ellauri100.html on line 842: Twilight is not good for maidens;
ellauri100.html on line 909: Talk’d as modest maidens should:
ellauri156.html on line 236: King David makes the mistake of staying in Jerusalem, rather than fighting the Ammonites with his army. He does not stay home to meditate on the Law of Moses or to write another psalm or two; he seems to stay home to stay in bed. We know Uriah went to bed when it was evening (that is, when it got dark), and it is very likely that he got up at first light (see 11:13). With David, it is very different. David does not get up until evening, that is, until it is time for a soldier to go to bed. (As a friend of mine pointed out, this is probably a habit developed over days and not just a one-time event.) It is very unlikely that David is doing any “kingly work” in the wee hours of the night. From all appearances, David is simply indulging himself. Whaddya mean? Fucking maidens is kingly work if anything. Surely he wasn't watching late night shows, since all he had was his TV mama. Sitting up and adjusting the screen until the picture was completely right.
ellauri156.html on line 335: Conversely, David never did worse than he did in prosperity and power. How many psalms do you think David wrote from his palatial bed and from his penthouse? How much meditation on the law took place while David was in Jerusalem, rather than on the battlefield? On the other hand, how many maidens did he open the psalmbook with on the field? We are not to be masochists, wanting more and more suffering, but on the other hand we should recognize that success is often a greater test than adversity. Often when it appears “everything's goin' my way” we are in the greatest danger of producing some shit like Frank Sinatra's "My Way".
xxx/ellauri130.html on line 555: But tender maidens, robed in white, Vaan valkomekkoisia lolitoja
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1881: Save of maidens unbeholden,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2236: All maidens, had come thither, and from pure lips
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2763: Queen, and you maidens, there is come on us
xxx/ellauri287.html on line 663: Sasanian ( / s ə s ɑː n i ə n , s ə s eɪ n i ə n / ) tai sassanidien imperiumi, virallisesti kutsutaan valtakunnan iranilaisia (Keskipersian kieli: Erānshahr), ja nimeltään Historioitsijoiden Neo-Persian valtakunta oli viimeinen Persian keisarillinen dynastia ennen muslimien valloitusta seitsemännen vuosisadan puolivälissä jKr. Se on nimetty Sasanin talon mukaan, ja se kesti yli neljä vuosisataa, 224–651 jKr, mikä teki siitä pisinikäisen persialaisen dynastian. Sasanian valtakunta seurasi Parthian valtakuntaa ja palautti iranilaiset suurvaltaksi melko myöhään antiikin aikana naapurimaidensa, Rooman - Bysantin valtakunnan, rinnalla.