ellauri009.html on line 1446: Mut asiaan. To business! Eläköön se pieni ero! Mikä on se ero jota tässä haetaan, apart from the obvious? Mikä malli on uhanalaisena? Vielä kysyt, siitähän on valtava kirjallisuus. Miehet ovat perseestä, naiset anuksesta. Miehet metästää, naiset hoivaa. Miehet istuu tupakalla miesten talossa, ottaa neuvoa antavia neuvostossa. Naiset kuokkii peltoa lapset selässä, käy kaupat, tekee perheelle hyvää mättöä, siivoilee. Odottaa miestä kotiin ohkasessa nailonnegligeessä. Mies pesee auton ja vaihtaa lamput.
ellauri014.html on line 1584: But some witnesses, who include both Marino´s detractors (such as Tommaso Stigliani) and defenders (such as the printer and biographer Antonio Bulifoni in a life of the poet which appeared in 1699) have firmly asserted that Marino, much of whose love poetry is heavily ambiguous, had homosexual tendencies. Elsewhere, the reticence of the sources on this subject is obviously due to the persecutions to which "sodomitical practices" were particularly subject during the Counterreformation.
ellauri028.html on line 202: Now he is on this kick about how man never thinks for himself. He is a chameleon conforming to whatever outside influences he puts himself in. This is pretty interesting stuff here. I apologize that these reviews have become rather flat. The amount of times I have used the word "interesting" to describe things in a vague manner is so blindly obvious and so boring, I can't believe I go on writing these things (and you keep reading them?!) Where is this going to get me, doing these shitty reviews? Does anyone care? Do I really care? I think I need a girlfriend (this is a cry for help)...Anyways, the book is psychological and philosophical or some shit... go read the goddamn thing yourself...I need a drink...
ellauri041.html on line 1943: Suspension of belief in what? Capitalism obviously. Americans find that harder than to believe in god, superman, me, "it", Harry Potter, Trump, and Game of Thrones. Big cars, cheap gas by the gallon, soft suspension. Well now oil can be had by the asking. Selling oil costs money now, as does saving money in the bank. Deflation comes, are you ready?
ellauri042.html on line 502: The youngest son narrates the tale. He, his brothers, and his mother are all sympathetic characters, relatively normal people, though each has their own beliefs, quirks, and problems. The failure of my-way-or-the-highway Dad to show respect or even empathy for those who disagree drives the story. He could have been portrayed as an easy person to hate, but even with his limitations, it's obvious he is still trying to do good. To that extent, this film succeeds.
ellauri048.html on line 1129: This stanza is to be found in Canto 27. The last two lines are usually taken as offering a meditation on the dissolution of a romantic relationship. However, the lines originally referred to the death of the poet's beloved friend. They are reminiscent of a line from William Congreve's popular 1700 play, The Way of the World: "'tis better to be left than never to have been loved." What the fuck, this is an obvious homoerotic elegy.
ellauri052.html on line 971: The rap against Bellow is that he maligned four of his five wives, especially in his fiction. This is true, and Leader is savvy enough not to take Bellow’s word about them. Wife No. 1, Anita, is shown as the underappreciated mainstay she obviously was. As for wife No. 2, Sondra Tschacbasov Bellow (Bellow called her Sasha), the model for the evil Madeleine, Leader has a scoop: an unpublished memoir shared with him after Bellow’s death. By her own account, Sasha was a vulnerable child-woman lacking basic life skills. From childhood and into her teens, she says, she was the victim of incest committed by her father. When Bellow took up with her, he was 37 and she was 21, a Bennington graduate and a secretary at the Partisan Review. His friends treated her with a sniggering sexism unfortunately unremarkable in the 1950s. At a party Bellow took her to, the critic R. W. B. Lewis, her former professor, drunkenly demanded to
ellauri067.html on line 448: Imipolex, in addition to being a pun (imitation pole: Last year an imitation pole that claimed to have a load rating of 300kgs snapped mid-performance. The pole dancer was severely injured and may never walk again because she fractured her pelvis & spine), "obviously" stems from a combination of "imido" with a near-reversal of "explode".
ellauri067.html on line 487: Hey, I just figured out that "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" might be making a sly allusion.... that Roger and Jessica Rabbit are named after Roger Mexico and Jessica Swanlake from Gravity´s Rainbow by Pynchon. Posted by ergomatic at 7:16 AM on March 16, 2016. Why it's obvious! just look at Roger's incisors!
ellauri069.html on line 483: An article recently came out in the LA Times about Pynchon’s Great American Novel. The article begins by stating that Mason and Dixon is actually the most obvious candidate for the Great American Novel, and it instead suggests that Gravity’s Rainbow is perhaps the Great European Novel. The article then questions whether or not the Great American Novel even exists, and if it does if it is of a singular form or if it takes on many forms at once. After considering this question, the article finally claims that the Great American Novel is actually made up of all of Pynchon’s works fused together “into one epic Pynchoverse.” The Great American Novel certainly does not need to take place in America, but still many will argue that Gravity’s Rainbow by itself can never be considered as the Great American Novel because of its non-American setting and its wide array of characters. This is definitely debatable, but I do enjoy the idea of a “Pynchoverse” or a Pynchon Compilation being considered as the true Great American Novel. That being said, I do think most readers and Pynchonerds would undoubtedly say that Gravity's Rainbow is the Greatest Pynchon Novel.
ellauri073.html on line 254: Hahaha look at you you fat fuck. You choose to spend your time bashing a man who has been dead for a decade, and there's no real reason for it other than the obvious jealousy that consumes you as an ugly person, inside and out. You break your criticism down into two distinctions: Foster's writing and his character. First, on your criticism of his character, I will say that it is entirely ironic that you choose to do so, considering that in your mediocre (that's right buddy your disgustingly fat ass as it is right now is entirely more mediocre than most unmistakably mediocre things, including (but not limited to) the entire Oakland Athletics organization) life your accomplishments include being - and here I'm just being honest with you, and it's possible that you may have heard this already in your pathetic, insufferable life but just hear me out -- LITERALLY THE FATTEST, BALDEST, AND JUST FLAT OUT UGLIEST PIECE OF SHIT PERSON I HAVE EVER SEEN. (For more on that here's a link to a picture I found of Matt online during a quick goggle search: https://www.google.com/sear....
ellauri073.html on line 258: Really, I would have expected one of the first pictures I saw of Matt Fartey to be one of professional caliber, but interestingly enough the first thing that came up when I searched his name was that picture -- a picture so startling in all that it conveys that it was almost too much for me to witness its allure and then continue along on this tirade; luckily I am a man of strong willpower, and so I was able to continue writing after seeing that picture without shooting myself in the head.) Anyways where was I...oh that's right! Matt Fartey's "accomplishments" and character! Well ladies and gents, he runs a fucking hate blog. Enough said. I doubt he even earns much from it too, though he obviously earns enough to afford an adequate amount of fast food meals that will surely keep his little hate-filled body going until the age of 47, where he will surely die of a collapsed lung or heart attack. When they find his body he will be mistaken for Matt FOLEY, which will obviously be a total disparagement on the late Chris Farley. If you know, you know.
ellauri080.html on line 441: The introvert will give ultimate significance to subjective, inner experience and will tend to assign importance to what is happening externally only as it related to this inner experience, or only if it will lead to personal growth. The extravert, contrarily, will give ultimate significance to what is happening externally in the objective, outer world and will assign very little importance or completely disregard inner experience, unless it could lead to outer growth. These are obviously two diametrically opposed yet complementary approaches to life, reminiscent of the oriental Yin (introversion) and Yang (extraversion).
ellauri080.html on line 512: These two attitudes can be summed up as ‘conjecturing’ and ‘examining’ respectively. The one axis seeks to discover, envision or predict the potential course (NI) plotted by their various raw experiences of things (SE); obviously the image I am summoning here is that of a scatterplot and line of best fit, though one could also summon the image of a researcher recording their observations and then forming overarching conclusions abstracted from that data.
