ellauri004.html on line 371: samanuskoisiin vaikka uppo-outoihin

ellauri020.html on line 637: Veneseppo Lusijan mafiosomies on kiristäny tilaajia valizemaan Lusijan. Lusija ei (muka) tienny siitä mitään. Tää menee ohi binesväen tavallisen manus manum lavat diilauxen, normikorruption, loukkaa ryövärien koodia. On aika näyttää mafiosolle ostrakismikorttia.
ellauri025.html on line 471: Larry on yhdysvaltalainen liikemies. Se on maailman 8. rikkain apina, sen nettoarvo taaloissa on yli 60 ziljoonaa ja kasvava. Se on muutenkin HYVIN, HYVIN PAHA MIES. Sen suomenkielinen Wikipedia-artikkeli on tynkä. Sen amerikkalainen Wikipedia-artikkeli on kilometrin pituinen. Jo siitä näkee ketä Larryn puuhat hyödyttää. Nicholas Carlson (ei sukua) sanoo että siitä tuli paha, koska se luki kotosalla niin paljon ATK-lehtiä. Jätti kesken PhDn Winogradin kaa kun Gogol alkoi tuottaa massia. Gogolin nimi oli BackRub aluxi: Gogol toimi manus manum lavat periaatteella, hiero sä mun selkää niin mä hieron sun. Siitä luonnostaan syntyy näitä kuplia. Toinen huisin kannattava idea oli Androidin osto ja puhelimiin levitys. Google plus ja muut somevirityxet kaatuivat. Larry ei ole järin sosiaalinen. Nyze rakentaa izeohjautuvia lentoautoja. Se on Gyro Gearloosen näköinenkin, propellipäinen Pelle Peloton, vaihteet löyhällä. Lyö izeänsä päähän nuijalla niin että linnut lentää ulos pesästä.
ellauri026.html on line 508: An article by the late Dr. R. Fruin, which came to my knowledge after the completion of the manuscript, quite confirms my view of the utter untrustworthiness of Erasmus´ accounts of his early life.
ellauri032.html on line 227: Eliot kääntyi Beckettin porukoiden englannin kirkon uskoon 1927 isiensä unitarismista ja ryhtyi britixi. Uskonto oli sille pyhä asia, siitä tuli anglo-katolinen kirkonvartija ja rojalisti Kaarlo-marttyyrin (ei Syvännön, vaan sen karkotetun kuninkaan) elinikäinen jäsen (arvaa kyllä mikä jäsen). 30v myöh. se tarkensi, et sillä on katolinen mieli, kalvinisti perintö, ja puritaani temperamentti. Sen miälest Goethe ja Rudolf Steiner oli cooleja. Ääliö ja huuhaamies. Ja kolmantena tomppelina vielä Dante. Neljäs muskettikoira oli Ezra Pound, joka punakynäili sillä aikaa Tompan manuskriptiä, kun Tomppa skizoili Viviennen kaa.
ellauri040.html on line 149: Tää sivallus on manus Pertti">Pertti Hemanuxelle. Jaxaako Peraa enää exhumoida. Kansakoulunopettajan poika Suomussalmelta, joka tuli ylioppilaaxi kun mä synnyin, ja on ollut vainaja jo vsta 2012, jollon meidän Volvo syntyi Trollhättanissa. Jyrkin porukat tunsi sen varmaan Tampereella.
ellauri043.html on line 5423:

Summanus, —
ellauri046.html on line 268: Kierkegaard's humor ranges from the droll to the rollicking; from farce to intricate, subtle analysis; from nimble stories to amusing aphorisms. In these pages you are invited to meet the wife of an author who burned her husband's manuscript and a businessman who, even with an abundance of calling cards, forgot his own name. You will hear of an interminable vacillator whom archeologists found still pacing thousands of years later, trying to come to a decision. Then there is the emperor who became a barkeeper in order to stay in the know.
ellauri047.html on line 1006: Kennedy used the phrase twice in his speech, including at the end, pronouncing the sentence with his Boston accent and reading from his note "ish bin ein Bearleaner", which he had written out using English orthography to approximate the German pronunciation. He also used classical Latin pronunciation of civis romanus sum, with the c pronounced [k] and the v as [w].
ellauri051.html on line 858: 276 He turns his quid of tobacco while his eyes blurr with the manuscript; 276. Hän kääntää tupakkapussinsa samalla kun hänen silmänsä hämärtyvät käsikirjoituksesta;
ellauri058.html on line 799: The twelfth book of The Greek Anthology compiled at the court of Hadrian in the second century a.d. by a poetaster Straton, who like most anthologists included an immodest number of his own poems, is itself a part of a larger collection of short poems dating from the dawn of Greek lyric poetry (Alcaeus) down to its last florescence, which survived two Byzantine recensions to end up in a single manuscript in the library of the Count Palatine in Heidelberg — hence its alternative title, The Palatine Anthology, usually abbreviated to Anth. Pal. This particular, indeed special, collection contained in Book XII subtitled The Musa Paedika or Musa Puerilis, alternately from the Greek word for a child of either sex — and girls are not wholly absent from these pages — or the Latin for “boy,” consists of 258 epigrams on various aspects of Boy Love or, to recur to the Greek root, paederasty.
ellauri064.html on line 77: Walter Benjamin was a radically innovative cultural theorist and a German Jewish Marxist, securing refuge in France in 1933. Following the 1940 Nazi invasion he fled France, bound for the USA. However, on the mountainous approach to the French–Spanish border he realised dictator Franco had suddenly blocked transit. Benjamin was in ill health and struggling to carry a briefcase with a heavy manuscript, which he declared more precious than his life. Sadly, he completed suicide: there was family history on his father's side.
ellauri064.html on line 89: This precious manuscript was lost together with Benjamin's life. Shortly thereafter, Franco reopened the border and collaborationist Vichy French authorities rescinded deportation orders to Germany. I shared this tragic story of almost preventable loss of luggage with suicidal patients; and it has made a difference.
