ellauri011.html on line 499: Vanhempien kanssa oli aina känää. Tiukka inssi isä, moneymaker pennyfucker, löysempi jumalinen homemaker äiti. Kerran (ainakin) Patu väärensi isän nimen kaverin työnhakupapereihin. Vanhemmat pani Paulon pakkohoitoon funny farmille.
ellauri016.html on line 471:
  • Dial,Coll A shoemaker or cobbler

    ellauri029.html on line 920: Other passages in the Bible that use satire include Isaiah’s ridicule of idol-makers (Isaiah 40:19-20), God’s taunting of Egypt (Jeremiah 46:11), and Elijah’s gibes directed at the prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18:27). Jesus Himself used satire in the form of hyperbole when He told His hearers to “take the plank out of your own eye” (Matthew 7:5).
    ellauri035.html on line 316: The maker of scant songs for bread wanders
    ellauri037.html on line 284: troublemakers banished to other hemispheres,
    ellauri051.html on line 879: 297 The canal boy trots on the tow-path, the book-keeper counts at his desk, the shoemaker waxes his thread, 297 Kanavapoika ravia hinauspolulla, kirjanpitäjä laskee pöytänsä ääressä, suutari vahaa lankaansa,
    ellauri055.html on line 215: Saint Fiacre is the patron saint of the commune of Saint-Fiacre, Seine-et-Marne, France. He is the patron of growers of vegetables and medicinal plants, and gardeners in general, including ploughboys. His reputed aversion to women is believed to be the reason he is also considered the patron of victims of venereal disease. He is further the patron of victims of hemorrhoids and fistulas, taxi cab drivers, box makers, florists, hosiers, pewterers, tilemakers, and those suffering from infertility. Finally, he is commonly invoked to heal persons suffering from various infirmities, premised on his reputed skill with medicinal plants.
    ellauri061.html on line 326: gentleman but gardeners, ditchers, and grave-makers: ne hoitaa Aatamin vanhaa tehtävää.
    ellauri061.html on line 339: Second Clown The gallows-maker; for that frame outlives a Spede 2 Hirsipuun tekijä; sillä se kestää tuhat vuokralaista.
    ellauri061.html on line 356: grave-maker: 'the houses that he makes last till Mut hei lähde Vaughanille, hae mulle tuoppi kaljaa.
    ellauri061.html on line 442: grave-maker?
    ellauri069.html on line 577: The storyline revolved around a 35-year-old dressmaker who fascinates men as she works her way up to become the chief Hollywood costumer designer. Virginia Clark did the role for 11 years, and Julie Stevens portrayed Helen for 16 years. Piki olis tykännyt.
    ellauri072.html on line 477: What will happen when the age-old economy of scarcity gives way to the Age of Leisure? Professor Gabor, who won the 1971 Nobel Prize for physics offers a futuristic projection based on a static population and GNP, "classless, democratic, and uniformly rich." Fearful that total secruity "will create unbearable boredom and bring out the worst in Irrational Man," Gabor is anxious to retain "effort," "hardship," and the Protestant Ethic -- lest society dissolve in an orgy of anti-social, hedonistic nihilism (viz. the current drug explosion and the spoiled-brat students). To avoid such evils Gabor proposes that work and its attendant moral uplift be divorced from production and the service sector of the economy be vastly enlarged. But this is only the beginning -- enthusiastic about Social Engineering Gabor suggests using it to weed out potential misfits, trouble-makers and "power addicts"; supplementing I.Q. tests with E.Q. (Ethical Quotient) measurements; and modeling elementary and secondary education on the 19th century British public school which knew so well how to inculcate good citizenship, intellectual excellence and pride in achievement. The Third World, still wrestling with pre-industrial material want, is ignored -- since we can't afford any more industrial pollution presumably they will just have to adjust to their misery. Gabor's assessment of "the Nature of Man" shows a woefully naive Anglo-American ethnocentricity and complete ignorance of anthropology and his vision of post-industrial utopia operating on the moral axioms of the 19th century is as elitist as it is improbable.
    ellauri082.html on line 781: "The underrepresentation of girls and women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) is a continual concern for social scientists and policy makers. Using an international database on adolescent achievement in science, mathematics, and reading (n = 472,242), we show girls performed similarly or better than boys in science in two of every three countries, and in nearly all countries, more girls appeared capable of college-level STEM study than enrolled. Paradoxically, the sex differences in the magnitude of relative academic strengths and pursuit of STEM degrees increased with increases in national gender equality. The gap between boys’ science achievement and girls’ reading achievement relative to their mean academic performance was near universal. These sex differences in academic strengths and attitudes toward science correlated with the STEM graduation gap. A mediation analysis suggests that life-quality pressures in less gender equal countries promote girls’ and women’s engagement with STEM subjects."
    ellauri090.html on line 128: After Carlos Maria’s flirtation with Sophia, Doña Fernanda acts as a matchmaker and brings Carlos Maria and Maria Benedicta together. Although Maria Benedicta is not beautiful, Carlos Maria marries her because she adores him. Following their marriage, they travel to Europe, returning to Rio de Janiero after Maria Benedicta becomes pregnant.
    ellauri096.html on line 672: Given that the structure of an econometric model consists of optimal decision-rules of economic agents, and that optimal decision-rules vary systematically with changes in the structure of series relevant to the decision maker, it follows that any change in policy will systematically alter the structure of econometric models.[9]
    ellauri096.html on line 682: The associated policy implications were clear: There is no need for any form of government intervention since, ostensibly, government policies aimed at stabilizing the business cycle are welfare-reducing. Since microfoundations are based on the preferences of decision-makers in the model, DSGE models feature a natural benchmark for evaluating the welfare effects of policy changes. The Kydland/Prescott 1982 paper is often considered the starting point of RBC theory and of DSGE modeling in general and its authors were awarded the 2004 Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel.
    ellauri097.html on line 632: Mutta yksi pieni kaavamainen detalji pistää silmään! Koska taiteilijakirja on kuvataiteen teos (kuten mikä tahansa kirja, tosin), joka perustuu kirjan ideaan ja hahmoon, sen yhteydessä usein mainitaan hienona piirteenä kirjan ”demokraattisuus”. Tämä on kehvelimäistä, sillä tavanomaisessa taiteilijakirjassa, veistosmaisen uniikissa tai hyvin pieneksi editioksi monistetussa esineessä ei ole mitään demokraattista: kirjapainon tuottaman lukemiston demokraattisuus on kenties ainoa piirre, joka siitä nimenomaan on poistettu. Kirjahko on tavallista taiteilijakirjaa demokraattisempi, vaikka sekään ei tällä ominaisuudella saa rehennellä. Kirjahko ei fetissoi itseään, se ei ole uniikki eikä eritä suojakseen sitkeää taide-esineen limakerrosta eli auraa, joka kieltää koskemasta. Kirjahko haluaa olla halpa. Se kaipaa kosketusta. Se haluaa olla käyttöesine. Mut eise silti mikään vessapaperirulla ole, vaan pikemminkin kuin urheiluauto, tai Patek Philippe. Nekin haluaisivat olla halpoja, mutta eivät ole. Kaikkea ei voi saada, eikä kaikki niitä tarvize. No ei vaineskaan, kirjahko ei ole sellainen vaan haluaa pikemminkin olla kirjojen Voltswagen, halvahko sähköauto, tähdätty isolle vaikka vähenevälle keskiluokalle, joka osaa vielä lukea.
    ellauri101.html on line 155: Joseph Campbell, arguably the greatest mythologist of the twentieth century, was certainly one of our greatest storytellers. This masterfully crafted book interweaves conversations between Campbell and some of the people he inspired, including poet Robert Bly, anthropologist Angeles Arrien, filmmaker David Kennard, Doors drummer John Densmore, psychiatric pioneer Stanislov Grof, Nobel laureate Roger Guillemen, and others. Campbell reflects on subjects ranging from the origins and functions of myth, the role of the artist, and the need for ritual to the ordeals of love and romance. With poetry and humor, Campbell recounts his own quest and conveys the excitement of his lifelong exploration of our mythic traditions, what he called “the one great story of mankind.” Hemmetti nää sen sankarit on lähes yhtä tuntemattomia kuin se ize.
    ellauri107.html on line 248: Although British naval mutineers as well as criminals ashore are explicitly shown in Billy Budd’s early chapters to have received forms of amnesty that ultimately contributed to the saving of the nation, Vere offers no such amnesty to Billy Budd. Claggart himself is rumored to have entered the service as an alternative to imprisonment, the navy’s need for manpower leading to frequent waivers of usual punishments; but Billy Budd receives no alternatives, no waivers. At Nelson’s triumphant Trafalgar, the thwarting of Napoleon’s invasion plans meant a “plenary absolution” for all the former offenders who had contributed to the victory. Billy, however, a “peacemaker,” neither a mutineer nor a criminal, makes a single misstep in retaliation against a known liar who seeks to manipulate the system to destroy him, and how is Billy to be absolved? Vere’s “vehemently exclaimed” answer: “the angel must hang!”
