ellauri067.html on line 347: Hererot oli ne saku Lotharin nitistämät notmiit Namibiassa, josta oli Jatkosota-extrassa. Pynchon puhuu hyvinkin rumasti neekereistä ja haaveilee niiden kanssa pyllyhommista. Sen se on näkönenkin kyllä. mba rara m´eroto ondyoze ... mbe mu munine m´oruroto ayo u n´omuinyo: "he was shining in my dream as if he were alive". Otyikondo: "bastard" or "mulatto". outase: "large, newly laid cow turd". Shufflin´ Sam oli peli, jossa yritetään ampua neekeri ennenkuin tämä ehtii aidan yli varastamansa vesimelonin kanssa (s.719). Todellinen haaste kaikenikäisten tyttöjen ja poikien reflexeille. I can´t breathe, vikisee Shufflin´ Sam. Varo, se vaan teeskentelee. Meinaan tehdä yhdestä semmoisesta perkeleestä pesukarhulakin, eikä varmaan tarvize selittää mikä osa roikkuu takaraivolla, häh? (s. 722) Luutaa kummempaa kapinetta ei nekrujen käteen tarvize antaa.
ellauri090.html on line 165: Pardo (feminine parda) is a term used in the former Portuguese and Spanish colonies in the Americas to refer to the triracial descendants of Europeans, Amerindians, and West Africans. In some places they were defined as neither exclusively mestizo (Amerindian-European descent), nor mulatto (West African-European descent), nor zambo (Amerindian-West African descent). In colonial Mexico, pardo "became virtually synonymous with mulatto, thereby losing much of its indigenous referencing." In the eighteenth century, pardo might have been the preferred label for blackness. Unlike negro, pardo had no association with slavery. Casta paintings from eighteenth-century Mexico use the label negro never pardo to identify Africans paired with Spaniards.
ellauri108.html on line 262: Barrett described Rastafari as "the largest, most identifiable, indigenous movement in Jamaica." In the mid-1980s, there were approximately 70,000 members and sympathisers of Rastafari in Jamaica. The majority were male, working-class, former Christians aged between 18 and 40. In the 2011 Jamaican census, 29,026 individuals identified as Rastas. Jamaica's Rastas were initially entirely from the Afro-Jamaican majority, and although Afro-Jamaicans are still the majority, Rastafari has also gained members from the island's Chinese, Indian, Afro-Chinese, Afro-Jewish, mulatto, and white minorities. Until 1965 the vast majority were from the lower classes, although it has since attracted many middle-class members; by the 1980s there were Jamaican Rastas working as lawyers and university professors. Jamaica is often valorised by Rastas as the fountain-head of their faith, and many Rastas living elsewhere travel to the island on pilgrimage.
ellauri222.html on line 609: Molly Simms is a mulatto woman of about thirty-five, whom Simon hires to do their mother’s housework. Simon later sleeps with Molly and then fires her.