ellauri073.html on line 357: Wallace's father said that David had suffered from major depressive disorder for more than 20 years and that antidepressant medication had allowed him to be productive. Wallace experienced severe side effects from the medication, and in June 2007, he stopped taking phenelzine, his primary antidepressant drug, on his doctor's advice. His depression recurred, and he tried other treatments, including electroconvulsive therapy. Eventually he went back on phenelzine but found it ineffective. On September 12, 2008, at age 46, Wallace wrote a private two-page suicide note to his wife, arranged part of the manuscript for The Pale King, and hanged himself from a rafter of his house.
ellauri077.html on line 788: Tenebrae factae sunt, dum crucifixissent Jesum Judaei: et circa horam nonam exclamavit Jesus voce magna: Deus meus, ut quid me dereliquisti? Et inclinato capite, emisit spiritum. Exclamans Jesus voce magna, ait: Pater, in manus tuas commendo spiritum meum.
ellauri082.html on line 149: As seen in Chapter 1, Hal’s condition deepens until he literally can’t communicate at all, but no longer feels like a robot anymore. (12: “I’m not a machine. I feel and believe.”) The only thing he has left is tennis and he looks forward to playing Ortho Stice in the final match of the WhataBurger. But Stice is possessed by his father (in the manuscript, Stice is called “the Wraithster”), so the novel ends as Hal finally gets to really interface with his father — in the only way he has left.
ellauri083.html on line 84: We can now add yet another to that list. This week, her estate announced the discovery of a new never-published manuscript called "The Eternal Wonder." And as her son Edgar Walsh tells it, the story of the novel's recovery is a wonder itself.
ellauri083.html on line 86: EDGAR WALSH: Someone - and I do not know who - took the manuscript from the house in which she died in Vermont and went away with it. Whoever that person was wound up in Texas, rented a storage unit and put the manuscript in there. And that's where it was found.
ellauri083.html on line 90: WALSH: I had not known that my mother had written this in the last year or two of her life. And I certainly did not know that someone had spirited the manuscript out of a home in which she lived her last years in Vermont and had concealed it from me and the family for 40 years.
ellauri083.html on line 92: I was notified in December of last year that a woman in Texas who has a business buying storage units that have not paid their rent and she had purchased a unit in Fort Worth and discovered this manuscript, which was in a holographic form as a written manuscript, of course. And the woman in Texas wanted to sell it.
ellauri083.html on line 96: WALSH: To whomever. Initially, she wanted to put the manuscript on eBay and try to sell it there. I contacted an attorney in Philadelphia, Peter Hearn, and said we will not give her what she's asking for, but we will pay her a modest sum of money, and we wanted it returned immediately. That worked. I read the manuscript, and I said, you know, I want to get this published.
ellauri093.html on line 911: Dirk H. Dolman (H = Hermanus)
ellauri096.html on line 204: Frederic Fitch (1963) reports that in 1945 he first learned of this proof of unknowable truths from a referee report on a manuscript he never published. Thanks to Joe Salerno’s (2009) archival research, we now know that referee was Alonzo Church.
ellauri100.html on line 591: Nää menee just oikein. Pykälä 1 koskee kaikkia elukoita, se on se vanha kunnon KILL! FUCK!. Pykälä 2 koskee vaikka paviaaneja tai myyriäisiä, manus manum lavat. Ollaan kateita ja noudatetaan jantelakia. Pykälä 3:ssa tulee mukaan parviäly. Pidetään oman pesän puolia vaikka toiset ei ole sen kummempia. Ollaan sankareita ja annetaan uhreja. Pykälä 4 on nokintajärjestys. Silverbäkit ja alfasudet jyräävät, muut nöyristelevät. Pykälä 5 on pyhistely, eli jotkut eristetään muista virtuaalisixi logoixi. Sisäistetty herruus tulee kehiin. Käsidesiä ja syntiä. Näin siististi näkee asiat harvoin esitettävän. Vasemmistolaiset jäävät moraalin kehityxessä alkumatkalle, loppuun asti pääsevät vaan tosi fasistit.
ellauri106.html on line 80: In the early 2000s, Roth met the young assistant editor Lisa Halliday at his literary agency Andrew Wylie. A love affair developed from having lunch together, which culminated in a lifelong deep friendship. Halliday processed the love and friendship for Roth in the highly acclaimed autobiographical inspired novel Asymmetrie, which she completed in 2016. Roth, who read the manuscript, liked it.
ellauri107.html on line 268: Taylor says that after Roth announced his retirement from writing in 2012, he stopped making art, but he still wrote, producing a manuscript of over a thousand pages whose purpose was to air grudge after grudge. Taylor comments that the underside of Roth's greatness swarmed with grievances time had not assuaged.
ellauri109.html on line 718: ter frustra comprensa manus effugit imago,
ellauri132.html on line 58: Eckhart weist den Begriffen „Gott“ und „Gottheit“ nicht die gleiche Bedeutung zu, sondern er bezeichnet mit ihnen unterschiedliche Ebenen, auf denen sich die göttliche Wirklichkeit dem Menschen zeigen kann. No niin! Ekkehartin heresia oli samanusuuntaista kuin mormonien profeetalla, herra Smithillä. Me apinatkin ollaan pikku jumalia, ei vaan jotain luojanluomia löylynlyömiä. Me päästään samoihin kuin Jehova kun oikein treenataan. Christus ist zwar ein unerreichtes Vorbild, nicht aber von Natur aus von anderen Menschen prinzipiell verschieden. Jeesus - oli vain 1 ihminen - mutta meitä Spartakuxia on koko liuta! Koko pörisevä pesä minijumalia!
ellauri140.html on line 205: In 1596, Spenser wrote a prose pamphlet titled A View of the Present State of Ireland. This piece, in the form of a dialogue, circulated in manuscript, remaining unpublished until the mid-seventeenth century. It is probable that it was kept out of print during the author's lifetime because of its inflammatory content. The pamphlet argued that Ireland would never be totally "pacified" by the English until its indigenous language and customs had been destroyed, if necessary by violence. Vitun kolonialisti paskiainen.
