ellauri016.html on line 562: Le snob est aussi bien ce pétit jeune homme hirsute qui applaudit avec une frénesie trop manifeste pour être sincère une pièce d'avant-garde boudée par le grand public, que ce monsieur décoré devant qui se multiplient les courbettes qui vient assister à la première d'une piece promise au succès; il est aussi bien ce petit gandin qui qui cherche à placer un mot dans une conversation entre Altesses que ce gentilhomme à monocle qui, d'un air ennuyé et condescendant, consent à lui addresser quelques paroles indifférentes. Mais ce fluidité meme du mot assura son heureuse developpement.
ellauri033.html on line 244: zigzags fébriles. Elle manifeste sa vie par de perpétuelles contorsions.
ellauri033.html on line 1133: Ce n´est pas la philosophie mais la philologie qui finalement éveille le doute chez Renan. Renan apprend l´hebreu et constate à cette époque que la deuxième partie d´Isaïe diffère de la première non seulement quant au style, mais également quant à la date, que la grammaire et l´histoire du Pentateuque sont postérieures à l´époque de Moïse et que le livre de Daniel est manifestement apocryphe.
ellauri034.html on line 543: In 1975 the Nigerian writer Chinua Achebe published an essay, "An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad´s ´Heart of Darkness´", which provoked controversy by calling Conrad a "thoroughgoing racist". Achebe´s view was that Heart of Darkness cannot be considered a great work of art because it is "a novel which celebrates... dehumanisation, which depersonalises a portion of the human race." Referring to Conrad as a "talented, tormented man", Achebe notes that Conrad (via the protagonist, Charles Marlow) reduces and degrades Africans to "limbs", "ankles", "glistening white eyeballs", etc., while simultaneously (and fearfully) suspecting a common kinship between himself and these natives—leading Marlow to sneer the word "ugly." Achebe also cited Conrad´s description of an encounter with an African: "A certain enormous buck nigger encountered in Haiti fixed my conception of blind, furious, unreasoning rage, as manifested in the human animal to the end of my days." Achebe´s essay, a landmark in postcolonial discourse, provoked debate, and the questions it raised have been addressed in most subsequent literary criticism of Conrad.
ellauri052.html on line 936: Ultimately, much of the book revolves around a perceived opposition between “young Saul,” the politically radical, amorously multitasking free spirit who raised him, and “old Saul,” the reactionary, race-baiting friend of authority and Allan Bloom who occupied his father’s body for its final 40 years. Greg had a front-row seat for Bellow’s supposed conversion, after the rise of black power and the Six Day War, to the unfashionable conservatism that remains the unspoken reason his books aren’t read much in America today. He is thus well-placed to describe how that change—dramatically evident in Mr. Sammler’s Planet (1970), the neo-con novel par excellence, but also in Herzog—manifested itself in private.
ellauri111.html on line 343: You need FAITH in the blood of Jesus to get into heaven. THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, God manifested in the flesh, WAS CRUCIFIED [nailed to the cross through his hands and his feet] FOR OUR SINS AS OUR SUBSTITUTE. Talk about scapegoat! In order to be saved and get into heaven, literally all you need to do is
ellauri111.html on line 357: Luckily, the Lord Jesus Christ SHED HIS BLOOD on your sins. He is perfect. He is way more than simply past, he is pluperfect. But he is future too, futurum exactum to be exact. He will have been here a second time. He specifically came to this earth from Mars or Venus as a man to die in your place. He is God manifested in the flesh. (Except the other bearded guy is still sitting up there watching it all happen, don't ask us how, asking stupid questions is not good for you.) . He came down here to save you from the GUILT of past sins and from the POWER of sin over your life. (Pay attention to the capitals, we capitalize stuff that is of capital importance.)
