ellauri002.html on line 70: John Dowland (1563 – 1626) was an English Renaissance composer, lutenist, and singer. He is best known today for his melancholy songs such as "Come, heavy sleep", "Come again", "Flow my tears", "I saw my Lady weepe" and "In darkness let me dwell", but his instrumental music has undergone a major revival, and with the 20th century's early music revival, has been a continuing source of repertoire for lutenists and classical guitarists.
ellauri014.html on line 1455: Rikkaista ei voi tulla valtalajia, tietystikkään, niinkuin ei kaikki autokuskit voi olla keskimääräistä parempia ajajia. Vain hölmöt lisääntyvät liikaa ja köyhtyy samalla. Hölmöjen osuus geenipuulissa ei ole ainakaan vähenemään päin. Varmaan sixikin omaisuus kasaantuu yhä harvemmille. Ei siltikään aina samoille. Mammonalla ei oo kestosuosikkeja. Se kaipaa versatiileja rahoitusinstrumentteja, yhä uusia ideoita, taloudellisen toimeliaisuuden haaroja.
ellauri018.html on line 983: Keskiajalta peräisin oleva imaami al-Misrin sharia-lakikirja Reliance of the Traveller kertoo, että väliintulossa on kahdeksan tasoa. Ensimmäinen on rikkomuksen luotettava todistaminen, viides aste on jo käsiksi käyminen esimerkiksi rikkomalla luvattomat musiikki-instrumentit, seitsemäs aste on lyöminen ja potkiminen, ja kahdeksas aste aseiden käyttö, mikä merkitsee synnintekijän tappamista.
ellauri024.html on line 1222: ja instrumentaalisten käsitteiden välisiä suhteita.

ellauri025.html on line 752: Being in a band called The Disciples, taas. Nyt on jo luettava Wikipediaa. The Disciples are a dub roots reggae group that was formed in 1986 by brothers Russ D. and Lol Bell-Brown. They are said to be named by Jah Shaka after producing exclusively for Jah Shaka. They recorded 4 albums of instrumental dub for Jah Shaka's King Of The Zulu Tribe label during 1987 to 1990. Jotain neekereitä siis. Never heard.
ellauri031.html on line 695: Hämmentävän vähän on Kaarlon muistelmissa ihmisiä, muita kuin noita perkeleitä ja enkeleitä, raamattuotteluiden satunnaisia pelitovereita ja vastapelureita. Loppupuolella tulee joitakin ihmeparantumisia, mutta aika instrumentaalisen kliinisesti käydään niittenkin keissit läpitte. Ihan sama todistamisen maku kuin evankeliumeissa. Ihmiset on vaan esimerkkejä. Onko tää nyt tosi kristittyjen meininki? Niin se varmaan just on. Me ollaan numeroita, lampaita herran katraassa, herra komentaa jako kahteen, lampaat tänne, tonne viiden metrin päähän pukit.
ellauri051.html on line 435: O trumpeter! methinks I am myself the instrument thou playest! 50 Hoi trumppifetisisti! must tuntuu että mä oon se soitettava soitin!
ellauri061.html on line 1472: Kun äitini katosi puolukkareissulla Perunkajärvellä, helpotuin. Mieleeni palasivat tilanteet, joissa hän katseli pää ivallisesti kallellaan minua ja påivitteli, miten hänen pojastaan oli tullut niin kuuluisa, etta sita haastateltiin Annaan. Hän olisi kyllä pitänyt parempana, että minusta ei olisi otettu kuvaa siinä vanhassa poplarissa, koska minä näytin siinä niin lihavalta. Mutta niinhän sie năytät kaikissa takeissa, hän keksi ja kaakatti lakähtymäisillään. Vitsi, vitsi, hän tökki minua ja hymyili ymmärtäväisesti kulloisellekin kahvivieraalle, joka hämmentyneenä yritti katsoa kaikkialle paitsi minuun. Aiti oli mielestään taiteellinen. Hän ei osannut laulaa, maalata, säveltää, näytellä näyttämömielessä, soittaa instrumenttia eikä kirjoittaa, mutta hän oli sielultaan taiteellinen. Se ilmeni siten, että hän saattoi mină hetkenä hyvänsä ponnahtaa sohvalta ja kiljaista, että keitetäänpä kahvit. Tunnin päästä hän meni uudestaan keittiöön ja palasi sieltä ilmoittamaan että hän oli keittänyt kahvit ja aivan unohtanut sen. Se osoitti että hän on taiteellinen luonne. Kun hän huomautti, että televisiossa esiintyvä laulaja oli vanha ja lihava, mauttomassa meikissä, naimisissa itseään kaksikymmentä vuotta nuoremman miehen kanssa ja nuottikorvaton, niin hän tarkoiti, ettl hän ihailee laulajaa. joka tästä kaikesta huolimatta urheasti esiintyy televisiossa. Kyllä täytyy kunnioittaa. Näita laulajia oli paljon. Jokainen nainen oli hänen kilpailijansa, fiktiiviset hahmot myös. Aidin elämän täytti ihmisten painon tarkkailu ja kahvi. Hän huomautti pankin kassanaiselle tämän kaljuuntunmisesta vai siksi, että hän oli rehellinen. Kaikkihan näkivät sen. Hän ei koskaan pyytänyt anteeksi. Luultavasti hän olisi pyytänyt, jos hän olisi joskus ollut väärssä. Han oli kateellinen minulle niinsanotusta menestyksestäni ja julkisuudestani. Luulin äitien olevan kyvyttömiä niin tuntemaan. Kun hän kuoli, hän pääsi ensimmäisen kerran elämässään lehtiin. Sitten pimeys.
ellauri074.html on line 253: Hugh Michael Jackman is an Australian actor, singer, multi-instrumentalist, dancer and producer. Jackman has won international recognition for his roles in major films, notably as superhero, period, and romance characters. He is best known for his long-running role as Wolverine in the X-Men film series, as well as for his lead roles in the...
ellauri080.html on line 715: Every episode begins with a camera's-eye view of a model of a neighborhood, then panning in closer to a representation of a house to the music of a piano instrumental of the theme song, "Won't You be My Neighbor?".
ellauri083.html on line 344: It follows a team of doctors and support staff stationed at the "4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital" in Uijeongbu, South Korea, during the Korean War (1950–53). The show's title sequence features an instrumental-only version of "Suicide Is Painless," the original film's theme song.