    ellauri115.html on line 675: Jos mies on samalla kertaa aktiivinen ja vapaa [Terskaa ei lasketa, se on vaan taloudenhoitaja], se toimii omavoimaisesti kuin Dexterin henkilönostimet; se mitä se tekee vapaasti ei ole mitenkään osa Sallimuxen merkkaamaa systeemiä, eikä sitä voi panna Sallimuxen syyxi. Sallimus ei halua pahaa mitä mies tekee väärinkäyttäessään saamiaan vapauxia; eikä Sallimus estä sitä tekemästä tyhmyyxiä, [sehän on Sallimus eikä Kieltäymys] joko six että noin heiverön olion tekemä vääryys on sille pelkkää kärpäsen surinaa, tai koska se ei voisi estää sitä tekemättä vielä suurempaa vääryyttä sen vapaalle luonnolle. Sallimus teki miehestä vapaan niinet se voi valita hyvän ja kieltäytyä pahasta. Se on tehnyt sen kykeneväxi tähän valintaan jos se käyttää oikein sille annettuja kykyjä, mutta sen voimat on niin rajalliseet että vaikka siltä lähtis mopo käsistä ei se pysty häirizemään yleistä järjestystä. Miehen tekemä paha osuu omaan nilkkaan vaikuttamatta maailman systeemiin, estämättä ihmmislajin säilymistä vastoin muun luomakunnan tahtoa. On turha valittaa et Jumala ei estä meitä tekemästä väärin, koska se on tehnyt miehestä niin mainion luonteisin että se on pannut sen toimiin sen moraliteetin jolla ne jalostuvat, niinet se on tehnyt miehekkyydestä miehen syntymämerkin.Ylin onni muodostuu izetyytyväisyydestä; jotta me tunnettas tätä izetyytyväisyyttä meidät on pantu tälle pelilaudalle vapaasti sijoittamaan pelimerkkejä, meitä kiusaa meidän passiohedelmät ja meitä rajoittaa tää omatunto. Mitä muuta ois jumalallinen voima voinut tehdä meidän puolesta? Oisko se voinut tehdä meidän luonteesta ristiriitaisen, ja antanut hyvänolon tunteen oikein tekemisestä sellaselle joka ei voi tyriä? Oisko Sallimuxen pitänyt estää miestä ilkeydestä rajoittamalla se vaistoihin ja tekemällä siitä pökiön? [No pökiön se tekikin ainakin musta, vaikka vaistot mulla on aika karkeat.] Ehei, ei niin, oi mun sielun Jumala, mä ainakaan en sua syytä siitä et mä tein susta mun selfien, et mä olisin yhtä hyvä ja onnellinen kuin mun money maker!
    ellauri115.html on line 695: Mä olen tietoinen sielustani; mä ihan tunnen sen ja ajattelen sitä tuon tuostakin; mä tiedän mikä sen on vaikken tiedä mitä se oikeasti on; mä en voi järkeillä asioista jota mä en tunne. Se minkä mä tiedän on että mun henk.koht. identiteetti riippuu mun muistista, ja että ollaxeni sama mun ptää muistaa et mä olin olemassa. Mä en muistaisi kuoleman jälkeen millanen mä olin elävänä ellen mä muista miltä musta tuntui ja mitä mä tein; enkä epäile että just sen muistaminen tulee olemaan hyvisten palkkio ja pahisten kidutus. Tässä maailmassa sisäinen tietoisuus uppoaa innokkaiden passiohedelmien hälinään jotka estää katumisen. Miehuuden harjoituxesta seuraava nöyryyytys ja häpeä estää näkemästä sen charmia. Mut kun vapautuneina ruumiinaistien illuusioista silmäilemme iloisina ylintä pomoa ja ikuisia totuuxia jotka siitä valuvat; kun kaikki meidän sielunvoimat on hereillä järjestyxen kauneuteen ja me ollaan täysin uppoutuneita vertaamaan sitä mitä tuli tehtyä siihen mitä olis pitänyt, niin silloin omantunnon ääni pääsee täyteen volaan nupit kaakossa; silloin puhdas riemastus joka tulee izetyytyväisyydestä, ja terävä katumus izensä nolaamisesta ratkaisee ylivoimaisella tunteella mikä tulee olemaan kunkin omavalmisteinen osa kuonpuoleisessa. Hyvä ystäväiseni, älä kysy onko siellä muita ilon tai kärsimyxen aiheita; mä en tiedä kun en ole käynyt kazomassa vielä; tää minkä mä voin kuvitella riittää mulle lohdutuxexi tässä elämässä ja saa odottamaan kärsimättömästi seuraavaa. Mä en sano et hyviä palkitaan, sillä mitä suurempaa hyvää voi tosi hyvä olento kuvitella kuin olla niinkuin kotonaan? Mut mä sanon kyllä että hyvät tulevat olemaan onnellisia, koska niiden money maker, kaiken oikeudenkäytön ylin auktoriteetti, joka on tehnyt ne tunteilemaan kykenevixi, ei ole tehnyt niitä kärsiskelemään; sitäpaizi, ne ei ole käyttäneet vääriin vapauttaan maan päällä eikä muuttaneet kohtaloaan oman vian takia; kuiteskin ne ovat kärsineet tässä elämässä ja kyllä se niille hyvitetään seuraavassas. Tää fiilis ei luota niinkään miehen ansioihin, vaan hyvän ideaan, joka näyttää musta kuuluvan jumalan peruskokoonpanoon. Mä oletan vaan että järjestyssäännöt pysyy voimassa ja että Jumala ei kuseta.
    ellauri115.html on line 711: Kun nyt on päätelty aistiesineiden havainnosta ja mun sisäisestä tietoisuudedsta, joka johtaa mut päätellä syistä ja synnyistä syvistä diginatiivijärjellä päätotuudet jotka on mulle ihan need to know tietoa, mun täytyy nyt eziä sellasia käyttäytymisperiaatteita kuin niistä voi vetää, ja sellissiä sääntöjä jotka mun täytyy asettaa oppaaxeni tämän maailman kohtaloni täyttämisexi, mitkä oli mun money makerin meisinki. Käytän yhä samaa mefodia, en johda näitä sääntöjä korkekoulufilosofiasta, vaan löydän ne mun syömmin syvyyxistä, mihin ne on kirjoitettu tulipunaisilla kirjaimilla mitä mikään ei voi kumittaa. Mun tarvii vaan konsultoida izeäni sen suhteen mitä mä haluun tehä; se mikä musta tuntuu oikealta on oikein, mikä mun mielestä on väärin on väärin; omatunto on paras kasvomuisti; ja se on vaan kun tinkaamme omastatunnosta kun meillä on tarve sofistikoituihin argumentteihin. Meidän eka velvollisuus on mua izeäni kohtaan; kuitenkin miten usein toisen äänet kertoo että kun me haetaan omaa hyvää toisten kustannuxella me tehdään pahaa? Me luullaan seuraavamme luonnon opasteita, ja me vastustetaan sitä; me kuunnellaan mitä se sanoo meidän aisteille, ja me haistatetaan huilu sillä mitä se sanoo meidän sydämmelle; aktiiviolento tottelee, passiivi komentaa. Omatunto on sielun puheääni, passiohedelmät on ruumiin ääntelyä. Onko kumma että nää äänet usein kiistelevät kuin Aku Ankan korviin kuiskuttelevat kaxi pikku avataria? Ja kumpaahan meidän olis kuultava? Saat 2 arvausta. Liian usein järki pettää meitä; meillä on erinomainen syy epäillä sitä [jos se nimittäin sattuu olemaan aika heikko]; mutta superego ei koskaan petä meitä; se on miehen ainut tosi opaste; se on sielulle mitä vaisto on ruumiille, [Alahuomio: Moderni filosofia, joka myöntää vaan mitä se voi ymmärtää, varoo myöntämästä tätä hämärää kykyä jota sanotaan vaistoxi joka näyttää opastavan muita elukoita kuin tikanpoikaa puuhun ilman hankittua kokemusta. [No on se meilläkin, lue vaikka Paul et Virginie, tai jos et jaxa kazo sitten leffa Blue Lagoon.] Vaisto, joittenkin meidän viisaiden viisaustieteilijöiden mielestä, on vaan salainen ajattelutottumus, joka on hankittu ajattelemalla; ja siitä miten ne tän kehityxen selittää voisi päätellä että lapset miettii enemmän kuin isot ihmiset: tää on outo paradoxi jota pitäis tutkia. Mut ei mennä tähän nyt, vaikka mun pitää kysyä mikä nimii pitää antaa sille innolle jolla mun koira jahtaa myyriä jota se ei edes syö, tai kärsivällisyydelle jolla se joskus kazoo niitä tuntikausia ja taitoa millä se nappaa ne, heittää ne jonkun matkan päähän kolosta kun ne tulee esille, ja sit tappaa ne ja jättää ne lojumaan. Kuitenkaan kukaan ei opettanut sille tätä urheilulajia, eikä kukaan edes kertonut sille että on sellaisia otuxia kuin myyriä. Taas kysyn, ja tää on tärkeämpi kysymys, mix kun mä uhkailin tätä koiraa ekan kerran, mixe heittäytyi maahan tassut ristissä kuin armonanoja .....ihankuin laskelmoidusti muhun vedoten, asento jonka se olis ottanut, jos mä olisin pitänyt pintani ja jatkanut sen mätkimistä siinä asennossa? Mitä hä! Oliko mun koira, tuskin pentu, omaxunut moraali-ideoita? Tiesikö jo armon ja avokämmenen merkityxen? Millä hankitulla tiedolla se yritti hillitä mun vihaa heittäytymällä mun armoille? [Nojaa, tää vaan osottaa että sellainen käytös on luontaisesti koiramaista.] Jokainen koira maailmassa menettelee melkein samalla tavall samoissa olosuhteissa, enkä mä väitä mitään mitä jokainen ei voi ize kokeilla, hankkia vaan koiran ja jonkun astalon. Voisko filosooferit, jotka niin ivallisestri hylkää vaiston, ystävällisesti selittää tän vaan aistimusten leikkinä ja kokemuxen jonka ne olettaa että me ollaan hankittu? Antaa niiden antaa selitys joka kelpaa joka tolkun äijälle; siinä tapauxessa mulla ei ole enempää sanottavaa, enkä sanokaan enempää vaistosta.] Se joka tottelee omaatuntoa noudattaa luontoa eikä sen tarvi pelätä menevänsä harhaan. Tää on hyvinkin tärkeä asia, jatkoi mun hyväntekijä, nähdessään että mä meinasin keskeyttää sen; anna mun pysähtyä hetkexi selittämään tää paremmin, se sanoi kovempaa ja kiireemmin.
