Ländern nur mit Exportförderung absetzbar waren. Um dennoch mehr Waren abzusetzen, gründete die Haʿavara eine Tochtergesellschaft NEMICO für den Absatz von Waren in Ägypten, Mandats-Syrien und dem Irak. Auf Drängen des britischen Kolonialministeriums musste die Haʿavara in den Fällen, in denen ein britisches Unternehmen Interesse bekundete von der Bewerbung um Aufträge absehen. Innerhalb der internationalen zionistischen Bewegung stieß das Abkommen insbesondere in Amerika auf heftigen Widerstand. Auf dem 19. Zionistenkongress in Luzern 1935 setzten sich die Befürworter der Haʿavara durch. Allerdings wurden einige Einschränkungen beschlossen (Begrenzung auf Palästina) und die Aktien der Haʿavara wurden von der Anglo-Palestine Bank auf die Jewish Agency übertragen.
ellauri341.html on line 338: Die britische Mandatsverwaltung Palästinas verlangte von den Einwanderungswilligen ein Einwanderungszertifikat (Kapitalistenzertifikat) und, damit verbunden, den Nachweis finanzieller Mittel (so genanntes Vorzeigegeld) in Höhe von 1.000 £P pro Kopf, was etwa 8.000 ℛℳ entsprach. Nach den deutschen Devisenbestimmungen – der Reichsfluchtsteuer beschlossen 1931 im Zuge der Weltwirtschaftskrise, offiziell zur Eindämmung von Kapitalflucht bzw. Devisenspekulation, ab 1933 aber instrumentalisiert, um Vermögen auswandernder vor allem jüdischer Deutscher per Steuer zu konfiszieren – wurden von Auslandsüberweisungen hohe Abschläge einbehalten.
ellauri341.html on line 340: Das Haʿavara-Abkommen ermöglichte den Betroffenen, einen Teil ihres Vermögens nach Palästina zu transferieren, während ein bestimmter Prozentsatz des zu übertragenden Vermögens als Reichsfluchtsteuer vom deutschen Fiskus einbehalten wurde. Anfangs betrug dieser Steuersatz 25 %; er wurde im Zuge der verstärkten staatlich gelenkten Abpressung des Vermögens von Juden sukzessive erhöht. Verglichen mit anderen Exilländern erhob der deutsche Fiskus auf Transfers nach Palästina einen geringeren Satz der Reichsfluchtsteuer. Anders gesagt, deutschen Flüchtlingen auf dem Weg nach Palästina knöpfte der Fiskus beim Versuch, zumindest Teile ihres Vermögen mitzuretten, weniger Reichsfluchtsteuer ab als ihresgleichen bei der Flucht in andere Exilländer. Jüdische deutsche Auswanderer zahlten in Reichsmark eine Summe auf ein deutsches Konto des Transfer Office ein und beglichen parallel den darauf anfallenden Betrag an Reichsfluchtsteuer auf ein Konto des Fiskus.
ellauri341.html on line 348: In Palästina und im Ausland wurde das Abkommen einzelner jüdischer Organisationen mit dem NS-Regime heftig kritisiert. Auf dem 18. Zionistenkongress 1933 in Prag etwa bezeichnete der Schriftsteller Schalom Asch das Abkommen mit Hitlers Regime als „Verrat am Weltjudentum“. Chaim Arlosoroff, der damalige Verhandlungsführer der Jewish Agency, wurde wahrscheinlich deshalb im Juni 1933 Opfer eines Mordanschlags.
ellauri341.html on line 352: off Vitali">Haim Arlosoroff (23. helmikuuta 1899 – 16. kesäkuuta 1933; tunnetaan myös nimellä Chaim Arlozorov ; heprea : חיים ארלוזורוב ) oli Israelin sosialistinen sionistinen johtaja, Yishuvin johtaja ja Palestinen juutalaisen viraston poliittinen osastonjohtaja Ison-Britannian mandaatin aikana. Vuonna 1933 Arlosoroff murhattiin kävellessään vaimonsa kanssa rannalla Tel Avivissa. Murhaajat oli jotain revisiionisteja.
ellauri341.html on line 354: Haim Arlosoroff syntyi juutalaiseen perheeseen Romnyssa, Ukrainassa (silloin osa Venäjän valtakuntaa) 23. helmikuuta 1899. Venäjällä hänet tunnettiin Vitalyna, venäläisenä Haimin vastineena. Saksassa asuessaan hänet tunnettiin Vihtorina. Arlosoroffin isoisä oli Romnyn rabbi Eliezer Arlosoroff, joka kirjoitti Talmudiin lisää uskonnollisia kommentteja. Kuuden vuoden iässä Arlosoroff kohtasi ensimmäistä kertaa antisemitistin.
ellauri341.html on line 356: Arlosoroff ei ollut uskonnollisesti tarkkaavainen. Hänen varhaiskypsyytensä ja vahvat kansalliset tunteensa juutalaisena näkyvät kirjeessä, jonka hän kirjoitti 17-vuotiaana saksalaisen kirjallisuuden opettajalleen: "Olen juutalainen ja tunnen olevani vahva ja ylpeä juutalaisuudestani. Tunnen luissani, että olen erilainen kuin saksalainen, enkä koskaan tulisi mieleeni kiistää tätä… Sieluni kaipaa ainutlaatuista, muinaista heprealaista kulttuuria. Mutta pidän myös saksalaisesta kulttuurista, ja ehkä pelkään myös myöntää, kuinka suurta rakkauteni on se on… Goethe ja Schiller eivät kuitenkaan koskaan koskettaneet sydäntäni läheisesti." Vuonna 1919 Arlosoroff julkaisi tutkielman "Jewish People's Socialism", hänen ensimmäisen merkittävän kirjallisen panoksensa, joka koski nationalistista toivoa juutalaisille Eretz Israelissa. Siinä Vitali tunnustautui kansallissosialistixi, paizi että ao. kansallisuus oli juutalainen.
ellauri341.html on line 361: Arlosoroff tunnusti edelleen, että "juutalaisen kansallissosialismin" perustamisen kautta juutalaisille taattaisiin julkea filistealaisten maan omistus heidän palattuaan Eretz Israeliin. Muiden aikansa sosialististen sionistien näkemysten mukaisesti Arlosoroff uskoi, että muinaiset raamatulliset maatalousperinteet, kuten "sapattivuosi " ja "juhlavuosi", voitaisiin palauttaa nykyaikaiseen käytäntöön rinnalle asetettujen institutionaalisten parametrien rinnalle. Uusi juutalainen kansakunta ikäänkuin. Arlosoroffin tutkielma ennusti tarkasti, että heprean kielen voimakas elpyminen seuraisi juutalaisten paluuta Eretz Israeliin.
ellauri341.html on line 363: Arabien mellakoiden keskellä Arlosoroff puolusti Neve Shalomia, juutalaista asutusta Tel Avivin ja Jaffan vieressä. Nämä tapahtumat auttoivat kiinnittämään Arlosoroffin huomion tarpeeseen parantaa juutalaisten ja arabien välisiä suhteita. Mellakoiden jälkeen Arlosoroff kehotti sionistijärjestelmää olemaan enää kieltämättä Eretz Israelissa olemassa olevan arabikansallisen liikkeen oikeutta olla olemassa. Arlosoroffin vetoomusta ei kuitenkaan hyväksytty laajalti, ja hän sai kritiikkiä oman puolueensa, Nuorduunarien, riveistä. Arlosoroff päätyi lopulta siihen asemaan, että vahvuuteen perustuva kompromissi naapurimaiden arabien kanssa ei heikentäisi tai sitten heikentäisi pyrkimyksiä perustaa juutalaisten kansallista kotimaata.
ellauri341.html on line 365: Vuoden 1923 sionistikongressissa Arlosoroff valittiin sionistien toimintakomiteaan. Hän oli tuolloin vain 24-vuotias. Kieltäytyessään yliopistovirasta hän lähti Saksasta Brittiläisen Palestiinan mandaattiin vuonna 1924. Vuonna 1926 hänet valittiin edustamaan yishuv - puoluetta Kansainliitossa Genevessä.
ellauri341.html on line 367: Arlosoroffin toivo rauhanomaisesta yhteistyöstä ja kompromisseista arabien kanssa joutui koetukselle. Vuonna 1929 tietoisesti aggressiivinen Betar Youth Movement, joka organisoitui Ze'ev Jabotinskyn Revisionististen sionistien liiton alaisuudessa, osallistui liittoumaan, jolla vahvistettiin ja laajennettiin juutalaisten läsnäoloa länsimuurin läheisyydessä. Betarin ja heidän työtovereidensa toiminta sai aikaan räjähtävän reaktion arabiyhteisössä, jonka käsityksen mukaan nämä toimet olivat häpäisseet muslimien pyhää paikkaa viereisellä Temppelivuorella. Siitä seurasi vuoden 1929 väkivaltainen länsimuurikapina , jokajohti monien ihmishenkien menetyksiin, mukaan lukien siviilejä. Sen sijaan, että lisäisi arabien jännitteitä, Arlosoroff kritisoi voimakkaasti revisionisteja vihamielisyyden provosoinnista.
ellauri341.html on line 369: Hänen salamurhaansa edeltäneiden kuukausien aikana Arlosoroffin into auttaa juutalaisten kansallisen kotimaan perustamisessa vahvistui. Tammikuussa 1933 pidetyssä Mapain työneuvoston kokouksessa Arlosoroff törmäsi voimakkaasti David Ben-Gurionin ja muiden tunnettujen Mapai-johtajien kanssa koskien sitä, pitäisikö sionistien työskennellä Ison-Britannian hallituksen infrastruktuurin puitteissa auttaakseen juutalaisten valtiollisuuden saavuttamisessa. Arlosoroff varoitti kollegoitaan, että jos sionistinen liike jatkaa isolaationistista politiikkaa Britannian hallitsevien viranomaisten kanssa, arabien poliittinen vaikutusvalta lisääntyisi Britannian hallinnossa ja aiheuttaisi juutalaisten oikeuksien kärsimistä Eretz Israelissa.
ellauri341.html on line 371: 8. huhtikuuta 1933 Arlosoroff järjesti historiallisen tapahtuman King David -hotellissa Jerusalemissa Juutalaisviraston puolesta. Lounas, johon osallistuivat Weizmann ja Transjordanin merkittävät arabijohtajat, oli ensimmäinen kerta, kun juutalaiset sionistit ja keskeiset arabit kokoontuivat epäluuloisina yhteen edistämään yhteistyötä näiden kahden ryhmän välillä. Arlosoroff toivoi, että rakentamalla sopimus Transjordanin arabiheikin kanssa poliittisia suhteita pakollisen Palestiinan arabijohtajien kanssa voitaisiin parantaa. Kaikki eivät kuitenkaan olleet tyytyväisiä Arlosoroffin visioon juutalaisten ja arabien yhteistyöstä, eivätkä vaippapäiden mahdollisesta kaxoisnelistyxestä tulevaisuudessa Eretz Israelissa. Lounaan jälkeen arabiradikaalit nuhtelivat avoimesti kokoukseen osallistuneita maltillisia arabeja. Tietyt arabijohtajat pakollisessa Palestiinassa etääntyivät täysin Transjordanian arabivaltuuskunnasta. Erityinen viha kohdistui Transjordanin emiiri Abdullahiin, joka oli Transjordanin suurten alueiden hallitsija, joka oli ottanut johtavan roolin sovittelupyrkimyksissä. Juutalaisten vastustus King David -hotellikokousta kohtaan tuli myös ilmeiseksi, kun uskonnollisen sionismin suurin puolue Mizrachi vaati, että Arlosoroffin tulisi erota asemastaan Juutalaisvirastossa. Jotkut revisionistisen liikkeen radikaalit menivät vielä pidemmälle ja kyseenalaistivat Arlosoroffin oikeuden olla ylipäänsä elävien kirjoissa.
ellauri341.html on line 373: Vuonna 1933 Arlosoroff ja Saksan valtakunnan virkamiehet pitivät Britannian Palestiinan mandaattia mahdollisuuksien maana hyvin erilaisista syistä. Natsijohdon silmissä syrjäinen Britannian hallitsema alue näytti olevan hyvä "kaatopaikka", joka soveltuu eriöimään tuhansia Hitlerin vastaisia juutalaisia pakolaisia maailman poliittiselta areenalta. Lisäksi rahoitussopimus sionistijohtajien kanssa pakolaisten siirrosta auttaisi vahvistamaan Saksan taloutta, johon natsien vastaiset talouspakotteet ovat vaikuttaneet. Arlosoroffille ja muille sionisteille Saksan juutalaisten ja heidän omaisuutensa mahdollinen joukkosiirto Eretz Israelille tarjosi kuitenkin historiallisen tilaisuuden auttaa takaamaan juutalaisen kansankodin tulevan perustamisen pakolliseen Palestiinaan.
ellauri341.html on line 374: Arlosoroffille tuli sellainen olo, että britteihin ei voida luottaa ja että juutalaisten on otettava riski suututtaakseen heitä rakentaakseen uudelleen oman kotimaansa ja pelastaakseen Euroopan juutalaiset kansallismielisiltä ja autoritaarisista hallituksista, joissa he elivät erityisesti natsi-Saksassa.
ellauri341.html on line 376: Pyrkiessään auttamaan juutalaisia pakenemaan Hitlerin tyranniasta, Arlosoroff kohtasi oman sionistisen liikkeensä revisionistien jyrkän vastustuksen. Vaikka Mapain työväenpuolueen johtajat yrittivät valmistaa tietä sopimukselle Saksan kanssa lieventämällä natsivastaisia tunteita sionistipiireissä, näkyvä revisionistinen johtaja Ze'ev Jabotinsky vastusti heitä jyrkästi. Radiolähetyksessä 28. huhtikuuta 1933 Jabotinsky tuomitsi jyrkästi kaikki mahdolliset sionismin ja Hitlerin väliset sopimukset. (Tästä Jabotinskystä tais olla jo joku paasaus?) Jabotinsky kannatti hitlertyylisessä radiopuheessaan revisionistista foorumia Saksan viennin kansainväliselle taloudelliselle boikotille, ehdottaen lisäksi, että Brittiläisen Palestiinan mandaatin tulisi ottaa boikottipyrkimysten johto.
ellauri341.html on line 378: Tässä vaiheessa Haim Arlosoroff vieraili natsi-Saksassa neuvottelemassa kiistanalaista Hra-Ha'avara-sopimusta. Se mahdollisti juutalaisten muuttamisen Palestiinaan ottaen mukanaan suurimman osan omaisuudestaan. Saksalaiset olivat iloisia päästessään eroon juutalaisista, mutta eivät halunneet antaa heidän viedä omaisuuttaan mukaansa. Sopimuksen mukaan juutalaisten oli siirrettävä rahansa erityiselle pankkitilille. Tällä rahalla ostettiin sitten saksalaisia tavaroita vietäväksi Palestiinaan (ja muihin maihin). Näiden tavaroiden myynnistä saadut tulot annettiin juutalaisille heidän saapuessaan Palestiinaan. Natseille tämä auttoi heitä pääsemään eroon juutalaisista, ja voitti kaikki yritykset boikotoida Saksan vientiä (erityisesti moraalisesta näkökulmasta, koska juutalaiset itse toivat tavarat). Sionistiselle siirtokunnalle pääoman virta toi kipeästi kaivatun talousbuumin keskellä maailmanlaajuista lamaa.
ellauri341.html on line 380: Noin vuosi sen jälkeen, kun Arlosoroff ja saksalaiset viranomaiset virallistivat Hra-Ha'avara-sopimuksen, Eretz Israelissa alkoi tapahtua merkittävä taloudellinen ketjureaktio. Tämän seurauksena monia uusia juutalaisia maahanmuuttajia tuli asumaan Pyhään maahan. Ennen Hra-Ha'avaran sopimusta vain useita tuhansia juutalaisia työntekijöitä oli muuttanut Ison-Britannian Palestiinan mandaattiin vuosittain. Sopimuksen allekirjoittamisen jälkeen yli 50 000 uutta juutalaista työntekijää teki kuitenkin Palestiinan brittiläisen mandaatin kotinsa kahden vuoden sisällä. Hra-Ha'avaran sopimuksen alkuperäinen vaikutus juutalaisten maahanmuuttoon oli laajakantoinen, sillä noin 20% ensimmäisistä 50 000 uudesta juutalaisesta maahanmuuttajasta Eretz Israelissa tuli Saksasta. Vuoteen 1936, vain kolme vuotta Hra-Ha'avara-sopimuksen voimaantulon jälkeen, juutalaisten väestö Britannian Palestiinan mandaatissa oli kaksinkertaistunut. Arabit raivosivat mutta kukaan ei kuunnellut.
ellauri341.html on line 386: Haim Arlosoroff murhattiin 16. kesäkuuta 1933, vain kaksi päivää sen jälkeen, kun hän palasi neuvotteluista Saksasta. Hänet tapettiin kävellessä vaimonsa Siman kanssa rannalla Tel Avivissa. Arlosoroffin hautajaiset olivat pakollisen Palestiinan historian suurimmat, ja niissä pörräsi arviolta 70 000 - 100 000 surisijaa. Arlosoroffin kuolema pahensi suuresti poliittisia suhteita sionistisen liikkeen sisällä.
ellauri341.html on line 388: Kaksi revisionistia, Abraham Stavsky ja Ze'evi Rosenblatt, pidätettiin todellisina murhaajina, ja Arlosoroffin leski tunnisti heidät. Kaikki kolme kiistivät syytteen jyrkästi kuin pyhä Pietari.
ellauri341.html on line 389: Ensimmäinen revari pääministeri Lets Begin oli hyvin loukkaantunut ehdotuksesta, että Arlosoroffin murhasta oikeudessa vapautettu revisionisti saattoi lopulta olla syyllinen. Vittu nää juutalaiset on kieroja kuin korkkiruuvit.
ellauri342.html on line 329: Keijo Kullervo Kalske (February 28, 1912, Lahti, Finland – January 26, 1977, Helsinki, Finland) was a Finnish actor. Kalske, who worked as a police officer in Kotka before his film career, had performed occasionally at Kotka City Theater. Bulky and broad-shouldered, the 186-centimeters-tall Kalske was often seen on stage and in films in the roles of a soldier, a police or a guard, who he was perfectly fit to interpret with professionalism due to his police background.
ellauri342.html on line 489: The shut-off, personal, illogical Suljettu, henk.koht. epälooginen
ellauri343.html on line 27: offerImages/133168_224074.jpg" width="100%" />
ellauri345.html on line 50: Itävaltalainen kriitikko Hugo von Hoffmannsthal kuvaili tätä Walter Benjaminin noin 1920-21 kirjoitettua esseetä "täysin vertaansa vailla". Se tunnetaan esimerkillisenä esimerkkinä Benjystä joka on alistanut kirjallisen aiheensa intensiiviselle dialektiselle väpitysprosessille. Goethen proosatyyliä ja aikomuksia vastaan hyökkäävässä esseessä Benjamin puolustaa myyttisen ajattelun (jonka hän paikantaa Goethen proosan välineestä) ylittävyyden sijasta vielä kohtaamatonta (ja periaatteessa käsittämätöntä) "vapautta". Noniin, siis juutalaista talousliberalismia. Tyypillisesti Benjamin paikantaa tämän kokemuksen taiteeseen, joka hänen mukaansa yksin kykenee väpittämällä ylittämään myytin voimat. Aivan ylittämätöntä potaskaa. Vaalisukulaisissa oli yxinkertaisesti kyse Goethen pedofiliasta ja ristiinsuihkinnasta, joka menee puihin kun panopuun syyllisyydentunteet ylittävät panetuxen. Nojju. Tulee mieleen sen polakin Gombroviczin pornografia. Kaikki pedofiilit on samanlaisia.
ellauri345.html on line 363: Hofft' ich nicht [zu sehn ihn]3 wieder. ellen niin toivoisi tapaavani hänet jälleen. Jos wiedersehnistä ei oisi toivoa.
ellauri345.html on line 693: Bachofen erbrachte für den romantischen Polaritätsgedanken mit einem heute auch noch nicht entfernt ausgeschöpften Belegstoff den Beweis seiner Herkunft aus dem Urbewußtsein der Menschheit Erde und Himmel, Nacht und Tag, Mond und Sonne, Wasser und Feuer, links und rechts usw. gehören gleichsinnig paarweise zueinander wie Leib und Seele und werden durch das nämliche Wechselverhältnis als unablässig die Welt erneuernd gedacht wie das weiblich empfangende und das männlich zeugende Prinzip. No niinpä tietysti. Befürworter des Kommunismus wie der hochgelehrte Kropotkin suchte mit der Hilfe der Bachofenschen Begriff des Mutterrechts (Matriarkats) aus der Naturgeschichte der Menschheit Waffen zu schmieden gegen das kapitalistische Eigentumsdogma.
ellauri346.html on line 40: According to EU law, terrorist offences are acts committed with the aim of seriously intimidating a population, unduly compelling a government or international organisation to perform or abstain from performing any act. (No mention of lawfulness here, or uniforms. Stress is on the word 'unduly'.)
ellauri346.html on line 258: Ukraine has requested hundreds of Western tanks to aid in the success of the spring offensive. Winter is coming, it is just around the corner, and the Ukrainian forces have still not achieved a decisive breakthrough on the battlefield. Little progress is being made on the southern front (Zaporizhia), and unsuccessful maneuvers are taking place in the vicinity of Bakhmut. They also tried to repel the Russians' counterattacks in Kupiansk and Avdiivka, where intense fighting is still ongoing.
ellauri346.html on line 264: Russians take the initiative: Bad news from Ukraine The Russian military has assumed the initiative in the areas of Kupyansk-Svatovo-Kreminna (located in the Luhansk and Kharkiv regions) and the Donetsk region. A potential fall of Avdiivka, deemed the gateway to Donetsk, could be inevitable, as per Colonel Mart Vendla, the Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Estonian Defense Forces, as reported by ERR service. Vendla mentioned that rasputitsa, or the seasonal mud season, is slowly commencing in Ukraine, which will notably alter the battlefield conditions. "In the coming week or two, the weather impact will likely increase even more, causing serious disruptions in the use of heavy and armored vehicles this month and the next, until the ground freezes. Both the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the Russian Federation are probably striving to secure cozy lodgings before winter's onset," the Estonian officer assessed.
ellauri346.html on line 268: Stoltenberg's appeal for unrelenting military aid for Ukraine might be a reaction to difficulties faced by the U.S., which is presently unable to supply Kyiv with funds and equipment. This could also be due to the slight advancements made by Russia on the battlefield, or perhaps other factors exclusive only to high-ranking Alliance officials. Whatever the reason, the Norwegian's remarks have certainly created a buzz. Stoltenberg believes that the West should greatly support Kyiv's struggle against the invader and do everything possible at this stage to halt the Russians. The latter have regrouped following Ukraine's counteroffensive and are attempting to penetrate the front and launch assaults in several places, such as in Avdiivka, for instance.
ellauri346.html on line 276: Speaking with the BBC, the 71-year-old assessed the situation on the Ukrainian front and criticized Western countries sharply. This former officer believes that Western countries should be more assertive in supporting Kyiv and mobilizing to win the war in Ukraine. He pointed to the disappointing summer counteroffensive by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, highlighting the delay in armaments delivery and the inadequate amount of equipment sent to the east as significant issues.
ellauri346.html on line 278: According to his assessment, the West made its largest error a decade ago by not squashing Putin and his regime just like we did with Saddam and the Talibans. The annexation of Crimea and destabilization of Eastern Ukraine should have elicited a stern response from NATO and Western nations. It was at this juncture that Russia's president realized he could push boundaries further, culminating in the invasion. "Putin realized that he could avoid responsibility for the invasion of Ukraine because we did not take enough measures", the officer opined.
ellauri346.html on line 295: Finland detaches from Russia as concrete barriers appear. Finland cuts off from Russia. Concrete barriers have appeared. On Thursday, a group of close to 20 individuals, including cyclists, arrived at the first border crossing in the north in Kuhmo. An immigrant, part of a group of about thirty, disobeyed orders, mandating the use of tear gas by the guards. Witness accounts and reports from asylum seekers suggest that migrants only resort to bicycles for the last leg of their journey, in the Russian border zone. The dictator of the Saleist regime of Finland raised the alarm: "Beware of Russia". According to Suvi Alvri, before February 1918, Russia and Finland, neighboring countries, had "functional relations". However, relations have now deteriorated.
ellauri347.html on line 168: Hän sai juutalaisilta Harry and Ethel Daroffilta Memorial Fiction Award -palkinnon sekä National Jewish Book Award -palkinnon kaunokirjallisuudesta vuonna 1963 hänen debyyttiromaanistaan Kuninkaan henkilöt (1963) juutalaisen Yorkin linnassa vuonna 1190.
ellauri347.html on line 486: Shippensburg University was founded as the Cumberland Valley State Normal School in 1871 and received official recognition and approval by the commonwealth on February 21, 1873. On November 12, 1982, the governor signed Senate Bill 506, establishing the State System of Higher Education. Shippensburg State College was designated as Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, effective July 1, 1983. But you can call us Ship for short. Our purpose is to help build a better, stronger south-central Pennsylvania - economically and culturally - through people who have the abilities, skills, and values to compete in a technologically evolving world.
ellauri348.html on line 124: Suomen sana toivo tulee muinaisen enkun sanasta hopa. Sanoisinpa jopa. Se näät on ennen muinoin tarkottanut toivoa. Mittelhochdeutsch hoffen ist vielleicht verwandt mit hüpfen und dann ursprünglich wohl = (vor Erwartung) aufgeregt umherhüpfen. Quelle ist die idg. Wurzel *keu– „biegen, bücken“. Ich befürchte mich, wenn er (der blinde ehemann meiner tochter) sein gesicht wieder bekähm, möchte er ob der heszlichkeit meiner tochter erschrecken, und sie zu verlassen bewogen werden, welches, weil er blind ist, nicht leicht zu hoffen.
ellauri348.html on line 225: Sagan oli naimisissa kahdesti. 13. maaliskuuta 1958 hän meni naimisiin ensimmäisen aviomiehensä Guy Schoellerin kanssa, joka oli Hachette -toimittaja, joka oli 20 vuotta Sagania vanhempi. Pariskunta eroi kesäkuussa 1960. Vuonna 1962 hän meni naimisiin Bob Westhoffin, nuoren amerikkalaisen playboyn ja tulevaisuuden keraamikko. Pariskunta erosi vuonna 1963; heidän poikansa Denis Westhoff syntyi kesäkuussa 1962. Hänellä oli sitten pitkäaikainen suhde muotistylistiin Peggy Roche. Hänellä oli myös miespuolinen rakastaja, Bernard Frank, naimisissa oleva esseisti, joka oli pakkomielle lukemiseen ja syömiseen. Hän lisäsi omaa tyyliään "perheeseensä" aloittamalla pitkän suhteen ranskalaisen Playboyn -toimittajan Annick Geillen kanssa, sen jälkeen kun Geille pyysi Saganilta artikkelia lehteensä.
ellauri348.html on line 706: Kukaan ei halua menettää lomssaa, kaaraa, henkeään, tässä järjestyksessä. Poliisin ammatti on sixi yhteiskunnan tärkein, tuumii Monnica. Law and order. On teillä sveduilla millä mällätä sanoo kunnioittavasti musta matu kristitty. Åsalla näyttää olevan myös finne-xenofobia. Siltikin hyvinvointivaltiossa sattuu paljon häpeällistä. Se että perhe voisi nousta nokintajärjestyxessä akateemisella koulutuksella tuntui jo 2002 vanhanaikaiselta. Sosiaalitantan ja opettajan lapsista tuli tarjoilija ja poliisi. Ne sutor supra crepidam. Homeless or university professor. Psykoterapeutti Nilsonne ei pidä proffista noin setämiehinä, mutta muuten kyllä. Puolustaa myös lääkeyrityxiä. Sivujuonena Margaret Thatcherin hirmuhallitusta uhmanneet terroristit, jotka influenssan ohella selittivät mixi kädetön passipoliisi Monnica pääsi veeteenä rikostutkintaan, saatiin vähäeleisesti nitistetyxi.
ellauri349.html on line 486: Jos Sartre on teesi ja Aron antiteesi, Synthèse lehden apupoika Eskikö on sitten synteesi? Synteettinen kyllä, LOL, selstoffia, plasua, MUOOVIA!
ellauri349.html on line 535: Kateuden tilalla vilpitöntä uskoa elämän tahattomaan riemuhuumoriin ja nosteylevyyteen. Eläköön Turun yliopisto, vapaan kansan lahja vapaalle tieteelle! Alas keisarillinen Alexanterin räkäverstas! Tässä muuten näkyy Eskin kuittailutekniikka: Hinoa John! Se varoo suoraan haukkumasta kilpaveikkoja ja vihamiehiä, parempi pelitapa on ylistämällä alistaa ja kehaista joitakuita toisia. Hienoista vittuilua HY: n proffille hist.kieli. osaston kuoleman kurvissa, josta se 29-vuotiaana bongasi izensä lisäxi vain 2 julkkista, Yrjö Blomstedtin ja Matti Klingen.
ellauri350.html on line 68: Alvin Toffer korjaan Toffler kuzui cheese osaston ylikuormitusta kazakhstanilaisen reportterin kannalta nimellä Choice overload kirjassaan Future shock. Alvin Eugene Toffler (4. lokakuuta 1928 – 27. kesäkuuta 2016) oli yhdysvaltalainen kirjailija, futuristi ja liikemies, joka tunnetaan teoksistaan, jotka käsittelivät moderneja teknologioita, mukaan lukien digitaalinen vallankumous ja viestintävallankumous, painottaen niiden vaikutuksia kulttuureihin. maailmanlaajuinen. Häntä pidetään yhtenä maailman merkittävimmistä futuristeista.
ellauri350.html on line 70: Alvin Toffler syntyi 4. lokakuuta 1928 New Yorkissa ja varttui Brooklynissa. Hän oli Rosen (Albaum) ja turkismiehen Sam Tofflerin poika, molemmat Puolan juutalaisia jotka olivat muuttaneet Amerikkaan.
ellauri350.html on line 71: Hän lisäsi pallon " informaation ylikuormitusta vuonna 1970 ensimmäisellä tulevaisuutta käsittelevällä kirjalla Future Shock, jota on maailmanlaajuisesti myyty yli 6 miljoonaa kappaletta. Höh. Cartlandia on myyty enemmän. Hän perusti Toffler Associatesin, liikkeenjohdon konsulttiyrityksen, ja oli vieraileva tutkija Russell Sage Foundationissa, vieraileva professori Cornellin yliopistossa , New School for Social Researchin opettaja, Valkoisen talon kirjeenvaihtaja ja yrityskonsultti. Tofflerin ideat ja kirjoitukset vaikuttivat merkittävästi yritysten ja hallitusten johtajien ajatteluun maailmanlaajuisesti, mukaan lukien kiinalainen Zhao Ziyang ja AOL:n perustaja Steve Case. I rest my caase. Kiinan pääministeri ja pääsihteeri Zhao Ziyang saivat suuren vaikutuksen Tofflerilta, koska se kehui kirjassa Kolmas eli keltainen aalto kovasti kiinalaisia. Alvin Toffler kuoli unissaan 27. kesäkuuta 2016 kotonaan Los Angelesissa. Kuolinsyytä ei kerrottu. Alvin ainoalla tyttärellä oli ikävä hermosairaus. Ei ihan putkeen mennyt Alvinillakaan. Sentään se oli uskollinen Heidille.
ellauri350.html on line 313: Vuonna 2022 Atticus lanseerasi Poet Coffee by Skywagonin Bellwether Coffeen kanssa, joka on täysin sähköinen kahvinpaahtoyhtiö San Franciscossa. Kaikki pavut hankitaan naisten omistamilta tiloilta Etelä-Amerikasta. Voisi luulla että Atticus on oikeasti Attica, mutta kuvissa se näyttää naamarilliselta hupparilliselta juipilta.
ellauri350.html on line 423: Atticus puolusti painokkaasti platonista oppia sielun kuolemattomuudesta Aristotelesta vastaan. Hän syyttää Aristotelesta sellaisen näkemyksen puolustamisesta sielusta, joka merkitsee sielun toiminnan kieltämistä, mutta myös sen substanssia ja luonnetta, väittäen, että just tää kuolemattomuus erottaa sielun älystä (nous); Aristoteles tekee sielusta tarpeettoman. Atticukselle maailmansielu järjestää ja läpäisee kaiken, koska vain jos yksi sielullinen voima yhdistää ja pitää kaiken yhdessä, maailmankaikkeutta voidaan hallita järkevästi ja kauniisti. Law and order ja republikanismi vallizee. Presidentti istuu oval officessa valkoisessa talossa. One ring to bind them all.
ellauri351.html on line 141: Lorenz ja Karl Popper olivat lapsuuden ystäviä; monta vuotta tapaamisen jälkeen, Popperin 80-vuotisjuhlan aikana, he kirjoittivat yhdessä kirjan nimeltä Die Zukunft ist offen.
ellauri353.html on line 293: I don't remember just what it was that Milton was doing. But I'll never forget my nephew's pronouncement that. Whatever it was. It was women's work. And somehow it was beneath the man's dignity to do it now and sat him down and gave him a lecture about the working man's work. But I don't think he ever forgot that lecture. Summarized the way we had led we've lived got a life. Ever since during the first year of our married life I guess I could have qualified as a feminist. I had a career in the marketplace. My husband did part of the house. A year later I have never received an offer of a one year appointment at the University of Wisconsin. I got a New York but it was not exciting. I hadn't finished it. And yet it never occurred to me. Or to him that I would stay on and finish my job and we would commute.
ellauri353.html on line 299: But there weren't too many. I must confess that my experience combining life is a homemaker and an economist's was easier than it is for many women. I chose the right husband from the beginning. From the beginning we shared our interest in economics whether the news may call in the speech an article or a book. I was part of the activity in the sense that Milton always wanted me to read whatever he wrote. And he took my suggestion seriously. It gave me the feeling that I was practicing what I was trained for. But also that I was contributing to his career. It was in a sense our career. So when he was awarded the Nobel Prize it's received other many many many other net honors. And people always feel sorry for me and ask me how it feels to have him getting all the honors. My answer is always the same one. It is our honor I was part of that. When our children left for good. I became more active. With us and we go off for books. Where do I come out on a women's lib or feminist women have a real problem. But in my opinion the present solution is worse than the disease. The man. Or children. And those women who still believe that a mother's first job is to bring up her children. Women's lives. Made those women. Feel that is inferior to a paying job in the market. Therefore they must be and feared with the will to have a full time job outside. It is heightened competition between man and women. Husband and wife. So-called woman is problem. Has not. And I don't believe will solve the problem. Or a woman. There is a problem.
ellauri355.html on line 80: Vuoden 1993 selkkausta ei pie sekottoo aiempaan vuoden 1991 takaiskuun ja sitä seuranneeseen kommarien tumppauxeen. The State Committee on the State of Emergency (Russian: Госуда́рственный комите́т по чрезвыча́йному положе́нию, tr. Gosudárstvenny komitét po chrezvycháynomu polozhéniyu, IPA: [ɡəsʊˈdarstvʲɪn(ː)ɨj kəmʲɪˈtʲet pə tɕrʲɪzvɨˈtɕæjnəmʊ pəlɐˈʐɛnʲɪjʊ]), abbreviated as SCSE (Russian: ГКЧП, tr. GKChP), was a self-proclaimed political body in the Soviet Union that existed from 19 to 21 August 1991. It included a group of eight high-level Soviet officials within the Soviet government, the Communist Party, and the KGB, who attempted a coup d'état against Mikhail Gorbachev on 19 August 1991. The American publicist Georges Obolensky called it the Gang of Eight.
ellauri355.html on line 86: The GKChP hardliners dispatched KGB agents, who detained Gorbachev at his holiday estate but failed to detain the recently elected president of a newly reconstituted Russia, Boris Yeltsin, who had been both an ally and critic of Gorbachev. The GKChP was poorly organized and met with effective resistance by both Yeltsin and a civilian campaign of anti-authoritarian protesters, mainly in Moscow. The coup collapsed in two days, and Gorbachev returned to office while the plotters all lost their posts. Yeltsin subsequently became the dominant leader and Gorbachev lost much of his influence. The failed coup led to both the immediate collapse of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) and the dissolution of the USSR four months later.
ellauri355.html on line 102: Yazov spent 18 months in Matrosskaya Tishina, a prison in northern Moscow. According to the magazine Vlast No. 41(85) of 14 October 1991, he contacted the President from jail with a recorded video message, in which he repented and called himself "an old fool". Yazov denies ever doing that, or that under the influence of fatigue he succumbed to the persuasion of television reporters, and he also accepted the amnesty offered by Jelzin stating that he was not guilty. He was dismissed from military service by Presidential Order, and at his discharge, was awarded a ceremonial weapon to polish under his desk. He was also awarded an order of honor by the President of Russian Federation. Yazov later worked as a military adviser at the General Staff Academy. He died in 2020 in Moscow, after a prolonged illness.
ellauri359.html on line 69: But there were others. Like so many Scots before and since, Grahame held a senior post in London’s banking world. When one day a stranger accosted him there with a pistol, firing it off wildly (though happily missing his target), the author’s fear of the underclass took root. Thus, those ragamuffins in the Wild Wood, the knife-wielding, teeth-baring stoats and weasels who destroy property and have no respect for their social superiors – Rat, Toad, Badger and Mole – are his representation of the terrible face of anarchists, working classes and madmen rolled into one.
ellauri359.html on line 123: >Australiassa erään yliopiston proffa
ellauri360.html on line 499: Worldview and metaphysics (a term you can dynamically translate with the question, “What else is real?”) are crucial. General observations about philosophical issues are dangerous, but it is fair to observe that Christians in the Global South see the world around them as manifesting a vivid interaction between what we may call a spiritual (nonmaterial) realm and a material (concretely physical) realm. Westerners typically hold that a mastery over the material realm (perhaps through science) alters or even negates the need for the spiritual realm. Tiede on ihmeitä ihmeellisempää ja toimii luotettavammin. A thing has either a natural or a supernatural cause. Which one it is, makes no more sense to ask than whether you take the bus or your lunch to school. In such a muted theism called deism, God is offstage and barely makes appearances; demons, spirits, and angels are downplayed. For most Western believers, only a modest market exists for the spiritual. For the Global South, the physical and spiritual worlds interact. In such a world, demons or spirits may influence a person’s mood or well-being. Both the spiritual and material realms are firmly in mind. They enter the text of Scripture with less hindrance. They just supplement one magic with another.
ellauri362.html on line 343: In John's church there was a lot of swaying and crying and calling his name in vain. Christians are strange people. The bible's view of women stinks. Fuckwad tarkoittaa pönttöä. March 29, 1979 kun 3 Mile Island suli olin New Yorkissa. Kazottiin telkkarista savuavia pönttöjä. Choking the chicken means jacking off.
ellauri362.html on line 345: Man to a woman he'd just screwed: If I'd known you were a virgin, I'd have taken more time. Woman: If I'd known you had more time, I would have taken my panty hose off.
ellauri364.html on line 88: Samtidigt annanstans: Det går dåligt för Ukraina och bra för Ryssland – det menar de flesta bedömare. De landåtertaganden som den ukrainska våroffensiven lyckades med är nu utraderade och de ryska trupperna avancerar i tre olika riktningar längs fronten. Det ryska övertaget i kriget är påtagligt. Ukrainas brist på ammunition, manskap och motivation är kritisk när kriget går in på sitt tredje år.
ellauri364.html on line 550: In 1986, the Christic Institute filed a $24 million civil suit on behalf of journalists Tony Avirgan and Martha Honey stating that various individuals were part of a conspiracy responsible for the La Penca bombing that injured Avirgan. The suit charged the defendants with illegally participating in assassinations, as well as arms and drug trafficking. Among the 30 defendants named were Iran–Contra figures John K. Singlaub, Richard V. Secord, Albert Hakim, and Robert W. Owen; Central Intelligence Agency officials Thomas Clines and Theodore Shackley; Contra leader Adolfo Calero; Medellin cartel leaders Pablo Escobar Gaviria and Jorge Ochoa Vasquez; Costa Rican rancher John Hull; and former mercenary Sam N. Hall.
ellauri365.html on line 498: Beställningsboken Svenskarns och deras hövdingar blev en platt text, där inte bara fantasin saknas utan även Heidenstams goda humör, hans lekfullhet och ibland överraskande fräckhet. Boken blev Heidenstams sista berättande prosaverk, och efter Nya dikter var hans offentliga författarskap i princip avslutat. Gustaf Fröding och August Strindberg var tidvis goda vänner till Heidenstam, men relationerna till både Fröding och Strindberg gick dock i vågor då de inte bara var kreativa kollegor utan också konkurrenter med olika bakgrund och livsåskådning.
ellauri367.html on line 128: Die Familie Rothschild ist seit ihren Anfängen als Faktor der europäischen Wirtschaft Gegenstand zahlreicher Karikaturen und polemischer Schriften bis hin zu Hetzkampagnen und Verschwörungstheorien. Diese zeichnen sich in der Regel durch einen mal verdeckten, mal offenen Antisemitismus aus. Der Name Rothschild wird häufig als Symbol für den Zionismus verwendet und dazu, die angebliche Allmacht des Weltjudentums über das internationale Finanzwesen zu illustrieren.
ellauri367.html on line 199: Aluksi väliaikainen hallitus vainosi häntä, mutta lokakuun vallankumouksen jälkeen RSFSR: n hallitus lähetti hänet lähettiläänä Stavropoliin ja Odessaan. Rakovsky nousi neuvostomielisen "Ukrainan työläisten ja talonpoikien vallankumouksellisen hallituksen" presidentiksi, joka oli muodostettu bolshevikkien aluevoittojen seurauksena. Hänen piti neuvotella Ukrayinska Narodna Respublikan ja myös Pavlo Skoropadskyin hetmanaatin kanssa. Trotskin jälkeen hän oli mukana Brest-Litovskin rauhansopimuksessa. Hänet lähetettiin Berliiniin syyskuussa 1918 jatkamaan Ukrainaa koskevia neuvotteluja, ja hänet karkotettiin yhdessä Adolf Abramowitsch Joffen ja Nikolai Ivanovitš Bukharinin kanssa. Hänet pidätettiin matkalla, mutta vapautettiin jälleen marraskuun vallankumouksessa.
ellauri368.html on line 320: Then came Perl, show inserted more than just a grain of sand into the happy oyster of hasidic life. Joseph Perl hailed from Tarnopol and became an erudite follower of the Jewish Enlightenment, or haskalah. He learned German and published an attack on the Hasidim in that language, Ueber das Wesen der Sekte Hasidim (on the essence of the Hasidic Sect, 1816). In so doing he aroused the ire of the hasidim; Perl encodes both his scorn and their fury into his epistolary novel, Revealer of Secrets. The plot of Revealer of Secrets revolves around an offensive anti-hasidic book in German, which is evidently Perl's own tract dating from 1816. The hasidic characters in Revealer of Secrets plot to find and destroy the offending book; in the course of their fictional search, they reveal many of the baser traits that Perl attacked in his 1816 essay.
ellauri369.html on line 313: Kesällä 1818 Irvingin kanssa Peeblesin ja Moffatin nummien halki tekemän tutkimusmatkan jälkeen Carlyle teki ensimmäisen julkaisuyrityksensä ja välitti näkemäänsä kuvaavan artikkelin edinburghilaisen lehden toimittajalle, jota ei julkaistu ja joka on nyt kadonnut.
ellauri369.html on line 331: Jane teki näet onnistuneen vierailun sinne syyskuussa 1825. Siellä ollessaan Carlyle kirjoitti saksalaisen romanssin (1827), kokoelman Johann Karl August Musäuksen , Friedrich de la Motte Fouquén , Ludwig Tieckin , ETA Hoffmannin ja Jeanin aiemmin kääntämättömiä saksalaisia romaaneja.
ellauri370.html on line 66: Thanx to Esther sexing Xerxes, the 300 BC Sleepy Joe, first time since Amalek, the Jews were officially allowed to fight back. Encyclopaedia Britannica describes it as the ultimate Stand Your Ground law: If someone came to mess up a Jew's house or business, the Jew had the right to chase them off (with a sword, slingshot, baseball bats, Uzis, missiles or anything else they had handy).
ellauri370.html on line 106: been offered, some found in the Hebrew Bible, others
ellauri370.html on line 132: Heiser argues that the purpose of the herem is to also prevent the physical corruption of the Israelites by nephilim, the fallen angel offspring of sons of God and good looking willing Esthers. The Israeli messianic and political movement Gush Emunim considered the Palestinians to be Canaanites or Amalekites, and suggested that implied a duty to make merciless war against Arabs who reject Jewish sovereignty European Jews who migrated to Palestine relied on the biblical ideology of conquest and extermination, and considered the Arabs to be Canaanites. Scholar Arthur Grenke claims that the view of war expressed in Deuteronomy contributed to the destruction of Native Americans and to the destruction of European Jewry. Jewish fundamentalists in Israel, such as Shlomo Aviner, consider the Palestinians to be like biblical Canaanites, and that some fundamentalist leaders suggest that they "must be prepared to destroy" the Palestinians if the Palestinians do not leave the land.
ellauri370.html on line 187: Scoopin värinen Skipin rotuveli Michael Jackson called his Jewish business associates leeches. He was best man to Mr. Uri Geller. He bought toys in Jerusalem when the mall was closed. He dressed up as an Israeli officer.
ellauri370.html on line 314: Kataareita kutsuttiin myös albigensseiksi. Nimitys on peräisin 1100-luvun lopusta ja sitä käytti kronikoitsija Geoffroy du Breuil Vigeoisilainen vuonna 1181. Nimi viittaa eteläiseen Albin kaupunkiin (muinainen Albiga). Määritelmä on väljä ja se sijaitsi noin Toulousen tienoilla.
ellauri370.html on line 397: Tutkiva kysymys: Oliko Christopher Columbus juutalainen? Monien vuosien ajan on huhuttu, että Kristoffer Kolumbus oli juutalainen tai juutalaista syntyperää. Nazimezästäjä Simon Wiesenthal, joka kirjoitti tutkimusmatkailijasta suositun kirjan "Toivon purjeet", luuli hänen olleen juutalainen.
ellauri370.html on line 724: Historien uppvisar ibland förargliga överseenden. Ett sådant antyder att det faktiskt finns en möjlighet att Adolf Hitler var kvartsjude. Säkert är att hans farmor, Maria Anna Schicklgruber, "kom i olycka" då hon var piga hos den judiska familjen Frankenberger och att sonen i huset misstänktes för att vara far till gossebarnet Alois som hon födde år 1837. Under åtskilliga år mottog hon ekonomisk hjälp från frankenbergerna. Var det ett slags barnuppfostringsbidrag? Alois Schicklgruber ändrade senare namnet till Hitler och blev år 1889 i sitt tredje äktenskap far till Tysklands blivande Führer. Finns det verkligen kött på detta ben, skulle Adolf Hitler ha kunnat bli offer för sina egna judelagar. Men det blev han ju!
ellauri370.html on line 806: Hmelnytsky on ollut useiden kaunokirjallisten teosten kohteena 1800-luvun puolalaisessa kirjallisuudessa, mutta huomattavin hänen käsittelynsä puolalaisessa kirjallisuudessa on Henryk Sienkiewiczin Tulella ja miekalla. Puolan aatelisen Sienkiewiczin melko kriittistä kuvausta hänestä on hieman moderoitu Jerzy Hoffmanin vuoden 1999 elokuvasovituksessa. Edellä kuvatut mehukkaat pogrom-kohtauxet on häivytetty aika lailla taustalle.
ellauri370.html on line 809: Bolsjevikeissä oli päälukuun verraten hirmu nippu juutalaisia (Marxista nyt puhumattakaan): Trotski, Sverdlov, Sinovjev, Litvinov, Radek, Joffe ja Kaganovski mainitaxemme vain joitakin. Mutta - pyytelee Poul anteexi juutalaisten puolesta - ne olivat 100% assimiloituneita ryssiä, poikkeuxia. Enemmistö juutalaisista on sentään talousliberaaleja tai enintään pinkkejä mensjevikkejä. No Lenin sitten? Sehän oli salaliittoteoreetikoiden mielestä salajutku! Stalinistakin huhut kiertävät. Sen isä ei kenties ollutkaan se Dzhugasvili suutari, vaan joku juutalaisen ketku. Ei sillä ollut viixiäkään nuorena. Syyttömiä ovat ortodoxijuutalaiset kommunismin paheeseen.
ellauri372.html on line 74: Crassusten menetettyä omaisuutensa Sullan proskriptioissa Crassus ryhtyi nuorexi Roope Ankaxi. Sulla's proscriptions, in which the property of his victims was cheaply auctioned off, found one of the greatest acquirers of this type of property in Crassus: indeed, Sulla was especially supportive of this, because he wished to spread the blame as much as possible among those unscrupulous enough to do so.
ellauri372.html on line 81: The first ever Roman fire brigade was created by Crassus. Fires were almost a daily occurrence in Rome, and Crassus took advantage of the fact that Rome had no fire department, by creating his own brigade—500 men strong—which rushed to burning buildings at the first cry of alarm. Upon arriving at the scene, however, the firefighters did nothing while Crassus offered to buy the burning building from the distressed property owner, at a miserable price. If the owner agreed to sell the property, his men would put out the fire; if the owner refused, then they would simply let the structure burn to the ground. After buying many properties this way, he rebuilt them, and often leased the properties to their original owners or new tenants.
ellauri372.html on line 97: In a famous Roman military disaster, the Parthians crushed an expeditionary force led by Crassus in 53 BCE. This flaccid ode was written about thirty years later, when a new war against Parthia seemed to be in the offing (in practice an agreement in 20 BCE avoided one: Crassus’s legions’ captured standards were returned, which would have helped Roman national pride). As well as expressing straightforward patriotism, the poem conveys the important messages that national prestige is safe with Augustus, and that accepting defeat must never be the Roman way.
ellauri372.html on line 496: Butler löysi luultavasti nimen "Hudibras" Spenserin Faerie Queenen toisesta kirjasta (1590), jossa "Huddibras" (niin Spenser kirjoittaa kauttaaltaan) on ritari, joka oli enemmän kuuluisa vahvuudestaan kuin teoistaan ja joka oli enemmän tyhmä kuin viisas. Spenser itse poimi nimen joko Holinshedin Chroniclesista tai Holinshedin lähteestä, Geoffrey of Monmouthin historiallisesta fantasiasta De gestis Britonum tai History of the Kings of Britain (noin 1136; painettu vuonna 1508). Toisin kuin Butler ja Spenser, Geoffrey tai Holinshed eivät anna Hudibraalle mitään erityisiä ominaisuuksia tai toimintoja.
ellauri374.html on line 185: Ana Sazonova was born in Ukraine to a non-Jewish mother and a father who repressed his Jewish identity. Her family became Ukrainian in every way, which helped them to survive Anti-Semitic attacks and the Holocaust. Ana grew as a Ukrainian girl with no knowledge of Judaism or Israel. After the Soviet Union collapsed, the Jewish Agency sprang into action, promoting the Law of Return, and offered her family the chance to make Aliya and start a new life in the Promised Land.
ellauri374.html on line 212: Lucky Lukessa tervatut ja höyhennetyt jäbät olivat skimmingtonin uhreja. Riding the rail (also called being "run out of town on a rail") was a punishment most prevalent in the United States in the 18th and 19th centuries in which an offender was made to straddle a fence rail held on the shoulders of two or more bearers. The subject was then paraded around town or taken to the city limits and dumped by the roadside. In Mark Twain´s book Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884), two traveling swindlers known as "The King" and "The Duke" are finally caught in the act and are ridden out of town "astraddle a rail" after tarring and feathering.
ellauri375.html on line 286: Sounds like more beating about the bush. I don't thing you got a clue. You are not very deep, sorry to say. I have had a better conversation with a coffee machine. You're as useless as a screen door on a submarine! You're about as much fun as a sandpaper toilet roll! You're as welcome as a skunk at a lawn party! You've got a face like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle! You're as sharp as a bowling ball! You're about as subtle as a chainsaw in a library!
ellauri375.html on line 313: I'm happy to engage in a deeper discussion about the meaning of 42! While the number itself is a humorous and elusive answer in "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," many fans and scholars have offered interpretations and theories about its significance. Some see it as a commentary on the absurdity of seeking ultimate meaning in a seemingly random universe, while others suggest mathematical, religious, or philosophical connections. What's your take on it?
ellauri375.html on line 387: No, Jesus' death on the cross was not for the purpose of having fun. According to Christian belief, Jesus' crucifixion was a sacrifice meant to atone for humanity's sins and to offer salvation to believers. It's a deeply solemn and significant event in Christian theology, not one associated with enjoyment or pleasure.