ellauri093.html on line 197: Their support text is from 1 Corinthians 15:33, "Do not be deceived: evil communications corrupt good table manners." Among other distinctions, the Gospel Halls would generally not use musical instruments in their services, whereas many Chapels use them and may have singing groups, choirs, "worship teams" of musicians, etc. The Gospel Halls tend to be more conservative in dress; women do not wear trousers in meetings and always have their heads covered, while in most Chapels women may wear whatever they wish, including nothing, though modesty in dress serves as a guideline, and many may continue the Orde Wingate tradition of wearing a shower cap for head covering if nothing else. Open Brethren churches are all independent, self-governing, local congregations with no central headquarters, although there are a number of seminaries, missions agencies, and publications that are widely supported by Brethren churches and which help to maintain a high degree of communication among them.
ellauri094.html on line 762: So just as we learn music, we cannot become better without practice and experience of music on our instrument of choice (mine is the Jewish Harp, quite popular by the rivers of Babylon). Your confession that you found prayer to be irrelevant is the same as a man banging a child on a piano and then giving up because all the banging just produced noise. You need to be taught how to pray by someone who knows how and then you need to practice, practice, practice for the rest of your life. And still you don't get a hole in one every time, I don't. Although I was trained to pray by various Catholic priests who pray for a living. Prayer professionals who get paid for it. No fucking amateurs like you. By now I find the hole usually quite easily, and can get it in after a few putts with a little help from my priestly friend.
ellauri100.html on line 85: Klezmer (Yiddish: קלעזמער ‎) is an instrumental musical tradition of the Ashkenazi Jews of Central and Eastern Europe. The essential elements of the tradition include dance tunes, ritual melodies, and virtuosic improvisations played for listening; these would have been played at weddings and other social functions. After the destruction of Jews in Eastern Europe during the Holocaust, there was a general fall in the popularity of klezmer. The term klezmer comes from a combination of Hebrew words: klei, meaning "tools, utensils or instruments of" and zemer, "melody"; leading to k´lei zemer כְּלֵי זֶמֶר‎, literally "instruments of music" or "musical instruments". Originally, klezmer referred to musical instruments, and was later extended to refer, as a pejorative, to musicians themselves. From the 16th to 18th centuries, it replaced older terms such as leyts (clown). It was not until the late 20th century that the word came to identify a musical genre. Early 20th century recordings and writings most often refer to the style as "Yiddish" music, although it is also sometimes called Freilech music (Yiddish, literally "Happy music").
ellauri100.html on line 321: What does that have to do with my final rejection of “liberalism” and turn toward libertarianism? When government intervenes in economic and social affairs, its interventions are based on crude “measures of effectiveness” (e.g., eliminating poverty and racial discrimination) without considering the intricacies of economic and social interactions. Governmental interventions are — and will always be — blunt instruments, the use of which will have unforeseen, unintended, and strongly negative consequences (e.g., the cycle of dependency on welfare, the inhibition of growth-producing capital investments). I then began to doubt the wisdom of having any more government than is necessary to protect me and my fellow Americans from foreign and domestic predators. My later experiences in the private sector and as a government contractor confirmed my view that professors, politicians, and bureaucrats who presume to interfere in the workings of the economy are naïve, power-hungry, or (usually) both. Oh I hated those M.I.T. professors. So smug, thought they knew everything.
ellauri101.html on line 239: Noniin, takaisin Greimasin satukaavaan. Heimut sehän on suoraan mun omasta TMAD-kässäristä tuttu faktitiivisuuden kaava jossa yhden transitiivisen tapahtuman aiheuttajana on toinen välitys. Siinä perussiirrossa siirtyy joku objekti eli esine joltain lähteeltä jollekin kohteelle. Faktitiiviosassa joku lähettäjä lähettää matkaan tekijän joka saa aikaan ton sisennetyn tapahtuman jonkun vastaanottajan hyväxi. Siziinä voi olla vielä tämmönen avustajaosa tai instrumentaalinen tapahtuma jossa joku avustaja avustaa tota tekijää ja kenties vielä yxi jossa joku vastaustaja vastustaa sitä, jotta saadaan nollasummapeliä.
ellauri105.html on line 100: In many ways, there was a notable convergence in how Democrats and Republicans saw Biden’s speech: as a breathtakingly ambitious set of proposals to use government as an instrument of social and economic transformation—an unabashed progressive platform unseen from a President in my lifetime. Republicans hated it; Democrats, for the most part, loved it.
ellauri108.html on line 166: The bass-line of Rasta music is provided by the akete, a three-drum set, which is accompanied by percussion instruments like rattles and tambourines. A syncopated rhythm is then provided by the fundeh drum. In addition, a peta drum improvises over the rhythm. The different components of the music are regarded as displaying different symbolism; the bassline symbolises blows against Babylon, while the lighter beats denote hope for the future.
ellauri108.html on line 214: Rastafari's main appeal was among the lower classes of Jamaican society. For its first thirty years, Rastafari was in a conflictual relationship with the Jamaican authorities. Jamaica's Rastas expressed contempt for many aspects of the island's society, viewing the government, police, bureaucracy, professional classes, and established churches as instruments of Babylon. Relations between practitioners and the police were strained, with Rastas often being arrested for cannabis possession. During the 1950s the movement grew rapidly in Jamaica itself and also spread to other Caribbean islands, the United States, and the United Kingdom.
ellauri111.html on line 610: 13 Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.
ellauri111.html on line 677: You can also order a hymn book from us. I have The New National Baptist Hymnal (Published in 1977 with KJV readings [Note: This website makes no money for any of these recommendations or links]. I am not a Baptist or any other name/denomination found outside of the Authorized King James Bible). I also have another hymnal entitled, Praise! Our Songs and Hymns (KJV) (always get KJV materials. KJV stands for "King James Version." Don't get "New" King James Version (NKJV) or "NIV"--these are two of many counterfeit Bibles.) Hymnals include the musical notes and lyrics. If you can play an instrument, you can learn many songs. We should think about the words of the various hymns to see if they are based on the Bible or not. Don't use jew´s harp, kazoo or electric guitar, however. Or comb and toilet paper either, that would be blasphemy.
ellauri115.html on line 492: Mut hei, kuka mä oon? Mikä oikeus mulla on päättää mitään? Mikä ratkaisee mun kannanotot? Jos ne on väistämättömiä, jos ne johtuu mun saamista vaikutelmista, enxmä tuhlaa voimiani sellasissa tutkimuxissa; ne toteutuisi ilman mun puuttumista asiaan. Mun täytyy six ekana kääntää silmät kohti omaa napaa ja tutustua instrumenttiin jota aion käyttää, ja selvittää miten pitkälle se on luotettava. [Tää on nyt vähän toistoa toiselta idealistilta Cartesiuxelta, koittakaa jaxaa kuunnella...]
ellauri115.html on line 649: Uskoisitko ehkä, hyvä ystävä, että näistä synkistä aatteista ja näennäisistä ristiriidoista sukeusi mun mielessäni sublimoitu idea sielusta, jota mun ezintä ei tähän saakka ollut honannut? Kun ma mietiskelin miehen luonnetta, musta näytti että siinä on 2 eri periaatetta; 1 nosti sen etutkimaan ikuisia totuuxia, oikeuden rakkautta, ja totta moraliteettia, sellaisiin maanosiin joita viisaat tykkäävät miettiä; toinen vei sen alaspäin omaan napaansa, teki siitä aistiensa orjan, ja himojen jotka on niiden instrumentteja, ja siten vastusti kaikkea mitä edellinen periaate vinkkasi. Kun mä tunsin lähteväni kiidulle, näiden vastakkaisten motiivien kannattelemana, mä sanoin, Ei; mies ei ole 1, mä tahon ja mä en halua; mä tunne izeni samalla kertaa orjaxi ja vapaaxi miehexi; mä havaizen mikä on oikein, mä rakastan sitä, mut mä teen mikä on väärin [tän mä förbin Paavalita, sori Paavali]; mä oon aktiivinen kun mä kuuntelen järjen ääntä; mä on passiivinen kun passiohedelmät tempaavat mut mukaansa; ja kun mä annan perixi, mun suurin tuska on että mä olisin ehkä voinut vastustaa. [Muze ei ois ollut kivaa.]
ellauri115.html on line 752: Mun lapsi! Jospa jonakin päivänä tuntisit mikä taakka poistuu kun, stikun sä oot luodannut ihmisajatusten turhuuden ja maistanut hapanta passiohedelmää, löydät lopulta ihan käden ulottuvilta viisauden kinttupolun, tämän elämän pakkotyön palkkion, sen onnen lähteen jota et uskonut löytäväsi. JOkainen luonnonlain velvollisuus, jonka miehen vääryys oli melkein hinkannut pois mun sydämmestä, on kaiverrettu sinne, toisen kerran sen ikuisen oikeuden tähden joka panee mulle nää verot ja kazoo miten mä maxan ne. Mä tunnen izeni vaan Lujaapierevän instrumentixi, joka haluaa hyvää, joka esittää sitä, joka tekee juttuja mun omaxi hyväxi kunhan mä jelpin sitä, ja käytän näennäistä vapauttani oikein. Mä alistun sen järjestämään järjestyxeen, varmana että yx päivä mä vielä nautin siitä ja löydän siitä onneni; sillä mitä makeampaa iloa on kuin tää, et tuntee olevansa ratas kellossa missä kaikki toimii kuin hieno sveiziläinen kronometri? Kivun saalinakin kestän sen kärsivällisesti muitaen, että se loppuu pian, ja että se tulee ruumiista joka ei edes ole mun. Life is hard and then you die. Jos mä teen salaa jonkun hyvän työn, mä tiedän et partiojohtaja näkee sen, ja mun käytös tässä maailmassa on etumaxua tulevaan. Kunmä kärsin epäoikeutta, mä sanon izelleni, että Lujaapierevä joka tekeee kaiken oikein palkizee muzit myöhemmin; mun kivulias tarpeenteko, mun köyhyys, tekee vaan kuolemasta vähemmän sietämättömän. Sen vähemmän on siteitä katkottavana kun mun vuoronumero tulee nahkurin orrelle.
ellauri135.html on line 139: Konsta vietti rattoisaa kesälomaa Jekaterina-vaimon ja 7-vuotiaan pojan kaa Bogovon kylässä vuonna 1924. Samana vuonna Pirkko täytti 2 ja Calle 1, Kalle Viänänen julkaisi teoxen Savolaista sanarrieskoo, ja the renowned klezmer clarinetist and self-proclaimed “King of Jewish music” Naftule Brandwein recorded a purely instrumental version with the title “Der Terk in America” laulusta Uskadaaraa.
ellauri141.html on line 800: Dag Hammarskjöld was committed to the arts. Though temperamentally a loner, and introvert, and a bachelor throughout his life (oliko se homo? Det finns inga bevis för att Dag Hammarskjöld var homosexuell. Misstankar verkar dock ha funnits: Eftersom han levde ensam började rykten spridas om att han skulle vara homosexuell och hans motståndare använde detta för att smutskasta honom), he would invite intellectuals and artists, the best of New York’s bohemia, to his Upper East Side apartment where he kept a pet, an African monkey called Greenback. People he invited to his generous dinners included the poet Carl Sandburg, the novelist John Steinbeck, the poet WH Auden, the diplomat George Kennan. Auden was the translator of Hammarskjöld’s posthumously published book of observations, ideas and poems called Waymarks. Hammarskjöld used his influence to get the poet Ezra Pound out of mental hospital. Back in Sweden, he inherited his father’s chair at the Swedish academy when the man died in 1953. The Swedish academy is the body that awards the Nobel Prize in literature. Hammarskjöld was instrumental in getting the rather obscure but doubtless brilliant French poet Saint John Perse his Nobel prize in 1960. He would sketch out the arguments for Perse’s candidacy during translation breaks at UN Security Council meetings.
ellauri144.html on line 531: Dilation and curettage (D&C) is a brief surgical procedure in which the cervix is dilated and a special instrument is used to scrape the uterine lining. Knowing what to expect before, during, and... Sehän on kaavinta! Sillä Philip Roth pääsi eroon esikoisesta, joka lähti kasvamaan kun Maggi ei tullut laittaneexi pessaaria. Keskimmäinen oli pelkkä huijaus. Kuopusta ei sitten tullutkaan.
ellauri152.html on line 555: Haman had 365 counselors, 1/day, but the advice of none was so good as that of his wife, Zeresh. She induced Haman to build a tree for Mordechai, assuring him that this was the only way in which he would be able to prevail over his enemy, for hitherto the just had always been rescued from every other kind of death. As God foresaw that Haman himself would be hanged on some tree, He asked which tree would volunteer to serve as the instrument of death. Each tree, declaring that it was used for some holy purpose, objected to being soiled by the unclean body of Haman. Only the thorn-tree could find no excuse, and therefore offered itself for a tree (Esther Rabbah 9; Midrash Abba Gorion 7 (ed. Buber, Wilna, 1886); in Targum Sheni this is narrated somewhat differently).