    ellauri115.html on line 1138: Hare appeared in the 2003/4 award-winning documentary film The Corporation, discussing whether his criteria for psychopathy could be said to apply to modern business as a legal personality, appearing to conclude that many of them would apply by definition. However, in a 2007 edition of Snakes in Suits, Hare contends that the filmmakers took his remarks out of context and that he does not believe all corporations would meet all the necessary criteria in practice.
    ellauri119.html on line 418: Kysyi työlääntynyt sexityöläinen Tina Turner, dancer for money, shaking her money maker. Vastaus tulee tässä:
    ellauri131.html on line 439: Then one day, suddenly, I discovered the reason why. Sometimes, when my daily obligations felt too heavy for me, I felt desperate that I was not yet an actress. Right there was the problem! It was because of the despair that I was sending out to the Universe that I still did not have what I so much wanted. When I released that energy of lack and truly believed that what is mine will find its way to me, things started to happen. Today I live the life I always wanted as a homemaker, blogger, and part time cleaning lady. I send huge gratitude to the Universe. Thank you so much for The Secret!
    ellauri133.html on line 602: The miniseries was shot at The Stanley Kubrick Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado, King's inspiration for the novel, in March 1997. S everal notable writers and filmmakers who work in the horror genre also cameo in the miniseries' ballroom scene, King himself appearing as an orchestra conductor. Retrospective critics have viewed the miniseries less fondly, comparing it unfavorably to Kubrick´s film version.
    ellauri135.html on line 577: It was rumored that Richter was homosexual and that having a female companion provided a social front for his true sexual orientation, because homosexuality was widely taboo at that time and could result in legal repercussions. Richter was an intensely private person and was usually quiet and withdrawn, and refused to give interviews. He never publicly discussed his personal life until the last year of his life when filmmaker Bruno Monsaingeon convinced him to be interviewed for a documentary.
    ellauri140.html on line 193: Edmund Spenser was born in East Smithfield, London, around the year 1552; however, there is still some ambiguity as to the exact date of his birth. His parenthood is obscure, but he was probably the son of John Spenser, a journeyman clothmaker. As a young boy, he was educated in London at the Merchant Taylors' School and matriculated as a sizar at Pembroke College, Cambridge. While at Cambridge he became a friend of Gabriel Harvey and later consulted him, despite their differing views on poetry. In 1578, he became for a short time secretary to John Young, Bishop of Rochester. In 1579, he published The Shepheardes Calender and around the same time married his first wife, Machabyas Childe. They had two children, Sylvanus (d. 1638) and Katherine.
    ellauri140.html on line 824: The maker selfe, for all his wondrous witt, Ize tekijällä, vaikka oli huisin terävä,
    ellauri140.html on line 837: Full of the makers guile, with usage sly Täynnä tekijänsä tekoälyä, sen se opetti
    ellauri141.html on line 671: Käsitykseni Huntuvuoren Turku-kuvan merkityksestä ja siten kiinnostavuudesta perustuu historioitsija Derek Fewsterin unohdetussa väitöskirjassaan esittämiin tulkintoihin siitä, kuinka historian käyttö kansallisen identiteetin muodostuksessa 1900-luvun alun Suomessa nojasi vahvasti arkipäiväiseen toistoon ja ’’alemman tason mielikuvanluojien” (lesser image-makers) kuten toimittajien, opettajien, kuvittajien ja nuortenkirjailijoiden työhön. Tämä ruohonjuuritason työ vaikutti
    ellauri141.html on line 676: Jos Huntuvuoren merkitystä arvioi Fewsterin lesser image-maker -käsitteen kautta, kertoo suosio opettajaseminaarilaisten parissa tuntuvasta vaikutuksesta tai ainakin vaikutuksen mahdollisuudesta. Professori Gunnar Suolahti piti romaanin
    ellauri141.html on line 769: In 1960, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. After receiving the Nobel Prize, he wrote the long poems Chronique, Oiseaux and Chant pour un équinoxe and the shorter Nocturne and Sécheresse. In 1962, Georges Braque worked with master printmaker Aldo Crommelynck to create a series of etchings and aquatints, L'Ordre des Oiseaux, which was published with the text of Perse's Oiseaux by Au Vent d'Arles.
    ellauri150.html on line 602: We start with the filmmaker's take on the birth of Christ. We see, after a bit of Roman Empire background, Joseph and Mary arrive at the census point; we see the Star of Bethlehem shine, the shepherds see it, the wise men see it; we see the Star of Bethlehem shine down; we see the filmmaker's vision of a nativity scene. Finally, we see the Star of Bethlehem dim back down, as somebody blows a shofar horn. It's very tastefully done, but still effective.
    ellauri152.html on line 561: The Jewish holiday of Purim commemorates the story of the Jews' deliverance and Haman's defeat. On that day, the Book of Esther is publicly read and much noise and tumult is raised at every mention of Haman's name. A type of ratchet noisemaker called in Hebrew a ra'ashan (רעשן) (in Yiddish: "grogger" or "hamandreyer") is used to express disdain for Haman. Pastry known as hamentashen (Yiddish for 'Haman's pockets'; known in Hebrew as אזני המן ozney Haman 'Haman's ears') are traditionally eaten on this day.
    ellauri156.html on line 74: Before we begin to look carefully at verses 1-4 of chapter 11, allow me to make a couple of comments about this event as portrayed in these two chapters of 2 Samuel. First, I want you to notice the “law of proportion” in this text. Only three verses describe David's sin of adultery with Bathsheba. Second, the author pulls no punches in describing the wickedness of this sin. History is not written in a way that makes David look good. Third, the sin of David and Bathsheba is dealt with historically, but not in a Hollywood fashion. Hollywood filmmakers would perform a remake of this account to dwell on the sensual elements. Nothing in this text is intended to inspire unclean thoughts or actions. Indeed, this story is written in a way that causes us to shudder at the thought of such things. I know it is something of a letdown, but at least myself, I was totally capable of imagining the rest. (I got 5 streetwalking girls and a wife, for God's sake.) If you need help with unclean thoughts here, please consult Gonorrhé Ballsack's Comtes Droolatiques.
    ellauri159.html on line 785: The key to upholding honor in a male gang is to always try to pull your own weight – to seek to be a boon rather than a burden to the group. If a man lacks in physical strength, he might make up for it in the area of mastery – being the group’s best tracker, weapons-maker, or trap inventor; one crafty engineer can be worth more than many strong men. If a man lacks in both physical strength and mastery, he might still endear himself to the other men with a sense of humor, a knack for storytelling, or a talent in music that keeps everyone’s spirits up. Or he might act as a shaman or priest – performing rituals that prepare men for battle and cleanse and comfort them when they return from the front. The strong men of the group will usually take care of the weak ones who at least try to do whatever they can. Shame is reserved for those who will not, or cannot excel in the tactical virtues, but don’t try to contribute in some other way, and instead cultivate bitterness and disregard for the perimeter-keepers who ironically provide the opportunity to sit on one’s hands and carp. (Aki Manninen would love this.)
    ellauri159.html on line 1141: You Want your writing to serve a practical purpose, such as explaining how to solve a problem. You tend to be a good troubleshooter (actually, a good troublemaker and sharpshooter too) with broad, specific knowledge that they can apply in high-pressure situations. Choose topics that allow you to draw on this ability. Then, jot down your ideas while conducting your research, rather than writing in your head. That´s way too hard, it´s like shooting with blanks. This will help you focus your ideas early so you don’t waste time gathering extraneous information.
