ellauri001.html on line 1632: logspot.com/2011/02/tyrtaioksen-kuvottava-runo-nuoren.html?m=1">(En ole ainoa.)
ellauri048.html on line 249: vienyt makutuomarilta hajuaistia, on kirjaploki nimeltä logspot.com/">Kirjanurkkaus.

ellauri051.html on line 332: logspot.com/-y4p1JvVnmvE/XkqSND_7FcI/AAAAAAAABzQ/fskaOi4omfwtko96qIgkETNzUKNTe2w0ACEwYBhgL/s400/ekf2020_2.jpg" />
ellauri051.html on line 865: 283 The western turkey-shooting draws old and young, some lean on their rifles, some sit on logs, 283 Länsikalkkunaammunta vetää puoleensa vanhoja ja nuoria, jotkut nojaavat kivääriinsä, jotkut istuvat puun päällä,
ellauri051.html on line 1278: 680 In vain the snake slides through the creepers and logs, 680 Turhaan käärme liukuu köynnösten ja hirsien läpi,
ellauri054.html on line 35: logspot.com/-ca5oYaAJgmY/TcKnnYA6WKI/AAAAAAAAABQ/dSr2EHuOpJk/s1600/comenio.jpg" height="250px" />
ellauri054.html on line 36: logspot.com/_uUbqN5yphY4/TAPsI16MO8I/AAAAAAAAADQ/1Zs3FYd6xVI/s1600/cover.png" height="250px" />
ellauri060.html on line 959: logs-images.forbes.com/cherylsnappconner/files/2015/01/Mark-Weinstein-sgrouples.png" height="200px" />
ellauri061.html on line 717: logspot.com/-gBrjo_lWhik/UT4Z6Oq6g4I/AAAAAAAAT5w/emQqAj5mVh8/s640/tumblr_lr7nb3Av8K1qg5z8jo1_400.jpg" height="200px" />
ellauri065.html on line 211: logspot.com/-erDbfG5wBdI/Wk0gc_AB2WI/AAAAAAAADWA/OLcK3ilU4yAC1RInmbDTYYmLNshkQbSYgCLcBGAs/s1600/Jaakko%2BYli-Juonikas%2B-%2BJatkosota-extra.jpg" width="10%" />
ellauri065.html on line 511: Puuki: a gaming web personality who was the most successful Pokemon Go / mobile gamer of Germany between 2015 and 2017. Before Fame. He was a typical student before he started doing social media. Trivia. In addition to mobile gaming content, he posts vlogs and lifestyle content for more than 1 million subscribers. Family Life.
ellauri067.html on line 254: logspot.com/_hMAg5z4Z8gg/TUmhG6wn4SI/AAAAAAAAAC8/L3XhJfqaN0Y/s1600/pynchon+ajd.jpg" height="200px" />
ellauri073.html on line 413: logspot.com/-bdYkFoLXSGs/VVodUV-KaMI/AAAAAAAAO1A/6FWsJLO_eTo/s1600/elizabeth-montgomery-photos-5.jpg" height="200px" />
ellauri074.html on line 586: SYDNEY GOTTLIEB: Hej! Ok du kämpar med saker som många nog känner igen sig i. Ofta upplever jag att vi som människor bara vill att det onda ska försvinna, oavsett om det är ångest eller nedstämdhet eller äckliga grannar eller något annat. Detta leder till att vi söker efter den perfekta behandlingen som tar bort allt, vi söker svaren utanför oss själva, den där perfekta psykologen, den perfekta medicinen, träningen osv. Alla dessa delar kan vara viktiga men lösningen och makten att må bättre finns också inom dig. (Det här skitpratet heter positivt tänkande, och vi "motivational speakers" får oerhört bra betalt för det.) Jag gillar att arbeta med acceptans och med att ”släppa taget”, det betyder för mig att acceptera att man mår dåligt just nu och det är sjukt jobbigt, men att inte fly från det, just nu är det så här! Det är faktiskt skitfint och roligt när man riktigt tänker efter! Från en psykologs synpunkt iaf. Och med att släppa taget menar jag att det som plågar dig mest, vilka tankar eller minnen det än nu är, är inte hjälpsamma för dig. Genom att tänka att du släpper taget om det jobbiga kan du öka distansen mellan dig och tankarna. Du är inte dina tankar, minnen eller känslor, du står utanför dem. Du är i själva verket en stor skinnpåse av kött och vatten. Emil Cioran hade fel, det är inte förnedrande att medge det. Se dom som objekt på ett löpande band, du observerar dem utifrån, du är inte detsamma med dem. För att lyckas med detta behövs träning så klart men du kan starta nu, idag i denna sekund, lycka till min vän! Jag vet att det går, jag har själv inte tänkt på nåt utom pengar i åratal!
ellauri082.html on line 702: logspot.com/-E4OavBDkSv4/TrKwUXS1YFI/AAAAAAAAASQ/de_4cN2Yywo/s1600/Kuva1.JPG" />
ellauri083.html on line 205: logspot.com/-azmGLgAg8Vs/VckDSzLmejI/AAAAAAAAMDc/us59_d30GOw/s1600/azotaina.jpg">Näytä kaikki
ellauri093.html on line 404: Kokouksia on säännöllisesti osoitteessa logspot.fi/">Keskustie 33. Nykyinen paimen on Antero Lehtonen.
ellauri098.html on line 179: The nature of the site as a provider of commentary on pop culture and fiction has attracted attention and criticism from several web pursonalities and blogs.
ellauri099.html on line 84: Muutamat on helppoja, muutamia täytyy miettiä. Jotkut ei vaadi perusteluja, joihinkuihin tekee mieli sellaisia lisätä. Esim Plato oli ensimmäisiä idealisteja, se oli näkevinään näkyvän ja näkymättömän maailman ylösalaisin. Sitäpaizi Plato still challenges our ideas of leadership. Kääntää ne aivan päälaelleen. Lisää kuin 2 hernettä vertailuja löytyy logspot.com/2013/07/kuin-kaksi-hernetta.html">täältä.
