ellauri008.html on line 658: Jimin esipuheessa Conrad raportoi, et joku nainen ei ollut tykännyt Lordi Jimistä, sanoi että se on morbidi. Condrad sanoo et kirjan aihe on "Acute consciousness of lost honour." Jimipatukka skitsoo koko ikänsä jotain omaa mokaa nuorena. Mitä vittua. Aika sairasta. Tai narsistista, siis luonnevikasta. (Hmm. heti tuli mieleen, en kai mä oo tekemässä samaa? No se nähdään pian.)
ellauri025.html on line 1022: Jag tycker hon är lite morbid, särskilt som hon är en pigg pingisspelande pensionär
ellauri049.html on line 783: Kuten tästä on jo toistamiseen selvinnyt, Paul Valéryn kuuluisin runo koskee möljänrakentajien hautuumaata, jonne se on kuopattu. Alla se on suomennettuna, vaikka se on pitkä ja ruma kuin Helsingin paikallisjuna. No ei ruma, onhan siinä puolesa, kuten Sirkka täti ruukas sanoa. Jotain morbidia siinä ehkä on, että äijän kuuluisin runo on sen ize kirjoittama epigrammi izelleen.
ellauri080.html on line 554: Suicide in ASD is largely understudied. Although suicide is common in clinical samples, we have little knowledge of suicide in persons with ASD in the general population. Comorbidity, particularly with depression and other affective disorders or schizoid disorders and psychotic symptoms, is often reported, so it is difficult to determine if suicidality is associated with ASD or the comorbid disorder. Clinical samples suggest that suicide occurs more frequently in high functioning autism.
ellauri080.html on line 558: ASD is a life long disorder and comorbidity needing treatment or interventions can be present during various phases of life.
ellauri080.html on line 561: In all subjects from our research on PubMed, 21.3% of subjects with autism spectrum disorder reported suicidal ideation, have attempted suicide or died by suicide (115 out of 539 subjects) and 7.7% of subjects supported for suicidal thoughts or attempted suicide exhibited an autism spectrum disorder (62 out of 806 subjects), all ages combined. Suicidal ideation and morbid preoccupation are particularly common in adolescents and young adults.
ellauri080.html on line 565: The most common comorbid disorders in children and adults with ASD are anxiety, depression and ADHD.
ellauri080.html on line 854: Mut toi oman kuoleman tollanen mietiskely on aika morbidia. Se on kuin kokeilisi kielellä hammasta josta on paikka irronnut. Eise asia siitä mixkään muutu eikä parane. Vaikka kuinka mietit niin lopulta ne kohtalottarien saxet silti naxahtaa, nixnax, sanoo Parzen kerizimet, eikä maailma sitten enää tunnu miltään. Mut mixen pitäskään. Kuten peukut sen osuvasti laulavat peukaloiden hautajaisissa: eitee mitään, eitee mitään, länteen itään riittää peukaloita. Lisää pukkaa koko ajan miljoonien peukaloiden vaipanvälistä.
ellauri095.html on line 567: Hopkins transformed the prose into song, but he deleted the morbid details of the decapitation. It was no doubt partly to escape contemplation of such details connected with his marine-insurance business that Manley Hopkins cultivated a Wordsworthian love of nature.
ellauri145.html on line 259: Fin de sieclen snobismi ei eroa missään suhteessa Emily in Parisin vastaavasta. Elle est aujourd'hui wagnerienne, esoterique, neo-platonicienne, occultiste, androgyne, primitive, baudelairienne, morbide, nietzscheenne meme quand elle eternue. Ei ois kannattanut hävitä 1870 sotaa preussilaisille.
ellauri145.html on line 287: La section initiale des Fleurs du mal s'appelle, comme dit précédemment, Spleen et Idéal. Elle inclut quatre poèmes célèbres, regroupés sous le titre Spleen, qui expriment une tristesse morbide, mais non moins volontaire dans son auto-flagellation liée à:
ellauri146.html on line 646: The opinion has been often stated that Edgar Allan Poe was bizarre and amoral; that he was a lover of morbid beauty only; that he was unrelated to worldly circumstances-aloof from the affairs of the world; that his epitaph might well be: “Out of space-out of time.”
ellauri180.html on line 187: Others believe that circumcision arose as a mark of defilement or slavery (fig. 1). In ancient Egypt captured warriors were often mutilated before being condemned to the slavery. Amputation of digits and castration was common, but the morbidity was high and their resultant value as slaves was reduced. However, circumcision was just as degrading and evolved as a sufficiently humiliating compromise. Eventually, all male descendents of these slaves were circumcised. The Phoenicians, and later the Jews who were largely enslaved, adopted and ritualized circumcision. In time, circumcision was incorporated into Judaic religious practice and viewed as an outward sign of a covenant between God and man (Genesis XVI, Fig. 2).