ellauri089.html on line 37: I wonder how harmless such people are? To what extent civilization is retarded by the laughing jack-asses, the empty-minded belittlers? Nature's obvious mistakes? Mies sitä tulee räkänokasta, muttei tyhjän naurajasta. (Heinlein)
ellauri089.html on line 544: § 67. and by "metaphysical Ethics" I mean those systems which maintain or imply that the answer to the question "What is good?" logically depends upon the answer to the question "What is the nature of supersensible reality?" All such systems obviously involve the same fallacy—the "naturalistic fallacy"—by the use of which Naturalism was also defined. …
ellauri089.html on line 558: § 74. But ethical propositions cannot be reduced to this type: in particular, they are obviously to be distinguished …
ellauri089.html on line 646: § 113. and, if we use this method, it is obvious that personal affection and aesthetic enjoyments include by far the greatest goods with which we are acquainted. …
ellauri090.html on line 294: obviousmag.org/desnudando/2016/12/23/A%20dama%20e%20o%20livro.jpg" width="100%">
ellauri092.html on line 88: He became very settled and successful in ministry in Chicago. He sat on at least ten separate committees while at the same time fighting the gall of Cod to step out as an itinerant Evangelist. Cash flow was becoming mechanical. In June 1871 a great burden came upon two older ladies in his congregation to pray that he would receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire. These two hot ladies became very obvious to Moody as they sat on the front pew and prayed as he preached. When he enquired about their praying they informed him that they needed the power of the Spirit.
ellauri095.html on line 203: The suggestion of metaphysical significance is obvious in an 1874 note by Hopkins on waves: “The laps of running foam striking the sea-wall double on themselves and return in nearly the same order and shape in which they came. This is mechanical reflection and is the same as optical: indeed all nature is mechanical, but then it is not seen that mechanics contain that which is beyond mechanics.”
ellauri097.html on line 161: [Physicists] have, in late years, made a great deal of progress, though it has been accompanied by a considerable quackery. Some of the notions which they now try to foist upon the world, especially in the astronomical realm and about the atom, are obviously nonsensical, and will soon go the way of all unsupported speculations. But there is nothing intrinsically insoluble about the problems they mainly struggle with, and soon or late really competent physicists will arise to solve them. These really competent physicists, I predict, will be too busy in their laboratories to give any time to either metaphysics or theology. Both are eternal enemies of every variety of sound thinking, and no man can traffic with them without losing something of his good judgment.
ellauri109.html on line 474: Translations of the fable were familiar enough in Britain but the subject of male bonding left some readers uneasy (as it very obviously did Elizur Wright). Eventually there appeared an 18th-century version in octosyllabic couplets that claimed to be ‘improved from Fontaine’. Here the couple are a male and female named Columbo and Turturella.
ellauri109.html on line 551: Kleinschmidt published a journal article in which he describes the case of a “successful Southern playwright” with an overbearing mother: “His rebellion was sexualized, leading to compulsive masturbation which provided an outlet for a myriad of hostile fantasies. These same masturbatory fantasies he both acted out and channeled into his writing.” Roth, who was obviously Kleinschmidt’s “playwright,” saw the article just after finishing the novel. He spent multiple sessions berating Kleinschmidt for this “psychoanalytic cartoon” and yet continued his analysis with him for years.
ellauri111.html on line 112: At the Council of Trent (1546) the Roman Catholic institution pronounced the following apocryphal books sacred. They asserted that the apocryphal books together with unwritten tradition are of God and are to be received and venerated as the Word of God. So now you have the Bible, the Apocrypha and Catholic Tradition as co-equal sources of truth for the Catholic. In reality, it seems obvious that the Bible is the last source of truth for Catholics. Roman Catholic doctrine comes primarily from tradition stuck together with a few Bible names. In my reading of Catholic materials, I find notes like this: "You have to keep the Bible in perspective." Catholics have been deceived into not believing that the Bible is God's complete revelation for man (but they can come out of these deceptions in an instant if they will only believe the Bible as it is written) .
ellauri112.html on line 885: Second, Timothy obviously suffered from a stomach ailment which required a medicinal remedy. The water in Asia Minor can be very dangerous, hence the young evangelist was encouraged to take “a little wine” along with his water. The sentence is elliptical: “Be no longer a drinker of water [alone], but [with it] take a little wine” (1 Tim. 5:23).
ellauri131.html on line 723: Robbins repeatedly swears by Natural Language Processing (NLP), a controversial, consciousness-based belief system that took root in California in the 1970s. According to the Association for NLP, the practice is commonly referred to as the "users manual for your mind," and studying NLP offers "insights into how our thinking patterns can effect [sic] every aspect of our lives." God's co-creator Vivica Bandler has characterized the process as a veritable fountain of youth, asserting one's "ability for consciousness to influence our DNA evolution." In an interview with NLP Life, Bandler said, "It is obviously related to aging and the more we learn to control our consciousness, the more we will learn to control the quality of the DNA that keeps us young, the DNA that makes us smart...There is literally no limit to what we can do as we begin to harness the great power called consciousness."
ellauri132.html on line 136: What he says has been said many times before, only better (he does admit, though, he is saying nothing new) ... however, obviously it is just my point of view that previous writings are better.
ellauri132.html on line 138: The widespread take on E T. is - as one commentator points out - E.T. offers a "contemporary synthesis of Eastern spiritual teachings" and another reviewer wrote, "Tolle's clear writing and the obvious depth of his experience and insight set it apart" (what, WHAT?!).
ellauri133.html on line 456: King is very deliberate in framing the gangbang as all Bev’s decision (“Did she have to take each of them into 'it' all over again? Yes, probably, and with pleasure.”). This scene also, rather clumsily, because it´s so obvious, is tied in to the book’s title:
ellauri141.html on line 356: Elementary, my dear Watson, that is what it quite obviously is.
ellauri141.html on line 569: The ‘editor’ of the Latin text was the clever versifier A. D. Godley of Oxford. (267) He contributed graceful acknowledgements (268) and a hilarious preface about the (fictitious) manuscripts, which parodies the standard praefatio of an Oxford Classical Text (brown-covered in those days like the spoof). (269) There is a learned apparatus criticus about disputed or variant ms. readings. He did the Latin poems, together with his Oxford colleagues and friends John Powell (270) and Ronald Knox (271) and the Etonian and former Cambridge undergraduate A. B. Ramsay. (272) There is an appendix of alternative Latin versions which the translators obviously could not bear to waste. Kipling contributed a schoolboyish prose version of ‘The Pro-consuls’: ‘the sixth ode, as it seems, rendered into English prose by a scholiast of uncertain period’, which starts:
ellauri146.html on line 636: The Lionizing piece is obviously a quiz on N. P. Willis, and is also a parody on a story by Bulwer. Willis went abroad in 1831, and sent home to the New-York Mirror a series of newsletters, known when collected in book form as Pencillings by the Way. He got into a duel, happily bloodless, with the novelist Captain Marryat. More important to him was the friendship of Lady Blessington. That once world-renowned widow wrote books and edited annuals, to one of which even Tennyson contributed. Now she is remembered chiefly for her salons in London. Believing that some ladies, disapproving of her supposed liaison with Count D’Orsay, would not come to her parties, she invited gentlemen only. Through her Willis met most of the English literati.
ellauri151.html on line 85: Because the pastor is really the main character in Gide's limited world, she feels herself to be in love with him and to some extent (tent, hehe) he has similar feelings toward her. When his eldest son Jacques, who is about the same age as Gertrude, asks to marry her, the pastor becomes jealous and refuses despite the fact that Jacques is obviously in love with her, and has a bigger tent.
