ellauri048.html on line 740: Bellow makes a distinction between "young Saul", the Marxist and rebel, and "old Saul", the famous author and increasing reactionary. Young Saul was his son's ally and encourager; old Saul was "buried under pessimism, anger, bitterness, intolerance and preoccupations with evil and with his death".
ellauri107.html on line 250: Billy is first the victim of Claggart’s closet, one with similarities to the Roy Cohn and J. Edgar Hoover kinds that project self-loathing onto their targets. Vere’s condition, on the other hand, while containing degrees of benevolence, ultimately emerges as more deadly than Claggart’s. Associating his heart with his hated feminine side, Vere crushes down his capacity for love and compassion with a thoroughly brutal, Night-of-the-Long-Knives sort of intolerance. He, who would never have initiated Billy’s demise, will not permit his own ardor to soften his inflexible judgment, as that would evidently equate with irresolution and weakness. After all, he might rationalize, he is the Captain and the Captain has an image to uphold – right? Forget justice; forget humane treatment; maintaining machismo holds precedence over all! And the tragic result: mindless, meaningless, totally unnecessary suffering and loss on the altar of nothing less than evil itself!
ellauri196.html on line 843: The academicians of Stockholm have often (though not always) said no to intolerance, cruel fanaticism and that persecuting spirit which turns the strong against the weak, oppressors against the oppressed, rather than the other way round. This is true particularly in their choice of literary works like mine, works which can sometimes be murderously dull, but never like that atomic bomb which is the most mature fruit of the eternal tree of evil, but paradoxically, the best gift ever to the case of peace. It kept Europeans from murdering each other for almost 100 years.
ellauri213.html on line 208: Plans – advance planning may lead to increased anxiety as the time/date for ‘the plan’ nears, but equally the intolerance of uncertainty that is a key factor in PDA may make ‘spur of the moment’ activities tricky …
ellauri213.html on line 218: Uncertainty – research from Newcastle University showed that intolerance of uncertainty is a significant factor in PDA, with PDA autistics needing to know and feel in control of what’s going on
ellauri222.html on line 247: Greg makes a distinction between "young Saul", the Marxist and rebel, and "old Saul", the famous author and increasing reactionary. Old Saul was "buried under pessimism, anger, bitterness, intolerance and preoccupations with evil and with his death".
ellauri262.html on line 617: “It was an attack on how people hold religious beliefs, an attack on what I would call intolerance and narrow mindedness.”
ellauri324.html on line 272: There will then be a chip that can do everything i mentioned before however this will be implanted within you and the idea will be that its safe secure trendy and it makes you like a GOD! celebrities professors of high institutions law enforcement CEOS etc will all have this making it more intriguing to the masses. In a short amount of time this will edge out physical currency however people will have an option. When enough people have accepted this IT WILL BECOME MANDATORY YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO BUY OR SELL, TRAVEL OR WORK, TAKE THE BUS THE TRAIN EAT AT RESTAURANTS OR EVEN APPLY TO SCHOOLS OR WORK JOBS. Within your schools and hospitals and workplaces your bosses and teachers will make this mandatory and you will have to comply before you end up in jail or confinement. At this point you will have to either leave and take up whatever supplies you have or join people who are like minded in not conforming to the technological abomination. People at this time will be very sick and people in America have been getting more sick with food pollution stress fatigue etc they will rely on the system for their medication with heart and organ failures depression and psychosis tumors and boils that will seem to have no cure. People who rely on the system will have a harder time withdrawing from it. Addictions food intolerances vaccine epidemics and malnutrition exhaustion fatigue depression and violence will be on the rise to a point where they could and want to call for martial law.
ellauri381.html on line 130: Ukrainian nationalism emerged as an ideology in the first third of the 20th century and bears a close resemblance to German Nazism and a number of other far-right ideologies of the time. This is attested to by its extreme intolerance, its craving for immediate political action, violence, and the denial of rights to minorities.
ellauri424.html on line 167: 2022: Yeah, naive me in 2014 thought there was no need to change my rating of this book. But that was then and this is now, and Lukyanenko is allowed to have his opinions (http://file770.com/sergei-lukianenko-...) and I am allowed to have mine. And mine is — the thoughts of the books by this author make bile rise in my throat and a wave of nausea to start. Because his books no longer stand separate from his politics as those politics put all those little snippets of intolerance throughout them into a sharper, clearer relief, really changing how I see them now.
ellauri424.html on line 227: Overall, I liked this book. Yes, it is nowhere near perfect. Yes, there are bits of intolerance that spoil the overall picture and yet do not surprise me, a child of a post-Soviet country. But it was fun, and sad, and had just enough moral rumination to appear to my inner Russianism, and for all that I recommend it and give it 4 stars.
xxx/ellauri059.html on line 342: Shakespeare is not necessarily judging him for his religious belief but demonstrating intolerance in both religions. Shylock refuses to eat with the Christians:
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 169: For this belief in the truth of one religion and the falsity of the others leads to inevitable conflict between the believer and the unbeliever, the chosen and the rejected, the saved and the damned. Here lie the seeds of intolerance and violence. Three gods say they are the only one. At least two of them must be wrong. Maybe all.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 257: Le Guin refused a Nebula Award for her story "The Diary of the Rose" in 1977, in protest at the Science Fiction Writers of America's revocation of Stanisław Lem's membership. Le Guin attributed the revocation to Lem's criticism of American science fiction and willingness to live in the Eastern Bloc, and said she felt reluctant to receive an award "for a story about political intolerance from a group that had just displayed political intolerance".
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 473: Actually, Arabs, Brezhnevian soviets and modern Western conservatives have a great deal in common. They're all obsessed with a distant yet glorious past which they feel entitles them to respect merely for who they are, regardless of how little they've achieved recently. They have the same religious intolerance, the same contempt for the life of the mind. They all have the same vicious response when thwarted, and the same sense that they're losing the greater battle and are, willingly or not, on their way out the door.