ellauri111.html on line 488: The Lord Jesus Christ came to save you from both the GUILT and POWER of sin. The Lord Jesus Christ was manifested TO DESTROY the works of the devil (I John 3:8)--THE LORD JESUS CHRIST CAME TO SAVE YOU AND CHANGE YOU AND TO MAKE YOU HOLY. When you are unsaved, sin has dominion over you. Sin is your boss and you cannot do anything BUT sin. You are justly under the wrath of a holy and just God. Murderers, thieves, fornicators, witches, sodomites, whores, liars, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, rebels, and all other spiritual lepers will not inherit the kingdom of God. This is not to put anybody down, before we got saved, we Christians were once the murders, thieves, whoremongers, etc. We have to be born again into the kingdom of God. When we REPENT and BELIEVE in Jesus, we are born again and all things become new. A new life emerges and things change. We start reading the Bible and obeying it and the Lord Jesus helps us obey it more and more. Our life changes. Our desires literally change as we go forward in obeying the word of God.
ellauri111.html on line 510: Jesus said, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:13) How can you show more love than giving your very life for someone else´s life? You cannot. And what is more, the Lord Jesus Christ, God manifested in the flesh, died for us WHEN WE WERE HIS ENEMIES! I mean we were vile, wicked, wretched, unclean, unholy, ungodly, prideful, sinful and spiritually leperous.
ellauri111.html on line 544: JESUS CHRIST ROSE FROM THE DEAD. After His death, our precious Lord´s body laid in the grave three days, but praise be to God, it did not remain there. Death could not hold him back--it was not possible that he should be holden of it (Acts 2:24). Jesus Christ is the life (ref. John 14:6) and God manifested in the flesh (ref. I Timothy 3:16). Death could not hold him. On the third day Jesus arose from the dead and was seen by over 500 people (ref. I Corinthians 15:6) before He went back to heaven.
ellauri111.html on line 679: There is a wicked man coming that Revelation 13 calls, "the beast." He is an antichrist. He is a man of sin. He is soon to make his appearance on the earth and by peace he shall destroy many. The saints are going to go through deep waters--but hold on to Jesus. Don´t ever renounce him or deny him no matter what. You know what you believe in--the Lord Jesus Christ who is the Creator of heaven and earth and all that in them is. Read more here about the coming of the beast. Jesus said that he that endureth to the end, the same shall be saved. Jesus Christ is God manifested in the flesh. He also said that he would be with us alway, even unto the end of the world, Amen. At the beginning of our index page, there is letter. There are words there for you. Please read it from the beginning.
ellauri119.html on line 270: For the majority of Christian denominations, the Holy Spirit, or Holy Ghost, is believed to be the third person of the Trinity, a Triune God manifested as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, each entity itself being God. Nontrinitarian Christians, who reject the doctrine of the Trinity, differ significantly from mainstream Christianity in their beliefs about the Holy Spirit. In Christian theology, pneumatology refers to the study of the Holy Spirit. Due to Christianity's historical relationship with Judaism, theologians often identify the Holy Spirit with the concept of the Ruach Hakodesh in Jewish scripture, on the theory that Jesus (who was Jewish) was expanding upon these Jewish concepts. Similar names, and ideas, include the Ruach Elohim (Spirit of God), Ruach YHWH (Spirit of Yahweh), and the Ruach Hakodesh (Holy Spirit).
ellauri119.html on line 387: God is most often held to be incorporeal, with said characteristic being related to conceptions of transcendence or immanence. In religion, transcendence is the aspect of a deity´s nature and power that is wholly independent of the material universe, beyond all known physical laws. This is contrasted with immanence, where a god is said to be fully present in the physical world and thus accessible to creatures in various ways. In religious experience, transcendence is a state of being that has overcome the limitations of physical existence, and by some definitions, has also become independent of it. This is typically manifested in prayer, rituals, meditation, psychedelics and paranormal "visions".