ellauri141.html on line 421: cuncta festinat manus, huc et illuc Jokainen säntää renki sinne tänne
ellauri141.html on line 523: He had some sympathy with what Roman citizens might have felt when provincials came in and often settled in Rome: ‘Wonder how the old Civis Romanus sum felt when Greece, Gaul, Libya and Ethiopia poured in to Rome and took the front seats in the arena.’
ellauri141.html on line 569: The ‘editor’ of the Latin text was the clever versifier A. D. Godley of Oxford. (267) He contributed graceful acknowledgements (268) and a hilarious preface about the (fictitious) manuscripts, which parodies the standard praefatio of an Oxford Classical Text (brown-covered in those days like the spoof). (269) There is a learned apparatus criticus about disputed or variant ms. readings. He did the Latin poems, together with his Oxford colleagues and friends John Powell (270) and Ronald Knox (271) and the Etonian and former Cambridge undergraduate A. B. Ramsay. (272) There is an appendix of alternative Latin versions which the translators obviously could not bear to waste. Kipling contributed a schoolboyish prose version of ‘The Pro-consuls’: ‘the sixth ode, as it seems, rendered into English prose by a scholiast of uncertain period’, which starts:
ellauri141.html on line 771: A few months before he died in 1975, Leger donated his library, manuscripts and private papers to Fondation Saint-John Perse, a research centre devoted to his life and work (Cité du Livre, Aix-en-Provence), which remains active to the present day. He died in his villa in Giens and is buried nearby. Varsinainen kermaperse tää Saint-John.
ellauri151.html on line 463: Aiheesta lisää koiran kannalta: Jon Fosse, Hundemanuskripta. Ruozinnos päätyi Pezkun pakettiin, kun ei kelvannut nirppanokka Helelle.
ellauri158.html on line 57: Jonnekin on Pentiltä hukkunut jako jaollisiin ja jaottomiin asioihin, josta Parmenides paljon paasasi, ja minäkin TMAD-manuskriptissa. On se väähän sääli että se kässäri jäi pöytälaatikkoon, oikeastaan se oli mun tuotantoni opus magnum. Ellei sitten nämä paasauxet kisko edelle!
ellauri160.html on line 213: Eliot sent Pound the manuscript of The Waste Land in 1922. Pound edited it with comments like "make up yr. mind", and reduced it by about half. Possum's dedication in The Waste Land was "For Ezra Pound / il miglior fabbro" (the "better craftsman"), from Canto 26 of Dante's Purgatorio.
ellauri161.html on line 864: Sivu 234 - Memor fui dierum antiquorum, meditatus sum in omnibus operibus tuis : * in factis manuum tuarum meditabar. Expandi manus meas ad te : * anima mea sicut terra sine aqua tibi.‎
ellauri161.html on line 1100: The chief of his mystical writings are, The Ornament of Spiritual Marriage (Lat. by Gerh. Groot, Ornatus Spiritualis Desponsionis, MS. at Strasburg; by another translator, and published by Faber Stapulensis [Paris, 1512], De Ornatu Spirit. Nuptiarum, etc.; also in French, Toulouse, 1619; and in Flemish, ´J Cieraet der gheestclyeke Bruyloft, Brussels, 1624, Hengelliset häät): — Speculum AEternae Salutis: — De Calculo, an interpretation of the calculus candidus, Re 2:17: — Samuel, sive de Alta Contemplatione. The other works of Ruysbroeck contain but little more than repetitions of the thoughts expressed in those here mentioned. (Esim. 7 hengellisen rakkauden askelmasta.) He wrote in his native language, and rendered to that dialect the same service which accrued to the High German from its use by the mystics of the section where it prevailed. He is still regarded in Holland as "the best prose writer of the Netherlands in the Middle Ages." His style is characterized by great precision of statement, which becomes impaired, however, whenever his imagination soars, as it often does, to transcendental regions too sublimated for language to describe. His works were accessible until lately only in Latin editions (by Surius, Cologne, 1549, 1552, 1609 [the best], 1692, fol.), or in manuscripts scattered through different libraries in Belgium and Holland. Four of the more important works were published in their original tongue, with prefaces by Ullmann (Hanover, 1848). No complete edition has as yet been undertaken (see Moll, )e Boekerij van het S. Barbara-Klooster te Delft [Amst. 1857, 4to], p. 41).
ellauri183.html on line 76: Loppuikänsä Bernad opetti luovaa kirjoittamista Vermontissa Benningtonin naisten collegessa. Ann joka oli sentään käynyt Cornellin typed his manuscripz and reviewed his writing. Oliko Berniellä sillä aikaa jimbajambaa coedien hameissa? New York Times tietäisi muttei kerro ilmaisexi. In the book The Natural by Bernard Malamud the main character Roy Hobbs had a very distinct flaw, a flaw that millions of American men and women both have..... an obsession with sex which affected his character and which made him a very unsuccessful man.
ellauri184.html on line 670: some manuscripts[citation needed], is a
ellauri190.html on line 322: Herr Peders sjöresa är en mycket spridd riddarvisa som är känd från hela Norden. Det är den visa som har flest kända varianter i Sveriges Medeltida Ballader, 347 stycken. Dessutom har ytterligare en variant upptäckts i George Stephens manuskriptsamling i Växjö. Den äldsta kända nedteckningen kommer från Danmark och har daterats till 1590.
ellauri203.html on line 571:

Tää on siis Doston manuskasta sensuroitu luku. Eikä ihme, on se aika paxu jopa nykypäivän mittapuulla, saati 150 vuotta sitten.
ellauri203.html on line 656: Karin is trying to readjust to life with her family after her release from a mental institution. Her husband Martin is patient with her as she experiences the highs and lows of life. Both she and her younger brother Minus have issues with their father David, who is visiting. Martin is a well-known author who travels frequently and is estranged from his children. He´s about to publish his latest effort and spends much of his time alone, finalizing the manuscript before submitting it t the publishers. After having sex with Minus she realizes she is unable to live in two worlds and must choose between institutionalization and home life.