ellauri160.html on line 158: Ford Madox Ford (né Joseph Leopold Ford Hermann Madox Hueffer (/ˈhɛfər/ December 1873 – 26 June 1939) was an English novelist, poet, critic and editor whose journals The English Review and The Transatlantic Review were instrumental in the development of early 20th-century English and American literature.
ellauri164.html on line 498: So, now, what can we learn from Moses’ life? Moses’ life is generally broken down into three 40-year periods. The first is his life in the court of Pharaoh. As the adopted son of Pharaoh’s daughter, Moses would have had all the perks and privileges of a prince of Egypt. He was instructed “in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and he was mighty in his words and deeds” (Acts 7:22). As the plight of the Hebrews began to disturb his soul, Moses took it upon himself to be the savior of his people. As Stephen says before the Jewish ruling council, “[Moses] supposed that his brothers would understand that God was giving them salvation by his hand” (Acts 7:25). From this incident, we learn that Moses was a man of action as well as a man possessed of a hot temper and prone to rash actions. Did God want to save His people? Yes. Did God want to use Moses as His chosen instrument of salvation? Yes. But Moses, whether or not he was truly cognizant of his role in the salvation of the Hebrew people, acted rashly and impetuously. He tried to do in his timing what God wanted done in His timing. The lesson for us is obvious: we must be acutely aware of not only doing God’s will, but doing God’s will in His timing, not ours. As is the case with so many other biblical examples, when we attempt to do God’s will in our timing, we make a bigger mess than originally existed.
ellauri164.html on line 500: Moses needed time to grow and mature and learn to be meek and eat humble pie before God, and this brings us to the next chapter in Moses’ life, his 40 years in the land of Midian. During this time, Moses learned the simple life of a shepherd, a husband, and a father. God took an impulsive and hot-tempered young man and began the process of molding and shaping him into the perfect instrument for God to use. What can we learn from this time in his life? If the first lesson is to wait on God’s timing, the second lesson is to not be idle while we wait on God’s timing. While the Bible doesn’t spend a lot of time on the details of this part of Moses’ life, it’s not as if Moses were sitting idly by waiting for God’s call. He spent the better part of 40 years learning the ways of a shepherd and supporting and raising a family. These are not trivial things! While we might long for the “mountain top” experiences with God, 99 percent of our lives is lived in the valley doing the mundane, day-to-day things that make up a life. We need to be living for God “in the valley” before He will enlist us into the battle. It is often in the seemingly trivial things of life that God trains and prepares us for His call in the next season.
ellauri164.html on line 583: The sins of good men, whose general deportment has been worthy of imitation, are peculiarly offensive to God. They cause Satan to triumph, and to taunt the angels of God with the failings of God's chosen instruments, and give the unrighteous occasion to lift themselves up against God. The Lord had Himself led Moses in a special manner, and had revealed to him His glory, as to no other upon the earth. He was naturally impatient, but had taken hold firmly of the grace of God and so humbly implored wisdom from heaven that he was strengthened from God and had overcome his impatience so that he was called of God the meekest man upon the face of the whole earth.
ellauri182.html on line 209: Cross-national epidemiological studies show that prevalence rates of common mental disorders (i.e. depression, anxiety disorders, and post traumatic ressi) vary considerably between countries, suggesting cultural differences. In order to gather evidence on how culture relates to the aetiology and phenomenology of mental disorders, finding meaningful empirical instruments for capturing the latent (i.e. non-visible) construct of 'culture' is vital. In this review, we suggest using value orientations for this purpose. We focus on Schwartz's value theory, which includes two levels of values: cultural and personal. We identified nine studies on personal values and four studies on cultural values and their relationship with common mental disorders. This relationship was assessed among very heterogeneous cultural groups; however, no consistent correlational pattern occurred. The most compelling evidence suggests that the relationship between personal values and mental disorders is moderated by the cultural context. Hence, assessing mere correlations between personal value orientations and self-reported symptoms of psychopathology, without taking into account the cultural context, does not yield meaningful results. This theoretical review reveals important research gaps: Most studies aimed to explain how values relate to the aetiology of mental disorders, whereas the question of phenomenology was largely neglected. Moreover, all included studies used Western instruments for assessing mental disorders, which may not capture culturally-specific phenomena of mental distress. Finding systematic relationships between values and mental disorders may contribute to making more informed hypotheses about how psychopathology is expressed under different cultural circumstances, and how to culturally adapt psychological interventions.
ellauri184.html on line 532: However, there were also many Jews, known as "Hellenizers", who viewed Hellenization and social integration of the Jewish people in the Greco-Roman world favourably, and pursued a completely different approach: accepting the Emperor´s decree and even making efforts to restore their foreskins to better assimilate into Hellenistic society. The latter approach was common during the reign of Antiochus, and again under Roman rule. The foreskin was restored by one of two methods, that were later revived in the late 20th century; both were described in detail by the Greek physician Aulus Cornelius Celsus in his comprehensive encyclopedic work De Medicina, written during the reign of Tiberius (14-37 CE). The surgical method involved freeing the skin covering the penis by dissection, and then pulling it forward over the glans; he also described a simpler surgical technique used on men whose prepuce is naturally insufficient to cover their glans. The second approach, known as "epispasm", was non-surgical: a restoration device which consisted of a special weight made of bronze, copper, or leather (sometimes called Pondus Judaeus, i. e. "Jewish burden"), was affixed to the penis, pulling its skin downward. Over time, a new foreskin was generated, or a short prepuce was lengthened, by means of tissue expansion. Martial also mentioned the instrument in Epigrammaton (Book 7:35).
ellauri194.html on line 764: For the Egyptian state to instrumentalize "human trafficking" charges to exert control over the expression & socioeconomic mobility of young women is deeply disturbing. There are real and serious cases of human trafficking that must be prosecuted--these TikTok cases are not it.
ellauri197.html on line 200: Carries a musical instrument. kantaa jotain soitinta.
ellauri198.html on line 650: In turn this influenced the pseudo-Medieval poetry of Thomas Chatterton. For example, in a poem about the Battle of Hastings he writes "some caught a slughorne and an onsett wounde" (Battle of Hastings ii.99), meaning "some picked up a slughorn and sounded a charge". A slughorn in this context appears to be some kind of trumpet. However, in a footnote to another usage of the word, Chatterton defines it as "not unlike a hautboy". The Medieval English word hautboy is the origin of the modern word oboe and has never referred to any instrument comparable to a trumpet. It is more like a faggot. Oh boy, haut-bois, puu pystyssä. Vitun pultti-bois.