ellauri180.html on line 197: Baillie (1833) also describes gonococcal phimosis and recommends that the initial treatment is nugatory' (inoperative) involving the washing of the penis (and under the prepuce with soap and tepid water, followed by the application of calomel ointment. Abernathy also warns against immediate circumcision in the face of a morbidly sensitive surface' (and declares that Sir Edward Home agrees with him!). He advocates that the posthitis (inflamed foreskin) should be allowed to soothe and allay' before surgical intervention. We can assume that the complications recognized by both Abernathy and Baillie were re-phimosis, re-stricture or suppuration; what is clear is that circumcision was not a procedure taken lightly at that time. Interestingly, neither author mentions circumcision in the neonate, suggesting that it had not yet significantly entered the domain of English surgeons.
ellauri198.html on line 691: In March 1833, "Pauline, a Fragment of a Confession" was published anonymously by Saunders and Otley at the expense of the author, Robert Browning, who received the money from his aunt, Mrs Silverthorne. It is a long poem composed in homage to the poet Shelley and somewhat in his style. Originally Browning considered Pauline as the first of a series written by different aspects of himself, but he soon abandoned this idea. John Stuart Mill, however, wrote that the author suffered from an "intense and morbid self-consciousness". Later Browning was rather embarrassed by the work.
ellauri203.html on line 242: Writing in the Los Angeles Times, a professor of Slavic languages praised their Dostoevsky translations, stating "the reason they have succeeded so well in bringing Dostoevsky into English is not just that they have made him sound bumpy or unnatural but that they have managed to capture and differentiate the characters' many bumpy and unnatural voices." A literary critic and essayist, wrote in The Sewanee Review that their Dostoevsky translations "have recaptured the rough and vulgar edge of Dostoevsky's style. This tone of the vulgar that Dostoevsky's writings are full of, so morbidly excessively, they have translated into a vernacular equal to his own." But recently, writing in The New York Review of Books in 2016, a critic argued that Pevear and Volokhonsky have established an industry of taking everything they can get their hands on written in Russian and putting it into flat, awkward English. Other translators have voiced similar criticism, both in Russia and in the English-speaking world. A Slavic studies scholar has written in Commentary that Pevear and Volokhonsky take glorious works and reduce them to awkward and unsightly muddles. Criticism has been focused on the excessive literalness of the couple's translations and the perception that they miss the original tone of the authors.
ellauri254.html on line 383: This pessimistic Russian symbolist writer, who referred to himself as the lard of death, was (as I already said) the first writer to introduce the morbid, pessimistic elements characteristic of fin de siècle literature and philosophy into Russian prose. His most famous novel, The Petty Cash Demon (1905), was an attempt to create a living portrait of the concept known in Russian as poshlost' (an idea whose meaning lies somewhere between evil, trashy and banality or kitsch). His next large prose work, A Created Legend (a trilogy consisting of Drops of Blood, Queen Ortruda, and Smoke and Ash), contained many of the same characteristics but presented a considerably more positive and hopeful view of the world. It sold much worse than Petty Cash.
ellauri276.html on line 888: Wallinin vitsirunoutta leimaa kaipaus pois maanpäällisestä elämästä taivaalliseen elämään ja sukupuoliyhteyteen Jumalan kanssa. Singen beten loben den Herrn... Mikä saa porukat laulamaan tämmösiä hyllausshymnejä? Jotain joukkoizetyydytystä siinä on, ryhmäsurrogaattisexiä. Kiitos ja ylistys, kippis ja kulaus. Rehupiiklesien aiheuttama huutomyrsky, kirkuna ja pyörtyileminen on epäilemättä sama ilmiö. Ne olivat hetken rakastetumpia kuin J. Nasaretilainen. Johanin kaikkien aikojen nr 1 schlageri on den här ganska morbida "Vipp på rumpan affär'n" jonka vetää laahavasti ovenraossa Eva Rune med 210 subscribers.
ellauri301.html on line 270: Sangoma Oy, highly respected dealer among the Zulu people of South Africa who diagnoses, prescribes, and often performs the operations to heal a person physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. Sanoma Oy may address all of these realms in the healing process, which usually involves divination, verbal medicine, and specific customized visuals to cure morbid curiosity and restore upper middle class well-being.
ellauri313.html on line 176: Tycker om Marklunds sätt att skriva och jag tycker Bengtzon är intressant som karaktär, men jag fann aldrig själva storyn särskilt fängslande. Kanske är lite morbid av mig, men vill gärna läsa deckare som kretsar kring något mer obehagligt och som manar mig att fortsätta vända blad, dvs sträckläsa, fram till fallets lösning.