ellauri131.html on line 413: Läski Oprah on takuulla samalla listalla vielä korkeammalla sijalla. Rhondalla on nettisivut Tuvalulla. Sillä on epäilyttävän vino suu. Sellaiset ihmiset on epäluotettavia. Jos miljoonat ihmiset on tulleet tästä miljonääreixi, riittääkö hän meille muille enää mitään? Puhumattakaan miljardeista: Billions of people have already experienced The Secret manifested in their lives. No eihän tässä mitään oikeastaan luvata. Niinkuin Susannan seinällä luki: jos jokin menee päin vittua, se on kokemusta.
ellauri135.html on line 573: Richter moved in with his aunt Tamara. He lived with her from 1918 to 1921, and it was then that his interest in art first manifested itself: he first became interested in panting, which his aunt taught him.
ellauri145.html on line 60: L´humeur sombre de Breton s´exprime pleinement dans ce que Mark Polizzotti appelle le « passage le plus sinistre du manifeste » et qui est selon lui le reflet d´une grande « amertume personnelle », une phrase souvent citée et reprochée à Breton, notamment par Albert Camus : « L´acte surréaliste le plus simple consiste, révolvers aux poings, à descendre dans la rue et à tirer au hasard, tant qu´on peut, dans la foule.» Täähän trendaa nykyäänkin, kun sillä pääsee 6 sekunnixi klikkimeediaan. Polizzotto Salvo Montalbano miehineen puuttuu asiaan.
ellauri145.html on line 74: En 1938, Breton organise la première Exposition internationale du surréalisme à Paris. À cette occasion, il prononce une conférence sur l’humour noir. Cette même année, il voyage au Mexique et rencontre les peintres Frida Kahlo et Diego Rivera, ainsi que Léon Trotski avec qui il écrit le manifeste Pour un art révolutionnaire indépendant (ru), qui donne lieu à la constitution d’une Fédération internationale de l’art révolutionnaire indépendant (FIARI). Cette initiative est à l’origine de la rupture avec Éluard (n.h.).
ellauri145.html on line 81: Apres un autre manifeste contre le Stalinisme avec Camus, Gide, Hemingway et Huxley, il cosigne dans Le Libertaire une « Déclaration préalable » au manifeste « Surréalisme et anarchisme » : « La lutte pour le remplacement des structures sociales et l’activité déployée par le surréalisme pour transformer les structures mentales, loin de s’exclure, sont complémentaires. Leur jonction doit hâter la venue d’un âge libéré de toute hiérarchie et toute contrainte. »
ellauri147.html on line 775: 1. Kritik wird mit – manifester oder latenter – Wut beantwortet.

ellauri194.html on line 373: • Upploppen fick sin början under skärtorsdagen då Paludan eldade en koran i Jönköping. Senare under dagen skulle han manifestera i Linköping och Norrköping. Innan hans manifestation kunde börja så gick motdemonstranter till attack mot polisen. Både personbilar och polisbilar sattes i brand. I Linköping skadades flera poliser och sju personer greps misstänkta för våldsamt upplopp. I Norrköping greps två personer misstänkta för våldsamt upplopp.
ellauri206.html on line 272: Theophile Gautier oli paxu partapozo dekadentti. Les premières grandes passions de Teophile Gautier sont Robinson Crusoé ou Paul et Virginie, qui lui font une vive impression. Gautier rencontre a l'ecole le jeune Gérard Labrunie (le futur Gérard de Nerval). À cette époque, il commence à manifester un goût particulier pour les poètes latins tardifs dont la langue étrange le fascine. Il souffre de myopie.
ellauri210.html on line 606: Je crois que l'art est la seule forme d'activité par laquelle l'homme en tant que tel se manifeste comme véritable individu. Par elle seule, il peut dépasser le stade animal, parce que l'art est un débouché sur des régions où ne domine ni le temps, ni l'espace.
ellauri211.html on line 201: Je crois que l´art est la seule forme d´activité par laquelle l´homme en tant que tel se manifeste comme véritable individu. Par elle seule, il peut dépasser le stade animal, parce que l´art est un débouché sur des régions où ne domine ni le temps, ni l´espace.
ellauri401.html on line 76: Monet eivät ottaneet manifesteja kirjaimellisesti, vaan niitä pidettiin pikemminkin huijauksina tai allegorisina lausuntoina. He sanovat: "Puhumme teille vertauksin, mutta haluamme johdattaa sinut oikeaan, yksinkertaiseen, helppoon ja nerokkaaseen esittelyyn, ymmärrykseen, julistukseen ja kaikkien salaisuuksien tuntemiseen."