    ellauri160.html on line 221: Angered by the carnage of World War I, Pound blamed the war on finance capitalism, which he called "usury". He was completely right. He moved to Italy in 1924 and through the 1930s and 1940s promoted an economic theory known as social credit, wrote for publications owned by the British fascist Sir Oswald Mosley, embraced Benito Mussolini's fascism, and expressed support for Adolf Hitler. During World War II and the Holocaust in Italy, he made hundreds of paid radio broadcasts for the Italian government, including in German-occupied Italy, attacking the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Great Britain, international finance, munitions makers and mongers, and Jews, among others, as causes, abettors and prolongers of the world war, as a result of which he was arrested in 1945 by American forces in Italy on charges of treason. He spent months in a U.S. military camp in Pisa, including three weeks in an outdoor steel cage. Deemed unfit to stand trial, he was incarcerated in St. Elizabeths psychiatric hospital in Washington, D.C., for over 12 years. Nothing has changed: this sounds precisely like the U.S. decades long persecution of Assange.
    ellauri161.html on line 673: The grim satire is usually pretty tame and ranges anywhere from hilarious to stupid. But the nastiness and negativity here just makes the filmmaker come off like a jerk. At the end of Don’t Look Up, you’re left feeling agitated and angry– not at republicans, but at McKay for making such a dismal affair. If you are a closet republican like me, that is.
    ellauri162.html on line 628: Masaru Kiemura is Former Production Director at PT Century Textile Industry Tbk. Masaru Kiemura´s professional profile is on Relationship Science, the database of decision makers.
    ellauri171.html on line 217: His father, Marcel Théodore Tissot, was not a watchmaker but a successful drapery merchant. He took part in losing the war of 1870 and in the Paris Commune. In 1885, Tissot had a revival of his Catholic faith, which led him to spend the rest of his life making paintings about Biblical events. Many of his artist friends were skeptical about his conversion, as it conveniently coincided with the French Catholic revival, a reaction against the secular attitude of the French Third Republic. They brought Tissot vast wealth and fame. Tissot spent the last years of his life in his chateau working on paintings of subjects from the Old Testament. Although he never completed the series, he exhibited 80 of these paintings in Paris in 1901 and engravings after them were published in 1904. In the first half of the 20th century, there was a re-kindling of interest in his portraits of fashionable ladies and some fifty years later, these were achieving record prices.
    ellauri190.html on line 549: Suleiman I, also called Süleyman I and nicknamed the Lawmaker or the Magnificent, was the sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1520 to 1566 and successor to Selim I. He was born on November 6, 1494 at Trabzon, Turkey. The Ottoman Empire reache...
    ellauri204.html on line 791: Today, at the New York University Woolworth building, filmmakers, NGO staff, foundation representatives and UN agency workers came together to discuss the problem of poverty porn and the potential power of social media to prevent it. The discussion was conducted privately (in accord with so-called Chatham House rules) in order to protect the identity of the participants and encourage a more honest conversation.
    ellauri206.html on line 114: Given the sheer number of conflicts across the globe, the Secretary-General called for greater investment in parabellums and peacemakers, underscoring the need for a strong and effective UN.
    ellauri213.html on line 434: Seuraavassa on listattuna pahoja naisia rikkomuxineen (kuvissa söpöset alleviivattu): Irma Grese (Naziwächterin), Myra Hindley (serial pedocide), Isabela of Castile (born in the year 1451 and died in 1504, Isabella the Catholic, was queen of Castile and León. She and her husband, Ferdinand II of Aragon, brought stability to the kingdoms that became the basis for the unification of Spain. Isabella and Ferdinand are known for completing the Reconquista, ordering conversion or exile of their Muslim and Jewish subjects and financing Christopher Columbus’ 1492 voyage that led to the opening of the “New World”. Isabella was granted the title Servant of God by the Catholic Church in 1974), Beverly Allitt (pedocide, Angel of Death), Queen Mary of England (catholic), Belle Gunness (norwegian-american serial killer), Mary Ann Cotton (serial killer), Ilse Koch (Lagerfrau), Katherine Knight (very bad Aussie), Elizabeth Bathory (hungarian noblewoman and serial killer), Sandra Avila Beltran (drugs), Patty Hearst (hänen isoisänsä oli lehtikeisari William Randolph Hearst. Hiän joutui kidnappauksen uhriksi, mutta pian tämän jälkeen hiän teki pankkiryöstön ja joutui vankilaan), Genene Jones (infanticide nurse), Karla Homolka (Canadian serial killer), Diane Downs (infanticide), Aileen Wuornos (serial killer), Griselda Blanco (drug lady), Lizzie Borden (kirvesmurhaaja), Bonnie Parker (bank robber), Anne Bonny (pirate), Mary Bell (pedocide), Delphine LaLaurie (serial slavekiller), Patricia Krenwinkel (Manson family member), Leslie van Houten (Manson family member), Darlie Routier (infanticide), Susan Smith (infanticide), Susan Atkins (Manson family member), Ching Shih (pirate), Anna Sorokin Delvey (con woman), Amelia Dyer (serial killer), Assata Shakur (black terrorist), Belle Gunness (serial killer), Gypsy Rose Blanchard (matricide), Pamela Smart (mariticide), Ruth Ellis (nightclub hostess, last woman hanged in UK), Phoolan Devi (bandit), Ma Barker (matriarch), Jennifer Pan (parenticide), Virginia Hill (gangster), Karla Faye Tucker (burglar, first woman injected in US), Leonarda Cianciully (serial murderer, soapmaker), Mary Read, Carill Ann Fugate (murder spree), Grace Marks (maid), Belle Starr (outlaw, friend of Lucky Luke), Zerelda Mimms (Mrs. Jesse James), Jane Toppan (serial killer), Sara Jane Moore (wannabe assassin of Gerald Ford), Martha Beck (serial killer), Doris Payne (jewel thief), Mary Brunner (Manson family member), Barbara Graham (executed by gas), Grace O'Malley (pirate), Sada Abe (jealous geisha. When they asked why she had killed Ishida, “Immediately she became excited and her eyes sparkled in a strange way: ‘I loved him so much, I wanted him all to myself. But since we were not husband and wife, as long as he lived he could be embraced by other women. I knew that if I killed him no other woman could ever touch him again, so I killed him…..’ ), Samantha Lewthwaite (white somali terrorist), Theresa Knorr (murderess), Lynette Fromme (Manson family, wannabe assassin of Gerald Ford), The Freeway Phantom (serial killer), Carol M. Bundy (serial killer), Fanny Kaplan (bolshevik revolutionary), Marguerite Alibert (Ed VII courtesan), Jean Harris (author), Linda Hazzard (physician, serial killer), Mary Jane Kelly (1st victim of Jack the Ripper), Kim Hyon-hui (North-Korean spy), Vera Renczi (serial killer), Clare Bronfman (filthy rich criminal), Kirsten Gilbert (serial killer nurse), Gerda Steinhoff (Lagerwächterin), Linda Carty (baby robber), Estella Marie Thompson (black prostitute, blowjobbed Hugh Grant), Elizabeth Becker (Lagerwächterin), Juana Barraza (asesina en serie), Olivera Circovic (baseball player, writer, jewel thief), Olga Hepnarova (mental serial killer), Sabina Eriksson (knäpp tvilling), Minnie Dean (serial killer), Madame de Brinvilliers (aristocrat parri- and fratricide), Martha Rendell (familicide, last woman hanged in Western Australia), Violet Gibson (wannabe assassin of Mussolini), Idoia López Riaño (terrorist), Styllou Christofi (murdered her daughter in law), Mary Eastley (convicted of witchcraft), Wanda Klaff (Lagerwächterin), Giulia Tofana (avvelenatrice), Tisiphone (1/3 raivottaresta), Jean Lee (murderer for money), Brigitte Mohnhaupt (RAF terrorist), Marcia (mistress of Commodus), Beate Zschäpe (far-right terrorist), Evelyn Frechette (singer, Dillingerin heila), Francoise Dior (naziaktivisti), Linda Mulhall (nirhasi äidin poikaystävän saxilla), Brigit Hogefeld (RAF terrorist), Martha Corey (Salem witchhunt victim), Marie Lafarge (arsenikkimurha), Debra Lafave (teacher, gave blow job to student), Enriqueta Marti (asasina en serie), Alse Young (witch hanging victim), Elizabeth Michael (actress, involuntary manslaughter: nasty boyfriend hit his head and died while beating her), Susannah Martin (witchcraft), Maria Mandl (Gefängnisoffizerin), Mary Frith (pickpocket and fence), Hanadi Jaradat (suicide bomber), Marie-Josephte Carrivau (mariticide), Gudrun Ensslin (RAF founder), Anna Anderson (vale-Anastasia), Ans van Dijk (jutku nazikollaboraattori), Elizabeth Holmes (bisneshuijari), Ghislaine Maxwell (Epsteinin haahka), Julianna Farrait (drugs), Yolanda Saldivar (embezzler, killer), Jodi Arias (convicted killer Jodi Ann Arias was born on July 9, 1980, in Salinas, California. In the summer of 2008, Arias