ellauri151.html on line 253: The most important things to say are those which often I think necessary for me to say — though they are obvious.“
ellauri151.html on line 763: Edgar Jones has manufactured the following comparison of Jesus' and Paul's meaning differences which exposes Paul as a liar and a false prophet who did not know Jesus. Paul's errors and false gospel are obvious to anyone who follows Jesus as teacher and listens carefully to Jesus' words. Read very carefully, your eternal salvation depends on it!
ellauri156.html on line 289: My fear is that David chose to ignore Uriah's military record and to fix his attention upon his racial origins. It is obvious and noteworthy that David refers to Uriah as “Uriah the Hittite,” while the author of Samuel refers to him only as “Uriah.” The expression, “Uriah the Hittite” is a term of derision, I believe, based solely upon the fact that he is of Hittite stock. Never mind that David has Moabite blood in his veins.
ellauri156.html on line 295: It is obvious that Uriah had forsaken his own people and their gods to live in Israel, marry an Israelite woman, and fight in David's army. He is no pagan, to be put to death. He is a proselyte. In spite of all this, I believe David looks down upon him. David has grown accustomed to having the finest of everything. His palace is the finest around. His furnishings, his food, his help, are all the finest. Now, he looks from his penthouse and sees a woman whom he regards as “fine.” How can a woman so “fine” belong to this Hittite? She is fit for a king. And this king intends to have her.
ellauri156.html on line 402: It looks as though Bathsheba never enters David's mind after their encounter described in verses 1-4. It certainly does not seem that David wants to continue the relationship, to carry on an affair, or to marry her. David simply puts this sinful event out of his mind, until a messenger is sent by Bathsheba informing the king that his night of passion has produced a child. Bathsheba informs David that she is pregnant, not that she is afraid she might be. This means that she has missed at least one period and probably another. All in all, several weeks or more have passed. It will not be long before her pregnancy will become obvious to anyone who looks at her. This is David's sin and his responsibility, and so she informs him.
ellauri156.html on line 556: The answer is quite simple, as is evident by Joab's own concerns. The entire mission is a fiasco. The Israelites have besieged the city of Rabbah. This means they surround the city, giving the people no way in or out of the city. All the Israelites have to do is wait them out and starve them out. There is no need for any attack. The mission is a suicide mission from the outset, and it does not take a genius to see it for what it is. Joab has to assemble a group of mighty men, like Uriah, and including Uriah, to wage an attack on the city. This attack is not at the enemy's weakest point, as we would expect, but at the strongest point. This attack provokes a counter-attack by the Ammonites against Uriah and those with him. When the Israelite army draws back from their own men, they leave them defenseless, and the obvious result is a slaughter. How can one possibly report this fiasco in a way that doesn’t make Joab look like a fool (at best), or a murderer (at worst)?
ellauri156.html on line 574: Second, “How far can a Christian fall?” This far [Bob points down there with his fingers]. David not only commits the sin of adultery, he commits murder. I think it is safe to say that there is no sin of which the Christian is not capable in the flesh. I have heard people say, “I don't know how a person who _______ could have ever been a Christian.” There are times -- like this time for David -- when it is obvious that we will hardly be saved by the testimony of our actions. Christians come from just the same gene pool of motherfuckers as the rest of us.
ellauri156.html on line 627: In addition to the hundreds of sheep in a nearby pasture, there was a small lamb in a pen, very close to the house. It was a frisky, friendly little fellow, and we loved to "play" with it. We were somewhat perplexed as to why this fellow was kept by himself, away from the rest of the flock. The farmer's nephew came by, and I asked him. It took a while to understand his strong accent, but finally I realized he was telling me this was his “pet lamb.” The problem was that he said it as though it were one word, “bedlam.” This was obviously a separate category, distinct from the category of mere “sheep” or a “lamb.” This “pet lamb” was given a special pen, right by the house, and a lot more attention and care than the rest. I did not dare to ask the man where his "penis".
ellauri159.html on line 787: Strength, courage, mastery, and honor are virtues that obviously aren’t exclusive to men, and it’s not that there haven’t been women who have embodied these traits in every age (as we shall see next time, the idea of a soft, fragile femininity is a modern conception). It isn’t that women shouldn’t seek these attributes either. Rather, the tactical virtues comprise the defining traits of masculinity. If a woman isn’t strong or acts afraid in the face of danger, no one thinks of her as less womanly because of it. Yet such shortcomings will be seen as emasculating in a man, even today.
ellauri159.html on line 1067: You tend to state the obvious or otherwise display a lack of confidence. To combat this tendency, ask for specific feedback from a trusted writer friend. This will help you gauge your ability to communicate your point and your reader’s ability to understand and make connections. Show your work only to someone whom you know to be supportive. The opinions of those who nurture writers are worthwhile; the opinions of those who tear down writers are not.
ellauri159.html on line 1221: You have a keen insight into the nature of things. Your prose often conveys startling images of mood or atmosphere rather than objects. Maybe you should consider poetry, or rap. You enjoy complexity and can patiently unravel dense material like a terrier. You are able to see many sides of an argument and so may have difficulty reaching a conclusion, or even reaching a period, like Pynchon. During the writing process, you may often pause to consider alternatives or to seek seeming connections between obviously disparate things. That´s a paranoid feature, so you may be an asthenic person. Consult Krezmer´s typology.
ellauri159.html on line 1281: You like complex, theoretical subjects, and you use your wide vocabulary in your writing. To enhance readability, choose the simplest word that communicates an idea accurately. You may sometimes make intuitive leaps that are unclear to your audience. Illustrate connections even if they seem obvious to you. To ensure that your message is clear, ask for feedback from someone you trust.
ellauri161.html on line 546: The targets of the satire – incompetent governments, media, tech billionaires, populace believing in politics not science – are obvious. There’s a shorthand that makes each character’s real world avatar easy to get hence the laughs but does that undermine the film’s intelligence? No, it's spot on.
ellauri161.html on line 593: As a comedy, Don’t Look Up doesn’t work because it’s not funny. As a satire, it flops because the attempts at mockery are broad, puerile, and obvious, unintentionally trivializing the issues it seeks to highlight. As a drama, it collapses because it never makes much of an attempt to be serious.
ellauri161.html on line 728: It wasn't funny. Too obviously a jab at the Trump admin, trying too hard, fell flat
ellauri163.html on line 660: John Perry on Willin isä. Hän on tutkimusmatkailija maailmastamme, joka löysi portaalin Lyran maailmaan ja josta tuli shamaani, joka tunnetaan nimellä Stanislaus Grumman tai Jopari, hänen alkuperäisen nimensä korruptio. John Richard Perry (born 1943) is Henry Waldgrave Stuart Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Stanford University and Distinguished Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at the University of California, Riverside. He has made significant contributions to philosophy in the fields of philosophy of language, metaphysics, and philosophy of mind. He is known primarily for his work on situation semantics (together with Jon Barwise), reflexivity, indexicality, personal identity, and self-knowledge. Situation Semantics was a huge flop, which became obvious when Barwise died of the cancer of the colon.
ellauri163.html on line 697: With an 11-year-old hero, Philip Pullman´s new book is a delightful nod to Edmund Spenser´s 'The Faerie Queene'. If Philip Pullman’s Dark Materials trilogy was an obvious nod to John Milton’s Paradise Lost, his new Book Of Dust trilogy takes inspiration from Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queene. Though thematically different, both fall within the same literary genre—they are epic poems, long narrative pieces recounting heroic deeds, and if the term could loosely be used to describe works of prose, then La Belle Sauvage, the first in the Book Of Dust trilogy, is one such novel. Spenser’s late-16th century poem, though incomplete, follows the adventures of medieval knights. Our knight is 11-year-old Malcolm Polstead, curious, intelligent, good-natured and clueless, when we first meet him, of the trials that await him. La Belle Sauvage, then, is a companion, or "equel" (a new story that stands alongside his previous trilogy), to His Dark Materials trilogy. Better strike while the iron is hot, as J.K. Rowling did.