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 68: The events in Germany since January 30, 1933, when Nazis came to power and declared as their aim the march to the east to capture resourcesand "living space" greatly contributed to it. The USSR realized the enormous importance of the national question and recognized the great role of the country´s history and patriotism in the consolidation of the society. There was mounting criticism of romanization. It was admitted that, in some cases, there had been overreliance on the alphabetical creativity of the linguists,engaged in language construction, which manifested itself in the creation of individual alphabets for numerically very small dialects, as well as in the overly largenumber of letters for some alphabets, in frequent disregard for the practical problemsof language construction and in the exclusive use of the Latin as a possible basis forthe creation of writing for the illiterate peoples, as well as in the insufficient attentionto the use of other alphabets (Novyi alfavit (The New Alphabet), 1934).
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 112: Andreas Capellanus, appelé en français par une traduction de son nom André le Chapelain, a écrit au XIIe siècle un traité intitulé ordinairement De Amore, et souvent traduit, de façon quelque peu fautive, Traité de l'Amour courtois, bien que son ton réaliste, voire cynique indique que, dans une certaine mesure, il se veut un antidote à l'amour courtois. On ne sait rien de la vie d'André le Chapelain, mais on suppose qu'il faisait partie de la cour de Marie de France, et qu'il était probablement d'origine française. On a soutenu que De Amore codifie la vie sociale et sexuelle de la cour d'Aliénor à Poitiers, entre 1170 et 1174, mais il a été manifestement écrit au moins dix ans plus tard et, semble-t-il, à Troyes. Il traite de plusieurs thèmes spécifiques qui faisaient l'objet d'un débat poétique entre troubadours et trobairitz à la fin du XIIe siècle.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 292: The growth of the following of Joseph is manifested with the earliest church dedicated to him in Rome, San Giuseppe dei Falegnami (St. Joseph of the Carpenters), constructed in 1540 in the Forum Romanum, above the prison that by tradition had held the Apostles Peter and Paul. The spread of his following is then shown by the publication of the first Litany of St. Joseph in Rome in 1597 and the introduction of the Cord of St. Joseph in Antwerp in 1657. These were then followed by the Chaplet of St. Joseph in 1850, and the Scapular of St. Joseph of the Capuchins which was approved in 1880. The formal veneration of the Holy Family began in the 17th century by Mgr François de Laval.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 531: Ever since the bitterness surrounding the U.S.-led war in Iraq manifested itself, Europe has been plagued with an identity crisis. U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld only managed to further exacerbate the dilemma when he spoke of an "old" and "new" Europe, separating the continent into the proponents and opponents of the war.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 585: Whitmanin "Amerikkalaiset", Keatsin "Pystymezän suuri demokratia", ja Blumenbergin visio "Mainiosta sosiaalisesta tulevaisuudesta" voidaan nähdä "utopistisen sosiaalidemokraattisen poliittisen ajattelun" sosiaalisina manifesteina, behauptete Rorty.
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 274: Mauprat est un roman historique publié en 1837. L'histoire se déroule pour la majeure partie dans le Berry à l'aube de la Révolution française au XVIIIe siècle. Il relate l'histoire d'un jeune garçon issu d'une famille de seigneurs cruels, les Mauprat, qui échappe peu à peu à son lourd héritage familial grâce à l'amour qu'il éprouve pour sa cousine Edmée, nettement plus civilisée que lui. L'œuvre recèle plusieurs aspects: si Mauprat est avant tout un roman d'amour et une histoire de famille, c'est aussi un roman politique, une fable philosophique et un manifeste féminin.