ellauri099.html on line 93: Rimbaud & VerlainepikkuoravatveriAsthenikerlogspot.com/-z30u3owqGFQ/UYfAU5MTMrI/AAAAAAAAEQ0/0jvfes3otCQ/s1600/tiku+ja+taku.jpg" height="100px" />
ellauri099.html on line 109: I. KantmuumilimaPyknikerINTP - Arkkitehtilogspot.com/--AedzLE9Ro0/U7BE9kdqZZI/AAAAAAAAA48/25C7yUmbCeU/s1600/Muumipeikko+header.gif" height="100px" />
ellauri099.html on line 121: Philip RothsiirasappiAthletikerlogspot.com/-t_lyOGFyC3k/TgijX9sXEuI/AAAAAAAAFXA/fQaYS3pm_JQ/s1600/philip+roth.jpg" height="100px" />
ellauri099.html on line 123: Esa SaarinenhamsteriveriAsthenikerlogspot.com/_eeBSxIBrCgE/SwLDQxbT7oI/AAAAAAAABjg/6nRJn86foAQ/s1600/kkkkjj.bmp" height="100px" />
ellauri099.html on line 124: Sören KierkegaardvaivaispäästäinenpernaDysplastikerINFJ - Parantainenxlogspot.com/-rv7ckdiH9tY/TWBcWrXRZAI/AAAAAAAACPw/NXCD79N1CT8/s320/kierkegaardinafunnyhat.jpg" height="100px" />
ellauri099.html on line 129: Heinrich HeinemarsuveriPyknikerlogspot.com/-BCa5KMA8c6w/TzxVGyfW6EI/AAAAAAAAE88/VPLqH-tZMaQ/s320/heinrich-heine-1.jpg" height="100px" />
ellauri099.html on line 144: LuthernautasappiPyknikerINTJ – Propellipäälogs/davearmstrong/files/2017/10/Luther-24.jpg" height="100px" />
ellauri099.html on line 155: Sofi OxanenmarjaludesappiAsthenikerlogspot.com/-fG3_hSXyNJI/U5IC50a-PsI/AAAAAAAAFZs/I1_8nXXMFMQ/s1600/Dolycoris+baccarum+marjalude+tv20120701_001.jpg" height="100px" />
ellauri099.html on line 156: Jaakko Yli-JuotikasiilimatolimaDysplastikerlogspot.com/-Kx9vSK8WlMM/UVvuIJGTvNI/AAAAAAAAAHg/93b9_yud2hk/w1200-h630-p-k-no-nu/koiravaari+ja+iilimato.JPG" height="100px" />
ellauri100.html on line 331: I have noticed that a leftist will accuse you of “hate” just for saying something contrary to the left-wing orthodoxy of the day. If you disagree with what I have to say here, but prefer to spew invective instead of offering a reasoned response, don’t bother to submit a comment — at least not until your rage has passed or your medication has taken effect. (My medication is working fine. It is curious how small the distance is between considered opinion and gobbledygook madness.) As it says in the sidebar, I will not publish incoherent, off-point, offensive, or abusive comments except my own. Nor will I lose any sleep for having denied you an outlet for your incoherence, irrelevance, offensiveness, or abusiveness. You can post it on your own blog or on any of the myriad, hate-filled, left-wing blogs that view murder as “choice,” government dictates as “liberty,” self-defense as a “war crime” (when it’s practiced by the U.S. or Israel), and the Constitution as a vehicle for implementing current left-wing orthodoxy.
ellauri102.html on line 450: logspot.com%2F_CTqhvpNK4ts%2FTCuB0uR8cCI%2FAAAAAAAAAGI%2FMxG5G-fYGe0%2Fs1600%2Fhm10_.jpg&f=1&nofb=1" height="200px" />
ellauri105.html on line 496: logspot.com/-gca5FlgLWSA/UgnsikU4WYI/AAAAAAAAA_o/e2GztyMHjT8/s320/mefodi_01b_ma_val.jpg" />
ellauri106.html on line 168: logspot.com/-XNbomDpsaFA/WwcSasoUdnI/AAAAAAAALFw/OwU7FMgsu_oWWYJ0CCE_AdrJh3MMt2JYQCLcBGAs/s400/Philip%2BRoth%2Bwith%2Bmother%2B1935..JPG" />
ellauri106.html on line 247: logspot.com/-Cm82xqDT8pg/WwcUqJYmeUI/AAAAAAAALGY/YK75mpO47yAX71Qw3DZxEmJzZibCfcPcQCLcBGAs/s400/Phillip%2BRoth%2BMargaret%2BMartinson.jpg" width="30%" />
ellauri106.html on line 251: logspot.com/-Ul_dGy3ttZg/WwbgXjtHbOI/AAAAAAAAmgI/mLEpZPGNFWkoQwByyGVwFQxNBz_KceU3ACLcBGAs/s320/philip%2Broth-claire-bloom.jpg" width="30%" />
ellauri109.html on line 351: Suomi wiiktiina.blogspot.fi
ellauri109.html on line 396: logspot.com/-GP-z47kHgZo/WKzZHK1PK5I/AAAAAAAAH3o/8Uw9ubGwrTE0O0Tu66B19ZW7nWiEg-YmQCLcB/s1600/jane%2Bausten.jpg" height="120px" />
ellauri109.html on line 681: logspot.com/-2aUlt9ulUmY/UrMdRQcFXnI/AAAAAAAABkQ/G2LfJ1b5lXE/s1600/preposition+John+Drydon.jpg" />
ellauri110.html on line 1075: Welcome! ‘Conversations with Dostoevsky’ is a blog written to mark the 200th anniversary year of Dostoevsky’s birth. It takes the form of a series of conversations between a twenty-first century academic and the writer himself. The topics centre on ‘the big questions’, including God, immortality, faith, nationality, and the power of literature. Blogs will be published weekly, though readers may wish to save them up for a monthly visit.