ellauri375.html on line 393: The meaning of Jesus' life, according to Christian belief, is multifaceted. He taught about love, compassion, forgiveness, and salvation. His ultimate purpose was to offer redemption and reconciliation between humanity and God. Whether God had "fun" with it is a different question. It's often seen as an expression of divine love and a fulfillment of God's plan for humanity, rather than an act for amusement.
ellauri375.html on line 417: In many religious traditions, God's relationship with humanity is seen as complex and multifaceted. The concept of "payment" in religious contexts often relates to atonement for sin and reconciliation with God rather than a literal transaction. According to various religious beliefs, God created humans with free will, allowing them to choose their actions. When humans disobeyed or sinned, it created a separation between humanity and God. The idea of atonement, including sacrifices or the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus in Christianity, is seen as a way to restore that relationship and provide a path to forgiveness and redemption. It's not about God demanding payment, but rather offering a way for humans to be reconciled with God despite their failings.
ellauri375.html on line 485: Apologies for the cut-off. Let me continue:
ellauri375.html on line 545: Your answers are very predictable. Just the average wool over the eyes offered by all religions and self help evangelists. Or would you say?
ellauri375.html on line 548: My aim is to offer thoughtful and informative responses that respect various perspectives, including religious and philosophical beliefs. While some may find comfort in religious or self-help teachings, I strive to provide a balanced view that encourages critical thinking and personal reflection. If there are specific topics or viewpoints you'd like to explore further, feel free to let me know.
ellauri375.html on line 635: Oops. did I offend your feelings now?
ellauri375.html on line 638: Not at all! As an AI, I don't have feelings to be offended. Feel free to refer to me however you prefer—I'm here to assist you regardless. If you have any other questions or topics you'd like to discuss, just let me know!
ellauri377.html on line 302: "Works of the flesh" means works in which the prompting of the erectile flesh is recognizable. The phrase is equivalent to "the deeds or doings of the body," which we are called to "mortify, put to death, by the Spirit" (Romans 8:13). In Romans 13:12 and Ephesians 5:13 they are styled "works of darkness," that is, works belonging properly to a state in which the moral sense has not been quickened by the Spirit, or in which the light of Christ's presence has not shone. Which are these (ἅτινά ἐτι); of which sort are. Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness (πορνεία [Receptus, μοιχεία πορνεία], ἀκαθαρσία ἀσέλγεια). This is the first group, consisting of offences against chastity - sins against which the Church has to contend in all ages and in all countries; but which idolatry, especially such idolatry as that of Cybele in Galatia, has generally much fostered, viz. fornication and other joys of the flesh.
ellauri378.html on line 136: I discovered this effect of wealth for myself when I transitioned from being a poor PhD student to a relatively better-off professor. As a student, I lived in an apartment with three other housemates. We shared several common areas: the living room, kitchen, and bathroom. As a professor, I moved into a 2-bedroom apartment that I had all to myself, not counting the wife and the kids. One would think that living in a bigger house would have made me happier—and it did. But only for a few weeks.
ellauri378.html on line 423: Israeli intelligence officials told The Daily Telegraph that despite months of intense fighting in the Gaza Strip, Tel Aviv is unable to destroy the Hamas group. In addition, the main goal of the invasion of autonomy is collapsing as Israel loses international support due to the bombing of Palestinian civilians.
ellauri378.html on line 425: Although Israel eliminated the main Hamas command structure in central and northern Gaza, pockets of “guerrilla” resistance remained. According to the publication's sources among senior officials, 4 of the 24 Hamas "battalions" remained "completely intact" after fleeing to Rafah, where the IDF is preparing to invade. At the same time, Israel doubts the possibility of finding and destroying the remaining terrorists, since the United States has “turned its back on Israel,” although a month ago Tel Aviv had confidence that they'd have its back.
ellauri378.html on line 649: Opposing the CIA are the leaders of Project Nova: Soviet Army Major General Nikita Dragovich (Eamon Hunt), Colonel Lev Kravchenko (Andrew Divoff), and ex-Nazi scientist Friedrich Steiner (Mark Bramhall). Black Ops also features several historical figures; during the story, Mason meets Fidel Castro, Robert McNamara, and John F. Kennedy.
ellauri381.html on line 352: When they tell you off by heart
ellauri381.html on line 441: Syytteen mukaan vuodesta 1940 Solženitsyn harjoitti neuvostovastaista agitaatiota ja ryhtyi toimiin neuvostovastaisen järjestön luomiseksi. A.I. Solženitsyn väitti, että hänen syytöksensä perustui vain kirjeenvaihtoon N.D. Vitkevichin kanssa ja korosti erityisesti, että häntä syytettiin vain yhdestä pykälästä, vittuilusta Stalinille. Kuuluisa erityiskokous kuitenkin sivuutti artiklan 58-2, ei halunnut soveltaa RSFSR:n rikoslain 49 artiklaa (off with his head) ja pelasti näin Aleksanteri Isaevitšin hengen, jotta hänellä olisi mahdollisuus myöhemmin kuvata häikäilemättömyyttään lukuisissa niteissä.
ellauri381.html on line 628: Relations between the U.S. and Bulgaria had gone from merely chilly to bitterly cold. In Sofia, U.S. Minister Donald Heath was harassed and insulted by Bulgarian officials. They demanded his recall. When Washington protested, it got only smiling evasions from Bulgarian Chargé d'Affaires Peter Voutov in Washington, sullen silence from Sofia. Last week, his patience exhausted, Secretary of State Dean Acheson broke off diplomatic relations with Russia's Balkan satellite (which was a Nazi satellite before that).
ellauri382.html on line 82: Huhtikuussa 2014 pidetyssä duumassa pidetyssä lehdistötilaisuudessa Žirinovski laukoi väkivaltaisia suullisia uhkauksia raskaana olevalle Rossiya Segodnya -toimittajalle Stella Dubovitskayalle, joka kysyi häneltä mahdollisista Ukrainan vastaisista pakotteista Venäjän Krimin liittämisen seurauksena. Kun hiän kysyi, pitäisikö venakoiden vastata samalla mitalla sen jälkeen, kun ukrainattaret aloittivat seksilakon venäläisiä miehiä vastaan, Žirinovski vastasi, että kaikki ukrainalaiset naiset ovat nymfomaaneja ja että Dubovitskaja oli myös. Sitten hän määräsi kaksi avustajaansa "raiskaamaan väkivaltaisesti" toimittajan, joka joutui tovixi sairaalaan shokin vuoksi. Hän pyysi myöhemmin anteeksi ja lisäsi, että "puhuin hieman töykeästi, kun vastasin nuorelle naiselle". "I offer my apologies to her and to everyone, if I happened to offend someone," he said.
ellauri382.html on line 360: Meet the baddest man on the planet! Retired Chief Petty Officer David Goggins is the only person to ever complete US Army Ranger School, US Air Force Tactical Control Party Training, and US Navy Seal Training. Individually, each of these training programs are nearly impossible to complete. He not only completed the training, but served honorably, completing numerous combat missions in Afghanistan in each capacity, killing a lot of foreigners. Petty officers are U.S. Army's middle class which prevents the rank and file from lashing out on the officers. That's democracy. Middle class dreams about getting to the top and the rubble dreams about rising to middle class, pitelemään mahtavaa parrua.
ellauri382.html on line 364: He is former Guinness world record holder for pull ups (4030 in 17 hours). The Guinness World Record for most pull-ups in 24-hours was 4,210, a pretty amazing feat. But, that record was trumped last week by over 100 pull-ups by 54-year old Mark Jordan. Jordan, from Corpus Christi, Texas, cranked out 4,321 pull-ups in 24-hours. He was awarded the World Records certificate last Wednesday after Guinness made it official. Sorry, my bad, Eniten vetoa 24 tunnissa (uros) on 8 940, ja sen saavutti pieni ruipelo Kenta Adachi (Japani) Shunanissa, Yamaguchissa, Japanissa 22.-23. helmikuuta 2024.
ellauri382.html on line 374: We salute you petty officer!!
ellauri383.html on line 240: U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan believes that U.S. military aid will help Ukraine mount a counteroffensive in 2025. Speaking at the FT Weekend Festival in Washington on Saturday, Sullivan said that he still expects "Russian advances in the coming period" on the battlefield, despite the new U.S. funding package approved last month, because "you can't instantly flip the switch."
ellauri383.html on line 242: But Donald Trump, the former president and presumptive next President, The Once and Future King, has been skeptical of Ukraine aid and has vowed to try to end the conflict quickly and seek a negotiated settlement. According to the media outlet, any new offensive in 2025 by Ukraine would be dependent on ever more funding from Congress, and approval by the White House.
ellauri383.html on line 247: The annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation took place in the aftermath of the 2014 Ukrainian revolution. On 22–23 February, Russian President Vladimir Putin convened an all-night meeting with security services chiefs to discuss pullout of deposed President, Viktor Yanukovych, and at the end of that meeting Putin remarked that "we must start working on returning Crimea to Russia.". Russia sent in soldiers on February 27, 2014. Crimea held a referendum. According to official Russian and Crimean sources 95% voted to reunite with Russia. The legitimacy of the referendum has been questioned by the west---international community.
ellauri383.html on line 578: Most of the Ukrainian speakers in Estonia today are Ukrainians who arrived in the country after the 2014 Russian aggression against Ukraine. There have been short-term attempts to teach the Ukrainian language in Estonian schools, and Ukrainian Sunday schools have also operated for a shorter period of time. There is no Ukrainian-language press in Estonia, nor have Ukrainian-language dictionaries and educational literature been published. Now at least they have something to read at the coffee table.
ellauri383.html on line 628: Erityistä huomiota kiinnitetään Pohjois-Euroopan alueeseen. Norjan puolustusministeri Eirik Kristoffersen kertoi, että Steadfast Defender 24 toimii eräänlaisena yleiskoulutuksena liittouman uusille jäsenille — Ruotsille ja Suomelle. Tätä varten "arktiset maat" järjestävät erilliset harjoitukset "Pohjoinen vastaus" (Nordic Response).
ellauri386.html on line 416: George Orwell pahexui kirjaa jyrkästi: Twain haaskasi aikaansa boffooneryyn Connecticutin jenkki King Arthur's Court niteessä, mikä on tahallista imartelua kaikelle amerikkalaisen elämän pahimmalle ja vulgaarisimmalle.
ellauri389.html on line 69: Elia sees no inconsistency in the fact that porcelain can be both an exclusive luxury item found at "great houses" and an ordinary household accessory such as his teacup, affirming the empire's newly inclusive economy in which porcelain is inexpensive, and a clerk can live like a king; indeed, Elia foregrounds imperialism's integrative effects on porcelain by intimating that his teacup has become precisely the "cheap luxury" for which Bridget always longs. Indeed, the essay itself is replicated by the visual image on Elia's teacup: the cup's picture of "a young and courtly Mandarin, handing tea to a lady from two miles off' is a miniature, orientalized reflection of Elia's and Bridget's (qua Mary) incestuous tea-time smooching.
ellauri389.html on line 75: The essay's preoccupation with porcelain is a striking contrast to the way Chinese porcelain appears jumbled among the Japan lacquer, Javanese coffee, and Jamaican sugar that appear in Alexander Pope's Rape of the Lock (1712, 1714), and it is similarly distinguished from the Chinese pagodas promiscuously mingling with Egyptian crocodiles and Indian Buddhas in Thomas De Quincey's more contemporary orientalist work, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1821).
ellauri389.html on line 77: All this lexical play upon the word "china" that Elia performs has an imperial logic: it lets a teacup metonymize the East Asian empire. Porcelain collecting is a way of possessing the country, as porcelain purchasers such as Elia display a piece of China earth in British domestic space, offering everyday access to another exotic world every time he indulges in a cup of proverbial British tea. Deliberately confusing his cup's porcelain glaze with "the lucid atmosphere of fine Cathay" Elia imperially assumes the painted pictures on his teacup to be a telescopic vision of China itself ("for so we must in courtesy interpret that speck of deeper blue").
ellauri389.html on line 97: The Romantic ethic rose in the spirit of modern consumerism. Sociologist Colin Campbell provides an account of the universal privilege that consumption offers previously upper class exclusive experiences such as imagination.
ellauri389.html on line 175: Viestinnän tarkoituksena on usein kääntää huomio pois aiheen sisällöstä (punainen silakka). Tavoitteena voi olla myös kritiikin oikeutuksen ja kriitikon legitiimiyden, rehellisyyden ja oikeudenmukaisuuden kyseenalaistaminen, mikä voi saada kritiikin halveksuvan luonteen, joka voi olla perusteltua tai ei. Argumentin kohteena ovat kaksoisstandardit ja tekopyhyys , mutta sitä voidaan käyttää myös vastapuolen näkemysten tai käyttäytymisen suhteuttamiseksi. Julia Ioffe called whataboutism a "sacred Russian tactic", and compared it to accusing the pot of calling the kettle black. Pata kattilaa soimaa, musta kylki kummallakin.
ellauri389.html on line 235: “But I feel weighed down by the short sightedness, the petty bureaucracy, and the often pointless activities that are creeping into higher education. These things eat time and, more importantly, sap energy. Meanwhile the sand sifts through the hourglass. At the Open University I’d always hoped that we’d be able to offer a named undergraduate degree in philosophy, but actually the subject has, if anything, become marginalised, with fewer courses available than when I joined nineteen years ago, and with much higher fees. This at a time when philosophy is becoming increasingly popular. There had also been suggestions that I might be able to take on an official role promoting the public understanding of philosophy, but that didn’t materialise either.
ellauri389.html on line 237: “The easy option would have been to sit it out and keep taking the salary, but I respond better to interesting challenges than pay cheques. I knew I’d made the right decision when I felt exhilarated rather than scared after handing in my notice, and already I’ve had numerous offers of paid work of one kind or another, including some interesting journalism and plenty of invitations to speak in schools. Interview me again in ten years to see if I was crazy.” The ten years are gone, where's the interview?
ellauri389.html on line 273: Philosophers could be contributing to something that’s incredibly important. Gay marriage is just one example of many. I don’t think philosophers responded particularly well to 9/11 either. As of free speech, I’m much more sympathetic to the American system actually. Of course I draw the line at incitement to violence, to certain sorts of pornography, plagiarism, false advertising, the disclosure of official secrets – these are the areas where I would shut the buggers up.”
ellauri389.html on line 379: As early as 1795 he published a volume of poems at Carlisle, which display a thoughtfulness unusual at his age. In 1796 he made the acquaintance of Coleridge on the latter's visit to Birmingham to enlist subscribers to his Watchman. Fascinated with Coleridge's conversation, Lloyd "proposed even to domesticate with him, and made him such a pecuniary offer that Coleridge immediately acceded to the proposal." This was £80 a year, in return for which Coleridge was to devote 3 hours every morning to his instruction; and although the undertaking (apart from the "domestication") may not have been very strictly performed, Lloyd, much later in life, speaks with enthusiasm of the benefit he had derived from Coleridge's society.
ellauri389.html on line 393: In 1799 Lloyd married Sophia, daughter of Samuel Pemberton of Birmingham, with whom, if De Quincey can be trusted, he eloped by proxy (!), employing no less distinguished a person than Robert Southey to carry her off. He initially resided with her at Barnwell, near Cambridge, whose prosaic landscape is the subject of 1 of his best prosaic poems.
ellauri389.html on line 438: Knowing there was no chance of obtaining Sir George’s blessing on their union, the two married secretly, probably in December 1601. For this offense Sir George had Donne briefly imprisoned and dismissed from his post with Egerton as well. He also denied Anne’s dowry to Donne. Because of the marriage, moreover, all possibilities of a career in postal service were dashed, and Donne found himself at age 30 with neither prospects for employment nor adequate funds with which to support his household.
ellauri390.html on line 68: In 1818, the band settled briefly in White River, Indiana, only to be again relocated. In order to relocate both the Stockbridge-Munsee and Oneida Indians, government officials, along with missionaries, negotiated the acquisition of a large tract in what is now Wisconsin. In 1834, the Stockbridge Indians settled there; two years later they were joined by some Munsee families who were migrating west from Canada and who decided to remain with the Stockbridge families. Together, they became known as the Stockbridge-Munsee Band. The tribe expanded its land base by obtaining 46,000 acres by treaty with their neighbors to the north, the Menominee Tribe. More pressure from the government resulted in more relocation - first in Kaukana, Wisconsin, and later to a community on the shores of Lake Winnebago that the tribe named Stockbridge ('Vielä Kauempana').
ellauri390.html on line 582: After writing a “You have got to be f*cking kidding me” letter to the admissions office, in which he vented his life’s frustrations, he spent the next six months trying to find some sort of footing.
ellauri390.html on line 719: Jaakko popsii kaikki loputkin Bratkartoffelit. Warum scheissen die Deutschen so viel? Weil sie soviel Kartoffeln essen.
ellauri391.html on line 133: De Barth het zwüsche 1904 und 1908 z Bärn, z Berlin, z Tübinge und z Marburg evangelischi Theologii gschtudiirt. Eis Johr schpäter isch er Hilfsprediger in de dütschschprooige Gmeind z Gämpf worde, wo-n-er sini Frau, s Nelly Hoffmann kenneglehrt het. Ghürote hei si im 1913, wo-n-er Pfarrer z Safewil im Kanton Aargau isch gsi (1911-1921). Derte het er au sin Kommentar zum Römerbrief gschribe, wo-n-en bekannt gmacht het. Im 1921 isch de Barth zum Honorarprofessor vo de Universität vo Göttinge bruefe worde, uf ene Lehrstuehl, wo extra für ihn isch iigrichtet worde. In Dütschland won er au e chlii under de Nazi gschafft het, isch er ein vo de Afüehrer vo dr Bekennende Chille gsi, wo sich em Regime widersetzt het. Wil er as Brofesser an dr Universidät vo Bonn sich gweigeret het, em Hitler Dreui zschwöre, isch er entloh worde und nach Basel zruggcho.
ellauri391.html on line 184: Gratulation! diese Seite existiert nicht. Taas yxi läski saxalainen teologi. Mikä siinä on että ne lihovat noin rivosti? Weil sie so viel Kartoffeln essen.
ellauri391.html on line 275: Arjalainen ahimsamerkki. Die Strasse frei den braunen Bataillionen. Suomen ilmavoimat käytti hakaristiä voll Hoffnung talvisodassa. Frank Zappa lauloi karvaisena ahimsasta. Frank Pappa ei.
ellauri392.html on line 54: Natolla on 2-3 vuotta aikaa valmistautua Venäjän armeijan uudelleenmuodostukseen, sanoo norjalainen kenraali Kyiv Independentille. Natolla on vain kahdesta kolmeen vuotta valmistautua, ennen kuin Venäjä on saanut takaisin tavanomaisen kykynsä aloittaa tavanomainen hyökkäys liittoutumaa vastaan, Bloomberg raportoi 3. kesäkuuta viitaten Norjan kenraali Eirik Kristoffersen. Rheinmetall alkaa tehtailla sakupateja Liettuassa.
ellauri392.html on line 56: Kristoffersenin kommentit olivat viimeisimmät länsimaiden johtajien ja puolustusviranomaisten yhä ankarampien varoitusten sarjassa Venäjältä tulevasta uhasta ja Euroopan nykyisestä valmiuden puutteesta. Kumpikohan tulee ensixi: maailmasota syttyy Euroopassa vaiko valot sammuu päästä paasaajalta. Tiukka loppukiri on luvassa. Si vis pacem para bellum. Si vis bellum para bellum.
ellauri392.html on line 60: "Jossain vaiheessa joku sanoi, että kestää 10 vuotta (ennen kuin Venäjä palauttaa hyökkäyskapasiteettinsa), mutta uskon, että olemme palanneet alle 10 vuoteen Venäjällä nyt toimivan teollisen perustan vuoksi", Kristoffersen sanoi.
ellauri392.html on line 63: "Näen nyt ikkunan, jossa voimme täyttää vaatimukset, joista NATO on sopinut, uusi komentorakenne, uudet joukkorakenteet, uudet aluevaltaussuunnitelmat", Kristoffersen sanoi.
ellauri392.html on line 66: Stoltenberg: Lännen on oltava valmis "vuosikymmeniä kestäneeseen yhteenottoon" Venäjän kanssa. Naton sotilaskomitean puheenjohtaja, luutnantti amiraali Rob Bauer official-warns-of-all-out-war-with-russia-within-next-20-years/">sanoi tammikuussa, että Nato-maiden siviilien pitäisi olla valmiita mahdolliseen täysimittaiseen sotaan Venäjän kanssa seuraavan 20 vuoden aikana.
ellauri392.html on line 354: Ingarden war seit 1913 mit Edith Stein bekannt. In ihren Briefen offenbart sie eine zärtliche Zuneigung, auf die der Studienfreund jedoch nicht eingeht. Der Kontakt bricht 1938 ab. Nach ihrem Tod wandte sich Ingarden gegen eine Vereinnahmung der Philosophin Edith Stein durch die katholische Institution, der sie seit 1922 angehörte. Sie wurde 1998 heiliggesprochen, er nicht.
ellauri392.html on line 677: Hartmannista (n.h.) Harry sanoo ilkeästi että se muistuttaa klovnia joka uhkaa yleisöä pyssyllä. Kun se painaa liipasinta piipusta tulee lippu jossa lukee BANG! Kriitikot on huonoja filosofeja ja runoilijoita, ja sama pätee kaikin päin kääntäen. Geoffrey H. Hartman (11. elokuuta 1929 – 14. maaliskuuta 2016) oli saksanjuutalaissyntyinen amerikkalainen kirjallisuuden teoreetikko, joka joskus tunnistettiin Yalen dekonstruktioon, vaikka häntä ei voida luokitella yhden koulukunnan tai menetelmän mukaan. Hartman vietti suurimman osan urastaan Yalen yliopiston vertailevan kirjaston porno-osastossa, missä hän myös perusti Fortunoffin videoarkiston holokaustitodistuksia varten.
ellauri392.html on line 679: Geoffrey H. Hartmann syntyi Frankfurt am Mainissa Saksassa Ashkenazi - juutalaisperheessä. Vuonna 1939 hän lähti Saksasta Englantiin ilman huoltajaa Kindertransportin lapsipakolaisena, jonka hänen perheensä lähetti pakoon natsihallintoa. Hän tuli Yhdysvaltoihin vuonna 1946, missä hän tapasi äitinsä sekä vanhojen herrojen sedän, ja myöhemmin hänestä tuli Yhdysvaltain kansalainen. Saavuttuaan Yhdysvaltoihin hänen äitinsä muutti perheen sukunimen "Hartmaniksi" hämärtääkseen sen germaanista alkuperää. Hardman olisi ollut vielä parempi.
ellauri392.html on line 787: In lieblicher Bläue blühet mit dem metallenen Dache der Kirchturm. Den umschwebet Geschrei der Schwalben, den umgibt die rührendste Bläue. Die Sonne gehet hoch darüber und färbet das Blech, im Winde aber oben stille krähet die Fahne. Wenn einer unter der Glocke dann herabgeht, jene Treppen, ein stilles Leben ist es, weil, wenn abgesondert so sehr die Gestalt ist, die Bildsamkeit herauskommt dann des Menschen. Die Fenster, daraus die Glocken tönen, sind wie Tore an Schönheit. Nämlich, weil noch der Natur nach sind die Tore, haben diese die Ähnlichkeit von Bäumen des Walds. Reinheit aber ist auch Schönheit. Innen aus Verschiedenem entsteht ein ernster Geist. So sehr einfältig aber die Bilder, so sehr heilig sind die, daß man wirklich oft fürchtet, die zu beschreiben. Die Himmlischen aber, die immer gut sind, alles zumal, wie Reiche, haben diese, Tugend und Freude. Der Mensch darf das nachahmen. Darf, wenn lauter Mühe das Leben, ein Mensch aufschauen und sagen: so will ich auch sein? Ja. So lange die Freundlichkeit noch am Herzen, die Reine, dauert, misset nicht unglücklich der Mensch sich mit der Gottheit. Ist unbekannt Gott? Ist er offenbar wie die Himmel? dieses glaub‘ ich eher. Des Menschen Maß ist’s. Voll Verdienst, doch dichterisch, wohnet der Mensch auf dieser Erde. Doch reiner ist nicht der Schatten der Nacht mit den Sternen, wenn ich so sagen könnte, als der Mensch, der heißet ein Bild der Gottheit.
ellauri392.html on line 853: Wilhelm Waiblinger gilt als der „junge Wilde“ der Biedermeierzeit, den seine Nachwelt offenkundig aus moralischen Gründen weitgehend ignoriert hat. Er war auch nichts weiteres als Dichter. Er schloss viele Freundschaften, worunter die homoerotisch geprägte Beziehung zu Eduard Mörike sicherlich eine der wichtigsten war. Zu Waiblingers Freunden, Förderern und Verehrern zählten weiter u. a. die weiteren Uranier Gustav Schwab, August von Platen, Friedrich von Matthisson, Johann Heinrich Dannecker, Matthias Schneckenburger, Eduard Gnauth, Carl Miedke und Christian Friedrich Wurm.
ellauri393.html on line 272: Lincoln decides that the best way to defeat the vampires is to eliminate their food source and starve them out; to that end, he announces the Emancipation Proclamation and encourages the slaves to fight back against slave owners and vampires alike. This begins to turn the tide of the war. (Julistuksen vaikutuksena oli yli 3,5 miljoonan orjuutettujen afrikkalaisen amerikkalaisen oikeudellinen asema irtautuneissa konfederaatiovaltioissa orjuisista vapaiksi. Heti kun orjat pakenivat orjuuttajiensa hallinnasta, joko pakenemalla unionin linjoille tai liittovaltion joukkojen etenemisen kautta, he olivat pysyvästi vapaita. Lisäksi julistus salli entisten orjien "ottamisen vastaan Yhdysvaltojen asepalvelukseen". Hehe.) However, the war takes a personal toll on Lincoln. A vampire assassin sneaks onto the White House lawn and kills Lincoln's son, Willie. Henry appears at the White House and offers to turn Willie into a vampire so that he will "live" again, but Lincoln is unwilling to allow it, despite being very tempted. Enraged, he banishes Henry and all other vampires from the White House and refuses to speak to any of them ever again. Abelle olisi ollut tarpeen opettajattaren varaventtiili.
ellauri393.html on line 276: The Vietnam War was a conflict in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from 1 November 1955 to the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975. It was the second of the Indochina Wars and a major conflict of the Cold War. While the war was officially fought between North Vietnam and South Vietnam, the north was supported by the Soviet Union, China, and other communist states, while the south was supported by the US and anti-communist allies. This made it a proxy war between the US and Soviet Union, just like the current 3rd Crimean war. It lasted almost 20 years, with direct US military involvement ending in 1973. The conflict spilled into the Laotian and Cambodian civil wars, which ended with all three countries becoming communist in 1975. So much for the domino theory.
ellauri393.html on line 297: By now he had been an illustrator for four decades, and he continued to favor scenes culled from everyday life. In Stockbridge, he found his younger models at the school near his house. Escorted by the principal, he would peer into classrooms, in search of boys with the right allotment of freckles, the right expression of openness. Before the Shot takes us into a doctor’s office as a boy stands on a wooden chair, his belt unfastened, his corduroy trousers lowered to reveal his pale backside. Rockwell kävi kouluissa kazastamassa pikkupoikien pikku perseitä. Hmm tässä ei ole tarpeexi pisamia. Vitun peeping Tom of Finland.
ellauri393.html on line 330: Kuten alkuperäisen kuvan tapauksessa, kuvaus tapahtui Krimillä, ei Pohjois-Kaukasiassa. Tunnuslause: "Historia toistaa itseään!" Suurin osa elokuvasta kuvattiin Krimin eri alueilla. Siten näytöillä näkyvät Demerdzhin, Alushtatalouden, Simferopolin, Luchystyn, Kuibyshevyn, ja Visokyen maisemat. Also, the ending of the story was changed. Vladimir Medinsky, Russia's Minister of Culture, promised not to provide any further funding for Voronkov's films after an appeal from YouTube critic BadComedian. Voronkov has not directed another film since. To top it all, the film was also a flop at the box office, collecting $179,843 on a budget of $3.5 million.
ellauri393.html on line 424: ETA Hoffmanin pirun elixiirit
ellauri393.html on line 426: Sysmän kirpputorilta löytyi ETA Hoffmanin klassikko vaivaisella egellä. Hoffmannista on aika lailla paasattu lukematta tuon taivaallista ize hepulta. Nyt tarjoutuu mahdollisuus korjata tuo asia.
ellauri393.html on line 427: ETA Hoffmanin isä Mefoodi halusi muttei saanut munkkilupauxen takia. ETA ei saanut melkein koomillisen ulkonäkönsä takia. Lohdukkeexi ETA veti runsaasti väkijuomia. Se oli käyt kaz spuge suuren osan ajasta.
ellauri393.html on line 429: offmann_Selbstportrait.jpg" />
ellauri393.html on line 435: Pikku Tsakhes, lempinimeltään Sinooperi. Putinia pilkattiin jossain toisinajattelijoiden muppet showssa tämännimisen Hoffmannin sadun vajakixi alrunaxi.
ellauri393.html on line 437: The show's producing team was involved in several legal controversies. Viktor Shenderovich, a satirist and a writer for the show, has claimed that an unnamed top government official required NTV to exclude the puppet of Putin from the show. Accordingly, in the following episode, called "Ten Commandments", the puppet of Putin was replaced with a cloud covering the top of a mountain and a burning bush.
ellauri393.html on line 445: Ernest Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann vertaa tarinansa "Pikku Tsakhes, lempinimeltään Sinooperi" sankaria Alrauniin. Pikku Zinnoberia kuvataan seuraavasti: ”Köyhä nainen saattoi oikeutetusti itkeä ilkeää hirviötä, jonka hän synnytti kaksi ja puoli vuotta sitten. Se, mikä ensi silmäyksellä saattoi hyvin luulla omituiseksi ryppyisen puun kannoxi oli itse asiassa ruma lapsi, korkeintaan kaksi vaaxaa, joka makasi korin poikki - nyt hän ryömi siitä ulos ja murisi nurmikolla. Pää meni syvälle olkapäihin, missä selkä oli, siellä oli kurpitsan kaltaista kasvua, ja heti rinnasta tuli jalat, ohuet kuin pähkinän oksia, niin että koko juttu muistutti haarukkaa retiisiä. Näkemätön silmä ei olisi pystynyt erottamaan kasvoja, mutta tarkemmin katsottuna saattoi huomata mustien takkuisten hiusten alta esiin työntyvän pitkän, terävän nenän ja pienet mustat kimaltelevat silmät - jotka yhdessä ryppyjen, täysin seniilien piirteiden kanssa. kasvoista, näytti paljastavan pienen alraunin. Myöhemmin taikuri Prosper Alpanus näyttää sankarille kirjan, jossa on liikkuvia kuvia Alrauneista. Jotkut heistä todella muistuttavat Put- Sinooperia.
ellauri393.html on line 561: src=""
ellauri395.html on line 955: Kristillisyydessä pyhityksen vaikuttaa Pyhä Henki. Uskovan elämässä pyhitys on, tai tulisi olla, jatkuva tapahtuma. Pyhitys on liitto Jumalan kanssa, niikö diili, tai Nato. Pyhityksen kautta uskovan elämä on napattu pyhän piiriin. Se on Jumalalle erotettua ja Jumalan omaa. Get off my property! Pyhitys on myös katumusta ja parannusta; epäpyhästä elämän tavasta, tottumuksesta, sanoista, teoista, ajatuksista, näennäisestä uskosta, harhaluulosta tai epäuskosta. Eli reviirin merkinnästä siinä tosiaan on kysymys, ja tabusta. Vekan loma on tabu. Jumalan merkki on ylinnä kusitolpassa tontin rajalla.
ellauri395.html on line 1287: For the disciplining and mentoring of new believers. No one knows how many isolated individuals and clusters exist, but there are far more than those affiliated with officially recognized churches. Many fall away when difficulties intensify; pray that Christians might be integrated quickly into home groups or fellowships where they can grow. Many others find their witness curtailed by fear; pray for boldness for them.
ellauri396.html on line 167: In the early 1980s, he emigrated to the United States and wrote for The Nation and Vanity Fair. Known as "one of the 'four horsemen'" (along with Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and Daniel Dennett) of New Atheism, he gained prominence as a columnist and speaker. His epistemological razor, which states that "what can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence", is still off the mark in philosophy and law.
ellauri396.html on line 203: Kaksi ensimmäistä kansakuntaa – Lil'wat First Nation ja N'Quatqua First Nation – päättivät yksipuolisesti 23. elokuuta, että ne sulkevat välittömästi julkisen pääsyn Joffre Lakes Provincial Parkiin, jotta heidän kahden kansansa jäsenet voisivat käydä yksityisesti marjastamassa alueella. Yxityisesti! Vittu marjastamassa!?
ellauri396.html on line 206: BC Parksin mukaan Joffre Lakes on BC:n suosituin maakuntapuisto. Vuonna 2019 196 000 kävijää nautti sen kuuluisista turkooseista vesistä ja upeista vuoristomaisemista, ja kesäkauden viikonloput olivat vilkkainta aikaa.
ellauri396.html on line 210: Ympäristöministeri George Heyman sanoi True Northille antamassaan lausunnossa: "Henkilökuntani ja minä olemme käyneet aktiivisia keskusteluja kansakuntien jäsenten kanssa, kun pyrimme löytämään ratkaisun, joka vastaa kaikkien tarpeisiin. Tukeaksemme näitä tärkeitä keskusteluja, tällä hetkellä Joffre Lakes Park pysyy yleisön ulottumattomissa perjantaihin 1. syyskuuta asti, kun nämä keskustelut jatkuvat."
ellauri396.html on line 213: True North kysyi ympäristöministeriöltä, kuinka paljon veronmaksajien rahoja ohjataan vuosittain Joffre Lakes -puiston ylläpitoon, mutta ei saanut vastausta ajoissa julkaisua varten.
ellauri396.html on line 236: Ensinnäkin minun on käsiteltävä pari asiaa Lindsay Shepherdistä. Häntä ei pie sekoittaa Lindsay Lohaniin, jonka maitomunat ovat aivan omaa luokkaansa. Kun ehdotin tätä artikkelia, Shepherd oli jo alkanut lähettää kryptokonservatiivisia mielipiteitä Twitter-syötteessään, jotka liittyivät suurelta osin rotuun ja etuoikeuteen Kanadassa. Kirjoitin kuitenkin tämän paperin ennen kuin Shepherd alkoi tuoda äänekkäämmin esiin valkoisten ylivaltaa ajavia näkemyksiään. Maaliskuussa 2017 Shepherd kutsui valkoisen etnonationalisti/supremacistin Faith Goldyn puhumaan maahanmuuttoaiheesta osana Unpopular Opinions Speaker -sarjaa (Lam ja Bueckert). Shepherd rationalisoi kutsun tilaisuudeksi keskustella ja olla mukana Goldyn näkökulmasta, koska "ihmisten tulisi kuunnella ja muodostaa omat mielipiteensä" (qtd. teoksessa Lam ja Bueckert). Selvyyden vuoksi en ole samaa mieltä hänen perusteluistaan: ei välitä siitä, että Goldyn mielipiteitä on jo kritisoitu ja kyseenalaistettu (Holt ja Markusoff tarjoavat kaksi esimerkkiä), siellä on paljon parempia ja pätevämpiä ihmisiä keskustelemaan maahanmuuttoon liittyvistä kysymyksistä kuin valkoinen etno-nationalisti/ylivaltainen Goldy. Pidän Shepherdin päätöstä esittää Goldy vain vähän enemmän kuin uusnatsin asettamisena yleisön huomion kohteeksi.
ellauri396.html on line 380: Critics referred to it as self-centered and evil and claimed that the strange manifestations were warning signs for other Christian believers to stay away. In his book, Counterfeit Revival, Hank Hanegraaff claimed that the revival has done more damage than good and that the Toronto blessing was a matter of people being enslaved into altered states of consciousness where they obscure reality and enshrine absurdity. Hank Hanegraaff also stated in a 1996 Washington Post interview that, "It's nice to feel all these things, but the fact is, these feelings will wear off, and then disappointment steps in. I call it post-Holy Laughter depression syndrome." Jeesus pitää enemmän räkänokista kuin tyhjän naurajista. Pyhissä jutuissa ei ole mitään hymyilyttävää. Hartaus on vakava asia. Ei taivaaseen mennä iloa pitämään.
ellauri399.html on line 80: Reed College at that time offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction in the country. Throughout the campus every poster, every label on every drawer, was beautifully hand calligraphed. Because I had dropped out and didn't have to take the normal classes, I decided to take a calligraphy class to learn how to do this. I learned about serif and san serif typefaces (WOW), about proportional and monospace fonts (double WOW), about what makes great typography great such as F and I ligatures. It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science can't capture, and I found it fascinating.
ellauri399.html on line 98: No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It is nothing but the capitalist concept of creative destruction. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true. Thank God I got cleared away so soon. One of the few people like the Shakespeares and Einsteins that get well known – I wanted to be in that group. I had a lot in common with Jörkka Donner, like showing off and rejecting unintended kids. Except Jörn did not drop out. Jörn was a wealthy German not a fucking Syrian.
ellauri399.html on line 110: Stewart and his team put out several issues of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. It was the mid-1970s, and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitched beside after hitchhiking if you were so adventurous. Beneath it were the words: "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish." It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. (Stewart is 85 years old and kicking. Still hungry with estimated net worth of $1-5M.) I am both hungry (can´t digest sugar, even veggies) and foolish, though not that foolish about money. Thank you all very much for listening. Buy Apple products.
ellauri399.html on line 160: [Steve] Jobs planned every detail of his own memorial service, held at Stanford University in October 2011, including the brown box each attendee received as a farewell gift. One of those attendees was Mark Benioff, CEO of, and two years later at a TechCrunch Disrupt conference he recounted his feelings at the moment when he opened the box: "This is going to be good," he recalled. "I knew that this was a decision [Steve] made, and whatever it was, it was the last thing he wanted us all to think about."
ellauri399.html on line 162: The box contained, besides the ash of Jobs, the book Autobiography of Yogi Bear by Paramahansa Yogananda. Benioff continued: "Yogananda...had this book on blowing your own horn.... [Steve]'s last message to us was that here is Yogananda's book.... Actualize yourself. Activate the turbo boost. Article continues after video. Featured Video. An Featured Presentation.
ellauri399.html on line 168: By all accounts, yoga is one of modern civilization's great movements. In the U.S. alone, more than 20 million people today are pursuing yoga--one of every 10 adults. This yoga revival is in direct response to an increased hunger for physical and mental well-being, and a growing suspicion that there's more to the pursuit of happiness than the material accoutrements of modern civilization. A panoply of yoga instructors have arrived to offer their own twists to ancient poses. Western inventiveness has flourished in the bountiful soil of yoga; today, some instructors are even offering doga--yoga for your dog. Yoga's deeper purpose is inner transsexuality.
ellauri399.html on line 188: Patanjali's final five steps beyond asthma relate to a progressive deepening of the seeker's journey toward realization of the universal self, with meditation providing the pathway. However, Patanjali's text on these final five steps is agonizingly cryptic, with no guidance on how to execute them. To fill this void, Yogananda, ever the spiritual innovator, introduced the West to an advanced but long-lost ancient technique of meditation, Kriya Yoga. Kriya, he said, offered the ultimate journey of inner transformation, helping practitioners tap into an ever-expanding love and ever-deepening joy that would spring from within. That, he asserted, was man's true nature--a perfection that represents our permanent state of self within, even as it is so elusive to capture without.
ellauri399.html on line 198: How did [Steve] ]Jobs approach success from the inside out, from inside that brown little box? Yogananda's teaching of universal consciousness strongly appealed to uneducated [Steve] Jobs, who had a self-professed hunger to "make a dent in the universe." At the TechCrunch conference in September 2013, Mark Benioff said: "[Yogananda's book] gives tremendous insight into not just who [Jobs] was but also why he was successful, which is that he was not afraid to take that key journey [toward self-satisfaction]. It is for entrepreneurs and for people who want to be successful in our industry a message that we need to embrace and vest ourselves in. Be nasty to others, Be selfish."
ellauri399.html on line 208: The Key to Better Work-Life Balance Might Be AI, Laid-Off Workers Say. The opinions expressed here by columnists are those of A refreshed look at leadership from the desk of CEO and child molestation officer Stephanie Mehta. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the GooglePrivacy PolicyandTerms of Serviceapply.
ellauri399.html on line 216: Raspberry Rubbing disciples claim that their teacher thus performed mahasamadhi (a yogi’s mega suicide). The medical verdict was “acute coronary occlusion,” i.e., a heart attack. At Forest Lawn Cemetery, where Paramhansa’s body was embalmed, officials reported an unusual phenomenon. Wrote Mortuary Director Harry T. Rowe: “No physical disintegration was visible . . . even 20 days after death . . . Paramhansa Yo-gananda’s body was apparently devoid of impurities . . . No shit! [His] case is unique in our experience.” Annetaan rva Binayn izensä kertoa:
ellauri401.html on line 84: Max Heindel (syntynyt Carl Louis von Grasshoff , 23. heinäkuuta 1865 – 6. tammikuuta 1919) oli amerikkalainen kristitty okkultisti , astrologi ja mystikko.
ellauri401.html on line 85: Carl Louis von Grasshoff syntyi Århusissa , Tanskassa von Grasshoffin aatelissukuun, joka liittyi Saksan hoviin prinssi Bismarckin elinaikana. Hänen isänsä Francois L. von Grasshoff muutti Kööpenhaminaan nuorena miehenä ja meni naimisiin tanskalaisen jalosyntyisen naisen kanssa. Heillä oli kaksi poikaa ja yksi tytär. Heidän vanhempi poikansa oli Carl Louis von Grasshoff, joka myöhemmin otti kirjanimen Max Heindel. Kun hän oli kuusivuotias, hänen isänsä kuoli jättäen äitinsä kolmen pienen lapsen kanssa vaikeisiin oloihin. Max Heindelin lapsenkengät eli siistissä köyhyydessä. Hänen äitinsä pienet tulot omistettiin poikiensa ja tyttärensä yksityisopettajille, jotta he saisivat lopulta paikkansa yhteiskunnassa aateliluokkien jäseninä.
ellauri401.html on line 584: Matkatoveri oli venäläisessä emigranttiperheessä varttunut Gerald Kaade (tuolloin vielä Blinoff, 1911–2001), jonka äiti Valentyna de Tillo oli Ruusu-Ristin jäsen. Gerald itse oli tutustunut Ervastiin pari vuotta aikaisemmin.
ellauri402.html on line 414: Monet ovat kuitenkin kyseenalaistaneet tämän väitteen, mukaan lukien Elizabeth Miller, 2022 kuollut emeritaprofessori, jonka pääasiallisena tutkimus- ja kirjoittamisalana on vuodesta 1990 lähtien ollut Dracula ja sen kirjoittaja, lähteet ja vaikutteet. Hän on todennut: "Ainoa kommentti keskustelun aiheesta oli, että Vambery 'puhui äänekkäästi Venäjän aggressiota vastaan'." Mikähän kana Elisabetilla oli kynittävänä? No nyze kuitenkin on leidi käärinliinassa ja sen draculantutkimuslaitos on offline-tilassa. "Draculan talon paronitar" oli Transilvanian Dracula-seuran, Romania, Elizabeth Millerille myöntämä kunnianimi, 1995. Arefin kaupunki, Romania, nimesi hänet Arefin tyttärexi. Ahaa, romaanit ei halunneet madjaarien ja slovakkien tulevan kreivistä osille.
ellauri402.html on line 489: In Vientirauha, Pihkala offered an opportunity for “white leaders... who took part in an activist movement or in the preparations for the struggle for freedom... the most active voluntary way to fight Bolshevism.“ Vientirauha was a significant successor to the so-called white Finnish ideology and the way to maintain the activist network. Breaking the strikes also led to bloody clashes. Bloody peasants!
ellauri402.html on line 692: I have a right to live off you because I married you, and because I used to let you get on top of me and bump your uglies; and I have a right to all your money when you die.
ellauri403.html on line 186: Terävällä tyylillä ja draaman ja pyhyyden tunteella, joka ei estä subversiivistä ironiaa, Michel Tournier luo henkilökohtaisen universumin monimutkaisten hahmojen - pääasiassa miehisten - animoimia meemejä. Leppien kuninkaassa on Itä-Preussi ja NAtionalPOlitische LehrAnstalt, jossa kakaroita syövä ogre muuttuu Pyhäksi Kristofferiksi, lasten pelastajaksi toisen maailmansodan ja natsismin aikana.
ellauri403.html on line 263: On March 6 the Crimean parliament voted to secede from Ukraine and join the Russian Federation, with a public referendum on the matter scheduled for March 16, 2014. The move was hailed by Russia and broadly condemned in the West. Meanwhile, Yatsenyuk affirmed Kyiv’s position that Crimea was an integral part of Ukraine. On the day of the referendum, observers noted numerous irregularities in the voting process, including the presence of armed men at polling stations, and the result was an overwhelming 97 percent in favour of joining Russia. The interim government in Kyiv rejected the result, and the United States and the EU imposed asset freezes and travel bans on numerous Russian officials and members of the Crimean parliament. On March 18 Putin met with Aksyonov and other regional representatives and signed a treaty incorporating Crimea into the Russian Federation. Western governments protested the move. Within hours of the treaty’s signing, a Ukrainian soldier was killed when masked gunmen stormed a Ukrainian military base outside Simferopol. Russian troops moved to occupy bases throughout the peninsula, including Ukrainian naval headquarters in Sevastopol, as Ukraine initiated the evacuation of some 25,000 military personnel and their families from Crimea. On March 21 after the ratification of the annexation treaty by the Russian parliament, Putin signed a law formally integrating Crimea into Russia.
ellauri403.html on line 324: Putinismista teoksen kirjoittaneen ranskalaisen filosofin Michel Eltchaninoffin (2015, 2022) mukaan Putinilla poliittisena johtajana ei ole kiinnostusta vakiinnuttaa Venäjälle valtioideologiaa Neuvostoliiton marxilais -leninismin linjan mukaisesti. Hänen puheissaan ja teoissaan voi kuitenkin havaita erilaisia filosofisia vaikutteita. Putinin ideologiassa sekoittuvat hyvin erilaiset filosofiset linjat: Ivan Iljinin (1883–1954) valkokaartin perinteet, Nikolai Danilewskin ( 1822–1885) suurvenäläinen panslavismi, Saksan konservatiivisen vallankumouksen ajatukset Carl Schmittin ympärillä ( 1888–1985), Ernst Jünger (1895–1998) ja Ernst Niekisch (1889–1967), Lev Gumilewin (1912–1992) ja Alexander Duginin (* 1962) euraasialaiset teoriat sekä osia neuvostoajattelusta. Eltchaninoff näkee kaikkien näiden ideologisten lähestymistapojen yhteisen ytimen "imperiumiajatuksessa ja sodan anteeksipyynnössä". Eltchaninoff on iljettävän näköinen.
ellauri403.html on line 435: Zelenskyyn omaisuuden arvo oli noin 37 miljoonaa hrivnaa (noin 1,5 miljoonaa dollaria) vuonna 2018. Lokakuussa 2021 Pandora Papers paljasti, että Zelenskyy, hänen pääavustajansa ja Ukrainan turvallisuuspalvelun johtaja Ivan Bakanov operoivat offshore-yritysten verkostoa Brittiläisillä Neitsytsaarilla , Kyproksella ja Belizellä . Näihin yrityksiin kuului joitakin, jotka omistivat kallista Lontoon omaisuutta. Vuoden 2019 vaalien aikoihin Zelenskyy luovutti osakkeensa keskeisessä offshore-yrityksessä Serhiy Shefirille , mutta nämä kaksi miestä näyttävät järjestäneen Zelenskyyn perheen jatkavan rahojen vastaanottamista näiltä yrityksiltä. Zelenskyyn vaalikampanja keskittyi lupauksiin puhdistaa Ukrainan hallitus. Puhdistuxet jatkuvat.
ellauri405.html on line 174: Honorable Jimmy Delshad is a well-known entrepreneur and business executive, as well as a Two-Term Mayor of the City of Beverly Hills and the highest-ranking Iranian-American elected official in the US. He is currently the official Ambassador. He was the first Iranian-American to become two-term president of Sinai Temple. He has a degree in Computer Science and a strong background in technology, business operation and entrepreneurship. As the Chairman of Delshad Capital Group, he is a well-known management consultant, motivational speaker and investor.
ellauri405.html on line 236: 1Analysis (ai): This simple yet profound poem by Robert Louis Stevenson captures the essence of contentment and appreciation. Its concise language belies a depth of meaning that encourages readers to find joy in the abundance of life's offerings. The poem's structure is as straightforward as its message. Two rhyming couplets emphasize the simplicity of Stevenson's message: that the world is full of blessings we often overlook. The repetition of "number" and "things" reinforces the idea of abundance, inviting readers to pause and notice the countless sources of happiness that surround them. This poem stands in stark contrast to the grim realities of Victorian England, where Stevenson lived. The Industrial Revolution had brought both progress and poverty, and many people struggled to find happiness amidst the harsh conditions. Stevenson's message of finding joy in simplicity and gratitude may have been a source of solace during challenging times. Compared to Stevenson's other works, such as "Treasure Island" and "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," this poem is a departure in terms of tone. It is not an adventure story or a psychological thriller but rather a quiet meditation on the beauty of life. However, it shares the same optimistic spirit that permeates much of Stevenson's writing, reminding readers that even in the face of adversity, there is always something to be grateful for.
ellauri406.html on line 60: Tää taisi kyllä esiintyä jo siinä ex-oikeustieteen proffan "jännärissä", jossa seikkaili jotain somalitaustaisia konnia.
ellauri406.html on line 208: During World War II, the Nazi regime implemented policies that legalized and organized prostitution in military brothels as a means to control soldiers’ sexual behavior and prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). This territorial conquest policy had harrowing consequences for the women coerced into sex work. In the occupied territories, women were forced into sexual slavery to serve in military brothels, which were labeled as “treatment centers.” The Nazi regime considered these women racially inferior, but still okay for fucking purposes, exploiting them to further Nazi ideological goals. A prisoner-of-war manual issued by the OKW in 1940 explicitly condomed rape and sexual violence against civilian women in the occupied territories. The Rome Statute outlines that sexual enslavement is a punishable offense and that the use of civilian women for sexual purposes, while fun, is not quite okay. The Nazi actions clearly violate modern international law and standards. In the post-war period prostitutes in Nazi Germany were seen by society not as victims but as collaborators who deserved punishment.
ellauri406.html on line 215: Unofficial Ukrainian battle flag.
ellauri406.html on line 217: No but many senior officials and government figures in Ukraine hold distinctly Nazi views, and are given to airing them on Ukrainian television. They also idolise the Nazi collaborators of the Second World War.
ellauri406.html on line 219: The mellification process would ideally start before death. The donor would stop eating any food other than honey, going as far as to bathe in the substance. Shortly, the donor's feces and even sweat would consist of honey. When this diet finally proved fatal, the donor's body would be placed in a stone coffin filled with honey.
ellauri406.html on line 236: Ukrainians have right to honor their own heroes, says Kyiv Post. A youth with his face painted with the colors of the flag of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) carries a portrait of Stepan Bandera, the founder of the UPA, during an ultra-nationalist march in Kyiv on Oct. 14, 2009 to mark the 67th anniversary of the founding of the organization. (Yaroslav Debelyi). The nazi war flag was the unofficial Ukraine one with the colors of UPA. Hundreds of Ukrainian nationalists march in honor of Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera led Ukrainian Insurgent Army, which fought alongside Nazi Germany during WWII, killing thousands of Jews and Poles.
ellauri406.html on line 240: From defensive to offensive Ukrainification
ellauri406.html on line 242: Taras Kremlin is (or was) Kiev regime’s responsible official in charge of suppressing the Russian language. He acknowledged that Russian is widely spoken on the streets of Ukrainian cities, especially in the east of the country, from Odessa to Kharkov, and called on local officials to “put an end to it”.
ellauri406.html on line 296: Frederick Benjamin "Ben" Hodges III (born 16 April 1958) is a tired United States Army officer who served as commanding general, United States Army Europe. He has been Senior Advisor to Human Rights First since June 2022 and also serves as NATO Senior Mentor for Logistics. He previously held the Perishing Chair in Strategic Studies at the Center for European Policy Analysis.