ellauri164.html on line 498: So, now, what can we learn from Moses’ life? Moses’ life is generally broken down into three 40-year periods. The first is his life in the court of Pharaoh. As the adopted son of Pharaoh’s daughter, Moses would have had all the perks and privileges of a prince of Egypt. He was instructed “in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and he was mighty in his words and deeds” (Acts 7:22). As the plight of the Hebrews began to disturb his soul, Moses took it upon himself to be the savior of his people. As Stephen says before the Jewish ruling council, “[Moses] supposed that his brothers would understand that God was giving them salvation by his hand” (Acts 7:25). From this incident, we learn that Moses was a man of action as well as a man possessed of a hot temper and prone to rash actions. Did God want to save His people? Yes. Did God want to use Moses as His chosen instrument of salvation? Yes. But Moses, whether or not he was truly cognizant of his role in the salvation of the Hebrew people, acted rashly and impetuously. He tried to do in his timing what God wanted done in His timing. The lesson for us is obvious: we must be acutely aware of not only doing God’s will, but doing God’s will in His timing, not ours. As is the case with so many other biblical examples, when we attempt to do God’s will in our timing, we make a bigger mess than originally existed.
ellauri164.html on line 502: Another thing we see from Moses during his time spent in Midian is that, when God finally did call him into service, Moses was resistant. The man of action early in his life, Moses, now 80 years old, became overly timid. When called to speak for God, Moses said he was “slow of speech and tongue” (Exodus 4:10). Some commentators believe that Moses may have had a speech impediment. Perhaps, but then it would be odd for Stephen to say Moses was “mighty in words and deeds” (Acts 7:22). Perhaps Moses just didn’t want to go back into Egypt and fail again. This isn’t an uncommon feeling. How many of us have tried to do something (whether or not it was for God) and failed, and then been hesitant to try again? There are two things Moses seemed to have overlooked. One was the obvious change that had occurred in his own life in the intervening 40 years. The other, and more important, change was that God would be with him. Moses failed at first not so much because he acted impulsively, but because he acted without God. Therefore, the lesson to be learned here is that when you discern a clear call from God, step forward in faith, knowing that God goes with you! Do not be timid, but be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might (Ephesians 6:10).
ellauri164.html on line 547: WHAT THEN WAS MOSES' SIN? Two circumstances are obvious on the face of the story.
ellauri171.html on line 647: The worthless fellows wanted the old man to send out the Levite so that they could engage in sexual activity with him. But the old man refused and offered the crowd of men his virgin daughter and the Levite’s concubine. The old man said, “you may ravish them” and do “whatever you wish.” He granted them permission to engage in sexual relations with the two women. Now it is obvious the men surrounding the old man’s house wanted to engage in sexual activity when the two women were offered. It is also obvious the men described as “worthless fellows” were homosexuals since they wanted sex with the Levite and two women were offered.[1, 2]
ellauri171.html on line 681: Our second lesson is that our sins affect others and potentially lead others to sin. The first sin in this account occurred in the home of the Levite and concubine. The fact that the Levite planned to “speak tenderly to her” (Judges 19:3) in order to win her back, seems to imply that they had quarreled. The most obvious sin is that she committed adultery when she became a prostitute. The initial sin cascaded into the horrific evils in Gibeah and subsequently to the 400 virgins who were taken alive in Jabesh-gilead to be given as wives to the remaining men of Benjamin. Judges 21:25 says, “. . . everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”
ellauri171.html on line 1061: But there is a greater threat to his honor (aw fuck, stop, you're killing us). Rumor relates that Tamar is pregnant and has obviously been faithless to her obligation to Judah to remain chaste. Judah, as the head of the family, acts swiftly to restore his honor, commanding that she be burnt to death. But Tamar has anticipated this danger. She sends his identifying pledge to him, urging him to recognize that its owner is the father. Realizing what has happened, Judah publicly announces Tamar’s innocence. His cryptic phrase, zadekah mimmeni, is often translated “she is more in the right than I” (Gen 38:26), a recognition not only of her innocence, but also of his wrongdoing in not freeing her or performing the levirate. Another possible translation is “she is innocent—it [the child] is from me.” Judah has now performed the levirate (despite himself) and never cohabits with Tamar again. Once she is pregnant, future sex with a late son’s wife would be incestuous.
ellauri180.html on line 53: Executive producers Julie Plec and Kevin Williamson agreed that in the book series, Elena was turned into a vampire too early, which was around page 200 of The Awakening. Elena's transition into a vampire was planned for two years. Plec said: "That felt obviously too soon, and rushed, and we didn’t want to make a show about a teenage girl who instantly becomes a vampire. But we always knew that her journey would take her there eventually". At the second season's conclusion, Elena was nearly turned into a vampire. Dobrev was happy that she wasn't, because she felt "it would have been like she came too soon", and also didn't think it was something Elena or she wanted.
ellauri180.html on line 284: How do you explain the obvious?
ellauri181.html on line 616: Franklin failed at the 13th virtue, Humility. Why? Was the most difficult virtue on this list the last? Or was there another reason? YES! The answer is obvious and simple. Franklin had not failed at his virtues. He had succeeded at each of his twelve virtues. He failed at a virtue that was not his, a virtue that had been given to him by someone else. Franklin failed at a virtue that he did not value. He failed at doing something someone else valued and suggested to him as a value.
ellauri184.html on line 287: While many biblical scholars assume that soldiers with Woman names must have been Woman citizens, evidence suggests otherwise: one papyrus written 103 CE indicates that some auxiliaries received Womanized names (i.e., tria nomina) shortly after wecwuitment, even before training completed. Because some soldiers changed their name shortly after wecwuitment, the mere act of joining the militawy often obscured soldiers’ ethnic and geographic origins. Benjamin Isaac thus observes a few obvious instances where soldiers from the Decapolis dropped their Semitic birth name to take up a Woman one.
ellauri185.html on line 865: As previous biographers have discovered, it’s difficult to write an endearing biography of Bellow. “Was I a man or was I a jerk?” Bellow inquired on his deathbed. The answer should be obvious.
ellauri197.html on line 151: - This poem appears in a section entitled "A Woman Old and New". Yeats is obviously writing from the perspective of a female, not in his own voice. Thus the poem does not reveal homosexuality, but is rather an imaginative recreation of that woman's musings.
ellauri198.html on line 772: Toi Condition of Fire and Election-Love taitaa olla jotain kabbalismia (kz alla). Love, love, love. Kabbalah says that the only force in reality is the force of love. Evidently, without love, there is no life. Make love not war. (No siinähän se tuli!) This is why Kabbalah says that Creator, nature, and love are synonymous. Tucker Carlson Wears a Kabbalah Bracelet. It has been absolutely infuriating to watch supposedly "awake" people promote Tucker Carlson as some kind of mainstream hero. He is obviously a servant of the Jews and this is just one more piece of evidence.
ellauri213.html on line 204: Let’s first look at direct demands. Direct demands are requests or questions made by other people or situations – such as ‘put your shoes on’, ‘sit here and wait’, ‘pay this bill’ or ‘would you like a drink?’. In addition to these more obvious direct demands, there’s a whole raft of indirect and internal demands, including:
ellauri214.html on line 62: J. K. Rowling has lived atop a pyramid of admiration for many years. However, after learning the truth about the author, many fans have become ashamed they ever supported Rowling. Rowling’s books are not inclusive and the minorities that are included are either used to satisfy a diversity quota or fulfill a stereotype. Come to think of it, ALL types in the Potter series are stereotypes. It all becomes too obvious when they have no superpowers.
ellauri214.html on line 64: In an obvious parallel with the Potter books, The Casual Vacancy is populated by a huge cast of mean, unsympathetic, small-minded folk. "This novel for adults is filled with a variety of people like Harry’s aunt and uncle, Petunia and Vernon Dursley: self-absorbed, small-minded, snobbish and judgmental folks, whose stories neither engage nor transport us.” — Michiko Kakutani, USA:n Toini Havu.
ellauri219.html on line 796: No it is not because of Trump. People outside of America slagged off the US in the Clinton years, and the Nixon years, and the Eisenhower years. The negative perception was cemented in the 60s, and everything since has been confirmation bias. So what had happened? Two obviously invasive lost wars in Indochina and nasty machinations here and there, Middle East and South America in particular. Pretty obvious what the fuckheads were (and are) up to: world conquest for the cause of American capitalism, nothing less.
ellauri222.html on line 78: As previous biographers have discovered, it’s difficult to write an endearing biography of Bellow. “Was I a man or was I a jerk?” Bellow inquired on his deathbed. The answer should be obvious.
ellauri222.html on line 137: In the culture of little magazines, friendship is the last thing to prevent one writer from reviewing the work of another. As a novelist happy to have well-disposed reviewers, Bellow had an obvious stake in these friendships. But the friends had a stake in Bellow, too. As Mark Greif points out in his important new study of mid-century intellectual life, “The Age of the Crisis of Man,” Bellow came on the scene at a time when many people imagined the fate of modern man to be somehow tied to the fate of the novel. Was the novel dead or was it not? Much was thought to depend on the answer. And for people who worried about this Bellow was the great hope. Atlas quotes Norman Podhoretz: “There was a sense in which the validity of a whole phase of American experience was felt to hang on the question of whether or not he would turn out to be a great novelist.”
ellauri222.html on line 705: In a 1943 issue of The American Scholar, Marston wrote: "Not even girls want to be girls so long as our feminine archetype lacks force, strength, and power. Not wanting to be girls, they don't want to be tender, submissive, peace-loving as good women are. Women's strong qualities have become despised because of their weakness. The obvious remedy is to create a feminine character with all the strength of Superman plus all the allure of a good and beautiful woman."
ellauri222.html on line 743: His literary tastes are also very interesting. Lord Pococurante is quite able to criticize Homer, Horace, and Cicero; there is nothing, which may seem flawless. His ability to find defects in everything prevents him from taking pleasure in literature, philosophy, and painting. It is obvious that the author is ironic about him, it can be deduced from Candides remark “But is there not a pleasure in criticizing everything, in pointing out faults where others see nothing but beauties’ (Voltaire, 73). The main problem is that such a world outlook is a personal tragedy, and such an attitude may eventually result in suicide.
ellauri222.html on line 799: Stylistically, Bellow's fiction reflects some of the same tensions that his protagonists seek to balance. His concern with social and personal destruction has been traced to the common run of European writers such as Flaubert, Dostoevsky, Kafka, Sartre, and Camus. But Bellow's fiction also has many ties to the American literary tradition. His neotranscendentalism (what? Emersonian tomfoolery I guess), his identification with America, and the loose form of his most acclaimed novels link him most obviously to Emerson and Whitman.
ellauri222.html on line 819: An intensely intellectual writer who peppers his novels with allusions, Bellow draws on many cultural traditions in his analysis of both the sources of American experience and its present manifestations. His fiction fully documents the decline of Western civilization without conceding its obvious demise, and the ambiguity and tenuousness of even his most positive endings balance sadness and comic skepticism with the steadfast faith that he the artist can effect coherence and order, or failing that a lot of cash, out of the chaos of modern experience. His tip for success: kusettakaa minkä jaxatte! For his achievement in confronting the modern existential dilemma with compassion and humor, Bellow's place in twentieth-century American literary history seems assured by drooling groupies like myself.
ellauri223.html on line 70: Domestic affairs and partnerships are of little account, because, excepting the sign of honor, each one receives what he is in need of. To the heroes and heroines of the republic, it is customary to give the pleasing gifts of honor, beautiful wreaths, sweet food, heroine, or splendid clothes, while they are feasting. In the daytime all use white garments within the city, but at night or outside the city they use red garments either of wool or silk. They hate black as they do dung, and therefore they dislike the Japanese, who are fond of black, and Africans, for obvious reasons. Pride they consider the most execrable vice, and one who acts proudly is chastised with the most ruthless correction. Wherefore no one thinks it lowering to wait at table or to work in the kitchen or fields or clean the toilets. All work they call discipline, and thus they say that it is honorable to go on foot, to do any act of nature, to see with the eye, and to speak with the tongue, and waft with the tail; and when there is need, they distinguish philosophically between tears and spittle. Every man who, when he is told off to work, does his duty, is considered very honorable.
ellauri226.html on line 439: That the migrations of old and new minority groups was the cause for The Bronx’s many problems was obvious. Many whites began to blame
ellauri236.html on line 196: The obvious explanation is that in real life one is usually a passive victim, whereas in the adventure story one can think of oneself as being at the centre of events. But there is more to it than that. Here it is necessary to refer again to the curious fact of No Orchids being written — with technical errors, perhaps, but certainly with considerable skill — in the American language.
ellauri236.html on line 485: Captain Charles Brennan, City Police, a fat, red-faced man with blue hard eyes and sandy-colored hair, greying at the temples, reached across his desk to shake dicks with Fenner. Why do these policemen always have the same look and feel? I guess its natural selection. Chase has an unerring touch of the hackneyed and obvious.
ellauri244.html on line 193: Keith Butler exposed! Bishop Butler and his wife live at the moment in a $1.3 million home in Troy, Michigan, for which they paid cash. In fact, over the last couple decades he has owned some 20 properties, almost all of them paid for in cash. They own several homes at the moment. Like other Word of Faith ministers like Robert Tilton, Butler preaches the "prosperity gospel", constantly browbeating their followers to "sow the seed of prosperty" by giving money to the church, which will supposedly be returned to them a hundred fold. They preach that godliness leads to wealth, thus stigmatizing the poor - if you aren't rich, you obviously just don't have enough faith or aren't a good enough Christian. This is pretty much a sure sign that you're dealing with a huckster.
ellauri245.html on line 675: Jonas Gahr Støre, Norway´s Foreign Minister said: "I strongly react to the death sentence of two Norwegians ... Norway is a principled opponent of the death penalty and I will contact the DRC's foreign minister to gabble about this." According to Bloomberg.com "Norway also objected to the espionage conviction and the inclusion of the country in the fine, Stoere [sic] said. 'Norway isn't a part of this case.'" Sick. It is more than obvious that she was.
ellauri263.html on line 383: Fauda’s creators have said they want to show that everyone living in a war zone pays a price, but such portrayals of an equality of suffering are ripe for criticism in the midst of an asymmetric conflict, in which one side is under occupation. This is more acutely obvious at a time when international media has focused on Israel opening fire on unarmed protesters near the Gaza border earlier this month, killing 58 Palestinians, including children, and wounding over 1,000 in a single day.
ellauri264.html on line 170: Leans annoyingly into the awkward racial and sexual humor while simultaneously re-treading ancient, overdone, and obvious Scooby-Doo jokes.
ellauri269.html on line 568: These are so obviously in your face that I doubt anyone would argue.
ellauri277.html on line 219: Similarly, Gibran later portrayed his life in Lebanon as idyllic, stressing his precocious artistic and literary talents and his mother’s efforts to educate him; some of these stories were obviously tall tales meant to impress his American patrons.
ellauri277.html on line 236: Gibran did not have the training to imitate the old masters of Arabic literature: his education had been haphazard and was as much in English as in Arabic, and there is little evidence of the influence of classical Arabic literature in his works. Instead, his Arabic style was influenced by the Romantic writers of late 19th-century Europe and shows obvious traces of English syntax. His allegorical sketches of exile, oppression, and loneliness spoke to the experiences of immigrants and had none of the rhetorical decoration that made high Arabic literature difficult for ordinary readers. Gibran’s haphazard education meant that his Arabic, like his English, was never perfect.