ellauri135.html on line 584: logspot.com/_pYUlyumcis4/TQTOfhi3KQI/AAAAAAAAE6I/e0QNYY3n5ok/s1600/dorliak%2Brichter%2Be%2Bbritten%2B-%2BLIFE.jpg" width="40%" />
ellauri141.html on line 753: logspot.com/-aVw3D_4Qi9U/UV7TZ7GQdWI/AAAAAAAABzw/1PcUqFeI6a4/s1600/Inspector+Clouseau.jpg" height="200px" />
ellauri143.html on line 856: Kinkun apurit. Explanation : Let (a minister) be chosen, after he has been tried by means of these four things, viz,-his virtue, (love of) money, (love of) sexual pleasure, and tear of (losing) life. And keep his relatives as hostages. Just tätä tematiikkaa oli valtaistuinpeleissä. Ei se ole vierasta kv. yrityxillekään. Steve Jobs varmaan luki näitä värssyjä. logspot.com/2013/02/the-thirukkural-way-of-leadership.html">The Thirukkural way of Leadership. Mr. T. Kannan.
ellauri147.html on line 112: logspot.com/-mXkjmWizRcY/UtpLJL0z0sI/AAAAAAAAAtg/HdBX-7GAQFU/w1200-h630-p-k-no-nu/aale+tynni.jpg" height="200px" />
ellauri151.html on line 104: logspot.com/-noprnDSoxoI/T9HNc1TD06I/AAAAAAAARH8/hOVwII6zTE4/s1600/AndreGide-MarcAll%C3%A9gret-1920.jpg" height="300px" />
ellauri155.html on line 817: logspot.com/-Z--1FgikoZA/T75KBxAWI6I/AAAAAAAAAGE/oY16SrlccfY/s1600/strawson.jpg" />
ellauri159.html on line 1309: logspot.com/-DRFY4ePxOqI/Tobkn8L3tKI/AAAAAAAAA5M/lZmY0VlIm4o/s320/413px-Rembrandt_Harmensz._van_Rijn_035.jpg" height="250px" />
ellauri159.html on line 1310: logspot.com%2F-VZodoHUlyGg%2FTiGml6naKCI%2FAAAAAAAAAYE%2F1qaqIMlRujI%2Fs1600%2Fabraham-and-isaac-zoom.jpg&f=1&nofb=1" height="250px" />
ellauri161.html on line 401: logspot.com/-rc33PZ-rKdk/TmvxJIxvCqI/AAAAAAAAAIs/iIvWDAAMzKQ/s1600/Mitsuhirato.png" height="100px" />
ellauri162.html on line 773: He runs one of the most popular atheist blogs on the Internet, called Pharyngula (a stage of the embryonic development of vertebrates). Nielunen. The website is notable for its over-the-top vituperation. Myers also has a flair for attention-getting stunts, like piercing a consecrated host with a rusty nail. In 2009, Myers was named “Humanist of the Year” by the American Humanist Association.
ellauri162.html on line 823: More importantly, Pharyngula can also refer to a blog written and posted by P.Z. Myers. See Pharyngula (blog). Pharyngula is a blog by atheist and evolutionist PZ Myers, who is a biologist and associate professor at the University of Minnesota, Morris. Pharyngula was hosted 2005-2011 at Scienceblogs in full, and 2011-present, in part. Since 2011, Pharyngula has been hosted at Freethought Blogs. The atheist biologist Massimo Pigliucci said of Myers and his blog audience, "one cannot conclude this parade without mentioning P.Z. Myers, who has risen to fame because of a blog where the level of nastiness (both by the host and by his readers) is rarely matched anywhere else on the Internet...".
ellauri162.html on line 825: In 2010, the Christian apologetics website True Free Thinker wrote: "Scienceblogger Chad Orzel described the commentators on PZ Myers ' Scienceblogs.com site Pharyngula, and other Scienceblogs.com commentators, as 'screechy monkeys'."
ellauri162.html on line 829: Scienceblogs appears to have a problem keeping and attracting talented writers. According to PZ Myers, Scienceblogs has "been facing a steady erosion of talent". In 2010, the Christian apologetic website True Free Thinker wrote a quite pointed and accurate criticism of PZ Myers Pharyngula blog indicating that PZ Myers' blog posts often lack substance. Pharyngula is widely acclaimed in the liberal media due to its embrace of evolutionary pseudoscience which liberals irrationally embrace (see: Evolution, Liberalism, Atheism, and Irrationality). Myers' blog is also listed by the science journal Nature, which also embraces evolutionary pseudoscience, as the best blog by a scientist. Pharyngula is known for its sarcastic and often specious criticism of creation science and intelligent design theory, as well as regular postings of photos of cephalopods (often with vulgarly sexual connotations both subtle and blatant). As Singer said, sexual organs are the best indicators of the soul.
ellauri162.html on line 836: See also: PZ Myers' loss of influence! Alexa is a web traffic tracking company. In 2015 and 2016, Freethought Blogs saw a large decrease in its Alexa ranking.