ellauri204.html on line 739: On October 4, 1974, Sexton had lunch with Kumin to revise galleys for Sexton's manuscript of The Awful Rowing Toward God, scheduled for publication in March 1975 (Middlebrook 396). On returning home she put on her mother's old fur coat, removed all her rings, poured herself a glass of vodka, locked herself in her garage, and started the engine of her car, ending her life by carbon monoxide poisoning. Narsistinen pelle.
ellauri210.html on line 342: manuscript-December-24-1935.jpg" width="100%" />
ellauri210.html on line 1152: Gisèle Prassinos a légué à la Bibliothèque historique de la ville de Paris un riche fonds [archive] de manuscrits. Son œuvre artistique a été légué à sa nièce Catherine Prassinos (voir le site de Mario Prassinos).
ellauri210.html on line 1173: Three days before his death, he said calmly to a friend: "I am allergic to this planet". He wrote his final book in 1959 and upon completion, he asked his wife to send the manuscript to Breton. When she returned from the post office, she found him dead; he had hanged himself on the main beam of his studio. Another exit in the style of David Foster Wallace. Did he give a damn to how his wife might have taken it? Well maybe she was relieved. Asta is allergic to Miryam's kitty Chico but bears it, taking antihistamines. When she has had a bad day, she curls up in her room with Kitty in her lap.
ellauri217.html on line 55: Latexin manuskaa en enää tarvitse, ei kumi pysy edes päälläkään.
ellauri217.html on line 130: Muhammedin nimiin pannut saavutukset ovat poikkeuksellisia, sillä hänen katsotaan paitsi perustaneen maailmanuskonnon, myös antaneen sille omaan esikuvaansa perustuvan jumalallisen lain, šarian, sekä perustaneen islamilaisen valtion, josta kasvoi Lähi-idän suurvalta. Monissa mahomettilaisissa arvioissa Muhammedia onkin pidetty kaikkien aikojen vaikutusvaltaisimpana ihmisenä.
ellauri222.html on line 163: Bellow must have guessed that “Augie March” would distress some of his admirers. It did. He showed a hundred pages of the manuscript to Lionel Trilling. “It’s very curious, it’s very interesting,” Trilling told him, “but somehow it’s wrong.” When the book came out, Trilling wrote a positive notice in the newsletter of the book club he directed but registered concern about a dangerous notion he detected in the novel, the notion that one could have a meaningful life independent of one’s social function. Bellow wrote to Trilling to say (disingenuously) that he had written the novel without much of a moral purpose in mind. Trilling wrote back. “You mustn’t ignore the doctrinal intention of your book,” he said.
ellauri226.html on line 175: Per Gunnar Henning Evander, född 25 april 1933 i Ovansjö, Gävleborgs län, död 16 maj 2022 var en svensk folkhögskollärare, författare, manusförfattare och farbrorman. Evander var en mycket framgångsrik och produktiv författare. Evanders romaner kretsar ofta kring förlorarna i folkhemmet. Gång på gång gestaltar han personer som är svikna av samhället och har psykiska problem, som han.
ellauri249.html on line 159: falce mihī positā fīet amīca manus.

ellauri257.html on line 52: He also intensified his relationship with a starets or spiritual elder, Matvey Konstantinovsky, whom he had known biblically for several years. Konstantinovsky seems to have strengthened in Gogol the fear of perdition (damnation) by insisting on the sinfulness of all his imaginative handiwork. Exaggerated ascetic practices with Matvey undermined his health and he fell into a state of deep depression. On the night of 24 February 1852 he burned some of his manuscripts, which contained most of the second part of Dead Souls. He explained this as a mistake, a practical joke played on him by the Devil in the guise of Matvey Konstantinovsky.[citation needed] Soon thereafter, he took to bed, refused all food, and died in great pain nine days later.
ellauri257.html on line 506: In the United States, Singer went through a period of depression in which he published little fiction, until in 1938, he met Alma Wasserman and the two married in 1940. For Singer as homo domesticus, I needed the views of his wife, Alma Haimann, whom I’ll refer to by her first name hereafter. I had read in a 1970s article from The Jewish Exponent that Alma had been at work on an autobiography. “I’m about as far as the first 100 pages,” she told the Philadelphia newspaper. I was also aware, from Paul Kresh’s 1979 biography, “The Magician of West 86th Street,” that Singer didn’t think his wife would ever finish the manuscript. But was there such a manuscript?
ellauri257.html on line 508: Happily, when I last visited Singer’s archives at the Ransom Center, in Austin, Texas, I located the manuscript. Unhappily, it is far less than Alma had promised — not only in length (I came across 13 pages, a number of them only a few lines long,) but also in content. The first page has a title penciled in capital letters: “What Life Is Like With a Writer.”
ellauri257.html on line 510: The material is unformed, the style is clumsy; the scenes are poorly narrated. Of course, it is unfair to depict Alma as a failed writer, for she never aspired to be a writer. Neither is this manuscript a finished product. Yet Alma on occasion did present herself as an author. She wrote at least one short story, which she sent out to magazines. An editor gave her an encouraging response, but asked her to change the ending. Alma never followed up, and dropped the endeavor altogether.
ellauri257.html on line 512: She and Singer met in the Catskills, at a farm village named Mountaindale. Although in the manuscript, Alma is elusive about dates, it is known that the encounter took place in 1937. The two were refugees of what Singer’s older brother, Israel Joshua, by then already the successful novelist I.J. Singer, would soon describe as “a world that is no more.” And the two were married to other spouses. Alma and her husband, Walter Wasserman, along with their two children, Klaus and Inga, had escaped from Germany the previous year and come to America, settling in the Inwood section of Manhattan. As for Isaac — as Alma always called him — he arrived in 1935. She portrays their encounters as romantic, although she appears to have been perfectly aware of his reputation.