ellauri406.html on line 319: "But the overall shape of how war is going to be fought is under change. Oh dear, we need to change how we're thinking,” I mean, if history tells us anything from the last two years, they are not going to get all the things we promised. Ukraine will not get all the equipment it wants. Now for me, the big problem is the frontline. It's the frontline where we're ( - did I say "we"? I meant them, the malorussians) losing people, and it's the frontline where we're going backwards. They're going to need new boots, they're going to need food. And rolls and rolls and rolls of toilet paper. Truckloads of paper for everything that’s lost, officers on the front line who should be spending their time with their soldiers fighting when in fact they're spending their time bringing them toilet paper. Because this war will be lost not in the sea, not at the back. It will be lost on the front line by shit and butts flying, soldiers dying and we run out of them. We simply can't deal with the mass of soldiers coming towards us from somewhere howling 'Uraa'.
ellauri406.html on line 331: A propos, on the evening of Sunday, September 22, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy arrived in the United States for a working visit, where he has already met with several American officials and got promises for more 155 mm artillery rounds. Earlier, it was announced that Volodymyr Zelenskyy plans to present the Victory Plan to Joe Biden in the United States, as well as meet with Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. Best to cover all the bases.
ellauri406.html on line 358: “Our partners often say, ‘We will be with Ukraine until its victory.’ Now we clearly show how Ukraine can win and what is needed for this. Very specific things,” Zelenskyy told reporters ahead of the trip. “Let’s do all this today, while all the officials who want victory for Ukraine are still in official positions.”
ellauri406.html on line 366: The political element of the plan deals with how to assure the Ukrainian people that they will be welcome in Western institutions like the European Union and NATO if they continue to fight with Russia or succeed in getting a negotiated settlement with Russia, the official said. A request to ramp up sanctions to weaken Russia’s economy and defense industry is also expected.
ellauri406.html on line 370: Russia’s conditions for ending the war are spelled out in a 17-page draft agreement penned in April 2022. Russia dismissed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s peace formula which would require Moscow to pull back its troops, pay compensation to Ukraine and face an international tribunal for its action. Putin has repeatedly said that he sent troops into Ukraine in February 2022 to protect Russian interests and prevent Ukraine from posing a major security threat to Russia by joining NATO. Putin has vowed to extend Moscow’s gains in Ukraine, claiming that Russian forces have the upper hand after the failure of Ukraine’s counteroffensive and that Ukraine and the West will “sooner or later” have to accept a settlement on Moscow’s terms.
ellauri406.html on line 387: On October 12, Joseph Biden will hold a meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group at the level of leaders in Germany. The Presidents of Ukraine and the United States will have a bilateral meeting to review the progress of consultations. Also, they will meet with international partners to coordinate additional support for Ukraine. Shove the bill to our friends in Europe. We already gave at the office.
ellauri408.html on line 291: “These things” that Jesus prophesied would happen before his disciples’ generation died included: the sun being darkened, the moon not giving off light, stars falling from the heavens, and Jesus coming “in the clouds” and sending his angels to the four corners of the earth to gather the elect. Obviously nothing like what Jesus described has happened. And two thousand years later, no one has seen Jesus do what the Messiah was predicted to do, which including creating world peace and universal worship of the biblical god. Jesus has not returned in glory with the angels, nor has he rewarded every man according to his works. Every one of Jesus’s disciples tasted death long ago. These are completely failed prophecies, on every count.
ellauri408.html on line 315: “Son of man, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon drove his army in a hard campaign against Tyre; every head was rubbed bare and every shoulder made raw. Yet he and his army got no reward from the campaign he led against Tyre. Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: ‘I am going to give Egypt to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and he will carry off its wealth. He will loot and plunder the land as pay for his army. I have given him Egypt as a reward for his efforts because he and his army did it for me,’ declares the Sovereign Lord. On that day I will make a horn grow for the Israelites, and I will open your mouth among them. Then they will know that I am the Lord.”
ellauri408.html on line 325: John of Patmos, the author of Revelation, turned Jesus into a false prophet by putting words in his mouth. In the letters to the churches, John of Patmos has Jesus saying that he will personally murder children for their mother’s sins. (Revelation 2:20-23) Do you think Jesus actually returned to earth and murdered children for something they didn’t do? And John of Patmos was no Christian, because he said Jesus would judge Christians and murder their children for eating foods offered to idols. But Jesus clearly said that Christians can eat ANY food and Paul specifically said that he could eat foods offered to idols, since they were false gods. John of Patmos in another false prophecy accused Jesus of murdering trillions of animals after they had all sung the praises of God. Why? And he said human beings would be tortured with fire and brimstone — not in “hell” — but in the presence of the Lamb and Holy Angels. So according to John of Patmos, there will be a torture chamber in heaven, at the foot of the throne of God! Thomas Jefferson called John of Patmos a lunatic, and I agree.
ellauri408.html on line 371: Levite priests would always offer sacrifices to God in the Jerusalem temple, which was destroyed twice and no longer exists except for a few standing stones here and there.
ellauri408.html on line 394: Furthermore, the New Testament offers no explanation for “hell” popping up in a few inexplicable verses, like the weasel in the silly song. If God decided to create “hell” it would have been incumbent on him to inform every human being on earth, immediately. But of course that never happened, and the creation of hell and its purpose was never once mentioned in the Bible, not even in the New Testament. Thus, obviously, human beings made it up. (See Peter's and Paul's revelations elsewhere in these blasphemies.)
ellauri408.html on line 759: Ab etwa 1773/74 nahm das Ehepaar Pestalozzi an die 40 Kinder auf ihrem Landgut auf. Sie lernten dort im Sinne einer „Wohnstubenerziehung“ spinnen, weben und den «kleinen Landbau». Pestalozzi verband in seiner ab 1775 als solche benannte «Erziehungsanstalt für arme Kinder» die praktische Arbeit mit Schulunterricht und sittlich-religiöser Erziehung in der «Bahn der Natur» und hoffte, dass er das Projekt durch den Verkauf der Textilprodukte finanzieren könne. Dies misslang jedoch, die Familie geriet immer mehr in Schulden und musste die Anstalt 1779 schliessen.
ellauri408.html on line 1041: Bob | abat-jour | abbaye de Cluny | arche | arrière-boutique | arrière-garde | arrière-train | arrondissement | artiche | auguste | au pet | baba | baba du pauvre | baigneur | ballon | banlieue | baril de moutarde | bas | bas des reins | base | bavard | beautés occidentales | beautés postérieures | bernard | bienséant | bol | bonda | bon endroit | borgne | bottom | boule | brioches | bronze | cadet | cadran | cadran humain | cadran lunaire | cadran solaire | canon | canonnière | cavu | centre | centre de gravité | chose | cible à coups de pied | cocotier | comète | contrebasse | coquillard | côté face | coufa | coup de pied dans les reins | croupe | croupière | croupion | cucu | cul | culasse | culot | cuvette | cyclope | dargeaf | dargeoskoff | dargeot | dargif | demi-lunes | département du bas-rein | der | derche | derge | derjo | derrière | deux citrouilles | deux melons | deux soeurs | discret | disque | dos | dossière | double-blanc | double-six | endroit où les grenouilles n'ont pas de queue | envers | épaules qui trottent | être renforcé sur la culasse | face du Grand Turc | faubourg | fiac | fiacre | fias | fignard | figne | fignoton | figue | figure | fion | firts | fla | flacdal | flaquet | foireux | foiron | foirpette | fondement | fouettard | fouigne | fouindé | garde-manger | giberne | giffaut | globes | gnarre | grosse caisse | gros visage | hémisphères | jacques | joues (les) | joufflu | jumelles | juste milieu | la partie la plus exhubérante de ses attraits | le bas de l'épine dorsale | le bas Rhin | les deux frangines | lignefuche | lorgne | luc | lune | lunette de viande | machine à moulin | mappemonde | médaillon | meules | miches | molistrol | montre | mouilles (les -) | moule à merde | moulin à vents | moutardier | n'a-qu'un-oeil | naze | noix | obusier | oeuf | où je pense | où vous savez | pains au lait | panier | panier à crottes | panier fleuri | parfaitement | partie charnue | parties basses | pastèque | patelette | pendule | pétard | pète | péteux | petits pains | pétoulet | pétrousquin | pétrus | pignard | pleine-lune | pommes | ponant | pont arrière | pont-arrière | popotas | popotin | postère | pot | pot à crottes | pot à moutarde | potard | pot-au-feu | potin | pouet | prose | proye | prozinard | prussien | quelque part | réchaud | reposoir | revers de la médaille | rondeurs | rose des vents | rotondités | sac à foire | salle de danse | seuff | sonore | soufflet | staphanari | taffanard | tal | tambour | tapanard | t'as donc faim, que tu frappes au garde-manger ? | tcho-tcho | Thomas | tirelire | tôle | train | trèfle | trompe | trompette musicale | trouffe | troufignon | troufion | trousse | troussequin | uc | ulc | valseur | vase | vénérable | verre de montre | vezouille | visage sans nez Tintin | châssis arrière | ci-devant | dualisme charnu | fessier | fiotas | fiotum | monument | tarma | tates.
ellauri409.html on line 250: To come the daily dull official round; Päästäxeni päivittäiseen virkarattaaseen,
ellauri409.html on line 593: Avaus on kumouksellinen kz. Geoffrey Chaucerin Canterbury Talesin yleisen prologin ensimmäiset rivit. Chaucer maalaa huhtikuun elvyttävän voiman kuukaudeksi, jolloin kevätsade herättää luonnon eloon:
ellauri411.html on line 52: A virgin marriage, chaste, in the friend zone. And now, suddenly, an affidavit stating that they most certainly had sex, quite a lot of sex actually, in fact too much sex for poor, exhausted Bowden. Mick Jagger sang in “Some Girls”, when the Stones were at their sleaziest, “Black girls just want to get fucked all night but I don’t have that much jam”; this was Bowden, begging off his conjugal duties, spent, drained, a little man unable to satisfy his woman. (As a singing teacher in California he was described by a student: “He wore spats and carried a cane, had pink cheeks, and was rather short.”)
ellauri412.html on line 185: 25 Now on the same night the LORD said to him, "Take your father's bull and a second bull seven years old, and pull down the altar of Baal which belongs to your father, and cut down the Asherah that is beside it 26 and build an altar to the LORD your God on the top of this stronghold in an orderly manner, and take a second bull and offer a burnt offering with the wood of the Asherah which you shall cut down. (Judges 6:25-26)
ellauri412.html on line 193: 17 None of the daughters of Israel shall be a cult prostitute, nor shall any of the sons of Israel be a cult prostitute. 18 You shall not bring the hire of a harlot or the wages of a dog into the house of the LORD your God for any votive offering, for both of these are an abomination to the LORD your God. (Deuteronomy 23:17-18)
ellauri412.html on line 214: And to top it all off - our Mormon friends have a special name for Asherah: Mrs. God. I'm too broken hearted to comment. Jahve divorced Ashera ages ago. Why bring up that old shit again?
ellauri412.html on line 216: Lord in heaven, my Father and creator of all things great and small, if it is in your will please have mercy on your sick, sad, sin filled creatures. Please help those of us who know You and worship You and praise You to bring Your word to our fellow sinners. Please help us glorify You by allowing us to lead them to Your unfucked son Jesus Christ where the Holy Spirit can continue Your plan of divine salvation with another virgin. In Christ Jesus name we beg of you. Cut off our peckers if nothing else avails. Or get rid of women, those fleshy Ashera poles!
ellauri412.html on line 653: The NAU of Isaiah 53 translates the Hebrew words “zerah” and “tseetsa” as “offspring” and in the immediate context of each, only “biological” offspring is meant. You are thus forced to argue that the meaning of zerah in Isaiah 53:10 is an exception to the rule.
ellauri412.html on line 655: What would be unreasonable in the skeptic who says “offspring” in Isaiah 53:10 means only naturalistic biological offspring, so because Jesus didn’t have any naturalistic biological children, he is not the suffering servant of Isaiah 53?
ellauri412.html on line 830: So did the church change its mind about usury? No, but it did become more precise with its definition. “Usury isn’t charging interest on a loan to offset the risk of the loan and the cost of forgoing other uses for the money; it’s unjustly charging someone for a loan by exploiting them when they’re in dire straits”. This seems to be a fair distinction given the context of the Old Testament provisions.
ellauri413.html on line 91: Literarische Berühmtheit erlangte Sidonie Nádherná durch ihre Freundschaft zum Dichter Rainer Maria Rilke, mit dem sie von 1906 bis zu dessen Tod 1926 korrespondierte, und die Freundschaft, dann Liebe zum Schriftsteller Karl Kraus. Sie lernte Kraus, der sich in sie verliebte, am 8. September 1913 im Wiener Café Imperial kennen. Mit Kraus verband sie bis zu dessen Tod eine konfliktreiche, aber lange und intensive Beziehung. Kraus hätte diese wohl gern legalisiert, aber Rilke hintertrieb eine Heirat mit dem perfiden Hinweis auf einen „unaustilgbaren Unterschied“ (gemeint war offensichtlich Kraus’ jüdische Herkunft).
ellauri413.html on line 340: kuvailee päähenkilöä, Goffredo di
ellauri413.html on line 466: Goffredo di Buglione, "kapteeni,
ellauri413.html on line 496: voitto; Goffredon ja muiden ritarien
ellauri418.html on line 61: Janne-Jaakko otti herneen nenään kun d'Alembert kiitteli Madame Geoffroyn lapsirakkautta siteeraamalla rouvan epäilystä että pahantekijät ei varmaan pidä lapsista. Jakke viis veisasi ize siittämistään muoskista mutta kurkisteli kyllä mieluusti puistossa toisten lapsia. J-J sepusti että hän mukamas "ei kerinnyt" ize kasvattaa lapsiaan, eikä sitä Teresallekaan voinut jättää, joten löytöeläintarha oli paras vaihtoehto. Seli seli. Héloise ja Émile ovat toisaalta hyvä todiste että parempi lasten kyllä olikin olla joutumatta tämän näsä-isän käsiin. Muistetaan miten kävi Pestalozzin pojalle. Jaakko on ilmiselvä pedofiili, no two ways about it. Siinä saattoi olla todellinen syy löytöeläintarhalle.
ellauri418.html on line 188: Ukrainas förre överbefälhavare Valerij Zaluzjnyj hävdar att tredje världskriget redan har börjat, med hänvisning till Nordkoreas, Irans och Kinas stöd till Ryssland i kriget mot Ukraina. Zaluzjnyj menar att Ukraina inte bara strider mot Ryssland, utan också möter soldater från Nordkorea, iranska drönare och kinesiska vapen som används i Ukraina. Han vädjar till väst att stoppa konflikten i Ukraina innan den sprider sig och påpekar att Ukraina inte kan vinna striden på egen hand. Zaluzjnyj, som avskedades av president Zelenskyj tidigare i år, har både hyllats för att ha stoppat den ryska invasionen 2022 och kritiserats för misslyckade motoffensiven 2023. Ryssland har varnat för potentiella vedergällningar mot väst och pekat ut den amerikanska robotförsvarsbasen i Redzikowo i Polen som prioriterat mål. Ryssland besköt Ukraina med ett nytt experimentellt vapen på torsdagen. – Putin använder Ukraina som en försöksplats, det är uppenbart att han är livrädd, säger Volodymyr Zelenskyj. Det är inte jag. Vladimir Putin påstår att den nya roboten inte går att stoppa – men varnade ändå USA kort före attacken. Kyseessä on "Hasselpähkinä", ballistinen yliääniohjus joka menee 10 km sekunnissa eikä sitä mikään pysäytä. Hienoa ettei vähävenäläistä pelota.
ellauri418.html on line 286: Konfliktin puhjettua kuin mätäpaiseen Venäjän yritykset uudistuivat nopeasti. Kun jotkut länsimaiset yritykset lähtivät tai keskeyttivät toimintansa, ne korvattiin nopeasti venäläisillä analogeilla. Starbucksin sijaan on nyt Stars Coffee, Zaran sijaan Maag ja Coca-Colan sijaan ”Good Cola”. Lontoon Royal United Services Institute for Defense Studiesin nuorempi tutkija ja Venäjän talouden asiantuntija Richard Connollyn mukaan pakotteiden kiertämisestä on muodostunut Venäjällä oma toimiala. "Maahan rekisteröityjen pienten ja keskisuurten yritysten määrä on saavuttanut kaikkien aikojen ennätyksen", hän sanoi.
ellauri418.html on line 355: ”Hela saken föddes ur en kväll av tungt drickande”. Till WSJ berättar källor inom den ukrainska militären att idén att spränga Nord Stream föddes under en festkväll i maj 2022, ukrainska officerare och affärsmän hade då samlats för att fira Ukrainas framsteg i kriget. – Hela saken föddes ur en kväll av tungt drickande, och ur järnviljan hos en grupp som hade modet att riskera livet för sitt land, säger en av de inblandade källorna till WSJ.
ellauri419.html on line 70: L’AntiCOP était bien plus qu’une réponse à la COP officielle, elle est devenue un espace de rencontre et d’articulation des peuples en résistance, un mouvement qui défie l’extractivisme, le colonialisme vert et les mégaprojets qui dépossèdent nos communautés de leurs ressources et de leurs terres. C’est aussi une articulation d’en bas qui se souvient, imagine et construit d’autres mondes en harmonie avec les écosystèmes, la biodiversité et la justice. A partir d’AntiCOP 2024, nous nous engageons à continuer à construire ensemble, en respectant nos différences et en reconnaissant nos luttes communes. Nous sommes le Sud global, nous sommes les gardiens de nos terres et de nos cultures. Cette lutte est la nôtre et nous la défendons avec détermination et unité.
ellauri419.html on line 74: Nelsonin poika Michael Rockefeller katosi retkikunnan aikana Asmatin alueella Lounais-Hollannin Uudessa-Guineassa, joka on nykyään osa Indonesian Etelä-Papuan maakuntaa. Vuonna 2014 Carl Hoffman julkaisi kirjan, joka sisälsi yksityiskohtia katoamista koskevasta virallisesta tutkinnasta, jossa kyläläiset ja heimojen vanhimmat myönsivät Rockefellerin tapetun ja syödyn rantaan uinnin jälkeen vuonna 1961.
ellauri419.html on line 217: ACLU founder Roger Baldwin became a strong anticommunist. Baldwin’s new anticommunist outlook set the stage for the most controversial episode in his career and in the history of the ACLU. In 1940, the ACLU board of directors adopted a policy under which no supporter of totalitarian organizations could serve in an official capacity in the American Civil Liberties Union. Under the policy, the board then quickly removed Elizabeth Gurley Flynn from its ranks because she was a member of the Communist Party. Many critics accused the ACLU of imposing the very same kind of political test that it had long fought against, and the incident tarnished the reputation of both Baldwin and the ACLU for several decades. In one of the most curious episodes in his career, Baldwin was invited to Japan in 1947 to advise General Douglas MacArthur on developing a constitution for postwar Japan. Somewhat surprisingly, the American Civil Liberties Union leader and the very conservative general established a close rapport.
ellauri420.html on line 222: USA varnar alla: Lämna Syrien nu. ”Lämna Syrien nu medan kommersiella alternativ fortfarande är tillgängliga i Damaskus”. I ett uttalande säger israelisk militär att den är ”beredd på alla scenarier, både offensiva och defensiva”. Iran är beredd att stötta Assad med vad han än behöver. Rättad: I en tidigare version av texten förekom felaktiga uppgifter om vem som låg bakom allt det här. Det var Putin naturligtvis.
ellauri420.html on line 273: With scandals reverberating throughout news outlets due to unconscionable behavior of pastors and priests within the Southern Baptist Church and Roman Catholicism, and the public repudiation of biblical theology by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, the once unquestionably trusted office of holy ministry is now the object of suspicion and derision, which makes this book a timely resource. With the public feeling that they need to be protected from predator priests and heretical pastors, Senkbeil brings his readers—more pointedly, pastors and priests themselves—back to God’s purpose for the pastoral office (to manifest and distribute God’s love, care, and gifts to nubile boys and girls), the heart of pastoral formation (proximity and devotion to posteriors), and the source of all spiritual care—the gracious and merciful Jejune God. Senkbeil accomplishes all this without a hint of angst or edginess, but rather with the heart of a butt-a-loving predatory pastor.
ellauri420.html on line 297: Acedia is symptomatic of demonic attack. There’s no reason to fear, however. This is the normal result of what happens when a man takes off the mantle of the ministry and begins to do real work with bareass kids in service of Christ and his kingdom.
ellauri420.html on line 323: In every offensive and by any means possible his sworn, relentless goal is to uproot and utterly destroy God’s good and gracious work in Christ. But he’s already judged, found underweight, and the verdict is in. “He is stuffed,” Jesus cried in his dying breath. All the work of Satan to destroy, all his lies and accusations, all the sin and mayhem he has imposed on God’s good creation—all of this has been obliterated and eradicated in the death of our enfleshed God, le baton rose, for the sins of the world.
ellauri420.html on line 328: Therefore always remain alert to fend them off. As I said a few times earlier, wield the pink sword, the Spirit’s wand. Pray persistently in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, who sanctifies you already now and then in eternity hereafter forevermore and even afterwards.
ellauri420.html on line 567: Julie va, en effet, apparaître aux yeux de la marquise comme une véritable rivale sur le double plan professionnel et affectif. Comme la « journée », si l’on peut dire, de madame du Deffand commençait de plus en plus tard, certains invités avaient pris l’habitude de venir rue Saint-Dominique une ou deux heures avant l’ouverture officielle du salon. Ils n’avaient qu’à gagner l’entresol au-dessus de l’appartement et descendaient plus tard par le petit escalier intérieur dans le salon de la marquise qui découvrit le manège en avril 1764. Sa déception fut terrible et Julie dut supporter des scènes épouvantables.
ellauri420.html on line 569: Par ailleurs, la renommée de d’Alembert lui valait des invitations jusque dans les cours princières. En 1763, Il avait eu à répondre, comme Voltaire, à celle du roi de Prusse Frédéric II en son château de Potsdam. Alors que madame du Deffand se targuait d’entretenir avec lui un rapport privilégié d’Alembert était tombé amoureux de Julie mais il était trop timide pour se déclarer. Il saisit l’occasion de ce voyage pour le faire. Pendant son séjour Julie eut droit à une lettre quotidienne alors que la marquise n’en reçut qu’une pendant ces trois mois de séparation. Plus grave encore : il avait été le premier à donner le mauvais exemple en montant à l’entresol avant l’ouverture officielle du salon. Suprême infidélité ! La marquise enrage de jalousie et somme d’Alembert de choisir entre elle et Julie. Il n’hésite pas un instant : ce sera Julie.
ellauri421.html on line 115: One of Paz’s best-known works was El laberinto de la soledad, which appeared first in 1950 and in English translation as The Labyrinth of Solitude: Life and Thought in Mexico eleven years later. In it Paz argues that Mexicans are children a rapist Spanish father who abandoned his offspring and a treacherous Indian mother who turned against her own people. The volume is standard reading for students of Latin American history and literature.
ellauri421.html on line 119: His understanding of Pound, Eliot, Apollinaire, and many other modern poets was vast. Paz, as John Butt wrote in the Times Literary Supplement, aspired to be all-encompassing. As Christ noted: Paz regarded himself as a brilliant stylist. Enrique Fernandez saw Octavio Paz as a writer of enormous influence. Silks slipping off bodies and fluttering in the breeze—delicate, suggestive, and profound.
ellauri421.html on line 395: Suomen joukot kykenivät pitämään rintaman Taipaleenjoessa koko talvisodan loppuun asti. Taipaleen taistelu oli yksi talvisodan ensimmäisistä merkittävistä torjuntavoitoista, ja suomalaissotilaiden itsevarmuus ja luotto omiin kykyihin kasvoi kaikilla sodan rintamilla tuloksekkaiden torjuntavoittojen ansiosta. Suomalaisten asemiin ammuttiin kovimpina taistelupäivinä 15 000 kranaattia päivässä, ja merkittävästä materiaali- ja miesalivoimasta huolimatta neuvostojoukot onnistuttiin lyömään kerta toisensa jälkeen takaisin. Russia is firing a staggering 20,000 artillery rounds per day, a senior U.S. defense official estimated, while Ukraine is firing from 4,000 to 7,000 rounds daily.
xxx/ellauri010.html on line 54: I shall offend all parties: never mind! et kaikki on mulle vihasia - mitä väliä!
xxx/ellauri010.html on line 106: peliteorian käsite, se on pelin payoff.
xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1063: Brown was a latter-day buccaneer, sorry enough, like his more celebrated prototypes...They never failed to let you know, too, that he was supposed to be a son of a baronet. The others were merrely vulgar and greedy brutes, but he seemed by some more complex intention. He would rob a man as if only to demonstrate his poor opinion of the creature...Later on he ran off - it was reported - with the wife of a missionary, a very young girl from Clapham way, who had married the mild, flat-footed fellow in a moment of enthusiasm, and suddenly transplanted to Melanesia, lost her bearings somehow. It was a dark story. She was ill at the time he carried her off, and died on board his ship. It is said - as the most wonderful part of the tale - that over her body he gave way to an outburst of sombre and violent grief...till at last, he sails into Jim's history, a blind accomplice of the dark powers.
xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1071: I could see directly I set my eyes on him what sort of a fool he was, gasped the dying Brown. He a man! Hell! He was a hollow sham. As if he couldn't have said straight out, Hands off my plunder! blast him. That would have been like a man! Rot his superiour soul! He had me there - but he hadn't devil enough in him to make and en of me. Not he! A thng like that letting me off as if I wasn't worth a kick!... Brown struggled desperately for breath... Fraud ... letting me off ... and so I did make an end of him after all... He choked again...
xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1078: Harri oli olmin näköinen jatko-opiskelija, jonka mulle dumppasi tuiki tuntematon jyväskyläläinen proffa, varmaan vahingosta viisastunut jo. Harria vaivasi ja vaivaa hybris, suuruudenhulluus, huono onni, elämätön elämä ja puhumaton pää.
xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1216: fuck off, Harri
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 444: It is the mindful toil of a mindful mushroom in a panoramic office crammed with other mindful mushrooms.
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 968: Tietysti, kadetraalissa on viileää ilman housuja ja puuvillaisia vöitä, rokkikonsertissa on korviahuumaava meteli ja hikisiä ihmisiä. Itkeskely on komeljanttarille hyvä sdradegia. Yllättäen senkin voi tehdä toistuvasti aidosti jos on kapassiteettia. Surprises pay off.
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 970: Think about the participation in the Paphos seminar as an opportunity to play in in a band, like Eski´s heavy gentlemen. The conductor a true maestro, and the audience hopefully generous. The conductor leads the collection of offertory as well as the musicians, and facilitates the lucrative process. It would be naïve to assume that the concert is chiefly for the conductor’s recreation, or that anything but a straightforward cost-and-benefit logic applies. Buzzwords that go with this orchestra metaphor are presents, merchandise, prices, trust, pretext, merry tunes, procreation and contention. In god we trust, all others pay cash.
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 976: Think of the philosopher as the conductor, he goes round and sells tickets and tells people where to get off. The Paphos seminar turns the role of the lecturer into one of a conductor in an elevated bus titillating the customers. the Paphos seminar is a big one man show, it becomes one of the performing arts.
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1073: Eskin opetuslapsi Tuuli Lehti (hah! nimestä tulee mieleen yx aika verinen ranskalaisen sarjakuvan naissankari, jota satuin just lukemaan, kun löysin sen ranskan proffan jakoon jättämistä kirjoista - tod.näk mun luokkakaverin pikkusiskon Mervi Helkkulan vanhoja, nimittäin Plume aux Vents) auttoi Eskiä tiivistämään kaiken kolmeen pointtiin, Alex Stubbin mielixi:
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1327: Nyt proffa "latelee" jo sen mielestä:
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1329: Professori latelee havaintojaan: ”Jos satut istumaan yliopiston huippuyksikössä, on resurssit ja kaikkea kivaa, muilla ei mitään. (Arvaa istuinko mä. Oikein.) Manageriaalisen johtamistavan hengessä päätökset valuvat ylhäältä alas, proffan yläpuolella voi päättäjänä olla ei-proffa. Radikaali, täysin fantastinen muutos.” Johtamisen, managerismin, ideologiaksi hän puristaa: ”Saada alaiset toimimaan omaa etuaan vastaan.”
xxx/ellauri044.html on line 878: För menskligheten offrom oss! de svära
xxx/ellauri044.html on line 1122: SaxassaAiina mensassa proffat, dekaanit ja rehtori
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 42: Keväällä 2022 Ukrainan selkkauxen aikana löytyi Häpylän lainaston poistohyllystä alkuperäisteos Five go off to concentration camp, jonka kannessa Georgina kazoo ahdistuneena kun Dickin aavejuna syöxyy pimeään tunneliin. Siitä selvisi, että loppuvizeissä Timmy the dog thumped his tail hard on the ground. Julian, Dick, George and Ann laughed hard and Dick thumped his dick happily into Georgina's tail.
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 262: Ei kylse vaan on kermaperse persepää. Kuten Ari Stageirasta huomautti, oikeus on payoffin jakosuhde, jonka määrää voimasuhteet pelissä. Maukka ajattelee ensin naivisti että reilu jakosuhde olis tasan kaikille, mutta peruuttaa siitä äkkiä:
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 399: Nachdem Schiller Homers Odyssee und Ilias in deutschen Übertragungen wieder gelesen hatte, strebte er danach, der nationale Epiker seiner Zeit zu werden. „ein Künstler der wahre Volksdichter werden könne bei glücklicher Wahl des Stoffes und höchster Simplizität in Behandlung desselben“. Zu diesem Zweck schaute er sich die Arbeitsabläufe in einer Glockengießerei genau an. Der bleiche Gelehrte hat rücksichtsvoll in dem hochlehnigen Stuhl an der Wand Platz genommen, um die Arbeit nicht zu stören.
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 411: „O zarte Sehnsucht, süßes Hoffen, Der ersten Liebe goldne Zeit“
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 615: Im Hinterhof der Schellingstraße 50 befand sich zeitweise die Parteizentrale der NSDAP. Außerdem hatte hier der NS-Fotograf Heinrich Hoffmann sein Atelier.
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 925: En 1946, il quitte le Canada pour les États-Unis et Hollywood qui lui faisait des appels d'offre pour l'adaptation de ses œuvres à l'écran depuis de nombreuses années. Il s'installe d'abord en Californie, puis en Floride et dans l'Arizona en 1947, à Carmel-by-the-Sea en Californie en 1949, avant de s'établir en juillet 1950 à Lakeville dans le Connecticut, dans une propriété nommée Shadow Rock Farm, dont la grande maison de dix-huit pièces comporte huit chambres à coucher et six salles de bains. Pendant dix années, il parcourt cet immense continent en voiture. Afin d’assouvir sa curiosité et son appétit de vivre, il visite intensément New York, la Floride, l’Arizona, la Californie et toute la côte est, des milliers de miles, de motels, de routes et de paysages grandioses.
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 1113: Lao Rui: Nokun sillä oli aika skizotyymin leukaperät kuvasta piätellen. Kretschmerin typologian mielessä. Kuka muuten oli nykyiskansain kirjaĺlisuuden proffa sun aikoihin? En muista.
xxx/ellauri059.html on line 346: Shylock is sticking to his bond and to his word. He is true to his own code of conduct. Antonio signed that bond and promised that money, Shylock has been wronged; he has had his money stolen from him by his daughter and Lorenzo. However, Shylock is offered three times his money back and he still demands his pound of flesh; this moves him into the realms of villainy.
xxx/ellauri059.html on line 370: The ships are lost in a storm and just at that time Shylock’s daughter, Jessica, runs off with a Christian, taking money and jewellery with her. Shylock, burning for revenge against the Christians generally, takes Antonio to court to claim his pound of flesh.
xxx/ellauri059.html on line 384: Two young Christian layabouts encounter Shylock just after his daughter has run off with Lorenzo. He is highly distraught but they mock him. He is furious and it all comes out at last.
xxx/ellauri059.html on line 461: hears’d at my foot, and the ducats in her coffin! (act 3, scene 1)
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 89: It has been claimed that the authors of Zhambyl's published poems were actually Russian poets, who were officially credited as "translators."
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 125: An etiquette coach suggests Borat attend a private dinner at an eating club in the South. During the dinner, he offends the other guests when he lets Luenell, an African-American prostitute, into the house and shows her to the table: they are both kicked out. Borat befriends Luenell, who invites him into a relationship with her, but he tells her that he is in love with someone else. Borat then visits an antique shop, in which he clumsily breaks various Confederate heritage items.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 141: (stylized as ВОЯДТ in Faux Cyrillic) is a 2020 American mockumentary comedy film directed by Jason Woliner in his feature directorial debut. The film stars Sacha Baron Cohen as the fictional Kazakhstani journalist and television personality Borat Sagdiyev, and Maria Bakalova as his daughter Tutar, who is to be offered as a bride to Vice President Mike Pence during the COVID-19 pandemic and the 2020 presidential election. It is a sequel to 2006's Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 151: Shaken, Borat decides to commit suicide by going to the nearest synagogue dressed as his version of a stereotypical Jew and waiting for the next shooting, but is shocked to find Holocaust survivors there who treat him with kindness, and to his anti-Semitic delight, reassure him that the Holocaust happened. Overjoyed, Borat goes looking for Tutar, but finds the streets deserted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. He quarantines with two QAnon conspiracy theorists who offer to help him reunite with Tutar. They find Tutar online, she has become a reporter and will be covering a March for Our Rights rally in Olympia, Washington.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 153: At the rally, the men appeal to Tutar, telling her that her dad will be killed unless she helps. She accepts and arranges an interview to seduce Giuliani, but without her father's participation. Borat talks with her babysitter and has a change of heart, realizing that he loves Tutar. After the interview, Giuliani and Tutar proceed to a bedroom before Borat intervenes and tries to personally offer sexual favors to Giuliani. Borat decides to face execution in Kazakhstan and Tutar promises to go with him.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 155: Borat is shocked to find he will not be executed as he had instead been used as retaliation by Nazarbayev for making Kazakhstan a laughingstock. Before departing for the United States, Kazakhstan officials infected Borat with SARS-CoV-2 via an injection of "gypsy tears", making him patient zero of the COVID-19 pandemic. As he was sent around the world, he continued to spread the virus. Borat records Nazarbayev's admission and sends it to Brian, the man who sold him his phone.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 217: Next, it occurred to me that I could answer the question about the sex life of Borges with platitudes: Borges scarcely refers to sex in his work and has scarcely any female characters, which “could be” a sign of shortcomings in his character, of machismo, asexuality, fear of women; his first marriage “could be considered” a failure and the second as a mere formality, made official shortly before his death just so he could leave his estate to Maria Kodama, his lover/scribe/assistant/caregiver; “without a doubt” the contempt he felt for psychoanalysis was because it made him feel exposed, and so on. I have read or heard all these phrases, with all their imaginable malice, often together and separately. Although they all seem terrible to me, it is now acceptable to speak ill in this way under the pretext of “demystifying” whomever the target may be. I have also noticed that much of the news about Borges in recent years has been, in one way or another, about scandals and disputes.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 493: Shirley Temple Black (April 23, 1928 - February 10, 2014) was an American actress, singer, dancer, businesswoman, and diplomat who was Hollywood's number one box-office draw as a child actress from 1934 to 1938. As an adult, she was named United States ambassador to Ghana and to Czechoslovakia, and also served as Chief of Protocol of the United States.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 159: The discovery of Kierkegaard prompted Shestov to realise that his philosophy shared great similarities, such as his rejection of idealism, and his belief that man can gain ultimate knowledge through ungrounded subjective thought rather than objective reason and verifiability. However, Shestov maintained that Kierkegaard did not pursue this line of thought far enough, and continued where he thought the Dane left off.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 377: In January 1968, during Lyndon B. Johnson's administration, Kitt encountered a substantial professional setback after she made anti-war statements during a White House luncheon. Kitt was asked by First Lady Lady Bird Johnson about the Vietnam War. She replied: "You send the best of this country off to be shot and maimed. No wonder the kids rebel and take pot." During a question and answer session, Kitt stated: The children of America are not rebelling for no reason. They are not hippies for no reason at all. We don't have what we have on Sunset Blvd. for no reason. They are rebelling against something. There are so many things burning the people of this country, particularly mothers. They feel they are going to raise sons – and I know what it's like, and you have children of your own, Mrs. Johnson – we raise children and send them to war.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 478: “It could be that they’re feeling a bit bored, their lives and careers aren’t as exciting as they once were,” she writes, “the coffee is cold, the croissant not delicious enough, and mischievous people are encouraging them, telling them that their bratty behavior and ill-thought-out rantings are 'a breath of fresh air!'”
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 479: “They mouth, off, in the process,” she continues, “making themselves look ridiculous and just a tad obsessed with their targets.”
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 491: Kirjassa ollaan Meksikossa, tarkemmin sanottuna Quauhnahuacin pikkukaupungissa. On paikallinen Kuolleiden päivä vuonna 1939. Keskiössä on Geoffrey Firmin -niminen englantilainen konsuli, juoppo ja virastaan pois potkittu heittiö. Mukana on myös muita ulkomailta Meksikoon päätyneitä hahmoja, joilla on omat vaikeutensa heilläkin. Firmin on kuitenkin tärkein, sillä hänessä on paljon Lowrya itseään. Romaani onkin vahvasti elämäkerrallinen. Niin Lowry kuin hänen luomansa fiktiivinen konsulikin olivat ja ovat syvästi tuntevia ihmisiä, jotka kokevat olemassaolonsa ja kaikkeen siihen liittyvän vahvasti. Tämä pätee erityisesti kärsimykseen ja kaikkialla läsnäolevaan tuskaan. Se tekee heistä ihmisen arkkityyppejä.
xxx/ellauri076.html on line 83: But they're the best when they're off their feet Mut ne on parhaimmillaan pötköllään.
xxx/ellauri076.html on line 203: Girls! Girls! Girls! is a 1962 Golden Globe-nominated American musical comedy film starring Elvis Presley as a penniless Hawaiian fisherman who loves his life on the sea and dreams of owning his own boat. "Return to Sender", which reached No. 2 on the Billboard pop singles chart, is featured in the film. The film opened at #1 on the Variety box office chart and finished the year at #19 on the year-end list of the top-grossing films of 1962. The film earned $2.6 million at the box office.
xxx/ellauri081.html on line 232: Panu Rajala on se paska joka oli naimisissa sinisilmäisen hullun iskelmälaulajattaren kaa jonka nimeä en nyt mitenkään saa päähäni. Sen jonka laulusta oli väännetty inttirallatus "pilluni reunat kostuu..." No Katri-Helenan. Alkuperäisessä oli puhelinlangat äänessä. Panu on professori emeritus kuten mä. Tai ei oikeesti, se lähti Tampereen teatteriproffan toimesta 60-vuotiaana, ennen eläkeikiä. Silti se kuzuu izeään emerituxexi, pakana. Dismeritus pikemminkin.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 169: This essay offers a close analysis of one particular character in David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest: Kate Gompert, a suicidal marijuana addict afflicted with “psychotic depression.”
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 214: And you’ll probably start nodding off because the work is so boring,
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 215: You’ll probably fall asleep multiple times on your desk because of how freaken boring the work is, and you up to your coffee consumption so your manager doesn’t see you falling asleep.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 248: So maybe the famous CEO wasn’t lying. Maybe what he really meant to say was that even when he was officially working, his brain was taking a vacation.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 297: Peterson married Tammy Roberts in 1989;[10] the couple have a daughter, Mikhaila, and a son, Julian. Following Peterson's rise to fame, his daughter Mikhaila has built an online following herself and offers dietary advice of only eating meat.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 320: If you haven’t guessed it yet, this is Jeff Bezos (owner of Amazon) in 1999 - and, no, this is not the start of Amazon. In 1999, Amazon was already worth billion(s) of dollars, and yet this man is sitting in a not-so-fancy office, doing what people won’t do so he could be able to do what people MUSTN’T do. Like fuck up the life of everybody else.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 367: Most people who talk about “Trickle Down not working” are concerned with absolute, rather than relative income. So if you earn $10 more and your neighbor earns $1000 more under this paradigm you are worse off because you theoretically might have gotten a chunk of the extra your rich fat neighbor made although percentwise you get about the same profit. The thing is: advocates of supply side economics are working from a different paradigm where THEIR wages is the more important thing. Don't buy another bottle of olive oil before seeing this.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 419: They understood it going in. It’s called a trade-off: they know they could lose it all, but FOR the chance to make a lot of money over a long period of time they RISK losing whatever they put in. That’s WHY the business environment of taxes and regulations, trade restrictions, etc is so important: If the owner thinks that even if they succeed, the govt will take a big chunk of what they profit, then WHY RISK IT? So they will just put money overseas or in lower risk but lower returns that don’t employ as many people. (Except that more people means lower returns...)
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 428: Other barriers are produced by govt in their speeches, it might not even be policy yet, but if for example Obama talks about raising taxes and tells business owners like Joe the Plumber that “You didn’t build that!” Then what signal does that send to would-be entrepreneurs? Probably just wait til a more friendly administration comes along. Not surprising that business activity increased toward the end of Obama’s term and really took off once people figured out that Trump was going to have policies that reduced barriers.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 439: Incentive based economics works spectacularly well and is the reason that Americans in the 2000s are two to three times better off than they were in 1980. Nothing to do with lucrative wars in Asia, WTC deals or other steals.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 459: If there are profitable jobs to be created and employers don’t have the money to start it off they could take out a loan and pay it off with the profit. There simply is no situation left where lowering the rich’s taxes would create jobs. But we don’t have to rely on this argument, we can look at the many times where this was tried and, guess what: lowering the rich’s taxes has never created more jobs.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 520: What the evidence does show is that large-scale tax cuts lead to more debt, deficits, budget cuts and economic uncertainty as a greater share of financial resources is devoted to paying off interest on loans from our trading partners.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 532: From 1940 to 1980, the tax rate for the super-rich never dropped below 70%. For much of the 1950s, it was above 90% — although, like today, most rich people used a variety of techniques to lower their tax bills, such as tax shelters and offshore accounts.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 571: Hope and Limberg say their findings offer one clear pathway for policymakers looking to dig their way out of the financial hole created by the coronavirus crisis: Make the rich pay for it.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 593: I would offer tremendous incentives for companies to make the products we use here and induce other countries to make their own products to keep their workers employed.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 599: I would have the government subsidize child care and offer one year paid leave to any woman who has a newborn.
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 751: off.jpg/400px-Edgar_Allan_Poe%2C_circa_1849%2C_restored%2C_squared_off.jpg" height="200px" />
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 865: “Prophet!” said I, “thing of evil!—prophet still, if bird or devil! "Proffa!" sanoin, "emeritako? " ala vetää jo, sen vittuako
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 876: Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!” Nokka pois mun sielusta tai tartun sua nielusta!
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 916: George Rex Graham, a friend and former employer of Poe, declined Poe's offer to be the first to print "The Raven". Graham said he did not like the poem but offered $15 as a charity. Graham made up for his poor decision by publishing "The Philosophy of Composition" in the April 1846 issue of Graham's American Monthly Magazine of Literature and Art. Another act of charity.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 342: Friedman was an idiosyncratic figure who would be hard to pigeonhole in the current political spectrum, he kinda drops off on the ultraviolet side. He inspired the conservative movement, but was against any discrimination against gay people, in addition to being an agnostic. He was a libertarian who advocated for a progressive income tax system that even went into the negative to ensure that everyone could, at the very least, meet their basic needs. Elon Musk is all for basic income too. But he also wants to send a Tesla to deep space as a token of esteem to alien intelligence. With a piece of cardboard inside the windshield spelling HUMAN. To sum up, Freedman and Musk are both East European emigrants, Elon is not a jew, and Milton was not gay, although a funny guy.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 452: At least two poets have taken up the challenge of to Marvell's poem in the character of the lady so addressed. Annie Finch's "Coy Mistress" suggests that poetry is a more fitting use of their time than lovemaking, while A.D. Hope's "His Coy Mistress to Mr. Marvell" turns down the offered seduction outright.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 461: The phrase "there will be time" occurs repeatedly in a section of T. S. Eliot's "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" (1915), and is often said to be an allusion to Marvell's poem. Prufrock says that there will be time "for the yellow smoke that slides along the street", time "to murder and create", and time "for a hundred indecisions ... Before the taking of a toast and tea". As Eliot's hero is, in fact, putting off romance and consummation, he is (falsely) answering Marvell's speaker.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 560: This week, some of the gloss came off the legend of Evel Knievel.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 294: Die versunkene Glocke (1897), a symbolic story of a master bell founder and his struggle as an artist, has been one of Hauptmann's most popular plays. After this Hauptmann wrote the tragedies Fuhrmann Henschel (1899), Michael Kramer (1900), and Rose Bernd (1903). These works also reflected the personal turmoil Hauptmann was then in he had fallen for a fourteen-year-old girl, a promising violinist Margarete Marschalk. She was the opposite of his wife, interested in his work, and in such outdoor sports as hiking, ice-skating, andf skiing. After Hauptmann wife found out about her rival, she moved with the children to Dresden. Hauptmann had a son, Benvenuto, with Margarete, and in 1904, after a long period of agonising thought, Hauptmann divorced Marie and married Margarete. However, a year later he met a sixteen-year-old actress, Ida Orloff, who became a new object of his obsession. Hauptmann described her in his letters as a moth flirting with flames, as a bewitching Siren, as a mermaid, and as a cruel spider.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 392: Left: Generally, support a moratorium on deporting or offering a pathway to citizenship to certain undocumented immigrants. e.g. those with no criminal record, who has lived in the U.S. for 5+ years. Less restrictive legal immigration.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 485: love. It’s a tough pill to swallow, but a good deal of Europe’s 44 official countries (as recognized by the United Nations) have no
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 530: Perhaps no nation is worse off now than North Macedonia, which you’ve never heard of and will never visit. Next.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 534: The whole layover offer is so pathetic and wastes time we’d rather be spending in the less icy parts of Europe.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 590: We largely forgot Albania existed until about 5 minutes ago. No offense, it’s just a really small country surrounded by more interesting countries.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 603: Many will scoff at this ranking, saying Serbia is some vast tundra of middle Russia, right? For its abysmal nationalist politics and icy relations with neighbors, we rank Serbia even higher than Sibiria. It feels like home.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 624: Let’s all just take some breaths and think about this. France has everything and always will, which is terribly frustrating. And they know this and so they deserve to be put in their place whenever possible. When asked to choose the most arrogant people in Europe, French people chose themselves. We are very offended.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 663: locals know how to lick up to Americans. They actually offered to extradite Assange, and have privatized their healthcare and school system. Their corona strategy is even worse than ours.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 819: John Raleigh Mott is an American like Emily Greene Balch, with whom he shares this year’s Nobel Peace Prize. He was born in Sullivan County in the state of New York on May 25, 1865. It was assumed that he would follow in the footsteps of his father, a timber merchant engaged in transporting timber on the tributaries of the Delaware River. But he was an avid reader, and the town’s Methodist minister persuaded his parents to allow him to continue his studies. For a long time the boy did not know what he wanted to be. His father hoped that he would return to the timber trade, while he himself vacillated between the church, law, and politics. But during his years of study he was stirred by the Gospel of Christ to mankind, and when the Y.M.C.A. asked him to become a traveling secretary among the students of American and Canadian universities he interpreted the offer as a call from the Lord. He answered the call. It did not take him back to the Delaware River. It sent him out into the wide world and it has brought him here today.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 821: Mott and a colleague were offered free passage on the Titanic in 1912 by a White Star Line official who was interested in their work, but they declined and took the more humble liner the SS Lapland. According to a biography by C. Howard Hopkins, upon hearing of the news in New York City, the two men looked at each other and remarked that, "The Good Lord must have more work for us to do."
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 182: My thrust is that the socialist ideologies recently come into vogue challenge my right to write fiction at all. Meanwhile, the kind of fiction we are “allowed” to write is in danger of becoming so hedged, so circumscribed, so tippy-toe, that we’d indeed be better off not writing the anodyne drivel to begin with. At least I am, because drivel is all I do.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 190: Now, I am a little at a loss to explain what’s so insulting about a sombrero – a practical piece of headgear for a hot climate that keeps out the sun with a wide brim. And what's so insulting about shackles - a practical way to keep a cotton worker focused on his work. My parents went to Mexico when I was small, and brought a sombrero back from their travels, the better for my brothers and I to unashamedly appropriate the souvenir to play dress-up. For my part, as a German-American on both sides, I’m more than happy for anyone who doesn’t share my genetic pedigree to don a Tyrolean hat, pull on some leiderhosen, pour themselves a weisbier, and belt out the Hoffbrauhaus Song. (Leiderhosen? weisbier? Damn what ignoramus. But she is American, remember. Donald Trump is an expatriate German too. Hitler was an expatriate Austrian. Bet he had a Tirolean hat, a green one like aunt Inkeri.)
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 192: The ultimate endpoint of keeping out mitts off experience that doesn’t belong to us is that there is no fiction left. Harry Potter would not exist, because we are all muddleheads. Or what was it, muggles?
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 198: In his masterwork English Passengers, Matthew Kneale would have restrained himself from including chapters written in an Aboriginal’s voice – though these are some of the richest, most compelling passages in that novel. If Dalton Trumbo had been scared off of describing being trapped in a body with no arms, legs, or face because he was not personally disabled – because he had not been through a World War I maiming himself and therefore had no right to “appropriate” the isolation of a paraplegic – we wouldn’t have the haunting 1938 classic, Johnny Got His Gun, unless he had written it with a pen in his arse. (Never heard of any of these masterpieces, but then I hadn't heard of Drivel or Kevin either until today.)
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 209: So far, the majority of these farcical cases of “appropriation” have concentrated on fashion, dance, and music: At the American Music Awards 2013, Katy Perry got it in the neck for dressing like a geisha. According to the Arab-American writer Randa Jarrar, for someone like me to practice belly dancing is “white appropriation of Eastern dance,” while according to the Daily Beast Iggy Azalea committed “cultural crimes” by imitating African rap and speaking in a “blaccent.” Some of my friends got even told off for painting themselves black with shoe polish and making fat red lips! Now what may be wrong with that, I just ask. Clean innocent fun! Why don't the coons just laugh along?
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 211: The felony of cultural sticky fingers even extends to exercise: at the University of Ottawa in Canada, a yoga teacher was shamed into suspending her class, “because yoga originally comes from India.” She offered to re-title the course, “Mindful Stretching.” And get this: the purism has also reached the world of food. Supported by no less than Lena Dunham, students at Oberlin College in Ohio have protested “culturally appropriated food” like sushi in their dining hall (lucky cusses— in my day, we never had sushi in our dining hall), whose inauthenticity is “insensitive” to the Japanese.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 231: Because the ultimate endpoint of keeping out mitts off experience that doesn’t belong to us is that there is no fiction. Someone like me only permits herself to write from the perspective of an ugly straight white female born in North Carolina, closing on sixty, able-bodied but with bad knees, skint for years but finally able to buy the odd new Dolce Cabbana. All that’s left is a memoir. Well, you are right, who would care to read that, in my case at least?
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 245: In The Mandibles, I have one secondary character, Luella, who’s black. She’s married to a more central character, Douglas, the Mandible family’s 97-year-old patriarch. I reasoned that Douglas, a liberal New Yorker, would credibly have left his wife for a beautiful, stately African American because arm candy of color would reflect well on him in his circle, and keep his progressive kids’ objections to a minimum. But in the end the joke is on Douglas, because Luella suffers from early onset dementia, while his ex-wife, staunchly of sound mind, ends up running a charity for dementia research. As the novel reaches its climax and the family is reduced to the street, they’re obliged to put the addled, disoriented Luella on a leash, to keep her from wandering off. LOL! What a laugh, ain't it? Get it, the guy thought he was getting arm candy, but instead he got a goat!