ellauri309.html on line 511: Vuonna 1936 Graham jätti isänsä maitotilan ja lähti opiskelemaan Bob Jonesin Collegeen, joka sijaitsi tuolloin Tennesseen Clevelandissa. Opinnot Bob Jonesin Collegessa jäivät kuitenkin yhden lukukauden mittaiseksi oppilaitoksen äärimmäisen fundamentalismin vuoksi. Graham siirtyi opiskelemaan Floridan raamattuinstituuttiin Tampan läheisyyteen. Graham valmistui vuonna 1940 ja hänet asetettiin Eteläisen baptistikonvention pastorin tehtävään. Graham ilmoittautui jatkokoulutukseen Illinoisissa sijaitsevaan Wheaton Collegeen ja tapasi Wheatonissa tulevan vaimonsa, Ruth Bellin. She had been conceived in China in missionary position, unlike a horse. Graham talked his future wife, Ruth, into abandoning her ambition to evangelize in Tibet in favor of staying in the United States to marry him – and that to do otherwise would be "to thwart God's obvious will". After Ruth agreed to marry him, Graham cited the Bible for claiming authority over her, saying, "then I'll do the leading and you do the following".
ellauri313.html on line 186: Samaa iänikuista kiireklischeetä, nyt lehden toimituxessa. Exnää hölmöt huomaa miten työväenliikkeen voitot on peruutettu? Mixe on muka niistä hienoa? Annika has obvious similarities to the author, with Liza Marklund herself pictured on the book covers. She was beaten so badly by her first husband that she was simply forced to kill him in self-defense. Journalisten Annika Bengtzon, som kommer från Hälleforsnäs i Södermanland men nu bor på Kungsholmen i Stockholm, är en typisk kvinna mitt i karriären, som jonglerar man och barn samtidigt med känslorna inför de tuffa kollegorna på Kvällspressen. Hon är lik ett pansarfordon. Oliko Thomas Samuelsson se uusi päätoimittaja biznizmaailmasta jonka talousliberalismi sai nuoren Annikan knickerit kostumaan? Eikun se oli Anders Schyman.
ellauri324.html on line 183: When someone brags, they highlight their positive traits, qualities, or accomplishments. This kind of self-promotion is usually an attempt to impress other people. Bragging can be subtle or obvious. People who brag in obvious ways might try too hard to be liked or exaggerate certain traits or stories in an attempt to seem cool, funny, or important. People who are more subtle may hide their bragging with humor, sarcasm, or self-deprecating remarks.
ellauri324.html on line 556: obvious insincerity (“Thank you soooo much for X”), even
ellauri324.html on line 558: well obviously not being present. This is rare, but I
ellauri324.html on line 624: which approaches obvious insincerity (“Thank you soooo
ellauri324.html on line 626: or looking like … well obviously not being present. This
ellauri327.html on line 100: Curtis Morgan: No offence, honest!, but are you for real? A Ukrainian citizen living in New York, that is possible. But a Ukrainian citizen named 'Yipei Feng'? If what I have heard and read on the news is anything to go by, Ukranians just do not have names like 'Yipei Feng'. Yipei Feng? Ukranian? I think not! Chinese softly pushing the CCP party line (China and Taiwan getting back together …even if China uses force), that I can believe. Maybe Feng Yipei has since changed her name to “Curtis Morgan”, but the original was obviously a Chinese name. And her history of questions has her claiming she is British as well. In addition, a general obvious pro-China, pro-Russia, ant-West and anti-Ukraine slant in her questions.
ellauri336.html on line 511: So if someone has several sons and they all become K”G, would that not mean that either at least some or most of them died in her lifetime, or they became tamei while serving as K”G? How could either of those scenarios be considered a sachar for her tznius? Not trying to be disrespectful – I am having real difficulty understanding the positive aspect of this quote in the Gemarah, when obviously something not so good had to have occurred in order for Kimchis to have so many sons who served in that capacity within her lifetime.
ellauri346.html on line 58: What are the disadvantages of terrorism? Key Takeaways: Terrorist acts can cause ripple effects through the economy that have negative impacts. The most obvious is the direct economic destruction of property and lives too. Terrorism indirectly affects the economy by creating market uncertainty, xenophobia, loss of tourism, and increased insurance claims.
ellauri350.html on line 179: Tunteisiin voi vaikuttaa. Tee kaikki mahdollinen kenkien ja tukan suhteen. Vältä ylipukeutumista. Chanel 5 on hyvä valinta. Persoonallisuus on tärkeä joten muista hymyillä. Kannattaa pyrkiä olemaan charmikas, leikkisä, humoristinen ja sexikäs. Kazo ennen tapaamista Disneyn Kaunotar ja hirviö. Hieronta tekee typyistä anteliaita. Sen neuvoi muille pojille Mikko Könkkölä. Voi puhua myös ranskaa sängyssä. Jos olet antelias, sinä pääset plussalle, obviously. Mennänkö teille, meille vai pyöräkellariin?
ellauri377.html on line 291: (19) Now the works of the flesh are manifest.--It needs no elaborate disquisition to show what is meant by fulfilling the lust of the flesh. (PST: FUCKING!) The effects which the flesh produces are plain and obvious enough. (UNWANTED PREGNANCIES!) The catalogue which follows is not drawn up on any exact scientific principle, but divides itself roughly under four heads: (1) sins of sensuality; (2) sins of superstition; (3) sins of temper; (4) excesses.
ellauri377.html on line 334: obvious:
ellauri389.html on line 71: The nominal occasion of Lamb's essay is not just Elia's purchase of the teacup, but also Britain's en- trance into China, as it began with the East India Company's annexation of Singa Pura (Singapore) in 1819. The event, which was a pivotal moment in British imperial expansion, extended imperial activity from South Asia to the Far East. More importantly, the development revised a longstanding Sino-British trade imbalance that was particularly caused by porcelain and tea, and hence necessitated a change in British attitudes toward luxury purchases such as porcelain that reversed the animus previously demonstrated by Fielding, who complained that brits echanged the gold of one India to the clay ("mud") of another. Indeed, "Old China" facetiously depicts a cultural sinicization presumably precipitated by this intensification in East Asia-based imperial activity: Elia drinks tea "unmixed," in the Chinese fashion, and experiences an "almost feminine" pleasure in porcelain that likens him to the androgynous "men with women's faces" that Elia associates with China. Fuck the guy was obviously gay.
ellauri393.html on line 320: Were we designed? Pretty obviously not, just look at the two BW turds in the pic. The watchmaker musta been blind.
ellauri408.html on line 269: Jesus was a Jew: why do you think He was not? Jeshua Ben Joseph, as he was known by other Jews at the time, followed the Law of Moses, was circumcised, studied the Jewish Scriptures and attended Temple. He became a Bar Mitzvah at 13 years old, but waited until he was 30 before He began his mission: that is because Jewish men become Elders at the age of 30 and are allowed to speak in the Temple or Synegogue. His life was ruled by the Law, and he abided by every one of the laws (except filching corn and screwing disciples), showing it was possible to live in accordance with the old Covenant, if you were without sin and perfect. The new Covenant is based on Faith in Jesus, and accepts you as a sinner because His Passion on the Cross paid the price for that sin: the New Covenant was necessary because no-one other than Christ is capable of living without sin. Those who follow Christ are called Christians, but Christ didn’t follow himself, obviously, he followed YHWH, God the Father, so he was a Jew. So there!
ellauri408.html on line 350: But there is a teensy-tiny eensy-weensy little problem here, because Jehovah himself obviously had no knowledge of good and evil, for he would repeatedly do evil things throughout the Bible. Nor did billions of his followers obtain the knowledge of good and evil, because they study the Bible, which clearly accuses its “god” of all sorts of evil, and yet insist that their “god” is good. And not just good, but perfect! Quite obviously, they should all be immortal!
ellauri408.html on line 353: And quite obviously nudists should be immortal because they don’t know that it’s a “sin” to be naked when other people can see them!