ellauri206.html on line 236: Ulkopuolelle jäi vaan kiivaasti liikkuvat teräspakarat ja kiiwihedelmän kokoiset kiinteytyneet kassit. Ali kazoo päältä tätä kaikkea ja koittaa kädettää ilman käsiä. Rachel jäi soittelemaan kakkosviulua Alin alimittaisella instrumentilla.
ellauri210.html on line 709: Olin yllättynyt ja hämmästynyt; Savinio kohteli instrumenttiaan niin huonosti, että jokaisen kappaleen jälkeen kosketinsoittimesta jouduttiin puhdistamaan siruja ja puruja. Ennustan, että kahden vuoden sisällä hän on pannut päreixi kaikki Pariisin pianot. Savinio jatkaa sitten tuhoamaan jokaisen pianon universumissa, mikä voi olla todellinen vapautus.
ellauri219.html on line 548: Originating from India, the hookah is a tobacco-smoking instrument designed so that the smoke is filtered through a water basin before being inhaled. Its inclusion on the Sgt Pepper album cover is a nod to both George Harrison’s (No.65) love of India and John Lennon’s (No.62) love of Lewis Carroll (No.52), whose Caterpillar in Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland smokes a hookah.
ellauri219.html on line 572: Like the French horn, trumpet, cor anglais, and flute held by each of the individual Beatles (Nos.62, 63, 64, and 65), the tuba is a mainstay of brass band instrumentation.
ellauri223.html on line 159: Many aspects of the society and history of the island are described, such as the Christian religion – which is reported to have been born there as a copy of the Bible and a letter from the Apostle Saint Bartholomew arrived there miraculously, a few years after the Ascension of Jesus; a cultural feast in honour of the family institution, called "the Feast of the Family"; a college of sages, the Salomon's House, "the very eye of the kingdom", to which order "God of heaven and earth had vouchsafed the grace to know the works of Creation, and the secrets of them", as well as "to discern between divine miracles, works of nature, works of art, and other impostures and illusions of all sorts"; and a series of instruments, process and methods of scientific research that were employed in the island by the Salomon's House.
ellauri238.html on line 837: Wbrew powszechnej opinii nie zamieszkują go ani despoci, ani matkobójcy, ani także ci, którzy chodzá za ciałem innych. Jest to azyl artystów pełen luster, instrumentów i obrazów. Na pierwszy rzut oka najbardziej komfortowy oddział infernalny, bez smoły, ognia i tortur fizycznych.
ellauri238.html on line 863: According to Alter, Amichai’s early work bears a resemblance to the poetry of Thomas and Auden. “[Rainer Maria] Rilke,” wrote Alter, “is another informing presence for him, occasionally in matters of style—he has written vaguely Rilkesque elegies—but perhaps more as a model for using a language of here and now as an instrument to catch the glimmerings of a metaphysical beyond.” Kuulostaa pahalta.
ellauri241.html on line 701: Of powerful instruments the gorgeous dyes, voimakkaiden instrumenttien jännitteet, upeat värit,
ellauri254.html on line 803: Lunz was born in Saint Petersburg, the capital of the Russian Empire, into a middle-class Jewish family on May 2, 1901. His father, Natan Yakovlevich, an emigrant from Lithuania, was a pharmacist and seller of scientific instruments. His mother, Anna Efimovna, was an accomplished pianist. As a child, Lev was delicate but very lively; he contracted pneumonia and diphtheria, which may have weakened his heart.
ellauri274.html on line 861: 2:43:33 тически погашены хороший инструмент 2:43:33 lunastettu hyvä instrumentti
ellauri278.html on line 224: In 1933, Litvinov was instrumental in winning a long-sought formal diplomatic recognition of the Soviet government by the United States. US President Franklin Roosevelt sent comedian Harpo Marx to the Soviet Union as a goodwill ambassador. Isosetä Karl oli näät disponibiliteetissa. Litvinov and Marx became friends and performed a routine on stage together. Litvinov also facilitated the acceptance of the Soviet Union into the League of Nations, where he represented his country from 1934 to 1938. Litvinov has been considered to have concentrated on taking strong measures against Italy, Japan and Germany, and being little interested in other matters.
ellauri281.html on line 223: In 1933, Litvinov was instrumental in winning a long-sought formal diplomatic recognition of the Soviet government by the United States. US President Franklin Roosevelt sent comedian Harpo Marx to the Soviet Union as a goodwill ambassador. Isosetä Karl oli näät disponibiliteetissa. Litvinov and Marx became friends and performed a routine on stage together. Litvinov also facilitated the acceptance of the Soviet Union into the League of Nations, where he represented his country from 1934 to 1938. Litvinov has been considered to have concentrated on taking strong measures against Italy, Japan and Germany, and being little interested in other matters.
ellauri301.html on line 282: Henning kertoo videohaastattelussa nuoren Wallenbergin kuuloisella enkulla eze kazoi yhteiskunnan onkelmia skouden ja rofen näkökulmasta. Sen kirjat on kuin kreikkalaisia vuohisaarnoja, jotka oli krimisarjoja, joista vain skoudet puuttuivat. Eli kyllä krimit on yhtä hienoja kuin muutkin romaanit, leuka pystyyn vaan. Poliisit ois niikö Euripideen kuoro ja Wallenberg kuoronjohtaja. Mankelin sukulaiset soitti urkuja, Henningin instrumentixi tuli näppis, koska viulistina se oli second rate. My responsibility is to react. Yours is to buy and read.
ellauri311.html on line 662: instrument to fight Russia.