ellauri171.html on line 86: logspot.com/-EeOg6Bu2WY4/VhIfL669-eI/AAAAAAAAhxM/E24-w9m8ch4/s1600/william-dyce-the-meeting-of-jacob-and-rachel.jpg" />
ellauri171.html on line 118: logspot.com/-IDA0NsB3ltg/Vom-MUf-3UI/AAAAAAAACyM/f8UiCOHS1OA/s1600/800px-Pedro_Am%25C3%25A9rico_-_Mis%25C3%25A9s_e_Jocabed_-_1884.jpg" />
ellauri171.html on line 151: logs.bible.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Deborah_0.jpg" />
ellauri171.html on line 160: logspot.com/-qKcJBEdU1iE/UsdslepWjmI/AAAAAAAAHCQ/WEcKhyon-Os/s640/samson_delilah49.jpg" />
ellauri183.html on line 200: logspot.com/-ro5AKQQ5Lm0/XMWzLQeU3JI/AAAAAAAAuMo/YiKHqY2U0H4OXDlRnG3FcaDF185IThBJgCLcBGAs/s400/S%25C3%25B8ren_Kierkegaard_%25281813-1855%2529_-_%2528cropped%2529.jpg" height="250px" />
ellauri184.html on line 243: logspot.com/-YHIztAKSCtg/T5Ws-5lmYAI/AAAAAAAAAwU/BVEEMkfE3ZM/s1600/map+3.jpg" />
ellauri189.html on line 467: logspot.com/_Krx1qkBttZ4/TN5GEXhbj4I/AAAAAAAAAuM/qIrj3bUHEJE/s1600/e917becafcbcd7822dd30fb63c447f03.jpg" />
ellauri190.html on line 182: logspot.com/-Cdcrzi3SS7o/Tdgsuao6hYI/AAAAAAAAH4A/HxFZ0hMVDkk/s400/batu%2Bgolden%2Bhorde%2B3.gif" width="50%" />
ellauri194.html on line 74: logspot.com/-u-57e7XP_8E/VU48va-TodI/AAAAAAAABr4/z_f6iSixQvQ/s1600/apocmonday70.png" width="100%" />
ellauri204.html on line 308: logspot.com/-k96grA9dmsw/VLPV3DTAK-I/AAAAAAAACLQ/7UGav6AJu0I/s1600/640px-Moses_San_Pietro_in_Vincoli.jpg" />
ellauri204.html on line 318: Michelangelo ei ollut yksin. Mooseksesta löytyy melkoinen määrä maalauksia ja patsaita, jossa hänellä on sarvet päässä. logspot.com/2015/01/aton-kultti-osa-10-mooses-ja-sarvet.html">Lähde
ellauri210.html on line 346: logspot.com/_BtAsxGp5ano/TQ1DvtSrTKI/AAAAAAAACSc/zlSa1LRp334/s1600/IMG_4038.JPG" height="300px" />
ellauri213.html on line 327: logs/uploads/2020/09/Leila-montage.jpg" width="100%" />
ellauri213.html on line 434: Seuraavassa on listattuna pahoja naisia rikkomuxineen (kuvissa söpöset alleviivattu): Irma Grese (Naziwächterin), Myra Hindley (serial pedocide), Isabela of Castile (born in the year 1451 and died in 1504, Isabella the Catholic, was queen of Castile and León. She and her husband, Ferdinand II of Aragon, brought stability to the kingdoms that became the basis for the unification of Spain. Isabella and Ferdinand are known for completing the Reconquista, ordering conversion or exile of their Muslim and Jewish subjects and financing Christopher Columbus’ 1492 voyage that led to the opening of the “New World”. Isabella was granted the title Servant of God by the Catholic Church in 1974), Beverly Allitt (pedocide, Angel of Death), Queen Mary of England (catholic), Belle Gunness (norwegian-american serial killer), Mary Ann Cotton (serial killer), Ilse Koch (Lagerfrau), Katherine Knight (very bad Aussie), Elizabeth Bathory (hungarian noblewoman and serial killer), Sandra Avila Beltran (drugs), Patty Hearst (hänen isoisänsä oli lehtikeisari William Randolph Hearst. Hiän joutui kidnappauksen uhriksi, mutta pian tämän jälkeen hiän teki pankkiryöstön ja joutui vankilaan), Genene Jones (infanticide nurse), Karla Homolka (Canadian serial killer), Diane Downs (infanticide), Aileen Wuornos (serial killer), Griselda Blanco (drug lady), Lizzie Borden (kirvesmurhaaja), Bonnie Parker (bank robber), Anne Bonny (pirate), Mary Bell (pedocide), Delphine LaLaurie (serial slavekiller), Patricia Krenwinkel (Manson family member), Leslie van Houten (Manson family member), Darlie Routier (infanticide), Susan Smith (infanticide), Susan Atkins (Manson family member), Ching Shih (pirate), Anna Sorokin Delvey (con woman), Amelia Dyer (serial killer), Assata Shakur (black terrorist), Belle Gunness (serial killer), Gypsy Rose Blanchard (matricide), Pamela Smart (mariticide), Ruth Ellis (nightclub hostess, last woman hanged in UK), Phoolan Devi (bandit), Ma Barker (matriarch), Jennifer Pan (parenticide), Virginia Hill (gangster), Karla Faye Tucker (burglar, first woman injected in US), Leonarda Cianciully (serial murderer, soapmaker), Mary Read, Carill Ann Fugate (murder spree), Grace Marks (maid), Belle Starr (outlaw, friend of Lucky Luke), Zerelda Mimms (Mrs. Jesse James), Jane Toppan (serial killer), Sara Jane Moore (wannabe assassin of Gerald Ford), Martha Beck (serial killer), Doris Payne (jewel thief), Mary Brunner (Manson family member), Barbara Graham (executed by gas), Grace O'Malley (pirate), Sada Abe (jealous geisha. When they asked why she had killed Ishida, “Immediately she became excited and her eyes sparkled in a strange way: ‘I loved him so much, I wanted him all to myself. But since we were not husband and wife, as long as he lived he could be embraced by other women. I knew that if I killed him no other woman could ever touch him again, so I killed him…..’ ), Samantha Lewthwaite (white somali terrorist), Theresa Knorr (murderess), Lynette Fromme (Manson family, wannabe assassin of Gerald Ford), The Freeway Phantom (serial killer), Carol M. Bundy (serial killer), logspot.com/-15oclBdCEWU/WaWI3rcv_YI/AAAAAAAANRg/x3jFyoEKr1E4HhBHGE6Crzd5hBYmqUUIACEwYBhgL/s1600/hoy%2B1.jpg">Fanny Kaplan (bolshevik revolutionary), logspot.com/-iTp4cI_CHao/XYiWvqEPRgI/AAAAAAAABgE/p0coM3ZvRdUDonPlMhAGa0nX04oiE2mbgCLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/4af6e9ae9a5a0a7a8b4dbf7432aa9c8d.jpg">Marguerite Alibert (Ed VII courtesan), Jean Harris (author), Linda Hazzard (physician, serial killer), Mary Jane Kelly (1st victim of Jack the Ripper), Kim Hyon-hui (North-Korean spy), Vera Renczi (serial killer), Clare Bronfman (filthy rich criminal), Kirsten Gilbert (serial killer nurse), Gerda Steinhoff (Lagerwächterin), Linda Carty (baby robber), Estella Marie Thompson (black prostitute, blowjobbed Hugh Grant), Elizabeth Becker (Lagerwächterin), Juana Barraza (asesina en serie), Olivera Circovic (baseball player, writer, jewel thief), Olga Hepnarova (mental serial killer), Sabina Eriksson (knäpp tvilling), Minnie Dean (serial killer), Madame de Brinvilliers (aristocrat parri- and fratricide), Martha Rendell (familicide, last woman hanged in Western Australia), Violet Gibson (wannabe assassin of Mussolini), Idoia López Riaño (terrorist), Styllou Christofi (murdered her daughter in law), Mary Eastley (convicted of witchcraft), Wanda Klaff (Lagerwächterin), Giulia Tofana (avvelenatrice), Tisiphone (1/3 raivottaresta), Jean Lee (murderer for money), Brigitte Mohnhaupt (RAF terrorist), Marcia (mistress of Commodus), Beate Zschäpe (far-right terrorist), Evelyn Frechette (singer, Dillingerin heila), Francoise Dior (naziaktivisti), Linda Mulhall (nirhasi äidin poikaystävän saxilla), Brigit Hogefeld (RAF terrorist), Martha Corey (Salem witchhunt victim), Marie Lafarge (arsenikkimurha), Debra Lafave (teacher, gave blow job to student), Enriqueta Marti (asasina en serie), logspot.com/_qskaSRkns8A/S9VANcca-DI/AAAAAAAAO24/5xlfI4u3nQg/w1200-h630-p-k-no-nu/witch001.jpg">Alse Young (witch hanging victim), Elizabeth Michael (actress, involuntary manslaughter: nasty boyfriend hit his head and died while beating her), Susannah Martin (witchcraft), Maria Mandl (Gefängnisoffizerin), Mary Frith (pickpocket and fence), Hanadi Jaradat (suicide bomber), Marie-Josephte Carrivau (mariticide), Gudrun Ensslin (RAF founder), Anna Anderson (vale-Anastasia), Ans van Dijk (jutku nazikollaboraattori), Elizabeth Holmes (bisneshuijari), Ghislaine Maxwell (Epsteinin haahka), Julianna Farrait (drugs), Yolanda Saldivar (embezzler, killer), Jodi Arias (convicted killer Jodi Ann Arias was born on July 9, 1980, in Salinas, California. In the summer of 2008, Arias made national headlines when she was charged with murdering her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander, a 30-year-old member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who was working as a motivational speaker and insurance salesman. Aargh. Justifiable homicide.) Alyssa Bustamante (kid murder), Mary Kay Letourneau (kid abuser), Mirtha Young (drugs), Catherine Nevin (mariticide), Pilar Prades (maid), Irmgard Möller (terrorist), Christine Schürrer (krimi), Reem Riyashi (suicide bomber), Amy Fisher (jealous), Wafa Idris (suicide bomber), Jeanne de Clisson (ex-noblewoman), Christine Papin (maid murderer), Sally McNeil (body builder), Mariette Bosch (murderer), Sandra Ávila Beltrán (drugs), Alice Schwarzer (journalist), Andrea Yates (litter murderer), Mimi Wong (bar hostess), Pauline Nyiramasuhuko (criminal politician), Josefa Segovia (murderer), Martha Needle (serial killer), Antonina Makarova (war criminal), Mary Surratt (criminal businessperson), Dorothea Binz (officer), Leona Helmsley (tax evasion), Angela Rayola (reality tv personality), Léa Papin (maid murderer), Ursula Erikssson (kriminell mördare), Maria Petrovna (spree killer), Aafia Siddiqui (criminal), Fatima Bernawi (palestinian militant), La Voisin (fortune teller), Deniz Seki (singer), Rasmea Odeh (Arab activist), Hildegard Lächert (nurse), Sajida al-Rishawi (suicide bomber), Hayat Boumeddiene (ISIS groupie, nähty viimexi Al Holissa), Herta Ehlert (Lagerwächterin), Elizabeth Stride (seriös mördare), Adelheid Schulz (krimi), Jenny-Wanda Barkman (Wächter), logspot.com/-iCGD6S4OsBg/UlFW2_MPBRI/AAAAAAAAq1w/OsJV_8tbNKc/s1600/Shi+Jianqiao+1.jpg">Shi Jianqiao (pardoned assassin. The assassination of Sun Chuanfang was ethically justified as an act of filial piety and turned into a political symbol of the legitimate vengeance against the Japanese invaders.), Rosemary West (serial killer), Juana Bormann (Lagerwächterin), Kathy Boudin (criminal), Kate Webster (assassin), Teresa Lewis (murderer), Hermine Braunsteiner (Lagerwächterin), Flor Contemplacion (assassina), Constance Kent (fratricide), Tamara Samsonova (serial killer), Herta Bothe (Lagerwächterin), Maria Gruber (Mörderin), Irene Leidolf (möderin), Waltraud Wagner (Mörderin), Elaine Campione (criminelle), Greta Bösel (Pflegerin), Marie Manning (Mörderin), Darya Nikolayevna Saltykova (sadist), Nora Parham (executed), Maria Barbella (assassina), Linda Wenzel (ISIS activist), Anna Marie Hahn (Mörderin), Suzane von Richthofen (parenticide), Charlotte Mulhall (murderer), Khioniya Guseva (kriminal), Daisy de Melker (serial killer nurse), Stephanija Meyer (Mörderin), Sinedu Tadesse (murderer), Ayat al-Akhras (suicide bomber), Akosita Lavulavu (minister of infrastructure and tourism), Sabrina de Sousa (criminal diplomat), Sally Basset (poisoner), Emma Zimmer (Aufseher), Mary Clement (serial killer), Irina Gaidamachuk (serial killer), Dagmar Overbye (serialmorder), Gesche Gottfried (Mörderin), Frances Knorr (serial killer), Beate Schmidt (Serienmörderin), Elizabeth Clarke (accused victim of witchcraft), Kim Sun-ja (serial killer), Olga Konstantinovana Briscorn (serial killer), Roxana Baldetti (politico), Rizana Nafeek (house maid), Margaret Scott (accused of witchcraft), Jacqueline Sauvage (meurtrier), Veronique Courjault (tueur en série), Barbara Erni (thief), Hilde Lesewitz (Schutzstaffel Wächterin), Thenmoli Rajaratnam (suicide bomber), etc. etc..