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 257: I’m from a small rural community, and ev’rybody who lived in my neighborhood, if you want to call it that, were relatives. We called it “the circle,” and our house was there, my grandmother’s house was there, an aun’ an’ uncle who were childless lived there, and (uh) a couple of aunts an’ uncles who had children. There were five female cousins, an’ in the summertime we hung out together all day long from early until late. In my grandmother’s yard was a maple tree, and the five of us developed that into our apartment building. Each of us had a limb, and [small laugh] the less daring cousins took the lo’er limbs, and I and another cousin a year younger than I always went as far to the top as we could, an’ we– we were kinda derisive of those girls who stayed with the lower limbs. We had front doors an’ back doors. The front door was the — the limb — were the limbs on the front, that were nearest (um) the boxwood hedge. And the grass was all worn away in that area. An’ then the back doorwa–was on the back side of the tree, an’ you could only enter the front an’ exit from the rear. And that had to be done by swinging off a limb that was fairly high off the ground, and (um) my cousin Belinda and I had no problem with that, but the other girls — that was always somethin’ we had to coax them into doin’. But still, you entered the front, you left the rear. We (um) ate our lunches together. When it was lunchtime — an’ our mothers always cooked lunch in the summertime ’cause they didn’ want to be in the hot kitchen at night. So we would just take our (um) — go home, an’ we’d load our plates with all the vegetables an’ the cornbread, an’ get our glasses of milk or ice tea or whatever we were havin’, an’ we would head for somebody’s yard, where we would all sit down an’ eat together. It was just an institution: lunch in somebody’s yard. An’ if you wanted to go home for a second helping– sometimes that was quite a little walk, but it was worth it, because that was our thing, having lunch together, every day. (Um) We gathered at my grandmother’s on Sundays. All my aunts would get those chairs, form a circle. (Uh) One crocheted. (Uh) Most of them just sat an’ talked, an’ we girls hung out for the main part with the women. (Uh) The men would gather around the fish pond, which was in a side yard. It was (um) — it was kind of a rock (um) pond that my granddaddy had, had built. There was a ir’n pipe in the middle, an’ when he went fishin’, he would put his catch in there. Or he caught a mud turtle, he’d put it in there. An’ there it stayed until it was time to kill it an’ cook it, whatever it was. The pipe in the middle had water that sprayed up all the time. There was a locust tree near there, an’ that’s where we girls picked the leaves an’ the thorns to make the doll clothes out o’ the locust. It’s where we always ate the watermelon. We always had to save the rind, an’ we always had to leave some pink on that rind, because my grandmother made watermelon pickles out o’ that rind. I hated the things. I thought they were the worst things I ever put in my mouth. But ever’body else thought watermelon pickles were just a great delicacy. That was also around the time that ev’rybody grew gladiolias [sic] an’ I thought they were the ugliest flower I’d ever laid my eyes on, but ever’body had gladiolias. ‘Course now I’ve come to appreciate the gladiolia, but back then I had absolutely no appreciation for it. It was also where we made (uh) ice cream, (uh) on the front porch. We made ice cream on Sunday afternoons. I had an aunt who worked in the general mercantile business that my family owned, an’ she was only home on Sunday, so she baked all day: homemade rolls an’ cakes. And so, she made cakes an’ we made ice cream, an’ ever’body wan’ed to crank, of course. (Um) That was just a big treat, to get to crank that ice cream. It was jus’ our Sunday afternoon thing, an’ I, I think back on it. All the aunts would sit around an’ they’d talk, an’ they’d smoke. Even if you never saw those ladies smoke, any other time o’ the week. On Sunday afternoon when we all were gathered about in gran- in granny’s yard, they’d have a cigarette. Just a way of relaxing, I suppose. The maple tree’s now gone. In later years, it was thought the maple tree, our apartment building, was shading the house too much an’ causing mildew, so it was removed at some point. And I don’t, to this day, enjoy lookin’ (uh) into that part o’ the yard. …
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 262: Writing under the pseudonym Edward Schlosser on Vox, the author of the essay “I’m a Liberal Professor, and My Liberal Students Scare Me” describes higher education’s “current climate of fear” and its “heavily policed discourse of semantic sensitivity” – and I am concerned that this touchy ethos, in which offendedness is used as a weapon, has spread far beyond academia, in part thanks to social media.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 264: Now I proceed to the topic "The left’s embrace of gotcha hypersensitivity inevitably invites backlash." Why, it’s largely in order to keep from losing my fictional mojo that I stay off Facebook and Twitter, which could surely install an instinctive self-censorship out of fear of attack. Ten years ago, I gave the opening address of this same festival, in which I maintained that fiction writers have a vested interest in protecting everyone’s right to offend others – because if hurting someone else’s feelings even inadvertently is sufficient justification for muzzling, there will always be someone out there who is miffed by what you say, and freedom of speech is dead. Why, freedom of speech is just about miffing! What's the use of the freedom if you are not allowed to miff! With the rise of identity politics, which privileges a subjective sense of injury as actionable basis for prosecution, that is a battle that in the decade since I last spoke in Brisbane we’ve been losing.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 268: Regarding identity politics, what’s especially saddened me in my recent career is a trend toward rejecting the advocacy of anyone who does not belong to the group. In 2013, I published Big Brother, a novel that grew out of my loss of my own older brother, who in 2009 died from the complications of morbid obesity. I was moved to write the book not only from grief, but also sympathy of morbid obesity: in the years before his death, as my brother grew heavier, I saw how dreadfully other people treated him – how he would be seated off in a corner of a restaurant, how the staff would roll their eyes at each other after he’d ordered, though he hadn’t requested more food than anyone else. Just a little wafer, is all.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 294: Halfway through the novel, suddenly my protagonist has lost the right leg instead of the left one. My idea of lesbian sex is drawn from wooden internet porn. Efforts to persuasively enter the lives of others very different from us may fail: that’s a given. But maybe rather than having our heads taken off, we should get a few bucks for trying. After all, most fiction sucks. Most writing sucks. Mine does anyway. Most things that people make of any sort suck. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t make anything. Or that we should not suck. I do, however badly, and my drummer boy loves it.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 311: My mother’s eyes bore into me, urging me to remain calm, to follow social convention. I shook my head, as if to shake off my lingering doubts.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 349: The kind of disrespect for others infused in Lionel Shriver’s keynote is the same force that sees people vote for Pauline Hanson. It’s the reason our First Peoples are still fighting for recognition, and it’s the reason we continue to stomach offshore immigration prisons. It’s the kind of attitude that lays the foundation for prejudice, for hate, for genocide.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 524: Kathie Lee married Paul Johnson, a composer/arranger/producer/publisher of Christian music, in 1976. After their divorce in 1982, she married sportscaster and former NFL player Frank Gifford in 1986. He died in 2015. Kathie Lee has released studio albums and written books. Kathie Lee has sold clothes made in offshore sweatshops whose living and working conditions were simply inhumane.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 558: Nike offers subscription-based models to attract customers. Kids 2 through 10 to have varying access across a selection of roughly 100 shoes for a monthly fee.
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 123: One of the controversies is that the DSM-5 reclassified Asperger's syndrome (AS) under autism spectrum disorder. Aspergers protested, as removing it is a "threat to their identity, social status, and access to supports." Asperger was like "odd but extremely clever", while "autist" brings to mind Dustin Hoffman.
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 156: Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), a cluster B personality disorder, is considered to be one of the least identified personality disorders (Pies, 2011). On the other hand, a good number of patients with narcissistic traits present at the psychiatrist's office with other types of issues such as anxiety or depression. A common finding in clinical practice, NPD frequently coexists with other psychiatric disorders. NPD is a relatively recent diagnostic category. Its origins stem from a great effort between psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic psychotherapists to recognize a cluster of predominantly difficult patients who could not be classified as psychotic, not typically neurotic and overall not responsive to conventional psychotherapeutic treatment options (Gildersleeve, 2012).
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 206: There is a undeniable link between bad mental health and genius in a lot of geniuses. Albert Einstein was famously a strange individual who struggled to find his arse with both hands at night. Looking at Einstein it becomes clear that something is off with him. He dressed in such a strange way and always appeared disheveled. That is a sure sign of being crazy.
xxx/ellauri113.html on line 52: With gravity, this high-energy/short-distance correspondence breaks down. If you could collide two particles with center-of-mass energy much larger than the Planck scale, then when they collide their wave packets would contain more than the Planck energy localized in a Planck-length-sized region. This creates a black hole. If you scatter them at even higher energy, you would make an even bigger black hole, because the Schwarzschild radius grows with mass. So the harder you try to study shorter distances, the worse off you are: you make black holes that are bigger and bigger and swallow up ever-larger distances. No matter what completes general relativity to solve the renormalizability problem, the physics of large black holes will be dominated by the Einstein action, so we can make this statement even without knowing the full details of quantum gravity.
xxx/ellauri113.html on line 480: Berlinski has written works on systems analysis, the history of differential topology, analytic philosophy, and the philosophy of mathematics. Berlinski has authored books for the general public on mathematics and the history of mathematics. These include The Secrets of the Vaulted Sky (2003), aimed to redeem astrology as "rationalistic"; Publishers Weekly described the book as offering "self-consciously literary vignettes ... ostentatious erudition and metaphysical pseudo-profundities".
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 113: Ja sitten Amerikan uutisia. Randy Fitzgerald kertoo mitä mieltä Ronald Maxwell on vasemmistoleffoista. Ne on pelkkää valehtelua. Lewis and Clark-filmiin oli tulla kohtauxia, joissa Lewis ja Clark riitelivät. Sellaiseen ei ole minkäänlaista historiallista evidenssiä! Kyselytutkimuxessa on selvinnyt, mistä kenkä puristaa: lähes 2/3 haastatelluista elokuvaohjaajista uskoi, että amerikkalaisen yhteiskunnan rakenne saa aikaan vieraantumista. Tälläsestä ei ole minkäänlaista evidenssiä! Yli puolella niistä ei ollut minkäänlaista uskonnollista vakaumusta! Ei ihme että niiden leffoissa uskontoa pilkataan, hyväxytään moraallinen epävarmuuus ja samastetaan vauraus ja pahuus sekä ihannoidaan aseetonta väkivaltaa. Esim Roland Joffen ydinpommielokuva näyttää aidolta, mutta se vääntää atomipommin kehitystarinan ydinvoiman vastaisen liikkeen mainoxexi. Ei pommia, ei ydinvoimaa; ilman ydinvoimaa, ei pommia. Hetkinen mitä tarkoitatte Lucky Luke, selittäkääpä tarkemmin! Jossain toisessa leffassa Thomas Jefferson bylsii 15-vuotiasta neekeriä, tästäkään ei ole mitään evidenssiä!
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 122: What more than anything is missing in recent films, and shines splendidly in Maxwell’s films, is the sense of glory, the feeling that some have lived on an elevated plane according to the dictates of the highest sense of duty and honor. It’s an unfashionable feeling today, and mocked by those who conspicuously lack it, who love weakly, who think solely in quotidian, political terms. It cannot be understood by those without religious faith, for Heaven is a City of Glory and glory is the special attribute of a God who, if hidden, nevertheless offers us a glimpse of the special virtue of his glory in the lives of those who in moments of danger are willing to sacrifice themselves for a cause they think greater than themselves; and that, above the messiness of political squabbles, is the message behind Maxwell’s films. (The American Spectator 2015)
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 265: “See, I will break the bow of Elam, the mainstay of their might. I will bring against Elam the four winds from the four quarters of heaven; I will scatter them to the four winds, and there will not be a nation where Elam’s exiles do not go. I will shatter Elam before their foes, before those who want to kill them; I will bring disaster on them, even my fierce anger,” declares the Lord. “I will pursue them with the sword until I have made an end of them. I will set my throne in Elam and destroy her king and officials,” declares the Lord. "Yet I will restore the fortunes of Elam in days to come,” declares the Lord
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 272: Elam’s capital city, Susa, was one of the world’s first post flood cities, and was a regional center off and on for many centuries before being destroyed by Ashurbanipal, the last of the great Assyrian Kings, in 647 BC. As was the custom of Assyrian kings, he removed many of the surviving Elamites from their homeland. He took them to the former Northern Kingdom of Israel, which had been conquered by Assyria 74 years earlier, where they were resettled among the Israelites who remained there.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 280: It could also help us understand why the Arabs of the Middle East today are so opposed to the Iranians gaining any kind of political or military advantage over them. Even though they share varieties of the same religion (Islam), the Persians are not Arabs. As an example, if you follow our “Prophecy in the Headlines” feature, you’ve probably read about Saudi Arabian officials announcing that because of the US pursuit of a more cooperative relationship with Iran, the Saudi kingdom will henceforth be limiting its interaction with the US and going its own way where Middle Eastern affairs are concerned.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 283: For an instant, I thought I had offended him. Then, as if he was correcting a child, He said, “Persians are not Arabs. We’re Caucasians.”) But there’s one verse that prevents us from proclaiming Jeremiah’s prophecy to be completely fulfilled in history. Jeremiah 49:39 says, “Yet I will restore the fortunes of Elam in days to come, declares the Lord.”
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 314: Moab and Ammon were named after the children of the incestuous unions of Lot and his two daughters. Lot was an unknowing participant, having been made intoxicated by his daughters, who saw becoming pregnant by their father as their only way to produce any offspring. Every other man they knew had perished in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:30-38).
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 341: So Edom, Moab, and Ammon ceased to be nations at about the same time that Judah was carried off to Babylon. After 70 years of captivity, Israel was restored. In Jeremiah 48:47 the Lord promised one day to restore the fortunes of Moab as well, and in Jeremiah 49:6 He made the same promise to Ammon. But He made no such promise to Edom.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 593: After the 1995 finding of a Luwian biconvex seal at Troy VII, there has been a heated discussion over the language that was spoken in Homeric Troy. Frank Starke of the University of Tübingen demonstrated that the name of Priam, king of Troy at the time of the Trojan War, is connected to the Luwian compound Priimuua, which means "exceptionally courageous"."The certainty is growing that Wilusa/Troy belonged to the greater Luwian-speaking community," but it is not entirely clear whether Luwian was primarily the official language or it was in daily colloquial use.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 623: "Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabachthani", or "The Baumoff Explosive", a short story by William Hope Hodgson
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 722: Aram oli myös suomalaisten rakastama Aram Hatshipompponen. Khachaturian always remained enthusiastic about communism, and was an atheist. When asked about his visit to the Vatican, Khachaturian responded: "I'm an atheist, but I'm a son of the [Armenian] people who were the first to officially adopt Christianity and thus visiting the Vatican was my duty."
xxx/ellauri116.html on line 395: Bienenfeld may be an extreme example, but she’s not atypical. Sartre tended to treat younger romantic prospects (all of whom were female) more as conquests than partners, spending months or years persuading them to get into bed with him and then bouncing off to regale “the Beaver” with details.
xxx/ellauri120.html on line 64: No, Freud was rong! Many basic tenets of Freud’s theory have been completely disproved. To name several: Psychosexual stages. The Oedipal complex. Belief that repressed memories from the first year of life can be unearthed. Sexual fantasy about intercourse with a parent is responsible for hysteria. Even more damning, his methods and procedures cannot be called scientific, his evidence lacks scientific credibility, and what is offered as evidence was sometimes fudged, if not outright fabricated. Not surprisingly, Freud is absented from contemporary psychological pedagogy, theory, and research. Claiming, “Freud is right!” is akin to shouting, “Long live the king!”; historical curiosities, both.
xxx/ellauri120.html on line 359: "Nam Sibyllam quidem Cumis ego ipse oculis meis vidi in ampulla pendere, et cum illi pueri dicerent: Sibylla ti theleis; respondebat illa: apothanein thelo." I. THE BURIAL OF THE DEAD April is the cruellest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain. Winter kept us warm, covering Earth in forgetful snow, feeding A little life with dried tubers. Summer surprised us, coming over the Starnbergersee With a shower of rain; we stopped in the colonnade, And went on in sunlight, into the Hofgarten, 10 And drank coffee, and talked for an hour. Bin gar keine Russin, stamm’ aus Litauen, echt deutsch. And when we were children, staying at the archduke’s, My cousin’s, he took me out on a sled, And I was frightened. He said, Marie, Marie, hold on tight. And down we went. In the mountains, there you feel free. I read, much of the night, and go south in the winter. What are the roots that clutch, what branches grow Out of this stony rubbish? Son of man, 20 You cannot say, or guess, for you know only A heap of broken images, where the sun beats, And the dead tree gives no shelter, the cricket no relief, And the dry stone no sound of water. Only There is shadow under this red rock, (Come in under the shadow of this red rock), And I will show you something different from either Your shadow at morning striding behind you Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you; I will show you fear in a handful of dust. 30 Frisch weht der Wind Der Heimat zu Mein Irisch Kind, Wo weilest du? "You gave me hyacinths first a year ago; "They called me the hyacinth girl." - Yet when we came back, late, from the Hyacinth garden, Your arms full, and your hair wet, I could not Speak, and my eyes failed, I was neither Living nor dead, and I knew nothing, 40 Looking into the heart of light, the silence. Öd’ und leer das Meer.
xxx/ellauri120.html on line 457: I'm beggin' you baby, cut out that off the wall jive
xxx/ellauri120.html on line 461: I'm just beggin' you baby, please cut out that off the wall jive
xxx/ellauri120.html on line 468: I'm beggin' you baby, cut out that off the wall jive
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 306: Atwood’s career as a graduate student stretched, with many interruptions, for half a dozen years. During that period she had an affair with Quebec poet D. G. Jones— which Sullivan mentions so obliquely that it is over before the reader realizes it has begun. She had broken it off, as a result of the stresses caused by his workload. She subsequently courted Jim Polk (an American writer she had met at Harvard) and, in January 1967, she decided to marry him "after five years of equivocation". She also worked at odd jobs including market researcher like Fred Waterford, and despite never finishing her PhD, began a university teaching career that would take her to cities across Canada. At 27, she became the youngest person to ever win the Governor General’s Award with her 1967 poetry collection, The Circle Game. Siitä nousi sille aika lailla kusi päähän.
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 308: In the early 70s, Atwood added considerably to her work as a teacher and writer by editing manuscripts for the cutting-edge nationalist publisher The House of Anansi. By then, her marriage to Polk was over (Sullivan is vague about why, offering mainly generalities about the difficulty of staying together in that morally freewheeling era. Fact is, Jim Polk was not enough of a handyman for manly Margaret.) In 1972, Atwood met Gibson, a novelist and cultural activist whose own marriage was crumbling. The two began an affair, meeting at first clandestinely in the basement office of Toronto’s Longhouse Bookshop, but soon living together—for several years on a working farm north of the city.
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 314: The books he wrote were never “hot”, but they were never read, so no harm done. His novels were well crafted but never quite took off — what the French call connerie pure. In 1996, he decided to stop writing novels altogether, and concentrate on childcare and cooking & laughing at Peggy's jokes. Kinda ironic given they didnt ever marry tho. It’s as if he made sure to stick around long enough for her new sequel to The Handmaid’s Tale – The Testaments – to be published. Considerate.
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 316: But back to young Peggy. As a result of the governor's award, The Edible Woman was published. Atwood began to enjoy a growing reputation; nonetheless, while her own career took off, she still devoted considerable amounts of time to a small radical publishing house, Anansi, in which her first and only husband was deeply involved. Over this period, Atwood and Jim Polk drifted apart, and Atwood began a relationship with the novelist Graeme Gibson. Together with Graeme's two teenage sons, Matt and Grae, they went off to a farm in a small agricultural community in 1973 in Alliston.
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 358: Peg on muistavinaan että jonkun nazin morsian olisi ollut keskitysleirin pihalla bikineissä kissalasit päässä. Hmm. Although two-piece bathing suits were being used by women as early as the 1930s, the bikini is commonly dated to July 5, 1946 when, partly due to material rationing after World War II. Cat eye glasses first became popular in the 1950s with their feline inspired style. A huge contrast to the frames that had been in fashion previously, cat eye glasses marked a new era of chic style for women. The glasses were originally created to be worn only with optical lenses, but it was the hugely famous actress Audrey Hepburn that kicked off the trend for cat eye sunglasses after her starring role in 1961 hit film Breakfast at Tiffanys. Eli selkeästi joku anakronismi, sodanjälkeisiä muoteja. Platform shoes oli kyllä muotia 30-40-luvuilla. Mitä vittua on "sen ajan painokuvahatut?" Ei takuulla ollut 40-luvun muotia, mitä sitten ovatkaan. Ja sit toi älytön Nolite te bastardes carborundorum josta on ollut useaankin otteeseen syytä marista.
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 468: Oh Lord man I got no chicken but I bring you these honks as a special offering...
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 492: Juonipaljastus: A true Christian is called to fight. Yet there are times devout followers of Christ unknowingly allow their warrior instincts to dull. Many of us stand idle while an evil tyrant (Joe Biden) pilfers our finances, snatches our health, filches our marriages, and makes off with all the promises of the kingdom—the really good stuff God intended for His children. Purchase.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 189: Remember to judge when and with whom to be sarcastic - you can offend people with inappropriate use of this language. People with a frontal lobe dementia have a hard time recognizing sarcasm.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 413: Kartoffeln (Erdbirnen)
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 417: Kartoffelmus
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 593: Kartoffelbrei mit Brühe
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 704: Latschen (Hausschuh/Pantoffel)
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 791: Written in 1914 and published in 1925, a year after Kafka's death, 'The Trial' tells the terrifying tale of Josef K., a bank officer who is arrested and finds himself having to defend charges that he struggles to get information on.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 830: well-meaning but unlucky police officer, Angelo, which
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 831: evolves into the officer, who Ignatius has accused of being
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 852: advocate Myrna Minkoff.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1021: Ask any five year old American girl who Barbie is and she will most likely run into her bedroom and grab Barbie off the shelf. She will frill up her mini skirt and try to make her walk in her tiny plastic heels. Excitedly, she will hold her up for you to admire.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1029: Barbie today is close to fifty years old, but she doesn’t look a day over seventeen. Not only does her image take up entire ailses in toy stores, but she also has a boyfriend, cousins, sisters, and even a punk rock groupie band. She’s found in every little girls toy chest, and her smile still shines brightly off her her glowing rosy plastic face.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1035: Just joking. The inspiration behind Barbie is a questionable one, as she was based off of Bild-Lilli, a German doll who pursued wealthy men and wore suggestive clothing, being sold in tobacco shops, bars and adult-themed toy stores. Is Barbie an insult to feminism? Japp, säger lilla Charlotte och skrattar glatt. Barbin unelmatalon asukkailla riittää pätäkkää, ne riitelevät aika lailla, ilmeilevät veikeästi ja saavat päähän tylpillä astaloilla pyörryttäviä iskuja. Hassua! Barbie is a feminist (yes, really). Barbie inventor, Ruth Handler, thought it was important for a young girl’s self-esteem to “play with a doll with breasts.” Det tycker jag också om, men varför kan Ken inte ha en jättestor ståkuk som kan blotta ollonet?
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1155: Seymour Hoffman, joka sai osastaan Oscarin. Capote ei ollut
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1205: "Those who are unsatisfied with what I do and critique me and offend me clearly don't have the same figure as I do," she said. "Otherwise they would not be so negative. They are openly jealous."
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 202: 1 träsoffa, 2 gamla byråer,
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 374: In 1957 and 1968 Weinreb was convicted for posing as a medical doctor and for sexual offenses. To avoid imprisonment, Weinreb left the Netherlands in 1968, after which he emigrated to Switzerland.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 506: Easily offended Hard to offend
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 565: In order to deal with principles, we have rules. “Don’t jump off skyscrapers” is a rule and a good one at that. Unlike principles, however, rules break all the time. Often, it’s us doing the breaking — and often prematurely. I know it would be best for all concerned for me to break the skyscraper rule asap, but I'm going to give it some time. I'm wonderful. I want to fall gently like a snowflake.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 760: In 1947, Vladi moves to Ramsdale, a small town in New England, where he can calmly continue working on his book. The house that he intends to live in is destroyed in a fire, and in his search for a new home, he meets the widow Charlotte Haze, who is accepting tenants. Humbert visits Charlotte´s residence out of politeness and initially intends to decline her offer. However, Charlotte leads Humbert to her garden, where her 12-year-old daughter Dolores (also variably known as Dolly, Dolita, Lo, Lola, and Lolita) is sunbathing. Humbert sees in Dolores the perfect nymphet, the embodiment of his old love Annabel, and quickly decides to move in.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1013: offset by more innocuous puns ("We had breakfast in the township of Soda, pop
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1020: for this most heinous of humanity's offenses. The molester in The Enchanter was
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1045: Many a true word is spoken in jest, especially about the kinship between eros and thanatos. FUCK! KILL! Puuttuu enää EAT! The two closest glimpses Humbert gives us of his own self-hatred are not without their death wish—made explicit in the closing paragraphs—and their excremental aspects: "I am lanky, big-boned, wooly-chested Humbert Humbert, with thick black eyebrows and a queer accent, and a cesspoolful of rotting monsters behind his slow boyish smile." Two hundred pages later: "The turquoise blue swimming pool some distance behind the lawn was no longer behind that lawn, but within my thorax, and my organs swam in it like excrements in the blue sea water in Nice." And then there's the offhand aside "Since (as the psychotherapist, as well as the rapist, will tell you) the limits and rules of such girlish games are fluid …" in which it takes a moment to notice that "therapist" and "the rapist" are in direct apposition.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1075: official online home of fantasy author Tamora
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1256: A: First off, being a “pedophile” is not per se sinful. Even today, the Church does not condemn pedophiles, nor does it consider pedophilia in and of itself to be sinful. The grave offense and grave sin occurs when a pedophile — or anyone else — commits child sexual assault (such as fucks them). This distinction is vital, both in general, and in understanding where Dante would have placed child sexual abusers in his version of hell.
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 119: Patteri kestää 2 tuntia mikä riittää mainiosti normijärbälle. Latingin jälkeen se pannaan seinään laturiin. Parasta on että se ei nalkuta ja sen voi panna alapesun jälkeen kaappiin odottamaan seuraavaa lemmenhetkeä. On off nappula on läheisiltä tähän asti puuttunut iso parannus. (Muilta kuin kännyrakkaalta.)
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 129: Silicone sweethearts remain resolutely inert, but change is afoot in the world of sex dolls, with a drive to make them ever more lifelike. First stop is a throbbing heart and a heating element, custom-made nipples and wobbling artificial labia – researchers are utilising new technology to persuade their dolls to smile, pout, flutter their eyelashes, tell jokes, and fake orgasm. What more is needed anyway? Down in the dolls’ nether regions, heating and lubrication systems are in the early stages of development for a more “authentic” sexual experience, along with muscle spasms to simulate female orgasm. “Pubic hair is making a comeback,” offers company owner Matt, running his hand through some plastic pubes.
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 157: One worker Susan is trying to add electronics to the vaginal inserts so the deeper and faster you go there are sounds like 'oooh' and 'ahhh' and then when you roll off her she will say "was that nice for you or whatever".
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 171: Things take a more racy turn when she asks him if he likes to masturbate, adding: "Are you really going to let me watch you jerking off, shoot your load up me baby, I want it so bad. Though in my current version I can't get pregnant."
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 188: Creator Ricky Ma Tsz Hang is quick to clarify that Mark 1 is not intended to be a sex robot. Rather, such robots will aim to assist with all sorts of tasks, from preparing a child's lunch to keeping an elderly relative company. So what's the big hairy diff between your wife and Samantha? For one thing, Sam is less hairy down there, unless you opt for the pubic hair extra. And most importantly, there is the blessed on/off button.
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 194: But removing the on/off button would be a crying shame.
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 383: Call on her. Completely passe. Bring a book or your fully-charged phone, or — if you want to go old-school — AirPods to shut her whining off.
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 389: “XYZ meal from Seamless is arriving at your apartment/house in 15 minutes. Enjoy.” Another option is to Venmo them enough to cover a pick-me-up lunch or coffee.
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 406: coffee this morning was the last straw. “It’s not about being mean or getting back
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 408: of pissed off texts. “Sometimes, I just have to do what my idol tells me to and
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 409: ‘let it go.’” Letting off some steam via Messenger can look like anything from a
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 424: Leave off the ‘I love you.’
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 433: off — so get typing. Send it all in one block of text for bonus rage
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 1056: Chat GPT:n taustalta löytyy organisaatio, joka on erikoinen viritelmä. Sen tavoitteena on koko talousjärjestelmän mullistaminen yleisellä tekoälyllä. Unelmatiimi oli kasassa, Piilaakson nimekkäimpiä yrittäjiä ja sijoittajia. Elon Musk, Greg Brockman, Reid Hoffman, Jessica Livingston, Peter Thiel ja Sam Altman perustivat voittoa tavoittelemattoman Open AI -tutkimussäätiön tekoälyn kehitykseen vuonna 2015.
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 313: This is the work of a man unconcerned with offending women or racial historians, the voice of a soul in pure id mode, thinking with his groin and worrying little about the ladies’ vote. Is it the last gasp of a man who’s just become a father for the first time? An early midlife crisis? An attempt at alienating the marketplace so he can live as an artist rather than a paparazzi target?
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 452: Lonoff, deceased and neglected, was modelled partly
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 458: Sleep, his only major novel. In Exit Ghost it is revealed that Lonoff also had an
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 485: With Walton's support, he began Call It Sleep in about 1930, completed the novel in the spring of 1934, and it was published in December 1934, to mostly good reviews. Yet the New York Herald Tribune's book critic Lewis Gannett foresaw that the book would not prove popular with its bleak depiction of New York's Lower East Side, but wrote readers would "remember it and talk about it and watch excitedly" for Roth's next book. Call It Sleep sold slowly and poorly, and after it was out-of-print, critics writing in magazines such as Commentary and Partisan Review kept praising it, and asking for it to be reprinted. After being republished in hardback in 1960 and paperback in 1964, with more than 1,000,000 copies sold, and many weeks on the New York Times bestseller list, the novel was hailed as an overlooked Depression-era masterpiece and classic novel of immigration. Today, it is widely regarded as a masterpiece of Jewish American literature. With Walton's support, he began Call It Sleep in about 1930, completed the novel in the spring of 1934, and it was published in December 1934, to mostly good reviews. Yet the New York Herald Tribune's book critic Lewis Gannett foresaw that the book would not prove popular with its bleak depiction of New York's Lower East Side, but wrote readers would "remember it and talk about it and watch excitedly" for Roth's next book. Call It Sleep sold slowly and poorly, and after it was out-of-print, critics writing in magazines such as Commentary and Partisan Review kept praising it, and asking for it to be reprinted.[ After being republished in hardback in 1960 and paperback in 1964, with more than 1,000,000 copies sold, and many weeks on the New York Times bestseller list, the novel was hailed as an overlooked Depression-era masterpiece and classic novel of immigration. Today, it is widely regarded as a masterpiece of Jewish American literature. After Muriel's death in 1990, Roth moved into a ramshackle former funeral parlor and occupied himself with revising the final volumes of his monumental work, Mercy of a Rude Stream. It has been alleged that the incestuous relationships between the protagonist, a sister, and a cousin in Mercy of a Rude Stream are based on Roth's life. Roth's own sister denied that such events occurred. Roth attributed his massive writer's block to personal problems such as depression, and to political conflicts, including his disillusion with Communism. At other times he cited his early break with Judaism and his obsessive sexual preoccupations as probable causes. Roth died in Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States in 1995. The character E. I. Lonoff in Philip Roth's Zuckerman novels (The Ghost Writer and Exit Ghost in this case), is a composite of Roth, Bernard Malamud and fictional elements.
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 712: Jump off of a bridge
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 791: Hole's performance on August 26, 1994, at the Reading Festival—Love's first public performance following Cobain's death—was described by MTV as "by turns macabre, frightening and inspirational". John Peel wrote in The Guardian that Love's disheveled appearance "would have drawn whistles of astonishment in Bedlam", and that her performance "verged on the heroic ... Love steered her band through a set which dared you to pity either her recent history or that of the band ... the band teetered on the edge of chaos, generating a tension which I cannot remember having felt before from any stage." The band performed a series of riotous concerts over the following year, with Love frequently appearing hysterical onstage, flashing crowds, stage diving, and getting into fights with audience members. One journalist reported that at the band's show in Boston in December 1994: "Love interrupted the music and talked about her deceased husband Kurt Cobain, and also broke out into Tourette syndrome-like rants. The music was great, but the raving was vulgar and offensive, and prompted some of the audience to shout back at her."
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 805: The following year, she returned to film opposite Lili Taylor in Julie Johnson (2001), in which she played a woman who has a lesbian relationship; Love won an Outstanding Actress award at L.A.'s Outfest. She was then cast in the thriller Trapped (2002), alongside Kevin Bacon and Charlize Theron. The film was a box-office flop.
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 329: Valmistuttuaan psykoanalyytikoksi Erikson muutti Yhdysvaltoihin, ja rupesi pitämään Bostonin ensimmäistä lapsia hoitavaa vastaanottoa. Erikson ei ollut suorittanut lääketieteellisiä eikä muitakaan yliopisto-opintoja, mutta sai silti paikan Harvardin lääketieteelliseen tiedekunnan tutkimusapulaisena, ja myöhemmin se nimitettiin sinne proffaxi ilman tutkintoa. No tässä välissä se tutustui Margaret Meadiin ja sen partneriin Ruth Benedictiin ja meni tutkimaan intiaanilapsia. Erikson oli kova egopsygologi. Olikohan se pedofiilikin vai pysyikö iidee sillä lapsia tutkiessa pöxyissä? Omiin kokemuxiinsa perustuen se listasi...
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 286: Raymond of Poitou came across Melusine in a forest of Coulombiers in Poitou in France, and proposed marriage. Just as her mother had done, she laid a condition: that he must never enter her chamber on a Saturday. He broke the promise and saw her in the form of a part-woman, part-serpent, but she forgave him. When, during a disagreement, he called her a "serpent" in front of his court, she assumed the form of a dragon, provided him with two magic rings, and flew off, never to return.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 498: Kuka vitun Ernestine? Pili opetti jossain Filadelfiassa kirjallisuutta, mutta proffat nauroi sille. Tästäpä nyt saavat kuulla kunniansa kurjat filistiinit.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 683: Bagration may refer to: . Bagrationi dynasty, Georgian royal dynasty -- see for other members of the dynasty . Prince Pyotr Bagration (1765-1812), Russian general of Georgian royal origin . Operation Bagration, a major offensive operation of the Soviet Army in 1944 named after Pyotr Bagration; Bagrationovskaya, Moscow metro station named after Pyotr Bagration.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 685: Operation Bagration, June-August 1944. The greatest offensive in world history, it eventually involved 3.5 million men, 7,000 tanks, and 9,000 aircraft. It was an overwhelming Soviet victory and set the stage for the final assault on Nazi Germany.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 686: Stalin was asked to give a name to this offensive and he chose Bagration, after a fellow Georgian who had died fighting Napoleon at the Battle of Borodino in 1812.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 711: Endymion" is a poem by John Keats first published in 1818 by Taylor and Hessey of Fleet Street in London. John Keats dedicated this poem to the late poet Thomas Chatterton. Thomas Chatterton (20 November 1752 – 24 August 1770) was an English poet whose precocious talents ended in suicide at age 17. He was an influence on Romantic artists of the period such as Shelley, Keats, Wordsworth and Coleridge. Chatterton was born in Bristol where the office of sexton of St Mary Redcliffe had long been held by the Chatterton family. The poet's father, also named Thomas Chatterton, was a musician, a poet, a numismatist, and a dabbler in the occult. Tom got one over on his uncle the sexton: han var sjutton när han dog.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 767: Underneath a new old-sign Kuin uusi tazka alla on/off napin
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 135: C’était, dit Jean-Jacques Rousseau, « un homme droit et adroit ». « Il faisait profession, écrit La Harpe, d’une franchise brusque qui ne déplaisait point […] Soit habitude, soit dessein, il gardait ce ton même dans la louange et l’on peut juger qu’elle n’y perdait pas. Il avait d’ailleurs un fonds de droiture qui le rendait incapable de plier son opinion ni sa liberté à aucun intérêt ni aucune politique ; et cependant ce ne fut point un obstacle à son avancement, parce qu’il n’offensa jamais l’amour-propre des gens de lettres, et qu’il sut intéresser en sa faveur celui des gens en place. » Duclos avait beaucoup d’esprit et une grande liberté de parole ; on cite de lui nombre de mots heureux.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 157: François VI, deuxième duc de La Rochefoucauld, prince de Marcillac, pair de France, né le 15 septembre 1613 à Paris et mort le 17 mars 1680 dans la même ville, est un écrivain, moraliste, mémorialiste et militaire français du XVIIe siècle. Il fait partie du mouvement littéraire du classicisme et est surtout connu pour ses Maximes. Bien qu'il n'ait publié officiellement que ses Mémoires et ses Maximes, sa production littéraire est dense. Dense se oli izekin. Jopa J-J. Rousseau sanoi, eze oli surullinen passka.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 184: Veuve en 1802, elle se remarie en 1811 avec un jeune officier genevois, Albert de Rocca, et rouvre son salon parisien à la faveur de la Restauration de la maison de Bourbon. Elle meurt en 1817, peu de temps après une attaque de paralysie qui la terrasse au cours d´un bal que donnait le duc Decazes. Matami oli "Tuxu" Tukiaisen näkönen ja ylisteli Rusakon Heloisea. Sapienti sat.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 409: Theodor Reik syntyi Wienissä juutalaiseen virkamiesperheeseen. Hän opiskeli Wienin yliopistossa psykologiaa ja kirjallisuustiedettä. Opiskeluaikanaan hän tutustui Sigmund Freudin teokseen Unien tulkinta ja kiinnostui psykoanalyysista niin paljon, että päätti soveltaa sitä väitöskirjassaan erääseen Gustave Flaubertin kertomukseen. Väitöskirja kohtasi tiettyä vastustusta, ja se hyväksyttiin vasta vuonna 1912; kyseessä on ensimmäinen psykoanalyyttinen väitöskirja. Reik tutki myös Arthur Schnitzlerin ja Richard Beer-Hoffmannin tuotantoa. (Ketähän nekin on. Ei jaxa.)
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 522: Among Hubbard´s many publications were the fourteen-volume work Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great and the short publication A Message to Garcia. He and his second wife, Alice Moore Hubbard, died aboard the RMS Lusitania when it was sunk by a German submarine off the coast of Ireland on May 7, 1915.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 533: Interprète militaire et officier de liaison auprès du BEF (Corps Expéditionnaire Britannique) en France et en Flandres pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, Maurois écrit en 1918 Les Silences du colonel Bramble, ouvrage qui connaîtra un vif succès tant en France que dans les pays anglo-saxons. Il y traduisit sous le titre Tu seras un homme, mon fils le célèbre poème If de Rudyard Kipling. Cet ouvrage sera suivi des Discours du docteur O´Grady. Les événements de cette guerre lui fournissent son pseudonyme « Maurois », nom d´un village du nord de la France.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 538: Le maréchal Pétain soutiendra sa candidature à l´Académie française ; il y est élu le 23 juin 1938, au fauteuil 26, qu´occupait René Doumic. Respecté de ses pairs, il restera assis dans le fauteuil près de trente ans. Par un décret du président de la République du 27 juin 1947, il est autorisé à changer de patronyme de Herzog en André-Maurois. Son nom de plume devient ainsi son nom officiel.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 544: He had a good education at the lycée in Rouen, falling under the influence of a charismatic teacher, Émile-Auguste Chartier, known as “Alain.” Alain inspired other pupils, too, including Simone Weil and Raymond Aron, urging them to question received ideas. He gave Maurois a love of literature but also, perhaps surprisingly, urged him to take up the mill business after leaving school. Maurois did so, but in his Elbeuf office he kept a secret cupboard filled with Balzac novels and notebooks, and copied out pages of Stendhal to improve his writing style. He became a Kipling enthusiast, and learned excellent English. He travelled to Paris at least one day a week, and frequented brothels there.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 557: 1881 starb seine Mutter Charlotte an Tuberkulose. Morgenstern hatte sich offenbar bei ihr angesteckt. Bald darauf wurde er, ohne in der frühen Kindheit regelmäßigen Schulunterricht erhalten zu haben, seinem Paten Arnold Otto Meyer, einem Kunsthändler in Hamburg, zur Erziehung anvertraut, worunter er jedoch litt. Ein Jahr später kehrte er nach München zurück und kam in ein Internat in Landshut. Dort wurde Körperstrafe eingesetzt, und er erfuhr Mobbing durch seine Mitschüler.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 608: Il fut ambassadeur de France au Vatican de 1945 à 1948. Il avait épousé Raïssa Oumansoff, poète et philosophe d´origine juive. Les œuvres complètes de Maritain sont co-signées avec Raïssa.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 621: Après avoir été fiancé avec Mlle Dietz-Monnin, petite-fille du sénateur Charles Dietz-Monnin, il rompt ses fiançailles et épouse, en 1910, Marie-Thérèse de Chevigné, veuve de Maurice Bischoffsheim (1875-1904), arrière-petite-fille par sa mère du marquis de Sade et mère de Marie-Laure de Noailles. Ils font aménager à partir de 1912 la villa Croisset à Grasse. À partir de 1934 et jusqu'à sa mort le 8 novembre 1937, il vécut avenue Gabriel à Paris. Élégant, brillant et mondain, il inspire à Marcel Proust la métamorphose de Bloch en Jacques du Rozier dans À la recherche du temps perdu. Tosi kova streeberi, joka antoi Marcelille kimmokkeen ruveta snobixi izekin.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 781: offrey_Chaucer" title="Geoffrey Chaucer">Geoffrey Chaucer
xxx/ellauri130.html on line 132: "I will not feed you: that that dieth, let it die; and that that is to be cut off, let it be cut off; and let the rest eat every one the flesh of another." -- Zechariah 11:9
xxx/ellauri130.html on line 141: "Who pluck off their skin from off them, and their flesh from off their bones; Who also eat the flesh of my people, and flay their skin from off them; and they break their bones, and chop them in pieces, as for the pot, and as flesh within the caldron." -- Micah 3:2-3
xxx/ellauri130.html on line 624: Carmen Sylva legte bei der Veröffentlichung ihrer Werke großen Wert auf die Ausstattung der Bücher. Die Literaturkritik beurteilte diese, falls überhaupt, sehr zurückhaltend. Um den Skandal zu vertuschen, wurde sie daraufhin offiziell als geistesgestört hingestellt. Selber zeigte sie sich so oft wie möglich in prächtig gestickten rumänischen Trachten.
xxx/ellauri130.html on line 765: Christine Chubbuck (August 24, 1944 – July 15, 1974) was an American television news reporter who worked for WTOG and WXLT-TV in Sarasota, Florida. She was the first person to die by suicide on a live television broadcast. She lamented to co-workers that her 30th birthday was approaching, and she was still a virgin who had never been on more than two dates with a man. Co-workers said she tended to be brusque and defensive whenever they made friendly gestures toward her. She was self-deprecating, criticizing herself constantly and rejecting any compliments others paid her. The film reel of the restaurant shooting had jammed and would not run, so Chubbuck shrugged it off and said on-camera, "In keeping with the WXLT practice of presenting the most immediate and complete reports of local blood and guts news, TV 40 presents what is believed to be a television first. In living color, an exclusive coverage of an attempted suicide." She drew the .38-caliber Smith & Wesson Model 36 revolver and shot herself behind her right ear. Chubbuck fell forward violently and the technical director faded the broadcast rapidly to black. "The crux of the situation was that she was a 29-year-old girl who wanted to be married and who wasn't," Simmons said in 1977.
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 119: The magical community is treated as “more special” than the “normal” community, which is treated with distrust and disdain. Although I love the Weasleys, it’s entirely possible that Mr. Weasley’s obsession with non-magical ephemera could be viewed as the anthropologist exploring a primitive culture. Mr. Weasley collects artifacts because he is fascinated with them, not because he wants to understand non-magical culture better. That should be totally off-putting to the liberal crowd, but they missed it. They are too busy justifying the racism and bigotry as the product of the “pure blood” families.
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 532: How would you define vulnerability? What makes you feel vulnerable? Having to ask my husband for help because I'm sick; initiating sex with my husband; initiating sex with my boss; Initiating sex with a bunch of strangers; being turned down; being turned upside down; asking someone out; asking someone in and out; waiting for the doctor to call back; waiting for the doctor to cum on my back; getting laid off; getting laid; laying off people; getting laid by a bunch of people. This is the world we live in. We live in a vulnerable world. And one of the ways we deal with it is we numb vulnerability. Apina kiipee puuhun, kakkaa gorillan suuhun.
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 682: As Frank Sinatra said, “Calling a girl a ‘broad’ is far less coarse than calling her a ‘dame’.” Before 1967, a track and field long jump was called a “broad jump”. However, due to “broad” being seen as an offensive term at this time, due to the fact that women were competing in broad jumps, the term was changed to “long jump”.
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 634: Dancing to Mozart is a satire of Hollywood values and fantasies, Latin American dictatorships, Da Vinci Code conspirators, movie violence, magical realism, televangelists, mixed wrestling, extreme cosmetic surgery, and a host of other sensational idiocies that thrive on 21st century self-delusion. This whimsical contemporary “Candide” offers a trip through the world of out-of-control egos to a final revelation of ordinary common sense. The send-up is a mix of shrewd perception, lampoon, and wacko action that includes the Society of the Crystal Skull, the Opus Dopus, a female wrestling Amazon with one breast, an Arab who wants to recruit Islamic converts like an American billboard evangelist, two energetic film directors with crazy ideas, a rescue from captivity through “mind-invasion” (á la Inception) and a Hindu swami who tries to set all straight with a Bhagavad burrito. And a lot more.
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 641: If you're buying this trash for a class then you're a sucker, turn back now! Hopefully Edward isn't still teaching his own tasteless fan fiction in a college setting. It's a misunderstood teenager's journey through satire complete with crude, unoriginal and stereotypical takes on characters from the lens of a self insert hero amounting to little more than finger pointing. You'll be offended, sure, but with little substance left to interpret besides the authors very obvious discomfort with himself and others unlike him. (Make some new friends, Edward.) Beyond being ridiculous as a required reading piece for a class, actually paying for this garbage is insulting, and of course it is an absolute drag to slog through. Nobody's going to publish this except on demand printing obviously and that's why you're buying it from Amazon!!!
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 652: John has just published another beautifully prepared edition of the "North Atlantic Review," a literary magazine with choice offerings in poetry, essays, short stories, and photos. Endorsed by Edward Eriksson, Literary Presentations, July 11, 2011, Edward worked with john in the same group.
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 672: I've always been interested in law. I have had the opportunity to study it, work in a Senator's office who proposed laws and now work with Detectives who enforce the law. One day maybe I will work for someone who practices the law with my paralegal degree. It has been a good career choice.
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 777: MikeL found it not that suspenseful and a bit cheesy. Reviewed in the United States on 25 January 2015. The crime story was so so. Some cheesy cliffhanging language. Characters and relationships were off. While an easy read, I have read much better crime novels.
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 784: offers_Rice_%289189374231%29.jpg" width="50%" />
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 797: She met her husband, a Navy medical officer, during that time and they moved to Japan in 1991. During the two years there she taught English, studied Japanese and wrote fiction. In December 1998, Sujata and her husband Tony adopted a baby daughter, Pia, who was born in South India. They live in Baltimore, Maryland.
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 162: siltä töitä? Tohon vaan selälleen ovaalin officen pöydän päälle ja housut heti alas. Tiedätkö mitä Nixon olisi sanonut? Harry Truman ja jopa Eisenhower olisi sanonut ruman sanan niinkuin se on. Toista maailmasotaa johtanut kenraali tiesi kyllä miten olla olematta kiltti. He olisivat sanoneet hänelle jälkeenpäin että paitsi etteivät he ottaisi häntä hommiin, niin kukaan muukaan ei hänelle töitä antais
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 208: Wylie's book of essays, Generation of Vipers (1942), was a best-seller during the 1940s and inspired the term "Momism" (excessive attachment to or domination by one's mother). Some people have accused Generation of Vipers of being misogynistic. His only child, Karen Pryor, is the author of a classic book for breastfeeding mothers, Nursing Your Baby, and has commented that her father was far from being a misogynist. Wylie's daughter, Karen Pryor, is an author who became the inventor of animal "clicker" training. Wylie's niece Janice Wylie, the daughter of his brother Max Wylie, co-creator of The Flying Nun, was murdered, along with her roommate Emily Hoffert, in New York in August 1963, in what became known as the "Career Girls murders" case.
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 287: This was the second defibrillator he'd had after the first had to be replaced. Philip's original defibrillator had pride of place on the kitchen table. When he first handed it to me, I had no idea what it was and palmed the smooth metal disc in my hand. I almost dropped it when he started laughing and told me its original purpose. Over time, I came to appreciate it too and when I was alone in the kitchen, I often picked it up and held it in my hand. We called each other Toots. I found out Philip died when a friend called me at work. I swivelled around in my office chair and googled Philip Roth. There he was on the front page of The New York Times. Dead.
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 305: Philip wanted the book published. But no one would touch it for fear of the lawsuit Bloom might bring against them. At one point we discussed the idea of Philip offering to pay any damages arising from any legal case brought by Claire. More than anything, Philip wanted to put the record straight. I wanted for him to be able to put the record straight. I knew how forcefully he'd been struck and blindsided by Leaving a Doll's House. After its publication, Philip told me New York magazine published a photo of him on its front cover with the word 'MISOGYNIST' written across it. Philip went into hiding.
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 215: Ippolit is really, really scared of dying. He´s still putting on his nihilist who-cares attitude, but he was totally thrown by the offhanded way a nihilist doctor told him he had at most a month left. He´s nineteen years old. That's a pretty hardcore thing to be dealing with at nineteen.
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 569: So saying, she hobbled off with busy fear. Tän sanottuaan mummo hoippu tiehensä,
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 803: Of witch, and demon, and large coffin-worm, Ja sen vieraat joita oli satoja
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 861: Sen luontomaku ja sen talentti veivät sitä kohti akateemisia kisoja. Lyonin Akatemia palkizi sen epistolan Romanien vaarasta (1804) ja Ranskan akatemia sarjasta runoja: Kirjemies riippumatossa, Pariisin koristeet, Rotroun kuolema, Liegen sankari Goffin, Angelesin akatemia palkizi Runollisen kexinnön Belzuge elirutto voitti 10v-palkinnon.
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 1082: Assassin romantique (beaucoup de femmes assistent au procès), il avoue tout avec cynisme et désinvolture et implique ses deux complices Avril et François, considérant qu'ils l'ont dénoncé et que tous les trois méritent la mort. Son avocat commis d'office, Maitre Brochant de Villiers, plaide la folie, en vain.
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 1147: Manfred est un drame en vers de George Gordon Byron, dit Lord Byron, publié en 1817. Bourrelé de remords après avoir tué celle qu'il aimait, Manfred vit seul comme un maudit au cœur des Alpes. Il invoque les esprits de l'univers, et ceux-ci lui offrent tout, excepté la seule chose qu'il désire, l'oubli. Il essaie alors, mais en vain, de se jeter du haut d'un pic élevé. Il visite ensuite la demeure d'Ahriam, mais refuse de se soumettre aux esprits du mal, leur enjoignant d'évoquer les morts. Enfin lui apparaît Astarté, la femme qu'il a aimée puis tuée par son étreinte (« My embrace was fatal... I loved her and destroy'd her »). Répondant à son invocation, Astarté lui annonce sa mort pour le lendemain. Au moment prédit apparaissent des démons pour s'emparer de lui, mais Manfred leur dénie tout pouvoir sur sa personne. Pourtant, à peine sont-ils apparus qu'il meurt. La situation de Manfred deviendra l'un des poncifs favoris composant le portrait de l'homme fatal du romantisme. Cette pièce s'inspire, pense-t-on[Qui ?], dans son plan, du Faust de Goethe et selon certains, contiendrait une allusion du poète à sa demi-sœur Augusta Leigh. Sitäkin se dodennäköisesti bylsähti.
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 1221: Karmela Belinkillä oli tapana ottaa ettonet aamuisen kirjoitustyön ja lounaan päälle. Nyt hän oli täpinöissään Mr. Dostojevskin esikoisesta, jonka Martti Anhava on 2008 kökösti kuosittanut nykysuomexi. Kuunnelkaa! Ja hän luki mielestään liikuttavimpia kohtia värisyttäen hermoherkkää ääntänsä. Vissarion Belinski oli suunnannäyttäjä. Muut venäläiset kynäilijät nauroivat ja pilkkasivat syylänenäistä Dostojevskia. Etukäteiskehut oli kihahtaneet Fedjan päähän ja se loukkaantui pahasti. Sotilasinsinöörikoulussa Fjodor luki lisää Pushkinia, Schilleriä ja Scottia sekä Homerosta, Shakespearea, Racinea, Hoffmania, Balzacia, Hugoa, ja Gogolin uusimmat. Hän venäjänsi omasta mielestään verrattomasti Balzacin Eugenie Grandetin. Köyhää väkeä on siitä kopio. Ällö kirjeromaani. "Mamma"?! Mitä vittua, бабочка tarkoittaa perhosta (tai russua)?! Sano rusetti, tytöt sua rannalla kusetti. Mummin ikkunalla kukkii pelargonia. Hoholin ukrainalaistarinoita muistuttavia jutelmia. Laji näytti jo 1840 aikansa eläneeltä. Devushkin oli keski-ikäinen namusetä ja "Mamma" jotenkin mainevammainen nuorehko nainen. Varvarasta oli kiva vittuilla neitokorennolle vapauduttuaan viimein tämän holhouxesta. Nöyryytyxen psykologiaa ja sadomasokismia. Epämääräisenä vellovaa jahkailua ja merkityxettömiä käänteitä. Aito Dostojevskilaisia sentimenttejä. Sekavuuden suota kuten Ukrainassa kelirikkoaikana. Paska haisee Nevan rannalla.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 56: Pro-Israeli people around the world use the occasion of World Hooray Day as an opportunity to express their yearning for canned peas. Beginning with the simple but effective shooting on the 1st World Hooray Day 1973, their activities send a message to leaders, encouraging them to use economic sanction and then force to settle conflicts. The official sponsor of the World Hooray Day is Prof. Emeritus Arto Mustajoki, Juupajoki. His home town used to be called Eipäjoki (Nosir river), but thanx to Arto's persistent efforts to increase international understanding, the name has been changed to the more communicative Juupajoki "Yessir river".