ellauri257.html on line 517: , she worked at Saks 34th Street, and then, until retirement, at Lord & Taylor. On occasion she would accompany Singer to his lectures. They also traveled together to Europe, especially England and France. The purpose of one of those trips was for Alma to show Singer the places in Switzerland where she and her parents had stayed before the war. When she returned to America, she felt ecstatic. In the manuscript, she recollects standing on Broadway, looking in wonder at a fruit store and grocery, admiring their abundance.
ellauri257.html on line 520: What kind of inner, private life did Alma have? Did she tire of years of cooking, cleaning, ironing and sewing for Singer? Was it difficult to be the wife of a public person? How did she cope with his escapades? About these the manuscript remains silent. After all, Alma belonged to a social class where women weren’t encouraged to explore such details. In an interview, she does represent the younger Singer as easy-going and says how much he changed over time. But she ascribes those changes to how much people wanted from him and not the other way around.
ellauri263.html on line 629: Blavatsky was often perceived as a quite vulgar and coarse person. She swore profusely, dressed garishly, and had a strong sense of irreverent humor. Her New York study was decorated with a stuffed baboon wearing white collars, cravats and spectacles, carrying a manuscript bundle under his arm labeled ‘The Descent of the Species’ (Blavatsky rejected Darwin’s ideas about man being descended from apes). She liked a benevolent snake, though she said there was hardly no woman in her character.
ellauri266.html on line 456: Un manuscrit enfermé dans une bouteille est retrouvé dans l´espace par Jinn et Phyllis, un couple en voyage spatial. Ce manuscrit raconte l´histoire suivante : en l’an 2500, le savant professeur Antelle a organisé une expédition pour l’exploration de l’étoile supergéante Bételgeuse. Il a embarqué à bord de son vaisseau son disciple, le jeune physicien Arthur Levain, et le journaliste, narrateur de cette aventure, Ulysse Méroua 12 ainsi qu’un chimpanzé baptisé Hector et plusieurs plantes et animaux pour ses recherches scientifiques dans l’espace. Arrivés à proximité de l´étoile, ils distinguent quatre planètes gravitant autour d´elle. L’une d’entre elles ressemble étrangement à la Terre. Ils décident alors de l’explorer. À bord d’un « engin à fusée » qu´ils nomment chaloupe, les trois aventuriers survolent des villes, des routes, des champs avant d’atterrir dans une forêt1. Après avoir effectué des tests, ils quittent leur chaloupe et découvrent l’étonnante ressemblance de l’atmosphère de cette planète, qu’ils baptisent Soror, avec celle de la Terre. Ils enlèvent leurs scaphandres et assistent impuissants à la fuite d’Hector. Par curiosité, ils s’engagent dans la forêt et arrivent à un lac naturel dont l’eau limpide leur donne envie de se baigner. Mais à leur grande surprise, ils découvrent au bord du lac les traces de pas humains.
ellauri270.html on line 523: Published anonymously in 1798, this was meant to be perceived as a manuscript recently uncovered from an earlier age. It purposefully contains a variety of archaic spelling and syntax. Later editions modernized some of the archaisms.
ellauri277.html on line 244: In 1923 the financially and emotionally exhausted Haskell moved to Savannah, Georgia, and became the companion of an elderly widower, Colonel Jacob Florence Minis. But her faith in Gibran’s literary and artistic importance never wavered, and she continued to edit his English manuscripts—discreetly, since Minis did not approve of Gibran.
ellauri277.html on line 358: Ylimaallinen Jumala on ilmaissut itseään eri sanansaattajien muodossa, ja jokainen heidän perustamistaan uskonnoistaan on johtanut ihmiskunnan aina korkeammalle tasolle. Kaikki ovat tehneet virheitä, niin varmaan Barbapapakin, mutta nyt ei vielä tiedetä mitä. Bahait hyväksyvät kaikki suurten maailmanuskontojen perustajat ja keskushahmot. Heihin kuuluvat muun muassa Abraham, Mooses, Krishna, Buddha, Zarathustra, Jeesus ja Muhammad sekä kaiken ilmoituksen huipentumana Bab ja Baha´ullah. Yhtään naishahmoa? No ei. Jumalalta saatujen muistioiden ilmaisemisen ketju alkaa jo muinaisista maageista ja aiempien uskontojen kirjoituksissa profeetoiksi mainitaan muun muassa Aatami, Nooa, Hud ja Salih. Nekin kaikki setämiehiä.
ellauri277.html on line 389: Bahai-temppelit ovat rukoukseen ja mietiskelyyn tarkoitettuja hiljentymispaikkoja. Ne eroavat perinteisistä kirkoista, temppeleistä, synagogista ja moskeijoista siten, että niiden sisustus on äärimmäisen pelkistetty eikä niissä pidetä saarnoja tai muita jumalanpalvelusmenoja. Siksi ne tulevat suhteelliseen halvaksi. Bahai-temppelit ovat avoinna kaikkien uskontojen seuraajille. Niissä lausutaan pyhiä kirjoituksia ja rukouksia kaikista maailmanuskonnoista, ja tarkoitus on, että jokainen voi hiljaa mietiskellen nauttia henkisestä ilmapiiristä itselleen sopivalla tavalla. Temppelit on suunniteltu yksilöllisesti, mutta yhteistä kaikille on yhdeksän sisäänkäyntiä ja keskuskupoli.
ellauri299.html on line 75: Eduard Topelberg oli juutalaismies Bakusta, joka asui Pultavassa Ukrainassa kirjoitellen filmimanuskoita, kunnes joku sen kässäri joutui 1978 hyllytetyxi jolloin Topol suutahti ja loikkasi länkkärixi. Siitä lähtien se on kirjoittanut katkeroituneita ryssävihaisia trillereitä Njeuvostoliiton lopun ajoista. Nyze asuu Natanian kaupungissa Israelissa ja on 85-vuotias, ellei ole kuollut. Topol tarkoittaa poppeli eli haapa.