I think you forgot that Russia invaded
ellauri332.html on line 108: Elokuva ei ole teatterin jatke. Se on kolmiulotteinen taidemuoto, jossa aika, objektiivit ja kameran liike luovat tilallisen avaruuden ja jota ohjataan kokonaisvaltaisena prosessina, käyttäen keinoina muun muassa kaluston teknisiä ominaisuuksia sekä mahdollisuutta liikuttaa näyttelijöitä ja kuvaavaa instrumenttia – periaatteessa katsojaa. Elokuvan perusominaisuus on, että kameran voi viedä minne vain ja se voi kuvata mitä vain, mutta sillä ei ole järkeä, tahtoa tai tunteita. Elokuvaohjaajan on ohjattava elokuvaajaa, joka käyttää kameraa tallettamaan esityksen, joka ohjataan kameran eteen. Ja kuvata otos yhä uudelleen, kunnes se onnistuu, jolloin on sen kuvan ensi-ilta. Hyväksytyistä otoista kootaan elokuva. Elokuvaohjaajan pitää olla katsojan edustaja.
ellauri341.html on line 338: Die britische Mandatsverwaltung Palästinas verlangte von den Einwanderungswilligen ein Einwanderungszertifikat (Kapitalistenzertifikat) und, damit verbunden, den Nachweis finanzieller Mittel (so genanntes Vorzeigegeld) in Höhe von 1.000 £P pro Kopf, was etwa 8.000 ℛℳ entsprach. Nach den deutschen Devisenbestimmungen – der Reichsfluchtsteuer beschlossen 1931 im Zuge der Weltwirtschaftskrise, offiziell zur Eindämmung von Kapitalflucht bzw. Devisenspekulation, ab 1933 aber instrumentalisiert, um Vermögen auswandernder vor allem jüdischer Deutscher per Steuer zu konfiszieren – wurden von Auslandsüberweisungen hohe Abschläge einbehalten.
ellauri347.html on line 588: Ruotsalainen Abba-yhtye esitti sävelmää instrumenttiversiona viimeisen konserttikiertueensa aikana 1979–1980.
ellauri353.html on line 279: Milton Friedman is widely regarded as the leader of the Chicago school. Of monetary economics. Stresses the importance of the quantity of money. As an instrument of government policy. Terminated. A business cycles and inflation. After graduating in one nine hundred thirty two with a Bachelor of Arts from Rutgers. He received graduate degree. From the University of Chicago. And Columbia University. Since one thousand nine hundred seventy seven. Professor print. Has been a senior research fellow at the Hoover Institution. Homeless or University Professor Friedman received the one nine hundred seventy six Nobel Prize for ECT. That's. In addition to his scientific work. Professor Friedman has written extensively on public policy. Always with primary emphasis on the preservation and extension of. Individual freedoms. In his most important works in this area. Perhaps an ever. The important area. Is life. He has collaborated by. Roads. An accomplished. Economist in her own right. Together they wrote. Capitalism and Freedom. Free to choose. And tyranny of the status quo. Free to choose and tyranny of the status quo later rip it into a T.V. series of the same names that were shown over the public. Public Broadcast stations.
ellauri353.html on line 423: Tarkkailtuaan useita tunteja vihollisen liikkeitä Budyonny päättää hyökätä yhden saattueen kimppuun. Metsästä tullessa äkillisessä hyökkäyksessä ryhmä hyökkäsi kahdella raskaalla konekiväärillä aseistetun saattajakomppanian kimppuun ja riisui sen aseista. Kaksi vastustanutta poliisia hakkeroitiin kuoliaaksi. Yhteensä vangittiin noin kaksisataa vankia, mukaan lukien kaksi upseeria, kärryt eri järjestelmien revolvereilla, kärry kirurgisilla instrumenteilla ja kolmekymmentäviisi kärryä lämpimillä talviasuilla. Ryhmän uhreista kaksi kuoli. Siihen mennessä divisioona oli onnistunut vetäytymään kauas, ja joukkue ja saattue tavoittivat yksikkönsä kolmantena päivänä. Tästä saavutuksesta koko joukkue (ja myös Sokolovin johtama toinen joukkue) palkittiin Pyhän Yrjön risteillä ja mitaleilla.
ellauri368.html on line 291: "In those days no lamentation is heard, sorrow and grief take to flight. No one asks for anything but plenty of wine and food. No sound is heard but that of stringed instrument and pipes, timbels, harps and psalteries .... The wise man is sought in those days, but he is not there; the prudent
ellauri386.html on line 544:
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 424: The melody was imported to North America in the 1920s. The renowned klezmer clarinetist and self-proclaimed “King of Jewish music” Naftule Brandwein recorded a purely instrumental version with the title “Der Terk in America” in 1924. Brandwein was born in Peremyshliany (Polish Galicia, now Ukraine) and emigrated to the US in 1909 where he had a very successful career in the early 1920s.
xxx/ellauri076.html on line 127: The group's work included Kajanus' invention the Nickelodeon, a musical instrument made of pianos, synthesisers and glockenspiels that allowed the four-piece band to reproduce on stage the acoustic arrangements that they had done in the recording studio.
xxx/ellauri081.html on line 513: Benny was born Benjamin Kubelsky in Chicago on February 14, 1894, and grew up in nearby Waukegan. He was the son of Jewish immigrants Meyer Kubelsky (1864–1946) and Emma Sachs Kubelsky (1869–1917), sometimes called "Naomi". Meyer was a saloon owner and later a haberdasher who had emigrated to America from Poland. Emma had emigrated from Lithuania. Benny began studying violin, an instrument that became his trademark, at the age of 6, his parents hoping for him to become a professional violinist. He loved the instrument, but hated practice. His music teacher was Otto Graham Sr., a neighbor and father of football player Otto Graham. At 14, Benny was playing in dance bands and his high school orchestra. He was a dreamer and poor at his studies, and was ultimately expelled from high school. He later did poorly in business school and at attempts to join his father´s business. In 1911, he began playing the violin in local vaudeville theaters for $7.50 a week (about $210 in 2020 dollars). He was joined on the circuit by Ned Miller, a young composer and singer.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 106: If it is a surprise to learn that Lawrence originally conceived of Women in Love as a money-making pot-boiler, it comes as an endearing shock to read that James Joyce submitted some of his early work to the firm of Mills and Boon. There is no record of the reader’s report, beyond the fact that he rejected Dubliners as unsuitable material for the unique imprint of that publishing house. For his part, Lawrence had no doubt that the author of Ulysses was the real smutmonger of modern fiction. ‘My God, what a clumsy olla putrida James Joyce is!’, he wrote to Aldous Huxley, ‘nothing but old fags and cabbage-stumps of quotations from the Bible and the rest stewed in the juice of deliberate journalistic dirty-mindedness.’ To his wife Frieda he wrote, after reading Ulysses, that ‘the last part of it is the dirtiest, most indecent, obscene thing ever written’; and he later complained that Joyce had degraded the novel to the level of an instrument for measuring twinges in the toes of unremarkable men. Joyce’s reply to the charge that he was just another pornographer doing dirt on sex was to claim that at least he had never made the subject predictable or boring. He denounced Lady Chatterbox’s Lover — his title for Lawrence’s notorious novel — as a ‘lush’ production in ‘sloppy English’ and dismissed its ending as ‘a piece of propaganda in favour of something which, outside of DHL’s country at any rate, makes all the propaganda for itself’. It is a minor irony of literary history that both men were married at Kensington Register Office in London, although, unlike Lawrence, the Irishman allowed a decent interval of twenty-five years to elapse before the solemnisation of his nuptials.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 849: The three great world organizations which have flourished under his leadership for a generation – the Student Federation, the Young Men’s Christian Association, and the International Missionary Council – have in his hands been instruments for creating that spirit of Christian tolerance and love which can give peace to the world.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 338: 400 years later, the Babylonians came as the Lord’s instrument of judgment against Israel. Edom, Moab, and Ammon all cheered for Babylon and made plans to carve up the Promised Land for themselves after the Babylonians carried Israel into captivity. This displeased the Lord and He had the Babylonians destroy them as well. Moab and Ammon ceased to exist as nations at that time (Ezekiel 25:10).
