ellauri022.html on line 223: Neiti Mills kuvittelee, että rikkaat eivät ole kovasydämisiä, vaan ajattelemattomia. Älä unta nää. Ne auttaa just niin kauan kun charity on hauskaa ja ne saa siitä mukavia paremmuuden kicksejä.
ellauri023.html on line 778: ja saa nimenomaan siitä kicksejä, niin siinä mielessä ei ollut paha edes Josef Mengele.
ellauri052.html on line 210: Climbs the building, kicks the football,
ellauri107.html on line 501: “Look here, Stan; let's get this clear. You've got an idea somehow that it's you that do all the selling. Where d' you get that stuff? Where d' you think you'd be if it wasn't for our capital behind you, and our lists of properties, and all the prospects we find for you? All you got to do is follow up our tips and close the deal. The hall-porter could sell Babbitt-Thompson listings! You say you're engaged to a girl, but have to put in your evenings chasing after buyers. Well, why the devil shouldn't you? What do you want to do? Sit around holding her hand? Let me tell you, Stan, if your girl is worth her salt, she'll be glad to know you're out hustling, making some money to furnish the home-nest, instead of doing the lovey-dovey. The kind of fellow that kicks about working overtime, that wants to spend his evenings reading trashy novels or spooning and exchanging a lot of nonsense and foolishness with some girl, he ain't the kind of upstanding, energetic young man, with a future—and with Vision!—that we want here. How about it? What's your Ideal, anyway? Do you want to make money and be a responsible member of the community, or do you want to be a loafer, with no Inspiration or Pep?”
ellauri112.html on line 710: In Tully, Marlo starts to see the kind of caretaker she wants to have, and their bondage becomes what keeps her going. As much as Tully turns into a super nanny, the real job she does is help return Marlo to a functioning hole person. With the aid of Tully, Marlo gets her love life back again, gets it each day, and kicks the postpartum depression to the curb. Should kick Drew there too maybe. Tully she cant kick without kicking herself in the ass.
ellauri338.html on line 147: Muita näkökohtia. One of her brothers violently kicks a frightened dog while cracking a nut.
ellauri392.html on line 441: Larking up kicks. So do most poets
ellauri392.html on line 540: I like larking up kicks myself