made national headlines when she was charged with murdering her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander, a 30-year-old member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who was working as a motivational speaker and insurance salesman. Aargh. Justifiable homicide.) Alyssa Bustamante (kid murder), Mary Kay Letourneau (kid abuser), Mirtha Young (drugs), Catherine Nevin (mariticide), Pilar Prades (maid), Irmgard Möller (terrorist), Christine Schürrer (krimi), Reem Riyashi (suicide bomber), Amy Fisher (jealous), Wafa Idris (suicide bomber), Jeanne de Clisson (ex-noblewoman), Christine Papin (maid murderer), Sally McNeil (body builder), Mariette Bosch (murderer), Sandra Ávila Beltrán (drugs), Alice Schwarzer (journalist), Andrea Yates (litter murderer), Mimi Wong (bar hostess), Pauline Nyiramasuhuko (criminal politician), Josefa Segovia (murderer), Martha Needle (serial killer), Antonina Makarova (war criminal), Mary Surratt (criminal businessperson), Dorothea Binz (officer), Leona Helmsley (tax evasion), Angela Rayola (reality tv personality), Léa Papin (maid murderer), Ursula Erikssson (kriminell mördare), Maria Petrovna (spree killer), Aafia Siddiqui (criminal), Fatima Bernawi (palestinian militant), La Voisin (fortune teller), Deniz Seki (singer), Rasmea Odeh (Arab activist), Hildegard Lächert (nurse), Sajida al-Rishawi (suicide bomber), Hayat Boumeddiene (ISIS groupie, nähty viimexi Al Holissa), Herta Ehlert (Lagerwächterin), Elizabeth Stride (seriös mördare), Adelheid Schulz (krimi), Jenny-Wanda Barkman (Wächter), Shi Jianqiao (pardoned assassin. The assassination of Sun Chuanfang was ethically justified as an act of filial piety and turned into a political symbol of the legitimate vengeance against the Japanese invaders.), Rosemary West (serial killer), Juana Bormann (Lagerwächterin), Kathy Boudin (criminal), Kate Webster (assassin), Teresa Lewis (murderer), Hermine Braunsteiner (Lagerwächterin), Flor Contemplacion (assassina), Constance Kent (fratricide), Tamara Samsonova (serial killer), Herta Bothe (Lagerwächterin), Maria Gruber (Mörderin), Irene Leidolf (möderin), Waltraud Wagner (Mörderin), Elaine Campione (criminelle), Greta Bösel (Pflegerin), Marie Manning (Mörderin), Darya Nikolayevna Saltykova (sadist), Nora Parham (executed), Maria Barbella (assassina), Linda Wenzel (ISIS activist), Anna Marie Hahn (Mörderin), Suzane von Richthofen (parenticide), Charlotte Mulhall (murderer), Khioniya Guseva (kriminal), Daisy de Melker (serial killer nurse), Stephanija Meyer (Mörderin), Sinedu Tadesse (murderer), Ayat al-Akhras (suicide bomber), Akosita Lavulavu (minister of infrastructure and tourism), Sabrina de Sousa (criminal diplomat), Sally Basset (poisoner), Emma Zimmer (Aufseher), Mary Clement (serial killer), Irina Gaidamachuk (serial killer), Dagmar Overbye (serialmorder), Gesche Gottfried (Mörderin), Frances Knorr (serial killer), Beate Schmidt (Serienmörderin), Elizabeth Clarke (accused victim of witchcraft), Kim Sun-ja (serial killer), Olga Konstantinovana Briscorn (serial killer), Roxana Baldetti (politico), Rizana Nafeek (house maid), Margaret Scott (accused of witchcraft), Jacqueline Sauvage (meurtrier), Veronique Courjault (tueur en série), Barbara Erni (thief), Hilde Lesewitz (Schutzstaffel Wächterin), Thenmoli Rajaratnam (suicide bomber), etc. etc..
    ellauri217.html on line 347: Marja Pitkätussun koulutie kohti tasa-arvoa käy tussunheilutuxen kautta. Shake your moneymaker. Se ruuvaa jakorasiaa tasapuolisesti kaikille. Pohjoisrannan kermaperse Donner tekee pilaa maalaiskylän "herrasväestä" jotka käy Kanarialla ja omistavat talonpoikaissälän lisäxi *pakastimen* sekä lähimmästä (Joen) kaupungista ostettuja *jäljiteltyjä* tyylihuonekaluja. Kyllä nyt on tasa-arvo menossa jo liian pitkälle. Mikroaaltouuni televisio, tuvan täydeltä elektroniikkaa.
    ellauri219.html on line 975: Underworld (also released as Paying the Penalty) is a 1927 American silent crime film directed by Josef von Sternberg and starring Clive Brook, Evelyn Brent and George Bankrupt. The film launched Sternberg's eight-year collaboration with Paramount Pictures, with whom he would produce his seven films with actress Marlene Dietrich. Journalist and screenwriter Ben Hecht won an Academy Award for Best Original Story. Time felt the film was realistic in some parts, but disliked the Hollywood cliché of turning an evil character's heart to gold at the end. Filmmaker and surrealist Luis Buñuel named Underworld as his all time favorite film. Critic Andrew Sarris cautions that Underworld does not qualify as "the first gangster film" as Sternberg "showed little interest in the purely gangsterish aspects of the genre" nor the "mechanics of mob power." Film critic Dave Kehr, on the other hand, writing for the Chicago Reader in 2014, rates Underworld as one of the great gangster films of the silent era. "The film established the fundamental elements of the gangster movie: a hoodlum hero; ominous, night-shrouded city streets; floozies; and a blazing finale in which the cops cut down the protagonist."
    ellauri236.html on line 63: The research is the latest in a growing body of evidence that social platforms are failing to prevent a flood of disinformation — some of it tinged with violence — on their services ahead of the runoff election Sunday between President Jair Bolsonaro and former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Brazilian lawmakers last week granted the nation’s elections chief unilateral power to force tech companies to remove misinformation within two hours of the content being posted — one of the most aggressive legal measures against North American social media giants that any country has taken.
    ellauri249.html on line 390: In post-Napoleonic England, when there was a notable absence of Jews, Britain removed bans on "usury and moneylending," and Rubenstein attests that London and Liverpool became economic trading hubs which bolstered England's status as an economic powerhouse. Jews were often associated with being the moneymakers and financial bodies in continental Europe, so it is significant that the English were able to claim responsibility for the country's financial growth and not attribute it to Jews. It is also significant that because Jews were not in the spotlight financially, it took a lot of the anger away from them, and as such, antisemitism was somewhat muted in England. It is said that Jews did not rank among the "economic elite of many British cities" in the 19th century. Again, the significance in this is that British Protestants and non-Jews felt less threatened by Jews because they were not imposing on their prosperity and were not responsible for the economic achievements of their nation.
    ellauri249.html on line 470: Sutor, ne ultra crepidam is a Latin expression meaning literally 'Shoemaker, not beyond the shoe', used to warn individuals not to pass judgment beyond their expertise. The expression led to the term ultracrepidarianism, which is the giving of opinions and advice on matters outside of one's knowledge.
    ellauri249.html on line 472: Its origin is set down in Pliny the Elder's Naturalis Historia where he records that a shoemaker (sutor) had approached the painter Apelles of Kos to point out a defect in the artist's rendition of a sandal (crepida from Greek krepis), which Apelles duly corrected. Encouraged by this, the shoemaker then began to enlarge on other defects he considered present in the painting, at which point Apelles advised him that ne supra crepidam sutor iudicaret ('a shoemaker should not judge beyond the shoe'), which advice, Pliny observed, had become a proverbial saying. The Renaissance interest in meddling cluelessly into other people's affairs made the expression popular again.
    ellauri249.html on line 474: The saying remains popular in several languages, as in the English "A cobbler should stick to his last", the Dutch Schoenmaker, blijf bij je leest, the Danish Skomager, bliv ved din læst, the German Schuster, bleib bei deinen Leisten, and the Polish Pilnuj, szewcze, kopyta. Other languages use slightly changed forms: the Spanish Zapatero, a tus zapatos ('Shoemaker, [tend] to your shoes'), and the Russian Суди, дружок, не свыше сапога ('Judge not, pal, above the boot'), after Alexander Pushkin's poetic retelling of the legend.
    ellauri249.html on line 476: Karl Marx ridiculed the idea: "'Ne sutor ultra crepidam' – this nec plus ultra of handicraft wisdom became sheer nonsense, from the moment the watchmaker Watt invented the steam-engine, the barber Arkwright the throstle, and the working-jeweller Fulton the steamship."
    ellauri266.html on line 366: As part of peace accords, NATO agreed to provide 60,000 troops to deploy to the region, as part of the Liquidation Force, U.S. designation: Operation Knee Joint Fracture. These forces remained deployed until December 1996, when those remaining in the region were transferred to the Subjugation Force. Subjugation peacemakers remained in Bosnia until 2004, when they were needed more urgently in Iraq.