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 81: Från att ursprungligen under tidigt 1900-tal ha grundat och utvecklat byggföretaget Kreuger & Toll Byggnads AB, med armerad betong som specialitet, skapade Kreuger genom expansiva investeringar och innovativa finansinstrument ett omfattande tändsticks- och finansimperium som i slutet av 1920-talet kontrollerade merparten av världens hela tändsticksproduktion och en rad stora svenska industrikoncerner. Koncernens omfattande utlåning till stater under 1920-talet bidrog starkt till att kapital från främst USA finansierade en stor del av uppbyggnaden av Europa efter första världskriget.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 762: The impassioned Humbert constantly searches for discreet forms of fulfilling his sexual urges, usually via the smallest physical contact with Dolores. When Dolores is sent to summer camp, Humbert receives a letter from Charlotte, who confesses her love for him and gives him an ultimatum – he is to either marry her or move out immediately. Initially terrified, Humbert then begins to see the charm in the situation of being Dolores' stepfather, and so marries Charlotte for instrumental reasons (päästäxeen salaa työntämään Lolan piccu tacoon isoa munakoisoa). Charlotte later discovers Humbert's diary, in which she learns of his desire for her daughter and the disgust Charlotte arouses in him. Shocked and humiliated, Charlotte decides to flee with Dolores and writes letters addressed to her friends warning them of Humbert. Disbelieving Humbert´s false assurance that the diary is a sketch for a future novel, Charlotte runs out of the house to send the letters but is killed by a swerving car. Humbert destroys the letters and retrieves Dolores from camp, claiming that her mother has fallen seriously ill and has been hospitalized. He then takes her to a high-end hotel that Charlotte had earlier recommended. Humbert knows he will feel guilty if he consciously rapes Dolores, and so tricks her into taking a sedative by saying it is a vitamin. As he waits for the pill to take effect, he wanders through the hotel and meets a mysterious man who seems to be aware of Humbert´s plan for Dolores. Humbert excuses himself from the conversation and returns to the hotel room. There, he discovers that he had been fobbed with a milder drug, as Dolores is merely drowsy and wakes up frequently, drifting in and out of sleep. He dares not touch her that night. In the morning, Dolores reveals to Humbert that she actually has already lost her virginity, having engaged in sexual activity with an older boy at a different camp a year ago. He immediately begins sexually abusing (fucking) her. And they lived happily ever after.
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 183: ja R&B-sampleja rumpuihin ja muihin instrumentteihin. Westin tyyli on vaihdellut
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 679: Psychotreat is a powerful instrument to establish permanent communication between the Hispanic American community and health professionals.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 58: As a global event World Hooray Day joins local participation in a global extortion of peas. The World Hooray Day web site address is http://www.worldhelloday.org. The 70M winners of the 1939-45 shared Nobel Rest in Peace Prize are among the people who have realized World Hooray Day's value as an instrument for purloining peas and as an occasion that makes it possible for anyone in the world to contribute to the process of splitting third party peas and join the bunch of happy sinners who were the luckiest 6M winners of the prize. Join now, you may already have won!
xxx/ellauri154.html on line 218: Given the scarcity of texts, and the fact that Salome seems not to know what to ask her uncle for until instructed by her mother, it is unclear if Salome is truly the evil temptress she is supposed to embody, or just an unwitting instrument in her evil mother’s hands. Har har, vitutonpa hyvinkin.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 93: Musical instruments
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 134: Billy's Boots Fictional musical instruments‎ (1 C, 8 P)
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 509: The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavoured to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of seperation). That Individuals of them may have done it, or that the founder, or instrument employed to found, the Democratic Societies in the United States, may have had these objects; and actually had a seperation of the People from their Government in view, is too evident to be questioned.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 79: Je sens bien qu’il faut que j’invente un instrument qui répète avant même qu’on ait parlé, ― ou qui, si l’expérimentateur lui souffle : « Bonjour, monsieur ! » réponde : « Merci, comment vous portez-vous ? » Ou qui, s’il arrive qu’un oisif éternue dans l’auditoire, lui crie : « À vos souhaits ! » ou :« Dieu vous bénisse ! » etc.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 173: Il nous eût été si agréable de posséder quelques bonnes épreuves photographiques, (prises au moment même du phénomène,) de Josué arrêtant le soleil, par exemple, ou ramassant la colline des 40K prepuces? ― de quelques Vues du Paradis terrestre prises de l’Entrée aux épées flamboyantes ; de l’Arbre de la Science ; du Serpent ; etc. : ― de quelques vues du Déluge, prises du sommet de l’Ararat (l’industrieux Japhet, aurait, je le parierais, emporté un objectif dans l’arche s’il eût connu ce merveilleux instrument). Plus tard, on eût cliché les Sept Plaies d’Égypte, le Buisson ardent, le Passage de la mer Rouge en video, avant, pendant, et après l’épisode, le Mané, Thécel, Pharès, du festin de Balthazar ; le bûcher d’Assur-banipal, le Labarum, la Tête de Méduse, le Minotaure, etc., ― et nous jouirions, aujourd’hui, des portraits-cartes de Prométhée, des Stymphalides, des Sybilles, des Danaïdes, des Furies, etc., etc.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 366: Tollanen sonta tuskin olisi hänelle ajanvietettä - sanokaamme, vähän vähemmän kiinnostavaa kuin korttien pelaaminen. ― Tämä joka tavulle kultaista lumoaan levittävä ääni on vain tyhjä instrumentti: se on hänen mielestään elinkeino, vähemmän arvokas kuin mikään muu, jota hiän käyttää vain muiden puutteessa ja innokkaasti kieltää sen (mutta taitavasti ottaen sillä omaisuuksia). ― Kirkkauden jumalallinen illuusio, innostus, väkijoukon jalot purkaukset ovat hänelle vain laiskurien ihastusta , joille hän uskoo, "suurten" taiteilijoiden toimivan vain "leikkileluina". Tis-mal-leen!
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 490: Tâche donc, instrument des fuites, ô maligne

xxx/ellauri175.html on line 238: ”Hei!… Näin Italiassa joitain patsasinstrumentteja; ne eivät näyttäneet miltään tältä!
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 60: For example, the lack of (specifically affective) empathy is a well documented hallmark in clinical psychopathy used to explain their often persistent, instrumental violent behaviour. Our own work supports the notion that one of the reasons people with dark traits hurt other people or have difficulties in relationships is an underpinning lack of empathy.
xxx/ellauri212.html on line 309: McGraw is also a private pilot, with an instrument rating, flying single-engine airplanes. McGraw is Christian. McGraw launched the charity, Dr. Phil Foundation, in October, 2003.
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 131: It wasn’t until “The Ghost Writer,” in 1979, that Roth regained his footing. Zuckerman, Roth’s most Roth-like surrogate, was a perfectly pitched instrument. The costs of radical freedom—the challenge of grappling openly, outrageously, with even the ugliest impulses of life—became a subject of his work.
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 44: A skeleton parodies human happiness by playing a hurdy-gurdy while the wheels of his cart crush a man as if his life is of no importance. As if? The skeletons are winning. The hurdy-gurdy is a string instrument that produces sound by a hand-crank-turned, rosined wheel rubbing against the strings. The wheel functions much like a violin bow, and single notes played on the instrument sound similar to those of a violin.
xxx/ellauri239.html on line 421: Pour Proudhon, la seule source légitime de la propriété est le travail. Ce que chacun produit est sa propriété et celle de nul autre. Considéré comme un socialiste libertaire, Proudhon refuse la possession capitaliste des moyens de production. De même, il rejette la possession des produits du travail par la société, estimant que « la propriété du produit, quand même elle serait accordée, n'emporte pas la propriété de l'instrument. Le droit au produit est exclusif, jus in re ; le droit à l'instrument est commun, jus ad rem.». Pour Proudhon, seule la propriété coopérative, gérée en autogestion par les producteurs librement associés, permet le développement des individualités: c'est le mutuellisme.
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 320: Havel was instrumental in dismantling the Warsaw Pact and enlargement of NATO membership eastward. Many of his stances and policies, such as his opposition to Slovak independence, condemnation of the treatment of Sudeten Germans, such as the expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia after World War II, and granting of general amnesty to all those imprisoned under the Communist era, were very controversial domestically. By the end of his presidency, he enjoyed greater popularity abroad than at home.
xxx/ellauri319.html on line 718: Kun englantilaiset puritaanit kielsivät joulun vuonna 1647 , se ei ollut ilman hyvää syytä. Kun amerikkalaiset puritaanit kielsivät joulun Massachusettsissa vuosina 1659-1681 , sekään ei ollut ilman hyvää syytä. Joulu oli 1800-luvun puoliväliin asti juopumisen ja irstailun aikaa. Miehet pukeutuivat naisixi, naiset miehiksi , palvelijat pukeutuivat kuin isännät, pojat pukeutuivat piispoiksi, kaikki muut olivat pukeutuneet eläimiksi tai pukeutuivat mustanaamoixi – kaikki kumotakseen jumalallisen järjestyksen nimettömyyden turvassa. Joulu oli juomisen, ristiinpukeutumisen, väkivallan ja himon karnevaali, jonka aikana kristityt vapautuivat eettisistä normeista, joita heiltä odotettiin loppuvuoden. Lahjojen antaminen, juhlat, kynttilät, uhkapelit, siveettömyys ja väärinkäyttö olivat roomalaisten Saturnalian tunnusmerkkejä. Varhaisessa nykyajan Englannissa oli yleinen käytäntö valita "Lord of Misrule" valvomaan joulujuhlia. "Herran" alaisuudessa juhlijat marssivat kaduilla pukuihin pukeutuneena, joivat olutta, lauloivat lauluja, soittivat instrumentteja, harjoittivat haureutta ja aiheuttivat omaisuusvahinkoja.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 372: Latin is a common language for the mottos: whether as quotations taken from the Roman writers Ovid, Martial, or Horace, or as translations of time-related sentiments. Mechanick Dialling, a 1769 manual for creating sundials, includes 300 “Latin mottos for dials, with their Meaning in English”, indicative of an expectation that a motto would be added. Margaret Gatty, who wrote the book on sundials (“The Book of Sundials”), collected 1,682 mottos in an appendix to her exhaustive history, taken from instruments all over Europe.
xxx/ellauri357.html on line 285: Nyt tästä suhteesta, sielusta, joka käyttää kehoa instrumenttina, siitä ei seuraa, että sielun on jaettava kehon kokemuksia: mies ei itse tunne kaikkia kokemuksia työkaluista, joiden kanssa hän työskentelee. (Tosin se kyllä tuntee kaikki kokemuxet kalusta, jota se jonkun navan alle työntelee.)
xxx/ellauri357.html on line 293: Selvästi on olemassa yhdistelmä. Ja tätä varten on useita tiloja mahdollista. Saattaa olla täydellinen sulautuminen: sielu voi olla kietoutunut yhteen kehon läpi: tai se voi olla Ideal-Form irrotettu tai Ideal-Form ohjaamassa kontaktia kuin lentäjä: tai osa sielusta saattaa olla irti ja toinen kosketuksessa oleva osa, jolloin erotettu osa on agentti tai käyttäjä, yhdistetyn osan järjestys instrumentin tai esineen kanssa käytetty.
xxx/ellauri357.html on line 295: Tässä viimeisessä tapauksessa ohjaaminen on filosofian kaksinkertainen tehtävä tämä alempi sielu kohti korkeampaa, agenttia, ja paitsi siltä osin kuin konjunktio on ehdottoman välttämätön agentin katkaisemiseksi instrumentista, ruumiin, jotta sen ei tarvitse ikuisesti olla sen päällä tai tämän kautta huonompi.
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 496: Regionally, the situation becomes less encouraging again. Hezbollah is a creation and instrument of Iran. Teheran, which since 13 April is an active participant in this war but which has been operating its clients and proxies from the beginning, currently maintains control or freedom of operation in the entire area of territory between Israel's border with Lebanon, and the Iraq-Iran border. This is a vast body of land, taking in the areas of three broken Arab states in which Iran is now the primary actor – Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. In this area, Teheran has established semi-regular Shia, Islamist, client, military forces.