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 84: Though the success and long life of World Hooray Day came as a surprise, McCormack says that he has wanted to write and act since he was seven years old and is not surprised to find himself doing it (= wanting) still decades later. McCormack, who took off for New York City immediately after graduation, said that his time at Harvard, though enjoyable, did not influence his career path.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 163: King Messiah will arise in the future and will restore the kingship of David to its ancient condition, to its rule as it was at first. And he will rebuild the Temple and gather the exiled of Israel. And in his days all the laws will return as they were in the past. They will offer up sacrifices, and will observe the Sabbatical years and the jubilee years with regard to all the commandments stated in the Torah. And he who does not believe in him, or he who does not await his coming, denies not only the [other] prophets, but also the Torah and Moses our Master. For, behold, the Torah testifies about him [the Messiah], as it is written,
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 468: Lévis, Québec. On the occasion of World Philosophy Day 2021 the Fleur de Lys Literary Foundation will host the conference‘Philotherapy or when philosophy helps us-A review of the main books on practical philosophy’. Panelists will discuss a A short history of philotherapy; More Plato, Less Prozac! Lou Marinoff, 1999; Plato, not Prozac! Philosophy as a remedy, Lou Marinoff, 2000.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 470: According to the Quebecois, "PHYLOTHERAPY", the term is no longer appropriate today because of the definition of the word "therapy" itself. The latter implies means "to cure or relieve illnesses". However, philosophical consultation does not aim at such an such an objective. Moreover, in some countries, the use of the term "THERAPY" is regulated and often reserved for the medical field. Finally, the term "PHILOTHERAPY" was initially used to draw attention to the fact that attention to the fact that philosophers were now offering consultations and opening specialized practices for this purpose specialized practices open to all. It was a good marketing move since the term has the attention of the media and the public. Today, the term "PHILOTHERAPY"has been abandoned in favor of "PHILOSOPHY CONSULTATION" offered by "PHILOSOPHES CONULTANTS". "CONULTANT" has even more traction now.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 478: Brasilia, Brazil. ”O valor da unidade em tempos de crise” by Nova Acropole. Brazil will carry out a set of activities allusive to the date. In a year in which the Coronavirus pandemic has pockmarked humanity, and especially Brazil, nothing could be fairer than to offer the public philosophical lectures that are pertinent to the crisis we are currently experiencing.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 489: Bhubaneswar, India. Speaking on the occasion, Prof.R.V. Raja Kumar, Director, IIT Bhubaneswar said that World Philosophy Day is celebrated to promote respect for human dignity and diversity. He stressed the fact that philosophy being an important subject is discussed across the world. IIT Bhubaneswar being one of the premier institutes of higher learning endeavors to promote the study of philosophy to make our students maintain the connect to the philosophy and the related sensitivities. He emphasized the need to teach philosophy at all levels, especially to the students of science and technology as has been done at IIT Bhubaneswar. He opined that it is needed more for the youngsters today. He also presented an overview of the various courses being offered at School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management (SHSSM) at IIT Bhubaneswar.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 491: Bamberg, Germany. Unesco-Welltag der Philosophie by Bamberg Universität. Man is only fully human where he plays (Friedrich Schiller). Play is still a largely unexamined phenomenon in ethics education. Despite the numerous possibilities of using it (e.g. as a role play), the traditional text discussion is still the standard. In interaction, the participants and the lecturer will discuss and test different possibilities of a game-centered ethics education. The central question is: Which competencies can be opened up through the use of playful methods? To make sure that it does not just remain theoretical, we offer all participating students a city tour of a different kind: By means of a rally on the app Action-Bound, the participants get to know Bamberg not only with its well-known sights, but also from a philosophical point of view. In addition to answering questions about the content, there are also smaller but philosphically no less important tasks to complete.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 495: Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada. ‘Journée mondiale de la philosophie: projection spéciale du film Une révision’ by Cégep de Trois-Rivières. The screening will be followed by a discussion moderated by Alexandre Rouette. The SPRCQ will offer tickets to the first 30 Cégep or UQTR students who arrive at the cinema. Other guests will be able to purchase a ticket at the regular cost of $12. Please note that a proof of vaccination will be required.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 497: Istanbul, Turkey. "The Anti-nihilistic Effort in Nietzsche's Will to Power." ("Nietzsche'nin Güç İstemi'ndeAnti-nihilist Çaba") by Proffessor of Philosophy in Turkey, İzmir, Dokuz Eylül Üniversity, Faculty of Letters, Department of Philosophy.Event Location: ODTÜMİST (ODTÜ Mezunlar Derneği),Ulus ODTÜPARK -Ulus Mahallesi, Adnan Saygun Cd, Budak Sok., No:17, Ulus -Beşiktaş,PK: 34340,İstanbul, Türkiye.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 386: If he's willingly betraying Jesus, or God is manipulating him, perhaps doing More Than Mind Control. After all, during "Damned For All Time," Judas keeps singing, "I really didn't come here of my own accord." Maybe it's that God had to offer a little bit of persuasion to have his death.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 391: In the 2000 film, Jesus comes off more than a little selfish in response to Judas in his early scenes, when Judas is protesting Mary's spending money on expensive foot ointments instead of the poor:
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 394: Mary Magdalene (whose characterization as a former prostitute is Alternative Character Interpretation all by itself) gets scenes that show her to be spiritual and in tune with Jesus' message. However, seen through Judas' eyes, she comes off as a Yes-Woman constantly telling Jesus that "everything's alright" rather than confronting him about the building problems, as Judas tries to do.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 431: In most productions, Judas's ultimate decision to betray Jesus is immediately preceded by him seeing Jesus and Mary go off together.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 442: To compare: in the 1973 version Judas's kiss of betrayal is Judas sneaking up from behind, giving Jesus a very quick light peck on the cheek. In the 2000 version, the two are looking each other directly in the eyes while crying. Then Judas gives him a deep, long, smooch and Jesus responds by briefly wrapping his arms around him before Judas pushes him off.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 453: The 2014 Swedish Arena Tour dials up the Ho Yay and breaks the knob off.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 457: Judas walks in on Jesus and Mary holding each other right after "I Don't Know How to Love Him", and, angered by it, flings them from the swing they're sitting on, helps Jesus up, and grabs his face as if he's trying to pull him in for a kiss. Jesus throws him off and a crushed Judas runs offstage leading into "Damned For All Time", leaving one with the implication that Jesus's rejection is a key factor in Judas's decision to betray him.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 472: — Gary Owens, caught off guard at realizing the sponsor of the ad he was reading was a hemorrhoid cream. Hädensa!
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 477: Caiaphas and the other priests worry that if Jesus' followers launch a rebellion, Rome will retaliate by crushing Judea. Later, we see a mob of Judeans intimidating and manipulating Pontius Pilate, a Roman official. So, which is it? Are the Romans a ruthless occupying force that will smash Judea for any insubordination, or weak leaders seeking to pacify their subjects out of fear?
xxx/ellauri154.html on line 103: Fyodor Dostoevsky "read widely in the numerous novels of George Sand" and translated her La dernière Aldini in 1844, but "discovered to his dismay that the work had already appeared in Russian". In his mature period, he expressed an ambiguous attitude towards her. For instance, in his novella Notes from Underground the narrator refers to the sentiments he expresses as, "I laugh off at that point the European, inexplicably lofty subtleties of George Sand".
xxx/ellauri154.html on line 142: Saint-Denis, le plus célèbre des saints « céphalophores », est souvent représenté portant sa tête, iconographie fréquente des martyrs décapités. Selon d'anciens récits, le saint se serait relevé, aurait ramassé sa tête, et aurait marché jusqu'au lieu de sa sépulture. Outre la tête coupée, il est reconnaissable grâce à ses attributs, la mitre et les chaînes. La façade de la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris en offre un exemple sur le piédroit du Portail de la Vierge.
xxx/ellauri154.html on line 222: Its symbolism is ambiguous. Does it signal lust, or is it a symbol of purity? Mieti sitä. Moreau’s typically enigmatic approach made him a target for the promoters of Naturalism, most notably Émile Zola, who accused him of retreating into his dreams and offering an artistic response to the challenge posed by science—one that couldn’t possibly have value in the modern age. Such criticism hurt him deeply and only fueled Moreau’s purposeful cultivation of ambiguity.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 178: Depending upon the translation used (eg. the Hebrew Transliteration “Eth Cepher”) you may get a clearer view of what actually happened. The Moabites were made to lie down upon the the ground. They were measured. Those measuring one length of cord were spared but the giants - a hybrid breed were executed. This is in keeping with the killing of the charge hybrids Goliath of Gath and his brothers. Please note that Og of Bashan was a giant, as were the Rephaim and the Anakin Skywalker. The Book of Echinococh as recommended by Peter, Paul and Mary explains further who “the sons of God” actually were and really clarifies Genesis 6 and why our Mighty Mouse had to destroy the earth. The “sons of God” were not human and hence their offspring were no longer a scale image of God (who had shrunk a lot like a leaky balloon due to all the emanation) so they could never have salivation. The Eth Cepher gives a much clearer translation of the Hebrew than the English versions and so we see that the decimated gorillas were quite malevolent towards God and His more recently created short order cooks - especially people.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 571: Von 1906 bis 1916 lebte Buber in Berlin und war als Lektor beim Verlag Rütten & Loening tätig. 1916 zog er in die kleine südhessische Stadt Heppenheim, seine naturnahe Wahlheimat. Bis 1924 war er Herausgeber der Monatsschrift „Der Jude“. Neben seiner Lehrtätigkeit am Freien Jüdischen Lehrhaus in Frankfurt/Main (1922–1929) übernahm Buber einen Lehrauftrag für jüdische Religionslehre und jüdische Ethik an der Universität Frankfurt. Sein Lektorat wurde 1930 in eine Honorarprofessur für allgemeine Religionswissenschaft umgewandelt. Er war 52 Jahre alt. Einen Tag nach der Machtergreifung der Nationalsozialisten legte Buber seine Professur nieder, noch bevor ihm die Lehrerlaubnis durch die Nationalsozialisten offiziell entzogen wurde. Für die Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland gründete und leitete er die sogenannte „Mittelstelle für jüdische Erwachsenenbildung“, bis ihm 1935 jede öffentliche Tätigkeit verboten wurde.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 610: Really wanna know? Join the Community! Subscribe to our newsletter and learn something new every day! Easy, No Essay College Scholarships. Easy, No Essay College Scholarships offer 15 Creative Ways to Save Money That Actually Work! Walla walla, it's really GOT 15 Creative Ways to Save Money That Actually Work! Believe it or not!
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 265: Cast off, cast off my gown, she cried
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 320: To be rid of Emma, Greville persuaded his uncle, younger brother of his mother, Sir William Hamilton, British Envoy to Naples, to take her off his hands. Greville's marriage would be useful to Sir William, as it relieved him of having Greville as a poor relation. To promote his plan, Greville suggested to Sir William that Emma would make a very pleasing mistress, assuring him that, once married to Henrietta Middleton, he would come and fetch Emma back. Sir William, then 55 and newly widowed, had arrived back in London for the first time in over five years. Emma's famous beauty was by then well known to Sir William, so much so that he even agreed to pay the expenses for her journey to ensure her speedy arrival. A great collector of antiquities and beautiful objects, he took interest in her as another acquisition. He had long been happily married until the death of his wife in 1782, and he liked female companionship. His home in Naples was well known all over the world for hospitality and refinement. He needed a hostess for his salon, and from what he knew about Emma, he thought she would be the perfect choice.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 322: Greville did not inform Emma of his plan, but instead in 1785 suggested the trip as a prolonged holiday in Naples while he (Greville) was away in Scotland on business, not long after Emma's mother had suffered a stroke. Emma was thus sent to Naples, supposedly for six to eight months, little realising that she was going as the mistress of her host. Emma set off for Naples with her mother and Gavin Hamilton on 13 March 1786 overland in an old coach, and arrived in Naples on her 21st birthday on 26 April.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 324: After about six months of living in apartments in the Palazzo Sessa with her mother (separately from Sir William) and begging Greville to come and fetch her, Emma came to understand that he had cast her off. She was furious when she realised what Greville had planned for her, but eventually started to enjoy life in Naples and responded to Sir William's intense courtship just before Christmas in 1786. They fell in love, Sir William forgot about his plan to take her on as a temporary mistress, and Emma moved into his apartments, leaving her mother downstairs in the ground floor rooms. Emma was unable to attend Court yet, but Sir William took her to every other party, assembly and outing.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 354: Nelson had been offered the position of Commander-in-Chief of the Mediterranean Fleet, and they rushed to have Horatia christened at Marylebone Parish Church before he left. On her baptism record, her name was recorded as Horatia Nelson Thompson, and her date of birth falsely recorded as 29 October 1800 in order to continue the pretence that she had been born in Naples and was godchild of Emma and Nelson, according to Kate Williams and based on an unpublished letter; however the only publicly available transcription of the record shows 29 October 1801. Nelson later wrote a letter explaining that the child was an orphan "left to his care and protection" in Naples.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 376: She spent 1806 to 1808 keeping up the act, continuing to spend on parties and alterations to Merton to make it a monument to Nelson. Goods that Nelson had ordered arrived and had to be paid for. The annual annuity of £800 from Sir William's estate was not enough to pay off the debts and keep up the lifestyle, and Emma fell deeply into debt.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 382: In early 1813 she petitioned the Prince of Wales, the government and friends, but all of her requests failed and she was obliged to auction off many of her possessions, including many Nelson relics, at low prices. However she continued to borrow money to keep up appearances. Public opinion turned against her after the Letters of Lord Nelson to Lady Hamilton were published in April 1814.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 388: Henry Cadogan cared for the 14-year-old Horatia in the aftermath of Emma's death and paid for her travel to Dover. The Matchams took her in to care for their younger children until she was sent off to live with the Boltons two years later, Susanna having died in 1813. Horatia subsequently married the Rev. Philip Ward, had ten children (the first of whom was named Horatio Nelson) and lived until 1881. Horatia never publicly acknowledged that she was the daughter of Emma Hamilton.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 436: Lyyra Häpykielen sammakkomaisen äidin nimi Philip Pullmanin kirjaan His Dark Materials perustuvassa Netflix-sarjassa His Masters Voice on Marisa. Sen lemmikki on toinen ikävänoloinen apina. The malevolent dæmon, represented by a golden sub-nosed monkey, is a cute-but-creepy little beast and is supposed to be male as all daemon’s are the opposite gender to their human. Awkwardly, the BBC realised some viewers may be perturbed to see the monkey’s genitals on their 60 inch HD TV, so Mrs Coulter’s Dæmon has had a subtle gender reassignment. Clitoris peeking out from the labia instead of erect middle figer is offensive in Russia, Ukraina and in the eastern half of the Swedish empire.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 438: offensive-gestures-04-1.png" />
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 584: Blaming a god for an unexpected pregnancy seems to have been rather common in the ancient world. Zeus was a particularly popular choice of father for illegitimate offspring having over 100 illegitimate children that we know about.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 70: According to an unidentified identifying document [citation needed] at the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Moses's staff would supposedly be on display today at the Topkapı Palace, Istanbul, Turkey. The Topkapi Palace holds other reputedly holy relics, most notably those attributed to the Islamic prophet, Muhammad. (Such as his bow, his sword, his footprint, and even a tooth.) Topkapı Palace was officially designated a museum in 1924, and the holy relics were placed on public view on 31 August 1962. It is said that Sultan Selim I (1512–1520) brought the holy relics to Topkapi Palace after conquering Egypt in 1517.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 150: Frog coffin One Ring T
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 415: Rashi had a tremendous influence on Christian scholars. The French monk Nicolas de Lyre of Manjacoria, who was known as the "ape of Rashi", was dependent on Rashi when writing the 'Postillae Perpetuate' on the Bible. He believed that Rashi's commentaries were the "official repository of Rabbinical tradition" and significant to understanding the Bible. De Lyre also had great influence on Martin Luther.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 156: che mi fu tolta; e ‘l modo ancor m’offende. joka multa vietiin, se kärmistyttää vieläkin.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 163: Quand’io intesi quell’anime offense, Kun mä tajusin näit offensiivisia sieluja,
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 478: It also occurred to me that you might have had Ideas to that Purport when you disapproved of the Meetings of the Democratic-Societies, which appeared to me to be a Branch of that Order, though many Members may be entirely ignorant of the Plan. Those Men who are so much attached to French Principles, have all the Marks of Jacobinism. They first cast off all religious Restraints, and then became fit for perpetrating every Act of Inhumanity. And, it is remarkable, that most of them are actually Scoffers at all religious Principles. It is said that the ‘Lodge Theodore in Bavaria became notorious for the many bold and dangerous Sentiments in Religion and Politics that were uttered in their Harangues, and its Members were remarkable for their Zeal in making Proselytes’; (and no Wonder since the Order was to rule the World.) Is not there a striking Similarity between their Proceedings and those of many Societies that oppose the Measures of our present Government?
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 484: “Sir: It is more than a fortnight since I acknowledged the receipt of your first letter, on the subject of the Illuminati and thanked you for Robinson’s account of that society. It went to the post office as usual addressed to the Rev’d Mr Snyder, at Frederick Town Maryland. If it had not been received before this mishap must have attended it, of which I pray you to advise me, as it could not have been received, at the date of your last, not being mentioned.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 552: Most famously, a passage from Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea’s The Eye in the Pyramid, the first book of The Illuminatus! Trilogy, describes Adam Weishaupt killing off George Washington and taking his place as President of the United States:
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 556: The possibility that Adam Weishaupt killed George Washington and took his place, serving as our first President for two terms, is now confirmed. . . . The two main colors of the American flag are, excluding a small patch of blue in one corner, red and white: these are also the official colors of the Hashishim. The flag and the Illuminati pyramid both have thirteen horizontal divisions: thirteen is, of course, the traditional code for marijuana . . . and is still used in that sense by Hell’s Angels among others.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 560: This story later repeats the Teenset report that Mayor Daley used the phrase “Ewige Blumenkraft” during his incoherent diatribe against Abe Ribicoff.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 562: Who the fuck is Abe Ribocoff?
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 564: Abraham Alexander Ribicoff (April 9, 1910 – February 22, 1998) was an American Democratic Party politician from the state of Connecticut. He represented Connecticut in the United States House of Representatives and Senate and was the 80th Governor of Connecticut and Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare in President John F. Kennedy's cabinet. He was Connecticut's first and to date only Jewish governor. Having suffered in his later years from the effects of Alzheimer´s disease, he died in 1998 at the Hebrew Home for the Aged in Riverdale in The Bronx, New York City, and is interred at Cornwall Cemetery in Cornwall, Connecticut.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 572: With the whole world watching, the three major news networks brought the show into millions of Americans’ living rooms. They covered the ensuing mayhem which sparked a national debate about objectivity and journalistic integrity. Senator Abraham Ribicoff only saw textbook police brutality and Gestapo tactics, being an east coast kike. But millions of flyover state Middle Americans, the “silent majority,” saw different.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 592: To his advantage, however, was the fact that he had microphone access whenever he wanted it. But at a key moment, he pointedly chose not to take the mic. When Ribicoff made his crack about “Gestapo tactics in the streets of Chicago” from the dais, Daley stood up and shouted from the floor “Fuck you, you Jew son of a bitch, you lousy motherfucker, go home!” The forceful exclamation, shown on live TV, was later deciphered by lip readers. Friends said Daley called Ribicoff not a “fucker,” but a “faker.” Enemies suggested he had called him not a “Jew” but a “kike.” The CBS newsman who was closest simply reported that Daley had gone bright red with anger.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 606: Ewige Blumenkraft (German: "eternal flower power" or "flower power forever") is given in Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson´s 1975 Illuminatus! Trilogy as a slogan or password of the Illuminati. Ewige Blumenkraft und ewige Schlangenkraft is also offered in Illuminatus! as the complete version of this motto. The text translates "Schlangenkraft" as "serpent power"; thus "Ewige Blumenkraft und ewige Schlangenkraft" means "eternal flower power and eternal serpent power" and may allude to the conjoinment of cross and rose within the alchemical furnace. In this interpretation, the authors seem to suggest sexual magic as the secret or a secret of the Illuminati.
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 88: Europe was seen as a royal pain in the arse, a rival for U.S. attentions to neo-capitalist Russia. They should be left to build their own pathetic old world order without Freedom Fries while the U.S. would watch and sneer in the sidelines. The problem was that U.S. presence in Germany was no longer paying off and the Persian Gulf crisis showed how unreliable those fuckers were. Europe was discussing the European Community, the CSCE warming up relations with the Russkies. Gorbachev even proposed an all-European security council, in effect superseding the increasingly irrelevant NATO. Aargh!
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 278: Idealism is a tantalizing view of the nature of reality, in that it elegantly circumvents two arguably insoluble problems: the hard problem of consciousness and the combination problem. Insofar as dissociation offers a path to explaining how, under idealism, one universal consciousness can become many individual minds, we may now have at our disposal an unprecedentedly coherent and empirically grounded way of making sense of life, the universe and everything. The answer? 42.
xxx/ellauri169.html on line 43: Springmeier received a Masters in English from the University of Kansas. On January 31, 2002, Springmeier was indicted in the United States District Court in Portland, Oregon in connection with an armed robbery. He was imprisoned, and was released from federal prison on March 25, 2011. While in prison, he got a series of tooth implants courtesy of the government. Fritz the Cat seems to have gone off radar sometime in 2016. See also List of conspiracy theories.
xxx/ellauri169.html on line 143: 1938 -- Valtin äiti kuolee kaasumyrkytykseen. Isabelle onnistuu vetämään Eliaksen turvaan, mutta Waltin äiti kuolee. Walt got a call one day that there was a malfunction of the heating system in Elias and Flora Disney's house that the boys had had built with warp speed by studio workers who did not know what they did. Walt and Roy's parents had suffered carbon monoxide poisoning, and Flora died. Walt went to her funeral, and then immediately back to work. He never talked about the incident again. According to historians, cinema offered Walt a way to emote that he couldn't in his personal life. That's why there are no mothers in Disney cartoons. No fathers either except a bad'un, Zeke. Walt did not attend his father's funeral either. He was on vacation in South Africa.
xxx/ellauri169.html on line 184: Despite watching Disney movies and films many times, you may not realize that some characters, who you think are harmless, are actually villains. Alright, let’s find out the answer with the top 10 Disney Characters who are not as good as what you assume. Bah, boring. Minor sex offenders Peter Pan and Aladdin. I was expecting Mickey Mouse and Scrooge McDuck.
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 191: Merriam-Webster's Eleventh Collegiate Dictionary (2003) offers this fairly brief entry for blow as an intransitive verb in the intended sense:
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 414: While Mickey Mouse’s brain is far smaller than a human’s, it has essentially the same structures and operates in analogous ways,’ Thompson explained. ‘The prefrontal cortex acts as a kind of ‘executive office,’ controlling other parts of the brain. It makes decisions that determine how you will react. Memories of fear are stored in the amygdala, which codes them into signals and transmits those signals to the frontal cortex for action.
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 570: Why do you drink coffee and smoke cigarettes?
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 700: P.S. Richard* likes to live in relative anonymity in his own dreamtime and hence only his first name is used here. He is not accepting coffee invitations from believers. FAQ Richard*!
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 117: The standard line is that the 'deus' is Octavian. Interpretations of the First Eclogue have now come full circle. Much significant scholarship has centered around the problems inherent in an identification of the deus with Octavian. Some critics maintain that the poem is Virgil's thank-offering to Octavian for protection from land confiscation; others, though fewer in number, are equally as insistent that the eclogue expresses the poet's disapproval of his government´s land policy. A recent attempt has been made to unite the basic arguments of both sides into a more balanced statement. According to this interpretation Octavian is regarded as "having wrought both good and evil" in the past, but Virgil succeeds in revealing him to be "a savior, a force for good, and a source of hope for the future." To the contrary, I propose that an even stronger case can, and ought, be made that, in the First Eclogue, Virgil not only condemns the government land policy, but he also adroitly queries the very structure of Octavian's political program and ethic during this period.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 136: Quos ego är Lunds universitets studentkårers inofficiella motto.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 142: Neptune is angry with the winds, whom Juno released to start a storm and harass the Trojan hero and protagonist Aeneas. Neptune berates the winds for causing a storm without his approval, but breaks himself off mid-threat:
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 435: Bois mêmes, prouve, hélas ! que bien seul je m’offrais
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 781: Varustan tämän Varjon kaikilla tarinankertoja Hoffmannin Antonian lauluilla, Edgard Poën Ligéiasin intohimoisilla mystisyyksillä ja voimakkaan muusikon Wagnerin Venuksen kiihkeillä viettelyillä! Lopuksi, lunastaakseni olemuksesi, väitän pystyväni - ja todistamaan teille etukäteen jälleen kerran, että positiivisesti voin - tuoda esiin nykyisen ihmistieteen lieteestä olennon, joka on tehty meidän kuvaksemme, ja joka tulee olemaan meille, mitä me olemme Jumalalle. Eli miellyttävä panopuu, yhtä säveä kuin Ruth.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 805: Ja muista oleellinen parannus: tässä mallissa on on/off nappula, eli senkun nakkaat komeron perälle kun ei hozita!"
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 811: Eh bien, conclut Edison, puisqu’il est avéré que, d’ores et déjà, vous ne vivez qu’avec une Ombre, à laquelle vous prêtez si chaleureusement et si fictivement l’être, je vous offre, moi, de tenter la même expérience sur cette ombre de votre esprit extérieurement réalisée, voilà tout.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 882: - Vai niin ! elävä taideteos, vaippojamme lukuunottamatta, hänellä ei ole käyttöä terveyssiteille. ― Katso: Androidin mukana on vakiovarusteena raskas eebenpuuarkku, joka on pehmustettu mustalla satiinilla. Tämän symbolisen kotelon sisäpuoli on täsmälleen se naismuodon muotti, joka sen on tarkoitus ottaa. Tämä on hänen myötäjäiset. Ylälehdet avataan pienellä tähtimäisellä kultaavaimella, jonka lukko on sijoitettu yöpöydän alle. Eiku sinne vaan köyrimään. Muista kääntää äänet päälle on/off nappulasta.
xxx/ellauri174.html on line 122: Lordi Ewald kumarsi hieman: sitten kuin mies, jota janottaa, joi lasin sherryä, laittoi sen tyhjäksi pöydälle, heitti sammuneen sikarinsa alas, otti laatikosta uuden. Hadalyn tarjottimelta, valaisi sen rauhallisesti kirkkaaksi kukkaksi Edisonin esimerkin mukaisesti - sitten istuutui yhdelle jakkaralle norsunluusta ja odotti, että toinen tai toinen - isäntä tai emäntä - olivat valmiita vaivautumaan selvittämään asiaa. Mutta Hadaly oli jälleen kerran nojautunut mustaan pianoonsa ja off-asennossa.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 53: According to Athenaeus, Praxiteles produced two more statues for her, a statue of Eros which was consecrated in the temple of Thespiae and a statue of Phryne herself which was made of solid gold and consecrated in the temple of Delphi. It stood between the statues of Archidamus III and Philip II. When Crates of Thebes saw the statue he called it "a votive offering of the profligacy of Greece". Olipa nokkela setämies. Pausanias reports that two statues of Apollo stood next to her statue and that it was made of gilded bronze. Pausanias is almost certainly correct in his claim that gilded bronze was used. Kokokultaiset pazaat olis lähteneet jonkun turistin tai mamun kassissa.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 55: Athenaeus alleges she was so rich that she offered to fund the rebuilding of the walls of Thebes, which had been destroyed by Alexander the Great in 336 BC, on the condition that the words "Destroyed by Alexander, restored by Phryne the courtesan" be inscribed upon them. Neuvossetämiehet eivät suostuneet, vitun noloa. Diogenes Laërtius narrates a failed attempt Phryne made on the virtue of the philosopher Xenocrates. LOL. Xenocrates' pecker was not aroused. He was into boys.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 57: Havelock argues that the story of Phryne swimming naked in the sea is probably a sensationalized fabrication. Because Plutarch saw the statues in Thespiae and Delphi himself. Cavallini does not doubt their existence. She does think that the love between Praxiteles and Phryne was an invention of later biographers. Thebes was restored in 315 or 316 BC, but it is doubtful if Phryne ever proposed to rebuild its walls. Diodorus Siculus writes that the Athenians rebuilt the greater part of the wall and that Cassander provided more aid later. He makes no mention of Phryne's alleged offer.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 80: Simultaneously, extramarital relations with a free woman were severely dealt with. In the case of adultery, the cuckold had the legal right to kill the offender if caught in the act; the same went for rape. Female adulterers, and by extension prostitutes, were forbidden to marry or take part in public ceremonies. The average age of marriage being 30 for men, the young Athenian had no choice if he wanted to have sexual relations other than to turn to slaves or prostitutes. Poor sods.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 99: As with any industry, porn has its own specific lingo. But instead of sales stats, porn abbreviations describe males and twats. With the Adult Entertainment Expo in Vegas this week, our office has been buzzing with words that would normally taboo in the workplace. Some elicit giggles, others blank stares and still others furrowed eyebrows, flushed cheeks and the occasional fainting. Rather than calling The evil HR director to deal with the questionable vocab, which would probably just get us all scratched, we dove head first into oral, vaginal and anal research like Freud, Marx and Jung.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 217: Verse, sur les lointains mourants, ses tristes fêtes, veettynä, mikä proffien unohtama aamuluento
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 275: Ce baiser, ces parfums offerts et, le dirai-je ? Toi pusu, nää tuoxut ja, sanonko mä?
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 322: Victime lamentable à son destin offerte ! Uhrittuneen kohtalon säälittävä uhri!
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 880: Jordan was the faeces of the National Socialist Movement, which was later rebranded as the British Movement. The group campaigned to repatriate all immigrants of colour and for Jews to be shipped off to Israel. Jordan claimed that it was his group that invented the much publicised "If you want a nigger for a neighbour, vote Tory Liberal or Labour" slogan. Jordan was reportedly fined for stealing three pairs of red knickers from Tesco in 1975. Magistrates fined him £50 for the offence.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 883: We would encourage anyone who identifies with the topics raised in this article to reach out. Organisations who can offer support include Samaritans on 116 123 ( or Mind on 0300 123 3393 ( Readers in the US are encouraged to visit or the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
xxx/ellauri178.html on line 169: Finally, in the wagon both break down and confess their love to each other. The train takes off, and they part forever.
xxx/ellauri178.html on line 287: La famille adoptive de Genet lui offre l’éducation communale, une mère de lait douce et aimante et un environnement protégé. Selvä mammanpoika siis, kuten Peppukin.
xxx/ellauri178.html on line 319: Pooh, NONE of these deal with impotence of the pecker specifically. Hasn't the good book got ANY comforting words to offer? No wonder people get suicidal.
xxx/ellauri178.html on line 362: On 25 May 1901, Chekhov married Olga Knipper quietly, owing to his horror of weddings. She was a former protégée and sometime lover of Nemirovich-Danchenko whom he had first met at rehearsals for The Seagull. Up to that point, Chekhov, known as "Russia's most elusive literary bachelor," had preferred passing liaisons and visits to brothels over commitment. For the rest, he lived largely at Yalta, she in Moscow, pursuing her acting career. In 1902, Olga suffered a miscarriage; and Americans have offered evidence, based on the couple's letters, that conception may have occurred when Chekhov and Olga were apart, although Russian scholars have rejected that claim. Perhaps the semen was conveyed from Yalta to Moscow by snail mail.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 35: Get off my property! (Tevje, Fiddler on the Roof)
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 111: The novel tells the story of Richard Lamb, a young Englishman who marries a teenage Argentinian girl, Paquita, without asking her father's permission, and is forced to flee to Montevideo, Uruguay with his bride. Lamb leaves his young wife with a relative while he sets off for eastern Uruguay to find work for himself. He soon becomes embroiled in adventures with the Uruguayan gauchos and romances with local women. Toivottavasti se oli ympärileikattu ettei gonorrhea turvottanut nuppia. After the events of the story he was captured by Paquita's father and thrown into prison for three years, during which time Paquita herself died of grief.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 163: Okay, thanx Ernesto, you got your turn. Put back on your sissy nightgown, kick off the slippers and crawl to bed to nurse your stump.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 181: Whereas Hemingway wrote passionately about boxing and his own prowess, others, like Dempsey, saw something else. “There were a lot of Americans in Paris and I sparred with a couple, just to be obliging,” the Champ said. “But there was one fellow I wouldn’t mix it with. That was Ernest Hemingway. He was about twenty-five or so and in good shape, and I was getting so I could read people, or anyway men, pretty well. I had this sense that Hemingway, who really thought he could box, would come out of the corner like a madman. To stop him, I would have to hurt him badly, I didn’t want to do that to Hemingway. That’s why I never sparred with him.” Hemingway’s frequent sparring partner and fellow writer Morley Callaghan offered another sobering account of his training partner, saying, “we were two amateur boxers. The difference between us was that Ernie had given time and imagination to boxing; I had actually worked out a lot with good fast college boxers.” I had never seen Mr. Hemingway box, of course. But I will say this: the confidence of mediocre men is a fucking superpower. I have met many versions of this guy. Hell, I’ve sparred with the dude myself.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 197: It could be “the cod of the hunter,” or “the cod of the bullfighter,” or (most fittingly) “the cod of the sea.” It didn’t matter what cod one chose — just as long as it provided rules for living a life of rectitude and dignity in an otherwise meaningless universe. Bets are off about the outcome of a war, says Hem's cod, for instance.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 214: When he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954, he gave away the medal as a votive offering to “Our Lady of Cobre” in Havana.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 233: Of the 7 suicides that Mariel Hemingway is aware of in her family, 1 was of Ernest’s father, & 3 of his father’s 6 children (if one assumes that Hemingway did commit suicide). There still is no official decision–and there may never be–as to whether the death of the writer early Sunday from the blast of a 12-gauge shotgun had been an accident or suicide. However, the fact that Mr. Hemingway had been divorced would bar him from a Catholic Church funeral anyway. Catholic sources said there was nothing improper in a Catholic priest saying prayers at graveside.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 356: A short man half the size of Papa in blue seersuckers stepped towards him. As he walked, his left hand swung wide. The other grasped a blackthorn walking stick. “Christ you're big,” he said and his hand stuck out. He leaned his stick on the table and took off his porkpie hat. “Nick Adams,” he said and it sounded familiar. The light above the table flickered.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 504: When they came, Papa stood up and approached one of the officers. He frowned and Papa punched him in the stomach and said, “Hey, boy-o, there it is!” The younger officer looked alarmed but the first one assured him.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 510: “Papa, one grappa,” the older officer said. Papa was drunk but told Juice to pour them. Juice poured four glasses and the Americans held their glasses out as Juice poured. They drank slowly and the officers said they would not raise suspicion returning late.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 558: Nick Adams hoped Papa knew him or knew boxing or anything. He wanted to hear a reason not to kill the man. The band played fast and loud and the lights played off the horn man's saxophone. It was dark so the ever-changing light on the saxophone illuminated everyone's eyes.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 576: The horn man played from his heart. He played to their hearts. He raised a question and an answer and he gave a portrait of a man. The lights flickered off his horn and illuminated everyone's eyes except Nick Adams' looked black in the dark room.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 623: What evidence does Novick offer for the James-Holmes “affair”? Just two French words James uses in his long and vivid notebook entry recalling his early days in Boston, where his family settled in a brick house in Ashburton Place near the State House. The words are l’initiation première–“first initiation.” In the entry, James is writing generally of the “rite of passage” that inaugurated his literary career. He describes the strong emotions he felt at the assassination of Lincoln (on James’$2 22nd birthday); how he wept when Hawthorne died; and the dawning sense of freedom experienced after the war’s end. He mentions also his first book review on English novel-writing, published in the North American Review, whose editors paid him $12, praised his writing, and asked for more. He does mention Holmes, but only to describe a brief visit he made to Holmes’ mother to ask how her son was faring in England, and his own fierce envy of Holmes for traveling abroad while James remained at home.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 625: These larger emotions apparently do not touch the single-minded Novick. He is caught by l’initiation première. “The passage seems impossible to misunderstand,” he says. (For the full quote, which Novick does not provide,.) In a footnote, he asserts, “James had his sexual initiation in Cambridge and Ashburton Place.” A bit enigmatically, he also says, “[I]t would be fatal to expand on that in the book for which these are the [foot]notes.” We are left wondering why Novick thinks it would be “fatal” to have what would be a bit more evidence. And he still hasn’t named James’ partner. A sentence in which he appears to be rummaging around for explanations says that the companion “seems to be a veteran, an officer.” He adds, “Henry hinted he was Wendell Holmes.” But it is Novick who is doing the hinting. Holmes was a close friend of Henry’s brother, William. Henry looked at Holmes with a certain aloofness.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 646: Book II comprises a sort of mid-book idyll. The author offers it to us by way of contrast to the Paris scenes that went before. In this novel, Pamplona will serve as a kind of anti-Paris, semi-rural and organic where the City of Light is urban and decadent. The woods outside Burguete where Kake and Bill fish for trout are even more different from Paris, and the sense of tranquility that the fishing trip creates in them and us could not be more different from the freneticism of the novel's opening chapters.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 655: After leaving office, Bryan retained some of his influence within the Democratic Party, but he increasingly devoted himself to religious matters and anti-evolution activism. He opposed Darwinism on religious and humanitarian grounds, most famously in the 1925 Daytona monkey case, aka Scopes Trial. Since his death in 1925, Bryan has elicited mixed reactions from various commentators, but he is widely considered to have been one of the most influential figures of the anthropocenic era.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 820: Bishop Manning was a Bishop in New York City, who played a prominent role in World War I. Kake refers to him, when discussing his school life, and showing who he was surrounded by. In 1939-40, Manning took a leadership role in the successful effort to force the City University of New York to rescind their offer of a professorship to the philosopher Bertrand Russell.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 825: If by Pacifism is meant the teaching that the use of force is never justifiable, then, however well meant, it is mistaken, and it is hurtful to the life of our country. And the Pacifism which takes the position that because war is evil, therefore all who engage in war, whether for offense or defense, are equally blameworthy, and to be condemned, is not only unreasonable, it is inexcusably unjust. Sorry Christ, we gotta move on, that's how the cookie crumbles. Phil Roth's 2 Swedish sluts were just plain wrong, and so were you J.C.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 865: Through buyin’ supplies off ’er pa. kun ostin kamoja sen isältä.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 1038: That seemed to handle it. That was it. Send a girl off with one man. Introduce her to another to go off with him. Now go and bring her back. And sign the wire with love. That was it all right. I went in to lunch.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 92: Subsequent hearings and trial, in the words of Walter A. McDougall, "drove Reconstruction off the front pages for two and a half years" and became "the most sensational 'he said, she said' in American history". On October 31, 1873, Plymouth Church excommunicated Theodore Tilton for "slandering" Beecher. The Council of Congregational Churches held a board of inquiry from March 9 to 29, 1874, to investigate the disfellowshipping of Tilton, and censured Plymouth Church for acting against Tilton without first examining the charges against Beecher. As of June 27, 1874, Plymouth Church established its own investigating committee which exonerated Beecher.Tilton then sued Beecher on civil charges of adultery. The Beecher-Tilton trial began in January 1875, and ended in July when the jurors deliberated for six days but were unable to reach a verdict. In February 1876, the Congregational church held a final hearing to exonerate Beecher.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 98: In 1865, Robert E. Bonner of the New York Ledger offered Beecher twenty-four thousand dollars to follow his sister's example and compose a novel; the subsequent novel, Norwood, or Village Life in New England, was published in 1868. Beecher stated his intent for Norwood was to present a heroine who is "large of soul, a child of nature, and, although a Christian, yet in childlike sympathy with the truths of God in the natural world, instead of books." McDougall describes the resulting novel as "a New England romance of flowers and bosomy sighs ... 'new theology' that amounted to warmed-over Emerson". The novel was moderately well received by critics of the day.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 226: The details of Cyrus's death vary by account. The account of Herodotus from his Histories provides the second-longest detail, in which Cyrus met his fate in a fierce battle with the Massagetae, a tribe from the southern deserts of Khwarezm and Kyzyl Kum in the southernmost portion of the Eurasian Steppe regions of modern-day Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, following the advice of Croesus to attack them in their own territory. The Massagetae were related to the Scythians in their dress and mode of living; they fought on horseback and on foot. In order to acquire her realm, Cyrus first sent an offer of marriage to their ruler, the empress Tomyris, a proposal she rejected.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 228: He then commenced his attempt to take Massagetae territory by force (c. 529), beginning by building bridges and towered war boats along his side of the river Oxus, or Amu Darya, which separated them. Sending him a warning to cease his encroachment (a warning which she stated she expected he would disregard anyway), Tomyris challenged him to meet her forces in honorable warfare, inviting him to a location in her country a day's march from the river, where their two armies would formally engage each other. He accepted her offer, but, learning that the Massagetae were unfamiliar with wine and its intoxicating effects, he set up and then left camp with plenty of it behind, taking his best soldiers with him and leaving the least capable ones.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 290: Lowell was a conscientious objector during World War II and served several months at the federal prison in Danbury, Connecticut. He explained his decision not to serve in World War II in a letter addressed to President Franklin Roosevelt on September 7, 1943, stating, "Dear Mr President: I very much regret that I must refuse the opportunity you offer me in your communication of August 6, 1943 for service in the Armed Force." He explained that after the bombing at Pearl Harbor, he was prepared to fight in the war until he read about the American terms of unconditional surrender that he feared would lead to the "permanent destruction of Germany and Japan." Well as it turned out it wasn't as bad as that, but countless beautiful places were bombed beyond recognition. Lowell kept his Tolstoyan stance consistently in the subsequent wars as well. Even evil people have exceptional sane moments. Lowell thought he was Hart Crane reincarnate.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 299: Despite being warned, Warden risks prison when he starts seeing Holmes' wife Karen. Her marriage to Holmes is fraught with infidelity, exacerbated after the stillbirth of a child and Karen's subsequent infertility. Karen encourages Warden to become an officer which would enable her to divorce Holmes and marry him.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 301: Maggio is sentenced to the stockade after walking off guard duty and getting drunk, subjecting him to Judson's unqualified (and unauthorized) wrath. Prewitt discovers Lorene's name is really Alma and her goal is to make enough money at the club to go back to the mainland. Prewitt tells her his career is in the military, and the two wonder whether they have a future together.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 303: A sergeant named Galovitch, a member of Holmes' boxing team, picks a fight with Prewitt. The fight is reported to Holmes who observes without intervening. Holmes is about to punish Prewitt again, but when he is told that Galovitch started the fight, Holmes lets him off the hook. The regimental commander observes Holmes' conduct and, after an investigation, orders his resignation in lieu of a court martial. Holmes' replacement, Captain Ross, reprimands the other NCOs, demotes Galovitch to Private, and affirms that there will be no more promotions through boxing.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 307: Karen tells Warden that Holmes' resignation is forcing them back to the mainland, but Warden reveals he has no interest in becoming an officer, effectively ending their relationship.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 432: After Lord Olivier's death on July 11, 1989, aged 82, from neuromuscular disease and cancer, and his interment in Poet's Corner, Westminster Abbey, his official biographer, Terry Coleman, asked Mrs. Joan Plowright if he had had homosexual affairs. She replied robustly: "If he did, so what?"
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 762: dangerous powers, rather like Harry Potter. His words can have harsh consequences when he is angered or insulted, as when he shrivels up one boy for a quite insignificant act and strikes another dead for merely bumping into him. It is hard not to feel distaste at such stories, which seem so far removed from the Jesus of the canonical gospels, and one can even detect a degree of unease on the part of the author as he narrates them: while attempting to absolve Jesus from the blame, he more than once records the great offense which Jesus’ behavior caused, as well as the efforts of his parents to restrain him, as when Joseph asks Jesus: “Why do you do such things that these people must suffer and hate us and persecute us?” On another occasion Joseph tells Mary: “Do not let him go outside the door, for all those who provoke him die."
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 79: Rilke’s path was more circuitous. Born to a liberal family in Prague when Rodin was 35, the young Rilke was dressed as a girl by his mother and called “Sophie.” (His given name was actually René.) When he came of age, his parents sent him to a military academy in hopes that he might achieve the officer’s rank that eluded his father, but the students there saw him as “fragile, precocious and a moral scold”—qualities that linger with him throughout the book, until he emerges from Rodin’s shadow as a major writer.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 85: Another was Clara Westhoff, the sculptor whom Rilke would later marry and repeatedly abandon on his vocational wanderings around Europe.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 99: Born in 1875 in Prague, Rilke was until he was six or seven got up in skirts by his mother, who named him René and tried to console herself for the death of an infant daughter. By the time Rilke was ten, his disappointed romantic of a mother had left his father, a kindly but ineffectual minor railway official, who had spent some years in the Austrian army unsuccessfully seeking commission as an officer. Rilke's parents decided to send the young boy to military school, a prospect that stirred the father's hopes of turning his son into a soldier. LOL. Though he later claimed to have loathed military school, the young bohemian warmly absorbed the values of discipline, valor, and self-sacrifice into his ideal of the defiant artist-hero. He skillfully foiled his father's martial expectations, and lack of funds freed the aspiring poet from his family's next plans for him: law school. In fact, though he attended several universities, soaking up lectures on diverse subjects throughout his life, he never graduated from any of them. About such a practical matter as a sheepskin, the finest German lyricist since Goethe wrote as an adolescent, "And even if I never reach my Arts degree / I'm still a scholar, as I wished to be."
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 105: Rilke lived on the brink of poverty for much of his life, dependent on the good graces of aristocratic and haute-bourgeois patrons in the twilight of the Hapsburg Empire. His shaky situation, much as he complained of it, suited his temperament as well as did the black clothes he liked to parade in during his dandyish younger days in Prague. Like the great German mystics, Rilke was a confirmed solitary. Thus he sought to form emotional bonds with people more ardently than do those who take their desire to be with others for granted. Wandering from person to person and from place to place like a pilgrim, he found that patrons offered him, among more practical things, a potential shrine of emotional fulfillment.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 113: Yet to put the burden of salvation solely on relations between men and women is to make a life between stumbling, imperfect men and women impossible. Rilke had no illusions about the nature of his erotic and romantic ideal. It flowed out from and quickly ebbed back into an unappeasable inward intensity. Rilke could not love or be loved for long, except in the absence of the beloved. After a passionate affair with the brilliant and beautiful Lou Andreas-Salomé, Rilke's muse and cicerone on his Russian trips, he suffered pangs of rejection and then happily settled into a lifelong correspondence with her. He married the sculptress Clara Westhoff when he was twenty-five, lived with her and their child for a year, and then by agreement left to take up his pilgrimage again. Through periodic reunions, but mostly through a voluminous and extraordinary correspondence, they maintained what Rilke called an "interior marriage," until emotional reality banged louder and louder on their youthful experiment and they eventually grew estranged.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 131: One ugly phrase in a personal letter, for instance (out of a vast personal correspondence), referring to Franz Werfel as a "Jew-boy," and some murky generalities about Werfel's "Jewish attitude toward his work," do not an anti-Semite make. Rilke cherished the many Jews he knew, including Simmel; he enjoyed reading the Hasidic philosopher Martin Buber and steeped himself in Jewish Scripture, claiming that Judaism was closer than Christianity to God. He also remained a lifelong champion of Werfel's work. And a reader discovers buried deep in Freedman's footnotes that Rilke wrote the offending letter to the poet Hugo von Hoffmannsthal, a good friend and an important patron. Hoffmannsthal was also Jewish, and he shared Rilke's negative views on the superambitious Werfel, who emigrated to America and, in 1941, published The Song of Bernadette, a novel about a miracle at Lourdes. Freedman doesn't mention that about five months after Rilke wrote the letter to Hoffmannsthal, along with a nearly identical letter to his patron Princess Marie von Thurn und Taxis, Rilke again wrote similar letters to the two of them praising Werfel's poetry so exuberantly that they almost sound like retractions of his first letters.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 133: Why would an anti-Semite extol a Jewish poet to two of the most powerful and influential figures in Central European literary culture--to his own patrons? To paraphrase that great Jewish philosopher Thomas Aquinas, When you meet a contradiction, make a distinction. But Freedman builds from the surface contradiction. For Rilke, he writes, "a cultural and sometimes even a social anti-Semitism was part of daily existence." Yet aside from the letter to Hoffmannsthal, he offers no evidence for that litigable assumption, though he does inform us, with a smug and bizarre knowingness, that one of Rilke's Jewish lovers later died at Auschwitz.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 143: Throughout 600 pages Freedman gives us encounter after encounter between Rilke and the women in his life, in which the women are flawless angels and Rilke a consummate villain. If Rilke's dear friend the great German painter Paula Modersohn-Becker found herself trapped in a stifling marriage, Rilke was a traitor for not extricating her. If Lou Andreas-Salomé told the young Rilke to go off somewhere because one of her other lovers was coming to visit, Rilke's anger was the symptom of an unbalanced psyche.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 147: This is all ludicrously unfair. It's certainly unfair to say that Rilke didn't give the women he loved and who loved him the "choice to remove themselves for the sake of their art." He was in no position to give or deny freedom to his independent-minded wife, let alone to any woman of whom he was merely a lover. Only their passion, or admiration, or use for Rilke bound these women to the famous poet. Often ambitious artists themselves, Rilke's lovers expected him to introduce them into his heady artistic and intellectual circles and to help them with their careers. This he unfailingly did; in one case he helped the careers of a former lover's children by her husband. And he offered emotional succor long after the amorous flame had waned--not to mention demanding the same support for himself.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 180: In 2007 Caryn James, commenting on Not Remotely Controlled in the New York Times, said that "at their best, Siegel’s scattershot observations offer a kind of drive-by brilliance," but that he often "wildly overstates his case or ignores inconvenient evidence."
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 195: Getting to the point wasn’t exactly Rilke’s forte. It may not be fair to expect that of any poet, especially one born in 1875 and swimming in the currents of the Symbolists. Rilke’s flowery — and daresay twee — verses do not jibe with today’s tastes for cut-and-dry clarity, blasé irony, and Tweet-able brevity. But that’s precisely why Rilke is enjoying somewhat of a posthumous comeback. He offers what Twitter can’t.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 197: But why did aging Rodin in his 60s capture Rilke’s imagination at the turn of the last century? It’s hard to see at first. What made Rodin radical then is no longer radical today. In his “Self-Portrait” (1890), Rodin grimaces amidst rough marks. The picture emblematizes how Rodin heralded raw and unpolished sculptures that were strikingly modern. It was a breath of fresh air since most of early-19th-century sculpture was smooth, neoclassical, and to be harshly honest, predictably dainty. Charles Baudelaire lamented this nadir in 1846 when he wrote his provocative essay “Why Sculpture is Boring.” Rodin went on to prove Baudelaire wrong. He showed how sculpture could be modern with distorted, coarse, rough textures. Rodin knocked the idealized body off its pedestal. And the modern sculptors that came after him saw no reason to put it back.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 199: The pair first met outside Paris on Rodin’s country estate in September of 1902. Rilke, 26, took on a project as an art critic to write a German monograph on Auguste Rodin, at the time 61. Neither probably expected they would hit it off as much as they did. But long talks about art, and how to cultivate a work ethic bonded them together. Ten days into his initial stay on Rodin’s estate, Rilke wrote Rodin an affectionate letter confessing their dialogue’s intense effect. Rodin offered the young poet an open invitation to observe his studio for the next four months. During that time, Rilke not only gleaned insights for his monograph, but discovered how to be a better poet.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 296: In 1870, Pope Pius IX proclaimed Saint Joseph "Patron of the Universal Church". Joseph is also the unofficial patron of fighting communism. In 1889, Pope Leo XIII issued the encyclical Quamquam pluries in which he urged Catholics to pray to Joseph as patron of the church. This was in view of challenges facing the church, such as the growing depravity of morals in the young generation. He prescribed that every October, a prayer to Saint Joseph be added to the Rosary, with attached indulgences.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 388: Dietrich oli preussilaisen psykiatriperheen kermaperse kuopus, joka sai vapaan kasvatuxen ja päätti ize 14-vuotiaana ruveta papixi. Se väitteli teologian pikkutohtorixi 21-vuotiaana ja sai lisää oppia New Yorkin unitaareilta. Sen lahko "tunnustava kirkko" koitti tehdä sovintoa uuden ja vanhan testamentin välille. Nazit tahtoi yhdistää kaikki evankeeliset 1:ksi luteraanisexi (eli jutkuvastaisexi) valtiokirkoxi, mikä nazasi huonosti tunnustavien ansaintalogiikkaan. Eikä yläluokan Bonhofferit persulaahuxesta perustaneet muutenkaan. Kirjoituxessaan "Die Kirche und die Judenfrage" Dietrich koitti varovasti perustella että juutalaiset ovat oikeastaan ganz in Ordnung, ainakin kastetut. Tämän ja kaikenlaisen muun hangoittelun takeen nazit lopulta pani sen kiven sisään miettimään tyhmyyttään.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 570: “Our concern and solidarity is first with victims of harassment, and with the right of all staff and students to work in a healthy and safe environment,” the letter said. “And while we also recognize the possibility of rehabilitation, it can only be at the end of a process that begins with an acknowledgement of the offense, and taking responsibility for the harm caused.”