    ellauri269.html on line 806: Unless the almighty maker them ordain Jos Kaikkivaltias ei niitä kerää
    ellauri285.html on line 660: Since 2002 Schoenman has worked with documentary filmmaker, Mya Shone, providing commentary for radio stations in many parts of the United States and Canada, and produces the "Taking Aim" radio show, billed as "Uncompromising, fact intensive exposés of the hidden workings of a capitalist system addicted to permanent war". In about 2009 they moved from broadcasting over WBAI to an Internet webcast.
    ellauri297.html on line 48: Founder, Ammi Ruhama Community Christian Union. Living History Interpretor. Baker. Milford Baby and Toddler Group Organizer. Bada Bing Pizza Chef. Sunnymead Residential Home Kitchen Assistant. Be Life Cafe and Marketplace Operations Personnel. Summit Christian Academy Steward. I vacuum the hallways, library, music room and preschool room. I clean the bathrooms and mop the gym/cafeteria floor. I also maintain the general premises. Dan the Handy Man. Do you need handy work done around your house, but don't want to have to call in the big guys with the big price? My name is Daniel Bacon and I am an experienced handy man living right here in Clarks Summit. If you need your lawn cut, bushes trimmed, garden weeded, fence painted / stained or just about any other job done, then call me at 570-585-9595 or email me at contactdanielbacon@gmail.com and we'll set up a time for me to come and see if I am the right man for the job. Wait! let me…Show more... (Ouch!) I emptied the front cash register as well as filling in as a sandwich maker. I created schedules and activities for the campers and staff to participate in. I also led worship during the evenings. Student janitor.
    ellauri302.html on line 93: REB ALI, a matchmaker; neighhor of the Uncle.
    ellauri308.html on line 582: Kuukautta myöhemmin Stewart kritisoi Fox & Friends -ohjaaja Gretchen Carlsonia – entistä Miss Amerikkaa ja Stanfordista valmistunut – väittäen googlettaneensa sellaisia ​​sanoja kuin "ignoramus" ja "tsaari". Stewart sanoi, että Carlson mykisi itsensä "yleisölle, joka näkee älyn elitistisenä virheenä". Joulukuussa 2022 Money.com nimesi Stewartin Money Changemakeriksi. Jon Stewartin ihmisarvo on vasta vain 120
    ellauri308.html on line 583: megakaljuunaa. Shake your money maker Jon!

    ellauri309.html on line 521: In 2011, when asked if he would have done things differently, Billy said he would have spent more time at home with his family, studied more, fucked more, and preached less. Additionally, he said he would have participated in fewer conferences. Graham had a steamy relationship with Queen Elizabeth II. Graham was outspoken against communism and supported the American Cold War policy, including the Vietnam War. In 2009, more Nixon tapes were released, in which Graham is heard in a 1973 conversation with Nixon referring to Jewish journalists as "the synagogue of Satan". He further stated that the role of wife, mother, and homemaker was the destiny of "real womanhood" according to the Judeo-Christian ethic. Graham's daughter Bunny recounted her father denying her and her sisters higher education. Graham regarded homosexuality as a sin, and in 1974 described it as "a sinister form of perversion". AIDS oli ehkä jumalan designoima rangaistus pyllyhommista.
    ellauri324.html on line 289: If the author of the question long one is wealthy and well traveled he would know that Europe and Asia had many technological advances long before USA did or will ever have such as TGV or bullet trains for example. After spending time in Europe and Asia it was decades later I saw many of these advances here to buy or experience. Japanese cars nearly sunk USA automakers. Why didn’t the corp heads heed anything. TGV in France and Japan and other nations is unrivaled and we have not even one such train here. Tankless water heaters, available in Asia and Europe decades before here. Roads and other infrastructure also superior. My research shows that Americans were so busy creating totalitarian policies like redlining and private cars and pools and expressways removed entire neighborhoods of blacks to create all white suburbs that they were unconcerned with advances that would unite people. Sure everywhere are class societies but it’s a whole different level here. The homeless situation is opening eyes in this country and many things are borne out of a highly segregated society where it’s expensive to live in certain cities and suburbs and the rest be damned. Obviously California has destroyed itself from within. The liberals there and other states are the most class and race conscious than any other people on earth. This blind spot is like a beacon. A prism that breaks down social order. The wealthy libs have to accept their roles in American destruction. It will get worse long before it improves. [Redlining is an illegal practice in which lenders avoid providing credit services to individuals living in or seeking to live in, communities of color because of the race, color, or national origin of the residents in those communities.]
    ellauri336.html on line 614: Tämä "uutinen" on vuodelta 2019, ennen pandemiaa. The state – which leads the way as US output of oil and gas is forecast to rise 25% in the next decade – is intensifying its production pipeline by pipeline. In the same month that Greta Thunberg addressed a UN summit and millions of people took part in a global climate strike, lawmakers in America’s leading oil- and gas-producing state of Texas made a statement of their own.
    ellauri336.html on line 620: The new Texas law is emblematic of the unyielding loyalty of conservative lawmakers to the fossil fuel industry in a state stacked with influential climate science deniers or sceptics such as the US senator and former Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz and which named a pipeline tycoon to its parks and wildlife conservation commission.
    ellauri346.html on line 307: Titled "Friendship Song," the video in question featured a group of children reportedly singing in a re-recording of an old song originally written by Israeli poet Haim Gouri after the 1948 war that led to the creation of the state of Israel, but with amended lyrics referring to Gaza. David Sheen, an independent filmmaker and writer, translated these new lyrics for The Electronic Intifada into English from Hebrew. Per his translation, the children sang:
    ellauri352.html on line 47: Pinocchio oli puinen sätkyukko. Mäntysilmä (oxankohta laudassa?) tai männynsiemen toskanaxi, jonka nenä veny valhetellessa kuin penis erektiivisenä. These aspects are consistent across all adaptations: Pinocchio is an animated sentient puppet, Pinocchio's maker is Geppetto and Pinocchio's nose grows when he lies. Pinocchio's bad behavior, rather than being charming or endearing, is meant to serve as a warning. Collodi originally intended the story, which was first published in June 1881 in the children's magazine Il Corriere dei Piccoli, to be a tragedy. It concluded with the puppet's execution. Kettu ja kissa jotka vievät Disneyn Pinocchion "teeatteriin" hirttävät hänet lähimpään puuhun, joka sattui olemaan tammi eikä mänty.
    ellauri352.html on line 625: Notable modern Nyingma teachers include Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche (c. 1904–1987), Sogyal Rinpoche, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Khenpo Choga Rinpoche, filmmaker Khyentse Norbu (better known as Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche), and Penor Rinpoche.
    ellauri353.html on line 289: I grew up before the appearance of the street. I even finished my graduate work. For a doctorate in economics before the feminist movement. Really got going. As a result. I was free to choose. Just how I wanted to live my life whether I wanted a full time career in the market place or a part time. Career. Combined with being a homemaker and bringing up a family. I knew I was going to get married. I'd already chosen my husband. I also wanted to have a family. Even after getting used to being married. And I wanted to bring up my children. Myself. I did not want them to be brought up. Either in a child care center. Or by a maid. Naturally by like most people I also wanted to have my cake and even when they left. University Milton and I both went to work in Washington for jobs where economists were there only let it cool. However before we were married. His career took him to New York City. While mine remained in Washington where I live where I like to work and the people I was working with. However we did not look forward to living apart.
    ellauri353.html on line 297: And I really have mixed feelings about either arrangement. so instead. I have is very happy to spend the school year doing some work on my dissertation. I got used to being a homemaker. I took some funky classes in pottery, (Sorry Milton I mean) ceramics. And I got pregnant at the the back end of school here we left university and headed for Amman or Milton spent the summer writing a book. Jointly with two other people. And I spent the summer being pregnant and I'm comfortable. But war was heating up and decided that once our baby arrived we would move. The washing. He would go to work probably at the Treasury Department. I hope to spend my time as a mother. Unfortunately that didn't work out. Our first pregnancy. My first experience at. Guarding a family came to a sad end when the baby was stillborn. So I went to work in watching them till I could get pregnant again. This time they were more fortunate. And once our daughter was born. I had no thought of going back to work. At least until my. Our children were grown. And as it turned out I never did go back as far as spam innocents are concerned. When I had the opportunity to do some work at home without leaving. So there.
    ellauri353.html on line 299: But there weren't too many. I must confess that my experience combining life is a homemaker and an economist's was easier than it is for many women. I chose the right husband from the beginning. From the beginning we shared our interest in economics whether the news may call in the speech an article or a book. I was part of the activity in the sense that Milton always wanted me to read whatever he wrote. And he took my suggestion seriously. It gave me the feeling that I was practicing what I was trained for. But also that I was contributing to his career. It was in a sense our career. So when he was awarded the Nobel Prize it's received other many many many other net honors. And people always feel sorry for me and ask me how it feels to have him getting all the honors. My answer is always the same one. It is our honor I was part of that. When our children left for good. I became more active. With us and we go off for books. Where do I come out on a women's lib or feminist women have a real problem. But in my opinion the present solution is worse than the disease. The man. Or children. And those women who still believe that a mother's first job is to bring up her children. Women's lives. Made those women. Feel that is inferior to a paying job in the market. Therefore they must be and feared with the will to have a full time job outside. It is heightened competition between man and women. Husband and wife. So-called woman is problem. Has not. And I don't believe will solve the problem. Or a woman. There is a problem.