ellauri352.html on line 614: Presidentti Abe Lincoln joka ammuttiin teatteriin hypelöi siinä poikavainajaansa kyrptassa. Aika morbidia. Bardo on Dalai Laman limbo. Kumma ettei kukaan verrannut tätä Divina Comediaan.
ellauri352.html on line 630: Presidentti Abe Lincoln joka ammuttiin teatteriin hypelöi tiettävästi poikavainajaansa viikkokaudet kyrptassa. Aika morbidia.
ellauri408.html on line 1047: Suvunjatkamisen halun jatkona on kuoleman halajaminen. Miten niin? Nahjus on aika morbidi. Olen hiukan kriitikko, hiukan psykologi ja tosi paljon käteenvetäjä. Kaikki fetsit tuntuvat päässä ahtailta. Vanhetessaan Nahjus käy yhä republikaanimmaxi. Varmaa on että loittonen stoalaisuudesta ja nappaa paremmin toi Montaignen nonchaloir. Ei tee enää mieli olla nero. Täytyy tunnustaa ettei puoleentoista vuosikymmeneen ole ottanut enää eteen kunnolla. En enää kiihotu naisista. Testosteroni alkaa olla vähissä. Tyhjään tankkiin 90 kilometriä. Vähän väliä. Jumala sallii päivän paistaa risukasaankin. Tulkaa, täällä on tilaa kaikille. Hieman iso, mutta kyllä tästäkin selvitään!
ellauri409.html on line 466: Prufrock sums it up well: “It is impossible to say just what I mean!” Actually Eliot means that the plight of J. Alfred Prufrock and the plight of all humanity are parallel in their morbidity, futility, and failure. It is not just Prufrock who drowns; it is him and us.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 215: Eleven years ago, that text outraged me because it was dishonest: sensational and sordid. Now it seems ahead of its time. Today it would be one among many that appear daily about any moderately famous person: another sign of how morbid and superficial our cultural references are, especially online.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 227: But the truths that can be glimpsed in Borges’s work are not derived from the morbid attractions that matter so much to us now. They are elsewhere, and their time to disappear has not arrived, even as they seem distant from those things that obsess us.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 268: Regarding identity politics, what’s especially saddened me in my recent career is a trend toward rejecting the advocacy of anyone who does not belong to the group. In 2013, I published Big Brother, a novel that grew out of my loss of my own older brother, who in 2009 died from the complications of morbid obesity. I was moved to write the book not only from grief, but also sympathy of morbid obesity: in the years before his death, as my brother grew heavier, I saw how dreadfully other people treated him – how he would be seated off in a corner of a restaurant, how the staff would roll their eyes at each other after he’d ordered, though he hadn’t requested more food than anyone else. Just a little wafer, is all.
xxx/ellauri120.html on line 433: Kristina-tädille tuli mieleen Annan häistä tää aika morbidi runo Yrjö Jylhältä. Mulle tuli Jylhän turauxesta vuorostaan mieleen toi Sonny Boy Williamsonin bluesvingutus. Sama hiukka narsistinen viritys molemmissa, vaikka Jylhällä passiivis-aggressiivisempi. Oli ehkä hyvä että Anna otti izestänsä ne pehmopornokuvat, niitä voi Vaadin sitten vanhuxena haikeana selailla. Niistä ikinuorna mut aina näät. Porsliinipintaisena puolikosteana rantavedessä. Rinnat, rinnat.
xxx/ellauri239.html on line 444: Ei vittu TAAS Pepsi Maxia. Kilkilkil sanoo Annen kassakone. Oikeasti Anne! Aikuisten oikeasti! Jos tulit vaan laukomaan näitä kliseitä voit samantien häipyä. Whodunit? No Sven Feldin oli aina kadehtinut Kong Haakonia. Tai joku saxalainen. Tai veli venäläinen. Ja sitten on se mongoloidi Jussi Kolkka. Ainiin sehän tukehtui lumihankeen jollain Åsetilla. Vanja-eno oli läskiintynyt sitten käsipallopäivien. Se oli kliinisesti obeesi, muttei morbidisti. Selma vääntäytyi Vanja-enon otteesta jalat harallaan ja "nappasi" pusakkansa naulakosta. Ja muuten rakkaat lukijat: Pepsi Max on sokeritonta! Sitä olis kannattanut läskin Vanja-enonkin litkiä!
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 3389: Serbia's Aleksandar Vucic stands tall at 6 foot 6, making him the tallest world leader. House 2021 Donald Trump weighed 244 pounds according to the results of a physical performed in June 2020. Speaker Nancy Pelosi insisted that he's morbidly obese. The president is 6-foot-3 inches tall. This means the once and future president is considered only clinically obese and has a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30.3.
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 179: Helka nyökkäsi. No ei vitussa, totaalisen morbidi. En tajua miten joku voi tollasesta tykätä. Hän pyyhkäisi silmiään ja luki voimansa ponnistaen: