ellauri019.html on line 1028: The triptych by the Italian artist was presented on Monday at the league's Milan headquarters, along with an anti-racism plan which included the signing of a charter by a player representing each of the 20 Serie A clubs. Italian stadiums are the scene of recurrent racist incidents, including monkey chants aimed at black players.
ellauri039.html on line 373: Mount Holyoke administrator and art professor Rie Hatsipompponen (pretty Japanese lady, 48) got Mt Holyoke into international headlines (yess!) by trying to bump off a colleague in a case of unrequited love in December 2019. Hatsipompponen allegedly used a fire poker, large rock, and a gardening shears to attempt to kill her victim, allegedly a regular member of the faculty. Hatsipompponen's alleged victim, another polished lady in her 60s, allegedly survived the attack.
ellauri039.html on line 376: The victim insisted that she and Hatsipompponen had never been romantic — and that the attacker had never even been to her house before Dec. 23, even though they had been friendly colleagues for 14 years.
ellauri048.html on line 990: Half a league, half a league, Puoli leguaa kuolemaan,
ellauri048.html on line 991: Half a league onward, vain puoli leguaa enää,
ellauri051.html on line 1275: 677 In vain objects stand leagues off and assume manifold shapes, 677 Turhaan esineet seisovat erillään ja ottavat monenlaisia ​​muotoja,
ellauri051.html on line 1806: 1194 A few quadrillions of eras, a few octillions of cubic leagues, do not hazard the span or make it impatient, 1194 Muutama kvadriljoona aikakausia, muutama oktillijoona kuutioliigaa, eivät vaaranna jänneväliä tai tee siitä kärsimätöntä,
ellauri054.html on line 189: At his jubilee seminar, Riikonen's Turku-based colleague, Jukka Sihvonen, characterised him as a bibliophile and a manic hoarder of books. Riikonen says that he has never counted the exact number of books in his home, but he estimates that his is one of Helsinki's most extensive private libraries.
ellauri066.html on line 368: Moore’s intuition that Pynchon’s Second Equation is real proved to be correct, and he and his colleague correctly assign the angle ϕ to the orientational range of the rocket. But since they did not know that this formula is only one in a set of equations that describe the flight path, the orientation, and the steering of the V-2, the research team was misled in their interpretation of the other parameters and terms. With Müller’s paper, we can finally determine the meaning of each term and compare these with Pynchon’s reading. The first three terms refer, respectively, to the moments of inertia, of air resistance, and of lateral air impact when the rocket yaws, and the term on the right side of the equal sign represents the steering moment of the rudders (Müller, 1957: 90, 91; Kirschstein, 1951: 73, 74). In other words, the left-hand terms describe the orientation of the rocket during flight, which is influenced by external forces such as wind currents and air resistance.
ellauri066.html on line 892: In an e-mail exchange between Tegnell and the head of the Finnish public-health agency, on March 14th and 15th, Tegnell suggested that keeping the schools open could help the young and healthy develop immunity sooner. His Finnish colleagues noted that their models found that closing schools would decrease the mortality rate among the elderly by ten per cent. Tegnell responded, “Ten percent might be worth it?” WTF.
ellauri066.html on line 910: She wrote to me to say that Tegnell and his colleagues “have acted too late and too little which has led to over 12000 people premature death including my husband. He would have lived without Corona!”
ellauri073.html on line 454: Photo by Victoria Lynn Hogan, my true love and colleague, shows a rather hairless dense looking guy peering inquiringly at a little plastic jar containing some goo.
ellauri080.html on line 295: McCrae and his colleagues have also found that the big five traits are also remarkably universal. One study that looked at people from more than 50 different cultures found that the five dimensions could be accurately used to describe personality.
ellauri082.html on line 769: The researchers then ran a study testing whether people who score highly on victim signaling were more likely to exaggerate reports of mistreatment from a colleague to gain an advantage over them.