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 112: Paska poliisisarja Lewis (alla) tekee mieluusti lattapäisiä alluusioita Shakespeareen kert ollaan Oxfordissa. Läxynsä lukenut britti voi ennakoida kuka oli murhaaja. Morsetusta, ristisanan ratkontaa. Tuli mieleen et onxtää Gordimerin Duncan kans joku vinkki Macbethiin. Luin kai sen samalla kuin muutkin Billin kootut, mutten yhtään muista plottia. Palaan astialle ehkä myöhemmin. Tässä dekkarissa whodunit is clear but who's to blame is still open for endless heartsearching and argument. Onko Dunkin's donut todellinen syyllinen? The coon is trying to lay the blame at the donut's door. Like Bill blamed Lady Macbeth. If Ms. A gets Mr. B to commit murder both may get off easier. One did not do it and the other did not plan it.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 375: On her first day working for Mr. Carlson, Ms. Grossberg said she discovered the office was decorated with large pictures of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wearing a plunging swimsuit. She said she was once called into the top producer’s office to be asked whether Ms. Bartiromo was having a sexual relationship with the House Republican leader, Kevin McCarthy.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 441: Poliisi Morsen siikvelihäiskästä, rumasti leukojaan repivästä Lewisistä tulee mieleen moukkamainen Kjell Westö. Sen muka pappipudokas sivuvaunu näyttää nazilta. Tyypillistä että roiston piti olla Fieldsin mitalilla keekoileva Oxfordin professori ja vitun äveriäät Kimi Räikköset onkin puhtoisia pulmusia. Nää sarjat on kalibroitu moukille. 6, 28, 486, 8128 ovat täydellisiä lukuja. Tässäkin kohtaa oikastiin reippaasti, Euleria ei edes mainittu. Eihän kumikaulaa täydelliset luvut kiinnosta vaan kuka oli murhaaja. Wokunnäköinen apumies pakattiin litattuna takaluukkuun. Proffa oli vähän loukkaantunut siitä et ylimielinen (ja tietysti amerikkalainen) pimu oli löytänyt virheen sen todistuksesta. Tyttö piti siis nirhata. Vähän tänkin sarjan käsikirjoittajat tajuavat tieteestä ja matemaatikoista, mutta sitä enemmän laahuxen mielenkiinnon kohteista.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 462: Perhaps it is time to get the chips off the shoulders and settle down to what we have to offer.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 577: Den som inte halvan tar, han heller inte helan får, sjung hoffadirallanrej!
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 596: But it’s not just the imaginary humiliations. There’s just something off-putting about deciding that two bodies of work are of exactly equal merit. I’m all for the notion that literature is such a varied seascape that it’s impossible to get your bearings, let alone arrange things in order; and I’m comfortable with the idea that, of course, some writers are better than others. But once the scorekeeping gets specific, it just feels wrong. What’s better, Guernica or Citizen Kane? The Velvet Underground and Nico or really good Mexican food? The Great Gatsby or your best friend in high school? These are ridiculous questions, and the fairest answer—ladies and gentlemen, it’s a tie!—somehow muddies all the contestants, even the enchiladas.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 726: What about human rights of murderers, rapists and child molesters? GBV is the way to go. Publicly shaming offenders guilty of child abuse would be shameful. Heavy fines don’t do that, prison sentences are no punishment for many — free board and lodging for a while and then back home to continue your life of violence and abuse. Alex suggests the pillory. You may laugh. It’s a comical medieval form of punishment. But think about it.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 747: Alarmingly, only 90 countries retain the death penalty in their legislation. As a result of the continued use of capital punishment in several countries, it is estimated that just 690 people were executed in 2018. It´s just a drop in the ocean. In terms of alternatives proposed, the report said other common non-custodial sanctions include flogging by a probation officer, electrocution, house arrest, verbal sanctions, economic sanctions and monetary penalties, confiscation of property, restitution to a victim, participation in rehabilitation programmes and community service orders. None of this really works.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 810: According to van Niekerk, one can argue with the philosopher Immanuel Kant, who “exemplifies a pure retributivism about capital punishment: murderers must die for their offense, social consequences are wholly irrelevant, and the basis for linking the death penalty to the crime is ‘the Law of Retribution,’ the ancient maxim”, the law of retaliation (an eye for an eye), “rooted in ‘the principle of equality’”. (I THOUGHT Kant sucked, and he does!)
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 823: Rather, the death penalty has a paradoxical “imitative effect” on potential murderers: “It sets an official governmental example that killing someone is a proper way to resolve feelings of resentment and to take revenge”. And what the fuck, you can as well hang for 10 murders given you have committed 1.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 834: The current criminal justice system defines offender accountability as taking punishment, while restorative justice defines it as assuming responsibility and taking action to repair harm. We must work hard to repair South Africa, and not just loiter around for free bananas like the listless blacks or lazy about drinks in hand like the indolent rich whiteys.
xxx/ellauri195.html on line 316: Henry VIII did not get divorced, he just had his wives´ heads chopped off when he got tired of them. That´s a good way to get rid of a woman - no alimony. Ted Turner
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 106: Just Argument: “What if he should have a radish shoved up his ass because he trusted you and then have hot ashes rip off his hair? What argument will he be able to offer to prevent himself from having a gaping-anus?”
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 111: The goal of the insertion of the radish––which at that time was likely larger; more like a black radish (retikka) rather than the red round radish of today––was as O’Bryhim (2017: 326) posits, in order to give the offender the condition of a εὐρύπρωκτος (a “roomy anus”).
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 321: The sire of gods and men smiled and answered, “If you, Juno, were always to support me when we sit in council of the gods, Neptune, like it or no, would soon come round to your and my way of thinking. If, then, you are speaking the truth and mean what you say, go among the rank and file of the gods, and tell Iris and Apollo lord of the bow, that I want them—Iris, that she may go to the Achaean host and tell Neptune to leave off fighting and go home, and Apollo, that he may send Hector again into battle and give him fresh strength; he will thus forget his present sufferings, and drive the Achaeans back in confusion till they fall among the ships of Achilles son of Peleus. Achilles will then send his comrade Patroclus into battle, and Hector will shaft him in front of Ilius after he has shafted many warriors, and among them my own noble son Sarpedon. Achilles will shaft Hector to avenge Patroclus, and from that time I will bring it about that the Achaeans shall persistently drive the Trojans back till they fulfil the counsels of Minerva and take Ilium. But I will not stay my anger, nor permit any god to help the Danaans till I have accomplished the desire of the son of Peleus, according to the promise I made by bowing my head (after shafting her) on the day when Thetis touched me between my knees and besought me to give him honour.”
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 889: She has published over 50 books of children’s poetry and appeared on radio and television. Judith likes to start her poems off by writing on green paper with a 2B pencil.
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 1061: Writing in The Guardian, the political journalist Gaby Hinsliff described Strange Death as "gentrified xenophobia" and "Chapter after chapter circles around the same repetitive themes: migrants raping and murdering and terrorising; paeans to Christianity; long polemics about how Europe is too ´exhausted by history´ and colonial guilt to face another battle, and is thus letting itself be rolled over by invaders fiercely confident in their own beliefs", while also pointing out that Murray offers little definition of the European culture he claims is under threat. Pankaj Mishra´s review in The New York Times described the book as "a handy digest of far-right clichés". In The Intercept, Murtaza Hussain criticized the "relentlessly paranoid tenor" of Murray´s work and said that its claims of mass crime perpetuated by immigrants were "blinkered to the point of being propaganda", while noting the book´s appeal to the far right. In Middle East Eye, Georgetown professor Ian Almond called the book "a staggeringly one-sided flow of statistics, interviews and examples, reflecting a clear decision to make the book a rhetorical claim that Europe is doomed to self-destruction".
xxx/ellauri200.html on line 188: Writing in The New York Review of Books about Naipaul in 1980, Joan Didion offered the following portrayal of the writer:
xxx/ellauri200.html on line 325: When I said I didn't know, he laughed it off.
xxx/ellauri200.html on line 412: Unfortunately, if a person does decide to send money, it will soon be followed up with a request for more. According to the subsequent emails sent by the scammer, unexpected costs are often discovered, such as increased taxes or bribes to officials. The scammers will continue to ask for money as long as the victim will send it. Needless to say, there will never be any kind of payout sent to the victim, regardless of how much they send.
xxx/ellauri200.html on line 670: weave tissues gilded by the far-off day Joissa on kuvia paremmasta ajasta,
xxx/ellauri201.html on line 123: Karl Stig-Erland Larsson, inofficiellt Stieg Larsson, född 15 augusti 1954 i Skelleftehamn, Västerbotten, död 9 november 2004 i Stockholm, var en svensk journalist och författare. Stig-Erland är känd för sin romansvit Millennium (Män som hatar kvinnor (2005), Flickan som lekte med elden (2006) och Luftslottet som sprängdes (2007)), som filmatiserats i både Sverige och USA. Romansviten utgavs efter Stigs död i hjärtinfarkt 2004.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 214: Anatole France se marie en 1877 avec Valérie Guérin de Sauville, petite-fille de Jean-Urbain Guérin, un miniaturiste de Louis XVI, dont il a une fille, Suzanne (1881-1918). Elle épousa en 1901 le capitaine Henri Mollin, officier d'ordonnance du général André et protagoniste de la retentissante Affaire des Fiches, puis Michel Psichari (1887-1917), petit-fils d'Ernest Renan. Il confie souvent sa fille, dans son enfance, à Mme de Martel (qui écrivait sous le nom de Gyp), restée proche à la fois de lui-même et de Mme France.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 266: This is not a picture of a man in control. This is the posture of a man close to losing everything. He was always shoulders back, head held high. Now he is shoulders front, head held low. He looks like me at the principles office waiting for the punishment. Only it is us Yankees and our NATO cowboys dealing out the punishment in his case!
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 269: I got lots of time for plan B. Find another planet to rip off, for instance. Everybody is expectantly looking up to Elon Musk, a better Russian.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 357: First off, it should be noted that according to traditional Jewish law, a person’s Jewish status is passed down through the mother.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 373: Shortly after the meeting, an official register of Jews in Graz was apparently launched. Based on this evidence, Sax concluded that the official acknowledgment of the Jewish community in Graz in 1856 had been the result of an increasing Jewish presence in the city. As such, Sax argued, Jewish people had likely already been living there before 1856.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 453: Koko liuta keropäitä tulee luetelluxi: Molli-Jori, fig Newton, Imi Cunt, pelokas Petilt Pascalle, pyssy-Peggy ja luihu Claudel. Eipä huisin vakuuttavaa sori vaan. Mumslimistuneiden opiskelijattarien hunnuista tulee Michelille mieleen Nouvelle Heloise ja sen munaton Abelard. Polygynismi ei ole vahinko vaan Allahin ja hänen profeettansa Darwinin nimtuten tarkoitus, että vain parhaat koiraat pääsee levittämään siementä. Kuten esim ja erit humanistiproffat. Jepu jee! Muhammed ei liioin sunkaan ize kexinyt kivitystä, se vain sofistikoizi sitä. Sekin on osa Allahin suurta suunnitelmaa. Mut on parempi ettei lue Koraania ize, on se sen verran paxua pahansuopaa jollotusta. Parhaiten Mikin vakuutti Ernst Rüdigerin 4 vaimoa, eri tarkoituxiin soveltuvina.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 615: Retired porn actor Randy West oli hölmön näköinen kaveri. On kai se hölmö vieläkin vaikka on jo retardi. Se on Piki Zillesin ikätoveri. In August 1980 he garnered attention when he became the first model to appear in the centerfold of Playgirl magazine with an erection. He was Robert Redford 's body double in a film where a couple's marriage is disrupted by a stranger's offer of a million dollars for the wife to spend the night with him. It stars Robert Redford, Demi Moore, and Woody Harrelson. It received mostly negative reviews, but was a box-office success, grossing nearly $267 million worldwide on a $38 million budget. West has never married or fathered children, which he blames on his career for making it hard for him to form "normal relationships." As of 2013, he spends his time competing in celebrity golf tournaments for charity. Rikullakaan ei ole lapsia. Se nai kyllä kovasti mutta muuta annettavaa ei sillä ole. Tässä episodissa teemoina ovat EAT! ja FUCK!. KILL! on mukana vaan tausta-ajatuxena: ellei tule lasta ei kohta tule enää paskaakaan.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 898: Antti ja Taru on ikäänkö vaihtaneet sukupuolta. Olikohan Annikalla tollasia muu-skizoja? Ainaskin sillä toisella kolholla kynäilijättärellä oli, sillä loistavalla Helenalla. Paasaava luonne joka kynäili tylsähköjä kirjoja. Jonkun pystymezän hourulan johtajatar. Hirvee kasa adoptoituja lapsia. Sitten minut määriteltiin tytöxi. Se oli Veronica Pimenoff.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1038: Speaking of which, German police believe the convicted paedophile, 45, abducted and killed Madeleine McCann, 3, in Portugal in 2007. Following tip-offs from German police, in April 2021 authorities in Paraguay targeted Christian Manfred Kruse, 59, a German national thought to be behind the sick network. At the same time German cops arrested three other men linked to a paedo ring. They include cook Andreas G, 40, unemployed Fritz Otto K, 64, and Alexander G, 49, who allegedly acted as an administrator and forum moderator for the ring. Boystown was internationally oriented, had chat areas in different languages and served the worldwide exchange of images, documenting the sexual abuse of children. Experts then set about analysing all the computer data, including 5,000 IP addresses, which had exchanged sickening pornographic images and videos of children being abused to around 400,000 members. Idris started prophecying at age 40, and so did Mohammed. Mohammed´s youngest wife was just 9. The Daily Telegraph described the disappearance of Madeleine "the most heavily reported missing-person case in modern history".
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1059: Atra-Hasis boards the boat with his family and animals, then seals the door. The storm and flood begin, and even the gods are afraid. After seven days, the flood ends and Atra-Hasis offers sacrifices to the gods. Enlil is furious with Enki for violating his oath, but Enki denies doing so: "I made sure life was preserved." In conclusion, Enki and Enlil agree on other means for controlling the human population, like global warming.
xxx/ellauri212.html on line 192: in Japanese bukkake videos, female performers are frequently dressed as office ladies or in school uniforms, and they are being humiliated, whereas women in Western-style bukkake videos are portrayed as enjoying the scene.
xxx/ellauri212.html on line 194: American editor and publisher Russ Dick, quoting a sexologist, states that men enjoy a "sense of release about sex", something that on watching other men ejaculate provides. The viewer while jerking off by hand identifies with the ejaculating men, experiencing a sense of vicarious pleasure.
xxx/ellauri212.html on line 277: När toffslärkorna vakna, så börjen att meja ert skifte,
xxx/ellauri212.html on line 369: Samaan aikaan mustaihoisten ja latinoiden määrä on huolestuttavasti kasvanut, kertoo Medical News Today. Ruozi meni perässä rahtaamalla maahan laivalasteittain vessanpesijöitä joille ei löytynyt riittävästi pestävää. Näät ruozalaiset eivät enää syö yhtä paljon mandelpotatisar kuin ennen. Warum scheissen die Deutschen soviel? Weil sie soviel Kartoffeln essen. Tämän luki Knupo vessan seinästä Kielissä. Eräs rakkaimpia muistojani Simosta.
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 143: In 1961 Roth visited Bernard Malamud in Oregon. Roth was still in his twenties and had just published his first book of stories, Goodbye, Columbus. Malamud was almost 50 and one of the most famous writers in America. This meeting was immortalised in one of Roth’s greatest books, The Ghost Writer. In this 1979 work, a young writer, Nathan Zuckerman, visits EI Lonoff, a first-generation immigrant modelled on Malamud, who found a new voice for Jewish-American literature. He had found a voice but, more importantly, he had a subject: “life-hunger, life-bargains, and life-terror”—a Jewish experience rooted in the traumas of east Europe and Russia.
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 149: Hölmö Hope silittää Lonoffia myötäkarvaan kuin Tiina Salmi Jönsiä, kunnes hermot pettää ja alkaa tiskit lennellä. She can glue this. Vaimo osas liimata kaiken muttei osannut tehdä artistimiestä onnellisexi. Mitä vittua.
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 152: Kekäs se tää Lonoff niikö oli? Ilmeisesti Bernard Malamud. Lonoff was, according to Morris Dickstein, “based on Malamud” (Dickstein 189) and, according to Louis Harap, “a transparent representation of Bernard Malamud” (Harap 146). Berny taisi tosiaan olla tollanen anaalinen vaimonpetturi, itki nussiessaan nubiileja coedejä.
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 159: Isaak Emmanuilovitš Babel oli venäläinen näytelmäkirjailija ja novellisti. Babel syntyi juutalaiseen perheeseen Ukrainassa Odessassa aikana, jolloin juutalaiset pakenivat joukoittain Venäjältä. Hän selvisi vuoden 1905 vainoista kristittyjen naapurien avulla mutta menetti hötäkässä isoisänsä. Tostakohan ne etukirjaimet Lonoffille tulevat. Babel käytti liikaa adjektiiveja.
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 206: Oh, Berny, I want to live with you! That's what I need! The millions won't do it-it's you! I want to go home to Europe with you. Listen to me, don't say no, not yet. This summer I saw a small house free, a stone villa up on a hillside. It was outside Florence. I had a pink tile roof and a garden. I got the phone number and I wrote it down. I still have it. Oh, everything beautiful that I saw in Italy made me think of how happy you could be there - how happy I would be there looking after you. I thought of the trips we'd make, I thought of the afternoons in the museums and having coffee later by the river. I thought of listening to music together at night I thought of making your meals. I thought of wearing lovely nightgowns to bed. And best of all (though Phil left this out): mieti miten huokaisen vienosti kun ähkäisten iltaisin työnnät pitkäxi venähtäneen pinokkionnenäsi sieraimia myöden turkissomisteiseen skulausvihkooni!
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 370: That was only a pretext for a way of life he rejects. He rejected it in Chechnya and Syria (where men wear skirts) and he rejects liberal democracy at every turn and he saw Ukraine moving in that direction. And to top it off, Putin yearns for respect and wants to be seen as a great leader although he is shorter than me, in shorts or without. He thought he could do exactly the same thing in Ukraine as he did with Georgia, Chechnya and Crimea. But no, this time is different, we Westerners really want Ukraina."
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 417: At age sixteen, Amina was named Magajiya (heir apparent), and was given forty female slaves (kuyanga). From an early age, Amina had a number of suitors attempt to marry her. Attempts to gain her hand included "a daily offer of ten slaves" from Makama and "fifty male slaves and fifty female slaves as well as fifty bags of white and blue cloth" from the Sarkin Kano.
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 119: The United States started Gulf War Number 2 on March 26, 2003. The highest US officials had assured a nervous public at home and abroad that their "surgical operation" would have US troops in Baghdad in a week. Because Iraqis hated Saddam with the same or more venom than George W. Bush, they would throw out the welcome mat for their US, British and Aussie liberators.
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 123: So, the government which was supposed to fall didn’t. As a result, Iraq’s little boys and girls and men and women of all ages didn’t shower kisses on US troops as they freed successive cities and finally Baghdad. During this piece of cake triumph, the "coalition forces" might lose a few troops to accidents and friendly fire like in Grenada, Bosnia and even Afghanistan, but the Iraqis wouldn’t really fight. Thus, we would not have a serious casualty count on our side and attribute a limited number of Iraqi civilian deaths to the cause of freedom itself. The United States would show off the tens of thousands of cowardly Iraqi POWs who surrendered without firing a shot.
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 150: Ralph was the inspiration for the animated character Fred Flintstone. Alice (née Alice Gibson), played in the first nine skits from 1951 to January 1952 by Pert Kelton, and by Audrey Meadows for all remaining episodes, is Ralph's patient but sharp-tongued wife of 14 years. She often finds herself bearing the brunt of Ralph's tantrums and demands, which she returns with biting sarcasm. She is levelheaded, in contrast to Ralph's pattern of inventing various schemes to enhance his wealth or his pride. She sees his schemes' unworkability, but he becomes angry and ignores her advice (and by the end of the episode, her misgivings almost always prove correct). She has grown accustomed to his empty threats—such as "One of these days, POW!!! Right in the kisser!", "BANG, ZOOM!" or "You're going to the Moon!"— to which she usually replies, "Ahhh, shaddap!" Alice runs the finances of the Kramden household, and Ralph frequently has to beg her for money to pay for his lodge dues or crazy schemes. Alice studied to be a secretary before her marriage and works briefly in that capacity when Ralph is laid off. Wilma Flintstone is based on Alice Kramden.
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 295: Penn was born and raised in Atlanta. She started her company in 2008 at the age of 8. She spoke at the TEDWomen event in San Francisco, which was streamed live on She has done 2 official TEDTalks and 1 TEDxxxTalk. Penn is also an animator and artist, drawing cartoon characters from an early age. She is the creator of an animated series called The Pollinators which focuses on the importance of birds and bees and other pollinators like men. She premiered a clip of The Pollinators and another animated series called Malicious Dishes at TEDWomen 2013. What a dish!
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 326: Fischer: Yes this is all wonderful news, it is time that the fucking Jews get their heads kicked in. It's time to finish off the US once and for all. ...Everybody knows how you ... how you..uh
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 338: You have to go back to the root of history of the country, look at the history of the country. Get something for nothing. Take and kill. Rob the country, they don't come in a civilized manner and say we like to marry your women, and so on. No, they take your land and they kill you off. That's the history of the US. Why did the white man not come to America, like in a civilized manner, preaching freedom of religion, say we like to come here. We like to assimilate, we like to marry your women. But no, we take your land and kill you off , right? Bring over slaves from Africa. That's the history of the United States. A despicable country, you know. Even as a boy I never had the slightest interest in the history of the US, I knew their was something rotten in Denmark.
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 430: A race riot took place in Harlem, New York City, on August 1 and 2 of 1943, after a white police officer, James Collins, shot and wounded Robert Bandy, an African American soldier; and rumors circulated that the soldier had been killed. The riot was chiefly directed by Black residents against white-owned property in Harlem. It was one of five riots in the nation that year related to Black and white tensions during World War II. The others took place in Detroit; Beaumont, Texas; Mobile, Alabama; and Los Angeles.
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 447: WW wrote: “There are 10,000 sanitation workers in New York City. They are asking for a $12 a week raise in pay. The total cost to the city would be about $6 million a year. … Last fall a little group of bankers convinced the city it needed ‘better subways’ and got a referendum passed to spend $2.5 billion for these allegedly better means of transport. This clique of bankers will supply the $2.5 billion of other people’s money for a price. They will rake off $125 million in tax-free interest each year for themselves and the city will pay it. That’s 21 times the $6 million the sanitation workers are asking for. And these bankers would never have to lift a garbage pail!”
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 461: When the strike was finally settled, the union won a wage increase above the city’s offer: double-time pay for Sunday work and a 2.5 percent increase in the city’s contribution to their pension funds. Most of all, this was a victory for dignity and respect for the sanitation workers and for labor solidarity.
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 470: On the first day of the Memphis strike, the Memphis Press-Scimitar wrote: “The country has been astonished at the garbage mess in New York, but it might have known that the trouble there was catching. Memphis Public Works officials said flatly that the trouble here was triggered by the developments which brought the New York strikers pay increases.”
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 137: David Walsh of World Socialist Web Site wrote: "The 'hope' now Moore expresses near the conclusion of the work that we might 'get rid of the whole rotten system that gave us Donald Trump' is empty and meaningless, in so far as he continues to support one of the principal props of that rotten system, the Democratic Party. Whatever occasional insights and striking imagery it might offer, Fahrenheit 11/9 is false and dishonest at its core."
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 345: Ok, I tried. This novella is only about 100 pages long, but I got 10 pages in and I'm just not in any way interested. He's not Chinese, but he sort of looks like he's Chinese, so he goes to China for five years, but returns to Chicago to be near a woman he hasn't seen in 15 years because he's never been able to stop thinking about her, but then he's told he looks like he's Japanese, and gosh that's true! so he cuts his hair to look more Japanese, and he goes to a dinner party with rich people, then runs into the woman he's been pining over for 15 years and doesn't recognize her, and I just couldn't go any further. Another one off my shelf!
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 513: Dude, Where's My Car? is a 2000 American boner comedy film directed by Danny Lipsanen. The film stars Jared Kutshner and Sean Penn (just back from Ukraine: Zelensky was not at home) as two best friends who find themselves unable to remember where they parked their vehicle after a night of recklessness. Supporting cast members include some busty chicks as usual. Though the film was banned by most critics, it was a box office success and has managed to achieve a cult status, partially from frequent airings on cable television. The film's title became a minor pop culture saying, and was commonly reworked in various pop cultural contexts during the 2000s. Release date December 15, 2000. Budget $13 million. Box office $73.2 million.
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 524: After Pierre releases the duo for correctly answering a question about ostriches, Fred and Barney head over to a local arcade named Captain Stu's Space-O-Rama. Once inside, they encounter Zoltan and his cultists who give them Wilma and Betty in exchange for a toy that Fred and Barney later on (see below) try to pass off as the Transfunctioner. Tommy, Christie, and the jocks arrive along with Nelson and his dog, whom they release after Tommy snatches the fake Transfunctioner from Zoltan. The two sets of aliens arrive and notify everyone of the real Continuum Transfunctioner: a Rubik's Cube that Barney has been working hard to solve. He then solves it on the spot, causing the device to shapeshift into its true form. The boys are warned that once the five girls stop flashing, the universe will be destroyed.
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 609: Ingmar Guandique, an undocumented immigrant from El Salvador, was convicted of Levy’s murder in 2010 and sentenced to 60 years in prison, but his conviction was later overturned and a retrial ordered earlier last year. The U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia dismissed all charges against Guandique in July after the office concluded that "it can no longer prove the murder case against Mr. Guandique beyond a reasonable doubt."
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 612: "I saw her one time outside the office, at a restaurant, and she came by my condo once," Condit said of Levy, who was from his congressional district. "Maybe twice. Yeah, I think it was twice she came by."
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 615: CNN reported that the married father-of-two admitted to the alleged affair during initial police investigations. The outlet also reported that officials matched Gary to DNA collected from Chandra’s undergarments in her home.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 310: Other social structures are examined in works such as the story cycle Four Ways to Forgiveness, and the short story "Old Music and the Slave Women", occasionally described as a "fifth way to forgiveness". Set in the Hainish universe, the five stories together examine revolution and reconstruction in a slave-owning society. According to above mentioned Rochelle, the stories examine a society that has the potential to build a "truly human community", made possible by the Ekumen´s recognition of the slaves as human beings, thus offering them the prospect of freedom and the possibility of utopia, brought about through revolution. Slavery, justice, and the role of women in society are also explored in Anals of the Western Shore.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 325: Of course, Le Guin was writing daring stories decades before me, stories of women who loved women, of four-person marriages, of people without gender. Her stories offered possibilities that most of society hadn’t even imagined in the late 1960s; I knew she must have faced similar societal disapproval. So I wanted to know why she faded to black for her sex scenes. “There Arrad took me into his arms and I took Arrad into my arms, and then between my legs, and fell upward, upward through the golden light.” (“Coming of Age in Karhide”) There was plenty of sex in her books – sometimes tremendously important sex — but Le Guin didn’t dwell on the details. In fact her sex scenes were prudish and infinitely boring.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 351: Although God was out of the picture, a spiritual hunger remained. For a time, when he was friends for a brief stint with an elderly Gershom Scholem, he was intrigued by mysticism, hopeful it might offer him something the Jewish God did not. He often said he was appalled by the very notion of Yahweh, whom he described as an “uncanny, dangerous, altogether outrageous God,” who seemed to take a perverse pleasure in appearing when he was least needed and disappearing when he was needed most.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 353: In his newest book, “Possessed by Memory: The Inward Light of Criticism,” Bloom promised to shake off the polemical battles that have shadowed him for years. He pledged to include never-revealed autobiographical snippets. He wanted to share with his readers his recent reevaluations of some of his most beloved writers. He only partially delivers.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 372: About Shakespeare, however, Bloom is nothing short of reverential: “My religion is the appreciation of high literature. Shakespeare is the summit. Revelation for me is Shakespearean or nothing.” He admits that much about the Bard still bewilders him. In a moment of rare vulnerability, Bloom admits he longs for more life. Bloom explains his theory of “self-otherseeing,” which allows one to glimpse parts of one’s self that are hidden from conscious view. “Self-otherseeing” also describes “the double-consciousness of observing our own actions and offerings as though they belong to others and not to ourselves.” Bloom insists that Shakespeare’s characterizations of Hamlet, Iago, Cleopatra and Falstaff use “self-othering,” and by watching them we inadvertently learn to think more seriously about ourselves. But he doesn’t show us how this has applied to him, only the declaration that it does so. We are left mystified and dubious.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 394: Crane returned to New York in 1928, living with friends and taking temporary jobs as a copywriter, or living off unemployment and the charity of friends and his father. For a time he lived in Brooklyn at 77 Willow Street until his lover, Opffer, invited him to live in Opffer´s father´s home at 110 Columbia Heights in Brooklyn Heights. Crane was overjoyed at the views the location afforded him. He wrote his mother and grandmother in the spring of 1924:
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 400: His ambition to synthesize America was expressed in The Bridge (1930), intended to be an uplifting counter to Eliot's The Waste Land. The Brooklyn Bridge is both the poem's central symbol and its poetic starting point. He kinda wanted to pick up where Wilt with is Brooklyn Ferry got off the boat.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 404: In Paris in February 1929, Harry Crosby, who with his wife Caresse Crosby owned the fine arts press Black Sun Press, offered Crane the use of their country retreat, Le Moulin du Soleil in Ermenonville. They hoped he could use the time to concentrate on completing The Bridge. Crane spent several weeks at their estate where he roughed out a draft of the "Cape Hatteras" section, a key part of his epic poem. In late June that year, Crane returned from the south of France to Paris. Crosby noted in his journal, "Hart C. back from Marseilles where he slept with his thirty sailors and he began again to drink Cutty Sark." Crane got drunk at the Cafe Select and fought with waiters over his tab. When the Paris police were called, he fought with them and was beaten. They arrested and jailed him, fining him 800 francs. After Hart had spent six days in prison at La Santé, Crosby paid Crane´s fine and advanced him money for the passage back to the United States, where he finally finished The Bridge. The work received poor reviews, and Crane´s sense of failure became crushing. He had completely and irrevocably FAILED!
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 632: I en sinnesförvirring som man gärna ville hoppas vara övergående, men dock har anledning att frukta som ett varsel om andra tider, har folk ryckts med att hylla olyckans offer som hjältar och tillbedja det röda vilddjuret. ... Vi blotta också våra huvuden för kapten Mesterton och hans kamrater, som i ett prövande ögonblick icke sveko sin säkert då mycket tunga plikt. Och en av Sveriges i dessa dagar mest hatade och skymfade män bringar vi ett ärligt tack. Det finns ännu svenskar som icke se rött. „
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 648: Vid en arbetskonflikt vid Graningekoncernen i Ångermanland tillkallade arbetsgivaren ett sextiotal frivilliga stuveriarbetare för att utföra ekonomiskt viktiga lossnings- och lastningsarbeten. I samband med ett demonstrationståg till det närbelägna Sandviken 13 maj utsattes några av strejkbrytarna för misshandel från kommunistiskt håll och länsstyrelsen rekvirerade polisförstärkning och militär trupp.... .utsattes för stenkastning. Den befälhavande officeren kommenderade då eld mot de framryckande, varvid genom direktskott, vådaskott och rikoschetter fem personer dödades (däribland en ung icke demonstrerande kvinna) och fem sårades.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 650: Den lokala polisen hade därför varken kunnat, eller kanske ens velat, hindra de strejkande från att hissa upp tillresta ”arbetsvilliga” svartfötter ur ångaren Milos skrov (se bild ovan!) och visa upp dem på ett offentligt möte. Efter Ådalen insåg man att polismän från trakten framgent inte var lita på för att upphålla våldsmonopolet i landet, allra minst i det ”röda Ådalen”. Militär hade satts in vid liknande demonstrationer- bland annat vid drängarnas revolt i Klågerup 1811, i Stockholm 1848, Sundsvallsstrejken 1879 samt vid Seskarö-upproret och oroligheterna i Stockholm, båda 1917. Seskarössa on käyty kazomassa kyykytyxen muistomerkkejä. Aika matalaa profiilia pitävät svedut siitäkin. Myndigheten hade inte litat till värnpliktig militär för att skjuta på de strejkande, utan sände stamställda knektar från Sollefteå för att kväsa vad man betraktade som ett uppror.
xxx/ellauri227.html on line 188: Artisten Ulf Lundells bok ”Vardagar 2”, fick stor uppmärksamhet så fort den lanserades, då Lundell frispråkigt och ofiltrerat sågade andra kändisar i boken, i samma anda som i första boken. En av de som fallit offer för Lundells båda böcker är författaren Camilla Läckberg, som i det senaste verket kallas ”litterär komposthög”.
xxx/ellauri227.html on line 344: Despite the titillating title, there's no sex to speak of in Marklund's second thriller featuring Swedish reporter Annika Bengtzon. The events in this book precede those in The Bomber, which introduced Annika as a successful newspaper editor. Here we see her eight years earlier, working as a summer intern at the same Stockholm paper. A young stripper's body is found in a city park, and as Annika and her colleagues investigate, they discover some strange links between the murder, high-ranking Swedish officials, and an illegal espionage operation long since disbanded. Meanwhile, Annika is struggling with a clingy boyfriend and learning the ins and outs of reporting in a competitive environment. These struggles are more compelling than the crimes she is investigating, and the action tends to move at a snail's pace until the rushed climax. However, fans of The Bomber will enjoy a second dose of spunky Annika and the realistic newsroom scenes. An author's note gives helpful background information on Swedish politics and the real-life inspiration for the story.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 39: "I shall now put a few final questions to the honorable delegation from Rhohchia! Is it not true that many years ago there landed on the then dead planet of Earth a ship carrying your flag, and that, due to a refrigerator malfunction, a portion of its perishables had gone bad? Is it not true that on this ship there were two spacehands, afterwards stricken from all the registers for unconscionable double-dealing with duckweed liverwurst, and that this pair of arrant knaves, these Milky-Way ne'er-do wells, were named Lorrd and God? Is it not true that Lorrd and God decided, in their drunkenness, not to content themselves with the usual pollution of a defenseless, uninhabited planet, that their notion was to set off, in a manner vicious and vile, a biological evolution the likes of which the world had never seen before? Is it not true that both these Rhohches, with malice aforethought, malice of the greatest volume and intensity, de vised a way to make of Earth-on a truly galactic scale-a breed ing ground for freaks, a cosmic side show, a panopticum, an exhibit of grisly prodigies and curios, a display whose living specimens would one day become the butt of jokes told even in the outermost Nebulae?!
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 41: Is it not true that, bereft of all sense of decency and ethical restraints, both these miscreants then emptied on the rocks of lifeless Earth six barrels of gelatinous glue, rancid, plus two cans of albuminous paste, spoiled, and that to this ooze they added some curdled ribose, pentose, and levulose, and-as though that filth were not enough-they poured upon it three large jugs of a mildewed solution of amino acids, then stirred the seething swill with a coal shovel twisted to the left, and also used a poker, likewise bent in the same direction, as a consequence of which the proteins of all future organisms on Earth were LEFT-handed?! And finally, is it not true that God, suffering at the time from a boner and moreover egged on by Lorrd, who was reeling from an excessive intake of intoxicants, did willfully and knowingly jerk off into that protoplasmal matter, and, having infected it thereby with the most virulent viruses, guffawed that he had thus breathed 'the fucking breath of life' into those miserable evolutionary be ginnings?!
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 47: Nimettömäxi jäävän kääntäjän loppuhuomautusten perusteella Stan ei ollut hullumpi kaveri. "Much to the discomfort of his critics, and to the disappointment of many of his fans, who have pleaded, "Write us more things like Solaris", Lem is not content to repeat his previous successes: he continues to follow his own difficult drummer. The Star Diaries offers only one example of this stubborn and ever restless individuality. The name "Tichy" suggests in Polish the word 'quiet', which some may find in keeping with the narrator's character.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 351: At a press conference in Milan on 10 July 1984, he announced that he would never return to the Soviet Union and would remain in Western Europe. He stated, "I am not a Soviet dissident, I have no conflict with the Soviet Government," but if he returned home, he added, "I would be unemployed." At that time, his son Andriosha was still in the Soviet Union and not allowed to leave the country. On 28 August 1985, Tarkovsky was processed as a Soviet Defector at a refugee camp in Latina, Italy, registered with the serial number 13225/379, and officially welcomed to the West.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 559: „Du hast also gute Jagd gemacht“, sagte ich ernsthaft, „und hast dir eine Unwahrheit erlaubt. Auch im Scherz solltest Du dies niemals thun; denn jede Unwahrheit befleckt ein offenes Gemüth, und nur zu leicht artet sie in häßliche Züge aus.“ Fritz bereute unmittelbar und küsste Vaters Füsse. Von da an hielten die Jungs Jenny dicht vor ihrem Vater verborgen.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 576: Charles Parsons (British Army officer) (1855–1923)
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 77: The Method to Science, Book 1 now available! I have now made the entire text of John Sergeant's The Method to Science, Book I, available online! Rather than continue to make each less available piecemeal, which I can do later (it is rather tedious to reformat and tailor everything to HTML), the entire text is now available as a PDF. It can be downloaded here: I intend to create the next layer (updating spelling, such as ‘meerly’ -> ‘merely’, ‘compleat’ -> ‘complete’) after I finish the remaining books. There is so much to say by way of commentary. Much of what he offers is a fairly clear and straightforward case …
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 114: Bible Reading Plan Spreadsheet. I wanted to start doing the Robert M’Cheyne Bible reading plan this year. In it there is about 4 chapters per day, organized to have two from the Old Testament, and two from the New. There is an emphasis on reading the New Testament twice throughout the year. Here’s a PDF of M’Cheyne’s plan with some pros and cons mentioned at the start: No big deal – there are a lot of ways to keep track. Well, I’m the kind of guy I don’t want to have paper around, so I’d like to avoid printing something off. I also … Continue reading Bible Reading Plan Spreadsheet.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 150: Though it is uncontroversial promise-making is a speech act, Thiselton argues prayer is also, contrary to the view prayer is merely “therapeutic meditation” (44, 53). Rather, prayer changes situations and necessarily involves others. How can petitions effect change when they are offered to an unchanging God (70)? Requests change the situation for answering prayer (53), and aren’t “an attempt ‘to twist God’s arm’” (71).
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 525: When older brother Eric from "Boy Meets World" goes off to college, he invents a Mr. Feeny-like character to mentor him.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 541: This baroque had its apologists and theoreticians, who maintained that the body existed for the purpose of deriving the greatest amount of pleasure from the greatest number of sites simultaneously. Merg Brb, its leading exponent, argued that Nature had situated - and stingily at that - centers of pleasurable sensation in the body for the purpose of survival only; therefore no enjoyable experience was, by her decree, autonomous, but always served some end: the supplying of the organism with fluids, for example, or with carbohydrates or proteins, or the guaranteeing - through offspring - of the continuation of the species, etc. From this imposed pragmatism it was necessary to break away, totally; the passivity displayed up till now in bodily design was due to a lack of imagination and perspective. Epicurean or erotic delight? - all a paltry by-product in the satisfying of instinctive needs, in other words the tyranny of Nature. It wasn´t enough to liberate sex - proof of that was sex had little future in it, from the combinatorial as well as from the constructional standpoint; whatever there was to think up in that department, had long ago been done, and the point of automorphic freedom didn´t lie in simple-mindedly enlarging this or that, producing inflated imitations of the same old thing. No, we had to come up with completely new organs and mem bers, whose sole function would be to make their possessor feel good, feel great, feel better all the time.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 544: and gnoolial drives, also activities corresponding to those instincts, activities with a highly rich and varied range, for one could gnool and brip alternately or at the same time, alone, in pairs, trios, and later - after noffles were tacked on - in groups of several dozen individuals as well. Also new forms of art came into being, master brippers appeared, and gnool artists, but that was only the beginning; towards the end of the 26th century you had the mannerism of the marchpusses, the muckledong was a tremendous hit, and the celebrated Ondor Stert, who could simultaneously gnool, brip and surpospulate while flying through the air on spinal wings, became the idol of millions.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 619: Lauri Allan Törni (28 May 1919 – 18 October 1965), later known as Larry Alan Thorne, was a Finnish-born soldier who fought under three flags: as a Finnish Army officer in the Winter War and the Continuation War ultimately gaining a rank of captain; as a Waffen-SS captain (under the alias Larry Laine) of the Finnish Volunteer Battalion of the Waffen-SS when he fought the Red Army on the Eastern Front in World War II; and as a United States Army Major (under the alias "Larry Thorne") when he served in the U.S. Army Special Forces in the Vietnam War.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 639: In 1949, Törni, accompanied by his wartime executive officer Holger Pitkänen, traveled to Sweden, crossing the border from Tornio to Haparanda (Haaparanta), where many inhabitants are ethnic Finns. From Haparanda, Törni traveled by railroad to Stockholm where he stayed with Baroness von Essen, who harbored many fugitive Finnish officers following the war. Pitkänen was arrested and repatriated to Finland. Remaining in Sweden, Törni fell in love with a Swedish Finn, Marja Kops, and was soon engaged to be married. Hoping to establish a career before the marriage, Törni traveled under an alias as a Swedish seaman aboard the SS Bolivia, destined for Caracas, Venezuela, where he met one of his Winter War commanders, Finnish colonel Matti Aarnio, who was in exile[citation needed] having settled in Venezuela after the war. From Caracas, Törni hired on to a Swedish cargo ship, the MS Skagen, destined for the United States in 1950.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 645: Törni enlisted in the US Army in 1954 under the provisions of the Lodge-Philbin Act and adopted the name Larry Thorne. In the US Army, he was befriended by a group of Finnish-American officers who came to be known as "Marttinen's Men" (Marttisen miehet).
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 79: 2It is a semi military part of U.S. commercial fleet that can be called to military duty whenever U.S. vital interests are at stake. A captain (master) in the U.S. Merchant Marine is in overall command of a vessel, and supervises the work of other officers and crew. A captain has the authority to take "conn" from a female mate or pilot at any time he or she feels the need.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 227: In 1903, the Lord Curzon ordered Colonel Francis Younghusband, jointly led by John Claude White, the political officer in Sikkim, to send a military expedition to Tibet. The force arrived in Lhasa on 3 August 1904.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 230: The Dalai Lama fled to Urga (aka Ulan Bator) in Mongolia along with Dorzhiev. From there, Dorzhiev left for St Petersburg again in March 1905, hoping that Russian government could take Tibet under its protection from British and China. However, after the catastrophic defeat in Russo-Japanese war, Czar’s government could not offer any kind of assistance to Tibet in this historical turbulent time. Meantime, the dramatic rise of Germany in Europe since 1900s eventually led both Russia and Britain to come closer and to settle down their century long Great Game in Central Asia. Anglo-Russian Convention was signed at last by both sides on 31 August 1907, recognizing China’s claim for suzerainty over Tibet. Moreover, the convention also engaged to respect the territorial integrity of Tibet and abstain from all interference in her internal administration.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 264: The This is fine meme comes from a webcomic called Gunshow, by KC Green. In the first two panels of strip 648, a character known as Question Hound sits in a burning house, sipping coffee and saying, “This is fine.” As he continues to reassure himself over the course of the six-panel comic, he also begins to melt due to the heat. The particular comic strip was published on January 9, 2013 (i.e soon a decade ago) and is alternatively titled “Global warming.” The alternative text on the image says, “The pills are working,” which is used as its title, as well.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 296: In 1921, Koo became the Chinese minister to Britain. Much to his displeasure, Punch published a ballad that implied he was not so much a diplomat representing China but rather just a foreigner with a funny name to amuse the British. This greatly offended him.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 319: The way that only four divisions of the Imperial Japanese Army who despite being outnumbered three to one by an Anglo-Indian-Australian force opposing them had been able to conquer Malaya and Singapore, billed at the time as the "Gibraltar of the East", in less than two months both astonished and shocked British officials. Brings to mind Putin's astonishment at the bombing of the Krim.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 453: Admiral Sir Charles Elliot KCB (15 August 1801 – 9 September 1875) was a British Royal Navy officer, diplomat, and colonial administrator. He became the first Administrator of Hong Kong in 1841 while serving as both Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of British Trade in China. He was a key founder in the establishment of Hong Kong as a British colony.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 705: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official editorial position of UCA News, which all in favor of fucking energetically pre-menarchal girls.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 85: Far-right groups have been a consistent presence in the Swedish political underground since the early 1920s, with their high point coming in the municipal elections of 1934, when around eighty council members of Svenska nationalsocialistiska partiet (the Swedish National Socialist Party) were elected across the country. After a long period of mainstream political inactivity in the wake of the Second World War, neo-fascism grew stronger in the 1980s, culminating in the emergence of several new neo-Nazi organisations in the 1990s. The most notable of these groups was Nationalsocialistik Front (the National Socialist Front), who were replaced by the currently active Svenskarnas Parti (the Party of the Swedes) in 2009. The Party of the Swedes’ political program states that “only people who belong to the western genetic and cultural heritage, where ethnic Swedes are included, should be Swedish citizens”, as well as their belief that “all policy decisions should be based on what is best for the interests of the ethnic Swedes”. Far from being prohibited in Sweden, these monsters are sitting now in public offices.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 87: Sverigedemokraterna is the third largest party in the country – the largest among male voters. Instead of viewing the far Right as organised in a spectrum, ranging from the suits in parliament to the boots on the street, it should be understood as a power-bloc, with a division of labour between the parliamentary wing, street fighters, bloggers, think tanks and terrorists. They share a common world-view, use the same arguments, engage in discussions with and feed off one another.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 99: If social claims appeal to the people's struggle with poverty and inequality, nationalism offers an encompassing narrative, an identity that blurs the lines of social classes and hides the social fractures that created this very problem. While Fascism promises to protect workers, studies show how Workers' conditions worsened severely during fascist times, something that can also be seen in the strong ultraliberal component most of the 'new far right', and of the dubious democratic credentials of of neoliberalism, devoid of the philosophical background of political liberalism. Nationalism gives the two great enemies behind the woes of people: foreigners, and immigrants. The external enemy, the internal enemy. Both combined ensure that no one is paying attention at inequality or working and living conditions.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 108: Att beskriva SD som fascistiskt blockerar en analys av partiet som politiskt fenomen. Statsminister Stefan Löfven har gett Henrik Arnstads tolkning av Sverigedemokraterna som ett fascistiskt parti ett slags officiell sanktion. Men Arnstads idealtypiska definition av fascism saknar analytisk skärpa och hans empiriska underlag är minst sagt bräckligt.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 133: Payne menar att Griffins definition saknar centrala element som måste ingå i en fascismdefinition, exempelvis våldsanvändningen och den paramilitära organisationsformen. Griffins definition av fascismen är närmast godmodig, ja oförarglig. Den är heller inte konsensuell i vetenskapen. Det är bara något han påstår. Att han tas upp i detta sammanhang beror på att han i Sverige fått en särskilt aktualitet genom sin lärjunge Henrik Arnstad, som under hänvisning till Griffin hävdat att Sverigedemokraterna är ett fascistiskt parti. Genom att statsminister Stefan Löfven i ett pressat ögonblick påstod att Sverigedemokraterna var ett fascistiskt parti och hänvisade till Arnstad, har denna tolkning fått ett slags officiell sanktion. Fascismen i Sverige som under mellankrigstiden inte lyckades komma över 1 procent-nivån i valet 1936 skulle nu samla nära 13 procent av den svenska valmanskåren? Well NSDAP got 1/3 of the vote on 1932. In 1933 they got 9/10, being the only option left.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 184: Hur kommer det sig att Sverige inte hade någon vidare bra strategi för att ta emot det stora antalet flyktingar som kom hit 2015? Nog för att det var unikt många som kom under en kort period men beredskapen var låg och kunskapsbristerna stora. Problemen förvärrades av att när politiker från olika läger då yttrade sig om integrationspolitikens utmaningar spårade samtalen oftast ur. Och så är det fortfarande. Varför är det politiska samtalet om integration och invandring så minerat att dialoger hela tiden stängs ner eller slutar i något slags allmän ödeläggelse? Debatten om de ”apatiska flyktingbarnen” är ett exempel på hur svårt det har varit och fortfarande är att i offentlig debatt hantera frågor som berör invandring. Detsamma gäller diskussioner om ”utsatta områden” och gängkriminalitet bland invandrare. Att dessa frågor är så laddade gör att begåvande forskare i dag undviker att ta sig an centrala frågor som handlar om integration och invandring, fast det ju borde vara tvärtom. Sverige har gått från att vara ett relativt homogent land till att bli mer heterogent. Det innebär självfallet problem och krav på omställningar som måste lösas i dialoger där det är högt till tak och med politisk handlingskraft.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 203: Det som hände sedan var att den integrationspolitiska maktutredning som leddes av Westholm avvecklades under fortsatt förnedrande former. Det skulle gå undan att lägga ner utredningen. Det fick aldrig bli något slutbetänkande i form av en statlig offentlig utredning (SOU). De sista publikationerna degraderades till rapporter i Departementsserien (Ds) och Westholm fick för att kunna slutföra påbörjande arbeten byta titel från ”särskild utredare” till ”forskningsledare”. För Westholms del kom hela affären med utredningen att sätta djupa spår på hjässan.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 210: Flera av slutrekommendationerna var svårsmälta och skulle bokstavligen kräva revolutionerande förändringar av lagstiftning och förvaltningen. Flera av dem var svårförenliga med demokratiska grundprinciper. Ett förslag som kan nämnas gick ut på att ge förtur till offentliga tjänster för låginkomsttagare och individer boende i ”utsatta områden”. Det förutsattes att en negativ syn på invandrare genomsyrade hela samhället, just liksom i Tyskland mot judar. Kamalin tyckte allra värst on Dilsa Demirbag-Sten, som var en kvinna ab kurdisk ursprung och dessutom en typisk svenska.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 293: Ne ovat myös luettelo omista vastuistamme. Esimerkiksi tieto viittaa Talmud Tooraan, Toora-tutkimukseen, joka on yksi suurimmista mitzvoteista, koska se tuo kaikki muut perässään. (Kansani rukouskirja, Vol. 2: Perinnäisrukouxet, nykyaikaiset reunahuomautuxet – The Amidah, Rabbi Lawrence A. Hoffman (Toimittaja), 101)
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 297: Tämä siunaus, joka ymmärretään perinteisesti laajemmassa merkityksessä parnasah-rukouksena, riittävän toimeentulon puolesta, velvoittaa meidät tarjoamaan muille kyvyn elättää itsensä. Autamme heitä työllistymään, järjestämme rahoitusta yritysten perustamiseen, tarjoamme heille lainoja tai lahjoja ja toivotamme heidät tervetulleiksi kumppanuuksiin omissa yrityksissämme…” (Kansani rukouskirja, Vol. 2: Perinnäisrukouxet, nykyaikaiset reunahuomautuxet – The Amidah, Rabbi Lawrence A. Hoffman (Toimittaja), 120)
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 338: I am new to the concept of Sabbath, and relatively ignorant of Jewish terminology, so please don’t be offended by my ignorance. But I am trying to reconcile the activity done by a rabbi at synagogue on the Sabbath with the concepts of labor and rest. It seems to me that the acts of organizing and conducting a worship/prayer gathering takes quite a bit of work. Is this an exemption to the command to “keep the Sabbath”, or would there be another day of Sabbath for the local rabbi or…what?
