“Rabindranath only became a temporary craze, but never a serious literary figure in the Western scene. He was intrinsically an outsider to the contemporary literary tradition of the West, and after a short, misunderstood visit to the heart of the West, he again became an outsider.”
ellauri097.html on line 161: [Physicists] have, in late years, made a great deal of progress, though it has been accompanied by a considerable quackery. Some of the notions which they now try to foist upon the world, especially in the astronomical realm and about the atom, are obviously nonsensical, and will soon go the way of all unsupported speculations. But there is nothing intrinsically insoluble about the problems they mainly struggle with, and soon or late really competent physicists will arise to solve them. These really competent physicists, I predict, will be too busy in their laboratories to give any time to either metaphysics or theology. Both are eternal enemies of every variety of sound thinking, and no man can traffic with them without losing something of his good judgment.
ellauri108.html on line 98: From its origins, Rastafari was intrinsically linked with Haile Selassie, the Emperor of Ethiopia from 1930 to 1974. He remains the central figure in Rastafari ideology, and although all Rastas hold him in esteem, precise interpretations of his identity differ. Understandings of how Haile Selassie relates to Jesus vary among Rastas. Many, although not all, believe that the Ethiopian monarch was the Second Coming of Jesus, legitimising this by reference to their interpretation of the nineteenth chapter of the Book of Revelation. By viewing Haile Selassie as Jesus, these Rastas also regard him as the messiah prophesied in the Old Testament, the manifestation of God in human form, and "the living God". Some perceive him as part of a Trinity, alongside God as Creator and the Holy Spirit, the latter referred to as "the Breath within the temple". Rastas who view Haile Selassie as Jesus argue that both were descendants from the royal line of the Biblical king David, while Rastas also emphasise the fact that the Makonnen dynasty, of which Haile Selassie was a member, claimed descent from the Biblical figures Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.
ellauri144.html on line 690: homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered [Persona Humana 8]. They are contrary
ellauri285.html on line 236: In contemporary moral philosophy, motivational internalism (or moral internalism) is the view that moral convictions (which are not necessarily beliefs, but feelings of moral approval or disapproval) are intrinsically motivating. Niitä on ihan pakko totella tai on sekopää, tai vaikka olisikin.
ellauri331.html on line 99: Marketer Seth Godin has used the phrase "Purple Cow" for the concept of marketing a product as "intrinsically different" in his book, Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable."
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 618: While the cherry blossom is the flower that most people associate with Japan, the chrysanthemum, or kikuli, is more intrinsically linked to the country’s culture and history. Enid Blytonin Fabulous Fiven Dick on nimetty uudelleen Prickixi, koska Dick on nyttemmin yxinomaan kikuli.
xxx/ellauri416.html on line 419: "Lähteen" tärkein monoliitti muistutti vähän tappipäistä human penistä. Sixi se oli pääjumala, nimeltänsä El. Omaxi kuvaxensa hän loi hänet, nuppipääxi kyrväxi. Tärkeämpi kuitenkin oli Asera, runsasrintainen hedelmällisyyden jumalatar, jota ilman El kykeni vain vetämään kuivia. Esikoiset nakataan Moolokin kitaan koirankakkapussien perässä. Että osaa olla pelleä. Mostly sons of poor families or otherwise defective. FUCK! and KILL! pervaded his thinking as it does all Israel. Vitun rituaaleja. Kaikki rituaalit on pepusta. IDF ja sen liekinheittimet tekee selvän filistiinien poikavauvoista. Mutta ainokaisen pojan uhraus on sinänsä aivan okei, sittemmin nuppinsa menettänyt El menetteli juuri samalla tavalla. Varsinainen synti on palvoa jotain lörppävittua. Sillä se johtaa lopulta tollaseen kupariseen kierukkaan ja lapsettomaan pornoon somessa. Sellanen ei kerta kaikkiaan käy! Panon tarkoitus on panna paxuxi, ei siinä naaraiden mieltä kysytä! Anything that increases population is intrinsically good.