ellauri095.html on line 115: His father founded a marine insurance firm and at one time served as Hawaiian consul-general in London. He was also for a time churchwarden at St John-at-Hampstead. His grandfather was the physician John Simm Smith, a university colleague of John Keats, and close friend of the eccentric philanthropist Ann Thwaytes. One of his uncles was Charles Gordon Hopkins, a politician of the Hawaiian Kingdom.
ellauri096.html on line 283: Although (iii) is consistent and might be knowable by others, (iii) cannot be known by the student before Friday. (iii) is a blindspot for the students but not for, say, the teacher’s colleagues. Hence, the teacher can give a surprise test on Friday because that would force the students to lose their knowledge of the original announcement (A). Knowledge can be lost without forgetting anything.
ellauri097.html on line 149: Mencken repeatedly identified mathematics with metaphysics and theology. According to Mencken, mathematics is necessarily infected with metaphysics because of the tendency of many mathematical people to engage in metaphysical speculation. In a review of Alfred North Whitehead's The Aims of Education, Mencken remarked that, while he agreed with Whitehead's thesis and admired his writing style, "now and then he falls into mathematical jargon and pollutes his discourse with equations," and "[t]here are moments when he seems to be following some of his mathematical colleagues into the gaudy metaphysics which now entertains them."[50] For Mencken, theology is characterized by the fact that it uses correct reasoning from false premises. Mencken also uses the term "theology" more generally, to refer to the use of logic in science or any other field of knowledge. In a review for both Arthur Eddington's The Nature of the Physical World and Joseph Needham's Man a Machine, Mencken ridiculed the use of reasoning to establish any fact in science, because theologians happen to be masters of "logic" and yet are mental defectives:
ellauri099.html on line 209: Expressing ancient money values in modern terms presents a perennial puzzle for historians of economics, so I called on my colleague, the economist Duncan Foley, for help. He very roughly calculated that the annual gross domestic product of classical Athens was about 4,400 talents. If that is right, then 800 talents is a vast figure, 32 times the expenditure on the Academy. Foley is somewhat skeptical of the figure, though. Ancient sources for numerical data (like the size of armies) are notoriously inaccurate, so perhaps a excited copyist simply added a zero.
ellauri100.html on line 266: Post-retirement: Spent 18 months as the managing editor of an economics journal published by a privately funded, libertarian think-tank in D.C. — more for the meager wage than for the stimulation of working with semi-intelligent, intellectually doubtfully honest contributors and colleagues. Quit when this part-time job became too hot.
ellauri100.html on line 539: The other scale is the Subjective Numeracy Scale by Angela Fagerlin and colleagues, which measures individuals’ preference for numerical information. Numeracy (adapted from the term ‘literacy’) represents individuals’ ability to comprehend and use probabilities, ratios, and fractions. Traditional measures of numeracy ask people to perform mathematical operations, such as ‘If person A’s risk of getting a disease is 1% in 10 years, and person B’s risk is double that of A’s, what is B’s risk?’ However, some participants find these types of problems stressful and unpleasant, plus they are difficult to score in online studies. Subjective numeracy measures (like the scale you just took) are shown to be equally good measures of numeracy, without burdening participants.
ellauri100.html on line 1132: Close beleaguer’d by a fleet
ellauri109.html on line 609: At the University of Pennsylvania, a friend and colleague—acting, the friend admits, almost as a “pimp”—helped Roth fill the last seats in his oversubscribed classes with particularly attractive undergraduates. Roth’s treatment of a young woman named Felicity (a pseudonym), a friend and house guest of Claire Bloom’s daughter, is particularly disturbing. Roth made a sexual overture to Felicity, which she rebuffed; the next morning, he left her an irate note accusing her of “sexual hysteria.” When Bloom wrote about the incident in her memoir, Roth answered in his unpublished “Notes” with a sense of affront rather than penitence: “This is what people are. This is what people do. . . . Hate me for what I am, not for what I’m not.”
ellauri118.html on line 361: When your colleagues die to burn in hell! Kun kollegasi kuolevat palamaan helvetissä!
ellauri133.html on line 386: "I wasn´t really thinking of the sexual aspect of it," King later mansplained his intentions in writing the controversial scene. "The sexual act connected childhood and adulthood ... Times have changed since I wrote that scene and there is now more sensitivity to those issues. In my days, balling minors was all in a day´s work. Besides, I had a lot of satisfying jerkoffs writing it. As did my colleague Nabokov."
ellauri141.html on line 569: The ‘editor’ of the Latin text was the clever versifier A. D. Godley of Oxford. (267) He contributed graceful acknowledgements (268) and a hilarious preface about the (fictitious) manuscripts, which parodies the standard praefatio of an Oxford Classical Text (brown-covered in those days like the spoof). (269) There is a learned apparatus criticus about disputed or variant ms. readings. He did the Latin poems, together with his Oxford colleagues and friends John Powell (270) and Ronald Knox (271) and the Etonian and former Cambridge undergraduate A. B. Ramsay. (272) There is an appendix of alternative Latin versions which the translators obviously could not bear to waste. Kipling contributed a schoolboyish prose version of ‘The Pro-consuls’: ‘the sixth ode, as it seems, rendered into English prose by a scholiast of uncertain period’, which starts:
ellauri156.html on line 800: (5) David's sin, like all sin, is never worth the price. I have actually had people ask me what the penalty for a certain sin would be, planning to do it and then be forgiven. There are those who toy with sin, thinking that if they sin, they may suffer some consequences, but that God is obliged to forgive them, and thus their eternal future is certain and secure, no matter what they do, even if intentionally. I know of one situation in which a church leader left his wife and ran off with the wife of another, planning to later repent, and then expecting to be welcomed back into the fellowship of that church. This is presumptuous sin, sin of the most serious and dangerous kind. Rather than open a “can of worms” at this point in this message, let me simply say this: “No one ever chooses to sin, and then comes out of it with a smile on their face.” My friend Dawg will almost certainly wipe that smug smirk off their face. I still seethe when I think of that colleague of mine, and how he got away with dumping her hag and plucking a dainty dish from Brother ... (better not say). Took just a few months for the brotherhood to relent. Fuck, it shouldn't be that easy! A little more speedy delivery of the retribution would be indicated, don't you think, milord? Not that I criticize you in any way, milord.
ellauri159.html on line 1085: You can´t be too rigid! Resist the idea of adapting your work to an audience. They tend to view revision as necessary if their expectations are not established up front. So showing your work to a colleague or writing friend too early just helps ensure that the concepts in your head don´t make it onto the paper as you intended. Sharp revision of their suggestions sharpens your own message and makes your own work stronger.
ellauri159.html on line 1189: You may find it difficult to create the emotional distance needed to keep your hands off your students. Don’t let a hasty feel-up skew your research. Be sure to include alternate facts and points of view. Also, be careful to avoid a cursory treatment of the subject, like in those wannabe writer guides on the web. Ask a friend or colleague to review the work, making sure you’ve provided sufficient detail.
ellauri159.html on line 1205: Guys like you tend to be easily hurt by criticism, especially when it comes to their writing, or their sexual performance. Because they generally keep their writing and wanking private until they think it’s finished, they may not have a good sense of the look and feel to others. Consider showing your work and your tool to a trusted friend or colleague for advice before you begin the final round. This will help you better connect with your audience, which is important to you, I know.
ellauri159.html on line 1226: Try to be sensitive to criticism. It won´t do to just turn a deaf ear. Consider showing your work to a trusted friend or colleague at a safe distance before you begin the final draft. This feedback may be especially helpful in focusing your work and ensuring that it includes enough sex to sway your audience to watch your missionary position.
ellauri159.html on line 1232: You want to master the subject everyone´s whining about. You enjoy the challenge of technical topics, and you focus on crafting clear, concise instructions. However, if you don’t see the perks of the writing project, your interest may wane. Discuss the project with friends or colleagues to help you find a way to increase your reward.
ellauri161.html on line 1133: A man from his parish demands a full service funeral for his wife and says he will not pay for it. He confers with the priest of Torcy. The girls of the catechism class laugh at him in a prank, whereby only one of them pretends to know the Scriptural basis of the Eucharist so that the rest of them can laugh at their private conversation. His colleagues criticize his diet of bread and wine, and his ascetic lifestyle. "Concerned" about Chantal, the daughter of the Countess, the priest visits the Countess at the family chateau, and appears to help her resume communion with God after a period of doubt. The Countess dies during the following night, and her daughter spreads false rumors that the priest´s harsh words had tormented her to death. Refusing confession, Chantal had previously spoken to the priest about her hatred of her parents.
ellauri161.html on line 1135: The older priest from Torcy talks to his younger colleague about his poor diet and lack of prayer, but the younger man seems unable to make changes. After his health worsens, the young priest goes to the city of Lille to visit a doctor, who diagnoses him with stomach cancer. The priest goes for refuge to a former colleague, who has lapsed and now works as an apothecary, while living with a woman outside wedlock. The priest dies in the house of his colleague after being absolved by him. His dying words are "What does it matter? All is Grace".
ellauri164.html on line 458: Between 1934 and 1938, he worked with Strassmann and Meitner on the study of isotopes created through the neutron bombardment of uranium and thorium, which led to the discovery of nuclear fission. He was an opponent of national socialism and the persecution of Jews by the Nazi Party that caused the removal of many of his colleagues, including Meitner, who was forced to flee Germany in 1938.
ellauri171.html on line 711: This woman, called Jael, is praised in poetry and prose as one of the great heroines of the beleaguered Israelites.
ellauri181.html on line 141: In a 2012 article, Schwartz and colleagues refined the Theory of Basic Values with an extended set of 19 individual values that serve as "guiding principles in the life of a person or group".
ellauri183.html on line 323: In 1993, the MIT Press published a collection of essays in linguistics to honor Bromberger on the occasion of his retirement. "The View From Building 20," edited by Ken Hale and Jay Keyser, featured essays by Chomsky, Halle, Alec Marantz, and other distinguished colleagues. Jews every nose of them. Alec is not very distinguished, though he beat me for the Harvard Junior Fellowship.
ellauri185.html on line 390: Paul Charles William Davies AM (born 22 April 1946) is an English physicist, writer and broadcaster, a professor in Arizona State University and Director of BEYOND: Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science. He is affiliated with the Institute for Quantum Studies in Chapman University in California. He previously held academic appointments in the University of Cambridge, University College London, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, University of Adelaide and Macquarie University. His research interests are in the fields of cosmology, quantum field theory, and astrology. He proposed that a one-way trip to Mars could be a viable option for him. His colleagues agreed whole-heartedly.
ellauri192.html on line 77: Jakobson escaped from Prague in early March 1939 via Berlin for Denmark, where he was associated with Louis Hjelmslev's Copenhagen linguistic circle. He fled to Norway on 1 September 1939, and in 1940 walked across the border to Sweden, where he continued his work at the Karolinska Hospital (with works on footsores, aphasia and language competence). When Swedish colleagues feared a possible German occupation, he managed to leave on a cargo ship, together with Ernst Cassirer (the former rector of Hamburg University) to New York City in 1941 to become part of the wider community of intellectual émigrés who fled there.
ellauri203.html on line 152: It’s not surprising that the two authors did not like each other. From his youth Turgenev, a wealthy nobleman, made fun of his lugubrious colleague. In a mocking poem he described Dostoyevsky as a "pimple on the nose of literature." Dostoyevsky didn´t conceal his reciprocal hostility and was indignant that, with all his wealth, Turgenev´s royalties for his publications were four times as high as he was paid.
ellauri210.html on line 381: In the summer of 1914, Cravan began another phase of wandering. In 1916, he found himself in Barcelona where he somehow managed to book himself a high-profile fight against Jack Johnson. Johnson was in the midst of a celebrated stay in Spain, during which he was received by royalty and starred in movies. Photographs from the fight give some idea of the scale of the event, which was held at Barcelona’s huge bullfighting arena La Monumental. What the photos don’t convey is what a mismatch the fight was. Even a ring-rusty, thirty-eight-year-old Johnson was leagues ahead of Cravan. Johnson won with a sixth-round knockout, though it could’ve been over much sooner had he wished it. There are reports that Cravan shook with fear before the contest began, knowing how out of his depth he was. One writer has suggested that “Johnson and Cravan were more collaborators than competitors,” and that the event was a con, just a hype-fueled payday for an aging legend and a flamboyant interloper with no credible chance of a win—the Mayweather-McGregor of its day. Olikos tää se mazi josta toinen nyrkkipelle Heminwau kirjoitti siinä sonniromaanissa?
ellauri236.html on line 495: During the years Fenner had been a newspaperman, he had systematically collected every scrap of information concerning the activities of the big and little gangsters in town, just like his journalist colleague Heinie. Except Heinie is dead by now.
ellauri240.html on line 122: The Pathet Lao leadership, hiding in caves, survived one of history's most brutal aerial bombardments, and by 1975 had taken full control and established a communist government. The CIA arranged for flights to bring Vang Pao and his Hmong supporters to the US as refugees via airbases in Thailand. Thousands more beleaguered Vang Pao supporters fled across the Mekong and ended up in refugee camps.
ellauri241.html on line 431: Made, by a spell, the triple league decrease sen tekemällä hypnoottisella eleellä kolminkertainen legua
ellauri262.html on line 164: Within months of entering Oxford, he was shipped by the British Army to France to fight in the First World War. In the midst of the German spring offensive, Lewis was wounded and two of his colleagues were killed by a British shell falling short of its target. He was depressed and homesick during his convalescence and, upon his recovery in October, he was assigned to duty in Andover, England. He was demolished in December 1918 and soon restarted his studies. Later, Lewis stated that his experience of the horrors of war, along with the loss of his mother and unhappiness in school, were the basis of his pessimism and atheism.
ellauri263.html on line 456: The name "Hebron" appears to trace back to two Semitic roots, which coalesce in the form ḥbr, having reflexes in Hebrew and Amorite, with a basic sense of 'unite' and connoting a range of meanings from "colleague" to "friend". In the proper name Hebron, the original sense may have been alliance. BUAHHAHHA LOL! Some friends!
ellauri266.html on line 335: Good communication is the key to good sexuality. How is it attained? Well television is a wonderful invenmtion, bringing the whole amazing world to our living room. Only you can´t interact with it (you can interact with yourself while watching, but it ain´t the same). A mobile phone is already way better, but clearly the best solution is an AI silicone playmate. One of the fascinating things that Eric Berne says in his famous book, Games People Play, is that we have 3 ego states, id, ego, and superego. Oops my bad, that was my esteemed colleague Freud a few decades earlier. But anyway.
ellauri266.html on line 344: Who knows perhaps one day these upper-class working women in teaching, in office jobs, in factories, in pubic services, are part of the answer to the lady from Oakland. As men become more accustomed to dealing with women colleagues and service staff, they will come to their senses and discuss with their partners sports events, the stock market, automobiles, politics, religion, philosophy, natural history, or science as they are waiting for their seed guns to reload. All the more enriched will be the relationship between them.
ellauri270.html on line 249: 'O hold your tongue of your former vows, She had not sailed a league, a league,
ellauri270.html on line 250: For they will breed sad strife; A league but barely three,
ellauri270.html on line 254: He turned him right and round about, They had not saild a league, a league
ellauri270.html on line 255: And the tear blinded his ee: A league but barely three,
ellauri272.html on line 351: big leaguer,
ellauri272.html on line 368: major leaguer,
ellauri279.html on line 197: When Yuri joined the faculty of the Department of German and Russian at UCD in January, 1989, none of his colleagues had any idea of the remarkable fifty-five years of his life that had preceded his arrival in Davis. Some of us were aware of the fact that he had been censored for his writing in the Soviet Union, but most, if not all of us, were ignorant of the attack leveled against him in 1974 by the newspaper Izvestiya, which accused him of having slandered the Soviet people, or of his having been removed from the Writers Union of the USSR in 1977 and declared “a traitor to the motherland” for his participation in the Samizdat underground publishing movement. In 1986, he was threatened by the KGB with either incarceration in a prison camp or confinement to a psychiatric ward, where he might well have languished had it not been for the intervention of Western writers such as Kurt Vonnegut and Arthur Miller, as well as, the International PEN-Club. Yuri was banished from his homeland a year later. He became a leading literary figure among Russian émigré writers while in exile, living first in Vienna, and then in Texas, before coming to California.
ellauri285.html on line 759: Fredrickson wrote a response in which she conceded that the mathematical aspects of the critical positivity ratio were "questionable" and that she had "neither the expertise nor the insight" to defend them, but she maintained that the empirical evidence for the existence of a critical positivity ratio was solid. Brown, Sokal, and Friedman, the rebuttal authors, published their response to Fredrickson´s "Update" the next year, maintaining that there was no evidence for a critical positivity ratio. Losada declined to respond to the criticism (indicating to the Chronicle of Higher Education that he was too busy running his consulting business).[verification needed] Hämäläinen and colleagues responded later, passing over the Brown-Sokal-Friedman rebuttal claim of failed criteria for use of differential equations in modeling, instead arguing that there were no fundamental errors in the mathematics itself, only problems related to the model´s justification and interpretation.
ellauri365.html on line 459: Hans makor voro Emilia Uggla (1880–1893), Olga Wiberg (1896–1903) och Greta Sjöberg (1903–1906) samt övriga "partners" Ellen Belfrage och Kate Bang. He liked to bang nymphettes like so many of his colleagues.
ellauri382.html on line 335: Photo of the Yugoslavian fighter girl (Liba Radij) aged 17, while executed by the Nazis in 1943. The commander said to her: If you mention the names of your colleagues, I will release you immediately. She said to him: You will know them when they come to avenge me. And indeed, they later came and executed him on the same tree with the same rope!! The cowards die while they are alive, and the brave live on while they are dead, though as memes only. Monkeys die, but vendetta lives on.
ellauri420.html on line 68: Mercy Nelson is a 17-year-old athlete who was sidelined for over a year with a knee injury and battled her way back to become a first team all-league basketball athlete and a second team all-league volleyball player for Rainier Christian High School. Her incredible story makes her the star of this month’s athlete comeback blog!
xxx/ellauri010.html on line 618: If you were more vigilant while playing with yourself, I wouldn't write dis message. I don't think that playing with yourself is extremely bad, but when all your friends, relatives, сolleagues receive video record of it- it is definitely news.
xxx/ellauri010.html on line 679: I'm know that you would not like to show these screenshots to your friends, relatives or colleagues.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 379: Her remarks caused Mrs. Johnson to burst into tears. It is widely believed that Kitt's career in the United States was ended following her comments about the Vietnam War, after which she was branded "a sadistic nymphomaniac" by the CIA. A defamatory CIA dossier about Kitt was discovered by Seymour Hersh in 1975. Hersh published an article about the dossier in The New York Times.[20] The dossier contained comments about Kitt's sex life and family history, along with negative opinions of her that were held by former colleagues. Kitt's response to the dossier was to say "I don't understand what this is about. I think it's disgusting."[20] Following the incident, Kitt devoted her energies to performances in Europe and Asia.