ellauri302.html on line 73: The Holy Scroll is clearly the chief character. The Holy Scroll, whose religious significance is fully explained in the course of the play, is a parchment manuscript containing the first five books of the Bible, together known as the Torah, or Law. Despite that, Ash is no orthodox. He was 37 and lived happily in New York at the time. Tämän johdannon kirjoitti Iisakki Kultavuori, Roxbury Mass. mainizematta mitenkään näytelmän vahvaa lepakkotunnelmaa.
ellauri341.html on line 246: Yhdessä kirjoissaan Bivolaru väittää, että vapaamuurarius on saatanallinen salaliitto, joka yrittää saavuttaa maailmanvallan perustamalla maailman vapaamuurarien hallituksen, maailman valtakunnan sekä ainutlaatuisen maailmanuskonnon.
ellauri343.html on line 119: elämä ISÄNMAALLE: Tästä romaanista syntyi elokuva Rukajärven tie. Eipäsvaan pikemminkin päinvastoin! Ko. läpyskä on kohennettu romaanixi leffamanuskasta. Siltä se vaikuttaakin kyllä. Antti Tuuri kertoo romaanissaan jatkosodasta, velvollisuudesta ja tyhmänrohkeudesta - äärimmäisistä olosuhteista, joihin maailmanhistorian tapahtumat suomalaisia miehiä heittelivät kuin ajopuita.
ellauri360.html on line 428: Only four great codices have survived to the present day: Codex Vaticanus (abbreviated: B), Codex Sinaiticus (א), Codex Alexandrinus (A), and Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus (C). Although discovered at different times and places, they share many similarities. They are written in a certain uncial style of calligraphy using only majuscule letters, written in scriptio continua (meaning without regular gaps between words). Though not entirely absent, there are very few divisions between words in these manuscripts. Words do not necessarily end on the same line on which they start. (That is how God's word can get to be very very long.) All these manuscripts were made at great expense of material and labour, written on vellum by professional scribes. They seem to have been based on what were thought to be the most accurate texts of their time. Ne hakkaavat Matti Pietarismaisesti hihittävän Erasmuxen Textus Receptuxen 6-0.
ellauri365.html on line 476: Sen blef han kompis med August Strindberg, som var 10 år äldre. Strindberg läste ur sina manus för Heidenstam. Först i februari 1886 fick Strindberg läsa något av Heidenstam. Strindbergs brev är inte bevarat men uppenbarligen innehöll det helt förödande kritik. I sitt svar försökte Heidenstam släta över men i brevväxlingen dem emellan blev tonen mindre familjär.
ellauri368.html on line 287: Jonah Rapa, probably a native, or resident of Vermicelli, wrote a satire on Christianity in the form of the Passover Haggadah, which has come down to us in a number of manuscripts, some bearing the peculiar title of Pilpul Zeman Zemanim Zemanehem, and some the title of Haggadah of Yonah Rapa.
ellauri377.html on line 49: Joka paikkaa nuohoava Markus Leikola on päässyt Hesus-apinan ja Sofin kanssa rikki pommitettuun Berliiniin, josta löytyy Berliini-koodexiin kuuluva Pistis Sofia. Kaikexi onnexi Sofi osaa koptia ja Hesus viittomia, niin kaxikko pääsee manuskasta perille. Vähän tää on kuin Umberto Ecoa tai Dan Brownia.
ellauri386.html on line 41: In the year of Dostoevsky's death (1881) Anna Snitkova turned 35 years old. She never remarried. In the remaining time (37 years) she collected his manuscripts, letters, documents and photographs. In 1906 she created a room dedicated to Fyodor Dostoevsky in the State Historical Museum.
ellauri390.html on line 723: Casey fragte verdächtig: Meinen Sie dass Leute aufhören sollten, mehr Geld haben zu wollen? Bist du etwa anarchokommunist oder was? Keineswegs, erwiderte Jack, soweit könnte ich nie wagen, bin ja Amerikaner. Was ich meine ist dies: diejenigen die tun was sie wollen sind sehr erfolgreich, sie sind richtige Glückshasen. Und reich. Sie sind nicht besonders zahlreich, lediglich. 1% von der Bevölkerung oder so. Aber sie besitzen zirka 50% von allem. Sie haben viele Beziehungen, manus manum lavat. Das nenne ich Glück.
ellauri391.html on line 563: The philosopher Robert Pippin, who has helped secure positions for Kimhi at the University of Chicago, explains that drafts of the manuscript have circulated to great excitement, if among “a very curated audience.” Harvard University Press was interested in publishing the book as early as 2011, but Kimhi, ever the perfectionist, was reluctant to let it go, forever refining and refashioning. Perhaps his foot-dragging was an expression of doubt, too: Could any book live up to his reputation?
ellauri392.html on line 944: Mikäs minä olen sanomaan, Pynchonin lisäxi en ole edes vilkaissut Cortàzarin, Federmanin, Brooke-Rosen tai Cooverin keskeisiä teoksia, enkä selannut Brian McHalen mostpodernist fiction-manuskaa.
ellauri408.html on line 610: Le Roman de la Rose fut un énorme succès littéraire dès sa parution et jusqu´à la Renaissance. On en a retrouvé en effet environ une centaine de manuscrits en France, souvent somptueusement illustrés, et quelque 300 exemplaires historiques (manuscrits et incunables) seraient connus.
ellauri431.html on line 62: Abrahamilaisten pyhien kirjojen sikamaisuuxia on leegio, mutta ihan kärkisijoilla hiihtelee Gileadin Jephtha tyttärineen. Siitä on eri abrahamilaisille koitunut koko liuta seliteltävää. Etenkin kun tää kosto ja lunastusteema on niille muutenkin aivan keskiössä. Tässä albumissa kuunnellaan mitä kullakin kolmesta maailmanuskonnosta on sanottavana Jephthan aknesta.