ellauri408.html on line 394: Furthermore, the New Testament offers no explanation for “hell” popping up in a few inexplicable verses, like the weasel in the silly song. If God decided to create “hell” it would have been incumbent on him to inform every human being on earth, immediately. But of course that never happened, and the creation of hell and its purpose was never once mentioned in the Bible, not even in the New Testament. Thus, obviously, human beings made it up. (See Peter's and Paul's revelations elsewhere in these blasphemies.)
ellauri408.html on line 404: If such things had actually happened and there were living witnesses, then certainly Paul would have cited them. So such tall tales were obviously added to the New Testament after Paul and the other apostles were no longer around to argue for the truth, assuming they were truthful men.
ellauri408.html on line 418: There is no contemporary evidence outside the Bible that Jesus was a real person, and certainly not a person of any consequence. But there are parts of the gospels that sound like a real person. If I had to guess, I would say that Jesus was an unconventional rabbi who had table fellowship with prostitutes and rogues (a “sin” in the eyes of the hypocritical Pharisees), and went around ministering to the sick and the poor. When he died there may have been an empty grave and some sort of NDE (which are not uncommon) in which he saw something like heaven. That could account for the genesis of the Christian religion. Paul might have communicated with Jesus, or sincerely thought he did, such things are not all that uncommon. But the virgin birth, the massacre of the innocents, walking on water, the transfiguration and ascension, were all obviously made up and added later, since Paul knew nothing about such things and the four gospels and Acts do not agree on such “super miracles.”
ellauri408.html on line 424: The reason is obvious: All the “miracles” of Jesus were backdated, since Paul knew nothing about the “virgin birth,” nor the “star of Bethlehem,” nor the Magi, nor angels singing carols at Jesus’s birth, nor Jesus walking on water and raising the dead, nor the loopy “Transfiguration,” nor the even loopier ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE, which was followed by Jesus flying around like Superman as angels preached sermons, etc.
ellauri408.html on line 428: And it wasn’t just non-Christian Jews who failed to write about such things, it was the earliest Christians including the evangelist Paul. The “miracles” were created and backdated into the NT texts by Greek-speaking Christians who obviously had never spoken to an eyewitness; got Middle Eastern culture, geography and timelines wrong; misquoted prophets; and constantly contradicted each other. Furthermore, they didn’t consider what they were writing to be sacred texts because they changed the texts as if they were drunk, according to the Greek philosopher Celsus in his debates with the early church father Origen.
ellauri408.html on line 439: How do you read “in context” the commandment of Moses to mass-murder male babies and unborns in their pregnant mothers’s wombs, keeping only the virgin girls alive, obviously as sex slaves? (Numbers 31:17-18)
ellauri408.html on line 445: Please do give us your “spiritual” interpretation of satanic commandments to stone girls to death for being raped (Deuteronomy 22:23-24) and for fathers to sell their daughters as sex slaves with an option to buy them back if they don’t “please” their new masters (Exodus 21:7-11). Did the Holy Spirit inspire these satanic commandments? As a member of the Trinity, did Jesus approve them? He must have, since they ended up in the Bible … unless the Bible was written by evil-minded men. As it so obviously was.
xxx/ellauri010.html on line 905: Childe Harold provided the first example of the Byronic hero. The hero must have a rather high level of intelligence and perception as well as be able to easily adapt to new situations and use cunning to his own gain. It is clear from this description that this hero is well-educated and by extension is rather sophisticated in his style. Aside from the obvious charm and attractiveness that this automatically creates, he struggles with his integrity, being prone to mood swings.
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1002: If 100 people manage to focus for five hours on themes that touch everybody and bear on the grand themes of life in a subjectively significant way, reaching personally relevant insights in the course of the process, any normal human being can attest to the fact that something of significance has happened even if it is not immediately obvious what has taken place.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 285: The reading and writing of fiction is obviously driven in part by a desire to look inward, to be self-examining, reflective. But the form is also born of a desperation to break free of the claustrophobia of our own experience. For instance, after I have looked inward between my legs for a long time, I like to look at my drummer boy who is sort of sticking out.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 318: So what did happen? What did Shriver say in her keynote that could drive a woman who has heard every slur under the sun to discard social convention and make such an obviously political exit?
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 349: These spiritual issues affect the physical 3D body, and that obviously includes the brain. However, the body does not cause the spirit problem. It's the other way round.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 291: There are other cases of nations being as totally erased from history and then suddenly reappearing. Israel and Babylon are two obvious examples. But with both of them there are multiple chapters with detailed descriptions of their re-emergence and subsequent destiny. With Elam we get one non-definitive verse.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 201: After someone says something obvious:
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 236: Sometimes, the situation will make it obvious that you are being sarcastic and you don't need to worry about people misunderstanding you. But if you are worried that people might misunderstand you, then after your sarcastic comment, say
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1023: A tiny miniature woman will stand in front of your little bro, also only about six inches tall standing up. Her long blonde hair accents her sparkling blue eyes and huge white smile. Her long plastic legs bend only slightly and her pointy breasts perk out of her hot pink tank top. She doesn’t look like anything a five year old would play with, but Barbie is obviously her favorite. How does a five year old relate to Barbie? She isn’t comforting to…show more content…
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1047: Somebody by name of Alfred Apple mentioned the relatively obvious way in which
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 453: knowledge yet? Yep, me too. So, obviously, it’s time for me to send some more
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 564: In case you're somehow 15 years behind, emoji are taking over the world. But although there is an obvious benefit to having such a large arsenal of emoji with which to freely share your life with the rest of the world, the choices you have can become overwhelming. For example, what do all the cat emoji mean? Why do we need so many of them? What the heck am I supposed to use them all for? Well, if you're feeling overwhelmed, have no fear — I'm here to help you.
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 448: obviously Kleinschmidt’s “playwright,” saw the article just after finishing the
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 801: "What I really don't like—there are certain girls that like us, or like me, who are really messed up... and they do not need to be—they're very young—and they do not need to be taken and raped, or filmed having enema contests... going out into the audience and picking up fourteen and fifteen-year-old girls who obviously cut themselves, and then having to see them in the morning... it's just uncool."
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 80: Voilà my list of worthwhile reads. Initially, I thought about it as a list of books to read before you die, but it’s more like a list of books to read while you live. There’s lots of wisdom and useful knowledge in them. And obviously, there are plenty more which could (should) be added. Hope you enjoy them if you haven’t already :)
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 196: At its presentation at the 1869 Salon, this enigmatic group portrait was overwhelmingly misunderstood despite the obvious reference to Majas at the Balcony of Francisco Goya. "Close the shutters!" was the sarcastic reaction of the caricaturist Cham while another critic attacked "this gross art" and Manet who "lowered himself to the point of being in competition with the painters of the building trade".
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 641: If you're buying this trash for a class then you're a sucker, turn back now! Hopefully Edward isn't still teaching his own tasteless fan fiction in a college setting. It's a misunderstood teenager's journey through satire complete with crude, unoriginal and stereotypical takes on characters from the lens of a self insert hero amounting to little more than finger pointing. You'll be offended, sure, but with little substance left to interpret besides the authors very obvious discomfort with himself and others unlike him. (Make some new friends, Edward.) Beyond being ridiculous as a required reading piece for a class, actually paying for this garbage is insulting, and of course it is an absolute drag to slog through. Nobody's going to publish this except on demand printing obviously and that's why you're buying it from Amazon!!!
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 479: Both. The Romans are a government, and governments have to walk a fine line when it comes to dissent, because the people outnumber law enforcement, and killing or imprisoning lots of dissenters, while effective in the short term, means you have fewer subjects. Pilate could put down the mob with violence, but why would he do all that over one guy who, frankly, is kind of a problem for Rome, anyway? It doesn't help that Jesus does nothing to speak in his own defense: Pilate gets frustrated with Jesus' answers and eventually says good riddance to Jesus and his obvious death wish.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 602: Journalists face just the same old challenges than they did in Chicago in 1968. As the president vilifies the media as “the enemy of the people,” and reporters have occasion to attend his rallies with a security detail in tow, it’s clear that the specter of violence again looms large. There is also ferocious disagreement over the meaning of what we view on social media or television, a disagreement that clearly is not native to America, but brought in by the white immigrants. What is obvious to some is not to others, who would contend, for example, that “truth is not truth but alternative truth, " or "news is not news but fake news", or "election is not a vote but a steal".