xxx/ellauri081.html on line 315: A portent of his later cunning came in the 1920 championships when Vernon (“Swede”) Johnson hit a home run with the bases full to win the title for Grand’Mère. Defeated on the playing field, Duplessis did not quit. Screaming that the Grand’Mère team was loaded with “ ringers ” (although at least two of his own players were reported to be enjoying a brief vacation from the Boston Braves), Duplessis carried the protest to committee rooms. The league president, a sympathetic priest, awarded Duplessis the cup. Stop the Steal! Another Trump. Another ugly face as well.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 821: Mott and a colleague were offered free passage on the Titanic in 1912 by a White Star Line official who was interested in their work, but they declined and took the more humble liner the SS Lapland. According to a biography by C. Howard Hopkins, upon hearing of the news in New York City, the two men looked at each other and remarked that, "The Good Lord must have more work for us to do."
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 274: She and her colleagues in the fat rights movement did not want my advocacy. I could not weigh in on this material because I did not belong to the club. I found this an artistic, political, and even commercial disappointment – because in the US and the UK, if only skinny-minnies will buy your book, you’ve evaporated the pool of prospective obese consumers to a puddle.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 290: The last thing we fiction writers need is restrictions on what belongs to us. In a recent interview, our colleague Chris Cleave conceded, “Do I as an Englishman have any right to write a story of a Nigerian woman? … I completely sympathise with the people who say I have no right to do this. My only excuse is that I do it well.”
xxx/ellauri113.html on line 484: An opponent of biological evolution, Berlinski is a senior fellow of the Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture, a Seattle-based think tank that is a hub of the pseudoscientific intelligent design movement. Berlinski shares the movement's rejection of the evidence for evolution, but does not openly avow intelligent design and describes his relationship with the idea as: "warm but distant. It's the same attitude that I display in public toward my ex-wives." Berlinski is a critic of evolution, yet, "Unlike his colleagues at the Discovery Institute,...[he] refuses to theorize about the origin of life." Vitun jutku, ei niihin ole luottamista, jeesuxen murhaajiin.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 496: 4. Why do Silk’s colleagues fail to defend him? Why would highly educated academics—people trained to weigh evidence carefully and to be aware of the complex subtleties of any object of study—so readily believe the absurd stories concocted to disgrace Coleman Silk? Why does Ernestine describe Athena College as “a hotbed of ignorance”?
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 653:
Edward's poetry skills endorsed by 16 colleagues out of 30+ at Suffolk Community College

xxx/ellauri154.html on line 99: While there were many contemporary critics of her comportment, many people accepted her behaviour until they became shocked with the subversive tone of her novels. Those who found her writing admirable were not bothered by her ambiguous or rebellious public behaviour. Victor Hugo commented "George Sand cannot determine whether she is male or female. I entertain a high regard for all my colleagues, but it is not my place to decide whether she is my sister or my brother. I bet s/he doesn´t know her/himself." She engaged in an intimate romantic relationship with actress Marie Dorval. She was buried in sand behind the chapel at Nohant. In 1880 her children sold the rights to her literary estate for 125,000 Francs[28] (equivalent to 36 kg worth of gold, or 1.3 million dollars in 2015 USD). Quite a handsome net worth for a lady. Sand often performed her theatrical works in her small private theatre at the Nohant estate. Sand was all for the bourgeois revolution but no communist. Victor Hugo, in the eulogy he gave at her funeral, said "the lyre was within her, so no wonder nothing else could fit in."
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 163: Lamen (magic) Seven-league boots W
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 92: Elizabeth Nightingale found peace and tranquility on her nightly walks through the rich, dense forests surrounding Myfleet Manor. But the peace she treasured was shattered one night when she found death waiting in the woods. Chief Inspector Wexford and his colleague Inspector Burden find a most unsavory case on their hands -- and must use all their wit and wisdom to solve it . . . Less.
xxx/ellauri200.html on line 703: I would with the beleaguered fools be told, Mä ottaisin osaa paukapäiden saarrostuxeen,
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 284: Putin and his colleagues in the U.S. and China are essentially running the world's largest Ponzi scheme. Capitalism, in a word.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 371: In his 1884 book The Jews in Styria: a historical sketch, Baumgarten stated that he and several Jewish colleagues met with the governor in 1856. A letter to mayors in Styria, which was cited in Sax’s paper, noted, “Jews are staying in local districts for a long time and are taking up residence for a long time.”