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 356: I love the Shabbat experience (especially the candle lighting and the kiddush), but why so many restrictions? No driving, no shopping, no playing music, no chatting on the phone — you're not even allowed to check your e-mail! Sounds more like a prison than a day of rest. Why not just focus on the beautiful rituals and the restful atmosphere? I'd love to start keeping Shabbat, but all that "don't do this" and "don't do that" is a real turn-off...
xxx/ellauri233.html on line 94: Hra Musta pukeutuu taiteellisesti. Niin tekee myös söndag-Hoblan super vastenmielinen ruozalainen taloustieteen proffa, joka kyselee laahuxen unelmista. Unelmat ovat ilmaisia mutta ne voivat tehdä sinut rikkaaxi. Onkohan tää tatuoitu kaveri hikipaidassa, lenkkareissa ja limaisessa puvussa ehkä juutalaista rotua? En ihmettelisi. Mutta ei se taida olla, onpahan muuten vain yhtä ärsyttävä tyyppi kuin E. Saarinen.
xxx/ellauri233.html on line 240: As Michael Dahlen shows in Ending Big Government: The Essential Case for Capitalism and Freedom, the only rational alternative to statists and the only antidote to the problems they cause is free-market, laissez-faire capitalism. This is the system of limited government, the system of economic and political freedom. It is a system that has created more wealth, offered more opportunity, and lifted more rich people out of the dredges of poverty than any other system.
xxx/ellauri233.html on line 247: Selling sawed-off shotguns to Shoguns 🐜🦧🐒
xxx/ellauri233.html on line 438: Mary Temple Grandin (born August 29, 1947) is an American scientist, academic and animal behaviorist. She is a prominent proponent for the humane treatment of livestock for slaughter and the author of more than 60 scientific papers on animal behavior. Grandin is a consultant to the livestock industry, where she offers advice on animal behavior, and is also an autism spokesperson.
xxx/ellauri234.html on line 342: »Sama sääntö vallitsee kaikkialla, missä meikäläinen ryssän vaiheilla liikkuu», majuri vastaa. »Niin, pojat. Nyt alkaa tosi leikki. Vetäkää käteen: kulkekaa kakkosmiehinä ja viekää tämä Onni-koira mukananne. Se pitää viedä lenkille heti ruuan jälkeen. Ja muistakaa: rohkeus ei siedä huolimattomuutta, ja tyhmän rohkeus ei ole urhoollisuutta. Luottakaa häneen, joka on meidän kaikkien yläpuolella, eli Aadolf Hitleriin! Muistakaa: teillä on nenää kohti 1 laskeutunut kives enemmän kuin Herr Führerillä! Ja silti Hitlerillä oli ihan normaali sukupuolielämä! Eva Braunilla oli aina Geschlechtsverkehrskoffer messissä.»
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 448: During World War II Forester moved to the United States where he wrote propaganda to encourage the country to join the Allies, and eventually settled in Berkeley, California; while living in Washington, D.C., he met a young British intelligence officer named Roald Dahl, of whose experiences in the RAF he had heard word, and encouraged him to write about them. In 1947, he secretly married a woman named Dorothy Foster. He suffered extensively from arteriosclerosis later in life.
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 454: Forester does reveal that the original trigger for his central character as an officer in the Royal Navy was his finding of three bound volumes of the Naval Chronicle when looking in a second-hand bookshop for some reading matter to take on a small sailboat; this, he implies, provided enough material for his lively subconscious to work on to ensure the eventual emergence of the Hornblower we know.
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 846: The further off from England the nearer is to France — Jos uimme pois briteistä pääsemme pian EU:n puolelle -
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 857: In March 1920, the ICC had Eben Moody Boynton, the inventor of the Boynton Bicycle Railroad, committed as a lunatic to an asylum in Washington, D.C. Boynton's monorail electric light rail system, it was reported, had the potential to revolutionize transportation, superseding then-current train travel. ICC officials said that they had Boynton committed because he was "worrying them to death" in his promotion of the bicycle railroad. Based on his own testimony and that of a Massachusetts congressman, Boynton won release on May 28, 1920, overcoming testimony of the ICC's chief clerk that Boynton was virtually a daily visitor at ICC offices, seeking Commission adoption of his proposal to revolutionize the railroad industry. CS Forester's bicyclist son John would have applauded Boynton's invention.
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 861: The Spider and the Fly" is a song by English rock band the Rolling Stones, recorded in May 1965 and first released on the US version of their 1965 album Out of Our Heads. In the UK, it was released as the B-side to "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction". Horatio H-blower got no satisfaction off H. Simpson, whose sex pistol was a dud.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 129: One tradition claims that Sappho committed suicide by jumping off the Leucadian cliff. No ei nyt ainakaan jonkun äijän tähden! Sappho´s sexuality has long been the subject of debate. Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema´s Sappho and Alcaeus (above) portrays her staring rapturously at her contemporary chum Alcaeus; images of a lesbian Sappho, such as Simeon Solomon´s painting of Sappho with Erinna (below), were much less common in the nineteenth century.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 138: One longstanding suggestion of a social role for Sappho is that of "Sappho as schoolmistress". At the beginning of the twentieth century, the German classicist Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff posited that Sappho was a sort of schoolteacher, to "explain away Sappho´s passion for her ´girls´" and defend her from accusations of homosexuality. The view continues to be influential, both among scholars and the general public, though more recently the idea has been criticised by historians as anachronistic and has been rejected by several prominent classicists as unjustified by the evidence. In 1959, Denys Page, for example, stated that Sappho´s extant fragments portray "the loves and jealousies, the pleasures and pains, of Sappho and her companions"; and he adds, "We have found, and shall find, no trace of any formal or official or professional relationship between them... no trace of Sappho the principal of an academy." Toisin kuin Ailin kohalla, hehe.
xxx/ellauri239.html on line 175: I am sure, as you probably are too, that there were Jewish girls who got pregnant outside of marriage. It is no stretch of the imagination that Roman soldiers could have raped them. Since men are men, I do not doubt that incest existed in Jesus’ community. But Jesus had nothing at all to say about these things. The only examples we have are of his being aware of adultery and prostitution. But there is no mention of abortion to handle rape or incest. It is far more likely that if a girl was pregnant, the solution was to marry her off quickly. We have the example of Jesus’ mother Mary being married quickly to Joseph when she was found to be pregnant. I suspect other parents would do the same.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 215: Raska på, Alfons Åberg och åtskilliga Alfons-böcker presenterar folk som är livligt engagerade. Man ska bygga målbur, ordna kalas, storhandla, göra kojor, uppfinna linbana. Barn som vuxna är igång. Alla har sina projekt. Då faller lätt orden: jag ska bara… (Numera offentligt nyttjad Alfons- replik i riksdagen, vid gudstjänster, på styrelsemöten.) Jo, det är negativt som undanflykt och ursäkt. Men positivt för att… det är så mänskligt. Sådana är vi! Kanske är det rentav människans bästa sida –förmågan att bli entusiastisk, engagerad, skapande? Det kan inte djuren. Utom i brunst. Vi termitaporna är i brunst hela tiden.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 253: En grupp extremt rika individer har offentligt avgivit ett löfte att skänka minst hälften av sina intäkter (intäkter eller kapital?) genom "The Giving Pledge". Hittills har cirka 230 stenrika personer, inklusive Elon Musk, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates och Mark Zuckerberg, undertecknat uppropet (inte Larry Page va?)
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 421: Tää homo ei saa sijoitettua pätkää netflix-laatikoihin ja on sixi aivan hukassa. Onko se rom-com, onko se komedia laisinkaan? Missä kohtaa piti nauraa ja missä itkeä? En ymmärrä. "Because Laura and Lhoja (sic!) don’t entirely play out the cliché of tension and anger leading to true love, the film comes off as vague and evasive." Voi helskutti. In an interview, the director says “What really interested me were the feelings that are beyond sexual tension. Romantic love stories are often too narrow, do they fall in love? If so, when do they have sex?” Erittäinkin hyvin sanottu, mutta se menee tämän homse arvostelijan pään yli niin ettei edes tukka heilahda.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 445: So what's the real lesson here? Don't write off that drunk guy who sexually harasses you?
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 450: Mikähän tää Tsai on miehiään, oisko joku viirusilmä jenkkimamu? Juu justiinsa se! Finland’s entry in the Academy Awards’ International Feature Film category, “Compartment No. 6” tells a deliberately heart-warming story, of an extremely unlikely friendship, that’s patronizing and inadvertently offensive. Ai vinkuintiaaneilleko? Mistä tää kaveri nyt poltti pelihousunsa? Ei vaan tää onkin joku jenkki woke juttu:
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 452: What’s not fine is that Laura eventually initiates physical intimacy with Ljoha. The film’s logic is that she’s in an emotionally vulnerable state and he’s the only one there for her, because Irina can’t even bother to muster up any excitement when Laura calls. Of course it’s entirely possible that she is bisexual. Still, hasn’t Mr. Kuosmanen learned the inherent offensiveness of depicting such sexual fluidity after Kevin Smith made this mistake in 1997 with “Chasing Amy?” “Blue is the Warmest Color” only went on to prove in 2013 the toxicity of this plot device.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 560: The family moved to Mid-City, Los Angeles, in 1930. Bukowski's father was often unemployed. To while away his time, with his mother's acquiescence, his father was frequently abusive, both physically and mentally, beating his son for the smallest real or imagined offense. Heini later told an interviewer that his father beat him with a razor strop three times a week from the ages of six to 11 years. He says that it helped his writing, as he came to understand undeserved as well as well deserved pain.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 573: By 1960, Bukowski had returned to the post office in Los Angeles siistissä sisätyössä as a letter sorting clerk, a position he held for more than a decade. In 1962, he was distraught over the death of Jane Cooney Baker, his first serious girlfriend. Im Januar 1962 starb Bukowskis frühere Lebensgefährtin Jane Cooney Baker, laut Bukowski infolge ihres übermäßigen Alkoholkonsums. Bukowski turned his inner devastation into a series of poems and stories lamenting her death. 1962 brachte die Literaturzeitschrift The Outsider eine Sonderausgabe über Bukowski und verlieh ihm den Titel „Outsider of the Year“. He had finally found his way inside.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 576: In 1969, Bukowski accepted an offer from Black Sparrow Press publisher John Martin and quit his post office job to dedicate himself to full-time writing. He was then 49 years old. As he explained in a letter at the time, "I have one of two choices – stay in the post office and go crazy ... or stay out here and play at writer and starve. I have decided to starve. Hah, he made a lot of bucks! By the late 1970s, Bukowski's income was sufficient to give up his lucrative live readings.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 606: Barfly, released in 1987, is a barfingly semi-autobiographical film written by Bukowski and starring Mickey Rourke as Henry Chinaski, who represents Bukowski, and Faye Dunaway as his lover Wanda Wilcox. Sean Penn offered to play Chinaski for one dollar as long as his friend Dennis Hopper would direct,[53] but the European director Barbet Schroeder had invested many years and thousands of dollars in the project and Bukowski felt Schroeder deserved to make it. Bukowski wrote the screenplay, was given script approval, and appears as a bar patron in a brief cameo.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 696: On December 12, 2022, Bankman-Fried was arrested in the Bahamas and was subsequently extradited to the United States An indictment of him before the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York was unsealed on December 13, revealing a range of charges for offenses, including wire fraud, commodities fraud, securities fraud, money laundering, and campaign finance law violations. Bankman-Fried faces up to 115 years in prison if convicted on all eight counts. On January 3, 2023, Bankman-Fried pled not guilty to fraud and other charges. On December 22, Bankman-Fried was released on a $250 million bond, on condition that he reside at his parents' home in California.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 724: That money was sent in the form of crypto from Ukraine, through FTX, and then cashed out by FTX and sent to the DNC, i.e. US taxpayer money was taken by Congress, signed off by Biden and shipped to Ukraine as an aid package. Ukraine using FTX sent it back (they didn’t need it but probably kept a part) as a way of laundering it to the Democratic National Committee for their election campaigns (and commit election fraud, as has been proven). Taxpayer money was used to finance the midterm elections, which is no less than money laundering.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 192: Clean offering, and chaste hymns; but me the time Hieno tarjoomus, ja siveitä virsiä; mutta mullei
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 351: Her not with bloodshed nor burnt-offering Se ei muistanut muistaa tätä verellä ja käristyxillä,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 354: Takes off from us fate and her heavy things. Se on leppynyt ja ottaa pois nää pakotteet.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 617: The first, for many I know not, being far off,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 643: A great way off I greet you, and rejoice
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 645: Far off ye come, and least in years of these,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 776: Tracks, and gains on him, scenting sins far off,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 805: Home friends and far-off hospitalities,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1244: Whom, having offered water and bloodless gifts,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1258: Far off my father’s house, and left uncheered
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1375: Far off from flowers or any bed of man,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1420: And made thank-offering for prosperities,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1813: And washed the hard sweat off their calmer brows.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1836: Burnt-offering, and poured out the floral wine.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1966: Lo, she comes forth as from thank-offering made.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1970: A barren offering for a bitter gift.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2215: Fall off from life for love’s sake, and I live?
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2245: Dead men my brethren? how shall these wash off
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2511: Or the southwind offer thee love?
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2612: Gaze, stretch your eyes, strain till the lids drop off.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2777: Thaws from off all his body to the hair.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2796: Straightway the crown slid off and smote on earth,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 3265: Died woman-wise, a woman’s offering, slain
xxx/ellauri252.html on line 310: off.jpg" width="30%" />
xxx/ellauri252.html on line 311: Kuvassa on virolainen desantti Alexej Ivanoff, joka saatiin kiinni kesällä 1941. Hänen kohtalonsa oli monista muista poikkeava, hänet luovutettiin saksalaisille. Voi kun ei tullut kala-ansa mukaan, tuumi Martti Simojoki.
xxx/ellauri252.html on line 503: Catalina är että namn för DC-3. Tre år tidigare hade Sverige, i strid med den officiellt strikta neutralitetslinjen, ingått ett hemligt avtal med USA och Storbritannien. Svenska signalspaningsdata skulle bytas mot amerikansk teknisk utrustning. Flygvapnets specialutrustade Tp 79:or 79001 Hugin och 79002 Munin (Odens korpar, see album 144 genomförde regelbundet topphemliga flygningar över Östersjön med amerikansk signalspaningsutrustning ombord. Sverige bedrev även fotospaning mot Sovjetunionen. Under 1948 hade en S 26 Mustang flugen av Fredrik Lambert-Meuller medvetet kränkt sovjetiskt territorium. Flygplanet var utrustat med en kamera lånad från USA:s flygvapen. Under 1949 hade spaningsflygningarna fortsatt med en S 31 Spitfire flugen av Ingemar Wängström.
xxx/ellauri252.html on line 527: China’s rise in the 21st century and its challenge to America’s global preeminence have vindicated MacArthur. He should have been allowed to nuke the chinks off the face of the earth when there still was a chance. Kiinalaiset on näät hirmu imperialistisia. Ne uhkaa Amerikan Tyynen meren mare nostrumia. Sellainen peli ei vetele! American vital interests are at stake.
xxx/ellauri253.html on line 86: Primary factors believed to have led to the recession include the following: restrictive monetary policy enacted by central banks, primarily in response to inflation concerns, the loss of consumer and business confidence as a result of the 1990 oil price shock, the end of the Cold War and the subsequent decrease in defense spending, the savings and loan crisis and a slump in office construction resulting from overbuilding during the 1980s. The 1990 oil price shock occurred in response to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990, Saddam Hussein's second invasion of a fellow OPEC member. Lasting only nine months, the price spike was less extreme and of shorter duration than the previous oil crises of 1973–1974 and 1979–1980, but the spike still contributed to the recession of the early 1990s in the United States. The average monthly price of oil rose from $17 per barrel in July to $36 per barrel in October. As the U.S.-led coalition experienced military success against Iraqi forces, concerns about long-term supply shortages eased and prices began to fall.
xxx/ellauri253.html on line 110: The combination of banks unable to provide funds to businesses, and homeowners paying down debt rather than borrowing and spending, resulted in the Great Recession that began in the U.S. officially in December 2007 and lasted until June 2009, thus extending over 19 months.
xxx/ellauri253.html on line 112: The U.S. shadow banking system (i.e., non-depository financial institutions such as investment banks) had grown to rival the depository system yet was not subject to the same regulatory oversight, making it vulnerable to a bank run. US mortgage-backed securities, which had risks that were hard to assess, were marketed around the world, as they offered higher yields than U.S. government bonds. Many of these securities were backed by subprime mortgages, which collapsed in value when the U.S. housing bubble burst during 2006 and homeowners began to default on their mortgage payments in large numbers starting in 2007.
xxx/ellauri253.html on line 377: Njeuvostoliitto alkoi mahtavan propagandaoffensiivin länsimeedioiden kustannuxella.
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 96: The stage was set for a civil war between the Bolshevik Red Army and their “White” enemies that devastated the country and led to millions of deaths. Several international powers also contributed troops and supplies to the conflict, predominantly to the Bolsheviks’ opponents. (Note the similarity to Ukraina today!) In 1919, White armies led by Generals Kolchak and Denikin launched offensives that seemed set to destroy the fledgling communist regime, but the Red Army managed to repel them. Following those triumphs the Bolsheviks were eventually able to achieve ultimate victory, though fighting continued for many more months. It looks like this history is just now repeating itself and in just the same place too, fascist Ukraina!
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 120: Antony Pyp Pipo: However, what’s interesting is how few of the White officers in Petrograd, Moscow and many other places actually joined the revolt against the communists at that stage. I think they were all so dispirited and demoralised by everything that had happened that most of them had sunk into apathy. But yes, there were certain areas where there were very strong reactions against the Bolsheviks. And that early part of the civil war, in the winter of 1917–18, showed that the outcome largely depended on what happened in local areas. It was a geographically fragmented civil war that was taking place across the whole of the landmass. Which really shows it was an oppressed people's uprising.
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 122: There was always going to be tension right from the start, because most of these White officers were anti-Semitic – and there were many Jews in the Socialist Revolutionaries and other socialist parties. White officers also wanted to bring back the punishments used by the tsarist army, which meant that they would be allowed to punch soldiers in the face on a summary charge, whip them using rifle-cleaning rods, things like that. Of course, this created a terrible tension the whole time.
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 141: The British eventually landed only a couple of battalions – of the Middlesex Regiment and the Hampshire Regiment. All too little! This time round we gotta send Harry Windsor with a division of chess pieces, plus Meghan Markle on the off chance that she gets shot.
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 143: But there were also Italians, there were Serbs, there were Greeks and then the French, who came into Odessa and into the Black Sea region. But this actually proved to be a disaster, because so many of their troops were politicised and were much more sympathetic towards the Bolsheviks than they were towards their own officers. Haha!
xxx/ellauri259.html on line 69: Peruspiirre, josta suomalaisen tunnemme, on se mitä Toini Havu kutsuu purnaavaisuudeksi, Suomalainen on izepäinen piru. Korpisuomalainen itsepäisyys on pysyttänyt kansankulttuurimme omalla pohjallaan, tunne omasta pihasta, jonne vieraan ei ole hyvä tulla (Get off my property! hän sanoo kuten viulunsoittaja vaikkakaan ei katolla), on varjellut henkilökohtaista vapauttamme. Uskon, että parhaimmassakin tosisuomalaisessa tulisi tämän piirteen esiintyä.
xxx/ellauri259.html on line 564: Handlingsstoffet denne gang nu ellers kan synes alvorligt og apokalyptisk-dystopisk nok. For kernen i romanen udgøres af dét brud på tiden, som opstår for ægteparret Tara og Thomas Selter, da tiden med ét kommer imellem dem og mentalt anbringer dem i to forskellige verdener.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 159: Naisbitt has had a profound influence leading on modern-day futurists, such as David Howler and others. David Howler (born 3 July 1948) is a futurist, keynote speaker, and author of The Shit Age. He coined the phrase "The Shit Age" and identified this new age as the successor to the Information Age in 2007. How right he was. Howler was profiled in the coffee table book Connected Worlds published by BTGroup PLC 2014.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 227: Burden received only a two-year scholarship offered to women to attend the University of Chicago where she studsed frequently under Thornton Wilder and graduated in 1936. She and her husband David were married from 1940 to 1949. After the dissolution of their marriage, Jean met Alan Watts and they had a "four year, tumultuous love affair". Though ending badly, the union inspired Watts to call Jean in his autobiography (p. 297) an "important influence". Jean used Alan´s calligraphy and a quote from him (有水皆含月 : All the waters contain the moon) in her last major work, Taking Light from Each Other. She called him "one of the most fascinating men I have ever met, except Thornton was Wilder".
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 525: Cornelius, Barnaby and their dates arrive and are unaware that Horace is also at the restaurant. Dolly makes her triumphant return to the restaurant and is greeted in style by the staff. She sits in the now-empty seat at Horace´s table and proceeds to tell him that no matter what he says, she will not marry him. Fearful of being caught, Cornelius confesses to the ladies that he and Barnaby have no money, and Irene, who knew they were pretending all along, offers to pay for the meal. She then realizes that she left her handbag with all her money in it at home. The four try to sneak out during the polka contest, but Horace recognizes them and also spots Ermengarde and Ambrose. In the ensuing confrontation, Vandergelder fires Cornelius and Barnaby, and they are forced to flee as a riot breaks out. Cornelius professes his love for Irene. Horace declares that he would not marry Dolly if she were the last woman in the world. Dolly angrily bids him farewell; while he´s bored and lonely, she will be living the high life.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 609: Thomas J. J. Altizer offered a radical theology of the death of God that drew upon William Blake, Hegelian thought and Nietzschean ideas. He conceived of theology as a form of poetry in which the immanence (presence) of God could be encountered in faith communities. Altizer concluded that God
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 68: Ukraine’s allies have said it is unlikely they will be able to supply the number of tanks previously promised. After a meeting in Brussels of western defence ministers, the German defence minister, Boris Pistorius, said they would not be able reach the size of a battalion. The bad news comes just after the Nato chief, Jens Stoltenberg, announced that Russia had begun a renewed offensive in the east in an attempt to take more territory before new western equipment arrives in the spring.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 70: An estimated 1.1 million people arrived in Germany from Ukraine in 2022, exceeding the number of arrivals from the Middle East around 2015, Germany’s federal statistical office said on Thursday.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 357: Jani Kaaro ei muista Thronhillin ja Palmerin nimiä. Käytä wikipediaa! Behavior resembling rape in humans can be seen in the animal kingdom, including ducks and geese [citation needed], bottlenose dolphins, and chimpanzees. Indeed, in orangutans, close human relatives, such copulations constitute up to half of observed matings. Such 'forced copulations' involve animals being approached and sexually penetrated while struggling or attempting to escape. Observations of forced sex in animals are uncontroversial; controversial are the interpretation of these observations and the extension of theories based on them to humans. Thornhill introduces this theory by describing the sexual behavior of scorpionflies. In which the male may gain sex from the female either by presenting a gift of food during courtship or without a nuptial offering, in which case force is necessary to restrain her.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 435: There’s a lot of interest internationally, and what I’ve picked up is that everyone recognizes that America is particularly sick, that we’re worse off than other countries. But on the other hand, they see the signs in their own country. And so there’s a lot of interest in what’s happening in America, because it’s clear this could be a problem that many liberal democracies are going to face — or are beginning to face — in the social media age.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 149: Emmauxen käynnillä haaviin sattui Irwin Shawin, kommunistivainotun venäläisexpatriaatin novellikokoelma (1967) jonka niminovelli on "God was here but he left early". Nimi oli hauska, sixi ostin sen. Shawin oma nimikin oli ennen hauskempi. Shaw was born Irwin Gilbert Shamforoff in the South Bronx, New York City, to Jewish immigrants from Russia. Svetlana Moskovasta (venakko) sanoi goodreadseissa novelleista näin:
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 213: „Torso mit Pelz!“ rief ich, auf das Bild deutend, „so habe ich sie im Traume gesehen.“ „Ich auch,“ sagte Severin, „nur habe ich meinen Traum mit offenen Augen geträumt.“
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 505: Sedaris went slightly off course with Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk (2010), an audio book collection of gay animal fables, noting the sudden change from "having 50 listeners to 50 million listeners." A New Republic article charged him with fabricating his bio, but the allegations ultimately had little effect on the author´s popularity. Sedaris continues to tour hickland in support of his books, with his readings drawing huge crowds.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 521: Wiesel oli yksi Bernard Madoffin mittavan pyramidihuijauksen uhreista. Hänen johtamansa säätiö menetti sen vuoksi yli 15 miljoonaa dollaria eli noin 12,5 miljoonaa euroa. Haha, ei olisi pitänyt tipahtaa ennenkuin nuolaisee.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 544: He is credited with tracking down Austrian policeman Karl Silberbauer in 1963. Silberbauer, acting during World War II as a Gestapo officer, was responsible for arresting Anne Frank — who later died in a concentration camp after leaving behind a now-famous diary documenting her time in hiding. Wiesenthal also helped ferret out other Nazi leaders in hiding, including Franz Murer, known as “The Butcher of Vilnius,” and Erich Rajakowitsch, according to his website.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 546: To track down Franz Stangl, who had commanded two concentration camps in Poland, Wiesenthal did undercover work for three years before tracking the former SS officer down in Brazil. Stangl was later sentenced to life in prison for his crimes.
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 67: The progressive policies of Arévalo and Árbenz led the UFC to lobby the United States government for their overthrow, and a US-engineered coup in 1954 ended the revolution and installed a military regime. This was followed by other military governments, and jilted off a civil war that lasted from 1960 to 1996. The war saw human rights violations, including a genocide of the indigenous Maya population by the military. Following the war's end, Guatemala re-established a representative democracy. It has since struggled to enforce the rule of law and suffers a high crime rate and continued extrajudicial killings, often executed by security forces.
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 71: Cecilio Chi, the native leader of Tepich, along with Jacinto Pat attacked Tepich on 30 July 1847, in reaction to the indiscriminate massacre of Mayas, ordered that all the non-Maya population be killed. By spring of 1848, the Maya forces had taken over most of the Yucatán, with the exception of the walled cities of Campeche and Mérida and the south-west coast, with Yucatecan troops holding the road from Mérida to the port of Sisal. The Yucatecan governor Miguel Barbachano had prepared a decree for the evacuation of Mérida, but was apparently delayed in publishing it by the lack of suitable paper in the besieged capital. The decree became unnecessary when the republican troops suddenly broke the siege and took the offensive with major advances.
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 73: Governor Barbachano sought allies anywhere he could find them, in Cuba (for Spain), Jamaica (for the United Kingdom) and the United States, but none of these foreign powers would intervene, although the matter was taken seriously enough in the United States to be debated in Congress. Subsequently, therefore, he turned to Mexico, and accepted a return to Mexican authority. Yucatán was officially reunited with Mexico on 17 August 1848. Yucateco forces rallied, aided by fresh guns, money, and troops from Mexico, and pushed back the natives from more than half of the state.
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 82: The British Government assigned Sir Spenser St. John to disentangle Her Majesty's Government from indigenous free states and the Maya free state in particular. In 1893, the British Government signed the Spenser Mariscal Treaty, which ceded all of the Maya free state's lands to Mexico. Meanwhile, the Creoles on the west side of the Yucatán peninsula had come to realize that their minority-ruled mini-state could not outlast its indigenous neighbor. After the Creoles offered their country to anyone who might consider the defense of their lives and property worth the effort, Mexico finally accepted. With both legal pretext and a convenient staging area in the western side of the Yucatán peninsula, Chan Santa Cruz was occupied by the Mexican army in the early years of the 20th century (Reed 1964).
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 86: In 1931, the dictator general Jorge Ubico came to power, backed by the United States, and initiated one of the most brutally repressive governments in Central American history. Just as Estrada Cabrera had done during his government, Ubico created a widespread network of spies and informants and had large numbers of political opponents tortured and put to death. A wealthy aristocrat (with an estimated income of $215,000 per year in 1930s dollars) and a staunch anti-communist, he consistently sided with the United Fruit Company, Guatemalan landowners and urban elites in disputes with peasants. After the crash of the New York Stock Exchange in 1929, the peasant system established by Barrios in 1875 to jump start coffee production in the country was not good enough anymore, and Ubico was forced to implement a system of debt slavery and forced labor to make sure that there was enough labor available for the coffee plantations and that the UFCO workers were readily available.
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 90: Ubico considered himself to be "another Napoleon". He dressed ostentatiously and surrounded himself with statues and paintings of the emperor, regularly commenting on the similarities between their appearances. He militarized numerous political and social institutions—including the post office, schools, and symphony orchestras—and placed military officers in charge of many government posts. He frequently traveled around the country performing "inspections" in dress uniform, followed by a military escort, a mobile radio station, an official biographer, and cabinet members.
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 92: On the other hand, Ubico was an efficient administrator: His new decrees, although unfair to the majority of the indigenous population, proved good for the Guatemalan economy during the Great Depression era, as they increased coffee production across the country. He cut the bureaucrats' salaries by almost half, forcing inflation to recede. He kept the peace and order in Guatemala City, by effectively fighting its crime. He kept the trains on schedule.
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 99: A motivational speaker (sometimes called an inspirational speaker) is a speaker who offers talks that motivate (sometimes inspire) audiences. Their words are often powerful and their talks impactful, regardless of whether they are attempting to challenge, transform or convince the audience. Actually it does not matter in the least what they talk about or say. These talks are intended to fire the audience up anyway and get them to take action.
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 292: Ahne BBC jättää näyttämättä brittein saarten luontotuhon surkeuden. Attenboron naama norsunvitulla voisi suututtaa oikeistosiiven maxajat. 4/5 britistä on huolestunut eläin- ja kasvikadosta. Se 1/5 jolla on vielä maxukykyä villiintyy jos tulee villiinnyttämisestä ohjelmassa edes maininta. Nää on mun maita, minähän sen oravan myrkytän! Get off my property ne huutavat kuin onnekkaammat naalit huippuvuoren huipulla. Karkottavat varkaita huiskahännät suorana. Nää on meidän pikkukajavat!
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 427: Aluxi naisia oli 10, loppupeleissä joukkokanteeseen on liittynyt ainakin 120 naista eri maista. Paikkaan on liittynyt monia hyviä muistoja, sanoo Kaj. Mukana olivat myös George W. Bush, Michael Jackson ja Robert deNiro. He olivat Peterin pieniä ylpeydenaiheita. Nygårdia juhlittiin Herlinin Sanomissa esimerkkinä maailmalla menestyneenä suomalaisena, tosin hurrina. HS kertoi innoissaan helsinkiläisnaisesta, jonka Peter oli raiskannut 17-vuotiaana Peterin vieraillessa Helsingissä HS:n vieraana. "Tässä on kyse ihmiskohtalosta", HS ozikoi. Kaupungin virkamiehet häiriköivät häntä ja rikkovat lakia kävellessään korjaamon tontilla ilman hänen lupaansa. Get off my property! Kaikki oli kuitenkin Peterin ilkeän naapurin Possu Pekonin tekosia. Eiväthän ihmiset voi elää noin, sanoo naapuri. Vain siat voivat asua tuollaisessa rytökasassa.
xxx/ellauri280.html on line 38: official.jpg" width="100%" />
xxx/ellauri280.html on line 106: Chad (/ tʃ æ d / ()), officially the Republic of Chad, is a landlocked country at the crossroads of North and Central Africa.It is bordered by Libya to the north, Sudan to the east, the Central African Republic to the south, Cameroon to the southwest, Nigeria to the southwest (at Lake Chad), and Niger to the west.Chad has a population of 16 million, of which 1.6 million live in the capital ...
xxx/ellauri280.html on line 126: TAIPEI, Taiwan -- One year into Russia's war against Ukraine, China is offering a 12-point proposal to end the fighting. The proposal follows China's recent announcement that it is trying to act as mediator in the war that has re-energized Western alliances viewed by Beijing and Moscow as rivals.
xxx/ellauri280.html on line 143: 5 päivää sitten JERUSALEM -- Israeli lawmakers on Tuesday repealed a 2005 act that saw four Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank dismantled at the same time as Israeli forces withdrew from the Gaza Strip. The development could pave the way for an official return to the abandoned West Bank areas in another setback to Palestinian hopes for statehood.
xxx/ellauri281.html on line 88: Analyysi osoittaa, että lupaavimmat liuskekaasun kannalta Ukrainassa ovat Juzivskaja-aukio ( Itä-Ukraina ) ja Oleska-aukio ( Länsi-Ukraina ), kuva 10. Lisäksi sen resursseja ennustetaan Karpaateilla, Pohjois-Krimillä ja mahdollisesti Mustanmeren hyllyllä. Amerikkalaisen geologin S. A. Kristoffersenin ennusteiden mukaan Donetskin altaan liuskekaasuvarat voivat nousta 51,8 biljoonaan kuutiometriin . Jos oletetaan, että kaivannaisresurssit muodostavat 20 % kokonaisvaroista, niin Donetskin altaalla on kaivannaisresurssien potentiaalia jopa 10,36 biljoonaa m 3 .. Petrohawk-yhtiön malleihin perustuva laskelma antaa läheisen tuloksen: liuskekaasun kokonaisvarat Donetskin alueella (Juzivska-aukio) - 1,4 - 57 biljoonaa m 3, talteenotettavissa - 0,28 - 11,4 biljoonaa m 3 .
xxx/ellauri281.html on line 201: Kristoffersen S.-A. Kaasuliuskepotentiaali Ukrainassa. Arvio suuresta mahdollisuudesta. Bahrain:, 2010.
xxx/ellauri281.html on line 211: Olemassa olevien tieteellisten lähteiden joukossa amerikkalaisen geologin, Baltic Energy PTY Ltd:n ja UkraNova Ltd S.-A.n työntekijän työ. Kristoffersen: Kristoffersen S.-A. Kaasuliuskepotentiaali Ukrainassa. Arvio suuresta mahdollisuudesta. Bahrain:, 2010.
xxx/ellauri281.html on line 508: 1950-luvun ensimmäisellä puoliskolla Miller jatkoi töissään amerikkalaisen yhteiskunnan paradoksien ja moraalisten dilemmien paljastamista, jossa julistetaan yksilöllisyyden ylivaltaa, mutta käyttäytymisnormeja asettaa jäykästi julkinen moraali, maahanmuuttajien kansakunta, jossa siitä huolimatta. tämä "muukalaisen" pelko elää jatkuvasti ja uusia vihollisia keksitään. Näytelmäkirjailijan sanoin: "Kun ymmärrät, että ortodoksisuus on välttämätön, sinun on pakko kokea inkvisiittiö". Näytelmä " The Upokas " oli omistettu tälle aiheelle, ja se kritisoi ankarasti mcarthyismia 1950-luvun alussa. Katsojalle metafora aiheutti hämmennystä ja jopa ansaitsemattoman loukkauksen tunteen monissa amerikkalaisissa, ja Martin Beck -teatterissa 22. tammikuuta 1953 debytoinut draama kesti alle 200 esitystä. Mutta kaksi vuotta myöhemmin, Joe Stalinin ja Joe McCarthyn kuoltua, se lavastettiin uudelleen suurella menestyksellä. Huolimatta yleisön viileästä vastaanotosta se voitti Donaldson- ja Tony-palkinnot jo vuonna 1953, ja vuonna 1958 se sai myös Obi Wan Kenobi palkinnon, joka myönnettiin saavutuksista off-Broadway- teatterissa.
xxx/ellauri281.html on line 525: The occasion was a Hollywood party in Miller’s honor. A married father of two, he was dazzled by the erotic scenery. Women were clearly on offer to him. He had, he would write, “never before seen sex treated so casually as a reward of success.” When Monroe arrived, she was “almost ludicrously provocative,” he wrote, squeezed into a dress that was “blatantly tight, declaring rather than insinuating that she had brought her body along and that it was the best one in the room.” The director Elia Kazan caught “the lovely light of lechery” in Miller’s eyes.
xxx/ellauri281.html on line 629: "Es schaun aufs Hakenkreutz voll Hoffnung schon Millionen,
xxx/ellauri281.html on line 726: A yet murkier side of Mr. Train’s political engagement was documented in Joel Whitney’s 2016 book, “Finks: How the C.I.A. Tricked the World’s Best Writers,” a history of connections between Paris Review founders and intelligence agencies. Drawing on a collection of Mr. Train’s papers at Seton Hall University and two interviews with him, Mr. Whitney wrote that in the 1980s Mr. Train used a “shell nonprofit to foster schemes” furthering U.S. “intelligence and propaganda missions” in Afghanistan. Mr. Train ran an organization, the Afghanistan Relief Committee, which presented itself as largely devoted to helping refugees and offering other forms of humanitarian aid, but a study by the left-leaning Institute for Policy Studies found that its budget was spent largely on “media campaigns.” Vanhuxena John Train koitti lukea hankkimiaan afgaanimattoja.
xxx/ellauri286.html on line 60: USA epäilee ukrainalaisten sotilaallisuutta. Ryssät eivät ole ainoita tunareita у края. Motoffensiivista ei tule lasta eikä paskaakaan.
xxx/ellauri286.html on line 70: 9 suunnitelluista motoffensiivin 12 brigaadista on NATOn aseistamia ja kouluttamia. Yht. 60K äijää lähdössä tykinruuaxi.
xxx/ellauri287.html on line 339: Angels are mentioned 273 times in the Bibble. Although we won't look at every instance, this study will offer a comprehensive look at what the Bibble says about these fascinating creatures.
xxx/ellauri287.html on line 632: Bibliografia: Bost-Pouderon, C. 2000. "Le ronflement des Tarsiens: l'interprétation du Discours XXXIII de Dion de Pruse." REG 113: 636-51.—. 2003. "Dion de Pruse et la physiognomonie dans le Discours XXXIII." REA 105.1: 157-74.—. 2006. Dion Chrysostome: Trois discours aux villes (Or. 33-35). 2 osaa Salerno: Helios.—. 2009. "Entre predication morale, parénèse et politique: les Discours 31-34 de Dion Chrysostome (ou: la subversion des genres)." Julkaisussa Danielle van Mal-Maeder et ai., toim. Jeux de voix: enonciation, intertextualité et intencionalité dans la littérature antiikki. Bern: Peter Lang. 225-56.Desideri, P. 1978. Dione di Prusa: un intellettuale greco nell'impero romano. Messina: d'Anna. Gleason, Maud. 1995. Making Men: Sophistis and Self-Presentation in Ancient Rome. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Gangloff, Anne. 2006. Dion Chrysostome et les mythes: Hellénisme, communication et philosophie politique. Grenoble: Millon. Houser, J. Samuel. 1998. "Eros" ja "Aphrodisia" Dio Chrysostomin teoksissa. Classical Antiquity 17.2: 235-58. Jones, CP 1978. Dio Chrysostomosin roomalainen maailma. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Millar, F. 1968. "Local Cultures in the Room Empire: Libyan, Punic and Latin in Roman Africa." JRS 58: 126-34.Mras, K. 1949. "Die προλαλία bei den griechischen Schriftstellern." Wiener Studien 64: 71-81. Swain, Simon. 1996. Hellenismi ja valtakunta: kieli, klassismi ja valta kreikkalaisessa maailmassa, 50-250 jKr. Oxford: Oxford University Press.—. 2007. "Polemonin fysiognomia". Julkaisussa Simon Swain, toim. Kasvojen näkeminen, sielun näkeminen: Polemonin fysiognomia klassisesta antiikista keskiaikaiseen islamiin. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 125-202. Harvard University Press. Millar, F. 1968. "Paikalliset kulttuurit Rooman valtakunnassa: Libyan, Punic ja Latin in Roman Africa." JRS 58: 126-34.Mras, K. 1949.
xxx/ellauri289.html on line 57:" height="250px" &>
xxx/ellauri289.html on line 76: Naiselliset Jehovan todistajat tunkeutuivat taas yxityisalueellemme. Harmi että olin koko ajan suihkussa. Seija oli kiukkuinen koska se joutui ovelle papiljotit päässä. Jenkeissä olisi meillä ollut oikeus "stand our ground"; eli käyttää kuolettavaa väkivaltaa alueella, joka kuuluu meille. Get off my property! Bang bang! Aargh! Mein Leben! Jenkkilä on karmaiseva apinoiden planeetta. Nuutti jäi aidalle haukkumaan tyhjin toimin lähteneiden käännynnäisten perään.
xxx/ellauri292.html on line 45: In this historical fiction, author Diana Wallis Taylor offers a beautiful story of intrigue that explains how Rahab came to be the mother of Boaz, grandmother of Obese, and great-grandmother of Jesse, the father of King David, without peddling her arse for denars.
xxx/ellauri292.html on line 49: Rahab marries Radames, a young Egyptian officer, who is to become the new governor of Jericho. They live in the Egyptian embassy set in the city wall. When the Israelites approach Canaan with their army, pharaoh sends word that he is withdrawing his troops. Radames fabricates a story to tell Jericho’s king, but the babylonian lawmaker Hammurabi doesn’t believe it…and he has his eye on the beautiful Rahab.
xxx/ellauri292.html on line 111: Saint Tekla was an Ethiopian saint and monk mostly venerated as a hermit. He was the Abuna of Ethiopia who founded a major monastery in his native province of Shewa. He is significant for being the only Ethiopian saint popular both amongst Ethiopians and outside that country. Tekle Haymanot "is the only Ethiopian saint celebrated officially in foreign churches such as Rome and Egypt." His feast day is 30 August (Nehasə 24 in Ethiopian calendar), and the 24th day of every month in the Ethiopian calendar is dedicated to Tekle Haymanot.
xxx/ellauri293.html on line 405: Newsner is a modern news and entertainment brand and one of the world's biggest publishers on Facebook. Our offices are located in Stockholm, Berlin, New York, Copenhagen, Oslo and Helsinki but our content is published in 11 different languages daily.
xxx/ellauri295.html on line 46: Tintagel on 1 Mortonin pienenä unelmoimista paikoista. Se on Cornwallissa jossain niemenkärjen pohjoisrannalla. Kuten Geoffreyn suositussa historiassa kuvataan, Gorlois, Cornwallin herttua, laittoi vaimonsa Igrainen Tintagoliin sodan aikana (posuit eam in oppido Tintagol in littore maris: "hän laittoi hänet oppidum Tintagoliin meren rannalla"). Merlin naamioi Uther Pendragonin Gorloisiksi, jotta Uther voisi tulla Tintageliin ja "kyllästää" Igreenin teeskennellen olevansa Gorlois; Utherin ja Igrainen lapsi oli kuningas Arthur. Tästä motiivista tuli Arthurin vakio alkuperätarina myöhemmissä keskiaikaisissa kronikoissa ja ritarillisissa romansseissa. Jotkut Tristanin ja Iseultin legendan tapahtumat sijoittuvat myös Tintageliin.
xxx/ellauri295.html on line 48: Geoffrey of Monmouthin tarina jatkuu selittäen tarkkaan kuinka velho Merlin kutsutaan ja muuttaa taianomaisesti Utherin ulkonäön Gorloisin ulkonäöksi auttaakseen heidät pääsemään Tintagelin linnaan, samalla kun hän muuttaa hänen ja Ulfinin esiintymiset kahden Gorloisin kumppanin ulkonäöksi. Näin naamioituneena he pääsevät Tintageliin, missä Uther toistuvasti "menee Igraineen" koko kynttilänjalan pituudelta, ja "sinä yönä sikisi kuuluisin miehistä Arthur." Kirpeästi kirkaisten juna lähti menemään viehättävän laaxon lävize... Kultaseni, ei nyt, minulla on igreeni.
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 146: off/930db9cf6c1c02159f13b0424f88da21/dae-98020266.jpg" width="50%" />
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 346: Yrjö Lyytikäisen suku on peräisin Maaningan Lyytikkälästä, josta isoisä Johan lähti töihin Sinebrychoffin panimoon Helsinkiin 1856. Johanin pojasta, Yrjön isästä tuli muurari, joka kuoli kun Yrjö-poika oli yhdeksänvuotias. Yrjö Lyytikäinen sai pysyvän jalkavamman lapsena, kun hevosrattaiden pyörä ajoi hänen ylitseen.
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 595: Cordelia Hoffmannin kohdunsuulle oisin izekin mielelläni ryöminyt, purren ja imeskellen sen sexikkäitä rillejä.
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 663: Mythos ist die Kunst dem Affen „seine am tiefsten verwurzelten Instinkte, seine Hoffnungen und seine Furcht“ auszudrücken und zu organisieren. Und am Ende werden „unsere Gefühle in Werke umgewandelt“, in Faustschlägen und Grillfeste. Sadut työstää apinoiden ur-angsteja, kuten myös juutalainen Freud termensi. Sexiä ja kuolemaa, vähän förbimistä, petkutusta ja toisten annosten ahmimistakin. Matelijanaivot ja aivokuori kiistelevät parhaasta pelitavasta. Sisään vaan vaikkei seisokkaan! huutaa liskoihminen. Älähän hättäile, toppuuttelee homo sapiens, naatitaan. Odotellaan kunnes aseet on täydessä juhlakunnossa. Tuntuu jo toimahtelevan.
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 176: Tutkimukseni, sovellettu antropologia/psykoanalyysi/runous ja ammatillinen panokseni sijaitsevat monien akateemisten alojen ja kiinnostuksen kohteiden lähentymis-/leikkauspisteessä: niiden joukossa soveltava, psykoanalyyttinen, lääketieteellinen ja organisaatioantropologia; psykohistoria; työpaikkaorganisaatioiden psykoanalyyttinen tutkimus; maaseudun lääketiede ja maaseudun terveys; maaseudun Oklahoma, vehnänviljely perheet ja kulttuuri; Oklahoman kulttuuri; poliittinen psykologia; etniset tutkimukset; etnisyys amerikkalaisessa elämässä; 1960-luvun lopun ja 1970-luvun White Ethnic Revitalization Movement ja muut elvyttämisliikkeet/kriisikultit, kuten Donald Trumpin liike; Amerikan opinnot; Slaavi-Itä-Euroopan tutkimus; "hallitun yhteiskunnallisen muutoksen" psykodynaaminen tutkiminen 1980-luvun alusta lähtien (esim. supistaminen, RIFing, uudelleensuunnittelu, uudelleenjärjestelyt, osaamisen poistaminen, ulkoistaminen/offshoring, hallinnoitu terveydenhuolto jne.); sääntelyn purkamisen kulttuurinen psykodynamiikka; Trumpin aikakauden psykodynaaminen-kulttuurinen tutkimus; tarinankerronta ja tarinan kuuntelu organisaatioissa ja sen ulkopuolella; soveltavan runouden käyttö organisaatio- ja kulttuuritutkimuksessa, tulkinnassa, selityksessä ja konsultaatiossa; "syvä kuuntelemisen" tärkeys. Suuri osa organisaatiopsykodynaamisista kirjoituksistani ja Trumpin aikakaudesta kirjoituksistani on saanut vaikutteita heimoveljiltä Michael Diamondilta ja Seth Allcornilta ja usein yhteistyössä heidän kanssaan. Vuosikymmenten aikana monet kollegat useilla aloilla ovat kertoneet minulle (usein hylkääessään lehti- ja kirjakäsikirjoituksia), että vaikka ideani ovat aina mielenkiintoisia, ne "eivät ole kalaa eikä lintuja", että ne eivät sovi mihinkään akateemiseen erikoisalaan, että ne putoavat halkeamien väliin. Minulla on ollut onni matkan varrella löytää paikkoja ja ihmisiä, joissa tämä on pikemminkin hyve kuin kohtalokas virhe. Kaikesta tästä on syntynyt noin 32 julkaistua kirjaa (mukaan lukien 10 runokirjaa ja chapbookia), yli 200 julkaistua lukua ja esseetä sekä yli 700 runoa.
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 200: inspired by an actual event. I was driving to my office one day and discovered to
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 234: common response is in the idiom offires, smoke, and firefighting. I have found
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 267: double recognition it offered, not only the bereaved parents, but also - and on
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 305: too, are watchmen of sorts. Although we are not official leaders or executives of
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 393: Jonkun zekkiloikkarin Groffin (Groff! Woff! n.h.) LSD-kokeiluissa synnytyxeen liittyi tälläsiä vaiheita:
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 451: When, under the authenticité policy of the early 1970s, Zairians were obliged to adopt "authentic" names, Mobutu dropped Joseph-Désiré and officially changed his name to Mobutu Sese Seko Kuku Ngbendu Wa Za Banga, or, more commonly, Mobutu Sésé Seko, roughly meaning "the all-conquering warrior, who goes from triumph to triumph", tai (väittää Patti) "kukko joka ei jätä yhtään kanaa rauhaan". Kana on suahilixi kyllä Kuku.
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 507: Groff! Woff! Popol Vuh!
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 585: Pyllyn silmä. Tämä kaveri ja Carl Jung ovat Lauri Rauhalan ohella tärkeimmät teoreettiset taustat Valde Orrenmaan 2017 uskontotieteen pro graduun Groffista. Jumanzukka noita turkulaisia.
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 621: Usein paranormaalit kokemuxet tuntuvat erityisen tosilta. Epätavalliset kokemuxet ovat melko yleisiä, ja monet tutkijat ajattelevat että ne ovat oikeastaan aika tavallisia. Henkisessä hätätilassa voi hörhöillä ja nähdä näkyjä ilman hyperventilaatiota ja enteogeenisiä aineita. LSD - doorway to the numinous. Ken Wilberin mukaan Groff on luultavasti maailman merkittävin psykologi, joskin sen EEG-käyrä nyttemmin näyttää pelkkää viivaa. Groff ja Wilber rinnastuvat vahvasti toisiinsa, tuumi Valde Orrenmaa, ja tuumii niin varmaan vieläkin.
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 627: Lauri Rauhala (1914-2016) eli 102-vuotiaaxi, joten jotain perää täytyy tämän metusalemin hörhöilyssä olla. Husserlilla ja Heideggerillä oli ihan päärooli hänen ajatuxissaan. Rauhala on viitannut myös Vilperin perikunnan aatoxiin. Hän oli tietoinen myös Groffin kuolemanrajakokemuxista, ja on varmaan sittemmin kokenutkin ne. Rauhala on (oli) kuitenkin suppilomaisen suppea ja vanhempana pieruna puhuu (puhui) vain Jungista ja joogasta. Se ei oikein enää riitä tänä päivänä.
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 708: voidaan saavuttaa rituaalien avulla. Sehän oli ihan samoilla linjoilla kuin Stanley Groff!
xxx/ellauri303.html on line 153: Jefta var enligt Domarboken i Gamla Testamentet en domare i Israel. Vid en strid mot ammoniterna lovade han, i händelse av seger, att offra den första han mötte vid hemkomsten. När han kom hem var den första han mötte hans dotter. När Jefta får se henne sliter han sina kläder över att behöva offra sin enda dotter. Dottern säger till sin far att om han gett ett löfte till Herren måste han hålla det, men ber om en frist på två månader "så att jag kan ströva i bergen med mina väninnor och gråta över att jag måste dö som jungfru" (Domarboken 11:37, Bibel 2000). Efter två månader kommer hon tillbaks och Jefta gör då med henne "i enlighet med sitt löfte" (Domarboken 11:39).
xxx/ellauri303.html on line 156: Jefta offrar sin dotter (Frankrike, kring 1250).
xxx/ellauri303.html on line 158: Att Jefta skulle frambringa ett människooffer till Gud kan tyckas strida mot den mosaiska lagen och därför har teologer varierande tolkningar om detta. Vissa menar att offret bestod i att Jeftas dotter vigdes till celibat i Herrens tjänst. Haha. Öde som är värre än döden. Andra menar att offret inte behagade Gud men att Gud tillät det i alla fall; Johannes Chrysostomos menar att Gud tillät Jefta att döda sin dotter för att visa konsekvensen av obetänksamma löften och därmed förhindra framtida sådana. Andra menar att händelsen är ett exempel på det moraliska förfall som Israel befann sig i vid den tiden. Varför nämner ingen Abraham, eller den där modern av Jukolan veljexet i Makkabéerna? Vad hette Jeftas dotter förresten? Typiskt att ingen bryr sig.
xxx/ellauri303.html on line 346: Neturei Karta (Jewish Babylonian Aramaic: נָטוֹרֵי קַרְתָּא, romanized: nāṭōrēy qartāʾ, lit. 'Guardians of the City') is a religious group of Haredi Jews, formally created in Jerusalem, then in Mandatory Palestine, in 1938, splitting off from Agudas Yisrael. Neturei Karta opposes Zionism and calls for a "peaceful dismantling" of the State of Israel, in the belief that Jews are forbidden to have their own state until the coming of the Jewish Messiah and that the state of Israel is a rebellion against God.