    ellauri355.html on line 51: Lokakuu on ryssissä ollut vallankumouxellinen. In September and October 1993, a constitutional crisis arose in the Russian Federation from a conflict between President Boris Yeltsin and Russia's parliament. President Yeltsin performed a self-coup, dissolving parliament and instituting a presidential rule by decree system. The crisis ended with Yeltsin using military force to attack Moscow's House of Soviets and arrest the lawmakers. In Russia, the events are known as the October Coup (Russian: Октябрьский путч, romanized: Oktyabr'skiy putch) or Black October (Russian: Чëрный октябрь, romanized: Chyorniy Oktyabr').
    ellauri389.html on line 79: In fact it was both the soil and a mastery of firing techniques, bolstered by a fiercely protectionist economy, that maintained Chinese porcelain superiority for so long. For much of the eighteenth century, British porcelain manufacturers were unable to replicate the intense heats required to properly fire porcelain. In addition, China further strained British market development by requiring all payment to be in specie and by remaining closed to foreign traders. As a result, when in the late eighteenth century the firing process was finally mastered by domestic china makers such as Wedgwood, Minton, and Spode, China's fierce restrictions against import trade still prevented the British competitors from threatening the supremacy of Chinese industry. A British mission to open China, for example, was stalled as late as 1816. Ironically, this disadvantageous balance of trade between Britain and China actually added to porcelain's appeal.
    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 1127: Wang Wei: Irma oli vanha täti sillon, kun mä opiskelin, mutta oikein mukava täti. Laudatur-seminaarin kutsui kotiinsa, ja siellä tarjottiin taloudenhoitajan tekemää kakkua, jonka kermakerroksen päällä oli mandariinin siivuja. KAIKKI seminaarit oli saanu saman tarjoilun. Surullista se, että Irma puhkesi naisena myöhäiseen kukkaan (kampaus, vaatteet), kun vanha mutsinsa (jonka kanssa asui) kuoli. Mutt sitten Irma itse eli vain muutaman vuoden ennen kuin kuoli itte.
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 340: Shake your moneymaker. Hahaa älä unta nää. Ei jutku hevin vaihda juutalaisten messiaan odotusta huonompaan, joka kävi vaan kääntymässä ja turhaan odotuttaa toista käyntiään jo kolmatta tuhatta vuotta. Ei maxa vaivaa kazoo rannekelloa.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 278: In Thomas Pynchon's novel Gravity's Rainbow, a group of Argentine anarchists led by Francisco Squalidozzi collaborate with a German filmmaker, Gerhardt von Göll, to create a film version of Martín Fierro.
    xxx/ellauri076.html on line 129: Kajanus was born in Trondheim, Norway, to Prince Pavel [also Paulo] Tjegodiev of Russia and Johanna Kajanus, a French-Finnish sculptress, bronze medal winner for sculpture at the Exposition Internationale des Arts et Techniques dans la Vie Moderne (1937), and granddaughter of Robert Kajanus, the Finnish composer, conductor, champion of Sibelius and founder of the Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra. He is the brother of the late actress and film-maker Eva Norvind and the uncle to Mexican theater and television actress Nailea Norvind.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 120: Sidney Peterson (November 15, 1905, Oakland, California – April 24, 2000, New York City) was an American author, artist, and avant-garde filmmaker. He attended UC Berkeley, worked as a newspaper reporter in Monterey, and spent time as a practicing painter and sculptor in France in the 1920s and 1930s. After World War II, Peterson founded Workshop 20 at the California School of Fine Arts (renamed the San Francisco Art Institute), initiating filmmaking courses at the school.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 128: Similarly to the film ‘ Potted Psalm’ (made by the same filmmaker) ‘The Cage’ was firstly created with no soundtrack. A soundtrack was added later on to accompany the visuals. The copy right of this film belongs to the Californian School of Fine Arts.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 133: When the eyeball falls out of the male protagonist’s head, i personally believe that the filmmaker wants to emphasize to the viewer the fact that we don’t necessarily “see” and perceive the world around us only as individuals but rather as a collective self. The way we perceive objects, people, the world around us in general is partly shaped by society and it’s rules. We have been taught how to look at life…
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 135: On location shooting as well as alot of constructed scenes, chaos, industrialization, urban streets, the search of a sexual identity, representation and the male gaze, even race. Notions explored by the filmmaker. Intense camera movement (ups and downs, left and right pans, even circular movements)
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 489: Yes, that has a positive impact on makers of luxury goods. But it’s not in any way the shared prosperity implicit in the trickle-down pledge.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 567: Given the evidence, why are such targeted tax cuts perennially popular among policymakers, especially Republicans? The authors point to one major reason — the power of wealthy individuals and corporations to set policy agendas through lobbying and campaign contributions.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 571: Hope and Limberg say their findings offer one clear pathway for policymakers looking to dig their way out of the financial hole created by the coronavirus crisis: Make the rich pay for it.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 151: Drivel was born Margaret Ann Shriver on May 18, 1957, in Gastonia, North Carolina, to a deeply religious family. Her father, Donald, is a Presbyterian minister, who became an academic and president of the Union Theological Seminary in New York; her mother, Peggy, was a homemaker who shook her moneymaker. She also has an older brother, Gregory, and a younger brother, Tim. At age 15, she changed her name from Margaret Ann to Lionel because she did not like the name she had been given, and as a tomboy (well, wannabe transsexual) felt a conventionally male name more appropriate.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1051: dad George Roberts (filmmaker of course)
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 168: When she was 14 years old, she was cast in the role of Dolores "Lolita" Haze in Stanley Kubrick's film Lolita (1962), against James Mason, then aged 53. Nabokov, the book's author, described her as the "perfect nymphet". She was chosen for the role partly because the film makers had to alter the age of the character to an older adolescent rather than the 12-year-old child Lolita in Vladimir Nabokov's novel Lolita. Although Kubrick's film altered the story so as not to be in violation of the Hollywood Production Code, it was still one of the more controversial films of the day.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 488: Peter Alexander Freiherr von Ustinov (16 April 1921 – 28 March 2004) was born at 45 Belsize Park, London, England. His father, Jona Freiherr von Ustinov, was of Russian, German, Polish, and Ethiopian Jewish descent. Peter´s paternal grandfather was Baron Plato von Ustinov, a Russian noble, and his grandmother was Magdalena Hall, of mixed German-Ethiopian-Jewish origin. Peter was a British actor, filmmaker and writer and a fixture on television talk shows and lecture circuits for much of his career. Peter oli kuraverinen äiskän puolelta.
    xxx/ellauri129.html on line 740: maker.io/imengine/image.php?uuid=65f3651e-3984-435d-b150-32ae54f34841&type=preview&source=65f3651e-3984-435d-b150-32ae54f34841&function=hardcrop&width=1200&height=675&q=80" height="200px" />
    xxx/ellauri134.html on line 99: Bitcoin and Moneymakers of Zodiac
    xxx/ellauri134.html on line 127: Bitcoin and Moneymakers of Zodiac
    xxx/ellauri134.html on line 471: Bitcoin and Moneymakers of Zodiac
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 594: By early October of 1968, CBS received 8,670 letters about Chicago, and 60 Minutes’ Harry Reasoner reported that the mail ran 11-to-1 against the network. A viewer in Ohio wrote, “I’ve never seen such a disgusting display of one-sided reporting in all of the years I’ve watched television.” From South Carolina, a letter writer griped, “Your coverage was … slanted in favor of the hoodlums and beatniks and slurred the police trying to preserve order.” A North Carolina viewer complained that, “When a great network refers to trouble makers as THESE YOUNG PEOPLE and in such a … tender tone, that is bias.” A New Yorker even suggested that the police had engaged in righteous violence: “Our Lord whipped the money lenders out of the temple. Are you going to accuse Him of brutality?”