ellauri434.html on line 191: English language readers are unlikely to recognise the author of The Master and Margarita in the author of “Kiev — town”. Beyond Ukraine, Bulgakov tends to be revered as a writer who spoke truth to power, who stood for freedom and creative resilience. The vagaries of censorship and serendipity by which Bulgakov’s novels reached their readers against all odds seem to belong to the magical environment of The Master and Margarita, to a world where “manuscripts don’t burn”. So entrenched is this perception among Bulgakov’s English fans that when the National Theatre staged John Hodge’s Collaborators,a counterfactual play in which Bulgakov and Stalin start to act as each other’s ghost writers, audiences were horrified. One letter to the Times Literary Supplement fumed: “This insulting portrayal of Mikhail Bulgakov as a pathetic puppet manipulated by Stalin into collaborating with and even prompting his atrocities cannot be justified”. Those keen to defend Bulgakov’s reputation might find it interesting that his writing was marshalled in support of one more genocidal leader of Russia in 2019. A pro-separatist weekly newspaper from Donets’k reprinted “Kiev — town” among its articles belittling the Ukrainian state and sinister editorials calling for Russia to “be more active in Donbas”.¨
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1129: Latistusten lista on loputon. Gonzojournalismista, joka huonoimmillaankin on monien megahemanusten luokkaa, tehtiin perinteistä ryyppäämistä ja partiomerkkien saavuttamisen tasoista "vaarallista elämää". Sitä Eski makusteli Leporen kanssa Nykissä. Sartre ja existentialismi tuotiin maahan niin myöhään, että ne voivat vain pönkittää "ihmisten" harhakuvia vapaudesta ja valinnoista. Naistutkimuskin myytiin eksistentialismin sovellutuxena. Syntynyt keskustelu oli naurettavuudessaan perin suomalainen: nainen ja mies vastaan herra ja orja.
xxx/ellauri084.html on line 91: Valittuja paloja Aadolf Hallamahon manuskripteistä. On nää aika tahmaisia käsipyyhkeitä. Mitähän lie niihin pyyhitty. Et ehkä halua tietää.
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 75: About Lindsfarne Gospels Bede explains how each of the four Evangelists was represented by their own symbol: Matthew was the man, representing the human Christ; Mark was the lion, symbolising the triumphant Christ of the Resurrection; Luke was the calf, symbolising the sacrificial victim of the Crucifixion; and John was the eagle, symbolising Christ's second coming. A collective term for the symbols of the four Evangelists is the Tetramorphs. Each of the four Evangelists is accompanied by their respective symbol in their miniature portraits in the manuscript. In these portraits, Matthew, Mark, and Luke are shown writing, while John looks straight ahead at the reader holding his scroll. The Evangelists also represent the dual nature of Christ. Mark and John are shown as young men, symbolising the divine nature of Christ, and Matthew and Luke appear older and bearded, representing Christ's mortal nature.
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 78: The carpet pages have motifs familiar from metalwork and jewellery that pair alongside bird and animal decoration. No pornographic details, worse luck. I chose to research these particular Gospels because they are the intermediary between the first truly Insular manuscripts, like the Book of Durrow, and the perhaps the greatest achievement of Insular manuscript production, the Book of Kells.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 170: In June 2018, she criticised an effort by the publisher Penguin Random House to diversify the authors that it published and better represent the population, saying that it prioritised diversity over quality and that a manuscript "written by a gay transgender Caribbean who dropped out of school at seven" would be published "whether or not said manuscript is an incoherent, tedious, meandering and insensible pile of mixed-paper recycling". Penguin Random House marketer and author Candice Carty-Williams criticised the statements. As a result of her comments Shriver was dropped from judging a competition for the magazine Mslexia.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 636: Almost all ancient Greek manuscripts show signs of trying to normalize this text. For instance, the peculiar Codex Bezae renders both versions with ηλι ηλι λαμα ζαφθανι (ēli ēli lama zaphthani). The Alexandrian, Western and Caesarean textual families all reflect harmonization of the texts between Matthew and Mark. Only the Byzantine textual tradition preserves a distinction.
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 308: In the early 70s, Atwood added considerably to her work as a teacher and writer by editing manuscripts for the cutting-edge nationalist publisher The House of Anansi. By then, her marriage to Polk was over (Sullivan is vague about why, offering mainly generalities about the difficulty of staying together in that morally freewheeling era. Fact is, Jim Polk was not enough of a handyman for manly Margaret.) In 1972, Atwood met Gibson, a novelist and cultural activist whose own marriage was crumbling. The two began an affair, meeting at first clandestinely in the basement office of Toronto’s Longhouse Bookshop, but soon living together—for several years on a working farm north of the city.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 899: Baskerville uses the logic of Aristotle, theology of Aquinas, and the insights of Roger Bacon to decipher secret symbols and manuscripts. There is a stupid film based on it with the late James Bond as the lead. Both book and film are pure baloney.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 456: Eva Seeberg (født 28. april 1931 i Oslo, død 12. januar 2019 i Sigtuna, Sverige) var en norsk romanforfatter og filmmanusforfatter. Hun utga et titalls romaner og en rekke filmmanus.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 457: Hun flyttet til Sverige i 1958 og var gift med forfatteren Tore Zetterholm fra 1969 til 1985. I Sverige var hun manusforfatter på filmene Det är hos mig han har varit (1963), Vaxdockan (1962), Lita på mej, älskling! (1961), Får jag låna din fru? (1959) og Du är mitt äventyr (1958).
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 267: Roth also gave Bailey copies of two self-published manus, "Notes to my Biographer," a 295-page rebuttal of his ex-wife Memoirs of Claire Bloom in 1996, and "Notes on a Slander-Monger", a response to the notes and interviews Miller had compiled.
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 269: Literary history is full of moments of betrayal, when trusted confidants defied the wishes of the authors. Max Brod ignored Franz Kafka's order to burn his unpublished manus and diaries. Vladimir Nabokov and Philip Larkin's instructions to destroy the unpublished manus were rescinded by the heirs and executors, who not only retained but published them. Bailey did not publish Roths samizdats.
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 274: The most recent acquisitions - around 15 boxes of material from 1945 to 2018 - can only be viewed with permission from the Roth estate, until 2050, when the logs will be open to everyone, according to Barbara Bair, the literary specialist in the "pisioning of library manus (Avishai again)."