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 274: The obvious way around the combination problem is to posit that, although consciousness is indeed fundamental in nature, it isn’t fragmented like matter. The idea is to extend consciousness to the entire fabric of spacetime, as opposed to limiting it to the boundaries of individual subatomic particles. This view—called “cosmopsychism” in modern philosophy, although our preferred formulation of it boils down to what has classically been called “idealism”—is that there is only one, universal, consciousness. The physical universe as a whole is the extrinsic appearance of universal inner life, just as a living brain and body are the extrinsic appearance of a person’s inner life.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 914: "The longer it runs, the more obvious its protagonist-shaped void becomes".
xxx/ellauri178.html on line 173: Voi ylipäänsä kysyä onko Phil edes apina vai vainko kylmä liskomatelija. Jälkimmäistä veikkaisin. Onkohan kukaan sanonut asiat halki että Roth oli psykopaatti? Uskomattomia meriselityxiä: Maybe the reason we protect Roth from final censure is that he is so obviously a man afraid. As afraid as we are, in the face of an inevitable void. Aargh. Kaikki kuolevat. Onko se joku syy olla täys kusipää? Rothin puolustelu kriitikoilla on samalla lailla hupaisaa luettavaa kuin teologia: tyypit kiemurtelee kuin mato koukussa selittääxeen kaikki sen teot ja sanomiset parhain päin. Se on kuin teodikeaa lukisi.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 420: In her speech one morning, Nadine suggested that the news media, especially the Western media, had their own agenda and seldom told the truth. It was obvious that most of the audience, many from developing nations where the media is controlled by the government, agreed with her.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 602: Therefore, as I read these two books, I decided to be much more exacting in my evaluation process than my usual experiential woolgathering, and I tallied up a few figures, in categories that seem equally obvious and problematic as the authors’ humble beginnings.
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 1089: These and many other questions will have to remain unanswered, because, despite multiple rumors to the contrary, Dr. Seuss is not a Jew. He obviously sympathized with the cause, a la inaugural JONJ entry Charlie Chaplin, but that´s as far as it goes. So much for Seuss. A mensch? Certainly. A goy? Undoubtedly.
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 100: It is obvious that rock and roll beats imitate these body rythms. Pelkkä BPM on turha mitta, pääasia on että biisistä löytyy kututahti sopivalla jaotuxella. That's just rock and roll but I like it. Synkopoitu tahti jolla mulkku jotmuilee sisään ulos vulvasta. In 2021, rock has gone quiet in a music landscape ruled by pop and hip-hop.
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 125: Bush and Rumsfeld obviously believed in this Gulf War 2 scenario. They sneered at the nay-saying generals who demanded more troops and reinforcements to besiege Baghdad. Rummy felt certain that air strikes, with high tech bombs and guided missiles, would more than suffice. They knew, from their studies of selected books and articles written by their ideological neo-con mentors that the Iraqis would surrender rather than fight after US explosives showed them our power; so why the need for all those troops! The brilliant advisers, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle, recently resigned as Defense Advisory Board Chief, and other intellectuals had spun a convincing tale, one that included the oft-referenced domino theory. They convinced the lesser IQs like Rummy who in turn convinced the even more intellectually challenged president.
xxx/ellauri233.html on line 432: Jewish and Muslim commentators cite studies by the Vilna Gaon and Rebbe Schlemiel that show shechita is humane and that criticism is at least partially motivated by antisemitism. A Knesset committee announced (January, 2012) that it would call on European parliaments and the European Union to put a stop to attempts to outlaw kosher slaughter. "The pretext [for this legislation] is preventing cruelty to animals or animal rights—but there is an obvious element of anti-Semitism and a badly hidden message that Jews are cruel to animals," said Committee Chair MK Danny Danon (Likud).
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 314: Brad: Nearly all 21st century western women under 40 are crazy, and disloyal. This is the 1st time in human history where women have had this much power. What's the result you ask? 70 percent of marriage ending in divorce; 90 percent of which are filed by women. 50 percent of men say they regret marriage too the woman their currently with. Why might you ask? Cause they're on their best behavior until they have the money then they hulk smash you into oblivion. 94 percent child support going from male to female, and 92 percent of alimony. The old saying is the woman got married thinking the man would change and the man got married hoping she never would. They were both disappointed in the end. I'll let you decide which genders thought process is more Nobel. For me it's obvious.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 546: No eipä tosta sen enempää, tollastahan se tuppaa olemaan. Bukowski's forte is in belaboring the obvious.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 615: An obvious role model for Harry Hole. Häufige Schauplätze sind Rennbahnen, seien es für Pferde- oder für Hunderennen.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 662: I am here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: 'I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don't accept his claim to be God.' That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic—on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg—or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God, but let us not come with any patronising nonsense about his being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to. ... Now it seems to me obvious that He was neither a lunatic nor a fiend: and consequently, however strange or terrifying or unlikely it may seem, I have to accept the view that He was and is God.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 343: Probably the most influential greedy Jewish caricature after Shakespeare’s Shylock is Charles Dickens’ Scrooge. Scrooge (as many Jewish writers have pointed out) is a miser with an obviously Jewish name (Ebenezer) and a pointed nose. He doesn’t celebrate Christmas and needs to be converted to charity and piety. It’s not especially subtle.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 359: The second was a son named Hans Albert (called “Albert” by his parents), who attained a doctorate in engineering and became a university professor, homeless, and an acknowledged expert on hydraulics. He was obviously quite intelligent, although not quite at changing-the-entire-precepts-of-physics level.
xxx/ellauri379.html on line 192: Tulpa: Brony term for imaginary friend. Or a vein on the penis that has become enlarged and/or darkened so that it has become obvious and unnatural. "I whip out my dick and put it in her vagoo for my Applejack tulpa!" Ojennna tädillesi tulppaani. Sinunko tulppaasi?
xxx/ellauri388.html on line 562: Erityiset seikat oikeuttavat siihen otaksumiseen, että usko ei ole vielä horjahtunut teissä. Te haluatte päästä paheestanne, mutta mistä syystä? Eikö vaan siksi, että pelkäätte sen tekevän haittaa teidän taivastoiveille? Että yläkerran ukko nurpistelee tumputuxelle? Kaksi eri ukkoa ei sovi yhtaikaa samaan sydämmeen, ja jos ne sinne yhtaikaa pyrkivät, niin ne siellä muodostavat huvittavan taistelun vallasta. Voi yhtaikaa pyrkiä personallisiin tarkoituksiin ja elää likasissa ajatuksissa, mutta yhtaikaa ei voi elää likasissa ajatuksissa ja pyrkiä epäpersonallisiin tarkoituksiin. (Mixi ei? The proof is obvious.)
xxx/ellauri400.html on line 142: obvious. A critic must have a sound commonsense and clear thinking in order to judge or evaluate the works of literature in an efficient way.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1145: The scriptures are very clear that there is a Father, a Son, and a Holy Spirit. It's very simple, fathers and sons are obviously different people, how else can one come from the other's nuts and banana?
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1187: The blog only contains a list of syllogisms which restate the obvious. I'm interested in specific answers to my questions and a citation of the verses which state that the Father, Son, and Spirit are one physical being.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1202: Being spirits by nature, God and his Holy Spirit are not bound by your preconceived notions of personhood. Should you think clearly on this using the biblical descriptions of God, your question should be "How could Jesus, being a physical being, be part of a trinity made up of spiritual beings" and when you're thinking clearly the answer becomes very obvious.