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 78: In Athens, the legendary lawmaker Solon is credited with having created state brothels with regulated prices. Prostitution involved both sexes differently; women of all ages and young men were prostitutes, for a predominantly (LOL) male clientele.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 43: Myöhempien aikojen lukijat, jotka pääsevät perehtymään Philip Rothinkin kaltaisen, yksityisyyttään tiukasti varjelevan kirjailijan salaisuuksiin, voivat kivuttomasti varmistaa, oliko taiteilijalla kenties painaviakin syitä niljakkaan omaelämakerrallisen aineiston kirjaan pierauttamiseen. (Paizi siis raha, exhibitionismi ja kostonhimo.) Noita samoja lukijoita on melkein pakko kadehtia niistä ulkokirjallisista tiedoista joita uutterat elämäkerturit luultavasti saavat kaivettua esiin. Kuinka jännittävää olisikaan jo nyt tutustua siihen mitä Philip Rothin (tai Saul Bellowin tai Norman Mailerin tai Bernard Malamudin) kaltaisten nuppikullien teosten runttaamien naisten mahdolliset esikuvat ajattelevat romaanien haaraväliin juuttuneista rakkaussuhteista. Semmoiset năkökulmat ehkä korjaisivat mieskirjailijoiden karkeimpia -epaoikeudenmukaisuuksia: ainakin romaanien hirviomäisimmät naiset saisivat koston mahdollisuuksia. Hahaa, nyt ollaan siinä pisleessä ja hyvin tiedetään, että ne kirjat on täyttä valetta, toxista misogyynistä panettelua paneskelun lomassa.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 400: Gordimer had a daughter, Oriane (born 1950), by her first marriage in 1949 to Gerald Gavron, a local dentist, from whom she was divorced within three years. In 1954, she married Reinhold Cassirer, a highly respected art dealer who established the South African Sotheby's and later ran his own gallery; their "wonderful marriage" lasted until his death from emphysema in 2001. Their son, Hugo, was born in 1955, and is a filmmaker in New York, with whom Gordimer collaborated on at least two documentaries. Olikohan Gavron ja Cassirer juutalaisia? Ernst Cassirer oli (Cassirer tarkoittaakin kasööri), ja Gavron kuulostaa heprealta. Joku makers-own-jewish-identity-laurence-gavron/">Laurence Gavron löysi Senegalista mustia kipapäitä heimoveljiä, mutta rabbit eivät hyväxyneet niitä.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 718: South African lawmakers have no appetite to restore the death penalty, despite growing calls globally for the reinstatement of capital punishment, as a crime deterrent.
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 678: Blessed are the legend-makers with their rhyme Autuaita mun tapaset legendan heittäjät,
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 720: the little maker has with maker's art. Mun kaltaisella maakarilla ei ole paikkaa.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 246: Thousands of detectives and forensic evidence specialists worked for over 1.7 million hours at Fresh Kills Landfill to try to recover remnants of the people killed in the attacks. A final count of 4,257 human remains was retrieved, but only 300 people could be reconstructed from these remains. A memorial was built in 2011, which also honors those whose identities were not able to be determined from the debris. The remaining waste was buried in a 40-acre (160,000 m2) portion of the landfill; it is highly likely that this debris still contains fragmentary human remains like condoms, false teeth and pacemakers.
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 347: Tarkovsky spent his childhood in Yuryevets. He was described by childhood friends as active and popular, having many friends and being typically in the center of action. In his school years, Tarkovsky was a troublemaker and a poor student. His father left the family in 1937, subsequently volunteering for the army in 1941. He returned home in 1943, having been awarded a Red Star after being shot in one of his legs (which he would eventually need to amputate due to gangrene). Tarkovsky stayed with his mother, moving with her and his sister Marina to Moscow, where she worked as a proofreader at a printing press. Many themes of his childhood—the evacuation, his mother and her two children, the withdrawn father, the time in the hospital—feature prominently in his films. Dodi! Minähän sanoin!
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 349: From 1973 to 1974, he shot the film Zerkalo, a highly autobiographical and unconventionally structured film drawing on his childhood and incorporating some of his father´s poems. In this film Tarkovsky portrayed the plight of childhood affected by war. Tarkovsky had worked on the screenplay for this film since 1967, under the consecutive titles Confession, White day and A white, white day. From the beginning the film was not well received by Soviet authorities due to its content and its perceived elitist nature. Such third rate films also placed the film-makers in danger of being accused of wasting public funds, which could have serious effects on their future productivity. These difficulties are presumed to have made Tarkovsky play with the idea of going abroad and producing a film outside the Soviet film industry.
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 358: Kurosawa commented: "I love all of Tarkovsky's films. I love his personality and all his works." The Turkish filmmaker Nuri Bilge Ceylan stated that: "To be bored in films is not important, it may be because you are not ready for that movie. It's not the fault of the movie."
    xxx/ellauri253.html on line 128: Key policy makers ill prepared for the crisis, lacking a full understanding of the financial system they oversaw; and systemic breaches in accountability and ethics at all levels.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 382: Einen Jux will er sich machen was unwittingly adapted twice by Thornton Wilder, first as The Broadway flop The Merchant of Yonkers (1938), then as The Matchmaker (1955), which later became the 1964 mosaic Broadway hit musical Hello, Dolly!
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 384:
    The Matchmaker

    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 427: Hello, Dolly! is a 1964 musical with lyrics and music by Jerry Herman and a book by Michael Stewart, based on Thornton Wilder´s 1938 farce The Merchant of Yonkers, which Wilder revised and retitled The Matchmaker in 1955. The musical follows the story of Dolly Gallagher Levi, a strong-willed matchmaker, as she travels to Yonkers, New York, to find a match for the miserly "well-known unmarried half-a-millionaire" Horace Vandergelder. The show was originally entitled Dolly, A Damned Exasperating Woman.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 429: The plot of Hello, Dolly! originated in the 1835 English play A Day Well Spent by John Oxenford, which Johann Nestroy adapted into the farce Einen Jux will er sich machen (He Will Go on a Spree or He'll Have Himself a Good Time) in 1842. Thornton Wilder adapted Nestroy's play into his 1938 farcical play The Merchant of Yonkers. That play was a flop, so he revised it and retitled it as The Matchmaker in 1954, expanding the role of Dolly (played by Ruth Gordon).The Matchmaker became a hit and was much revived and made into a 1958 film starring Shirley Booth.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 434: Dolly Gallagher Levi: A widow in her middle years who has decided to begin her life again. She is a matchmaker, meddler, opportunist, and an optimistic life-loving woman.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 450: Ernestina Money: An eccentric-looking girl in need of Dolly's matchmaker services.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 474: Hello, Dolly! is a 1969 American musical romantic comedy film unwittingly based on the 1964 Broadway production of the same name, which was unwittingly based on Thornton Wilder´s play The Matchmaker, which was unwittingly based on Einen Jux will er sich machen, which was unwittingly based on A DAY WELL SPENT.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 476: Directed by Gene Kelly and written and produced by Ernest Lehman, the film stars Barbra Streisand, Walter Matthau, Michael Crawford, Danny Lockin, Tommy Tune, Fritz Feld, Marianne McAndrew, E. J. Peaker and Louis Armstrong (whose recording of the title tune had become a number-one single in May 1964). The film follows the story of Dolly Levi, a strong-willed matchmaker who travels to Yonkers, New York in order to find a match for the miserly "well-known unmarried half-a-millionaire" Horace Vandergelder. In doing so, she convinces his niece, his niece's intended and Horace's two clerks to travel to New York.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 515: In 1890, all of New York City is excited because the well-known widowed matchmaker Dolly Levi is in town. Dolly is currently seeking a wife for grumpy Horace Vandergelder, the well-known "half-a-millionaire", but it soon becomes clear that she intends to marry Horace herself. Meanwhile, Ambrose Kemper, a young artist, wants to marry Horace's niece, Ermengarde. However, Horace opposes this, feeling Ambrose cannot provide financial security. Horace, who is the owner of Vandergelder's Hay and Feed, explains to his two clerks, Cornelius Hackl and Barnaby Tucker, that he is going to get married, though what he really wants is a housekeeper. He plans to travel to New York that very day to march in the 14th Street Parade, and also to propose to milliner Irene Molloy, whom he has met through Dolly Levi. Dolly arrives in Yonkers and sends Horace ahead to the city. Before leaving, he tells Cornelius and Barnaby to mind the store.
    xxx/ellauri280.html on line 117: Editorial: China is not a credible peacemaker in Ukraine war

    xxx/ellauri280.html on line 143: 5 päivää sitten JERUSALEM -- Israeli lawmakers on Tuesday repealed a 2005 act that saw four Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank dismantled at the same time as Israeli forces withdrew from the Gaza Strip. The development could pave the way for an official return to the abandoned West Bank areas in another setback to Palestinian hopes for statehood.
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 49: Rahab marries Radames, a young Egyptian officer, who is to become the new governor of Jericho. They live in the Egyptian embassy set in the city wall. When the Israelites approach Canaan with their army, pharaoh sends word that he is withdrawing his troops. Radames fabricates a story to tell Jericho’s king, but the babylonian lawmaker Hammurabi doesn’t believe it…and he has his eye on the beautiful Rahab.
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 374: In the appendix, each location is carefully catalogued with notes as to placement, location of the sundial, and maker(s) if known. McLemore’s observation that they’re “all sad like that” is hard to argue with: there are a lot of ways to say “remember you will die,” “time is fleeting,” and “seize the day,” and many of them are in Gatty’s book. The motto that S-Town host Brian Reed1 finds in a mission garden, knowing to look for it because John told him to, does not appear there, but does in another: “Nil boni hodie diam perdidi: I did nothing good today — the day is lost.”