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 303: One day Philip handed me the manuscript of Notes for My Biographer. 'Take it,' he said, holding out the stack of pages held together by a large rubber band.'I want you to read it.' The book was a rebuttal to Claire Bloom's Leaving a Doll's House, Philip's ex-wife's account of their marriage, which was published in 1996. Many of the stories he'd already told me. He'd talked a lot to me about both Claire and his first wife, Margaret Martinson.
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 304: So none of it was new, but all of it was upsetting. Philip's manuscript was the saddest thing I'd ever read. I read three or four different drafts and most of my feedback encouraged him to write the good with the bad. 'No one will believe you if you don't admit at one point you loved her. Be the gracious one.'
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 873: Se käänsi suht lahjakkaasti jotain Vergiliuxen eklogeja, palasia Iliaasta, huvittelipa jopa runoltamalla joitain Lukianoxen Vainajien puheluja. Sen jälkeen jääneistä papereista löytyi manuskoja kolmesta tragediasta, Antigone, Saül ja Ugolin ; niissä Millimolli oli ihan kujalla.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 604: Alicia Rix´s study of the relationship between cycling and authorship in James’s “The Papers” sums up Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton’s exchange in The Sun Also Rises linking Henry’s bicycle to Jake’s impotence. Rix examines James’s anxiety about authorial exposure and aversion to publicity and includes embarrassing depictions of him cycling by Ford Madox Ford, David Lodge, and others. (The original manuscript shows that, before deletion, this had read "Henry James's bicycle.")
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 489: Othello, in full Othello, the Moor of Venice, tragedy in five acts by William Shakespeare, written in 1603–04 and published in 1622 in a quarto edition from a transcript of an authorial manuscript.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 652: Aleksandrian Menas, miekalla, Kappadokian Mercurius, mestataan, Paul Miki ja muut Japanin marttyyrit, kaksikymmentäkuusi ristiinnaulittua, keihästettyä ja poltettua, Thomas More, mestataan, Reimsin Nicasius, samoin, Huyn Odilia, nuolilla, Tarsoksen Paavali, jolta saat ensimmäisen Kirkon, mestataan, Pancratius, mestataan, Nikomedeian Pantaleon, samoin, Paphnutius, ristiinnaulitaan, Papias, revitetään hevosten välissä, Troyes'n ja Soestin Patroclus, mestataan, Karthagon Perpetua ja Felicitas, Felicitas on Perpetuan orjatar, joutuvat raivoavan lehmän sarviin, Ratesin Petrus, miekalla, Veronan Petrus, veitsi päähän ja tikari rintaan, Tournain Piatus, kallo sahataan, Polykarpos, pistetään tikarilla ja poltetaan, Rooman Prisca, leijonien ruoaksi, Processus ja Martinianus, ilmeisesti sama kuolema, Quinctinus, nauloja päähän ja muihin ruumiinosiin, Rouenin Quirinus, kallo sahataan päälaelta, Coimbran Quiteria, oma isä mestaa, kammottavaa, Alisen Regina, surmataan miekalla, Dortmundin Reinhold, kivenhakkaajan nuijalla, Napolin Restituta, roviolla, Roland, miekalla, Antiokian Romanus, kieli revitään suusta ja kuristetaan, etkö vieläkään ole saanut tarpeeksesi, Jumala kysyi Jeesukselta, mutta Jeesus vastasi, Tuo kysymys sinun olisi pitänyt esittää itsellesi, jatka,
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 225: Il vit au milieu des livres, la cité des livres, mais se lance à la recherche, en Sicile et à Paris, du précieux manuscrit de La Légende dorée qu’il finit un jour par obtenir. Le hasard lui fait rencontrer la petite fille d’une femme qu’il a jadis aimée et, pour "protéger" l’enfant d’un autre tuteur abusif, il l’enlève. Après plusieurs années de bon usage par Sylvestre, la jeune fille épousera un élève de M. Bonnard. Tollanen pedofiilinen Goethen Mignon taas.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1034: The Alexander Romance is an account of the life and exploits of Alexander the Great. Although constructed around a historical core, the romance is largely fictional. It was widely copied and translated, accruing legends and fantastical elements at different stages. The original version was composed in the Greek language before 338 AD, when a Latin translation was made. Several late manuscripts attribute the work to Alexander´s court historian Callisthenes, but the historical person died before Alexander and could not have written a full account of his life. The unknown author is still sometimes known as Pseudo-Callisthenes.
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 155: In 1942, Malamud met Ann De Chiara (November 1, 1917 – March 20, 2007), an Italian-American Roman Catholic, and a 1939 Cornell University graduate. They married on November 6, 1945, despite the opposition of their respective parents. Ann typed his manuscripts and reviewed his writing. Ann and Bernard had two children, Paul (b. 1947) and Janna (b. 1952). Janna is the author of a memoir about her father, titled My Father Is A Book.
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 536: Ojaharju teki satamassa päiväkeikkoja monien muiden julkimoiden tapaan: siellä kävivät Pertti Hemanus, Matti ja Tapi Brotherus, Pertti Lindfors ja varmaan Jönskin ansaitsemassa kaljarahoja.
xxx/ellauri295.html on line 98: Paavali matkusteli paljon hiililaivoissa. Se näytti pää ajeltuna ebyktiläiseltä hiililaivan kapteenilta. Jerusalemissa osapuilleen helluntaina jutkut yllättivät sen temppelin sisäpihalta pakanoiden seurassa. Siitä syntyi mellakka, jonka seurauxena Palle pidätettiin taas. Ettekö tiedä kuka minä olen! Romanus sum, sanoi Polle krekumamulle nimeltä Lysias. Et sentään juutalaisten kuningas, uskalsi ostoroomalainen vinoilla.
xxx/ellauri400.html on line 123: manuscrit_portrait_%28d%C3%A9tail%29.jpeg/380px-Chaucer_manuscrit_portrait_%28d%C3%A9tail%29.jpeg" height="600px" />