ellauri222.html on line 844: logspot.com/-bWnff-utdyk/Xre_-jvAUAI/AAAAAAAABfc/WhDxFogFHxYZMJY4GabGx9IdQ7sh4fwLQCNcBGAsYHQ/s1600/IMG_20200510_144737.jpg" />
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ellauri262.html on line 181: logspot.com/-51vYDqANOMA/TVlf2TBb7FI/AAAAAAAAANU/1l7VFGU5n8w/s1600/Alistair+Cookie.jpg" width="30%" />
ellauri262.html on line 396: logspot.com/-mXkjmWizRcY/UtpLJL0z0sI/AAAAAAAAAtg/HdBX-7GAQFU/s1600/aale+tynni.jpg" height="300px" />
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ellauri264.html on line 203: Victor Lebow (26. joulukuuta 1902 – 26. elokuuta 1980, alunperin nähtävästi Liebowitz, takuulla ashkenazijuutalainen jostain beyond the pale) oli yhdysvaltalainen yritysjohtaja, esseisti ja aktivisti. Vizikästä kyllä sille ei ole anglosaxisivua Wikipediassa, vain italialaiset kommunistit muistavat. Hänet tunnetaan parhaiten amerikkalaisen kulutuskapitalismin dynamiikan muotoilustaan, joka ilmaistiin vuonna 1955 Journal of Retailing -lehdessä julkaistulla artikkelilla nimeltä Hintakilpailu vuonna 1955. Artikkeli sai jonkin verran huomiota pian ilmestymisensä jälkeen, ja sosiologi Vance Packard mainitsi sen vuoden 1960 teoksessaan The Waste Makers. logspot.com/2007/12/victor-lebows-complete-original-1955.html">Lähde
ellauri269.html on line 54: An important advance over these traditional classifications is TV Tropes. TV Tropes is a wiki website that collects and documents descriptions and examples of plot conventions and devices, which it refers to as tropes, within many creative works. Since its establishment in 2004, the site has shifted focus from covering various tropes to those in general media, toys, writings, and their associated fandoms, as well as some non-media subjects such as history, geography, and politics. The nature of the site as a provider of commentary on pop culture and fiction has attracted attention and criticism from several web personalities and blogs. Non-Playing Characters are non-voluntarist characters who let others make their life decisions.
ellauri282.html on line 249: logspot.com/-dk7qQca_hOg/WTpRP70g-rI/AAAAAAAAFxc/im2399lt3LQsLmrXFRqgeYK0fMRRkbIPgCLcB/s1600/Matti%2BPulkkinen%2B1981.jpg" width="30%"/>
ellauri282.html on line 339: logspot.com/-JgpvxvBysXo/TelBD08XlZI/AAAAAAAAAPA/E1Ni4rmOi-w/s640/Ignatian+postcards21.JPG" />
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ellauri299.html on line 607: logspot.com/-RsyPnQXDoIc/T9zFoj5-JTI/AAAAAAAAAHA/3J_L35E6agU/s1600/mark-twain-rocking-chair.jpg" width="50%" />
ellauri300.html on line 608: "Vad heter den? Hur man lyckas i kärlek och arbete. Nej, tack ska ni ha, jag har inte tid att läsa." Och hon lämnade tillbaka boken. Pärmen hade blivit fuktig av hennes händer. Han såg henne gå tillbaka till borden med sin disktrasa och hon hade ett sorgset uttryck i ansiktet. Hon behöde inga böcker. Böcker kunde inte hjälpa henne. Luria slogs av tanken at den kvinnan på sätt och vis hade ett mål här i livet - att inte ha något mål utan att ta dagen som den kom.
ellauri300.html on line 888: logspot.com/-CouAlu52ywY/VE9_KoEpH0I/AAAAAAAAHSg/U5rrKV8_oG4/s1600/ananias_11.jpg" width="70%" />
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ellauri334.html on line 395: logspot.com/-Rs_6F8sV6Bo/TsWfMv4SYHI/AAAAAAAAAfs/YaidwJDhIME/s1600/mikki.jpg" />
ellauri340.html on line 65: logspot.com/_eDCvTLnZrmo/ShfA3fY2AmI/AAAAAAAAAH0/L6YuC_pLuG0/s1600/f.jpg" />
ellauri349.html on line 544: logspot.com/_i_F4e3wtVt4/S8cTcUiZ-5I/AAAAAAAAABk/vhycaQrFArc/w1200-h630-p-k-no-nu/Francisco-Varela.jpg" />
ellauri352.html on line 702: logspot.com/-qZY2hGY65ss/VNEq58pC51I/AAAAAAAAaxk/8fbarVy8_AY/s1600/james%2Bmichener%2B1950s%2Bcenter%2Bmount%2Bp3%2Beyeglasses.jpg" height="250px" />
ellauri364.html on line 35: logspot.com/-oaCdakzS2Ps/XXov_BKyvQI/AAAAAAADoBA/vTjaE0wRCvkbeTIkXC4jryLyJC9bDRDXACLcBGAsYHQ/s640/female-hysteria-2.jpg" width="100%" />
ellauri374.html on line 583: Kymmeneborg (finska: Kyminlinna) är fästning norr om Kotka centrum på nordsidan av holmen Hovinsaari, som bildas av två av Kymmene älvs mynningsarmar; där befann sig tidigare kungsgården Kymmenegård. Befästningsarbeten på platsen inleddes 1790 enligt den berömde ryske fästningsbyggaren Aleksandr Suvorovs planer och fortsattes i större skala 1803, då man hade 3 000 man i arbete. Fästningen utlämnades i likhet med övriga fästningar i området delvis åt förfallet efter 1816, men tjänstgjorde som garnison för ryska trupper fram till 1917. Den anfölls den 8 april 1918 av en omkring 300 man stark tysk truppavdelning, som efter hårda strider slogs tillbaka av den till omkring 2 000 man uppgående röda besättningen. Kymmeneborg härbärgerade 1922–1939 ryska flyktingar (som mest 700) – av vilka en stor del hade kommit till landet efter Kronstadtupproret 1921 – och togs vid vinterkrigets utbrott åter i bruk för militära ändamål. Fästningen hyste olika intendenturtrupper och förråd fram till 1950, då Kotka kustartillerisektion flyttade in. Försvarsmakten lämnade fästningen 2005 efter hårda strider.