xxx/ellauri227.html on line 344: Despite the titillating title, there's no sex to speak of in Marklund's second thriller featuring Swedish reporter Annika Bengtzon. The events in this book precede those in The Bomber, which introduced Annika as a successful newspaper editor. Here we see her eight years earlier, working as a summer intern at the same Stockholm paper. A young stripper's body is found in a city park, and as Annika and her colleagues investigate, they discover some strange links between the murder, high-ranking Swedish officials, and an illegal espionage operation long since disbanded. Meanwhile, Annika is struggling with a clingy boyfriend and learning the ins and outs of reporting in a competitive environment. These struggles are more compelling than the crimes she is investigating, and the action tends to move at a snail's pace until the rushed climax. However, fans of The Bomber will enjoy a second dose of spunky Annika and the realistic newsroom scenes. An author's note gives helpful background information on Swedish politics and the real-life inspiration for the story.
xxx/ellauri233.html on line 429: In 2009, Craig Johnson and colleagues showed that calves that have not been stunned feel passing pain from the cut in their necks, and they may take at least 10–30 seconds to lose consciousness.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 622: Eliade was Saul Bellow's colleague and a pain in the ass in Chicago. He was a leading interpreter of religious experience, who established paradigms in religious studies that persisted to his dying day. His theory that hierophanies form the basis of religion, splitting the human experience of reality into sacred and profane space and time, has proved influential. A hierophany (Mircea's own invention) is a manifestation of the sacred. Eliade argues that religion is based on a sharp distinction between the sacred and the profane. According to Eliade, for traditional man, myths describe "breakthroughs of the sacred (or the 'supernatural') into the World"—that is, hierophanies.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 406: Peter Boghossian, who recently resigned from his position as a philosophy professor at Portland State University, is now a faculty fellow at UATX. Along with two other colleagues, Boghossian fabricated and submitted 20 fake academic papers in 2018 as a hoax to make a point about contemporary academic journals. Four of the papers were published and were later retracted.
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 227: contrast, as consultant and employee, I often hear clients and colleagues talk
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 233: much smoke. When I ask clients and colleagues, ‘What’s it like to work here?’, a
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 275: A lady colleague from Laos (a dainty dish indeed) would invariably talk about not ‘rocking the boat’ and ‘letting things ride’ when
xxx/ellauri363.html on line 93: Gadamer published Truth and Method in 1960 at age sixty, devoting an entire decade to its writing. Due to the significance of this project and the length of time involved in its production, it seems appropriate to provide some insight into Gadamer's life-world during the creation of this important work. According to biographer Jean Grondin, "in Frankfurt [in the late 1940s] Gadamer was being urged by students (not to mention contemptuous colleagues) to produce, at long last, a substantial piece of work. Although he felt unprepared to take on such a project, he wrote the work while at Heidelberg in the 1950s at the encouragement of his wife Kate (27-77-80)."
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 338: Vuonna 2013 Loganin raportointi vuoden 2012 Benghazin hyökkäyksestä Afghanistanissa aiheutti merkittävää kiistaa asiavirheiden vuoksi, ja se peruttiin, mikä johti potkuihin. The “60 Minutes” story broadcast October 27 cast doubt on whether the Obama administration sent all possible help to try to save Stevens and his three colleagues. The story was then cited by congressional Republicans who have demanded to know why a military rescue was not attempted. Barack Obama repi siitä pelihousunsa ja tuli puhelinlankoja pitkin CBS:n pääkonttoriin. Logan jätti CBS:n vuonna 2018.
xxx/ellauri400.html on line 313: In all this time, no one has ever come looking for Joyce Vincent. No family, no friends, no colleagues, no neighbors who knocked on the door to see if everything was okay. Nobody called. She was 38 when she died.