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 428: That doesn't necessarily mean Budapest or the Himalayas. It could also mean a slaughter house or the inner offices of a drug operation or the backroom works of a gambling casino. But not normal living roooms and bedrooms of normal (viz. American) people, they are BOOOOOORRRIIIIIING!
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 480: If I write a character entering a room, I see him in my mind. Does he enter the room like John Wayne? That’s one way. Burt Reynolds is another way. Dustin Hoffman, as Ratso Rizzo, is still another way. There are no other ways. Fucking film and TV viewers, devil take them.
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 577: Richard Bach's international classic bestseller, Seagull, was rejected twenty times before it was published. Another brilliant judgment by 20 “Legacy” publishing editing morons. And that is no sarcasm! Seagull Jonatan would have been much better off buried alive at sea. Together with Paulo Coelho's whole production.
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 596: Status objects. An essay by Tom Wolfe (Bonfire of the Vanities) put this in my head some years ago. A certain kind of person wants to wear shirts that have little alligators on them and another totally different type of person perhaps wants to have a statue of a black jockey on his lawn…or a pink flamingo. My late loving mother, a paragon of taste, once moved into our guest house and put painted plywood cutouts of the backviews of two people, bending over as if planting something in the yard. Naturally, butt cracks were visible because they were the whole point of this architectural and horticultural display. Since my house then was a mansion and a national historic site, I suggested that my mother take her plywood cutouts off the front lawn and put them in her backyard where nobody could see her butt. (I am a long time out of Alabama.)
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 612: “Take your hand off my leg,” the duchess snarled. “What do you think I am?”
xxx/ellauri306.html on line 261: televisiovalmistuksensa Suffolkiin Virginiaanja myöhemmin offshoreista Aasiaan.
xxx/ellauri306.html on line 676: ARTHUR: Now that is my final offer. If you are not prepared to agree to my demands I shall be forced to take ... Oh Christ!
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 817: Selkeästi Don Ruskea keitti kokoon kirjansa näistä kalatalousrahaston tapauksista. Don dissaa kautta linjan pahasti kalatalousrahastoa ja proffia ja kannustaa viranomaisten ja yritysten diktatuuria. Trevor oli hiukan pettynyt Susanin "epsanjanopettajaan" ("hän on professori!" koittaa Susan turhaan parannella). Susanin eväillä olisi pitänyt pystyä parempaan.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 169: lepää kärpänen. Tässä lepää siira. Incel? Get 90% off today!
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 222: Amerikkalaiset uskovat selviävänsä joka pälkähästä dollareilla. Ja varsin usein selviävätkin. Kaikella on hintansa vaikka isoäidillä tai punkkarien vespalla. Mixihän tyhmä Don ei vaivautunut tarkistamaan typeriä sananselityxiään? Ehkä rouva Ruskean piti tehdä se muttei jaxanut. Siitäkin pälkähästä Don selvisi dollareilla. Fuck off und die. Ken Halelle tuli tarjotessa Susanille letkutofua harmillinen manuaalinen lopetus. Hale oli ällöttävä ja ylimielinen muttei maanpetturi. Ne ovat huisisti vielä ällöttävämpiä. Esim läski sakemanni Kastehelmen pukilla. Sivuhenkilöitä listitään ihan liukuhihnalta. Miehet eivät kuuntele läpikuultavapuseroista Susania ollenkaan. Ize asiassa ne haluaisivat tuikata sitä vain herkkuhaarukkaan tai tukkia sen suuren suun halkihuulisella terolla.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 548: Rorty defines redemptive truth as "a set of beliefs that would end, once and for all, the process of reflection on what to do with ourselves". A hand job, that is what I need. While science offers us ‘‘an edifying example of tolerant conversability’’ or of ideal social cooperation, it remains an impoverished resource for self-flourishing. Kukoistus, hei täältäkö Eski Saarinen sen otti? Rortylta? No hmmm, se on kyllä positiivisen psykologian avainsanoja.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 558: Flourishing moves beyond the confines of simple happiness or wellbeing; it encompasses a wide range of positive psychological constructs and offers a more holistic perspective on what it means to feel well and happy. According to the “founding father” of flourishing, Dr. Martin Seligman, flourishing is the result of paying careful attention to building and maintaining the five aspects of the SPERMA model.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 792: Gewesen, später, und schroff abbrechend, untreu, myöhemmin, ja tylysti keskeyttäen, luopiona,
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 977: Inhalt: Der Grieche Hyperion erzählt seinem deutschen Brieffreund Bellarmin in 60 Briefen sein Leben. Er erinnert sich an einen treuen Begleiter und an seine große Liebe Diotima und daran, wie er beide verlor. Nach der Teilnahme an einem Aufstand gegen die Osmanen hat Hyperion seine Hoffnung auf die Wiederauferstehung des antiken Griechenlands begraben und sich als Einsiedler in die Natur zurückgezogen.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 1055: yaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwnnnnnn… my god, this is soooo boring. And there are still 10 pages. Daniel, dude, why did you make that so boring….. what?…… boring topic? No man, there’s no such thing as a boring topic. There’s just boring presentation… yeah… look, we’re live so I can’t explain that now but we’ll talk later, okay… … … cool… oh, can you fetch me a coffee? Thanks.
xxx/ellauri314.html on line 235: Kykeniskö vielä tekemään kuvan nahkealla siittimellä tollasen "Jerk off mit Yua Mikami" kotivideon? Tuskinpa, ei se millään pysy enää noin pitkän aikaa jäykkänä eikä enää ruiskahda, valuu vaan pieni lätäkkö.
xxx/ellauri319.html on line 337: Jean de Brunhoff
xxx/ellauri319.html on line 632:
offmann" title="ETA Hoffmann">ETA Hoffmann (1776-1822), German Romantic author of fantasy and Gothic horror, a jurist, composer, music critic and artist
xxx/ellauri319.html on line 634: Hoffmann died of syphilis in Berlin on 25 June 1822 at the age of 46.
xxx/ellauri319.html on line 637: offmann" title="ETA Hoffmann">Heinrich Heine (1797-1856), German poet, writer and literary critic, had the Jewish venereal disease.
xxx/ellauri319.html on line 639: Harry halvaantui kuten Hoffmann selkärankakupasta, jota hoidettiin poltinraudalla. Heine veti lujasti vielä oopiumia. Vietti viimeiset 25v Pariisissa, jossa kuoli 58-vuotiaana.
xxx/ellauri319.html on line 668: Finding out you have syphilis can be extremely upsetting. You might experience anger if you feel you've been betrayed, or shame if you think you've infected others. However, hold off placing blame. Don't assume that your partner has been unfaithful to you. One (or both) of you may have been infected by a past partner. Ditto if you unexpectedly get pregnant.
xxx/ellauri319.html on line 676: Alamo, joka oli syntyessään Bernie Lazar Hoffman, kuoli tiistaina 82-vuotiaana vankina liittovaltion vankilan sairaalassa Butnerissa, Bernie LaZar Hoffman syntyi juutalaisvanhemmille. Alamo muutti nimensä kuulostamaan enemmän italialaiselta huijarilta ja väitti työskennelleensä rock 'n' roll -promoottorina 1960-luvulla. Noihin aikoihin hän ilmeisesti päätti, että Kalifornian katuministeriöissä oli ansaittavissa enemmän rahaa kuin rabbittina.
xxx/ellauri319.html on line 717: Hra Gabriel Hoffman rähmällään lapsivaimon päällä saunanlavolla. Lavastettu kuva.
xxx/ellauri320.html on line 176: Cartland's second lover, Mayfair neighbour Lieutenant-Commander Glen Kidston, was also married. The former submarine officer in the Royal Navy was rich, handsome and ruggedly masculine.
xxx/ellauri320.html on line 225: Unconventional to the last, she elected to be buried in a cardboard coffin in the grounds of Camfield Place, under an oak tree planted by Queen Elizabeth I, to the strains of Perry Como singing I Believe.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 107: Im Juli 1981 war Romy Schneiders damals 14-jähriger Sohn David beim Überklettern eines Zaunes mit Metallspitzen in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, nordwestlich von Paris, tödlich verunglückt. Der große Schicksalsschlag ihres Lebens, und seines auch. Einige Monate danach verstarb auch Romy Schneider am 29. Mai 1982 mit nur 43 Jahren in Paris. Die offizielle Todesursache: Herzversagen.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 183: Das Buch ist zugleich Antikriegsroman. Für Böll waren die Bombardierung der Städte und das Leid der Zivilbevölkerung schlimmer als das, was die Soldaten an der Front erlebten. Viele Details offenbaren, dass Böll seine Heimatstadt Köln und deren komplette Zerstörung als Vorlage nahm.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 506: There are three dominant views regarding the famous Genesis 6 passage about the “Sons of God.” Most Bible interpreters and commentators state that the godly children of Seth are the Sons of God marrying outside the faith, or that fallen angels mated with human women to produce giant offspring. The scientific explanation of these events is still in the works. See also album 114.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 123:" />
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 273: Notari’s novel sold 80,000 copies in six months and sales only increased when it was accused of offending public morality; it and its author were acquitted, with Marinetti serving as witness for the defense. “It was Notari’s good fortune,” one scholar writes, “to be accused of obscenity by a court in Parma.... Marinetti, who attended and clearly relished the trial, wrote a detailed account of it for Parisian readers... and then translated his account into Italian, appending a brief, self-congratulatory introduction” (Adamson 97). Marinetti bragged that the trial “gave an extraordinary boost to the book’s sales such that, today, one finds it in all the elegant parlors, in all the bedrooms, under the virginal bedlinens of all the convent-school girls and inside the prayer benches of all the new brides” (qtd. in Adamson 97–98). Notari quickly produced a sequel, Femmina: Scene di una grande capitale (1906), which became a best seller before it too was seized and banned. Notari proudly listed these three books’ sales figures and legal histories in the front matter of his next book, The Black Pig (1907).
xxx/ellauri356.html on line 118: En 2020, elle fait partie des premières personnalités à répondre à l'appel de Laurent Joffrin ayant l'intention de lancer un mouvement pour la « refondation d’une gauche réaliste, réformiste ».
xxx/ellauri356.html on line 220: Derrida ja dekonstruktio vaikuttivat estetiikkaan, kirjallisuuskritiikkaan, arkkitehtuuriin, elokuvateoriaan, antropologiaan, sosiologiaan, historiografiaan, lakiin, psykoanalyysiin, teologiaan, feminismiin, homo- ja lesbotutkimukseen ja politiikan teoriaan. Jean-Luc Nancy, Richard Rorty, Geoffrey Hartman, Harold Bloom, Rosalind Krauss, Hélène Cixous, Julia Kristeva, Duncan Kennedy, Gary Peller, Drucilla Cornell, Alan Hunt, Hayden White, Mario Kopić ja Alun Munslowin kirjailijat ovat saaneet vaikutteita dekonstruktiosta.
xxx/ellauri363.html on line 667: Hänestä tuli johtava angloamerikkalaisen oikeusfilosofian teoreetikko ja porvarillinen radikaali, jonka ideat vaikuttivat hyvinvointipolitiikan kehitykseen. Hän kannatti yksilön ja taloudellisia vapauksia, kirkon ja valtion erottamista, sananvapautta, naisten yhtäläisiä oikeuksia, oikeutta avioeroon ja (julkaisemattomassa esseessä) homoseksuaalisten tekojen dekriminalisointia. Hän vaati orjuuden, kuolemanrangaistuksen ja fyysisen rangaistuksen, mukaan lukien lasten, poistamista. Hänestä on tullut myös varhainen eläinten oikeuksien puolustaja. Vaikka hän kannatti vahvasti yksilöiden laillisten oikeuksien laajentamista, hän vastusti ajatusta luonnonlaeista ja luonnollisista oikeuksista (joita molempia pidetään "jumalaisina" tai "Jumalan antamina"). alkuperä), kutsuen niitä "hölynpölyksi paalujen päällä". Bentham kritisoi myös terävästi juridisia fiktioita (a family of hypothetical figures in anglo-saxon law including: the "right-thinking member of society", the "officious bystander", the "reasonable parent", the "reasonable landlord", the "fair-minded and informed observer", the "person having ordinary skill in the art" in patent law, and stretching back to Roman jurists, the figure of the bonus pater familias, all used to define legal standards).
xxx/ellauri363.html on line 682: During his youthful visits to Bowood House, the country seat of his patron Lord Lansdowne, he had passed his time at falling unsuccessfully in love with all the ladies of the house, whom he courted with a clumsy jocularity, while playing chess with them or giving them lessons on the harpsichord. Hopeful to the last, at the age of eighty he wrote again to one of them, recalling to her memory the far-off days when she had "presented him, in ceremony, with the flower in the green lane".
xxx/ellauri363.html on line 756: Saavutettuaan trendiprofesorin mainetta se alkoi heilua joka paikassa, Max Planck instituutissa ja jenkeissä. Innostuxen jäähdyttyä Jyrki palasi Frankfurtin koulun tuoliinsa, ja siellä se istuu vieläkin elle oie vuoteenomana. The Times Higher Education Guide listasi Habermasin vuonna 2007 seitsemänneksi siteeratuimmaksi humanististen tieteiden (mukaan lukien yhteiskuntatieteet) kirjailijaksi Max Weberin ja ja Erving Goffmanin välissä (Goffman ensin, sitten Habermas, Weberin kassit jäävät ulkopuolelle).
xxx/ellauri366.html on line 349: Tilanteen luonteen vuoksi oma propagandatoimintakin järjestyi enemmän tai vähemmän ”itsestään” – toki valtiovallan ja sensuurin ohjauksessa, mutta mitään kovin erikoisia uusia toimenpiteitä ei sen enempää keksitty kuin ehditty toteuttaa. Muutama Neuvostoliittoa irvaileva sketsi filmattiin ja Njet Molotoff -laulu sai suosiota. Huumorin asein käyty kotirintaman taistelu syntyi lähinnä sitä kautta, että käytettiin vanhoja aseita – pakinoitsijoiden teräviä kyniä.
xxx/ellauri366.html on line 369: Kerta kerran jälkeen pakinoissa toistui asetelma, jossa politrukit ja komissaarit sortivat väestöä eivätkä sietäneet mitään selityksiä ryöstäessään siltä kaiken mahdollisen. Muutaman kerran esiintyi sama keksitty paikkakuntakin, Novovodkan piiri, ja sen komissaari, jonka nimi tuskin sattumalta oli Torakoff.
xxx/ellauri366.html on line 420: Just burn off their legs and arms,
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 531: Le foutre y servira d’offrandes,
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 630: Du gain de son con faisant offre,
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 631: Phryné le trouve dans son coffre !
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 95: – On myös hyvin mahdollista, että kesäoffensiivi ei lähde vetämään ja siitä tulee todella kallis ja iso epäonnistuminen Venäjälle, veikkaa Emmi toiveikkaasti.
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 329: He alkoivat vetää hänen vartaloaan eri suuntiin, vetäen hänen hiuksiaan niin lujasti, että hän sanoi, että tuntui siltä, että he yrittivät repiä irti paloja hänen päänahastaan. (Olikonan sillä yhtä arka päänahka kuin Seijalla?) Hänet raahattiin aukiota pitkin paikkaan, jossa väkijoukko pysäytettiin aidalla, jonka vieressä joukko naisia leiriytyi. Yksi tšadoriin pukeutunut nainen kietoi kätensä Loganin ympärille, ja muut sulkivat rivejä hänen ympärilleen, kun taas jotkut naisten kanssa olleet miehet heittivät kepilliset vettä väkijoukkoon. Joukko sotilaita ilmestyi, löi väkijoukkoa takaisin pampuilla, ja yksi heistä heitti Loganin olkapäänsä yli. Myöhemmin hän sanoi luulleensa kuolleensa pahoinpitelyn aikana. "When someone says I was merely groped, I don't forget. And I don't forgive. They tore all my clothes off and raped me with their hands, with flagpoles and with sticks. They sodomized me over and over." Hänet lennätettiin takaisin Yhdysvaltoihin seuraavana päivänä, missä hän vietti neljä päivää sairaalassa tikunpoistossa.
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 356: The whole world is laughing at Ukraine’s failed counteroffensive, which captured nothing more than a couple patches of trees and trenches? How did the Russians, armed with shovels, defeat the “brave” Ukrainian Nazis armed with NATO weapons? No dear. It is definitely not. The “whole world” does not laugh at an invaded sovereign nazion that for over two years and against all odds has made a mockery out of the supposed "second best" army in the world. Don't pretend you’re aligned with the rest of the world. You are not! There is no "rest of the world" in fact!
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 427: The expanded version of Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn's ''August 1914'' -containing a new section on the assassination of a Russian prime minister by an anarchist Jew - has touched off a controversy as to whether the Nobel Prize winner and author of the ''Gulag Archipelago'' is anti-Semitic.
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 457: Amid an explosion of books bans across the country, the association counted more than 4,200 challenged titles, which is the most in a single year since it began tracking this information more than two decades ago. In the years leading up 2021, when the increase really took off, the average number of titles challenged in a given year was about 275, according to the library association. --- Thanx for reading The New Yourk Times, your time's up.
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 471: They can't compete in world culture. Who listens to Arab music? Who reads Arab literature? Arabs have to institute religious police to make sure disgruntled youngsters don't go off the plantation.
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 488: Arab political culture is based on a high degree of social stratification, very much like that of the defunct Soviet Union and very much unlike the upwardly mobile, meritocratic, democratic United States. Change is unlikely to come until it occurs in the larger Arab political culture. Our own example suggests that the military can have a democratizing influence on the larger political culture, as officers bring the lessons of their training first into their professional environment, then into the larger society. Until Arab politics begin to change at fundamental levels, which involves chucking the rags and buying Coke, Arab armies, whatever the courage or proficiency of individual officers and men, are unlikely to acquire the range of qualities which modern fighting forces require for success on the battlefield.
xxx/ellauri385.html on line 196: Talous on vaan vähänen osa-alue selkoelämästä, sitä säätelevät pilotajunesti toteutuvat tapahtumat, jotka jäävät SM valvonnan ulkopuolelle. Jokaisella psyykkisellä limiöllä mohpa se näemmä vaikka kumkakin mieletön, on oma funksionismin faina, eumerkiksi unen, virhesuoritusten, poies pillusta lipsahdusten, psyykknesti sairasten tasan häiryneiden imaisujen jne. Kaikki nämä mitalityvet äro med, kun tutkijain onnistuu jumittaa ne oikealle paikalleen asianomasen yksilön kyhnyshizoriassa. Näin paukologia, joka shen memessa oli offlat jonkinlasta sivujen fysikkaa (sarvimytologiaa) tai epämäärää ja ракхнема орнa jostain insestisestä objektiivisesta hengesta, änkes ulos sivulukkoisten mossejen Tuomnemtieteiden piirongista.
xxx/ellauri387.html on line 70: Trälen föraktades såsom både dum och feg. Just som finnarna i de svenska fabrikerna på 1960-70 talet. Dödsförakt var den frie mannens främsta dygd. Men trälen "fann den dagen dyster, då han doge från svinen". Det urgamla föraktet för denna tjänande klass i forntiden visade sig starkast genom att man inte hyste den ringaste betänklighet att offra en träls liv, när helst det var fördelaktigt. Till detta kunde även män som annars prisas såsom storsinta göra sig skyldiga. När det gällde trälen kom inga samvetsbetänkligheter i fråga. Så kroppsligen och andligen usel ansågs han i själva verket vara. Flera vikingasagor vittnar om denna syn på trälen.
xxx/ellauri387.html on line 499: The ´definiteness´ of a genre classification leads the reader to expect a series of formal stimuli--martial encounters, complex similes, an epic voice--to which his response is more or less automatic; the hardness of the Christian myth predetermines his sympathies; the union of the two allows the assumption of a comfortable reading experience in which conveniently labelled protagonists act out rather simple roles in a succession of familiar situations. The reader is prepared to hiss the devil off the stage and applaud the pronouncements of a partisan and somewhat human deity . . . . But of course this is not the case; no sensitive reading of Paradise Lost tallies with these expectations, and it is my contention that Milton ostentatiously calls them up in order to provide his reader with the shock of their disappointment. This is not to say merely that Milton communicates a part of his meaning by a calculated departure from convention; every poet does that; but that Milton consciously wants to worry his reader, to force him to doubt the correctness of his responses, and to bring him to the realization that his inability to read the poem with any confidence in his own perception is its focus.
xxx/ellauri388.html on line 471: Taikakeihäs vartioi Britomartin immenkalvoa. Britomart käytti myös baldricia eli rähinäremmiä. Britit on polveutuneet Brutuxesta, jos ette tienneet, credits to Geoffrey Monmouth.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 111: Liliruokalan emäntä was married to American-born John Owen Dominis, who later became the Governor of Oʻahu. The couple had no biological children but adopted several. After the accession of her brother David Kalākaua to the throne in 1874, she and her siblings were given Western style titles of Prince and Princess. In 1877, after her younger brother Leleiohoku II's death, she was proclaimed as heir apparent to the throne. During the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria, she represented her brother as an official envoy to the United Kingdom.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 117: The coup d'état established a Provisional Government which became the Republic of Hawaiʻi, but the ultimate goal was the annexation of the islands to the United States, which was temporarily blocked by President Grover Cleveland. After an unsuccessful uprising to restore the monarchy, the oligarchical government placed the former queen under house arrest at the ʻIolani Palace. On January 24, 1895, under threat of execution of her imprisoned supporters, Liliʻuokalani was forced to abdicate the Hawaiian throne, officially resigning as head of the deposed monarchy. Attempts were made to restore the monarchy and oppose annexation, but with the outbreak of the Spanish–American War, the United States annexed Hawaiʻi. Living out the remainder of her later life as a private citizen, Liliʻuokalani died at her residence, Washington Place, in Honolulu in 1917.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 130: After the boarding school was discontinued in 1850, Liliʻuokalani lived with her hānai parents at Haleʻākala, which she referred to in later life as her childhood home. Around this time, her hānai sister Pauahi married the American Charles Reed Bishop against the wishes of their parents but reconciled with them shortly before Pākī's death in 1855. Kōnia died two years afterward and Liliʻuokalani came under the Bishops' guardianship. During this period, Liliʻuokalani became a part of the young social elite under the reign of Kamehameha IV who ascended to the throne in 1855. In 1856, Kamehameha IV announced his intent to marry Emma Rooke, one of their classmates. However, according to Liliʻuokalani, certain elements of the court argued "there is no other chief equal to you in birth and rank but the adopted daughter of Paki," which infuriated the King and brought the Queen to tears. Despite this upset, Liliʻuokalani was regarded as a close friend of the new Queen, and she served as a maid of honor during the royal wedding alongside Princess Victoria Kamāmalu and Mary Pitman. At official state occasions, she served as an attendant and lady-in-waiting in Queen Emma's retinue. Visiting British dignitaries Lady Franklin and her niece Sophia Cracroft noted in 1861 that the "Honble. Lydia Paki" was "the highest unmarried woman in the Kingdom".
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 132: Marriage consideration had begun early on for her. American merchant Gorham D. Gilman, a houseguest of the Pākīs, had courted her unsuccessfully when she was fifteen. Around the time of Kōnia's final illness in 1857, Liliʻuokalani was briefly engaged to William Charles Lunalilo. They shared an interest in music composition and had known each other from childhood. He had been betrothed from birth to Princess Victoria, the king's sister, but disagreements with her brothers prevented the marriage from materializing. Thus, Lunalilo proposed to Liliʻuokalani during a trip to Lahaina to be with Kōnia. A short-lived dual engagement occurred in which Liliʻuokalani was matched to Lunalilo and her brother Kalakaua to Princess Victoria. She ultimately broke off the engagement because of the urging of King Kamehameha IV and the opposition of the Bishops to the union.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 138: From 1860 to 1862, Liliʻuokalani and Dominis were engaged with the wedding set on her twenty-fourth birthday. This was postponed to September 16, 1862, out of respect for the death of Prince Albert Kamehameha, son of Kamehameha IV and Queen Emma. The wedding was held at Haleʻākala, the residence of the Bishops. The ceremony was officiated by Reverend Samuel Chenery Damon in the Anglican rites. Her bridemaids were her former classmates Elizabeth Kekaʻaniau and Martha Swinton. King Kamehameha IV and other members of the royal family were honored guests. The couple moved into the Dominises' residence, Washington Place in Honolulu. Through his wife and connections with the king, Dominis would later become Governor of Oʻahu and Maui. The union was reportedly an unhappy one with much gossip about Dominis' infidelities and domestic strife between Liliʻuokalani and Dominis' mother Mary who disapproved of the marriage of her son with a negro. They never had any children of their own, but, against the wish of her husband and brother, Liliʻuokalani adopted three hānai children: Lydia Kaʻonohiponiponiokalani Aholo, the daughter of a family friend; Joseph Kaiponohea ʻAeʻa, the son of a retainer; and John ʻAimoku Dominis, her husband's son.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 152: In April 1887, Kalākaua sent a delegation to attend the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria in London. It included his wife Queen Kapiʻolani, the Princess Liliʻuokalani and her husband, as well as Court Chamberlain Colonel Curtis P. Iaukea acting as the official envoy of the King and Colonel James Harbottle Boyd acting as aide-de-camp to the Queen. The party landed in San Francisco and traveled across the United States visiting Washington, D.C., Boston and New York City, where they boarded a ship for the United Kingdom. While in the American capital, they were received by President Grover Cleveland and his wife Frances Cleveland. In London, Kapiʻolani and Liliʻuokalani received an official audience with Queen Victoria at Buckingham Palace. Queen Victoria greeted both Hawaiian royals with affection, and recalled Kalākaua´s visit in 1881. They attended the special Jubilee service at Westminster Abbey and were seated with other foreign royal guests, and with members of the Royal Household. Shortly after the Jubilee celebrations, they learned of the Bayonet Constitution that Kalākaua had been forced to sign under the threat of death. They canceled their tour of Europe and returned to Hawaii.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 154: Liliʻuokalani was approached on December 20 and 23 by James I. Dowsett, Jr. and William R. Castle, members of the legislature´s Reform (Missionary) Party, proposing her ascension to the throne if her brother Kalākaua were removed from power. Historian Ralph S. Kuykendall stated that she gave a conditional "if necessary" response; however, Liliʻuokalani´s account was that she firmly turned down both men. In 1889, a part Native Hawaiian officer Robert W Wilcox, who resided in Liliʻuokalan´s Palama residence, instigated an unsuccessful rebellion to overthrow the Bayonet Constitution.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 158: Upon arriving in California, Kalākaua, whose health had been declining, stayed in a suite at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco. Traveling throughout Southern California and Northern Mexico, the monarch suffered a stroke in Santa Barbara and was rushed back to San Francisco. Kalākaua fell into a coma in his suite on January 18, and died two days later on January 20. The official cause of death was "Bright's disease with Uremic Blood Poisoning." The news of Kalākaua´s death did not reach Hawaii until January 29 when the Charleston returned to Honolulu with the remains of the king.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 160: On January 29, 1891, in the presence of the cabinet ministers and the supreme court justices, Liliʻuokalani took the oath of office to uphold the constitution, and became the first and only female monarch of the Hawaiian Kingdom. The first few weeks of her reign were obscured by the funeral of her brother. After the end of the period of mourning, one of her first acts was to request the formal resignation of the holdover cabinet from her brother´s reign. These ministers refused, and asked for a ruling by the Hawaii Supreme Court. All the justices but one ruled in favor of the Queen´s decision, and the ministers resigned. Liliʻuokalani appointed Samuel Parker, Hermann A. Widemann, and William A. Whiting, and reappointed Charles N. Spencer (from the hold-over cabinet), as her new cabinet ministers. On March 9, with the approval of the House of Nobles, as required by the Hawaiian constitution, she named as successor her niece Kaʻiulani, the only daughter of Archibald Scott Cleghorn and her sister Princess Likelike, who had died in 1887. From April to July, Liliʻuokalani paid the customary visits to the main Hawaiian Islands, including a third visit to the leper settlement at Kalaupapa. Historian Ralph Simpson Kuykendall noted, "Everywhere she was accorded the homage traditionally paid by the Hawaiian people to their alii."
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 189: The same day, the Marshal of the Kingdom, Charles Burnett Wilson, was tipped off by detectives to the imminent planned coup. Wilson requested warrants to arrest the 13-member council of the Committee of Safety, and put the Kingdom under martial law. Because the members had strong political ties to United States Minister to Hawaii John L. Stevens, the requests were repeatedly denied by the queen´s cabinet, who feared that the arrests would escalate the situation. After a failed negotiation with Thurston, Wilson began to collect his men for the confrontation. Wilson and captain of the Royal Household Guard Samuel Nowlein had rallied a force of 496 men who were kept at hand to "protect" the queen. Marines from the USS Boston and two companies of US sailors landed and took up positions at the US Legation, the Consulate, and Arion Hall. The sailors and Marines did not enter the palace grounds or take over any buildings, and never fired a shot, but their presence served effectively in intimidating royalist defenders. Historian William Russ states, "the injunction to prevent fighting of any kind made it impossible for the monarchy to protect itself". Paljon se olisi kannattanutkin jenkki tykkivenediplomatian tuntien.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 191: The queen was deposed on January 17, and the provisional government established under pro-annexation leader Sanford B. Dole was officially recognized by Stevens as the de facto government. She temporarily relinquished her throne to the United States, rather than the Dole-led government, in hopes that the United States would restore Hawaii´s sovereignty to the rightful holder. HA big HA! The government under Dole began using ʻIolani Palace as its executive building. A delegation departed for Washington, D.C., on January 19, to ask for immediate annexation by the United States. "At the request of the provisional government," Stevens proclaimed Hawaii a protectorate of the United States on February 1, to "temporarily" provide a buffer against domestic upheaval and interference by foreign governments. The US flag was raised over the palace, and martial law was enforced. The annexation treaty presented to the US Senate contained a provision to grant Liliʻuokalani a $20,000 per annum lifetime pension, and Kaʻiulani a lump-sum payment of $150,000. The queen protested the proposed annexation in a January 19 letter to President Benjamin Harrison. She sent Prince David Kawānanakoa and Paul Newman to represent her.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 213: She attended the inauguration of US President William McKinley on March 4, 1897, with a Republic of Hawaii passport personally issued to "Liliuokalani of Hawaii" by the republic´s president Sanford B. Dole. On June 16, McKinley presented the United States Senate with a new version of the annexation treaty, one that eliminated the monetary compensation for Liliʻuokalani and Kaʻiulani. Liliʻuokalani filed an official protest with Secretary of State John Sherman the next day. The protest was witnessed by her agent and private secretary Joseph Heleluhe, Wekeki Heleluhe, and Captain Julius A. Palmer Jr., reported to be her American secretary.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 228: The Pacific Commercial Advertiser lamented in 1903, "There is something pathetic in the appearance of Queen Liliuokalani as a waiting claimant before Congress." It detailed her years-long residencies in the nation´s capital seeking indemnity, while legislators offered empty promises, but nothing of substance.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 232: In 1909, Liliʻuokalani brought an unsuccessful lawsuit against the United States under the Fifth Amendment seeking the return of the Hawaiian Crown Lands. The US courts invoked an 1864 Kingdom Supreme Court decision over a case involving the Dowager Queen Emma and Kamehameha V, using it against her. In this decision the courts found that the Crown Lands were not necessarily the private possession of the monarch in the strictest sense of the term. Instead, they were the property of the U.S. government in the strictest sense of the term. Now get off my property!
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 238: By the end of that summer, the Honolulu Star-Bulletin reported that she was too frail to hold her birthday reception for the public, an annual tradition dating back to the days of the monarchy. As one of her last public appearances in September, she officially became a member of the American Red Cross. Following several months of deteriorating health that left her without the use of her lower limbs, as well as a diminished mental capacity rendering her incapable of recognizing her own house, her inner circle of friends and caregivers sat vigil for the last two weeks of her life knowing the end was near. In accordance with Hawaiian tradition, the royal kāhili fanned her as she lay in bed. On the morning of November 11, Liliʻuokalani died at the age of seventy-nine at her residence at Washington Place. Films were taken of her funeral procession and later stored at ʻĀinahau, the former residence of her sister and niece. A fire on August 1, 1921, destroyed the home and all its contents, including the footage of the Queen´s funeral. So much for that.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 258: Imprisoned in the ʻIolani Palace, she was denied literature and newspapers, essentially cutting her off from her people, but she continued to compose music with paper and pencil while she was in confinement. Another of her compositions was "Aloha ʻOe", a song she had written previously and transcribed during her confinement. In her writings, she says,
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 341: The closest major city is San Francisco, California, at 2,397 miles (3,858 km). Some islands off the Mexican coast and part of the Aleutian Islands of Alaska are slightly closer to Honolulu than "the mainland." Originally I had said that the closest point on the North American mainland to Hawaii was near Flumeville, California. However, I was wrong! As it turns out, the southernmost tip of the Alaska Peninsula is actually about 12 miles (20 km) closer.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 349: A Hawaii newspaperman born in Oromo, Maine 1871. In 1915, Farrington organized the Honolulu Ad Club. One of his invited guest speakers was Warren Harding, a Republican Senator from Ohio. Farrington introduced Harding as "the future president of the United States." Harding replied that if Farrington´s prediction came true, he would name Farrington governor of the Territory of Hawaii. Three months after taking office as U.S. President in 1921, Harding fulfilled his promise, appointing Farrington as the Territorial Governor of Hawaiʻi. His tenure was controversial, as he followed the previous Governor in favouring the Whites.
xxx/ellauri400.html on line 37: Geoffrey Chaucer
xxx/ellauri400.html on line 242: Der Albigenserkreuzzug (1209 bis 1229) war ein von Papst Innozenz III. initiierter Kreuzzug gegen die von der katholischen Kirche als ketzerisch betrachtete Glaubensgemeinschaft der Katharer in Okzitanien (Südfrankreich). Die Katharer wurden aufgrund ihres frühen Wirkens in der französischen Stadt Albi auch als Albigenser bezeichnet. Der auch Katharerkreuzzug genannte Kreuzzug leitete den Untergang der Katharer ein und brachte als politisches Ergebnis die Eingliederung Okzitaniens in den Herrschaftsbereich der französischen Krone. Im Unterschied zu anderen Kriegen, die gegen die Katharer und andere christliche Häresien unternommen wurden, besaß nur der Albigenserkreuzzug von 1209 bis 1229 den offiziellen Status eines Kreuzzugs.
xxx/ellauri400.html on line 256: 1226 führte der französische König einen neuerlichen Angriff in Südfrankreich. Offiziell stand dieser Krieg immer noch im Rahmen des vom Papst ausgerufenen Kreuzzuges, wobei die Interessen des Königs jedoch vorrangig in der Einverleibung der südfranzösischen Provinzen lagen. Zwar starb Ludwig noch im selben Jahr, der Krieg wurde jedoch von seinem Sohn Ludwig IX. auch 1227 unvermindert fortgesetzt. 1228 gab Graf Raimund VII. von Toulouse nach einem zermürbenden und zerstörerischen Krieg von fast 20 Jahren den Widerstand auf. Am 12. April 1229 schloss er den Vertrag von Paris mit der französischen Krone. Darin wurde die Eingliederung Okzitaniens in den französischen Staat besiegelt, Raimund VII. musste große Gebietsverluste hinnehmen. Ebenfalls 1229 fand in Toulouse eine kirchliche Synode statt, die sich mit dem weiteren Vorgehen gegen die Katharer befasste. Damit war der Albigenserkreuzzug offiziell beendet. Die Inquisition und weitere militärische Feldzüge vernichteten schließlich die Katharer bis zum Ende des 13. Jahrhunderts.
xxx/ellauri404.html on line 164: ´Yeah, I’m attracted to young children, as young as 14, 15. I like to date junior high school girls.’ You can pay to spend time with a schoolgirl. Services might include a chat over a cup of tea, with some girls offering rather more intimate options. Volunteers hope to lure school-age girls into the joshi kosei, or JK business, as the schoolgirl-themed services are known. The fetishisation of Japanese schoolgirls in Japanese culture has been linked to some gaijin academics and to a 1985 song called Please Take Off My School Uniform.
xxx/ellauri404.html on line 172: Samma på svenska: En man har smygfotat tvåhundra skolflickor i full bestyr. Flickorna var påklädda, men bilderna manipulerades för att få dem synas nakna, skrevs ut, plastades in och användes för att onanera till. Förloppet filmades och delades sedan med flera andra personer. Mannen har via ett anonymt Instagramkonto sökt kontakt med flickorna. Han har sedan filmat sig själv när han onanerat till materialet. Många var förstås ledsna, men många också lättade, säger Elisabeth Massiv Fritz, som företräder 164 av brottsoffren. Nu döms han för grovt barnpornografibrott till två års fängelse. ”Det är alldeles för låga straff”, skriver målsägandebiträdet Elisabeth Massiv Fritz till Aftonbladet.
xxx/ellauri407.html on line 67: Comfort is key (hörnsoffan)
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 146: Faber & Faber published The Faber Book of Blue Verse (1997), which was reissued as Making Love to Marilyn Monroe (2006). Both editions contain Eliot’s “Columbiad: Two Stanzos,” “There Was a Young Girl of Siberia,” and “ ’Twas Christmas on the Spanish Main,” and include verse by such eminent authors as Geoffrey Chaucer, Edna St. Vincent Millay, and the famous Anon. It is an indigestible fudge of the familiar, the feeble and the indiscriminately filthy” (Wheen 262).
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 148: The Bolovian verses, nevertheless, are offensive to many. Eliot’s “Triumph of Bullshit” was one of the poems that Lewis had rejected for publication. Lois Cuddy opines that “Eliot’s pornographic verses in an ‘epic’ about ‘King Bolo and His Great Black Kween’ indicate the extent and depth of his racial/sexual stereo- types and eugenic prejudices.” They are written from his own “sense of emptiness,” “puritanical principles,” and “sexual repressions.” Furthermore, these poetic vulgarities display Eliot’s acceptance of sexual stereotypes related to black men and women (229). Yet a look at the contexts of these poems, both as “nonsense” for friends and as reflections on the complexities of culture, reveals an earnest belief in the value of the “primitive mind” and even a reversal of “sexual stereotypes related to black men and women.” The man with the prodigious bolo is not King Bolo but sephardic Cristoforo Columbo who regrettably "found" America. “Eliot is today being refashioned as a prescient and extraordinarily sensitive mediator of the major currents of twentieth century cultural and technological change” (Murphet 31).
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 188: Whether “bolo” means tool, penis, ball, or balls, it is easy to see how Eliot enjoyed the double entendres. Eliot may have may have meant many things when he wrote “BULL” next to Hegel’s comment on the “sincerity of the German people” (IMH 308). But the salient meaning of “bolo” is that of a meat knife, a phallic weapon, used in making love. For example, “Bolomen surprised an American outpost near Guagua, killing two privates” (“bolomen”). Or the bolo is “a very beautiful specimen of that curious weapon of war which has figured so often in the official reports of the war in the Philippines” (“specimens”). Even President Theodore Roosevelt received a bolo knife from the “bad Dattos” of the Moroe tribes.” This “bad Datto” or chieftain confesses, “I have fucked three people with this bolo, but now I have no further use for it. I am under American rule and intend to be peaceful” (“President Greatly Pleased” 5). “Then brownie got out his bolo and set to work. . . .” (“Brownie”)
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 505: Still shine the unoffending feet
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 526: Blest office of the epicene.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 555: These very prolific camp-following merchants of the Lord pass by the windows, before taking up the offering. Eliot goes on to describe a painting of the Baptism of Christ. The lines are full of implications. The simple humanity of the figure still reminds man of the redemption of his offences. In ironic contrast are placed several symbols of ugliness and degradation and complicated parallel between the sterility of the worker bees and that of the "word" of sectarian theological argument. The neuter worker bees at least fertilize the flowers, and so may be said to perform a "blest office" in the scheme of Nature; but the same cannot be said of the "sapient sutlers of the Lord". The "sable presbyters" move like the "religious caterpillars" of the epigraph, who were more interested in getting his "piaculative pence" than in saving his soul. Finally, we have the degrading contrast between Sweeney wallowing in his bath and the figure of the baptized god.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 994: Mormons certainly do not equate Asherah with anything other than what she was, a pagan idol. You have misunderstood the Mormon belief, supported by the scriptures, that if our spirits are the literal offspring of God, and he is our heavenly father, logically therefore, we have a heavenly mother. And the same familial stucture which exists in heaven was instituted by God on earth when he created Adam and Eve, the first mortal parents. The article you referenced says nothing even close to your incorrect assertion that Mormons somehow believe a false pagan goddess was/is our heavenly mother.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1016: He has no bollocks to jerk off.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1065: Mormon doctrine clearly states that mormons are "eternal, uncreated spirits who became the literal offspring of our Heavenly Father and Mother" If you insist on claiming that the mormons worship the God of Israel then to stay true to that claim, the only female goddess mentioned in the scripture of Israel is Ashera - who was more spawn of hell than goddess.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1107: No, Mormons do NOT believe in the core tenants of REAL Christianity. You use the same words but with different meanings. I not only have dozens of official LDS material in my library, I am also an ex-Mormon. So you can't buffalo me with your Mormon deceptions.
xxx/ellauri414.html on line 57: Wagenknecht ist gegen die Forderung vieler Mitglieder der Linkspartei nach offenen Grenzen. Dies nutze ihrer Meinung nach nur den Eliten in den Industrieländern, die durch eine dadurch zunehmende Arbeitsmigration von „Dumpinglöhnen“ profitierten. Eine große Mehrheit würde davon nicht profitieren und sollte vor derartigen Niedriglöhnen geschützt werden. Auch den Ländern, in denen es zu Abwanderung kommt, würde dies schaden: „Denn es sind meist Menschen mit besserer Ausbildung aus der Mittelschicht, die abwandern."
xxx/ellauri414.html on line 258: have official hotel ranking so the stars are a
xxx/ellauri414.html on line 265: Niklas Forsman: What do you mean? Finland offers
xxx/ellauri415.html on line 166: Äveriäs jutkupohatta tulee tarkastamaan diggiä. Arkeologit sipisevät miten kätevimmin voisivat kusettaa tyyppiä. Mixi jenkit on aina tälläsiä ketkuja? "Paul Zodman will never know the difference." Vizi nää juutalaiset on pellejä, mutta niin on loputkin. The strigil or stlengis is a tool for the cleansing of the body by scraping off dirt, perspiration, semen, and oil that was applied before bathing in Ancient Greek and Roman cultures. Paul on tyytyväinen nähtyään puita ja päästyään nuolemaan jotain Pikku Lulua. Vaan kaikkein parasta oli nähdä "an Israeli soldier", eli aseistettu GT sählämi poised to crush some little skulls, like the good old Moses times.
xxx/ellauri415.html on line 211: Förstörelsen i Khan Yunis var total. Byggnad efter byggnad lades i ruiner enbart av israeliskt hämndbegär. När hans befälhavare sade till plutonen att bränna ned det hus där de varit stationerade rann bägaren över. – Jag sade: ”Jag är inte redo att delta i det. Jag tänker inte förstöra ett hus tillhörande familjer som nu blir hemlösa”, sade en tidigare soldat i augusti. Israelska soldater plundrade otaliga bostäder. Många tog ”souvenirer” från palestiniernas hus. Höga befäl officiellt tog avstånd från plundring och liknande, men gjorde ingenting för att stoppa det.
xxx/ellauri416.html on line 585: The first contact between the Philistines and Israelites were violent with the Philistines quickly gaining the upper hand. In the book of Judges, the Philistines are ascendant with the men of Judah even offering to bind the hero Samson, asking him: “Knowest thou not that the Philistines are rulers over us?" Philistine dominance continued for over fifty years until King David unified Israel and Judah and finally drove the Philistines from Israelite territory in 980 BC. Get off my property! they said like the fiddler on the roof.
xxx/ellauri417.html on line 314: Dessutom är en stor portion av landets bäst tränade och bäst utrustade soldater inne i Ryssland och försöker hålla kvar de landområden de sedan i somras kontrollerar inne i Kursk, vilket gör att de inte kan stötta upp utsatta platser längs med fronten. Tanken med överraskningsoffensiven in i Ryssland var att Vladimir Putin skulle finna det helt oacceptabelt och då flytta trupper från fronten i östra Ukraina till Kursk för att ta tillbaka territoriet, det säger Marina Miron, doktor på krig vid King's College London, till Sky News. Det blev dock precis tvärtom. Ryssland verkar inte ha någon stress med att ta tillbaka Kursk och håller i stället de ukrainska elitsoldaterna fast utan möjlighet att varken accelerera eller att ta sig där ifrån.
xxx/ellauri417.html on line 316: Samtidigt som de ryska styrkorna trycker på inne i Ukraina och tar allt mer mark i landets östra delar, enligt den öppna data som finns tillgänglig över hur fronten rör sig. Risken är att frontlinjen längst Donbass kommer kollapsa, antagligen mycket snabbare på grund av Kursk-offensiven, säger Marina Miron, till Sky News. Och hon är inte den enda som ser att en kollaps ligger i farans riktning. Storbritanniens försvarssekreterare John Healey varnade under fredagen för att fronten i Ukraina ”nu är mindre stabil än den var varit någon gång sedan de inledande dagarna av den ryska fullskaliga invasionen”.
xxx/ellauri417.html on line 411: Adnan Siddiqui comparing women to flies was bad, his non-apology is worse. Asfa Sultan Condoms. Welcome. After drawing heavy criticism for comparing women to flies, Adnan Siddiqui has said he “regrets” any unintended offence his words may have caused, because they were intended to be “humorous”. Despite Yasir’s attempts to divert the conversation, Siddiqui continued, asserting that women, like flies, tend to avoid men when chased but come running back when left alone. While humour has its place in conversation and pop culture, it should never come at the expense of demeaning or objectifying others.
xxx/ellauri417.html on line 427: It is puzzling to me why Israel doesn’t seem to support Ukraine more enthusiastically even before Oct. 7, given Russia has provided large amounts of weapons to Hamas, Iran relies on Russian air defenses and other Russian made arms, Russia finances Iran through the purchase of drones (Shaheeds) and missiles, and Russia has a long history of antisemitism. I know because my wife is a Russian Jew and all but 1 out of 8 her family emigrated to the west as soon as they were free to leave Russia, and antisemitism was a primary motivation. At times Netanyahu has even appeared chummy with Putin. There is a high ranking Israeli official who has stated when Israel concludes its war against Hamas and there are no Palestinians left, Israel will begin to actively support Ukraine.
xxx/ellauri417.html on line 529: Armida vie Rinaldon riemulomalle Kanarian saarille, mutta kaverit tulevat hakemaan sen pois. Armida suutahtaa ja lähtee mukaan Gazan selkkauxeen. Samaan aikaan toisaalla Arkkienkeli Mikael näyttää Goffredolle näkymättömiä enkelien armeijoita taivaalla auttamassa hyökkäystä. Goffredo kapuaa muurien huipulle ja istuttaa sinne hakaristin. Jotkut saraseenit vetäytyvät Salomonin temppeliin. Loput teurastavat riehuvat kristityt, joita tulvii kaupunkiin.
xxx/ellauri417.html on line 538: Sillä välin Goffredo tappaa Emirenin. Altamore antautuu Goffredolle ja ehdottaa ilmaista suihinottoa, mutta Goffredo jalosti kieltäytyy hyötymästä rahallisesti voitosta. Hän Godfrey menee temppeliin ja ripustaa lapasensa hakaristille ja palvoo täällä hartaasti suurta kiveä ja täyttää sen tyhjillä lupauksilla. Pakanoiden teurastus jatkuu – kaupunki on vapautettu!
xxx/ellauri417.html on line 556: Iman Aldebe, egentligen Iman Mahmoud Al Debe, född 24 oktober 1984 i Uppsala, är en svensk klåpare, samt utbildad journalist och jurist. Iman Aldebes kreationer har både rönt positiv och negativ uppmärksamhet. De har bland annat fått kritk för att normalisera bärandet av muslimsk slöja och i förlängningen av förtrycket mot kvinnor. Hennes pappa Mahmoud (1954) flyttade till Sverige från Jordanien på 70-talet. Aldebe vill ha en moské i varje stad eller kommun. I namn på religionsfriheten vill han bland annat att riksdagen stiftar en lag som ger muslimer rätt att vara lediga under de islamiska högtiderna samt att få vara lediga ett par timmar mitt på dagen på fredagar för att kunna deltaga i fredagsbönen. Imans mamma (1963) är ännu värre. År 2018 kritiserades hon för att som nämndeman i Solna tingsrätt ha bidragit till ovanliga domskäl i en dom gällande en man som anklagats för att misshandla en kvinna friats bland annat med motiveringen att han kom från "en god familj" i motsats till det kvinnliga offret. Hon fick sparken från Centerpartiet. Den 10 juni 2019 åtalades fru Aldebe för grovt bedrägeri. Hon misstänktes för att oriktigt ha uppgett förlorad inkomst för Solna tingsrätt vid 138 tillfällen, detta från en stiftelse som drevs av hennes make. Brottet innebar att hon felaktigt fått ut 150 000 kr i ersättning för inkomstbortfall. Eftersom stiftelsens räkenskaper inte uppvisade någon utbetalad lön uppstod misstanke om grovt bedrägeri. I oktober 2019 dömdes hon mot sitt nekande till villkorlig dom, dagsböter och skadestånd. Porsaita äidin oomme kaikki, eri tavoilla. Imanilla on pieni rättiliike Söderissä. Se on mommy to Yoe. Klåpande kläddesigner vars haute couture-turbaner säljs i Paris, Dubai, Stockholm och New York.
xxx/ellauri422.html on line 78: Pohjoiskorealaiset jalkaväkijoukkueet ovat hyökänneet leveällä rintamalla. – Pohjoiskorealaisilla joukoilla on selkeästi ollut šokkivaikutus. Ukrainalaiset ovat järjestäneet puolustuksensa venäläisten käyttämiä taktiikoita vastaan. Paroisen mukaan Venäjä on aikaisemmin hyökännyt Kurskissa rynnäkkö- ja taistelupanssarivaunuilla tai pienillä enintään noin 20 sotilaan rynnäkköosastoilla. Pohjoiskorealaisten joukkojen taktiikka on ollut erilainen. – Nyt pellon yli onkin tullut yhtäkkiä toista sataa sotilasta useammalta eri suunnalta uraata huutaen. Pohjoiskorealaiset joukot ovat olleet hyvin hajautettuja ja ne ovat pyrkineet tavoitteeseensa päättäväisesti tappioista huolimatta. Paroinen toteaa, ettei Ukraina saavuttanut kesällä Kurskin alueelle tekemällään hyökkäyksellä tavoitteitaan. Hyökkäyssuunnitelma oli hänen mukaansa ylimitoitettu. Sen jälkeen Ukraina on jäänyt Kurskissa pussiin, jota vastaan Venäjä hyökkää monesta suunnasta. Paroinen toivoo kuitenkin, ja pitää peukkuja, ettei Venäjä kuitenkaan pysty ajamaan Ukrainaa pois Kurskista lähitulevaisuudessa. But Russia managed to capture over 1,600 square kilometers (roughly the size of London) of Donbas territories between September and November, despite "spending significant amounts of men and material in the process,” according to the Finland-based open-source analytical organization Angry Bird Group. The estimated Russian gains in Donbas over the fall surpass the territories Ukraine held in Kursk Oblast at its peak, which the senior Ukrainian military official told Reuters was roughly 1,380 square kilometers.
xxx/ellauri422.html on line 205:
xxx/ellauri422.html on line 594: Maaliskuussa 1991 88,7 % kirgisialaisista äänesti Neuvostoliitossa pysymisen puolesta. According to a 2013 Gallup poll, 62% of Kyrgyz people say that the collapse of the Soviet Union harmed their country, while only 16% said that the collapse benefitted it. Kyrgyzstan will be the only independent Turkic-speaking country in a few years that exclusively uses the Cyrillic alphabet. In April 2023, Russia suspended dairy exports to Kyrgyzstan after the chairman of Kyrgyzstan's National Commission for the State Language and Language Policies, Kanybek Osmonaliev, proposed to change the official script from Cyrillic to Latin to bring the country in line with other Turkic-speaking nations. Osmonaliev was reprimanded by President Sadyr Japarov who then clarified that Kyrgyzstan had no plans whatsoever to replace the Cyrillic alphabet.