ellauri384.html on line 400: logspot.com/-5TO6VF8WiMs/UMtd-2oHZOI/AAAAAAAAMwg/V7P_OMl1tEY/s1600/aaaaagree9.jpg" width="100%" />
ellauri393.html on line 429: logspot.com/-pq2K09phSoo/Um7YkvXB6KI/AAAAAAAAEv8/kNMDNDx04Sg/s1600/E.T.A._Hoffmann_Selbstportrait.jpg" />
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 962: Wang Wei: Esa Mäkijärvi on toinen niistä Parnasson kikkelihepuista. Mun mielestäni logspot.com/2020/10/kristina-carlson-eunukki.html?m=1#more">tää väitellyt äidinkielenopettaja ja kriitikko on tajunnu enemmän...
xxx/ellauri059.html on line 489: logspot.com/-KGZFOem1y2g/Tb0h5l06fqI/AAAAAAAAA4E/8-KvgDp60pw/s1600/dick-tracy-02.jpg" height="200px" />
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xxx/ellauri076.html on line 346: logspot.com/--TwyGh49Kg4/WbJ4XcqDlKI/AAAAAAAATrg/cpdFMrwNYgwVvJIHGLiiO2ka3HbxN-CxQCLcBGAs/s640/323362e0fda96c2a8ff46a5a12d7fdc7--most-beautiful-women-black-is-beautiful.jpg" height="200px" />
xxx/ellauri076.html on line 373: logspot.com/-9j8UWPMxoy4/T30Eo0lDmAI/AAAAAAAAEM8/YsHvxf3vZ8c/s1600/marilyn.jpg" height="200px" />
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xxx/ellauri081.html on line 676: logspot.com/">https://kynokefaloi.blogspot.com/ näyttää olevan jonkun kreikkalainen kolleegan paasaussivusto.
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 750: logspot.com/-DaJGcND6HkY/Tsb9RCQoxZI/AAAAAAAAAgk/f7ahnpDAKHU/s1600/Kuru.jpg" height="200px" />
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 492: logspot.com/-6N0nLRM7wVM/VLuCBOmoVAI/AAAAAAAAC7w/o2VhJhoE2Sw/s1600/FullSizeRender%2B3.jpg" width="30%" />
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 372: Weinreb grew up in Scheveningen, Netherlands, to which his family had moved in 1916, and became notorious for selling a fictitious escape route for Jews from the occupied Netherlands in the Second World War. When his scheme fell apart in 1944, he left his home in Scheveningen and went into hiding in Ede. He was imprisoned for 3½ years after the war for fraud as well as collaboration with the German occupier. In his memoirs, published in 1969 he maintained that his plans were to give Jews hope for survival and that he had assumed that the liberation of the Netherlands would take place before his customers were deported. The debate about his guilt or innocence—called the “Weinreb affair”—was very heated in the Netherlands in the 1970s, involving noted writers like Renate Rubinstein and Willem Frederik Hermans. In an attempt to end this debate, the government asked the Rijksinstituut Oorlogsdocumentatie (Netherlands institute for war documentation) to investigate the matter. in 1976 the institute issued a report (of which a part already was leaked to the press in 1973), which determined that his memoirs were "a collection of lies and fantasies," and that his collaboration had caused 70 deaths. Although his activities did contribute to some Jews' survival, most Jews who fell for Weinreb's swindle were deported and killed.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 709: logspot.com%2F-nsJg1OJOnnI%2FWdkwjybe5wI%2FAAAAAAABGOM%2Fimu-3GRXNLgceAbKKF_HvHkuHExLTe9bgCEwYBhgL%2Fs1600%2Frahab.jpg&f=1&nofb=1" />
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 60: However, Kilmer's eldest son, Kenton, declares that the poem does not apply to any one tree—that it could apply equally to any. "Trees" was written in an upstairs bedroom at the family's home in Mahwah, New Jersey, that "looked out down a hill, on our well-wooded lawn". Kenton Kilmer stated that while his father was "widely known for his affection for trees, his affection was certainly not sentimental—the most distinguished feature of Kilmer's property was a colossal woodpile outside his home". The house stood in the middle of a forest and what lawn it possessed was obtained only after Kilmer had spent months of weekend toil in chopping down trees, pulling up stumps, and splitting logs. Kilmer's neighbors had difficulty in believing that a man who could do that could also be a poet.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 180: logspot.com/-ympxllAaF5A/Vw8XzjFuaEI/AAAAAAAADb0/zlZ80pwphEUzidkPcbKSfGRKdmokthybACKgB/s1600/Madame_de_Sta%25C3%25ABl_Vladimir_Borovikovsky.jpg" style="width:10%;float:right" />
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 484: logspot.com/-KZ4pKd2AkIc/UpjEgKHpzDI/AAAAAAAAIHc/y3pvzbWahAQ/s1600/OB-NU445_itagor_H_20110506003756.jpg"
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 273: The most recent acquisitions - around 15 boxes of material from 1945 to 2018 - can only be viewed with permission from the Roth estate, until 2050, when the logs will be open to everyone, according to Barbara Bair, the literary specialist in the "pisioning of library manus (Avishai again)."
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 94: logspot.com/-8QbF9xKSOuc/YWRdRgOAfYI/AAAAAAAAVBY/BGNeAoRh10MXvLHRuslAjiqsyJn19wAHQCLcBGAsYHQ/s16000/Kandaules%2Bna%25CC%2588ytta%25CC%2588a%25CC%2588%2Bpuolisoaan%2BGygegselle%2B1640-luku.jpeg" width="50%" />
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xxx/ellauri167.html on line 63: logspot.com/-DutlyYoqM5I/VrsSxCFpyZI/AAAAAAAAATE/vZ1JmWtqQks/s1600/Paoloefrancesca.jpg" height="200px" />
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xxx/ellauri167.html on line 68: logspot.com/-UdaCLCyWo9s/VrsSzjh4qOI/AAAAAAAAATg/ASpuYszG2IM/s1600/sw_brdg_pcf13_large.jpg" height="200px" />
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xxx/ellauri174.html on line 461: logspot.com/-cBUv-qDrWUs/VBrYv0YlODI/AAAAAAAAAK4/or4vC5vJvak/s1600/kama-sutra.jpg" height="200px" />
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xxx/ellauri229.html on line 148: Book Review: Promise and Prayer. I reviewed the book by Anthony Thiselton (FBA), entitled Promise and Prayer: The Biblical Writings in the Light of Speech-Act Theory (Cascade Books, 2020). My short review for Theological Book Review is available here: https://tbronline.edublogs.org/2022/09/14/thiselton-promise-and-prayer/
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 144: Armas var yngst av brödraskaran. Ramstedt var far till Freja Ramstedt, hustru till bergsingenjören Karl Björzén. Den här Ramstedt blev filosofie magister och specialiserade sig inom indoeuropeisk filologi, engelsk filosofi, litteraturhistoria och biologi. Han var sedan 1951 medlem av Sällskapet Bokvännerna i Finland, där han bidrog med över 4 000 volymer inom sina intresseområden. Han författade även ett antal böcker och tidskrifter om interlingvistik och konstgjorda språk. Bland annat var Ramstedt stark förespråkare av interlingue, som han också skrev diverse avhandlingar om. Han och esuperantist-storbror Gus slogs ofta med konstgjorda ord och knytnävar om vilketdera konstgjorda språket som var bäst. Nu är dom döda alla fyra.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 72: logspot.com/-VLzpShaAXR0/UQ70nKEcITI/AAAAAAAAH64/hR_i5pWTKHE/s1600/KLING+O+KLANG+6.jpg" height="250px" />
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Sonia Joseph began reading effective altruist blogs when she was 12. The vigorous online debates about how to have the most impact in the world provided a sense of community that she was missing as an Indian-American girl growing up in suburban Boston. But when she became old enough to join in-person EA gatherings in the Cambridge area, she noticed that many of the men she met seemed enamored with “pickup artistry,” a supposedly systematic approach to convincing women to sleep with them.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 56: logspot.com/-k8qRV3gmCfU/UFjqGTENjBI/AAAAAAAAae8/rKv-2NFFdWU/s1600/Atalanta-Listo.jpg" height="200px" />
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xxx/ellauri304.html on line 623: What to read? If you get no checks, read Writer’s Digest. Read the how-to books. If you want to read books on writing, you can’t find much better stuff then Stephen King on Writing, anything by Dean Koontz or Larry Block, a very specific mystery writing manual from Hallie Ephron (*1948), Writing Mysteries from MWA, a collection which includes me and my ex-partner, read my blogs and those about the writer’s soul by Molly Cochran. Read “Trial and Error”by Jack Woodford (+1971), one of the great commercial writing geniuses. And be sure to read my long time personal favorite book by one of my all time, all-star heroes, “Dare to be a Great Writer” by Leonard Bishop, which is not 300 pages of “rah-rah boys, go do it” but is instead 329 specific tips on how to get the trucks out of the garage in the morning. Fabulous. Reading and writing and remembering, are the only two of the three R’s that count. Who the hell cares about ‘rithmetic? Except Chuck Berry, who could count 6/8 time like a genius.
xxx/ellauri314.html on line 174: Men sonen Jesus tycker jag inte värst om. Jesus var en sektledare som inte ens tillät lärjungarna att ta farväl av sina familjer, och han förbannade ett fikonträd bara för att han verkade vara på dåligt humör. Bibeln är fascinerande läsning. Men under arbetet med den här boken slogs jag av hur lynnig och krävande Jesus är. Han är ju en liten drama queen. Korsfästning var ju inget vidare den tiden. Han hade gjort sig skyldig till det i alla fall. Jag antar att jag löser det genom att tänka att om Gud blir människa får han också en människas svagheter. Han måste ju gå på toa och säkert hade han nattliga ejakulationer med. Med vem, det får vi kanske aldrig veta. Gud själv har väl ingen kuk, det är säkert därför den heliga anden finns där som tredje man.
xxx/ellauri329.html on line 94: logspot.com/-AoS3SHHFOIc/VzEIB9jdbeI/AAAAAAAAWAU/XCCE4W27CDAb06PHeIduRTir_kTrRYKRwCLcB/w1200-h630-p-k-no-nu/natashaX5.jpg" />
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xxx/ellauri337.html on line 73: logspot.com/2017/12/heinrich-boll-nainen-ryhmakuvassa.html?m=1">https://joklaaja.blogspot.com/2017/12/heinrich-boll-nainen-ryhmakuvassa.html?m=1
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xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1111: I could spent lots of times demonstrating the false gospel of the LDS, and the false prophecies which were made by your false prophets, but I've done all that on my blog logspot.com">(here).
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1164: As for the Trinity, it is easily found in Scripture. It isn't titled that, of course, because no one thought to give the idea a name. But I can prove by logic and the Bible that the Trinity was taught throughout the N.T.: logspot.com/2010/09/trinity-proven-by-logic.html">(this)
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1184: I've already answered the questions you asked by republishing this (logspot.com/2010/09/trinity-proven-by-logic.html">(this)).